COSMOS A SKETCH A PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE UNIVERSE. ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. / 7^ 1 - / S Slf TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN, BY E. C. 0TT:6 and W. S. DALLAS, F.L.S. Naturae vero rerum vis atque majestas in omniljus momentis fide caret, si quia moffo partes ejus ac non totam complectatur animo. — Plin., HUt. Nat.^ lib. vii., c. 1. VOL. V. NE W YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 329 & 331 PEARL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 18(56. q \52 Bmnctoh Ubcar> GENERAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS OF VOLUME V. OF COSMOSw Introduction to the special results of observation in the domain of telluric phenomena ]?age 5-14 EiRST Section ...., 14-156 Size, form, and density of the earth 14-37 Internal heat of the earth 37-50 Magnetic activity of the earth 50-156 Historical portion 50-88 Intensity 87-100 Inclination 100-115 Declination 115-146 Polar light 146-156 Second Section 157- Reaction of the interior of the earth upon its surface. 157, etc- Earthquakes; dynamic action, waves of concussion... 160-176 Thermal springs 177-198 Gas springs, salses, mud volcanoes, naptha springs .... 198-214 Volcaiioes with and without slructiiral frames {conical and bell-shaped mountains) 214-451 Range of volcanoes from north (\^\° N. lat.) to south, as far as 46° south latitude : Mexican volcanoes, p. 266 and 375 (Jorullo, p. 292, 304, note at p. 293) ; Cofre de Perote, p. 307, Cotopaxi, notes p. 317- 321. Subterranean eruptions of vapor, p. 322-324. Central America, p. 255-263. New Granada and Quito, p. 266-270, and notes (Anti- sana, p. 311-316; Sangay, p. 416; Tungurahua, p. 415; Cotopaxi, p. 318-320; Chimborazo, p. 431, note *); Peru and Bolivia, p. 270, note; Chili, p. 272, note 1| (Antilles, p. 394, note *). Enumeration of all the active volcanoes in the Cordilleras, p. 270. Relation of the tracts without volcanoes to those abounding in them, p. 280, note * at 268 ; volcanoes in the Northwest of America, to the north of the parallel of the Rio Gila, p. 377-392 ; review of all the volcanoes not belonging to the New Continent, p. 270-377; Europe, p. 328, 329 ; islands of the Atlantic Ocean, p. 330 ; Africa, p. 332 ; Asia— Continent, p. 334-344; Thian-shan, p. 336, 337, 405, and notes p. 327 to 330 (peninsula of Kamtschatka, p. 340-344) ; Eastern Asiatic Islands, p. 344 (island of Saghahn, Tarakai or Karafuto, note^ SYNOPSIS. p. 288 and 289; volcanoes of Japan, p. 350; islands of Southern Asia, p. 354-358) ; Java, p. 281-290. The Indian Ocean, p. 358- 363 ; the South Sea, p. 363-376. Probable number of volcanoes on the globe, and their distribution on the continents and islands Pace 393-403 Distance of volcanic activity from the sea, p. 279, 404, 405. Ee- gions of depression, p. 403-407 ; Maars, Mine funnels, p. 221, 222. Different modes in which solid masses may reach the surface from the interior of the earth, through a net-work of fissures in the cor- rugated soil, without the upheaval or construction of conical or dome- shaped piles (basalt, phouolite, and some layers of pearl-stone and pumice, seem to owe their appearance above the surface, not to sum- mit-craters, but to the effects of fissures). Even the effusions from volcanic summits do not in some lava streams consist of a continuous fluidity, but of loose scoriae, and even of a series of ejected blocks and rubbish ; there are ejections of stones which have not all been glow- ing, p. 291, 311, 312-315, 322-326, note * (p. 289), note * (page 315). ^ Mineralogical composition of the volcanic rock : generalization of the term trachyte, p. 423 ; classification o'f the trachytes, according to their essential ingredients, into six groups or divisions in conformity with the definitions of Gustav Rose ; and geographical distribution of these gi'oups, p. 423-436; the designations andesite and andesine, p. 422-437, note, 440. Along Avith the characteristic ingredients of the trachyte formations there are also unessential ingredients, the abundance or constant absence of which in volcanoes frequently very near each other deserves great attention, p. 441 ; Mica, ibid. ; glassy feldspar, p. 442; hornblende and augite, p. 443 ; leucite, p. 44*4 ; oli- vin, p. 444 ; obsidian, and the difference of opinion on the formation of pumice, p. 447 ; subterranean pumice-beds, remote from volcanoes, at Zumbalica, in the Cordilleras of Quito, at Huichapa in the Mexican Highland, and at Tschigem in the Caucasus, p. 320-324. Diversity of the conditions^ under which the chemical processes of volcanicily proceed in the formation of the simple minerals and their association into trachytes, p. 440, 441, 451. INTRODUCTION. SPECIAL RESULTS OF OBSERVATION IN THE DOMAIN OF TELLURIC PHENOMENA. In a work embracing so wide a field as the Cosmos, which aims at combining perspicuous comprehensibility with gen- eral clearness, the composition and co-ordination of the whole are, perhaps, of greater importance than copiousness of detail. This mode of treating the subject becomes the more desira- ble because, in the Book of Nature, the generalization of views, both in reference to the objectivity of external phe- nomena and the reflection of the aspects of nature upon the imagination and feelings of man, must be carefully separated from the enumeration of individual results. The first two volumes of the Cosmos were devoted to this kind of general- ization, in which the contemplation of the Universe was con- sidered as one great natural whole, while at the same time care was taken to show how, in the most widely remote zones, mankind had, in the course of ages, gradually striven to dis- cover the mutual actions of natural forces. Although a great accumulation of phenomena may tend to demonstrate their causal connection, a General Picture of Nature can only pro- duce fresh and vivid impressions when, bounded by narrow limits, its perspicuity is not sacrificed to an excessive aggre- gation of crowded facts. As in a collection of graphical illustrations of the surface and of the inner structure of the earth's crust, general maps precede those of a special character, it has seemed to me that in a physical description of the Universe it would be most appropriate, and most in accordance with the plan of the present work, if, to the consideration of the entire Universe from general and higher points of view, I were to append in the latter volumes those special results of observation upon which the present condition of our knowledge is more partic- ularly based. These volumes of my work must, therefore, in accordance with a remark already made {Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 5-9), be considered merely as an expansion and more careful exposition of the General Picture of Nature ( Cosmos, 6 COSMOS. - vol. i., p. 56-359), and, as the uranological or sidereal sphere of the Cosmos was exclusively treated of in the two last volumes, the present volume will be devoted to the consid- eration of the telluric sphere. In this manner the ancient, simple, and natural separation of celestial and terrestrial ob- jects has been preserved, which we find by the earliest evi- dences of human knowledge to have prevailed among all na- tions. As in the realms of space, a transition to our own planet- ary system from the region of the fixed stars, illumined by innumerable suns, whether they be isolated or circling round one another, or whether they be mere masses of remote neb- ulae, is indeed to descend from the great and the universal to the relatively small and special — so does the field of our con- templation become infinitely more contracted when we pass from the collective solar system, which is so rich in varied fornxs, to our own terrestrial spheroid, circling round the sun. The distance of even the nearest fixed star, a Centauri, is 263 times greater than the diameter of our solar system, reckoned to the aphelion distance of the comet of 1680 ; and yet this aphelion is 853 times further from the sun than our earth {Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 190). These numbers, reckoning the parallax of a Centauri at 0^^-9187, determine approxi- mately both the distance of a near region of the starry heav- ens from the supposed extreme solar system and the distance of those limits from the earth's place. Uranology, which embraces the consideration of all that fills the remote realms of space, still maintains the character it anciently bore, of impressing the imagination most deeply and powerfully by the incomprehensibility of the relations of space and numbers which it embraces ; by the known or- der and regularity of the motions of the heavenly bodies ; and by the admiration which is naturally yielded to the results of observation and intellectual investigation. This consciousness of regularity and periodicity was so early im- pressed upon the human mind, that it was often reflected in those forms of speech which refer to the ordained course of the celestial bodies. The known laws which rule the celes- tial sphere excite, perhaps, the greatest admiration by their simplicity, based, as they solely are, upon the mass and distri- bution of accumulated ponderable matter and upon its forces of attraction. The impression of the sublime, when it arises from that which is immeasurable and physically great, pass- es almost unconsciously to ourselves beyond the mysterious INTRODUCTION. 7 boundary which connects the metaphysical with the physical, and leads us into another and higher sphere of ideas. The image of the immeasurable, the boundless, and the eternal, is associated with a power which excites within us a more earn- est and solemn tone of feeling, and which, like the impres- sion of all that is spiritually great and morally exalted, is not devoid of emotion. The effect which the aspect of extraordinary celestial phe- nomena so generally and simultaneously exerts upon entire masses of people, bears witness to the influence of such an association of feelings. The impression produced in excita- ble minds by the mere aspect of the starry vault of heaven is increased by profounder knowledge, and by the use of those means which man has invented to augment his powers of vi- sion, and at the same time enlarge the horizon of his observ- ation. A certain impression of peace and calmness blends with the impression of the incomprehensible in the universe, and is awakened by the mental conception of normal regu- larity and order. It takes from the unfathomable depths of space and time those features of terror which an excited im- agination is apt to ascribe to them. In all latitudes man, in the simple natural susceptibihty of his mind, prizes '* the calm stillness of a starlit summer night." Although magnitude of space. and mass appertains more especially to the sidereal portion of cosmical delineation, and the eye is the only organ of cosmical contemplation, our tel- luric sphere has, on the other hand, the preponderating ad- vantage of presenting us with a greater and a scientifically distinguishable diversity in the numerous elementary bodies of which it is composed. All our senses bring us in contact with terrestrial nature ; and while astronomy, which, as the knowledge of moving luminous celestial bodies is most acces- sible to mathematical treatment, has been the means of in- creasing in the most marvelous manner the splendor of the higher forms of analysis, and has equally enlarged the lim- its of the extensive domain of optics, our earthly sphere, on the other hand, by its heterogeneity of elements, and by the complicated play of the expressions of force inherent" in matter, has formed a basis for chemistry, and for all those branches of physical science which 'treat of phenomena that have not as yet been found to be connected with vibra- tions generating heat and light. Each sphere has, there- fore, in accordance with the nature of the problems which it presents to our investigation, exerted a different influence 8 COSMOS. on the intellectual activity and scientific knowledge of man- kind. All celestial bodies, excepting our own planet and the aerolites which are attracted by it, are, to our conception, composed only of homogeneous gravitating matter, without any specific or so-called elementary difierence of substances. Such a simple assumption is, however, not by any means based upon the inner nature and constitution of these remote celestial orbs, but arises merely from the simplicity of the hypotheses which are capable of explaining and leading us to predict the movements of the heavenly bodies. This idea arises, as I have already had occasion frequently to remark (Cosmos, vol. i., p. 62-67, and p. 135-137 ; vol. iii., p. 6-20, and 22-24), from the exclusion of all recognition of "hetero- geneity of matter, and presents us with the solution of the great problem of celestial mechanics, in which all that is va- riable in the uranological sphere is subjected to the sole con- trol of dynamical laws. Periodical alternations of light upon the surface of the planet Mars do indeed point, in accordance with its different seasons of the year, to various meteorological processes, and to the polar precipitates excited by cold in the atmosphere of that planet (Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 160). Guided by analo- gies and i-easoning, we may indeed here assume the presence of ice or snow (oxygen and hydrogen), as in the erup|,ive masses or the annular plains of the moon we assume the ex- istence of different kinds of rock on our satellite, but direct observation can teach us nothing in reference to these points. Even Newton ventured only on conjectures regarding the elementary constitution of the planets which belong to our own solar system, as we learn from an important conversa- tion which he had at Kensington with Conduit (Cosmos, vol. i., p. 132). The uniform image of homogeneous gravitating matter conglomerated into celestial bodies has occupied the fancy of mankind in various ways, and mythology has even linked the charm of music to the voiceless regions within the realms of space (Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 108-110). Amid the boundless wealth of chemically varying sub- stances, M'ith their numberless manifestations of force — amid the plastic and creatirt^e energy of the whole of the organic world, and of many inorganic substances — amid the meta- morphosis of matter which exhibits an ever-active appear- ance of creation and annihilation, the human mind, ever striving to grasp at order, often yearns for simple laws of INTRODUCTION. V motion in the investigation of the terrestrial sphere. Even Aristotle, in his Physics, states that " the fundamental prin- ciples of all nature are change and motion ; he who does not recognize this truth recognizes not Nature herself" {Phys. Auscult, iii., 1, p. 200, Bekker), and, referring to the differ- ence of matter ("a diversity in essence"), he designates mo- tion, in respect to its qualitative nature, as a metamorphosis, dXXoto)Gig, very different from mere mixture, fJil^ig, and a penetration which does not exclude the idea of subsequent separation {De Gener. et Corrujit., i., 1, p. ,327). The unequal ascent of fluids in capillary tubes — the endos- mosis which is so active in all organic cells, and is probably a consequence of capillarity — the condensation of different kinds of gases in porous bodies (of oxygen in spongy plati- num, with a pressure which is equal to a force of more than 700 atmospheres, and of carbonic acid in boxwood charcoal, when more than one third is condensed in a liquid state on the walls of the cells) — the chemical action of contact-sub- stances, which by their presence occasion or destroy (by ca- talysis) combinations without themselves taking any part in them — all these phenomena teach us that bodies at infinitely small distances exert an attraction upon one another, which depends upon their specific natures. We can not conceive such attractions to exist independently of motions, which must be excited by them although inappreciable to our eyes. We are still entirely ignorant of the relations which recip- rocal molecular attraction as a cause of unceasing motion on the surface, and very probably also in the interior of the earth's body, exerts upon the attraction of gravitation, by which the planets as well as their central body are main- tained in constant motion. Even the partial solution of this purely physical problem would yield the highest and most splendid results that can be attained in these paths of in- quiry, by the aid of experimental and intellectual research. I purposely abstain in these sentences from associating (as is commonly done) the name ^f Newton with that law of at- traction which rules the celestial bodies in space at bound- less distances, and which is inversely as the square of the distance. Such an association implies almost an injustice toward the memory of this great man, who had recognized both these manifestations of force, although he did not sepa- rate them with sufficient distinctness; for we find — as if in the felicitous presentiment of future discoveries — that he at- tempted, in the Queries to his Optics, to refer capillarity, and A 2 10 COSMOS. the little that was then known of chemical affinity, to univers- al gravitation (Laplace, Expos, du Syst. dit 3Ionde, p. 384. Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 23). As in the physical world, more especially on the borders of the sea, delusive images often appear which seem for a time to promise to the expectant discoverer the possession of some new and unknown land; so, on the ideal horizon of the remotest regions of the world of thought, the earnest in- vestigator is often cheered by many sanguine hopes, which vanish almost as^quickly as they have been formed. Some of the splendid discoveries of modern times have undoubtedly been of a nature to heighten this expectation. Among these we may instance contact-electricity — magnetism of rotation, which may even be excited by fluids, either in their aqueous form or consolidated into ice — the felicitous attempt of con- sidering all chemical affinity as the consequence of the elec- trical relations of atoms with a predominating polar force — the theory of isomorphous substances in its application to the formation of crystals — many phenomena of the electrical condition of living muscular fibre — and, lastly, the knowledge which we have obtained of the influence exerted by the sun's position, that is to say, the thermic force of the solar rays, upon the greater or lesser magnetic capacity and conducting power of one of the constituents of our atmosphere, namely, oxygen. When light is unexpectedly thrown upon any pre- viously obscure group of phenomena in the physical world, we may the more readily believe that we are on the thresh- old of new discoveries, when we find that these relations ap- pear to be either obscure, or even in opposition to already established facts. I have more particularly adduced examples in which the dynamic actions of attracting forces seem to show the course by which we may hope to approximate toward the solution of the problem of the original, unchangeable, and hence named the elementary heterogeneity of substances (for in- stance, oxygen, hydrogen, sulpjjur, potassium, phosphorus, tin, etc.), and of the amount of their tendency to combine ; in other words, their chemical affinity. Differences of form and mixture are, I would again repeat, the only elements of our knowledge of matter; they are the abstractions under which we endeavor to comprehend the all-moving universe, both as to its size and composition. The detonation of the fulminates under a slight mechanical pressure, and the still more formidable explosion of terchloride of nitrogen, which INTRODUCTION. 11 is accompanied by fire, contrast with the detonating combi- nation of chlorine and hydrogen, which explodes when the sun's rays fall directly upon it (more especially the violet rays). Metamorphosis, union, and separation afford evi- derlce of the eternal circulation of the elements in inorganic nature no less than in the living cells of plants and animals. "The quantity of existing matter remains, however, the same ; the elements alone change their relative positions to one another." We thus find a verification of the ancient axiom of Anax- agoras, that created things neither increase nor decrease in the Universe, and that that which the Greeks termed the destruction of matter was a mere separation of parts. Our earthly sphere, within which is comprised all that portion of the organic physical world which is accessible to our ob- servation, is apparently a laboratory of death and decay ; but that great natural process of slow combustion, which we call decay, does not terminate in annihilation. The liberated bodies combine to form other structures, and through the agency of the active forces which are incorporated in them a new life germinates from the bosom of the earth. COSMOS. RESULTS OF OBSERVATION IN THE TELLURIC PORTION OF THE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE UNIVERSE. In the attempt to grasp the inexhaustible materials aiFord- ^d by the study of the physical world ; or, in other words, to group phenomena in such a manner as to facilitate our in- sight into their causal connection, general clearness and lu- cidity can only be secured where special details — more par- ticularly in the long and successfully cultivated fields of ob- servation— are not separated from tlie higher points of view of cosmical unity. The telluric sphere, as opposed to the uranological, is separable into two portions, namely, the in- organic and the organic departments. The former comprises the size, form, and density of our terrestrial planet ; its in- ternal heat ; its electro-magnetic activity ; the mineral con- stitution of the earth's crust ; the reaction of the interior of the planet on its outer surface which acts dynamically by producing earthquakes, and chemically by rock-forming, and rock-metamorphosing processes ; the partial covering of the solid surface by the liquid element — the ocean ; the contour and articulation of the upheaved earth into continents and islands ; and, lastly, the general external gaseous investment (the atmosphere). The second or organic domain comprises not the individual forms of life which we have considered in the Delineation of Nature, but the relations in space which they bear to the solid and fluid parts of the earth's surface, the geography of plants and animals, and the descent of the races and varieties of man from one common, primary stock. This division into two domains belongs, to a certain extent, to the ancients, who separated from the vital phenomena of plants and animals such material processes as change of form and the transition of matter from one body to another. In the almost total deficiency of all means for increasing the powers of vision, the difference between the two organisms* was based upon mere intuition, and in part upon the dogma * See CosmoSf voL iii., p. 42. 14 ^ COSMOS. of self-nutrition (Ar'istot., De Anima, ii., 1, t. i., p. 412, a 14, Bekker), and of a spontaneous incentive to motion. Tliis kind of mental comprehension which I have named intuition, together with that felicitous acumen in the power of combin- ing his ideas, which was so characteristic of the Stagyrite, led him to the assumption of an apparent transition from the inanimate to the living, from the mere element to the plant, and induced him even to adopt the view that in the ever-ascending processes of plastic formation there Vere grad- ual and intermediate stages connecting plants with the low- er animals (Aristot., De part Animal., iv., 5, p. 681, a 12, and Hist. Animal, viii., 1, p. 588, a 4, Bekker). The history of organims (taking the word history in its original sense, and therefore in relation to the faunas and floras of earlier periods of time) is so intimately connected with geology, with the order of succession of the superimposed terrestrial strata, and with the chronometrical annals of the upheaval of continents and mountains, that it has appeared most ap- propriate to me, on account of the connection of great and widely diffused phenomena, to avoid establishing the natural division of organic and inorganic terrestrial life as the main element of classification in a work treating of the Cosmos. We are not here striving to give a mere morphological rep- resentation of the organic world, but rather to arrive at bold and comprehensive views of nature, and the forces which she brings into play. 1. SIZE, CONFIGURATION, AND DENSITY OP THE EARTH— THE HEAT IN THE INTERIOR OF THE EARTH, AND ITS DISTRIBUTION.— MAG- NETIC ACTIVITY, MANIFESTED IN CHANGES OF INCLINATION, DECLINATION, AND INTENSITY OF THE FORCE UNDER THE IN- FLUENCE OF THE SUN'S POSITION IN REFERENCE TO THE HEAT AND RAREFACTION OF THE AIR. — MAGNETIC STORMS. —POLAR LIGHT. That which in all languages is comprehended under etymologically differing symbolical forms by the expression Mature, and which man, who originally refers every thing to his own local habitation, has further designated as Ter- restrial Nature, is the result of the silent co-operation of a system of active forces, whose existence we can only recog- nizo by means of that which they move, blend together, and THE EARTH. 15 again dissever; and which they in part develop into organic tissues (living organisms), which have the power of repro- ducing like structures. The appreciation of nature is ex- cited in the susceptible mind of man through the profound impression awakened by the manifestation of these forces. Our attention is at first attracted by the relations of size in space exhibited by our planet, which seems only like a hand- ful of conglomerated matter in the immeasurable universe. A system of co-operating forces, which either tend to com- bine or separate (through polar influences), shows the de- pendence of every part of nature upon other parts, both in the elementary processes (as in the formation of inorganic substances) and in the production and maintenance of life. The size and form of the earth, its mass, that is to say, the quantity of its material parts, which, when compared with the volume, determines its density, and by means of the lat- ter, under certain conditions, both the constitution of the in- terior of the earth and the amount of its attraction, are rela- tions which stand in a more manifest, and a more mathe- matically-demonstrable dependence upon one another than we observe in the case of the above-named vital processes, in the distribution of heat, in the telluric conditions of elec- tro-magnetism, or in the chemical metamorphoses of matter. Conditions, which we are not yet able to determine quanti- tatively on account of a complication of phenomena, may nevertheless be present, and may be demonstrated through inductive reasoning. Although the two kinds of attraction, namely, that which acts at perceptible distances, as the force of gravity (the gravitation of the celestial bodies toward one another), and that which is manifested at immeasurably small distances, as molecular or contact-attraction, can not, in the present condition of science, be reduced to one and the same law, yet it is not on that account the less credible that capillary attraction and endosmosis, which is so important in refer- ence to the ascent of fluids, and in respect to animal and vegetable physiology, may be quite as much aflected by the force of gravitation, and its local distribution, as electro- magnetic processes and the chemical metamorphosis of mat- ter. To refer to extreme conditions, we may assume that if our planet had only the mass of the moon, and therefore al- most six times less intensity of gravity, the meteorological processes, the climate, the hypsometrical relations of up- heaved mountain chains, and the physiognomy of the vege- 16 COSMOS. tation would be quite different from what they now are. The absolute size of our planet, which we are here consider- ing, maintains its importance in the collective economy of nature merely by the relations which it bears to mass and rotation ; for even in the universe, if the dimensions of the planets, the quantitative admixture of the bodies which com- pose them, their velocities and distances from one another, were all to increase or diminish in one and the same propor- tion, all the phenomena depending upon relations of gravita- tion would remain unchanged in this ideal macrocosmos, or a. Size, Figure, Ellipticity, and Density of the Earth. (Expansion of the Picture of Nature, Cosmos, vol. i., p. 163-171.) The earth has been measured and weighed in order to de- termine its form, density, and mass. The accuracy which has been incessantly aimed at in these terrestrial determina- tions has contributed, simultaneously with the Solution of the problems of astronomy, to improve instruments of meas- urement and methods of analysis. A very important part of the process involved in the measurement of a degree is strictly astronomical, since the altitudes of stars determine the curvature of the arc, whose length is found by the solu- tion of a series of triangles. The higher departments of mathematics have succeeded, from given numerical data, in solving the difficult problems of the figure of the earth, and the surface of equilibrium of a fluid homogeneous, or dense shell-like heterogeneous mass, which rotates uniformly round a solid axis. Since the time of Newton and Huygens, the most distinguished geometricians of the eighteenth century * "The law of reciprocal attraction which acts inversely as the square of the distance is that of emanations, proceeding from a cen- tre. It appears to, be the law of all those forces whose action is per- ceptible at sensible distances, as in the case of electrical and magnet- ic forces. One of the remarkable properties of this law is that, if the dimensions of all the bodies in the universe, together with their mu- tual distances and their velocities, were proportionally increased or diminished, they would still describe curves precisely similar to those which they now describe ; so that the universe, after being thus suc- cessively reduced to the smallest conceivable limits, would still always present the same appearance to the observer. These appearances are consequently independent of the dimensions of the universe, as, in vir- tue of the law of the ratio which exists between force and velocity, they are independent of absolute movement in space." — Laplace, Ex- posi^on du Syst. du Monde (Seme ed.), p. 385. THE FIGURE OP THE EARTH. 17 have devoted themselves to the solution of these problems. It is well that we should bear in mind that all the great re- sults which have been attained by intellectual labor and by- mathematical combinations of ideas, derive their importance not only from that which they have discovered, and which has been appropriated by science, but more especially from the influence which they have exerted on the development and improvement of analytical methods. " The geometrical figure of the earth, in contradistinction to the physical,^ determines the surface which the superficies of waiter would assume in passing through a net-work of canals connected with the ocean, and covering and intersect- ing the earth in every direction. The geometrical surface intersects the directions of the forces vertically, and these forces are composed of all the attractions emanating from the individual particles of the earth, combined with the cen- trifugal force, which corresponds with its velocity of rota- tion.! This surface must be generally considered as approx- imating very closely to an oblate spheroid, for irregularities in the distribution of the masses in the interior of the earth will also, where the local density is altered, give rise to ir- regularity in the geometrical surface, which is the product of the co-operation of unequally distributed elements. The physical surface is the direct product of the surface of the solid and fluid matter on the outer crust of the earth." Al- though, while it is not improbable, judging from geological data, that the incidental alterations which are readily brought about in the fused portions of the interior of the earth, when they are moved by a change of position of the masses, may even modify the geometrical surface by producing curvature of the meridians and parallels in small spaces, and at very widely separated periods of time ; the physical surface of the oceanic parts of our globe is periodically subjected to a change of place in the masses, occasioned by the ebbing and flowing (or, in other words, the local depression and eleva- tion) of the fluid element. The inconsiderable amount of * Gauss, Besthnmung des Breitenunterschiedes zwischen den Stem- warten von Gottingen und Altona, 1828, s. 73. (These two observato- ries, by a singular chance, are situated within a few yards of the same meridian.) ' ' t Bessel, Ueher den Einfluss der Unregelmassigkciten der Figur der Erde avf geodatische Arheiten und ihre Vergkichuvg mit astronomischen Bestimniungen, in Schumacher'' s Astron. Nachr., bd. xiv., No. 329, s. 270; and Bessel and Baeyer, Gradmessung in OstpreusseUj 1838, s. 427-442. 18 COSMOS. the effects of gravity in continental regions may indeed ren- der a gradual change inappreciable to actual observation ; and, according to Bessel's calculation, in order to increase the latitude of a place by a change of only V^, it must be assumed that there is a transposition in the interior of the earth of a mass whose weight (its density being assumed to be that of the mean density of the earth) is that of 7296 ge- ographical cubic miles. =^ However large the volume of this transposed mass may appear to us when we compare it with the volume of Mont Blanc, or Chimborazo, or Kintschind- jinga, our surprise at the magnitude of the phenomenon soon diminishes when we remember that our terrestrial spheroid comprises upward of 1696 hundreds of millions of such cubic miles. Three different methods have been attempted, although with unequal success, for solving the problem of the figure of the earth, whose connection with the geological question of the earlier liquid condition of the rotating planetary bodies was known at the brilliant epoch of Newton, Huy- gens, and Hooke.f These methods were the geodetico-as- Ironomical measurement of a degree, pendulum experiments, and calculations of the inequalities in the latitude and lon- gitude of the moon. In the application of the first method two separate processes are required, namely, measurements of a degree of latitude on the arc of a meridian, and meas- urements of a degree of longitude on diflferent parallels. Although seven years have now passed since I brought forward the results of Bessel's important labors ia reference to the dimensions of our globe, in my General Delineation of Nature, his work has not yet been supplanted by any one of a more comprehensive character, or based upon more re- cent measurements of a degree. An important addition and great improvements in this department of inquiry may, how- * Bessel, Ueher den Einfluss der Verdnderungen des Erdhorpers avf die Polhohen^ in Lindenau und Bohnenberger, Zeitschiift fur Astrono- mie, bd. v., 1818, s. 29. "The weight of the earth, expressed in German pounds=9933xl0-^', and that of the transposed mass=^947 X lO-i*." t The theoretical labors of that time were followed by those of Maclaurin, Clairaut, and D'Alembert, by Legendre, and by Laplace. To this latter period we may add the" theorem advanced by Jacobi, in 1834, that ellipsoids of three unequal axes may, under certain condi- tions, represent the figures of equilibrium no less than the two pre- viously-indicated ellipsoids of rotation. — See the treatise of this writer, whose early death has proved a severe loss to science, in PoggendorfTs A7imlen der Physik und Chemie, bd. xxxiii., 1834, s. 229-233. THE SIZE OF THE EARTH. 19 ever, be expected on the completion of the Russian geodetic measurements, which are now nearly finished, and which, as they extend almost from the North Cape to the Black Sea, will aiFord a good basis of comparison for testing the accu-- racy of the results of the Indian survey. According to the determinations published by Bessel in the year 1841, the mean value of the dimensions of our planet was, according to a careful investigation * of ten * The first accurate comparison of a large number of geodetic meas- urements (including those made in the elevated plateau of Quito, two East Indian measurements, together with the French, English, and recent Lapland observations) was successfully effected by Walbeck, at Abo, in 1819. He found the mean value for the earth's ellipticity to ^® ^iru^TST' ^"^ ^^^^^ of a meridian degree 57009'758 toises, or 324,'628 feet. Unfortunately his work, entitled De Forma et Magnitudine Tel- luris, has not been published in a complete form. Excited by the en- couragement of Gauss, Eduard Schmidt was led to repeat and correct his results in his admirable Hand-book of Mathematical Geography, in which he took into account both the higher powers given for the ellipticity, and the latitudes observed at the intermediate points, as well as the Hanoverian measurements, and those which had been ex- tended as far as Formentera by Biot and Arago. The results of this comparison have appeared in thi-ee forms, after undergoing a gradual correction, namely, in Gauss's Bestivimung der Breitenunterschiede von Gottingen und Altona, 1828, s. 82 ; in Eduard Schmidt's Lehrbuch der Mathem. und Fhys. Geographic, 1829, Th. 1, s. 183, 194-199 ; and, last- ly, in the preface to the latter work (s. 5). The last result is, for a meridian degree, 57008-655 toises, or 324,201 feet ; for the ellipticity, ■jjTfT-^Tj-. Bessel's first work of 1830 had been immediately preceded by Airy's treatise on the Figure of the Earth, in the Encyclopasdia Metropolitana, ed. of 1849, p. 220^239. (Here the semi-polar axis was given at 20,853,810 feet=3949-585 miles ; the semi-equatorial axis at 20,923,713 feet=3962-824 miles; the meridian quadrant at 32,811,980 feet, and the ellipticity at .^tjI.^. The great astronomer of Konigsberg was uninterruptedly engaged, from 1836 to 1842, in cal- culations regarding the figure of the earth ; and, as his earlier works were amended by subsequent corrections, the admixture of results of investigations at different periods of time has, in many works, proved a source of great confusion. In numbers, which, from their very na- ture, are dependent on one another, this admixture is rendered still more confusing from the erroneous reduction of measurements ; as, for instance, toises, metres, English feet, and miles of 60 and 69 to the equatorial degree ; and this is the more to be regretted, since many works, which have cost a very large amount of time andjabor, are thus rendered of much less value than they otherwise would be. In the summer of 1837 Bessel published two treatises, one of which was devoted to the consideration of the influence of the irregulai-ity of the earth's figure upon geodetic measurements, and their compai- ison with astronomical determinations, while the other gave the axes of the oblate spheroid, which seemed to correspond most closely to existing measurements of meridian arcs (Schum,, Astr. Nachr., bd. xiv., No. 329, s. 269, No. 333, s. 345). The results of his calculation 20 COSMOS. measurements of degrees, as follows : The semi-axis major of a rotating spheroid, a form that approximates most close- ly to the irregular figure of our earth, was 3272077-14 toises, or 20,924,774 feet; the semi-axis minor, 3261139-33 toises, or 20,854,821 feet; the length of the earth's quad- rant, 5131179-81 toises, or 32,811,799 feet; the length of a mean meridian degree, 57013-109 toises, or 364,596 feet; the length of a parallel degree at 0° latitude, and conse- quently that of an equatorial degree, 57108-52 toises, or 365,186 feet; the length of a parallel degree at 45°, 40449-371 toises, or 258,657 feet ; the ellipticity of the earth, .^^-^^^ ; and the length of a geographical mile, of which sixty go to an .equatorial degree, 951-8 toises, or 6086-5 feet. The table on page 21 shows the increase of the length of the meridian degree from the equator to the pole, as it has been found from observations, and therefore modified by the local disturbances of attraction : were, 3271953'8o4 toises for the semi-axis major ; 3261072-900 toises for the semi-axis minor ; and for the length of a mean meridian de- gree— that is to say, for the ninetieth part of the earth's quadrant (vertically to the equator) — 57011-453 toises. An error of 68 toises, or 440-8 feet, which was detected by Puissant, in the mode of calcula- tion that had been adopted, in 1808, by a Commission of the Nation- al Institute for determining the distance of the parallels of Montjouy, near Barcelona, and Mola, in Formentera, led Bessel, in the year 1841, to submit his previous calculations regarding the dimensions of the earth to a new revision. (Schum., Ast?-. Nachr., bd. xix., No. 438, s. 97-116). This correction yielded for the.length of the earth's quad- rant 5131179-81 toises, instead of 5130740 toises, which had been ob- tained in accordance with the first determination of the metre ; and for the mean length of a meridian degree, 57013-109 toises, which is about 0-611 of a toise more than a meridian degree at 45° lat. The numbers given in the text are the result of Bessel's latest calcu- lations. The length of the meridian quadrant, 5131180 toises, with a mean error of 255-63 toises, is therefore = 10000856 metres, which would therefore give 40003423 metres, or 21563-92 geographical miles, for the entire circumference of the earth. The difference between the original assumption of the Commission des Poids et 3fesures, according to which the metre was the forty-millionth part of the earth's circum- ference, amounts, for the entire circumference, to 3423 metres, or 1756-27 toises, which is almost two geographical miles, or, more ac- curately speaking, 1-84. According to the earliest determinations, the length of the metre was determined at 0-5130740 of a toise, while according to Bessel's last determination it ought to be 0-5131180 of a toise. The diff'erence for the length of the metre is, therefore, 0-038 of a French line. The metre has, therefore, been established by Bes- sel as equal to 443-334 French lines, instead of 443-296, which is its present legal value. (Compare also, on this so-called natural stand- ard, Faye, Lemons de Cosmographie, 1852, p. 93.) THE SIZE OF THE EARTH. 21 Countries. Geographical Latitude of the Middle of the measured Arc. Length of the measured Arc. The Length of a Degree for the Latitude of the Middle Arc as obtained from Observations, and given in Feet. Observers; Sweden Russia Prussia Denmark Hanover England France North America East Indies . . , Quito (s. t.) .. Cape of Good Hope (s. L.). (66° iiO' 10" ioG 19 37 56 3 55-5 54 58 26 0 54 8 13 -T 52 32 16-6 |'52 35 45-0 \52 2 19-4 44 51 2-5 39 12 0 fl6 8 21-5 \12 32 20-8 1 31 0-4 (33 18 30 135 43 20 1° 37' l;>"-6 0 57 30-4 8 2 289 1 30 29-0 1 31 53-3 2 0 57-4 3 57 13-1 2 50 23-5 12 22 12-T 1 28 45-0 15 57 40-7 1 34 50-4 3 T 3-5 1 13 17-5 3 34 34 7 3a54T3-4 365S82-1 365368-0 3t;5396 0 365087-0 3U5400-0 365071-2 \ 364951-1 / 3G4671-5 1 S637S5-1 3.3044-0 36295!) -6 S63625-2 1 364819-2 304160-0 Svanberg. .Maupertiiis. Struve, Tenner. Bessel, Baeyer. Schumacher. Gauss. Roy, Mudge, Kater. Delambre, Mechain, Biot, Arago. Mason, Dixon. Lanibton, Everest. Lambton. La (Jondamine, Bouguer. r,acaille. Maclear. The determination of the figure of the earth by the meas- urement of degrees of longitude on different parallels requires very great accuracy in fixing the longitudes of diflferent places. Cassini de Thury and Lacaille employed, in 1740, powder signals to determine a perpendicular line at the meridian of Paris. In more recent times, the great trigonometrical sur- vey of England has determined, by the help of far better in- struments and with greater accuracy, the lengths of the arcs of parallels and the differences of the meridians between Beachy Head and Dunnose, as well as between Dover and Falmouth. These determinations were, however, only made for differences of longitude of 1° 26^ and 6° 22^* By far the most considerable of these surveys is the one that was carried on between the meridians of Marennes, on the west- ern coast of France, and Fiume. It extends over the west- ern chain of the Alps, and the plains of Milan and Padua, in a direct distance of 15° 32^ 27^^, and was executed under the direction of Brousseaud and Largeteau, Plana and Car- lini, almost entirely under the so-called mean parallel of 45°. The numerous pendulum experiments which have been con- ducted in the neighborhood of mountain chains have con- firmed in the most remarkable manner the previously-recog- nized influences of those local attractions which were inferred from the comparison of astronomical latitudes with the re^ suits of geodetic measurements, f * Airy, Figure of the Earth, in the Encycl Metrop., 1849, p. 214s 216. t Biot, Astr. Physique, t. ii., p. 482, and t. iii., p. 482. A very ac^ 22 COSMOS. In addition to the two secondary methods for the direct measurement of a degree on meridian and parallel arcs, we have still to refer to a purely astronomical determination of the figure of the earth. This is based upon the action which the earth exerts upon the motion of the moon, or, in other words, upon the inequalities in lunar longitudes and latitudes. Laplace, who was the first to discover the cause of these in- equalities, has also taught us their application by ingenious- ly showing how they afford the great advantage which indi- vidual measurements of a degree and pendulum experiments are incapable of yielding, namely, that of showing in one single result the mean figure of the earth.* We would here, again, refer to the happy expression of the discoverer of this method, " that an astronomer, without leaving his observa- tory, may discover the individual form of the earth in which he dwells, from the motion of one of the heavenly bodies." After his last revision of the inequalities in the longitude and latitude of our satellite, and by the aid of several thou- sand observations of Biirg, Bouvard, and Burckhardt,t La- place found, by means of his lunar method, a compression curate geodetical measurement, which is the more important from its serving as a comparison of the levels of the Mediterranean and At- lantic, has been made on the parallel of the chain of the Pyrenees by Coraboeuf, Delcros, and Peytier. * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 168. "It is very remarkable that an astrono- mer, without leaving his observatory, may, merely by comparing his observations with analytical results, not only be enabled to determine with exactness the size and degree of ellipticity of the earth, but also its distance from the sun and moon — results that otherwise could only be arrived at by long and arduous expeditions to the most remote parts of both hemispheres. The moon may, therefore, by the observation of its movements, render appreciable to the higher departments of as- tronomy the ellipticity of the earth, as it taught the early astronomers the rotundity of our earth by means of its eclipses." (Laplace, Expos, du Syst. du Monde, p. 230.) We have already in Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 145-146, made mention of an almost analogous optical method sug- gested by Arago, and based upon the observation that the intensity of the ash-colored light — that is to say, the terrestrial light in the moon — might afford us some information in reference to the transparency of our entire atmosphere. Compare also Airy, in the Encycl. Meti-op., p. 189, 236, on the deternaination of the earth's ellipticity by means of the motions of the moon, as well as at p. 231-235, on the infer- which he draws regarding the figure of the earth from preces- sion and nutation. According to Biot's investigations, the latter de- termination would only give, for the earth's ellipticity, limiting and widely differing values (^^ and -j^). Astron. Physique, 3^me ed., t. ii., 1844, p. 463. t Laplace, Mecanique Celeste, ed. de 1846, t. v., p. 16, 53. THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 23 amounting to -g-^, which is very nearly equal to that yield- ed by the measurements of a degree of latitude (^^). The vibrations of the pendulum yield a third means of de- termining the figure of the earth (or, in other words, the re- lation of the major to the minor axis, on the supposition of our planet being of a spheroidal form), by the elucidation of the law according to which gravity increases from the equa- tor toward the pole. The Arabian astronomers, and more especially Ebn-Junis, at the close of the tenth century, and during the brilliant epoch of the Abbassidian Califs,* first employed these vibrations for the determination of time, and, after a neglect of six hundred years, the same method was again adopted by Galileo, and Father Riccioli, at Bologna. t The pendulum, in conjunction with a system of wheels used to regulate the clocks (which were first employed in the im- perfect experiments of Sanctorius at Padau, in 1612, and then in the more perfect observations of Huygens in 1656), gave the first material proof of the different intensity of gravi- ty at different latitudes in Eicher's comparison of the beats of the same astronomical clock at Paris and Cayenne, in 1672. Picard was, indeed, engaged in the equipment of this import- ant voyage, but he does not on that account assume to him- self the merit of its first suggestion. Richer left Paris in October, 1671 ; and Picard, in the description of his meas- urement of a degree of latitude, which appeared in the same year,{ merely refers to "a conjecture which was advanced * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 166. Edward Bernard, an Englishman, was the first who recognized the application of the isochronism of pendu- lum-oscillations in the writings of the Arabian astronomers. (See his letter, dated Oxford, April, 1683, and addressed to Dr. Robert Huntington, in Dublin. Philos. Transac, vol. xii., p. 567.) + Fr^ret de f Etude de la Philosophie Ancienne in the Mem. de VAcad. des Inscr., t. xviii. (1753), p. 100. X Picard, Mesure de h Terre, 1671, Art. 4. It is scarcely probable that the conjecture which was advanced in the Paris Academy even before the year 1671, to the effect that the intensity of gravity varies with the latitude (Lalande, Astronomie, t. iii., p. 20 § 2668), 'should have been made by the illustrious Huygens, who had certainly pre- sented his Discours sur la Cause de la Gravite to the Academy in the course of the year 1669. There is no mention made in this treatise of the shortening of the seconds-pendulum, which was being observed by Richer at Cayenne, although a reference to it occurs in the supple- ments to this work (one of which must have been completed after the publication of Newton's Principia, and consequently later than 1687). Huygens writes as follows: "Maxima pars hujus libelli scripta est, cum Lutetiaj degerem (to 1681) ad eum usque locum, ubi de altera- tione, quae pendulis accidit e motu Terrae." See also the explanation 24 COSMOS. by one of the members, at a meeting of the Academy, accord- ing to which the weight of a body must be less at the equa- tor than at the pole, in consequence of the rotation of the earth." He adds, doubtfully, that although it would appear, from certain experiments made in London, Lyons, and Bo- logna, as if the seconds-pendulum must be shortened the nearer we approach to the equator ; yet, on the other hand, he was not sufficiently convinced of the accuracy of the meas- urements adduced, because at the Hague, notwithstanding its more northern latitude, the pendulum lengths were found to be precisely the same as at Paris. The periods at which Newton first became acquainted with the important pendu- lum results that had been obtained by Richer as early as 1672, although they were not printed until 1679, and at which he first heard of the discovery that had been made by Cassini, before the year 1666, of the compression of Jupiter's disk, have unfortunately not been recorded with the same exactness as the fact of his very tardy acquaintance with which I have given in Cosmo.% vol. ii,, p. 351. The observations made by Richer at Cayenne were not published until 1679, as I have ailready observed in the text, and therefore not until fully six years after his return, and, what is more remarkable, the annals of the Academie des Inscriptions contain no notice during this long period of Richer's im- portant double observations of the pendulum clock and of the simple seconds-pendulum. We do not know the time when Newton first be- came acquainted with Richer's results, although his own earliest the- oretical speculations regarding the figure of the earth date farther back than the year 1665. It would appear that Newton did not become acquainted until 1682 with Picard's geodetic measurement, which had been published in 1671, and even then "he accidentally heard of it at a meeting of the Royal Society, which he was attending." His knowl- edge of this fact, as Sir David Brewster has shown {Memoirs of Sir I. Newton, vol. i., p. 291), exerted a very important influence on his de- termination of the earth's diameter, and of the relation which the fall of a body upon our planet bears to the force which retains the moon in its orbit. Newton's views may have been similarly influenced by the knowledge of the spheroidal form of Jupiter, which had been as- certained by Cassini prior to 1666, but was first described in 1691, in the Mhnoires de l' Academie des Sciences, t. ii., p. 108. Could Newton ha/e learned any thing of a much earlier pulalication, of which some of the sheets were seen by Lalande in the possession of Maraldi? (Compare Lalande, Astr., t. iii., p. 335, § 3345, with Brewster, Mem- oirs of Sir I. Newipn, vol. i., p. 322, and Cosmos, vol. i., p. 165.) Amid the simultaneous labors of Newton, Huygens, Picard, and Cassini, it is often very difiicult to arrive, with any certainty, at a just apprecia- tion of the diffusion of scientific knowledge, owing to the tardiness with which men at that day made known the result of their observa- tions, the publication of which was, moreover, frequently delayed by accidental circumstances. THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 25 Picard's measurement of a degree. In an age so remarkable for the successful emulation that distinguished the cultivators of science, and when theoretical views led to the prosecution of observations which, by their results, reacted in their turn upon theory, it is of great interest to the history of the math- ematical establishment of physical astronomy that individual epochs should be determined with accuracy. Although direct measurements of meridian and parallel degrees (the former especially in the case of the French meas- urement of a degree* between the latitudes 44° 42^ and 47° 30'', and the latter by the comparison of points lying to the east and west of the Italian and Maritime Alps)t exhibit great deviations from the mean ellipsoidal figure of the earth, the variations in the amount of ellipticity given by pendulum lengths (taken at different geographical points and in differ- ent groups) are very much more striking. The determina- tion of the figure of the earth obtained from the increase or decrease of gravity (intensity of local attraction), assumes that gravity af the surface of our rotating spheroid must have remained the same as it was at the time of our earth's con- solidation from a fluid state, and that no later alterations can have taken place in its density.f Notwithstanding the great improvements which have been made in the instruments and methods of measurement by Borda, Kater, and Bessel, there are at present in both lierhispheres, from Spitzbergen in 79° 50^ north latitude, to the Falkland Islands, in 51° 35'' south latitude, where Freycinet, Duperrey, and Sir James Ross su€cessi^ly made their observations, only from 65 to 70 ir- regularl^cattered points § at which the length of the simple * Delambre, Base du Syst, M^trique, t. ill., p. 548. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 167. Plana, Operations Geodesiques et Astrono- miques pour la Mesure d'un Arc du Parallele Moyen, t. ii., p. 847 ; Carlini in the Effemeridi Astronomiche di Milano per tanno 1842, p. 57. X Compare Biot, Astronomie Physique, t. ii., 1844, p. 464, with Cos- m»s, vol. i., p. 168, and vol. iv., p. 105, where I have considered the difficulties presented by a comparison of the periods of rotation of planets, and their observed compression. Schubert (^Astron., Th. iii., § 316) has also drawn attention to this difficulty; and Bessel, in his treatise On Mass and Weight, says expressly that the supposition of the invariability of gravity at any one point of observation has been rendered somewhat uncertain by the recent experiments made on the slow upheaval of large portions of the earth's surface. § Airy, in his admirable treatise on the Figure of the Earth {Encycl. MetropoL, 1849, p. 229), reckoned fifty different stations where trust- worthy results had been obtained up to the year 1830, and fourteen others (those of Bouguer, Legentil, Lacaille, Maupertuis, and Lft Vol. v.— B 26 COSMOS. pendulum has been determined with as much accuracy as the position of the place in respect to its latitude, longitude, and elevation above the level of the sea. The pendulum experiments made by the French astrono- mers on the measured part of a meridian arc, and the observ- ations of Captain Kater in the trigonometrical survey of Great Britain, concurred in showing that the results do not individually admit of being referred to a variation of gravity proportional to the square of the sine of the latitude. On this account the English government determined, at the sug- gestion of the Vice-president of the Eoyal Society, Davies Gilbert, to fit out a scientific expedition, which was intrust- ed to my friend Edward Sabine, who had accompanied Cap- tain Parry on his first polar voyage in the capacity of as- tronomer. In the course of this voyage, which was con- tinued through the years 1822 and 1823, he coasted along the western shores of Africa, from Sierra Leone to the Isl- and of St. Thomas, near the equator, then by Ascension to South America, from Bahia to the mouth of tne Orinoco, on his way to the West Indies and the New England States, after which he penetrated into the Arctic regions as far as Spitzbergen, and a hitherto unexplored and ice-bound por- tion of East Greenland (74° 3?''). This brilliant and ably- conducted expedition had the advantage of being mainly di- rected to one sole object of investigation, and of embracing points which are separated from one another by 93° of lati- tude. The field of observation in the French expediti||| for the measurements of degrees was more remote from tne^quinoc- tial and arctic zones ; but it had the great advantage of pre- senting a linear series of points of observation, and of aflPord- ing direct means of comparison with the partial curvature of the arcs obtained by geodetico-astronomical observations. Biot, in 1824, carried the line of pendulum measurements from Formentera (38° 39^ 56^^), where he had already made observations conjointly with Arago and Chaix, as far as Unst, the most northerly of the Shetland Islands (60° 45^ 25^^), and with Mathieu he extended it to the parallels of Bordeaux, Figeac, and Padua, as far as Fiume.* These Croyere), which, however, do not bear comparison with the former in point of accuracy. * Biot and Arago, Recueil dOhserv. Gdodisiques et Astronomiques, 1821, p. 526-540 ; and Biot, TraiU d'Astr. Physique, t. ii., 1844, p. 465-473. THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 27 pendulum results, when compared with those of Sabine, cer- tainly give Tj^ for the compression of the whole northern quadrant ; but when separated into two halves, they yield a still more varying result, giving -^-^ from the equator to 45°, and ^y- from 45° to the pole.* It has been shown in many instances, and in both hemispheres, that there is an appreciable influence exerted by surrounding denser rocks (basalt, green-stone, diorite, and melaphyre, in opposition to specifically lighter secondary and tertiary formations), in the same manner as volcanic islandsf influence gravity and aug- ment its intensity. Many of the anomalies which presented themselves in these observations do not, however, admit of being explained by any visible geological characters of the soil. For the southern hemisphere we possess a small number of admirable, but very widely-diffused observations, made by Freycinet, Duperrey, Fallows, Liitke, Brisbane, and Riimker. * Op. a7.,p. 488. Sabine {Exper.for determining the Variation in the Length of the Pendulum vibrating Seconds, 1825, p. 352) finds -^^.-^ from all the thirteen stations of his pendulum expedition, notwith- standing their great distances from one another in the northern hem- isphere ; and from these, increased by all the pendulum stations of the British survey and of the French geodetic measurement from Formen- tera to Dunkirk, comprising, therefore, in all a comparison of twenty- five points of observation, he again found ^-jV.t,-. It is still more strik- ing, as was already observed by Admiral Liitke, that far to the west of the Atlantic region, in the meridians of Petropawlowski and New Archangel, the pendulum lengths yield a much greater ellipticity, namely, -^i-y. As the previously applied theory of the influence of the air surrounding the pendulum led to an error in the calculation, and had rendered a correction necessary as early as 1786 (when a some- what obscure one was given by the Chevalier de Buat;, on account of the difference in the loss of weight of solid bodies, when they are either at rest in a fluid, or impelled in a vibratory motion, Bessel, with his usual analytical clearness, laid down the following axiom in his Unter- suchungen uber die Lange des einfachen Secundenpendels, s. 32, G3, 126- 129 : " When a body is moving in a fluid (the atmosphere), the latter belongs with it to the moved system, and the moving force must be distributed not only over the particles of the solid moved body, but also over all the moved particles of the fluid." On the experiments of Sabine and Baily, which originated in Bessel's practically import- ant pendulum correction (reduction to a vacuum), see John Herschel in the Memoir of Francis Baily, 1845, p. 17-21. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 167. Compare, for the phenomena occurring in islands, Sabine, Pend. Exper., 1825, p. 237 ; and Lutke, Obs. du Pen- dule invariable, exdcut^es de 1826-1829, p. 241. This work contains a remarkable table, p. 239, on the nature of the rocks occurring at 16 pendulum stations, from Melville Island (79° 50' N. lat.) to Valparai- so (32° 2' S. lat.). 28 COSMOS. These observations have confirmed a fact which had been strikingly demonstrated in the northern hemisphere, namely, that the intensity of gravity is not the same for all places having the same latitude, and that the increase of gravity from the equator toward the poles appears to be subjected to different laws under different meridians. Although the pendulum measurements made by Lacaille at the Cape of Good Hope, and those conducted in the Spanish circumnav- igating expedition by Malaspini, may have led to the belief that the southern hemisphere is, in general, much more com- pressed than the northern, comparisons made between the Falkland Islands and New Holland on the one hand, and New York, Dunkirk, and Barcelona on the other, have, however, by their more exact results, shown that the con- trary is the case, as I have already elsewhere indicated.* From the above data it follows that the pendulum (al- though it is by no means an unimportant instrument in geognostic observations, being as it were a sort of plummet cast into the deep and unseen strata of the earth) does not determine the form of our planet with the same exactitude * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 169. Eduard Schmidt (Mathem. und Phys. Geo- graphie, Th. i., s. 394) has separated from a large number of the pen- Tiulum observations which were made on board the corvettes Descubi- erta and Atrevida, under the command of Malaspina, those thirteen stations which belong to the southern hemisphere, from which he ob- tained a mean compression of -^-g^.-g^. Mathieu obtained tj-;^.^ from a comparison of Lacaille's observations at the Cape of Good Hope and the Isle of France with Paris, but the instruments of measurement used at that day did not afford the same certainty as we now obtain by the appliances of Borda and Kater, and the more modern methods of observation. The present would seem a fitting place to notice the beautiful experiments of Foucault, which afford so high a proof of the ingenuity of the inventor, and by which we obtain ocular evidence of the rotation of the earth on its axis by means of the pendulum, whose plane of vibration slowly rotates from east to west. ( Comphs rendus de VAcad. des Sc; Seance du 3 Fevrier, 1851, t. xxxii., p. 135.) Ex- periments for noticing the deviation toward the east in observations of falling bodies, dropped from church towers or into mines, as sug- gested by Benzenberg and Reich, require a very great height, while Foucault's apparatus makes the effects of the earth's rotation percep- tible with a pendulum only six feet long. We must not confound the . phenomena which may be explained by rotation (as, for instance, ■Richer's clock experiments at Cayenne, diurnal aberration, the devia- tion of projectiles, trade-winds, etc.) with those that may at any time be produced by Foucault's apparatus, and of which the members of the Academia del Cimento appear to have had some idea, although they did not farther develop it (Antinori, in the Comptes rendus^ t. xxxii., p. 635). THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 29 as the measurement of a degree or the movements of our satellite. The concentric, elliptical, and individually hotno- geneous strata, which increase in density according to certain functions of distance from the surface toward the centre of the earth, may give rise to local fluctuations in the intensity of gravity at individual^oints of the earth's surface, which differ according to the character, position, and density of the several points. If the conditions which produce these devi- ations are much more recent than the consolidation of the outer crust, the figure of the surface can not be assumed to be locally modified by the internal motion of the fused masses. The difference of the results of pendulum measurements is, however, much too great to be ascribed at the present day to errors of observation. Even where a coincidence in the results, or an obvious regularity, has been discovered by the various grouping and combination of the points of ob- servation, the pendulum always gives a greater §]lipticity (varying between the limits -^^5 ^^^ niu) ^^^^^ could have been deduced from the measurements of a degree. If we take the ellipticity which, in accordance with Bes- sel's last determination, is now generally adopted, namely, 2T¥-T5^> we shall find that the bulging* at the equator * In Grecian antiquity two regions of the earth were designated as being characterized, in accordance with the prevalent opinions of the time, by remarkable protuberances of the surface, namely, the high north of Asia and the land lying under the equator. *'The high and naked Scythian plains," says Hippocrates (De AereetAgvis, § xix., p. 72, Littre), "without being crowned by mountains, stretch far upward to the meridian of the Bear." A similar opinion had previously been ascribed to Empedocles (Phit., De Plac. Philos., ii., 3). Aristotle {Me- teor., i., 1 a 15, p. 66, Ideler) says that the older meteorologists, ac- cording to whose opinions the sun "did not go under the earth, but passed round it," considered that the protuberances of the earth to- ward the north were the cause of the disappearance of the sun, or of the production of night. And in the compilation of the Problems (xxvi., 15, p. 941, Bekker), the cold of the north wind was ascribed to the elevation of the soil in this region of the earth, and in all these passages there is no reference to mountains, but merely to a bulging of the earth into elevated plateaux. I havie already elsewhere shown {Asie Centrale, t. i., p. 58) that Strabo, who alone makes use of the very characteristic word dpoiridia, says that the difference of climate which arises from geographical position must every where be distin- guished fftm that which we ascribe to elevation above the sea, in Armenia (xi., p. 522, Casaub.), in Lycaonia, which is inhabited by wild asses (xii., p. 568), and in Upper India, in the auriferous country of the Derdi (xv., p, 706). "Even in southern parts of the world," says the geographer of Amasia, " every high district, if it be also a plain, is cold" (ii., p. 73). Eratosthenes andPolybius ascribe the very 30 COSMOS. amounts to about 645,457 feet ; about lli, or, more accu- rately, 1 1*492 geographical miles. As a comparison has moderate temperature which prevails under the equator not only to the more rapid transit of the sun (Geminus, Elem. Astron., c. 13; Cleom,, Ci/cl. Theor., 1, 6), but more especially to the bulging of the earth (see ray Exameri Cnt. de la Geogr., t. iii., p. 19i-152). Both maintain, ac- cording to the testimony of Strabo (ii., p. 97), " that the district lying immediately below the equator is the highest, on which account much rain falls there, in consequence of the very large accumulation of northern clouds at the period when those winds prevail, which change with the season of the year." Of these two opinions regarding the elevation of the land in Northern Asia (the Scythian Europe of Herodo- tus) and in the equatorial zone, the former of the two, with the perti- nacity characteristic of error, has kept its ground for nearly two thou- sand years, and has given occasion to the geological myth of an un- interrupted plateau in the Tartar district lying to the north of the Himalayas, while the other opinion could only be justified in reference to a portion of Asia, lying beyond the tropical zone, and consequently applies only to the colossal, " elevated or mountain plateau, Meru," which is celebrated in the most ancient and noblest memorials of In- dian poetry. (See Wilson's Did. Sanscrit and English, 1832, p. 674, where the word Meru is explained to signify an elevated plateau.) I have thought it necessary to enter thus circumstantially into this ques- tion, in order that I might refute the hypothesis of the intellectual Freret, who, without indicating any passages from Greek writers, and merely alluding to one which seemed to treat of tropical rain, inter- prets the opinion advanced regarding bulgings of the soil as having reference to compression or elongation at the poles. In the M^m. de VAcad. des Inscriptions, t. xviii., 1753, p. 112, Freret expresses him- self as follows : " To explain the rains which prevailed in those equi- noctial regions, which the conquests of Alexander first made known, it was supposed that there were currents which drove the clouds from the poles toward the equator, where, in default of mountains to stop their progress, they were arrested by the general elevation of the soil, whose surface at the equator is farther removed from the centre than under the poles. Some physicists have ascribed to the globe the figure of a spheroid, which bulges at the equator and is flattened toward the poles; while on the contrary, in the opinion of those of the ancients who believed that the earth was elongated toward the poles, the polar regions are farther removed than the equatorial zone from the centre of the earth." I can find no evidence in the works of the ancients to justify these assertions. In the third section of the first book of Strabo (p. 48, Casaub.), it is expressly stated that, " after Eratosthenes has observed that the whole earth is spherical, although not like a sphere that has been made by a turning- lathe (an expression that is borrowed from Herodotus, iv., 36), and exhibits many deviations from this form, he adduces numerous modifications of shape which have been produced by the action of water and fire, by earthquakes, subterranean currents of wind (elastic vapors ?), and other causes of the same kind, which, however, are not given in the order of their occurrence, for the rotun- dity of the entire earth results from the co-ordination of the whole, such modifications in no degree affecting the general form of our earth, the lesser vanishing in the greater." Subsequently we read, also in Gros- THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH, 31 very frequently been made from the earliest times of astro- nomical inquiry between this swelling or convex elevation of the earth's surface and carefully measured mountain masses, I will select as objects of comparison the highest of the known peaks of the Himalayas, namely, that of Kin- tschindjinga, which was fixed by Colonel Waugh at 28,174 feet, and that portion of the elevated plateau of Thibet which is nearest to the sacred lakes of Eakas-Tal and Manassa- rova, and which, according to Lieutenant Henry Strachey, is situated at the mean height of 15,347 feet. The bulging of our planet at the equatorial zone is, therefore, not quite kurd's admirable translation, " that the earth, together with the sea, is spherical, the two constituting one and the same surface. The projec- tion of the land, which is inconsiderable and may remain unnoticed, is lost in such magnitudes, so that in these cases we are unable to determ- ine its spherical form with the same accuracy as in the case of a sphere made by a turning-lathe, or as well as the sculptor, who judges from his conceptions of form, for here we are obliged to determine by phys- ical and less delicate perception." (Strabo, ii., p. 112.) " The world is at once a work of nature and of providence — a work of nature, inas- much as all things tend toward one point, the centre of the whole, round which they group themselves, the less dense element (water) containing the denser (earth)." (Strabo, xvii., p. 809.) Wherever we find the fig- ure of the earth described by the Greeks, it is compared (Cleom., CijcL Theor., i., 8, p. 51) with a flat or centrally depressed disk, a cylinder (A^aximander), a cube or pyramid ; and, lastly, we find it generally held to be a sphere, notwithstanding the long contest of the Epicureans, who denied the tendency of attraction toward the centime. The idea of com- pression does not seem to have presented itself to their imagination. The elongated earth of Democritus was only the disk of Thales length- ened in one direction. The drum-like form, to cxviia, rvinzavosLdeg, which seems more especially to have emanated from Leucippus (Plut., De Plac.Philos., iii.,10; Galen. Hist. Phil, cap. 21 ; Aristotle, De CoeJo, ii., 13, p. 293 Bekker), appears to have been founded upon the idea of a hemisphere with a flat basis, which probably represented the equator, while the curvature was regarded as the oiKovjuevr]. A passage in Pliny, regarding Pearls (xi., 54), elucidates this form, while Aristotle merely compares the segments of the sphere with the drum {MeteoroL, ii., 5,. a 10, Ideler, t. i., p. 563), as we also find from the commentary of Olympiodorus (Ideler, t. i., p. 301). I have here purposely avoided re- ferring to two passages, which are well known to me, in Agathemerus (DeGeographia, lib. i., cap. 1, p. 2, Hudson), and inEusebius {Evangel. Proeparat., t. iv., p. 125, ed. Gaisford, 1843), because they prove with what inaccuracy later writers have often ascribed to the ancients views which were totally foreign to them. According to these versions, "Eudoxus gave for the length and breadth of the earth's disk values which stood in relation to one another as 1 to 2 ; the same is said in reference to Dicsearchus, the pupil of Aristotle, who, however, advanced his own special proofs of the spherical form of the earth (Marcian, Ca~ pella, lib. vi., p. 192). Hipparchus regarded the earth as TpaTve^oeidj^Ct and Thales held it to be a sphere!" 32 COSMOS. three times as great as the elevation of the highest ol our mountains above the sea's level, but it is almost five times as great as that of the eastern plateau of Thibet. We ought here to observe that the results of the earth's compression, which have been obtained by mere measure- ments of a degree, or by combinations of the former with pendulum measurements, show far less* considerable differ- ences in the amount of the equinoctial bulging than we should have been disposed at first sight to conclude from the fractional numbers. The difference of the polar compres- sions {j]-^ and -ji^) amounts to only about 7000 feet in the difference of the major and minor axes, basing the calcula- tion on both extreme numerical limits ; and this is not twice the elevation of the small mountains of the Brocken and of Vesuvius ; the difference being only about one tenth of the bulging which would be yielded by a polar compression As soon as it had been ascertained by more accurate meas- urements of a degree, made at very different latitudes, that * It has often seemed to me as if the amount of the compression of the earth was regarded as somewhat doubtful merely from our wish to attain an unnecessary degree of acciuacy. If we take the values of the compression at -j^iT' 'S'hj^ ¥517' TSTT' ^® ^"'^ *^^^* *^® difference of both radii is equal to 10,554, 10,905, 11,281, 11,684 toises^ or 67,488, 69,554, 73,137, 74,714 feet. The fluctuation of 30 units in the denominator produces only a fluctuation of 1130 toises, or 7126 feet, in the polar radius, an amount which, when compared with the visible inequalities of the earth's surface, appears so very inconsid- erable, that I am often surprised to find that the experiments coin- cide within such closely approximating limits. Individual observa- tions scattered over wide surfaces will indeed teach us little more than what we already know, but it would be of considerable importance to connect together all the measurements that have been made over the entire surface of Europe, including in this calculation all astronomic- ally determined points. (Bessel, in a letter addressed to myself, De- cember, 1828.) Even if this plan were carried out, we should then only know the form of that portion of the earth, which may be re- garded as a peninsular projection, extending westward, about sixty- six and a half degrees from the great Asiatic Continent. The steppes of Northern Asia, even the middle Kirghis steppe, a considerable por- tion of which I have myself seen, are often interspersed with hills, and in respect to uninterrupted levels, can not be compared with the Pampas of Buenos Ayres, or the Llanos of Venezuela. The latter, which are far removed from all mountain chains, and consist immedi- ately below the surface of secontlary and tertiary strata, having a very uniform and low degree of density, might, by differences in the results of pendulum vibrations, yield very decisive conclusions in reference to the local constitution of the deep internal strata of the earth. — Compare my Views of Nature, p. 2-8, 29-32. THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 33 the earth could not be uniformly dense in its 'interior (be- cause the results showed that the compression was very much less than had been assumed by Newton (yto)? and much greater than was supposed by Huygens (57^), who considered that all forces of attraction were combined in the centre of the earth),- the connection between the amount of compression and the law of density in the interior of our earth necessarily became a very important object of analyt- ical calculation. Theoretical speculations regarding gravity very early led to the consideration of the attraction of large mountain masses, which rise freely and precipitously into the atmosphere from the dried surface of our planet. Newton, in his Treatise of the System of the World in a Popular Way, 1728, endeavored to determine what amount of deviation from the perpendicular direction the pendulum would experi- ence from a mountain 2665 feet in height and 5330 feet in diameter. This consideration very probably gave occasion to the unsatisfactory experiments which were made by Bou- guer on Chimborazo,* by Maskelyne and Hutton on She- hallien, near Blair- Athol, in Perthshire ; to the comparison of pendulum lengths on a plain lying at an elevation of 6000 * Bouguer, who had been induced by La Condamine to institute experiments on the deviation of the plummet near the mountain of Chimborazo, does not allude, in his Figure de la Terre, p. 364-394, to Newton's proposition. Unfortunately the most skillful of the two trav- elers did not observe on the east and western sides of the colossal mountain, having limited his experiments (December, 1738) to two stations lying on the same side of Chimborazo, first in a southerly di- rection 61° 30' West, about 4572 toises, or 29,326 feet, from the centre of the mountain, and then to the South 16° West (distance 1753 toises, or 1 1,210 feet). The first of these stations lay in a district with which I am well acquainted, and probably at the same elevation as the small alpine lake of Yana-cocha, and the other in the pumice-stone plain of the Arenal (La Condamine, Voyage d I'Equateur, p, 68-70). The deviation yielded by the altitudes of the stars was, contrary to all ex- pectation, only 7'' "5, which was ascribed by the observers themselves to the difficulty of making observations so immediately in the vicinity of the limit of perpetual snow, to the want of accuracy in their instru- ments, and, above all, to the great cavities which were conjectured to exist within this colossal trachytic mountain. I have already ex- pressed many doubts, based upon geological grounds, as to this as- sumption of very large cavities, and of the very inconsiderable mass of the trachytic dome of Chimborazo. South-southeast of this mount-* ain, near the Indian village of Calpi, lies the volcanic cone of Yana- urcu, which I carefully investigated in concert with Bonpland, and which is certainly of more recent origin than the elevation of the great dome-shaped trachytic mountain, in which neither I nor Bous- singault could discover auy thing analogous to a crater. See the Ascent of Chimborazo in my Kleine Schriften, bd. i., s. 138. F> 2 34 COSMOS. feet and at the level of the sea (as, for instance, Carlini's observations at the Hospice of Mont Cenis, and Biot and Mathieu's at Bordeaux) ; and, lastly, to the delicate and thoroughly decisive experiments undertaken in 1837 by Reich and Bailey with the ingeniously constructed torsion- balance which was invented by John Mitchell, and subse- quently given to Cavendish by Wollaston.* The three modes of determining the density of our planet (by vicinity to a mountain mass, elevation of a mountainous plateau, and the balance) have already been so circumstantially de- tailed in a former part of the Cosmos (vol. i., p. 157), that it only remains for us to notice the experiments given in Reich's new treatise, and prosecuted by that indefatigable observer during the interval between the years 1847 and 1850.t The whole may, in accordance with the present state of our knowledge, be arranged in the following man- Shehallien, according to the mean of the maximum 4:"867 and the minimum 4*559, as found by Playfair 4-713 Mont Cenis, observations of Carlini, with the correction of Giulio 4-950 * Baily, Exper. with the Torsion Rod for determining the mean Density of the Earth, 1843, p. 6; John Herschel, Memoirof Francis Baily, 1845, p. 24. t Keich, Neue Versuche mit der Drehwage, in the Ahhandl. der ma- thern. physischen Classe der Kbn. Sdchsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften zu Leipzig, 1852, bd. i., s. 405, 418. The most recent experi- ments of my respected friend Professor Reich approximate somewhat more closely to the results given in Baily's admirable work. I have obtained the mean 5-5772 from the whole series of experiments : (a) with the tin ball and the longer thicker copper wire, the result was 5-5712, with a probable error of 0-0113 ; (b) with the tin ball, and with the shorter thinner copper wire, as well as with the tin ball and the bi-filar iron Avire, 5-5832, with a probable error of 0-0149. Taking this error into account, the mean in (a) and (b) is 5-5756. The re- sult obtained by Baily, and which was certainly deduced from a larger number of experiments (5-660), might indeed give us a somewhat higher density, as it obviously rose in proportion to the greater light- ness of the balls that were xised in the experiments, which were either of glass or ivory. (Reich, in Poggend., Annalen, bd. Ixxxv., s. 190. Compare also Whitehead Hearn, in the PhUos. Transact, for 1847, p. 217-229.) The motion of the torsion-balance was observed by Baily by means of the reflection of a scale obtained from a mirror, which was attached to the middle of the balance, a method that had been first suggested by Reich, and was employed by Gauss in his magnetic observations. The use of such a mirror, which is of great importance, from the exactness with which the scale may be read off, was proposed by PoggendoriF as early as the year 1826. {Annalen der Physik., bd. rii., s. 121.) THE DENSITY OF THE EARTH. 35 The torsion-balance, Cavendish (according to Baily's calcula- tion) 5-448 Reich, 1838 5-440 Baily, 1832 5-660 Reich, 1847-1850 5-577 A far more important result in reference to the density of the earth than that obtained by Baily (1842) and Eeich (1847-1850) has been brought out by Airy's experiments with the pendulum, conducted with such exemplary care in the Mines of Harton, in the year 1854. According to these experiments the density is 6-566, with a probable error of 0-182 (Airy, in the Fhilos. Transact, for 1856, p. 342). A slight modification of this numerical value, made by Pro- fessor Stokes on account of the effect of the rotation and el- lipticity of the earth, gives the density for Harton, which lies at 54° 48' north latitude, at 6*565, and for the equator at 6-489. The mean of the two last results gives 5-62 for the density of the earth (taking that of water as 1), and consequently much more than the densest finely granular basalt, which, according to the numerous experiments of Leonhard, varies from 2-95 to 3-67, and more than that of magnetic iron (4-9 to 5*2), and not much less than that of the native arsenic of Marienberg or Joachimsthal. We have already elsewhere observed (Cosmos, vol. i., p. 167) that from the great distribu- tion of secondary and tertiary fomiations, and of those up- heaved strata which constitute the visible continental part of our earth's surface (the Plutonic and volcanic upheavals being scattered in the form of islands over a small area of space), the solid portion of the upper part of the earth's crust possesses a density scarcely reaching from 2*4 to 2-6. If we assume with Rigaud that the relation of the solid to the fluid oceanic surface of our^obe is as 10 : 27, and if further we consider that the latteWias been found by experiments with the sounding-lead to extend to a depth of 27,700 feet, the whole density of the upper strata, which underlie the dry and oceanic surfaces, scarcely equals 1*5. The distinguished geometrician Plana has correctly observed that the author of the Mecanique Celeste was in error when he ascribed to the upper stratum of the earth a density equal to that of granite, which, moreover, he estimated somewhat highly at 3, which would give him 10-047 for the density of the centre of the earth.* This density would, according to Plana, be 16*27, * Laplace, Micanlque Celeste^ ed. de 1846, t. v., p. 57. The mean 36 COSMOS. if we assume that of the upper strata =1'83, which differs but slightly from the total density of 1-5 or 1*6 of the earth's crust. The vertical pendulum, no less than the horizontal torsion-balance, may certainly be designated as a geognostic instrument ; but the geology of the inaccessible parts of the interior of our globe is, like the astrognosy of the unillumin- ated celestial bodies, to be received with considerable cau- tion. In a portion of my work, which treats of volcanic phenomena, I can not wholly pass in silence those problems which have been suggested by other inquirers in reference to the currents pervading the general fluid in the interior of our planet, or the probable or improbable periodically ebb- ing and flowing movement in individual and imperfectly filled basins, or the existence of portions of space, having a very specific weight of granite can not be set down at more than 2-7, since the bi-axial white potash-mica, and green uni-axial magnesia-mica range from 2-85 to 3-1, while the other constituents of this rock, namely, quartz and feldspar, are 2-56 and 2-65. Even oligoclase is only 2-68. If hornblende rises as high as 3*17, syenite, in which feld- spar always predominates, never rises above 2*8. As argillaceous schist varies from 2*69 to 2*78, while pure dolomite, lying below lime- stone, equals only 2*88, chalk 2-72, and gypsum and rock-salt only 2*3, I consider that the density of those continental parts of the crust of our earth, which are appreciable to us, should be placed at 2*6 rather than at 2 4. Laplace, on the supposition that the earth's density in- creases in arithmetical progression from the surface toward the cen- tre, and on the assumption (which is assuredly erroneous) that the density of the upper stratum is equal to 3, has found 4*7647 for the mean density of the whole earth, which deviates very considerably from the results obtained by Reich (5*577) and by Baily (5*660) ; this deviation being much greater than could be accounted for by the prob- able error of observation. In a recent discussion on the hypothesis of Laplace, which will soon form a very interesting paper in Schu- macher's Astr. Nachrichten, Plana has arrived at the result that, by a different method of treating this hypothesis, Reich's mean density of the earth, and the density of the dry and oceanic superficial strata, which I estimated at 1*6, as well as the^llipticity, within the limits that seem probable for the latter value, may be very closely approxi- mated to. "If the compressibility of the substances of which the earth is formed," writes the Turin geometrician, "has given rise to regular strata nearly elliptical in form, and having a density which increases from the surface toward the centre, we may be allowed to suppose that these strata, in the act of becoming consolidated, have experienced modifications which, although they are actually very small, are nevertheless large enough to preclude the possibility of our deducing, with all the precision that we could desire, the condition of tlie solid earth from its prior state of fluidity. This reflection has made me attach the greater weight to the first hypothesis advanced by the author of the Mecanique Celeste^ and I have consequently determ- ined upon submitting it to a new investigation." THE HEAT OF THE EARTH. 37 low Specific gravity and underlying the upheaved mountain chains.* In a work devoted to cosmical phenomena no question should be overlooked on which actual observations have been instituted, or which may seem to be elucidated by close analogies. b. The Existence and Distribution of Heat in the interior of our Globe. (Expansion of the Delineation of Nature, Cosmos, vol. i., pt 1G8-176.) Considerations regarding the internal heat of our earth, the importance of which has been greatly augmented by the connection which is now generally recognized to exist be- tween it and phenomena of upheavals and of volcanic action, are based partly upon direct, and therefore incontrovertible measurements of temperature in springs, borings, and sub- terranean mines, and partly upon analytical combinations regarding the gradual cooling of our planet, and the influence which the decrease of heat may have exercised in primeval ages upon the velocity of rotation and upon the direction of the currents of internal heat.f The figure of the com- pressed terrestrial spheroid is further dependent upon the law, according to which density increases in concentric su- perimposed non-homogeneous strata. The first or experi- mental, and therefore the more certain portion of the inves- tigation to which we shall limit ourselves in the present place, throws light only upon the accessible crust of the earth, which is of viry inconsiderable thickness, while the second or mathematical part, in accordance with the nature of its applications, yields rather negative than positive results. This method of inquiry, which possesses all the charm of ingenious a*d intellectual combinations of thought, J leads to problems, which can not be wholly overlooked when we touch upon conjectures regarding the origin of volcanic forces, and the reaction of the fused interior upon the solid external crust of our earth. Plato's geognostic myth of the Pyriphlcgethon,§ as the origin of all thermic springs, as well * See Petit su7' la latitude de t Observatoire de Toulouse, la densite moyenne de la chaine des Pyrenees, et la probabilite qu'il existe un vide sous sette chaine, in the Comptes rendus de tAcad. des Sc, t. xxix., 1849, p. 730. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 176. % Hopkins, Physical Geology, in the Report of the British Association for 1838, p. 92; Philos. Transact., 1839, pt. li., p. 381, and 1840, pt. 1., p. 193; Hennessey {Terrestrial Physics), in the Philos. Transact., 1851, pt. ii., p. 504-525. § Cosmos, vol. i., p. 237. 38 COSMOS. as of volcanic igneous currents, emanated from the early and generally felt requirement of discovering some common cause for a great and complicated series of phenomena. Amid the multiplicity of relations presented by the earth's surface, in respect to insolation (solar action) and its capacity of radiating heat, and amid the great differences in the ca- pacity for conducting heat, which varies in accordance with the composition and density of heterogeneous rocks, it is worthy of notice, that wherever ^le observations have been conducted with care, and under favorable circumstances, the increase of the temperature with the depth has been found to present for the most part very closely coinciding results, even at very different localities. For very great depths we obtain the most certain results from Artesian wells, especial- ly when they are filled with fluids that have been rendered turbid by the admixture of clay, and are therefore less favor- able to the passage of internal currents, and when they do not receive many lateral affluents flowing into them at differ- ent elevations through transverse fissures. On account of their depth, we will begin with two of the most remarkable Artesian wells, namely, that of Grenelle, near Paris, and that of the New Salt-works at Oeynhausen, near Minden. We will proceed in the following paragraph to give some of the most accurate results which they have yielded. According to the ingenious measurements of Walferdin,* to whom we are indebted for a complete series of very deli- cate apparatus for determinations of temperature at great depths in the sea and in springs, the ^rface of the basin of the well at Grenelle lies at an elevation of 36*24 metres, or 119 feet, above the level of the sea. The upper outlet of the ascending spring is 33'33 metres, or 109-3 feet, higher. This total elevation of the ascending water (69*57 metres, or 228*2 feet) is, when compared with the level of the sea, about 196*8 feet lower than the outbreak of the green sandstone strata in the hills near Lusigny, southeast of Paris, to whose infiltrations the rise of the waters in the Artesian wells at Grenelle have been ascribed. The borings extend to a depth of 547 metres, or 1794-6 feet, below the base of the Grenelle basin, or about 510-76 metres, or 1675 feet, below the level * The observations of Walferdin were made in the autumn of 1847, and deviate very slightly from the results obtained with the same ap- paratus by Arago, in 1840, at a depth of 1657 feet, when the borer had left the chalk and was beginning to penetrate through the gault. See Cosmos, vol. i., p. 174, and Comptes rendus, t. xi., 1840, p. 707. INTERNAL HEAT OF THE EARTH. 39 of the sea ; the waters, consequently, rise to a total height of 580-33 metres, or 1904 feet. The temperature of the spring is 81°-95 F. ; consequently the increase of heat marks 1° F. for about every 59 feet. The boring at the New Salt-works at Rehme is situated 231 feet above the level of the sea (above the water-mark at Amsterdam). It has penetrated to an absolute depth of 2281 feet below the surface of the earth, measuring from the point where the operations were begun. The salt spring, which, when it bursts forth, is impregnated with a large quantity of carbonic acid, lies, therefore, 2052 feet below the level of the sea — a relative depth which is perhaps the great- est that has ever been reached by man in the interior of the earth. The temperature of the salt spring at the New Salt- works of Oeynhausen is 91° 04 F. ; and, as the mean annual temperature of the air at these works is about 49°'3 F., we may assume that there is an increase of temperature of 1° F. for every 54-68 feet. The boring at these Salt-works* is, therefore, 491 feet absolutely deeper than the boring at Gre- nelle ; it sinks 377 feet deeper below the surface of the sea, and the temperature of its waters is 9°*18 F. higher. The increase of the heat at Paris is about 1° F. for 59 feet, and therefore scarcely -jJ^th greater. I have already elsewhere drawn attention to the fact that a similar result was obtained by Auguste de la Rive and Marcet, at Bre'gny, near Geneva, in investigating a boring which was only 725 feet in depth, although it was situated at an elevation of more than 1600 feet above the Mediterranean Sea.f If to these three springs, which possess an absolute depth varying between 725 feet and 2285 feet, we add another, that of Monkwearmouth, near Newcastle (the water rising through a coal-mine which, according to Phillips, is worked * According to the manuscript results given by the superintendent of the mines of Oeynhausen. See Cosmos, vol. i., p. 157, 174; and .Bischof, Lehrbuch der Chem. und Phys. Geologie, bd. i., abth. 1, s. 154- 163. . In regard to absolute depth the borings at Mondorf, in the Grand Duchy at Luxemburg (2202 feet), approach most nearly to those at the New Salt-works at Oeynhausen. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 174; and Mcmoires de la Socicte d'Hist. Naturelle ' de Geneve, t. vi., 1833, p. 243. The comparison of a number of Arte- sian wells in the neighboi'hood of Lille with those of Saint Ouen and Geneva would, indeed, lead us to assume, if we were quite certain as to the accuracy of the numerical data, that the different conductive powers of terrestrial and rocky strata exert a more considerable in- fluence than has generally been supposed (Poisson, Thcorie Mathema- tique de la Chaleur, p. 421). 40 COSMOS. at a depth of 1496 feet below the level of the sea), we shall find this remarkable result, that at four places widely sepa- rated from one another an increase of heat of 1° F. varies only between 54 and 58-6 feet;* such a coincidence in the results can not, however, be always expected to occur when we consider the nature of the means which are employed for determining the internal heat of the earth at definite depths. Although we may assume that the water which is infiltrated in elevated positions through hydrostatic pressure, as in con- nected tubes, may influence the rising of springs at points of great depth, and that the subterranean waters acquire the temperature of the terrestrial strata with which they are brought in contact, the*water that is obtained through bor- ings may, in certain cases, when communicating with vertic- ally descending fissures, obtain some augmentation of heat from an inaccessible depth. An influence of this kind, which is very diflferent from that of the varying conductive power of different rocks, may occur at individual points widely dis- tant from the original boring. It is probable that the waters in the interior of our earth move in some cases within limit- ed spaces, flowing either in streams through fissures (on which account it is not unusual to find that a few only of a large number of contiguous borings prove successful), or else follow a horizontal direction, and thus form extensive basins — a re- lation which greatly favors the labor of boring, and in some rare cases betrays, by the presence of eels, muscles, or vege- table remains, a connection with the earth's surface. Al- though, from the causes which we have already indicated, the ascending springs are sometimes warmer than the slight depth of the boring would lead us to anticipate, the afflux of colder water which flows laterally through transverse fis- sures leads to an opposite result. It has already been observed that points situated on the same vertical line, at an inconsiderable depth within the in- * In a table of fourteen borings, which were more than one hundred yards in depth, and wliich were situated in various parts of Fvance, Bravais, in his very instructive encyclopedic memoir in the Pati'ia^ 1847, p. 145, indicates nine in which an increase of temperature of 1° F. is found to occur for every 50-70 feet of depth, which would give a deviation of about 10 feet in either direction from the mean value given in the text. See also Magnus, in Poggen., Ann,, bd. xxii., 1831, s. 146. It would appear, on the whole, that the increase of temperature is most rapid in Artesian wells of very considerable depth, although the very deep wells of Monte Massi, in Tuscany, and Neuffen, on the northwest part of the Swabian Alps, present a remarkable ex- ception to this rule. INVARIABLE TEMPERATURE. 41 terior of our earth, experience at very different times the maximum and minimum of atmospheric temperature, which is modified by the sun's place and by the seasons of the year. According to the very accurate observations of Quetelet, daily variations of temperature are not perceptible at depths of Sfths feet below the surface ;* and at Brussels the high- est temperature was not indicated until the 10th of Decem- ber, in a thermometer which had been sunk to a depth of more than 25 feet, while the lowest temperature was ob- jferved on the 15th of June. In like manner, in the admira- ble experiments made by Professor Forbes, in the neighbor- hood of Edinburgh, on the conductive power of different rocks, the maximum of heat was not observed until the 8th of January in the basaltic trap of Calton Hill, at a depth of 24 feet below the surface.f It would appear, from the ob- servations which were carried on for many years by Arago in the garden of the Paris Observatory, that very small dif- ferences of temperature were perceptible 30 feet below the surface. Bravais calculated one degree for about every 50 feet on the high northern latitude of Bossekop, in Finmark (69° 58^ N. lat.). The difference between the highest and lowest annual temperature diminishes in proportion with the depth, and according to Fourrier this difference dimin- ishes in a geometrical proportion as the depth increases in an arithmetical ratio. The stratum of invariable temperature depends, in respect to its depth, conjointly upon the latitude of the place, the con- ductive power of the surrounding strata, and the amount of difference of temperature between the hottest and the coldest seasons of the year. In the latitude of Paris (48° 50^ the depth and temperature of the Caves de V Ohservatoire (86 feet and 53°'30 F.) are usually regarded as affording the amount of depth and temperature of the invariable stratum. Since Cassini and Legentil, in 1783, placed a very correct mercurial thermometer in these subterranean caves, which are portions of old stone quarries, the mercury in the tube has risen about 0°-4.{ Whether the cause of this rising is to be ascribed to * Quetelet, in the Bulletin de VAcad. de Brnxelles, 1836, p. 75. f Forbes, Exper. on the Temperature of the Earth at different Depths, in the Trans, of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh,. yo\. xvi., 1849, pt. ii., p. 189. X All numbers referring to the temperature of the Caves de VOb- servatoire have been taken from the work of Poisson, Th'corie Mathc- matique de la Chaleur, p. 415 and 462. The Annuaire Mctcorologiq^ie de la France, edited by Martins and Haeghens, 1849, p. 88, contains 42 COSMOS. V an accidental alteration in the thermometrical scale which, however, was adjusted by Arago in 1817 with his usual care, or whether it indicates an actual increase of heat, is still undecided. The mean temperature of the air at Paris is 51°*478 F. Bravais is of opinion that the thermometer in the Caves de V Observatoire stands below the limit of invari- able temperature, although Cassini believes that he has founc^ a difference of x^injtl^s of a degree (Fahr.) between the winter and summer temperature, the higher temperature being found to prevail in the winter.* If we now take the mean o^ many observations of the temperature of the soil between the parallels of Zurich (47^ 22") and Upsala (59° 51^, we obtain an increase of 1° F. for every 40 feet. Differences of latitude can not produce a difference of more than 12 or 15 feet, which is not marked by any regular alteration from south to north, because the influence which the latitude un- doubtedly exerts is masked within these narrow limits by the influence of the conductive power of the soil, and by errors of observation. As the terrestrial stratum in which we first cease to ob- serve any alteration of temperature through the whole year lies, according to the theory of the distribution of heat, so much the nearer the surface, as the maxima and minima of the mean annual temperature approximate tcf one another, a consideration of this subject has led my friend Boussingault to the inojenious and convenient method of determinino; the mean temperature of a place within the tropical regions (es- pecially between 10 degrees north and south of the equator) by observing a thermometer which has been buried 8 or 12 inches below the surfiice of the soil in some well-protected spot. At different hours and different months of the year, as in the experiments of Captain Hall near the coast of the Choco in Tumaco, those at Salaza in Quito, and those of Boussingault in la Vega de Zupia, Marmato, and Anserma Nuevo in the Cauca valley, the temperature scarcely varied one tenth of a degree ; and almost within the same limits it was identical with the mean temperature of the air at those places in which it had been determined by horary observa- tions. It was, moreover, very remarkable that this identity corrections by Gay-Lussac for Lavoisier's subterranean thermometer. The mean of three readings, from June till August, was 53°'95 F. for this thermometer, at a time when Gay-Lussac found the temperature to be 53°-32, which was therefore a difference of 0°-63. * Cassini, in the Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences^ 1786, p. 511. INVARIABLE *STRATUM. 43 remained perfectly uniform, whether the thermometric sound- ings (of less than one foot in depth) were made on the torrid shores of Guayaquil and Payta, on the Pacific, or in an Indian village on the side of the volcano of Purace, which I found from my barometrical measurements to be situated at an elevation of 1356 toises, or 8671 feet above the sea. The mean temperatures differed by fully 25° F. at these different stations.* I believe that special attention is due to two observations which I made on the mountains of Peru and Mexico, in mines which lie at a greater elevation than the summit of the Peak of TenerifFe, and are therefore the highest in which a thermometer has ever been placed. At a height of be- tween 12,000 and 13,000 feet above the level of the sea I found the subterranean air 25° F. warmer than the external atmosphere. Thus, for instance, the little Peruvian town of Micuipampaj lies, according to my astronomical and hypso- * Boussingault, Sur la j^^ofondem- a laquelle on trouve dans la zone torride la couche de temperatm-e invariable, in the Annates de Chimie et de Physique, t. liii,, 1833, p. 225-247. Objections have been advanced by John Caldecott, the astronomer to the Rajah of Travancore, and by Captain Newbold, in India, against the method recommended in this memoir, although it has been employed in South America in many very accurate experiments. Caldecott found at Trevandrum (Edin. Transact., vol. xvi., part iii., p. 379-393) that the temperature of the soil, at a depth of three feet and more below the surface (and there- fore deeper than Boussingault's calculation), was 85° and 86° F., while the mean temperature of the air was 80°*02. Newbold's experiments {Philos. Transact for the Year 1845, pt. i., p. 133), which were made at Bellary, lat, 15° 5', showed an increase of temperature of 4° F. be- tween sunrise and 2 P.M. for one foot of depth ; but at Cassargode, lat. 12° 29', there was only an increase of l°-30 F., under a cloudy sky. Is it quite certain that the thermometer in this case Avas sufficiently covered to protect it from the influence of the sun's rays ? Compare also Forbes, Exper. on the Temp, of the Earth at different Depths, in the Edin. Transact., vol. xvi., part ii., p. 189. Colonel A. Costa, the ad- mirable historian of New Granada, has made a prolonged series of ob- servations, which fully confirm Boussingault's statement, and which were completed, about a year ago, at Guadua, on the southwestern side of the elevated plateau of Bogota, where the mean annual tem- perature is 43° -94 F. at the depth of one foot, and at a carefully pro- tected spot. Boussingault thus refers to these experiments: "The observations of Colonel A. Costa, whose extreme precision in every thing which is connected with meteorology is well known to you, prove that, when fulli/ sheltered from all disturbing influences, the temperature within the tropics remains constant at a very small depth below the surface." t In reference to Gualgayoc (or Minas de Chota) and Micuipampa, see Humboldt, Recueil d^ Observ. Astron., vol. i., p. 324. 44 COSMOS. metrical observations, in the latitude 6° 43^ S., and at an elevation of 1857 toises, or 11,990 feet, at the base of Cerro de Gualgayoc, celebrated for the richness of its silver mines. The summit of this almost isolated fortress-like and pictur- esquely situated mountain rises 240 toises, or 1504 feet, high- er than the streets of Micuipampa ; the external air at a dis- tance from the mouth of the pit of the Mina del Purgatorio was 42°*26 F. ; but in the interior of the mine, which lies more than 2057 toises, or 13,154 feet above the sea, I saw that the thermometer every where indicated a temperature of 67°*64 F., there being thus a difference of 25°-38 F. The limestone rock was here perfectly dry, and very few men were working in the mine. In the Min£W de Guadalupe, which lies at the same elevation, I found that the temper- ature of the internal air was 57°*9 F., showing, therefore, a difference of 15°*64 F. when compared with the external air. The water which flowed out from the very damp mine stood at 52°*34 F. The mean annual temperature of Micui- pampa is probably not more than 45° -8 F. In Mexico, in the rich silver mines of Guanaxuato,* I found, in the Mina de Valenciana, the external temperature in the neighborhood of the Tiro Nuevo (which is 7590 feet above the sea) 70°-16 F., and the air in the deepest mines — for instance, in the Planes de San Bernardo — 1630 'feet below the opening of the shaft of Tiro Nuevo, fully 80°*6 F., which is about the mean tem- perature of the littoral region of the Gulf of Mexico. At a point 147 feet higher than the mouth of the Planes de San Bernardo, a spring of water issues from the transverse rock, in which the temperature is 84°*74 F. I determined the latitude of the mountain town of Guanaxuato to be 21° O'N., with a mean annual temperature varying between 60°*44 and 61°-26 F. The present is not a fitting place in which to advance conjectures, which it might be diflicult to establish in relation to the causes of probably an entirely local rise of the subterranean temperature at mountain elevations, varying from 6000 to more than 12,000 feet. A remarkable contrast is exhibited in the steppes of Northern Asia, by the conditions of the frozen soil, whose very existence was doubted, notwithstanding the early testi- mony of Gmelin and Pallas. It is only in recent times that correct views in relation to the distribution and thickness of the stratum of subterranean ice have been established by * Essai Polit. sur le Roy. de la Nouv, Espagne (2eme ed., t. iii., p. 201). THE FROZEN SOIL. 45 means of the admirable investigations of Erman, Baer, and MiddendorfF. In accordance with the descriptions given of Greenland by Cranz, of Spitzbergen by Martens and Phipps, and of the coasts of the sea of Kara by Sujew, the whole of the most northern part of Siberia was described by too hasty a generalization as entirely devoid of vegetation, always froz- en on the surface, and covered with perpetual snow, even in the plains. The extreme limit of vegetation in Northern Asia is not, as was long assumed, in the parallel of 67°, al- though sea-winds and the neighborhood of the Bay of Obi make this estimate true for Obdorsk ; for in the valley of the great River Lena high trees grow as far north as the latitude of 71°. Even in the desolate islands of New Si- beria, large herds of rein-deer and countless lemmings find an adequate nourishment.* Middendoi'iF's two Siberian expe- ditions, which are distinguished by a spirit of keen observa- tion, adventurous daring, and the greatest perseverance in a laborious undertaking, were extended, from the year 1843 to 1846., as far north as the Taymir land in 75° 45' lat., and southeast as far as the Upper Amoor and the Sea of Ochotsk. The former of these perilous undertakings led the learned in- vestigator into a hitherto unvisited region, whose exploration was the more important in consequence of its being situated at equal distances from the eastern and western coasts of the old Continent. In addition to the distribution of organisms in high northern latitudes, as depending mainly upon climat- ic relations, it was directed by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences that the accurate determination of the tempera- ture of the ground and of the thickness of the subterranean frozen soil should be made the principal objects of the expe- dition. Observations were made in borings and mines, at a depth of froHi 20 to 60 feet, at more than twelve points (near Turuchansk, on the Jenisei, and oa the Lena), at relative dis- tances of from 1600 to 2000 geographi^lLmiles. The most important seat of these georaermic observations was, however, Schergin's shaft at Jakutsk, 62° 2' N. lat.f * E. von Baer, in Middendorff 's Reise in Sib., bd. i., s. 7. t The merchant Fedor Schergin, cashier to the Russian-American Trading Company, began, in the year 1828, to dig a well in the com-t- yard of a house belonging to the company. As he had only found frozen earth and no water at the depth of 90 feet, which he reached in 1830, he determined to give up the attempt, until Admiral Wrangel, who passed through Jakutsk on his way to Sitcha, in Russian America, and who saw how interesting it would be, in a scientific point of view, to penetrate through this subterranean stratum of ice, induced Scher- 20° •26 '' 21° •43 « 23° •27 " 24° •49 " 26° •60 " 46 COSMOS. Here a subterranean stratum of ice was pierced to a depth of more than 382 feet. The thermometer was sunk at eleven points along the lateral walls of the shaft, between the surface and the greatest depth, which was reached in 1837. The observer was obliged to be let down standing in a bucket, with one arm fastened to a rope, while he read off the ther- mometric scale. The series of observations, whose mean error does not amount to more than 0°-45 F., embrace the interval between April, 1844, and June, 1846. The decrease of cold was not proportional to the depth at individual points, but nevertheless the following results were obtained for the total increase of the mean temperatures for the different superimposed frozen strata : 50 feet 17°-13Fahr. 100 " 150 " 200 " 250 " 382 " After a very careful consideration of all these observa- tions, Middendorff* determined the general increase of tem- perature to be 1° F. for every space varying from 44°*5 to 52 feet.* This result shows a more rapid increase of heat gin to continue the boring ; and up to 1837, although an opening had been made to a depth of 382 feet below the surface, it had not pene- trated beyond the ice. * Middendorfl', Reise in Sib., bd. i., s. 125-133. "If we exclude," says Middendorff, " those depths which' did not quite reach 100 feet, on the ground that they were influenced by annual deviations of tem- perature, as was determined by experiments previously made in Si- beria, we shall still find certain anomalies in the partial increase of heat. Thus, for instance, between the depths of 150-200 feet the temperatui-e rises at a ratio of 1° F. for only 29^3 feet;, while between 250-300 feet the correspondipg increase is 96^4 feet. We may, there- fore, venture to assi^^iat the results of observations that have hith- erto been obtained flPlBhergin's shaft are by no means sufficient to determine with certainty the amount of the increase of temperature, and that, notwithstanding the great variations which may depend upon the different conductive powers of the terrestrial strata, and the dis- turbing influence of the air or water which enters from above, an in- crease of 1° F. occurs for every 44-52 feet. The result of 52 feet is the mean of six partial increases of temperature, measured at intervals of 50 feet between the depths of 100 and 382 feet. On comparing the mean annual temperature of Jakutsk, 13°-71 F., with that which was found from observation to be the mean temperature of the ice (26°-6) at the greatest depth of the mine (382 feet), I find 29^6 feet for every increase of 1 ° F. A comparison of the- temperature at the deepest part with that at a depth of 100 feet would give 44 4 feet for THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH. 47 in Schergin's shaft than has been obtained from different borings in Central Europe, whose results approximate closely to one another (see p. 39). The difference fluctuates be- tween ^th and ^th. The mean annual temperature of Ja- kutsk was determined at 13°*7 F. The oscillation between the summer and winter temperature is so great, according to Newerow's observations, which were continued for fifteen years (from 1829 to 1844), that sometimes for fourteen days consecutively, in July and August, the atmospheric tempera- ture rises as high as 77°, or even 84° -6 F. ; while during 120 consecutive winter days, from November to February, the cold falls to between — 42°-3 F. and —69° F. In estimat- ing the increase of temperature which was found on boring through the frozen soil, we must take into account the depth below the surface at which the ice exhibits the temperature of 32° F., and which is consequently the nearest to the lower limit of the frozen soil ; according to Middendorff 's results, which entirely agree with those that had been obtained much earlier by Erman, this point was found in Schergin's shaft to be 652, or 684 feet below the surface. It would appear, however, from the increase of temperature which was ob- this increase. From the acute investigations of Middendoiff and Peters, in reference to the velocity of transmission of changes of at- mospheric temperature, including the maxima of cold and heat (Mid- dend., s. 133-157, 168-175), it follows that in the different borings, which do not exceed the inconsiderable depth of from 8 to 20 feet, " the temperature rises from March to October, and falls from Novem- ber to April, because the spring and autumn are the seasons of the year in which the changes of atmospheric temperature are most con- siderable" (s. 142-145). Even carefully covered mines in Northern Siberia become gradually cooled, in consequence of the walls of the shafts having been for years in contact with the air ; this cause, how- ever, has only made the temperature fall about 1° F. in Schergin's shaft, in the course of eighteen years. A remarkable and hitherto un- expITlined phenomenon, which has also presented itself in the Scher- gin shaft, is the warmth occasionally observed in the winter, although only at the lowest strata, without any appreciable influence from with- out (s. 156-178). It seems still more striking to me, that in the bor- ings at Wedensk, on the Pasina, when the atmospheric temperature is —31° F., it should be 26°'-4 at the inconsiderable depth of 5 or 10 feet ! The isogeothermal lines, whose direction was first pointed out by KupflPer in his admirable investigations (Cosmos, vol. i., p. 219), will long continue to present problems that we are unable to solve. The solution of these problems is more especially difficult in those cases in which the complete perforation of the frozen soil is a work of con- siderable time ; we can, however, no longer regard the frozen soil at Jakutsk as a merely local phenomenon, which, in accordance with Slobin's view, is produced by the terrestrial strata deposited from wa- ter (Middend., s. 167). 48 COSMOS. served in the mines of Mangan, Shilow, and Dawydow, which are situated at about three or four miles from Irkutsk, in the chain of hills on the left bank of the Lena, and which are scarcely more than 60 feet in depth, that the normal stratum of perpetual frost seems to be situated at 320 feet below the surface.* Is this inequality only apparent in consequence of the uncertainty which attaches to a numerical determina- tion, based on so inconsiderable a depth, and does the in- crease of temperature obey diflferent laws at different times? Is it certain that if we were to make a horizontal section of several hundred fathoms from the deepest part of Schergin's shaft into the adjoining country, we should find in every di- rection and at every distance from the mine frozen soil, in which the thermometer would indicate a temperature of 4°*5 below the freezing point ? Schrenk has examined the frozen soil in 67° 30^ N. lat.,in the country of the Samojedes. In the neighborhood of Pustojenskoy Gorodok, fire is employed to facilitate the sinking of wells, and in the middle of summer ice was found at only 5 feet below the surface. This stratum could be traced for nearly 70 feet, when the works were suddenly stopped. The inhabitants were able to sledge over the neighboring lake of Usteje throughout the whole of the sum- mer of 1813. t During my Siberian expedition with Ehren- berg and Gustav Rose, we caused a boring to be made in a piece of turfy ground near Bogoslowsk (59° 44'' N. lat.), among the Ural Mountains, on the road to the Turjin mines. { We found pieces of ice at the depth of 5 feet, which were imbedded, breccia-like, in the frozen ground, below which bagan a stratum of thick ice, which we had not penetrated at the depth of 10 feet. The geographical extension of the frozen ground, that is to say, the limits within which ice and frozen earth are fbund at a certain depth, even in the lAonth of August, and conse- * MiddendorfF, bd. i., s. 160, 164, 179. In these numerical data and conjectures regarding the thickness of the frozen soil, it is assumed that the temperature increases in arithmetical progression with the depth. Whether a retardation of this increase occurs in greater depths is theoretically uncertain, and hence there is no use in entering upon deceptive calculations regarding the temperature of the centre of the earth in the fused heterogeneous rocky masses which give rise to cur- rents. t Schrenk's Eeise durch die Tmdern der Samojeden, 1848, th. i., s. 597. X Gustav Rose, Reise nack dem Ural, bd. i., s. 428, THE FROZEN SOIL. 49 quently throughout the whole year, in the most northern parts of the Scandinavian peninsula, as far east as the coasts of Asia, depends, according to MiddendorfF's acute observa- tions (like all geothermal relations), more upon local influ- ences than upon the temperature of the atmosphere. The influence of the latter is, on the whole, no doubt, stronger than any other ; but the isogeothermal lines are not, as Kupf- fer has remarked, parallel in their convex and concave curves to climatic isothermal lines, which are determined by the means of the atmospheric temperature. The infiltration of liquid vapors deposited by the air, the rising of thermal springs from a depth, and the varying conductive powers of the soil, appear to be especially active.* "On the most northern point of the European continent, in Finmark, be- tween the high latitudes of 70° and 71°, there is as yet no continuous tract of frozen soil. To the eastward, im- pinging upon the valley of the Obi, 5° south of the North Cape, we find frozen ground at Obdorsk and Beresow. To the east and southeast of this point the cold of the soil in- creases, excepting at Tobolsk, on the Irtisch, where the tem- perature of the soil is colder than at Witimsk, in the valley of the Lena, which lies 1° farther north. Turuchansk (G5° 54^ N. lat.) on the Jenisei, is situated upon an unfrozen soil, al- though it is close to the limits of the ice. The soil at Am- ginsk, southeast of Jakutsk, presents as low a temperature as that of Obdorsk, which lies 5° farther north; the same being the ca^e with Oleminsk, on the Jenisei. From the Obi to the latter river the curve formed by the limits of the frozen soil seems to rise a couple of degrees farther north, after which it intersects, as it turns southward, the Lena valley, almost 8° south of the Jenisei. Farther eastward, this line again rises in a northerly direction."! KupfFer, who has visited the mines of Nertshinsk, draws attention to the fact that, independently of the continuous northern mass * Compare my friend G. von Helmersen's experiments on the rela- tive conductive powers of different kinds of rocks {Mem, de V Academie de St. Petershourg : Melanges Physiques et Chimiques, 1851, p. 32). t Middendorff, bd. i., s. 166. Compare also s. 179. " The curve representing the commencement of the freezing of the soil in North- ern Asia exhibits two convexities, inclining southward, one on the Obi, which is very inconsiderable, and the other on the Lena, which is much more strongly marked. The limit of the frozen soil passes from Berresow, on the Obi, toward Turuchansk, on the Jenisei; it then runs between "Witimsk and Oleminsk, on the right bank of the- Lena, and, ascending northward, turns to the east." Vol. v.— C 50 ' COSMOS. of frozen soil, the phenomenon occurs in an island-like form in the more southern districts, but in general it is entirely independent of the limits of vegetation, or of the growth of timber. It is a very considerable advance in our knowledge, when we are able gradually to arrive at general and sound cosmical views of the relations of temperature of our earth m the northern portions of the old continent, and to recognize the fact that under different meridians the limits of the frozen soil, as well as those of the mean annual temperature and of the growth of trees, are situated at very different lati- tudes ; whence it is obvious that continuous currents of heat must be generated in the interior of our planet. Franklin found in the northwest part of America that the ground was frozen even in the middle of August at a depth of 16 inches ; while Richardson observed, upon a more eastern point of the coast, in 71° 12'' lat., that the ice-stratum was thawed in July as low as three feet beneath the herb-covered surface. Would that scientific travelers would afford us more general information regarding the geothermal relations in this part of the earth and in the southern hemisphere ! An insight into the connection of phenomena is the most certain means of leading us to the causes of apparently involved anomalies, and to the comprehension of that which we are apt too hastily to regard as at variance with normal laws. c. Magnetic Activity of the Earth in its three Manifestations of Force — Intensity, Inclination, and Variation. — Points {called the Magnetic Poles) in which the Inclination is 90°. — Curves on ivhich no Inclination is observed (Magnetic Equator). — The Four different 3Iaxima of Intensity. — Curve of weakest Intensity. — Extraordinat^ Disturbances of the Declination {Magnetic Storms). — Polar Light. (Extension of the Picture of Nature, Cosmos, vol. i., p. 176-202; vol. ii., p. 333-336 ; and vol. iv., p. 82-86.) The magnetic constitution of our planet can only be de- duced from the many and various manifestations of terres- trial force in as far as it presents measurable relations in space and time, These manifestations have the peculiar property of exhibiting perpetual variability of phenomena to a much higher degree even than the temperature, gaseous • admixture, and electrical tension of the lower strata of the atmosphere. Such a constant change in the nearly-allied THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE. 51 magnetic and electrical conditions of matter, moreover, es- sentially distinguishes the phenomena of electro-magnetism from those which are influenced by the primitive fundament- al force of matter — its molecular attraction and the attrac- tion of masses at definite distances. To establish laws in that which is ever varying is, however, the highest object of every investigation of a physical force. Although it has. been shown by the labors of Coulomb and Arago that the electro-magnetic process may be excited in the most vari- ous substances, it has nevertheless been proved by Faraday's brilliant discovery of diamagnetism (by the differences of the direction of the axes, whether they incline north and south, or east and west) that the heterogeneity of matter exerts an influence distinct from the attraction of masses. Oxygen gas, when inclosed in a thin gfass tube, will show itself un- der the action of a magnet to be paramagnetic, inclining north and south like iron ; and while nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbonic acid gases remain unaffected, phosphorus, leather, and wood show themselves to be liiamagnetic, and arrange themselves equatorially from east to west. The ancient Greeks and Romans were acquainted with the adhesion of iron to the magnet, attraction and repulsion, and the transmission of the attracting action through brass vessels as well as through rings, which were strung together in a chain-like form, as long as one of the rings was kept in contact with the magnet ;* and they were likewise acquaint- ed with the non-attraction of wood and of all metals, except- ing iron. The force of polarity, which the magnet is able to impart to a movable body susceptible of its influence, was entirely unknown to the Western nations (Phoenicians, Tuscans, Greeks, and Komans). The first notice which we meet with among the nations of Western Europe of the knowledge of this force of polarity, which has exerted so im- portant an influence on the improvement and extension of navigation, and which, from its utilitarian value, has led so continuously to the inquiry after one universally diffused, although previously unobserved force of nature, does not date farther back than the 11th and 12th centuries. In the history and enumeration of the principal epochs of a physic- * The principal passage referring to the magnetic chain of rings occurs in Plato's Ion., p. 533, D.E, ed. Steph. Mention has been made of this transmission of the attracting action not only by Pliny (xxxiv., 14) and Lucretius (vi., 910), but also by Augustine {De civitate Dei, XX., 4) and Philo (Z>e Mtmdi opificio, p. 32 D, ed. 1G91). 52 COSMOS. al contemplation of the universe, it has been found necessa- ry to divide into several sections, and to notice, the sources from which we derive our knowledge of that which we have here summarily arranged under one common point of view.* We find that the application among the Chinese of the directive power of the magnet, or the use of the north and south direction of magnetic needles floating on the surface of water, dates to an epoch which is^ probably more ancient than the Doric migration and the return of the Heraclidae into the Peloponnesus. It seems, moreover, very striking that the use of the south direction of the needle should have been first applied in Eastern Asia not to navigation but to land traveling. In the anterior part of the magnetic wagon a freely floating needle moved the arm and hand of a small figure, which pointed toward the south. An apparatus of this kind (caMed fse-nan, indicator of the south) was present- ed during the dynasty of the Tscheu, 1100 years before our era, to the embassadors of Tonquin and Cochin-China, to guide them ove^ the vast plains which they would have to cross in their homeward journey. The magnetic wagon was used as late as the loth century of our era.f Several of these wagons were carefully preserved in the imperial pal- ace, and were employed in the building of Buddhist monas- teries in fixing the points toward which the main sides of the edifice should be directed. The frequent application of magnetic apparatus gradually led the more intelligent of the people to physical considerations regarding the nature of magnetic phenomena. The Chinese eulogist of the magnet- ic needle, Kuopho (a writer of the age of Constantine the Great), compares, as I have already elsewhere remarked, the attractive force of the magnet with that of rubbed amber. This force, according to him, is " like a breath of wind * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 188 ; vol. ii., p. 253. t Humboldt. Asie Centrak, t. i., p. xl.-xlii. ; and Examen Crit. de tHist. de la Geographie, t. iii,, p. 35. Eduard Biot, who has extend- ed and confirmed by his own careful and bibliographical studies, and with the assistance of my learned friend Stanislas Julien, the inves- tigations made by Klaproth in reference to the epoch at which the magnetic needle was first used in China, adduces an old tradition, according to which the magnetic wagon was already in use in the reign of the Emperor Hoang-ti. No allusion to this tradition can, however, be found in any writers prior to the early Christian ages. This cele- brated monarch is presumed to have lived 2600 years before our era (that is to say, 1000 years before the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt). Ed. Biot, sur la direction de Vaiguille aimantee en Cliine in the Comptes rendus de VAcad. des Sciences, t. xix., 1844, p. 822. THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE. 53 which mysteriously breathes through these two bodies, and has the property of thoroughly permeating them with the rapidity of an arrow." The symbolical expression of " breath of wind" reminds us of the equally symbohcal designation of soul, which in Grecian antiquity was applied by Thales, the founder of the Ionian School, to both these attracting sub- stances— soul signifying here the inner principle of the mov- ing agent.* As the excessive mobility of the floating Chinese needles rendered it difficult to observe and note down the indications which they afforded, another arrangement was adopted in their place as early as the 12th century of our era, in which the needle that was freely suspended in the air was attached to a fine cotton or silken thread exactly in the same manner as Coulomb's suspension, which was first used^by William Gilbert in Western Europe. By means of this more perfect apparatus,! the Chinese as early as the beginning of the 12th century determined the amount of the western valuation, which in that portion of Asia seems only to xmdergo very in- considerable and slow changes. From its use on land, the compass was finally adapted to maritime purposes, and* under the dynasty of Tsin, in the 4th century of our era, Chinese vessels under the guidance of the compass visited Indian ports and the eastern coast of Aft-ica. Fully 200 years earlier, under the reign of Marcus Aure- lius Antoninus, who is called An-tun by the writers of the . * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 188. Aristotle {De Anima, i., 2) speaks only of the animation of the magnet as of an opinion that originated with Thales. Diogenes Laertius interprets this statement as applying also distinctly to amber, for he says, "Aristotle and Hippias maintain as to the doctrine enounced by Thales." . . . The sophist Hippias of Elis, who flattered himself that he possessed universal knowledge, oc- cupied himself with physical science and with the most ancient tradi- tions of the physiological school. "The attracting breath," which, ac- cording to the Chinese physicist, Kuopho, "permeates both the mag- net and amber," reminds us, according to Buschmann's investigations into the Mexican language, of the aztec name of the magnet tlaihio- anani tetl, signifying "the stone which attracts by its breath" (from i/iioil, breath, and ana, to draw or attract). t The remarks which Klaproth has extracted from the Penthsaoyan regarding this singular apparatus are given more fully in the Munrj- khi-])i-than, Cowptes rendus, t. xix., p. 365. We may here ask why, in this latter treatise, as well as in a Chinese book on plants, it is stated that the cypress turns toward the west, and, more generally, that the magnetic needle points toward the south ? Does this imply a more luxuriant development of the- branches on the side nearest the sun, or in consequence of the direction of the prevalent winds ? 54 COSMOS. dynasty of Han, Roman legates came by sea by way of Ton- quin to China. The application of the magnetic needle to European navigation was, however, not owing to so transient a source of intercourse ; for it was not until its use had be- come general throughout the whole of the Indian Ocean, along the shores of Persia and Arabia, that it was introduced into the West in the 12th century, either directly through the influence of the Arabs or through the agency of the Cru- saders, who since 1096 had been brought in contact with Egypt and the true Oriental regions. In historical investi- gations of this nature, we can only determine with certainty those epochs which must be considered as the latest limits beyond which it would be impossible for us to urge our in- quiries. In the politico-satirical poem of Guyot of Provins, the mariner's compass is spoken of (1199) as an instrument that had been long known to the Christian world ; and this is also the case in the description of Palestine, which we owe to thelBishop of Ptolemais, Jaques de Vitry, and which was completed between the years 1204 and 1215. Guided by the magnetic needle, the Catalans sailed along the northern island* of Scotland as well as along the western shores of tropical Africa, the Basques ventured forth in search of the whale, and the Northmen made their way to the Azores (the Bracir islands of Picigano). The Spanish Leyes de las Par- tidas {del sahio Hey Don Alonso el nono), belonging to the first half of the 13th century, extolled the magnetic needle as " the true mediatrix {medianera) between the magnetic stone {la piedra) and the north star." Gilbert also, in his celebrated work De Magnete Physiologia Nova, speaks of the mariner's compass as a Chinese invention, although he inconsiderately adds that Marco Polo, " qui apud Chinas artem pyxidis di- dicit,"- first brought it to Italy. As, however, Marco Polo began his travels in 1271, and returned in 1295, it is evident, from the testimony of Guyot of Provins and Jaques de Vi- tiy, that the compass was, at all events, used in European seas from 60 to 70 years before Marco Polo set forth on his journeyings. The designations zohron and aphron, which Vincent of Beauvais applied, in his Mirror of Nature, to the southern and northern ends of the magnetic needle (1254), seem to indicate that it was through Arabian pilots that Eu- ropeans became possessed of the Chinese compass. These designations point to the same learned and industrious nation of the Asiatic peninsula whose language too often vainly ap- peals to us in our celestial maps and globes. VARIATION CHARTS. 56 From the remarks which I have already made, there can scarcely be a doubt that the general application of the mag- netic needle by Europeans to oceanic navigation as early as the 12th century, and perhaps even earlier in individual cases, originally proceeded from the basin of the Mediterranean. The most essential share in its use seems to have belonged to the Moorish pilots, the Genoese, Venetians, Majorcans, and Catalans. The latter people, under the guidance of their celebrated countryman, the navigator, Don Jaime Fer- rer, penetrated, in 1346, to the mouth of the Rio de Ouro (23° 40^ N. lat.), on the western coast of Africa; and, ac- cording to the testimony of Raymundus Lullus (in his nauti- cal work, JF^enix de las Maravillas del Orbe, 1286), the Barce- lonians employed atlases, astrolabes, and compasses, long be- fore Jaime Ferrer. The knowledge of the amount of magnetic variation is of a very early date, and was simultaneously imparted by the Chinese to Indian, Malay, and Arabian seamen, through whose agency it must necessarily have spread along the shores of the Mediterranean. This element of navigation, which is so indispensable to the correction of a ship's reck- oning, was then determined less by the rising and setting of the sun than by the polar star, and in both cases the determ- ination was very uncertain ; notwithstanding which, we find it marked down upon charts, as, for instance, upon the very scarce atlas of Andrea Bianco, which was drawn out in the year 1436. Columbus, who had no more claim than Sebas- tian Cabot to be regarded as the first discoverer of the vari- ation of the. magnetic needle, had the great merit of determ- ining astronomically the position of a line of no variation 2i° east of the island of Corvo, in the Azores, on the 13th of September, 1492. He found, as he penetrated into the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, that the variation pass- ed gradually from northeast to northwest. This observation led him to the idea, which has so much occupied navigators in later times, of finding the longitude by the position of the curves of variation, which he still imagined to be parallel to the meridian. We learn from his ship's log that when he was uncertain of his. position during his second voyage (1496), he actually endeavored to steer his way by observ- ing the declination. The insight into the possibility of such a method was undoubtedly that uncommunicable secret of longitude which Sebastian Cabot boasted on his death-bed of having acquired through special divine manifestation. 56 COSMOS. The idea of a curve of no declination in the Atlantic was associated in the easily excited fancy of Columbus with oth- er somewhat vague views of alterations of climate, of an anomalous configuration of the earth, and of extraordinary motions of the heavenly bodies, in which he found a motive for converting a physical into a political boundary line. Thus the ra2/a, on which the agujas de marear point directly to the polar star, became the line of demarkation between the king- doms of Portugal and Castillo ; and from the importance of determining with astronomical exactness the geographical length of such a boundary in both hemispheres, and over ev- ery part of the earth's surface, an arrogant Papal decree, al- though it failed in effecting this aim, nevertheless exerted a beneficial effect on the extension of astronomico-nautical science and on the improvement of magnetic instruments. (Humboldt, Examen Crit. de la Geog., t. iii., p. 54.) Felipe Guillen, of Seville, in 1525, and probably still earlier the cosmographer Alonso de Santa Cruz, teacher of mathematics to the young Emperor Charles V., constructed new variation compasses by which solar altitudes could be taken. The lat- ter in 1530, and therefore fully 150 years before Halley, drew up the first general variation chart; nlthough it was certain- ly based upon very imperfect materials. We may form some idea of the interest that had been excited in reference to terrestrial magnetism in the IGth century, after the death of Columbus, and during the contest regarding the line of demarkation, when we find that Juan Jayme made a voyage in 1585, with Francisco Gali, from the Philipines to Aca- pulco, for the sole purpose of testing by a long trial in the South Sea a Declinatorium of his own invention. Amid this generally diffused taste for practical observa- tion we trace the same tendency to theoretical speculations which always accompanies or even more frequently precedes the former. Many old traditions current among Indian and Arabian sailors speak of rocky islands which bring death and destruction to the hapless mariner, by attracting, through their magnetic force, all the iron which connects together the planks of the ship, or even by immovably fixing the en- tire vessel. The effect of such delusions as these was to give rise to a conception of the concurrence, at the poles, of lines of magnetic variation, represented materially under the image of a high magnetic rock lying near one of the poles. On the remarkable chart of the New Continent, which was added to the Latin edition of 1508 of tlie Geography of FIRST USE OF THE LOG. 57 Ptolemy, we find that north of Greenland (Gruentlant), which is represented as belonging to the eastern portion of Asia, the north magnetic pole is depicted as an insular mountain. Its position was gradually marked as being far- ther south in the Breve Compendio de la Sphera, by Martin Cortez, 1545, as well as in the Geograpliia di Tolomeo^ of Liveo Sanuto, 1588. The attainment of this point, called el calamitico, was associated with great expectations, since it was supposed in accordance with a delusion, which was not dissipated till long afterward, that some miraculoso stupendo effetto would be experienced by those who reached it. Until toward the end of the 16th century men occupied themselves only with those phenomena of variation which exerted a direct influence on the ship's reckoning and the de- termination of its place at sea. Instead of the one line of no variation, which had been found by Columbus in 1492, the learned Jesuit, Acosta, who had been instructed by Portu- guese pilots (1589), expressed the belief, in his admirable Historia Natural de las IndiaSf that he was able to indicate four such lines. As the ship's reckoning, together with the accurate determination of the direction (or of the angle measured by the corrected compass), also requires the dis- tance the ship had made, the introduction of the log, al- though this mode of measuring is even at the present day very imperfect, nevertheless marked an important epoch in the history of navigation. I believe that I have proved, al- though contrary to previously adopted opinions, that the first certain evidence of the use of the log* (la cadena de la popa, la corredera) occurs in the journal which was kept by An- tonio Pigafetta during the voyage of Magellan, and which refers to the month of January, 1521. Columbus, Juan de la Cosa, Sebastian Cabot, and Vasco de Gama, were not ac- quainted with the log and its mode of application, and they * Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 256-258. In the time of King Edward III. of England, when, as Sir Harris -Nicolas (^History of the Royal Navy, 184:7, vol. ii., p. 180) has shown, ships were guided by the compass, which was then called the sail-stone dial, sailing -needle, or adamant, we find it expressly stated in the accounts of the expenses for equip- ping the king's ship. The George, in the year 1345, that sixteen hour- glasses had been bought in Flanders. This statement, however, is by no means a proof of the use of the log. The ampoUetas (or hour- glasses) of the Spaniards were, as we most plainly find from the statements of Enciso in Cespides, in use long before the introduc- tion of the log, " echando punto por fantasia in la corredera de Io8 perezosos." C2 58 COSMOS. estimated the ship's speed merely by the eye, while they found the distance they had made by the running down of the sand in the glasses known as ampolletas. For a considerable pe- riod the horizontal declincUion from the north pole was the only element of magnetic force that was made use of, but at length (in 157G) the second element, inclination, began to be first measured. Kobert Norman was the first who determ^ ined the inclination of the magnetic needle in London, which he noted with no slight degree of accuracy by means of an inclinatorium, which he had himself invented. It was not until 200 years afterward that attempts were made to meas- ure the third element, the intensity of the magnetic terrestrial force. About the close of the 16th century, William Gilbert, a man who excited the admiration of Galileo, although his merits were wholly unappreciated by Bacon, first laid down comprehensive views of the magnetic force of the earth.* He clearly distinguished magnetism from electricity by their several effects, although he looked upon both as emanations of one and the same fundamental force, pervading all matter. Like other men of genius, he had obtained many happy re- sults from feeble analogies, and the clear views which he had taken of terrestrial magnetism (de magno magnete tellure) led him to ascribe the magnetization of the vertical iron rods on the steeples of old church towers to the effect of this force. He, too, was the first in Europe who showed that iron might be rendered magnetic by being touched with the magnet, al- though the Chinese had been aware of the fact nearly 500 years before him.'j' Even then, Gilbert gave steel the pref- erence over soft iron, because the former has the power of more permanently retaining the force imparted to it, and of thus becoming for a longer time a conductor of magnetism. In the course of the I7th century, the navigation of the * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 177. Calamitico was the name given to these instruments in consequence of the first needles for the compass hav- ing been made in the shape of a frog. t See Gilbert, Physiologia Nova de Magnete, lib. iii., cap. viii., p, 124. Even Pliny (Cosmos, vol. i., p. 177) remarks generally, without, how- ever, referring to the act of touching, that magnetism may be impart- ed for a long period of time to iron. Gilbert expresses himself as follows in reference to the vulgar opinion of a magnetic mountain : " Vulgaris opinio de montibus magneticis aut rupe aliqua magnetica, de polo phantastico a polo mundi distante" (1. c. p. 42-98). The va- riation and advance of the magnetic lines were entirely unknown to him. "Varietas uniuscujusque loci constans est" (1. c. 42, 98, 152, 153). THE MAGNETIC POLES. 59 Netherlanders, British, Spaniards, and French, which had been so widely extended by more perfect methods of determ- ining the direction and length of the ship's course, increased the knowledge of those lines of no variation which, as I have already remarked. Father Acosta had endeavored to reduce into a system.* Cornelius Van Schouten indicated, in 1616, points lying in the midst of the Pacific and southeast of the Marquesas Islands in which the variation was null. Even noAy there lies in this region a singular, closed system of isogonic lines, in which every group of the internal concentric curves indicates a smaller amount of variation.t The emulation which was exhibited in trying to find methods for determin- ing longitudes, not only by means of the variation, but also by the inclination (which, when it was observed under a cloudy, starless sky, aere caliginoso^X was said by Wright to be "worth much gold"), led to the multiplication of instru- ments for magnetic observations, while it tended, at the same time, to increase the activity of the observers. The Jesuit Cabeus of Ferrara, Ridley, Lieutaud (1668), and Henry Bond (1676), distinguished themselves in this manner. Indeed, the contest between the latter and Beckborrow, together with Acosta's view that there were four lines of no variation which divided the entire surface of the earth, may very prob- ably have had some influence on the theory advanced in 168.3 by Halley, of four magnetic poles or points of convergence. Halley is identified with an important epoch in the history of terrestrial magnetism. He assumed that there was in each hemisphere a magnetic pole of greater and lesser intens- ity, consequently four points with 90° incHnation of the needle, precisely as we now find among the four points of greatest intensity an analogous inequality in the maximum of intensity for each hemisphere, that is to say, in the rapid- ity of the oscillations of the needle in the direction of the magnetic meridian. The pole of greatest intensity was situ- * Historia Natural de las Indias, lib. i., cap. 17. * t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 181. X In the very careful obsen'ations of inclination which I made on the Pacific, I demonstrated the conditions under which an acquaintance with the amount of the inclination may be of important practical util- ity in the determination of the latitude during the prevalence, on the coasts of Peru, of the Garua, when both the sun and stars are obscured (Cosmos, vol. i., p. 180). The Jesuit Cabeus, author of the Philoso- phia Magnetica (in qua nova quaedam pyxis explicatur, <\n&i poll eleva- tionem ubique demonstrat), drew attention to this fact during the first half of the 1 7th ccnturv. 60 COSMOS. ated, according to Halley, in 70° S. lat., 120° east of Green- wich, and therefore almost in the meridian of King George's Sound in New Holland (Nuyts Land).* Halley's three voy- ages, which were made in the years 1698, 1699, and 1702, were midertaken with the view of elaborating a theory which must have owed its origin solely to the earlier voyage which he had made seven years before to St. Helena, and to the imperfect observations of variation made by Baffin, Hudson, and Cornelius van Schouten. These were the first expedi- tions which were equipped by any government for the estab- lishment of a great scientific object — that of observing one of the elements of terrestrial force on which the safety of navi- gation is especially dependent. As Halley penetrated to 52° south of the equator, he was able to construct the first cir- cumstantial variation chart, which affords to the theoretical labors of the 19 th century a point of comparison, although certainly not a very remote one, of the advancing' movement of the curves of variation. Halley's attempt to combine graphically together by lines different points of equal variation was a very happy one,t since it has given us a comprehensive and clear insight into the connection of the results already accumulated. My iso- thermal lines (that is to say, lines of equal heat or mean an- nual summer and winter temperature), which were early re- ceived with much favor by physicists, have been formed on a similar plan to Halley's isogonic curves. These lines, es- pecially since they have been extended and greatly improved by Dove, are intended to afford a clear view of the distribu- tion of heat on the earth's surface, and of the principal de- pendence of this distribution on the form of the solid and fluid parts of the earth, and the reciprocal position of continental and oceanic masses. Halley's purely scientific expeditions stand so much the more apart from others, since they were not, like many later expeditions, fitted out at the expense of the government with the object of making geographical dis- coveries, Ih addition to the results which they have yielded * Edmund Halley, in the Philos. Transact, for 1683, vol. xii., No. 118, p. 216. t Lines of tins kind, which he called tractus chalyhoeUtlcos, were marked down upon a chart by Father Christopher Burrus in Lisbon, and offered by him to the King of Spain for a large sum of money ; these lines being drawn for the purpose of showing and determining longitudes at sea. See Kircher's Magnes, ed. 2, p. 443. The first va- riation chart, which was made in 1530, has already been referred to in the text (p. 56). THE MAGNETIC POLES. 61 in respect to terrestrial magnetism, they were also the means of affording us an important catalogue of southern stars as the fruits of Haliey's earlier sojourn in the island of St. He- lena in the years 1677 and 1678. This catalogue was, more- over, the first that was drawn up after telescopes had been combined, according to Morin's and Gascoigne's methods, with instruments of measurement.* As the 17th century had been distinguished by an advance in a more thorough knowledge of the position of the lines of variation, and by the first theoretical attempt to determine their points of convergence, viz., the magnetic poles, the 18th century was characterized by the discovery of horary period- ical alterations of variation. Graham has the incontestable merit of being the first to observe (London, 1722) these hour- ly variations with accuracy and persistency. Celsius and Hi- orter in Upsala,t who maintained a correspondence with him, contributed to the extension of our knowledge of this phe- nomenon. Brugmans, and after him Coulomb, who was en- dowed with higher mathematical powers, entered profoundly into the nature of terrestrial magnetism (1784-1788). Their ingenious physical experiments embraced the magnetic attrac- tion of all matter, the local distribution of the force in a mag- netic rod of a given form, and the law of its action at a dis- tance. In order to obtain accurate results, the vibrations of a horizontal needle suspended by a thread, as well as deflec- tions by a torsion balance, were in turn employed. The knowledge of the difference of intensity of terrestrial magnetism at different points of the earth's surface by the measurement of the vibrations of a vertical needle in the magnetic meridian is due solely to the ingenuity of the Cheva- lier Borda — not from any series of specially successful ex- periments, but by a process of reasoning, and by the decided influence which he exerted on those who were equipping themselves for remote expeditions. Borda's long-cherished conjectures were first confirmed by means of observations * Twenty years after Halley had drawn up his catalogue of south- ern stars at St. Helena (which, unfortunately, included none under the sixth magnitude) Hevelius boasted, in his Firmamentwn Sohescia- num, that he did not employ any telescope, but observed the heavens through fissures. Halley, who, during his visit to Dantzic in 1679, was present at these observations, praises their exactness somewhat too highly. Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 42. t Traces of the diurnal and horary variations of the magnetic force had been observed in London as early as 1634. by Hellibrand, and in Siam by Father Tachard, in 1682. 62 COSMOS. made from the year 1785 to 1787, by Lamanon, the com- panion of La Perouse. These results remained unknown, unheeded, and unpublished, although they had been commu- nicated as early as the summer of the last-named year to Condorcet, the Secretary of the Academic des Sciences. The first, and therefore certainly an imperfect knowledge of the important law of the variability of intensity in accordance with the magnetic latitude, belongs undoubtedly* to the un- fortunate but scientifically equipped expedition of La Perouse ; but the law itself, as I rejoice to think, was first incorporated in science by the publication of my observations, made from 1798 to 1804, in the south of France, in Spain, the Canary Islands, the interior of tropical America both north and south of the equator, and in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The successful expeditions of Le Gentil, Feuillee, and La- caille; the first attempt made by Wilke, in 1768, to con- struct an inclination chart; the memorable circumnaviga- tions of Bougainville, Cook, and Vancouver, have all tended, although by the help of instruments possessing veiy unequal degrees of exactness, to establish the previously neglected but very important element of inclination at various intervals of time, and at many different points — the observations being made more at sea, and in the immediate vicinity of the ocean, than in the interior of continents. Toward the close of the 18th century, the stationary observations of declination which were made by Cassini, Gilpin, and Beaufoy (from 1784 to 1790), with more perfect instruments, showed definitely that there is a periodical influence at difierent hours of the day, no less than at different seasons of the year — a discovery which imparted a new stimulus to magnetic investigations. In the 19th century, half of which has now expired, this increased activity has assumed a special character differing from any that has preceded it. We refer to the almost si- multaneous advance that has been made in all branches of the theory of terrestrial magnetism, comprising the numeric- al determination of the intensity, inclination, and variation of the force ; in physical discoveries in respect to the excita- tion and the amount of the distribution of magnetism ; and * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 185-187. The admirable construction of the inclination compass made by Lenoir, according to Borda's plan, the possibility of having long and free oscillations of the needle, the much diminished friction of the pivots, and the correct adjustment of instru- ments provided with scales, have been the means of enabling us accu- ratelv to measure the amount of the terrestrial force in different zones. PROGRESS IN MAGNETISM. 63 in the first and brilliant suggestions of a theory of terrestrial magnetism, which has been based by its founder, Friedrich Gauss, upon strictly mathematical combinations. The means which have led to these results are improvements in the in- struments and methods employed ; scientific maritime expe- ditions, which in number and magnitude have exceeded those of any other century, and which have been carefully equipped at the expense of their respective governments, and favored by the happy choice both of the commanders and of the ob- servers who have accompanied them ; and various expeditions by land, which, Jiaving penetrated far into the interior of continents, have been able to elucidate the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism, and to establish a large number of fixed stations situated in both hemispheres in corresponding north and south latitudes, and often in almost opposite lon- gitudes. These observatories, which are both magnetic and meteorological, form, as it were, a net-work over the earth's surface. By means of the ingenious combination of the ob- servations which have been published at the national expense in liussia and ^igland, important and unexpected results have been obtained. The establishment of a law regulating the manifestation of force which is a proximate, although not the ultimate, end of all investigations, has been satis- factorily effected in many individual phases of the phenome- non. All that has been discovered by means of physical ex- periments concerning the relations which terrestrial magnet- ism bears to excited electricity, to radiating heat and to light, and all that we may assume in reference to the only lately generalized phenomena of diamagnetism, and to that specific property of atmospheric oxygen — polarity — opens, at all events, the cheering prospect that w.e are drawing nearer to the actual nature of the magnetic force. In order to justify the praise which we have generally ex- pressed in reference to the magnetic labors of the first half of our century, 1 will here, in accordance with the nature and form of the present work, briefly enumerate the principal sources of our information, arranging them in some cases chronologically, and in others in groups.*" 1803-1806. Krusenstern's voyage round the world (1812); * The dates with which the following table begins (as, for instance, from 1803-180G) indicate the epoch of the observation, while ihe fig- ures which are marked in parenthesis, and appended to the titles of the works, indicate the date of their pubUcation, which was frequentlj much later. 64 COSMOS. the magnetic and astronomical portion was by Horner (bd. iii., s. 317). 1804. Investigation of the law of the increase in the in- tensity of terrestrial magnetic force from the magnetic equa- tor northward and southward, based upon observations made from 1799 to 1804. (Humboldt, Voyage aux Regions Equi- noxiales du Nouveau Continent, t. iii., p. 615-623 ; Lametherie, Journal de Physique, t. Ixix., 1804, p. 433 ; the first sketch of a chart showing the intensities of the force, Cosmos, vol. i., p. 185.) Later observations have shown that the minimum of the intensity does not correspond to the magnetic equator, and that the increase of the intensity in both hemispheres does not extend to the magnetic pole. 1805-1806. Gay-Lussac and Humboldt, Observations of Intensity in the south of France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany. Memoires de la Societe d'Arcueil, t. i., p. 1-22. Compare the observations of Quetelet, 1830 and 1839, with a *' Carte de I'intensite magnetique horizontale entre Paris et Naples," in the Mem. de'VAcad. de Bruxelles, t. xiv. ; the observations of Forbes in Germany, Flanders, and Italy, in 1832 and 1837 {Transact, of the Royal Soc of Edinburgh, \o\. XV., p. 27); the extremely accurate observations of Eiidberg in France, Germany, and Sweden, 1832 ; the observations of Dr. Bache (Director of the Coast Survey of the United States), 1837 and 1840, at twenty-one stations, both in refer- ence to inclination and intensity. 1806-1807. A long series of observations at Berlin on the horary variations of declination and the recurrence of magnetic storms (perturbations), by Humboldt and Oltmanns, mainly at the periods of the solstices and equinoxes for five and six, or even sometimes nine days, and as many nights consecutively, by means of Prony's magnetic telescope, which allowed arcs of seven or eight seconds to be distinguished. 1812. Morichini, of Rome, maintained that non-magnetic steel-needles become magnetic by contact with the violet rays of light. Regarding the long contention excited by this as- sertion, and the ingenious experiments of Mrs. Somerville, together with the wholly negative results of Riess and Moser, see Sir David Brewster, Treatise on Magnetism, 1837, p. 48. 1815-1818.") ^, , . . ,. r.^,, ^ono_i oop f The two circumnavigation voyages ot Otto von Kotzebue : the first in the Ruric ; the second, five years later, in the Predprijatie. 1817-1848. The series of great scientific n/aritime expe- ARCTIC EXPEDITIONS. 66 ditions equipped by the French government, and which yield- ed such rich results to our knowledge of terrestrial magnet- ism— beginning with Freycinet's voyage in the corvette Uranie, 1817-1820; and followed by Duperrey in the frig- ate La Coquille, 1822-1825 ; Bougainville in the frigate Thetis, 1824-1826 ; Dumont d'Urville in the Astrolabe, 1826- 1829, and to the south pole in the Zelee, 1837-1840 ; Jules De Blosseville to India, 1828 (Herbert, Asiat Researches, vol. xviii., p. 4 ; Humboldt, Asie Cent, t. iii., p. 468), and to Ice- land, 1833 (Lottin, Voy. de la liecherche, 1836, p. 376-409); Du Petit Thouars with Tessan in the Venus, 1837-1839 ; De Vaillant in the Bonite, 1836-1837 ; the voyage of the " Commission Scientifique du Nord" (Lottin, Bravais, Mar- tins, Siljestrom) to Scandinavia, Lapland, the Faroe Islands, and Spitzbergen in the corvette La Recherche, 1835-1840; Be'rard to the Gulf of Mexico and North America, 1838 — to the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena, 1842 and 1846 (Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1849, pt. ii., p. 175) ; and Francis de Castlenau, Voyage dans les parties Centrales de VAmerique du Sud, 1847-1850. 1818-1851. The series of important and adventurous ex- peditions in the Arctic Polar Seas through the instrument- ality of the British government, first suggested by the praise- worthy zeal of John Barrow ; Edward Sabine's magnetic and astronomical observations in Sir John Ross's voyage to Davis' Straits, Baffin's Bay, and Lancaster Sound in 1818, as well as in Parry's voyage in the Hecla and Griper, through Barrow Straits to Melville Island, 1819-1820; Franklin, Richardson, and Back, 1819-1822, and again frpm 1825- 1827 ; Back alone from 1833-1835, when almost the only food that the expedition could obtain for weeks together was a lichen {Gyrophora pustulatd), the "Tripe de Roche" of the Canadian hunters, which has been chemically analyzed by John Stenhouse in the Phil. Transact, for 1849, pt. ii., p. 393 ; Parry's second exjJfedition with Lyon in the Fu7y and Hecla, 1821-1823; Parry's third voyage with James Ross, 1824- 1825 ; Parry's fourth voyage, when he attempted, with Lieu- tenants Foster and Crozier, to penetrate northward from Spitzbergen on the ice in 1827, when they reached the lati- tude 82° 45^ ; John Ross, together with his accomplished nephew James Ross, in a second voyage undertaken at the expense of Felix Booth, and which was rendered the more perilous on account of protracted detention in the ice, name- ly, from 1829 to 1833 ; Dease and Simpson of the Hudson's 66 COSMOS. Bay Company, 1838-1839 ; and more recently, in search of Sir John Franklin, the expeditions of Captains Ommanney, Austin, Fenny, Sir John lioss, and Phillips, 1850 and 1851. The expedition of Captain Penny reached the northern lat- itude of 77° 6^ Victoria Channel, into which Wellington Channel opens. 1819-1821. Bellinghausen's Voyage into the Antarctic Ocean. 1819. The appearance of the great work of Hansteen On the Magnetism of the Earth, which, however, was completed as early as 1813. This work has exercised an undoubted influence on the encouragement and better direction of geo- magnetic studies, and it was followed by the author's gener- al charts of the curves of equal inclination and intensity for a considerable part of the earth's surface. 1819. The observations of Admirals Koussin and Givry on the Brazilian coasts, between the mouths of the rivers Maranon and La Plata. 1819-1820. Oersted made the great discovery of the fact that a conductor that is being traversed by a closed electric current exerts a definite action upon the direction of the magnetic needle according to their relative positions, and as long as the current continues uninterrupted. The earliest extension of this discovery (together with that of the ex- hibition of metals from the alkalies and that of the two kinds of polarization of light — probably the most brilliant discovery of the century)* was due to Arago's observation, that a wire through which an electrical current is passing, even when made of copper or platinum, attracts and holds fast iron filings like a magnet, and that needles introduced into the interior of a galvanic helix become alternately charged by the opposite magnetic poles in accordance with the reversed direction of the coils {Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., t. XV., p. 93). The discovery of these phenomena, which were exhibited under the most varied moflifications, was fol- lowed by Ampere's ingenious theoretical combinations re- garding the alternating electro-magnetic actions of the mole- cules of ponderable bodies. These combinations were con- firmed by a series of new and highly ingenious instruments, and led to a knowledge of the laws of many hitherto appar- ently contradictory phenomena of magnetism. 1820-1824. Ferdinand von Wrangel's and Anjou's expe- * Malus's (1808) and Arago's (1811) ordinary and chromatic polari- zation of Light. See Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 332. ' MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 67 • dition to the north coasts of Siberia and to the Frozen Ocean. (Important phenomena of polar light; see th. ii., s. 259.) 1820. Scoresby's Account of the Arctic Regions ; experi- ments of magnetic intensity, vol. ii., p. 537-554. 1821. Seebeck's discovery of thermo-magnetism and ther- mo-electricity. The contact of two unequally warmed metals (especially bismuth and copper), or differences of temperature in the individual parts of a homogeneous metallic ring, were recognized as sources of the production of magneto-electric currents. 1821-1823. Weddell's Voyage into the Antarctic Ocean as far as lat. 74° 15^. 1822-1823. Sabine's two important expeditions for the accurate determination of the magnetic intensity and the length of the pendulum in different latitudes (from the east coasts of Africa to the equator, Brazil, Havana, Greenland as far as lat. 74° 23^, Norway and Spitzbergen in lat. 79° .50^). The results of these very comprehensive operations were first published in 1824, under the title of Account of Experiments to determine the Figure of 'the Earthy p. 460-509. 1824. Erikson's Magnetic Observations along the shores of the Baltic. 1825. Arago discovers Magnetism of dotation. The first suggestion that led tO this unexpected discovery was afford- ed by his observation on the side of the hill in Greenwich Park of the decrease in the duration of the oscillations of an inclination-needle by the action of neighboring non-magnetic substances. In Arago's rotation experiments the oscillations of the needle were affected by water, ice, glass, charcoal, and mercury.* 1825-1827. Magnetic Observations by Boussingault in different parts of South America (Marmato, Quito). 1826-1827. Observations of Intensity by Keilhau at 20 stations (in Finmark, Spitzbergen, and Bear Island), by Keilhau and Boeck, in Southern Germany and Italy (Schum., Ast7\ Nachj\, No. 146). 1826-1829. Admiral Lutke's Voyage Round the World; the magnetic part was most carefully prepared in 1834 by Lenz (see Partie Nautique du Voyage, 1836). 1826-1830. Captain Philip Parker King's Observations in the southern portions of the eastern and western coasts of South America (Brazil, Montevideo, the Straits of Ma- gellan, Chili, and Valparaiso). * Cosmoa, vol. i., p. 1^9. 68 COSMOS. 1827-1839. Quetelet, Etat du Magnetise Terrestre {Brvx- elks) pendant douze dnnees. Very accurate observations. 1827. Sabine, On the determination of the relative in- tensity of the magnetic terrestrial force in Paris and London. An analogous comparison between Paris and Christiana was made by Hansteen in 1825-1828 {Meeting of the British As- sociation at Liverpool, 1837, p. 19-23). The many results of intensity which had been obtained by French, English, and Scandinavian travelers now first admitted of being brought into numerical connection with oscillating needles, which had been compared together at the three above- named cities. These numbers, which could, therefore, now be established as relative values, were found to be for Paris, 1-348, as determined by myself; for London, 1-372, by Sa- bine; and for Christiana, 1-423, by Hansteen. They all refer to the intensity of the magnetic force at one point of the haagnetic equator (the curve of no inclination), which in- tersects the Peruvian Cordilleras between Micuipampa and Caxamarca, in south latitude 7° 2^, and western longitude 78° 48^, where the intensity was assumed by myself as — 1-000. This assumed standard (Humboldt, Recueil d' Ohserv. Astr., vol. ii., p. 382-385 ; and ' Voyage. aiix Regions Equin,, t. iii., p. 622) formed the basis, for forty years, of the reduc- tions given in all tables of intensity (Gay-Lussac, in the Mem. de la Societe d'Arcueil, t. i., 1807, p. 21 ; Hansteen, On the Magnetism of the Earth, 1819, p. 71; Sabine, in the Report of the British Association at Liverpool, p. 43-58). It has, however, in recent times been justly objected to on ac- count of its want of general applicability, because the line of no inclination* does not connect together the points of * "Before the practice was adopted of determining absolute values, the most generally used scale (and which still continues to be very fre- quently referred to) was founded on the time of vibration observed by M. de Humboldt, about the commencement of the present century, at a station in the An^es of South America, where the direction of the dipping-needle was horizontal, a condition which was for some time erroneously supposed to be an indication of the minimum of magnetic force at the earth's surface. From a compai-ison of the times of vibra- tion of M. de Humboldt's needle in South America and in Paris, the ratio of the magnetic force at Paris to what Avas supposed to be its minimum was inferred (1-348), and from the results so obtained, com- bined with a similar comparison made by myself between Paris and London in 1827, with several magnets, the ratio of the force in Lon- don to that of M. de Humboldt's original station in South America has been inferred to be 1-372 to 1*000. This is the origin of the num- ber 1-372, which has been generally employed by British observers. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. . 69 feeblest intensity (Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1846, pt. iii., p. 254 ; and in the Manual of Scient. Inquiry for the use of the British Navy, 1849, p. 17). 1828-1829. The Voyage of Hansteen and Due: Magnetic observations in European Russia, and in Eastern Siberia as far as Irkutsk. 1828-1830. Adolf Erman's voyage of circumnavigation, v^^ith his journey through Northern Asia, and his passage across both oceans, in the Russian frigate Krotkoi. The identity of the instruments employed, the uniformity of the methods, and the exactness of the astronomical determina- tions of position, will impart a permanent scientific reputa- tion to this expedition, which was equipped at the expense of a private individual, and conducted by a thoroughly well- informed and skillful observer. See the General Declination Chart, based upon Erman's observations in the Report of the Committee relative to the Arctic Expedition, 1840, pi. 3. 1828-1829. Humboldt's continuation of the observations begun in 1800 and 1807, at the time of the solstices and equinoxes regarding horary declination and the epochs of extraordinary perturbations, carried on in a magnetic pavil- ion specially erected for the purpose at l5erlin, and provided with one of Gambey's compasses. Corresponding measure- ments were made at St. Petersburg, Nikolajew, and in the mines of Freiberg, by Professor Reich, 227 feet below the surface of the soil. Dove and Riess continued these observ- ations in reference to the variation and intensity of the hori- zontal magnetic force till November, 1830 (Poggend.,^w7ia- len, bd. xv., s. 318-336 ; bd. xix., s. 375-391, with 16 tab. ; bd. XX., s. 545-555). 1829-1834. The botanist David Douglas, who met liis death in Owhyhee by falling into a trap in which a wild bull had previously been caught, made an admirable series of observations on declination and intensity along the north- west coast of America, and upon the Sandwich Islands as far as the margin of the crater of Kiraueah (Sabine, Rep. of the Meeting of the British Association at Liverp9ol, p. 27-32). « By absolute measurements we are not only enabled to compare numer- ically with one another the results of experiments made in the most distant parts of the globe, with apparatus not previously compared, but we also furnish the means of comparing hereafter the intensity which exists at the present epoch with that which may be found at future periods." Sabine, in the Manual for the use of the British Navy, 1849, p. 17. 70 COSMOS. 1829. KupfFer, Voyage au Mont Elhrouz dans le Caucase, p. 68-115. 1829. Humboldt's magnetic observations on terrestrial magnetism, with the simultaneous astronomical determina- tions of position in an expedition in Northern Asia, under- taken by command of the Emperor Nicholas, between the longitudes 11° 3^ and 80° 12^ east of Paris, near the Lake Dzaisan, as well as between the latitudes of 45° 43'' (the island of Birutschicassa, in the Caspian Sea) to 58° 52^, in the northern parts of the Ural district, near Werchoturie (Asie Centrak, t. iii., p. 440-478). 1829. The Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Peters- burg acceded to Humboldt's suggestion for the establish- ment of magnetic and meteorological stations in the different climatic zones of European and Asiatic Russia, as well as for the erection of a physical central observatory in the capi- tal of the empire under the efficient scientific direction of Professor Kupffer. (See Cosmos, vol. i., p. 190. KupfFer, Rapport Adresse a VAcad. de St. Petershourg relatif a VObser- vatoire physique central, fonde aupres da Coips des Mines, in Schum., Astr. Nachr., No. 726; and in his Annates Magne- tiques, p. xi.) Through the continued patronage which the Finance Minister, Count Cancrin, has awarded to every great scientific undertaking, a portion of the simultaneously corresponding observations* between the White Sea and the * The first idea of the utility of a systematic -and simultaneously conducted series of magnetic observations is due to Celsius, and, with- out referring to the discovery and measurement of the influence of polar light on magnetic variation, which was, in fact, due to his as- sistant, Olav Hiorter (March, 1741), we may mention that he was the means of inducing Graham, in the summer of 1741, to join him in his investigations for discovering whether certain extraordinary perturba- tions, which had from time to time exerted a horary influence on the course of the magnetic needle at Upsala, had also been observed at the same time by him in London. A simultaneity in the perturba- tions afforded a proof, he said, that the cause of these disturbances is extended over considerable portions of the earth's surface, and is not dependent upon accidental local actions (Celsius, in Svenska Veten- skaps Academiens Handlingar for 1740, p. 44; Hiorter, op. cit., 1747, p. 27). As Arago had recognized that the magnetic perturbations, owing fo polar light, are diffused over districts in which the phenom- ena of light which accompany magnetic storms have not been seen, he devised a plan by which he was enabled to carry on simultaneous horary observations (in 1823) with our common friend Kupffer at Kasan, which lies almost 47° east of Paris. Similar simultaneous ob- servations of declination were begun in 1828 by myself, in conjunction with Arago and Reich, at Berlin, Paris, and Freiberg (see Poggend., Annalen^ bd. xix., s. 337). MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 71 Crimea, and between the Gulf of Finland and the shores of the Pacific, in Russian America, were begun as early as 1832. A permanent magnetic station was established in the old monastery at Pekin, which from time to time, since the reign of Peter the Great, has been inhabited by monks of the Greek Church. The learned astronomer, Fuss, who took the principal part in the measurements for the determ- ination of the difference of level between the Caspian and the Black Sea, was chosen to arrange the first magnetic es- tablishments in China. At a subsequent period, Kupffer, in his Voyage of Circumnavigation, compared together all the instruments that had been employed in the magnetic and meteorological stations as far east as Nertschinsk in 119° 36^ longitude, and with the fundamental standards. The magnetic observations of Fedorow, in Siberia, which are no doubt highly valuable, are still unpublished. 1830-1845. Colonel Graham, of the topographical engi- neers of the United States, made observations on the mag- netic intensity at the southern boundary of Canada {Phil Transact for 1846, pt. iii., p. 242). 1830. Fuss, Magnetic, Astronomical, and Plypsometrical Observations on the journey from the Lake of Baikal, through Ergi-Oude, Durma, and the Gobi, which lies at an elevation of only 2525 feet, to Pekin, in order to establish the magnetic and meteorological observatory in that city, where Kovanko continued for ten years to prosecute his ob- servations {Rep. of the Seventh Meeting of the Brit. Assoc, 1837, p. 497-499 ; and Humboldt, Asie Centrale, t. i., p. 8 ; t. ii., p. 141 ; t. iii., p. 468, 477> 1831-1836. Captain Fitzroy, in his voyage round the world in the Beagle, as well as in the survey of the coasts of the most southern portions of America, with a Gambey's inclinatorium and oscillation needles supplied by Hansteen. 1831. Dimlop, Director of the Observatory of Paramatta, Observations on a voyage to Australia {Phil. Transact, for 1840, pt. i., p. 133-140). 1831. Faraday's induction-currents, whose theory has been extended by Nobili and Antinori. The great discov- ery of the development of light by magnets. 1833 and 1839 are the two important epochs of the first enunciation of the theoretical views of Gauss : (1) Intensitas vis magneticae terrestris ad mensuram absolutam revocata, 1833 ; (p. 3 : '• elementum tertium, intensitas, usque ad tempora recentiora penitus neglectum mansit") ; (2) the im- 72 COSMOS. mortal work on *' the general theory of terrestrial magnet- ism" (see Results of the Observations of the Magnetic As- sociation in the year 1838, edited by Gauss and Weber, 1839, p. 1-57). 1833. Observations of Barlow on the attraction of the ship's iron, and the means of determining its deflecting ac- tion on the compass ; Investigation of electro-magnetic cur- rents in Terrellas ; Isogonic atlases. (Compare Barlow's Essay on Magnetic Attraction, 1833, p. .89, with Poisson, sur les deviations de la boussole produite par le fer des vaisseaux, in the Jlem. de Vlnstitut, t. xvi., p. 481-555 ; Airy, in the Phil. Transact, for 1839, pt. i., p. 167; and for 1843, pt. ii., p. 146 ; Sir James Ross, in the Phil. Transact, for 1849, pt. ii., p. 177-195). 1833. Moser's methods of ascertaining the position and force of tha variable magnetic pole (Poggend., Annalen, bd. xxviii., s. 49-296). 1833. Christie on the Arctic observations of Captain Back, Phil. Transact, for 1836, pt. ii., p. 377. (Compare also his earlier and important the Phil. Transact, for 1825, pt. i., p. 23.) 1834. Parrot's expedition to Ararat {Magnetismus, bd. ii., s. 53-64). 1836. Major Estcourt, in the expedition of Colonel Ches- ney on the Euphrates. A portion of the observations on intensity were lost with the steamer Tigris, which is the n^ore to be regretted, since we are entirely deficient in accu- rate observations of this portion of the interior of Western Asia, and of the regions lying south of the Caspian Sea. 1836. Letter from M. A. de Humboldt to his Royal High- ness Duke of Sussex, President of the Royal Society of London, on the proper means of improving our knowledge of terrestrial magnetism by the establishment of magnetic stations and corresponding observations (April, 1836"). On the happy results of this appeal, and its influence on the great Antarctic expedition of Sir James Ross, see Cosmos, vol. i., p. 192, and Sir James Ross's Voyage to the Southern and Antarctic Regions^ 1847, vol. i., pt. xii. 1837. Sabine, On the Variations of the Magnetic Intensity of the Earth, in the Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Brit- ish Association at Liverpool, p. 1-85 : the most complete work of the kind. 1837-1838. Erection of a magnetic observatory at Dub- lin, by Professor Humphrey Lloyd. On the observations MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 73 made there from 1840 to 1846 (see Transact, of tlie Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxii., pt. i., p. 74-96). 1837. Sir David Brewster, A Treatise on Magnetism, p. 185-263. 1837-1842. Sir Edward Belcher's Voyage to Singapore, the Chinese Seas, and the western coasts of America {Phil. Transact, for 1843, pt. ii., p. 113, 140-142). These observ- ations of inclination, when compared with my own, which were made at an earlier date, show a very unequal advance of the curves. Thus, for instance, in 1803, I found the in- clinations at Acapulco, Guayaquil, and Callao de Lima to be +38° 48", +10° 42", and -9° 54^ while Sir Edward Belcher found +37° 57", +9° V, and -9° 54^ Can the frequent earthquakes upon the Peruvian coasts exert a local influence upon the phenomena which depend upon magnetic force of the earth ? 1838-1842. "Charles Wilkes's Narrative of the United States Exploiting Expedition, vol. i., p. xxi. 1838. Lieutenant James Sullivan's Voyage from Fal- mouth to the Falkland Islands (Fhil. Transact, for 1840, pt. i., p. 129, 140-143). 1838 and 1839. The establishment of magnetic stations under the admirable superintendence of General Sabine in both hemispheres, at the expense of the British government. The instruments were dispatched in 1839, and the observa- tions were begun at Toronto and in Van Diemen's Land in 1840, and at the Cape in 1841 (see Sir John Herschel in the Quarterly Review, vol. Ixvi., 1840, p. 297 ; and Becque- rel, Traite d' Electricite et de Magnetisme, t. vi., p. 173). By the careful and thorough elaboration of these, valuable ob- servations, which embrace all the elements or variations of the magnetic activity of the earth. General Sabine, as super- intendent of the Colonial observatories, discovered hitherto unrecognized laws, and disclosed new views in relation to the science of magnetism. The results of his investigations were collected by himself in a long series of separate mem- oi i (Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism) in the Philo- sophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, and in separate works, which constitute the basis of this portion of the Cosmos. We will here indicate only a few of the most important: (1) Observations on Days of unusual Magnetic Dis- turbances (Storms) in the Years 1840 and 1841, p. 1-107 ; and as a continuation of this treatise. Magnetic Storms from 1843-1845, in the Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. i., p. 123- VoL. v.— D 74 COSMOS. 139 ; (2) Observations made at the Magnetical Observatory at Toronto, 1840, 1841, and 1842 (43° 39^ N. lat., and 81° 41'' W. long.), vol. i., p. xiv.-xxviii. ; (3) The very variable Direc- tion of Magnetic Declination in one half of the Year at Long- wood House, St. Helena (15° 55^ S. lat., 8° 3^ W. long.), Philosophical Transactions for 1847, pt. i., p. 54; (4) Observ- ations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatoiy at the Cape of Good Hope, 1841-1846 ; (5) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Hobarton (42° 52" S. lat., 145° 7" E. long.), in Van DiemerHs -Land and the Antarctic Expedition, vol. i. and ii. (1841-1848) ; On the Separation of the Eastern and Western Disturbances, see vol. ii., p. ix.-xxxvi. ; (6) Magnetic Phenomena within the Antarctic Polar Circle, in KerguelerHs and Van DiemerCs Land {Phil Transact, for 1843, pt. ii., p. 145-231); (7) On the Isoclinal and Isodynamic Lines in the Atlantic Ocean, their Con- dition in 1837 (Phil. Transact, for 1840, pt. T., p. 129-155); (8) Basis of a chart of the Atlantic Ocean, which exhibits the lines of magi\etic variation between 60° N. lat. and 60° S. lat. for the year 1840 (Phil. Transact, for 1849, pt. ii., p. 173-233); (9) Methods of determining the absolute Values, secular Change, and annual Variation of the Magnetic Force (Phil. Transact, for 1850, pt. i.,»p. 201-219); Coincidence of the epochs of the greatest vicinity of the sun with the greatest intensity of the force in both hemispheres, and of the increase of inclination, p. 216; (10) On the Amount of Magnetic Intensity in the most Northern parts of the New Con- tinent, and upon the Point of greatest Magnetic Force found by Captain Lefroy in 52° 19" lat. (Phil. Transact, for 1846, pt. iii., p. 237-336); (11) The periodic Alterations of the three Elements of terrestrial Magnetism, Variation, Inclination, and Intensity at Toronto and Hobarton, and on the Connection of the decennial Period of Magnetic Alterations with the decennial Period of the frequency of Solar Spots, discovered by Schwabe at Dessau (Phil. Transact, for 1852, pt. i., p. 121-124). The observations of variation for 1846 and 1851 are to be con- sidered as a continuation of those indicated in No. 1, as be- longing to the years 1840-1845. 1839. Representation of magnetic isoclinal and isodynam- ic lines, from observations of Humphrey Lloyd, John Phil- lips, Robert Were Fox, James Ross, and Edward Sabine. As early as 1833 it was determined, at the meeting of the British Association in Cambridge, that the magnetic inclin- ation and intensity should be determined at several parts of MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 75 the empire, and in the summer of 1834 this suggestion was fully carried out by Professor Lloyd and General Sabine, and the operations of 1835 and 1836 were then extended to Wales and Scotland {Report of the Meeting of the Brit. Assoc, held at Newcastle, 1838, p. 49-196), with an isoclinal and isodynamic chart of the British islands, the intensity at London being taken as =1. 1838-1843. The^great exploring voyage of Sir James Ross to the South Pole, which is alike remarkable for the additions which it afforded to our knowledge by proving the existence of hitherto doubtful polar regions, as well as for the new light which it has diffused over the magnetic con- dition of large portions of the earth's surface. It embraces all the three elements of terrestrial magnetism numerically determined for almost two thirds of the area of all the high latitudes of the southern hemisphere. 1839-1851. Kreil's observations, which were continued for twelve years, at the Imperial Observatory at Prague, in reference to the variation of all the elements of terrestrial magnetism, and of the conjectured soli-lunar influence. 1840. Horary magnetic observations with one of Gam- bey's declination compasses during a ten years' residence in Chili, by Claudio Gay (see his Historia fhica y politica de Chile, 1847). 1840-1851. Lamont, Director of the Observatory at Mu- nich. The results of his magnetic observations, compared with those «f Gottingen, which date back as far as 1835. Investigation of the important law of a decennial period* in * Arago has left behind him a treasury of magnetical observations (upward of 52,600 in number) carried on from 1818 to 1835, which have been carefully edited by M. Fedor Thoman, and published in the (Euvres Completes de Francois Arago (t. iv., p. 498). In these observ- ations, for the series of years from 1821 to 1830, General Sabine has discovered the most complete confirmation of the decennial period of magnetic declination, and its correspondence with the same period, in the alternate frequency and rarity of the solar spots {Meteorological Es- says, London, 1855, p. 350). So early as the year 1850, when Schwabe published at Dessau his notices of the periodical return of the solar spots {Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 83), two years before Sabine first showed the decennial period of magnetic declination to be dependent on tlie solar spots (in March, 1852, Phil. Tr. for 1852, pt. i., p. 116-121 ; Cos- mos, vol. v., p. 76, note), the latter had already discovered the import- ant result that the sun operates on the earth's magnetism by the mag- netic power proper to its mass. He had discovered (Phil. Tr. for 1850, pt. i., p. 216; Cosmos, vol. v., p. 136) that the magnetic intensity is greatest, and that the needle approaches nearest to the vertical direc- tion, when the earth is nearest to the sun. The knowledge of such a 76 COSMOS. the alterations of declination (see Lamont in Poggend., A}i?i. der Phys., 1851, bd. 84, s. 572-582; and Relshuber, 1852, bd. 85, s. 179-184). The already-indicated conjectural con- nection between the periodical increase and decrease in the annual mean for the daily variation of declination in the magnetic needle, and the periodical frequency of the solar spots, was first made known by General Sabine in the Phil. Transact, for 1852; and four or five n^onths later, without any knowledge of the previous observations, the same re- sult was enunciated by Rudolf Wolf, the learned Director of the Observatory at Berne.* Lamont's manual of terres- trial magnetism, 1848, contains a notice of the newest meth- ods of observation, as well as of the development of these methods. 1840-1845. Bache, Director of the Coast Survey of the United States, Observ. made at the Magn, and Meteorol. Ob- servatoi-y at Girard College, Philadelphia (published in 1847). 1840-1842. Lieutenant Gilliss, U. S., Magnetical and Me- teorological Observations made at Washington, published 1847, p. 2-319; Magnetic Storms, p. 336. 1841-1843. Sir Robert Schomburgk's observations of declination in the woody district of Guiana, between the mountain Roraima and the village Pirara, between the par- allels of 4° 57^ and 3° 39^ {Phil. Transact, for 1849, pt. ii., p. 217). 1841-1845. Magnet, and Meteorol. Observations made at Madras. magnetical operation of the central body of our planetary system, not by its heat-producing quahty, but by its own magnetic power, as well as by changes in the Photosphere (the size and frequency of funnel- shaped openings), gives a higher cosmical Interest to the study of the earth's magnetism, and to the numerous magnetic observatories {Cos- mos, vol. i., p. 190; vol. v., p. 72) now planted over Kussia and North- ern Asia, since the resolutions of 1829, and over the colonies of Great Britain since 1840-1850. (Sabine, in the Proceedings of the Roy. Soc, vol. viii., No. 25, p. 400; and in the Phil. Trans. Jor 1856, p. 362.) * The treatise of Rudolf Wolf, referred to in the text, contains special daily observation of the sun's spots (from January 1 to June 30, 1852) and a table of Lamont's periodical variations of declina- tion, with Schwabe's results on the frequency of solar spots (1835- 1850). These results were laid before the meeting of the Physical Society of Berne on the 31st of July, 1852, while the more compre- hensive treatise of Sabine {Phil. Transact., 1852, p. 116-121) had been presented to the Royal Society of London in the beginning of March, and read in the beginning of May, 1852. From the most re- cent investigations of the observations of solar spots, Wolf finds that between the years 1600 and 1852 the mean period was 11-11 years. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. It 1843-1844. Magnetic observations in Sir Thomas Bris- bane's observatory at Makerston, Koxburghshire, 55° 34^ N. lat. (see Transact, of the Royal Society of Edinb., vol. xvii., pt. ii., p. 188 ; and vol. xviii., p. 46). 1843-1849. Kreil, On the Ivfaence of the Alps upon the Manifestations of the Magnetic Force (see Solium., Astr. Nachr., No. 602). 1844-1845. Expedition of the Pagoda into high antarc- tic latitudes, as far as 64° and 67°, and from 4° to 117° E. long., embracing all the three elements of terrestrial mag- netism, under the command of Lieutenant Moore, who had already served in the Terror, in the polar expedition ; and of Lieutenant Clerk, of the Royal Artillery, and formerly Director of the Magnetic Observatory at the Cape. A worthy completion of the labors of Sir James Ross at the South Pole. 1845. Proceedings of the Magn. and Meteorol. Conference held at Cambridge. 1845. Observations made at the Magn. and Meteorol. Observ- atoi^ at Bombay, under the superintendence of Arthur Bed- ford Orlebar. This observatory was erected in 1841, on the little island of Colaba. 1845-1850. Six volumes of the Pesidts of the Magn. and Meteorol. Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. The magnetic house was erected in 1838. 1845. SimonofF, Professor at Kazan, Pecherches sur V action magnetique de la Terre. 1846-1849. Captain Elliot, Madras Engineers, Magnetic Survey of the Eastern Archipelago. Sixteen stations, at each of which observations were continued for several months in Borneo, Celebes, Sumatra, the Nicobars, and Keeling isl- ands, compared with Madras, between 16° N. lat. and 12° S. lat., and 78° and 123° E. long. {Pkil. Transact, for 1851, pt. i., p. 287-331, and also p. i.-clvii.). Charts of equal in- clination and declination, which also expressed the horizon- tal and total force, were appended to these observations, which also give the position of the magnetic equator and of the line of no variation, and belong to the most distinguish- ed and comprehensive that had been drawn up in modern times. 1845-1850. Faraday's brilliant physical discoveries: (1) In relation to the axial or equatorial (diamagnetic*) direc- * See Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 84. Diamagnetic repulsion and an equa- torial, that is to say, an east and -west position in respect to a power- 78 COSMOS. tion assumed by freely-oscillating bodies under external mag- netic influences {Phil. Transact, for 1846, § 2420, and Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. i., § 2718-2796); (2) Kegarding the relation of electro-magnetism to a ray of polarized light, and the rotation of the latter by means of the altered molecular condition of the bodies through which the ray of polarized light and the magnetic current have both been transmitted {Phil Transact, for 1846, pt. i., § 2195 and § 2215-2221); (3) Regarding the remarkable property which oxygen (the only gas which is paramagnetic) exerts on the dements of terrestrial magnetism, namely, that like soft iron, although in a much weaker degree, it assumes conditions of polarity through the diffused action of the body of the earth, which represents a permanently present magnet* {Phil Transact, for 1851, pt. i., § 2297-2967). ful magnet, are exhibited by bismuth, antimony, silver, phosphorus, rock-salt, ivory, wood, apple-shavings, and leather. Oxygen gas, either pure or when mixed with other gases, or when condensed in the inter- stices of charcoal, is paramagnetic. See, in reference to crystallized bodies, the ingenious observations made by Plucker concerning the position of certain axes (Poggend., AnnaL^ bd. Ixxiii., s. 178; and Phil Transact, for 1851, § 2836-2842). The repulsion by bismuth was first recognized by Brugmans in 1788, next by Le Bailiff in 1827, and, finally, more thoroughly tested by Seebeck in 1828. Faraday himself (§ 2429-2431), Reich, and Wilhelm Weber, who, from the year 1836, has shown himself so incessantly active in his endeavors to promote the progress of terrestrial magnetism, have all endeavored to exhibit the connection of diamagnetic phenomena with those of induc- tion (Poggend., Annalen, bd. Ixxiii., s. 241-253). Weber has, more- over, tried to prove that diamagnetism derives its source from Am- pere's molecular currents. (Wilh. Weber, Ahhandlungen iiber electro- dynamische Maassbesthnmungen, 1852, s. 545-570.) * In order to excite this polarity, the magnetic fluids in every par- ticle of oxygen must be separated, to a certain extent, by the actio in distans of the earth in a definite direction, and with a definite force. Every particle of oxygen thus represents a small magnet, and all these small magnets react upon one another as well as upon the earth, and, finally, in connection with the latter, they further act upon a magnet- ic needle, which may be assumed to be in or beyond the atmosphere. The envelope of oxygen that encircles our terrestrial sphere may be compared to an armature of soft iron upon a natural magnet or a piece of magnetized steel ; the magnet may further be assumed to be spherical, like the earth, while the armature is assumed to be a hollow shell, similar to the investment of atmospheric oxygen. The magnet- ic power which each particle of oxygen may acquire by the constant force of the earth diminishes with the temperature and the rarefaction of the oxygen gas. When a constant alteration of temperature and an expansion follows the sun around the earth from east to west, it must proportionally alter the results of the magnetic force of the earth, and of the oxygen investment ; and this, according to Faraday's opiu' MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 79 1849. Emory, Magnetic observations made at the Isth- mus of Panama. 1849. Professor William Thomson, of Glasgow, A Mathe- matical Theory of Magnetism, in the Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. i., p. 243-285. (On the problem of the distribution of magnetic force, compare § 42 and 6Q, with Poisson, in the Mem. de V Institute 1811, pt. i., p. 1 ; pt. ii., p. 163.) 1850. Airy, On the present state and prospects of the science of Terrestrial Magnetism — the fragment of what promises to be a most admirable treatise. 1852. Kreil, Influence of the Moon on Magnetic Declina- tion at Prague in the years 1839-1849. On the earlier la- bors of this accurate observer, between 1836 and 1,838, see Osservazioni sulV intensita e sulla direzione della forza magnet- ica instituite negli anni 1836-1838 aW I. R. Osservatorio di Milano, p. 171 ; and also his Magneiical and Meteorological Observations at Prague, vol. i., p. 59. 1852. Faraday, On Lines of Magnetic Force, and their definite character. 1852. Sabine's new proof deduced from observations at Toronto, Hobarton, St. Helena, and the Cape of Good Hope (from 1841 to 1851), that every where between the hours of seven and eight in the morning the magnetic declination ex- hibits an annual period ; in which the northern solstice pre- sents the greatest eastern elongation, and the southern sol- stice the greatest western elongatien, without the temperature of the atmosphere or the earth's crust evincing a maximum or minimum at these turning periods. Compare the second volume of the Observations made at Toronto, p. xvii., with the two treatises of Sabine, already referred to, on the Influ- ence of the sun's vicinity {Phil Transact, for 1850, pt. i., p. 216), and of the solar spots {Phil. Transact, for 1852, pt. i., p. 121). The chronological enumeration of the progress of our knowledge of terrestrial magnetism during half a century, which I have uninterruptedly watched with the keenest in- terest, exhibits a successful striving toward the attainment ion, is the origin of one part of the variations in the elements of ter- restrial magnetism. Plucker finds that, as the force with which the magnet acts upon the oxygen is proportional to the density of this gas, the magnet presents a simple eudiometric means of recognizing the presence of free oxygen gas in a gaseous mixture even to the 100th or 200th part. 80 COSMOS. of a two-fold object. The greater number of these labors have been devoted to the observation of the magnetic activi- ty of our planet in its numerical relations to time and space, while the smaller part belongs to experiments, and to the manifestation of phenomena which promise to lead us to the knowledge of the character of this activity, and of thcin- ternal nature of the magnetic force. Both these methods — the numerical observation of the manifestation of terrestrial magnetism, both in respect to its direction and intensity — and physical experiments on the magnetic force generally, have tended reciprocally to the advancement of our physical knowledge. Observations alone, independently of every hy- pothesis regarding the causal connection of phenomena, or regarding the hitherto immeasurable and unattainable recip- rocal action of molecules in the interior of substances, have led to important numerical laws. Experimental physicists have succeeded, by the display of the most wondrous inge- nuity, in discovering in solid and gaseous bodies polarizing properties, whose presence had never before been suspected, and which stands in special relation to the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere. However important and un- doubted these discoveries may be. '^hcj can not, in the pres- ent condition of our knowledge, be regarded as satisfactory grounds of explanation for the laws which have already been recognized in the movements of the magnetic needle. The most certain means of enabling us thoroughly to comprehend the variable numerical relations of space, as well as to ex- tend and complete that mathematical theory of terrestrial magnetism which was so nobly sketched by Gauss, is to pros- ecute simultaneous and continuous observations of all the three elements of the magnetic force at numerous well-se- lected points of the earth's surface. I have, however, else- where illustrated, by example, the sanguine hopes which I entertained of the great advantages that may be derived from the combirtntion of experimental and mathematical investi- gation.* Nothing that occurs upon our planet can be supposed to be independent ot cosmical influences. The word planet in- stinctively leads us to the idea of dependence upon a central body, and of a connection with a group of celestial bodies of very different masses, which probably have a similar or- igin. The influence of the sun's position upon the manifest- ation of the magnetic force of the earth was recognized at a * See p. 10. HORARY VARIATION. 81 very early period. The most distinct intimation of this relation was afforded by the discovery of horary variation, although it had been obscurely perceived by Kepler, who, a century before, had conjectured that all the axes of the plan- ets were magnetically directed toward one portion of the uni- verse. He says expressly, " that the sun may be a magnetic body, and that on tliat account the force which impels the planets may be centred in the sun."^ The attraction of masses and gravitation appeared at that time under the semblance of magnetic attraction. Horrebow,t who did not confound gravitation with magnetism, was the first who called the process of light a perpetual northern light, pro- duced in ttie solar atmosphere by means of magnetic forces. Nearer our own times (and this difference of opinion is very remarkable) two distinct views were promulgated in refer- ence to the nature of the influence exerted by the sun. Some physicists, as Canton, Ampere, Christie, Lloyd, and Airey, have assumed that the sun, without being itself mag- netic, acts upon terrestrial magnetism merely by producing changes of temperature, while others, as Coulomb, believed the sun to be enveloped by a magnetic atmosphere,{ which exerts an action on terrestrial magnetism by distribution. Although Faraday's splendid discovery of the paramagnetic property of oxygen gas has removed the great difficulty of having to assume, with Canton, that the temperature of the solid crust of the earth and of the sea must be rapidly and considerably elevated from the immediate effect of the sun's transit through the meridian of the place, the perfect co-or- dination and an ingenious analysis of all the measurements and observations of General Sabine have yielded this result, that the hitherto observed periodic variations of the magnetic activity of the earth %an not be based upon periodic changes * Kepler, in Stella Martis, p. 32-34 (and compare with it his treat- ise, Mysterium Cosmogr., cap. xx., p. 71). t Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 77, where, however, in consequence of an error of the press, in the place of Basis Astronomice we should read Clavis Astronomice. The passage (§ 226) in which the luminous pro- cess of the sun is characterized as a perpetual northern lin;ht does not occur in the first edition of the Clavis Astr., by Horrebow (Havn., 1730), but is only found in the second and enlarged new edition of the work in Horrebow's Operum Mathematico-Physicorum, t. i., Havn., 1740, p. 317, as it belongs to this appended portion of the Clavis. Compare with Horrebow's view the precisely similar views of Sir Will- iam and Sir John Herschel (Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 34). J M^moires de Math^m, et de Phys. presentes d VAcad. Roy. des Sc.^ t. ix., 1780, p. 262. D2 82 COSMOS. of temperature in those parts of the atmosphere which are accessible to us. Neither the principal epochs of diurnal and annual alterations of declination at the different hours of the day and night, nor the periods of the mean intensity of the terrestrial force* coincide with the periods of the maxima and minima of the temperature of the atmosphere, or of the upper crust of the earth. We may remark that the annual alterations were first accurately represented by Sabine from a very large number of observations. The turning points in the most important magnetic phenomena are the solstices and the equinoxes. The epoch at which the intensity of the terrestrial force is the greatest, and that at which the dip- ping-needle most nearly assumes the vertical position in * " So far as these four stations (Toronto, Hobarton, St. Helena, and the Cape), so widely separated from each other and so diversely situated, justify a^generalization, we may arrive at the conclusion that at the hour of 7 to 8 A.M. the magnetic declination is every where subject to a variation of which the period is a year, and which is every where similar in character and amount, consisting of a movement of the north end of the magnet from east to west between the northern and the southern solstice, and a return from west to east between the southern and the northern solstice, the ampHtude being about 5 min- utes of arc. The turning periods of the year are not, as many might be disposed to anticipate, those months in which the temperature at th^ surface of our planet, or of the subsoil, or of the atmosphere (as far as we possess the means of judging of the temperature of the atmosphere) attains its maximum and minimum. Stations so diversely situated would, indeed, present in these respects thermic conditions of great variety ; whereas uniformity in the epoch of the turning periods is a not less conspicuous feature in the annual variation than "similarity of char- acter and numerical value. At all the stations tKe solstices are the turning periods of the annual variation at the hour of which we are treating. The only periods of the year in which the diurnal or horary variation at that hour does actually disappear are at the equinoxes, when the sun is passing from the one hemisphere to the other, and when the magnetic direction, in the course of its annual variation from east to west, or vice versa, coincides with the direction which is the mean declination of all the months and of all the hours. The annual variation is obviously connected with, and dependent on, the earth^s position in its orbit relatively to the sun around which it re- volves ; as the diurnal variation is connected with, and dependent on, the rotation of the earth on its axis, by which each meridian success- ively passes through every angle of inclination to the sun in the round of 24 hours." Sabine, On the Annual and Diurnal Variations, in the second volume of Observations made at the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto, p. xvii.-xx. See also his memoir, On the An- nual Variation of the Magnetic Declination at different periods of the Day, in the Philos. Transact, for 1851, pt. ii., p. 635, and the Intro- duction of his Observations made at the Observatory at Hobarton, vol. i., p. xxxiv.-xxxYi. MAGNETIC INTENSITY. 83 ♦ both hemispheres, is identical with the period at which the earth is nearest to the sun,* and consequently when its ve- locity of translation is the greatest. At this period, however, when the earth is nearest to the sun, namely, in December, January, and February ; as well as in May, June, and July, when it is farthest from the sun, the relations of temperature of the zones on either side of the equator are completely re- versed, the turning points of the decreasing and increasing intensity, declination and inclination can not, therefore, be ascribed to the sun in connection with its thermic influence. The annual means deduced from observations at Munich and Gottingen have enabled the active director of the Koyal Bavarian Observatory, Professor Lament, to deduce the re- markable law of a period of 10^ years in the alterations of declination.| In the period between 1841 and 1850, the mean of the monthly alterations of declination attained very uniformly their minimum in 1843^, and their maximum in 1848^. Without being acquainted with these European re- sults. General Sabine was led to the discovery of a periodic- ally active cause of disturbance from a comparison of the monthly means of the same years, namely from 1843 to 1848, which were deduced from observations made at places which lie almost as far distant from one another as possible (Toron- to in Canada, and Hobarton in Van Diemen's Land). This cause of disturbance was found by him to be of a purely cos- mical nature, being also manifested in the decennial periodic alterations in the sun's atmosphere.f Schwabe, who has ob- served the spots upon the sun with more constant attention than any other living astronomer, discovered (as I have al- ready elsewhere observed),§ in a long series of years (from * Sabine, On the Means adopted for determining the Absolute Values, Secular Change^ and Annual Variation of the Terrestrial Magnetic Force, in the Phil. Transact, for 1850, pt. i., p. 216. In his address to the Association at Belfast (^Meeting of the Brit. Assoc, in 1852), he hke- wise observes, " that it is a remarkable fact which has been estab- lished that the magnetic force is greater, in both the northern and southern hemispheres, in the months of December, January, and February, when the sun is nearest to the earth, than in those of May, June, and July, when he is most distant from it ; whereas, if the ef- fects were due to temperature, the two hemispheres should be oppo- sitely, instead of similarly, affected in each of the two periods re- ferred to." t Lament, in Poggend., Annalen, bd. Ixxxiv., s. 579. % Sabine, On peHodical Laws discoverable in the mean Effects of the Iwger Magnetic Disturbances, in the Phil. Transact, for 1852, pt. i., p. 121. Vide supra, p. 75. § Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 85. 84 COSMOS. 1826 to 1850), a periodically-varying frequency in the oc- currence of the solar spots, showing that their maxima fell in the years 1828, 1837, and 1848, and their minima in the years 1833 and 1843. "I have not had the opportunity," he writes, " of investigating a continuous series of older ob- servations, but I willingly subscribe to the opinion that this period may itself be variable." A somewhat analogous kind of variability — periods ivithin periods — is undoubtedly observ- able in the processes of light of other self-luminous suns. I need here only refer to those complicated changes of intensi- ty which have been shown by Goodricke and Argelander to exist in the light of /3 Lyrae and Mira Ceti.* If, as Sabine has shown, the magnetism of the sun is manifested by an increase in the terrestrial force when the earth is nearest to that luminary, it is the more striking that, according to Kreil's very thorough investigations of the magnetic influence of the moon, the latter should hitherto not have been perceptible, either during the different lunar phases, or at the different distances assumed by the satellite in relation to the earth. The vicinity of the moon does not appear, when compared with the sun,t to compensate in this * Op. cit., vol. iii., p. 228. t Though the nearness of the moon in comparison with the sun does not seem to compensate the smallness of her mass, yet the al- ready well-ascertained alteration of the magnetic declination in the course of a lunar day, the lunar^diumal magnetic variation (Sabine, in the Report to the Brit. Assoc, at Liverpool, 1854, p. 11, and for Ho- hart Town in the Phil. Tr. for 1857, Art. i., p. 6), stimulates to a per- severing observation of the magnetic influence of the earth's satellite. Kreil has the great merit of having pursued this occupation with great care, from 1839 to 1852 (see his treatise Ueher den Elnjiuss des Mondes aitfdie horizontale Component der Magnetischen Erdkraft, in the Denk- schriften der Wiener Akademie der Wiss. Mathem. Naturwiss, C^asse, vol. v., 1853, p. 45, and Phil. Trans, for 1856, Art. xxii.). His ob- servations, which were conducted for the space of many years, both at Milan and Prague, having given support to the opinion that both the moon and the solar spots occasioned a decennial period of decli- nation, led General Sabine to undertake a very important work. He found that the exclusive influence of the sun on a decennial period, previously examined in relation to Toronto, in Canada, by the em- ployment of a peculiar and very exact form of calculation, may be recognized in all the three elements of terrestrial magnetism {Phil. Trans, for 1856, p. 361), as shown by the abundant testimony of hour- ly observations caiTied on for a course of «ight years at Hobart Town, from January, 1841, to December, 1848. Thus both hemispheres fur- nished the same result as to the operation of the sun, as well as the certainty " that the lunar-diurnal variation corresponding to different years shows no conformity to the inequality manifested in those of the solar-diurnal variation. The earth's inductive action, refieoted MAGNETIC VARIATION. 85 respect for the smallness of its mass. The main result of the investigation, in relation to the magnetic influence of the earth's satellite, which, according to Melloni, exhibits only a trace of calorification,* is that the magnetic declination in our planet undergoes a regular alteration in the course of a lunar day, during which it exhibits a two-fold maximum and a two-fold minimum. Kreil very correctly observes, " that if the moon exerts no influence on the temperature on the surface of our earth (which is appreciable by the ordinary means of measuring heat), it obviously can not in this way effect any alteration in the magnetic force of the earth ; but if, notwithstanding, an alteration of this kind is actually ex- perienced, we must necessarily conclude that it is produced by some other means than through the moon's heat." Ev- ery thing that can not be considered as the product of a sin- gle force must require, as in the case of the moon, that all foreign elements of disturbance should be eliminated, in or- der that its true nature may be recognized. Although hitherto the most decisive and considerable va- riations in the manifestations of terrestrial magnetism do not admit of being satisfactorily explained by the maxima and minima in the variations of temperature, there can be no doubt that the great discovery of the polar property of oxy- gen in the gaseous envelope of our earth will, by a more profound and comprehensive view of the process of the mag- netic activity, speedily aiFord us a most valuable assistance in elucidating the mode of origin of this process. It would be inconceivable if, amid the harmonious co-operation of all the forces of nature, this property of oxygen and its modifi- cation by an increase of temperature should not participate in the production and manifestation of magnetic phenomena. If, according to Newton's view, it is very probable that the substances which belong to a group of celestial bodies (to one and the same planetary system) are for the most part identical,! we may, from inductive reasoning, conclude that from the moon, must be of a very little amount." (Sabine, in the Phil. Tr. for 1857, Art. i., p. 7, and in the Proceedings of the Royal Soc, vol. viii.. No. 20, p. 404.) The magnetic portion of this volume having been printed almost three years ago, it seemed especially nec- essary, with reference to a subject whidh has so long been a favorite one with me, that I should supply what was wanting by some addi- tional remarks. * Kreil, Einjluss des Mondes avf die Magnetische Declination^ 1852, B. 27, 29, 46, t Cosmos, vol, i., p. 133, 134; also vol, iv,, p. 206. 86 COSMOS. the electro-magnetic activity is not limited to the gravitating matter on our own planet. To adopt a different hypothesis would be to limit cosmical views with arbitrary dogmatism. Coulomb's hypothesis regarding the influence of the mag- netic sun on the magnetic earth is not at variance with anal- ogies based upon the observation of facts. If we now proceed to the purely objective representation of the magnetic phenomena which are exhibited by our planet on different parts of its surface, and in its different positions in relation to the central body, we must accurately distinguish, in the numerical results of our measurements, the alterations which are comprised within short or very long periods. All are dependent on one another, and in this dependence they reciprocally intensify, or partially neutral- ize and disturb each other, as the wave-circles in moving fluids intersect one another. Twelve objects here present themselves most prominently to our consideration. Two magnetic poles^ which are unequally distant from the poles of rotation of the earth, and are situated one in each hemisphere ; these are points of our terrestrial spheroid at which the magnetic inclination is equal to 90°, and at which, therefore, the horizontal force vanishes. The magnetic equator, the curve on which the inclination of the needle =zO°. The Bies of equal declination, and those on which the dec- lination = 0 (isogonic lines and li?ies of no variation). The lines of equal inclination (isoclinal lines). The four points of greatest intensity of the magnetic force, two of unequal intensity in each hemisphere. The lines of equal terrestrial force {isodynamic lines). The undulating line which connects together on each me- ridian the points of the weakest intensity of the terrestrial force, and which has sometimes been designated as a dynamic equator.* This undulating line does not coincide either with the geographical or the magnetic equator. The limitation of the zone where the intensity is generally very weak, and in which the horary alterations of the mag- * See Mrs. Somerville's short but lucid description of terrestrial maj?netism, based upon Sabine's works {Physical Geography, vol. ii., p. 102). Sir James Ross, who intersected the curve of lowest intensity in his great Antarctic expedition, December, 1839, in 19° S. lat. and 29° 13' W. long., and who has the great merit of having first determ- ined its position in the southern hemisphere, calls it "the equator of less intensity." See his Voyage to the Southern and Antarctic Regions^ vol. i., p. 22. MAGNETIC INTENSITY. 87 netic needle participate, in accordance with the different sea- sons of the year, in producing the alternating phenomena observed in both hemispheres.* In this enumeration I have restricted the use of the word pole to the two points of the earth's surface at which the horizontal force disappears, because, as I have already re- marked, these points, which are the true magnetic poles, but which by no means coincide with the maxima of intensity, have frequently been confounded in recent times with the four terrestrial points of greatest intensity.! Gauss has also shown that it would be inappropriate to attempt to distin- guish the chord which connects the two points at which the dip of the needle =90°, by the designation of magnetic axis of the earth.f The intimate connection which prevails be^ tween the objects here enumerated fortunately renders it pos- sible to concentrate, under three points of view, the compli- cated phenomena of terrestrial magnetism in accordance with the three manifestations of one active force — Intensity, Incli- nation, and Declination. Intensity. The knowledge of the most important element of terres- trial magnetism, the direct measurement of the intensity of •the terrestrial force, followed somewhat tardily the knowl- edge of the relations of the direction of this force in horizon- tal and vertical planes (declination and inclination). Oscil- lations, from the duration of which the intensity is deduced, were first made an object of experiment toward the close of the 18th century, and yielded matter for an earnest"^ and con- tinuous investigation during the first half of the 19th centu- ry. Graham, in 1723, measured the oscillations of his dip- ping-needle with the view of ascertaining whether they were constant,§ and in order to find the ratio which the force di- recting them bore to gravity. The first attempt to determ- ine the intensity of magnetism at widely different points of * " Stations of an intermediate character, situated between the northern and southern magnetic hemispheres, partaking, although in opposite seasons, of those contrary features which separately prevail (in the two hemispheres) throughout the year." Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1847, pt. i., p. 53-57. t The pole of intensity is not the pole of verticity. Pliil. Transact, for 1846, pt. iii., p. 255. X Gauss, Allgem. Theorie des Erdmagnetismus^ § 31. § Phil. Transact., \oL xxxiii., /or 1724-1725, p. 332 ("to try if the dip and vibrations were constant and regular"). 88 COSMOS. the earth's surface, by counting the number of oscillations in equal times, was made by Mallet in 1769. He found, with a very imperfect apparatus, that the number of the oscilla- tions at St. Petersburg (59° 56^ N. lat.) and at Ponoi (67° 4^) were precisely equal ;* and hence arose the erroneous opinion, which was even transmitted to Cavendish, that the intensity of the terrestrial force was the same under all lati- tudes. Borda, as he has himself often told me, was prevent- ed, on theoretical grounds, from falling into this error, and the same had previously been the case with Le Monnier ; but the imperfection of the dipping-needlfe, the friction which ex- isted between it and the pivot, prevented Borda (in "his expe- dition to the Canary Islands in 1776) from discovering any difference in the magnetic force between Paris, Toulon, Santa Cruz de TeneriiFe, and Goree, in Senegambia, over a space of 35° of latitude. {Voyage de La Perouse, t. i., p. 162.) This difference was for the first time detected, with im- proved instruments, in the disastrous expedition of La Pe- rouse in the years 1785 and 1787, by Lamanon, who com- municated it from Macao to the Secretary of the French Academy. This communication, as I have already stated (see p. 62), remained unheeded, and, like many others, lay buried in the archives of the Academy. The first published observations of intensity, which, more- over, were instituted at the suggestion of Borda, are those which I made during my voyage to the tropical regions of the New Continent between the years 1798 and 1804. The results obtained at an earlier date (from 1791 to 1794), re- garding the magnetic force, by ray friend De Rossel, in the Indian Ocean, were not printed till four years after my re- turn from Mexico. In the year 1829 I enjoyed the advant- age of being able to prosecute my observations of the mag- netic intensity and inclination over a space of fully 188° of longitude from the Pacific eastward as far as the Chinese Dzungarei, two thirds of this portion of the earth's surface being in the interior of continents. The differences in the latitudes amounted to 72° (namely, • from 60° N. to 12° S. lat.). When we carefully follow the direction of the closed iso- dynamic lines (curves of equal intensity), and pass from the external and weaker to the interior and gradually stronger * Novi Comment. Acad. Sclent. Petropol, t. xiv., pro anno 1769, pars 2, p. 33. See also Le Monnier, Lois du , Magnetisme comparces aux Observations^ 1776, p. 50. MAGNETIC INTENSITY. 89 curves, we shall find, in considering the distribution of the magnetic force in each hemisphere, that there are two points, or foci, of the maxima of intensity, a stronger and a weaker one, lying at very unequal distances both from the poles of rotation and the magnetic poles of the earth. Of these four terrestrial points the stronger, or American, is situated in the northern hemisphere,* in 52° 19^ N. lat. and in 92° W. long. ; while the weaker, which is often called th^ Siberian, is situated in 70° N. lat. and in 120° E. long., or perhaps a few degrees less to the eastward. In the journey from Far- schinsk to Jakutsk, Erman found, in 1829, that the curve of greatest intensity (1*742) was situated at Beresowski Os- trow, in 117° 5V E. long, and 59° 44^ N. lat. (Erman, Magnet. Beob., s. 172-540; Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1850, pt. i., p. 218). Of these determinations that of the American focu^ is the more certain, especially in respect to latitude, while in respect "to longitude it is probably somewhat too far west." The oval which incloses the stron- ger northern focus lies, consequently, in the meridian of the western end of Lake Superior, between the southern extrem- ity of Hudson's Bay and that of the Canadian lake of Win- nipeg. We owe this determination to the important land expedition, undertaken in the year 1843, by Captain Lefroy, of the Royal Artillery, and formerly director of the Magnetic Observatory at St. Helena. " The mean of the lemniscates which connect the stronger and the weaker focus appears to be situated northeast of Behring's Straits, and somewhat nearer to the Asiatic than to the American focus." When I crossed the magnetic equator, the line on which the inclination =0, between Micuipampa and Caxamarca, in the Peruvian chain of the Andes, in the southern hemisphere, in 7° 2^ lat. and 78° 48^ W. long., and when I observed that the intensity increased to the north and south of this remark- able point, I was led, from an erroneous generalization of my own observations, and in the absence of all points of comparison (which were not madeiltill long afterward), to the opinion that the magnetic force of the earth increases uninterruptedly from the magnetic equator toward both magnetic poles, and that it was probable that the maximum of the terrestrial force was situated at these points, that is * In those cases in which individual treatises of General Sabine have not been specially referred to in these notes, the passages have been taken from manuscript communications, which have been kind- ly placed at my disposal by this learned physicist. 90 COSMOS. to say, where the inclination =90°. "When we first strike upon the trace of a great physical law, we generally find that the earliest opinions adopted require subsequent revision. Sabine,* by his own observations, which were made from 1818 to 1822 in very different zones of latitude, and by the able arrangement and comparison of the numerous oscilla- tion-experiments with the vertical and horizontal needles, which of late years have gradually become more general, has shown that the intensity and inclination are very variously modified ; that the minimum of the terrestrial force at many points lies far from the magnetic equator ; and that in the most northern parts of Canada and in the Arctic regions around Hudson's Bay, from 52° 20^ lat. to the magnetic pole in 70° lat. and from about 92° to 93° W. long., the intensi- ty, instead of increasing, diminishes. In the Canadian focus of greatest intensity, in the northern hefhisphere, found by Lefroy, the dip of the needle in 1845 was only 73° 7^, and in both hemispheres we find the maxima of the terrestrial force coinciding with a comparatively small dip.f However admirable and abundant are the observations of intensity which we owe to the expeditions of Sir James Ross, Moore, and Clerk, in the Antarctic polar seas, there is still much doubt in reference to the position of the stronger and weaker focus in the southern hemisphere. The first of these navigators has frequently crossed the isodynamic curves of greatest intensity, and, from a careful consideration of his observations, Sabine has been led to refer one of the foci to 64° S. lat. and 137° 30^ E. long. Koss himself, in the ac- count of his great voyage, J conjectures that the focus lies in * Fifth Report of the British Association^ p. 72 ; Seventh Report, p. 64-68. Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism, No. vii., in the Phil. Transact, for 18i6, pt. iii., p. 254. t Sabine, in the Seventh Report of the Brit. Assoc, p. 77. X Sir James Ross, Voyage in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, vol. i., p. 322. This great navigator, in sailing between Kerguelen's Land and Van Diemen's Land, twice crossed the curve of greatest intensity, first in 46° 44' S. lat. 128°. |g' E. long., where the intensity increased to 2-034, and again diminished, further east, near Hobarton, to 1*824 ( Voy., vol. i., p. 103-104) ; then again, a year later, from January 1st to April 3d, 1841, during which time it would appear, from the log of the Erebus, that they had gone from 77° 47' S. lat. 175° 41' E. long, to 51° 16' S. lat. 136° 50' E. long., where the intensities were found to be uninterruptedly more than 2-00, and even as much as 2*07 (Phil. Transact, for 1843, pt. ji., p. 211-215). Sabine's result for the one focus of the southern hemisphere (64° S. lat. 137° 30' E. long.), which I have already given in the text, was deduced from observations made by Sir James Ross between the 19th and 27th of March, 1841 MAGNETIC INTENSITY. 91 the neighborhood of the Terre d'Adelie, discovered by D'Ur- ville, and therefore in about 67° S. lat. and 140° E. long. He thought that he had approached the other focus in 60° S. lat. and 125° W. long.; but he was disposed to place it somewhat further south, not far from the magnetic pole, and therefore in a more easterly meridian.* Having thus established the position of the four maxima of intensity, we have next to consider the relation of the forces. These data can be obtained from a much earlier source, to which I have already frequently referred ; that is to say, by a comparison with the intensity which I found at a point of the magnetic equator in the Peruvian chain of the Andes, which it intersects in 7° 2^ lat. and 78° 48^ W. long., or, according to the earliest suggestions of Poisson and Gauss, by absolute measurement.! If we assume the intensity at the above-indicated point of the magnetic equator =r 1-000 in the relative scale, we find, from the comparison made be- tween the intensity of Paris and that of London in the year 1827 (see page 68), that the intensities of these two cities are 1-348 and 1-372. If we express these numbers in ac- cordance with the absolute scale they will stand as about = 10-20 and 10-38, and the intensity, which was assumed to be 1-000 for Peru, would, according to Sabine, be 7-57 in the absolute scale, and therefore even greater than the intensity at St. Helena, which, in the same absolute scale, =6*4. All these numbers must be subjected to a revision on account of the different years in which the comparisons were made. They can only be regarded as provisional, whether they are reckoned in the relative (or arbitrary) scale or in the absolute scale, which is to be preferred to the for- mer ; but even in their present imperfect degree of accuracy they throw considerable light on the distribution of the mag- netic force — a subject which, till within the last half cen- tury, was shrouded in the greatest obscurity. They afford (while crossing the southern isodynamie ellipse of 2-00, about midway between the extremities of its principal axis), between the southern latitudes 58° and 64° 26', and the eastern longitudes of 128° 40' and 148° 20' {Contrih. to Terr. Magn., in the Phil. Transact, for 1846, pt. iii., p. 252). * Ross, Voyage, vol. ii., p. 224. In accordance with the instructions drawn up for the expedition, the two southern foci of the maximum of intensity were conjectured to be in 47° S. lat. 140° E. long, and in 60° S. lat. 235 E. long. (vol. i., p. xxxvi.). t l^hil. Transact, for 1850, pt. i., p. 201 ; Admiralty Manual^ 1849, p. 16 ; Erman, Magnet. Beob., s. 437-454. 92 COSMOS. what is cosmically of very great importance, historical points of departure for those alterations in the force which will be manifested in future years, probably through the dependence of the earth upon the magnetic force of the sun, by which it is influenced. In the northern hemisphere the stronger or Canadian focus, in 5^° 19^ N. lat. and 92° W. long., has been most satisfactorily determined by Lefroy. This intensity is ex- pressed in the relative scale by 1*878, the intensity of Lon- don being 1*372, 'while in the absolute scale it would be ex- pressed by 14-21.* Even in New York, lat. 40° 42^, Sabine found the magnetic force not much less (1*803). For the weaker northern or Siberian focus, 70° lat., 120° E. long., it was found by Erman to be 1 74 in the relative scale, and by Hansteen 1*76 ; that is to say, about 13-3 in the absolute scale. The Antarctic expedition of Sir James Ross has shown us that the difference of the two foci in the southern hemisphere is probably less than in the northern, but that each of the two southern foci exceeds both the northern in intensity. The intensity in the stronger southern focus, 64° lat., 137° 30^ E. long., is at least 2*06 in the relative or ar- bitrary scale,t while in the absolute scale it is 15*60 ; in the weaker southern focus, 60° lat, 129° 40^ W. long., we find also, according to Sir James Ross, that it is 1*96 in the ar- bitrary scale and 14*90 in the absolute scale. The greater or lesser distance of the two foci from one another in the same hemisphere has been recognized as an important element of their individual intensity, and of the entire distribution of the magnetic force. " Even although the foci of the south- ern hemisphere exhibit a strikingly greater intensity (name- ly, 15*60 and 14*90 in the absolute scale) than the foci of * On the map of isodynamic lines for North America, which occurs in Sabine's Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism, No. vii., we find, by mistake, the value 14*88 instead of 14-21, although the latter, which is the true number, is given at page 252 of the text of this memoir. t I follow the value given in Sabine's Contributions, No. vii.; p. 252, namely, 15*60. We find from the Magnetic Journal of the Erebus (Phil Transact, for 1843, pt. ii., p. 169-172) that several individual obsen'ations, taken on the ice on the 8th of Februai-v, 1841, in 77° 47' S. lat. and 172° 42' W. long., yielded 2*124. The value of the intens- ity 15*60 in the absolute scale would lead us to assume provisionally that the intensity at Hobarton was 13*51 {Magn. and Meteor oL Observ. made at Hobarton, vol. i., p. 75). This value has, however, lately been slightly augmented (to 13*56) (vol. ii., xlvi.). In the Admiralty Manual, p. 17, I find the southern focus of greatest intensity changed to 15*8. MAGNETIC INTENSITY. 93 the northern hemisphere (which are respectively 14*21 and 13 •30), the total magnetic force of the one hemisphere can not be esteemed as greater than that of the other." • "The result is, however, totally different when we sepa- rate the terrestrial sphere into an eastern and western part, in accordance with the meridians of 100° and 280° E. long., reckoning from west to east in such a manner that the east- ern or more continental sphere shall inclose South America, the Atlantic Ocean, Europe, Africa, and Asia, almost as far as Baikal ; while the western, which is the more oceanic and insular, includes almost the whole of North America, the broad expanse of the Pacific, New Holland, and a portion of Eastern Asia." These meridians lie the one about 4° west of Singapore, the other 13° west of Cape Horn, in the meridian of Guayaquil. All four foci of the maximum of the magnetic force, and even the two magnetic poles, fall within the western hemisphere.* Adolph Erman's important observation of least intensity in the Atlantic Ocean, east of the Brazilian province of Es- piritu Santo (20° S. lat., 35° 0.2^ W. long.), has been already mentioned in our Delineation of Kature.f He found in the relative scale 0*7062 (in the absoli||| scale 5-35). This re-, gion of weakest intensity was also twice crossed by Sir James Ross, in his Antarctic expedition, J between 19° and 21° S. lat., as well as by Lieutenant Sulivan and Dunlop in their voyage to the Falkland Islands.§ In his isodynamic chart of the entire Atlantic Ocean, Sabine has drawn the curve of least intensity, which Ross calls the equator of less intensity, from coast to coast. It intersects the West African shore of Benguela, near the Portuguese colony of Mossamedes (15° S. lat.) ; its summits are situated in the middle of the ocean, in 18° W. long., and it rises again on the Brazilian coast as high as 20° S. lat. Whether there may not be another zone * See the interesting Map of the World, divided into hemispheres by a plane coinciding with the meridians o/'lOO anof 280 east of Greenwich, exhibiting the unequal distribution of the magnetic intensity in the two hemispheres, plate v., in the Proceedings of the Brit. Assoc, at Liver- pool, 1837, p. 72-74. Erman found that the intensity of the terres- trial force was almost constantly below 0-76, and consequently very small in the southern zone between latitudes 24° 25' and 13° 18', and between the western longitudes of 34° 50' and 32° 44', t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 187. t Voyage in the Southern Seas, vol, i., p. 22, 27 ; vide supra, p. 96, § See the Journal of Sulivan and Dunlop, in the Phil. Transact. for 1840, pt. i., p. 143, They found as the minimum only 0-800. 94 COSMOS. of tolerably low intensity (0*97) lying north of the equator (10° to 12° lat.), and about 20° east of the Philipines, is a question that must be left for future investigations to eluci- date. I do not think that the ratio which I formerly gave of the weakest to the strongest terrestrial force requires much mod- ification in consequence of later investigations. This ratio falls between 1:2^ and 1 : 3, being somewhat nearer to the latter number, and the difference of the data* arises from the circumstance that in some cases the minima alone, and in others the minima and maxima together, have been altered somewhat arbitrarily. Sabinef has the great merit of having first drawn attention to the importance of the dynamic equa- tor, or curve of least intensity. " This curve connects the points of each geographical meridian at which the terrestrial intensity is the smallest. It describes numerous undulations in passing round the earth, on both sides of which the force increases with the higher latitudes of each hemisphere. It in this manner indicates the limits between the two magnetic hemispheres more definite^ than the magnetic equator, on which the direction of the magnetic force is vertical to the , direction of gravity. Jlrespect to the theory of magnetism, that which refers directly to the force itself is of even greater importance than that which merely refers to the direction of the needle, its horizontal or vertical position. The curves of the dynamic equator are numerous, in consequence of their depending upon forces which produce four points (foci) of the greatest terrestrial force, which are unsymmetrical and of unequal intensity. We are more especially struck in these inflections with the great convexity in the Atlantic Ocean toward the South Pole, between the coasts of Brazil and the Cape of Good Hope." * We obtain 1 : 2-4:4: on comparing in the absolute scale St. Helena, which is 6-4, with the focus of greatest intensity at the south pole, which is 15-60, and 1 : 2*47 by a comparison of St. Helena with the higher southern maximum of 15*8, as given in the Admiralty Manual, p. 17, and 1 : 2-91 by a comparison in the relative scale of Erman's ob- seri^ation in the Atlantic Ocean (0*706), with the southern focus (2-06) ; indeed, even 1 : 2-95, when we compare together in the absolute scale the lowest value given by this distinguished traveler (5-35), with the highest value fiir the southern focus (15-8). The mean resulting ratio would be 1 : 2-69. Compare for the intensity of St. Helena (6'4 in the absolute, or 0-845 in the arbitrary scale) the earliest observations of Fitzroy (0-836), Phil. Transact, for 1847, pt. i., p. 52, and Proceedings of the Meeting at Liverpool, p. 56. t See Contributions to Ten-estrial Magnetism^ No. vii., p. 256. MAGNETIC INTENSITY. 95 Does the intensity of the magnetic force perceptibly de- crease at such heights as are accessible to lis, or does it per- ceptibly increase in the interior of the earth"? The problem which is suggested by these questions is extremely complica- ted in the case of observations which are made either in or upon the earth, since a comparison of the effect of considera- ble heights on mountain journeys is rendered difficult, because the upper and lower stations are seldom sufficiently near one another, owing to the great mass of the mountain ; and since, further, the nature of the rock and the penetration of veins of minerals, which are not accessible to our observation, together with imperfectly understood horary and accidental alterations in the intensity, modify the results, where the ob- servations are not perfectly simultaneous. In this manner we often ascribe to the height or depth alone conditions which by no means belong to either. The numerous mines of con- siderable depth which I have visited in Europe, Peru, Mexi- co, and Siberia have never afforded localities which inspired me with any confidence.* Then, moreover, care should be taken, in giving the depths, not to neglect the perpendicular differences above or below the level of the sea, which consti- tutes the mean surface of the earth. The borings at the mines of Joachimsthal, in Bohemia, are upward of 2000 feet in absolute depth, and yet they only reach to a stratum of rock which lies between 200 and 300 feet above the level of the sea.t Very different and more favorable conditions are afforded by balloon ascents. Gay-Lussac rose to an ele- vation of 23,020 feet above Paris ; consequently, therefore, the greatest relative depth that has been reached by borings in Europe scarcely amounts to -jirth of this height. My own mountain observations, between the years 1799 and 1806, led me to believe that the terrestrial force gradually decreases with the elevation, although, in consequence of the causes of disturbance already indicated, several results are at variance with this conjectural decrease. I have collected in a note individual data, taken from 125 measurements of intensity made in the Andes, in the Swiss Alps, Italy, and * We may ask what kind of eiTor can have led, in the coal-mines of Flenu, to the result that in the interior of the earth, at the depth of 87 feet, the horizontal intensity had increased O'OOl ? Journal de rinstitut, 1845, Avril, p. 146, In an English mine, which is 950 feet below the level of the sea, Henwood did not find any increase in the intensity (Brewster, Treatise on Magn., p. 276). t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 159. 96 COSMOS. Germany.* These observations extended from the level of the sea to an elevation of 15,944 feet, and therefore to the very limits of 'perpetual snow, but the greatest heights did not afford me the most reliable results. The most satis- factory were obtained on the steep declivity of the Silla de Caracas (8638 feet), which inclines toward the neighboring coasts of La Guayra; the Santuario de Nostra Senora de Guadalupe, which rises immediately over the town of Bogota, upon the declivity of a steep wall of limestone rock, with a * A diminution of the intensity with the height is shown in ray observations from the comparisons of the Silla de Caracas (8638 feet above the- sea, intensity 1-188) with the harbor of Guayra (height 0 feet, intensity 1-262) and the town of Caracas (height 2648 feet, in- tensity 1*209) ; from a comparison of the town of Santa Fe de Bogota (elevation 8735 feet, intensity 1*147) with the chapel of Neustra Se- nora da Guadalupe (elevation 10,794 feet, intensity 1*127), which seems to hang over the town like a swallow's nest, perched upon a steep ledge of rock ; from a comparison of the volcano of Purace (ele- vation 14,548 feet, intensity 1*077) with the mountain village of Pu- race (elevation 8671 feet, intensity 1*087) and with the neighboring town of Popayan (elevation 5825 feet, intensity 1*117); from a com- parison of the town of Quito (elevation 9541 feet, intensity 1*067) with the village of San Antonio de Lulumbamba (elevation 8131 feet, intensity 1*087), lying in a neighboring rocky fissure directly under the geographical equator. The oscillation experiments, which I made at the highest point at which I ever instituted observations of the kind, namely, at an elevation of 15,944 feet, on the declivity of the long- since extinct volcano of Antisana, opposite the Chussulongo, were quite at variance with this result. It was necessary to make this ob- servation in a large cavern, and the great increase in the intensity was no doubt the consequence of a magnetic local attraction of the trachytic rock, as has been shown by the experiments which I made with Gay-Lussac within, and on the margin of, the crater of Vesuvius. I found the intensity in the Cave of Antisana increased to 1*188, while in the neighboring lower plateau it was scarcely 1*068. The intensity at the Hospice of St. Gotthard (1*313) was greater than that at Airolo (1*309), but less than that at Altorf (1*322). Airolo, on the other hand, exceeded the intensity of the Ursern Lake (1*307). In the same manner Gay-Lussac and myself found that the intensity was 1*344 at the Hospice of Mont Cenis, while at the foot of the same mountain, at Lans le Bourg, it was 1*323, and at Turin 1*336. The greatest contradictions were necessarily presented by the burning vol- cano of Vesuvius, as we have already- remarked.- While in 1 805 the terrestrial force at Naples was 1*274, and at Portici 1*288, it rose in the Monastery of St. Salvador to 1*302; while it fell in the crater of Vesuvius lower than any where else throughout the whole district, namely, to 1*193. The iron contained in the lava, the vicinity of magnetic poles, and the heat of the soil, which probably has the effect of diminishing this force, combined to produce the most opposite local disturbances. See my Voyage aux Regions Equinox iales, t. iii., p. 619^^ 626, and Mem. de la Societe d'Argueil, t. i., 1807, p. 17-19. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 97 difference of elevation amounting to upward of 2000 feet ; and the volcano of Purace, which rises 8740 feet above the Plaza Mayor of the town of Popayan. KupiFer in the Cau- casus,* Forbes in many parts of Europe, Laugier and Mau- vais on the Canigou, Bravais and Martins on the Faulhorn, and during their very adventurous sojourn in the immediate vicinity of the summit of Mont Blanc, have certainly ob- served that V the intensity of the magnetic force diminished with the height, and this decrease appeared from Bravais's general consideration of the subject to be more rapid in the Pyrenees than in the chain of the Alps.f Quetelet's entirely opposite results, obtained in an excur- sion from Geneva to the Col de Balme and the Great St- Bernard, make it doubly desirable, for the final and decisive settlement of so important a question, that observations should be made at some distance from the surface of the earth; and these observations can only be carried on by means of balloon ascents, such as were, employed in 1804 by Gay-Lussac, first in association with Biot, on the 24th of August, and subsequently alone on the 16th of September. Oscillations measured at elevations of 19,000 feet can, how- ever, only afford us certain information regarding the trans- mission of the terrestrial force in the free atmosphere when care is taken to obtain corrections for temperature in the needles that are employed both before and after the asceht. The neglect of such a correction has led to the erroneous result deducible from Gay-Lussac's experiments, that the magnetic force remains the same to an elevation^bf more * Kupffer's observations do not refer to the summit of the Elbruz, but to the difference of height (4796 feet) between two stations, v'z., the bridge of Malya and the mountain decHvity of Kharbis, which un- fortunately differ considerably in longitude and latitude. Eegarding the doubts which Necker and Forbes have advanced in relation to this result, see Transact, of the Royal Soc. o/Edin., vol. xiv., 1840, p. 23-25- t Compare Laugier and Mauvais, in the Comptes rendns, t. xvi., 1843, p. 1175 ; and Bravais, V hitensite du Magnetisme Ter- restre en France, en Suisse, et en Savoie, in the Annales de Chcmie et de Phys., 3eme Serie, t. xviii., f846, p. 214; Kreil, Einfluss dcr Alpen auf die Intensitdt, in the Denkschrifien der Wiener Akad. der Wiss. Mathem. Naturwiss. Classe, bd. i., 1850, s. 265, 279, 290. It is very remarkable that so accurate an observer as Quetelet should have found, in a tour which he made in the year 1830, that the horizontal intensity increased with the heigh tffin ascending from Geneva (where it was 1-080) to the Col de Balne (where it was 1-091) and to the Hospice of St. Bernard (where it was as high as 1-096). See Sir David Brew- ster, Treatise on Magn., p. 275. Vol. v.— E 98 COSMOS. than 22,000 feet,* while conversely the experiment showed a decrease in the force on account of the shortening of the oscillating needle in the upper cold reg'ion.f Faraday's brilliant discovery of the paramagnetic force of oxygen must not be disregarded in the discussion of this subject. This great physicist shows that in the upper strata of the atmos- phere the decrease in the intensity can not be sought merely in the original source of the force, namely, the solid earth, but that it may equally arise from the excessively rarefied condition of the air, since the quantity of oxygen in a cubic foot of atmospheric air must differ in the upper and lower strata. It seems to me, however, that we are not justified in assuming more than this — that the decrease of the para- magnetic property of the oxygenous parts of the atmosphere, which diminish with the elevation and with the rarefaction of the air, must be regarded as a co-operating modifying cause. Alterations of temperature and density through the ascending currents of air may further alter the amount of this influence.f Such disturbances assume a variable and specially local character, and they operate in the atmosphere in the same manner as different kinds of rocks upon the sur- face of the earth. With every advance which we may re- joice in having made in our knowledge of the gaseous en- velope of our planet and of its physical properties, we at the game time learn to know new causes of disturbance in the ^5ternating mutual action of forces, which should teach us r^w cautiously we ought to draw our conclusions. The llitensity of the terrestrial force, when measured at definite points of the surface of our planet, has, like all the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism, its horary as well as its secular variations. The horary variations were distinctly recognized by Parry during his third voyage, and also, con- jointly with him, by Lieutenant Foster (1825), at Port 13owen. The increase of intensity from morning till evening in the mean latitudes has been made an object of the most careful investigation by Christie,§ Arago, Plansteen, Gauss, and Kupffer. As horizontal oscillations, notwithstanding the great improvements which have been made in the pres- * Annales de amnie, t. lii., 1805, p. 86, 87. f Arago, in the Anntiaire -du Bureau des Longitudes pour 1836^ p. 287; Forbes, in the Edin. Transact., vol. Hi v., 1840, p'. 22. X Earaday, Exper. Researches in Electricity, 1851, p. 53, 77, § 2881, 2961. § Christie, in the rUl Transact, for 1825, p. 49. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 99 ent day in the dipping-needle, are preferable to oscillations of the latter kind, it is not possible to ascertain the horary variation of the total intensity without a very accurate knowl- edge of the horary variation of the dip. The establishment of magnetic stations in the northern and the southern hemis- phere has afforded the great advantage of yielding the most abundant, and comparatively the most accurate results. It will be sufficient here to instance two points of the earth's surface, which are both situated without the tropics, and al- most in equal latitudes on either side of the equator — name- ly, Toronto, in Canada, 43° 39^ N. lat., and Hobarton, in Van Diemen's Land, in 42° 53^ S. lat., with a difference of longitude of about 15 hours. The simultaneous horary mag- netic observations belong at the one station to the" winter months, while at the other they fall within the period of the summer months. While measurements are made at the one place during the day, they are being simultaneously carried on at the other station, for the most part, during the night. The variation at Toronto is 1° 33^ West ; at Hobarton it is 9° 57' East ; the inclination and the intensity are similar to one another; the former is, at Toronto, about 75° 15' to the north, and at Hobarton about 70° 34' to the south, while the total intensity is 13*90 in the absolute scale at Toronto, and 13*56 at Hobarton.* It would appear, from Sabine's investigation, that these well-chosen stations ex- hibitf four turning-points for the intensity in Canada, and only two such points for Van Diemen's Land. At Toronto the variation in intensity reaches its principal maximum at 6 P.M., and its principal minimum at 2 A.M. ; a weaker secondary maximum at 8 A.M., and a weaker secondary minimum at 10 A.M. The intensity at Hobarton, on the contrary, exhibits a simple progression from a maximum be- tween 5 and 6 P.M. to a minimum between 8 and 9 A.M. ; although the inclination there, no less than at Toronto, ex- hibits four turning-points.J By a comparison of the varia- * Sabine, On Periodical Laws of the larger Magnetic Disturbances, in the Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. i., p. 126; and on the Annual Va- riation of the Magn. Declin., in the Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. ii., p. 636. t Observations made at the Magn. and Meteorol. Observatory at To- ronto, vol. i. (1840-1842), p. Ixii. •• X Sabine, in Magn. and Meteor. Observations at Hobarton, vol. i., p. Ixviii. " There is also a correspondence in the ran£!;e and turning hours of the diurnal variation of the total force at Hobarton and at Toronto, although the progression is a double one at Toronto and a 100 COSMOS. tions of inclination with those of the horizontal force, it has been established that in Canada, during the winter months, when the sun is in the southern signs of the zodiac, the total terrestrial force has a greater intensity than in the summer months, while in Van Diemen's Land the intensity is great- er than the mean annual value — that is to say, the total ter- restrial force — from October to February, which constitutes the summer of the southern hemisphere, while it is less from April to August. According to Sabine,* this intensity of tlie terrestrial magnetic force is not dependent on differences of temperature, but on the lesser distance of the magnetic solar body from the earth. At Hobarton the intensity dur- ing the summer is 13*574: in the absolute scale, while during the winter it is 13 '543. The secular variation of intensity has hitherto been deduced from only a small number of ob- servations. At Toronto it appears to have suffered some de- crease between 1845 and 1849, and the comparison of my own observations with those of Rudberg, in the years 1806 and 1832, give a similar result for Berlin.f Inclination. The knowledge of the isoclinal curves, or lines of equal in- clination, as well as the more rapid or slower increase of the inclination by which they are determined (reckoning from the magnetic equator, where the inclination =0, to the northern and southern magnetic pole, where the horizontal force vanishes), has acquired additional importance in mod- ern times, since the element of the total magnetic force can not be deduced from the horizontal intensity, which requires to be measured with excessive accuracy, unless we are pre- viously well acquainted with the inclination. The knowl- edge of the geographical position of both magnetic poles is single one at Hobarton." The time of the maximum of intensity falls at Hobarton between 8 and 9 A.M. ; while the secondary or lesser minimum falls at Toronto about 10 A.M., and consequently the in- crease and diminution of the intensity fall within the same hours in accordance with the time of the*place, and not at opposite hours, as is the case with respect to the inclination and the decUnation. See, regarding the causes of this phenomenon, p. bcix. (compare also Far- aday, Atmospheric Maqnetism, § 3027-3034). * Phil. Transact, for 1850, pt. i., p. 215-217; Magnet. Ohserv. at Hobarton, vol. ii.T 1852, p. xlvi. See also p. 26 of the present volume. At the Cape of Good Hope the intensity presents less difference at opposite periods of the year than the inclination {Magnet. Ohserv. made at the Cape of Good Hope, vol. i., 1851, p. Iv.). t See the magnetic part of my work on Asie Centrale, t. iii., p. 442. MAGNETIC INCLINATION. 101 due to the observations and scientific energy of the adven- turous navigator, Sir James Ross. His observations of the northern magnetic pole were made during the second expe- dition of his uncle, Sir John Ross (1829-1833),* and of the southern during the Antarctic expedition under his own command (1839-1843). The northern magnetic pole in 70° 5' lat., 96° 43^ W. long., is 5° of latitude farther from the ordinary pole of the earth than the southern magnetic pole, 75° 35^ lat., 154° 10^ E. long., while it is also situated farther west from Greenwich than the northern magnetic pole. The latter belongs to the great island of Boothia Fe- lix, which is situated very near the American continent, and is a portion of the district which Captain Parry had pre- viously named North Somerset. It is not far distant from the western coast of Boothia Felix, near the promontory of Adelaide, which extends into King William's Sound and Victoria Strait.f The southern magnetic pole has not been directly reached in the same manner as the northern pole. On the 17th of February, 1841, the Erebus penetrated as far as 76° 12^^ S. lat., and 164° E. long. As the incHnation was here only 88° 40^, it was assumed that the southern magnetic pole was about 160 nautical miles distant. J Many accurate observations of declination, determining the inter- section of the magnetic meridian, render it very probable that the south magnetic pole is situated in the interior of the great antarctic region of South Victoria Land, west of the Prince Albert mountains, which approach the south pole, and are connected with the active volcano of Erebus, which is 12,400 feet in height. The position and change of form of the magnetic equator, that is to say, the line on which the dip is null, were very fully considered in the Picture of Nature, Cosmos, vol. i,, p. 183. The earliest determination of the African node (the intersection of the geographical and magnetic equators) was * Sir John Barrow, Arctic Voyages of Discovery, 1846, p. 521-529. t The strongest inclination which has as yet been observed in the Siberian continent is 82° 16', which was found by Middendorf, on the River Taimyr, in 74° 17' N. lat., and 95° 40' E. long. (Middend., Si- her. Reise, th. i., s. 194). X Sir James Ross, Voyage to the Antarctic Regions, vol. i., p. 246. "I had so long cherished the ambitious hope," says this navigator, "to plant the flag of my country on both the magnetic poles of out globe; but the obstacles which presented themselves being of so in- surmountable a character was some degree of consolation, as it left us no grounds for self-reproach" (p. 247). 102 COSMOS. made by Sabine* at the beginning of his pendulum expedi- tion in 1822. Subsequently, in 1840, the same learned ob- server noted down the results obtained by Duperrey, Allen, Dunlop, and Sulivan, and constructed a chart of the magnet- ic equator^* from the west coast of Africa at Biafra (4° N. lat., 9° 30^ E. long.), through the Atlantic Ocean, and Bra- zil (16° S. lat., between Porto Seguro and Rio Grande), to the point where, upon the Cordilleras, in the neighborhood of the Pacific, I saw the northern inclination assume a south- ern direction. The African node, as the point of intersection of both equators, was situated, in 1837, in 3°£. long., while in 1825 it had been in 6° 57^ E. long. The secular motion of the node, turning from the basaltic island of St. Thomas, which rises to an elevation of more than 7000 feet, was, therefore, somewhat less than half a degree westward in the course of a year ; after which the line of no inclination tu'ned toward the north on the African coast, while oii the Brazil- ian coast it is inclined southward. The convexity of the magnetic equatorial curve is persistently turned toward the south pole, while in the Atlantic Ocean it passes at a dis- tance of about 16° from the geographical equator. For the interior of South America, the terra incognita of Matto Grosso between the large rivers of Xingu, Madera, and Ucayle, we have no observations of the dip until we reach the chain of the Andes, where, 68 geographical miles east of the shores of the Pacific, between Montan, Micuipampa, and Caxa- marca, I determined astronomically the position of the mag- netic equator, which rises toward the northwest (7° 2^ S. lat., and 78° 46^ W. long.).}: * Sabine, Pendul. Exper., 1825, p. 476. t Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1840, pt. i., p. 136, 139, 146. I follow, for the progression of the African node, the map which is appended to this treatise. X I here give, in accordance with my usual practice, the elements of this not wholly unimportant determination : Micuipampa, a Peru- vian mountain town at the foot of Cerro de Guelgayoc, celebrated for its rich silver mines, 6° 44' 25'' S. lat., 78° 33' 3 " W. long., elevation above the Pacific 11,872 feet, magnetic inclination 0°'42 north (ac- cording to the centesimal division of the circle) ; Caxamarca, a town situated on a plateau at an elevation of Q362 feet, 7° 8' 38" S. lat, 5h. 23' 42" long., inclination 0*15 south; Montan, a farm-house (or hacienda), surrounded by Llama flocks, situated in the midst of mount- ains, 6° 33' 9" S. lat., 5h. 26' 51" W. long., elevation 8571 feet, in- clination 0-70 north; Tomependa, on the mouth of the Chinchipe, on the River Amazon, in the province of Jaen de Bracamoros, 5° 31' 28" S. lat., 78° 37' 30" W. long., elevation 1324 feet, inclination 3°-55 north; Truxillo, a Peruvian town on the Pacific, 8° 5' 40" S. lat., MAGNETIC INCLINATION. lUo The most complete series of observations which we pos- sess in reference to the position of the magnetic equator was made by my old friend Duperrey during the years 1823- 1825. He crossed the equator six times during his voyages of circumnavigation, and he was enabled to determine this line by his own observations over a space of 220°.* Accord- ing to Duperrey's chart of the magnetic equator, the two nodes are situated in long. 5° 50^ E. in the Atlantic Ocean, and in long. 177° 20^ E. in the Pacific, between the merid- ians of the Fejee and Gilbert islands. While the magnet- ic equator leaves the western coasts of the South American continent, probably between Punta de la Aguja and Payta, it is constantly drawing nearer in the west to the geograph- ical equator, so that it is only at a distance of 2° from it, in the meridian of the group of the Mendana Islands.! About 10^ farther west, in the meridian which passes through the western part of the Paumotu Islands (Low Archipelago), lying in 153° 50^ E. long.. Captain Wilkes found that the distance from the geographical equator in 1840 was still fully 2°.J The intersection of the nodes in the i^acific is not as much as 180° from that of the Atlantic nodes; that is to say, it does not occur in 174° 10' W. long., but in the meridian of the Fejee Islands, situated in about 177° 20^ E. long.'- If, therefore, we pass from the west coast 79° 3' 37" W. long., inclination 2*'15 south. Humboldt, Recueil d'Observ. Astron. (Nivellement Barometrique et Geodesique), vol. i., p. 316, No. 242, 244-254. For the basis of astronomical determina- tions, obtained by altitudes of the stars and by the chronometer, see the same work, vol. ii., p. 379-891. The result of my observations of inclination in 1802, in 7° 2' S. lat., and 78° 48' W. long., accords pretty closely by a singular coincidence, and notwithstanding the sec- ular alteration, with the conjecture of Le Monnier, which was based upon theoretical calculation. He says, "the magnetic equator must be in 7° 45' north of Lima, or at most in 6° 30' S. lat., in 177G" {Lois du Magnetisme comparees aux Observations, pt. ii., p. 59). * Saigey, M^m. sur VEqiiatmr Magnctique d'apres les Ohserv. du Capitaine Duperrey, in the Annales Maritimes et Coloniales, Dec, 1833, t. iv., p. 5. Here it is observed that the magnetic equator is not a curve of equal intensity, but that the intensity varies in different parts of this equator from 1 to 0-8G7. t This position of the magnetic equator was confirmed by Erman for the year 1830. On his return from Kamtschatka to Europe, he found the inclination almost null at 1° 30' S. lat., 132° 37' W. long. ; in 1° 52' S. lat., 135° 10' W. long.; in 1° 54' lat., in 133° 45' W. long. ; in 2° 1' S. lat., 139° 8' W. long. (Erman, Magnet. Beob., 1841, s. 636). X Wilkes, United States Exploring Expedition, vol. iv., p. 263. 104 COSMOS. of Africa, through South America westward, we shall find in this direction that the distance of the nodes from one an- other is about 8^° too great, which is a proof that the curve of which we are here speaking is not one of the great circles. According to the admirable and comprehensive determina- tions which were made by Captain Elliot from 1846 to 1849, between the meridians of Batavia and Ceylon, and which coincide in a remarkable manner with those of Jules de Blosseville (see page 65), it would appear that the magnetic equator passes through the northern point of Borneo, and almost due west into the northern point of Ceylon, in 9° 45'' N. lat. The curve of minimum total intensity runs almost parallel to this part of the magnetic equator,* which enters the western part of the continent of Africa, south of the Cape of Gardafui. This important re-entering point of the curve has been determined with great accuracy by Rochet cl'Heri- court on his second Abyssinian expedition, from 1842 to 1845, and by the interesting discussion to which his magnet- ic observations gave rise.j This point lies south of Gau- bade, between Angolola and Angobar, the capital of the kingdom of Schoa, in 10° 7^ N. lat, and in 41° 13' E.'long. Tlie course of the mngnetic equatcr \n the interior of Africa, from Angobar to the Gulf of Biafra, is as thoroughly unex- plored as that in the interior of South America, east of the chain of the Andes, and south of the geographical equator. Both these continental districts are nearly of equal extent, measured from east to west, each extending over a space of about 80° of longitude, so that we are still entirely ignorant of the magnetic condition of nearly one quarter of the earth's circumference. My own observations of inclination and in- tensity for the whole of the interior of South America, from Cumana to the llio Negro, as well as from Cartagena de In- dias to Quito, refer only to the tropical zone north of the geographical equator, while those which I made in the south- ern hemisphere, from Quito as far as Lima, were limited to the district lying near the western coast. The translation of the African node toward the west from 1825 to 1837, which we have already indicated, has been confirmed on the eastern coasts of Africa by a comparison of the inclination-observations made by Panton, in the year 1776, with those of Rochet d'He'ricourt. The latter ob- server found the magnetic equator much nearer the Straits * Elliot, in the Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. i., p. 287-331. t Duperrey, in the Comptes rendus, t. xxii., 1846, p. 804-806. MAGNETIC INCLINATION. 105 of Bab-el-Mandeb, namely, 1° south of the island of Soco- tora, in 8° 40^ N. lat. There was, therefore, an alteration of 1° 27'' lat. for 49 years, while the corresponding altera- tion in the longitude wtis determined by Arago and Duper- rey to have been 10° from east to west. The direction of the secular variation of the nodes of the magnetic equator on the eastern coasts of Africa, toward the Indian Ocean, was precisely similar to that on the western coast. The quanti- ty of the motion must, however, be ascertained from much more accurate results than we at present possess. The periodicity of the alterations of the magnetic inclina- tion, whose existence had been noticed at a much earlier pe- riod, has only been established with certainty and thorough completeness within the last twelve years, since the erection of British magnetic stations in both hemispheres. Arago,'to whom the theory of magnetism is so largely indebted, had indeed recognized, in the autumn of 1827, " that the dip was greater at 9 A.M. than at 6 P.M. ; while the intensity of " the magnetic force, when measured by the oscillations of a horizontal needle, attained its minimum in the first, and its maximum in the second period."* In the British magnetic * In a letter from Arago to myself, dated Mayence, 13th of Decem- ber, 1827, he writes as follows : "I have definitely proved during the late Auroraj Boreales, which have been seen at Paris, that this phe- nomenon is always accompanied by. a variation in the position of tlie horizontal and dipping needles, as well as in intensity. The changes of inclination have amounted to T or 8'. To effect this change, after allowing for every change of intensity, the horizontal needle must oscillate more or less rapidly, according to the time at which the ob- servation is made, but in correcting the results by calculating the immediate effects of the inclination there still remained a sensible variation of intensity. On repeating by a new method the diurnal observation of inclination, on which I was engaged during your late visit to Paris, I found a regular variation, not for the means but for each day, which \^ greater in the morning at nine than in the even- ing at six. You are aware that the intensity, measured with the hori- zontal needle, is, on the contrary, at its miniiman at the first period, while it attains its maximum between six and seven in the evening. The total variation being very small, one might suppose that it was merely du# to a change of inclination ; and, indeed, the greatest por- tion of the apparent variation of intensity depends upon the dim-nal alteration of the horizontal component, but, when every correction has been made, there still remains a small quantity as an indication of a real vai-iation of intensity. ^^ In another letter, which Arago wrote to me from Paris on the 20th of March, 1829, shortly before my Sibe- rian expedition, he expressed himself as follows : " I am not surprised that you should have found it difficult to recognize the diurnal change of inclination, of which I have already spoken to you, in the winter months, for it is only during the warmer portions of the year that this E2 106 COSMOS. stations this opposition and the periodicity of the horary va- riation in the dip have been firmly established by several thousand regularly prosecuted observations, which have all been submitted to a careful discussion since 1840. The present would seem the most fitting place to notice the facts that have been obtained as materials on which to base a general theory of terrestrial magnetism. It must, however, first be observed, that if we consider the periodical varia- tions which are recognized in the three elements of terrestrial magnetism, we must, with Sabine, distinguish, in the turn- ing hours at which the maxima or minima occur, two great- er, and therefore more important, extremes, and other slight variations, which seem to be intercalated among the others, as it were, and which are for the most part of an irregular character. The recurring movements of the horizontal and variation is sufficiently sensible to be observed with a lens. I would still insist upon the fact thaj; changes of inclination are not sufficient to explain the change of intensity, deduced from the observation of a horizontal needle. An augmentation of temperature, all other cir- cumstances remaining the same, retards the oscillations of the nee- dles. In the evening the temperature of my horizontal.needle is al- ways highe?- than in the morning ; hence the needle juust on that account make fewer oscillations in a given time in the evening than in the morning; in fact, it oscillates more frequently than we can account for by the change of inclination, and hence there must be a real aug- vientaiion of intensity from morning till evening in the ten-estrial mag- netic force." Later and more numerous observations at Greenwich, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Toronto, and Hobarton, have confirmed Ara- go's assertion (in 1827) that the horizontal intensity was greater in the evening than toward morning. At Greenwich the principal max- imum of the horizontal force was about 6 P.M., the principal minimum about 10 A.M., or at noon ; at Schulzendorf, near Berlin, the maxi- mum falls at 8 P.M., the minimum at 9 A.M. ; at St. Petersburg the maximum falls at 8 P.M., the minimum at llh. 20m. A.M. ; at To- ronto the maximum falls at 4 P.M., the minimum at 11 A.M. The time is always reckoned according to the true tira# of the respective places (Airy, Magn. Observ. at Greenwich for 1845, p. 13; for 1846, p. 102; for 1847, p. 241 ; Riess and Moser, in Poggend., ^rzna/ew, bd. xix., 1830, s. 175 ; Kupffer, Compte rendu Annuel de P Observatoire Cen- trale Magn. de St. Petersb., 1852, p. 28 ; and Sabine, Magn. Observ. at Toronto, vol. i., 1840-1842, p. xhi.). The turning hAurs at the Cape of Good Hope and at St. Helena, where the horizontal force is the weakest in the evening, seem to be singularly at variance, and almost the very opposite of one another (Sabine, Magn. Observ. at the Cape of Good Hope, p. xl., at St. Helena, p. 40). Such, however, is not the case further eastward, in other parts of the great southern hemisphere. "The principal feature in the diurnal change of the horizontal force at Hobarton is the decrease of force in the forenoon, and its subsequent increase in the afternoon" (Sabine, Magn, Obs. at Hobarton^ vol. i., p. liv., vol. ii., p. xliii.). MAGNETIC INCLINATION. 107 (tipping needles, as well as the variation in the intensity of the total force, consequently present principal and secondary maxima or minima, and generally some of either type, which therefore constitutes a double progression with four turning hours (the ordinary case), and a simple progression with two turning hours, that is to say, with a single maximum and a single minimum. Thus, for instance, in Van Diemen's Land, the intensity or total force exhibits a simple progression, com- bined with' a double progression of the inclination, while at one part of the northarn hemisphere, which corresponds ex- actly witU the position of Hobarton, namely, Toronto, in Canada, both the elements of intensity and inclination ex- hibit a double progression.* At the Cape of Good Hope there is only one maximum and one minimum of inclination. The horary periodical variations of the magnetic dip are as follows : I. Northern Hemisphere. Greenwich : Maxim. 9 A.M. ; minim. 3 P.M. (Airy, Oh- serv. in 1845, p. 21; in 1846, p. 113; in 1847, p. 247). Inclin. in the last-named year, about 9 A.M., on an average 08° 59^ 3'^; but at 3 P.M. it was 68° 58^ 6'^. In the monthly variation the maximum falls between April and June, and the minimum between October and December. Paris: Maxim. 9 A.M.; minim. 6 P.M. This simple progression from Paris and Greenwich is repeated at the Cape of Good Hope. St. Petersburg : Maxim. 8 A.M. ; minim. 10 P.M. Va- riation of the inclination the same as at Paris, Greenwich, and Pekin ; less in the cold months, and the maxima more closely dependent on time than the minima. Toronto : Principal maxim. 10 A.M. ; principal minim. 4 P.M. ; secondary maxim. 10 P.M. ; secondary minim. 6 A.M. (Sabine, Tor., 1840-1842, vol. i., p. Ixi.) n. Southern Hemisphere. Hobarton, Van Diemen's Land : Principal minim. 6 A.M. ; principal maxim. 11*30 A.M.; secondary minim. 5 P.M.; secondary maxim. 10 P.M. (Sabine, Hob., vol. i., p. Ixvii.). The inclination is greater in the summer, when the sun is in the southern zodiacal signs, 70° 36^-74; it is smaller in win- ter, when the sqn is in the northern s!gns, 70° 34^*66. The annual mean taken from the observations of six years gives * Sabine, Tloharton. \6\. i., p. Ixvii., Ixix. 108 COSMOS. 70° 36'-01. (Sabine, Hob., vol. ii., p. xliv.)- Moreover, the intensity at Hobarton is greater from October to February than from April to August, p. xlvi. Cape of Good Hope: Simple progression, the minim, being Oh. 34m. P.M. ; maxim. 8h. 34m. P.M., with an ex- ceedingly small intermediate variation between 7 and 9 A.M. (Sabine, Cape Obs., 1841-1850, p. liii.). The phenomena of the turning hours of the maximum of the inclinations expressed in the time of the place fall with remarkable regularity between 8 and 10 A.M. for places in the northern hemisphere, such as Toronto, Pai'is, Green- wich, and St. Petersburg, while in like manner the minima of the turning hours all fall in the afternoon or evening, al- though not within equally narrow limits (at 4, 6, and 10 P.M.). It is so much the more remarkable, that in the course of very accurate observations made at Greenwich during five years there was one year, 1845, in which the epochs of the maxima and minima were reversed. The an- nual mean of the inclinations was for 9 A.M. ; 68° 56^-8, and for 3 P.M. : 68° 58'-l. When we compare together the stations of Toronto and Hobarton, which exhibit a corresponding geographical posi- tion on either side of the equator, we find that there is at Hobarton a great difference in the turning hours of the prin- cipal minimum of inclination (at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and 6 o'clock in the morning), although such is not the case in the turning hours of the principal maximum (10 and 1 1 .30 A.M.). The period of the principal minimum (6 A.M.) at Hobarton coincides with that of the secondary minimum at Toronto. The principal and secondary maxima occur at both places at the same hours, between 10 and 11.30 A.M. and 10 P.M. The four turning hours of the inclination occur almost precisely the same at Toronto as at Hobarton, only in a reversed order (4 or 5 P.M., 10 P.M., 6 A.M., and 10 or 11.30 A.M.). This complicated effect of the internal terres- trial force is very remarkable. If, on the other hand, we compare Hobarton and Toronto in respect to the order in which the turning hours of the alterations of intensity and inclination occur, we shall find that at the former place in the southern hemisphere the minimum of the intensity fol- lows only two hours ^fter the principal minimum of the in- clination, while the delay in the maximum amounts to six hours ; while in the northern hemisphere, at Toronto, the minimum of intensity precedes the principal maximum of MAGNETIC INCLINATION. 109 inclination by eight hours, while the maximum of intensity differs only by two hours from the minimum of inclination.* The periodicity of inclination at the Cape of Good Hope does not coincide with that at Hobarton, which lies in the same hemisphere, nor with any one point of the northern hemisphere. The minimum of inclination is indeed reached at an hour at which the needle at Hobarton has very nearly reached the maximum. For the determination of the secular variation of the in- clination it is necessary to have a series of observations that have not only been conducted with extreme accuracy, but which have likewise extended over long intervals of time. Thus, for instance, we can not go with certainty as far back as the time of Cook's voyages, for although in his third ex- pedition the poles were always reversed, we frequently ob- serve differences of 40^ to 55^ in the observations of this great navigator and of Bayley on the Pacific Ocean, a dis- crepancy which may very probably be referred to the imper- fect construction of the magnetic needle at that time, and to the obstacles which then prevented its free* motion. For London we scarcely like to go further back than Sabine's observation of August, 1821, which, compared with the ad- mirable determination made by himself. Sir James Ross and Fox in May, 1838, yielded an annual decrease of 2^-73, while Lloyd with equally accurate instruments, but in a shorter interval of time, obtained at Dublin the very accord- ant result of 2^-38.1 At Paris, where the annual diminution of inclination is likewise on the decrease, this diminution is greater than in London. The very ingenious methods sug- gested by Coulomb for determining the dip had, indeed, led their inventor to incorrect results. The first observation which was made with one of Le Noir's perfect instruments at the Paris Observatory belongs to the year 1798. At that time I found, after often repeating the experiments conjoint- ly with the Chevalier Borda, 69° 51^; in the year 1810, in conjunction with Arago, I found 68° 50^-2 ; and in the year 1826, with Mathieu, 67° 56^-7. In the year 1841 Arago found 67° 9^, and in the year 1851 Laugier and Mauvais * Total intensity at Hobarton, max. 5h. 30m. P.M., min. 8h. 30m. A.M.; at Toronto, principal max. 6 P.M., principal min. 2 A.M., secondary max. 8 A.M., secondary min. 10 A.M. See Sabine, To- ronto, vol. i., p. Ixi., Ixii., and Hobarton, vol. i,, p. Ixviii. t Sabine, Report on the Isoclinal and Isodynamic Lines in the British Islands, 1839, p. 61-63. 110 COSMOS. found 66° 35^ — all these observers adopting similar methods and using similar instruments. This entire period, which extends over more than half a century (from 1798 to 1851), gives a mean annual diminution of the inclination at Paris of 3^*69. The intermediate periods stood as follows : From 1798 to 1810 at 5'-08 I From 1826 to 1841 at 3'-13 " 1810 to 1826 " 3'-37 I " 1841 to 1851 " 3'-40 ^ ' The decrease between 1810 and 1826 has been strikingly though gradually retarded ; for an observation which Gay- Lussac made with extreme care (69° 12^), after his return in 1806 from Berlin, whither he had accompanied me after our Italian expedition, gave an annual diminution of 4^-87 since 1798. The nearer the node of the magnetic equator ap- proaches to the meridian of Paris in its secular progression from east to west, the slower seems to be the decrease, rang- ing in half a century from about 5^-08 to 3^-40. Shortly before my Siberian expedition in April, 1829, I laid before the Academy of Berlin a memoir, in which I had compared together the different points observed by myself, and which, I believe I may venture to say, had all been obtained with equal care* Sabine, more than twenty-five years after me, measured the inclination and intensity of the magnetic force at the Havana, which, in respect to these equinoctial regions, affords a very considerable interval of time, while he also de- termined the variation of two important elements. Han- steen, in 1831, gave the result of his investigations of the an- nual variation of the dip in both hemispheres,! in a very ad- * Humboldt, in Pogf]^end., Annalen, bd. xv., s. 319-336, bd. xix., s. 357-391 ; and in the Voyage aux Regions Equinox., t. iii., p, 616-625. t Hansteen, Ueber jdhrlicke Verdnderung der Inclination, in Pog- gend., Ann., bd. xxi., s. 403-429. Compare also, on the influence of the progression of the nodes of the magnetic equator. Sir David Brew- ster, Treatise on Magnetism, p. 247. As the great number of observa- tions made at different stations have opened an almost inexhaustible field of inquiry in this department of special investigation, we are constantly meeting with new complications in our search for the laws by which these forces are controlled. Thus, for instance, in the course of a series of successive years we see that the dip passes in one of the turning hours — that of the maximum from a deci-ease to an absolute increase, while in the turning hour of the minimum the progressive annual decrease continued the same. Thus, at Greenwich, the mag- netic inclination in the maximum hour (9 A.M.) decreased in the years 1844 and 1845, while it increased at the same hour from 1845 to 1846, and continued in the turning hour of the minimum (3 P.M.) to decrease from 1844 to 1846 (Airv, Magn. Observ. at Greenwich, 1846, p. 113). MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. Ill mirable work, which is of a more comprehensive nature than my own. Although Sir Edward Belcher's observations for the year 1838, when compared with those I made in 1803 (see p. 73), along the western coast of America, between Lima, Guaya- quil, and Acapulco, indicate considerable alterations in the inclination (and the longer the intermediate period the great- er is the value of the results), the secular variation of the dip at other points of the Pacific has been found to be strikingly slow. At Otaheite, Bayley foynd, in 1773, 29° 43^ ; and Fitzroy, in 1835, 30° IV ; while Captain Belcher, in 1840, again found 30° 17^; and hence the mean annual variation scarcely amounted, in the course of sixty-seven years, to 0^-51.=^ A very careful observer, Sawelieff, found in North- ern Asia, twenty-two years after my visit to those regions, in a journey which he made from Casan to the shores of the Caspian Sea, that the incHnation to the north and south of the parallel of 50° had varied very irregularly.! Humboldt. Sawelieff. 1829. 1851. Casan 68° 26-7 68° 30-8 Saratow •... 64M0'-9 64° 48'-7 Sarepta 62° 15'-9 (i2° 39 -6 Astrachau 59° 58-3 60° 27-9 For the Cape of Good Hope we now possess an extended series of observations, which, if we do not go further back than from Sir James Ross and Du Petit Thouars (1840) to Vancouver (1791), may be regarded as of a very satisfactory nature in respect to the variation of the inclination for near- ly half a century.f The solution of the question whether the elevation of the soil does in itself exert a perceptible influence on magnetic dip ^nd intensity,§ was made the subject of very careful in- vestigation during my mountain journeys in the chain of the Andes, in the Ural, and Altai. I have already observed, in * Phil. Transact, for 1841, pt. i., p. 35. t Compare Sawelieff, in the Bulletin Physico-M'athematique de VAcad. Imp. de St. Petersb., t. x., No. 219, with Humboldt, Asie Centr.^ t. iii., p. 440. X Sabine, Magn. Observ. at the Cape of Good Hope, vol. i., p. Ixv. If we may trust to the observations made by Lacaille for the year 1751 , who, indeed, always reversed the poles, but who made his observations with a needle which did not move freely, it follows that there has been an increase in the incHnation at the Cape of Good Hope of 3°'08 in eighty-nine years ! ^ Arago, in the Annuaire du Bureau des Long, pour 1825, p. 285-288. 112 COSMOS. the section on Magnetic Intensity, how very few localities were able to afford any certainty as to this question, because the distance between the points to be compared together must be so small as to leave no ground for suspecting that the difference found in the inclination may be a consequence of the elevation of the soil, instead of the result of the curv- ature of the isodynamic and isoclinal lines, or of some great peculiarity in the composition of the rocks. I will limit myself to the four results which I thought, at the time they were obtained, showed more decisively than could be done by observations of intensity the influence exerted by eleva- tion in diminishing the dip of the needle. The Silla de Cai^acas, which rises almost vertically above La Guayra, and 8638 feet above the level of the sea, south of the coast, but in its immediate vicinity, and north of the town of Caracas, yielded 'the inclination of 41°-90; La Guayra elevation 10 feet, inclination 42°-20 ; the town of Caracas, height above the shores of the Rio Guayre, 2648 feet, inclination 42°-95. (Humboldt, Voy. aux Reg, Equi- nox., t. i., p. 612.) Santa Fe de Bogota: elevation 8735 feet, inclination 27°*15 ; the chapel of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, built upon the projecting edge of a rock, elevation 10,794 feet, inclination 26°-80. Popayan: elevation 5825 feet, inclination 23°*25 ; mount- ainous village of Purace on the declivity of the volcano, ele- vation 8671 feet, inchnation 21°-80; summit of the volcano of Purace, elevation 14,548 feet, inclination 20°*30. Quito: elevation 9541, inclination 14°*85 ; San Antonio de Lulumbamba, where the geographical equator intersects the torrid valley, elevation of the bottom of the valley 8153 feet, inclination 16°*02. (All the above-named inclini^tions have been expressed in decimal parts of a degree.) It might, perhaps, be deemed unnecessary, considering the extent of the relative distances and the influence of the neighboring kinds of rock, for me to enter fully into the details of the following observations : the Hospice of St. Gotthard, 7087 feet, inclination 66° 12^; compared with Airolo, elevation 3727 feet, inclination 66° 54^ ; and Altorf, inclination 66° 55^ ; or to notice the appare'ntly contradict- ory data yielded by Lans le Bourg, inclination 66° 9'', the Hospice of Mont Cenis, 6676 feet, inclination 66° 22', and Turin 754 feet, inclination 66° 3'; or by Naples, Portici, and the margin of the crater of Vesuvius ; or by the summit MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 113 of the Great Milischauer (Phonolith), inclination 67° 53^-5, Teplitz inclination 67° 19^-5, and Prague inclination 66° 47^*6.* Simultaneously with the series of admirable com- parative observations published with the fullest details of the horizontal intensity, which were made in 1844 by Bra- vais, in conjunction with Martins and Lepileur, and com- pared at thirty-five stations, including the summits of Mont Blanc (15,783 feet), of the Great St. Bernard (8364 feet), and of the Faulhorn (8712 feet), the above-named physicists made a series of inclination experiments on the grand plateau of Mont Blanc (12,893 feet), and at Chamouni (3421 feet). Although the compariscjn of these results showed that the elevation of the soil exerted an influence in diminishing the magnetic inclination, observations made at the Faulhorn and at Brienz (1870 feet in elevation) showed the opposite result of the inclination increasing with the height. The dilFerent investigations on horizontal intensity and inclination failed to yield any satisfactory solution of the problem. (Bravais, Sar VIntensite du Magnetisme Terrestre en Frojice, en Suisse, et en Savoie, in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 3eme serie, t. xviii., 1846, p. 225.) In a manuscript report by Borda of his expedition to the Canary Islands in the year 1776, which is preserved at Paris in the Depot de la Marine, and which I have been enabled to consult through the oblig- ing courtesy of Admiral Rosily, I have discovered that Borda was the first who made an attempt to investigate the influ- ence of a great elevation on the inclination. He found that the inclination was 1° 15^ greater at the summit of the Peak of TenerifFe than in the harbor of Santa Cruz, owing un- doubtedly to the local attractions of the lava, as I have oft- en observed on Vesuvius and different American volcanoes. (Humboldt, Voy. aux Hegions Equinox., t. i., p. 116, 277, 288.) In order to try whether the deep interior portions of the body of the earth influence magnetic inclination in the same manner as elevations above the surface, I instituted an ex- periment during my stay at Freiberg, in July, 1828, with all the care that I could bestow upon it, and with a constant * I would again repeat that all the European observations of incli- nation which have been given in this page have been reckoned accord- ing to the division of the circle into 360 parts, and it is only in those observations of inclination which I made myself before the month of June, 1804, in the New Continent, that the centesimal division of the arc has been adhered to ( Voy. aux Regions Equinox., t. iii., p. 615-623). 114 COSMOS. inversion of the poles ; when I found, after very careful in- vestigation, that the neighboring rock, which was composed ■of gneiss, exerted no action on the magnetic needle. The depth below the surface was 854 feet, and the difference be- tween the inclination of the subterranean parts of the mine and those points which lay immediately above it, and even with the surface, was only 2^*06 ; but, considering the care with which my experiments were made, I am inclined to think, from the results given for each needle, as recorded in the accompanying note,* that ' the inclination is greater in the Churprinz mine than on the surface of the mountain. It would be very desirable if opportunities were to present themselves, in cases where there is evidence that the rock has not exerted any local influence on the magnet, for care- fully repeating my experiments in mines, in which, like those of Valenciana, near Guanaxuato, in Mexico, the vertical depth is 1686 feet; or in English coal mines nearly 1900 feet deep ; or in the now-closed shaft at Kuttenberg, in Bo- hemia, 3778 feet in depth.j After a violent earthquake at Cumana, on the 4th of November, 1799, I found that the inclination was dimin- ished 0°-90, or nearly a whole degree. The circumstances * In the Churprinz mine at Freiberg, in the mountains of Saxony, the subterranean point was 133^ fathoms deep, and was observed with Freiesleben and Reich at 2^ P.M. (temperature of the mine being 60°-08 F.). The dipping-needle A showed 67° 87'-4, the needle B 67° 32'- 7, the mean of both needles in the mine was 67° 35'-05, In the open air, at a point of the surface which lies immediately above the point of subterranean observation, the needle A stood at 11 A.M. at 67° 33'-87, and the needle B at 67° 32'-12. The mean of both needles in the upper station was 67° 32'-99, the temperature of the air being 60°-44 F., and the difference between the xipper and lower result 2'-06. The needle A, which, as the stronger of the two, in- spired me with most confidence, gave even 3'-53, while the influence of the depth remained almost inappreciable when the needle B only was used (Humboldt, in Poggend., AnnaL, bd. xv., s. 326). I have already described in detail, and elucidated by examples, in Asie Centr., t. iii., p. 465-467, the uniform method which I have always employed in reading the azimuth circle in order to find the magnetic meridian by corresponding inclinations, or by the perpendicular posi- tion of the needle ; as also to find the inclination itself on the vertical circle by reversing the bearings of the needle and by taking the read- ings at both points, before and after the poles had been reversed. Tl:e position of the two needles has, in each case, been read off sixteen times, in order to obtain a mean result. Where so small an amount has to be determined, it is necessary to enter fully- into the individual details of the observation. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 157. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS. 115 under which I obtained this result, and which I have else- where fully described,* aiFord no sufficient ground for the sus- picion of an error in the observation. Shortly' after my ar- rival at Cumana I found that the inclination was 43°*53. A few days before the earthquake I was induced to begin a long series of carefully-conducted observations in the harbor of Cumana, in consequence of having accidentally noticed a statement in an otherwise valuable Spanish work, Mendoza's Tratado de Navegacion, t. ii., p. 72, according to which it was erroneously asserted that the hourly and monthly alter- ations of inclination were greater than those of variation. I found, between the 1st and 2d of November, that the inclina- • tion exhibited very steadily the mean value of 43°-6o. The instrument remained untouched and properly leveled on the same spot, and on the 7th of November, and therefore three days after the great earthquake, and when the instrument had again been adjusted, it yielded 42°-75. The intensity of the force, measured by vertical oscillations, was not changed. I expected that the inclination would, perhaps, gradually return to its former position, but it remained sta- tionary. In September, 1800, in an expedition of more than 2000 geographical miles on the waters and along the shores of the* Orinoco and the Rio Negro, the same instrument, which was one of Borda's, which I had constantly carried with me, yielded 42°-80, showing, therefore, the same dip as before my journey. As mechanical disturbances and elec- trical shocks excite polarity in soft iron by altering its mo- lecular condition, we might suspect a connection between the influences of the direction of magnetic currents and the di- rection of earthquakes ; but carefully as I observed this phe- nomenon, of whose objective reality I did not entertain a doubt in 1799, I have never on any other occasion, in the many earthquakes which I experienced in the course of three years at a subsequent period in South America, noticed any sudden change of the inclination which I could ascribe to these terrestrial convulsions, however different were the di- rections in which the undulations of the strata were propa- gated. A very accurate and experienced observer, Erman, likewise found that after an earthquake at Lake Baikal, on the 8tli of March, 1828, there was no disturbance in the declinatienf and its periodic changes. * Humboldt, Voy. aux Regions Equinox., t. i., p. 515-517. t Erman, Reise urn die Erde, bd. ii., s. 180. 116 . COSMOS. Declination. We have already referred to the historical facts of the earliest recognition of those phenomena which depend upon the third element of terrestrial magnetism, namely, declina- tion. The Chinese, as early as the 12th century of our era, were not only well acquainted with the fact of the varia- tion of a horizontal magnetic needle (suspended by a cot- ton thread) from the geographical meridian, but they also knew how to determine the amount of this variation. The intercourse which the Chinese carried on with the Malays and Indians, and the latter with Arab and Moorish pilots, led to the extensive use of the mariner's 'compass among the Genoese, Majorcans, and Catalans, in the basin of the Med- iterranean, on theVest coast of Africa, and in high northern latitudes ; while the maps, which were published as early as 1436, even give the variation for different parts of the sea.* The geographical position of a line of no variation, on which the needle turns to the true north — the pole of the axis of the earth — was determined by Columbus on the 13th of September, 1492, and it did not escape his notice that the knowledge of the magnetic declination might serve in the de- termination of geographical longitudes. I have elsewhere shown, from the Admiral's log, that when he was uncertain of the ship's reckoning, he endeavored, on his second voyage, April, 1496, to ascertain his position by observations of dec- lination.! The horary changes of variation, which were sim- ply recognized as certain facts by Hellibrand and Father Tachard, at Louvo,'^in Siam, were circumstantially and al- most conclusively observed by Graham in 1722. Celsius was the first who made use of these observations to institute simultaneous measurements at two widely remote points.J * See page 53 ; Petrus Peregrine informs a friend that he found the variation in Italy was 5° east in 1269. t Humboldt, Examen. Grit, de tllist. de la Geogr., t. iii., p. 29, 36, 38, 44-51. Although Herrera {Dec.^ i., p. 23) says that Columbus had remarked that the magnetic variation was not the same by day and by night, it does not justify us in ascribing to this great discoverer a knowledge of the horary variation. The actual journal of the admiral, which has been published by Navarrete, informs ns that from the 17th to the 30th of September, 1492, Columbus had reduced every thing to a so-called "unequal movement" of the polar star and the pointers (Guat'das), Examen Gnt., t. iii., p. 56-59. t See pages 61, 70. The first-printed observations for London are those by Graham, in the Philos. Transact, for 1724 awe? 1725, vol. xxxiii., p. 96-107 {An Account of Observations made of the Horizontal MAGNETIC VARIATION. 117 • Passing to the consideration of the phenomena observed in the variation of the magnetic needle, we must first notice its alterations in respect to the different hours of the night and day, the different seasons of the year, and the mean annual values; next, in respect to the influence which the extraordinary, although periodically recurring disturbances, and the magnetic position, north or south of the equ^or, exert on these alterations ; and, finally, in respect to the dif- ferent lines passing through the terrestrial points at which the variation is equal, or even null. These linear relations are certainly most important in respect to the direct prac- tical application of their results to the ship's reckoning, and to navigation generally ; but all the cosmical phenomena of magnetism, among which we must place those extraordinary and most mysterious disturbances which often act simultane- ously at very remote distances (magnetic storms), are so in- timately connected with one another, that no single one of them can be neglected in our attempt gradually to complete the mathematical theory of terrestrial magnetism. In the middle latitudes, throughout the whole northern magnetic hemisphere (the terrestrial spheroid being assumed to be divided through the magnetic equator), the north end of the magnetic needle — that is to say, the end which points toward the north pole — is most closely in the direction of that pole about 8h. 15m. A.M. The needle moves from east to west from this hour till about Ih. 45m. P.H., at which time it attains its most westerly position. This motion westward is general, and occurs at all places in the northern hemisphere, whether they have a western variation — as the whole of Europe, Pekin, Nertschinsk, and Toronto — or an eastern variation, like Kasan, Sitka (in Russian Ameri- caj, Washington, Marmato (New Granada), and Payta, on the Peruvian coast.* From this most westerly point, at Needle at London, 1722-1723, by Mr. George Graham). The change of the variation depends "neither upon heat nor cold, dry or moist air. The variation is greatest between 12 and 4 in the afternoon, and the least at 6 or 7 in the evening." These, however, are not the true turning hours. * Proofs of this are afforded by numerous observations of George Fuss and Kowanko ; at the observatory in the Greek convent at Pekin ; by Anikin at Nertschinsk ; by Buchanan Riddell at Toronto, in Cana- da (all these being places of western variation) ; by Kupffer and Si- monoff at Kasan ; by Wrangle, notwithstanding the many disturb- ances from the Aurora Borealis at Sitka, on the northwest coast of America ; by Gilliss at Washington ; by Boussingault at Marmato, in South America ; and by Duperrey at Payta, on the Peruvian shores 118 COSMOS. Ih. 45m. P.M., the magnetic needle continues to retrograde toward the east throughout the whole of the afternoon and a portion of the night till midnight, or 1 A.M., while it often makes a short pause about 6 P.M. In the night there is again a slight movement toward the west, until the minimum or eastern position is reached at 8h. 15m. A.M, This noc- turnal period, which was formerly entirely overlooked, since a gradual and uninterrupted retrogression toward the east between Ih. 45m. P.M. and 8h. 15m. A.M. was assumed, had already been carefully studied by me at Rome, when I was engaged with Gay-Lussac in observing the horary changes of variation with one of Prony's magnetic tele- scopes. As the needle is generally unsteady as long as the sun is below the horizon, the small nocturnal motion west- ward is more seldom and less distinctly manifested. At those occasions when this motion was clearly discernible, I never saw it accompanied by any restlessness of the needle. The needle, during this small western period, passes quietly from point to point of the dial, exactly in the same manner as in the reliable diurnal period, between 8h. 15m. A.M. and Ih. 45m. P.M., and very differently from the manner in "which it moves during the occurrence of the phenomenon which I have named a magnetic storm. It is very remark- able that when the needle changes its continuous western motion into an eastern movement, or conversely, it does not continue unchanged for any length of time, but it turns round almost suddenly, more especially by day, at the above- named periods, 8h. 15m. A.M. and Ih. 45m. P.M. The slight motion westward does not commonly occur until after mid- night and toward the early morning. On the other hand, it has been observed at Berlin, and during the subterranean observations at Freiberg, as well as at Greenwich, Makefs- of the Pacific (all these being places with an eastern variation). I would here observe that the mean declination was 2° 15' 42" west at Pekin (Dec, 1831) (Poggend., Annalen, bd. xxxiv., s. 54); 4° 7' 44" west at Nertschinsk (Sept., -1832) (Poggend., Op. cit., s. 61); 1° 33' west at Toronto (November, 1847) (see Observ. at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto, vol. i., p. 11 ; and Sabine, in the Phil Transact, for 1851, pt. ii., p. 636), 2° 21' east at Kasan (August, 1828) (KupfFer, Simonoff, and Erman, lleise urn die Erde, bd. ii., s. 532); 28° 16' east at Sitka (November, 1829) (Erman, 0;>. cit., s. 546); 6° 33' east at Marmato (August, 1828) (Humboldt, in Poggend., Annalen, bd. xv., s. 331); 8" 56' east at Payta (August, 1823) (Dii- perrey, in the Connaissance des Tejnps pour 1 828, p. 252). At Tiflis the declination was westerly from 7 A.M. till 2 P.M. (Pan'ot, ReisQ zum Ararat, 1834, th. ii., s. 58). MAGNETIC VARIATION. 119 ton in Scotland, Washington, and Toronto, soon after 10 or 11 P.M. The four movements of the needle, which I recognized in 1805,* have been represented in the admirable collection of observations made at Greenwich in the years 1845, 1846, and 1847, as the results of many thousand horary observa- tions in the following four turning points,! namely, the first * See extracts from a letter, which I addressed to Karsten, from Rome, June 22, 1805, "On four motions of the magnetic needle, constituting, as it were, four periods of magnetic ebbing and flowing, analogous to the barometrical periods." This communication was printed in Hansteen's Magnetismus der Ercle, 1819, s. 459. On the long-disregarded nocturnal alterations of variation, see Faraday, On the Night Episode, § 3012-3021. t Airy, Magnetic and Meteorological Observations made at Greenwich (Results, 1845, p. G; 1846, p. 94; 1847, p. 236).- The close correspond-' ence between the earliest results of the nocturnal and diurnal turning hours, and those which were obtained four years later, in the admi- rable observatories at Greenwich and at Toronto, in Canada, is clearly shown by the investigation made by my old friend Enke, the distin- guished director of the observatory at Berlin, between the correspond- ing observations of Berlin and Breslau. He wrote as follows on the 11th of October, 1836: "In reference to the nocturnal maximum, or the inflection of the curve of horary A^ariation, I do not think that there can be a doubt, as, indeed, Dove has also shown from the Frei- berg observations for 1830 (Poggend., Ann., bd. xix., s. 373). Graph- ical representations are preferable to numerical tables for affording a correct insight into this phenomenon. In the former great irregular- ities at once attract the attention, and enable the observer to draw a line of average ; while in the latter the eye is frequently deceived, and individual and striking irregularities are mistaken for a true maximum or minimum. The periods seem to fall regularly at -the following turning hours : Tlie greatest eastern declination falls at 8 A.M., 1 maximiim E. The greatest ^restern declination falls at. 1 P.M., 1 minimum E. Tlie secondary or lesser eastern maximum falls at . 10 P.M., 11 maximum E. The secondary or lesser western minimum falls at . 4 A.M., 11 minimum E. The secondary or.lesser minimum (the nocturnal elongation westward) falls, more correctly speaking, between 3 and 5 A.M., sometimes nearer the one hour, and sometimes nearer the other." I need scarcely ob- serve that the periods which Enke and myself designate as the eastern minima (the principal and the secondary minimum at 4 A.M.) are named western maxima in the registers of the English and American stations, which were established in 1840, and consequently our eas^erw maxima (8 A.M. and 10 P.M.) would, in accordance with the same form of expression, be converted into western minima. In order, there- fore, to give a representation of the horary motion of the needle in its general character and analogy in the northern hemisphere, I will em- ploy the terms adopted by Sabine, beginning with the period of the greatest loestern elongation, reckoned according to the mean time of the place : 120 COSMOS. minimum at 8 A.M. ; the first maximum at 2 P.M. ; the second minimum at 12 P.M. or 2 A.M. ; and the second maximum at 2 A.M. or 4 A.M. I must here content my- self with merely giving the mean conditions, drawing atten- tion to the fact that the morning principal minimum of 8h. Freiberg, 1829. Breslau, 1836. Greenwich, 1846-47. Maximum 1 P.M. 1 P.M. 2 P.M. Minimum 1 A.M. 10 P. M. 12 P. jM. Maximum 4 A.M. 4 A. M. 4 A.M. Minimum 8 A.M. 8 A.M. 8 AM. Makerston, 1842-43. Toronto, 1845-47. Washington, 1840-42. . Maximum Oh. 40in. 1 1'. M. 2 P. ^i. Minimum 10 P. M. 10 P.M. 10 P. M. Maodmum 2h. 15m. A. M. 2 A. M. 2 A. M. Minimum 7h. 15ra. A. M. 8 A. M. 8 A. M. The different seasons exhibited some striking differences at Green- wich. In the year 1847 there was only one maximum (2 P.M.) and one minimum (12 night) during the winter ; in the summer there was a double progression, but the secondary minimum occurred at 2 A.M. instead of 4 A.M. (p. 236). The greatest western elongation (princi- pal maximum) remained stationary at 2 P.M. in winter as well as in summer, but the smaller or secondary minimum fell, in 1846, as usual (p. 94), at about 8 A.M. in the summer, and in winter about 12 at night. The mean winter western elongation continued, without inter- mission, throughout the whole year between midnight and 2 P.M. (see also for 1845, p. 5). We owe the erection of the observatory at Mak- erston, Roxburghshire, in Scotland, to the generous scientific zeal of Sir Thomas Brisbane (see John Allan Broun, Obs. in Mognetism and Meteorology made at Makerston in 1843, p. 221-227). On the horary diurnal and noctui'nal observations of St. Petersburg, see Kupffer, Compte-renda Meteor, et Mag. a Mr. de Brock en 1851, p. 17. Sabine, in his admirable and ingeniously combined graphic representation of the curve of horary declination at Toronto (Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. ii., plate 27), shows that there is a singular period of rest (from 9 to 11 JP.M.) occurring before the small nocturnal western motion, which begins about 11 P.M. and continues till about 3 A.M. "We find," he observes, " alternate progression and retrogression at Toronto twice in the 24 hours. In two of the eight quarters (1841 and 1842) the infe- rior degree of regularity during the night occasions the occurrence of a trijile maximum and minimum ; in the remaining quarters the turning hours are the same as those of the mean of the two years." {Obs, made at the Magn. and Meteor. Observatory at Toronto, in Canada, vol. i., p. xiv., xxiv., 183-191, and 228; and Unusual Magn. Uisturbances, pt. i., p: vi.) For the very complete observations made at Washing" ton, see Gilliss, Magn. and Meteor. Observations made at Washington, p. 325 {General Law). Compare with these Bache, Observ. at the Magn. and Meteor. Observatory at the Girard College, Philadelphia, made in the years 1840 to 1845 (3 volumes, containing 3212 quarto pages), vol. i., p. 709; vol. ii., p. 1285; vol. iii., p. 2167, 2702. Notwith- standing the vicinity of these two places (Philadelphia lying only 1° 4' north, and 0° 7' 33" east of Washington), I find a diffei'ence in tho lesser periods of the western secondary maximum and secondary min- imum. The former falls about Ih. 30m., and the latter about 2h. 15m. earlier at Philadelphia, M^^NETIC VARIATION. 121 i? sitrv changed in our northern zone by the earlier or later time of sunrise. At the two solstitial periods and the three equinoxes, at which, conjointly with Oltmanns, I watched the horary variations for five to six consecutive days and nights, I found that the eastern turning point remained fixed between 7h. 45m. A.M. and 8h. 15m. A.M. both in summer and in winter, and was only very slightly anticipated by the earlier period at which the sun rose.* In the high northern latitudes near the Arctic circle, and between the latter and the pole of the earth's rotation, the regularity of the horary declination has not yet been very clearly recognized, although there has been no deficiency in the number of very carefully-conducted observations regard- ing this point. The local action of the rocks and the fre- quency of the disturbing action of the polar light, either in the immediate vicinity or at a distance, made Lottin hesi- tate ia drawing definite conclusions in reference to these turning hours, from his own great and careful labors, which were carried on during the French scientific expedition of Lilloise in 1836, or from the earlier results that had been obtained with much care and accuracy by Lowenorn in A 786. It would appear that at Keikjavik, in Iceland, 64° 8^ lat., as well as at Godthaab, on the coast of Greenland, according to observations made by the missionary Genge, the minimum of the western variation fell almost as in the middle latitudes at about 9 or 10 A.M., while the maximum did not appear to occur before 9 or 10 P.M.f Farther to * Examples of the slightly earlier occurrence of the turning hours are given by Lieutenant Gilliss, in his Magn. Ohserv. of Washington, p. 328. At Makerston, in Scotland (55° 35' N. lat.), variations are observed in the secondary minimum, which occurs about 9 A.M. in the first three and the last four months of the year, and about 7"A.M. in the remaining five months (from April till August), the reverse be- ing the case at Berlin and Greenwich (Allan Broun, Observ. made at Makerston, p. 225). The idea of heat exerting an influence on the regular changes of the horary variation, whose minimum falls in the morning near the time of the minimum of the temperature, as the maximum very nearly coincides with maximum heat, is most distinct- ly contradicted by the nocturnal motions of the needle, constituting the secondary minimum and secondary maximum. "There are two maxima and two minima of variation in the twenty-four hours, but only one minimum and one maximum of temperature" (Relshuber, in Pog- gend., Annalen der Physik und Chemie, bd. 85, 1852, s. 416). On the normal motion of the magnetic needle in Northern Germany, see Dove, Poggend., Annalen, bd. xix., s. 364-374. t Voy. en Islande et en Gtoenland, execute on 1835 et 1836, siir la Corv. la Recherche; Physique (1838), p. 214-225, 358-867. Vol. v.— F 122 COSMOS. . the north, at Hammerfest, in Finmark, 70° 40' lat., Sabine found that the motion of the needle was tolerably regular, as in the south of Norway and Germany,* the western min- imum being at 9 A.M. and the western maximum^ at Ih. •30m. P.M. ; he found it, however, different at Spitzbergen, in 79° 50' lat., where the above-named turning hours fell at 6 and at 7h. 30m. A.M. In reference to the Arctic polar Archipelago we possess an admirable series of observations, made during Captain Parry's third voyage in 1825, by Lieu- tenants Foster and James Boss, at Port Bowen, on the east- ern coast of Prince Regent's Inlet, 73° 14' N. lat, which were extended over a period of five months. Although the needle passed twice in the course of twenty-four hours through that meridian, which was regarded as the mean magnetic meridian of the place, and although no Aurora Borealis was visible for fully two months (during the whole of April and May), the periods of the principal elongations varied from four to six hours, and from January to May the means of the maxima and minima of th% western variation differed by only one hour ! The quantity of the declination rose in in- dividual days from 1° 30' to 6° or 7°, while at the turn- ing periods it hardly reaches as many minutes.f Not only within the Arctic circle, but also in the equatorial regions — as, for instance, at Bombay, 18° 56' lat. — a great complica- tion is observable in the horary periods of magnetic varia- tion. These periods may be grouped into two principal classes, which present great differences between April and October on the one hand, and between October and Decem- ber on the other, and these are again divided into two sub- periods, which are very far from being accurately determ- ined.f ,, .. . .^^ * Sabine, Account of the Pendulum Experiments^ 1825, p. 500. t See Barlow's " Report of the Observations at Port Bowen," in the Edinb. New Philos. Journal, vol. ii., 1827, p. 347. X Professor Orlebar, of Oxford, former superintendent of the Mag- netic Observatory of the Island of Colaba, erected at the expense of the East India Company, has endeavored to elucidate the complica- ted laws of the changes of declination in the sub-periods {Observations made at the Magn. and Meteor. Observatory at Bombay in 1845, Results, p. 2-7). It is singular to find that the position of the needle during the first period from April to October (western min. 7h. 30m. A.M., max. Oh. 30m. P.M. ; min. 5h. 30m,, max. 7 P.M.) coincides so close- ly with that of Central Europe. The month of October is a transition period, as-'the amount of diurnal variation scarcely amounts to two minutes in November and December. Notwithstanding that this sta- tion is situated 8° from the magnetic equator, there is no obvious reg- MAGNETIC VARIATION. 123 Europeans could not have learned, from their own expe- rience, the direction of the magnetic needle in the southern hemisphere before the second half of the 15th century, when they may have obtained an imperfect knowledge of it from the adventurous expeditions of Diego Cam with Martin Be- haim, and Bartholomew Diaz, and Vasco de Gama. The Chinese, who, as early as the 3d century of our era, as well as the inhabitants of Corea and the Japanese Islands, had guided their course by the compass at sea, no less than by land, are said, according to the "testimony of their earliest writers, to have ascribed great importance to the south di- rection of the magnetic needle, and this was probably main- ly dependent on the circumstance that their navigation was entirely directed to the south and southwest. During these southern voyages, it had not escaped their notice that the magnetic needle, according to whose direction they steered their course, did not point accurately to the south pole. We even know, from one of their determinations, the amount* of the variation toward the southeast, which prevailed dur- ing the 12th century. The application and farther diffusion of such nautical aids favored the very ancient intercourse of the Chinese and Indians with Java, and to a still greater extent the voyages of the Malay races and their colonization of the island of Madagascar.! Although, judging from the present very northern position of the magnetic equator, it is probable that the town of Louvo, in Siam, was very near the extremity of the northern magnetic hemisphere, when the missionary father, Guy Ta- chard, first observed the horary alterations of the magnetic variation at that place in the year 1682, it must be remem- bered that accurate observations of the horary declination in the southern magnetic hemisphere were not made for fully a century later. John Macdonald watched the course of the ularity in the turning hours. Eveiy where in nature, where various causes of disturbances act upon a phenomenon of motion at recurring periods (whose duration, however, is still unknown to us), the law by which these disturbances are brought about often remains for a long time unexplained, in consequence of the perturbing causes either re- ciprocally neutralizing or intensifying one another. * See my Exavien Crit. de IHist. de la Geogr., t. iii., p. 34-37. The most ancient notice of the variation given by Keutsungchy, a writer belonging to the beginning of the 12th century, was east ^ south. Klaproth's Lettre sur V invention de la Boussole, p. 68. t On the ancient intercourse of the Chinese with Java, according to statements of Fahian in the Fo-kue-si, see Wilhelm von Humboldt, Ueber die Kawi Sprache^ bd. i., b. 16. 124 COSMOS. needle during the years 1794 and 1795 in Fort Marlborough, on the southwestern coast of Sumatra, as well as at St. Helena.* The results which were then obtained drew the attention of physicists to the great decrease in the quantity of the daily alterations of variation in the lower latitudes. The elongation scarcely amounted to three or four minutes. A more comprehensive and a deeper insight into this phe- nomenon was obtained through the scientific expeditions of Freycinet and Duperrey, but the erection of magnetic sta- tions at three important points of the southern magnetic hemisphere — at Hobarton in Van Diemen's Land, at St. Helena, and at the Cape of Good Hope (where for the last ten years horary observations have been carried on for the registration of the alterations of the three elements of terres- trial magnetism in accordance with one uniform method) — afforded us the first general and systematic results. In the middle latitudes of the southern magnetic hemisphere the needle moves in a totally opposite direction from that which it follows in the northern ; for while in the south the needle that is pointed southward turns from east to w^est between morning and noon, the northern point of the needle exhibits a direction from west to east. Sabine, to whom we are indebted for an elaborate revision of all these variations, has arranged the horary observations that were carried on for five years at Hobarton (42° 53^ S. lat., variation 9° 57^ east) and Toronto (43° 39^ N. lat., va- riation 1° 33' west), so that we can draw a distinction be- tween the periods from October to February, and from April * Phil Transact, for 1795, p. 340-349, /or 1798, p. 397. The re- sult which Macdonald himself draws from his observations at Fort Marlborough (situated above the town of Bencoolen, in Sumatra, 3° 47' S. lat.), and according to which the eastern elongation was on the increase from 7 A.M. to 5 P.M., does not appear to me to be entirely justified. No regular observation was made between noon and 8, 4, or 5 P.M. ; and it seems probable, from some scattered observations made at different times from the normal hours, that the turning hours between the eastern and western elongation fall, as early as 2 P.M., precisely the same as at Hobarton. We are in possession of declina- tion observations made by Macdonald during 23 months (from June, 1794, to June, 1796), and from these I perceive that the eastern vari- ation increases at all times of the year between 7h. 30m. A.M. till noon, the needle moving steadily from west to east during that period. There is here no trace of the type of the northern hemisphere (Toronto), which was observable at Singapore from May till September ; and yet Fort Marlborough lies in almost the same meridian, although to the south of the geographical equator, and only 5'= 4' distant from Singa- pore. MAGNETIC VARIATION. 125 to August, since the intermediate months of March and Sep- tember present, as it were, phenomena of transition. At Hobarton the extremity of the needle, which points north- ward, exhibits two eastern and two western maxima of elon- gation,* so that in the period of the year from October to February it moves eastward from 8 or 9 o'clock A.M. till 2 P.M., and then from 2 till 11 P.M., somewhat to the west; from 11 P.M. to 3 A.M. it again turns eastward, and from 3 to 8 A.M. it goes back to the west. In the period between April and August the eastern turning hours are later, oc- curring at 3 P.M. and 4 A.M. ; while the w^estern turning hours fall earlier, namely, at 10 A.M. and at 11 P.M. In the northern magnetic hemisphere the motion of the needle westward from 8 A.M. till 1 P.M. is greater in the summer than in the winter; while in the southern magnetic hemis- phere, where the motion has an opposite direction between the above-named turning hours, the quantity of the elonga- tion is greater when the sun is in the southern than when it is in the northern sign§. The question which I discussed seven years ago in the Picture of Nature,f whether there may not be a region of the earth, probably between the geographical and magnetic equators, in which there is no horary variation (before the return of the northern extremity of the needle to an oppo- site direction of variation in the same hours), is one which, it would seem, from recent experiments, and more especially since Sabine's ingenious discussions of the observations made at Singapore (1<^ 17' N. lat.), at St. Helena (15° 56^ S. lat.), and at the Cape of Good Hope (33° 56^ S. lat), must be an- swered in the negative. No point has hitherto been discov- ered at which the needle does not exhibit a horary motion, and since the erection of magnetic stations the important and very unexpected fact has been evolved that there are places in the southern magnetic hemisphere at which the horary variations of the dipping-needle alternately participate in the phenomena (types) of both hemispheres. The island of St. Helena lies very near the line of weakest magnetic intensity, in a region where this line divaricates very widely from the geographical equator and from the line of no inclination. * vSabine, Magn. Observ. macU at Hobarton, vol. i. (1841 and 1842), p. XXXV.; 2, 148; vol. ii. (1843-1845), p. iii.-xxxv., 172-344. See also Sabine, Obs. made at St. Helena^ and in Phil, Transact, for 1847, pt. i., 55, pi. iv., and Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. ii., p. 36, pi. xxvii. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 183. 126 COSMOS. At St. Helena the movement of the end of the needle, which points to the nortli, is entirely opposite, in the months from May to September, from the direction which it follows in the analogous hours from October to February, it has been found after five years' horary observations, that during the winter of the southern hemisphere, in the above-named peri- ods of the year, while the sun is in the northern signs, the northern point of the needle has the greatest eastern varia- tion at 7 A.M., from which hour, as in the middle latitudes of Europe and North America, it moves westward till 10 A.M., and remains very nearly stationary until 2 P.M. At other parts of the year, on the other hand, namely, from Oc- tober till February (which constitutes the summer of the southern hemisphere, and when the sun is in the southern signs, and therefore nearest to the earth), the greatest west- ern elongation of the needle falls about 8 A.M., showing a movement from west to east until noon, precisely in accord- ance with the type of Hobarton (42^ 53^ S. lat.), and of oth- er districts of the middle parts of th% southern hemisphere. At the time of the equinoxes, or soon afterward, as, for in- stance, in March and April, as well as in September and Oc- tober, the course of the needle fluctuates on individual days, showing periods of transition from one type to another, from that of the northern to that of the southern hemisphere.* Singapore lies a little to the north of the geographical equator, between the latter and the magnetic equator, which, according to Elliot, coincides almost exactly with the curve of lowest intensity. According to the observations which * Sabine, Observations mads at the Magn. and Meteo7\ Observatory at St. Helena in 1840-1845, vol. i., p. 30 ; and in the Phil. Transact, for 1847, pt. i., p. 51-56, pi. iii. The regularity of this opposition in the two divisions of the year, the first occurring between May and Septem- ber (type of the middle latitudes in the northern hemisphere), and the next between October and February (type of the middle latitudes in the southern hemisphere), is graphically and strikingly manifested when we separately compare the form and inflections of the curve of horary variation in the portions of the day intervening between 2 P.M. and 10 A.M., between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M., and between 4 P.M. and 2 A.M. Every curve above the line which indicates the mean decli- nation has an almost similar one corresponding to it below it (vol. i., pi. iv,, the curves A A and BB). This opposition is perceptible even in the rvDCturnal periods, and it is still more remarkable that, while the type of St. Helena and of the Cape of Good Hope is found to be that belonging to the noi-thern hemisphere, the same earlier occurrence of the turning hours which is observed in Canada (Toronto) is noticed in the same months at these two southern points. Sabine, Obscj'v. at Hobarton, vol. i., p. xxxvi. MAGNETIC VARIATION. 127 were made at Singapore every two hours during the years 1841 and 1842, Sabine again finds the St. Helena types in the motion of the needle from May to August, and from November to February; the same occurs at the Cape of Good Hope, which is 34° distant from the geographical and still more remote from the magnetic equator, and where the inclination is 53° south and the sun never reaches the ze- nith.* We possess the published horary observations made at the Cape for six years, from May to September, according to which, almost precisely as at St. Helena, the needle moves westward till llh. 30m. A.M. from its extreme eastern po- sition (7h. 30m. A.M.), while from October to March it moves eastward from 8h. 30m. A.M. to Ih. 30m. and 2 P.M. The discovery of this well-attested, but still unexplained and obscure phenomenon, has more especially proved the import- ance of observations continued uninterruptedly from hour to hour for many years. Disturbartces which, as we shall soon have occasion to show, have the power of diverting the nee- dle either to the eastward or westward for a length of time, would render > the isolated observations of travelers uncer- tain. By means of extended navigation and the application of the compass to geodetic surveys, it was very early noticed that at certain times the magnetic needle exhibited an ex- * PhiL Transact, for 1847, pt. i,, p. 52, 57; and Sabine, Observa- tions mack at the Magn. and Meteor. Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, 1841-1840, vol. i., p. xii.-xxiii., pi. iii. ' See also Faraday's in- genious views regarding the causes of those phenomena, which depend upon the alternations of the seasons, in \i\& Experiments on Atmospheric Magnetism, § 3027-3068, and on the analogies with St. Petersburg, § 3017. It would appear that the singular type of magnetic declination, varying with the seasons, which prevails at the Cape of Good Hope, St. Helena, and Singapore, has been noticed on the southern shores of the Red Sea by the careful observer D' Abbadie (Airy, On the Present State of the Science of Terrestrial Magnetism, 1850, p. 2). "It results from the present position of the four points of maximum of intensity at the surface of the earth," observes Sabine, "that the important curve of the relatively, but not absolutely, weakest intensity in the Southern Atlantic Ocean should incline away from the vicinity of St. Helena, in the direction of the southern extremity of Africa. The as- tronomico-geographical position of this southern extremity, where the sun remains throughout the whole year north of the' zenith, affords a principal ground of objection against De la Rive's thermal explanation (Annales de Chimie et de Physique, t. xxv., 1849, p. 310) of the phenom- enon of St. Helena here referred to, which, although it seems at first sight apparently abnormal, is nevertheless entirely in accordance with established law, and is found to occur at other points." See Sabine, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1849, p. 821. 128 COSMOS. traordinary disturbance in its direction, which was frequent- ly connected with a vibratory, trembling, and fluctuating motion. It became customary to ascribe this phenomenon to some special condition of the needle itself, and this was characteristically designated by French sailors Vaffolement de raiguille, and it was recommended that une aiguille affolee should be again more strongly magnetized. Halley was cer- tainly the first who inferred that polar light was a magnetic phenomenon — a statement* which he made on the occasion of his being invited by the Royal Society of London to ex- plain the great meteor of the 6th of March, 1716, which was seen in every part of England. He says " that the^ meteor is analogous with the phenomenon which Gassendi first des- ignated in 1621 by the name o^ Aurora Borealis'^ Although, in his voyages for the determination of the line of variation, he advanced as far south as 52°, yet we learn, from his own confession, that he had never seen a northern or southern polar light before the year 1716, although the latter, as I can testify, is visible in the middle of the tropical zone of Peru. Halley, therefore, does not appear, fromihis own ob- servation, to have been aware of the restlessness of the nee- dle, or of the extraordinary distiirbimces and fluctuations which it exhibits at tiie periods of visible or invisible north- * Halley, Accozmt of the late stirprising A'ppearance of-Lightsin the Air, in the Phil. Transact., vol. xxix., 1714-1716, No. 347, p. 422- 428. Halley's explanation of the Aurora Borealis is unfortunately connected with the fantastic hypothesis which had been enounced by him twenty-five years earlier, in the Phil. Transact, for 1693, vol. xvii., No. 195, p. 563, according to which there was a luminous fluid in the hollow terrestrial sphere lying between the outer shell which we inhabit and the inner denser nucleus, Avhich is also inhabited by hu- man beings. These are his words: "In order fo make that inner globe capable of being inhabited, there might not improbably be con- tained some luminous medium between the balls, so as to make a per- petual day below." Since the outer shell of the earth's crust is far less thick in the region of the poles of rotation (owing to the compres- sion produced at those parts) than at the equator, the inner luminous fluid (that is, the magnetic fluid), seeks at certain periods, more espe- cially at the times of the equinoxes, to find itself a passage in the less thick polar regions through the fissures of rocks. The emanation of this fluid is, according to Falley, the phenomenon of the northern light. When iron filings are strewn over a spheroidal magnet (a te- rella), they serve to show the direction of the luminous colored rays of the Aurora. "As each one sees his own rainbow, so also the corona appears to every observer to be at a different point" (p. 424). Regard- ing the geognostic dreams of an intellectual investigator, who display- ed |uch profound knowledge in all his magnetic and astronomical la- bors, see Cosmos, vol. i., p. 171. MAGNETIC DISTURBANCES. 129 em or southern polar lights. OlavHiorter and Celsius at Up- sala were the first who, in the year 1741, and therefore be- fore Halley's death, confirmed, by a long series of measure- ments and determinations, the connection, which he had mere- ly conjectured to exist between the appearance of the Aurora Borealis and a disturbance in the normal course .of the nee- dle. This meritorious investigation led them to enter into an arrangement for carrying on systematic observations si- multaneously with Graham in London, while the extraordi- nary disturbances of variation, observed on the appearance of the Aurora, were made subjects of special investigation by Wargentin, Canton, and Wilke. The observations which I had the opportunity of making, conjointly with Gay-Lussac, in 1805, on the Monte Pincio at Rome, and more especially the investigations suggested by these observations, and which I prosecuted conjointly with Oltmanns during the equinoctial and solstitial periods of the years 1806 and 1807, in a large isolated garden at Berlin, by means of one of Prony's magnetic telescopes, and of a distant tablet-signal, which admitted, of being well illumina- ted by lamp-light, showed me that this element of terrestrial activity (which acts powerfully at certain epochs, and not merely locally, and which has been comprehended under the general name of extraordinary disturbances) is worthy, on account of its complicated nature, of being made the subject of continuous observation. The arrangement of the signal and the cross-wires in the telescope, which was suspended in one instance to a silken thread, and in another to a metallic wire, and attached to a bar magnet inclosed in a large glass case, enabled the observer to read off to 8^^ in the arc. As this method of observation allowed of the room in which the telescope and the attached bar magnet stood being left unil- luminated by night, all suspicion of the action of currents of air was removed, and those disturbances avoided which oth- erwise are apt to arise from the illumination of the scale in variation compasses, provided with microscopes, however perfect they may otherwise be. In accordance with the opin- ion then expressed by me, that *' a continuous, uninterrupt- ed hourly and half-hourly observation (Observatio Perpetua) of several days and nights was greatly to be preferred to isolated observations extending over many months," we con- tinued our investigations for five, seven, and even eleven days and nights consecutively,* during the equinoctial and * When greatly fatigued by observing for many consecutive niglits, 130 COSMOS. solstitial periods — the importance of such observations at these times being admitted by all recent observers. We soon perceived that, in order to study the peculiar physical char- acter of these anomalous disturbances, it was not sufficient to determine the amount of the alteration of the variation, but that the numerical degree of disturbance of the nee- dle must be appended to each observation by obtaining the measured elongation of the oscillations. In the ordinary horary course of the needle, it was found to be so quiet that in 1500 results, deduced from 6000 observations, made from the middle of May, 1806, to the end of June, 1807, the oa- cillation generally fluctuated only from one half of a gradua- ted interval to the other half, amounting therefore only to V 12^^; in individual cases, and often when the weather was very stormy and much rain was falling, the needle appeared to be either perfectly stationary, or to vary only 0*2 or 0*3 of a graduated interval, that is to say, about 2V^ or 28^^. But on the occurrence of a magnetic storm, whose final and strongest manifestation is the Aurora Borealis, the oscilla- tions were either in some cases only IV and in others 38^ in the arc, each one being completed in from 1^ to 3 seconds of time. Frequently, on account of the magnitude and in- equality of the oscillations, which far exceeded the scale parts of the tablet in the direction of one or both of its sides, it was not possible to make any observation.* This, for in- Professor Oltmanns and myself were occasionally relieved by very trustworthy obsen^ers; as, for instance, by Mampel, the geographer Friesen, the skillful mechanician Nathan Mendelssohn, and our great geognosist, Leopold von Buch. It has always afforded me pleasure to record the names of those who have kindly assisted me in my labors. * The month of September, 1806, was singularly rich in great mag- netic disturbances. By way of illustration, I will give the following extracts from my journal : 1806, from 4h. 36m. A.M. till 5h. 43m. A.M. fi Sept. m M 5_4. 2 5 ZA an If 27 28 4h. 40m. ' '' 7h. 2m. " 3h. 33m. ' " 6h. 27m. *' 3h. 4ra. ' " 6h. 2m. " 2h. 22m. ' " 4h. 30m. " 2h. 12m. ' " 4h. 3m. " Ih. 5om. ' " 5h. 27m. *' Oh. 3m. ' " Ih. 22m. " The disturbance last referred to was very small, and was succeeded by the greatest quiet, which continued throughout the whole night and until the following noon. f§ Sept., 1806, from lOh. 20m. P.M. till llh. 32m. P.M. MAGNETIC DISTURBANCES. 131 stance, was the case for long and uninterrupted periods dur- ing the night of the 24th September, 1806, lasting on the first occasion from 2h. Om. to oh, o2m., and next from 3h. 57m. to 5h. 4m. A.M. In general, during unusual or larger magnetic disturb- ances (magnetic storms), the mean of the arc of the oscilla- tions exhibited an increase either westward or eastward, al- though with irregular rapiditj, but in a few cases extraor- dinary fluctuations were also observed, even when the vari- ation was not irregularly increased or decreased, and when the mean of the oscillations did not exceed the limits apper- taining to the normal position of the needle at the given time. We saw, after a relatively long rest, sudden motions of very unequal intensity, describing arcs of from 6^ to 15^, either alternating with one another or abnormally inter- mixed, after which the needle would become suddenly sta- tionary. At night this mixture of total quiescence and vio- lent perturbation, without any progression to either side, was very striking.* One special modification of the motion, which This was a small disturbance, which was succeeded by great calm until 5h. 6m. A.M. ^ ^^p*-, 1806, about 2Ii. 46ra. A.M. a great but short magnetic storm, followed by perfect calm. Another equally great magnetic disturbance about 4h. 30m. A.M. The great storm of |^| September had been preceded by a still greater disturbance from 7h. 8m. till 9h. 11m. P.M. In the following winter months there was only a very small number of storms, and these could not be compared with the disturbances during the au- tumnal equinox. I apply the term great storm to a condition in which the needle makes oscillations of from 20 to 38 minutes, or passes be- yond all the scale parts of the segment, or when it is impossible to make any observation. In small storms the needle makes irregular oscillations of from five to eight minutes. * Arago, during the ten years in which he continued to make care- ful observations at Paris (till 1829), never noticed any oscillations without a change in the variation. He wrote to me as follows, in the course of that year : " I have communicated to the Academy the re- sults of our simultaneous observations. I am surprised to notice the oscillations which the dipping-needle occasionally exhibited at Berlin during the observations of 1806, 1807, and of 1828-1829, even when the mean declination was not changed. Here (at Paris) we never ex- perience any thing of the kind. The only time at which the needle exhibits violent oscillations is on the occurrence of an Aurora Borealis, and when its absolute direction has been considerably disturbed, and even then the disturbances of direction are most frequmihj unaccom- panied by any oscillatory movement." The condition here described is, however, entirely opposite to the phenomena which were observed a,t Toronto (43° 91' N. lat.) during the years 1840 and 1841, and which nrrespond accurately with those manifested at Berlin. The observ- ftrs at Toronto have paid so much attention to the nature of the mo- 132 COSMOS. I must not pass without notice, consisted in the very rare occurrence of a vertical motion, a kind of tilting motion, an alteration of the inclination of the northern point of the needle, which was continued for a period of from fifteen to twenty minutes, accompanied by either a very moderate de- gree of horizontal vibration or by the entire absence of this movement. In the careful enumeration of all the secondary conditions which are recorded in the registers of the English observatories, I have only met with three references to " con- stant vertical motion, the needle oscillating vertically,"* and these three instances occurred in Van Diemen's Land. The periods of the occurrence of the greater magnetic storms fell, according to the mean of my observations in Berlin, about three hours after midnight, and generally ceased about 5 A.M. We observed lesser disturbances during the daytime, as, for instance, between 5 and 7 P.M., and fre- quently on the same days of September, during which vio- lent storms occurred after midnight, when, owing to the magnitude and rapidity of the oscillations, it was impossible to read them off or to estimate the means of their elonga- tion. I soon became so convinced of the occurrence of mag- netic storms in groups during several nights consecutively, tion that they indicate whether the vibrations and shocks are "strong" or "slight," and characterize the disturbances in accordance with defin- ite and uniform subdivisions of the scale, following a fixed and uni- form nomenclature. Sabine, Days of Umisual Magn. Disturbances, vol. i., pt. i., p. 4G. Six groups of successive days (146 in all) are given from the two above-named years in Canada, which were marked by very strong shocks, without any perceptible change in the horary declination. Such groups (see Op. cit., p. 47, 54, 74, 88, 95, 101) are designated as " Times of Observations at Toronto, at which the magnetom- eters loere disturbed, but the mean readings were not materially changed^'' The changes of variation were also nearly ahvays accompanied by strong vibrations at Toronto during the frequent Auroras Boreales ; in some cases these vibrations were so strong as entirely to prevent the observations from being read off. We learn, therefore, from these phenomena, whose further investigation we can not too strongly rec- ommend, that although momentary changes of decHnation which dis- turb the needle may often be followed by great and definite changes of variation (Younghusband, Unusual Distwbances, pt. ii., p. x.), the size of the arc of vibration in no respect agrees with the amount of the alteration in the declination ; that in very inconsiderable changes of variation the vibrations may be very strong, while the progressive motion of the needle toward a western or eastern declination may be rapid and considerable, independently of any vibration ; and further, that these processes of magnetic activity assume a special and different character at different places. * Unusual Disturb. ., vol. i., pt. i., p. 69, 101. MAGNETIC DISTURBANCES, 133 that I acquainted the Academy at Berlin with the peculiar nature of these extraordinary disturbances, and even invited my friends to visit me at predetermined hours, at which I hoped they might have an opportunity of witnessing this phenomenon ; and, in general, I was not deceived in my an- ticipations.* KupfFer, during his travels in the Caucasus in 1829, and at a later period, Kreil, in the course of the valu- able observations which he made at Prague, were both en- abled to confirm the recurrence of magnetic storms at the same hours, f The observations which I was enabled to make during the year 1806 at the equinoctial and solstitial periods, in refer- ence to the extraordinary disturbances in the variation, have become one of the most important acquisitions to the theory of terrestrial magnetism, since the erection of magnetic sta- tions in the different British colonies (from 1838 to 1840), through the accumulation of a rich harvest of materials, which have been most skillfully elaborated by General Sa- bine. In the results of both hemispheres this talented observ- er has separated magnetic disturbances, according to diurnal and nocturnal hours, according to different seasons of the year, and a^ording to their deviations eastward or westward. At Toronto and Hobarton the disturbances were twice as fre- quent and strong by night as by day,{ and the same was the case in the oldest observations at Berlin ; exactly the re- verse of what was found in from 2600 to 3000 disturbances * This was at the end of September, 3806. This fact, which was published in Poggendorflfs Annalen der Physik, bd. xv. (April, 1829), s. 330, was noticed in the following terms : " The older horary observ- ations, which I made conjointly with Oltmanns, had the advantage that at that period (1806 and 1807) none of a similar kind had been prosecuted either in France or in England. They gave the nocturnal maxima and minima; they also showed how remarkable magnetic storms could be recognized, which it is often impossible to record, owing to the intensity of the vibrations, and which occur for many nights consecutively at the same time, although no influence of mete- orological relations has hitherto been recognized as the inducing cause of the phenomena." The earliest record of a certain periodicity of extraordinary disturbances was not, therefore, noticed for the first time in the year 1839. Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, 1845, pt. ii., p. 12. t Knpffer, Voyage au Mont Elbruz dans le Caucase, 1829, p. 108. "Irregular deviations often recur at the same hour and for several days consecutively." X Sabine, Unusual Disturb., vol. i., pt. i., p. xxi. ; and Younghus- band, On Periodical Laws in the larger Magnetic Disturbances, in the Phil. Transact, for 1853, pt. i., p. 173. 134 COSMOS. at the Cape of Good Hope, and more especially at the island of St. Helena, according to the elaborate investigation of Cap- tain Younghusband. At Toronto the principal disturbances generally occurred in the period from midnight to 5 A.M.; it was only occasionally that they were observed as early as from 10 P.M. to midnight, and consequently they predomin- ated by night at Toronto, as well as at Hobarton. After having made a very careful and ingenious investigation of the 3940 disturbances at Toronto, and the 3470 disturbances at Hobarton, which were included in the cycle of six years (from 1843 to 1848), of which the disturbed variations con- stituted the ninth and tenth parts, Sabine was enabled to draw .the conclusion* that " the disturbances belong to a special kind of periodically recurring variations, which fol- low recognizable laws, depend upon the position of the sun in the ecliptic and upon the daily rotation of the earth round its axis, and, further, ought no longer to be designated as irreg- ular motions, since we may distinguish in them, in addition to a special local type, processes which affect the whole earth." In those years in which the disturbances were more frequent at Toronto, they occurred in almost equal numbers in the southern hemisphere at Hobarton. At the first-naAed of these places these disturbances were, on the whole, doubly as frequent in the summer — namely, from April to September — as in the winter months, from October to March. The greatest number fell in the month of September, in the same manner as at the autumn equinox in my Berlin observations of 1806.t They are more rare in the winter months in all places ; at Toronto they occur less frequently from Novem- * Sabine, in the Phil Transact, for 1851, pt. i., p. 125-127. *' The diurnal variation observed is, in fact, constituted by two variations superposed upon each other, having different laws, and bearing differ- ent proportions to each other in different parts of the globe. At trop- ical stations the influence of what have been hitherto called the irreg- ular disturbances (^magnetic storms) is comparatively feeble ; but it is otherwise at stations situated as are Toronto (Canada) and Hobarton (Van Diemen's Island), where their influence is both really and pro- portionally ^greater, and amounts to a clearly recognizable part of the whole diurnal variation." We find here, in the complicated efl'ect of simultaneous but different causes of motion, the same condition which has been so admirably demonstrated by Poisson in his theory of waves (Annales de Chimie et de Physique, t. vii., 1817, p. 293). "Waves of different kinds rrfay cross each other in the water as in the air, where the smaller movements are superposed upon each other." See La- mont's conjectures regai-ding the compound etfect of a polar and an equatorial loave, in Poggeud., Annalen, bd. Ixxxiv., s. 583. t See p. 130. ^MAGNETIC DISTURBANCES. 135 ber till February, and at Hobarton from May till August. At St. Helena and at the Cape of Good Hope the periods at which the sun crosses the equator are characterized, accord- ing to Younghusband, by a very decided frequency in the disturbances. The most important point, and one which was also first noticed by Sabine in reference to this phenomenon, is the regularity with which, in both hemispheres, the disturbances occasion an augmentation in the eastern or western varia- tion. At Toronto, where the declination is slightly west- ward (1° 33^), the progression eastward in the summer, that is, from June till September, preponderated over the pro- gression westward during the winter (from December till April), the ratio being 411:290. In like manner, in Van Diemen's Land, taking into account the local seasons of the year, the winter months (from May till August) are charac- terized by a strikingly diminished frequency of magnetic storms.* The co-ordination of the observations obtained in the course of six years at the two opposite stations, Toronto and Hobarton, led Sabine to the remarkable result that, from 1843 to 1848, there was in both hemispheres not only an increase in the number of the disturbances, but also (even when, in order to determine the normal annual mean of the daily variation, 3469 storms were excluded from the calcu- lation) that the amount of total variation from this mean gradually progressed during the above-named five years from 7^*65 to 10^*o8. This increase was simultaneously percepti- ble, not only in the amplitude of the declination, but also in the inclination and in the total terrestrial force. This result acquired additional importance from the confirmation and generalization afforded to it by Lamont's complete treatise (September, 1851) "regarding a decennial period, which is perceptible in the daily motion of the magnetic needle." According to the observations made at Gottingen, Munich, and Kremsmunster,t the mean amplitude of the daily dec- * Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1852, pt. ii., p. 110 (Younghus- band, Op. cit., p. 169). t According to Lament and Relshuber, the magnetic period is ten years four months, so that the amount of the mean of the diurnal mo- tion of the needle increases regularly for five years, and decreases for the same length of time; on which account the winter motion (the amplitude of decHnation) is always twice as small as the summer mo- tion (see Lament, Jahresbericht der Sternwarte zu Miinchen fiir 1852, s. 54-60). The director of the Observatory at Berne, Rudolph Wolf, finds, by a much more comprehensive series of operations, that the 136 COSMOS. lination attained its minimum between 1843 and 1844, and its maximum from 1848 to 1849. After the declination has thus increased for five years, it again diminishes for a period of equal length, as is proved by a series of exact horary ob- servations, which go back as far as to a maximum in 1786^.* In order to discover a general cause for such a periodicity in all three elements of telluric magnetism, we are disposed to refer it to cosmical influences. Such a connection is indeed appreciable, according to Sabine's conjecture, in the altera- tions which take place in the photosphere, that is to say, in the luminous gaseous envelopes of the dark body of the sun-t According to the investigations which were made throughout a long series of years by Schwabe, the period of the greatest and smallest frequency of the solar spots entirely coincides with that which has been discovered in magnetic variations. Sabine first drew attention to this coincidence in a memoir which he laid before the Royal Society of London^ in March, 1852. "There can be no doubt," says Schwabe, in the re- marks with which he has enriched the astronomical portion of the present work, "that, at least from the year 1826 to 1850, there has been a recurring period of about ten years in the appearance of the sun's spots, whose maxima fell in the years 1828, 1837, and 1848, and the minima in the years 1833 and 1843."t The important influence exerted by the sun's body, as a mass, upon terrestrial magnetism is con- firmed by Sabine in the ingenious observation that the period at which the intensity of the magnetic force is greatest, and the direction of the needle most near to the vertical line, falls, in both hemispheres, between the months of October and February ; that is to say, precisely at the time when the earth is nearest to the sun, and moves in its orbit with the? greatest velocity.§ I have already treated, in the Picture of Nature, || of the period of magnetic declination which coincides with the frequency of the solar spots must be estimated at H*l years. * See page 74. t Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1852, pt. i., p. 103, 121. See the observations made in July, 1852, by Rudolph Wolf, above referred to in page 76 of the present volume ; also the very similar conjectures of Gautier, which were published very nearly at the same time in the Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve, t. xx., p. 189. X Cosmos, vol. iv., p. 85-87. § Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1850, pt. i., p. 216. Faraday, Exper. Researches on Electricity, 1851, p. 56, 73, 76, § 2891, 2949, 2958. II Cosmos, vol. i., p. 191 ; Poggend., Annalen, bd. xv., s. 334, 335; MAGNETIC DISTURBANCES. 137 simultaneity of many magnetic storms, which are transmit- ted for thousands of miles, and indeed almost round the en- tire circumference of the earth, as on the 25th of September, 1841, whfen they were simultaneously manifested in Canada, Bohemia, the Cape of Good Hope, Van Diemen's Land, and Macao ; and I have also given examples of those cases in which the perturbations were of a more local kind, passing from Sicily to Upsala, but not from Upsala farther north in the direction of Alten and Lapland. Li the simultaneous observations of declination which were instituted by Arago and myself in 1829 at Berlin, Paris, Freiberg, St. Petersburg, Casan, and Nikolajew, with the same Gambey's instruments, individual perturbations of a marked character were not transmitted from Berlin as far as Paris, and not on any one occasion to the mine at Freiberg, where Reich was making a series of subterranean observations on the magnet. Great variations and disturbances of the needle simultaneously with the occurrence of the Aurora Borealis at Toronto certainly occasioned magnetic storms in Kerguelen's Land, but not at Hobarton. * When we consider the capacity for penetrating through all intervening bodies, which distinguishes the mag- netic force, as well as the force of gravity inherent in all matter, it is certainly very difficult to form a clear concep- tion of the obstacles which may prevent its transmission through the interior of the earth. These obstacles are anal- ogous to those which we observe in sound-waves, or in the waves of commotion in earthquakes, in which certain spots which are situated near one another never experience 'the shocks simultaneously.* Is it possible that certain magnet- ic intersecting lines may by their intervention oppose all fur- ther transmission *? We have here described the regular and the apparently ir- regular motions presented by horizontally-suspended needles. If by an examination of the normal-recurring motion of the needle we have been enabled, from the mean numbers of the e^j^remes of the horary variations, to ascertain the direction Sabine, Unusual Disturb., vol. i., pt. i., p. xiv.-xviii. ; where tables are given of the simultaneous storms at Toronto, Prap;ue, and Van Die- men's Land. On those days in which the magnetic storms were the most marked in Canada (as, for instance, on the 22d of March, the 10th of May, the Gth of August, and the 25th of September, 1841), the same phenomena were observed in the southern hemisphere in Australia. See also Edward Belcher, in the Phil, Transact, for 1843, p. 133. * Cosmo Sy vol. i., p. 212. 138 COSMOS. of the magnetic meridian, in which the needle has vibrated equally to either side, from one solstice to another, the com- parison of the angles which the magnetic meridian describes at different parallels with the geographical meridian has led, in the first place, to the knowledge of lines of variation of strikingly heterogeneous value (Andrea Bianco in 1436, and Alonzo de Santa Cruz, cosmographer to the Emperor Charles v., even attempted to lay down these lines upon charts); and, more recently, to the successful generalization of isogonic curves, lines of equal variation, which British seamen have long been in the habit of gratefully designating by the his- torical name of llalley's lines. Among the variously curved and differently arranged closed systems of isogonic lines, which are sometimes almost parallel, and more rarely re-en- ter themselves so as to form oval closed systems, the great- est attention, in a physical point of view, is due to those lines on which the variation is null, and on both sides of which variations of opposite denominations prevail, which in- crease unequally with the distance.* I have already else- where shown how the first discovery made by Columbus, on the 13th of September, 1492, of a line of no variation in the Atlantic Ocean, gave an impetus to the study of terrestrial magnetism, which, however, continued for two centuries and a half to be directed solely to the discovery of better meth- ods for obtaining the ship's reckoning. However much the higher scientific education of mariners in recent times, and the improvement of instruments and methods of observation, have extended our knowledge of in- dividual portions of lines of no variation in Northern Asia, in the Indian Archipelago, and the Atlantic Ocean, we have still to regret that in this department of our knowledge, where the necessity of cosmical elucidation is strongly felt, the progress has been tardy and the results deficient in gen- eralization. I am not ignorant that a large number of ob servations of accidental crossings of lines of no variation have been noted down in the logs of various ships, but we are ^ ficient in a comparison and co-ordination of the materials, which can not acquire any importance in reference to this object or in respect to the position of the magnetic equator, until individual ships shall be dispatched to different seas for the sole purpose of uninterruptedly following these lines throughout their course. Without a simultaneity in the ob- - * Op. cit., vol. i., p. 187-189; vol. ii., p. 657-659, and p. 64-60 of the present volume. LINES OF NO VARIATION. 139 servations, we can have no history of terrestrial magnetism. I here merely reiterate a regret which I have often previous- ly expressed.* * At very different periods, once in 1809, in my Recucil d'Observ. Astron., vol. i., p. 368, and again in 1839, when, in a letter addressed to the Earl of Minto, then First Lord of the Admiralty, a few days before the departure of Sir James Ross on his Antarctic expedition, I endeavored more fully to develop the importance of the proposition advanced in the text (see Report of the Committee of Physics and Me- teor, of the Royal Soc. relative to the Antarctic Exped., 1840, p. 88-91). " In order to follow the indications of the magnetic equator or those of the lines of no variation, the ship's course must be made to cross the lines 0 at very small distances, the bearings being changed each time that observations of inclination or of declination show that the ship has deviated from these points. I am well aware that, in accordance with the comprehensive views of the true basis for a general theory of terrestiial magnetism, which we owe to Gauss, a thorowgh knowledge of the horizontal intensity, and the choice of the points at which the three elements of declination, inclination, and total intensity have all been simultaneously measured, suffice for finding the value of - (Gauss, § 4 and 27), and that these are the essential points for future investi- gations ; but the sum total of the small local attractions, the requii'e- ments of steering ships, the ordinary corrections of the compass, and the safety of navigation, continue to impart special importance to the knowledge of the position, and to the movements of the periodic trans- lation oi lines of no variation. I here plead the cause of these various requirements, which are intimately connected with the interests of physical geography." Many years must still pass before seamen can be enabled to guide the ship's course by charts of variation, construct- ed in accordance with the theory of terrestrial magnetism (Sabine, in the Phil. Transact, for 1849, pt. ii., p. 204), and the wholly objective view directed to actual observation, which I would here advocate, would, if it led to periodically-repeated determinations, and conse- quently to expeditions prosecuted simultaneously by land and sea, in accordance with some preconcerted plan, give the double advantage of, in the first place, yielding a direct practical application, and afford- ing us a correct knowledge of the annual progressive movement of these lines : and, secondly, of supplying many new data for the fur- ther development of the theory enounced' by Gauss (Gauss, § 25;. It would, moreover, greatly facilitate the accurate determination of the pj'ogression of the two lines of no inclination and no variation, if landmarks could be established at those points where the lines enter or leave continents at stated intervals ; as, for instance, in the years 1850, 1875, 1900 In expeditions of this kind, which would be similar to those undertaken by Halley, many isoclinal and isogonic systems would necessarily be intersected before the lines of no decli- nation and no inclination could be reached, and by this means the hor- izontal and total intensities might be measured along the coasts, so that several objects would thus be simultaneously attained. The views which I have here expressed are, I am happy to find, supported by a very great authority in nautical questions, viz.. Sir James Ross. (See his Voyage in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, vol. i., p. 105.) 140 COSMOS. According to the facts which we already generally know concerning the position of lines of no variation, it would ap- pear that, instead of the four meridian systems which were believed at the end of the 16th century to extend from pole to pole,* there are probably three very differently formed systems of this kind, if by this name we designate those groups in which the line of variation does not stand in any direct connection with any other line of the same kind, or can not, in accordance with the present state of our knowl- edge, be regarded as the continuation of any other line. Of these three systems, which we will separately describe, the middle, or Atlantic, is limited to a single line of no varia- tion, inclining from SS.E. to NN.W., between the parallels of 65° south and 67° north latitude. The second system, which lies fully 150° farther east, occupying the whole of Asia and Australia, is the most extended and most compli- cated of all, if we merely take into account the points at which the line of no variation intersects the geographical equator. This system rises and falls in a remarkable man- ner, exhibiting one curvature directed southward and anoth- er northward; indeed it is so strongly curved at its north- eastern extremity that the line of no variation forms an el- lipse, surrounding those lines which rapidly increase in vari- ation from without inward. The most westerly and the most easterly portions of this Asiatic curve of no variation incline, like the Atlantic line, from south to north, and in the space between the Caspian Sea and Lapland even from SS.E. to NN.W. The third system, that of the Pacific, which has been least investigated, is the smallest of all, and, lying entirely to the south of the geographical equator, forms almost a closed oval of concentric lines, whose variation is opposite -to that whicfh we observe in the northeastern part of the Asiatic system, and decreases from without inward. If we base our opinion upon the magnetic declination ob- served on the coast, we find that the African continent! only * Acosta, Ilistoria de las Indias, 1590, lib. i., cap. 17. I have al- ready considered the question whether the opinion of Dutch naviga- toi's regarding the existence of four lines of no variation may not, through the difFei-ences between Bond and Beckborrow, have had some influence on Halley's theory of four magnetic poles (Cosmos, vol. ii., p. 280). t In the interior of Africa, the isogonic line of 22° 15' W. is espe- cially deserving of careful cosmical investigation, as being the inter- mediate line between very different systems, and as proceeding (ac- cording to the theoretical views of Gauss) from the Eastern Indian LINES OF NO VARIATION. 141 presents lines which exhibit a western variation of from 6° to 29° ; for, according to Purchas, the Atlantic line of no variation left the southern point of Africa (the Cape of Good Hope) in the year 1605, inclining farther from east to west. The possibility that we may discover in some part of Cen- tral Africa an oval group of concentric lines of variation de- creasing to 0°, and which is similar to that of the Pacific, can neither be asserted nor denied on any sure grounds. The Atlantic portion of the American curve of no varia- tion was accurately determined in both hemispheres for the year 1840, by the admirable investigations of General Sa- bine, who employed 1480 observations, and duly took into account the secular changes. It passes in the meridian of 70° S. lat.,and about 19° W. long.,* in a NN.W. direction, to about 3° east of Cook's Sandwich Land, and to about 9° 30^ east of South Georgia ; it then approaches the Brazilian coast, which it enters at Cape Frio 2° east of Rio Janeiro, and traverses the southern part of the New Continent no farther than 0° 36^ S. lat., where it again leaves it some- what to the east of Gran Para, near Cape Tigioca, on the Rio do Para, one of the secondary outlets of the Amazon, crossing the geographical equator in 47° 44^ W. long., then skirting along the coast of Guiana at a distance of eighty- eight geographical miles as far as 5° N. lat, and afterward following the arc of the small Antilles as far as the parallel of 18°, and, finally, touching the shore of North Carolina near Cape Lookout, southeast of Cape Hatteras, in 34° 50^ N. lat., 74° 8^ W. long. In the interior of North America, the curve follows a northwestern direction as far as 41° 30^ N. lat., 77° 38^ W. long., toward Pittsburgh, Meadville, and Lake Erie. We may conjecture that it has advanced very nearly half a degree farther west since 1840. The Australo- Asiatic curve of no variation (if, according to Erman, we consider the part which rises suddenly from Kasan to Archangel and Russian Lapland as identical with Ocean, straight across Africa, on to Newfoundland. The very com- prehensive plan of the African expedition, conducted by Richardson, Barth, and Overweg, under the orders of the British government, may probably lead to the solution of such magnetic problems. * Sir James Ross intersected the curve of no variation in 61° 30' S. lat. and 27° 10' W. long. ( Voyage to the Southern Seas, vol. ii., p. 357). Captain Crozier found the variation in March, 1843, 1° 38' in 70° 43' S. lat. and 21° 28' W. long., and he was therefore very near the line of no variation. See Sabine, On the Magn. Declination in the Atlantic Ocean for 1840, in the Phil. Transact, for 1849, pt. ii., p. 233. 142 COSMOS. the part in the sea of Molucca and Japan) can scarcely be followed as far as 62° in the southern hemisphere. This starting-point lies farther west from Van Diem en's Land than had hitherto been conjectured, and the three points at which Sir James Ross crossed the curve of no variation, on his Antarctic voyage of discovery in 1840 and 1841,* are all situated in the parallels of 62°, 54° -30, and 46°, be- tween 133° and 135° 40^ E. long., and therefore mostly in a meridian-like direction running from south to north. In its further course, the curve crosses Western Australia from the southern coast of Nuyts' Land, about 10° W. of Ade- laide, to the northern coast, near Vansittart River and Mount Cockburn, from whence it enters the sea of the In- dian Archipelago in a region of the world in which the in- clination, declination, total intensity, and the maximum and minimum of the horizontal force were investigated by Cap- tain Elliot, from 1846 to 1848, with, more care than has been done in any other portion of the globe. Here the line passes south of Flores and through the interior of the small Sandal-wood Island,! i" a direct east and west direction, from about 120° 30^ to 93° 30" E. long., as had been ac- curately demonstrated sixteen years before l3y Barlow. From the last-named meridian it ascends toward the northwest in 9° 30" S. lat., judging by the position in which Elliot fol- lowed the curve of 1° east variation to Madras. We are not able here to decide definitely whether, crossing the equator in about the meridian of Ceylon, it enters the con- tinent of Asia between the Gulf of Cambay and Guzurat, or farther west in the Bay of Muscat,J and whether, therefore, it is identical^ with the <:urve of no variation, which appears * Sir James Eoss, Op. ciL, vol. i., p. 104, 310, 317. t Elliot, in the Phil. Transact, for 1851, pt. i., p. 331, pi. xiii. The long and narrow small island from which we obtain the sandal-wood {tschendana, Malay and Java; tschandana, Sanscrit; ./sa?2c?e/, Arab), X According to Barlow, and the chart of Lines of Magnetic Declina- tions computed according to the theory of Mr. Gauss, in the Report of the Committee for the Antarctic Expedition, 1840. According to Bar- low, the line of no variation proceeding from Australia enters the Asiatic Continent at the Bay of Cambay, but turns immediately to the northeast, across Thibet and China, near Thaiwan (Formosa), from whence it enters the Sea of Japan. According to Gauss, the Aus- tralian line ascends merely through Persia, past Nishnei-Novgorod to Lapland. This great geometrician regards the Japan and Philippine line of no variation, as well as the closed oval group in Eastern Asia, as entirely independent of the line belonging to Australia, the Indian Ocean, Western Asia, and Lapland. ij I have already elsewhere spoken of this identity, which is based MAGNETIC VARIATION. 143 to advance southward from the basin of the Caspian Sea ; or whether, as Erman maintains, it may not curve to the eastward, and, rising between Borneo and Malacca, reach the Sea of Japan,* and penetrate into Eastern Asia through the Gulf of Ochotsk. It is much to be lamented that, not- withstanding the frequent voyages made to and from India-, Australia,\he Philippines, and the northeast coasts of Asia, a vast accumulation of materials should remain buried and unheeded in various ships' logs, which might otherwise lead to general views, by which we might be enabled to connect Southern Asia with the more thoroughly explored parts of Northern Asia, and thus to solve questions which were start- ed as early as 1840. In order, therefore, not to blend to- gether known facts with uncertain hypotheses, I will limit myself to the consideration of the Siberian portion of the Asiatic continent, as far as it has been explored in a souther- ly direction to the parallel of 45° by Erman, Hansteen, Due, Kupffer, Fuss, and myself In no other part of the earth has so extended a range of magnetic lines been accessible to us in continental regions ; and the importance which Euro- pean and Asiatic Russia presents in this respect was ingen- iously conjectured even before the time of Leibnitz.f upon my own declination observations in the Caspian Sea, at Uralsk on the Jaik, and in the Steppe of Elton Lake (Asie Centrale, t. iii., p. 458-461). * Adolf Erman's Map of the Magnetic Declination, 1827-1830. Elliot's chart shows, however, most distinctly that the Australian curve of no variation does not intersect Java, but runs parallel with, and at a distance of 1° 30' latitude from the southern coast. Since, accord- ing to Erman, although not according to Gauss, the Australian line of no variation between Malacca and Borneo enters the Continent through the Japanese Sea, proceeding to the closed oval group of Eastern Asia, on the northern coast of the Sea of Ochotsk (59° 30' N. lat.), and again descends through Malacca, the ascending line can only be 11° distant from the descending curve; and accoi-ding to this graphical representation, the Western Asiatic line of no variation (from the Caspian Sea to Russian Lapland) would be the shortest and most direct prolongation of the part descending froni north to south. t I drew attention as early as 1843 to the fact, which I had ascer- tained from documents preserved in the Archives of Moscow and Hanover {Asie Centrale, t. iii., p. 469-476), that Leibnitz, who con- structed the first plan of a French expedition to Egypt, was also the first who endeavored to profit by the relations which the czar, Peter the Great, had established with Germany in 1712, by using his influ- ence to secure the prosecution of observations for "determining the position of the lines of variation and inclination, and for insuring that these observations should be repeated at certain definite epochs" in different parts of the Russian empire, whose superficies exceed those 144 COSMOS. In order to follow the usual direction of Siberian expedi-, tions from west to east, and starting from Europe, we will begin with the northern part of the Caspian Sea. Here, in the small island of Birutschikassa, in Astracan, on Lake El- ton, in the Kirghis steppe, and at Uralsk, on the Jaik, be- tween 45° 43" and Sl'^ 12' N. lat., and 46° 37' and 51° 2V E. long., the variation fluctuates from 0° 10' ea^t to 0° 37' west.* Farther northward, this line of no variation inclines somewhat more toward the northwest, passing near Nishnei- Novgorod.f In the year 1828 it passed between Osablikowo and Doskino in the parallel of 56° N. lat. and 43° east long. It becomes elongated in the direction of Russian Lapland be- tween Archangel and Kola, or more accurately, according to Hansteen (1830), between Umba and Ponoi.f It is not un- til we have passed over nearly two thirds of the greatest breadth of Northern Asia, advancing eastward to the lati- tudes of from 50° and 60° (a district in which at present the variation is entirely easterly), that we reach the line of no variation, which in the northeastern part of the Lake of Bai- kal rises to a point west of Wiluisk, which reaches the lati- of the portions of the moon visible to us. In a letter addressed to the czar, discovered by Pertz, Leibnitz describes a small hand-globe, or ierrella, which is still preserved at Hanover, and on which he had rep- resented the curve at which the variation is null (his linea magnet'ica primaria). Leibnitz maintains that there is only one line of vo varia- tion, which divides the terrestrial sphere into two almost equal parts, and has four puncta Jlexits contrarii, or sinuosities, where the curves are changed from convex to concave. From the Cape de Verd it passes in lat. 36° toward the eastern shores of North America, after which it directs its course through the South Pacific to Eastern Asia and New Holland. This line is a closed one, and, passing near both poles, it approaches closer to the southern than the northern pole; at the latter the declination must be 25° west, and at the former only 5°. The motion of this important curve must have been directed to- ward the north pole at the beginning of the 18th century. The varia- tion must have ranged between 0° and 15° east over a great portion of the Atlantic Ocean, the whole of the Pacific, Japan, a part of China, and New Holland. "As the czar's private physician, Donelli, is dead, it would be advisable to supply his place by some one else, who will be disposed to administer very little medicine, but who may be able to give sound scientific advice regarding determinations of magnetic declination and inclination." These hitherto un- noticed letters of Leibnitz certainly do not express any special theo- retical views. * See my Magnetic Observations, in Asie Centrale, t. iii., p. 460, t Erman, Astron. und Magnet. Beohachtungen {Reise um die Erde<, abth. ii., bd. 2, s. 532. X Hansteen, in Poggend., Ann., bd. xxi., s. 371. MAGNETIC VARIATION. 145 tude of 68°, iiuthe meridian of Jakutsk 129° 50' E. long., forming at this point the outer shell of the eastern group of oval concentric lines of variation, to which we have frequent- ly referred, again sinking in the direction of Ochotsk in 143° 10' E. long., intersecting the arc of the Kurile Islands, and penetrating into the southern part of the Japanese Sea. All the curves of from 5° to 15° eastern variation which occupy the space between the lines of no variation in Western and Eastern Asia have their concavities turned northward. The maximum of their curvature falls, according to Erman, in 80° E. long., and almost in one meridian between Omsk and Tomsk, and are therefore not very different from the merid- ian of the southern extremity of the peninsula of Hindos- tan. The axis major of the closed oval group extends 28° of latitude as far as Corea. A similar configuration, although on a still larger scale, is exhibited in the Pacific. The closed curves here form an oval between 20° N. lat. and 42° S. lat. The axis ma- jor lies in 130° W. long. That which most especially dis- tinguishes this singular group (the greater portion of which belongs to the southern hemisphere, and exclusively to the sea) from the continent of Eastern Asia is, as has been al- ready observed, the relative succession in the value of the curves of variation. In the former the eastern variation di- minishes, while in the latter the western variation increases the farther we penetrate into the interior of the oval. The variation in the interior of this closed group in the southern hemisphere amounts, however, as far as we know, only to from 8° to 5°. Is it likely that there is a ring of southern variation within the oval, or that we should again meet with western variation farther to the interior of this closed line of no variation ? Curves of no variation, like all magnetic lines, have their own history, which, however, does not as yet, unfortunately, date further back than two centuries. Scattered notices may indeed be met with as early even as in the 14th and 15th centuries ; and here, again, Hansteen has the great merit of having collected and carefully compared together all the va- rious data. It would appear that the northern magnetic pole is moving from west to east, and the southern magnetic pole from east to west ; accurate observations show us, however, that the different parts of the isogonic curves are progressing very irregularly, and that where they were pai-allel they are losing their parallelism ; and, lastly, that the domain of the Vol. v.— G 146 COSMOS. declination of one denomination, that is to s%y, east or west declination, is enlarging and contracting in very diiFerent di- rections in contiguous parts of the earth. Tlie lines of no variation in Western Asia and in the Atlantic are advancing from east to west, the former line having crossed Tobolsk in 1716 ; while in 1761, in Chappe's time, it crossed Jekather- inenburg and subsequently Kasan ; and in 1829 it was found to have passed between Osablikowo and Doskino, not far from Nishnei-Novgorod, and consequently had advanced 24Q 45'' westward in the course of 113 years. Is the line of the Azores, which Christopher Columbus determined on the 13th of September, 1492, the same which, according to the ob- servations of Davis and Keeling, in 1607, passed through the Cape of Good Hope 1* and is it identical with the one which we designate as the Western Atlantic, and which passes from the mouth of the River Amazon to the sea-coast of North Carolina ? If it be, we are led to ask, What has become of the line of no variation which passed in 1600 through Kon- igsberg, in 1620 (?) through Copenhagen, from 1657 to 1662 through London, and which did not, according to Picard,. reach Paris, notwithstanding its more eastern longitude, un- til 1666, passing through Lisbon somewhat before 1668 !t Those points of the earth at which no secular progres.sion has been observed for long periods of time are especially worthy of our notice. Sir John Herschel has already drawn attention to a corresponding long period of cessation in Ja- maica,$ while Euler§ and BarlowJ refer to a similar condi- tion in Southern Australia. Polar Light. We have now treated fully of the three elements of terres- trial magnetism in the three principal types of its manifesta- tion— namely. Intensity, Inclination, and Declination — in ref- * Sabine, Magn. and Meteor. Observ. at the Cape of Good Hope, vol. i., p. Ix. f In judging of the approximate epochs of the crossing of the line of no variation, and in endeavoring to decide upon the claim of no prior- ity in this respect, we must bear in mind Jiow readily an error of 1° may have been made with the instruments and methods then in use. J Cosmos, vol. i., p. 181. § Euler, in the M^m. de VAcad. de Berlin, 1757, p.- 176. II Barlow, in the Phil. Transact, for 1833, pt. ii., p. 671. Great un- certainty prevails regarding the older magnetic observations of St. Pe- tersburg during the first half of the 18th century. The variation seems to have been always 3° 15' or 3° 30' from 1726 to 1772 ! Ilajisteen, Magnetismus der Erde, s. 7, p. 143. POLAR LIGHT. 147 erence to the movements which depend upon geographical relations of place, and diurnal and annual periods. The ex- traordinary disturbances which were first observed in the dip are, as Halley conjectured, and as Dufay and Hiorter recog- nized, in part forerunners, and in part accompaniments of the magnetic- polar light. I have already fully treated, in the Picture of Nature, of the peculiarities of this luminous process, which is often so remarkable for the brilliant dis- play of colors with which it is accompanied ; and more re- cent observations have, in general, accorded with the views which I formerly expressed. ''The Aurora Borealis has not been described merely as an external cause of a disturb- ance in the equilibrium of the distribution of terrestrial mag- netism, but rather as an increased manifestation of telluric activity, amounting even to a luminous phenomenon, exhib- ited on the one hand by the restless oscillation of the needle, and on the other by the polar luminosity of the heavens." The polar light appears, in accordance with this view, to be a kind of silent discharge or shock as the termination o*f a magnetic storm, very much in the same manner as in the electric shock the disturbed equilibrium of the electricity is renewed by a development of light by lightning, accompa- nied by pealing thunder. The reiteration of a definite hy- pothesis in the case of a complicated and mysterious phenom- enon has, at all events, the advantage of giving rise with a view to its refutation to more persisteht and careful observa- tions of the individual processes.* Dwelling only on the purely objective description of these processes, which are mainly based upon the materials yielded by the beautiful and unique series of observations, which were continued without intermission for eight months (1838, 1839) — during the sojourn of the distinguished physicists, Lottin, Bravais, and Siljestrom — in the most northern parts of Scandinavia,! we will first direct our attention to the so- * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 193-203; and Dove, in Poggend., Annakn, bd. xix., s. 388. t The able narrative of Lottin, Bravais, Lilliehook, and Siljestrom, who observed the phenomena of the northern light from the 19th of September, 1838, till the 8th of April, 1839, at Bossekop (69° 58' N. lat.), in Finmark, and at Jupvig (70° 6' N. lat.), was published in the fourth section of Voyages en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Sjntzberg et aux Feroes, sur la Carvette, la Recherche {Aurores Boreales). To these observations are appended important results obtained by the English superintendent of the copper mines at Kalfiord (69° 56' N. lat.), p. 401-435. 148 COSMOS. called black segment of the aurora, which rises gradually on the horizon like a dark wall of clouds.* The blackness is not, as Argelahder observes, a mere result of contrast, since it is occasionally visible before it is bounded by the brightly- illuminated arch. It must be a process effected within some part of the atmosphere, for nothing has hitherto shown that the obscuration is owing to any material blending. The smallest stars are visible through the telescope in this black segment, as well as in the colored illuminated portions of the fully-developed aurora. In northern latitudes the black seg- ment is seen far less frequently than in more southern re- gions. It has even been found entirely absent in these last- named latitudes in the months of February and March, when the aurora was frequent in bright clear weather ; and Keil- hau did not once observe it during the whole of a winter which he spent at Tahvig, in Lapland. Argelander has shown, by accurate determination of the altitudes of stars, that no part of the polar light exerts any influence on these altitudes. Beyond the segment there appear, although rare- ly, black rays, which Hansteen and I have often watchedf during their ascent ; blended with these appear round black patches, or spots, inclosed by luminous spaces. The latter phenomena have been made a special subject of investigation by Siljestrom.J The central portion of the corona of the au- rora (which, owing to the effect of linear perspective, corre- sponds at its highest point with the magnetic inclination of the place) is also usually of a very deep black color. Bra- vais regards this blackness and the black rays as the effect of optical illusions of contrast. Several luminous arches are * See the work above referred to (p. 437-444) for a description of the Segment obscure de VAurore Boreale. t Schweigger's Jahrhuch der Chemie und Physik, 1826, bd. xvi., s, 198, and bd. xviii., s. 364. The dark segment and the incontestable rising of black rays or bands, in which the luminous process is annihi- lated (by interference?) reminds us of Quet's Recherches sur VElectro- chimie dans le vide, and of RuhmkorfTs dehcate experiments, in which in a vacuum the positive metallic balls glowed with red Hght, while the negative balls showed a violet light, and the strongly luminous parallel strata of rays were regularly separated from one another by perfectly dark strata. "The light which is diffused between the terminal knobs of the two electric conductors divides into numerous parallel bands, which are separated by alternate obscure and perfectly distinct strata." Comptes 7-endus de tAcad. des Sc, t. xxxv., 1852, p. 949. X Voyages en Scandinavie (Aurores Bor.), p. 558. On the corona and bands of the northern light, see the admirable investigations of Bravais, p. 602-514. POLAR LIGHT. 149 frequently simultaneously present; in some rare cases a» many as seven or nine are seen advancing toward the zenith parallel to one another ; while in other cases they are alto- gether absent. The bundles of rays and columns of light aS' sume the most varied forms, appearing either in the shape of curves, wreathed festoons and hooks, or resembling waving pennants or sails.* In the higher latitudes " the prevailing color of the polar light is usually white, while it presents a milky hue when the aurora is of faint intensity. When the colors brighten, they assume a yellow tinge ; the middle of the broad ray be- comes golden yellow, while both the edges are marked by separate bands of red and green. When the radiation ex- tends in narrow bands, the red is seen above the green. When the aurora moves sideways from left to right, or from right to left, the red appears invariably in the direction to- ward which the ray is advancing, and the green remains be- hind it." It is only in very rare cases that either one of the complementary colors, green or red, has been seen alone. Blue is never seen, while dark red, such as is presented by the reflection of a great fire, is so rarely observed in the north that Siljestrom noticed it only on one occasion.! The lu- minous intensity of the aurora never even in Finmark quite equals that of the full moon. The probable connection which, according to my views, exists between the polar light and the formation of very srnall and delicate fleecy clouds (whose parallel and equiva- lent rows follow the direction of the magnetic meridian), has met with many advocates in recent times. It still remains a doubtful question, however,| whether, as the northern trav- elers, Thienemann and Admiral Wrangel believe, these par- allel fleecy clouds are the substratum of the polar light, or whether they are not rather, as has been conjectured by Franklin, Richardson, and myself, the effect of a meteoro- * Op. cit.j p. 35, 37, 45, 67, 481 {^^Draperie ondulante, flamme dhin navire de guerre deployee horizontalement et ayitee par le vent, crochets, fragments dares et de guiriandes).^' M. Bevalet, the distinguished artist to the expedition, has given an interesting collection of the many varied forms assumed by this phenomenon. t See Voy, en Scandinavie (Aur. Boreal), p. 523-528, 557. X Cosmos, vol. i., p. 200; see also FrankHn, Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in 1819-1822, p. 51)7 ; and Kamtz, Lehr- buch der Meteorolojie, bd. iii. (1836), s. 488-490. The earliest con- jectures advanced in relation to the connection between the northern light and the formation of clouds are probably those of Erobesius. (See Aurorce Borealis spectacula, Helmst, 1739, p. 139.) 150 COSMOS. logical process generated by and accompanying the magnetic storm. The regular coincidence in respect to direction be- tween the very fine cirrous clouds (polar bands) and the mag- netic declination, together with the turning of the points of convergence, were made the subjects of my most careful ob- servation on the Mexican plateau in 1803, and in Northern Asia in 1829. When the last-named phenomenon is com- plete, the two apparent points of convergence do not remain stationary, the one in the jiortheast and the other in the south- west (in the direction of the line which connects together the highest points of the arch of the polar light, which is lumin- ous at night), but move by degrees toward the east and west.* A precisely similar turning, or translation of the line, which in the true aurora connects the highest points of the lumin- ous arch, while its bases (the points of support by which it rests on the horizon) change in the azimuth and move from east-west toward north-south, has been several times observed with much accuracy in Finmark.* These clouds, arranged * I will give a single example from my MS. journal of my Siberian journey: "I spent the whole of the night of the 5-Gth of August (1829), separated from my traveling companions, in the open air, at the Cossack outpost of Krasnajazarki, the most eastern station on the Irtisch, on the boundary of the Chinese Dzungarei, and hence a place whose astronomical determination was of considerable importance. The night was extremely clear. In the eastern sky polar bands of cirrous clouds were suddenly formed before midnight (which I have recorded as ' de petits moutons egalement espaces, distrihues en bandQs paralleles et polaires).' Greatest altitude 35°. The northern point of convergence is moving slowly toward the east. They disappear with- out reaching the zenith f and a few minutes afterward precisely simi- lar cirrous bands are formed in the northeast, which move during a part of the night, and almost till sunrise, regularly northward 70° E. An unusually large number of falling stars and colored rings round the moon throughout the night. No trace of a true aurora. Some rain falling from speckled feathery masses of clouds. At noon on the 6th of August the sky was clear, polar bands were again formed, pass- ing from N.N.E. to S.S.W., where they remained immovable, without altering the azimuth, as I had so often seen in Quito and Mexico." (The magnetic variation in the Altai is easterly.) t Bravais, who, contraiy to my own experience, almost invariably observed that the masses of cirrous clouds at Bossekop were directed, like the Aurora Borealis, at right angles to the magnetic meridian (Voyages en Scandinavie, Fhenomene de translation dans les pieds de I'arc des Aurores Boreales, p. o3t-537), describes with his accustomed ex- actitude the turnings or rotations of the true arch of the Aurora Borea- . lis, p. 27, 92, 122, 487. Sir James Ross has. likewise observed in the southern hemisphere similar progressive alterations of the arch of the aurora (a progression in the southern lights from W.N.W. — E.S.E. to N.N.E. — S.S.W.), Voyage in the Southern and Antartic Regions, vol. i.. POLAR LIGHT. 151 in the form of polar bands, correspond, according to the above developed views, in respect to position, with the luminous columns or bundles of rays which ascend in the true aurora toward the zenith from the arch, which is generally inclined in an east and west direction ; and they can not, therefore, be confounded with those arches of which one was distinctly seen by Parry in bright daylight after the occurrence of a northern light. This phenomenon occurred in England on the 3d of September, 1827, when columns of light were seen shooting up from the luminous arch even by day.* It has frequently been asserted that a continuous evolution of light prevails in the sky immediately around the northern magnetic pole. Bravais, who continued to prosecute his ob- servations uninterruptedly for 200 nights, during which he accurately described 152 aurorse, certainly asserts that nights in which no northern lights are seen are altogether excep- tional ; but he has sometimes found, even when the atmos- phere was perfectly clear, and the view of the horizon was wholly uninterrupted, that not a trace of polar light could be observed throughout the whole night, or else that the magnetic storm did not begin to be apparent until a very late hour. The greatest absolute number of northern hghts ap- pears to occur toward the close of the month of September ; and as March, when compared with February and April, seems to exhibit a relatively frequent occurrence of the phe- nomenon, we are here led, as in the case of other magnetic phenomena, to conjecture some connection with the period of the equinoxes. To the northern lights which have been seen in Peru, and to the southern lights which have been vis- ible in Scotland, we may add a colored aurora, which was observed for more than two hours continuously by Lafond in the Candide, on the 14th of January, 1831, south of New Holland, in latitude 45°.t The accompaniment of sound in the aurora has been as definitely denied by the French physicists and Siljestrom at p. 311. An absence of all color seems to be a frequent characteristic of southern lights, vol. i., p. 266; vol. ii., p. 209. Regarding the ab- sence of the northern light in some nights in Lapland, see Bravais, Op. cit., p. 545. * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 197. The arch of the aurora seen in bright daylight reminds us, by the intensity of its light, of the nuclei and tails of the comets of 1843 and 1847, which were recognized in the immediate vicinity of the sun in North America, Parma, and London. Op. cit., vol. i., p. 85 ; vol. iii., p. 543. t Comptes rendus de I' Acad, des Sciences, t. iv., 1837, p. 589. 152 COSMOS. Bossekop* as by Thienemann, Parry, Franklin, Richardson, Wrangel, and Anjou. Bravais estimated the altitude of the phenomenon to be fully 51,307 toises (or 52 geographical miles), while an otherwise very careful observer, Farquhar- son, considers that it scarcely amounts to 4000 feet. The data on which all these determinations are based are very uncertain, and are rendered less trustworthy by optical illu- sions, as well as by erroneous conjectures regarding the posi- tive identity of the luminous arch seen simultaneously at two remote points. There is, however, no doubt whatever of the inflaence of the northern light on declination, inclination, horizontal and total intensity, and consequently on all the elements of terrestrial magnetism, although this influence is exerted very unequally in the different phases of this great phenomenon, and on the different elements of the force. The most complete investigations of the subject were those made in Lapland by the able physicists Siljestrom and Bravaisf (in 1^38-1839), and the Canadian observations at Toronto (1840-184:1), which have been most ably discussed by Sa- bine.f In the preconcerted simultaneous observations which were made by us at Berlin (in the Mendel ssohn-Bartholdy Garden), at Freiberg below the purface of the earth, at St Petersburg, Kasan, and Nikolajew, we found that the mag- netic variation was affected at all these places by the Aurora Borealis, which was visible at Alford, in Aberdeenshire (57° 15' N. lat.), on the night of the 19-20th of December, 1829. At some of these stations, at which the other elements of terrestrial magnetism could be noted, the magnetic intensity and inclination were affected no less than the variation.§ During the beautiful aurora which Professor Forbes ob- * Voyages en Scandinavie, en Laponie, etc. (Aurores Bor^aks), p. 559; and Martin's Tj-ad. de la Meteorologie de Kaemtz, p. 460. In refer- ence to the conjectured elevation of the northern light, see Bravais, 0}^. clL, p. 549, 559. t Op, ciL, p. 462. X Sabine, Unusual Magnet. Disturbances, pt. i., p. xviii., xxii., 3, 54. § Dove, in Poggend., Ann., bd. xx., s. 333-341. The unequal influ- ence which an aurora exerts on the dipping-needle at points of the earth's surface, which lie in very different meridians, may in many cases lead to the local determination of the active cause, since the manifestation of the luminous magnetic storm does not by any means always origiifcate in the magnetic pole itself; while, moreover, as Ar- gelander maintained and as Bravais has confirmed, the summit of the luminous arch is in some cases as much as 11° from the magnetic me- ridian. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. 153 served at Edinburgh on the 21st of March, 1833, the inclin- ation was strikingly small in the mines at Freiberg, while the variation was so much disturbed that the angles could scarcely be read off. The decrease in the total intensity of the magnetic force, which has been observed to coincide with the increasing energy of the luminosity of the northern light, is a phenomenon which is worthy of special attention. The measurements which I made in conjunction with Oltmanns at Berlin during a, brilliant aurora on the 20th of Decemni ber, 1806,* and which are printed in Hansteen's " Unter- suchungen iiber den Magnetism us der Erde," were confirmed by Sabine and the French physicists in Lapland in 1838.f While in this careful development of the present condition of our positive knowledge of the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism, I have necessarily limited myself to a mere ob- jective representation of that which did not even admit of being elucidated by merely theoretical views, based only upon induction and analogy ; I have likewise purposely ab- stained in the present work from entering into any of those geognostic hypotheses in which the direction of extensive * "On the 20th of December, 1806, the heavens were of an azure blue, with not a trace of clouds. Toward 10 P.M. a reddish-yellow luminous arch appeared in the NN.W., through which I could distin- guish stars of the 7th magnitude in the night telescope. I found the azimuth of this point by means of a Lyrse, which was almost directly under the highest point of the arch. It was somewhat farther west than the vertical plane of the magnetic variation. The aurora, which was directed NN.W., caused the north pole of the needle to be de- flected, for, instead of progressing westward like the azimuth of the arch, the needle moved back toward the east. The changes in the magnetic declination, which generally amount to from 2' 27" to 3' in the nights of this month, increased progressively and without any great oscillation to 26' 28" during the northern light. The variation was the smallest about 9h. 12m., when the aurora was the most intense. We found that the horizontal force amounted to 1' 37"-73 for 21 vi- brations during the continuance of the aurora, while at^h. 50m. A.M., and consequently long after the disappearance of the aurora, which had entirely vanished by 2h. 10m. A.M., it was 1' 37 '"17 for the same number of vibrations. The temperature of the room, in which the vibrations of the small needle were measured, was in the first case 37°'76 F., and in the second 37°-04 F. The intensity was, therefore, slightly diminished during the continuance of the northern light. The moon presented no colored rings." From my magnetic journal, see Hansteen, s. 459. t Sabine, On Days of Unusual Magn. Disturbances, pt. i., p. xviii. "M. Bravais concludes from the observations made in Lapland that the horizontal intensity diminishes when the phenomenon of the Au- rora Borealis is at its maximum" (Martins, p. 461). G2 154 COSMOS. mountain chains and of stratified mountain masses is con- sidered in relation to its dependence upon the direction of magnetic lines, more especially the isoclinal and isodynamic systems. I am far from denying the influence of all cosmical primary forces — dynamic and chemical forces — as well as of magnetic and electrical currents on the formation of crystal- line rocks and the filling up of veins;* but owing to the progressive movement of all magnetic lines and their conse- #quent change of form, their present position can teach us nothing in reference to the* direction in primeval ages of mountain chains, which have been upheaved at very differ- ent epochs, or to the consolidation of the earth's crust, from which heat was being radiated during the process of its hardening. Of a different order, not referring generally to- terrestrial magnetism, but merely to very partial local relations, are those geognostic phenomena which have been designated by the name of the magnetism! of mountain masses. These phenomena engaged much of my attention before my Amer- ican expedition, at a time when I was occupied in examin- ing the magnetic serpentine rock of the Haidberg mountain, in Franconia, in 1796, and then gave occasion in Germany to a considerable amount of literary dissension, which, how- ever, was of a very harmless nature. They present a num- ber of problems, which are by no means incapable of solu- tion, but which have been much neglected in recent times, and only very imperfectly investigated both as regards ob- servation and experiment. The force of this magnetism of rocks may be tested for the determination of the increase of magnetic intensity by means of pendulum experiments, and by the deflection of the needle in broken-off fragments of hornblende and chloritic schists, serpentine, syenite, dolerite, basalt, melaphyre, and trachyte. We may in this manner decide, by a comparison of the specific gravity, by the rins- ing of finely pulverized masses, and by the application of the microscope, whether the intensity of the polarity may not depend in various ways upon the relative position, rather than upon the quantity, of the granules of magnetic iron * Delesse, Sur rassociation des mineraux dans les roches qui ont un pouvoir magnetique eleve, in the Comptes rendus de I'Acad. des Sc, t. xxxi., 1850, p. 806 ; and Annales des Mines, 4eme Serie, t. xv. (1849), p. 130. t Reich, Ueher Gebirgs-und Gesteins-Magnetismus, in Poggend., Ann.y bd. Ixvii., s. 36. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. 155 and protoxyd of iron intermixed in the mass. More im- portant, however, in a cosmical point of view, is the question which I long since suggested in reference to the Haidberg mountain, wiiether there exist entire mountain ranges in which opposite polarities are found to occur on opposite de- clivities of the mass.* An accurate astronomical determin- * This question was made the subject of lively discussion when, in the year 1796, at the time tha'Pl fulfilled the duties of superintend- ent of the mining operations in the Fichtelgebijrge, in Franconia, I dis- covered the remarkable magnetic serpentine mountain (the Haidberg) near Gefress, which had the property at some points of causing the needle to be deflected at a distance of even 23 feet {Intelligenz-Blatt der Allgem. Jenaer Litteratur-Zeitung, Dec, 1796, No. 169, s. 1447, and Mdrz, 1797, No. 38, s. 323-326 ; Gren's Neues JourrOil der Physik, bd. iv., 1797, s. 136; Annales de C/dmie, t. xxii., p. 47). I had thought that the magnetic axes of the mountain were diametrically opposed to the terrestrial poles ; but according to the investigations of Bischoff and Goldfuss, in 1816 (Beschrelbung des Fichtelgebirges, bd. i., s. 176), it would appear that they discovered magnetic poles, which penetrated through the Haidberg and presented opposite poles on the opposite declivities of the mountain, while the directions of the axes were not the same as I had given them. The Haidberg consists of dull green serpentine, which partially merges into chloritic and hornblende schists. At the village of Voysaco, in the chain of the Andes of Pasto, we saw , the needle deflected by fragments of porphyritic clay, while on the ascent to Chimborazo groups of columnar masses of trachyte disturbed the motion of the needle at a distance of three feet. It struck me as a very remarkable fact that I should have found in the black and red obsidians of Quinche, north of Quito, as well as in the gray obsidian of the Cerro de la Navajas of Mexico, large fragments with distinct poles. The large collective magnetic mountains in the Ural chain, as Blago- dat, near Kuschwa, Wyssokaja Gora, at Nishne Tagilsk, and Katsch- kanar, near Nishne Turinsk, have all broken forth from augitic or rather uralitic porphyry. In the great magnetic mountain of Blago- dat, which I investigated with Gustav Rose, in our Siberian expedi- tion in 1829, the combined effect of the polarity of the individual parts did not, indeed, appear to have produced any determined and recog- nizable magnetic axes. In close vicinity to one another lie irregular- ly mixed opposite poles. A similar observation had previously been made by Erman {Reise urn die Erde, bd. i., s. 362). On the degree of inteinsity of the polar force in serpentine, basaltic, and trachytic rock, compared with the quantity of magnetic iron and protoxyd of iron, intermixed with these rocks, as well as on the influ^ceof the contact of the air in developing polarity, which had already been maintained by Gmelin and Gibbs, see the numerous and very admirable experi- ments of Zaddach, in his Beobachtungen Uber die Magnetische Polaritat des Basaltes und der Trachytischen Gesteine, 1851, s. 56, 65-78, 95. A comparison of many basaltic quarries, made with a view of ascertain- ing the polarity of individual columns which have stood isolated for a long period, and an examination of the sides of these columns which have been recently brought in contact with the outer air in conse- quence of the removal from individual masses of a certain depth of 156 COSMOS. ation of the position of such magnetic axes of a mountain would be of the greatest interest, if it could be ascertained, after considerable periods of time, that the three variable elements of the total force of terrestrial magnetism caused either an alteration in the direction of the axes, or that such small systems of magnetic forces were at least apparently independent of these influences. earth, have led Dr. Zaddach to haza?d the conjecture (see s. 74, 80) that the polar property, which always appears to be manifested with the greatest intensity in rocks to which the air has been freely admit- ted, and which are intersected by open fissures, " diffuses itself from without inward, and generally from above downward." Gmelin ex- presses himself as follows in respect to the great magnetic mountain, Ulu-utasse-T^au, in the country of the Baschkiri, near the Jaik : " The sides which are exposed to the open air exhibit the most intense mag- netic force, while those which lie under ground are much weaker" (Meise durch Siberien, 1740-1743, bd. iv., s. 345). My distinguished teacher, Werner, in describing the magnetic iron of Sweden, in his lectures, also spoke of " the influence which contact with the atmos- phere might have, although not by means of an increased oxydation, in rendering the polar and attracting force more intense." It is as- serted by Colonel Gibbs, in reference to the magnetic iron mines at Succassuny, in New Jersey, that " the ore raised from the bottom of the mine has no magnetism at first, but acquires it after it has been some time exposed to the influence of the atmosphere" {On the connec- tion of Magnetism and Light, in Silliman's American Journal of Science y vol. i., 1819, p. 89). Such an assertion as this ought assuredly to stim- ulate observers to make careful and exact investigations ! Wh^n I drew attention in the text (see page 154) to the fact that it was not only the quantity of the small particles of iron which were intermixed in the stone, but also their relative distribution (their position), which acted as the resultant upon the intensity of the polar force, I consid- ered the small particles to be so many small magnets. See the new views regarding this subject in a treatise by Melloni, read by that dis- tinguished physicist before the Royal Academy at Naples, in the month of January, 1853 (Esperienze intorno al Magnetismo delle Rocche, Mem. i., Sulla Polarita). The popular notion which has been so long cur- rent, more especially on the shores of the Mediterranean, that if a magnetic rod be rubbed with an onion, or brought in contact with the emanations of the plant, the directive force will be diminished, while a compass thus treated would mislead the steersman, is mentioned in Prodi Diadochi Paraphrasis Ptolem., libri iv,, de Siderum affectionibus^ 1635, p. 20 (Del^nbre, Hist, de V Astronomie Ancienne, t. ii., p. 545). It is difficult to conceive what could have given occasion to so singular a popular error. VULCANICITY. 157 II. REACTION OP THE INTEEIOR OF THE EARTH UPON ITS SURE ACE-, MANIFESTING ITSELF:— a. MERELY DYNAMICALLY, BY TREMU- LOUS UNDULATIONS (EARTHQUAKES): b. BY THE HIGH TEM- PERATURE OF MINERAL SPRINGS, AND BY THE DIFFERENCE OF . THE INTERMIXED SALTS AND GASES (THERMAL SPRINGS) ; c. BY THE OUTBREAK OF ELASTIC FLUIDS, SOMETIMES ACCOMPANIED BY PHENOMENA OF SPONTANEOUS IGNITION (GAS AND MUD VOL- CANOES, BURNING NAPHTHA SPRINGS, SALSES); d. BY THE GRAND AND MIGHTY ACTIONS OF TRUE VOLCANOES, WHICH (WHEN THEY HAVE A PERMANENT CONNECTION WITH THE AT- MOSPHERE BY FISSURES AND CRATERS) THROW UP FUSED EARTH FROxM THE DEPTHS OF THE INTERIOR, PARTLY ONLY IN THE FORM OF RED-HOT CINDERS, BUT PARTLY SUBMITTED TO VARY- ING PROCESSES OF CRYSTALLINE ROCK FORMATION, POURED OUT IN LONG, NARROW STREAMS. In order to maintain, in accordance with the fundamental plan of this work, the co-ordination of telluric phenomena — the co-operation of a single system of impelling forces — in the descriptive representation, we must here remind the reader how, starting from the general properties of matter, and the three principal directions of its activity (attraction, vibrations producing light and heat, and electro-magnetic pro- cesses), we have in the first, section taken into consideration the size, form, and density of our planet, its internal diffusion of heat and of magnetism, in their effects of intensity, dip, and variation, changing in accordance with definite laws. The directions of the activity of matter just mentioned are nearly allied* manifestations of one and the same primitive force. They occur in a condition of the greatest independ- ence of all diflTerences of matter, in gravitation and molecular attraction. We have at the same time represented our planet in its cosmical relation to the central body of its system, be- cause the internal jmmitive heat, which is probably produced by the condensation of a rotating nebular ring, is modified by the action of the sun (insolation). With the same view, the periodical action of the solar spots (th^t is to say, the frequency or rarity of the apertures in the solar envelopes) upon terrestrial magnetism has been referred to, in accord- ance with the most recent hypotheses. The second section of this volume is devoted to the entire- ty of those telluric phenomena which are to be ascribed to the constantly active reaction of the interior of the earth upon * Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 34. 158 COSMOS. its su7'face.* To this entirety I give the general name of Vulcanism or Vulcanicity ; and I regard it as advantageous to avoid the separation of that which is causally connected, and differs only in the strength of the manifestation of force and the complication of physical processes. By taking this general view, small and apparently unimportant phenomena acquire a greater significance. The unscientific observer who comes for the first time upon the basin of a thermal spring and sees gases capable of extinguishing light rising in it, or who wanders among rows of changeable cones of mud volcanoes scarcely exceeding himself in height, never dreams that in the calm space occupied by the latter erup- tions of fire to the height of many thousand feet have often taken place ; and that one and the same internal force pro- duces colossal craters of elevation — nay, even the mighty, desolating, lava-pouring volcanoes of ^i^tna and the Peak of Teyde, and the cinder-erupting Cotopaxi and Tunguragua. Among the multifarious, mutually intensifying phenomena of the reaction of the interior of the earth upon its external crust, I first of all separate those the essential character of which is purely dynamical, namely, that of movement or tremulous undulations in the solid strata of the earth ; a volcanic activity which is not necessarily accompanied by any chemical changes of matter, or by the expulsion or produc- tion of any thing of a material nature. In the other phe- nomena of the reaction of the interior upon the exterior of the earth — in gas and mud volcanoes, burning springs and salses, and in the large burning mountains to which the name of vol- cano was first, and for a long time exclusively applied, the production of something of a material nature (gaseous or solid), and processes of decomposition and gas evolution, such as the formation of rocks from particles arranged in a crystalline form, are never wanting. When most fully gen- eralized, these are the distinctive characters of the volcanic vital activity of our planet. In so far as this activity is to be ascribed, in great measure, to the high temperature of the innermost strata of the earth, it becomes probable that all cosmical bodies which have become conglomerated with an enormous evolution of heat, and passed from a state of vapor to a solid condition, must present analogous phenomena. The little that we know of the form of the moon's surface appears to indicate this.f Upheaval and plastic activity in * Cos77jos, vol. i., p. 202-204. t Cosmos, vol. iii., p. 44 ; iv., p. 104, 151, 154-156. vuLCANicrrY. 159 the production of crystalline rock from a fused mass are con- ceivable even in a sphere which is regarded as destitute of both air and water. The genetic connection of the classes of volcanic phenom- ena here referred to is indicated by the numerous traces of the simultaneousness of the simpler and weaker with stronger and more complex effects, and the accompanying transitions of the one into the other. The arrangement of the mate- rials in the representation selected by me is justified by such a consideration. The increased magnetic activity of our planet, the seat of which, however, is not to be sought in the fused mass of the interior (even though, according to Lenz and Riess, iron in the fused state may be capable of conducting an electrical or galvanic current), produces evolu- tion of light in the magnetic poles of the earth, or at least usually in their vicinity. We, concluded the first section of the volume on telluric phenomena with the luminosity of the earth. This phenomenon of a luminous vibration of the ether hj magnetic forces is immediately followed by that class of volcanic agencies which, in their essential nature, act pure- ly dynamically, exactly like the magnetic force — causing movement and vibrations in the solid ground, but neither producing nor changing any thing of a material nature. Secondary and unessential phenomena (the ascent of flames during the earthquake, and eruptions of water and evolu- tions of gas* following it) remind one of the action of ther- mal springs and salses. Eruptions of flame, visible at a dis- tance of many miles, and masses of rock, torn from their deep seats and hurled about,! are presented by the salses, which thus, as it were, prepare us for the magnificent phe- nomena of the true volcanoes; which again, between their distant epochs of eruption, like the salses, only exhale aque- ous vapor and gases from their fissures : so remarkable and instructive are the analogies which are presented in various stages by the gradations of Vulcanism. * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 217. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 225. Compare Bertrand-Geslin, " Sur les roches lancces par le Volcan de boue du Monte Zibio pres du bourg de Sassuolo," in Humboldt, Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent (Relation Historique), t. ill., p. 566. 160 COSMOS. a. Earthquakes. (Amplification of the Picture of Nature, Cosmos, vol. i., p. 204-217.) Since the appearance in the first volume of this work (1845) of the general representation of the phenomena of earthquakes, the obscurity in which the seat and causes of these phenomena are involved has but little diminished ; but the excellent works ^ of Mallet (1846) and Hopkins (1847) have thrown some light upon the nature of concussions, the connection of apparently distinct eiFects, and the separation of chemical and physical processes, which may accompany it or occur simultaneously with it. Here, as elsewhere, a mathematical mode of treatment, such as that adopted by Poisson, may have a beneficial effect. The analogies between the oscillations of solid bodies and the sound-waves in the or- dinary atmos'phere, to which Thomas Young f had already called attention, are peculiarly adapted to lead to simpler and more satisfactory views in theoretical considerations upon the dynamics of earthquakes. Displacement, commotion, elevation, and formation of fissures indicate the essential character of the phenomenon. We have to distinguish the efficient force which, as the imjndse, gives rise to the vibration ; and the nature, propagation, in- crease, or diminution of the commotion. In the Picture of Nature I have described what is especially manifested to the senses ; what I had myself the opportunity of observing for so many years on the sea, on the sea-bottom of the plains {Llanos), and at elevations of eight to fifteen thousand feet ; on the margin of the craters of active volcanoes, and in re- gions of granite and mica schist, twelve hundred geograph- ical miles from any eruptions of fire ; in districts where at certain periods the inhabitants take no more notice of the * Robert Mallet, in the Transactions of the Royal Insh Academy^. vol. xxi. (1848), p. 51-113, and First Report on the f^acis of Earth- quake Phenomena, in the Report of the Meeting of the British Associa- tion, 1850, p. 1-89; also Maniial of Scientific Inquiry for the Use of the British Navy, 1849, p. 196-223. William Hopkins, On the Geological Theories of Elevation and Earthquakes, in the Report of the British As- sociation for 1847, p. 33-92. The rigorous criticism to which Mr. Mal- let has subjected my previous work, in his very valuable memoirs {Insh Transactions, p. 99-101, and Meeting of the British Association at Edin- burgh, p. 209), has been repeatedly made use of by me. t Thomas Young, Lectures on Natural Philosophy, 1807j vol. i.. p. 717. EARTHQUAKES. 161 number of earthquakes than we in Europe of that of the showers of rain, and where Bonpland and I were compelled to dismount, from the restiveness of our mules, because the earth shook in a forest for 15 to 18 minutes without intermis- sion. Bj such long custom, as Boussingault subsequently experienced even in a still higher degree, one becomes fitted for quiet and careful observation, and also for collecting varying evidence with critical care on the spot, nay, even for examining under what conditions the mighty changes of the surface of the earth, the fresh traces of which one recog- nizes, have taken place. Although five years had already elapsed since the terrible earthquake of Riobamba, which, on the 4th of February, 1797, destroyed upward of 30,000 people in a few minutes,* we nevertheless saw the formerly- advancing cone of the Moya f which rose out of the earth, and witnessed the employment of this combustible substance for co(Jking in the huts of the Indians. I might describe the results of alterations of the ground from this catastrophe, which, although on a large* scale, were exactly analogous to those presented by the famous earthquake of Calabria (Feb- ruary, 1783), and were long considered to have been repre- sented in an incorrect and exaggerated manner, because they could not be explained in accordance with hagjM|pr-formed theories. By carefully separating, as we have already indicated, the investigation of that which gives the impulse to the vi- bration, from that of the nature and propagation of the waves of commotion, we distinguish two classes of problems of very unequal accessibility. The former, in the present state of our knowledge, can lead to no generally satisfactory results, as is the case with so many problems in which we wish to ascend to primary causes. Nevertheless, while we are endeavoring to discover laws in that which is submitted to actual observation, it is of great cosmical interest that we should bear constantly in mind the various genetic explana- tions which have hitherto been put forward as probable. As with all vulcanicity, the greater part of these refer, under various modifications, to the high temperature and chemical nature of the fused interior of the earth ; one of * I follow the statistical account communicated to me by the Cor- regidor of Tacunga in 1802. It rose to a loss of 30,000—34,000 peo- ple, but some twenty years later the number of those killed immedi- ately was reduced by about one third. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 213. 162 COSMOS, the most recent explanations of earthquakes in trachytic re- gions is the ivisult of geognostic suppositions regarding the want of cohesion in rocky masst3S raised by volcanic action. The following summary furnishes a more exact but very brief indication of the variety of views as to the nature of the first impulse to the commotion : The nucleus of the earth is supposed to be in a state of igneous fluidity, as the consequence of every planetary process of formation from a gaseous material, by evolu- tion of heat during the transition from fluidity to solidity. The external strata were first cooled by radiation, and were the first to become consolidated. The commotion is occasioned by an unequal ascent of elastic vapors, formed (at the limit between the fluid and solid parts) either from the fused terrestrial mass alone or from the penetration of sea-water into higher strata of rock, nearer to the sur- face of the earth, the sudden opening of fissures, and by the sudden ascent of vapors produced in the hotter and consequently more elastic depljis. The attraction of the moon and sun* on the fluid, fused surface of the nucleus * Hopkins has expressed doubts as to the action npon the fused "subjacent fluid confined into internal lakes, ^^ SLt tho. Meeting of the British Ai/tMation for 1847 (p. 57), as Mallet has also done with re- gard to '*nie subteiTaneous lava tidal wave, moving the solid crust above it," at the British Association Meeting for 1850 (p. 20). Poisson also, with whom I have often spoken regarding^he hypothesis of the subterranean ebb and flow caused by the sun and moon, considers the impulse, which he does not deny, to be inconsiderable, "as in the open sea the effect scarcely amounts to 14 inches." Ampere, on the other hand, says: "Those who admit the fluidity of the internal nucleus of the earth do not appear to have sufficiently considered the action which would be exercised by the moon upon this enormous liquid mass — an action from which would result tides analogous to those of our seas, but far more terrible, both from their extent and from the density of the liquid. It is difficult to conceive how the envelope of the earth should be able to resist the incessant action of a sort of hydraulic ram(?) of 1400 leagues in length" (Ampere, Theorie de la Terre, in Revue des deux Mondes, July, 1833, p. 148). If the interior of the earth be fluid, which in general can not be doubted, as, notwithstand- ing the enormous pressure, the particles are still displaceable, then the same conditions are fulfilled in the interior of the earth that give rise on the surface to the ocean tides ; and the tide-producing force will constantly become weaker in approaching the centre, as the difference of the distances of every two opposite points, considered in their rela- tion to the attracting bodies, constantly becomes less in receding from the surface, and the" force depends exclusively upon the difference of the distances. If the solid crust of the earth opposes a resistance to this effort, the interior of the earth will only exert a pressure against its crust at these points ; as my astronomical friend, Dr. Brunnow, EARTHQUAKES. 163 ^f iM earth may also be regarded as the subsidiary action of a hon-telluric cause, by which .an increased pressure must be j^roduced, either immediately against a solid, su- perimposed rocky arch ; or indirectly, when the solid mass is separated, in subterranean basins, from the fused, fluid mass by eiastic vapors. « The nucleus of our planet is supposed to consist of un- oxydized ma«ses,'the metalloids of the alkalies and earths. Volcanic activity is excited in the nucleus by the access of water and air. Volcanoes certainly pour forth a great quantity of aqueous vapor into the atmosphere ; but the assumption of the penetration of water into the volcanic focus is attended with much difficulty, considering the op- posing pressure* of the external column of water and of expresses himself, no more tide will be produced than if the ocean had an indestructible covering o/ ice. The thickness of the solid, unfused crust of the earth is calculated from the fusing points of the different kinds of rock, and the law of the increase of heat from the surface into the depths of the earth. I have already (Cosmos, vol. i., p. 45) justified the assumption that at somewhat more than twenty geograph- ical miles (21-/ij, 25 English) below ihe surface a heat capable of melt- ing granite prevails. Nearly the same number (45,000 metres =24 geographical miles) was named by Elie de Beaumont (Geologie, edited by Vogt, 1846, vol. i., p. 32) as the thickness of the solid crust of the earth. Moreover, according to the ingenious experiments of Bischof on the fusion of vaiious minerals, of which the importance to the prog- ress of geology is so great, the thickness of the unfused strata of the earth is between 122,590 and 136,448 feet, or, on the average, 21i geo- graphical (24i^ English) miles; see BiscLof, Wdrmelehre des Innern unsers Erdkorpers, p. 286 and 271. This renders it the more remark- able to me to find that, with the assumption cf a definite limit between the solid and fused parts, and not of a gradual transition, Hopkins, from the fundamental principles of his speculative geology, establishes the result that "the thickness of the solid shell can not be less than about one fourth or one fifth (?) of the radius of its external surface" {Meeting of British Association, 1847, p. 51). Cordier's earliest sup- position Avas only 56 geographical (72 English) miles, without correc- tion, which is dependent upon the increased pressare of the strata at great depths, and the hypsometrical form of the surface. The thick- ness of the solid part of the crust of the earth is probably very un- equal. * Gay-Lussac, Reflexions sur les Volcans, in the Annaks de Chi- mie et de Physique, tome xxii., 1823, p. 418 and 426. The author, Vvho, in company with Leopold von Buch and myself, observed the great eruption of lava from Vesuvius in September, 1805, has the merit of having submitted the chemical hypotheses ta a strict criti- cism. He seeks for the cause of volcanic phenomena iri a "very en- ergetic and still unsatisfied affinity between the substances, which a fortuitous contact permits them to obey ;" in general, he favors the hypothesis of Davy and Ampere, which is now given up, ** supposing 164 COSMOS. the internal lava; and the deficiency, or, at all events, very rare occurrence of burning hydrogen gas during the eruption (which the formation of hydrochlorio acid,* am- monia, and sulphureted hydrogen certainly does not suffi- ciently replace), has led the celebrated originator of this hypothesis to abandon it of his own accord, f According to a third view, that of the highly-endowed South American traveler, BoussingauHt, a deficiency of co- herence in the trachytic and doleritic masses which form the elevated volcanoes of the chain of the Andes, is regard- ed as a primary cause of many earthquakes of very great extent. The colossal cones and dome-like summits of the Cordilleras, according to this view, have by no means been elevated in a soft and semi-fluid state, but have been thrown up and piled on one another when perfectly hardened, in the form of enormous, sharp-edged fragments. In an ele- vation and piling of this description, large interstices and cavities have necessarily been produced ; so that by sud- den sinking, and by the fall of solid masses which are too weakly supported, shocks are produced. { that the radicals of silica, alumina, lime, and iron are combined with chlorine in the interior of the earth," and the penetration of sea-wa- ter does not appear to him to be improbable under certain conditions (p. 419, 420, 423, and 426). Upon the difficulty of a theory founded upon the penetration of water, see Hopkins, JSrif.Jiapoc. jR(^jo., 1847, p. 38. * According to the beautiful analyses made by Boussingault on the margins of five craters (Tolima, Purace, Pasto, Tuqueras, and Cum- bal), hydrochloric acid is entirely wanting in the vapors poured forth by the South American volcanoes, but not in those of Italy (Annales de Chimie, tome Hi., 1833, p. 7 and 23). t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 236. While Davy, in the most distinct man- ner, gave up the opinion that volcanic eruptions are a consequence of the contact of the metalloid bases with water and air, he still assert- ed that the presence of oxydizable metalloids in the interior of the earth might be a co-operating cause in volcanic processes already com- menced. X Boussingault says : "I attribute most of the earthquakes in the Cordillera of the Andes to falls produced in the interior of these mountains by the subsidence which takes place, and which is a conse- quence of their elevation. The mass which constitutes these gigantic ridges has not been raised in a soft state ; the elevation did not take place until after, the solidification of the rocks. I assume, therefore, that the elevated masses of the Andes are composed of fragments heaped upon each other. The consolidation of the fragments could not be so stable from the beginning as that there should be no settlements after the elevation, or that there should be no inte- rior movements in the fragmentary masses" (Boussingault, >$«?• les Tremhlemens de Terre des Andes, in Annales de Chimie et de Phy- sique, tome Iviii., 1835, p. 84-86). In the description of his mem- EARTHQUAKES. 165 The efects of the impulse, and waves of commotion, may be reduced to simple mechanical theories with more distinctness than is furnished by the consideration of the nature of the first impulse, which indeed may be regarded as heterogene- ous. As already observed, this part of our knowledge has advanced essentially in very recent times. The earth-waves have been represented in their progress and their propaga- tion through rocks of different density and elasticity ;* the causes of the rapidity of propagation, and its diminution by the refraction, reflection, and interferencef of the oscillations, have been mathematically investigated. Attempts have been made to reduce to a rectilinearf standard the apparently orable ascent of Chimborazo (Ascension au Chimhorazo le 16 Dec.^ 1831, be. cit., p. 176), he says again: "Like Cotopaxi, Antisana, Tun- guragua, and the volcanoes in general which project from the plateaux of the Andes, the mass of Chimborazo is formed by the accumulation of trachytic debris, heaped together without any order. These frag- ments, often of enormous volume, have been elevated in the solid state by elastic fluids which have broken out through the points of least resistance ; their angles are always sharp." The cause of earth- quakes here indicated is the same as that which Hopkins calls "a shock produced by the falUng of the roof of a subterranean cavity," in his "Analytical Theory of Volcanic Phenomena" (^Brit. Assoc. Report, 1847, p. 82). * Mallet, Dynamics of Earthquakes, p. 74, 80, and 82 ; Hopkins, B7it. Assoc. Report, 1847, p. 74-82. All that we know of the waves of commotion and oscillations in solid bodies shows the untenability of the older theories as to the facilitation of the propagation of the movement by a series of cavities. Cavities can only act a secondary part in the earthquake, as spaces for the accumulation of vapors and condensed gases. "The earth, so many centuries old," says Gay- Lussac, very beautifully (Ann. de Chimie et de Phys., tome xxii., 1823, p.* 428), "still preserves an internal force, which raises mountains (in the oxydized crust), overturns cities, and agitates the entire mass. Most mountains, in issuing from the bosom of the earth, must have left vast cavities, which have remained empty, at least unless they have been filled with water (and gaseous fluids). It is certainly in- correct for Deluc and many geologists to make use of these empty spaces, which they imagine produced into long galleries, for the propa- gation of earthquakes to a distance. These phenomena, so grand and terrible, are very powerful sonorous waves, excited in the solid mass of the earth by some commotion, which propagates itself therein with the same velocity as sound. The movement of a carriage over the pavement shakes the vastest edifices, and communicates itself through considerable masses, as in the deep quarries below the city of Paris." t Upon phenomena of interference in the earth-waves, analogous to those of the waves of sound, see Cosmos, vol. i., p. 215 ; and Hum- boldt, Kieinere Schriften, bd. i., p. 379. X Mallet on vorticose shocks and cases of twisting, in Brit. Assoc. Report, 1850, p. 33 and 49, and in the Admiralty Manual, 1849, p. 213 (see Cosmos, vol. i., p. 204). 166 COSMOS. circling (rotatory) shocks of which the obelisks before the monastery of San Bruno, in the small town of Stephano del Bosco (Calabria, 1783), furnished such a well-known ex- ample. Air, water, and earth-waves follow the same laws which are recognized by the theory of motion, at all events in space ; but the earth- waves are accompanied, in their de- structive action, by phenomena which remain more obscure in their nature, and belong to the class of physical processes. As such we have to mention — discharges of elastic vapors, and of gases ; or, as in the small, moving Moyacones of Pel- ileo, grit-like mixtures of pyroxene crystals, carbon, and in- fusorial animalcules with silicious shields. These wandering cones have overthrown a great number of Indian huts.* In the general Delineation of Nature many facts are nar- rated concerning the great catastrophe of Eiobamba (4th of February, 1797), which were collected on the spot from the lips of the survivors, with the most earnest endeavors after historic truth. Some of them are analogous to the occur- rences in the great earthquake of Calabria in the year 1783; others are new, and especially characterized by the mine-like manifestation of force frvm below upward. The earthquake itself was neither accompanied nor announced by any subter- ranean noise. A prodigious explosion, still indicated by the simple name of el gran ruido, was not perceived until 18 or 20 minutes afterward, and only under the two cities of Quito and Ibarra, far removed from Tacunga, Hambato, and the principal scene of the destruction. There is no other event in the troubled destinies of the human race by which in a few minutes, and in sparingly-peopled mountain lands, ^o many thousands at once may be overtaken by death, as by the production and passage of a few earth-waves, accom- panied by phenomena of cleavage ! In the earthquake of Riobamba, of which the celebrated Valencian botanist, Don Jose Cavanilles, gave the earliest account, the following phenomena are deserving of special attention: Fissures which alternately opened and closed again, so that men saved themselves by extending both arms in order to prevent their sinking ; the disappearance of en- tire caravans of riders or loaded mules (recuas), some of which disappeared through transverse fissures suddenly open- * The Moyacones were seen by Boussingault nineteen years after I saw them. " Muddy eruptions, consequences of the earthquake, like the eruptions of the Moya of Felileo, which have buried entire vil- lages" (Ann. de Chirn. et de Fhys.^ t. Iviii., p. 81). EARTHQUAKES. 167 ing in their path, while others, flying back, escaped the dan- ger ; such violent oscillations (non-simultaneous elevation and depression) of neighboring portions of the ground, that people standing upon the choir of a church at a height of more than 12 feet got upon the pavement of the street with- out falling ; the sinking of massive houses,* in which the inhabitants could open inner doors, and for two whole days, before they were released by excavations, passed uninjured from room to room, procured lights, fed upon supplies acci- dentally discovered, and disputed with each other regarding the probability of their rescue ; and the disappearance of such great masses of stones and building materials. Old Riobamba contained churches and monasteries among houses of several stories ; and yet, when I took the plan of the de- stroyed city, I only found in the ruins heaps of stone of eight to ten feet in height. In the southwestern part of Old Kio- bamba (the former Barrio de Sigchuguaicu) a mine-like ex- plosion, the effect of a force from below upward, was dis- tinctly perceptible. On the Cerro de la Culca^ a liill of some hundred feet in height, which rises above the Cerro de Cum- bicarca, situated to the north of it, there lies stony rubbish mixed with human bones. Translatory movements, in a hori' zontal direction, by which avenues of trees become displaced without being uprooted, or fragments of cultivated ground of very different kinds mutually cfisplace each other, have occurred repeatedly in Quito, as well as in Calabria. A still more remarkable and complicated phenomenon is the discovery of utensils belonging to one house in the ruins of another at a great distance — a circumstance which has given rise to lawsuits. Is it, as the natives believe, a sinking fol- lowed by an eruption? or, notwithstanding the distance, a mere projection"? As, in nature, every thing is repeated when similar conditions again occur, we must, by not con- cealing even what is still imperfectly observed, call the atten- tion of future observers to special phenomena. According to my observations, it must not be forgotten * Upon the displacement of buildings and plantations during the earthquake o^ Calabria, see Lyell's Principles of Geology^ vol. i,, p. 484-491. Upon escapes in fissures during the great earthquake of Riobamba, see my Relation Historique^ tome ii., p. 642. As a re- markable example of the closing of a fissure, it must be mentioned that, according to Scacchi's report, during the celebrated earthquake (in the summer of 1851) in the Neapolitan province of Basilicata, a hen was found caught by both feet in the street pavement in Barile, near Melfi. 168 COSMOS. that, besides the commotion of solid parts as earth-waves, very different forces — as, for instance, physical forces, emana- tions of gas and vapor — also assist in most cases in the pro- duction ofjissures. When in the undulatory movement the extreme limit of the elasticity of matter set in motion (accord- ing to the difference of the rocks or the looser strata) is ex- ceeded, and separation takes place, tense elastic fluid may break out through the fissures, bringing substances of various kinds from the interior to the surface, and giving rise again, by their eruption, to translatory movements. Among these phenomena which only accompany the primitive commotion (the earthquake) are the elevation of the undoubtedly wan- dering cone of the Moya, and probably also the transporta- tion of objects upon the surface of the earth.* When large clefts are formed, and these only close again at their upper parts, the production of permanent -subterranean cavities may not only become the cause of new earthquakes, as, according to Boussingault's supposition, imperfectly-supported masses become detached in course of time and fall, producing com- motions, but we may also imagine it possible that the circles of commotion are enlarged thereby, and that in the new earth- quake the clefts opened in the previous one enable elastic fluids to act in places to which they could not otherwise have obtained access. It is, therefore, an accompanying phenomenon, and not th% strength of the wave commotion, which has once passed through the solid parts of the earth, that gives rise to the gradual and very important, but too little considered enlargement of the circle of commotionj^ Volcanic activities, of which the earthquake is one of the lower grades, almost always include at the same time move- ment and the physical production of matter. In the Delin- eation of Nature we have already repeatedly indicated that water and hot vapors, carbonic acid gas and other ?nofettes, * Cosmos^ vol. i., p. 206. Hopkins has very correctly shown theo- retically that the fissures produced by earthquakes are very instruct- ive as regards the formation of veins and the. phenomenon of dis- location, the more recent vein displacing the older formations. But long before Phillips (in his "Theorie der Gauge," 1791), Werner showed the comparative ages of the displacing penetr9,ting vein and of the disrupted penetrated rock (see British Assoc, Report, 1847, p. 62). t Upon the simultaneous commotion of the tertiary limestone of Cumana and Maniquarez since the great earthquake of Cumana, on the 14th December, 1796, see Humboldt's Relation Ilistorique, tome i., p. 314 ; Cosmos, vol. i., p. 212 ; and Mallet, Brit. Assoc. Report, 1850, p. .28. EARTHQUAKES. 1G9 black smoke (as was the case for several days in the rock of Alvidras, during the earthquake of Lisbon, on the 1st No- vember, 1755), flames of fire, sand, mud, and moyas, mixed with charcoal, rise from fissures at a distance from all vol- canoes. The acute geognosist, Abich, has proved the con- nection which exists in the Persian Ghilan between the thermal springs of Sarcin (5051 feet), on the road from Ar- debil 4o Tabriz, and the earthquakes which frequently visit the elevated districts in every second year. In October, 1848, an undulatory movement of the earth, which lasted for a whole hour, compelled the inhabitants of Ardebil t© abandon the town ; and the temperature of the springs, which is between 44° and 46° C. (=111° — 115° F.), rose immediately to a most painful scalding heat, and continued so for a whole month.* As Abich says, nowhere, perhaps, upon the face of the earth is "the intimate connection of fissure-producing earthquakes, with the phenomena of mud volcanoes, of salses, of combustible gases penetrating through the perforated soil, and of petroleum springs, more distinctly expressed or more clearly recognizable, than in the south- eastern extremity of the Caucasus, between Schemacha, Baku, and Sallian. It is the part of the great Aralo-Cas- pian basin, in which the earth is most frequently shaken." f I was myself struck with the remarkable fact that in North- ern Asia the circle of commotion, the centre of which ap- pears to be in the vicinity of Lake Baikal, extends west- ward only to the eastern borders of the Eussian Altai, as far as the silver mines of Riddersk, the trachytic rock of Kruglaia Sopka, and the hot springs of Rachmanowka and Arachan, but not to the Ural chain. Further, toward the * Abich, on Daghestan, Schagdagh, and Ghilan, in Poggend., An- nalen, bd. Ixxvi., 1849, p. 157. The salt spring in a well near Sas- scndorf, in Westphalia (in the district of Amsberg), also increased about I2 per cent, in amount of saline matter, in consequence of tlie widely-extended earthquake of the 29th July, 1846, the centre of commotion of which is placed at St. Goar, on the Rhine ; this was probably because other fissures of supply had opened (Noggerath, Das Erdbeben im Rheingebiete vom 29 Juli, 1846, p. 14). According to Cliarpentier's observation, the tempei*ature of the sulphureous spring of Lavey (above St. Maurice, on the bank of the Rhone) rose from 87" -8 to 97°-3 F. during the Swiss earthquake of the 25th August, 1851. t At Schemacha (elevation 2393 feet), one of the numerous mete- orological stations founded by Prince Wftronzow, in the Caucasus, under Abich 's directions, eighteen earthquakes were recorded by the observer in the journal in 1848 alone. Vol. v.— H 170 • ' COSMOS. south, on the other side of the parallel of 45° N.^ in the chain of the Thianschan (IVIountains of Heaven), there ap- pears a zone of volcanic activity directed from east to west,, with every kind of manifestation. It extends not only from the fire district (Ho-tscheu) in Turfan, through the small chain of Asferah to Baku, and thence over Ararat into Asia Minor ; but it is believed that it may be traced, oscillating between the parallels of 38° and 40° N.,. through thg vol- canic basin of the Mediterranean as far as Lisbon and the Azores. I have elsewhere* treated in detail of this import- ant subject of volcanic geography. In Greece also, which has suffered from earthquakes more than any other part of Europe (Curtius, PeloponnesoSy i., s. 42-46), it appears that an immense number of thermal springs, some still flowing,, * See Asie Centrale, tome i., p. 324-329, and tome ii., p. 108-120; and especially my Carte des Montagues et Volcans de tAsie, compared with the geognostic maps of the Caucasus, and of the plateau of Ar- menia by Abich, and the map of Asia Minor (Argaens) by Peter Tschichatschef, 1853 (Rose, Reise nachdem Ural, Altai, und Kaspischem Meere, bd. ii., p. 576 and 597). In Asie Centrale we find: "From Tourfan, situated upon the southern slope of the Thianchan, to the Archipelago of the Azores, there are 120 degrees of longitude. This is probably the longest and most regular band of volcanic reactions, os- cillating slightly between 38° and 40° of latitude, which exists upon the face of the earth ; it greatly surpasses in extent the volcanic band of the Cordillera of the Andes, in South America. I insist the more upon this singular line of ridges, of elevations, of fissures, and of propagations of commotions, which comprises a third of the circum- fei^ence of a parallel of latitude, because some small accidents of sur- face, the unequal elevation and the breadth of the ridges, or linear elevations, as well as the interruption caused by the sea-basins (Aralo- Caspian, Mediterranean, and Atlantic basins), tend to mark ,the gi*eat features of the geological constitution of the globe. (This bold sketch of a regularly prolonged line of commotion by no means excludes other lines in the direction of which the movements may also be propagated.)" As the city of Khotan and the district south of the Thianschan has been the most ancient and celebrated seat of Bud- dhism, the Buddhistic literature was occupied very early and earnestly with the causes of earthquakes (see Foe-koue-ki, ou Relation des Roy- mmes Bouddiques, translated by M. Abel Remusat, p. 217). By the followers of Sakhyamuni eight of these causes are adduced, among which a revolving wheel of steel, hung with reliques ('sarira, signify- ing body in Sanscrit), plays a principal part — a mechanical explana- tion of a dynamic phenomenon, scarcely more absurd than many of our geological and magnetic myths, which have but recently become antiquated ! According to a statement of Klaproth's, priests, and es- pecially begging monks (Bhikchous), have the power of causing the earth to tremble and of setting the subterranean wheel in motion. The travels of Fahian, the author of the Foe-koue-ki, date about the commencement of the fifth century. EARTHQUAKES. 171 others already lost, have broken out with earth-shocks. A similar thermic connection is indicated in the remarkable book of Johannes Lydus upon earthquakes {De Ostentis, cap. liv., p. 189, Hase). The great natural phenomenon of the destruction of Helice and Bura, in Achaia (373 B.C. ; Cos- mos, vol. iv., p. 188), gave rise in an especial manner to hy- potheses regarding the causal connection of volcanic activ- ity. With Aristotle originated the curious theory of the force of the winds collecting in the cavities of the depths of the earth {Meteor., ii., p. 368). By the part which they have taken in the early destruction of the monuments of the most flourishing period of the arts, the unhappy frequency of earthquakes in Greece and Southern Italy has exercised the most pernicious influence upon all the studies which have been directed to the evolution of the Greek and Roman civ- ilization at various epochs. Egyptian monuments also, for example that of a colossal Memnon (27 years B.C.), have suffered from earthquakes, which, as Letronne has proved, have been by no means so rare as was supposed in the val- ley of the Nile {Les Statues Vocales de Memnon, 1833, p. 23-27, 255). The physical changes here referred to, as induced by earth- quakes by the production of fissures, render it the more re- markable that so many warm mineral springs retain their composition and temperature unchanged for centuries, and therefore must flow from fissures 'which appear to have un- dergone no alteration either vertically or laterally. The establishment of communications with higher strata would have produced a diminution, and that with lower ones an increase of heat. When the great eruption of the volcano of Conseguina (in Nicaragua) took place, on the 23d of January, 1835, the subterranean noise* {los ruidos suhterraneos) was heard at the same time on the island of Jamaica and on the plateau of Bogota, 8740 feet above the sea, at a greater distance than from Algiers to London. I have also elsewhere observed, that in the eruptions of the volcano on the island of Saint Vincent, on the 30th of April, 1812, at two o'clock in the morning, a noise like the report of cannons was heard with- out any sensible concussion of the earth over a space of 160,000 geographical square miles.j It is very remarkable * Acosta, Viajes cientijicos a los Andes ecuatoriales, 1849, p. 56. t Cosmos, \o\. i., p. 208-210; Humboldt, Relation Historique, t. iv., chap. 14, p. 31-38. Some sagacious theoretical observations by Mai- 172 COSMOS. that when earthquakes are combined with noises, which is by no means constantly the case, the strength of the latter does not at all increase in proportion to that of the former. The most singular and mysterious phenomenon of subter- ranean sound is undoubtedly that of the bramidos de Gua- naxuato, which lasted from the 9th of January to the middle of February, 1784, regarding which I was the first to col- lect trustworthy details from the lips of living witnesses, and from official records {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 209). The rapidity of the propagation of the earthquake upon the surface of the earth must, from its nature, be modified in many ways by the variable densities of the solid rocky strata (granite and gneiss, basalt and trachytic porphyry, Jurassic limestone and gypsum), as well as by that of the alluvial soil, through which the wave of commotion passes. It would, however, be desirable to ascertain once for all with certainty what are the extreme limits between which the velocities vary. It is probable that the more violent com- motions by no means always possess the greatest velocity. The measurements, moreover, do not always relate to the same direction which the waves of commotion have followed. Exact mathematical determinations are much wanted, and it is only at a very recent period that a result has been ob- tained with great exactitude and care from the Rhenish earthquake of the 29th of July, 1846,. by Julius Schmidt, assistant at the Observatory of Bonn. In the earthquake just mentioned the velocity of propagation was 14,956 geo- graphical miles in a minute, that is, 1466 feet in the second. This velocity certainly exceeds that of the waves of sound in the air ; but if the propagation of sound in water is at the rate of 5016 feet, as stated by Colladon and Sturm, and in cast-iron tubes 11,393 feet, according to Biot, the result found for the earthquake appears very weak. For the earthquake of Lisbon, on the 1st of November, 1755, Schmidt (working from less accurate data) found the velocity between the coasts of Portugal and Holstein to be more than five times as great as that observed on the Rhine, on the 29th of July, 1846. Thus, for Lisbon and Gliickstadt (a distance let upon sonorous waves in the earth and sonorous wares in the air occur in the Brit. Assoc. Report, 1850, p. 41-46, and in the Admiral- ty Manual, 1849, p. 201 and 217. The animals which in tropical countries are disquieted by the slightest commotions of the earth sooner than man are, according to my experience, fowls, pigs, dogs, asses, and crocodiles (Caymans) ; the latter suddenly quit the bottom of the rivers. EARTHQUAKES. 173 of 1348 English miles), the velocity obtained was 89*26 miles in a minute, or 7953 feet in a second ; which, how- ever, is still 3438 feet less than in cast iron.* Concussions of the earth and sudden eruptions of fire from volcanoes which have been long in repose, whether these merely emit cinders, or, like intermittent springs, pour forth fused, fluid earths in streams of lava, have certainly a single, common causal connection in the high temperature of the in- terior of our planet ; but one of these phenomena is usually manifested quite independently of the other. Thus, in the chain of the Andes in its linear extension, violent earth- quakes shake districts in which unextinguished, often indeed active, volcanoes exist without the latter being perceptibly excited. During the great catastrophe of Riobamba, the volcanoes of Tunguraliua and Cotopaxi — the fbrmer in the immediate vicinity, and the latter rather farther off — re- mained perfectly quiet. On the other hand, volcanoes have presented violent and long-continued eruptions without any earthquake being perceived in their vicinity, either previous- ly or simultaneously. In fact, the most destructive earth- quakes recorded in history, and which have passed through many thousand square miles, if we may judge from what is observable at the surface, stand in no connection with the * Julius Schmidt, in No.!Ji;geratli, Ueher das Erdhehen vom 29 JuU^ 18-1:6, s. 28-37. With the velocity stated in the text, the earthquake of Lisbon would have passed round the equatorial circumference of the earth in about 45 hours. Michell {Phil. Transact, vol. i., pt. ii., p. 572) found for the same earthquake of the 1st November, 1755, a velocity of only 50 English miles in a minute — that is, instead of 7956, only 4444 feet in a second. The inexactitude of the older observa- tions and difference in the direction of propagation may conduce to this result. Upon the connection of Neptune Avith earthquakes, at which I have glanced in the text (p. 181), a passage of Proclus, in the commentary to Plato's Cratylus, throws a remarkable light. " The middle one of the three deities, Poseidon, is the cause of movement in all things, even in the immovable. As the originator of movement he is called 'Evvoacyaiog ; to him, of those who shared the empire of Saturn, fell the middle lot, the easily-moved sea" (Creuzer, SymhoUh und Mi/thologie, th. iii,, 1842, s. 260). As the Atlantis of Solon and the Lyctonia, which, according to my idea, was nearly allied to it, are geological myths, both the lands destroyed by earthquakes are regard- ed as standing under the dominion of Neptune, and set in opposition to the Saturnian continents. According to Herodotus (lib, ii., c. 43 et 50), Neptune was a Libyan deity, and unknown in Egypt. Upon these circumstances — the disappearance of the Libyan lake Tritonis by earthquake — and the idea of the great rarity of earthquakes in tha valley of the Nile, see my Examen Critique de la Gcographie, t. i., p. 171 and 179. 174 COSMOS. activity of volcanoes. They have lately been called Plu- tonic, in opposition to the true Volcanic earthquakes, which are usually limited to smaller districts. In respect of the more general views of Vulcanicity, this nomenclature is, however, inadmissible. By far the greater part of the earth- quakes upon our planet must be called Plutonic. That which is capable of exciting earth-shocks is every where under our feet; and the consideration that nearly three fourths of the earth's surface are covered by the sea (with the exception of some scattered islands), and without any permanent communication between the interior and the atmosphere, that is to say, without active volcanoes, contra- dicts the erroneous but widely disseminated belief that all earthquakes are to be ascribed to the eruption of some dis- tant volcano: Earthquakes on continents are certainly prop- agated along the sea-bottom from the shores, and give rise to the terrible sea-waves, of which such memorable examples were furnished by the earthquakes of Lisbon, Callao de Lima, and Chili. When, on the contrary, the earthquakes start from the sea-bottom itself, from the realm of Poseidon, the earth-shaker (aeialxOcov, tctV7jOLx6(j^v), and are not accompa- nied by upheaval of islands (as in the ephemeral existence of the island of Sabrina or Julia), an unusual rolling and swelling of the waves may still be observed at points where the navigator would feel no shock. The inhabitants of the desert Peruvian coasts have often called my attention to a phenomenon of this kind. Even in the harbor of Callao, and near the opposite island of San Lorenzo, I have seen wave upon wave suddenly rising up in the course of a few hours to more than 10 or 15 feet, in perfectly still nights, and in this otherwise so thoroughly peaceful part of the South Sea. That such a phenomenon might have been the consequence of a storm which had raged far off upon the open sea, was by no means to be supposed in these latitudes. To commence from those commotions^ which are limited to the smallest space, and evidently owe their origin to the activity of a volcano, I may mention, in the first place, how, when sitting at night in the crater of Vesuvius, at the foot of a small cone of eruption, with my chronometer in my hand (this was after the great earthquake of Naples, on the 2Cth of July, 1805, and the eruption of lava which took place seventeen days subsequently), I felt a concussion of the soil of the crater very regularly every 20 or 25 seconds, im- mediately before each eruption of red-hot cinders. The cin- EARTHQUAKES. 175 ders, thrown up to a height of 50 — 60 feet, fell back partly into the orifice of eruption, while a part of them covered the walls of the cone. The regularity of such a phenomenon renders its observation free from danger. The constantly- repeated small earthquake was quite imperceptible beyond the crater — even in the Atrio del Cavallo and in the Her- mitage Del Salvatore. The periodicity of the concussion shows that it was dependent upon a determinate degree of tension which the vapors must attain, to enable them to break through the fused mass in the interior of the cone of cindei'S. In the case just described no concussions were felt on the declivity of the ashy cone of Vesuvius, and in an ex- actly analogous but far grander phenomenon, on the ash- cone of the volcano of Sangai, which rises to a height of 17,006 feet to the southeast of the city of Quito, no trem- bling of the eartli* was felt by a very distinguished observer, M. Wisse, when (in December, 1849) he approached within a thousand feet of the summit and crater, although no less than 267 explosions (eruptions of cinders) were counted in an hour. A second, and infinitely more important kind of earth- quake, is the veiy frequent one which usually accompanies or precedes great eruptions of volcanoes — whether the vol- canoes, like ours in Europe, pour forth streams of lava ; or, like Cotopaxi, Pichincha, and Tunguragua of the Andes, only throw out calcined masses, ashes and vapors. For earthquakes of this kind the volcanoes are especially to be regarded as safety-valves, as indicated even by Strabo's ex- pression concerning the fissure pouring out lava near Le- lante, in Euboea. The earthquakes cease when the great eruption has taken place. Most widelyt distributed, however, are the ravages of the * The explosions of the Sangai, or Volcan de Macas, took place on an average every 13"*4; see Wisse, Comptes rendus de VAcad. des Sciences, tome xxxvi., 1853, p. 720. As an example of commotions confined within the narrowest limits, I might also have cited the re- port of Count Larderel upon the lagoons in Tuscany, The vapors containing boron or boracic acid give notice of their existence, and of their approaching eruption at fissures, by shaking the surrounding rocks (Larderel, Sur les etablissements industriels de la production d'acide boracique en Toscane, 1852, p. 15). t I am glad that I am able to cite an important authority in con- firmation of the views that I have endeavored to develop in the text. " In the Andes the oscillation of the soil, due to a volcanic eruption, is, so to speak, local, while an earthquake, which, at all events in ap- pearance, is not connected with any volcanic eruption, is propagated to incredible distances. In this case it has been remarked that the 176 COSMOS. waves of commotion, which pass sometimes through com- pletely non-trachytic, non-volcanic countries, and sometimes through trachytic, volcanic regions, jvithout exerting any influence upon tlie neighboring volcanoes. This is a third group of phenomena, and is that which most convincingly indicates the existence of a general cause, lying in the ther- mic nature of the interior of our planet. To this third group also belongs the phenomenon sometimes, though rare- ly, met with in non-volcanic lands, but little disturbed by earthquakes, of a trembling of the soil within the most nar- row limits, continued uninterruptedly for months together, so as to give rise to apprehensions of an elevation and for- mation of an active volcano. This was the case in the Pied- montese valleys of Pelis and Clusson, as well as in the vi- cinity of Pignerol, in April and May, 1805, and also in the spring of 1829 in Murcia, between Orihuela and the sea- shore, upon a space of scarcely sixteen square miles. When the cultivated surface of JoruUo, upon the western declivity of the plateau of Mechoacan, in the interior of Mexico, was shaken uninterruptedly for 90 days, the volcano rose with many thousand cones of 5 — 7 feet in height {los hornitos) sur- rounding it, and poured forth a sliort but vast stream of lava. In Piedmont and Spain, on the contrary, the concus- sions of the earth gradually ceased, without the production of any other phenomenon. I have considered it expedient to enumerate the perfectly distinct kinds of manifestation of the same volcanic activity (the reaction of the interior of the earth upon its surface), in order to guide the observer, and bring together materials which may lead to fruitful results with regard to the causal connection of the phenomena. Sometimes the volcanic ac- tivity embraces at one time or within short periods so large a portion of the earth, that the commotions of the soil excited may be ascribed simultaneously to many causes related to each other. The years 1796 and 1811 present particularly memorable examples* of such a grouping of the phenomena. shocks followed in preference the direction of the chains of mountains, and were principally felt in Alpine districts. The frequency of the movements in the soil of the Andes, and the little coincidence ob- served between these movements and volcanic eruptions, must neces- sarily lead us to suppose that in most cases they are occasioned by a cause independent of volcanoes'''' (Boussingault, Annales de Chiinie et de Physique, t. Iviii., 1835, p. 83). * The great phenomena of 1796 and 1797, and 1811 and 1812, oc- curi^d in the following order: THERMAL SPRINGS. 177 b. Thermal Springs. (Amplification of the Eepresentation of Nature, Cosmos, vol. i., p. 219-224.) As a consequence of th'e vital activity of the interior of our planet, evidenced in irregularly repeated and often fear- fully destructive phenomena, we have described the earth- quake. In this there prevails a volcanic power, which in 27th of September, 179G. Eruption of the volcano of the island of Guadaloupe, in the Leeward Islands, after a repose of many years ; November, 1796, The volcano on the plateau of Pasto, between the small rivers Guaytara and Juanambu, became ignited and be- gan to smoke permanently ; 14th of December, 1796. Earthquake and destruction of the city of Cumana ; 4th of February, 1797. Earthquake and destruction of Eiobamba. On the same morning the columns of smoke of the volcano of Pasto, at a distance of at least 200 geographical miles from Eio- bamba, disappeared suddenly, and never reappeared; no com- motion was felt in its vicinity. 30th of January, 1811. First appearance of the island of Sabrina, in the group of the Azores, near the island of St. Michael. The elevation preceded the eruption of fire, as in the case of the little Kameni (Santorin) and that of the volcano of Jorullo. After an eruption of cinders, lasting for six days, the island rose to a height of 320 feet above the surface of the sea. It was the third appearance and disappearance of the island nearly at the same point, at intervals of 91 and 92 years. May, 1811. More than 200 shocks of earthquake on ttie island of St. Vincent up to April, 1812. December, 1811. Innumerable shocks in the river-valleys of the Ohio, Mississippi, and Arkansas, up to 1813. Between New Madrid, Little Prairie, and La Saline, to the north of Cincin- ■ nati, the earthquakes occurred almost every hour for months together. December, 1811. A single shock in Caraccas. 26th of March, 1812. Earthquake and destruction of the town of Caraccas. The circle of commotion extended over Santa Marta, the town of Honda, and the elevated plateau of Bogota, to a dis- tance of 540 miles from Caraccas. The motion continued until the middle of the year 1813. 30th of April, 1812. Eruption of the volcano of St. Vincent; and on the same day, about two o'clock in the morning, a fearful sub- terranean noise, like the roar of artillery, was heard at the same time and with equal distinctness on the shores of Caraccas, in the Llanos of Calabazo and of the Rio Apure, without being ac- companied by any concussion of the earth (see ante, p. 171). The subterranean noise was also heard upon the island of St. Vin- cent, but (and this is very remarkable) it was stronger at some distance upon the sea. IT 2 178 COSMOS. its essential nature only acts dynamically, producing move- ment and commotion ; but when it is favored at particular points by the fulfillment of subsidiary conditions, it is capa- ble of bringing to the surface material products, although not of generating them like true volcanoes. Just as water, va- pors, petroleum, mixtures of gases, or pasty masses (mud and moya) are thrown out, through fissures suddenly opened in earthquakes sometimes of short duration, so do liquid and aerial fluids flow permanently from the bosom of the earth through the universally diffused net-work of communicating fissures. The brief and impetuous eruptive phenomena are here placed beside the great peaceful spring-system of the crust of the earth, which beneficently refreshes and supports organic life. For thousands of years it returns to organized nature the moisture which has been drawn from the atmos- phere by falling rain. Analogous phenomena are mutually illustrative in the eternal economy of nature ; and wherever an attempt is made at the generalization of ideas, the inti- mate concatenation of that which is recognized as allied must not remain unnoticed. The widely-disseminated classification of springs into cold and hot, which appears so natural in ordinaiy conversation, has but a very indefinite foundation when reduced to nu- merical data of temperature. If the temperature of springs be compared with the internal heat of man (found, with ther- mo-electrical apparatus, to be 98° — 98°'6 F., according to Brechet and Becquerel), the degree of the thermometer at which a fluid is called cold, warm, or hot, when in contact with parts of the human body, is very different according to individual sensations. No absolute degree of temperature can be established above which a spring should be designated warm. The proposition to call a spring cold in any climatic zone, when its average annual temperature does not exceed the average annual temperature of the air in the same zone, at least presents a scientific exactitude, by affording a com- parison of definite numbers. It has the advantage of lead- ing to considerations upon the different origin of springs, as the ascertained agreement of their temperature with the an- nual temperature of the air is recognized directly in unchange- able springs ; and in changeable ones, as iias been shown by Wahlenberg and Erman the elder, in the averages of the sum- mer and winter months. But in accordance with the crite- rion here indicated, a spring in one zone must be denomin- ated warm, which hardly attains the seventh or eighth part THERMAL SPRINGS. 179 of temperature of one which in another zone, near the equa- tor, will be called cold. I may mention the differences be- tween the average temperature of St. Petersburg (38°-12 F.) and of the shores of the Orinoco. The purest spring water which I drank in the vicinity of the cataracts of Atures* and Maypures (81°-14 F.) or in the forest of Atabapo, had a temperature of more than 79° F. ; even the temperature of the great rivers in tropical South America corresponds with the high degrees of heat of such coldf springs. • * Humboldt, Voyage aux Regions JSquinoxiales, t. ii., p. 376. t For the sake of comparing the temperature of springs where they break forth directly from the earth, with that of large rivers flowing through open channels, I here bring together the following average numbers from my journals : Eio Apure, lat. 71°; temperature, 81°. Orinoco, between 4° and 8° of latitude; 81°-5— 85°-3. Springs in the forest, near the cataract of Maypures, breaking forth from the granite, 82°. Cassiquiare, the branch of the Upper Orinoco, which forms the union with the Amazon; only 75°-7. Rio Negro, above San Carlos (scarcely 1° 53' to the north of the equator) ; only 74° '8. Rio Atabapo, 79° -2 (lat. 3° 50'). Orinoco, near the entrance of the Atabapo, 82°. Rio Grande de la Magdalena (lat. 5° 12' to 9° 56'), 79° 9'. Amazon, 5"^ 31' S. latitude, opposite to the Pongo of Rentema (Provincia Jaen de Bracaraoros), scarcely 1300 feet above the South Sea, only 72° -5. The great mass of water of the Orinoco consequently approaches the average temperature of the air of the vicinity. During great in- undations of the savannas, the yellowish-brown waters, which smell of sulphureted hydrogen, acquire a temperature of 92°-8 ; this I found to be the temperature in the Lagartero, to the east of Guayaquil, which swarmed with crocodiles. The soil there becomes heated, as in shallow- rivers, by the warmth produced in it by the sun's rays falling upon it. With regard to the multifarious causes of the low temperature of the water of the Rio Negro, which is of a coffee-hrown color by reflected light, and of the white waters of the Cassiquiare (a constantly clouded sky, the quantity of rain, the evaporation from the dense forests, and the want of hot sandy tracts upon the banks), see my river voyage, in the Relation Historique, t. ii., p. 463 and 509. In the Rio Guanca- bamba or Chamaya, which falls into the Amazon, near the Pongo de Rentema, I found the temperature of the water to be only 67°*6, as its waters come with prodigious swiftness from the elevated Lake Simi- cocha, on the Cordillera. On my voyage of 52 days up the River Mag- dalena, from Mahates to Honda, I perceived most distinctly, from numerous observations, that a rise in the level of the water was indi- cated for hours previously by a diminution of the temperature of the river. The refrigeration of the stream occurred before the cold mount- ain waters from the Paramos, near the source, came down. Heat and water move, so to speak, in opposite directions and with very unequal 180 COSMOS. The breaking out of springs, effected by multifarious causes of pressure and by the communication of fissures con- taining water, is such a universal phenomenon of the sur- face of the earth, that waters flow forth at some points fronn the most elevated mountain strata, and at others from the bottom of the sea. In the first quarter of this century nu- merous results were collected by Leopold von Buch, Wahlen- berg, and myself, Avith regard to the temperature of springs and the diffusion of heat in the interior of the earth in both hemispheres, from 12° S. latitude to 71° N * The springs which have an unchangeable temperature were care- fully separated from those which vary with the seasons ; and Leopold von Buch ascertained the powerful influence of the distribution of rain in the course of the year ; that is to say, the influence of the proportion between the relative abundance of winter and summer rain upon the temperature of the variable springs, which, as regards number, are the most widely distributed. More recently! some very ingen- velocities. When the water near Badillas rose suddenly, the tempera- ture fell long before from 80°*6 to 74:°-'d. As, during the night, when one is established iiix)n a low sandy islet, or upon the bank, with bag and baggage, a rapid rise of the river may be dangerous, the discov- ery of a prognostic of the approaching rise (the avenida) is of some importance. * Leopold von Buch, Physioalische Beschreihung der canarischen In- seln, s. 8 ; Foggendorf, Annalen, bd. xii., s. 403 ; Bihliotheque Britan- niqice, Sciences et Arts, t. xix., 1802, p. 2G3 ; Wahlenberg, De Veget. et dim. in Helvetia Septentrionali Observatis, p. Ixxviii. and Ixxxiv. ; Wahlenberg, Flora Carpathica, p. xciv., and in Gilbert's Annalen, bd. xli., s. 115 ; Humboldt, in the 3Ie?n. de la Soc. d' Arcueil, t. iii. (1817), p. 699. t De Gasparin, in the Bihliotheque Univ. Sciences et Arts, t. xxxviii., 1828, p. 51, 113, and 261; Mem de la Soc. Centrale d' Agricidture, 1820, p. 178 ; Schouw, Tableau du Cliinat et de la Vegetation de Vltalie, vol. i,, 1839, p. 133-195 ; Thurmann, Sar la temperature des sources dc la chaine du Jura, comparce a celle des sources de la plaine Suisse, des Alpes et des Vosges, in the Annuaire Meteorologique de la France, ] 850, p. 258-268. As regards the frequency of the summer and autumn rains, De Gasparin divides Europe into two strongly-contrasted regions. Valuable materials are contained in Kamtz, Lehrhuch der Meteor o log ie, bd. i., s. 448-506. According to Dove (Poggend., Annalen, bd. xxxv., s. 376) in Italy, " at places to the north of which a chain of mountains is situated, the maxima of the curves of monthly quantities of rain fall in March and September ; and where the mountains lie to the south, in April and October." The totality of the proportions of rain in the temperate zones may be comprehended under the following general point of view : " The period of winter rain in the borders of the tropics constantly divides, the farther we depart from these, into two maxima united by slighter falls, and these again unite into a THERMAL SPRINGS. 181 ious comparative observations by De Gasparin, Schouw, and Thurmann have thrown considerable light, in a geographical and hjpsoraetrical point of view, in accordance with latitude and elevation, upon this influence. Wahlenberg asserted that in very high latitudes the average temperature of vari- able springs is rather higher than that of the atmosphere ; he sought the cause of this, not in the dryness of a very cold atmosphere and in the less abundant winter rain caused thereby, but in the snowy covering diminishing the radiation of heat from the soil. In those parts of the plain of Noa(Ji- crn Asia in which a perpetual icy stratum, or at least a frozen alluvial soil, mixed with fragments of ice, is found at a depth of a* few feet,* the temperature of springs can only be employed with great caution for the investigation of Kupffer's important theory of the isogeotherraal lines. A two-fold radiation of heat is then produced in the upper stratum of the earth : one upward toward the atmosphere, and another downward toward the icy stratum. A long se- ries of valuable observations made by my friend and com- panion, Gustav Kose, during our Siberian expedition in the heat of summer (often in springs still surrounded by ice), be- tween the Irtysch, the Obi, and the Caspian Sea, revealed a great complication of local disturbances. Those which pre- sent themselves from perfectly different causes in the tropic- al zone, in places where mountain springs burst forth upon vast elevated plateaux, eight or ten thousand feet above the sea (Micuipampa, Quito, Bogota), or in narrow, isolated mountain peaks many thousand feet higher, not only include a far greater part of the surface of the earth, Ijut also lead to the consideration of analogous thermic conditions in the mountainous countries of the temperate zones. In this important subject it is above all things necessary to separate the cycle of actual observations from the theoret- ical conclusions which are founded upon them. What we seek, expressed in the most general way, is of a triple nature — the distribution of heat in the crust of the earth which is accessible to us, in the aqueous covering (the ocean) and in the atmosphere. In the two envelopes of the body of the iearth, the liquid and gaseous, an opposite alteration of tem- summer maximum in Germany; where, therefore, a temporary want of rain ceases altogether." See the section "Geothermik," in the excellent Lehrhuch de?- Geognosie, by Naumann, bd. i. (1850), s. 41-73. * See above, p. 47. 182 COSMOS. perature (diminution and increase in the superposed strata) prevails in a vertical direction. In the solid parts of the body of the earth the temperature increases with the depth ; the alteration is in the same direction, although in a very different proportion, as in the aerial ocean, the shallows and rocks of which are formed by the elevated plateaux and mul- tiform mountain peaks. We are most exactly acquainted by direct experiments with the distribution of heat in the atmosphere — geographically by local determination in lati- tiMe and longitude, and in accordance with hypsometric re- lations in proportion to the vertical elevation above the sur- face of the sea ; but in both cases almost exclusively in close contact with the solid and fluid parts of the surface of our planet. Scientific and systematically arranged investigations by aerostatic voyages in the free aerial ocean, beyond the near action of the earth, are still very rare, and therefore but little adapted to furnish the numerical data of average conditions which are so necessary. Upon the decrease of heat in the depths of the ocean observations are not want- ing; but currents, which bring in water of different lati- tudes, depths, and densities, prevent the attainment of gen- eral results, almost to a greater extent than currents in the atmosphere. We have here touched preliminarily upon the thermic conditions of the envelopes of our planet, which will be treated of in detail hereafter, in order to consider the in- fluence of the vertical distribution of heat in the solid crust of the earth, and the system of the geo-isothermic lines, not in too isolated a condition, but as a part of the all-penetrat- ing motion of heat, a truly cosmical activity. Instructive as are, in many respects, observations upon the unequal diminution of temperature of springs which do not vary with the seasons as the height of their point of emergence increases — still the local law of such a diminish- ing temperature of springs can not be regarded, as is often done, as a universal geothermic law. If we were certain that waters flowed unmixed in a horizontal stratum of great extent, we might certainly suppose that they have gradually acquired the temperature of the solid ground, but in the great net-work of fissures of elevated masses this case can rarely occur. Colder and more elevated waters mix w^ith the lower ones. Our mining operations, inc(5nsiderable as may be the depth to which they attain, are very instructive in this respect ; but we should only obtain a direct knowl- edge of the isogeothermal lines if thermometers were buried, THERMAL SPRINGS. 183 according to Boussingault's method,* to a depth below that affected by the influences of the changes of temperature of the neighboring atmosphere, and at very different elevations above the sea. From the forty-fifth degree of latitude to the parts of the tropical regions in the vicinity of the equator, the depth at which the stratum of invariable temperature commences diminishes from 60 to 1^ or 2 feet. Burying the geothermometer at a small depth, in order to obtain a knowledge of the average temperature of the earth, is there- fore readily practicable only between the tropics or in the sub-tropical zone. The excellent expedient of Artesian wells, which have indicated an increase of heat of 1° F. for every 54 to 58 feet in absolute depths of from 745 to 2345 feet, has hitherto only been afforded to the physicist in dis- tricts not much more than 1600 feet above the level of the sea.f I have visited silver mines in the chain of the Andes, 6° 45^ south of the equator, at an elevation of nearly 13,200 feet, and found the temperature of the water penetrating through the fissures of the limestone to be 52°.*3 F.j: The waters which were heated in the baths of the Inca Tupac Yupanqui, upon the ridge of the Andes {Paso del Assiiay), probably come from springs of the Ladera de Cadlud, where I have traced their course, near which the old Peruvian causeway also ran, barometrically to an elevation of 15,526 feet (almost that of Mont Blanc).§ These are the highest points at which I could observe spring water in South Amer- ica. In Europe the brothers Schlagintweit have found gal- lery-water in the gold mine in the Eastern Alps at a height of 9442 feet, and fbund that the temperature of small springs near the opening of the gallery is only 33°*4 F.,|| at a dis- tance from any snow or glacier ice. The highest limits of springs are very different according to geographical latitude, the elevation of the snow line and the relation of the highest peaks to the mountain ridges and plateaux. If the radius of our planet were to be increased by the height of the Himalaya at the Kintschindjunga, and therefore uniformly over the whole surface by 28,175 feet (4-34 En- glish miles), with this small increase of only ^-ou^^ ^^ *^^® * See Cosmos, vol. i., p. 221, and vol. v., p. 42. f See above, p. 39. j Mina de Gaudalupe, one of the Minas de Chota, I. c. sup., p. 41. § Humboldt, Views of Nature, p. 393. 11 Mine on the Great Fleuss in the Moll Valley of the Tauern ; see Hermann and Adolph Schlagintweit, Untersuchungen uber die phjsika- lische Geographie der Alpen, 1850, s. 242-273. 184 COSMOS. radius, the heat in the surface, cooled by radiation, would be (according to Fourier's analytical theory) almost the same as it now is in the upper crust of the earth. But if individ- ual parts of the surface raise themselves in mountain chains and narrow peaks, like rocks upon the bottom of the aerial ocean, a diminution of heat takes place in the interior of the elevated strata, and this is modified by contact with strata of air of different temperature, by the capacity for heat and conductive power of heterogeneous kinds of rocks, by the sun's action on the forest-clad summits and declivities, by the greater and less radiation of the mountains in accordance with their form (relief), their massiveness, or their conical and pyramidal narrowness. The special elevations of the region of clouds, the snow and ice coverings at various ele- vations of the snow line, and the frequency of the cool cur- rents of air coming down the steep declivities at particular times of the day, alter the effect of the terrestrial radiation. In proportion as the towering cones of the summits become cooled, a weak current of heat tending toward, but never reaching an equilibrium, sets in from below upward. The recognition of so many factors acting upon 'the vertical dis- tribution of heat leads to well-founded presumptions regard- ing the connection of complicated local phenomena, but not to direct numerical determinations. In the mountain springs (and the higher ones, being important to the chamois-hunt- er, are carefully sought) there so often remains the doubt that they are mixed with waters, which by sinking down in- troduce the colder temperature of higher strata, or by ascend- ing introduce the warmer temperature of lower strata. From nineteen springs observed by Wahlenberg, Kamtz draws the conclusion that in the Alps we must rise from 9C0 to 1023 feet in order to see the temperature of the springs sink 1° C. (1°*8 F.). A greater number of observations, selected with more care by Hermann and Adolph Schlagintweit, in the eastern Carinthian Alps and in the western Swiss Alps, on the Monte Kosa, give only 767 feet. According to the great work* of these excellent observers, " the decrease of the tem- perature of springs is certainly somewhat more gradual than that of the average annual temperature of the air, which in the Alps amounts to about 320 feet for 1° F. The springs tliere are, in general, warmer than the average temperature of the air at the same level ; and the difference between the temperature of the air and springs increases with the eleva- * Monte Hosa, 1853, chap, vi., s. 212-225. THERMAL SPRIGS. 185 tion. The temperature of the soil is not the same at equal elevations in the entire range of the Alps as the isothermal surfaces, which unite the points of the same average temper- ature of springs, rise higher above the level of the sea, inde- pcndently of the injluence of latitude, in proportion to the av- erage convexity of the surrounding soil ; perfectly in accord- ance with the laws of the distribution of heat in a solid body of varying thickness, with which the relief (the mass-eleva- tion) of the Alps may be compared.'* In the chain of the Andes, and indeed iil those volcanic parts of it which present the greatest elevations, the burying of thermometers may, in particular cases, lead to deceptive results by the influence of local circumstances. Fronsi the opinion formerly held by me, that black, rocky ridges, visible at a great distance, which penetrate the snowy region, are not always indebted for their entire freedom from snow to the steepness of their sides, but to other causes, I buried the bulb of a thermometer only three inches deep in the sand, which filled the fissure in a ridge on the Chimborazo at an elevation of 18,290 feet, and therefore 3570 feet above the summit of Mont Blanc. The thermometer permanently showed 10°-5 F. above th|fe freezing-point, while the air was only 4P'o F. above that point. The result of this observa- tion is of some importance ; for even 2558 feet lower, at the lower limit of perpetual snow of the volcano of Quito, ac- cording to numerous observations collected by Boussingault and myself, the average temperature of the atmosphere is not higher than 34°-9 F. The ground temperature of 42°-5 must, therefore, be ascribed to the subterranean heat of the doleritic mountain — I do not say of the entire mass, but to the currents of air ascending in it from the depths. At the foot of Chimborazo, at an elevation of 948G feet toward the hamlet of Calpi, there is, moreover, a small crater of erup- tion, Yana-Urcu, which, as indeed is shown by its black, slag-like rock (augitic porphyry), appears to have been act- ive in the middle of the fifteenth century.* The aridity of the plain from which Chimborazo rises, and the subterranean brook, which is heard rushing under the volcanic hill (Yana-Urcu) just mentioned, have led Boussin- gault and myselff at very different times to the idea that the water which the enormous masses of snow produce daily by melting at their lower limit sinks into the depths through * Humboldt, Kldriere Schriften, bd. i., p. 139 and 147. , f Humboldt, Op. cit., s. 140 and 203. I 186 ^ COSMOS. the fissures and chambers of the elevated volcano. These waters perpetually produce a refrigeration in the strata through which they run down. "Without them the whole of the doleritic and trachytic mountains would acquire, even at times when no near eruption is foretold, a still higher temperature in their interior, from the volcanic source, per- petually in action, although perhaps not lying at the same depth in all latitudes. Thus, in the varying struggle of the causes of heat and cold, we have to assume a constant tide of heat upward and downward in those places where conical solid parts ascend into the atmosphere. As regards the area which they occupy, however, mount- ains* and elevated peaks form a very small phenomenoii in the relief formation of continents ; and, moreover, nearly two thirds of the entire surface of the earth is sea-bottom (according to the present state of geographical discovery in the polar regions of both hemispheres, we may assume the proportion of sea and land to be in the ratio of 8 : 3). This is directly in contact with aqueous strata, which, being slightly salt, and depositing themselves in accordance with the maximum of their density (at 38° -9), possess an icy cold- ness. Exact observations by Louz and Du Petit-Thouars have shown that within the tropics, where the temperature of the surface of the ocean is 78°-8 to 80°*6, water of the temperature of 36° "5 could be drawn up from a depth of seven or eight hundred fathoms — phenomena which prove the existence of under currents from the polar regions. The consequences of this constant, sub-oceanic refrigeration of by far the greater part of the crust of the earth deserve a degree of attention which they have not hitherto received. Rocks and islands of small size, which project, like cones, from the sea-bottom above the surface of the water, and narrow isth- muses, such as Panama and Darien, washed by great oceans, must present a distribution of heat in their rocky strata dif- ferent from that of parts of equal circumference and mass in the interior of continents. In a very elevated mountainous island, the submarine part is in contact with a fluid which has an increasing temperature from below upward. But as the strata pass into the atmosphere unmoistened by the sea, they come in contact, under the influence of insolation and free radiation of dark heat, with a gaseous fluid in which the temperature diminislies with the elevation. Similar thermic conditions of opposed decrease and increase of tem- perature in a vertical direction are repeated between t^o THERMAL SPRINGS. 187 large inland seas, the Caspian and Aral Sea, in the narrow Ust-Urt, which separates them from each other. In order, however, to clear up such complicated phenomena, the only means to be employed are such as borings of great depth, which lead directly to the knowledge of the internal heat of the earth, and not merely observations of springs, or of the temperature of the air in caves, which give just as uncertain results as the air in the galleries and chambers of mines. When a low plain is compared with a mountain chain or plateau, rising boldly to a height of many thousand feet, the law of the increase and diminution of temperature does not depend simply upon the relative vertical elevation of two points on the earth's surface (in the plain and on the sum- mit of the mountain). If we should calculate from the sup- position of a definite proportion in the change of tempera- ture in a certain number of feet from the plain upward to the summit, or from the summit downward to the stratum in the interior of the mountain mass which lies at the same level as the surface of the plain, we should in the one case find the summit too cold, and in the other the stratum in the interior of the mountain far too hot. The distribution of heat in a gradually sloping mountain (an undulation of the surface of the earth) is dependent, as has already been remarked, upon form, mass, and conductibility ; upon inso- lation, and radiation of heat toward the clear or cloudy strata of the atmosphere ; and upon the contact and play of the ascending and descending currents of air. According to such assumptions, mountain springs must be very abund- ant, even at very moderate elevations of four or five thou- sand feet, where the temperature would exceed the average temperature of the locality by 72 or 90 degrees; and how would it be at the foot of mountains under the tropics, which at an elevation of 14,900 feet are still free from per- petual snow, and often exhibit no volcanic rock, but only gneiss and mica schist!* The great mathematician, Fou- rier, who had been much interested in the fact of the vol- cano of Jorullo having been upheaved, in a plain where for many thousands of square miles around no unusual terres- trial heat was to be detected, occupied himself, at my re- * I differ here from the opinion of one of my best friends, a pliys- icist who has done excellent service as regards the distribution of tel- luric heat. See, "upon the cause of the hot springs of Leuck and Warmbrum," Bischof, Lehrhuch der Chemischen und Physikalischen Ge- o%?e,bd.i.,s. 127-133. 188 COSMOS. quest, in the very year before his death, with theoretical in- vestigations upon the question, how in the elevation of mountains and alterations in the surface of the earth, the isothermal surfaces are brought into equilibrium with the new form of the soil. The lateral radiation from strata which lie in the same level, but are differently covered, plays in this case a more important part than the direction (inclination) of the cleavage planes of the rock, in cases where stratification is observable. I have already elsewhere mentioned* how the hot springs in the environs of ancient Carthage, probably the thermal springs of Pertusa {aquce calidce of Hammam-el-Enf), led Bishop Patricius, the martyr, to the correct view of the cause of the higher or lower temperature of the bubbling waters. When the Proconsul Julius tried to confuse the accused bishop by the mocking question, " Quo auctore fer- vens haic aqua tantum ebulliatf Patricius set forth his the- ory of the central heat, " which causes the fiery eruptions of *JEtna and Vesuvius, and communicates more and more heat * With regard to this passage, discovered by Bureau de la Malle, see Cos7)ios, vol. i., p. 223, 224. "Est autem," says Saint Patricius, " et supra firmamentum cash, et suhter terram ignis atque aqua ; et quae supra terram est aqua, coacta in unum, appellationcm marium: quffi vero infra, abyssorum suscepit; ex quibus ad generis humani iisus in terram velut siphones quidam emittuntur et scaturiunt. Ex iisdera quoque et thermae exsistunt : quarum quae ab igne absunt longius, provida boni Dei erga nos mente, frigidiores ; quae vero/»ro- plus admodum,7%ruewies fluunt. In quibusdam etiam locis et tepidoe aquse reperiuntur, pro ut majore ab igne intervallo sunt disjunctae." So run the words in the collection : Acta Primorum Martyrum, opera et studio Theodorici Ruinart, ed. 2, Amstelaedami, 1713 fol., p. 655. According to another report (A. S. Mazochii, in vctus murmoreum sanctce. NeapoUtance Ecclesice Kalendarium commentarhis, vol. ii., Neap. ] 744, 4to, p. 385), Saint Patricius developed nearly the same theory of telluric heat before the Proconsul Julius ; but at the conclusion of his speech the cold hell is more distinctly indicated : " Nam quae lon- gius ab igne subterraneo absunt, Dei optimi providentia frigidiores erumpunt. At quce propiores igni sunt, ab eo fervefactae, intolerabili calore praeditae promuntur foras. Sunt et alicubi tepidse, quippe non parum sed longiuscule ab eo igne remotae. Atque ille infernus ignis impiarum est animarum carnificina ; non secus ac subterraneus frigi- dissimus gurges, in glaciei glebas concretus, qui Tartarus nuncupatur." The Ai-abic name, Hammdm-el-Evf, signifies nose-baths, and is, as Tem- ple has already remarked, derived from the form of a neighboring promontory, and not from a favorable action exerted by this thermal Avater upon diseases of the nose. The Arabic name has been various- ly altered by reporters : Hammam I'Enf or Lif, Emmamelif (Peys- sonel), la Mamelif (Desfontaines). See Gumprecht, Die Mineralquel- len avfdem Fcstlande von Africa (1851), s. 140-144. THERMAL SPRINGS. 189 to the springs, in proportion as they have a deeper origin." With the learned bishop Plato's Pyriphlegethon was the hell of sinners ; and as though he desired at the same time to re- mind one of the cold hells of the Buddhists, an aqua gelidissi- ma concrescens in glaciem is admitted, somewhat unphysically and notwithstanding the depth, for the nunquam jiniendum suppliciu?7i impiorum. Among hot springs, those which, approaching the boiling heat of water, attain a temperature of 194° F. are far more rare than is usually supposed, in consequence of inexact ob- servations ; least of all do they occur in the vicinity of still active volcanoes. I was so fortunate, during my American travels, as to investigate two of the most important of these springs, both between the tropics. In Mexico, not far from the rich silver mines of Guanaxuato, in 21° N. lat., and at an elevation of about 6500 feet above the surface of the sea, near Chichemequillo,* the Aguas de Comangillas burst forth from a mountain of basalt and basaltic breccia. In Septem- ber, 1803, I found their temperature to be 205°-5 F. This mass of basalt has broken in the form of veins through a columnar porphyry, which again rests upon a white syenite rich in quartz. At a greater elevation, but not far from this nearly boiling spring, near Los Joares, to the north of Santa Rosa de la Sierra, snow falls from December to April even at an elevation of 8700 feet, and the inhabitants pre- pare ice the whole year round by radiation in artificial ba- sins. On the road from Nueva Valencia, in the Valles de Aragua, toward the harbor of Porto Cabello (in about 101° of latitude), on the northern slope of the coast chain of Ven- ezuela, I saw the aguas calientes de las Trincheras springing from a stratified granite, which does not pass at all into gneiss. I foundf the springs, in February, 1800, at 194°-5 F., while the Banos de Mariara, in the Valles de Aragua, which belong to the gneiss, showed a temperature of 138°-7 F. Twenty-three years later, and again in the month of February, Boussingault and Riverof found in the Mariara * Humboldt, Essai Politique sur la Nouvelle Espagne^ ed. 2, t. iii. (1827), p. 190. • t Relation Ilistoriqne, t. ii., p. 98 ; Cosmos, vol. i., p. 222. The hot springs of Carlsbad also originate in the granite (Leop. von Buch, in Foggend., Anmlen, bd. xii., s. 230), just like the hot springs of Mo- may, in Thibet, visited by Joseph Hooker, which break forth near Changokhang, at an elevation of 16,000 feet above the sea, with a temperature of 115° (IIi?nalai/an Journal, a'oI. ii., p. 133). t Boussingault, " CoHsiderations sur les eaux thermales des Cor- 190 COSMOS. exactly 147° -2 F. ; and in the Trincheras de Porto Cabello, at a small elevation above the Caribbean Sea, in one basin 198^ F., in the other 206O-6 F. The temperature of these hot springs had, therefore, risen unequally in the short inter- val between these two periods — in Mariara about 8°'5 F., and in the Trincheras about 12°*1 F. Boussingault has justly called attention to the fact that it was in the above- mentioned interval that the fearful earthquake took place which overwhelmed the city of Caraccas on the 26th of March, 1812. The commotion -at the surfiice was, indeed, not so strong in the vicinity of the Lake of Tacarigua (Nu- eva Valencia) ; but in the interior of the earth, where elas- tic vapors act upon fissures, may not a movement which propagated itself so far and so powerfully readily alter the net-work of fissures, and open deeper canals of supply ? Thb hot waters of the Trincheras, rising from a granite formation, are nearly pure, as they only contain traces of silicic acid, a little sulphureted hydrogen and nitrogen ; after forming nu- merous very picturesque cascades, surrounded by a luxuri- ant vegetation, they constitute a river, the Rio de Aguas calientes; and this, toward the coast, is full of large croco- diles, to which the warmth, already considerably diminished, is very suitable. In the most northern parts of India (30° 52^ N. lat.), and also from granite, issues the very hot well of Jumnotri, which attains a temperature of 194° F., and, as it presents this high temperature at an elevation of 10,850 feet, almost reaches the boiling point proper to this atmos- pheric pressure.* Among the intermittent hot springs, the Icelandic boiling fountains, and of these especially the Great Geyser and Strokkr, have justly attained the greatest celebrity. Ac- cording to the admirable recent investigations of Bunsen, Sartorius von Waltershausen, and Descloiseaux, the tem- perature of the streams of water in both diminishes in a re- markable manner from below upward. The Geyser possess- es a truncated cone of 25 to 30 feet in height, formed by horizontal layers of silicious sinter. ,In this cone there lies a shallow basin of 52 feet in diameter, in the centre of which the funnel of the boiling spring, one third of its diameter, and surrounded by perpendicular walls, goes down to a dill^res, in the Annaks de Chimie et de Physique, t. iii., 1833, p. 188- 190. * Captain Newbold, " On the Temperature of the Wells and Riverff in India and Egypt" {Phil. Transact, for 1845, pt. i., p. 127). THERMAL SPRINGS. 191 depth of 75 feet. The temperature of the water, which constantly fills the basin, is 180°. At very regular inter- vals of one hour and 20 or 30 minutes the thunder below proclaims the commencement of the eruption. The jets of water, of 9 feet in thickness, of which about three large ones follow one. another, attain a height of 100 and some- times 150 feet. The temperature of the water ascending in the funnel has been found to be 260° -6 at a depth of 72 feet a little while before the eruption, during the eruption 255^-5, and immediately after it 251°'6; at the surface of the basin it is only 183° — 185°. The Strokkr, which is also situated at the base of the Bjarnafell, has a smaller mass of water than the Geyser. The sinter margin of its basin is only a few inches in height and breadth. The eruptions are more frequent than in the Geyser, but do not announce themselves by subterranean thunder. In the Strokkr the temperature during the eruption is 235° — 239° at a depth of 42 feet, and almost 212° at the surface. The eruptions of the intermittent boiling springs, and the slight changes in the type of the phenomena, are perfectly independent of the eruptions of Hecla, and were by no means disturbed by the latter in the yea^s 1845 and 1846.* With his peculiar acuteness in observation and discussion, Bunsen has refuted the earlier hypotheses regarding the periodicity of the Gey- ser eruptions (subterranean caldrons, which, as steam-boil- ers, are filled sometimes with vapors and sometimes with wa- ter). According to him the eruptions are caused by a por- tion of the column of water, which has acquired a high tem- perature at a lower point under great pressure of accumu- lated vapors, being forced upward, and thus coming under a pressure which does not correspond with its temperature. * Sartorius von Waltershausen, Physisch-geograpMsche Sidzze von Island, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Vulkanische Erscheinungen, 184:7, s. 128-132 ; Bunsen and Descloiseaux, in the Comptes rendus des St- ances de VAcad. des Sciences, t. xxiii., 1846, p. 935; Bunsen, in the Annalen der Cheinie und Pharmacie, bd. Ixii., 1847, s. 27-45. Lottin and Robei-t had already found that the temperature of the jet of wa- ter in the Geyser diminishes from below upward. Among the forty silicious bubbling springs, which are situated in the vicinity of the Great Geyser and Strokkr, one bears the name of the Little Geyser. Its jet of water only rises 20 or 30 feet. The term boiling springs (Kochbrunnen) is derived from the word Geyser, which is connected with the Icelandic giosa (to boil). On the high land of Thibet also, according to the report of Esoma de Koros, there is, near the Alpitie Lake Mapham, a Geyser, which rises to the height of 12 feet. 192 COSMOS. In this way " the Geysers are natural collectors of steam power." Of the hot springs a few approach nearly to absolute purity; others contain solutions of 8 — 12 parts of solid or gaseous matters. Among the former are the baths of Lux- euil, PfefFer, and Gastein, the efficacy of which may appear so mysterious on account of their purity.* As all springs are fed principally by meteoric water, they contain nitrogen, as Boussingault has proved in the very puref springs flowing from the granite in Las Trincheras de Porto Cabello, and BunsenJ in the Cornelius spring at Aix and in the Geyser of Iceland. The organic matter dissolved in many springs also contains nitrogen, and is even sometimes bituminous. Until it was known, from the experiments of Gay-Lussac and myself, that rain and snow water contain more oxygen than the atmosphere (the former 10, and the latter at least 8 per cent, more), it appeared very remarkable that a gase- ous mixture rich in oxygen could be evolved from the springs of Nocera, in the Apennines. The analyses made by Gay- Lussac during our stay at this mountain spring showed that it only contained as much oxygen as might have been fur- nished to it by atmospheric moisture.§ If^we be astonished at the silicious deposits as a constructive material of which * Trommsdorf finds in the springs of Gastein only 0-303 of sohd constituents in 1000 parts; Lovvig, 0-201 in Pfeffer; and Longchamp only 0-236 in Luxeuil; on the other hand, 0-478 were found in 1000 parts of common well-water in Berne; 5-459 in the Carlsbad bub^ bling spring ; and even 7-454 in Wiesbaden (Studer, Physikal. Geo- graphie und Geologie, ed. 2, 1847, cap. i., s. 92). t "The hot springs which gush from the granite of the Cordillera of the coast (of Venezuela) are nearly pure ; they only contain a small quantity of silica in solution, and hydrosulphuric acid gas, mixed with a little nitrogen. Their composition is identical with that which would result from the action of water upon sulphuret of silicon" {An- nates de Chimie et de Physique, t. Hi., 1833, p. 189). Upon the great quantity of nitrogen which is contained in the hot spring of Orense (154° -4), see Maria Rubio, Tratado de las Fuentes Minerales de Es- 2mna, 1853, p. 331. X Sartorius von Waltershausen, Shizze von Island, s. 125. § The distinguished chemist Morechini, of Home, had stated the oxygen contained in the spring of Nocera (situated 2240 feet above the sea) to be 0-40; Gay-Lussac (26th September, 1805) found the exact quantity of oxygen to be only 0-299. We had previously found 0-31 of oxygen in meteoric waters (rain). Upon the nitrogen gas con- tained in the acid springs of Neris and Bourbon I'Archambault, see the works of Anglade and Longchamp (1834); and on carbonic acid exhalations in general, see Bischof 's admirable investigations in his Chemische Geologie, bd. i., s. 243-350. THERMAL SPRINGS. 193 nature, as it were, artificially composes the apparatus of Geysers, we must remember that silicic acid is also diffused in many cold springs which contain a very small portion of carbonic acid. Acid springs and jets of carbonic acid gas, which were long ascribed to deposits of coal and lignite, appear rather to belong entirely to the processes of deep volcanic activity — an activity which is universally disseminated, and therefore does not exert itself merely in those places where volcanic rocks testify to the existence of ancient local fiery eruptions. In extinguished volcanoes jets of carbonic acid certainly re- main longest after the Plutonic catastrophes; they follow the stage of Solfatara activity ; but nevertheless waters im- pregnated with carbonic acid, and of the most various tem- peratures, burst forth from granite, gneiss, and old and new floetz mountains. Acid springs become impregnated with alkaline carbonates, and especially with carbonate of soda, wherever water impregnated with carbonic acid acts upon rocks containing alkaline silicates.* In the north of Ger- Biany many of the cal'bonic acid springs and gaseous jetg are particularly remarkable for the dislocation of the strata about them, and for their eruption in circular valleys (Pyr- mont, Driburg), which are usually completely closed. Fried- rich Hoffman and Buckland have almost at the same time very characteristically denominated such depressions valleys of elevation {Erhehungs-Thdler). In the springs to which the name of sulphurous waters is given, the sulphur by no means constantly occurs combined in the same way. In many, which contain no carbonate of soda, sulphureted hydrogen is probably dissolved ; in others, * for example in the sulphurous waters of Aix (the Kaiser, Cornelius, Kose, and Quirinus springs), no sulphureted hy- drogen is contained, according to the precise experiments of Bunsen and Liebig, in the gases obtained by boiling the waters without access of air ; indeed the Kaiserquelle alone contains 0"31 per cent, of sulphureted hydrogen in gas bub- bles which rise spontaneously from the springs.! * Bunsen, in Poggendoiif's Annaien, bd. Ixxxiii., s. 257; Bischof, Geohgie, bd. i., s. 271. t Liebig and Bunsen, Untersuchung derAachener Schewefelquelkn, in • the Annaien der Chemie und Pharrnacie, bd. Ixxix. (1851), s. 101. In the chemical analyses of mineral waters, which contain sulphuret of Bodium, carbonate of soda and sulphureted hydrogen are often stated to occur, from an excess of carbonic acid being present in those waters. Vol. v.— I 194 COSMOS. A thermal spring which gives rise to an entire river of vi^ater acidified by sulphur, the Vinegar River {Rio Vinagre), called Fusambio by the aborigines, is a remarkable phenom- enon to which I first called attention. The Rio Vinagre rises at an elevation of about 10,660 feet on the northwest- ern declivity of the volcano of Purace, at the foot of which the city of Popayan is situated. It forms three picturesque cascades,* of one of which I have given a representation, falling over a steep trachytic wall probably 320 feet in per- pendicular height. From the point where the small river falls into the Cauca, this great river, for a distance of 2 — 3 miles (from 8 to 12 English miles) downward, as far as the junctions of the Pindamon and Palace, contains no fish ; which must be a great inconvenience to the inhabitants of Popayan, who are strict observers of fasts! According to Boussingault's subsequent analysis, the waters of the Pusam- bio contain a great quantity of sulphureted hydrogen and carbonic acid, with some sulphate of soda. Near the source, Boussingault found the temperature to be 163°. The up- per part of the Pusambio runs underground. Degenhardfc (of Clausthal, in the Harz), whose early death has caused a great loss to geognosy, discovered a hot spring in 1846 in the Paramo de Ruiz, on the declivity of the volcano of the same name, at the sources of the Rio Guali, and at an alti- tude of 12,150 feet, in the water of which Boussingault found three times as much sulphuric acid as in the Rio Vinagre. The equability of the temperature and chemical constitu- tion of springs, as far as we can ascertain from reliable ob- ' servations, is far more remarkable than the instabilityf which * One of these cascades is represented in my Vues des Cordilleres^ pi. XXX. On the analysis of the water of the Kio Vinagre, see Bous- singault, in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 2e serie,t. lii., 1833, p. 397, and Dumas, 3e serie, t. xviii., 1846, p. 503; on the spring in the Paramo de Ruiz, see Joaquin Acosta, Viajes Cientificos d los Andes Ecuatoriales, 1849, p. 89. t The examples of alteration of temperature in the thermal springs of Mariara and Las Trincheras lead to the question whether the Styx water, whose source, so difficult of access, is situated in the wild Aroanic Alps of Arcadia, near Nonacris, in the district of Pheneos, has lost its pernicious qualities by alteration in the subterranean fis- • sures of supply ? or whether the.waters of the Styx have only occasion- ally been injurious to the wanderer by their icy coldness ? Perhaps they are indebted for their evil reputation, which has been transmitted to the present inhabitants of Arcadia, only to the awful wildness and desolation of the neighborhood, and to the myth of their origin from THERMAL SPRINGS. 195 has been occasionally detected. The hot spring waters, which, during their long and tortuous course, take up such a variety of constituents from the rocks with which they are. in contact, and often carry them to places where they are deficient in the strata through which the springs burst forth, have also an action of a totally different nature. They exert a transforming and at the same time a formative ac- tivity, and in this respect they are of great geognostic im- portance. Senarmont has shown with wonderful acuteness how extremely probable it is that many vein-crevices (an- cient courses of thermal waters) have been filled from below upward by the deposition of the dissolved elements. By changes of pressure and temperature, by internal electro- chemical processes, and the specific attraction of the lateral walls (the rock traversed), sometimes lamellar deposits, and sometimes masses of concretion are produced in fissures and vesicular cavities. In this way druses and porous amygda- loids appear to have been sometimes formed. Where the deposition of the veins has taken place in parallel zones, these zones usually correspond with each other symmetrically in their nature, both vertically and laterally. Senarmont has succeeded in preparing a considerable number of minerals artificially, by perfectly analogous synthetical methods.! Tartarus. A young and learned philologist, Theodor Schwab, suc- ceeded a few years ago, with great exertion, in penetrating to the rocky wall from which the spring trickles down, exactly as described by Homer, Hesiod, and Herodotus. He drank some of the water, which was extremely cold, but very pure to the taste, without per- ceiving any injurious effects (Schwab, Arkadieii, seine Natur und Ge- schichte, 1852, s. 15-20). Among the ancients it was asserted that the coldness of the water of the Styx burst all vessels except those made of the hoof of an ass. The legends of the Styx are certainly very old, but the report of the poisonous properties of its spring appears to have been widely disseminated only in the time of Aristotle. According to a statement of Antigonus of Carystus (Hist. Mirab., § 174), it was contained very circumstantially in a book of Theophrastus, which has been lost to us. The calumnious fable of the poisoning of Alexander by. the water of the Styx, which Aristotle communicated to Cassander by Antipater, was contradicted by Plutarch and Arrian, and dissem- inated by Vitruvius, Justin, and Quintus Curtius, but without men- tioning the Stagirite (Stahr, Aristotelia, th. i., 1830,' s. 137-140). Pliny (xxx., 53) says, somewhat ambiguously: "Magna Aristotelis infamia excogitatum." See Ernst Curtius, Peloponnesus (1851), bd. i., s. 194-196, and 212; St. Croix, Examen Critique des Anciens His- ioriens d' Alexandre, p. 496. A representation of the cascade of the Styx, drawn from a distance, is contained in Fiedler's Meise durch Griechenland, th. i., s. 400. * " Very important metalliferous lodes, perhaps the greater num- 196 COSMOS. One of my intimate friends, a highly endowed scientific observer, will, I hope, before long publish a new and import- ant work upon the conditions of temperature of springs, and in it treat with great acumen and universality, by induction from a long series of recent observations, upon the involved phenomenon of disturbances. In the determinations of tem- perature made by him in Germany (on the Rhine) and in Italy (in the vicinity of Rome, in the Albanian mountains and the Apennines) from the year 1845 to 1853, Eduard Kallmann distinguishes : 1. Purely meteorological springs, the average temperature of which is not increased by the internal heat of the earth ; 2. Meteorologico-geological springs, which, being independent of the distribution of rain, and warmer than the air, only undergo such alterations of temperature as are communicated to them by the soil through which tlky flow out ; 3. Abiiomialbj cold springs, which bring down their coldness from great elevations.* The more we have advanced ber, appear to have been formed by solution, while the veins filled with concretions of metal seem to be nothing but immense canals more or less obstructed, and formerly traversed by incrusting thermal waters. The formation of a great number of minerals which are met with in these lodes does not always presuppose conditions or agents very far removed from existing causes. The two principal elements of the most widely-diffused thermal waters, the alkaline sulphurets and carbonates, have enabled me to reproduce artificially, by very simple synthetic methods, 29 distinct.mineral species, nearly all crystallized, belong- ing to the native metals (native silver, copper, and arsenic), quartz, specular iron, carbonates of iron, nickel, zinc, manganese, sulphate of baryta, pyrites, malachite, copper pyrites, sulphuret of copper, red arsenical and antimonial silver. . . . We approach as closely as pos- sible to the processes of nature, if we succeed in reproducing minerals in their conditions of possible association, by means of the most wide- ly diffused natural chemical agents, and by imitating the phenomena which we still see realized in the foci in which the mineral creation has concentrated the remains of that activity which it formerly dis- played with a very different energy." (H. de Senarmont, Sur la Forma- tion des Mineravx par la Vole Humide, in the Annales de Chetnie et de Physique^ 3e se'rie, t. xxxii., 1851, p. 234 ; see also Elie de Beaumont, Sur les Emanations Volcaniques et Metallijeres, in the Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 2e se'rie, t. xv., p. 129.) * "In order to ascertain the amount of variation of the average temperature of springs from that of the air, Dr. Eduard Kallmann ob- serv^ed at his former residence, Marienberg, near Boppard, on the Rhine, the temperature of the air, the amount of rain, and the tem- perature of seven springs for five years, from the 1st December, 1845, to the 30th November, 1850 ; upon these observations he has founded a new elaboration of the relative temperature of springs. In this in- vestigation the springs with a perfectly constant temperature (the purely geological springs) are excluded. On the other hand, all those THERMAL SPRINGS. 197 of late years, by the successful employment of chemistry, in the geognostic investigation of the formation and metamorph- springs have been made the subject of investigation which undergo an alteration in their temperature according to the seasons. "The variable springs fall into two natural groups : "1. Purely meteorological springs: that is to say, those whose aver- age is demonstrably not elevated by the heat of the earth. In these springs the amount of variation of the average from the aerial avenge is dependent upon the distribution of the annual amount of rain through the twelve months. These springs are on the average colder than the air when the proportion of rain for the four cold months, from Decem- ber to March, amounts to more than 33^^ per cent. ; they are on the average warmer than the air when the proportion of rain for the four warm months, from July to October, amounts to more than 33J per cent. The negative or positive difference of the spring average from the air average is larger in proportion to the excess of rain in the above-mentioned cold or warm thirds of the year. Those springs in which the difference of the average from that of the air is in accord- ance with the law, that is to say, the largest possible by reason of the distribution of rain in the year, are called purely meteorological springs of undistorted average ; but those in which the amount of difference of the average from the air average is diminished by the disturbing ac- tion of the atmospheric heat during the seasons which are free from rain are called purely meteorological springs of approxirnate average. The approximation of the average to the aerial average is caused either by the inclosure, especially by a channel at the lower extremity of which the temperature of the spring was observed, or it is the con- sequence of a superficial coui'se and the poverty of the feeders of the spring. In each year the amount of difference of the average from the aerial average is similar in all purely meteorological springs, but it is smaller in the approximate than in the undistorted springs, and in- deed is smaller in proportion as the disturbing action of the atmospher- ic heat is greater. Of the springs of Marienberg four belong to the group of purely meteorological springs ; of these four one is undis- torted in its average, the three others are approximated in various de- grees. In the first year of observation the portion of rain of the cold third predominated, and all four springs were on the average colder than the air. In the four following years of observation fhe rain of the warm third predominated, and in these all the four springs had a higher average temperature than the air; and the positive variation of the average of tlie spring from that of the air was higher, the greater the excess of rain in the warm third of one of the four years. " The view put forward in the year 1825 by Leopold von Buch, that the amount of variation of the average of springs from that of the air must depend upon the distribution of rain in the seasons of the year, has been shown to be perfectly correct by Hallmann, at least for his place of obsei-vation, Marienbei'g, in the Rhenish Graywacke mount- ains. The purely meteorological springs of undistorted average alone have any value for scientific climatology ; these springs are to be sought for every where, and to be distinguished on the one hand from the purely meteorological springs with an approximate average, and on the other from the meteorologico-geological springs. "2. Meteorologico-geological springs: that is to say, those of which 198 COSMOS. ic transformation of rocks, the greater importance has been acquired for the consideration of the waters impregnated with gases and salts which circulate in the interior of the earth, and which, when they burst forth at the surface as thermal springs, have already fulfilled the greater part of their forma- tive, alterative, or destructive activity. c. Vapor and Gas Springs, Salses, Mud Volcanoes, Naphtha Fire. (Amplification of the Picture of Nature, Cosmos, vol. i., p. 224-226.) In the General Representation of Nature I have shown by well-ascertained examples, which, however, have not been sufficiently taken into consideration, how the salses in the various stages through which they pass, from the first erup- the average is demonstrably heightened by the heat of the earth. Whatever the distribution of rain may be, these springs are in their average warmer than the air all the year round (the alterations of temperature which they exhibit in the course of the year are commu- nicated to them by the soil through which they flow). The amount by which the average of a meteorologico-geological spring exceeds the atmospheric average depends upon the depth to which the meteoric waters have sunk down into the interior of the earth, where the temper- ature is constant, before they again make their appearance in the form of a spring ; this amount, consequently, possesses no climatological in- terest. The climatologist must, however, know these springs, in order that he may not mistake them for purely meteorological springs. The meteorologico-geological springs may also be approximated to the aerial average by an inclosure or channel. The springs were observed on particular fixed days, four or five times a month. The elevation above the sea, both of the place where the temperature of the air was observed and of the difierent springs, was carefully taken into ac- count." After the completion of the elaboration of his observations at Mari- enberg, Dr. Kallmann passed the winter of 1852-1853 in Italy, and found abnormally cold springs in the vicinity of ordinary ones. This is the name he gives " to those springs which demonstrably bring down cold from above. These springs are to be regai'ded as subterranean drains of open lakes or subterranean accumulations of water situated at a great elevation, from which the waters pour down very rapidly in fissures and clefts, and break forth at the foot of the mountain or chain of mountains in the form of springs. The idea of the abnorm- ally cold springs is, therefore, as follows : They are too cold for the elevation at which they come forth ; or, which indicates the conditions better, they come forth at too low a part of the mountain for their low temperature." These views, which are developed in the first volume of Hallmann's Temperaturverhaknimen der Quellen, have been modified by the author in his second volume (s. 181-183), because in every meteorological spring, however superficial it may be, there must h6 some telluric heat. SALSES. 199 tions accompanied by flames to the subsequent condition of simple eruptions of mud, form, as it were, an intermediate step between hot springs and true volcanoes, which throw out fused earths, either in the form of disconnected cinders or as newly-formed rocks, often arranged in many beds one over the other. Like all transitions and intermediate steps, both in organic and inorganic nature, the salses and mud volcanoes deserve a more careful consideration than was be- stowed upon them by the older geognosists, from the want of special knowledge of the facts. The salses and naphtha springs are sometimes arranged in isolated close gi-oups — like the ]VI^calubi, near Girgenti, in Sicily, which were mentioned even by Solinus; those near Pietra Mala, Barigazzo, and on the Monte Zibio, not far from Sassuolo, in the north of Italy ; or those near Turbaco, in South America ; . sometimes they appear to be arranged in narrow chains, and these are the most instructive and im- portant. We have long known* as the outermost members * Humboldt, Asie Centrale, t: ii., p. 58. Upon the reasons which render it probable that the Caucasus, which for five-sevenths of its length, between the Kasbegk and Elburuz, runs from E.S.E. to W.N.W. in the mean parallel of 42° 50', is the continuation of the volcanic fissure of the Asferah (Aktagh) and Thian-schan, see the work cited above, p. 54-Gl. Both the Asferah and Thian-schan oscillate between the parallels of 40|° and 43°. I regard the great Aralo- Caspian depression, the surface of which, according to the accurate measurements of Struve, exceeds the area of the whole of France by nearly 107,520 geographical square miles (Op. cit, supra, p. 309-312), as more ancient than the elevations of the Altai and Thian-schan. The fissure of elevation of the last-mentioned mountain chain has not been continued through the great depression. It is only to the west of the Caspian Sea that we again meet with it, with some alteration in its direction, as the chain of the Caucasus, but associated with tra- chytic and volcanic phenomena. This geognostic connection has also been recognized by Abich, and confirmed by valuable observations. In a treatise on the connection of the Thian-schan with the Caucasus by this great geognosist, which is in my possession, he says express- ly : "The frequency and decided predominance of a system of paral- lel dislocations and lines of elevation (nearly from east to west) dis- tributed over the whole district (between the Black Sea and the Cas- pian) brings the mean axial direction of the great latitudinal central Asiatic mass elevations most distinctly westward from the Kosyurt and Bolar systems to the Caucasian Isthmus. The mean direction of the Caucasus, S.E. — N.W., is E.S.E. — W.N.W. in the central parts of the mountain chain, and sometimes even exactly E. — W., as in the Thian-schan. The lines of elevation which unite Ararat with the trachytic mountains Dzerlydagh and Kargabassar near Erzeroum, and in the southern parallels of which Mount Argaeus, Sepandagh, and Sabalan are arranged, constitute the most decided expression of a 200 COSMOS. of the Caucasus, in the northwest the mud volcanoes of Ta- man, and in the southeast of the great mountain chain the naphtha springs and naphtha fire of Baku and the Caspian mean volcanic axial direction, that is to say, of the Thian-schan be- ing prolonged westward through the Caucasus. Many other mountain directions of Central Asia, however, also revert to "this remarkable space, and stand, as elsewhere, in mutual relation to each other, so as to form vast mountain nuclei and maxima of elevation." Pliny (vi., 17) says : " Pers^e appellavere Caucasum montem Graucasim (var. Graucasum, Groucasim, Grocasum), hoc est nive candidum;" in which Bohlen thought the Sanscrit words kds, to shine, and gravan, rock, were to be recognized (see my Asie Centrale, t. i., p. 109). As Klausen says, in his investigations on the wanderings of lo {Rheinisches Museum fur Philologiey JahrgViii., 1845, s. 298), if the name Graucasus was corrupted into Caucasus, then a name "in which each of its first syllables gave the Greeks the idea of burning might certainly charac- terize a burning mountain, with which the history of the Fire-burner (Fire-igniter, TrvpKatvg) would become readily and almost spontaneous- ly associated." It can not be denied that mylhs sometimes originate from names, but the production of so great and important a fable as the Typhonico-caucasic can certainly not be derivable from the acci- dental similarity of sound in the misunderstood name of a mountain. There are better arguments, of which Klausen also mentions one. From the actual association of Typhon and the Caucasus, and from the express testimony of Pherecydes of Syros (in the time of the 58th Olympiad), it is clear that the eastern cxriomity of the world was re- garded as a volcanic mountain. According to one of the Scholia to Apollonius (Scholia in Apoll. Rhod., ed. Schaefferi, 1813, v. 1210, p. 524), Pherecydes says, in the Theogony, "that Typhon, when pur- sued, fled to the Caucasus, and that then the mountain burned (or was set on fire) ; that from thence Typhon fled to Italy, when the isl- and Pithecusa was thrown around (as it were, poured around) liim." But Pithecusa is the island ^naria (now Ischia), upon which the Epo- meus (Epopon) cast forth fire and lava, according to Julius Obsequens, 95 years before our era, then during the reigns of Titus and Diocle- tian, and, lastly, in the year 1302, according to the statement of To- lomeo Fiadoni of Lucca, who was at that time Prior of Santa Maria Novella. "It is singular," as Boeckh, the profound student of antiq- uity, writes to me, " that Pherecydes should make Typhon fly from the Caucasus because it burned, as he himself is the originator of sub- terraneous fire ; but that his residence upon the Caucasus rests upon the occurrence of volcanic eruptions there, appears to me to be unde- niable." Apollonius Rhodius {Argon., lib. ii., v. 1212-1217, ed. Beck), in speaking of the birth of the Colchian Dragon, also places in the Caucasus the rock of Typhon, on which the giant was struck by the lightning of Jupiter. Although the lava-streams and crater-lakes of the high land of Kely, the eruptions of Ararat and Elburuz, or tha currents of obsidian and pumice-stone from the old craters of the Rio- tandagh, may be placed in a pre-historic period, still the many hun- dred flames which even now break forth from fissures in the Cauca- sus, both from mountains of seven or eight thousand feet in height and from broad plains, may have been a sufficient reason for regarding the entire mountain district of the Caucasus as a Typhonic seat of fire. SALSES. 201 peninsula, Apscheron. The magnitude and connection of this phenomenon was, however, first discovered by Abich, distinguished by his profound knowledge of this part of Asia. According to him, the mud volcanoes and naphtha fires of the Caucasus are arranged in a distinctly recognizable man- ner in certain lines, which stand in unmistakable relation w^ith the axes of elevation and the directions of dislocation of the strata of rock. The greatest space, of nearly 4000 square miles, is occupied by genetically-connected mud vol- canoes, naphtha emanations, and saline springs in the south- eastern part of the Caucasus, in an isosceles triangle, the base of which is the shore of the Caspian Sea, near Balacha- ni (to the north of Baku), and one of the mouths of the Kur (Araxes), near the hot springs of Sallian. The apex of such a triangle is situated near the Schagdagh, in the elevated valley of Kinalughi. There, at the boundary of a dolomitic and slate formation, at an elevation of 8350 feet above the Caspian Sea, close to the village of Kinalughi itself, break forth the perpetual fires of the Schagdagh, which have never been extinguished by meteorological occurrences. The cen- tral axis of this triangle corresponds with the direction which, the earthquakes^ so often experienced in Schamacha, upon the banks of the Pyrsagat, appear constantly to follow. When the northwestern direction just indicated is traced further, it strikes upon the hot sulphurous springs of Akti, and then becomes the line of strike of the principal crest of the Cau- casus, where it rises up into the Kasbegk and bounds Daghes- tan- The salses of the lower region, which are often regu- larly arranged in series, gradually become more numerous toward the shore of the Caspian, between Sallian, the mouth of the Pyrsagat (near the island of Swinoi), and the penin- sula of Apscheron. They present traces of repeated mud eruptions in earlier times, and often bear at their summits small cones, from which combustible and often spontaneous- ly ignited gas is poured forth, and which are exactly similar in form to the hoimitos of JoruUo, in Mexico. Considerable eruptions of flame were particularly frequent between 1844 and 1849, at the Oudplidagh, Nahalath, and Turandagh. Close to the mouth of the Pyrsagat, on the mud volcano Toprachali, "black marly fragments, which at the first glance might be confounded with dense basalt, and extremely fine- grained doleritic rocks" are found (a proof of the exception- al, greatly increased intensity of the subterranean heat). At other points on the peninsula of Apscheron, Lenz found 12 202 COSMOS. slag-like fragments as products of eruption; and during the great eruption of flame of Backlichli (7th February, 1839), small hollow balls, like the so-called ashes of the true volcanoes, were carried by the wind to a long distance.* In the northwestern extremity, toward the Cimmerian Bosphorus, are the mud volcanoes of the peninsula of Ta- man, which form one group with those of Aklanisowka and Jenikale, near Kertsch. One of the salses of Taman ex- hibited an eruption of mud and gas on the 27th of P^ebru- aiy, 1793, in which, after much subterranean noise, a col- umn of fire half enveloped in black smoke (dense aqueous vapor ?) rose to a height of several hundred feet. It is a re- markable phenomenon, and instructive as regards the nature of the Volcancitos de Turhaco^ that the gas of Taman, which was tested in 1811 by Frederick Parrot and Engelhardt, was not injlammable ; while the gas collected by Gobel in the same place, twenty-three years later, burned,' from the mouth of a glass tube, with a bluish flame, like all emana- tions from the salses in the southeastern Caucasus, but also, when carefully analyzed, contained in 100 parts 92-8 of car- bureted hydrogen and 5 parts of carbonic oxyd gas.l A phenomenon certainly nearly allied to these in its origin, although different as regards the matter produced, is presented by the eruptions of boracic acid vapors in the Tuscan Maremma, known under the names of lagoni, fum- marole, soffioni, and even volcani, near Possara, Castel Novo, and Monte Cerboli. The vapors have an average tempera- ture of 205° to 212°, and according to Pella, in certain points, as much as 347°. They rise in p^rt directly from clefts in the rocks, and partly from stagnant pools, in which they throw up small cones of fluid clay. They are seen to diffuse themselves in the air in whitish eddies. The boracic acid, which is brought up by the aqueous vapors from the bosom of the earth, can not be obtained when the vapors of the soffioni are condensed in very wide and long tubes, but * Humboldt, Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 511 and 513. I have already (t. ii., p. 201) called attention to, the fact that Edrisi does not men- tion the fire of Baku, although it is described diffusely as a Nefala- land, that is to say, rich in burning naphtha springs, by Massudi Coth- beddin, two hundred years before, in the tenth century (see Frahn, Ibn Fozlan, p. 245 ; and on the etymology of the Median word najih- tha, Asiatic J(mmal, vol. xiii., p. 124). t Compare Moritz von Engelhardt and F. Parrot, Rdse in die Kryvi und den Kaukasus, 1815, th. 1., s. 71 ; with Gobel, Reise in die Steppen des sUdlichen Russknds, 1838, th. i., s. 249-253, and th. ii.,s. 138-144. SALSES. 203 becomes difFased -in the atmosphere in consequence of its volatility. The acid is only procured in the beautiful estab- lishments of Count Larderel, when the orifices of the soffioni are covered directly by the fluid of the basin.* According to Payen's excellent analysis, the gaseous emanations contain 0-57 of carbonic acid, 0-35 of nitrogen, and only 0*07 of oxygen, and 0-001 of sulphuric acid. Where the boracic acid vapors permeate the clefts of the rock they deposit sul- phur. According to Sir Roderick Murchison's investiga- tions, the rock is in part of a chalky nature, and in part an eocene formation, containing nummulites — a macigno, which is penetrated by the uncovered and elevated serpentinef of the neighborhood (near Monte Rotondo). In this case, and in the crater of Volcano, asks Bischof, do not hot aqueous vapors act upon and decompose boracic minerals, such as rocks rich in datolithe, axinite, or tourmalin ^J In the variety and grandeur of the phenomena, the sys- tem of soffioni in Iceland exceeds any thing that we are ac- quainted with on the continent. Actual mud springs burst forth in the fumarole-field of l^risuvek and Reykjalidh, from small basins with crater-like margins in a bluish-gray clay.§ Here also the fissures of the springs may be traced in de- * Pay en, De Vacii^e boracique des Suffioni de la Toscane, in the An- nales de Chimie et de Physique, 3me serie, t. i., 1841, p. 247-255 : Bis- chof, Chem. und Phjsik. Geologie, bd. i., s. 669-691 ; Etablissements in- dustriels de Vacide boracique enToscane,hy the Count de Larderel, p. 8. t Sir Roderick Irapey Murchison, On the Vents of hot Vopor in Tus- vany, 1850, p. 7 (see also the earlier geognostic observations of Hoff- mann, in Karsten's und Dechen's Archiv/Ur Mineral., bd. xiii., 1839, s. 19). From old but trustworthy traditions, Targioni Tozzeti asserts that some of these boracic acid springs which are constantly changing their place of eruption were once seen to be luminous (ignited) at night. In order to increase the geological interest of the observations of Murchison andPkreto upon the volcanic relations of the serpentine formation in Italy, I may here advert to the fact that the flame of the Asiatic Chimcera (near the town of Deliktasch, the ancient Phaselis in Lycia, on the west coast of the Gulf of Adalia), which has been burning for several thousand years, also rises from a hill on the slope of the Solimandagh, in which serpentine in position and blocks of limestone have been found. Rather more to the south, on the small island of Grambusa, the limestone is deposited upon dark-colored serpentine. See the important work of Admiral Beaufort (Survey of the Coasts of Caramania, 1818, p. 40 and 48), whose statements arc confirmed by the specimens of rocks just brought home (May, 1854) by a highly talented artist, Albrecht Berg (Pierre de TchihatchefF, Asie Mineure, 1853, t. i., p. 407). J Bischof, o;?. cit., s. 682. () Sartorius von Waltershausen, Physisch-geographische Skizze von Island, 1847, s. 123 ; Bunsen " upon the processes of formation of the volcanic rocks of Iceland," Poggend., Annalen, bd. Ixxxiii., s. 257*. 204 COSMOS. terminate directions.* There is no portion of the earth, where hot springs, salses, and gas eruptions occur, that has been made the subject of such admirable and complete chem- ical investigations as those on Iceland, which we owe to the acute and persevering exertions of Bunsen. Nowhere, per- haps, in such a great extent of country, or so near the sur- face, is such a multifarious spectacle of chemical decomposi- tions, conversions, and new formations to be witnessed. Passing from Iceland to the neighboring American conti- nent, we find in the State of New York, in the neighborhood of Fredonia, not far from Lake Erie, a multitude of jets of inflammable gas (carbureted hydrogen) breaking forth from fissures in a basin of Devonian sandstone strata, and partly employed for the purpose of illumination. Other springs of inflammable gas, near Rushville, assume the form of mud cones; and others, in the valley of the Ohio, in Virginia, and on the Kentucky River, also contain chlorid of sodium, and are there connected with weak naphtha springs. But on the other side of the Caribbean Sea, on the north coast of South America, 11^ mile%south-southeast from the har- bor of Cartagena de Indias, near the pleasant village of Tur- baco, a remarkable group of salses or mud volcanoes exhibits phenomena which I was the first to describe. In the neighborhood of Turbaco, where one enjoys a mag- nificent view of the colossal snowy mountains {Sierras Neva- das) of Santa Marta, on a desert spot in the midst of the primeval forest, rise the Volcancitos, to the number of 18 or 20. The largest of the cones, which consist of blackish gray loam, are from 19 to 23 feet in height, and probably 80 feet in diameter at the base. At the apex of each cone is a circular orifice of 20 to 28 inches in diameter, surround- ed by a small mud wall. The gas rushes up with great vio- lence, as in Taman, forming bubbles, each of which, accord- ing to my measurements in graduated vessels, contains 10 — 12 cubic inches. The upper part of the funnel is filled with water, which rests upon a compact floor of mud. The eruptions are not simultaneous in neighboring cones, but in each one a certain regularity was observable in the periods of the eruptions. Bonpland and I, standing on the outer- most parts of the groups, counted pretty regularly five erup- tions every two minutes. On bending down over the small orifice of the crater a hollow sound is perceived in the in- terior of the earth, far below the base of the cone, usually * Waltershauseii, o/j. ctV,, s. 118. SALSES. 205 • twenty seconds lefore each eruption. A very thin burning wax taper was instantly extinguished in the gas, which was twice collected with great care ; this was also the case with a glowing chip of the wood Bomhax Ceiba. The gas could not be ignited. Lime-water was not rendered turbid by it ; no absorption took place. When tested for oxygen with nitrous acid gas, this gas showed no trace of the former in one experiment ; in a second case, when the gas of the Vol- cancitos had been confined for many hours in a bell glass with water, it exhibited rather more than one hundredth of oxygen, which had probably been evolved from the water and accidentally intermixed. From these analytical results I then declared, perhaps not very incorrectly, that the gas of the Volcancitos of Turbaco was nitrogen gas, which might be mixed with a small quan- tity of hydrogen. At the same time, I expressed my regret in my journal that, in the state of chemistry at that time (April, 1801), no means were known by which, in a mix- ture of nitrogen and hydrogen gases, the numerical propor- tions of the mixture might be determined. The expedient, by the employment of which three thousandths of hydrogen may be detected in a. gaseous mixture, was only discovered by Gay-Lussac and myself four years afterward.* During the half century that has elapsed since my residence in Tur- baco, and my astronomical survey of the Magdalena lliver, no traveler had occupiedhimself scientifically with the small mud volcanoes just described, until, at the end of December, 1850, my friend Joaquin Acosta,| so well versed in modern * Humboldt and Gay-Lussac, Memoire sur ^analyse de Vair atmos- phcrique in the Journal de Physique, par Latnctherie, t. Ix., p. 151 (see my Khinere Schriften, bd. i., s. 346). t "It is with emotion that I have just visited a place which you made known fifty years ago. The appearance of the small volcanoes of Turbaco is such as you have described ; there is the same luxuri- ance of vegetation, the same form of cones of clay, and the same ejec- tion of liquid and muddy matter ; nothing has changed, unless it be the nature of the gas which is evolved. I had with me, in accordance with the advice of our mutual friend, M. Boussingault, all that was necessary for the chemical analysis of the gaseous emanations, and even for making a freezing mixture for the purpose of condensing the aqueous vapor, as the doubt had been expressed to me that nitrogen might have been confounded with this vapor. But this apparatus Avas by no means necessary. As soon as I arrived at the Volcancitos, the distinct odor of bitumen set me in the right course; I commenced by lighting the gas upon the very orifice of each small crater. Even now one sees on the surface of the liquid, which rises intermittently, a delicate film of petroleum. The gas collected hums away entirely^ 206 COSMOS. geognosy and chemistry, made the remarkable observation that at present "the cones diffuse a bituminous odor" (of which no trace existed in my time) ; " that some petroleum floats upon the surface of the water in the small orifices, and that the gas pouring out may be ignited upon every mud- cone of Turbaco." Does this, asks Acosta, indicate an al- teration of the phenomena brought about by internal pro- cesses, or simply an error in the earlier experiments? I would admit the latter freely, if I had not preserved the leaf of the journal on which the experiments were recorded in detail,* on the very morning on which they were made. I without any residue of nitrogen (?), and without depositing sulphur (when in contact with the atmosphere). Thus the nature of the phe- nomenon has completely changed since your journey, unless we admit an error of observation, justified by the less advanced state of experi- mental chemistry at that period. I no longer doubt that the great eruption of Galera Zamba, which illuminated the country in a radius of 100 kilometres (62 miles), is a salses-like phenomenon, developed on a great scale, since there exist hundreds of little cones, vomiting saline clay, upon a surface of 400 square leagues. I propose examin- ing the gaseous products of the cones of Tubara, which are the inost distant salses from your Volcancitos of Turbaco. From the powerful manifestations which have caused the disappearance of a part of the peninsula of Galera Zamba, now become an island, and from the ap- pearance of a new island raised from the bottom of the sea in 1848, and which has since disappeared, I am led to think that it is near Galera Zamba, to the west of the delta of the Rio Magdalena, that the principal focus of the phenomenon of salses in the province of Carthagena is situated" (from a letter from Colonel Acosta to A. von Humboldt, Turbaco, 21st December, 1850). See also Mosquera, il/g- moria politica sabre la Nueva Granada, 1852, p. 73; and Lionel Gis- borne, The Isthmus of Darien, p. 48. * During the whole of my American expedition I always adhered strictly to the advice of Vauquelin, under whom I worked for some time before my voyage : to write down and preserve the details of ev- ery experiment on the same day. From my journals of the 17th and 18th April, 1801, I here copy the following: "As, therefore, the gas showed scarcely 0*01 of oxygen from experiments with phosphorus and nitrous acid gas, and not 0*02 of carbonic acid with lime-water, the question is, what are the other 97 hundredths? I supposed, first of all, carbureted and sulphureted hydrogen ; but no sulphur is de- posited on the margins of the small craters in contact with the atmos- phere, and nc odor of sulphureted hydrogen was to be perceived. The problematical part might appear to be pure nitrogen, for, as above mentioned, nothing was ignited by a burning taper; but I know, from the time of my analyses of fire-damp, that a light hydrogen gas, free from any carbonic acid, which merely stood at the top of a gallery, did not ignite, but extinguished the pit candles, while the latter burned clearly in deep places, when the air was considerably mixed with nitrogen gas. The residue of the gas of the Volcancitos is, therefore, probably to be regarded as nitrogen, with a portion of by- SALSES. 207 find nothing in them that could make me at all doubtful now ; and the observation already referred to (from Parrot's Re- ports), that " the gas of the mud volcanoes of the peninsula of Taman in 1811 had the property of preventing combus- tion, as a glowing chip w^as extinguished in the gas, and even the ascending bubbles, a foot in diameter, could not be ignited at the moment of their bursting," while in 1834 . Gobel saw readily inflammable gas burning with a bluish flame at the same place — leads me to believe that the ema- nations undergo chemical changes in different stages. Very recently Mitscherlich has, at my request, determined the limits of inflammability of artificially prepared mixtures of nitrogen and hydrogen gases. It appeared that mixtures of one part of hydrogen gas and three parts of nitrogen gas not only took fire from a light, but also continued to burn. When the quantity of nitrogen gas was increased, so that the mixture consisted of one part of hydrogen and three and a half parts of nitrogen, it was still inflammable, but did not continue burning. Jt was only with a mixture of one part of drogen gas, the quantitative amount of which we do not at present know. Does the same carbonaceous schist that I saw farther west- ward on the Rio Sinu, or marl and clay, lie below the Volcancitos ? Does atmospheric air penetrate through narrow fissures into cavities formed by water and become decomposed in contact with blackish gray loam, as in the pits in the saline clay of Hallein and Berch- tholdsgaden, where the chambers are filled with gases which extin- guish Hghts ? or do the gases, streaming out tense and elastic, prevent the penetration of atmospheric air ?" These questions were set down by me in Turbaco 53 years ago. According to the most recent ob- servations of M. Vauvert de Mean (1854), the inflammability of the gas emitted has bben completely retained. The traveler brought with him samples of the water which fills the small orifice of the craters of the Volcancitos. In this Boussingault found in the litre : common salt, 6*59 gr. ; carbonate of soda, 0-31; sulphate of soda, 0*20; and also traces of borate of soda and iodine. In the mud which had fall- en to the bottom, Ehrenberg, by a careful microscopiip examination, found no calcareous parts or scoriaceous matter, but quartz granules mixed with micaceous laminae, and many small crystalline prisms of black Augite, such as often occurs in volcanic tufa ; no trace of Spon- giolites or Poly gastric Infusoria, and nothing to indicate the vicinity of the sea, but on the contrary many remains of* Dicotyledonous plants and grasses, and sporangia of lichens, reminding one of the constituents of the Moija of Felileo. While C. Sainte-Claire, Deville, and George BoKnemann, in their beautiful analyses of the Macalube di Terrapilata, found 0 99 of carbureted hydrogen in the gas emitted, the gas which rises in the Agua Santa di Limosina, near Catanea, gave. them, like Turbaco formerly, 0*98 of nitrogen, without a trace of oxygen (Comptes rendus de VAcad. des Sciences, t. xliii., 1856, p. 361 and 366). 208 nosMos. hydrogen and four parts of nitrogen gas that no ignition took place. The gaseous emanations, which from their ready in- liammability and the color of their flame are usually called emanations of pure and carbureted hydrogen, need, therefore, consist quantitatively only of one third part of one of the last-mentioned gases. With mixtures of carbonic acid and hydrogen, which occur more rarely, the limits of inflamma- bility prove different again, on account of the capacity for heat of the former. Acosta justly suggests .the question: "Whether a tradition disseminated among the inhabitants of Turbaco, descendants of the Indios dc Taruaco, according to which the Volcancitos formerly all burned, and were con- verted from Volcanes de fuego into Volcanes de agua, by be- ing exorcised and sprinkled with holy water by a pious monk,* may not refer to a condition which has now re- turned ?" Single great eruptions of flames from mud vol- canoes, which both before and since have been very inactive (Taman, 1793; on the Caspian Sea, near Jokmali, 1827; and near Baklichli, 1839; near Kuschtschy, 1846, also in the Caucasus), present analogous examples. The apparently unimportant phenomenon of the salses of Turbaco has gained in geological interest by the terrible eruption of flame, and the terrestrial changes which occurred in 1839, more than 32 geographical miles to the NN.E. of Cartagena de Indias, between this harbor and that of Saba- nilla, not far from the mouth of the great Magdalena River. The true central point of the phenomenon was the Cape Galera Zamba, which projects 6 — 8 geographical miles into the sea, in the form of a narrow peninsula. J"^or the knowl- edge of this phenomenon we are also indebted to Colonel Acosta, of whom science has unfortunately been deprived by an early death. In the middle of the tongue of land there stood a conical hill, from the crater of which smoke (vapors) and gases soUietimes poured forth with such violence that, boards and large pieces of wood which were thrown into it were cast back again to a great distance. In the year 1839 the cone disappeared during a considerable eruption of fire, and the entire peninsula of Galera Zamba became an island, * Humboldt, Vues des CordiUeres et Monuments des peuples indigenes de VAmerique, pi. xli., p. 239. The beautiful drawing of the Volcan- citos de Turbaco, from which the copper-plate was engraved, was made by my young fellow-traveler, Louis de Rieux. Upon the old Taruaco in the first period of the Spanish Conquista, see Herrera, Dec. i., p. 251. SALSES. 209 separated from the continent by a channel of 30 feet in depth. The surface of tlie sea continued in this peaceful state until, on the 7th of October, 1848, at the place of the previous breach, a second terrible eruption of flames* ap- peared, without any perceptible earthquake in the vicinity, lasted for several days, and was visible at a distance of from 40 to 50 miles. The salse only emitted gases, but no solid matters. When the flames had disappeared the sea-bottom was found to be raised into a small sandy islet, which how- ever soon disappeared again. More than 50 volcancitos (cones similar to those of Turbaco) now surround the sub- marine gas volcano of Galera Zamba, to a distance of from 18 to 23 miles. In a geological point of view we may cer- tainly regard this as the principal seat of the volcanic ac- tivity which strives to place itself in contact with the atmos- phere, over the whole of the low country from Turbaco to beyond the delta of the Rio Grande de la Magdalena. The uniformity of the phenomena which are presented in the various stages of their activity, by the salses, mud vol- canoes, and gas springs on the Italian peninsula, in the Caucasus and in South America, is manifested in enormous tracts of land in tlie Chinese empire. The art of man has there from the most ancient periods known how to make use of this treasure; nay, even led to the ingenious discovery of the Chinese rope-boring, which has only of late become known to Europeans. Borings of several thousand feet in depth are produced by the most simple application of human strength, or rather of the weight of man. I have elsewheref treated in detail of this discovery, and also of the "fire springs," Ho-tsing, and "fiery mountains," Ho-schan, of Eastern Asia. They bore for water, brine springs, and in- flammable gas, from the southwestern provinces, Yun-nan, Kuang-si, and Szu-tschuan on the borders of Thibet, to the * Lettre de M. Joaquin Acost-a a M. Elie de Beaumont, in the Comptes rendus de I' Acad, des Sciences, t. xxix., 1849, p. 530-534. t Humboldt, Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 519-540; principally from ex- tracts from Chinese works by Klaproth and Stanislas Julien. The old Chinese rope-boring, which was repeatedly employed, and some- times with advantage, in coal-pits in Belgium and Germany between 1830 and 1842, had been described (as Jobard has discovered) as early as the 17th century, in the Relation of the Dutch embassador, Van Hoorn ; but the most exact account of this method of boring the fire- springs {Ho-tsirtg) is given by the French missionary, Imbert, who re- sided so many years in Kia-ting-fu (see Annates de la Propagation de la Foy, 1829, p. 369-381). 210 cos]5ios. northern province Schan-si. When it has a reddish flame, the gas often diffuses a bituminous odor ; it is- transferred partly in portable and partly in lying bamboo tubes to re- mote places, for use in salt-boiling, for heating the houses, or for lighting the streets. In some rare cases supply of carbureted hydrogen gas has been suddenly exhausted, or stopped by earthquakes. Thus we know that a celebrated Ho'tsing, situated to the southwest of the town of Khiung- tscheu (latitude 50° 27^ longitude 101° 6^ East), which was a salt spring burning with noise, was extinguished in the 13th century, after it had illuminated the neighborhood from the second century of our era. In the province of Schan-si, which is so rich in coal, there are some ignited carbonaceous strata. Fiery mountains {Ho-schan) are dis- tributed over a great part of China. The flames often rise to a great height, for example, in the mass of rock of tho Py-kia-schan, at the foot of a mountain covered with perpet' ual snow (lat. 31° 400, from long, open, inaccessible fissures. a phenomenon which reminds us of the perpetual fire of the Shagdagh mountain in the Caucasus. On the island of Java, in the province of Samarang, at a distance of about fourteen miles from the north coast, there are salses similar to those of Turbaco and Galera Zamba. Very variable hills of 25 to 30 feet in height throw out mud, salt-water, and a singular mixture of hydrogen gas and car- bonic acid* — a phenomenon which is not to be confounded with the vast and destructive streams of mud which are poured forth during the rare eruptions of the true, colossal volcanoes of Java ( Gunung Kelut and Gunung Idjen). Some mofette grottoes or sources of carbonic acid in Java are also very celebrated, particularly in consequence of exaggerations in the statements of some travelers, as also from their con- nection with the myth of the Upas poison-tree, already men- tioned by Sykes and Loudon. The most remarkable of the six has been scientifically described by Junghuhn, the so- called Vale of Death of the island (Fakaraman) in the mount- ain Dieng, near Batur. It is a funnel-shaped sinking on the declivity of a mountain, a depression in which the stratum of carbonic acid emitted attains a very different height at * According to Diard, Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 515. Besides the mud volcanoes of Damak and Surabaya, there are upon other islands of the Indian Archipelago the mud volcanoes of Pulu-Semao, Pulu-Kam- bing, and Pulu-Koti; see Junghuhn, Java, seine Gestalt undFflanzen- decke, 1812, abth. iii., s. 830. SALSES. 211 different seasons. Skeletons of wild hogs, tigers, and birds are often found in it.* The poison-tree, ^oAoti (or better, puhi) upas of the Malays (Antiatis toxicaria of the traveler Leschenault de la Tour), with its harmless exhalations, has nothing to do with these fatal actions.f I conclude this section on the salses and steam and gas springs with the description of an eruption of hot sulphur- ous vapors, which may attract the interest of geognosists on account of the kind of rock from which they are evolved. During my delightful but somewhat fatiguing passage over the central Cordillera of Quindiu (it took me 14 or 15 days on foot, and sleeping constantly in the open air, to get over the mountain crest of 11,500 feet from the valley of the Eio Magdalena into the Cauca valley), when at the height of 6810 feet I visited the Azufral to the west of the station El Moral. In a mica-schist of a rather dark color, which, re- posing upon a gneiss containing garnets, surrounds, with the latter, the elevated granite domes of La Ceja and La Garita d^ Paramo, I saw hot sulphurous vapors flowing out from the clefts of the rocks in a narrow valley (Que- brada del Azufral). As they are mixed with sulphureted hydrogen gas and much carbonic acid, a stupefying dizziness is experienced on stooping down to measure the tempera- ture, and remaining long in their vicinity. The tempera- ture of the sulphurous vapors was 117°*7; that of the air 69° ; and that of the sulphurous brook, which is probably cooled in the upper parts of its course by the snow-waters of the volcano of Tolima, 84:°'6. The mica-schist, which contains some pyrites, is permeated by numerous fragments of sulphur. The sulphur prepared for sale is principally obtained from an ochre-yellow loam, mixed with native sul- phur and weathered mica-slate. The operatives (Mestizoes) suffer from diseases of the eyes and muscular paralysis. * Junghuhn, Op. cit, abth. i., s. 201, and abth. iii., s. 854-858. The weaker suiFocating caves on Java are Gua-Upas and Gua-Galan (the first word is the Sanscrit guhd, cave). As there can certainly be no doubt that the Grotto del Cane, in the vicinity of the Lago di Ag- nano, is the same that Pliny (ii., cap. 93) described nearly 18 centu- ries ago, "in agro Puteolano," as "Charonea scrobis mortiferum spiritum exhalans," we must certainly share in the surprise felt by Scacchi {Memorie geol. suUa Cavipania, 1849, p. 48), that in a loose soil, so often moved by earthquakes, so small a phenomenon (the sup- ply of a small quantity of carbonic acid) can have remained unaltered and undisturbed. t Blume, Rumphia sive Comment, botanicce, t. i. (1835), p. 47-59. 212 COSMOS. When Boussingault visited the Azufral de Quindiu, thirty years after me (1831), the temperature of the vapors which he analyzed* had so greatly diminished as to fall below that of the open air (71°-6), namely to 66°— 68°. The same excellent observer saw the trachytic rock of the neighboring volcano of Tolima, breaking through the mica-schist, in the Quebrada de Aguas calientes : just as I have very distinctly seen the equally eruptive, black trachyte of the volcano of Tunguragua covering a greenish mica-schist containing gar- net near the rope bridge of Penipe. As sulphur has hither- to been found in Europe, not in the primitive rocks, as they were formerly called, but only in the tertiary limestone, in gypsum, in conglomerates, and in true volcanic rocks, its occurrence in the Azufral de Quindiu (4^° N. lat.) is the more remarkable, as it is repeated to the south of the equa- tor between Quito and Cuenca, on the northern slope of the Paramo del Assuay. In the Azufral of the Cerro Cuello (2° 13^ S. lat,), again in mica-schist, at an elevation of 7980 feet, I met with a vast bed of quartz,! in which the sulphur is disseminated abundantly in scattered masses. At the time of my journey the !ragments of sulphur measured only 6 — 8 inches, but they were formerly found of as much as 3 — 4 feet in diameter. Even a naphtha spring rises vis- ibly from mica-schist in the sea-bottom in the Gulf of Cari- aco, near Cumana. There the naphtha gives a yellow color to the surface of the sea to a distance of more than a thou- sand feet, and I found that its odor was diffused as far as the interior of the peninsula of Araya.f * Humboldt, Essai Geognostique sur h Gisement des Roches dans les deux Hemispheres, 1823, p. 76 ; Boussingault, in the Annales de Chemie et de Physique, t. Hi., 1833, p. 11. t With regard to the elevation of Alausi (near Ticsan), on the Cerro Cuello, see the " Nivellement barometrique, No. 206," in my Observ. Astron., vol. i., p. 311. X " The existence of a naphtha spring issuing at the bottom of -the sea from a mica-schist, rich in garnets, and diffusing, according to the expression of the historian of the Conquista, Oviedo, a " resinous, aromatic, and medicinal liquid," is an extremely remarkable fact. All those hitherto known belong to secondary mountains; and this mode of stratification appeared to favor the idea that all the mineral bitumens (Hatchett, Transact. Linnc^an Society, 1798, p. 129) were due to the destruction of vegetable and animal mattei's, or to the ignition of coal. The phenomenon of the Gulf of Cariaco acquires fresh im- portance, if we bear in mind that the same so-called primitive stra- tum contains subterranean fires, that the odor of petroleum is ex- perienced frorfi time to time at the edge of ignited craters (for ex- ample, in the eruption of Vesuvius in 1805, when the volcano threw SALSES. 213 If we now cast a last glance at the kind of volcanic activ- ity which manifests itself by the 'production of vapors and gases, either with or without phenomena of combustion, Ave find sometimes a great affinity, and sometimes a re*markable difference in the matters escaping from fissures of the earth, according as the high temperature of the interior, modifying the action of the affinities, has acted upon homogeneous or very composite materials. The matters which are driven to the surface by this low degree of volcanic activity are : aque- ous vapor in great quantity, chloryd of sodium, sulphur, car- bureted and sulphureted hydrogen, carbonic acid and nitro- gen ; naphtha (colorless or yellowish, or in the form of brown petroleum) ; boracic acid and alumina from the mud volca- noes. The great diversity of these matters, of which, how- ever, some (common salt, sulphm'et^d hydrogen gas, and pe- troleum) are almost always associated together, shows the unsuitableness of the denomination salses, which originated in Italy, where Spallanzani had the great merit of having been the first to direct the attention of geognogists to this phenomenon, which had been long regarded as so unimport- ant, in the territory of Modena. The name vajwr (Md gas springs is a better expression of the general idea. If many of them, such as the Fumaroles, undoubtedly stand in rela- tion to extinct volcanoes, and are even, as sources of carbon- ic acid, peculiarly characteristic of a last stage of such vol- canoes, others, on the contrary, appear to be quite independ- ent of the true fiery mountains which vomit forth fused earths. Then, as Abich has already shown in the Cauca- sus, they follow definite directions in large tracts of country, breaking out of fissures in rocks, both in the plains, even in the deep basin of the Caspian Sea, and in mountain eleva- tions of nearly 8500 feet. Like the true volcanoes, they sometimes suddenly augment their apparently dormant ac- tivity by the eruption of columns of fire, which spread ter- ror all around. In both continents, in regions widely sep- arated, they exhibit the same conditions following one upon up scoriae), and that most of the very hot springs of South America issue from granite (Las Trincheras, near Porto Cabello), gneiss, and micaceous schist. More to the eastward of the meridian of Cu- mana, in descending from the Sierra de Meapire, we first came to the hollow ground (tierra hueca), which, during the great earthquakes of 1766, threw up asphalt enveloped in viscous petroleum; and aft- erward, beyond this ground, to an infinity of hydrosulphurous hot springs (Humboldt, Halation Historique^ t. i., p. 136, 344, 347, and 447). 214 COSMOS. the other; but no observation has hitherto justified us in supposing that they are the forerunners of the formation of true volcanoes vomiting lava and cinders. Their activity is of anofher kind, perhaps originating at a smaller depth, and caused by different chemical processes. d. Volcanoes, according to the difference of their formation and activity. — Action hy fismres and caldron-like depressions. — Circumvallation of the craters of elevation. — Volcanic conical and bell-shaped Mountains, with open or closed summits. — Difference of the Hocks through which Volcanoes act. / (Amplification of the Eepresentation of Nature, Cosmos, vol. i., p. 228-248.) Among the various specific manifestations of force in the reaction of the interior of our planet upon its uppermost strata, the mightiest is that presented by the true volcanoes ; that is to say, those openings through -which, besides gases, solid massQS of various materials are forced up from un- measured depths to the surface, either in a state of igne- ous fision, as lava streams, or in the form of cinders, or as products of the finest trituration (ashes). If we regard the words volcano and fery mountain as synonymous, in accord- ance with the old usage of Speech, we thus, according to a preconceived and very generally diffused opinion, attach to the idea of volcanic phenomena the picture of an isolated conical mountain, with a circular or oval orifice at the sum- mit. Such views, however, lose their universality when the observer has the opportunity of wandering through connect- ed volcanic districts, occupying a surface of many thousand square geographical miles ; for example, the entire central part of the highlands of Mexico, between the Peak of Ori- zaba, JoruUo, and the shores of the South Sea; or Central America ; or the Cordilleras of New Granada and Quito, between the Volcano of Purace, near Popayan, that of Pasto and Chimborazo ; or the isthmian chain of the Caucasus, be- tween the Kasbegk, Elburuz, and Ararat. In Lower Italy, between the Phlegr^ean Fields of the main land of Campa- nia, Sicily, and the islands of Lipari and Ponza, as also in the Greek Islands, part of the intervening land has not been elevated with the volcanoes, and part of it has been swallow- ed by the sea. In the above-mentioned great districts of America and the Caucasus, masses of eruptions (true Trachytes, and not VOLCANOES. 215 trachytic conglomerates ; streams of obsidian ; quarried blocks of pumice-stone, and not pumice-bowlders transported and deposited by water) make their appearance, seeming to be quite independent of the mountains, which only rise at a considerable distance. AVhy should not the surface have been split in many directions during the progressive refriger- ation of the upper strata of the earth by radiation of heat, before the elevation of isolated mountains or mountain chains had yet taken placet Why should not these fissures have emitted masses in a state of igneous fusion, which have hard- ened into rocks and eruptive stones (trachyfe, dolerite, mela- phyre, raargarite, obsidian, and pumice)? A portion of these trachytic or doleritic strata which have broken, out in a viscid fluid state, as if from earth-springs,* and which were originally deposited in a horizontal position, have, during the subsequent elevation of volcanic cones and bell- shaped mountains, b^n tilted into a position which by no means belongs to the more recent lavas produced from ig- neous mountains. Thus, to advert, in the first place, to a very well known European example, in the Yal del Bove on -^tna (a depression which cuts deeply into the interior of the mountain), the declination of the strata of lava, which alternate very regularly with masses of bowlders, is 25° to 30°, while, according to Elie de Beaumont's exact determ- inations, the lava streams which cover the surface of ^tna, and which have only flowed from it since its elevation in the form of a mountain, only exhibit a declination of 3° to 5° on an average of 30 streams. These conditions indicate the existence of very ancient volcanic formations, which have broken out from fissures, before the production of the vol- cano as an igneous mountain. A remarkable phenomenon of this kind is also presented to us by antiquity — a phenomenon which manifested itself on Euboea, the modern Negropont, in an extended plain, situated at a distance from all active and extinct volcanoes. " The violent earthquakes, which partially shook the island, did not cease until an abyss, which had opened on the plain of Lelantus, threw up a stream of glowing mud (lava)."t * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 231. t Strabo, i., p. 58, ed. Casaub. The epithet SiaTrvpoQ proves that in this case mud volcanoes are not spoken of. Where Plato, in his geognostic phantasies, alludes to these, mixing mythical matter with observed facts, he says distinctly (in opposition to the phenomenon described by Strabo) vypov rrrjXov iroTajxoi. Upon the denominations 'rrrikoQ and pya?, as volcanic emissions, I have treated on a former oc- 216 COSMOS. If the oldest formations of eruptive rock (often perfectly similar to the more recent lavas in its composition), which also in part occupy veins, are to be ascribed to a previous fissure of the deeply-shaken crust of the earth, as I have long been inclined to think, both these fissures and the less simple craters of elevation subsequently produced must be regarded only as volcanic eruptive orijices, not as volcanoes themselves. The principal character of these last consists in a connection of the deep-seated focus with the atmosphere, which is either permanent, or at least renewed from time to time. For this plirpose the volcano requires a peculiar frame- work ; for, as Seneca* says very appropriately, in a letter to Lucilius, "ignis in ipso monte non aliraentum habet, sed viam." The volcanic activity exerts, therefore, a formative action by elevating the soil ; and not, as was at one time uni- versally and exclusively supposed, a building action by the accumulation of cinders, and new stra^ of lava, superposed one upon the other. The resistance experienced In the canal of eruption, by the masses in a state of igneous fluidity when forced in excessive quantities toward the surface, gives rise to the increase in the heaving force. A " vesicular inflation of the soil" is produced, as is indicated by the regular outward declination of the elevated strata. A mine-like explosion, the bursting of the central and highest part of the convex inflation of the soil, gives origin sometimes only to what Leopold von Buch has called a crater of elevation,^ that is to casion {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 237), and I shall only advert here to an- other passage in Strabo (vi., p. 269), in which hardenii% lavff, called TrrjXbg /xkXaQ, is most distinctly characterized. In the description of JEtna Ave find : " The red-hot stream (pva^) in the act of solidifica- tion converts the surface of the earth into stone to a considerable depth, so that whoever wishes to uncover it must undertake the labor of quarrying. For, as in the cratei-s, the stone is molten and then up- heaved, the fluid streaming from the summit is a black excrementitious mass (ttt/Xoc) falling down the mountain, which, afterward hardening, becomes a millstone, and retains the same color that it had before." * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 239. t Leopold von Buch, On Basaltic Islands and Craters o/ Elevation, in the Abhandl. der konig. Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin, 1818-1819, s. 51 ; and Physikalische Beschreibuuff der canarischen Inseln, 1825, s. 213, 262, 284, 313, 323, and 341. This work, which constitutes an era in the profound knowledge of volcanic phenomena, is the fruit of a voyage to Madeira and TenerifFe, from the beginning of April to the end of October, 1815 ; but Naumann indicates with much justice, in his Lehr- buch der Geognosie, that in the letters written in 1802 by Leopold von Buch, from Auvergne (Gcognostische Beobachtung auf Reisen durch Deutschland und Italien, bd. ii., s. 282), in reference to the description CRATERS OF ELEVATION. 217 say, a crater-like, round or oval depression, bounded by a circle of elevation, a ring-shaped wall, usually broken down in places ; sometimes (when the frame-work of a permanent volcano is to be completed) to a dome-shaped or conical mountain in the middle of the crater of elevation. The latter is then generally open at its summit, and on the bot- tom of this opening (the crater of the permanent volcano) rise transitory hills of eruption and hills of scoriae, small and large cones of eruption, which, in Vesuvius, sometimes far exceed the margins of the crater of the cone of elevation. The signs of the first eruption, the old frame-work, are not, however, always retained. The high wall of rock which sur- rounds the inner circular wall (the crater of elevation) is not recognizable, even in scattered detritus, on many of the larg- est and most active volcanoes. It is a great merit of modern times not only to have more accurately investigated the peculiar conditions of the forma- tion q£^volcanoes by h. careful comparison of those which are widely separated from each other, but also to have intro- duced more definite expressions into language, by which the heterogeneous features of the general outline, as well as the manifestations of volcanic activity, are distinguished. If we of Mont d'Or, the theory of craters of elevation and their essential dif- ference from the true volcanoes was already expressed. An instruct- ive counterpart to the three craters of elevation of the Canary Islands (on Gran Canaria, Teneriffe, and Palma) is furnished by the Azores. The admirable maps of Captain Vidal, for the publication of which we are indebted to the English Admiralty, elucidate the wonderful geog- nostic-construction of these islands. On San Michael is situated the enormous Caldeira das sete Cidades which was formed in the year 1444, almost under Cabral's eyes, a crater of elevation which incloses two lakes, the Lagoa grande and the Lagoa azul, at a height of 876 feet. The Caldeira de Corvo, of which the dry part of the bottom is 1279 feet high, is almost of the same circumference. Nearly three times this height are the craters of elevation of Fayal and Terceira. To the same kind of eruptive phenomena belong the innumerable but ephem- eral platforms which were visible only by day, in 1691, in the sea around the island of San George, and in 1757 around San Michael. The periodical inflation of the sea-bottom, scarcely four miles to the west of the Caldeira das sete Cidades, producing a larger and some- what more permanent island (Sabrina), has already been mentioned (Cos7nos, vol. i., p. 242). Upon the crater of elevation of Astruni, in the Phlegraean plains, and the trachytic mass driven up in its centre, as an unopened bell-shaped hill, see Leopold von Buch, in Poggend., Annaleri, bd. xxxvii., s. 171 and 182. A fine crater of elevation is that of Rocca Monfina, measured and figured in Abich's Geolog. JBeobacht. iiber die Vulkan. Erschein. in Unter-und Mittel Italieuy 1841, bd. i., s. 113, taf. ii. Vol. v.— K 218 COSMOS. are not decidedly disinclined to all classifications, because in the endeavor after generalization these always rest only upon imperfect indications, we may conceive the bursting forth of fused masses and solid matter, vapors and gases, in four dif- ferent ways. Proceeding from the simple to the complex phenomena, we may first mention eruptions from fissures, not forming separate series of cones, but producing volcanic rocks superlying each other, in a fused and viscid state; secondly, eruptions through heaped-up cones, without any cir- cumvallation, and yet emitting streams of lava, as was the case for five years during the destruction of the island of Lancerote, in the first half of the last century ; thirdly, cra- ters of elevation, with upheaved strata, but without central cones, emitting streams of lava only on the outside of the circumvallation, never from the interior, which is soon closed up with detritus; fourthly, closed hell-shaped mountains or cones of elevation, open at the summit, either inclosed by a circular wall, which is at least partially retained — aa||n the Pic of TenerifFe, in Fpgo, and Rocca Monfina ; or entirely without circumvallation or crater of elevation — as in Ice- land,* in the Cordilleras of Quito, and the central parts of Mexico. The open cones of elevation of this fourth class maintain a permanent connection between the fiery interior of the earth and the atmosphere, which is more or less effect- ive at undetermined intervals of time. Of the dome-shaped and bell-shaped trachytic and doleritic mountains which have remained closed at the summit, there appear, according to my observations, to be more than of the open cones, whether active or extinct, and far more than of the true volcanoes. Dome-shaped and bell-shaped mountains, such as Chimbora- zo, Puy de D6me, Sarcouy, Rocca Monfina, and Vultur, give the landscape a peculiar character, by which they contrast pleasingly with the schistose peaks, or the serrated forms of limestone. In the tradition preserved to us so picturesquely by Ovid regarding the great volcanic phenomenon of the peninsula of Methone, the production of such a bell-shaped hnd unopen- ed mountain is indicated with methodical clearness. " The force of the winds imprisoned in dark caves of the earth, and seeking in vain for an opening, drive up the heaving soil (extentam tumefecit humum), as when one fills a bladder or leather bag with air. By gradual hardening the high pro- * Sartorius von Waltershausen, Physisch-geographische Skizze von Island, 1847, s. 107. CRATERS OF ELEVATION. 219 jecting eminence has retained the form of a hill." I have already elsewhere adverted to the fact of how completely different this Roman representation is from Aristotle's nar- ration of the volcanic phenomenon upon Hiera, a newly- formed ^olic (Liparian) island, in which " the subterranean, mightily urging blast does indeed also raise a hill, but after- ward breaks it up to pour forth a fiery shower of ashes." The elevation is here clearly represented as preceding the eruption of flame {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 241.). According to Strabo, the elevated dome-like hill of Methana had also opened in fiery eruptions, at the close of which an agreeable odor was diffused in the night-time. It is very remarkable that the latter was observed under exactly similar circum- stances during the volcanic eruption of Santorin, in the au- tumn of 1650, and was denominated " a consoling sign, that God would not yet destroy his flock," in the penitential ser- mon delivered and written shortly afterward by a monk.* * It has been a much disputed point to what particular locality of the plain of Troezeu, or the peninsula of Methana, the description of the Roman poet may refer. My friend, Ludwig Ross, the great Greek antiquarian and chorograph, who has had the advantage of many travels, thinks that the immediate vicinity of Troezen presents no locality which can be referred to as the bladder-like hills, and that, by a poetic license, Ovid has removed the phenomenon described with such truth to nature to the plain. " To the south of the peninsula of Methana, and east of the plain of Troezen," writes Ross, " lies the island Calauria, well known as the place where Demosthenes, being pressed by the Macedonians, took poison in the temple of Neptune. A narrow arm of the sea separates the limestone rocks of Calauria from the coast ; from this arm of the sea (passage, Tropoc) the town fend island take their present name. In the middle of the strait, \ united with Calauria by a low causeway, probably of artificial origin, lies a small conical islet, comparable in form to an egg cut through the middle. It is volcanic throughout, consisting of grayish yellow and yellowish red trachyte, mixed with eruptions of lava and scoriae, and is almost entirely destitute of vegetation. Upon this islet stands the present town of Poros, on the place of the ancient Calauria. The formation of the islet is exactly similar to that of the more recent volcanic islands in the. Bay of Thera (Santorin). In his animated description, Ovid has jjrobably followed a Greek original or an old tradition" (Ludw. Ross, in a letter to me dated November, 1845) As a member of the French scientific expedition, Virlet has set up the opinion that the volcanic upheaval may have been only a subse- quent increase of the trachytic mass of the peninsula of Methana. This increase occurs in the northwest extremity of the peninsula, where the black burned rock, called Kammeni-petra, resembling the Kammeni, near Santorin, betrays a more recent origin. Pausanias communicates the tradition of the inhabitants of Methana, that, on the north coast, before the now-celebrated sulphurous springs burst 220 COSMOS. Does not this pleasant odor afibrd indications of naphtha? The same thing is also referred to by Kotzebue, in his Rus- sian voyage of discovery, in connection with an igneous eruption (1804) of the volcanic island of Umnack, newly elevated from the sea in the Aleutian Archipelago. During the great eruption of Vesuvius, on the 12th August, 1805, which I observed in company with Gay-Lussac, the latter found a bituminous odor prevailing at times in the ignited crater. I bring together these little-noticed facts, because they contribute to confirm the close concatenation of all manifestations of volcanic activity, the intimate connection of the weak salses and naphtha springs with the true vol- canoes. Circumvallations, analogous to those of the craters of ele- vation, also present themselves in rocks which are very dif- ferent from trachyte, basalt, and porphyritic schists ; for ex- ample, according to Elie de Beaumont's acute observation, in the granite of the French Alps. The mountain mass of Oisans, to which the highest* summit of France, Mont Pel- -voux, near Briangon (12,905 feet), belongs, forms an amphi- theatre of thirty-two geographical miles in circumference, in the centre of which is situated the small village of La Be- rarde. The steep walls of this circular space rise to a height of more than 9600 feet. The circumvallation itself is gneiss; all the interior is granite.f In the Swiss and Savoy Alps the same formation presents itself repeatedly in small dimen- sions. The Grand Plateau of Mont Blanc, in which Bravais forth, fire rose out of the earth (see Curtius, Peloponnesos, bd. i., s. 42 and 46). On the " indescribable pleasant odor" which followed the stinking sulphurous odor, near Santorin (September, 1650), see Ross, Reisen aufden Griech. Inseln des agaischen Meeres, bd. i., s. 196. Upon the odor of naphtha in the fumes of the lava of the Aleutian island Umnack, which appeared in 1796, see Kotzebue's Entdeckungs-Reise, bd. ii., s. 106, and Leopold de Buch, Description phys. des lies Cana- ries, p. 458. * The highest summit of the Pyrenees, that is, the Pic de Nethou (the eastern and highest peak of the Maladetta or Malahita group), has been twice measured trigonometrically ; its height, according to Ee- boul, is 11,443 feet (3481 metres), and, according to Coraboeuf, 11,167 feet (3404 metres). It is, therefore, 1705 feet lower than Mont Pel- voux, in the French Alps, near Brian9on. The next in height to the Pic de Nethou, in the Pyrenees, are the Pic Posets or Erist, and of the group of the Marbore', the Montperdu, and the Cylindre. t Memoire pour servir a la Description Geologique de la France^ t. ii., p. 339. Upon "valleys of elevation" and " encircling ridges" in the Silurian formation, see the admirable description of Sir Roderick Mur- chison in " The Silurian System," pt. i., p. 427-442. MAARS. 221 and Martins encamped for several days, is a closed amphi- theatre with a nearly flat bottom, at an elevation of nearly 12,811 feet; from the midst of which the colossal pyramid of the summit rises.* Tlie same upheaving forces produce similar forms, although modified by the composition of the different rocks. The annular and caldron-like valleys (val- leys of elevation) described by Hoffman, Buckland, Murchi- son, and Thurmann, in the sedimentary rocks of the north of Germany, in Herefordshire, and the Jura mountains of Porrentruy, are also connected with the phenomena here de- scribed, as well as, although with a less degree of analogy, some elevated plains of the Cordilleras inclosed on all sides by mountain masses, in which are situated the towns of Caxamarca (93G2 feet), Bogota (8729 ^eet), and Mexico (7469 feet), and in the Himalayas the caldron-like valley of Caschmir (5819 feet). Less related to the craters of elevation than to the above described simplest form of volcanic activity (the action from mere fissures) are the numerous Maars among the extinct volcanoes of the Eifel — caldron-like depressions in non-vol- canic rock (Devonian slate), and surrounded by slightly ele- vated margins, -formed by themselves. *' These are, as it were, the funnels of mines, indications of mine-like erup- tions," resembling the remarkable phenomenon described by me of the human bones scattered upon the hill of La Culcaf during the earthquake of Riobamba (4th February, 1797). When single Maars, not situated at any great height, in the Eifel, in Auvergne, or in Java, are filled with water, such former craters of explosion may in this state be denominated crateres-lacs ; but it seems to me that this term should not * Bravais and Martins, Ohserv. fakes au Sommet et au Grand Pla-^m teau du Mont Blanc, in the Annuaire MdMorol. de la France pour 1850, p. 131. t Cosmos, vol. v., p. 173. I have twice visited the volcanoes of the Eifel, Avhen geognosy was in very different states of development, in the autumn of 1794, and in August, 1845 ; the first time in the vicin- ity of the Lake of Laach and the monastery there, which was then still inhabited by monks ; the second time in the neighborhood of Bertrich, the Mosenberg, and the adjacent Maars, but never for more than a few days. As in the latter excursion I had the good fortune to be able to accompany my intimate friend, the mining •surveyor. Von Dechen, I have been enabled by many years' correspondence, and the communication of important manuscript memoirs, to make free use of the observations of this acute geognosist. I have often in- dicated by quotation marks, as is my wont, what I have borrowed, word for word, from his communications. 222 COSMOS. be taken as a synonymous name for Maar, as small lakes have been found by Abich and myself on the summits of the highest volcanoes, on true cones of elevation in extinguished craters ; for example, on the Mexican volcano of Toluca at an elevation of 12,246 feet, and on the Caucasian Elburuz at 19,717 feet. In the volcanoes of the Eifel we must- care- fully distinguish from each other two kinds of volcanic ac- tivity of very unequal age — the true volcanoes emitting streams of lava, and the weaker eruptive phenomena of the Maars. To the former belong the basaltic stream of lava, rich in olivin, and cleft into upright columns, in the valley of Uesbach, near Bertrich ;* the volcano of Gerolstein, which is seated in a limestone containing dolomite, deposited in the form of a basin in the Devonian gray wacke schists ; and the long ridge of the Mosenberg (1753 feet above the sea), not far from Bettenfeld, to the west of Manderscheid. The last- named volcano has three craters, of which the first and sec- ond, those furthest to the north, are perfectly round, and covered with peat mosses ; while from the third and most southernf crater there flows down a vast, reddish brown, deep stream of lava, separated into a columnar form, toward the valley of the little Kyll. It. is a remarkable phenome- non, foreign to lava-producing volcanoes in general, that nei- ther on the Mosenberg nor on the Gerolstein, nor in other true volcanoes of the Eifel, are the lava eruptions visibly sur- rounded at their origin by a trachytic rock, but, as far as they are accessible to observation, proceed directly from the Devonian strata. The surface of the Mosenberg does not at all prove what is hidden in its depths. The scoriae contain- ing augite, which by cohesion pass into basaltic streams, contain small, calcined fragments of slate, but no trace of •inclosed trachyte. Nor is the latter to be found inclosed in the crater of the Rodderberg, notwithstanding that it lies in the immediate vicinity of the Siebengebirge, the greatest trachytic mass of the Rhine district. "The Maars appear," as the mining surveyor Von De- * H. von Dechen, Geognost. Uebersicht der Umgegend von Bad Ber- trich, 1847, s. 11-51. t Steni^cel, in Niiggerath, das Gebirge von Rheinland und WestphaleUy bd. i., s, 79, taf. iii. See also C. von Oeynhausen's admirable expla- nations of his jreognostic Map of the Lake of Laach, 1847, p. 34, 39, and 42, including the Eifel and the basin of Neuwied. Upon th« Maars, see Steininger, Geognostische Beschreibung der Eifel, 1853, s. 113. His earliest meritorious work, '■'■Die erloschenen Vulkane in d«r Eifel und am Nieder-Rhein,'' belongs to the year 1820. MAARS. 223 chen has ingeniously observed, " to belong in their formation to about the same epoch as the eruption of the lava streams of the true volcanoes. Both are situated in the vicinity of deeply-cut valleys. The lava-producing volcanoes were de- cidedly active at a time when the valleys had already at- tained very nearly their present form ; and we also see the most ancient lava streams of this district pouring down into the valleys." The Maars are surrounded by fragments of Devonian slates, and by heaps of gray sand and tufa mar- gins. The Laacher lake, whether it be regarded as a large Maar, or, with my old friend C. von Oeynhausen, as part of a large caldron-like valley in the clay-slate (like the basin of Wehr), exhibits some volcanic eruptions of scorice upon the ridge surrounding it, as is the case on the Krufter Ofen, the Veitskopf, and Laacher Kopf It is not, however, mere- ly the entire want of lava streams, such as are to be ob- served on the Canary Islands upon the outer margin of true craters of elevation and in their immediate vicinity — it is not the inconsiderable elevation of the ridge surrounding the Maar, that distinguishes this from craters of elevation ; the margins of the Maars are destitute of a regular stratifica- tion of the rock, falling, in consequence of the upheaval, con- stantly outward. The Maars sunk in the Devonian slate appear, as has already been observed, like the craters of mines, into which, after the violent explosion of hot gases and vapors, the looser ejected masses {EapUli) have for the most part fallen back. As examples I shall only mention here the Immerather, the Pulvermaar, and the Meerfelder Maar. In the centre of the first mentioned, the diy bottom of which, at a depth of two hundred feet, is cultivated, are situated the two villages of Ober- and Unter-Immerath. Here, in the volcanic tufa of the vicinity, exactly as on the Laacher lake, mixtures of feldspar and augite occur in sphe- roids, in which particles of black and green glass are scat- terecl. Similar spheroids of mica, hornblende, and augite, full of vitrified portions, are also contained in the tufa veins of the Pulvermaar near Gillenfeld, which, however, is en- tirely converted into a deep lake. The regularly circular Meerfelder Maar, covered partly with water and partly with peat, is characterized geognostically by the proximity of the three craters of the great Mosenberg, the most southern of which has furnished a stream of lava. The Maar, however, is situated 639 feet below the long ridge of the volcano, and at its northern extremity, not in the axis of the series of 224 COSMOS. craters, but more to the northwest. The average elevation of the Maars of the Eifel above the surface of tlie sea falls between 922 feet (Laacher lake ?) and 1588 feet (Mosbrucher Maar). As this is peculiarly the place in which to call attention to the uniformity and agreement exhibited by volcanic ac- tivity in its production of material results, in the most dif- ferent forms of the outer frame-work (as Maars, as circum- vallated craters of elevation, or cones opened at the sum- mit), I may mention the remarkable abundance of crystal- lized minerals which have been thrown out by the Maars in their first explosion, and which still in part lie buried in the tufas. In the environs of the Laacher lake this abundance is certainly greatest ; biit other Maars also, for example the Immerather, and the Meerfelder Maar, so rich in bombs of olivin, contain fine crystallized masses. We may here men- tion zircon, hauyne, leucite,* apatite, nosean, olivin, augite, ryacolite, common feldspar (orthoclase), glassy feldspar (san- idine), mica, sodalite, garnet, and titanic iron. If ^e num- ber of beautifully crystallized minerals on Vesuvius be so much greater (Scacchi counts 43 species), we must not for- get that very few of them are ejcclod from the volcano, and that the greater number belongs to the portion of the so- called eruptive matters of Vesuvius, which, according to the * Leucite (of tlie same kind from Vesiivius, from Rocca di Papa in the Albanian mountains, from Viterbo, from the Rocca Monfina, ac- cording to Pilla, sometimes of more than three inches in diameter, and from the dolerite of the Kaiserstuhl, in the Breisgau) occurs also "in position as leucite- rock in the Eifel, on the Burgberg, near Rie- den. The tufa in the Eifel incloses large blocks of leucitophyre near Boll and Weibern." I can not resist the temptation to borrow the following important observation from a chemico-geognostic mei#oir read by Mitscherlich a few weeks since before the Academy of Ber- lin: " Aqueous vapors alone may have effected the eruptions of the Eifel, but they would have divided olivin and augite into the finest drops and powder if they had met with them in a fluid-state. With the fundamental inass of the erupted matters fragments of the old, broken-up rock are most intimately mixed, for example, on the Drei- ser Weiher, and these are frequently caked together. The larger ol- ivin masses and the masses of augite even usually occur surrounded by a thick crust of this mixture ; a fragment of the old rock never oc- curs in the olivin or augite ; both were consequently formed before they reached the spot where the breaking up took place. Olivin and augite had, therefore, separated from the iluid^ basaltic mass before this met with an accumulation of water or a spring which caused its expulsion." See also upon the bombs an older memoir by Leonard Horner, in the Transactions of the Geological Society^ 2d serie^ vol. iv., pt. 2, 1836, p. 467. MAARS. 225 opinion of Leopold von Buch,* "are quite foreign to Vesu- vius, and to be referred to a tufaceous covering diifused far beyond Capua, which was upheaved by the rising cone of Vesuvius, and has probably been produced by a deeply-seat- ed submarine volcanic action." Certain definite directions of the various phenojnena of volcanic activity are unmistakable even in the EifeiT ^' The eruptions producing lava streams of the Upper Eifel lie in one fissure, nearly 32 English miles in length, from Bert- rich to the Goldberg, near Ormond, directed from southeast to northwest ; on the other hand, the Maars, from the Meer- felder Maar to Mosbruch and the Laacher lake, follow a line of direction from southwest to northeast. These two pri- mary directions intersect each other in the three Maars of Daun. In the neighborhood of the Laacher lake trachyte is nowhere visible on the surface. The occurrence of this rock below the surface is only indicated by the peculiar na- ture of the perfectly feldspar-like pumice-stone of Laach, and by the bombs of augite and feldspar thrown out. But the trachytes of the Eifel, composed of feldspar and large crystals of hornblende, are only visibly distributed among basaltic mountains: as in the Sellberg (1893 feet), near Quiddelbach ; in the rising ground of Struth, near Kelberg ; and in the wall-like mountain chain of lieimerath, near Boos." Next to the Lipari and Ponza islands few parts of Europe have probably produced a greater mass of pumice-stone than this region of Germany, which, with a comparatively small el- evation, presents such various forms of volcanic activity in its Maars {crateres d' explosion), basaltic rocks, and lava-emitting volcanoes. The principal mass of the pumice-stone is situ- ated between Nieder Mendig and Sorge, Andernach and Rii- benach ; the principal mass of the duckstein, or Trass (a very recent conglomerate, deposited by water), lies in the valley of Brohl, from its opening into the Rhine upward to Burg- brohl, near Plaidt and Kruft. The Trass formation of the Brohl valley contains, together with fragments of graywacke- slate and pieces of wood, small fragments of pumice-stone, differing in nothing from the pumice-stone which constitutes the superficial covering of the region, and even that of the * Leopold von Buch, in Po.Gjgend., Annalen, bd. xxxvii., s. 179. Ac- cording to Scacchi, the eruptive matters belong to the first outbreak of Vesuvius in the vear 79. Leonhard's Neues Jahrbuchjur Mineral, j 1853, s. 259. Ji:2 226 COSMOS. duckstein itself. Notwithstanding some analogies "which the Cordilleras appear to present, I have always doubted whether the Trass can be ascribed to eruptions of mud from the lava-producing volcanoes of the Eifel. I rather suppose, with H. von Dechen, that the pumice-stone was thrown out dry, andthat the Trass was formed in the same way as oth- er congWnerates. " Pumice-stone is foreign to the Sieben- gebirge ; and the great pumice eruption of the Eifel, the principal mass of which still lies above the loess (Trass) and alternates therewith in particular parts, may, in accordance with the presumption to which the local conditions lead, have taken place in the valley of the Rhine, above Neuwied, in the great Neuwied basin, perhaps near Urmits, on the left bank of the Rhine. From the friability of the material, the place of eruption may have disappeared without leaving any traces by the subsequent action of the current of the Rhine. In the entire tract of the Maars of the Eifel, as in that of its volcanoes from Bertrich to Ormond, no pumice-stone is found. That of the Laacher lake is limited to the rocks upon its margin ; and on the other Maars the small frag- ments of feldspathic rock, which lie in the volcanic sand and tuff, do not pass into pumice." We have already touched upon the relative antiquity of the Maars and of the eruptions of the lava streams, which differ so much from them, compared with that of the formation of the valleys. " The trachyte of the Siebengebirge appears to be much older than the valley formation, and even older than the Rhenish brown coal. Its appearance has been independent of the cutting of the valley of the Rhine, even if we should ascribe this valley to the formation of a fissure. The forma- tion of the valleys is more recent than the Rhenish brown coal, and more recent than the Rhenish basalt ; but older than the volcanic eruptions with lava streams, and older than the great pumice eruption and the Trass. Basalt formations decidedly extend to a more recent period than the formation of trachyte, and the principal mass of the basalt is, therefore, to be regarded as younger than the trachyte. In the pres- ent declivities of the valley of the Rhine many basaltic groups (the quarry of Unkel, Rolandseck, Godesberg) were only laid bare by the opening of the valley, as up to that time they were probably inclosed in the Devonian graywacke rocks." The infusoria, whose universal diffusion, demonstrated by Ehrenberg, upon the continents, in the greatest depths of the sea, and in the upper strata of the atmosphere, is one of the MAARS. 227 most brilliant discoveries of our time, have their principal seat in the volcanic Eifel, in the Rapilli, Trass strata, and pumice conglomerates. Organisms with silicious shields fill the valley of Brohl and the eruptive matters of Hochsim- mer ; sometimes, in the Trass, they are mixed with uncar- bonized twigs of coniferse. According to Ehrenberg, the whole of this microcosm is of fresh- water formation, and marine Polythalamia^ only show themselves exceptionally in the uppermost deposit of the friable, yellowish loess at the foot and on the declivities of the Siebengebirge (indicating its former brackish coast nature). ^ Is the phenomenon of Maars limited to "Western Germa- ny ? Count Montlosier, who was acquainted with the Eifel by personal observations in 1819, and who pronounces the Mosenberg to be one of the finest volcanoes that he ever saw (like Rozet), regards the Gouffre de Tazenat^ the Lac Pavin and Lac de la Godivel, in Auvergne, as Maars or craters of explosion. They are cut into very difierent kinds of rock — in granite, basalt, and domite (trachytic rock), and surround- ed at the margins with scorias and rapilli.f The frame-works, which are built up by a more powerful eruptive activity of volcanoes, by upheaval of the soil and emission of lava, appear in at least six difierent forms, and reappear with this variety in their forms in the most distant zones 628 geographical miles. Nearly double this length (occu- pying a space of 968 geographical miles) is a tract of country free from volcanoes, from the Sangay, the southern termina- tion of the group of New Granada and Quito, to the Chacani, near Arequipa, the commencement of the series of volcanoes of Peru and Bolivia — so complicated and various in the same mountain chain must have been the coincidence of the conditions upon which depends the formation of permanently open fissures, and the unimpeded communication of the molt- en interior of the earth with the atmosphere. Between the groups of trachytic and doleritic rocks, through which the volcanic forces become active, lie rather shorter spaces, in which prevail granite, syenite, mica-schists, clay-slates, quartz- ose porphyries, silicious con gloiji crates, and limestones, of which (according to Leopold von Buch's investigation of the organic remains brought home by Degenhardt and myself) a considerable portion belong to the chalk formation. The gradually increased frequency of labradoritic rocks, rich in pyroxene and oligoclase, announces to the observant traveler (as I have already elsewhere shown) the transition of a zone hitherto closed and non-volcanic, and often very rich in sil- ver in porphyries, destitute of quartz and full of glassy feld- spar, into the volcanic regions, which still freely communi- cate with the interior of the earth. The more accurate knowledge which we have recently at- tained of the position and boundaries of the five groups of volcanoes (the groups of Anahuac or tropical Mexico, of Central America, of New Granada and Quito, of Peru and Bolivia, and of Chili) shows that, in the part of the Cordil- leras which extends from 19i° north to 46° south latitude (and, consequently, taking into account the curves caused by alterations in the axial direction, for a distance of nearly 5000 geographical miles), not much* more than half (calcu- * The following is the result of the determination of the length and latitude of the five groups of linear volcanoes in the chain of the Andes, as also the statement of the distance of the groups from each other : a statement illustrating the relative proportions of the volcanic and non- volcanic areas : I. Group of the Mexican Volcanoes : The fissure upon which the vol- canoes have broken out is directed from east to west, from the Orizaba to the Colima, for a distance of 392 geographical miles, between latitudes 19° and 19° 20'. The volcano of Tuxda lies isolated 128 miles to the east of Orizaba, near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and in a parallel (18° 28') which is half a degree farther south. TRUE VOLCANOES. 269 lation gives 2540 against 2428 geographical miles) is occu- pied by volcanoes. If we examine the distribution of the space free from volcanoes between the five volcanic groups, we find the maximum distance of two groups from one an- il. Distance of the Mexican group from the next group, that of Cen- tral America (from the volcano of Orizaba to the volcano of So- conusco, in the direction E.S.E. — W.N.W.), 300 miles. III. Group of the Volcanoes of Central America : Its length from S.E. to N.W., from the volcano of Soconusco to Turrialva, in Costa Eica, more than 680 miles. IV. Distance of the group of Central America from the series of volcanoes of New Granada and Quito, 628 miles. V. Group of the Volcanoes of New Granada and Quito : Its length from the eruption in the Paramo de Ruiz to the north of the Volcan de Tolima, to the volcano of Sangay, 472 miles. The portion of the chain of the Andes between the volcano of Purace, near Popayan, and the southern part of the volcanic mountain group of Pasto is directed N.N.E. — S.S. W. Far to the eastward from the volcanoes of Popayan, at the sources of the Rio Fragua, there is a very iso- lated volcano, which I have inserted upon my general map of the mountain group of the South American Cordilleras, from the statements of missionaries from Timana, which were communi- cated to me : distance from the sea-shore, 152 miles. VI. Distance of the volcanic group of New Granada and Quito from the group of Peru and Bolivia, 960 miles, the greatest length des- titute of volcanoes. Vil. Group of the Series of Volcanoes of Peru and Bolivia, from the Volcan de Chacani and Arequipa to the volcano of Atacama (161:° — 21J°), 420 miles. VIII. Distance of the Group of Peru and Bolivia from the volcanic group of Chili, 540 geographical miles. From the portion of the desert of Atacama, on the border of which the volcano of San Pedro rises, to far beyond Copiapo, even to the volcano of Co- quimbo (30° 5'), in the long Cordillera to the west of the two prov- inces Catamarca and Rioja, there is no volcanic cone. IX. Group of Chili, from the volcano of Coquimbo to the volcano San Clemente, 968 miles. These estimates of the length of the Cordilleras, with the curvature which results from the change in the direction of the axis, from .the parallel of the Mexican volcanoes in ]9i° N. lat., to the volcano of San Clemente in Chili (46° 8' S. lat.), give, for a distance of 4968 miles, a space of 2540 miles which is covered by five linear groups of volcanoes (Mexico, Central America, New Granada with Quito, Peru with Bolivia, and Chili); and a space probably quite free from volca- noes of 2428 miles. The two spaces are nearly equal. I have ffiven very definite numerical relations, as obtained by the careful criticism of my own maps and those of others, in order to give rise to a greater desire to improve them. The longest portion of the Cordilleras free from volcanoes is that between the groups of New Granada with Quito, and Peru with Bolivia. It is accidentally equal to that occupied by the volcanoes of Chili. 270 COSMOS. other between the volcanic series of Quito and Peru. This is fully 960 miles, while the most closely approximated groups are the first and second, those of Mexico and Central Amer- ica. The four interspaces between the five groups are sever- ally 300, 628, 960, and 540 miles. The great distance of the southernmost volcano of Quito from the most northern of Peru is, at the first glance, the more remarkable, because, according to old custom, we usually term the measurement of degrees upon the highland of Quito the Peruvian measure- ment. Only a small southern portion of the Peruvian chain of the Andes is volcanic. The number of volcanoes, accord- ing to the lists which I have prepared after a careful criti- cism of the newest materials, is as follows : Names of the five Groups of Linear Vol- canoes of the New Continent, from l'J° 25' North, to 46° 8' South Latitude. Number of Vol- canoes included in each Group. Number of Vol- canoes which an to be regarded as still ipnited. 6 29 18 U 24 4 18 10 3 13 Group of Central Americaf Group of New Granada and QuitoJ.... Group of Peru and Bolivia§ * The group of volcanoes of Mexico includes the volcanoes of Ori- zaba,* Popocatepetl,* Toluca (or Cerro de San Miguel de Tutucuitla- pilco), Jorullo,* Colima,* and Tuxtla.* Here, as in similar lists, the still active volcanoes are indicated bj asterisks. t The series of volcanoes of Central America is enumerated in the notes on pages 257 and 268. X The group of New Granada and Quito includes the Paramo y Volcan de Euiz,* the volcanoes of Tolima, Purace,* and Sotara, near Popayan ; the Volcan del Rio Fragua, an affluent of the Caqueta ; the volcanoes of Pasto, El Azufral,* Cumbal,* Tuquerres,* Chiles, Imba- buru, Cotocachi, Rucu-Pichincha, Antisana(?), Cotopaxi,* Tungura- hua,* Capac-Urcu, or Altar de los Collanes(?), and Sangay.* § The group of Southern Peru and Bolivia includes from north to south the following 14 volcanoes : Volcano of Chacani (also called Charcani, according to Curzon and Meyen), belonging to the group of Arequipa, and visible from the town ; it is situated on the right bank of the Rio Quilca, in lat. ■ 16° 11', according to Pentland, the most accurate geological ob- server of this region, 32 miles to the south of the Nevado de Chu- quibamba, which is estimated at more than 19,000 feet in height. Manuscript records in my possession give the volcano of Chacani a height of fully 19,601 feet. Curzon saw a large crater in the southeastern part of the summit. Volcano of Arequipa* lat. 16° 20', 12 miles to the northeast of the town. With regard to its height (18,879 feet ?), see p. 240. Thad- daus Hanke, the botanist of the expedition of Malaspina (1796), Samuel Curzon from the United States of North America (1811), TRUE VOLCANOES. 271 According to these data the total number of volcanoes in the five American groups is 91, of which 5Q belong to the and Dr. Weddel (184:7), have ascended the summit. In August, 1831, Meyen saw large columns of smoke rising ; a year previous- ly the volcano had thrown out scorice, but never lava streams (Meyen's Beise urn die Erde^ th. ii., s. 33). Volcan de Ornato, lat. 16° 50'; it had a violent eruption in the year 1667. Volcan de Uvillas or Uvinas^ to the south of Apo ; its last eruptions were in the 16th century. Volca'i de Pichu-Pichu, 16 miles to the east of the town of Arequipa (laf . 16° 25'), not far from the Pass of Cangallo, 9673 feet above the sea. Volcan Viejo, lat. 16° 55', an enormous crater, with lava, streams and much pumice-stone. The six volcanoes just mentioned constitute the group of Arequipa. Volcan de Tacora or C'kipicani, according to Pentland's fine map of the lake of Titicaca, lat. 17° 45', height 19,738 feet. Volcan de Sahama* 22,354 feet in height, lat. 18° 7'; a truncated cone of the most regular form** see p. 241. The volcano of Sa- hama is (according to Pentland) 927 feet higher than the Chim- borazo, but 6650 feet lower than Mount Everest, in the Himalaya, which is now regarded as the highest peak of Asia. According to the last official report of Colonel Waugh, of the 1st March, ] 856, the four highest mountains of the Himalayan chain are ; Mount Everest (Gaurischanka), to the northeast of Katmandu, 29,000 feet; the Kuntschinjinga, to the north of Darjiling, 28,154 feet; the Dhaulaqiri (Dhavalagirir), 26,825 feet; and Tschumalari (Cham- alari), 23,946 feet. Volcano of Pomorape, 21,699 feet, lat. 18° 8', almost a twin mount- ain with the following volcano. Volcano of Parinacota, 22,029 feet, lat. 18° 12'. The group of the four trachytic cones Sahama, Pomarape, Parina- cota, and Gualatieri, lying between the parallels of 18° 7' and 18° 25', is, according to Pentland's trigonometric measurement, higher than Chimborazo, or more than 21,422 feet. Volcano of Gmlatien* 21,962 feet, lat. 18° 25', in the BoHviau province Carangas ; very active, according to Pentland {Hertha^ bd. xiii., 1829, s. 21). Not far from the Sahama gronp, 18° 7' to 18° 25', the series of vol- canoes and the entire chain of the Andes, which lies to the westward of it, suddenly change their strike, and pass from the direction S.E. — N.W. into that from north to south, which becomes general as far as the Straits of Magellan. I have treated of this important turning- point, the notch in the sliore near Arica (18° 28'), which has an an- alogue on the west coast of Africa, in the Gulf of Biafra, in the first volume of Cosmos, p. 292. . Volcano of Ishiga, lat. 19° 20', in the province of Tarapaca, to the west of Carangas. 272 COSMOS. continent of South America. I reckon as volcanoes, besides those which are still burning and active, those volcanic form- Volcan de San Pedro de Atacama, on the northeastern border of the Desierto of the same name, in lat. 22° 16', according to the new plan of the arid sandy desert (Besierto) of Atacama, by Dr. Phi- lippi, 16 miles to the northeast of the small town of San Pedro, not far from the gi*eat Nevado de Chorolque. There is no volcano from 20|° to 30°, and, after an interruption of more than 568 miles, the volcanic activity first reappears in the vol- cano of Coquimbo ; for the existence of a volcano of Copiapo (lat. 27° 28) is denied by Meyen, while it is asserted by Philippi, who is well acquainted with the country. II Our geographical and geological knowledge of the group of vol- canoes which we include in the common name of the linear volca- noes of Chili, is indebted for the first incitement to its completion, and even for the completion itself, to the acute investigations of Cap- tain Fitzroy in the memorable expedition of the ships Adventure and Beagle, and to the ingenious and more detailed labors of Charles Darwin. The latter, with his peculiar generalizing view, has grasped the connection of the phenomena of earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes under one point of view. The great natural phenomenon which destroyed the town of Copitipo on the 22d of November, 1822, was accompanied by the upheaval of a considerable tract of country on the coast ; and during the exactly -similar phenomenon of the 20th February, 1835, which did so much inj-rv to the city of Concepcion, a submarine volcano broke out, with fiery eruptions, near the shore of the island of Chiloe, near Bacalao Head, and raged for a day and a half. All this, depending upon similar conditions, has also occurred formerly, and strengthens the belief that the series of rocky islands which lies opposite to the Fjords of the main land, to the south of Valdivia, and of the Fuerte Maullin, and includes Chiloe, the Arch- ipelago of Chonos and Huaytecas, the Peninsula de tres Montes, and the Islas de la Campana, De la Madre de Dios, De Santa Lucia and Los Lobos, from 39° 53' to the entrance of the Straits of Magellan, is the crest of a submerged western Cordillera projecting above the sea. It is true that no open trachytic cone, no volcano, belongs to these frdctis ex cequoj-e terris ; but individual submarine eruptions, some- times followed and sometimes preceded by mighty earthquakes, ap- pear to indicate the existence of this western fissure (Darwin, On the Connection of Volcanic Phenomena, the Formation of Mountain Chains, and the Effect of the same Powers, by which Continents are elevated: in the Trans. Geol. Society, 2d series, vol. v., pt. 3, 1840, p. 606-615, and 629-631 ; Humboldt, Essai Politique sur la Nouvelle Espagne, t. i., p. 190, and t. ii., p. 287). The series of twenty-four volcanoes included in the group of Chili is as follows, counting from north to south, from the parallel of Co- quimbo to 46° S. lat. : (a.) Between the parallels of Coquimbo and Valparaiso : Volcan de Coquimbo (lat. 30° 5'). Meyen, th. i., s. 385. Volcano of Limari. Volcano of Chuapri. TRUE VOLCANOES. 273 atibns whose old eruptions belong to historic periods, or of which the structure and eruptive masses (craters of elevation Volcano of Aconcagua,* W.N.W. of Mendoza, lat. 32° 39' ; alti- tude 23,004 feet, according to Kellet (see p. 241, note) ; but, ac- cording to the most recent trigonometric measurement of the engineer Amado Pissis (1854), only 21,301 feet; consequently, rather lower than the Saharaa, which Fentland now assumes to be 22,350 feet (Gilliss, United States Naval Astron. Exped. to Chilis vol. i., p. 13). The geodetic basis of measurement of Aconca- gua at 6797 metres, which required eight triangles, has been de- veloped by M. Pissis, in the Anales de la Universidad de Chile^ 1852, p. 219. The peak of Tupungato is stated by Gilliss to be 22,450 English, or 21,063 Paris, feet in height, and in lat. 33° 22' ; but in the map of the province of Santiago, by Pissis (Gilliss, p. 45), it is esti- mated at 22,016 EngHsh, or 20,655 Paris, feet. The latter num- ber is retained (as 6710 metres) by Pissis in the Anales de Chile^ 1850, p. 12. (6.) Between the parallels of Valparaiso and Concepcion : Volcano of Maypu* according to Gilliss (vol. i., p. 13), in lat. 34° 17' (but in his general map of Chili, BS° 47', certainly errone- ously), and 17,662 feet in height. Ascended by Meyen. The trachytic rock of the summit has broken through upper Jurassic strata, in which Leopold von Buch detected Exogyra Cotdoni, Trigonia costata, and Ammonites biplex, from elevations of 9600 feet (Description Physique des Iks Canaries, 1836, p. 471). No lava streams, but eruptions of flame and scorije from the crater. Volcano of Peteroa,* to the east of Talca, in lat. 34° 53' ; a volca- no which is frequently in activity, and which, according to Moli- na's description, had a great eruption on the 3d December, 1762. It was visited in 1831 by the highly-gifted naturalist. Gay. Volcan de Chilian, lat 36° 2' ; a region which has been described by the missionary Havestadt, of Miinster. In its vicinity is situated the Nevado Descabezado (35° 1), which was ascended by Do- meyko, and which Molina declared (erroneously) to be the high- est mountain of Chili, ^ts height has been estimated by Gilliss at 13,100 feet {United States Naval Astr. Exped., 1855, vol. i., p. 16 and 371). Volcano of Tucapel, to the west of the city of Concepcion ; also called Silla Veluda: perhaps an unopened trachytic mountain, which is in connection with the active volcano of Antuco. (c.) Between the parallels of Concepcion and Valdivia: Volcano of Antuco,* lat. 37° 7' ; geognostically described in detail by Poppig; a basaltic crater of elevation, from the interior of which a trachytic cone ascends, with lava streams, which break out at the foot of the cone, and more rarely from the crater at the summit (Poppig, Reise in Chile and Peru, bd. i., s. 364). One of these streams was still flowing in the year 1828. The inde- fatigable Domeyko found the volcano in full activity in 1845, and its height only 8920 feet (Pentland, in Mary SomervUle's Phys- ical Geography, vol. i., p. 186). Gilhss states the height at 9242 ]\r 2 274 COSMOS. and eruption, lavas, scoriae, pumice-stones, and obsidians) characterize them, without reference to any tradition, as volcanoes which have long been extinct. Unopened tra- chytic cones and domes, or unopened long trachytic ridges, such as Chimborazo and Iztaccihuatl, are excluded. This is also the sense given to the word volcano by Leopold von Buch, Charles Darwin, and Friedrich Naumaun, in their geographical narratives. I give the name of still active volcanoes to those which, when seen from their immediate vicinity, still exhibit signs of greater or less degrees of their activity, and some which have also presented great and well- attested eruptions in recent times. The qualification "seen from their immediate vicinity" is of great importance, as the present existence of activity is denied to many volcanoes, feet, and mentions new eruptions in the year 1853. According to intelligence communicated to me by the distinguished Ameri- can astronomer, Gilliss, a new volcano rose out of the depths in the interior of the Cordillera, between Antuco and the Descabe- zado, ou the 25th of November, 1847, forming a hill* of 320 feet. - The sulphureous and fiery eruptions were seen for more than a 3'ear by Domeyko. Far to the eastward of the volcano of An- tuco, in a parallel chain of the Andes, Poppig states that there are two other active volcanoes — Punhamuidda* andUnalavquen*. Volcano of Callaqui. Volcan de VUlarica* lat. 39° 14'. . Volcano of Chinal, lat. 39° 35'. Volcan de Panguipulli* lat. 40|, according to Major Philippi. (c?.) Between the parallels of Valdivia and the southernmost Cape of the Island of Chiloe : Volcano of Ranco, Volcano of Osorno or Llanquthue, lat^l° 9', height 7443 feet. Volcan de Calbnco* lat. 41° 12'. ^ Volcano of Guanahuca (Guanegue ?). Volcano of Minchinmadom, lat. 42° 48', height 7993 feet. Volcan del Corcovado* lat. 43° 12', height 7509 feet. Volcano of Yanteles (Yntales), lat. 43° 29', height 8030 feet. Upon the last four volcanoes, see Captain Fitzroy, Erped. of the Beagle, vol. iii., p. 275, and GiUiss, vol. i., p. 13. Volcano of San Clemente, opposite to the Peninsula de Tres Montes, which consists, according to Darwin, of granite, lat. 46° 8'. On the gi-eat map of South America, by La Cruz, a more southern volcano, De los Gigantes, is given, opposite the Archipelago de la Madre de Dios, in lat. 51° 4'. Its existence is very doubtful. The latitudes in the foregoing table of volcanoes are for the most part derived from the maps of Pissis, Allan Campbell, and Claud© Gay, in the admirable work of Gilliss (1855). TRUE VOLCANOES. S75 ' because, when observed from the plain, the thin vapors, which ascend from the crater at a great height, remam invisible to the eye. Thus it was even denied, at the time of my Amer- ican travels, that Pichincha and the great volcano of Mexico (Popocatepetl) were still active, although an enterprising traveler, Sebastian Wisse,* counted 70 still burning orifices (fumaroles) around the great active cone of eruption in the crater of Pichincha ; and I was myself a witness,! at the foot of the volcano in the Malpais del Llano de Tetimpa, in which I had to measure a base-line, of an extremely distinct eruption of ashes from Popocatepetl. In the series of volcanoes of New Granada and Quito, which in 18 volcanoes includes 10 that are still active, and is about twice the length of the Pyrenees, we may indicate, from north to south, as four smaller groups or subdivisions : the Paramo de Ruiz and the neighboring volcano of Tolima (latitude, according to Acosta, 4° 55^ N.) ; Purace and Sota- ra, near Popayan (lat. 2i°) ; the Volcanes de Pasto, Tuquerres and Cumbal (lat. 2° 20^ to 0° 50') ; and the series of volca- noes from Pichincha, near Quito, to the unintermittently act- ive Sangay (from the equator to 2° S. lat.). This last sub- division of the active group is not particularly remarkable among the volcanoes of the New World, either by its great length or by the closeness of its arrangement. We now know, also, that it does not include the highest summit ; for the Aconcagua in Chili (lat. 32° 390 of 23,003 feet, accord- ing to Kellet, 23,909 feet, according to Fitzroy and Pent- land, besides the Nevados of Sahama (22,349 feet), Parincota (22,030 feet), Gualateiri (21,962 feet), and Pomarape (21,699 feet), all from between 18° 7^ and 18° 25^ south latitude, are regarded as higher than Chimborazo (21,422 feet). Nev- ertheless, of all the volcanoes of the New Continent, the volcanoes of Quito enjoy the most widely-spread renown, for to these mountains of the chain of the Andes, to this high land of Quito, attaches the memory of those assiduous astro- nomical, geodetical, optical, and barometrical labors, directed to important ends, which are associated with the illustrious names of Bouguer and La Condamine. Wherever intellectu- al tendencies prevail, wherever a rich harvest of ideas has been excited, leading to the advancement of several sciences at the same time, fame remains, as it were, locally attached * Humboldt, Kleinere Schri/ten, bd. i., s. 90. t 24th of January, 1804. See my Essai Politique sur h Nouvelk Espagne, t. i., p. 1G6. *276 COSMOS. for a long time. Such fame has in like manner belonged to Mount Blanc, m the Swiss Alps — not on account of its height, which only exceeds that of Monte Rosa by about 557 feet; not on account of the danger overcome in its ascent — but on account of the value and multiplicity of the physical and geo- logical views which ennoble Saussure's name, and the scene of his untiring industry. Nature appears greatest where, be- sides its impression on the senses, it is also reflected in the depths of thought. The series of volcanoes of Peru and Bolivia, still entirely belonging to the equinoctial zone, and, according to Pentland, only covered with perpetual snow at an elevation of 16,945 feet (Darwin, Journal, 1845, p. 244), attains the maximum of its elevation (22,349 feet) at about the middle of its length in the Sahama group, between 18° 7^ and 18° 25^ south lati- tude. There, in the neighborhood of Arica, appears a sin- gular, bay-like bend of the shore, which corresponds with a sudden alteration in the axial direction of the chain of the Andes, and of the series of volcanoes lying to the west of it. Thence, toward the south, the coast-line, and also the vol- canic fissure, no longer strike from southeast to northwest, but in the direction of the meridian, a direction which is maintained until near the western entrance into the Straits of Magellan, for a distance of more than two thousand miles. A glance at the map of the ramifications and groups of mount- ains of the chain of the Andes, published by me in the year 1831, exhibits many other similar agreements between the outline of t\\e New Continent and the near or distant Cor- dilleras. Thus, between the promontories of Aguja and San Lorenzo (5^° to 1° S. lat.), both the coast-line of the Pacific and the Cordilleras are directed from south to north, after being directed so long from southeast to northwest, between the parallels of Arica and Caxamarca; and in the same way the coast-line and the Cordilleras run from southwest to northeast, from the mountain group of Imbaburu, near Quito, to that of Los Robles,* near Popayan. With regard to the geo- * The niicha-schist mountain group de Los Robles (lat. 2 ° 2') and of the Paramo de las Papas (lat. 2° 20') contains the Alpine lakes, La- guna de S. lago and L. del Buey, scarcely six miles apart ; from the former springs the Cauca, and from the latter the Magdalena, which, being soon separated by a central mountain chain, only unite with each other in the parallel of 9° 27', in the plains of Mompox andTen- erife. The above-mentioned mountain group, between Popayan, Al- maguer, and Timana, is of great importance in connection with the geological question whether the volcanic chain of the Andes of Chili, TRUE VOLCANOES. ' 277 logical causal connection of the agreement, which is so often manifested between the outlines of continents and the direc- Peru, Bolivia, Quito, and New Granada be connected with the mount- ain chain of the Isthmus of Panama, and in this way with that of Veraffua and the series of volcanoes of Costa Rica and Central Amer- ica in general. In my maps of 1816, 1827, and 1831, the mountain systems of which have been made more generally known by Brue in Joaquin Acosta's fine map of New Granada (1847) and in other maps, I have shown how the chain of the Andes undergoes a triple division under the northern parallel of 2° 10' ; the western Cordillera running between the valley of the Rio Cauca and the Rio Atrato ; the middle one between the Cauca and the Rio Magdalena ; and the eastern one between the valley of the Magdalena and the Llanos (plains), which are watei-ed by the affluents of the Maranon and Orinoco. I have been able to indicate the special direction of these three Cordilleras from a great number of points which fall in the series of astronomical local determinations, of which I obtained 152 in South America alone by culmination of stars. To the east of the Rio Dagua, and to the west of Cazeres, Rolda- nilla, Toro, and Anserma, near Cartago, the western Cordillera runs S.S.W. — N.N.E., as far as the Salto de San Antonio, in the Rio Cauca (lat. 5° 14'), which lies to the southwest of the Vega de Supia. Thence as far as the Alto del Viento (Cordillera de Abibe, or Avidi, lat. 7° 12'), 9600 feet in height, the chain increases considerably in elevation and bulk, and amalgamates, in the province of Antioquia, with the inter- mediate or Central Cordillera. Farther to the north, toward the sources of the Rios Lucio and Guacuba, the chain ceases, dividing into ranges of hills. The Cordillera occidental, which is scarcely 32 miles from the coast of the Pacific, near the mouth of the Dagua, in the Bahia de San Buenaventura (lat. 3° 50'), is twice this distance in the parallel of Quibdo, in the Choco (lat. 5° 48'). This observation is of some importance, because we must not confound with the western chain of the Andes the country with high hills, and the range of hills, which in this province, so rich in gold dust, runs from south to north, from Novita and Tado, along the right bank of the Rio San Juan and the left bank of the great Rio Atrato. It is this inconsiderable series of hills that is intersected in the Quebrada de la Raspadura by the canal of Raspadura {Canal des Monches), which unites two rivers (the Rio San Juan or Noanama and the Rio Quibdo, a tributary of the Atrato), and by their means two oceans (Humboldt, Essai Politique, t. i., p. 235) ; it was this, also, which was seen in the instructive expedition of Captain Kellet between the Bahia de Cupica (lat. 6° 42'), long and fruitlessly extolled by me, and the sources of the Napipi, which falls into the Atrato. (See Humboldt, Op. cit., t. i., p. 231 : and Rob- ert Fitzroy, Considerations on the Great Isthmus of Central America in the Journal of the Royal Geogr. Soc, vol. xx., 1851, p. 178, 180, and 186.) The middle chain of the Andes (Cordillera Central), constantly the highest, reaching within the limit of perpetual snow, and, in its entire extent, directed nearly from south to north, like the western chain, commences about 35 miles to the northeast of Popayan with the Par- amos of Guanacos, Huila, Iraca, and Chinche. Farther on toward the north between Buga and Chaparral, rise the elongated ridge of the 278 COSMOS, tion of near raountain chains (South America, Alleghanys, Norway, Apennines), it appears difficult to come to any de- cision. Neveda de Baraguan (lat. 4° 11'), La Montana de Quindio, the snow- capped, truncated cone of Tolima, the Volcano and Paramo de^Ruiz, and the Mesa de Herveo. These high and rugged mountain deserts, to which the name of Paramos is applied in Spanish, are distinguished by their temperature and a peculiar character of vegetation, and rise in the part of the tropical region which I here describe, accoi-ding to the mean of many of my measurements, from 10,000 to 11,700 feet above the level of the sea. In the parallel of Mariquita, of the Herveo and the Salto de San Antonio, in the valley of the Cauca, there com- mences a union of the western and central chains, of which mention has already been made. This amalgamation becomes most remarkable between the above-mentioned Salto and the Angostura and Cascada de Caramanta, near Supia, Here is situated the high land of the prov- ince of Antioquia, so difficult of access, which extends, according to Manuel Restrepo, from 5i° to 8° 31'; in this we may mention, as points of elevation from south to north, Anna, Sonson, to the north of the sources of the Rio Samana, Marinilla, Rio Negro (6844: feet), and Medellin (4847 feet), the plateau of Santa Rosa (8466 feet), and Valle de Osos. Farther on, between Cazeres and Zaragoza, toward the con- fluence of the Cauca and Nechi, the true mountain chain disappears, and the eastern slope of the Cerros de San Lucar, which I saw from Badillas (lat. 8° 1') and Paturia (lat. 7° 36')> during my navigation and survey of the Magdalena, is only perceptible from its contrast with the broad river plain. The eastern Cordillera possesses a geological interest, inasmuch as it not only separates the whole northern mountain system of New Gran- ada from the low land, from which the waters flow partly by the Ca- guan and Caqueta to the Amazons, and partly by the Guaviare, Meta, and Apure to the Orinoco, but also unites itself most distinctly with the littoral chain of Caraccas. What is called in systems of veins a ralcing takes place there — a union of mountain chains which have been elevated upon two fissures of very different directions, and probably even at very different times. The eastern Cordillera departs far more than the two others, from a meridional direction, diverging toward the northeast, so that at the snowy mountains of Merida (lat. 8° 10') it already lies five degrees of longitude farther to the east than at its issue from the mountain group de Los Robles, near the Ceja and Timana. To the north of the Paramo de la Suma Paz, to the east of the Purifi- cacion, on the western declivity of the Paramo of Chingaza, at an alti- tude of only 8760 feet, rises, over an oak forest, the fine, but treeless and stern plateau of Bogota (lat. 4° 36'). It occupies about 288 geograph- ical square miles, and its position presents a remarka-ble similarity to that of the basin of Cashmere, which, however, according to Victor Jacquemont, is about 3410 feet lower at the Wuller Lake, and belongs to the southwestern declivity of the Hymalayan chain. The plateau of Bogota and the Paramo de Chingaza are followed in the eastern Cordillera of the Andes, toward the northeast, by the Paramos of Guachaneque, above Tunja ; of Zoraca, above Sogamoso ; of Chita (16,000 feet?), near the sources of the Rio Casanare, a tributary of the Meta; of the Almorzadera (12,854 feet), near Socorro; of Cacota TRUE VOLCANOES. 279 Although, in the series of volcanoes of Bolivia and Chili, the western branch of the chain of the Andes, which approach- es nearest to the Pacific, at present exhibits the greater part of the traces of still existing volcanic activity, yet a very ex- perienced observer, Pentland, has discovered at the foot of the eastern chain, more than 180 geographical miles from the sea-coast, a perfectly preserved but extinct crater, with un- mistakable lava streams. This is situated upon the summit of a conical mountain, near San Pedro de Cacha, in the val- ley of Yucay, at an elevation of nearly 12,000 feet (lat. 14° 8^, long. 71° 20'), southeast from Cuzco, where the eastern snowy chain of Apolobamba, Carabaya, and Yilcanoto extends from southeast to northwest. This remarkable point* is marked by the ruins of a famous temple of the Inca Viracocha. The distance from the sea of this old lava-producing volcano is (10,986 feet), near Pamplona ; of Laura and Porquera, near La Grita. Here, between Pamplona, Salazar, and Rosario (between lat. 7° 8' and 7° 50'), is situated the small mountain group, from which a crest ex- tends from south to north toward Ocana and Valle de Upar to the west of the Laguna de Maracaibo, and unites with the most advanced mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (19,000 feet?). The more elevated and vaster crest continues in the original northeasterly direction toward Merida, Truxillo, and Barquisemeto, to unite there, to the east^vard of 4;he Laguna de Maracaibo, with the granitic littoral chain of Venezuela, to the west of Puerto Cabello. From the Grita and the Paramo de Porquera the eastern Cordillera rises again at once to an extraordinary height. Between the parallels of 8° 5' and 9° 7', follow the Sierra Nevada de Merida (Mucuchies), examined by Bous- singault, and determined by Codazzi trigonometrically at 15,069 feet; and the four Pai'amos, De Timotes, Niquitao, Bocono, and de Las Posas, full of the most beautiful Alpine plants. (See Codazzi, i?es2^- men de la Geografia de Venezuela, 1841, p. 12 and 495; and also my Asie Centrale, t. iii., p. 258-262, with regard to the elevation of the perpetual snow in this zone.) The western Cordillera is entirely want- ing in volcanic activity, which is peculiar to the central Cordillera as far as the Tolima and Paramo de Ruiz, which however are sep- arated fi'om the volcano of Purace by nearly three degrees of latitude. The eastern Cordillera has a smoking hill near its eastern declivity, at the origin of the Rio Fragna, to the northeast of Mocoa and south- east of Timana, at a greater distance from the shore of the Pacific than any other still active volcano of the New World. An accurate knowledge of the local relations of the volcanoes to the arrangement of the mountain chains is of the highest importance for the completion of the geology of volcanoes. All the older maps, with the single ex- ception of that of the high land of Quito, can only lead to error. * Pentland, in Mrs. Somerville's P/rysicaZ Geography (1851), vol. i., p. 185. The Peak of Vilcanoto (17,020 feet), situated in lat. 14° 28', forming a portion of the vast mountain group of that name, closes the northern extremity of the plateau, in which the lake of Titicaca, a small inland sea of 88 miles in length, is situated. 280 COSMOS. far greater than that of Sangay, which also belongs to an eastern Cordillera, and greater than that of Orizaba and Jorullo. An interval of 540 miles destitute of volcanoes separates the series of volcanoes of Peru and Bolivia from that of Chili. This is the distance of the eruption in the desert of Atacaraa from the volcano of Coquimbo. At 2° 34^ farther to the south, as already remarked, the group of volcanoes of Chili attains its greatest elevation in the volcano of Aconcagua (23,003 feet), which, according to our present knowledge, is also the maximum of all the summits of the New Continent. The average height of the Sahama group is 22,008 feet ; con- sequently 58G feet higher than Chimborazo. Then follow, diminishing rapidly in elevation, Cotopaxi, Arequipa(?), and Tohma, between 18,877 and 18,129 feet in height. I give, in apparently very exact numbers, and without alteration, the results of measurements which are unfortunately com- pounded from barometrical and trigonometrical determina- tions, because in this way the greatest inducement will be given to the repetition of the measurements and correction of the results. In the series of volcanoes of Chili, of which I have cited twenty-four, it is unfortunately for the most part only the southern and lower ones, from Antuco to Yantales, between the parallels of 37° 20^ and 43° 40^, that have been hypsometrically determinied. These have the inconsiderable elevation of from six to eight thousand feet. Even in Tierra del Fuego itself the summit of the Sarmiento, covered with perpetual snow, only rises according to Fitzroy, to 6821 feet. From the volcano of Coquimbo to that of San Clemente the distance is 968 miles. With regard to the activity of the volcanoes of Chili, we have the important testimony of Charles Darwin,* who re- fers very decidedly to Osorno, Corcovado, and Aconcagua as being ignited ; the evidence of Meyen, Poppig, and Gay, who ascended Maipu, Antuco, and Peteroa ; and that of Domeyko, the astronomer Gilliss, and Major Philippi. The number of active craters may be fixed at thirteen, only five fewer than in the group of Central America. From the five groups of serial volcanoes of the New Con- tinent, which we have been able to describe from astro- nomical local determinations, and for the most part also hyp- sometrically as to position and elevation, let us now turn to * See Darwin, Journal of Researches in Natural History and Geology during the Voyage of the Beagle, 1845, p. 275, 291, and 310. TRUE VOLCANOES. 28] the Old Continent, in which, in complete opposition to thq New World, the greater part of the approximated volcanoes belong not to the main land but to the islands. Most of the European volcanoes are situated in the Mediterranean Sea, and, indeed (if we include the great and repeatedly active crater between Thera, Therasia, and Aspronisi), in the Tyr- rhenian and JEgaean parts ; in Asia the most mighty volca- noes are situated to the south and east of the continent, on the large and small Sunda Islands, the Moluccas, and the Philippines, in Japan, and the Archipelagoes of the Kurile and Aleutian Islands. In no othf^aregion of the earth's surface do such frequent and such fr^'^ traces of the active communication between the interior and exterior of our planet show themselves as upon the narrowspace of scarcely 12,800 geographical (16,928 English) square miles between the parallels of 10° south and 14° north latitude, and between the meridians of the south- ern point of Malacca and the western point of the Papuan peninsula of New Guinea. The area of this volcanic island- world scarcely equals that of Switzerland, and is washed by the seas of Sunda, Banda, Solo, and Mindoro. The single island of Java contains a greater number of active volcanoes than the entire southern half of America, although this is^ and is only 544 miles in length, that is, only one seventh of the length of South America. A new but fong-expected light has recently been diffused over the geognostic nature of Java (after previous very imperfect but meritorious works by Horsfield, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, and Reinwardt), by a learned, bold, and untiringly-active naturalist, Franz Jung- huhn. After a residence of more than twelve years, he has given the entire natural history of the country in an instruct- ive work — Java, its Form, vegetable Covering, and internal Structure. More than 400 elevations are carefully determ- ined barometrically; the volcanic cones and bell-shaped mountains, forty-five in number, are represented in profile, and all but three* of them were ascended by Junghuhn. More than half (at least twenty-eight) were found to be still burning and active ; their remarkable and various profiles are described with extraordinary clearness, and even the attain- able history of their eruptions is investigated. No less im- portant than the volcanic phenomena of Java are its sedi- mentary formations of the tertiary period, which were en- tirely unknown to us before the appearance of the complete * Junghuhn, Java, bd. i., s. 79. 282 COSMOS. work just mentioned, although they cover three fifths of the entire area of the island, especially in the southern parts. In many districts of Java there occur, as the remains of former widely-spread forests, fragments, from three to seven feet in length, of silicified trunks of trees, which all belong to the Dicotyledons. For a countiy in which at present an abundance of palms and tree ferns grows, this is the more re- markable, because in the Miocene tertiary rocks of the brown- coal formation of Europe, where arborescent monocotyledons no longer thrive, fossil palms are not unfrequently met with.* By a diligent collection of the impressions of leaves and fos- silized woods, Junghuhn has been enabled tof'^e us, as the first example of the fossil flora of a purely tropical region, the ancient flora of Java, ingeniously elaborated by Goppert from his collection. As regards the elevation to which they attain, the volca- noes of Java are far inferior to those of the three groups of Chili, Bolivia, and Peru, and even to those of the two groups of Quito with New Granada, and of Tropical Mexico. The maxima attained by these American groups are : For Chili, Bohvia, and Quito, 21,000 to 23,000 feet, and for Mexico, 18,000 feet. This is nearly ten thousand feet (about the Leight ofiEtna) more than the greatest elevation of the vol- canoes of Sumatra and Java. On the latter island the highest still burning colossus is the Gunung Semeru, the culminating point of the entire Javanese series of volcanoes. Junghuhn ascended this in September, 1844; the average of his baro- metric measurements gave 12,233 feet above the surface of the sea, and consequently 1748 feet more than the summit of -3^tna. At night the centigrade thermometer fell below 6°. 2 (43°. 2 Fahr.). The old Sanscrit name of Gunung Se- meru was Mahd-Meru (the Great Meru) ; a reminiscence of the time when the Malays received Indian civilization — a reminiscence of the Mountain of the World in the north, which, according to the Mahabharata, is the dwelling-place of Brahma, Vishnu, and the seven Devarschi.f It is re- * Op. ciL, bd. iii., s. lo/i ind Goppert, Die Tertidrflora avfderlnsel Java nach den Entdeckvngea von Fr. Junghuhn (1854), s. 17. The ab- sence of monocotyledons is, however, peculiar to the silicified trunks of trees lying scattered upon the surface, and especially in the rivulets of the district of Bantam ; in the subterranean carbonaceous strata, on the contrary, there are remains of palm-wood, belonging to two genera (Flabellariaimd Amesoneuron). See Goppert, s. 31 and 35. fUpon the signification of the word Mcru, and the conjectures which Burnouf communicated to me regarding its connection with true" volcanoes. 283 markable that, as the natives of the plateau of Quito had guessed, before my measurement, that Chimborazo surpassed ^all the other snowy mountains in the country, the Javanese also knew that the Holy Mountain, Maha-Meru, which is but at a short distance from the Gunung-Ardjuno (11,031 feet), exhibited the maximum of elevation upon the island, and yet, in this case, in a country free from snow, the greater dis- tance of the summit from the level of the lower limit of per- petual snow could no more serve as a guide to the judgment than the height of an occasional temporary fall of snow.* The elevation of the Gunung Semeru, which exceeds 11,000 (11,726 English) feet, is most closely approached by four other mountains, which were found hypsometrically to be between ten and eleven thousand feet. These are: GunungI Slamat, or mountain of Tegal (11,116 feet), Gu- nung Ardjuno (11,031 feet), Gunung Sumbing (11,029 feet), and Gunung Lawu (10,726 feet). Seven other volcanoes of Java attain a height of nine or ten thousand feet ; a re- sult which is of the more importance as no summit of the island was formerly supposed to rise higher than six thou- sand feet.$ Of the five groups of North and South Ameri- mira (a Sanscrit word for sea), see my Asie Ccntrale, t. i., p. 114-116; and Lassen's Indische Alterthuviskunde, bd. i., s. 847, The latter is inclined to regard the names as not of Sanscrit origin. * See page 229. t Gunung is the Javanese word for mountain, in Malayan, gunong^ which, singularly enough, is not farther disseminated over the enor- mous domain of the Malayan language ; see the comparative table of words in my brother's work upon the Kawi language, vol. ii., s. 249, No. 62. As it is the custom to place this word gunung before the names of mountains in Java, it is usually indicated in the text by a simple G. J Leopold de Buch, Description Physique des lies Canaries, 1836, p. 419. Not only has Java (Junghuhn, th, i., s. 61, and th. ii., s. 547) a colossal mountain, the Semeru of 12,233 feet, which consequently exceeds the peak of Teneriffe a little in height, but an elevation of 12,256 feet is also attributed to the Peak of Indrapura, in Sumatra, which is also still active, but does not appear to have been so accu- rately measured (th. i., s. 78, and profile Map No. 1). The next to this in Sumatra, are the dome of Telaman, which is only one of the summits of Ophir (not 13,834, but only 9603 feet in height), and the Merapi (according to Dr. Horner, 9571 feet), the most active of the thirteen volcanoes of Sumatra, which, however (th. ii,, s. 294, and Junghuhn's Battaldnder, 1847, th. i., s. 25), is not to be confounded, from the similarity of the names, with two volcanoes of Java — the celebrated Merapi near Jopjakerta (9208 feet), and the Merapi which forms the eastern portion of the summit of the volcano Idjen (8595 feet). In the Merapi it is thought that the holy name Meru is again to be detected, combined with the Malayan and Javanese word opi, fire. 284 COSMOS. can volcanoes, that of Guatemala (Central America) is the only one exceeded in mean elevation hy the Javanese group. Although in the vicinity of Old Guatemala the Volcan del Fuego attains a height of 13,109 feet (according to the cal- culation and reduction of PoggendorfF), and therefore 874 feet more than Gunung Semeru, the remainder of the Cen- tral American series of volcanoes only varies between five and seven thousand feet, and not, as in Java, between seven and ten thousand feet. The highest volcano of Asia is not, however, to be sought in the Asiatic Islands (the Archipel- ago of the Sunda Islands), but upon the continent ; for upon the peninsula of Kamtschatka the volcano Kljutschewsk rises to 15,763 feet, or nearly to the height of the Kucu- Pichincha, in the Cordilleras of Quito. The principal axis* of the closely-approximated series of the Javanese volcanoes (more than 45 in number) has a di- rection W.N.W.— E.S.E. (exactly W. 12° N.), and there- fore principally parallel to the series of volcanoes of the eastern part of Sumatra, but not to the longitudinal axis of the island of Java. This general direction of the chain of volcanoes by no means excludes the phenomenon to which attention has very recently been directed in the great chain of the Himalaya, that three or four individual high summits are so arranged together that the small axis of these partial series form an oblique angle with the primary axis of the chain. This phenomenon of fissure, which has been ob- served and partially describedf by Hodgson, Joseph Hooker, and Strachey, is of great interest. The small axes of the subsidiary fissures meet the great axis, sometimes almost at a right angle, and even in volcanic chains the actual maxi- ma of elevation are often situated at some distance from the major axis. As in most linear volcanoes, no definite pro- portion is observed in Java between the elevation and the size of the crater at the summit. The two largest craters are those of Gunung Tengger and Gunung Raon. The for- mer of these is a mountain of the third class, only 8704 feet in height. Its circular crater is, however, more than 21,315 feet, and therefore nearly four geographical miles in diame- ter. The flat bottom of the crater is a sea of sand, the sur- * Junghuhn, Java, bd. i., s. 80. t See Joseph Hooker, Sketch-Map of Sikhim, 1850, and in his Himalayan Journals, vol. i., 1854, Map of part of Bengal ; and also Strachey, Map of West-Nan^ in his Physical Geography of Western TibeU 1853. TRUE VOLCANOES. " 285 face of w6ich lies 1865 feet below the highest point of the surrounding wall, and in which scoriaceous lava masses pro- ject here and there from the layer of pounded rapilli. Even the enormous crater of Kirauea, in Owhyhee, which is filled with glowing lava, does not, according to the accurate trig- onometrical survey of Captain Wilkes, and the excellent observations of Dana, attain the size of that of Gunung Tengger. In the middle of the crater of the latter there rise four small cones of eruption, actual circumvallated fun- nel-shaped chasms, of which only one, Bromo (the mythical name Brahma, a word which has the signification of fire in the Kawi, although not in the Sanscrit), is now not active. Bromo presents the remarkable phenomenon that from 1838 to 1842 a lake was formed in its funnel, of which Junghuhn has proved that it owes its origin to the influx of atmos- pheric waters, which have been heated and acidulated by the simultaneous penetration of sulphurous vapors.* Next to Gunung Tengger, Gunung Raon has the largest crater, but the diameter of this is about one half less. The view into the interior is awe-inspiring. It appears to extend to a depth of more than 2398 feet ; and yet the remarkable volcano, 10,178 feet in height, which Junghuhn has ascend- ed and so carefully described,! is not even named on the meritorious map of Raffles. Like almost all linear volcanoes, the volcanoes of Java exhibit the important phenomenon that a simultaneity of great eruptions is observed much more rarely in nearly ap- proximated cones than in those which are widely separated. When, in the night of the 11th and 12th of August, 1772, the volcano Gunung Pepandajan (7034 feet) burst forth, the most destructive eruption that has taken place upon the island within historical periods, two other volcanoes, the Gunung Tjerimai and Gunung Slamat, became ignited on the same night, although they lie in a straight line at a dis- tance of 184 and 352 miles from Pepandajan.f Even if the * Junghuhn, Java, bd. ii., fig. ix., s. 572, 596, and 601-604. From 1829 to 1848 the small crater of eruption of the Bromo had eight fiery eruptions. The crater-lake, which had disappeared in 1842, had been again formed in 1848 ; but, according to the obsen'ations of B. van Herwerden, the presence of the water in the chasm of the cal- dron hsfll no effect in preventing the eruption of red-hot, widely-scat- tered scoriae. t Junghuhn, bd. ii., s. 624-641. JThe G. Pepandajan was ascended in 1819 by Reinwardt, and in 1837 by Junghuhn. The latter, who has accurately investigated the 286 COSMOS. volcanoes of a series all stand over one focus, the net of fis- sures through which they communicate is, nevertheless, cer- tainly so constituted that the obstruction of old vapor chan- nels, or the temporary opening of new ones, in the course of ages, render simultaneous eruption at very distant points quite conceivable. I may again advert to the sudden dis- appearance of the column of smoke which ascended from the volcano of Pasto, when, on the morning of the 4th of February, 1797, the fearful earthquake of lliobamba con- vulsed the plateau of Quito between Tunguragua and Goto- paxi.* To the volcanoes of the island of Java generally a charac- ter of rihhed formation is ascribed, to which I have seen noth- ing similar in the Canary Islands, in Mexico, or in the Cor- dilleras of Quito. The most recent traveler, to whom we are indebted for such admirable observations upon the struc- ture of the volcanoes, the geography of plants, and the psy- chrometric conditions of moisture, has described the phenome- non to which I here allude with such decided clearness that I must not omit to call attention to this regulai-ity of form, in order to furnish an inducement to new investigations. "Although," says Junghuhn, "the surface of a volcano 10,974 feet in height, the Gunung Sumbing, when seen from some distance, appears as an uninterruptedly smooth and sloping face of the conical mountain, still on a closer exam- ination, we find that it consists entirely of separate longi- tudinal ridges or ribs, which gradually subdivide and become broader as they advance downward. They run from the summit of the volcano, or more frequently from an elevation several hundred feet below the summit, down to the foot of the mountain, diverging like the ribs of an umbrella." These rib-like longitudinal ridges have sometimes a tortuous course for a short distance, but are all formed by approximated clefts of three or four hundred feet in depth, all directed in the same way, and becoming broader as they descend. They are furrows of the surface " which occur on the lateral slopes of all the volcanoes of the island of Java, but differ consider- ably from each other upon the various conical mountains, in vicinity of the mountain, consisting of detritus intermingled with nu- merous angular, erupted blocks of lava, and compared it with the earliest reports, regards the statement, which has been disselhinated by so many valuable works, that a portion of the mountain and an area of sevei'al square miles sank during the eruption of 1772, as greatly exaggerated (Junghuhn, bd. ii., s. 98 and 100). * Cosmos, vol. v., p. 183, and Voyage aux Regions Equinox, t. ii., p. 16, TRUE VOLCANOES. 287 their average depth and the distance of their upper origin from the margin of the crater or from an unopened summit. The Gunung Sumbing (11,029 feet) is one of those volcanoes which exhibit the finest and most regularly formed ribs, as the mountain is bare of forest trees and clothed with grass." According to the measurements given by Junghuhn,* the number of ribs increases by division in proportion as the de- clivity decreases. Above the zone of 9000 feet there are, on Gunung Sumbing, only about ten such ribs ; at an elevation of 8500 feet there are thirty-two ; at 5500 feet, seventy-two ; and at 3000 feet, more than ninety-five. The angle of in- clination, at the same time, diminishes from 37° to 25° and 10^°. The ribs are almost equally regular on the volcano Gunung Tengger (8702 feet), while on the Gunung Ringgit they have been disturbed and coveredf by the destructive eruptions which followed the year 1586. "The production of these peculiar longitudinal ribs and the mountain fissures lying between them, of which drawings are given, is ascribed to. erosion by streams." It is certain that the mass of meteoric water in this tropic- al region is three or four times greater than in the temperate zone ; indeed, the showers are often like water-spouts, for al- though, on the whole, the moisture diminishes with the eleva- tion of the strata of air, the great mountain cones exert, on the other hand, a peculiar attraction upon the clouds, ai»d, as I have already remarked in other places, volcanic eruptions are in their nature productive of storms. The clefts and valleys {Barrancos) in the volcanoe^|X)f the Canary Islands, and in the Cordilleras of South AmOTca, which have become of importance to the traveler from the frequent descriptions given by Leopold von BuchJ and myself, because they open up to him the interior of the mountain, and sometimes even conduct him up to the vicinity of the highest summits, and to the circumvallation of a crater of elevation, exhibit analo- gous phenomena ; but although these also at times carry off the £MHpmulated meteoric waters, the original formation of the harrancos% upon the slopes of the volcanoes is probably * Junghuhn, bd. ii., s. 241-246. t Op. cit. sup., s. 566, 590 and 607-609. X Leopold von Buch, Phys. Beschr. der Canarischen Inseln, s. 206, 218, 248, and 289. , § Barranco and Barranca, both of the same meaning, and sufficient- ly in use in Spanish America, certainly indicate properly a water-fur- row or water-cleft : la quiebra que hacen en la tierra las corrientes de las aguas — " una torrente que hace barrancas ;" but they also indicate 288 COSMOS. not to be ascribed to these. Fissures, caused by folding in the trachytic mass, which has been elevated while soft and only subsequently hardened, have probably preceded all ac- tions of erosion and the impulse of water. But in those places where deep harrancos appeared in the volcanic districts visit- ed by me on the declivities of bell-shaped or conical mount- ains {en lasfaldas de los Cerros barrancosos), no trace was to be detected of the regularity or radiate ramification with which we are made acquainted by Junghuhn's works in the singular outlines of the volcanoes of Java.* The greatest analogy with the form here referred to is presented by the phenomenon to which Leopold von Buch, and the acute ob- server of volcanoes, Poulet Scrope, have already directed at- tention, namely, that great fissures almost always open at a right or obtuse angle from the centre of the mountain, radi- ating (although undivided) in accordance with the normal direction of the declivities, but not transversely to them. The belief in the complete absence of lava streams upon the island of Java,t to which Leopold von Buch appeared to incline in consequence of the observations of Reinwardt, has been rendered more than doubtful by recent observations. any chasm. But that the word barranca is connected with barro, clay^ soft, moist loam, and also road-scrapings, is doubtful. * Lyell, Manual of Elementary Geology^ 1855, chap, xxix., p. 497. The most remarkable analogy with the phenomenon of regular rib- bing in Java is presented by the surface of the Mantle of the Somma of Vesuvius, upon the seventy folds of which an acute and accurate observer, the astronomer J^us Schmidt, has thrown much light {Die Ervption des Vesuvs im JSm, 1855, s. 101-109). According to Leo- pold von Buch, these valley furrows are not originally rain furrows (fiumare), but consequences of cracking (folding, etoilement) during the first upheaval of the volcano. The usually radial position of the later- al eruptions in relation to the axis of the volcano also appears to be connected therewith (s. 129). t "Obsidian, and consequently pumice-stones, are as rare in Java as trachyte itself. Another very curious fact is the absence of any stream of lava in that volcanic island. M. Reinwardt, who has him- self observed a great number of eruptions, says expressly I^Kk there have never been instances of the most violent and destructivc'miption having been accompanied by lavas." — Leopold de Buch, Descr. des Iks Canaries, p. 419. Among the volcanic rocks of Java, for which the Cabinet of Minerals at Berlin is indebted to Dr. Junghuhn, dioritic trachytes are most distinctly recognizable at Burungagung, s. 255 of the Leidner catalogue, at Tjinas, s. 232, and in the Gunung Parang, situated in the district Batu-gangi. This is consequently the identical formation of dioritic trachyte of the volcanoes of Orizaba and Toluca, in Mexico ; of the island Panaria, in the Lipari Islands, and of ^gina, in the ^gean Sea ! TRUE VOLCANOES. 289 Junghuhn, indeed, remarks "that the vast volcano Gunung Merapi has not poured forth coherent, compact lava streams within the historical period of its eruptions, but has only- thrown out fragments of lava (rubbish), or incoherent blocks of stone, although for nine months in the year 1837 fiery streams were seen at night running down the cone of erup- tion."* But the same observant traveler has distinctly de- scribed, in great detail, three black, basaltic lava streams on three volcanoes — Gunung Tengger, Gunung Idjen, and Sla- * Junghuhn, bd. ii., s. 309 and 314. The fiery streaks wliich were seen on the volcano G. Merapi were formed by closely-approximated streams of scorise {trainees de Jragmens), by non-coherent masses, Avhich roll down during the eruption toward the same side, and strike against each other from their very different weights on the steep declivity. In the eruption of the G. Lamongan on the 26th March, 1847, a moving line of scorias of this kind divided into two branches several hundred feet below its point of origin. " The fiery streak," we find it express- ly stated (bd. ii., s. 767), "did not consist of true fused lava, but of fragments of lava rolling closely after one another." The G. Lamongan and the G. Semeru are the two volcanoes of the island of Java, which are found to be most similar, by their activity in long periods, to the Stromboli, which is only about 2980 feet high, as they, although so re- markably different in height (the Lamongan being 5340 and the Semeru 12,235 feet high), exhibited eruptions of scoriae, the former after pauses of 15 to 20 minutes (eruptions of July, 1838, and March, 1847), and the second of 1| to 3 hours (eruptions of August, 1836, and September, 1844) (bd. ii., s. 554 and 765-769). At Stromboli itself, together with numerous eruptions of scoriae, small but rare effusions of lava also occur, which, when detained by obstacles, sometimes harden on the declivities of the cone. I lay great stress upon the various forms of continuity or division, under which completely or partially fused mat- ters are throAvn or poured out, whether from the same or different volcanoes. Analogous investigations, undertaken under various zones, and in accordance with guiding ideas, are greatly to be desired, from the poverty and gi'eat one-sidedness of the views, to which the four active European volcanoes lead. The question raised by me in 1802 and by my friend Boussingault in 1831 — whether the Antisana in the Cordiheras of Quito has furnished lavacst is replaced by the word />acsa, which is certainly quite different from it, and which signifies lustre^ brilliancy^ especially the mild lustre of the moon ; to express * ' shining mass,^' moreover, in accordance with the spirit of the Qquechhua lan- guage, the position of the two words would have to be reversed — pacsaccotto. * Fried. Hoffmann, in Poggendbrff's Annalen, bd. xxvi., 1832, s.48. t Bouguer, Figure de la Terre, p. Ixviii. How often, since the earth- quake of the 19th July, 1698, has the little town of Lactacunga been destroyed and rebuilt with blocks of pumice-stone from the subterra- nean quarries of Zumbalica ! According to historical documents com- municated to me during my sojourn in the country, from copies of the old ones which^ave been destroyed, and from more recent original documents partially preserved in the archives of the town, the destruc- tions occurred in the years 1703 and 1736, on the 9th of December, 1742, 30th of November, 1744, 22d of February, 1757, 10th of Febru- ary, 1766, and 4th of April, 1768 — therefore seven times in 65 years! In the year 1802 I found four fifths of the town still in'ruins in conse- 02 "322 COSMOS. he says, " we only find simple fragments of pumice-stone of a certain size ; but at seven leagues to the south of Cotopaxi, in a point which corresponds with our tenth triangle, pum- ice-stone forms entire rocks, ranged in parallel banks of five to six feet in thickness in a space of more than a square league. Its depth is not known. Imagine what a heat it must have required to fuse this enormous mass, and in the very spot where it now occurs ; for it is easily seen that it has not been deranged, and that, it has cooled in tWb place where it was liquefied. The inhabitants of the neighborhood have profited by this immense quarry, for the small town of Lactacunga, with some very pretty buildings, has been entire- ly constructed of pumice-g|one since the earthquake which overturned it in 1698." The pumice quarries are situated near the Indian village of San Felipe, in the hills of Guapulo and Zumbalica, which are elevated 512 feet above the plateau and 9990 feet above the sea level. The uppermost layers of pumice-stone are, therefore, five or six hundred feet below tlie level of Mulalo, the once beautiful villa of the Marquis of Maenza (at the foot of Cotopaxi), also constructed of blocks of pumice-stone, but now completely destroyed by frequent earthquakes. The sub- terranean quarries are at unequal distances from the two act- ive volcanoes, Tungurahua and Cotopaxi : 32 miles from the former, and about half that distance from the latter. They are reached by a gallery. The workmen assert that from the horizontal solid layers, of which a few are surrounded by loamy pumice fragments, quadrangular blocks of 20 feet, divided by no transverse fissures, might be procured. The pumice-stone, which is partly white and partly bluish-gray, consists of very fine and long fibres, with a silky lustre. The parallel fibres have sometimes a knotted appearance, and then exhibit a sin- gular structure. ' The knots are formed by roundish particles of finely porous pumice-stone, from 1 — 1^ line in breadth, around which long fibres curve so as to inclgse them. Brown- ish-black mica in small six-sided tables, white crystals of oli- goclase, and black hornblende are sparingly scattered in it ; on the other hand, the glassy feldspar, which elsewhere (Ca- maldoli, near Naples) occurs in pumice-stone, is entirely want- ing. The pumice-stone of Cotopaxi is very different from that of the quarries of Zumbalica:* its fibres are short, not paral- quence of the great earthquake of Riobamba on the 4th of February, 1797. * This difference has also been recognized by the acute Abich iUeher Natur und Zvsammenham; vnlkanischer Bildurnjen, 1841, s. 83). TRUE VOLCANOES. 323 lei, but curved in a confused manner. Magnesia mica, how- ever, is not peculiar to pumice-stone, for it is also found in the fundamental mass of the trachyte* of Cotopaxi. At the more southern volcano,' Tungurahua, pumice-stone appears to be entirely wanting. There is no trace of obsidian in the vi- cinity of the quarries of Zumbalica, but I have found black obsidian with a conchoidal fracture in very large masses, im- mersed in bluish-gray weathered perlite, among the blocks thrown out from Cotopaxi, and lying near Mulalo. Of this fragments are preserved in the Koyal Collection of Minerals at Berhn. The pumice-stone quarries here described, at a distance of sixteen %iiles from the foot of Cotopaxi, appear, therefore, to judge from their mineralogical nature, to be quite foreign to that mountain, and only to stand in the same rela- tion to it which all the volcanoes of Pasto and Quito, occu- pying many thousand square miles, present to the volcanic focus of the equatorial Cordilleras. Have these pumice-stones been the centre and interior of a proper crater of elevation, the external wall of which has been destroyed in the numer- ^ ous convulsions which the surface of the earth has here un- dergone? or have they been deposited here upon fissures in apparent rest during the most ancient foldings of the earth's crust ? For the assumption of aqueous sedimentary alluvia, such as are often exhibited in volcanic tufaceous masses mix- ed with remains of plants and shells, is attended with still greater difficulties. Up The same questions are suggested by the great mass of pumice-stone, at a distance from all intumescent volcanic platforms, which I found on the Rio Mayo, in the Cordillera * The rock of Cotopaxi has essentially the same mineralogical com- position as that of the nearest volcanoes, Antisana and Tungurahua. It is a trachyte, composed of oligoclase and augite, and consequently a Chimborazo rock : a proof of the identity of the same kind of vol- canic mountain in masses in the opposite Cordilleras. In the speci- mens collected by me in 1802, and by Boussingault in 1831, the funda- mental mass is partly light or greenish gray, M^ith a pitch-stone-like lustre and translucent at the edges; partly black, nearly resembling basalt ; with large and small pores, which possess shining walls. The inclosed oligoclase is distinctly limited ; sometimes in very brilliant crystals, very distinctly striated on the cleavage planes ; sometimes in small fragments, and difficult of detection. The intermixed augites are brownish and blackish green, and of very variable siae. Dark laminae of mica and black metallic grains of magnetic iron are rarely and probably quite accidentally sprinkled through the mass. In the pores of a mass containing much oligoclase there was some native sul- phur, probably deposited by the all-penetrating sulphurous vapors. 324 COSMOS. of Pasto, between Mamendoj and the Cerro del Pulpito, 36 miles from the active volcano of Pasto. Leopold von Buch has also called attention to a similar perfectly isolated erup- tion of pumice-stone described by Meyen; which, consisting of bowlders, forms a hill of 320 feet in height, near the vil- lage of ToUo, to the east of Valparaiso, in Chili. The vol- cano Maypo, which upheaves Jurassic strata in its rise, is two full days' journey from this eruption of pumice-stone.* The Prussian embassador in Washington, Friedrich von Gerolt, to whom we are indebted for the first colored geognostic map of Mexico, also mentions "a subterranean quarry of pumice- stone at Bauten," near Huichapa, 32 n|^les to the southeast of Queretaro, at a distance from all volcanoes. f The geo- logical explorer of the Caucasus, Abich, is inclined to believe, from his own observation, that the vast eruption of pumice- stone near the village Tschegem, in the little Kabarda, on the northern declivity of the central chain of the Elburuz, is, as an effect of fissure, much older than the elevation of the very distant conical mountain just mentioned. If, therefore, the volcanic activity of the earth, by radia-, tion of heat into space during the diminution of its original temperature, and in the contraction of the superior cooling strata, produces fissures and wrinkles {fractures et rides), and therefore simultaneous sinking of the upper and upheaval of the lower pafts,| we must naturally regard, as the measure * *^Re volcano of Maypo (S. lat. 34° 15'), which has never ejected pumice-stone, is at a distance of two days' journey from the ridge of Tollo, which is 320 feet in height, and entirely composed of pumice- stone, inclosing vitreous feldspar, brown crystals of mica, and small fragments of obsidian. It is, therefore, an (independent) isolated erup- tion, quite at the foot of the Andes and close to the plain." Leop. de Buch, Desc. Phys. des Iks Canaries, 1836, p. 470. t Federico de Gerolt, Cartas Geognosticas de los Prindpales Distritos Mineraks de Mexico, 1827, p. 5. t On the solidification and formation of the cnists of the earth, see Cosmos, vol. i., p. 172, 173. The experiments of Bischof, Charles De- ville, and Delesse have thrown a new light upon the folding of the body of the earth. See also the older, ingenious considerations of Babbage, on the occasion of his thermic explanation of the problem presented by the temple of Serapis to the north of Puzzuoli, in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, \o\. iii., 1847, p. 186 ; Charles Deville, Sur la Diminution de Densite dans les Roches en pas^ sant de Vetat cristallin a Vetat vitreux, in the Comptss rendus de VAcad. des Sciences, t. xx., ]845, p. 1453 ; Delesse, Sur les Effets de la Fusion, t. XXV., 1847, p. 455 ; Louis Frapolli, Sur la Caracth'e Gcologique, in the Bull, de la Soc. Geol de France, 2me. serie, t. iv., 1847, p. 627 ; and, above all, Elie de Beaumont, in his important work, Notice sur les Sys- TRUE VOLCANOES. 325 and evidence of this activity in the various regions of the earth, the number of recognizable volcanic platforms (open, conical, and dome-shaped mountains) upheaved upon fissures. This enumeration has been repeatedly and often very imper- fectly attempted : eruptive hills and solfataras, belonging to one and the same system, have been referred to as distinct volcanoes. The magnitude of the space in the interior of continents which has liitherto remained closed to all scien- tific investigation, has not been so great an obstacle to the solidity of this work as is commonly supposed, as islands and regions near the coast are generally the principal seat of volcanoes. In a numerical investigation, which can not be brought to a full conclusion in the present state of our knowl- edge, much is already gained when we attain to a result which is to be regarded as a lower limit, and when we can determ- ine with great probability upon how many points the fluid interior of our earth has remained in active communication with the atmosphere within the historical period. Such an activity usually manifests itself simultaneously in eruptions from volcanic platforms (conical mounfains), in the increas- ing heat and inflammability of thermal springs and naphtha wells, and in the increased extent of circles of commotion, phenomena which all stand in intimate connection and in mutual dependence.* Here again, also, Leopold von Buch has the great merit of having (in the supplements to the Phys- ical Description of the Canary Islands) for the first time under- taken to bring the volcanic system of the whole earth, after thnes de Montagnes, 1852, t. iii. The following three sections deserve the particular attention of geologists : Considerations sur les Soulcve- vients dus a une diminution lente et progressive du volume de la Terre, p. 1330; Sur FEcrasement Transversal nomme refoulement />ar Saussure, covime une des causes de l elevation des Chaines de Montagnes, p. 1317, 1333, and 1346; Sur la Contraction que les Roches fondues dprouvent en cristalllsant, tendant des le commencement au refroidissement du Globe a rendre sa masse interne plus petite que la capacitc de son enveloppe extcri- eure, p. 1235. * "The hot springs of Saragyn at the height of fully 5600 feet are remarkable for the part played by the carbonic acid gas which trav- erses them at the period of earthquakes. At this epoch the gas, like the carbonated hydrogen of the peninsula of Apscheron, increases in volume, and becomes heated, before and during the earthquakes in the plain of Ardebil. In the peninsula of Apscheron the temperature rises 36°, until spontaneous inflammation occurs at the moment when and the spot where an igneous eruption takes })lace, which is always prog- nosticated by earthquakes in the provinces of Chemakhi and A| sche- ron." Abich, in the Melanges Physiques et Chijniques, t. ii., 1855, p. 364-365 (see Cosmos, vol. v., p. 169). 326 COSMOS. the fundamental distinction of Central and Linear Volcanoes, under one cosmical point of view. My own more recent, and, probably for this reason, more complete enumeration, under- taken in accordance with principles which I have already in- dicated (p. 233 and 257), and therefore excluding unopened bell-shaped mountains and mere eruptive cones, gives, as the probable lower numerical limit (nombre limite inferieur), a result which differs considerably from all previous ones. It is an attempt to indicate the volcanoes which have been active within the historical period. The question has been repeatedly raised whether in thosa parts of the earth's surface in which the greatest number ot volcanoes are crowded together, and the reaction of the inte- rior of the earth upon the hard (solid) crust manifests the most activity, the fused part may not lie nearer to the sur- face ? Whatever be the course adopted to determine the av- erage thickness of the solid crust of the earth in its maximum : whether it be the purely mathematical one which is present- ed by theoretical astronomy,* or tlie simpler course, found- ed upon the law of the increase of heat with depth and the temperature of fusion of rocks,! still the solution of this prob- * "W". Hopkins, Researches on Physical Geology in the Phil. Transact, for 1839, pt. ii., p. 311, for 1840, pt. i., p. 193, and for 1842, pt. i., p. 43 ; also with regard to tlie necessary relations of stability of the external surface ; Theory of Volcanoes in the British Association Report for 1847, p. 45-49. t Cosmos, vol. v., p. 38-40; Naumann, Geognosie, bd. i., p. 66-76; Bischof, Wdrmelehre, s. 383 ; Lyell, Principles of Geology, 1853, p. 536 -547 and 562. In the very interesting and instructive work. Souvenirs d'un Naturaliste, by A. de Quatrefages, 1854, t. ii., p. 469, the upper limit of the fused liquid strata is brought up to the small depth of 20 kilometres "as most of the silicates fuse at 1231°." "This low esti- mate," as Gustav Rose observes, "is founded in an error. The tem- perature of 2372"^, which is given by Mitscherlich as the melting point of granite ( Cosmos, vol. i., p. 25), is certainly the minimum that we can admit. I have repeatedly had granite placed in the hottest parts of a porcelain furnace, and it was always but imperfectly fused. The mica alone fuses with the feldspar to form a vesicular glass ; the quartz be- comes opaque, but does not fuse. This is the case with all rocks which contain quartz ; and this means may even be made use of for the de- tection of quartz in rocks, in which its quantity is so small that it can not be discovered with the naked eye ; for example, in the syenite of Plauen, and in the diorite which we brought in 1829 ft-om Alapajewsk, in the Ural. All rocks which contain no quartz, or any other miner- als so rich in silica as granite, such as basalt, for example, fuse more readily than granite to form a perfect glass in the porcelain furnace ; but not over the spirit lamp with a double current, which is neverthe- less certainly capable of j)roducing a temperature of 1231°." In Bis- TRUE VOLCANOES. 827 lem presents a great number of values which are at present undetermined. Among, these we have to mention the influ- ence of an enormous pressure upon fusibility ; the different conduction of heat by heterogeneous rocks ; the remarkable enfeebling of conductibility with a great increase of tempera- ture, treated of by Edward Forbes ; the unequal depth of the oceanic basin ; and the local accidents in the connection and nature of the fissures which lead down to the fluid interior ! If the greater vicinity of the upper limit of the fluid interior in particular regions of the earth may explain the frequency of volcanoes and the greater multiplicity of communication between the depths and the atmosphere, this vicinity again may depend either upon the relative average differences of elevation of the sea-bottom and the continents, or upon the unequal perpendicular depth at which the surface of the molt- en fluid mass occurs, in various geographical longitudes and latitudes. But where does such a surface commence? Are there not intermediate degrees between perfect solidity and perfect mobility of the parts? — states of transition which have frequently been referred to in the discussions relative to the plasticity of some Plutonic and volcanic rocks which have been elevated to the surface, and also with regard to the move- ment of glaciers. Such intermediate states abstract them- selves from mathematical considerations, just as much as the condition of the so-called fluid interior under an enormous pressure. If it be not even very probable that the tempera- ture every where continues to increase with the depth in ar- ithmetical progression, local intermediate disturbances may also occur, for example, by subterranean basins (cavities in the hard mass), which are from time to time partially filled from below with fluid lava and vapors resting upon it.* Even the immortal author of the Protogoca allows these cav. ities to play a part in the theory of the diminishing central heat : " Fostremo credibile est contrahentem se refrigeratione crustam hullas reliquisse, ingentes pro rei magnitudine id est sub vastis fornicibus cavitates."^ The more improbable it is cliof's remarkable experiments on the fusion of a globule of basalt, even this mineral appeared, from some hypothetical assumptions, to require a temperature 264° higher than the melting point of copper. {Wdrmekkre des Innern unsers Erdkorpers^ s. 473.) * Cosmos, vol. v., p. 162. See also with regard to the unequal dis- tribution of the icy soil, and the depth at which it commences, inde- pendently of geographical latitude, the remarkable observations of Captain Franklin, Erman, Kupffer, and especially of Middendorff {loc. cit. sup., s. 42, 47 and 167). t Leibnitz in the Protogoca ; § 4. 328 COSMOS. that the thickness of the crust already solidified is the same in all regions, the more important is the consideration of the number and geographical position of the volcanoes which have been open in historical periods. Such an examination of the geography of volcanoes can only be perfected by fre- quently-renewed attempts. I. Europe. jEtna, Volcano in the Liparis, Stromholi, Ischia, Vesuvius, Santorin, Lemnos, All belong to the great basin of the Mediterranean, but to its European and not to its African shores ; and all these seven volcanoes are still, or have been, active in known his- torical periods ; the burning mountain Mosychlos in Lemnos, which Homer names the favorite seat of Hephaestos, was only destroyed and sunk beneath the waves of the sea by earthquakes, together with the island of Chryse, after the time of the great Macedonian {Cosmos, vol. i., p. 246 ; Ukert, Geogr. der Griechen und Romer, th. ii., abth. 1, s. 198). The great upheaval of the three Kaimenes in the middle of the Gulf of Santorin (partly inclosed by Thera, Therasia, and Aspronisi), which has been repeated several times within about 1900 years (from 186 B.C. to 1712 of our epoch), had in their production and disappearance a remarkable similar- ity with the relatively unimportant phenomenon of the tem- porary formation of the islands which were called Graham, Julia, and Ferdinandea, between Sciacca and Pantellaria. Upon the peninsula of Methana, which has already been fre- quently mentioned (Cosmos, vol. i., p. 240; vol. v., p. 218), there are distinct traces of volcanic eruptions in the reddish- brown trachyte which rises from the limestone near Kaime- nochari and Kaimeno (Curtius, Pelop,, bd. ii., s. 439). Of pre-historic volcanoes with fresh traces of the emission of lava from craters there are, counting from north to south, those of the Eifel {Mosenberg, Geroldstein), farthest to the north ; the great crater of elevation in which Schemnitz is situated; Auvergne (Chahie des Puys or of the Monts Domes TRUE VOLCANOES. 329 le Cone du Cantal, les Monts-Dore) ; Vivarais, in which the an- cient lavas have broken out from gneiss {Coupe d'y Asac, and the cone of MontpezcCt) ; Velay : eruptions of scoriae from which no lava issue ; the Euganean hills ; the Alban mount- ains, llocca Monfina and Vultur, near Teano and Melfi ; the extinct volcanoes about Olot and Castell Follit, in Catalo- nia ;* the island group, Las Columhretes, near the coast of Valencia (the sickle-shaped larger island Columbraria of the Romans, upon which Montcolibre, latitude 39° 54^ accord- ing to Captain Smyth, is full of obsidian and cellular tra- chyte) ; the Greek island Nisyros, one of the Carpathian Sporades, of a perfectly round form, in the middle of which, at an elevation of 2270 feet according to Ross, there is a deep, walled cauldron, with a strongly detonating solfatara, from which at one time radiating lava streams poured them- selves into the sea, where they now form small promontories, and furnished volcanic millstones in Strabo's time (Ross, Rei- sen aufden griechischen Insehi, bd. ii., s. 69, and 72-78). For the British islands we have here still to mention, on account of the antiquity of the formations, the remarkable effects of submarine volcanoes upon the strata of the lower silurian formation (Llandeilo strata), cellular volcanic fragments be- ing baked into these strata, while, according to Sir Roderick Murchison's important observation, even the eruptive trap- masses penetrate into lower silurian strata in the Corndon mountains (Shropshire and Montgomeryshire) ;"!■ the dike-phe- nomena of the isle of Arran ; and the other points in which the interference of volcanic activity is visible, although no traces of true platforms are to be discovered. II. Islands of the Atlantic Ocean. The volcano Esk, upon the island of Jan Mayen, ascended by the meritorious Scoresby, and named after his ship ; height scarcely 1600 feet. An open, not ignited summit-crater ; ba- salt, rich in pyroxene and trass. Southwest of the Esk, near the North Cape of Egg IsJand, * With regard to Vivarais and Velay, see the very recent and ac- curate researches of Girard, in his Geologischen Wanderungen, bd. i. (1856), s, 161, 173, and 214. The ancient volcanoes of Olot were dis- covered by the American geologist Maclure in 1808, visited by Lyell in 1830, and well described and figured by the latter in his Manual of Geology, 1855, p. 535-542. t Sir Roderick Murchison, SUuria, p. 20, and 55-58 (Lyell, Manualj p. 563). 330 COSMOS. another volcano, which in April, 1818, presented high erup- tions of ashes every four months. The Beerenberg, 6874 feet in height, in the broad, north- eastern part of Jan May en (lat. 71° 4^), is not known to be a volcano.* Volcanoes of Iceland : Oerafa, Hecla, Rauda-Kamba . . . Volcano of the island of Pico,t in the Azores : a great eruption of lava from the 1st May to the 5th June, 1800. The Peak of Teneriffe. Volcano of Fogo^ one of the Cape de Verd Islands. Pre-historic Volcanic Activity. — This on Iceland is less defin- itely attached to certain centres. If we divide the volca- noes of the island, with Sartorius von Waltershausen, into two classes, of which those of the one have only had a sin- gle eruption, while those of the other repeatedly emit lava streams at the same principal fissure, we must refer to the former, Rauda-Kamba, Scaptar, EUidavatan, to the south- east of Reykjavik . . . . ; to the second, which exhibits a per- manent individuality, the two highest volcanoes of Iceland Oerafa (more than 6390 feet) and Snaefiall, Hecla, etc. Snae- fiall has not been in activity within the memory of man, while Oerafa is known by the fearful eruptions of 1362 and 1727 (Sart. von Waltershausen, Skizze von Island, s. 108 and 112). In Madeira,§ the two highest mountains, the conical Pico Ruivo, 6060 feet in height, and the Pico de Torres, which is but little known, covered on their steep declivities with sco- riaceous lavas, can not be regarded as the central point of the former volcanic activity on the whole island, as in many parts of the latter, especially toward the coasts, eruptive ori- fices, and even a large crater, that of the Lagoa, near Ma- chico, are met with. The lavas, thickened by confluence, can not be traced far as separate streams. Remains of an- cient dicotyledonous and fern-like vegetation, carefully inves- tigated by Charles Bunbury, are found buried in upheaved * Scoresby's Account of the Arctic Regions, vol. i., p. 155-169, tab. V. and vi. t Leop. von Buch., Descr. des lies Canaries, p. 357-369, and Land- grebe, Naturgeschichte der Vulkane, 1855, bd. i., s. 121-136; and with regard to the circumvallations of the craters of elevation {Caldeiras) upon the islands of St. Michael, Fayal, and Terceira (from the maps of Captain Vidal) (see page 216). The eruptions of Fayal (1672) and Saint George (1580 and 1808) appear to be dependent upon the prin- cipal volcano, the Pico. % See pages 236 and 249. § Results of the observations upon Madeira, by Sir Charles Lyell and Hartung, in the Manual of Geology, 1855, p. 5L5-525, TRUE VOLCANOES. 331 strata of volcanic tufa and loam, sometimes covered by more recent basalt. Fernando de Noronha, lat. 3° 50^ S. and 2° 27'' to the east of Pernambuco ; a group of very small isl- ands ; phonolitic rocks containing hornblende — no crater, but vein-fissures filled with trachytic and basaltic amygda- loid, penetrating white tufa layers.* The island of Ascen- sion, highest summit 2868 feet; basaltic lavas with more glassy feldspar than olivin sprinkled through them, and well- bounded streams traceable up Jto the eruptive cone of tra- chyte. The latter rock of light colors, often broken up like tufa, predominates in the interior and southeast of the island. The masses of scoriae thrown out from Green Mountain in- close immersed angular fragments! containing syenite and granite, which remind one of the lavas of Jorullo. To the westward of Green Mountain there is a large open crater. Volcanic bombs, partly hollow, of as much as ten inches in diameter, lie scattered about in innumerable quantities, to- gether with large masses of obsidian. St. Helena : the whole island volcanic, the beds of lava in the interior rather felds- pathic ; basaltic toward the coast, penetrated by innumera- ble, dikes as at Flagstaff Hill. Between Diana Peak and Nestlodge, in the central series of mountains, are the curved and crescentic shaped fragments of a wider, destroyed crater full of scoriae and cellular lava (" the mere wreckj of one great crater is left"). The beds of lava are not limited, and consequently can not be traced as true streams of small breadth. Tristan da Cunha (lat. 37° 3^ S., long. 11° 26' W.), discovered as early as 1506 by the Portuguese ; a small circular island of six miles in diameter, in the centre of which a conical mountain is situated, described by Captain Denham as about 8300 feet in height, and composed of volcanic rock (Dr. Petermann's Geogr. MittheiL, 1855, No. iii., s. 84). To the southeast, but in 53° S. lat., lies the equally volcanic Thompson's Island ; and between the two, in the same direc- tion, Gough Island, also called Diego Alvarez. Deception * Darwin, P'olcanic Islands, 1844, p. 23, and Lieutenant Lee, Cruise of the United States Brig Dolphin, 1854, p. 80. . t See the admirable description of Ascension in Darwin's Volcanic Islands, p. 40 and 41. X Darvvin, p. 84 and 92, with regard to " the great hollow space, or valley southward of the central curved ridge, across which the half of the crater must once have extended. It is interesting to trace the steps by which the structure of a volcanic district becomes obscured and finally obliterated." (See also.Seale, Geognosy of the Island of St. Helena, p. 28.) ' 332 COSMOS. Island, a slender, narrowly-opened ring (S. lat. 62° 55^), and Bridgeman's Island, belonging to the South Shetlands group ; both volcanic, with layers of ice, pumice-stone, black ashes, and obsidian ; perpetual eruption of hot vapois (Kendal, Journal of the Geographical Society, vol. i., 1831, p. 62). In February, 1842, Deception Island was seen to produce flames simultaneously at thirteen points in the ring (Dana, in Unittd States Exploring Expedition, vol. x., p. 548). It is remark- able that, as so many islan(J^ in the Atlantic Ocean are vol- canic, neither the entire flat islet of St. Paul* (Penedo de S. Pedro), one degree to the north of the equator ; nor the Falk- lands (with thin quartzose clay-slate). South Georgia or Sand- wich land appear to offer any volcanic rock. On the other hand, a region of the Atlantic Ocean, about 0° 20^ to the south of the equator, longitude 22° W., is regarded as the seat of a submarine volcano.f In this vicinity Krusenstern saw black columns of smoke rise out of the sea (19th of May, 1806); and in 1836 volcanic ashes, collected at the same point (southeast from the above-mentioned rock of St. Paul) on two occasions, .were exhibited to the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. According to very accurate investigations by Daus- sy, singular shocks and agitation of the sea, ascribed to the commotion of the sea-bottom by earthquakes, have been ob- served in this volcanic region, as it is called in the new and beautiful American chart of Lieutenant Samuel Lee {Track of the Surveying Brig Dolphin, 1854), five times between 1747 and Krusenstern's circumnavigation of the globe, and seven times from 1806 to 1836. But during the recent expedition of the brig Dolphin (January, 1852), as previously (1838), during Wilkes's exploring expedition, nothing remarkable was observed, although the brig was ordered, " on account of Krusenstern's volcano," to make investigations with the lead between the equator and 7° S. lat., and about 18° to 27° long. III. Africa. It is stated by Captain Allan that the volcano Mongo-ma Leba, in the CaiAeroon Mountains (4° 12^ N. lat.), westward of the mouth of the river of the same name, in the Bight of * St. Paul's Eocks. (See Danv-in, p. 31-33 and 125.) t Daussy on the probable existence of a submarine volcano in the Atlantic, in the Comptes rendus de VAcad. des Sciences, t. vi., 1858, p. 512 ; Darwin, Volcanic Islands, p. 92; Lee, Cruise of the United States Brig Dolphin, p. 2-55, and 61. • TRUE VOLCANOES. 333 Biafra, and eastward of the Delta of the Kowara, or Niger, emitted an eruption of lava in the year 1838. The four high volcanic islands of Annabon, St. Thomas, Isla do Prin- cipe, and San Fernando Po, which run on a fissure in a di- rect linear series from S.S.W. to N.N.E., point to the Came- roons, which, according to the measurements of Captain Owen and Lieutenant Boteler, rises to the great altitude of nearly 13,000 feet.* A volcano (?) a little to the west of the snowy mountain Kignea, in Eastern Africa, about 1° 20^ S. lat., was discov- ered by the missionary Krapf in 1849, near the source of the River Dana, about 320 geographical miles northwest of the coast of -Mombas. In a parallel nearly two degrees more southerly than the Kignea is situated another snowy mount- ain, the Kihmandjaro, w^^ich was discovered by the mis- sionary Rebmann in 1847, perhaps scarcely 200 geographical miles from the ^ame coast. A little to the westward lies a third snowy mountain, the Doengo Engai, seen by Captain Short. The kn^^wledge of the existence of these mountains is the result of laOorious and hazardous researches. Evidences of pre-historical volcanic action in the great con- tinent, the interior of which between the seventh degree north and^'the twelfth degree south latitude (the parallels of Ada- maua and the Lubalo Mountain, which acts as a water-shed) still remains so unexplored, are furnished, according to Riip- pell, by the country surrounding the Lake Tzana, in the king- dom of Gondar, as well as by the basaltic lavas, trachytes, and obsidian strata of Shoa, according to Rochet d'Hericourt, whose mincralogical specimens, quite analogous to those of " Cantal and Mont Dore, may have been examined by Dufre- noy (Coniptes rendus, t. xxii., p. 806-810). Though the con- ical mountain Koldghi, in Kordofan, is not now seen either in a burning or smoking state, yet it appears that the existence of a black, porous, and vitrified rock has been ascertained there.! In Adamaua, south of the great Benue River, rise the iso- lated mountain masses of Bagele and Alantika, which from their conical and dome-like forms appeared to Dr. Earth, on his journey from Kuka to lola, to resemble trachyte mount- * Gumprecht, Die Vulkanische Tlidtigkeit avf dem Festlande von Af- rika^ in Arahien und aufden Inselndes Rothen Meeres, 1849, s. 18. t Cosmos, vol. i., p. 245, note J. For the whole of the phenomena hitherto known in Africa, see Landgrebe, Naturgeschkhte der Vulkane, bd. i., s. 195-219. 334 cos^K)s. ains. According to Petermann's notices from the note-books of Overweg (of whose researches natural science was so ear- ly deprived), that traveler found in the district of Gudsheba, westward of the Lake of Tshad, separate basaltic cones, rich in olivin and columnar in form, which were sometimes inter- sected by layers of the red, clayey sandstone, and sometimes by those of quartzose granite. The small number of now ignited volcanoes in the undi- vided continents, whose coast-lands are sufficiently known, is a very remarkable phenomenon. Can it be that in the un- known regions of Central Africa, especially south of the equa- tor, large basins of water exist, analogous to Lake Uniames (formerly called by Dr. Cooley, N'yassi), on whose scores rise volcanoes, like the Demavend, near the Caspian Sea? Much as the natives are accustomed to move about over the coun- try, none of them have hitherto brought us the least notice of any such thing ! IV. Asia. a. The Western and Central part. The volcano of Demavend,* in a state of ignition, but, ac- cording to the accounts of Olivier, Morier, and Taylor Thom- son (1837), smoking only moderately, and not uninterrupt- edly. The volcano of Medina (eruption of lava in 1276). The volcano of Djebel el Tir (Tair or Tehr), an insular mountain 895 feet high, between Loheia and Massaua, in the Eed Sea. * The height of Demavend above the sea was given by Ainsworth at 14,695, but, after correcting a barometrical result probably attributable to an error of the pen {Asie Centrale, t. iii., p. 327), it amounts, accord- ing to Ottman's tables, to fully 18,633 feet. A somewhat greater ele- vation, 20,085 feet, is given by the angles of altitude worked by my friend Captain Lemm, of the Russian navy, in the year 1839, and which are certainly very correct, but the distance is not trigonomet- rically laid down, and rests on the presumption that the volcano of Demavend is 66 versts distant from Teheran (one equatorial degree being equal to 104-^ versts). Hence it would appear that the Persian volcano of Demavend, covered with perpetual snow, situated so near the southern shore of the Caspian Sea, but distant 600 geographical miles from the Colchian coast of the Black Sea, is higher than the great Ararat by about 2989 feet, and the Caucasian Elburuz by probably 1600 feet. On the Demavend, see Ritter, Erdkunde vonAsien, bd. vi., abth. i., s. 551-571 ; and on the connection of the name Albordj, taken from the mythic and therefore vague geography of the Zend nation, with the modern name Elburz (Koh Alburz of Kazwini) and Elburuz, see 3id., s< 43-49, 424, 552, and 555. * TRUE VOLCANOES. 335 The volcano of Peshan, northward of Kutsche, in the great mountain chain of the Thian-schan or Celestial Mountains, in Central A'sia ; eruptions of lava within the true historical period, from the year 89 up to the beginning of the 7th cen- tury of our era. The volcano of Ho-cheu, called also sometimes in the very circumstantial Chinese geographies the volcano of Turfan ; 120 geographical miles from the great Solfatara of Urumtsi, near the eastern extremity of the Thian-schan, in the direc- tion of the beautiful fruit country of Hami. The volcano of Demavend, which rises to a height of up- ward of 19,000 feet, lies nearly 36 geographical miles from the southern shore of the Caspian Sea, in Mazenderan, and almost at the sjime distance from Resht and Asterabad, on the chain of the Hindu-kho, which slopes suddenly down to the west in the direction of Herat and Meshid. I have else- where (Asie Centrale, t. i., p. 124-129 ; t. iii., p. 433-435) mentioned the probability that the Hindu-kho of Chitral and Kafiristan is a westerly continuation of the mighty Kuen-lun, which bounds Thibet toward the north and intersects the Bo- lor Mountains in the Tsungling. The Demavend belongs to the Persian or Caspian Elburz, a system of mountains which must not be confounded with the Caucasian ridge of the same name (now called Elburuz), and which lies 7^° farther north and 10° farther west. The word Elburz is a corrup- tion of Alborj, or Mountain of the World, which is connected with the ancient cosmogony of the Zends. While the volcano of Demavend, according to the gener- ality of geognostic views on the direction of the mountain chains of Central Asia, bounds the great Kuen-lun chain near its western extremity, another igneous appearance at its eastern extremity, the existence of which I was the first to announce (Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 427 and 483), deserves particular notice. In the course of the important researches which I recommended to my respected friend and colleague in the Institute, Stanislas Julien, with the view of deriving information from the rich geographical sources of old Cliinese literature on the subject of the Bolor, the Kuen-lun, and the Sea of Stars, that intelligent investigator discovered, in the great Dictionary published in the beginning of the 18th cen- tury by the Emperor Yong-ching, a description of the " eter- nal flame" which issues from an opening in the hill called Shin-khien, on the eastern slope of the Kuen-lun. This lu- minous phenomenon, however deeply seated it may be, can 336 COSMOS. not well be termed a. volcano. It appears to me rather to present an analogy with the Chimasra in Lycia, near DeUk- tash and Yanartash, which was so early known to the Greeks. This is a stream of fire, an issue of gas constantly kindled by volcanic action in the interior of the earth (see page 243^ note t)- Arabian writers inform us, though for the most part with- out quoting any precise year, that lava eruptions have taken place during the Middle Ages on the southwestern shore of Arabia, in the insular chain of the Zobayr, in the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb and Aden (Wellsted, Travels in Arabia, vol. ii., p. 466-468), in Hadhramaut, in the Strait of Ormuz, and at different points in the western portion of the Persian Gulf. These eruptions have always occurred on a ^oil which had already been in pre-historical times the seat of volcanic ac- tion. The date of the eruption of a volcano at Medina it- self, 12^° northward of the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb, was found by Burckhardt in Samhudy's Chronicle of the famous city of that name in the Hedjaz. It took place on the 2d November, 1276. According to Seetzen, however, Abulma- hasen states that an igneous eruption had occurred there in 1254, which is twenty-two years earlier (see Cosmos, vol. i., p. 246). The volcanic island of Djebeltair, in which Vincent recognized the " burned-out island" of the Periplus Maris Ery- thrcei, is still active, and emits smoke, according to Botta and the accounts collected by Ehrenberg and Russegger {Eeisen in Europa, Asien, und Africa, bd. ii., th. 1, 1843, s. 54). For in- formation respecting the entire district of the Straits of Bab- el-Mandeb, with the basaltic island of Perim — the crater-like circumvallation, within which lies the town of Aden — the island of Seerah with streams of obsidian, covered with pum- ice— the island groups of the Zobayr and the Farsan (the volcanic nature of the latter was discovered by Ehrenberg in 1825), I refer my readers to the interesting researches of Eit- ter, in his Erdkunde von Asien, bd. viii., abth. 1, s. 664-707, 889-891, and 1021-1034. The volcanic mountain chain of the Thian-schan {Asie Cen- trale, t.i., p. 201-203 ; t. ii., p. 7-51), a range which intersects Central Asia between Altai and Kuen-lun from east to west, formed at one period the particular object of my investiga- tions, so that I have been enabled to add to the few notices obtained by Abel-Remusat from the Japanese Encyclopaedia, some fragments of greater importance discovered by Klaproth, Neumann, and Stanislas Julien (Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 39-50 TRUE VOLCANOES. 337 and 335-364). The length of the Thian-schan is eight times greater than that of the Pyrenees, if we include the Asferah, which is on the other side of the intersected meridian chain of the Kusyurt-Bolor, stretching westward as far as the me- ridian of Samarcand, and in which Ibn Haukal and Ibn-al- Vardi describe streams of fire, and notice luminous ("?) fissures emitting sal ammoniac (see the account of Mount Botom, iit supra). In the history of the dynasty of Thang it is expressly stated that on one of the slopes of the Pe-shan, which contin- ually emits fire and smoke, the rocks burn, melt, and flow to the distance of several li, like a " stream of melted fat. The soft mass hardens as it cools." It is impossible to describe more characteristically the appearance of a stream of lava. Moreover, in the forty -ninth book of the great geography of the Chinese empire, which was printed at Pekin from 1789 to 1804 at the expense of the state, the burning mountains of the Thian-schan are described as '^ still active." Their position is very central, being nearly equidistant (1520 geo- graphical miles) from the nearest shore of the Frozen Ocean and from the mouth of the Indus and Ganges, 1020 miles from the Se%of Aral, I72»and 208 miles from the salt-lakes of Issikal and Balkasch. Information respecting the flames issuing from the mountain of Turfan (Hotscheu) has also been furnished by the pilgrims of Mecca, who were officially exam- ined at Bombay in the year 1835 {Journal of the Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, vol. iv., 1835, p. 65'?^664). When may we hope to see the volcanoes of Peschan and Turfan, Barkul and Hami explored by some scientific traveler, by way of Gouldja on the Hi, which may be easily reached? The better knowledge now possessed of the position of the volcanic mountain chain of the Thian-schan has very natu- rally given rise to the question whether the fabulous terri- tory of Gog and Magog, where "eternal fire" is said to burn at the bottom of the River El Macher, is not in some way connected with the eruptions of the Peschan or the volcano of Turfan. This Oriental myth, which had its origin West- ward of the Caspian Sea, in the Pylis Albanice, near Der- bend, has traveled, like all other myths, far toward the East. Edrisi gives an account of the journeyings of one Salam el Terdjeman, the dragoman of one of the Abbasside califs, in the first half of the 9th century, from Bagdad to the Land of Darkness. He proceeded through the steppe of Baschkir to the snowy mountain of Cocaia, which is surrounded by the great wall of Magog (Madjoudj). Amedee Jaubert, to Vol. v.— P 338 COSMOS. whom we are indebted for important supplements to the Nubian geographers, has shown that the fires which burn on the slope of the Cocaia have nothing volcanic in their nature. (Asie -Centrale, t ii., p. 99.) Edrisi places the Lake of Te- hama farther to the south. I think I have said enough to show the probability of the Tehama being identical with the great Lake of Balkasch, into which the Hi flows, and which is only 180 miles farther south. A century and a half later than Edrisi, Marco Polo placed the wall of Magog among the mountains of In-schan, to the east of the elevated plain of Gobi, in the direction of the River Hoang-ho and the Chi- nese Wall, respecting which, singularly enough, the famous Venetian traveler is as silent as he is on the subject of the use of tea. The In-shan, the limit of the territory of Pres- ter John, may be regarded as the eastern prolongation of the Thian-schan (Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 92-104). The two conical volcanic mountains, the Petschan "and Hotshen of Turfan, which formerly emitted lava, and which are separated from each other at a distance of about 420 geographical miles by the gigantic block of mountains called the Bogdo-Oola, crowned with eternal snow and ice, have long been erroneously considered an isolated volcanic group. I think I have shown that the Volcanic action north and south of the long chain of the Thian-schan here, as well as in the Caucasus, stands in close geognostic connection with the limits of the circle of terrestrial commotion, the hot- springs, the solfataras, the sal ammoniacal fissures, and beds of rock salt. According to the view I have already frequently express- ed, and in which the writer most profoundly acquainted with the Caucasian mountain system (Abich) now coincides, the Caucasus itself is only a continuation of the ridge of the vol- canic Thian-schan and Asferah, on the other side of the great Aralo-Caspian depression.* This is, therefore, the place, in connection with the phenomena of the Thian-schan, to cite as beionging to pre-historical periods the four extinct volca- noes of Elburuz, 18,494 feet in height; Ararat, 17,112 feet; Kasbegk, 16,532 feet; and Savalan, 15,760 feet high.f In * Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 9, and 54-58. See also p. 199, note *, of the present vokime. t Elburuz, Kasbegk, and Ararat, according to communications from Struve, Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 57. The height of the extinct volcano of Savalan, westward of Ardebil, as given in the text, is founded on a measurement of Chanykow. See Abich, in the Melanges Phys. et Chim., t. ii., p. 361. To save tedious repetition in the citation of the TRUE VOLCANOES. 339 point of height, these mountains sland between Cotopaxi and Mont Blanc. The great Ararat (Agri-dagh), ascended for the first time on the 27th of September, 1829, by Friedrich von Parrot, several times during 1844 and 1845 by Abich, and lastly, in 1850, by Colonel Chodzko, is dome-shaped, like Chimborazo, with two' extremely small elevations on the border of the summit, but without any crater at the apex. The most extensive and probably the latest pre-historical lava eruptions of Ararat have all issued below the limit of perpetual snow. The nature of these eruptions is two-fold ; they are sometimes trachytic with glassy feldspar, inter- spersed with pyrites which readily weather, and sometimes doleritic, composed of labradorite and augite, like the lavas of ^tna. The doleritic lavas of Ararat are considered by Abich to be more recent than the trachytic. The points of emission of the lava streams, which are all beneath the limit of perpetual snow, are frequently indicated (as, for example, in the extensive grassy plain of Kip-ghioU, on the northwest- em slope) by eruptive cones and by small craters encircled by scorise. Although the deep valley of St. James, which extends to the very summit of Ararat, and gives a peculiar character to its form, even when seen at a distance, exhibits much resemblance to the Val del Bove on ^tna, and dis- plays the internal structure of the dome, yet there ik this striking difference between them, that in the valley of St. James massive trachytic rock alone is found, and no streams of lava, beds of scorise or rapilli.* The Great and Little Ararat, the first of which is shown by the geodetic labors of Wasili Fedorow, to be 3^ 4^^ more northerly, and 6^ 42^^ more westerly than the other, rise on the southern edge of the great plain through which the Araxes flows in a large bend. They both stand on an elliptic volcanic plateau, whose major axis runs southeast and northwest. The Kasbegk and the Tshegem have likewise no summit crater, although the former has thrown out vast eruptions toward the north, in the direction of Wladikaukas. The greatest of all these extinct volcanoes, the trachytic cone of the Elburuz, which has risen out of the talc and dioritic schistous mountains, sources on which I have drawn, I would here explain that every thing in the geological section of Cosmos relating to the important Caucasian isthmus is borrowed from manuscript essays o^the years 1852 and 1 855, communicated to me by Abich in the kindest and friendliest manner for my unrestricted use. * Abich, Notice Eplicative cfune Vue de V Ararat, in the Bulletin de la Soc. de Geographic de France, 4eme serie, t. i., p. sIg. 340 COSMOS. rich in granite, of the valley of the River Backsan, has a crater lake. Similar crater lakes occur in the rugged high- lands of Kely, from which streams of lava flow out between eruption-cones. Moreover, the basalts are here, as w^ell as in the Cordilleras of Quito, widely separated from the tra- chyte system ; they commence from twenty-four to thirty-two miles south of the chain of the Elburuz, and of the Tsehe- gem, on the upper Phasis or lihion valley. p. The Northeastern Portion {the Peninsula of Kamtschatka). The peninsula of Kamtschatka, from CapeLopatka, which, according to Krusenstern, is in lat. 51° 3^, as far north as to Cape Ukinsk, belongs, in common with the island of Java, Chili, and Central America, to those regions in which the greatest number of volcanoes, and it may be added, of still active volcanoes, are compressed :vvithin a very small area. Fourteen of these are reckoned in Kamtschatka within a range of 420 geographical miles. In Central America I find in a space of 680 miles, from the volcano of Coconusco to Turrialva, in Costa Rica, twenty-nine volcanoes, eighteen of which are still burning ; in Peru and Bolivia, over a space of 420 miles, from the volcano Chacani to that of San Pedro de AlRcama, fourteen volcanoes, of which only three are at present active ; and in Chili, over a space of 960 miles, from the volcano of Coquimbo to that of San Clemente, twenty- four volcanoes. Of the latter, thirteen are known to have been active within the periods of time embraced in historical records. Our acquaintance with the Kamtschatkan volcanoes, in respect to their form, the astronomical determination of their position, and their height, has been vastly extended in recent times by Krusenstern, Horner, Hoffman, Lenz, Liitke, Pos- tels, Captain Beechey, and, above all, by Adolph Erman. The Peninsula is intersected lengthwise by two parallel mountain chains, in the most easterly of which the volcanoes are accumulated. The loftiest of these attain a height of from 11,190 to 15,773 feet. They lie in the following order from south to north. The Opalinskian volcano (the Pic Koscheleff of Admiral Krusenstern), lat. 51* 21'. According to Captain Chwos- tow, this mountain rises to the height of the Peak of Tene- riffe, and was extremely active at the close of the 18th cen- tury. TRUE VOLCANOES. 341 The Hodutka Sopka (51° 35^). Between this and the one just noticed there lies an unnamed volcanic cone (51° 32^), which, however, according to Postels, seems, like the Hodut- ka, to be extinct. 4?oworotnaja Sopka (52° 22^) ; according to Captain Bee- chey, 7930 feet high (Erman's Reise, t. iii., p. 253 ; Leop. von Buch, lies Can., p. 447). Assatschinskaja Sopka (52° 2^) ; great discharges of ashes, particularly in the year 1828. The Wiljutschinsker volcano (52° 52'') ; according to Cap- tain Beechey, 7373 feet ; according to Admiral Liitke, 6744 feet high. Distant only 20 geographical miles from the har- bor of Petropolowski, on the north side of the Bay of Torinsk, Awatschinskaja, or Gorelaja Sopka (53° 17''); according to Erraan, 8910 feet high ; first ascended during the expedi- tion of La Perouse, in 1787, by Mongez and Bernizet; after- ward by my dear friend and Siberian fellow-traveler, Ernst Hofraann (in July, 1824, during the circumnavigation of the globe by Kotzebue ; by Postels and Lenz during the expedi- tion of Admiral Liitke in 1828, and by Erman in September, 1829. The latter made the important geognostic observation that the upheaving trachyte had pierced through slate and graywacke (a silurian rock). The still smoking volcano had a terrific eruption in Octolber, 1837, there having previously been a slight one in April, 1828 (Postels, in Liitke, Voyage, t., bd., s. 67-84 ; Erman, Reise, Hist. Bericht, bd. iii., s. 494, and 534-540). In the immediate neighborhood of the. Awatscha-volcano (see page 236) lies the Koriatskaja or Strjeloschnaja Sopka (lat. 53° 19'), 11,210 feet high, according to Lutke, t. iii., p. 84. This mountain is rich in obsidian, which the Kamtschat- kans so late as the last century made into arrow-heads, as the Mexicans and the ancient Greeks used to do. Jupanowa Sopka, lat., according to Erman's calculation {Reise, bd. iii., s. 469), 53° 32'. The summit is pretty flat, and the traveler just mentioned expressly states " that this Sopka, on account of the smoke it emits, and its perceptible subterranean rumbling, is always compared to the mighty Schivvelutsch, and reckoned among the undoubted igneous mountains." Its height, as measured by Liitke from the sea, is 9055 feet. Kronotskaja Sopka, 10,609 feet, at the lake of the same name, lat. 54° 8'; a smoking crater on the summit of the very sharp-pointed conical mountain (Liitke, Voyage, t. iii., p. 85). 342 COSMOS. The volcano Schiwelutsch, 20 miles southeast of Jelowka, respecting which we possess an admirable work by Erman {Reise, bd. iii., s. 261-317 ; and Phys. Bioh., bd. i., s. 400-403), previous to whose journey the mountain was almost unknown. Northern peak, lat. 56^ 40^, height 10,544 feet ; southern pAk, lat. 56° 39^ height 8793 feet. When Erman ascended the Schiwelutsch in September, 1829, he found it smoking vehe- mently. Great eruptions took place in 1739, and between 1790 and 1810; the latter consisting, not of flowing, melted lava, but of ejections of loose volcanic stones. C. von Ditt- mar relates that the northern peak fell in during the night from the 17th to the 18th of February, 1854. At that time an eruption, which still continues, took place, accompanied by genuine streams of lava. Tolbatschinskaja Sopka; smoking violently, but in earli- er times frequently changing the openings througluwhich it ejected its ashes. According to Erman, lat. 55° 51^, and height 8313 feet. Uschinskaja Sopka ; closely connected with the Kliuts- chewsker volcano ; lat. 56° 0^, height 1 1,723 feet (Buch, Can., p. 452 ; Landgrebe, Volkane, vol. i., p. 375). • Kliutschewskaja Sopka (56° 4^), the highest and most act- ive of all the volcanoes of the peninsula of Kamtschatka ; thoroughly examined by Erman, both geologically and hyp- sometrically. According to KraschenikofF's report, the Kli- utschewsk had great igneous eruptions from 1727 to 1731, as also in 1767 and 1795. On the 11th of September, 1829, Erman performed the hazardous feat of ascending the volca- no, and was an eye-witness of the ejection of red-hot stones, ashes, and vapor from the summit, while at a great distance below it an immense stream of lava flowed from a fissure on the western declivity. Here, also, the lava is rich in obsidian. According to Erman {Beoh., vol. i., p. 400-403 and 419) the geographical latitude of the volcano is 56° V, and its height in September, 1829, was, on a very accurate calculation, 15,763 feet. In August, 1828, on the other hand. Admiral Liitke, on taking angles of altitude at sea, at a distance of 160 knots (40 nautical miles), found the summit of Kliuts- chewsk 16,498 feet high (Voyage, t. iii., p. 86; Landgrebe, Vulkane, bd. i., s. 375-386). This measurement, and a com- parison of the admirable outline drawings. of Baron von Kit- tlitz, who accompanied Liitke's expedition on board the Se- niawin, with what Erman himself observed in September, 1829, led the latter to the conclusion that, in this short pe- TRUE VOLCANOES. 343 riod of thirteen months, great changes had taken place in the form and height of the summit. " I am of opinion," says Erman {Reise, vol. iii., p. 359), "that we can scarcely be wrong in assuming the height of the summit in August, 1828, to have been 266 feet more than in September, 1829, during my stay in the neighborhood of Kliutschi, and that therefore its height at the former of these periods must have been 16,029 feet." In the case of Vesuvius, I found, by my own calculations (founde^on Saussure's barometrical measurement in 1778), of the K»cca del Palo, the highest northern margin of the crater, that up to the^ year 1805 — that is to say, in the course of thirty-two years — this northern margin of the crater had sunk 35^ feet ; while from 1773 to 1822, or forty-nine years, it had risen (apparently) 102 feet {Views of Nature, 1850, p. 376-378), In the year 1822 Monticelli and Covelli calcu- lated the Rocca del Palo at 3990 feet, and I at 4022 feet; I then gave 3996 as the most probable result for that period. In the spring of 1855, thirty-three years later, the delicate barometrical measurements of the Olmutz astronomer, Julius Schmidt, again brought out 3990 feet {Neue Bestimm. Am. Vesuv., 1856, s. i., 16 and 33). It would be curious to know how much should here be attributed to imperfection of meas- urement and barometrical formula. Investigations of this kind might to be multiplied on a larger scale and with greater certainty if, instead of often-repeated completed trigonomet- rical operations or, in the case of accessible summits, the more practicable though less satisfactory barometrical meas- urement, operators would confine themselves to determining, even to fractions of seconds, at comparative periods of twen- ty-five or fifty years, the simple angle of altitude of the mar- gin of the summit, from the same point of observation, and one which could with certainty be found again. On account of the influence of terrestrial refraction, I would recommend that, in each of the normal epochs, the mean result of three days' observations at different hours should be taken. In order to obtain not only the general result of the increase or diminution of the angle, but also the absolute amount of the change in feet, the distance would required to be determined previously only once for all. What a rich source of knowl- edge, relative to the twenty volcanic Colossi of the Cordille- ras of Quito, would not the angles of altitude, determined for more than a century by the labors of Bouguer and La Con- daraine, have provided had those travelers accurately desig- nated as fixed and permanent points the stations whence they 344 COSMOS. measured the angles of altitude of the summits. According to C. von Dittmar, the Kliutschewsk was entirely quiescent since the eruption of 1841, until the lava burst forth again in 1853. The falling in, however, of the summit of the Schiwelutsch interrupted the new action {Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathem. de VAcad. des Sc. de St. Petershourg, t. xiv., 1856, p. 246). Four more volcanoes, mentioned in part by Admiral Lutke, and in part by Postels — namely, the Apalsk, still ^moking, to the southeast of the village of Bolscheretski, the^lchischa- pinskaja Sopka (lat. 55° 11^), the cone of Krestowsk (lat. 56° 4^), near the Kliutschewsk group, and the Uscnkowsk — I have not cited in the foregoing series, from want of more exact specification. The central mountain range of Kamts- chatka, especially in the plain of Baidaren, lat. 57° 20^, east- ward of Sedanka, presents (as if it had been " the field of an ancient crater of about four wersts, that is to say, the same number of kilometres, in diameter") the remarkable geolog- ical phenomenon of effusions of lava and scorias from a blis- tery and often brick-colored volcanic rock, which in its turn has penetrated through fissures in the earth at the greatest possible distance from any frame-woik of raised cones (Er- man, Reise, bd. iii., 221, 228, and 273 ; Buch, lies Canaries, p. 454). The analogy is here very striking with what I have already circumstantially explained regarding the Mal- pays, the problematical fields of debris in the elevated plain of Mexico, (see p. 297). V. Islands of Eastern Asia. From Torres Strait, which in the 10th degree of south- ern latitude separates New Guinea and Australia, and from the smoking volcano of Flores to the most northern of the Aleutian Isles (lat. 55°), there is a multitude of islands, for the most part volcanic, which, considered in a general geo- logical point of view, it would be somewhat difficult, on ac- count of their genetic connection, to divide into separate groups, and which increase considerably in circumference to- ward the south. Beginning at the north, we first observe that the curved series* of the Aleutians, issuing from the * See Dana's remarks on the curvatures of ranges of islands, whose convexity in the South Sea is almost always directed toward the south or southeast, in th^ United States Exploring Exjiedition by Wilkes, vol. X. {Geology, by James Dana), 1849, p. 419. TRUE VOLCANOES. 345 American peninsula of Alaska, connect the old and the new continents together by means of the island Attn, near Cop- per Island and Behring's Island, while to the south they close in the waters of Behring's Sea. From Cape Lopatka at the southern extremity of the peninsula of Kamtschatka, we find succeeding each other, in the direction from north to south, first the Archipelago of the Kuriles, bounding on the east the Saghalien or Ochotsk Sea, rendered famous by La Pe- rouse ; next Jesso, probably in former times connected with the island of Krafto* (Saghalin or Tschoka) ; and, lastly, the tri-insular empire of Japan, across the narrow Strait of Sau- gar (Niphon, Sitkok, and Kiu-Siu, according to ^iebold's ad- mirable map, between 41° 32^ and 30° 18^). From the vol- cano of Kliutschewsk, the northernmost on the east coast of the peninsula of Kamtschatka, to the most southern Japan- ese volcano island of Tanega-Sima, in the Van Diemen's Channel, explored by Krusenstern, the direction of the igne- * The island of Saghahn, Tschoka, or Tarakai, is called by the Jap- anese mariners Krafto (written Karafuto). It lies opposite the mouth of the Amoor (the Black River, Saghalian Ula), and is inhabited by the Ainos, a race mild in disposition, dark in color, and sometimes rather hairy. Admiral Krusenstern was of opinion, as were also pre- viously the companions of La Perouse (1787) and Broughton (1797), that Saghalin was connected with the Asiatic continent by a narrow sandy isthmus (lat. 52° 5') ; but, from the important Japanese notices communicated by Franz von Siebold, it appears that, according to a chart drawn up in the year 1808, by Mamia Rinso, the chief of an imperial Japanese commission, Krafto is not a peninsula, but an isl- and surrounded on all sides by the sea (Ritter, Erdkunde, von Asien, vol. ii., p. 488). The conclusion of Mamia Rinso has been very re- cently completely verified, as mentioned by Siebold, when the Russian fleet lay at anchor in the year 1855 in the Bale de Castries (lat. 51° 29'), near Alexandrowsk, and consequently to the south of the con- jectured isthmus, and yet was able to retire into the mouth of the Amoor (lat. 52° 24'). In the narrow channel in which the isthmus was formerly supposed to be, there were in some places only five fath- oms water. The island is beginning to acquire some political impor- tance on account of the proximity of the great stream of Amoor or Saghalin. Its name, pronounced Karafto or Krafto, is a contraction of Kara-fu-to, whicli signifies, according to Siebold, " the island bor- dering on Kara." In the Japano-Chinese language Kara denotes the most northerly part of China (Tartary), and fu, according to the learn- ed writer just mentioned, signifies, " lying close by." Tschoka is a corruption of Tsyokai, and Tarakai originates from a mistake in the name of a single village called Taraika. According to Klaproth (Asia Polyglotta. p. 301), Taraikai, or Tarakai, is the native Aino name of the whole island. Compare Leopold Schrenk's and Captain Bernard Wittingham's remarks, in Petermann's Geogr. Mittheilungen, 1856, s. 176 and 184. See also Perry, Expedition to Japan, vol. i., p. 468. P2 346 COSMOS. ous action, as indicated in the numerous rents of the earth's crust, is precisely from northeast to southwest. The range is carried on by the island of Jakuno-Sima, on which a conical mountain rises to the height of 5838 feet (1780 me- tres), and which separates the two straits of Van Diemen and Colnet — by the Linschote Archipelago of Siebold — by Captain Basil Hall's sulphur island, Lung-Huang-Schan, and by the small group of the Loo-choo and Majico-sima, which latter approaches within a distance of 92 geographical miles the eastern margin of the great island of the Chinese coasts, Formosa or Tay-wan. Here at Formosa (N. lat. 25°-26°) is the important point where, instead of the lines of elevation from N.E. to S.W. ' those in the direction from north to south commence, and continue nearly as fiir as the parallel 5° or 6° of southern lati- tude. They are recognizable in Formosa and in the Philip- pines (Luzon and Mindanao) over a space of fully twenty de- grees of latitude, intersecting the coasts, sometimes on one side and sometimes on both, in the direction of the meridian. They are likewise visible on the east coast of the great isl- and of Borneo, which is connected by the So-lo Archipelago with Mindanao, and by the long, narrow island of Palawan with Mindoro. So also in the western portions of the Cel- ebes, with their varied outline, and Gilolo, and, lastly (which is especially remarkable), in the longitudinal fissures on which, at a distance of 1400 geographical miles eastward of the group of the Philippines and in the same latitude, the range of vol- canic and coral islands of Marian or the Ladrones have been upheaved. Their general direction* is north, and 10° east. Having pointed out in the parallel of the carboniferous island of Formosa the turning point at which the direction of the Kuriles from N.E. to S.W. is changed to that from north to south, I must now observe that a new system of fis- sures commences to the south of Celebes and the south coasts of Borneo, which, as we have already seen, is cut from east to west. The greater and lesser Sunda islands, from Timor- lant to West-Bali, follow chiefly for the space of 18° of longi- tude, the mean parallel of 8° south latitude. At the western * Dana, Geology of the Pacific Ocean, p. 16. Corresponding with the meridian lines of the southeast Asiatic island world, the shores of Co- chin-China from the Gulf of Tonquin, those of Malacca from the Gulf of Siam, and even those of New Holland south of the 25th degree of latitude are for the most part cut oflF, as it were, in the direction from north to south. TRUE VOLCANOES. 347 extremity of Java the mean axis runs somewhat more to- ward the north, nearly E.S.E. and W.N.W., while from the Strait of Sunda to the southernmost of the Nicobar Isles the direction is from S.E. to N.W. The whole volcanic fissure of elevation (E. to W., and S.E. to N.W.) has consequently an extent of about 2700 geographical miles, or eleven times the length of the Pyrenees. Of this space, if we disregard the slight deviation toward the north in Java, 1620 miles belong to the east and west direction, and 1080 to the south- east and northwest. Thus do general geological considerations on form and range lead uninterruptedly, in the island world on the east coast of Asia (over the immense space of 68° of latitude), from the Aleutian Isles and Behring's Sea to the Moluccas and the Great and Little Sunda Isles. The greatest variety in the configuration of the land is met with in the parallel zone of 5°- north and 10° south latitude. It is very remark- able how generally the line of eruption in the larger portions is repeated in a neighboring smaller portion. Thus a long range of islands lies near the south coast of Sumatra and parallel to it. We find the same appearances in the smaller phenomena of the mineral veins as in the greater ones of the mountain ranges of whole continents. Accompanying debris, running by the side of the principal vein, and secondary chains (chaines accompagnantes) lie frequently at considerable distances from each other. They indicate similar causes and similar tendencies of the formative action in the folding in of the crust of the earth. The conflict of powers in the con- temporaneous openings of fissures in opposite directions ap- pears sometimes to occasion strange formations in juxtapo- sition, as may be seen in the Molucca Islands, Celebes, and Kilolo. After developing the internal geological connection of the East and South Asiatic insular system, in order not to devi- ate from the long-adopted, though someirftet arbitrary, geo- graphical divisions and nomenclature, w^Race the southern limit of the Eastern Asiatic insular range (the turning-point) at Formosa, where the line of direction runs oflT from the N.E.— S.W. to the N.— S., in the 24th degree of north lati- tude. The enumeration proceeds again from north to south, beginning with the eastern, and more American, Aleutian Islands. The Aleutian Isles, which abound in volcanoes, include, in the direction from east to west, the Eox Islands, among 348 COSMOS. which are the largest of all, Unimak, Unalaschka, and Ura- nak — the Andrejanowsk Isles, of which the most famous are Atcha, with three smoking. volcanoes, and the great vol- cano of Tanaga, already delineated by Sauer — the Eat Isl- ands, and the somewhat distant islands of Blynia, among which, as has been already observed, Attn forms the connect- ing link to the Commander group (Copper and Behring's Isles), near Asia. There seems no ground for the often-repeated conjecture that the range of continental volcanoes in the di- rection of N.N.E. and S.S.W., on the peninsula of Kamts- chatka, first commences where the volcanic fissure of up- heaval in the Aleutian Islands intersects the peninsula be- neath the ocean, the Aleutian fissure thus forming, as it were, a channel of conduction. According to Admiral Liitke's chart of the Kamtschatkan Sea (Behring's Sea), the island of Attn, the western extremity of the Aleutian range, lies in lat. 52° 46^, and the non-volcanic Copper and Behring's Isl- ands in lat. 54° 30^ to 55° 20^, while the volcanic range of KamtBchatka commences under the parallel of 56° 40^ with the great volcano of Schivvelutsch, to the west of Cape Stol- bowoy. Besides, the direction of the fissures of eruption is very diflferent, indeed, almost opposite. The highest of the Aleutian volcanoes, on Unimak, is 8076 feet according to Lutke. Near the northern extremity of Umnak, in the month of May, 1796, there arose from the sea, under very remark- able circumstances, which have been admirably described in Otto von Kotzebue's ^' Entdeckungsreise''' (bd. ii., s. 106), the island of Agaschagokh (or St. Johannes Theologus), which continued burning for nearly eight years. According to a report published by Krusenstern, this island was, in the year 1819, nearly sixteen geographical miles in circumfer- ence, and was nearly 2240 feet high. On the island of Una- laschka the proportions of the trachyte, containing much hornblende, of the volcano of Matuschkin (5474 feet) to the black porphyry (l|yind the neighboring granite, as given by Chamisso, would^reserve to be investigated by some scientific observer acquainted with the conditions of modern geology, and able to examine carefully the mineralogical character of the different kinds of rocks. Of the two contiguous islands of the Pribytow group, which lie isolated in the Kamtschat' kan Sea, that of St. Paul is entirely volcanic, abounding in lava and pumice, while St. Geoi*ge's Island, on the contrary, contains only granite and gneiss. According to th^most exact enumeration we yet possess, TRUE VOLCANOES. ^ 349 the range of the Aleutian Isles, stretching over 960 geo- graphical miles, seems to contain above thirty-four volcanoes, the greater part of them active in modern historical times. Thus we see here (in 54° and 60° latitude, and 160°-196° west longitude) a strip of the whole floor of the ocean be- tween two great continents in a constant state of formative and destructive activity. How many islands in the course of centuries, as in the group of the Azores, may there not be near becoming visible above the surface of the ocean, and how many more which, after having long appeared, have sunk either wholly or partially unobserved ! For the min- gling of races, and the migration of nations, the range of the Aleutian Islands furnishes a channel from thirteen to four- teen degrees more southerly than that of Behring's Straits, by which the Tchutches seem to have crossed from America to Asia, and even to the other side of the Eiver Anadir. The range of the Kurile Islands, from the extreme point of Kamtschatka to Cape Broughton (the northernmost prom- ontory of Jesso), in a longitudinal space of 720 geographical miifes, exhibits from eight to ten volcanoes, still for the most part in a state qf ignition. The northernmost of these, on the island of Alaid, known for its great eruptions in the years 1770 and 1793, is well worthy of being accurately measured, its height being calculated at from 12,000 to 15,000 feet. The much less lofty Pic Sarytshew (4193 feet according to Horner) on Mataua, and the southernmost Japanese Kuriles, Urup, Jetorop, and Kunasiri, have also been very active volcanoes. We now come in the order of succession of the volcanic range to Jesso, and the three larger Japanese Islahds, re- specting which the celebrated traveler, Herr von Siebold, has kindly communicated to me a large and important work for assistance in my Cosmos. This will serve to correct what- ever was defective in the notices which I borrowed from the great Japanese Encyclopedia in my Fragmevs de Geologie et de Climatologie Asiatiques (tom. i., p. 217-234), and in Asie Centrale (tom. ii., p. 540-552). The large island of Jesso, which is very quadrangular in its northern portion (lat. 41^° to 45^°) separated by the Strait of Saugar, or Tsugar, from Niphon, and by that of La Peroyse from the island of Krafto (Kara-fu-to), bounds by its northeast cape the Archipelago of the Kuriles ; but not far from the northwest Cape Romanzow, on Jesso, which stretches a degree and a half more northward in the Strait of La Perouse, lies, in latitude 45° 11^, the volcanic Pic de 350 ^ COSMOS. Langle (5350 feet), on the little island of Eisiri. Jesso itself seems also to be intersected by a range of volcanoes, from Broughton's Southern Volcano Bay nearly all the way to the North Cape, a circumstance the more remarkable, as, on the narrow island of Krafto, which is almost a continuation of Jesso, the naturalists of La Perouse's expedition found, in the Baie de Castries, fields of red porous lava and scoriae. On Jesso itself Siebold counted seventeen conical mountains, the greater number of which appear to be extinct volcanoes. The Kiaka, called by the Japanese Usaga-Take, or Mortar Mountain, on account of a deeply-hollowed crater, and the Kajo-hori are both said to be still in a state of ignition. (Commodore Perry noticed two volcanoes from Volcano Bay, near the harbor of Endermo, lat. 42° 17^.) The lofty Manye (Krusenstern's conical mountain Pallas) lies in the middle of the island of Jesso, nearly in lat. 44°, somewhat to the E.N.E. of Bay Strogonow. " The historical books of Japan mention only six active volcanoes before and since our era — namely, two on the isl- and of Niphon, and four on the island of Kiu-siu. Thefbl- canoes of Kiu-siu, the nearest to the peninsud© of Corea, reck- oning them in their geographical position from south to north, are, (1) the volcano of Mitake, on the islet of Sayura-sima, in the Bay of Kagosima (province of Satsuma), which lies open to the south, lat. 31° 33^ long. 130° 41^ ; (2) the vol- cano Kirisima (lat. 31° 45^), in the district of Naka, prov- ince of Finga ; (3) the volcano Aso jama, in the district Aso (lat. 32° 45^), province of Figo; (4) the volcano of Vunzen, on the peninsula of Simabara (lat. 32° 44^), in the district of Takaku. The height of this volcano amounts, according to a barometrical measurement, only to 1253 metres, or 4110 English feet, so that it is scarcely a hundred feet higher than Vesuvius (Rocca del Palo). The most violent eruption of the volcano of Vunzen on record is that of February, 1793. Vunzen and Aso jama both lie east-southeast of Nangasaki." " The volcanoes of the great island of Niphon, again reck- oning from south to north, are, (1) the volcano of Fusi jama, scarcely 16 geographical mileS distant from the southern coast, in the district of Fusi, province of Suruga (lat. 35° 18^, long. 138° 35''). Its height, measured in the same way as the volcano of Vunzen, or Kiu-siu, by some young Japanese instructed by Siebold, amounts to 3793 metres, or 12,441 feet ; it is, therefore, fully 320 feet higher than the Peak of Teneriffe, with v/hich it has been already compared by Kamp- TRUE VOLCANOES. 351 fer (Wilhelm Heine, Meise nach Japan, 1856, bd. ii., s. 4). The upheaval of this conical mountain is recorded in the fifth year of the reign of Mikado VI. (286 years before our era) in these (geognostically remarkable) words : ' In tlie country of Omi a considerable quantity of land sinks, an inland lake is formed, and the volcano Fusi makes its appearance.' The most violent historically recorded eruptions within the Chris- tian era are those of 799, 800, 863, 937, 1032, 1083, and 1707 : since the latter period the mountain has been tranquil. (2) The volcano of Asama jama, the most central of the act- ive volcanoes in the intei:ior of the country, distant 80 geo- graphical miles from the south-southeast, 52 miles from the north-northwest coast, in the district of Saku (province of Sinano), lat. 36° 22^, long. 138° 38'; thus lying between the meridians of the two capitals, Mijako and Jeddo. The Asama jama had an eruption as early as the year 864, con- temporaneously with the Fusi jama ; that of the month of July, 1783, was particularly violent and destructive. Since that time the Asama jama has maintained a constant state of activity. " Besides these volcanoes two other small islands with smoking craters have been observed by European mariners, namely, (3) the small island of Ivogasima, or Ivosima {sima signifies island, and ivo sulphur ; ga is merely an affix mark- ing the nominative), Krusenstern's lie du Volcan, south of Kiu-siu, in Van Diemen's Strait, 30° 43' N. lat., and 130° 18' E. long., distant only fifty-four miles from the above- mentioned volcano of Mitake ; the height of the volcano is 2364 feet (715 met.). This island is mentioned byLinscho- ten, so early as 1596, in these words : ' The island has a vol- cano, which is a sulphur, or fiery mountain.' It occurs also on the oldest Dutch sea-charts under the name of Vulcanus (FrJ von Siebold, Atlas von Jap. Reiche, tab. xi.). Krusen- stern saw it smoking in 1804, as did Captain Blake in 1838, and Gue'rin and De la Roche Poncie in 1846. The height of the cone, according to the latter navigator, is 2345 feet (715 met.). The rocky islet mentioned as a volcano by Landgrebe in the Naturgeschichte der Vulkane (bd. i., s. 355), and which, according to Kampfer, is near Firato (Firando), is undoubtedly Ivo-sima, for the group to which Ivo-sima belongs is called Kiusiu ku sima, i. D'Urville, Voy. de la Corvette V Astrolabe, 1826-1829, Atlas, pi. i. — 1st. Polynesia is considered to contain tl;e eastern portion of the South Sea (the Sandwich Islands, Tahiti, and the Tonga Arihipelago ; .and also New Zealand); 2. Micronesia and Melanesia form the west- ern portion of the South Sea ; the former extends from Kauai, the westernmost island of the Sandwich group, to near Japan and the Philippines, and reaches south to the equator, comprehending the Ma- rians (Ladrones), the Carolinas and the Pellew Islands ; 3d. Melane- sia, so called from its dark-haired inhabitants, bordering on the Malai- sia to the northwest, embraces the small Archipelago of Viti, or Fee- jee, the New Hebrides and Solomon's Islands ; likewise the larger isl- ands of New Caledonia, New Britain, New Ireland, and New Guinea. The terms Oceania and Polynesia, often so contradictory in a geograph- ical point of view, are taken from Malte-Brun (1813) and from Lesson (1828). TRUE VOLCANOES. 366 not only extremely arbitrary, but founded on totally different principles drawn from the number and size, or the complex- ion and descent of the inhabitants, and to commence the enu- meration of the still active volcanoes of the South Sea with those which lie to the north of the equator. I shall after- ward proceed in the direction from east to west, to the isl- ands situated between the equator and the parallel of 30° south latitude. The numerous basaltic and trachytic islands, with their countless craters, formerly at different times erup- tive, must on no account be said to be indiscriminately scat- tered.* It is admitted, with respect to the greater number of them, that their upheaval has taken place on widely ex- tended fissures and submarine mountain chains, which run in directions governed by fixed laws of region and grouping, and which, just as we see in the continental mountain chains of Central Asia, and of the Caucasus, belong to different sys- tems; but the circumstances which govern the area over which at any one particular time the openings are simultane- ously active, probably depend, from the extremely limited number of such openings, on entirely local disturbances, to which the conducting fissures are subjected. The attempt to draw lines through three now simultaneous volcanoes, whose respective distances amount to between 2400 and 3000 geo- graphical miles asunder, without any intervening cases of eruption (I refer to throe volcanoes now in a state of ignition * " The epithet scattered, as applied to the islands jof the ocean (in the arrangement of the (];roups), conve_ys a very incorrect idea of their positions. There is a system in their arrangement as regular as in the mountain heights of a continent, and ranges of elevation are indicated as grand and extensive as any continent presents." Geology, by J. Dana, United States Exploring Expedition, under command of Charles Wilkes, vol. x. (1849), p. 12. Dana calculates that there are in the whole of the South Sea, exclusive of the small rock islands, about 350 basaltic or trachytic and 290 coral islands. He divides them into twenty-five groups, of which nineteen in the centre have the direction of their axis N. 50°— 60<^ W., and the remaining N. 20°— 30° E. It is particularly remarkable that these numerous islands, with a few ex- ceptions, such as the Sandwich Islands and New Zealand, all lie be- tween 23° 28' of north and south latitude, and that there is such an immense space devoid of islands eastward from the Sandwich and the Nukahiva groups as far as the American shores of Mexico and Peru. Dana likewise draws attention to a circumstance which forms a con- trast to the insignificant number of the now active volcanoes, namely, that if, as is probable, the Coral Islands, when lying between entirely basaltic islands, have likewise a basaltic foundation, the number of submarine and subaerial volcanic openings may be estimated at more than a thousand (p. 17 and 24). ,; 366 COSMOS. — Mouna Loa, with Kilauea on its eastern declivity; the cone mountain of Tanna, in the New Hebrides ; and Assump- tion Island in the North Ladrones), would afford us no in- formation in regard to the general formation of volcanoes in the basin of the South Sea. The case is quite different if we limit ourselves to single groups of islands, and look back to remote, perhaps pre-historic, epochs when the numerous linearly-arranged, though now extinct, craters of the Ladrones (Marian Islands), the New Hebrides, and the Solomon's Isl- ands were active, but which certainly did not become gradu- ally extinguished in a direction either from southeast to north- west or from north to south. Though I here name only vol- canic island chains of the high seas, yet the Aleutes and oth- er true coastian islands are analogous to them. General con- clusions as to the direction of a cooling process are deceptive, as the state of the conducting medium must operate tempo- rarily upon it, according as it is open or interrupted. Mouna Loa, ascertained by the exact measurement* of the American exploring expedition under Captain "Wilkes to be 13,758 feet in height, and consequently 1600 feet higher than the Peak of Teneriffe, is the largest volcano of the South Sea Islands, and the only one that still remains really active in the whole volcanic Archipelago of the Hawaii or Sandwich Islands. The summit craters, the largest of which is nearly 13,000 feet in diameter, exhibit ifi their ordinary state a solid bottom, composed of hardened lava and scoriae, out of which rise small cones of eruption, exhaling vapor. The summit openings are, on the whole, not very active, though in June, 1832, and in January, 1843, they emitted eruptions of sever- al weeks' duration, and even streams of lava of from 20 to 28 geographical miles in length, extending to the foot of Mouna Kea. The fall (inclination) of the perfectly connected flow- ing stream! was chiefly 6°, frequently 10°, 15°, and even 25°. The conformation of the Mouna Loa is very remarkable, from the circumstance of its having no cone of ashes, like the Peak of Teneriffe, Cotopaxi, and so many other volcanoes ; it is likewise almost entirely deficient in. pumice, { though the * See Cosmos, vol. v., p. 238, note J. t Dana, Geology of the United States Explor. Exped., p. 208 and 210. X Dana, p. 193 and 201. The absence of cinder-cones is likewise very remarkable in those volcanoes of the Eifel which emit streams of lava. Reliable information, however, received by the missionary Dib- ble from the mouths of eye-witnesses, proves that an eruption of ashes may notwithstanding occur from the summit crater of Mouna Loa, for he was told that, during the war carried on by Kamehameha against TRUE VOLCANOES. 367 blackish-gray, and more trachytic than basaltic, lavas of the summit abound in feldspar. The extraordinary fluidity of the lavas of Mouna Loa, whether issuing from the summit crater (Mokua-weo-weo) or from the sea of lava (on the east- ern declivity of the volcano, at a height of only 3969 feet above the sea), is testified by the glass threads, sometimes smooth and sometimes crisped or curled, which are dispersed by the wind all over the island. This hair glass, which is likewise thrown out by the volcano of Bourbon, is called Fele's hair by the Hawaiians, after the tutelary goddess of the country. Dana has ably demonstrated that Mouna Loa is not the central volcano of the Sandwich Islands, and that Kilauea is not a solfatara.* The basin of Kilauea is 16,000 feet (about 2§ geographical miles) across its long diameter, and 7460 feet across its shorter one. The steaming, bubbling, and foaming mass which forms the true lava pool does not, however, under ordinary circumstances, fill the whole of this cavity, but mere- ly a space whose long diameter measures 14,000 feet and its breadth 5000 feet. The descent to the edge of the crater is graduated. This great phenomenon produces a wonderful impression of silence and solemn repose. The approach of an eruption is not here indicated by earthquakes or subterra- nean noises, but merely by a sudden rising and falling of the surface of the lava, sometimes to the extent of from 300 or 400 feet up to the complete filling of the whole basin. If, disregarding the immense difference in size, we were to com- pare the gigantic basin of Kilauea with the small side craters (first described by Spallanzani) on the declivity of Stromboli, at four fifths of the height of the mountain, the summit of the insurgents in the year 1789, an eruption of hot ashes, accompanied by an earthquake, enveloped the surrounding country in the darkness of night (p. 183). On the volcanic glass threads (the hair of the god- dess Fele, who, before she went to settle at Hawaii, inhabited the now extinct volcano of Hale-a-Kala — or the House of the Sun — on the isl- and of Maui) see p. 179 and 199-200. * Daaa, p. 205. "The term Solfatara is wholly misapplied. A sol- fatara is an area with streaming fissures and escaping sulphur vapors, and without proper lava ejections ; while Kilauea is a vast crater with extensive lava ejections and no sulphur, except that of the sulphur banks, beyond what necessarily accompanies, as at Vesuvius, violent volcanic action." The structural frame of Kilauea, the mass of the great lava basin, consists also, not of beds of ashes or fragmentary rocks, but of horizontal layers of lava, arranged like limestone. Dana, p. 193. (Compare Strzelecki, Phys. Descr, of New South Wales, 1845, p. 105-111.) 368 COSMOS. which has no opening — that is to say, with basins of boiling lava of from 30 to 200 feet in diameter only — we must not forget that the fiery gulfs on the slope of Stromboli throw out ashes to a great height, and even pour out lava. Though the great lava lake of Kilauea (the lower and secondary cra- ter of the active volcano of Mouna Loa) sometimes threatens to overflow its margin, yet it never actually runs over so as to produce true streams of lava. These occur by currents from below, through subterranean channels, and the forma- tion of new eruptive openings at a distance of from 16 to 20 geographical miles, consequently at points very much lower than the basin. After these eruptions, occasioned by the pressure of the immense mass of lava in the basin of Kilauea, the fluid surface sinks in the basin.* Of the two other high mountains of Hawaii, Mouna Kea and Mouna Hualalai, the former is, according to Captain Wilkes, 190 feet higher than Mouna Loa. It is a conical mountain on whose summit there no longer exists any term- inal crater, but only long extinct mounds of scoriae. Mouna Hualalai* is fully 10,000 feet high, and is still burning. In the year 1801 an eruption took place, during which the lava reached the sea on the western side. It is to the three colos- sal mountains of Loa, Kea, and Hualalai, which rose from the bottom of the sea, that the island of Hawaii owes its origin. In the accounts given of the numerous ascents of Mouna Loa, among which that of the expedition of Captain Wilkes was based on investigations of twenty-eight days' du- ration, mention is made of falls of snow with a degree of cold from 23 to 17^ Fahr. above zero, and of single patches of snow, which could be distinguished with the aid of the teles- * This remarkable sinking of the surface of the lava is confirmed by the relations of numerous voyagers, from Ellis, Stewart, and Doug- las to the meritorious Count Strzelecki, Wilkes's expedition and the remarkably observant missionary Coan. During the great eruption of June, 1840, the connection of the rise of the lava in the Kilauea with the sudden inflammation of the crater of Arare, situated so far below it, was most decidedly shown. The disappearance of the lava poured forth from Arare, its renewed subterranean course, and final reappear- ance in greater quantity, do not quite admit of an absolute conclusion as to identity, because numerous lava-yielding longitudinal fissures opened simultaneously below the line of the floor of the Kilauea basin. It is likewise veiy worthy of observation, as bearing on the internal constitution of this singular volcano of Hawaii, that in June, 1832, both craters, that of the summit and that of Kilauea, poured out and occasioned streams of lava, so that they were simultaneously actire. (Compare Dana, p. 18-4, 188, 193, and 196.) TRUE VOLCANOES. 369 cope at the summit of the volcano, but nothing is ever said of perpetual sno\v.(*) I have already observed, in a former part of this work, that the Mouna Loa (13,758 feet) and the ilouna Kea (13,950 feet) are respectively more than 1000 and 821 feet lower than the lowest limit of perpetual snow, as found by me in the continental mountains of Mexico under 19^° latitude. On a small island the line of perpetual snow should lie somewhat lower, on account of the less elevated temperature of the lower strata of air in the hottest season of the tropical zone, and on account of the greater quantity of water held in solution in the upper atmosphere. The volcanoes of Tafoa* and Amargura* in the Tonga group are both active, and the latter had a considerable erup- tion of lava on the 9th of July, 1847. t It is extremely re- markable, and is in entire accordance with the stories of the coral animals avoiding the shores oT volcanoes, either at the time or shortly before, in a state of ignition, that the Tonga islands of Tafoa and the cone of Kao, which abound in coral reefs, are entirely destitute of those creatures.^ Next follow the volcanoes of Tanna* and Ambrym,* the latter westward of Mallicollo, in the Archipelago of the New Hebrides. The volcano of Tanna, first described by Keinhold Forster, was found in a full state of eruption on Cook's dis- covery of the island in 1774. It has since remained con- stantly active. Its height being only 458 feet, it is one of the lowest fire-emitting cones, along with the volcano of Mendana, hereafter to be noticed, and the Japanese volcano of Kosima. There is a great quantity of pumice on Mal- licollo. Matthew's Rock,* a very small smoking rock island, about 1183 feet high, the eruption of which was observed by D'Ur- ville in January, 1828. It lies eastward of the southern point of New Caledonia. The volcano of Tinakoro,* in the group of Vanikoro or Santa Cruz. In the same Archipelago of Santa Cruz, fully 80 geograph- ical miles N.N.W. of Tinakoro, the volcano* seen by Men- dana so early as 1595 rises out of the sea to a height of about 213 feet (lat. 10° 23^ S.). Its eruptions have sometimes (*) Wilkes, p. 114, 140, and 157 ; Dana, p. 221. From the perpetu- al transmutation of the r and /, Mauna Loa, is often written Roa, and Kilauea, Kirauea. t Dana, p. 25 and 138. , X Dana, Geology of the United States Exploring Exped.^ p. 138. (See Darwin, Structure of Coral Reefs, p. 60.) Q2 370 COSMOS. been periodical, occurring every ten minutes, and at other times, as on the occasion of the expedition of D'Entrecas- teaux, the crater itself and the column of vapor were undis- tinguishable from each other. '^ In the Solomon's group the volcano of the island of Se^ sarga* is in a state of ignition. On the coast of Guadalca^ nar, in this neighborhood, and therefore also af the southeast end of the long range of islands toward the Vanikoro or Santa Cruz group, volcanic eruptive action has likewise been observed. In the Ladrones, or Marian Islands, at the north end of the range, which seems to have been upheaved from a me- ridian fissure, Guguan,* Pagon,* and the Volcan grande of Asuncion, are said to be stillin a state of activity. The direction of the coasts of the small continent of New Holland, and particularly the dev'iation from that direction seen in the east coast in 25° south latitude (between Cape Hervey and Moreton Bay), seem to be reflected in the zone of the neighboring eastern islands. The great southern isl- and of New Zealand, and the Kermadec and Tonga groups, stretch from the southwest to the northeast; while, on the other hand, the northern portion of the north island of New Zealand (from the Bay of Plenty to Cape Oton), New Cale- donia and New Guinea, the New Hebri(^s, the Solomon's Isles, New Ireland, and New Britain, run in a direction from S.E. to N.W., chiefly N. 48° W. Leopold von Buch(*) first drew attention to this relation between continental masses and neighboring islands in the Greek Archipelago and the Australian Coral Sea. The islands of the latter sea, too, are not deficient, as both Forster (Cook's companion) and La Billardiere formerly observed, in granite and mica-slate, the quartzose rocks formerly called primeval. Dana has like- wise collected them on the northern island of New Zealand, to the west of Tipuna, in the Bay" of Islands.! New Holland exhibits only on its southern extremity (Aus- tralia Felix), at the foot and to the south of the Grampian Mountains, fresh traces of former igneous action, for we learn from Dana that a number of volcanic cones and deposits of (*) Leop. von Buch, Description Phys, deslles Canaries, 1836,'p. 893 and 403-405. t See Dana, 3id., 438-446, and on the fresh traces of ancient vol- canic action in New Holland, p. 453 and 457 ; also on the. many basaltic columns in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, p. 495-510; and E. de Strzelecki, Phys. Descr. ofNexo South Wales, p. 112. TRUE VOLCANOES. 371 lava are found to the northwest of Port Philip, as also in the direction of the Murray River (Dana, p. 453). On New Britain* there are at least three cones on the west coast, which have been observed within the historical era, by Tasman, Dampier, Cartaret, and La Billardiere, in a state of ignition and throwing out lava. There are two active volcanoes in New Guinea,* on the northeastern coast, opposite New Britain and the Admiralty Islands, which abound in obsidian. In New Zealand, of which the geology of the north island at least has been illustrated by the important work of Ernst DiefFenbach, and the admirable investigations* of Dana, ba- saltic and trachytic rocks at various points break through the generally diffused Plutonic and sedimentary rocks. This example is the case in a very limited area near the Bay of Islands (lat. 35° 2''), where the ash-cones, crowded with dis- tinct craters, Turoto and Poerua rise; and again, more to the southeast (between 37^° and 39i° lat.), where the vol- canic floor runs quite across the centre of the north island, a distance of more than 160 geographical miles from northeast to southwest, from the Bay of Plenty, on the east, to Cape Egmont, on the west. This zone of volcanic action liere traverses (as we have already seen it to do on a much larger scale in the Mexican Continent), in a diagonal fissure from northeast to southwest, the interior chain of mountains which runs lengthwise in a north and south direction, and which seems to give its form to the whole island. On the ridge of this chain stand, as it were, at the points of intersection, the lofty cone of Tongariro^^ (6198), whose crater is found on the top of the ash-cone, Bidwill, and, somewhat more to the south, Ruapahu (9006 feet). The northeast end of the zone is formed in the Bay of Plenty (lat. 38^) by a constantly smoking solfatara, the island volcano of Puhia-i-wakati(*)* (White Island). Next follow to the southwest, on the shore itself, the extinct volcano of Putawaki (Mount Edgecombe), 8838 feet high, probably the highest snowy mountain on New Zealand ; and in the interior, between Mount Edgecombe and the still burning Tongariro,* which has poured forth some streams of lava, a lengthened chain of lakes, partly consist- ing of boiling water. The lake of Taupo, which is surround- (*) Ernst Dieffenbach, Travels in New Zealand, 1843, vol. i., p. 337, 355, and 401. DiefFenbach calls White Island "a smoking solfatara, but still in volcanic activity" (p. 358 and 407), and on the chart, " in continual ignition." 372 COSMOS. ed by beautiful glistening leucite and sanidine sand, as well as by mounds of pumice, is nearly 24 geographical miles long, and lies in the centre of the north island of New Zealand, at an elevation, according to Dieffenbach, of 1337 feet above the surface of the sea. The ground for two English square miles round is entirely covered with solfataras, vapor holes, and thermal springs, the latter of which form, as at the Gey- ser, in Iceland, a variety of silicious precipitates. (*) West- ^ward of Tongariro,* the chief seat of volcanic action, whose crater still ejects vapors and pumice-stone ashes, and at a dis- tance of only sixteen miles from the western shore, rises the volcano of Taranaki (Mount Egmont), 8838 feet high, which was first ascended and measured by Dr. Ernst DieiFenbach in November, 1840. The summit of the cone, which in its out- line more resembles Tolima than Cotopaxi, terminates in a plain, out of which rises a steep ash-cone. No traces of pres- ent activity, such as are seen on the volcano of the White Island* and on Tongariro,* are visible, nor any connected stream of lava. The substance composed of very thin scales, and having a ringing sound, which is seen projecting with sharp points like fish-bones, from among the scoriae, in the same manner as on one side of the Peak of TenerifFe, resem- bles porphyritic schist, or clink-stone. A narrow, long-extended, uninterrupted accumulation of island groups, erupted from northwestern fissures, such as New Caledonia and New Guinea, the New Hebrides and Solomon's Island, Pitcairn, Tahiti, and the Paumotu Islands, traverses the great Ocean in the Southern hemisphere in a direction from west to east, for a length of 5400 geograph- ical m^es, between the parallels of latitude of 12° and 27°, from the meridian of the east coast of Australia as far as Easter Island, and the rock of Sala y Gomez. The western portions of this crowd of islands (New Britain,* the New Hebrides,* Vanikoro* in the Archipelago of Santa Cruz, and the Tonga group*) exhibit at the present time, in the middle of the nineteenth century, inflammation and igneous action. New Caledonia, though surrounded by basaltic and other volcanic islands, has nevertheless nothing but. Plutonic rock,t as is the case with Santa MariaJ in the Azores, according to (*) Dana, p. 445-448 ; Dieffenbach, vol. i„ p, 331, 339-341 and 397. On Mount Egmont, see vol i., p. 131-1.^)7. t Darwin, Volcaiiic Islands, p. 125; Dana, p. 140. t L. de Buch, Bescr. des I. Can., p. 365. On the three islands here named, however, phonolite and basaltic rock are also found along with TRUE VOLCANOES. 373 Leopold voK Buch, and with Flores and Graciosa, according to Count Bedemar. It is this absence of volcanic action in New Caledonia, where sedimentary formations with seams of coal have lately been discovered, that the great develop- ment of living coral reefs on its shores is ascribed. The Archipelago of the Viti, or Feejee Islands, is at once basaltic and trachytic, though distinguished only by hot springs in the Savu Bay on Vanua Lebu.* The Samoa group (Navi- gator's Islands), northeast of the Feejee Islands, and nearly north of the still active Tonga Archipelago, is likewise ba- saltic, and is moreover characterized by a countless number of eruption craters linearly arranged, which are surrounded by tufa-beds with pieces of coral baked into them. The Peak of Tafua, on the island of Upolu, one of the Samoa group, presents a remarkable degree of geognostic interest. It must not, however, be confounded with the still enkindled Peak of Tafua, south of Amargura, in the Tonga Archipelago. The Peak of Tafua (2138 feet), which Dana firstf ascended and measured, has a large crater entirely filled with a thick for- est, and crowned by a regularly rounded ash-cone. There is here no trace of any stream of lava ; yet on the conical mount- ain of Apia (2576 feet), which is likewise on Upolu, as well as on the Peak of Fao (3197 feet), we meet with fields of scoriaceous lava (Malpais of the Spaniards), the surface of which is, as it were, crimped, and often twisted like a rope. The lava-fields of Apia contain narrow subterranean cavities. Tahiti, in the centre of the Society Islands, far more tra- chytic than basaltic, exhibits, strictly speaking, only the ruins of its former volcanic frame-work, and it is difficult to trace the original form of the volcano in those enormous masses, looking like ramparts and chevaux-de-frise, with perpendicu- lar precipices of several thousand feet in depth. Of its two highest summits, Aorai and Orohena, the former was first ascended and investigated by that profound geologist Dana. J The trachytic mountain, Orohena, is said to equal -^tna in height. Thus, next to the active group of the Sandwich Isl- ands, Tahiti contains the highest rock of eruption in the whole range of the ocean between the continents of America Plutonic and sedimentary strata. But these rocks may have made their appearance above the surface of the sea on the first volcanic up- heaval of the island from the bed of the ocean. No traces are said to have been found of fiery eruptions or of extinct volcanoes. * Dana, p. 343-350. t Dana, p. 312, 318, 320, and 323. X Leop. von Buch, p. 383 ; Darwin, Vole. IsL, p. 25 ; Darwin, Coral Reefs, p. 138; Dana, p. 286-305 and 364. 374 COSMOS. and Asia. There is a feldspathic rock on the small islands of Borabora and Maurua, near Tahiti, designated by late travelers with the name of syenite, and by Ellis in his Poly* nesian researches described as a granitic aggregate of feldspar and quartz, which, on account of the breaking out of porous, scoriaceous basalt in the immediate neighborhood, merits a much more complete mineralogical investigation. Extinct craters and lava streams are not now to be met with on the Society Islands. The question occurs : Are the craters on the mountain tops destroyed; or did the high and ancient structures, now riven and transformed, continue closed at the top like a dome, while the veins of basalt and trachyte poured immediately forth from fissures in the earth, as has probably been the case at many other points of the sea's bottom ? Ex- tremes of great viscidity or great fluidity in the matter poured out, as well as the varying width or narrowness of the fis- sures through which the effusion takes place, modify the shapes of the self-forming volcanic mountain strata, and, where fric- tion produces what is called ashes and fragmentary subdivis- ion, give rise to small and for the most part transitory cones of ejection, which are not to be confounded with the great terminal cinder-cones of the permanent structural frames. Close by the Society Islands, in an easterly direction, are the Low Islands, or Paumotu. These are merely coral isl- ands, with the remarkable exception of the small basaltic group of Gambler's and Pitcairn's Islands.* Volcanic rock, similar to the latter, is also found in the same parallel (be- tween 25° and 27° south latitude), 1260 geographical miles farther to the east, in the Easter Island (Waihu), and proba- bly also 240 miles farther east, in the rocks Sala y Gomez. On Waihu, where the loftiest conical peaks are scarcely a thousand feet high. Captain Beechey remarked a range of craters, none of which appeared, however, to be burning. In the extreme east, toward the New Continent, the range of the South Sea Island terminates with one of the most act- ive of all island groups, the Archipelago of Galapagos, com- posed of five great islands. Scarcely any where else, on a small space of barely 120 or 140 geographical miles in diam- eter, has such a countless number of conical mountains and extinct craters (the traces of former communication between the interior of the earth and the atmosphere) remained visi- ble. Darwin calculates the number of the craters at nearly two thousand. When that talented observer visited the Gala- * Dana, p. 137. TRUE VOLCANOES. 375 pagos in the expedition of the Beagle, under Captain Fitzroy, two of the craters were simultaneously in a state of igneous eruption. On all the islands, streams of a very fluid lava may be seen which have forked off into different channels, and have often run into the sea. Almost all are rich in augite and olivin ; some, which are more of a trachytic character, are said to contain albite* in large crystals. It would be well, in the perfection to which mineralogical sci- ence is now brought, to institute investigations for the pur- pose of discovering whether oligoclase is not contained in these porphyritic trachytes, as at Teneriffe, Popocatepetl, and Chimborazo, or else labradorite, as at ^tna and Stromboli. Pumice is entirely wanting on the Galapagos, as at Vesuvius, where, although it may be present, it is not produced, nor is hornblende any where mentioned to have been found in them ; consequently the trachyte formation of Toluca, Ori- zaba, and some of the volcanoes of Java, from which Dr. Junghuhn has sent me some well-selected solid pieces of lava for examination by Gustav Rose, does not prevail here. On the largest and most westerly island of the Galapagos group, Albemarle, the cone mountains are ranged in a line, and con- sequently on fissures. Their greatest height, however, reaches only to 4636 feet. The Western Bay, in which the Peak of Narborough, so violently inflamed in 1825, rises in the form of an island, is described by Leopold von Buchf as a crater of upheaval, and compared to Santorino. Many margins of craters on the Galapagos are formed of beds of tufa, which slope off in every direction. It is a very remarkable circum- stance, seeming to indicate the simultaneous operation of some great and wide-spread catastrophe, that the margins of all the craters are disrupted or entirely destroyed toward the soiSth. A part of what in the older descriptions is called tufa, consists of palagonite beds, exactly similar to those of Iceland and Italy, as Bunsen has ascertained by an exact * Danvin, Vole. Isl, p. 104, 110-112, and 114. When Darwin says so decidedly that there is no trachyte on the Galapagos, it is because he limits the term trachyte to the common feldspar, i. e., to orthoclase, or orthoclase and sanidine (glassy feldspar). The enigmatical frag- ments imbaked in the lava of the small and entirely basaltic crater of James Island contain no quartz, although they appear to rest on a Plutonic rock (see above, p. 367 et seq.). Several of the volcanic cone mountains on the Galapagos Islands, have at the orifice a narrow cyl- indrical, annular addition, exactly like what I saw on Cotopaxi; "in some parts the ridge is surmounted by a wall or parapet perpendicular on both sides." Darwin, Vole. IsL, p. 83. t L. von Buch, p. 376. 376 COSMOS. analysis of the tufas of Chatham Island.(*) This island, the most easterly of the whole group, and whose situation is fixed by careful astronomical observations by Captain Beechey, is, according to my determination of the longitude of the city of Quito (78° AV 8^^), and according to Acosta's Mapa de la Nueva Granada of 1849, 536 geographical miles distant from the Punta de S. Francisco. IX. Mexico. The six Mexican volcanoes, Tuxtla,* Orizaba, Popocate- petl,* Toluca, Jorullo,* and Colima,* four of which have been in a state of igneous activity within the historical era, were enumerated in a former place,! and described in their geog- nostically remarkable relative position. According to recent investigations by Gustav Eose, the formation of Chimborazo is repeated in the rock of Popocatepetl, or great volcano of Mexico. This rock also consists of oligoclase and augite. Even in the almost black beds of trachyte, resembling pitch- stone, the oliglocase is recognizable in very small acute-an- gled crystals. To this same Chimborazo and TenerifFe forma- tion belongs the volcano of Colima, which lies far to the west, near the shore of the South Sea. I have not myself seen this volcano, but we are indebted to Herr PieschelJ (since the (*) Bunsen, in Leonhard's Jahrh.filr Mineralogic, 1851, s. 856 ; also in Poga;end., ylnna/ew der Pftysik, bd. Ixxxiii., s. 223. t^See above, p. 279-281. t See Pieschel, Ueher die Vulkane von Mexico, in the Zeitschrift fur allgem. Erdkunde, bd. vi., 1856, s. 86 and 489-532. The assertion there made (p. 86), "that never mortal has ascended the steep summit of the Pico del Fraile," that is to say, the highest peak of the volcano of Toluca, has been confuted by my barometrical measurement made upon that very summit (which is, by-the-way, scarcely 10 feet in wid^h) on the 29th of September, 1803, and published first in 1807, and again recently by Dr. Gumprecht in the same volume of the journal alaove referred to (p. 489). The doubt raised on this point was the more singular, as it was from this very summit of the Pico del Fraile, whose tower-like sides are certainly not very easy to climb, and at a height scarcely 600 feet less tlian that of Mont Blanc, that I struck off the masses of trachyte which are hollowed out by the lightning, and which are glazed on the inside like vitreous tubes. An essay was inserted so early as 1819 by Gilbert, in volume Ix. of his Annates der Physik, (s. 261), on the specimens placed by me in the Berlin Museum, as well as in several Parisian collections (see also Annates de Chimie et de Phy- sique, t. xix., 1822, p. 298). In some places the lightning has bored such regular cylindrical tubes (as much as three inches in length), that they can be looked through from end to end, and in those cases the rock surrounding the openings is likewise vitrified. I have also brought with me pieces of trachyte in my collections, in which the whole sur- TRUE VOLCANOES. 377 spring of 1855) for a very instructive view of the different kinds of rocks collected by him, as well as for his interesting geological notices on the volcanoes of the whole Mexican highlands, all of which he has personally visited. The vol- cano of Toluca, whose highest summit (the Pico del Fraile), though narrow and difficult to climb, I ascended on the 29th of September, 1803, and found barometrically to be 15,166 feet high, has a totally different mineralogical composition from the still active Popocatepetl and the igneous mountain of Colima ; this must not, however, be confounded with an- other still higher summit, called the Snow mountain. The volcano of Toluca consists, like the Peak of Orizaba, the Puy de Chaumont in the Auvergne and -5Cgina, of a combination of oligoclase and hornblende. From this brief sketch it will be seen, and it is well deserving of notice, that in the long range of volcanoes which extend from ocean to ocean there are not two immediately succeeding each other which are of similar mineralogical composition. X. The Northwestern Districts of America (northward of the parallel of Rio Gila.) In the section which treats of the volcanic action on the eastern Asiatic Islands,* particular notice has been drawn to the bow-like curve in the direction of the fissure of up- heaval from which the Aleutian Islands have risen, and which manifests an immediate connection between the Asiatic and American continents — between the two volcanic peninsulas Kamtschatka and Aliaska. At this point is the outlet, or rather the northern boundary, of a mighty gulf of the Pacific Ocean, which, from the 150 degrees of longitude embraced by it under the equator, narrows itself down between the term- inal points .of these two peninsulas to 37° of longitude. On the American continent, near the sea-shore, a number of more face is vitrified without any tube-like perforation, as is the case at the little Ararat and at Mont Blanc. Herr Pieschel first ascended the double-peaked volcano of Colima, in October, 1852, and reached the crater, from which he then saw nothinf]^ but sulphureted-hydrogen va- por rising in a cloud ; but Sonneschmid, who vainly attempted to as- cend Colima, in February, 1796, gives an account of an immense ejec- tion of ashes in the year 1770. In the month of March, 1795, on the other hand, red-hot scoria; were visibly thrown out in a column of fire at night. " To the northwest of th<5 volcano of Colima a volcanic branch fissure runs along the shore of the South Sea. Extinct craters and ancient lava streams are recognized in what are called the Volca- noes of Ahuacatlan (on the road from Guadalaxara to San Bias) and Tepic." (Pieschel, Ibid., p. 529.) * See above, p. 344-349. 378 COSMOS. or less active volcanoes has become known to mariners within the last seventy or eighty years, but this group lay hitherto, as it were, isolated, and unconnected with the volcanic range of the Mexican tropical region, or with the volcanoes which were believed to exist on the peninsula of California. If we include the range of extinct trachytic cones as intermediate links, we may be said to have obtained insight into their im- portant geological connection over a gap of more than 28^ of latitude, between Durango and the new Washington terri- tory, northward of West Oregon. The study of the physical condition of the earth owes this important step in advance to the scientifically well-prepared expeditions which the govern- ment of the United States has fitted out for tlie discovery of the best road from the plains of the Mississippi to the shores of the South Sea. All the departments of natural history have derived advantage from those undertakings. Great tjacts of country have been found, in the now explored terra incognita of this intermediate space, from very near the Kocky Mountains on their eastern slope, to a great distance beyond their western descent, covered with evidences of extinct or still active volcanoes (as, for instance, in the Cascade Mount- ains). Thus, setting out from New Zealand, and ascending first a long way to the northwest through New Guinea, the Sunda Islands, the Philippines, and Eastern Asia, to the Aleutians; and then descending toward the south through the northwestern, the Mexican, the Central American, and South American territories to the terminating point of Chili, we find the entire circuit of the basin of the Pacific Ocean, throughout an extent of 26,400 geographical miles, sur' rounded by a range of recognizable memorials of volcanic action. Without entering into the details of exact geograph- ical bearings and of the perfected nomenclature, a cosmical view such as this could never have been obtained. Of the circuit of the great oceanic* basin here indicated (or, as there is but one united mass of water over the whole earth, we ought rather to say the circumference of the larg- est of those portions of it which penetrate between conti- nents) it remains for us now to describe the tract of country which extends from Rio Gila to Norton's and Kotzebue's * The tei*m "Grand Ocean," used to designate the basin of the South Sea by that learned geographer, my friend Contre-amiral de Fleurieu, the editor of the Introduction Historique au Voyage de Mar- chand, confounds the whole with a part, and consequently leads to misapprehension. TRUE VOLCANOES. 379 Sounds. Analogies drawn in Europe from the Pyrenees or the Alpine chain, and in South America from the Cordilleras of the Andes, from South Chili to the fifth degree of north latitude in New Granada, supported by fanciful delineations in maps, have propagated the erroneous opinion that the Mexican mountains, or at least their highest ridge, can be traced along like a wall, under the name of the Sierra Madre, from southeast to northwest. But though the mountainous part of Mexico is a mighty swelling of the land running con- nectedly in the direction above stated between two seas to the height of from 5000 to 7000 feet, yet on the top of this, in the same way as in the Caucasus and in Central Asia, still loftier ranges of mountains, running in partial and very various directions, rise to about 15,000 and 17,800 feet. The arrangement 'of these partial groups, erupted from fis- sures not parallel to each other, is in its bearings for the most part independent of the ideal axis which may be drawn through the entire swell of the undulating flattened ridge. These remarkable features in the formation of the soil give rise to a deception which is strengthened by the pictorial effect of the beautiful country. The colossal mountains cov- ered with perpetual snow, seem, as it were, to rise out of a plain. The spectator confounds the ridge of the soft swell- ing land, the elevated plain, with the plain of the low lands ; and it is only from the change of climate, the lowering of the temperature, under the same degree of latitude, that he is re- minded of the height to which he has ascended. The fissure of upheaval, frequently before mentioned, of the volcano of Anahuac (running in a direction from east to west between 19° and 19^° lat.) intersects* the general axis of the swell- ing land almost at right angles. The conformation here described of a considerable portion of the surface of the earth, which only began to be estab- lished by careful measurements since the year 1853, must not be confounded with those swellings of the soil which are met with inclosed between two mountain chains, which bound them, as it were, like walls — as in Bolivia, at the Lake of Titicaca; and in Central Asia, between the Himalaya and Kuen-liin. The former of these, the South American eleva- tion, which at the same time forms the bottom of a valley, * On the axes of the greatest elevations and of the volcanoes in the tropical zone of Mexico, see above, p. 264 and 300. Compare also Essai Pol sur laNouv. Esp., t. i., p. 257-268, t. ii., p. 173; Views of Nature, p. .37. 380 COSMOS. is on an average, according to Pentland, 12,847 feet above the level of the sea ; the latter, or Tliibetian, according to Captain Henry Strachey, Joseph Hooker, and Thomas Thom- son, is upward of 14,996. Tlie wish expressed by me half a century since, in my circumstantial '■^Analyse de C Atlas Gco- graphiqiie et Physique de Uoyaume de laNouvelle Espange (§ xi v.), that my profile of the elevated plain between Mexico and Gu- anaxuato might be continued by measurements over Durango and Chihuahua as far as Santa Fe del Nuevo Mexico, is now completely realized. The length of way, reckoning only one fourth for the inflections, amounts to more than 1200 geo- graphical miles, and the characteristic feature of this so long unobserved configuration of the earth (the soft undulation of the swelling, and its breadth in a transverse section, amount- ing sometimes to 240 or 280 geographical miles) is manifest- ed by the fact that the distance (from Mexico to Santa Fe), comprising a difference of parallels of fully 16° 20' about the same as that from Stockholm to Florence, is traveled over in four-wheeled carriages, on the ridge of the table-land, with- out the advantage of artificially prepared roads. The possi- bility of such a medium of intercourse was known to the Spaniards so early as the end of the 16th century, when the viceroy, the Conde de Monterey,* planned the first settlements from Zacatecas. In confirmation of what has- been stated in a general way ■ respecting the relative heights between the capital of Mexico and Santa Fe del Nuevo Slexico, I here insert the chief ele- ments of the barometrical levelings, which have been com- pleted from 1803 to 1847. I take them in the direction from north to south, so that the most northerly, placed at the top of the list, may correspond more readily with the bearings of our charts if * By Juan de Onate, 1594. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico in 1846 and 1847, by Dr. Wislizenus. On the influence of the con- figuration of the soil (the wonderful extent of the table-land) on the internal commerce and the intercourse of the tropical zone with the north, when once civic order, legal freedom, and industry increase in these parts, see Essai Pol., t. iv., p. 38, and Dana, p. 612. t In this survey of the elevations of the soil between Mexico and Santa Fe del Neuvo Mexico, as well as in the similar but more imper- fect table which I have given in the Views of Nature, p, 208, the letters Ws, Bt, and Ht, attached to the numerals, denote the names of the observer. Thus, Ws stands for Dr. Wislizenus, editor of the very in- structive and scientific il/e?HOzVo/'a Tour to Northern Mexico, connected with Colonel Doniphan's Expedition in 1846 and 1847 (Washington, 1848) ; Bt the Chief Counselor of Mines, Burkart ; and Ht for my- TRUE VOLCANOES. 881 Santa Fe del Nuevo Mexico (lat. 35° 410, height 7047 feet, Ws. self. At the time when I was occupied, from March, 1803, to Febru- ary, 1804r, with the astronomical determinations of places in the trop- ical part of New Spain, and ventured, from the materials I could dis- cover and examine, to design a map of that country, of which my re- spected friend Thomas Jefferson, then President of the United States, during my residence in Washington, caused a copy to be made, there existed as yet in the interior of the country, on the road to Santa Fe, no determinations of latitude north of Durango (lat. 24° 25'). Ac- cording to the two manuscript journals of the engineers Rivera, Lafo-: ra, and Mascaro, of the years 1724 and 1765, discovered by me in the archives of Mexico, and which contained dii'ections of the compass and computed partial distances, a careful calculation showed for the im- portant station of Santa Fe, according to Don Pedro d^ Rivera, lat. 36° 12', and long. 105° 52' 30". (See my Atlas Gcogr. et Phys. du Mex- iqm, tab. 6, andEssai Pol., t. i., p. 75-82.) I took the precaution, in the analysis of my map, to note this result as a very uncertain one, seeing that in the valuations of the distances, as well as in the directions of the compass, uncorrected for the magnetic variation, and unaided by objects in treeless plains, destitute of human habitations, over an ex- tent of more than 1200 geographical miles, all the errors can not be compensated (t. i., p. 127-131). It happens that the result here given, as compared with the most recent astronomical observations, turns out to be much more erroneous in the latitude than in the longitude — being in the former about thirty-one, and in the latter scarcely twen- ty-three minutes. I was likewise fortunate enough to determine, near- ly correctly, the geographical position of the Lake Timpanogos, now generally called the Great Salt Lake, while the name of Timpanogos is now only applied to the river which falls into the little Utah Lake, a fresh-water lake. In the language of the Utah Indians a river is called oq-toahbe, and by contraction ogo alone ; timpan means rock, so that Timpan-ogo signifies rock-river (Fremont, Explor. Exped., 1845, p. 273). Buschmann explains the word thnpa as derived from the Mexi- can tetl, stone, while in pa he finds a substantive teripination of the native North-Mexican languages; to ogo he attributes the general signification of water : see his work. Die Spuren der Aztekischen Sprache im nordlichen Mexico, s. 354-356 and 351. Compare Expedition to the Valley of the Qreat Salt Lake of Utah, by Captain Howard Stansbury, 1852, p. 300, and Humboldt, Views of Nature, p. 206. My map gives to the Montagnes de Sel gemme, somewhat to the east of the Laguna de Timpanogos, lat, 40° 7', long. 111° 48' 30"; consequently nay first conjecture differs 39 minutes in latitude, and 17 in longitude. The most recent determinations of the position of Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, with which I am acauainted, are, 1st, by Lieutenant Emory (1846), from numerous astraHtiical obsei-vations, lat. 35° 44' 6"; and, 2d, by Gregg and Dr. WislfiCTius (1848), perhaps in another locality, 35° 41' 6". The longitude, according to Emory, is 1^ 4' 18", in time from Greenwich, and therefore 106° 5.' in the equatorial cir- cle ; according to Wislizenus, 108° 22' from Paris {New Mexico and California,' hy Emory, Document No. 41, p. 36; Wisl., p. 29), Most maps err in making the latitudes of places in the neighborhood of Santa Fe too far to the north. The height of the city of Santa Fe 382 COSMOS. Albuquerque* (lat. 35° 8^, height 4849 feet, Ws. Paso del Norte,t on the Rio Grande del Norte (lat. 29° 48"), height 3790 feet, Ws. Chihuahua (lat. 28° 32^, 4638 feet, Ws. Cosiquiriachi, 6273 feet, Ws. . Mapimi, in the Bolson de Mapimi (lat. 25° 540, 4*^82 feet, Ws. Parras (lat. 25° 32^, 4986 feet, Ws. SaltiUo (lat. 25° lO'), 5240 feet, AVs. Durango (lat. 24° 25^, 6849 feet, according to Oteiza. FresniUo (lat. 23° 10"), 7244 feet, Bt. Zacatecas (lat. 22° 50^, 9012 feet, Bt. San Luis Potosi (lat. 22° 8^, 6090 feet, Bt. Aguas Calientes (lat. 21° 53^, 6261 feet, Bt. Lagos (lat. 21° 200, 6376 feet, Bt. Villa de Leon (lat. 21° 70, 6134 feet, Bt. Silao, 5911 feet, Bt. Guanaxuato (lat. 21° 0' 15'0, 6836 feet, Ht. Salamanca (lat. 20° 400, 5762 feet, Ht. Celaya (lat. 20° 380, 6017 feet, Ht. Queretaro (lat. 20° 36^ 39^0, 6363 feet, Ht. San Juan del Rio, in the state of Queretaro (lat. 20° 300> 6490 feet, Ht. Tula (lat. 19° 570, 6733 feet, Ht. Pachuca, 8140 feet, Ht. Moran, near Real del Monte, 8511 feet, Ht. Huehuetoca, at the northern extremity of the great plain of Mexico (lat. 19° 480, 7533 feet, Ht. Mexico (lat. 19° 25" 45^0, 7469 feet, Ht. Toluca (lat. 19° 160, ^^25 feet, Ht. Venta de Chalco, at the southeastern extremity of the great plain of Puebla, 7712 feet, Ht. San Francisco Ocotlan, at the western extremity of the great plain of Puebla, 7680 feet, Ht. Chplula, at the foot of the ancient graduated Pyramid, (lat. 19° 20, 6906 feet, Ht. above the level of the sea, accoj^g to Emory, is 6844 ; according to Wislizenus, fully 7046 feet (iVB measurement 6950) ; it therefore resembles that of the Spliigen raa Gotthard passes in the Swiss Alps. * The latitude of Albuquerque is taken from the beautiful special map, entitled Map of the Territory of New Mexico, by Kern, 1851. Its height, according to Emory (p. 166), is 4749 feet; according to Wislizenus (p. 122), 4858. t For the latitude of the Paso del Norte compare Wi«liz., p. 125, Met. Tables 8-12, Aug., 1846. TRUE VOLCANOES. 383 La Puebla de los Angeles (lat. 19° 0^ 15'0, 7201 feet, Ht. (The village of Las Vigas marks the eastern extremity of the elevated plain of Anahuac, lat. 19° 37^; the height of the village is 7814 feet, Pit.) Thus, though previous to the commencement of the 19tli century, not a single altitude had been barometrically taken in the whole of New Spain, the hypsometrical and in most cases also astronomical observations for thirty-two places in the direction from north to south, in a zone of nearly 16^° of latitude, between the town of Santa Fe and the capital of Mexico have been acomplished. We thus see that the surface of the wide elevated plain of Mexico assumes an undulating form, varying in the centre from 5850 to 7500 feet in height. The lowest portion of the road from Parras to Albuquerque is even 1066 feet higher than the highest point of Vesuvius. The great though gentle* swelling of the soil, whose high- est portion we have just surveyed, and which from south to north, from the tropical part to the parallels of 42° and 44°. so increase in extent from east to west that the Great Basin, westward of the great Salt Lake of the Mormons, has a di- ameter of upward of 340 geographical miles, with a mean elevation of nearly 5800 feet, differs very considerably from the rampart-like mountain chains by which it is surmounted. Our knowledge of this configuration is one of the chief points of Fremont's great hypsometrical investigations in the years 1842 and 1844. This swelling of the soil belongs to a dif- ferent epoch from that late upheaval which we call mountain chains and systems of varied direction. At the point where, about 32° lat., the mountain mass of Chihuahua, according to the present settlement of the boundaries, enters the western territory of the United States (in the provinces taken from Mexico), it begins to bear the not very definite title of the Sierra Madre. A decided bifurcation,! however, occurs in * Compare Eremont, Report of the Exploring Exped. in 1 842, p. 60 ; Dana, Geology of the United States Expl. Exped., p. 611-G13; and for South America, Alcide D'Orbigny, Voy. dans I'Avicrique Mcrid.^ Atlas, pi. viii., De Geologic spcciale, fig. 1. t For this bifurcation and the correct denomination of the east and west chains see the large special map of the Territory of New Mexico, by Parke and Kern, 1851 ; Edwin Johnson's Map of Railroads, 1854 ; John Bartlett's Map of the Boundary Commission, ,1854; Explorations and Surveys from the Mississippi to the Pacific in 1853 and 1 854, vol. i., p. 15 ; and, above all, the admirable and comprehensive work of Jules Marcou, Geologist of the Southern Pacific R. E. Survey, under the command of Lieutenant "Whipple, entitled i?esMme explicatif d'une Carte Geologique des Etats Unis et d'un Prqfil Geologique allant de la Vallee du 384 COSMOS. the neighborhood of Albuquerque, and at this bifurcation the western chain still maintains the general title of the Sierra Madre, while the eastern branch has received from lat. 36° 10^ forward (a lit-tle to the north of Santa Fe), from Amer- ican and English travelers, the equally ill-chosen, but now Mississippi mix cotes de V Or/can Pacijique^ p. 113-116; also in t\ie, Bul- letin de la Socicte Geologique de la France, 2e Serie, t. xii., p. 813. In the elongated valley closed by the Sierra Madre, or Rocky Mountains, lat. 35° 38|-°, the separate groups of which the western chain of the Sierra Madre and the eastern chain of the Rocky Mountains (Sierra de Sandia) consist, bear different names. To the first chain belong, reckoning from south to north, the Sierra de las Grullas, the S. de los Mimbres (Wislizenus, p. 22 and 54), Mount Taylor (lat. 35° 15'), the S. de Jemez, and the S. de San Juan ; in the eastern chain the Moro Peaks, or Sierra de la Sangre de Cristo, are distinguished from the Spanish Peaks (lat. 37° 32') and th& noithwesterly tending White Mountains, which close the elongated valley of Taos and Santa Ee. Professor Julius Frobel, whose examination of the volcanoes of Cen- tral America I have already noticed {Cosmos, above, p. 260), has with much ability elucidated the indefinite geographical appellation of Si- erra Madre on the older maps ; but he has at the same time, in a treat- ise entitled Remarks contributing to the Physical Geography of the North American Continent (9th Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1855, p. 272-281), given expression to a conjecture which, after having examined all the materials within my reach, I am unable to assent to, namely, that the Rocky Mountains are not to be regarded as a con- tinuation of the Mexican mountain range in the tropical* zone of Ana- huac. Uninterrupted mountain chains, like those of the Apennines, the Swiss Jura, the Pyrenees, and a great part of the German Alps, certainly do not exist from the 19th to the 44th degrees of latitude, from Popocatepetl, in Anahuac, as far as to the north of Fremont's Peak, in the Rocky Mountains, in the direction from S.S.E. to N.N.W. ; but the immense swelling of the surface of the land, which goes on in- creasing in breadth toward the north and northwest, is continuous from tropical Mexico to Oregon, and on this swelling (or elevated plain), which is itself the great geognostic phenomenon, separate groups of mountains, running in often varying directions, rise over fissures which have been formed more recently and at diffbrent periods. These snper- imposed groups of mountains, which, however, in the Rocky Mountains are for an extent of 8 degrees of latitude connected together almost like a rampai-t, and rendered visible to a great distance by conical mountains, chiefly trachytic, from 10,000 to 12,000 feet high, produce an impression on the mind of the traveler which is only the more pro- found from the circumstance that the elevated plateau which stretches far and wide aj^ound him assumes in his eyes the appearance of a plain of the level country. Though in reference to the Cordilleras of South America, a considerable part of which is known to me by personal in- spection, we speak of double and triple ranges (in fact, the Spanish expression Las Cordilleras de los Ailftcs refers to such a disposition and partition of the chain), we must not forget that even here the direc- tion of the separate ranges of mountain groups, whether in long ridges or in consecutive domes, are by no means parallel, either to one an- other or to the direction of the entire swell of the land. TRUE VOLCANOES. 385 universally accepted title of the Rocky Mountains. The two chains form a lengthened valley, in which Albuquerque, Santa Fe', and Taos lie, and through which the Eio Grande del Norte flows. In lat. 38^° this valley is closed by a chain running east and west for the space of 88 geographical miles, while the Rocky Mountains extend undivided in a meridional direction as far as lat. 41°. In this intermediate space rise,- somewhat to the east, the Spanish Peaks — Pike's Peak (5800 feet), which has been beautifully delineated by Fremont, James's Peak (11,434 feet), and the three Park Mountains, all of which inclose three deep valleys, the lateral walls of which rise up, along with the eastern Long's Peak, or Big Horn, to a height of 9060 and 11,191 feet.* On the eastern bound- ary, between Middle and North Park, the mountain chain all at once changes its direction, and runs from lat. 40^° to 44° for a distance of about 2C0 geographical miles from south- east to northwest. In this intermediate space lie the south Pass (7490 feet), and the famous Wind River Mountains, so singularly sharp pointed, together with Fremont's Peak (lat. 43° 8^), which reaches the height of 13,567 feet. In the par- allel of 44°, in the neighborhood of the Three Tetons, where the northwesterly direction ceases, the meridian direction of the Rocky Mountains begins again, and continues about as far as I^ewis and Clarke's Pass, which lies in lat. 47° 2^, and * Fremont, Explor. Exped., p. 281-288. Pike's Peak, lat. 38° 50', delineated at p. 114 ; Long's Peak, 40° 15' ; ascent of Fremont's Peak (13,570 feet) p. 70. The Wind River Mountains take their name from the source of a tributary to the Big Horn River, whose waters unite with those of the Yellow Stone River, which falls into the Upper Mis- souri (lat. 47° 58', long. 103° 6' 30"). See the delineations of the Alpine range, rich in mica-slate and granite, p. G6 and 70. I have in all cases retained the English names given by the North American geographers, as- their translation into a pure German nomenclature has often proved a rich source of confusion. To help the comparison of the direction and length of the meridian chain of the Ural, Avhich, according to the careful investigations of my friend and traveling com- panion, Colonel Ernst Hofmann, takes a curve at the northern extrem- ity toward the east, and which, from the Truchmenian Mountain Airuk- Tagh (481°) to the Sablja Mountains (65°), is fully 1020 geographical miles in length, with those of the Rocky Mountains, I would here re- mind the reader that the latter chain runs between the parallels of Pike's Peak and Lewis and Clarke's Pass, from 105° 9' 30" into 112° 9' 30" of longitude. The chain Af the Ural, which, within the same space of 17 degrees of latitude, deviates little from the meridian of 59°0'30", likewise changes its direction under the parallel of 65°, and attains under lat. 67^° the meridian of Q&° 5' 30". Compare Ernst Hofmann, Der ncirdlirJie Ural und das Kiistengebirge Pac-Choi, 1856, s. 191 and 297-305, with Humboldt, Asie Centrak (1843), t. i., p. 447. Vol. v.— R 386 COSMOS. long. 112° 9^ SO'". Even at this point the chain of the Rocky Mountains maintains a considerable height (5977 feet) ; but, from the many deep river-beds in the direction of Flat- head River (Clarke's Fork), it soon decreases to a more regu- lar level. Clarke's Fork and Lewis or Snake River unite in forming the great Columbia River, which will one day prove an important channel for commerce. (Explorations for a Hail- . road from the Mississippi River to the Facific Ocean, made in 1853-1854, vol. i., p. 107.) As in Bolivia, the eastern chain of the Andes farthest re- moved from the sea, that of Sorata (21,287 feet) and Illimani (21,148 feet), furnish no volcano now in a state of ignition, so also, in the western parts of the United States, the vol- canic action on the coast chain of California and Oregon is at present very limited. The long chain of the Rocky Mount- ains, at a distance from the shores of the South Sea vary- ing from 480 to 800 geographical miles, without any trace of still existing volcanic action, nevertheless shows, like the eastern chain of Bolivia, in the vale of Yucay,* on both of its slopes volcanic rock, extinct craters, and even lavas in- closing obsidian, and beds of scoriae. In the chain of the Rocky Mountains which we have here geographically de- scribed, in accordance with- the admirable observations of Fremont, Emory, Abbot, Wislizenus, Dana, and Jules Mar- cou, the latter, a distinguished geologist, reckons three groups of old volcanic rock on the two slopes. For the earliest no- tices of the vulcanicity of this district we are also indebted to the investigations made by Fremont since the years 1842 and 1843 {Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mount- ains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44, p. 164, 184, 187, and 193). On the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, on the south- western road from Bent's Fort, on the Arkansas River, to Santa Fe del Nuevo Mexico, lie two extinct volcanoes, the Raton Mountains! with Fisher's Peak, and the hill of EI Cerrito, between Galisteo and Pera Blanca. The lavas of the former cover the whole district between the Upper Ar- kansas and the Canadian River. The Perperino and the volcanic scoriae, which are first met with even in the prairies, * See above, p. 279. t According to the road-map of 1855, attached to the general report of the Secretary of State, Jefferson Davis, the Raton Pass rises to au elevation of as much as 7180 feet above the level of the sea. Compare also Marcou, Resume explicatif d'vne Carte Geol, 1855, p. 113. TRUE VOLCANOES. 387 on approaching the Rocky Mountains from the east, belong perhaps to old eruptions of the Cerrito, or of the stupendous Spanish Peaks (37° 320- This easterly volcanic district of the isolated Raton Mountains forms an area of 80 geograph- ical miles in diameter; its centre lies nearly in latitude 36° 50^. On the western slope most unmistakable evidences of an- cient volcanic action are discernible over a wider space, which has been traversed by the important expedition of Lieutenant Whipple throughout its whole breadth from east to west. This variously-shaped district, though interrupted for fully 120 geographical miles to the north of the Sierra de Mogo- yon, is comprised (always om the authority of Marcou's geo- logical chart) betwji^latitude 33° 48^ and 35° 40^ so that instances of eruptSBroccur farther south than those of the Raton Mountains. Its centre falls nearly in the parallel of Albuquerque. The area here designated divides into two sections,' that of the crest of the Rocky Mountains nearer Mount Taylor, which terminates at the Sierra de Zuiii,* and the western section, .called the Sierra de San Francisco. The conical mountain of Mount Taylor, 12,256 feet high, is sur- rounded by radiating lava streams, which, like Malpays still destitute of all vegetation, covered over with scoriae and pum- ice-stone, wind along to a distance of several miles, precisely as in the district around Hecla. About ^2 geographical miles to the west of the present Pueblo de Zuni rises the lofty vol- canic mountain of San Francisco itself. It has a peak which has been calculated more than 16,000 feet high, and stretches away southward from the Rio Colorado Chiquito, where, far- ther to the west, the Bill William Mountain, the Aztec Pass (6279 feet), and the Aquarius Mountains (8526 feet) follow. The volcanic rock does not terminate at the confluence of the Bill William Fork with the great Colorado, near the vil- lage of the Mohave Indians (lat. 34°, long. 114°); for, on * We must be careful to distinguish, to the west of the mountain ridge of Zuni, where the Paso de Zuni attains an elevation of as much as 7943 feet, between Zuni viejo, the old dilapidated town delineated by Mollhausen on Whipple's expedition, and the still inhabited Pueblo de Zuiii. Forty geogi'aphical miles north of the latter, near Fort De- fiance, there still exists a very small and isolated volcanic district. Be- tween the village of Zuni and the descent to the Kio Colorado Chiquito (Little Colorado) lies exposed the petrified forest which Mollhausen admirably delineated in 1853, and described in a treatise which he sent to the Geographical Society of Berlin. According to Marcou (Resume explic. d'tme Carte G^oL, p. 59), fossil trees and ferns are min- gled with the silicified coniferse. 388 COSMOS. the other side of the Rio Colorado, at the Soda Lake, sev- eral extinct but still open craters of eruption may be recog- nized.* Thus we find here, in the present New Mexico, in the vol- canic group commencing at the Sierra de San Francisco, and ending a little to the westward of the Rio Colorado Grande, or del Occidente (into which the Gila falls), over a distance of 180 geographical miles, the old volcanic district of the Auvergne and the Vivarais repeated, and a new and wide field opened up for geological investigation. Likewise on the western slope, but 540 geographical miles more to the north, lies the third ancient volcanic group of the Rocky Mountains, that of Fremont's Peak, and the two triple mountains, whose names, the Trois Tetons and the Three Buttes,| correspond well wifl(|jtheir conical forms. The former lie more to the west than the latter, and conse- quently farther from the mountain chain. They exhibit wide-spread, black banks of lava, very much rent, and with a scorified surface.J Parallel with the chain of the Rocky Mountains, some- times single and sometimes double, run several ranges in which their northern portion, from lat. 46° 12'', are still the seat of volcanic action. First, from San Diego to Monterey (32^° to o6|°), there is the coast range, specially so called, a con- tinuation of the ridge of land on the peninsula of Old, or Lower, California ; then, for the most part 80 geographical miles distant from the shore of the South Sea, the Sierra Nevada (de Alta California), from 36° to 40f ° ; then again, commencing from the lofty Shasty Mountains, in the parallel of Trinidad Bay (lat. 41° 10^), the Cascade range, which con- tains the highest still-ignited peak, and which, at a distance of 104 miles from the coast, extends from south to north far beyond the parallel of the Fuca Strait. Similar in their course to this latter chain (lat. 43°-46°), but 280 miles dis- * All on the authority of the profiles of Marcou and the above-cited road-map of 1 855. t The French appellations, introduced by the Canadian fur-hunters, are generally used in the country and on English maps. According to the most recent calculations, the relative positions of the extinct vol- canoes are as follows: Fremont's Peak, lat. 43° 5', long. 110° 9' 30"; Trois Tetons, lat. 43° 38', long. 110° 49' 30"; Three Buttes, lat. 43° 20', long. 112° 41' 30 "; Fort Hall, lat. 43° 0', long. 111° 24' 30". t Lieutenant Mullan, on Volcanic Formation, in the Reports of Ex- plor. Surveys, vol. i. (1855), p. 330 and 348; see also Lambert's and Tinkham's Reports on the Three Buttes, Ibid.y p. 167 and 226-230, and Jules Marcou, p. 115. TRUE VOLCANOES. 389 taut from the shore, are the Blue Mountains,* which rise in their centre to a height of from 7000 to 8000 feet. In the central portion of Old California, a little farther to the north, near the eastern coast or bay in the neighborhood of the former Mission of San Ignacio,.in about 28° north latitude, stands the extinct volcano known as the " Volcanes de las Virgenes," which I have given on my chart of Mexico. This volcano had its last eruption in 1746 ; but we possess no re- liable information either regarding it or any of the surround- ing districts. (See Venegas, Noticia de la California, 1757, t. i., p. 27 ; and Duflot de Moras, Exploration de V Oregon et de la Californie, 1844, t. i., p. 218 and 239.) Ancient volcanic rock has already been found in the coast range near the harbor of San Francisco, in the Monte del Diablo, which Dr. Trask investigated (3673 feet), and in the auriferous elongated valley of the Rio del Sacramento, in a trachytic crater now fallen in, called the Sacramento Butt, which Dana has delineated. Farther to the north, the Shasty, or Tshashtl Mountains, contain basaltic lavas, obsidian, of which the natives make arrow-heads, and the talc-like ser- pentine which makes its appearance on many points of the earth's surface, and appears to be closely allied to the vol- canic formations. But the true seat of the still-existing igne- ous action is the Cascade Mountain range, in which, covered with eternal snow, several of the peaks rise to the height of 16,000 feet. I shall here give a list of these, proceeding from south to north. The now ignited and more or less active volcanoes will be (on the plan heretofore adopted ; see above, p. 68, note *) distinguished by a star. The high conical mountains not so distinguished are probably partly extinct volcanoes, and partly unopened trachytic domes. Mount Pitt, or M'Laughlin (lat. 42° 30^, a little to the west of Lake Tlamat ; height 9548 feet. Mount Jefferson, or Vancouver (lat. 44° 35^), a conical mountain. Mount Hood (lat. 45° 10^), decidedly an extinct volca- no, covered with cellular lava. According to Dana, this mountain, as well as Mount St. Helen's, which lies more northerly in the volcanic range, is between 15,000 and * Dana,p. 616-620; Blue Mountains, p. 649-651; Sacramento i^utt, p. 630-643; Shasty Mountains, p. 614; Cascade range. On the Monte Diablo range, perforated by volcanic rock, see also John Trail, on the Geology of the Coast Mountains and "the Sierra Nevada, 1854, p. 13-18. V • 'S90 COSMOS. 16,000 feet high, though somewhat lower(*) than the latter. Mount Hood was ascended in August, 1853, by Lake, Tra- vaillot, and Heller. Mount Swalahos, or Saddle Hill, S.S.E. of Astoria,! wrth a fallen in, extinct crater. Mount St. Helen's,* north of the Columbia River (lat. 46° 12^); according to Dana, not less than 15,000 feet high. J Still burning, and always smoking from the sum- mit crater. A volcano of very beautiful, regular, conical form, and covered with perpetual §now. There was a great eruption on the 23d of November, 1842 ; which, ac- cording to Fremont, covered every thing to a great distance round with ashes and pumice. Mount Adams (lat. 46° 18^), almost exactly east of the volcano of St. Helen's, more than 112 geographical miles distant from the coast, if it be true that the last-named and still active mountain is only 76 of those miles inland. Mount Regnier,* also written Mount Rainier (lat. 46° 48^), E.S.E. of Fort Nisqually, on Puget's Sound, which is connected with the Fuca Strait. A burning volcano ; ac- cording to Edwin Johnson's road-map of 1854, 12,330 feet high. It experienced severe eruptions in 1841 and 1843. Mount Olympus (lat. 47° 50^), only 24 geographical miles south of the Strait of San Juan de Fuca, long so famous in the history of the South Sea discoveries. Mount Baker,* a large and still active volcano, situated in the territory of Washington (lat. 48° 48^), of great (un- measured ?) height (not yet determined), and regular conic- al form. Mount Brown (16,000 feef?) and, a little more to the east, Mount Hooker (16,750 feet?), are cited by Johnson (*) Dana (p. 61 5 and 640) estimated the volcano of St. Helen's at 16,000 feet, and Mount Hood, of course, under that height, while according to others Mount Hood is said to attain the great height of 18,316 feet, which is 2521 feet higher than the summit of Mont Blanc, and 4730 feet higher than Fremont's Peak, in the Rocky Mountains. Accord- ing to this estimate (Langrebe, Nahirgeschichte der Vnlkane, bd. i., s. 497), Mount Hood would be only 571 feet lower than the volcano Co- topaxi ; on the other harid, Mount Hood, according to Dana, exceeds the highest summit of the Rocky Mountains by 2586 feet at the utmost. I am always desirous of drawing attention to variantes lectiones such as these. t Dana, Geology of the United States Exploring Expedition^ p. 640 and 643-*45. X Variously estimated previously at 10,178 feet by Wilkes, and 13,535 feet by Simpson. TRUE VOLCANOES. 391 as lofty, old volcanic trachytic mountains, under lat. 52^°, and long. 117° 40^ and 119° 40^ They are, therefore, re- markable as being more than 300 geographical miles dis- • tant from the coast- Mount Edgecombe,* on the small Lazarus Island, near Sitka (lat. 57° 3'). Its violent igneous eruption in 1796 has already been mentioned by me see above, p. 255). Captain Lisiansky, who ascended it in the first years of the present century, found the volcano then unignited. Its height(*) reaches, according to Ernst Hofmann, 3039 feet; according to Lisiansky, 2801 feet. Near it are l^t springs which issue from granite, as on the road from theValles de Aragua to Portocabello. Mount Fairweather, or Cerro de Buen Tiempo ; accord- ing to Malaspina, 4489 metres, or 14,710 feet highf (lat. 58° 35^). Covered with pumice-stone and probably ignited up to a short time back, like Mount Elias. The volcano of Cook's Inlet (lat. C0° 8^) ; according to Admiral Wrangel, 12,065 feet high, and considered by that intelligent mariner, as well as by Vancouver, to be an act- ive volcano.J Mount Elias (lat. 60° 17^ long. 136° 10^ 30"') ; accord- ing to Malaspina's manuscripts, which I found in the Ar- chives of Mexico, 5441 metres, or 17,854 feet ; according to Captain Denham's chart, from 1853 to 1856, the height is only 14,970 feet. What M'C!lure, in his account of the Northwest Passage, V. Eastern Asiatic Islands (p. 344-354) 69 (54) [* A similar fog overspread the Tyrol and Switzerland in 1755, just before the great earthquake which destroyed Lisbon. It appeared to be composed of earthy particles reduced to an extreme degree of fine- ness.— Tr.] R2 394 COSMOS. H VI. South Asiatic Islands (p. 281-391, 354-358) 120 (56) VII. Indian Ocean (p. 358-363, and note * at p. 361, 362) 9 (5) VIII. South Sea (p. 363-376; 364, note f; 365, note *; 366, note* 40 (26) IX. America — Continental 115 (53) (1) Soutli America 56 (26) (a) Chili (p. 270, note |i at p. 272-274) 24 (13) (6) Peru and Bolivia (p. 270-275, note § at p. 270-272) U (3) (c) Quito and Kew Granada (p. 270, note J). 18 (10) (2) Central America (p. 245, 255-264, 270, 309, note t at p. 257, notes * and t at p. 263).... 29 (18) (3) Mexico, south of the Rio Gila (p. 264, 266, 270, 291-309, note at 293-5, notes at p. 297, 298, 302, 303; 376-401, note t at p. 376, and notes on p. 377-82) 6 (4) (4) Northwestern America, north of the Gila (p. 383-392) 24 (5) TheAntilles* 5 (3) Total 407 (225) * In the Antilles the volcanic activity is confined to what are called the " Little Antilles," three or four still active volcanoes having broken out on a somewhat curvilinear fissure running from south to north, nearly parallel to the volcanic fissure of Central America. In the course of the considerations induced by the simultaneousness of the earthquakes in the valleys of the rivers Ohio,*Mississippi, and Arkan- sas, with those of the Orinoco, and of the shore of Venezuela, I have already described the little sea of the Antilles, in its connection with the Gulf of Mexico and the great plain of Louisiana, between the Al- leghanies and the Rocky Mountains, on geognostic views, as a single ancient basin (Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales, t. ii., p. 5 and 19 ; see also above, p. 10). This basin is intersected in its centre, between 18° and 22° lat., by a Plutonic mountain range from Cape Catoche, of the peninsula of Yucatan, to Tortola and Virgeh gorda. Cuba, Hayti, and Porto Rico form a range running from west to east, parallel with the granite and gneiss chain of Caraccas. On the other hand, the Little Antilles, which are for the most part volcanic, unite together the Plutonic chain just alluded to (that of the Great Antilles) and that of the shore of Venezuela, closing the southern portion of the basin on the east. The still active volcanoes of the Little Antilles lie be- tween the parallels of 13° to 16J°, in the following order, reckoning from south to north : The volcano of the island of St. Vincent, stated sometimes at 3197 and sometimes at 5052 feet high. Since the eruption of 1718 all re- mained quiet, until an immense ejection of lava took place on the 27th of April, 1812. The first commotions commenced as early as May, •1811, near the crater, three months after the island of Sabrina, in the Azores, had risen from the sea. They began faintly in the mountain valley of Caraccas, 3496 feet above the surface of the sea, in Decem- ber of the same year. The complete destruction of the great city took place on the 26th of March, 1812. As the earthquake which destroyed Cumana, on the 14th of December, 1796, was with justice ascribed to the eruption of the volcano of Guadaloupe (the end of September, TRUE VOLCANOES. 395 The result of this laborious work, on which I have long 1796), in Hke manner the destruction of Caraccas appeal's to have been the effect of the reaction of a southerly volcano of the Antilles — that of St. Vincent. The frightful subterranean noise, like the thundering of cannon, produced by a violent eruption of the latter volcano on the 30th of April, 1812, was heard on the distant grass-plains (Llanos) of Calabozo, and on the shores of the Rio Apure, 192 geographical miles farther to the West than its junction with the Orinoco (Humboldt, Voyage, t. ii., p. 14). The volcano of St. Vincent had thrown out no lava since 1718, but on the 30th of April a stream of lava flowed from the summit crater and in four hours reached the sea-shore. It was a very striking circumstance, and one which has been confirmed to me by very intelligent coasting mariners, that the noise was very much stronger on the open sea, far from the island, than near the shore. The volcano of the island of St. Lucia, commonly called only a sol- fatara, is scarcely 1200 to 1800 feet high. In the crater are several small basins periodically filled with boiling water. In the year 1766 an ejection of scoriae and cinders is said Xo have been o)3served, which is certainly an unusual phenomenon in a solfatara ; for, although the cai'eful investigations of James Forbes and Poulett Scrope leave no room to doubt that an eruption took place from the Solfatara of Poz- zuoli in the year 1198, yet one might be inclined to consider that event as a collateral effect produced by the great neighboring volcano, Vesuvius (see Forbes, in the Edinb. Journal of Sckyice^ vol. i., p. 128, and Poulett Scrope, in the Transact, of the Geol. Soc, 2d Ser., vol. ii., p. 346). Lancerote, Hawaii, and the Sunda Islands furnish us with analogous examples of eruptions at exceedingly great distances from the summit craters, the peculiar seat of action. It is true the sol- fatara of Pozzuoli was not disturbed on the occasion of great erup- tions of Vesuvius in the years 1794,. 1822, 1850, and 1855 (Julius Schmidt, Ueher die Eruption des Vesuvs im Mai, 1855, p. 156), though Strabo (lib. v., p. 245), long before the eruption of Vesuvius, speaks of fire, somewhat vaguely, it is true, in the scorched plains of Dica- archia, near Cumoea and Phlegra. Dicaarchia in Hannibal's time re- ceived the name of Puteoli from the Romans, who colonized it. **Some are of opinion," continues Strabo, ^'on account of the bad smell of the water, that the whole of that district, as far as Baiaj and Cumoea, is so called because it is full of sulphur, fire, and warm wa- ter. Some think that on this account Cumoea (Cumanus ager) is called also Phlegra ;" and then again Strabo mentions discharges of fire and water (" irpoxoaQ tov Trvpbg kuI tov t'^aroe")- The recent volcanic action of the island of Martinique, in the Mon- tague Pelee (according to Dupuget, 4706 feet high), the Vauclin and the Pitons du Carbet, is still more doubtful. The great eruption of vapor on the 22d of January, 1792, described by Chisholm, and the shower of ashes of the 5th of August, 1851, deserve to be more thor- oughly inquired into. The Soufriere de la Guadeloupe, according to the older measure- ments of Amic and Le Boucher, 5435 and 5109 feet high, but, accord- ing to the latest and very correct calculations of Charles Sainte-Claire Deville, only 4867 feet high, exhibited itself on the 28th of Septem- lier, 1797, 78 days before the great earthquake and the destruction of the town of Cumana, as a volcano ejecting pumice (Rapport fait au 396 COSMOS. been occupied, having in all cases consulted the original General Victor Hugues par Amic et Hapel sur le Volcan de la Basse Terre, dans la nuit du 7 au 8 Vendemiaire, an G, pag. 46 ; Humboldt, Voyage, X. i., p- 316).- The lower part of the mountain is dioritic rock; the volcanic cone, the summit of which is open, is trachyte, containing labradorite. Lava does not appear even to have flowed in streams from the mountain called, on account of its usual condition, the Sou- friere, either from the summit crater or from the lateral fissures, but the ashes of the eruptions of Sept., 1797, Dec, 1836, and Feb., 1837, examined by the excellent and much lamented Dufrenoy, with his pe- culiar accuracy, were found to be finely pulverized fragments of lava, in which feldspathic minerals (labradorite, rhyakolite, and sanidine) were recognizable, together with pyroxene. (See Lherminier, Daver, Elie de Beaumont, and Dufrenoy, in the Comptes rendus de I Acad, des Sc, t. iv., 1837, p. 294; 651 and 743-749). Small fragments of quartz fiave also been recognized by Deville in the trachytes of the soufriere, together with the crystals of labradorite (Comptes rendus, t, xxxii., p. 675), while Gustav Rose even found hexagonal dodecahedra of quartz in the trachytes of the volcano of Arequipa (Meyen, Reise um die Erde^ bd. ii., s. 23). The phenomena here described, of the temporary ejection of very various mineral productions from the fissure openings of a soufriere, remind us very forcibly that what we are accustomed to denominate a solfatara, soufriere, or fumarole denotes, properly speaking, only cer- tain conditions of volcanic action. Volcanoes which have once emit- ted lava, or, when that failed, have ejected loose scoriae of considera- ble volume ; or, finally, the same scoriaj pulverized by trituration, pass, on a diminution of their activity, into a state in which they yield only sulphur, sublimates of sulphurous acid, and aqueous vapor. If as such we were to call them semi-volcanoes, it would readily convey the idea that they are a peculiar class of volcanoes, Bunsen, to whom, along with Boussingault, Senarmont, Charles Deville, and Danbree, science is indebted for such important advances for their ingenious and happy application of chemistry to geology, and especially to the volcanic processes, shows " how, when in sulphur sublimations, which almost always accompany volcanic eruptions, the masses of sulphur in the form of vapor come in contact with the glowing pyroxene rocks, the sulphurous acid is generated by the partial decomposition of the oxyd of iron contained in those rocks. If the volcanic action then sinks to a lower temperature, the chemical action of that zone then enters into a new phase. The sulphurous combinations of iron, and perhaps of metals of the earths and alkalies there produced, com- mence their operation on the aqueous vapor, and the result of the al- ternate action is the generation of sulphureted hydrogen and the prod- ucts of its decomposition, disengaged hydrogen and sulphur vapor." The sulphur fumaroles outlive the great volcanic eruptions for centu- ries. The muriatic acid fumaroles belong to a different and later pe- riod. They seldom assume the character of permanent phenomena. The muriatic acid in the gases of craters is generated in this way : the common salt which so often occurs as a product of sublimation in vol- canoes,* particularly in Vesuvius, is decomposed in higher tempera- tures, under the co-operation of aqueous vapor and silicates, and forms muriatic acid and soda, the latter combining with the silicates j)resent. TRUE VOLCANOES. 397 sources of information (the geological and geographical ac- Muriatic acid fumaroles, which, in Italian volcanoes, are not unfre- qnently on the most extensive scale, and are then generally accompa- nied by immense sublimations of common salt, seem to be of a very unimportant character in Iceland. The concluding stages in the chro- nological series of all these phenomena consist in mere emanations of carbonic acid. The hydrogen contained in the volcanic gases has hitherto been almost entirely overlooked. It is present in the vapor springs of the gi-eat solfataras of Krisuvik and Reykjalidh, in Iceland, and is, indeed, at both those places combined vi^ith sulphureted hydro- gen. When the latter come in contact with sulphuric acid, they are both mutually decomposed by the separation of the sulphur, so that they can never occur together. They are, however, not unfrequently met with on one and the same field of fumaroles in close proximity to each other. Unrecognizable as was the sulphureted hydrogen gas in the Icelandic solfataras just mentioned, it failed, on the other hand, entirely in the solfataric condition assumed by the crater of Hecla shortly after the eruption of the year 1845 — that is to say, in the first phase of the volcanic secondary action. Not the smallest trace of sul- phureted hydrogen could be detected, either by the smell or by re- agents, while the copious sublimation of sulphur, the smell of which extended to a great distance, afforded indisputable evidence of the presence of sulphurous acid. In fact, on the approach of a lighted cigar to one of these fumaroles those thick clouds of smoke were pro- duced which Melloni and Piria have noticed as a test of the smallest trace of sulphureted hydrogen {Comptes rendus, t. xi., 1840, p. 352; and Poggendorft''s Annalen, Erganzungsband, 1842, s. 511). As it may, however, be easily seen by experiment that even sulphur itself, when sublimated with aqueous vapor, produces the same phenomenon, it remains doubtful whether any trace whatever of sulphureted hy- drogen accompanied the emanations from the crater of Hecla in 1845, and of Vesuvius in 1843 (compare Kobert Bunsen's admirable and geologically important treatise on the processes of formation of the volcanic rock of Iceland, in Poggend., AnnaL, bd. Ixxxiii., 1851, s. 241, 244, 246, 248, 254, and 256 ; serving as an extension and rectifi- cation of the treatises of 1847 in Wohler's and Liebig's Annalen der Chemie nnd Pharmacie, bd. Ixii., s. 19). That the emanations from the solfatara of Pozzuoli are not sulphureted hydrogen, and that no sulphur is deposited from them by contact with the atmosphere, as Breislak has conjectured (^Essai Min6ralogiqne sur la Soufriere de Poz- zuoli, 1792, p. 128-130), was remarked by Gay-Lussac when I visited the Phlegraean Fields with him at the time of the great eruption of lava in the year 1805. That acute observer, Archangelo Scacchi, likewise decidedly denies the existence of sulphureted hydrogen {Me- iiioiie Geologiche sulla Caivpania, 1849, p. 49-121), Piria's test seeming to him only to prove the presence of aqueous vapor: "Son di avviso che lo solfo emane mescolato a i vapori acquei senza essere in chimica combinazione con altre sostanze" — " I am of opinion that the sulphur emanates mixed with aqueous vapors without being in combination with other substances." An actual analysis, however, long looked for by m«, of the gases ejected by the solfatara of Pozzuoli, has been very recently published by Charles Sainte-Claire Deville and Leblanc, and has completely established the absence of sulphureted hydrogen 398 COSMOS. counts of travels), is that, out af 407 volcanoes cited by me, 225 have exhibited proofs of activity in modern times. Pre- vious statements of the number* of active volcanoes have given sometimes about 30 and sometimes about 50 less, be- cause they were prepared on diiFerent principles. In the di- vision made by me, I have confined myself to those volcanoes which still emit vapors, or which have had historically cer- tain eruptions in the 19th or in the latter half of the 18th century. There are doubtless instances of the intermission of eruptions which extend over four centuries and more, but these phenomena are of very rare occurrence. We are ac- quainted with the lengthened series of the eruptions of Ve- suvius in the years 79, 203, 512, 652, 983, 11^8, and 1500. Previous to the great eruption of Epomeo on Ischia, in the year 1302, we are acquainted only with those which occurre'd in the 36th and 45th years before our era; that is to say, 55 years before the eruption of Vesuvius. . Strabo, who died at the age of 90 under Tiberius (99 years after the occupation of Vesuvius by Spartacus), and whom no historical account of any former eruption had ever reached, describes Vesuvius notwithstanding as an ancient and long extinct volcano. "Above the places" (Herculaneum and (^Comptes rendus de VAcad. d. Sc, t. xliii., 185G, p. 746). Sartorius von Waltershausen, on the other hand, observed on cones of eruption of ^tna, in 1811, a strong smell of sulphureted hydrogen, where in other years sulphurous acid only was perceived. Nor did Charles De- ville discover any sulphureted hydrogen at Girgenti, or in the Maca- lube, but a small portion of it on the eastern declivity of ^tna, in the spring of Santa Venerina. It is remarkable that throughout the im- portant series of chemical analyses made by Boussingault on gas-ex- haling volcanoes of the Andes (from Purace and Tolima to the ele- vated plains of Las Pastos and Quito) both muriatic acid and sulphuret- ed hydrogen (hydrogene sulfureux) are wanting. * The following numbers are given in older works as those of the volcanoes still in a state of activity: By Werner, 193; by Caesar von Leonhard, 187; by Arago, 175 {Astronomie Popidaire, t. iii., p. 170); variations which, as compared with my results, all show a difference ranging from ^ to -J^ in a downward direction, occasioned partly by diversity of principle in judging of the igneous state of a volcano, and partly by a deficiency of materials for forming a correct judgment. It is well known, as I have previously remarked, and as we learn from historical experience, that volcanoes which have been held to be ex- tinct have, after the lapse of very long periods, again become active, and therefore the result which I have obtained must be considered as rather too low than too high. Leopold von Buch, in the supplement to his masterly description of the Canary Isles, and Landgrebe, in his Geography of Volcanoes, have not attempted to give any general nu- merical result. TRUE VOLCANOES. 399 Pompeii), he says, " lies the Mount Vesuios, covered round by the most beautiful farms, except on the summit. This is indeed for the most part pretty smooth, but on the whole un- fruitful, and having an ashy appearance. It exhibits fissured hollows of red-colored rock, as if it were corroded by fire, so that it might be supposed that this place had formerly burned and had gulfs of fire, which, however, had died away when the fuel became consumed." (Strabo, lib. v., page 247, Ca- saub.) This description of the primitive form of Vesuvius indicates neither a cone of cinders nor a crater-like hollow- ing* of the ancient summit, such as, being walled in, could have served Spartacusj and his gladiators for a defensive strong-hold. * This description is, therefore, totally at variance with the often- repeated representation of Vesuvius, according to Strabo, given in Poggendorfl"'s Annakn der Physik, bd. xxxvii., s. 190, tafel 1. It is a very late Avriter, Dio Cassius, under Septimius Severus, who first speaks, not (as is frequently supposed) of the production of several summits, but of the changes of form which the summits have undergone in the course of time. He records (quite in confirmation of Strabo) that the mountain formerly had every where a fiat summit. His words are as follows (lib. Ixvi., cap. 21, ed. Sturz, vol. iv., 1824, p. 240) : "For Vesu- vius is situated by the sea near Naples, and hgis numerous sources of fire. The whole mountain was formerly of uniform height, and the fire arose from its centre, for at this part only is it in a state of com- bustion. Outwardly, however, the whole of it is still, down to our times, devoid of fire. But while the exterior is always without con- flagration, and the centre is dried up (heated) and converted into cin- ders, the peaks round about it have still their ancient height. But the whole of the igneous part, being ^onsumed by length of time, has be- come hollow by sinking in, so that the whole mountain (if we may com- pare a small thing with a great) resembles an amphitheatre." ( Coinp. Sturz, vol. vi., Annot. ii., p. 568.) This is a clear description of those mountain masses which, since the year 79, have formed the margins of the crater. The explanation of this passage, by referring it to the Atrio del Cavallo, appears to me erroneous. According to the large and excellent hypsometrical work of that distinguished Olmutz astron- omer, Julius Schmidt, for the year 1855, the Punta Nasone of the. Somma is 3771 feet, the Atrio del Cavallo,* at the foot of the Punta Nasone, 26GI, and the Punta or Rocca del Palo (the highest edge of the crater of Vesuvius ta the north, p. 112-116) 3992 feet high. My barometrical measurements of 1822 ( Views of- Nature, p. 376-377) gave for fhe same three points 3747 feet, 2577 feet, and 4022 feet, showing a difference of 24, 84, and 30 feet respectively. The floor of the Atrio del Cavallo has, according to Julius Schmidt {Eruption des Vesuvs im Mai, 1855, p. 95), undergone great alterations of level since the erup- tion of February, 1850. t Velleius Paterculus, who died under Tiberius, mentions Vesuvius, it is true, as the mountain which Spartacus'occupied with his gladia- tors (ii., 30) ; while Plutarch, in his Biography of Crassus, cap. ii., speaks only of a rocky district having a single narrow entrance. The 400 COSMOS. Diodorus Siculus, likewise (lib. iv., cap. 21, 5), who lived under Caasar and Augustus, in his account of the progress of Hercules and his-battles with the giants in the Phlegrasan Fields, describes "what is now called Vesuvius as a Aocpog, which, like ^tna in Sicily, once emitted a great deal of fire, and (still) shows traces of its former ignition." He calls the whole space between Cuma3 and Naples the Phlegrsean Fields, as Poljbius does the still greater space between Capua and Nola (lib. ii., cap. 17); while Strabo (lib. v., page 246) de- scribes, with much local truth the neighborhood of Puteoli (Dicaearchia), where the great solfatara lies, and calls it 'irlpalarov dyopd. *In later times the name of ra (pXeypala ■nedla is ordinarily confined to this district, as at this day geologists place the mineralogical composition of the lavas of the Phlegi'iean Fields in opposition to those from the neighborhood of Vesuvius. The same opinion that in an- cient times there was fire burning within Vesuvius, and that that mountain had formerly had eruptions, is most distinctly expressed in the architectural work of Vitruvius (lib. ii., cap. 6), in a passage which has hitherto not been sufficiently re- garded: "Non minus etiam memoratur, antiquitus crevisse ardores et abundavifese sub Vesuvio monte, et inde evomuisse circa agros flammara. Ideoque nunc qui spongia siv e pumex Pompejanus vocatur, excoctus ex alio genere lapidis, in banc redactus esse videtur generis qualitatem. Id autem genus spongiae, quod inde eximitur, non in omnibus locis nascitur, nisi circum -ZEtnam, et collibus Mysias, qui a Graecis KaraKe- Kavfj.EV0L nominantur." (It is also related that in ancient times the fire increased and abounded beneath Mount Vesu- vius, and vomited out flame from thence on the fields around. So that now what is called spongia, or Pompeian pumex, baked out of some other kind of stone, seems to have been reduced to this kind of substance. But that kind of spongia which is got out of there is not produced in all places, only around ^tna and on the hills of Mysia, which are called by the Greeks KaTaKEKavfitvoL.) Now it can no longer be doubted, since the investigations of Bockh and Hirt, ^hat servile war of Spartacus took place in the 681st year of Rome, or 152 years before the eruption of Vesuvius described by Pliny (24th of August, 79 A.D,). The circumstance that Florus, a writer who lived in the time of Trajan, and who, being acquainted with the eruption just referred to, knew what was hidden in the interior of the mountain, calls it " cavus," proves ifbthing, as others have already observed, for its earlier configuration {Florus, lib. i., cap. 16, "Vesuvius mons, JEtneei ignis imitator;" lib. iii., cap. 20, "fauces cavi mentis"). TRUE VOLCANOES. 401 Vitruvius lived in the tiine of Augustus,* and consequently a full century before the eruption of Vesuvius at which the elder Pliny met his death. The passage thus quoted, there- fore, and the expression pumex Pompeianus (thus connecting pumice-stone with Pompeii), present a special geological in- terest in relation to the question raised as to whether, ac- cording to the acute conjecture of Leopold von Buch,t Pompeii was overwhelmed only by the pumiceous tufa-beds thrown up on the first formation of Mount Somma ; these beds, which are of submarine formation, covering in horizon- tal layers the whole level between the Apennine range and the west coast of Capua as far as Sorento, and from Nola to the other side of Naples ; or whether Vesuvius itself, entire- ly contrary to its present habit, ejected the pumice from its interior. Both Carmine Lippi,J who (1816) describes the tufa cov- ering of Pompeii as an aqueous deposit, and his ingenious op- ponent Archangelo Scacchi,§ in the letter addressed to the Cavaliere Francesco Avellino (1843), have directed attention to the remarkable phenomenon that a portion of the pumice of Pompeii and Mount Somma contains small fragments of chalk which have not lost their carbonic acid, a circumstance which, on the supposition that they have been exposed to a great pressure during their igneous formation, can excite but little surprise. I have myself had the opportunity of seeing specimens of 'this pumice-Btone in the interesting geological collections of my learned friend and academical colleague, Dr. Ewald. The similarity of the mineralogical constitution at two opposite points naturally gives rise to the question — whether that which covers Pompeii has been thrown down, as Leopold von Buch supposes, during the eruption of the * At all events, Vitruvius wrote earlier than the elder Pliny, as is evident, not merely because he is three separate times cited by Pliny in his list of authorities, so unjustly attacked by the English translator Newton (lib. xvi., xxxv., and xxxvi.), but because in book xxxv., cap. 14, s. 170-172, as has been distinctly proved by SiUig (vol. v., 1851, p. 277) and Brunn {Diss, deauctorum indicihus Plinianis, Bonnae, 1856, p. 55-60), a passage has actually been extracted from Vitruvius by Pliny himself. See also Sillig's edition of Pliny, vol. v., p. 272. Hirt, in his Essay on the Pantheon, places the date of Vitruvius's writings on architecture between the years 16 and 14 of our era. t PoggendorfTs Annakn, bd. xxxviU, s. 175-180. X Carmine Lippi : Ftt iljuoca a I'acqua che sottero Pompei ed Ercola- wof (1816), p. 10. § Scacchi, Osservazioni critiche sulla maniera come fa seppellita VArX" tica Pompei, 1843, p. 8-10. 402 COSMOS. year 79, from the declivities of Somma; or whether, as Scacchi maintains, the newly-opened crater of Vesuvius has ejected pumice simultaneously on Pompeii and on Somma? What was known as pumex Pompejanus in the time of Vitru- vius, under Augustus, carries us back to eruptions before the time of Pliny ; and from the experience we have respecting the variable nature of the formations in different ages and different circumstances of volcanic activity, we should be as little warranted in absolutely denying that, since its first ex- istence, Vesuvius could have ejected pumice, as we should be in absolutely taking it for granted that pumice — that is to say, the fibrous or porous condition of a pyrogenous mineral — could only be formed where obsidian or trachyte with vitreous feldspar (sanidine) were present. Although, from the examples w^hich have been cited of the length of the periods at which the revival of a slumbering volcano may take place, it is evident that much uncertainty must still remain, yet it is of great importance to verify the geographical distribution of burning volcanoes for a de- terminate period. Of the 225 open craters through which, in the middle of the 19th century, the molten interior of the earth maintains a volcanic communication with the atmos- phere, 70, that is to say, one third, are situated on the con- tinents, and 155, or two thirds, on the islands of our globe. Of the 70 continental volcanoes, 53, or three fourths, belong to America, 15 to Asia, 1 to Europe, and one or two to that portion of the continent of Africa hitherto known to us. In the South-Asiatic Islands (the Sundas and Moluccas), as well as in the Aleutian and Kurile Islands, the greatest num- ber of the island volcanoes are situated in a very limited space. The Aleutian Isles contain, perhaps, more volcanoes active in late historical times than the whole continent of South America. On the whole surface of the earth, the tract containing the greatest number of volcanoes is that which ranges between 73° west and 127° east longitude, and be- tween 47° south and 66° north latitude, in a direction from southeast to northwest. If we suppose the great gulf of the sea known under the name of the South Sea, or South Pacific Ocean, to be cos- mically bounded by the parallel of Behring's Straits, and that of New Zealand, which is also the parallel of South Chili and North Patagonia, we shall find — and this result is very remarkable — in the interior of the basin, as well as around it (on its Asiatic and American continental bounda- TRUE VOLCANOES. 403 ries), 198, or nearly seven eighths of the 225 still active vol- canoes of the whole earth. The volcanoes nearest the poles are, so far as our present geographical knowledge goes, in the northern hemisphere the volcano Esk, on the small isl- and of Jan Meyen, in lat. 71° V, and west long. 7° 30^30^^; and in the southern hemisphere Mount Erebus, whose red flames are visible even by day, and which Sir James Ross,* on his great southern voyage of discovery in 1841, found to be 12,400 feet high, or about 240 feet higher than the I^eak of Teneriffe, in lat. 77° 33' and long. 166° 58' 30'' east. The great number of volcanoes on the islands and on the shores of continents must have early led to the investigation by geologists of the causes of this phenomenon. I have al- ready, in another place (CosmoSy vol. i., p. 243), mentioned the confused theory of Trogus Pompeius under Augustus, who supposed that the sea-water elicited the volcanic fire. Chemical and mechanical reasons for this supposed effect of the sea have been adduced to the latest times. The old hy- pothesis of the sea-water penetrating into the volcanic focus seemed to acquire a firmer foundation at the time of the dis- covery of the metals of the earth by Davy^ but the great dis- coverer himself soon abandoned* the theory to which even Gay-Lussac inclined,! in spite of the rare occurrence, or total absence of hydrogen gas. Mechanical, or rather dynamical causes, whether sought for in the contraction of the upper crust of the earth and the rising of continents, or in the lo- cally diminished thickness of the inflexible portion of the earth's crust, might, in my opinion, offer a greater appear- ance of probabilty. It is not difficult to imagine that at tlie margins of the upheaving continents which now form the more or less precipitous littoral boundary visible over the surface of the sea, fissures have been produced by the simul- taneous sinking of the adjoining bottom of the sea, through which the ^communication with the molten interior is pro- moted. On the ridge of the elevations, far from that area of depression in the oceanic basin, the same occasion for the existence of such rents does not exist. Volcanoes follow the present sea-shore in single, sometimes double, and sometimes even triple parallel rows. These are connected by short * Sir James Ross, Voyage to the Antarctic Regions, vol. i., p. 217, 220, and 364. t Gay-Lussac, Reflexions swr ks Volcans in the Annales de Chimie et de Physiqueyt. xxii., 1823, p. 429; see above, p. 163, note *; Arago, (Euvres completes, t. iii., p. 47. 404 COSMOS. chains of mountains, raised on transverse fiussres, and form- ing mountain nodes. The range nearest to the shore is fre- quently (but by no means always) the most active, while the more distant, those more in the interior of the country, ap- pear to be extinct or approaching extinction. It is some- times thought that, in a particular direction in one and the same range of volcanoes, an increase or diminution in the frequency of the eruptions may be perceived, but the phenom- ena of renewed activity after long intervals of rest render this perception very uncertain. As many incorrect statements of the distance of volcanic activity from the sea are circulated, either through ignorance of, or inattention to, the exact localities both of the volcanoes and of the nearest points of the coast, I shall here give the following distances in geographical miles (each being equal to about 2030 yards, or 60 to a degree) : In the Cordilleras of Quito, the volcano of Sangay, which discharges uninter- ruptedly, is situated in the most easterly direction, but its distance from the sea is still 112 miles. Some very intelli- gent monks attached to the mission of the Indios Andaquies, at the Alto Putumayo, have assured me that on the upper Rio de la Fragua,* a tributary of the Caqueta, to the east- ward of the Ceja, they had seen smoke issue from a conical mountain of no great height, and whose distance from the coast must have been 160 miles. The Mexican volcano of Jorullo, which was elevated above the surface in September, 1759, is 84 miles from the nearest point of the sea-shore (see above, p. 296-303); the volcano of Pococatepetl is 132 miles ; an extinct volcano in the eastern Cordilleras of Bo- livia, near S. Pedro de Cacha, in the vale of Yucay (see above, p. 279), is upward of 180 miles; the volcanoes of the Siebengebirge, near Bonn, and of the Eifel (see above, p. 221-227), are from 132 to 152 miles; those of Auvergne, Velay, and Vivarais,! distributing them into thuee separate * The position of the Volcan de la Fragua, as reduced at Timana, is N. lat. 1° 48', long. 75° 30' nearly. Compare the Carte Hypso- metrique des Noeuds deMontagnes dans ks Cordilleres, in the large atlas in my travels, 1831, pi. 5 ; see also pi. 22 and 24. This mountain ly- ing isolated and so far to the east, ought to be visited by a geologist capable of determining the longitude and latitude astronomically. t In these three gi'oups, which, according to the old geographical nomenclature, belong to Auvergne, the Vivarais, and the Velay, the distances given in the text are those of the northernmost parts of each group as taken from the Mediterranean Sea (between the Golfe d'Aigues Mortes and Cette). In the first group, that of the Puy de Dome, a crater erupted in the granite near Manzat, called Le Gour de Tazena, TRUE VOLCANOES. 405 groups (the group of the Puy de Dome, near Clermont, with the Mont Dore, the group of the Cantal, and the group of the Puy and Mezenc), are severally 148, 116, and 84 miles distant from the sea. The extinct volcanoes of Olot, south of the Pyrenees, west of Gerona, with their distinct and sometimes divided lava streams, are distant only 28 miles from the Catalonian shores of the Mediterranean ; while, on the other hand, the undoubted, and to all appearances very lately extinct, volcanoes in the long chain of the Rocky Mountains, in thew northwest of America, are situated at a distance of from 600 to 680 miles from the shore of the Pacific. A very abnormal phenomenon in the geographical distri- bution of volcanoes is the existence in historical times of act- ive, and partially, perhaps, even of burning volcanoes in the mountain chain of the Thian-shan (the Celestial Mountains), between the two parallel chains of the Altai and the Kuen- lun. The existence of these volcanoes was first made known by Abel-Remusat and Klaproth, and I have been enabled, by the aid of the able and laborious investigations of Stanislas Julien, to treat of them fully in my work on Central Asia.* is taken as the most northerly point (TJozet, in the Mem. de la Socicte Geol. de France, t. i., 1844, p. 119). Farther south than the group of the Cantal, and therefore nearest the sea-shore, lies the small volcanic district of La Guiolle, near the Monts d'Aubrac, northwest of Chirac, and distant scarcely 72 geographical miles from the sea. Compare the Carte Gcologiqne de la France, 1841. * Humboldt, Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 7-61, 216, and 335-364; Cos^ 7nos, vol. i., p. 245. The mountain lake of Issikul, on the northern slope of the Thian-shan, which was lately visited for the first time by Russian travelers, I found marked on the famous Catalonian map of 1374,* which is preserved as a treasure among the manuscripts of the Paris library. Strahlenberg, in his work entitled Der nbrdliche und bstliche Theil von Europa njtd Asien (Stockholm, 1730, s. 327), has the merit of having first represented the Thian-shan as a peculiar and in- dependent chain, without, however, being aware of its ^Icanic action. He gives it the very indefinite name of Mousart, which — as the Bolor was designated by the general title of Mustag, which particularizes nothing, and merely indicates snow — has for a whole century occa- sioned an erroneous representation, and an absurd and confused no- menclature of the mountain ranges to the north of the Himalaya, con- founding meridian and parallel chains with each other. Mousart is a corruption of the Tartaric word Muztag, synonymous with our expres- sion snowy chain, the Sierra Nevada of the Spaniards, the Himalaya in the Institutes of Menu — signifying the habitation (alaya) of snow (hima), [* This curious Spanish map was the result of the great commercial relations which existed at that time between Majorca and Italy, Egypt and India. See a more full notice of it in Asie Centrale, loc. cit. — Tr.] 406 COSMOS. The relative distances of the volcano of Pe-shan (Mont Blanc) with its lava streams, and the still burning igneous and the Sineshan of the Chinese. Eleven hundred years before Strah- lenberg wrote, under the dynasty of Sui, in the tinae of Dagobert, King of the Franks, the Chinese possessed maps, constructed by order of the government, of the countries lying between the Yellow River and the Caspian Sea, on which the Kuen-liin and the Thian-shan were marked. It was undoubtedly these two chains, but especially the first, as I think I have shown in another place (Asie Cent?:, t. i., p. 118-129, 194-203, and t. ii., p. 413-425), which, when the march of the Mace- donian army had brought the Greeks into clo*r acquaintance with the interior of Asia, spread among their geographers the knoAvledge of a belt of mountains extending from Asia Minor to the eastern sea, from India and Scythia to Thinae, thus cutting the whole continent into two halves (Strabo, lib. i., p. 68 ; lib. xi., p. 490). Dicaearchus, and after him Eratosthenes, denominated this chain the elongated Tau- rus; the Himalaya chain is included under this appellation. "That which bounds India on the north," we are expressly told by Strabo (lib. XV., p. 689), " from Ariane to the eastern sea, is the extremest por- tions of the Taurus, which are separately called by the natives Paro- pamisos, Emodon, Imaon, and other names, but which the Macedo- nians call the Caucasus." In a previous part of the book, in describ- ing Bactriana and Sogdiana (lib. xi., p. 519), he says, "the last por- tion of the Taurus, which is called Imaon, touches the Indian (eastern) Sea." The terms " on this side and on that side the Taurus" had ref- erence to what was believed to be a single range, running east and west ; that is to say, a parallel chain. Strabo was aware of this, for he says, " the Greeks call the half of the region of Asia looking to the north this side the Taurus, and the half toward the south that side'^ (lib. ii. p. 129). In the later times of Ptolemy, however, when com- mei-ce in general, and particularly the silk trade, became animated, the appellation of Imaus was transferred to a meridian chain, the Bo- lor, as many passages of the 6th book show(^sie Centr., t. i., p. 146- 162). The line in which, parallel to the equator, the Taurus range intersects the whole region, according to Hellenic ideas, was first called by Dicaearchus, a pupil of the Stagirite, a Diaphragma (partition wall), because, by means of j^jrpendicular lines drawn from it, the geograph- ical width of other points could be measured. The diaphragma was the parallel of Rhodes, extended on the west to the pillars of Hercules, and on the east to the coast of Thinse {Agathemeros in Hudson's Geogr. Gr. Min., vol. ii., p. 4). The divisional line of Dicaarchus, equally interesting in a geological and an orographical point of view, passed into the work of Eratosthenes, who mentions it in the 3d book of his description of the earth, in illustration of his table of the inhabited world. Strabo places so much importance on this direction and par- tition line of Eratosthenes that he (lib. i., p. 65) thinks it possible "that on its eastern extension, which at Thinse passes through the Atlantic Sea, there might be the site of another inhabited world, or even of several worlds ;" although he does not exactly predict that they will be found to exist. The expression "Atlantic Sea" may^seem remarkable as used instead of the " Eastern Sea," as the South Sea (the Pacific) is usually called, but as our Indian Ocean, south of Ben- gal, is called in Strabo the Atlantic South Sea, so were both seas to TRUE VOLCANOES. 407 mountain (Hotschen) of Turfan, from the shores of the Polar Sea and the Indian Ocean, are almost equally great, about 1480 and 1520 miles. On the other hand, the distance of Pe-shan, whose eruptions of lava are separately recorded from the year 89 of our era up to the 7th century in Chi- nese works, from the great mountain lake of Issikul to the descent of the Temurtutagh (a western portion of the Thian- shan), is only 172 miles ; while from the more northerly situated lake of Balkasch, 148 miles in length, it is 208 miles distant.* The great Dsaisang lake, in the neighborhood of which I was during my stay in the Chinese Dsungarei in 1829, is 360 miles distant from the volcanc^s of Thian-shan. Inland waters are, therefore, not wanting, but they are cer- tainly not in such propinquity as that which the Caspian Sea bears to the still active volcano of Demavend, in the Persian Mazenderan. While, however, basins of water, whether oceanic or in- land, may not be requisite for the maintenance of volcanic activity — yet, if islands and coasts, as I am inclined to be- lieve, abound more in volcanoes only because the elevation of the latter, produced by internal elastic forces, is accom- panied by a neighboring depression in the basin of the sea,t the southeast of India considered to be connected, and were frequently confounded together. Thus we read, hb. ii., p. 130, " India, the larg- est and most favored country, which terminates at the Eastern Sea and at the Atlantic South Sea;" and again, lib. xv., p. 689, "the southern and eastern sides of India, which are much larger than the other sides, run into the Atlantic Sea," in which passage, as well as in the one above quoted regarding Thinse (lib. i., p. 65), the expres- sion, *' Eastern Sea" is even avoided. Having been uninteiTuptedly occupied since the year 1792 with the strike and inclination of the mountain strata, and their relation to the bearings of the ranges of mountains, I have thought it right to point attention to the fact that, taken in the mean, the equatorial distance of the Kuen-liin, throughout its whole extent, as well as in its western prolongation by the Hindu- Kho, points toward the basin of the Mediterranean Sea and the Straits of Gibraltar {Asie Centr., t. i., p. 118-127, and t. ii,, p. 115-118), and that the sinking of the bed of the sea in a great basin which is vol- canic, especially in the northern margin, may very possibly be con- nected with this upheaval and folding in. My friend, Elie de Beau- mont, so thoroughly acquainted with all that relates to geological bear- ings, is opposed to these views on loxodromical principles (Notice sur les Systemes de Montagnes, 1852, t. ii., p. 667). * See above, p. 336. t See Arago, Sur la cause de la de'pression d'une grandee parte de I'Asie et sur le phenomSne que les pentes les plus rapides des chaines de montagnes sont fgene'ralement) tournees vers la mer la plus voisine, in his Astronomie Populaire, t. iii., p. 1266-1274. 408 COSMOS. so that an drea of elevation borders on an area of depression, and that at this bordering-line large and deeply penetrating fissures and rents are produced — it may be supposed that in the central Asiatic zone, between the parallels of 41° and 48°, the great Aralo-Caspian area of depression, as well as the large number of lakes, whether disposed in ranges or otherwise, between the Thian-shan and the Altai-Kurts- chura, may have given rise to littoral phenomena. We know from tradition that many small basins now ranged in a row, like a string of beads {lacs a chapelet), once upon a time formed a single large basin. Many large lakes are seen to divide and form smaller ones from the disproportion be- tween precipitation and evaporation. A very experienced observer of the Kirghis Steppe, General Genz of Orenburg, has conjectured that there formerly existed a water commu- nication between the Sea of Aral, the Aksakal, the Sary- Kupa, and the Tschagli. A great furrow is observed, run- ning from southwest to northeast, which may be traced by the way of Omsk, between Irtisch and Obi, through the steppe of Barabinsk, which abounds in lakes, toward the moory plains of the Saraoiedes, toward Beresow and the shore of the Arctic Ocean. With this furrow is probably connected the ancient and wide-spread tradition of a Bitter Lake (called also the Dried Lake, Hanhai), which extended eastward and southward from Hami, and in which a por- tion of the Gobi, whose salt and reedy centre was found by Dr. von Bunge's careful barometrical measurement to be only 2558 feet above the level of the sea, rose in the form of an island.* It is a geological fact, which has not hitherto re- ceived its due share of attention, that seals, exactly similar to those which inhabit the Caspian Sea and the Baikal in shoals, are found upward of 400 miles to the east of the Baikal, in the small fresh-water lake of Oron, only a few miles in cir- cumference. The lake is connected with the Witim, a tribu- tary of the Lena, in which there are no seals.f The present isolation of these animals and their distance from the mouth of the Volga (fully 3600 geographical miles) form a remark- able geological phenomenon, indicative of an ancient and ex- tensive connection of waters. Can it be that the numerous * Klaproth, Asia Polyghtta, p. 232, and Memoires relati/s d VAsie (fj-om the Chinese Encyclopedia, published by command of the Em- peror Kanghi, in 1711), t, ii., p. 342; Humboldt, Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 125 and 135-143. t Pallas, Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica, 1811, p. 115. TRUE VOLCANOES. 409 depressions to which, throughout a large tract* of country, this central part of Asia has been exposed, have called forth exceptionally, on the convexity of the continental swelling, conditions similar to- those produced on the littoral borders of the fissures of elevation ? .^ From reHable accountsnrendered to the Emperor Kanghi, we are acquainted with the existence of an extinct volcano far to the east, in the northwestern Mantschurei, in the neighborhood of Mergen (probably in lat. 48^° and long. 122° 20'' east). The eruption of scoriae and lava from the mountain of Bo-shan or Ujun-Holdongi (the Nine Hills), from 12 to 16 miles in a southwesterly direction from Mar- gen, took place in January, 1721. The mounds of scoria3 thrown out on that occasion, according to the report of the persons sent by the Emperor Kanghi to investigate the cir- cumstances, were 24 geographical miles in circumference ; it was likewise mentioned that a stream of lava, damming up the water of the River Udelin, had formed a lake. In the 7th century of our era the Bo-shan is said to have had a previous igneous eruption. Its distance from the sea is about 420 geographical miles, similar to that of the Hima- laya,* so that it is upward of three times more distant than * It is not in the Himalaya range, near the sea (some portions of it, between the colossal Kuncliinjinga and Shamalari, approach the sliore of the Bay of Bengal within 428 and 37G geograpliical miles), that the volcanic action has first burst forth, but in the third, or interior, parallel chain, the Thian-shan, nearly four times as far removed from the same shore, and that under very special circumstances, the subsidence of ground in the neighborhood deranging strata and causing fissures. We learn, from the study of the geographical works of the Chinese, first instigated by me and afterward continued by my friend Stanislas Julien, that the Kuen-liin, the northern boundary range of Thibet, the Tsi-shi-shan of the Mongols, also possesses in the hill of Shin-Khieu a cavern emitting uninterrupted flames {Asie Centrale, t. ii., p. 427-467 and 483). The phenomenon seems to be quite analogous to the Chi- mjera in Lycia, which has now been burning for several thousands of years (see above, p. 243-5, and note *) ; it is not a volcano, but a fire-spring, difitusing to a great distance an agreeable odor (probably from containing naphtha?). The Kuen-ldn, which, like me in the Asie Ceritrak (t. i,, p. 127, and t. ii., p. 431), Dr. Thomas Thomson, the learned botanist of Western Thibet (Flora Indica, 1855, p. 253), describes as a continuation of the Hindu-Kho, which is joined from the southeast by the Himalaya chain, approaches this chain at its west- ern extremity to such a degree that my excellent friend, Adolph Schla- gintweit, designates " the Kuen-liin and the Himalaya on the west side of the Indus, not as separate chains, but as one mass of mountains." (Re- port No. ix, of the Mwjnetic Survey in India, by Ad. Schlagintweit, 1856, p. 61 .) In the whole extent toward the east, however, as far as 92° 20' east longitude, in the direction of the starry lake, the Kuen-liin forms. Vol. v.— S 410 COSMOS. the volcano "of JoruUo. We are indebted for these remark- able geognostic accounts from the Mantschurei to the indus- try of W. P. Wassiljew {Geog. Bote, 1855, heft v., s. 31), and to an essay by M. Semenow (the learned translator of Carl Hitter's great work on Geology), in the 17th volume of the Proceedings of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. In the course of the investigations into the geographical distribution of volcanoes, and their frequent occurrence on islands and sea-coasts ; that is to say, on the margins of con- tinental elevations, the probable great inequality in the depth to which the cru^t of the earth has hitherto been penetrated has also been frequently brought under consideration. One is disposed to believe that the surface of the internal molten mass of the earth's body lies nearest to those points at which the volcanoes have burst forth. But, as it may be conceived that there are many intermediate degrees of consistency in the solidifying mass, it is difficult to form a clear idea of any such surface of the molten matter, if a change in the com- prehensive capacity of the external firm and already solidified shell be supposed to be the chief cause of all the subversions, fissures, upheavals, and basin-like depressions. T[f we might be allowed to determine what is called the thickness "of the earth's crust in an arithmetical ratio deduced from experi- ments drawn from Artesian wells and from the fusion-point of granite — that is to say, by taking equal geothermal de- grees of depth* — we should find it to be 20-^^^ geographical miles, or ^^th of the polar diameter.f But the influences as was shown so early as the 7th century of onr era, by minute descrip- tions given under the Dynasty of Sai (Klaproth, Tableaux Historiques de VAsie, p. 204), an independent chain running east and west, parallel to the Himalaya, at a distance of about 7i degrees of latitude. The brothers Hermann and Kobert Schlagintweit are the first who have had the courage and the good fortune to traverse the chain of the Kuen-liin, setting out from Ladak, and reaching the territory of Khotan, in the months of July and September, 1856. According to their observations, which are always extremely careful, the highest water-shedding mount- ain chain is that on which is situated the Karakorum pass (18,304: feet), which, stretching from southeast to northwest, lies parallel to the oppo- site southerly portion of the Himalaya (to the west of Dhawalagiri). The rivers Yarkland and Karakasch, which form a part of the great water system of the Tarim and Lake Lop, rise on the northeastern slope of the Karakorum chain. From this region of water-springs the trav- elers arrived, by way of Kissilkorum and the hot springs (120° F.), at the small mountain lake of Kiuk-kiul, on the chain of the Kuen-liin, which stretches east and west (Report No. viii,, Agra^ 1857, p. 6). * Cosmos, vol. i., p. 46, 174 ; see above, p. 37-40. t Arago (Astron. Populaire, t. iii., p. 248) adopts nearly the same # TRUE VOLCANOES. 411 of the pressure and of the power of conducting heat exercised by various kinds of rock render it likely that the geothermal degrees of depth increase in value in proportion as the depth itself increases. Notwithstanding the very limited number of points at which the fused interior of our planet now maintains an act- ive communication with the atmosphere, it is still not unim- portant to inquire in what ma^fc and to what extent the volcanic exhalations of gas opera^ on the chemical composi- tion of the atmosphere, and through it on the organic life de- veloped on the earth's surface. We must, in the first place, bear in mind that it is not so much the summit-craters them- selves as the small cones of ejection and the fumaroles, which occupy large spaces and surround so many volcanoes, that exhale gases ; and that even whole tracts of country in Ice- land, in the Caucasus, in the high land of Armenia, on Java, the Galapagos, the Sandwich Islands, and New Zealand ex- hibit a constant state of activity through solfataras, naphtha springs, and salses. Volcanic districts, which are now reckon- ed among those which are extinct, are likewise to be regard- ed as sources of gas, and the silent working of the subterra- nean forces, whether destructive or formative, within them is, with regard to quantity, probably more productive than the great, noisy, and more rare eruptions of volcanoes, although their lava fields continue to smoke either visibly or invisibly for years at a time. If it be said that the effects of these small chemical processes can be but little regarded, for that the immense volume of the atmosphere, constantly kept in motion by currents of air, could only be affected in its primi- tive mixture to a very small extent through means of such apparently unimportant additions,* it will be necessary to thickness of the earth's crust — namely, 40,000 metres, or about 22 miles ; Elie de Beaumont {Systhnes de Monta