^ / COSMOS: A SKETCH A PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE UNIVERSE. ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, f ^^l" ^^^ ' TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN, BY E. C. OTTE AND B. H. PAUL, Ph. D., F.C.S. Naturse vero rerum vis atque majestas in omnibus mc mentis fide caret, si quis modo partes ejus ac non totam complectatur animo. — Plin., Hist, Nat., lib. yii., c. 1. VOL. IV NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 329 & 331 PEARL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 186G. v:4 SUMMARY. Vols. III. and IV. GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE CONTENTS. Special Results of Observation in the Domain of Cosmical Phenomena.^ Introduction. Retrospect of the subject. Nature considered under a two-fold as pect : in the pure objectivity of external phenomena, and in their inner reflection in the mind. A significant classification of phenomena leads of itself to their casual connection. Completeness in the enumeration of details is uot intended, at least in the representation of the reflected picture of nature under the influence of the creative power of imagina- tidn. Besides an actual or external world, thei-e is produced an ideal or an inner world ; filled with physical symbolic myths, difierent ac- cording to race and climate, bequeathed for centuries to subsequent generations, and clouding a clear view of nature. Fundamental im- perfectibility of the knowledge of cosraical phenomena. The discovery oi empirical laws, the insight into the causal connection of phenomena, description of the universe, and theory of the universe. How, by means of existing things, a small part of their genetic history is laid open. Dif- ferent phases of the theory of the universe, attempts to comprehend the order of nature. Most ancient fundamental conception of the Hellenic mind : physiologic phantasies of the Ionian school, germs of the scien- tific contemplation of nature. Double direction of the explanation of natural phenomena, by the assumption of material principles (elements), and by processes of rarefaction and condensation. Centrifugal revolu- tion. Theories of vortices. The Pythagoreans ; philosophy uf meas- ure and harmony, commencement of a mathematical treatment of phys- ical phenomena. The order and government of the universe according to the physical works of Aristotle. The communication of motion con- sidered as the cause of all phenomena ; the tendency of the Aristotelean school but little directed to the opinion of the heterogeneity of matter. This species of natural philosophy bequeathed in fundamental ideas and form to the Middle Ages. Roger Bacon, the Mirror of Nature of Vincentz of Beauvais, Lt^er Cosmographicus of Albertus Magnus, Imago Mundi of the Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly. Progress through Giordano Bru no and Telesio. Clearness in the conceptions oi gravitation ^s mass at traction, by Copernicus. First attempt at a mathematical application of the doctrine of gravitation, by Kepler. The work on the Cosmos by- Descartes ( Traits du Monde) nobly undertaken, did not appear until long after his death, and only in fragments ; the Cosmotheoros of Huy- gens, unworthy of the great name. Newton, and his work Philosophite Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Endeavor toward a knowledge of the universe as a Whole. Is the problem solvable of tracing back to one principle all physical knowledge, from the law of gravitation to tho IV GENERAL SUMMARY formative activities in the organic and animated bodies ? VVhic has been discovered does not by a long way exhaust the discoverable. The iraperfectibility of empiric investigation makes the problem of ex- plaining the changeability of matter from the forces of matter an indef' inite one. A. Uranological Portion of the Physical Description of the Uni verse— p. 26-28. Two sections, one of which comprises the heaven of fixed stars; the other, our solar system — p. 26. a. AsTROSNOsY ; Heaven of the fixed stars. I. Tho realms of space, and conjectures regarding that which appears to occupy the space intervening between the heaven- ly bodies — p. 29-41. II. Natural and telescopic vision — p. 49-72 ; Scintillation of the stars— 73-83 ; Velocity of light— p. 84-88 ; Results of photom etry — p. 89-102. Order of the fixed stars according to their luminous intensity. III. Number, distribution, and color of the fixed stars — p. 103- 139 ; Stellar clusters {stellar swarms) — p. 140-143 ; The Milky pyay interspersed with a few nebulous spots — p. 144-151. IV. New stars, and stars that have vanished — p. 151-160; Va- riable stars, whose recurring periods have been determined — p. 160-177; Variations in the intensity ot the light of stars whose periodicity is as yet uninvestigated — p. 177-182. V. Proper motion of the fixed stars — p. 182-185; Problematical existence of dark cosmical bodies — p. 185-187; Parallax — measured distances of some of the fixed stars — p. 187-194; Doubts as to the assumption of a central body for the whole sidereal heavens — p. 195-199. VI. Multiple, or double stars — Their number and reciprocal dis tances. Period of revolution of two stars round a common center of gravity — p. 199-213. VII. Nebulous spots. Are these only remote and very denso clusters of stars? The two Magellanic Clouds, in which crowded nebulous spots are interspersed with numerous stel- lar swarms. The so-called black spots (Coal-sacks) of tha Southern hemisphere — p. 13-53 B. Solar Region — p. 53-134. I. The Sun considered as the central body — p. 59-88. II. The Planets— p. 88-134. A. General consideration of the planetary world — p. 88-134. a. Principal Planets— p. 89-131. b. Secondary Planets— p. 131-134. B. Special enumeration of the planets and their moons as parta of the solar system — p. 134. Sun— p. 135-137. OF CONTENTS. V Mercury— p. 137, 138. Venus— p. 138-141. Earth— p. 141. Moon of the Earth— p. 141-159. Mars— p. 159, 160. The small plane ts^p. 161 ; Flora, Victoria Vesta, Iris, Metis, Hebe, Parthenope, Astraea, Egeria, Irene, Euno mia, Juno, Ceres, Pallas, Hygeia ; Jupiter— p. 165-168. Satellites of Jupiter— p. 169, 170. Saturn— p. 170-174. Satellites of Saturn— p. 174, 175. Uranus— p. 175, 176. Satellites of Uranus— p. 176, 177. Neptune— p. 177-180. Satellites of Neptune— p. 180, 181. III. The comets— p. 181-201. IV. Ring of the zodiacal light— p. 201-204. V. Shooting stars, fire-balls, meteoric stones — p. 204-226 Conclusion— p. 227-230. Corrections and additions to vol. iii., p. xi., xii. Index, p. 231-234. Special analysis of the individual sections of the astronomical part of the Cosmos. a. AsTROGNOsy. I. Cosmical space: Only isolated portions are measurable — p. 30. Resisting medium, celestial atmosphere, cosmical ether — p. 31, note I, and p. 33, note *. Radiation of heat by the stars — p. 35, note %. Tern perature of space — p. 37-39. Limited transparency? — p. 48. Regu- larly decreased period of revolution of the Comet of Encke — p. 39. Limitation of the atmosphere ? — p. 40. II. Natural and telescopic vision : Very different sources of light pre- sent similar relations of refraction — p. 44. Different velocities of the light of ignited solid bodies and that of frictional electricity — p. 45. Position of the Wollastonian lines — p. 45. Influence of tubes — p. 43. Optical means of distinguishing between direct and reflected light, and the importance of the means to physical astronomy — p. 45. Limits of ordinary vision — p. 48. Imperfection of the organ of vision ; false di- ameter of the stars — p. 52. Influence of the form of an object upon the minimum visual angle in experiments as to visibility ; necessity of a dif- ference of luminous intensity of -^^ ; visibility of distant objects, posi- tively and negatively — p. 48-56. On the visibility of stars by day wiih the naked eye from wells or upon lofty mountains — p. 56. A feeble light by the side of a stronger — p. 49, note *. Extending ray and star tails — p. 52. On the visibility of the satellites of Jupiter by the naked eye — p. 50. Undulation of the stars — p. 59. Commencement of tel- escopic vision ; application to measurement — p. 60-62. Refractors of great length — p. 63. Reflectors — p. 63. Day observations ; how strong magnifying powers facilitate the findin^j of the stars by day — p. 66 VI GENERAL SUMMARY Explanation of the sparkling and scintillation of the stars— p. 73. Ve- locity of light — p. 79-88. Order of magnitude of the stars ; photomet- ric relations and methods of measurement — p. 89-98. Cyanoraeter— p. 97. Photometric order of the fixed stai's — p. 99-102. III. Niimber, distribution, and color of the fixed stars; Stellar clusters *nd the Milky Way : States of the sky which hinder or favor the de- tection of stars — p. 103. Number of the stars ; how many may be seen with the naked eye — p. 104. How many have been inserted in stellar charts with determinations of position — p. 108. Conjectural estimation of the number of stars which can be visible in the entire heavens with our present powers of penetrating space — p. 105. Contemplative as- trognosy of uncivilized people — p. 109. The Grecian sphere — p. 118. The crystal sky — p. 123. False diameter of the fixed stars in telescopes —p. 129. Smallest objects in the heavens which have yet been seea — p. 130. Difierence of colors in the stars, and the changes which have taken place in the colors since antiquity — p. 130. Sirius {Sothis) — p. 132. The four royal stars — p. 136. Gradual acquaintance with the Southern heaven — p. 137. Distribution of the fixed stars, laws of rela- tive accumulation, gauging — p. 138. Clusters and swarms of stars — p 140. The Milky Way— p. 143. IV. Stars that have newly appeared and disappeared ; variable stars and changes in the intensity of their light whose periodicity has not been investigated: New stars in the last 2000 years — p. 151. Periodically changeable stars: Historical particulars — p. 151. Color — p. 165. Num- ber— p. 164. Order recognizable in apparent irregularity ; great dif- ferences of brightness ; periods within periods — p. 167. Argelander's table of the variable stars with commentary — p. 172. Variable stars in undetermined periods {rj Arg0s, Capella, stars of the Ursae Major and Minor) — p. 181. Reference to the possible changes of temperature on the Earth's surface — p. 181. V. Proper motion of the fixed stars, dark cosmieal bodies, parallax ; doubts as to the assumption of a central body for the entire heaven of fixed $tars: Change of the physiognomy of the sky — p. 182. Amount of the proper motion — p. 184. Evidence in favor of the probable existence of non-luminous bodies — p. 186. Parallax and measurement of the dis- tance of some fixed stars from our solar system — p. 187. The aberra- tion of light may be applied to the determination of the parallax of double stars — p. 194. The discovery of the proper motion of the fixed stars has led to the knowledge of the motion of our own solar system, and even to the knowledge of the direction of this motion — p. 184 and 194. Problem of the situation of the center of gravity of the whole heaven of fixed stars and central suns? — p. 196, and note t, P- 198, and p. 199, note *. VI. Double stars, period of revolution of two suns round a common center of gravity : Optical and physical double stars — p. 200; number — p. 201. Uniformity and difference of color ; the latter not the conse- quence of optical deception, of the contrast of complementary colors— p. 207, note *, p. 206, and p. 209, note *. Change of brightness— p. 209. Multiple combinations (three to six fold) — p. 209. Calculated orbitual elemeuts, half major axis and period of rotation in years — p. 213. VII. NchulcCf Magellanic Clouds, and Coal-sacks : Resolvability of tho nebulte; questions as to whether they are all remote and crowded OP CONTENTS. Vll clusters of stars ? — p. 13 (note $, p. 22, and p. 23, note *). Historical particulars — p. 14 (note *, p. 28). Number of nebulae whose positions are determined — p. 26 (notes * and +). Distribution of nebuUe and clusters of stars in the northern and southern hemispheres — p. 27 ; spaces poor in uebul®, and the maxima of accumulation — p. 28, and note *. Configuration of nebulae : spherical, annular, spiral, and plan- etary nebulae — p. 31. Nebula (cluster of stars) in Andromeda — p. 16- 31 (note t, p. 31); nebula in Orion's sword — p. 17-39 (notes *, p. 18, t, p. 23, $, p. 36, *, p. 38, $, p. 39, and *, p. 40) ; large nebula round rj ArgOs — p. 40 ; nebula in Sagittarius — p. 41 ; nebula in Cygnus and Vul- pes ; spiral nebula in the northern Canes Venatici — p. 41. The two Ma- gellanic Clouds — p. 43 (note *, p. 48). Black spots or Coal-sacks — p. 51. /3. The Solar region; planets and their moons, ring of the zodiacal light, and swarms of meteor-asteroids — p. 53-88. I. The Sun considered as a central body : Numerical data — p. 59 (note *, p. 59", and p. 62, note *). Physical constitution of the surface; en- velopes of the dark solar globe ; Sun-spots, faculjE — p. 61. Diminutions in the daylight recorded by the annalists ; problematic obscurations— p. 73, and note. Intensity of the light in the center and at the edge of the Sun's disk — p. 79, and note; also p. 81, note *. Correlation of light, heat, electricity, and magnetism; Seebeck, Ampere, Faraday— p. 84. Influence of the Sun's spots upon the temperature of our at- mosphere— p. 80. II. The Planets : A. General comparative considerations : a. Principal Planets : 1. Number and epoch of discovery — p. 89. Names, planetary days (week), and planetary hours — p. 92, and note t; also p. 94, note *. 2. Classification of the planets in two groups — ^p. 102. 3. Absolute and apparent magnitudes; configuration — p. 105. 4. Order of the planets and their distances from the Sun ; the so-called law of Titius ; old belief that the cosmical bodies which we now see were not all visible from the beginning ; Proselenes — p. 106, note *, p. 108, and p. 120, note *. 5. Masses of the planets — p. 118. 6. Densities of the planets — p. 119. 7. Periods of sidereal revolution and axial rotation — p. 120. 8. Inclination of the planetary orbits and axes of rotation ; their influence upon climate — p. 121, and note %, p. 126. b. Secondary planets — p. 127 B. Special consideration; enumeration of the individual planets and their relation to the Sun as central body. The Sun— p. 135-137. Mercury— p. 137, 138. Venus; spots — p. 138-141. The Earth; numerical relations — p. 141. VIU GENEIAL SUMMARY The Moon of the Earth ; produces light and heat ; ash-gray or earth-light in the Moon ; spots ; nature of the Moon's surface, mountains and plains, measured elevations ; pre vailing type of circular configuration ; craters of elevation without continuing eruptive phenomena;. old traces of the reaction of the interior upon the exterior (the sur- face) ; absence of Sun and Earth tides, as well of current! as transportive forces, on account of the want of a liquid element ; probable geognostic consequences of these re- lations—p. 141-159. Mars; ellipticity; appearances of surface altered by change of the seasons — p. 159, 160. The small planets— ^. 161, 162. Jupit.er : periods of rotation ; spots and belts — p. 165-168. Satellites of Jupiter — p. 169, 170. Saturn : bands, rings, eccentric position — p. 170-174. Satellites of Saturn — p. 174, 175. Uranus— p. 175, 176. Satellites of Uranus — p. 176, 177. Neptune: discovery and elements — p. 177-181. Satellites of Neptune— p. 181-201. III. The Comets : with the smallest masses occupying immense spaces ; configuration ; periods of revolution ; separation ; elements of the interior comets — p. 181-201. IV. The ring of the zodiacal light : Historical particulars. Intermit- tence two-fold ; hourly and annual ? Distinction to be made between the cosmical luminous process which belongs to the zodiacal light it- self and the variable transparency of our atmosphere. Importance of a long series of corresponding observations under the tropics at different elevations above the sea from 9 to 12,000 feet. Reflection like that at sunset. Comparison in the same night with certain parts of the Milky Way. Question as to whether the zodiacal light coincides with the plane of the Sun's equator — p. 201-204. V. Shooting stars, fire-halls, meteoric stones : Oldest positively determ med fall of aerolites, and the influence which the fall of ^Egos Potamos and its cosmical explanations exercised upon the theories of the uni- verse of Anaxagoras and Diogenes of Apollonia (of the later Ionic school) ; force of revolution which counteracts the pc wer of the fall (centrifugal force and gravitation) — p. 204-209, note \, p. 207, and p. 209, note *. Geometric and physical relations of meteors in sporadic and periodic falls ; divergence of the shooting stars ; definite points of departure; mean number of sporadic and periodic shooting stars in an hour in different months — p. 209-214, note X, p. 210, and p. 211, note *. Besides the stream of St. Laurentius, and the now more feeble Novem- ber phenomenon, four or five other falls of shooting stars have been discovered which very probably occur periodically during the yeai' — p. 214, note *, p. 215, and p. 216, note *. Height and velocity of the meteors — p. 217. Physical relations, color and tails, process of com- bination, magnitudes ; instances of the firing of buildings — p. 217. Me- teoric stones ; falls of aerolites when the sky is clear, or after the for- mation of a small dark meteoric cloud — p. 220, note t, and p. 221, note * OF CONTENTS. IX Problematical abundance of the shooting stars between midnight and the early hours of morning (hourly variations) — p. 222. Chemical re- lations of the aerolites ; analogies with the constituents of telluric rock —p. 223-226. Conclusion : Retrospect -^f the undertaking. Limitation consistent with the nature of a phv^sicav «iescription of the universe. Representa- tion of the actual relations of cosmical bodies to each other. Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Simplicity of the uranological problem in opposition to the telluric, on account of the exclusion of material hete- rogeneity and change. Elements of the stability of the planetary gy». tern— p. 227-230. A2 HUMBOLDT'S CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO VOL. III. Page 34, line 22. Since the printing of that part of the Cosmos where a doubt is ex- pressed as to whether it has been " shown with certainty that the posi- tions of the Sun influence the terrestrial- magnetism," the new and ex- cellent investigations of Faraday have proved the reality of such an in- fluence. Long series of magnetic observations in opposite hemispheres (c. g., Toronto in Canada, and Hobart Town in Van Diemen's Land), show that the terrestrial magnetism is subject to an annual variation which depends upon the relative position of the Sun and Earth. Page 59, line 2. The remarkable phenomenon of the undulation of stars has very re cently been observed at Trier by very trustworthy witnesses, in Sirius, between 7 and 8 o'clock, while near the horizon. See the letter of Herrn Flesch, in Jahn's Unterhaltungen fur Freunde der Astronomic . Page 132, line 21, note *. The wish which I strongly expressed that the historical epoch in which the disappearance of the red color of Sirius falls should be more positively determined, has been partially fulfilled by the laudable in- dustry of Dr. WSpcke, a young scholar, who combines an excellent ac- quaintance with Oriental languages with distinguished mathematical knowledge. The translator and commentator of the important Algebra of Omar Alkhayyami, writing to me from Paris in August, 1851, says, " I have examined the four manuscripts in this place of the Uranography of Abdurrahman Al-Sufi, in reference to your suggestion contained in the astronomical volume of the Cosmos, and found that a Bootis, a Tauri, a Scorpii, and a Orionis, are all expressly called red; Sirius, on the contrary, is not." Moreover, the passages refemng to it are uniformly as follows in all the four manuscripts : " The first among its (Great Dog) stars is the large, brilliant one in his mouth, which is represented on the Astrolabium, and is called Al-jemaanijah.^' Is it not probable from this investigation, and from what I quoted from Alfragani, that the epoch of the change of color falls between the time of Ptolemaeus and the Arabs. Page 194, line 21. In the condensed statement of the method by which the parallax of the double stars is found by means of the velocity of light, it should ba XII HUMBOLDT S CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. eaid, The time which elapses between the moment in which the plane tary secondary star is nearest to the Earth, and that in which it is most distant from it, is always longer when the star passes from the point of grsatest proximity to that of greatest elongation, than in the convers^, when it returns from the point of greatest elongation to that of greatest proximity. Page 213, line 1. In the French translation of the astronomical volume of the Cosmos^ which to my gi-eat gratification, M. H. Faye has again undertaken, this learned astronomer has much enriched the section upon double stars I had myself neglected to make use of the important treatises of M. Yvon Villarceau, which were read at the Institute in the course of the year 1849. (See Connaissance des Temps pour Van 1832, p. 3-128.) I quote here from the table by M. Faye, of the orbital elements of eight double stars, the first four stars, which he considers to be the most cer- tainly determined : Elements of the Orbits of Double ' Stars. 1 Name and Magnitude. Semi- major axis. Eccen- tricity. Period of revolution in Years. Name of the Calcu- lator. ^ Ursae Majoris, (4th and 5th Mag.) 3"-857 3"-278 2"-295 2"-439 0-4164 0-3777 0-4037 0-4315 58-262 60-720 61-300 61-576 Savary 1830. J.Herschel..l849. Madler 1847. Y. Villarceau 1849. p Ophiuchi, (4th and 6th Mag.) 4"-328 4"-9C0 4"-800 0-4300 0-4445 0-4781 73-862 92-338 92-000 Encke...... 1832. Y. Villarceau 1849. Madler 1819. C Herculis, (3d and 6-5th Mag.) l"-208 l"-254 0-4320 0-4482 30-220 36-357 Madler 1847. Y. Villarceau 1847. 71 Coronae, (5-5thand6thMag.) 0"-902 1"-012 1"-111 0-2891 0-4744 0-4695 42-500 42-501 66-257 Madler 1847. Y. Villarceau 1847. The same, 2d result. The problem of the period of revolution of tj Coronae admits of two solutions: of 42-5 and 66-3 years; but the late observations of Otto Struve give the preference to the second. M. Yvon Villarceau finds the semi-major axis, eccentricity, and periods of revolution in years yVirginis 3"-446 0-8699 153-787 ^ Cancri 0"-934 0-3662 58-590 a Centauri 12"-128 07187 78-486 The occultation oi one fixed s^ar by another, as was presented by f Her* culis, I have called apparent (p. 287). M. Faye shows that it is a con- sequence of the spui'ious diameter of the stars (^Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 66 and 170) seen in our telescopes. The parallax c f 1830, Groombridge, which I gave (p. 27) as 0"-226, is found by Schlttter and Wichmann, 0"-182, and by Otto Stmve, 0"-034. COSMOS VII. NEBULOUS SPOTS. ARE THESE ONLY REMOTE AND VEf.Y DENSE CLUSTERS OF STARS ? THE TWO MAGELLANIC CLOUDS, IN WHICH CROWDED NEBULOUS SPOTS ARE IN- TERSPERSED WITH NUMEROUS STELLAR SWARMS. THE SO- CALLED COAL-SACKS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. Among the visible cosmical bodies occupying the regions of space, besides those which shine with stellar light (wheth- er self-luminous, or illumined like planets, stars isolated or in multiple groups, and revolving round a common center of gravity), there are also masses which present a faint and guilder nebidous light. ^ These bodies, which appear at one time as sharply defined, disk-formed, luminous clouds, at another as irregularly and variously-shaped masses, widely diffused over large spaces, seem to the naked eye, at first sight, to be wholly different from those cosmical bodies of which we treated fully in the last four sections of the Astrog- nosy. In the same way that there is an inclination to infer from the observed and as yet unexplained motion of the vis- ible cosmical bodies,! the existence of others hitherto invisi- ble, so the knowledge gained as to the resolvability of a con- siderable number of nebulous spots has recently led to con- clusions regarding the non-existence of all nebulae, and, in- deed, of all cosmical vapor generally. But whether these well-defined nebulous spots be a self-luminous vapory mat- ter, or remote, closely-throngc^.d globular clusters of stars, they must ever remain objects of vast importance in the knowl- edge of the structure of the universe and of the contents of space. The number whose positions have been determined by right ascension and declination exceeds 3600. Some of the * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 85-89, 91, and 142; vol. ii., p. 328; vol. iii., p 37-41, 140, 154, and 162. r Cosmos, vol. iii.. p. 785, 186 14, COSMOS, more irregularly diffused measure eight lunar diameters, Ac cording to William Herschel's earlier estimate, made in 1811, these nebulous spots cover at least 2 7 o^^ P^^^ of the whole visible firmament. As seen through colossal telescopes, the contemplation of these nebulous masses leads us into regions .from w^hence a ray of light, according to an assumption not A^holly improbable, requires millions of years to reach our »5arth, to distances for whose measurement the dimensions elope, in conse- quence of the passage of currents from below upward, and that the black nucleus of the spot is a portion of the dark body of the Sun which is visible through the opening. In oi der to render this explanation, of which we here only briefly 62 COSMOS. give the most general features, sufficiently applicable to the Aotails of the phenomena upon the surface of the Sun, science at present assumes the existence of three envelopes round the dark solar sphere ; viz., one interior cloud-like va'poroits en- velope, next a luminous investment (photosphere), and above these, as appears to have been especially shown by the solar echpse of the 8th of July, 1842, an external cloudy envelope ^ which is either dark or slightly luminous.* As felicitous presentiments and sports of fancy — such sub- sequently realized speculations as abound in Grecian antiqui- ty— sometimes contain the germ of correct views long prior to any actual observation, so we find in the writings of Car- dinal Nicolaus de Cusa (in the second book De docta Igno- rantid), which belong to the middle of the fifteenth century, the clearly expressed opinion that the body of the Sun itself is only " an earth-like nucleus, surrounded by a circle of light as by a delicate envelope ; that in the center (between the dark nucleus and the luminous covering?) there is a mixture of water-charged clouds and clear air, similar to our atmos- * "D'apres I'etat actuel de nos connaissances astronomiques le Soleil Be compose, 1. d'un globe central £l peu pres obscur; 2. d'une immense couche de nuages qui est suspendue k une certaine distance de ce globe etl'enveloppe de toutes parts ; 3. d'une photosphere ; en d'autres termes, d'une sphere resplendissante qui enveloppe la couche nuageuse, comme celle-ci, k son tour, enveloppe le noyau obscur. L'eclipse totale du 8 Juillet, 1842, nous a mis sur la trace d'une troisieme enveloppe, situee au-dessus de la photosphere et formee de nuages obscurs ou faiblement lumineux. Ce sent les nuages Ae la troisieme enveloppe solaire, situes en apparence, pendant l'eclipse totale, sur le contour de I'astre ou un peu en dehors, qui ont donne lieu k ces singulieres preeminences rou- ge^tres qui en 1842 ont si vivement excite I'altention du monde savant." "According to the present condition of our astronomical knowledge, the Sun is composed, 1st. of a central sphere which is nearly dark ; 2d. of a vast stratum of clouds, suspended at a certain distance from the central body, which it surrounds on all sides; 3d. of a photosphere, or, in other words, a luminous sphere inclosing the cloudy stratum, which in its turn envelops the dark nucleus. The total eclipse of the 8th of July, 1842, afforded indications of a third envelope, situated above the photosphere, and formed of dark or faintly illumined clouds. These clouds of the third solar envelope, apparently situated during the total eclipse on the margin ol' the Sun, or even a little beyond it, gave rise to those singular, rose-c( lored protuberances, which so powerfully ex- cited the attention of the scientific world in 1842." — Arago, in the An- nuaire du Bureau des Longitudes pour Van 1846, p. 464, 471. Sir John Herschel, in his Outlines of Astronomy, p. 234, § 395 (edition of 1849), thus expresses himself: "Above the luminous surface of the Sun, and the region in which the spots reside, there are strong indications of the existence of a gaseous atmosphere, having a somewhat imperfect trans- parency." THE sun's spots. 63 phere ; and that the power of radiating light to vivify the vegetation of our Earth does not appertain to the earthy nu- cleus of the Sun's body, but to the luminous covering by which it is enveloped." This view of the physical condition of the Sun's body, which has hitherto been but little regarded in the history of astronomy, presents considerable similarity with the opinions maintained in the present day.=^ * I would, in the first place, give in the original the passages to which I refer in the text, and to which my attention was directed by a learned work of Clemens. {Giordano Bruno nndNicoIaus von Ctt«ar,1847,$101.) Cardinal Nicolaus de Cusa (whose family name was KhrypfFs, i. e., Crab) was born at Cues, on the Moselle. He thus writes in the twelfth chap- ter of the second book of the Treatise De docta Ignorantia (Nicolai de Cusa Opera, ed. Basil, 1565, p. 39), a work that was much esteemed at that age : " Neque color nigrediuis est argumentum vilitatis Terrae ; nam in Sole si quis esset, non appareret ilia claritas qure nobis : consid erato enim corpore Solis, tunc habet quandam quasi terram centrali- oi-em, et quandam luciditatem quasi ignilem circumferentialem, et in medio quasi aqueam nubem et a^rem clariorem, quemadmodum terra ista sua elementa." " Blackness of color is no proof of the inferiority of the Earth's substance ; for to an inhabitant of the Sun, if such there be, the same brilliancy of appearance would not be presented as to us: if we consider the Sun's body, we shall conclude that it consists of a certain earthy substance in the center, surrounded by a luminous mat- ter, partaking, perhaps, of the nature of fire, and in the midst a sort of aqueous clouds and brighter atmosphere, resembling the elements of which the Earth consists." To this are appended the words Paradoxa and Hypni; by the last of which, he probably understands {hvvnvLa) certain speculations, vague and bold hypotheses. In the long Treatise, Exercitationes ex Sermonibus Cardinalis {Opera, p. 579), I again find the following comparison : " Sicut in Sole considerari potest natura cor- poralis, et ilia de se non est magnse virtutis" (notwithstanding the at- traction of masses or gravitation!) " et non potest virtutem suam aliis corporibus communicare, quia non est radiosa ; et alia natura lucida ilia anita, ita quod Sol ex unione utriusque naturae habet virtutem quae suf- ficit huic sensibili mundo, ad vitam innovandam in vegetabilibus et an- iraalibus, in elementis et mineralibus per suam influentiam radiosam. Sic de Christo, qui est Sol justitiae . . . ." "As in the Sun may be supposed to exist a corporeal nature, which of itself is of no great effi- cacy, and can not communicate its virtues to other bodies, because it is not radiant, and another nature united with this ; so that the Sun, from the union of the two natures, has a virtue which suffices for this sensi- ble world, to renew life in vegetables and animals, in elements and minerals, by its own radiant influence. So from Christ, the Sun of Jus- tice . . . ." Dr. Clemens thinks that all this must be more than a mere felicitous presentiment. It appears to him unlikely that Cusa, in the expressions " Considerato corpore Solis ;^^ "in Sole considerari po- ' test . . . ." " could have appealed to experience, without a tolerably accurate observation of the Sun's spots, both their darker portions and the penumbrae." He also conjectures " that the penetration of the phi- losopher may have been in advance of the results of the science of his age, and that his views may have been influenced by discoveries which o4 COSMOS. The spots on the Sun, as I have already shown in the Historical Epochs of the Physical Contemplation of the Universe,* were not first observed by Gahleo, Scheiner, or Harriot, but by John Fabricius of East Friesland, who also was the first to describe, in a printed work, the phenomenon he had seen. Both this discoverer and Gralileo, as may be se3n by his letter to the Principe Cesi (25th of May, 1612), were aware that the spots belonged to the body of the Sun itself; but ten or twenty years later, Jean Tarde, a canon of Sarlat, and a Belgian Jesuit, maintained almost simultane- ously that the Sun's spots were the transits of small planets. The one named them Sidera Borbonia, the other Sidera Austriaca.i Scheiner was the first who employed blue and have usually been ascribed to later observers." It is, indeed, not only possible, but even highly probable, that in districts w^here the Sun is obscured for many months, as on the coast of Peru, during the garua, even uncivilized nations may have seen Sun-spots with the naked eye ; but no traveler has, as yet, afforded any evidence of such appearances having attracted attention, or having been incorporated among the re- ligious myths of their system of Sun-worship. The mere observation of the rare phenomenon of a Sun-spot, when seen by the naked eye, in the low, or faintly obscured, white, red, or perhaps greenish disk of the Sun, would scarcely have led even experienced observers to conjecture the existence of several envelopes around the dark body of the Sun. Had Cardinal de Cusa known any thing of the spots of the Sun, he would assuredly not have failed to refer to these macules Solis in the many comparisons of physical and spiritual things in which he was too much inclined to indulge. We need only recall the excitement and bitter contention with which the discovenesof Joh. Fabricius and Gal- ileo were received, soon after the invention of the telescope in the beginning of the seventeenth century. 1 have already referred {Cos' mos, vol. ii., p. 311) to the obscurely expressed astronomical views of the cardinal, who died in 1464, and therefore nine years before the birth of Copernicus. The remarkable passage, "Jam nobis manifest- um est Terram in veritate moveri;" "Now it is evident that the Earth really moves," occurs in lib. ii., cap. 12, De docta Ignorantia. Accord ing to Cusa, motion pervades every portion of the celestial regions; we do not even find a star that does not describe a circle. " Terra non potest esse fixa, sed movetur ut aliae stellae;" "The Earth can not be fixed, but moves like other stars." The Earth, however, does not re- volve round the Sun, but the Earth and the Sun rotate " around the ever-changing pole of the universe." Cusa did not, therefore, hold the Copernican views, as has been so successfully shown by Dr. Clemens's discovery, in the hospital at Cues, of the fragmentary notice written in the cardinal's own hand in 1444. * Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 324-326. t Borbonia Sidera, id est, planetoe qui Solis luraina circumvolitant motu proprio et regulari, false hactenus ab helioscopis maculae Solis nuncupati, ex novis observationibus Joannis Tarde, 1620. Austriaca Sidera heliocyclica astronomicis hypothesibus illigata opera Caroli Mai- apertii Belgae Montensis e Societate Jesu, 1633. The latter work has at all events the merit of affording observations of a succession of spots THE SUN S SPOTS. 65 green stained glasses in solar observations, "which had been jproposed seventy years earlier by Apian (Bienewitz), in the Astronomicum Ccesareum, and had also been long in use among Belgian pilots.* The neglect of this precaution con- tributed much to Galileo's blindness. As far as I am aware, the most definite expression of the necessity for assuming the existence of a dark solar sphere, surrounded by a photosphere, grounded upon direct observa- tion after the discovery of the Sun's spots, is first to be met with in the writings of the great Dominique Cassini,t and belongs probably to about the year 1671. According to his views, the solar disk which we see is " an ocean of light sur- rounding the solid and dark nucleus of the Sun ; the violent movements (up-wellings) which occur in this luminous en- velope enable us from time to time to see the mountain sum- mits of the non-luminous body of the Sun. These constitute the black nuclei in the center of the Sun's spots." The ash- colored penumbrae surrounding these nuclei had not then been explained. between 1618 and 1626. This period includes the years for which Scheiner published his own observations at Rome in his Rosa Ursina. The Canon Tarde beUeves those appearances to be the transits of small planets, because " Toeil du monde ne peut avoir des ophthalmies," " the eye of the universe can not experience ophthalmia." It must justly excite surprise that the meritorious observer, Gascoigne (see Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 61), should, twenty years after Tarde's notice of the Bor- bonic satellites, still have ascribed the Sun's spots to a conjunction of numerous planetary bodies revolving round the Sun in close proximity to it and in almost intersecting orbits. Several of these bodies, placed, as it were, one over another, were supposed to occasion the black shad- ows. (Philos. Transact., vol. xxvii., 1710-1712, p. 282-290, from a let- ter of William Crabtree, August, 1640.) * Arago, Sur les may ens d' Observer les taches Solaires, in the Annu- aire pour Van 1842, p. 476-479 ; Delarabre, Hist, de V Astronomic dtt Moyen Age, p. 394 ; and his Hist, de V Astronomie Moderne, torn, i., p. 681. t Mimoires pour servir a VHistoire des Sciences, par M. le Comte de Cassini, 1810, p. 242 ; Delambre, Hist, de VAstr. Mod., tom. iii., p. 694. Although Cassini in 1671, and La Hire in 1700, had declared the Sun's body to be dark, otherwise trustworthy and valuable text-books on as- tronomy still continue to ascribe the first idea of this hypothesis to the meritorious Lalande. Lalande, in the edition of 1792, of his Astronomie, torn, iii., $ 3240, as in the first edition of 1764, tom. ii., $ 2515, merely adopts the older view of La Hire, according to which " les taches sont les eminences de la masse solide et opaque du Soleil, recouverte com- munement (en entier) par le fluide igne ;" " the spots are the elevations of the solid and op'aque mass of the Sun, covered by an igneous fluid." Alexander Wilson, between the years 1769 and 1774, conceived the firwt correct view of a funnel-shaped opening in the photosphere. i56 COSMOS. An ingenious observation, which has subsequently been fully confirmed, made by the astronomer, Alexander Wilson of Glasgow, of a large solar spot, on the 22d of Novembe, 1769, led him to an elucidation of the penumbree. "Wilson discovered that as a spot mo'\ied toward the Sun's margin, the penumbra became gradually more and more narrow on the side turned toward the center of the Sun, compared with the opposite side. The observer, in 1774, very correctly con- cluded,^ from these relations of dimension, that the nucleus of the spot (the portion of the dark solar body visible through the funnel-shaped excavation in the luminous envelope) was situated at a greater depth than the penumbra, and that the latter was formed by the shelving lateral walls of the funnel. This mode of explanation did not, however, solve the ques- tion why the penumbrse were the lightest near the nuclei. The Berlin astronomer, Bode, in his work entitled " Thoughts on the Nature of the Sun, and the Formation of its Spots" ( Gedanken iiber die Natur der Sonne iind die Entstehung Hirer Flecken), developed very similar views with his usual perspicuity, although he was unacquainted with Wilson's ear- lier treatise. He, moreover, had the merit of having facili tated the explanation of the penumbrae, by assuming, very much in accordance with the conjectures of Cardinal Nicolaus de Cusa, the existence of another cloudy stratum of vapor be- tween the photosphere and the dark solar body. This hy- pothesis of two strata leads to the following conclusions : If there occur in less frequent cases an opening in the photo- sphere alone, and not, at the same time, in the less transpar- ent lower vaporous stratmn, which is but faintly illumined by the photosphere, it must reflect a very inconsiderable degree of light toward the inhabitants of the Earth, and a gray pe- numbra will be formed — a mere halo without a nucleus ; but when, owing to tumultuous meteorological processes on the surface of the Sun, the opening extends simultaneously through both the luminous and the cloudy envelopes, a nucleoid spot will appear in the ash-gray penumbra, " which will exhibit * Alexander Wilson, Observations on the Solar Spots, writes as fol- lows in the Philos. Transact., vol. Ixiv., 1774, part i., p. 6-13, tab. i. : " I found that the umbra, which before was equally broad all round the nucleus, appeared much contracted on that part which lay toward the center of the dish, while the other parts of it remained nearly of the former dimensions. I perceived that the shady zone or umbra, which surrounded the nucleus, might be nothing else but the shelving sides of the luminous matter of the Sun." Compare also Arago, in the Annu- aire for 1842, p. 506. THE SUN S SPOTS. 67 more or less hlackness, according as the opening occurs op- posite to a sandy, rocky, or aqueous portion of the surface of the Sun's disk.*= The halo surrounding the nucleus is fur- ther a portion of the outer surface of the vaporous stratum ; and as this is less opened than the photosphere, owing to tht funnel-shaped form of the whole excavation, the direction of the passage of the rays of light, impinging on both sides on the margins of the interrupted envelope, and reaching the eyes of the observer, occasions the difference, first noticed by Wilson, in the breadth of the opposite sides of the penumbra, which appears after the nucleoid spot has moved away from the center of the Sun's disk. If, as Laugier has frequently remarked, the penumbra passes over the black nucleus, caus- ing it wholly to disappear, this obscuration must depend on the closing of the opening — not of the photosphere, but of the vaporous stratum below it. A solar spot, which was visible to the naked eye in the year 1779, fortunately directed William Herschel's superior pow- ers of observation and induction to the subj ect which we have been considering. We possess the results of his great work, which treats of the minutest particulars of the question in a very definite manner, and in a nomenclature established by himself. His observations appeared in the Philosophical Transactions for 1795 and for 1801. As usual, this great observer pursued his own course independently of others, re- ferring only in one instance to Alexander Wilson. In their general character, his views may be regarded as identical with those of Bode, and he bases the visibility and dimensions of the nucleus and the penumbra (Philos. Transact., 1801, p. 270, 318, tab. xviii., fig. 2) on the assumption of an open- ing in two envelopes, while he assumes the existence of a clear and transparent aerial atmosphere (p. 302) between the vaporous envelope and the dark body of the Sun, in which clouds that are either wholly dark, or only faintly illumined by reflection, are suspended at a height of about 280 to 320 geographical miles. William Herschel seems, in fact, also disposed to regard the photosphere as a mere stratum of unconnected phosphorescent clouds of very unequal surface. According to his view, " an elastic fluid of unknown nature rises from the crust or surface of the dark solar body, gener- ating only small luminous pores in the higher regions Avhere the action is weak, and large openings, with nuclei, sur- * Bode, in the Beschdftigungen der Berlyiischen Gesellschaft NcUur* forschender Fi-eunde,hd. ii., 1776, p. 237-241, 249. 68 COSMOS. A rounded by shallows or penumbrse, where the action is more tumultuous." The black spots, which are seldom round, almost always angularly hroken, and characterized by entering angles, are frequently surrounded by halos or penumbrse, which exhibit the same figure on a larger scale. There is no appearance of a transition of the color of the spot into the penumbra, or of the latter, which is sometimes filamentous, into that of the photosphere. Capocci and Pastorff" (of Buchholz, in Bran- denburg)— most diligent observers — have both given very accurate representations of the angular form of the nuclei. (Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 115, p. 316 ; No. 133, p. 291 ; No. 144, p. 471.) William Herschel and Schwabe saw the nucleoid spots divided by bright veins or luminous bridges — phenomena of a cloud-like nature generated within the second stratum where the penumbrsB originate. These singular con- figurations, which probably owe their origin to ascending cur- rents, the tumultuous formation of spots, solar faculae, furrows, and projecting stripes {crests of luminous waves), indicate, according to Sir William Herschel, an intense evolution of light ; while, on the other hand, according to the same great authority, " the absence of solar spots find their concomitant phenomena seems to indicate a low degree of combustion, and, consequently, a less beneficial action on the temperature of our planet, and the development of vegetation." These con- jectures led Sir William Herschel to institute a series of com- parisons between the prices of corn and the complaints of poor crops,^ and the absence of solar spots, between the years 1676 and 1684 (according to Flamstead), from 1686 to 1688 (ac- cording to Dominique Cassini), from 1695 to 1700, and from 1795 to 1800. Unfortunately, however, we can never attain a knowledge of the numerical elements on which to found even a conjectural solution of such a problem ; not only, as this circumspect astronomer has himself observed, because the price of corn in one part of Europe can not be taken as a cri- terion of the state of vegetation over the whole Continent, but more especially because a diminution of the mean annual temperature, even if it affected the whole of Europe, would afford no evidence that the Earth had derived a smaller quantity of solar heat throughout that year. It appears from Dove's investigations of the irregular variations of tempera- ture, that extremes of meteorological conditions always lie * WiUiam Herschel, iudthe Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for 1801, part ii., p. 310-316. 1«£; SUN S SPOTS. G9 laterally hy one another, i. e., in almost equal degrees of lat- itude. Our own continent, and the temperate parts of North America, generally present such contrasts of temperature. When our winters are severe, the season there is mild, and conversely. These compensations in the local distribution of heat, when associated with vicinity to the ocean, are attend- ed by the most beneficial results to mankind, owing to the indubitable influence exercised by the mean quantity of sum- mer heat on the development of vegetation, and consequently on the ripening of the cereals. While William Herschel attributed an increase of heat on the Earth to the activity of the central body — a process from which result spots on the Sun — Batista Baliani, almost two and a half centuries earlier, in a letter to Galileo, described solar spots as cooling agents.* .This opinion coincides with the experiment made by the zealous astronomer Gautierf at Geneva, in comparing four periods characterized by numer- ous and by few spots on the Sun's disk (from 1827 to 1843), with the mean temperatures presented by thirty- three Euro- pean and twenty-nine American stations of similar latitude. This comparison proves, by positive and negative differences, the contrasts exhibited by opposite Atlantic coasts. The final results, however, scarcely give 0*76° Fahr. as the cooling force ascribed to the Sun's spots, and this might with equal propriety be attributed to errors of observation and the direc- tion of the winds at the localities indicated. It still remains for us to notice the third envelope of the Sun, to which we have already referred. This is the most external of the three, inclosing the photosphere, is cloudy, and of imperfect transparency. The remarkable phenomena of • We find a reference in the historical fragments of the elder Cato to an oflBcial notice of the high price of corn, and an obscuration of the "Sun's disk, which continued for many months. The '' luminis caligo'^ and " defectus Solis^^ of Roman authors does not invariably indicate an echpse of the Sun; as, for instance, in the account of the long-continued diminution of the Sun's light after the death of Caesar. Thus, for in- stance, we read in Aulus Gellius, Noct. Att., ii., 28, " Verba Catonis in Originum quarto haec sunt: non libet scribere, quod in tabula apad Pontificem maximum est, quotiens anona cara, quotiens Luna? an Soils lumini caligo, aut quid obstiterit." " The words of Cato in the fourth book of his Origines are these : I may not write what is frequently en- tered in the tables of the priests, that corn was dear whenever there was any decrease in the light of the Sun and Moon, or when any thing obscured them." t Gautier. Reckerches relatives a V Influence que le nombre des tacket SoLaires exerce sur les temperatures Terrestres, in the Bibliotkique Uni' verselle dc Gentve, Nouv. Serie, torn, li., 1844, p. 327-335. 70 COSMOS. red, mountain, or flame-like elevations, which, if not seen for the first time, were at all events more distinctly visible during the eclipse of the Sun of the 8th of July, 1842, when they were simultaneously noticed by several of the most experi- enced observers, have led astronomers to assume the existence of a third envelope of this kind, Arago, in a treatise devoted to the subject,^ has with much ingenuity tested the several observations, and enumerated the grounds which necessitated the adoption of this view. He has at the same time shown that since 1706 similar red marginal protuberances have been eight times described on the occasion of total or annular so- lar eclipses. t On the 8th of July, 1842, when the apparently larger disk of the Moon entirely covered the Sun, the Moon's disk was observed to be surrounded not only by a whitish light, $ encircling it like a crown or luminous wreath, but two or three protuberances were also seen, as if originating at its margin, and were compared by some observers to red jagged mountains, by others to reddened masses of ice, and again by others to fixed indented red flames. Arago, Laugier, and Mauvais at Perpignan, Petit at Montpelier, Airy on the Su- perga, Schumacher at Vienna, and numerous other astrono- mers, agreed perfectly in the main features of the final re- sults, notwithstanding the great difierences in the instruments they employed. The elevations did not always appear simul- taneously ; in some places they were even seen by the naked eye. The estimates of the angles of altitude certainly differ- ed ; the most reliable is probably that of Petit, the directoi of the Observatory at Toulouse. He fixed it at 1' 45", which, if these phenomena were true sun-mountains, would give an elevation of 40,000 geographical miles ; that is to say, nearly seven times the Earth's diameter, which is only 112th part of the diameter of the Sun. The consideration of these phe- nomena has led to the very probable hypothesis that these red figures are emanations within the third envelope — masses of clouds which illumine and color the photosphere. § Ara- * Arago, in the Annuaire for 1846, p. 271-438. t Id., Ibid., p. 440-447. X This is the white appearance which was also observed in the solar eclipse of the 15th of May, 1836, and which the great astronomer of Konigsberg very correctly described at the time by observing " that although the Moon's disk entirely covered the Sun, a luminous corona still encircled it, which was a portion of the Sun's atmosphere." (Bes- Bel, in Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 320.) $ " Si nous examinions de plus pres I'explication d'apres laquelle lea protuberances rougeitres seraient assimilees k des nuages (de la troi- Bieme enveloppe), nous ne trouvcrious aucun principe de physique qui THE SUN*S SPOTS. 71 go, in putting forward this hypothesis, expresses the conjec- ture that the intense blue color of the sky, which I have my- self measured upon the loftiest part of the Cordilleras, though with instruments which are certainly " still very imperfect, may afford a convenient opportunity for frequently observing these mountain-like clouds in the outermost atmosphere of the Sun.^ When we consider the zone in which solar spots are most commonly observed (it is only on the 8th of June and the 9th of December, that the spots describe straight lines on the Sun's disk, which at the same time are parallel with one another and the Sun's equator, and not concave or convex), we are struck by the fact that they have rarely been seen in the nous empechdt d'admettre que des masses nuageuses de 25,000 k 30,000 lieues de long flottent dans I'atmosphere du Soleil; que ces masses, comme certains nuages de I'atmosphere terrestre, ont des con- tours arretes, qu'elles afFectent, qa. et lei, des formes tres tourmentees, m^me des forms en surplomb ; que la lumiere solaire (la photosphere) les colore en rouge. Si cette troisieme enveloppe existe, elle donnera peut-etre la clef de quelques-unes des grandes et deplorables anomalies que Ton remarque dans le cours des saisons." "On examining more closely the grounds on which these rose-colored protuberances are com- pared to clouds (of the third atmosphere), we do not find any principle in physics which would oppose the assumption that masses of clouds extending from 25,000 to 30,000 leagues, float in the Sun's atmosphere ; that these masses, like some clouds in our terrestrial atmosphere, as- sume contours exhibiting here and there much-involved forms, appear- ing sometimes even sloping or inverted, as it were ; and that they are colored red by the light of the Sun (the photosphere). If this third atmosphere actually exist, it may, perhaps, tend to solve some of those vast and deplorable anomalies which we observe in the course of the seasons." — Arago, in the Annuaire for 1846, p. 460, 467. * " Tout ce qui afFaiblira sensiblement I'intensite eclairante de la portion de I'atmosphdre terrestre qui parait entourer et toucher le con- tour circulaire du Soleil, pourra contribuer k rendre les preeminences rouge&tres visibles. II est done permis d'esperer qu'un astronome ex- erce, etabli au sommet d'une tres haute montagne, pourrait y observer regulierement les nuages de la troisieme enveloppe solaire, situes, en ap- parence, sur le contour de I'astre ou un pen en dihors, determiner ce qu'ils ont de permanent et de variable, noter les periodes de disparition et de reapparition " Whatever will perceptibly diminish the briUiant intensity of that portion of the terrestrial atmosphere which appears to inclose and touch the circumference of the Sun, may con tribute to render the rose-colored protuberances visible. We may therefore, hope that an experienced astronomer may succeed, on the summit of some high mountain, ia making systematic and regular ob servations of the clouds of the third solar envelope, whicn appear to ba situated on the margin of the Sun, or a little beyond it, and thus determ ine the permanence or variability of their character, and note th epochs of their disappearance and reappearance . . . ." — Arago, Ibid, p. 471 72 COSMOS. equatorial region l>etween 3^ north and 3° south latitude, and that they do not occur at all in the polar regions. They are, on the whole, most frequent in the region between 11*^ and 15° north of the equator, and generally of more common occurrence in the northern hemisphere) or, as Sommering maintains, may be seen there at a greater distance from the equatorial regions than in the southern hemisphere. [Out- lines, § 393 ; Observations at the Cape, p. 433.) Galileo even estimated the extreme limits of northern and southern heliocentric latitude at 29°. Sir John Herschel extends them to 35°, as has also been done by Schwabe. (Schum. Astr. Nachr., No. 473.) Laugier found some spots as high as 41° (Comptes Kendus, tom. xv., p. 944), and Schwabe even in 50°. The spot observed by La Hire in 70° north latitude, must be regarded as a very rare phenomenon. This distribution of spots on the Sun's disk, their rarity under the equator and in the polar regions, and their paral- lel position in reference to the equator, led Sir John Herschel to the conjecture that the obstructions which the third vapor- ous external atmosphere may present at some points to the liberation of heat, generates currents in the Sun's atmosphere from the poles toward the equator similar to those which upon the Earth occasion the trade- winds and calms near the equa- tor, owing to differences of velocity in each of the parallel zones. Some spots are of so permanent a character that they have continued to appear for fully six months, as was the case with the large spot visible in 1779. Schwabe was enabled to follow the same group eight times in the year 1840. A black nucleoid spot, deUneated in Sir John Herschel's Ob- servations at the Cape (to which I have made such constant reference), was found, by accurate measurement, to be so large, that supposing the whole of our Earth to be propelled through the opening of the photosphere, there would still have re- mained a free space on either side of more than 920 geograph- ical miles. Sommering directs attention to the fact that there are certain meridian belts on the Sun's disk in which he had never observed a solar spot for many years together. ( TJiilo. de Soils maculis a Sa^mmeringio observatis, 1828, p. 22.) The great differences presented in the data given for the pe- riod of revolution of the Sun are not, by any means, to be as- cribed solely to want of accuracy in the observations ; thoy depend upon the property exhibited by some spots, of chang- ing their position on the disk. Laugier has devoted special attention to this subject, and has observed spots which would THE sun's spots. • 73 give separate rotations of 24d. 28m. and 26d. 46m. Our knowledge of the actual period of the rotation of the Sun can therefore only be regarded as the mean of a large number of observations of those maculae, which, from their permanence of form, and invariability of position in reference to other co- existent spots, may form the basis of reliable observations Although solar maculae may be more frequently seen by the naked eye than is generally supposed, if the Sun's disk be at- tentively observed, there yet occur not more than two or three notices of this phenomenon between the beginning of the ninth and of the seventeenth centuries, on the accuracy of which we can rely. Among these I would reckon the supposed reten- tion of Mercury within the Sun's disk for eight days, m the year 807, as recorded in the annals of the Frankish kings, first ascribed to an astronomer of the Benedictine order, and subsequently to Eginhard ; the 91-days transit of Venus over the Sun, under the Calif Al-Motassem, in the year 840 ; and the Signa in Sole of the year 1096, as noticed in the Stain- delii Chronicon. I have, during several years, made the epochs of the mysterious obscurations of the Sun which have been recorded in history — or, to use a more correct expression, the periods of the more or less prolonged diminution of bright daylight — the subject of special investigation, both in a mete- orological and a cosmical point of view.*= Since large num- * Although it can not be doubted that individual Greeks and Romans may have seen large Sun-spots with the naked eye, it is at all events certain that such observations have never been referred to in any of the works of Greek and Roman authors that have come down to us. The passages of Theophrastus, De Signis, iv., 1, p. 7^7 ; of Aratus, Diosem., v., 90-92 ; and of Proclus, Paraphr., 11, 14, in which the younger Ideler {Meteorol. Veterum,p. 201, and in the Commentary to Aristotle, Meteor., torn, i., p. 374) thought he could discover references to the Sun's spots, merely imply that the Sun's disk, which indicates fine weather, exhib- its no difference on its surface, nothing remarkable (fxrjde ti a^fia ^ipoi), but, on the contrary, perfect uniformity. The aiifia, the dappled sur- face, is expressly ascribed to light clouds, the atmosphere (the scholiast of Aratus says, to the thickness of the air) ; hence we always hear of the morning and evening Sun, because their disk, independently of all Sun-spots, are supposed, even in the present day, according to an old belief, not wholly unworthy of regard, to give notice to the farmer and the mariner, as diapho,nomeiera, of coming changes of weather. The Sun's disk, on the horizon, gives an indication of the condition of the lower atmospheric strata which are nearer the Earth. The first of the Sun-spots noticed in the text as visible to the naked eye, and falsely re- garded in the years 807 and 840 as transits of Mercury and Venus, is recorded in the great historical collection of Justus Reuberus, Veterta Scriptores (1726), in the section Annales Regum Francarum Piptni, Karoli Magni et Ludovici, a quodavi ejus eelatis Astronomo, Ludovici re- Vol. IV.— D III if^'iT T 1 riiigi idniitoMMnMHiiiMitaiMitatflMataii^ mmmm^t^immmimmtmmi^mmsmm «5" ^■■■hC^ ■Pl«i - wtf -,. 16 COSMOS. obscurations during which stars were partly visible, as in to« tal solar eclipses. 626 A.D. According also to Abu'l-Farag. {Hist. Dynast., p. 94, 99), half of the Sun's disk continued obscured for ei^ht months. 733 A.D. One year after the Arabs had been driven back across the Pyrenees after the battle of Tours, the Sun was so much darkened on the ]9tb of August as to excite universal terror. — Schnurrer, Chron., theil i., p. 164. 807 A.D. A Sun-spot was observed, which was believed to be the planet Mercury. — Reuber, Vet. Script., p. 58 (see p. 70). 840 A.D. From the 28th of May to the 26th of August (Assemani singularly euougii gives the date of May, 839), the so-called transit of Venus across the Sun's disk was observed. (See above, p. 73- 74.) The Calif Al-Motassem reigned from 834 to 841, when he was succeeded by Harun-el-Vatek, the ninth Calif. 934 A.D. In the valuable work Historia de Portugal, by Faria y Souza, 1730, p. 147, I find the following passage: " En Portugal se vio sin luz la tierra por dos meses. Avia el Sol perdido su splendor." The Earth was without light for two months in 'Portugal, for the Sun had lost its brightness. The heavens were then opened in fis- sures " por fractura," by strong flashes of lightning, when there was suddenly bright sun-light. 1091 A.D. On the 21st of September, the Sun was darkened for three hours, and when the obscuration had ceased, the Sun's disk still re tained a peculiar color. "" Fuit eclipsis Solis, 11 Kal. Octob. fere tres horas : Sol circa meridiem dire nigrescebat." — Martin Crusius, An- nales Suevici, Francof., 1595, torn, i., p. 279 ; Schnurrer, th. i., p. 219, 1096 A.D. Sun-spots were seen by the naked eye on the 3d of March. '' Signum in Sole apparuit V., Nono Marcii feria secunda incipientis quadragesimae. Joh. Staindelii, Presbyteri Pataviensis, Chronicon Generate, in Oefelii Rerum Boicarum Scriptores, tom. i., 1763, p. 485. 1206 A.D. On the last day of February there was, according to Joa- quin de Villalba (Epidemiologia Espanola, Madr., 1803, tom. i., p. 30), complete darkness for six hours, turning the day into night. This phenomenon was succeeded by long-continued and abundant rains. " El dia ultimo del mes de Febrero hubo un eclipse de Sol que dur6 seis horas con tanto obscuridad como si fuera media noche. Siguieron k este fenomeno abundantes y contiuuas Uuvias." A very similar phenomenon is recorded for June, 1191, by Schnurrer, th. i., p. 258, 265. 1241 A.D. Five months after the Mongolian battle at Liegnitz, the Sun was darkened (in some places?), and such darkness caused that the stars could be seen in the heavens at three o'clock on Michael- mas day. " Obscuratus est Sol (in quibusdam locis?), et factae sunt tenebrai, ita ut stella? viderentur in ccelo, circa festum S. Michaelis hora nona." — Chronicon Claustro-Neoburgense (of the Monastery of Neuberg, at Vienna : this chronicle comprises the annals of the pe- riod from the year 218 A.D. to 1348) ; Pez, Scriptores Rerum Avs- triacarum. Lips., 1721, tom. i., p. 458. 1547 A.D. The 23d, 24th, and 25th of April, consequently the days preceding and immediately succeeding the battle of Mtlhlbach, in which the Elector John Frederick was taken prisoner. Kepler says in Paralipom. ad Vitellium, quihus Astronomice pars Optica traditur, 16P4, p. 259, " The elder and younger Gemma record that in the year THE SUN S SPOTS. 77 f As, according to Du Sejour's calculation, the longest possi- ble duration of a total eclipse of the Sun can not be more than 7m. 58s. at the equator, nor more than 6m. 10s. for the lati- tude of Paris, the decrease of daylight which is recorded by the annalists may, on account of its duration for many hours, possibly be referred to one or other of the three following and very different causes : 1 . A disturbance in the process of the evolution of light, as it were a diminution of intensity in the photosphere ; 2. Obstructions (such as a greater and denser formation of clouds) in the outermost opaque vaporous en- velope investing the photosphere, by which the radiation of solar light and heat is impeded ; 3. The impure condition of our atmosphere, arising, for instance, from the obscuring (most- ly organic) meteoric dust, rain, or sand-rain, such as is de- scribed by Macgowan to have continued for several days to- gether in China. The second and third of these causes do not require the occurrence of a diminution of the electro-mag- netic light process, perhaps (of the perpetual polar light=^), in the solar atmosphere, but the last-named cause excludes the visibility of stars at noon, of which such frequent mention is made in these mysterious and vaguely-described obscurations. Arago's discovery of chromatic polarization has not only confirmed the existence of the third and outermost envelope 1547, before the battle between Charles V. and the Duke of Saxony, the Sun appeared for three days as if it were suSused by blood, while at the same time many stars were visible at noon." " Refert Gemma^ pater et filius, anno 1547, ante conflictum Caroli V. cum Saxoniai Duce, Solem per tres dies ceu sanguine perfusum comparuisse, ut etiam stellce plereque in meridie conspicerentur." Kepler (in Stella Nova in Serpentario, p. 113) further expresses his uncertainty as to the cause of the phenomenon ; he asks whether the diminution of the Sun's light be owing to some celestial causes: *' Soils lumen ob cau- sas quasdam sublimes hebetari " whether it be owing to the •\vide diffusion of some cometary substance, " materia cometica latins sparsa," for the cause can not have originated in our atmosphere, since the stars were visible at noon. Schnurrer ( Chronik der Seu- chen, th. ii., p. 93) thinks, notwithstanding the visibility of the stars, that the phenomenon must have been the same as the so-called " HShenrauch," for Charles V. complained before the battle " that the Sun was always obscured when he was about to engage with the enemy." " Semper se nebula? densitate infestari, quoties sibi cum hoste pugnandum sit." (Lambert, Hortens. de bello German., lib vi., p. 182.) * Horrebow (Basis Astronomies, 1735, $ 226) makes use of the same expression. Solar light, according to him, is "a perpetual Northern light ioithin the Sun's atmosphere, produced by the agency of powerful magnetic forces^ (See Hanow, in Joh. Dan. Titius's OemoinnHtzig^ Abhandlungen iiber naturliche Dinge, 1768, p. 102.) 78 COSMOS. of the Sun, but has likewise added considerable weight to the conjectures advanced in reference to the whole physical con- stitution of the central body of our planetary system. " A ray of light which reaches our eyes, after traversing many millions of miles, from the remotest regions of heaven, an- nounces, as it were of itself, in the polariscope, whether it is reflected or refracted, whether it emanates from a solid, or fluid, or gaseous body, it announces even the degree of its in- tensity. {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 52, and vol. ii., p. 332.) It is essential to distinguish between natural light, as it emanates directly from the Sun, the fixed stars, or flames of gas, and is polarized by reflection from a glass plate at an angle of 35° 25', and that polarized light which is radiated as such from certain substances (as ignited bodies, whether of a solid or liquid nature). The polarized light which emanates from the above-named class of bodies very probably proceeds from their interior. As the light thus emanates from a denser body into the surrounding attenuated atmospheric strata, it is re- fracted on the surface, and in this process a part of the re- fracted ray is reflected back to the interior, and is converted by reflection into polarized light, while the other portion ex- hibits the properties of light polarized by refraction. The chromatic polariscope distinguishes the two by the opposite position of the colored complementary images. Arago has shown, by careful experiments extending beyond the year 1820, that an ignited solid body (for instance, a red-hot iron ball), or a luminous, fused metal, yield only ordinary light, in rays issuing in a perpendicular direction, while the rays which reach our eyes from the margins, under very small angles, are polarized. When this optical instrument, by which the two kinds of light could be distinguished, was applied to gas flames, there was no indication of polarization, however small were the angles at which the rays emanated. If even the light be generated in the interior of gaseous bodies, the length of way does not appear to lessen the number and intensity of the very oblique rays in their passage through the rare media of the gas, nor does their emergence at the surface and their transi- tion into a different medium cause polarization by refraction. Now, since the Sun does not either exhibit any trace of polar- ization when the hght is suffered to reach the polariscope in a very oblique direction, and at small angles from the margin, it follows from this important comparison that the light shin- ing in the Sun can not emanate from the solid solar body, nor from any liquid substance, but must be derived from a gase* THE SUN S SPOTS. 79 (ms, self-luminous envelope. We thus possess a material phys- ical analysis of the photosphere. The same instrument has, however, also led to the conclu- sion that the intensity of the light of the Sun is not greater in the center of the disk than at its margins. When the two complementary colored images of the Sun — the red and blue — are so arranged that the margin of the one image falls on the center of the other, perfect white will be produced. If the intensity of the light were not the same in the different parts of the Sun's disk — if, for example, the center were more luminous than the margin, then the partial covering of the images in the common segments of the blue and red disk would not exhibit a pure white, but a pale red, because the blue rays would only be able to neutralize a portion of the more numerous red rays. If, moreover, we remember that in the gaseous photosphere of the Sun, in opposition to that which occurs in solid or liquid bodies, the smallness of the angle at which the rays of light emanate does not cause their number to diminish at the margins, and as the same angle of vision embraces a larger number of luminous points at the margins than in the center of the disk, we could not here reckon upon that compensation which, were the Sun a lu- minous iron globe, and consequently a solid body, would take place between the opposite effects of the smallness of the an- gle of radiation and the comprehension of a larger number of luminous points at the same visual angle. The self-lumin- ous gaseous envelope, i. e., the solar disk visible to us, must therefore (in opposition to the indications of the polariscope, which shows the margin and the center to be of equal intens- ity) appear more luminous in the center than at the margin. The cause of this discrepancy has been ascribed to the outer- most and less transparent vaporous envelope surrounding the photosphere, which diminishes the light from the center less than that of the marginal rays on its long passage through the vaporous envelope. =^ Bouguer, Laplace, Airy, and Sir * Arago, in the Mimoires des Sciences MatMm. et Phys. de i Institut de France, annee 1811, partie i., p. 118; Matthieu, in Delambre, Hist, de VAstr. au dix-huitieme siecle, p. 351, 652 ; Fourrier, Eloge de William Herschel, in the Mim. de V Institut, torn, vi., annee 1823 (Par., 1827), p. Ixxii. It is alike remarkable and corroborative of the great uniform- ity of character in the light of the Sun, whether emanating from its cen- ter or its margins, that, according to an ingenious experiment made by Forbes, during a solar eclipse in 1836, a spectrum formed from the cir- cumferential rays alone was identical both in reference to the number amd position of the dark lines or stripes intersecting it. with the spec- 80 ' COSMOS. John Herschel, are all opposed to these views of my friend, and consider the intensity of the light weaker at the margin trum arising from the entire solar light. When, therefore, rays of cer> tain refrangibility are wanting in solar light, they have probably not passed into the Sun's atmosphere, as Sir David Brewster conjectures, since the circumferential rays produce the same dark lines when they shine through a much thicker medium. — Forbes, in the Comptes Rendus, torn, ii., 1836, p. 576. I will append to this note all the facts that I col lected in the year 1847, from Arago's MSS. : '* Des phenomenes de la polarisation color6e donnent la certitude que lo bord du Soleil a la meme intensite de lumiere que le centre ; car en pla9ant dans la polariscope un segment du bord sur un segment du cen tre, j'obtiens (comme efi'et complemenlaire du rouge et du bleu) un blanc pur. Dans un corps solide (dans une boule de fer chauffee au rouge) le meme angle de vision embrasse une plus grande etendue au bord qu'au centre, selon la proportion du cosinus de I'angle : mais dans la meme proportion aussi, le plus grand nombre de points materiels emettent une lumiere plus faible, en raison de leur obliquiti. Le rap- port de I'angle est naturellement le meme pour une sphere gazeuse, mais I'obli quite ne produisant pas dans les gazes le meme eflfet de dimi- nution que dans les corps solides, le bord de la sphere gazeuse serait plus lumineux que le centre. Ce que nous appelons le disque lumi- ueux du Soleil, est la photosphere gazeuse, comme je I'ai prouve par le manque absolu de traces de polarisation sur le bord du disque. Pour expliquer done VigaliU dHntensiU du bord et du centre indiquee par le polariscope, il faut admettre une enveloppe exterieure, qui diminue (eteint) moins la lumiere qui vient du centre que les rayons qui vien- iient sur le long trajet du bord k I'oeil. Cette enveloppe exterieure forme le couronne blanchatre dans les eclipses totales du Soleil. La lumiere qui emane des corps solides et liquides incandescens, est par- tiellement polarisee quand les rayons observes forment, avec la surface de sortie, un angle d'un petit nombre de degres ; mais il n'y a aucune trace sensible de polarisation lorsqu'on regarde de la m6me maniere dans le polariscope des gazes enflammes. Cette experience demontre que la lumiere solaire ne sort pas d'une masse solide ou liquide incan- descente. La lumiere ne s'engendre pas uuiquement k la surface des corps; une portion nalt dans leur substance meme, cette substance fAt- elle du platine. Ce n'est done pas la decomposition de I'oxygene am- biant qui donne la lumiere. L'emission de lumiere polarisee par le fer liquide est un effet de refraction au passage vers un moyen d'une moindre densite. Partout ou il y a refraction, il y a production d'un peu de lu- miere polarisee. Les gazes n'en donnent pas, parceque leurs couches n'ont pas assez de densite. La Lune, suivie pendant le cours d'une lu- naison entiere, ofFre des effets de polarisation, excepte k I'epoque de la pleine Lune et des jours qui en approchent beaucoup. La lumiere sol- aire trouve, surtout dans les premiers et derniers quartiers, k la surface, in6gale (montagneuse) de notre satellite, des inclinaisons, de plans con- venables pour produire la polarisation par reflexion." '' The phenomena of chromatic polarization afford evidence that the margin of the Sun has the same intensity of light as the center ; for by placing in the polariscope a segment of the margin upon a-central seg- ment, I obtain a pure white as the complementary effect of red and blue. In a solid body (as in an iron ball heated red-hot), the same visual angle embraces a larger extent of the margin than of the center THE sun's spots. 81 than in the center. The last named of these distinguished physicists and astronomers expresses himself as follows, in reference to this question.* " Now, granting the existence of such an atmosphere, its form, in obedience to the laws of equilibrium, must be that of an oblate spheroid, the elliptic- ities of whose strata differ from each other and from that of the nucleus. Consequently, the equatorial portions of this according to the ratio of the cosine of the angle ; but in the same ratio^ the greater number of the material points emit a feebler light, in con' sequence of their obliquity. The ratio of the angles is naturally the same for a gaseous sphere ; but since the obliquity does not produce the same amount of diminution in gases as in solid bodies, the margin of the gas- eous sphere would be more luminous than its center. That which we term the luminous disk of the Sun is the gaseous photosphere, as I have proved by the entire absence of every trace of polarization on the mar- gin of the disk. To explain the eqtiality of intensity indicated by the polariscope for the margin and the center, we must admit the existence of an outer envelope, which diminishes (extinguishes) less of the light which comes from the center than from the marginal rays having a longer way to traverse before they reach the eye. This outer envel- ope forms the whitish corona of light observed in total eclipses of the Sun. The light which emanates from solid and liquid incandescent bodies is partially polarized when' the rays observed form an angle of a few degrees with the surface from whence they emerge ; but there is no sensible evidence of polarization when incandescent gases are seen in the polariscope. This experiment proves, therefore, that solar light does not emanate from a solid mass or an incandescent liquid. Light is not engendered solely on the surface of bodies ; but a portion originates within the substance itself, even when the experiment is made with platinum. Light, therefore, is not produced by the decom- position of the ambient oxygen. The emission of polarized light from liquid iron is an effect of refraction during its passage toward a medium of lesser density. Wherever there is refraction, a small amount of po- larized light must be produced : gases do not emit polarized light, be- cause their strata do not possess the requisite amount of density. When the Moon is followed through all its phases, it will be found to afford evidences of polarization, excepting at the full moon, and the days im- mediately preceding and following it. It is more especially during the first and last quarters that the unequal (mountainous) surface of our satellite presents suitable inclinations for the polarization of solar light by reflection." * Sir John Herschel, Astron. Observ. made at the Cape of Good Hope, $ 425, p. 434; Outlines of Astr., $ 395, p. '234. Compare Fizeau and Foucault, in the Comptes Rendus de V Acad, des Sciences, t. xviii., 1844, p. 860. It is remarkable enough that Giordano Bruno, who was burned eight years before the invention of the telescope, and eleven years be- fore the discovery of the spots of the Sun, should have believed in the rotation of the Sun upon its axis. He considered, on the other hand, that the center of the Sun was less luminous than the edges. Owing to an optical deception, he believed that he saw the disk turn round, and the whirling edges expand and contract. (Jordauo Bruno, par Christian Bartholmess, tom. ii., 1847, p. 367.) D 2 82 COSMOS. envelope must be of a thickness difierent from that of the polar, density for density, so that a difierent obstacle must be thereby opposed to the escape of heat from the equatorial and the polar regions of the Sun." Arago is engaged at the present moment in a series of experiments, by which he pur- poses to test not only his own views, but also to reduce the results of observation to accurate numerical relations. A comparison between solar light and the two most intense kinds of artificial light which man has hitherto been able to produce, yields, according to the present imperfect condition of photometry, the following numerical results : Fizeau and Foucault found, by their ingenious experiments, that Drum- mond's light (produced by the flame of the oxyhydrogen lamp directed against a surface of chalk) was to the light of the Sun's disk as 1 to 146. The luminous current, which in Da- vy's experiment was generated between two charcoal points by means of a Bunsen's battery, having forty-six small plates, was to the light of the Sun as 1 to 4*2 ; but when very large plates were used, the ratio was as 1 to 2 5, and this light was, therefore, not quite three times less intense than solar light.* When we consider the surprise still experienced at the cir- cumstance of Drummond's dazzling light forming a black spot when projected on the Sun's disk, we are doubly struck by the felicity with which Galileo, by a series of conclusions as early as 1612,t on the smallness of the distance from the Sun at which the disk of Venus was no longer visible to the naked eye, arrived at the result that the blackest nucleus of the Sun's spots was more luminous than the brightest portions of the full Moon. William Herschel, assuming the intensity of the whole light of the Sun at 1000, estimated the average light of the penumbrae at 469, and the black nuclei at 7. According to this estimate, which is certainly very conjectural, a black nu- cleus would yet possess 2000 times more light than the full * Fizeau and Foucault, RecJierch.es sur VIntensiti de la Lumiere imise par le Charbon dans V Experience de Davy, in the Comptes Rendus, torn. xviii., 1844, p. 753. " The most intensely ignited solid (ignited quick- lime in Lieutenant Drummond's oxyhydrogen lamp) appear only as black spots on the disk of the Sun when held between it and the eye." —Outlines, p. 36 (Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 325-326). t Compare Arago's commentary on Galileo's letter to Marcus Welser, as well as his optical explanation of the influence of the diffuse reflected solar light of the atmospheric strata which covers the object seen in the sky upon the field of a telescope, as it were, with a luminous vail,m the Annuaire du Bureau des Long, for 1842, p. 482-487. SOLAR LIGHT. 83 Moon, since the latter, according to Bouguer, is 300,000 less bright than the Sun. The degree of illumination of the nu- clei visible to us, i, e., of the dark body of the Sun illumined by reflection from the walls of the opened photosphere, the interior atmosphere from which the penumhrse are generated, and by the light of the strata of our terrestrial atmosphere through which we see it, has been strikingly manifested on the occasion of several transits of Mercury. When compared with the planet, whose dark side was turned toward us, tho near and darkest nuclei presented a light brownish-gray ap- pearance.*" The admirable observer, Counselor Schwabe, of Dessau, was particularly struck by this difference of blackness between the planet and the nuclei, in the transit of Mercury on the 5th of May, 1832. On the occasion of my observing the transit of this planet in Peru, on the 9th of November, 1802, in consequence of being engaged in measuring the dis- tances from the threads, I was unfortunately unable to make any comparison between the different intensities of the light, although Mercury's disk almost touched the nearest dark spot. Professor Henry, of Princeton, North America, had al- ready shown, by his experiments in 1815, that the Sun's spots radiate a perceptibly less heat than those portions on which there were no spots. The images of the Sun and of a large spot were projected on a screen, and the differences of heat measured by means of a thermo-electrical apparatus.! Whether rays of heat differ from rays of light by a differ- ence in the lengths of the transversal vibrations of ether, or whether they are identical with rays of light, but that a cer- tain velocity in the vibrations which generates very high tem- peratures is requisite to excite the impression of light in our organs, the Sun, as the main source of light and heat, must nevertheless be able to call forth and animate magnetic forces on our planet, and more especially in the gaseous strata of our atmosphere. The early knowledge of thermo-electrical phenomena in crystallized bodies (such as tourmaline, bora- cite, and topaz), and Oersted's great discovery (1820) that every conducting body charged with electricity exerts a defin- ite action on the magnetic needle during the continuation of the electrical current, afforded practical evidence of the cor- relation of heat, electricity, and magnetism. Basing his de- ductions on the idea of such an affinity, Ampere, who ascribed * Madler, Astr., p. 81. t Philos. Mag., ser. iii., vol. xxviii., p. 230 ; and Poggend., Afmalen, bd. Ixviii., p. 101. 84 COSMOS. all magnetism to electrical currents which lie in a plane at right angles to the axes of the magnet, advanced the in- genious hypothesis that terrestrial magnetism (the magnetic charge of the Earth) was generated by electrical currents, circulating round the planet from east to west ; and that the horar}' variations of the magnetic declination are on this ac- count consequences of the fluctuations of heat, varying with the position of the Sun, by whose action these currents are excited. These views of Ampere have been confirmed by Seebeck's thermo-magnetic experiments, in which differences of temperature of the points of contact of a circle composed of bismuth and copper, or other heterogeneous metals, affect the magnetic needle. Another recent and brilliant discovery of Faraday's, the notice of which has been of almost simultaneous occurrence with the printing of these pages, throws an unexpected light on the same important subject. While the earlier researches of this great physicist showed that all gases are diamagnetic, i. e., assume a direction from east to west, as bismuth and phosphorus, but that this property is most feebly exhibited in oxygen, it has been shown by his latest researches, which were begun in 1847, that oxygen alone, of all gases, like iron, assumes a position from north to south, and that oxygen gas loses a portion of its paramagnetic force by expansion and by elevation of the temperature. Since the diamagnetic activity of the other constituents of the atmosphere, such as the nitro- gen and carbonic acid, are not modified by expansion or by an elevation of temperature, it only remains for us to consid- er the oxygen, " which surrounds the whole Earth, as it were, like a large sphere of sheet tin, and receives magnetism from it." The half of this sphere which is turned toward the Sun is less paramagnetic than the opposite half ; and as the bound- aries of these halves are constantly altered by their rotation and revolution round the Sun, Faraday is inclined to refer a portion of the variations of terrestrial magnetism on the Earth's surface to these thermic relations. The assimilation thus shown by experiment to exist between a single gas (oxy- gen) and iron, is an important discovery of our ow,i age,* which derives additional value from the fact that oxygen probably constitutes the half of all the ponderable matters * Faraday upon atmospheric magnetism, in the Exper. Researcket on Electricity, series xxv. and xxvi. (Philos. Trantact. for 1851, part i.)^ § 2774, 2780, 2881, 2892, 2968, and for the history of the investigation, $ 2847. . THE SUN S SPOTS. 85 ihat occur in accessible portions of our Earth. Without as- suming magnetic poles in the Sun's body, or any special mag- netic forces in the solar rays, the central body may, as a pow- erful source of heat, excite magnetic activity on our planet. The attempts that have been made to prove, by means of meteorological observations prosecuted ibr many years at m- dividual spots, that one side of the Sun (for instance, the side which was turned toward the Earth on the 1st of January, 1846) possesses a more intsnse heating power than the oppo- site one,* have not led to more reliable results than the older Greenwich observations of Maskeleyne, which were supposed to prove that the Sun had decreased in diameter. The observations made by Counselor Schwabe, of Dessau, for reducing the periodicity of the Sun's spots to definite nu- merical relations, appear to have a surer foundation. No as- tronomer of the present day, however admirable may have been his instruments, could have devoted his attention more continuously to this subject than Schwabe, who, during the long period of twenty-four years, frequently examined the Sun's disk upward of 300 days in the year. As his observa- tions of the Sun's spots from 1844 to 1850 have not yet been published, I have presumed so far on our friendship as to re- quest that he would communicate them to me, and at the same time answer a number of questions which I proposed to him. I will close this section of the Physical Constitu- tion of our Central Body with the observations with which this observer has allowed me to enrich the astronomical por- tion of my work. " The numbers contained in the following table leave no doubt that, at least from the year 1826 to 1850, the occur- rence of spots has been so far characterized by periods of ten years, that its maxima have fallen in the years 1828, 1837, and 1848, and its minima in the years 1833 and 1843. I have had no opportunity," says Schwabe, " of acquainting myself with the older observations in a continued series, but I willingly concur in the opinion that this period may itself be further characterized by variability. "f * Compare Nerviinder of Helsingfors, in the Bulletin de la Ctasse Physico-MatMm. de V Acad, de St. Pitersbourg, torn, iii., 1845, p. 30-32 ; and Buys-Ballot, of Utrecht, in Poggend., Annalen der Physik, vol Ixviii., 1846, p. 205-213. t I have distinguished by inverted commas the quotations from Schwabe's manuscript communications from p. 85-87. Only the ob servations of the years 1826 to 1843 have already been published in Schumacher's Astron. Nachr., No. 495 (bd. xxi., 1844), p. 235". fi6 COSMOS. Year. Groups. Days shov/ing no Spots. Days of Ob- servation. 1826 118 22 277 1827 161 2 273 1828 225 0 282 1829 199 0 244 1830 190 1 217 1831 149 3 239 1832 84 49 270 1833 33 139 267 1834 51 120 273 1835 173 18 244 1836 272 0 200 1837 333 0 168 1838 282 0 202 1839 162 0 205 1840 152 3 263 1841 102 15 283 1842 68 64 307 1843 34 149 312 1844 52 111 321 1845 114 29 332 1846 157 1 314 1847 257 0 276 1848 330 0 278 1849 238 0 285 1850 186 2 308 " I observed large spots visible to the naked eye in almost %11 the years not characterized by the minimum ; the largest appeared in 1828, 1829, 1831, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1847, 1848. I regard all spots whose diameter exceeds 50" as large, and it is only when of such a size that they begin to be visible to even the keenest unaided sight. " The spots are undoubtedly closely connected with the formation of faculee, for I have often observed faculaB or shal- lows formed at the same points from whence the spots had disappeared, while new solar spots were also developed with- in the faculge. Every spot is surrounded with a more or less bright luminous cloud. I do not think that the spots exert any influence on the annual temperature. I register the height of the barometer and thermometer three times in the course of each day, but the annual mean numbers deduced from these observations have not hitherto Indicated any ap- preciable connection between the temperature and the num- ber of the spots. Nor, indeed, would any importance be due to the apparent indication of such a connection in individual cases, unless the results were found to correspond with others derived from many difierent parts of the Earth. If the solar THE SUN S SPOTS. S7 •pots exert any slight miluence on our atmosphere, my tables would; perhaps, rathei tend to show that the years which exhibit a larger number of spots had a smaller number of fine days than those exhibiting few spots." (Schum., Astron. Nachr., No. 638, h 221.) "William Herschel named the brighter streaks of light which are seen only toward the Sun's circumference, /ac«^Z^, and the vein-like streaks visible only toward the center of the Sun's disk, shallows {Astr. Nachr., No. 350, p. 243). I am of opinion that the faculce and shallows are both derived from the same conglobate luminous clouds, which appear more intensely bright at the circumference, but, being less luminous in the center of the Sun's disk than the surface, exhibit the appearance of shallows. I think it preferable to designate all the brighter portions of the Sun as lu7ninous clouds, dividing them, according to their form, into globate and vein-like. These luminous clouds are irregularly dis- tributed over the Sun, and when more strongly manifested occasionally impart a mottled or marbled appearance to the disk. This is often distinctly visible over the entire circum- ference of the Sun, and sometimes even to its poles, but yet always most decidedly manifested in the two proper zones of the spots, even when no spots are visible in those regions. At such times these bright zones of Sun-spots vividly remind one of Jupiter's belts. " The fainter portions lying between the vein-like lumin ous clouds on vthe general surface of the Sun are deeper in- dentations, and always present a shagreen-like gray, sand- like appearance, reminding the observer of a mass of uni- formly-sized grains of sand. On this shagreen-like surface we may occasionally notice exceedingly small faint gray (not black) pores, which are further intersected by very delicate dark veins. {Astr. Nachr., No. 473, p. 286.) These pores, when present in large masses, form gray nebulous groups, constituting the penumbrse of the Sun-spots. Here the pores and black points may be seen spreading from the nucleus to the circumference of the penumbra, generally in a radiating form, which occasions the identity of configuration so frequently ob- served to exist between the penumbra and the nucleus." The signification and connection of these varying phenom- ena can never be manifested in their entire importance to the inquiring physicist until an uninterrupted series of repie- sentations of the Sun's spots* can be obtained by the aid of * Sir John Herschel, Observations at the Cape, p. 434. 88 COSMOS. mechanical clock-work and photographic apparatus, as the result of prolonged observations during the many months of serene weather enjoyed in a tropical climate. The meteor- ological processes at work in the gaseous envelopes of the dark body of the Sun are the causes which produce the phe- nomena termed Sun-spots and conglobate luminous clouds. It is probable that there, as in the meteorology of our own planet, the disturbances of very multifarious and complicated character depend upon such general and local causes, that it can only be by means of prolonged observations, character- ized by completeness, that we can hope to solve even a por- tion of this still obscure problem. ' II. THE PLANETS. General comparative considerations of a whole class of cosmical bodies must here precede their individual descrip- tion. These considerations refer to the 22 principal planets and 21 moons [satellites, or secondary planets'] which have been discovered up to the present time, not to the planetary bodies in general, among which the comets whose orbits have been calculated are alone ten-fold more numerous. The planets possess, upon the whole, a feeble scintillation, inas- much as they shine by the reflected light of the Sun, and their planetary light emanates from disks. {Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 76.) In the ash-colored light of the Moon, as well as in the red light of its obscured disk, which is seen with great in- tensity between the tropics, the Sun's light undergoes, in reference to the observer upon the Earth, a twice repeated change in its direction. Attention has been already directed elsewhere* to the fact that the Earth and other planets pos- sess in themselves a feeble power of emitting light, as is specially proved by some remarkable phenomena upon that portion of Venus which is turned away from the Sun. We shall consider the planets according to their nimiber, the sequence of their discovery, their volumes compared either with each other or with their distances from the sun ; ac- cording to their relative densities, masses, periods of rotation, degrees of eccentricity, the inclinations of their axes, and characteristic differences ivithin and beyond the zone of the • Co»mo$, vol. i., p. 201, and note p. 202. THE PLANETS. <59 small planets. In the comparative contemplation ol these suhjects, it is consistent with the nature of this work to be- stow especial attention upon the selection of the numerical relations, which, at the period in which these pages appear, are considered to be the most accurate, i. e., the results of the most recent and reliable investigations. a. PRINCIPAL PLANETS. ] . Number and Epoch of Discovery. — Of the seven cos- mical bodies which, firom the most remote antiquity, have been distinguished by their constantly varying relative po- sition toward each other from those which apparently main- tain the same positions and distances — the scintillating stars of the region of fixed stars [orbis inerrans] — there are only five which appear star-like, " quinque stellce errantes ;" they are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The Sun and the Moon remained almost separated from the others, since they form large disks, and also on account of the greater importance attached to them in accordance with religious myths. ^ Thus, according to Diodorus (ii., 30), the Chaldeans were acquainted with only five planets. Plato also says distinctly in the Timceus, where he only once mentions the planets, " Round the Earth, fixed in the center of the Cosmos, move the Moon, the Sun, and jive other stars, which have received the name oi planets ; the whole, therefore, in seven revolutions."! In the old Pythagorean representation of the celestial system, according to Philolaus, the five planets were mentioned in a similar manner among the ten deified bod- ies which revolve round the central fire (the focus of the universe, karia) " immediately beneath the region of fixed stars ;"$ these were succeeded by the Sun, Moon, Earth, and the avrixOiiiv (the anti-Earth). Even Ptolemy always speaks of only five planets. The enumeration of the planets in sys- tems of seven, as JuHus Firmicus distributed them among the decani,^ as they are represented in the zodiacal circle of Bi- * Gesenius, in the Hallischen Litter atur-Zeitung, 1822, Nos. 101 and 102 (Supplement, p. 801-812). Among the Chaldeans, the Sun aud Moon were held to be the two principal deities ; the five planets mere iy represented genii. t Plato, in the Timceits, p. 38, Steph. ; Davis's translation, ed. Bohn, p. 342. X B6ckh, De Platonico systemate Caslestmm glolorum et de vera iw dole astronomies Philolaicce, p. xvii., and the same in Philolaus, 1819, p. 99. $ Jul. Fii-micus Maternus, Astr-:n., libri viii. (ed. Pruckner, Basil 1551), lib. ii., cap. 4, of the time of IJonstantine the Great. 90 COSMOS. anchini (probally of the third century after Christ), exam med by myself elsewhere,* and as they are met with in the Egyptian monuments of the time of the Csesars, does not be- long to the ancient astronomy, but to the subsequent epochs, in which astrological chimeras had become universally dif- fused.! We must not be surprised that the Moon was in- cluded in the series of the seven planets, since, with the ex- ception of a memorable theory of attraction put forward by Anaxagoras [Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 309, and note), its more intimate connection with the Earth was scarcely ever sus- pected by the ancients. On the contrary, according to an opinion respecting the system of the world which VitruviusJ and Martianus Capella§ quote, without stating its originator, Mercury and Venus, which we call planets, are represented as satellites of the Sun, which itself revolves round the Earth, * Humboldt, Monumens des Peuples Indigenes de VAm^rique, vol. ii., p. 42-49. I have already directed attention in 1812 to the analogy be« tween the zodiac of Bianchini and that of Dendera. Compare Letronne, Observations Critiques sur les Reprdscntations Zodiacales, p. 97 ; and Lepsius, Chronologie der j^gypter, 1849, p. 80. t Letronne, Sur VOrigine du Zodiaque Grec, p. 29. Lepsius, Chro- 'nol. der ^gypt., p. 83. Letronne opposes the old Chaldean origin of the planetary week on account of the number seven. X Vitruv., De Archit., ix., 4 (ed. Rode, 1800, p. 209). Neither Vitru- vius nor Martianus Capella mention the Egyptians as the originators of a system, according to which Mercury and Venus are considered as sliI- ellites of the planetary Sun. The former says, " Mercurii autem et Ve- neris stellae circum Soils radios, solem ipsum, uti centrum, itineribua coronantes, i-egi*essus retrorsum et retardationes faciunt." " But Mer cury and Venus, which encircle in their orbits the Sun itself as a center retrogress and proceed slowly round its rays." § Martianus Mineus Felix Capella, De Nuptiis Philos. et Mercurii, lib. viii. (ed. Grotii, 1599, p. 289) : "For though Venus and Mercury appear to rise and set daily, yet their orbits do not, however, go round the Earth, but revolve round the Sun in a wider orbit. In fact, the center of their orbits is in the Sun, so that they are sometimes above it . . . ." "Nam Venus Mercuriusque licet ortus occasusque quotidianos osten- dant, tamen eorum circuli Terras omnino non ambiunt, sed circa Solem laxiore ambitu circulantur. Denique circulorum suorum centrum in Sole constituunt, ita ut supra ipsum aliquando " As this place is written over, " Quod Tellus non sit centrum omnibus planetis," " Be- cause the Earth is not the center of all the planets," it may certainly, as Gassendi asserts, have had an influence upon the first views of Coper- nicus, more than the passages attributed to the great geometer, Apol- lonius of Perga. However, Copernicus only says, " Minime contem- nendum arbitror, quod Martianus Capella scripsit, existimans quod Ve- nus et Mercurius circumerrant Solem in medio existentem." " I by no means think that we should despise what Martianus Capella has writ- ten, who supposes that Venus and Mercury revolve round the Sun, which is fixed in the center " Compare Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 312, and note. THE PLANETS. 91 There is as little foundation for considering such a system as this to be Egyptian,^ as there is for confounding it with the Ptolemaic epicycles or the system of Tycho. The names by which the star-like planets of the ancients were represented are of two kinds : names of deities, and ugnificantly descriptive names derived from physical char- acters. Which part of them originally belonged to the Chal- deans, and which to the Egyptians, is so much the more dif- ficult to determine from the sources which have hitherto been made use of, as the Greek writers present us, not with the original names employed by other nations, but only transla- tions of these into Greek equivalents, which were more or less modified by the individuality of those writers' opinions. What knowledge the Egyptians possessed anterior to the Chal- deans, whether these latter are to be considered merely as gift- ed disciples of the former,! is a question which infringes upon the important but obscure problem of primitive civilization of the human race, and the commencement of the develop- * Henry Martin, in his Commentary to the Timceus (Etudes sur le TimSe de Platon, torn, ii., p. 129-133), appears to me to have explain- ed very happily the passage in Macrobius respecting the ratio Ckaldceo rum, which led the praiseworthy Ideler into error (in WoltF's and Butt mann's Museum der Alterthums- Wissenschaft, bd. ii., s. 443, and in his Treatise upon Eudoxus, p. 48). Macrobius (in Somn. Scipionis, lib. i., cap. 19 ; lib. ii., cap. 3, ed. 1634, p. 64 and 90) says nothing of the sys- tem mentioned by Vitruvius and Martianus Capella, according to which Mercury and Venus are satellites of the Sun, which, however, itself re- volves with the other planets round the Earth, which is fixed in the center. He enumerates only the differences in the succession of the orbits of the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, according to the eiews of Cicero. He says, '• Ciceroni, Archimedes et Chaldseorum ra- tio consentit ; Plato iEgyptios secutus est." " Archimedes and the sys- tem of the Chaldajans agree; Plato followed that of the Egyptians." When Cicero exclaims, in the eloquent description of the whole plan- etary system (Somn. Scip., cap. 4, Edmond's translation, ed. Bohn, p. 294), " Hunc (Solem) ut comites consequuntur Veneris alter, alter Mer- curii cursus ;" " The motions of Venus and Mercury follow it (the Sun) as companions," he refers only to the proximity of the Sun's orbit and those of the two inferior planets, after he had previously enumerated the three cursus of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, all revolving round the immovable Earth. The orbit of a secondary planet can not surround that of a principal planet, and yet Macrobius says distinctly, " ^gyp- tiorum ratio talis est : circulus, per quem Sol discurrit, a Mercurii cir- culo ut inferior ambitur, ilium quoque superior circulus Veneris inclu- dit" "The following is the system of the Egyptians: the circle in which the Sun moves is encompassed by the circle of Mercury, which m its turn is encircled by the larger one of Venus." The orbits are aU permanently parallel to each other mutually surrounding. f liCpsius, Chronologie der yEgypter, th. i., p. 207. 92 COSMOS. ment of scientific ideas upon the Nile or the Euphrates. The Egyptian names of the 36 Decans are known ; but the Egyp- tian names of the planets, with the exception of one or two, have not been transmitted to us.^ It is remarkable that Plato and Aristotle employed only the names of deities for the planets which Diodorus also mentions ; while at a later period, for example, in the book De Mundo, erroneously attributed to Aristotle, a combina- tion of both kinds of names are met with, those of deities, and the descriptive (expressive) names : (paCvcjv for Saturn, ariX- 6g)v for Mercury, rrvpoEig for Mars.f Although the name * The name of the planet Mars, mutilated by Vettius Valeus and Cedrenus, must, in all probability, correspond to the name Her-tosch, as Seb does to Saturn. (Lepsius, Chronol. der ^gypt., p. 90 and 93.) t The most striking differences are met with on comparing Aristot., Metaph., xii., cap. 8, p. 1073, ed, Bekker, with Pseudo-Aristot., De Mun- do, cap. 2, p. 392. The planet names Phaethon, Pyrois, Hercules, Stil- bon, and Juno, appear in the latter work, which points to the times of Apuleius and the Antonines, in which Chaldean astrology was already diffused, over the whole Roman empire, and the terms of different na- tions mixed with each other. (Compare Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 29, and note). Diodorus Siculus says positively that the Chaldeans first named the planets after their Babylonian deities, and that these names were thus transferred, to the Greeks. Ideler {Eudoxus, p. 48), on the con- traiy, ascribes these names to the Egyptians, and grounds his argument upon the old existence on the Nile of a seven-day planetary week\Hand- buck der Chronologic, bd. i., p. 180): an hypothesis which Lepsius has completely disproved (Ckronologie der u^g., th. i., p. 131). I will here collate from Eratosthenes, from the editor of Epinomis (Philippua Opuntius?), from Geminius, Pliny, Theon of Smyrna, Cleomedes, Achil- les Tatius, Julius Firmicus, and Simplicius, the synonyms of the five oldest planets, as they have been transmitted to us ^chiefly through pre- dilection for astrology : Saturn: cpaivuv, Nemesis, also called a sun by five authors (Theon. Smyrna, p. 87 and 105, Martin) ; Jupiter: (paeOov, Osiris; Mars : nvpostg, Hercules ; Venus : iua^opo^, (^uaclibpo^, Lucifer ; ^aTvepog, Vesper ; Juno, Isis ; Mercury : arlMuv, Apollo. Achilles Tatius {Isag. in Phaen. Arati, cap. 17) considers it strange " that the Egyptians, as well as the Greeks, should call the least lumin- ous of the planets the shining" (perhaps only because it brought pros- perity).^ According to Diodorus, the name refers to the opinion "that Saturn was that planet which principally and most clearly foretold the future." — Letronne, Sur VOrigine du Zodiaque Grec, p. 33, and in the Journal des Savants, 1836, p. 17. Compare also Carteron, Analyse des Recherches Zodiacales, p. 97. Names which are transmitted as equiv- alents from one people to another, certainly depend in many cases, in addition to their oingin, upon accidental circumstances, which can not be investigated ; however, it is necessaiy to remark here, that etymo- logically, ^alveiv expresses a mere shining, a fainter evolution of light, THE PLANETS. 93 of Sun was strangely enough applied to Saturn, the outer- most of the then known planets, as is proved by several pas- which is continuous or constant in intensity, while (yTc2.6eiv refers lo an intermittent scintillating light of greater brilliancy. The descriptive names : ^aivuv for the remote Saturn, gtiMov for the nearer planet Mercury, appear the more appropriate, as I have befoi'e pointed out (Cosmos, vol. iii. p. 72), from the circumstance that, as seen by day in the great refractor of Frauenhofer, Saturn and Jupiter appear feebly luminous in comparison with the scintillating Mercury. There is, therefore, as Professor Franz remarks, a succession of increasing brill- iancy, indicated from Saturn {(paivuv) to Jupiter, from Jupiter {^aeduv) to the colored glowing Mars {jTvpoEig), to Venus (^ua6pog), and to Mer cury (ariMtjv). My acquaintance with the Indian name of Saturn ('sanaistsckara), the slowly wandering, induced me to ask my celebrated friend Bopp whether, upon the whole, a distinction between names of deities and descriptive names was also to be made in the Indian planetary names, as in those of the Greeks, and probably the Chaldeans. I here insert the opinion, for which I am indebted to this great philologist, arrang- ing the planets, however, according to their actual distances from the Sun, as in the above table (commencing with the greatest distance), not as they stand in Amarakoscha (by Colebrooke, p. 17 and 18). There are, in fact, among the five Sanscrit names three descriptive ones : Sat- urn, Mars, and Venus. " Saturn : 'sanaistschara, from 'sanais, slow, and tschara, going ; also 'sauri, a name of Vishnu (derived as a patronymic from 'sfira. Grand- father of \\.\) and 'sani. The planet name 'sani-vdrafor, ' dies Saturn!,' is radically related to the adverb 'sanais, slow. The names of the week- days derived from planets appears, however, not to have been known to Amarasinha. They are, indeed, of later introduction. " Jupiter : Vrihaspati ; or, according to an older Vedic mode of writ- ing which Lassen follows, Brihaspati : the Lord of increase, a Vedic deity: from vrih (brih), to grow, and pati, lord. "Mars: angaraka (from angara, burning coal); also lohitdnga, the red body : from lohita, red, and anga, body. " Venus: a male planet, which is called suki-a, i. e., the brilliant. An- other name of this planet is daitya-guru: Teacher, guru, the Titans, Daityas. " Mercury : Budha, not to be confounded as a planet name with Buddha, the founder of the religious sect; also Rauhineya, the son of the nymph Rohinl, wife of the Moon (soma), on which account the plan- et is sometimes called saumya, a patronymic of the Sanscrit word mond. The etymological root of budha, the planet name, and buddha, the name of the saint, is budh, to know. It seems to me improbable that Wuotan (Wotan, Odin) are connected with Budha. This conjecture is found- ed, indeed, principally upon the external similarity of form, and upon the correspondence of the name of the day of the week, * dies Mercu- rii,' with the old Saxon Wodanes-dag, and the Indian Budha-vfira, i. e., Budha's day. The primitive signification of v6ra is repetition, for ex- ample, in bahuv&rdn, many times, often ; it subsequently occurs at the end of a compound w^ord with the signification day. Jacob Grimm derives the German Wuotan from the verb watan,vuot (the German waten), which signifies meare, transmeare, cum impetu ferri, and ortho- graphically corresponds to the Li tin vadere. (Deutsche Myihologie, p. 94 COSMOS. sages in the Commentary of Simplicius (p. 122), to the eighth book of the De Codo of Aristotle, in Hyginus, Diodorus, and Theon of Smyrna, it certainly was only its position, and the length of its orbit, which raised it above the other planets. The descriptive names, however old and Chaldean they may be, were not very frequently employed by the Greek and Ro- man writers until the time of the Caesars. Their diffusion is connected with the influence of astrology. The planetary signs are, with the exception of the disk of the Sun and the Moon's crescent upon Egyptian monuments, of very recent origin ; according to Letronne's researches, =^ they would not 120.) Wuotan, Odinn, is, according to Jacob Grimm, the all-powerful, all-penetrating being : * qui omnia permeat,' as Lucan says of Jupiter." — Compare, with reference to the Indian names of the days of the week Budha and Buddha, and the week-days in general, the observations of my brother, in his work Ueber die Verbindungen zwischen Java vnd In.' dien (Kawi Sprache, bd. i., p. 187-190). * Compare Letronne, Sur VAmulette de Jules Cisar et les Signes Plan 6taires, in the Revue ArcMologiqtie, Ann6e III., 1846, p. 261. Salmasius considered the oldest planetary sign for Jupiter to be the initial letter of Zevf, that of Mars a contraction of the cognomen -dovpLog. The sun- disk was rendered almost unrecognizable by an oblique and triangular bundle of rays issuing from it. As the Earth was not included among the planets in any of the ancient systems, except, perhaps, the Philo- Pythagorean, Letronne considers the planetary sign of the Earth " to have come into use after the time of Copernicus." The remarkable passage in Olympiodorus, on the consecration of the metals to individ- ual planets, is taken from Proclus, and was traced by Boekh (it is in p. 14 of the Basil edition, and at p. 30 of Schneider's edition^. — Com pare, for Olympiodorus, Aristot., MeteoroL, ed. Ideler, tom. ii., p. 163. The scholium to Pindar {Isthm.), in which the metals are compared with the planets, also belongs to the new Platonic school. — Lobeck ( Aglaophamus in OrpTi., tom. ii., p. 936). In accordance with the samo connection of ideas, planetary signs by-and-by became signs of the met als; indeed, some (as Mercurius, for quicksilver, the argentum vivum and hydrargyrus of Pliny) became names of metals. In the valuable collection of Greek manuscripts of the Paris Library are two manu- scripts on the cabalistic, or so-called sacred art, of which one (No. 2250) mentions the metals consecrated to the planets without planetary signs; the other, however (No. 2329), which, according to the writing, is of the fifteenth century (a kind of chemical dictionary), combines the names of the metals with a small number of planetary signs. (H6rer, Histoire de la Ckimie, tom. i., p. 250.) In the Paris manuscript No. 2250, quicksilver is attributed to Mercury, and silver to the Moon, while, on the contrary, in No. 2329, quicksilver belongs to the Moon, and tin to Jupiter. Olympiodorus has ascribed the latter metal to Mer- cury. Thus indefinite were the mystic relations of the cosmical bodies to the metaUic powers. This is also the appropriate place to mention the planetary hours and the planetary days in the small seven-day period (the week), concern* ing the antiquity and diffusion of which among i-emote nations more THE PLANETS. 95 date further back than the tenth century. Even upon stones with Gnostic inscriptions they are not met with. Subsequent correct views have only recently been established. The Egyptians had originally no short periods of seven days, but periods ot ten days, simi- lar to the week, as has been proved by Lepsius {Chronologic der ^g-, p. 132), and as is also testified by monuments which date back to the most remote times of the erection of the large pyramids. Three such decades formed one of the twelve months of the solar year. On read- ing the passage in Dio Cassius (lib. xxxvii., cap. 18), " That the custom of naming the days after the seven planets was first adopted by the Egyptians, and had, in no very long time, been communicated by them to all other nations, especially the Romans, with whom it was then al- ready quite familiarized," it must not be forgotten that this writer lived in the later period of Alexander Severus, and that, since the first irrup- tion of the Oriental astrology under the Caesars, and in consequence of the early and extensive commerce of so many races of people in Alex- andria, it was the fashion among Western nations to call every thing Egyptian which appeared ancient. The seven-day week was undoubt- edly the earliest and most diffused among the Semitic nations ; not only among the Hebrews, but even among the nomadic Arabians long be- fore the time of Mohammed. I have submitted to a learned investiga- tor of Semitic antiquities, the Oriental traveler Professor Tischeudorf, at Leipsic, the question whether, besides the Sabbath, there occur in the Old Testament any names for the individual days of the week (other than the second and the third of the achebua) 1 Whether no planetary name for any one day of the seven-day period occurred any where in the New Testament at a period in which it was certain that the foreign inhabitants of Palestine already pursued planetary astrology ? The an- swer was, " There is an entire absence, not only in the Old and New Testaments, but also in the Mischna and Talmud, of any traces of names of week-days taken from the planets. Neither is the expression the second or third day of the schebua employed ; and time is general- ly reckoned by the days of the month ; the day before the Sabbath is also called the sixth day, without any further addition. The word Sab- bath was also transferred to the week throughout (Ideler, Handbuch der ChronoL, bd. i., p. 780); consequently, the first, second, and third day of the Sabbath stand for the days of the week in the Talmud as well. The word i68o[j.dq for schebua is not in the New Testament. The Talmud, which certainly extends from the second to the third cen- tury, has descriptive Hebrew names for a few planets, for the brilliant Venus and the red-colored Mars. Among these, the name of Sabbatai (literally Sabbath-star) for Saturn is especially remarkable, as among the Pharisaic names of the stars which Epiphanius enumerates, the name Hochab Sabbath is employed for Saturn." Has not this had an influ- ence upon the conversion of Sabbath day into Saturn day, the " Satumi sacra dies" of Tibullus {Eleg., i., 3, 18)? Another passage in Tacitus extends the range of these relations to Saturn as a planet and as a tra- ditional historical personage. (Compare also Ftirst, Kultur- und Litte- raturgeschichte der Juden in Asien, 1849, p. 40.) The different luminous forms of the Moon certainly attracted the ob- servation of hunters and herdsmen earlier than astrological phantasms. It may therefore be assumed, with Ideler, that the week has origin- ated from the length of the synodic months, the fourth part of which jimouQts, on the average, to 7§ days ; that, on the contrary, r *fereuces \)G COSMOS. transcribers have, however, added them to Gnostic and al- chemistic manuscripts ; scarcely, in any case, to the oldest to the planetary series (the sequence of their distances from each oth- er), together with the planetary hours and days, belongs to an entirely different period of advanced and speculative culture. With reference to the naming of the individual week-days after plan- ets, and the arrangement and succession of the planets — Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars, Moon, Sun, situated, according to the most ancient and widely-diffused belief (Gem- inus. Element. Astr., p. 4; Cicero, Somn. Scip., cap. 4; Firmicus, ii., 4, Edmond's translation, ed. Bohn, p, 294-298), between the sphere of fixed stars and the immovable earth as a central body, there have been three views put forward : one derived from musical intervals ; another from the astrological names of the planetary hours ; a third from the distribution of each three decans, or three planets, which are the rulers {domini) of these decans among the twelve signs of the zodiac. The first two hypotheses are met with in the remarkable passage of Dio Cassius, in which he endeavors to explain (lib. xxxvii., cap. 17) why the Jews, according to their laws, celebrated the day of Saturn (our Saturday). " If," says he, " the musical interval which is called 6ia Tsaadpuv, the fourth, is applied to the seven planets according to their times of revolution, and Saturn, the outermost of all, taken as the start- ing-point, the next which occurs is the fourth (the Sun), then the sev- enth (the Moon), and in this way the planets are encountered in the same order of succession in which their names have been applied to the week-days." A commentary upon this passage is given by Vincent, Snr les Manuscrits Grecs relative a la Musique, 1847, p. 138. Compare also Lobeck, Aglaophamus, in Orph., p. 941-946. The second expla- nation of Dio Cassius is borrowed from the periodical series of the plan etary hours. " If," he adds, " the hours of the day and the night are counted from the first (hour of the day), and this ascribed to Saturn, the following to Jupiter, the third to Mars, the fourth to the Sun, the fifth to Venus, the sixth to Mercury, the seventh to the Moon, always recommencing from the beginning, it will be found, if all the twenty- four hours are gone through, that the first hour of the following day coincides with the Sun, the first of the third with the Moon; in short, the first hour of any one day coincides with the planet after which the day is named." In the same way, Paulus Alexandrinus, an astronomic- al mathematician of the fourth century, calls the ruler of each week day that planet whose name agrees with the first hour of the particular day. These modes of explaining the names of week-days have hitherto been very generally considered as the more correct; but Letronne en- tertains a third explanation — the distribution of any three planets over B sign of the zodiac — which he considers to be the most adequate, upon the evidence of the long-neglected zodiacal circle of Bianchini, pre- served in the Louvre, to which I myself directed the attention of ar- chfeologists in 1812, on account of the remarkable combination of a Greek and Kirgisch-Tartar zodiac. (Letronne, Observ. Crit. et ArchM. $ur VOhjet. des Representations ZodiacaUf, 1824, p. 97-99.) This dis tribution of pknets among the 36 decaiis of the Dodecatomeria is pre THE PLANETS 97 manuscripts of Greek astronomers ; of Ptolemy, of Theon, or of Cleomedes. The earliest planetary signs, some of which cisely that which Julius Firmicus Maternus (ii., 4) describes as " sig- norum decani eorumque domini." If those planets are separated which in each of the signs are the first of the three, the succession of the plan- etary days in the week is obtained (Virgo: Sun, Venus, Mercury; Libra: Moon, Saturn, Jupiter; Scorpio: Mars, Sun, Venus ; Sagittarius: Mercury which may here serve as an example for the first four days of the week : Dies Soils, Lunce, Martis, Mercurii). As, according to Diodorus, among the Chaldeans, the number of the planets (star- like) originally amounted only to five, and not seven, all the here-men- tioned combinations in which more than five planets form periodical series appear to be not of old Chaldean origin, but much rather to date from a subsequent astrological period. (Letronne, Sur VOrigine du Zodiaque Grec, 1840, p. 29.) With respect to the concordance of the arrangement of the planets as days of the week with their arrangement and distribution among the decans in the zodiacal circle of Bianchini, a brief explanation will, perhaps, be acceptable to some readers. If a letter is assigned to each cosmical body in the order of succession adopted in antiquity (Saturn a, Jupiter b, Mars c, Sun d, Venus e, Mercury /, Moon g), and with these seven members the following periodical series are formed— ab cdefg, abed.... there is obtained, 1st, by passing over two members of the distribution among the decans, each of which comprises three planets (the zodiacal sign of the first one giving, in each case, its name to the week-day), the new periodical series adgefbe, adgc.... that is. Dies Saturm, Solis, Lunce, Martis, and so on ; 2dly, the same new series, adgc.... obtained by the method of Dio Cassius, according to which the sue cessive week-days take their names from the planet which rules the first hour of the day, so that alternately a member of the periodical seveu-membered planet-series is to be taken, and twenty-three mem- bers to be passed over. Now it is immaterial, in the case of a period- ical series, whether it is a certain number of members which is passed over, or whether it is this number increased by any multiple of the number of members (in this case seven) of the period. By passing over twenty-three (=3.7-|-2) members, according to the second meth- od, that of the planetary hours, the same result is obtained as when the first method, that of the decans, is adopted, in which only two members are to be passed over. Attention has already been directed (page 92, note +) to the remark- able resemblance between the fourth day of the week, dies Mercm-ii, of the Indian Budha-vdra, and the old Saxon Wodanes-dag. (Jacob Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, 1844, bd. i., p. 844.) The identity af- firmed by William Jones to exist between the founder of the Buddhist religion and the race of Odin or Wuotan, and Wotan, famous in North- ern heroic tales, as well as in the history of Northern civilization, will, perhaps, gain more interest when it is called to mind that the name of Wotan is met with in a part of the new continent as belonging to a half- mythical, ha.f-historical personage concerning whom I have collected Vol. IV.— E 98 COSMOS. (Jupiter and Mars) originated, as Salmasius has shown, with his ordinary acuteness, from letters, and were very different from ours ; the present form reaches scarcely beyond the fif- a great number of notes in my work on the monuments an d myths of the natives of America (Vv.es des Cordilleres et Monumens des Pe2iple$ Indigenes de VAmirique, tom. i., p. 208, and 382-384 ; tom. ii., p. 356). This American Wotan is, according to the ti-aditions of the natives of Chiapa and Soconusco, the gi-andson of the man vv^ho saved his life in a boat during the great dehige, and renewred the human race ; he com- menced the erection of large buildings, during which time ensued a confusion of languages, war, and dispersion of races, as in the erection of the Mexican pyramids of Cholula. His name was also transferred to the calendar of the natives of Chiapa, as was the name of Odin in the north of Germany. One of the five-day periods — four of which formed the month of the people of Chiapa and the Aztecs — was named after him. While the names and signs of the days among the Aztecs were taken from animals and plants, the natives of Chiapa (properly Teochiapan) assigned to the days of the month the names of twenty chieftains who, coming from the north, had led them so far southward. The names of the four most heroic, Wotan or Wodan, Lambat, Been, and Chinax, commenced the small periods of five-day weeks, as did the symbols of the four elements among the Aztecs. Wotan and the other chieftains indisputably belonged to the race of the Tolteks, who invaded the country in the seventh century. Ixtlilxochitl (his Christian name was Fernando de Alva), the first historian of his people (the Aztecs), says distinctly, in the manuscripts which he completed as early as the beginning of the sixteenth century, that the province of Teochiapan and the whole of Guatemala were peopled by Tolteks from one coast to the other ; indeed, in the beginning of the conquest of the Spaniards, a family was still living in the village Teopixca who boasted of being descended from Wotan. The Bishop of Chiapa, Francisco Nunez de la Vega, who presided over a provincial council in Guatemala, has, in his Preambulo de las Constituciones Diocesanas, collected a great deal of information respecting the American tradition of Wotan. It is also still very undecided whether the tradition of the first Scandinavian Odin (Odinn, Othinus) or Wuotan, who is said to have emigrated from the banks of the Don, has an historical foundation. (Jacob Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, bd. i., p. 120-150.) The identity of the Ameri- can and Scandinavian Wotan, certainly not founded on mere resem- blance of sound, is still quite as doubtful as the identity of Wuotan (Odinn) and Buddha, or that of the names of the founder of the Bud dhist religion and the planet Budha. The assumption of the existence of a seven-day Peruvian week, which is 80 often brought forward as a Semitic resemblance in the division of time in both continents, is founded upon a mere error, as has been al ready proved by Father Acosta {Hist. Natural y Moral de las India$ 1591, lib. vi., cap. 3), who visited Peru soon after the Spanish conquest and the Inca, Garcilaso de la Vega, himself coi-rects his previous state ment (parte i., lib. ii., c. 35) by distinctly saying there were three fes tivals in each of the months which were reckoned after the moon, and that the people should work eight days and rest upon the ninth (parte i., lib. vi., cap. 23). The so-called Peruvian weeks, therefore, con disted of nine days. (See my Vues det CordilUn§, tom. i., p. 341-343 THE PLANETS. 90 teenth century. The symbolizing habit of consecrating cer- tain metals to the planets belongs, undoubtedly, to the new Platonic doctrines of the Alexandrian school in the fifth cen- tury, as is ascertained from passages in Proclus {ad Tim., ed. Basil, p, 14), from Olympiodorus, as well as by a late scholium to Pindar {Isthm., vol. ii.). (Compare Olympiod., Comment, m Aristot., Meteorol.., cap. 7, 3 in Ideler's edition of the Me- ieorol., tom. ii., p. 163 ; also tom. i., p. 199 and 251 .) Although the number of the visible planets amounted, ac- cording to the earliest limitation, to five, and subsequently, by the addition of the large disks of the Sun and Moon, in- creased to seven, conjectures were prevalent; even in antiqui- ty, that beyond these visible planets there were yet other less luminous, unseen planets. This opinion is stated by Simpli- cius to be Aristotelean. " It is probable that such dark cos- mic al bodies which revolve round the common center some- times give rise to eclipses of the moon as well as the earth." Artemidorus of Ephesus, whom Strabo often mentions as a geographer, believed in the existence of an unlimited number of such dark, revolving cosmical bodies. The old ideal body, the anti-earth (dvrcxOcov) of the Pythagoreans, does not be- long to this class of conjectures. The earth and the anti- earth have a parallel concentric motion ; and the anti-earth, conceived in order to avoid the assumption of the rotatory motion of the eaYth, moving in a planetary manner round . the central fire in twenty-four hours, can scarcely be any thing else than the opposite hemisphere — the antipodean portion of our planet. =^ When from the 43 principal and secondary planets now known (a number six times greater than that of the planet- ary bodies known to the ancients), the 36 objects which have been discovered since the invention of the telescope are chro- nologically separated according to the succession of their dis- covery, there is obtained for the seventeenth century nine, for the eighteenth century also nine, and for the half of the nineteenth century eighteen newly-discovered planet*. * Bockh Ueber Philolaut, p. 102 and 117. 100 COSMOS. Sequence of the Planetary Discoveries {of principal and secondary planets) since the Invention of the Telescope in the Year 1608. (A.) The Seventeenth Century. Four satelUtes of Jupiter : Simon Marius, at Anshach, De- cember 29, 1609 ; Galileo, January 7, 1610, at Padua. Triple configuration of Saturn : Galileo, November, 1610 , Hevelius, hypothesis of two lateral bars, 1656 ; Huygens, final discovery of the true form of the ring, December 7, 1657. The sixth satellite of Saturn (Titan) : Huygens, March 25, 1655. The eighth satellite of Saturn (the outermost, Japetus) : Do- min. Cassini, October, 1671. The fifth satellite of Saturn (Rhea) : Cassini, December 23, 1672. The third and fourth satellites of Saturn (Tethys and Dione) : Cassini, end of March, 1684. (B.) The Eighteenth Century. Uranus : WilHam Herschel, May 13, 1781, at Bath. The second and fourth satellitss of Uranus : "William Her- schel, January 11, 1787. The first satellite of Saturn (Mimas) : "William Herschel, August 28, 1789. The second satellite of Saturn (Enceladus) : William Her- schel, September 17, 1789. The first satellite of Uranus : William Herschel, January 18, 1790. The fifth satellite of Uranus : William Herschel, February 9, 1790. The sixth satellite of Uranus : William Herschel, February 28, 1794. The third satellite of Uranus : William Herschel, March 26, 1794. (C.) The Nineteenth Century. Ceres*= : Piazzi, at Palermo, January 1, 1801. Pallas^ : Olbers, at Bremen, March 28, 1802. Juno*: Harding, at Lilienthal, September 1, 1804. Vesta*= : Olbers, at Bremen, March 29, 1807. (During 38 years no planetary discoveries w^ere made). AsTREA*^ : Hencke, at Dresden, December 8, 1845. THE PLANETS. IQI Neftune : Galle, at Berlin, September 23, 1846. The first satellite of Neptune : W. Lassell, at Starfield, near Liverpool, November, 1846 ; Bond, at Cambridge (U. S.). Hebe*': Hencke, at Dresden, July 1, 1847. Iris=^ : Hind, in London, August 13, 1847. Flora* : Hind, in London, October 18, 1847. Metis*: Graham, at Markree Castle, April 25, 1848. The seventh satellite of Saturn (Hyperion) : Bond, at Cam bridge (U. S.),' September, 16-19 ; Lassell, at Liverpool, September 19-20, 1848. Hygeia*= : De Gasparis, at Naples, April 12, 1849. Parthenope* : De Gasparis, at Naples, May 11, 1850. The second satellite of Neptune : Lassell, at Liverpool, Au- gust 14, 1850. Victoria* : Hind, in London, September 13, 1850. Egeria* : De Gasparis, at Naples, November 2, 1860. Irene* : Hind, in London, May 19, 1851 ; and De Gasparis, at Naples, May 23, 1851. In this chronological summary* the principal planets are distinguished from the secondary planets or satellites by a dif- ferent type. Some bodies are included in the class of princi- pal planets, which form a peculiar and very extended group, forming, as it were, a ring of 132 millions of geographical miles, situated between Mars and Jupiter, and are generally called small planets, as well as telescopic planets, co-planets, asteroids, or planetoids. Of these, four were discovered in the first seven years of this century, and ten during the last six years ; which latter circumstance is to be attributed less to the perfection of the telescopes, than the industry and dex- terity of the investigators, and especially the improved charts enlarged by additions of fixed stars of the ninth and tenth magnitudes. It is now more easy to distinguish between * In the history of the discoveries, it is necessary to distinguish be- tween the epoch at which the discovery was made, and the time of its first announcement. In consequence of a neglect of this distinction, dissimilar and erroneous dates have been inti'oduced into astronomical manuals. So, for example, Huygens discovered the sixth satellite of Saturn (Titan) on March 25, 1655 {Huy genii Opera vaHa, 1724, p. 523;, and did not announce it until March 5, 1656) Systema Saturnium, 1659, p. 2). Huygens, who devoted himself uninterruptedly from March, 1655, to the study of Saturn, had already obtained the full and indubi table view of the open ring on December 17, 1657 {Systema Satuminm, p. 21), but did not publish his scientific explanation of all the phenom- ena until the year 1659. (Galileo had thought that he saw, on each eide of the planet, only two projecting circular disks.) i02 COSMOS. moving 3osmica- bodies and fixed. See CosmoSy vol. iii., p. 115.) The number of the principal planets has been exactly doub- led since the first volume of Cosmos appeared, =^ so excessive- ly rapid is the succession of discoveries, the extension and per- fection of the topography of the planetary system. 2. Classification of the Planets in tivo Groups. — If the region of small planets situated in the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, but, on the whole, nearer to the former, is considered as a separating zone — as it were, an intermediate group — then, as has already been remarked, those planets which are nearest to the sun, the interior (Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars), present several resemblances among each other, and contrasts with the exterior planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), or those which are more remote from the sun, beyond this separating zone. Of these three groups, the intermediate one occupies a space scarcely equal to half the distance of the orbit of Mars from that of Jupiter. Of the space between the two great princi- pal planets, Mars and Jupiter, that part which is nearest to Mars is, as far as has hitherto been observed, the most close- ly filled ; for if, in the zone which the asteroids occupy, the two outermost, Flora and Hygeia, are examined, it will be found that Jupiter is more than three times further from Hy- geia than Flora is from Mars. The most distinctive features of this intermediate group of planets are the great inclination and eccentricity of their interlacing orbits, and the extreme smallness of the planets. The inclination of the orbits to- ward the ecliptic increases in that of Juno to 13° 3', in that of Hebe even to 14° 47', of Egeria to 16° 33', of Pallas even to 34° 37' ; while in the same intermediate group it falls as low, in the orbit of Astrea, as 5° 19', in that of Parthenope to 4° 37', and that of Hygeia to 3° 47'. The whole of the orbits of the small planets having inclinations smaller than 7° are, to go from the large to the small, those of Flora, Me- tis, Iris, Astrea, Parthenope, and Hygeia. Nevertheless, none of these orbits attain such a small degree of inclination as those of Venus, Saturn, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, and Uranus. The eccentricities partly exceed even that of Mercury (0 206) ; for Juno, Pallas, Iris, and Victoria have 0255, 0239, 0232, and 0-218, while Ceres (0-076), Egeria (0-086), and Vesta (0089) have orbits less eccentric than Mars (0*093), without, * Cosmos, vol, i., p. 92. Compare also Encke, in Schumacher' s Astron Nachr., vol. xxvi., 1848, No 622, p. 347. THE PLANETS. 103 /lowever, attaining to the approximative circular orbits of the other planets (Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus). The diameter of the telescopic planets is immeasurably small ; and accord- ing to observations made by Lament in Munich, and Madler with the Dorpat refractor, it is probable that the largest of the small planets is at the utmost only 145 geographical miles in diameter ; that is, one fifth of that of Mercury, one twelfth of that of the Earth. If the four planets nearest to the Sun, situated between the ring of the asteroids (the small planets) and the central body, are called interior planets, they will all agree in presenting a moderate size, a greater density, less flattened at the poles, and, at the same time, rotating slowly round their axes (in periods of rotation of nearly 24 hours), and, with the excep- tion of one (the Earth), without moons. On the contrary, the four exterior planets, those which are more remote from the Sun, situated between the ring of asteroids, and the, to us, un- known limits of the solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), are considerably larger, five times less dense, their axial rotation more than twice as rapid, and their num- ber of moons greater in the proportion of 20 to 1. The in- terior planets are all smaller than the Earth (Mercury and Mars \ and \ smaller in diameter) ; the exterior planets, on the contrary, are from 4*2 to 11*2 larger than the Earth. The density of the Earth being taken as ==1, the densities of Yenus and Mars are the same to within less than J^ ; the density of Mercury is also but very httle more, according to Encke's determination of his mass. On the contrary, none of the exterior planets exceed in density \ ; Saturn, indeed, is only |, almost only half the density of the other exterior planets and the Sun. The exterior planets present the soli- tary phenomenon of the whole solar system, the wonderful circumstance of one of its principal planets being surrounded by an unattached ring ; also atmospheres which, in conse- quence of the peculiarity of their condensation, appear to us variable ; in Saturn, indeed, sometimes as interrupted bands. Although in the important classification of the planets into two groups oi interior and exterior planets, the general char- acters oif absolute magnitude, density, flattening at the poles, velocity of rotation, absence of moons, present themselves as dependent upon the distances, i. e., from their semi-orbital axes, this dependence can not be affirmed of each one of these groups Up to the present time we are ignorant, as I have already remarked^ of *iay internal necessity, any mechanical 104 COSMOS. law of nature, which (like the beautiful law which connects the square of the periods of revolution with the cube of the major axes) represents the above-named elements of the order of succession of the individual planetary bodies of each group in their dependence upon the distances. Although the planet which is nearest to the Sun (Mercury) is the densest, even six or eight times denser than some of the exterior planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, the order of succes- sion, in the case of Yenus,' the Earth, and Mars," or Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, is very irregular. The absolute mag- nitudes do generally, as Kepler has already observed (Har- monice Mundi, vol. iv., p. 194 ; Cosmos, vol. i., p. 93-97), increase with the distances; but this does not hold good when the planets are considered individually. Mars is small- er than the Earth, Uranus smaller than Saturn, Saturn small- er than Jupiter, and succeeds immediately to a host of plan- ets, which, on account of their smallness, are almost im- measurable. It is true the period of rotation generally in- creases with the distance from the Sun ; but it is, in the case of Mars, slower than in that of the Earth, slower in Saturn than in Jupiter. The external world of forms, I again repeat it, can only be represented in the enumeration of relations of space, as something actually existing in nature, and not as the subject of intellectual deductions of previously known causal rela- tions. No universal law for the cosmical regions is here traced, any more than for terrestrial regions in the culmina- ting points of mountain chains, or. in the configuration of con- tinents. These are natural facts which have resulted from the conflict of numerous attractive and repulsive forces, un- der conditions which are unknown to us. We here enter with eager and unsatisfied curiosity upon the obscure domain of incipient foTTnation. It is to t;hese phenomena that the so- frequently misused term of natural facts may be applied in its strictest sense, cosmical processes which have taken place during spaces of time of, to us, immeasurable extent. If the planets have been formed from revolving rings of nebulous matter, it must, after having commenced to aggregate into globes, according to the preponderating influence of individ- ual centers of attraction, have passed through an intermina- ble series of conditions in order to have formed sometimes simple, sometimes interwoven orbits, planets of such diflerent magnitudes, flattening, and density, with and without moons, and even, in one case, to blend the satellites into a solid ring. THE PLANETS. 105 The present form of things, and the exact numerical determ- inations of their relations, has not hitherto been able to lead us to a knowledge of the past states, or a clear insight into the conditions under which they originated. These condi- tions must not, however, on that account, be called accident- al, as men call every thing whose genetic organ they are not able to explain. 3. Absolute and apparent Magnitude; Configuration. — The diameter of the largest of all the planets (Jupiter) is 30 times as great as the diameter of the smallest of those which have been determined with certainty (Mercury) ; near- ly 11 times as great as the diameter of the Earth. Very nearly the same relations obtain between Jupiter and the Sun. Their diameters are nearly as 1 to 10. It has been asserted, perhaps erroneously, that the distance of the me- teoric stones, which there is a tendency to consider as small planetary bodies, from Vesta, which, according to a measure- ment-by Madler, is 66 geographical miles in diameter, there- fore 80 miles less than the diameter of Pallas according to Lament, is not greater than the distance of Vesta from the Sun. According to these relations, there must be meteoric stones of 517 feet in diameter. Fire-balls certainly have, while they retain a disk-like appearance, a diameter amount- ing to 2600 feet. The dependence of the flattening at the poles upon the ve- locity of rotation appears most strikingly in the comparison of the Earth as a planet of the interior group (Rot., 23''- 56'; Flattening, ^^g) with the exterior planet Jupiter (Rot., Q*"- 55'', Flattening, according to Arago, y^ ; according to John Her- gchel, yV). and Saturn (Rot., 10^- 29'; Flattening, yV)- But Mars, whose rotation is still 41 minutes slower than the ro- tation of the Earth, has, even when a much smaller result is assumed than that of William Herschel, very probably a much greater flattening. Does the reason of this anomaly, inas- .much as the figure of the surface of an elliptical spheroid ought to correspond with the velocity of rotation, consist in the difference of the law of the increasing density toward the center of the superincumbent strata? or in the circumstance that the liquid gurface of some planets was solidified before they could assume the figure appertaining to their velocity of rotation ? The important phenomena of the backward motion of the equinoctial points or the apparent advance ot the stars (precession), that of nutation (oscillation of the Earth's axis), and the variation of the inclination of the E 2 106 COSMOS. ecliptic, depen 1, as theoretical astronomy proves, upon the configuration. The absolute magnitudes of the planets, and their distance from the Earth, determine their apparent diameter. We have, therefore, to arrange the planets according to their ab- solute (actual) magnitudes, proceeding from the larger to the smaller : The small planets with involved orbits, of which the larg- est appsars to be Pallas and Vesta : Mercury, Neptune, Mars, Uranus, Venus, Saturn, Earth, Jupiter. The apparent equatorial diameter of Jupiter, at a mean distance from the Earth, is 38"'4, while that of Venus, which is nearly equal in magnitude to the Earth, is only 16-9"; that of Mars, 5''-8. But the apparent diameter of the disk of Venus increases in the inferior conjunction to 62", while that of Jupiter attains only an increase to 46". It is neces- sary to call to mind in this place that the point of the orbit of Venus at which it appears to us with the brightest light, falls between the inferior conjunction and her greatest digres- sion from the Sun, because in that position the small lumin- ous crescent gives the most intense light, on account of its greatest proximity to the Earth, Upon the average, Venus appears the most beautifully luminous, even casting shadows in the absence of the Sun, when at a distance of 40° east or west from the Sun ; the apparent diameter then amounts to only 40", and the greatest width of the illuminated phase is scarcely 10". Apparent Diameter of Seven Planets. Mercury at a mean distance 6"'7 (oscillates from 4"'4 to 12") Venus (( 16" •9 ( " 9"-5 to 62") Mars " 5"-8 ( *' 3"-3 to 23") Jupiter (( 38"-4 ( " 30" to 46") Saturn C( 17"-1 ( '* 15" to 20") Uranus (( 3"- 9 Neptune (( 2"-7 The volumes of the planets in relation to the Earth are ; Mercury as 1 : 16-7 Jupiter as 1414 : 1 Venus (( 1 : 1-05 Saturn " 735 : 1 Earth (( 1 : 1 Uranus " 82 : 1 Mars << 1 : 7-14 Neptune " 108 : 1 THE PLANETS. 107 while the volume of the Sun is to that of the Earths 1407124. Small alterations in the measurements of the diameters in- crease the data of volumes in the ratio of their cubes. The moving planets which agreeably enliven the aspect of the heavens, influence us simultaneously by the magnitudes of their disks and their proximity, by the color of their light, by scintillation — which is not entirely wanting to some plan- ets, in certain positions — and by the peculiarity wiih which their different surfaces reflect the Sun's light. Whether a feeble evolution of light from the planets themselves modifies the intensity and properties of their light, is a problem which still remains to be solved. 4. Arrangement of the Planets and their Distances from the Sun. — In order to form a general conception of the plan- etary system as a whole, so far as it is yet known, and to rep- resent it in its mean distances from the central body, the Sun, the following table is given, in which, as has always been the custom in astronomy, the mean distance of the Earth from the Sun (20,682,000 geographical miles) is taken as unity. The greatest and smallest distances of the individual planets from the Sun in aphelion and perihelion — according as the planet is situated in the ellipse whose focus is occupied by the Sun, at that point of the major axis (line of apsides) which is the farthest from or nearest to the focus — will be added afterward, when treating of the planets individually. By the mean distance from the Sun, of which alone mention will be made in this place, is to be understood the mean of the great- est and smallest distance, or the half major axis of the plan- et's orbit. It must also be observed, that the numerical data employed, both previously and hereafter, are for the most part taken from Hausen's careful classification of the planetary elements in Schumacher's Jahrbuch for 1837. Where .the data refer to time, they are, in the case of the older and larger planets, for the year 1800 ; but in the case of Neptune, for the year 1851, by the aid of the Berlin astronomischen Jahr- buch of 1853. The comparison of the small planets occur- ring afterward, and for which I am indebted to Dr. Galle, refers exclusively to more recent epochs. Distances of the Planets from the Sun. Mercury 0-38709 ( Earth 1-00000 Venus. 0-72333 Mars 1-52369 108 COSMOS. Small Planets. Egeria 2'579 Juno 2-669 Ceres 2768 Flora 2-202 Victoria 2-335 Vesta 2-362 Iris 2-385 Metis 2-386 Hebe 2-425 Parthlnope 2.448 Irene 2553 Astrea 2-577 Pallas 1-773 Hygeia 3-151 Jupiter 5-20277 "Saturn 9-53885 Uranus 19*18239 Neptune 30-03628 The simple observation of rapidly diminishing periods of revolution, from those of Saturn and Jupiter to Mars and Venus, led, at a very early time, under the assumption that the planets were attached to movable spheres, to conjectures as to the distances of these spheres from each other. As there are no traces of methodically-instituted observations and measurements to be found among the Greeks before the time of Aristarchus of Samos, and the establishment of the Alexandrinian Museum, a great difference arose in the hypoth- esis as to the arrangement of the planets and their relative distances ; whether according to the most prevailing system, with reference to their distances from the Earth as the fixed center, or, as among the Pythagoreans, with reference to the distances from the focus of the universe. The principal sub- ject on which there was a discrepancy of opinion was the position of the Sun, that is, its relative situation in reference to the inferior planets and the Moon.^ The Pythagoreans, who considered number to be the source of all knowledge, the real essence of all existing things, applied their theory of num- bers, the all-blending doctrine of numerical relations, to the geometrical consideration of the five regular bodies, to the musical intervals of tone which determine, accord, and form different kinds of sound, and even to the system of the uni- verse itself, supposing that the moving, and, as it were, vi- brating planets, exciting sound-waves, must produce a spher- al music, according to the harmonic relations of their inter- vals of space. • " This music," they add, "would be perceived * BOckh, De Platonico Syst., p. xxiv., and in Philolaos, p. 100. The succession of the planets, which, as we have just seen (page 94, note), gave rise to the naming of the week-days after the planetary deities, that of Geminus is distinctly called the oldest by Ptolema)us. (Almag., xi., cap. i.) He blames the motives from which ** the moderns haM^ placed Venus and Mercury beyond the Sun." THE PLANETS. 109 by tho human ear if it was rendered insensible by extreme familiarity, as it is perpetual, and men are accustomed to it from childhood."* The harmonic part of the Pythagorean doctrine of numbers thus became connected with the figura- tive representation of the Cosmos precisely in the Platonic Timseus ; for " cosmogony is to Plato the work of the union of opposite first causes, brought about by harmony."! Ho attempted, moreover, to illustrate the tones of the universe in an agreeable picture, by attributing to each of the planetary spheres a syren, who, supported by the stern daughters of Ne- cessity, the three Fates, maintain the eternal revolution of the world's axis." J Such a representation of the Syrens, in whose place the Muses are sometimes substituted as the choir of heaven, has been, in many cases, handed down to us in an- tique monuments, especially in carved stones. Mention is constantly made of the harmony of the spheres, although gen erally reproachfully, throughout the writings of Christian an- tiquity, and all those of the Middle Ages, from Basil the Great to Thomas Aquinas and Petrus Alliacus.§ * The Pythagoreans affirm, in order to justify the reality of the tones produced by the revolution of the spheres, that hearing takes place only where there is an alternation of sound and silence. — Aristot., De Ccelo, ii., 9, p. 290, No. 24-30, Bekker. The inaudibility of the spheral music is also accounted for by its overpowering the senses. — Cicero, De Rep., vi., 18. Aristotle himself calls the Pythagorean tone-myth pleasing and ingenious {KOfitpug koI nepiTTug), but untrue (1. c. No. 12-15). t Bockh, in Philolaus, p. 90. X Plato, De Republica, x., p. 617 {Davis's translation, Bohn's Class. Lib., p. 307). He estimates the planetary distances according to two entirely difterent progressions, one by doubling, the other by tripling, from which results the series 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. 8. 27. It is the same series which is found in the Timseus, where the subject of the arithmetical division of the woi-ld — spirit (p. 35, Steph., Davis's trans., Bohn's Class. Lib.), which Demiurgus propounds, is treated of. Plato had, indeed, considered the two geometrical progressions 1. 2. 4. Sand 1. 3. 9. 27 together, and thus alternately taken each successive number from one of the two series, whence resulted the above-mentioned succession 1. 2. 3. 4. 9 Compare Bockh in the Studien von Daub und Creu- zer, bd. iii., p. 34-43 ; Martin, Etudes sur le Tim6e, tom. i., p. 384, and tom. ii., p. 64. (Compare also Prevost, Sur VAme d'apres Platon, in the M6m. del' Acad, de Berlin for 1802, p. 90 and 97 ; the same in the Bibli- oth^que Britannique, Sciences et Arts, tom. xxxvii..ll08, p. 153.) $ See the acute woi-k of Professor Ferdinand Piper, Von der Harmo' nie der Sphdren, 1850, p. 12-18. The supposed relation of the seven vowels of the old Egyptian language to the seven planets, and Gustav Seyftarth's conception, already disproved by Zoega's and Tdlken's in- vestigations, of the astrological hymns, rich m vowels, of the Egyptian priests, according to passages of Pseudo-Demetrius Fhalaereus (perhaps* Demetrius of Alexandria), an epigram of Eusebius, and a Gnostic maa 110 COSMOS. At ini vlose of the sixteenth century, all the Pythagoiean and Platonic views of the system of the universe were again reajiimated in the person of the imaginative Kepler. He, in the first instance, constructed the planetary system in the Mysterium Cosmographicum, in accordance with the prin- ciple of the five regular solids, which may be imagined as situated between the planetary spheres, then in the Harmo- nice Mundi, according to the intervals of tone.* Convinced of the regularity of the relative distances of the planets, he believed that he had solved the problem by a happy combi- nation of his earlier and later views. It is extremely re- markable that Tycho Brahe, who in other respects is found to be so strictly attached to actual observation, had already expressed the opinion (controverted by Rothmann) that the revolving cosmical bodies were capable of vibrating the ce- lestial air (what we now call resisting medium) so as to pro- duce tones, t But the analogies between the relations of tone and the distances of the planets, which Kepler so long and laboriously endeavored to trace out, remained, in his opinion, as it appears to me, entirely with the domain of abstract speculation. He congratulated himself upon having, to the greater glorification of the Creator, discovered musical rela- tions of number in the relations of cosmical space ; as if, in poetic enthusiasm, he makes "Venus, together with the Earth, sound sharp in aphelion and flat in perihelion; the highest tone of Jupiter and that of Yenus must coincide in flat accord." In spite of these merely symbolical expres- sions, so frequently employed, Kepler says positively, "Jam soni in coelo nuUi existunt, nee tam turbulentus est motus, ut ex attritu aurcB codestis eliciatur stridor. $ {Harmonice Mundi, lib. v., cap. 4.) The thin and clear celestial air (aura'coBlestis) is also mentioned here again. The comparative consideration of the planetary intervals with the regular bodies which would fill these intervals, en- uscript in Leyden, have been minutely treated of with critical erudition by the younger Ideler (Hermapion, 1841, pars i., p. 198-214). Com- pare also Ijoheck, A glaoph., torn, ii., p. 932. * On the gradual development of the musical ideas of Kepler, vide Apelt's Commentary of the Harmonice Mundi, in his work ; Johann Kepler's Weltansicht, 1849, p. 76-116. (Compare also Delambre, Hist, de VAstronom. Mod., tom. i., p. 352-360.) t Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 316. X [Now there are no such things as sounds among the heavenly bodies, nor is their motion so turbulent as to elicit noise from the at trition of the celestial air.] THE PLANETS. Ill couraged Kepi jr to extend his hypothesis even so far as the region of fixed stars.* The circumstance which, on the oc- casion of the discovery of Ceres, and the other so-called small planets, first forcibly recalled to mind Kepler's Pythagorean arguments, was his almost forgotten conjecture as to the prob- able existence of a yet unseen planet in the great planetless chasm between Mars and Jupiter. ('* Motus semper distan- tiam pone sequi videtur ; atque ubi magnus hiatus erat inter orbes, erat et inter motus. "f) " I have become more daring," he says, in the introduction to the Mysterium Cosmography icum, " and place a new planet between Jupiter and Mars, as also (a conjecture which was less fortunate, and remained long unnoticed^) another planet between Venus and Mercu- ry ; neither of these have been seen, probably on account of their extreme smallness.§ Kepler subsequently found that * Tycho had denied the existence of the crystalline spheres, in which the planets were supposed to be fixed. Kepler praised the undertak- ing, but he still adhered to the opinion that the sphere of fixed stars was a solid globular shell of two German miles in thickness, upon which are the twelve fixed stars, which are all situated at equal distances from us, and have a peculiar relation to the corners of an icosahedron. The fixed stars " lumina sua ab intus emittunt;" " emit light from their own bodies ;" he also considered for a long time that the planets were self- luminous, until Galileo taught him better! Although he, like many other of the ancients and Giordano Bruno, considered the fixed stars to be suns like our own, still he was not much inclined to entertain the opinion, which he had well considered, that all fixed stars are sur- rounded by planets, as I had formerly stated them to be. ( Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 328.) Compare Apelt, Commentary to the Harmonice, p. 21-24. t [" There seems to be always a close relation between the motion and the distance [of the planets]; that is to say, where there is a great interval between their orbs, the same exists also between their mo- tions."] X It was not until the year 1821 that Delambre, in the Hist, de VAs- iron. Mod., torn, i., p. 314, directed attention to the planets which Kep- ler conjectured to lie between Mercury and Venus, in the extracts which are complete with regard to astronomy, but not with regard to astrology, from Kepler's collected works (p. 314-615). "On n'a fait aucune attention k cette supposition de Kepler, quand on a forme des projets de decouvrir la planete qui (selon une autre de ces predic- tions) devait circuler entre Mars et Jupiter." " No attention was paid to that supposition of Kepler's when projects were formed for discover- ing the planet, which (according to another of his predictions) ought to revolve between Mars and Jupiter." § The remarkable passage respecting a space to be filled up between Mars and Jupiter [hiatus] is in KeTpXcv' s Prodromus Dissertaiionum Cos- mographicarum, coniinens Mysterium. Cosmo grapkictim de admirabili proportione Orbium Coelestium, 1596, p. 7: <' Cum igitur hac non succe- deret, alia via, mirum quam audaci, tentavi aditum. Inter Jovem et Martem interposui novum planetam, itemque alium inter Venerem et 113 COSMOS. he did not require these new planets for hi« solar system founded upon the properties of the regular solids ; it was only necessary to modify the distances of the old planets a little arbitrarily. ('' Non reperies novos et incognitos planetas, ut paulo antea, interpositos, non ea mihi probatur audacia ; sed illos veteres parum admodum luocatos''^ — Myst. Cosmogr., p. 10.) The ideal tendencies of Kepler were so analogous to those of the Pythagorean school, and still more to those of Plato expressed in the Timceus,^ that in the same way as Plato [Cratyl., p. 409) assumed, in addition to the difier- ences of tone in the planetary spheres, those of color, Kepler likewise instituted some experiments [Astron. Opt., cap. 6, p. 261) for the purpose of detecting the colors of the planets. Even the great Newton, always so precise in his conclusions, was inclined, as Prevost has already remarked (^Mem. de VAcad. de Berlin for 1802, p. 77 and 93), to reduce the di- Mercurium, quos duos forte ob exilitatem non videamus, iisque sua tempora periodica ascripsi. Sic enim existimabam me aliquam aequal- itatem proportioniim effecturum, quae proportiones inter biuos versus Solem ordine minuerentur, versus fixas augescerent ; ut propior est Terra Veneri quantitate ori)is terrestris, quara Mars Terrse, in quanti- tate orbis Martis. Verum hoc pacto neque unius planetiB interpositio sufBciebat ingenti hiatu, Jovem inter et Martem: manebat enim major Jovis ad ilium novum proportio, quam est Saturni ad Jovem. Rursus alio modo exploravi." '' When this plan therefore failed, I tried to reach my aim in another way, of, I must confess, singular boldness. Between Jupiter and Mars I interposed a new planet, and another also between Venus and Mercury, both which it is possible are not visible on account of their minuteness, and I assigned to them their respective periods. For in this way I thought that I might in some degree equal- ize their ratios, which ratios regularly diminished toward the Sun, and enlarged toward the fixed stars, as the Earth is nearer to Venus than Mars is to the Earth. , But even in this way the interposition of one planet did not supply the great chasm between Jupiter and Mars, for the ratio between Jupiter and the supposed new planet still remained greater than between Saturn and Jupiter. Again. I tried in another way." Kepler was twenty-five years of age when he wrote this. It may be seen how his restless mind formed hypotheses, and again quick- ly forsook them, to deceive himself with others. He always retained a hopeful faith in being able to discover numerical laws where matter had aggregated under the manifold disturbances of attractive forces (disturbances whose combinations are incalculable, as are so many past events and formations on account of our ignorance of the accompanying conditions), aggregated into globes, revolving in orbits, sometimes sim pie and almost parallel, sometimes grouped together and surprisingly complicated. * [" You will not find new and unknown planets, as I said before ; that boldness I do not approve of; but you will find the old ones a little altered in position."] t {Plato's Wo'ks translated, vol. ii., Bohn'e Classical Libraiy."] THE PLAN.ETS. 113 mensions of the seven colors of the spectrum to the diatonio scale.* The hypothesis of yet unknown merahers of the planetary series calls to mind the opinion of Hellenic antiquity, that there were far more than five planets ; these were, indeed, all that had been observed, but many others might remain unseen, on account of the feebleness of their light and. their position. Such a doctrine was especially attributed to Arte- midorus of Ephesus.f Another old Hallenic, and perhaps even Egyptian belief, appears to have teen, that " the celes- tial bodies which we now see were not all visible in earlier times." Connected with such a physical, or, much rather, historical myth, is the remarkable form of the praise of a high antiquity which some races ascribed to themselves. Thus the pre-Hellenic Pelasgian inhabitants of Arcadia called themselves Proselenes, because they boasted that they came into the country before the Moon accompanied the Earth. i?re-Hellenic and pre-lunarian were synonymous. The appearance of a star was represented as a celestial event, as the Deucalionic flood was a terrestrial event. Apuleius (Apologia, vol. ii., p. 494, ed. Oudendorp ; Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 189, note) extends the flood as far as the Gatulean mount- ains of Northern Africa. Apollonius Rhodius, who, accord- ing to Alexandrian custom, was fond of imitating old models, speaks of the early colonization of the Egyptians in the val- * Newtoni Opuscula Mathematica, Philosophica et Philologica, 17 M, torn, ii., Opusc. xviii., p. 246: "Chordatn musice divisam potius adhi- bui, non tantum quod cum phaenominis (hicis) optime couvenit, sed quod fortasse, aliquid circa colorum harmonias (quarum pictores non penitus ignari sunt), sonorum concordantiis fortasse analogas, involvat. Quemadmodum verisimilius videbitur animadvertenti affitiitatem, qu® est inter extimam Purpuram (Violarura colorem) ac Rubedinem, colo- rum extremitates, qualis inter octavae terminos (qui pro unisonis quo- dammodo haberi possunt) reperitur." " I preferred employing the di- visions of the musical chord, not only because they harmonize best with the phenomena [of light], but because it is possible there may be some latent analogy between the harmonies of .colors (with which painters are not altogether unacquainted) and the concords of sounds. This will appear more probable to any one who shall notice the similarity of relations between violet and red, the extreme colors [on the spec- trum], and the highest and lowest notes of the octave, which somehow may be considered as in unison." — Compare also Prevost in the MSm. de VAcad, de Berlin for 1802, p. 77 and 93. t Seneca, Nat. Qucest. VII., 13 : " Non has tantum Stellas quinque discurrere, sed solas observatas esse : ceterum innumerabiles ferri per occultum." " Not that these five stars only moved, but that they only had been observed, for a countless number are borne along beyond the reach of vision." 114 rosMos. 'ey of the Nile : " the stars did not yet revolve in the heavens ; nor ha(?. the Danaides yet appeared, or the race of Deucalion."^ * Since the explanations which Heyne has given of the origin of the astronomical myth of the Proselenes, so widely diffused in antiquity (Pg Arcadibus Luna Antiquioribus, in Opusc. Acad., vol. ii., p. 332), were msatisfactory to me, I was greatly rejoiced to receive from my acute philological friend, Professor Johannes Franz, a new and very happy dolution of this much-debated problem, by simple combinations of ideas. This solution is unconnected with either the arrangement of the calen* dar by the Arcadians, or their worship of the Moon. I restrict myself here to an extract from an unpublished and more extended work. This explanation will not be unwelcome to some of my readers in a work hi which I have made a rule frequently to trace back the whole of our present knowledge to the knowledge of the ancients, and even to tra- iitions believed generally or by very many. " We shall commence with a few of the principal passages from the undents which treat of the Proselenes. Stephanus of Byzantium (v. Ap/cdf) mentions the logographs of Hippys of Rhegium, a cotemporary of Darius and Xerxes, as the first who called the Arcadians ■Kpoailr]' ■fovg. The scholiasts {ad Apollon. Rhod. IV., 264, and ad Aristoph., Nub., 397) agree in saying, the remote antiquity of the Arcadians be- comes most clear from the fact of their being called npoaeXrivoi. They appear to have been there before the Moon, as Eudoxus and Theodorus ■ilso say ; the latter adds that it was shortly before the labors of Her- cules that the Moon appeared. In the government of the Tegeates, Aristotle states that the barbarians who inhabited Arcadia were driven jut by the later Arcadians before the Moon appeared, and therefore :hey were called -Kpoailrivoi. Others say, Endymion discovered the revolution of the Moon ; but, as he was an Arcadian, his countrymen ivere called after him irpoceXTjvoi. Lucian expresses himself slighting- ly. (Astrolog., 26.) According to him, it was from stupidity and folly that the Arcadians said they were there before the Moon. In the Schol. udj^lschyl., Prom., 436, it is observed, that TrpoaeXovfxevov is called v6pi- \6fiEvov, whence, therefore, the Arcadians were called TrpoaeTirjvoi, be- cause they are arrogant. The passages in Ovid as to the existence of the Arcadians before the Moon are universally known. Recently, in- deed, the idea has sprung up that all the ancients were deceived by ahe form TrpoaeTiijvoi, and that the word (properly irpoiXXijvoi) meant only pre-Hellenic, as Arcadia certainly was a Pelasgian country. "If, now, it can be proved," continues Professor Franz, " that an- other people connected their origin with another cosmical body, the irouble of taking refuge in deceptive etymological explanations will be obviated. This kind of testimony exists in the njost suitable form. The learned rhetorician Menander says literally in his work, De Econ- omOs (sec. ii., cap. 3, ed. Heeren), as follows: 'A third motive for the ^iraise of objects is the time ; this is the case in all the most ancient na- tions : when we say of a town or of a country it was founded before this or that star, or with those stars, before the flood or after the flood •—as the Athenians affirm they originated at the same time as the Sun, Ike Arcadians before the Moon, the Delphiahs immediately after the 3ood-^— these are epochs, and, as it were, starting-points in time.' " Therefore Delphi, the connection of which with the flood of Deu- oalion is otherwise prove 1 (Pausan., x., 6), is surpassed by Arcadia, tnd Arcadia by Athens. ApcUonius Rhodius, who was so fond of imi THE PLANETS. 115 This important passage explains the praise of the Pelasgian Arcadia. I conclude these considerations respecting the distances of the planets, and their arrangement in space, with a law, which, however, scarcely deserves this name, and which is called by Lalande and Delambre a play of numbers; by oth- ers, a help for the memory. It has greatly occupied our la- borious Bode, especially at the time that Piazzi discovered Oeres : a circumstance, however, which was in no way occa- sioned by that so-called law, but rather by a misprint in Wol- iiston's Catalogue of the Stars. If any one is inclined to consider that discovery as the fulfillment of a prediction, it must not be forgotten that the latter, as we have already pointed out, extends back as far as Kepler, or more than a century and a half beyond Titius and Bode. Although the Berlin astronomer had already distinctly declared, in the sec- ond edition of his popular and extremely useful Anleitung tating old models, expresses himself quite in accordance with this pas- sage where he says (iv., 261), Egypt is said to have been inhabited be- fore all other countries ; ' the stars did not yet all revolve in the heavens; the Danaides had not yet appeared, nor the race of Deucalion ; the Ar- cadians alone existed ; those of whom it is said that they lived before the Moon, eating acorns upon the mountains.' In the same manner, Nonnus (xli.) says of the Syrian Bero6 that it was inhabited before the time of the Sun. " Such a habit of deriving determinations of time from epochs in the formation of the world is an offspring of the speculative period, in which all objects have still more vitality, and is most closely allied to the gen- ealogical local poetry ; so that it is not improbable that the tradition sung by an Arcadian poet of the battle of the giants in Arcadia, to which the above-quoted words of old Theodorus (whom some consider to be a Samothracian, and whose work must have been very comprehensive"* refer, may have given occasion to the general application of the epitnet TT-poaiTirjvoi to the Arcadians." With regard to the double names 'Ar- kades Pelasgoi,' and the opposition of a more ancient or recent peopling of Arcadia, compare the excellent work Der Peloponnesos, by Ernst Curtius, 1851, p. 160 and 180. In the New Continent, also, there is, as I have already shown in another place (see my Kleinen Schrifien, bd. i., p. 115), upon the elevated plain of Bogota, the race of JVIuyscas or Mozcas, who in their historical myths boast of a proselenic antiquity. The origin of the Moon is connected with the tradition of a great flood, which a woman who accompanied the miracle-worker Botschika had caused by her magical arts. Botschika drove away the woman (called Huythaca or Schia). She left the Earth, and became the Moon, " which until then had never shone upon the Muyscas." Botschika, pitying the human race, opened a steep rocky wall near Canoas, where the Rio de Tunzha now ruslies down, forming the famous waterfall Tequendama. The valley, filled with water, was then laid dry— a geognostic romance which occurs repeatedly : for example, in the closed Alpine valley of Cashmir, where the mighty drainer is called Kasyapa. 116 COSMOS. ZUT Kenntniss des gestirnten Himmels, that " he had taken the law of the distances from a translation of Bonnet's Con- templation de la Nature, prepared by Professor Titius at "Wittenberg," still it has generally borne his name, and sel- dom that of Professor Titius. In a note which the latter add- ed to the chapter on the System of the Universe,*" he says, *' When the distances of the planets are examined, it is found that they are almost all removed from each other by distances which are in the same proportion as their magnitudes in- crease. If the distance from Saturn to the Sun is taken as 100 parts, the distance of Mercury from the Sun is 4 such parts, that of Venus 4 + 3 = 7 such parts, the Earth 4 + 6 = 10, Mars 4+12 = 16. But from Mars to Jupiter there is a de- viation from this accurate (!) progression. Mars is foUowM by a space of 4 + 24 = 28 such parts, in which neither a prin- cipal planet nor a subordinate planet has yet been seen. Is it possible that the Creator should have left this space empty ? It can not be doubted that this space belongs to yet undis- covered satellites of Mars ; or that perhaps even Jupiter has further satellites around him, which have not hitherto been seen by any telescope. In this space (unknown to us as re- gards its contents) Jupiter's circle of action extends to 4 + 48 = 52. Then follows Saturn in 4 + 96 = 100 parts — an ad- mirable proportion." Titius was therefore inclined to consid- er the space between Mars and Jupiter as containing, not one, but, as is actually the case, several cosmical bodies ; how- ever, he conjectured that they were more likely to be subor^ dinate than principal planets. Hov/ the translator and commentator of Bonnet obtained the number 4 for the orbit of Mercury, is nowhere stated. Perhaps he selected it only in order to have in combination with the easily divisible numbers 96, 48, 24, &c., exactly 100 for Saturn, at that time the most distant planet known, whose distance is 9-5, thus very nearly =100. It is less probable that he constructed the order of succession by commencing from the nearer planets. ' A sufficient correspondence of the law of duplication, setting out, not from the Sun, but from Mercury, with the true planetary distances, could not have been affirmed in the last century, as the latter were known * Karl Bonnet, Betrachtnng uber die Natur, translated by Titius, sec- ond edition, 1772, p. vii., note 2 (the first edition appeared in 1766). In Bonnet's original work no such law is noticed. (Compare also Bode, Anleit. zur Kenntniss des gsslirnten Himmels, second edition, 1772, p 462.) THE PLANETS. 117 at that time with sufficient accuracy for this purpose. In reahty, the distances between Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus ap- proximate very closely to the duplication ; nevertheless, since the discovery of Neptune, v/hich is much too near to Uranus, the defectiveness in the progression has become strikingly ev- ident.* "What is called the law of Wurm of Leonberg, and some- times distinguished from the law of Titius and Bode, is mere- ly a correction' which Wurm made as to the distance of Mer- cury from the Sun, and the difference between the distances of Mercury and Venus. Approximating nearer to the fact, he fixes the former as 387, the latter 680, and the distance of the Earth 1000. f Gauss had already, on the occasion of * Since, according to Titius, the distance from the Sun to Saturn, then the outermost planet, is taken as =100, the individual distances should be, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Small planets, Jupiter, 4 7 10 _1_6_ _2 8 _5 2 107 iWo 100 100 iFO" loir according to the so-called progression : 4, 4+3, 4+6, 4+12, 4+24, 4+48 ; consequently, when the distance of Saturn from the Sun is taken as 789-2 million geographical miles, those of the other planets, expressed in the 'same measure, are.: Distances, according to Titius, in Geographical Miles. Actual Distance in Geographical Miles. 32-0 millions. 600 82-8 126-0 220-8 430-0 789-2 1586-8 2484-8 Mercury 31'6 millions. Venus 55-2 Earth 78-8 Mars 126-0 Smallplanets 2208 " Jupiter 410 4 " Saturn 789-2 Uranus 1586-8 " Neptune. ..3062-0 t Wurm, in Bode^s Astron. Jakrbnch for the year 1790, 'p. 168; and Bode, Von dem neuen zwischen Mars und Jupiter entdeckten achten Hauptplaneten des Sonnensystems, 1802, p. 45. With the numerical cor- rection of Wurm, the series, according to the distances from the Sun, is : Mercury 387 Parts. Venus 387+ 293= 680. Earth 387+ 2-293= 973. Mars 387-f 4-293= 1559. Smallplanets 387-1- 8-293= 2731. Jupiter 387+ 16-293= 5075. Saturn 387-f 32-293= 9763. Uranus 387+ 64293=19139. Neptune 387+128-293=37891. In order' that the degree of accuracy of these results may be tested, the actual mean distances of the planets are given in the next table, as they are acknowledged at the present time with the addition of the 118 COSMOS. the discovery of Pallas by Olbers, aptly criticised the so- called law of distances in a letter to Zach (October, 1802). ** The statement of Titius," says he, " contrary to the nature of all truths which merit the name of laws, agrees only ap- proximatively with observed facts in the case of most plan- ets, and, what does not appear to have been once observed, not at all in the case of Mercury. It is evident that the series 4, 4+3, 4 + 6, 4+12, 4+48, 4+96, 4+192, with which the distances should correspond, is not a continu ous series at all. The member which precedes 4 + 3 should not be 4 ; i. e., 4+0, but 4 + 1|-. Therefore, between 4 and 4 + 3, there should be an infinite number ; or, as "Wurm ex- presses it, for ^=1, there is obtained from 4 + 2"~^.3, not 4, but 5i. Otherwise, the attempt to discover such approxi- mative similarities in nature is by no means to be censured." 5. Masses of the Planets. — These elements are determined by satellites when there are any, by the mutual disturbances of the principal planets among each other, or by the influence of a comet of brief revolution. In this way the hitherto un- known mass of Mercury was determined by Encke in 1841, by the disturbances which his comet suffered. The same comet offers a prospect of a future improvement in the esti- mation of the mass of Venus. The disturbances of Vesta aie applied to Jupiter. The mass of the Sun being taken as unity, those of the planets are (according to Encke, vierte Abhandlung uher den.Cometen von Pons in den Schriften der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften for 1842, p. 5) : Mercury TJe Kit Venus 47T8 3 9 Earth 3 5 9S5T numbers which Kepler considered, in accordance with the Tychonio system, to be the true ones. I quote the latter from Newton's work l)e Mundi Systemate (Opuscula Math. Philos. et Philol., 1744, torn, ii., p22): Planets. Actual Distances. Kepler's Results. Mercury . ... -..-. 0-38709 0-72333 1-00000 1-52369 2-66870 5-20277 9-53885 19-18239 30-03628 0-38806 0-72400 1-00000 1-52350 5-19650 9-51000 Venus ............ . Earth Mars ... .... .... .... .... Juno ................ Jupiter .. ........ .... Saturn .. ................ Uranus . ............... Neptune ... ... ..... THE PLANETS. 119 (Earth and Moon together Mars ; Jupiter and his satellites . Saturn ,. Uranus Neptune 311*99) 2680 33^ ToTT •87^ 35^ TF 24| OS The mass which Le Yerrier found, by means of his sagacious calculations, before the actual discovery of Neptune by Galle, is greater, although remarkably near to the truth. The arrangement of the principal planets, according to their increasing masses, is, when leaving out the small ones, the following : Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter ; thus, like the volumes and densities, entirely different from the order of succession of the distances from the central body. 6. Densities of the Planets. — By applying the above quot- ed volumes and masses, the following numerical relations are obtained for the densities of the planets (according as the eirth or water is taken as unity) : Planets. Relation to the Relation to the Earth. density of Water. 1-234 6-71 0-940 5-11 1-000 5-44 0-958 5-21 0-243 1-32 0-140 0-76 0-178 0-97 0-230 1-25 Mercury. Venus . . . Earth . . . Mars Jupiter . . Saturn .. Uranus . . Neptune . In the comparison of the density of the planets with water, the density of the Earth serves as a basis. Reich's experi- ments, made in Freiberg with the torsion balance, gave 5-4383 : very nearly the same as the analogous experiments of Cavendish, which, according to the more accurate calcula- tions of Francis Baily, gave 5448. The result of Baily's own experiments is 5*660. It will be seen from the above table that Mercury, according to Encke's determination of mass, comes very near to the other planets of medium mag- nitude. This table calls to mind forcibly the classification, several times mentioned by me, of the planets into two groups, which are separated from each other by the zone of the small plan 120 COSMOS. ets. The differences of density which are presented by Mars, Venus, the Earth, and even Mercury, are very slight ; almost equally similar among each other, but from 4 to 7 times less dense than the former group, are the planets more distant from the Sun — Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn. The density of the Sun (0-252, if the Earth is taken as I'OOO ; therefore, in reference to water, 1'37) is but little more than the densities of Jupiter and Neptune. Consequently, the planets and the Sun^ must be arranged, according to their increasing density, in the following order : Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Mars, Earth, Mercury. Although, upon the whole, the densest planets are nearer to the Sun, still, when they are considered individually, their density is by no means proportional to the distances, as New- ton was inclined to assume. f 7. Periods of Sidereal Revolution and Axial Rotation. — We shall confine ourselves here to giving the sidereal, or true periods of revolution of the planets in reference to the fixed stars, or a fixed point of the heavens. ■ During such a revolution, a planet passes through exactly 360 degrees in its course round the Sun. The sidereal revolutions of the plan- ets must be clearly distinguished from the tropical and synodic, the former of which refer to the return to the spring equinox, the latter to the difference of time between two consecutive conjunctions or oppositions. * The Sun (which Kepler considered to be magnetic, probably from 3nthusiastic admiration for the divina inventa of his justly famous co temporary, William Gilbert, and whose rotation in the same direction as the planets he maintained long before the Sun-spots were discovered) Kepler declares, in his Comment, de moiibzis Stellce Martia (cap. 23), and in Astronomice pars Optica (cap. 6), to be " the densest of all cosmical bodies, because it moves all the others which belong to his system." t Newton, De Mundi Systemate, in Opusculis, tom. ii., p. 17 : " Cor- pora Veneris et Merturii majore Solis calore magis concocta et coagu- lata sunt. Planetae ulteriores, defectu caloris, carent substantiis illis metallicis Qt mineris ponderosis quibus Terra referta est. Densiora cor- pora qu8B Soli propiora : ea ratione constabit optime pondera Planeta- rum omnium esse inter se ut vires." " The bodies of Venus and Mer- cuiy are more ripened and condensed on account of the greater heat of the Sun. The more remote planets, by want of heat, are deficient in those metallic substances and weighty minerals with which the Earth abounds. Bodies are denser in proportion to their nearness to the Sun , from which reason it will easily appear that the weight c fall planets is in proportion to their forces." THE PLANETS. 121 Planets. Periods of sidereal Revolutions, Rotation. 87'i-96928 224-70078 365-25637 686-97964 4332-58480 10759-21981 30686-82051 60126-70000 d. h. m. 8. 0 23 56 4 1 0 37 20 0 9 55 27 0 10 29 17 Earth Mars Jupiter .............. Saturn ............... Uranus ... .... .... .... Neptune ... ........ lyh. 30"> 41 20 2 7 23 16 32 19 41 36 17 0 0 In another more perspicuous form the two periods of revo- lution are : Mercuiy 87'^- 23'^- 15"^ 47"- Venus 224 16 49 7 Earth 365 ' 6 9 10 -7496 whence it follows that the period of the tropical revolution, or the length of the solar year, is 365''-24222, or 365d. 5h. 48m. 47"* 80 91 ; the length of the solar year is shortened 0"'595 in 100 years' on account of the precession of the equi- noxes : Mars 1 year, 321'^- Jupiter 11 years, 314 Saturn 29 years, 166 Uranus 84 years, 5 Neptune 164 years, 225 The rotation is most rapid in the case of the exterior planets, which have, at the same time, a longer period of revolution ; slower in the case of the smaller interior planets, which are nearer to the Sun. The periods of revolution of the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter are very various, and will be spoken of in the enumeration of the individual planets. It is there- fore sufficient, in this place, to give a comparative result, and to observe that among the small planets Hygeia has the lon- gest, and Flora the shortest period of revolution. 8. Inclination of the Planetary Orbits and Axes of Ro- tation.— Next to the masses of the planets, the inclination and eccentricity of their orbits are among the most important elements upon which the disturbances depend. The compar- ison of these, in the order of succession of the interior, small intermediate and exterior planets (from Mercury to Mars, from Flora to Hygeia, from Jupiter to Neptune), presents manifold similarities and contrasts, which lead to considerations as to the formation of these cosmical bodies, and their changes dur Vol. IV.— F 122 COSMOS. ing long periods of time. The planets revolving in such va- rious elliptical orbits are also all situated in diflerent planes. In order to render a numerical comparison possible, they are reduced to a fundamental plane, either fixed or movable, ac- cording to certain laws. As such, the most convenient is the ecliptic — the course which the Earth actually traverses — or the equator of the terrestrial spheroid. "We add to the same table the inclinations of the axes of rotation of the planets toward their own orbits, so far as they are determined with any certainty. Planets. Inclination of the Planetary Orbits to the Ecliptic. Inclination of the Planetary Orbits to the Earth's Equator. Inclination of the axes of the Plan- ets to their Orb- its. Mercury Venus ...... 7° 0' 5"-9 3° 23' 28"'5 0° 0' 0" 1° 51' 6"-2 1° 18' 51"-6 2° 29' 35"-9 0° 46' 28"'0 lo 47/ 0" 28° 45' 8" 24° 33' 21" 230 27' 54"-8 240 44' 24" 23° 18' 28" 22° 38' 14" 23° 41' 24" 22° 21' 0" 66° 32' 61° 18' 86° 54' Earth Mars Jupiter . Saturn Uranus Neptune The small planets are omitted here, because they will be treated of further on as a separate distinct group. If thd planet Mercury, situated near the Sun, and the inclination of whose axis toward the ecliptic (7° 0' 5"* 9) approaches very near to that of the solar equator (7° 30'), the inclinations of the other seven planets will be seen to oscillate between 0|° and 3|-°. Jupiter exhibits, in the position of the axis of rotation with reference to its own orbit, the closest approxi- mation to the extreme of perpendicularity. On the contrary, the axis of rotation of Uranus, to conclude from the inclina- tion of the orbits of its satellites, very nearly coincides with the plane of the planet's orbit. Since the division and duration of the seasons, the solar al- titudes under various latitudes, and the length of the days, depend upon the amount of the inclination of the Earth's axis toward the plane of its orbit, as well as upon the obliquity of the ecliptic {i.e., upon the angle which the apparent course of the Sun makes with the equator at their point of intersec- tion), this element is of the most extreme importance as re- gards the astronomical climate, i.e., the temperature of the Earth, in as far as this is a function of the meridian altitude attained by the Sun and the duration of its continuance above the horizon. If the obliquity of the ecliptic were great, or THE PLANETS. 123 if, indeed, the Earth's equator were perpendicular to the Earth's orbit, at each part of its surface, even under the poles, the Sun would be in the zenith once in the year, and for a greater or less time, neither rise nor set. The differ- ences of summer and winter under each latitude (as well as the length of the day) would obtain the maximum of opposi- tion. The climates in each part of the Earth would belong, in the highest degree, to those which are called extreme, and which an interminably complicated series of rapidly-changing currents of air could only slightly equalize. If the reverse were the case, or the obliquity of the ecliptic null, if the Earth's equator coincided with the ecliptic, the differences of the seasons and in the length of the days would cease every where, because the Sun would continually appear to move in the equator. The inhabitants of the poles would see it per- petually at the horizon. " The mean annual temperature of each point of the Earth's surface would also be that of each individual day."^ This condition has been called an eternal spring, although, however, only on account of the universally equal length of the days and nights. As the growth of plants would be deprived of the stimulating action of the Sun's heat, a great part of those districts which we now call temperate zones would be reduced to the almost always uni- form and not very agreeable spring climate, from which I suffered much under the equator, upon the barren mountain plains (Paramosf) between 10,659 and 12,837 feet above the level of the sea, situated near the boundary of perpetual snow in the Andes chain. The temperature of the air during the day oscillates there between 4^° and 9° Reaum. (42° and 520-25 Fahr.). Grecian antiquity was much occupied with the obliquity of the ecliptic, with rough measurements, conjectures as to its variability, and the influence of the inclination of the Earth's axis upon climate, and the luxuriance of organic development. These speculations belonged especially to Anaxagoras, the Pythagorean school, and to (Enopides of Chios. The pas- sages which give us any information on this point are scanty and indecisive ; however, they show that the development of organic life and the origin of animals were considered to have been simultaneous with the epoch in which the axis of the Earth first commenced to be inclined, which also altered thg * Madler, Astronomic, § 193. t Humboldt, De Distributione GeograpTiica Plantarum,^. 104. ( View$ cf Nature, p. 220 to 223, Bohn's edition.) 124 COSMOS. inhabitability of the planet in particular zones. According to Plutarch, De Plac. Philos., ii., 8, Anaxagoras believed •' that the world, after it had come into existence and pro* duced from its womb living beings, had of itself inclined to- ward the south." In the same regard, Diogenes Laertius says of the Clazomenier, " the stars had originally projected themselves in a dome-like layer, so that the pole appearing at any time was vertically over the Earth ; but that after- ward they assumed an oblique direction." The origin of the obliquity of the ecliptic was considered as a cosmical event. There was no question respecting a subsequent progressive alteration. The description of the two extreme, therefore opposite, con ditions to which the planets Uranus and Jupiter approximate most closely, is suited to call to mind the variations which the increasing or decreasing obliquity of the ecliptic would pro- duce in the meteorological relations of our planet, if these va- riations were not comprised within very narrow limits. The knowledge of these limits, the subject of the great works of Leonhard Euler, Lagrange, and Laplace, may be called one of the most brilliant achievements of modern times in theo- retical astronomy and the perfected higher analysis. These limits are so narrow, that Laplace {Expos, du Systeme du Monde, ed. 1824, p. 303) puts forward the opinion that the obhquity of the ecliptic oscillates about its mean position only 1^° toward both sides. According to this statement,^ the tropical zone (the tropic of Cancer, as its northernmost and outermost boundary) would approach only so much nearer to us. The result would therefore be, if the numerous other meteorological perturbations are omitted, as if Berlin were gradually displaced from it present isothermal line to that of Prague. The elevation of the mean annual temperature would scarcely amount to more than one degree of the cen- tigrade {j\ of a degree of Fahrenheit's) thermometer.! Biot, * " L'etendue entiere de cette variation serait d'environ 12 dcgres, mais I'action du Soleil et de la Lune la reduit k peu pres k trois degr^s (ceut^simaux)." " The entire extent of that variation would be about 12^, but the action of the Sun and Moon reduce it to very nearly 3*^ (centesimal)." — Laplace, Expos, du Syst. du Monde, p. 303. t I have shown in another place, by comparison of numerous mean annual temperatures, that in Europe, from the North Cape to Palermo, the difference of one degree of geographical latitude very nearly cor- responds to 0-5° of the centigrade thermometer, but in the western temperature-system of America (between Boston and Charlestown) to 0-9O. {Asie Centrale, tom. iii., p. 229.) THE PLANETS. 125 indeed, also assumes only narrow limits for the alternating variation in the obliquity of the ecliptic, but considers it more advisable not to assign to it a determinate number. " La diminution lente et seculaire de I'obliquite de I'eclip- tique," says he, " ofire des etats alternatifs qui produisent une oscillation eternelle, comprise entre dea limites fixes. La theorie n'a pas encore pu parvenir a determiner cea limites ; inais d'apres la constitution du systeme planetaire, elle a de- montre qu'elles existent et qu'elles sent tres 2^€U etendues Ainsi, a ne considerer que le seul effet des causes constantes qui agissent actuellement sur le systeme du monde, on peut affirmer que le plan de I'ecliptique n^ a jamais coincide et ne coincidera jamais avec le plan de I'equateur, phenomene qui, s'il arrivait, produirait sur le Terre le (pretendu !) printemps perpetuel."=^ — Biot, Traite d' Astronomic Physique, 3d ed., 1847, tom. iv., p. 91. While the nutation of the Earth's axis discovered by Brad- ley depends merely upon the influence of the Sun and the Earth's satellite upon the oblate figure of our planet, the in- crease and decrease in the obliquity of the ecliptic is the con- sequence of the variable position of all the planets. At the present time, these are so situated that their united influence upon the Earth's orbit produces a diminution in the obliquity of the ecliptic. This obliquity amounts, according to Bessel, to 0"-457 annually. At the end of many thousand years, the situation of the planetary orbits and their nodes (their points of intersection with the ecliptic) will be so different, that the advance of the equinoxes will be converted into a retrogres- sion, and consequently an increase in the obliquity of the eclip- tic. Theory teaches us that these increases and diminutions occupy periods of very unequal duration. The most ancient astronomical observations which have come down to us, with accurate numerical data, reach back to the year 1104 before Christ, and testify to the extreme antiquity of Chinese civil- ization. The literary remains are scarcely a century more * "The slight and secular variation of the obliqaity of the ecliptic presents alternating states, which produce an eternal oscillation com- prised within fixed limits. Theory has not been able to determine those limits ; but, according to the constitution of the planetary system, it has been proved that they exist, and that they are of very slight ex* tent. Thus, to consider only the effect of the permanent causes which act upon the system of the world, it may be affirmed that the plane of the ecliptic never has and never icill coincide with the plane of the equator, a phenomenon which, if it took place, would produce upon the Earth the (pretended !) eternal spring. 12C COSMOS. recent, and a regulated calculation of time extends (accord- ing to Edward Biot) as far back as 2700 years before Christ.* Under the reign of Tscheu-Kung, the brother of Wu-Wang, the meridian shadows were measured in two solstices, upon an eight-foot gnomon, in the town of Layang, south of the Yellow River (the town is now called Ho-nan-fu, and is in the province of Ho-nan), in a latitude of 34° 46'. f These measurements gave the obliquity of the ecliptic as 23° 54' ; that is, 27' greater than it was in 1850. The observations of Pytheas and Eratosthenes at Marseilles and Alexandria are six and seven centuries later. We possess the results of four observations of the obliquity of the ecliptic previous to our era, and seven subsequent, up to Ulugh Beg's observations at the observatory of Samarcand. The theory of Laplace corresponds sometimes in plus, sometimes in minus, in an admirable man- ner with the observations made during a period of nearly 3000 years. The knowledge transmitted to us of Tscheu-Kung's measurement cf the shadow-length is so much the more for- tunate, as the manuscript which mentions it escaped, from some unknown cause, the fanatical destruction of books com- manded by the Emperor Schi-hoang-ti of the Tsin dynasty, in the year 246 before Christ. Since the commencement of the fourth Egyptian dynasty with the Kings Chufu, Schafra, and Menkera — the builders of the Pyramids — falls, according to Lepsius, twenty-three centuries before the solstitial observa- tion at Layang, it is indeed very probable, from the high de- gree of civilization of the Egyptian people and their early regulation of a calendar, that even at that time the length of shadows had been measured in the valley of the Nile ; but no knowledge of this has come down to us. Even the Peru- vians, although less advanced in the perfection of calendars and intercalations than the Muyscas (mountain inhabitants of New Granada) and the Mexicans were, possessed gno- mons, surrounded by a circle marked upon a very level sur- face. They stood in several parts of the empire, as well as in the great temple of the Sun at Cuzco ; the gnomon at Q/Uito, situated almost under the equator, was held in great- er veneration than the others, and crowned with flowers upon the equinoctial feasts. $ * Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 114, 115, and notes. t Laplace, Expos, du Systeme du Monde, 5th ed., p. 303, 345, 403, 406, and 408 ; the same in the Connaissance des Temps for 1811, p. 386 Biot, Traits Elem. d'Astron. Physique, torn, i., p. 61 ; torn, iv., p. 90-99 and 614-623. X Garcilaso, Comment. Reales, part i. lib. ii., cap. 22-25 ; Prescott THE PLANETS. 127 9. Eccentricity of the Planetary Orbits. — The form of the elliptical orbits is determined by the greater or less dis- tance of the two foci from the center of the ellipse. This distance, or the eccentricity of the planetary orbits expressed in fractional parts of their half major axes, varies from 0006 in the orbit of Venus (consequently very near the circular form), and 0-076 in that of Ceres, to 0205 and 0255 in those of Mercury and Juno. Next in succession to the least eccentric orbits of Venus and Neptune follows that of the Earth, whose eccentricity is now decreasing at the rate of about 0-00004299 in 100 years, while the minor axis in- creases ; then come the orbits of Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Ceres, Egeria, Vesta, and Mars. The most eccentric orbits are those of Juno (0-255), Pallas (0-239), Iris (0-232), Vic- toria (0-217), Mercury (0-205), and Hebe (0-202). The ec- centricity is on the increase in the orbits of some planets, as Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter ; on the decrease in those of others, as Venus, the Earth, Saturn, and Uranus. The fol lowing table gives the eccentricities of the large planets for the year 1800, according to Hansen. The eccentricities of the fourteen small planets will be given subsequently, to- gether with other elements of their orbits for the middle of the nineteenth century. Hist, of the Conquest of Peru, vol, i., p. 126. The Mexicans possessed among their twenty hieroglyphical signs of the days, one held in espe- cial veneration, called OllintonatiuTi, that of the four movements of the Sun, which governed the great cycle, renewed every 52=:r4 X 13 years, and referred to the course of the Sun intersecting the solstices and equi- noxes, and hieroglyphically expressed hy foot-steps. In the beautiful- ly-painted illuminated Aztec manuscript, which was formerly preserved in the villa of Cardinal Borgia at Veletri, and from which I derived much important information, there is the remarkable astrological sign of a cross. The day-signs, which are written on the margin by its side, would perfectly represent the passage of the Sun through the zenith of the town of Mexico (Tenochtitlan), the equator, and the solstitial points, if the points (round disks), added to the day-signs on account of the periodic series, were equally complete in all three passages of the Sun. (Humboldt, Vues des Cordiliires, pi. xxxvii., No. 8, p. 164, 189, and 237.) The King of Tezcuco, Nezahualpilli (called a fast child, because his fa- ther fasted for a long time previously to the birth of the wished-for son), who was passionately given to astronomical observations, erected a building which Torquemada rather ventui'ously calls an observatory, and the ruins of which he saw. (Monarquia Indiana, lib. ii., cap, 64.) In the Raccolta di Mendoza, we find a priest represented ( Vuet de» Cordilleres, pi. Iviii., No. 8, p. 289), who is watching the stars, which is expressed by a dotted line which passes from the observed star to hia eye. 12S COSMOS. Mercury 0-2056163 Venus 0-0068618 Earth 0-0167922 Mars 0-0932166 Jupitei 0-0481621 Saturn 0-0561505 Uranus 0-0466108 Neptune 0-00871946 The motion of the major axis {line of apsides) of the planetary orbits, by which the place of the perihelion is changed, is a motion which goes on perpetually in one di- rection, and proportionally to the time. It is a change in the position of the major axis, which requires more than a hundred thousand years to complete its cycle, and is to be distinguished as essentially different from those alterations which the planetary orbits undergo in their ybrm — their el- lipticity. The question has been raised as to whether the increasing value of this ellipticity is capable, during thou- sands of years, of modifying, to any considerable extent, the temperature of the Earth, in reference to the daily and an- nual quantity and distribution of heat ? Whether a partial solution of the great geological problem of the imbedding of tropical vegetable and animal remains in the now cold zones may not be found, in these astronomical causes, proceeding regularly in accordance with eternal laws ? The same mathematical arguments which excite apprehensions as to the position of the apsides, the form of the elliptical planet ary orbits (according as these approach the circular form oi a cometary eccentricity), as to the inclination of the planet- ary axes, changes in the obliquity of the ecliptic, the influ- ence of precession upon the length of the year, also afford, in their higher analytical development, cosmical grounds for reassurance. The major axes and the masses are constant. Periodic recurrence hinders the unlimited augmentation of certain perturbations. In consequence of the mutual, and, at the same time, compensating influence of Jupiter and Sat- urn, the eccentricities of their orbits, in themselves slight, are alternately in a state of increase and decrease, and are also comprised within fixed, and, for the most part, narrow limits. The point in which the Earth is nearest to the Sun falls in very different periods of the year, in consequence of the al- teration in the position of the major axis.=^ If the perihelion falls at the present time on the first day of January, and the * John Herschol, on the Astronomical Causes which may injluenc9 Geological Phenomena, iu the Transact, of the Gcolog. Soc. of London 2d series, vol. iii., pi. i., p. 298; the same in lii? Treatise on Astnmomy 1833. (Cab. Cyclop., vol. xliii., $ SIS.') THE PLANETS. 129 aphelion six months afterward, upon the first day of July, it may happen, on account of the advance (turm7ig) of the major axis of the Earth's orbit, that the minimum may oc- cur m summer and the maximum in winter, so that in Jan- uary the Earth would be farther from the Sun than in the summer by about 2,800,000 geographical miles {i. e., about 3'^th of the mean distance of the Earth from the Sun). It might, at the first glance, be supposed that the occurrence of the perihelion at an opposite time of the year (instead of the winter, as is now the case, in summer) must necessarily produce great climatic variations ; but, on the above suppo- sition, the Sun will no longer remain seven days longer in the northern hemisphere ; no longer, as is now the case, traverse that part of the ecliptic from the autumnal equinox to the vernal equinox, in a space of time which is one week shorter than that in which it traverses the other half of its orbit from the vernal to the autumnal equinox. The differ- ence of temperature which is considered as the consequence to be apprehended from the turning of the major axis (and we refer here merely to the astronomical climates, excluding all considerations as to the relations of the solid and liquid portion of ihe many-formed surface of the Earth) will, on the whole, disappear,^ principally from the circumstance that the point of our planet's orbit in which it is nearest to the Sun is at the same time always that over which it passes with the greatest velocity. The reassuring solution of this problem is to a certain extent contained in the beautiful law first pointed out by Lambert,! according to which the quan- tity of heat which the Earth receives from the Sun in each part of the year is proportional to the angle which the radius vector of the Sun describes during the same period. * Arago, in the Annuaire for 1834, p. 199. t " II s'ensuit (du theoreme dA k Lambert) que la quantite de cha leur envoyee par le Soleil k la Terre est la merae en allant de r6qui noxe du prin temps k I'equinoxe d'automne qu'en revenant de celui-ci au premier. Le temps plus long que le Soleil emploie dans le premier trajet, est exactement compense par son eloignementaussiplus grand; et les qnantites de chaleur qu'il envoie k la Terre, sont les m^mes pen dant qu'il se trouv»dans I'un ou I'autre hemisphere, boreal ou austral." — Poisson, Sur la StabiliiS du Systeme Planitaire, Connaissance des 2'emps for 1836, p. 54. " It follows, from the theorem of Lambert, that tl:3 quantity of heat which is conveyed by the Sun to the Earth is the same during the passage from the vernal to the autumnal equinox as in returning from the latter to the former. The much longer time which the Sun takes in the first part of its course is exactly compensated by its proportionately greater distance, and the quantities of heat which F 2 130 COSMOS. As the altered position of the major axis is capable of ex- erting only a very slight influence upon the temperature of the Earth, so likewise the limits of the probable changes in the elliptical form of the Earth's orbit are, according to Arago and Poisson,* so narrow that these changes could only very slightly modify the climates of the individual zones, and that in very long periods. Although the analyses which determ- ine these limits accurately is not yet quite completed, still so much, at least, follows from it, that the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit will never equal those of the orbits of Juno, Pallas, and Victoria. 10. hitensity of the Light of the Sun upon the Planets. — If the intensity of light upon the Earth is taken as =1, it will be found to be upon the other planets as follows • Mercury .... 6-674 Venus 1-911 Mars 0-431 Pallas 0-130 Jupiter 0-036 Saturn 0-011 Uranus 0 003 Neptune . . . 0-001 In consequence of the very great eccentricity of their orb- its, the intensity of light on the following planets varies in Mercury, in perihelion, 10-58 ; in aphelion, 4-59 ; Mars " " 0-52; " " 0-36; Juno " " 0-25; " " 009; while the Earth, owing to the slight eccentricity of its orbits, has in perihelion 1-034, and in aphelion 0-967. If the sun light upon Mercury is seven times more intense than upon the Earth, it must also be 368 times more feeble upon Uranus. The relations of heat have not been mentioned here, because they are complicated phenomena, dependent upon the exist- ence or non-existence of an atmosphere surrounding the plan- it conveys to the Earth are the same while in the one hemisphere or the other, north or south." * Arago, op. cit., p. 300-204. " L'excentricite," says Poisson {op. cit., p. 38 and 52), "ayant toujours ete et devant toujours demeurer tres petite, I'influence des variations seculaires de la quantite de chaleur solaire re^ue par la'Terre sur la temperature moyenne parait aussi de- voir dtre tres limitee. On ne saurait admettre que l'excentricite de la Terre, qui est actuellement environ un soixantieme, ait jamais et6 ou devienne jamais un quart, comme celle de Junon ou de Pallas." "As the eccentricity alw^ays has been, and always will be, very small, the influence of the secular variations of the quantity of solar heat received by the Earth upon the mean temperature would appear also to be very limited. It can not be admitted that the eccentricity of the Earth, which is actually about ^^, has ever been, or ever will be \, as that of Juno or Pallas." THE PLANETS. 131^ ets, its constitution, and height. I will merely call to mind here the conjecture of Sir John Herschel, as to the temper- ature of the Moon's surface, " which must necessarily be very much heated — possibly to a degree much exceeding that cf boiling water." ^ b. SECONDARY PLANETS. The general cmnparative considerations relating to the secondary planets have already been 'given with some com- pleteness in the delineations of nature {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 94-98). At that time (March, 1845) there were only 11 principal and 18 secondary planets known. Of the asteroids so called telescopic, or small planets, only four were discov ered : Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Yesta. At the present time (August, 18-51), the number oi the principal planets exceeds that of the satellites. We are acquainted with 22 of the for mer and 21 of the latter. After an intermission of thirty- eight years in planetary discoveries (from 1807, to December, 1845), commenced a long series of ten new small planets, with Astrea, discovered by Hencke. Of these, two (Astrea and Hebe) were first detected by Hencke at Dries©n, four (Iris, Flora, Victoria, and Irene) by Hind in London, one (Me- tis) by Graham at Markree Castle, and three (Hygeia, Par- thenope, and Egeria) by De Gasparis at Naples. The dis- covery of the outermost of all the large planets, Neptune, an- nounced by Leverrier, and fpund by Galle at Berlin, followed ten months after Astrea. The discoveries now accumulate with such rapidity, that the topography of the solar regions appears, after the lapse of a few years, quite as antiquated as statistical descriptions of countries. Of the 21 satellites now known, one belongs to the Earth, four to Jupiter, eight to Saturn (the last discovered of these eight is, according to distance, the seventh, Hyperion ; discov- ered in two different places at the same time by Bond and Lassell), six to Uranus (of which the second and fourth are most positively determined), and two to JNTeptune. The satellites revolving round the principal planets con- stitute subordinate systems, in which the principal planets take the place of central bodies, forming individual regions of very different dimensions, in which the great solar region is, as it were, repeated in miniature. According to our pres- ent knowledge, the region of Jupiter is 208,000 geographical miles in diameter, and that of Saturn 4,200,000. In Galileo's * Outlines, $ 432. Jil32 COSMOS. time, when the expression of a small Jovial world {Mundus Jovialis) was frequently made use of, these analogies between the subordinate systems and the solar system contributed much to the more rapid and general diffusion of the Coper- nican system of the world. They suggest the repetitions of form and position which is so frequently presented by organic nature in subordinate spheres. The distribution of the satellites in the solar regions is so unequal, that while the proportion of the moonless principal planets to those which ,are accompanied by Moons is as 3 to 5, the latter belong, with the single exception of one, the Earth, to the exterior planetary groups, situated beyond the ring of the asteroids with interlacing orbits. The only satel lite which has been formed in the group of interior planets between the Sun and the asteroids, the Earth's Moon, has a remarkably large diameter in proportion to that of its pri- mary. This proportion is g'.g- ; while the largest of Saturn's satellites (the sixth. Titan) is perhaps only y^.j , and the larg- est of Jupiter's satellites, the third, ^ j.-g of the diameter of their primaries. A wide distinction must be drawn between this consideration of a relative magnitude and that of an ab- solute magnitude. The Earth's Moon, relatively so large (1816 miles in diameter), is absolutely smaller than all four of Jupiter's satellites (3104, 2654, 2116, and 1900 miles in diameter). The sixth satellite of Saturn differs very little in magnitude from Mars (3568 miles).* If the problem of tel- escopic visibility depended only upon the diameter, and was not, at the same time, determined by the proximity of the disks of the primaries, the great distance and the nature of the reflecting surfaces, it would be necessary to consider as the smallest of the secondary planets the first and second of Saturn's satellites (Mimas and Enceladus), and the two satel- lites of Uranus ; but it is safer to represent them merely as the smallest luminous points. It has hitherto appeared more certain fhat, upon the whole, the smallest of all planetary bodies (primaries and satellites) are to be found among the small planets. t The density of the satellites is by no means always less than that of their primaries, as is the case with the Earth's Moon (whose density is only 0619 of that of our Earth) and * Outlines, $ 548. t See Madler's attempt to estimate the diameter ofVesta (264 geo graphical miles) with a thousand-fold magnifying power in His Attrc wmie, p. 218. THE PLANETS. 13^ the third satellite of Jupiter. The densest of this group of satellites, the second, is even denser than Jupiter himself, while the third and largest appears to be oi equal density with the primary. The masses also do not increase in at all the same ratio as the distances. ' If the planets have been formed from revolving rings, then the greater or less dense aggregation round a nucleus must have been caused by pe- cuUar causes, which may, perhaps, always remain unknown to us. The orbits of the secondary planets which belong to the same group have very different degrees of eccentricity. In the Jovial system, the orbits of the first and second satellites are nearly circular, while the eccentricities of those of the third and fourth satellites amount to 0*0013 and 00072. In the Saturnian system, the orbit of the satellite nearest to the primary (Mimas) is considerably more eccentric than the orb- its of Enceladus and Titan, the largest and first discovered, whose orbit was so accurately determined by Bessel. The eccentricity of the orbit of the sixth satellite of Saturn is only 0-02922. According to all these data, which are among those that may be relied upon, Mimas only is more eccentric than the Earth's Moon (0-05484) ; the latter possesses the pecul- iarity that its orbit round the Earth has a greater eccentric- ity, in comparison with that of its primary, than any other satellite. Mimas revolves round Saturn in an orbit whose eccentricity is 0-068, while that of the orbit of its primary is 0-056 ; but the orbit of our Moon has an eccentricity of 0-054. while the eccentricity of that of the Earth is only 0-016. With regard to the distances of the satellites from their primaries, compare Cosmos, vol. i., p. 94-98. The distance of the sat- ellite nearest to Saturn (Mimas) is now no longer taken as 80,088 geographical miles, but as 102,400 ; whence its dis- tance from the ring, this being calculated as 24,188 miles broad, and at a distance of 18,376 miles from the surface of the planet, will be 28,000 miles. ^ Remarkable anomalies, together with a certain correspondence, are also presented in the position of the orbits of the satellites in the Jovial sys- tem, in which very nearly all the satellites move in the plane of the equator of their primary. In the group of Saturnian satellites, seven of them revolve almost in the plane of the ring, while the outermost (the eighth, Japetus) is inclined to- ward their plane 12° 14'. * In the earlier data (Cosmos, vol. i., p . 97) the equatorial rliametei was taken as a basis. ^34 COSMOS. In this general consideration of the planetary revolutions in the universe, we have descended from the higher — though probably not the highest* system — from that of the Sun to the subordinate partial systems of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In the same way that, from the striving to- ward generalization of views, which is innate in thoughtful, and, at the same time, imaginative men, the unsatisfied cos- mical presentiment of a translatory motionf of our solar sys- tem through space appears to suggest the idea of a higher relation and subordination, so the possibility has been con- ceived that the satellites of Jupiter may be again central bodies to other secondary ones, which, on account of their smallness, are unseen. In that case, the individual mem bers of the partial systems, which are chiefly situated among the group of exterior principal planets, would have other and similar partial systems subordinate to them. Repetitions of form in recurring organizations, as well as the self-created images of the fancy, are certainly pleasing to a systematic mind ; but in every serious investigation, it is imperatively necessary to distinguish between the ideal and the actual Cosmos — between the possible, and that which has been dis- covered by actual observation. SPECIAL ENUMERATION OF THE PLANETS AND THEIR MOONS, AS PARTS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. It is, as I have already often remarked, the especial object of a physical description of the ivorld to bring together all the important and well-established numerical results which have been obtained in the domain either of sidereal or ter restrial phenomena up to the middle of the nineteenth cen tury. All that has form and motion should here be repre sented as something already created, existing, and definite The grounds upon which the obtained numerical results ai founded ; the cosmological conjectures respecting genetic de velopment, which during thousands of years have been called into existence by the ever-changing conditions of mechanical and physical knowledge — these do not, in the strictest sense of the word, come within the range of empirical investiga- tion. {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 47-49, 71, and 83.) * Compare Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 196. t I have fully treated of the translatory motion of the Sun in the de- lineation of nature. {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 145-149. Compare also voL iii., p. 184.) THE SUN. The Sun. 13# Whatever relates to the dimensions, or to the present views as to the physical constitution of the central body, has been already given, [Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 59-88.) It only re- mains to add in this place some remarks, according to the most recent observations, upon the red figures and masses of red clouds, which were specially treated of at page 70. The important phenomena which the total eclipse of the Sun of July 28, 1851, presented in Eastern Europe, have still more strengthened the opinion put forward by Arago in 1842, that the red mountain, or cloud-like 'projectio7is upon the edge of the eclipsed Sun, belong to the outermost gaseous envelope of the central body.^ These projections became visible on the Moon's western edge as it proceeded in its motion toward the east {Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes for 1842, p. 457), and disappeared again when they were covered on the oppo- site by the eastern edge of the Moon. On a subsequent occasion, the intensity of the light of these projections became so considerable, that they could be per- ceived within the corona through telescopes, when veiled by ^heir clouds, and even with the naked eye. The form of some of the projections, which were mostly Yuby or peach-colored, changed with perceptible rapidity dur- ing the total obscuration ; one of these projections appeared to be curved at its summit, and presented to many observers the appearance of a freely-suspended detached cloud\ near the point, and resembling a column of smoke curved back at the top. The height of most of these projections was estimated at from 1' to 2' ; at one point it is said to have been more Besides these tap-formed projections, from three to five of which were counted, there were also observed ribbon-like streaks of a carmine color, extended lengthways, which ap- peared to rest upon the Moon, and were often serrated 4 * Cosmos, vol. iv,, p. 70, note % and $, and p. 79. t Compare the observations of the Swedish mathematician, Bigerus Vassenius, at Gottenburg, during the total eclipse of May 2, 1733, and the commentary upon them by Arago, in the Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes for 1846, p. 441 and 462. Dr. Galle, v^rho observed on the 28th of July at Frauenburg, saw " the freely-suspended cloud connect- ed with the curved, hook-formed gibbosity by three or more threads." t Compare what a very expert observer. Captain Berard, saw at Tou- lon upon the 8th of July, 1842. " II vit une bande rouge tres mince dentelee irr^guli^rement." {Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, p 416.) " He saw a very narrow red band irregularly serrated." ^136 COSMOS. That part of the Moon's edge which was not projected upon the Sun's disk again . became perceptibxe, especially during the egress.* A group of Sun-spots was visible, though some minutes distant from the edge of the Sun, where the largest red, hook-formed projection was developed. On the opposite side, not far from the feeble eastern projection, there was also a Sun-spot near the edge. It is scarcely possible that these funnel-shaped depressions can have furnished the material constituting the red gaseous exhalations, on account of the distance above mentioned ; but as the whole surface of the Sun appears to be covered with pores, perhaps the most probable conjecture is, that the same emanation of vapor and gas, which, rising from the body of the Sun, forms the fun- nels,! pours through these, which appear to us as Sun-spots * This outline of the Moon, clearly perceived by four observers dur ing the total eclipse of the Sun on the 8th of July, 1842, was never pre- viously described as having been seen during similar eclipses. The possibility of seeing an exterior outline appears to depend upon the light which is given by the third outermost envelope of the Sun and the ring of light (corona). " La Lune se projette en partie sur I'atmo- sphere du Soleil. Dans la portion de la lunette ou I'image de la Lune se forme, il n'y a que la lumiere provenant de I'atmosphere terrestre. La Lune ue fournit I'ien de sensible, et, semblable k un ecran, elle ar- rete tout ce qui provient de plus loin et lui correspond. En dehors de cette image, et preeisement k partir de son bord, le champ est eclaire a la fois par la lumidre de I'atmosphere terrestre et par la lumiire de V atmosphere solaire. Supposons que ces deux lumieres reunies ferment un total plus fort de ^ que la lumiere atmospherique terrestre, et, des ce moment, le bord de la Lune sera visible. Ce genre de vision pent prendre le nom de vision negative; c'est en effet par une moindre intensity de la portion du champ de la lunette ou existe I'image de la Lune, que le contour de cette image est aper9U. Si I'image etait plus intense que le reste du champ, la vision serait positive." — Arago, Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, p. 384. " The Moon is projected partially upon the at- mosphere of the Sun. In that portion of the telescope where the image of the Moon is formed, no other light enters except that of the terres- trial atmosphere. The Moon gives no sensible light, and, like a screen, it stops all that which comes frortj^ beyond and corresponds with it. Outside the image, and immediately round its edge, the field is lighted simultaneously by the light of the terrestrial atmosphere and by that of the solar atmosphere. If we suppose that these two lights collectively are -^-^ stronger than the light of the terrestrial atmosphere, the Moon's edge will be directly visible. This kind of vision may be designated a negative vision, for it is, in fact, by the less intensity of that portion of the field of the telescope in which is the image of the Moon, that the outline of this image is perceptible. If this image were more intense than the remaining part of the field, tje vision would be positive." (Compare also, on this subject, Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 56, note *.) * Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 63-67 MERDURY. 13f^ or smaller pores, and, when illuminated, present the appear^ ance of red columns of vapor, and clouds of various forms in the third envelope of the Sun. Mercury. When it is rememhered how much the Egyptians^ occu- pied themselves with the plan3t Mercury (Set-Horus), and the Indians with their Buddha,t since the earliest tinics ; how, under the clear heaven of Western Arabia, the star- worship of the race of the AseditesJ was exclusively directed to Mercury ; and, moreover, that Ptolemy was able, in the 19th book of the Almagest, to make use of fourteen observa- tions of this planet, which reach back to 261 years before our era, and partly belong to the Chaldeans, § it is certainly astonishing that Copernicus, who had reached his seventieth year, should have lamented, when on his death-bed, that with all his endeavors, he had never seen Mercury. Still the Greeksll justly characterized this planet by the name of {oriXtGiv) the sparkling, on account of its occasionally very intense light. It presents phases (variable form of the illu- minated part of the disk) the same as Venus, and, like the latter, appears to us as a morning and evening star. Mercury is, in his mean distance, little more than 32 mill- ions of geographical miles from the Sun, exactly 0-3870938 parts of the mean distance of the Earth from the Sun. On account of the great eccentricity of its orbit (0-2056163), the distance of Mercury from the Sun in perihelion is 25 millions, in aphelion 40 millions of miles. He completes his revolu- tion round the Sun in 87 mean terrestrial days and 23h. 15m. 46s. Schroter and Harding have estimated the rota- tion at 24h. 5m. from the uncertain observation of the form of the southern cusp of the crescent, and from the discovery of a dark streak, which was darkest toward the east. According to Bessel's determination on the occasion of the transit of Mercury on May 5, 1832, the true diameter amounts to 2684 geographical miles,1[ i. e., 0-391 parts of the Earth's diameter. * Lepsius, Chronologie der ^gypter, th. i., p. 92-96. t Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 93, note t, p. 92. X Ibid., vol. ii., p. 221. ^ Lalande, in the Mim. de VAcad. des Sciences for 1766, p. 498 ; De- tambre, Hisioire de VAstron. Ancienne, torn, ii., p. 320. II Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 93. 11 On the occasion of the transit of Mercury on the 4th of May, 1832, Madler and William Beer (Beitrdge zur Phys. Kenniniss der kimtn- Uschtn Kor^tr, 1841, p. 145) found the diameter of Mercury 2332 miles, i[38 COSMOS. The mass of Mercury was determined by Lagrange upon very bold assumptions as to the reciprocity of the relations of distances and densities. A means of improving this element was first afforded by Encke's Cornet of short period of rev- olution. The mass of this planet was fixed by Encke at 4765TST of the Sun's mass, or about yi.Tj- of the Earth's. La- place^ gave the mass of Mercury as 2 025 sTo according to La- grange ; but the true mass is only -^-^ of that assigned by La- grange. By this correction, also, the previous hypothesis of the rapid increase of density in the planets, in proportion as they were nearer to the Sun, was disproved. When, with Hansen, the material contents of Mercury are assumed to be yI^ those of the Earth, the resulting density of Mercury is 1-22. " These determinations," adds my friend, the author of them, " are to be considered only as first attempts, which, nevertheless, come much nearer the truth than the numbers assumed by Laplace." Ten years ago the density of Mer- cury was taken as nearly three times greater than the dens- ity of the Earth— as 2-56 or 294, when the Earth =1-00. Venus. The mean distance of this planet from the Sun, expressed in fractional parts of the Earth's distance from the Sun, i. e., 60 million geographical miles, is 0-7233317. The period of its sidereal, or true revolution, is 224 days, 16h. 49m. 7s. No principal planet comes so near the Earth as Venus. She can approach the Earth to within a distance of 21,000,000 miles, but can also recede from it to a distance of 144,000,000 miles. This is the reason of the great variability of her ap- but in the edition of the Astronomie of 1849, Madlerhas given the pref- erence to Bessel's result. * Laplace, Exposition du Syst. du Monde, 1824, p. 209. The cele- brated author admits, however, that in the determination of the mass of Mercury, he founded his opinion upon the " hypoth^se tr^s precaire qui suppose les densit6s de Mercure et de la Terre reciproques k leur moyenue distance du Soleil." " The very precarious hypothesis which supposes the densities of Mercury and the Earth reciprocal to their mean distance from the Sun." I have not considered it necessary to mention either the chain of mountains, 61,826 feet in height, which SchrSter states that he saw upon the disk of Mercuiy and measured, and which Kaiser {Sternenhimmel, 1850, $ 57) doubts the existence of, or the vis ibility of an atmosphere round Mercury during his transit over the Sun, asserted by Lemonnier and Messier (Delambre, Hisi. de V Astronomie au dixhuitieme siicle, p. 222), or the temporary darkening of the surface of the planet. On the occasion of the transit which I observed in Peru on the 8th of November, 1802, I very closely examined the outline of the planet during the egress, but observed no indications of an envelop© VENUS. 139 parent diameter, which by no means alone determines the degree of brilliancy.* The eccentricity of the orbit of Venus expressed, as in all cases, in fractional parts of half the major axes, is only 0-00686182. The diameter of this planet is 6776 geographical miles; the mass ^-otVso' *^^ material contents 0-957, and the density 0*94 in comparison to the Earth. Of the transits of the two hiferior planets first announced by Kepler after the appearance of his E-udolphine tables, that of Yenus is of most importance for the theory of the whole planetary system, on account of the determination of the Suns parallax, and the distance of the Earth from the Sun deduced from the latter. According to Encke's thor- ough investigation of the transit of Yenus in 1769, the Sun's parallax is 8"-57ll6. (Berliner Jahrbuch for 1852, p. 323.) A. new examination of the Sun's parallax has been under- taken since 1849, by command of the government of the United States, at the suggestion of Professor Gerling of Mar- burg. The parallax is to be obtained by means of observa- tions of Yenus near the eastern and western stationary points, as well as by micrometer measurements of the differences in the right ascension and declination of well-determined fixed stars in very different latitudes and longitudes. (Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 599, p. 363, and No. 613, p. 193.) The astronomical expedition, under the command of the learned Lieutenant Gilliss, has proceeded to Santiago in Chili. The rotation of Yenus was long subject to great doubt Dominique Cassini, 1669, and Jacques Cassini, 1732, found * " That point of the orbit of Venus in which she can appear to us with the brightest light, so that she may be seen at noon even with the naked eye, lies between the inferior conjunction and the greatest di- gression, near the latter, and near the distance of 40° from the Sun, or from the place of the inferior conjunction. On the average, Venus ap- pears with the finest light when distant 40° east or west from the Sun, in which case her apparent diameter (which in the inferior conjunction can increase to 66") is only 40", and the greatest breadth of her ilki- minated phase measures scarcely 10". The degree of proximity to the Earth then gives the small luminous crescent such an intense light, that it throws shadows in the absence of the Sun." — Littrow, Theoretische Asiranomie, 1834, th. ii., p. 68. Whether Copernicus predicted the ne cessity of a future discovery of the phases of Venus, as is asserted in Smith's Optics, sec. 1050, and repeatedly in many other works, has re- cently become altogether doubtful, from Professor de Morgan's strict examination of the woik De Revolutionibus, as it has come down to us. — See the letter from Adams to the Rev. R. Main, on the 7th of Sep- tember, 1846, in the Report of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. vil.. No. 9, p. 142. (Compare also Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 325.) 140 COSMOS. it 231i. 20m., while Bianchini* of Rome, 1726, assmne^ the slow rotation of 24^ days. More accurate observations by De Vice, from 1840 to 1842, afford, by means of a great number of spots upon Venus, as the mean value of her period of ro- tation, 23h. 2V 21"-93. These spots are not very distinct, and are mostly variable ; they seldom appear at the boundary of the separation be- tween light and shadow in the crescent-shaped phase of the planet, and both the Herschels, father and son, are conse- quently of opinion that they do not belong to the solid sur- face of the planet, but more probably to an atmosphere.! The changeable form of the horns of the crescent, especially the southern, has been taken advantage of by La Hire, Schroter, and Madler, partly for the estimation of the height of mountains, partly and more especially for the determina- tion of the rotation. The phenomena of this changeability are of such a nature that they do not require for their ex- planation the assumption of the existence of mountain- peaks, twenty geographical miles in height (121,520 feet), as Schroter of Lilienthal stated, but merely elevations like those which our planet presents in both continents. $ With the little that we know with certainty of the appearance of the surfaces of the planets near the Sun, Mercury, and Ve- nus, and their physical constitution, the phenomenon of an ash-colored light, sometimes observed in the dark parts, and * Delambre, Hisi. de VAstron. au dixhuitieme siecle, p. 256-258. The result obtained by Bianchini was supported by Hussey and Flaugergues; Hansen also, whose authority is justly so great, considered it to be the more probable until 1836. (Schumacher's Jahrbuch for 1837, p. 90.) t Arago, on the remarkable observation at Lilienthal on the 12th of August, 1700, in the Annuaire for 1842, p. 539. "Ce qui favorise aussi la probabilite de I'existence d'une atmosphere qui enveloppe Venus e'est le resultat optique obtenu par I'emploi d'une lunette prismatique. L'intensite de la lumiere de I'interieur du croissant est sensiblement plus faible que celle des points situes dans la partie circulaire du disque de la planete." — Arago, Manuscripts of 1847. "That circumstance which also favors the probability of the existence of an atmosphere sun-ounding Venus is the optical result obtained by employing a pris- matic telescope. The intensity of the light of the interior of the cres- cent is sensibly weaker than that of the points situated in the circular part of the planet's disk." X Wilhelm Beer and Miidlerj Beitrdge zur Physiscken Kenntniss der Himmlischen Korper, p. 148. The so-called moon of Venus, which Fontana, Dominique Cassini, and Short declared that they had seen, fbr which Lambert calculated tables, and which was said to have been seen in the center of the Sun's disk, full three hours after the egress of VenuS; belongs to the astronomical myths of an uncritical age. THE MOON. 141 mentioned by Christian Mayer, William Herschel,* and Harding, also remains exceedingly mysterious. It is not probable that at so great a distance the reflected light of the Earth should produce an ash-colored illumination upon Ve- nus as upon our Moori. Hitherto there has been no flatten- ing observed in the disks of the two inferior planets, Mercu- ry and Venus. The Earth. The mean distance of the Earth from the Sun is 12,032 times greater than the diameter of the Earth ; therefore, 82,728,000 geographical miles, uncertain as to about 360,000 miles (o-yo)- The period of the sidereal revolution of the Earth round the Sun is 365d. 6h. 9' 10"-7496. The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit amounts to 0-01679226 ; its mass is 3 j^Vjt > i^^ density in relation to water, 5-44. Bes- sel's investigation of ten measurements of degrees gave for the flattening of the Earth 29 9"'t5 3- The length of a geo- graphical mile, sixty of which are contained in one equato- rial degree, 951,807 toises, and the equatorial and polar di- ameters, 6875*6 and 6852-4 geographical miles. {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 65, note.) We restrict ourselves here to numerical data referring to the Earth's figure and motions : all that refers to its physical constitution is deferred until the con- cluding terrestrial portion of the Cosmos. The Moon of the Earth. The mean distance of the Moon from the Earth is 207,200 geographical miles ; the period of sidereal revolution is 27d. 7h. 43' ll"-5 ; the eccentricity of her orbit, 0-0548442 ; her diameter is 1816 geographical miles, nearly one fourth of the Earth's diameter; her material contents j\ those of the Earth ; the mass of the Moon is, according to Lindeman, ■Q-^}j-ri (according to Peters and Schidloffsky, j\) of the mass of the Earth ; her density, 0619, therefore nearly three fifths of the density of the Earth. The moon has no perceptible flattening, but an extremely slight prolongation on the side toward the Earth, estimated 'theoretically. The rotation of the Moon upon its axis is completed exactly in the same time in which it revolves round the Earth, and this is probably the case with all other secondary planets. Tlie sunlight reflected from the Moon is in all zones mora Philos. Transact., 1795, vol. htxxvi., p. 214. 142 COSMOS. feeble than the sunlight which is reflected by a white cloud in the daytime. When, in determining geographical longi- tudes, it is often necessary to take the distance of the Moon from the Sun, it is not unfrequently difficult to distinguish the Moon between the more intensely luminous masses of cloud. Upon mountain-heights, which lie between 12,791 and 17,057 feet above the level of the sea, and where, in the clear mount- ain air, only feathery cirri are to be seen in the sky, I found the detection of the Moon's disk was much more easy, be- cause the cirrus reflects less sunlight on account of its loose texture, and the moonhght is less weakened by its passage through the rarer strata of air. The relative degree of in- tensity of the Sun's light to that of the full Moon deserves a new investigation, as Bouguer's universally received determ- ination, -go oVo 0' differs so widely from the certainly less prob- able one of Wollaston, -g ooVo o •* The yellow moonlight appears white by day, because the blue strata of air through which we see it presents the com- plementary color to yellow. t According to the numerous ob- servations which Arago made with his polariscope, the moon- light contains polarized light ; it is most perceptible during the first quarter and in the gray spots of the Moon's surface ; for example, in the great, dark, sometimes rather greenish ele- vated plains, the so-called Mare Crhium. Such elevated plains are generally intersected by metallic veins, in whose polyhedric figure the surfaces are inclined at that angle which is necessary for the polarization of the reflected sun- light. The dark tint of the surrounding space appears, in addition, to make the phenomenon still more obvious. With regard to the luminous central mountain of the group Arh- tarchus, upon which it has been frequently erroneously sup- posed that volcanic action has been seen, it did not present any greater polarization of light than other parts of the Moon. In the full Moon no admixture of polarized light was observ* * Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 95, and note t. i " La lumiere de la Lime est jaune, tandis que celle de V§nus est blanche. Pendant le jour la Lune parait blanche, parcequ'^ la lumiere du disque lunaire se mele la lumiere bleue de cette partie de I'atmo- sphere que la lumiere jaune de la Lune traverse." — Arago, in Handschr. of 1847. " The light of the Moon is yellow, while that of Venus is white The Moon appears white during the day, because the blue light of thai part of the atmosphere which the yellow light of the Moon traverses, mixes with the light of the lunar disk." The most refrangible rays of the spectrum, from blue to violet, unite with the less refrangible, from red to green, to form white. (Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 208, note *.) THE moon's light. 143 able ; but during a total eclipse of the Moon (31st of May, 1848), Arago detected indubitable signs of polarization in the reddened disk of the Moon, the latter being a phenomenon of which we shall speak further on. (Comptes Ile?idus, torn, xviii., p. 119.) That the moonlight is capable of2oroducing heat, is a dis- covery which belongs, like so many others of my celebrated friend Melloni, to the most important and surprising of our century. After many fruitless attempts, from those of La Hire to the sagacious Forbes,*^ Melloni was fortunate enough to observe, by means of a lens (lentille a echellons) of three feet jn diameter, which was destined for the meteorological station on Vesuvius, the most satisfactory indications of an el- evation of temperature during difierent changes of the Moon. Mosotti-Lavagna and Belli, professors of the Universities of Pisa and Pavia, were witnesses of these experiments, which gave results differing in proportion to the age and altitude of the Moon. It had not at that time (Summer, 1848) been determined what the elevation of temperature produced by Melloni's thermoscope, expressed in fractional parts of the centigrade thermometer, amounted to.f * Forbes, On the Refraction and Polarization of Heat, in the Trans' act. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. xiii., 1836, p. 131. t Lettre de M. Melloni a M. Arago sur la Puissance calorifique de la Lumiire de la Lune, in the Comptes Rendus, tom. xxii., 1846, p. 541-544 Compare also, on account of tlie historical data, the Jahresbericht der Physicalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, bd. ii., p. 272. It had always appeared sufficiently remarkable to me, that, from the earliest times, when heat was determined only by the sense of feehng, the Moon had first excited the idea that light and heat might be separated. Among the Indians the Moon was called, in Sanscrit, the King of the stars of cold {^dtala, hima), also the cold-radiating Qiimdn^su), while the Sun was called a creator of heat {niddghakara). The spots upon the Moon, in which Western nations supposed they discerned ^.face, represent, according to the Indian notion, a roebuck or a hare ; thence the San- scrit name of the Moon {mrigadhara), roebuck-bearer, or {^sd'sabhrif), hare-bearer. (Scbtitz, Five Hymns of the Bhatti-Kdvya, 1837, p. 19-23.) Among the Greeks it was complained " that the sunlight reflected from the Moon should lose all heat, so that only feeble remains of it were transmitted by her." (Plutarch, in the dialogue " De Facia qucs in OrbeLunce apparel, Moralia,^^ ed. Wyttenbach, tom. iv., Oxon., 1797, p. 793.) In Maci'obius (Comm. in Somnium Scip., i., 19, ed. Lud. Janus, 1848, p. 105) it is said, " Luna speculi instar lumen quo illustratur . . . rursus emittit, nullum tamen ad nos preferentem sensum caloris : quia lucis radius, cum ad nos de origine sua, id est de Sole, pervenit, natu- ram secum ignis de quo nascitur devehit ; cum vero in LunjB corpus ii> funditur et inde resplendet, solam refundit claritatem, non calorem. ' The same iu Macrobius, SatvmaL, lib. vii , cap. 16, ed. Bipont, tom ii., p. 277. 144 C03M0S. The ash-gray light \vi:h which a part of tne Moon's disk shines when, some days before oi after the new Moon, she presents only a narrow crescent, illuminated by the Sun, is earth-light in the Moon, " the reflection of a reflection." The less the Moon appears illuminated for the Earth, so much the more is the Earth luminous for the Moon. But our planet shines upon the Moon with an intensity 13i times greater than the Moon upon the Earth ; and this light is sufficiently bright to become again perceptible to us by a second jeflec tion. By means of the telescope, mountain-peaks are distin- guished in the ash-gray light of the larger spots and isolated brightly-shining points, even when the disk is already more than half illuminated. =^ These phenomena become particu- larly striking between the tropics and upon the high mount- ain-plains of Cluito and Mexico. Since the time of Lambert and Schroter, the opinion has become prevalent that the ex- tremely variable intensity of the ash-gray light of the Moon depends upon the greater or less degree of reflection of the sunlight which falls upon the Earth, according as it is reflect- ed from continuous continental masses, full of sandy deserts, grassy steppes, tropical forests, and barren rocky ground, or from large ocean surfaces. Lambert made the remarkable observation (14th of February, 1774) of a change of the ash- colored moonlight into an olive green color, bordering upon yellow. " The Moon, which then stood vertically over the Atlantic Ocean, received upon its night side the green terres- trial light, which is reflected toward her when the sky is clear by the forest districts of South America."! The meteorological condition of our atmosphere modifies the intensity of the earth-light, which has to traverse the * Madler, Astron., $ 112. t See Lambert, Siir la Lumiere Cendrie de la Lune, in the Mim. de VAcad. de Berlin, annie 1773, p. 46 : " La Terre, vue des planetes, pour- ra paraitre d'une lumiere verddtre, a peu pres corame Mars nous paralt d'une couleur rougedtre." " The Earth, seen from the planets, may- appear of a green color, much the same as Mars affords to us of a reddish color." We will not, however, on that account, conjecture with this acute man that the planet Mars may be covered with a red vegetation, such as tlje rose-red bushes of Bougainvillaea. (Hum- boldt, Views of Nature, \*. 334.) " When in Central Europe the Moon, shortly before the new Moon, stands in the eastern heavens during the morning hour, she receives the earth-light principally from the large plateau surfaces of Asia and Africa. But if, after the new Moon, it stands during the evening in the west, it can only receive the reflection in less quantities from the narrower American continent, and principally from the wide ocean." — Wilhelm Beer and Madler, Der Mond nach seinen Cosmischen Verhdltnissen, ^ 106, p. 152. THE MOON S LIGHT. 145 double course from tlje Earth to the Moon, and from thence to our eye. " Thus, when we have better photometric in- struments at our command, we may be able," as Arago re- marks,*= '' to read in the Moon the history of the mean con- dition of the diaphaneity of our atmosphere." The first cor- rect explanation of the nature of the ash-colored light of the Moon is ascribed by Kepler {ad Vitellionem Paralipomena, quibus AstronomicB pars Optica traditur, 1604, p. 254) to his highly venerated teacher Mastlin, who had made it known in a thesis pubHcly defended at Tiibingen in 1596. Galileo spoke (Sidereus Nuncius, p. 26) of the reflected terrestrial light as a phenomenon which he had discovered several years previously ; but a century before Kepler and Galileo, the ex- planation of terrestrial light visible to us in the Moon had not escaped the all-embracing genius of Leonardo da Vinci. His long-forgotten manuscripts furnished a proof of this. f In the total eclipse of the Moon, the disk very rarely dis- appears entirely ; it did so, according to Kepler's earliest ob- servation,:}: on the 9th of December, 1601, and more recently, on the 10th of June, 1816 ; in the latter instance so as not to be visible from London, even by the aid of telescopes. The cause of this rare and extraordinary phenomenon must be a * Siance de VAcadimie des Sciences, le 5 Aout, 1833, " M. Arago sig- nale la comparaison de I'intensite lumineuse de la portion de la Luue que les rayons solaires ^clairent directement, avec celle de la partie du m^me astre qui re^oit seulement les rayons r^flecliis par la Terre. II croit d'apres les experiences qu'il a dej^ tentees k cet egard, qu'on {)ourra, avec des instrumens perfectionnes, saisir dans la himiere cendrie es differences de I'eclat plus on moins nuageux de I'atmosphere de notre globe. 11 n'est done pas impossible, malgre tout ce qu'un pareil resultat exciterait de surprise au premier coup d'oeil, qu'un jour les me- teorologistes aillent puiser dans I'aspect de la Lune des notions pre- cieuses sur Vitat moyen de diaphanite de I'atmosphere terrestre, dans les hemispheres qui successivement concourrent k la production de la lu- miere cendree." " M. Arago pointed out the comparison between the luminous intensity of that portion of the Moon which is illuminated di- rectly by the solar rays, and that portion of the same body which re- ceives only the rays reflected by the Earth. After the experiments which he has already made in reference to this subject, he is of opinion that with improved instruments it will be possible to detect in the ashy lieht indications of the differences in bi'ightness, more or less cloudy, of the atmosphere of our globe. It is not, therefore, impossible, not- withstanding the surprise which such a result may excite on the first view, that one day meteorologists will derive valuable ideas as to the mean state of the diaphaneity of our atmosphere in the hemispheres which successively contribute to the production of the ashy light." t Venturi, Essai sur les Ouorages de Leonard de Vinci, 1797, p. 11. t Kepler, Paralip. vcl Astronomuz pars Optica, 1604, p. 297. Vol. IV.— G 146 COSMOS. peculiar and not sufficiently investigated diaphanic conditioq of individual strata of our atmosphere. Hevelius states dis- tinctly that, during a total eclipse on the 25th of April, 1642, the sky vras covered with brilliant stars, the atmosphere per- fectly clear, and yet, with the difierent magnifying powers which he employed, not a vestige of the Moon could be seen. In other cases, likewise very rare, only separate parts of the Moon are feebly visible. During a total eclipse, the disk gen- erally appears red ; and, indeed, in all degrees of intensity of color, even passing, when the Moon is far distant from the Earth, into a fiery and glowing red. While lying at anchor off the island of Baru, not far from Carthagena de Indias, half a century ago (29th of March, 1801), I observed a total eclipse, and was extremely struck w^ith the greater luminous intensity of the Moon's disk under a tropicalsky than in my native north.* The whole phenomenon is known to be a consequence of refraction, since, as Kepler very correctly ex- presses himself [Paralip Astron. 'pars Optica, p. 893), the Sun's rays are inflectedf by their passage through the at- * " On congoit que la vivacite de la lumiere rouge lie depend paj uniquement de I'etat de I'atraosphere, qui refracte, plus ou moins affai blis, les rayons solaires, en les enflecliissant dans le cone d'ombre, niais qu'elle est modifiee surtout par la transparence variable de la partie de I'atmosphere k travel's laquelle nous apercevons la Lune eclipsee. Sous les tropiques, une grande sereiiite du ciel, une dissemination uniforme des vapeurs diminuent I'extinction de la lumiere que le disque lunaire nous renvoie." — Humboldt, Voyage aux H^gians Eqitinoxiales, torn, iii., p. 544 ; and Recueil d'Observ. Astronomiqnes, vol. ii., p. 145. " It may easily be understood that the intensity of the red light does not depend solely upon the state of the atmosphere, which refracts more or less feebly the solar rays by inflecting them into the shadow cone, but that it is especially modified by the variable transparency of that part of the atmosphere across which we perceive the eclipsed Moon. Under the tropics a great serenity of sky, a uniform dissemination of vapors, diminish the extinction of the light which the lunar disk sends toward us." Arago observes : " Les rayons solaires arrivent k notre satellite par I'effet d'une refraction et k la suite d'une absorption dans les couches les plus bases de I'atmosphere terrestre ; pourraient-ils avoir une autre teiute que le rouge?" — Annuaire for 1842, p. 528. "The solar rays reach our planet by the effect of a refraction, and subsequently to an absorption (partial) in the lower strata of the Earth's atmosphere. How can they have any other colors than red ?" t Babinet declares the reddening to be a consequence of diffraction, in a memoir as to the different share of the white, blue, and red lights which are produced by the inflection. See his Reflections upon the Total Eclipse of the Moon on the 19th of March, 1848, in Moigno's RS- pertoire d^Optique Moderne, 1850, tom. iv., p. 1656. " La lumiere dif. fract^e qui penetre dans I'ombre de la Terre, predomine toujours et m^mo a ^t6 seule sensible. Elle est d'autant plus rouge ou orangfee THE MOON. 147 mosphere, and thrown into the shadow cone. The reddened or glowing disk is moreover never uniformly colored. Some places always appear darker, and are, at the same time, con; tinually changing color. The Greeks had formed a peculiar and curious theory with respect to the different colors which the eclipsed Moon was said to present according to the hour at which the eclipse took place.* During the long dispute as to the probability or improba- bility of an atmospheric envelope round the Moon, accurate occult observations have proved that no refraction takes place on the surface of the Moon, and that, consequently, the assumption made by Schroterf of the existence of a lunar atmosphere and a lunar tivilight are disproved. " The comparison of the two values of the Moon's diameter which may be respectively deduced from direct measurement, oi from the length of time that it remains before a fixed stai during the occultation, teaches us that the light of a fixed star is not perceptibly deflected from its rectilinear course at qu'elle se trouve plus pres du centre de I'orabre geom^trique ; car se Bout les rayous les moins refrangibles qui se propagent le plus abou damment par diflfraction, k mesure qu'on s'eloigne de la propagation en ligne droite." " The ditFracted light which penetrates into the Earth's shadow always predominated, and was, indeed, alone sensible. It was tlie more red or orange in proportion as it was nearer to the geomet- rical center of the shadow ; for those rays which are least refrangible are those which are propagated most abundantly by diflfraction, in pro portion as they differ from a rectilinear course." The phenomena of diffraction take place as well in a vacuum, according to the acute in vestigations of Magnus (on the occasion of a discussion between Aii-j and Faraday). Compare, in reference to the explanations by diffrac tion in general, Arago in the Annuaire for 1846, p. 452-455. * Plutarch {De Facie in Orhe Lunce), Moral., ed. Wytten., torn, iv . p. 780-783 : " The fiery, charcoal-like, glimmering {dvOpaKoeidng) coloi of the eclipsed Moon (about the midnight hour) is, as the mathemati- cians affirm, owing to the change from black into red and bluish, and is by no means to be considered as a character peculiar to the earthy surface of the planet." Also Dio Cassius (Ix., 26, ed. Sturz, p. iii., p 779), who occupied himself especially with eclipses of the Moon, and the remarkable edicts of the Emperor Claudius, which predicted the di' mensions of the eclipsed portion, directs attention to the very different colors which the Moon assumed during the conjunction. He says (Ixv., 11, torn, iv., p. 185, Sturtz), "Great was the excitement in the camp of Vitellius in consequence of the eclipse which took place that night. The mind was filled with melancholy apprehensions, not so much at the eclipse itself, although that might appear to predict misfortune to an unquiet mind, but much more from the circumstance that the Moon displayed blood-red, black, and other gloomy colors." t SchrSter, Selenotopographische Fragmente, th. i., 1791, p. 668; th. ii., 1802, p. 52. 148 COSMOS. that moment in which it touches the Moon's edge. If a re- fraction took place at the edge of the Moon, the second de- termination of her diameter must give a value smaller by tw^ice the amount of the refraction than the former ; but, on the contrary, both determinations correspond so closely in repeated determinations, that no appreciable difference has ever been detected."=^ The ingress of stars, which may be particularly well observed at the dark edge, takes place suddenly, and without gradual diminution of the star's brill- iancy ; just so the egress or reappearance of the star. In the case of the few exceptions which have been described, the cause may have consisted in accidental changes of oui atmosphere. If, however, the Earth's Moon is destitute of a gaseous envelope, the stars must appear then, in the absence of all diffuse ' light, to rise upon a black sky ;t no air- wave can there convey sound, music, or language. To our imagina- tion, so apt presumptuously to stray into the unfathomable, the Moon is a voiceless wilderness. The phenomenon of apparent adherence on and within the Moon's edge,$ sometimes observed in the occultation of stars, can scarcely be considered as a consequence of irradiation, which, in the narrow crescent of the Moon, on account of the very different intensity of the light in the ash-colored part of the Moon, and in that which is immediately illumin- ated by the Sun, certainly makes the latter appear as if sur- rounding the former. Arago saw, during a total eclipse of the Moon, a star distinctly adhere to the slightly luminous disk of the Moon during the conjunction. It still continues to be * Bessel, TJeher eine angenommene Atmosphdre des Mondes in Schu- macher's Asiron. Nachr., No. 263, p. 416-420. Compare also Beer and Madler, Der Monde, § 83 and 107, p. 133 and 153; also Arago, in the Annuaire for 1846, p. 346-353. The frequently mentioned proof of the existence of an atmosphere round the Moon, derived from the greater or less perceptibility of small superficial configurations and "the Moon- clouds moving round in the valleys," is the most untenable of all, on account of the continually-varying condition (darkening and bi'ighten- ing) of the upper strata of our own atmosphere. Considerations as to the form of one of the Moon's horns qn the occasion of the solar eclipso on the 5th of Septepber, 1793, induced William Herschel to decide against the assumption of a lunar atmosphere. (Pkilos. Transact., vol. ixxxiv., p. 167.) t Madler, in Schumacher's Jahrbuch for 1840, p. 188. j Sir John Herschel (Outlines, p. 247) directs attention to the ingress of such double stars as can not be seen separately by the telescope, on account of the too great proximity of the individual stars of which they consist. THE MOON. 149 a subject of discussion between Arago and Plateau whether the phenomenon here mentioned depends upon deceptive per- ception and physiological causes,*^ or upon the aberration of sphericity and refrangibility of the eye.f Those cases in which it has been asserted that a disappearance and reap- pearance, and then a repeated disappearance, have been ob- served during an occultation, may probably indicate the in- gress to have taken place at a part of the Moon's edge which happened to be deformed by mountain declivities and deep chasms. The great differences in the reflected light from particular regions of the illuminated disk of the Moon, and especially the absence of any sharp boundary between the inner edge of the illuminated and ash-colored parts in the Moon's phases, led to the formation of several very rational theories as to the inequalities of the surface of our satellite, even at a very emote period. Plutarch says distinctly, in the small but very remarkable work On the Face in the Moon, that we may suppose the spots to be partly deep chasms and valleys, partly mountain peaks, " which cast long shadows, like Mount Athos, whose shadow reaches Lemnos."$ The spots cover about two fifths of the whole disk. In a clear atmosphere, and under favorable circumstances in the position of the * Plateau, Sur V Irradiation, in the Mim. de V Acad. Royale des Sci ences et Belles-Leitres de Bruxelles, torn, xi., p. 142, aud the supplement- ary vokime of PoggendorfF's Annalen, 1842, p. 79-128, 193-232, and 405 and 443. " The probable cause of the irradiation is an irritation produced by the light upon the -retina, and spreads a little beyond the outline of the image." t Arago, in the Comptes Rendus, torn, viii., 1839, p. 713 and 883. " Les phenomenes d'irradiation signales par M. Plateau sont regarcl6a par M. Arago comme les effets des aberrations de refrangibilit6 et de sphericite de I'oeil, combines avec I'indistinction de la vision, conse- quence des circonstances dans lesquelles les observateurs se sont places. Des mesures exactes prises sur des disques noirs k fond blanc et des disques blancs k fond noir, qui 6taient places au Palais du Luxembourg visibles k I'observatoire, n'ont pas indique les effets de I'irradiation.' " The phenomena of irradiation pointed out by M. Plateau are regarded Dy M. Arago as the effects of the aberration of sphericity and refrangi- bility of the eye, combined with the indistinctness of vision consequent upon the circumstances in which the observers are placed. The exact measurement taken of the black disks upon a 'vyhite ground, and the white disks upon a black ground, which were placed upon the palace of Luxembourg, and visible at the Observatory, did not present auy phenomena of irradiation." t Plutarch, Moral., ed. Wytten., torn, iv., p. 786-789. The shad"-v of Athos, which was seen by the traveler Pierre Belon {Observations -^ Sing-ularitis troitvSes en Grece, Asie, etc., 1554, liv. i., cbap. 25), reacl. 4 the brazen cow in the market-town Myrine in Lemnos. 160 COSMOS. Mood, some of the spots are visible to the naked eye ; tha ridge of the Apennines, the dark, elevated plain GHmaldus, the inclosed Mare Crisium, and Tycho,* crowded round with numerous mountain ridges and craters. It has been affirmed, not without probability, that it was especially the aspect of the Apennine chain which induced the Greeks to consider the spots on the Moon to be mountains, and at the same time to associate with them the shadow of Mount Athos, which in the solstices reached the Brazen Cow upon Lemnos. Another very fantastic opinion was that of Agesv- nax, disputed by Plutarch, according to which the Moon's disk was supposed, like a mirror, to present to us again, ca- toptric ally, the configuration and outline of our continent, and the outer sea (the Atlantic). A very similar opinion ap- pears to have been preserved to this time as a popular belief among the people in Asia Minor. f By the careful application of large telescopes, it has grad- * For proofs of the visibility of these four objects, see in Beer and Madler, Der Mond., p. 241, 338, 191, and 290. It is scarcely necessary to mention that all which refers to the topography of the Moon's surface is derived from the excellent work of my two friends, of whom the second, William Beer, was taken from us but too early. The beautiful Uebersichtsblatt, which Madler published in 1837, three years after the large map of the Moon, consisting of three sheets, is to be recommended for the purpose of more easily becoming acquainted with the bearings. + Plut., De Facie in Orbe Lunee, p. 726-729, Wytten. This passage is, at the same time, not without interest for ancient geography. — See Humboldt, Examen Criiiqus de V Hist, de la G6ogr., torn, i., p. 145. With regard to other views of the ancients, see Anaxagoras and De- mocritus, in Plut., De Plac. Philos., ii., 25 ; Parmenides, in Stob., p. 419, 453, 516, and 563, ed. Heeren; Schneider, Eclogce Physicce, vol. i., p. 433-443. According to a very remarkable passage in Plutarch's Life of Nicias, cap. 42, Anaxagoras himself, who calls "the mountainous Moon another Earth," had made a drawing of the Moon's disk. {Com- pare also Origines, Philosophumena, cap. 8, ed. Mtilleri, 1851, p. 14.) I was once very much astonished to hear a very well-educated Per- sian, from Ispahan, who certainly had never read a Greek book, men- tion, when I showed him the Moon's spots in a large telescope in Paris, the hypothesis of Agesiuax (alluded to in the text) as to the reflection, as a widely-diffused popular belief in his country. '* What we see there in the Moon," said the Persian, "is ourselves; it is the map of our Earth." One of the interlocutors in Plutarch's Moon-dialogue would not have expressed himself otherwise. If it can be supposed that men are inhabitants of the Moon, destitute "of water and air, the Earth, with its spots, would also present to them such a map upon a nearly black sky by day, with a surface fourteen times greater than that w^hich the full Moon presents to us, and always in the same position. But the constantly varying clouds and obscurities of our atmosphere would con- fuse the outlines of the continents. — Compare MUdler^B A str on-, p. 169 and Sir John Herschel, Outlines, $ 43G. THE MOON. 151 aally become possible to construct a topographical chart of the Moon, based upon actual observations ; and since, in the opposition, the entire half-side of the Earth's satellite presents itself at the same moment to our investigation, we knov^^ more of the general and merely formal connection of the mountain groups in the Moon, than of the orography of a whole terres- trial hemisphere containing the interiors of Africa and Asia. Generally the darker parts of the disk are the lower and more level ; the brighter parts, reflecting much sunhght, are the more elevated and mountainous. Kepler's old description of the two as sea and land has long been given up ; and the accuracy of the explanation, and the opposition, was already doubted by Hevel, notwithstanding the similar nomenclature introduced by him. The circumstance principally brought forward as disproving the presence of surfaces of water on the Moon was, that in the so-called seas of the Moon, the smallest parts showed themselves, upon closer examination and very different illumination, to be completely uneven, pol- yhedric, and consequently giving much 'polarized hght. Ar- ago has pointed out, in opposition to the arguments which have been derived from the irregularities, that some of these surfaces may, notwithstanding the irregularities, be covered with water, and belong to the bottoms of seas of no great depth, since the uneven, craggy bottom of the ocean of our planet is distinctly seen when viewed from a great height, on account of the preponderance of the light issuing from be- low its surface over the intensity of that which is reflected from it. {Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes for 1836, p. 339-343.) In the work of my friend, which will shortly appear, on astronomy and photometry, the probable absence of water upon our satellite will be deduced from other optical grounds, which can not be developed in this place. Among the low plains, the largest surfaces are situated in the north- ern and eastern parts. The indistinctly bounded Oceanus Procellarum has the greatest extension of all these, being 360,000 geographical miles. Connected with the Mare Ini- hrium (64,000 square miles), the Mare Nubium, and, to some extent, with the Mare Humorum, and surrounding in- sular mountain districts (the Rijohcei, Kepler, Cojoernicus, and the Carpathians), this eastern part of the Moon's disk presents the most decided contrast to the luminous south- tvestern district, in which mountain is crowded upon mount- ain.* In the northwest region, two basins present them- * Beer and Madler, p. 273. 152 COSMOS. selves AS being more shut in and isolated, the Msre Crisiiirtk (12,000 square miles) and the 3Iare Tranquillitatis (23,200 square miles). The color of these so-called i>tas is not in all cases gray. The Mare Crisium is gray mixed with dark green ; the Mare Serenitatis and Mare Humorum are likewise green. Near the Hercynian mountains, on the contrary, the isolated cir- cumvallation Lichtenherg presents a pale reddish color, the same as Palus Somnii. Circular surfaces, without central mountains, have for the most part a dark steel-gray color, bordering upon bluish. The causes of this great diversity in the tints of the rocky surface, or other porous materials which cover it, are extremely mysterious. While, to the northward of the Alpine mountains, a large inclosed plain, Plato (called by Hevel Lacus niger major), and still more Grimaldus in the equatorial region, and Endymion on the northwest edge, are the three darkest spots upon the whole Moon's disk, Aris- tarchus, with its sometimes almost star-hke shining points, is the brightest and most brilliant. All these alternations of light and shade affect an iodized plate, and may be repre- sented in Daguerreotype, by means of powerful magnifiers, with wonderful truthfulness. I myself possess such a mooji- light picture of two inches diameter, in which the so-called ieas and ring-formed mountains are distinctly perceptible ; it was executed by an excellent artist, Mr. "Whipple, of Boston. If the circular form is striking in some of the s,ea$ ( Cris- ium, Serenitatis, and Humorurri), it is still more frequently — indeed, almost universally, repeated in the mountainous part of the disk, especially in the configuration of the enor- mous mountain-masses which occupy the southern hemisphere from the pole to near the equator, where the mass runs out in a point. Many of the annular elevations and inclosed plains (according to Lohrmann, the largest are more than 4000 square miles in extent) form connected series, and, in- deed, in the direction of the meridian, between 5° and 40° south latitude.* The northern polar region contains cpm- paratively few of these crowded mountain circles. In the western edge of the northern hemisphere, on the contrary, they form a connected group between 20° and 50° north latitude. The North Pole itself is within a few degrees of the Mare Frigoris, and thus, like the whole level northeast- ern space, including only a few isolated annular mountain? {Plato, Mairan, Aristarch, Copernicus, and Kepler), pre * Schumacher's Jahrbuch for 1841, p. 270. THE MOON. ' 153 Bents a great contrast to the South Pole, entirely covered with mountains. Here lofty peaks shine during whole lunations in eternal light, in the strictest sense of the word ; they are true lig^ht islands, which become perceptible, even with feeble magnifying powers.* As exceptions to this type of circular and annular configu- rations, so universally predominant upon the Moon, are the actual mountain-chains which occur almost in the middle of the northern half of the Moon {^Apennines, Cauca.sus, and Alps). They extend from south to north in a slight curve to- ward the west, through nearly 32° of latitude. Innumer- able mountain crests and extraordinary sharp peaks are here thronged together. Few annular mountains, or crater-Hke depressions, are intermingled {Coiion, Hadley, Calippus), and the whole resembles more the configuration of our mount- ain-chains upon the Earth. The lunar Alps, which are in- ferior in height to the lunar Caucasus and Apermines, pre- sent a remarkable brojd transverse valley, which intersects the chain from southeast to northwest. It is surrounded by mountain peaks which exceed in 'height that of Tenerifie. The relative height of the elevations in proportion to the diameters of the Moon and the Earth, gives the remarkable result, that since in the four times smaller satellite the high- est peaks are only 3836 feet lower than those of the Earth, the lunar mountains amount to ^-i^, the mountains on the Earth to y^g-y of the planetary diameters, f Among the 1095 points of elevation already measured upon the Moon, I find 39 are higher than Mont Blanc (16,944 feet), and six higher than 19,000 feet. The measurements were effected either by light tangents (by determining the distance of the illumin- ated mountain peak on the right side of the Moon from the boundary of the light) or by the length of the shadows. The former method was already made use of by Galileo, as is seen from his letter to the Father Grienberger upon the Montu- ositd della Luna. According to Madler's careful measurements by means of the length of the shadows, the culminating points of the * Madler, Astron., p. 16G. t The highest peak of the Himalayas, and (up to the present time!) of the whole Earth, Kinchin-jnnga, is, according to Waugh's recent measurement, 4406 toises, or 28,178 English feet; the highest peak among the Moon's mountains is, according to Madler, 3800 toises (ex- actly four geographical miles). The diameter of the Moon is 1816, that of the Earth 6872 geographical miles ; whence it follows for the Moon ^^j, for the Earth yj^y G 2 154 COSMOS. Moon are in descending order at the south edge, very near tho Pole, D'orfel and Leibnitz, 24,297 feet ; the annular mountain Newton, where a part of the deep hollow is never lighted, neither by the Sun nor the Earth's disk, 23,830 feet ; Casa- tus, eastward of Newton, 22,820 feet ; Calippus, in the Cau- casian chain, 20,396 feet; the Apennines, hetween 17,903 and 19,182 feet. It must be remarked here, that in the en- tire absence of a general niveau-line (the plane of equal dis- tance from the center of a cosmical body, as is presented on our planet by the level of the sea), the absolute heights are not to be compared strictly with each other, since the six numerical results here given properly express only the differ- ences between the peaks and the immediately surrounding plains or hollows.* It is, however, very remarkable that G-alileo likewise assigned to the loftiest lunar mountains the height of about four geographical miles (24,297 feet), " in- drca miglia quatro,"' and, in accordance with the extent of \iis hypsometric knowledge, considered them higher than any 5f the mountains on the Earth. An extremely remarkable and mysterious phenomenon which the surface of our satellite presents, and which is only optically connected wdth a reflection of light, and not hyp- Bometrically with a difference of elevation, consists in the nar- row streaks of light which disappear when the illuminating rays fall obliquely ; but in the full Moon, quite in opposition to the Moon-spots, become most visible as systems of rays. They are not mineral veins, cast no shadow, and run with equal intensity of light from the plains to elevations of more than 12,780 feet. The most extensive of these ray-systems commences from TycJio, where more than a hundred streaks of ^ight may be distinguished, mostly several miles broad. Similar systems which surround the Aristarchus, Kepler, Co- pernicus, and the Carpathians, are almost all in connection with each other. It is difficult to conjecture, by the aid of induction and analogy, what special transformations of the surface give rise to these luminous, ribbon-like rays, proceed- ing from certain annular mountains. The frequently mentioned type of circular configuration, almost every where preponderating upon the Moon's disk, in the elevated plains which frequently surround central mount- ains ; in the large annular mountains and their craters (22 are counted close together in Bayer, and 33 in Albateg?iius) * For the six heights which exceed 19,182 feet, see Beer and Mad- iei% p. 99, 125. 231 242. 330. and 331. THE MOON. 155 must have early induced a deep-thinker like Robert Hooke to ascribe such a form to the reaction of the interior of the Moon upon the cxtejior — "the action of subterranean fire, and elastic eruptive vapors, and even to an ebullition in eruptive bubbles." Experiments with thickened boiling lime solutions appeared to him to confirm his opinion ; and the cir- cumvallations, vidth their central mountains, were at that time already compared with " the forms of JEtna, the Peak of TenerifFe, Hecla, and the Mexican volcanoes described by Gage."^ One of the annular plains of the Moon reminded Galileo, as he himself relates, of the configuration of countries entirely surrounded by mountains. I have discovered a passage! in which he compares these annular plains of the Moon with the great inclosed basin of Bohemia. Many of the plains are, in fact, not much smaller, for they have a. diameter of from 1 00 to 1 20 geographical miles. $ On the contrary, the real an- nular mountains scarcely exceed 8 or 12 miles in diameter. Conon in the Apennines is 8 ; and a crater which belongs to the shining region of Aristarchus is said to present a breadth of only 25,576 feet, exactly the half of the diameter of the crater of Rucu-Pichincha, in the table-land of Gluito, meas- ured trigonometrically by myself Since we have in this place adhered to comparisons with well-known terrestrial phenomena and relations of magnitude, it is necessary to remark that the greater part of the plains and annular mountains of the Moon are to be considered in the first place as craters of elevation, without continuous phenomena of eruption in the sense of the hypothesis of Leo- pold von Buch. What, according to the European standard, * Robert Hooke, Micrographia, 1667, Obs. Ix., p. 242-246. '' These ieem to me to have been the effects of some motions within the body of the Moon, analogous to our earthquakes, by the eruption of which, as it has thrown up a brim or ridge round about higher than the am- bient surface of the Moon, so has it left a hole or depression in the mid- dle, proportjonably lower." Hooke says of his experiment with boil, iug alabaster, that " presently cecsiug to boyl, the whole surface will appear all over covered with small pits, exactly shaped like those of the Moon. The earthy part of the Moon has been undermined, or heaved up by eruptions of vapors, and thrown into the same kind of figured holes as the powder of alabaster. It is not improbable, also, that there may be generated within the body of the Moon divers such kind of internal fires and heats as may produce exhalations " t Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 319, note. \ Beer and Madler, p. 126. Ptolemaeus is 9Q miles in diameter Alphons and Hipparchus, 76 miles. 156 COSMOS. we call great upon the Earth — ^the elevation crater of Rocca Monsina, Palma, TenerifFe, and Santorin — becomes insignifi- cant when compared with Ptolemy, Hipparchus, and many others of the Moon. Palma has only 24,297 feet diameter ; Santorin, according to Captain Graves, new measurement, 33,148 feet; Teneriffe, at the utmost, 53,298 feet: conse- quently, only one eighth or one sixth of the two craters of elevation of the Moon just mentioned. The small crater of the Peak of Tenerifie and Vesuvius (from 319 to 426 feet in diameter) could scarcely be seen by the aid of telescopes. The by far greater number of the annular mountains have no central mountain ; and where there is one, it is described as being dome-formed or level {Hevelius, Macrobius), not as an erupted cone with an ope7ti7ig.'^ The active volcanoes which are stated to have been seen in the right side of the Moon (May 4, 1783) ; the phenomena of light in Plato, which Bianchini (August 16, 1725) and Short (April 22, 1751) ob- served, are here mentioned only as of historical interest, since the sources of deception have long been fathomed, and lie in the more powerful reflection of the terrestrial light which certain parts of the surface of our planet throw upon the ash- colored night side of the Moon.f * Arzachel and Hercules are supposed to be exceptions : the former to have a crater upon its summit, the second a lateral crater. These points, important in a geognostic point of view, deserve fresh investi- gation vv^ith more perfect instruments. (Schroter, Selenotopographische Fragmente, th. ii., tab. 44 and 68, fig. 23.) Hitherto no signs have ever been detected of lava streams collected in deep hollows. The radiated ^mes which issue from Aristoteles in three directions are ranges of hills. (Beer and Madler, p. 236.) t Op. cit., p. 151. Arago, in the Annuaire for 1842, p. 526. (Com- pare also Immanuel Kant, Schriften der Physischen Geographie, 1839, p. 393-402.) According to recent and more complete investigations, the temporary changes said to have been observed upon the surface of the Moon (the formation of new central mountains and craters in the Mare Crisium, Hevelius, and Cleomedes), are illusions of a similar na- ture to the supposed volcanic eruptions perceptible to us upon the Moon. (See Schrbter, Selenotopographische Fragmente, th. i., p. 412-523 ; th. ii., p. 268-272.) The question, what is the smallest object whose height can be measured with the instruments which are at present at our com- mand? is in general difficult to answer. According to the report of Dr. Robinson upon the beautiful reflecting telescope of Lord Rosse, extents of 220 feet (80 to 90 yards) are discerned with the greatest distinctness. Madler calculates that, in his observations, shadows of 3" were capable of being measured ; a length which, under certain presuppositions as to the position of a mountain, and the altitude of the San, would indicate a mountain elevation of 120 feet. However, he points out, at the same time, that the shadows must have a certain degree of breadth in order to be visible and measurable. The shadow of the great pyramid of THE MOON 157 Attention has been repeatedly, and Avith justice, directed to the fact, that in the absence of water upon the Moon (even the rills, very narrow, mostly rectilinear hollows,^ are not riv- ers), we must represent to ourselves the surface of the Moon as being somewhat similarly constituted as was the Earth in its primitive and most ancient condition, while yet uncovered ilotz strata, by bowlders and detritus, which were spread out by the transporting force of the ebb and flood or currents. Sun and Earth floods are naturally wanting ; where the liquid element is absent, shght coverings of decomposed conglomer- ates are scarcely conceivable. In our mountain-chains, up- heaved upon fissures, partial groups of elevations are begin- ning gradually to be discovered here and there, forming, as it were, egg-shaped basins. How entirely different the Earth's surface would have appeared to us if it were divested of the flotz and tertiary formations ! The Moon, by the variety of its phases, and the more rapid change of its relative position in the sky, animates and beau- tifies the aspect of the firmament under every zone more than all the other planets. She sheds her agreeable Hght upon men, more especially in the primitive forests of the tropical world, and the beasts of the forests. f The Moon, in virtue Cheops, according to the known dimensions of this monument (super- ficial extent), would be, even at the point of commencement, scarcely one ninth of a second broad, and consequently invisible. (Madler, in Schumacher's Jahrbuch for 1841, p. 264.) Arago calls to mind that, with a 6000-fold magnifying power, which, nevertheless, could not be applied to the Moon with proportionate results, the mountains upon the Moon would appear to us just as Mont Blanc does to the naked eye when seen from the Lake of Geneva. * The rills do not occur frequently ; are, at the utmost, thirty miles long; sometimes forked (Gassendi); seldom resembling mineral veins (Triesnecker) ; always luminous; do not cross mountains transversely; are peculiar to the level landscapes ; are not characterized by any pe culiarities at the terminal points, without becoming broader or narrow- er. (Beer and Madler, p. 131, 225, and 249.) t See my Essay upon the Nocturnal Life of Animals in the Primceval Forest, in the Views of Nature, Bohn's ed., p. 198. Laplace's reflections upon a perpetual moonlight {Exposition du Systeme du Monde, 1824, p. 232) have met with a disproval in the M6m. of Liouville surun caspar- ticulier du problem des Trois Corps. Laplace says, *' Quelques partisans des causes finales ont imagine que la Lune a ete donnee k la Terra pour I'^clairer pendant les nuits ; dans ce cas, la nature n'aurait point atteint ie but qu'elle se serait propose, puisque nous sommes souvent prives k la fois de la lumiere du Soleil et de celle de la Lune. Pour y parvenir, il eiit suffi de raettre k I'origine la Lune en opposition avec le Soleil dans le plan m6me de I'ecliptique, k une distance egale k la centieme Eartie de la distance de la Terre au Soleil, et de donner k la Lune et k I Terre des vitesses parallel es et proportionnelles ^ leurs distances ik 158 COSMOS. of the attractive force which she exercises in common with the Sun, excites motion in our ocean — the liquid portion of the Earth — gradually changes the surface by periodical floods, and the outlines of continental coasts, by the destructive agen- cy of the tides, hinders or favors the labor of men ; afibrds the greater part of the material from which sandstones and conglomerates are formed, and which are again covered by the rounded, loose, transported detritus.^ Thus the Moon, as one of the sources of motion, continues to act upon the ge- ognostic relations of our planet. The indisputable! influence cet astre. Alors la Lune, sans cesse eu opposition au Soleil, eAt decrit autour de lui une ellipse semblable k celle de la Terre ; ces deux astres 86 seraient succede I'un a I'autre sur I'horizon ; et comme k cette dis- tance la Lune n'efit point 6te 6clipsee, sa lumiere aurait certainement remplace celle du Soleil." " Several partisans of final causes have im- agined that the Moon has been given to the Earth to light it during the night ; in that case, nature would not have attained the object which she had proposed, because we are frequently deprived at the same time of the light of the Sun and Moon. To have attained this end, it would have been sufBcient in the beginning to place the Moon in opposition with the Sun, in the same plane of the ecliptic, at a distance equal to the. hundredth part of the distance of the Earth from the Sun, and to give to the Moon and the Earth velocities parallel and proportional to their distances from that body. Then the Moon, constantly in opposi tion to the Sun, would have described an ellipse round it like that of the Earth ; these two bodies would have succeeded each other in the horizon, and as at that distance the Moon would never have been eclipsed, its light would certainly have replaced that of the Sun." Liou- ville finds, on the contrary, " Que, si la Lune avait occupe k I'oiigine la position particuliere que I'illustre auteur de la Micanique Celeste lui dssigne, elle n'aurait pu s'y njaintenir que pendant un temps tres court." '* That if the Moon had occupied at the beginning the particular posi- tion assigned to her by the illustrious author of the Micanique Cilesle, she would not have been able to maintain it for more than a very short time." * On the Transporting Power of the Tides, see Sir Henry de la Beche, Geological Manual, 1833, p. 111. t Arago, Sur la question de savoir si la Lune exerce sur notre Atmo- sphere une injluence appreciable, in the Annuaire for 1833, p. 157-206. The principal advocates of this opinion are Scheibler ( Untersuch. uber Einfluss des Mondes anf die Vcranderungenin unserer Atmosphdre, 1830, p. 20); Flangergues {Zwanzigjdhrige Beobachtungen in Viviers, Bibl. Universelle, Sciences et Arts; torn, xl., 1829, p. 265-283, and in Kastncr's Archivf. die ges. Naturlehre, bd. xvii., 1829, sees. 32-50); and Eisenlohr (Toggend., Annalen der Physih, bd. xxxv., 1835, p. 141-160, and 309- 329). Sir John Herschel considers it very probable that a very high temperature prevails upon the Moon (far above the boiling-point of water), as the surface is uninterruptedly exposed for fourteen days to the full action of the Sun. Therefore, in the opposition, or some few days after, the Moon must be, in some small degree, a source of heat for the Earth ; but this heat, radiating from a body far below the tem- [•erature of ignition, can not reach the surface of the Earth, since it ia MARS. * 159 of tlie satellite upon atmospheric pressure, aqueous depositions, and the dispersion of clouds, will be treated of in the last and purely telluric part of the Cosmos. Mars. The diameter of this planet, notwithstanding its considera- bly greater distance from the Sun, is only 0*5 19 of the Earth's, or 3568 geographical miles. The eccentricity of his orbit is 0-0932168, next to Mercury the greatest of all the planetary orbits ; and also on this account, as well as from its proximi- ty to the Earth, the most suitable for Kepler's great discove- ry of the elliptical form of the planetary orbits. His period of rotation^ i^, according to Miidler and Wilhelm Beer, 24h. 37m. 23s. His sidereal revolution round the Sun occupies 1 year 321d. I7h. 30m. 41s. The inclination ofMars's orbit toward the Earth's equator is 24° 44' 24"; his mass, ^^.^1--^; his density, in comparison to that of the Earth, 0-958. The mass of Mars will be hereafter corrected by means of the dis turbances which he may experience from his influence with the Comet of DeYico, in the same way that the close approach of Encke's Comet was taken advantage of to ascertain the mass of Mercury. The flattenmg of Mars, which (singularly enough) the great Konigsberg astronomer permanently doubted, was first recog- nized by William Herschel (1784). With regard to the amount )f the flattening, however, there was long considerable uncer- 'xbsorbed in the upper strata of our atmosphei'e, where it converts visi- ble clouds into transparent vapor." The phenomenon of the rapid dis- persion of clouds by the full Moon, when they are not extremely dense, is considered by Sir John Herschel " as a meteorological fact, which," he adds, "is confirmed by Humboldt's own experience and the uni- versal belief of the Spanish sailors in the tropical seas of Arherica." — See Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1846, Notices, p. 5 ; and Outlines, p. 201. * Beer and Madler, Beitrdge zur Phys. Kenntniss des Sonnensystems, 1841, p. 113, from observations in 1830 and 1832 ; Madler, Astronomie, 1849, p. 206. The first considerable improvement in the data for the period of rotation, which Dominique Cassini found 24h, 40m., was the result of laborious observations by William Herschel (between 1777 and 1781), which gave24h. 39m. 21-7s. Kunowsky found, in 1821, 24h. 36m. 403., very near to Madler's result. Cassini's oldest observation of the rotation of a spot upon Mars (Delambre, Hist, de VAstron. Mod., torn. :i.,p. 694) appears to have been soon after the year 1670; but in the very rare Treatise, Kern, Diss, de Scintitlatione Stellarum, Wittenb., 1686, § 8, 1 find that the actual discoverers of the rotations of Mars and Jupiter are stated to have been " Salvator Serra and Father ^gidius Franciscus de Cottignez, astronomex-s of the Collegio Romano." 160 ' COSMOS. tainty. It was stated by William Herschel to be j\ ; accord* ing to Arago's more accurate measurement,^ with one of E,o- chon's prismatic telescopes, in the first instance (before 1824), only in the proportion of 189 : 194, i. e., -^^.^ ; by a subsequent measurement (1847), J^; still, Arago is inclined to consider the flattening somewhat greater. If the study of the Moon's surface calls to mind many ge- agnostic relations of the surface of the Earth, so, on the con- trary, the analogies which Mars presents with the Earth are entirely of a meteorological nature. Besides the dark spots — some of which are blackish ; others, though in very small numbers, yellowish-red, f and surrounded by the greenish con- trast colors, so-called seasj — there are seen upon the disk of Mars two white, brilliant, snow-like spots, § either at the poles which are determined by the axis of rotation, or at the poles of cold alternately. They were recognized as early as 1716 by Philip Maraldi, though their connection with climatic changes upon the planet was first described by the elder Herschel, in the seventy-fourth volume of the Philosophical Transactions for 1784. The white spots become alternately larger or smaller, according as the poles approach their win- ter or summer. Arago has measured, by means of his polari- scope, the intensity of the light of these snoiv zones, and found it twice as great as that of the remaining part of the disk. The Physikalisch-astronomischen Beitrdgen of Madler and Beer contain some excellent graphic representations!! of the north and south hemispheres of Mars ; and this remarkable phenomenon, unparalleled throughout the whole planetary system, is there investigated with reference to all the changes of seasons, and the powerful action of the polar summer upon the melting snow. Careful observations, during a period of ten years, have also taught us that the dark spots upon Mars preserve a constant form and relative position. The period- ical formation of snow-spots, as meteoric depositions depend- ent upon change of temperature, and some optical phenom- ena which the dark spots present as soon as they have, by the rotation of the planet, reached the edge of the disk, make the existence of an atmosphere upon Mars more than probable. * Laplace, Expos, du Syst. du Monde, p. 36. Schr6ter's very imper- fect measurement of the diameter of the planet gave Mars a flattening of only -gL.. t Beer and Madler, Beiirage, p. Ill t Sir John Herschel, Outlines, $ 510. $ Beer and Madler, Beitrdge, p. 117-125. \ Madler, in Schumachei's Astr, Nachr., No. 192. THE SMALL PLANETS. IGl The Small Planets. We have already, in the general consideration'*' of the planetary bodies, characterized the group of small planets {asteroids, planetoids, co-planets, telescopic or ultra-zodiacal planets) under the name of an intermediate group, which, to a certain extent, forms a zone of separation between the four interior planets (Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars), and the four exterior planets of our solar system (Jupiter, Sat- urn, Uranus, and Neptune). Their most distinctive features consist in their interlaced, greatly inclined, and extremely ec- centric orbits ; their extraordinary smallness, as the diameter of Vesta does not appear to equal even the fourth part of the diameter of Mercury. When the first volume of the Cosmos appeared (1845), only four of the small planets were known : Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta, discovered by Piazzi, Olbers, and Harding (between January 1, 1801, and March 29, 1807) ; at the present time (July, 1851), the number of the small planets has already increased to 14 ; they form numerically * Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 101. With regard to the chronology of the dis- coveries of the small planets, compare p. 100 and 131 ; their relations of magnitude to the meteor-asteroids (aerolites), p. 105. With respect to Kepler's conjecture of the existence of a planet in the great chasm between Mars and Jupiter — a conjecture, hov^rever, w^hich by no means led to the discovery of the first of the small planets ( Ceres), compare p. 111,116, and 117, note t. The bitter reproach which has been thrown upon a highly esteemed philosopher, " because at a time when he might have known of Piazzi's discovery certainly five months before, but was unacquainted with it, he denied not so much the probability, as much more the necessity of a planet being situated between Mars and Jupi- ter," appears to me to be little justifiable. Hegel, in his Dissertatio de Orbitis Planetarum, composed in the spring and summer of 1801, treats of the ideas of the ancients of the distances of the planets ; and when he quotes the arrangement of which Plato speaks in the Timceus (p. 35, Steph.), 1.2. 3. 4. 9. 8. 27 (compare Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 109, note X), he denies the necessity of a chasm. He says only, "Quae series « verior naturce ordo git, quam arithmetica progressio, inter quar- tum et quintum locum magnum esse spatium, neque ibi planetam de- siderari apparet." " If the order of nature is more precise tiian an arithmetical progression, there appears to be a great space between the fourth and fifth place, and that no planet is required there." (He- gel's WerTce, bd. xvi., 1834, p. 28; and Hegel's Leben von Rosenkranz , 1844, p. 154.) Kant, in his ingenious work, Naturgeschichte desHim- mels, 1755, says merely that at the time of the fonnation of the planets, Jupiter occasioned the smallness of Mars by the enormous attractive force which the former possessed. He only once mentions, and then 'n a very indecisive manner, " the members of the solar system which are situated far from each other, and between which the intermediate parts have not yet been discovered." Immanuel Kant, SdmmtlichA Werke, th. vi., 1833 p. 87, 110, and 1913.) ?62 COSMOS the thiid part of all the 43 known planetary bodies, i. 0., of all principal and secondary planets. Although the attention of astronomers was long directed m the solar regions to increasing the number of the members of partial systems — the Moons which revolve round principal planets — and to the planets to be discovered in the furthest regions beyond Saturn and Uranus, now, since the accidental discovery of Ceres by Piazzi, and especially since the foreseen discovery of Astrea by Encke, as well as the great improve- ments in the star-charts* (those of the Berlin Academy con- tain all stars as far as the 9th, and partly to the 10th mag- nitudes), a nearer space presents to us the richest, and per- haps inexhaustible field for astronomical industry. It is an especial merit of the Astronomischeii Jahrbuch, which is published in my native town by Encke, the Director of the Berlin Observatory, with the assistance of Dr. Wolfers, that the ephemerides of the increasing host of small planets are treated of with particular completeness. Up to the present time, the region nearest to the orbit of Mars appears to be the most filled ; but the breadth of this measured zone is in itself more considerable than the distance of Mars from the Sun,t " when the difierence of the radii-vectores in the near- est perihelion (Victoria) and the most distant aphelion (Hy- giea) is taken into consideration." The eccentricities of the orbits, of which those of Ceres, Egeria, and Yesta are the smallest, and Juno, Pallas, and Iris the greatest, have already been alluded to$ above, as well as their degrees of inclination toward the ecliptic, which decreases from Pallas (34° 37') and Egeria (16° 33') to Hy- giea (3° 47'). A tabular view of the elements of the small planets follows here, for which I am indebted to my friend Dr. Galle. * With regard to the influence of improved star-charts upon the dis- eovery of the small planets, see Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 116. t D'Arrest, Ueber das System der Kleinen Planeten zwischen Mara mu- fupiter, 1851, p. 8. X Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 102 and 172. THE SMALL PLANETS. 163 ^ 1 u^ To ft* O ?- •^ Tf r» ^ 1 CO I-l b 1 tu ^ o ^ ^ ■«J< ^ CO gj «o 1 1 & 1 1 di b i i o o b ^ i 1 b w Q l-H 00 *^ <.. o b o ih ^5 on J^ j_ 1 1 r-i O a 3 s § 3 Ci i. >-» lO b ;_, Jo m :? 1 l-H >, '^ S5 s 1 8> t b K c,- o §J 1 1 ^ ^ 1 t ^ I— 1 is i^ rH ■^ s lO R J? g? b S f2 tS i 1 i 1 i-l o a 1 di b lO g 1 i o S S CO 1^ 1 CJ 1 rH •-3 CD ?^ ^ N lO a> CO « 1 B5 i o CO 3 1 o tf) b "1 rA 00 1 o I- Si S ^ a ? 6t b g S ^ n ^ •^ ^ ?? ^ 05 t3 •| i-l o 1 o ■<1« 8> 05 i 1 >^ OJ ^ li ^^ 00 S ct ^ y s 1 1 1 R g S « o 00 1— 1 k §5 U lo en C} 03 'd .a > M 4J O §, -* c^ o a a c5 b " ?, ^ lO CJ s? ^ 2 o 1 i s ^ ?, R> a ci irt (X 1 CO rH s u b "^ 1 H •^ t: a .^ s. (H © & S 6 S tJ a3T3 '5b.2 ^ S » .2 in J 2 '^ — §:§ O © H '•5 "3 So S go© 1§!. •^ ^ o -u ;::: t« G4 £ fe ©-5 £ © .0 ^ 2 « ^22 164 COSMOS The aisoovery of a fifteenth new planet (Eunomia) hat just been announced. It was discovered by De Gasparis upon the 19th of July, 1851. The elements, which have been calculated by Riimker, are the following : Epoch of mean longitude in mean Greenwich time. ) o t 1 -f) Mean longitude 321° 25' 29" Longitude of perihelion 27 35 38 Longitude of ascending node 293 52 55 Inclination 11 48 43 Eccentricity 0-188402 Half major axis 2-64758 Mean of motion 823-C30 Period of revolution 1574 days. The mutual relation of the orbits of the asteroids and the enumeration of the individual pairs of orbits has been made the subject of acute investigation, first by Gould^ in 1848, and more recently by D'Arrest. The latter says, " The strongest evidence of the intimate connection of the whole group of small planets appears to be, that if the orbits are supposed to be represented materially as hoops, they all hang together in such a manner that the whole group may be replaced by an^ given one. If it so happened that Iris, which Hind discov- ered in August, 1847, was still unknown, as many other bod- ies in this region certainly are, the group would consist of two separate parts — a result which must appear so much the more unexpected, as the zone which these orbits occupy in the solar system is wide."t We can not take leave of this wonderful group of planets without mentioning, in this fragmentary enumeration of the individual members of the solar system, the bold view of a gifted and deeply investigating astronomer as to the origin of the asteroids and their intersecting orbits. A result deduced from the calculations of Gauss, that Ceres approaches extreme- ly near to Pallas in her ascending passage through the plane of that planet's orbit, led Olbers to form the conjecture that " both planets, Ceres and Pallas, maybe fragments of a sin- gle large principal planet which has been destroyed by some natural force, and formerly occupied the gap between Mars and Jupiter, and that the discovery of an additional number of similar fragments which describe elliptical orbits round the Sun, in the same region, may be expected."! * Benjamin Althorpe Gould (now at Cambridge, Massachusetts, U. S.), Untersuchungen uber die gegeruseitige Lage der Bahnen zwischen Mars und Jupiter, 1848, p. 9-12. t D'Arrest, op. cit., p. 30. X Zach, Monatl. Ccrresp., bd> vi., p. 88. JUPITER. 165 The possibility of determining by calculation, even approx- imatively, the epoch of such a cosmical event, which it is sup- posed would be at the same time the epoch of the formation of the small planets, remains more than doubtful, from the complication produced by the already large number of the " fragments" known, the peculiar retrogression of the apsides, and motion of the nodes.* Olbers describes the region of the nodes of the orbits of Ceres and Pallas as corresponding to the northern wing of the Virgin and the constellation of the Whale. Certainly Juno was discovered in the latter by Harding, though accidentally, in the construction of a star- catalogue, scarcely two years after the discovery of Pallas, and even Yesta in the latter, after a long search during five years, conducted upon hypothesis. This is not the place to determine whether these results alone are sufficient to estab- lish the hypothesis. The cometary clouds, in which the small planets were at first supposed to be enveloped, have disap- peared on investigation with more perfect instruments. The considerable changes of light to which they were said to be ^ibject were ascribed by Olbers to their irregular figure as oeing " fragments of a single destroyed planet."! Jupiter. The mean distance of Jupiter from the Sun, expressed in fractional parts of the Earth's distance from the central body, amounts to 5-202767. The true mean diameter of this plan- et, the largest of all, is 77,176 geographical miles; equal, therefore, to 1 1-255 terrestrial diameters, about one fifth great- er than the diameter of the more remote Saturn. His side- real revolution occupies lly. 314d. 20h. 2m. 7s. The flattening of Jupiter, according to the measurements by Arago with the prismatic micrometer (which were intro- duced into the Exposition du Systeme du Monde, p. 38), is as 167 : 177, consequently y|.y, which agrees very closely with the later determination (1839) of Beer and Madler,t • Gauss, Monatl. Corresp., bd. xxvi., p. 299. t Mr. Daniel Kirkwood (of the Pottsville Academy) has ventured upon the undertaking of restoring the exploded primitive planet from the fragmentary remains in the saitie manner as the animals of the prim- itive Earth. He finds for it a diameter greater than Mars (of more than 4320 geographical miles), and the slowest rotation of all the priu- cipal planets — a length of day of fifty-seven hours and a half. (Report of the British Assoc, 1850, p. xxxv.) }. Beer and Madler, Beitrdge zur Phys. Kenntniss der Himl. Korpevt p. 104-106. Older and le*.s certain observations by Hussey gave ^^. 166 COSMOS. ^^ho found the flattening to "be between yi if and ^| g. Han- sen and Sir John Herschel give the preference to Jj. The earliest observation of the flattening, by Dominique Cassini, is older than the year 1666, as I have already pointed out elsewhere. This circumstance has an especial historical im« portance, on account of the influence which, according to Sir David Brewster's acute remark, the discovery of this flatten- ing by Cassini exercised upon Newton's ideas as to the figure of the Earth. The Frincipia PhilosophicB Naturalis bears witness to this, but the epochs at which the Principia and Cassini's observation of equatorial and polar diameters of Jupiter appeared, might excite chronological doubts.* As the mass of Jupiter after that of the Sun is the most important element of the whole planetary system, its accurate determination, which has recently been effected through the disturbances of Juno and Vesta, as well as by the elongation of his satellites, especially the fourth,! must be considered as one of the most productive improvements of calculating astron- omy. The valua of the mass of Jupiter is greater now than formerly ; that of Mercury, on the contrary, smaller. The former, together with that of the four satellites, is to4 7^T9' while Laplace gave it as yoeVog-^ Jupiter's period of rotation is, according to Airy, 9h. 55' 21 "-3 mean solar time. Dominique Cassini first found it (1665) to be between 9h. 55m. and 9h. 56in., by means of a spot which was visible^ for many years, even indeed to 1691, and was always of the same color and outline. Tho greater part of these spots are of greater blackness than the streaks upon Jupiter. They do not, however, appear to belong to Laplace {Syst. du Monde, p. 266) found it theoretically between -^^ and -^^j with increasing density of the strata. * Newton's immortal work, Philosophice Naturalis Principia Mathe matica, appeared as early as May, 1687, and the papers of the Paris Academy did not contain the notice of Cassini's determination of the flattening (y^^) until the year 1691 ; so that Newton, who might cer- tainly have known of Richer's pendulum-experiment at Cayenne, fronr the account of the journey printed in 1679, must have become acquaint- ed with the configuration of Jupiter by verbal intercourse and the act- ive correspondence of that time. With regard to this subject, and tho only apparent early acquaintance of Huygens with the pendulum-ex periment of Richer, compare Cosmos, vol. i., p. 165, note, and vol. ii., p. 146, note. t Airy, in the Mem. of the Royal Astron. Soc., vol, ix., p. 7 ; vol. x., p. 43. t As early as the year 1824. (Laplace, op. cit., p. 207.) $ Delambre, /fW. de t Astron. Mod., torn, ii., p. 754. JUPITER. 167 the surface of the planet itself, as they sometimes have a dif- ferent velocity from that of the equatorial regions. Accord- ing to a very experienced observer, Heinrich Schwahe, of Des- sau, the dark, more sharply-bounded spots have been several years in succession exclusively peculiar to the two gray gir dies bordering upon the equator, sometimes the north and sometimes the south. The process of spot-formation is, there- fore, locally variable. Schwabe's observations, made in No- vember, 1834, likewise show, that the spots on Jupiter, seen with a 280-fold magnifying power in a Fraunhofer telescope, sometimes resemble the small nucleoid spots surrounded by a halo upon the Sun. But still their darkness is less than that of the satellite shadows. The nucleus is probably a part of the body of Jupiter itself, and if the atmospheric opening remains fixed above the same spot, the motion of the spots gives the true rotation. They also separate sometimes, like the Sun-spots, as Dominique Cassini discovered as early as 1665. In the equatorial zone of Jupiter are situated two broad principal streaks or girdles, of a gray or grayish-brown col- or, which become paler toward the edges, and finally disap- pear entirely. Their boundaries are very irregular and va- riable ; both are separated by an intermediate bright equa- torial streak. Toward the poles, also, the whole surface is cov- ered with numerous, narrower, paler, frequently interrupted, even finely branched streaks, always parallel to the equator. *' These phenomena," says Arago,^ "are most easily explain- * " On salt qii'il existe au-dessus et au-dessous de I'equateur de Ju- piter deux baiides moins brillantes que la surface generale. Si on les examine avec une lunette, elles paraissent moins distinctes el mesure qu'elles s'eloiment du centre, et m6me elles deviennent tout-4-fait in- visibles pres des bords de la planete. Toutes ces apparences s'expli- quent en admettant I'existence d'une atmosphere de nuages inter- rompue aux environs de I'equateur par une zone diaphane, produite peut-etre par les vents alises, L'atmosphere de nuages reflechissaut plus de lumi^re que le corps solide de Jupiter, les parties de ce corps que Ton verra k travers la zone diaphane, auront moins d'eclat que le reste et formeront les bandes obscures. A mesure qu'on s'eloignera du centre, le rayon visuel de I'observateur traversera des epaisseurs de plus en plus grandes da la zone diaphane, en sorte qu'jl la lumiere reflechie par le corps solide de la planete s'ajoutera la lumiere reflechie par cett» /one plus epaisse. Les bandes sei'ont par cette raison moins obscures en s'eloignant du centre. Enfin aux bords memes la lumidre reflechie par la zone vue dans la plus grande epaisseur pourra faire disparaitre la difference d'intensite qui existe entre les quantit^s de lumiere reflechie par la planete et par l'atmosphere de nuages; on cessera alors d'aper cevoir les bandes qui n'oxistent qu'en vertu de cette difference. Oo 168 COSMOS". able by assuming the existence of an atmosphere partially condensed by strata of clouds, in which, however, the region resting upon the equator is free from vapor and diaphanous probably in consequence of the trade-winds. Since, as Will- iam Herschel already assumed in a treatise in the 83d vol. of the Philosophical Transactions, which appeared in 1793, the cloud-surface reflects a more intense light than the sur- face of the planet, so that part of the ground which we see through the clearer air must have less light (appear darker) than the strata of clouds reflecting large quantities of light. On that account gray (dark) and clear bands alternate with each other ; the former appear so much the less dark-colored in proportion to the distance from the center, when, the visual radius of the observer being directed obliquely toward the edge of the planet, at a small angle, they are seen through a larger and thicker mass of atmosphere, reflecting more light. observe dans les pays de montagnes quelque chose d'analogue : quand on se trouve pres d'un for^t de sapin, elle paralt noire ; mais k mesure qu'on s'en 61oigne, les couches d'atmosph^re interposees deviennent de plus en plus epaisses et reflechissent de la lumiere. La difference de teinte entre la foret et les objets voisins diminue de plus en plus, elle finit par se confondre avec eux, si I'on s'en eloigne d'une distance con- venable." (From Arago's Reports on Astronomy, 1841.) " It is known that there exist above and below^ the equator of Jupiter two bands less brilliant than the general surface. If these are examined with a tel- escope, they appear less distinct in proportion as the distance from the center increases, and they even become quite invisible near the edges of the planet. All these appearances may be explained by admitting the existence of an atmosphere of clouds, internipted near the equatot by a transparent zone, produced, perhaps, by the trade-winds. The at- mosphere of clouds reflects more light than the solid body of Jupiter. Those parts of him which are seen through the transparent zone would have less brightness than the remainder, and would form obscure bands. In proportion as the distance from the center increases, the visual ray of the observer traverses greater and greater thicknesses of the trans parent zone, in such a way that to the light reflected by the solid body of the planet is added the light reflected by the denser zone. The bands would be, from this reason, less obscure the greater the distance from the center. Finally, at the very edges of the planet's disk, the light reflected by the zone, seen in its greatest thickness, would cause the difference of intensity which existed between the quantities of light reflected by the planet and by the atmosphere of clouds to disappear, and the bands which exist only in virtue of that difference would cease to be visible. Something analogous is observed in mountainous coun- tries ; in the neighborhood of a forest of fir-trees they appear black, but in proportion as the observer removes to a greater distance, the interposed atmospheric strata become thicker and thicker, and reflect light. The difference of tint between the forest and the objects near diminishes more and more, and ends by their being confounded to gether on removing to a sufficieut distance." THE SATELLITES OF JUPITER. 169 The Satellites of Jupiter. Even so early as the brilliant epoch of Galileo, the correct opinion was formed that the subordinate planetary system of Jupiter might present, in many relations of space and time, a picture in miniature of the Solar System. This view, rap- idly diffused at that time, as well as the discovery, shortly afterward, of the phases of Venus (February, 1610), contrib- uted greatly to the general introduction of the Copernican system. The quadruple group of satellites of Jupiter is the only one of the exterior principal planets which has not been increased by any new discovery, during a period of nearly two centuries and a half, since the epoch of their first dis- covery by Simon Marius on the 29th of December, 1609. The following table contains the periods of sidereal revo- lution of the satelhtes of Jupiter, their mean distances ex- pressed in diameters of the primary, their diameters in geo- graphical miles, and their masses as parts of the mass of Jupiter. Satellite*. Period of Rev- olution. Distance from Jupiter. Diameter in Geogr. Miles. Maes. 1 2 3 4 d. h. m. 1 18 28 3 13 14 7 3 14 16 16 32 6,049 9,623 15,350 26,998 2116 1900 3104 2056 0-0000173281 0-0000232355 0-0000884972 0-0000426591 •"•^ ToTT-TT 9 expresses the mass of Jupiter with his satel- lites, then his mass without the satellites is" TiTT/ojg" ' °^ly about eoVo" sinaller. The comparisons of the magnitudes, distances, and ec- centricities with other satellite systems has already been given {Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 105-127). The luminous in- tensity of Jupiter's satellites is various, and not in propor- tion to their volume, since, as a general rule, the third and the frst, whose relation of magnitude is as 8 : 5, appear the brightest. The smallest and densest of all — the second — is generally brighter than the langcT fourth, which is ordinarily called the least luminous. Accidental (temporary) fluctua- tions in the luminous intensity have, as already remarked, been ascribed sometimes to changes of the surface, sometimes to obscurations in the atmosphere of the satellites.* They all appear, moreover, to reflect a more intense light than the primary. "When the Earth is situated between Jupiter and the Sun, and the satellites, therefore, moving from east to * Sir John Herschel, Oxtlines, $ 540. Vol. IV.— H 170 COSMOS. west; apparently enter on the eastern edge of Jupiter, they hide from us, in their passage, successive portions of the disk of their primary, and can be perceived with telescopes of moderate pow^er, since they stand out in lumhious relief from the disk. The visibility of the satellite is attended with more difficulty the nearer it approaches the center of the primary. From this phenomenon, which was early ob- served. Pound, Newton's and Bradley's friend, inferred that the disk was less luminous near the edge than at the center. Arago considers that this assumption, renewed by Messier, involves difficulties which can only be solved by new and more delicate observations. Jupiter was seen without any satellites by Molyneux in November, 1681 ; by Sir William Herschel on the 23d of May, 1802 ; and, lastly, by Griesbach, on the 27th of September, 1843. Such a non- visibility of the satellites has reference, however, to the space without the disk of Jupiter, and is not inconsistent with the theorem that all the four satellites can not be eclipsed at one time. Saturn. The period of sidereal or true revolution of Saturn is 29y. 166d. 23h. 16m. 32s. His mean diameter is 62,028 geo- graphical miles, equal to 9022 terrestrial diameters. The period oi rotation, deduced from the observation of some dark spots (knot-like condensations of the bands) upon the surface,* is lOh. 29m. 17s. Such a great velocity of rotation corre- sponds to the considerable ^«^^em?^g•. William Herschel esti- mated it, in 1776, at -^^.^ ; Bessel, after corresponding observ- ations during a period of more than three years, found that at * The earliest and careful observations of William Herschel, in No- vember, 1793, gave for Saturn's period of rotation lOh. 16m. 44s. It has been incorrectly attributed to the great philosopher, Immanuel Kant, that he conjectured the period of Saturn's rotation from theo- retical considerations in his Allgemeincn Naturgeschichte des Himmels, forty years before Herschel. The number that he gives is 6h. 23m. 53s. He calls his determination " the mathematical calculation of an unknown motion of a heavenly body, which is, perhaps, the only pre- diction of that kind in pure Natural Philosophy, and awaits confirma- tion at a future period." This confirmation of his conjecture did not take place at all ; observations have shown an error of f of the whole, i. e., of four hours. In the same work it is said respecting the ring of Saturn,. " that in the aggregation of particles which constitute it, those of the inner edge complete their revolution in 10 hours, those of tho external edge in 15 hours. The first of these ring-numbers is the only one which accidentally comes near the planet's observed period of ro- tation (lOd. 29m. 17s.). Compare Kant, Sdmmtlicke Werke, th. vir., 1389 p. 135 and 140. SATURN. 171 a mean distance the polar diameter was 15"-381 ; the equato- rial diameter 17"-053, consequently a flattening of y^ 3 .^ The body of the planet has also ribbon-like stripes, which are, how- ever, less perceptible, though, at the same time, rather broader than those of Jupiter. The most constant of them is a gray equatorial stripe. Next to this follow several others, but with variable forms, indicating an atmospheric origin. Will- iam Herschel did not always find them parallel to the rings, neither do they extend as far as the poles. The region round the poles presents a very remarkable phenomenon, a change in the reflection of light which is dependent upon Saturn's seasons. This region is more brightly luminous in Avinter, a phenomenon which calls to mind the variable snow-region of Mars, and did not escape the penetration of William Herschel, Whether such an increase of luminous intensity is to be as- cribed to the temporary formation of ice and snow, or to an extraordinary accumulation of clouds,! it is still indicative of the action of changes in temperature, and of the existence of an atmosphere. We have already stated the mass of Saturn to be ^iItq • it, together with the enormous volume of the planet (its diam- eter is I of the diameter of Jupiter), leads us to infer a very small density decreasing toward the surface. If the density were quite homogeneous (yVo of that of water), the flattening would be still greater. The planet is surrounded in the plane of its equator with at least two fully suspended and extremely thin rings, both situated in the same plane. Their luminous intensity is great- er than that of Saturn itself, and the outer ring is still brightei than the inner.$ The division of the ring seen by Huygens in 1655, as a single one,§ was indeed observed by Dominique * Laplace {Expos, du Syst. du Monde, p. 43) estimates the flattening at JL. The extraordinary deviation of Saturn from the spheroidal fig ure, according to which William Herschel, after a series of laborious observations, made with very different telescopes, found the major axis of the planet, not in the equator itself, but in a diameter which inter- sected the equatorial diameter at an angle of about 45°, was not con- firmed by Bessel, but found to be incorrect. t Arago, Annuaire for 1842, p. 555. X This difference in the luminous intensity of the outer and inner rings was also stated by Domini(^ue Cassini {M6m. de VAcad&mie dea Sciences, annee, 1715, p. 13). $ Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 323. The public announcement of the discovery, or, rather, the complete explanation of all the phenomena which are presented by Saturn and his ring, did not take place until the year 1659, four years afterward, in the Sy sterna SatumiTim. 172 COSMOS. Cassiniin 1 675, but first accurately described by William Her schel in 1789-1792. Since Short's time the outer has been found to be streaked by numerous fine stripes, but these lines or stripes have never been constant. Very recently, during the latter months of the year 1850, a third very pale, feebly luminous, and darker ring has been discovered between the planet and the ring hitherto called the inner one. The dis- covery was made nearly simultaneously by Bond, at Cam- bridge (U. S.), on the 11th of November, by means of the great refractor of Mertz with a fourteen-inch object-glass, and by Dawes, near Maidstone, on the 25th of November. This ring is separated from the second by a black line, and occu- pies the third part of the space, between the second ring and the body of the planet, which was formerly stated to be va- cant, and through which Derham affirmed that he saw small stars. The dimensions of the divided ring of Saturn have been de- termined by Bessel and Struve. According to the latter, the exterior diameter of the outer ring, at Saturn's mean distance, appears to us under an angle 40"'09, equal to 153,200 geo- graphical miles ; the interior diameter of the same ring, un- der an angle of 35"-29, equal to 134,800 geographical miles. For the exterior diameter of the inner (second) ring is ob- tained 34"-47 ; for interior diameter of the same ring, 26"-67. Struve fixes the space between the last-mentioned ring and the surface of the planet at 4"-34. The entire breadth of the first and second rings is 14,800 miles; the distance of the rings from the surface of Saturn, about 20,000 ; the space which separates the first from the second ring, and which represents the black line of division seen by Dominique Cas- sini, is only 1560 miles. The mass of the rings is, according to Bessel, yj-j of the mass of Saturn. They present a few elevations^ and irregularities, by means of which it has been possible to determine approximatively their period of rotation — exactly the same as that of the planet. The irregulari- ties of form become perceptible on the disappearance of the nngs, when one is generally lost sight of before the other. A very remarkable phenomenon was discovered by Schwabe, at Dessau, in September, 1827 — the eccentric position of Sat- urn. The ring is not concentric with the planet itself, but ♦ Such mountain-like inequalities of surface have recently been again noticed by Lassell in Liverpool, by means of a twenty-feet reflecting telescope of his ow^n construction. — Report of the British Associationp 1850, p. 35. SATURN. 173 the latter is situated somewhat to the westward. This ob- servation has been confirmed — partly by micrometi cal meas- urements— by Harding, Struve,* John Herschel, and South. The small differences in the degree of eccentricity, appearing periodically, which result from the corresponding observations of Schwabe, Harding, and De Vico in Rome, are perhaps con- sequences of oscillations of the center of gravity of the ring about the geometrical center of Saturn. It is surprising that, so early as the end of the seventeenth century, a priest of Avignon, nsLmed Gallet, attempted unsuccessfully to direct the attention of astronomers to the eccentric position of Sat- urn, t With the extremely minute density of Saturn (per- haps scarcely | the density of water) and its decrease toward the surface, it is difficult to form a conception of the molecu- lar condition or material constitution of the body of the plan- et, or even to decide whether this constitution actually pre- supposes fluidity, i. e., mobility of the smallest particles, or solidity, according to the frequently adduced analogies of pine wood, pumice-stone, cork, or a solidified liquid — ice. Horner, the astronomer of the Krusenstern expedition, calls the ring of Saturn a train of clouds ; he maintains that the mountains of Saturn consist of masses of vapor.$ Conjec- tural astronomy exercises here an unrestricted and tolerated play. Of an entirely different nature are the serious specu- lations of two distinguished American astronomers. Bond and Peirce, as to the possible stability of Saturn's rings, founded upon observations and the analytical calculus. § Both agree * Compare Harding's Kleine Ephemeriden for 1835, p. 100; and S*.ruve, in Schumacher's Astr. Nachr., No. 139, p. 389. t la the Aciis Eruditorum pro anno 1684, p. 424, is an extract from the Systema PhcEuomenorum, Saturni, autore Galletio, proposito eccl. Avenionensis : " Nonnuuquam corpus Saturni non exacie annuli medium obtinere visum fuit. Hinc evenit, ut, quum planeta orientalis est, cen- trum ejus extremitati orientali annuh propius videatur, et major pars ab occidentali latere sit cum ampliore obscuritate." "Sometimes the mass of Saturn appeared not to reach exactly the middle of his ring. Hence it happens that when that planet is in the east, his center appears nearer to the eastern extremity of the ring, and the greater part is away from the western side with greater obscurity." X Horner, in Gehlen's Neiiem Physik. Wdrterb., bd. viii., 1 836, p. 174. § Benjamin Peirce, On the Constitution of Saturn'' s Rii.g,'\u. Gould's Astron. Journal, 1851, vol. ii., p. 16. "The ring consists of a stream or of streams of a fluid, rather denser than water, flowing round the primary." Compare also Silliman's Amer. Journal, ser. ii., vol. xii,, 1851, p. 99; and with regard to the superficial inequalities of the ring, as well as disturbing and consequently preserving influences of the sat- ellites Sir John Herschel, Outlines, p. 320. 174 COSMOS. in their results in favor of fluidity, as well as continuous vari- ability in the figure, and divisibility of the outer ring. The permanence of the whole is considered by Peirce as depend- ent upon the influence and position of the satellites, because without this dependence, even with inequalities in the ring, the equilibrium could not be maintained. The Satellites of Saturn. The five satellites of Saturn which have been known lon- gest were discovered between the years 1655 and 1684 (Ti- tan, the sixth according to distance, by Huygens ; and four by Cassini, viz., Japetus, the outermost of all, Rhea, Tethys, and Dione). These were followed by the discovery, by Will- iam Herschel, in 1789, of two, Mim^as and Enceladus, situ- ated nearest to the planet. Finally, the seventh satellite, Hyperion, the last but one according to distance, was dis- covered almost simultaneously by Bond, at Cambridge (U. S.), and by Lassell at Liverpool, in September, 1848. The rela- tive magnitudes and relations of distances in this partial sys- tem have been already treated of {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 97 ; vol. iv., p. 105-118.) The periods of revolution and the mean distances, the latter expressed in fractional parts of the equatorial radius of the primary, are, according to the observ- ations instituted by Sir John Herschel at the Cape of Good H.ope,='^ between 1835 and 1837, the following : Satellites according Satellites accord- to the Order of their ing to their Dis- Period of Revolution. Mean Distance. Discovery. tances. f 1. Mimas 0 22 37 22-9 3-3607 g 2. Enceladus 1 8 53 6-7 4-3125 e 3. Tethys 1 21 18 25-7 5-3396 d 4. Dioue 2 17 41 8-9 6-8398 c 5. Rhea 4 12 25 10-8 9-5528 a 6. Titan 15 22 41 25-2 22-1450 h 7. Hyperion 22 12 ? 28-0000? b 8. Japetus 79 7 53 40-4 64-3590 Between the first four satellites nearest to Saturn a re- markable relation oi commensurability in the period of rev- olution presents itself. The period of the third satellite ( Te- thys) is double that of the first {Mimas) ; that of the fourth (Dione) double that of the second {Enceladus). The close- * Sir John Herschel, Results of Astron. Observations at the Cape of Good Hope, p. 414-430 ; the same, in the Outlines of Astr., p. 650, and apon the law of distances, $ 550. URANUS. 175 ness of this relation extends to ji^ of the longer periods. This unnoticed result was communicated to me by Sir John Herschel in a letter as long back as 1845. The four satel- lites of Jupiter present a certain regularity in their distances, forming very nearly the series 3, 6, 12. The distance of the second from the first, expressed in diameters of Jupiter, is 3-6 ; the distance of the third from the second, 5*7 ; that of the fourth from the third, 11-6. Moreover, Fries and Chal- lis have endeavored to prove the so-called law of Titius in all •satellite systems, even in that of Uranus.^ Uranus. The acknowledged existence of this planet, the great dis- covery of William Herschel, has not only increased the num- ber of the principal planets known for thousands of years, and more than doubled the diameter of the solar regions — it has also, after the lapse of sixty-five years, led to the discovery of Neptune, through the disturbances which it underwent from the influence of the latter. Uranus was discovered accident- ally (13th March, 1781), during the examination of a small group of stars in Gemini, by its small disk, which, with mag- nifying powers of 460 and 932, increased far more consider- ably than was the case with other adjacent stars. The saga- cious discoverer, so thoroughly acquainted with all optical phe- nomena., also observed that the luminous intensity decreased considerably in proportion as stronger magnifying powers were employed, while in the fixed stars (6th and 7th magni- tude) it remained nearer the same. When Herschel first announced the existence of Uranus, he called it a comet,-f and it was only by the united labors of Saron, Lexell, Laplace, and Mechain, which were consider- ably facilitated by the discovery made by the meritorious Bode, in 1784, of the previous observations of the planet by Tobias Mayer (1756) and Flamstead (1690), that the ellip- tical orbit of Uranus and the whole of its planetary elements were determined with admirable celerity. According to Han- sen, the mean distance of Uranus from the Sun is 1,918,239, or 1585 million geographical miles; his period of sidereal revolution 84y. 5d. 19h. 41m. 36s.; the inclination of his orbit to the ecliptic, 0° 46' 28" ; his apparent diameter at •> * Fries, Vorlesungen iiher die Stemhunde, 1833, p. 325 ; Challis, in the Transact, of the Cambridge Philos. Society, vol. iii., p. 171. t William Herschel, Account of a Comet in the Philos. Transact, for I781,vol, Ixxi., p. 492. 176 COSMOS. the mean distance from the Earth, 9"-9. His ?nass, which was determined as y Tj-g-yj from the first observations of the BateUites, is, according to Lamont's observations, only 24^0 s > consequently his dmisity would be between those of Jupiter and Saturn.* A flattening of Uranus was already conjec- tured by Herschel from his -observations with magnifying powers of from 800 to 2400. According to Madler's meas- urements in 1842 and 1843, it would appear to fall between y^-Y and g?^.! The original supposition that Uranus had two rings was found to be an optical illusion by the discoverer himself, in all cases so cautious and persevering in confirming his discoveries. The Satellites of Uranus. " Uranus," says Sir John Herschel, " is attended by satel- lites— four, at least, probably five or six." They present a great and hitherto unparalleled peculiarity, viz., that while all satellites (those of the Earth, of Jupiter, of Saturn), as well as all the principal planets, move from west to east, and with the exception of a few asteroids, in orbits not much in- clined toward the ecliptic, the satellites of Uranus move from east to west in orbits which are nearly circular, and form an angle of 78° 58' with the ecliptic — ^very nearly perpendicu- lar to it. In the case of the satellites of Uranus, as well aa those of Saturn, the arrangement and nomenclature, accord- ing to their distances from the primary, are to be distin- guished from the arrangement according to the epoch of discovery. According to a private communication from Six John Herschel (November 8th, 1851), Mr. Lassell has dis- tinctly observed on the 24th, 28th, and 30th of October, and 2d of November of the above year, two satellites of Uranus., which appear to be situated still nearer to the primary than the first satellite observed by Sir William Herschel, to which he ascribed a period of revolution of about 5 days and 21 hours, but which was not recognized. The periods of revo- lution of the two satellites now seen by Lassell were near to 4 and 21 days. Of the satellites of Uranus, the second and fourth were first discovered by William Herschel in 1787, then the first and fifth in 1790, and, finally, the sixth and third in 1794. During the fifty-six years which have elapsed since the last discovery *bf a Uranus satellite (the third), the * Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 119. t Madler, in Schumacher's Astr. Nachr., No. 493. (With regard to the flattening of Uranus, compare Arago, Annn,i^re for 1842, p. 577-579.) NEPTUNE. 177 existence of six satellites has frequently "been unjustly doubt- ed ; the observations of the last twenty years have gradually proved how trustworthy the great discoverer of Slough has been in this as in all other branches of planetary astronomy. Those satellites of Uranus which have been seen again up to this time are the first, second, iourth, and sixth. Perhaps it may be ventured to add the third, after the observations of Lassell on the 6th of November, 1848. On account of the large opening of his reflecting telescope, and the abundance of hght thus obtained, the elder Herschel considered that with the sharpness of his vision, under favorable atmospheric circumstances, a magnifying power of 157 was sufficient ; his son recommends, in general, a power of 300 for these ex- tremely small luminous disks (luminous points). The second and fourth satellites were seen again the earliest, the most frequently and positively by Sir John Herschel, from 1828 to 1834, in Europe and at the Cape of Good Hope, subsequently by Lament at Munich and Lassell at Liverpool. The first satellite of Uranus was found by Lassell (September 14th to November 9th, 1847), and by Otto Struve (October 8th to December 10th, 1847). The outermost (the sixth) by La- ment (October 1st, 1837). The fifth appears never to have been seen again, and the third not satisfactorily enough.^ The particulars here put together are not without importance, also for the reason that they tend to excite caution in not placing too much confidence in so-called negative evidence. Neptune. The merit of having successfully conducted and announced an inverse problem of disturbance, that " of deducing from the given disturbances of a known planet the elements of an unknown one," and even of having, by a bold prediction, oc- casioned the important discovery of Neptune by Galle on the 23d of September, 1846, belongs to the faculty of acute rea- soning and the persevering industry of Leverrier.f This is, as Encke expresses himself, the most brilliant of all planeta- ry discoveries, because purely theoretical investigations have rendered possible the prediction of the existence and the place of the new planet. The celerity with which the plan- * For the observations of Lassell at Starfield (Liverpool), and of Otta Struve, compare Monthly Notices of the Royal Astron. Soc, vol. viii., 1848, p. 43-47 and 135-139 ; also Schum., Asfr. Nachr., No. 623, p. 3fi5 t Berhard von Liadenau, Beitrag zur Gcschichte der Neptuns-xhi:- deckung, in the supplementary sheet to Schum. Astr. Nachr., ] 849, p i H 2 178 COSMOS. et was afterward found was itself favored by the excellent star-chart drawn up by Bremiker for the Berlin Academy. =^ While among the distances of the exterior planets from the Sun, that of Saturn (9 53) is nearly double as great as the distance of Jupiter (5-20), t^ distance of Uranus (19-18) is, however, tnore than double that of Saturn ; so the distance of Neptune (30-04) is less than that which would be re- quired for a repeated doubling of the distance by full ten times the distance of the Earth from the Sun, i. e., an entire third of Neptune's distance from the Sun. The ^^Za^ie^ary boundaries were at that time 2484 million of geographical miles from the central body. By the discovery of Neptune, the landmark of our planetary knowledge has been advanced more than 892 million miles further (more than 10-8 times the distance of the Sun from the Earth). According as the disturbances are recognized which each last planet expe- riences, so will other planets be gradually discovered which now remain invisible by means of our telescopes on account of their remoteness.! According to the most recent determinations, Neptune's period of revolution is 60126-7 days, or 164 years and 226 days, and his half major axis 30-03628. The eccentricity of his orbit, next to that of Venus the smallest, is 0-00871946 ; his mass, 74 ^4 e \ his apparent diameter, according to Encke and Cxalle, 2"-70, according to Challis even 3"-07, which gives as his density, in comparison with the Earth, 0-230 ; greater, therefore, than that of Uranus 0-173.$ Soon after the first discovery of Neptune by Galle, a ring was ascribed to him by Lassell and Challis. The former em- ployed a magnifying power of 567, and endeavored to determ- ine the considerable inclination of the ring to the ecliptic ; but subsequent investigations have, as long before in the case of Uranus, contradicted the opinion of the existence of a ring round Neptune. I dare scarcely allude in this work to the certainly earlie' labors of the distinguished and acute English geometrician, * Astr. Nachr., No. 580. t Leverrier, Recherches sur les Movvemens de la Planete Herschel, 1846, in the Connaissance dcs Temps pour Van 1849, p. 254. X The very important element of the mass of Neptune has been grad- nally increased from -^^^^y accordhig to Adams, y^|y^ according to Peirce, -^^^^ according to Bond, and ^itw according to Sir John Herschel, y^|^^ according to Lassell, to y^j^^ according to Otto and August Struve. The last result has been adopted in the text. NEPTUNE. 179 Mr. Adams, of St. John's College, Cambridge. The historic- al facts which refer to these labors, and to Leverrier's and Galle's happy discovery of the new planet, have been circum- stantially and impartially developed from reliable sources in two works, by the astronomer royal, Airy, and by Bernhard von Lindenau.=^ Intellectual endeavors, almost' simultane- * Airy, in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. vii.-, No. 9 (November, 1846), p. 121-1.52. Bernhard von Lindenau, Beitrag ziir Geschichte des Neptuns-Entdechmig, p. 1-32, and 235-238. At the instigation of Arago, Leverrier commenced, in the summer of 1845, his investigations of the theory of Uranus. The results of this in- vestigation he laid before the Institute on the 10th of November, 1845, the 1st of June, 31st of August, and 5th of October, 1846, and published them at the same time ; but the most extensive and important of Lever- rier's labors which contained the solution of the whole problem appeared in the Connaissance des Temps four Van 1849. Adams laid the first results which he had obtained for the disturbing planet before Profes- sor Challis in September, 1845, without having them printed, and, to gether with some alterations in October of the same year, before the astronomer royal, still without making them public. The latter re- ceived the final results of Adams, with fresh corrections referring to a decrease of the distance, in the commencement of September, 1846. The young Cambridge geometrician expresses himself upon the chro- nological succession of the investigations which were directed to one and the same object with as much modesty as self-denial : " I mention these earlier dates merely to show that my results were arrived at in- dependently and previously to the publication of M. Leverrier, and not w^ith any intention of interfering with his just claims to the honor of the discovery ; for there is no doubt that his researches were first pub- lished to the world, and led to the actual discovery of the planet by Dr. Galle ; so that the facts stated above can not detract in the slightest degree from the credit due to M. Leverrier." Since, in the history of the discovery of Neptune, mention is frequently made of an early share which the great Konigsberg astronomer took in the hope already ex- pressed by Alexis Bouvard (the author of the tables of Uranus) in the year 1834, "of the disturbance of Uranus by a yet unknown planet," it will, perhaps, not be unacceptable to many readers of the Cosmos if I introduce here part of a letter which Bessel wrote to me on the 8th of May, 1840 (therefore two years before his conversation with Sir John Herschel, during his visit to CoUingwood) : " You request me to give you information as to the planet beyond Uranus. I could indeed refer you to friends in Konigsberg who, from misunderstanding, fancy that they know more about the matter than I do myself. I chose as the subject of a public lecture delivered upon the 28th of February, 1840, the development of the connection hetween astronomical obsffnoa- tions and astronomy. The public know no diflerence between the two; consequently, their opinion was to be corrected. The indication of the development of astronomical knowledge from observations naturally led to the remark that we can by no means affirm that our theory ex- plains all the motions of the planets. Uranus afforded a proof of this, the old observations of which do not at all accord with elements which coincide with the later observations from 1783 to 1820. I believe that 180 COSMOS. ously directeu to the same important end, present in their laudable competition so much the more interest, as they testi- fy, by the selection of means, to the present distinguished con' dition of higher mathematical knowledge. The Satellites of Neptune. While in exterior planets the existence of a ring presents itself only in one solitary instance, and its rarity permits of the conjecture that the organ and formation of an unconnect' ed girdle depends upon the conjunction of peculiar and diffi* cultly fulfilled conditions, so, on the contrary-, the existence of satellites accompanying the exterior planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus) is a phenomenon as universal as the former is rare. Lassell discovered with certainty* the first satellite of Nep- tune so soon as the commencement of August, 1847, in his large twenty- feet refl.ector, with a 24-inch aperture. Las- sell's discovery was confirmed by Otto Struvef at Pulkowa I once told you that I have worked much upon this subject, but have come to no other result than the certainty that the present theory, or, much rather, its application to the solar system, as we are acquainted icith it, was insufficient to solve the mystery. Nevertheless, it must not, on that account, be considered upon my opinion to be unsolvable. We must first know accurately and completely what has been observed of Uranus. By the aid of one of my young hearers, Flemming, I have had all the observations reduced and compared, and thus the existing facts now lie before me complete. While the old observations do not agree with the theory, the more recent ones agree still less ; for now the error is a whole minute, and increases annually about 7" to 8", so that it will soon be much greater. I was therefore of opinion that the time might come when the solution of this mystery might perhaps be found in the discovery of a new planet whose elements might be ascer- tained by its influences upon Uranus, and confirmed by those exerted upon Saturn. That this time has already amved I am far from saying, but I shall examine now how far the existing facts can carry us. This is an investigation which I have pursued for so many years, and on ac- count of which I have followed so many views, that its results espe- cially interest me, and shall therefore be brought to an end as soon as possible. I have great confidence in Flemming, who will, in Dantzic to which place he has been called, continue the same reduction of ob- servations for Saturn and Jupiter which he has now made for Uranus. It is, in my opinion, fortunate that he has (for the present) no means of observation, and has no lectures to deliver. A time will indeed come when he must institute observations with a definite aim; then he should no longer want the means of carrying them out any more than he doea the ability to do so." * The first letter in which Lassell announced the discovery was on the 6th of August, 1847. (Schumacher, Astr. Nachr., No. 611, p. 165.) t Otto Struve, in the Astr. Nachr., No. 629. August Struve, in Doi> pat, calculated the orbit of the first satellite of Neptune from the observ ations at Fulkowa. COMETS. 181 (September 11th to December 20th, 1847), and Bond,* the director of the observatory at Cambridge (U. S.), (September 16th, 1847). The Pulkowa observations gave : the period of rotation of Neptune's satellite, 5d. 21h. 7m. ; the inclina- tion of its orbit to the plane of the echptic, 34° 7' ; the dis- tance from the center of the primary, 216,000 geographic- al miles ; the 7naiS,-^-^\-^-^. Three years afterward (August 14th, 1850), Lassell discovered a second satellite, for the ex- amination of which he employed a magnifying power of 628. t This last discovery has not, I beheve, been' confirmed by othel observers. III. THE COMETS. The comets, which Xenocrates and Theon of Alexandria call light-clouds, and which, according to an old Chaldean belief, Apollonius Myndius considered to " ascend periodically from great distances in long-regulated orbits," though subject to the attractive force of the central body, form a peculiar and separate group in the solar regions. They are distin- guished from the planets, properly so called, not merely by the eccentricity of their orbits, and, what is still more import- ant, their intersection of the planetary orbits ; they also pre- sent a variability of figure, a change of outline, which in some instances has been observable during the space of a few hours , as, for example, in the Comet of 1744, so accurately described by Hensius, and at the last appearance of Halley's Comet in 1835. Before Encke had discovered the existence oi inte- rior comets of short periods of revolution, whose orbits were inclosed within those of the planets, dogmatic speculations, founded upon false analogies as to the increasing eccentricity, magnitude, and decreasing density in proportion to the dis- tance from the Sun, led to the opinion that planetary bodies of enormous volume would be discovered beyond Saturn, re- volving in eccentric orbits, and '' forming an intermediate group between planets and comets, and, indeed, th at the last exterior planet ought to be called a comet, since perhaps its orbit intersected that of Saturn, the planet next to it.":j: Such * W. C. Bond, in the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. ii., p. 137 and 140. t Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 729, p. 143. t " By means of a series of intermediate members," says Immanuet 182 COSMOS. an opinion of the connection of forms in \ie universe, analo gous to ihd frequently misemployed doctrine of transition in organic nature, was shared by Immanuel Kant, one of the greatest minds of the eighteenth century. At two epochs, twenty-six and ninety-one years after the Naturgeschichtt des Himmels was dedicated to the great Frederick by the Konigsberg philosopher, Uranus and Neptune were discovered by William Herschel and G-alle ; but the orbits of both plan- ets have a less degree of eccentricity than that of Saturn ; if even the latter is 0*056, so, on the contrary, Neptune, the outermost of all known planets, moves in an orbit whose ec- centricity is 0-008, nearly the same as that of Venus (O.OOG). In addition to this, Uranus and Neptune present none of the predicted cometary characters. As, in more recent times (since 1819), the discovery of- Encke's Comet was gradually followed by those of five inte rior comets, forming, as it were, a peculiar group, the semi- major axis of whose orbits for the most part resembles those of the small planets, the question was raised as to whether the group of interior comets may not, as is conjectured by Olbers, in his hypothesis respecting the small planets, origin- ally have formed a single cosmical body ; whether the large comet may not have been separated into several by the influ- ence of Mars, in the same way that such a separation, as it were a bipartition, took place under the eye of the observer in the year 1846, on the occasion of the last return of the interior comet of Biela. Certain similarities in their elements have induced Professor Stephen Alexander, of the College of New Jersey, to institute investigations^ as to the possibility Kant, " the last planets beyond Saturn would gradually pass into com- ets, and so the last species would be connected with the first. The law according to which the eccentricity of the planetary orbits is propor- tionate to the distances of the plauets from the Sun, supports this con- jecture. The eccentricity increases with the distance, and, conseque^-jt- ,y, the more distant planets approach nearer to the definition of com- ets. The last planet and the fTrst comet may be called that body which in its perihelion intersects the orbit of the adjoining planet, perhaps that of Saturn. Our theory of the mechanical formation of the cosmical bodies is also clearly proved by the magnitudes of the planetary masses which increase with the distance from the Sun." — Kant, Naturge- schichte des Himmels (1755), in his Sdmmtliche Werke, th. vi., p. 88 and 195. At the commencement of the fifth section (p. 131), he speaks of the former cometary nature which Saturn was supposed to have pos« pessed. * Stephen Alexander, "On the Similarity of arrangement of the As« teroids and the Comets of short pei'iod, and the possibility of their common origin," in Gould's Astronom. Journal, No. 19, p. 147, and No COMETS, 183 of a comi.ion oiigin of the asteroids between Mars and Ju- piter, with some or even all of the comets. The grounds of analogy which have been deduced from the nebulous envel- opes of the asteroids must, according to all more recent and accurate observations, be renounced. The orbits of the small planets are not parallel to each other ; that of Pallas certain- ly presents the phenomenon of an extreme inclination ; but, with all the want of parallehsan between their own orbits, still theij do not intersect in a cometary manner any one of the orbits of the large older, i. e., earlier discovered planets This circumstance, so extremely essential in every assumption of a primitive projectile direction and projectile velocity, ap- pears, besides the difference in the physical constitution of the interior comets, and the entirely vaporless small planets, to •render the similarity of origin of both kinds of cosmical bodies very improbable. Laplace, also, in his theory of planetary genesis from rings of vapor revolving round the Sun, in which matter aggregates into spheres aromid a nucleus, considered it necessary to separate the comets from the planets : " Dans Vhypothese des zones de vapeurs et d'un noyau s' accroissant far la condensation de V atmosphere qui V environne, les co- metes sont etrangeres au systeme planet aire T^ " According to the hypothesis of zones of vapor, and of a nucleus increas- ing by the condensation of the atmosphere which surrounds them, the comets are strangers to the planetary system. ' We have already directed attention, in the Delineations of Nature.^ to the fact that the comets at the same time pos- sess the smallest mass, and occupy the largest space, of any bodies in the solar regions ; in their number, also, they ex- ceed all other planetary bodies ; the theory of probabilities, applied to the data of the equable distribution of the orbits, the boundaries, the perihelions, and the possibility that some 20, p. 181. The author distinguishes, with Hind (Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 724), "the comets of short period, whose semi-axes are all nearly the same with those of the small planets between Mars and Jupiter; and the other class, including the comets whose mean distance or semi- axis is somewhat less than that of Uranus." He concludes the first es- say with this remark: ** Different facts and coincidences agree in indi- cating a near appulse, if not an actual collision, of Mars with a large comet in 1315 or 1316, that the comet was thereby broken into three parts, whose orbits (it may be presumed) received even then their pres- ent form, viz., that still presented by the Comets of 1812, 1815, and 1846, which are fragments of the dissevered comet." * Laplace, Expos, du Syst. du Monde (ed. 1824), p. 414. t On Comets: in the Delineation of Nature, s^e Cosmog, vol. i , p lOO-UO. 184 COSMOS. remain i?ivisible, indicates the existence of many tliousands. "VVe except the aerolites or meteoric asteroids, as their nature is still enveloped in great obscurity. Among the comets, those must be distinguished whose orbits have been calcula- ted by astronomers, and such of which there are only incom- plete observations, or mere indications recorded. As, accord- ing to Galle's last accurate enumeration, 178 had been cal- culated up to the year 1847, so it may be admissible to adopt as the total number, with those which have been merely in^ dicated, the assumption of six or seven hundred observed com- ets. When the Comet of 1682, predicted by Halley, appeared again in 1759, it was considered very remarkable that three comets should be visible in the same year. At the present time, the investigation of the heavens is carried on simultane- ously at several parts of the globe, and with such energy, that in each of the years 1819, 1825, and 1840, four were discovered and calculated; in 1826, five; and in 1846, even eight. » Of comets visible with t^ » naked eye, more have been ob- served recently than during the latter part of the previous century ; but among them, those which have a great brill- iancy in the head and tail still remain, on account of their unfrequency, remarkable phenomena. It will not be with- out interest to enumerate how many comets, visible in -Europe to the naked eye, have appeared during the last centuries.* The epoch in which they were most numerous was the six- teenth century, during which twenty-three such comets were <5een. The seventeenth numbered twelve, and of these only two during its first half In the eighteenth century only eight appeared, but nine during the first fifty years of the nineteenth century. Among these, the most beautiful were those of 1807, 1811, 1819, 1835, and 1843. In earlier ages, thirty or forty years have frequently passed without such a spec- tacle presenting itself in a single instance. In the years, however, during which comets seldom appear, there may be a number of large comets whose perihelia are situated be- yond the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. Of the telescopic comets, there are at the present time, upon an average, at least two or three discovered annually. In three successive months (1840) Galle discovered three new comets ; from 1764 to 1798, Messier discovered twelve ; from 1801 to 1827, Pons discovered twenty-seven. Thus Kepler's expression as to the * 111 the seven half centuries from 1500 to 1850, altogether 52 cometa have appeared which were visible to the naked eye; iu separate succea 4. COMETS, 185 nui^ber of comets in the universe appears to hold good : ut jrisces in oceano. Of not less importance is the careful catalogue of comets which have appeared in China, and which Edward Biot has made known from the collection of Ma-tuan-lin. It reaches back beyond the foundation of the Ionic school of Thales and ths Lydian Alyattes, and comprises, in two sections, the place of the comets from 613 years before our own era until 1222 years afterward, and then from 1222 to 1644, the period in seven equal periods, 13 ,10; 2, 10, 4, 4, and 9. The follow individual years 1500—1550 1550—1600 13 Com. 10 Com. 1600—1650 1650—1700 1607 1652 1618 1664 2 Com. 1665 1668 1672 1680 1682 1686 1689 • ^• 1696 10 Cora. 1700—1750 1750—1800 1702 1759 1744 1766 1784 (2) 1769 4 Com 1781 4 Com. 1800—1850 1807 . 1811 1819 1823 1830 1835 1843 1845 18 47 9 Com. or the 28 Comets visible to tlje naked eye which are here enumerated In the sixteenth century (the epoch of Apianus, Girolamc Fracastoro, Landgravine William IV. of Hesse, Mastlin, and Tycho), 10 were de- scribed by Pingre, namely, those of 1500, 1505, 1506, 1512, 1514, 1516, 1518, 1521, 1522, and 1530; further, the Comets of 1531, 1532, 1533 1556, 1558, 1569, 1577, 1580, 1582. 1585, 1590, 1593, and 1596. 186 COSMOS. which the dynasty of Ming ruled. I repeat here (see Cos- mos, vol. i., p. 99), that while from the middle of the third to the end of the fourteenth century it was necessary to cal culate comets exclusively from the Chinese observations, the calculation of Halley's Comet, on its appearance in the year 1456, was the first calculation which was made from alto- gether European observations, those of Regiomontanus. These latter were again followed by the very accurate observations of Apianus at Ingoldstadt, upon the occasion of the reappear- ance of Halley's Comet in August of the year 1531. In the interval (May, 1500) appeared a magnificently brilliant com- et,* rendered famous by African and Brazilian travels of dis- covery, which was called in Italy Signor Asto7ie, the great Asta. Laugierf has detected, by similarity of the elements in the Chinese observations, a seventh appearance of Hal- ley's Comet (that of 1378) ; as well as that the third comet of 1840, discovered by Galle,^ on the 6th of March, appears to be identical with that of 1097. The Mexicans also con- nected events in their records with comets and other ob- servations of the heavens. The Comet of 1490, which I discovered in the Mexican manuscript of St. Tellier, and of which an engraving is inserted in my Monumens des Peuples indighies de V Amerique, I have found, singularly enough, to be mentioned as having been observed in December of that year only in the Chinese comet-register. § The Mexi- cans had inserted it in their register twenty-eight years be- fore the first appearance of Cortez upon the coasts of Vera Cruz (Chalchinhcuecan). I have, in the Delineations of Nature [Cosmos, vol. i., p. 101), treated fully of the configuration, alterations of form, * This is the " evil-disposed" comet to which was ascribed the death of the celebrated Portuguese discoverer Bartholomsjeus Diaz, by ship- wreck, as he was saihng to the Cape of Good Hope; Humboldt, Ex amen Crit. de V Hist, de la G6ogr., tom. i., p. 296, aud torn, v., p. 80 (Sousa, Asia Portug., tom. i., p. i., cap. v., p. 45.) t Laugier, in the Cojinaissance des Temps pour Van 1846, p. 99. Compare also Edward Biot, Recherches sur les Anciennes Apparitions Chinoises de la Comete de Halley ant&rieures a Vann€e 1378, op. cit., p. 70-84. X Upon the comet discovered by Galle in March, 1840, see Schu- macher, Astr. Nachr., bd. xviii., p. 188. $ See my Vues des Cordilleres (ed. in folio), pi. Iv., fig. 8, p. 281, 282 The Mexicans had also a very correct view of the cause of a solar eclipse. The same Mexican manuscript, written at least a quarter of a century before the arrival of the Spaniards, represents the Sun as al most entirely covered by the Moon's disk, and with gtarrf visible at the same time. COMETS. 187 light, ai^d color of comets, the emanations from their heads which, bent backward,^ form the tails, from the observations of Hensius (1744), Bessel, Struve, and Sir John Herschel. Besides the magnificent Gsmet of 1843,t which could be seen by Bowring, in Chihuahua (N."W. America), as a small white cloud from nine o'clock in the morning until sunset, and by Amici, in Parma, at full noon, 1° 23' eastward of ihe Sun,$ the first comet of the year 1847, discovered by * This iformation of ike tail at the anterior part of the comet's head, which has occupied Bessel's attention so much, was the opinion of New- ton and Winthrop (compare Newton's Principia, p. 511, and Philos. Transact., vol. Ivii., for the year 1767, p. 140, tig. 5). Newton consid- ei-ed that the tail was developed most considerably and longer near the Sun, because the cosmical ether (which we call, with Encke, the resist- ing medium) was the densest tliere, and the particulce caudce, strongly heated and supported by the ether, ascended more easily. Winthrop considered that the principal effect did not take place until some time after the perihelion passage, because, according to the law established by Newton (Principia, p. 424 and 466), the maxima are universally re- tarded (in periodical changes of heat as well as in ocean tides). t Arago, in the Annuaire for 1844, p. 395. The observation was made by the younger Amici. X With regard to the Comet of 1843, which appeared with unexam- pled splendor in Northern Europe during the month of March, near Orion, and approached nearer- to the Sun than any hitherto observed and calculated comet, all the details are collected in Sir John Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy, $ 589-597 ; and in Peirce, American Almanac for 1844, p. 42. On account of physiognomical resemblances whose uncertainty was already shown by Seneca {Nat. Quecst., lib. ii., caps, xi. andxvii.), it was at first considered to be identical with the comets of 1668 and 1689 {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 139, note; Galle, in Olbers's Come- tenbahnen, Nos. 42 and 50). Boguslawski (Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 545, p. 272) believes on tlie contrary, that its previous appearances were with a revolution of 147 years, those of 1695, 1548, and 1401 ; he even calls it the Comet of Aristotle, " because he traces it back to the year 371 before our era, and, together with the talented Hellenist Thiersch, of Munich, considers it to be a comet which is mentioned in the Mete- orologicis of Aristotle, book i., cap. vi." But I'would call to mind that the name Comet of Aristotle is vague and indefinite. If that one is meant which Aristotle states to have disappeared in Orion, and which ne connects with the earthquake in Achaia, it must not be forgotten that this comet is stated by Callisthenes to have appeared before, by Diodorus after, and by Aristotle at the time of the earthquake. The «ixth and eighth chapters of the Meteorology treat of four comets whose epochs of appearance are characterized by the archons at Athens, and by unfortunate events. In this place those are mentioned in order: the western comet which appeared on the occasion of the great earth- quake at Achaia, accompanied with floods (cap. vii., 8) ; then the comet which appeared during the time of the Archon Eucles, the son of Mo- Ion ; afterward (cap. vi., 10) the Stagirite comes again to the western comet, that of the great earthquake, and at the same time calls the Ar chon Asteus — a name which incoiTect readings have changed into Aria 188 COSMOS. Hind near Capella, has very recently been visible at London, near the Sun, on the day of its perihelion. taDus, and which was, on that account, erroneously considered by Pingr^, in his Comitographie, to signify one and the same person as Aristhcnes or Alcisthenes. The brilHancy of this comet of Asteus diffused itself over the third part of the sky ; the tail, which was called its way {odog), was also 60° in length. It extended nearly as far as Orion, where it gradually disappeared. In cap. vii., 9, the comet is mentioned which appeared simultaneously with the famous fall of aerolites near ^^gos Potamos {Cosmds, vol. i., p. 117), and which can scarcely be a confu- sion with the aerolite-cloud described by Damachos, which shone for 70 days, and poured forth falling stars. Finally, Aristotle mentions (cap. vii., 10) a comet which appeared at the time of the Archon Ni- comachus, to which was ascribed a storm near Corinth. These four ap- pearances of comets occurred during the long period of 32 Olympiads : viz., the fall of aerolites, according to the Parian Chronicle, 01. 78, 1 (468 B.C.), under the Archon Theagenides; the great comet of Asteus, which appeared at the time of the earthquake at Achaia, and disap- peared in the constellation of Orion, in Ol. 101, 4 (373 B.C.): Eucles, the son of Molon, erroneously called Euclides Diodorus (xii., 53), in Ol. 88, 2 (427 B.C.), as is also confirmed by the commentary of Jo- hannes Philoponus ; the comet of Nicomachus, in Ol. 109, 4 (341 B.C.). The date assigned by Pliny for the jubce effigies mutata in hastam, i* Ol. 108 {Plinius, ii., 2.5). Seneca also agrees in connecting the comet of A&teus {Ol. 101, 4) immediately with the earthquake in Achaia, as he mentions the downfall of Bura and Helice, which towns Aristotle does no\ expressly mention, in the following manner: " Effigiem ignis longi fiiisse, Callisthenes tradit, antequam Burin et Helicen mare ab- sconderet. Aristoteles ait, non trabem illam, sed cometam fuisse." " Callisthenes affirms that the fiery shape appeared long before the sea overwhelmed Bui-is and Helice. Aristotle says that this was not a meteor, but a comet." (Seneca, Nai. Qucest., vii., 5.) Strabo (viii., p. 384, Cas.) places the downfall of these two frequently mentioned towns two years before the battle of Leuctra, whence again results the date, Ol. 101, 4. Finally, after Diodorus Siculus had more fully de- scribed this event as having occurred under the Archon Asteus (xv., 48, 49), he places the brilliant comet which threw shadows (xv., 50) under the Archon Alcisthenes, a year later, Ol. 102, 1 (372 A.C.), and as a prediction of the decline of the Lacedaemonian rule; but the later Diodorus had the habit of transferring an event from one year to an- other; and the oldest and most reliable witnesses, Aristotle and the Parian Chronicle, speak in favor of the epoch of Asteus before that of Alcisthenes. Now since the assumption of a period of revolution for the beautiful Comet of 1843 of 147f years, leads Boguslawski to assign to its appearances the dates 1695, 1548, 1401, and 1106, up to the year 371 before our era, the comet of the earthquake of Achaia corresponds with it, according to Aristotle, within two — according to Diodorus, to within one year ; which, if we could know any thing of the similarity of the orbit, is, when taking into consideration the probable disturban- ces during a period of 1214 years, certainly a very small error. When Pingr6, in the Com^tographie (1783, tom. i., p. 259-262), relying upon Diodorus and the Archon Alcisthenes instead of Asteus, places the comet in question in Orion, in Ol. 102, and still in the commencement of July, 371 before Christ, instead of 372, the reason perhaps lies in the COMETS. 189 For the explanation of what has been said above of the re- mark of Chinese astronomers on the occasion of their observ- ation of the Comet of March, 837, in the dynasty of Thang, I insert here a translation from Ma-tuan-lin of the verbal statement of the law of direction of the tail. It is said there, *' In general, the tail of a comet which is situated eastward from the Sun is directed toward the east, calculating from the nucleus ; but if the comet appears to the west of the Sun, the tail turns toward the west."* Fracastoro and Appia- nus say, still more correctly, "that a line produced through the head of a comet in the direction of the axis of the tail meets the Sun." The words of Seneca are also characteristic : " The tails of comets fly from the Sun's rays." [Nat. Qucest., vii., 20.) While, among the yet known planets and comets, the periods of rotation dependent upon the half major axis, the shortest and the longest of the planetS) are in the propor- tion of 1 : 683, the proportion in the case of the comets is as 1: 2670. Mercury (87d-97) is here compared with Neptune circumstance that, like some other astronomers, he characterizes the first year before the Christian era as anno 0. It is to be observed, in conclusion, that Sir John Herschel assumes for the Comet of 1843, seen in full daylight near the Sun, an entirely different period of revolution, one of 175 years, which leads to the years 1668, 1493, and 1318, as the dates of its previous appearances. (Compare Outlines, p. 208-372, with Galle, in Olbers's Cometenbahnen, p. 208; and Cosmos, vol. i., p. 137.) Other combinations by Peirce and Clausen lead to periods of revolution of even 21| or 7^ years: a sufficient proof how hazardous it is to trace back the Comet of 1843 to the archonship of Asteus. The mention of a comet under the archonship of Nicomachus, in the Meteorol., lib. i., cap. vii., 10, has at least the advantage of showing us that this work was written when Aristotle was at least 44 years of age. It has al- ways appeared to me remarkable that the great man, as he was already 14 years old at the time of the earthquake at Achaia, and of the appear- ance in Orion of the great comet with a tail 60° in length, should speak with so little animation of so brilliant an object, and content himself with enumerating it among the other comets " whioh had appeared in his time." The astonishment increases when, in the same chapter, the statement is found that he had seen with his own eyes something misty, even a feeble haza {ko/xtj), round a fixed star in the hip-bone of the Dog (perhaps Trocyon in the small Dog), {Meteorol., i., 6, 9). Aristotle also speaks (i., 6,11) of his observation of the occultation of a star in Gemini by the disk of Jupiter. With regard to the vaporous or nebulous en- velope of Procyon (?), it recalls to my mind a phenomenon of which frequent mention is made in the old Mexican annals according to the Codex Tellerianns. " This year,' it is said there, " Citlalcholoa smoked again;" this is the name of the planet Venus, also called Tlazoteotl in the Aztec language (see my Vues des Cordilleret, tom. ii., p. 303) : this is probably, in the Grecian as well as the Mexican sky, a phenomenon of atmospheric refraction — the appearance of small halos. • Edward Biot, in the Comptes Rendus, tom. xvi., 1843. p. 751. 190 ~ COSMOS. (60,126d-7), and the Comet of Encke (3-3 years) witli the Comet of 1680 (8814 years), observed by Gottfried Kirch at Coburg, Newton, and Halley. The distance of the fixed star nearest to our solar system (a Centauri) from the aphehon (point of greatest distance from the Sun) of the last-named comet is determined by Encke in an excellent treatise. The small velocity of its motion (ten feet in a second) in this out- ermost part of its orbit, the greatest proximity which the Comet of Lexell and Burckhardt (1770) has attained to the earth (six times the distance of the Moon), and the Comet of 1680 (and still more that of 1843) to the Sun, I have al- ready treated of in Cosmos, vol. i., p. 109, and vol. iv., p. 53-55. The second comet of the year 1819, which ap- peared, in Europe, suddenly to break forth from out of the Sun's rays in considerable magnitude, passed, according to the calculation of its elements, across the Sun's disk on the 26th of June ;=^ unfortunately, its passage was not observed. This must also have been the case with the Comet of 1823, which, besides the ordinary tail turned from the Sun, had also another turned directly toward it. If the tails of both comets had a considerable length, vaporous parts of them must have mixed with our atmosphere, as certainly often hap- pens. The question has been raised as to whether the won- derful mists of 1783 and 1831, which covered a great part of the Continent, were consequences of such an admixture J\ "While the quantity of radiant heat received by the Comets of 1680 and 1843 in such close proximity to the Sun has been compared to the focal temperature of a 32-inch burn- ing mirror,$ a highly-deserving§ astronomical friend of mine * Galle, ill the Supplement to Olbers's Cometenhahnen, p. 221, No. 130. (With respect to the probable passage of the two-tailed comet of 1823, see Edinb. Rev., 1848, No. 175, p. 193.) The treatise shortly be- fore quoted in the text, containing the true elements of the Comet of 1680, contradicts Halley's fantastic idea, according to which, with a presumed period of 575 years, it had appeared at all the great epochs of the human race: at the time of the Deluge according to Hebrew tra- ditions, in the age of Ogyges according to Greek traditions, at the Tro- jan war, on the destruction of Nineveh, on the death of Julius Caesar, &c. The period of revolution resulting from Encke's calculation is 8814 years. The least distance from the surface of the Sun was, on the 17th of December, 1680, only 128,000 geographical miles ; consequently, 80,000 less than the distance of the Earth from the Moon. The aphe lion is 853-3 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun, and the proportion of the smallest to the greatest distance from the Sua is as 1 : 140,000. t Arago, in the Annuaire for 1832, p. 236-255. X Sir John Herschel, Outlines, $ 592. ^ Bernhard von Lindenau, in Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 698, p. 25. COMETS. 191 maintains that " all comets which are without a solid nu- cleus (on account of their extremely small density) have no solar heat, only the temperature of cosmical space. "^ If wo take into consideration the numerous and striking analogies of the phenomena which, according to Melloni and Forbes, luminous and non-luminous sources of heat present, it ap- pears difficult, in the present state of our physical reasoning, not to assume that processes go on in the Sun itself which si- multaneously produce radiant light and radiant heat by vi- brations of the ether (waves of different lengths). The dark- ening of the Moon by a comet, stated to have taken place in the year 1454, which the Jesuit Pontanus, the first trans- lator of the Byzantine author, George Phranza, beheved that he had discovered in a monkish manuscript, has long been mentioned in many astronomical works. This statement of the passage of a comet between the Earth and Moon in 1454 is quite as erroneous as that asserted by Lichtenberg of the Comet of 1770. The Chronicon of Phranza first ap- peared complete at Vienna in 1796, and it is said there ex- pressly, that in the year of the world 6962, while an eclipse of the Moon took place, a comet like a Qiiist appeared and came near to the Moon quite in the ordinary manner, ac- cording to the order and circular orbits of the heavenly luminaries. The year of the world ( = 1450) is incorrect, as Phranza says distinctly the eclipse of the Moon and the appearance of the comet were seen after the taking of Con- stantinople (May the 19th, 1453), and an eclipse of the Moon actually happened upon the 12th of May, 1454. (See Jacobs, in Zach's Monatl. Corresp., bd. xxiii., 1811, p. 196-202.) The relation of Lexell's Comet to the satellites of Jupiter, and the perturbation which it suffers from them without in fluencing their periods of revolution [Cosmos, vol. i,, p. 110), have been more accurately investigated by Leverrier. Mes- sier discovered this remarkable comet as a feeble nebulous spot in Sagittarius upon the 14th of June, 1770 ; but eight days after, its nucleus shone as brightly as a star of the 2d magnitude. Before the perihelion passage, no tail Avas vis- ible ; afterward it developed itself by slight emanations scarcely one degree in length. Lexell found for his comet an elliptic orbit, and the period of rotation of 5* 585 years, which Burckhardt confirmed in his excellent prize essay According to Clausen, it had approached the Earth upon the Ifit of July, 1770, to a distance of 363 times the Earth's ra- * Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 36 and 37. .92 COSMOS. dius (1,244,000 geographical miles, or six times the Moon's distance). That the comet was not se^^n before March, 1776, and not later than October, 1781, according to Lexell's pre- vious conjecture, is analytically demonstrated by Laplace, in the fourth volume of the Mecanique Celeste, from the per- turbations occasioned by the Jovial system on the occasion of the approximations in the years 1767 and 1779. Lever- rier finds that, according to one hypothesis respecting the cometary orbits, this comet passed through orbits of the sat- ellites in 1779 ; according to another, that it remained at a considerable distance without the fourth satellite.^ The molecular conditions of the head or nucleus, so seldom possessing a definite outline, as well as the tail of the com- ets, is rendered so much the more mysterious from the fact that it causes no refraction, and, as was proved by Arago's important discovery {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 105, and note), that the cometary light contains a portion oi polarized light, and consequently reflected sun-light. Although the smallest stars are seen in undiminished brilliancy through the vaporous em- anations of the tail, and even through the center of the nu- cleus itself, or at least in very great proximity to the center, (per centrum non alitor quam per nubem ulteriora cernatur : Seneca, Nat. Qucest., vii., 18) ; so, on the contrary, the an- alysis of the cometary light in Arago's experiments, during which I was present, shows that the vaporous envelopes are capable! of reflecting light, notwithstanding their extremely slight density, and that these bodies have " an imperfect transparency, t since light does not pass through them unim- peded." In this group of vaporous bodies, the solitary in- stances of great luminous intensity, as in the Comet of 1843, or the star-like shining of a nucleus, excite so much the more astonishment when it is assumed that their light proceeds solely from a reflection of the solar rays. Is there not, how- ever, in addition to this, a peculiar light-producing process going on in the comets ? The brush-like membered tails emanating from the comets, and consisting of vapory matter of millions of miles in length, diffuse themselves in space, and form, perhaps, either the re- sisting mediums itself, which gradually contracts the orbit * Leverrier, in the Comptes Rendvs, torn, xix., 1844, p. 982-993. t Newton considered that the most brilliant comets shone only with reflected sun-light. " Splendent cometa;," says he, " luce Solis a se reflexa." (Princ. Mathem., ed. Le Seur et Jaquier, 1760, torn, iii,, p. 5r7.) X Bessel, in Schum. Jahrbuch for 1837, p. 169. $ Cosmos, vol. i., p. 106, and vol. iii., p. 39. COMETS 193 of Encke's Comet, or they mix with the old cosmicai matter which has not aggregated into spheres, or condensed into the rings, and which appears to us as the zodiacal light. We see, as it were, before our eyes, material particles disappear, and can scarcely conjecture where they again collect. How- ever probable may be the condensation, in the neighborhood of the central body of our system, of a gaseous fluid filling space, still, in the case of the comets, whose nuclei, accord- ing to Val?., diminish in the perihelion, this fluid, condensed there, can scarcely be looked upon as pressing upon a vesicu- lar vapory envelope. =^ Although in the streamers of the comets the outlines of the reflecting portion of the vapory envelope is generally very indefinite, the circumstance that, in some individuals (for example, Halley's Comet at the 2d of January, 1836, at the Cape of Good Hope), a sharpness of outline has been observed on the anterior parabolic part of the body, such as our masses of clouds seldom present, is so much the more striking and instructive as to the molecular condition of these bodies. The celebrated observer at the Cape compared the unusual appearance, testifying to the in- tensity of the mutual attraction of the particles, with that of an alabaster vessel strongly illuminated in the interior.! Since the appearance of the astronomical part of my De- lineation of Nature, the cometary world has presented a phenomenon whose mere possibility could scarcely have been suspected beforehand. Biela's Comet, an interior one of short period, 6f years in its revolution, has separated into two comets of similar figure though unequal dimensions, both having a head and tail. So long as they could be observed, they did not unite again, and proceeded on their course sep- arately, almost parallel with each other. Hind had, on the * Valz, Essai sur la Determination de la Densiti de V Ether dans Vespace PlanHaire, 1830, p. 2; and Cosmos, vol. i., p. 106. The so-carefully observing and always unprejudiced Hevelius had also directed atten- tion to the increase in the size of the cometary nuclei, with increased distance from the Sun. (Pingre, Com^tographie, torn, ii., p. 193.) The determinations of the diameter of Encke's Comet in the perihelion is very difficult, if accuracy is desired. The comet is a nebulous mass, in which the center, or one point of it, is the brightest, even prominently bright. From this point, which, however, presents no appearance of a disk, and can not be called a comet-head, the light decreases very rapid- ly all around, and at the same time the vapor elongates toward one disk, so that this elongation appears as a tail. The measurements, therefore, refer to this mass of vapor, whose circumference, without having really dsfinite boundaries, decreases in perihelion. i Sir John Herschel, Results of Astronomical Observations at the Cap^ of Good Hope, 1847, $ 366, pi. xv. and xvi. Vol. IV.— I 1 94 COSMOS. 19th of DecemlDer, 1845, already remarked a kind of pro- tuberance toward the north ; but on the 21st there was, ac- cording to Encke's observation in Berlin, still no signs of a separation visible. The subsequent separation was first de- tected in North America on the 29th of December, 1845 ; in Europe, not until the middle and end of January, 1846. The new smaller comet proceeded toward the north. The distance of the two was at first 3', afterward (February 20th), according to Otto Struve's interesting drawing, 6'.* The luminous intensity varied in such a manner that the gradu- ally increasing secondary comet for some time exceeded the principal comet in brightness. The. nebulous envelopes which surrounded each of the nuclei had no definite outlines : that of the larger comet, indeed, showed a less luminous protuber- ance toward S.S.W. ; but the space between the two comets was seen at Pulkowa quite free from nebulous matter. f A few days later. Lieutenant Maury, in AYashington, remarked, with a nine-inch Munich refractor, rays which proceeded from the larger older comet to the smaller new one, so that a kind of bridge-like connection was produced for some time. On the 24th of March, the smaller comet was scarcely percepti- ble, on account of the decreasing luminous intensity. The larger one only was seen up to the 16th or 20th of April, when this also disappeared. I have described the wonderful phenomenon in detail,$ so far as it could be observed. Un- fortunately, the actual separation and the immediately previ- ous condition of the older comet escaped observation. Did the separated comet become invisible only on account of dis- tance and feeble luminosity, or did it resolve itself? Will it be again detected as an attendant, and will the Comet of Biela present similar anomalies at other reappearances ? The formation of a neiv planetary body by separatioji nat- urally excites the question whether, in the innumerable com- ets revolving round the Sun, several have not originated by a similar process, or do not daily originate so ? whether they * The subsequent (5th of March) mcrease of distance seen to the ex tent of 9° 19' was, as Plantaraour has shown, merely apparent, and do pendent upon the approximation to the Earth. Both parts of the douhU comet remained at the same distance from each other from February until the 10th of March. t " Le 19 Fevrier, 1846, on aper9oit le fond noir du ciel qui separe les deux cometes." — Otto Struve, in the Bulletin Physico-matMmatique de VAcad. des Sciences de St. Pitesbourg, tom. vi., No. 4. t Compare Outlines, $ 580-583 ; Galle, in Olbers's Comeienbahnenf V. 232. COMETS. VJb may not acquire different orbits by retardation, i. e., unequal velocity of revolution, and the unequal influence of perturba- tions ? In a treatise already alluded to, Stephen Alexander has attempted to explain the genesis of all the interior com- ets by the assumption of such an hypothesis, certainly but in- adequately founded. In antiquity, also, similar occurrences appear to have been observed, but not sufficiently described. Seneca states, upon the authority, as he himself says, of an unreliable witness, that the comet which was considered to have caused the destniction of the two towns of Helice and Bura separated into two parts. He adds ironically, why has no one seen two comets unite to form one ?^ The Chinest- astronomers speak of " three dome-formed comets," which ap- peared in the year 896, and pursued their course together.f Among the great number of calculated comets, there are, up to the present time, eight known, whose period of revolu- tion is shorter than that of Neptune. Of these eight, six are interior comets, i.e., such whose aplielia are within the orbit of Neptune, viz., the comets of Encke (aphelion, 4*09), of De Yico (502), Brorsen (5-64), Faye (5-93), Biela (6- 19), and D'Arrest (6-44). If the distance of the Earth from the Sun is taken as = 1 , the orbits of all these six interior com- ets have aphelia which are situated between Hygeia (3 "15), and a limit which is nearly \\ the Earth's distance from the Sun beyond Jupiter. The two other comets, likewise of a shorter period of revolution than Neptune, are the 74-year Comet of Olbers, and the 76-year Comet of Halley. Up to the year 1819, when Encke first discovered the existence of an interior comet, these two latter ones were those of the shortest period among the then calculated comets. Olbers's Comet of 1815, and Halley's Comet are, since the discovery of Neptune, situated in their aphelia only 4 and 5| times the Earth's distance from the San — beyond the limits which would allow of their being considered interior comets. Al- though the term interior comet may suffer alteration from the * " Bphorus non religiosissimae fidei, saepe decipitur, saepe decipit. Si- cut hie Cometem, qui omnium mortalium oculis custoditus est, quia in- gentis rei traxit eventus, cum Helicen et Burin ortu suo merserit, ait ilium discessisse in duas Stellas : quod prseter ilium nemo tradidit. Quis enim posset observare illud momentum, quo Cometes solutus et in duas partes redactus est ? Quomodem autem, si est qui viderit Cometem in duas dirimi, nemo vidit fieri ex duabus?" — Seneca, Nat. Qucest., lib. vii., cap. 16. t Edward Biot, Recherches sur les ComHes de la Collection de Ma- iuan-li.„, in the Comptes Rcndus, tom. xx., 1845, p. 334. 196 COSMOS. discovery of Tra7is-neptitnian planets since the boundary which determines whether a comet is to be called an interior one is changeable, still this term is preferable to that of com ets of short period, from the fact that it is in each epoch of our knowledge dependent upon something definite. The six interior comets now accurately calculated certainly vary in their periods of revolution only from 3-3 to 7 4 years ; but if tlie return of the comet discovered by Peters at Naples, upon the 26th of June, 1846 (the 6th comet of the year 1846, with a half-major axis of 6*32), after a period of 16 years, should be confirmed, *" it may be foreseen that intermediate members, in reference to the duration of the period of revolution, will gradually be discovered between the Comets of Faye and Olbers. Then it would be difficult in future to fix a limit for the shortness of the period. Here follows the table in which Dr. Galle has arranged the elements of the six interior comets. * Galle, in Olbers's Methode der Cometenbahnen, p. 232, No. 174. The comets of Colla and Bremiker, of the years 1845 and 1840, present el- liptical orbits with proportionately not very short periods of revolution. (I allude to the 3065 and 8800 years of the Comets of 1811 and 1680.) They appear to have periods of revolution of only 249 and 344 yeare. (See Galle, op. cit., p. 229 and 231.) COMETS. 197 ^ 5 :; 5 0 C5 — C> 00 -^ • Is u 0 0 05 '^ c: t^ 0 CO -^ Ti< . t^ 1-H r-H CO i^ 10 0 c^ i^ ^ ^ CJ ^ 10 c-i ^ 1 CJ rr CO C^J c^ — 1 Ci CO 10 00 CO Ci 10 gz'i P^ CO r^ lb 0 > . r 0 00 C © s- :3 CO c^ 05 1-1 TJ< 0 I-H -la CO 0 05 CO CJ 00 CO CO t^ (M tT sJ ts. , CO CJCO >o C^ -r}< C5 0 i-H ;0 0 £J 1— ( . 0 10 -^ iTi 0 -^ ,• ■^ CO c^ . 0 "* >-• --1 c^ K^S CO CO 0 (N CO CO t^ —1 CO "^ a "^ 01 <-! ■. 00 CO ,• .-^ CO CJ5 0 (71 "** CO i^ -^ CO Tf r-l t-^ Cp CO 'H VO 0 1 C5^^ CO 000 0 CO C-J CO CO 0 "^ I-( CO ^ i-H 10 00 CO "* CO ■* 00 05 00 - ^: ^» 1-1 10 lO c:^ 0 00 00 CO ip s-gft 10 CO 0 cj c:) (M '^ ■* lO ^ C5 -^ CO CO I-- i 00 00 0 LO il- 1 --^ J OT 000 CO c-J 0 CO 0 0 0 ll-^ I-H 0 CO ^ >^ t^ lb ^^ 0 0 1—1 00 0 CO r^ ^ 5^0J in 10 T-H XO 0 0 05 CO C5 ^■ te ©-r 2; 6 00 CI, 00 'J' r-H CO cri jV CJ CO CTi t^ r-l "^ 0 00 —1 —1 r-l ,-, 0 CO > ?o CO 0 C5 ^ CO Tt< 10 0 a -c ^ §••2 g - I-l CO Ai 10 0 (m © © e CO 00 c I 11 • .na 0 ■ ■III* © to • I • • CO ;h I I I I ^ © p. : : : :.2-S CJ 0 OT "" Iff! 1 ' s 9 « 1 i '• ^ -5 S'©-^S'«'^ (U b^ 0 © ca ^^ 2 «- 0 0 ♦^•i: © 'Eb'Sb.S ^ ^ 11 cZ.5 J ©.2.2 0 199 COSMOS. From the summary here given, it foUow^s that, since the discovery of Encke's Cornet^ as an interior one in the year 1819, up to the discovery of the interior comet of D' Arrest, scarcely 32 years have elapsed. Yvon Yillarceau has also given elliptic elements for the last-named in Schumacher's Astron. Nachr., No. 773, and has, at the same time with Valz, put forward some conjectures as to its identity with the Comet of 1678, ohserved by La Hire, and calculated by Douwes. Two other comets, apparently of from 5 to 6 year 'periods of revolution, are the 3d of 1819, discovered by Pons, and calculated by Encke ; and the 4th of 1819, discovered by Blanpain, and, according to Clausen, identical with the 1st of 1743. But neither of these can be classed with those which, from longer and more accurate observations, present a greater certainty and completeness of their elements. The inclination of the orbits of the interior comets to the plane of the ecliptic is, upon the whole, small, between 3° and 13°; that ofBrorsen's Comet alone is very considerable, * The short period of revolution of 1204 days was discovered by Encke on the reappearance of his comet in the year 1819. See the first calculated elliptical orbits in the Berliner Astron. Jahrbuch for 1822, p. 193, and for the constants of the resisting medium assumed to explain the accelerated revolution. Encke's Vierte Abhandlburg in the Schrif- ten der Berl. Akademie for the year 1844. (Compare Arago, in the^;i- nuaire for 1832, p. 181 ; in the Lettre a M. Alexandre de Humboldt, 1840, p. 12 ; and Galle, in Olbers's Cometenbahnen, p. 221.) As belonging to the history of Encke's Comet, it must here be' called to mind that, so far as our knowledge of the observations extends, it was first seen upon two days by Mechain on the 17th of January, 1786; then by Miss Carolina Herschel from the 7th to the 27th of November, 1795; afterward by Bouvard, Pons, and Huth, from the 20th of October to the 19th of No- vember, 1805; finally, as the tenth reappearance since Mechain's dis- covery in the year 1786, by Pons from the 25th of November, 1818, to the 12th of January, 1819. The first reappearance, calculated before- hand by Encke, was observed by RUmker at Paramatta. (Galle, op. cit., p. 215, 217, 221, and 222.) Biela's interior comet, or, as it is also called, Biela's and Gambart's, was first seen by Montaigne on the 8th of March, 1772 ; then by Pons on the 10th of November, 1805 ; after- ward on the 27th of February, 1826, at Josephstadt in Bohemia, by Von Biela ; and on the 9th of March by Gambart, at Marseilles. The ear- liest rediscoverer of the Comet of 1772 is undoubtedly Biela, and not Gambart; but, on the other hand, he calculated the elliptical elements of its orbit earlier than Biela, and nearly at the same time as Clausen. (AragO; in the Annuaire of 1832, p. 184; and in the Comptes Rendus, tom. iii., 1836, -p. 415.) The first reappearance of Biela's Comet, cal- culated beforehand, was observed by Henderson, at the Cape of Good Hope, in October and December, 1832. The already mentioned won- derful doubling of Biela's Comet by separation took place at its elev- enth reappearance since 1772, at the end of the year 1845. (See Gallo, by Gibers, p. 214, 218, 224, 227, and 232.) COMETS. 199 and reaches 31*^ All the hitherto discovered interior com- ets have, jiko the principal and secondary planets of the en- tire solar system, a direct motion (from west to east, pro- ceeding in th«^ir orbits). Sir John Herschel has directed at- tei *;ion to the great rarity of retrograde motion of comets ^lainng a slight inclination to the plane of the ecliiitic.^ Thii opposite direction of motion, which occurs only with a certam class of planetary bodies, is of great importance in reference to the very universally prevaihng opinion as to thf formation of the planetary bodies belonging to one system, and as to the primitive, impulsive, and projectile force. It shows us the cmnetary world, although subject even at the remotest distances to the attraction of the central body, in greater individuality and independence. Such a mode of viewing the subject has led to the idea of considering the comets as olderf than the planets — as it were primitive forms of the loosely aggregating matter in space. Under these presuppositions, it becomes a question whether, not- withstanding the enormous distance of the nearest fixed stars, whose parallax we know from the aphelion of the Comet of 1680, some of the comets which appear in the heavens may not be merely wanderers, through our solar system, moving from one Sun to another ? Next in order to the group of comets, I shall speak of the ring of the zodiacal light, as v/ith grea4; probability belong- ing to our solar region, and after that of the swarms 'tf inc- teoric asteroids which sometimes fall upon our eartfr, and with regard to whoso existence, as bodies in spaco, by no means unanimous opinions prevail. As, in acf;(3rd*anco with the course adopted by Chladni, Olbers, Laplace, Arago, Sir John Herschel, and Bessel, I consider the aerolites to bo of decidedly extra-terrestrial cosmical origin, I may venture, at the conclusion of the section upon the planets, confidently to express the expectation that, by continued accuracy in the observation of aerolites, fire-balls, and shooting- stars, the op- posite opinion will disappear in the same way that the opin- * Oxitlims, $ 601. t Laplace, Expos, du Systtme du Monde, p. 396 and 414. The special view of Laplace as to the comets being " wandeiniig nebulae" (petites nebnlouses errantes de systemes en systeraes solaires), " stands in op- position to the progress which has been made since the death ol iho great man, in the resolvability of so many nebulous spots into crow ded neaps of stars; the circumstance, also, that the comets have a portion o{ reflected polarized light, which the self-luminous bodies are destitute of. Compare Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 142 ; vol. iv., p. 22. 200 COSMOS. ion, universally diffused up to the sixteenth century, as to the meteoric origin of the comets, has long done. While these bodies were considered by the astrological corporation ot "* Chaldeans in Babylon," by the greater part of the Pythago- rean school, and by Apollonius Myndius, as cosmical bodies reappearing at definite periods in long planetary orbits, the powerful anti-Pythagorean school of Aristotle and that of Epigenes, controverted by Seneca, declared the comets to be productions of meteorological processes in our atmosphere. ^'^^ * There were divisions of opinion at Babylon in the learned Chaldean school of astrologers, as well as among the Pythagoreans, and, properly speaking, among all ancient schools. Seneca {Nat. Qm«s<., vii., 3) quotes the antagonistic evidence of Apollonius Myndius and Epigenes. The latter is seldom mentioned, yet Plinius (vii., 57) repi-esents him as " gravis auctor in primis," as does also, without praise, Censorius, De die Natali, cap. xvii., and Stob., Eel. Phys., i., 29, p. 586, ed. Heeren. (Compare Lobeck, Aglaoph., xi.) Diodorus (xv., 50) believes that the universal and prevailing opinion among the Babylonian astrologers (the Chaldeans) was, that the comets reappeared at definite times in their certain orbits. The division which prevailed between the Pytha- goreans as to the planetary nature of the comets, and which is mentioned by Aristotle (MeteoroL, lib. i., cap. vi., 1) and Pseudo-Plutarch (De Plac. Philos., lib. iii., cap. ii.), extended, according to the former {MeteoroL, i., 8, 2), also to the nature of the Milky, Way, the forsaken course of the Sun, or of the overthrown Pha6ton. (Compare also Letronne, in the M6m. de VAcad. des Inscriptions, 1839, tom. xii., p. 108.) By some of the Pythagoreans the opinion of Aristotle was advanced, " that the comets belonged to the number of those planets which, like Mercury, only became visible after a long time when rising in the course above the horizon." In the extremely fragmentary Pseudo-Plutarch it is said that they "ascend at definite times after a complete revolution." A great deal of matter, contained in separate works, referring to the na- ture of the comets, has been lost to us — that of Airian, which Stobaeus employed ; of Charimander, whose mere name has been retained only by Seneca and Pappus. Stobteus brings forward, as the opinion of the Chaldeans {Eclog., lib. i., cap. xxv., p. 61, Christ. Plantinus), that the reason the comets remain so seldom visible to us is because they hide themselves in the depths of the ether ("of space), like the fish in the depths of the ocean. The most graceful, and, in spite of its rhetorical coloring, the best founded opinion of antiquity, and the one correspond- ing most closely with pi'esent views, is that of Seneca. In the Nat. Qucest., lib. vii., cap. xxii., xxv., and xxxi., we read, " Non enim existi- mo cometem subitaneum ignem sed inter aetenia opera naturae. Quid enim miramur, cometas, tam rarum mundi spectaculum, nondum teneri legibus certis? nee initia illorum finesque patescere, quorum ex ingeu- tibus intervallis recursus est? Nondum sunt anni quirtgenti, ex quo Grascia .... stelhs numeros et nomina fecit. Multseque hodie sunt gentes, quae tantura facie noverit coelum ; quae nondurr sciant, cur Luna deficiat, quare obumbretur. Hoc apud nos quoque nuper ratio ad cer- ium perduxit. Veniet tempus, quo ista, quae nunc latent, in lucem dies extrahat et longioris aevi diligentia. Veniet tempus, quo posteri nostri lam aperta nos nescisse mirentur. Eleusis servat, quod ostendat revi ZODIACAL LIGHT. • 201 Analogous fluctuations between cosmical and terrestrial hy- potheses, between universal space and the atmosphere, still lead, at last, to a more correct view of natural phenomena. IV. THE RING OP THE ZODIACAL LIGHT. In our solar system, so rich in varieties of form, the exist- ence, place, and configuration of many individual members have been discovered, since scarcely a century and a half, and at long intervals of time : first, the subordinate, or 'par- ticular systems., in which, analogous to the principal system of the Sun, smaller spherical cosmical bodies revolve round a larger ; then concentric rings round one, and that, indeed, one of the less dense and exterior planets which possesses the greatest number of satellites ; then the existence, and probably material cause, of the mild, pyramidal-formed, zo- diacal light, very visible to the naked eye ; then the mutu- ally intersecting orbits of the so-called small planets, ox as- teroids, inclosed between the regions of two principal planets, and situated beyond the zodiacal zone ; finally, the remarka- ble group of interior comets, whose aphelia are smaller than those of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In a cosmical repre- sentibus. Rerum natura sacra sua non simul tradit. Initiatos nos cre- diraus; in vestibulo ejus hyeremus. Ilia arcana non promiscue nee om- nibus patent, reducta et in interiore sacrario clausa sunt. Ex quibus aliud ha3C aetas, aliud quae post nos subibit, dispiciet. Tarde magna proveniunt." " For I do not think that comets are a casual outburst of fire, but belong to the eternal works of nature. For why should it surprise us that comets, so rare a phenomenon, should not yet be sub- ject to the regulation of any known laws ? and that their origin and ends should be hid from us, who see them only at immense intervals ? It is not yet five hundred years since Greece gave names and number to the stars. And to this day there are many nations who know nothing of the heavenly bodies but as they appear to the eye, who are still ig norant of the causes of the waves and eclipses of the moon ; even we ourselves have only lately attained an accurate knowledge of these phe- nomena. The time will arrive when the diligence of a remoter age shall throw light on subjects which are now involved in obscurity. The time will arrive when our posterity will wonder at our ignorance of things so plain to them. Eleusis reserves her favors for those who repeat their visits. Nature does not permit us to explore her sanctua- ry all at once. , We believe we are initiated, whereas we halt at the very threshold. Those mysteries are not revealed indiscriminately to all ; they are laid up and enshrined within the penetralia. Some are revealed to the men of our age, some to those who shall come after us Great results proceed slowly." I 2 202 • COSMOS. sentdtioii of universal space, it is necessary to call to mind the difference of the members of the solar system, which by no means excludes similarity of origin and lasting depend- ence upon the moving forces. Great as is the obscurity which still envelops the material cause of the zodiacal light, still, however, with the mathe- matical certainty that the solar atmosphere can not reach beyond -^-^ of the distance of Mercury, the opinion supported by Laplace, Schubert, Arago, Poisson, and Biot, according to which the zodiacal light radiates from a vapory, flattened ring, freely revolving in space between the orbits of Venus and Mars, appears in the very deficient state of observation to be the most satisfactory. The outermost limits of the Sun's atmosphere, like that of Saturn (a subordinate system), could only extend to that point where the attraction of the uni- versal or partial central body exactly balanced the centrifu- gal force ; beyond this point the atmosphere must escape at a tangent, and continue its course either aggregated into spherical planets and satellites, or, when not aggregated into spheres, as solid and vaporous rings. From this point of view the ring of the zodiacal light comes within the cate- gory of planetary forms, which are subject to the universal laws of formation. From the small progress which this neglected part of our astronomical knowledge makes on the path of observation, I have little to add to that which I derived from the experience of others and myself, and have previously developed in the Delineation of Nature (vol. i., p. 127-134 ; vol. iv., p. 308). If, 22 years before Dominique Cassini, to whom the first de- tection of the zodiacal light is erroneously ascribed, Chil- drey, the chaplain of Lord Henry Somerset, had already re- commended this phenomenon to the attention of astronomers in his Britannica Baconica, published in 1661, as one which had previously been unnoticed and observed by him during several years, in February and the commencement of March, so must I also mention (according to a remark of Olbers) a letter which Rothmann wrote to Tycho, from whence it re- sults that Tycho saw the zodiacal light as early as the end of the sixteenth century, and considered it to be an abnormal spring-evening twihght. The strikingly greater luminous in- tensity of this phenomenon in Spain, upon the coasts of Va- lencia and the plains of New Castile, first incited me to con tinuous observation before I left Europe. The strength of the light— it might almost be called illumination — increased ZODIACAL LIGHT, 'iUb surprisingly the more I approached the equator in South America and the South Sea. In the continually dry, clear air of Cumana, in the grass-steppes [llanos) of Caraccas, upon the elevated plains of Q,uito and the Mexican seas, especial- ly at heights from eight to twelve thousand feet, where I could remain longer, the brightness sometimes exceeded that of the most beautiful sparks of the Milky Way, between the fore part of Argus and Sagittarius, or, to speak of our part of the hemisphere, between the Eagle and the Swan. Upon the whole, the brightness of the zodiacal light did not appear to me to increase at all perceptibly with the ele- vation of the point whence it was seen, but much rather to depend principally upon the interior variability of the phe- nomenon itself — upon the greater or less intensity of the light-giving process, as is shown by my 'observations in the South Sea, in which, indeed, a reflection was remarked like that seen on the going down of the Sun. I say principally, since I do not deny the possibility of a simultaneous influence of the condition of the air (greater or less diaphaneity) of the higher strata of the atmosphere, while my instruments indi- cated in the lower strata no hygrometric variations, or, much rather, favorable ones. Advances of our knowledge of the zodiacal light are to be expected especially from the tropics, where the meteorological processes attain the "highest degree of uniformity or regularity in the periodical recurrence of the changes. The phenomenon is there perpetual ; and a careful comparison of observations at points of diflerent elevation and under diflerent local conditions, would, with the application of the theory of probabilities, decide what should be ascribed to cosmical light-processes, what to merely meteorological in- fluences. It has been repeatedly aflirmed that in Europe scarcely any zodiacal light, or only a feeble trace of it, could be seen in several successive years. Has the light appeared propor- tionately weakened in such years in the equinoctial zone also ? The investigation must not, however, be restricted to the statement of the configuration according to the distance /rom known stars or direct measurements. The intensity of the light, its uniformity or probable intermittence (darting and flashing), its analysis by the polariscope, should be espe- cially investigated. Arago [Annuaire for 1836, p. 289) has •,lready pointed, out that the comparative observation of Dom- inique Cassini would perhaps clearly prove "que la supposi- tion des intermittences de la diaphanite atmospherique ne 204 COSMOS. Baurait suffire a I'explication des variations signalees par cet astronome" — "that the supposition of intermittent variations in the diaphaneity of the atmosphere would not suffice for the explanation of the changes indicated by that astronomer. ' Immediately after the observations of this great astronomer at Paris, and of his friend Fatio de Duillier, an inclination to similar labors showed itself in Indian travelers (Father Noel, De Beze, and Duhalde) ; but isolated reports (for the greater part only describing the gratification experienced at the un- usual prospect) are not available for the sound discussion of the causes of the variabihty. It is not by rapid travels or so- called voyages round the world, as the labors of the active Horner have recently shown (Zach, Monatl. Coi'resp., bd. x., p. 337-340), that tlie deserved object is to be obtained. It is only by a permanent stay of several years in some tropical country that the problem of variable configuration and lu- minous intensity can be solved. Therefore, the most is to be expected for the subject which now occupies us, as well as for the entire science of meteorology, from the ultimate difilision of scientific culture throughout the equinoctial world — the for- mer Spanish America — where large populous towns, Cuzco, La Paz, Potosi, are situated between 10,700 and 12,500 feet above the level of the sea. The numerical results which Houzeau was able to obtain, though certainly based upon only a small number of observations, make it probable that the major axis of the zodiacal light no more coincides with the plane of the Sun's equator, than the vapory mass of the ring whose molecular condition is unknown to us extends be- yond the Earth's orbit. (Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 492.) V. FALLING STARS, FIRE-BALLS, AND METEORIC STONES. Since the spring of 1845, when I published the Delinea- tions of Nature, or the general survey of cosmical phenomena, the pri3vious results of the observation of aerolites and periodic streams of falling stars have been abundantly extended and corrected. Much has been subjected to a stricter and more careful criticism, especially the discussion, so important for the whole of this mysterious phenomenon, of the divergence, i. €., the situation of the point of departure .in the recurring epochs of swarms of falling stars. The number of these epochs, also, of which, for a bng time, the August and No- SHOOTING STARS. 205 veniber 'pp.riods alone attracted attention, has been increased by recent observations, whose results present a high degi'ce of probability. From the meritorious labors, first of Brandes, Benzenberg, Olbers, and Bessel, subsequently of Erman, Bo- guslawski, Gluetelet, Feldt, Saigey, Edward Heis, and Juhus Schmidt, corresponding measurements have been commenced, and a more generally diffused mathematical spirit has ren^ dered it more difficult, through self-deception, to make uncer- tain observations agree with a preconceived theory. The progress in the study of fire-meteors would be so much the quicker in proportion as facts are impartially separated from opinions, and details put to the test ; but not every thing discarded as being imperfectly observed which can not yet be explained. It appears to me most important to separate the 'physical relations from the geometrical and numerical rela- tions, which latter are, upon the whole, capable of being es- tablished Avith greater certainty. To this class belong alti- tude, velocity, individuality, and multiplicity, of the points of departure when divergence is detected ; the mean number of fire-meteors in sporadic ox periodic appearances, reduced, ac- cording to their frequency, to the same measure of time ; the magnitude and configuration in connection with the time of year, or with the length of time from midnight. The inves- tigation of both kinds of relations, the physical and the geo- metrical, will gradually lead to one and the same end — to genetic considerations as to the intrinsic nature of the phe- nomenon. I have already pointed out the fact that, upon the ivhole, intercourse with universal space and its contents is restricted to that which we acquire through oscillations exciting light and heat, as well as by the mysterious attractive forces which remote masses (cosmical bodies) exercise upon our terrestrial globe, its oceans and atmospheric envelope, according to the quantity of their material particles. The luminous vibra- tions which proceed from the smallest telescopic stars of a resolvable nebula, and of which our eyes are sensible, brings us a testimony of the oldest existence of matter, in the same way that it mathematically demonstrates to us the certain knowledge of the velocity and aberration of light.=^ A sen- * The aspect of the starry heavens presents to us objects o{ unequal date. Much has long ceased to exist before the knowledge of its pres- ence reaches usi much has been otherwise arranged. Cosmos, vol. i., p. 154, and vol. iii., p. 89, and note. (Compare also Bacon, Nov. Organ.^ Lend., 1733, p. 371, andW. Herschel,in Ph%l. Trans, for 1802, p. 498.^ 206 COSMOS. satifin of light from the depths of the star- filled space of heaven leads us back, by means of a chain of ideas, through myriads of centuries into the depths of antiquity. Although the impression of light which streams of falling stars, explod- ing aerolite fire-balls, or similar fire-meteors give, may be of an entirely different nature ; although they may not take fire until they enter the Earth's atmosphere, still the falling aerolites present the sohtary instance of a material connec- tion with something which is foreign to our planet. We are astonished " at being able to touch, weigh, and chem- ically decompose metallic and earthy masses which belong to the outer world, to celestial space," to find in them the minerals of our native earth, making it probable, as the great Newton conjectured, that the materials which be- longed to one group of cosmical bodies are for the most part the same.*" For the knowledge of the most ancient falls of aerolites which are determined with chronological accuracy, we are indebted to the industry of the all-registering Chinese. Such reports reach back to the year 644 before our era ; therefore to the time of Tyrtseus and the second Messenian war of the Spartans, 179 years before the fall of the enormous meteoric mass near ^Egos Potamos. Edward Biot has found in Ma- tuan-lin, which contains extracts from the astronomical sec- tion of the most ancient annals of the empire, sixteen falls of aerolites for the epoch from, the middle of the seventh cen- tury before Christ up to 333 years after Christ, while the Greek and Roman authors mention only four such phenom- ena during the same space of time. It is remarkable that the Ionian school, in accordance with our present opinions, early assumed the cosmical origin of meteoric stones. The impression which such a magnificent phenomenon as that of JEgos Potamos (at a point which be- came still more celebrated sixty-two years afterward by the conclusion of the Peloponnesian war by the victory of Lysan- der over the Athenians), made upon all the Hellenic races, must have exerted a decisive and not sufficiently regarded influence upon the direction and development of the Ionian physiology.] Anaxagoras of Clazomena was at the mature age of thirty two years when that event of nature took place According to him, the stars are masses torn away from the * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 132. t See the opinions of the Greeks as to the falls of meteoric stones, in Cosmos, vol. i., p. 133 ; vol. ii., p. 309, note *. SHOOTING STARS. 207 earth by the violence of the rotation (Plut., De Plac. Philos.f iii., 13). He considers that the whole heavens may be com- posed of stones (Plato, De Legib., xii., p. 967). The stony solid bodies are made to glow by the fiery ether, so that they reflect the light communicated to them by the ether. Lower than the Moon, and still between her and the Earth, there move, says Anaxagoras, according to Theophrastus (Stobseus, Eclog. Phijs., lib. i., p. 560), yet other dark bodies, which can also produce eclipses of the Moon (Diog. Laert., ii., 12 ; Origenes, JPhilosophum, cap. viii.). Diogenes of Apollonia, who, if he is not a disciple of Anaximenes,=* still probably belongs to an epoch between Anaxagoras and Democritus, expresses himself still more distinctly as to the structure of the world, and, as it were, more moved by the impression of the great fall of aerolites. According to him, as I have al- ready mentioned, " invisible (dark) masses of stone move with the visible stars, and remain, on that account, unknown. The former sometimes fall upon the earth, and are extinguished, as happened with the stony star which fell near Mgos Po- tamos." (Stob., Eclog., p 508. )t The " opinion of some physicists" as to fiery meteors (fall- ing stars and aerolites), which Plutarch develops in detail in the life of Lysander (cap. xii.), is precisely that of the Cre- tan Diogenes. " FaUing stars," it is said there, " are not ejections and waste of the ethereal fire, which, when they enter our atmosphere, are extinguished after their ignition ; they are much rather the off-shoots of celestial bodies, of such a nature that, by a slackening of the revolution, they are shot * Brandis, Gesch. der Grieckisch-Rom. Pkilosophie, torn, i., p. 272- 277, against Schleiermacher, in the Abhandl. der Berl. Akad. from the year 1804-1811 (Berl., 1815), p. 79-124. t When Stobseus, in the same passage {Eclog. Phys., p. 508), ascribes to the Apollonian that he had called the stars pumice-sione-like bodies (therefore porous stones), the occasion for this term might have been the idea so generally dimised in antiquity, that all celestial bodies were nourished by moist exhalations. The Sun gives back again what is absorbed. (Aristot., Meteorol., ed. Ideler, tom. i., p. 509 ; Seneca, Nat. Q,u(Est., lib. iv., 2.) The pumice-stone-like cosmical bodies have their peculiar exhalations. " These, which can not be seen so long as they wander round in the celestial space, are stones; they ignite and art extinguished again when they fall to the earth." (Plut., De Plac Philos., ii., 13.) Pliny considers the fall of meteoric stones as frequent (Plinius, i., 59) : " Decidere tamen crebro, non erit du.bium." He also knew that the fall in clear air produced aloud noise (ii., 43). The ap- parently analogous passage in Seneca, in which he mentions Anaxime- nes {Nat. Qucest., lib. ii., 17), refers probably to the thunder in a 9torm-cloud 208 COSMOS. down."* We find nothing of this view of the structure of the universe, this assumption of dark cosmical bodies whicli fall upon our earth, in the doctrines of the old Ionic schools, from Thales and Hippocrates to Empedocles.f The impres- sion made by the occurrence of nature in the 78th Olympiad appears to have powerfully called forth the idea of the fall of dark masses. In the more recent Pseudo-Plutarch (Plac, ii., 13), we read merely that the Milesian Thales considered *' all stars to. be earthy Midi fiery bodies (yecjdr) Kal tfiTTvpa)." The endeavors of the earlier Ionic physiology were directed to the discovery of the primitive cause of all things, forma- tion by mixture, gradational change and transition of one kind of matter into another : to the processes of genetic de- velo'pnient by solidification or dilution. The revolution of the sphere of the heavens, " which holds the Earth firmly in the center," was already conceived by Empedocles as an act- ively moving cosmical force. Since, in these first attempts at physical theories, the ether, X\iQ fire-air (and, indeed, fire itself), represents the expansive force of heat, so the idea of the propelling revolution rending fragments from the Earth became connected with the \ohy region of the ether . There- fore Aristotle calls (MeteoroL, i., 339, Bekker) the ether "the eternally moving body,"$ as it were the immediate substra- tum of motion, and seeks for etymological reasons for this as- sertion. On this account, we find in the biography of Ly- sander " that the relaxation of the centrifugal force causes the fall of celestial bodies ;" as also in another place, where Plutarch, evidently alluding again to opinions of Anaxago- ras, or Diogenes of Apollonia {De Facie in Orbe Lu7ice, p. 9-23), puts forward the assertion "that the Moon would fall to the Earth like a stone in a sling if its centrifugal force * This remarkable passage (Plut, Lys., cap. xii.), literally translated runs thus : " But there is another and more probable opinion, which holds that falling stars are not emanations or detached parts ot" the el- ementary fire, that go out the moment they are kindled, nor yet a quan- tity of air bursting out from some compression, and taking fire in the upper regions ; but that they are really heavenly bodies, which, from some relaxation of the rapidity of their motion, or by some irregular concussion, are loosened and fall, not so much upon the habitable part of the globe as into the ocean, which is the reason that their substance is seldom seen." t With regard to absolutely dark cosmical bodies, or such in which the light-procens ceases {periodically?); as to the opinions of moderns (Laplace and Bessel) ; and Bessel's observation, confirmed by Peters in K6nigsberg, of a variability of the proper rrotion of Procyon, see Cotmos, vol- iii., p. 164-166. t Compare Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 31-33. SHOOTING STARS. 209 ceased."* Thus we see in this simile, after the assumption of a centrifugal revolution which Empedocles perceived in the apparent rotation of the celestia.. sphere, a centripetal force gradually arise as an ideal antithesis. This force was specially and most distinctly described by the acute inter- preter of Aristotle, Simplicius (p. 491, Bekker). He explains the non falling of the celestial bodies thus : " that the cen- trifugal force predominates over the proper fallforce, the draiviiig downward T These are the first conjectures re- specting active central forces ; and the Alexandrian, JohaU' ues Philoponus, a disciple of Ammonius Hermea, probably of the sixth century, as it were, recognizing also the inertia of matter, first ascribes " the motion of the revolutionary planets to a primitive impulse,'' which he ingeniously (De Creatione Mundi, lih. i., cap. xii.) imites with the idea of the " fall, a tendency of all heavy and light bodies toward the Earth." We have thus endeavored to show how a great phenomenon of nature and the earliest purely cosmical ex- planation of a fall of aerolites essentially contributed in Grecian antiquity, step by step, but certainly not by math- ematical reasoning, to develop the germ which, fostered by the intellectual labors of the following centuries, led to Huy- gens's discovery of the laws of circular motion. Commencing from the geometrical relations of the periodic (not sporadic) falling stars, we direct our attention especially to what recent observations as to the divergence or point of departure of the meteors, and their entirely planetary ve^ locity, have made known. Both these circumstances, di- vergence and velocity, characterize them with a high degree of probability as luminous bodies which present themselves independently of the Earth's rotation, aud penetrate into our' atmosphere from ivitliout, from space. The North Amer- ican observations of the November period on the occasion of the falls of stars in 1833, 1834, and 1837, indicated as the point of departure the star y Leonis ; the observations of the August phenomenon, in the year 1839, Algol in Perseus, or a point between Perseus and Taurus. These centers of divergence were about the constellations toward which the Earth moved at the same epoch. t Saigey, who has submit- • The remarkable passage alluded to in the text in Plutarch, Be Facit in, Orbe Lutkb, p. 923, is literally translated, " However, the motion of the Moon and the violence of the revolution itself prevents it from fall- ing, just as things placed in a sling are prevented from falling by theif motion in a cii'cle " t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 118, 119 210 COSMOS. ted the Auierican observations of 1833 to a very accurate in- vestigation, remarks that the fixed radiation from the con- stellation Leo is only observed properly after midnight, in the last three or four hours before daybreak ; that of eighteen ob- servers between the town of Mexico and Lake Huron, only ten perceived the same general point of departure of the me- teors,=^ which Denison Olmsted, Professor of Mathematics in New Haven (Connecticut), indicated. The excellent work of Edward Heis, of Aix-la-Chapelle, which presents in a condensed form the very accurate ob- servations of falling stars made by himself during ten years, contains results as to the phenomena of divergence, which are so much the more important as the observer has dis- cussed them with mathematical strictness. According to him,t " the falling stars of the November period present the peculiarity that their paths are more dispersed than those of the August period. In each of the two periods there were simultaneously several points of departure by no means al- ways proceeding from the same constellation, as there was too great a tendency to assume since the year 1833," Be- sides the principal point of departure of Algol in Perseus, Heis finds in the August periods of the years 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1847, and 1848, two others in Draco and the North Pole.X " In order to deduce accurate results as to the points of departure of the paths of the falling stars in the November periods for the years 1839, 1841, 1846, and 1847, for the four points (Perseus, Leo, Cassiopeia, and the Dragon's Head), the mean path belonging to each was drawn upon a thirty-inch celestial globe, and in every case the po- sition of the point ascertained from which the greatest num- ber of paths proceeded. The investigation showed that of 407 of the falling stars indicated according to their paths, 171 came from Perseus, near the star 7/ in Medusa's Head, 63 from Leo, 35 from Cassiopeia, near the changeable star o, * Coulvier-Gravier and Saigey, Rccherches sur les Etoiles Filantes, 1847, p. 69-86. t " The periodical falling stars, and the results of the phenomena de- duced from the observations carried on during the last ten years at Aix- la-Chapelle, by Edward Heis," 1849, p. 7 and 26-30. X The statement of the North Pole being a center of radiation in the August period is founded only upon the observations of the one year 1839 (10th of August), A traveler in the East, Dr. Asahel Grant, re- ports from Mardin, in Mesopotamia, "that about midnight the sky was, as it were, furrowed with falling stars, all of which proceeded from tha region of the polar star^ (Heis, p. 28, from a letter of Herrick's to ^uetelet's and Grant's Diary,) SHOOTING STARS. 211 -to from the Dragon's Head, but full 78 from undetermined points. The number of falling stars issuing from Perseus consequently amounted to nearly double those from Leo."=^ The divergence from Perseus has consequently shown it self in both periods as a very remarkable result. An acute observer, Julius Schmidt, attached to the Observatory at Bonn, w^ho has been occupied w^ith meteoric phenomena for eight or ten years, expresses himself upon this subject with great decision in a letter to me (July, 1851) : " If I deduct from the abundant falls of shooting stars in November, 1833, and 1834, as well as from subsequent ones, that kind in which the point in Leo sent out whole swarms of meteors, I am at present inclined to consider the Perseus point as that point of divergence which presents not only in August, but through out the ivhole year, the most meteors. This point is situated, according to the result deduced from 478 observations by Heis, in Rt. Asc. 503° and Decl. 51-5o (holding good for 1844-6). In November, 1849 (from the 7th to the 14th), I saw some hundreds more shooting stars than I have ever remarked since 1841. Of these only a few, upon the whole, came from Leo ; by far the greater number belonged to the constellation of Perseus. It follows from this, as it appears to me, that the great November phenomenon of 1799 and 1833 did not appear at that time (1841). Olbers also be- lieves that the maximum November appearance has a pe- riod of thirty-four years {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 127). If the di- rections of the meteor-paths are considered in their full com- plication and periodical recurrence, it is found that there are certain points of divergence which are always represented^ others which appear only sporadically and changeably." Whether, moreover, the different points of divergence alter with the years — which, if closed rings are assumed, would indicate an alteration in the situation of the ring in which * This preponderance of Perseus over Leo, as a point of departure, did not by any means obtain in the observations at Bremen on the night of the i|th November, 1838. A very experienced observer, Roswinkel, saviT, on the occasion of a very abundant fall of shooting stars, almost all the paths proceed from Leo and the southern part of Ursa Major; while in the night of the ||th of November, on the occasion of a fall but little less abundant, only four paths proceeded from Leo. Olbers (Schum., Attr. Nachr., No. 372) adds very significantly. On this night paths did not appear at all parallel to each other, and showed no relation to Leo: they appear, on account of the want of parallelism, to belong to the sporadic and the periodic class of falling stars. The proper November period was, however, certainly not to be compared in brilliancv with those of the years 1799, 1832, and 1833." 212 COSMOS. the meteors move — can not at present be determined wrtn certainty from the observations. A beautiful series of such observations by Houzeau (during the years 1839 to 1842) appears to offer evidence against a progressive alteration.* Edward Heisf has very correctly remarked that, in Grecian and Roman antiquity, attention had already been directed to a certain temporary uniformity in the direction of shooting stars darting across the sky. That direction was then con- sidered as the result of a wind already blowing in the higher regions of the atmosphere, and predicted to the sailors an ap- proaching current of air descending thence into the lower re- gions. If the periodic streams of shooting stars are distinguished from the sporadic by the frequent parallelism of their paths, proceeding from one or more points of divergence, a second criterion of them is the numerical — the number of individua. meteors referred to a definite measure of time. We come here to the much-disputed question of the distinction of an extraordinary from an ordinary fall of shooting stars. Two excellent observers, Olbers and duetelet, have given as the mean number of meteors which can be reckoned hourly in the range of vision of one person upon not extraordinary days, the former five to six, the latter eight meteors4 For the discussion of this question, which is as important as the determination of the laws of motion of shooting stars, in ref- erence to their direction, a great number of observations are required. I have therefore referred with confidence to the already-mentioned observer, Herrn Julius Schmidt at Bonn, who, long accustomed to astronomical accuracy, takes up with his peculiar energy the whole phenomena of meteors — of which the formation of aerolites and their fall to the Earth appear to him merely a special phase, the rarest, and there- fore not the most important. The following are the principal results of the communications which I requested from him.§ * Saigey, p. 151 ; and upon Erman's determination of the points of con- vergence diametrically opposed to the points of divergence, p. 125-129. t Heis, Period. Sternschn., p. 6. (Compare also Anstot., Problem., xxvi., 23; Seneca, Nat. Qucest., lib. i., 14: " Ventum significat stella- rum discurrentium lapsus, et quidem ab ea parte qua erumpit.") I have myself long believed in the influence of the wind upon the direc- tion of the shooting stars, especially during my stay at Marseilles at the time of the Egyptian expedition. J Cosmos, vol. i., p. 113. $ All that is marked in the text with inverted commas I am indebted for to the friendly communication of Herrn Julius Schmidt, attached to the observatory at Bonn. BPe Saigey, p. 159. SHOOTING STARS. 213 '* The mean number of sporadic shooting stars appearing there has been found, from many years of observation (be- tween 3 and 8 years), a fall of from four to five in the hour This is the ordinary condition when nothing periodic occurs The mean numbers of sporadic meteors in the individual months give for the hour, January, 3*4 ; February, March, 4-9 ; April, 2-4 ; May, 39 ; June, 53 ; July, 4-5 August, 53 ; September, 4*7 ; October, 4*5 ; November, 5-3 ; December, 4'0. " Of the periodic meteors there may be expected, on the average, in each hour, above 13 or 15. For a single period, that of August, the stream of Laurentius presented the follow- ing gradual increases from sporadic to periodic, upon an av- ei J2^e of from three to eight years of observation. Time. 6th of August 7th 8th 9th 10th " Number of meteors in one hour. .... 6 ... 11 . .. . ... 15 . .. . . . . 29 . . . ... 31 . .. stand . 3 ] . 8 . 16 . 18 . 3 . 1 Number of years. .. 1 .. 3 .. 4 .. 8 . . 6 nth 12th " .... 19 ... 7 . . .. 5 . . 3 The last year g'ave for the hour, notwith moonlight : On the 7th of August 8th " mg the clear Meteors. 9th 10th nth '* 12th Meteoi, (According to Heis, there were observed on the 10th of Au- gust: 1839, in one hour, 160 Meteors. 1841 '' 43 1841 " 50 In the August meteor-stream in 1842, there fell at the time of the maximum, in ten minutes, 34 shooting stars.) All these numbers refer to the circle of vision of one observer. Since the year 1838, the November falls have been less brill- iant. (On the 12th of November, 1839, Heis still counted hourly 22 to 35 meteors ; likewise, on the 13th of Novem- J214 C0 3MOS. ber, 1846, upon the average, 27 to 33.) So variable ia tlie abundance of the periodic streams in individual years ; but the number of the falling meteors always remains consider- ably greater than in ordinary nights, which show in one hour only four or five sporadic falls. The m'^teors appear to be the most seldom in Jaauaiy (calculating from the 4th), Feb- ruary, and March. ^ "Although the August and November periods are justly the most celebrated, still, since the shooting stars have been observed with greater accuracy, as to their number and par- allel direction, yet five others have been discovered. January : during the first days between the 1st and 3d ; probably somcA^hat doubtful. Apiil : 18th or 20th? already conjectured by Arago. (Great streams: 25th of April, 1095, 22d of April 1800, 20th of April, 1803 ; Cosmos, vol. i., p. 125-126. An nuaire for 1836, p. 297.) May: 26th? July: 26th to the 30th; Gluetelet. Maximum prop- erly between the 27th and 29th of July. The most an- cient Chinese observations gave Edward Biot (unfortunate- ly too soon taken away) a general maximum between the 18th and 27th of July. August, but before the Laurentius stream, especially be- tween the 2d and 5th of the month. For the most part, no regular increase is remarked from the 20th of July t4 the 10 th of August. The Laurentius stream itself, M usschenbrock and Brandes {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 124, and note >). Decided maximum on the 10th of August ; observed for many years. (According to an old tradition, which is diffused among the mountain regions about Pelion in Thessaly, on the feast of the Transfiguration, the 6th of March, the heavens open during the night, and the lights (Kav5r]Xia) appear in the midst of the opening ; Herrick, in Silliman's Amer. Jour- nal, vol. xxxvii., 1839, p. 337 ; and duetelet, in the Nouv. Mem. de V Acad, de Bruxelles, tom. xv., p. 9.) October : the 19th and the days about the 26th ; due- telet; Boguslawski, in the ^' Arbeiteiuder schles. GeselU scliaftfur vaterl. Culture 1843, p. 178 ; and Heis, p. 83. * 1 have, however, myself observed a considerable fall of shooting stars on the T6th of March, 1803, iu the South Sea (Lat. IS^o N.). Also, 687 years oefore our era. tvf c weteor-strearas were seen in China, in the month of ivlareii {^Cosmos, vol. i., p. 128). SHOOTING STARS. 215 The latter instituted observations on the 21st of October, 1766, 18th October, 1838, 17th October, 1841, 24th of October, 1845, |ith October, 1847, and ||th October, 1848. (See remarks upon three October phenomena, in the years 902, 1202, and 1366, Cosmos, vol. i., p. 128, and note f.) The conjecture of Boguslawski, that the Chinese swarm;:; of meteors, of the 18th and 27th of July, and the fall of shooting stars of the 21st of October (O.S.), 1366, may be the now advanced August and November periods, loses much of its weight after the recent experience of 1838- 1848.=^ November: yfth, very seldom the 8th or 10th. The great fall of meteors of 1799, in Cumana, on the j^th of November, which Bonpland and I have described, so far gave occasion to believe in periodic appearances upon certain days, that on the occasion of the great fall of me- * An entirely similar fall of shooting stars as that which the younger Boguslawski found for October 21st, 1366 (O. S.), in Benesse de Horo- vie, Chronicon EcclesifB Pragensis {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 128), is fully de- scribed in the famous historical work of Duarte Nunez do Liao {Chron- icas dos Reis de Portugal Reformados, pt. i., Lisb., 1600, f. 187), but placed in the right of the 22d to 23d of October (0. S.). Were there two streams seen in Bohemia, and on the Tagus, or has one of the chroniclers erred in a day ? The following are the words of the Portu- guese historian : " Vindo o anno de 1366, seudo andados xxii. dias do mes de Octubro, tres meses antes do fallecimento del Rei D. Pedro (de Portugal), se fez no ceo hum movimento de estrellas, qual os homees nao virao nem ouvirao. E foi que desda mea noite por diante correrao todalas strellas do Levante para o Ponente, e acabado de serem juntas come^arao a correr humas para huraa parte e outras para ontra. 1 despois descerao do ceo tantes e tam spessas, que tanto que forao baxas no ar, pareciao grandes fogueiras, e que o ceo e o ar ardiao, e que a mesma terra queria arder. O ceo parecia partido em muitas partes, aUi onde strellas nao stavao. E isto durou per muito spa^o. Os que isto viaOjhouverao tam grande medo e pavor, que stavao como attoni- tos e cuidavao todos de ser mortos, e que era vinda a fim do mundo." " In the year 1366, and xxii. days of the month of October being past, three months before the death of the king, Dom Pedro (of Portugal), there was in the heavens a movement of stars, such as men never be- fore saw or heard of. At midnight, and for some time after, all the stars moved from the east to the west ; and after being collected together, they began to move, some in one direction, and others in another. And afterward they fell from the sky in such numbers, and so thickly to- gether, that as they descended low in the air, they seemed large and fiery, and the sky and the air seemed to be in flames, and even the earth appeared as if ready to take fire. That portion of the sky where there were no stars seemed to be divided into many parts, and this lasted for a long time. Those who saw it were filled with such great fear and dismay, that they were astounded, imaginiiig they were struck dead, and that the end of the world had come." 216 COSMOS. teors in 1833 (November, jf^^h) the phenomenon of the year 1799 was called to mind.^ December: -^oth.; but in 1798, according to Brandes's observation, December the ^th ; Herrick, in New Haven, 1838, Dec. |th ; Hiis, 1847, December 8th and 10th. " Eight or nine epochs of periodic meteoric streams, of which the last five are most certainly determined, are here recommended to the industry of observers. The streams of different months are not alone different from each other ; in different years, also, the abundance and brilHancy of the same stream varies strikingly. " The upper limits of the height of shooting stars can not be ascertained with accuracy, and Olbers considers all heights above 120 miles as being less certainly determined. The lower boundaries which were formerly {^Cosmos, vol. i., p * Nearer epochs of comparison might have been brought forward, if they had been known at that time ; for example, the streams of meteors observed by Kloden, 1823, Nov. i|th, in Potsdam; by Berard, 1831, Nov. |-|th, on the Spanish coast; and by GTraf Suchtelu, at Orenberg, 1832, Nov. ||th {Cosmos, \o\. i., p. 124; and Schum., Astr. Nackr., No. 303. p. 242). The great phenomenon of the 11th and 12th of November, which Bonpland and I have described {Voyage aux Regions Equi- noxiales, liv. iv., chap, x., tom. iv., p. 34, 53d ed., 8vo), lasted from two to four o'clock in the morning. Upon the whole journey which we made through the forest region of the Orinoco southward, as far as Rio Negro, we found that the enormous fall of meteors had been seen by the missionaries, and in some cases recorded in the church books. In Labrador and Greenland, it threw the Esquimaux into a state of utter amazement as far as Lichtenau and New Hernihut (lat. 64° 14'). At Itterstadt, near Weimar, the pastor Zeising saw the same phenomenon that was at the same time Visible under the equator, and near the north polar circle in America. Since the periodicity of the St. Laureiitius stream, August 10th, did not attract general attention until long after the November period had, I have carefully placed together all the con- siderable and accurately-observed falls of shooting stars on the i|th November known to me up to 1846. There are 15 : 1799, 1818, 1822, 1823; 1831-1839, every year; 1841 and 1846. I exclude those falls of meteors which differ by one or two days, such as those of the 10th of November, 1787, 8th of November, 1813. Such a periodicity close- ly connected with individual days is so much the more wonderful, as bodies of such a small mass are easily exposed to disturbances, and the breadth of the ring in which the meteors are supposed to be contained may surround the Earth for some days. The most brilliant November streams took place in 1799, 1831, 1833, 1834. (In my description of the meteor of 1799, the largest fire-ball has ascribed to it a diameter of 1^ and li*^, when it should be 1 and li lunar diameter.) This is also the place to mention the fire-ball which attracted the special at- tention of the director of the observatory at Toulouse, M. Petit, and w hose revolution' round the Earth he has calculated. ( Compies Rendus 9 Aoat, 1847; and Schum., Astr. Nachr.,lio. 701, p. 71.) SHOOTING STARS. 217 120) generally estimated at 16 miles (over 97,388 feet), must be greatly contracted. Some, according to measurement, de- scend very nearly to the level of the summit of Chimborazo and Aconcagua, to the distance of four geographical miles above the level of the sea. Heis remarked, on the contrary, a falling star seen simultaneously at Berlin and Breslau on the 10th of July, 1837, had, according to accurate calcula- tion, a height of 248 miles when its light first became visi- ble, and a height of 168 on its disappearance; others disap- peared during the same night at a height of 56 miles. From the older labors of Brandos (1823), it follows that of 100 well- defined shooting stars seen from two points of observation, 4 had an elevation of only 4 to 12 miles ; 15 between 12 and 24 m. ; 22 from 24 to 40 m. ; 35 (nearly one third) from 40 to 60 m. ; 13 from 40 to 80 m. ; and only 11 (scarcely one tenth) above 80 m., their heights being between 180 and 240 miles. From 4000 observations collected during nine years, it has been inferred, with regard to the color of the shooting stars, that two thirds are white, one seventh yellow, one seventeenth yellowish red, and only one thirty-seventh green." Olbers reports, that during the fall of meteors in the night of the 12th and 13th of November, in the year 1838, a beau- tiful northern light was visible at Bremen, which colored large parts of the sky with an intense blood-red light. The shooting stars darting across this region maintained their white color unaltered, whence it may be inferred that the northern light was further removed from the surface of the Earth than the shooting stars were at that point where they became invisible. (Schum., Astr. Nadir., No. 372, p. 78.) The relative velocity of shooting stars has hitherto been es- . timated at from 18 to 36 geographical miles a second, while the Earth has only a translatory velocity of 16*4 miles. {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 120, note =^.) Corresponding observations of Julius Schmidt at Bonn, and Heis at Aix-la-Chapelle (1849), gave as the actual minimum for a shooting star, which stood 48 miles vertically above St. Goar, and shot over the Lake of Laach, only 14 miles. According to other com- parisons of the same observer, and of Houzeau in Mons, the velocity of four shooting stars was found to be between 46 and 95 miles in the second, consequently two to five times as great as the planetary velocity of the Earth. The cos-' mical origin is indeed most strongly proved by this result,: together with the constancy of the simple or multiple points Vol. IV.— K 218 COSMOS. of divergence, i. e., together with the circumstance that periodic shooting stars, independently of the rotation v{ the Earth, proceed during several hours from the same star, even when this star is not that toward which the Earth is moving at the same time. According to the existing meas- urements, fire-balls appear to move slower than shooting Btars ; but it nevertheless remains striking, that when the former meteors fall, they sink such a little way into the ground. The mass at Ensisheim, in Alsace, weighing 276 pounds (November 7th, 1492), penetrated only 3 feet, and the aerolite of Braunau (July 14th, 1847) to the same depth. I know of only two meteoric stones which have plowed up the loose earth for 6 and 18 feet : these are the aerolites of 0 astro villari, in the Abruzzi (Febnmry 9th, 1583), and that of Hradschina, in the Agram district (May 6th, 1751). Whether any thing has ever fallen from the shooting staris to the Earth, has been much discussed in opposite senses. The straw roofs of the parish Belmont (Departement de 1' Ain, Arondissement Belley), which were set on fire by a meteor in the night of November 13th, 1835, just at the epoch of the known November phenomenon, received the fire, as it ap- pears, not from a falling shooting star, but from a bursting fire-ball, which problematical aerolite is said to have fallen, according to the statements of Millet d' Aubenton. A similar conflagration, caused by a fire-ball, occurred on the 22d of March, 1846, about three o'clock in the afternoon, in the com- mune of St. Paul, near Bagnere de Luchon. Only the fall of stones in Angers (on the 9th of July, 1822) was ascribed to a beautiful falling star seen near Poitiers. This phenom- enon, not sufiiciently described, deserves great attention. The falling stars resembled entirely the so-called Roman candles used in fire-works. It left behind it a straight streak, very narrow above, and very broad below, which lasted for ten or twelve minutes with great brilliancy. Seventeen miles northward of Poitiers an aerohte fell with a great detona- tion. Does all that the shooting stars contain burn in the outer- most strata of the atmosphere, whose refracting power causes the phenomenon of twilight ? The above-mentioned various colors, during the process of combustion, admit of the infer- ence of a chemical difference in the substances. In addition to this, the forms of these fiery meteors are exceedingly vari- able ; some form merely phospJwrescent lines of such fine- n1^8S and number, that Forster, in the winter of 1832, sa>* AEROLITES. 21^ the sky illuminated by them with a feeble glow.^ Many shooting stars move merely as luminous points, and leave no tail behind them. The combustion, attended with rapid or slow disappear anf30 of the tails, which are generally many miles in length, is so much the more remarkable, as the burn- ing tails sometimes bend and sometimes move onward. The shining for some hours of the tail of a fire-ball which had long disappeared, observed by Admiral Krusenstern and his com panions during their voyage round the world, vividly calls to mind the long shining of the cloud from which the great aerolite of JEgos Potamos is said to have fallen, according to the certainly not quite trustworthy relation of Damachos. {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 133, and note f.) There are shooting stars of very different magnitude, in- creasing to the apparent diameter of Jupiter or Venus ; on the occasion, also, of the fall of shooting stars seen at Tou- louse (April 10th, 1812), and the observation of a fire-ball at Utrecht, on the 23d of August of the same year, they were seen to form, as it were, from a luminous point, to shoot out in a star-like manner, and then to expand to a sphere of the size of the Moon. In very abundant falls of meteors, such as those of 1799 and 1833, there have been undoubtedly many fire-balls, mixed with thousands of shooting stars ; but the identity of both kinds of fiery meteors has not been by any means proved hitherto. Relation is not identity. There still remains much to be investigated as to the physical rela- tions of both — as to the influence pointed out by Admiral Wrangel,! of the shooting stars upon the development of the polar light on the shores of the Frozen Sea, and as to the number of luminous processes indistinctly described, but not, on that account, to be hastily denied, which have preceded the formation of fire-balls. The greater number of fire-balls appear unaccompanied by shooting stars, and show no pe- riodicity in their appearance. What we know of shooting stars, with regard to their divergence from definite points, is at present only to be applied to fire-balls with caution. Meteoric stones fall the most rarely in a quite clear sky, without the previous formation of a black meteor-cloud, with- out any visible phenomenon of light, but with a terrible crack ling, as upon the 6th of September, 1843, near Klein-Wenden, not far from Miihlhausen ; or they fall, and this more fre- quently, shot out of a suddenly-formed dark cloud, accompa- * Forster's M^moire sur les Etoiles F'dantes, p. 31. t Cotmos, vol. i., p, 126, and note *. 220 COSMOS. nied by phenomena of sound, though without light ; finally, and, indeed, the most frequently, the falls of meteoric stones present themselves in close connection with brilliant fire balls. Of this connection, the falls of stones at Barbotan (Dep. des Landes) on the 24th of July, 1790, with a simul- taneous appearance of a red fire-ball and a ichite meteoric cloud,* from which the aerolites fell ; the fall of stones at Benares, in Hindostan, 13th December^ 1798, and that of Aigle (Dep. de L'Orne) on the 26th of April, 1803, aflbrd v/ell-described and indubitable examples. The last of the phenomena here mentioned — that which among all has been investigated and described with the greatest care by Biot — has finally, 23 centuries after the great Thracian fall of stones, and 300 years since a Frate was killed by an aerolite at C re- ma,! put an end to the skepticism of the academists. A * Kanitz, Lehrhnch der Meteorologie, vol. iii., p. 277. t The great fall of aerolites at Creraa and on the shores of Adda is described with especial vivacity, but unfortunately in a rhetorical and vague manner, by the celebrated Petrus Martyr, of Anghiera {^Opus Episiolarum, Amst., 1670, No. cccclxv., p. 245-246). What preceded the fall itself was an almost total dai-kening on the 4th of September, 1511, at the noon hour. " Fama est, pavonem immensum in aCrea Cre- mensi plaga fuisse visum. Tavo visus in pyramidem converti, adeoquo celei-i ab occidente in orientera raptari cursu, ut in hora) momento magnam hemisphserii partem, doctorum inspectantium sententia, per- volagse credatur. Ex nubium illico densitate tenebras ferunt surrex- 'sse, quales viventium nulhis unquam se cognovisse fateatur. Per earn aoctis faciem, cum formidolosis fulguribus, inaudita tonitrua regionem --ircumsepserunt." " The report is, that an enormous peacock was seen flying in the sky above the town of Crema. The peacock appeared to change into a pyramid, and was carried from west to east with such rapidity, that in a moment it seemed to ti*averse the whole hemisphere, as some learned men imagined who saw it. Immediately afterward such darkness arose from the denseness of the clouds as was never known by mortal before. During this midnight gloom, unheard-of thunders, mingled with awful lightnings, resounded through that quar- ter of the heavens." . The illuminations were so intense, that the in- habitants round Bergamo could see the whole plain of Crema during the darkness. " Ex hori'endo illo fragore quid irata natura in eam re- gionem pepererit, percunctaberis. Saxa demisit in Cremensi planitie (ubi nullus unquam a^quans ovum lapis visus fuit) immensa; magnitu dini, pendens egregii. Decem fuisse reperta centilibralia sexa ferunt." •'You will perhaps inquire what accompanied that terrific commotion of nature. On the plain of Crema, where never before was seen a stone the size of an e^^, there fell pieces of rock of enormous dimensions and of immense weight. It is said that ten of these were found weighing a hundred pounds each. Birds, sheep, and even fish were killed." Under all these exaggerations, it may still bo seen that the meteoru. el&ud out of which the stones fell must have been of uncommon black ue8s and thickues.=; Tlie " pavo" was undoubtedly a long and broad AEROLITES. 221 large fire-ball, which moved from S.E. to N.W., was seen at one o'clock in the afternoon at Alen9on, Falaise, and Caen, while the sky was quite clear. Some moments afterward there was heard near Aigle (Dep. de L'Orne) an explosion in a small, dark, almost motionless cloud, lasting for five or six minutes, which was followed three or four times by a noise like a cannon and a rattle of muskets, mixed with a number of drums. At each explosion, parts of the vapor, of which the cloud consisted, were removed. No appearance of light was visible in this instance. There fell at the same time upon an elliptical surface, whose major axis, from S.E. to N.W., had a length of six miles, a great number of meteoric stones, the largest of which weighed only 17^ pounds. They were hot but not red,=^ smoked visibly, and, what is very strik- tailed fire-ball. The terrible noise in the meteoric cloud is here repre- sented as the thunder accompanying the lightning (?). Anghiera him- self received in Spain a fragment, the size of a fist {ex fiiustris disrup- torum saxorum), and showed it to King Ferdinand the Catholic, in the presence of the famous warrior Gonzalo de Cordova. His letter ends with the words, " Mira super hisce prodigiis conscripta fanatice, physice, theologice ad nos missa sunt ex Italia. Quid portendant, quomodoque gignantur, tibi utraque servo, si aliquando ad nos veneris." " From these prodigies Italy has furnished us with many a marvel of supersti- tion, physic, and theology ; what they portend, and how they are to come to pass, you will learn whenever you come to us." (Written from Burgos to Fagiardus.) Cardanus {Opera, ed. Lugd., 1663, torn, iii., lib. XV., cap. Ixxii., p. 279) aftirms, still more accurately, that 1200 aerolites fell among them, one of 120 pounds* weight, iron gray, of great density. The noise is said to have lasted two hours : " ut mi- rum sit, tamtam molera in acre sustineri potuisse ;" " it is marvelous that such a mass could be supported in the air," He considered the tailed fire-ball to be a comet, and errs in the date of the phenomenon by a year : " Vidimus anno 1510." Cardanus was at that time nine or ten years old. * Recently, on the occasion of the fall of aerolites at Braunau (July 14th, 1847), the fallen masses of stone were so hot, that after six hours they could not be touched without causing a burn. I have already treated {Asic Centrale, tom. i., p. 408) of the analogy which the Scyth- ian myth of sacred gold presents with a fall of meteors. *'5.*As the Scythians say, theirs is the most recent of all nations; and it arose in the following manner. The first man that appeared in this country, which was a wilderness, was named Targitaus : they say that the par- ents of this Targitaus, in my opinion relating what is incredible — they Bay, however, that they were Jupiter and a daughter of the River Bo- rysthenes; that such was the origin of Targitaus; and that he had three sons, who went by the names ot Lipoxais, Apoxais, and the youngest, Colaxais; that during their reign a plow, a yoke, an ax, and a bowl of golden workmanship dropping down from heaven, fell on the Scythian territoiy; that the eldest, seeing them first, approached, intending to take them up, but as he came near, the gold began to burn; when he had retired the second went up, and it did the same again ; according 222 COSMOS. ing, they were more easily broken during the first day afto» the fall than subsequently. I have intentionally given more time to this phenomenon, in order to be able to compare it with another of the 13th of September, 1768. About half past four o'clock in the afternoon of the above-mentioned day, a dark cloud was seen near the village of Luce (Dep. d'Eure et Loire), four miles westward of Chartres, in which a noise was heard Uke a cannon shot, and at the same time a hissing was perceived in the air, caused by the fall of a black stone moving in a curve. The stone, which had penetrated into the Earth, weighed 7^1bs., and was so hot that it could not be touched. It was very imperfectly analyzed by Lavoisier, Fougeroux, and Cadet. No phenomena of light were per- ceived throughout the whole occurrence. As soon as the observation of periodic falls of shooting stars was commenced, and their appearance on certain nights ex- pected, it wias remarked that the frequency of the meteors in- creased with the length of time from midnight, and that the greatest number fell between two and five in the morning. Already, on the occasion of the great fall of meteors at Cu mana in the night of the 11th and 12th of November, 1799, ly, the burning gold repulsed these ; but when the youngest went up the third, it became extinguished, and he carried the things home with him; and that the elder brothers, in consequence of this giving way, surrendered the whole authority to the youngest. 6. From Lipoxais, they say, are descended those Scythians who are called Auchatae ; from the second, Apoxais, those who are called Catiari and Traspies; and from the youngest of them, the royal race, who are called Paralatae But all have the name of Scoloti, from the surname of their king; but the Grecians call them Scythians. 7. The Scythians say that such was their origin ; and they reckon the whole number of years from their first beginning, from King Targitaus to the time that Darius crossed over against them, to be not more than a thousand years, but just that num ber. This sacred gold the kings watch with the greatest care, and an- nually approach it with magnificent sacrifices to render it propitious. If he who has the sacred gold happens to fall asleep in the open air on the festival, the Scythians say he can not survive the year, and on this account they give him as much land as he can ride round on horseback in one day. The country being very extensive, Colaxais established three of the kingdoms for his sons, and made that one the largest in which the gold is kept. The parts beyond the north of the inhabited districts the Scythians ^ay can neither be seen nor passed through, by reason of the feathers shed there ; for that the earth and air are full of feathers, and that it is these which intercept the view." — Herodotus, iv., 5 and? (translation, Bohn's Classical Library, p. 238). But is the myth of sacred gold merely an ethnographical myth — an allusion to three kings' sons, the founders of three races of Scythians ? an allusion to the prominent position which the race of the youngest son, the Paralatae, attained? (Brandstatter, Scythica, de aurea Caterva, 1837, p. 69 and 81. • AEROLITES. 223 my fellow- travelers saw the greatest swarm of sliociting stars between half past two and four o'clock- A very meritorious observer of the phenomena of meteors, Coulvier-Gravier, con- tributed an important essay to the Institute at Paris upon la variation horaire des etoiles jilantes. It is difficult to con- jecture the cause of such an hourly variation, an influence of the distance from the hour of midnight. If, under differ- ent meridians, the shooting stars do not become especially visible until a certain early hour, then, in the case of their dosmical origin, we must assume, what is still but little prob- able, viz., that these night, or, rather, early morning hours, fire especially adapted to the recognition of the shooting stars, while in other hours of the night more shooting stars pass by before midnight invisible. We must still long and pa- , tiently collect observations. BtUQCIoft LibxMrv The principal characters of the solid masses whicn lalf from the air I believe I have treated of with tolerable com- pleteness (^Cosmos, vol. i., p. 129), in reference to their chem- ical relations and the granular structure, especially investi- gated by Gustav Rose in accordance with the state of our knowledge in the year 1845. The successive labors of How- ard, Klaproth, Thenard, Vauquelin, Proust, Berzelius, Stro- meyer, Laugier, Dufresnoy, Gustav and Heinrich Rose, Bous- singault, Rammelsberg, and Shepard, have afforded a rich material,* and yet two thirds of the fallen meteoric stones, which lie at the bottom of the sea, escape our observation. Although it is striking that, under all zones, at points most distant from each other, the aerolites have a certain phys- iognomic resemblance — in Greenland, Mexico, and South America, in Europe, Siberia, and Hindostan — still, upon a closer investigation, they present very great differences Many contain yW of iron ; others (Siena) scarcely y|o '■> nearly all have a thin black, brilliant, and, at the same time, veined coating : in one (Chantonnay) this crust was entire- ly wanting. The specific gravity of some meteoric stones amounts to as much as 4-28, while the carbonaceous stone of Alais, consisting of crumbling lamellae, showed a specific gravity of only 1*94. Some (Juvenas) have a doleritic struc- ture, in which crystallized olivin, augite, and anorthite are to be recognized separately ; others (the masses of Pallas) afford merely iron, containing nickel and olivin ; and others, * The metals discovered in meteoric stones are nickel, by Howard ; cobalt, by Stromeyer ; copper and chromium, by Laugier ; tin, byBcr ae'.ius. 224 COSMOS. again (to judge from the proportions cf tlio ingredients), are aggregates of hornblende and albite (Chateau-Renard), or of hornblende and labrador (Blansko and Chantonnay). According to the general summary of results given by a sagacious chemist, Professor Rammelsberg, who has recently occupied himself uninterruptedly, and as actively as success- fully, with the analysis of aerolites and their composition from simple minerals, "the separation of the masses fallen from the air into meteoric iron and meteoric stones is not to be admitted in its strictest sense. Meteoric iron is sometimes found, though seldom, with silicates intermixed (the Siberian mass weighed again by Heis of 1 270 Russian pounds, with grains of olivin), and, on the other hand, many meteoric stones contoin metallic iron. "A. The tneteoric ^Vo?^, whose fall it has been possible to observe only a few times (Hradschrina, near Agram, on the 26th of May, 1751, Braunau, 14th of July, 1847), while most analogous masses have already laid long upon the surface of the earth, possesses in general very similar physical and chem- ical properties. It almost always contains sulphuret of iron mixed with it in finer or coarser particles, which, however, do not appear to be either iron pyrites or magnetif; pyrites, but a sulphuret of iron. ^ The principal mass of such a me- teoric iron is also not pure metal, but consists of an alloy of iron and nickel, so that this constant presence of nickel (on the average 10 per cent., sometimes rather more, som.etimes rather less) serves justly as an especial criterion for the me- teoric nature of the whole mass. It is only an alloy of tico isomer 2'>hous metals, not a combination in definite proportions. There are also present in minute quantity, cobalt, manganese, magnesium, copper, and carbon. The last-mentioned sub stance is partly mixed mechanically, as difficultly combusti- ble gi'aphite ; partly in chemical combination with iron, and therefore analogous to many kinds of bar-iron. The princi- pal mass of the meteoric iron contains also always a peculiar combination of 'pliosjihorus loith iron and nickel, which, on the solution of the iron in hydrochloric acid, remains in the form of silver-white, microscopic, crystalline needles and lam- ina?. "B. The meteoric stones, properly so called, it is customary to divide into tico classes, according to their external appear- ance. The stones of one class present, in an apparently ho mogeneous mass, grains and splinters o^meteoriciron, which * Raramelsberg, in Poggendoi-fi', Annalen, vol. Ixxiv., 1849, p. 142 AEROLITES. 225 are attracted b} the magnet, and possess entirely the nature of that found in larger masses. To this class belong, for ex- ample, the stones of Blansko, Lissa, Aigle, Ensisheim, Chan- tonnay, Klein- Wenden near Nordhausen, Erxleben, Chateau- Renard, and Utrecht. The stones of the other class are free from metallic admixtures,, and present rather a crystalline mixture of difierent mineral substances ; as, for example, the stones of Juvenas, Lontalax, and Stannern. " Since the time that Howard, Klaproth, and Vauquelin first instituted the chemical investigation of meteoric stones, for a long time no regard w'^as paid to the fact that they might be mixtures of separate combinations ; but they were examined only for their total constituents, and it was consid- ered sufficient to draw out the iron by the magnet. After Mohs had directed attention to the analogy between some aerolites and certain telluric rocks, Nordenskjold endeavored to prove that the aerolite of Lontalax, in Finland, consisted of olivin, leucite, and magnetic iron ore ; but the beautiful observations of Gustav Rose first placed it beyond doubt that the stone of Juvenas consists of magnetic pyrites, augite, and a feldspar very much resembling labrador. Guided by this, Berzelius endeavored, in a more extended essay {Kongl. Veten- skaps-Academiens Handlingar fur 1834), to eliminate, also by chemical methods, the mineralogical nature of the sepa- rate combinations in the aerolites of Blansko, Chantonnay, and Alais. The road happily pointed out by him beforehand has subsequently been abundantly followed. " a. The first and more numerous class oi meteoric stones, those with metallic iron, contain this disseminated through them, sometimes in larger masses, which occasionally form a skeleton, and thus constitute the transition to those meteoric masses of iron in which, as in the Siberian mass of Pallas, the other materials disappear more considerably. On account of the constant presence of olivin, they are rich in magnesia. The olivin is that part of the meteoric stone which is decom- posed when it is treated with acids. Like the telluric, it is a silicate of magnesia and protoxide of iron. That part which is not attacked by acids is a mixture of feldspathic and au- gitic matter, whose nature admits of being determined solely by calculation from its total constituents, as labrador, horn- blende, augite, or ohgoclas. '* Q. The second much rarer class of meteoric stones have been less examined. They contain partly magnetic iron ore, olivin, and some feldspathic and augitic matter ; some of K 2 226 COSMOS. them consist merely of the two last-mentioned simple mmei als, and the feldspar tribe is then represented by anorthite.^ Chrome iron ore (oxyd of chromium and protoxyd of iron) is found in small quantity in all meteoric stones ; i^lio^.'phoric acid and titanic acid, which Rammelsberg discovered in the very remarkable stone of Juvenas, perhaps indicate a'patitB and titanite. " Of the simple substances hitherto detected in the meteoric stones, there are 18 if oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, carbon^ silicium, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodi- um, iron, nickel, cobalt, chromium, manganesium, copper ^ tin, and titanium. The proximate constituents are, (a.) metallic: nickel-iron, a combination of phosphorus with iron and nickel, sulphuret of iron and magnetic pyrites ; {b.) oxy- dized: magnetic iron ore and chrome iron ore ; {c.) silicates: olivin, anorthite, labrador, and augite." In order to concentrate the greatest number of important facts separated from hypothetic conjectures, it still remains for me to develop the manifold analogies which some mete- oric stones present as rocks with older, so-called trap rocks (dolerites, diorites, and melaphyren), with basalts and more recent lava. These analogies are so much the more strik- ing, as " the metallic alloy of nickel and iron, which is con- stantly contained in certain meteoric masses," has not hither- to been discovered in telluric minerals. The same distin- guished chemist whose friendly communications I have made use of in these last pages, enters fully into this subject in a special treatise, $ the results of which will be more appropri- ately discussed in the geological part of the Cosmos. * Shepard, in Silliman's American Jotirnal of Science and Arts, ser. ii., vol. ii., 1846, p. 377; Rammelsberg, in Poggend., Ann., bd. Ixxiii., 1848, p. 377. t Compare Cosmos, vol. i., p. 130. X Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geolog. Gesellschaft, bd. i., p. 232. All the matter in the text from p. 224 to p. 226, which is between inverted commas, was taken from the manuscript of Professor Rammelsberg (May, 1851). CONCLUSION. In concluding the uranological part of the physical de- scription of the U7iiverse, in taking a retrospect of what I have attempted (I do not say accomplished), after the exe- cution of so difficult an undertaking, I think it necessary once more to call to mind that this execution could have been ef fected only under those conditions which have been indicated in the hitroduction to the third volume of Cosmos.- The attempt to carry out such a cosmical treatment of the subject is limited to the representation of space and its material con- tents, whether aggregated into spheres or not. The character of the present work differs, therefore, essentially from the more comprehensive and excellent eleme^itarij ivorks on astronomy which the various literatures of modern times possess. As- tronomij, as a science, the triumph of mathematical reason- ing, based upon the sure foundation of the doctrine of gravi- tation and the perfection of the higher analysis (a mental in- strument of investigation), treats of phenomena of motion measured according to space and time ; locality (position) of the cosmical bodies in their mutual and perpetually-varying relations to each other; change of form, as in the tailed comets ; change of light, as the sudden appearance or total extinction of the light of distant suns. The quantity of mat- ter present in the universe remains always the same ; but from what has already been discovered in the telluric sphere of physical laws of nature, we see working in the eternal round of material phenomena an ever-unsatisfied change, presenting itself in numberless and nameless cojnhinations. Such an exercise of force by matter is called forth by its at least apparent heterogeneity. Exciting motion in immeas- urably minute spaces, this heterogeneity of matter compli- cates all the problems of terrestrial phenomena. The astronomical problems are of a simpler nature. Hitherto unencumbered by the above-mentioned complica- tions, directed to the consideration of the quantities of pon- derable matter {masses), to the oscillations producing light and heat — the mechanics of the heavens has, precisely on account of this simplicity, in which every thing is reduced to 228 COSMOS. motion, remained in all its branches amenable to mathemat- ical treatment. This advantage gives to the elementary works on theoretical astronomy a great and entirely peculiar charm. In them is reflected what the intellectual labors of later centuries have achieved by the analytical methods ; how configuration and orbits are determined ; how, in the phenomena of planetary motion, only small oscillations about a mean condition of equilibrium can take place ; how the planetary system, from its internal arrangement, works its preservation and permanence by the compensation of ^:?er- turbations. The examination of the means of forming a general con ception of the universe, the ex])lanation of the complicated celestial phenomena, do not belong to the plan of this work. The physical description' of the universe relates to what fills space, and organically animates it, in both spheres of urano- logical and telluric relations. It adheres to the consideration of the discovered laws of nature, and treats of them as ac- quired facts, as immediate results of empirical induction. In order to carry out the work of the Cosmos within the appro- priate limits, and not with too great extension, it must not be attempted to establish theoretically the connection of phe- nomena. In this Hmitaticn of the plan laid down beforehand, I have, in the astronomical volume of Cosmos, applied so much the more care to the individual facts and their arrange- ment. From the consideration of universal space, its tem- perature, the degree of its transparency, and the resisting medmm which fills it, I have passed on to natural and tele- scopic vision, the limits of visibility, the velocity of light, ac- cording to the difference of its sources, the imperfect meas- urements of luminous intensity, and the new optical means of distinguishing direct from reflected hght. Then follows the heaven of fixed stars ; the numerical statement of its dclf-luminous suns so far as their position is determined ; their probable distribution ; the changeable stars which reappear at well-defined periods ; the proper motion of the fixed stars ; the assumption of the existence of dark cosmical bodies, and their influence upon the motion of the binary stars ; the nebulous spots, in so far as these are not remote and very dense swarms of stars. The transition from the sidereal part of uranology — from the heaven of the fixed stars to our solar system, is merely a transition from the universal to the particular. In the class of binary stars, self-luminous cosmical bodies move about CONCLUSION. 220 a conltaon center of gravity. In our solar system, which is constituted of very heterogeneous elements, dark cosmical bodies revolve round a self-luminous one, or much rather again round a common center of gravity, which at diiierent times is situated within and without the central body The individual members of the solar system are of dissimilar na- ture— more dissia-dlar than for many centuries astronomeis were justified in supposing. They are principal and sec ondary planets ; among the principal planets a group whose orbits intersect each other ; an innumerable host of comets ; the ring of the zodiacal hght ; and, with much probability, the periodic meteor- asteroids. It still remains to state here fully, as actual relations, the three great laws of planetary motion, discovered by Kepler. First laiv : each orbit of a planetary body is an ellipse, in one of whose foci the Sun is situated. Second law : each planetary body describes in equal times equal sectors round the Sun. Third laiv : the squares of the times of revolu- tion of two planets are as the cubes of their mean distances. The second law is sometimes called the first, because it was discovered earlier. (Kepler, Astronomia Nova, seu Physica Codestis, tradita Commentariis de Motibics stellm Martis, ex observ. Tychonis Brahi elaborata, 1602 ; compare cap. xl. with cap. lix.) The first two laws would be applicable if there were only a single planetary body ; the third and most important, which was discovered nineteen years after- ward, fixes the motions of two planets to one law. (The manuscript of the Hartnonice Mundi, which appeared in 1619, was already completed on the 27th of May, 1618.) While the laws of planetary motions were empirically dis- covered at the commencement of the seventeenth century ; while Newton first discovered the force, of whose action Kep- ler's laws were to be considered as necessary consequences ; so the end of the eighteenth century has had the merit of de- monstrating the stability of the planetary system by the now path which the perfected calculation of infinitesimals opened to the investigation of astronomical truths. The principal elements of this stability are, the invariability of the major axes of the planetary orbits, proved by Laplace (1773 and 1784), Lagrange, and Poisson ; the long periodic change (comprised within narrow limits) of the eccentricity of two larger planets more distant from the sun, Jupiter and Saturn, themselves only -^-^^-^ of the mass of the all-governing central body ; finally, the arrangement that, according to the eternaJ £30 COSMOS. plan of creation, and the nature of the formation of the planets, they have all a translatoiy and rotatory motion in one direction ; that this motion takes place in orbits of slight and but little varying ellipticity, in planes of moderate dif- ferences of inclination ; and that the periods of the planeta- ry revolutions have among each other no common measure Such elements of stability, as it were the maintenance and duration of the planets' existence, are dependent upon the condition of mutual action with a separate circle. If, by the entry of a cosmical body coming from without, and not pre- viously belonging to the planetary system, that condition was disturbed (Laplace, Expos, du Syst. du Monde, p. 309 and 391), then this disturbance, as the consequence of new attractive forces, or of a collision, might certainly become destructive to the existing system, until finally, after long con- flict, a new equilibrium was produced. The arrival of a comet upon an hyperbolic orbit from a great distance, even when want of mass is made up for by immense velocity, can excite apprehension only in an imagination which is not sus ceptible of the earnest assurances of the calculation of proba- bilities. The wandering clouds of the interior comets are not more dangerous to our solar system than the great incli- nation of the orbits of some of the small planets between Mars and Jupiter. Whatever must be characterized as mere probability, lies beyond the domain of a phijsical description of the universe ; science must not wander into the cloud- land of cosmological dreams. INDEX TO VOL. IV. Abdubrahman Sufi, his notice of neb- ulous spots, 15, 44. Absence of solar spots and bad harvests, supposed connection of, Sir William Herschel on, 68. Acosta, on the black specks of the south- ern hemisphere, 50. Adams and Leverrier, claims of, to the discovery of Neptune, 179. Aerolites, of extraterrestrial cosmical origin, 199 ; fall of, 219. Alphonsine Tables, their date, 15. Anaxagoras of Clazomene, on meteoric stones, 206. Andromeda, nebula in, its discovery, 16 ; further researches, 17, 18 ; not noticed by Huygens, 38. Anghiera. See Peter Martyr. Annular nebula}, rare, 32. April, falling stars in, 214. Apsides, line of motion of, 123. Arabian notices of the Magellanic Clouds, 15, 44. Arago, on the physical constitution of the Sun, 62. Arago and Plateau, different views of, on irradiation, 148. ij Argtis, nebula round, its magnificent effulgence, 41. Asterion, spiral nebula in, 42. Asteroids, 57 ; numerical data, 213 ; 01- bers'a conjecture as to their origin, 164; Astraea, discovery of, 100 ; elements, 163. Atmosphere, lunar, disproved, 147. August, falling stars in, 214. Axes of rotation, inclination of, 121. Axial rotation of the planets, periods of, 120. Bessel, on the planet beyond Uranus, 179. Biela's Comet, separation of, into two parts, 193 ; elements, 197. Black specks in the southern hemisphere, 50. Bode, on solar spots, 66 ; his law of plan- etary distance, 116. Bond, nebulae resolved by, 32, 39. Brorsen's Comet, elements, 197. Cadamosto seeks for a south polar star, 28. Canes Venatici, spiral nebula in Asterion, one of, 4»2; a most remarkable phe- nomenon, 42. Canopi, three, of Vespucci, 46. Cape Catalogue (or Southern Catalogue) of Sir John Herschel, 26. Oape Clouds, or Magellanic Clouds, 43 ; eoutliem cloiflis vaguefy so called, 45, Cassini, on nebulae, 19 ; on the Suo'i spots, 65. Ceres, discovery of, 100 ; elements, 163. Chinese statements as to the obliquity of the ecliptic, 125 ; as to comets, 186 ; aa to falling stars and meteoric stones, 206. Classification of nebulae, 19, 32 ; of plan- ets, 101. Coal-bags, or coal-sacks, in the southern hemisphere, 50. Colored glasses, early use of, by Belgian pilots, 65. Comet of Aristotle, 187. Comet of Colla and Bremiker, 196. Comet, Halley's, 186, 195. Comet, Olbers's, 195. Comets, orbits of, indicate the limits of the solar system, 57 ; called light- clouds by the Greeks, 181 ; hypothesis of their similarity to asteroids, 182; number discovered annually, 184 ; re- appearance of Halley's Comet, 186; Chinese statements, 186; Comet of Aris- totle, 187; tails of comets, 189, 192; ra- diant heat, 191 ; Lexell's Comet, 191 ; Biela's Comet, 193; numerical data, 195; elements of the six interior com ets, 197 ; inclination of the orbits, 198 ; Chaldean opinions on, 200. Craters of the Moon, 155. Crema, great fall of aerolites at, 220. Cusa, Cardinal de, his remarkable viewa of the physical constitution of the Sun, 62 ; on the motion of the Earth, 64. Cygnus, nebula in, 46. D' Arrest's Comet, elements, 197. Days and hours, planetary, 94. December, falling stars in, 216. De Hoces discovers the southern ex- tremity of the new continent, 46. Densities of the planets, 119. De Vico's Comet, elements, 197. Dione, a sateUite of Saturn, 174. Distances of the planets from the Sun, 107. Double nebulae, 32. Double stars differ in their natural char- acter from our solar system, 53. Dunlop, his observations of nebulae at Paramatta, 22, 26. Earth, the, distance, and other numerica. data, 141 ; nutation, 105, 125. Earth-light, what, 144 ; known to Leon- ardo da Vinci, 145. Egeria, discovery of, 101 ; elements, 163. Elliptical nebulae, named the norma] type, 31. 232 COSMOS. Enceladus, a satellite of Saturn, 174. Encke's Comet, elements, 197 ; its reap- pearance, 198. Epochs, main, of planetary discovery, 57. Eccentricity of the planetary orbits, 127. Exterior planets, 102. Fabricius first observes the solar spots, 64. Faculee and shallows, 86. Page's Comet, elements, 197. FaHing stars, 204. Faraday on atmospheric magnetism, 84. Fire-balls, 198. Flora, discovery of, 101 ; elements, 163. Fontaney, the Jesuit, on the Magellanic Clouds, 47. Galileo, his contro%'ersy vs^ith Marius, 16 , his Mundus Jovialis, 17 ; use of colored glasses neglected by, 65. Geminus mentions nebulous stars, 15. Gnomons, ancient, 127. Halley's observations on nebulae, 19. Halley's Comet, reappearances of, 186. Heat, rays of, 83. Heat possessed by the Moon's light, 143. Hebe, discovery of, 101 ; elements, 163. Heis's observations on shooting stars, 212. Herschel, Sir William, his estimate of the extent of nebulous spots, 14; his dis- coveries, 21 ; on the nebula of Orion, 40; on solar spots, 67; opposed to the assumption of a lunar atmosphere, 147. Herschel, Sir John, on nebulte and stellar clusters, 27, 31 ; on irregular nebulous masses, 35 ; on the nebula in Orion, 38 ; on the nebula round tj Argus, 41 ; on the nebula in Vulpes, 41; his descrip- tion of the Magellanic Clouds, 47 ; on the black specks and coal-bags of the southern hemisphere, 51 ; on the heat of the Moon's surface, 131. Herschel, Miss, discovery of a nebula by, 31. Hipparchus mentions nebulous stars, 15. jlouzeau's observations on the zodiacal light, 204. Humboldt, Alexander von, works of, quoted in various notes : Asie Centrale, 222. De Distributione Geographies Plan- tarum, 123. Examen Critique de I'Histoire de la Geographic du Nouveau Conti- nent, 15. 28, 45, 151. Kleinen Schriften, 114. Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales, 215. Vues des Cordilleres et Monumens des Peuples Indigenes de I'Am^- rique, 98. Huygens discovers the nebula in the sword of Orion, 19, 37. Hygeia, discovery of, 101 ; elements, 163. Hyperion, a satellite of Saturn, 174. Intensity of the solar light on the planets, 130. Interior comets, 197. I Interior planets, 103 ! Irene, discovery of, 101 ; elements, 163. ; Iris, discoveiy of, 101 ; elements, 103. i Irregular nebulous masses, 33 ; situats near the Milky Way, 34 ; extraordinary size and singular forms, 36. Isaac, Aben Sid Hassan, introduces tho Latinized term nebulosaj into the Al- phonsine Tables, 15. Jacob, Captain, on the nebula round i) Argus, 41. Japetus, a satellite of Saturn, 174. July, falling stars in, 214. Juno, discovery of, 100 ; elements, 163. Jupiter, numerical data, 165; streaks, or girdles, 167. Jupiter's satellites, numerical data, 169. Kant's speculations on nebulae and star- formation, 20. Kepler on planetary distances, 110 ; lawa of planetary motion discovered by, 229. Lacaille, his classification of nebulsB, 19. Lambert's speculations on nebulse, 20. Lassell, discovery of a satellite of Saturn by, 174; of satellites of Neptune by, 180. Laurentius stream of falling stars, 214. Le Geutil's study of nebulae, 20. Leonardo da Vinci, Earth-light known to, 145. Leverrier and Adams, claims to the dis- covery of Neptune, 179. Lexell's Comet, 191. Light, time required to traverse the radiut of the Earth's orbit, 60 ; solar and arti- ficial, 82 ; diflerence of intensity in the different planets, 130. Light, zodiacal. See Zodiacal hght. Light-clouds, comets so styled by th« Greeks, 181. Lucerna Mundi, the Sun, 59. Lunar atmosphere disproved, 147, Lunar spots, 149. Magellanic Clouds, early notices of, 15; termed Cape-clouds by the Portu guese, 43 ; general adoption of the name, 46 ; described by Sir John Her- schel, 48; not connected with one an- other, 48 ; nor with the Milky Way, 43. Magnitude, absolute and apparent, of planets, 105. Map of the Moon, 151. Mars, numerical data, 159 ; raeteorologic al analogies with the Earth, 159. Masses of the planets, 118. Ma}-, falling stars in, 214. Mayer, of Gunzenhausen (Simon Marius) first describes a nebula, 16. Mercury, distance, diameter, mass, donsi ty of, 1.37. Messier, his discoveries regarding nebu las, 21. Meteor asteroids, 57. Meteoric stones, 57 ; seldom fall from ■ clear sky, 219 ; remarkable falls oC 219 ; analysis, 223. Metis, discovery of, 101*; elements, 163. INDEX. 233 Micholl conceives all nebulae to bt stellar clustors, 20. Milky Way, Iluygens on the, 38. Mimas, a satellite of Saturn, 174. Moon, myths respecting the, 113, 115 ; estimate of the heat of its surface, 130 ; numerical data, 141 ; moonlight, 142 ; capable of producing heat, 143 ; styled by the Indians, King of the stars of . cold, 143 ; eclipses, 145 ; predictions from the color of the eclipsed body, 147 ; lunar twilight disproved, 147 ; probably a voiceless wilderness, 148 ; irradiation, 148; spots, 149; supposed to reflect the surface of our planet, 150; topographical chart, 151 ; so-called seas, 151 ; mountains, 153 ; comparison of height with the mountains of the Earth, 15.3; ray-systems, 154 ; annular plains, 154 ; craters of elevation, 155 ; rills, 157; influence on the Earth, 157. Mountains of the Moon, 153. Mundus Jovialis, a work by Galileo, 16. Nebula, the first isolnted, discovered, 16. NebulcB, l-acaille's classification of, 19 ; discoveries of the Kerschels, 21 ; of the Earl of Rosse and others, 22 ; probably no essential physical distinction be- tween, and clusters of stars, 23 ; ques- tion of the existence or non-existence of a self-luminous, vaporous matter, 24 ; elliptical, 31; annular, 32; planetary, 33 ; nebulous stars, 34 ; galaxy of, not confirmed by recent observation, 36. Nebular theoiy, the, 20; independent of the theory of sidereal aggregation, 21. Nebulous masses, regular, 29 ; irregular, 33 ; these latter mostly situate near the Milky Way, 34 ; extraordinary size of some, and singular forms of others, 36. Nebulous spots, 13 ; number whose posi- tions have been determined, 14 ; early notices of, 14 ; Galileo's discoveries, 17 ; Huygens, 19 ; Lacaille, 19 ; other in- vestigators, 20; the discoveries of the Herschels. 21 ; the Earl of Rosse, 22 ; Sir John Ilerschel's distribution of, 27. Nebulous stars, mentioned by Hippar- chus, Geminus, and Ptolemy, 15 ; a modern division of regular nebulse, 34. Neptune, considerations on the distance of, 178 ; numerical data, 178 ; claims to the discovery of, 178. Neptune, satellites of, 180. Northern Catalogue of the IIen:chels, 25. Northern hemisphere poasesoes many nebulffi, and but few clusters of stars, 27. November period, meteors of the, 209, 21.5. Nubecula Major and Minor, 20, 46. Number and epoch of discovery of the principal planets, 89. Nutation of the Earth's axio, 105, 125. October, falling stars in, 214. Olbers's conjecture as to the asteroids being fragments of a single destroy^J planet, 164 ; on shooting stars, 216, Orbits, inclination of, planetary, 121 ; cometary, 198. Orion, nebula in the sword of, 18, 36 ; in the head of, 36 ; trapezium not sur- rounded by a nebula, 39 ; new stars discovered in the trapezium, 39. Pallas, discovery of, 100 ; elements, 161. Parthenope, discovery of, 101 ; elements, 163. Penumbras of the solar body, 67. Periodic meteons, number of, observed at different hours, and in difterent months, 213. Perpetual spring, its undesirable nature, 123. Perseus, falling stars issuing from, 210. Peruvian seven-day week, an error, 98. Peter Martyr, his description of the Ma- gellanic Clouds, 46; on a fall of aero- htes, 219. Photosphere of the nebulous stars, 34 ; of the Sun, 62. Picard investigates the nebula in Orion, 19. Pisces, nebulous region of, 28. Planetary discovery, epochs of, 58. Planetary motion, three great laws of, 228. Planetary nebulae, 33; mainly found in the southern hemisphere, 33. Planetary system, stability of, how de- monstrated, 229. Planets and their satellites, general con- siderations, 88 ; principal planets, 89 ; discovery, 89 ; names, 91 ; planetary signs, not of ancient date, 94 ; days and metals named from, 94 ; early conjec- tures that other planets remained to be discovered, 99 ; periods of discovery since the invention of the telescope, ■100; classification in two groups, 102; exterior, generally larger than the in teiior, 103; absolute and apparent mag nitudes, 104 ; arrangement and dis- tances, 107 ; assumed laws, by Titiu and Bode, and Wurm, 116; masses 118; densities, 119 ; periods of revolu tion, and axial rotation, 120; inclina tion, 121; eccentricitv, 127; intensit) of the Sun's light, 130r Planets, secondary, numerical data, 131, Planets, the small, numerical data, 160 , table of elements, 163; Olbers's con- jecture as to their origin, 164. - Plateau on irradiation, 148. Principal planets, 89. Proselenes, astronomical myth of the. 113. Ptolemy mentions nebulous stars, 15. Regular nebulas, classification of, 29. Revolution, periods of, of the planets, 120 ; of comets, 195. Rhea, a satellite of Saturn, 174. Robinson, Dr., neb»la3 resolved by, 22. Rosse, Earl of, discoveries by means of his powerful telescope, 22 ; his caution. 23. Sabbath, used as a name for thi whola week, 95. 2M COSMOS Sagittar.us, nebula in, 41. Sanscrit names of planets, 93. Satellites, general considerations on, 131. Saturn, numerical data, ITO ; rings, 171 ; eccentric position, 172. Sat'irn's satellites, numerical data, 174. Schwabe's observations on the solar spots, 85 ; on the eccentric position of Saturn, 172. feJcythien myth of a fall of gold (meteors), 221. Seas (so called) of the Moon, 151. Secondary planets, 131. Sheeting e4;ars, upper limits of the height of, unascertained, 217 ; various colors, 217 ; magnitudes, 219. Siderj BorLonia and Sidera Austriaca, 64. Sidereal aggregation, theory of, 21. Sidereal periods of revolution and axial rotation of the planets, 120. Sirius, and other fixed stars, estimates of the distance of, 55. Small planots, 160. Snow spots in Mars, 160. Solar system, ditference between, and the system of double stars, 53 ; its limits in- dicated by the orbits of comets, 57 ; its constituents, 57. South, Sir James, nebulae resolved by, 22. South polar star, search for a, 29. Southern Catalogue of the Herachels, 25. Southern Cross, planetary nebula in, 33 ; black spot in, 46, 51. Southern hemisphere, with fewer nebulse, possesses relatively more clusters of stars than the northern, 29 ; the Magel- lanic Clouds, 15, 45. Spiral nebula in Asterion, 42. Spots, solar, 72, 86 ; lunar, 149 ; on Mars, 160. Star catalogues, early, 47 ; the Herschels', 25 ; the Northern, 26 ; the Southern, 26. Star clusters, 17; predominate in the southern hemisphere, 27. Star-formation theory, the, 21 ; inde- pendent of the nebular theory, 21. Stellar clusters, probably no essential physical difference between, and nebu- IcB, 23 ; in the northern and the south- ern hemispheres, 27. Stemhaufen, star clusters, 17. Subel, a vague term of the Arabian astron- omers, 46 Sun, domain of the, 53 ; its constituents 57; translatory motion, 134. Sun, considered as the central body, 59 , numerical data, 60 ; conjectures as to its physical character, 61 ; envelopes, 62 ; penumbras, 67 ; protuberances, 70. 135 ; distribution of solar spots, 72 • chronological list of remarkable ap- pearances of, 74 ; intensity of solar light, 79 ; comparison of artificial light, 82 ; rays of light and rays of heat, 83 ; Schwabe's table of occurrence of solar spots, 86. Telescope, discoveries of planets since the invention of the, 100 ; the Earl of Rosse's, 22. Tethys, a satellite of Saturn, 174. Titan, a satellite of Saturn, 174. Titius, on the law of planetary distances, 116. Transits of Venus, 139. Trapezium of Orion, discovery of new stars in, 39. Uranus, numerical data, 175. Uranus, satellites of, peculiarity of their motion, 176 ; their number undeterm- ined, 177. Ursa Major, planetary nebula in, 33. Ursa Minor, /3 and y, 29. Venus, distance, brilliancy, rotation, trans* its, spots, mountains of, 138. Vespucci searches for a south polar star, 29 ; his mention of the Magellanic Clouds, 45. Vesta, discovery of, 100 ; elements, 163. Victoria, discovery of, 101 ; elements, 163. Virgo, nebulous region of, 28. Volcanoes of the Moon, 156. Vulpes, nebula in, 41. Week, or seven-day period, early diffused among the Semitic nations, 95; the Peruvian, an error, 98. White Ox, the large Magellanic Cloud, so called by the Arabians, 15, 43. Wilson, on solar spots, 66. Wurm, his correction of Bode's law of planetary distance, 118. Zodiacal light, early speculations on, 25; later opinions, 202 ; observRtions by the author and others, 203. w