BLM LIBRARY TECHNICAL NOTE 350 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT SMALL MAMMALS OF THE BLACK CANYON AND SKULL VALLEY PLANNING UNITS MARICOPA AND YAVAPAI COUNTIES, ARIZONA by William (8. 3{efi cm z Q£ o UJ I— 1 Q 1— eT O 1— UJ 1.1 J Dr^ CO ro UJ 1— > Q_ < q: C ) o *"D oo ^ _1 I t— 1 UJ ^ u_ Q£ o O U_ q; 00 00 00 00 Z < UJ Q -Z. —I o g 00 o s- OO (O 03 CL 1X3 "S s C i— O ■!- -t-J --^ O O ■o £ QJ ^— 01 to cu 00 Q 03 i. o o s_ -a QJ 03 o o _i i— o 03 C -o o c N 03 •r— ^— s- Q. < ID c 03 jD _T- ZJ Xi- I- •r- 03 c_> s: cl oo "8- 00 OJ ■i — y qj D-l OO U0 lo co t— I CO ro cx> en * — oo o UO LO oo LO (JO .—I (JO UO oo CO en uo oo CM oo CM CM O i — 1 o CM CM CM i — 1 i — 1 oo CM CO uo ID CM LT> CM CM OO i — 1 OO OO OO OO CTi i — 1 OO oo oo OO oo 0O CM UO UO UO CM UO CM UO CM 0O 0O OO 0O 0O CM O "3" O CM O CM 0O 0O CTi O 00 O O CM CM r-» O O o CM O CM 0O OO OO OO CM CM uo oo o CM UO oo oo oo oo uo CM •3- CM CM CM .— 1 i — I UO LO CM UO CM OO UO OO OO .—1 oo oo ro cm oo oo oo <*• oo UO CM r--. U0 o I— 1 CM CM 1 — 1 CM oo t-H UO 00 uo 00 i— < oo UO UO oo uo UO •3- oo oo en CM oo <3- o oo «3- ^3- CM co en ^- co o in cr> uo m i — cz> u^ oo CM r-H UO CT> CM r-\ • • CM O 0O <-t CM cr> i— i • o en t— i • o 00 00 • r— r3 U T3 -i '( — 00 ">> ^ 1 H 13 O) t— nD r— i— QJ CT> •I Q. +-> C S_ •i — H , >> -»-> +-> +J -M (t3 ■o "8 ai CD C71 CD o o O O O CL Q. L. S. s- 1- •i — • r- QJ QJ GJ QJ Q Q Q- Ci. Q- a. u c QJ Q. IS) 3 c CT O QJ Q. 00 C5 -t-> CO 00 , 00 00 00 t- >. >i >. o jz: u V- 4- i_ >> aj 0J QJ c a. Q. Q. o ZJ +J o QJ ro -a cm QJ +-> O QJ O "3" CTi CM «3- •— ' O «d- UO inoH<* rscOH • o CM •> cnoai<3- CTt i— I • 00 CM o o r-~. oO «^- UO i— I • oo oo •> lOOHN (JO i— I i— I • 00 oo 00 1 oo r-H • o CM O CM 00 UO UO UO • i—l U0 •> en o r-i ir> o r-«. i— i «^- «d- r-~ i— i «3- • +J JC en 00 3 4-> 03 .c C.J en ^ •r" C 00 a3 +J 03 •r" •r— CL E O in T3 •r- 8. c: u c gj +J Ol 00 ■a 4- Ifc 4- QJ O o O > .,— i- l- 1_ +-> QJ GJ QJ 03 I ■fi f QJ ZJ 3 zs Cd 2: z: z: 15 Table 7. TOTAL CATCH PERCENTAGES AND HABITAT SELECTION OF THE MAMMAL SPECIES COLLECTED BY SNAP TRAPPING. Species Percentage caught in all habitats with total number trapped in parentheses. Habitat Utilization (Number of habitats the species was found in versus total number of habitats). Dipodomys merriami Dipodomys ordi Perognathus amplus Perognathus baileyi Perognathus intermedius Perognathus longimembris Perognathus penicillatus Peromyscus eremicus Peromyscus leucopus Peromyscus maniculatus Onychomys torridus Neotoma albigula Neotoma lepida Neotoma stephensi Ammospermophilus harrisi Spermophilus tereticaudus Eutamias dorsal is Syl vilagus auduboni Sylvilagus floridanus 13.7% (61) 0.7% (3) 3.4% (15) 7.4% (33) 20.9% (93) 2.0% (9) 4.0% (18) 11.2% (50) 0.5% (2) 0.7% (3) 0.5% (2) 23.0% (102) 4.5% (20) 0.5% (2) 5.4% (24) 0.2% (1) 0.2% (1) 0.7% (3) 0.5% (2) 8/11 2/11 2/11 4/11 6/11 2/11 2/11 9/11 2/11 2/11 1/11 9/11 7/11 2/11 5/11 1/11 1/11 3/11 2/11 16 and the highest densities for Merriam's kangaroo rat, Bailey's pocket mouse (Perognathus baileyi), little pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris), deTert pocket mouse (Perognathus penicillatus), and Yuma antelope squirrel (Ammospermophilus harnsi ) were recorded here. The most significant species, in terms of relative densities, appear to be the Merriam's kangaroo rat (2.44), Yuma antelope squirrel (2.44), and white-throated woodrat (2.25). In addition, two lagomorphs, the black-tailed jack rabbit (Lepus californicus) and especially, the desert cottontail (Sylvilagus auduboni) were observed to be abundant in their utilization of this habitat. Small mammals are able to take full advantage of the variety this community provides in the form of substrate types and cover. Substrate varies from alluvial sand to loose talus on rocky shelves. Cover is provided from both the riparian desertscrub and the debris of inter- mittent flooding. Collectively, differences in life-form of the vegetation and topography form a structurally diverse community that supports the greatest number of species at the greatest population numbers. The vegetational structure of Arizona Upland is similarly diverse and was found to support an equal number of species as mixed riparian scrub, but at reduced densities. The highest reported densities for the rock pocket mouse and desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida) were in desert- scrub. In this community the highest recorded relative densities were for rock pocket mouse (2.75), white-throated woodrat (1.64), and Merriam's kangaroo rat (1.21). Black-tailed jack rabbits and desert cottontails were common in desertscrub habitat of Arizona Upland, and rock squirrels (Spermophilus variegatus) were locally common among rock outcrops. Round-tail ground squirrels (Spermophilus tereticaudus) were infrequently encountered as local populations on desert flatlands where mesquite and creosote bush occurred over sandy soils. None were collected by snap trapping. Coyotes (Cam's latrans) were observed as being most numerous here than in any other vegetational community, presumably in response to the jack rabbit and cottontail populations. They usually occurred as isolated individuals whereas javelina (Dicotyles tajacu) formed small bands that were generally found in areas laden with prickly pear (Opuntia phaeacantha). Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) were occasionally sighted in open, more broken desertscrub where browse plants such as jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) were abundant. Feral burros (Equus asinus) were only encountered in desertscrub communities. They occur as small herds in areas proximal to water sources, e.g. cattle tanks and springs, and were most numerous near Lake Pleasant Regional Park. Arizona Upland was further subdivided into three standard habitat sites based on gradient. They included desertscrub flatlands, foothills, and hillsides. Many species key to the degree of inclination and the subsequent substrate types, rather than specific vegetational species. This is clearly illustrated in Table 8 where relative den- sities indicate that the Merriam's kangaroo rat shows habitat preference for areas of low relief with substrate consisting of loosely compacted 17 le B. SMALL MAMMAL DENSITIES FOR THE SONORAN DESERTSCRUB COMMUNITIES. DATA ARE SHOWN AS NUMBER OF ANIMALS CAPTURED PER 270 TRAP NIGHTS AND PARENTHESES INDICATE TOTAL NUMBER TRAPPED. Species Dipodomys merriami Perognathus amp"! us Perognathus baileyi Perognathus intermedius Perognathus longimembris Perognathus penicil latus Peromyscus eremicus Neotoma albigula Neotoma lepida Ammospermophilus harrisi Syl vilagus auduboni Flatland 2.6 (26) 1.5 (15) 0.5 (5) 1.0 (10) 0.3 (3) 1.6 (16) 0.6 (6) 0.7 (7) Foothill 0.69 (8) 0.43 (5) 1.63 (19) 3.86 (45) 0.26 (3) 1.80 (21) 0.60 (7) 0.17 (2) 0.09 (1) Hillside 0.79 (5) 2.69 (17) 2.53 (16) 1.42 (9) Totals 3.29 (34) 0.43 (5) 2.42 (24) 8.05 (77) 0.50 (5) 1.00 (10) 3.09 (22) 4.82 (46) 1.20 (13) 0.87 (9) 0.09 (1) TOTALS Relative density 8.8 9.53 7.43 Number of trap nights 2,700 3,150 1,710 7,560 Number of animals caught 88 111 47 246 Number of speci es 8 9 4 11 18 alluvial outwash. Its numbers were reduced in foothill situations and nonexistent on hillsides. In contrast, the rock pocket mouse was found at higher densities in desert foothills where rock talus was prevalent, and the cactus mouse exhibited habitat preference for the rock outcrops present on desertscrub hillsides. Simple monotypic vegetation types, such as creosote flats of the Lower Colorado community, typically support a small number of abundant species. Creosote flat habitat accounted for the third highest total relative density, but only four species were collected. The highest density for Arizona pocket mouse (Perognathus amplus) and the second highest density for Merriam's kangaroo rat were recorded in creosote communities. Eight species were snap trapped in desert grasslands. The highest densities for white-throated woodrat, cactus mouse, deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) , and southern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys torridus) were recorded here. This indicates a trend where cricetid rodents appear to displace the heteromyid rodents and occur at higher densities in more mesic habitats, such as grasslands. Bradley and Mauer (1973) report that food habits of desert rodents tend to be generalized, i.e. small mammals utilize basic food types such as seeds, forbs, and arthropods depending upon seasonal availability. However succulence, usually in the form of green forbs or insects, is necessary in the diet of sciurid and cricetid species in contrast to the heteromyids, which only resort to succulence during the reproductive season (Bradley and Mauer 1973). Supplementary water may be important to most cricetids but another factor governing the distribution and abundance of small mammals in desert grasslands may be the availability of cover. Life-form of the vegetation dictates the amount and type of cover and food available and may be more important than the mere presence or absence of certain plant species. It was on this assumption that desert grassland was split into two standard habitat sites. It was thought that in a habitat where a vegetational canopy is lacking, that more may be provided in the way of cover from rock outcrops. This is better illustrated in Table 9 where densities for cactus mouse were found to be higher in areas with rock outcrop, than those without. Densities were also significantly higher for white-throated woodrat in rock outcrop associations due to the increased availability of suitable nesting sites. In addition, the eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) was first observed in desert grasslands. It is sympatric with desert cottontail here, but occurs in greater numbers. It is generally found to be abundant from 2,600 feet to higher elevations of 5,200 feet in chaparral. The highest densities for Ord's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ordi) and Stephen's woodrat (Neotoma stephensi ) were recorded in chaparral habi- tat. Six other species were snap trapped in this community with white- throated woodrat being the most abundant (1.80). Additionally, the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) was found only in chaparral and its riparian counterpart of mixed broadleaf. Also, the brush mouse (Peromyscus boylei ) and northern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster) were only collected here and it was the only sight locality for mountain lion (Felis concolor). 19 Table 9. SMALL MAMMAL DENSITIES FOR DESERT GRASSLAND COMMUNITIES. DATA ARE SHOWN AS NUMBER OF ANIMALS CAPTURED PER 270 TRAP NIGHTS AND PARENTHESES INDICATE TOTAL NUMBER TRAPPED. Species Desert Grassland Dipodomys merriami Peromyscus eremicus Peromyscus maniculatus Onychomys torridus Neotoma albigula Neotoma lepida Neotoma stephensi Syl vilagus floridanus 0.20 (1) 0.80 (4) 0.40 (2) 1.80 (9) Desert Grassland With Rock Outcrop 0.33 (1) 3.33 (10) 0.67 (2) 6.67 (20) 0.33 (1) 0.33 (1) Totals 0.20 (1) (2) 4.13 (14) 0.40 (2) 0.67 (2) 8.47 (29) 0.33 (1) 0.33 (1) 0.20 (1) 0.53 TOTALS Relative density Number of trap nights Number of animals caught Number of species 3.4 1,350 17 5 11.66 810 35 6 2,160 52 8 20 Many small mammals, heteromyid rodents in particular, may live out their entire life span without ever drinking free water. They have evolved to meet water requirements through metabolism of carbohydrates. Water conservation in these rodents is enhanced by an efficient renal system which can concentrate urine, a lack of sweat glands, and their nocturnal habits. It is these factors which render riparian areas insignificant to most small mammals. The three remaining habitats considered, mixed broadleaf, cottonwood/wil low, and mesquite bosques, all reported low density values and reduced species numbers. However, these areas are important for one of the smallest mammals present in the state, the desert shrew (Notiosorex crawfordi). All nine locality records were obtained from the use of can traps in mixed riparian scrub at 1,680 feet up to mixed broadleaf communities at 5,100 feet. Pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae) also heavily utilized riparian areas. Their burrows were frequently encountered along stream banks and over many of the flood plains adjacent to both perennial and intermittent drainages. This type of habitat was also observed to be significant to bats and larger mammals such as mustelids, procyonids, deer and javelina which periodically visit perennial water sources. Arizona has more different kinds of bats than any other state in the union, 26 species within three families (Cockrum 1960). In sampling with mist nets and .22 cal. birdshot, we were able to account for 10 species over both planning units (Table 4). Abandoned dwellings, rock crevices, cattle tanks, trees, caves, and especially abandoned mines were important forage and roosting sites. Numerous mine shafts and tunnels occur throughout the planning units. These apparently represent significant habitat and were heavily utilized by bats. Large colonies, with up to several different species, were discovered in almost every mi ne tunnel sampled. 21 DISCUSSION In summary, mixed riparian scrub and Arizona Upland appear to be the most productive habitats for small mammals in the Black Canyon and Skull Valley Planning Units. The highest relative densities and the highest number of species for all communities considered were found here (Fig. 2). Presumably, this is in response to the diversity of habitat, where life-form of the vegetation and substrate vary greatly. The majority of the 338,000 acres surveyed over both planning units con- sisted of desertscrub foothills that were highly braided by intermittent washes. Mixed riparian scrub and Arizona Upland scrub therfore repre- sent considerable habitat for the endemic small mammals. This is consistent with the results of Schwartzmann et_ aj_. (1975). They reported similar high mammal diversity and density values for desert- scrub in their study of the Proposed Salt-Gila Aqueduct Site in central-Arizona. Desert grassland and creosote communities were intermediate in their utilization by small mammals. Creosote flats were found to support few species at high population numbers. This was comparative to the results of Bradley and Mauer (1973) in their study of similar habitat in southern Nevada. Riparian communities such as mixed broadleaf and mesquite bosques were the least productive habitats sampled. The lowest relative densities and number of species were recorded here. Perennial waters are of little consequence to many of the small mammals which have the ability to obtain their water metabolical ly. As a result, riparian areas do not represent significant habitat to these mammals and in terms of diversity and relative density, they typically support depauperate populations. The white-throated woodrat, Merriam's kangaroo rat, rock pocket mouse, and cactus mouse were the four most frequently collected species on both planning units and therefore reported the highest relative den- sities (Fig. 3). Their total relative densities and habitat utilization are listed in Table 10. Information from this study revealed that mammal species are not restricted to given habitats, but overlap to form a continuum of distribution and should be managed accordingly. Coexis- tence of species depends on the ability of each population to delineate and segregate niche space. This may be achieved by different activity patterns (either diurnal or seasonal), by subdivision of the habitat, or by subdivision of the community resources. All tend to reduce shared habitat and resource utilization between species. A listing has been compiled in Appendix 5 for mammal species known to occur within the Black Canyon and Skull Valley Planning Units, but whose presence was not substantiated by capture or observation through- 22 3 E e o u a> > -^ o *- a> o> a> > k_ o • CWK) O E «_ £ o> a> a> £ co u. o r «*- 3 CO a> o> o c a> c Ql c 10 o •*- a. O i_ >» a> a> J3 — • E o 3 > C ■© MM C 3 O JC CO CO *v CD C <_ o ■•• >. co c c CP •o o o JC a> o > o 4- co o a> a> i_ £ <»- o C c o £ CO o * Cl F CO o 0) a "~ d> Ll CO o a> D. CO a> -O E 3 2 -?£ a> x: •I — o »- i_ o — C\) ° I D enbsog DI0D0V/9l!nbssW jDdipoojg P9XIW DJJDdoqo wo||!M /pOOMUOUOO PUD|SSDJ9 4 jaseQ 0pDJ0|03 J8M0-] puo|dn duozuv qnjos uouDdiy pex|y\ 23 o •© c o 0 _c CO 0 "o m a. CO "O © z » i, ._ — c o => o .a o> >» c *■ c i 6 V, c c .5 V. '*» 0 S 5 ^ a O- Q. « .ct i» .0 CD 6 a •> ■ft CP *> ■cs a ■k »^ c* CO — E 0 to O o o 0 c ^ £ £ > t> 0 S 0 0 0 O *^ C^. >» v> 0 _ ■" t» «> « = "5 0> v* D ft. B ft. ■ -C c — o «- o o CO c ^ z <-> — O CO — c m © ■O CD £ a, *" > — C —— • • o .e CP — •- * •*- O co CP c •" © £ CO _ *- o o Q. — E ^ o o O -C c DJJodDqo PUD|SSDJ9 IJ9S9Q PUO|SSOJ0 ro CO -r— m OpDJO|OQ J8M0-! 3P!S||!H qnjosijassQ IIIMtooj qnjos|J9SdQ puo||Dy qnjosjjasdo qrjos uDUDdij-j paxj/g (sigBju dDJj oiz Jad) A" 4 J s ueQ a a j |D|ay 24 Table 10. TOTAL RELATIVE DENSITY AND HABITAT UTILIZATION OF THE MOST FREQUENTLY COLLECTED SPECIES. DATA ARE SHOWN AS NUMBER OF ANIMALS CAPTURED PER 270 TRAP NIGHTS AND PARENTHESES INDICATE TOTAL NUMBER TRAPPED. Total Relative No. of Habitats Found in Density Versus Total No. of Habitats Neotoma albigula 11.32 (102) 9/11 Dipodomys merriami 7.56 (61) 8/11 Perognathus intermedius 6.36 (93) 6/11 Peromyscus eremicus 6.15 (50) 9/11 25 out the present course of study. Of the 50 total mammal species either collected or observed during the sample period, none were either feder- ally or state listed as being threatened or endangered. Only one species, the pocketed free-tailed bat (Tadarida femorosacca), exhibited a major range extension. It is normally found in Baja and northern Mexico and in southern California and Arizona (Hall and Kelson 1959). Locality records for Arizona are primarily from Pima, Santa Cruz, and part of Cochise County, but one specimen was collected approximately eight miles northwest of Lake Pleasant in Yavapai County. Whether this represents a population trend or an isolated instance is unknown at this time. As a final note, population estimates are based on the probability of capture remaining constant for removal as well as mark and release trapping (Hayne 1949). Several parameters are involved which can make trapping selective and affect trapping success. They include the number, kind, size, and placement of traps; type of bait; weather; moonlight; inadvertent snapping of traps by cows and burros; unavail- ability of snapped traps; and age, sex, size, reproductive condition, and activity pattern of the species involved. In regards to seasonal activity, most small mammals exhibit a bimodal pattern of spring and fall peaks separated by periods of dormancy and aestivation (Lewis 1972, M'Closkey 1972, Reichman and Van de Graaff 1973, Anderson, et al_. 1977). Evaluation of habitat in terms of densities and diversities for various mammal populations should be made relative to the seasonal activity periods of the species i nvol ved. 26 LITERATURE CITED Anderson, B.W., J. Drake, and R.D. Ohmart. 1977. Population fluctuations in nocturnal rodents in the Lower Colorado River Valley. j_n Proc. Symp. on the Importance, Preservation, and Management of the Riparian Habitat. USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, Colo. Gen. Tech. Report RM-43 : 183-192. Anderson, B. W. and R. D. Ohmart. 1977. Rodent bait additive which repels insects. Jour. Mammalogy 58:242. Babcock, H.M. 1968. The phreatophyte problem in Arizona. Ariz. Watershed Symp. Proc. 12:34-36. Barbour, R. W. and W. H. Davis. 1969. The bats of America. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. Beatley, J. C. 1969. Dependence of desert rodents on winter annuals and precipitation. Ecology 50:721-724. Bradley, W. G. and R. A. Mauer. 1973. Rodents of a creosote bush community in southern Nevada. Southwestern Naturalist 17:333-344. Brown, D. E. and C. H. Lowe. 1974a. A digitized computer-compatible classification for natural and potential vegetation in the South- west with particular reference to Arizona. Jour. Ariz. Acad. Sci. 9, Suppl. 2. . 1974b. The Arizona system for natural and potential vegetation - illustrated summary through the fifth digit for the North American Southwest. Jour. Ariz. Acad. Sci. 9, Suppl. 3. Brown, D. E., C. H. Lowe, and J. F. Hausler. 1977. Southwestern riparian communities: their biotic importance and management in Arizona. J_n Proc. Symp. on the Importance, Preservation, and Management of the Riparian Habitat. USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, Colo. Gen. Tech. Report RM-43 : 201-211. Calhoun, J. B. 1951. North America census of small mammals. Release No. 4, Jackson Memorial Lab. Bar Harbor, Michigan, Release No. 1, Rodent Ecology Project, John Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Maryland. Cockrum, E. L. 1960. The recent mammals of Arizona, their taxonomy and distribution. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. 27 Hall, E. R. and K. R. Kelson. 1959. The mammals of North America. 2 Vol. Ronald Press, New York, New York. Hayne, D. W. 1949. Two methods for estimating population from trapping records. Jour. Mammalogy 30:399-411. Hubbard, J. P. 1977. Importance of riparian ecosystems: biotic con- siderations. In Proc. Symp. on the Importance, Preservation, and Management of tn~e Riparian Habitat. USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, Colo. Gen. Tech. Report RM-43:14-18. Jones, J. K. , D. C. Carter, and H. H. Genoways. 1975. Revised checklist of North American Mammals north of Mexico. Occasional Papers. The Museum of Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas. Kearney, T. H. and R. H. Peebles. 1960. Arizona flora. The University of California Press, Berkeley, California. Lehr, J. H. 1978. A catalogue of the flora of Arizona. Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona. Lewis, A. W. 1972. Seasonal population changes in the cactus mouse, Peromyscus eremicus. Southwestern Naturalist 17:85-93. Lowe, C. H. (ed.). 1964. The vertebrates of Arizona. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. Lowe, C. H. and D. E. Brown. 1973. The natural vegetation of Arizona. Arizona Resources Information System, Phoenix, Arizona. Coop. Pub. #2. M'Closkey, R. T. 1972. Temporal changes in populations and species diversity in a California rodent community. Jour. Mammalogy 53:657-676. Reichman, 0. J. and K. M. Van de Graaff. 1973. Seasonal activity and reproductive patterns of five species of Sonoran Desert rodents. Amer. Mid. Nat. 90:118-126. Schwartzmann, J. L., W. F. Laudenslayer, R. D. Ohmart, and R. W. Smith. 1975. Field studies of the nongame mammals, birds, herpetofauna, and vegetation analysis of the proposed Salt-Gil a Aqueduct. Prepared for the Bureau of Reclamation. Sellers, W. D. and R. H. Hill (eds.). 1974. Arizona climate: 1931-1972, 2nd ed. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. Stamp, N. E. and R. D. Ohmart. 1975. Final report on the field studies of the nongame birds and small mammals of the proposed Orme Dam site. Bureau of Reclamation Contract No. 14-06-300-2541. 28 Stephenson, R. L. and R. D. Ohmart. 1973. the vertebrate fauna of Spider and Cross U Ranches in Santa Maria Mountains, Arizona: A summer and winter survey. Turkowski , F. J. and J. R. Vahle. 1977. Desert rodent abundance in southern Arizona in relation to rainfall. USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, Colo. Research Note RM-346. U.S. Department of Commerce. 1978. Arizona climatological data, monthly summaries. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration, Environmental Data Service, National Climatic Center; Asheville, North Carolina. 29 Appendix 1. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF RECORDING STATIONS USED FOR CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA. Cordes Yavapai County 34° 18' latitude 112° 10' longitude Elevation - 3773' means for period 1941-1970 Castle Hot Springs Yavapai County 33° 59' latitude 112° 22' longitude Elevation - 1990' means for period 1959-1970 Wickenburg Maricopa County 33° 58' latitude 112° 44' longitude Elevation - 2095' means for period 1941-1970 Skull Valley Yavapai County 34° 30' latitude 112° 41' longitude Elevation - 4254' Hillside Yavapai County 34° 25' latitude 112° 55' longitude Elevation - 3845' means for period 1941-1954 30 Appendix 2. BLACK CANYON/SKULL VALLEY STANDARD HABITAT SITES (Numbered) Upper Sonoran Life-zone 1. Chaparral 2. Desert Grassland 3. Desert Grassland with Rock Outcrop Lower Sonoran Life-zone Sonoran Desertscrub 4. Lower Colorado Arizona Upland 5. Desertscrub Flatland 6. Desertscrub Foothill 7. Desertscrub Hillside Riparian Deciduous Woodland 8. Mesquite/Acacia Bosque 9. Mixed Broadleaf 10. Cottonwood/Will ow 11. Mixed Riparian Scrub 31 Appendix 3. BLACK CANYON PLANNING UNIT MAMMAL TRANSECT LOCALITIES, Mammal Grid #1 AZ., Maricopa Co. T5N R1E NW1/4 Sec. 30, elev. 1400' Mammal Grid #2 AZ., Maricopa Co. T5N R1W SE1/4 Sec. 21, elev. 1450' Mammal Grid #3 AZ., Maricopa Co. T5N R1E SW1/4 Sec. 19, elev. 1560' Mammal Grid #4 AZ., Maricopa Co. T5N R1W NW1/4 Sec. 25, elev. 1400' Mammal Grid #5 AZ., Maricopa Co. T6N R1W SW1/4 Sec. 23, elev. 1800' Mammal Grid #6 AZ., Maricopa Co. T7N R1W NE1/4 Sec. 35, elev. 1840' Mammal Grid #7 AZ., Maricopa Co., French Creek flood plain T7N R1W NE1/4 Sec. 13, elev. 1800' Mammal Grid #8 AZ., Yavapai Co. T7N R2E NW1/4 Sec. 33, elev. 2080' Mammal Grid #9 AZ., Maricopa Co. T6N R1E NW1/4 Sec. 35, elev. 1660' Mammal Grid #10 AZ., Yavapai Co., Agua Fria River flood plain T7N R1E SW1/4 Sec. 12, elev. 1680' Mammal Grid #11 AZ., Maricopa Co. T8N R2E SE1/4 Sec. 32, elev. 1760' Mammal Grid #12 AZ., Yavapai Co. T7N R1E SW1/4 Sec. 4, elev. 2080' Mammal Grid #13 AZ., Maricopa Co. T6N R2W SW1/4 Sec. 35, elev. 1840' Mammal Grid #14 AZ., Maricopa Co. T6N R1W SW1/4 Sec. 18, elev. 2300' Mammal Grid #15 AZ., Maricopa Co., Morgan City Wash T7N R2W SE1/4 Sec. 25, elev. 2520' 32 Mammal Grid #16 AZ., Maricopa Co. T6N R2W SW1/4 Sec. 22, elev. 2300' Mammal Grid #17 AZ., Maricopa Co., Picacho Wash T6N R2W NE1/4 Sec. 9, elev. 2300' Mammal Grid #18 AZ., Maricopa Co. T6N R1W NE1/4 Sec. 34, elev. 1800' Mammal Grid #19 AZ., Maricopa Co. T6N R2W SW1/4 Sec. 7, elev. 2180' Mammal Grid #20 AZ., Maricopa Co. T7N R3W NW1/4 Sec. 35, elev. 2440' Mammal Grid #23 AZ., Yavapai Co. T7N R1E SW1/4 Sec. 10, elev. 1780' Mammal Grid #24 AZ., Maricopa Co., New River flood plain T6N R2E NW1/4 Sec. 20, elev. 1750' Mammal Grid #25 AZ., Maricopa Co. T7N R2E NE1/4 Sec. 16, elev. 2360' Mammal Grid #26 AZ., Maricopa Co. T6N R2E NE1/4 Sec. 7, elev. I860' Mammal Grid #27 AZ., Yavapai Co. T7N R1E NE1/4 Sec. 11, elev. 2000' Mammal Grid #28 AZ. , Yavapai Co., Humbug Creek flood plain T7N R1E SE1/4 Sec. 17, elev. 1680' Mammal Grid #29 AZ. , Yavapai Co., French Creek flood plain T7N R1W NW1/4 Sec. 24, elev. 1700' Mammal Grid #30 AZ., Yavapai Co. T7N R1E NW1/4 Sec. 19, elev. 1800' Mammal Grid #31 AZ., Yavapai Co. T8N R1W NW1/4 Sec. 36, elev. 2240' Mammal Grid #32 AZ., Yavapai Co. T8N R1W NE1/4 Sec. 28, elev. 2480' Mammal Grid #33 AZ., Yavapai Co. T8N R1W SE1/4 Sec. 30, elev. 2400' 33 Mammal Grid #34 AZ. , Yavapai Co., Cedar Basin T7N R2W SW1/4 Sec. 12, elev. 2640' Mammal Grid #35 AZ., Yavapai Co. T8N R1W NE1/4 Sec. 11, elev. 2760' Mammal Grid #36 AZ., Yavapai Co., Silver Creek T9N R1W NE1/4 Sec. 16, elev. 4260' Mammal Grid #37 AZ., Yavapai Co. T9N R1W SW1/4 Sec. 28, elev. 3800' Mammal Grid #38 AZ., Yavapai Co. T7N R2W NE1/4 Sec. 9, elev. 3040' Mammal Grid #39 AZ., Maricopa Co. T7N R2W NE1/4 Sec. 19, elev. 3120' Mammal Grid #43 AZ., Yavapai Co. TUN R2E SE1/4 Sec. 17, elev. 3960' Mammal Grid #44 AZ., Yavapai Co. T11N R2E NE1/4 Sec. 34, elev. 3840' Mammal Grid #48 AZ., Yavapai Co. TUN R3E SW1/4 Sec. 19, elev. 3600' Mammal Grid #49 AZ., Yavapai Co., Agua Fria River T10N R3E NE1/4 Sec. 17, elev. 3240' Mammal Grid #53 AZ., Yavapai Co. T11N R3W SW1/4 Sec. 6, elev. 4480' Mammal Grid #61 AZ., Yavapai Co. T10N R3E NW1/4 Sec. 22, elev. 3740' Mammal Grid #62 AZ., Yavapai Co., Indian Creek T10N R3E NE1/4 Sec. 4, elev. 3360' Mammal Grid #63 AZ., Yavapai Co. T10N R2E NE1/4 Sec. 2, elev. 3600' Mammal Grid #64 AZ., Yavapai Co., Agua Fria River/Ash Creek flood plain TUN R3E SW1/4 Sec. 17, elev. 3510' Mammal Grid #65 AZ., Yavapai Co. T13N R2E SW1/4 Sec. 6, elev. 4920' 34 Mammal Grid #66 AZ. , Yavapai Co., Chaparral Gulch T13N R1E SE1/4 Sec. 19, elev. 5120' Mammal Grid #67 AZ., Yavapai Co. T12N R1E NE1/4 Sec. 23, elev. 4560' Mammal Grid #68 AZ., Yavapai Co. T12N R2E NE1/4 Sec. 29, elev. 4120' Mammal Grid #69 AZ., Yavapai Co. T12N R2E SW1/4 Sec. 4, elev. 4440' Mammal Grid #70 AZ., Yavapai Co. T13N R1E SW1/4 Sec. 24, elev. 4880' 35 Appendix 4. SKULL VALLEY PLANNING UNIT MAMMAL TRANSECT LOCALITIES, Mammal Grid #54 AZ., Yavapai Co. TUN R4W NE1/4 Sec. 27, elev. 4880' Mammal Grid #55 AZ., Yavapai Co. T9N R5W NW1/4 Sec. 19, elev. 2800' Mammal Grid #56 AZ., Yavapai Co. T10N R5W SW1/4 Sec. 30, elev. 3140' Mammal Grid #57 AZ. , Yavapai Co. T10N R5W NW1/4 Sec. 24, elev. 4000' Mammal Grid #58 AZ., Yavapai Co. T9N R5W NW1/4 Sec. 24, elev. 2985' Mammal Grid #59 AZ., Yavapai Co. T8N R4W SE1/4 Sec. 19, elev. 2480' Mammal Grid #71 AZ., Yavapai Co. T8N R5W SE1/4 Sec. 10, elev. 2540' Mammal Grid #72 AZ., Maricopa Co. T7N R4W NW1/4 Sec. 15, elev. 2320' Mammal Grid #73 AZ., Yavapai Co. T8N R4W SW1/4 Sec. 1, elev. 3040' Mammal Grid #74 AZ. , Yavapai Co., Martinez Creek T9N R6W NE1/4 Sec. 1, elev. 2900' Mammal Grid #75 AZ., Yavapai Co. T8N R7W SE1/4 Sec. 14, elev. 2520' Mammal Grid #76 AZ., Yavapai Co., Arrastre Creek flood plain TUN R4W NE1/4 Sec. 26, elev. 4640' 36 Bureau of Land Management Library Bldg. 50, Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 8Q225 Appendix 5. MAMMAL SPECIES POTENTIALLY INHABITING THE BLACK CANYON/SKULL VALLEY PLANNING UNITS, BUT UNREPORTED DURING THE SAMPLE PERIOD, CHIROPTERA VESPERTILIONIDAE My otis lucifugus subsp. occultus My otis volans Lasionyctens noctivagans Lasiurus boreal is Lasiurus cinereus Euderma maculata MOLOSSIDAE Tadarida brasiliensis Eumops perotis RODENTIA SCIURIDAE Cynomys gunnisoni HETEROMYIDAE Perognathus flavus CRICETIDAE Sigmodon hispidus ERETHIZONTIDAE Erethizon dorsatum CARNIVORA MUSTELIDAE Conepatus mesoleucus ARTIODACTYLA BOVIDAE * Ovis canadensis Little brown bat Long-legged myotis Silver-haired bat Red bat Hoary bat Spotted bat Brazilian free-tailed bat Greater mastiff bat Gunnison's prairie dog Silky pocket mouse Hispid cotton rat Porcupine Hog-nosed skunk Desert bighorn sheep * Historically known to occur within both planning units, but currently extirpated from the area. 37 Please Request TN 350 YA-BLM-PT-81-13-6602 . 0 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981 - 781-354/488 Region No 8 Bureau of Land r nt Denver, CO 8Q225 Date Loaned a o -i <-i o Ul 3 • oo /D O -P* tr" Ol in N) Ln O 3 H< < P Pi P h- > < I—" 1— ' fo t— ' ►d 0 3 (U X P H- 3 ^d 3 O i— i p o p t— • C 3 (/) 3 3 r+ H- O H* 3 Hh (D 0Q (/> rt »# c rr O o •-I Additional copies of Technical Notes are available from DSC, Federal Center Building 50, Denver, Colo., 80225 YA-BLM-PT-8 1-1 3-6602