SMITHIAN A An updated inventory of all known specimens of the coelacanth, Latimeria spp. Rik Nulens, Lucy Scott and Marc Herbin Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity Smithiana Special Publication 3 , 12 September 2011 Published by the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity National Research South African Institute Foundation I for Aquatic Biodiversity Smithiana Special Publications Smithiana Special Publications were originally published for relatively short research papers in place of JLB Smith Institute Special Publications. When the Smithiana Bulletin was changed into a multi-paper journal which is published twice a year, the Special Publication series was suspended. This is the first issue of a resurrected 'Special Publications' series and its purpose is to make avail¬ able reports, surveys and similar work that fall outside the ambit of a research paper, but which contain valuable information that should be made accessible. Like Smithiana Monographs, Smithiana Special Publications will be published irregularly and will be available for purchase from SAIAB. Cover photograph by Laurent Ballesta ©, Sodwana Bay, 2009. An updated inventory of all known specimens of the coelacanth, Latimeria spp. Rik Nulens1, Lucy Scott2 and Marc Herbin3 1 Everstraat 30, 3680 Maaseik, Belgium 2 UNDP GEF ASCLME Project, 18 Somerset Street, Private Bag 1015, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa 3 UMR 7179 MNHN/CNRS, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, CP 55, Pavilion d’Anatomie Comparee 57, rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France Received 7 February; accepted 25 May 2011 ABSTRACT A list is presented of all known specimens of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith 1939 and L. menadoensis Pauyaud et al. 1999. It is based on a previous inventory, published by the Coelacanth Conservation Council (CCC) in Environmental Biology of Fishes (EBF) 32: 371-390 (1991), extended with new catches and a new survey of the literature and extensive correspondence with museums, aquariums, universities and other institutional holdings worldwide. There has also been a complete check and update of the Millot et al. inventory (1978) housed at the National Museum for Natural History (MNHN) in Paris. At least 299 coelacanths are known to have been caught since the first coelacanth was found off South Africa in 1938. Subsequent specimens were caught in the Comoros, Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Indonesia and Tanzania. As of 8 September 2003, the capture list is dominated by coelacanth captures in Tanzania whereas the number of catches in the Comoros stabilised or decreased over the last 10 years. We express our hope that the implementation of the Tanga Coelacanth Marine Park, gazetted on 28 August 2009, will play a role in reducing catches in Tanzania during the years to come. RESUME Voici une liste des specimens de tous les coelacanthes Latimeria chalumnae (Smith 1939) et L. menadoensis (Pauyaud et al. 1999) connus. Elle est basee sur le precedent inventaire publie par le Conseil de Conservation des Coelacanthes (CCC) publie dans Environmental Biology of Fishes (EBF) 32: 371-390 (1991). Cet inventaire a ete complete en repertoriant les peches recentes, et les nouvelles etudes de la litterature, mais aussi a partir d'importants echanges avec musees, les aquariums, les universites et differentes institutions interna tionales. A cette occasion, une verification complete du premier inventaire de Millot et al. (1978) garde au Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris (MNHN) a ete realise. Ainsi, au moins 299 coelacanthes ont ete peches depuis la decouverte en 1938 du premier coelacanthe en Afrique du Sud. A partir du 08 septembre 2003, la liste est dominee par le nombre de captures de coelacanthes en Tanzanie, alors que le nombre des peches aux Comores s' est stabilise voir en diminution au cours de la demiere decennie. Nous esperons que la mise en place du Tanga Coelacanth Marine Park, inaugure officiellement le 28 aout 2009, jouera un role important au cours des annees a venir dans la reduction des peches de coelacanthes en Tanzanie. 22 September 2011 2 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. INTRODUCTION In 1833, the Swiss scientist Louis Agassiz began his work "Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles", printed in five volumes and five atlases, wherein he described the fossil coelacanths. Many fossil coelacanths had been found all over the world on each continent, except Antarctica, from rock aged between ca. 400 million and ca. 65 million years old. As coelacanth fossils were never younger than ca. 65 million years, it was thought that all coelacanth species had become extinct at that time, like the dinosaurs. It was the last of the many great extinctions our planet has experienced. One can imagine that it was really a great surprise when in the March 1939 issue of Nature J.L.B. Smith announced to the world that a living coelacanth had been caught on 22 December 1938 near East London, South Africa. What was happening? On the morning of 22 December 1938, the young curator of the East London Museum, Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, received a telephone call from Mr. Jackson, the manager of Irvin & Johnson in East London, to say that a trawler - the "Nerine" with Captain Hendrik Goosen - had brought in a pile of fish for her to examine. She called her assistant Enoch and went to the wharf. She looked at the pile of fish - mostly sharks of which she had already enough in the museum. While sorting them out, a blue fin stuck up from beneath the pile. And then, as Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer afterwards recounted: 'I picked away the layers of slime to reveal the most beautiful fish l had ever seen. Itwasfivefoot long, a pale, mauve blue with faint flecks of whitish spots. It had an iridescent silver- blue-green sheen all over. It was covered with hard scales and it had four limb-like fins and a strange little puppy- dog tail. It was such a beautiful fish but I didn't know what it was. . .'. The morning following the arrival of the fish in her museum she wrote a letter to J.L.B. Smith, enclosing a rough sketch of the fish. On 3 January J.L.B. Smith wrote: '...from your drawing and description the fish resembles forms which have been extinct for many a long year, but I am very anxious to see it before committing myself... Meanwhile guard it very carefully, and don't risk sending it away. I feel it must be of great scientific value...' Unfortunately, all the inner parts were already removed and discarded; only the skull and the skin was left and mounted by Mr R. Center. Later, Smith went to East London and identified the fish as a coelacanth and named it 'Latimeria chalumnae' in honour of Miss Latimer who saved the fish for science and the place where the fish was caught, the Chalumna River. Once revealed, the story became front-page news all over the world, and an illustrated monograph on the first coelacanth appeared in February 1940 in Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. But J.L.B. Smith wanted another coelacanth and this time a complete one. In 1947 he made a descriptive leaflet, showing a picture of the coelacanth, giving a brief description in English, Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Portuguese and French and offering a reward of £100. The leaflet was distributed along the entire coast of East Africa and Madagascar, and all the islands in those waters. On 23 December 1952, 14 years after the capture of the first coelacanth, a second was caught on hook and line, south of Domoni (Anjouan) in the Comoro Archipelago. The specimen was saved by Captain Eric Hunt and later brought to South Africa by a South African Air Force Dakota airplane. Finally J.L.B. Smith had his coelacanth and fisherman Achmed Hussein earned the promised reward of £100. A third coelacanth was captured on 24 September 1953 in Mutsamudu, Anjouan. Many catches would follow in subsequent years. So the Comoros became known as the 'home' of the coelacanths. But, as it transpired, the Comoros were not the only place where coelacanths were living. In 1991 a pregnant female with 26 pups in her belly was caught in Mozambique. This was followed by catches in Madagascar (1995) and Indonesia (1998) - of a different species and about 10 000 kilometres further east. But that was not yet the end. In 2001 a coelacanth was netted in Kenya and in 2003 the first coelacanth was found in Tanzania. During the past seventy years, many scientists from all over the world have carried out excellent scientific research work on the coelacanth, and when one looks at the coelacanth bibliography, one can conclude that this is one of the best described species in the animal world. In spite of this, many questions are yet to be answered about this enigmatic fish. Many expeditions in search for the coelacanths and their habitat have been organized with varying success. A German team from the Max-Planck Institute started in 1987 with their submersible Geo and was able to locate and film coelacanths in their natural habitat in the Comoros. Other expeditions followed with Geo and the newer submersible Jago. South African Trimix divers discovered a viable population in South African waters off Sodwana Bay in 2000, later confirmed by the German team from Max Planck who deployed the Jago to study the Sodwana Bay population, and later also conducted surveys around Tanzania and Indonesia. A Japanese/ Indonesian team from Fukushima Aquarium in cooperation with the Sam Ratulangi University and LIPI organized several successful Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) expeditions in Indonesia and located coelacanths in Manado and Talise, both Sulawesi Island, and recently in Biak, Papua Indonesia, 1 800 kilometres east of Manado. One can conclude that coelacanth populations might also live elsewhere in the great Indian Ocean, waiting to be discovered... The first catalogue of coelacanth catch records was published by J. Millot, J. Anthony and D. Robineau in 1972. It provided information on the time, date, place, depth and distance from shore Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 3 of capture, bait used, fisherman's name, and the weight, length and sex of the fish, and location of 68 specimens caught between 1938 and October 1971. Millot et al. also initiated a numbering system for coelacanth specimens and listed specimens Cl to C66 (an additional two specimens were numbered C14bis and C32bis). J. McCosker and M. Lagios published their findings on coelacanth research in 1979 in the Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, good for an additional 19 specimens caught from 1972 to 1977, and for one specimen seen in the Maloudja Hotel, but for which no data were available, thus extending his list to specimen number C88. Suzuki and Tanauma (1984) and Suzuki et al. (1985), on the basis of interviews with Comoran fishermen, listed an additional 22 specimens caught between about 1959 and 1977. They also provided details of three coelacanth specimens obtained by the Japanese expeditions to the Comoros in 1981 and 1983. Some other partial lists were produced in literature between 1978 and 1991. The most recent review and history of the list of coelacanth specimens known to science was published by M. Bruton and S. Coutouvidis in 1991, documenting all specimens caught to that date. Further additions to the EBF publication of captured coelacanths were listed in the EBF Coelacanth Conservation Council (CCC) Newsletters 3, 4, 5 and 6. Capture data from the coelacanths in Tanzania were recorded and kept up to date by the Tanzanian institutions to whom we are grateful for sharing this information with us. This publication intends to provide a comprehensive update of existing catch records, including information previously published, to provide a catalogue of coelacanth catch records and a bibliography of publications documented to date. Visits have been conducted to collections across Europe to document specimens in storage, and original correspondence (for example all the available telegrams and notes from J. Millot, J. Anthony and D. Robineau) have been reviewed in order to eliminate the typing errors in previous publications, and to extend the list with important information recorded in those notes and telegrams. The numbering system, introduced by the founders of the Coelacanth Conservation Council in 1987, has been continued. Most of the museums and institutions are using these CCC numbers for their own institutional inventories, and other databases (e.g. Fishbase) also use the CCC identifiers. The numerical sequence of coelacanths in the database is no longer in a chronological order of catches as it was in the beginning because news of coelacanth catches reaches us months after the event, occasionally from old reports rediscovered while searching the internet, literature and newspapers. Table 1. Number of captures of Table 2. Number of holdings of coelacanth specimens, Latimeria coelacanths, Latimeria chalumnae chalumnae per country; N = 299, excluding juveniles, per country; N = 299. Country No. of captures Comoros 215 Indonesia 5 Kenya 1 Mozambique 1 South Africa 1 Madagascar 13 Tanzania 63 Total 299 Country Holdings Country Holdings Algeria 1 Morocco 1 Australia 1 Mozambique 1 Austria 6 Peoples Republic of China 8 Belgium 6 Russia 2 Canada 4 South Africa 7 Comoros 31 South Korea 1 Denmark 1 Sweden 1 France 45 Switzerland 2 Germany 5 Tanzania 37 Indonesia 4 The Netherlands 1 Iraq 1 UK 5 Italy 6 USA 28 Japan 18 Venezuela 1 Kenya 1 Zimbabwe 1 Kuwait 1 Unknown locations or lost 62 Madagascar 10 Total 299 22 September 2011 4 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. COELACANTH CATCH SUMMARIES Captures 1 938 - 1 974 Year Captures 1975 -2010 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Year Captures 1975 -2010 (without Tanzania) 18 - o> 16 - 3 14 §■ 12- 5 10- * 8 n c- •in liLUlil liLl. 1 ». ..Ini 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Year Figs. 1-3. Captures of coelacanths, Latimeria chalumnae, in yearly intervals based on the information in this inventory, of 277 of the total 299 catches recorded; no capture date was available for 22 specimens. Captures Comoros 1952-2010 (Data from 189 specimen on a total of 21 5) \ Kuzu Ka skazi ■ 1 £ 25-: ■s 2° ill .III III. Month ✓ Figs. 4-5. Total number of captures for each month for the years 1952-2010 for the Comoros and for 2003-2010 for Tanzania. Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 5 Length Males (Data from 57 specimen) Length Females (Data from 77 specimen) Total length (cm) Total length (cm) Figs. 6-7. Length statistics for male and female coelacanths caught in the Comoros and Tanzania. Weight Males (Data from 51 specimen) Weight (kg) Weight Females (Data from 69 specimen) rp (P 60kg ? (8) 160cm. (9) Female (with eggs). (11) Preserved in alcohol in the collection. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C42. (14) Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany. (15) This specimen is not on display. Museum inventory number SMNS 26361. Bought from JLB Smith Institute in Grahamstown (South Africa). CCC 49: (1) 25 February 1966, 22:00h. (2) Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (4) Several hundred meters (Millot et al. 1972). (5) 350m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 124cm (Geneva) [116cm (Martin 1970)]. (9) Male. (11) Alcohol. (12) Good, frozen. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C43. (14) Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de la Ville de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland. (15) On 3 January, 1966 there was a proposal by the Government Ministry to buy a coelacanth for the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Geneva. Official request was posed by Prof. V. Aellen (11 January) and the confirmation came in on January 19 from the Comores with the statement that the second catch of the new fish season would be reserved. Mr Besnault informed Mr Aellen on 28 February that a coelacanth was caught close to the coast of Anjouan and in principle reserved for the Museum. In a letter from 31 March, Mr Besnault gives some information on the specimen. All correspondence related with the purchase of this specimen between Prof. V. Aellen, sub manager of the Museum in Geneva, and Dr P. Besnault, veterinary surgeon inspector, chief of "Le Ministere de la Production et des Industries Agricoles du Territoire des Comores, Section Elevage" is stored in the Museum's archive in Geneva. The specimen was fixed in formalin, then transferred into a solution of formalin / phenoxetol (~1994). Now (2009) the specimen is preserved in alcohol in the wet collection. Museum Collection Number: MHNG 1080.070. CCC 50: (1) 14 March 1966. 24:00h. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Ali M'voura. (4) Several hundred metres 'Quelques centaines de metres' (Millot et al. 1972). (5) 200m [150m~200m (Millot et al. 1972)]. (6) Cheilopogon cyanopterus (margined flying fish). (7) 15,87kg (when fresh). (8) 107cm. (9) Male. (11) Stored in a +10% formalin and >70% alcohol solution. (12) Frozen, then conveyed to Peabody Museum. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C44, Thomson (1966a), Thomson (1966b), Pickford & Grant (196 7), Cole (1968), Thomson (1970). (14) Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, USA. (15) Museum Inventory Number YPM 1482. The coelacanth on display in the museum's Great Hall is a cast based on the specimen in the division's collection. Blood samples were taken on 30 May 1966 (Pickford & Grant 1967). CCC 51: (1) 18 September 1966. (2) Djomani, Grand Comoro. (7) 73,9kg. (8) 165cm. (9) Female. (11) Formalin. (12) Good. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C45, Lenglet (2007a), Lenglet (2007b). (14) Royal Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. (15) Museum Collection Number 16452. Coelacanth not on public display but stored in the wet collection. 22 September 2011 14 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. CCC 52: (1) 20-21 December 1966 [20 November 1966 (Millot et al. 1972)]. 24:00h. (2) Mjoumbi, Anjouan. (3) Nidhoim Cheik Ahmed. (4) 400m. (5) 250m. (7) 65kg. (8) 155cm. (9) (?) Female. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C46. (15) N. Teitler on behalf of T. Uyeno in lift. 1990 states that this specimen is not in the Yumiuri-Land Aquarium, Tokyo, Japan as stated by Millot et al. 1972. Obtained by Matsutaro Shoriki, editor of Yomiuri Shimbun, Journal of Tokyo. This specimen is the same as CCC 053, surely a typing error in the data of the inventory of Millot et al. (1972). CCC 53: (1) 20-21 December 1966. 24:00h. (2) Off north shore of Anjouan. (4) 400m. (5) 250m. (6) Gempylid. (7) 54kg. (8) 150cm. (9) Female. (11) 6% Formalin. (12) Dissected by a Japanese research team. (13) T. Uyeno (in lift. 1990). (14) Kaikyokan - Aquarium, Shimonoseki Academy of Marine Science, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi, Japan. (15) Specimen obtained by Satoru Kamegai, reported to CCC by T. Uyeno (in lift. 1990). Coelacanth is on display in the museum. Dissected, body and viscera separated. Gift to M. Shorikim Ffead of the Yomiuri Newspaper Co., from the French Government in recognition of his cultural contributions to France and Japan (Kamegai 1971). This specimen was the first coelacanth in Japan (1967) and was a gift from the French President Charles de Gaulle. First housed at the Yomiuri-Land Aquarium which is closed now. From March 2001 it was displayed at the Sunshine International Aquarium. The coelacanth is now, from 21 March 2003, housed at Shimonoseki Marine Science Museum's "Kaikyokan". This specimen could possibly be the same as CCC052. CCC 54: (1) 20 December 1966. 24:00h. (2) Comoros. (3) Sule Sankashi. (8) 50cm. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985) no. 19, Bruton (1993a), Bruton (1993b) (15) Sule Sankashi, aged 90 years. Date and time of capture corrected in Bruton (1993a, 1993b). CCC 55: (1) 12 February 1967. (2) Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (3) Zema Houmadi. (4) 450m. (5) 300m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys Prometheus). (7) 65kg. (8) 145cm. (9) (?) Female. (11) Formalin. (12) Good, dissected. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C47. (14) Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de la Rochelle, La Rochelle, France. (15) This eviscerated specimen is stored in formalin. Radiography was done in -1980. CCC 56: (1) 17 February 1967. (2) Singani, Grand Comoro. (3) Assoumane Ali. (7) 45kg. (8) 118cm. (9) Male. (11) 72% Ethanol - 28% water mixture in aluminium tank. (12) Good. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C48. (14) Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. (15) This specimen is stored in an aluminium tank in the wet collection, together with other big fishes Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 (Araipaima, sturgeons). A cast of the specimen is on display in the museum. Collected from "La Direction de 1' Agriculture, l'Elevage et des Eaux" in Moroni (Comores) on 15 March 1967. Museum collection number SMF 9402. CCC 57: (1) 1 March 1967, 01:00h. (2) Iconi, Halamani. (3) Said Mehezi. (4) 450m. (5) 300m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys Prometheus). (7) 73kg. (8) 165cm. (9) Female. (11) Stored in formaldehyde and alcohol since 1968. (12) Good. (13) Millot et al. (1972) n° C49, McCosker & Lagios (1979), Uyeno & Tsutsumi (1991). (14) National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA. (15) Obtained by Birmingham Medical School, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A. Later sent to the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. It was collected in the Comoros Islands in the mid-1960s and purchased in 1968 by Dr H. N. Schnitzlein, then of the University of Alabama Medical Center, for use in his neuroanatomy studies. After removing the brain, the specimen was donated by Dr Schnitzlein to the Smithsonian Institution. Specimen in the Research collection. National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian), Washington Museum Collection Number USNM 205871. A cast of the specimen is on display. CCC 58: (1) 13 June 1967, 02:00h. (2) Salimani (syn. Hambou), Grand Comoro. (3) Sohilihi Foumou. (4) 200m. (5) 150m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 30.8kg. (8) 130cm [120cm - 130cm (Millot et al, 1972)]. (9) Female. (11) 4% Formalin. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C50. (14) Musee Zoologique de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. (15) Coelacanth is on display in the museum. Width: 22cm. Height at 1st dorsal fin: 31cm. The specimen was bought from the "Ministere de la Production Agricole et des Industries Agricoles du Territoire des Comores" for 100 000 CFA, probably via the MNHN, Paris. CCC 59: (1) 25 August 1967, 01:00h. (2) Iconi at Chezani, Grand Comoro. (3) Hamidi Oissoule & Ali M'sa Ali. (4) 300m. (5) 250m [76m (Millot et al., 1972)]. (6) Roudi (Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 15.1kg. (8) 107cm. [91.5cm (36in.) (M. A. Rogers)]. (11) Frozen; now stored in alcohol (70% ethanol). (12) Tissue in poor condition for histological examination. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C51. (14) The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA. (15) Museum Inventory Number FMNH 76057. Specimen obtained probably in 1968. This specimen is not on public display. CCC 60: (1) 25 August 1967. (2) Comoros. (3) Sule Sankashi. (8) (?) 150cm. [± 132.5cm M.A. Rogers], (11) Frozen, now stored in alcohol (70% ethanol). (13) Suzuki et al. (1985) no. 20, Bruton (1993a). (14) The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA. (15) Museum Inventory Number FMNH Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 15 117748. Photograph in Field Museum of Natural History Report 1967-68, pg 21. This specimen is not on public display. CCC 61: (1) 21 January 1968. (2) Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (3) Cheikn Ahmed Affondi. (5) 160m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 50kg. (8) 150cm. [± 122.8cm M. A. Rogers], (9) Female. (11) Now stored in alcohol (70% ethanol). (12) The specimen was eviscerated. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C52. (14) The Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S. Lake Shore D., Chicago, IL 60605-2496, USA. (15) Karel. F. Liem, University of Illinois Medical Center Chicago USA. This specimen is not on public display. Specimen obtained ca 1986. Museum Inventory Number: FMNH 97106. CCC 62: (1) 26 September 1968. (2) M'Bambani (Hambou), Baie de Tsinimoichong, Grand Comoro. (3) M'Saidie Madi Abdou. (4) 1000m. (5) 150m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 33.8kg. (8) 132cm. (9) Male. (11) Formalin/ alcohol. (12) Good. Sample of the viscera are stored in MNHN, Paris. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C53. (14) Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Nantes, Nantes, France. (15) This coelacanth is on public display (formalin/ alcohol). In 1968, Mme Baudouin, obtained this specimen from the Comorian government. CCC 63: (1) 31 October 1968. (2) Iconi, Grande Comore. (3) Ali M'Dahoma. (4) 1000m. (5) 200m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 13kg. (8) 100cm. (9) Male. (11) Formalin/ alcohol. (12) Good. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C54. (14) Haut Commisariat in Moroni, Comores. CCC 64: (1) 16 February 1969. (2) Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (3) Zema Houmadi. (5) 200m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 42kg. (8) 133cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Good. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C55. (14) Canadian Museum of Nature, Natural Heritage Building, 1740 Pink Road, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. (15) Museum Collection Number: CMNFI1969-0112.1. A cast of this specimen is on permanent loan to the Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Miguasha, Quebec, Canada. Stored in a 150 gallon stainless steel tank fixed in 10% formalin and then transferred into 70% ethanol. Not on public display. No eggs observed. CCC 65: (1) 13 March 1969. (2) Dzahadjou, Grand Comoro. (3) Tadjiri Himidi. (4) 1000m. (5) 150m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 31,5kg. (8) 138cm. (9) Male. (11) Formalin. Good. This intact specimen is stored. (13) Millot et al. (1972). no. C56. (14) Musee de la Peche, Concarneau, France. (15) This coelacanth is on public display (formalin/ alcohol). The museum received this coelacanth from the Comoros in 1970. CCC 66: (1) 24 March 1969. (2) Vanamboini, Grand Comoro. (3) Aboudou Hamedi. (4) 1000m. (5) 200m [60m (Millot et al. 1972)]. (6) Rastrelliger neglectus (Hanale). (7) 32kg. (8) 132cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen and stored in 75% denatured ethanol (12) . (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C57. (14) Zoological collections of the "National Museums of Scotland", Edinburgh, Scotland. (15) Museum Collection Number: NMS.G.1969.76. The register gives 200m as depth of capture (instead of 60m in Bruton et al.). Girth 34cm. The fish was frozen and when thawed before casting it weighted 80.751bs. G. Swinney noted, 2007-01-19: The cast, previously exhibited 1975-2005 in "Evolution", is now held in the lower vertebrate collections. The thawed specimen was dissected in the RMS and samples of organs and other soft tissues are registered separately at NMS.Z. 1978.81. The specimen is figured in: Andrews, S.M., 1977. The axial skeleton of the coelacanth, Latimeria, pp 271-288 in Andrews, S.M., Miles, R.S., & Walker, A.D. (eds.). "Problems in vertebrate evolution: essays presented to Professor T.S. Westoll", Linnean Society Symposium Series no. 4. Academic Press, London and New York. (A file of correspondence is in NMS Natural History Archive). CCC 67: (1) 1969 (2) Mizinjaju at Iconi, Grande Comore. (3) Adam Ally. (4) 500m. (5) 260m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (10) Alive when landed. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985) no. 11. (15) Adam Ally was aged 76 years. CCC 68: (1) 15 August 1969, 22:00h. (2) Between Moroni and Itsandra, Grand Comoro. (3) Nahouza M'Dahoma. (4) 1000m. (5) 200m. (6) Tylosurus choram (M'Tsoumboui - Scomberesocidae). (7) 25kg. (8) 124cm. (9) Male. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C58. (14) Musee de la Reunion, Saint Denis, La Reunion. (15) Dr D. Moreau received the coelacanth. Nothing left of this coelacanth, only a cast of coelacanth C9 is on public display. CCC 69: (1) 1 January 1970, 22:00h. (2) Itsoundzu (West Coast), Grand Comoro. (3) Oussoufa M'Latamou. (4) 1000m. (5) 300m. (6) Roudi (Promethichthys Prometheus). (7) 26kg. (8) 122cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen and stored in formalin. (12) Good. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C59, Dingerkus et al. (1978), McCosker (1979), Lagios (1979), Uyeno & Tsutsumi (1991). (14) California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA. (15) Specimen was purchased, arrived frozen at the Academy on 23 June 1970. Now stored in 70-75% ethyl alcohol. Museum Collection Number: CAS24862. CCC 70: (1) 23 July 1970, 22:00h. (2) Mindralou near Dembeni, Grand Comoro. (3) Abdou Moiramboini & Issa Mkoufound. (4) 500m. (5) 180-200m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 28,5kg. (8) 120cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen. (12) Dissected. 22 September 2011 16 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C60. (14) Laboratoire Biologique, Faculte des Sciences, France. Actually there is no trace of this specimen. (15) Faculte des Sciences (Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique 96 bl Raspail), Paris (France) (Pr Acher). CCC 71: (1) 20 November 1970, 23:00h. (2) M'Bamani (syn. Hambou), Grand Comoro. (3) M'Saidie Madi Soilihi. (4) 800m. (5) 70m. (6) Drondje [Djadge (Millot)]. (7) 73kg. (8) 160cm. (9) Female. (11) Received frozen, then fixed in formalin. (12) Dissected. Many anatomical pieces are stored separately in formalin. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C61, Robineau & Anthony (1973). (14) MNFIN, Paris, France. (15) The head was separated from the trunk, and cut in the horizontal plane. The abdominal cavity has been cut on the left side, and the tail is stored separately . CCC 72: (1) 21 November 1970. (2) Maludja, Grande Comoro. (5) 17m. (8) 121cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen. (13) McCosker & Lagios. (1979). (14) Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, USA. (15) John McCosker (1979) states that this specimen is not included in the list of Millot et al. The exact location of this specimen is unknown. It says it was frozen. It is possible this was used for the mould of the model, because it was collected near the time the Marine Hall was being constructed (early- to mid-1970s) but that is just speculation on my part. . . Personal communication Mr. R. Feeney (1 May 2009). CCC 73: (1) 27 February 1971. Night 26-27 February 1971. (2) Hassimpao, Anjouan. (3) Abdou Charif. (4) 1000m. (5) 300m. (7) 77kg. (8) 160cm. (9) Female. (11) Transported in formalin and later exhibited in a tank in propanol. (12) Good. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C62. (14) MacMillan Tropical Gallery, Public Aquarium of Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (15) Public Aquarium, Vancouver (Canada), Dr Murray Newman. Stomach contents description, species and numbers: Cuttlefish, McAllister 1971 (in Uyeno & Tsutsumi 1991). Coelacanth is on public display. CCC 74: (1) 5 March 1971, 03:00h. (2) Itsandra, Grand Comoro. (3) Mohamed Soilihi. (4) 1500m. (5) 100m. (6) Lutjanus sp. (hazi, snapper) & Roudi (Prornethichthys prometheus). (7) 38kg. (8) 133cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C63. (14) Musee d'Anatomie Testut Latarjet de Lyon, Faculte de medecine, Lyon, France. Scraped. CCC 75: (1) March 1971. (2) Off Shezani, near Moroni, Grand Comoro. (5) 350m. (6) Roudi (Prornethichthys prometheus). (8) <100cm. (10) Alive when landed. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985) no. 9. CCC 76: (1) 3 April 1971. (2) Moroni, Grand Comoro. (3) Youssouf Abdou. (4) 3000m. (5) 250m. Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 (6) Roudi ( Prornethichthys prometheus). (7) 10kg. (8) 85cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C64. (15) Contrary to Millot (1972), Mr. Rupert Baker states that there is no coelacanth at the Royal Society. Specimen was used for anatomical demonstrations during the January- March 1972 expedition (confirmed by Anthony's correspondence) . CCC 77: (1) 28 June 1971, 01:00h. (2) Vanamboini, Canton d'ltsandra. Grand Comoro. (3) Mlaraha Adame. (4) 2000m. (5) 250m. (6) Rastrelliger neglectus (Hanale). (7) 30kg. (8) 133cm. (9) Male. (11) Formalin. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C65. (15) Initially reserved for Mr Westoll (University of Newcastle, USA), since he did not reply, the specimen was put at the disposal of the Princeton Museum of Natural History According to Smith et al. (1975), this specimen was not sent to the American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA, as stated by Millot et al. (1972). The Princeton museum also did not take up the offer. CCC 78: (1) 16 September 1971, 00:30h. (2) M'Bamani (Hambou), Grand Comoro. (3) Msaidie Mohamadi. (4) 2000m. (5) 100m. (6) Roudi ( Prornethichthys prometheus). (7) 65kg. (8) 164cm. (9) (?) Male. (10) Alive when caught. (12) Died 08:30h. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C66. (14) P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. (15) Possibly the same specimen as CCC 98. Institut d'Oceonographie Shirshov, Moscow (Russia) (Pr A. Monin). CCC 79: (1) 5 January 1972, 01:30h. [01:00h. (Millot et al. 1972)]. (2) Domoni, Anjouan, (3) Kombo Sidicharif. (4) 2000m. (5) 400m. (6) Rastrelliger neglectus (Hanale). (7) 78kg. (8) 163cm. (9) Female with 19 mature eggs. (10) Alive for 9 h after landing (Locket 1980). (11) Dissected 5 hours after death, frozen and stored in formalin. (12) Good. Many anatomical pieces are separately stored in formalin. (13) Millot et al. (1972) no. C67, McCosker & Lagios (1979), no. 70, Locket (1980), Bollore (1974), Anthony & Millot (1972), Devys et al. (1972), Millot & Anthony (1974), Giraud et al. (1979). (14) MNHN, Paris. (15) Franco-Anglo-American Expedition. Dissected tissues sent worldwide. The authors (Devys et al. 1972) mentioned the weight of the 19 eggs between 319g and 334g. McCosker states 20 eggs, 8.5-9cm in diameter and 300-344g in weight referring to Millot & Anthony 1974. Both Bollore and Anthony were involved in a coelacanth expedition at that time at the Comoro Islands. Bollore wrote: Kombo Sadisharif got 60 notes of 1,000 francs CFA. When they asked him what he was intend to do with all the money Kombo Sadisharif answered: "I have 18 children". CCC 80: (1) 22 March 1972, 02:00h. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Madi Youssouf Kaar. (4) 600m [100m Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 17 (McCosker)]. (5) 165m. (6) Thon (Tuna). (7) 10kg. (8) 86cm [85cm (McCosker)]. (9) Female. (10) Alive for 6 h after landing (Locket 1980). (11) Dissected, then frozen. (12) Many samples of the viscera are stored in alcohol 70%. (13) Note Robineau no. C68, McCosker & Lagios (1979), no. 71, Locket (1980), Bollore (1974), Locket & Griffith (1972), Chavin (1972), Dartnall (1972), Lemire (1976), Nothcut et al. (1978). (14) Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, USA. (15) Franco-Anglo-American Expedition. Dissected tissues and organs sent to 54 scientists worldwide. Both Bollore and Anthony were involved in a coelacanth expedition at that time at the Comoro Islands. Locket mentioned: Coelacanth captured at 02:00h. The specimen was transferred by the fishermen to a cylindrical cage approximately 1,5m diameter by 2m length which had been built at Iconi during a previous Canadian Expedition where it lived in until 07:45h. The eye was removed by Locket at 09:00h. Stored in a light-tight freezing cabinet where it slowly froze. Transported to UK. On arrival in Sussex it was stored at -30°C until 10 April 1972. CCC 81: (1) 12 May 1972. 22:45h. [23:00h. (McCosker)]. (2) Iconi, direction Moroni, Grand Comoro. (3) Said Ali Kundji. (4) 800m. (5) 90m. (6) Aiguillettes (M'Tsoumbon). (7) 38kg. (8) 120cm. (9) Female. (11) Preserved in seawater + 10% Formalin (at 37%). (12) Good, frozen at 00:30h, formalin. Whole specimen is stored in formalin. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C72; Note Robineau no. C69. (14) Oceanarium du Croisic, Le Croisic, France. (15) First housed at "Le Peigne de Venus" in Marseille, France (M. Lozet, Bilan Vert) then transferred to Croisic. Copy of "Certificat de prise de coelacanthe". CCC 82: (1) 12 August 1972, 03:00h. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Mhoumadi Aboudou. (4) 400m. (5) 100m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 95cm. (11) Frozen, formalin, now 70% Alcohol. (12) Incision into the abdomen but soft anatomy still intact. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C73; Note Robineau no. 70, Bruton (1993a). (14) Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. (15) Purchased in 1973 for R1400 (South African Rand) which included the costs of transport. Frozen for 6 months, it was moved to formalin in June 1973. Museum inventory number 1527. Specimen was put on public display on 12 November 1973 (M.N. Bruton 1993). Copy of "Certificat de Prise de Coelacanthe". CCC 83: (1) 16 October 1972, 20:30h. (2) Dzindri, (Canton de Sima) Anjouan. (3) Tsoumou Bacar. (4) 1000m. (5) 350m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys Prometheus). (7) 30kg. (8) 120cm. (9) (?) Male. (10) Alive for 4 hours after landing. (11) Dilute formalin (2009). (12) Frozen, then in formalin in bad state. (13) McCoksker et al. (1979) no. C74; Note Robineau no. C71, Bruton (1993a). (14) Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens, Belfast, BT9 5AB, Northern Ireland. (15) Specimen is on display in the Ulster Museum. Purchased in 1974 for the price of £625 from: Le Directeur de 1' Agriculture, de l'Elevage et des Eaux et Forets - Ministere de la Production et des Industries Agricoles, Moroni - Territoire Des Comores (Comoro Islands). Preserved in formalin when purchased. Preserved in Steedman's Solution while on display until 2007. CCC 84: (1) February 1973. (2) Mizinjaju, Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Yousouf Abdou. (4) < 500m. (5) 280m. (8) 50cm. (10) Alive when landed. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985) no. 6. (15) Yousouf Abdou, aged 54 years. CCC 85: (1) 6 July 1973, 03:00h. (2) Mitsoudje Bangoi, Grande Comore. (3) Ibrahim Soilihi. (4) 500m. (5) 120m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 35kg. (8) 132cm. (9) Male. (12) Died at 04:00h, in formalin at 09:00h. (13) McCosker & Lagios. (1979) no. C75; Note Robineau no. 72. (15) Prof. Westoll (UK). CCC 86: (1) 27 July 1973. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) M'Bae M'Sa. (4) 100m. (5) 100m. (6) Roudi (Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 10kg. (8) 86cm. (9) Male. (11) Formalin (correct). (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C76; Note Robineau no. C73. (14) M. Nerat, Vienna, Austria. (15) Preserved in formalin, but without intracranial injections. M. Nerat (Zoology preparator), Vienna, Austria. CCC 87: (1) 6 November 1973. 02:00h. (2) Vouani, Anjouan. (3) Baco Selemani. (5) 175m. (7) 32kg. (8) 120cm. (9) Male. (10) Alive when landed. (11) Formalin. (12) Died at 13:00h, treated at 13:00h. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C 77; Note Robineau no. C74. (14) M. Nerat, Vienna, Austria. (15) M. Nerat (Zoology preparator), Vienna, Austria. CCC 88: (1) 22 November 1973 21:00h. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Ibada M'Belizi. (4) 800m. (5) 180m. (7) 24kg. (8) 103cm. (9) Male. (10) Alive when landed. (11) Frozen, injected with formalin in 1975. (12) Died at 20:30h. Frozen at 22:00h. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C78; Note Robineau no. C75, Uyeno & Tsutsumi (1991). (14) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of San Diego, La Jolla, USA. (15) Inventory number SI0 75-347. CCC 89: (1) 1973. (2) Milini, at Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Ally Musa Ally. (4) 250m. (5) 350m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 130cm. (10) Alive when landed. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985) no. 14. (15) Ally Musa Ally, aged 60 years . CCC 90: (1) 27 November 1973, 03:30h. (2) M'Bachile, near Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) 22 September 2011 18 N ulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. Attoumani Moussa. (4) 400m. (5) 225m. (7) 30kg. (8) 110cm. (9) Male. (10) Alive when caught. (11) 70- 75% ethyl alcohol. (12) Good, fresh frozen at -20°C to -10°C for 18 months. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C79; Note Robineau no. C76, McCosker (1979), Miller (1979), Rasmussen (1979), Dingerkus (1979), Hayashida (1979), Fisher & Whitt (1979), Lombardini & Pang (1979), Uyeno & Tsutsumi (1991). (14) California Academy of Sciences, Steinhart Aquarium, San Francisco, USA. (15) Frozen when the specimen was still alive. Received at the Academy on 13 March 1975. The viscera were removed 27 May 1975 for biochemical analysis and the specimen was preserved in formalin the following day. Stomach contents description, species and numbers: Symphysanadon, deepwater snappers, 2, McCosker, 1979 [in Uyeno & Tsutsumi 1991]. Inventory number CAS 33111. Specimen is on display in Steinhart Aquarium. CCC 91: (1) 1973 (2) Baco Selemani (probably Salimani), Grand Comoro. (3) Said Mehezi. (5) 175m. (6) Roudi (Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 120cm. (9) Female. (11) Formalin. (12) Good. (13) Tratz. (1975). (14) Haus der Natur, Museumplatz, Salzburg, Austria. (15) Received by "Haus der Natur" in March 1974. Coelacanth is on display in the museum. CCC 92: (1) 14 February 1974, 01:00h. (2) Mirontsi, close to Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (3) Omar Houmadi M'Sa. (5) 220m. (7) 40kg. (8) 136cm (Bilan Vert) [140cm (McCosker)]. (9) Male. (11) Skeleton in formalin. (12) Good. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C80; Note Robineau no. C 77, Bruton (1993a), Bruton (1999), Adamicka & Ahnelt (1976). (14) Naturhistorisches Museum Vienna, Vienna, Austria. (15) Dr P. Kahsbauer, Vienna. The initial purpose should be at: M. Lebret Air Comores (Paris) on requisition of the Ministere de la Production. The specimen was bought on 9 August 1974 for an amount of 350.000,- CFA (FF 7.000,-). The date of capture on the label in the museum is incorrectly given as 9 August 1974 (M.N. Bruton, 1993a). Dissected by Adamicka & Ahnelt (1976) and not CCC 096 (C83) as they stated in their paper (Barbara Herzig, personal communication 1992). Illustrated in CCC Newsletter 6 (M.N. Bruton 1999). The skeleton is on exhibition in the museum. Gill rakers 1974 - 7.1979 at Dr Kritscher (analysis of parasites). Parts in formalin rather alcohol [?]: brain, heart, scales, pectoral fin. In parts on display or in scientific collection. Museum Collection Number NMW 76041 (previous number was NMW-16000, M.N. Bruton, 1993a). CCC 93: (1) 17 May 1974, 22:00h. [21:00h. (McCosker)]. (2) Vanamboini, Voidjou village. Grand Comoro. (3) Ali M'Dahoma. (4) 300m. (5) 150m. (6) Pieuvre, Octopus sp. (7) 40kg. (8) 139cm (Bilan Vert). (11) Formalin. (13) McCosker & Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Lagios, (1979) no. C81; Note Robineau no. C78. (14) M. Lebret (Bilan Vert), Paris, France. Actually, we have no trace of this specimen. CCC 94: (1) 17 August 1974, 16:45h. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Said Ahamada. (4) 2000m. (5) 180m. (6) Thallasoma sp. (Labridae) Cheilinus trilobatus. (7) 0,8kg (frozen). (8) 42.5cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive when landed. (11) Frozen at -18°C, then fixed in formalin. (12) Died 17:15h., frozen at 19:00h. The dissected specimen is stored. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C82; Note Robineau no. C79, Balon et al. (1988), Robineau & Millot (1975), Anthony & Robineau (1976). (14) MNHN, Paris. (15) Died at 17:15h., frozen at 19:00h., at -18°C, 2h after capture, received in Paris on 28 August 1974 still frozen on arrival. The smallest coelacanth caught on a line to date. Illustrated in Balon (1988) (Fig. 11). Gift from the Comorian Minister of Development Omar Tamou to the French scientists. Kakatzi is the Comoran name for Thallasoma sp. CCC 95: (1) August 1974. (2) Comoros. (8) 122cm. (11) Preserved in formalin. (12) Good. (13) Note Robineau N° 79bis. (14) Chateau de la Bussiere, La Bussiere, France. (15) Formalin injections were done in Comoros. The whole (?) specimen is stored. Coelacanth on display in the museum and is part of the angling collection of the Countess de Chasseval. CCC 96: (1) 18 October 1974, 01:30h. (2) Salimani (Hambou), Grand Comoro. (3) Issa Moussa. (4) 400m. (5) 240m (corrected to 250-300m). (6) Roudi (Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 40kg (corrected to 60kg). (8) 140cm (corrected to 165-170cm). (9) Female. (10) Alive when captured, died at 3:00h., preserved in formalin at 8:29h. (11) Formalin. (12) Good, with intestinal tract intact (in formalin). (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C83; Note Robineau no. 80, Bruton (1993a), Bruton (1999), Adamicka & Ahnelt (1976). (14) Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria. (15) Dr P. Kahsbauer, former curator of fishes, sent the bill for the specimen to Dr J. Eiselt, former head of the department: ATS 27.342,- (FF 7.000,-) (CFA 350.000,-) = about €2.000,- in recent [2009] currency. The specimen arrived with Dr Starmiihlner in the NMW (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien). Intestinal tract in formalin extra in the scientific collection. Body height 35cm. Corrections on some data were made by Barbara Herzig (personal communication 1992), see M.N. Bruton, 1993a, confirmed by our listing (Note Robineau). Illustrated in CCC Newsletter 6 (M.N. Bruton 1999) (Fig. lb). Museum Collection Number: NMW-76040. Coelacanth is on display in the museum. CCC 97: (1) 9 November 1974, 05:30h. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Ali Saadi. (4) 2000m. (5) 250m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 37kg. (8) Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 19 145cm. (9) Female. (11) Formalin. (12) In formalin at 09:20 h. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C84; Note Robineau no. C81, Miller. (1979). (15) In formalin at 09:20h.; presence of an important blood clot in the abdomen without external wounds. See information (Note Robineau). CCC 98: (1) 1974. (2) Grand Comoro. (8) ~157cm. (11) Formalin. (12) Fair. (13) Recorded by E.K. Balon on 21.6.1990. (14) P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, Russia. (15) In a sealed glass aquarium in the centre of the cafeteria of the Institute of Oceanology, Moscow. This specimen could be the same as CCC 78; rediscovered in 1984 encrusted in rust at the Zoological Museum in Moscow and subsequently restored. Illustrated in CCC (Fig. 6b), photo taken by E.K. Balon on 17 May 1990. CCC 99: (1) April-May 1974. (3) Athumi Mbelizi. (4) 250m. (5) 370m. (8) 150cm. (10) Alive when landed. (13) Suzuki et al. ((1985) no. 8. (15) Athumi Mbelizi, aged 55 years. CCC 100: (1) 22 January 1975 04:00h. (2) Mromouhouli (Sima, South coast), Anjouan. (3) Ahmadi Sidi. (4) 3000m. (5) 300m. (6) Roudi (Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 66kg. (8) 165cm. (9) Female. (11) Formalin. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C85; Note Robineau no. C82, Miller. (1979). (14) Possibly Scripps or Steinhart (see also CCC 103). (15) Specimen in bad state due to a harpoon wound at the left side, beginning of putrefaction. J.W. Atz (pers. comm. 1991) suggests that one of CCC numbers 100 or 103 went to the Scripps Institute of Oceanology and the other to the Steinhart Aquarium in California. CCC 101: (1) 1975. (2) Off Mt N'Gouni, Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Madi Yussuf. (7) 15-16kg. (8) 80cm. (10) Alive until it reached the coast. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985) no. 4. (15) Madi Yussuf, aged 73 years. CCC 102: (1) March 1975. (2) Off Mt N'Gouni, Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Yussuf Abdou. (4) 500m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 150cm. (10) Alive when landed. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985) no. 7. (15) Yussuf Abdou, aged 54 years . CCC 103: (1) 27 January 1976. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C86, Note Robineau no. C83. (14) Scripps Institute or Steinhart (see also CCC 100). (15) Noted by M. Cosker (1979). Possibly Scripps Institute of Oceanography or Steinhart Aquarium, U.S.A. (see also CCC 100). CCC 104: (1) 5 April 1976. (2) Grand Comoro. (7) 65kg. (8) 165cm. (11) Formalin. (12) Good. (13) Zhu Min in literature 1990 (?) (15) In 1982, the government of the Comoros offered this specimen to the Government of China. This is the only Latimeria in the domestic and preserved fish specimens on public display at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute in the Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology Museum. CCC 105: (1) 1 September 1976. (2) Domoni, Anjouan. (7) 11,2kg [11kg (McCosker)]. (8) 11,2kg [11kg (McCosker)]. (11) Formalin. (13) McCosker & Lagios (1979) no. C87, Note Robineau no. 84. (14) Centre de Recherches Oceanographique et de Peche, Alger, Algeria. No trace of this specimen (15) A gift to the Algerians during the Foire Internationale d' Alger in September 1976 (Mrs Bongazelli). CCC 106 : (1) 1976. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Said Ahmed Mbae. (8) ca. 25cm. (10) Swimming slowly in the water when caught. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 1. (15) Said Ahmed Mbae, aged 50 years. This size estimate describes the smallest free-swimming coelacanth caught to date, possibly a premature birth (1991). CCC 107: (1) January 1977. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Said Ahmed Mbae. (4) 300-400m. (5) 300m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 120cm. (10) Alive until it reached the coast. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 2. (5) Said Ahmed Mbae, aged 50 years . CCC 108 : (1) 1977. (2) Mizinjaju at Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Hassan Malinji. (4) 300m. (5) 250m. (8) 150cm. (10) Alive until it reached the coast. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 12. CCC 109: (1) February 1978. (2) Mizinjaju at Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Madi Yussuf. (4) 500m. (5) 300m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) 10kg. (8) 70cm. (10) Dead when it reached the surface. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 5. (15) Madi Yussuf, aged 73 years . CCC 110: (1) July 1978, 22:00h. (2) Anjouan. (7) 30kg. (8) 125cm. (9) (?) Female. (11) Frozen, later injected with formalin and placed in 75% Isopropyl solution. (12) Good. (13) Kriel (2006), Knight (2007), Minshull (2009). (14) The Natural History Museum, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. (15) The coelacanth was housed in the Queen Victoria Museum in Harare and was collected by Mr. John Minshull in 1978. Received from Captain Jack Malloch, chief pilot of an air freight company flying to the Comoros (AFRAIR). Moved to Bulawayo around 1982 by Mr. John Minshull with the entire fish collection. Unfortunately the original tank it was displayed in was damaged and for the last 15 years or so this precious specimen has been tucked away in the basement. The temporary tank in which the Coelacanth is presently housed was rusting and it is possible that should nothing be done that the Coelacanth itself may deteriorate. Miss Lara 22 September 2011 20 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. Knight, who met Mr. John Minshull and heard the amazing story of the Bulawayo coelacanth decided to investigate and she started a successful initiative to save the Bulawayo coelacanth. There was a suitable display tank to re-home the Coelacanth, however to successfully preserve and display this fish approximately 400 liters of Isopropyl Alcohol was required. A Bulawayo firm ACOL Chemical has graciously donated the isopropyl alcohol required. Grateful thanks goes to the Di Palma family of Wood Industries for building the beautiful wood cabinet that now houses the coelacanth in the Bulawayo Museum. Coelacanth is now on display again in the museum. CCC 111: (1) December 1978. (2) Off Iconi, Grand Comoro. (4) 600-700m [~700-800m (EBF)]. (5) 150m. (7) ~40kg. (8) 120 [129cm (EBF)] [130cm (Elter 1980)]. (11) On display in a 4% formalin solution. (12) Frozen at -30°C, five hours after death. (13) Note Robineau without number, Elter. (1980). (14) Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, Italy. (15) The coelacanth was collected from the fishermen by Dr Erik Domini who worked at the Comoros at that time. Five hours after death the coelacanth was frozen at a temp of -30°C and kept at that temperature during the trip from the Comoros to Italy. A whole series of photographic and radiographic images has been made (Mme Elnet). CCC 112: (1) 1978. (2) Off Mt. Dengu, Grand Comoro. (3) Msakarani Muvura. (4) 200m. (5) 100m. (6) Roudi (Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 90cm. (10) Alive when landed. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 17. (15) Msakarani Muvura, aged 80 years. CCC 113: (1) 10 December 1978. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (4) 600-700m. (5) 150m. (8) 135cm. (11) Frozen at -30°C, 5-6 hours after capture. (13) Note Robineau without number. (14) Civico Museo di Storia Naturale, Via Tominz 4, 34139 Trieste, Italy. (15) On the label it is written that the specimen was a gift to the Trieste Natural History museum by Dr Erik Domini, to honour the memory of the former Director, Dr Edoardo Gridelli. Mr N. Bressi (Trieste) gives the length as 130cm. In EBF this specimen was assigned to the museum in Torino. CCC 114: (1) August 1979. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (4) 600-700m. (5) 150m. (8) 122cm. (11) Frozen, 2 hours after capture. (13) Note Robineau without number. (14) Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, Italy. (15) Musee Zoologique de Turin (Mme Elnet). CCC 115: (1) September 1979. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (4) 600-700m. (5) 150m. (8) 100cm. (11) Frozen, 2 hours after capture. (13) Note Robineau without number. (14) Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, Italy. (15) Musee Zoologique de Turin (Mme Elnet). CCC 116: (1) January-February 1979. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Athumi Mbelizi. (4) 390m. (5) 500m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 60cm. (10) Alive when landed (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 10. (15) Athumi Mbelizi, aged 55 years . CCC 117: (1) 24 January 1980, 20:00h. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Athumi Mbelizi. (4) 800m (1/2 mille au large). (5) 160m. (6) Flying fish sp. Exocoetidae. (7) 19kg (eviscerated, fixed) [20kg (EBF)]. (8) 109,5cm [110cm (EBF)]. (9) Female. (11) Formalin. (12) Good. (13) Note Robineau without number. (14) First ORSTOM., Paris, then (June 1989) to MNHN, Paris. (15) Athumi Mbelizi, aged 56 years. Hauled up in 20 min, the coelacanth died at 05:00h. Exposed in ORSTOM, Aulnay, (Scientific Services). Arrived at the MNHN, Paris the 10 March 1980. Un-fertilized ovary transferred at the Laboratoire d'lchtyologie of the MNHN, Paris during June 1989. Inventory number 2005-081. CCC 118: (1) May 1980. (2) Grand Comoro. (8) 155cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen, later fixed in Formalin and displayed in 60% Propanol. (12) Good; Dissected on left side to display internal organs. (13) Illustrated in CCC (Fig. 3), Bruton (1993a). (14) SAIAB, Grahamstown, South Africa. (15) Coelacanth is on display in the Museum. Museum Inventory Number: RUSI 9981 (M.N. Bruton 1993a). It was acquired by a Zimbabwean businessman from whom it was purchased by SASOL ONE (Pty) Ltd. for the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology. CCC 119: (1) 1980. (2) Beni, Grand Comoro. (3) Yusuf Ah. (8) 160-170cm. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 16. CCC 120: (1) ? Late 1980. (2) Grand Comoro. (8) 100cm. (11) 50% Formalin & 50% Alcohol in glass tank. (12) Good. (14) Transvaal Museum, Paul Kruger Street, P.O. Box 413, Pretoria, South Africa. (15) Coelacanth is on display in the Museum. Museum Inventory Number: TM-COEL 01. Obtained from Mrs Margaret Smith (JLB Smith Institute Grahamstown, now South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity). CCC 121: (1) January 1981. (2) Gawarani, at Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Bakari Isuram. (4) 200m. (5) 250m. (6) Gempylid? (7) 18.5kg. (8) 109cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Good, but with partly damaged fins. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 2. (14) National Museum for Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan. (15) After study, it was prepared for display (with artificial eyes) by taxidermist H. Taguchi. Smallest specimen in Japan, tissues removed Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 21 for study by JASEC research team at Keikyu Aburatsubo Park Aquarium. CCC 122: (1) August-October 1981. (2) Zizazu, near Itsoundzu Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Ahamada Isilahi. (4) 500-1000m. (5) 500m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 170cm. (10) Alive when landed. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 22. CCC 123: (1) 30 December 1981. (2) Mitsamiuli, Grand Comoro. (4) 400m. (5) 200m. (6) Gempylid? (7) 84kg. (8) 175,4cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Good, slight contusions on head and fins. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), JASEC no. 1. (14) Kanazawa Aquarium, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. (15) Display specimen with artificial eyes, prepared by H. Taguchi . CCC 124: (1) 1 September 1982. (2) Itsoundzu, Grand Comoro. (3) Ahamada Isilahi. (4) 800m. (5) 500m. (6) Gempylid? (7) 53kg. (8) 164cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Damaged, injury to abdomen. (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), JASEC no. 3. (14) Kanazawa Aquarium, 450 Higashimikage, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. (15) Display specimen with artificial eyes, prepared by H. Taguchi. Stomach contents description, species and numbers: Ilyophis brunneus, deepsea witcheel (muddy arrowtooth eel) 490 TL, 1, Uyeno & Tsutsumi 1991. Tissues removed for study at University of Tokyo. CCC 125: (1) November 1982. (2) Sahda, ? Grand Comoro. (3) Mwazie Kawa. (4) 340m. (5) 150m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (13) Suzuki et al. (1985), no. 15. (15) Mwazie Kawa, aged 75 years. CCC 126: (1) Early 1983. (2) Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (8) 183,1cm. (9) Female. (11) Expertly mounted in Belgium and displayed in a hand-carved wooden cabinet. (12) Excellent, all fins and scales intact, artificial eyes. (13) Balon et al. (1988). (14) Foyer of President's residence, Moroni, Grand Comoro, Comores. (15) Illustrated in Balon et al. (1988) (Fig. 9). CCC 127: (1) 26 November 1984, 02:00h. (2) Chiconi, Anjouan. (5) 250m. (8) 190cm. (13) Observed by T. Ogiso (1986) in the freezer of the Japanese fishery school (now the Ecole National de Peche), Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (14) Ecole National de Peche, Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comores. CCC 128: (1) 16 December 1984, 22:00h. (2) Bouekouni, Anjouan. (3) Sandani. (5) 200m. (8) 150cm. (13) Observed by T. Ogiso (1986) in the freezer of the Japanese fishery school (now the Ecole National de Peche), Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (14) Ecole National de Peche, Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comores. CCC 129: (1) 28 January 1985, 22:00h. (2) Pomoni, Anjouan. (3) Hassni. (5) 200m. (13) Observed by T. Ogiso (1986) in the freezer of the Japanese fishery school (now the Ecole National de Peche), Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (14) Ecole National de Peche, Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comores. CCC 130: (1) 4 June 1985, 03:00h. (2) Wani, Anjouan. (5) 250m. (8) 130cm. (13) Observed by T. Ogiso (1986) in the freezer of the Japanese fishery school (now the Ecole National de Peche), Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (14) Ecole National de Peche, Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comores. CCC 131: (1) 20 September 1985. (2) Between Ubeni and Salimani, Grand Comoro. (3) Hama Muhammed. (4) 500m. (5) 200m. (8) 150cm. (11) Frozen, to be dissected in 1991. (12) Good. (13) T. Uyeno in litt. (1990), JASEC no. 5. (14) Kanazawa Aquarium, 450 Higashimikage, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. CCC 132: (1) 22 November 1985, 23:00h. (2) Vassi, Anjouan. (5) 300m. (13) Observed by T. Ogiso (1986) in the freezer of the Japanese fishery school (now the Ecole National de Peche), Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (14) Ecole National de Peche. Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comores. CCC 133: (1) November 1985. (2) Domoni, Anjouan. (8) 134.3cm. (11) Mounted with coconut fibre and wood. (12) Disemboweled, injected with formalin. (13) M.N. Bruton, 23 April 1987, Balon et al. (1988). (14) Karima Restaurant, Domoni, Anjouan, Comoros. (15) Owned by Habane Said Ah Abdallah Abderamane. Fig 4 in Balon et al. (1988) and appears on 4 photographs in Balon (1990b, p. 127). CCC 134: (1) Early 1986. (2) Near Matsumudu, Anjouan. (8) 159.5cm. (11) Frozen, then fixed in formalin and dried. (13) M.N. Bruton, 28 April 1987. (14) Centre National de Documentation et de Recherche Scientifique, Museum CNDRS, Moroni, Comores. (15) Dry mount prepared by taxidermist, S. Bakari, on Anjouan. Stuffed with coconut fibres, supported with wood, internal organs removed, fins complete. CCC 135: (1) 4 July 1986, 01:30h. (2) Grand Comoro. (3) Mohammed Youssouf Kari. (4) 400-500m. (5) 250m. (6) Tuna sp. (Scombridae). (7) ~60kg. (8) 125cm. (10) Lived for 33 hours after capture. (11) Frozen, then fixed in formalin and dried. (13) Uyeno, T. , (1991) JASEC no. 4 (JASEC no. 3 in EBF), Uyeno (1991). (15) Towed at a depth of 3-5m, the fish was brought to shore in front of Hotel Coelacanthe, Moroni, at 10:30h., and at about 16:30h. was placed in a 2 x 1 x lm metal cage anchored at 50m depth, 50m offshore. As the fishermen were afraid the fish would escape, the tow rope was kept attached, 22 September 2011 22 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. almost certainly making the movements recorded on cinefilm unnatural. At 10:30h the next day this specimen died and was brought to shore. (Uyeno, T. 1991). CCC 136: (1) 17 July 1986, 01:00h. (2) Grand Comoro. (3) Mohammed Islam. (4) 400m. (5) 200m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (7) ~65kg. (8) 140cm. (10) Lived for 42 hours after capture. (13) Uyeno (1991) JASEC no. 2, Uyeno. (1991). (15) A videotape was made of this specimen after its release in shallow water by J.-L. Geraud working for the JASEC team. The fish was hooked on a hand-line from a pirogue (outrigger dugout) by a native fisherman, Mohammed Islam, on 17 July 1986 at 01:00h., about 400m offshore, around 200m deep using 'roudi', a gempylid fish, as bait. This coelacanth, 140cm long and weighing about 65 kg, was brought to shore at the same location as CCC135 and placed in the aforementioned cage around 10:00h. It was in far better condition than CCC135, possibly due to the fact that it stopped fighting the line after a relatively short time. Once caged, the hook was removed from the fish's mouth, and the specimen was released so that a videotape of free-swimming locomotion could be taken. After videotaping was completed it was herded back to the cage where, under observation, it remained constantly in motion until it died the next day at 19:30h. (Uyeno, T. 1991). CCC 137: (1) July 1986. (2) Anjouan. (4) 200m. (5) 300m. (8) 124.8cm. (11) Initially frozen, later dried and stuffed with coconut fibre. (12) Poor. (13) M.N. Bruton, 1 May 1987, Balon et al. (1988). (14) Seen in S. Bakari's taxidermy workshop, near Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comores. (15) Held by S. Bakari in fig. 24 of Balon et al. (1988). The eyes were replaced. CCC 138: (1) 3 December 1986. (2) Itsandra, Grand Comoro. (8) 132cm. (11) Specimen dissected on the left side. (13) Mary Burridge (in litt. 1990) ?, Burridge-Smith. (1987). (14) Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (15) Specimen obtained by Peter Stevens, a member of the Explorer's Club expedition in November 1986, and donated to the Royal Ontario Museum. Tissue samples were taken and placed in alcohol in a dry collection. Museum Inventory Number ROM 51809. CCC 139: (1) 23 November 1986. (2) Itsoundzou, Grand Comoro. (3) Madi Issala. (7) 34.6kg. (8) 109cm. (10) Alive when caught. (13) Musick (in litt. 1990)? (14) American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York NY 10024, USA. (15) Brought to the shore alive and acquired by the Explorer's Club during their November 1986 expedition. Museum Inventory Number AMNH 59196. CCC 140: (1) ? 1986. (2) Grand Comoro. (7) 13.5kg. (8) 97.2cm. (9) Immature male. (11) Frozen. (12) Dissected. (13) Hale et al. (1991), Musick et al. (1991). (14) The University of Kansas, Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. (15) Obtained by Explorer's Club personnel for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Museum Inventory Number VIMS 8117, Museum Inventory Number Kansas Z22082. Severely freezer-burned indicating that it had been frozen for some time. On permanent loan to University of Kansas (as cited in 1991). In November 1987 two fish (CCC 140, 141) were transported by truck from a freezer at the New York Aquarium to VIMS and stored frozen until 3 January 1988, when the research team assembled. On 4 January, while both specimens were allowed to thaw slowly (at ca. 5-10°C), the research team held a planning session to determine research needs by tissue type. The dissection of CCC 140 began 6 January at 10:30 h. and was completed by about 12:30h. The primary focus of the biological research initiated at VIMS was to employ methodologies (biochemical, radiological) not generally available to academic scientists over a decade earlier when the last major studies were done on Latimeria. In addition to the research of members of the immediate dissection team frozen or preserved tissues were subsequently shipped to over 60 scientists around the world, including workers in Australia, Germany and Japan. The results of many of these studies and others were presented in a 'Symposium on the Biology and Evolution of Coelacanths' arranged by J.A. Musick in June 1989 at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in San Francisco. CCC 141: (1) November 1986. (2) West coast of Grand Comoro. (7) 53.75kg. (8) 145.2cm. (9) Immature female. (11) Maintained frozen at -30°C until dissection on 5 January 1988. (12) Dissected (13) Coutier et al. (1988), Schultze & Cloutier. (1991), Musick et al. (1991), Stock et al. (1991), Hillis et al. (1991), Waehlneldt et al. (1991), Schultze (1991), Setter & Brown (1991), Magnum (1991). (14) Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), P O Box 1346, Glaucester Point, VA 23062, USA. (15) Museum Inventory Number VIMS 8118. Acquired by personnel of the Explorer's Club. Original illustration in EBF 23, page 282 and manipulated illustration in EBF 32, page 17. In November 1987 two fish (CCC 140, 141) were transported by truck from a freezer at the New York Aquarium to VIMS and stored frozen until 3 January 1988, when the research team assembled. Studies began on 3 January when CCC 141 was taken (still frozen) to Riverside Hospital in Newport News, Virginia, for computed tomography (CT scan). On 4 January, while both specimens were allowed to thaw slowly (at ca. 5-10°C), the research team held a Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 23 planning session to determine research needs by tissue type. Dissection of CCC 141 commenced at 08:30h on 5 January. The specimen was partially thawed externally, but its internal organs remained largely frozen. Immediately upon dissection, tissue samples were placed in dry ice for biochemical and physiological studies, or in 10% buffered formalin for gross morphological work. At 15:00h. this specimen was returned to the Radiology Unit at Riverside Hospital for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This continued with the help of John Daimler (head of Radiology at the Hospital) and Mark Brown of the Siemens Corporation, until 04:00h. on 6 January. The specimen was then returned to VIMS where between 05:30h. and 06:30h. the brain and pituitary were removed. These were still partially frozen and in excellent condition. The primary focus of the biological research initiated at VIMS was to employ methodologies (biochemical, radiological) not generally available to academic scientists over a decade earlier when the last major studies were done on Latimeria. In addition to the research of members of the immediate dissection team frozen or preserved tissues were subsequently shipped to over 60 scientists around the world, including workers in Australia, Germany and Japan. The results of many of these studies and others were presented in a 'Symposium on the Biology and Evolution of Coelacanths' arranged by J.A. Musick in June 1989 at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in San Francisco. CCC 142: (1) December 1986. (2) Near Pomoni Anjouan. (8) 101cm. (11) Dry mount prepared by S. Bakari, Anjouan. (12) Poor, scales missing. (13) M.N. Bruton, 1 May 1987, Balon et al. (1988). (14) Seen in S. Bakari' s taxidermy workshop, near Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comores. (15) Held by S. Bakari in fig. 24 of Balon et al. (1988). CCC 143: (1) December 1986. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (8) 182cm. (11) Deep frozen with internal organs intact. (12) Good, but caudal fin bent and damaged. (13) M.N. Bruton, 1 May 1987, Balon et al. (1988). (14) In freezer CODOPEC (1991), Moroni Harbour, Grand Comoro, Comores. CCC 144: (1) 9 December 1986, 21:00h. (2) M'Jamaoue, Anjouan. (3) Antoissi Halifa. (7) 27.3kg. (8) 125cm. (13) M.N. Bruton, 25 April 1987, Balon et al. (1988). (14) Minorii, Shiyata, Japan. (15) On a magnificent gyotaku ('gyo' meaning 'fish' and 'taku' meaning 'rubbing' or 'impression') seen at the Japanese fishing school near Mutsamudu, Anjouan, fig. 22 in Balon et al. (1988) and on page 126 in Balon (1990a). CCC 145: (1) 1 February 1987. (2) Anjouan. (8) 100cm. (11) Sewn crudely with string ventrally before being prepared as dry mount. (12) Very poor, flaccid with many scales missing. (13) M.N. Bruton, 11 November 1987. (14) Seen in S. Bakari's taxidermy workshop, near Mutsamudu, Anjouan. CCC 146: (1) June 1987. (2) Anjouan. (7) 82kg. (8) 161cm. (9) Female. (11) Dry mount. (12) Moderate, four scales missing. (13) M.N. Bruton, 11 November 1987. (14) Seen in S. Bakari's taxidermy workshop, near Mutsamudu, Anjouan. (15) This was the first female with eggs he had treated. Contained about 30 eggs. The eggs were discarded. CCC 147: (1) 13 June 1987. (2) Hajoho, Anjouan. (3) M'djanga Oussein, Ahamadi Boko, M'Sa M'Kolo. (4) 250m. (5) 150m. (7) 81.8kg. (8) 160cm. (9) Female. (10) Landed alive from a japawa. (11) Frozen. (13) M.N. Bruton, 11 November 1987. (14) Brought to Ecole National de Peche near Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comoros. (15) Video made of this specimen whilst still alive by Japanese fishing instructors. CCC 148: (1) 1 September 1987. (2) Salimani, Grand Comoro. (3) Abderamane. (8) 120cm. (11) Frozen. (12) Excellent, all scales intact. (13) M.N. Bruton, 1 May 1987. (14) In deepfreeze of Electrofood, Moroni, Comoros. CCC 149: (1) 24 October 1987. (2) Hajoho, Anjouan. (3) Ahmed Zoubert. (5) 250m. (7) 16.3kg. (8) 92cm. (11) Frozen. (13) M.N. Bruton, 1 May 1987. (14) Seen at the Ecole National de Peche near Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comoros. CCC 150: (1) January 1988. (2) Comoros. (8) 123cm. (11) Partially dissected half of body preserved: the head, gill arches, half pectoral girdle and pelvic girdle were skeletonized. (12) Poor, a preliminary dissection was made to remove the gut to reduce weight for shipping. (13) J.A. Musick in lift. (1990)?, Bemis & Northcutt. (1991). (14) American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. (15) Museum Inventory Number AMNH 56150. W.A. Bemis bought this specimen from the Comoran government freezer in January 1988. CCC 151: (1) January 1988. (2) Comoros. (8) 141cm. (9) Male. (11) Initially frozen. (12) Poor, half rotten and partially skeletonized. (14) American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. (15) Museum Inventory Number AMNH 56150 (same number as CCC150) ? AMNH 5875. W.A. Bemis bought this specimen from the Comoran government freezer in January 1988; it was half rotten and partially skeletonized. CCC 152: (1) 13 June 1988. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Ali Mubai. (4) 400m. (5) 200m. (6) Gempylid ? (8) 149.3cm. (9) Female. (11) Initially frozen, then prepared as a taxidermy display specimen. (12) Very good. (13) T. Uyeno in litt. (1990), JASEC no. 22 September 2011 24 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. Plate 1 . Coelacanths photographed underwater by Laurent Ballesta at Sodwana Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, in 2009 ©. Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 25 6. (14) Kanazawa Aquarium, Kanazawa, Japan. (15) Specimen with artificial eyes, by H. Taguchi. CCC 153: (1) 1 February 1989. (2) Grand Comoro. (7) 26kg. (8) 125.5cm. (9) Male. (11) Deep frozen, and then fixed in buffered formalin; Ethanol. (12) Testes samples removed and fixed in buffered formalin. (13) Michel de San of "Developpement du Peche Artisanale aux Comores", Bruton (1993a). (14) SAIAB, Grahamstown, South Africa. (15) Specimen was dissected at the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology in Grahamstown by E.K. Balon and M.N. Bruton on 12 December 1991) (M.N. Bruton, 1993). Kept frozen at the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown. Now stored in ethanol. Fig. 7 in EBF. Museum inventory number: RUSI 37101. CCC 154: (1) 24 June 1989. (2) Hahaya, Grand Comoro. (4) 100m. (5) 200m (EBF), 300m (M. Rush). (8) 168cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive during attempts to decompress, then died. (11) Excellent, partly defrosted (right side) for examination of oviduct; Eggs, reproductive organs, eye & left otolith removed. (12) 59 vitellogenic eggs, chicken egg-sized. (13) Bruton (1993a), Anon. (2007), Anderson (1993). (14) Canadian Museum of Nature, Natural Heritage Building, 1740 Pink Road, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, J9J 3N7. (15) Bought from "Developpement du Peche Artisanale aux Comores" by E.K. Balon on behalf of H.R. Axelrod for the University of Guelph, Canada, on 25 May 1990. Partly defrosted for examination and photography of the posterior parts of oviduct and return by E.K.Balon, M.N. Bruton and R. Cloutier in May 1990. Photographed by Jean-Louis Geraud when alive during attempts to decompress. Donated to the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology by the Comoran Government in May 1990, obtained from SOCOVIA freezer in Moroni. Seven gyotaku's were made of this specimen, which was transported frozen to Grahamstown and later fixed in formalin and sent on 12 September 1990 to the University of Guelph for dissection; figures 7 & 8 in EBF. Dissected by Christine Flegler-Balon and Marie Rush at Guelph on 21 May 1991. Eggs fixed in buffered Formalin and preserved in Ethyl Alcohol. Dissection & eggs illustrated in CCC add II (M.N. Bruton (1993), Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). Stored in a 150 gallon stainless steel tank fixed in 10% formalin and then transferred into 70% ethanol in a fibreglass coffin (200 gal.). Not on public display. A full size mould and cast of this specimen with the fins in the correct swimming positions has been made by the Institute of Ichthyology in Guelph (M.N. Bruton, 1993) and is on display in the lobby of the Axelrod Institute. The replica has a set of teeth (replicates of original set of teeth) made by Dr Lawrie Jones, the dentist of Dr D. Noakes and Dr E.K. Balon. Both the specimen and replica were donated to the University of Guelph and the Axelrod Institute by Dr H.R. Axelrod, who purchased the coelacanth and paid for the transfer costs. With the decommissioning of the Fish Museum in 2006, a new home was found for this specimen. The coelacanth was transferred to the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa on 5 June 2006 (Anon. 2007). Museum Collection Number CMNFI 2006-0016.1. CCC 155: (1) 31 October 1989. (2) Dzahadjou, Grand Comoro. (8) 176.5cm. (9) (?) Female. (11) Deep frozen in SOCOVIA freezer Moroni, May 1990. (12) Excellent, gills red and firm. Taxidermy. (13) M. N. Bruton and E. K. Balon. (14) MNHN, Paris, France. This specimen is on display in The Grande Galerie de l'Evolution. (15) SOCOVIA freezer, Moroni belongs to Centre National et de la Recherche (CNDR), Moroni. Initially intended for dissection by Japanese scientists. This specimen was examined alive by H. Fricke on 31 October 1989; a blood sample was taken for haemoglobin analysis. Fig. 9 in EBF (Photo taken 15 May 1990). Donated to President Francois Mitterand of France when he visited the Comoros in July 1990. "Fiche de don" at the MNHN, Paris. On display in the Grande Galerie de l'Evolution. CCC 156: (1) Late 1989. (2) Comoros. (8) 122cm. (11) Frozen. (13) M.N. Bruton and E.K. Balon, May 1990. (14) SOCOVIA freezer, Moroni, Comoros. CCC 157: (1) 13 November 1990. (2) Salimani, Grand Comoro. (10) Alive for 14 hours after capture. Michel de San in litt. 16 November 1990? CCC 158: (1) 1990. (2) Anjouan. (13) Michel de San in litt. 16 November 1990? CCC 159: (1) April 1991. (2) Hahaya, Grand Comoro. (7) 80kg. (8) 164cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive when captured. (11) Frozen, then fixed in Formalin; Preserved in 3M™ Novec™. (12) Excellent condition, dissected at SAIAB + Guelph. (13) Bruton (1992a), Bruton (1993a), Bruton (1993b), Petzer (2006), Stenst (2006). (14) SAIAB, Grahamstown, South Africa. (15) This specimen was donated by President Johar of the Comoros to the South African foreign minister R.F. Botha in 1991. Escorted back to South Africa by R.E. Stobbs, arriving on 4 May 1991. The specimen was X-rayed and found to contain no eggs or young. Notochord, stomach and oviduct tissue samples. About 65 eggs in early oogenesis. 67 eggs in total were found in this specimen when recently dissected on 12 December 1991 by E.K. Balon, P.H. Greenwood and M.N. Bruton at the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology in Grahamstown. The eggs were transported frozen to the University of Guelph, Canada were they are fixed in buffered formalin. Muscle, otolith (1), and other samples were taken. Museum Catalog Number RUSI 34464. 22 September 2011 26 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. Life-size fibre-glass model, made by Greg Brett, is on display in East London Museum, South Africa. This specimen has been successfully karyotyped by J. Bogart, E.K. Balon and M.N. Bruton (in press, as stated in EBF 1991). Illustrated in CCC Add II (CCC Newsletter 4), M.N. Bruton (1993a) (Fig. 6). An adult female coelacanth and a coelacanth pup arrived at the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian), Washington for display purposes in "The Sant Ocean Hall" opened in 2008. Both specimen, RUSI 34464 [CCC159] and RUSI 37324 [CCC162.6], are on loan from SAIAB for a period of 5-15 years. CCC 160: (1) during spring 1989 [Sep.-Nov. 1989], (2) Itsandra, Grand Comoro. (7) ~ 3kg. (8) 62cm. (11) 70% denatured ethanol. (12) Fixed in quite poor condition when received. Dissected: parts of organs removed. (13) Bruton (1993a). (14) Zoologische Staatssammlung Miinchen, Miinchen, Germany. (15) Donated by CNDRS Moroni (Grande Comore) to Prof. Hans Fricke. Museum Inventory Number ZSM 28410. The specimen was received from Prof. Fricke, Max-Planck-Institution (MPI) in 1992 for final deposition. Not on public display. CCC 161: (1) First half of 1991 (January/ June). (2) Off Anjouan. (9) Female. (11) 10% formalin. (12) Dissected in Tubingen. (13) Bruton (1993a), Bernstein (2002), Bernstein (2003). (14) University of Tubingen [Lehrstuhl fur Spezielie Zoologie], Tubingen, Germany. (15) Donated to the Max Planck Institute fur Verhaltensphysiology by R. Rossi and currently housed there (Bruton, 1993). The specimen has been subjected to computer tomography and the pictures will be published in an anatomy atlas by H. Heine. (M.N. Bruton, 1993). Received in the early 1990's from Prof. Hans Fricke (Max Planck Institute Seewiesen) as a gift to Prof. Wolfgang Maier, then the head of the "Lehrstuhl fur Spezielie Zoologie", for research purposes at the University of Tubingen. The adult specimen was dissected in the institute in Tubingen to extract diverse tissue samples which had been sent to various researchers. The head has been removed from the body. After removal the head was frozen and split in two parts. The dissected body was stored in three parts (head, anterior and posterior half of the rump) in 10% formalin and is deposited in the Zoological museum of the University of Tubingen. The specimen inventory number in Tubingen is SZ 10378. CCC 162: (1) 11 August 1991, between 14:15h and 1 9:00h. (2) Offshore of the small port of Pebane to the north-east of Quelimane off central Mozambique at 17°19' S. 38°38' East, Mozambique. (3) Ship Vega 13 captained by Kenji Yoshida. (4) 24km. (5) 40-44m, sandy substrate. (7) 98kg. (8) 179cm. (9) Female. (10) Specimen was apparently alive when landed Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 on the trawler, then frozen in the onboard freezer on 11.08.1991 until 18.12.1991. Then it was placed in the freezer of the Department of Fisheries in the Harbour of Maputu. (11) Dry-salted and skinned. (13) Bruton (1992b), Heemstra & Greenwood (1992), Bruton et al. (1992), Anon. (1992), Gerardy, J. (2002), Bruton (1993a), Fricke & Frahm (1992). (14) Museu da Historia Natural, Maputo, Mozambique C.P. 257. (15) Caught by the 29 meter side trawler Vega-13 belonging to the Mozambique-Japan joint venture fishing company called EFRIPEL. Specimen collected on 19 December 1991 by Dr A.J.P. Cabral, the Director of the Museu da Historia Natural. This is the heaviest coelacanth known. The female was carrying 26 late term pups ranging in length from 308-358 mm TL and weighting between 41 Og and 502g wet weight. Deep frozen, skinned. Skin dry-salted with NaCl for 5 days, then soaked in NaCl and A1S04 solution, then dry mounted by Augustinho Chivindze. Juveniles frozen. Internal organs, musculature and notochord discarded. 10 pups were taken to Grahamstown, 10 to Max- Planck-Institute in Seewiesen and 6 were left in Maputo. Coelacanth and 2 pups are on display in the museum. Descriptive name: Pebane. CCC 162.1 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 343mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then fixed in formalin on 29 January 1992. (14) Museu da Historia Natural, Maputo, Mozambique C.P. 257. (15) Museum inventory number MNHM 1. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 1. CCC 162.2 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 356mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then fixed in formalin on 29 January 1992. (14) Museu da Historia Natural, Maputo, Mozambique C.P. 257. (15) Museum inventory number MNHM 2. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 2. CCC 162.3 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 344mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then fixed in formalin on 29 January 1992. (14) Museu da Historia Natural, Maputo, Mozambique C.P. 257. (15) Museum inventory number MNHM 3. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 3. CCC 162.4 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 344mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then fixed in formalin on 29 January 1992. (14) Museu da Historia Natural, Maputo, Mozambique C.P. 257. (15) Museum inventory number MNHM 4. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 4. Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 27 CCC162.5(7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 348mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then fixed in formalin on 29 January 1992. (14) Museu da Historia Natural, Maputo, Mozambique C.P. 257. (15) Museum inventory number MNHM 5. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 5. CCC 162.6 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 331mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, transferred frozen to the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology (now SAIAB). Grahamstown, South Africa. (11) Preserved in 3M™ Novec™ 7100 Engineered Fluid in the Smithsonian Ocean Hall, Washington, USA. (14) SAIAB, Private Bag 1015, 6140 Grahamstown, South Africa. (15) Museum inventory number RUSI 37324. An adult female coelacanth and a coelaeanth pup arrived at the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian), Washington for display purposes in "The Sant Ocean Hall" opened in 2008. Both specimen are on loan from SAIAB for a period of 5-15 years. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 6. CCC 162.7 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 345mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fiir Verhaltensphysiology, Seewiesen, Germany. (14) Max-Planck-Institut, Seewiesen - Munchen, Germany. (15) Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 7. CCC 162.8 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 349mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then fixed in formalin on 29 January 1992. (14) Museu da Historia Natural, Maputo, Mozambique C.P. 257. (15) Museum inventory number MNHM 6. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 8. CCC 162.9 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 355mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology (now SAIAB). Grahamstown, South Africa. (14) South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa. (15) This specimen was donated to the South African Museum in Cape Town on 22 September 1992, where it is now lodged. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 9. Museum inventory number SAM 32603. CCC 162.10 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 344mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fiir Verhaltensphysiology. (14) Max-Planck-Institut, Seewiesen - Munchen, Germany. (15) Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 10. CCC 162.11 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 351mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fiir Verhaltensphysiology. (13) Bernstein. (2002), Bernstein. (2003). (14) University of Tiibingen [Lehrstuhl fiir Spezielle Zoologie], Tiibingen, Germany. (15) Known in Tiibingen as CCC 162-k. Received in the early 90ties from Prof. Hans Fricke (Max Planck Institute Seewiesen) as a gift to Prof. Wolfgang Maier, then the head of the Lehrstuhl fiir Spezielle Zoologie for histological research. The Embryo was sectioned in the histological Laboratory of the Lehrstuhl. The section series is part of the histological collection of the department. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 11. CCC 162.12 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 333mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, fixed in buffered formalin at the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology (now SAIAB), Grahamstown, South Africa and then transferred to the Institute of Ichthyology, University of Guelph, Canada on 12 February 1992. (13) Hensel & Balon (2001). (14) Institute of Ichthyology, University of Guelph, Canada. (15) This specimen, with specimen CCC 162.18, 162.22 and 162.25, was initially taken to Clemson where they were all dissected by J.P. Wourms, E.K. Balon and other scientists on 13 March 1992 for detailed anatomical, ultra structural, histological and biochemical analysis. All body cavity organs were removed, concentrating mainly on the belly yolksac scar tissue and its internal yolksac remnants and connections to the stomach (Fig. 7 in EBF). Some liver and other tissue samples from the frozen specimens were retained frozen whereas other liver tissue was fixed in special solutions for further analyses. The frozen specimens were completely defrosted and fixed in buffered formalin at the end of the dissections. All four specimens returned to Guelph. Subsequently all specimens were transferred into 60% ethyl alcohol. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 12. CCC 162.13 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 349mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 Augustl991tol9December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in 22 September 2011 28 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology (now SAIAB), Grahamstown, South Africa. (14) SAIAB, Grahamstown, South Africa. (15) Museum Inventory Number RUSI 37327. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 13. CCC 162.14 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 354mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fur Verhaltensphysiology. (14) Max-Planck-Institut, Seewiesen - Munchen, Germany. (15) Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 14. CCC 162.15 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 357mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fur Verhaltensphysiology. (14) Max-Planck-Institut, Seewiesen - Munchen, Germany. (15) Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 15. CCC 162.16 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 348mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology (now SAIAB), Grahamstown, South Africa. (13) This specimen was also referred by Bruton (1992, Fig. 2), Bruton et al. (1992, Fig. 4) and Fleemstra & Greenwood (1992, Fig. 2, 3 and 5). (14) SAIAB, Grahamstown, South Africa. (15) Now fixed in formalin and on display in the foyer of SAIAB (former JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology). This specimen was dissected by P.H. Greenwood, P.C. Heemstra and G.M. Hughes at the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology in January and February 1992. A cast of this specimen is on display in the East London Museum. Museum Inventory Number RUSI 37325. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 16. CCC 162.17 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 345mm. (ll)Deepfrozenfromll Augustl991 tol9December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology (now SAIAB), Grahamstown, South Africa. (13) This specimen was also referred by Bruton et al. (1992) and Heemstra & Greenwood (1992, Figs. 1, 4 and 6). (14) SAIAB, Grahamstown, South Africa. (15) This specimen was dissected by P.H. Greenwood and P.C. Heemstra at the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology in February 1992. Their 'frozen specimen' and samples of liver, muscle and yolksac were removed (Heemstra & Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Greenwood 1992). Museum Inventory Number RUSI 37328. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 17. CCC 162.18 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 351mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, fixed in buffered formalin at the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown and then transferred to the Institute of Ichthyology, University of Guelph, Canada on 12 February 1992. (13) Hensel & Balon (2001). (14) Canadian Museum of Nature, Quebec, Canada, J9J 3N7. (15) See CCC162.12 for details on dissection and preservation. Coelacanth juvenile CCC 162.18 is a donation from E. K. Balon, University Guelph in 2006, together with another Pebane juvenile, CCC 162.22 and a female coelacanth, CCC 154. Stored in Nalgane container on shelves in the fluid- preserved storage rooms. Fixed in 10% formalin and then transferred into 70% ethanol. Museum collection number for CCC 162.18 is CMNFI 2006- 0017.1 (2 embryos stored under the same collection number). Not on public display. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 18. CCC 162.19 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 355mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fur Verhaltensphysiology. (14) Max-Planck-Institut, Seewiesen - Munchen, Germany. (15) Tissues from this specimen have been examined by a number of workers for different purposes, i.e. T. Kleinschmidt (myoglobin chemistry), T. Gorr (myoglobin chemistry), H. Heine (comparative heart anatomy), H. Hoffmann (general histology of all internal organs), H. Fricke (mDNA, DNA fingerprints), S. Paabo (mDNA), U. Schliefen (mDNA), M. Schartl (DNA fingerprints) and W. Tautz (DNA fingerprints). Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 19. CCC 162.20 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 330mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, and then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fur Verhaltensphysiology. (14) Max-Planck-Institut, Seewiesen - Munchen, Germany. (15) Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 20. CCC 162.21 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 356mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, and then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fur Verhaltensphysiology. (14) Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munchen, Germany. Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 29 (15) H. Fricke, U. Schliewen and S. Paabo have studied the mDNA and M. Schartl, W. Tautz and H. Fricke have studied the DNA fingerprints of this specimen. The specimen was received from Prof. Fricke, Max-Planck-Institution (MPI) in 1992 for final deposition. Museum inventory number ZSM 28409 / CCC 162u. This specimen is not on public display. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 21. CCC 162.22 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 344mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992. (13) Hensel & Balon. (2001). (14) Canadian Museum of Nature, Natural Heritage Building, Quebec, Canada, J9J 3N7. (15) See CCC 162.12 for details on dissection and preservation. Coelacanth juvenile CCC 162.22 is a donation from Eugene K. Balon University Guelph in 2006, together with another Pebane juvenile, CCC 162.18 and a female coelacanth, CCC 154. The specimen is stored in Nalgane container on shelves in the fluid- preserved storage rooms. It has been fixed in 10% formalin and then transferred into 70% ethanol. Museum collection number for CCC 162.22 is CMNFI 2006-0017.1 (2 embryos stored under the same collection number?). The specimen is not on public display. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 22. CCC 162.23 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 308mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the Max-Planck-Institut fair Verhaltensphysiology. (14) Max-Planck-Institut, Seewiesen - Miinchen, Germany. (15) Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 23. CCC 162.24 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 334mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the Max- Planck-Institut fur Verhaltensphysiology. (13) Vangries (2009), Anon. (2009). (14) Kreismuseum Schonebeck, Schonebeck, Germany. (15) Tissues from this specimen have been examined by a number of workers for different purposes, i.e. G. Jeserich (brain, cDNA), G.M. Hughes (gills), H. Fricke (dry weight, mDNA, DNA fingerprints), U. Schliefen (mDNA), S. Paabo (mDNA), M. Schartl (DNA fingerprints) and W. Tautz (DNA fingerprints). Donation from Prof. Hans Fricke to the museum in Schonebeck on 3 April 2009. The specimen actually is in the Museum fur Naturkunde in Magdeburg for exhibit preparation in Schonebeck. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 24. CCC 162.25 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 358mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992. (13) Hensel & Balon. (2001). (14) Institute of Ichthyology, University of Guelph, Canada. (15) See CCC 162.12 for details on dissection and preservation. Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 25. CCC 162.26 (7) Between 410 and 502g. (8) 329mm. (11) Deep frozen from 11 August 1991 to 19 December 1991 in the parent, transferred to a deepfreeze in Maputo from 19 December 1991 to 28 January 1992, then transferred frozen to the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology (now SAIAB), Grahamstown, South Africa. (14) SAIAB, Grahamstown, South Africa. RUSI number 37329. (15) Descriptive name: Pebane juvenile 26. CCC 163: (1) Late November 1991. (2) Off Anjouan. (9) Female. (14) Japanese Fishing School, Near Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comoros. (15) Photographed in the Japanese Fishing School near Mutsamudu on Anjouan by Jurgen Schauer of the Max-Plank-Institut, Seewiesen - Miinchen, Germany. CCC 164: (1) 31 December 1992. 21:00 h. (2) Off Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Soule Adam. (5) 30-35m. (6) Roudi ( Promethichthys prometheus). (8) 112cm. (11) Frozen in deepfreeze of the "La Galawa" hotel near Mutsamiouli, (1991). (12) Good, with no apparent signs of decomposition. (13) Bruton. (1993b). (14) Max-Planck-Institut, Seewiesen - Munchen, Germany. (15) Likely to be transferred to the Max-Plank-Institut fair Verhaltensphysiologie, Munchen, Germany (Bruton 1993b). CCC 165: (1) November 1991. (2) Off Salimani, Grand Comoro. (7) 33kg. (8) 130cm. (13) Bruton. (1999), Hughes. (1995). (15) George M. Hughes dissected the gills of this specimen in Moroni, Grand Comoro, some six hours after its capture (Hughes 1995). CCC 166: (1) 21 December 1991, 23:00h. (2) Reportedly the outer edge of the Recif du Sud near Choungui mountain near the southernmost promontory of Mayotte Island, but there is some doubt about this locality. This would be the first record of a coelacanth from Mayotte. (5) 550-600m. (7) 78kg. (8) 178cm. (9) Female. (13) Bruton. (1999), Reboul. (2005). (14) Direction de 1' Agriculture et de la Foret (DAF), Mamoudzou, Mayotte (Comoros). (15) The fish was reported by J.C. Renard, who owns the specimen. According Said Ahamada (personal communication in 2009), CCC 166 and CCC 167 is the same (and only coelacanth) and was caught in Grand Comoro. 22 September 2011 30 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. CCC 167: (1) Date unknown. (2) Reportedly off Recif du Sud on the southernmost promontory of Mayotte island, but there is some doubt about this locality. This would be the second record of a coelacanth from Mayotte. Contained 10-12 pups ca 28cm in length. (5) 550m. (7) 84kg. (8) 181cm. (9) Female. (13) Bruton. (1999). (14) J.C. Renard, B.P. 15, 97600 Mamoudzou, Mayotte via Reunion, Comoros. (15) The fish was reported by J.C. Renard, who owns the specimen. Prof. Hans Fricke reports that the coelacanth was caught in Anjouan where Mr. Renard bought the specimen. Prof. Fricke has photographed the specimen in the Fishing School in Anjouan. The Anjouan fish had 19 pups, all were thrown away except one which is now in Prof. Fricke's tissue library. The intended future location for this pup is the Zoologische Staatssammlung Museum in Miinchen, Germany. (Hans Fricke pers. comm. 2009). CCC 168: (1) 12 May 1995, 04:10h. (2) Hahaya, Grand Comoro. (3) Moindjie Ramada, Maduhoda M'adi. (7) 84kg. (8) 178cm. (10) Alive when landed. (11) Frozen. (12) Lived for a Tew hours' in a resuscitation tank. (13) Bruton (1999). (14) Freezer of the Military Camp near Moroni (in 1999), Grand Comoro, Comoros. (15) According to Robin Stobbs, there is some doubt as to whether a resuscitation attempt was made on this specimen. CCC 169: (1) 22 May 1995, 24:40h. (2) Singani, Grand Comoro. (3) Mohamede Bacrie, Mlozi Mauridi. (7) 76kg. (8) 145cm. (10) Alive when landed. (11) Frozen. (12) Lived for a 'few hours' in a resuscitation tank. (13) Bruton (1999). (14) Freezer of the Military Camp near Moroni (in 1999), Grand Comoro, Comoros. (15) According to Robin Stobbs, there is some doubt as to whether a resuscitation attempt was made on this specimen. CCC 170: (1) 18 July 1995, 03:30h. (2) Iconi, Grand Comoro. (3) Ahmada Abdouy, Athoumane Mlozi. (7) 36kg. (8) 105cm. (10) Alive when landed. (11) Frozen. (12) Lived for three days in a resuscitation tank. (13) Bruton (1999). (14) Freezer of the Military Camp near Moroni (in 1999), Grand Comoro, Comoros. (15) According to Robin Stobbs, there is some doubt as to whether a resuscitation attempt was made on this specimen. CCC 171: (1) 26 March 1995, 01:30h. (2) Hahaya, Grand Comoro. (3) Ali Ibrihim, Kassim Omaidi. (4) 800-1000m. (5) ~200m. (6) Octopus sp. (7) 69kg. (8) 165cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive when landed, lived until about 08:00h. on 26.3.1995. (11) Frozen until 19.8.1995, then fixed in 10% formalin and preserved in 60% isopropyl alcohol. Dissected. (12) Excellent, gills red and firm, only six scales missing. (13) Bruton. (1999). (14) Guy Fotherby "Island Ventures Boathouse and Dive School", La Galawa Beach Hotel, near Mitsamiouli, Grand Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Comoro, Comoros. (15) The ovary contained numbers of developing egg follicles; the stomach contained a 550mm partially-digested barracuda (family Paralepididae), local name "tsumbu', which was left in situ, visible through the stomach wall. The specimen was intercepted by the divers of the Island Ventures Dive School and taken to 43m depth in an attempt to keep it alive. It was later dissected on the right side to display he internal organs. CCC 172: (1) 8 May 1995, 02:00h. (2) Hahaya, Grand Comoro. (8) 140cm. (10) Alive when landed, lived until about 07:00h. on 8.5.1995. (12) Fatally damaged by the insertion of two steel gaffs into lower jaw, deep wounds in the dorsal body. (13) Bruton (1999). (15) The specimen was too badly damaged to have been of use for scientific or display purposes and was left with the fishermen. CCC 173: (1) 5 August 1995. The shark nets in which the coelacanth was caught are usually set at about 8:30 h. and retrieved 24 hours later. (2) This specimen is the first coelacanth captured in Madagascar. Anakao (Mouth of Onilahy (30km south from the town of Soalary)), Madagascar. (3) ZeZe of the Village Soalara In Madagascar (Bruton 1999). (4) < 9000m (Bruton, 1999), 4km (IH.SM). (5) 100-200m (Bruton 1999), 190m (LS, IH.SM). (6) Small fish bait in net. (7) 34,9kg. (8) 134cm. (9) Not apparent. (11) Frozen, and then placed in 10% Formalin. (12) Excellent, abdominal cavity opened by incision along ventral midline of body. (13) Bruton (1999), Heemstra et al. (1996), Vicente (1997). (14) Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines (IH.SM), University of Toliara, Madagascar. (15) Sandy substrate, area ~15km from adjacent continental slope which drops off steeply into deeper water (from 85-1000 km over 5.5 km). Miss Dominique Couttin, who lives at Reunion and visits Anakao twice a year, recognised the fish as a coelacanth and bought the fish from the fishermen. Dominique Couttin purchased the coelacanth for 25 000 Malagasy francs (US$ 6) and immediately took it in her boat to Toliara, where it was placed in a freezer. Nardo Vicente (1997) gives the names of the fishermen as: Jose Mampionona (22 years old), Sebastien Sebany (21 years old) and Rakoto (age unknown). Descriptive name: Mad 1 Anak. CCC 174: (1) 18 September 1997. Net set 18:00h„ pulled 06:30h. (LS). (2) This specimen was the first coelacanth identified in Indonesia. Manado Tua, Kampung Negeri. (3) Om Maxon Hanico. (4) 200-300m. (5) 100-150m. (7) ~30 kg. (8) ~130cm. (9) Unknown. (11) This specimen was not purchased and preserved. (12) Not applicable - sold on fish market. (13) Erdmann et al. (1998), Erdmann (1999). (15) Remained alive for several hours. Om Maxon Hanico (36 years old). Identified by Mark V. Erdmann & Arnaz Metha. Reef flat 150 m wide. Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 31 abrupt drop-off to 40 m, followed by steep slope to 200m+, net anchored to edge of drop-off with 200-m long rope, extending 150m from drop-off. Descriptive name: Indo 1. CCC 175: (1) 30 July 1998. Net set 17:30h, pulled 06:00h. (2) This specimen is the second recorded coelacanth in Indonesia. Manado Papindan village Indonesia. (3) Om Lameh Sonathom. (4) 250-400 m. (5) 100-150 m. (7) 29,2 kg. (8) 124cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive, lived for three hours. (11) Formalin. (12) Good, frozen. (13) Erdmann et al. (1998), Erdmann (1999), Erdmann et al. (1999), Holder et al. (1999), Pouyaud et al. (1999). (14) Research Centre for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Cibinong, Indonesia. (15) Reef flat 150m wide, sloping to 50m wide shelf at 15-20m depth. From the edge of this shelf reef slopes steeply to 1000m+, net anchored to edge of shelf with 200-m rope, net extends 150m long. Identified by Mark V. Erdmann. Remained alive for 3 hours, then frozen. Museum Collection Number: MZB 10003. The specimen is not on public display. Descriptive name: Indo 2. CCC 176: (1) 6 December 1997. (2) Anakao (Mouth of Onilahy (30km south from the town of Soalary). Found in same location as the first in 1995). (3) Jose Mampionona and Sebastien Sebany. (4) 2000- 3000m. (5) 60m. (7) 90kg. (8) 190cm. (9) Female. (14) On show at Fort Dauphin's town hall, Madagascar. (15) 13 ovary bags. Descriptive name: Mad 2. CCC 177: (1) 3 March 2001. (2) Fiherenamasay (North of Manombo South). (3) Was caught by the fishermen from Mr Toany at Fiherenamasay. (4) 3000-4000m. (5) 100m. (7) 75kg. (8) 160cm. (9) Female. On loan to SAIAB; for return to Tulear after preservation. (15) 9 ovary bags. Scale sample lOx, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. Muscle sample 2x, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; SAIAB. Dorsal fin tissue x3, x2 Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; xl SAIAB. The samples were taken in October 2003. Method of storage of samples : scales, xl muscle tissue, x2 dorsal fin tissue - frozen; xl muscle tissue, xl dorsal fin tissue 96% Ethanol. Sample numbers: not assigned. Analysis: scales, xl muscle tissue, x2 dorsal fin tissue - stable isotope analysis; xl muscle tissue, xl dorsal fin tissue - accessioned. Analyzed by: Stable isotope analysis - Dr Sven Kaehler (Rhodes University). Descriptive name: Mad 3 Fih. CCC 178: (1) 26 April 2001. 23:30h. (LS). (2) This specimen is the first coelacanth captured in Kenya. Malindi, Kenya. (3) Youssouf Ali. (4) 13000m. (5) 185m. (7) 77kg. (8) 170cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen at -18°C and after dissection stored in formalin. (12) Good. (13) De Vos & Oyugi. (2002), Anon. (2001a), Anon. (2001b). (14) National Museum of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. (15) 17 Eggs. Stomach empty. A cast of the specimen is on display in the Museum in Malindi. The trawler, the MV Venture II, owned by Basta Allessandro, with its captain, Suleiman Fali, and his 23-man crew, was seven nautical miles from shore when the fish was captured, at a depth of 85m. Descriptive name: Kenya 1. CCC 179: (1) 21 July 2001. (2) Tsiandamba, Madagascar. (3) Fishermen from Tsiandamba. (4) 5000-6000m. (5) 100m+ (7) 73kg. (8) 160cm. (9) Female. (14) Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines (IH.SM), University of Toliara, Madagascar. (15) 4 ovary bags, 2 foetusses. Picture taken. Descriptive name: Mad 4 Tsi. CCC 180: (1) 2003. (2) Grand Comoro? (13) Information provided by Said Ahamada. CCC 181: (1) 8 September 2003. Overnight capture. (2) This specimen is the first coelacanth captured in Tanzania. Songo Mnara, Tanzania. (4) < 1000m. (5) 150m. (7) 24kg. (8) 132cm. (11) Butterflied and dried for market before fixation. (13) Menda (2003), Hess (2004). (14) National Museum in Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (15) James Taylor bought the coelacanth for 20 000 Tanzanian Shillings (USD 20). Descriptive name: Songo Mnara 1. CCC 182: (1) 18 September 2003, 02:00h. (2) Raasi Yakanga near Wanadi, Moheli, Comores. (3) Isufi Mhadji. (5) Floating with Tetradon sp. in mouth. (7) 25kg. (8) 130cm. (11) Entire specimen preserved with 10% formalin. (12) Good. (15) Sea bottom mostly sand and low relief, 200m depth contour located 9km offshore. Blood preserved with DMSO. Gills and lung with RNA stabilizing reagent. CCC 183: (1) 1 March 2004. (2) Songo Mnara, Tanzania. (15) Descriptive name: Songo Mnara 2. CCC 184: (1) 21 August 2004. Nets set at 09:00h. and cleared at 09:00h., i.e. 24hr soak time. (2) Kigombe Village, Tanga, Tanzania. (3) Tuwe Saidi, Jumbe Kombo, Ramadhani Majimoto; Ngalawa: Kitangi. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 6 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 70-73m. (7) 30,5kg. (8) 128cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen & in alcohol after fixation in formalin. (12) Fresh, no damage. (13) Identified by Pwani Yetu. (14) Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Net was set across channel between Kange reef and Majivike, an old fringing reef, closer to Kange. Soft bottom between reefs (Topography varies 3-200m+ within 500m, limestone terraces with sandy areas in between). Details of tissue/ scale/ blood samples taken: scale, muscle x2 (abdominal flesh), gill samples taken. Location of these samples: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. Morphometric and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata l(Kigombe 1 /Tanga 1). 22 September 2011 32 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. CCC 185: (1) 21 August 2004. Nets set at 09:00h. and cleared at 09:00h., i.e. 24hr soak time. (2) Kigombe Village, Tanga, Tanzania. (3) Tuwe Saidi, Jumbe Kombo, Ramadhani Majimoto. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 6 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 70-73m. (7) 5,8kg. (8) 135cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (13) Identified by Pwani Yetu. (14) Freezing facility of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam 2008. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Net was set across channel between Kange reef and Majivike, an old fringing reef, closer to Kange. Alternative date was given as 22 August (one day later). Soft bottom between reefs (Topography varies 3-200m+ within 500m, limestone terraces with sandy areas in between). Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 2 (Kigombe 2 /Tanga 2). CCC 186: (1) 21 August 2004. Nets set at 09:00h. and cleared at 09:00h., i.e. 24hr soak time. (2) Kigombe Village, Tanga, Tanzania. (3) Tuwe Saidi, Jumbe Kombo, Ramadhani Majimoto; Ngalawa: Kitangi, TMZ 704. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 6 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 70-73m. (10) Dead when landed. (11) Frozen & in alcohol after fixation in formalin. (12) Only the head was kept. (13) Identified by Dr Eric Verheij, Hassan Kalombo. (14) Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga. (15) Target species: Rachycentron canadum - Prodigal son/ Songoro. Details of tissue/scale/ blood samples taken: scale, muscle x2 (cheek flesh), otolith. Location of these samples: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6inch mesh size. Net was set across channel between Kange reef and Majivike, an old fringing reef, closer to Kange. Alternative date given as the 23rd same month. Surface temperature 27° C. No strong currents (1-3 knots in that area). Soft bottom between reefs (Topography varies 3-200m+ within 500m, limestone terraces with sandy areas in between). Morphometry and meristic counts recorded (head only) and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 3 (Kigombe 3 / Tanga 3). CCC 187: (1) 23 August 2004. Nets set at 09:00h. and cleared at 09:00h., i.e. 24hr soak time. (2) Kigombe Village, Tanga, Tanzania. (3) Tuwe Saidi, Jumbe Kombo, Ramadhani Majimoto; Ngalawa: Kitangi, TMZ 704. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 70-73m. (8) About 75cm. (12) Eaten. (13) Identified by Pwani Yetu. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Net was set across channel between Kange reef and Majivike, an old fringing reef, closer to Kange. Soft bottom between reefs (Topography varies 3-200m+ within 500m, limestone terraces with sandy areas in between). Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 4 (Kigombe 4/Tanga 4). CCC 188: (1) 18 September 2004. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District., Tanzania. (3) Tuwe Saidi, Saidi Nassoro; Ngalawa's: Kitangi and Kisukuku. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 160m. (7) 36kg. (8) 139cm. (9) Female. (10) Live in net, but dead at surface. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Freezing facility of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008, Tanzania. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 5 (Kigombe 5). CCC 189: (1) 18 September 2004. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District., Tanzania. (3) Tuwe Saidi, Saidi Nassoro; Ngalawa's: Kitangi, TMZ 701 and Kisukuku, TMZ 677. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 160m. (7) 33kg. (8) 132cm. (9) Female. (10) Live in net, but dead at surface. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Freezing facility of Sea Products Ltd, Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008, Tanzania. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 6 (Kigombe 6). CCC 190: (1) 24 September 2004. (2) Mwarongo Village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Haji Sharif (captain), Jala Juma, Juma Selemani, and Islam Mburage (crew). Dau. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 180- 200m. (10) Half rotten fish recovered (11) Fixation in formalin. (14) Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga, Tanzania. (15) Bottom anchored shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 1 (Mwarongo 1). CCC 191: (1) 24 September 2004. (2) Mwarongo Village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Haji Sharif (captain), Jala Juma, Juma Selemani, and Islam Mburage (crew). Dau (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 180-200m. (10) Half eaten, half rotten. (11) Fixation in formalin. (12) Head and front part of body reasonable. (14) Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga, Tanzania. (15) Bottom anchored shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 2 (Mwarongo 2). CCC 192: (1) 24 September 2004. (2) Mwarongo Village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Haji Sharif (captain), Jala Juma, Juma Selemani, and Islam Mburage (crew). (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 180- 200m. Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 33 (10) Eaten. (11) Bones of skull, after boiling, dried and stored. (14) Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga, Tanzania. (15) Bottom anchored shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 3 (Mwarongo 3). CCC 193: (1) 24 September 2004. (2) Mwarongo Village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Haji Sharif (captain), Jala Juma, Juma Selemani, and Islam Mburage (crew). (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 180-200m. (10) Completely rotten and thrown out to sea. (11) None. (12) Bones skull in good condition. (14) n/a. (15) Bottom anchored shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 4 (Mwarongo 4). CCC 194: (1) 24 September 2004. (2) Mwarongo Village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Haji Sharif (captain), Jala Juma, Juma Selemani, and Islam Mburage (crew). (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 180-200m. (10) Completely rotten and thrown out to sea. (15) Bottom anchored shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 5 (Mwarongo 5). CCC 195: (1) 24 September 2004. (2) Mwarongo Village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Haji Sharif (captain), Jala Juma, Juma Selemani, and Islam Mburage (crew). (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 180-200m. (10) Completely rotten and thrown out to sea. (15) Bottom anchored shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 6 (Mwarongo 6). CCC 196: (1) 18 October 2004. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Falu & Issa Makata, Mkufya Sarai, Saidi Mohamed, TMZ 656. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 40-60m. (7) 34kg. (8) 137cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Freezing facility of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 7 (Kigombe 7). CCC 197: (1) 23 November 2004. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Yusuph Twalipu, Hussein Mwitaji, Mbaraka Mwimtonde, TTA 291, (from Mundwa-Mwoyo). (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 70m. (7) 29kg. (8) 121cm. (9) Male. (10) Alive at surface, died after a few minutes. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Freezing facility of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 8 (Kigombe 8). CCC 198: (1) 26 November 2004. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Mdoe Sadiki, Mohamed Akida, Mohamed Aly, Twaha Mbwana, TMZ 700, Alhamdulilah. (4) Between Maji Vike and Kange, 8 km off shore of Kigombe village. (5) 70-110m. (7) 34kg. (8) 138cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Freezing facility of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH), Japan. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 9 (Kigombe 9). CCC 199: (1) 30 November 2004. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Bakari Mwichumu, Kombo Mwichumu, Mohamed Bofulila, Shame Hondo, TTA 453. Ali Salim (captain), Kulu Mohamed, Mohamed Ali, Hibu Seif; TTA... Ngalawa for M4 and Idrisa Iddi (captain), TTA 119 crews Omari Kopwe, Mohamed Jumbe Ngalawa for M5. (4) NE of Karange Island, 6-8km off shore. Off Jambe South east for M4., NE of Karange Island, 6-8km off shore for M5. (5) 150m. (7) 85kg (TITECH states that this is 105kg). (8) 167cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive at surface, died after two hours. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Tokyo Institute of Technology TITECH (Prof. N. Okada), Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi, Japan. (15) 36 eggs, each 10cm in diameter. Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. This is the largest Tanzanian coelacanth to date (30 November 2004). Initially stored in the freezing facility of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. The specimen was partly dissected in Tanzania and 6 (six) eggs with a diameter of ca. 10cm each were delivered with the specimen. This specimen Arrived at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH) — Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology on 26 October 2007 according to their website. The specimen was dissected at TITECH on 22 December 2007. The total amount of eggs found in this specimen was 36, all with the same size (~10cm). Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 7 (Mwambani 1) CCC 200: (1) 30 November 2004. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Bakari Mwichumu, Kombo Mwichumu, Mohamed Bofulila, Shame Hondo TT A 453 . Ali Salim (captain), Kulu Mohamed, Mohamed Ali, Hibu Seif TTA... Ngalawa for M4 and Idrisa Iddi (captain) TTA 119 crews Omari Kopwe, Mohamed Jumbe Ngalawa for M5. (4) At North-East of Karange Island, 6-8km off shore, off Jambe South east for M4, NE of Karange Island, 6-8km off shore for M5. (5) 150m. 22 September 2011 34 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. (7) 28kg. (8) 131cm. (9) Male. (10) Alive at surface, died after two hours. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Freezing facility of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 8 (Mwambani 2). CCC201: (1) 2 January 2005. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Bakari Mwichumu, Kombo Mwichumu, Mohamed Bofulila, Shame Hondo, TTA 453. Ah Salim (captain), Kulu Mohamed, Mohamed Ali, Hibu Seif TTA, Ngalawa for M4 and Idrisa Iddi (captain) TTA 119 crews Omari Kopwe, Mohamed Jumbe Ngalawa for M5 (4) NE of Karange Island, 6-8km offshore, off Jambe South east for M4., NE of Karange Island, 6-8km off shore for M5. (5) 140m. (7) 41kg. (8) 139cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive at surface, died after three hours. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Deep freezer Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga. Tanzania. Sent to TAFIRI Head Office DSM. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 9 (Mwambani 3). CCC 202: (1) 12 January 2005, 21:00h. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Tuwe Saidi. (4) Kange Reef. (5) 40-60m. (7) 105kg. (8) 184cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (13) Benno, B. et al. (2006). (14) Deep freezer Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. 36 Embryos. Reported to have lost 10 eggs through cloaca. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 10 (Kigombe 10). CCC 203: (1) 11 October 2005. (2) Lindi, Tanzania. (14) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (LS). (15) Shark Gillnet. Descriptive name: Lindi 1. CCC 204: (1) 23 November 2005. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District. (3) Selemani Ami, Mohamed Kikasha, Mohamed Jumaa, Juma Mohamed TMZ 390 (Scud). (4) Kange Reef. (5) 100m. (7) 44kg. (8) 123cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Deep freezer Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Caught before expedition in May 2006. Wall features, with ledge at 100m and 18-19°C water below 85m at the capture site. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 11 (Kigombe 11). CCC 205: (1) 18 May 2006. (2) Nosy Lava, Maintirano, Madagascar. (5) 140m. (8) 171cm. (10) Alive at capture, died by the time it reached the beach. (11) Head frozen (damaged), remainder was Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 dried and sold. (12) Cut up and sold in fish market. (13) Niaina. (2006). (15) Identified by Geraud Leroux. "Genetic samples" taken. Fifteen Photos of the coelacanth available at the website (accessed 25 May 2011): http:/ /gallery. tortuesilesbarren. org/ thumbnails. php?album=l; Descriptive name: Maintirano 1. CCC 206: (1) December 2008. (2) Bagamoyo, Tanzania. (7) 69kg. (8) 162cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (13) Yomiuri Shimbun. (22 March 2009). Tokyo Chunichi Shimbun. (19 March 2009). (14) Tokyo Institute of Technology TITECH (Prof. N. Okada), Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi, Japan. (15) Specimen was frozen at TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam (Dr Ben Ngatunga). Later donated at TITECH (Prof. Norihiro Okada). Specimen arrived at TITECH on 23 January 2009. CT scan performed at GE Yokogawa Medical Systems Ltd. in Tokyo in March 2009. 30-40 eggs each 5-7cm in diameter. Descriptive name: Bagamoyo 1. CCC 207: (1) 9 December 2005, 23:00h. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Selemani Ami, Mohamed Kikasha, Mohamed Jumaa, Juma Mohamed; TMZ 390 (Scud). (4) Kange Reef. (5) 100m. (7) 35kg. (8) 133cm. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Deep freezer Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 12 (Kigombe 12). CCC 208: (1) 13 January 2006. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Bakari Mwichumu, Kombo Mwichumu, Mohamed Bofulila, Shame Hondo; TTA 453. Ah Salim (captain), Kulu Mohamed, Mohamed Ali, Hibu Seif TTA? Ngalawa for M4 and Idrisa Iddi (captain) TTA 119 crews Omari Kopwe, Mohamed Jumbe Ngalawa for M5. (4) NE of Karange Island, 6-8km off shore, Off Jambe South east for M4, NE of Karange Island, 6-8km off shore for M5. (5) 140m. (7) 33kg. (8) 125cm. (9) Male. (10) Alive at surface, died after one hour. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Freezing facilities of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI Head Office DSM. (15) Bottom anchored shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 10 (Mwambani 4). CCC 209: (1) 13 March 2006. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Bakari Mwichumu, Kombo Mwichumu, Mohamed Bofulila, Shame Hondo; TTA 453. Ah Salim (captain), Kulu Mohamed, Mohamed Ah, Hibu Seif TTA? Ngalawa for M4 and Idrisa Iddi (captain) TTA 119 crews Omari Kopwe, Mohamed Jumbe Ngalawa for M5. (4) NE of Karange Island, 6-8km Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 35 off shore, Off Jambe South East for M4, NE of Karange Island, 6-8km off shore for M5. (5) 150m. (7) 30kg. (8) 126cm. (9) Male. (10) Alive at surface, died after one hour. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Freezing facilities of Sea Products Ftd., Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI Head Office DSM. (15) Bottom anchored shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 11 (Mwambani 5). CCC 210: (1) 25 October 2006, 24:40h. (2) Off Kigombe village, Muheaza District, Tanzania. (3) Mohamed Omar. (4) Gongo la Majivike. (5) 140m. (7) 35kg. (8) 137cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Deep freezer Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam in 2008. (15) Bottom anchored Jarife shark net with 6 inch mesh size. Info provided by Hassan Kalombo. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 13 (Kigombe 13). CCC 211: (1) 4 February 2007, 24:40h. (2) Kigombe, found drifting between Taa and Kitanga, Tanzania. (3) Makamba Akida using Ngalawa TMZ 722 (Longline fisher). (4) Gongo la Majivike. (7) 6kg. (8) (9) Juvenile. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Deep freezer Regional Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga, Tanzania. (15) A Juvenile Coelacanth was caught floating with some kind of suffocation according to Mr. Makamba Akida a fisherman who tried to rescue the fish but it was not successful so he decided to take the fish to the village. Stomach contents description, species and numbers, morphometric and meristic counts were recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 14 (Kigombe 14). CCC 212: (1) 3 March 2007. (2) South of Karange Island, Kiwavu sub village, Tanzania. (3) Hussein Mwihaji (captain), Mbaraka Kingazi, Yusufu Mwakuzi, Norani Zauya (Cruw) Ngalawa TTA (Jarife fisher). (5) 120m. (7) 12.5kg. (8) 92cm. (11) Frozen. (12) (14) Freezing facilities of Sea Products Ltd., Tanga. Sent to TAFIRI Head Office DSM. (15) The fish was taken to Mr. Kalombo's office in Tanga. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 12 (Mwambani 06). CCC 213: (1) 26 March 2007. (2) North of Moroni between Hantsambou and Bandamanji, Comores. (3) Ali Mmadi. (4) 10000m. (5) 400m. (7) 28kg. (8) 125cm. (11) Frozen. (13) Said Ahamada while in NY told Jerry Hamlin who told Rob Stobbs. CCC 214: (1) 29 April 2007. (2) Msimbati Village (Ras - Matunda Faranandis), Ruvuma Estuary Bay Marine Park, Mtwara, Tanzania. (5) 250m. (7) 61kg. (8) 160cm. (14) Cold room of mining company Artumas, Tanzania. (15) Deep-set shark gillnet. Machumu E.M. provided data to Mr. Rumisha. Descriptive name: Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Bay Marine Park, Mtwara 1. CCC 215: (1) 19 May 2007. (2) Malalayang, near Bunaken National Marine Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. (3) Yustinus Lahama and his son Delvi. (4) 200m. (5) 70m. (6) Malagulis - Mackerel scad (Decepterus macarellus). (7) 51kg. (8) 131cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive when caught. Lived for 17 hours after capture in a quarantine pool in sea. (11) Frozen, dissected, stored in formalin/ ethanol. (12) Dissected on 26 June 2007. (13) Reuters. (2007), AFP. (2007). (14) Sam Ratulangi University, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries, Sam Ratulangi University, Kampus Unsrat-Bahu, Manado, Indonesia (15) Identified by Mr. Darwin Papandeng. Eggs/ embryos observed: 25 eggs (3cm). Coelacanth dissected on 26 July 2007. Later on exhibition in Japan in several museums. Fukushima December 1, 2007 - March 2, 2008. Tokyo Kasai Seaside Aquarium March 8, 2008 - March 23, 2008. Fukushima 12 April 2008 (Official Opening) - 12 August 2008(then returned to Indonesia). Manado, Indonesia, World Ocean Conference in Grand Kawanua Convention Center 11-15 May 2009. Yustinus Lahama aged 48 years, Delvi aged 21 years and are residents of the Shoulder district Kecamantan Malalayang. Descriptive name: Indo 3. CCC 216: (1) 17 May 2007. (2) South/East of Jambe Island about 500m from the Island, Tanzania. (3) NgalawaNgalawa, Mchageni (Captain), Alii Msegero, Mchomoa Mwindadi, Kassim Barnabas (Crew) Jarife Fishers of Kasera. (7) 41kg. (8) 143cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive, died after about half an hour later. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Sent to TAFIRI Head Office DSM. (15) Shark net - jarife. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 13 (Mwambani 07) (Jambe Island 1). CCC 217: (1) 17 May 2007. (2) South/East of Jambe Island about 500m from the Island, Tanzania. (3) NgalawaNgalawa, Mchageni (Captain), Alii Msegero, Mchomoa Mwindadi, Kassim Barnabas (Crew) Jarife Fishers of Kasera. (7) 32kg. (8) 129cm. (9) Female. (15) Shark net - jarife. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 14 (Mwambani 08) (Jambe Island 2). CCC 218: (1) 12 June 2007. (2) MBREMP (Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Bay Marine Park, Mtwara), Tanzania. (7) 37kg. (11) Blast frozen. (14) Cold room of mining company (they mine gas in the marine park) Artumas, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Bay Marine Park, Mtwara 2. 22 September 2011 36 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. CCC 219: (1) 12 June 2007. (2) MBREMP (Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Bay Marine Park, Mtwara), Tanzania. (7) 37.1kg. (11) Blast frozen. (14) Cold room of mining company (they mine gas in the marine park) Artumas, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Bay Marine Park, Mtwara 3. CCC 220: (1) June or July 2007. (2) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (14) Specimen is at TAFIRI. Descriptive name: Dar-es-salaam. CCC 221: (1) 3 November 2007, 12:00h. (2) 5km off Kisango village in Limimalyao Ward, Pande division Kilwa district, Tanzania. (4) 5000m. (5) 120m. (6) Lethrinus spp. (Changu mwavi). (7) 45kg. (8) 130cm. (10) Alive, died after time. (11) Dried and submitted to Mafia Marine Park. (15) Handline used. Descriptive name: Kilwa 4. CCC 222: (1) 2 July 2007. (2) South/ East of Jambe Island about 500m from the Island. (3) NgalawaNgalawa, Mchageni (Captain), Alii Msegero, Mchomoa Mwindadi, Kassim Barnabas (Crew) Jarife Fishers of Kasera. (5) 170m. (7) 37,5kg. (8) 138cm. (10) Alive, died after about half of an hour later. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal resource center building. (15) Shark net - jarife. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 15 (TCC039); Mwambani 9. CCC 223: (1) 8 August 2007. (2) Niule area, Tanga City, Tanzania. (3) Hussein Mwihaji (captain), Mbaraka Kingazi, Yusufu Mwakuzi, Norani Zauya (Crew) NgalawaNgalawa TTA (Jarife fisher). (4) Karange Milango ya Miembeni. (5) 180 - 200m. (7) 37.5kg. (8) 132cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal resource center building. (15) Jarife net used. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 16 (TCC 040); Mwambani 10. CCC 224: (1) 13 December 2007. (2) Off Sahare, half way between Mwambani & Tanga town, outside Niule (the sandbank) reef, Tanzania. (3) Ngalawa, Mchageni (Captain), Alii Msegero, Mchomoa Mwindadi, Kassim Barnabas (Crew) Jarife Fishers of Kasera. (4) Niule about 5 km from the shore. (5) 180-200m. (7) 80kg. (8) 175cm. (9) Female. (10) Alive, died after about half of an hour later. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal resource center building, Tanga, Tanzania. (15) Jarife net used. 23 Fully developed juveniles with yolksacs attached. 10 Juveniles are being transported to the Tokyo Institute for Technology (TITECH) Japan. These juveniles arrived atTITECH on 28 March 2008. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.1 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. (15) 10 Juveniles are being transported to the Tokyo Institute for Technology (TITECH) Japan. These juveniles arrived at TITECH on 28 March 2008. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.1 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.2 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.2 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.3 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.3 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.4 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.4 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.5 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.5 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.6 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.6 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.7 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.7 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.8 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.8 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.9 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.9 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.10 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.10 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.11 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.11 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 37 CCC 224.12 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.12 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.13 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.13 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.14 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.14 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.15 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.15 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.16 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.16 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.17 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.17 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.18 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.18 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.19 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.19 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.20 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.20 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.21 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.21 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.22 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.22 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 224.23 (8) 33cm. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal Resource Center building OR DSM, Tanzania. Descriptive name: Juvenile no 39.23 - Mwambani 11 (TCC 041). CCC 225: (1) 25 November 2008. (2) North of Talise Island, Minahasa Utara, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. (3) James Air, Jones Tober, Martin Tindage, Hermens Dalapis, Frets Ole, Benherd Tempo, Arnold Aer, Salmon Aer. (7) 21kg. (8) 111.1cm. (11) Initially frozen, formalin. (12) Good, dissected. (14) PT SeaWorld Indonesia, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta, Indonesia. (15) Gill net used. Kept frozen in freezer in Tanawangko, Minahasa for a while. Dissected by Indonesian team on 11 August 2009. PT SeaWorld Indonesia, Jakarta since 25 September 2009. Descriptive name: Indo 4. CCC 226: (1) 5 September 2008. (2) Niule area, Tanga City, Tanzania. (3) Ngalawa Na. Ramadhan Mwihaji (captain) Omari Usinga, Mzee Hassan, Mobutu Abdalah and Athman Chibwe (crews) of Kasera area. (4) About 6 km from Kasera landing site. (5) 180 - 200m. (7) 29kg. (8) 124cm. (9) Male. (10) Alive, died after about half of an hour later. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal resource center building. (15) Jarife net used. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 18 (TCC 042). CCC 227: (1) 27 December 2008. (2) Niule area, Tanga City, Tanzania. (3) Ngalawa, Mchaguni M. (Captain), Alii Msesero, Mchomoa Mwindadi, Kassim Barnabas, Jabir Yahaya (Crew) Jarife Fishers of Kasera. (4) Niule southern end close to out of Jambe about 7 km from the shore (7) 6kg. (8) 70cm. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal resource center building. (15) Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 19. CCC 228: (1) 14 January 2009. (2) Jambe Island area, Tanzania, (4) Jambe Island area. (5) 180 - 200m. (7) 39kg. (8) 139cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Frozen at Tanga Coastal resource center building. (15) Jarife net used. Morphometry and meristic counts recorded and sent to SAIAB. Descriptive name: Mwarongo - Sahare 20. CCC 229: (1) 19 January 2009. (2) Kigombe area (?) Tanzania. 4) Gosso Mbwana. (5) 180-200m. (15) The fish was eaten - no data. Descriptive name: Mtang'ata 15 (Kigombe 15). CCC 230: (1) 26 March, 2007. (2) Moroni, Grande Comoro. (3) Ali Mmadi. (7) 27.85kg. (8) 121.8cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen / now isopropanol (2009). (12) Good, dissected. (14) Fukushima Aquarium 50 Tatsumi-Cho, Onahama, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. (15) Depth of sea floor at that point: 400m. Ali Mmadi (80 years old). Arrival Day at Fukushima: 8 October 2008. A coelacanth was dissected at Fukushima Aquarium Japan on 9 November 2008. On long term loan for scientific 22 September 2011 38 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. purposes. Dissected again on 3 February 2009 when the sex was determined. As from March 2009 on display at Fukushima Aquarium, It is individual number 20B which the JAGO-team encountered 10 times in 1995 north from Itsandra at the west coast of Grande Comore. IOV2 years between the sightings and the catch date. Again dissected in January 2010. CCC 231: (1) 18 February 2009. (2) Outside the barrier reef towards the mouth of the Fiherenana River, Firehenemasay, Madagascar. (3) Fishermen from the village of Ifaty. (5) 200m. (14) Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines (IH.SM), University of Toliara, Madagascar. (15) The fisherman came with the coelacanth to Atimoo Plongee who sent him to Reef Doctors, an English NGO. From there the specimen was delivered at IHSM. CCC 232: (1) July 2002. (2) Toliara, Madagascar. (3) Vezo fishermen. (7) ca. 35kg. (8) ca. 150cm. (12) ca. 200 scales removed, the rest cut off as bait. (13) Pers. Comm. Mr. Y. le Bars. CCC 233: (1) 17 August 2008. (2) Mtwara, Tanzania. (3) Fishermen were from Lindi. (11) Dried. (13) Pers. Comm. Mr. Ben Ngatunga. (15) This is one of six (6) coelacanths caught at the same time. Descriptive name: Mtwara (one of 6 fish). CCC 234: (1) 17 August 2008. (2) Mtwara, Tanzania. (3) Fishermen were from Lindi. (11) Dried. (13) Pers. Comm. Mr. Ben Ngatunga. (15) This is one of six (6) coelacanths caught at the same time. Descriptive name: Mtwara (one of 6 fish). CCC 235: (1) 17 August 2008. (2) Mtwara, Tanzania. (3) Fishermen were from Lindi. (11) Dried. (13) Pers. Comm. Mr. Ben Ngatunga. (15) This is one of six (6) coelacanths caught at the same time. Descriptive name: Mtwara (one of 6 fish). CCC 236: (1) 17 August 2008. (2) Mtwara, Tanzania. (3) Fishermen were from Lindi. (11) Dried. (13) pers. comm. Mr Ben Ngatunga. (15) This is one of six (6) coelacanths caught at the same time. Descriptive name: Mtwara (one of 6 fish). CCC 237: (1) 17 August 2008. (2) Mtwara, Tanzania. (3) Fishermen were from Lindi. (11) Dried. (13) Pers. Comm. Mr. Ben Ngatunga. (15) This is one of six (6) coelacanths caught at the same time. Descriptive name: Mtwara (one of 6 fish). CCC 238: (1) 17 August 2008. (2) Mtwara, Tanzania. (3) Fishermen were from Lindi. (11) Frozen. (13) pers. comm. Mr Ben Ngatunga. (14) In deep freezer at Lindi (LS). (15) This is one of six (6) coelacanths caught at the same time. Descriptive name: Mtwara (one of 6 fish). Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 CCC 239: (1) 5 September 2008. (2) Jambe South, Tanzania. (3) Ramadhou Mwihaj (captain of Ngalawa). (15) Nets used. Descriptive name: Mwambani 12 (MW. 12). CCC 240: (1) 27 December 2008. (2) Sahara area, Tanzania. (3) Mr. Mchahuni. (4) 7 nautical miles. (5) 200m. (7) 6kg. (8) 70cm. (15) Shark net used. Target species: Deep water Red Snapper, Jacks, Sharks. Morphometry & Meristic counts recorded. Descriptive name: Mwambani 13 juvenile. CCC 241: (1) 14 January 2009. (2) Jambe Area, Tanga, Tanzania. (3) Ramadhan Chengo. (7) 39kg. Descriptive name: Mwambani 14. CCC 242: (1) 10 August 2007. (2) Ahojo, Northeast from Anjouan, Comoros. (3) ~30 years old fisherman . (7) 35kg. (8) 135cm. (10) Alive when caught, killed to get it into the pirogue. (11) Formalin. (13) Hamid. (2007). (14) BAMBAO Tropical SA, Bambo Mtsanga, Comoros. (15) Handline used. Specimen was transported to Mutsamudu were it was bought by Mr Djaylane Mohamed (27 years old). Until then, Mr Djaylana Mohamed knew the coelacanth only from the image printed on the packages of cigarettes produced in the Comoros by a Chinese firm. Following the local newspaper HZK-Presse, the specimen will be stored in formalin and put on display in the showroom of Bambao Tropical SA at Bambo Mtsanga, a small village located at 20km. from Mutsamudu. BAMBAO Tropical SA bought the coelacanth for the amount of 300 Euros. CCC 243: (1) 8 November 1980. (2) Comoros. (7) 25kg. (8) 127cm. (13) Pers. Comm. Mr. Hiromi Ikezawa (Ibaraki Nature Museum), Mr. Masa Iwata. (14) Ibaraki Nature Museum, Bando, Ibaraki, Japan. (15) The specimen was supposed to be sent to a Japanese construction company by president Ahmed Abdallah in April 1985 but the import failed due to an impropriate export permit based on the Washington Convention (CITES) and the coelacanth was confiscated by the Tokyo Customs where it has been deposited for some time. The Ibaraki museum has borrowed the coelacanth since 1 December 2002 and is on permanent display. CCC 244: (1) 20 October 2008. (2) Toliara, 80km SW from Cape Sainte Marie, Madagascar. (3) Fishermen from the vessel 'El Amine'. (7) 40kg. (8) 150cm. (11) Frozen. (13) l'Express de Madagascar. (14) Copefrito in Mahavatse, Madagascar. (15) Dead on fishing boat. CCC 245: (1) April 2008. (2) Maintirano, Madagascar. (13) Information provided by Mr. Geraud Leroux. CCC 246: (1) 2009. (2) Kigombe, between Pangani and Tanga, Tanzania. (7) 35kg. (11) Frozen. Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 39 Plate 2. Coelacanths photographed underwater by Laurent Ballesta at Sodwana Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, in 2009 ©. 22 September 2011 40 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. CCC 247: (1) 2008. (2) Ras Nungwi, Unguja Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania. (14) Museum of Natural History, Zanzibar City, Zanzibar. Descriptive name: Zanzibar 2. CCC 248: (1) 2008. (2) Ras Nungwi, Unguja Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania. (8) 87cm. (14) Fisheries Department ? Zanzibar City, Zanzibar. Descriptive name: Zanzibar 3. CCC 249: (1) 25 June 2008. (2) Lindi, Tanzania. (7) 30kg. (8) 105cm. (11) Frozen. (12) Good. (13) Information provided by Dr Ben Ngatunga. (14) Deep Freezer Mr. Ben Ngatunga. CCC 250: (1) 14 July 2007. (2) Nungwi, Northern tip of Unguja Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania. (3) Four fishermen caught the fish. (5) About 100m. (7) 27kg. (8) 134.8cm. (13) Sultan. (2007). (14) Zanzibar Museum, Zanzibar, Tanzania. (15) Hook and line used. Identified by Dr Narriman Jidda wi. Narriman Jiddawi of the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam. Mussa Aboud Jume said the coelacanth will be preserved and put on display at the Zanzibar Museum. Descriptive name: ZNZ1. CCC 251: (1) March 2001. (2) Toliara, Madagascar. (5) 100m. (7) 80kg. (8) 180cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (14) Frozen on vessel that caught it. (15) Shark net used. CCC 252: (1) 12 July 2005. (2) Fiherenamasay, Madagascar. (7) 60.3kg. (8) 155cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Good, dissected. (13) Anon. (2005). (15) Pregnant, two eggs. CCC 253: (1) 17 July 2009. (2) Northern tip of Unguja Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania. (7) 86.5kg. (8) 176cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Good, dissected. Sample tissues taken. (14) Custody of the Department of Fisheries Zanzibar. (15) 23 'ready to be born' pups 34cm, 500gr each found by dissection. Descriptive name: Zanzibar 4. In 2009 the specimen and the pups were rotten due to electricity problems. All have been discarded (pers. comm. Zahor el Kharousy to Miss Karen Hissmann, December 2010). CCC 254: (1) 16 September 2009, 06:00h. (2) Likupang, North of Talise Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia. (3) Tomes Group. (5) 150m. (7) 27kg. (8) 114.5cm, 116cm (Masa Iwata). (9) ? (10) Alive when caught. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Sam Ratulangi University ? Manado, Indonesia. (15) Gill net used. Target species, shark and demersal fish. Specimen width 30cm. Descriptive name: Indo 5. CCC 255: (1) 12 December 2008. (2) Kilwa, Tanzania. (7) 70kg. (8) 168cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Tokyo Institute of Technology TITECH (Prof. N. Okada), Midori- ku, Yokohama-shi, Japan. (15) Specimen was frozen at TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam (Dr Ben Ngatunga). Later donated at TITECH (Prof. Norihiro Okada). Specimen arrived at TITECH on 23 January 2009. CT scan performed at GE Yokogawa Medical Systems Ltd. in Tokyo in March 2009, 30-40 eggs each 5-7cm in diameter. Descriptive name: Kilwa. CCC 256: (1) 12 December, 2008. (2) Kilwa, Tanzania. (8) 129cm. (9) Male. (11) Frozen. (12) Fresh, no damage. (14) Tokyo Institute of Technology TITECH (Prof. N. Okada), 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Pref. 226- 8501, Japan. (15) Specimen was frozen at TAFIRI, Dar es Salaam (Dr Ben Ngatunga). Later donated at TITECH (Prof. Norihiro Okada). Specimen arrived at TITECH on 23 January 2009. CT scan performed at GE Yokogawa Medical Systems Ltd. in Tokyo in March 2009. Descriptive name: Kilwa. CCC 257: (1) 17 October 2009, 23:00h. (2) Momodju, Domoni, Anjouan, Comoros. (3) Amir Said Sufian & Djamaldine Bacar. (5) 250m. (7) 33kg. (8) 140cm. (11) Frozen. (13) Information provided by Said Ahamada. (15) Handline used. Largest body height: 26cm. Scale samples taken. Location of these samples: Coelacanth Centre, in 70% ethanol, contact Said Ahamada. Otolith sample taken: not yet, but planned. CCC 258: (1) 15 January 2010. (2) Ndzuwani (Anjouan), Comoros. (14) In a freezer in Mutsamudu. CCC 259: (1) 18 January 2010, 10:00h. (2) Niule - Jambe, Tanzania. (5) 20m. (7) 79.2kg. (8) 159cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen, dissected. (12) Fresh, no external damage. (13) Information provided by Mr. Hassan Kalombo. (14) In a freezer of Mr. Erik Allard, Tanga, Tanzania. (15) Ring net used. Specimen possibly damaged through blasting. Dissected on 21 January 2010. 23 (of 25) eggs found in body which were all fertilized. Standard length 154cm. Descriptive name: Mwambani 15 (MW15). CCC 260: (1) Purchased 1973. (2) Comoros. (8) 112cm. (11) Formalin, stuffed. (14) MNHN, Paris. (15) Specimen "naturalized", first fixed in formalin and then dried. A gift of Mr Denis Schaffuer. The specimen was bought by Dr Moreau (Vice President of the conseil general of the Reunion Island in Comoros during 1973). No relationship with the C58 (CCC 68) acquired by the same Dr Moreau during 1969). Eviscerated and dried specimen, obtained by Mr R. Saban for the Laboratoire d'Anatomie Comparee (MNHN, Paris). Inventory number 1979-74. Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 41 CCC 261: (1) June 1973. (2) Comoros. (13) Wehner. (1977), Tanner. (1981)., (14) Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland. (15) A coelacanth arrived in the museum in June 1973, direct from the Comoros with the help of Mr Willi Hoffmann who collected the specimen. The amount was 2 902 Swiss Francs. The initial preservation was not so good and the fish was already in a certain state of decomposition. The flight ticket was paid by the "Freiwilliger Museumsverein Basel". The specimen was used for topographical and anatomical research on the axial muscles of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae in the period early June 1980 until mid March 1981 by Karl Martin Tanner. The newspaper copy received from the "Nationalbibliothek in Vienna" gives no further information on this specimen. In a mail received on 9 August 2007, Prof. Raffael Winkler cited: "It seems that no rests of the Latimeria have been kept in our collection...". CCC 262: 1974. (2) Comoros. (7) 10kg. (8) 87cm. (11) Dry cast, skeleton. (12) Good. (13) Kincel (1984), Regal & Nanut (2005a), Regal & Nanut (2005b). (14) Pathologisch-Anatomisches Bundes- museum Narrenturm, Uni Campus, Vienna, Austria. (15) Collector Fritz Kincel bought a coelacanth in the Comoros — 87cm long, lOKg — for his private "skull-collection" in 1974 and this was the first coelacanth in Austria (even before the first coelacanth arrived in the Vienna Museum of Natural History!). Exceptionally, Mr. Kincel prepared the whole skeleton of the coelacanth at home in the bath of his private home tells Wolfgang Bruntaler, Administrative Manager of the Federal Museum, preparator and scientific responsible person of the zoological and veterinary collection. Since 1975, the preparation of the stuffed skin of the fish is in the "Joanneum" in Graz, Austria (inventory number 30.742 — not on display). In Graz, the coelacanth received a wooden head and tail. Also the fins are artificial. The whole specimen, including the original skin, is painted in blue, because coelacanths are 'blue'. How much Mr. Kincel paid for this coelacanth was his own secret. Later, in 1983, the full "Collection Kincel" — including the coelacanth skull — - was handed over to the Narrenturm Museum. CCC 263: (1) March 1977. (2) Iconi, Grande Comore, Comoros. (13) McCosker & Lagios. (1979) no. C88, Note Robineau without N°. CCC 264: (1) November 1977. (2) Comoros. (8) 150cm. (11) Formalin. (12) Good. (13) Rodriguez de Tononi. (2005). (14) Museo del Mar, Universidad de Oriente, Cumana, Venezuela. (15) The coelacanth came directly from the Comoros in November 1977 and was collected and transferred to the museum by Dr. Bruno Baldassini Marchessi and Dr. Luis Delfin Ponce Ducharne. The coelacanthwas prepared by the taxidermist of the Instituto Oceanografica del Universidad de Oriente, Mr. Pablo Figueroa. From October 11- 13, 2010 the coelacanth was transferred into a new exhibition display. The specimen is on display. CCC 265: (1) 15 April 1978. (2) Comoros. (7) 45kg. (8) 120cm. (11) Frozen. (13) Note Robineau number. (14) Mr R. Sahuquet - Voyages sous la mer, Paris, France. CCC 266: (1) ~1980. (2) Comoros. (8) ca. 130cm. (11) Formalin. (14) Aquarium de Canet, Canet-en- Roussillon, France. (15) The aquarium has opened in 1983, and the specimen is on public display. CCC 267: (1) 1981. (2) Moroni, Grande Comore, Comoros. (11) Formalin. (13) Thys van den Audenaerde. (1984), Louette et al. (2004). (14) Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika, Tervuren, Belgium. (15) The coelacanth is on public display in Hall 16. This coelacanth was bought in 1981 during the "Mission Zoologique Beige" at the Comoros. Prof. Dr Dirk Thys van den Audenaerde, who was the Director of the Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika, raised funds for the 2 coelacanths (Tervuren & Leuven). CCC 268: (1) 1981. (2) Comoros. (14) Musee de Zoologie de l'ULB, Brussels, Belgium. (15) The coelacanth is on public display in the museum of the University. CCC 269: (1) 1983. (2) Comoros. (8) (11) Formalin, stuffed. (14) Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, Toulouse, France. (15) The specimen was a gift from the "L' Association Languedoc- Comores" (situated in Narbonne, France) in 1984. Inventory number: MHNT ICHT 2001-1 CCC 270: (1) 1984. (2) Comoros. (8) ca. 92cm. (14) Museum of Natural History, Beijing, China. (15) The specimen arrived in 1984 in China. It was a gift from the Comoro Government. The specimen is not on display. Information provided by Mr Zeng Zhaohui (Beijing Museum of Natural History, 2009). CCC 271: (1) Before October 1985. (2) Comoros. (8) ca. 91.4cm (3 feet long). (11) Formalin, stuffed. (13) Information provided by Miss Anahit Turabian & Miss Ana C. Vilegas. (14) United Nations, Architectural & Engineering Unit, New York, USA. (15) This coelacanth was already mentioned in the text of the old inventory and in Environmental Biology of Fishes Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 315-319, 1988. According an article, published in the New York Times from 31 March 2004, the stuffed coelacanth was not on display in the art collection but stored (with ~30 other gifts) in the basement below the Secretariat Building. Coelacanth in the collection of 22 September 2011 42 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. the United Nations in New York in a glass box with a sculpted wooden frame measuring approximately 3 feet long. Collection Number 172G - Stuffed Fish Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros. President Ahmed Abdallah Abderemane of the Comoros presented a preserved coelacanth to the Secretary- General of the United Nations, Dr Javier Perez de Cuellar, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the UN. This was considered to be the most unusual gift received by the UN during its birthday celebrations. The coelacanth was donated by the Comoran Government on 1 October 1985. CCC 272: (1) 1985. (2) Moroni, Grande Comore, Comoros. (14) Zoologisch Instituut van de Universiteit van Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. (15) This coelacanth dates from 1985 and was previously owned by the Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika. In Tervuren a cast was made from this specimen and the coelacanth moved to the University of Leuven. Prof. Dr Dirk Thys van den Audenaerde, who was the Director of the Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika, raised funds for the 2 coelacanths (Tervuren & Leuven). CCC 273: (1) 1985. (2) Comoros. (14) Building Sea World Aquarium, Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul, South-Korea. (15) Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, specimen originally captured in the Comoros Islands in 1985. This example is a gift to South Korea's President Chun Doo-hwan, from the President of the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros in Africa, in 1985. CCC 274: (1) 1986. (2) Comoros. (7) ca. 60kg. (8) 118cm. (11) Formalin. (12) Good, frozen. (14) Musee de la Mer de Biarritz, Biarritz, France. (15) Gift from the President of the Comores to Mrs Alliot-Marie on travel in Moroni. Arrived frozen at the museum on 7 August 1986. The specimen is on public display. CCC 275: (1) ? (2) Anjouan, Comoros. (8) 140cm. (11) Formalin, stuffed. (14) Office de Tourisme, Port La Nouvelle, France. (15) The coelacanth is on public display in the Tourist Office. Gift from the Comorian Government to Mr Chavernac, President of 1' Association Languedoc-Comores in 1992. Originally housed in the Pharmacy of Mr Chavernac in Port la Nouvelle. CCC 276: (1) -1990 (2) Comoros. (8) ca. 136cm. (11) Formalin, stuffed. (14) Musee du President Jacques Chirac, Sarran, France. (15) In the catalogue Cadeaux du Monde on page 68 - Cadeaux Afrique, Comores there is a dry-preserved coelacanth in a carved 'Comoran' cabinet. A gift of Mohammed Taki Abdoulkarim, President of the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros, during the audience on 19 June 1996 in Paris. Museum inventory number: 2000.0001.0141. The specimen is on public display. CCC 277: (1) before 1997. (2) Comoros. (11) Formalin, stuffed. (13) Information provided by Mr. Zeng Zhaohui (Beijing Museum of Natural History, 2009). (14) Beijing Museum of Natural History, Beijing, China. (15) The exhibited specimen was set up in a vacuum chamber and kept in a dry environment. The viscera and its fatty tissues were removed. Only the muscles, skin and some fat were left behind. The specimen arrived in 1997 in China. It was a gift from the Government of the Comoros to President Jiang Zemin. CCC 278: (1) 2000 (?) (2) Moroni, Grande Comore, Comoros. (11) Skeleton. (14) Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika, Tervuren, Belgium. (15) Coelacanth skeleton is not yet on display (2010). It will be after the restoration of the museum. Skeleton prepared in Jena (Germany). CCC 279: (1) 1991 (?) (2) Comoros. (7) ca. 135cm. (14) Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika, Tervuren, Belgium. (15) The coelacanth is not yet on display (2010). It will be after the restoration of the museum. Sent for preparation to Jena, Germany. Inner organs all removed. CCC 279: (1) 10 December 1978. See specimen CCC 113 at Trieste (same specimen). CCC 280: (1) ? (2) Comoros. (13) Note Robineau. (14) Aquarium de Casablanca, Maroc. (15) Aquarium de Casablanca (Marchesseaux). The Museum no longer exists. CCC 281: (1) ? (2) Comoros. (11) Formalin, stuffed. (14) Tokyo Custom House, East Kyoto Minato-ku, Japan. (15) The coelacanth is on public display in the exhibition room of the Tokyo Custom House (2009). CCC 282: (1) ? (2) Comoros. (11) Formalin, (14) Museum of Natural History, Baghdad, Iraq. (15) A picture taken in 1999 shows a well preserved coelacanth in formalin. The specimen was on public display before the Iraq war. The museum reopened on December 3, 2003. It is not known yet if the coelacanth still exists. CCC 283: (1) 21 September 2010, between 10:00- ll:00h. (2) North of Karange Island, outside about 750m from Niule sand bank heading east, Tanzania. (3) Crew from Ngalawa TTA: Jumbe Hassan (captain), Kisima Mwasai, Pandu Mhusin, Kondo Juma. (5) 750m (caught floating). (7) 79kg. (8) 184cm. (9) Female (pregnant). (11) Frozen. (12) Dissected, 17 juveniles found in the mother, 2 juveniles taken by the fishermen, (13) Information provided by Mr. Hassan Kalombo & Miss Sibylle Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 43 RiedmiUer. (14) Female stored in freezer Sea Products Inc., Tanga. Pups at Tanga Resource Center, Tanga. (15) After capture the fish preserved at Sea Products Ltd. The specimen was dissected on Monday 27 September 2010. After found drifting, the fish was entered by the fishermen. Handline/ gaff used. They cut open the belly so it's possible that some of the juveniles were lost. The fishermen took 2 juveniles with them. 17 were found during the dissection. So at least 19 juveniles. Length of the juveniles between 29 and 31cm and their yolksac was about 15cm in diameter. Descriptive name: Mwambani 16 (Mw. 16). CCC 284: (1) 21/22 September 2010. 10:30h. (2) West of Nosy Ve (Anakao) - Toliara, Madagascar. (3) Tinard Razafimanovo. (4) > 2000m. (5) > 150m. (6) Pelagic fish. (7) 85kg. (8) 187cm. (9) Female. (10) Dead in shark net. (11) Stuffed. (12) Good, dissected. No eggs nor juveniles observed. (13) Information provided by Mr. John Bemiasa. (14) Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines (IH. SM), University of Toliara, Madagascar. (15) Pictures taken. Catch information recorded by Miss RAVELO Vololoniaina Clemence Ravelo, (approximately 23°39.92 S, 43°33.70 E). CCC 285: (1) 27 November 2010. (2) West of Nosy Ve (Anakao) - Toliara, Madagascar. (3) Julien Tine Hoe (fisher from Lovokampy - St Agustin). (4) > 2000m. (5) 250m. (6) Pelagic fish. (7) 41kg. (8) 134cm. (9) Male. (10) Dead in shark net. (11) Stuffed. (12) Good, dissected. (13) Information provided by Mr. John Bemiasa. (14) Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines (IH.SM), University of Toliara, Madagascar. (15) Pictures taken. Catch information recorded by Miss Vololoniaina Clemence Ravelo. PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS ON SPECIMENS OF UNKNOWN DATE OF CAPTURE CCC Ad 1: (2) Comoros. (7) 80kg. (8) 170cm. (13) Reported by P.C. Heemstra. (14) Ylang Ylang Hotel, Moroni, Grand Comoro, Comoros. CCC Ad 2: (2) Comoros. (12) Freeze-dried head, a large number of other miscellaneous tissues. (13) Norris, S.N. (in litt. 1989) ? (14) Arizona State University Museum of Natural History. (15) This specimen was acquired by a Arizona State University team collecting marine organisms to test various tissue extracts for cancer-fighting compounds. CCC Ad 3: (1) 1976. (2) Comoros. (13) Khalaf. (1987). (14) Educational Science Museum, Kuwait City, State of Kuwait. (15) The coelacanth was a gift of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros to the Kuwaiti foreign minister Al-Sheikh Sabah Al- Ahmmad Al-Sabah, who in turn gave it as a gift to the Science & Natural History Museum in August 1976. A stamp-sheet was issued on occasion of the silver jubilee of the Educational Science Museum 1972-1997. The specimen is on display in the renewed museum (2008). CCC Ad 4: (2) Comoros. (13) Sylvestre. (1990). (14) Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, China. (15) The specimen is on display in the museum (2009). CCC Ad 5: (2) Grand Comoro, Comoros. (5) 100- 200m. (7) 26kg. (8) 124cm. (11) 10% Formalin. (12) Good. (13) Sylvestre. (1990). (14) Specimen House of Ichthyology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Academica Sinica, Wuhan, China. (15) The specimen is on display in the museum (2009). CCC Ad 6: 1983. (2) Comoros. (13) Sylvestre. (1990), Zhu Min (in litt. 1990) ? (14) Museum of Natural History, Beijing, China. (15) The specimen arrived in 1983 in China. It was a gift from the Comoro Government. On display in the museum. Information provided by Mr. Zeng Zhaohui (Beijing Museum of Natural History, 2009). CCC Ad 7: (2) Comoros. (13) Sylvestre (1990). (14) China (exact location unknown). CCC Ad 8: (2) Comoros. (13) Sylvestre (1990). (14) Beijing, China. CCC Ad 9: (2) Comoros. (13) Fricke. (1987). (14) Private House, Mutsamudu, Comoros. CCC Ad 10: (2) Comoros. (13) Fricke. (1987). (14) Private House, Mutsamudu, Comoros. CCC Ad 11: (2) Comoros. (13) Fricke. (1987). (14) Private House, Mutsamudu, Comoros. CCC Ad 12: (2) Comoros. (13) Fricke. (1990). (14) Private House, Moroni, Comoros. CCC Ad 13: (2) Comoros. (13) Fricke. et al. (in litt. 1988) ? (14) Private property of a French captain, Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Comoros. (15) Oral communication by port captain of Mutsamudu, Anjouan. CCC Ad 14: (2) East coast of Grand Comoro, Comoros. (8) 155cm. (9) Female. (11) Frozen. (12) Good. (13) Uyeno, T. (in litt. 1990), JASEC no. 4. (14) Kanazawa Aquarium, Kanazawa, Japan. 22 September 2011 44 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. LITERATURE CITED ADAMICKA, P. & H. Ahnelt. 1976. Beitrage zur funktionellen Analyse und zur Morphologie des Kopfes von Latimeria chalumnae Smith. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. B. 80. S. 251-271. ANDERSON, R.C. 1993. Larval Anisakis sp. 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Australia Australian Museum - Division of Vertebrate Zoology, 6 College Street, Sydney NSW 2010 Austria Haus der Natur, Museumplatz 5, 5020 Salzburg Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Burgring 7, 1010 Wien Pathologisch-Anatomisches Bundesmuseum Narrenturm, Altes Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Uni Campus 13. Hof, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien Belgium Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika, Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren Musee de Zoologie de l'ULB, CP160/15, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Brussels Royal Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels Zoologisch Instituut van de Universiteit van Leuven, Naamsestraat 61, 3000 Leuven Canada Axelrod Institute of Ichthyology, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1 Canadian Museum of Nature, Natural Heritage Building, 1740 Pink Road, Gatineau, Quebec J9J 3N7 MacMillan Tropical gallery , Public Aquarium of Vancouver, P.O. Box 3232, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 3X8 Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6 China House of Ichthyology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Academica Sinica, Wuhan 430072 Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthroplology Museum, P O Box 643, Beijing 100044 Museum of Natural History, 126, Tianqiao Street, Beijing, 100050 Shanghai Museum, 260 Yan'an Dong lu Road, Shanghai 200002 Comores BAMBAO Tropical SA, Bambo Mtsanga Centre National de Documentation et de Recherche Scientifique, Museum CNDRS, B.P. 169 Moroni Direction de 1' Agriculture et de la Foret (DAF), 15 rue Mariaze, B.P. 103, 97600 Mamoudzou, Mayotte J.C. Renard, B.P. 15, 97600 Mamoudzou, Mayotte via Reunion Denmark Natural History Museum of Denmark, Kobenhavns Universitet, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen France Aquarium du Canet, 1, Boulevard de la Jetee, 66140 Canet-en-Roussillon Collection de Zoologie de 1'Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI - Campus Jussieu, Paris 75005 Faculte des sciences, Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique, 96 Boulevard Raspail, Paris Mr R. Sahuquet - Voyages Sous la Mer, 9 rue du Sentier, 75002 Paris Musee d' Anatomie Testut Latarjet de Lyon, Faculte de medecine 8, avenue Rockefeller 69008 Lyon Musee de la Mer de Biarritz, Plateau de l'Atalaye, 64200 Biarritz Musee de la Peche, 3, Rue Vauban (Ville Close), BP 118, 29181 Concarneau cedex Musee de la Peche, Chateau de la Bussiere, 45230 La Bussiere, Chatillon Musee de la Reunion, 1 Rue Poivre, 97400 Saint Denis, La Reunion Musee du President Jacques Chirac, Le Bourg, 19800 Sarran Musee Oceanographique de l'Odet (Quimper), Rue de la Papeterie, 29500 Ergue-Gaberic Musee Zoologique de Strasbourg, 29, Boulevard de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de la Rochelle, 28, rue Albert ler, 17000 La Rochelle Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Besangon, 99 rue des fusilles de la Resistance, La Citadelle, 25000 Besangon Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Nantes, 12 rue Voltaire, 44000 Nantes Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, 35 Allees Jules Guesde, 31000 Toulouse Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, CP 55, Collections d' Anatomie Comparee, 55, Rue Buffon, 75005 Paris Ocearium du Croisic, Avenue de Saint-Goustan, 44490 Le Croisic Office du Tourisme de Port la Nouvelle, Place Paul Valery, 11210 Port la Nouvelle Germany Kreismuseum Schonebeck, Pfannerstrasse 41, 39218 Schonebeck Max-Planck-Institut fair Ornithologie (ex. Max- Planck-Institut fiir Verhaltensphysiologie), Eberhard-Gwinner-Strafie, 82319 Seewiesen, Miinchen Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Natur museum, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, 70191 Stuttgart Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 49 University of Tubingen [Lehrstuhl fur Spezielle Zoologie], Auf der Morgenstelle 28, 72076 Tubingen Zoologische Staatssammlung Miinchen, Miinchhausenstrafie 21, 81247 Miinchen Indonesia Research Centre for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) J1 Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911 Sam Ratulangi University, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries, Sam Ratulangi Sea World Indonesia, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jl. Lodan Timur No 7, Jakarta 14430 University, Kampus Unsrat-Bahu, 95115 Manado Iraq Iraq Natural History Museum, University of Baghdad, Baghdad Italy Civico Museo di Storia Naturale, Via Tominz 4, 34139 Trieste Museo di Storia Naturale, Universita di Pavia, Piazza Botta 9, 27100 Pavia Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Via Giolotti 36, Torino Japan Fukushima Aquarium, 50 Tatsumi-Cho, Onahama, IwakiCity, Fukushima Prefecture, 971-8101 Ibaraki Nature Museum, 700 Osaki, Bando, Ibaraki 306-0622. Kaikyokan - Aquarium, Shimonoseki Academy of Marine Science, 6-1 Arcaport, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi 750-0036 Kanazawa Aquarium, 450 Higashimikage, Kanazawa, Ishikawa National Museum for Nature and Science, 7-20 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8718 Tokyo Custom House, East Kyoto Minato-ku, Port South 5-5-30 Tokyo Institute of Technology TITECH (Prof. N. Okada), 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Pref. 226-8501 Kenya National Museums of Kenya, Museum Hill, P.O. BOX 40658, Nairobi 00100 Kuwait Educational Science Museum, Abdulla A1 Mubarak Street, Safat 13079 - Mirqab, Kuwait City Madagascar Faculte des Sciences, Antananarivo University, Antananrivo Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines (IH. SM), PO Box 141- Route du Port, Mahavatse II - Tulear 601 Mozambique Museu da Historia Natural, Pra^a Travessia do Zambeze, 104 Maputo C.P. 257. The Netherlands Natural History Museum Naturalis, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden Russia P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 36, Nahimovski Prospekt, 117997 Moscow South Africa East London Museum, Oxford Street 319, 5201 East London Natal Museum, 237 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg SAIAB (formerly J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology), Private Bag 1015, 6140 Grahamstown South African Museum, 25 Queen Victoria Street, Gardens, Cape Town Transvaal Museum, Paul Kruger Street, P.O. Box 413, Pretoria South Korea KLI 63 Building Sea World Aquarium, 60 Yeouido- dong, 63 Building , Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul 150-763. Sweden Swedish Museum of Natural History, Frescativagen 40, BOX 50007, 104 05 Stockholm Switzerland Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de la Ville de Geneve, 1 route de Malagnou, 1208 Geneva Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Augustinergasse 2, 4001 Basel Tanzania Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, PO Box 774, Zanzibar Museum of Natural History, Museum Road, Zanzibar City National Museum in Dar es Salam. Shaaban Robert Street, Dar es Salaam United Kingdom Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 6BD, England Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens, Belfast, BT9 5AB, Northern Ireland. Zoological collections of the "National Museums of Scotland", Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF, Scotland United States American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York NY 10024 22 September 2011 50 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. Arizona State University Museum of Natural History, 53 N. Macdonald Mesa, AZ 85201, Arizona California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive - Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118 California Academy of Sciences, Steinhart Aquarium, 55 Music Concourse Drive - Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118 Museum of Natural History Cambridge, MCZ, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), P.O. Box 37012 Smithsonian Inst., Washington D.C., 20013-7012 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 8602 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037 The Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S. Lake Shore D., Chicago, IL 60605-2496 The University of Kansas, Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center, Dyche Hall, 1345 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, Kansas 66045- 7561 United Nations, Architectural & Engineering Unit, Storage Room 3B-45, New York, NY 10017 Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), PO Box 1346, Glaucester Point, VA 23062 Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 170 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520 Venezuela Museo del Mar, Universidad de Oriente, Cumana Zimbabwe The Natural History Museum, Leopold Takawira Avenue - Centenary Park, Bulawayo P.O. Box 240 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the following individuals who assisted us before and during our searches with the compilation of this inventory: Australia: McGrouther Mark (Australian Museum, Sidney) Austria: Briefer Elisabeth (Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna), MikschiErnst (Natural History Museum, Vienna), Regal Wolfgang (Vienna), Stockinger Ursula (Landesmuseum Joanneum Zoologie, Graz) Belgium: Boden Gert (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren), Casteels Jeroen (K.U. Leuven), de Groef Bert (K.U. Leuven), Lenglet Georges (Museum of Natural History, Brussels), Louette Michel (Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren), Snoeks Jos (Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren), Thys van den Audenaerde Dirk Canada: Bassett Dawn (Vancouver Aquarium, Vancouver), Clink Carolyn (Mississauga, Ontario), Laframboise Sylvie (Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa), Rush Marie-Therese (Institute of Ichthyology Guelph), Sylvestre Jean-Pierre Comoros: Ahamada Said, Grilhe Severine (Mayotte) Denmark: Rask Moller Peter (Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen) France: Aragon Santiago (Collection de Zoologie de l'Universite Paris VI), Baron Guillaume (Museum de La Rochelle), Baudouin-Bodin Jacqueline (Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Nantes), Bechu Jean- Marie (Musee de la peche, Concarneau, France), Beduneau Vickie (Ocearium du Croisic), Cap Henri (Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse), Carillo-Baraglioli Marie-Fran^oise (Museum Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse), Chauvin Eve- Marie (Musee Zoologique de Strasbourg), Cognard Jean (Musee Oceanographique de l'Odet), Cointe Nathalie (Office du Tourisme de Port la Nouvelle), de Chasseval Genevieve (Chateau de la Bussiere), Dunand Michelle (Museum de La Rochelle), Faure Joanel, Le Rest Stephanie (l'Odet), Mosconi Pascal (Aquarium du Canet en Roussillon), Meunier Francois (Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris), Neidhart Jean-Christophe (Musee d' Anatomie Testut Latarjet de Lyon), Nivart Anne (Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris), Nouilhan Joelle (Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse), Pautrizel Franqoise (Musee de la Mer de Biarritz), Perissere Michele (Musee du President Jacques Chirac, Sarran), Ribes-Beaudemoulin Sonia (Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Saint-Denis, La Reunion), Rigau Vincent (Musee du President Jacques Chirac, Sarran), Robert Jean-Yves (Museum de Besan^on), Rousset Chantal (Musee d' Anatomie Testut Latarjet de Lyon), Wandhammer Marie- Dominique (Musee Zoologique de Strasbourg) Germany: Bernstein Peter (Zoologische Schausammlung Universitat Tubingen), Beutel Rolf G. (Institut fur Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie FSU Jena), Fricke Hans (Leibniz Institut fur Meereswissenschaften Kiel), Fricke Ronald (Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart), Hissmann Karen (IFM Geomar, Kiel), Krupp Friedhelm (Senckenberg Natural History Museum, Frankfurt am Main), Neumann Dirk (Zoologische Staatssammlung Munchen), Schliewen Ulrich (Zoologische Staatssammlung Munchen), Weber Erich (Zoologische Schausammlung Universitat Tubingen), Zetzsche Horst (Senckenberg Natural History Museum, Frankfurt am Main) Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. 51 Indonesia: Erdmann Mark (Bali), Hadiaty Renny (Research Center for Biology-LIPI, Cibinong) Italy: Andreone Franco (Museo di Storia Naturale, Torino), Bergo Paolo Eusebio (Museo di Storia Naturale, Torino), Bressi Nicola (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Trieste), Dolce Sergio (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Trieste), Gavetti Elena (Museo di Storia Naturale, Torino), Maretti Stefano (Museo di Storia Naturale, Pavia), Razzetti Edoardo (Museo di Storia Naturale, Pavia) Japan: Doi Hiroyuki (Shimonoseki Marine Science Museum), Ikezawa Hiromi (Ibaraki Museum, Osaka), Iwata Masa (Fukushima Aquarium), Yomiuri Land Co. Ltd (Tokyo) Kenya: Akinyi Elizabeth (National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi), Devos Luc (f) (National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi), Oyugi Dalmas O. (Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute, Naivasha) Madagascar: Bemiasa John (Odinafrica, IH.SM Toliara), Engel Stephane (Atimoo Plongee, Mangily Ifaty, Toliara), Gibbons Emma (Reef doctor, Mahavatse, Toliara), Stein-Rostaing Roderick (Reefdoctor, Mahavatse, Toliara) Palau: Verheij Eric (Palau Field Office, Koror) Peoples Republic of China: Zeng Zhaohui (Museum of Natural History, Beijing) South Africa: Beresford Laura, Bruton Mike (MTE Studios, Cape Town), Coetzer Willem (SAIAB, Grahamstown), Darlow Melanie (Port Elizabeth), Manamela Klaas (Transvaal Museum, Pretoria), McCord Meaghen, Ribbink Tony (Sustainable Seas Trust), Sink Kerry (SANBI), Stapley James (ASCMLE, Grahamstown), Stobbs Robin (Grahamstown), Thackeray Francis (Transvaal Museum, Pretoria), Thornycroft Rose, Watt-Pringle Peter Spain: Zardoya Rafael (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid) Switzerland: Decrouez Danielle (Museum d'Histoire Naturelle et Musee d'Histoire des Sciences, Geneva), Fish-Muller Sonia (Museum d'Histoire Naturelle et Musee d'Histoire des Sciences, Geneva), Leroux Geraud (Museum d'histoire Naturelle et Musee d'Histoire des Sciences, Geneva), Winkler Raffael (Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel) Tanzania: Dr Aibara, Benno Benaiah (University of Dar es Salaam), Kalombo Hassan (Tanga Coastal Resource Centre, Tanga), Ngatunga Ben (Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, Dar es Salaam), Ngeraza Christine (Museum Dar es Salaam), Riedmiller Sibylle (Tanga) The Netherlands: Erens Saja, Molenkamp Ans (Museum Naturalis, Leiden), van Oijen Martien J.P. (Museum Naturalis, Leiden) United Arab Emirates: Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa Norman (Sharjah). United Kingdom: Baker Rupert (Royal Society, London), Brettle Christina (National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh), Clack Jennifer (Museum Cambridge), McCandless Edith (National Museums Northern Ireland, Ulster, Northern Ireland), Ross Angela (National Museums Northern Ireland, Ulster, Northern Ireland), Swinney Geoff (National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh) United States of America: Bloom Eric (Yale University, New Haven CT), Brown Barbara A. (American Museum of Natural History, New York), Castro novo Danielle (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco CA), Catania Dave (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco CA), Feeney Rick (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles CA), Hartel Karsten (Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts), Henrici Amy (Carnegie Museum of Natural History), Narendra Barbara (Yale University, New Haven CT), Rogers Mary Anne (Field Museum, Chicago IL), Thomson Keith S. (Yale University, New Haven CT), Turabian Anahit (United Nations, New York), Vilegas Ana C. (United Nations, New York), Willink Philip (Field Museum, Chicago IL), Wright Dawn (Oregon State University, Corvallis OR) Venezuela: Gutierrez Javier (Venezuela), Perez Julio (Museo del Mar, Cumana) Zimbabwe: Knight Lara (Bulawayo), Kriel Margaret (Bulawayo), Minshull John 22 September 2011 52 Nulens, Scott, Herbin An updated inventory of Latimeria spp. AUTHORS Rik Nulens In 1994, in a booklist from a second hand bookshop, Rik found the Dutch version of J.L.B. Smith's book Old Fourlegs - The Story of the Coelacanth for only a few guilders. The accompanying note said: "This book tells the story of a fish with legs who was captured in 1938 nearby East-London (Indian Ocean) and which is the 'missing link' between fishes and the land vertebrates." Reading the book he became more and more interested and fascinated, and started searching for coelacanth literature. While searching, Rik found many unknown coelacanth specimens in museums all over the world, and some lost specimens appeared again in other museums after they were (re)moved from their original display. Soon after Rik Nulens began to assemble a database of coelacanth literature. With meticulous energy and determination, his database entries grew from 1 544 titles in 1999 to 2 560 in 2003 to 5 134 in 2011. The increasing availability of electronic archives, both of personal and organisational collections, has enabled him to search across a widening range of material, including newspapers such as The New York Times. Ever since 1994, when he sent his first version of his database to Mrs Jean Pote, the J L B Smith Institute librarian, he has made his database available to SAIAB, and currently connects with 120 researchers worldwide. The database is available on: http:/ / www.dinofish. com. In addition to developing this remarkable database, Nulens (who retired earlier this year from his regular job) has become actively involved in the updating of the Coelacanth Conservation Council List, an inventory of specimens, which has culminated in the publication of this Special Publication. Lucy Scott Lucy Scott is the regional data and information coordinator for the UNDP GEF Agulhas & Somali Currents Large Marine Ecosystem (ASCLME) Project. She currently coordinates regional information management activities and Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) development for the project in nine countries of the Western Indian Ocean. Over the past ten years, she has worked in South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi, Comoros, Kenya, Seychelles, Mauritius, Maldives and Madagascar on a wide variety of projects and programmes. These ranged from marine research expeditions to data management projects and the development of Geographic Information Systems, particularly for coastal resource mapping, aquaculture and conservation planning. Lucy has participated in GIS atlas projects at several scales and is currently one of five editors of the African Marine Atlas. She has published in several fields, is a member of the GOOS- AFRICA Remote Sensing Working Group and participates in the International Coastal Atlas Network. Marc Herbin Marc Herbin is Asst. Professor, Curator of Collections at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Paris. He is a specialist in functional biology and comparative anatomy, and is the responsible researcher in charge of the anatomical soft tissue collection, under which the largest collection of coelacanths in the world resides. His research group is derived from the former research group at the laboratory of comparative anatomy in the MNHN, previously under the successive direction of Professors Millot and Anthony. These famous scientists initiated the collections of, and were involved in, most of the discoveries surrounding the coelacanth throughout much of the 20th century. Smithiana Special Publication 3: 01 - 52 / ISSN 1684-4149 Published by the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity and the African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme Private Bag 1015 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa