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Twenty years ago I wrote the first edition of this work, scarcely expecting at the time that there would be such a demand for it as to call for various revisions and additions during the next two decades, and even later, for now my publishers inform me that the last edition is entirely exhausted, and a new one must immediately go to press to enable them to promptly fill their orders. The large number of copies sold of former editions has not only been gratifying to the Author, but it has shown that there was a want of just such information as it contained. It was a pioneer in a new field, and Small Fruit Culture as a distinct branch of horticulture had never been recognized when the first edition of this work was published, but now there are hundreds of establish- ments, and in jiU parts of the country, in which the small fruits or berries are a specialty. That this work has had some influence in promoting this advance in Small Fruit Culture, the Author thinks he may claim, without fear of being accused of conceit. That my efforts in seeking to disseminate information in regard to the propagation and cultivation of berries have been well received by my co-laborers in this field, is Bhown by the large sale and constant demand for this work, and that they havp. also beau appreciated abroad is (III) IV PREFACE TO REVISED EDITION AND APPENDIX. indicated by the fact that it has been translated into German, and a very handsome edition brought out by a publisher at Weimar. As this is the first and only book written by an American on horticulture, which has been translated and published in Germany, I consider that it is not only a compliment to the Author, but to American horticulturists generally. As I have already stated in former editions of this work, my principal object in experimenting with small fruits was to obtain information, which might be given to the public with an assurance that it would encourage their cultivation, and eventually make them so plentiful and cheap that the poor, as well as the rich, of our large cities and villages might be able to indulge in fruits, which had long been considered as luxuries. That the good work may go forward until every garden shall yield an abundance of the largest and best varieties, and every table in the land be constantly sup- plied, is the sincere wish of The Author. Ridgewood, N. /., March, 1887. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction - 6 Chapter I. Barberry 20 Chapter II. Strawberry -. - --- 31 Chapter III. Raspberry. 119 Chapter IV. Blackberry 176 Chapter V. Dwarf Cherry. 191 Chapter VI. Currant 194 Chapter VII. Gooseberry .222 Chapter VIII. Cornelian CheiTy. 233 Chapter IX. Cranberry 239 Chapter X. TTuckleberry _ .254 Chapter XI. Shepherdia, or Buffalo Berry .259 Chapter XII. Preparation for Gathering Fruit 263 Appendix 279 (5) INTRODUCTION. The cultivation of the Small Fruits, as a distinct feature in horticulture, commenced less than twenty-five years ago. It is true we had raspberries, strawberries, currants, and other berries in our gardens, and nurserymen propa- gated the plants for sale to a very limited extent, but a catalogue made up exclusively of the Small Fruits was unknown, and I may add, the common announcement in catalogues of to-day, ** Small Fruits a Specialty," has come into use within the past twenty years. In Europe there were a few men who made a specialty of the Small Fruits, some choosing the Gooseberry, others the Straw- berry, and cultivating these on a limited scale, but to take the entire group of Small Fruits, and make these the prominent feature, or specialty, was as rare in the old world as in the new. The further w^e go back into the history of horticulture, the less do we find in regard to the berries, and even two centuries ago scarcely any of the English and French authors give anything more than a passing notice of some wild berries, w^hich were occa- sionally transplanted into the garden. The family sup})ly of these fruits was drawn from the fields and woods, and while the apple, pear, plum, and other larger fruits were attracting attention, as they had done from the earliest times, the Small Fruits remained in their natural and undeveloped state. Early in the present century, some attempts were made in England to improve the Strawberry, and these being quite successful, a new interest was awakened in this fruit among the horticulturists of the old world, but no 6 INTRODUCTION. 7 gjcat progress was made in the cultivation of tlie different kinds of JSniall Fruits until several years later. The progress of fruit-culture in the United States is probahly more apparent than in other countries, for wo liavc only to go back to a period within the memory of liorticulturists still living, to ascertain nearly every fact in regard to its history. Ask any of our older horticulturists concerning the markets of forty years ago, and they will tell us that there were no Hovey or Wilson Strawberries offered for sale in those days ; no Cherry or White Grape Currants ; no New Eochelle or Kittatinny Blackberries ; but that they were wholly supplied with berries from the woods and uncultivated fields. The progress we have made in Small Fruit Culture dur- ing the past twenty years is certainly something of which our horticulturists may well feel proud, but the limits in the way of advancement have not as yet been reached, and there is room enough for those who may wish to enter this field to work out many an unsolved problem. The cause of our advancement is, in a great measure, due to the dissemination of information upon the subject through the horticultural and agricultural press. It is by reading these that the masses have learned where to obtain the plants they desire and how to cultivate them. Thus, by having a medium through which both parties are benefited, trade is augmented and progress made more certain. The originators of new varieties have been stimulated to make great exertions, because of the high prices paid for their products in times past, but it is quite probable that new sorts will not hereafter command so much at- tention as they have in years gone by, at least it will not be so easy to obtain high prices for a second-rate article. What may bo termed the *^ Small Fruit Craze " has had its day, and hereafter it will be only the really valuable sorts — the intrinsic worth of which has become fully 8 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. ascertained and csta])lishod, that will be in demand. There has been altogether too nuich putting of new or Rui)posed to be new sorts, before their merits or identity liad become fully ascertained. In many instances varieties have been announced as something wonderful, and en- dorsed by scores of ministers, doctors, lawyers, and other prominent gentlemen — neighbors of the originators, not one of whom i)orhaj)s ever had any experience in fruit- culture, or could tell a ''Wilson" Strawberry from a *'IIovey" or a ''Chas. Downing." Instances of this kind of worthless endorsement of new or old sorts, are becoming more and more frequent and annoying to the horticulturist and the public at large. The old " Belle de Fontenay " lias})berry was recently brought out as some- thiuir now under the name of Amazon, and the man who claimed to have produced it, procured the endorsement of some half a score of ministers as to his own honesty, and the great and valuable merits of his bantling. The said ministers may be very good men, and know some- thing of their parishioner's character, and still, as proved in this case, know very little about Raspberries. In other instances the Mayor of a city, or some noted politician, is called upon to endorse the statement of the raiser of a new variety, while there arc plenty of good horticulturists near at hand, whose Avord in such cases would carry some weight among fruit-growers generally. All persons interested in fruit growing should unite in condemning this species of quackery in horticulture. The facilities for disseminating plants of all kinds, have largely increased during the past few years, our railroads having penetrated almost every part of the country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, affording safe and rapid facilities for transmission of plants to the most distant localities. Added to this, tlie Post-oftice Department per- mits the sending of plants through the mails, but I regret to say at rates of postage far in excess of what they should INTRODUCTION. 9 bo in a country where «T.griculture and horticulture are the foundation of national wealth. Tlie rates of postage on seeds, i)lants, and cuttings, has been doubled since the first edition of this book was published, while the rates on some other classes of matter have been reduced to an almost nominal sum — a discrimination against agricul- ture and liorticulture not warranted by the needs of the Department, and much against tlie wishes of the public at large. The increase of railroad facilities and other means of transportation has not been to the advantage of fruit-growers in all localities alike, but to some a great disadvantage, as it has brought distant parts oi the country into close competition. The fruit-growers in the Southern States can now send their berries to northern markets, and while these do not come into direct com- petition with those grown in the North, still their pres- ence has a very depressing influence upon prices. Weeks and sometimes months before the northern berries are ripe, the markets are flooded with the southern grown fruit, and the residents of our cities have had enough of strawberries before the home-grown berries come in, and wanting a change the public seek some other kind to the neglect of the fresh berries from the fields in the suburbs, and prices go down accordingly. The southern fruits bring high prices, but the cost of freight, commission, etc., leave the raiser but a small margin for profit ; con- sequently the only parties benefited are the transporta- tion companies, commission men, and the consumer. There have been no great discoveries or improvements made in methods of culture or propagation of the Small Fruits during the past dozen years, but there appears to be a growing desire to improve native varieties to the ex- clusion or neglect of the foreign, and this is especially noticeable among the cultivators of the Raspberry. The native sorts are attracting most attention, and are well deserving of it, because the foreign ones here have never 10 SMALL FKUIT CULTURI8T. been satisfactory in general cultivation. There is room for great imi)rovements upon even the best of those now known as the leading native varieties, and if half the time and skill had been bestowed upon the native Ked Raspberry, in endeavoring to produce new sorts, as has been upon the foreign, we would now have something better than even the highly extolled Cuthbert and Turner. The introduction and almost general use of fruit-pre- serving cans have afforded the people an opportunity of obtaining an uninterrupted supply of choice fruits, re- gardless of time or season. Thousands of bushels are annually preserved for home use by families, both in country and city. One may step into any of our restau- rants— even when the snow covers the fields and with the thermometer at zero — and call for a dish of strawberries and cream, and he will be supplied as readily as in the month of June. The fruit may not be quite so good as when first gathered from the plant, but, considering the time of year, it is very acceptable. Not only do private families, saloons, and hotels consume enormous quantities of the Small Fruits which have been preserved in these hermetically sealed cans and Jars, but every steamer or sailing vessel that leaves our ports takes with it a supply for use on the voyage, and it often forms a share of the freight. AYe are not only called upon to produce fruits to supply the home demand, but other portions of the world which cannot or do not produce them, and it can readily be seen that it must be many years before any- thing like an adequate quantity can be produced, even with the rtifpid strides we are making. The field for pro- duction may appear to be a very large one, still it is far less than that of consumption. It is not every location or soil that is adapted to the cultivation of the Small Fruits, neither will every variety succeed equally well on the same place. Consequently the favorable regions for particular kinds must furnish the people of other loca- INTRODUCTION-. 11 tions ; thus an exchange is made beneficial to botli, and to tlie advantjigo of trade. Tlie Southern States i)i"odiiee fruit for home eousiimi)tion, and for sale at the Nortli, and vice versa. Dilferent sections produce different fruits, but often boili yield the same, and yet they be- come a market for each other. With a constantly increasing demand, and no apparent prospect of our markets being fully sujiplied, it is no wonder that many have turned their attention to the cultivation of the Small Fruits. All along the lines of our railroads, canals, and naviga- ble rivers, new villages are springing up, each of which soon becomes a shipping point for produce sent to the larger cities and villages. Places which did not exist eight or ten years ago, are now annually sending to market a half million to a million baskets of fruits. It is not to be expected that every one who attempts the cultivation of the Small Fruits will be successful, any more than that all will succeed in any other business, still it must be admitted, that the culture of the leading vari- eties of this class offers as wide and safe a field for enter- prise as is to be found in any other branch of business pertaining to the cultivation of the soil. Some will fail because they obtained varieties unsuited to their soil or location, for it must be remembered that there is no such thing as general cultivation, when ap- plied to tlie whole United States. Others will attempt more than they are capable of completing. And there are those who imagine that all that is required is, to ob- tain the plants and see that they are planted, after which they can sit down and wait for a bountiful harvest. Such people are always disappointed, and it matters not what they undertake they are sure to be unfortunate, and every experiment will end in failure until they learn to labor as well as to wait. Piolitable fruit-culture cannot result ti'om idleness or negligence. Prompt, energetic action, ap- 19 SMALL FRIHT CUXTITBIBTi plied at the proper time, is far more essential with th€ small fruits than with tlie larejer ones. An apple or pear tree will struggle long, and often successfully, against weeds, drouth, or an unsuitable soil, while a Raspberry or Strawberry plant would perish in a week under similar circumstances. There is probably nothing appertaining to the cultivation of the soil wliich will, if properly con- ducted, yield more pleasure or profit than the culture of our best varieties of small fruits. Still it must not be ex- pected that there are no difficulties in the way, for there will sometimes be early and late frosts; wet and dry sea- sons ; cold winters and hot summers, and insects that will destroy more rapidly than nature can restore ; therefore no one should attempt the culture of any kind of fruit, unless he has courage and perseverance sufficient to meet and overcome all the obstacles he may find in the road to success. To the inexperienced cultivator these difficultieg may appear very formidable, yet they are no greater thaa in any other branch of business, and far less than in many. The small fruits, as a class, are less liable to be affected by disease or insects than a majority of the larger kinds, and as many of them, like the Raspberry and Blackberry, bloom late in the season and perfect their fruit early, they are seldom injured by the late spring frosts, which are often 80 very destructive to the Peach, Apple, and other early bloomers. To guard against great losses it is best not to risk one's entire capital in any one kind, for if that should fail, it would be ruinous. Neither is it advisable to cultivate too great a variety, for capital, needlessly scattered, is not readily gathered. The aim of the cultivator should be: let — To provide against total failure. 2d — Cultivate no more of any one kind than he can properly attend to, both m cultivating and in gathering the fruit. 3d — Provide for a succession of crops, so that there shall be an unintei> rupted income, in preference to a large and fluctuating CNTBODUCnOIT. 18 »ne. Fruit-baskets, crates, etc., must be provided, and the capital invested in these should not be allowed to re aiain idle any longer than is absolutely necessary. If sev« eral kinds are cultivated, commencing with the Strawber- ry, and followed by Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, and Blackberries, the fruit-baskets may be constantly em- ployed for at least three months, when if but one kind is grown their use will scarcely extend over as many weeks. Besides this, a better class of help can be secured for gathering the fruit where steady employment for three months can be given, than when for only a few days oi weeks. The chief object of those who cultivate fruit for mar» ket is that of profit, and to secure the largest return on capital invested requires a judicious selection of varieties. The best in quality are seldom the most profitable for general market purposes. Usually the highest flavored are the most delicate growers and quite unproductive. Individual tastes difi*er — one will choose a variety that an- other will reject. Taste, however, is changeable, and a fruit, which at one time may be quite distasteful, wiU, by a constant acquaintance, become very agreeable. Our markets are but an aggregation of individuals, conse- quently they often change, and a particular variety of fruit, when first introduced, will find no purchasers, though it may afterwards become exceedingly popular. A particular color will often be the cause of rejection, and it will require a constant and persistent efibrt on the part of the producer to introduce the variety and per- suade the masses to purchase. A case in point is that of the Brinckle's Orange Raspberry, a variety which is ac- knowledged, by connoisseurs in fruit, to be one of the very best in quality ; still, place it beside almost any ordinary red variety in any of the New York markets, and not ten baskets of it will be sold to one hundred of the latter. In other cities the results may be quite the reversQ 14 SMALL PBUIT CULTURIST. wbich would only show that the masses must become a» qiiainted with a variety before they will freely purchase, especially if it differs widely in appearance from those which are well known. The public taste in this country has not as yet been sufficiently cultivated to discriminate or select the very best, and it is doubtful if the masses appreciate or care whether a fruit is fully up to any par- ticular standard of quality that scientific horticulturists have endeavored to establish ; quantity is evidently more highly prized than quality, especially if the latter is at- tended by scarcity. I do not wish in these remarks to convey the idea that the very best should not always be sought for, but when their cultivation is not remunerative, quality alone be- comes of doubtful advantage to the producer. The more familiar a people become with any particular kind of fruit, the more they will appreciate it, and should anything occur to deprive them of a supply, they wi*il feel the loss very keenly. Small fruit-culture has already be- come quite a prominent feature in American horticulture, and every possible means should be employed, not only to keep up the supply, but to increase it, so that it shall equal the demand. Heretofore its production has been mainly local ; that is, a particular neighborhood has made a specialty of grow- in s: some one or more kinds that have been found to be adapted to the location and soil. Fruit-growers in other sections, having tried the same variety or varieties, as the case may be, and not finding their culture remunerative, have discarded them. Instead of dohig this, they should have tried to produce new va- rieties that would succeed ; or, endeavored to procure from among the many already known, some kind that was adapted to their particular soil and location. It is well known to every experienced horticulturist that certain ipecies, and all the varieties produced therefrom, fail ip INTBODUCnOW. IS lome locations and Boils, while other species and tbeir v* rieties, although of the same genus, will succeed most ad- mirably. These peculiarities of species have given rise to much discussion among fruit-growers. One will assert, for instance, that the Raspberry is a total failure in his section, and that it cannot be grown, which may be true in regard to a particular kind or class, but no farther. There is probably no soil in our whole country, unless it be under water or totally barren, in which some one or more kinds of small fruits may not be profitably grown. The great desideratum is, to determine which they are, and the people are looking to experimenters to furnish the required information. This is being given through various mediums that are accessible to all, and the rapidly extending culture of this class of fruits shows very clearly that the knowledge gained is put to practical use. The dissemination of sim- ple facts, which are frequently conveyed in a single word or line, is often of more value than a learned and elabo- rate essay. We sometimes observe in nurserymen's catalogues, re- ferring to a particular variety, a simple remark like this ** succeeds admirably with me in a light sandy, clayey, or loamy soil," as the case may be, thereby giving a key to the secret of his success and the failure of others. There was a time in the history of horticulture when secrets were a merchantable commodity, and the particular methods of propagation and culture were transferred from one gardener to another for a consideration. But those days are past, for the true horticulturist of the present day keeps no secrets that will benefit mankind, but hast- ens to give to the world the advantages which may arise from any discovery he makes, receiving in return that which is of more lasting value than money : the thanks of his co-laborers. It is true, that occasionally a man can be found so blind to his own i^.terest and reputation, and 16 BMALL FBUTT CUUTJIUFl, io selfishly mean, as to desire to keep to himself any proceti by which he thinks he can durpass his neij^hbors, and tai the public for his own benefit; but such is the estimation in which these men are held by a large majority of horti- culturists, and 80 readily is tlieir meanness discovered by their customers, that they are very soon obliged either to retire from business and seek some other less honorable occupation, or eke out a miserable existence supported by the patronage of a class no better than themselves. The laws of nature should be secrets to none, and he who would deny otliers the knowledge of any important discovery in horticultural processes, would, if he were able, have the blessed sunshine and showers shut out from every field but his. It is to the constant interchange of fiicts, derived from experience, that we owe much of our progress in horticulture. To know the different varieties, fto that one can name them at sight, does not constitute, as some may suppose, all tlie knowledge requisite to en- able one to cultivate them successfully. Their adaptation to the various soils, locations, and climate ; tlie best mode of cultivation, propagation, prun- ing; whether the fruit is firm or fragile, rendering it more suitable for market or home use — these and many other points must be understood before one can safely go into small fruit-culture on an extensive scale. There has been much discussion as to whether a constant cultivation of the soil was necessary to produce remunerative results from growing the apple, peach, pear, and kindred fruits. There is, perhaps, some reason in particular cases for an apparent neglect, such as excessive growth, which may be checked by non-cultivation more readily than oth- erwise. But with the fruits, of which we shall treat m the following pages, there are no exceptions to the rule— the better the care, the more remunerative the results. By bestowing the best of care, we will not only obtain bettei returns, but they will be in an increased ratio to the amoiuit INTRODUCTION. 11 of labor bestowed. In many instances, with an annual expendituro of twenty-five dollars per acre, a return of only one hundred is obtained, while upon the same soil and with the same variety, if fifty dollars had been ex- pended, the return would have been three or four hundred. All experiments show that extra culture is far more prof itable than what is generally termed good culture. I do not mean by this that it is necessary to trench the soil four feet deep, and apply a thousand loads of manure pef acre to a soil which is naturally deep and rich ; but that deep plowing and subsoiling should be employed, with a liberal supply of enriching materials, if the best results are to be obtained. But few of those who are called good cultivators are aware of the large increase of fruit which may be produced on an acre by giving extra cul- ture, instead of the ordinary method. Many fruit-grow* ers, for the purpose of extending their business, increase the number of acres, when, if they would double the depth of that which they already possess, they would ob- tain the same increase in product without going to the expense of purchasing more land, besides incurring the extra trouble of cultivating two acres, when one might, with proper care, produce the same results. Deepening the soil is not wholly for the purpose of furnishing more plant food, nor to facilitate the downward growth of roots, but it is principally for the purpose of disintegra- tion, and making it of such a consistency that it will be capable of retaining a sufficient amount of moisture at all times to nourish and supply the plants growing therein, but not enough to be detrimental. Rain water, as is well known, contains gases that are beneficial to plants, and if the soil is in a condition to allow it to pass through it, a large portion of these gases will be retained, but if the surface is hard, the water either runs off or remains untii it evaporates. Again, a soil that is loose and fn nble admits air, and 18 SMALL FRUIT CULTUBWT. with it moisture. To prove this fact, we have only to take a piece of glass or polished steel, or any similar sul^ stance, and place it in an ice-house where it will become cold ; then carry it into the open air, and in a moment it will be covered with water condensed from the aimoa- phere. Now, we know that this moisture did not exude from the glass, therefore it must have come from the air. By stirring the soil, and placing that which has become heat- ed underneath to warm the roots, and bringing the cooler portions to the top to condense the moisture, two objects are obtained: besides loosening the earth- that it may be the more easily ])enetrated by the rootlets, it at the same time admits the air charged with moisture for their nourishment. The benefit derived from frequent stirring of the surface soil in dry weather, especially if it be of a compact nature, is mainly derived fiom the admission of air containing moisture. Many cultivators appear to think that all that is required of them is, to keep the weeds from growing among their plants, and they never 3tir the soil except for this purpose ; but our best culti- vators have learned that frequent moving of the soil is very beneficial to all crops, especially in time of drouth. If any one doubts that soil can be made moist by frequent stirring, let them select a piece of ground under some open shed where no rain has reached for a year or more, break up the soil and pulverize it finely; then stir it and turn it over every morning for a week or two, and it will become quite moist, while a similar soil in the open field, which has not been stirred, will be parched and dry. Mulching the surface with straw, leaves, or similar materi- als, is often very beneficial, especially to plants whose roots do not penetrate deeply. The mulch not only as- sists in preventing evaporation, but insures condensation of moisture from the air, which passes freely through it to the soil. It \» not my purpose to enter into any elaborate discos iNTBODuanoN. 19 •ions of particular theories relative to growth, structure, food of plants, or any of the various points in vegetable physiology which are considered debatable questions. 13ut as I shall have occasion in the following pages to ad- vise deep and thoroughly pulverized soil, I have stated the foregoing simple facts, so that the reader may under stand why they are recommended. CHAPTER I. BARBERRY.— Berberis. NATURAL FAMILY BerberidacecB. [Name derived from the Arabic Berberys. The French name is Epine vinette ; Germau, Berl>erltze ; Dutch, Berberisse ; Italian, Berbero ; Si)uuish, Berberis.] General Characters. — Shrubs of medium size, with yellow inner bark and wood ; flowers in drooping ra- cemes ; leaves, and fruit, acid. A section of this genus, witli evergreen leaves, is called Mahonia. SPECIES. Berberis vulgaris. — Common Barberry. — Native of Britain, but has become naturalized in the New England States ; stems with sharp spines ; leaves obovate-oblong, bristly-toothed ; berries oblong, scarlet. Berberis Canadensis. — American Barberry. — Very similar to the last ; the racemes not quite so long. Ber- ries oval, red. Considered by some botanists as only a variety of B. vulgaris. Alleghanies and southward. The past summer, in a visit to New Mexico, I found this species in great abundance in the deep canyons, at an elevation of six thousand to eight thousand feet above the sea. It seemed to thrive best along the dry banks and sides of the canyons, among the yuccas and cactuses, where few other plants can survive the long drouths of those regions. Leaves smaller than in B. vul- garis, slightly serrate ; lighter green ; similar in habit, but less robust, perhaps owing to the rigorous climate. Berberis Fremonti. — Fremont's Barberry. — A hand- some large evergreen shrub, five to ten feet high, with rigid trifoliate leaves ; leaflets one to two and a half inches long, the middle one usually the longest, some- what cordate at the base, and with more numerous teeth, the lowest pairs situated close at the base. Flowers in clusters of two or three ; berries ovate, dark blue, about the size of small currants. Discovered by Fremont, in 20 BARBERRY. 21 1844, in Southern Utah, but it extends along the valleys southward, and would probably succeed in the Middle States, if not in the Northern. Bcrbcris trifoliata. — Three-leaved Barberry. — Closely allied to the last ; common in Western Texas and N6w Mexico. Berries bright red, and less acid than those of the common barbery. Fruit used for tarts, etc. Bcrbcris dulcis. — Magellan Sweet Barberry. — Also B. huxifolia and B, rotiuidifolia. Straits of Magellan ; it is an evergreen there and in England ; here it usually drops its leaves late in winter. The berries are round, black, moderately sweet. Bcrbcris aristata. — Nepaul Barberry. — B, Asiatica and B. Chitra. A native of various portions of India* Evergreen, with purple fruit, covered with bloom. The other evergreen species of the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Coast, i. e., B. repens, B. Aquifolhim, B, pinnata and B. nervosa, are known as '^Mountain" or '* Bush-Grapes." They were formerly placed in the genus Mahonia; and are principally cultivated for orna- ment ; the pioneers in the regions named considered the berries as edible, and as a substitute for grapes. HISTORY. There is very little in the history of the Barberry that is of interest at the present day. Gerarde, an English author (1597), says that its young leaves were used as a salad in his time. PROPAGATION. By Seeds. — Gather the fully ripe berries, and put into boxes until the pulp becomes soft, then wash out the seeds, and either sow or keep in sand until wanted. Sow in the fall ; if delayed until spring, the seeds be- come dry, and more or less of them will not grow. Where the weather is veiy hot and dry in summer, select a half- shady place for the seed-bed, else the young plants will 22 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. be buraed off. Sow in drills, and cover them about one inch deep ; keep the weeds down, and stir the soil often. Transplant in early spring when one or two years old, and at the time of removal shorten the tap-root about one-third. By Suckers. — The Barberry throws up numerous suckers, chiefly from the main stem, and roots are pro- duced on the base of these, which may be separated from the old plant to increase the number of plants. By Cuttings. — Cuttings of the ripe wood do not grow as readily as with some other plants ; still, with care, they will succeed. Select one or two-year-old wood in the fall, before it has been severely frozen, and cut it into lengths of six or eight inches, cutting the lower end square across and just below a bud. Use a sharp knife, in order to cut smoothly. After the cuttings are made, bury them in a dry place in the open ground, and cover beyond the reach of frost. Do not tie in bundles, but place in alternate layers of soil and cuttings. In the spring take out and plant, placing them about three inches apart in the rows, covering all but one or two inches of the upper end. Pack the soil firmly around them, and either hoe often or cover the entire surface of the soil with mulch. As the same general system is followed for all ripe wood cuttings grown in the open ground, I will here give my method with the Barberry, the Currant, Gooseberry, and all simi- lar plants. When the cuttings are prepared, select a dry place, and dig a drench one spade deep, in shape like a letter V ; place a layer of cuttings on one side, then throw enough soil from the other side to cover them about an inch deep. Then place another layer of cuttings against this soil, keeping the trench in the same shape as it was when begun, cover the next layer in the same manner, and so on until the cuttings are all in ; then bank over with earth and smooth the surface so that the water will readily run off. BAKIJKUIlY. 2:j Fig:. 1. — CUTTING TRENCH. Ill tlie sprinreviou8 ieason's growtli, or later, when new wood is formed of suf- fioient length for the purpose. Layers put down in the autumn will become well rooted by the end of the next season. CULTURE. The Barberry, when left to itself, forms a dense shrub, with many stems, but when cultivated for its fruit a portion of the shoots slv^iild be annually removed to allow the sun and air to more readily reach all parts of the plant, and assist in developing the fruit buds. It may also be trained to a single stem, and when treated in this manner, some of the varieties will form shrubs ten to fifteen feet in hight. The fruit will also be larger and more abundant than when the plant is allowed to grow in the natural manner and without pruning. Each plant should be given plenty of room and ndt crowded, especially when fruit is the object of cultivation. Six to eight feet apart will be sufficient in ordinary soiL As before remarked, the Barberry will grow in dry and almost barren soil ; still, as no plant will produce the best results in such situations, it is best to give a good, deep and moderately rich soil even to plants that will grow in a poor one. VARIETIES AND USES. Berberis vulj^aris. — This species and some of its varie- ties are probably better known in this countiy than any others. The most common is the original species, which is found growing wild in many places in the New England States. It is also quite common in gardens. Tlie fruit is oblong, about half an inch in length and one-eisrhth across of a bright scarlet color, very acid, but of agreeable flavor. Figure 3 shows a small branch, with fruit and flowers of natural size, and figure 4 gives a magnified single flower. There ifi a peculiarity about the stamens worthy of notice^ 2 i>6 SMALL FIIUIT CULTUEIST. as they are endowed with ii remarkahh' irritahiUty. W^ien the flowui: opens, the stamens all lay back against Vhe Fig. 3. — BARBEUUY FLOWER AND FRUIT. petals, but when touched by an insect they spring up against the pistil, where they discharge their pollen. \ This motion may be pro- duced by touclnng the sta- mens near the base with a pin or other point. The ^' Fii?. 4. stamens discharge their pollen in a rather unusual manner. In most stamens the anther, or pollen- BARBERRY. 27 Dearing portion, opens by slits, hut in the Barberry a pair of little doors, or traps, lift up to allow the pollen to fall Dut. Figure 5 shows two enlarged stamens — one closed and the other open. The fruit and flowers are not produced at the same time npon the plant, but as a matter of convenience they are both shown on the same branch in the engraving. The fruit is much used for preserves, ])ickles, jams, &o. The thorny character of the plant, with its upright, com- pact growth, makes it a very desirable hedge plant. The inner bark of the stem and roots is used in some countries for making a yellow dye. It is also used in Po» land and other portions of the East for tanning purposes. The best known varieties of this species are as follows : B* vulgaris alba. — White fruited. — Not very productive, and not so vigorous a grower as the original. B. Tlllgaris asperma. — A variety which produces fruit without seeds. It is not, however, constant, and plants propagated from it will often produce fruit with seeds. This variety has been known and cultivated in England for more than two hundred years, according to Parkinson, Gerarde and other old authors. B« vulgaris dulcis. — Sweet fruited. — Very similar to the species. The fruit is a little larger and not quite so acid, and leaves bright green and shining. This variety should not be confounded with the before mentioned species, Herberts dulcis, as the latter has black fruit of the size of a large currant, which is solitary, while that of the former is produced in racemes. B. vulgaris purpurea. — Purple leaved. — Leaves dark purple. On this account it is very ornamental B. vulgaris glauca. — Leaves pale green and glaucous; not shining. B» vulgaris long!folia« — Leave* longer that in thA sDe ties; otherwise the same. W SMALL FBUIT CULTUBIffT. B. vulgaris latea. — Yellow fruited. — A variety witl Bmall yellow fruit; not very productive. B. vul«?aris mills. — Thorns small and not as rigid as in other varieties. B* Tulgaris nigra* — Black fruited. — Tournefort found his variety on the banks of the Euphrates, about one hun- dred and fifty years ago. He says that the fruit is of a sweet and delicious flavor. I am not aware of its being cultivated in America. B. vulgaris purpurea. — Purple fruited. — Fruit dark red or purple. Leaves narrow, with few prickles. B. vulgaris Tiolacea. — Violet fruited. — Fruit violet colored. There are probably many other varieties of this species, as the seedlings usually vary considerably, especially when the seeds are taken from kinds that are quite distinct from the original species. Seedlings grown from the purple-leaved variety will show a great diversity of foliage. Some will have purple leaves like the parent, while others will be margined with purple or red, or be wholly green. Berberis Sibirica. — Siberian Barberry. — Native of Si- oeria, where it is found ^crowins: amonor rocks on hill sides and mountains. Tlie plant seldom grows more than two feet high. Fruit oval, red, solitary, peduncle shorter than the leaves. The following, which may be distinct species, or only varieties, possess no particular merit as regards their fruit, out may interest the botanist or those who wish to make kheir collections as complete as possible : B. Iberica. — Iberian Barberry. — Berries deep purple. B. Sinensis. — Chinese Barberry. — Berries dull red. B. Cretica. — Cretan Barberry. — Berries oval, blaok, rery astringent. IIAKIIKIIUY. 29 The Barberry is suscepti»l)le of great improvemoTit, and might, if* a ])roj)cr ainoinit of care were bestowed uj>ori it, become a fruit of iniich importance; whereas, at the pres- ent time, it is seldom admitted to the fruit garden, being mainly planted for ornamental purposes. DISEASES AND INSECTS. The Barberry is seldom injured to any considerable ex- tent by disease or insects. The leaves are sometimes in- jured by a species of fungus called ^cidium JBerheridis. It usually makes its appearance on the upper end of the leaves (fig. 6), then becomes scattered over the surface, and extends to the fruit. To the eye it appears like fine reddish dust. I When these rust-like spots are examined ^ with a lens, they appear as in figure 7, and when more highly magnified the whole is found to consist of cup-like cells, as in figure 8. These cups are at first covered with a thin, light colored film. Fig. 6. which, Avhen the fungus be- comes mature, bursts and leaves the edges of the cup with the uneven margin shown in figure 8. When this covering bursts, the cups discharge their spores or reproductive dust, which is scattered over the leaves and fruit. This fungus or mildew has been supposed to cause the blight in wheat, and it is an old belief that the Barberry would cause ^: , the grain near which it grew to blast. This belief has generally been treated as a superstition by scientific men, but recent researches show that it may have a foundation in fact. Many of these minute fungi have in different generations very unlike forms. Thus, the si)ores of A will produce Y\K. S. OO SMALL FBUIT CULTUBIM. B. 80 unlike A. that it has been taken for a different fungus, and B. will again reproduce A. Ther? i« a strong probability that the rust of the Barberry and the smut In wheat are both fomis of the same fungus. The injury which it causes to the Barberry is very slight, but it may become so prevalent as to be worthy of particr lar attention. Ashes or slacked lime scattered over th. leaves in the morning, when the dew is on them, woulc probably destroy it or check its progress. Another bligb< which affects the leaves later in the season, known as Mi crosphoeria Berheridls, is shown highly magnified in figupt 9. It appears in very minute spots, with fine, rib-like ap" pendages radiating from the center, like the spokes of s wheel, the ends of each be- ing divided into several small branches, as in figure 10. This species of blight attacks the leaves so late in Fig. 9. Fig. 10. the season that it causes but little if any injury. The illustrations of these and the other minute fungi given in subsequent pages, are taken from a work called " Rust, Smut and Mildew," by IVL C. Cook, London. This charming little work is beautifully illus- trated, and as it describes many fungi common to both this country and England, we call the attention of our readers to it, as the most available source of information concerning these humble, but, to the fruit grower, import- ant forms of vegetation. I am not aware of any insect that is injurious to the Uarberry. The peculiar (and rather agreeable than other- wise) fragrance of the flowers attracts numerous insects to the plant when in bloom, and their presence is probably for the purpose of gathering food, while they aid at the same time in fertilizing the flowers by irritating the stamens CHAPTER n. THE STRAWBERRY.— Fraqabu NATURAL FAMILY RoSOCeCB. [Name derived from fragrans, perfumed In reference to the fragrance of tbt fruit. French, Frofder ; German, Erdbeerpflame ; Dutch, AadbezU; Italiaa, Planta di fragola ; Spanish, Freza. The name of Strawberry is said by Pryoi to be derived from the Anglo Saxon " Streoberie,'''' either from Ite straw-Ilka haulms, or from their laying strown upon the ground. Other authors give differ •nt derivations.] GENERAL CHARACTERS. Calyx flat or reflexed, deeply five-cleft, with the same number of bractlets, thus appearing to be ten-cleft. Petals five, white, erect, spreading. Stamens many, usually about twenty. Pistils numerous, adhering at the base to the small seed-like fruits, these are situated on the fleshy re- ceptacle, which enlarges and becomes what is generally called the fruit or berry. Increased by seeds, runners and divisions of the roots. Stemless perennials, with or without runners. Leaves radical, divided into three leaflets, obovate wedge-form, coarsely serrate, evergreen. Root fibroitfi, rather woody, perennial SPECIES Fragaria Tesca.— Edible Strawberry, Alpine Straw- beiTy, Wood StrawbeiTy, &q. — Seeds superficial, on the conical or hemispherical fruiting receptacle (not sunk in a cavity). Flower stalks longer than the leaves, erect, hairy, hairs closely pressed upward. Fruit drooping, usually con- ical, sometimes globular. Leaves thin, pale green ; upper surface uneven, slightly wavy. Native of Europe and America. BMALL FRUrr CULTUBIBT. Fragaria colllna.— Green Strawberry.— This is consid ered by soiue botanists as a species, but the only really distinct character is in its fruit, which is greenish-browD when ripe. Fragaria elallor.— Hautbois Strawberry.— Calyx re- aexed Seeds superficial Flower stalks longer than the leaves erect. Fruit round or oblate, usually drooping, but Bometimes erect, possessing a strong musky flavor. Haira on both leaf and flower-stalks long, and widely spreadmg, somewhat reflexed. Leaves larger than mF.vesca.^nd more or less pubescent, covered with short hairs on both upper and lower surface, giving them a rough appearance. Native of Gennany. Fragaria Indica.-India Strawberry.-A species with yellow flowers. Fruit not edible. Native of India. Fragaria Virginiana.— Virginian Strawberry.— Seeds imbedded in the deeply pitted receptacle. Fruit roundish, ovoid to conical, highly perfumed. Flower stalks shorter than the leaves, hairy ; hairs spreading, more or less erect. Leaves obovate, wedge form, variable, coarsely serrate, usually dark green; upper surface smooth, often shming. Native of North America. Chiefly in the United States and southern portions of Canada. Fragaria grandiflora.— Large flowering Strawberry.— Calyx erect, slightly spreading. Seeds set in a shallow d^ pression. Flowers larger than in other species. Jruit Bweet, perfumed. Flesh firm. Flower stalks shorter than the leaves. Leaves smooth, usually deep green. Serrar tures broadly ovate. Native of South America. HISTORY. It is of little consequence to the horticulturist of the present day whether any particular kind of fruit familial to us was known in ancient times. Still, we often find our .elves sending a thought back into the dim and uncertain 8TBAWBEBBY. 88 past, pickinjj up here and there a stray word or line thai intbnns ua that some of the fruits now cultivated by us were also known to those of fomier ages. Tlie number of such old time fruits is quite limited, and most of them are of quality so inferior that we would hardly be willing to exchange those of our time for the productions of any period. The Strawberry was probably not cultivated in olden times, as it is scarcely mentioned by the Roman writers on agriculture. Some who are most explicit in other matters pertaining to fruit-culture do not mention it, while Pliny, Ovid and Virgil only casually refer to it, and this reference is not for the purpose of aiding its culture. From a few lines in one of those old works, we infer that the children in ancient times had similar tastes to those of the present, and that they found no day so hot, or hill so steep^as to deter them from seeking the little gems in the tall grass, or through bramble and wood. We, who were so fortunate as to spend our youthful days in the country, can appreciate the following lines of Virgil, as translated by Warton, as they touch a heart-string whose vibrations send memory back to joyful days in the past : " Ye boys that gather flowers and strawberries, Lo, hid within the grass a serpent lies." We learn from the ancient writers nothing in relation to StrawbeiTy culture that is of any practical value. We are, therefore, compelled to turn to those of modern times for any reliable information. There are facts connected with the history of the Straw- berry that it is important for us to know. For instance, from what country, climate or situation were certain species deiived ? If a species came originally from a very warm country, it is doubtful if it will ever be K) well adapted to a cold latitude as one obtained from a climate similar to the one in which it is to be cultivated. By hybridizing, we may so intermingle species that il 2* M SHALL FBUIT CULTUBIflT. will bo difficult to tell from what particular source tbey originated Yet, if there be any feeble or tender elemenl in their composition, it will be constantly 8ho\ving it»eH and a continual source of annoyance to the cultivator. It IB for this reason that it is always desirable to know a« much of the history and origin of a fruit as possible, specially if it is to be selected as the parent from which aew varieties are to be produced. There are instances where a species has succeeded better in a foreign country than at home ; but such cases are only exceptional, and where the climates are similar, or the sp^ cies naturally had a very wide range in latitude. The Strawberry is probably more widely distributed than any other plant we cultivate. The Fragaria vesca, or Alpine Strawberry, grows in the mountains of Greece and northward to Britain, where, in the latter country, it assumes a different form, and is there called the Wood Strawberry. The principal difference between the two is in the form of the fruit, the Alpine being conical, while the Wood varieties are round. Tlie Alpine Strawberry is also a native of North America, being found in high woods and fields in most of the Northern States, and far to the North in the Canadas. There appear to be several natural varie- ties of this species in Europe, which have been known for several centuries. In 1483, the garden of the Bishop of Ely, at Holborn, in England, was celebrated for its excel- lent Strawberries. They were probably the common Wood Strawberries of the country — one with red fruit, the other white. The Alpines were introduced into England some two hundred years later. There are two original varieties the same in color as the Wood Strawberries. There are also monthly varieties, and those which do not produce runners. The original species or varieties appear to persistently retain their normal characteristics under aU the varied STRAWBERRY. 8S changes whicb they have been subjected to in cultivation. This constancy of the F, vesca may account for the fact that no advance, of any importance, was made in Strawberry culture in Europe until other and more variable, as well as valuable, species were introduced. In 1578, Lyte, in his translation of " Dodoens Herball," mentions only the Wood Strawberry. Gerarde, in 1597, named the '\^niite and Red Wood Strawberry. In 1623, Casper Bauhin, in his " Pinax," mentions the White and Red Wood, Alpine, and Hautboy or Ilaarbcer Strawberries. Parkinson, in his Paradisus, 1629, page 528, says that there are divers sorts in cultivation, and names the Red and White Wood, Green, Virginia, and another variety, which he called the Bohemian. In his Theatrum Botanicum, is- sued in 1 640, page 758, he mentions a variety of the Al- pine, which, he says, is barren, producing no fruit. It was probably one of the Potentillas, and not a Strawberry, for he also describes another variety which, he says, has yellow flowers, and the seeds are in a dry, compact head, and the plant has smaller leaves, and creeps along the ground with many fine stems. About 1660 a Strawberry grower at Montreuil, in France, is said to have produced a new variety from the seed of the Wood Strawberry. It was called the Cappron, but after- wards the Fressant. This is the first improved variety of which we have any account. It was in cultivation at the time that Evelyn translated Quintinies " French Gardiner," in 1682 ; also mentioned by Duchesne, about a hundred years later. The persistency with which some species reproduce themselves is quite remarkable, but not more so than the equally great variations that are constantly being developed in others. Those species from which we have produced the greatest number of valuable varieties, generally show the greatest diversity of character in their natural or normal condition, 86 SMALL FRUIT CULTURI8T. The Virginian Strawberry, which is the most conimoi Strawberry of our woods and fields, was introduced into England early in the seventeenth century ; but little atten- tion, however, was paid to its cultivation for nearly or quite one hundred years thereafter. But as soon as its valuable qualities were discovered, and it was found that by merely sowing seeds new varieties, greatly differing from the parent, were readily produced, it began to attract the attention of fruit growers, and received the care it deserved. It is the most fragrant of all known species, possessing a delightful, aromatic perfume, not surpassed by any other fruit. It is a robust and vigorous grower, withstanding the severe cold of our northern winters, as well as the burning sun of summer. It assumes very distinct charac- ters in different locations, those of the Western States varying considerably from those of the Eastern, so much so that the varieties grown from them usually retain their peculiar characteristics through an almost indefinite num- ber of generations. Among the varieties in cultivation at the present time we can recognize many whose parentage can be traced to the western plants, while others are unmistakably from those of the Eastern States. I will name a few of each class, and those who are acquainted with them will more readily recognize their peculiar characters than they could from any descriptions which I might give — only premising that the western class, as a rule, produce the largest, soft- est, and most acid fruit. The best known of the western type are : Austin, Iowa, Downer's Prolific, Green Prolific, General Scott, and Victory. Of the eastern type. Early Scarlet, Jenny Lind, Scott's Seedling, Boston Pine, Brighton Pine, &c. The various forms observed in the F. Vtrgiiiiana in dif ferent portions of the country, have given rise to much dit* STRAWKERBT. 81 ouMion as to whether all these vanations should be classed as one species, or separated into different ones. Dr. Asy Gray classes them all as one species, and he is un- doubtedly correct. A few would-be authorities will not acknowledge that a species can possibly be variable, and still be the same. Consequently we often see long essays from such men, in which thei^. V'trginiana is divided into numerous species, such as F. Illinoiensis, F. lowaensis, &c. We might with as mucli propriety separate our American chestnut into innumerable species, for there is as great difference in the nuts and growth of the tree as is to be found in the com- mon Strawberry. Free discussion in scientific matters is to a certain extent beneficial; but it is doubtful whether the present or fu- ture generations will be benefited by such dissertations aw frequently appear in some of our rural periodicals or in our agricultural reports, purporting to come from intelli- gent men, while the fact is apparent to every one who has the least knowledge on the subject of which they treat, that said articles are a mass of errors, and the authors write for other purposes than those of giving information to the people. For a number of years the Virginia Strawberry had no successful rival in English gardens, though it was never so highly appreciated in Britain as here, from the fact that it is more acid and not so highly flavored in the moist cool climate of that country as in our own. The introduction of the South American species (V grandiflora) gave a new impetus to Strawberry culture in Europe. The fruit io naturally much larger and sweeter than any of the other species, consequently it does not require so tfiuch heat to develop its saccharine qualities. That pe- anliar aromatic sprightliness, which is such a prominent 88 SMALL FRUIT (rULTURIST. fcjaturo in the F, Virglnianay is, however, almost entirely wanting in other species. The same dissecting process has been applied to th€ South American species as to our northern one, and it if sometimes called F. Chiliensis^ F. J^onarietisiSj &c. — the name usually indicating the place from which the supposed distinct species was derived. That the different varieties discovered in the various portions of the country are quite distinct, every one who is acquainted with them will admit. Yet these variations are no greater than have already been mentioned in those of other species. The first account we have of the South American Straw- berry is in 1716, when M. Frozier, in his voyage to the South Sea, found it at the foot of the Cordillera MountainSi near Quito, and carried it home to Marseilles, in France. It was at that time called the Chili Strawberry, and the Spaniards said that they had previously brought it from Mexico. We do not learn from any of the old French works that any new varieties were raised from the Chili Strawberry for at least fifty years after its introduction. Duchesne, in 1706, says " that Miller considered its cultivation as aban- doned in England on account of its steiility." The impor- tations from other portions of South America appear to have met with better success, and about fifty years ago new varieties of the F, grandiflora^ as well as of the Vir- giniana, became quite abundant in England and on the Continent. At the present time the varieties of F. grandiflora appear to be valued more highly in Europe than any other — at least we judge so from the fact that almost all of the new varie* ties imported of late years show more of the characteristics ol this species than of others. This may account for the failure of so many of the new foreign varieties in the Northern States. The severe cold of our winters, and qui ffTBAWBBBBT. 89 dry, hot summers, are two extremes that they cannot with- stand. Occasionally we receive a variety which, by extra care and protection in winter, will produce a large crop; but, as a whole, it is doubtful whether the Strawberry growers in the United States h»ive been permanently benefited by the introduction of any of the new varieties raised from the grandiflora. They may have awakened a taste for more thorough experiments in Strawberry culture, and by hybridizing them with our more hardy kinds produced new ones of real value. SEXUALITY OF THE STRAWBERRY. Naturally the Strawberry flower possesses stamens and pistils ; it is therefore perfect, as both of these organs are necessary for the production of fruit. Every botanist, from LinnjEus down to the present time, has described the Strawberry flower as perfect or bi-sexual. Therefore, to assume that this is not the normal charac- ter (as a few writers of late have done) is to controvert all of our botanical authorities, and charge them with over- lookinsj that which the most casual observer could have seen. When plants are taken from their native habitatii and placed under cultivation, they very often assume forms ^uite different from their natural ones. Sometimes a par- ticular organ is suppressed, while others are enlarged ; thus we have the pistillate Strawberiy and the double rose. Occasionally the seeds of domesticated plants are carried by birds or animals to woods and fields quite distant from the garden in which they are cultivated, and if per- chance they are deposited under favorable conditions they Trill produce fruit similar to that from which they ori- ginated. If we find a pistillate Strawberry or double rose growing wild, does it prove that these are the normal char- acters of the genus ? Far from it ; Vut it only shows ihal 40 SMALL FRUIT CITLTURIST. plants are susceptible of change under certain circumstances, and especially when these are not perfectly natural. The Strawberry be- longs to the same great natural family as the rose, but when placed under those artificial circum- stances to which it is subjected when cultivat- ed, instead of becoming double, (although semi- double varieties are occa- sionally produced,) the stamens are sometimes ^'»- H— pekfect flower. suppressed, and varieties are produced with flowers coii- taining jjistils only. I Fig. 13. — PERFECT FLOWER ENLARGED. Figure 11 shows what is termed a perfect or bi-sexual flower. The pistils are in the center, wMle around thein STIlAWHKlillY. 41 arc some twenty or more organs, which are called stamens. These are quite different in apjx'jiranee from the pistils, be- inuf lonixer, niul each one is terminated l)y a small knob, which is callen bloom, and mark the sex of errKAWBBRBT. 61 •aob, 90 that it shall be known when the fruit is ripe whether the flowers are pistillate or perfect. When a variety has been produced that promises well, it should be carefully taken up and planted by itself, that its runners may have an opportunity of taking root without inter- mingling with others. The plant may be removed just so soon as the character of the fruit is determined upon, always choosing a wet day if convenient ; if not, give the soil about the plant a good soaking, and then remove it with as much soil ad- hering as possible. Shade it a few days after removal to prevent its wilting, I would caution the novice not to be too sanguine about the value of new seedlings, because they will very often appear much better the first season than ever after. A few years since I raised a large number of seedlings, and when ripe, a committee of six very competent gentle- men was appointed by the Farmers' Club of the Ameri- can Institute to examine and report upon them. Seventy varieties were marked and described as very promising and worthy of further trial. Seventy beds were very thoroughly prepared, and each original plant carefully placed in the center of one of these beds. About a dozen runners were allowed to grow from each plant, and all others removed. The next season the same committee examined them again, and they reduced the number to seven. These were given more room and continued care until another season, when the number was reduced to three. I give this as the result of only one experiment ; others might be given with similar results. It is a very easy matter to originate new varieties, but to get one that shall be superior, or even equal, to the best now in cultivation, U not so readily accomplished as some may suppose. I would advise every one to try, because there is a chance of producing one that will be better adapted to 52 SMALL FEUrr CULTUBIST. the grower's soil or location than any that could be pro duced elsewhere. PROPAGATION BY RUNNERS. The varieties mainly cultivated in this country are propagated from the runners. The first produced ar« usually the strongest and best for early planting, but those that are formed later in the season are equally as good when they arrive at the same age or size. A few theorists have maintained that the first plants formed near the parent stool were the only ones that should be used, and that they were for superior to the others, and would al- ways be more prolific. This assertion is not supported by facts ; consequently is not worthy of a moment's thought. To insure the rooting of runners, the surface of the soil should be kept loose and open, and if the weather is very dry at the time they are forming, it is well to go over the beds and cover the new roots as they are produced. Wlien only a few very large and strong [)lants are wanted, it is well to piiich off the runner just beyond the first plant, that this may become strong and vigorous. POT PLANTS. In the first edition of this work I stated that it was a good plan, in order to insure the safe removal of the run- ners, to plunge pots filled with rich soil in tlie beds, and let the roots strike into them, then, when well rooted, the young plants could be taken up and removed with perfect safety. This hint seems to have led our strawberry grow- ers to introduce the pot-grown or layered plants, as a distinct feature in their business, and for the past few years the merits of plants thus ])ropagated have been highly extolled m nurserymen's catalogues. To propagate plants m this manner is certainly far more expensive than to allow the runners to take root m the ordinary way, and without assistance on the part of the cultivator, and they STRAWBERRY. 53 are also worth more because less liable to fail when trans- planted or transported to any considerable distance. It is true that the pot-grown plants will yield a moderate cro]) tlie following season, an advantage which amateur cultivators appreciate far more highly than do those who cultivate fruit for market ; but it is a question if the few berries thus obtained are really worth the extra price asked, and the care required to produce them. This, however, is a matter for the purchasers of plants to de- cide ; the propagator's province is to supply whatever is in demand. Any small plants which have not produced sufficient roots to insure their safety during winter, may be taken up and set in cold frames, where the roots will continue to grow until the soil is frozen. The richer and better the soil, the more rapid will be the production of roots, whether in frames or in the open ground. It is a good plan to cover the surface of the soil with fine pure manure before the runners start in spring. The runners draw their sustenance from the parent plant until they have formed roots of their own, but these roots should find food soon after they are emitted. If the beds can be watered, it will insure the rapid emission of roots, PROPAGATION BY ROOT DIVISIONS. This mode is seldom practised except with the Bush Alpine Strawberries, which produce few or no runners. In the early spring, take up the stools and divide them, leaving only one crown to the plant. If the old root is very long, it is best to cut off the lower end, and plant as deep as can be done without covering the leaves. SOIL AND SITUATION. No one kind of soil is equally well adapted to every va- riety. A deep, rich, sandy loam is moot generally recom- mended, and is perhaps on the whole the best. Still a light sand or heavy clay may be made, with a very little expense, to produce abundant crops. 64 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. A deep soil, whether it be naturally light or heavy, is one of the reciuisites imperatively demanded by the Strawberry. If the soil is naturally very wet, it may re- quire underdraining; but tliere are few farms on which a situation may not be found where deep plowing will not render the soil suitable for a Strawberry bed. Thorough j)rei)aration of the soil is the very foundation of success, therefore no slovenly system-^sucli as once plowing and harrowing — should be tolerated ; b^zt the ground sliould not only be plowed, but cross-plowed, and if not natural- ly deep and friable, it should be subsoiled at least sixteen inches deep. If the cultivator will only bear in mind that one acre prepared in the best manner will produce more fruit than three or four acres fitted as is usually done, he will understand the importance of doing it well. There is not one acre of Strawberries in a thousand, that yields over one-half that it would if the ground was properly prepared before planting. It is with Strawberries as with other fruits — too many acres and too little care. The situation should be open and airy, because in such there is less danger of injury by late spring frosts. To secure early ripening, a southern exposure is pref- erable, and for a late crop a northern one. By planting the earliest varieties m a warm situation, and the latest in a cool one, the season may be considerably lengthened. MANURES. The Strawberry is not very particular as to the kind of manure it receives, provided it is in sufficient quantities. To tell a man who cultivates the Strawberry on the rich prairie soil of the West that he mast apply manure to his soil before planting, would be considered a very foolish recommendation ; but to undertake to grow them on al- most any of our eastern lands without it would be equally absurd. In fact, most of our fruit growers in the Eastern States determine their profits in advance, simply by the STRAWBERRY. Bfl Ainontit of mannre applied to the soil — the more abundant the application the greater the profits. All })lants require food, and it is evident that if it is not in the soil it must be placed there, or no satisfactory re- sults will be obtained. In the Eastern States we gather fruit in proportion to the amount of plant-food which we place in the soil. Old and thoroughly decomposed barn-yard manure is scarcely to be excelled for the Strawberry. But it is often the case that a sufficient quantity of this cannot be ob- tained, and if so, then the next best thing to be done ia to make a compost of barn-yard manure and muck, leaves or sods, using one load of manure and two of either of the others. Mix them together, and let them remain in heap for three months or more, not forgetting to turn it over at least once a month. In heavy soils fresh manure may be used without injury, and if a liberal application of peat or light friable muck is given it will be very beneficial. In sandy soils a compost of muck and manure is one of the best fertilizers that can be applied. In fact, pure muck from the swamps, placed where it can be frequently stirred, will become in one season suitable to be applied directly to the roots of al- most any plant. K lime, ashes, spent hops from the breweries, castor pomace or any similar materials be added, even in small quantities, it will assist very much in its decomposition and fitting it for the urc of plants. There are thousands of acres of land in the Eastern States that are now pro- ducing nothing, not even weeds, because manure cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities to make them fertile, and yet in many instances these very acres are bordered with muck-beds which are notliing more or less than iaex- kaustible deposits of manure. The time is probably not far distant when these minei 56 SMALL FRUIT ClTLTURIflT. of wealth will be worked to an extent not dreamed of al the present time. Concentrated manures — such as bone, guano, poudrette, &c. — are sometimes used upon the Strawberry with good results. It requires some care in their application, or the plants are liable to be injured thereby. Ashes are also valuable, particularly on sandy soils. They may be applied by scattering upon the surface al the rate of from ten to twenty bushels per acre. A far more preferable mode is to compost them with muck or leaf mold from the woods, but they should never be mixed with manure, for they will cause it to give off, in the form of gases, the very materials which should be re- tained. Lime is said to be injurious to the Strawberry, particu- larly when applied directly or alone. I have had no per- sonal experience with it upon the Strawberry, but have known several instances of fiiilure, the cause o^ which was attributed to the use of lime. TIME TO PLANT. Spring and fall are the two seasons in which the Straw- berry is usually trans})lanted. Although with the requisite care the operation may be performed at any time during the summer, the spring seems to be the more natural and preferable one of the two. The plants are then just starting into growth after their long rest. The small amount of foliage which has sur- vived the winter is fully matured ; consequently it calls for very little nutriment from the roots. The warm spring :ains supply the plants with moisture, and the very atmos- phere of this season appears to be full of life. Fall planting is usually performed in Aufjust and Sep- tember in the Northern States. This season has one advantage, and that is : if th« plants can be set so early that they will become ^rmlj BTRAWBERRY. 09 rooted before cold weather, they will sometimes produce a partial crop the ensuing season, ;i8 well as make a itronger growth, than if the operation is deferred until spring. When one has the plants so near at hand that they can 1)8 removed without having their roots exposed to the air for a few moments even, besides having an opportunity of selecting rainy or cloudy weather for the operation, then it may be done in the autumn with success. But when the plants are to be brouglit from a distance, and when, as it will often occur, they arrive in a time of drouth, fall planting becomes a doubtful advantage. I do not wish to discourage fall trade in Strawberry plants ; yet from an experience extending over many years in both buying and selling plants, 1 conclude that fall planting is far more un- certain than spring, PREPARATION OF PLANTS. When plants are taken up in spring there will be more or less dead leaves upon them ; these should all be re- moved, leaving only those that appear fresh and green. Some roots will be broken, and the sound ones, if long, cannot readily be placed in the ground again without be- ing crowded or otherwise thrown out of their natural position. To avoid any difficulty on this point, I always shorten them to at least one half their lensjth. Figure 19 shows the position of the roots on a medium or small plant before removal. A, being the runner con- necting it with the parent plant ; B, a new runner on which other plants would have been formed, provided the ueason had been favorable for their growth ; C, D, the cross line showing where the roots should be cut after the plant is taken up. This shortening causes them to throw out a new set of fibrous roots from the cut ends. It also causes roots to be emitted more abundantly from near the crowQ than would have been the case if the rooti 58 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. had not been shortened. Figure 20 shows the same plant as it will appear after having been planted a few weeks. It is not necessary to trim eacli j)lant separately, but a liandful may be primed at one cut of tlie knife. Plants thus pruned are more readily planted, and the i'k>*.s are Fig. 19. — WHERE TO PRUNE ROOTS. easily spread out at the time, wliicli is quite important, because each root can produce rootlets without being en- tangled wath others. In transplantmg in the autumn it is unnecessary to shorten the roots, iniless they are so long that they cannot be conveniently j^lanted entire. The roots of the Straw- berry continue to grow from the extreme ends until cold weather, and when moved in fall or summer the roots STRAWBERRY. 5d should be taken up cntii'e, and carefully spread out when again placed in the soil. If tlu* plants have l)eL'n out of the ground long enough to cause the roots to have changed color :\u(\ hecoine dark and wilted, then they should be treated the same as those removed in spring. Fig. 20. — GROWTH OF PRUNED ROOTS. All of the largest leaves should be cut off from plants when removed, leaving but tN\o or three of the center leaves, as a ])lant is far more likely to live if only this number is allowed to remain on it than if none are re- moved. Via are now supposing that the plants are taken up without any soil adhering to the roots. If each plant is 00 SMALL FRiriT CULTUBIST, movec' with a ball of eartli, then there will be nonoccssitj tor redtu'ino; the iiunilKM- of U'avos, l)ecaiise the ooDnectiou between the root and soil will not be broken, or, at least, not entirely separated ; consequently tliey can continue to absorb moisture and nutriment for the support of al he leaves. Sometimes it may be advisable to " puddle " the roots, aS it is called, before planting. This operation is pei> formed by mixing water with soil until it is of the consih* tency of thin mortar; then dip the roots into it, coating them with the mixture, which excludes the air and pre- vents wilting so long as it remains moist. A tenacious clay makes the best puddle, but it will sometimes adhere 80 closely to the roots as to become injurious. It is well to puddle, before packing, the roots of plants that are to be transported a long distance, and consequently be a long time on the journey. But the puddling should be washed off and the roots trimmed before planting again. Roots that have been entirely excluded from the air for any considerable time are likely to become soured, and it is best to clean and refresh them with pure water before again placing them in the ground. PLANTING AND CULTIVATION. There is no one operation of more importance to the future success of a Strawberry bed than careful planting. Some cultivators plant with a dibble, making a small hole in which the roots are thrust, all crowded together in a mass. Plants may live under such treatment, but certainly cannot thrive so well as though their roots were carefully spread out in a natural position. A common garden trowel should always be used, and a hole made in the soil large enough to admit the roots without crowding. Set the plants just so deep that all of the roots will be covered, and no deeper ; for if the «rowQ is buried it is very liable to decay, particularly in • 8TRA^V^lKRRT. 0] heavy soil. If a handful of very fine compost or manur« « mixer with the soil around them nt the time of plant* nig it w:ll very materially assist in their future growth. It is always best to select a cloudy day for planting, if possible, but when only a few are to be set out they may be watered and shaded, and their growth insured without any regard to the weather. The distance between the plants will depend upon what kind of cultivation is to be given them. The oldest method of field culture in this country, and the one practiced upon thousands of acres in the Eastern States at the present time, is to plant in rows from two and a half to three feet apart, placing the plants about a foot distant in the rows. The beds are hoed during the early part of summerj or until the runners cover the ground, after which no atten- tion is paid to them until next spring. Then paths about a foot wide, and at a distance of four feet from each other, are made, thus forming beds with narrow paths, in which the pickers are expected to stand when gathering the fruit. Two or three crops are gathered from these beds before any change is made or cultivation is given, except that of hoeing or plowing out the paths each season before pick- ing time. When the beds have become so much crowded with weeds and plants that the fruit is likely to entirely fail, a plow is run through the center of each bed, forming a new path, the runners being allowed to take root and fill np the old ones. Another crop or two is taken, and then the paths are again chau/ed. Sometimes the beds are burned over in the fall after the weeds have died down and become dry ; or a heavy harrow is drawn over them 80on after the crop is gathered, tearing up the weeds and a greater part of the plants ; while at the same time it breaks up the soil so that the few remaining plants will grow with more vigor, and there will be room for the new A2 SMALL FEUrr CULTUBIST. runners to take root. In this manner the Bame hedi art cropped for ten or fifteen years. It is not the fancy improved varieties that are treated in this manner, but the older kinds, which are but a slight improvement upon the common wild berry. The forego- ing method of cultivation is certainly not to be recom- mended, but I have mentioned it because there are proba- bly as many acres of Strawberries grown and treated in this manner as are grown under any other system. Our eastern cities, particularly New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, have been supplied almost entirely, until with- in a very few years past, from these half cultivated fields. We must conclude that such a method of cultivation ia profitable; if not, it would have been abandoned long »go, although it is apparent that those who follow thia •ystem are not afflicted with the spirit of progress. BIENNIAL SYSTEM. Another method which has of late years become very popular is that of planting in beds, say two or three rows in each, placing the plants about eighteen inches apart earih way, and then leave paths of about two feet. The plants are hoed and all weeds destroyed as they appear. The runners are all allowed to grow, and the entire sur- face is covered with plants, except a path of about two feet in width between the beds. These beds are allowed to produce two crops, and then the plants are plowed under and some other crop giown on the land for one or two seasons, when it is again planted with Strawberries, if de- Bii'able. This is probably one of the very best systems in vogue. The first crop is sometimes the best, but usually the second is considered as the main one. It is much less trouble to plant a new bed than to oleaa the weeds out of an old one ; besides, a first rate crop can STBAWBERRY. M not be expected from a bed where the plants have be come old and crowded. A few Strawberry growers renew their beds by plowing up all but a small strip of about a foot wide, leaving one of these every four feet. Then, by passing a cultivator or harrow between these rows, the ground is leveled so *.3*^ new runners can readily take root. ANNUAL SYSTEM. This is one of the neatest systems in use, as weeds have no chance for getting a foothold, unless the cultivator ia very negligent. The plants are put out in rows two to three fe^t apart, and about a foot apart in the row. They are carefully cultivated the first season, a crop taken the second, and then plowed under. To insure a full crop the soil must be made very rich, and the planting done in the fall or ea^ly spring, and in the most careful manner. PLANTING IN ROWS OR HILLS. There Are but few varieties that succeed so well when restricted, to hills for a number of years as when allowed to produ^ie runners. The varieties of F. grandiflora are better adapted to this system than others, because they naturally produce large, compact plants. The usual method is to plant in rows three feet apart, with plants a foot apart in the row. All runners are cut off as soon as they appear, and the beds frequently hoed, or kept clean with a cultivator. In the fall the entire sur- face is covered with a mulching of leaves, straw or coarse bog grairs. The })lants are covered as well as the ground between them. In spring the covering should be removed from the crowns of the plants, but left on between them, for the purpose of keeping the fruit clean and the ground moist. After the fruit has been c^athered, sufficient mulch* ng may be applied to keep down all weeds, or all of \\ f4 SHALL FBUrr CULTUKIffT. may be removed, and a plow passed between the rows tc break up the soil, which will have become quite compact from being frequently traveled over in gathering th« fruit. New })lants may be allowed to take root in the rows between the old stools, thus bringing them the second season into what is termed row culture. Some varieties will remain productive for several years under this treat- ment, but usually three or four years will be as long as they can be relied upon for a remnnerative crop. I have practiced this system with many varieties, and believe tliat more fruit per acre can be produced (particularly with the foreign kinds) than by any other system. One strong stool, with plenty of room for its roots, and with the sur- face of the soil covered with mulching, will give more and .arger fruit than twenty plants that are crowded, and upon an unprotected soil. For general field culture, and with most of our native varieties, the biennial or annual system would probably be less troublesome and equally as profitable. When pistillate varieties are grown they should be kept in separate beds, and every alternate one should be a per- fect flowering variety, and one that blooms at the same time with the pistillate. This bed need not be more than half the width of the others. GARDEN CULTURE. The same systems recommended for field culture are equally applicable to the garden, but usually greater care will be given to a small bed than to a large one. Water may be applied so that the plants shall nevef •utfer for the want of it. Liquid manure should be ap* plied, if very large fruit is desired, in addition to mak ing the soil rich. Different varieties may also be planted ; for it is not the most profitable market fruit that is always of the best BTBAWBBRBT. 65 quality. In fact, a very hard, firm berry such as wa would select for market purposes, is seldom so highly fla« vored as those which are more delicate. By giving an abundance of water, with liquid manure, a second crop is often produced upon many of our com- mon varieties. To insure a late crop, the first one must not be allowed to mature, but the flowers should be re- moved so soon as they appear in spring. Then keep off all new runners, and give j^lenty of water, and a fine crop in August or September is almost certain. The Boston Pine I have found to be one of the best varieties for producing a late crop when treated in this manner. The monthly Alpines are excellent varieties for garden culture, although they do not produce very large fruit. Give them plenty of moisture and a rich soil, and theri will be but few days from May to winter in which a dish of Strawberries may not be gathered from a bed of mod- erate size. The Bush Alpines are less troublesome than those that produce runners. This class of Strawberries vary but little when grown from seed, except that the fruit produced on the seedlings will be considerably larger for the first two or three crops than ever afterwards. This peculiarity of the Alpines is well known in Europe, and the growers of these kinds always renew their beds with seedlings, and never depend upon the runners of old ones for making new beds or plantations. It is no uncom- mon thing to find berries an inch in diameter on young seedling plants of Alpines, while on old beds they will scarcely average more than one-half of this size. The seeds may be saved and sown in the same manner as recommended for other kinds. The amateur who only cultivates a few Strawberry plants in his garden will appreciate the fruit he grows in M SMALL FRUIT CULTURI8T. his own grounds far above any market value ; therefon the cost of production is of very little importance, pro- vided the results are satisfactory. It is not to be expected that a man in moderate cir oumstances will continue to grow fruit which costs more than it is worth ; still there is a pleasure in producing ex- tra fine fruit, even if there is no great profit in the opera- tion. Besides, I am not quite sure that extra care and cultivation will not, as a rule, prove to be as profitable as that which is generally called good culture. I have made several experiments for the purpose of thoroughly testing extra cultivation, most of which have been quite satisfactory. A few years since I pre])ared a sixteenth of an acre h} trenching it two feet deep, applying twelve large two Dorse loads of pure, well-rotted cow manure, thoroughly incorporating it with the soil to the depth of one foot. I then planted this bed with the Triomphe de Gand Strawberry, placing the plants about two feet apart each way, A few runners were allowed to take root between the plants in the rows, but I removed all others. The ground was hoed often, and in winter the plants were protected with a coat of salt hay two inches in depth. The whole expense of preparing the bed-planting, hoeing and mulch- ing up to the time of picking the fiist crop was fifty dol- lars. The bed yielded a Ihttle over four hundred quarts, which, at the low price of twenty-five cents per quart, would have given a fair profit. The next crrp was fully equal to the first, and the expense incurred tu produce it but very little in comparison to the first. This bed con tinned in bearing for five years, and even then the lan^ was in good condition for any other crop. There are prob- ably many soils that are naturally as rich as this bed wa« after being prepared, but in this instance it was impera- tively necossaiy to enrich the ground to get even a mod erate ore p. STRAWBERRY. 67 An almndance of moisture is one of the requisites for producing large fruit, and tlie amateur sliould not fail to see that liis plants receive it, particularly at the time when the fruit is ripening. IMulchiugthe beds is a sure method of keeping the soil moist, besides it i:)revents the fruit from getting splashed during violent showers. The short mowincTS of o-rass from a lawn make an excellent mulch, besides it looks very neat — much more so than straw or leaves. In Europe a tile is sometimes used for the purpose of keeping the fruit clean, as well as for covering the soil and keeping it moist. These tiles are about an inch and a half thick, and twehe inches square, and in two parts, as shown in figure 21. The hole in the center is about four inches in diameter. The plants are placed a foot apart in the rows, and be- fore the fruit begins to ripen the tile is j^laced about them. If the rows are only a foot apart, pig. 21. -strawberry then the M'hole surface will be tile. covered, the soil will be kept moist, and the fruit clean. If water is required during the time of ripening, it can be applied directly to the plant by passing to the soil through the hole in the tile. These tiles could probably be obtained at any pottery or brickyard if ordered a few months in advance of the time they were wanted for use. It would be necessary to remove the tile after the fruiting season was over, and the soil should be worked over among the i)lants; if not it would become heavy and soured from being excluded from the air. A newly patented article, answering a similar purpose, has just made its appearance in this country. It is called II. A. Fuller & Co.'s Patent Strawberry Vase, and is manufactured by the above-named firm at Norwich, Conn. d8 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. Fiff. 22. — STRAWBERKY VASE. Figure 22 shows the form of the vase, with a plant grow ing withui it. Not having tested this vase, I cannot re* commend it from experience ; yet it appears to be a good thing for the purpose designed. The nuinufaeturers claim that it protects the fruit from dirt and the vines from Aveeds, and that, by using it, double the amount of fruit will be i)roduced on a given space than when tlie vines are cultivated in the ordinary method. The runners are kejjt trimmed close to the edge of the vase, thereby concentrating the strength of the plant, and larger and better fruit will necessarily be the result. The flower stems will also grow mucli longer by being inclosed in the neck of the vase, while at the same time they will be supported by it, and the fruit Avill rest or hang over its ui)per part. The peculiar form of this vase will not only insure the reception by the plant of a greater part of the water tiiat fUls in tlie form of rain, but will make a direct application more convenient when applied artiticially. AVhen this vase is to be used the plants should be set one foot apart each way, leaving a path every four rows. The vases will touch each other, and shade the ground, with the exception of the paths, which may be covered with a mulch of saw-dust, tan or other material. The present price, I am informed, for small quantities is twelve dollars ])er hundred ; consequently they will scarcely be used by those who grow Strawberries for profit, unless the yield of fruit is increased in proportion to the outlay. Nevertheless, all these peculiar contrivances are of in- terest to the amateur, besides, it was by improved methods of cultivation and extra care that our largest and best varieties were first produced. Those old and long celebrated English varieties, Keen's Seedling and British Queen, were not produced from seeds gathered from neglected plants, but from those which had been stimulated by extra culture. And 'if we expect to keep on improving we must stimulate our plants into a vigorous growth — not only the ones from which we gather the seeds, but the seedlings themselves. To })roduce large and extra fine specimens, only a few berries should be allowed to mature upon the plant When there are several fruit stems, select three or four of the strongest, and destroy the others; also remove all ex- cept two or three berries from each. Large Strawberries are quite the fashion at the present time, and the amateur cultivator generally takes the lead, merely because he applies the requisite means for produc- ing the results. A few years since an amateur Strawberry grower brought some monstrous finit to an exhibition held in one of our eastern cities, and they were so much larger than anythmor that had heretofore been shown, that he was offered and accepted a very large price for the entire stock of this variety. The purchaser sent his gardener for them soon after, and when he took up the plants he found the beds so filled with offal from a slaughter-house that the operation of removing the plants was anything but a pleasant one. Here were cause and effect but little separated. This ia but one instance among the many that might be given to show that great results in fruit growing of any kind are only derived by direct effort on the part of the producer. Old plants seldom produce as large berries as young ones, and a fresh stock should always be provided, either by allowing a few plants in the fruiting beds to throw out runners, or by setting a few in separate beds €very year 'or that particular purpose. Plants that have been highly stimulated will ieldou TO SHALL FEJTT CXTLTTIRIST. last more than two or three years, and they will frequently fail after producing one large crop. The safest plan ii not to expect more than two crops, and to make the beds upon fresh soil, where no Strawberries have been ejrowu for at least two seasons. rORCING STRAWBERRIES. The term forcing is generally used to indicate that a fruit is made to ripen at other than its season. In Europe the forcing of Strawberries has been extensively practiced for a long time, but in thid country very little attention has been paid to this system of cultivation until within the past few years. There are few plants that will grow more readily, or produce more fruit in proportion to the expense incurred, than the Strawberry when grown under glass. When only a few plants are to be forced, and the object is merely to obtain fruit a few weeks in advance of the usual time, then a common hot bed may be used for the purpose. The plants, however, should be prepared the season previous, and stored where they can be had when wanted in early spring. An ordinary green-houee, such as is used for tender exotic plants, will answer the purpose. But one which has a roof so low down th:it the plants will be within two or three feet of the glass is better than one that is consider- ably higlier; besides, it will take much less fire to heat a low house than a high one. The soil in which the plants are to be grown should be exceedingly rich. A compost made of three-fourths old sods or turfy loam, and one-fourth barn-yard manure, will be found excellent for this purpose, and if there is conpid- erable cow manure anion sr the latter so much the better. Mix these materials together, and let them becomt thoroughly decomposed before using. Th e moi e frequontlf ffTBAWBEBBT. 71 the compost 18 turned over, the less time it will require for its decomposition. Leaf mold from the woods or friable muck, with a little addition of pure sand, will answer in the place of sodai PREPARATION OF PLANTS. When the first runners appear upon plants in the open ground, fill as many tliroe inch pots with the compost as you desire, and set them near the old plants from which you wish to take those for forcing, placing the top of the pot just level with the surface of the soil. When the young plants on the runners begin to show roots, place one on the soil in each pot, and lay a stone or a little soil on the runner to keep it in its place. The end of the runner should be pinched off just beyond the plant, so that it will receive all the nutriment furnished by the parent. When the young plant has become rooted in the pot, it should be taken up and the runner cut off close to the plant ; then set the pots away in an open and airy place for a few weeks, being careful not to let them suffer for the want of water. Set them on flat stones, bricks or boards, so that no worms can have access to the pots through the hole in the bottom. When the plants have remained in the pots a few weeks, they should be shifted into larger ones. Some prefer to place them in five-inch pots, and afterwards shift into six or eight-inch pots, in which they are to be fruited, while others make but one shift from the small pots. It will make but little difference, as either plan will work well if carefully done. The ball of earth containing the roots should not be broken when re-potting, but preserved whole. A few pieces of broken pots or brick should be placed in the bottom of these large pots for drainage. There are a few gardeners who assume that drainage ia »1 no importance, but from my own experience of several 73 BMALL FRUIT CTrLTXTBIST. years with a great variety of plants, I cannot iudor«e tliu new theory of no drainage, particularly when the plants ^rown in pots naturally succeed best in a soil that ii deep and moderately dry. With the small i)ot3^ drainage is of little importance, but with those of larger size all iurpl'is moisture should be allowed to pass through, leav- ing only what will usually be retained by the soil. The plants, after they have been placed in the large pots, may be set close together, or ])lunged up to the rim of the pot in the open ground until wanted, care being given to keep them growing vigorously until within a few weeki of the time they are to be ])laced in the forcing-house. Water should be gradually withheld, so that the plants may ripen. It is not advisable to withliold water en- tirely, but give only enough to keep the plants from actually suffering for the want of it, and allow them a short period of rest before starting them again into growth. If runners should appear they must be pinched off. Those wanted for an early crop may be placed in the house the first of November, as it will be ten to four- teen weeks from the time the plants are placed in the forcing-house before the fruit will be ripe. If a succession of crops is desired, then only a portion of the plants should be placed in the house at one time. The pots may be set on shelves or plunged in soil — the latter method is preferable, as there is less danger of the plants being affected by careless watering or change of temperature. The plants should now be watered regularly, just enough to keep the soil moist, but not wet — the temperature of the house raised to 65 or 75 degrees in the day, and 50 to 60 at night, slightly increasing as the flower stems appear. The plants should be frequently, say every alternate day, syringed or sprinkled overhead until they bloom, then omit it until the fruit is set, after which it may be eontinued, but not quite so often as before. While th« flTRAWBKRRT. 78 plants are in bloom, as much air should be admitted as possible witnout lowering tlie temperature or allowing a direct current to strike upon the plants. In clear weatlier tlie plants will generally require water once a day, and sometimes twice. Care should be observed not to let the leaves wilt, but do not give so much water that the soil shall become sodden and heavy. A few applications of liquid manure may be beneficial, provided the compost used is not sufficiently rich. When the fruit is set and swelling, is a good time to apply it, but withhold it after the fruit begins to ripen. The reserved plants should be stored where they will not be frozen. A light, warm cellar or walled pit, covered with glass, will answer the purpose — a place where they vill receive light, and not be frozeu, yet so cool that they will not be excited into growth. Sometimes plants a year old are taken up in the fall and potted, and used for forcing, but those prepared as de- scribed are preferable. Forcing houses are sometimes so arranged that the j)lants are set directly in the ground without pots. A more vigorous growth of plant is se- cured by this method, but it is doubtful if the crop of fruit is increased. Plants that have been once used for forcing should be discarded and not used for the same purpose again. It may be advisable, in cases of scarcity, to plant them out 'Ji the open ground in spring, for they will occasionally ;>roduce a moderate crop late in the season. All the different operations may be varied to suit the •ircumstances of the case, as in open air culture ; and ( have only endeavored to give a general plan, omit- ling minute details, which the grower will readily iupply while the operation is in progress. At every step caution and a due amount of thought are requisite — such fts preventing cold currents of air striking the plants 4 74 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. wlion in bloom, or elnUing the roots by applying ver^ cold water. Forcing Strawberries for market is not a common prac- tice, except near our larger cities; but it will probably be- come more general in a few years than at present, partic- nUxrly il two to three dollars per quart can be obtained for the fruit, as has been done in New York for several years past. FORCING HOUSES. Few, if any, structures have been built in this country expressly for the purpose of forcing Strawberries. The common lean-to or span-roof houses are principally used for forcing all kinds of fruits, and perhaps they _^^_--.-^r.-f^^ Fitr. 2o. — FOUCING nousE. answer as well as any other. In Europe many different styles are in use, among which there is probably none more unique or better adapted to forcing the Strawberry than the one shown in the accompanying engraving, fig- ure 23. This is a lean-to house, but instead of the usual form of roof it is made up of a series of short frames, one above the other, like a flight of stairs. These frames resf BTRAWBEBET. 7& Qpon ofiat iron brackets, fixed ag.iinst the wall or upoa Btandards erected for the puri)ose. Where the bracketa are fastened directly upon the wall, access is had to the plants by lifting the frames from the front. But the one shown is wide enough to allow a passage behind the frames. The idea is a good one, which our own gardeners will not fail to take advantage o£ Tlie plants in the frames are brought close to the glass, and there is no ex- tra or waste space, which requires just as much heat aa that which is occupied by plants. This style of house is said to have originated with the firm of Weeks & Co., Chelsea, England. Three different plans of these Eng- lish houses were given in the Gardeners' Monthly, in June, 1865. They may be heated with hot water, steam, or any of the other modes usually employed. VARIETIES FOR FORCING. Comparatively few experiments have been made in this country in forcing Strawberries; it is, therefore, not known which are the best varieties for that purpose. None but those with bi-sexual flowers can be used advan- tageously, inasmuch as in the still atmosphere of a house the pistillate varieties would be imperfectly fertilized, even if abundant perfect flowering kinds were grown among them. Forced fruit is not generally as highly flavored as that which ripens in the open air ; consequently only that of the best quality should be used, provided flavor is an object. Trollope's Victoria is a fine show fruit, and producea well when forced, but it is usually insipid. Austin or Shaker, is equal if not superior to the last, but with the same defect, although not to such an extent. Its fine color and large size are very much in its favor •nd it usually commands a large price in market. The British Queen is the must popular variety in fin^ 76 SMALL FRUIT TULTUBIST. land for forcing, and it would probably be worthy of tria< here, although it does not succeed very well in the open air. Among our native varieties we have probably no better variety for forcing, taking flavor and productiveness into consideration, than the Boston Pine. The monthly Al- pines do exceedingly well, and the fruit is usually con- siderably larger than when grown in the open ground. THINNING THE FRUIT. It is sometimes necessary to take off a portion of the fruit from forced plants. This should be done as soon as it has set, thereby giving that which remains a better chance for full development. Numbers do not always in- dicate quantity, and, with ten to lii'teen berries upon each plant, as many quarts will usually be obtained from a given space as with twice as many to each. Plants that are not over-cropped at first, may often be made to produce a second crop by giving stimulating manure soon after the first is gathered. One crop, however, is all that is usually expected with hose which do not produce any more naturally. HYBRIDIZING AND CROSSING. The Strawberry may be hybridized or crossed as readily as other fruits, but this having already been done to such an extent between the i^ Virginian a and K grandifloray the results of special effort in the same direction will be rery uncertain, especially if we use the varieties under cultivation for that purpose. These being in many instances a mixture of two species, it becomes a difficult matter to determine whether the cause which produced certain results originated with us, or was the effect of some previous operation which had just made itself apparent in the seedlings. STKAWDERET. Yt 111 Other words, liybridizing hybrids is only the mixing togetlRT of two compounds — the exact proportions of neither being known. The pistillate varieties are always fertilized by othef kinds ; their seeds are impregnated by whatever kind produces the j)ollen ; consequently the plants grown from them are natural crosses between the two or more, as the case be. It is very doubtful if any dependence can be placed upon the results of artificial crossing between any of the varieties of the two species named ; still, it may be worthy of trial. All that is required is to fertilize the pistils of one variety with the pollen from another. For instance, if we select the Wilson's Albany for the parent from which we wish to procure seeds, when the flowers first open, we take a pair of small scissors and cut off the stamens, being careful to remove every one. It is best to do this early in the morning before the petals nave fully expanded ; then set a bell-glass or a fine wire screen over the entire plant, so that insects, which go from flower to flower with pollen adhering to them, shall not fertilize the plant upon which we are operating and thereby defeat our object. In three or four hours after the stamens have been removed, the pistils will probably be Bufliciently developed to receive the pollen, at which time cut a fally expanded flower from the variety that has been selected for the other parent, and apply its stamens to the pistils of the Wilson's Albany. The stamens may be cut off and allowed to drop on to the pistils or merely brushed over them. Three or four flowers are suflicient, and all that it is safe to undertake to operate upon on a single plant; all others should be removed before they open. Each flower must have its stamens removed and rts pis- tils fertilized in the same manner; and as they will proba- bly not all open in one day, they must be attended to suo cessively as they bloom. TB SMALL PEUIT CULTUR18T. Mark the plants, and Iceep the screen or bell-glass OT§f them for two or three days. When the seeds are ripe, save and plant as I have already directed. There are a few Strawberry growers who place great reliance upon their particular efforts in crossing, and when- ever they produce a new variety it is always (if we believe their assertions) a cross or hybrid between some two re- markable varieties or species. But to show how exceed- ingly difficult it is to know positively whether a seedling is a cross between the two varieties upon which we have experimented, or the result of some previous one, let ug suppose a case. For instance, we will take Hovey's Seedling and fertil- tze it with the Wilson, and from the seed of the former raise a variety that shall resemble the latter more than it does the Hovey — would this be positive proof that the seedling was the result of our especial effort ? Not at all, because similar varieties may be and are produced from the Hovey without artificially fertilizing its flowers from the Wilson or any similar variety. And further, the Wilson is probably a seedling of the Hovey, and it possesses naturally the same inherent char- acteristics which only require an opportunity, which seed- lings afford, to show themselves. Direct efforts to improve are commendable, but the causes of results are not always what are supposed, and assertions are not to be im})licitly relied upon. The in- fluence that one variety has upon another by fertilizing i§ generally sui)posed to affect the seeds only, but from many experiments which I have made, I am quite certain that it extends further. Every Strawberry grower is aware of ' ^ fact that whenever a portion of the pistils aie not fertilized, the berries will be proportionately deformed. If there are no seeds, then the receptacle, which we call the fruit, is abor tivo. But if we are to supoose that the influence of th« RTEAWBERRT. Tt [Kifltn extends no further than the Reeds, why does not the fruit enlarge and come to maturity without seeds, as we see in otlier fruits, particularly those which produce their seeds within a fleshy receptacle, as the grape, ap- ple, &c. With corn, we can see the effects of cross-fertilizatior in the color of the grains the first season, also upon tha receptacle (cob) ; thus, in this instance, showing con- clusively that the effect is apparent the first season upon the seed as well as beyond. It is quite probable that impregnation affects the whole plant, but not to an extent worthy of any particular at- tention. Still, from personal observations upon this point, I am well satisfied that principles similar to those which govern the animal kingdom are potent in the vegetable. Because they are not so readily observed is no reason for disputing their effect. The most careful experimenter or observer is generally Jess positive in his assertions than the more careless, be- cause by thorough study he learns that although cause and effect are linked together, the connecting chain is of- ten not only hidden, but has so many ramifications that each cannot be traced with any degree of certainty. In giving names to new varieties errors are occasionally made — ^sometimes purposely, and with intent to deceive, but let us hope more often carelessly or through ignorance. Many of my readers may remember the advent of Peabody's Hautbois Strawberry. The originator claimed that it was a cross between the Ross and Phoenix and the wild Strawberry of Alabama, neither of which belong to the Hautbois species ; conse- quently it was a deception to call the new seedling a Hautbois, although the originator had, according to cus- tom, a right to give it whatever name he pleased. ^lany other so-called Hautbois Strawberries have been M far from what their name implies as the Peabody, and so SMALL FRUIT CULTURIBT. may hare been applied through ignorance or design. It is very doubtful if there have ever been any true hybridi produced between tlie Ilautbois, or the Alpine, and other species. Some fifty years ago, a Mr. Williams, of Pitmas- ton, in England, claimed to have produced a hybrid be- tween the PIautb?is and Alpine, which gave fruit without seed, but nothing more was heard of it beyond tlie an- nouncement of its production, Whetlier liybrids between the Alpines and Hautboia, or these and other species, have ever been produced is un- certain ; yet I think it possible and worthy of trial. WINTER PROTECTION. In many portions of the country a winter protection to Strawberry plants is very beneficial, if not positively ne- cessai*y. Some of our mof^t successful growers in the Northern States never fail to protect their plants, and without doubt they are amply repaid for the expense in- curred. For my own part I never have had a full crop without giving protection, and never expect one. There can scarcely be a doubt thai the great success of some cultivators, with particular kinds, is owing, in a great measure, if not entirely, to the winter protection of the plants. The embryo fruit buds are formed within the crown of the plant in autumn, and therefore it must bo apparent that sudden transition from heat to severe cold will very .nuch weaken if not wholly destroy them. In sections of the country where the plants are covered with snow during the entire winter, other protection is not so important as where there is little snow, but continued freezing and thawing. It is not expected nor is it desira* ble to protect the plants so that they shall not be frozen, but merely to shade them, and prevent their being affect ed by every little change in the weather. A covering of straw, hay, leaves, or any similar mat« 8TRA.WBERRT. rial, to the depth of one or two inches will usually bt BuflPoient. Every one ought to know, if he does not, that frozen plants thawed out in the shade are less injured by frost than wlien fully exposed to the light; and this is another reason why Strawberry plants should be covered in win- ter, because, if the weather should be very changeable, they will be less liable to injury than when fully exposed to light. Protection is sometimes objected to, because it is said to retard the blooming of the plants, and the crop will be later in ripening. This may be true to a certain extent, but I have always thought that protected plants came for- ward more rapidly, when they did start, than the unpro- tected ones. The lost time may not be fully made up, but there will be but a very slight difference. In some sections of the country, retarding the time ol blooming would be very advantageous, as by this means the injury from late spring frosts would be avoided. The benefit of having late blooming kinds was quite apparent the past season, (1866), when a late frost was very de- structive through a great portion of the Northern and Middle States ; and the reports of the Strawberry crop furnished some amusingr illustrations of the careless maa- mer in which some cultivators arrive at conclusions. The early blooming varieties came in for all the censure, while the late bloomers, which escaped the frost, received all the praise ; and still, with this very potent fact before him, scarcely a fruit grower, in making up his report of success or f lilure, alluded to the time of the blooming of the variety cultivated. The varieties of i^ grandiflora in particular, require winter protection to insure a fii^^ crop. The lars^e, prominent crowns of these varieties are more liable to injury than the smaller and more compact ones of those of other species. When the plants are grown ID beds, then a portion of the material used for proteotiOD 4* R3 BMALL PRUTT CULTUB1»±. should bo removed in spring, leaving about half an inch In depth, allowing the plants to grow through it, thereby affording a mulching that will keep the fruit clean as well as shadinfj the i^rouiid. Saw-dust and tan-bark are sometimes used for mulching, but there is usually so much fine dust among them that the fhiit will become more or less splashed during heavy rains. Spent hops from a brewery is a most excellent material for mulching the Strawberry ; besides, few insects will attack the plants or fruit where it is used. The young runners strike root very readily in spent hops, showing that it is an excellent fertilizer. Fallen pine leaves are found to be very good, as they keep the fruit clean, while at the same time they will have decayed so much as to interfere but very little with the growth of the plants. Some have suggested that the peculiar flavor of tho Pine varieties is imparted to others by the use of this kind of mulching, but this is probably more in imaging, tion than in reality. Salt meadow and bog hay are excellent for a mulch, as also is straw or corn stalks cut fine. When the plants are cultivated in rows, the mulching should only be removed from the crowns of the plants, and the entire amount allowed to remain on the ground between the rows. Another method of protecting the plants is to covei them with soil. This is done by passing the plow along each side of the row, turning the soil on the plants in the fall, and then removing it again in the spring. This plan might answer in light soils, but then a mulching would be still needed in summer to keep the fruit clean. This method has been practiced in a few i)laces, but with whftt success I am unable to state. __i STRAWHEIUiY. 83 DISEASES AND INSECTS. The Stmwbcrry is pcculijirly exempt from diseases, there being few which iiffect it to any considerable extent. Sometimes a sudden change of weatlier will cause the flowers to bliglit, and no fruit will be produced ; but this cannot be classed as a disease, but merely as an accidental cause of failure. In warm, wet Aveather, the fruit and leaf-stalks will be affected by mildew, and the leaves at- tacked by a kind of rust which is called in Europe Straw- berry I^rand {Aregma obhisatum). Mr. Cooke, in his late work 0:1 Microscopic Fungi, has given a description and highly magnified illustration of this species, wbich we quote, figure 24. The spores are produced in H^ clusters on the upper side of the leaves, and appear to the naked eye like minute yellow spots, but under a magnifying lens they have the form shown in the illustration, figure 24. As this fungus makes its appearance late in the season, it causes but very little injury. A kind of blight or rust is reported to have appeared on Strawberry plants in some of the Western States dur- ing the past few years, causing considerable loss to grow- ers of this fruit, but as I have had no opportunity of per- sonally examining the affected plantations, I am unable to express an opinion as to the cause or nature of the disease. In most cases of fungus diseases, dusting the plants with ashes or gypsum will be beneficial, even if it does not entirely destroy the fungi causing them. Insects are more injurious to the Strawberry than are diseases, and among the most destructive of these are the various species of the May Beetles {Lachnosternci), of Fig. 24. — STRAWBERRY BRAND. 84 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. which there are over sixty species already described as iuliabiting the United States, and there are pro})ably others not as yet discovered by our entomologists. There is no locality, from Washington Territory to Florida, in which one or more species of May Beetles do not abound, and the larvae or grubs of all are destructive to the roots of various plants, and especially those of the Strawberry. These grubs, when fully grown, are from an inch to an inch and a half long, of a whitish color, and with brown heads. They are commonly known as White Grubs, without regard to species. The most abundant in the Eastern States is Lachnosterna fusca of Frolich, a large brownish beetle, figure 25, which usually appears Fig. 25.— MAT BEETLE, about tlic first of May, or a little ' later, hence the common name. There arc also several other species, more or less abun- dant, and appearing at the same time, but as all are similar in habits, they may be considered as one. These grubs are usually more numerous in old dry pastures and meadows than elsewhere, because their prin- cipal food is the roots of different kinds of grass. The old sods afford protection against the birds and animals which devour them ; consequently they often become very abundant in such places. If these grass lands are plowed and planted with the Strawberry, the grubs will attack the roots, and, if numerous, will destroy every plant almost as soon as it is put in the ground. In some sections of the country the white grub has very materially checked the cultivation of the Strawberry. The only remedy with which I am acquainted is, to occupy the ground with some crop which requires considerable hoe- ing and cultivation, for two or three years before plant- ing with the Strawberry. The grub is three or four years in attaining its growth. STRAWBERRY. 85 and by continually man i[)ula ting the soil tliey are ex- posed to tlic attacks of ])irds, and many are destroyed by crushing ; besides this, the Beetles will seldom deposit their eggs iu freshly disturbed soil. As all the May Beetles are nocturnal in habit, many may be taken by using tubs of water with a floating light in the center. A few hundred taken every evening during the Urst few weeks of summer will do something toward diminishing the number of the succeeding generations in a neighbor- hood, but the birds and domestic fowls are the Straw- berry grower's most efficient helpers in the way of destroy- ing May Beetles and White Grubs. The grubs are greedi- ly devoured by birds ; the Crow being exceedingly fond of them. This much abused bird will always seek them on recently plowed ground, where, I regret to say, many a Crow has lost his life while devouring the White Grub ; he was benefiting the cultivator, who returned his kind- ness with a death-dealing bullet. From a pretty intimate acquaintance with the habits of the Crow, having kept several tame ones, I am well satisfied that they are far more beneficial than injurious to the farmer. A crow will eat a hundred white grubs in a day, after he he has had a breakfast of an equal number of rose bugs. I do not state this as an imaginary case, but as a simple fact that I have proved many times. From experience, I firmly believe that the Crow is one of the most useful birds that we possess, although he does a little mischief now and then in the way of pulling up corn. When domesticated he forgets those tricks of his wild nature, and, not being a timid bird, he is not frightened by hoe or spade, but when tlie earth is turned over he is gener- ally there to see and do his duty. At the time of writing this book, my strawberry beds and those of my neighbors had suffered more or less by a small green worm, at that time unknown to me or to any entomologist of my acquaintance. This insect was quite 86 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. destructive to the leaves of tlic ])lants, frequently strip- ping a plantation of its foliage in a few days. I have since ascertained that these worms are the larva? of the Emphi/fus maciilatns of Norton, a small black fly, figure 20. This worm has received the common name of *' Strawberry Worm," and appears to have become abun- dant throughout the Northern States, and really more destructive to strawberry plantations in the West than at the East. Prof. Riley figured and described this insect in vol. 1, page 90, of the American Entomologist. The worms are of a yellowish-green color, a little over a half inch long, and Avhen feeding are usually curled up, with the extremity of the body hanging down, as shown Fig. 26. -FLY OF THE STRAWBERRY WORM — ENL ARG ED. Fig. 27. —STRAWBERRY WORM. in figure 27. The parent fly appears in our Northern States early in May, and, as I have said, is of a black color, with two rows of transverse whitish spots upon the abdomen. The female deposits her eggs m the leaf stalks, first puncturing them by means of a saw-like instrument with which she is provided, and thrusting her eggs into the wounds thus made. The eggs hatch m a few days, and the young grubs immediately attack the leaves. When fully grown they descend into the ground, roll themselves up in a slender cocoon, the pupa remaining within until the following s})ring. Dusting the leaves with lime, when Avet with dew, or just after a shower, is the best method with which I am acquainted for destroy- ing the pest. STRAWBERRY. 87 Another leaf enemy of tlic Strawberry is known as the '*Strawl)crry Leaf- roller" (AncJujlopera fragaricB, AValsh and Riley), of wliioli figure 28, a, gives the larva of nat- ural size, and h, the moth, enlarged. This insect, like the last, appears to be more abundant at the West than eastward. Still I have frequently found it on the jilants in my garden, and I presume it is not uncommon in strawberry plantations tliroughout the country, but only noticed when so abundant as to strip the plants of their leaves. In feeding, it folds up the leaves, drawing the edges to- gether with silken threads, and then eats out the more tenderer vV-^^;^ » ^^*^ " j)ulpy parts. Prof. Riley y^i^^so^ i e i states that there are two a ^-^ broods of this insect dur- ''' ^'^^^ ' ^' ^^''"^• ing the year, the worms ^^^- 28.-strawberrt leaf-roller. of the first brood passing through their transformation on the leaves, the moths appearing about the first of July. The female moths deposit their eggs on the leaves, where they soon hatch, and the worms commence their work ; but those of the second brood, when coming to maturity late in the fall, descend into the ground, change to pupae, and remain in this state until the following spring. Owing to the habit these worms have of rolling them- selves up in the leaves, they are somewhat protected from destruction by any dry or liquid application that may be made to the plants for the purpose. Sweeping the leaves with a broom will disturb and destroy a few of the worms, but the most rapid method of destruction is burning off the leaves after the fruit is gathered, or passing a heavy roller over the plants m time to destroy the second or late brood in autumn. The Strawberry Crown Borer [Tyloderma fragarice, Riley), is another pest of the Strawberry, more or less abundant in the Western States and Canada, but I have 88 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. not as yot discovered it in my own grounds, or tliose of my neiglibors. It is a small Snout-beetle, a veritable Cur- culio, about an eighth of an inch lung and half as broad, \-,^.^^ _^ and ornamented on the back as sliown in w^J ligure 2\), Avhich is an enlarged portrait of this pest. The grubs of this beetle bore into the crowns of the plants, as its common name indicates, where they destroy the embryo fruit-stalks and leaves. The only remedy proposed is to Fi<>-29 sTRs-wBKR- plow up the infested plantations soon KY CROWN BORER. ^f^^Qy gathering the fruit in summer, while the grubs are still in the crowns of the plants. The Snail or Slug whicli is so abundant and destructive to the Strawberry and other garden products in Europe, has found its way to tins country, and is now quite plentiful in some gardens near New York. These snails are great gourmands, and will destroy the fruit in quanti- ties if they become very plentiful. Hand picking, or destroying them with lime, is a pretty sure way of getting rid of this pest. The Plant Louse (Aphis), or Green Fly, as it is usually called, sometimes becomes numerous upon the roots of the Strawberry, particularly when the soil is quite loose and open, so as to admit them readily to the roots, upon whicli they congregate in immense numbers, sucking the juices of the plant, and thereby effectually checking its growth. A liberal application of dry ashes or refuse from a tobacco factory will usually destroy them. The Aphis also attacks the plants groAvn under glass, but they are more readily destroyed than the Red Sipider (l^etmnychus telarins), which insect is often very injurious. The best preventive of the ravages of the Red Spider is a moist atmosphere, but when this cannot be allowed, flowers of sulphur should be freely scattered among the plants or upon the soil near them. The fumes of melted STRAWBERRY. 89 sulpliur will make quick work with ilicm, but it requires great care iu its application, for should the sulphur take lire and burn, the fumes will destroy the plants also. Birds are, in some portions of the country, very de- structive to the Strawberry, but I forbear to suggest a remedy, because there are already too many elfectual ones iu use. VARIETIES. In the following catalogue I have endeavored to give the names, with a concise description, of all the varieties now in cultivation, which are worthy of it. To give a full description of all known varieties would require a volume by itself, and it is very doubtful if, when such a list was made, any one would take the trou- ble to peruse it. It is such an easy matter to raise new varieties, that a few men seem to have gone into the business, not for the purpose of improvement, but mainly to see how many varieties they could produce, and so they name each new seedling, and give it a glowing description, whether it is worthy of cultivation or not. Now, while I would not suppress any information that would benefit the public, I do not feel called upon to rec- ommend or give the names of all varieties that have appeared in the catalogues of some few of our Strawberry growers, especially of those who appear to always have ready, if we were to believe them, some wonderful variety for every annual edition of their catalogues. Our enterprising fruit growers are supposed to know and procure the best varieties, and when one has been before the public for from five to ten years, and then it is not found in general cultivation, it may be safe to conclude that the fruit grower lacks confidence in the originator, and consequently does not purchase it, or that it has been tried and discarded. The reader, if he has followed me through the preceding pages, will have noticed that 90 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. I recognize among cultivated varieties but two sexes, viz. : Perfect or Bi-sexual, and the Pistillate varieties. The latter kinds are nuirked piiitillate ; all not so desig- nated are pprfcct, and will bear fruit without the aid of others to fertilize them. DESCRIPTION OF VARIETIES. The following are yarieties of Fragaria grandiflora and F. Virginiana. Some of them show more of the pecu- liar characteristics of one species than of the other, wliile with a few it would be ditlicult to tell to which they were related, and it is very probable that they are a mixture of both. They were all produced in this country, and are called native varieties : Agriculturist. — Very large, irregular, conical, with long neck, large specimens often flat- tened or coxcomb sliaped ; color light reddish crimson ; flesh deep red, moderately firm, sweet, rich and good ; i)lant a very strong grower ; leaves large, thick, dark green, with reddish petiole ; hardy and productive, and succeeds re- markably well on light sandy soils, as well as on those that are heavy. A valuable variet3\ Figure 30 shows a fruit of medium size in ordinary field culture. Originated with Seth Boyden, Newark, N, J. Austin or Sliaker.— Superseded by better sorts. Origi- nated among the Shakers at Watervliet, N. Y. Albiou Wliitc. — Sec Lennig's White. Belle. — A new variety, which originated with J. B. Moore. I have not seen it, and only know of it bv re- Fig. 30. — AGRICULTUKIST. STIIAWDEIIRT. 91 ports of ^nissaclinsctts Ilorticiilfcural Society, wlicrc it is referred to as ''very large," or as "the largest Strawberry ever exliibited on the Society's tables/' Bidwcll. — ^ ery large, conical ; bright scarlet ; flesh firm ; quality excellent. A vigorous grower and plants are rc})orted to be very productive. A new variety not fully tested. Black Defiance* — Large, irregular in shape ; dark glossy crimson ; flesh moderately firm ; high-flavored. Only moderately productive. The color is objectionable, as the berries, soon after gathering, assume a dull, stale ai^pearance. Originated with E. W. Durand. Boston Pine {Bartlett.) — Medium to large, obtuse- conical ; color light crimson ; flesh but slightly colored, firm, sweet, most excellent ; fruit stalks very long ; plant vigorous and productive ; a fine market variety ; ripens early ; succeeds in both light and heavy soils, and is very hardy. Originated with 0. M. Hovey, Boston, Mass. Brighton Pine. — Medium to large, roundish-conical, "with short neck ; color light crimson ; flesh rather soft, sweet and juicy ; plant strong, vigorous and moderately productive ; early. Originated with Mr. T. Scott, of Brighton, Mass. Burr's IVew Pine. — Once a very celebrated variety, but is now seldom seen in cultivation. Originated with Mr. Burr, Columbus, Ohio. BuiTalo. — See McAvoy's Superior. Brooklyn Scarlet. — Medium to large, regular, conical, with neck ; color bright scarlet ; flesh rather soft, sweet and rich ; quality best ; plant a dwarf grower, producing very large stools, hardy, vigorous and productive ; one of the best for home use. Originated with A. S. Fuller, in 1859, from seed of Peabody Seedling. One of the three '' Kew York Tribune" prize varieties. 9!^ SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. Baltimore Scarlet. — See Scotch Runner. C'aptaiu Jack. — Medium or sniiill, regular, short coni- cal; bright scarlet; llesh pink, firm; poor in (piality. A vigorous and productive variety, more highly prized at the West than at the East. Originated with Samuel Miller, Bluffton, Mo. Caroline. — Large, conical ; bright scarlet ; quality good ; plants rather feeble, and only moderately productive. Not fully tested. Originated with J. B. Moore, Concord, Mass. reiiteniiial Favorite. — One of Mr. Durand's seedlings, of large size, irregular shape, but scarcely possessing suthcient merit to entitle it to a prominent position among better and more prolific sorts. Champion. {Windsor Chief.) — Large, round ; bright crimson ; llesh rather soft ; inferior in quality, but the plants Jire so vigorous and productive that this is con- sidered a very profitable market variety ; pistillate. Originated with Dr. J. C. Nelf, Carlisle, Pa. Charles Downing. — Medium to large, round, obtuse- conical ; very regular in form ; bright scarlet, becoming darker when fully ripe ; flesh moderately firm, pink, juicy, with a rich, spriglitly sub-acid flavor. One of the very best varieties in cultivation. The plants are vigor- ous, wonderfully productive, and succeed admirably on light soils, and bear profusely even in thick matted beds. Originated with the late J. S. Downer, of Fairview, Ky., and named in honor of the Veteran Pomologist of New- burgh, N. Y. Cinderella. — Large, conical; bright scarlet, glossy; moderately firm ; of second-rate flavor. Plants only moderately productive. A handsome and attractive va- riety. Originated with Oscar Felton, of New Jersey, who has also raised several other sorts. STRAWBERRY. 93 fol. Cheney. — Small, long-conical ; bright scarlet ; flosii soft, watery, poor flavor; plants vigorouH and pro- ductive. A poor thing at best, although it has been highly praised by certain dealers who were anxious to sell plants. Pistillate. Col. Ellsworth. — Superseded by better sorts. Dis- carded, because unproductive. Continental. — A large, dark crimson berry; said to be of good flavor and the plants very productive. I give this only on hearsay evidence, not having seen the plants growing. Crescent Seedling. (Figure 31.) — Medium to large, somewhat irregular conical ; bright scarlet ; flesh rather soft for a market berry, but will do for short distances, or when carefully handled ; quality fair, not rich ; the plants, however, are of such a vigorous growth and so productive that this variety has become quite a favorite among cultivators for market. Originated with Mr. William Parmelee, New Haven, Conn. This is quite a different berry from the old and long since discarded ^^ Crescent Seedling," which originated at the South. Crimson Cone. {Pme Apple, Scotch Runner, etc.) — Medium, regular, conical, with long neck ; seeds deeply imbedded; color light, bright crimson; flesh firm, sprightly acid, with a rich flavor, and highly perfumed. Figure 32 shows a fruit of the usual size. One of the best Strawberries in cultivation, although too small and acid to suit some people. This is one of the old market Fig. 31. — CRESCENT. 94 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. kinds, and tliore are probably more acres of it in cultiva- tion for furnishing the New York market, than of all others put together. The flowers are perfect, and not pistillate, as has often been asserted. There is, however, another variety which is generally found mixed with it, and also called Scotch Kunner, wliich has pistillate flowers. The latter variety is tlie true Scotch Runner, for which see description. Crystal City, — A new Western variety ; handsome bright scarlet, but very indif- Fig. 33-^MsoN ferent in quality. I have no informa- coNE. tion in regard to its origin or value, except some brief notices which have appeared in western papers, and in a few catalogues. Said to be very early. Cumberland Triumph.— Large, smooth, and uniform in shape ; light bright scarlet ; flesh pale pink, soft, but of good flavor. A very handsome, vigorous grower ; the leaves deep glossy green, quite distinct. Requires a strong fertile soil. A valuable variety for amateurs, or for liome use, but too soft for market. Originated with Mr. Amos Miller, Carlisle, Pa. Damask Beauty.— The only reference to this variety we have seen is by E. P. Roe, who says it is ''a very distinct variety and interesting to amateurs, but of no great value." But just why it is '^ interesting" we are not informed. Downer's Prolific— Medium to large, globular, light scarlet ; seeds deeply imbedded ; flesh rather soft, acid, not rich, but highly perfumed ; very early, hardy, and wonderfully prolific. An excellent old market variety, provided the market is near by. Originated with J. S. Downer, Fairview, Kentucky. Hucbess. — Large, roundish, uniform ; bright scarlet ; STRAWBERRY. 95 llesli pink, modcnitely firm, good flavor, but not best; ripens early ; plants vigorous, and very hardy and pro- duetive. This variety has an excellent reputation among those who raise fruit for market. Originated with D. II. Barnes, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Diiiicaii. — Medium, slightly conical, although often quite variable in form and size ; bright scarlet; firm, ex- cellent flavor. A productive and valual)le market berry. Originated witli J. G. Lucas, Ulster Co., N. Y. Diirand's Seedling. — Large, oblong, or oblong-conical, sometimes flattened ; seeds but slightly sunken ; color scarlet; flesh firm, solid, nearly white, of good flavor. Fig. 33.— DUBAND. Fig. 34. — ^DURAND. Originated with Mr. F. W, Burand, near Irvington, N. J. Figures 33 and 34 give a fair representation of two of the berries, showing its variableness in form. Early Scarlet. — Medium, conical; light scarlet ; flesh firm, moderately acid. An old variety, but little culti- vated at tlie present time. Fillmore. -Large, obtuse-conical; dark crimson; sweet.. 96 SMALL FRUIT CULTUHIST. moderately rich and good. In deep, rich soils this va- riety produces a fair crop, but it is not generally jx^pular among I'ruit growers. Pistillate. Originated with Samuel Feast, Baltimore, Md. Forest liosei — Large, irregular, obtuse-conical ; bright scarlet ; flesh firm, of good flavor ; a superior market berry, but unfortunately it does not appear to be well adapted to all kinds of soils and locations. Where it succeeds it will rank high for market purposes as well as for liome use. An ac- cidental seedling, introduced by a Mr. Fetters, of Lancaster, Ohio. Figure 35 gives a good idea of the size of this va- riety. From **American Agri- culturist," 1878. General Mcflellan. — See McAvoy's Superior. Glendale. — Large, oblong-conic ; bright scarlet ; flesh firm, with a brisk sub-acid flavor ; a vigorous grower and a very produc- tive, new variety, promising well for market. Introduced by Mr. W. B. Storer, Avho found it growing in the cemetery at Akron, Ohio. Golden Defiance. — Large, obtuse- conical ; bright scarlet ; flesh mod- erately firm and of excellent flavor ; ripens quite late ; plants very vigor- ous, hardy, and productive. Prom- ises to be a valuable acquisition to our list of.good sorts. Pistillate. Originated with Mr, Amos Miller, of Pennsylvania. (Figure 36.) Fig. 35.— FOREST ROSE. Fig. 36. — GOLDEN DEFIANCE. STRAWBERRY. 97 Fig.37.— GOLDEN SEEDED. Golden Seeded. — ISIedium to large, bluntly-conical, Bometinies ilattened ; dark crimson, with prominent yel- low seeds ; sweet and rich ; early, but succeeds only in a few localities and soils. It is prob- ably a seedling of a foreign variety. Originated in Canada with Mr. Read. Figure 37 shows the form and size of a medium sized specimen. Great American* — Extra large, irregularly oval ; dark crimson ; flesh moderately firm, second-rate in flavor, but under high culture and in the originator's grounds it has yielded some of the largest berries ever seen in this country. Although this variety caused considerable ex- citement among strawberry gi'owers when first exhibited, it was soon discovered that it required extra culture to produce extra sized berries. It has fallen far short of w^hat was expected of it wiien it was first introduced. Originated with Mr. F. W. Durand. Green Prolific. {Newarh Prolific) — Yevj large, round ; pale crimson or deep scarlet ; seeds slightly sunken ; rather soft, very acid, without richness, and of inferior flavor ; fruit stalks long and stout ; leaves very large and thick ; one of the Iowa class ; vigorous and productive. Originated with Seth Boyden, Newark, N. J. Figure 38 shows a berry Fig. 38. — GREKN PROLIPIO. of the average size under good culture. Hervey Davis. — Large, obtuse-conical ; bright scarlet ; flesh moderately firm, nearly white, flavor good ; season 98 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. medium ; plants tall, vigorous, and productive. Origi- nated with J. B. Moore, Concord, Mass. Hooker* — Large, short, obtuse-conical, nearly globular; dark crimson ; very sweet and rich ; too soft and dark colored I'or market, but a fine variety for the amateur. The plants are a little tender, and should always be pro- tected in winter to insure a good crop. Originated with II. E. Hooker, Rochester, ^\ Y. Hovey. {Germanfowriy Young's Seedling.) — Large, conical ; bright crimson, handsome ; sub-acid, sprightly, good. An old and much esteemed variety, and largely cultivated for supplying the Boston market. Pistillate. Originated with 0. M. Hovey, of Boston, Mass., in 1834. lluddlcston's Favorite. — This variety has been dis- seminated by E. Y. Teas, Dunreith, Ind., who describes it as a very large berry ; bright crimson ; firm flesh, with a rich, spicy flavor. Said to be a vigorous grower and wonderfully prolific. Pistillate. Kentucky. — This is another of Mr. Downer's produc- tions, and, like all those disseminated by him, of consider- able value. Large, conical ; bright scarlet ; flesh white, moderately firm, excellent flavor ; ripens late, and con- tinues in fruit a long time ; plants grow rather tall, but are vigorous, hardy, and prolific. A valuable variety, which has been fully tested over a wide extent of coun- try. Succeeds well on light as well as heavy soils. Ladies' Tine. — Small to medium, round ; pale orange- scarlet, with a slight crimson tint in the sun ; seeds rather })rominent ; flesh soft, sweet and rich, highly perfumed, probably the most delicious flavored variety known. Re- quires extra culture, and even then it is not very produc- tive ; nevertheless it is well worthy of a place in the most select collection. Pistillate. Originated in Canada, with Mr. Read. Lady Finger. — Medium, elongated, conical ; color bril- STRAWBERRY. 99 liant dark scarlet ; seeds set in a deep open cavity ; flesh very linn, sulKicid, good ; })lant hardy, vigorous and prolilic. An excellent market variety. Originated with the late Benjamin Prosser, Burlington, New Jersey. Fig. 39.— LADY FINGER. Fig. 40.— LADY FINGER. Figure 39 shows a berry of this variety of medium size, and figure 40 one of the largest. Lady of the Lake. — Medium, conical, with neck ; crimson ; flesh light colored, firm, not very juicy, but moderately good ; plant tall and vigorous, productive. Formerly quite a favorite in Boston market. Originated in Brighton, Mass. Laurel Leaf. — A new variety, of which little is yet known. Described as of medium size, slightly conical, with short neck ; light scarlet ; in flavor good, but not superior ; plant only moderately vigorous and produc- tive. Originated with Mr. A. N. Jones, Le Roy, N. Y. Longfellow. — Very large, elongated-conical, somewhat irregular ; dark glossy red ; flesh firm, sweet and rich ; plant vigorous, Avith large, healthy foliage, and with- standing the hot sun admirably. Productive and con- tinuing a long time in l)earing. Originated with Mr. H. D. Webb, Bowling Green, Ky. 100 SMALL FRUIT CULTUHIST. Lennig's White. (Albion While, White Pine Apple.) — Large, obtuse-conical ; seeds prominent, and of a pink or light crimson color ; fruit almost white, but with a delicate blush when exposed to the sun ; llesh pure white, melting, rich and sweet ; plant a vigorous grower, and moderately productive. This is evidently a seedling of Fragaria graiicliflorciy but one of the most hardy and productive, and, without doubt, the best white variety known in this country. It has been disseminated under several names, either through mistake or design. I re- ceived it under the three different names, and the lots being cultivated in separate beds, I, like many others, thought that they were distinct, until beds were pre- pared in a similar soil, and the same cultivation given to each, after which no difference could be discovered. I have since learned through Mr. Meehan, editor of the *' Gardener's Monthly," that the supposed three varieties were all taken from the garden of the originator, Mr. Lennig, of Germantown, Pa. Longworth's Prolific. — Large, roundish, oval or oblate; light crimson ; sprightly sub-acid, and good ; plant vigor- ous and productive. An old variety but little cultivated, although it is far superior to many new ones. Originated in the garden of the late Nicholas Longworth, of Cincin- nati, Ohio. McAvoy's Superior. — Large, irregular, roundish, the surface being uneven, with prominent projections ; color varying from light to very dark crimson ; the flesh dark red, soft, sweet, variable, in some soils rich and sprightly, in others insipid ; vigorous, and usually very productive. Pistillate. The originator of this variety was awarded a $100 prize by the Cincinnati Horti- cultural Society, about thirty years ago, but it has now become obsolete, and was long since discarded. I retain in the list on account of its history. STRAWBERRY. 101 I^Iarvin. — Large, elongated, somewhat beyond what ia usually teruu'd conical; bright crimson; flesh firm, but juicy, rich, and high-llavorcd ; i)laut vigorous, stocky, and produ(;tive. A very promising new variety. Origi- nated with Mr. Henry Marvin, Ovid, Mich. Miner's (ireat Prolific— Large to very large; some- what irregular, but inclining to a globular form ; deep crimson; flesh pinkish, firm, and of good flavor; plant vigorous, leaves large, light green, quite glossy. A pro- ductive and valuable variety, although the irregular form of the berries is somewhat against it for marketing. Originated with the late T. B. Miner, Linden, N. J. Monarch of tlic West. — Extra large ; globular, but often coxcombed ; pale red ; flesh soft, excellent flavor ; plant vigorous on good soils, but only moderately pro- ductive. Valuable for its large size and good flavor. Originated with Mr. Jesse Brady, of Piano, 111. Mcanor. — Medium to small ; conical ; scarlet ; flesh with a reddish tinge throughout, firm, juic}', and of ex- cellent flavor ; ripens early ; the plants in my grounds have always been weak and unproductive. Still, I have seen them in rather heavy clay soils quite vigorous and carrying a heavy crop of fruit. Originated with Messrs. Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y. New Dominion. — A new variety unknown to me, but described by the disseminators of the plants as very large ; globular ; bright glossy red ; flesh firm, and of good flavor. Originated with Mr. C. N. Biggar, on the battle- field of Lundy's Lane. IVeiinan's Prolific. — Large under high cultivation, but ordinarily only medium or small ; obtuse-conical ; light scarlet, with a short neck ; very firm, leather acid, but good when fully mature ; plants strong, vigorous, and pro- ductive. A very popular variety in the South, where it is extensively cultivated for shipping to northern mark- \02 SMALL Fill' IT CCLTURIST. ets, where it mtiy be seen among the first Strawberries of the season. Orighiated by a Mr. Neunaii, of Charleston, 8. C. Xew Jersey Scarlet. — ^ircdium; conical; li<^ht bright scarlet, with long neck ; moderately firm, sprightly flavor, and good ; very early and productive ; the plant a strong and vigorous grower. Succeeds admirably on the light sandy soils of New Jersey. An excellent market variety. See figure 41 for size and form. Originated near Burlington, New Jersey. Ohl John Brown, — Very large; broadly conic, i)ointcd ; light crim- son ; sweet, sprightly, and good. Originated with Dr. H. Schroeder, Bloomington, Illinois. Orient. — Yery large, and claimed to be the largest variety in cultivation ; roundish-conical, sometimes a little irregular ; bright scarlet, with glossy surface ; flesh white, moderately firm, quality ex- cellent ; plant vigorous and pro- ductive, the fruit continuing of good size to the end of the season. A seedling of the Monarch of the West, raised by Mr. Oscar Felton, in 18i6, and is one of several new varieties shown by him at the Cen- tennial Exhibition. Perry's Seedling. — "^^edium to large, globular, with a slight neck ; color briiiht crimson ; sweet, rich, ^^^' 42-— ^^k^"^- and sprightly. Raised by Geo. Perry & Sons, George- town, Conn. See figure 42. ^i^^ 41. — NEW JERSEY SCARLET. STRAWBERRY. 103 Pioneer. — ]\[e(liuni ; oviil, witli a long neck; bright scarlet ; sweet, unci highly pcrrumed. Very early, and appears to be gaining friends as it beconios better known. One of ]\Ir. Durand's seedlings, which has not as yet been widely disseminated, although it has been for some time under cultivation. riTsident Wilder, —Medium ; obtusely-conical, very regular ; seeds yellow ; skin bright glossy scarlet ; flesh firm, but juicy, and very high flavored. A very hand- some variety, but with me the foliage burns in summer, and for this reason, perhaps, the plants have never proved to be sufliciently prolific to warrant cnltivation. In heavy or cool soils this would no doubt prove to be a valuable addition to even the most select list of Straw- berries. Originated with the Hon. Marshall P. AVilder, Dorchester, Mass., in 1861. Russell's TroIifiCo — Very large; irregular, roundish- conical, with neck ; deep crimson ; mod- erately firm, sweet, and perfumed; qual- ity good, in sandy soils very good ; the flesh is lighter color- ed than tlie skin ; leaves large, with wavy upper surface; lobes broadly ovate. Pistillate. Origi- nated with II. Rus- sell, of Seneca Falls, New York, in 185G. Satin Ciloss. — Me- dium to large ; ^'^- ^S.-satin gloss. rather long-conical ; calyx very large ; bright glossy ver- milion ; flesh firm, of good flavor. The large calyy and 104 SMALL FRUIT CrLTURIST. firm flesli of this variety make it an excellent fruit for shipping, as it is not likely to become bruised during lr:nsit. Originated with Mr. Oscar Felton, from seed of the Lady Finger. Figure 43 — from " American Agri- culturist," 1880. Scotch Kiiuncr.— Small ; oval; bright scarlet ; good ilavor. Largely cultivated for market in New Jersey, but should have been discarded long ago, and its ])lace tilled by larger and beti^er varie- ties. Pistillate. Figure 4-1 shows one of the berries of full size. Scott's Scedlin£r. {Scarlet Runner,) — Medium ; elongated-conical ; bright light scarlet, very handsome ; sweet, rather dry, not high flavored, but good ; plants moder- ately vigorous and productive. An old Fio-, 44TISCOTCH variet}', but little cultivated at j)resent ; KUNNER. yg^ j^ jj. gj^Q Qf ^]jQ most beautiful berries we possess. Requires good culture, and with it will yield an abundant cro}). Originated about twenty years ago with J. Scott, of Brighton, Mass. Sctli IJo.vdcii. {Boyden^s No.'^O.) — A'cry large ; irregu- lar-conical, with long neck ; dull crimson ; flesh lirm, rather dry, but sweot and of good flavor ; plant extra strong and vigorous, and ({uite prolific when grown in hills, but otherwise unproductive. This is one of the best market varieties in cultivation, and under good care and in rich soils, berries of immense size are readily produced. Originated with the late Seth Boyden, of Newark, N. J., and disseminated by him as No. 30 of his seedlings, but since liis death, b: common consent, it has been given the name of the originator. Shurpless. — This is another mammoth variety, and a genuine surprise to Strawberry growers generally, because it has proved to be all that was claimed for it at the time STRAWBERRY. 105 of vhich is white, and the leaves are of a lisrhter jxi'een. Alpine White, Monthly. {Alpine Blanc, Des Alpes a Fruit Blanc, Des Alpes de quatre Saisons, <&c,) — Same as the common White Alpine, except that it bears a continu- DUB crop through the summer. i STRAWBERRT. 117 Bnsh Alpine, Red. {Wood Strawberry, Buisson a Fruit Rouge, Commun sans Filets, Sa?i8 Coulans Or- di/iaire, JSa7is Filets^ Ordinaire, De Gaillon a Fruit Rouge, €&c.) — Medium, roundish-ovate, sub-acid, rather dry, agreeable ; plant produces few or no runners ; propa^ t^ated by dividing the plants. Suitable for edgings of ivalks, or cultivating in pots or in very small gardens. Bush Alpine, WllitCi ( White Wood Strawberry, BuiS' tons dea Alpes Blanc, Buissons a Fruit Blanc, ecaase produced at other than the usual season for such fruit. If it is desirable to increase the late crop, then the entire plants should be cut down at the time of the annual pruning. This will cause the young canes to start early, and having the whole root for their support, they will come into bearing earlier in the fall, and bear more abun- dantly than if two crops were produced. TRAINING. In general field culture the usual mode is to train to stakes, but many cultivators are now dispensing with these artificial aids, and by close pruning they endeavor to make the canes sustain their fruit without assistance. I think, however, that it is questionable at least whether there is really anything saved by not using stakes, because many of the canes will be blown down by the wind, others will be broken by the weight of fruit, while the lateral branches will fall upon the ground, and the fruit become splashed with soil, thus making it unfit for use. The cost of stakes is but a trifle in comparison to the value of the fruit lost when they are not used, especially when it com- mands so large a price as it does in most of our eastern mai kets. Chestnut stakes five feet long and two to three inches in diameter, made from large trees, cost me less than two cents each, and my location is within twenty miles of New York City, and where timber of all kinds commands a large price. I cannot afford to grow Raspberries without staking, because every stake will save on an average ten cents worth of fniit, and in maoy instances three time« Ihiit amount. 143 SMAIX FRUIT CULTURIST. In the great Raspberry plantations of New York, stakes are used, and every fruiting cane is tied up^ early in spring. The stakes used are four or live feet long, one being driven near each stool, and the canes tied loosely to it. After the crop has been gathered, the stakes are all taken up and put away under cover until wanted the next season. The old canes are all removed in the full, and all suckers not Avanted for fruiting are taken up, preparatory to givmg winter protection to those that remain. WINTER PROTECTION. Until within a very few years, the varieties principally cultivated for market were those of foreign origin. Oc- casionally one would be introduced that was quite hardy Fig. 59. — LAYING DOWN THE CANES. even in the Northern States, but as a whole they required protection to insure a full crop. INIany different methods for protecting the plants in Avinter have been suggested and tried, but there is probably none so simple or cheap as that of laying down the i)lants and covering with soil. To perform this operation rapidly,it requires two men, one to bend down the plants Avhile the other throws a shovel full of soil upon them, or just enough to keep them in place. The canes should be bent down lengthwise of the row, as shown in figure 59. When the plants have all been laid down, a plow is passed along on each side of the row, turning the soil upon them. In this manner an acre RASPBRBBT. 143 may be coverecl at a cost not exceeding fifteen dollars. The plants should not be covered until the approach of cold weather, usually deferring the o})eration as long as it can be with safety. If the canes are covered while the weather is warm, or before they are fully ripe, they will decay. In the spring, after all danger of severe freezing is past, take up the canes by passing a fork under them, gently lifting and shaking off the soil. Drive down the stakes and tie the canes to them as before. Cut off all dead and broken canes, and shorten all others. When the canes are rery tall, a foot or more may be pruned off with benefit to that which remains. All side or lateral branches should be shortened at least one-half, and sometimes if two-thirds of their length were cut away, it would be still better. GARDEN CULTURE. The same general systems adapted to field culture are also applicable to the garden, but usually more care will be bestowed upon a few plants than upon a larger number. When only a few are grown, they may be watered, or the ground covered with a mulch, either of which operations will assist very much in the full development of the fruit. The plants may also be allowed to bear the first season, if fruit is very desirable, for by giving extra care, new canes for the next year may be produced from the same root, besides supporting the fruiting cane. It is, however, the safest plan to set three or four plants in a hill, and cut one or two of them down to the ground, and leave the others with canes about two feet long. Sometimes quite a large crop will be produced on plants set in spring, and though it usually prevents the root throwing up suckers Btrong enough to bear the ensuing year, still, with plants \hat cost but a few cents each, there is nothing lost even £ they die outright after fruiting. With those who are ju»t commencing a garden, it is sometimes qiiite an object to i'A SMALL FRUIT CULTUKJST. have fruit the first season, even if there is no profit in the op- eration. A ditlerent system of training may also be adopted, and instead of stakes, a simple and cheap trellis may be made by setting strong stakes about twenty feet apart along the rows, and then stretch a wire from one to the other, and Fij^, CO.— RASPBERRY TRELLIS. to this tie the fruit in 2; canes, as shown in figure 60. If the variety cultivated is tender, then bend down and cover the canes with soil in Avintcr, using a spade or shovel in- stead of the plow. Fis^. 61.— TRAINING TO STAKES. Another method is shown in figure 61. In this the stakes are driven on opposite sides of the stools and about two feet distant, the bearing canes are bent over and tied in the manner shown. The young shoots of the season will not always grow up in the center as represented in the engraving, but that is the place wheie it would be desira- ble to have them grow to enable us to carry out this RASPIIEIIKT. 145 soniONvhat ideal system. The bearini^ canes arc cut away after the iVuit is u^athered, and tlie next spring the four young canes shown in an upright position, are hent down ill the same manner as those of the previous year. Training within a hoop is a very pretty plan for small gardens. This is done by driving two stakes, one on each side of the stool, and about a foot from it ; then take a common barrel hoop and nail it to the stakes, as in figure 62. The canes are trained up withhi the hoop and tied to it at regular distances apart, thereby sup- porting the canes and prevcnthig them from being blown about by the winds and injuring the fruit. There are many other very neat and convenient systems of training the Raspberry in use among amateur cultivators, but those already named will give the reader a very good idea of their general scope, besides suggesting other modes, such as training upon walls, fences, along the sides of walks or as a khid of a hedge, also planting and training in a half shady situation, with a northern exposure for a late crop, and in one of an opposite character for an early one. So various are tjie changes that can be made in every department of fruit-culture, that to give them all in detail would require one or more large volumes for each species in cultivation. Fi. 62. — HOOP TRAIK- ING. DURATION OF PLANTS. The duration of a Raspberry plantation will depend very much upon the variety cultivated, as well as upon the nature of the soil and care given the plants. Ten to four- teen years is about the average under good culture, but sometimes they -will remain productive for twenty years. 14G SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST, No rule or set time should be heeded in this mutter, but so soon as the 2)laiits fail to produce remuuenitive crops, plow them up and plant some other crop upon the soil, for two or three years, after which it may again be planted with Kaspberries if it is desirable. DISEASES AND INSECTS. The diseases affecting the Raspberry are principally those known by the common names of rust and blight. They are microscopic fungi or parasitic plants of a low order, which seem to thrive best under conditions inimi- cal to their victims. If plantations of the Raspberry are neglected, and weeds are permitted to grow and ab- sorb the moisture and fertility of the soil, some of the many species of rusts are pretty certain to ajopear, and aid in the destruction of the plants. A cold, wet, or dry season, over-bearing of the plants, exhaustion of the fer- tility of the soil, ill Tact, any condition unfavorable to the growth of the Raspberry canes, is usually followed by the appearance of blight or rust. A peculiar species of red or orange-colored rust has, of late years, been very prevalent among both Raspberry and Blackberry planta- tions of the Eastern States, but appears to be more abundant and injurious to Black-cap Raspberries than other species. It has received tlie scientific name of TJredo rubrorum. Various remedies haye been recom- mojided, and while some may answer, together with good cultivation, the safest plan is to dig up and burn every infested plant as soon as it is discovered in one's grounds. Applications of lime, salt^ ashes, soot, and similar ferti- lizers, may in some instances ward off attacks of fungoid diseases, but when they once become prevalent, the cul- tivator had better spend his time in setting out new plantations on fresh soil, than in attempting to renovate those that are old and diseased. RASPBERRY. 147 "With insects the cultivator has a better chance of ob- taining the mastery than with the microscopic fungi, ultliougli with some of the smaller and more numerous s])ec'ies of insects, he has enough to do if they are kept in check. Some kinds infest both the Raspberry and Blackberry, and as it would not be strange to find almost any of the species passing from the plants of one to the other, I shall treat of the enemies of both in tliis place. The common cutworms are sometimes very destructive to the young suckers about the old plants, these pests severing them as they appear above the surface. In old and well-established plantations, the loss of a few hun- dreds or thousands of new shoots will not be missed, for others soon appear from the subterranean stems and roots ; but in newly set plantations, the destruction of the first young shoots frequently causes the roots to die, and re- planting becomes necessary. I have found the cutworms a great pest, when setting out Black-cap tips, they ap- pearing to be very fond of the young sprouts, and if left undisturbed will very soon destroy the plants. The only certain method of destruction of cutworms is to search about the hills or plants daily, and crush all that are found. They usually hide just under the surface, and not many inches from the plants they have attack- ed, or are about to prey upon. There are also several leaf-cutting pests which occasionally infest Raspberry plants, but with all these, dusting the plants with lime, ashes, and similar insecticides, will usually prove effectual. Among the in- sects affecting the canes, the common Raspberry-Borer, oi Red-necked Buprcstis {Agrilus riificolUs), figure 63, is probably the most injurious, at least in the Western States. It is a small beetle of the form shown in the en- graving, with a red thorax or neck. The larva bores th© Fiff. 63.— RASP- BERBY-BORER. /48 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. c.mes in summer, causing large excrescences or galls, check- ing tlie flow of sap, and causing the death of the cane. The Snowy Tree-Cricket {CEcanthus ni veils), figure G4, is another insect pest that appears to prefer the canes of the Raspberry as a nidus fur its eggs, to the twigs of other shrubs and trees. It will, however, if there are no Rasp- berry plants handy, de- posit its eggs in the Grape, Willow, Peach, and other kinds of trees. Fi'^. 61. — SNOWY TREE-CRICKET. ti i it its long, slender eggs are deposited in a close compact row, each egg i)laced at a slight angle, and deep enough to reach the pith of the cane or twig. This weakens the canes, and they are often broken off by the wind. Tins breaking of the stems is not a serious loss, but the perfect insect has the very bad habit of cutting off the leaves of various plants in sum- mer ; and sometimes extends its mischievous work from Raspberry plants to Grape Vines, from which it cuts both leaves and fruit ; working at night when perfectly safe from observation. To get rid of the mature insect, I advise gathering the egg-infested canes and twigs in win- ter and early spring, and burning them. Of the insect enemies of the Blackberry, the Bramble Flea-Louse (Psylla tripunctata. Fitch; P, rvh., Riley) has been, perhaps, the most formidable of late years. The appearance of this insect in our Blackberry plantations, in sufficient number to do any considerable damage, is quite recent, probably within the past ten years. It is a small in- sect, and is quite closely allied to the Green Fly or Plant- Louse [Aphis), but is distinguished from that by a differ- ent veining of the wings, and by having knobbed antennae, somewhat like those of the butterfly. These insects jump as briskly as a flea, from which characteristic they derive their scientific name. The presence of this pest in a Blackberry plantation is readily detected by the leaves of RAsminiRY. 149 ilio infested shoots in snmmcr being twisted and curled up, and tlie ends of tlie young canes also curl over and frecjuently assume a singular fasciated form. In the fall the leaves on the infested canes do not drop off, but curl up, and remain attached to the diseased stems. This pest appears to be on the increase, especially in the Eastern States, and every one having Blackberry plants in his garden should be on the look-out for it, and, when found, it should be gathered and burned. This operation should be performed either early iii the morning or during the cool wet weather, else many of the insects will escape, and at the same time the shoots, as severed, should be immediately dropped into bags, and then carried to the place where they are to be burned. Several species of borers infest the Blackberry ; one of the most common is a red-necked beetle, the Oherea per- spicillata of Haldcman, figure 65. The small eyeless grubs bore the pith of the canes, causing them to die prematurel}^, or so weakening them that they are broken down by the wind. As there are some fourteen or fifteen species of the Oherea described in our entomological works, it may be that more than one infest f^J' !t*^^ - rt 1 BLACKBER-R X the canes of the Blackberry and Easpberry. bush borek. The Blackberry is subject to the attacks of several species of gall-insects. A fuzzy, prickly gall on the twigs is produced by a four-winged fly {Diastrophus cuscufcd- formU 0. S). Another species of the same genus {Dias- trophus nehulosus 0. S.) produces a large pithy gall on the canes, but both of these gall-makers have very formid- able parasitic enemies which keep them in check. There are also a few leaf-eating beetles, slugs, and caterpillars, that sometimes attack the Blackberry, but they are sel- dom sufficiently numerous or injurious to attract much attention. The larger species are readily destroyed by 160 SMALL FRUIT CI LTUKIST. hand-gathering, an 1 the smaller ones can usually be driven off by dusting the i)lants with lime. DESCRIPTION OF VARIETIES. NATIVE SPECIES AND VARIETIES. Class I. — The Black Caps {Ruhus occidentalis). Ainerican Klack. (Black Raspberries, Black Cap Raspberry, Thimble Berry). — Fruit medium, slightly oval, black with bloom ; sweet pleasant flavor ; there is but little juice, a greater portion of the berry being seeds. The plant roots from the ends of the young canes. In its Avild state one of the most variable species known. Com- mon in all parts of the United States. American White Cap, (Yellow Cap, Golden Cap.) — Fruit one-half to iive-eighths of an inch broad ; slightly oval ; grains larger than in the preceding variety ; pale or deep yellow, covered with a white bloom ; sweet, juicy, rather musky, but agreeable ; canes light yellow, slightly glaucous, very strong, stocky, with a few short spines ; only moderately productive. This variety is also found wild from Maine to the Mississippi River, and probably farther West. I have received it from nearly all the Northern States, and from the southern portion of the State of Dela\\are. American Improved. (Doolittle's Black Cap, Joslyn's Improved, Improved Black Cap Raspberry). — Large, black, with slight bloom ; sweet, juicy, of the same flavor as the Wild Black Raspberry ; canes very vigorous, with numerous strong-hooked prickles. The extremely thorny character of the plant is its greatest fault, as it is equally as disagreeable a subject to work among as the Blackberry. Very productive and hardy. Found growing wild by Leander Joslyn, of Phelps, Ontario County, N. Y. RASPBERRY. 161 raroliiie. — Very lar^^^c ; globular ; pale buff or yellow, <\'itli sli<;lit bloom ; juicy, witli a sub-acid flavor. Ex- cellent for one of its class. This is claimed to be a bybrid between the Catawissii aiul Brinckle's Orange, but I think this is doubtful, as it is far more hardy and vigorous than either of the alleged parents, and the canes and leaves show it to be a genuine offspring of Ruhus occidentalis. It is certainly one of the best, if not the very best, of the Yellow Cap varieties. The plants produce a few suckers from the roots, and this characteristic is cited as proof of its being a hybrid. Originated with Mr. E. W. Carpen- ter, of Rye, N. Y. Davison's Thornless. {Thornless Blach C«^jo.}~- About the same size and shape as the American Improved, but a week or ten days earlier. Canes strong and quite stocky, smooth, except a very few small straight spines near the base and an occasional one on the leaf-stalk. The thorn- less character of the plant is certainly a decided improve- ment upon those which produce thorns in such abundance as do some others. Originated in the garden of Mrs. Mercy Davison, in the village of Growanda, N. Y. ; intro- duced to the public in 1866, by Joseph Sinton, Angola> Erie County, N. Y. Gre^ff. — Berry very large ; black, with bloom ; flavor about the same as that of all the best sorts, but not supe- rior ; ripens late, and with the McCormick ; plant vig- orous and productive. Found growing wild in a ravine on the Gregg farm, Ohio Co., Indiana, in 1866. This variety has been highly extolled, and while I am ready to admit that it is a valuable variety of Black-cap Rasp- berry, I fail to see that it is in any way superior to many other older and well known sorts. llcCormick. {Large Miami. Mammoth Cluster.) — Very large ; black, covered with a whitish bloom. One of the very largest and best sorts in cultivation, ripening 152 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. some two weeks later than tlio Doolittle, and a week or more later than the Seneca. Plants very strong, vigor- ous, and productive. An old variety, found in Ohio some thirty years ago, but re-named and brought out as new since the first edition of this work was issued. There seems to have been two varieties known as Miami. The large and small ; the first, however, was known locally as McCormick, being named from the man who first cul- tivated and distributed the plants to his neighbors. Miami Black Cap. — Large ; dark brown, almost black ; sweet, juic}', and good. A little later than the American Improved, and the spines not so numerous. Hardy, pro- ductive, and valuable. From the Miami Valley, Ohio. Ohio Everbearing. {Motithhj Black Cap.) — Large; black ; sweet, and moderately juicy ; canes strong, and rather more upright than some others ; spines strong, hooked, and numerous ; very productive. The young canes produce a moderate crop in autumn. Cultivated among the Quakers in Ohio, and introduced to public notice many years ago, by N. Long worth, of Cincinnati. Seueca. — Large ; black, with slight bloom, and good flavor ; plants vigorous and productive. An excellent sort to fill up the season between the earliest and latest varieties. A good market variety. Suiuiuit Yellow Cap. — Medium size ; pale pink or nearly white in the shade ; rather dry, but very sweet ; ripens a little later than the Common Black Cap ; canes strong and vigorous, pale-orange yellow, with considerable bloom ; spines short, slightly hooked, and rather numerous. From Summit Township, Crawford County, Pa. Surprise. — Very similar to the American Improved, but the berries are larger, more conical, and covered with a thick bloom ; sweet, sprightly, and good ; a valuable variety. Found growing wild in Missouri. RASriJERRY. ITj'.} Class II. —Purple Cane Family. A portion at least of tlic followin^:^ kinds are supposed to belong to the same species as the common Black Cap Raspberry (R. occidentalis.) But as they have a few characteristics in common, which are not found in the wild Black Raspberry, nor in any other species, I have placed them in a list by themselves. This separation is not claimed to be a strictly scientific one, but as a matter of convenience. The old Purple Cane Raspberry is so well known that I have selected it as the type or representative of this class. The principal difference between the varieties of the Black Cap and the Purple Cane is in the fruit. The first, as is well known, have a rather dry, tough fruit, with a pe- culiar flavor. Its grains numerous, and very irregular in size. The fruit of Purple Cane, as a rule, is rather soft, juicy, often very brittle, the grains separating very readily. Color, varying from light red to dark brownish-purple, but never black ; the flavor mild and agreeable, but en- tirely distinct from those of the true Black Raspberry. Tatawissa. — Medium, round, dark reddish-purple, rather brittle and soft, juicy, moderately good, canes strong, very branching, bark dark brown, and few hooked spines. Produces a second crop in autumn. If the whole stool is cut down in spring, the young canes of the season will come into fruit early, and continue bearing until winter. The fruit is borne principally on the ends of the shoots of those which do not bend down and take root. Suckers are also produced very sparingly, but if the stools are taken up, and tlie roots left in the ground, a greater number will grow than otherwice. The plant is quite tender in the Northern States, and even in the locality where it was discovered, it is sometimes winter-killed. 164 SMALL FRUIT CULTTJRIST. Fig. 66. — LEAP OF PHILADELPHIA RASPBERRY. RASPBERRY. 155 I have cultivated this variety about ten years, and have never as yet had a plant survive the winter unless protected. It is of IK) particular value unless for the purpose of pro- ducing a late crop, and to insure this tlie entire plant must be cut down early in spring. This variety was found in a graveyard, in the Village of Catawissa, Columbia County, Pa. Kllisdule. — Large, roundish-oval, grains medium to large, quite regular in size ; color, light crimson or dark scarlet; rather firm and of good flavor ; canes very strong, light red, smooth, with a few straight spines near the base, and an occasional hooked one on the upper portion. The plant produces no suckers from its lateral roots, but propagates from the tips of the canes, the same as the Purple Cane. New, not thoroughly tested at the East, but considered as a very valuable variety in the locality where it originated. Found in 1856, by Mr. J. E. John- son, growing on the EUisdale farm, in Pottawatomie County, Iowa. The stock was placed in the hands of H. A. Terry, of Crescent City, Iowa, for propagation and dissemination. Gardiner. ^A very large, coarse growing sort, with large, dark, dull red, poor flavored fruit. I tested a few plants when it was first sent out, some fifteen years ago, and then dug them up. I am inclined to think that it received no better treatment from other growers, as it ap- pears to have dropped out of sight and cultivation. (lanarqua. — This is another variety of the Gardiner class, and having had a brief notoriety is passing out of cultivation. The fruit is rather large, well flavored, and attractive in appearance. This was claimed to be a hybrid when first disseminated. Purple Cane. {American Red Ca?ie.) — Medium, or small, roundish, dark dull red, with bloom; grains large, soft, sweet, very good ; canes very strong ; growing eight 156 SMALL FRUIT CULTl RIST. to twelve feet long, smooth, with a few straight spines at the base, and a few liooked spines above ; vigorous and productive, fruit good for home use, but too soft for market. This variety has been in cultivation in the vicin- ity of New York for at least fifty years. Propagates from the tips of the young canes, and produces no suckers. Philadelphia. — Medium to large, globular, dark red, scarcely any bloom, moderately firm, sub-acid, not rich. fig. 67.— PHILADELrtlli.. nor very juicy; grains large, ad'aci-e mcie firmly than those of the Purple Cane; cane*; t3rect, strong, and stocky, dark red or purple, branching ; spines very small, straight, and scattering, almost spineless; leaves large, dark green above, lighter beneath, very thick and tough, have a peculiar wavy appearance on the upper side, finely serrated. RASPBERRY. 157 Figure GO shows the goiicnil furm of the leaf, and fi^^unf GT, a cluster of fruit of the average size under common field culture. Tlie canes do not bend over iind root from the tips, like the Puri)le Cane, but produce suckers, although rather sparingly ; very liardy and wonderfully prochictive. Found growing within the present limits of the City of Philadelphia, some thirty or more years ago. It has Lately become very popular as a market variety, and for some soils and locations is unexcelled. This is par- ticularly the case in the sandy soils of New Jersey, where all of the finest foreign varieties fail, and no amount of care will enable the growers to secure a remunerative crop. It has been widely disseminated in the past few years, and very favorable reports are being received from all parts of the country in regard to its hardiness and productiveness. Reliance. — This is said to be a seedling of the Phila- delphia, and resembles its parent, but, as usual, it is claimed to be far superior. I have not seen it, therefore cannot speak from experience as to its value, but those who saw this variety when exhibited a few years ago at Philadelphia, speak of it as strongly resembling its parent, the Philadelphia, with the same dull color. Class 3. — Varieties of Kubus strigosus. (Wild Bed Raspherry.) The common Wild Red Raspberry of our country pos- sesses many valuable qualities, even in its normal state, as every boy in the rural districts knows. Yv^ithout any thought of varieties, he is aware that a certain locality, the bushes along a certain road, for example, give him better fruit than he can find elsewhere. But to produce new and improved varieties from it has 158 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. selcloin been attempted, because foreign kinds were at hand that apparently possessed qualities superior to our own ; consequently we have very few native kinds wortliy of cultivation. This is certainly to be regretted ; inas- much as the foreign va- rieties are usually ten- der, while our native kinds are quite hardy, and there can scarcely be a doubt that if the same persistent efforts had been })ut forth to improve them, as have been expended upon the foreign sorts, we would now have vaiieties of the native species far superior to any that A\'e have obtained from abroad. The variableness of the Huhus strigosus is worthy of being particu-. larly noticed by those who may attempt its im^ Fig. 68. — STEM OF WILD RED. provcmcut. Some of the wild varieties produce an immense number of suckers, others but very few. Some have very smooth canes, others are covered with close set spines or bristly hairs, as shown in figure 68. The fruit is also variable in color, from a dark red to a light bright crimson ; globular or conical in shape, and of medium size. Figure 69 shows a fruit of about the average size w^hen grown in good soil. Figure 6o shows a fruit branch when coming into bloom, and figure 64, a leaf, both somewhat reduced in size. The RASPHERKY. 150 leaves arc ln'iglit green and w liilisli-downy iiiulerncatli, l)ul not so imu'h so as in som(> of \\\o. foreign varieties. Allfirs INmI rrolifir. — ^Medium, glol)ular, liglit crim- Fon, separates lively from tlie core, juiey, ])ut mild flavor ; canes strong, erect, reddish purple when mature ; Fie:. 69. — fruit of wild red. spines white, long, slender, very few and scattering ; leaves thin, oblong, ])ointed, evenly serrated, not toothed. Not very prolific, and produces suckers rather freely, but not BO abundant as the next. Allen's Antwerp. — Similar in size, shape, color and ICO SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. quality to the last, tlie leaves clce[)ly serrated or toothed, and of more substauce ; spines very numerous, and of a Fig. 70.— FLOWERING STEM OF WILD RED. reddish-purple color. Both this and the preceding variety were sent out by L. F. Allen, Black Rock, N. Y., about RASPIJEUK^'. Iti ten years ars .go,l.«t they have Wen placed on the rejeeted Fiff. 71.— I'EAF OF WILD RED. Ust hy the American Pomological Society, and almost uni- C* 162 SMALL FRUIT CULTUltlST, vorsally discarded by fruit growers. They were not cluiirjcd to be seedlings by Mr. Allen, but merely acci- dental varieties of tlie wild Red Kaspberry of his locality. I have been more particular in giving them a description, because it is very probable that they will again be brought forward by other parties as new and valual)le varieties. Braildyu'iac. (Susqueoo. Wilmington.) — Medium to large ; round ; bright scarlet ; firm, and of agreeable flavor ; canes stocky, but rather short, of a reddish color, bearing a few light-colored spines or prickles ; plants productive, and very hardy. An excellent market variety, but because of its rather dwarfish growth it requires a strong, rich soil. Origin unknown, but supposed to have been found near Wilmington, Del. Cuthbert. {Queen of the Market.) — Large ; roundish- conical; bright red; firm, but juicy, with a sprightly, agreeable flavor ; canes strong and stocky, well beset with small straight prickles ; leaves firm, dark green, and resisting the hot sun as well as any of our native sorts. Very hardy and productive, and altogether one of the very best of our native red Raspberries. Originated m the grounds of the late Thomas Cuthbert, at Riverdale, N. J., and disseminated by Mr. I. J. Simonson, of Staten Island, to whom I am indebted for plants, kindly sent me several years ago. It has been suggested that the Cuth- bert is a chance seedling of the Hudson River Antwerp ; I can see no evidence of any such parentage, but believe it to be a true and pure Rubus strigosus. Kirtlaud* — Medium ; nearly round ; light bright-crim- son ; separates freely from the receptacle ; moderately firm, sweet, of the same flavor as the wild Red ; canes vory erect, nearly smooth, pale red at maturity ; produces a large number of suckers, quite productive, and the earliest of the class. The canes are also quite hardy. One of the best of the native varieties. Originated with Prof. J. 1'. Ilirtland, Cleveland, Ohio. raspberry. 1g3 Class 4. — Foreign Varieties and Their Seedlings. Tlic f^ivator part of the following kinds ])olong to tho foreign s])eeies {Rubiis Jclwus), but many of them origi- nated in this country from seed of the foreign varieties. The fact of their being produced here does not make them any the less or more valuable than those imported, although it will be conceded by most of our fruit groweis that some of the varieties raised in this country are equal, if not far superior, to any that have been obtained from abroad. As a class, the varieties of the E. Idceus are larger and better flavored than those of our native spe- cies, R. strigosus, but there are very few of them that are hardy in the Northern States, and their leaves burn more or less at the South. Antwerp Red. {True Red Antwerp, Old Red Antwerp, KnevetVs Antwerp, Rowland's Antwerp, Biirleifs Ant- werp, English Antioerp.) — Fruit large, nearly globular, dark red, with bloom ; grains large ; juicy, sprightly flavor ; canes strong and tall ; seines light red and nu- merous. An old variety seldom cultivated at the present time, as it has been superseded by the following : Antwerp. [Hudson River, New Red Ayitwerp.) — Large, nearly conical, firm, of a pleasant, sweet, but sprightly flavor ; canes short, stocky growth, with few spines ; the bark on the mature canes is of a peculiar grayish color ; very productive, but requires winter pro- tection. This is the great market berry which is so ex- tensively cultivated in the eastern portion of the State of New York. Origin unknown, but supposed to have been procured in England, and brought to this country fifty years ago by Mr. Briggs, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Antwerp Yellow. {White Antiverp, Double Bearing Yellow. — Large, conical, pale yellow, sweet, but not high flavored ; canes strong and vigorous, light yellow ; the 164 SMALL FRUIT CULTUillST. leaves are pale green; spines long, slender, white, on some canes very numerous, but scarcely auy on others. Rather more liardy than the red, but not sutliciently so to omit protecting. Of European origin, and but little cultivated, as it is not so productive or good as some others of a similar color. Barnet. (Lord ExmoutJi, Large Red, Cornwall's Seedlinysy CornwalVs Prolific^ Barnefs Antiuerp.) — Large, obtuse-conical, bright purplish-red, sprightly, pleasant flavor; canes tall, very branching, yellowish green. An old English variety of little value. Brentford Cane. — Small to medium, obtuse-conical, dark red, inferior flavor. An old English variety of little or no value. Placed among the inferior varieties in the nurserymen's catalogues of forty years ago. Belle dc Fonteiiay . {Amazon. ) — Very large, irregular, long-conical, deep crimson, with a thin bloom, separates freely from the core, moderately firm, rather acid, but good ; canes very strong and stocky, branching ; leaves thick, dark green above and silvery- white beneath; spines reddisli -purple, short and stiff ; very hardy and pro- ductive. Produces a second crop in autumn ; the best of the autumn- bearing varieties. It produces a great number of suckers, the larger portion of which should be removed as soon as they appear to insure a good crop of fruit. This has fre- quently been confounded with Mer- vielle des quartre Saisons, but it is distinct. Originated in France. Figure 72 represents a berry of this variety rather below the average size which it attains under or- dinary culture. It is very probable that the engraver Fig. 72.— BELLE DB FONTENAY. RASPBERRY. 165 has ratlior reduced than enlarged the illustration of spoc- inuMis J laced in his hands. nriiuklc-s Orange— Sec Orange. Hurliiigtoii* — Large ; same color as the Red Antwerp. Originated by the late Benjamin Prosser, of Burlington, New Jersey. Belle dc Palliiau.— (Fig. 73. ) —Very large ; obtuse- conical ; grains large, regular ; light bright crimson, separates freely from the core, sub-acid, juicy, very good, moderately firm; canes very strong; spines short, purple, not very numerous ; leaves medium, deep green ; lobes broadly ovate ; Fig. 73.-BELLE DE PALLUAu. gcrraturcs very regular and sharp pointed; very productive, and will probably become a valuable market variety. Requires j^rotection in winter. From France. Clarke. — (Fig. 74.) — Large; roundish-conical; light crimson ; grains medium ; very sweet, rich, and high flavored ; parts freely from the core ; moderately firm ; canes very strong and stocky, erect, more or less branching ; spines white, the ends slightly colored, rigid, numerous at the base of the canes, scattering, and few above ; leaves very large, thick, rather flat, deep green above, and silvery white beneath, coarsely and un- evenly serrate ; very productive ; moderately hardy. Raised from seed by £. E. Clarke, New Haven, Conn., in 1856. Fig. 74.— CLARKE. lOG SMALL FRUIT CULTURISJ. Cretan Rod. — SmuU ; conical ; crimson or deep red ; sub-iieitl, poor ihivor, not very productive. A very old foreign variety. Placed on the rejected list by tlio American Pomological Society. Cope. — Large ; obtuse-conical ; light crimson ; parts freely from the core ; rather firm, sweet, and good ; canes ni;)d.'rately strong ; spines purple, short, and numerous ; productive, but not eipial to some other varieties. Origi- nated with the late Dr. Wm. D. Brinckle, of Philadel- phia, Pa., to whom we are also indebted for many valu- able varieties of the Raspberry. Col. Wilder. — Large ; roundish-conical ; yellowish white or cream color ; very sweet, juicy, and good, but rather soft ; canes strong and vigorous ; spines white ; leaves dark greon, somewhat crimped or wavy. Raised from the Pastoltf by Dr. Brinckle, and named in honor of Marshall P. Wilder, the distinguished pomologist of Boston, Mass. CllslliilS^. — Large ; roundish-conical ; light crimson ; very regular in form ; grains small, compact ; separates f roely from the core ; juicy, sprightly flavor, and good ; •pines brownish-purple, stiff, and rather numerous ; icavci largo and thin, irregularly and coarsely serrated or tjothod ; moderately vigorous and productive. Raised by Dr. Brinckle, and named in honor of J. P. Gushing, of AYatertown, Mass. Cutbush's I'rincc of Wales. — Large ; very regular ; ob- tuse-conical ; light crims;)u ; rather dry, sub-acid flavor ; c inos strong and vigorous ; spines purple, long, and slondLU-, numerous ; productive. An English variety of no particular value, as many others are far better. Double lieariii!)^. — An old variety, which has been dls* carded by the American Pomological Society. Oowiiinsf. — Large ; regular, conical ; grains medium ; bright crimson ; juicy, sweet, and rich ; firm, parts freely from the core ; canes strong, erect ; spines vory short and RASPBERRY. 1G7 Btout., pjilo i^rccn ; Icivcs very large, dooj) greon, nearly flat when fully developed; quite i)ro(luctive. A good market variety. Ke(iuires protection in winter the samo as the Antwerp. A seedling of the Orange, raised by Charles Downing, Newburgh, N. Y., who has no plants of any kind for sale. Duliriug. — Large ; roundish-conical ; bright red ; firm, rich, and excellent flavor. A strong and vigorous grower, and said to be very productive and hardy. New ; not fully tested. Supposed to be a seedling of the Hornet. Originated on the grounds of Henry Duhring, Esq., Bel- mont, near Philadelphia, Pa. Emily. — Large ; roundish-conical ; pale yellow ; spines white ; vigorous and productive. One of Dr. Brinckle's seedlings, which proved unworthy of dissemination. Fastolff. — Large ; obtuse, or roundish-conical ; crim- son ; grains large, soft, sweet, and rich ; one of the best in flavor ; adheres so firmly to the core that the berries are often broken in picking ; canes moderately strong and rather crooked ; spines purple, stiff, and quite numerous ; very productive. An excellent variety for home use, but too soft for market. An old English variety ; its name said to be from an old castle in Great Yarmoutli, England. Fillbaskct* {Northumherlcmd Fill- laskel.) — Large ; obtuse - conical ; crimson ; grains large, with thin bloom ; firm, sweet, not very juicy, but good ; canes strong, with purp- lish spines, which are quite abund- ant en the entire length of the cane; leaves large, thick, not so deep green as some ; the leaflets broadly ovate ; quite productive. An English varie- ty, inti-odiu'od about ten years since. Fraucoiiia. (Fig. '^io.)— Naomi.— Fig. 75. — FRAXCONIA. h'.\i'zQ ; obtuse-coni- 168 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. cal ; dark pnrplisli-red, or crimson ; firm, with a rich, sprightly fhivor ; canes strong, branching ; spines purple, stout, scattering ; leaves large, deep green, rather Hat when fully developed. A valuahle market variety. Ke- quires protection in winter. French* ( Vice President French. ) — Medium to large ; obtuse-conical ; crimson ; grains large : firm, sweet, rich, and excellent ; one of the best ; canes very strong, erect ; spines purple, stout, and numerous ; very productive. A valuable variety. Supposed to be a seedling of the Fas- tolff. Raised by Dr. Brinckle, and named in honor of B. V. French, Vice President of the Mass. Horticultural Soc. Fulton* — A large, crimson variety, raised by Dr. Brinc- kle. Probably lost, as nothing has been heard of it lately. General Patterson* — Large ; round ; crimson ; adheres firmly to the core. One of Dr. Brinckle's seedlings. llerstine's Seedlins^s. — The late D. W. Herstine, of Philadelphia, raised a large number of seedling Rasp- berries, and as some of them gave promise of excellence, he invited several prominent horticulturists of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, to visit his grounds and examine the plants while in bearing and full of fruit. The invited gentlemen responded to the request of Mr. Herstine, and visited his grounds on July Gth, 1870. Mr. Herstine had not performed any of the usual opera- tions of crossing or hybridizing, in order to produce these varieties, but merely gathered seeds from what was said to be the Allen, growing near the Philadelphia, as well as some of the foreign varieties. He thought that his seed- lings were a cross between the Allen and Philadelphia, but, as time has shown, this was doubtless an error, at least so far as relates to the parentage of the varieties selected and sent out as "Herstine's Seedlings." The four varieties selected and described at the date named, are here given, instead of distributing them in alphabet!- RASPBERRY. IGO cal ord.n'. I will iidd tliiit there is an iimiamcd sccdlin;^ of Mr. llerstiuo's in cultivation in .several gardens in Bergen Co., which lias the ap[)earance of being a cross between the Allen and the Philadel])liia. I received a few plants of it from Mr. Ilcrstine, in 187^, labelled ^^Ilers- tine's 0.," and the plants have been distributed among my neighbors, some of whom i)rizc it highly as a market variety. Canes are red, quite distinct. Fruit of good size, and of a bright cririison color. Ilcrstine. — Plant vigorous ; an early and abundant bearer ; canes strong, of a light color, covered with a whitish bloom ; spines green, but not abundant ; foliage abundant, of a light green color ; fruit large ; conical, with small grains, and of a crimson color ; flavor sub- acid, but good. This is the best of the four sorts dis- seminated by Mr. Herstine. Elizabeth. — A strong grower, and productive in favor- able soils and localities ; canes green, with some purple shadmgs ; spines small, but very numerous ; leaves light green, and quite large ; fruit very large, nearly globular, and of a bright crimson color ; grains large ; flavor ex- cellent. Ruby. — A free grower; canes moderately vigorous; spines few, and small ; leaves largo, light green, whitish underneath ; fruit of good size ; nearly round ; dark crimson ; grains large ; quality good. Saunders. — Moderately vigorous and productive, pro- ducing a large number of suckers; canes green, with a shade of purple ; spines abundant ; leaves large, and of good substance ; light green ; fruit large ; globular ; of a crimson color ; quality excellent. Much was expected of the Herstine Raspberries, when first disseminated, but they seem to have failed in most localities. The firsts or Herstine, is now considered the best of the four. 8 170 SMALL FUUIT CULTURIST. Ilornet. — Very large; conical; deop crimson; grains Variable in size, juicy, sub-acid, good ; moderately firm ; canes very strong, erect ; spines short, i)urplish ; fruit stems very long ; i)roductive, and promises to be a good market variety. Originated in France, with ^[. Souchet, of Bagnolet, near Paris. Iliintsmaii*s (*iaiit. — In size, shape, and ({uality, very similar ^ to the Franconia, but the canes Fig. 76.— HORNET. 1 i ,1 1 , grow much taller, and when fully mature have a pecuhar grayish-white bark. A seedUng of the Franconia, very productive, and continues a long time in fruit. Eaised by Prof. T. W. Huntsman, Flushing, N. Y. Imperial. — This is another French variety resembling the Hornet. Jouct. — Medium to large ; light pale yellow ; canes feeble ; spines very numerous ; nearly white. Not worth cultivating, as we have several others of the same color which are far superior to it in every respect. KucYCt's iiiailt. — Large, or very large ; globular ; light crimson ; adheres rather firmly to the core ; juicy and good ; canes very strong ; spines short, purplish, very few, and scattering ; very productive. An English variety of considerable merit. F.argc Fruited I>Ioiilhly. (Rivers' Neio Monthly.) — Medium to large ; roundish-conical ; crimson ; soft, sweet, and juicy, good ; canes strong ; spines red, stout. Some- times it produces a very fair crop, but not equal to Belle de Fontenay for a late one. Kaised by Thomas Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, England. Ma^uuui Bonuiu. — \'ery similar, if not the same as the RASPBERRY. 171 Yellow Antwerp. Introduced from England many years asj^o. Merveillc do i^iialrc Saisons, {Marrrl of the Four Seasons.) — Medium to large; obtuse-conical; crimson; soft, sweet, and good ; canes erect, rather slender ; spines purple, short, and (juite numerous ; leaves flat, i)!de green underneath, and not so dark green above as the Belle de Fontenay, wliich is often sold for this variety. The leaves are finely and evenly serrated. Very hardy, and pi-oduces an immense number of suckers. There is a va- riety witli yellow fruit, but very unproductive. Moiitclair. — Medium to large ; globular; grains large ; dark, and rather dull red when fully rij)e ; firm, and somewhat brittle ; sub-acid, not rich, but would be called good ; canes strong, vigorous, branching ; leaves dark green, and of good substance ; productive and hardy. Originated with E. & J. C. Williams, Montclair, N. J. OranJ^C. {Bri)ickle's Orange.) — Large ; obtuse-conical ; orange ; sweat, rich, and delicious flavor ; canes strong, with small, white spines ; plant vigorous, and very pro- ductive. This is one of the best varieties in cultivation. Plant requires protection in winter. Originated by the late Dr. Brinckle, in 1845. Pilate. — Large; long-conical; grains small, compact ; dark red ; firm, juicy, sub-acid, only passably good ; canes not very vigorous ; spines fiumerous, purplish red ; pro- ductive. A French variety, highly extolled, but inferior to many of those produced in this country. Rivers' Seedlini^s, — Mr. Thomas Eivers, the late veteran pomologist of England, paid considerable attention to the Raspberry, and has produced many hundreds of seedlings. Some of them have reached this country, but there ap- pears to be considerable confusion in regard to tlielr iden- tity and names. The one known as Rivers' Black Rasp- berry does not belong to the Black Raspberry family of this country. It is a dark purple fruit, with a white bloom. 172 SMALL FRUIT CULTUEIST. rather soft, of peculiar rich flavor, hut not particularly valuable. Another, received under the name of Rivers' Seedling, is a large, roundish-conical berry, deep crimson, with a thin bloom, quite acid and not rich; canes very vigorous, })ranching, of a reddish color, spines purple, short, and very strong; produces very few suckers. Perfectly hardy and very productive ; will probably be a good mar- ket variety. Mr. Rivers exhibited a new variety at one of the Horticultural shows in England a few years since, which he claimed to be a hybrid between the Raspberry and Blackberry, but I am not aware of its success. Russell's Red Raspberry. — Large, roundish-conical, dark red, moderately firm, juicy, sweet and good; canes strong, erect ; spines white, straight, few and scattering. Supposed to be hybrid between the Purple Cane and White Antwerp; very hardy and productive ; propagated by suckers. Originated in the garden of Dr. G. W. Russell, Hartford, Conn., and named by the Hartford Co. Horticultural Soc, in 1858. Soiichettii. (White Transpar- ent.)— (Fig. 77.) — Large, conical, somewhat irregular in form ; pale yellow, firm but juicy, sweet and very good ; canes vigorous ; spines nearly white and few; leaves large and wavy, thin, light green. A pro- Fi-;. TT.-souchettii. dut'tive variety, raised by Mr. Souchet. Semper Fid ells. — Large, irregular-conical, dull crimson, rather firm and dry, sub-acid ; second rate in quality ; canes strong, spines purple, short and stiff, numerous; leaves large, evenly serrated ; very productive. A new variety from England, where it is highly extolled. Walker. — Large, round, deep crimson, soft, juicy, sprightly flavor, good; canes strong with a. few stiff, pup RASPBKBBY. 173 ^iBh spines; very productiva One of Dr. Brinokle'i ieedlings. Yellow Chili. — Large, conical, pale yellow, slightly tinged with orange, very soft, sweet and juicy; canes strong, branching, spines long, slender, white. A French variety which I received about ten years since. Not valu- able, and inferior to several others of similar color. Miscellaneous Varieties. — The following list comprises the new and old varieties of which little is known at the present time. Some of them have been merely announced in the nurserymen's catalogues, or in some of the various Horticultural Journals, while others are old foreign varie- ties that have been superseded by better kinds. I have added whatever information I possessed in regard to each. Plants of some of the new ones have been received, but not tested, consequently I cannot give a description, nor de- cide upon their merits : Bromley Hill. — An old, red, English variety, of fair quality, but not productive. Beehive. — Large red. (Prince's Catalogue, 1844.) Cornish. — An old discarded English variety. Chili Monthly. — An old foreign variety. Cox's Honey. — An old white variety. Early Prolific. — Poor flavor; an old variety from England. Jillards's Seedling. — An English variety of very good quality. Keystone. — Originated with A. L. Felton, Philadelphia, Pa. Described as very large, crimson. An excellent variety, although the canes are tender. Longworth. — Large, round, deep crimson. One of Dr. Brinckle's seedlings. Mrs. Ingersoll. — Large, yellow, of fair quality. Raised by Dr. Brinckle. 174 8MAIX FEUTT CUT-TURIST. Mrs. Wilder.— A seedling of the Colonel Wilder, simi lar in color. Named by Dr. Brinckle. Mote's Seedling. — New, from Ohio, of the Rulnu Oo cidentdlis species. \0ttiil«^haDl Scarlet.— Rejected by the American Po- jiological Society. \ew Everbearinfi:. — Noticed in tlie Proceedings of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society, Dec, 1861. Princess Alice. — A new, English va/iety, raised by Cut- bush & Son, Ilighgate, England. Richardson.— Noticed in Gardeners' Monthly, 1862, p. 339. St. Louis. — Fruit large, bright red, sweet, and of the best Raspberry flavor; plant hardy. — Coleman^ a Rural World. Surpasse Merveille. — Seedling of the Old Merveille de» Quartre Saisons, yellow, same color and habit, but said to be superior to its parent ; new. Raised by Simon Louis. Announced in the French Catalogues, in 1862. Spring Grove. — Very prolific but poor flavor. An old foreign variety. Superb. — A poor flavored, old, foreign variety. Superb d'Angleterre. — Large, red. Andre Leroy'a Qitalogue, 1862. Taylor's Paragon. — Poor flavor, old. Discarded European variety. Wilmot's Early Red. — An old English variety, of small •ize, deep red, and poor quality. Woodward's Red Globe.— Small, red, poor flavor; old. Cultivated in England about forty years ago. Woodward. — Small, round, crimson; veryeaily; ppines red. One of Dr. Brinckle's seedlings. Selectioi^ of Foueign" Varieties. — For family use, where they will succeed, I would select the following varieties : Brinckle's Orange, Clarke, Franconia, Eastolft', and French. RASPHKIIKT. 175 Native VAurETiE.s. — For a few lianly njitivc yarieties, Jikely to succeed in light as well as heavy soils, and over a wide range of country, I would name among the bright red sorts : Cuthbcrt and Turner ; for a yellow, Caroline ; for ])urple or dark red, Keliance and Philadelphia ; and for black, Doolittle and Gregg. For ^[arket. — Hudson Kiver Antwerp, Franconia, for particular locations ; and where these do not succeed, Cuthbcrt. Turner, Wilmington, and almost any of the score of Black-caps in cultivation. The Davison's Thorn- less, and Doolittle, are the earliest, and McCormick and Gregg the latest and largest. CHAPTER IV. BLACKBERRY. RUBUS.— Bramble. The Blackberry belongs to the same family and gen of AS the Raspberry. The fruit in this case is a collective mass of drupes attached to the juicy receptacle — not Bep3 rating as in the Raspberry, but falling off whole. Id fonn, the berries aie mostly ovate or oblong, brown or blackish, occasionally yellowish-white. There are about one hundred and fifty species of the Blackberry known to botanists, and, like the Raspberry, they are distributed over a greater portion of the world. Few of the species possess any particular merit worthy of the attention of fruit growers of the present time, con- gequently I shall confine myself mainly to the indigenous species and their varieties. The following six species are natives of the United States : Rubus TillOSUS. — Common High Blackberry. — Stems shrubby, two to eight feet high, furrowed, upright or re- clining, armed with stout curved prickles; lower surface of the leaves hairy and glandular; leaflets three or pe- dately five, ovate, pointed, unequally serrate; plant vari» 176 nLACKnKRRT. '^rn \>- able in si/o and in its p^oncral appearance. Figure 78 bIiows a section of the stem of the well known New Ko- chelle l>lackl)erry, which is a variety of tills sj)ecies. R. Canadensis. — Low Blackberry, Dewberry. — Shrubby, trailing slightly, prickly; leaflets three or pedately five to seven, oval or ovate-lanceolate, mostly pointed, thin, nearly smooth ; flowers in racemes with leaf-like bracts ; fruit mostly round, with large grains, sweet and pleasant flavor, ripens earlier than H. ViU losus. Very common in dry sandy soils. R. hispidus. — Running Swamp Black- berry.— Stems slender, shrubby, mostly trailing, ^\\t\\ numerous, small, reflexed prickles ; leaflets three, rarely five, smooth, obovate, coarsely serrate, entire toward the base ; flower small, borne on a leafless peduncle ; fruit purple or shining black, grains large and few; generally very acid. Common in the Northern States, in low, damp woods. R, CUncifolillS. — Sand Blackberry. — One to three feet high, shrul)by, upright, ai'med with stout, recurved prickles; branchlets and lower surface of the leaf, whitish, woolly ; leaflets three to five, wedge-obovate, thickish, serrate above ; peduncles two to four flowered ; petals large ; fruit medium size, of good flavor, black, ripens late. Common in New Jersey and southward, in sandy soils. R. trivialis. — Low Bush Blackberry. — Stems shrubby, trailing, bristly and prickly ; leaves evergreen, coriaceous, nearly glabrous; leaflets three or pedately five, ovate- oblong, or lanceolate, sharj^ly serrate, peduncles one to three flowered. Sandy soils, from Virginia southward. 8 Fig. 78. 178 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. R. Spectal)lis. — Flowers solitary, of a beautiful purple color ; stems without prickles. Native of northwest coast of America, on the hanks of the Columbia Kiver. R« frilticoSiiS. — Stems straggling, arched, angular and rather tomentose; prickles recurved, fruit dark purple Fis:. 79. — EUROPEAN BLACKBERRY. with a peculiar mawkish flavor. Common European Black- jberry or Bramble. There are several species of the Blackberry found in South America, West Indies, and Mexico, but we have no cultivated varieties of theni, neither do they possess any qualities superior to those found in the United States. Very little attention is paid to the cultivation of this BLACKBERRT. '179 fruit except in this country, consequently we have no su* perior foreign varieties, nor can we find any practical in- fomiation in regard to their cultivation, in any European work on gardening. The Blackberry has no separate his* tory from that of the Raspberry, as they are both called Brambles in the old works ; and it is evident that it has never been considered worthy of any special care in any country except our own. Cnltivation, Propagation, &c. — The same method of cultivation recommended for the Raspberry is also appli- cable to ihe Blackberry. In selecting a soil, a rather dry one is preferable to one that is very moist or wet ; neither should the soil be as rich as for the Raspberry, because the varieties generally cultivated are large, coarse growing plants, and if the soil is too rich the canes will grow very /arge and succulent, and will neither be so hardy nor pro- ductive as those of a moderate growth. It is also a good plan to pinch off the terminal shoots the last of August or first of September, to check the growth, and cause the canes to more fully ripen than if allowed to grow undis- turbed. The plants should also be given more room than the Raspberry, as they usually grow more branching and make larger stools. The rows should be at least six feet apart, and eight would be still better for the larger grow- ing kinds. Staking the plants may be dispensed with if they are severely pruned so as to enable them to sustain the fruit. Many cultivators, however, always stake and tie up their plants, or build cheap trellises with posts and wire to which the canes are fastened in the spring at the time of pruning. It would be better to take out the old bearing canes soon after the fruit is gathered, but this would make it necessary to go over the plants twice, while If the old canes can be cut out and the young ones pruned at the same time, considerable labor is saved. One annual pruning is the usual method, choosing the early spring for performing this operatioa. For taking oit the old canes ^ 180 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. pair of ftliears with long handles (Fig. 80) is used, cutting them as near to the ground as possible. A siin[)le and ecjually e^ cient j)riinlng implement is made by attaching a liooked knife to a handle of convenient length, as shown in fig. 81. The m inner of using it is sufiiciently ob- vious. The young canes should be headed back to four or five feet, and the lateral brandies to a foot or eiorhteen inclies. If too many suckeis have grown, so that they are likely to crowal, then remo^'e a por- tion of them, as directed for the Raspberry. All va- rieties of the Blackberry produce suckers very free- ly, and, unless they are Avanted, all should be destroyed as soon as they appear, except those reserved for next season's crop. The Blackberry may be propagated as directed for the Raspberry, cuttings of the roots usually making the best plants. VARIETIES. Fig. 81. Fig. 80. Cut-Leaved. — Fruit roundish, black, grains large, sweet, with a sliL»htly musky flavor ; borne in loose panicles, stems nearly round, more or less trailing, fertile ones erect ; prickles small at the base, but recurved and strong above, very numerous ; leaves dissected and sharply serrate, as shown in figure 82 ; flowers white or rose color. A BLACKUKRKY. I8l viiriely of llie Kuropoiin JJhickbcrry, II. frutlroi^us^ .'irid is fouiid in tlio Cat;ilogucs as It. laciniaftis, and also as the Parsley-leaved Blackberry. It has been sparingly S£#i^^ •P' Fig. 82.— CUT-LEAVED BLACKBERRY. cultivated in Europe for many years, also in this country for twenty years or more. It is scarcely worth growing, except as a curiosity. 183 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. rillllborlaud. — ^fcdium size, >)la(*k, sweet and trood, quite early, and matures the whole erop in a eoniparatively ^ "^^i« Fig. 83. — ^LEAF OF DORCHESTER. short thne ; plant quite hardy and productive. This variety is Uirgely cultivated by J. Cox, of Bridgeton, N. J« and but little known elsewhere. HLAOKBERBT. 1 be Doarly related to the foreign, at least sufficiently so, to 191 SMALL FEU IT CCLTURIST. idmit of being hybridized with it, as the flowers are very similar and the wood of the two unites very readily. One of these y Primus Penn8ylva7iica/\s a tall species, and doci not come within the scope of this work; but a dwarf one, P. pumila^ described by Dr. Gray as follows: *' Smooth, depressed and trailing, six to eighteen inches high; leaves obovate-Iaiiceolate, tapering to the base somewhat toothed near the apex, pale anderneath ; flow ers two to four together; fruit ovoid, dark red. Rocks oi Bandy banks; Massachusetts northward to Wisconsin, and south to Virginia along the mountains." The above is merely a geneial description of the species, but it varies considerably in different locations and soils. It is thirty-five years since I first became acquainted with this species while examining the wild fruits of North- ern Michigan, and by referring to my diary of 1846, I find the folk)wiiig notes : ** August 3d, 1846. Thunder Bay Islands, Lake Huron. — Visited Hat Island, and found Dwarf Cherry, {CerasuB pumila^) very abundant. The plants growing on the beach in almost pure sand ; bearing stems depressed with the weight of fruit ; wonderfully productive. Fruit one-half inch long, and three-eighths broad ; dark purple, nearly black, sweet, but rather insipid. Suckers abundant from the underground stems or roots." At the time referred to above, I supposed this speciei was confined to the shores of the lakes, but have since learned that it is widely distributed over the Northern States. A few years ago, through the kindness of Prof George Thurber, I received some Cherry seeds from Utah Territory, and from them raised plants which appear to be of the same species as the one described by Dr. Gray, as P. pymila^ and also found by myself at Hat Island. There is, however, considerable difierence in the growth of the plants ; the one grown from the seeds obtained from TTtah ^^oina: uiore erect, none of the branches trailing imERRT. 193 as in the speoies. Tliis peculiarity of growth may not bo different from the wild plants found in some localities. I liave some specimens now four years from seed. They are about three feet high; stem stocky, but the branches quite slender, cylindrical and smooth. The bark brown and shining on the small twigs, grayish when old. Fruit ovoid about a half-inch long, dark purple, nearly black, sweet, with little flavor. I do not consider tiiis Cherry of any particular value ae it is found in its normal condition; but if we could obiain an improved variety of a similar growth, and as hardy and productive, it would certainly be a great acquisition. There is no reason wliy this should not be accomplis ed, for, as I have said, it is nearly related to our cultivated varieties, and a hybrid can, and probably will be, produced between them. The Prunus pumila should be selected for the parent to supply the seed, and the pollen, for fertiliziDg its flow- ers, taken from the other species. It blooms rather later than the Bigarreau, or Morello varieties, but can easily be hastened by planting in a warm situation or under glass. To produce a hybrid between this Dwarf Cherry and the larger-growing kinds, requires no gieater mechanical skill than to cross two varieties of the Strawberry ; an operation which I have already described. The stamena and pistils in the flowers of the Cherry are large and con- spicuous, and cross fertilization a very simple operation. Here is an opportunity for the enterprising and skillful horticulturist to revolutionize Ciierry culture, and he who first produces a fruit equal to the Great Bigarreau, or Early Richmond Cherry, and borne upon a shrub no larger than a Currant bush, will not only have his name handed down to posterity, but will be very likely to gather golden harvests for his labor, 9 CHAPTER VI. THE CUREANT. NATURAL FAMILY OROSSULACEiK. RIBES. — The Currant asd Gooseberry. [Ft«nch name, OroseiUer commun ; German, Oemeine JohannUbeert ; DstCA AiilbesMboofn ; Italian, Ribes rosso ; Spanish, Orossella.] GENERAL CHARACTERS. Low, deciduous shrubs, with smooth stems; leavei variable, more or less lobed, in some species nearly heartr ihaped ; flowers small, greenish-yellow in the commonly cultivated varieties, in others yellow, crimson, or white. SPECIES. Ribes prostratrum. — Fetid Currant. — Stems reclined leaves deeply heart-shaped, five to seven-lobed, smooth fruit pale red. In cold, damp woods in most of i'ue North ern States. Ribes floridum. — Wild Black Currant. — Leaves sprink- led with resinous dots, slightly heart-shaped, three to five-lobed, doubly serrate ; fruit round-ovoid, black, smooth, with a slight musky flavor ; leaves also scented Common in low grounds throughout the Northern Statei and Canada^ 194 I CUBRANT. 195 R!b0S rnbnim,. — "Red Currant. — Stems straggling or reclined ; loaves somewhat hcart-sliaped, obtusely three to five-lobcd, downy beneath when young ; racemes from lateral buds distinct from the leaf buds, drooping ; calyx flat, greenish or purplish ; fruit globose, smooth, red. In cold, damp woods and bogs from New England to Oregon, Native of Europe, and probably the same species as our common Red and White Currants of tlie gardens. Ribes aureum* — Missouri Currant. — Stems very strong, erect, with light colored bark ; leaves deeply and irregu- larly lobed, usually more or less toothed flowers yellow in clusters or short racemes ; fruit large, globular, black, violet or deep yellow. Native of our Northwestern States and Teriitories. Ribes san^uincum. — Red Flowering Currant. — Native of the Rocky Mountains and California. Cultivated for Drnament. Fruit more or less insipid ; not valuable as an edible fruit. Ribes nigrum « — Black Currant. — ^Leaves three to five- lobed ; racemes loose ; flowers greenish-white ; calyx often of a rich brownish color ; berries globular, smooth, black ; leaves and fruit strongly scented. Native of Northern Europe, even to the sub-Alpine regions of Siberia. Many other species of Currants are known, but as we have no varieties of them cultivated for their fruit, I have not thought it advisable to describe them. Those species found in Mexico, Chili, Straits of Magellan, and other Southern countries, would probably not be hardy in thu United States. HISTORY. The species ol the Currant, from which our cultivated varieties originated, are probably native of Northern Eu- rope, as we do not find them mentioned by any of the old Greek or Romar writers, who were generally so particii' Ai to name every fruit known in their day. 196 SMALL FRUIT CULTURI8T. The English name Currant, or Corrans, as they wen formerly called, was given them, because of their resem- blance to the little Zante Grape, whicli is called Corinthi in the English markets, as it was formerly almost en- tirely imported from Corinth. The Black, Red and White Currant, although known to the inhabitants of Northern Europe for centuries, a^ tracted very little attention until within the past hundred years. Turner, in 1557, does not name them in his list of culti- vated fruits. Gerarde, in 1597, calls the Currant a smooth- stemmed Gooseberry. The Black Currant was formerly known as the Squinancy berry, because used to cure the qumsie. The people of Siberia use the leaves of the Black Cur- rant for making a drink, the same as we use tea. Loudon says that the leaves, when dried, are an excellent substi- tute for green tea, and that few persons can detect the difference. The Red, White and Black Currants, one va- riety of eacli, were the only kinds known in cultivatioi until the beginning of the present century. Since that time considerable im|)rovement has been made, and nu' merous varieties introduced. PROPAGATION. By Seeds. — This method is seldom employed, excepA for the ])urj)ose of producing new varieties. The fruit should be gathered when fully ripe, alwa} s selecting the largest berries, and from the earliest and mildest fla vored kinds, as the Currant being naturally a very acid fruit, the aim should be to produce sweeter varieties. The berries may be dried, and the seeds preserved in the pulp until wanted, or be crushed ..nd the seeds washed out, as recommended for Strawberries. They will grow more readily if not allowed to become diy, although dry ing is not so injurious to them as it is to many other seed^ CUKRANT. 107 The following plan is one that I have followed with ■access : Gather the fruit when ripe and wash out the seeds, then mix them with ])ure sand, and put in boxes or pots, and bury them in a shady place, such as the north side of some building or fence, where they will remain cool or frozen until the ground, in which they are to be sown, if in a condition to receive them. If they are placed in a situation where the sun will reach them, they are very likely to germinate either during winter or as soon as the frost leaves them in tlie spring, often before the ground will admit of their being planted. If the seeds are frozen after they have sprouted, it will usually destroy the germ and prevent further growth. With many persons the cause of failure in growing the Currant and Gooseberry from seed is, that they either place them in a situation where they sprout and cannot grow, or where too warm and wet, and when the seeds are taken out to be sown in spring they appear to be sound, yet their vitality is gone. The seeds of all the species of Ribes will germinate at a very low temperature, and if w^e keep them moist, and where they do not freeze, they are very liable to start be- fore the open ground is in a condition to receive them. The seeds may be sown immediately after being taken from the fruit, but in sections of the country where the weather is very changeable, and the ground is frequently frozen and thawed, there is more or less danger of injury from causes above stated. If the seeds are kept dry dur- ing winter, they should be soaked in warm water for two or three days before sowing. Sow in single or wide drills, covering the seed one-half of an inch deep with fine soil. Keep them clear of weeds, and if the weather is dry, give them occasionally a good Boaking with water. Transplant, when one year old, into rows three feel %part, and the plants two feet apart in the rows. 198 SMALL FRUIT CULTUEIST. Propagatiox by Cuttings. — Cuttings of the ripe wood may be made at any time, from the falling of tlie leaf in autumn until the i)laMts eoninience growth in spring. But when the best possible results are desired, they should be taken otf as soon as the wood is fully ripe. Select good strong wood of the present season's growth, and make the cuttings about six inches long, cutting them otf smooth, just at the base of a bud. Figures 87 and 88 show two cuttings (much reduced in size) as prepared for planting. Figure 81 is a cutting of the common Black Cunant, and figure 82 a cutting of the Cherry Currant. The first has much larger and more prominent buds than the latter. If all the buds, except two or three of the upper ones, are cut out before setting, the plant will not produce as many suck- ers as though tliey were allowed to re- main. The advisability of this plan will depend entirely ui)on the manner in which the plants are to be grown, whether in tree or stool ; if in the former, disbud, if not, plant them entire. When the cuttings are prepared, plant as directed for other ripe wood cuttings, in chapter 11. The cuttings should be covered with straw or some similar ma- terial, sufiicient to keep out the frost, or, Fig. 87. Fig. 88. ^^ jg^^^^ ^^ prevent the ground from frequently freezing and thawing during winter. Re- move the covering at the return of warm weather, or enough of it to allow the young shoots to grow through without hindrance. Cuttings planted early in fall Avill usually become rooted by the time winter sets in, and this too, without their buds pushing into leaf The next season they Avill make a far better growth than if their CURRAIJT. 109 planting is deferred until flprinc^. Fall planting of Cur rant cuttings is practiced by most of our leading nursery men of the present time, especially by tliose whose nur series are upon soils or in sections of the country where the Currant ripens its wood early in autumn. The cut- tings may be made in the fall ; if it is not convenient to plant them then, they may be tied in bundles, and buried in the open ground or cellar until spring- but as the Currant is one of the earliest plants to show its leaves, the cuttings should be planted as early as possible. When a variety is scarce and valuable, the cuttings may be made very short, — two or three inches in length will answer the purpose, but they require a little more care in handling and planting, as well as keeping the ground moist, until they become rooted. Another method is to make cuttings of one bud, with a small portion of wood attached, say half an inch above the bud and the same below, planting in pots or boxes of sand or sandy loam, laying the cuttings down with the eye or bud on the upper side, covering them about half an inch deep. After the cuttings have been placed in the soil, the pots should be set where the temperature will not be above fifty, and keep moist for a few weeks, until the callus is formed. Then put them in a propagating house or hot-bed, where they will receive a steady heat, but not above 75 or 80 degrees. As soon as well rooted, pot them off into small thumb pots, and after these have become well filled with roots, either shift into larger ones or plant into the open ground, being careful not to break the ball of earth which contains the roots. The single bud cuttings will sometimes grow quite readily if planted in the open ground, provided the sur face Df the soil above them is covered with a mulch — saw- dust or tan-bark are better for mulching the cutting-bed than straw or leaves. The Currant may also be grown very readily from greeh 200 SHALL FRUIT CULTURI8T. cuttings takon from the plants as they grow in the open ground. Tliey sliould be taken otf as soon ad the plant! have made a growtli of two or three inches. Slip off the young growth close to the old wood, and plant the same as other green wood cuttings in a frame, propagating house, or under bell glasses. These green cuttings require but a moderate degree of heat, and will often succeed in a half shady situation in the open ground if covered with glass. It is better, how- ever, with very rare kinds, to take up the plants in fall, and put them in a pot and set in a proi)agating house ; then take off the young wood, as soon as it is large enough for cuttings ; in this manner every shoot that appears can be made a strong plant by spring. Propagation by Suckers. — This was formerly a more common method of prop-igating than at present, but plants produced in this manner are not usually as good as those from cuttings. The suckers that spring from the roots are slipped off close at their base, and then planted out, as usual with other plants. Propagation by Layers. — Branches, when bent down and covered with soil, or even pegged to the surface and then covered with a mulch, will readily take root. The spring is the best time to perform this operation, because the layer will bifiome well rooted by autumn. Leave the end of the branch uncovered, only burying that portion on which it is desirable to produce roots. In the fall, separate the layer from the parent plant, and heel-in until spring. Cuttings grow so readily, that the last two named methods of propagation are but seldom practiced with the Currant. SOIL AND CULTIVATION. The Currant is a plant that possesses great vitality, aa6 will grow in almost any kind of soil or situation, but to brmg it to perfection, and make its culture profitablsj it CTTRRANT. 20l req aires good culture, and a deep ricli Boil. It succeed* bettor in a lieavy lo.un, approaching a clay, than in a light Randy soil, l^ut, whatever tlie charact(ir of the soil, two things are important for j)rodncing the best results, — a deep soil and a rich one. It being what may be called a gross feeder, manure of almost any kind may be applied with impunity, and in almost any quantity. To a few persons this may seem to be a singular recom- mendation, inasmuch as we usually see, in traveling through the country, Currant bushes growing in the fenco corners, or in rows where the grass has taken ])ossession of the soil and formed a tough sod about the plants, and still they live and bear fruit. Yet, while I admit that the Currant will live under such treatment, and in quite poor soils, it never produces as large or as much fruit as when it has good culture and a rich soil. For field culture the plants sliould be set in rows four or five feet apart, and about four feet in the row. Clean cultivation is required as with other plants, and if the whole surface of the soil is covered with mulch dur- ing summer, it will not only insure the maturing of the crop, but will materially increase the size of the fruit. North of the latitude of New York City, there is but little trouble in obtnining a full crop of Currants almost every season, but South of this, and particularly on sandy soils, the dry weather often begins so early that the planta ripen, and the leaves fall before the fruit comes to maturi- ty. Deep rich soil and mulching are the best methods for preventing this. PRUNING AND TRAINING The most common modes of training are what is termed the bush or stool form, and the tree shape. To grow the bushes in the stool form, it is only necessary to set out the plants singly, and allow them to throw up suckers (rc>m the main stem or roots, which all the varietiea 9 502 SMALL FRUIT CULTURI8T. ■Dd species do quite readily. The young shoots may b« ahortened or entirely renioved, for the purpose of giving the bush a regular shape, and make it open or compact, as desired. The varieties of the Ribes rubruniy to which species our .ommon Red and White kinds belong, are usually growD n this form, especially when cultivated in large quantities, ind for market purposes. The fruit is mainly produced on the wood two or more years old, and when a branch has borne two or three crops, it is best to remove it and allow a new one to take its plac*, as young wood generally produces larger fruit than that which is very old. About all the pruning that is necessary is to cut out, oc» casionally, the old wood, and shorten the most vigorous of the young growth. If too many young shoots or suckers appear, and thej are likely to become crowded, a portion of them should be cut out, so that the air and sun may have free access to those that remain. All dead or diseased shoots should be annually removed, and only the best and most luxuriant ones preserved. If the ends of the growing shoots are pinched off during the summer, it will cause them to become more stocky and fully ripe, while at the same time it will increase the size of the truit which may be on the bianck below. The main object should be to properly develop every portion of the plant, and this cannot be done if it becomes \rowded, either with old or new wood. A half dozen large, vigorous shoots will give more and arger fruit than double that number of weak and imma- ture ones. When the plants are so be trained with single atoms, the system should be commenced with the cutting, dis- budding that portion which is placed below ground, and when those above ground push, rub ff all but one, v>(J CURRANT. 203 train that erect ; the next season cut it back to within a foot or eighteen inches of the ground. Allow three to bIx shoots to grow the second season, and at equal distanccR around the stem, if possible. The third season, shorten these branches, and allow six to twelve shoots to be pro- duced, and so on from year to year, pruning out and head- ing in, keeping the head open and the branches arranged in a vase form, or as near it as convenient. In some soils single stem plants will live and produce abundantly for eight to ten years, and while young, the fruit will be larger than when grown in thick, compact bushes. For amateurs the single stem system is a very convenient and pretty method, and if a plant fails, it may be replaced without any particular loss, but for field culture I prefer the clump or bush form, because it is less trouble, and there is dan- ger of the plants being killed by the Currant Borer, for if one of these gets into the single stemmed plant it destroys it, and a new one must be planted or trained up from one of the many suckers which will usually start from the roots after the main stem has been removed. With the Black Currant the case is somewhat different ; being naturally a much stronger grower, the stems becom- ing quite large and coarse, they will live for many years, and there is but little danger of insects injuring them Neither do these require so much pruning as other varie- ties; still, enough should be done to give the bush a regu- lar, open head, as well as to cut out all small, weak shoots. The young, one year old shoots should not be shortened so severely as with other varieties, unless it is necessary for the purpose of giving the plant some particular form, be» cause fruit is produced on the one year old wood as well a8 upon small spur-like shoots on the old. The varieties of the Ribes nigrum^ (European Black Currant,) and the Rlbea floridum^ and R. aureun^ form much larger bushes than any of the other species ; consequently they should oe allowed more room. If planted in rows, they should 204 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST* be five to six feet apart, if it is desirable to have thera grow to full size, although they are readily kept withia a much less space, but much fruit will be lost by severe pruning. These coarse-growing species usually produce better and larger fruit on old plants than on the young, provided they are given good culture, and all little, weak shoots are annually cut out, so that those remaining will be fully developed. The tree form is preferable to the bush or clump for all the varieties of the species last named. INSECTS AND DISEASES. It is only within the past twenty or thirty years that insects injurious to the Currant and Gooseberry have be- come so numerous as to attract much attention. In 1847, the late Dr. Asa Fitch, in his Keport as State Entomolo- gist of New York, mentioned an insect which had become very destructive to the Currant in the central part of the State, and as it somewhat resembled the European Cur- rant and Gooseberry moth [Ahraxis grossulariata)^ he re- ferred this American pest to the same genus, and named it Ahraxis ribearia. In figure 89, at the upper right- hand side, is shown the male moth, and at the left the female, while on the leaf above is shown the caterpillar, as seen when feeding. Another of these caterpillars is seen suspended from the edge of the leaf, as they appear when letting themselves down to the ground, while below is its pupa, in which form this insect passes through the winter. Kecent investigations by other entomologists show that this insect is a native of North America, and not of Europe, as at one time supposed. Furthermore, Dr. A. S. Packard considers the insect to be sufficiently distinct to be separated from Ahraxis ; and he has placed it in a genus to which he has given the name of Eiifitcliia, in honor of its first discoverer, Dr. Fitch ; consequently its scientific name becomes Eufitchia ribearia, instead of CURRANT. 205 Ahm.ris, But tlio clianp^in;]; of its name has no effect 14)011 tlie liabit of this post, and it will i)robal)ly coniinue, as fDi'inerly, to strip the leaves from our Currants and Gooseberries, whenever left to have its own way. Tho insect usually appears early in springs feeding upon tho leaves, and is then readily destroyed by dusting powdered Fig. 89. — CURRANT WORM {EiifitcMa ribearia). White Hellebore over the plant, while wet with dew in the morning. Tobacco water and lime, and similar applica- tions are also used with good results, but the hellebore is considered the most effective and certain. Imported (urraut Worm. — This pest is the Nematus ventricosus, King, a large fly, of the order Hymenopfero, and family Teiithredinidce, There are very few insects 206 SMALL FRUIT CULTUEI8T. of this order that injure our garden plants, but the ono under consideration is an exception to the general rule. It first appearance in this country was ahout 1857, and in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y. , and is supposed to have been introduced with imported plants. The flies come out of the ground early in spring, and the females soon commence depositing their eggs ou the underside of the leaves near the veins. The eggs hatch in about a week, and immediately commence feeding upon the soft part of the leaves. At each moult they change color, but when fully grown they are about three-quarters of an inch long, and of a grass-green color, witli minute black spots scattered along the sides and on the back. "When mature, they drop to the ground and hide under the leaves, enclosing themselves in thin oval cocoons. In the course of five or six weeks a second brood of the flies appear, and go the same round of devastation as the first one, unless checked or destroyed by application of hellebore or similar insecticides. Hellebore is usually applied while the fruit is green, and any that may remain upon the fruit is washed off by the rain ; should any ad- here to the ripe fruit it must be washed off. The Native Currant Worm. — This is a closely allied in- sect to the last, belonging to the same order and family, but to another genus. It is the Pristiphora grossidaricB, Walsh. Its habits are also similar to the imported worm, and it may be destroyed with similar insecticides. Trochiliuiu tipuliforiue. — European Currant Borer. — This is quite common in the Eastern States, and we seldom receive Currant bushes from Europe that do not contain more or less of these pests. It is too well known to re- quire a description. The moth is probably not so familiar, and I give the description given it by Dr. Fitch, in the New York Agricultural Report, 1859: ''A small moth, having some resemblance to a wasp, its wings being clear and CURRANT. 207 glossy, the fore pair opaque, yellowish at tlie tips, with a black margin and band near the middle, and the abdomen black, with three yellow bands situated one upon each alternate segment ; width 0.65 to 0.85." Trochilium caudatum. — Ilarris. — This species infcsti our native wild Currant, (Hibea Jloridum,) and it reeem bles somewhat the European species. To destroy these borers, the plants should be examined every fall or during winter, and every shoot that has a borer in it will usually be of a brown color, or slightly wilted; sometimes, when the shoots are very vigorous, no difference can be observed, but by close inspection the small hole where the worm entered can be found. All phoots containing worms should be cut out, and the worm destroyed. In this way they may be checked, if not en- lirely eradicated. In making cuttings, the same care should be given, and every hollow stem examined for borers, and if found, de- stroyed. fARIETlES. NATIVE SPECIES, American Black. — Hibes floridum. — ^Fruit medium, roundish-ovoid, black ; clusters small, tapering. Seldom cultivated, but worthy of it, if for no other purpose than to produce new varieties, as it is naturally a better flavored fruit than the European Black Currant. Deseret. — Mibes aureum. — Fruit very large, round, black or dark violet, with a slight bloom, sub-acid and agreeable flavor; flowers yellow; a strong and rapid grower, and very productive when the plant attains its fiill growth. A variety of the Missouri Currant (Hibes aureum). It is highly valued by the Mormons at Salt Lake City, from whence I received it a few years since. Thii 208 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. should become the parent of a new and valuable class of Fig. 90. — LEAP OP DESEKET. Currants, as it possesses many good qualities and few defects. Figure 90 shows a leaf of this variety. Golden. — Large, round, deep golden-yellow, very acid, and slightly bitter; flowers yellow. Of no value for its fruit, but might be improved. Native of the Rocky Moimtains, and a variety of Ji. aureum. illissouri Black.— Very large, jet black, hard, dry, and CUUUANT. 209 bitter; of no vmIuc, except as an oni.'iincnlal Kliriib; flowers yellow, fnigniiil. Thero is juiother resembling this, except that the fruit is edible, but not very good. All the varieties of the R. auremii have deeply lobed i'x^. 91 — LBAT OF BIBE8 8AN0UINBITM. leaves, while the R. sanguineum^ (Red Flowering Cur- rant,) Avhich is found west of the Rocky Mountains, ha? leaves of the form shown in fio^ure 91. Sweet Fruited Missouri. — Large, black, roundish-ovoid ; bunches small, containing few berries ; sweet, musky fla- vor. A variety of R. florldum^ and not of the R. aureum^ as its name would indicate. It is a very slight improvement upon the common wild Black Currant, which may be found in almost any low, moist woods. 9* 210 dMALL FEUIT CULTUEIBT. The Mormons claim to have several valiiabU varieti'^B ni live of the Salt Lake region, but whether they will prove valuable or worthy of being extensively cultivated is very anceriain. There is one thing quite certain, and that is that v/e have native species that possess qualities equal, if not superior, to those found in any other country, and equally susceptible of improvement. FOREIGN VARIETIES. Before proceeding to describe the different kinds, I wiL give a brief synopsis of the difficulties that I have met in endeavorins: to ascertain which were distinct varieties. It is well known that plants of similar kinds often be- come intermingled through the carelessness of workmen. Sometimes packages will become broken while being transported from one portion of the country to another, and several kinds become mixed toi^ether. Thus it will be seen that mixed varieties become very common from accidental causes. Twenty-five years ago I commenced collecting the vari- ous kinds of Currants with the express purpose of ascer- taining their true merits, and to determine which were really distinct varieties. To do this has cost me infinitely more labor and money tiian I shall be likely to receive from the proceeds of this volume, and still I fear that the results will be less satisfactory to the public than any other portion of the work. I have not depended upon varieties obtained from any one source, either in Europe or America, but have gath- ered them from the best nurseries of France, Prussia, Germany, England, Ireland, and the United States. In the prosecution of my labors and researches, I have had the good fortune to be able to avail myself of the in- valuable experience and extensive collection of Mr. ChA& Downing. His experience extends over a period ot mort CUIIIIANT. 211 than fifty years, arifl when, a few years since, I informed him of my purpose of writinu:; this l)ook, and requested liis assistance p;irtieul;irly upon the Currant and Jlasp- berry, lie cheerfully took hold of tlie work, and in addi- tion to his then very complete collection, he sent to the different growers of Europe and of this country for speci- mens of all the new, as well as old varieties. Not depend- ing upon one importation, he has obtained a new set almost every year, and by keeping them separate, we have had an opportunity of determining which were really distinct varieties. For a number of years we have met, at the time the fruit was ripe, and gone over the entire collec- tion, carefully comparing them, and the following list is the result : Fig. 92. — LEAF OF ATTRACTOR. Attractor. — Large, yellowish-white ; bunch medium, loose. A slow grower, but quite productive. Not equal 21'Z SMALL FliriT CULTURIST. to the Wliito Dutch in flavor. Tlie loaves are Rinall and deeply lobed or toothed, as shown in figure U'Z. From France. BllhtS LoiiS-Biilu*lH'd Red, — Large, deep red, of similar flavor as the Ited Dutch ; leaves large; and very thick ; serratures shar[) - pointed ; a stronfj and viirorous grower, and very jjroductive. Originated with R. Buist, Philadelj)hia, Pa. ( liampagiie. {Pheasa^it's Eye^ Figr. 93. — CHERRY currant. Fijr. 94. — CHERRY currant. Grosselller a Fndt coideur de chair.) — ^Ijargc, pale pink or flesh color, quite acid, and not rich flavored ; bunches medium, loose, slightly tapering ; vigorous and produc- tive. Much admired for the pretty appearance of its fruit. Ripens late. Cherry. (Imperial Bouge, or Med Imperial^ Large Med Anger 5, La Caitcase, Fertile d' Angers of Leroy, Irish Grape J Macrocarpa, Napoleo.i Med.) — Very large, dark CURRANT. 2K/ red, acid, not rich, only second rate ; bunch variable, from ihort to quite long, scarcely tapering, figure 87, and figure 88 showing the variations on the same plant; leaves large, deep green, bluntly lobed, thick and tough ; very distinct irora the lied Dutch and its varieties. Plant a coarse grower, the young shoots being very strong and stocky very productive, but the old branches becoming naked, often produce two or three crops. Tlio largest Red Cur- rant in cultivation, and commands the highest price in market. Some of the varieties placed as synonyms of the Cherry were probably raised from seed, but as I have not been able to discover wherein they difier, I think it folly to call them by different names. Versailles.— Very large; bunch, long, and slightly tapering ; dark red, acid, and by many it is considered to be a better flavored variety than the Cherry, but by others very similar, if not identical. The principal points of distinction claimed are, that the Versailles is not so acid as the Cherry, and that the bunches are more tapering. But like variations may be observed in other well known varieties, and upon plants growing in close proximity. At one time, I thought that there was a difference in the growth and foliage of the two kinds, but more experience has not confirmed me in this opinion. Although I am not ready to say positively that there is no distinct variety to which the name of Versailles be- longs, still I have not as yet been able to obtain one in which really distinct and permanent variations can be dis. covered. Since writing the above, thirteen years ago, I have con- tinued my investigation in regard to the identity of these two varieties of the Currant, without making any dis* coveries which throw light upon the subject. 1 have noticed, however, that several European authorities have declared the Versailles to be identical Avith the Cherry, a conclusion which I arrived at some fifteen years ago. 214 SMALL FRUIT OULTURIST. Daiia^s White. — After various attempts to procure a White Curniut under this name distinct from the White Grape, I at hist procured a few plants from Mr. Dana, but with no better success, as all jiroved to be the same. Fertile de Pailuau. — Titirge, mul of same color as Ked Dutch, but not so juicy or good. A strong and vigorous grower, and very productive. The leaves re- semble the lied Dutch, but are larger. Figure 95. Cioudouiu Red. — Berry and bunch medium size ; fruit light red, of I'ather })oor flavor ; foliage large, coarse, light green ; serratures of leaf sharp, coarsely veined, upper surface sliglitly wavy. A very vig- orous growler, and may prove to be the Red Provence. Ciondouiu White. — I have been unable to obtain a distinct variety under this name, White Grape be- ing tlie one usually received. Oloire des Sablons. — Fruit and bunch small, white, distinctly strip- ed with red, acid, poor flavor; of no value, except as a curiosity; plant a strong, upright and vigor- ous grower, not very productive. (iros Roiis^e dMu^ers. {Large Red A/i(/ers.) — See Cherry. Holland Lon^ Grape. — The one received from L. Leroy, of France, is the Victoria, and one from Andre Leroy, the Red Provence. Imperial Yellow. {ImperhdJtmne, White Imperial.) — Identical with the White Grape, with perhaps a slight 95. — FERTILE DE PALLUAU. cimEAjrr. 215 difference in the growth of the plant Tt appears to be a more etocky and upright grower, at least while young Imperial Koil^^e. — See Cherry Currant. Knight's Larj^C Red. — Very similar to, if not identical withjtlie Red Dutch. Knight's Early Red. — Same as the last, and no earlier. Knight's Sweet Red. — Large, very dark red; bunch iong, tapering; similar in quality to the Red Dutch, but apparently not quite so acid ; growth vigorous, upright leaves dark green, of medium size, thick and coarsely ser- rate. The general appearance of the plant distinct from the Red Dutch. Moderately productive. This may have been received under the wrong name, and perhaps it ia the Knight's Large Red, which. Rivers says, is a valuable variety. La Uative. {La Hative de Bertin^ La Fertile.) — I am not certain which of the above names should be placed first, although the varieties received under each have all proved to be the same. Evidently nearly related to the Cherry Currant, as the general appearance of the plant resembles it very much, but of a less vigorous growth. Color of fi-uit and form of bunch same as Cherry, but only about two-thirds the size ; ripens a few days earlier, and is not quite so acid, yet too much so to be called good ; productive. Prince Albert. — ^Large, light red, sometimes slightly Btriped with dark red ; bunch medium, tapering ; rather acid, firm, of inferior quality, moderately vigorous, up- right ; leaves small ; lobes long, pointed, sharply serrate very productive. Red Dutch. {Large Red Dutch, New Red Dutch, Long Bunched Red, Morgan^ s Red, Grossellier Rouge a Grossi Fruit.) — Large, deep red ; bunches long, tapering, rich, juicy, good. One of the best. A vigorous, erect grower and very productive. Well known. 216 SMALL FRUIT CULTURLST. Red Carape. — Large, dark red; bunch compact, long, slightly tuperiiig; foliage niediuui, not shining, as with Red Dutch ; moderately vigorous, and of a ratlier stocky growth. Red Proveuce. — Small, dark red ; bunches long ; very acid, liable to rot before ripening, quite late, altogether inferior ; the young shoots red. A very ram- pant, coarse grower. Striped Fruited. {Grosse Weiss- iind Hothgestreifte Johannisbeere.) — An old variety, with fruit same as Gloire des Sablons, but the plant a short, stocky grower ; the termi- nal buds on the young shoots quite conspicuous. Of no value. Transparent H liite. — Claimed to be a seedling of White Grape, but, if so, it has assumed all the characteristics of its ])arent, and I am unable to see any difference. Versailles. — See page ^205. Victoria. — {M<(y"s Victoria, Hougliton Castle^ Hahy Castle, Goliath, Wilmofs Red Grape, and Red Grape of some nurseries.) — Large, ligiit, bright red ; bunch (figure 96) very long, often six or seven inches, tapering ; sprightly acid, good flavor; leaves medium, rather thin; lobes long; serratures rounded, or with a short point ; young branches rather slender, although vigorous, spread ing ; very ])roduotive. A valuable variety for home usa Fio;. 96. — VICTORIA. OUIIRANT. 217 Wllilo (irapo. (White Antwerp^ White Transparent.) — lj:irij:e, yt'llowisli-whitc, transparent; bunch medium, sliiiilitly tiiperinu: (iiti;. 97) ; juicy, sweet, ricli ; the best Wliite Currant ; moderately vigorous, sUmuUt, spreading habit ; leaves medium size, sharply serrate, with a grayish green color, not shining ; very productive. White Dutch. ( White Clin- ton^ New White Dutch, Clarke^ s Sweet. White Crystal, Reeves^ White, Morgan^ s White, White Leghorn, White Transparent, White Holland, White Pearl.) — Large, yellowish- white, but quite transparent ; bunches a little shorter than the Red Dutch, and berries larger, sweet, rich and good ; a vigorous, upright grower, and very productive. White Provence, — Very large, yellowish- white ; bunch rather short, tapering. About the same in quality as the White Dutch, but not quite equal to White Grape. The most vi<>'orous of all the White varieties, evidently of the White Dutch class. Leaves large, thick, more or less edged with white, as shown in figure 98; productive, but not equally so with the White Grape. Fis:. 91. — WUITE GRAPE. BLACK CURRANTS. {Bibes nigrum.) Black Eni^lish. ( Common Black, Bang-up Blacky Cassis a Fruit noir.) — Large, black, but few in a cluster. 218 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. Well known, ami but little cultivated at the present time, having been superseded by the following: Black Naples. ( Cassis Roydl of Na2)1e8.) — Very large, often three-t'ourths of an inch in diameter, blaek, sweet, but of mubky tiavor ; clusters are medium, tapering, loose \ Fig. 98. — LEAF OF WHITE PROVENCE. very vigorous grower, and productive, when the plants have attained considerable age and size ; leaves, stems and fruit have a rank and musky scent, which is very disa- greeable to many, but to others delightful. Black Grape. {Ogden's Black 6^rap€.)— Fruit sam« CURRANT. 210 as Black Naples, but the bush is more stocky, and not 80 tall a growcM*. A marked difference may be observed in the hight of the plants when growing in adjoining rows. Brown Fruited. {^Green Fruited^ Russian Green.) — A variety of the Black English, with greenish-brown fruit ; berries bard, dry, and rank flavored. Not wortb .cultivating. Lee's Prolific. — A new sort, of great promise. Berries large, in compact clusters ; very similar in quality to tha Black Naples, but the plants far more productive. PROFITS OF CULTURE, USES, &0. Currants are not, as a general thing, consumed in aa large quantities as some other kinds of our small fruits. Still there is scarcely a garden, however small, in city or country, in which a few Currant bushes are not cultivated. The extreme acidity of our more common varieties is probably one reason why larger quantities of them ire not used in their natural state. Currant jelly is one of tbe in- dispensable conserves of whicb no good housekeeper neg- lects to lay by a store at the proi)er time, but it has not been known as an article of commerce until within ? very recent period. Our markets, as a general rule, have been very well sup- plied, and often the price obtained for Currants has been far below a profitable point. But of late years, since our great fruit-preserving establishments have been started, the demand has increased, and the supply is falling behind. Here let me mention a fact which, I fear, some of our fruit growers, as well as others, do not fully understand, and it may also explain why the prices of certain kinds of fruit appear tc increase m exact ratio to the supply. It IS thic: When the proprietors of one of these large eS' tabli&hments can go into market and purchase fifty thous- and baskets of Strawberries, Raspberries, or other siuii'v 220 84UXL FEUIT CULTURIST. fruits, he can afford to make a specialty of that one kind for one, two or more clays, engaging the entire apparatm and force of his establishinent upon it ; but, if oidy a few hundred baskets can be obtained at any one time, then it will not pay him to attempt to preserve any. Thus it will be seen that we may supply or glut a market with a few hundred baskets or pounds of a particular kind; when, if tlie supply was thousands of baskets, or tons in- stead, there would soon be a scarcity. Just as soon as it is known that any good kind of fruit can be had in abun dance, there will be means found for disposing of it, and usually at a better price than when there is a compara- tive scarcity. Capital is usually drawn into channels where it can be employed continuously as well as profita- bly. Gail Borden's process for condensing milk has been successfully applied to the juice of the Currant, and a similar substance to the common jelly manufactured with- out sugar, and at less than half the cost. In the con- densed form. Currant juice may be transported to any por- tion of the globe, atid become an article of commerce. When water is added, it again becomes a liquid — valuable for medicinal purposes, as well as a luxury. Vessels start- ing upon long voyages would do well to lay in a supply of this article, for there are many diseases which are more or less prevalent on ship-board, particularly when in tropi- cal climates, in which a free use of Currant juice would be, at least, beneficial to the patient, if not a curative. The red Currants are more generally used for making jellies than the white, but v/hy, it would be difficult to telL Perhaps it is like many other anomalies we observe in market, the cause of which can only be attributed to a more general acquaintance with the kind, or to an attrac- tive color. The white Currants, as a class, are of a richer flavor and less acid than the Red. The Black Currants are not so acid as the red and white varieties, but their strong musky flavor is not> as i CURRANT, 221 nile, agreeaWe to tlie American taste ; yet, like many other fruits of strong flavor, it gradually becomes less ob« jeclionable, until at last, through familiarity, a taste for it is acquired^ and then it is appreciated and valued as highly fts any other. Every year there appears to be an increas- ing demand for the Black Currants, and the time will soon come, if it has not already arrived, when they will com- mand full prices and be sold in large quantities. Currant wine made from the different kinds is a well known article but whether its manufacture should be encouraged, or otherwise, I will leave to the temperance societies to de- cide. The price of Currants in our eastern markets varies from four to fifteen cents per pound ; usually the largest and best varieties will bring ten cents at w^holesale. At the last named price, four to six hundred dollars per acre can be obtained. In planting the common red and white kinds, four feet each way is sufiicient, thus giving 2,722 plants per acre. If we estimate our crop at two pounds per plant, which is not one-half the amount they should produce when fully growTi, we will get 5,444 pounds per acre, or over two tons and a half, and at two hundred dollars per ton it amounts to over five hundred dollars. Then we have the gathering, shipping, cultivation, and other incidental ex- penses to deduct therefrom. But even then it can be seen that it will be a very profitable crop. In case of great abundance the prices might be somewhat reduced, but by good cultivation the crop may be double the estimate given above. The Currant possesses many good qualities to recom- mend it ; among which are its perfect hardiness, early cul- ture, great productiveness, and almost the certainty of i ftill crop every yeai CHAPTER Vn. GOOSEBERRY. NATURAL FAMILY QROSSULACE^. {RSms Otrwularta, of Botanists ; Bibes Uva Orispa, of Llnnseas ; Oro$stintr, ol the French ; Stachdheere-strauch, Qerman ; Uva-spina, Italian ; OrosaeHa^ SpanUb ; Entires, of the Datch.] GENERAL CHARACTER. Low, deciduous shrubs ; stems mostly bearing thorni at the base of the leaf-stalks, in some the spines or prickles scattered, usually more abundant at the base of the stems than above ; leaves alternate, palmately lobed ; fruit a one-celled berry, produced in small clusters, smooth or prickly. SPECIES. The following are indigenous to the United States, aien to twenty feet high, with smooth branches; leaves K)Yal, acuminate, of a dull green color; flowers small, yel- low, in clusters, produced early in spring, before the leaves ; fruit oblong, about one inch in length and half an inch in diameter ; color bright reddish-scarlet ; flesh firm, slightly juicy when ripe, acid, not particularly agreeable in its raw state ; fruit ripens in September, but remains a long tim« on the bush, which makes it exceedingly ornamental 233 234 SMALL FRUIT CULTUKIST. A variety of tliis species produces fruit of n bright yel low color. The fruit is a little larger than the red, and not quite so acid. HISTORY. The Cornel, as it is generally called in our older works on gardening, is a native of the South of Europe and Fig;. 99. — CORNELIAN CHERRT. Eastern Asia. It is mentioned by nearly all of the ancient w liters. Sometimes the fruit is named, while others praise the quality of the wood, which is very hard. That it was formerly used for arrows and javelins, we infer from the CORNSUaN ClIKKBY. % frequent allusions made to it in connection with imple- ments of war. Homer, in the Odyssey, l^ook xiv, says : "His cornel spear, Ulysses waved to rouse the savage war." It is also mentioned in a similar connection in Virgira Georgics. Theoi)lirastus and Pliny are supposed to refer to it when gpoaking of some of the hard kinds of wood growing wild in Italy. But these writers are generally so vague in their descriptions, that it is difficult to determine what particular trees or plants they were endeavoring to describe. Nearly every English author, from Tusser, who, in hia work written in 1557, called them Cornel Plums, down to the present time, have mentioned the CorneL Some eulogize the beauty as well as quality of the fruit, while others refer to it as merely an ornamental plant. The name Mascula or Mas was given it from the fact that plants grown from seed produce only staminate or male flowers for the first ten to fifteen years ; afterwards flowers of both sexes appear, followed by fruit. It appears to have derived the name of Dogwood from a wild species found in Britai.i, which bears a small fruit, not edible. Parkinson says this wild species was called hounds-tree, (dog-berry tree,) because the fruit was not fit for the dogs ; hence the name Dogwood, which has become the common name of the whole genus. The Cornelian Cherry is not very plentiful in the United States, although nearly every nurseryman keeps the plants for sale. The long time which it requires to bring seedling plants into bearing, haa been one reason why we see so few in private gardens. In the older nurseries and gardens near our eastern cities, bearing plants are frequently seen, but they are not 90 common as their merits deserve. The plants live to a great age, and there are specimens m Europe, which are known to have been planted more than two hundred years. 236 SMALL FBUIT CULTUEIST. PROPAGATION. By Seeds. — Plants are more generally grown from eeed than otherwise ; consequently, for reasons previously stated, ihey are a long time coining into beaiing. Tiio fruit Bhould be gathered in the fall, and the seeds separated from the pulp ; then mixed with earth, and buried where they will keep moist, and not be disturbed until the ensu* mg autumn. They will seldom, if ever, germinate the first season ; consequently there is no use of sowing them where it is desirable to have them grow, and be obliged to cultivate the ground where there are no plants. When the seeds have remained one season in the rot-heap, (to use a gardener's phrase,) take them out and sow in drills, plac- ing tlie seeds two or three inches apart, and cover two inches deep. The seedlings produce a mass of small fibrous roots, and can be rapidly transplanted in spring or autumn. If bearing plants are at hand, from which buds or grafts can be obtained, then it is better to u,se the seed- lings as stock. In this case, they should be transplanted from the seed-beds into rows four feet apart, j -lacing the plants about a foot apart in the rows. The seefJhngs will usually be large enough to work the third year. Cuttings. — These should be made of the one year old wood, and in the same manner as described in the preceding chapter for the Barberry. Tlie cuttings do not root very freely, and to insure even moderate success, tho ground should be kept very moist during the early part of the season, or until roots are produced. A deep, moist soil is requisite, and if covered with mulch, so much the better. Layers. — This is the most common mode of propagat- ing from bearing plants. Put down the layers in early spring, cutting them as usual with woody plants, and they will generally be sufficiently rooted to be reifiove^ from the parent plant in autumn. Layers do not usually make as handsome plant* v B^^sd- CORNELIAN CIIERET. 237 lings ; still thoy are preferable, because they will produce fruit when quite young. Budding. — This operation should be perfonned, in the usual manner, so soon as good, well developed buds are to be obtained from the young wood of the present season's growth. Grafting. — This should be done in the spring, just be- fore the leaves start, and upon young stocks, such as seed- lings of two to four years old ; the whip or splice graft is preferable to the wedge. CULTIVATION. There is no particular skill required in cultivating the Cornelian Cherry, as the plant is far from being a delicate one. It will grow in almost any good, garden soil In England, it is said to prefer a calcareous one, but the larg- est and best plants, with which I am acquainted, are in a compact loam, approaching a clay. An open, but some- what sheltered situation is preferable on account of the plant blooming so very early ; the flowers are often de- stroyed by spring frosts, unless protected, or where there is just sufficient circulation of air to prevent freezing. A strong, direct current of air will often blast the flowers, when the same degree of cold would not injure them if the air was still, or only moved by a gentle breeze. VARIETIES. There are, it is said, other edible varieties besides the two which I have named, but I have no personal knowl- edge of their merits. There is a variegated leaved variety which I have cultivated for several years, but up to the present time it has produced no fruit. Uses. — In former times, when better fruit was scarce, Cornels were used for vanous conserves and to mix with 238 SMALL FRUIT CULTUBIST. apples and pears for making cider. It is doubtful if it will ever become a fruit with us, unless better varieties that those we now possess are produced. Its beauty, however, commends it to the attention of every one who possesses a garden. DiSBisES AND Insects, — None, or so few as not to hg wortb naming. CHAPTER IX CRANBERRY.— Vaoctnium. Ericack^ or Heath Family. [Vacdnhtm Oxycoccus, an ancient Latin name of obscnr* denratlon. French name le lUrdU; German, Beidelbeerfi- ; and Mooreberrie. The bub-fami]y name, Oxycoccii^, is derived (Tomoxus, sharp or acid, and kokkus, a ber /, in reference to the acid taste of the berries. The name Cranberry is supposed by some authors to have been given it because the fruit stem is croolted like a » rane's-bill, while others state that it was because cranes were fond of the fruit.] GENERAL CHARACTERS. Low, trailing, evergreen shrubs, with ^^ry slender oranches; fruit-bearing stems erect; flower bell-shaped, white, or tinged with red ; berry usually four to five-cell- ed ; seeds numerous. SPECIES. Taccinium OxycoccuSt — Small Cranberry. — Leaves ovate, acute, with revolute margins ; stems very slender berries very small, spotted when young, becoming red at maturity. Grows in peat bogs in nearly all of the North- em States, also in Northern Europe. V. macrocarpon. — Common American Cranberry. — Leaves oblong, obtuse, glaucous underneath, with slightly revolute margins. Flower-stems erect ; fruit pale pinkish' 239 240 BHALL FKirrr CULTURTBT. white to deep red, one half to one inch in diameter; varii ble in sliape, from globular, ovoid, ovate-oblonej, belV shape, etc. V. erythrocarpoil. — Bush Cranberry. — Leaves decidu ous, oblong-ovate, acuminate, bristly serrate ; stems erect, flexible; two to four feet high; berry small, red, dry and insipid. High mountains of Virginia and North Carolina ICSrORY. The Cranberry is almost exclusively a northern plant, and was probably not known to the Romans until their conquests in the North. In Northern Europe it has been highly appreciated for centuries, and immense quantities are annually brought into the English m-irkets from Russia and Sweden, in addition to those produced in Britain. The American Cranberry, FI macrocarpon^ was intro- duced into England in 17G0, and, althougli acknowledged to be superior to the common European species, still we have no accounts of its being cultivated there to any con- siderable extent. The first settlers in America found the Cranberry in such abundance that there was no necessity for cultivat- ing it, until the population became so numerous that the natural supply would not equal the demand. This point was reached about thirty years ago, at which time nu- merous experiments in its cultivation commenced at Cape Cod, and in a few other places. Previous to this time, however, an occasional plot had been cultivated. Kenrick, in the New American Orchard- ist, 1832, says : Capt. Henry Hall, of Barnstable, Mass., has cultivated the Cranberry for twenty years. In the New England Farmer, Vol. IX, No. 18, is an account of 3 Mr. F. A. Ilayden, of Lincoln, ^lass., who, in 1830, sold from his farm 400 bushels of Cranberries for six hundred dollars. From these and a few other recorded instances CBANBEBBT. 84 1 of Cranberry cultnro, we infer that there were very few who attempted its cultivation previous to 1835 or 1840. Since that time there lias been a steady iiicrjase, until, at the present time, thousands of acres nre devoted to the culture of this fruit. Not only have individuals turned their attention to it, but companies have been formed with abundant means to cultivate the Cranberry upon an extensive scale. In addition to the benefit derived from having our mar- kets supplied with the fruit, its culture is a source of na- tional wealtk, inasmuch as the land devoted to it was previously uncultivated, neither enriching individuals by its productions, nor yielding taxes to the State. Many of our low, boggy wastes, which formerly were sources of miasmatic diseases, have been changed into healthful locations and fruitful fields. PROPAGATION. To propagate some of our cultivated fruits successfully, requires more or less skill, but the Cranberry may be said to propagate itself. The plant, as it creeps along over the ground, throws out innumerable roots, fixing every por- tion of the prostrate stems to the soil. If these branches do not root as soon as desired, a little earth thrown over them will hasten the process. The plants may be taken up ?*nd planted whole, or be divided into small pieces, each of which will soon become a strong plant. Even the upright stems may be used for cuttings, and when planted in the spring, they will become rooted by the next fall. The small green tips of the growing branches may be taken off in summer, and rooted under a bell-glass, or in ordinary glazed frames. Cultivators seldom have recourse to seeds for extending their plantations, but they may be planted for the purpose of producing new varieties as well as multiplying old U 243 8MAIX FBurr cultubibt. ones. The seeds should be prepared and kept througl the winter in the same manner as recommended for th« Huckleberry in a suceeeding chapter. Sow them in drills and keep free of weeds, either by hoeing or mulching with saw-dust, or tan-bark, if grown on dry soils, but if on low grounds, use sand instead. Transplant into fruiting-beds when one or two years old. PREPARATION OF SOIL. Naturally, the common Cranberry is a semi-aquatio plant, requiring a constant supply of water to ensure its highest state of perfection. It is usually found in low peat bogs, where it is often entirely submerged in the winter months, and the roots are in contact with water during a greater portion of the year. While this is the condition in which we usually find the frild plants, yet, occasionally, they are found upon high and dry soils. Judging, however, from the position in which we find the greatest quantities, we conclude that a wet soil is the most natural one. If we leave the normal con- dition of the plant out of the question, and base our con- clusions entirely upon the results of the many experiments which have been made in the last thirty years, we find that their cultivation in wet soils has been attended with the best success and tlie most remunerative results. It is not to be assumed that they cannot be grown upon soils that are naturally dry, for we have many instances of suc- cess under such circumstances, but, as a whole, the upland cultivation has not been equally profitable with the low land. It is not altogether for the purpose of supplying the plants with moisture that abundance of water is re- quired, but for other purposes, among which are the fol- lowing : First. — Covering the plants in winter, thereby affording a protection from severe cold. CRANBERRY. 243 Second.— Preventing the fVost in spring from injuring the flowers. Third. — Destroying the Cranberry-worms, which some- times attack the plants and fruit. Assuming that these precautionary measures are neceeh sary to the best results, it follows that a situation should be selected where the conditions named can be secured. Another important material, used in preparing Cran- berry beds, is sand, which is spread over the surface of the Boil. This not only in a great measure prevents the weeds from growing until the plants have entirely covered the beds, but keeps the fruit clean, besides making the surface always open and friable. Sometimes the low peat beds »re so rich in nutritive matter, unless sand is used, that the vines would grow so luxuriant that they would be unpro- ductive. In fact, very little alluvial soil is needed, and when the deposit is a foot in depth, it will be fully equal, if not supe- rior, to a situation where it is more abundant. In some sections, they are grown in what appears to be almost pure sand, there being scarcely a trace of nutritive matter to be found, the water and the materials held in solution therein, furnishing the principal portions of food to the plants. The first step in preparing a Cranberry bed is usually that of digging a broad, deep ditch entirely around the plot, for the purpose of draining off the surface water, so that the ground may be cleaned. If the soil thrown out of the ditches is sufficiently compact, it may form the em- bankments ; if not, then other soil must be added. When the water has been removed, then clear off all trees, logs, brush, and other incumbrances; these may be burned on the ground, and the ashes scattered over the surface, pro- vided it can be done without endangering the soil. Some- times, when the soil is very dry, there is danger of its bum* 244 8MA.LL FRUIT CULTURIST. ing to considerable depth. Some cultivators remove all of the surface soil to the depth of six inches or a foot, and, in Bome cases, it may be beneficial for tlie purpose of bringing the whole bed to a lower grade, but where this is not re» quisite, and sand is abundant, it is cheaper to spread on a greater depth of sand and leave the whole depth of nat- aral soil. Again, if the peat is deep enough so that a portion can be spared, it should be carted off for manuring the adja- cent land, especially if it is of a sandy nature, for there is no more valuable manure, (barn-yard excepted,) than the top layer of these peat or muck swamps. It is always better to prepare the ground at least one season before planting, so that all weeds, brush, and roots, may be thor- oughly destroyed; because if it is not done at the start, it will be a difficult operation after the ground is covered with plants. Where the soil is sufficiently firm to admit of being plowed and harrowed, it is best to do so, as by this means a more thorough preparation can be obtained, and at less expense than when wholly performed by hand. When the soil has been made level, and otherwise prepared, it should be covered with pure sand to the depth of from four to eight inches, the depth being regulated by the nature of the soil ; if it is very loose, then apply more than when comparatively compact, as more or less will sink into the soil below. A uniform depth is quite important, and can easily be obtained, provided the surface is made level before its application. The position and texture of the soil will suggest the best mode of application, whether by teams or otherwise. There are many locations where these peat-beds are un- derlaid with sand, and if the soil is not over one or two feet deep, and can be sufficiently drained to allow of theii being conveniently worked, they may be tienched, bring CRANHKHKY. 24 O !nj^ the required amount of sand to the surface, instead of haulinc^ it from a distance. The sand eliould be pure, and not mixed witli chiy, loam, or otlier soil. All of these cir« cumstances should be taken into consideration when select- ing a location for Cranberry pLantations. Often one set of embankments, flood-gates, etc., will an- swer for several parties, if they can agree and join together in the undertaking. The size of the bed is immaterial; it may be one acre or one hundred, provided it can be mad level, so that one portion shall not be covered deeper than another, when flooded. The embankments should be at least four feet high when first made, for thpy will settle some ; besides, it is best to have them a foot or more above high water mark, to guard against breaks. If one is in no hurry about planting, and is disposed to wait, the embankments may be formed and the ground flooded, and kept in this condition until the weeds, bushes, etc., upon it, are killed, after which the water may be withdrawn, and the preparation of the bed continued as be- fore directed. COST OF PREPARING THE BEDS. There can be no reliable estimates given as regards cost of preparing Cranberry beds, inasmuch as no two will be situated exactly alike. It will cost as much to remove the brush, trees, and logs, etc., from one piece of land, as to fiilly prepare another for the reception of the plants. The estimates vary from one hundred to six hundied dollars per acre. A thorough preparation will always be found to be the cheapest in the end. PLANTING. The usual time of setting the plants is in the spring, but where the beds can be kept moist, the operation may be oontinued during the entire summer. Sometimes the plants 246 SMALL FRUIT CULTUBIST. Bid put out late in the fall, and covered with a sufficieni depth of water to prevent the ground from freezing and throwing ont the plants. The spring and early surnmei are, however, considered the best time for planting. The plants should be set in rows, from eighteen inches to four feet apart, according to the quantity and quality of plants obtained. The object is to cover the entire surface of the soil with vines, so soon as possible ; consequently, the bet- ter the plants and the nearer togetiier they are placed, the sooner will this be accomplished. When large plants are to be had, and in sufficient quantities, it is better to place them about two feet apart, each way, than farther, and if tne plants do well, they will entirely cover the beds the second season. Most of our larger plantations are made with plants taken directly from the wild beds, and they are removed in large clumps or sods. If there are any weeds or grass among the plants, they should be removed before planting, as they are more readily separated from them at this time than after they are planted. Small holes are made in which the plants are set, and the soil is then pressed firmly about them. If small plant* or cuttings are used, they may be planted nearer together than larger ones. SELECTION OF PLANTS. Tt is important that plants should be obtained from fruitful beds, as well as those which produce the largest and best fruit. There are occasional wild beds that pro- duce little or no fruit; these should be avoided. When plaiAs cannot be obtained near by, from wild or cultivated beds, then they may be bought from those whose business is growing plants for sale. But the purchaser should en- deavor to inform himself in regard to the reliability of plant growers before ordering ; besides he should give im- perative directions that the ])lants should be carefiilly taken Qp and not be allowed to become dry before packing, af ORA.NBKRRT, 247 weW as t]iat tlie latter operation Rlioulfl be performed ih *he best manner. A very little extra exi)en8e in packing, or in procuring plants of tbe best quality, will often be re paid a hundred fold in the first crop. Cranberry planta tions are expected to be a permanent investment which shall give annual returns for a lifetime ; it therefore be- comes very important that every precaution should be taken to make it as perfect as possible. CULTIVATION. For the first two or three seasons the beds should be carefully cultivated, and no weeds or sprouts from brush- roots be permitted to grow. The amount of labor requir- ed is usually far less than with ordinary farm crops, still a constant attention is necessary, so that the plants shall have the full benefit of the entire soil, and not be obliged to combat with weeds, grass, or other impediments. Whea the plants have gained possession of the whole surface, there will be very little cultivation required. An occa- sional sprout or clump of grass may appear, which it will be necessary to remove. APPLYING WATER. The water should be let on to the beds at the approach of cold weather, not until the ground begins to freeze, but before it has become frozen hard. The time will vary in difierent locations, and the cultivator must apply it ac- cording to circumstances, and not be guided by set rules as to time. The beds should be covered, so that the water will be deep enough to prevent freezing the plants. At the North, it should be at least two feet deep, while south of the latitude of New York, one foot will ordinarily answer. It should remain upon the beds until the cold weather is past in the spring, when it should be drawn oflT, leaving it about two inches deep over the surface, until all danger of frosi b paftk 248 SMALL FBUIT CULTURIST. Where l.ite spring frosts are known to be frequent an<5 Bevere, it is best to keep on tlie full depth of water until there is no longer any risk. The longer the water is kept on, the later will the plants bloom. In some locations the plants ate covered for about foul or five montlis in winter, while in others, two or three will be sufficient. There is no danger of the plants being injured by the water so long as it remains cool, and the later it is kept on, the less the danger of spring frosts injuring the flowers. Sometimes it is beneficial to flow the beds in summer at time of drouth, but in such cases it is only necessary to apply sufficient to giv^e the soil a good soaking. K the water is admitted into the ditches which surround the beds, (if they are not too large,) it will be sufficient to prevent injury from drouth. GATHERING. Formerly the berries were gathered with an instrument called a Cranberry rake, but of late years this method has been almost entirely abandoned, and hand picking has taken its place. When gathered by hand, the fruit is not apt to be crushed, besides a far less amount of dirt and leaves are mixed with them ; consequently hand-picked fruit will bring a much higher price than any other. Various kinds of baskets, crates, hurdles, tfcc, are used in gathering the fruit ; the main object being to allow all foreign materials, gathered with it, to fall through when being carried in the field, or when spread out to dry. All unsound berries should be carefully picked out before the fruit is packed for market. VARIETIES. Like other fruits, the Cranberry varies considerably in its wild state ; besides, when cultivated, new variations are ooustantly occurring. All the varieties in cultivation al CRANBKRRY, 240 Fig. 100.— cnEKRY CKANIJEUKY. the present time in tliis country, })elong to one species, the V. 7)Hi('r<>('ar})<>n. Tlu^si' vary in size, from Ji liulf iiirl) up to an inch or over in diauieter. I'^iu^. lUO shows a variety usuallj' called the Cherry Cranberry, and iio-. 101, one of the largest of the Bell variety. Fig. 102 illustrates the Bell foi-ui, and in fig. 103 we give an exact repi'esentation of some remarkably fine specimens, raised by Mr. Orrin C. Cook, of South Milford, Mass. There are many other shapes intermediate between these. but we have given the ])rincipal ones. In color, the varieties vary from a greenish-yellow or white to dark, rich purple. New varieties are being pro- duced, and, doubtless, in a few years, great improvements will be made in the size, if not in the quality, of the Cran- berry. INSECTS. There appear to be two kinds of worms which infest the Cranberry. One of these attacks the young fruit, and the other the plants. The first is described as a small Fig. 101.— BUGLE CRANBERRY. worm about half an inch in length, with a black head; the other is about the same length, with a red Ziccid, Although it is said that these worms are very destruo* 250 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. tive in some sections of the country, there appears to he no definite infurniation as to their origin, j)t'riod of life, or wliat kind of insect produces the eggs from Avhicli they are hatched. These Avorms are more destructive in beds tliat are not flooded than elsewhere. When- ever the ])lants and fruit are attacked, the Avater should be let on to the beds and allowed to remain for six to twenty-four hours ; this Avould doubtless destroy the woiins without materially injuring the plants. The ravages of the C^ranberry worms have not been very extensive, nor very wide si)read, and, although I have visit- ed m:uiy hundreds of acres of Cranberry beds, I have not as yet seen one of these worms ; neither have I been able to find a description of them, or their scientific names, in any work on entomology. It is to be hoped that for the Fiji:. 1U2— liEi L CllAMJEUUY. Fig. 103.— LAKGE CRANBERRY. sake of science, some one who has an opportunity will investigate this subject, and give us the results. UPLAND CULTURE. Although the cultivation of the Cranberry upon dry up laud cannot be recommended as equal to lowland cultiva* CBANBERBT. 251 tion, still it possesses so much tliat is interesting nnd advan- tageous that it deserves the attention of tliose who have no other means of growing tliem. Even a partial succesa will very often be highly remunerative, besides affording much pleasure to the cultivator. There are but few gardens or soils where the experiment is not worth trying on a small scale, even if it is not suc- cessful, because the expense is so slight that a total failure would be no great loss of capital. A light sandy or loamy soil, one that is naturally moist, should ba selected, if convenient, and prepared as thor- oughly as for a vegetable garden. If swamp-mud or peat can be had, it is well to give a liberal dressing, mixing it with the soil ; rake all level, and then plant in rows about two feet apart, and one foot apart in the rows. Hoe the j)lants as long as it can be conveniently done without disturbing them, after which no cultivation is re- quired, except to pull out large weeds or grass that may occasionally appear. If saw-dust can be had, it should be applied as a mulcl^ scattering a light dressing in among the plants; this will keep the soil moist and assist in keeping the weeds down. A small plot of three or four rods square will, if they suc- ceed, be sufficient to supply an ordinary family. In addition to the value of the fruit, the Cranberry is an exceedingly ornamental plant at all times of the season, whether in fruit or flower. The variety known as the Bell Cranberry is generally planted on upland, but it is proba* ble that others, with proper care, will succeed equally as welL There are a few cultivators in the vicinity of New York who grow all of the improved varieties on upland, and claim that thoy are very successful with them. Judging from the fruit that has been shown by these gen- tlemen at our horticultural fairs, the berries grow to as large a size, if not in such large quantities, on upland as upon the low. By obtaining seeds from these upland beds, and 253 SMALL rRUTT CULTURIST. by producing new varieties therefrom, plants may be ob iained that will be better adapted to dry soils than any previously known. It is certainly worthy of trial, and ] would advise all who have leisure and inclination to try the experiment fully and thoroughly. PROFITS OF CULTURE- The profits of Cranberry culture, like those from other fruits, depend somewhat upon the amount of care given the beds as well as upon the markets. There is also a liar bility of failure from unforeseen causes ; still the Cranberry may be considered as certain as any other fruit. To make anything like a fair estimate in regard to profits, we are obliged to select from the reports of the various growers throughout the country, and draw our conclusions there- from. But in many instances these are so vague that we can only approximate to the truth. I have inserted a few of Buch as I deem reliable, omitting those which appear to be too far above the average : Mr. Edmund Bagley, of Massachusetts, reports in the Journal of Commerce: cost of land, $12 per acre; clean- ing, $100; vines and setting, $50; cultivation, $10 per year. The fourth year, average crop, 300 bushels per acre ; worth $2.50 per bushel. F. Trowbridge, New Haven, Conn., considers the usual average about 175 to 200 bushels per acre. Mr. Sullivan Bates says, that on beds that have been carefully prepared, the yield will be from 150 to 400 bush- els per acre. J. H. Baker, of Westport, Mass., reports the average crop about 175 bushels. Trowbridge and Davis, of Ocean County, N. J., report 10 acres in bearing ; crop 1,100 bushels ; although tha beds were new, and have not arrived at an age at whicb a frill crop could be expected. CRANBKURY. 253 At Shamoncj, N. J., a small bed is reported to have jielded '220 bushels per acre. W. U. Braddock, of Bedford, N. J., has 100 acres; 20 acres of which yielded, last season, 186G, an average of 100 bushels per acre. The fruit sold for a price which leA him $0,000 over and above all ex})enses. The above statements are about a fair average of the various reports received from the proprietors of Cranberry beds in the Eastern States. The price of the fruit varies from $2.00 to $0.00 per bushel It is probable that when the immense beds, wliicli are now being planted, have ar- rived at full maturity, our markets will be fully supplied, unless some new way of disposing of the fruit is ooTered, waich it is very likely will be the caiMx CHAPTER X. HUCKLEBERRY.— (Family Ericacka) Hickleberries were formerly all included under tht genus Vaccinium, but botanists now separate them into the genera, Gaylussacia and Vdcci/uum. In general appearance they resemble one nnother, being branching shrubs, with bell-shaped or urn-shaped corollas and 2- parted anthers. The fruit is a 10 to many seeded berry. The Gaylussacias differ from the Vacciniums in having only one seed in each cell of the fruit, and their foliage is ^ often sprinkled with resinous dots. For our purposes it is convenient to consider them all under one bead. The species best known in the United States as produc- ing edible fruit, are chiefly deciduous shrubs of medium size, blooming in May and June, and ripening their fruit from July to September. SPECIEa The number of species of Huckleberry is quite large, *nd I shall only name a few of the best. Gaylassacia frondosa. — Blue Dangleberry. — Leaves obovate, oblong, pale glaucous beneath ; branches slender ■mooth. Fruit dark blue, covered with white bloom, sweet flUCKI^BERRT, 255 and edibla Bash t»row8 three to six feet high. Found from New England to Virginia in low grounds. G« resinosa* — Black Huckleberry. — Leaves oval or ob- long, clammy when young ; plants quite brandling, the young shoots pubescent ; fruit black without bloom, with an agreeable flavor ; bush, two to three feet high. Cora mon in swamps and low grounds at the North, Taccinium Pennsylvanicmn, — Dwarf Blueberry. — Leaves oblong, sometimes lanceolate, smooth and shining ; branches green, somewhat angled, occasionally waity; bush one to three feet, very prolific ; berries blue, ripening early. The fruit of this species is highly prized on account of its earliness, but it is not so agreeable in flavor as son others. Abundant in dry, sandy seasons, from Maryland northward. T» Canadense.— Canada Bluebeny. — Leaves more or less downy, common in low grounds ; otherwise similar to the preceding species. V. COrymbOSUm. — Swamp Blueberry, or High-bush Huckleberry. — Leaves oval or oblong, variable in size and color. Shrubs four to ten feet high, common in low, wet places. Fi*uit black, covered with bloom, sweet but sprightly ; the best Huckleberry ; ripens late in the season, August and September. Fig, 104 shows a small branch, with bunch of fruit of natu- ral size. This species assumes various forms and colors; some- times the fruit is oval, approaching an oblong, while others are globular or slightly compressed. The Black High-bish Huckleberry, as it is generally called, is quite distinct, the fruit being destitute of bloom and of inferior flavor. It is distinguished by the name of V. corymhosum^ var. atrococ- Ttttn, by Dr. Gray. There are many other species and varie- ties growing wild all over the country. There are also foreign species, but none of them superior to those named. ( do not think it necessary to enter into any minute detaili 256 SMALL FRUIT CULTUUIST. Fig. 104.— SWAMP HUCKLEBERRT. HUCKLKBETIRT, 257 of the history or cultivation of tliis fniit, from the fact that there is nothing connected therewith winch would make the subject interesting. The Huckleberry is one of those fruits which have always been neglected ; none of our horti- cultural writcM's have deemed it worthy of any particular description, and but very few have thought it worthy of mention. Why this neglect, I am at loss to understand, for the Huckleberry possesses naturally better qualities than even the Currant and Gooseberry. All of our northern species are perfectly hardy, produc- ing no thorns, (which is such a disagreeable feature with many of our small fruits,) and the plants are generally quite productive. The berries are more firm than the Raspberry, Black- berry, or Strawberry, consequently, will bear carriage well, and are suitable for market. Thousands of bushels are annually gathered from the woods and fields, but these sources of supply will not al- ways be available ; besides, we should not be content with depending wholly upon nature for either the necessaries or the luxuries of life, while a helping hand would not only increase the quantity, but improve the quality. Those species, which naturally grow upon high, dry soils, will probably be the best for garden culture ; still, be- cause a plant is found in its wild state in any particular soil or situation, it does not follow that similar cii-cum- stances are always necessary for its best development when under cultivation. If nature invariably located plants un der the most favorable conditions for growth, then improve- ments would be less certain and far more difficult than now. The history of horticulture affords abundant testi- mony to the fact that many plants succeed far better in soils and locaticms differing very materially from the one in which nature has placed them, than otherwise. The Swamp Huckleberry, ( V. cort/mbosum,) is some !!♦ 258 SMALL FRUIT CULTUBI8T. times found upon high, dry soils, although it grows chiefly In locations where the roots are immersed in water for th« greater portion of the year. That it will grow and pro- duce fruit upon high and dry soils, I have proved by ex- periment. There is no great difficulty in removing the plants from their native locality to the garden, but our main depend- ence for improvement should be upon seedlings, because they will always vary more or less from the parent, and by carefully selecting the best improvements, are certain. The seeds are quite small, and require considerable care in sow- ing. A good plan is, to crush the berries, and mix them with fine sand ; then put them in a box or flower-pot, and bury in the open ground until spring. Prepare a seed-bed, the *oil of which should be, at least, half leaf-mould, or peat, from a swamp ; the remainder may be any good garden soil. Surround the bed with boards, a foot or more in width, mix the soil thoroughly and rake level, then sow on the sand containing the seeds ; then sift over this soil suf- ficient to cover the seeds, about a quarter of an inch deep, give a good soaking of water and place a screen over the frame. It may be made of lath, coarse cloth, or anything that will partially shade the plants when they come up, but not wholly exclude the light. Keep the soil well wa- tered, applying the water with a watering-pot, or in such a manner that the seeds or plants vrill not be disturbed. The seedlings may be transplanted when one year old, if they hav3 made a good growth, or remain in the seed-bed for two years. They will usually come into bearing in three to six years, at which time the best should be marked, so that they may be propagated. The inferior kinds may be thrown away, or be reserved for stocks, on which to work the others. Budding and grafting may be employed in propagation, as well as layers, the operation being per formed in the usual manner. CHAPTER XL SHEPHERDIA. FAMILY EL/EAGNACE^. [Named In honor of John Shepherd, formerly curator of the Liverpool Botanifl Garden.] GENERAL CHARACTERS. Deciduous shrubs, or small trees, with silvery leaves ; flowers dioecious, the sterile ones, (fig. 105) liaviug a fonr- parted calyx, and eight sta- mens; the fertile flowers, (fig. 106,) have an urn-shaped ca- lyx, enclosing the ovary which becomes a berry-like fruit. Leaves opposite, entire, de- ciduous; tlie flowers very small, yellow, borne in the axils of the small branches. A very small family of plants, and there is but one species of this genus that is worthy of being cultivated for its fruit. Shepherdia ari?ontea. — Bufljilo Berry; Rabbit Berry; Grosse de JBtfffle, of the French ; Hippoplioe, argentea^ of Pursh. — Leaves oblong, silvery-white on both sides; 259 Txz. 105. Fig. 106. 260 BMALL FRUIT CCXTURI8T, branches rusty dull white, with many small thom-liki branchlets ; fruit round, dull red, sprightly acid, agreea ble, borne in very compact clusters in the axils of the smal. branches, as shown in figure 107. Ripens its fruit in early autumn, or late in summer. Found on the banks of the upper Missouri, and other large rivers of the Northwest. It is seldom seen in cul- tivation, but it is really deserving of a place in every gar- den. The plant is quite ornamental, in addition to its edi- ble fruit, which is produced abundantly. The j)lant is very hardy, and grows quite readily in almost any good soil The Shepherdia, being dioecious, it is therefore necessary to plant one of each sex to obtain fruit; consequently, those who may have occasion to send to the nurseries for plants, should be careful to order at least one of each kind, although if several are to be planted in a group, one sta- minate plant will be suflBcient to fertilize a half dozen or more pistillate plants. At the present time, the Shepherdia is not grown as a market fruit, but the time may come when we shall see it m our markets, and it is moie than probable that new and improved varieties will be produced by some of our enter- prising fruit growers. The tho in-like character of its email branchlets makes it a suitable plant for ornamental hedges, and very probably it would be equally serviceable as the Buck-thorn and other similar plants, for turning cattle. It is well worth}'^ of trial, and up to the present time I am not aware that it has been subject to disease, or attacked by any insect. PROPAGATION. Gather the berries when ripe, crush the pulp, and wash out the seeds ; then sow them, or preserve in sand, until the ensuing spring. The best method is, to sow the seeds in drills soon after they are gathered, covering an inch or two deep. Transplant when one year old into SIIEPIIEIIDIA. 2G1 Fig. 107.— » "r:iT OF SHEPHERDUu 263 SMALL FRUIT CULTURI8T. nursery rows, placing the plants a foot apart in the ro\r and the rows four feet apart. They will usiiully bloom the third year from seed, at which time every plant should be examined, and a label attached to each with the word Btaminate or pistillate, as the case m:iy be, written upon each; common wooden labels, such as used by nurserymen, freshly painted at the time, will remain legible for two or three years. If it is more convenient to have the plants separated than to keep each one labeled, then they may be taken up after the sexes are determined, and each kind placed in a row by itself The Shepherdias produce very few suckers, but whea any appear, they may be taken oflf and planted separately Layers root very readily, and plants nwiy be produced in this manner quite rapidly. It is quite probable that ripe wood cuttings will grow the same as the Currant, but I have never had occasion to try this mode of propagation, because they grow so readily from seed that I have practiced this method in preference to others. Besides, there is always a chance, when grow- ing any kind of fruit trom seed, of producing something better than the original, consequently, the very uncertainty becomes fascinating to the true lover of horticulture, and the hope of the thing lightens the otherwise irksomeness of the task. There is another species of Shepherdia found in the Northern States, the fruit of which is very insipid. I copy the description from Gray's Manual of Botany : Shepherdia Canadensis. — Canadian Shepherdia. — ** Leaves elliptical or ovate, nearly naked and green above, silvery-downy, and scurfy with rusty scales under- neath ; fruit yellowish-red ; rocky or gravelly banks ; Ver- mont to Wisconsin, and noithward. A straggling shrub, three to six feet high ; the branchlets, young leaves, yel. lowish flowers etc., covered with the rusty scales. Fruit Insipid." CHAPTER XIL PREPARATION FOR GATHERING FRUIT. To grow a crop of fruit is but the initial step towardi the successful termination of tho enterprise. If the fruit is to be sent to market, then crates, baskets, etc., are necessary for gathering and transporting, all of which should be provided in advance of the ripening of the crop. The number of baskets required per acre can- not be given, inasmuch as the product will not be the same in any two seasons, but it is always best to provide enough, for if the supply should fall short in the busy part of the season, it might cause considerable loss. We will suppose that a grower expects to send a thous- and baskets per day to market, during the season, of any particular kind of small fruit, and if he sends them by railroad or steamboat, to a distance of twenty miles or more, he must not expect to have any baskets or cratea returned in less time than six to ten days after the time of the first shipment, unless he has better success than nsual with fruit growers in this vicinity ; consequently he will have to provide six to ten thousand baskets to en- able Lim continue gathering. Sometimes, owing to the negligence of the commission merchant, no baskets will be returned for two or threo 263 2G4 SMALL FRUIT CULTURI8T. weeks, and a very large extra supply of baskets will b€ necessary to prevent a corresponding loss. Ten thousand baskets, with a corresponding number of crates, should be provided, if a thousand baskets are to be picked per day. To the inexperienced in these matters, this may seem to be an unnecessary outlay, but fruit growers in the East- em States, at least, have learned that a little, or consider- able, extra capital invested in baskets will quite often insure them against great losses. Any one who has ever looked through the New York markets, soon after the close of the Strawberry season, must have noticed thousands of baskets and crates lying around loose, or being piled up in the streets, where the boys make bonfires of them at night, and thus the prop- erty of the fruit grower is often destroyed through the willful neglect of those to whom the fruit was consigned. Many remedies have been tried to prevent this waste, but none have been entirely successful, unless it be that of Bending very cheap baskets and crates, which it is not expected will be returned. Many fruit growers are adopt- mg this give away system, and under some circumstances it is probably the best, but under others it is doubtful if it is the most profitable in the end. An attractive exterior is a good passport, even in the fruit line, and I know of many instances where fruit put up in handsome baskets, and enclosed in extra finished crates, has sold for almost double the price of that sent to market in an inferior style of crate and basket. Many instances miglit be given in wliicli neat, clean packages and carefully selected fruit, have well paid the grower for all his extra trouble and expense in sending it to market. If a man desires to secure a good reputation for the products of his garden and farm, he will see to it that they leave his premises in the best possible order, and be sure to put his name ou each crate or other pack- P11EPA11ATI02^ FOE GATHEEINa niUIT. 265 ago. Competition lias become bo great within ihO) past ten years, that the cultivators of berries arc coiripclled to exercise more care than formerly in selecting both fruit and packages, as buyers are now more critical and par- ticular as they gain experience. The old trays, each hold- ing several quarts of berries, and from which the fruit was measured out to customers, are no longer seen in our markets, except for some hard kinds like the Uuckle- berry, and even for these this dishing-out system is very objectionable, to say the least. Of late years large quan- tities of the small fruits come to our northern markets from the South. This is especially the case with Straw- berries, for increased facilities in the way of rapid transit by steamboats and railroads, with refrigerators on both, have now made the shipping of perishable fruits possible when it would not have been thought of a score of years ago. The trade in such articles will no doubt increase in years to come, and growers will need new styles of baskets and crates, or those better adapted to the purpose than any now in common use. But whatever kind of pack- age is used, the grower will ever need to exercise great care in gathering and assorting his fruit. If his pickers are not instructed in regard to picking the berries in the best condition to stand the journey, the good may be in- jured by the poor, for half a dozen over-ripe berries in a basket are very likely to damage the entire lot. Green berries should also be avoided, but a few of these can be better tolerated than those that have become soft and commenced to decay. The topping out of the baskets with a few of the choicest and largest berries is an almost universal practice, and while in the abstract it might b© called dishonest, still it is such a universal custom that no one is deceived. It's merely putting the best side out to attract the buyer. Crates and baskets are in some cases returned free by the railroad and steamboat companies, unless the distance 12 206 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. to market is too great ; under such circumstances it is best not to expect it, but rather tosliip the fruit in cheap baskets, unless it will brin<^ enough more to ];)ay for pack- ing in a better style. The tendency of late years is to let the basket or box go with the fruit to the i)urchaser, and it is really the better plan, because after a box or basket has been onco used for berries, it is usually badly stained, and really unht for further use. There are thousands of men in our cities who will stop at the market or fruit stands, and purchase a few quarts of berries on their way home in the evening, if sold boxes and all, but if required to re- turn the packages, or compelled to furnish some con- venient vessel for carrying the fruit, they would pass by without purchasing. For these and other reasons whicl- might be given, the grower will find it for his own inter est to use what are termed the gift box or basket wheneve possible. The grape growers have, of late years, adopted the free box, and their sales, as a result, have greatly in- creased, and without lessen- ing their profits. The most common basket used for the New York mar- ket is what is called the Jer- sey Strawberry basket, figure 108 ; it requires from five to seven to hold a quart. Of late years this basket is less used than formerly, except for the smaller varieties of the Strawberry. They are usually made by the fruit growers themselves in winter, but sometimes they are made for sale, and the price varies from ten dollars to fifteen dollars per thousand. A half Fiff. 108.— JERSEY BA.SKET. PREPARATIOK FOR GATHKUINa FRUIT. 207 dozen of tlic larger varieties of Straw])crrlcs will [ill one ol' these Jersey baskets. The Kaspberry baskets formerly used in New York State, were mainly of this style, but a little larger ; other kinds of baskets are now rapidly coming into use, and it is to be hoped that our small fruits will soon all be sold by measure, and not by the basket, regardless of its size, whether it be the size of a thimble, or will hold a half pint or pint, as formerly. Baskets or boxes holding a pint or quart, full measure, are most in vogue at the present time, and new patterns are constantly being brought forward, each claiming to be an improvement upon its immediate predecessor. AVith most of the small fruits ventilation is requisite to preservation for even a very short time, and this very essential point has not been lost sight of by the manufac- turers of most of the new boxes or baskets now before the public. When fruit is only to be transported a short distance, and will reach the consumer within twelve or fifteen hours after being gathered, ventilation, farther than that which it will receive through an open crate, is not very import- ant, or scarcely necessary. The idea of ventilation applied to baskets or boxes is a. good one, particularly for some kinds of fruit, but there is no necessity of carrying it to extremes, so that the ves- sels made for holding fruit are scarcely more thar fragile wooden nets. The following are some of the most popular baskets LOW in use at the East : American Ifaskct. This basket is made of two sizes, quarts and pints, and of the form shown in figure 109. They are very strong, of neat appearance, and one of the best baskets with ;?C8 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. which I am acquainted. Their peculiar form admits ot their being very compactly nested for transportation, as ?]iown in figure 110. The manufacturers also fur- nish crates to those who desire 1 hem. A thirty-two quart crate is shown in figure 111, each one being furnished, with lock i 't : *^ - ^ ~ v. 1 J-- 5 a/ 1^ ;\ • J' « "•" ) i ~ ^ r. \ r^ IE ¥lg. 109.— AMERICAN BASKET. Fiir. 110.— STACK OF BASKETS. attached w:'th a small chain. The fruit grower keeps a key ^-G lock the crate, and. the one to whom the fruit is Fig. 111. — CUATli OF AMi:UICAN BASKETS. consigned, has a duplicate, with which to open it when received. Halloi'lc Fruit Uox. A square box, figure 112, made of thin, light wood, PREPARATION FOll GATHERING FRUIT. 209 with holes horcd in the sides for ventihxtion, as shown. The hottom is set wiiliin tlic sides, and ahout three-fourths of an inch ahove tlie lower " edge, so that when one box is set in the crate above the other, tliere will be a small space between the fruit of the lower one and the bottom of the one above. This also ad- mits of each box being filled a little more than even full, ^^s- 113.-hallock fruit box. and still the fruit will not be crushed by the one above it. These boxes are used in large quantities at the West, also considerably in some portions of the East. Some fruit growers object to any box or basket with perpen- icular sides, because the fruit will settle more in carrying than when the sides slope, as in the American basket. Theie are advantages in both forms, also disadvantages. A. square box, with perpendicular sides, packs and remain? more firmly in its place than any other, but ventilation through the sides cannot be obtained, and the fruit will crush more readily than in boxes with sloping sides. Free Fruit Box. Figure 113. As its name implies, this box is intended Fig. 113. — FREE FRUIT BOX. to be given away with the fruit. This will be quite con- venient for those who forget to take a basket with them 270 SMALL FRUIT CCLTURIST. in the morning when going to business, and thereby have a very plausible excuse for not bringing / >s^ home some fruit for tea. This box was r^ invented for the of relieving fruit growers of one of the most annoy- ing incidents of sending their fruit a long distance to market — the necessity of hav- ing their crates and boxes returned to them. It supplies a want wliich has always existed in the berry trade, and Avill be sold so cheap that it can be given away with the fruit. In appearance, it is remarkably neat, light, but substantial, Aviiile the fruit will always go to market in a perfectly clean box. Though given away, it will save the grower money, enable him to get a better price for his fruit, and put an end to the annual loss of boxes, besides saving him the neces- sity of keeping a vast quantity of the boxes and crates on hand to provide for the delay of returning them. The box is com])osed of two pieces of veneer. Figure 114 represents a piece which is folded up into four sides of the box. It is scored or cut at the dotted lines, so that it can be folded up into a shell as readily as a piece of paste- board. The tongue, at the left-hand end, buckles into the two slots at the right-hand end, just like closing a pocket book. A notch on the end of the tongue catches so effectually, after being buckled in, as to hold the shell lirmly together. The bottom is shown in figure 115. The two tongues at the end are alsQ i'lg.lli. — SIDE OF FRUIT BOX. PREPAKATIOX roil UATUEKING TJIUIT. 271 scored or cut at tlio dotted lines, and being readily turned U]), are buckled into the two sets of slots shown on llio loft-hand edge of figure 114. AVhen thus buckled to- gether, the two ->. ])icces form a \ perfect box, as seen in figure / 113, neither -^ nails nor glue being required, Fig. 115.— BOTTOM OF BOX. aud thc wholc constituting a strong and beautiful box. The bottom cannot fall out, as it is firmly held in its place by the spring of the wood. The prominent advantages secured by the use of this box are as follows : 1. The great desideratum of a box always nice and cleanly is, for the first time, secured. 2. The commission agent being relieved from the great annoyance of hunting up and returning crates and boxes, as well as escaping the loss of them, will sell the fruit for much less than the usual commission. 3. The return freight of empty boxes is saved, and this, added to the saving in commission, will more than pay for the cost of crates and boxes. 4. Another saving is secured in sending to market, as one hundred of the Free boxes, quart measures, weigh only nine and one-third pounds, while one hundred of the old square quarts weigh fifty pounds. As fruit in crates goes to market by weight, the new box saves eigh ty per cent of the weight. Any one can readily satisfy himself by a calculation of what is thus saved in freight to market, commission, and return of empty crate, that he will really save money by using a box that he can give away. It will be found cheaper to use a box only once than to continue using it many times. 5. As these boxes are put together without nails or 273 SMALL FRUIT CULTURI8T. glue, tliey can be sent to distant growers, in the shape of flats, to be made up by children at odd times during the winter. Tlie flats are scored ready for folding up, and as *"i)f^ wood bends at the joint without breaking, a small girl will learn in five min- utes how to put them to- gether. Many hundred box- es thus packed as flats can bo got into a small com- ])ass, and at trilling cost of reight." Figure 1 1 G. Ilere we have an improvement on the Fig. 116 —SQUARE CHIP BASKET, common Jersey basket. The Blats are reversed, the wide one passing around the basket, and the small ones forming the uprights, thereby giving a com])aratively smooth surface, allowing the baskets to be lifted out or put back into place in the crates, without catching upon those adjoining, and upsetting them, as is often the case with the common one. These baskets are made square, consequently packed very closely together, leaving no vacant spaces between them. An excellent basket for Raspberries. Ootliic Free Fruit llox. This box is intended to be given away with the fruit. They are of an octagon shape, as shown in figure 117, made of veneer, and can be sent in flats and put to- gether by the fruit grower, thus saving much expense in trans- portation. The material, all ready to be put together, costs ten dollars per thousand. Fig. 117.— GOTHIC FREB FRUIT BOX. ntKrAlLATlON' FOR (J ATUKIUKG I'ltUIT. Ki to Tliis is a very neat and pretty basket, very strong an(* duriihlo. Some oL' our fruit j^row- ers object to it on uccount of the small strips of wliich it is made, be- cause, as the berries settle, they are injured, by being cut by the sliarp edges. It is, however, an excellent basket, but probably on account of its cost is seldom, of late years^ seen in our markets. Fig. 118.— cook's basket. Xlie l*ai*sig-oii Itai>»kct. Figure 119. Another neat, light box, of more recent introduction than the above, and much liked by the com- mission men. Three strips of thin whitewood form the bottom and sides of the basket ; the bottom hoop is dis* Fig. 119.— PARAGON BASKET. pensed with, as well as the extra bottom piece. There is ample provision for ventilation, and the shape of the top is round, thus enabling the fruit to show at its best. Belg'ian strawberry ]ta!«iket. This basket, figure 120, would probably not suit our Amencan way of doirig things, and i,s merely introduced to show ^' how they do it in Belgium." A correspondent of the "American Agriculturist," from which the ac- 274 SMALL FRUIT CULTUBIST. companying illustration is taken, writes : *' In travelling through Belgium, in June, Straw])erries are brouglit to the car windows at every station — luscious, great berries, some red, some white, often as large as a pullet's egg, and temptingly displayed in shallow baskets, made of split willow, in the form given in the engraving. The con- struction is simple, strong, and inexpensive. A single willow withe forms the handle and middle support of the Fig. 120. — BELGIAN STRAWBERRY BASKET. bottom ; a second withe, bent to a circle, forms the rim ; and four others, i. e., two on either side, between the middle piece and rim, complete the foundation into whic)i thin strips are braided. The depth is only a quarter inch, diameter three inches. On the bottom are a few fresh grape leaves, on which are placed the berries, nearly all exposed to view." Onernsey Fruit Box. This is a round box, figure 121, made of thin veneer and reversible, as either end may be used as the cover, PREPARATION FOR (; ATTTERTlSra FRUIT. 275 there being a iliiii bjind wiUiiii which holds both ends to- getlier. This box wouUl unswer l)eil('r for (Jurrants and Gooseberries, tlnm i.oi' ilaspberries and simihir Iruit, as it Fig. 121.— GUERNSEY BOX. Fig. 122.— JOHNSTON'S CASE, is not ventilated ; but yentilation might be given by boring holes through one end. •foliii'^toii'^s Preitiiuin Fruit Case Is made up of four trays seventeen inches wide, twenty- three inches long, and three inches deep, holding a little over one half bushel ; side pieces, 1, in figure 122, half inch thick, three inches wide, twenty-three inches long ; ends, 2, three-eighths of an inch thick, three inches wide, and nineteen and a half inches long ; bottoms of three upjoer trays half inch thick ; standards, 5, two inches by three-quarters by fifteen ; cover cleats, 6, two inches by three-quarters by eighteen ; tops, 4, twenty- four inches by six by three-eighths ; handles, 2, twenty- three inches by two by five-eighths ; bot- toms of case twenty-four inches by six by ^i half ; the bottom tray is made of heavier \ stuff, sides, 4, in figure 123, five-eighths of an inch thick, end one and a half inch thick t : and sides are let into the ends, as seen in I ; this tends to strengthen the standard, 2, which is firmly nailed to both side and end pieces. The trays are separated by slats three-eighths of au liiiHI yMm- Fiu. I;i3. 276 SMALL FRUIT CULTURLST. incli by two inches, with the ends projecting about half an inch, as seen in figure l;i2. The cover has also a narrow slat at each end. The cover is fastened by bend- ing a i)ieee of hoop iron around the standard, and fasten- ing it to both sides of the cover cleats with screws, and a spring made of the same is attached to the inside edge of the standard, runs up through, and hooks over the band of hoop iron, the standard being sawed out to admit of working the spring, as seen in figure 122. Care should be taken to make the trays all s(piare, and the covers all alike, so that each will fit in any case. In order to have the standards all alike, the handles should not be put on until after the covers are. In getting out a bill of material, have it sawed in planks at the saw mill, as thick as you Avant the pieces wide, and have it worked up by circular saAV. I am not aware that this style of case is in use at the East, but it is a western invention, and used by growers in that section. SmitU^s Ciirapc Rox. Though made with reference to packing grapes, this box will answer for Currants, Gooseberries, and those fruits that do not especially need ventilation. The sides of this box are made of veneer, cut partly through at the edges where it Fiff. 124.— smith's grape box. t j ii '^ bends over the end pieces, which are thick enough to allow the sides to be nailed to them. The cover fastens down by tacking PUEI'AIIATION" FOR (JATUERTNO FRUIT. 27? the flap to (lie ends. Tlicy are made witli the sides, top, and bottom, all in one piece, as shown in figure 124, or witli these in two jiieces, so tliat it is reversible and may be opened at either top or bottom. Kow styles of baskets are being brought out every sea- son, but they can scarcely be called. im2)rovements upon the old ones. GATHERING FRUIT. In sections where the small fruits are grown extensive- ly, women and children are chiefly employed to gather them, being paid so much per basket. The small Jersey Strawberries are generally pulled, as it is called, or separated from the calyx, or hull, when picked ; with the larger kinds it is left on. The price paid for picking varies from seventy-five cents to one dol- lar twenty-five cents per hundred for the small baskets, and three to five cents per quart for the larger Strawber- ries, Raspberries, and Blackberries. At these prices, an expert hand will make two to three dollars per day where the fruit is abundant. The fruit should always be gathered in dry weather, and none should be picked in the morning while the dew is on. The usual method practised in the larger plantations is something like the following : A tent or temporary shed is erected in or near the field in which the fruit is grown, and the superintendent re- mains in this and takes charge of the fruit as it is brought m, giving each picker a ticket, stating the number of baskets brought in. When one or two hundred baskets are gathered, then the small tickets are taken up and a large one given, on which is printed good for one, two, or more dollars, as the case may be. These tickets are redeemed at the end of the week, provided the holder retains them until that timo; but with some a week is a very long 278 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. time to keep a promise to pay, and they sell them. In some portions of New Jersey, und perhaps elsewhere, these tickets pass current at the stores in the vicinity, and the merchants take them in exchange fur goods, and when the season is over, present them to the proper porsons for redemption. At the time of gathering, each picker is furnish od with a stand (ligure 1:^5), holding ten to twenty-five baskets. When all are filled, they are carried to the tent and put into the crates, ready for sending to market. The small Fiff. 125. — BASKET STAND. t U 1 i. ^ Jersey baskets are put into crates holding from one hundred and fifty to two hundred each, but when pint and quart baskets are used, from thirty to sixty go in a crate. The pickers have to conform to certain rules promul- gated by the nabob of the tent, for there must be disci- pline and system observed in fruit gathering, as in every other business, to produce the best result. No picker must be allowed to encroach upon his neighbor, and when a row or bed is selected at the start, it must be retained until all the fruit for that time is gathered. The next bed or row must be taken by lot — and no dodging because it happens to be a poor one. The time of the vintage is one of rejoicing in the vine countries of Europe, and equally so is the time of gather- ing the small fruits in America. Good feelings prevail on all sides, and particularly if the crop is abundant, for both emi)loyer and the employed are abundantly rewarded for their labor. APPENDIX. ADDITIONAL VARITIES. The variotios of tlie different species and families o! berries described and noticed in the following pages, havt mostly been introduced since the revision of this work in 1881, and while it is scarcely probable that they are all superior, or even equal in value, to the best of the older and better known varieties, still, there are no doubt a few among them which will prove to be very acceptable acquisitions of their kind. I have not had an opportunity of testing all of these new varieties ; in fact, some of them have not as yet been fruited outside of the gardens of their originators ; consequently in referring to their merits, I am compelled, in some instances, to accept what others say of them, instead of giving the results of my own personal investigations and observations. STRAWBERRIES. Atlantic • — Berry medium, conical, of a rich, glossy, crimson color ; flesh very firm. A poor grower, only moderately productive, and ripening late in the season. Relmont* — A new and very promising variety with oblong berries, of a dark crimson color, very firm and high flavor. Plants very productive and of vigorous growth. Bubach, Xo. 5. [Pistillate.) — A remarkable, vigorous growing variety with imperfect or pistillate flowers. Fruit large and handsome, but too soft for market ; not wort a cultivating, as we hav*^. many far better varieties with perfect flowers. (279) 280 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. Cohanzick. — A chance seedling found in a flower bed in Bridgeton, N.J. It is described by its introducer as a dark crimson berry, very glossy, medium to large, with firm flesh ; very productive. C'oruelia. {Pistillate.) — A very large late variety, usually unproductive, probably in consequence of im- perfect fertilization of the flowers, these appearing after the more vigorous of the pollen-bearing varieties have gone out of bloom. Connecticut Queen. — A new variety, highly praised by some growers, and co Vdemned by others. It is said to be of excellent quality, ripening late, but the berries are very unattractive in appearance. Crimson Cluster. {Pistillate.)— One of Mr. E. W. Durand's numy seedlings, and only disseminated last season, 1886. It is described by its originator as being ** wonderfully productive," and the fruit of the richest crimson color, in immense clusters, hence its name. Fruit of excellent (puility, very large, commencing to ripen early and continuing very late. Daisy. — This is said to succeed well in the "West, but the foliage burns badly in the East. Scarcely worth cultivating. Daniel Boon. {Pistillate.) — Large, elongated-conical with slight neck, sometimes broadly-conical ; bright red, firm and good quality. Succeeds well in some soils, and the plants are prolific, but in others the leaves burn badly, and it is worthless. Dollar. — Large, roundish-conical, of a bright, glossy, light crimson color. Flesh firm, and quality excellent. Plants are not very productive, but usually bear a mode- rate second crop late in summer. The foliage is said to burn in some localities and soils, but in my grounds it has not suffered during hot, dry weather to any greater extent than any of the old^ standard sorts. APPENDIX. 281 Early Tannda. — Said fo resemble iho '' Old Iron Clad," but in no respects superior. Plants only mode- rately ])rodu('tivc. KluilyS Uliitc. — Recommended only as a novelty. Tlie first berries to ripen arc liglit red, but later they aro almost pure white. I have not seen tliis variety, but from description it woukl seem to be very similar to Lennig's White, wlien grown in exposed positions, and when the fruit is not shaded by the leaves. GaiidyS Prize. — A new variety, of which little is known. It is supposed to be a cross between the Jersey Queen and Glendale. It is claimed by the originator to be the latest in ripening, and the hardest fleshed variety known. Berries large, nearly globular, bright crimson, with a rich and sprightly flavor. Plants very stocky in growth, and said to be productive. Garretsoii. (Pistillate.) — This is not a new variety, but only recently disseminated by its originator, the well known seedsman of Flushing, N. Y., after whom it ia named. Fruit large globular, bright crimson, very firm, and of good flavor. Recommended as an excellent market berry, owing to its uniform size and firm flesh. Ileudcrsoil. — Very large, early, and immensely pro- ductive ; but its great merit is in its exquisite flavor. It is also claimed by its disseminator to be adapted to all, or at least to a great variety of soils. It has not as yet been very widely distributed, or extensively cultivated, and it may not prove as good or valuable as represented. HofTmaii's Sccdliiij?. — A chance seedling, found in a garden at Charleston, S. C, and it promises to be a valu- able variety for the South. The introducer says that it is extra early, of large size, and so firm that it may be readily and safely shipped to Northern markets. James Vick. — Medium, obtuse-conical, bright scarlet ; flesh pink, firm, but only second rate in quality. A 283 SMALL FUUIT CULTURIST. vigorous and productive variety, very much like Capt Jack, described on page 92. Jersey Queeu. {Pistillate.) — Very large, regular oval, sometimes a little flattened at the point. Very handsome ricii scarlet, and of higli flavor. One of Mr. Durand's seedlings. It must be grown in hills, or single rows, and given extra high cultivation, to insure success. Jewell. {Pistillate.) — A new and highly extolled variety from Connecticut, and supposed to be a seedling of the Jersey Queen. The plants are said to be very robust and prolific, provided, of course, that some good perfect flowering variety is grown near-by for supplying its flowers with pollen. It is described as very large, obtuse- conical ; color bright red, changing to crimson when fully ripe. Flesh solid and firm. It is certainly a very promis- ing variety. Jumbo. — This is but another name for the Cumberland Triumi)h, described on page 94. Legal Tcuder. (Pis/z//a/e.)— Medium size, roundish- conical, quite uniform in shape, bright crimson, good quality, and the plants moderately productive. It is, however, of no special value, there being many better varieties in cultivation. Lida. {Pistillate.)— LsLYo^e, and of a uniform broad- conical or heart-shape ; bright red ; flesh firm and of excellent quality ; plants hardy and prolific ; season medium. Longfellow.— Medium to large, oblong, point rather broad or blunt ; color, dark mohagany, but very glossy ; flesh, firm, sweet and excellent. Not valuable for market, but a good variety for amateurs, who prefer quality to fine appearance. Mammoth. — A new variety raised in New Jersey, and it is claimed to be the largest known. It is also reported APPENDrx. 283 ihtit single berries have been exhibited, weighing one and a quarter ounces each. Maiifhcster, (Pistillate.) — Tliis variety has been very widely distributed, and somewhat extensively cul- tivated for market, as well as for home use by amateurs. The ])lant is very healthy, vigorous and productive, and succeeds on a great variety of soils. Fruit large, uniform in size ; light scarlet ; flesh firm with a sprightly sub-acid flavor. The Sharpless is re- commended as an excellent staminate for planting with the Manchester for supplying pollen to its flowers. I^Ianchester Junior. — A seedling of the Manchester, and claimed to be a larger variety, than its parent. Not yet disseminated. May Kiii^. — Described as very similar to the Crescent, but with perfect flowers, bearing a heavy crop with ordi- nary field culture. Monmouth. — Another variety, said to be an improve- ment on the Crescent, being much larger and of firmer flesh, but with the same bright and attractive colors. The disseminator claims that this variety possesses *' un- usual merit." Mrs. Garfleld. — A seedling of the Crescent, raised in Ohio. Medium to large, irregular-conical, with short neck ; bright glossy scarlet, and of a very sprightly rich flavor. Plants hardy and very productive. Old Iron (lad. {Phelps.) — Medium to large, obtuse- conical, bright crimson, glossy ; flesh firm, rather acid, but rich. Plants hardy and exceedingly productive. An excellent early market variety, somewhat resembling the Wilson's Albany. Parry. — A seedling of the Jersey Queen, raised in 1880, but only recently disseminated. It has been awarded several premiums at local fairs, and is highly recommended 284 SMALL FUUIT CULTUIIIST. by those who have liad an o})portunity of seeing and testing it. It is described by the originator as ^'uniformly large, obtuse-conical, bright glossy scarlet ; flesh firm, and of the best quality. Plant vigorous." Sunapec. — A chance seedling found at Vineland, N. J., described as of uniform good size, bright crimson color ; flesh very firm, and exceedingly sweet for a strawberry. Wonderful, (ristillate). — A new variety, or an old one with a new name, the plants resemble tlie Champion (see page 107), a variety also known as Windsor Chief (as all have imperfect flowers, they are probably one and the same variety). RASPBERRY. Of the Ruhus Occidentalis, or Black-cap group, new varieties are introduced almost every season, but it is very doubtful, if any of the new are better than the best of the old, in common cultivation a quarter of a century ago. Among the more recent varieties of this group I give the following in addition to those named in preceed- ing pages : Canada. — Very similar to the Mammoth Cluster, and after cultivating it a few seasons, I discarded it, for it possessed no merits or qualities not found in several of the old and standard sorts. Conteunial. — Very large, jet black, with very little or slight bloom on the berries, very sweet and high flavored. Plants vigorous and exceedingly productive. Owing to the bright color and absence of bloom, this is one of the best market varieties, as the fruit does not have a stale appearance in a few hours after gathering, as is usual with those with heavy bloom. Chapman. — A new variety from Ohio, resembling the Centennial in the absence of bloom on the fruit, but Ari'KHAix. 285 riponinf]^ about one week earlier. TTighly recommended by the introducer for market. Earhart. {Everbearing.) — From the few specimens of fruit and plants, that I liave seen of this variety I tliink it does not differ very greatly from the old Ohio Ever- bearing, described on page 152. It is said to have been found in Illinois about sixteen years ago. Berries large, jet black, and excellent in quality. The old canes bear a crop at the usual season, and the tips of the young shoots are loaded with berries in autumn. If the Earhart proves to be as hardy and prolific as the Ohio Everbear- ing it will be well worth cultivating by persons who are so fond of black raspberries, as to want them in season and out of season. Ililborii. — A new variety from Ohio, of which little is ^nown, except what is said of it by the introducer, who claims that it is one of the best as yet introduced. Ilopkin's. — Very much like the Mammoth Cluster, but as early as the Doolittle, and not quite so prolific as the Souhegan. IVcnialia. — One of our most extensive cultivators of the Raspberry says that this new variety is ^^ almost identical with the Gregg," but he thinks the plants are more hardy. This may be an advantage in extreme northern localities, but scarcely worth attention else- where. Ohio, or Aldcn. — A variety closely resembling, if not identical with the Seneca, described on page 152. It has long been a favorite with cultivators in Central New York. Souhegan or Tyler.— Fruit very large, black, with light bloom, good flavor, one of the very earliest of the very large varieties. Plant vigorous, hardy, and exceed- ingly productive. 280 SMALL FKUIT CULTURIST, PURPLE CANE GROUP. Carolino. — A very handsome variety, apparently a hybrid between the purple cane and some yellow variety of the Ruhus Occidentalis. Fruit pale salmon or buff color, medium size, sweet and good, but too soft for transporting to market, and in this respect very much like the old Purple Cane. Reliance. — Seedling of the Philadelphia, and by some persons considered an improvement upon its parent. The color is too dull and dark for market, and there are many other varieties preferable for home use. Shaffer's Colossal. — Probably the largest Raspberry in cultivation of American origin, and only excelled in size by some of the Japanese species. Berries of a dull purple color, of fair quality. Plants vigorous and productive. Recommended only for preserving, and for this purpose it has no superior. NATIVE RED AND YELLOW VARIETIES. Golden ({ueen. — This is without doubt a "sport'* or bud variation of the Cuthbert, and not a seedling. My reason for thinking so, is, that I have obtained a similar or the same variety as the Golden Queen, from a sprout on an old plant of the Cuthbert. Fruit very large, con- ical, pale amber or yellow, and in quality not excelled by any native or foreign variety. Canes very strong and vigorous ; foliage pale green or yellowish green, as usual in the light colored varieties. Hardy and exceedingly productive. It is the best hardy yellow variety of Rasp- berry in cultivation. Hansen. — Very large, nearly round; light bright crimson ; firm, but not hard ; juicy and good, one of the earliest of the very large varieties, and a splendid berry for market or home use. The canes are very hardy, but APPENDIX. 287 In my pjonnds the growili is slender, and not half ag Btront]^ as that of eitluT the Cut]i})ert or Turner. 'I'his variety may sueceed better in heavy soils than in a light one. Marlboro. — Very large, bright dark scarlet, a hand- some variety ripening about mid-season, but of second- rate quality. Plants extremely vigorous and productive. A valua})le variety for market, as the fruit is firm enough to bear transportation, and they hold their color well, Haiicocas. — A new variety, said to be very early, the entire crop ripening within a few days. It has not as yet been very widely distributed, nor fully tested, and the most that can be said in its praise is that it promises well. BLACKBERKIES. Early Cluster. — Small oblong, grains medium, sweet and good, but neither early nor superior to many wild varieties to be found almost anywhere in the fields and woods. Early Rarvest, — Very early, medium oval, grains small, quality excellent, plants hardy, and in some locali- ties and soils said to be wonderfully prolific. But it has proved to be such a poor grower in my grounds that I have discarded it. Erie. — A chance seedling found near Lake Erie in Ohio. The introducer claims that the berries are of the largest size, exceeding the Wilson, Kittatinny or Lawton, of excellent quality, even superior to the Kittatinn}^ ripening before either the AVilson, Jr., or Wilson's Early. Luc ret ia Dewberry. — The trailing Blackberries are rarely cultivated, owing to their prostrate canes and the difficulty of w^orking among them for the purpose of sub- duing the weeds. Excellent varieties may usually be 288 SMALL FRUIT CULTURIST. foimcl in almost every old and neglected field and hedge^ row, but there are very few persons, who want to intro- duce them into their gardens. Recently it has been sug- gested that these trailing varieties might be valuable for cultivating in very cold northern regions, where the up- right growing varieties are killed down in winter, amj there may be something in the idea, and it is worth tr}. ing. The Lucretia Dewberry is one of the wild varieties of this type. Berries very large and of excellent qual- ity, and the plants hardy and exceedingly productive. M'ilson, Jr. — A seedling of the Wilson's Early, and the originator claims that it is far superior to its parent, «Lt least in size and productiveness. The old AVilson's Parlv, as it is now called, was by far the largest Black- berry known at the time of its introduction, but in qual- ity it is inferior to many of the old as well as newer varieties, and the plants are far too tender for cultivation in our more Northern States, and even here in Northern New Jersey and in a light, warm soil, the plants winter- kill about five years oat of six, and for this reason it is worthless ; but further South, or in the vicinity of Phila- delphia, where it originated, it is a valuable and profit- able variety. Wilson Jr. is said to be more hardy than its parent, consequently more productive, because the fruit-buds are not injured by cold. 1 here are several others, supposed to be new varieties of the Blackberry, announced in dealers' catalogues, of which I have not been able to obtain any trustwortliy in- formation. Among these I may mention Bonanza, Early King, Nevada, Stone's Hardy, and Wallace. CURRANTS. Fay's Prolific. — This is unquestionably a valuable acquisition, and one of the best, if not the best, red variety in cultivation. Fruit large, deep red, bunches very long, APPT'N-DIX. 289 modoratclj compact-, and in (jnalifcy as good as the old Red Dntcli, and su])cri()r to tlic Cherry Currant. IMants very vigorous, liardy, and productive. GOOSEBERRIES. "Vo new varieties of tlic Gooseberry belonging to our ^aiive species have been introduced since the revision of this work in 1881. But a European variety, called the "■ Industry,'' has recently been extensively advertised as very superior, and succeeding admirably in the Northern States. It is u, very large, redv'berry of excellent quality. Plant very hardy and productive. :m SMALL rin;! ( i liirist. TABLE OF DTSTANCEa ft $hau> at a glanct the number qf hilU or plant* contained in an acr« r^f land, m any given distance /tvrn each other, /rvtn 40 feel by 4U, to 1 J'oct by 1, otiUttinc fraction*. Divide the amount by IGO, wtU show the No. for 1 rod. feet feet per acre feet feet per acre\ feet feet j)er acre feet fe*)i jier arre 40 by 40 27 11 bj r 6 792 6 6 by 1 6 i 6280 8 8by8 0 4818 89 . 89 28 10. 10 436 — . 1 0 7^*20 — . . 2 « 4882 88 . 88 80 8 644 60 . 6 0 1742 — . . 2 6 6:361 87 . 87 81 6 726 — 4 6 1<»36 — . . 2 8 6966 86 . 86 83 6 871 — . 4 0 2178 — . . 2 0 6701 86 . 86 85 — 4 1089 — . 8 0 2901 — .. 1 9 7r)58 M . 84 87 — 8 1452 — . 2 6 81»4 — . . 1 6 8936 83 . 88 40 — 8 2178 — . 2 0 4356 — . 1 8 10722 J2 . Si 42 — 1 4:i56 — . . 1 6 5S08 — . . 1 0 1:mo3 81 . 81 46 9 ;; 9 637 — . . 1 0 8712 80 .. 8 0 4840 BO . SO 48 — 8 605 4 6 . . 4 6 2151 — . . 2 9 6289 89 29 61 A 806 — . . 4 0 W20 — . 2 ft 58(t8 28 . 28 56 6 9*18 — . . 3 6 2765 — . 2 3 6453 27 . 27 59 4 1210 — . . 8 0 8226 — . 2 0 72«50 ^ . »» M 8 1613 — . . 2 6 3872 — . 1 9 8297 25 . 25 69 — 2 2420 — . . 2 0 4*40 — . . 1 8 9(>80 24 . 24 75 1 4Sl() — . 1 6 6453 — . 1 3 11616 28 . 28 82 8 '.'. 8 680 — . 1 0 9680 — . 1 0 14520 22 22 90 6 9(Vi 4 0 . . 4 0 2722 2 9 . 2 9 57(50 21 . 21 98 5 1(»89 — . . 3 9 29 . „ 5 468 5 <» 1244 — . . 1 ft 7260 — 2 3 7740 18 '. 18 184 4 6 1382 — . . 1 8 8712 — . 3 0 8712 15 161 _ 4 0 1555 — . 1 0 lOSlK) — . 1 9 9950 ._ . 10 »42 8 ti 1777 8 9. . 3 9 8097 — . 1 6 11616 _ . 6 4^ 3 0 2074 . 8 6 3.318 — . 1 8 13939 17 '. . 17 IBO 2 •> 2489 — . . 8 3 8574 — . 1 0 17424 . 16 170 •2 It 8111 — . 3 0 ;isT2 a 8 . 2 8 86(M ^^ . 10 25« 1 <; 4148 89 . . 2 9 4221 — . 2 0 9680 . 6 612 _ 1 0 6,'22 — . 2 6 4l>tli — . 1 9 11062 10 '. . 1« 170 (5 . H *) 1210 — . 2 8 5162 — . 1 ft 12!>06 . 16 175 f) •> 132(» — . 2 0 5808 — . 1 3 15488 __ . 10 272 5 (» 1462 — . . 1 9 (5637 — . 1 0 19360 . 6 i)H 4 tl 1613 . 1 6 7744 20. 2 0 108iK) 16 .' . 15 lit.'i 4 fl 1815 — . . 1 8 9272 1 9 12415 . 10 •J'.HI 3 6 2074 — . 1 0 11616 — . 1 6 1 4x520 ] . 6 r.Kd 3 0 2420 8 6 8 6 35:« 1 — . 1 3 17424 14 '. . 14 .)■!.) 2 6 2901 . 3 8 3829 1 — . I 0 21780 . 10 :!11 2 0 3«i30 8 0 4148 1 9 . . 1 9 1422:^ 622 1 6 4S^10 . 2 9 4525 — , . 1 6 i(;5«t4 18 '. '. 13 257 _ 1 0 7-^60 — . 2 « 4978 1 — . . 1 8 l't'.tl3 . 10 836 6 6 '. 6 6 1117 — . . 2 8 6531 — . . 1 0 5M454 . 6 670 6 0 15Jyl . 2 0 6222 1 «. . 1 6 lO.MWI 12 '. . 12 802 4 6 1760 . 1 9 7111 1 — . . 1 8 2.-«:rt . 10 863 4 0 19S0 . 1 6 8297 — . 1 0 2'.«>40 ^^ . 5 T20 8 6 i 2-itl2 . 1 8 9956 1 8 . . 1 8 27878 11 '. 11 860 8 0 1 2tV40 — . 1 0 12H6 1 — . 1 0 84*48 . 10 898 — . . 2 0 1 8960 8 8 8 8 4124 1 0. . 1 0 i 43560 GENERAL INDEX. ^cidiiim Borbcridis 29 Ar;,a'iim ()l>lll^'almll 83 Bauberry 20 '• Ciiluiroof 25 ♦' History of 21 " Discaeus of 29 AIiI(U;w 29 " Propai^ation 21 " Americau 20 Black-riuitcd 28 " Cliiuese 28 " Coiniuon ., 20-25 " Cretan 28 " F'rcinoiit's 20 Iburiaii 28 " Ma^'cUan Sweet 20 " Ncpuiil 20 " Piirple-fniited 28 Purplu-leavud 27 " Sil)i-riaii 28 " Sweet-friiiird 27 " Three-lraved 21 Violet-lViiitcd 28 White-fViiited 27 Yellow-rniiu-d 28 BasUet, American 268 '• Bi'L'ian 274 " Cook's 273 '* Jersey 2(i(i • ' Pnra<,'on 273 " Square Cl.ip 272 B.isket Stand 278 BerlxM-is 20 " aristata 20 " Anniim 20 bnxifolia 20 ** Canadensis 20 Chiira 20 Cretica 28 '* Fremontii 20 Syuonyias are Berberis Iborlcn ^8 " vol undifoUa 20 " Sibinca 28 " Sinensis 28 " trifoliuia... 21 " vulgaris 20-25 " " aiba 27 " " as|»ernia 27 " " dulcis... ... 27 " " jrlaiica 27 " " longi folia 27 " " lutea 28 " " niitis 28 " " mgYO. 28 " "■ i)urpiirea 28 " " violacea 28 Blackberry ..176 " Ai^awam 187 A 'ion .,..13.) " Ancient Briton 187 " Barnard 187 " Cape M;iy 183 Claret 189 Col. Wilder 189 " Common High 178 Crystal White 189 " Cninber'and 182 Cut leaved ISQ " Dr. Warder 189 Dod«,'e's Thornless 187 " Dorchester 183 " Early Burnton 187 " European 178 Felton 183 Holcomb 183 " Iloosac Thornless 187 Knfatinny .. . 183 KiH.x 187 Laivton I8t» Low 177 put lu Italics. (291) 293 SMALL FllUlT CULTUKIST, Blackberry, Low Biisli 177 " Miss(»iiri Muimnotli 187 •' NecUliam's While hsS " Newmuirs Thoruleisis 15G " New Kochelle 186 " Parsley-Leaved 181 " Propayatiou of 179 " Prmiinj,' Shears 180 " Pruning Hook 180 " Huuuini; Swamp 177 " Sable Queen 187 " Sand 177 * ' Seiu^vr's Mammoth 1 86 " Snyder 188 " Taylor'a Prolific 188 " Wachusett Thornless 188 " Wc!erial 212 " Kt'd rrovrncc 210 KiH'vi's' VVliitu 217 *' lioiiije a Grosse Fruit 215 " liitsskvi Green 219 Siripcd-fniitod 21(5 " TiaiispHiciit Wliitc 217 Vei>!iil!cs 213 Victoria 210 " White Antwerp 217 White Clinton 217 While C7ijst(U 217 White Diitcli 217 White Grape ..217 White Holland 217 White hnjierial 217 White Leghmn 217 White Pearl 217 " White Provence 217 " White Transparent 217 WiltnoVs Red Gi'ape 210 •' Wild Black 194 DariL^leberry, Blur,. 254 Dewberry 177 DwarfCheiry 191 Forciiiiniana , 32 Fruit Box. Free 209 Gothic, Free 272 " Guernsey 275 Hallock's 208 Smith's 270 Fruit Cape 166 " Cornish 17."1 " Coi'ntvairs Prolific 1 64 " CornwulCs Seedlintj 164 " Cr.'Um Red ICS " Cu!»hing 166 " Cutbush'd Prince of Wales 1(« ' Cuthbert 162 *' Ctix's Honey 173 *' Dav'son's Thorn lo>^9 151 " DoditUe's Black Cap 150 " Downing 166 " Double Beaiing 166 " Double Beating Yellow . . 163 " Duhring 167 " Early Prolific 173 " Eiizal)eth 169 Elhsdal.; 155 " Emily i67 '' English Antwerp 163 Fastoitr 167 Fillbasket 167 " Foreign Varieties 163 " Francoida 167 French 168 " Fulton 168 " Ganarqna lo5 " Gardiner 155 " Genei al Pal terson 168 " Gilden Cap 160 Gregg 151 '• Herstine 169 " Ilerstine's Seedlings.. ..168 " Hornet 170 " IlowlancCs Ayitwerp 163 " Hudson Rirer Antwerp . . 1 63 " Huntsman's Giant 170 Imperial 170 " Improved Black Cap . . . 150 Jillard's Seedling *173 " Judi/n\t Impr'oved 150 " Jouet 170 " Keystone 173 Kirtland 162 " Knevet's Giant 170 " KnevetVs Antiverjy 163 " Large-fruited Monthly... 170 *' Large Miami 161 " LargeRed 164 qknei:at. INDKX. 205 Rnsphorry, Lnncrwortli 1T3 Ixnd h'xmouth MM " I^UCiirinick 151 " ^ln;:iiiiin Hdiiiim. .. 170 " Maminotk (Hunter 151 " Marvel of (he Four Sea- som .171 " MorvcillrCitmtrci Saiwonsl71 " >Iiami Black Cap 152 '•' Mor.tclair 171 MontMij Black Cap 152 " Mote's Seedling 174 " Mi>i. Iii-rersoU 173 " Mrs. Wilder 174 " Naomi 1G7 " New Everbcariiie 96 Fra^'uria liicida . 108 Freiicli's Soedliiij,' 107 I^resscwl 110 Froijmore Late Pine Ill Georj,Ma Mammoth 108 GertnaiUotvn 98 Gil l)ert's Large Brown 117 Gleiidale 96 Glol)e Uautbois 118 Glory de Nancy Alpine .116 Golden Defiance 96 Golden Queen 108 Golden Seeded 97 Goliath 112 Great American 97 Green 32 Green Alpine 117 Green Pine Ap})le 117 Green Prolific 97 Greenwood 117 Gwentver 112 Ilaquin 112 Hart's Minnesota 108 Hautbois 32 Hautbois Varieties 117 J/ermaphrodite 118 Hero 112 Hci vcy Davis 97 Hillman 112 Hooker 98 Hovey 98 Huddleston's Favorite 98 Ida 108 India 32 Iowa 108 Jucunda. 112 Kate 112 I KcMtiiclwdered J'i/ta 117 President VVild.:i- 103 Priuce'ti Frederick William 114 Ptdiflc Alpine lltt Prolific Jiuutbois 118 Reed'ri Kansas Mammoth 10i> Regent's Dwarf US l{ii:?seirs Advance 109 Riisseira Prolitic 103 Sabreur 114 Sacornke 118 Satin Gloss 103 Scarlet Alpine 110 Scarlet Runner 104 Scotch Runner 104 Scotch Runner 93 Scott's Seedling 104 Seth Boyden 104 Sliaker 107 Sharpless 104 Sir Joseph Banks 118 Souvenir de Kicff 114 SuckerSiato 109 Trej)ibli/s Union 116 Triomphe de Qand 114 Topsy 114 Vtrsaillen Alpine Monthly 116 Viconitesse Hericart de Thury 115 Victoria 115 Villede Bois 116 Vineuse de Nantes 115 Virtjiiiian 3*4 VValden 109 Warren lO'J White Pineapi)le 100 White WoOil Slrawbei-ry 117 Wielaiid lOi) Wildini,' 109 WUliarns' Green Pine 117 Wilson's Albany . . 105 Windsor Chief 92 Wood 31-117 Table of Distances 279 Thimble Beiry 120-150 Vaccinium 25^ " Canadense 255 " corynibosum 255 " erythrocarpon 240 *' niacrocarpon 239 " Oxycoccus 239 " PeunsylTauicum 264 STANDARD BOOKS PUBLISHED BY ORANGE JUDD COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO Ashland Building People's Gas Building 315-321 Fourth Avenue 150 Michigan Avenue An^ of these books rvdl be sent b^ mail, postpaid, to any part of the world, on receipt of catalog price. 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