Sen BEL. ees a tees re NEES, i * ! By se 4 Loe : j x , wa nhs aM Y Y ans shed i wi at Led RED NRA RAN PA enue Link Seye Ape oe WH ye ais t RIK 0 \ aval nana AAA BANANA Aan Av Al it A na AA Aan \ ARAA Nn AAA mM A; LEN A; ue 4 i A A A A A ‘n \ f A A A A A Aa Daan AA, A A A A Ia AANA Aan A A AA AA A A AA A A A NALA A mn Manat An AA Cee “Cae < CES OE eee : os A A A a a Ya) Ma) A A aan A i I NA a" A AA ‘s ; A MAW A A A A f al A A A NS. SE Ki eS ROG GN CCK Nanda ea << et SEES ee ee EL GE aE An nar ia a A a AAaRAy. : Maat - , on e, Ah AN 2A A AVe ' ; A A anh af A ; A Ig SK LG a a Core Ca < N\ A : A A i Ana A A A A A A A A A . =< Ce COCR CE en rece ac & sh A A A A A An ANA A'A MAY fay A A VANAA A A fas an A BAR ir Ve AA Bins A ; A ANAAR, A naa BVA A VAR h ‘all A fq A A A A mh, Gen, AK << CS Tia S.,, Gin os ZELO— {0OFT'O— Vv 9L0°0 — OOL'0— |8so°0— |szo°0— |8s0°0— L 800°0 + oo coe eee eee is00°0 + e : y OZL-0— ~— OFL0— = jo9T'0—_— Jo9T0— 2 ee *H 00L'0— eee eee eee Z80°0— 8IL‘0— : "A 96.0 — Pe USE0—= |F90— “tr 0— -0rto— N 8 g 8 8 8 g “NVaW OLS8T “6981 "898 "LOST 9981 “UA AUASA() (Cu) “AyUueNdb yurjtoduur Awe Aq savout esey} oSuvyo jou op ‘poutos useq eavy YouyAd “QGgT uopSuLyse AM SuULpNH]OUL ‘sto1i9 Surpuvjs}no uvouw e"UL “AN Nl | | 08°/0-+ | ee ¢9°0— | $2°00— | MEO | SEs | eee eo SPO — | Liew | 0'wO+ | 8L°10— Cyjuopy yave lof simak og ay, dof sou uvapy) “AALAWVI(] TVOILED A “]] 0°s0-+ | 6Z0°s0-F Zz0'sd— | 9t0's0+ | 9F0's0+ | ZOO'sO— | GTO's0— | FeOsO0-+ | 100'0-F | 640's0— | 400°s0— | FZ0"0— ‘oun “AVIA Tady pease eau tON *10qg0}0Q |"daquiajdeg] ‘ysnsny “AIG | | ‘yore, =| “Arensqoyy | ‘Arwnuve Cyuopy yova sof sunax sInog ay) Lof souug unayy) “AALAWVIG TVLNOZIMOH "] s COLSIKFLOST ‘UojSuLyseM) ‘““azawoyT JoINLaA puD JO]UOZOL UL ,.SLo4wgy HurpunjsjnO,, Uvayl e 3) 28 oD) Mitanians 1S) Mlb BOG Zos6 Oberon TUS lo nooks (30) APPENDIX. li ° It is evident that Herschel’s II. and IV. are Lassell’s Titania and Oberon. Lassell’s station at Malta was much better in regard to clear- ness of sky than Herschel’s in England, his instrumental means were far superior, and the altitude of Uranus was greater at Malta in 1864 than in England in 1798, so that we must assume that if Lassell could not see Herschel’s I., [I1., V., and VI., they did not exist. In his report of his observations (Memoirs R. A. §8., vol. 36) Lassell says that he repeatedly scrutinized the vicinity of the planet for the purpose of detecting faint satellites exterior to Oberon, and that he never suspected the existence of any such. Therefore, in the examination of Herschel’s observations, I shall reject all those referring to satellites V.and VI., and for the same reason [ shall reject all those referring to satellite III. ; i this latter case we have the added testimony of five months’ ob- servations with the Alvan Clark refractor of the U. S. Naval Observatory at Washington. There remain, then, of Herschel’s observations only those of suspected interior satellites which it will be profitable to examine. Before selecting any of these observations for discussion it is necessary to premise a few words in regard to Herschel’s method of observation. On a very few occasions he was able to faintly illuminate the wires of his micrometer for a determination of the position of Oberon and Titania, but all of his estimations of the position of any small objects interior to these had to be made in a perfectly dark field. Hence these estimations are liable to a large error of from 5 to 15 degrees in position angle. Owing to the glare of the planet in the field of the telescope Herschel found that he could seldom see Oberon nearer to the planet than 23.6’/, while Titania was usually invisible at distances less than 18.1’. Of course, under ordinary circumstances, Ariel and Umbriel could not be visible at all, but there were occasions when the fine polish of his mirror or the good state of the atmosphere permitted him to view objects even as close as 10’’.. It was evidently impossi- ble for him to see an interior satellite on two consecutive nights, and of this he was fully aware. It was his habit to make his observations of the “first”? and “second” satellites (7. e. of Titania and Oberon), and to map down all small stars near to the planet. On the next subsequent observing night he examined the spot where the planet had been, and was thus able to identify all small stars as such. In his printed observations the sketches of star configurations are not given, but his remarks in full are quoted, followed by an “ identi- fication,” as he calls it, of all suspected satellites. The patience and skill with which these identifications are carried out year after year are truly admirable, and they give a real value to that (31) ili APPENDIX which, without them, would be simply a ponderous mass of use- less material. I have selected from his observations as printed, all cases where he has seen an object interior to Titania sufficiently well to allow him to give an estimate of its position, excluding, of course, all cases where he has subsequently proved that such object was certainly a star. The cases for examination are— 1. 1787, Feb. 10 Poslioi of HEINE FO Baveliiite B35)? 2. 1790, Jan. 18 “following” 3. 1790, Jan. 20 a ef a Bile AL Os. 1helo, 5 cs as ct 250° 57 5. 1793, Mar. 9 ee ii “ 205° 6. 1794, Feb. 28 a a ts 66° 7. 1794, Mar. 27 ah a iG 8. 1798, Feb. 15 ag a a NO TY 9. 1801, Apr. 17 i ee US 189° distance 18/’ The elements which I have used are provisional ones derived by Prof. Newcomb from Lassell’s Malta observations. They are ‘amply adequate to the present inquiry. From these elements I have computed the angle of position and distance of Umbriel and Ariel in each of the cases above set down, and compared these with Herschel’s observations, as ae — ES Te mkieloy Mt, 8°57". The first satellite is about 53° M, joe er eae * * a supposed third is about 45° s. f. In a little more ee four hours I saw the satellites go on with the planet, and also in their orbits. * * * * No subsequent observation of the third was made.” On this date Umbriel was in P—82° distant 16” and Ariel was n. p. Hence Herschel’s “‘supposed third” was neither of the inner satellites. 2. “1790, Jan. 18, 98 32™. There is a supposed third satel- lite about two diameters of the planet following, extremely faint and only seen by glimpses; 1" 6™ after I could not perceive it; a fourth is about 70° n. p.” “Two diameters” of the planet was about 8’’, and as Herschel usually counted his distances from the limb of the planet in his estimations, the distance from the centre would be about 10/7. Umbriel was in P = 124° 23’, and distant 13’’.9. Ariel was in P—317° 10’, distant 10/7.96. ‘ 1" 6™ after” Umbriel was in P —118° 48’, and distant 13//.54; 7. e., nearer to Uranus by 0’’.4. So far as the evidence goes we may reasonably infer that Herschel had a glimpse of Umbriel. In the Phil. Trans., 1798, p. 271, Herschel, in referring to this observation, speaks of it as very certain, and supposes that the satellite might have been ‘11 or 12 degrees” from the parallel. The above identification, it is (32) APPENDIX. iv true, brings it 34° from the parallel, but we must remember that in the first place the angle of position was merely an estimate, and secondly, that ‘ following” is here shown by Herschel him- self to have been but a rough term, not indicating an angle of position of exactly 90°. The ‘fourth satellite” of this night was proved to have been a star. See LTO diane 20) choke eye aeuthinds satellites 45° n. p. in a line with the planet and second satellite.” Umbriel had a position angle of 301°, and was distant 13”.72; Ariel was n. f.; Oberon (the “second satellite”) was in P—324° 08’, and we must again conclude that Umbriel was seen. A Tow eb io nose mona a venvasmallle Star ais 19°3’/s.p. * * * * there is no subsequent observation of the small star.” Umbriel was in P — 187° 19’, and Ariel was n. p._ Herschel’s “small star” had a position angle of 250° 57’, and hence it was neither Ariel nor Umbriel. Os, 93) March) SelM somim Si) oc a third’ (Gatellite) is about 65° s. p.” Umbriel was n. p. and Ariel was n. f., and hence this observa- tion refers to neither of them. Gea al Aube Sanna 3 et eee re) Ko herewaismamsmall Stare) SS aDOUtI a4 came t.7 Both Ariel and Umbriel were n. p., and hence the small object Was a star. 7. “1794, March 27. A supposed third of this evening is pre- ceding the first satellite, but nearer the planet * * * * ‘The first satellite was 79° n. f.” Titania (the “first satellite”) was in P—10° 20’, distant 34//.48, while Ariel was in P—20° 48/, and distant 13/” 48, Umbriel being at this time s. f. Hence we must conclude that Herschel saw Ariel. Seah Osi Heb lS OMS nek aes ne DOsitOM ROtEOne supposed fifth satellite” (which was really Oberon) ‘84° 497 n. f.” + * * at “about half the distance of the second satellite,” and Hea it and the planet, Herschel saw what ‘“ must have been an interior satellite at its greatest northern elongation.” Oberon was in P = 14° 46/, distant 32’.00; Ariel was in P= 213° 7’, distant 5”.06, and therefore invisible; Umbriel was in P =194° 26’, distant 18”.99, and therefore in its most favorable position. Herschel says the interior satellite was between Oberon and the planet, and if this is so he did not see Umbriel. His account of this night’s work (op. cit., pp. 332-3 and 359) is con- fused, and leads to the suspicion (no more) that an examination of the originals might prove his position of the interior satellite 180° wrong—in which case Umbriel would have been seen. As it is we must suppose the contrary. (33) Vv APPENDIX. 9. “1801, April 17, 10" 30". There is a third satellite at a great angle south preceding; in the configuration it is marked exactly in opposition to the second, and at half the distance of the first. * * * * the third by the configuration was 81° Sh jOS” On the next night Herschel examined the place where the planet was on April 17, and found no star in the former place of the third satellite. Herschel’s satellite was in P 189°, distant 18’, Umbriel was in P=191° 27’, distant 21’.18. Hence Herschel saw Umbriel. The above are all the cases which a careful examination of the printed observations suggests for discussion, and it is to be re- marked that of the four cases where Herschel supposed he saw the interior satellites, three have been verified fully, and a reason- able suspicion exists that the fourth may have been likewise a. veritable observation of Umbriel. A reference to the originals. would probably settle most of the doubts which have arisen. We may conclude, then, that the elder Herschel was the first observer of Ariel and Umbriel, as well as of Titania and Oberon, but that he was unfortunately prevented from identifying the inner satellites because his telescope could not show them on two succes- sive nights. It is to be noted that Sir John Herschel never caught a glimpse of them during his examination of Uranus with the same telescope in 1828 and 1832; the extreme difficulty of these objects. makes us wonder at the marvellous skill and patience manifested by the elder Herschel in this difficult research. It would be an interesting and useful research to endeavor to explain Herschel’s observations of the III., V., and VI. satel- lites, and to show that these were observations of small stars. This research I hope to execute upon the return of Prof. Watson and Dr. C. H. F. Peters from their respective journeys for the purpose of observing the transit of Venus. Both of these astro- nomers have the most extended and minute maps of all the small stars in the region where Uranus was in 1787 to 1801; and a careful examination of tracings of these maps and of Herschel’s observations could not fail to throw some light upon the supposed discovery of satellites I1I., V., and VI. The next observations of these objects were by Lassell and O. Strave in 1847. Lassell’s observations are given in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. vill. p. 44. I have compared these with the theory as below. (34) APPENDIX. Lassell’s posi- tion of Position of Umbriel.|}| Position of Ariel. Date. Satellite. 12 A P A P A ne O° Ww fo} wu“ (eo) ” Bet Bet. 111845, Oct. 5 | 324.1 | arene | nee 6 §{ Bet. ; 2) 1847, Sept. 14 | 350. ’ 0 & 90 345.4 13.96 3] 1847, Sept. 27 | 326 ate aoe 320.1 10.45 4| 1847, Sept. 29 | 336 sais 1173.3 ies 1.3 13.27 5} 1847, Oct. 1 | 348 18.44 354.8 | 19.10 wae ie 6] 1847, Nov. 6 89 10 141.6 || 15.4 G00 ae 7| 1847, Nov. 6 | 349 11 Rete ane 350.1 13.89 Hence it is plain that Lassell saw Ariel on Sept. 14, Sept. 27, and Nov. 6, and possibly on Sept. 29. Umoriel was seen on Oct. 1. Struve’s observations are given in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. viti. p. 46, as follows :— Date. Umbriel (Computed). Umbriel (Observed). in (eo) " (eo) wr 1/1847, Nov. 1)/P =194.0 =17.8 |P=186.47 a =16.59 2)1847, Nov. 28 203.6 17.0 |Between 0° and 900 3/1847, Dec. 9 218.6 13.7 |P==15205 4! a =7.4, while Ariel was between 2700 and 3600. 4/1847, Dec. 10 180.1 17.0 |P =169C38/ a = 19.85 5)1848, Jan. 25 202.0 18’.0 Between 0° and 900 Hence Struve may have seen Umbriel Noy. 1 and Dec. 10, 1847. In 1871 observations of Ariel and Umbriel were made at Bothkamp with a telescope of twelve inches aperture and com- pared with Marth’s ephemeris for that year. The positions of Ariel differ from their predicted positions by a large angle, nearly 180°, while the positions of Umbriel agree well. Ariel, how- ever, is much the brighter of the two inner satellites, and as it evidently was not seen at all, it becomes probable that a small star was mistaken for Umbriel on the five nights of observation. This supposition is strengthened when we consider that the Bothkamp observers found Titania and Oberon difficult objects, which they certainly are not to any telescope which will show > Ariel or Umbriel. Lassell estimates that Oberon and Titania are twice as bright intrinsically as either of the inner satellites, and this estimate is probably not too high. We may then fairly claim that Sir W \Miam Herschel saw all four of the satellites of Uranus, that Lassell discovered independently 10 (35) vii APPENDIX. and before any of his contemporaries the two faint satellites, while Struve probably saw Umbriel on one or two occasions, and that these inner satellites have not all been seen with any tele- scopes save the twenty and forty feet reflectors of Herschel, the telescopes of Mr. Lassell (two and four feet reflectors) and by the Clark refractor at Washington. The great reflecting telescope of Dr. Henry Draper, and the Clark refractor at Chicago, and Mr. Newall’s Cooke refractor, have never been used upon these objects so far as I know, although all three are undoubtedly adequate to the purpose. (36) LIST OF MEMBERS PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. JUNE, 1874. " * Absent or removed from Washington. t Deceased. CLEVELAND ABBE ASA QO. ALDIS BENS AMIN ALVORD * THOMAS ANTISELL ORVILLE Etas Bascock THEODORUS BAILEY SPENCER FULLERTON BarrpD JOSEPH K. BARNES Tuomas W. Barriry Henry Hosart Bates STEPHEN VINCENT Benger JOHN SHAW BILLINGS SAMUEL CLaAGEerT Busey * HORACE CAPRON *A uaustus L. Casn THOMAS LIincoLNn CAsry fSaLmon PortTLAND Cuase JOHN WHITE CHICKERING FRANK WIGGLESWORTH CLARKE Joun HuntTINGTON CRANE COFFIN Eiiott Covers BENJAMIN FANEuin CRAIG Rogpert Craia CHARLES Henry CRANE JcSIAH CuRTIS RicHaRD Domintcus Ourts (37) 38 MEMBERS OF THE WitiraMm Heaney DALL Cuarves Henry DAvIs RicHarD J. DEAN FrREpDERIC WILLIAM Dorr H. H. C. Dunwoopy CLARENCE EpwARD DuTton +ALEXANDER B. DYER JouNn RoBiE HASTMAN AMOS BEEBE HATON JoHN EATON EZEKIEL BRown ELLIOTT Grorce Henry ELLior Frepreric MILLER ENDLICH CHARLES EWING Hue Ewine WILLIAM FERREL ELisHa Foorr +Joun GRAY Foster EpGar FRISBY Epwarp T. FRIsto“ LEONARD DUNNELL GALE HENRY GANNETT JAMES TERRY GARDNER Grove Karu GILBERT THEODORE NICHOLAS GILL GrorGE Brown GOODE HENRY GOODFELLOW EpWarbD OZIEL GRAVES BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GREENE ASAPH HALL IsaIAH HANSCOM WILLIAM HARKNESS FERDINAND VANDEVEER ILAYDEN JOSEPH HENRY Henry WETHERBEE HENSHAW JuLIUus Erasmus HILGARD PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. EDWARD SINGLETON HOLDEN Epwin EuGENE HOWELL Henry W. HowGate ANDREW ATKINSON HUMPHREYS *THORNTON ALEXANDER JENKINS WILLIAM WARING JOHNSTON F. KAmMpr Reve Keire JONATHAN HomER LANE WILLIAM LEE NATHAN SMITH LINCOLN Henry H. Lock woop STEPHEN C. LyFoRD Oscar A. Mack ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON MARVINE * FIELDING BRADFORD MEEK MonTGoMERY CUNNINGHAM MEIGS WititiAM ManugeL, Mew W. MILNER ALBERT J. MYER WitiiaAmM Myers Simon NEWCOMB Cuarues Henry NIcHOoLs WALTER LAMB NICHOLSON GEORGE ALEXANDER OTIS JOHN GRUBB PARKE PETER PARKER *CHARLES CHRISTOPHER PARRY CARLISLE PATTERSON A. C. PEALE *TITIAN RAMSAY PEALE BENJAMIN PEIRCE CHARLES SANDERS PEIRCE ORLANDO METCALFE POE Davip Drxon PortTER 3. W. PowrELi 3% 40 MEMBERS. Henry REED RATHBONE RopertT RIpGway *CHRISTOPHER RAYMOND PERRY RODGERS JOHN RODGERS JOSEPH ADDISON ROGERS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SANDS JAMES HAMILTON SAVILLE Freperic ADOLPHUS SAWYER {+Guo. CHRISTIAN SCHAEFFER CHARLES ANTHONY SCHOTT JOHN SHERMAN WiLLiAmM TrEcUMSEH SHERMAN AINSWORTH RAND SPOFFORD JOHN STEARNS ORMOND STONE GrorGE TAYLOR WittiAM Bower TAYLOR WILLIAM CALVIN TILDEN JOSEPH MEREDITH TONER *FRancis AMASA WALKER JAMES. CLARKE WELLING Grorce M. WHEELER *Junius B. WHEELER A. D. WILSON JAMES ORMOND WILSON Witt1AM MAaxweELt Woop JOSEPH JANVIER WOODWARD JoHN MAYNARD WoopDWORTH MorprEcAl YARNALL HENRY ORIPSEY YARROW INDEX TO NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. C. ABBE PAGE 35. Communicates a letter from Mr. S. A. King. 38. Remarks on a table of balloon voyages. 45. Remarks on observations of auroras. 98. Report on the meteor of December 24, 1873. 99-101. Laws of the movements of storms. 102. Remarks on seismic phenomena. 109. Position of the planes of certain nebule. Prof. S. ALEXANDER (of Princeton, N. J.) 105. The Zodiacal Light. [See Appendix, No. ITI.] T. ANTISELL (of Yokohama). 25. Specimen of dust charged with organic matter. 70. The meteorology of Japan. B. ALVORD. 74. The habitability of the western plateaus. 91. Remarks on the proposition of Mr. James Lick. 101-102. The recent earthquakes in North Carolina. S. F. Batrp 21. Communicates a report by Lieut. G. C. Doane. 24. i. a paper by Dr. H. B. Butcher. 52. On the decrease of fish on the southern coast of N. E. H. Bates. 89. The motion o. a particle towards an attracting centre. E. BESSELS. 34. Scientific operations of the North Pole Expedition. 92. Results of the Polaris Expedition. J. S. Brirnes. 42-43. Some minute fungi. 92-93. The collection of a large library. (41) 42 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. Prof. T. M. Brewer (of New Haven). PAGE 97. Theories of the potato disease. H. B. Burcuer. 24. Two immense meteorites. T. L. Casny 22. Communicates a Report by Capt. C. W. Raymond. A. CxLark (of Cambridgeport, Mass.) 92. The construction of the telescope at the Naval Obs. F. W. CLARKE. 103. Atomic volumes of crystallized and double salts. 104-105. Molecular heats of similar compounds. Hon. T. L. Crineman (of North Carolina). 104. Earthquake phenomena in North Carolina. J. H. C. Corrin 57. Communicates letter from Dr. B. A. Gould, of Cordoba. 63. 5 maps prepared by G. W. Hill. K. Coves. 96. Structure and homologies of the limbs. R. D. Curts. 39-41. Misapplication of geographical terms. 70-13. Results of observations at Sherman Station. B. F. Crate. 31. Fluctuations of the temperature of the human body. 34. Apothecaries’ weights and measures. 42. Thermometers. 43. Method of verifying the indications of a thermometer. 52. Apparatus for the generation of ozone. 65. Water supply of cities. Dr. Curtis. 63. Hayden’s survey of the Western Territories. W. H. DALL. 25. The value of Alaska to the United States. G. C. Doane. 21. Official report of the Yellowstone Expedition of 1870 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 43 C. E. Dutton. PAGE 52. 54. 74. 89. 90. 96. ee 98. 102. The pressure developed by the explosion of gunpowder. Experiments on different kinds of gunpowder. Elevations and subsidences of the earth’s surface. Geological time. Mallet’s theory of formation of physical features of earth. Recent improvements in the economy of fuel. Recent improvements in the manufacture of steel. The chemistry of the Bessemer process. Remarks on volcanic action. J. R. EASTMAN. 68-70. Comparison of thermometers used at Naval Obs. 85-87. Frequency of the occurrence of numbers. A. B. Eaton. 22. The preservation of foods. EK. B. Evutort. 29. Borrowing power of the United States. 31. New coinage of Japan. 35. Locus of point of equal illumination. 45. Remarks on auroras. 63. Communicates a letter from Dr. Curtis. 63. The adjustment of census returns. 74. Life and annuity tables. 75. International coinage. 91. Remarks on the legal value of the dollar. 109. The credit of the United States. H, W. Evwiortt. 91. Habits of the fur-bearing seals. F. M. ENpuica. 77. On Mineralogical Systems. 95. Hlectrical phenomena in the Rocky Mountains. 98. Two bricks from the great wall of China. 98. Specimens of meteoric iron. 101. Occurrence of pure tellurium. EB. J. FARQuuar. 42. Remarkable effects of lightning. 44 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. W. FERREL. PAGE 53-54. The effects of winds and barometric pressure on tides. 106-109. Law connecting the wind with the barometric gradient C. G. Forsuey (of Louisiana). 98. Alluvial basin of Mississippi River. [ See Appendix IT. } KE. Foore. 74. Laws of condensation of aqueous vapor in atmosphere. 75. Proposed method of observing astronomical transits. 98. Some causes that produce rain. EK. FRisBy. 57-61. The ratio of the circumference to the diameter. 75-76. A Gregorian Calendar. L. D. Gaus. 97. The cause and remedy of the potato rot. 106. Geology of the lignite formation. G. K. GILBERT. 54-56. Researches in Arizona and Nevada. 57. Sand sculpture in the West. 84-85. The glacial epoch in Utah and Nevada. 88. The cafions of the Colorado. 103. A cold geyser in Ohio. 109. The age of the Tonto Sandstone, T. N. Git. 24. Characteristics and zoological relations of man. 29. Additions to the fish fauna of Massachusetts, ete. 39. The Tapir of the Andes and its allied forms. 47. A Tunny new to the American coast. 52. Remarks on the fish fauna of Massachusetts. 62. Communicates a memoir by Mr. F. B. Meek. 64. The homologies of the shoulder girdle of fishes. 68. The Scombrocottus Salmoneus of Peters. 73. The homologies of the arm in fishes, etc. 96. The primates and their relations to man. 96. Remarks on the homologies of the limbs of vertebrates. 99. The structure and shape of Paleotherium. B. A. GouLp. PAGE 57. The progress of the National Observatory at Cordoba, 88. The progress of his astronomical work at Cordoba. A. Hatt. 23. Elements of the Comet I, 1871. 28. Astronomical photography. 30. A curve of the fourth degree. 34. Astronomical proof of existence of a resisting medium.’ 62 Determination of the ratio of circumference to diameter. 62. Historical note on the method of least squares. 88. The rectilinear motion of a particle towards a centre. 94. Comets and meteors. 101. Method of writing international scientific telegrams. B. HaLLoweE.u (of Sandy Springs). 95. The meteor of Christmas Eve, 1873. W. Harkness. 31. The physical constitution of the corona of the Sun. 34. Spectrum of Encke’s comet, and appearance of Tuttle’s. 34. Remarks on the spectrum of Encke’s comet. 39. Density of the hypothetical resisting medium in space. 56. Communicates a letter from Captain Tupman. 64. Measurements of heights by a pocket aneroid. 74. Power necessary to drive an astronomical clock. 96. Distribution of temperature over surface of the globe. 102. Apparatus to be used in observing transit of Venus. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 45 JOSEPH HENRY. Introduction. Annual Address. 46, 22. 3l. 34. 395. 49. 48. 53. 63. 65. 15. Phenomena of sound and experiments with tuning forks. Observations made on a journey to California. Communicates a letter from Dr. Bessels. Life and scientific labors of Alexander Dallas Bache. Communicates a report on meteorite by Mr. Farquhar. Remarks on the phenomena of the aurora. Expenditure of the income of the Bache fund. Fluctuations of the river Nile. [ signals. Abnormal phenomena of sound in connection with fog On atmospheric electricity. p 46 PAGE UD. 87. 90. ke 93. 94. 95. 97. 98. he) 103 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. Communicates a letter from General Lefroy. On atmospheric electricity. Experiments on fog signals. [ Lick. Communicates letters from Prof. Tyndall and Mr. J. Announces the death of Professor L. Agassiz. Communicates resolutions in memory of Prof. Agassiz. Communicates a letter from Mr. B. Hallowell. A method of developing magnetism in bars of steel. Meteor trains, and the upper atmospheric currents. On Giffard’s injector. Remarks on the earthquakes of North Carolina. J. H. HinGarp. 21. 22. 22. 23. 29. 31. 35. 46 47, 48. 48. 53. 53. 65 68. 84. 89. 89. 90. 90. 92. 104 104 105 106 The distance traversed on a loxodromic curve. Remarks on the geographical centre of the U. States. Remarks on a chronograph. Remarks on a chronoscope. The distribution of the population in the U. States. An exponential formula. The westward movement of the population of the U.S. Remarks on auroras. The aurora of February 4th. Auroral phenomena. Hindoo arithmetic. The recording systems of the transatlantic cables. Remarks on the new aneroid by Goldschmidt. Proceedings of International Metrological Commission. An inquiry into the laws of probability. The air thermometer of Prof. Jolly. [ wich. Determination of longitude between Paris and Green- Remarks in memory of G. C. Schaeffer. Experimental researches in acoustics by Prof. Mayer. Determination of personal errors in observations. Introduces Hon. T. L. Clingman. Announces a new standing rule of the Society. Communicates a memoir by Prof. Alexander. Apparatus for investigation of error. T. HILGARD. 26. The number of the cephalic vertebra. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 47 EK. S. Houpen. PAGE 95. Adopted value of Sun’s appar. diam. [See Append. I. ] 106. Sir W. Herschel’s obs. of sat. of Uranus. [See App. IV.] Dr. Jackson (of Boston). 93. The autopsy of Prof. Agassiz. R. Kerra. 73. Achromatic object glasses. 89. The nature of the force of gravitation. Major Kine (of New York City). 23. The construction of the bridge across the Hast River. 53. The fatigue of metals. 8. A. Kina. 35-38. Aerial currents observed in fifty balloon ascensions. Gen. Lerroy (of Bermuda). 15. The changes of sea-level at Bermuda. Mr. J. Lick (of San Francisco). 91. Establishment of a new observatory. F. B. MEEK. 62. The discovery of new species of fossil plants. M. C. Metres. 21. Map of head waters of Yellowstone and Lewis Rivers. S. Newcoms. 29. The transits of Venus, past and future. 46. Remarks on auroras. 52. The possibility of a universal atmosphere. 62, 63. Progress of construction of telescope for Naval Obsery. 65. Proceedings of the Transit of Venus Commission. 89. Mechanical representation of a problem in least squares. G. A. Orts. 73. Fractures of the inner table of the cranium. 94. A description of a new spirometer. P. PARKER 87. Communicates resolutions inmem. of Hon.8. P. Chase. 94. Remarks on the meteor of December 24th, 1873. 48 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. B. PEIRCE. PAGE 31. The heat of the Sun. "4. Theories of the nature of comets’ tails. C. 8. PErrce. 35. Appearance of Encke’s comet as seen at H. C. Obs. 63. Stellar photometry. 68. Geographical distribution of rainfall anu __ illiteracy. 88. On logical algebra. 94. On quaternions. | 97. Hypotheses in reference to space. Prof. Porter (of: Belfast, Ireland). 54. Recent explorations in Syria. J. W. PowE.u. 48. Remarks on the aurora. 48-51. Geology of the valley of the Colorado. ; 96. Mythology of the Numas. 99. Remarks on volcanic phenom. in Arizona and Nevada. 102. Remarks on volcanic action. 104. Genesis and demonology of the Numas. Mr. Ramsey (of Nova Scotia). 64. On the tides of the Bay of Fundy. Lieut. C. W. Raymonp (U. 8. Army). 22. Results of travels in Alaska. B. F. Sanps . 23. Communicates a paper by Prof. A. Hall. J. H. SAVILLE. 51. New Japanese coinage. O. STONE. 62. Errors of a provisory catalogue of stars. W. T. SHERMAN. 63. Remarks on a visit to Egypt. 65. Remarks on travels in Turkey and the Caucasus. W. B. Taytor. 24. The nature and origin of force. 43-45. The aurora. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 49 PAGE 62. Our present knowledge of the planet Jupiter. 66. Waves, molecules, and atoms. 90. Communicates resolutions in memory of G. C. Schaeffer. Dr. W. Tomson (of New York City). [of eye. 22. New method for detecting and measuring optical defects J. M. Tonrr. 97. A method of locating geographical regions. Capt. TupMAN (of London), 56. Observations made on a solar eclipse. Prof. J.. Tynpauu (of London). 65. Remarks on abnormal phenomena of sound. 91. Fog signals. Dr. VAN Sant (of San Francisco). 56. A new method of lighting gas jets. Prof. J. C. Watson (of Ann Arbor). 53. The discovery of new planets. A. J. WOEIKOFF. 75. Meteorology in Russia. J. J. WoopwaArp. 24. An alleged hermaphrodite. [ form. 41. Desirability of reproducing photographs in a permanent 47. The use of monochromatic sunlight. 57. Communicates letter from Dr. B. A. Gould, of Cordoba. 57. The Woodbury photo-relief process. 88. Communicates letter from Dr. B. A. Gould, of Cordoba. 89. Exhibits the spectra of certain metals and gases. 93. Communicates a letter from Dr. Jackson, of Boston. 93. Micrometric writing on glass. 94. Communicates a letter from Mr. Ramsey. M. YARNALL. T4. A general star catalogue. Ae Neti ree ant ss nscale AA AD Alliy Masti h . ARORA Ue UAW RULNY ; lite .4Y, Y U SRV Wea LUNA A Rt Lae 4 wae ieany I i . ye ty ARN bed \ 4 I ; HAY, y ae EU ENC AN Aine Ateb pot j FRAMED UN PANG AON Ht AST aN Nie i iy 1 v nahn Poa Nt \ vey M8 Pee i it HOMME oN ; bY i i j ins : NEAT Aibrod stn ‘Ny ny dee ATU ii aN ak He st i i PAIN Es “a Wty Ta aa itet ea ue! i ie ! Halk (Why aa SNH ) HANS Ra ON ura Hain i i His Mh i W Vat PG OAD) AM gaat AN i My bain Ont AV ‘i awl’ Ad HHS HN Ny 2 Ae) eal % ; Ae banesst i ON py Y} 6s uy PRG Taye aa MANS RR *) sit Nae Day ite Nh NWN NE tey oh) BULLETIN OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, © VOL. II. OcroBeR 10TH, 1874—NovemBeEr 2p, 1878. (With a Portrait and two Lithographs.) ————_——_ PUBLISHED BY THE CO-OPERATION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. WASHINGTON. 1875—1880. ‘ite feast Ne Nia eancus! i} CONSTITUTION, STANDING RULES, AND LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY WASHINGTON, December, 1875. rcs Oeics oH ili CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. ARTICLE I. The name of this Society shall be THE Put. LOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. ARTICLE II. The officers of the Society shall be a Presi- dent, four Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and two Secretaries. ARTICLE IIT. There shall be a General Committee, con- sisting of the officers of the Society and nine other mem- bers. ARTICLE IV. The officers of the Society and the other members of the General Committee shall be elected annu- ally by ballot; they shall hold office until their successors are elected, and shall have power to fill vacancies. ARTICLE V. It shall be the duty of the General Com- mittee to make rules for the government of the Society, and to transact all business. ARTICLE VI. This Constitution shall not be amended except by a three-fourths vote of those present at an an- nual meeting for the election of officers, and after notice of the proposed change shall have been given in writing at a stated meeting of the Society at least four weeks pre- viously. 1V STANDING RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY CF WASHINGTON. DEcEMBER, 1875. 1. The Stated Meetings of the Society shall be held at 8 o'clock P. M. on every alternate Saturday; the place of meeting to be designated by the General Committee. 2. The Annual Meeting for the election of officers shall be the first stated meeting in the month of November. When necessary, Special Meetings may be called by the President. 3. Notices of the time and place of meetings shall be sent to each member by one of the Secretaries. 4. The Stated Meetings, with the exception of the annual meeting, shall be devoted to the consideration and discussion of scientific subjects. 5. Persons interested in science. who are not residents of the District of Columbia, may be present at any meeting of the Society, except the annual meeting, upon invitation of a member. 6. Similar invitations to residents of the District of Co- lumbia, not members of the Society, must be submitted through one of the Secretaries to the General Committee for approval. 7. Invitations to attend during three months the meet- ings of the Society and participate in the discussion of papers, may, by a vote of nine members of the General Comumnittee, be issued to persons nominated by two mem- bers. Vv 8. Comraunications intended for publication under the auspices of the Society shall be submitted in writing to the General ComMittee for approval. 9. New members shall be elected by the General Com- mittee, after having been proposed in writing by at least three members of the Society. 10. Hach member shall pay annually to the Treasurer the sum of five dollars, and no member whose dues are unpaid shall vote at the annual meeting for the election of officers, or be entitled to a copy of the Bulletin. 11. The fiscal year terminates with the 31st of December of each year. Members elected after the annual meeting shall be exempt from the assessment for that year. 12. Members who are absent from the District of Colum- bia for more than twelve months may be excused from payment of the annual assessments, in which case their names shall be dropped from the list of members. They can, however, resume their membership by giving notice to the President of their wish to do so. 13. Elections of officers are to be held as follows :— In each case nominations shall be made by means of an informal ballot, the result of which shall be announced by the Secretary; after which the first formal ballot shall be taken. In the ballot for Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, and Mem- bers of the General Committees, each voter shall write on one ballot as many names as there are officers to be elected, viz., four on the first ballot for Vice- Presidents, two on the first for Secretaries, and nine on the first for Members of the General Committee; and on each subsequent ballot so many names as there are persons yet to be elected; and those persons who receive a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If in any case the informal ballot result in giving a ma- jority for any one, it may be declared formal by a majority vote. vi a STANDING RULES OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. _ DercEemBer, 1875. 1. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretaries of the Society shall hold like offices in the General Committee. 2. The President shall have power to call special meet- ings of the Committee, and to appoint Sub-Committees. 3. The Sub-Committees shall prepare business for the - General Committee, and perform such other duties as may be entrusted to them. 4. There shall be two Standing Sub-Committees; one on Communications for the Stated Meetings of the Society, and another on Publications. 5. The General Committee shall meet at half past seven o’clock on the evening of each stated meeting, and by ad- journment at other times. 6. For all purposes except for the amendment of the Standing Rules of the Committee and of the Society, and the election of members, six members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. 7. Proposals of new members may be read at any meet- ing of the General Committee, but shall lie over for at least four weeks before final action, and the concurrence of twelve of the members shall be necessary to election. Vil 8. These Standing Rules, and those for the government of the Society, shall only be modified with the consent of a majority of the members of the General Committee. RULES FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE BULLETIN OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 1. The President’s annual address will be published in full. 2. When directed by the General Committee, any com- munication may be published in full in an appendix to each volume. 3. Abstracts of papers and remarks on the same will be published, when presented to the Secretary by the author in writing within two weeks of the evening of their deliv- ery, and approved by the Committee on Publications. Brief abstracts prepared by one of the Secretaries and approved by the Committee on Publications may also be published. 4, Communications which have been published elsewhere, so as to be generally accessible, will appear in the Bulletin by title only, but with reference to the place of publication, if made known in season to the Committee on Publications. Note. The attention of members to the above rules ts specially requested. Vill OFFICERS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Sino: President, JOSEPH HENRY. Vice-Presidents, J. K. BARNES, Wm. B. TAYLOR, J. E. Hinearp, J. C. WELLING. Treasurer, PETER PARKER. Secretaries, J. H. C. Corrin, T. N. Girt. MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. C. ABBE, N. 8. Lincoun, S. F. Barrp, O. M. Pog, C. E. Durton, S. NEwcoms, E. B. Evuiort, C. A. ScHort, J. J. WoopWARD. STANDING COMMITTEES. On ComMUNICATIONS: Chairman, J. J. WOODWARD ; J. HK. Hinearp, On Pusuications: Chairman, 8. F. Bairp; J. H. OC. Corrin, T. N. Giuu, C. ABBE. 1X LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. DECEMBER, 1875. * Absent or removed from the District of Columbia. + Deceased. CLEVELAND ABBE S. THAYER ABERT Asa QO. ALDIS BENJAMIN ALVORD * THOMAS ANTISELL ORVILLE HLIAs BaBcock THEODORUS BAILEY SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD GEORGE BANCROFT JosEPH K. BARNES Tuomas W. BARTLEY Henry Hopart BATES Lester A. BEARDSLEE STEPHEN VINCENT BENET EMIL BESSELS JOHN SHAW BILLINGS SAMUEL CLAGETT BUSEY *HORACE CAPRON * Auaustus L CASE THOMAS LINCOLN CASEY +SALMON PoRTLAND CHASE JOHN WHITE CHICKERING FRANK WIGGLESWORTH CLARKE JOHN HUNTINGTON CRANE COFFIN ELuLiott Cours BENJAMIN FANEUIL CRAIG MEMBERS OF THE RosBert CRAG CHARLES HENRY CRANE JOSIAH CURTIS RicHarD DomInicus Cutts WILLIAM HEALEY DALL CHARLES Henry Davis * RICHARD J. DEAN FREDERIC WILLIAM DoRR Henry Harrison Coase DuNWooDY CLARENCE EDWARD DUTTON {ALEXANDER B. DYER JOHN RoBiE EASTMAN * AMOS BEEBE EATON JOHN KATON EZEKIEL Brown ELLiotT? GrorGE Henry ELLiot FREDERIC MILLER ENDLICH CHARLES EWING Huey Ewina WILLIAM FERREL RospertT FLETCHER EuisHa Foote {Joun Gray Foster Epaar FRISBY HDWARD T. FRISTOE LronARD DUNNELL GALE Epwarp MINER GALLAUDET HENRY GANNETT JAMES TERRY GARDNER GROVE KARL GILBERT THEoporRE NIcHOLAS GILL GEORGE BRowN GOODE EpwarpD GOODFELLOW HENRY GOODFELLOW *HDWARD OZIEL GRAVES FRANCIS VINTON GREEN BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GREENE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. ASAPH HALL JsalAH HANscom WILLIAM HARKNESS FERDINAND VANDEVEER HAYDEN JOSEPH HENRY Henry WETHERBEE HENSHAW JuLtius Erasmus HILGarD EDWARD SINGLETON HOLDEN EDWIN HuGENE HOWELL Henry W. HowGate ANDREW ATKINSON HUMPHREYS Henry ARUNDEL LAMBE JACKSON *THORNTON ALEXANDER JENKINS WILLIAM WARING JOHNSTON F. KAamMpr *REUEL KEITH A. F. A. Kine JOHN JAY KNox. JONATHAN HomMeErR LANE WILLIAM LEE NATHAN SmituH LINCOLN Henry H. Lockwoop Epwarp P. LuLu STEPHEN C. LyrorpD Oscar A. Mack Garrick MALLERY ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON MARVINE Otis Turton Mason * FIELDING BRADFORD MEEK MontTGoMERY CUNNINGHAM MEIGs WitiiaM MANnuet Mew JAMES WILLIAM MILNER ALBERT J. MYER WiLiiamM MYERS Simon NEwcomMsB CHARLES HENRY NIcHOLs xi xii MEMBERS OF THE WALTER LAMB NICHOLSON GEORGE ALEXANDER OTIS ROBERT LAWRENCE PACKARD JOHN GRUBB PARKE PETER PARKER * CHARLES CHRISTOPHER PARRY CARLISLE PATTERSON A. C. PEALE * TITIAN RAMSAY PEALE * BENJAMIN PEIRCE * CHARLES SANDERS PEIRCE ORLANDO METCALFE PoE Davip Dixon PortTER JOHN WESLEY POWELL Henry REED RATHBONE Ropert RipGway * CHRISTOPHER RAYMOND PERRY RODGERS *JoHNn RopGErs JosEPH ADDISON ROGERS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SANDS JAMES HAMILTON SAVILLE * EF REDERIC ADOLPHUS SAWYER {GEORGE CHRISTIAN SCHAEFFER SAMUEL SHELLABARGER CHARLES ANTHONY ScHotTt JOHN SHERMAN * WILLIAM '‘Il'‘ECUMSEH SHERMAN AARON NicHOLS SKINNER AINSWORTH RAND SPOFFORD * JOHN STEARNS ORMOND STONE GEORGE TAYLOR WILLIAM BowER TAYLOR ABNER H. THOMPSON *WILLIAM CALVIN TILDEN JosEPH MEREDITH TONER PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. xiii GEORGE VASEY *FRANCIS AMASA WALKER CHARLES WARREN JAMES CLARKE WELLING GrEorRGE M. WHEELER * Junius B. WHEELER ALLEN D. WILSON JAMES ORMOND WILSON CHRISTOPHER C. WoLcoTT JOSEPH Woop *WILLIAM MAXWELL Woop JOSEPH JANVIER WooDWARD JoHN MAynarp Woopworth HEnry Orissty YARROW ANTON ZUMBROCK ea Gase ii Ks iit BULLETIN OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 73D MEETING. OcroBER 10, 1874. Vice-President W. B. Taytor in the Chair. Mr. ‘THEODORE GILL read a paper ON THE PRODROMUS METHODI MAMMALIUM OF STORR. (Published in full in Appendix V. of this Bulletin.) Mr. E. B. Exuiorr made a communication ON THE USE OF METRIC WEIGHTS AND BALANCES FOR POSTAL: - PURPOSES IN THE UNITED STATES: calling attention to the fact that fifteen grammes, a weight but: slightly greater than one-half ounce avoirdupois, had been made by statute law its equivalent for postal purposes. Dr. B. A. Gourp, Director of the Argentine National Ob- servatory at Cordoba, was then introduced, and, in answer to: several questions, gave an account of the general condition of scientific culture in the Argentine Republic. 74TH MEETING. OcToBER 24, 1874. The President, Mr. JosepH Henry, in the Chair. Rev. Dr. ©. W. Sutetps, of the College of New Jersey, Princeton, read a paper 12. 16 BULLETIN OF THE ON THE PRESENT STATE OF THE SCIENCES; depicting the development and bounds of scientific research, and attempting to show that there is no need of any serious differ- ences between science and religion. (See New York Tribune, Nov. 6, 1874; also a volume published by the author.) The thanks of the Society were presented to Dr. Sareups for this essay, and the hope expressed that it would be widely cir- culated. Mr. S. C. Busty made a communication ON THE GATHERING, PACKING, TRANSPORTATION, AND EXPOSURE OF FRUITS FOR SALE: giving a summary of an extensive investigation into the causes which lead to the deterioration of the vegetable foods as com- monly used, with some reference to diseases resulting therefrom. 75TH Meretinec; FourtH ANNUAL MEETING. Nov. 7, 1874. Vice-President J. H. Hiue@arp in the Chair. Twenty-nine members present. The order of proceedings for the evening was announced, and the following officers of the Society were elected for the ensuing year :— President, JOSEPH HENRY. Vice-Presidents, J. K. Barnes, M. C. Metas, J. H. Hingarp, Wm. B. TAyror. Treasurer, PETER PARKER. Secretaries, J. H. C. Corrin, T. N. Ginn. MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTREE. .S. F. Barrp, S. Nrwcoms, C. E. Dutton, O. M. Pos, E. B. Evwiort, C. A. ScHort, N. 8. Lincotry, J. C. WELLING, J. J. WooDWARD. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. UT The following members have been elected during the year :— Freperic A. SAWYER, JAMES W. MILNER, OxitANpo M. Por, HENRY YARROW, IsaiaAH HANScoM, ARCHIBALD R. MARVINE, Henry H. C. Dunwoopy, Epwin EK. Howe tt, Witiiam M. Mew, JoHN M. WoopwortH, LeonarpD D. GALE, URMOND STONE, Henry R. RATHBONE, JOSIAH CURTIS, Exuiotr Cougs, | JOHN STEARNS, Freperrc W. Dorr, EpwarD O. GRAVES, Hues Ewine, FRANK W. CLARKE, CHARLES EWING, JOHN W. CHICKERING, JAMES ‘I’. GARDNER, HENRY GARNE,T, Joun W. PowELtL, Henry W. HENsHaw, JOHN SHERMAN, A. D. WiLson, SAMUEL C. BUSEY, A. C. PEALE, WILLIAM LEE, Davip D. PortTER, Cuaries Henry DAvIs, CHARLES WARREN, GEORGE B. GoopkE, JOHN EATON, Rospert RipGway, JouN J. Knox. Mr. J. W. CHICKERING read a paper ON THE CORRELATION OF THE WINDS AND THE TEMPERATURES OF THE SURFACE WATERS OF THE OCEAN ALONG THE COAST OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. (ABSTRACT.) During the years 1870-’74, between the 16th July and the 15th August, a series of observations has been made at Hampton Beach, N. H, numberinz 98 in all, and including temperature of air and water, direction and force of wind, and state of tide. _The extremes of surface temperature have been 52° and 72° Fahr. 19 observations gave a temperature above 65°; 12 gave a temperature below 55°, of which 11 were during 1874. All the high temperatures were noted in connection with winds from the sea; all the low temperatures with land winds. The averages for each year were as follows :— 18 BULLETIN OF THE 1870, 61° 1871, 63° 1872, 61° 1873, 64° 1874, 57° + 1870-1874, 60° + Many changes were noted, of which the following is a speci- men :— July 24th, K. wind, 72° Si ORT SON ee ge aeren Oe yin, eS aise One very rapid change occurred :— July 22d, 6 A.M. N.W. wind, 54° “OMe ML S. E. oom As a general result, these changes in temperature followed changes in wind within three or four hours. A few exceptions were noted, where the rise in temperature preceded the coming of the easterly wind by two or three hours. The most satisfactory theory of this correlation is—that with a strong wind off shore, the warmer surface waters are driven off and replaced by the colder waters from beneath; and, with a sea-breeze, the process is reversed. Some of these exceptions remain to be harmonized. Several series of observations of temperatures at different depths were taken, of which one will serve as a sample :-— July 31. Four miles EH. from Boar’s Head— 17 fathoms, 424° ROR ee 43° LO ye 444° Brie ee AT 4 66 49° Surface, 53° Mr. Dutton, among other remarks, suggested that hygrome- trical observations were desirable, and might aid in the solution of cooler winds coincident with warmer water. Mr. ABBE remarked that he found the anomalous cases quite interesting, those, namely, concerning which Professor Chicker- ing had stated that the change in the temperature of the water was observed a few hours before the change in the wind occurred. He did not think that we needed to have recourse to any occult influence of the barometer, moisture, etc., but that probably the simpler explanation would be found in the fact that over the sea the wind had actually changed, but that its influence had not yet PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 19 been felt upon the land where the observer was situated. He alluded to the fact that frequently vessels are seen a short dis- tance from land enjoying winds very different from those pre- vailing on shore ; and further illustrated the subject by explaining the local winds observed on either side of the Great Lakes, shown on the Signal Service maps. The President spoke of the desirableness that those accustomed to scientific research should note phenomena around them, even at places resorted to for recreation. Mr. E. B. Eutiorr presented FURTHER REMARKS ON METRIC WEIGHTS AND BALANCES FOR THE POSTAL SERVICE: stating that efforts were making, which it was hoped would prove successful, to have the law, which recognized 15 grammes as the equivalent of the half-ounce avoirdupois for postal purposes, applicable not merely for international purposes, but for all pur- poses—domestic as well as international. . 71TH MEETING. DECEMBER 5, 1874. The President in the Chair. Forty-three members and visitors present. Mr. H. H. Barss read a paper ON THE MOVEMENT OF A PARTICLE ATTRACTED TOWARDS A POINT. (ABSTRACT.) In this paper it was shown that the ambiguous conclusions heretofore arrived at, in the analytical discussion of the move- ment of a particle attracted towards a point, involving such absurdities as infinite attractive force and infinite velocity, were due to the tacit assumption of want of magnitude in the attracted particle. Said particle, however minute, must be regarded, relatively to a simple attracting point, as a mass or sphere. But Newton has shown that the point of maximum attraction ina homogeneous sphere is not at its centre, but at its surface. The law of attractive force, therefore, changes, when the attracting point penetrates the surface, and, instead of being inversely as the square of the distance, becomes directly as the distance ; that is, a diminishing force, reaching zero at the centre, instead of 26 BULLETIN OF THE infinity, with the corollary of finite velocity, passing by con- tinuity from an accelerated into a retarded velocity as the centre of the particle passes the attracting point. Mr. J. J. WooDwarb read a paper ON THE SIMILARITY BETWEEN THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES OF MAN AND THOSE OF CERTAIN OTHER MAMMALS, ESPECIALLY THE DOG; CONSIDERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE DIAGNOSIS OF BLOOD-STAINS IN CRIMINAL CASES, (Published in full in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Jan- uary, 1875.) (ABSTRACT.) The writer, after deprecating the mischievous tendency of a recent paper “ On the value of high powers in the diagnosis of blocd-stains,”” shows that the common supposition that a certain small but constant difference exists between the average diameter of the blood-corpuscles of man and of the dog, which might serve as the basis of a distinction in legal cases, is not borne out by an examination of the original papers of Gulliver and Welcker, whose measurements are those vulgarly relied upon in favor of this view, and also that it is not in accordance with the actual facts of the case. He then details the precautions which should be adopted to secure accuracy in such measurements, and gives the following statement of the results of his own measure- ments of the blood of five men and five dogs. Measurements of Human Red Blood-Corpuscles from five Individuals. MEAN DIAMETER, No. of corpuscles | Decimals of | Decimals measured, | an English ofa inch. millimetre. |, 1. Dr. W. dry 5 6 a 50 .000304 00772 POE oO moist . 5 49 .000292 00742 auigees 2 net s (sls) 6 0 50 -000300 00762 CB ae BRM AIK () 8 Ly ase 0 50 .000289 00734 5. Dr. McC. dry 0 4 0 50 .000288 00731 (Shoe (ian i . 5 : 50 000294 .00747 aro seine St moist . 3 . 50 -0003501 .00765 8. Mr. W. dry c D . 50 -000298 -00757 Oy) Ge 8 Cake Ost yeni! 52 000297 | .00754 10. Mr. T. re 6 9 . 50 .000290 .00737 1 be er fares 2 fo age : 50 -000292 00742 12. Mr. B. ii 5 6 50 000296 .00752 Ib 535 0 WA ene ene GEE Marve 0 50 .000297 00754 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Cit OND In each of these measurements of human blood, the great ma- jority of the corpuscles ranged from twelve to seventeen divisions of the eye-piece micrometer; that is, from .00024 to .00034 of an inch. Out of the whole number measured, six were as small as ten divisions, and one as large as eighteen divisions; large and small forms were not searched for, however. The size most frequently measured was fifteen divisions, or .00030 of an inch. Hxamination of Red Blood-Corpuscles of the Dog from Jive Individuals. MEAN DIAMETER, | No. of | corpuscles |Decimals of | Decimals measured. | an English ofa j inch. millimetre. 1. Mongrel terrier, dry : 4 50 .000292 .00742 2. Same animal, ns : . 54 .000299 .00759 3. Another mongrel terrier, dry (H.) 50 -000290 .00737 4. Same animal, moist (H.) 50 .000288 00731 5. Scotch terrier, iY 5 (Gals) 50 -CO0291 -00739 6. Same animal, U3 Sn Gees) 50 -000289 .00734 Tene be 0 3) (als) 49 .000287 00729 8. Spitz dog, dry (H.) 52 .000285 00724 9. Black and tan, moist (H.) 50 -000290 -00737 In each of these measurements of dogs’ blood, precisely as in the case of those of human blood, the great majority of the cor- puscles measured from twelve to seventeen divisions of the eye- piece micrometer (.00024 to .00034 of an inch). Out of the whole number measured, four were as small as ten divisions, but none larger than seventeen were encountered. As with the human blood, however, large and small forms were not searched for, but all the perfectly formed corpuscles brought into view by the movement of the stage, were measured as they passed under the micrometer without selection until the required number was recorded. The size most frquently measured was fifteen divi- sions, or .00030 of an inch, precisely as in the case of human blood. It will be observed that three of the above means for human blood, Nos. 1, 3, and 7, are a trifle larger than any of those of dogs’ blood, and two of the latter, Nos. 7 and 8, are a trifle smaller than any of those for human blood. All the other means for the dog are within the range of the values found for human blood, and the majority of them are each identical, even to the last decimal place, with some one of those found for man. The author has not made systematic measurements af the blood of other animals besides the dog, whose blood could not be dis- 22 BULLETIN OF THE tinguished from that of man, but he points out that the measure- ments of Mr. Gulliver himself warrant the belief that the blood- corpuscles of the rabbit and guinea-pig, among domestic animals, besides those of most of the monkeys of both the old and new world, the seal, the otter, the kangaroo, the capybara, the wom- bat, and the porpoise, belong to the same category. The paper contains full references to the literature of the microscopical diagnosis of blood-stains, and terminates with the following para- graph :— ‘In conclusion, then, if the microscopist, summoned as a sci- entific expert to examine a suspected blood-stain, should succeed in soaking out the corpuscles in such a way as to enable him to recognize them to be circular disks, and to measure them, and should he then find their diameter comes within the limits pos- sible for human blood, his duty in the present state of our knowl- edge is clear. He must of course, in his evidence, present the facts as actually observed, but it is not justifiable for him to stop here. He has noright to conclude his testimony without making it clearly understood by both judge and jury, that blood from the dog and several other animals would give stains possessing the same properties, and that neither by the microscope nor by any other means yet known to science, can the expert determine that a@ given stain is composed of human blood, and could not have been derived from any other source. This course is imperatively demanded of him by common honesty, without which scientific experts become more dangerous to society than the very criminals they are called upon to convict.” Mr. Ormonp SrTonz read a paper ON THE CORRECTION OF A COMET’S ORBIT : showing that some of the ordinary formule could be simplified in practice. (This paper is published in full in the Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 2023.) Mr. JoserpH Henry made a communication ON AUDITION, Remarks were made by Messrs. Durron, Hincarp, MEtIes, and Eastman, chiefly on the sound produced by the discharge of guns, and the regurgitation; Mr. Woopwarp following with gf description of the horny fibres of the human ear, which vibrated at different sounds. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 23 “18tH M&eErTING. DECEMBER 19, 1874. The President in the Chair. Forty-three members and visitors present. Mr. J. T. Garpner gave an extended abstract of a paper, prepared by him for the Report of the Geological Survey of the ‘Territories for 1873, .ON THE USE OF RAILROAD LEVELLINGS IN DETERMINING ELEVA- TIONS ON THE GREAT LAKES AND RIVERS IN THE UNITED STATES AND IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. (ABSTRACT.) In connection with the work of the Geological and Gecgraphi- cal Survey of the Territories under Prof. Hayden, Mr. Jas. T. Gardner, the geographer of the survey, has undertaken to review the evidence upon which rests the received elevations of the principal points in the United States. The results are published in the Report of Prof. Hayden for 1873. ‘Mr. Gardner had before him over 1200 railroad and canal profiles, collected in Washington by different departments of the government. He also visited the offices of the leading railroads to examine original notes and ascertain exact details at the termini and intersection of roads, so that the profiles of the different lines might be accurately corrected. It was found that the old elevations given by our best au- thorities had two leading sources of error. The eastern ends of main railroads and canals had never been properly connected with tide gauges, so placed as to give the mean level of the ocean; and the old reports of railroad and canal heights had in many cases been superseded by recent and more accurate levellings. Having sifted his great mass of data to retain only the most trustworthy of the lines, and carefully connecting these with the U. S. Coast Survey tide ganges, Mr. Gardner proceeded to determine the elevations of our principal raiiroad centres from as many independent lines as possible. At Cleveland there were three results, which only differed among themselves one foot; and the five separate results for the ‘surface of Lake Erie differ only 25 feet. The elevations of Lakes Huron and Michigan are determined by nine wholly or partially independent lines, which differ only four feet. This agreement of results places the elevations of our Jakes bevond doubt. Lake Erie’s mean surface is 573 08 feet, and Lakes Michigan and Huron are 589.15 feet above the sea. In the same way 24 BULLETIN OF THE points along all great rivers were located, and cities at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. The general result of the investigation is to show that we did not know accurately the elevation of any points except on our seaboard. The elevation of our lakes is changed by it; the fall of the Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri Rivers is materially altered ; and the mean surface of the continent is found to be higher above the ocean than was supposed. The Saint Louis directrix is fixed at 428.29 feet, a change of 93 feet from the old determination; while Kansas City and all the railroads leading westward from it are shown to have an error of 115 feet. One of the most striking instances of accuracy in long lines of American railroad levels is given by connecting the New York Central and Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Roads to Chicago, and thence southward by the Illinois Cen- tral and other roads to New Orleans, making a line 1800 miles long, which reaches the gulf with an error of only 25 feet. By the Iowa railroads and the Union Pacific R. R., the ele- vation of Denver is deduced from Chicago; and by the Missouri roads and Kansas Pacific, the height of Denver is gotten from Saint Louis. These independent results differ less than five feet, and the elevation of Denver is established at 5196.58 feet. The heights of the principal Rocky Mountain peaks were measured _above Denver; and now, that this point is fixed, we can know with certainty the elevations of our great mountains. Considerable discussion followed, mainly on the effect of local attractions in determinations by the spirit-level on mountain slopes, in which Messrs. Hinaarp, ABBE, GARDNER, and CurTs participated. Mr. ABBE said that, for the sake of clearness, he would state the hypsometric problem as it presented itself to him. We desire to deduce the exact figure of the earth’s surface, or the position of each point of its surface, relative to a system of co-ordinate axes, whose origin is an assumed approximate centre. To this end we assume for the whole earth Bessel’s, or some other, ellipsoid, that agrees well with a limited known portion, and must then determine, as deviations from this geomctrical figure, the irregularities of the actual surface. If by levelling operations we seek to determine the relative elevations of the surface, we obtain thereby the altitudes not above the assumed spheroid, but above an irregular level surface which is the result of the irregularities in the direction of gravity. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 25 This level surface is that in which civil engineers are interested, but not that which the higher geodesy seeks to determine, nor that which astronomers would use if, as in the works involving parallax, the exact distance of a station were required from the assumed centre of the earth. If we would determine the altitudes above the adopted normal ellipsoid, our levellings require indeed a correction for ‘local attraction of the plumb line,” which, as Baeyer has shown for Germany (Astron. Nach., No. 1993), may amount to many feet in the case of our western plateaus. The President in this connection gave some historical reminis- cences of early surveys for the Hrie canal. 79TH MEETING. JANUARY 2, 1875. Vice-President TAYLOR in the Chair. Hight members present. Mr. J. J. WooDWARD made remarks ON THE MODERN MICROSCOPE, NOBERT’S LINES, AND THE ATTEMPTS OF OTHERS TO CONSTRUCT THEM , followed by a conversational discussion extending to the theory of vision and the structure of the human retina, in which Messrs. TAYLOR, SKINNER, and WoopwarbD participated. Mr. HE. B. Evviorr made remarks ON, THE TRANSITION IN GERMANY, AND THE SCANDINAVIAN NA-~ TIONS OF SWEDEN, NORWAY, AND DENMARK, FROM THE SILVER STANDARD OF COINAGE AND MONEY OF ACCOUNT TO A GOLD STANDARD. Adjourned MEETING. JANUARY 9, 1875. The President in the Chair Twenty-two members and visitors present 26 BULLETIN OF THE Mr. L. D. GALE made a communication ON THE FAILURE OF THE WOODEN PAVEMENTS OF WASHINGTON CITY : contrasting them with those of other cities, and attributing their decay in great part to the practice of sprinkling the streets. He also described a contrivance for protecting them, which he had invented. Mr. T. N. Ginn made a communication ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MAMMALS: and elucidated doubtful points by reference to phenomena in other classes of vertebrates. His conclusions were that at re- mote periods Australia, South America,.and Africa had been colonized from a common source, and hence might be grouped into a division—Hogaea—contrasted with another—Pleiogaea— containing other regions. Of these Australia retains the greater number of primitive features, as illustrated by Paleontology ; and Africa has received the greatest number of intrusive ele- ments. Considerable discussion followed, in which the President and Messrs. Mrrtes, WELLING, and TAYLor participated. 80TH MEETING. - JANUARY 16, 1875. Vice-President TAYLor in the Chair. Forty members and visitors present. The Chair announced the election of Dr. A. F. A. Kine, Dr. Emin BesseExs, and Mr. JosepH Woop as members of the Society. Mr. C. E. Durron read a paper ON THE GLACIAL PERIOD : giving an historical account of the progress of speculation and investigation, and the more recent theories respecting such a period, and showing the slight basis on which they rested, and stating some facts and considerations opposed to them. He also referred to a recent article by Mr. Sclater on the geographi- cal distribution of animals. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 27 Mr. Giiu followed, remarking on the combinations of the several faunas; and dissenting from the views of Mr. Sclater, as stated by Mr. Durron. He likewise discussed the extension of warm-water forms northward in the preglacial epoch, and the extension of cold-water forms southward in the glacial epoch. Gen. G. K. Warren, U. 8. Engineer, by request, followed with remarks on changes in the interior section of North America, stating that, at some time subsequent to the glacial period, Lake Winnipeg drained to the south, instead of the north, as at present; and that the northern portion of this region has been depressed. Mr. Gave made remarks on the heaps of bowlders, arranged in lines across Manhattan Island and Long Island, passing over ranges of hills; expressing the opinion that these bowlders must have come from some region more than forty miles distant. Mr. Taytor brought up Cro.w’s theory, that when the eccen- tricity of the earth’s orbit was at its maximum, a coincidence of the aphelion and winter solstice would greatly increase the cold of northern winters, and thus might be sufficient to produce a glacial period. Mr. Asse remarked on the insufficiency of this to account for the great increase of cold.* Mr. Dat gave an account of what he had observed of very great elevations and depressions, at different periods, in the Aleutian Isles and on the Yukon in Alaska. S8lst MEETING. JANUARY 30, 1875. The President in the Chair. Fifty members and visitors present. The President announced the election of Hon. GEORGE Bancrort, Dr. ANTON ZuMBROCK, Prof O. T. Mason, Col. S. THAYER Apert, Col. Garrick Matiery, and Lieut. Henry JACKSON as members of the Society. 23 BULLETIN OF THE Mr. E. 8. HoupeEn read a paper ON THE NUMBER OF WORDS USED IN SPEAKING AND WRITING. (This paper is published in Appendix VI, of this Bulletin.) Mr. GiLBert remarked on the propriety of counting only it- dependent words, and excluding mere inflections; and counting in this way he had estimated his own vocabulary at from 10,000 to 14,000 such words. Mr. Parker referred to the Chinese language, stating that the Bible in that language required only 3600 characters, and that 1000 characters sufficed for common use. Mr. HinearD stated that only 600 words were to be found in Italian operas; and remarked that Mr. Marsa probably ex- cluded inflections, and estimated only words which educated men would usually employ, not such as would be used on special occasions. Mr. Powett spoke of the language of the Utes, as comprising about 1600 roots and 8000 words. Mr. Eastman urged the importance of classifying words according to the frequency with which they are used. Mr. Gitu remarked that 30,000 did not seem to be too large an estimate of the number of words used by an educated man ; and gave an estimate of the number of technical terms which a naturalist must have at ready command. A zoologist required about 25,000. Mr. Kniaut followed on the number of words in a technical work of his own on Mechanics; and Mr. Farquuar on the multi- plication of words resulting from grammatical variations. Mr. WELLING remarked that the variations in such estimates were wide, and susgested that it was necessary to consider separately what words would, could, or might be used, and that the investigation should be based on what had been done, not on what might be done. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 29 Mr. J. E. HitGarp made remarks ON A PROPOSED REFORMATION OF THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR: in a Bill recently introduced in the Congress of the United States. It proposes to make the year commence at the winter solstice, April at the vernal equinox, July at the summer solstice, and October at the autumnal equinox. Thus the arrangement of the civil year would correspond with these four astronomical epochs. Mr. Corrin remarked that the year commencing on the Ist of January, with months of different lengths and an intercalary day in February each fourth year, had come down to us from Julius Cesar. In the time of Augustus one day taken from some other month was added to August, in compliment to the reigning Em- peror. An important change was made in 1582, under the au- thority of Pope Gregory XIII., making the civil year more nearly coincident with the tropical year, and, by dropping 10 days in October of that year, restoring the vernal equinox to the 21st of March, its date in the year 325, the time of the Council of Nice, whose regulation of the ecclesiastical calendar depended on that day. The inconveniences, difficulties, and delays in effecting that change are well known. It was not adopted in Great Britain and the American Colonies until towards the middle of the last century. In Russia at the present day the Old Style, as it is called, is still retained. From the different modes of reckoning the year in different countries and at different periods, astronomers adopt the day as the unit, and by giving the Julian day of the commencement of each year, whatever its Style, are able to determine the dates of past phenomena or chronology. The alteration proposed not only changes the time of the com- mencement of each month, but involves also other changes in some of them. The difficulties of the past would follow any new change, and the one proposed presents too limited advantages to compensate for them. The true vernal equinox occurs at present on the 20th of March in Washington time, also in European time except in -each year preceding a leap year. At the beginning of the next -century it will be restored to the 21st. 30 BULLETIN OF THE Mr. H. B. Evisiorr spoke of the desirableness of a change in the calendar, but not in the way proposed ; and of the great ad- vantages in having the months 30 and 31 days in length alter- nately, and putting the intercalary day at the end of the year instead of Feoruary. The simplification of certain astronomical tables by this last change was referred to by Mr. STonn. Mr. ParkerR remarked that in China .our new year’s days occurred within a few days of each other without serious incon- veniences—those of Zoroaster, the Jews, the English, and the Russians. Mr. Taytor objected to the change proposed in the bill before: Congress, and described at length a year commencing with the vernal equinox with months alternately of 31 and 30 days, drop- ping one day at the end of each common year, advocating it as a desirable change, could it be effected. Mr. Hiuearp read part of an article in the Encyclopedia Britannica on the calendar, and of the British Statute of 1751, adopting the Gregorian calendar “for that portion of Great Britain called England ;” remarking that the year at that time in England commenced on the 25th of March, and in Scotland on a different day. He remarked in substance that the conclusion generally arrived at appeared to be that the calendar could be greatly improved— Ist. By beginning the year at the winter solstice. 2d. By having months alternately of 30 and 31 days, the last month having 81 days in leap years, 30 days in common years. 3d By placing the interealary day at the end of the year, in- stead of the second month, but otherwise adhering to the Gre- gorian mode of intercalation. The change should be made, if made at all, at the commence- ment of the next century. But no one undertakes to say that the advantages gained would balance the inconveniences arising- from such a change. 2 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 81 82p MEETING. FEBRUARY 13, 1875. The President in the Chair. Forty-three members and visitors present. Mr. F. M. Enpuicu read a paper ON THE COLORING AGENT OF GEMS: giving analyses of the coloring matter of a great variety of gems and sub-gems, describing in several cases the different changes produced by heating in the open air and when air is excluded, and concluding that iron, chrome, and manganese are the prin- cipal agents in giving color to these minerals. Mr. Asapu HALL, on behalf of Rear-Admiral Davis, Presi- dent of the Commission on the transit of Venus, communicated letters ON THE OPERATIONS OF THE SEVERAL PARTIES SENT FROM THE UNITED STATES TO OBSERVE THE TRANSIT OF VENUS ON THE STH OF DECEMBER, 1874. (ABSTRACT.) Dr. C. H. F. Peters writes from Queenstown, Otago in New Zealand, that he observed with the equatorial the first and second contacts: the former uncertain, the latter with great precision ; none of the much talked of phenomena presenting themselves to his eye. 178 photographs were taken in the interval of these contacts, and 59 while the planet was in the disk. The sun was out almost uninterruptedly during the first 12 hours. Then came clouds, with small intervals of sunshine. The last photo- graph was taken 10 minutes before the beginning of egress, and from that time the sun was under a dense cloud, so that the egress was lost. With this exception, the observation of the transit has been successfully accomplished. At all other stations in New Zealand observations were prevented by clouds and rain. The American party escaped disappointment by being at a greater elevation above the sea. Capt. Cuartes W. Raymonp, U.S Engineer, gives a full account of his arrangements for observing the transit at Camp- bell Town, Tasmania. Heavy clouds and rain prevented observa- tions of the Ist, 2d, and 4th contacts. The 3d was observed with the equatorial, light clouds drifting over the sun and planet. The planet seemed to gradually assume the pear-shape. No shooting out of the planet towards the sun’s limb at or near 13 32 BULLETIN OF THE contact was observed. Quite a number of measurements of dis- tances were made during a cessation of the storm, the sun appear- ing at intervals through the clouds. 55 full-sized photographs were taken while the planet was on the disk of the sun, and 77 with the Janssen apparatus between the 3d and 4th contacts. Prof, HARKNESS reports that at Hobart Town bad weather prevented observations of contacts, but many photographs were taken. Mr. George Davipson, of the U. S. Coast Survey, at Naga- saki in Japan, obtained photographs with the Janssen apparatus to within 108 or 15° of the actual time of the Ist contact; then the clouds thickened, and when it brightened again the planet was 10%, possibly 15%, on the limb of the sun. Measurements of cusp-distances were made when the planet was half on the disk of the sun, until near the time of the 2d contact. The 2d con- tact was observed with the equatorial, and by Mr. TrrrMan with a smaller telescope, but through clouds. At this and the 3d contact there were very slight disturbances, no ligament, no band or black drop, no distortion. Good micrometric measurements were made of the separation of the limbs and of the horizontal diameter of Venus. The meridian transits of both bodies were observed with the transit instrument, and at the same time | micrometric readings were made by Mr. Tittman with another instrument for the difference of declination of the upper limbs of the sun and Venus. Clouds covered the sun about 10* before and cleared off 5* after the 3d contact, with the minute cusps of the sun almost touching and sharply defined ; clouds and rain followed. About 60 good photographs were taken. There was no part of the day when the sun was wholly unob- scured, and the work was often interrupted by clouds. Of these there were two strata: the upper moderately thin, of cirrus and cirro-stratus, and persistent; the lower heavy and dense, of cumuli stratus. When the sun was seen it was through breaks in this stratum. At Wladiwostok, Professor Hatt reports that the buildings were finished and the instruments all mounted by the middle of October. The final adjustment of the photographic apparatus was made and regular practice in photography was begun Nov. 8th. The latitude of the station, + 43° 6’ 35.7/’, was deter- mined by the American method. The difference in longitude between Wladiwostok and Nagasaki, Japan, was determined early in November. The values of the magnetic constants were observed about the same time. On Dec. 9th, everything was in readiness for observing the transit of Venus. The Ist and 2d contacts of the planet were PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 33 observed by Professor Hall with the five-inch equatorial, and by Mr. O. B. Wheeler with the three-inch equatorial. At the time of contacts the sun was covered with a haze, but the sun and planet were remarkably steady and well defined. The time of the third contact was observed by Mr. Wheeler with a good deal of uncertainty; and with the higher power used by Prof. Hall, the uncertainty was so great, on account of the faintness of the objects, that he did not record any time. The last contact was entirely lost on account of clouds. It had been found in the preliminary practice that the glass mirror reflected so little light that, even on clear days, the time of exposure had to be increased so much, in order to get dense photographs, that these photographs were apt to be blurred and of indistinct outline. It was decided, therefore, to make fainter photographs with sharp edges. On the day of transit the haze added very much to the difficulty of photographing, and it was only when the haze lifted and the sun shone out brightly that photographs could be made. Of these 13 are very good. Mr. Hinearp followed with remarks on the measurement of photographs of the sun, and expressed apprehension that the want of sharply defined outlines would not allow of their being measured with precision, 83D MEETING. FEBRUARY 27, 1875. Vice-President Hii@arp in the Chair. Thirty-seven members and visitors present. Mr. Hinegarp read a paper—by Mr. M. C. Meras— ON THE MOVEMENTS CAUSED IN LARGE ICE-FIELDS BY EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION, AS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FORMATION OF ANTICLINAL AND SYNCLINAL AXES IN GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS, (This paper is published in Appendix VII. of this Bulletin.) Prof. C. A. Youna, of Dartmouth College, by invitation, gave an account of THE EXPEDITION TO PEKIN FOR OBSERVING THE LATE TRANSIT OF VENUS, under the direction of Prof. J. C. Watson. He stated that on 34 BULLETIN OF THE the whole the expedition was successful, the contacts at ingress and egress having been observed, and a number of intermediate measurements made. On account of cloudiness of the weather, Prof. Young was unable to make observations with the spectro- scope. Mr. J. W. PowEtr read a communication ON THE UINTAH MOUNTAINS, in which he offered an explanation of the formation of the cafons in the southwest. Prof. E. M. GALLAUDET, Com’r Lester A. BEARDSLEE, U. S. N., Mr. A. N. SKINNER, Mr. Ropert LAWRENCE PACKARD, and Lieut. C. C. Wotcort, U. 8S. A., were announced as having been elected members cf the Society. 84TH MEETING. Marcu 13, 1875. The President in the Chair. Forty members and visitors present. Dr. A. WoetKorr, of Russia, by request of the President, communicated > THE RESULTS OF A RECENT DETERMINATION OF THE ELEVATION OF THE CASPIAN AND ARAL SEAS, by Col. Tino, of the Russian Staff Corps. (ABSTRACT.) The levelling between the Caspian and Aral Seas was made in 1874 under the direction of Col. Tillo. It gave 243 feet dif- ference between the two. The Caspian is considered to be 89 feet below the level of the Black Sea; thus the Aral Lake is 154 feet above the Black Sea. It was also proposed by the former secretary of the Russian Geographical Society, Wenioukef, to run a line of levels along the Bosphorus, so as to determine the elevation of the Black Sea above that of Mermara. It is probable an expedition will start this year to level the PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 35 country between the Ural Mountains and Lake Baikal. It will be extremely important in giving us a correct knowledge of the elevation of a great part of the Asiatic Continent. Barometric observations are entirely inadequate for this, as we do not know the normal pressure which must prevail there. The expedition is again to be conducted by Col. Fillo. Besides the help afforded by the Geographical Society, there are 7000 roubles of private contributions to the expenses of this work, and more money is expected. Dr. WortkorrF also gave an account of METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN PERU, AND OF SOME OF THE METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN THAT COUNTRY, and stated, in reply to inquiries, that Lake Titicaca is more than 12,000 feet above the sea-level ; that the changes there of mean diurnal temperature were very small, but there was often a dif- ference of 40° between the day and night temperatures; and therefore its vicinity was not suitable for an astronomical observa- tory. Mr. Gitu remarked that in Lakes Bacal and Titicaca are seve- ral species of fish of peculiar types not found elsewhere. Mr. JosepH HENRY made a communication on THE GLACIAL THEORY, remarking that in all theories on the subject, attempts were made to explain the abnormal cold; but the enormous accumulation of snow also required explanation. He presented an hypothesis, which he had adopted many years ago, of extensive outbursts of submarine volcanoes in the equatorial regions, sending out im- mense volumes of steam, which, carried to a high elevation and flowing northward, would be precipitated as snow of an abnor- mally low temperature. More of this snow falling in winter than was melted in summer, the accumulation in many successive years would be sufficient to satisfy the demands of the glacial theory ; while the power sufficient to move boulders would be produced by the changes in this accumulation from cracks and fissures, and their filling up with water subsequently freezing. The earth in that period, as a whole, may have had a higher temperature than that which it has at the present time. This theory rests on a single hypothesis—that of the existence at the 36 BULLETIN OF THE time of submarine volcanoes which supplied the vapor; the cold being due to that of the higher atmosphere brought down by the snow from that region. He also remarked on the great irregularities, which were pro- bable. Catastrophes may have occurred when there were sudden eruptions of vapor, and great geological changes. Mr. Hixearp referred to the rapid accumulation necessary to account for animals overtaken and buried in the snow. ‘The ac- cumulation would be more or less rapid, and the time required less or greater, as the precipitation in winter exceeded the evapo- ration in summer. Mr. Bussuts referred to the very slow changes in the glaciers of the Arctic regions at the present time. Mr. Enpuicu spoke of the impossibility of determining whether the glacial formations were rapid or slow; and of the very long time required for geological changes. Reference having been made to the elephants and mammoths found embedded in frozen earth in Siberia, Mr. Gi~n remarked that it was not necessary to suppose a warm climate as neces- sary to their existence, as there were indications that these ani- mals had become adapted to a quite cold climate; and instanced lions and tigers, usually regarded as tropical animals, as found at the present day in the neighborhood of the Amoor River, and adapted by a vigorous growth of hair to live in cold regions. He further remarked that from animal remains it would seem that the preglacial period was warm, and that there followed a diminution of temperature until a minimum was reached in the glacial period. In the miocene period there was warm water and a warm temperature in the north; and there were, doubtless, gradations while these mammoths existed ; and finally it became too cold for their existence, and they died out. He concluded that the transition from the miocene to the glacial period may have been gradual. Mr. Datu remarked that the mammoths in Alaska must have lived through the glacial period. The ice-cliffs in that region must have been formed in a period of intense cold. Glaciation was not the same in different regions of the north. He referred, also, to the source of ivory on the northern coast of Siberia, remarking that the animals may have been caught in PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 37 ice, but that their being found frozen up at the mouth of a river did not necessarily indicate glaciation. Mr. Metres called attention to the fact that the tusks were found under water, and that the animals may have floated down in water, instead of having been carried by ice. Mr. Henry also made a second communication ON FOG SIGNALS AND ABNORMAL CONDITIONS OF SOUND, in which he spoke of the great attention which the Light House Board of the United States had given to fog signals, and men- tioned the steam-whistle, the trumpet, and the syren, and an instrument for estimating the intensity and penetrating power of sound, and the experiments which had been made with them ; in reference to recent instances of several cases of sibnarinal phenomena of sound. (This paper forms part of the Reports of the U. S. Light House Board.) 85TH MEETING. Marcu 27, 1875. The President in the Chair. Thirty-two members and visitors present. Mr. H. B. Euiorr read a paper on CALENDAR FORMULA, explaining more particularly and illustrating, by examples, the following expressions :— k +m-+d—'Tn=vw, in which k=y-+#4-+4—c, for the years of old style, k=y+#+6—2r * is new style. In these, &, the year number, is, in general, after rejecting the sevens, the number of the day of the week for a common year of the preceding December 380, for a leap year of the preceding De- cember 31, but for the first two months of a leap year must be diminished by 1; m, the month number, is the day of the week on which the first day of the month falls in a common year, which opens on the first day of the week, and is unchangeable ; 2. e., the number will be for 38 BULLETIN OF THE January 1 May 2 September 6 February 4 June 5 October 1 March 4 July OorT November 4 April 0 or 7 August 8 December 6. d is the day of the month under consideration; Tn, the largest multiple of 7 contained in k+m-d; c, the hundreds of the year; y, the excess above the hundreds; and 7, the remainder after dividing ¢ by 4. The general formula may be read thus:— To the year number add the month number and the day of the month, and the excess over the largest contained multiple of 7 is the number of the day of the week. For years B. C., subtract the given year less one from 2800, or some multiple of 2800, and use the above expression of k for either old or new style. Mr. Frissy and Mr. Git referred to instances where dates were given both in the old and new styles, the latter stating that this was usually done in the publications of Russian scien- tific societies. Mr. Scuort called attention to the difference of a day in American and Russian dates in Alaska, the latter being in advance, the American Sunday corresponding to the Russian Monday. Mr. W. B. Taytor gave an account of A CALENDAR PROPOSED BY A PERSIAN ASTRONOMER IN 1079. (ABSTRACT.) There is one calendar scheme not included, I believe, in Mr. Exvuior’s formule, which appears to me of sufficient interest to deserve a notice. More than five hundred years before the adop- tion of the calendar of Gregory, a Persian astronomer, Omar Cheyam, one of a commission appointed by the Sultan of Kho- rassan to reform the calendar, proposed (A. D. 1079) a very simple modification of the Roman or Julian system, by postpon- ing for one year, every eighth Julian leap year, giving the con- tinuous succession of seven quadrennial periods, followed by one quinquennial period. That is to say, the leap vear which hy the Julian calendar should take place on every 32d year was uni- formly carried forward so as to fall on every 33d year. This delay by one year would in four such periods, or in 132 years, PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 39 produce a retardation of leap year by one complete Julian cycle, equivalent to a suppression of one intercalary day every 132 years; in which period there would be by the calendar of Julius Cesar 33 leap years, and by the calendar of Omar Cheyam only 32 leap years. I am under the impression that this calendar was actually adopted by the Persian Sultan, but cannot speak with confidence about it. The Julian year of 365 days and 6 hours gains over the tropi- cal or equinoctial year of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 49 seconds, an excess of one day in about 129 years, and the beauti- ful simplicity of Omar Cheyam’s plan depends on the circum- stance of the number 128 being happily divisible twice by 4. And thus, while the error of our present calendar (the Gregorian), with its inconveniently long cycle of 400 years, runs out into an excess of one day in 3756 years, the error of Omar’s calendar, with its short cycle of 33 years, amounts to an excess of one day only in 5252 years. That is, it has a clear range of 52 centuries against the 37 centuries of our Christian calendar. And by reason of the shortness of the cycle, its evagation or intermediate range of departure from the true equinoctial points is also, of course, very much less. On the whole, I must confess a great admiration for this ex- tremely simple adjustment, and a decided preference of it to the system in common use, even when made still more accurate by the suggestion of Delambre, that one of the Gregorian leap year days should be omitted on every millennium divisible by 4000. Even this third approximation, with its cumbrous cycle, would still leave an error of a deficiency of one day in 216,000 years. The only consideration that occurs to me as likely to be suggested in favor of the adopted calendar, is its mnemonic guide to the leap year by means of the familiar divisor 4. This is a point which, of course, would have a very different value with different minds. To the Jew or the Mohammedan, employing a different chrono- logical epoch, no such advantage is presented. If this mnemonic have, however, any real importance, it could be equally well secured by simply omitting one leap year every 128 years. Nor would this period be practically any more arbitrary than the 400 year cycle; as is well illustrated by the general popular confusion which took place in the year 1800, when very few persons were able to say whether it was a leap year or not. The error of this scheme would be a deficiency of one day in 18,776 years. The President communicated two letters from Mr. A. C. Ross, of Zanesville, Ohio, ON LATENT IMPRESSIONS ON POLISHED GLASS PLATES PRODUCED BY HEATING THE PLATES IN CLOSE CONNECTION WITH ENGRAVED METALLIC PLATES ; 40 BULLETIN OF THE the impression becoming visible when breathed upon. Silver appears to produce the best impressions, nickel the next, copper the least. No other metals appear to have been tried. The im- pressions were generally positive, but a few cases of negative impressions are described. Mr. Henry referred to similar experiments made by Mosher many years ago. Mr. HENRY made a communication ON ELECTRICITY ENGENDERED BY THE DRIVING BELT OF THE MACHINERY FOR VENTILATING THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON, referring particularly to leather belts, and ascribing the electricity to compression and tension, instead of friction. Large quantity of electricity, with small intensity, is produced. Protection against fire from it in cotton factories was effected by interposing screens of glass. At the Capitol, in Washington, the electricity was utilized for medical purposes by arranging points and con- ductors, so as to collect it, and had been effectively applied in cases of nervous diseases. He found the electricity produced by the belt was negative. He also made remarks on the method of lighting gas burners, by what was by some considered the electricity of the body, but which was simply the result of the friction of the shoes on the carpet. The phenomenon had become more common since the introduction of heated air from furnaces into our dwellings. Mr. Parker referred to several cases where sufferers had obtained great relief from the application of electricity at the Capitol. 86TH MEETING. Aprit 10, 1875. The President in the Chair. Forty-eight members and visitors present. The President announced the election of Dr. RoBERT FLETCHER, Lieut. Francis V. Greene, U.S. Eng’rs, Prof. Atma H. THomp- soN, and Hon. SAMUEL SHELLABARGER 2s members of the Society. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 41 Mr. J. EK. Hine@arp gave a detailed ACCOUNT OF PROGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL METRICAL COM- MISSION, of which he is a member. Mr. J. J. WoopWARD read a brief EXPLANATORY NOTE IN REGARD TO THE DIAGNOSIS OF BLOOD- STAINS, by Dr. Jos. G. Ricuarpson, of Philadelphia, from the American Journal of the Medical Sciences for April, 1875, p. 575, and said that he had requested permission to read this note, because in his paper ‘‘On the similarity between the red blood corpuscles of man and those of certain other mammals, especially the dog,” etc., read before the Society a few months since, he had criticized a previous paper by Dr. RicHarpson (see American Journal of the Medical Sciences, July, 1874, p. 102), and that gentleman was very anxious that his defence should also be heard by the Society. It would be noticed that in the explanatory note just read, the facts on which Dr. Woopwarn’s criticism was based were substantially conceded, and Dr. Ricnarpson’s defence hinges en- tirely on the notion that it was his duty not to state these facts. This question had been so fully discussed in Dr. Woopwann’s former paper, however, that he did not think it necessary to say anything further on the subject at present, except that his views as then expressed are not modified by Dr. RicHarpson’s note. Mr. 8. Newcoms, in a communication ON THE TRANSIT OF VENUS, gave a summary of the results obtained by the different parties so far as the reports have come to hand. , A memoir of Mr. Ropert Ripeway, entitled OUTLINES OF A NATURAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE FALCONID&, was read and commented upon by Mr. Git (This has been published in the Bulletin of the U. S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Territories. Second Series.) 49, BULLETIN OF THE 8itH MEETING. APRIL 24, 1875. The President in the Chair. Thirty-eight members and visitors present. Mr. E. B. Eviiorr made a communication ON AFFECTED QUANTITIES OF THE FIRST ORDER. Mr. A. R. Sporrorp read a paper ON PROPOSED REFORMS IN SPELLING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Dr. Asa Gray, of Cambridge, Mass., made remarks on the genus Torreya, discovered by Mr. Crow near the Chatahoochee, but found more abundantly near Cedar Bluff, on the A ppalachi- cola River, and only in these localities. A species of Croonia is associated with it. Another Torreya is found in Japan, and an- other Croonia is associated with it. He also referred to several genera common and peculiar to the eastern part of America and to Japan, some of which are also found in California. Mr. GiLt mentioned several species of fishes and mollusks common to America, Japan, and China, and referred to the dif- ference between the fauna of the Pacific slope of the Rocky Moun- tains and that of the eastern part of North America. Remarks were also made by Mr. HE. B. Extiorr, Mr. Durrton, and Mr. ALVORD. 88TH MEETING. May 8, 1875. The President in the Chair. Thirty-seven members and visitors present. Mr. J. E. HitGarp gave an account of experiments on IRON FACING COPPER PLATES, at the office of the U. 8. Coast Survey. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 43 Two important results were obtained from these experiments ; the face of the plate was rendered very much harder than the copper-plate, permitting ten times the number of impressions to be taken from it; and second, the plate was rendered, by the ‘Jron-facing” process, permanently magnetic, having a polarity north and south in the vertical direction of the plate when the deposit was made. Remarks were made by Messrs. Durron and E. B. ELLIOTT, aud by Mr. Henry on the magnetic condition of these plates. Mr. Durron made some observations on THE CAUSES OF GLACIAL CLIMATE, reviewing the various theories, geographical and astronomical, on the subject; rejecting, after analysis, Mr. Crot’s astronomical theory as inadequate to account for the observed facts; and pre- fering Sir Cuarues Lyewn’s geographical theory based on the distribution of land and water, as meeting the demands of the question in a more satisfactory manner. Mr. Tayror, in reply to Mr. Durron, thought that Mr. Crort’s “astronomical” theory had not been fully presented. That theory did not assume any diminution of solar heat upon the northern hemisphere when its winter solstice occurred at aphe- lion during the period of maximum eccentricity, but merely a change of distribution of the same annual amount of radiation received, between a prolonged winter of increased severity, and a shortened summer of proportionally increased severity. The great variety of physical results flowing from a slight annual accumulation of snow in one hemisphere, continuing for many thousands of years, producing an ice cap many thousands of feet thick at the pole, and extending probably half-way to the equator, displacing the centre of gravity of the earth several hun- dreds of feet northward, occasioning a corresponding overflow of the Northern Ocean, or an apparent submergence of considerable portions of the northern continents, affecting the relative force of the northern and southern trade-winds and a southward pressure of the thermal equator, a similar change in the ocean currents, ete., all accord well with the observed conditions of the glacial epoch, while they all serve to re-enforce and intensify the aggre- 44 BULLETIN OF THE gate effect. This astronomical fact presents at least a vera causa, which unquestionably must produce some secular change of cli- mate. On the other hand, the ‘‘ geographical” theory so ably urged by Lyetu is essentially speculative. We know indeed that great and repeated changes of elevation have occurred in the land, but that they have occurred in the directions required by the theory is pure assumption. There is good reason to believe that no considerable change in the positions of the continents has taken place since the commencement of the glacial epoch. Years before Mr. Crouu advanced his theory, there was a grow- ing opinion among several leading geologists, such as CUMMING, GOODWIN, AUSTEN, RAMSAY, PAGE, and others, that we had indi- cations of colder periods of long continuance, in the Mesosoic and Paleozoic ages; notably in the Cretaceous, and in the Permian, the Devonian, and even in the remote Cambrian formations. Such recurrences of what may be called glacial epochs, would of themselves seem to point rather to cosmical, than to local or geo- graphical causes. Any considerable change in the latitude dis- tribution of land and water would, of course, have its effect on the general local climate; but from the above point of view, would have to be regarded rather as a perturbing, than as an originating influence. Mr. PowE.t continued the discussion, objecting to CRoLL’s theory, that it unfortunately gave fixed dates, or determinate periods, which were really as inadequate (in the view of practical geologists) for the work accomplished and the changes effected, as was the earlier Mosaic chronology. Mr. P. then gave an account of his observations on the character and extent of the erosion ex- hibited in our western river beds, and on the various distributions of gravels, as furnishing irresistible evidence of the requirement of far longer periods of time than had ordinarily been assigned for the formation of such conglomerates. SO —___—___....___ nee PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 45 89TH MEETING. MAy 22, 1875. Vice-President H1in@arp in the Chair. Thirty-eight members and visitors present. , The discussion of the CAUSES OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD was continued from the last meeting. Mr. J. W. Powe gave a description of the various gravels found in the geological formations of our northwestern valleys. These consisted of shore gravels on sea beds and on lake shores ; ice gravels, deposited by floating ice and by morains; sub-aerial gravels formed by living streams; desert gravels and residuary gravels; pre-quarternary gravels, consisting of shore gravels, floating ice gravels, sub-aerial gravels modified, and, perhaps, morainal gravels modified. Without committing himself to either the astronomical or geographical theory concerning the origin of these, he argued that when we separate that which is due to glaciation from that which is due to other causes, the problem becomes greatly simplified, and there was not required that great change in the meteorological condition of the earth which some have supposed. Mr. Durron replied to certain points made by Mr. TayLor at the previous meeting in favor of Mr. Crout’s theory, and argued its rejection on the ground of insufficiency. The changes in amount and distribution of solar radiation dependent upon the eccentricity of the earth’s orbit seemed altogether too small for the very large conclusions that had been drawn fromthem. He had always supposed that the thermal equator, instead of being shifted by the eccentricity of the earth’s orbit, was dependent upon the re- lative distribution of land and water upon the earth’s surface. He passed in review several points in the astronomical theory, and concluded with saying that the attempt to fix definite limits of time within which glacial action has taken place must always be futile, as the idea of indefinite duration of time for the accom- plishment of these changes was thrust upon the geologist with a force he could not resist. 46 BULLETIN OF THE Mr. B. F. Crate, referring to the assumption that the exist- ence of large tracts of land near the equator had a decisive effect in increasing the general warmth of the atmosphere, said that air may rise to 120° Fah. over dry and barren land, and does not rise much over 80° on the ocean, but a cubic yard of air heated from 40° to 80° by contact with warm water takes up as much as (50) fifty heat-units (English), of which thirty-two be- long to the water vaporized. When the air is again cooled to 40° the vapor is condensed, and the whole fifty units are given off. A cubic yard heated from 40° to 120° over a dry surface takes up only thirty-four units, notwithstanding the higher temperature attained. A cubic yard of water heated to 40° takes up (67,000) sixty- seven thousand units. The deposition of moisture from air is a more important means in the distribution of heat than the convection by the air pro- per; and the supposed existence of large tracts of land about the equator will be far from conveying the effect which Mr Lyeub and others have supposed, in giving us a warmer climate. The conditions, therefore, which seemed more favorable for the exist- ence of a tropical climate near the poles would be a large equa- torial ocean, and such a formation of the continents as to draw the currents of the ocean toward one particular pole. Mr. Taytor, replying to Mr. Durron, said that the present. issue, concisely stated, appeared to be, that, while one side would impugn the sufficiency of the “astronomical” theory, the other disputed the verity of the ‘‘ geographical.” Mr. T. thought that one great merit of Mr. Crouu’s hypothesis was that it seemed to explain a large number of varied, yet correlated, results, cumu- lative in their effect—from the gradual action of apparently very small differences as causes. In this it harmonizes admirably with the “uniformitarianism” which forms the basis of all our scientific investigations and theories. In regard to the thermal equator, which is now on the average a few degrees north of the geodetic equator, it is true, as Mr. Duron has remarked, that it is greatly influenced by geographi- cal arrangement. But any conditions which would change the relative force of the northeastern and the southeastern sets of PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 47 trade-winds, must also affect considerably the position of the median zone, or the thermal equator. As,to the effect of land distribution on climate, this latter is perhaps even more controlled by continental configurations (which determine the deflections of ocean currents) than by merely areal distributions. In reply to Mr. Power1t, in whose remarks on the chronology of post-tertiary erosion Mr. . felt great interest, he would only say that he did not think that Mr. Crouw’s theory imposed any such narrow limits of time on the geologist as had been sup- posed. The variations of orbital eccentricity of our planet, de- pending on the conjoined action of the larger and nearer planets, with incommensurable periods, are, of course, very irregular, both in time and amount; and although they may be said to occur— roughly at periods of one or two hundred thousand years—yet the extreme or exceptional ranges of eccentricity (which alone may be supposed sufficient to produce any very decided results) are found to occur only at periods of one or two million years apart. Thus, if we suppose, with Mr. Cro.t, that our last glacial period, or rather double period, coincided in time with the eccen- tricities culminating two hundred and ten and one hundred thousand years ago, the very notable maximum of eccentricity occurring eight hundred and fifty thousand years ago may repre- sent, as suggested by Mr. Crout, a glacial period suspected to have existed in the upper Miocene. The next preceding notable maximum occurred about two and a half million years ago. It was erroneous to suppose, as had been intimated, that con- glomerates alone had been accepted as evidencing past glacial action. Professor Ramsay, twenty years ago, urged the glacial origin of the Permian breccias, from the large size of the frag- ments, from the rarity of rounded pebbles, from the angular and flat faced form of most of the constituents, and, lastly, from the polished and grooved surfaces not unfrequently found among them. } Mr. Gru said, that, so far as he, a biologist, had to pass on the question at issue, the 210,000 years plus the antecedent period of the Pleiocene was sufficient ; it must be remembered, however, that the animal life of the earth had remained practically un- changed (except as to geographical distribution of forms) from a period long antecedent to the glacial epoch. But the fauna of 14 48 BULLETIN OF THE the Eocene has almost no connection with the present, or with the Pleiocene. If, then, the period specified was sufficient to account for the difference between the pre-glacial epoch and the present, a term of 850,000 years would be entirely insufficient for the period that must have elapsed since the commencement of the Tertiary. 90TH MEETING. JUNE 5, 1875. The President in the Chair. Twenty-five members and visitors present. Mr. E. M. GALLAUDET read a paper on UNCONSCIOUS CEREBRATION, as evinced by mnemonic action ; citing various instances of per- sons, scenes, and events suddenly recalled to the mind by per- ceptions of sight, hearing, or touch, without any exercise of the will. Remarks were made by Messrs. Hitagarp, Henry, TAyuor, and others. Mr. O. T. Mason exhibited ARCH HOLOGICAL SPECIMENS, stone implements of an early age; describing them and others, and giving a history of their discovery in Porto-Rico. Mr. Barrp remarked that Mr. Grorcr Latimer, of Porto- Rico, had made a large collection of such specimens, which he had bequeathed to the Smithsonian Institution after refusing $12,000 for them. Mr. AsapH Hatt made a communication on APPROXIMATE QUADRATURES ,; describing the various methods which had been employed in determining approximately an area comprised between a curve, PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 49 two ordinates, and the intercepted axis of abscisse, showing that by the methods of Gauss, in which the ordinates are taken at unequal but selected distances, greater accuracy could be ob- tained with fewer ordinates, than where the ordinates are taken at equal distances. In the case of a semicircle the degree of approximation was twice as great with three ordinates specially selected, as with five equidistant ordinates. The barometric curve could be better determined from three observations made at 3, 4, and § of the interval from sunrise to sunset, than from five observations at equal intervals during the day. Mr. B. Atvorp made remarks on THE MORTALITY AMONG ARMY OFFICERS during fifty years, from 1824 to 1873, as derived from Army Registers. (This paper is published in the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at its session in August, 1874.) He also described a proposed plan for government providing for the life insurance of persons connected with the army. Remarks were made by Mr. E. B. Exuiorr on the desirable- ness of extending such a plan to the civil service; and by Mr. TAYLOR on the policy of government providing for all kinds of insurance, 91st MEETING. JUNE 12, 1875. The President in the Chair. Twenty-eight members and visitors present. Mr. J. R. HAsTMAN gave an abstract of a paper on THE COMPARISON OF RAIN-GAUGES AT DIFFERENT ELEVATIONS; describing observations made at the Naval Observatory in Washington. Rain-gauges less than 2 inches in diameter gave unsatisfactory results. During a year those at an elevation of 34 feet from the ground gave 88 per cent. of the amount of rain 50 BULLETIN OF THE received at an elevation of only 2 feet. The greatest difference was observed in continued slow rain, when the air was saturated with moisture; the least difference in sudden showers of short duration. Remarks were made by Mr. Henry and Mr. Hitearp, the former referring to observations made in one of the towers of the Smithsonian Institution. Mr. H. B. Evuiorr read a paper on THE MUTUAL RELATIONS AS TO PRICE OF GOLD, SILVER BULLION, SILVER COIN, AND GREENBACKS. Mr. O. T. MAson read a paper on THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF OBJECTS OF ARCHASOLOGY. Mr. Giuu called attention to the distinction between arche- ology and ethnology, and suggested some changes in Mr. Mason’s classification. Mr. J. EK. Hinearp gave an account of THE MEASUREMENT OF A BASE-LINE FOR THE PRIMARY TRIANGU- LATION OF THE UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY NEAR ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Three separate measurements of this line were made; the first two at low temperatures, the measurements being made in oppo- site directions, in order to test the effect of slopes upon the per- formance of the apparatus. The third was made in summer at a high temperature, in order to test the accuracy of the correction for temperature. The essential features of the apparatus were described, and the mode in which compensation of the two measuring bars for temperature is effected—the system being to compare these compound measuring bars with a simple standard bar of iron of six metres in length at the time of measuring the base, and as nearly as practicable at the average temperature ‘which obtained during the measurement. The mechanical com- pensation of the bars is thus only required to maintain a nearly uniform length during the variations of temperature in the measurement, and the actual length at the mean temperature of measurement is taken account of by the known dilatation of the PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 51 standard bar. Mr. Hite@arp described the experiments which had been made for the determination of this dilatation, and exhibited a diagram showing the great accordance of the results that had been obtained for determining this essential element, The base- line in question was nearly six miles in length ; and permanent monuments having been placed at intervals of about one mile, the three measurements give eighteen comparisons of measure, which show in every instance a very close agreement. The following are the differences of the several measurements of the entire base-line of 9339 meters from thcir mean, and the mean temperatures at which they were obtained :— Diff. of_length ; . —8.1 —0.3 + 8.4 mm. Temperatures , 5) IIe ZI 44°,7 90°.7 Fahr. Showing a maximum divergence of the results of about one- millionth part of the whole length. Mr. Hitaarp claimed, in conclusion, that no base-line of such length had before been measured with the same degree of precision and with such abundant evidence of the same. A full account of this opera- tion will be published in the Goast Survey Report for 1873. 92D MEETING. OcToBER 9, 1875. Vice-President Taytor in the Chair. Twenty-four members and visitors present. t Mr. E. S. Hotpren exhibited and made remarks on TWO DRAWINGS OF NEBULA, MADE WITH THE XXVI.-INCH TELE- SCOPE OF THE U.S. NAVAL OBSERVATORY, BY MR. I. TROUVELOT, OF CAMBRIDGE, MASS. (ABSTRACT.) Mr. TRovvenor was invited by the Superintendent of the U. S. Naval Observatory to visit the Naval Observatory, and to use the xxvi. inch equatorial for the purpose of making drawings of planets and nebule. Mr. Trouveror was enabled to remain only from Sept. 21 to Oct. 1, 1875, and hence less time was hestowed than would be required for a perfectly Satisfactory representation of any of the objects viewed. N evertheless, good pastel draw- 52 BULLETIN OF THE ings on a large scale were obtained of, Ist, the planet Saturn ; 2d, of the central portion of the nebula of Orion; and 3d, of the Horse-Shoe Nebula (G. C. 4403). The scale of the Ist is about 12 inches to 18”; of the 2d, 1 inch to 32”; of the 3d, 1 inch to 129.3. Of these, the 2d and 3d were exhibited to the Society. The drawings contain only what was seen certainly, there being no conjectures recorded; and that of the Horse-Shoe Nebula is almost entirely satisfactory. ‘The nebula of Orion, however, must be regarded as a preliminary sketch, as this object is much too complicated for satisfactory representation in the limited time at the disposal of Mr. Trouvetot. It will be corrected during the next opposition. The method pursued in making the drawing of the nebula (G. C. 4403) consisted in putting in the stars in the neighbor- hood of the nebula by means of a glass reticle ruled into squares. The sides of the squares were about 1’ of are. The entire number of stars was put in in one night’s work. Mr. HoLpEn has determined the average error of a star-position, in this nebula, to be about 7.7 in R. A., and 5”.3 in Declination, by comparison of 11 of Mr. TrRouveELor’s star-positions with 11 of LAssELL’s (Mem. R. A.S., vol. xxxvi. p. 49). The larger residual in R. A. is accounted for by the fact that the driving- clock of the equatorial was not performing well. 'This average error of a star-position would not be appreciable in any drawing of the nebula which could be put on an ordinary quarto page. The stars of the Nebula Orionis were put in from G. P. Bonn’s catalogue. Mr. Houpen verified most of the details of the drawings— especially in the brighter parts of the Horse-Shoe Nebula, where variation of form may be suspected—and was able to declare the pastel drawing to be very nearly correct, not only in gene- ral effect, but as to the important details. A decided difference exists between some of the previous drawings and this one in the neighborhood of Lassell’s star No. 1. At present, the brightest nebulosity follows this star. LAssEeLt, Mason, and others have drawn it preceding. The great merit of pastel drawings for this kind of delineation is that changes can easily be made, and that the effect of nebulous matter can be successfully reproduced. Remarks were made by Messrs. Corrin and TAytor. Mr. E. B. Exuiort read the following paper on MUTUAL RELATION AS TO PRICE OF GOLD, GREENBACKS, SILVER BULLION, AND SILVER COIN. Gold Price of Silver Bullion.—Owing to the large demand for gold, and the corresponding diminution in the demand for PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 53 silver, consequent upon the change by certain continental govern- ments—Germany and the Scandinavian Governments of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark—from a silver standard for their money of account, to a gold standard ; and to the hoarding of gold by the Bank of France preparatory to its resumption of specie pay- ments; and, also, to the large production of silver from the Comstock and other mines of our silver-bearing territories, the price of- silver, relatively to gold, has been for several years gradually sinking, until it has reached in the London market, according to a late cable dispatch, the low point of 554 pence sterling per standard British ounce (the equivalent quotation in New York market, for fine bars, being from 1.21 to 1.22 per ounce), the lowest point of value, relatively to gold, on record in the history of man, The price indicates that the ratio of the value of gold to silver, is as 17 to 1; that is, that the value of gold in the markets of the world is now seventeen times that of silver of equal weight and like fineness.’ It follows, as may readily be shown, that the price in United States gold of the quantity of bullion contained in a dollar of our new fraction silver is 88.0 cents ; or, conversely, that what may be termed the silver-bullion price of gold—the silver unit being 25 grammes nine-tenths fine—is 113.6. Gold Price of Silver Coin.—The gold price of the United States silver coin (fractional), which is used as currency—con- taining to the dollar, when of legal weight and fineness, 25 grammes nine-tenths fine—was quoted on the same day (June 5, 1875), in the New York market, at from 92 to 95 cents, showing the silver coin price of gold to have been from 105.3 to 108.7; the difference depending on the quantity of pure metal contained, as indicated by the date of the mintage and by the degree of the abrasion of the coin. Gold Price of Greenbacks.—The greenback price of gold is now quoted, in the language of the market, at 117, showing the gold price of greenbacks to be 854. Greenback Price of Silver Bullion and of Silver Coin.—It ' June 6, 1876. According to the latest quotations in the London market the price of silver has fallen to 52 pence per ounce of the British standard of fineness (to wit, 111 fine), indicating that the ratio of the value of gold to silver is now as 18 to 1. 54 BULLETIN OF THE follows that, at the present time, the greenback price of silver bullion—25 grammes nine-tenths fine to the dollar—is 103 (more exactly, 102.9); the greenback price of silver coin, of the same weight and fineness, ranging from 107.6 for older and abraded coins, to 111.1 for coins of the full legal weight. Exportation of Silver Coin for Melting or Reconage.— Should the price of greenbacks, relatively to that of silver bul- lion, advance three per cent., silver coin, even at its minimum or bullion value, would prove more profitable for circulation as money than for use in the arts, or for exportation for coinage abroad. Exportation of Silver Coin for Use as Money Elsewhere.— The fractional silver coin of the United States is demanded, in limited quantities, by certain South American and other countries, chiefly on this side of the Atlantic, for circulation ; which fact accounts in part for the higher price which our fractional silver coin commands in the market compared with bullion. To what extent this fact will operate—when a liberal supply of coin shall be issued and thrown upon the market—to retain as now, the price of coin beyond that of bullion, is, as yet, uncertain. Effect on the Price of Silver Coin of the Demand for tis Use at Home as Subsidiary Coinage.—Gold and greenbacks are each legal tender of payment in all amounts, but United States frac- tional silver coin is legal tender of payment only in limited amounts, not exceeding five dollars in any one payment. The effect of this provision of law is to give to silver coin a value superior to its intrinsic value as bullion, and to protect it against remelting at home, and against exportation for melting or re- coinage abroad. When greenbacks rule in the market at a lower point than that of silver coin, such coin will not be in demand at home for use as money for general circulation, except at the extreme Southwest and on the Pacific Slope. When, however, green-— backs command in the market a higher price than silver coin, the subsidiary silver coin will be in demand as money, but will com- mand a price above that of its value as bullion. When greenbacks advance from 854, their existing rate, to 88, the existing bullion rate (corresponding to a premium on gold of 13.6)—assuming that the relative values of gold and silver remain unchanged—silver coin will necessarily cease to be profitably PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, | 55 exported as bullion for melting or recoinage, even though—by virtue of the provision of the law which gives it the character of a legal tender in limited amounts—it should have no value above that of the bullion contained. When greenbacks advance to 92 (corresponding to a premium on gold of 8.7)—the existing prices of silver coin remaining unchanged—the less perfect and less desirable silver coins will circulate, as currency, side by side with the fractional paper cur- rency. When greenbacks advance to 95 cents (correspoding to a pre- mium on gold of 5.3)—the existing prices of silver coin re- maining unchanged—the new and more perfect silver coins will circulate, as currency, side by side with our fractional paper cur- rency. When greenbacks advance beyond this rate, nearer to a par with gold, silver coin will supersede greenbacks, and their asso- ciated fractional paper currency. The intrinsic bullion value of new silver coins, of legal weight and fineness, is now 88 cents to the dollar, but their value as coin in the market is 95 cents. The issuing and placing on the market of the new silver coinage in considerable quantities, will tend to lower somewhat the price in the market of these new coins, but will not reduce the price to the bullion standard. The gold price of greenbacks in the market, therefore, must advance considerably beyond 88 cents, the present value of the bullion contained in silver coins of legal weight and fineness—that is—the greenback price of gold must fall considerably below 113.6, in order to secure the free and general circulation of such coins. The higher price of our fractional silver coin, as compared with silver bullion, of the same weight and fineness, is due, in part, to the fact that, in limited amounts (not exceeding $5 in any one payment), it is, like gold, a legal tender of payment in the United States, and, in part, to a limited demand for its use as money in the payment of balances for custom purposes, and for the settlement of fractional amounts in the payment of interest on our bonded debt; also, for use in general circulation on the Pacific slope of the United States and in Texas and certain other portions of the southwest, where gold is the sole standard, paper currency not being recognized in trade ; and, also, in cer- tain South American and other countries. 56 BULLETIN OF THE The Trade Dollar—its value in Gold and in Greenbacks.— A word as to the trade dollar. The trade dollar contains of silver, of the usual standard of fineness of nine-tenths, 420 grains troy; its weight is, therefore, 16.2791 times that of the gold dollar. Its value as bullion when gold is worth seventeen times silver of the same weight, is 95.78 cents. Its price in the market, mainly owing to its demand for Oriental circulation, is from 97 to 98 cents gold, or about 2 cents in advance of its value’ as bullion. TABULAR STATEMENT. In the following tabular statement, the dollar of silver bullion, and the dollar of silver coin, are each assumed to be 25 grammes. of silver of the fineness of nine-tenths—the same with regard to quantity and fineness, as that of the legal silver currency (frac- tional) of the United States :— Pricts—June 5, 1875. The gold price of $100 in greenbacks, is. : : - $85.50 The gold price of $100 in silver bullion, is . : a > 88201 The gold price of $100 in silver coin, is from 5 . 92 to 95: Consequently— The greenback price of $100 in gold, is : : ei dkile(A(0: The silver bullion price of $100 in gold, is . 4 : Bi due , ! ; i We iicorn me. 5 a) WO 7 The silver coin price of $100 in gold, is an ; : 105.3: Also— The greenback price of $100 in silver bullion, is . 5 a 0289 f Monet ooh, LLOMI ene ; 5) NOG Greenback price of $100 in silver ca) He wa Also— ‘ i } Aas We (\tarapaet » 104.5 The silver bullion price of $100 in silver coin, is ca 108.0 The silver bullion price of $100 in greenbacks, is 5 ° 97.2 Mr. T. N. Giuu read a paper on THE PROGRESS OF THE NATURAL SCIENCES DURING THE PAST CENTURY. (This is published at tength in Harper’s Monthly Magazine, February, 1876.) PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, ST 93D MEETING. OcToBER 23, 1875. The President in the Chair. Thirty-two members and visitors present. Mr. JosepH Henry made further remarks on SOUND IN CONNECTION WITH FOG SIGNALS, referring particularly to echo, or reflection of sound, as observed in experiments under the U. 8. Light-House Board, (These experiments are described in the Report of the Light-House Board for 1875.) Mr. W. B. TAytor made a communication on ACOUSTIC REFRACTION. (ABSTRACT.) Sound, though differing from light in the character of its waves and their order of magnitude, yet moves like light in radial lines, and, like light, is diverted from its rectilinear course whenever its waves undergo an unequal retardation or acéelera- tion. There are three different methods in which sound-waves passing through a gaseous medium may suffer such unequal disturbance of velocity: First, by variations of density in the medium—sound moving more slowly as the square root of the density, the pres- sure being the same. Second, by variations of elasticity in the medium, sound moving more swiftly as the square root of the elasticity, the density being the same. Third, by variations of motion or current in the medium—sound travelling (by convec- tion) faster with the wind by a small percentage according to its velocity—and conversely. There is no doubt that light also is liable to all three of these forms of refraction; as its velocity is necessarily retarded by an increase of density 1 in the medium, by a reduction of its elasticity, . and by an adverse motion in the medium. A fourth cause of velocity disturbance in the case of sound exists in the temperature of the medium—sound moving more swiftly in a heated atmosphere, in proportion to the square root of the absolute temperature. As the only dynamic eficct of heat on a gas is to increase its elasticity by confinement, if the volume be constant, or to increase its volume if unconfined, this cause of acoustic refraction, important as it is practically, may be theo- retically resolved into one of the preceding conditions. 1. The refraction of sound resulting from differences of density 08 BULLETIN OF THE was first exhibited by SonpHauss, in 1852, by means of a lens of carbonic acid gas confined in an envelope of gold-beater’s skin, or preferably, of collodion film. The wave-fronts of sound (con- sidered as practically plane surfaces) being centrally retarded in passing the convex surface of the lens, thus move through and emerge from the lens with concave surfaces, whose normals con- verge to a point. A convex lens of hydrogen would cause the wave-fronts of sound passing through it to emerge (by accelera- tion) with a convex form—that is, would cause the rays or nor- mals to diverge—the focus being negative. And to obtain a positive focus of convergence it would be necessary to make a hydrogen lens concave. ‘The same effect would be produced on light by a lens of hydrogen. 2. The refraction of sound resulting from differences of motion in the air was first suggested by Prof. Stokss, in 1857. As the advance of sound is always in directions normal to the expand- ing spheroidal surfaces of instantaneous compression, any defor- mation of these spheroidal surfaces must correspondingly deflect the line of successive impacts from the original radial direction. Winds being usually considerably retarded near the surface of the earth by frictional resistance, the wave-front of sound moving in the direction of the wind, is more advanced above than below, causing the sensible rays to bend downward; on the other hand, the wave-front is more retarded above than below when opposed to the wind, causing the rays to bend upward. Prof. Henry was the first to observe (in 1865) that sound moving against the wind could be heard aloft after it had ceased to be audible below, though it was not till some time afterward that he detected the true cause. Prof. REYNoLDs subsequently (in 1874) independently verified by experiment the theory of Prof. Sroxss. 3. The refraction of sound, resulting from differences of tem- perature, was first pointed out by Prof. Reynoips in 1874, who has shown that various recorded observations on sound very strikingly establish the indications of theory in this direction. These last two conditions of acoustic refraction—inequality of motion in the air and inequality of its temperature—are both susceptible of very simple quantitative determination, and are thus shown to be real and efficient causes of many observed re- sults, and to furnish satisfactory explanations of many hitherto puzzling phenomena of sound. Various illustrations were given. Mr. Durton spoke of the rumbling sound of trains on the Alex- andria Railroad, as heard at the U. 8. Arsenal in this city ; some- times loud, sometimes moderate, sometimes inaudible; much louder with favorable than with adverse winds; sometimes, espe- cially if the air was still, the sound, while inaudible at the ground, was distinct, or even loud, at an elevation of 40 feet. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 59 He also suggested that diffusion might often compensate for refraction of sound. Further remarks were made by Mr. Taytor and Mr. Henry. 94TH Mrrtine. Firra ANNUAL MurtTina, NoveMBER 6, 1875. Vice-President Taytor in the Chair, | Twenty-four members present. The following officers of the Society were elected for the ensuing year :— President, JosEPH HENRY. Vice-Presidents, J. K. Barnes, W. B. Taytor, J. HK. Hitearp, J. C. WELLING. Treasurer, PrrEerR PARKER. _ Secretaries, J. H. C. Corrin, T. N. Grin MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. CLEVELAND ABBE, : N.S. Linco, S. F. Barrp, S. NeEwcoms, C. EH. Dutton, O. M. Por, EK. B. Exwiort, C. A. ScHort, J. J. WooDWARD. 95TH MEETING. NovEMBER, 20, 1875. The President in the Chair. Thirty-nine members and visitors present Mr. E. B. Exuiorr made a communication on ADJUSTMENT OF THE CALENDAR : describing several propositions and attempts to remedy its defects, and the advantages of alternate months of 30 and 31 days, or 60 BULLETIN OF THE sextiles of 61 days, in leap years; the last month, or sextile, in common years to have one day less. He explained and illus- trated by examples the transition from the present system. Mr. Corrin suggested that this transition would be sim»lified by beginning the year one day earlier than at present. Mr. J. J. WoopwarbD made a communication on DIFFRACTION PHENOMENA IN THE FIELD OF THE MICROSCOPE : illustrating by photographs of Frustulia Saxonica thrown upon a screen, and showing that spurious striz may be produced by throwing the light obliquely on the object. (The paper is published in the Monthly Microscopical Journal, December, 1875, p. 274.) The President read, as his Annual Address, AN ACCOUNT OF RESEARCHES ON SOUND IN ITS APPLICATION TO FOG-SIGNALS. (This forms part of the Report of the U S. Light House Board for 1875.) 96TH MEETING. DECEMBER 4, 1875. The President in the Chair. Thirty-five members and visitors present. The election of Commander HE. P. Luu, U. S. N., as a mem- ber of the Society was announced. Mr. JosrEpH Henry read a paper on HALF-VISION : describing the phenomena in his own case, and illustrating by a diagram the luminous circle and colored spectra presented to his vision. Mr. Woopwarp followed with remarks on the frequent ob- servance of half-vision, and the amount of literature on the subject; describing an injury to his own eyes from the use of the 4 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 61 electric light in illuminating the microscope, the structure of the eye and optic nerve, and explaining the theory of such abnormal phenomena. Mr. G. K. GILBERT made a communication on RIPPLE-MARKS. (ABSTRACT.) Ripple-marks are observed, first, upon dry, shifting sand; second, on sand under water; third, on sandstone strata. ‘The third case is the fossil phase of the second. 1. As to their Form.—The ripples on a slab of sandstone are usually equal, parallel, equidistant ridges, curved over the top, and separated by curved troughs; and the question has been raised whether the curvature of the ridges or that of the troughs is the more acute. Since the stratum which overlies a rippled sandstone may preserve on its under surface a mould, or reversed impression, of the rippling, there may be doubt in the case of a detached specimen whether it exhibits the true ripple or its mould. From an extended series of observations in Utah, the speaker concludes that the crests of the ridges are more acute than the intervening troughs, and that this rule is so little liable to exception, that it may be used in determining which is the originally upper surface of a detached or highly inclined bed of sandstone. An opposite opinion is held by Jukrs (Manual, 1872, p. 168). 2. As to their Cause.—The view is advanced that the ripples on dry and on wet sand are due to vibrations of air and of water, and are analogous to, if not homologous with, the accumulations of sand along the node lines of vibrating elastic plates. We know from the phenomena of rapids that running water is thrown into vibration by friction on its channel. We know from the whistling of the wind that air is given uniform vibration by friction. Are not such vibrations, arising from the friction of currents, competent, if constant in position, to produce the phe- nomena of ripple-marks ? The following facts appear to accord with this hypothesis: First, the wavelets are, within restricted areas, sub-equal in all dimensions. Second, in the case at least of those formed under water, the wavelet does not travel, like a sand-dune, but is constant in position so long as the conditions remain unchanged. In one observed instance, the lamination of strata showed that a set of ripple-marks had held the same posi- tion while two feet of sediment were accumulated. Third, there are compound ripplings. In one fossil specimen exhibited to the Society, the ripples are double, each main ridge being sup- plemented by a smaller one running along its base. In another f 62 BULLETIN OF THE specimen, a system of ridges is crossed at right angles by another of smaller size, a reticulation being the result. A different explanation is given by JuKEs (loc. cit.), and by Dana (Manual, 1874, p. 672). 3. As to their Geological Interpretaiion.—If currents are adequate to their production, they may be formed at great depth, and are demonstrative neither of shallow water nor of the prox- imity of shore, as they are often regarded. They are never found in shales, while few sandstone series are without them. That is, they are formed only where the motion of the water is too great to admit of the accumulation of fine sediment. Mr. F. W. Putnam, of Salem, Mass., described and explained Tipples formed by the tide. Mr. Poweut described various forms of ripple-marks which he had observed, and remarked that ripple-marks may be formed in deep water from the motion of waves on the surface, and were not necessarily an indication of action on a shore. The subject was further discussed by Messrs. Henry, ABBE, and GILBERT. Mr. J. J. WoopwARD made some comments on THE MICROSCOPICAL STRUCTURE OF WOOL: reading a report, by Dr. Joun LEeConrx and himself, to the President of the National Academy of Sciences, on the micro- scopical examination of many specimens of mixed goods of sheep or lamb wool, with cow or calf, and other hair, with a view to determine the proportion of the former. In illustration, he ex- hibited on a screen 25 photographs of various kinds of wool and hair. The examination and report were made at the request of the Hon. Secretary of the Treasury, in order to determine the rate of duty on the several kinds of goods. 97TH MEETING, DEcEMBER 18, 1875. The President in the Chair. Fifty members and visitors present. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 63 The election of Mr. Epwarp GoopFELLow, of the U.S. Coast Survey, as a member of the Society was announced. Mr. J. A. OsBorNneE exhibited and described A NEW METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENT. (ABSTRACT.) A consideration of the effect of climate upon animal life and well-being will lead to the conclusion that the chief influence which the elements exert upon the human body is essentially thermic in its character. The tendency of the actual temperature of the atmosphere, its humidity and motion, as well as that of the direct radiant heat from the sun, is to effect a change in the normal warmth of the body. No attempt has hitherto been made to give definite expression to the physio-thermic influence for different places on the surface of the earth, or for the same place at different times. The in- strument exhibited for this purpose consists of an isolated cylin- der of bank-note paper, hanging from a horizontal ring, and con- taining about three pounds of water raised to the temperature of the blood. A thermometer is suspended in the water, and, as the latter cools spontaneously, it is kept in continuous and perfect agitation by clock-work, so that a true determination of the tem- perature of the whole mass is constantly indicated. By recording in seconds the time in which the mercury sinks from degree to degree, we obtain a series, which, being reduced to a single ex- pression, will give a number comparable with the loss of heat sustained by a human being, and proportional to other observa- tions made with the same or a similar instrument. For it will be seen that the cylinder and its contents, having a surface which is slightly moist, is subject to the same influences which affect a man in the same locality ; and its loss of temperature is determined by the combined action of radiation, evaporation, and the convection of its heat by the moving currents of air. Asan animal has to maintain a constant temperature, losing as much heat as be makes, an investigation of the external causes which determine that loss, or tend to retard it, is of pre- eminent importance. Having obtained a serviceable value for the aggregate physio- thermic influence, it was proposed, by the simultaneous use of pervious and impervious cylinders, placed in and out of the wind, to analyze this total, and apportion to each of the great factors its proper share in the production of sensible heat or cold. And, finally, by an investigation of many such analyses, to establish an empirical formula by the aid of which existing meteorological records may be expressed in units of thermic value; thereby, in the interests of physiology, to extend a knowledge of the climates of the globe, subjectively considered. 16 64 BULLETIN OF THE Mr. Hitcarp regarded it a meteorological, and not a physio- logical, instrument; and spoke of the value of the ordinary meteorological observations as giving much informacion on climates of different regions, from which their effects on man may be deduced. Mr. Woopwarp doubted the precision of the instrument ex- hibited; and spoke of the practical difficulty in obtaining homo- geneous porous-paper, and in constructing several instruments, which would agree in their indications. Mr. Groree B. Drxwe tt, of Boston, made a communication on CYLINDER CONDENSATION, STEAM JACKETS, AND SUPERHEATED STEAM : giving an extended abstract of a pamphlet, which he had pub- lished on these subjects. Prof. A. M. Mayer, of Hoboken, N. J., made a communica- tion on A METHOD OF DETERMINING A DEFINITE INTERVAL OF TIME, AND ITS APPLICATION TO MEASURING THE NUMBER OF VIBRATIONS OF SOLID BODIES. i Mr. Hitaarp and Mr. Harkness participated in the discus- sion which followed. 98TH MEETING. JANUARY 15, 1876. The President in the Chair. Forty-three members and visitors present. Mr. J. J. Woopwarpb made REMARKS ON THE PAPYRUS EBERS, exhibiting and describing two quarto volumes, with colored plates, of an Egyptian medical work written 1552 years before the Chris- tian era, and probably the oldest medical work extant. The vol- umes contained the hieratic text and translations into hiero- glyphics and German. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 65 Mr. Parker and Mr. Gaze followed with remarks on Egyptian antiquities. Mr. E. B. Exuiorr read a letter from Dr. B..A. Gouxp, Di- rector of the National Observatory at Cordoba, giving an account of THE COINAGE OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, as established by an act of the legislative body, which went into effect in October, 1875. The Argentine peso-fuerte is of the same value as the Japanese yen; and 1003.08774 pesos-fuertes are equivalent to 1000 dollars of United States coin, the difference being a little more than 5 of 1 per cent. Mr. J. W. PowELt made a communication on SOME TYPES OF MOUNTAIN BUILDING, describing several characteristic forms in the Park Range, the Ute, and other mountains in the West, and pointing out marked differences between these formations and those in the Appalachian range. 99TH MEETING. JANUARY 29, 1876. The President in the Chair. Thirty-five members and visitors present. Mr. W. H. Datt read a paper on THE SUCCESSION OF THE STRATA OF THE SHELL-HEAPS OF THE ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, (ABSTRACT.) He showed that the shell-heaps were separated by the strata of which they are composed into deposits of three successive periods. The lower stratum being composed of the remains of echini, eaten by the early inhabitants, he termed the Echinus Layer, and the period in which it was formed the Littoral Period. The second, composed chiefly of fish-bones, the Fish-bone Layer, deposited in the Fishing Period. The upper or Mammalian Layer, corresponding to the Hunting Period, was chiefly formed 66 BULLETIN OF THE by the bones of mammals and birds. Over all these lie the much more modern village sites, very few of which are now occupied. The first layer might have been deposited in a thousand years. There is no means of approximating to the age of the subsequent layers. The Echinus layer contained few and very rude imple- ments, and a gradual progression was noted in the variety and finish of the articles found in the successive layers. Only toward the last are there any signs of the use of houses, fire, or orna- mental designs. The character of the implements showed that the early inhabitants used those of a pattern similar to the Eski- mo, but that these gradually became differentiated into a type peculiar to the islands. Mr. Daun considered it probable that the first inhabitants were Eskimo of a low type, forced for protection from America into the islands, who in their restricted surround- ings in the course of time developed into a special type without entirely effacing the traits which link them to the Eskimo, by language, physique, and fabrications. In reply to questions, he gave reasons for his supposition that the inhabitants of the Aleutian Isles came from the Hast. Mr. Powe spoke of the khiva or underground apartment found in the remains of dwellings from the Arctic regions, through California and Colorado, and to the Gulf of Mexico, usually in the centre of the building, regarding it as the common workroom or assembly hall of the occupants. Mr. Mason made remarks on the similarity of instruments and implements found in Australia, North America, and the Aleutian Isles, and the probability of there having been great changes in the bed of the ocean between North America and Asia. Mr. Emit BEssELts made a communication on THE HYGROMETRICAL CONDITION OF THE AIR IN HIGH LATITUDES, discussing observations made at Polaris Bay by the late polar expedition under Capt. Haut. 100TH MEETING. FEBRUARY 12, 1876. The President in the Chair. Thirty-eight members and visitors present. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 67 Mr. G, K. Ginsert made a communication on THE HORARY OSCILLATIONS OF THE TEMPERATURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE, in which he correlated barometric and thermometric changes and rates of change in observations made at San Francisco and Phil- adelphia in the equinoctial months of March and September, Mr. F. F. Jupp made a communication on THE WATERSHED OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION, giving results of a survey of the head-waters of the Hudson and Rackett Rivers by Prof. Farranp N. Brnepior in 1874, and dwelling particularly on the feasibility and facility of converting the numerous and extensive lakes in that region into reservoirs, 80 managed as to greatly reduce freshets in the Hudson in the spring, and supply the deficiency of water in the fall. Remarks were made by Messrs. Harkness, Henry, POWELL, and ALVoRD. Mr. Esa Gray gave an EXHIBITION OF A TELAPHON, wnich he had invented, by which musical tones transmitted over a telegraph wire can be responded to at a distant point. Several tones of a different pitch were transmitted simultaneously by a single circuit from one room, and each responded to in another room by a reed attached to an electric magnet and tuned to the same pitch. With such apparatus several messages can be sent at the same time by the same circuit, and at the place of reception each would be distinguished from the rest by difference of tone and by being responded to by a magnet whose reed was tuned to the same pitch as that from which it had come. He stated that messages had been thus transmitted successfully by a circuit of 300 miles. He also exhibited other methods by which the:sounds could be responded to; in one of which a tune played in one room was repeated by a diaphragm in another, with which an electrical connection was made. 68 BULLETIN OF THE 101st MEETING. FEBRUARY 26, 1876. The President in the Chair. Forty-one members and visitors present. The election of Mr. Epwarp J. Farquuar, U. 8S. Patent Office, Mr. M. H. Dooxirrur, U.S. Coast Survey, and Dr. WiIL- ~1AM McoMorvrig, Agricultural Bureau, as members of the Soci- ety, was announced. Mr. W. Hargness exhibited panoramic views and gave de- scriptions of places visited by the U.S. Steamer Swatara, which conveyed parties to the Southern hemisphere for observing the transit of Venus in December, 1874. The places described were Bahia, Cape Town, and Hobart-town. Mr. EK. B. Evvuiorr made remarks on TWO PROPOSITIONS, NOW BEFORE CONGRESS, FOR CHANGING THE COIN OF THE UNITED STATES, one proposing a silver instead of a gold standard; the other to retain the present system, but reducing the standard values ; neither recognizing progress towards the metric system. Mr. W. HARKNESS made remarks on THE METHODS OF MEASURING THE INEQUALITIES OF THE PIVOTS OF A TRANSIT INSTRUMENT, briefly describing the methods heretofore employed, and explain- ing the construction and use of a SPHEROMETER CALLIPER, which he had devised for the purpose. 102pD MEETING. ~ Marcn 11, 1876. The President in the Chair. Fifty-two members and visitors present. The election of Lieut. Rogers Birniz, U. S. Army, as a member of the Society, was announced. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 69 Mr. G. K. Gitsert made further remarks on HORARY OSCILLATIONS OF THE ATMOSPHERE, concluding that the increase of temperature from 5 A. M. to 3 P. M. was insufficient to account for the higher barometer in that period. Mr. J. J. WoopWARD made a communication on THE MARKINGS ON NAVICULA RHOMBOIDES, illustrating by photographs magnified on a screen, and showing how the real markings could be distinguished from the interference lines produced by oblique illumination of the object. Mr. W. Harkness continued his description of places visited while on the Southern Expedition for observing the late transit of Venus, viz., Crozet’s Island and the Sandwich Islands. 103p MEETING. Marcu 25, 1876. The President in the Chair. Thirty-five members and visitors present. Mr. G. K. Ginpert made a communication on LANDSLIPS AND LAKELETS, enumerating the various modes in which lakes originate, and describing in particular a class which occur on the slopes below certain high cliffs and depend on the manner in which the hard capping rock, usually volcanic, is undermined and parts in large blocks. Mr. Powe spoke of similar lakes, but in which the upper stratum was conglomerate instead of voleanic. There were lakes on the north side of the Uintah Mountains formed in the beds of old streams by dams of detritus. Dr. Davip Murray, Foreign Superintendent of Educational affairs in Japan, gave the Society an account of THE PROGRESS WHICH HAD BEEN MADE IN EDUCATIONAL MATTERS IN THAT EMPIRE. 10 . BULLETIN OF THE (ABSTRACT.) He first described the ancient system of education which existed before the recent revolution. It was introduced from China, which in matters of learning and literature holds to Japan the position of mother country. ‘The territorial Daimios in many instances took great pride in the maintenance of institutions of learning for the benefit of their immediate retainers. In these institutions the elements of learning, as well as the higher depart- ments of history and political philosophy, were taught with great thoroughness. Chinese philosophy, in the works of Confucius, Mencius, and others, was taught by professors who gave their lives to the study and elucidation of these great masters. Along with this literary and philosophical training the Japan- ese youth were also regularly trained in athletic and military exercises. Such institutions were maintained usually at the ex- pense of the Daimios, and were restricted to those who were subsequently to enter the service of their masters. Schools for the education of the mercantile, agricultural, and laboring classes were very common, but were not maintained at the government expense. Hach district or neighborhood sustained its own school, and it speaks well for their appreciation of learn- ing that under this voluntary system almost the entire population were able to read and write. In 1872, after the consummation of the revolution which re- established the unity of the empire, a department of education was organized for the administration of all matters pertaining to schools and colleges throughout the empire. Under this depart- ment the following classes of institutions of learning have been established :— 1. Elementary Schools.—These are conducted in the Japanese language, and the prescribed schedule of studies for them corre- sponds nearly with that of American elementary schools. 2. Normal Schools.—To provide competent teachers for the elementary schools, government normal schools have been estab- lished, the graduates from which have been employed in the dif- ferent provinces to reorganize schools and instruct the teachers in the performance of their duties. 3. Foreign Language Schools.—In order to raise up a class of men able to transmute foreign learning into the Japanese tongue, schools for teaching English and other foreign languages have been provided by the. government. English thus becomes to Japan its learned language, as Latin was the learned language to Europe in the Middle Ages. 4, Colleges aad Technical Schools.—To provide for the higher departments of learning, colleges conducted in a foreign language have been organized and are now in successful operation. In this way excellent instruction may now be obtained in Law and Government, in Engineering, in Chemical Technology, in Naval PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. (ial Architecture, in Medical Science, and in Naval and Military Sci- ences. There is also a provision made by the government to send abroad choice students who have passed with credit through the courses of study in the institution at home. They go abroad to follow up the department of science which they have already entered upon, and are expected to return and serve the govern- ment as experts in these branches, or as teachers and professors in the schools. There is a very strong public sentiment in Japan in favor of education, and there is no indication that, in this most important part of their work in the reorganization of their government, they are likely to relax in their efforts or fail in ultimate success. In answer to many inquiries Dr. Murray gave to the Society much information in regard to the operations now in progress. Mr. Henry remarked that Dr. Murray has explained the rapid progress of the Japanese in the last few years. They were not an uneducated people, though they had arrived at a stationary condition and were incapable of advance while secluded from other nations, and yet were prepared to avail themselves of the progress in education, science, and arts with which they have lately become acquainted. Mr. O. T. Mason commenced a communication on INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS FOR CHARTS OF PREHISTORICAL ARCH AOLOGY, exhibiting charts of these symbols, and explaining them and their combinations. 104TH MEETING. APRIL 8, 1876. The President in the Chair. Forty-six members and visitors present. Mr. Henry made a communication on ILLUMINATING MATERIALS, explaining the adaptation of various kinds for use in Light- houses, and the investigations and tests which had been made of their qualities. 72 BULLETIN OF THE He then introduced Mr. Mason, of Baltimore, who exhibited apparatus which he had devised for determining the explosive character of kerosene oils, and made experiments on several sam- ples, showing the temperature at which the vapor of each would flash on the approach of a lighted match, and that at which the oil would begin to burn. The flashiny test gave temperatures about 20° F. below the fire test, and the latter was several de- grees below the standard of 110° F., with which the samples were marked. Mr. O. T. Mason continued his paper upon THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS FOR CHARTS OF PREHISTORIC ARCH MOLOGY. He said that they sufficiently answered the characters of sim- plicity, distinctness, speciality, and mnemotechny. As to their universality, it was necessary for them to be not only universally legible, but also universally applicable. In this sense they were, in the first place, restricted to Hurope principally, and even there failed to mark either a built-up wall, or a place of sacrifice. For the wall Mr. Mason proposed the sign |—;"], and for a sacrifice ane In order to make the signs apply to America several addi- tions would have to be made. ‘To supply the want of a sign for an ossuary, the symbol grave is taken with a plus in the centre. A tribal lodge is indicated by the six-pointed star with a plus inclosed; an animal mound by the mound sign with the plus inclosed. Mr. Mason concluded by urging geologists of the National Surveys and others to give a portion of their leisure to the location and description of the antiquities of our country. Mr. Powety followed with remarks on the very little know- ledge that could be gathered from relics; and Mr. GiLt on the information to be derived from animal remains. 105TH MEETING. APRIL 22, 1876. The President in the Chair. Forty-eight members and visitors present. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 73 Mr. W. B. Taywor read a paper on THE TEMPERATURE OF SPACE. Mr. Tayror remarked that, although this title was derived from the illustrious Fourier, and was in general use, it was obviously not very accurate; and that perhaps the designation ‘‘star-heat” would be less objectionable, as being the nearest analogue to star-light. FourRIER supposed that this temperature could not be much less than the coldest degree observed in polar regions, and esti- mated it at —58° F. Porsson, following in his track, adopted essentially the same views and the same estimate; suggesting, however, that in the course of one million years the solar system might have passed from an external temperature of +100° C. to that of —100° C.—a demonstrably impossible occurrence. PovuiLteT (in 1838) estimated the “temperature of space at —224° F. Hopkins (in 1855) placed this temperature as high as —39° F. And Sir Joan Herscuen (in 1857) made an esti- mate somewhat lower than that of Pournuet, or —239° F. Eminent as these names are, their results are very discordant, and are all based on assumptions of great improbability. Remem- bering our own equatorial “snow-line,” and our tropical ice- clouds, at no greater elevation than three or four miles, it seems quite incredible that in open space, unprotected by any atmo- sphere, mercury could be melted (at 91,000,000 miles) even under the direct blaze of the sun. And this is about the temperature assigned by Hopxrns to star-heat alone. Mr. Taytor concluded that we have really no reason for sup- posing that the heat radiated to us from the stars bears any higher ratio to the heat received from the sun, than star-light bears to sun-light; and that as the whole amount’of light received from the stellar vault on both hemispheres does not probably exceed the ten-millionth of that received from the sun, the heat being in the same proportion, even Hurscuet’s estimate (the lowest here cited) must be pronounced enormously too high; and the star-heat, commonly called the “temperature of space,” can- not be much above the absolute zero. Mr. Newcoms followed with some remarks, concurring in these views. 74 BULLETIN OF THE Further remarks were made by Mr. Henry. Mr. J. W. PoweLt made a communication on MONOCLINAL RIDGES, of which the following is an abstract. (ABSTRACT.) Throughout the Rocky Mountain region there are many con- spicuous topographic features found on the flanks of great ranges and elsewhere, known as monoclinal ridges. Such a ridge is composed of beds dipping in one direction. On the face of the ridge the escarped edges of the beds are exhibited. On the back of the ridge, the highest geological bed is found, and often the slope of the back conforms more or less to the dip of the beds. But where the dip is great, the higher beds are bevelled toward the summit of the ridge; where the dip is small the higher beds are cut through at the foot of the slope, so that lower beds are revealed, especially in the gulches. In any region where the beds involved are stratified and dis- placement is by flexure, and upheaval is faster than atmospheric degradation, monoclinal ridges appear; such ridges being com- _ posed of harder beds, while the valley spaces are excavated in more friable material. Manifestly, all such ridges must face the axis of upheaval. In somewhat symmetric anticlinals the series of ridges appearing on one flank is also seen on the other. Here the genesis of such ridges both in anticlinal and mono- clinal flexures was explained, and the following law was stated. As upheaval progresses part passu with degradation, monoclinal ridges recede from the axis of upheaval with the increase—in the amplitude of the flexure, and new ridges may appear near the axial region. Mr. Powe. then explained the effect faults have in giving position to the ridges. He first considered the effect of a fault at right angles to the axis of upheaval, and hence at right angles to the monoclinal ridge. In such a case, upheaval is arrested on one side of the fault, but continues on the other, both in anticlinal and monoclinal flexures. In the arrested portian the ridges cease to recede from the axis of upheaval, while in the other portion where upheaval goes on, the ridges continue to recede. By the fracture the ridge is broken, and by the recession of one part and non-recession of the other, the ridge is faulted in such a manner as to give it the appearance of a “ lateral displacement,” and such phenomena have thus been erroneously explained. The following law was stated. Where a monoclinal ridge is broken and one portion carried farther back from the axis of up- heaval than the other, the faulting is by vertical upheaval, though the ridges appear to be horizontally displaced. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 15 Mr. Powe.t then explained the effect of a fault oblique to the axis of upheaval; he then explained the effect of two oblique faults crossing each other, in all these cases illustrating from examples in nature. Then he further explained how a ridge that was simple togopographically might be compound geologically, being composed in different parts of beds of different geological horizons. In the examples considered, those changes in monoclinal ridges were produced by faults transverse or oblique to the dip of the beds or the axis of upheaval. Another series of changes are produced by faults parallel or nearly so to the axis of upheaval. On either flank of an anticlinal or in a monoclinal, there is a belt of dipping rocks, which may be denominated as the zone of flex- ure. It is often observed in nature that displacement proceeds as flexure along such a zone for a time, and subsequently dis- placement by flexure ceases, but is continued by faulting, so that a plane of fracture is found to run along a zone of flexure. If the plane of fracture is on the side of the zone of flexure nearer the axis of upheaval, the ridges composed of beds of the lower geological horizon are lost; if the plane of fracture is on the side of the zone of flexure farther from the axis of upheaval, the ridges composed of the beds of the higher geological horizon dis- appear; if the plane of fracture is midway in the zone of flexure, the middle ridges disappear. Often the plane of fracture meanders through the zone of flexure where the ridges are more or less curved and broken, and ridges that are simple geographically, are often compound geolo- gically. All the monoclinal ridges thus far described, are MonocLinaL Rupees or UNEQUAL DEGRADATION as distinguished from Mono- CLINAL RIDGE oF DIsPLACEMENT. The latter have a very differ- ent genesis from the former. 1844. 1844. 1845. 1845. 1845. 1845. 1845. 1845. 1845. 1846. 1846. 1846. 1846. 1846. 1846. 1847. 1847. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 363 Jour. Sct. Oct. 1844, vol. xlviii. pp. 216, 217. L. H. D. Phil. Mag. June, 1845, vol. xxxvi. pp. 541-543. Syllabus of Lectures on Physics. Princeton, 8vo. 1844. Repub- lished in part in Smithsonian Report, 1856, pp. 187-220. Classification and Sources of Mechanical Power. (Read Dec. 20.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. pp. 127-129. On the Coast Survey. Princeton Review, April, 1845, vol. xvii. pp. 321-344, On the relative Radiation of Heat by the Solar Spots. (Read June 20.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. pp. 173-176. Brief Abstract in Report Brit. Assoc. 1845, Part II. p. 6. Walker’s Hlectrical Magazine, 1846, vol. ii. pp. 321-324. Froriep’s Newe Notizen, etc., No. 826, 1846, vol. XXXVIil. col. 179-182. Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 1846, vol. Ixvill. pp. 102-104. On the Capillarity of Metals. (Read June 20.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. pp. 176-178. Froriep’s Neue Notizen, etc., No. 825, 1846, vol. xxxvili. col. 167-169. Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie. 2d supplemental vol. (Nach Band Ixxii.) 1848, pp. 358-361. On the Protection of Buildings from Lightning. (Read June 20.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. p. 179. Silliman’s Am. Jour. Scz. 1846, vol. ii. pp. 405, 406. Walker’s Hlectrical Magazine, 1846, vol. ii. pp. 324-326. Froriep’s Newe Notzen, etc., No. 823, 1846, vol. xxxvili. col. 133, 134. An account of peculiar effects on a house struck by Lightning. (Read June 20.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. p. 180. On Color Blindness. Princeton Review, July, 1845, vol. xvii. pp. 483-489. On the discharge of Electricity through a long wire, ete. (Read Nov. 7.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. pp. 208, 209. Repetition of Faraday’s Experiment on the Polarization of Liquids under the influence of a galvanic current. (Read Jan. 16.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. pp. 229, 230. ‘Extrait d’une Lettre 4 M. de la Rive, sur les Télégraphes Elec- triques daus les Etats-Unis de l)Amérique. Bzblioth. Univer- selle. Archives, 1846, vol. ii. p. 178. Report on the action of Electricity on the Telegraph Wires: and Telegraph-poles struck by Lightning. (Read June 19.) Pro- ceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. pp. 260-268. Silliman’s Am. Jour. Sct. 1847, vol. iii. pp. 25-32. L. H. D. Phil. Mag. 1847, vol. xxx. pp. 186-194. Agricultural Report, Commr. Pats. 1859, pp. 509-511. On the ball supported by a water jet. (Read Oct. 16.) Proceed- ngs Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. p. 285. On the corpuscular hypothesis of the constitution of Matter. (Read Noy. 6.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. pp. 287-290. On the Height of Aurore. (Read Dee. 3.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. p. 370. Programme of Organization of the Smithsonian Institution. (Pre- sented to the Board of Regents, Dec. 8, 1847.) Smithsonian Report, 1847, pp. 120-132. Article on ‘“‘ Magnetism’ for the Encyclopedia Americana. Hn- cycl. Amer. 1847, vol. xiv. pp. 412-426. 137 18595. BULLETIN OF THE . On Heat.—A Thermal Telescope. Silliman’s Am Jour. Sez. Jan. 1848, vol. v. pp: 113, 114. . Explanations and Illustrations of the Plan of the Smithsonian institution. Silliman’s Am. Jour. Scz. Noy. 1848, vol. vi. pp. 305-317. . On the Radiation of Heat. (Read Oct. 19.) Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc. vol. v. p. 108. . Analysis of the dynamic phenomena of the Leyden jar. Proceed- ings Amer. Assoczatzon. Aug. 1850, pp. 377, 378. . On the Limit of Perceptibility of a direct and reflected Sound. Proceedings Amer. Association, May, 1851, pp. 42, 43. . On the Theory of the so-called Imponderables. Proceedings Amer. Association, Aug. 1851, pp. 84-91. . Address before the Metropolitan Mechanics’ Institute, Washing- ton. (Delivered March 19.) 8yvo. Washington, 1853, pp. 19. . Meteorological lables of mean diurnal variations, etc. prepared as an Appendix to Mr. Russell’s Lectures on Meteorology. Smithsonian Report for 1854, pp. 215-223. . Thoughts on Hducation; an Introductory Discourse before the Association for Advancement of Education. (Delivered Dec. 28.) Proceedings Assoc. Adv. Education, 4th Session, 1854, pp. 17-31. On the mode of Testing Building Materials, ete. Proceedings Am. Assoc. Aug. 1855, pp. 102-112. Silliman’s Am. Jowr. Sct. July, 1856, vol. xxii. pp. 80-38; Smzthsonzan Report, 1856, pp. 303-310. . On the effect of mingling Radiating Substances with Combustible Materials: (or incombustible bodies with fuel). Proceedings Am. Assoc. Aug. 1855, pp. 112-116. . Account of Experiments on the alleged spontaneous separation of Alcohol and Water. Proceed. Am. Assoc. Aug. 1855, pp. 140-144. . On the Induction of Electrical Currents. (Read Sept.11.) Pro- ceedings Am. Academy of Arts, etc. vol. iii. p. 198. . Note on the Gyroscope. Appendix to Lecture by Prof. EH. S. Snell. Smithsonian Report, 1855, p. 190. . Remarks on Rain-fall at varying elevations. Smthsonzan Re- port, 1855, pp. 213, 214. 55. Directions for Meteorological Observations. (In conjunction with Prof. A. Guyot.) Smethsonian Report, 1855, pp. 215-244. . Circular of Inquiries relative to Harthquakes. Smethsonian Re- port, 1855, p. 245. . Instructions for Observations of the Aurora. Smithsonian Re- port, 1855, pp. 247-250. . On Green’s Standard Barometer for the Sm. Institution. Smzth- sontan Report, 1855, pp. 251-258. . Circular of Instructions on Registering the periodical phenomena of animal and vegetable life. Smzthsoncan Report, 1855, pp. 259-263. . Meteorology in its connection with Agriculture, Part I. Agri- cultural Report of Commr. Pats. 1855, pp. 357-394. . On Acoustics applied to Public Buildings. Proceedings Am. Assoc. Aug. 1856, pp. 119-135. Smethsonian Report, 1856, pp- 221-234. Canadian Journal, 1857, vol. ii. pp. 130-140. 138 1856 1856 1857. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 365 . Account of a large Sulphuric-acid Barometer in the Hall of the Smithsonian Institution Building. Proceedings Am. Assoc. Aug. 1856, pp. 135-138. . Meteorology in its connection with Agriculture, Part. II. Gene- ral Atmospheric Conditions. Agricultural Report of Commr. Pats. 1856, pp. 455-492. Communication to the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian In- stitution, relative to a publication by Prof. Morse. Smethsonian Report, 1857, pp. 85-88. 1857. Meteorology in its connection with Agriculture, Part III. Ter- 1858 1859 1859 1859. 1859. 1860. 1860. 1860. 1861. 1861. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1865. 1865. restrial Physics, and Temperature. Agricultural Report of Commr. Pats. 1857, pp. 419-506. Meteorology in its connection with Agriculture, Part IV. At- mospheric Vapor, and Currents. Agricultural Report of Commr. Pats. 1858, pp. 429-493. On Meteorology. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, Aug. 1859, vol. iv. pp. 289-291. . Application of the Telegraph to the Prediction of Changes of the Weather. (Read Aug. 9.) Proceedings Am. Academy of Arts, etc. vol. iv. pp. 271-275. Meteorology in its connection with Agriculture, Part V. Atmo- spheric Electricity. Agricultural Report of Commr. Pats. 1859, pp. 461-509. On the Protection of Buildings from the effects of Lightning. Agricult. Report, Com. Pat. 1859, pp. 511-524. On the Conservation of Force. Silliman’s Am. Jour. Scz. July 1860, vol. xxx. pp. 32-41. Circular to Officers of Hudson’s Bay Company (April 20). Smth- sonian Miscell. Collections, No. 137, vol. viii. pp. 1-6. Description of Smithsonian Anemometer. Smthsonian Report, 1860, pp. 414-416. Letter on Aeronautics to Mr. T. 8. C. Lowe. (March 11.) Smithsonian Report, 1860, pp. 118, 119. Article on “ Magnetism” for the American Encyclopedia. Edited by Ripley and Dana. Am. Hncyel. 1861, vol. xi. pp. 61-63. Article on “ Meteorology” for the American Encyclopedia. Edited by Ripley and Dana. Am. Encycl. 1861, vol. xi. pp. 414-420. Report of the Light House Board on the proposed Transfer of the Lights to the Navy Department. Exec. Docts. 37th Cong. 2d Sess. Senate, Mis. Doc. No. 61, pp. 2-18. Introduction to Memoir by Prof. J. Plateau. On the Figures of Equilibrium of a Liquid Mass, ete. Smithsonian Report, 1863, pp. 207, 208. On Materials for Combustion in Lamps of Light-Houses. (Read Jan. 12, before the National Academy of Sciences.) [Not pub- lished in Proceedings. ] Report relative to the Fire at the Smithsonian Institution, occur- ring Jan. 24th, 1865. (In conjunction with Mayor Richard Wallach.) Presented to the Regents February, 1865. Smth- sonian Report, 1864, pp. 117-120. Queries relative to Tornadoes: directions to observers. Smzth- sonian Miscell. Collections, No. 190, vol. x. pp. 1-4. Remarks on the Meteorology of the United States. Smthsonian Report, 1865, pp. 50-59. 139 366 1865. 1866. 1866. 1866. 1866. 1866. 1866. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1868. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1871. 1871. 1871 1871 PULLETIN OF THE Remarks on Ventilation: especially with reference to the U.S. Capitol. Smzethsonian Report, 1865, pp. 67-69. Report on the Warming and Ventilating of the U.S. Capitol. (May 4.) Haec. Doc. No. 100. H. of Rep. 39th Cong. Ist Sess. pp. 4-6. Report of Building Committee on Repairs to Sm. Institution from Fire. (In conjunction with Genl. Richard Delafield, and Mayor Richard Wallach.) Presented to Regents April 28. Smeth- sonian Report, 1865, pp. 111-114. On the aboriginal Migration of the American races. Appendix. to paper by F. Von Hellwald. Smethsonian Report, 1866, pp. 344, 345. Remarks on Vitality. Smzthsonvan Report, 1866, pp. 386-388. Meteorological Notes. To Correspondents. Smthsonian Report,. 1866, pp. 403-412. Investigations in regard to Sound. (Read Aug. 10, before the National Academy of Sciences.) [Not published in Proceed- ings. oe relating to Collections in Archeology and Ethnology. (Jan. 15.) Smithsonian Miscell. Collections, No. 205, vol. viii. pp. 1, 2. Circular relative to Exchanges. (May 16.) Smthsonian Re- port, 1867, p. 71. Suggestions relative to Objects of Scientific Investigation in Russian America. (May 27.) Smithsonian Miscell. Collec- tions, No. 207, vol. viii. pp. 1-7. Notice of Peltier. Smethsonvan Report, 1867, p. 158. Notes on Atmospheric Electricity. ‘To Correspondents. Smeth- sonian Report, 1867, pp. 320-323. On the Penetration of Sound. (Read Jan. 24, before the National Academy of Sciences.) [Not published in Proceedings. | Appendix to a Notice of Scheenbein. Smethsonian Report, 1868, pp. 189-192. On the Rain-fall of the United States. (Read Aug. 25, before the ena Academy of Sciences.) [Not published in Pro- ceedings. Memoir of Alexander Dallas Bache. (Read April 16.) Bograph- ical Memoirs of Nat. Acad. Scz. vol. i. pp. 181-212. Smath- sonian Report, 1870, pp. 91-116. Letter. On a Physical Observatory. (Dec. 29.) Smzthsonian. Report, 1870, pp. 141-144. Observations on the Rain-fall of the United States. Proceedengs California Academy of Sciences, vol. iv. p. 185. Instructions for Observations of Thunder-Storms. Smzthsonzan- Miscell. Collections, No. 235, vol. x. p. 1. Circular relative to Heights. For a topographic chart of N. America. Smithsonian Miscell. Collections, No. 236, vol. x. il : Direviene for constructing Lightning-Rods. Smithsonian. Mis- cell. Collections, No. 237, vol. x. pp. 1-3. Silliman’s Am. Jour. Sct. Nov. 1871, vol. ii. pp. 344-346. . Letter to Capt. C. F. Hall, in regard to the Scientific Operations of the Expedition toward the North Pole. (June 9.) Smth- sonian Report, 1871, pp. 364-366. 140 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 367 1871. Suggestions as to Meteorological Observations ; during the Expe- dition toward the North Pole. Smithsonian Report, 1871, pp. 372-379. 1871. Meteorological Notes and Remarks. Smithsonian Report, 1871, pp. 452, 455, 456, 459, 461. 1871. Effect of the Moon on the Weather. Smithsonian Report, 1871, pp. 460, 461. 1871. Anniversary Address as President of the Philosophical Society of Washington. (Delivered Nov. 18.) Bulletin Phil. Soc. Washington, vol. 1. pp. 5-14. 1872. Remarks on Cosmical Theories of Electricity and Magnetism: an Appendix to a Memoir by Prof. G. B. Donati. Smthsonian Report, 1872, pp. 8307-309. 1872. On certain Abnormal Phenomena of Sound, in connection with Fog-signals. (Read Dec. 11.) Bulletin Phil. Soc. Washington, vol. i. p. 65, and Appendix ix. 8 pp. 1873. Letter to John C. Green, Esq., of New York, on his establishment of the “ Henry Chair of Physics” in the College of New Jersey. Washington Daily Chronzcle, Mar. 21, 1873. 1873. Telegraphic Announcements of Astronomical Discoveries. (May.) Snmuthsonian Mescell. Collections, No. 263, vol. xii. pp. 1-4. 1873. Remarks on the Light-House Service. Report of Light-House Board, 1873, pp. 3-7. 1874, Report of Investigations relative to Fog-Signals, and certain ab- normal phenomena of Sound. Report of Light-House Board, 1874. Appendix, pp. 83-117. 1874. Memoir of Joseph Saxton. (Read Oct. 4.) Béographical Me- moirs of Nat. Acad. Scz. vol. i. pp. 287-316. 1874. Remarks on Recent Earthquakes in North Carolina. Smithsonian Report, 1874, pp. 259, 260. 1875. Remarks on the Light-House Service. Report of Light-House Board, 18%5, pp. 5-8. 1875, An account of investigations relative to Illuminating Materials. Report of Light-House Board, 1875. Appendix, pp. 86-103. 1875. Investigations relative to Sound. Report of Light House Board, 1875. Appendix, pp. 104-126. 1875. On the Organization of Local Scientific Societies. Smzthsonzan Report, 1875, pp. 217-219. 1876. Article on “ Fog,” for Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia. Edited by Dr. Barnard. J. Univ. Cycl. vol. ii. pp. 187, 188. 1876. Article on ‘“ Fog-Signals” for Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia. Kdited by Dr. Barnard. J. Univ. Cycl. vol. ii. pp. 188-190. 1877. Article on “Lightning” for Jobnson’s Universal Cyclopedia. Kdited by Dr. Barnard. J. Unzv. Cycl. vol. iii. pp. 32-36. 1877. Article on “ Lightning-Rods” for Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia. Edited by Dr. Barnard. J. Unzv. Cycl. vol. iii. pp. 36, 37. 1877. Remarks on the Light-House Service. Report of Light-House Board, 1877, pp. 3-7. 1877. Report of Operations relative to Fog Signals. Report of Light- House Board, 1877. Appendix, pp. 61-72. 1877. Address before the Philosophical Society of Washington. Bul- leten Phil. Soc. Washington, vol. ii. pp. 162-174. 1878. On Thunder Storms (Letter Oct. 13.) Journal Am. Electrical Society, 1878, vol. ii. pp. 37-43. 34 368 BULLETIN OF THE 1878. Letter to Joseph Patterson, Hsq., of Philadelphia, on the “ Joseph Henry Fund.” (Dated Jan. 10.) Public Ledger and Tran- script, May 14, 1878. The Press, of Philadelphia, May 14, 1878. 1878. Report on the Ventilation of the Hall of the House of Represen- tatives. (Jan. 26.) 40th Cong. 2nd Sess. H.R. Report, No. 119, pp. 1-6. 1878. Report on the Use of the Polariscope in Saccharometry. (Feb. 5.) Mis. Doc. 45th Cong. 2nd Sess. H. R. 1878. Opening Address before National Academy of Sciences. (Read April 16.) Proceedings Nat. Acad. Scv., vol. i. part 2, pp. 127, 128. 1878. Closing Address before National Academy of Sciences. (Read April 19.) Proceedings Nat. Acad. Scz., vol. i. part 2, pp. 129, 130. ADJOURNED MEETING. NovEMBER 2, 1878. Continued Memorial Meeting. Vice-President WELLING in the Chair. ’ Mr. Prerer PARKER read the following address commemorative of JOSEPH HENBY. Mr. PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON: I desire to say a few words in memory of our lamented Presi- dent, JosepH Henry. Many have already pronounced his eulogy and set forth his rare talents and influence upon the world, and I need not, and could not well were I to attempt it, add to your appreciation of Professor Henry, his life and character as a friend, scientist, his eminent services in the department of sci- ence, and as a Christian the highest type of man. For twenty years I have been intimately acquainted with Professor HENRY, and happily associated with him in many ways; for ten years as a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution. J have never known a more excellent man. His memory has been much on my mind since he left us, and I often find myself inquiring how he, and others like him, are occupied now? His connection with time is severed, but his existence continues. When I recall the names of Bacnz, of Paar, of Agassiz, and Henry, and others of sim- ilar intellect and virtues, I detect myself asking the question, Are to them all consciousness and thought now suspended by separa- PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 369 tion from the body? Iam reluctant to believe it. But, this I believe: the Infinite Father’s ways are right. It seems most providential that Professor Hunry had the op- portunity and the strength to give in person his last words, a priceless legacy, to the National Academy of Sciences, and through that association to the civilized and scientific world. I refer to his sentiment that “moral excellence is the highest dignity of man.” The loftiest talent and highest attainments without this are deficient in that which in the judgment of wise men and of Infinite Wisdom, is of greatest worth. Was there ever a man from whom the sentiment could come with a better grace | I have heard the opinion expressed, and do not think it extra- vagant, that the letter addressed by Professor Henry to his valued friend, Joseph Patterson, emanating from such a mind, such a man, at the close of a protracted life of singular distinc- tion, was worth a lifetime to produce. It has been read, probably, by millions, in various languages, and will be by future genera- tions. The best tribute we as members of this Society can offer to the memory of our first President will be to emulate his vir- tues, and, far as practicable, to imitate his urbanity, his candor, nobleness of mind and heart, and his Christian character. Professor HmNRY was not only a man of science, a discoverer of nature’s latent laws and forces, but a sincere believer in God, their author, and in His atoning Son. ‘To quote his language, ““We are conscious of having evil thoughts and tendencies that we cannot associate with a Divine Being, who is the director and governor of all, or call upon Him for mercy without the inter- cession of One who may affiliate himself with us.” I quote in conclusion from the prayer we offered at his funeral, to which we repeat our sincere Amen. [The lips that uttered them in one short month became silent in death, and the two remarkable men, Professors JosepH Hunry and CHARLES Hopes, closely united in life, were not long divided by death. ] “We thank Thee, O God, that JosepH Henry was born, that Thou didst endow him with such rare gifts, intellectual, moral, and spiritual; that Thou didst spare him to a good old age, and enable him to accomplish so much for the increase of human knowledge, and for the good of his fellow men; and above all, that Thou didst hold him up before this whole nation as such a 370 BULLETIN OF THE conspicuous illustration of the truth that moral excellence is the highest dignity of man.” The following address by Mr. B. AtvorpD was also read :— JOSEPH HENRY. On the 13th May, 1878, JosrpH Henry died in this city. No body of gentlemen have had such opportunities of watching the recent career of this distinguished man as the members of the Philosophical Society of Washington. The suddenness of the event is best realized by us when we recur to the clearness and firmness of his mind. as evinced in contact with this Society the whole of last winter. His annual address on the 24th of No- vember, 1877, was replete with the soundest advice to those who are entering on scientific investigations. We are struck with the freshness and elasticity of his mind and temper in his allusion to the method of scientific observation when he said: ‘There is a “story in a work entitled ‘Hvenings at Home,’ which made an “indelible impression on my mind. It is entitled ‘Hyes and No ‘““Hyes,’ and related to two boys who started on a walk during a “warm summer afternoon. On their return, one was fatigued, “ dissatisfied, having seen nothing, encountered only dust and “heat; while the other was charmed with his walk, which had ‘been over the same ground, and gave a glowing account of the “objects which he had met with, and of the reflections which ““were awakened by them.” Rarely does it happen that the labors of the scholar and stu- dent are continued with such undiminished powers up to the age of eighty. Besides his mental force and vigor, it is necessary to refer to the equipoise and judicial character of his temperament and organization. This fairness and careful avoidance of hasty judgments were important elements in his position as Director of the Smithsonian Institution. I had corresponded with him since 1850, for twenty-eight years, and the more we knew of him the more have all been impressed with his peculiar fitness for his task in that Institution. It may be deemed unnecessary to reeur to the amiable traits of his private character, and to his gentle and unostentatious demeanor; but in such a position these qualities form an impor- tant element in public character. Especially did this appear in PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 371 his exemption from dogmatism, so admirably portrayed in the words of General Sherman,* that he was free from the “arro- gance of wisdom.” ‘This was aptly said of a man who, if any in this country, could claim the right to dogmatize. The generous traits of his character are most vividly shown in the Report of the Special Committee of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (Annual Report, p. 88, Smith. Inst., published in 1858) presented by the late Prof. C. C. Felton on ithe matters between Samuel F. Morse and Prof. Henry. 1 refer especially to the letter of the Hon. Charles Mason, Commissioner of the Patent Office, dated March 31, 1856, stating that he was induced to grant the extension of Morse’s patent for the telegraph in “accordance with the express recommendation of Professor Henry.” It did not require the repeated dogma of the Supreme Court, that “a principle is not patentable; its practical applica- tion to some useful purpose constitutes the invention” (Brightly’s Digest, Vol. I. p. 609; Vol. If. p. 275) to cause Professor Henry not to stand in the way of patents in such cases. The bent of his whole life, the acmé of his ambition, the goal of his unflagging industry, was the discovery of scientific truths, the extension of the boundaries of human knowledge, and not the acquirement of wealth. Still it was but just that his brilliant discoveries in electro-magnetism, so essential in the invention of the telegraph, should be acknowledged. His recent investigations and experiments in sound (as we of this Society have all seen) all bordered on the inventions of the telephone, the phonograph, and the microphone. One of his most valuable suggestions was the publication by the Royal Society of London of the Index of Scientific Papers, recently completed in nine volumes, the preface to which refers to its origin from the recommendation of Professor HENRY. On the 15th of April last, a month before he died, I had a memorable conversation with him. As he had been denied the privilege, so long his habit and pleasure, of attending the meet- ings of this Society, I recounted for his amusement, at his request, a few of the items of one of our recent meetings, in which the fact that the motion of the inner satellite of Mars is more rapid than the motion of the planet, was the topic. And I referred to * His Address at Princeton, June 19, 1878. 372 BULLETIN OF THE some of the theories which were in harmony with the Nebular Hypothesis. He emphasized his firm persuasion that however we may succeed in elucidating and confirming the Nebular Hy- pothesis, we do not in any way weaken the necessity of resorting to a belief and a faith in an Omnipotent First Cause, who chooses his own devices and methods to create and sustain the machinery of the Universe. Similar sentiments are forcibly presented in his remarkable letter of the 12th of April last to a friend in Phil- adelphia, printed in the appendix to the pamphlet “Jn memoriam of the funeral services.” He did not often dwell in public on these topics. No one ever lived more tolerant in the best meaning of the word than JosEPH Henry. And no one more clearly discerned the wisdom and necessity of keeping science and religion in their independent channels, so that neither should be obstructed. But he never held that for this purpose it was necessary to lop off, or stunt, or suppress the delicate tendrils, the emotions and intuitions which may lead the faithful student to such thonghts. This association is termed the Philosophical Society. And Prof. Henry was in the truest and most comprehensive sense a Philosopher. “Philos,” a lover; “sophos,” wise—a wise lover; or a lover of wisdom. It is true that the word is generally em- ployed in reference either to pure and abstract science, or to phe- nomena and the logical deductions from those phenomena, And we, here in this Society, mainly dwell on the signal achievements of Prof. Henry in those domains, and on the traits of his career and character which have thus made him, emphatically, in the view of the whole world, a great philosopher. But he did really attain his very highest position as a philosopher; he was in the widest sense a lover of wisdom, of truth, and of nature, with wonderful insight of its entire economy, when he went beyond the mere cultivation of his logical faculties, and also cherished a contemplation of his moral and spiritual being, and of all the ties and elements which environ man in the creation. Remarks were made-by Messrs. GILL, PARKER, WELLING, Woopwarp, and Exuiort, chiefly with regard to Professor Henry on the Darwinian hypothesis and his willingness at an early period to receive it as a working hypothesis only. q PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 373 Mr. Nicuouson referred to experiments conducted by him in 1861 under the direction of Mr. Henry on the six metre bar of the Coast Survey for determining its expansion by heat, and a series commenced, but not completed, for determining the effect of magnetism on metallic bars, showing a decided effect. Mr. Exitott spoke of the interest he manifested in the higher applications of mathematics especially to electricity, and the wish on his part to promote the branches of science, with which he did not profess to be completely familiar. Messrs. ANTISELL, PARKER, and FArQquHAR spoke of the en- couragement and assistance afforded by Mr. Henry to young men in the prosecution of scientific researches. f ie h AY mia ‘j APPENDIX. NV ON THE ‘“PRODROMUS METHODI MAMMALIUM” OF STORR. By THEODORE GILL. (Reap OctToBer, 1874.) In the year 1780, Dr. Gottlieb Conrad Christian Storr, at that time prorector and a professor of the University of Tubingen, published a memoir on the classification of the mammals, under the title ‘““Prodromvus Methodi Manmalivm,’ which has attained a certain degree of celebrity, and which at the same time is ex- tremely rare. For nearly two years I endeavored in vain to obtain this publication, and applied to, or examined the catalogues of, the libraries of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution, and the chief libraries of Philadelphia, Boston, and New York, and also the Royal Society of London, the Zoological Society of London, and the Linnean Society of London, and in the cata- logues of none was the work mentioned. Through the Agent of the Smithsonian Institution in London, application was also made at the British Museum in order to have it copied, but nothing was known there of the publication. By a happy chance, how- ever, a copy of the long desired work was recently procured by the indefatigable officer in charge of the library of the Surgeon- General’s office, Dr. John 8. Billings, in a lot of medical theses purchased by him. It is to be at once noted that this disserta- tion is a pamphlet of 43 pages and with four tables of classifica- tion annexed, and it thus corresponds with a publication noticed in several bibliographies under the title ‘‘ Prodromys Methodi Mammalivm et Avivm;” it is therefore probable that no other work with the title just mentioned exists. If conjecture may be hazarded, it is possible that the somewhat similar title of Iliger’s work has been confounded with and carried over to the work of Storr. Storr’s Prodromus is, however (with the limitations here- after noted), exclusively confined to the mammals, the birds not being at all considered. ! Storr (Gottlieb Conrad Christian). Propromvs Metnop! MAMMALIVM.— — | Rectore Vniversitatis magnificentissimo | serenissimo atqve potentis- simo | dvce ac domino | Carolo | dvee Wvrtembergiz ac Teccize regnante, rel. rel, | — | Ad institvendam | ex decreto gratiose facvltatis medice pro legitime conseqvendo | doctoris medicine gradv | inavgvralem dis- pvtationem | propositvs | preside | Gorrn. Conr. Carist. Storr | medicine doctore, hvivs, chemie et botanices | professore pvblico ordinario | vni- versitatis H. T. pro-rectore, | respondente | Friderico Wolffer, | Bohnland- ense. | — | Tvbinga, d. Jul. MDCCLXXX. | — | Litteris Reissianis. [4to, 43 pp., 4 tables. ] (3) il APPENDIX. Storr, after general sremarks on methods and classification (which would contrast rather than compare with the views current among scientific taxonomists of the present day), discusses the classification in successively narrowed terms, of the groups in- cluding the mammals, dividing them as follows :— (1) The animal kingdom into two agmina; one containing the Red-blooded Animals (RuBRIsANGUIA), and the other the White-blooded animals. (2) The agmen RUBRISANGUIA into two acies: the Warm- blooded and the Cold-blooded animals. (3) The actes of Warm-blooded animals into two classes: Mamaia and AVES. (4) The class MAMMALIA into three categories or phalanges: one (PEepata) fitted for locomotion on the land; the second (PINNEPEDIA) for progression in the water rather than on the land; and the third (Pinnara) for progression exclusively in the water.’ (5) The phalanx PEDATA into two cohortes: distinguished, one by the presence of claws (Cohors Uneautcunata), and the other by the presence of hoofs (Cohors UNGULATA).® 2“Sedes nimirum hisce animalibus non eadem omnibus facta est: maxima quidem eorum pars in terra potius vitam agit, quam in aquis, qui- busdam tamen aquam magis, quam terram, habitantibus, aliquibus & aequori perpetuo commissis : Triplict itaque vitae generi haud parcior respondit fabrice mammalium varietas : Terrena quidem artuum absolutissima fabrica eminent, qui, ab exortu liberi, commodeque trunco nexi, multiplici & artificiosissimo perficiendo motui aptati sunt; Aquatili magis quam terrestrt vite deditis ninus in artubus habilitatis est, cum integumentis trunci ultra medietatem includantur, postremique precipue artus ad imum ventrem revincti, qua parte demum solutiores prodeunt, apices porrigant ad incessum minus idoneos, ad remigandum contra magis adaptatos, complanatos, expansosque. Corpus preterea circa pectus ampliatum, hinc magis magisque extenuatum, sic quoque piscium quandum habitudinem induit. * * * * % % *% * * * * Atque sic mammalium classis in ¢res secedit phalunges.’’ pp. 16, 17. 3 Neque vero hactenus expositis momentis ita exhauriuntur omnes fab- rice eorum modi, omnisque horum ferax vite generis varietas, ut nnllis porro locus sit ulterioribus modificationibus, quas vite genus tulerit subinde magis magisque definitum. Quin ipsa artuum conformatio novo crescentis varietatis mox exemplo est: Extremi pedatorum mammalium artus corneis quibusdam muniuntur laminis, que pronti in scutuli uncive incumbentis [ Unguiculata], vel undequaque circumjecti calceoli [ Ungulata] formentur modum, plus minus favent, obsunt partium earum expeditis, apto, validove motui. Respondet autem reliquo vite generi hee quoque artuum fabrica. Neque adeo repudianda erat dudum adnotata n) unguiculatorum ungu- latoramque animalium discrepantia, que quippe dignoscendis probe infer- viat phalangis huius ambis cohortibus: Prima sie unguiculatorum cohors est, superimpositis, nec circumjectis corneis istis munimentis ad artus extimos armata; Altera ungulatorum, que velamento tali corneo obducta atque circumscriptos prodit artuum apices. p. 18. 2) APPENDIX. iii (6) The cohortes into respectively three ordines,* distinguished by modifications of the teeth and digestive apparatus, viz.: (a) the cohors Unguiculata into the ordines (1) Primates,’ (2) Ro- sorEs,® and (3) Muricr;7 (0) the cohors Ungulata into the orders® (1) Jumenra,? (2) Pecora,” and (3) Bentuza.” (1) The Ordo Primates into two missus, distinguished by the presence or absence of hands: Missus (I.) Manuati, and Missus (11.) EManvuati.” 4 Pedatorum mammalium utraque cohors, siquidem instrumentorum manducationis habeatur ratio, ad hoc momentum ériplicem varietatem ofiert, unde fot utrique ordines subjiciuntur. p. 21. 6 Primus nune unzguiculatorum ordo ea de cohorte animalia feligit, que mandueationis apparatu instructissimo ac perfectissimo eminent. * * * * Primatum nomen primo ordini mammalium Linnzi iam auctoritate con- ciliatum huic mes methodi mammalium primo eque ordini fervare nullus dubito, qaum eodem primi loci titulo denominatione ista utar, majorem licet animalium numerum huie ordini adscisci prolate mez methodi leges precipiant. Pleraque hujus ordinis animalia sunt carnivora, vel omni- vora, aliquibus in usum quoque cedit victus vegetabilis, sed fructuum maxime & universe partium plantarum probe nutrientium. pp. 21-25. 6 Secundus Vnguiculatorum ordo dentaria officina distinguitur ad roden- dum tam exquisite adaptata, ut rosorum nomine hune ordinem siguare visum fuerit. pp. 26-27. 7 Terlius unguiculatorum ordo manca dentarii apparatus conditione ag- noscitur. p. 29. 8 Ungulatornm animalium cohorti tres eque ordines subesse, presignifi- catum fuit. p. 29. 9 Primus nunc horum ordinum cum primo unguiculatorum ordine com- mune habet, quod dentium omni genere ambe maxille polleant. * * * * TJumentorum nomen ordini, qui equum recipit, Linnei olim7r) inditum auctoritate, conservari etiamnum posse visum fuit. p. 29. 10 Pecorum ordo, ungulatorum alter, satis quoque conspicuo signatus est nature sigillo, cum maxillarum & ventriculi fabrica, & pabuli conficiendi modus alius hujus ordinis animalibus, quam cnique alii, obtigerit; Unde & ruminantium nomine ab antiquissimus temporibus distingui consueve- runt. p. 29. " Belluarum indicandus ordo superest, ungulatorum animalium iis dica- tus, que ad manducationis apparatum non tam perpetua circa genus den- tium sibi aliud aliudque reservatum fabrice conformitate, quam maxilloso ore, dentosisque maxillis agnoscuntur; Omnia enim hujus ordinis ani- malia pregrandes exhibent maxillas, dentibusque plurimum valentes, quum plerisque angulares dentes soleant in arma excrescere, extra 0S exserta, vel hiante saltem ore minitantia, feroque aspectu horrorem incu- tientia, in solitario autem Hydrocheeri genere validorum dentium ingens numerus memorati dentosarum maxillaram characteris sustineat stabili- tate. Praterea & corpulentia insigni, immo, si a potiori parte fieri de- nominationem liceat, immani corporis mole eminent. Victu quidem vege- Se utuntur at copioso, & qui nutriendi facultate maxime prepolleat. p. 30. 12 Primatum ordo mox peculiarem artuum difformitatem exhibet: Aliis enim in manus efformantur artus extimi, remoto & pre reliquis digitis (5) lV APPENDIX. (8) Thetwo Missus into severally three sectiones, distinguished by various characters.” (9a) The sections of the missus HUST are differentiated by the modifications of the members, viz.: Sectio I. PALMARES, with the genus Homo," Sectio 11. PALMOPLANTARES, with the genera Sina, Prosinua, Procebus, Tarsius, Lemur: Sectio wt. PLAN- TARES, with the genera Didelphis and Phalanger.'® (96) The sections of the missus EMANUATI are characterized (but erroneously) by the extent to which the feet are applied to the ground, and severally embrace the following genera,” viz.: Sec- tio 1. (Nocturni) with nine genera, Vespertilio, Sorex, Talpa, Hrinaceus, Meles, Gulo, Meillivora’ Ursus, and Nasua : 18 Sec- tio 11. (Unnamed), with twu coetus; one (Olaces) with the gen- era Procyon, Canis, and Hyena; the other (Unci) with Felis alone :”9 Decito TH Verminet), with the genera Viverra, Mustela, and Luira. extensili pollice, aliis manuum subsidio orbatis, quibus ceteros ad digitos adpressus pollex est. Sic ordo hic in missus binos abit, primum quidem manuatorum, emanuatorum alterum. p. 31. 3 Manuatorum denuo ad ipsum hoc momentum trifaria observatur diver- sitas, tot exprimenda sectionibus. p. 31. 4 Prima sectio palmares habet, qui ad anteriores artus extimos, palmas dictos, manuati sunt, non item ad posteriores artus ; Posteriorum artuum exitremam partem palmis plante nomine opponi, inter Zoologos constat. p. 3l. - 15 Secunda sectio palmoplantares recipit, quorum & palme manus referunt & plante. p. 31. 16 Plantares, plantis quidem, neque vero palmis, manuati, sectionem ter- tiam stabiliunt. p. 31. 7 Hmanuatorum missus trifaria conditione metatarsorum in tres abit sec- tiones: p. 34. 8 Prostratis & ad humum in incessu applicatis metatarsis prima sectio distinguitur, cui genera adscribo Vespertilionis a), Soricis, Talpae, Erinacet, Melis, Gulonis, Mellivorae b), Ursi, Nasuae (c); Quorum quidem animalium a vitz genere haud alienum nocturnorum nomen videatur. pp. 34-35. 19 Sectio secunda metacarpis atque metatarsis predita subelongatis & arrectis, tellurem, cum incedit, non his, sed digitorum saltem apicibus, attingit: Peculiari unguium infra hance sectionem occurente discrepantia bine eius scissiones stabiliuntur; Quarum prior fixis & patentibus distincta unguibus, ad hoc momentum potiori ungniculatorum parti similem se exhibet, tria complectens genera, que hee sunt: Procyon d), Canis, Hy- aena; Odoratu plurimum valentes bestiz Olaces dici possint. Mobilibus & retractilibus distincta unguibus altera scissio, cui hamati, unci inde dicti, ungues sunt, Felis unum genus capit, quod, speciebus licet ditissimum, diuisionem tamen vix admittere videtur, quum in collatione horum animalium eiusmodi dotium, que ad docendam generis varietatem requiruntur, nulla adhuc innotuerit varietas. pp. 35-36. 2” Tertiae sectionis declives in incessu atque accurtati tum metatarsi, tum presertim metacarpi sunt. Cum elongati atque incurvati corporis & pedum (6) APPENDIX. Vv The other phalanges and orders have no other subdivisions than into genera, and are, under other names and with some rec- tifications, except the Pinnipeda, the same as the orders of Lin- neus. The tables of Storr, copies of which are herewith given, will convey all necessary information respecting their contents. The analysis of this classification will show that Storr erred to a greater extent than Linneus had done in proceeding from the basis that because modifications had certain evident relations to the economy of the animal, they were therefore, and to the de- gree of their physiological influence, of importance in determining the affinities of those animals. As we will soon see, however, he greatly improved upon the genera of the systema mammalium by their limitation to species naturally and more closely allied. Proceeding as the author thus did from a physiological basis, the major groups proposed by him cannot be compared strictly with those at present recognized by naturalists, but, so far as regards the subordination of recognized categories, the following names are as nearly synonymic as the nature of the facts will allow. For it must be further remembered that the term “genus” has undergone successive restrictions till now it corresponds with no named section of the older writers, their genera being rather equivalent—among the mammals at least—with the families of the moderns. Witlr such qualifications, these are the approximate equivalents, viz :— ; 1. Agmen, 1. The two agmina are Vertebrates and Invertebrates. 2. Acies. 2. Theacies are Warm-blooded and Cold-blooded Vertebrates. 3. Class. 3. Class. 4, Phalanx. 4. Subclass. 5. Cohors. 5. Superorder. 6. Ordo. 6. Order. 7. Missus. Ue 8. Sectio. S| Suborder. 9. Coetus. 9. 10. Genus. 10. Family. 11. Subfamily. 12. Genus. Although the new genera were not characterized in distinctive diagnoses, many of the most familiar were first recognized and introduced into the system by our author. These were, however, only enumerated, along with the old genera, as the final divisions of the including groups, and all that was said respecting them was placed in the form of foot-notes. These foot-notes are here opa abbreviatorum his animalibus ad perreptanda queque locorum claus- tra plurimum obtigerit aptitudinis, vermine: generis nomen positum olim fuit. Tria in hac sectione distinguuntur, Viverrae, Mustelae, Lutrae genera; Plura etiam deposcere videtur specierum adhuc cognitarum multiplex, nec tamen satis extricata, nec exhausta varietas. (7) 4 vi APPENDIX. reproduced so far as they relate to the newly named or newly modified genera. The newly established genera were named respectively (1). Prosimia (adopted from Brisson and retained for the Lemurs) ;” (2) Procebus (established for Lemur catta, Linn.);” (3) Tarsius (universally accepted) ;* (4) Phalanger;* (5) Meles (not com. 21 ¢) Prosimiz nomen a Cel. Brisson introductum iis adhibeo Lemurem. alias vulgatiori nomine signatis animalibus, que characterem generis re- vera sustinent, segregaturus ea, que dentium distent fabrica, in generum limitibus definiendis magni omnino facienda; Nec consanguineus huic generi Pennanti Lemur flavus videatur, quem alienum quoque udicasse modo laudatum Schreber (1. c. p. 146) moneo, ne forte solus, nimiove ductus systematis amore, ita sentire videar. Commodius hance bestiam censuerim ad tertiam referri emanuatorum sectionem, quorum sic novum indicaverit cum manuatis vinculum; Ita vero generis peculiaris dignita- tem sibi vindicaverit. p. 32. 2) Procebi genus statuendum Lemur Catta Linn. postulare visus est,. dentium quippe fabrica satis a prosimiis distinctus, & reliqua forma mo- ribusque etiam ab iis non nihil recedens. Singulare animal, cujus plures nondum species noscantur, genere secerni, nec arcessitum, neque nimis artificiosum iis videbitur, qui porro circumspicientes nullibi vel generum, ordinumve, vel classium adeo, imo & regnorum in nature imperio tam exequatum deprehendant modum, ut specierum quidam numerus ad ge- nus statuendum necessarius habendus esset. Luculento satis argumento fuerit humanum genus in species nequa guam dirimendum, vicinum tamen polymorpho pithecino generi, nec homogeneus inmentorum orda juxta pecorum ordinem generum feracissimum dignitate sua visus fuerit excidere, neque demum longe quidem angustior mammalium classis pra vermium insectorumve numerosa gente nulla habeatur. pp. 32-33. 3 y) Vix alio in genere, quam eo, quod Lemuris signari nomine con- suevit, tot animalia occurrunt, alienissima licet ingenio, scriptorum tamen arbitrio intrusa. Quod quidem novo mox specimine exemplum Tarsii confirmat (J. C. P. Erxleben Syst. Regni Anim. p. 71. Lemur Tarsius. Lips. 1777. 8.), animalis tarsis elongatis, unde nomen fortitum est, facile agnocendi, nec tamen ea unive distincti nota, quam pro generis discrimine docendo neutiquam sufficere, paulatina longitudinis plantarum in genere rosorum ordini fubiecto obvia progressio commonstrat (P.S. Pallas Nove Species Quadrupedum e glirium ordine. Erl. 1778. 4. p. 88. & p. 276. Quo loco idem auctor Tarsium vovat Lemurem spectrum); Sed aliud & grave quidem discernendi Tarsii generis e dentium diversa fabrica accedit argu- mentum. Monendumque, dentes huius animalis, ex Oceani indici extremis insulis oriundi, Belgis nomine macasarico Podje dicti, exploratis pluribus speciminibus, paulo aliter, quam Jll. Daubenton enumerantur, deseribi Jil. Pallas (L. cit. p. 275.) ‘ Primores nempe supra infraque tantum binos maiusculos, obtusos, hinu caninos primarios supra a primoribus, quibus vix longiores, remotos, infra magnos, primoribus approximatos, tum lania- rios secundarios minores ubique binos, quorum supra anteriores minores.’”” pp. 33-34, “* z) Phalanger ad Didelphidis genus, orientalis addito cognomine, aliis relatus, (P. 8S. Pallas Miscellan. Zoolog Hag. Com. 1766, 4. p. 59. Erxleben Syst. R. A. p. 79.) tum supra (p. 27s.) memorata dentium con- ditione singulari, tum & fecundi planta digiti cum tertio coalitu prorsus peculiari distinctissimus, genus sistit mamifeste satis discrepans, quin nonnihil anomalum. p. 34. (8) APPENDIX. vii mented upon); (6) Gulo (from Klein and not noted); (7) Melli- vora (Act. Holm. 1777, t. 4, f. 3: not otherwise referred to); (8) Nasua;* (9) Procyon;* (10) Glis (not of Erxleben, but em- 2 c¢) Quod Viverris, nasue & narice cognomine adiecto, Linneus maluit adscribere (Syst. nat. T. L p. 64. 2.3. Holm. 1766. 8), ursini gen- eris vicinie restituendum animal, at genere tamen, ut & Melem & Gulo- nem, ab Urso distinguendum esse, tum ex pluribus aliis argumentis, tum maxime ex dentium pedumque manifesta ad generaliorem quidem modum cum ursino genere convenientia, eorumdem tamen momentorum ad spe- cialorem modum sua singulis expensa discrepantia, legitime colligere mihi videor, nec rationes ceterarum dotium obesse juto. Folliculus certe puto- rius tum Nasue, tum Melis adstruende cum Viverris consanguinitati (Blumenbach Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 8. 96. 97. Gdtt. 1779. 8.) nullus sufficit, cum nec Viverris omnibus, nec solis competat (Affinitatum animalium Tab. Praes. J. Herrmanno. Resp. G. C. Wiirz. Argent. 1777 4)- p. 35. % d) Multiplice cum aliis comparatione hoc quidem animal obscuratuny sepius quam illustratum fuit: Tam Prosimiz, tum Cani dotibus quibusdam simile indicat Jllustrissimus Comes de Buffon (Hist. nat. gen. & part. T. VIII. le Raton.), qui Melis quoque iunioris formam & staturam in eo dep- rehendit. Nec. Jill. Daubenton (ib.) dissentit, qui preterea vulpini rostri urget similitudinem. Meli adeo congener idem fecit animal Anatomic miscellaneew auctor Major, qui folliculum ei putorium affinxit, ab aliis scriptoribus reiectum, denuo autem & geminum quidem propositum auc- tore Erxleben (1. ¢. p. 165), cui visum glandulas Daubentonio adnotatas, iuxta intestinum rectum sitas, inque hoc, intra anum amplo utrinque ostio hiantes in folliculos putorios transfigurare. Ad Ursum, nomine lotoris addito Linneus retulit (Syst. Nat. T. I. p. 70.) ab ipso obser- vatum descriptumgue animal (Der Kénigl. Schwed. Akad. d. Wiss. Ab- handl. aus d. J. 1746. B. 9. S. 300 ff. Ilamb. 1753. fed gravia argumenta opposuit & ipse avtopta Roloff (Mém. de l’Acad. Roi. Ann. 1756. Berl. 1758. p. 149. ss.) Nasu adfine idem animal in patria haberi, commune utrique Coati nomen (J. de Laét novus orbis Lugd. Bat. 1633, fol. p. 553, G. Marggravii de Liebstatt. Hist. rer. nat Brasilia Lugd. Bat. 1648. fol.) indicat. Discrimen data opera exposuit laudatus Buffon (1. ¢.), vixque alio, quam topographi, errore accidere potuit, ut Linneana huius bestie descriptio ad Nasuz historiam in opere Buffoniano referretur. Cani, eiusve speciei, vulpi, analogum domestica quoque compellatio (G. Charleton exercitationes. Oxon. 1677. fol. p. 15. M. Catesby, nat. hist. of Carolina &c. app. p. 29. Lond. 173. fol.) pronuntiat, nec valde abludit alia etiam- num batvis Indiz occidentalis colonis familiaris, qui Boschho en den vocant, teste Nob. Respondente, cui ibi commomorato notissimum animal fuit. Sed denominationum, quas aliquando ineptissimus usus fovet, auctoritatem minus tutam inter alia & Felis nomen Americans eidem animali inditum commonstrat (J. D. Meyers, Vorstellung allerhand Thiere und ihrer Scelete Nirnb. 1748, fol. T. IJ. t. 18.). Ex ipsa contemplatione nature huius animalis manifesta eius cum olacibus necessitudo abunde elucescere vide- tur; Nec sola argumento fuerit, qua plurimum valet, nasi sagacitas ( Schwed. Abhandl. a. a. st.), qauum & reliquarum partium ingeniique congruentiz sat luculenta prestent documenta. Ceterum & idem animal olacum cum nocturnis adstruit viciniam, cum more quidem reliquorum sui cotus avimalium subelongatis & arrectis metatarsis gaudeat, nec nisi digitis tellurem, cum incedit, feriat, at plantis simul ita fabrefactis polleat, ut gradum sistens, renitensve adpressis firmiter ad humuin talis potentius se sustinere valeat. pp. 35-36. 35 (9) vill APPENDIX. bracing the Myoxi and other forms) ;” (11) Lagomys (an unnatu- ral and undefined combination of forms with squat bodies, but typified by species of Arctomys) ;*% (12) Procavia (equivalent to Hyrax of Herrmann) ;” and (18) Rosmarus.° New names were also conferred on genera retained with old limits because they did not come up to the ideas of Storr in re- spect to purity or aptness. These were, (1) Cataphracius (= Dasypus, Linn.); (2) Pholidotus (= Manis, Linn.); (3) Aries (= Ovis, Linn.) ;* (4) Taurus (= Bos, Linn.); and (5) Diodon (= Monodon, Linn.).” The elimination of the species necessarily connected new ideas with the old genera from which they were rejected, and thus the following were medified, but by implication rather than by distinet diagnoses: (1) Simza (by the rejection of Prosimia, Procebus, and Tarsius); (2) Ursus (by the exclusion of Meles, Gulo, and Procyon); (3) Canis (Hyzna being excluded); (4) Viverra (by the elimination of the Nasu); (5) Mustela (by the removal of Gulo); (6) Mus (by the rejection of his “‘ Glires’”? and ‘‘Lago- myes’’).*8 The other genera were retained from previous authors, viz. : 7 h) Glirium species eodem animo affero, nominibus potissimum JIL. Pallas usus, qui singula hee animalia ad muris genus revocat: M. tamaricinus. M. longipes. M. cafer. M. sagitta. M. jaculus. M. nitedula. M. avellanarius. M. glis. p. 39. 27) Sequuntur in eundem finem nomina specierum, laudato Pallas pariter ad mures tractarum, que mihi genus constituunt, Logomys, neo Arctomys dictum, nam Lepori aptius, quam Urso, comparari posse vide- antur. Dicende species, nominibus Ill. Pallas zque adhibitis, he sunt: M. arenarius. M. songarus. M. furunculus. M. cricetus. M. accedula. M. pheus. M. lagurus. M. gregalis. M. socialis. M. ceconomus. M. rutilus. M. glareolus Schreberi. M. monax. M. marmota. M. empetra. M. arctomys. M. citillus. M. lemmus. M. torquatus. M. hudsonius. M. talpinus. M. ca- pensis. M. aspalax. M. typelus. p. 39. 2k) Procavie genus africanum animal constituit, ut patria, sic dotibus quamplurimis a Cavie genere distinctum, Cavia capensis Ill. Pallas dic- tum (Spicileg. Zoog. fascic. II. pag. 16, ss. Berol. 1767. 4.). p. 40. 80 q) Rosmari binos in superiori maxilla primores detexit Ill. Schreber (Sdéugihiere. If. Abtheilung 5. 260.). p. 41. 31 The genera (1) Ovis and (2) Bos were also renamed independently, many years afterwards, by Rafinesque in accordance with the same prin- eiples (1) Arzes and (2) Taurus. % ¢) Vulgari circa huius animalis fabricam errori nimium favere Mono- dontis nomen videatur. p. 42. 33 9) Murini generis limites qui mihi statuantur, expeditissime speci- erum brevis recensio explanabit; Sunt he: M. Castoreus (Castor Zibe- thicus Linn.). M. amphibius. M. arualis. M. agrarius. M. saxatilis. M. alliarius. M. minutus. M. betulinus. M. vagus. M. striatus. M. rattus. M. musculus. M. sylvaticus. M. decumanus. M. pylorides. M. caraco M. soricinus Hermanni. p. 39. (10) APPENDIX. ir (a) from Linneus, the genera (1) Homo; (2) Didelphis; (3) Ves- pertilio; (4) Sorex; (5) Talpa; (6) Hrinaceus; (7) Felis; (8) Lutra; (9) Hystrix; (10) Castor; (11) Sciurus; (12) Lepus ; (13) Bradypus; (14) Myrmecophaga; (15) Equus; (16) Came- lus; (17) Cervus; (18) Moschus; (19) Sus; (20) Rhinoceros ; (21) Hippopotamus; (22) Phoca; (23) Trichechus (= Manatus of later authors) ;3* (24) Delphinus; (25) Physeter; and (26) Balaena: (b) from Erxleben, the genus (1) Hydrocherus: (c) from Leske, Lemur (= Galeopithecus, Pallas, and later writers) :* from Brisson (who was not a binomial writer) the genera (1) Pro- simia; and (2) Giraffa; and (d) from Steller, Manatus in a mod- ified form.** The punctuation, capitalization, and orthography of the origi- nal are retained in the excerpts here given. The letters in italics (c, etc.) before the notes are also repeated from the original foot- notes. The words included in brackets [ ] in the tables are in- serted by the present writer in explanation of the text. 34 ry) Obscurum animal Dugong [ Trichcchus] dictum, oppido a prace- dente genere [ Rosmarus] distinctum & nomine distinguendum visum fuit. p. 41. 35 y) Lemurum nomen, in agilissima adhuc memorata animalcula nullo modo quadrans, aptius servari animali visum fuit, Lemuris rolantis nom- ine auctoribus plerisque venienti, peculiaris autem sibi vindicanti generis locum, cuius characterem paucis at nervose reddidit Cel. Leske (Anfangs- griinde der Nuturgeschichte. I. Th. p. 121. Leipz. 1779. 8). p. 34 3 s) Stellero memoratum animal Manati quidem nomine signatum (Nov. Comm. ac. sc. Petropol. T. II. pag. 302), ex descriptione potius ad pinnatorum relegaverim phalangem. p, 41. (11) APPENDIX, TABVLA GENERALIOR. Imperii Natvre. Regni Organici. Reipvblica Animalivm. Agminis Rybrisangvivm. Acies Calidorum. Classis I. Mammalivm. CS & cS & & & & ae & # # # Phalanx I. Phalanx II. Phalanx III. Pedatorum. Pinnipedum. Pinnatorum. es 2 oe # "Ry & Byp & as fe aR Cohors i. Cohors II. Vnguiculatorum. Vngulatorum. ee & ee & & & & & bk & & & & & & & & & ok & Ordo!l. Ordoll. Ordo III. OrdolI. Ordoll. Ordo Ill. Primates. Rosores. Mutici. Jumenta. Pecora. Belluz. (12) APPENDIX. xi [PHALANX I. PEDATA.] [COHORS I—UNGUICULATA.] TABULA SPECIALIOR A. § Sectiol. . § [Palmares. 31.] § § § Missus I. = Sectio II. . § Manuati. [Palmoplantares.32. ] § § § § § § § § Sectio III. 0 Mammalium [Plantares. 33. ] Pedatorum Vnguiculatorum OFrad tome. Primates. § § Sectio I. § § [Nocturni. 35.] § § § § § § § Coetus I. § Missus II. § [Olaces. 35.] Emanuati. — Sectio II. . § § § § Coetus II. § (Unci. 36.] § § Sectio III . { Verminei. 37.] (13) Homo [L.] Simia [L.] Prosimia [ Brisson. ] Procebus [Storr. ] Tarsius [Storr. ] Lemur [Leske. ] Didelphis [L.] Phalanger [Storr.] Vespertilio [L.] Sorex [L.] Talpa [L.] Erinaceus [L.] Meles [Storr. ] Gulo [Storr. ] Mellivora [Storr.] Ursus [L.] L Nasua [Storr. ] Procyon [Storr. ] Canis [L.] Hyena [Storr.] Felis [L.] Viverra [L.] Mustela [L.] Lutra [L.] xii APPENDIX. TABVLA SPECIALIOR B. ak Hystrix [L.] ae 2k xe Mus [L.] Castor [L.) +f Ordo II. Glis [Storr.] Sciurus [L.] Fes Rosores. Mammalium se Lagomys [Storr. ] Es Cauia [Klein. ] aiden ta is Procauia [Storr. ] Vuguiculatoram Lepus [L.] Bradypus [L.] Fe Ordo IIt. Cataphractus [Storr. ] 05 wiv wan ies Pholidotus [Storr. ] Mutici. “ aay Myrmecophaga [L.} (14) _ APPENDIX. xiii TABVLA SPECIALIOR C. [COHORS Il—UNGULATA.] Ordo I. § EDS Sete atilve: is Equus [L.] § IJumenta. § Camelus [L.] 2 Giraffa [ Brisson. } Mammalium § Aries [Storr. ] Antilope [L.] Taurus [Storr. } Pedatorum mom Ordo Il. Vungulatorum § Pecora Ceruus [L.] § L Moschus [L.] § § § Sus [L.] Ordo III. Hydrocherus [Erxl. } gio Rhinoceros [L.] Bellus Elephas [L.] Hippopotamus [L.] [PHALANX II. PINNIPEDA.] Phoca [L.} Mammalia Rosmarus [Schreber. } Bimniped aires seine ey ie det ble valte\iileti ce)! gre) ais Trichecus [L.] Manatus [Steller ?]} [PHLANX III. PINNATA.] Delphinus [L. } Mammalia Diodon [Storr. } Ea Ca alee retiree ilicuiitre iesmietanenvam potas Physeter [L.] Balena [L.] 4 (15) VI. ON THE NUMBER OF WORDS USED IN SPEAKING» AND WRITING. By EDWARD §. HOLDEN. (Reap January 30, 1875.) The question which I have proposed to myself is to determine the size of my own vocabulary ; that is, to fix approximately the number of words of which I may be supposed to be master. ‘To do this accurately, two things are necessary : first, the collected works of an author, and second, the time necessary to form a complete concordance to these. In my own case neither of these prerequisites is fulfrlled, and indeed, the object of the attempt is not to fix with absolute certainty the number in question, but simply to get an approximate solution, and if possible to deter- mine the limit of error in the result. I approached the subject, as almost every one will do, with the impression that this voca- bulary was very small. The only basis for this opinion that I know of, is a statement of Marsh that an intelligent man will use in speaking and writing less than 10,000 words. My impression was, that this number was too small, and it was to determine how much too small that I undertook the research. For my purpose I define a word to be a symbol printed in capital letters in Webster’s Dictionary, edition of 1852. In turning over the leaves of a dictionary one meets with three classes of words: Ist, those which one is certain truly belong to him and are constantly used in writing and speech; 2d, those which one might use in writing or very formal conversation, but which it requires a moment’s consideration to determine to include or not to include in one’s vocabulary ; and 3d, those rare or extra: ordinary words which one unhesitatingly rejects. It is to be noted, however, that technical words are not all in this last class, although a large part of this class is composed of them. For example, the vocabulary of the geologist contains many technical words which I never use in writing or speech, and this is true of other specialists; so that the 3d class of words mentioned above would not include the same words, by any means, for different members of this Society, Literary men, however, would probably be nearly unanimous in their selection of this third class. Perhaps, here is the place to say that we ought to expect that the vocabulary of a literary man of even the highest class, like Thackeray, would be smaller than that of Huxley, for example. In counting the number of words in the dictionary which are properly to be included as in habitual use, one’s natural tendency is to include too many of the 2d class spoken of, that is, too many words whose meaning is per- fectly well understood, which would be intelligible if met with in reading, and which yet might not be usedi a lifetime. (16 ) ii APPENDIX. I have sedulously endeavored to avoid this tendency ; and, in- deed, I have gone over many of the pages previously examined, finding not more than one per cent. of words wrongly marked as my own. I will give an account of my method of proceeding, asking attention to its details. As the basis of the inquiry I chose the unillustrated edition of Webster’s Dictionary of 18525; un. illustrated, because the average number of words to a page could be more easily had, as the page was not broken up by cuts. This edition contains 1281 pages of defined words. I first proceeded to find the relative frequency of the various letters of the alpha- bet as the initial letters of words. This has of course been often done, but I do not know where to refer to it. The number of pages devoted to each letter in my edition is as below :— A 90.6; B69.6; C136.0; D77.8; H 59.9; F 58.7; G 38.3; He 44.1; 156.3; J 8.2; K6.7; L 40.2; M 58.5; N 19.6; O 27.6; P 106.1; Q 8.0; BR 69.7; S 150.5; T 64.3; U 35.6; V 20.6; W 83.0; X 0.4; ¥ 2.9; 71.6. The tenths were esti- mated, he order of frequency as initial letters is then :— ih Sa Ph Oley 18 cles on 1p GR Ty Be esas o hl; ile TW, Whe Wey 1s yeh slg ales, Tie 15) Gace VEU SiG ica ks: O; 19, V; 20, N; 21, J; 22, Q; 23, K; 24, Y; 25, Z; 26, X. The relative frequency can be deduced from the numbers first given, and the further consideration that there were 1281 pages of words in this dictionary. My next step was to find the average number of words to a page: to this end I counted— 10 pages in S and found 731 words 10 66 (73 C bc 66 655 (73 10 ae (a3 P ins its 163 66 1 “c bc K 6c 6c 9] 66 l ‘“ “ee Ye (a3 “cc 59 ca 1 “6 6c Z, ‘6 “cc 84 66 33 “ containing 2383“ 1 page averages 72.2 words The book contains 92,488 words. I then proceeded to count the words that I use in writing or speaking. This was done rapidly, yet, as I have said, it was en- deavored to keep out all unusual words except such as I felt that I had an undoubted right to retain. Each word which in the text is printed in capitals was counted once for itself, but each of its meanings was nol counted: except that a verb whether transitive or intransitive was only once counted, The counting was not done on a uniform plan; and I will give each result as it was obtained, in order that a verifica- tion can be had, if desired. 2 (17) APPENDIX. lil I first counted in A, 8, C, P the four letters most frequently used, then in EH, H, L and others about the mean, and then in K, Y, Z those which occur rarest as initials. I. Il. Ill. IV. V. Letter. Pages of Book. No, of Pages. Total Words. Words used. 4 (¢ zak pp. 1 to 16.6 16.6* 1199 500 1!8 CO OAS 979 eee 455 200 2 | C ) 162) ee ny 300 86 3 12 BQO) & 793 ne 300 107 9 ( F oy alan 463 2% 144 31 10 | M Gi Gl@ 717 2* 145 51 11 I UG 8X0) 82 591 2% 144 44 12 E OB Bed) 384 4% 289 115 13 H Bo BK) 554 4* 289 100 14 L OS Xt) 670 4% 289 110 15 G Ct One 493 2* 145 53 16 U CS TPT) OG) PATTI 2* 144 37 Wee (L NKY se 1248 “¢ «249 2% 145 29 23 K GSB), (02 632 4* 289 102 24 Y 3 UI) bee ah 59 20 25 Z CG NASTY eee Ban 84 14 Total, 4420 1599 N. B. The numbers prefixed to the letters in the first column denote the order of frequency of those letters as initials. This would give 33,456 words inmy vocabulary, and this seems too great. I cannot see, however, how my process is not a fair one. One point where I may be in fault, may be in the determi- nation of the total number of words included. At the beginning and at the end of each letter of the alphabet there is a blank space, which I have estimated can hardly be more than 15-100 of a page on the average, or 4 or at most 5 pages in all. This space has been counted as full, and hence we ought to subtract from 92,488 = the total number of words, about 300 on this account. Dr. Webster states in his preface to the first edition, that it contains between 70,000 and 80,000 words; and in the preface to the edition of 1840 it is stated that ‘‘several thousand” words have been added. Probably there are at least 90,000 words included: which would reduce the number of ‘‘ words used,” slightly. he entire number of words in the latest editions of Webster’s Dictionary is 110,000, and I am convinced that the error in the concluded total number of words is not great. It then becomes important to scrutinize carefully the other term of the ratio, ¢. e., the number of words marked as used. As I stated, on examining several pages of words which I marked as used, I found an error of about one per cent. Since my first scrutiny I have asked my friend Mr. Farquhar, * The numbers in column IV, opposite numbers in column III, dis- tinguished with asterisks, were derived by multiplying such discriminated numbers by 72.2==the average number of words on a page. (18) iv _APPENDIX. Assistant Librarian in the Patent Office, to count the number of words which he would use on 8 of the pages previously counted by me. He has done so, and on pp. 550 to 554 in H, where I find 100 le has marked 142; and on pp. 380 to 384, where I find 115, he finds 131. This counting and selection was done in the most de- liberate and critical way, and the excess of his numbers over mine shows not only that his vocabulary is larger than mine, but it further shows that my estimate was fairly made; and this is a point I am very glad to have so clearly established. I have a letter from the eminent Prof. Whitney, of Yale Col- lege, on this subject, portions of which I quote: ‘‘I do not see that your method is not one which should yield a tolerably accu- rate result, nor am I disposed seriously to question the accuracy of the result you have reached.” Prof. Whitney refers to Marsh, Lectures on the English Language, p. 181-2, who says that one person may be able to wield 50,000 of the 100,000 English words, but that ‘few writers or speakers use as many as 10,000; ordi- nary persons of fair intelligence not above 3000 or 4000.” Since the receipt of Prof. Whitney’s note I have determined from Mrs. Mary Cowden Clarke’s ‘“‘ Complete Concordance to Shakspere” the number of words in his vocabulary. Here, however, we have incomplete data, as ‘all nouns and verbs spelled alike are placed under the same heading.” IT find in— App. 2and 3 86 words. F pp. 258 and 259 27 words. TO Sui dM OOMNS eis Gel DOG. | LOST Go Daal. CHS Gu eo laih eat ic eS 88) a an PO OO Malle Ne cs Dy LES, dO moma as eo S86 fo Mo Siimlia tints Fier OS CuO TGS ay he DSO SN cl ao Otol Mane Counting also the words on the 35 pages, 1, 25, 50, 75, 100, TT Paani 825, 850, I find 926 words. Therefore 55 pages have 1555 words, or 1 page has 28.3 words. There are 859.5 pages of such words, and hence Shakspere’s vocabulary (with the important omission of all verbs which are spelled like nouns) contained over 24,000 words. A complete ‘ Concordance to the Poems of Milton” has been published by Mr. Charles Dexter Cleveland, and I find that on 5 pages of this work there are 562 words, or 112.4 words to a page. The number of words to each page is quite uniform, so that five pages give a sufficiently accurate determination. The results from each page below will show this. p. 600 108 words. GO Tne 602). 113) p.603 114 « preoaiae tat i 562 ‘ oraverage number of words to a page 112.4, (19) APPENDIX. Vv There are 154.6 of such pages, and hence Milton, in his poems alone, uses 17,877 words. His prose would yield a much larger number, as any one who is acquainted with it will at once admit. I have likewise examined Cruden’s “‘ Concordance to the Eng- lish Bible,” in the same manner; there are 705.4 pages of words, exclusive of proper names. The number of words to a page is somewhat hard to estimate, but this was done with great care, as below :— pp. 524-563 = 10 pages contained 42 words. pp. 602-611=10 “ 107 pp. 672-681—10 “ “ lg) pp. 828-387 10 ee TOG N ss pp. 446-455—10 « ce ipa 50 Ses Therefore 1 page contains 102.2 “ Hence there are 7209 words in the English bible, exclusive of proper names. I have likewise treated the ‘Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language” by the Rev. G. Bosworth, LL.D., ete., in “the same manner. This Dictionary was compiled from the ‘Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and therefore contains only words actually used in writ- ten speech. There are but a few which were not in full use before A. D. 1100. In the English Appendix to this work there are 93.8 pages of English words, each of which has its analogue in Anglo-Saxon. On p. 524 I find 121 words. sO OM Sa igs HE) PAB ZO as 6c p. 5Q7 é6 131 ivy 4 pages contain S03 1 page contains TO) Hence the Anglo-Saxon vocabulary was 11,913 words; it must be remembered that this is not strictly a dictionary, but rather a concordance to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. In Mr. John Camden Hotten’s “ Dictionary of Slang” I find 10,000 words which are, or have been, used in a cant way. As this is a dictionary, and fortunately not a concordance, it deserves only this passing mention. An examination of some of the dictionaries of the dialects of the various shires of England would be interesting, but it re- quires more time than I can give to it. RECAPITULATION. I. I find among all intelligent people an impression of this kind: a child uses less than 1000 words, an ordinary man uses from 3000 to 4000, an accomplished writer about 10,000. (20) vi APPENDIX. This rests, so far as I can determine, upon the statement of Marsh, already quoted. II. We have seen that Shakspere has over 24,000, and that Milton in his poems has over 17,000. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle contains about 12,000 words, and the English Bible, which is treating of quite special subjects, contains over 7000 words. III. The whole number of words in Worcester’s Dictionary is 104,000; in Webster’s last edition 110,000 (these numbers are approximate). Many of these, in fact most of the additions since 1840, are technical words, the use of which is quite common among educated people. The only conclusion I feel at liberty to draw is, that Marsh’s numbers are quite too small, and that 30,000 words is not at all an unusual vocabulary. The further pursuit of this subject has great interest, but I feel obliged to leave it, at this point, to the philologists, who are more peculiarly concerned. I shall hope that this slight paper may call out remarks from those members of the Society who are better informed upon this subject than I can be. Norse.—Since writing the above the Hon. George P. Marsh has written a letter to the New York Nation, in which he states that in giving estimates of the vocabularies of men of various classes he used word ‘‘in the sense in which, in such discussions, all philologists would agree in employing it,” that is, ‘‘in esti- mating the number of words I took only the simple or stem and not the infected forms of the vocables.” This of course explains the difference between Mr. Marsh’s estimates and my own conclusions in the preceding paper, but I have been induced to allow that paper to remain in its pre- sent form, as it is an attempt to get a practical idea of the number of words, in the sense in which I use the term, which are in common use (counting, for example, lover, loveless, and lovely, as three words, although they have the same ‘simple or stem”). In this way we obtain a knowledge of the number of signs for ideas, and the research may be of interest although not of philological value. I am the more inclined to leave the conclusions as they are, as Prof. Hastman, U S. Navy, starting from the same basis, has fully and carefully confirmed my principal conclusion, viz.: that many men have vocabularies of over 30,000 words, and he has shown that the probable error of his estimate is less than one per cent. May 30, 1875. C21) Vii. ON THE MOVEMENTS CAUSED IN LARGE ICE- FIELDS BY EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION, AS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FORMATION OF ANTI- CLINAL AND SYNCLINAL AXES IN GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. By MONTGOMERY C. MEIGS. (PREPARED APRIL, 1869. READ FEBRUARY 27, 1875.) Hearing the discussion of the National Academy upon the sec- tion of the Appalachian formations contributed by Mr. J. P. Les- ley, N.A., I was led to recur to certain phenomena which were daily presented to my observation during two severe winters spent at Rouse’s Point on the shores of Lake Champlain in latitude 45° N. The winters in that region are severe. The thermometer is frequently below 0 of Fahrenheit for days together. It seldom descends below —30°, but —18° is a not uncommon temperature. The lake is fed by streams which rise in the Adirondack and Green Mountains, deriving their supplies from the heavy snows of those ranges, where four feet of snow on a level is not uncommon. Its waters are clear, cold, and still. No current exists to move the ice, which is produced early and remains late. Its thickness, I judge, averages about twenty-four inches. The lake is irregular in form. Its shores and those of the islands it contains are gen- erally rocky, with some beaches of drift gravel, sand, and boulders. While at night the thermometer descends to —30°, during the day the sun’s rays, shining through a dry, clear atmosphere, have considerable power. The ice, a two feet thick stratum floating freely upon the quiet water, lies between the water always at 32° and the air varying from +32° to —30° and further subject to the action of the direct rays of the sun. Its lower surface must always retain the uniform temperature of freezing water or melting ice (+82°). Its upper surface may take any temperature between +32° and approximately —30°. Asice, when once formed, is sub- ject to the same laws of expansion and contraction as other solid bodies, the upper surface contracts under the low nocturnal tem- perature, producing a tension which is suddenly relieved by ex- tended cracks. Ona frosty night the great ice fields, 125 miles long and from 1 to 10 miles in width, are continually cracking with a rushing or roaring sound, which is one of the striking natural phenomena of this northern region. A crack sometimes starts apparently at the feet of a traveller on the ice, and its rushing (22) pedo =e APPENDIX. roaring sound will run off till lost in the extreme distance. This sound is almost continuous in very cold nights, and there must be millions of such cracks formed. All these, sooner or later, by the hydrostatic pressure, are infiltrated with water, which, in the thin fissures, freezes imme- diately. They can be seen of all sizes from a mere crack to some inches in width where the ice has parted through its whole thick- ness and yielded to the contractile effort. When the temperature rises during the day, this cracking ceases. The ice expands to suit its increased mean temperature, and its edges encroach upon the shores more and more day by day. A permanent increase of size results from the filling of the contractile fissures by frozen wa- ter, and on all the beaches of the lake a ridge parallel to the shore is formed above the level of the water of the lake, composed of sand, gravel, stones, and even large boulders, which are each win- ter pushed further and further up the beach, until they reach the limit of the ice edge. This may be likened to a secular variation or expansion, its period being the existence of the ice field. The daily expansion and nightly contraction, arising from the diurnal change of temperature of the ice, gives rise to effects even more striking and important to the residents on the shores than this annual variation. The lake is irregular in form. Its shores, and those of the islands with which it ‘abounds, form wide bays or lobes of water, separated from each other by narrower straits, which are limited by opposite advancing or receding points or reefs of Jand or of rock. One bay or lobe three or four miles in width and several miles in length will be connected with the next by a narrower portion, perhaps only a mile in width. In the contraction and expansion of these great fields the weaker lines, or lines of least resistance, are across these constrictions, and it is along these lines, which are the same year after year, that the principal visible effects of diurnal expansion and contraction are to be observed. The ice breaks or parts on these lines, some- times leaving an open crack or line of water several feet in width, difficult to cross on foot or in the carriole, as the northern sledge is called. The common winter road of the shore inhabitants is on the ice; and I have often, at certain well-known points, driving out early in the morning, found an open crack difficult to pass. Returning in the evening, after the heat of the day had produced its effect, the edges ofthe ice would be found to have met and in- flected either upwards or downwards to such a degree that an axe would be needed to effect a passage. This action is to be seen winter after winter at the same places, and the formation of the ridge or gutter is observed by all, for all are put to inconvenience and sometimes in peril by their move- ments. When the edges of the ice fields happen to bend down- wards under the effecis of expansion, the passage is most danger- ous, I have seen horses, approaching too near the edge con- (23 ) ra APPENDIX. lil cealed by a thin film of ice which is generally formed over the exposed water surface, slip into the water and lose their lives. Such accidents are common, though not often fatal. The horse is generally choked by a strap round his neck to stop his strug- gles, and while thus quieted he is dragged out by the efforts of the driver, and soon recovers on the slacking of the strap. When the edges of the ice rise a passage is hewn by means of an axe. Looking at the Appalachian section of Mr. Lesley, it seemed to me that a section of these ige fields was a model, on a small scale it is true, yet several miles in length and width, of the rock strata which are there represented. The same solid field floating upon a liquid ocean of constant or nearly constant temperature, exposed now on its upper surface to the atmosphere and to empty space, but at some former time covered by many thousand feet in thickness of ice, which has. eroded the ridges and filled the valleys; in some places crimped by an evident increase in dimensions, in others forced up into ridges or depressed into valleys, anticlinal and synclinal axes, but these greater disturbances occupying only 175 miles of a cross section or profile 3000 miles in length. The filling of the ice cracks by water which freezes is repre- sented by the dykes of igneous or aqueous rock which abound in the geological profile. All these entered in a fluid condition, then solidified, and increased the dimensions of the field or forma- tion. Changes of temperature, not diurnal as in the ice fields, but. secular, would produce the ridges and valleys in the rocks as the diurnal changes produce their models in the ridges and gutters of the ice fields. It is well to look for the smallest sufficient cause in reasoning upon observations of natural phenomena; and as Lyell holds that most of the changes on the earth’s surface may be accounted for by causes and operations still seen in action, I have thought it worth while to record these observations, forced upon my attention during my daily rides for two seasons upon a frozen lake, as illus- trating and accounting for a part of the contortions of the earth’s surface. Some sketches on the accompanying page illustrate the more common physical phenomena herein described, : (24) lV APPENDIX. A. Crack in the ice on a cold night or morning. AIR. —30U° to +320 D. Edge of ice, showing stones and earth driven up the beach. CC CC CC. Cracks filled with water, and frozen. 26 (25 ) NONE DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES OF FOSSIL PLANTS FROM ALLEGHANY CO., VIRGINIA; WITH SOME RE- MARKS ON TEE ROCK SEEN ALONG THE CHESA- PEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD, NEAR THE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS OF GREENBRIER COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. BY F. B. MEEK. (Reap June 15, 1872.) While on a visit last summer at the White Sulphur Springs of Greenbrier County, West Virginia, I saw, in the possession of a gentleman near that place, a beautiful specimen of a fossil fern, that had been found at Lewis’s tunnel, on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, some six miles southeast of the springs. Being much impressed with its elegant form, and fine state of preserva- tion, I concluded to stop at the locality on my return home, with the view of examining the rocks, and collecting such specimens as could be found; and, while there, I succeeded in procuring the species described in this paper.* The masterly preliminary reports and ‘papers of Prof. William B. Rogers, on the territory now composing Virginia and West Virginia, have rendered the grand general features of the geology of those States so familiar to most scientific readers, that any extended remarks on that subject are unnecessary here.f For the information, however, of those who may never have visited this interesting mountain region, as well as to convey a more clear idea of the geological horizon of the fossils under considera- tion, it may be proper, before proceeding to describe these plants, to state a few of the details of the geology and topography of the country immediately surrounding the springs, as well as for a few miles west of the same, and eastward along the railroad to the locality of Lewis’s tunnel, where these fossils were discovered. * IT am under obligations to Gen. W. C. Wickham, Vice-President of C. and O. Railroad, for a letter to the conductors of passenger trains, in- structing them to stop and allow me to get off at any points I might wish to examine along the road; alsoto H. D. Whitcomb, Esq., Chief Engineer of the road, and to Maj. Peyton Randolph, Chief Assistant Engineer, for accurate maps of portions of the country along the same, and for other information. I am also indebted to Mr. J. J. Gordon, one of the contractors of Lewis’s tunnel, and to Mr. Terrence McGlone, for fine specimens of the fossil plants found at that place. } It is much to be regretted that Prof. Rogers’s final reports on the Geology of Virginia, which I understand were prepared in much detail, were never published. (26) APPENDIX. il In the first place it may be stated that these springs are situated in a narrow valley, two thousand feet above tide, near the eastern margin of Greenbrier County, West Virginia, and also within a few miles of the dividing line between Virginia and West Virginia. A little to the northwestward of the inclosed grounds at the springs, which are not situated quite in the lowest _ part of the valley, flows Howard’s creek, a beautiful, perfectly clear mountain stream, that runs westward into Greenbrier River, a tributary of the Great Kanawha. Almost immediately on the southeast side of the grounds, and at a little greater distance across the valley to the northwestward, mountains, clothed with pines and various deciduous trees, rise from twelve to fifteen hundred feet above the valley; that to the northwest- ward being composed, at least near its base, of shales and flags of the age of the Hamilton Group (including the Marcellus shale) of the New York series; while that on the southeastward, for five or six hundred feet above its base, is composed of the same formation, with heavy beds of Chemung strata above, the whole dipping at a high angle to the southeast, and containing many characteristic fossils. To the southward Kate’s Mountain is in sight, at a distance of two miles; while Greenbrier Mountain bounds the view on the west, within a mile or so of the springs. Four to five miles to the eastward, the Alleghany Mountains proper occur, the springs being west of the principal crest of this range, in the midst of a district abounding in mineral springs of various kinds and temperatures. The grandeur of the scenery of this region, its pure mountain air, always comparatively cool and pleasant during the hottest part of the season at this altitude, together with the well-known medicinal properties of its waters, and the elegant and ample preparations for the accommodation of large numbers of visitors, render this a delightful place for invalids and seekers of pleasure and comfort to while away the sultry months of summer. As stated by Prof. Rogers, these springs issue directly from a local uplift of rock of the age of the Oriskany sandstone of the New York series ; but so near the junction of this with the overly lower black shales at the base of the Hamilton group, as to ren- der it probable that the water derives its sulphurous properties, and possibly some of its salts, from the latter.* * According to Prof. Rogers’s analysis, the solid matter left by the evaporation of 100 cubic inches of this water, at a temperature of 2120 Fah., was 65.54 grains, composed as follows :— ; Sulphate of lime 0 : b : . 31.680 grains. Sulphate of magnesia : ; : . 8.241 Sulphate of soda 3 . . 9 - 4,050 f Carbonate of lime . 6 ¢ : of wil eayey0) ae Carbonate of magnesia. : : - 0.506 ne Chloride of magnesium . 6 : 5) ONO PLL be Chloride of calcium . 0 . 0.010 mn Cay lil APPENDIX. The exposed portions of the Oriskany beds here are not, as is often the case further north, composed of sandstones, but consist, at least mainly, of a rough, yellowish-gray mass of highly cherty strata, in some parts passing almost into a quartz rock. Although little exposed at this place, this rock evidently forms almost the entire bulk of a low hill, or ridge of oval form, and a few hundred yards in length, included as a part of the north side of the orna-. mented grounds about the springs. This hill is depressed on top and covered by a natural growth of shade trees, and has been tastefully laid out into walks and winding paths, provided with occasional rustic seats for the accommodation of visitors. Its summit is perhaps not more than ninety to one hundred feet above the lowest part of the valley on the north, around which side it is. more or less precipitous; while to the southward it slopes down more gradually to the lower parts of the grounds, laid out into: winding walks and drives, with intervening spaces of grassy sward, shaded at intervals by clumps of spreading oaks, elms, and other trees. Along the entire length of its southern slope a Chloride of sodium . . : : . 0.226 grains. Protosulphate of iron . . . - 0.069 fs Sulphate of alumina . 6 0.012 s Earthy phosphates a trace Azotized organic matter, blended with a larger proportion of sulphur, about - 0.005 i Iodine, combined with sodium or magnesium, a trace. The volume of each of the gases in a free state in 100 cubic inches of the water, he found to be as follows :— Sulphuretted hydrogen Nitrogen . 6 : Oxygen . . Carbonic acid 4 ° tn OLGG 5 : ESS . ‘ - 0.19 9 weyssod The water is perfectly clear, and flows copiously; and, although appear- ing cool to the taste when drank during the warmer part of a summer's: day, it is, as first shown by Prof. Rogers, properly speaking, a thermal water, its temperature, though somewhat variable, never being less than about nine, and sometimes as much as nearly thirteen degrees Fah.,. above the mean annual temperature of the air at the locality and altitude. That is, its temperature varies from 61° to 65° Fah. ; while the mean tem- perature of the air, as determined by seven years’ observations under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, at Lewisburg, a few miles west of the springs and at a little lower elevation, is, Iam informed by Prof. Henry, 52.20 Fah. Most of the mineral springs of this region, especially those that issue from anticlinal axes of the strata, are, as observed by Prof. Rogers, thermal waters, from which fact we may infer that they most. probably arise from considerable depths, and owe their temperature to the internal heat of the earth. The White Sulphur is, I believe, the only proper thermal water in the State, that is at the same time rather strongly impregnated with sulphur. When freely drank, it acts as a mild cathartic and diuretic ; but its most valuable properties are its alterative powers in chronic diseases of various kinds, for the relief of which it has long been celebrated. (28 ) APPENDIX. iv continuous excavation has been made to form a terrace, for the reception of a long row of neat one- and two-story cottages, which are, at places, almost hidden from view by shade trees. At the eastern end of this terrace, just behind the cottages, as well ag along the broad walk winding around that end of the hill, the dark Devonian shales belonging at the base of the Hamilton group of the New York series, are seen dipping off at a high angle to the southeastward. But on following the terrace west- ward behind the cottages, we soon come to a low nearly con- tinuous outcrop of the Oriskany beds, dipping at the same high angle as the shale mentioned, to the southeastward. ‘This rock can be traced to the west end of the hill on this side, and also forms high precipitous exposures around its northern side, one of which has been fancifully called the ‘‘lover’s leap.” At the western base of the hill, it is likewise again seen in the walk leading down to the bath-houses, where it presents almost a flinty appearance. Again it appears just below the principal spring, some ten or fifteen feet higher than at the bath-houses, forming the bed of the little stream running from the spring— being here, in places, whitened by the deposit of hydrated sulphur left by the water trickling over its surface. The bottom of this spring is also formed of this rock, and it is a little exposed along the side of a road, at a somewhat higher elevation, about forty or fifty yards south of the same. This last seems to be about the end of the exposed part of this little uplift of the Oriskany formation here, in a southwestward direction, the overlying shales being met with in a hill on this side behind another row of cottages situated along its north- eastern slope. A low naked knob, only about twelve feet in height, of the lower black shales, is also seen on the immediate margin of Howard’s creek, some sixty or seventy yards west of the springs, which, as already intimated, are situated at the western and low- est part of the grounds. This exposure is hardened, contorted, and crumpled as if it had been kneaded together by some power- ful agency while in a yielding or semiplastic condition. Another elevation at the northeast side of the grounds, called “Prospect hill,” rises gradually to about the height of that already mentioned on the north, and is also covered by shade trees and laid out into walks; its southwestern slope being like- wise occupied by a row of elegant two-story cottages; which, with those already mentioned, and others on the south side, surround the central part of the ornamented grounds in which the large hotel is situated. So far as I could see, this last- mentioned hill seems to be composed entirely of the shales and flags of the Hamilton group, of different shades of color. The exposures here show that the strike of this little uplift of Oriskany and the overlying shales, is northeastward, and south- (29) Vv APPENDIX. westward, or parallel to the general trend of the ranges of the whole Appalachian region, as is most generally the case (local flexures excepted) with the anticlinal axes throughout this dis- trict. As there are no corresponding Oriskany beds seen just on the northwest of this uplift, dipping in the opposite direction, and it is evident that such material could not have been worn away by Howard’s Creek, the immediate valley of which directly inter- venes between this hill and the mountain, composed mainly, if not entirely, of Hamilton and perhaps Chemung group beds on that side, it would seem that there may be a slight local inequality in the elevation of the strata here, along the opposite sides of a fracture. Whether this axis brings to view the Oriskany beds further northeastward, along the opposite side of the valley on the line of strike, I did not ascertain by personal observation, as I did not examine the mountains in that direction. I infer, however, from Prof. Rogers’s remarks that it does, and this would indicate an oblique fracture of these beds, because the valley of Howard’s Oreek, which crosses the strike obliquely, could hardly have been cut through such a rock by that stream. For some time I was unable to find any recognizable fossils in the Oriskany beds here, though I had seen some obscure casts and moulds of brachopods in the cherty beds along the little stream running from the springs. After diligent search, however, I succeeded in finding, near the bath-house, behind the cottages, at the west end of the hill above mentioned, imperfect casts of the well-known Oriskany shells Spirfer arenosus, Meristella lata, and moulds of Rensselaeria ovoides ? The deep.cuts of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad through the spurs and ridges of the mountains along the south side of the valley here, afford a very fine opportunity to study the Hamilton. group shales and more or less slaty beds, which seem to be of con- siderable thickness, and from near the springs dip at various angles to the southeastward, excepting where they are locally flexed and contorted. As the railroad runs close along the south side of the grounds, some of these deep cuts are within a few hundred. yards of the hotel. One of these, in a direction nearly south from the springs, and almost on a line with the strike of the Oriskany uplift, but at a higher elevation than the nearest exposures of this rock immediately at the springs, shows the black Hamilton shale at the bottom, much contorted, with many polished surfaces. caused by the slipping of one part upon another at the time of the upheaval, or during other disturbances of the beds. As freshly laid open by the excavations in progress when I was there, these: dark shales emitted, under a noon-day sun, a sulphurous odor, suggesting the probable origin of the sulphuretted hydrogen of the springs, that have their source, as already stated, near the connection, of these shales with Oriskany formation. (30) APPENDIX. vi I saw no traces of any kind of organic remains in these lower dark shales, excepting a few trails, apparently of annelids, but. they doubtless owe their dark color mainly to minutely com- minuted particles of organic matter, perhaps chiefly of marine plants. From their position, however, and general appearance, there is little or no reason to doubt that they represent the Mar- cellus shale of the New York series; which, although sometimes | viewed as a distinct formation, may perhaps be properly con- sidered a subdivision of the Hamilton group. Here these dark beds are seen to shade upward into various lighter colored shales, and flags, presenting different shades of drab, olive, and dull gray, - and bluish-gray. In some parts there are intercalated layers of various thickness and harder texture, composed of variable pro- portions of arenaceous and argillaceous matter. These latter harder layers are usually of dull gray color, or often on fresh fractures, bluish-gray, and, as may be seen in other cuts further eastward and westward, increase in proportion to the more shaly portions as we ascend in the series. At some places, however, higher in the series there are seen beds of dark shale. The lighter colored shaly beds above the lower dark shales are often quite soft, and are dug out along the railroad in small rhomboid blocks that soon crumble under exposure to atmospheric agencies. Fossils seem also to be rather rare here in the lighter colored beds of the Hamilton group, near the bases of the mountains, in the immediate vicinity of the springs, but I succeeded in finding, in some of the harder layers at several places along the cuts of the railroad, and up the side of the mountain to the southeastward, casts and moulds of the well-known Hamilton species, Spirifer mucronatus, and Orthis Vanuxemit, along with Martinia umbo- nata, Atrypa reticularis, A. aspera, a flattened Strophomena and a smooth Avicula or Pierinea. From what has already been said, it seems that there are here no representatives of the Upper Helderberg limestones or grits of the New York series; the black shales at the base of the Hamilton group being found resting directly against and upon the Oriskany. West of the Springs, the lower dark shales are seen along the: base of the mountains for a mile or more, on the right or north- west side of the valley, dipping at high angles to the northwest- ward, or at places locally tilted vertically, or variously flexed and distorted as if by lateral pressure, as well as from upheaval. The direction of the valley here is southwestward, but within a short distance its direction becomes nearly east and west, and five miles below, it curves around more nearly to the north. The rail-- road sweeps around the south side of this curve, cutting through several spurs and ridges of the mountains on that side of the valley, at an elevation of some fifty feet above its bottom. Its’ direction for several miles below the springs being very obliquely (31) vil APPENDIX. across the axis of elevation, the cuts continue in the lighter colored shales and harder layers, which are at places seen contorted and dipping locally in different directions. As the road curves around to the northwestward, however, it crosses the strike of the strata less and less obliquely, so that, although a descending grade, it rapidly passes from (geologically) lower to higher strata, as it turns more nearly in the direction of the dip. I found Hamilton types of fossils for a mile or more below the springs, but beyond this my examinations in that direction were not sufficient to determine exactly where the Hamilton ends, in going down the valley. To the westward, the harder less shaly beds were noticed to increase, but no very abrupt or strongly marked lithological changes were observed near the bases of the mountains, until about four to four and a half miles below the springs, by the curve of the road, near which point some whitish, rather coarse sandstone, at places containing pebbles of white quartz, was seen along the sides of the mountains, in rather massive beds, dipping at a high angle to the northwestward. Some half mile or less further on, in a nearly northwestward direction, the dip brings this sandstone down to the bottom of the valley. A deep cut at this place, at the entrance of a tunnel some forty to fifty feet above the sandstone, penetrates hard bluish-gray, more or less gritty beds, alternating with softer crumbling red- dish, and, in places, greenish strata, in which argillaceous matter seems to predominate.* I saw no fossils here, excepting frag- ments of black vegetable matter, but I was impressed with the resemblance of these beds, and the red clays some of them form by disintegration, to some of those seen in the Catskill Moun- tains of New York, formerly referred to the Old Red Sandstone, but which, since Col. Jewett’s discovery of Chemung fossils high in those mountains, have been mainly included in the Chemung group of the New York Devonian. 1 have the impression, how- ever, that the beds penetrated by this excavation are at least as high in the series as the Old Red, or possibly somewhat higher, as there must be, owing to the dip here, a very considerable thick- ness of strata between them and the Hamilton group seen further up the valley. Being at the time in rather feeble health, I did not attempt to make the necessary examinations to ascertain the exact limits of the groups here, and only allude to the rocks seen in this cut, on account of their close similarity in lithological characters, to those containing the plants described in this paper from Lewis’s tunnel, about six miles to the southeast of the springs; especially as the reverse of dip, to the southeastward from the springs to the last-mentioned locality, would also indi- * It is probable that these beds and the whitish sandstone seen below them, owing to the general inclination of all the rocks here, rise to the summits of the mountains, some miles further eastward, on the west side of the valley, and nearer the springs, than where I saw them. (32) dQ: PLATE I, . 1. LEPIDODENDRON SCOBINIFORMIS. A part of one of the smaller branches, showing the cha- racter of the surface scars of the same. \ g. 2, CYCLOPTERIS (ARCH ZOPTERIS) ALLEGHANENSIS. 2a. A part of a frond, natural size. 2b. One of the pinnules magnified, to show the nervation. — ig. 3. CYCLOPTERIS VIRGINIANA. 3a. Part of a frond, natural size. 3b. Outer extremity of one of the pinne. 3c. One of the pinnules magnified, to show the nervation. y 4, CARPOLITHES, PLATE IT. Fig. 1. Cycnoprsris (ARCH ZOPTERIS) LESCURIANA. la. A part of a frond, upper side, reduced somewhat more than one-eighth diameter in size. 1b. One of the pinnules magnified, to show the nervation. lc. A small part of the rachis magnified, to show its rugose character, APPENDIX. viii cate that the beds at these two excavations occupy about the same position in the series. Returning to the springs, which are situated in the axis of elevation, we find that several deep cuts and tunnels along the railroad, just east of the same, present fine sections of the Ham- ilton group shaly beds, with more or less of harder and more compact gray layers intercalated. The more shaly softer beds here present the usual light-drab and grayish tints, but at one place I noticed some very dark shale. Generally fossils seem to be rare here also, along the cuts of the road, though in some of the harder more arenaceous beds, within about one mile of the springs, I found casts of a few Hamilton types. Between this and Alleghany tunnel, three and a half miles southeast of the springs by a right line, I only saw the rocks in passing along on the cars. As already stated, the dip of the strata east of the springs is to the southeastward, with the excep- tion of local distortions, apparently all the way to Lewis’s tunnel and beyond; and as the direction of the road between these two places is nearly, though not exactly, the same as the dip, in coming eastward, we ascend again rather rapidly in the series, the inclination of the strata being at a pretty high angle. With local exceptions, the beds become less shaly, with a larger pro- portion of hard layers in coming eastward. At the west end of Alleghany tunnel, which is seven-eighths of a mile in length, and at nearly the same actual elevation as the springs, I saw gray and olive shales, with some more compact arenaceous layers, tilted and much confused, some parts standing nearly in a verti- cal posture, as if crowded together by lateral pressure. Similar shaly beds seem also to occur at some points in the tunnel, as it has been found necessary to wall up and arch it over with masonry at places. At the east end of this tunnel there is a long open cut, with vertical walls on each side, in which the strata are seen to be more compact, and show little of the shaly structure. They generally present a bluish-gray tint on fresh fractured surfaces, and dip to the southwestward at an angle of from 45° to 50° below the horizon. Where long exposed to atmospheric agencies, however, above the cut, on the slope of the mountains, they weather to a light yellowish-gray color, but sometimes show rusty surfaces, when broken. At one piace, a little above the east end, and on the south side of this cut, I found a mould of the ventral valve of a Spirifer agreeing exactly with that of the more ex- tended forms of S. mucronatus. Associated with this, however, were numerous casts of the interior, and moulds of the exterior, of the Chemung species S. mesacostalis, agreeing in all respects with the transversely extended variety of that shell, as found in New York, not only in form, surface markings, and the charac- teristic mesial rib, but also in having a deep slit in casts of the 3 (33 ) ix APPENDIX: rostral cavity, left by a prominent, narrow, internal ridge or sep- tum, similar to that seen in Spiriferina. In the same beds with these, I also found several casts agreeing well with the Chemung species Letorhynchus mesacostalis, and Orthis impressa, together with the Chemung and Hamilton forms Atrypa reticularis and Martinia umbonata: likewise a small hemispherical Productus, a small plicated Rhynchonella, and an Avicula or Pterinea, like A. spinigera. From such an assemblage of fossils, it can scarcely be doubted that these beds belong to the horizon of the Chemung group of the New York Devonian series. It is true, Spirifer mucronatus, is, I believe, not there known above the horizon of the Hamilton group, but Prof. Henry D. Rogers states that it occurs in the Chemung in Pennsylvania, while the associated species form together a group of fossils nowhere, so far as I am informed, ever found below the horizon of the Chemung. About half a mile east of the locality where the above-men- tioned fossils were found, I collected from loose pieces of fine- grained, gray, somewhat gritty rock, along the bed of a little mountain stream, a Schizodus apparently identical with a New York Chemung species; and from a cut a few hundred yards further eastward, from a similar rock in place, several bivalves like Chemung forms, along with casts of the well-known Chemung species Spirifer disjunctus. The beds all along here continue to dip at the same high angle to the southeastward, and become rather more gritty in that direction; while immediately east of the last-mentioned locality, small masses of whitish, more or less pebbly sandstone had slidden from the slope above the road. This material seems, however, scarcely to form a continuous bed here, but apparently passes into fine-grained, hard gray rock, nearly or entirely without peb- bles. This, more or less pebbly and at places whitish grit, is very probably the same seen dipping to the northwestward, five miles below the springs on Howard’s Creek, though here it seems to be much less developed as a distinct mass from the other beds. At a point some three-fourths of a mile east of the Alleghany tunnel, exposures were seen along the road, of rather massive beds of hard, bluish-gray, more or less gritty rock, alternating with softer crumbling material of brownish color, the whole being much like the beds seen in the cut five miles below the springs. At one place, thin local seams of dark shale, and some little coal were seen intercalated among these rocks. A little east of this the road curves around to the left, in a northeast direction, and enters a long open cut, leading to the southwestern end of Lewis’s tunnel; and it was at the bottom of this excavation that the plants under consideration were found. The base of this excavation is here perhaps some twenty odd feet lower than the exposures containing the thin seams of dark (34) APPENDIX. x shale and coaly matter already mentioned; but I am inclined to think it very nearly, if not exactly at the same geological horizon, as the dip of the strata would apparently bring those seams down to this level. The direction of the cut being more nearly par- allel with the strike of the strata than the general course of the road west of this curve, the beds dip more obliquely across the excavation, and at the point where the laborers were at work when I was there, a thin seam of black, more or less shaly matter, containing at places a few inches of coal, was seen passing across the bottom of the cut. This seam of bituminous shaly matter is very irregular in thickness, being in some places a foot or more thick, but soon thinning out to a few inches. The included coal is also even more irregular, being sometimes several inches in thickness, and again thinning to a mere streak of black bitu- minous shaly matter, or sometimes entirely disappearing. _Where pure and not crushed,* it often presents a somewhat lustrous appearance like anthracite, but it burns with a bright flame that shows it to be bituminous or semi-bituminous. Of course it does not exist in sufficient quantities to be made available for any practical purposes, but its occurrence here among these older strata, so far beneath the horizon of the true Coal measures, and in connection with so many beautiful fossil plants, is, to the geo- logist, an interesting fact, as it shows that similar physical con- ditions to those that gave origin to our great widely extended coal-beds of the later Carboniferous period, prevailed locally here, at least for a comparatively brief period of time, long before the true coal-producing epoch. The plants found associated with this coal occur both in the more or less dark-colored shaly matter, and in the fine-grained argillaceous and slightly gritty harder rock just below it, as well as above. The wonderfully perfect condition of the most deli- cate fronds of the ferns found here, shows that these plants could not have been drifted any great distance, by streams or ocean currents, before being buried beneath the fine sediment now form- ing the rocks in which they are imbedded, but that they must have grown at least near the locality where they are now found. Hence it is evident that while the vast accumulations of sedi- mentary matter composing these mountain masses, were being deposited upon a gradually sinking ocean bottom, there were shores, and perhaps islands near, that supported a growth of terrestrial vegetation. Indeed it is probable that even at some of the very spots where the coal is found, the bed upon which it tests was raised slightly above the surface of the sea, and that most of the plants of which the coal is formed, as well as those with which it is associated, may have grown very nearly, or pos- * Being a much softer material than the hard rocks above and below, this seam of coal and shaly matter has, at some places, been crushed by the movements of the beds under tremendous pressure, (35) xi APPENDIX. sibly in some cases exactly where they are now found. Of course there were many subsequent oscillations of level, by which much of our continent was sunk deep enough beneath the ocean level, to receive thousands of feet in thickness, of later deposits, and again raised to its present elevation. The walls of the excavation at the bottom of which these plants were found, are composed of the same fine-textured, more or less hard, gray and bluish-gray, argillaceous, slightly gritty beds, as some of those containing the plants, for ten or twelve feet above the bottom of the cut; and farther up, apparently much the same kind of rocks continue for thirty or forty feet, alternating with beds of softer, crumbling, brownish-red material, disposed to form red clays by disintegration. The nature of the rocks composing the mountains here, above this last-mentioned horizon, was not determined by examination; and no organic remains, excepting those of the plants collected here, were seen at this locality. About two hundred yards to the northeastward from the point where the plants already mentioned were taken out at the bottom of the cut, excavations were in progress in the tunnel, by means of a vertical shaft sunk on an elevation more than one hundred feet above the actual horizon of the point where the plants alluded to above were found. The rock thrown out of this shaft is a very hard, compact, rather coarse-grained, massive grit, of a light bluish-gray color, differing from any of the beds exposed in, or directly over, the cut at the plant locality., It is brought up from the shaft generally in large, irregular massive blocks, as blasted from the beds. In these I saw many fragments of stems and branches of trees, most of which are small, but I obtained several specimens of moderate size, one of which consists of a fragment broken at both ends, measuring twenty-two inches in length, and three to four inches in diameter. Some crushed ex- amples seen in the rock appear to have belonged to individuals of considerably larger size. All of these specimens are coated, as it were, by a bark-like covering of shining coaly matter, while inside of this nothing but the same hard, gritty material compos- ing the surrounding matrix occurs. Generally no well-defined markings are seen either on the surface of this coaly matter, or on the rock within. On one of the specimens, however, obtained here, there are pits closely resembling, in size, form, and arrange- ments, those of the genus Sfigmaria. The absence of surface markings on most of these specimens is perhaps due, in part, to the fact that they were drifted and con- sequently abraded before being deposited here, and in part to the tremendous pressure to which they have been subjected during the consolidation of the rock, or its subsequent movements. The evidences of pressure are seen on nearly all the specimens, which are usually found crushed and broken, with the surface of the (36) APPENDIX. xii shining coaly covering polished and striated by the slipping of contiguous portions of the matrix under great pressure. Owing to the fact that nearly or quite all of the plants I obtained here in a condition to show their specific characters, seem to be new species, while no other organic remains of any kind were observed in these beds during my rather limited ex- amination, we scarcely have the means of determining their exact horizon in the series. The affinities of the several species of ferns found in the bed at the bottom of the cut, at this place, would, however, favor the conclusion that they belong near the junction of the Old Red Sandstone and the lower Carboniferous, but probably in the latter. That the remains of Chemung types of shells occur at lower stratigraphical positions at several places between ‘here and Al- leghany tunnel, has already been stated. There must, however, be a considerable thickness of strata intervening between these two points, the dip being all along here, I should think, scarcely less than 30° to 40° below the horizon, and perhaps at some points more, to the southeastward. I made no measurements of distances, angles of dip, or of the thickness of strata (having no instruments), but the distance between the two tunnels, by the curve of the road, is, I was informed, about one and a half miles. A straight line between these two points, however, would not be in the direction of the dip, but obliquely across the strike, and something less. The distance, by a right line, between the locality where I found the last Chemung fossils, coming eastward, and the point where the remains of the plants were found in the cut at Lewis’ tunnel, I should think little more than half a mile; and, making allowance for the direction of this line with relation to the dip, there would seem to be scarcely less than 1500 feet of strata, and | possibly more, between the horizons of these two points. How much if any of this space may be occupied by Chemung rocks remains to be determined. That the Chemung extends from the furthest eastward point at which I found its characteristic fossils, back to Alleghany tunnel, however, where the same types occur, there can be no doubt, and there appears to be good reason to believe that there are from 1200 to 1500 feet of these rocks be- tween these two points. Whether or not the Chemung extends back into Alleghany tunnel, I did not ascertain. I think it pro- bable, however, that at least a part of the strata penetrated by this tunnel belongs to the horizon of the Portage group, because among the material brought out of its eastern end, I saw many thin slabs, of bluish and greenish tinge, showing, on their slightly glazed surfaces, fucoidal markings very similar to Mucoides graphica, so characteristic of the Portage group in New York. There is ample space between this point and the White Sulphur (37 ) Xlil APPENDIX. Springs, for great developments of the Portage: and Hamilton groups, if both exist here. The thickness of the Chemung group was formerly estimated at about 1500 feet in New York; but from Col. Jewett’s dis- covery, that a considerable thickness of the strata forming the Catskill Mountains, that had for a long time been referred to the Old Red Sandstone, really belongs to the Chemung, we may perhaps infer that 1500 feet is considerably below the maximum thickness of the latter formation in New York. Prof. Henry D. Rogers estimated its greatest thickness in Pennsylvania at more than 3000 feet. From all the facts observed, I had at one time supposed that the plant bed at Lewis’s tunnel holds a position in the upper part of the Devonian; but as Prof. Rogers informs me that the Old Red, if it exists there, is probably but little developed, the position of these plants may be more properly within the inferior part of the lower or subcarboniferous series. Fossil Botany not coming within the range of my own especial department of investigation, my object in studying these plants was, at first, merely to identify the species, which it was supposed had probably been described. After making extensive compari- sons, however, with the figures and descriptions in a large number of publications, without finding any species agreeing with them, I arrived at the conclusion that they are new, and decided to naine and describe them. The specimens, however, have been submitted to Prof. Lesquereux, and afterwards to Dr. Newberry, as well as in part (with tracings of others), to Prof. J. W. Daw- son, of Montreal, all of whom are well known to be high authori- _ties on fossil botany; and these gentlemen concurred in the opinion that the species are new; though they differed somewhat in opinion respecting the generic affinities of the ferns, which happen to be types standing, as it were) intermediate between several of the established genera., This peculiarity of these forms, and the fact that the most important generic character (the nature of the fructification) can very rarely be seen in speci- mens of these older types of fossil ferns, render their classifica- tion difficult, and give origin to conflicting opinions, among the most careful and conscientious observers, respecting the generic names under which the species should be ranged. _ I take pleasure in acknowledging my obligations to Prof. Dawson, Prof. Lesquereux, and Dr. Newberry, for the sugges- tions alluded to above, respecting these plants. LEPIDODENDRON SCOBINIFORME, M. Pl. I, fig. 1. Cicatrices of smaller branches moderately distinct, small, or about 0.14 inch in length, and 0.09 inch in breadth, subovate in form, or rounded above and tapering toa mucronate point below, (38 ) APPENDIX. XIV placed in the usual obliquely ascending rows so as to present a _ quincuncial arrangement, smooth below. Interspaces smooth, somewhat less than the breadth of the cicatrices, measuring transversely, and half their breadth measuring in the direction of the oblique rows. Leaf scars small, placed at the upper end (and usually a little excentric to the right) of the cicatrices, sub- rhombic, about as wide as long, with upper side convex in out- line, the lateral angles rounded, and the base abruptly pointed ; sometimes with the entire outline subcircular, smooth, or without any visible vascular pits within. The above description is taken from a portion of a flattened branch about an inch and a half wide, showing the cicatrices quite distinctly. But these markings present a great diversity of ap- pearances on different portions of the different sized branches and trunks; and, consequently, the description would not apply to all. of its parts. In some of the impressions of still smaller branches, or individuals, the cicatrices are more crowded laterally, more elongated, proportionally narrower, and, as seen in a cross light, present a decided elongate-rhombic outline, the interspaces being proportionally narrow, so as to make the cicatrices appear as if acutely pointed, both above and below. In this aspect, the leaf scars are scarcely seen, and the whole surface presents much the appearance of the figure of Sigillaria Chemungensis, given on page 275 of the Report on the fourth Geological District of New York. Even in these specimens, however, when viewed in a different light, the cicatrices can be seen to be really more or less rounded above, and the leaf scars obscurely defined. On still larger branches, the cicatrices become more and more faintly defined, and the leaf scars proportionally more distinct and more scattering, so that the surface looks very much like that of a Stigmaria. In following the markings to larger and larger branches, or individuals, the cicatrices are seen gradually to be- come obsolete, and longitudinal ridges begin to be developed. On fragments, apparently of the trunk of the same tree, these ridges are found to be from 0.25 to 0.46 inch in breadth, nearly flat (with sometimes very obscure traces of irregular longitudinal strie), and separated by narrow irregularly interrupted furrows; while a single row of the small scars occurs along the middle of each, separated by intervals of about 0.50 inch. Again other speci- mens, apparently of portions of the trunk, show the ridges to have become obsolete or nearly so; but the leaf scars are still seen, more widely separated, and more obscurely defined. These longitudinally ridged specimens, therefore, present very nearly the characters of Sigillaria. Hence, it becomes a matter of some doubt to which one of the three genera, Lepidodendron, Stigmaria, or Sigillaria, the species should be referred. It is true that the specimens seen are not in such a condition as positively to demonstrate that they all belong to the same (39) Xv APPENDIX. species—that is, no one individual tree has been seen entire, and showing all of the characters mentioned—but the specimens were found flattened together in the same matrix, and present such an uninterrupted series of gradations as to render it impossible to separate them; and to leave the impression on the mind that they really belong to the different parts of the same species. Prof. Lesquereux has also informed me, that after figuring and describing his Stigmaria minuta, of the Pennsylvania Report, from the Lower Carboniferous of the State, he found other spe- cimens clearly showing very similar gradations in the surface markings, and yet under circumstances rendering it positively certain that they all belong to one tree. So far as I have been able to see, the markings on decorticated surfaces all become nearly obsolete. In the same matrix numerous very slender grass-like leaves occur that probably belong to this species. The widest of these are not more than 0.13 inch in breadth, while some of them can be traced to a length of more than seven inches, and yet they are broken at both ends, and appear to be simple and almost of the same breadth throughout the entire length. They are always flattened by pressure, and generally show no very well-defined median vein, but in some cases they appear to exhibit traces of about four longitudinal lines, or veins. . STiGMARIA ? (sp. undetermined). The specimens of this fossil in the collection are more or less compressed laterally by accidental pressure, and surrounded by a thin bark-like covering of shining coal. Generally they show scarcely any traces of surface scars; but one of them about 19 inches in length, with both ends broken away, and measuring at the larger end (which rather suddenly enlarges), 3, by a little more than 54 inches in diameter, and at the smaller 2.40 by 4.30 inches in diameter, retains the scars or pits on the decorticated surfaces, with some degree of distinctness. These are alternately arranged in obliquely ascending rows, and are simple, vertically elongated depressions, deepest in the middle, and becoming rapidly shallower and narrowed to nothing above and below. In the direction of the spiral rows, as well as transversely, they measure about 0.40 inch from the middle of one to that of the next; while the interspaces are sometimes obscurely and irregu- larly a little wrinkled longitudinally. The whole interior, within the surrounding bark-like coating of coal, is merely composed of the hard, rather fine gritty mate- rial composing the surrounding matrix, and shows no traces: of an eccentric pith. This latter fact and the rather elongated form of the surface pits, without any ring or elevated point within, render it doubtful whether or not this form can be pro- perly referred to the genus Stigmaria. (40) APPENDIX, XVi The specimens of this species do not occur directly associated with the other plants described in this paper, but at a somewhat higher geological horizon, about one or two hundred yards fur- ther eastward. CARPOLITHES ¢ Pl. I, fig. 4. These bodies may or may not be fruits, as they are too im- perfectly preserved and defined to be satisfactorily determined. They seem to have been vesicular, or, at any rate, to have pos- sessed little solid substance, as they are almost entirely flattened by pressure. As thus seen flattened in the matrix, they most generally present a spatulate outline, and vary in length from 1 inch to 1.60 inches, and from 0.20 to 0.30 inch in breadth, the widest part being generally near one end; while the opposite end is sometimes abruptly pointed, and the other usually more obtuse, or more or less rounded. They show no surface markings of any kind. CycLoPrEeRis? (ARcHmopreris) LEscurtana, M. ELMS oculas bes Frond tripinnate,* attaining a large size, primary pinne lance- ovate or lanceolate in general outline, with a moderately stout, straight, somewhat rugose rachis. Secondary pinne regularly alternating, rather approximate, lanceolate, nearly straight or a little arched upward, with a slender, very slightly flexuous rachis, that diverges from the secondary one at distinctly less than a right angle. Tertiary divisions or pinnules regularly alternating, narrowed below to the short oblique petiole, the lower or inner ones being deeply divided into from three to five (rarely six) alternating, moderately divergent, narrow sublanceolate, simple, or rarely dentate leaflets; upper ones gradually becoming less and less divided, until they pass into merely slightly dentate, or simple lanceolate forms that are more oblique to, and slightly decurrent upon, the rachis. Nervation rather obscure; nerves not very numerous, moderately diverging, and apparently several times bifurcating. f * The descriptions of this and the following species, are drawn up under the supposition that the largest specimens found are not fronds, but mere divisions of the same. If they should be found to be entire fronds, however, of course the description would have to be modified to correspond, as in that case the species should be described as bi-pinnate, and the division termed secondary pinna, would be primary, etc. { In some of the specimens the upper side of the pinnules can be seen under a strong magnifier in a cross light, to be covered by numerous extremely minute, crowded longitudinal striz, apparently independent of the nervation. These stri# can be traced down the narrowed base, or petiole, upon and along the rachis. $7 Cy XVil APPENDIX. The specimens apparently belonging to this species before me, present considerable variations of form and other characters, some being decidedly narrower, with their pinuez shorter, more distant, and more oblique, and their pinnules less divided. These, how- ever, probably belong to different parts of the frond from that described here as the typical form of the species. Others have the pinne and pinnules, as well as the subdivisions of the latter, smaller and proportionally more slender, and presenting a more delicate appearance throughout. These latter may possibly be- long to a distinct species, but they agree so nearly in all other respects with the form described as to leave the impression that the whole series belongs to one somewhat variable species. This species has much the aspect of a Sphenopteris, to which Dr. Newberry thought it might be referred without impropriety. In this opinion Prof. Dawson was inclined to concur on examin- ing a photograph of it. On a critical examination of its nerva- tion, as seen in some specimens sent to him, he writes that he thinks it belongs more properly to the same group as Archexop- teris Halliana (= Sphenopteris laxa, Hall), to which I had from the first supposed it to be related. Prof. Lesquereux, to whom I showed the specimens, also supposed the species to belong to Palxopteris of Schimper, which is the same as Archexopteris, Dawson, the name Palzopteris being preoccupied. Some other high authorities on fossil botany, however, have arranged similar forms under the names Asplenites and Adiantites. From these remarks the student will readily understand that in the present unsettled state of opinion in regard to the limits between several of these older groups of fossil ferns, and the consequent confusion existing in their nomenclature, it is im- possible to determine beyond doubt under what genus this species may ultimately have to be ranged, when all of these questions can be settled. It may therefore have to take the name Sphen- opteris Lescuriana, or Adiantites (Asplenites) Lescurianus. Or, possibly, in case the name Paleopieris of Genitz should be found not to have been based upon a tenable genus, so that Schimper’s name Palxopteris would have to replace Archxopteris, our species may have to be called Palzopteris Lescuriana. Specifically this form will be readily distinguished from Cycl. (Archxopteris) Halliana, by wanting the row of broad separate pinnules along its rachis between the pinne as seen in that species, as wellas by its more divided inner pinnules and more rigid pinne. Prof. Dawson thinks it more nearly related to his C. (Palzop- teris\ Rogerst, though, on comparison, he says he finds that the Rogersi has larger pinne, and more obtuse as well as larger pinnules, and a somewhat different venation. (42) APPENDIX. Xvili CYCLOPTERIS VIRGINIANA, M. Bi ig 3 anes Frond apparently attaining a large size, and probably tripia- nate. Primary pinnz with a rather stout, rigid, smooth, or slightly striated rachis. Secondary pinne long lanceolate, regularly alternating, nearly straight, rather closely arranged, and standing nearly or quite at right angles to the rachis. Pinnules more oblique, rather approximate and regularly alter- nating; lower or inner ones shorter and broader than the others, abruptly narrowed, or apparently sometimes subcordate at the base, and attached to the rachis by an extremely short petiole, more or less distinctly trilobate, the lobes being obtuse, and broad-ovate in form; succeeding pinnules gradually becoming five-lobed, more elongated, or obtusely sublanceolate, more ob- lique, and less abruptly tapering at the base ; beyond these, the others are less and less strongly lobed, or merely undulated on the margins, while a few near the extremities of the pinne are quite simple, still more oblique, and very gradually tapering to, and more or less decurrent upon, the rachis. Nervation dis- tinct, nerves slender, palmately spreading, and bifurcating seve- ral times. If specimens of this species, like the one figured, are imperfect primary pinne, and not fronds, it must have been a very large beautiful fern. It seems to have been much more rare than the last, as only the two specimens figured occur in a collection, con- taining fifteen or sixteen more or less imperfect examples of the last. Although very distinct specifically from the foregoing, this seems, like that form, to stand as it were intermediate between several of the established genera. In some respects it is related to both Sphenopteris and Cyclopteris, while Prof. Schimper has included some similar forms in his genus Triphyllcpteris. Still other high authorities have placed apparently congeneric forms under the names Adiantites and Asplenites. It is therefore pos- sible that when the affinities of the ancient types of ferns can be better understood, and the confusion that now exists in their nomenclature is corrected, the name of this species may have to be changed to Sphenopteris or Triphyllopteris Virginiana. I am not sure, however, that it should not be called Archeopteris (Palzopteris) Virginiana. CYcLopreris (ARCHMOPTERIS) ALLEGHANENSIS, M. Pl. I, fig. 2, a, b. Frond tri- or bipinnate. Primary pinne (or possibly the frond) narrow, or apparently lanceolate, with a comparatively strong, transversely wrinkled, rigid rachis, that is provided (43) X1X APPENDIX. with short, sublanceolate, regularly alternating, rather crowded pinne, directed nearly at right angles to its sides. Pinnules simple, alternate, very obtuse, and varying from subcircular to obovate, those nearest the rachis being sometimes nearly circular, and connected with the rachis by an extremely short petiole, or almost sessile ; those further out narrower, more oblique, and tapering to a narrow base that is more or less decurrent on the rachis; terminal one sometimes a little larger than the smaller of the others, and partly confluent with the nearest of the latter. Nervation moderately distinct; nerves spreading from the base, and bifurcating two or three times. This is probably a smaller species than either of the other two already described, and is very distinct from them both in the form and simplicity of its pinnules. But the single imperfect specimen of it figured was found, and it occurred directly asso- ciated with the others. In the form of its pinnules and their nervation it resembles Archeopteris (Neeggerathia) minor, of Lesquereux, but its pinne and pinnules are much more crowded and shorter. For the reasons already explained, future corrections of nomen- clature may require the name of this species ts be written Adzan- tites (Asplenites) Alleghanensis, or Paleopteris Alleghanensis. (44) IX. ON SOUND IN RELATION TO FOG-SIGNALS, FROM INVESTIGATIONS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE U.S. LIGHT HOUSE BOARD. By JOSEPH HENRY. (Reap Decemser 11, 1872.) (Before reading this paper Prof. Henry, as President, made the follow- ing preliminary remarks.) The Committee of Arrangements have this evening called an extra meeting of the Society to embrace the opportunity to invite a few friends to meet Professor Tyndall. They have extended this courtesy to him as a mark of the high appreciation which the Society entertains of his scientific labors. As the worthy successor of Faraday, we recognize him as among the first con- tributors to the physical science of the day. Although this is an extra meeting, the proceedings will not differ essentially from those of ordinary meetings, but will consist in the presentation of communications purporting to be additions to knowledge, and in discussions regarding them. We trust that Doctor Tyndall, and the other invited guests, will join in the discussion, and in the communication of any facts, which the occasion may recall to memory, pertaining to the subjects under consideration. The communication which I propose to make this evening is brought forward at this time especially on account of the presence of Doctor Tyndall, he being connected with the Light House system of Great Britain, while the facts I have to state are con- nected with the Light House service of the United States, and must therefore be of interest to our distinguished visitor. The facts I have to present form part of a general report to be pub- lished by the U.S. Light House Board. The Light House Board of the United States has from its first establishment aimed not only to furnish our sea-coast with all the aids to navigation that have been suggested by the experience of other countries and to adopt the latest improvements, but also to enrich the Light House service with the results of new investi- gations and new devices for the improvement of its efficiency, or, in other words, to add its share to the advance of a system which pertains to the wants of the highest civilization. Among the obstructions to navigation none are more serious, especially on the American coast, than those caused by fogs. Fog, as it is well known, is due to the mingling of warmer (45 ) il APPENDIX. rh air surcharged with moisture with colder air, and nowhere on the surface of the earth do more favorable conditions exist for pro- ducing fogs than on both our Atlantic and Pacific coasts. On the Atlantic the cold stream of water from the polar regions in its passage southward, on account of the rotation of the earth, passes close along our eastern coast from one extremity to the other, and parallel to this but opposite in direction, for a con- siderable distance is the great current of warm water known as the Gulf stream. Above the latter the air is constantly surcharged with moisture, and consequently whenever light winds blow from the latter across the former, the vapor is condensed into fog, and since in summer along our eastern coast the southerly wind pre- vails, we have during July, August, and September, especially on the coast of Maine, an almost continuous prevalence of fogs so dense that distant vision is entirely obstructed. On the western coast the great current of the Pacific, after having been cooled in the northern regions, in its passage south- ward gives rise to cold and warm water in juxtaposition, or, in other words, a current of the former through the latter, and hence whenever a wind blows across the current of cold water, a fog is produced. From the foregoing statement it is evident that among the aids to navigation fog-signals are almost as important as light houses. The application, however, of the science of acoustics to the former is far less advanced than is that of optics to the latter. Indeed, attempts have been made to apply lights of superior penetrating power, as the electric and calcium lights, to supersede the imperfect fog-signals in use. When, however, we consider the fact that the absorptive power of a stratum of cloud, which is but a lighter fog, of not more than two or three miles in thickness, is sufficient to obscure the image of the sun, the intensity of the light of which is greater than that of any artificial light, it must be evident that optical means are insufficient for obviating the difficulty in question. The great extent of the portions of the coast of the United States, which is subject to fogs, renders the investigation of the subject of fog-signals one of the most important duties of the Light House Board. In studying this subject it becomes a question of importance to ascertain whether waves of sound, like those of light, are absorbed or stifled by fog; on this point, however, observers disagree. At first sight, from the very striking analogy which exists in many respects between light and sound, the opinion has largely pre- vailed that sound is impeded by fog. But those who have not been influenced by this analogy have in some instances adopted the opposite opinion—that sound is better heard during a fog than in clear weather. To settle this question definitely the Light House Board have directed that at two light houses on the route (46) APPENDIX. ili from Boston to St. John, the fog-signals shall be sounded every day on which the steamboats from these ports pass the station, both in clear and foggy weather, the pilots on board these vessels having, for a small gratuity, engaged to note the actual distance of the boat when the sound is first heard on approaching the sig- nal, and is last heard on receding from it. The boats above men- tioned estimate their distance with considerable precision by the number of revolutions of the paddle-wheel as recorded by ‘the indicator of the engine, and it is hoped by this means to definitely decide the point in question. We think it highly probable that fog does somewhat diminish the penetrating power of sound, or, in other words, produce an effect analogous to the propagation of light. But when we consider the extreme minuteness of the particles of water constituting the fog as compared with the magnitude of the waves of sound, the analogy does not hold except in so small a degree as to be of no practical importance, or, in other words, the existence of fog is a true but, we think, an insuf- cient cause of diminution of sound, which view is borne out by the great distance at which our signals are heard during a dense fog. Another cause, which without doubt is a true one, of the dimi- nution of the penetrating power of sound is the varying density of the atmosphere, from heat and moisture, in long distances. The effect of this, however, would apparently be to slightly distort the wave of sound rather than to obliterate it. However this may be, we think, from all the observations we have made, the effect is small in comparison with another cause, viz., that of the influence of winD. During aresidence of several weeks at the sea-shore, the variation in intensity of the sound of the breakers at a distance of about a mile in no case appeared to be coincident with the varia- tions of an aneroid barometer or a thermometer, but in every in- stance it was affected by the direction of the wind. The variation in the distinctness of the sound ofa distant instrument as depending on the direction of the winD is so marked that we are warranted in considering it the principal cause of the inefficiency in certain cases of the most powerful fog-signals. The effect of the wind is usually attributed, without due consideration, to the motion of the body of air between the hearer and the sounding instrument: in the case of its coming towards him it is supposed that the velocity of the sound is reinforced by the motion of the air, and when in the opposite direction that it is retarded in an equal degree. A little reflection, however, will show that this cannot be the cause of the phenomenon in question, since the velocity of sound is so vastly greater than that of any ordinary wind, that the latter can only impede the progress of the former by a very small percentage of the whole. Professor Stokes, of Cambridge University, Eng- land, has offered a very ingenious hypothetical explanation of wind on sound, which we think has an important practical bear- (47) iv APPENDIX. ing, especially in directing the line of research and subsequent application of principles. His explanation rests upon the fact that during the passage of a wind between the observer and the sounding instrument the velocity of this will be more retarded at the surface of the earth on account of friction and other obstacles, and that the velocity of the stratum immediately above will be retarded by that below, and so on, the obstruction being lessened as we ascend through the strata. From this it follows that the sound wave will be de- formed and the direction of its normal changed. Suppose, for example, that the wind is blowing directly from the observer. In this case the retardation of the sound wave will be greater above than below, and the upper part of the wave-front will be thrown backwards so that the axis of the phonic ray will be deflected upwards, and over the head of the observer. If, on the other hand, a deep river of wind is blowing directly towards the observer, the upper part of the front of the wave will be in- clined down and towards him, concentrating the sound along the surface of the earth. The science of acoustics in regard to the phenomena of sound as exhibited in limited spaces has been developed with signal suecess. The laws of its production, propagation, reflection, and refraction have been determined with much precision, so that we are enabled in most cases to explain, predict, and control the phenomena exhibited under given conditions. But in case of loud sounds and those which are propagated to a great distance, such as are to be employed as fog-signals, considerable obscurity still exists. As an illustration of this I may mention the frequent occurrence of apparently abnormal phenomena. Gen. Warren informs me that at the battle of Seven Pines, in June, 1862, near Richmond, Gen. Johnston, of the Confederate army, was within three miles of the scene of action with a force intended to attack the flank of the Northern forces, and although listening at- tentively for the sound of the commencement of the engagement, the battle, which was a severe one, and lasting about three hours, ended without his having heard a single gun. (See John- ston’s Report.) Another case of a similar kind occurred to Gen. McClellan at the battle of Gaines’ Mills, June 27, 1862, also near Richmond. Although a sharp engagement was progressing within three or four miles for four or five hours, the general and his staff were unaware of its occurrenge, and when their attention was called to some feeble sound they had no idea that it was from anything more than a skirmish of little importance. (See Report of the Commission on the Conduct of the War.) A third and perhaps still more remarkable instance is given in a skirmish between a part of the 2d corps under Gen. Warren and a force of the enemy. In this case the sound of the firing was heard more distinctly at Gen. Meade’s head-quarters than it was at the (48) APPENDIX. v head-quarters of the 2d corps itself, although the latter was about midway between the former and the point of conflict. In- deed the sound appeared so near Gen. Meade’s camp that the impression was made that the enemy had gotten between it and Gen. Warren’s command. In fact so many instances occurred of wrong impressions as to direction and distance derived from the sound of guns that little reliance came to be placed on these indications. In the report of a series of experiments made under the direc- tion of the Light House Board by Gen. Duane of the Engineer Corps is the following remark: ‘The most perplexing difficulty arises from the fact that the fog-signal often appears to be sur- rounded by a belt varying in radius from one to one and a half miles. ‘Thus in moving directly from a station the sound is au- dible for the distance of a mile, is then lost for about the same distance, after which it is again distinctly heard for a long time.” Again, in a series of experiments at which Sir Frederic Arrow and Captain Webb, of the Trinity Board, assisted, it was found that in passing in the rear of the opposite side of an island in front of which a fog-signal was pla ed, the sound entirely dis- appeared, but by going further off to the distance of two or three miles it reappeared in full force, even with a large island inter- vening. Again, from the experiments made under the immedi- ate direction of the present chairman of the Light House Board, with the assistance of Admiral Powell and Mr. Lederle, the Light House Engineer, and also from separate experiments made by Gen. Duane, it appears that while a reflector, in the focus of which a steam whistle or ordinary bell is placed, reinforces the sound for a short distance, it produces little or no effect at the distance of two or three miles, and, indeed, the instrument can be as well heard in still air at the distance of four or five miles in the line of the axis of the reflector, whether the ear be placed before or behind it. From these results we would iner that the lateral divergency of sound, or its tendency to spread laterally as it passes from its source, is much greater than has been supposed from experiments on a small scale. The idea we wish to convey by this is that a beam of sound issuing through an orifice, although at first proceeding, like a beam of light in parallel rays, soon begins to diverge and spread out into a cone, and at a sufficient distance may include even the entire horizon. We may mention also in this connection that from the general fact expressed by the divergence of the rays of sound, the appli- cation of reflection as a means of reinforcing sound must in a considerable degree of necessity be a failure. By the application of the principle we have stated and the effect of the wind in connection with the peculiarities of the topography of a region and the position of the sounding body, we think that not 4 (49) vi APPENDIX. only may most of the phenomena we have just mentioned be ac- counted for, but alsothat other abnormal effects may be anticipated. In critically examining the position of the sounding body in the experiment we have mentioned, in which Sir Frederic Arrow and Captain Webb assisted, it was found that the signal was placed on the side of a bank with a large house directly in the rear, the roof of which tended to deflect the sound upwards so as to produce in the rear a shadow, but on account of the divergency of the beam this shadow vanished at the distance of a mile and a half or two miles, and at the distance of gay three miles the sound of the instrument was distinctly heard. I doubt not that, on examination, all the cases mentioned by General Duane, with one exception, might be referred to the same principle, the excep- tion being expressed in the following remarkable statement in his report to the Light House Board: ‘The fog-signals have fre- quently been heard ata distance of ¢wenty miles and as frequently cannot be heard at the distance of ¢wo miles, and with no percepti- ble difference in the state of the atmosphere. The signal is often heard at a greater distance in one direction, while in another it will be scarcely audible at the distance of amile. For example, the whistle at Cape Elizabeth can always be distinctly heard in Port- land—a distance of nine miles—during a heavy northeast snow storm, the wind blowing a gale nearly from Portland towards the whistle.” This is so abnormal a case, and so contrary to generally re- ceived opinion, that I hesitated to have it published under the authority of the Board until it could be verified and more thoroughly examined. In all the observations that have been made under my immediate supervision, the sound has always been heard further with the wind than against it. It would appear, therefore, from all the observations that the normal effect of the wind is to diminish the sound in blowing directly against it. There is, however, a meteorological condition of the atmosphere during a northeast storm on our coast which appears to me to have a direct bearing on the phenomenon in question. It is this: that, while a violent wind is blowing from the northeast into the interior of the country, a wind of equal intensity is blowing in an opposite direction at an elevation of a mileor two. This is shown by the rapidly eastwardly motion of the upper clouds as occasion- ally seen through breaks in the lower. As a further illustration of this principle I may mention that on one occasion (in 1855) I started, on my way to Boston from Albany, in the morning of a clear day with a westerly wind. The weather continued clear and pleasant until after passing the Con- necticut River, and until within fifty miles of Boston. We then encountered a storm of wind and rain which continued until we reached the city. On inquiry I learned that the storm had commenced in Boston the evening before, and, although the wind (50) APPENDIX. vil had been blowing violently towards Albany for twenty hours, it had not reached inwardly more than fifty miles. At this point it met the west wind and was turned back above in almost a parallel current. This is the general character of northeast storms along our coast, as shown by Mr. Hspy, and is directly applicable to the phenomenon mentioned by General Duane, and which, from the frequency with which he has witnessed the occur- rence, we must accept as a fact, though by no means a general one applicable to all stations. While a violent wind was blowing towards his place of observation from Cape Hlizabeth, at the sur- face of the earth, a parallel current of air was flowing above with equal or greater velocity in the opposite direction. The effect of the latter would be to increase the velocity of the upper part of the wave of sound, and of the former to diminish it; the result of the two being to incline the front of the wave of sound towards the observer, or to throw it down towards the earth, thus rendering the distant signal audible under these conditions when otherwise it could not be heard. I think it is probable that the same principle applies in other cases to the abnormal propagation of sound. For the production of a sound of sufficient power to serve as a fog-signal, bells, gongs, etc., are too feeble except in special cases where the warning required is to be heard only at a small dis- tance. After much experience the Light House Board has adopted, for first class signals, instruments actuated by steam or hot-air engines, and such only as depend upon the principle of resonance, or the enforcement of sound by a series of recurring echoes in resounding cavities. Of these there are three varieties. First the steam whistle, of which the part called the bell is a resounding cavity, the sound it emits having no relation to the material of which it is composed ; one of the same form and of equal size of wood produces an effect identical with that from one of metal. Another variety is the fog trumpet, which consists of a trumpet of wood or metal actu- ated by a reed like that of a flageolet. The third variety is called the siren trumpet, which consists of a hollow drum into one head of which is inserted a pipe from a steam boiler, while in the other head a number of holes are pierced which are alternately opened and shut by a revolving plate having an equal number of holes through it. This drum is placed at the mouth of a large trum- pet. The sound is produced by the series of impulses given to the air by the opening and shutting of the orifices and consequent rushing out at intervals with explosive violence of the steam, or condensed air. The instrument, as originally invented by Craig- nard De la Tour of France, was used simply in experiments in physics to determine the pitch of sound; but Mr. Brown of New York, after adding a trumpet to it, and modifying the openings (51} Viil APPENDIX. in the head of the drum and the revolving plate, offered it to the Light House Board as a fog-signal, and, as such, it has been found the most powerful ever employed. In ascertaining the penetrating power of different fog-signals, J have used with entire success an instrument of which the fol- lowing is a description. A trumpet of ordinary tinned iron of about three feet in length, and nine inches in diameter at the larger end and about an inch at the smaller, is gradually bent so that the axis of the smaller part is at right angles to the axis of the larger end; on the smaller end is soldered a cone of which the larger end is about two inches in diameter. Across the mouth of this cone is stretched a piece of goldbeater’s skin. When the instrument is used, the opening on the larger end is held before the instrument to be tested, the membrane being horizontal, and the mouth of the trumpet vertical; over the mem- brane is strewed a small quantity of fine sand which is defended from the agitation of the air by a cylinder of glass, the upper end of which is closed by a lens. When the instrument under exam- ination is sounded, the sand being sufficiently near is agitated, it is then moved further off step by step until the agitation just ceases ; this distance being measured is taken as the relative pene- trating power of the sounding instrument. ‘The same process is repeated with another sounding instrument, and the distance at which the sound ceases to produce an effect on the sand is taken as the measure of the penetrating power of this instrument, and so on. On comparing the results given by this instrument with those obtained by the ear on going out a sufficient distance, the two are found to agree precisely in their indications. The great advantage in using this contrivance is that the relative penetrat- ing power of two instruments may be obtained within a distance of a few hundred yards, while to compare the relative power of two fog-signals by the ear requires the aid of a steamer and a departure from the origin of sound in some eases of fifteen or twenty miles. (52) x, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON MARVINE. By J. W. POWELL. (Reap June 3, 1876.) Mr. ArcuiBatp R. MarvIne was born at Auburn, New York, Sept. 26, 1848. Whena youth he attended the military school at Sing Sing, and subsequently the School of Technology at Philadelphia. Leaving the latter he entered the Hooper Mining School of Harvard University, from which he graduated in 1870, when he was appointed instructor in the same school, a position which he held until July, 1871. In 1869 Professor J. D. Wuitney, of Harvard University, conducted a party of students on a trip among the Park Moun- tains of Colorado for the purpose of making practical studies in geography and geology. On this trip Mr. Marviner, who was one of the party, was instructed in both these branches. ‘he field of study was happily selected, being a portion of the Park Mountain region including South Park and the lofty mountains with which it is walled. The geographic features of the region in its larger outlines are simple. On the north is the great Col- orado Range, a wilderness of crags and peaks; on the south the great group of mountains of which Pike’s Peak is the culmina- tion; on the east the Front Range, a low, broad, flat-top moun- tain mass; on the west the Park Range. The Colorado Range along its main course west of Denver has a north and south axis, but near its southern end it sweeps westward in a great curve and abuts against the Park Range, and this southern curve forms the boundary between North and Middle Parks. Just here where the Park and Colorado Ranges unite, South Platte River heads in snow banks that even mid- summer suns cannot destroy, and running eastward at the foot of the Colorado Range, it breaks through the Front Range by a deep, narrow cafion set with crags and pinnacles. In the midst of the Park are low subsidiary ranges chiefly trending north and south, and between these ranges there are long, narrow valleys heading in the Pike’s Peak Mountains and stretching northward to the foot of the great Colorado Range, where the streams that meander through these valleys yield their waters to the South Platte. (53) il APPENDIX. The party climbed Pike’s Peak, and, standing on its summit, the district of country just described—South Park with its moun- tain walls, its interior ranges, its deep valleys, its wild gorges, its silver rivers and its crystal lakes, was all before them in one grand view. In such a field the young men were instructed in determining latitudes and longitudes, in determining relative positions by triangulation, and in delineating the more important topographic features. But mountains and valleys have something more than positions and magnitudes to interest the student of nature—they have structure; and in this structure are revealed the great facts of geology relating to displacement, degradation, sedimentation, metamorphism, and extravasation; and the field of study pre- sented many interesting facts in each of these categories of phe- nomena. The great ranges stood before them to attest to the displacement or corrugation of the Harth’s surface in mountain wrinkles, and these mountains are seen to be but residuary frag- ments of upheaved masses as plainly giving evidence of degra- dation as they do of displacement; while the methods of degra- dation by the wash of rains, by the sapping of cliffs, by the corrosion of water channels, and by the sculpture of ice, could be studied on every hand. To Marvine, the summer’s study was rich in results. He learned that a mountain was more than a mountain, that it was a fragment of earth’s history. In the summer of 1870 Mr. Marvine was appointed assistant geologist to attend the celebrated Santo Domingo Expedition, and on his.return he prepared a brief report on the economic geology of some portions of that island which he visited. This was published with the report of the Commission of Inquiry to Santo Domingo by authority of Congress. It was a special and brief study, and contains little of general interest to the geologist. In 1871 he received an appointment as astronomer to the Wheeler Expedition, in which capacity he served for several months, and then continued several months longer as geologist. His report on the geology of a district of country through which he passed, embraced in southern Nevada, northwestern Arizona, and southern California, has lately been published as one of the papers in Volume III. of the United States Engineer Reports of the Explorations and Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Lieut. George M. WHEELER in charge. The region of country studied by Mr. Marvine during these months of field service was . one of great complexity. On one side of his general route of travel an extensive series of sedimentary formations are revealed, embracing Tertiary, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic groups; on the other, low mountain ranges are seen rising from a desert sea of sand, the ranges being composed of more ancient sediments and schists. ‘The former is a portion of the Plateau Province, the (54) APPENDIX. lil latter a portion of the Desert Province. Both the Plateau sedi- ments and the Desert Range rocks are greatly masked by beds of basalt and other extravasated material. Back and forth across the zone separating the plateaus from the Basin Ranges he passed in long rapid marches, studying now the one, now the other re- gion, and ever examining the voleanic phenomena by which he was surrounded, and yet his keen and well-trained eye caught the more important topographic and geologic features, and he has given in his report a singularly clear and comprehensive ac- count of the region when we consider the circumstances under which it was made. He recognized the principal structural cha- racteristics of the plateaus, and in some instances the structure of the Basin Ranges. He recognized that he was travelling on the border between the two. He discovered the sequence of the sedimentary groups of the Plateau Province, and collected suffi- cient paleontological evidence to demonstrate his conclusions. He closes this report with the following characteristic and vivid description of the Desert Range Province: “It is a great de- pressed mountainous region, deeply buried beneath the sediments which have been eroded from its own mountains by a surrounding gea. This action has filled the valleys, gradually covered the foot-hills, and, removing the débris from the mountain bases as fast as formed, has left their clean and sharp-cut tops projecting above the surrounding plain without the usual accompaniment of foot-hills and border region which surround nearly all ranges, the changes on the contrary from mountain slope to the gentle incline of the plain being generally very abrupt. The mountains seem to be of ancient plutonic or metamorphic rocks, or else of lavas; the former more often forming ranges, of which the majority trend about northwest and southeast; the latter more frequently occur- ring as striking isolated peaks. The detrital filling varies from gravels traceable to the rocks of adjacent hills, to the finest of alluvium, the dust of which the winds often carry for miles into Northern Arizona. It is sparsely sprinkled with a dreary vege- tation, composed principally of scattered individuals of many species of mimose and of cacti, the most striking of the latter being the tall and isolated Cereus giganteus. “To stand on the edge of the Pifial Mountains upon a quiet day and look off upon these wonderfully silent and arid plains, with their innumerable ‘lost mountains’ rising like precipitous islands from the sea, all bathed in most delicate tints, and lying death- like in the peculiar, intangible afternoon haze of this region, which seems to magnify distant details rather than to subdue them, impresses one most deeply. The wonderful monotony seems uninclosable by an horizon; and one imagines the scene to con- tinue on the same and have no end. Though the gulf and ocean are three hundred miles away, yet here is the continent’s real southwestern border. (55 ) iv APPENDIX. “Were the waters of the Gulf of California suddenly changed to gravel and sand, with its precipitous and rugged mountain islands left projecting from the surface as now, there would be so [produced an excellent representation of these deserts, and, geologically speaking, it is but as yesterday that precisely the same action was going on over all this enormous area as is now in progress in the more confined region of the Gulf. The slow elevation which has in part probably caused the gradual receding of the waters, may still be extending the area of our continent.” Up to this time Mr. Marvine’s geological studies had been somewhat general and desultory—necessarily so from the condi- tions under which they were made. But in the following summer he was engaged with Professor PuMPELLY in the Keweenaw Cop- per Region on the shore of Lake Superior, and his report on this work was published by authority of the Legislature of Michigan. His work during this season was confined to a narrow area, and was special, and is a fine example of painstaking, minute geological study. It consisted in tracing a series of geological beds through two or three counties lying along the lake shore. This was done by careful triangulation and levelling of the gene- ral area, and the following of the dips and strikes of the beds and measuring their thicknesses, and by carefully analyzing their lithologiec and mineralogic constituents. The entire work is pre- sented in a series of sections and tables carefully and skilfully arranged, with a general discussion, sufficiently elaborate to set forth the relations of all the important facts. His work is thus a fine model for what must be done throughout the Lake Superior region before any general discussion of the geology of the district can be made which will have permanent value. Mr. Maryine thus demonstrated that his experience in the fragmentary work incident to a geological reconnoissance had not led to such habits of hasty conclusion as to incapacitate him for the more thorough work of a geological survey. Yet up to this time his work was but fragmentary, but in March, 1873, he was given a position as geologist in the corps of the U. 8. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Terri- tories under Dr. HAYDEN. Daring the following season his field of research embraced the region of Middle Park in Colorado Territory, including the mountains by which it is inclosed, and extending eastward to the Great Plains, embracing an area of about 5000 square miles. How thoroughly his work was done, how clearly the geography and geology of the region was set forth in his report, and what important conclusions he reached in mountain structure and geo- logical history, can only be fully appreciated by a careful and thorough reading of his report. It is impossible to understand a discussion of the geological structure of a region without first fully grasping the character and magnitude of its geographic (56) APPENDIX. v features. Geology is revealed in topography. The details of topography may seem simple, and taken severally may be simple, but in groups they become extremely complex, and few persons readily comprehend the order and system with which topographic features are gathered about the great geological structure lines of aregion. It is easy to be lost in a maze of hills and a con- fusion of mountain peaks unless the grand topographic forms on which the hills and mountains are sculptured are seen with a mental vision that reaches further than the eye. He who can see a mountain range, or a river drainage, or a flock of hills, is more rare than a poet. In anatomy there is a place for apophysis and sinus, for arch and foramen; so in a mountain range there is a place for peak and valley, a place for amphitheatre and caion, and the geologist who seeks to reveal the embryology and growth of a mountain range must first become thoroughly familiar with its anatomy. A hill may be a hundred or five hundred feet high, a mountain a thousand or ten thousand feet in altitude, and these may be interesting facts, but they give no clue to hill or mountain structure, and have values of the same order as the size of animals in systematic zodlogy. Not every geologist has been able to understand the geography of a region studied, and very few indeed have been able to describe the geography of a district. Something more is needed than to make mention of mountains and hills, of valleys and cafions; the order in which they are arranged must be set forth, and their relations to the general structure must be explained. Mr. Marvine went into a region which to the common eye would seem but a wild confusion of mountains and valleys, of crags and gorges, but in that single summer’s study he discovered the sub- lime order in which the mountains and hills and ridges were placed, and in the first few pages of his report he sets forth this order in language clear and simple, giving a plain bird’s-eye view of all that five thousand square miles of mountain crag and cahon gorge. Then he divides the area into three natural geographic divisions, and hence geologically distinct; the zone of ridges separating the plains from the mountains or mountain border region; the great range and Middle Park. In the first he found a series of sedimentary groups having a total thickness of more than 7000 feet, and a natural grouping was first discovered ; then he studied the overlaps and out-thinnings, the changes in conditions of sedimentation, the grand displacements due to or- ographic movements, and the minor concomitant flexures and faults. All of these facts he presents in orderly arrangement with appropriate diagrams and sections. His chapter on this topic is full of facts and yet it never wearies the reader, for every fact has a meaning. The geological literature of America is . greatly burdened with inconsequent facts: A geologist repairs to the field, finds a sandstone, measures it and it is ninety-nine 38 (57 ) v1 APPENDIX. feet in thickness; the next day he finds a limestone, measures it and it is a hundred and one feet in thickness. He returns and reports, and his report has the same value as that of the zodlo- gist who went into the woods and found an animal with four legs and a tail, and the tail was four inches long as determined by _ eareful estimation or barometric measurement. But the thick- ness of the limestone or the length of the animal’s tail are facts of very little value except as related to those of greater signifi- cance. The geological report which has no reference to geological structure is dreary reading, and less interesting as a recreation than a table of logarithms; while the latter has a logical arrange- ment and may serve some important purpose, and the student may find a meaning in the figures, the former is purposeless and meaningless. Some of our geological literature could be burned and no harm done. O that a pope would rise in the holy. catho- lic church of geologists—a pope with will to issue a bull for the burning of all geological literature unsanctified by geological meaning. Then there would remain the writings of those inspired with the knowledge that a mountain has structure, that every hill has an appointed place and every river runs in a channel foreor- dained by earth’s evolution, and Marvine’s work would be a book of genesis in the bible of the geological priesthood. To those members of the Society who have not made a special study of American geology and its literature, this statement may seem an exaggerated panegyric; but let him wade by months and years of study through the volumes of valueless records by which geo- logical literature is encumbered and then take up MARVINE’S paper on the Middle Park district and his appreciation will be meagre, his enthusiasm cold if he does not exclaim that order has moved on chaos. In his third chapter Mr. Marvine discusses the structure of the great Colorado Range. Two great facts appear: first, that the range is composed of metamorphic schists and granites having a detailed structure independent of the grand topographic forms now existing, but related to a topography antecedent to the pre- sent and which was buried by encroaching waters prior to the upheaval of what we now know as the great Colorado Range ; and, second, that the great orographic movements producing the present grand features of the country brought up once more that ancient and buried land; and the present drainage system, deter- mined by these later upheavals, while conforming to the later structure, was superimposed on the earlier; and his facts are assembled in such manner in this chapter that his grand conclu- sions are fully demonstrated. His fourth chapter is on the Middle Park proper. This is an exceedingly complex piece of geology, and to properly character- ize the chapter it would be necessary to substantially reproduce (53) APPENDIX. vii it. The vestiges of earth’s history found here where the sea and slouds have alternate dominion over the land, are set forth in a manner simple and perspicuous. One very important conclusion reached by Mr. MARVINE must not be neglected, viz., that the ranges about this park were not upheaved as great appressed folds, but that the upheaval was along lines by faulting, or narrow zones by abrupt flexure—an important characteristic of displacement throughout much of the interior of this contineut—and these facts are eventually destined to modify if not revolutionize the geological theories concerning the constitution of the earth. After the preparation of this report, in the spring of 1874, Mr. Marvine again returned to Colorado Territory for the pur- pose of extending his geological studies in the region west of Middle Park. From my intimacy with Mr. Marvine J know well with what eagerness he resumed these studies and how anxious he was to pursue lines of investigation suggested by facts discovered in his previous work. And so, fired with an enthusiasm for the discovery of the secrets of the mountains, he plunged into the wilderness far away from civilization. All that summer long he toiled, climbing only where the geologist would climb, seeing only what the geologist could see; and still eager for more knowledge, he pressed his work until the desolate moun- tains were mantled with the winter’s snow, and a further study of geology was impossible; then he returned. But the labor and hardships of the summer’s travel, though unheeded at the time, were too great for his physical endurance, and on his return he was prostrated with the disease that held him in firm grasp for many long weeks. Slowly during the following spring he par- tially recovered, and then, although he was not able to work with vigor, those with whom he was more intimate and who loved to talk with him on the subjects of his investigation, learned the great results and significance of the past year’s study. Not recovering health and strength, he was unable to return to the field or to prepare the results of his former work for publication ; still he worked on his map, coloring it for the purpose of showing the geographic distribution of the geological formations within his field of study, and this was done with elaboration. Then he thoroughly arranged and systematized his notes and determined his plan of discussion. Here his work ended, for health and strength failed again, and he relapsed into a condition that his friends soon found was hopeless. On the second of March, in the city of Washington, Marving, the young, enthusiastic, and brilliant geologist, died. Mr. Marvine’s preparation for work as a geologist was very thorough, and for one of his age, very broad. In chemistry, astronomy, and physics, his studies had been careful and thorough, and his grasp of these subjects was comprehensive and firm; but (59) viii APPENDIX. he was especially attracted to chemical physics, and had he lived to continue his labors as a geologist, his predilection for these studies would doubtless have greatly modified all his geological investigations. Personally and socially his modesty was great, and this trait of character is evinced in his writings; and those who knew him intimately loved him for his honesty, a trait of character that appeared everywhere in his collection of facts and in every step made toward conclusions, and he leaves behind’ many to mourn the loss of his genial presence, and the labors of his vigorous and comprehensive mind. (60) INDEX TO NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. C. ABBE, PAGE 18. 24. 27. 62. 82. 85. 93. 123. 123. 139. 186. 190. 196. 202. 202. Remarks on oceanic surface temperatures and winds. Remarks on hypsometry and geodesy. Remarks on Croll’s glacial theory. Remarks on ripple-marks. Remarks on reservoirs for regulating Kuropean rivers. Remarks on silver currency. Remarks on Dakota calendar. [cember 24, 1873. Presents report of the Committee on the Meteor of De- Remarks on Ritchie’s liquid compass. Report on the meteor of December 24, 1873. Remarks on the satellites of Mars. Remarks on atmospheric electricity. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. Remarks on the observations of the solar eclipse. Communicates a letter from Mr. W. 8S. Abbey. Mr. W. S. ApBey (of New York City). 202. Inquiry concerning a strange fish. B. ALVORD. 42 49 67 19 103. 104. 123. 175. SHE 188. 192. 196. 198. 201. Sie Remarks on the distribution of fauna. On the mortality among army officers 1824 to 1873. Remarks on the regulation of the Hudson, Remarks on Japan and the Japanese. Remarks on Lake Bonneville. On a trigonometrical formula. Remarks on Ritchie’s liquid compass. Remarks on the origin of the American Indians. Remarks on the North American Indians. Remarks on rainfall in Utah. Remarks on meteors. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. On the intersections of circles and of spheres. On the intersections of circles and of spheres. Address commemorative of Professor Henry. (375) 376 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. T. ANTISELL. PAGE 34, On Japan and the Japanese. 103. Remarks on the outlet of Lake Bonneville 104. Remarks on waterspouts. 110. Remarks on the use of certain terms. 113. Remarks on the cosmogony. 132. Communicates a memoir by Prof. C. E. Munroe. 132. On terrestrial geogony. 133. On terrestrial cosmogony (continued). 134. On terrestrial geogony (continued). 134. On terrestrial geogony (concluded). 137. Remarks on standard measures. 174. Remarks on the President’s Address. 181. Remarks on evolution. 183. Remarks on poisoned arrows. 183. Remarks on the climate of plants. 185. Remarks on optical salinometer. 187. Remarks on the proper basis of classification. 190. Remarks on atmospheric electricity. 192. On the temperatures of the Pacific Ocean. 196. Remarks on growth of mountains. 373. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. S. F. Batrp. 48. Remarks on the Latimer collection from Porto Rico. M. BAKER. 113. On the history of Malfatti’s Problem. 199. Remarks on intersection of circles and spheres. H. A. BATEs. 19. On the movement of an attracted particle. ALEXANDER G. Bet (of Boston). 103. On the telephone. HK. BESsELs. 36. Remarks on slow changes in Arctic glaciers. [tudes. 66. On the hygrometrical condition of the air in high lati- 89. On the late English Polar Expedition. J. 8S. BILiines. 109. On Bacteria and spontaneous generation. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. on Mr. C. G. Borrner (of Vevay, Indiana). PAGE 87. On a shower of the Rocky Mountain grasshoppers. S. C. Busy. 16. On the exposure of fruits for sale. 133. On the motion of the lymph. Prof. J. D. Burier (of Madison, Wisconsin). 185. On prehistoric copper. H. Capron. 79. On Japan and the Japanese. J. W. CHICKERING. 17. On the temperatures of the surface water of the ocean. F. W. CLARKE. 190. Remarks on atmospheric electricity. General T. L. Ciuinaman (of North Carolina). ‘104. On waterspouts in North Carolina. J. H. C. Corrin. 99. Remarks on the reformation of the calendar. 52. Remarks on drawings of nebule. 60. Remarks on the adjustment of the calendar. 105. On Sumner’s method in navigation. 111. Remarks on the telephones of Messrs. Gray and Bell. 123. Remarks on observations of meteors. 123. Remarks on Ritchie’s liquid compass. 184. Remarks on a new levelling instrument. 902. Remarks on total solar eclipses. 902. Remarks on uniformity of railway time standards. COMMITTEE, REPORTS OF. 83. On the death of A. R. MaRvINE. 123. On the meteor of December 24, 1873. 130. On the death of B. F. Craig. 139. On the meteor of December 24, 1873. 196. On the death of JosepH HENRY. [ Mars. 186. On the discovery by Asaph Hall of the satellites of KE. Cougs. fiSeeAe 183. Communicates a memoir by Dr. Hoffman, Surgeon U. 189. Remarks on the arid region. 378 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. B. F. CRara. PAGE 46. Remarks on climate and the distribution of moisture. a. CURTIS. 105. Remarks on waterspouts and cloudbursts. hk. D. Curts. 24. Remarks on hypsometry and local attractions. W. H. Dat. 27. Remarks on elevations and depressions in Alaska. 36. Remarks on the mammoths of Alaska and Siberia. 65. On the strata of the shell heaps of the Aleutian Islands. 89. Remarks on the tides of the Arctic basin. 94. Remarks on a Dakota calendar. 112. Remarks on disease. 184. Remarks on a new levelling instrument. 185. Remarks on copper implements used in Alaska. 193. Remarkson currents and temperatures in Behring’s Sea. - 193. On the natural history of the Chitonide. Mr. G. B. DixweEtu (of Boston). 64. On cylinder condensation, steam-jackets, and super- heated steam. M. H. DoontTtTie. 134. Remarks on the formation of the earth. 186. Remarks on the satellites of Mars. 188. On the nebular hypothesis and the inner moon of Mars. 190. On the influence of aérolites in planetary motion, 190. On aérolithic disturbance of planetary motions. C. BE. Durron. 18. Remarks on oceanic surface temperatures. 22. Remarks on sounds and audition. 26. On the glacial period. 42. Remarks on the distribution of fauna. 43. Remarks on the iron facing of copper plates. 44. On the causes of the glacial climate. 45. Remarks on Croll’s theory of glacial climate. 58. Remarks on audibility of distant sounds. 76. Remarks on the geology of the Colorado region. J. R. EASTMAN. PAGE ithe ug 185. 188. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 379 Remarks on the rigidity of the earth’s crust. Remarks on Japan and the Japanese. Remarks on an optical salinometer. Remarks on Great Salt Lake. 92. Remarks on sound and audition. 28. 49. Remarks on vocabularies. On the comparison of rain gauges at different elevations. . HLLIOTT. oy _ On the use of metric weights for postal purposes. _ On the change from the silver to a gold standard. _ Remarks on a desirable reformation in the calendar. . On the calendar formule. On the use of metric weights. On affected quantities of the first order. _ Remarks on the distribution of fauna. [perplates. _ Remarks on the magnetic condition of iron facing cop- _ Remarks on a government plan of life insurance for its employés. - Onthe mutual relations of gold, silver, and greenbacks. ~ On the mutual relations of gold, greenbacks, and silver. _ On the adjustment of the calendar. _ Communicates a letter from Dr. B. A. Gould. [States. . On propositions for changing the coin of the United . On force and momentum. . On monetary standards. _ On the mutual relations of gold and silver, and prices. ane 113. 130. 134. 135. 137. 137. 190. 190. 192. ge On the telephones of Messrs. Gray and Bell. Remarks on the cosmogony. Remarks on the late B. F. Craig. On the relative values of gold and silver. On optional monetary standards. Remarks on standard measures. On standards of time. Remarks on atmospheric electricity. Remarks on asymmetry. On the telephote. Remarks on series. 380 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. . On musical intervals. . On an adjustment of the Carlisle tables. . Remarks on solar eclipse. [ poses. 2. On meridional time for railway and telegraphic pur- . Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. . M. ENpuicu. 31. 36. On the coloring agent of gems. [ tions. On the time required for glacial and geological forma- . J. FARQUHAR. 28. 112. 183. 199. 202. 373. . Foote. 189. 38. 193. 202. Remarks on the extension of language. Remarks on disease. Remarks on poisoned arrows. Remarks on the evolution of language. Remarks on total solar eclipse. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. On the electricity of thunder-storms. FRISBY. Remarks on calendar formule. On series. Remarks on total solar eclipse. . D. GALE. 26. Zl: 65. 183. On the wooden pavements of Washington, D. C. Remarks on the bowlders of Manhattan Island and Long Island, N. Y. Remarks on Egyptian antiquities. On the climate of plants. . M. GALLAUDET. 48. 196. 23. 24. On unconscious cerebration. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. . T. GARDNER. On elevations in the United States determined by rail- road levellings. Remarks on local attractions in hypsometry. . K. GILBERT. 28, Remarks on vocabularies, PAGE 61. 62. 67. 69. 69. 80. 94. 103. 112. 113. 131. SHE 184. 185. 186. MS sie 188. 189. 190. 192. 195. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 381 On ripple-marks. Remarks on ripple-marks. On the horary oscillations of atmospheric temperature. On the horary oscillations of the atmosphere. On landslips and lakelets. [States. On the distribution of thermal springs in the United Remarks on a Dakota calendar. On Lake Bonneville. On the structure of the Henry Mountains. On the structure of the Henry Mountains (continued). On a special method of barometric hypsometry. Remarks on evolution. On a proposed new levelling instrument. Remarks on copper drifts in Jowa and Missouri. Remarks on the satellites of Mars. On the recent history of the Great Salt Lake. Remarks on Great Salt Lake. Remarks on the arid region. Remarks on asymmetry. Remarks on meteors. On the Wasatch, a growing mountain. T. N. Gri. 15. 26. 27. 28. 35. 36. . Remarks on “old and new style.” 4], 42. AT. 50. 9 v On the ‘‘ Prodromus” of Storr. [See Append. No. V.] On the geographical distribution of mammals. — Remarks on the faunas of the glacial period. Remarks on the vocabulary of a zoologist. Remarks on fish peculiar to Lakes Baikal and Titicaca. Remarks on the climate of the glacial epoch. Comments on memoir by Mr. Robert Ridgway. Remarks on the fauna of Asia and America. Remarks on the length of the pliocene epoch. Remarks on the distinction between archzology and ethnology. [century. . On the progress of the natural sciences during the past . Remarks on the information to be gathered from ani- mal remains. [ vine. . Presents report of committee on death of A. R. Mar- . Remarks on the thickness of the earth’s crust. 382 PAGE 87. 94, 110. 118. 126. 135. 181. 182. 183. 186. 190. 199. 202. 202. 372. @): 1 Oe 185) ANE 15. 65. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. Remarks on a shower of Rocky Mountain grasshoppers. Remarks on a Dakota calendar. On terms used in zoology and other sciences. On the family Centrarchoides. Remarks on pulmonary phthisis. On the morphology of the antlers of the Cervide. Remarks on evolution. On a new species of Chimera. Remarks on poisoned arrows. Remarks on resemblances in classification. Remarks on asymmetry. Remarks on the evolution of language. Remarks on the Megalops Atlanticus. On the family of Ceratids. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. Appendix. On the “ Prodromus” of Storr. GouLp (of Cordoba, A. R.). Scientific culture in the Argentine Republic. On the coinage of the Argentine Republic. Dr. Asa Gray (of Cambridge, Mass.). 42. Remarks on the genus Torreya. Mr. EvisHa Gray (of Chicago). 67. Exhibition of a telaphon. B. F. GREENE. 123. 134. On the navy compass. On an adjustable binnacle. F. M. Green. 123. Remarks on Ritchie’s liquid compass. i. V. GREENE. 82. AY WELATE: ole 48. 94, 102) 181. On the deviations of the plumb line on the 49th parallel. [cember, 1874. On the observations of the transit of Venus, 8th De- On approximate quadratures, On the appearance of Saturn’s rings. [rotation. On a bright spot on the ball of Saturn, and the time of On the centre of gravity of the disk of a planet. PAGE 184. 186. 188. 189. 190. oe 199% INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 383 Remarks on a new levelling instrument. On the discovery of the two satellites of Mars. Remarks on the nebular hypothesis. Remarks on the rings of Saturn. Remarks on asymmetry. Remarks on the orbits of Deimos and Phobos. Remarks on the transit of Mercury. W. HARKNESS. [interval of time. 64. 67. 68. 68. 69. 193. OR 192. 199. 199. 201. Remarks on Mayer’s method of determining a definite Remarks on the regulation of the Hudson. On the U. 8S. Expedition to Hobart Town to observe the transit of Venus. On the methods of measuring the inequalities of pivots. On the U. 8. Expedition to Hobart Town to observe the transit of Venus. Remarks on observations of meteors. Remarks on Ritchie’s liquid compass. Remarks on spectra of comets and meteors. Remarks on intersections of circles and spheres. Remarks on the transit of Mercury. On the velocity of light and the solar parallax. F. V. HAYDEN. ° 187. Remarks on the recent history of the Great Salt Lake. J. Henry. (45). 19. 22. 25. 26. 35. at. 39. 40. 40. 43. 48 50. Appendix No. LX. On sound in relation to fog signals. Remarks on habits of observation. On audition. Remarks on early surveys for the Erie Canal. Remarks on the distribution of mammals. On the glacial theory. On fog signals and abnormal conditions of sound. Communicates two letters from Mr. A. C. Ross. Remarks on Mosher’s experiments on latent impressions. On electricity engendered by the driving belt of ma- chinery. [per plates. Remarks on magnetic condition of iron facing for cop- Remarks on unconscious cerebration. Remarks on rainfall observations in high towers. 384 PAGE oT. 59. 60. 60. 62. 67. role qu 74. 80. 85. 86. 87. 104. 105. 109. 111. 113. 130. 162. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. On sound in connection with fog signals. Remarks on acoustic refraction. On researches on sound in its application to fog signals. On half vision. Remarks on ripple-marks. Remarks on the regulation of the Hudson. Remarks on the recent progress of the Japanese. On illuminating materials for lighthouses. Remarks on the temperature of space. Exhibition of Crooke’s Radiometer. On apparatus for fog signals. Exhibition of a specimen of paper made of asbestos. Communicates a letter from Mr. C. G. Boerner. Remarks on the telephone of Mr. A. G. Bell. Remarks on tornadoes. [ley. Announces the death of Rear-admiral Theodorus Bai- Announces the decease of Messrs. Meek, Haton, and Remarks on the cosmogony. [ Davis. Remarks on the late Dr. B. F. Craig. Annual Address of the President. J. E. HinGarp. 22. 24. 28. 29. 30. 33. 33. 36. 41. 42. 48. 50. 50. 64. 64. on $2. Remarks on sound and audition. Remarks on hypsometry and local attractions. Remarks on vocabulary of an Italian opera. On a proposed reformation of the Gregorian calendar. Remarks on an improvement in the calendar. Remarks on the measurement of photographs of the Sun. Communicates a memoir by M. C. Metcs. Remarks on the glacial accumulation of snow. On the progress of the International Metrical Commis- On iron facing for copper plates. [sion. Remarks on unconscious cerebration. Remarks on rainfall observations. (Atlanta. On the measurement of the Coast Survey base line near Remarks on meteorology and hygiene. Remarks on Mayer’s method of determining a definite interval of time. Remarks on Japan and the Japanese. Remark on reservoirs for regulating rivers. PAGH 83. 85. 85. 92. 95. 104. 113. 123. 123. 123. 130. 136. 185. 196. 196. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 385 Remarks on deviations of the plumb line. Remarks on force and momentum. Remarks on the thickness of the earth’s crust. Remarks on a Dakota calendar. Remarks on the appearance of Saturn’s rings. Remarks on the telephone of Mr. A. G. Bell. Remarks on the family Centrarchoides. Remarks on Malfatti’s problem. Remarks on observations of meteors. Remarks on Ritchie’s liquid compass. Remarks on the late B. F. Craig. On standard measures of length. On an optical salinometer. Announces the death of Professor Joseph Henry. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. Dr. Horrman (Surgeon U.S. A.). 183. On the use of poisoned arrows by N. American Indians. EK. 8. Houpen. [(See Appendiaz, p. 16.) 28. 51. 82. 85. 95. 95. 102. (18). On the number of words used in speaking and writing. On two drawings of nebule made by Mr. L. Trouvelot. Remarks on Major Farquhar’s Report on Reservoirs for the Mississippi. On the search for the supposed planet Vulcan. Remarks on the appearance of Saturn’s rings. On reference catalogues of astronomical titerature. On the shadow of the ball of Saturn. Appendix No. VI. On the number of words used in spelling and writing. Mr. Jounson (of 196. Remarks Pemenemoniive of Prof. Henry. Prof. D. S. Jorpan (of Indianapolis, Ind.). 113. Remarks on the family Centrarchoides. Mr. F. F. Jupp (of ). 67. 82. WA: Ae. 111. 124. On the water-shed of the Adirondack region. On the Adirondack water-shed. KING. On the conservative element in disease. On the conservative influence of disease. 386 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS, Mr. Knieur (of Washington, D. C.). PAGE 28. Remarks on vocabulary of a work on Mechanies. BH. P. Lut. 83. On the Nicaragua Interoceanic Canal. G. MAuuery. 90. On a calendar of the Dakota Indians. [ Indians. 175. On some common errors regarding the North American 175. On some common errors regarding the North American Indians (concluded). Prof. O. C. Marsa (of New Haven, Conn.). 113. Remarks on the cosmogony. Mr. Mason (of Baltimore, Md.). 72. On tests for explosive character of kerosene oils. QO. T. Mason. 48. On archeological specimens from Porto Rico. 50. On the classification of objects of archeology. 66. Remarks on the instruments found in Australia and Alaska. [archeology. 71. On international symbols for charts of pre-historical 72. Continuation of the preceding. 85. Remarks on force and momentum. [G. Bell. 104. Remarks on an application of the telephone of Mr. A. 180. Remarks on the Indians of America. 185. Remarks on pre-historic mounds in Wiconsin. 196. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. Prof. A. M. Mayer (of Hoboken, N. J.). 64. On a method of determining a definite interval of time. F. B. Meek. {fossil plants. (46). Appendix No. VIII. Descriptions of new species of M. C. MEtas. 22. Remarks on sound and audition. 26. Remarks on the distribution of mammals. 33. On the movements caused in large ice-fields. [See Appendix No. VII. 37. Remarks on the deposits of ivory in Siberia. (22). Appendiz. On the movements caused in large ice- fields by expansion and contraction. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 387 Prof. C. H. Munroz (of Annapolis). PAGE 132. On the estimation of manganese as pyrophosphate. Dr. Davip Murray (of Tokio, Japan). 69. Onthe present progress of educational matters in Japan. S. NEWcoms. 41. On the transit of Venus. 73. Remarks on the temperature of space. 81. Remarks on the phenomena of the radiometer. 85. Remarks on the probable existence of the planet Vulcan. 85. Remarks on the thickness of the earth’s crust. 85. Remarks on the silver currency. 110. Remarks on the use of certain terms. 113. On the cosmogony. 186. Remarks on the satellites of Mars. 199. On the recent transit of Mercury. [1878. 202. On the observations of the total solar eclipse, July 29, — W. L. NIcHOLSON. 373. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. J. A. OSBORNE. 63. On a new meteorological instrument. G. A. OTIs. 190. Remarks on asymmetry. PETER PARKER. 28. Remarks on ordinary Chinese vocabularies. 30. Remarks on the calendars in use in China. 40. Remarks on the application of electricity to disease. 65. Remarks on Egyptian antiquities. 94. Remarks on Chinese and Indian coincidents. 111. Moves the appointment of a committee on commemo- rative resolutions. 130. Remarks on the late B. F. Craig. [of Mars. 186. Presents report of committee on discovery of satellites 368. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. 372. Address commemorative of Professor Henry. H. M. Pauvt. 202. Remarks on drawings of solar corona. 39 388 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. J. W. PowEL.. PAGE 28. Remarks on the vocabulary of the Ute Indians. 34. On the Uintah Mountains. 44, Remarks on Croll’s theory of glacial climate. 45. Remarks on the nature and origin of gravels. 62. Remarks on ripple-marks in deep water. 65. On some types of mountain building. 66. Remarks on the Khiva. 67. Remarks on the regulation of the Hudson. ~ 69. Remarks on lakes formed by dams of detritus. 72. Remarks on the scanty knowledge to be gathered from relics. 74. On monoclinal ridges. 79. Remarks on the thickness of the earth’s crust. 83. Biographical notice of A. R. Marvine. [See Appen- dix No. X.| 85. On the thickness of the earth’s crust. 93. Remarks on a Dakota calendar. 109. On the philosophy of the North American Indians. 110. On the philosophy of the North American Indians (continued). 113. Remarks on the cosmogony. 113. Remarks on the Henry Mountains. 134. Remarks on the formation of the earth. 180. Remarks on the North American Indians. 181. Remarks on the Indians of North America. 182. On the use of poisons by North American Indians. 183. Remarks on arrows dipped in blood. [ Indians. 185. Remarks on stone implements used by North American 189. On the arid region of the United States. 190. Remarks on asymmetry. — 192. Remarks on meteoric accumulations. 199. On the evolution of language. [ Marvine. (53). (Appendix No. X.) Biographical notice of A. R. Prof. F. W. Purnam (of Cambridge, Mass. ). 62. Remarks on ripple-marks formed by the tides. R. Ripeaway. Al. Ou the natural arrangement of the Falconide. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 389 Mr. A. C. Ross (of Zanesville, Ohio). PAGE Y 39. On latent impressions on polished glass plates. S. SHELLABARGER. 105. Remarks on water-spouts and cloud-bursts. C. A. Scnorr. 38. Remarks on the time reckoning in Alaska. 77. Remarks on the rigidity of the earth’s crust. 200. On a new eye-piece for observing personal equations. Rev. Dr. C. W. Surexps (of Princeton, N. J.). 15. On the present state of the sciences. A. N. SKINNER. 25. Remarks on vision, the microscope, ete. Prof. J. Lawrence Smirx (of Louisville, Ky.). 190. Remarks on aérolites. A. R. SPorrorp. 42. On proposed reforms in spelling the English language. O. STONE. 22. On the correction of a comet’s orbit. 30. Remarks on a proposed reformation of the calendar. Prof. Dr. J. J. Syivester (of Baltimore, Md.). 95. On the theory of invariants. Mr. G. F. Tausor (of ). 105. Remarks on waterspouts and cloud-bursts. G. TAYLOR. 196. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. W. B. Tayuor. 5. Remarks on vision, the microscope, ete. 6. Remarks on the distribution of mammals. 7. Remarks on Croll’s theory of the Glacial epoch. 30. Remarks on adesirable change in the calendar. [1079. 38, Remarks on the calendar proposed by Omar Chevam in 43. Remarks on Croll’s astronomical theory of glacial cli- mate. t [theories of climate. 46. Remarks on the astronomical and the geographical 390 PAGE 48. 49. 52. 57. 13. 76. ote 80. 85. 89. 85. 111. 112. 113. 137. 186. 188. 189. 190. IS). IOS), 203. 230. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. Remarks on unconscious cerebration. [surance- Remarks on the policy of government plans for life ir- Remarks on drawings of nebule. On acoustic refraction. On the temperature of space. Remarks on thickness and rigidity of the earth’s crust. Remarks on the rigidity of the earth. Remarks on the phenomena of the radiometer. Remarks on force and momentum. Remarks on the theory of Vulcan. Remarks on the thickness of the earth’s crust. Remarks on the telephones of Messrs. Gray and Bell. Remarks on disease. Remarks on the cosmogony. Remarks on standard measures. [pothesis. Remarks on the satellites of Mars and the nebular hy- Remarks on the nebular hypothesis. On the analogy between the rings of Saturn and the satellites of Mars. Remarks on atmospheric electricity. Remarks on intersection of circles and spheres. Remarks on the evolution of language. Historical account of the scientific labors of Joseph A memoir of Joseph Henry. [ Henry. J. M. Toner. 95. 185. 196. On the burning of theatres and public halls. On a case of malformation. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. Mr. Chief Justice M. R. Warrr (of Washington, D. C.). 196. Announces the funeral of Professor Joseph Henry. L. F. Warp. 110. Remarks on the use of certain terms. 134. Remarks on the formation of the earth. 186. On the natural system of plants. 187. On the natural system of plants (continued). 189. Remarks on the arid region. 199. Remarks on the evolution of language. INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. 391 General J. K. WARREN (of U. S. hy Engineer Corps). PAGE eile & Remarks on changes in drainage system of North America. J. C. WELLING. 26. Remarks on the distribution of mammals. . Remarks on the method of estimating vocabularies. . Remarks on silver currency. Remarks on the use of certain terms. _ Remarks on the evolution of language. . Address on the life and character of Joseph Henry. . Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. C. A. WHITE. 110. Me} 181. 185. mere 187. 188. 189. 190. Remarks on the use of certain terms. Remarks on the North American Indians. On the evolution of the North American Unionide. Remarks on copper drifts in Iowa and Missouri. Remarks on fossil plants. Remarks on the Great Salt Lake. Remarks on Great Salt Lake. Remarks on the arid region of the United States. On asymmetry in the form of the human cranium. Dr. A. Worrkorr (of St. Petersburg, Russia). 34. 30. On Col. Tillo’s determination of the elevations of the Caspian and Aral Seas. On meteorological observations in Peru. J. J. WoopwARD. 20. 22. 20. 41. 60. 60. 62. 64. 64. 69. On the similarity between red blood-corpuscles in mammals. Remarks on the human ear. On the modern microscope, and Nobert’s lines. [stains. Explanatory note in regard to the diagnosis of blood- On diffraction phenomena in the field of the microscope. Remarks on the frequency of half vision. On the microscopical structure of wool. Remarks on a meteorological instrument. On the Papyrus Ebers, written 1552 B. C. On the markings on Navicula Rhomboides. 392 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. PAGE 79. On the measurement of blood-corpuscles. 85. Remarks on force and momentum. 112. Remarks on disease. ? 126. Remarks on pulmonary phthisis. 126. On a simple device for microscopic illumination. 130. On the rulings on glass, by Prof. W. A. Rogers, of Cambridge, Mass. 130. Remarks on the late B. F. Craig. 180. Remarks on the American Indians. 182. Remarks on poisoned arrows. 185. Remarks on a case of malformation. 190. Remarks on asymmetry. 201. Remarks on an adjustment of the Carlisle tables. 202. Remarks on total solar eclipse. 372. Remarks commemorative of Professor Henry. Prof. C. A. Youne (of Princeton, N. J.). 33. On the expedition to Pekin, to observe the transit of Venus, al Mi vat mH BULLETIN OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. VOre Ti: NovEmMsBerR 9TH, 1878—June 197u, 1880. WASHINGTON. 1878-1880. Lica yee Gr eT = Tots PAGH. I-XV, 155-157. 159-164. 165-196. CONTENTS. Constitution, Rules, Officers and Members, April, 1879. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society. Standing Rules. Officers for 1879-1880. List of Members corrected to July 20, 1880. List of Recipients of the Bulletin. Index to Names of Contributors. CONSTITUTION, STANDING RULES, LIST OF MEMBERS THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY WASHINGTON. April, 1879. ui CONSTITUTION PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. ArtIcLE I. The name of this Society shall be Tar Put- LOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. ARTICLE IJ. The officers of the Society shall be a Presi- dent, four Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and two Secretaries. ArticLE III. There shall be a General Committee, con- sisting of the officers of the Society and nine other mem- bers. ARTICLE IV. The officers of the Society and the other members of the General Committee shall be elected annu- ally by ballot; they shall hold office until their successors are elected, and shall have power to fill vacancies. ARTICLE V. It shall be the duty of the General Com- mittee to make rules for the government of the Society, and to transact all business. ArTIcLE VI. This Constitution shall not be amended except by a three-fourths vote of those present at an an- nual meeting for the election of officers, and after notice of the proposed change shall have been given in writing ata stated meeting of the Society at least four weeks pre- viously. lv SA NSD TENG EU aks FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. NovemBeEr, 1877. 1. The Stated Meetings of the Society shall be held at 8 o’clock P. M. on every alternate Saturday; the place of meeting to be designated by the General Committee. 2. The Annual Meeting for the election of officers shall be the first stated meeting in the month of November. When necessary, Special Meetings may be called by the President. 8. Notices of the time and place of meetings shall be sent to each member by one of the Secretaries. 4, The Stated Meetings, with the exception of the annual meeting, shall be devoted to the consideration and discussion of scientific subjects. &. Persons interested in science, who are not residents of the District of Columbia, may be present at any meeting of the Society, except the annual meeting, upon Invitation of a member. 6. Similar invitations to residents of the District of Co- lumbia, not members of the Society, must be submitted through one of the Secretaries to the General Committee for approval. 7. Invitations to attend during three months the meet- ings of the Society and participate in the discussion of papers, may, by a vote of nine members of the General Committee, be issued to persons nominated by two mem- bers. Vv 8. Communications intended for publication under the auspices of the Society shall be submitted in writing to the General Committee for approval. 9. New members shall be elected by the General Com- mittee, after having been proposed in writing by at least three members of the Society. 10. Each member shall pay annually to the Treasurer the sum of five dollars, and no member whose dues are unpaid shall vote at the annual meeting for the election of officers, or be entitled to a copy of the Bulletin. The names of those two years in arrears will be dropped from the list of members. Notice of resignation of membership should be given in writing to the General Committee through the President or one of the Secretaries. 11. The fiscal year terminates with the 3lst of December of each year. Members elected after the annual meeting shall be exempt from the assessment for that year. 12. Members who are absent from the District of Colum- bia for more than twelve months may be excused from payment of the annual assessments, in which case their names shall be dropped from the list of members. They can, however, on returning to the District, resume their membership by giving written notice to the General Com- mittee through the President or one of the Secretaries of their wish to do so. 13. Elections of officers are to be held as follows :— In each case nominations shall be made by means of an informal ballot, the result of which shall be announced by the Secretary; after which the first formal ballot shall be taken. In the ballot for Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, and Mem- bers of the General Committee, each voter shall write on one ballot as many names as there are officers to be elected, viz, four on the first ballot for Vice-Presidents, two on the first for Secretaries, and nine on the first for Members of the General Committee; and on each subsequent ballot so many names as there are persons yet to be elected; and Av. vi those persons who receive a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If in any case the informal ballot result in giving a ma- jority for any one, it may be declared formal by a majority vote. 14. Any member not in arrears may, by the payment of one hundred dollars at any one time, become a life member, and be relieved from all further annual dues and other assessments. All moneys received in payment of life membership shall be invested as portions of a permanent fund, which shall be directed to the furtherance of only such special scientific work as may be ordered by the General Committee. STANDING RULES OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. NovemBeEr, 1877. 1. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretaries of the Society shall hold like offices in the General Committee. 2. The President shall have power to call special meet- ings of the Committee, and to appoint Sub-Committees. 3. The Sub-Committees shall prepare business for the General Committee, and perform such other duties as may be entrusted to them. 4, There shall be two Standing Sub-Committees; one on Communications for the Stated Meetings of the Society, and another on Publications. 5. The General Committee shall meet at half past seven o’clock on the evening of each Stated Meeting, and by ad- journment at other times. vil 6. For all purposes except for the amendment of the Standing Rules of the Committee and of the Society and the election of members, six members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. 7. Proposals of new members may be read at any meet- ing of the General Committee, but shall lle over for at least four weeks before final action, and the concurrence of, twelve of the members shall be necessary to election. 8. These Standing Rules, and those for the government of the Society, shall only be modified with the consent of a majority of the members of the General Committee. RULES FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE BULLETIN OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 1. The President’s annual address will be published in full. 2. When directed by the General Committee, any com- munication may be published in full in an appendix to the proceedings of any meeting. Proofs will be sent to the author when it is convenient to do so, and a number of extra copies, not exceeding fifty, will be supplied to him, if applied for before the communication is printed. 3. Abstracts of papers and remarks on the same will be published, when presented to the Secretary by the author in writing within two weeks of the evening of their deliv- ery, and approved by the Committee on Publications. Brief abstracts prepared by one of the Secretaries and viii approved by the Committee on Publications may also be published. 4. Communications which have been published elsewhere, so as to be generally accessible, will appear in the Bulletin by title only, but with reference to the place of publication, if made known in season to the Committee on Publications. Norr.—The attention of members is specially requested to the 3d and 4th of the above rules. If those who present communications or remarks will promptly furnish abstracts or the papers in full, the Bulletin will be more complete, and can be published with less delay. ix LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. APRIL 2, 1879. CLEVELAND ABBE SYLVANUS THAYER ABERT Asa QO. ALDIS BENJAMIN ALVORD THOMAS ANTISELL ORVILLE Evtas BABCOCK SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD Marcus BAKER GEORGE BANCROFT JOSEPH K. BARNES Tuomas W. BARTLEY Henry Hopart Bates ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL STEPHEN VINCENT BENET EMIL B&SSELS JOHN SHAW BILLINGS WILLIAM BIRNEY Rogers BIRNIE Swan M. Burnett SAMUEL CLAGETT BUSEY Horack CaPron THomMAS LINCOLN CASEY JOHN WHITE CHICKERING EDWARD CLARK JOHN HUNTINGTON CRANE COFFIN E.uiotr Cours MEMBERS OF THE ROBERT CRAIG CHARLES HENRY CRANE JOSIAH CURTIS RicHarpD DomInicus Curts WitiiamM Hearey DaLi GroRGE DEwsy Myrick Hascatnt DooLitTrLe Henry Harrison Coase Dunwoopr CLARENCE EDWARD Dutton JOHN Ropit HASTMAN JoHN EATON EZEKIEL Brown ELuiorr Freperic Mituter EnpLicu CHARLES H]}WING EDWARD JESSOP FARQUHAR WILLIAM FERREL Ropert FLETCHER Epaar FRISBY EpwaArp T. FRIsTOR ® LEONARD DUNNELL GALE Epwarp MINER GALLAUDET HENRY GANNETT ALEXANDER Y. P. GARNETT GROVE KARL GILBERT THEODORE NICHOLAS GILL WILLIAM WHITING GODDARD GroRGE Brown GOODE EDWARD GOODFELLOW HENRY GOODFELLOW WALTER HAYDEN GRAVES BERNARD RICHARDSON GREEN Francts MATHEWS GREEN FRANCIS VINTON GREENE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GREENE Francis MAcKALL GUNNELL PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Purser Conover Hains ASAPH HALL WILLIAM HARKNESS FERDINAND VANDEVEER HAYDEN Henry WETHERBEE HENSHAW JuLIUS Hrasmus HinGgarp GroRGE WiLutAM Hitt EDWARD SINGLETON HoLpEN Witiiam Henry Hoimes FRANKLIN BENJAMIN HouGH Henry W. Howeate Davip Lows HunriInatTon THORNTON ALEXANDER JENKINS ARNOLD BURGESS JOHNSON JosEPH TABOR JOHNSON WILLIAM WARING JOHNSTON ALBERT FREEMAN AFRICANUS KING JOHN Jay KNox JONATHAN HomMeER LANE WitiiamM Lr NATHAN SmirH LINCOLN HDWARD PHELPS LULL GARRICK MALLERY JOSEPH BapGER MARVIN Ottis Turton Mason FrRepDERIC BaupERS McGuire WiILtiaAM McMurtTRIE MontGoMERY CUNNINGHAM MeiIGs MontaoMEeryY MEIcs ANICETO GABRIEL MENOCAL WitiiAM MAanusi Mrw Martin FERDINAND MorrRIs ALBERT J. MYER Simon NEwcuMB WALTER Lams NICHOLSON v7 xii MEMBERS OF THE JoHN WALTER OSBORNE GEORGE ALEXANDER OTIS Rospert LAWRENCE PACKARD JOHN GRUBB PARKE PrrerR PARKER Henry Martyn Pavs, ALBERT CHARLES PEALE OrLANDO MertTcaLFE Por JoHN WESLEY POWELL Henry Smiru PrircHerr CHARLES VALENTINE RILEY JoHN RopGEers BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SANDS JAMES HAMILTON SAVILLE CHARLES ANTHONY SCHOTT Tienry RoBINsON SEARLE SAMUEL SHELLABARGER JOHN SHERMAN WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN CHARLES Dwicut SIGSBEE A ARON NICHOLS SKINNER DAVID SMITH AInswortH RAND SPOFrFORD WiILiiAM Bower TAYLOR ALMON Harris THOMPSON Davin P. Topp JOSEPH Mrrepitn TONER Witi1am J. TwInina JAcoB KErnprick Upton GEORGE V ASEY Lester FRANK WARD JAMES CLARKE WELLING Grorce M. WHEELER PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. xiii CHARLES ABIATHAR WHITH ALLEN D. WILSON JAMES ORMOND WILSON JOSEPH JANVIER WooDWARD Henry CrisseY YARROW ANTON ZUMBROCK Members who have been absent from the District of Columbia for more than twelve months, and who may on their return resume their membership by giving written notice to the General Committee through the President or one of the Secretaries of their wish to do so. Lester A. BEARDSLEE Avuagustus Luptow Cask FRANK WIGGLESWORTH CLARKE RicHarp CRAIN DEAN Hucu Ewine Huisna Foor: JAMES TERRY GARDNER Kpwarp Oziet GRAVES Tsatan Hanscom Epwin EHusent Hower Henry ARUNDEL LAMBE JACKSON REVEL KEITH Witn1AM Myerrs CuargLes Henry NICHOLS XiV MEMBERS OF THE CHARLES CuristopHnr PARRY TitTrAN RAMSAY PEALE BENJAMIN PEIRCE CHARLES SANDERS PErroE Henry Reep RATHBONE CHRISTOPHER RAYMOND PERRY Rop@rrs Jospepim ApDpIson Rogers Montgomery SIcaRD JOHN STEARNS : ORMOND STONE WILLIAM CALVIN TILDEN Francis AMASA WALKER Junius B. WHEELER JOSEPH Woop WILLIAM MaxweEti Woop CHRISTOPHER CoLumBus Woxcorr Deceased Members. THEODORUS BAILEY SALMON PorTLAND CHASE BENJAMIN Fanevin Craia CHARLES Henry Davts FREDERIC WILLIAM Dorr ALEXANDER B. Dyer Amos BEEBE Eaton JOHN GRAY Foster JosEPH Henry F. Kampr PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, XY OscaR A. Mack ARCHIBALD RoBERTSON MARVINE FIELDING BRADFORD MEEK JOHN CAMPBELL RILEY GEORGE CHRISTIAN SCHAEFFER JoHN MayNnarD WoopwortH Morpecal YARNALL Members are requested to give notice to one of the Secretaries of any error in their names, also of any error or change of ad- dress, or of intention of being absent from the District of Co- lumbia more than twelve months and wish on account thereof to be excused from payment of the annual assessment. (Aré. 12 of the Standing Rules.\ BULLETIN OF IEE) Ae GOs Ole ISNON I SOC IW Y Oli WASHINGTON. 149TH MEETING. 8tu ANNUAL Mrrtina, NoveMBER 9, 1878. Vice-President TAyiLor in the Chair. Thirty-five members present. The names of members elected since the last annual meeting were read. The election of officers for the ensuing year was conducted in aceordance with the rules, with the following result :— President, Simon NEwWcomsB. Vice-Presidents, J. K. BARNES, W.. B. TAYLOR, J. EH. Hitcarp, J. OC. WELLING. Treasurer, CLEVELAND ABBE. Secretaries. J, Ee Ch Cormm,) TN. Gann: MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. TroMAs ANTISELL, C. KH. Durton, E. B. Exniort, J. W. Powe tt, AsapH HAtt, C. A. ScHorr, W. HarknNgEss, J. M. Toner, J. J. WooDWARD. 150TH MEETING. NovEMBER 23, 1878. The President, Mr. Newcomp, in the Chair. Forty-five members and vjsitors present. (17) 18 BULLETIN OF THE The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The election of Maj. WiLu1am J. Twining, of U. S. Engineers, and Mr. Davip P. Topp, of the Nautical Almanae Office, as members of the Society, was announced. A paper by Mr. HE. 8. Houpsn, entitled NOTES ON THE BRIGHTNESS AND THE STELLAR MAGNITUDE OF THE THIRD SATURNIAN SATELLITE, TETHYS, was read by Mr. SKINNER. Remarks were made by Mr. ABBE. Mr. J. J. Woopwarpd made remarks ON THE APERTOMETER OF PROF. E. ABBE, OF JENA, GERMANY. (ABSTRACT.) Mr. Woopwarp exhibited and described the apertometer de- vised by Professor Abbe, of Jena, for measuring the aperture of microscopic objectives, and manufactured by Carl Zeiss, also of Jena. An account of this instrument will be found in the Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, March, 1878, p. 19. As the instrument was designed for use on the perpendicular microscope stands commonly employed in Germany, Mr, Wood- ward had modified it by mounting the glass disk on a block of wood 38 inches long by 1.5 wide and .4 thick, and by attaching springs of thin sheet brass to the two movable indices, the object being to allow the apparatus to be used on English or American stands inclined at convenient angles. He praised the ingenuity of Professor Abbe’s device and the excellence of the workman- ship of Zeiss, and commended the instrument as affording a con- venient method of measuring the apertures of objectives by lamp- light. He still preferred, however, as simpler and more convenient, the method he had used for several years in measuring such aper- tures by sunlight. As originally used, this method was described by him in the Monthly Microscopical Journal, June, 1873, p. 268. The objective was screwed to an opening in the shutter of the dark room; a parallel pencil of solar light was thrown through it from behind by a plane mirror, while the front lens of the ob- jective was in contact with a thin sheet of Canada balsam confined between two plates of glass, one of them ground. The solar rays, after coming to a focus in the balsam, diverged, and the margins of the cone of light could readily be marked with a lead- pencil on the surface of the plate of ground glass. The angle formed was afterwards measured with-a protractor, which gave PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 19 the “balsam angle” of the objective. Subsequently, at the sug- gestion of Mr. Tolles, of Boston, he substituted for the sheet of balsam a quadrangle of crown-glass ground on one side and pol- ished on the edges. One of the edges was placed in front of the objective with which it was connected with the immersion fluid for which the objective was intended. ‘The solar rays coming from behind, after passing through the crown-glass front of the objective, and suffering refraction on entering and leaving the immersion fluid, resumed in the quadrangle of crown-glass the direction they had in the crown-glass front. The margins of the visible cone were marked on the ground glass surface of the quad- - rangle with alead-pencil, and the angle read by a protractor. The angle thus measured was of course substantially the angle of the extreme rays in the crown-glass front. It might be conveniently called the ‘interior angle” of the objective, with which it would be identical were it not for trifling differences between the refrac- tive index of the crown-glass quadrangle and that of the crown- glass selected for the front of particular objectives. Measured in this way it was easy to see experimentally that the limit of 82° interior angle, which Mr. Wenham had assigned to all objectives, did not practically exist. He himself, Professor R. Keith, and lately Professor Stokes, of Cambridge, had shown that the rea- soning on which Mr. Wenham based his assertion was not in accordance with optical theory. Experimenta! observation indi- eates that the number of makers who produce objectives with more than 82° interior angle is increasing. This was the case in this country, especially with many of the immersion objectives of Tolles and Spencer; in England, with some of the immersion objectives of Powell and Lealand, and on the Continent with the immersion objectives of Zeiss. From the latter maker he had recently received two of his new oil-immersion objectives, a 3th and a j4,th. As measured by the glass quadrangle by sunlight, the 3th had an interior angle of 115°, the 3th of 114°. Mea- sured by the apertometer of Abbe the results were, as nearly as could be estimated, identical. Both objectives exceeded a little the number 1.25 on Abbe’s arbitrary scale, which corresponds to 113° interior angle; but owing to the character of that scale the exact amount of excess could only be estimated. Mr. Woodward regarded the adoption of that scale as an unfortunate one. A simple division of the glass circle into degrees would have been in many respects more convenient. t Mr. J. BE. Hincarp made a communication on JABLOKOFE’S ELECTRIC CANDLE. Mr. W. H. Dat commenced a paper entitled NOTES ON THE MUSEUMS AND ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF NORTHERN HUROPE. 20 BULLETIN OF THE 151st MEETING. DECEMBER 7, 1878. The President in the Chair. Fifty-one members and visitors present. The election of Mr. JoHN WALTER OSBORNE as a member of the Society was announced. Mr. Henry REED read a paper on THE PHYSIOLOGY OF CIVILIZATION. Remarks were made by Messrs. Woopwarpb, PowELL, Hark. NESS, HAYDEN, Newcoms, WHITE, CurepMANn, Dutton, ALVORD, Giut, J. D. Cox, Etutort, Mason, PARKER, and DAuL, gene- rally controverting views advanced by Mr. Resp. Mr. AsapH Hau made the following communication ON THE SUPPOSED DISCOVERY OF A TRANS-NEPTUNIAN PLANET AT THE U.S. NAVAL OBSERVATORY IN 1850. In October, 1850, Mr. James Ferguson, Assistant Astronomer of the Naval Observatory, while observing the planet Hygeia, observed on four nights an object of the 94 magnitude which afterwards seemed to have disappeared. A communication on this subject was made by the Superintendent of the Observatory, Mr. Maury, to the Secretary of the Navy, and Mr. Maury’s let- ter, together with Mr. Ferguson’s observations, were published in Gould’s Journal, Vol. I1., p. 53. Mr. Hind, of London, dis- cussing these observations, came to the conclusion that the object observed by Mr. Ferguson was a trans-Neptunian planet, at a distance from the sun of “more than 137, and a period of above 1600 years.” Gould’s Journal, Vol. II., p. 78. Recently Professor C. H. F. Peters, Director of the Litchfield Observatory of Hamilton College, has given this matter a critical examination, and has found that the true explanation is that Mr Ferguson made a mistake in observing the difference of declina- tion, and that by making the proper corrections the whole series of observations comes into harmony, and the missing object proves to be a well-known fixed star. Mr. Hau, on examining the original observing books of Mr. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1 " Ferguson, finds that the explanation given by Prof. Peters is undoubtedly correct. These books show that Mr. Ferguson made éleven comparisons of the difference of declination, and that eight of these comparisons were correct, and three erroneous. For some unknown reason Mr. Ferguson in his reductions changed the eight correct comparisons to correspond with the three erro- neous ones, and this arbitrary change produced the mysterious pseudo-planet. 152p MEETING. DECEMBER 21, 1878. The President in the Chair. Mr. W. H. Day continued his communication on THE MUSEUMS AND ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS OF NORTHERN EUROPE, describing those at Bremen, Berlin, Gotha, Frankfort-am-Main, Stuttgart, Bonn, Cologne, Amsterdam, and Paris; also those of London, Oxford, Cambridge (Eug.), Edinborough, Dublin, and Liverpool: also answering inquiries made by Messrs. Newcoms, Powe, Exniorr, and HARKNESS. Mr. J. W. OsBorNE made a communication on SUGGESTIONS RESPECTING THE STUDY OF METEOROLOGY IN REGARD. TO THE CAUSES OF YELLOW FEVER. Remarks were made by Mr. ANTISELL. 1538p MEETING. JANUARY 4, 1879. The President in the Chair. ‘'wenty-three members and visitors present. Mr. A. N. SKINNER communicated A NOTE ON THE PRECESSION OF STARS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Remarks were made by Mr. NEwcoms. 4] 22, BULLETIN OF THE Mr. J. J. WoopWaArRD made the following communication ON A STANDARD FOR MICROMETRY. Mr. Woopwarp read a letter he had recently received from a committee of the microscopical section of the Troy Scientific Association, asking answers to the following questions s— “1, Is it expedient at present to adopt a standard for microm- etry? 2. If so, should the English or the metric system be employed? 3. What unit, within the system selected, is most eligible? 4, What steps should be taken to obtain a suitable standard measure of this unit? : 5. How can this standard micrometer be best preserved and made useful to all parties concerned ?” These questions were asked with a view to some action to be taken on the subject at the meeting of the American Society of Microscopists to be held in Buffalo during the summer of 1879. He had made the following reply, with regard to which he invited comments or criticism by the Society. I submit the following replies to the questions of your circular letter of December 2d:— 1. I am in favor of the adoption of a suitable standard for micrometry by the American Society of Microscopists at their next meeting. 2. For this particular purpose I think the metric system offers so many conveniences that I favor its employment. 3. The selection of an eligible unit within the system involves, it appears to me, two distinct questions: 4. How shall the stage- micrometer be ruled? #. How shall the measurements made be expressed in speech or writing? A. The object of the stage-micrometer is chiefly to give values to the divisions of the eyepiece-micrometer with the power used in any given case. It should be long enough to be used for this purpose with the lowest powers of the compound microscope, and have a part of its length ruled sufficiently close to answer the same end with the highest powers. I favor the adoption of a standard scale a centimetre long ruled in millimetres, and one of these ruled in hundredths. I have used stage-micrometers ruled in thousandths of a millimetre, but regard such divisions as inconyeniently close for this purpose. To measure in thou- PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 23 gandths of a millimetre as the unit, which is very convenient in a large number of cases, the simplest way is to use a magnifying power that will make ten divisions of the eyepiece-micrometer exactly coincide with one-hundredth of a millimetre on the stage- micrometer. The glass eyepiece-micrometer should have a scale a centimetre long ruled in one hundred parts. By increasing the power so that a larger number than ten of these divisions shall correspond to one-hundredth of a millimetre on the stage-micro- meter, a unit of any degree of minuteness that may be required for any special work can be obtained up to the limits of distinct vision with the microscope. B. But although I regard the hundredth of a millimetre as a very eligible dimension for the closest divisions of the stage- micrometer, when it comes to expressing the results of our mea- surement in speech or writing, I do not think it is convenient to use the hundredth of a millimetre as the unit of expression. It is too large, and the results of too many measurements would still have to be expressed in decimal fractions. The thousandth of a millimetre is much more convenient as a unit of expression, and I would advise that microscopists should agree to call this dimension a micron, and represent it in writing by the Greek letter ». This dimension has already been adopted as the unit of expression by a number of European microscopists, who rep- resent it by the same Greek letter, but call it a micro-millimetre. ‘The term Micron should, I think, be preferred because well known to scientific men other than microscopists, having for some time been used in expressing minute differences by those officially engaged in preparing standard measures of Jength, and having been adopted by the International Metric Commission. I think it running an unnecessary risk of confusion to select any other than this well-recognized term for the dimension in question. 4 and 5. To obtain a suitable standard stage-micrometer, I would advise each microscoyical society to select one ruled as above described, by any peison in whom they have confidence, and to satisfy themselves by comparison of the several parts with each other, by means of the same part of the eyepiece-microm- eter, that the divisions agree among themselves. This is com- paratively easily done; the real difficulty will be to determine whether the whole scale is really a centimetre long. To ascertain this, I would advise each microscopical society to send its stand- 94 BULLETIN OF THE ard micrometer to the Superintendent of the Coast Survey at Washington, with the request that he will have it compared with a recognized standard in the Bureau of Weights and Measures, and return it with a report of the error, if any. I have reason to believe that such requests would be promptly and courteously responded to. Hach society should then preserve the standard thus obtained for the sole purpose of enabling its members to compare their stage-micrometers with it. I think this plan much wiser than to relegate the question to any one of the ingenious men who are endeavoring in this country, with considerable suc- cess, to make accurate rulings on glass, and I should anticipate better results from it than from the appointment of a special committee of the American Society of Microscopists to prepare a standard scale. In conclusion, I readily admit that so long as the Hnglish microscopists continue to express the results of their measure- ments in decimals of an Hnglish inch, there will be American microscopists who will do the same, either for all purposes or for particular work, and of course it is very desirable that these measurements also should be accurate. The stage-micrometers. on this system in the market are usually ruled in hundredths and thousandths of an inch. The latter divisions are too wide to. give values to the eyepiece-micrometer with the higher powers, while the five-thousandths, ten-thousandths, or even finer divisions, ruled also on some of these micrometers, are inconveniently close. TI would advise the makers to rule such micrometers four-tenths of an inch long, divided into hundredths of an inch, one of the hundredths being subdivided into ten, another into twenty-five spaces. These latter spaces, each representing one twenty-five- hundredth of an inch, sufficiently approximate the hundredth of a millimetre to be used with equal convenience with the higher powers. The scale on the glass eyepiece-micrometer, used with these stage-micrometers, should be, if specially made for the purpose, four-tenths of an inch long, divided into one hundred parts, each one two-hundred-and-fiftieth of an inch; but these divisions would so closely approximate those of the metric eye- piece-micrometer proposed, that it might be used without incon- venience instead. Where it is thought worth while by a micro- scopical society to procure a standard scale of this kind, it should be sent to the Coast Survey office for measurement, as in the: case of the metric scales. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 25 Remarks were made by Messrs. Harkness, Enniorr, and TAYLOR. Mr. J. J. Woopwarp also made a communication ‘ON THE OIL-IMMERSION OBJECTIVES OF ZEISS, AND ON CONVENIENT METHODS OF OBTAINING OBLIQUE ILLUMINATION FOR THESE AND SIMILAR OBJECTIVES. (ABSTRACT.) Mr. Woopwarp exhibited and described his sub-stage prism for the illumination of balsam mounted objects for examination with immersion objectives whose balsam angle (or preferably interior angle) is 90° or upwards. It is described in the Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, November, 1878, p. 246. By using a prism of 98° angle instead of a right- angled one, immersion objectives of less than 90° but more than 82° interior angle could be satisfactorily illuminated. Both prisms had re- cently been manufactured without any mounting by G. 8. Wool- man, 116 Fulton Street, New York. ‘This had the advantage of economy; but the prism being necessarily attached to the under surface of the slide by glycerine or oil of cloves, would move with the object, which was inconvenient. He therefore greatly pre- ferred the instrument as originally made, although of course the same results could be obtained by Woolman’s modification, pro- vided the prism was readjusted each time the object was moved. He also exhibited and described a more complex apparatus which he had devised for microphotography, and which enabled him to register the precise angle of the illuminating pencil employed. (This apparatus will be described in full and figured in the Jour- nal of the Royal Microscopical Society during 1879.) Mr. Woopwarp remarked that although the most oblique pen- cil an immersion objective can take in is necessary to obtain the best results on lined test objects, e. g., Amphipleura pellucida mounted in Canada balsam, this was no longer the case when direct sunlight was used. In illustration he exhibited a photo- graph of Amphipleura pellucida taken with about 2700 diameters by the oil-immersion jth of Zeiss, referred to by him in his communication of November 23d, when he stated that its interior angle was 114°. The photographs excelled in definition any picture of this test he had ever obtained with any objective; and yet the optical axis of the illuminating lens (a 3-inch objective of 10° aperture which was used without any substage lens or prism) was only inclined at an angle of 45° to the optical axis of the microscope. As a further illustration of the difference between the results obtained by illuminating the microscope by lamp and sunlight, he exhibited two photographs of Pleurosigma angulatum taken by the oil-immersion 2th of Zeiss of 115° interior angle, 26 BULLETIN OF THE One of them showed the well-known appearance of hexagons, the other the longitudinal diffraction lines produced in the experiment. devised by Professor Abbe, of Jena. Professor Abbe had found that if the central part of a high-angled objective be stopped out by a transverse bar and a frustule of Pleurosigma angulatum exam- ined, its midrib being parallel to the bar and the light thrown at right angles to it, the hexagonal markings would be no longer seen, but instead a series of sharp diffraction lines parallel to the mid- rib. In their distance apart these markings are so related to the distance of the hexagons from centre to centre that seven of the diffraction lines occupy the space of four of the hexagons. By lamplight, Professor Abbe found that these diffraction lines ap- peared only on those parts of the Angulatum frustule which were fused to the glass cover in preparing the specimen; where a film of air existed between the frustule and the cover they did not appear. Mr. Woonwarp had found that this was true only for illumination by lamp; by sunlight the diffraction lines appeared on all parts of all the frustules. In the photographs which he exhibited the bcundary of the adherent part of the frustule could be distinctly seen, and the diffraction lines were equally distinct on the non-adherent parts. Professor Abbe’s explanation of the phenomenon was therefore inadequate, as it required the non- appearance of the diffraction lines on the non-adherent parts by sunlight as well as by lamp. The subject was further discussed by Messrs. HARKNESS and W ooDWARD. Mr. Asaph Hatt made a communication ON THE SATELLITES OF SATURN. (ABSTRACT.) Mr. Hatt stated that his observation of Hyperion, the faint satellite of Saturn, made in 1878, indicate that the line of apsides of the orbit of this satellite has a rapid motion. Probably this line has revolved at least 180° since the time of the discovery of this satellite in 1848 by the Bonds and Lassell. Attention was called to the peculiar relations of the orbits of Hyperion and of the large satellite Titan, through which Titan . is able to exert a great influence on the motion of Hyperion. The motion of the line of apsides of Hyperion will probably fur- nish an accurate determination of the mass of Titan. Remarks were made by Messrs. TayLor and NEWCoMB. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 27 154TH MEETING. JANUARY 18, 1879. The President in the Chair. Forty-one members and visitors present. The President referred to the recent memorial services of Prof. Henry at the Capitol, and stated that an invitation to attend them had been extended to the Philosophical Society, and that the Society was represented on the occasion. Mr. J. W. OsBorNE gave a recapitulation of his communication made at a previous meeting, on THE APPLICATION OF METEOROLOGY TO YELLOW FEVER INVESTIGATIONS. Remarks were made by Messrs. ANTISELL, ABBE, and Woop- WARD. Mr. J. W. Ossorne also made a communication on A CURIOUS MANIFESTATION OF FORCE BY THE WIND, exhibiting a distorted wind vane. Mr. E. B. Exxiorr made a communication on THE PROGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL COINAGE IN FRANCE AND AMERICA. 155TH MEETING. FEBRUARY 1, 1879. The President in the Chair. Thirty-one members and visitors present. Medical Director Francis M. Gunneui, U.S. Navy, and Mr. GEORGE WiLLIAM Hitt, of the Nautical Almanac Office, were announced as having been elected members of the Society. Mr. F. M. Enpiicu made a communication ON SOME INTERESTING CASES OF METAMORPHISM. 28 BULLETIN OF THE The subject was discussed by Messrs. ANTISELL, WHITE, and ENDLICH. Mr. C. E. DutTTon made a communication on THE GEOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF THE COLORADO RIVER. Comments were made and questions asked by Messrs. WHITE, ENpLicH, and HALL. 156TH MEETING. | Frsruary 15, 1879. Vice-President WELLING in the Chair. Thirty-eight members and visitors present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The election of Mr. Brernarp RicHaRD GREEN, Major PETER Conover Hains, U.S. Engineers, Commander GEorGE Drwey, U.S. Navy, and Mr. Freperick Borpen McGuimrgE, as members of the Society, was announced. Mr. THoMAs ANTISELL read a paper entitled J OBSERVATIONS ON CHEMICAL MOLECULAR CHANGES. Remarks were made and questions asked by Mr. Harxngss, Prof. F. W. Cuarke, of Cincinnati, Mr. Doouirris, and Mr. DALL. 157TH MEETING. Marcu 1, 1879. Vice-President TAaytor in the Chair. Thirty-eight members and visitors present. The deaths of Dr. Joun C. Riney and of Prof. MorpEcar YARNALL, U.S. Navy, members of the Society, were announced. The election of Lieut. Comr. Cuaruzs DID. Siassex, U. 8. N., as a member of the Society, was also announced. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 29 Mr. S. F. Barrp made a communication on THE ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION OF THE COD, describing the measures and process adopted at Gloucester, Mass., and the success thus far obtained. A vessel is to be specially constructed for the Fish Commission, to be used for this purpose. Mr. EvuioTr made some remarks and inquiries respecting the extent of the cod fisheries. Mr. P. H. Dupuey, C. E., made a communication, illustrated by drawings, on THE USES OF HIS DYNAGRAPH, AND THE WORK PERFORMED IN DETERMINING THE RESISTANCE OF RAILWAY TRAINS, ETO. (ABSTRACT.) It is an instrument designed for the purpose of determining, and graphically recording on a continuous sheet of paper, the resistance to traction of railway rolling stock of all kinds, either as single cars or in trains; also, testing the resistance to traction of locomotives of various kinds of wheel base, and also their capacity; the object being to obtain data from a knowledge of which the cost of transportation may be reduced, by substituting facts for mere opinion. It has several attachments, so that data can be obtained to solve most of the problems connected with the movement of trains. The low joints in the rails are also shown at the same time. The wearing effect on the rails and tires of various kinds of wheel base of locomotives can also be shown by special experi- ments. A car is specially constructed for its use; the present one is 50 feet long by 9 feet 6 inches wide, and has five apart- ments, viz.: lst. Dynagraph room with bookcase: 2d. Sleeping room: 3d. Laboratory: 4th. Sitting room; one double overhead berth, piano, wardrobe, and washstand: 5th. Dining room, con- taining range, ice box, provision drawers, china cupboard, and portable table. An aisle on one side of the car permits access to any apartment. The instrument is placed near the end of the car in the Dynagraph room. The car has two 4-wheeled trucks, each with 7 feet wheel base, all the wheels being turned truly cylindrical. The elliptical springs in the trucks are quadruplets, so that the car rides very steadily on most roads. ‘lhe draw-bar is enlarged, and a steel cylinder 6 inches long and 4 inches internal diameter inserted instead of the usual fastening. In each end of the cylinder pis- tons with cup-leather packing are inserted and by means of an- nular rings both are free to move in, but prevented from moving 30 BULLETIN OF THE outward; the required movement in use is less than jth of an inch. The cylinder is filled with oil, and from its centre a pipe leads to a small piston on top of the instrument on the inside of the car. Any pressure on the draw-bar either pulling or pushing is transmitted to the piston (which is held by springs of known tension), and thence to arms holding the pen which records the pressure, Inside of the car is a large cast-iron frame, 36 K 40 inches, and 30 inches high, which supports the mechanism to roll the paper as the car moves, it being driven by positive gearing from the axle of the car. The present Dynagraph uses paper 30 inches wide, though by leaving off some of the attachments, paper 20 inches wide can be used: it has gearing to represent 400, 200, 100, or 50 feet of track per inch of paper, as desired: strong Manilla paper, spe- cially made, is used, and is wound in a continuous sheet of 400 to 500 feet in length on one of the paper drums at either end of the instrument. These drums are driven by friction and only serve to wind the paper, keeping it taut as it is fed through the machine by the steel rolls, either pair being used according to the direction which the car is running. The rolls make 1, revolutions for 13,2; inches of paper; this corresponds to 400 feet of track for 1 inch of paper. The rolls are ;,3,5 of an inch larger in diameter in the centre than at the ecds. The wheels which drive the mechanism are turned without any conning, and are 33 inches in diameter. A triple thread worm on the axle drives a shaft which is connected by three universal joints with the shafting of the instrument. There are three mitre gears so arranged with saw-tooth clutches that the paper can run in either direction, and either pair of feed rolls, also used at pleasure. Right or left-handed diagrams can be taken, as desired. There is an integrating attachment which measures constant areas of the dynamical curve and records them electric- ally. ‘The electrical recording apparatus has 11 pens: one re- cords from the clock seconds; one every tenth second, and one for each minute; one pen records the constant area on the dia- gram; one pen the amount of water (as measured by a meter) used by the locomotive, and where consumed; one pen the amount of coal, and its distribution; one pen the alignment of the road; one pen the distance as measured by the instrument; one pen the revolution of the drivers; one pen the velocity of the wind, and one pen the roads, mile posts, and stations. In special experiments on trains all the pens are used as de- scribed, but some of them may be used for other purposes if desired. In making experiments on single cars we have inside the larger pistons, smaller ones, so that the same springs give five times as large a scale as with the large pistons. Among the many important uses of the Dynagraph has been the determination of the effect of different classes of locomotive wheel bases upon the wear of rails and tires of the driving wheels. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 31 It was found that it required more power to push the same Joco- motive on curves when the wheel base was so arranged that the front end of the locomotive was free to swing in a cradle of the truck (as at certain velocities, the centrifugal force would act upon the locomotive in such a manner that the flanges of the driving wheels against the rails would guide the engine; the front out- side driving-wheel flange would be against the outer rail, and the rear inside driving-wheel flange against the inner rail), than it did when the same locomotive was so arranged that the front truck and the rear driving-wheel flange guided the engine. This is seen practically in its effect upon the wear of rails on different roads; the outer rail of curves on the B. & O. R.R., P.W. & B.R.R., N.Y. & H.R. RB. N.Y. C. & H.R. R. R. being but very little more worn than upon the tangents while upon the P. R. R. the wear of outer rails on curves has been much more rapid. Generally speaking, it has been found to require less coal to run freight trains at an average speed of 18 to 20 miles an hour, than from 10 to 12 miles. But few time tables are arranged in accord- ance with the gradients of the road. On some roads uniform speed is required over all portions of the road, which practically lessens the number of cars drawn per train; while if the time tables were arranged in accordance with the work, from two to three more cars could be taken on the ordinary trains. The con- struction of cars for the same purpose is so different in detail, that their resistance to traction varies; so that it seems impos- sible to determine anything more than an approximate formula for general application. Changes are made upon mere opinion, without a knowledge of facts. In locomotives where perhaps more pains are taken to systematize matters, we find in those said to be made from the same drawings, a variation from ten to twenty per cent. in their capacity. This is a common observation of engineers and master mechanics, derived from their daily expe- rience. Some engines will give a very smooth diagram, while others will show great irregularities (on the same track), due to - steam admission or counter balance. Hach engineer gives a per- sonal equation to the diagram. The rate of adhesion varies also for the same weight in different engines, and is much greater at slow speeds than at high ones with the same engine. In drawing freight trains the greatest range of variation in resistance is due to the wind; stock cars giving the highest rate. Loaded box cars in trains of twenty to twenty-five cars give on a level and straight track from four to six lbs. resistance per ton; while thirty empty stock cars gave 13.20 lbs. per ton on a windy day. ‘Trains are now limited in length, from the uncertainties of changes of weather during their transit. As soon as the mat- ter is more thoroughly understood by the railroad people, I hope to see trains dispatched in accordance to the Signal Service indi- 38 BULLETIN OF THE cations. The value to railroad transportation of such knowledge can hardly be estimated. Nearly all the experiments are conducted by private individual enterprise, and few of the important problems of transportation have been touched. There is so much jealousy that but few care to know anything about the problems of transportation, as it more or less affects the opinions of the managers. From many numerous experiments we have just completed for one railroad, we have determined the cost of moving a ton of weight one mile, and plotted the results, showing on some of its rates it did not get back the cost of simply moving its cars, engines, and freight, regardless of any interest and cost of organization. There are some attachments designed and yet to be added to the Dynagraph for special experiments. Mr. ABBE followed with further explanations, and some points were discussed by Messrs. HARKNESS and DUDLEY. Mr. C. A. WHITE read a communication on THE FRESH-WATER SHEIL-HEAPS OF THE INTERIOR RIVERS OF NORTH AMERICA. ; Messrs. Barrp, Mason, ABBE, and Girt added information respecting shell-heaps in other regions, especially near the coasts of Massachusetts, Maine, and New Brunswick, and discussing the evidence of cannibalism found in some of them. 158TH MEETING. Marcia 15, 1879. Vice-President HiteGarp, and subsequently the President, in the Chair. Fifty-eight members and visitors present. Prof. A. WINCHELL, of Syracuse, N. Y., made a communica- tion on THE PROGRESSIVE DISPERSION OF MANKIND OVER THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH, referring mainly to prehistoric races. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 33 Remarks were made by Messrs. Hingarp, Powrtt, Daun, At- vorpD, PARKER, Mason, WARD, ABBE, WHITE, GILL, WOODWARD, HaARKNEss, and WINCHELL, the discussion taking a wide range. Mr. J. R. HastrMan exhibited and described A PERSONAL EQUATION INSTRUMENT devised by him in 1875, and successfully used at the Washington Observatory in determining the absolute as well as relative equa- tions of observers with the transit instrument. Remarks were made by Mr. PAut. Mr. J. EK. HitGarp exhibited two PHOSPHORESCENT CLOCKS, stating that the faces were coated with calcium-sulphide, and that after exposure to solar light they would remain luminous in the dark during the greater part of a night. Mr. ANTISELL explained that a number of sulphides possess this property of phosphorescence. 159TH MEETING. Maron 29, 1879. The President in the Chair Thirty-eight members and visitors present. Mr. S. Newcoms made a communication on THE RECURRENCE OF ECLIPSES. The subject was discussed by Messrs. ABBE and TAYLOR. Mr. L. F. Warp read a paper on THE ORIGIN OF THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS. _ Dr. W. K. Brooks, of the Johns Hopkins University, read a paper on — 34 BULLETIN OF THE THE EMBRYOLOGY OF LIOGULA AND THE SYSTEMATIC RELATIONS OF THE BRACHIOPODS, and illustrated the comparative characteristics of the Brachiopods in their embryonic condition with those of the Polyzoans. 160TH MEETING. ApriL 12, 1879. The President in the Chair. Fifty-one members and visitors present. Mr. G. K. GinBrert made a communication ON THE KANAB BASE-LINE, AND A PROPOSED NEW METHOD OF BASE MEASUREMENT. (ABSTRACT. ) Ist. The Measurement of the Kanab Base. The base lines of the Powell Survey have been measured with wooden rods. The base at Kanab, Utah, was measured in 1878 with apparatus prepared originally by Mr. A. H. Thompson. The measurement was performed under the direction of Mr. Gilbert by Mr. J. H. Renshawe. The apparatus consists essentially of two 15-foot rods applied to each other, end to end, in alternation. They are provided with suitable accessories to regulate their alignment and height, and to record their inclination. They were compared before and after use with standard steel rods furnished by the Coast Survey. Two measurements were made, and the second result was found to exceed the first by 0.84 of an inch. It has been stated by Mr. Hayden that the results attained by Mr. Powell by the use of wooden rods are less accurate than those given by the steel tape (45th Congress, 2d Sess., House Mis. Doc. No. 55, p. 25). It is desirable to test the truth of this statement, for if wooden rods do not give greater accuracy than steel tapes they should be discarded on the score of econ- omy. A satisfactory comparison of the two methods is not yet possible for the reason that the results with the steel tape have not afforded data for the computation of probable error, but a first impression may be derived from the comparison of the dis- crepancies between duplicate measurements. The following table includes the only base twice measured by the Powell Survey, and the only bases published by the Hayden Survey. The last column shows the estimated probable discrepancy for a common distance of 4.3 miles. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 35 Name | Name Approximate | Differences of two Comparative of | of : length measurements ainaronces Base line. | Survey. in miles. in feet. i Kanab Powell 248) 070 07 San Luis* | Hayden 5.4 18 16 Denver* Hayden 6.0 1.798 1.51 There seems nothing in these figures to require a discontinu- ance of the use of wooden rods. The Kanab base was divided into 44 sub-equal sections, and two independent measurements were made of each section. From the 44 resulting discrepancies the probable error of the whole measurement was computed and found to be .09 ft. or 1-250,000 . of the whole length of the base. When a similar test has been applied to the steel tape, the relative value of the two apparatus can be better judged. Unfortunately the fraction 1-250,000 does not represent the total error of the base line as determined, but only that portion of the error which depends on the manipulation of the wooden rods; another portion introduced in the comparison of the rods with the steel standards is much greater. The latter affects the value of the Kanab base line, but is independent of the value of the apparatus. 2d. A proposed New Apparatus and Method. In some methods of base-measurement a single unit of length is applied repeatedly. A record is made each time of the position of the advance end, to which record the rear end is afterward applied. ‘This is the usual practice when a chain or tape is used, In other methods two unit measures are used in alternation. One remains stationary while the other is carried forward, and the rear end of the moving measure is applied to the advance end of the stationary. This is the usual practice when wooden or metal- lic rods are employed. It is now proposed to combine the method of the single unit and record with the use of the rod. Where two rods have been used a simple contact of their ends has been found impracticable, and an observation has usually been substituted. Where a single unit has been used the record has been of the nature of an observation and subject to personal equation. It is proposed to replace the observations by an auto- matic record. In the use of two rods it is necessary, for each added unit, to carry forward two tripods and adjust them in height. It is pro- * U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey of Colorado, 1876, p. 280. 36 BULLETIN OF THE posed to carry forward only one tripod for each unit, and to give it no vertical adjustment. To execute this plan a novel rod is proposed and a number of tripods of a novel pattern. The od. The material is not essential. To the under surface at each end is attached a steel sphere one-half inch in diameter. The distance between the centres of the spheres is the unit of length. Some appliance must be attached for the reading of inclination. Lhe Tripods. The head of each is broad, and upon it rests a free plate bearing a conical socket to receive one of the spheres attached to the rod. A device is added to lift the plate upon balls at will, and another device to clamp it. The Use. Suppose one of the tripods, with clamped plate, to stand so that the conical socket is in the line of the base. Ano- ther is placed in advance at a distance approximately equal to the rod length, and its plate is unclamped. One sphere of the rod is now placed in the fixed socket and the other in the movable. The advance end of the rod is aligned. The balls are lifted under the movable plate for an instant, to substitute rolling for sliding friction, and relieve all strains. The plate is clamped. The inclination of the rod is observed. The advance socket has now become a record of the application of the unit of length. A third tripod is placed on the line and the rod is carried forward to repeat the process. The apparatus is proposed with special reference to the needs of such work as that of the Powell Survey. It is hoped that it will combine a high degree of precision with noteworthy rapidity of manipulation. The subject was discussed by Messrs. ScHort, ABBE, JENKINS, Powe tt, and Doouitrie. Mr. W. H. DALt communicated the results of his observations on THE MUSCLES OF THE OYSTER, and called attention to the existence of a small anterior muscle, which he considered to be a pedal one. The subject was commented on by Messrs. WHITE and GILL. Mr. C. E. Durron commenced a communication on THE SUCCESSION OF VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS. This communication being unfinished when the hour for PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 37 adjournment arrived, the completion of it was postponed to the next meeting. The Society then adjourned. l61sr Mrrrina. APRIL 26, 1879. The President in the Chair. Forty-eight members and visitors present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mr. J. J. Woopwarp made a communication on A NEW APERTOMETER FOR MICROSCOPIC OBJECTIVES, Mr. Durron continued and completed his communication on the succession of Volcanic Eruptions, reserving his paper for ublication. Remarks were made by Messrs. PowE.u, Exuiorr, ANTISELL, GILBERT, TAyLor, Farquyar, and Osporne. Mr. O. 'T. Mason made a communication illustrated by im- pressions of the plates of the lately published works of Dr. Habel on THE DECIPHERMENTS OF SOME AZTEC MONUMENTS LATELY DISCOVERED IN GUATEMALA. The meeting then adjourned. 162D MEETING. May 10, 1879, The President in the Chair. Thirty-eight, members and visitors present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mr. J. R. Eastman read a communication on A PERSONAL EQUATION APPARATUS, 42 BYs) BULLETIN OF THE This was in the nature of a personal explanation of a former communication by himself upon the same subject. Remarks were made by Mr. H1nGarp. Mr. E. B. En.iort gave a communication on THE SUBJECT OF INTERNATIONAL COINAGE. In explanation of the progress lately made towards an inter- national coinage he referred to the action of the Japanese and Argentine governments in the adoption of coins of gold, weighing exactly five grammes, and to the measure moved by Mr. Garnier, in the French legislature and recommended by a committee of that body, to coin a gold piece weighing five grammes. He then explained the so-called Warner bill, or the measure now pending in the House of Representatives, and showed how it differed in respect to the coinage of silver from laws now in force. He then showed by means of a diagram the fluctuations of the value of silver relative to that of gold since the year 1792. Remarks were made by Mr. BurcHarp. Mr. G. K. GinBert made a communication on AIR CURRENTS ON MOUNTAIN SLOPES. He stated that in the mountains of the West the air currents at night usually blow down the slopes; and blow up the slopes during the day, when the general state of the atmosphere is calm. He referred to the discussion of this subject by Mr. Loew, who stated the opposite condition of facts. Mr. Gilbert gave the results of thirty observations, all of which conformed to the movement he asserted. Remarks were made by Messrs. ABBE, ANTISELL, PowsLt, and NEWCOMB. The meeting then adjourned. 163p MEETING. May 24, 1879. The President in the Chair. Fifty-three members present. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 39 The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Dr. J. R. M. Irpy, of the Johns Hopkins University, upon invitation of the General Committee of the Society, read a com- munication entitled SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE CRYSTALLINE STATE OF MATTER. He first discussed the nature of crystals and their distinctions from the other states of matter, and remarked that the crystal is the most perfect expression of the molecular forces of matter with which we are acquainted, since it is the state of matter in which the equilibrium of those forces is least disturbed by heat motion. In the second part of the paper Haiiy’s theory of the constitu- tion of crystals was discussed, its importance insisted upon, and its reconsideration in connection with all the phenomena of crys- tals was urged. In the third part of the paper the theory of Haiiy was applied to the mineral species calcite. In the case of this mineral—one of the most Protean in its crystalline forms—the author thought the results so fully in accordance with the theory that much was to be hoped from its careful application to other crystals. Dr. Irpy also adverted to the experiment of Harting, who produced forms similar to those of the coccoliths obtained from the ocean depths by treating the albumen of eggs with solutions of lime. Remarks upon the paper were made by Messrs. ANTISELL and NEWCcoMB. The second communication was by Mr. HARKNEss, upon THE COLOR CORRECTIONS OF ACHROMATIC OBJECTIVES. (ABSTRACT.) Ist. From any three pieces of glass suitable for making a cor- rected objective, but not fulfilling the conditions necessary for the complete destruction of the secondary spectrum, it will always be possible to select two pieces from which a double objective can be made that will be superior to any triple objective made from all three of the pieces. 2d. The color correction of an objective is completely defined by stating the wave-length of the light for which it gives the minimum focal distance. 40 ; BULLETIN OF THE 3d. An objective is properly corrected for any given purpose when its minimum focal distance corresponds to rays of the wave- length which is most efficient for that purpose. For example: in an objective corrected for visual purposes the rays which seem brightest to the human eye should have the minimum foeal dis- tance; while in an objective intended for photographic work the rays which produce the greatest effect upon silver bromo-iodide should have the minimum focal distance. 4th. In the case of a double achromatic objective, the second- ary spectrum (or in other words, the diameter, at its intersection with the focal plane, of the cone of rays having the maximum focal length) is absolutely independent both of the focal length of the combination, and of the curves of its lenses; and depends solely upon the aperture of the combination, and the physical properties of the materials composing it. 5th. When the focal curve of an objective is known; and the relative intensity, for the purpose for which the objective is cor- rected, of light of every wave-length, is also known; then the exact position which the focal plane should occupy can be readily calculated. Incidentally, it may be remarked that in an objective corrected for photographie purposes the interval between the maximum and minimum focal distance is less than in one corrected for visual purposes. Hence a photographic objective has less secondary spectrum, and is better adapted for spectroscopic work, than a visual objective. Prof. A. Hau read a paper entitled NOTES ON THE ORBITS OF TITAN AND HYPERION. He stated that during the past winter he had collated and reduced all observations of Hyperion (the seventh and faint satellite of Saturn) that have been made since its discovery in 1848 by the Bonds at Cambridge, and by Lassel in England. The observa- tions made in 1848 by the Bonds were not well adaptéd to the determination of its orbit, since the plane of the orbit was seen: edgewise. In 1852 the plane of the orbit having opened out, Lassell made a good series of thirty observations, from which. Prof. Hall computed a set of elements that fix the position of the satellite in its orbit with a good degree of certainty for that epoch. In the year 1875 a series of observations was begun with the Washington 26-inch refractor and continued to the present time, and comparing the elements deduced from them for the present. epoch with those of 1853 it is possible to determine the periodic time of the satellite and the motion of its apsides. In order to ‘PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 41 determine small inequalities in the periodic time and motion of apsides, it will be necessary to wait until the orbit is opened out sufficiently to observe the satellite completely around the planet. Another result of the observations is that Hyperion has a larger radius vector or is moving ina larger orbit than that which is due to its periodic time and Bessel’s mass of Saturn. This he thinks arises from the action of the large satellite Titan, whose orbit is very near that of Hyperion, and the two satellites some- times approach each other very closely. Prof. Hau remarked upon the great complexity of the Satur- nian system, ani the relatively great perturbations to which it is subject from the extreme oblateness of the planet, from the similar effects of its ring, from the attractions of the satellites upon each other, and from the attractions of Jupiter and the Sun, thus ren- dering it a most interesting and instructive subject of contempla- tion and study. 164TH MeEntina. JUNE 6, 1879. The President in the Chair. Fifty members present.- The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The proceedings for the evening consisted in the communica- tions of Messrs. C. V. Ritgy and Simon NEWCOMB. The first paper by Mr. Ritey was entitled — PUPATION OF THE NYMPHALIDA. (ABSTRACT.) There is no more interesting phenomenon in insect transfor- mation than the withdrawal of the chrysalis from the shrunken larval skin and its firm attachment to the button of silk pre- viously spun by the larva, in those Rhopalocera which suspend themselves perpendicularly during pupation. For a century and a half Reaumur’s account, namely, that the soft segments of the forming chrysalis acted the part of legs by grasping the larval skin between the sutures, has been accepted and generally copied. Dr. J. A. Osborne, of Milford, England, first drew at- tention, two years ago (in Nature, vol. xvi. pp. 502-3), to the fact that there was a membrane concerned in the act, and Mr. 49 BULLETIN OF THE W. H. Edwards, of Coalburgh, West Virginia, corroborated Dr. Osborne’s statement by observations on some of our American species, recorded in the Canadian Entomologist of last December. Prof. Riley records the result of a number of observations on this subject, and thus explains the philosophy of the act which has so generally misled observers. His studies have been made principally with the larvae of Vanessa antiopa. The principal means by which the chrysalis holds on and rises at the critical moment, is a stout ligament, which is, virtually, the shed intes- tinal canal; not alone the lining, but the whole organ, which, as we know, becomes sub-obsolete in the imago state of so many Lepi- doptera. It is the ilium and colon, more particularly, which are serviceable, and the ligament holds with such force around the anus of the cast larval skin that it cannot easily be severed. The rectum of the nascent chrysalis draws this in, or lets it go, by peristaltic action of the sphincter muscles, the whole liga- ment being drawn out as soon as the hooks of the cremaster reach the silk. In addition to this ligament, which is of a red- dish color, there are two lateral ligaments, also quite long and strong, and of the color of the skin, which serve as auxiliaries. These are the shed linings of the trachez issuing from the last or ninth pair of spiracles, which in the chrysalis become closed or blind. These ligaments may be called the tracheal ligaments, and seem to be somewhat specialized to aid in this important act. Lastly, there is the membrane proper, referred to by Dr. Osborne, which is virtually but the anal portion of the skin it- self, or corium, caught upon the knobs at the end of the ridges which usually form the ventral part of the cremaster. It consists chiefly of the skin that lines the region of the rectum and the anal prolegs, and takes on a more or less bifurcated form from the pulling power of the knobs during the act of withdrawal from the larval skin. These ligaments Prof. Riley considers constant physiological factors in the problem, most necessary in those species which have the knobs imperfectly developed, and acting even during the larval molts, and so holding the shed skin of Lepidopterous larva that it is worked to the anus in a shrivelled mass, as a stocking is pushed to the toes; whereas, in most other insects, and especially in those where the metamorphosis is in- complete and the change in the intestinal canal but slight, the exuvie are crawled out of rather than worked off, the anal parts not being held within the end of the molted skin, but really be- ing the first parts detached. The membrane is a purely me- chanical factor, and may not always be properly caught and drawn out. It may also be severed without necessarily causing the chrysalis to drop. Yet that it is an important aid to the rising of the chrysalis there cannot be much doubt, and we find, in the chrysalis of Paphia glycerium for instance, a totally dif- ferent mechanical provision for clutching the membrane, namely, a notch between the ridges around the rectum and the base of PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 43 the cremaster proper, in which the membrane may be caught; the ridges being, in this species, very narrow, smooth, and shallow, and the ordinary ventral knobs obsolete. Mr. Newcomp’s communication was entitled A THERMODYNAMIC THEORY OF THE SPECTRUM. The subject matter and its discussion were reserved by Mr. Newcome for publication. 165TH MEETING. JUNE 21, 1879. The President in the Chair. Thirty-five members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The first paper was by Mr. J. R. Hasrman, entitled SOME RESULTS FROM THE DISCUSSION OF THE OBSERVATIONS OF THE TRANSIT OF MERCURY OF MAY 6, 1878. (ABSTRACT. ) In response to a circular issued from the Naval Observatory, more than one hundred observations were made and forwarded to the Observatory, where they have been reduced and discussed, and will soon be printed. Fifty-two observations were made of the first contact, eighty- three of second, eighty-two of third, and eighty of fourth. In obtaining the final results each observation was assigned its appropriate weight according to the scale in which three re- presented the best observation. Three observations of first, ten of second, ten of third, and seven of the fourth contact were given the weight three. The results from the different weights for geometric observa- tion are ist contact. 2d contact. 3d contact. 4th contact heme ss: hems vs: h. m. s. h. m. s. Weight3 . . . . 22 4 42.0 22 7 42.1 5 35 27.8 Sad 25.7) a6 lFand ise 50.7 39.5 28.3 17.9 Bi ls Bh wane A 48.4 40.2 28.2 19.8 Assuming that the results from the observations with weight 3 best represent the true phenomena, the difference between the computed places from the data in the American and English ephemerides and the observed places are C.—O. Ad BULLETIN OF THE Contacts. Amer. Eph. Eng. Eph. 8. 8. J : : , - + 77 — 29 BE : : 6 - + 84 — 22 TLL eae ee ea eT + 56 TVs cai speach alate cael eT TO +. 65 The attempt by many observers to determine the true time of contact, by noting the time of similar phases before and after the true phase, generally failed, as did also the attempt to observe geometrical contact. The method which was successful, and which is reeommended in all similar observations of interior contact, was to observe for second contact the time when the first flush of light appeared between the limbs of the sun and planet, or the moment, of the rupture of the ‘‘black drop.” For third contact the breaking of the thin line of light between the limbs of the sun and planet or the formation of the ‘black drop” was taken as the true time of the phenomenon. A thorough investigation of the motion of Mercury is greatly needed, and until this is done no reliable interpretation of these results can be made. The differences between the computed and observed places of Mercury have been ascribed to the action of an intra-mercurial planet to meteor streams, and to the solar corona. Meteor streams have never been seen in such a position as to produce any such action. s In order to determine the action due to the corona it would be necessary to know its form, but as spectroscopic analysis, photographs, tracings of the images in the focus of the telescope, and naked eye sketches all give widely different limits to its extension, this solution is out of the question. Mr. C. V. Rivey then made a commnication entitled THE ISSUANCE OF SILKWORM MOTHS FROM THEIR COCOONS, AND SOME STRIKING DEPARTURES FROM NORMAL HABITS IN INSECTS. The final communication was from Mr. J. W. OSBORNE on A CASE OF PECULIAR CORROSIVE ACTION ON METALLIC TIN. The President then announced that, in conformity with a reso- lution by the general committee, the Society stood adjourned until the second Saturday in October. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 45 166TH MEETING. OcroBeER 11, 1879. The President in the Chair Thirty-eight members and visitors present. Mr. 8S. Newcoms communicated remarks on A RECENT VISIT TO CALIFORNIA TO INSPECT A SITE FOR THE NEW LICK OBSERVATORY. A discussion followed, which was participated in by Messrs. ALVORD, HoupEN, and GALE, Mr. W. H. Dati made a communication on THE DEEP SEA DREDGINGS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND THE WEST INDIES IN 1873-1878, BY PROFESSORS LOUIS AND ALEXANDER AGASSIZ AND THE OFFICERS OF THE U. S. COAST SURVEY. Remarks were made by Messrs. Ginu, Taynor, and Warp. Mr. E. B. Etutorr made a communication on LARGE AREA ILLUMINATION BY ELECTRICITY. The meeting then adjourned. 167TH MEETING. OctToBEeR 25, 1879. The President in the Chair, Thirty-seven members and visitors present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The President announced to the Society the election of WinrtiaM Francis Rirrer and Lieut. FrepERick CoLuIns, U.S. Navy, as members of the Society; also the resignation of Commander Groree Dewey, U. S. Navy. Mr. C. A. Scuorr made a communication on THE SECULAR CHANGE IN THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION IN THE UNITED STATES AND AT SOME FOREIGN STATIONS. 46 BULLETIN OF THE (AB8TRACT.) In this paper it is proposed to give a brief account of the pres- ent state of our knowledge respecting the secular change in the direction of the magnetic needle, as observed within the limits of the United States and at some adjacent stations—from the earliest to the present time. The collection of the material and its discussion formed part of the work of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey; the results have just been published in pamphlet form by the survey office. This paper contains in fifty quarto pages, first, an explanation of the secular motion, as compared with other motions to which the direction of the needle is subject; second, an exposition of the mathematical treatment for the representation of that motion ; third, an extensive collection of results of about 525 observations at 52 stations; fourth, tables of the results of the discussion, comparison between observations and computations, and con- cludes with a table of decennial values of the magnetic declination from the earliest time of record to the present time. It is illus- trated by a diagram and a chart, the former exhibiting the nature of the curve which conforms to the secular change, the latter illustrative of the positions of the line of no-declination at two epochs and of the region where the needle appears to be at pres- ent almost stationary; the annual change for 1880 is marked on it in figures. The magnetic declination (commonly called the variation of the compass) varies with respect to space and time. It is a matter of observation that a magnet, when light and delicately suspended, is seldom or never at rest, but is always shifting its. direction, or in a state of oscillation or of tremor, and may be in a state of sudden changes. These angular motions have been classified as regular or periodic, and as irregular variations; it is the first and largest of the periodic motions which claim our special attention. To distinguish it from other regular oscilla- tions, a few explanatory remarks touching the principal laws of changes will suffice. The solar-diurnal variation consists in a systematic movement of the magnet having for its period the solar day. Its character is the same for the greater part of the northern hemisphere, viz.: about the time of sunrise the north end of the needle is generally found approaching to or near its most easterly deflection from the average magnetic meridian; this extreme position to the right is reached about 8 A. M., the north end then begins to move to the westward and reaches its opposite extreme position about half-past 1 P. M.; after this epoch the needle gradually returns to the morning position, un- dergoing more or less minor fluctuations. ‘The range of motion is greater in summer than in winter; it is greater in the higher magnetic latitudes when the horizontal magnetic intensity is less than in lower latitudes; it is also subject to an eleven year ine- quality coinciding with the cycle of the sun spots—the greater PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. AT the spotted surface of the sun the greater the daily range of the motion of the needle and the less the activity of the sun in pro- ducing sun spots the less this daily magnetic motion. ‘The angu- lar range between the eastern (morning) and western (afternoon) elongations is, for instance, at Philadelphia about 8’ on the ave- rage of the year, at Key West, Florida, it is about 54’, during August it is 104 at Philadelphia, and during November but 6’ at the same place, and is nearly double in amount during the maximum of sun spots as compared with the amount during the minimum period. The annual variation is a small periodic change in the declina- tion of at most 1}’ of are. The lunar inequalities are still smaller in extent, twice each lunar day or during 25 solar hours the magnetic needle is found subject to two oscillations, that is, there are two maxima and two minima with a range between them of about 27” at Phila- delphia and 38” at Toronto, Can. These may be compared with the moon’s tidal action producing two high and two low waters each lunar day, and the magnetic effect may possibly be due to change in the lunar gravitation which brings the terrestrial spheroid twice each day into a state of constraint and release alternately. Possibly this curious effect as well as the solar ine- quality may ultimately depend on changes of heat, which is known to affect the intensity of magnetism. Magnetic disturbances or storms may occur at any time, though they cannot be predicted, yet when treated by the established method they are found subject to various laws. They consist of sudden and sometimes of great deflections or of irregular wavy motion and may continue for a day or even for several days; they are frequently accompanied by auroral lights and by strong elec- tric earth currents. They likewise depend on the condition of the sun with respect to spots. The secular change of the declination is supposed to be of pe- riodic character, requiring centuries for its full development ; the motion, may be compared with that of an oscillating pendulum which comes to rest momentarily at the extreme positions or elongations and moves fastest midway between. Smaller varia- tions within the great period have been detected in the direction of the needle. About the time of the maximum deflection the magnet appears almost stationary for several years, but soon a progressive motion commences, and, at first increasing, after- wards diminishing its rate until the opposite stationary position is reached and the motion reversed. Possibly this kind of a “swing” may be repeated. Observation indicates that a com- plete oscillation requires between 24 and 34 centuries, during which time the magnet would swing twice through several de- grees. Thus, at New York city the direction of the needle was observed to be nearly invariable about 1685, pointing then nearly 9° to the west of north, it then moved easterly and reached its 48 BULLETIN OF THE easternmost digression about 1797, showing at the time only 4° west declination. Hver since this epoch the motion of the north end has been westerly, its present value being nearly 72° west. The greatest annual change, 5’ nearly, has apparently been passed. ‘These stationary epochs are different for different localities, the last one was noted earliest in Maine; later in Florida and Texas, and it has not yet been attained in California, where easterly declination is still slowly on the increase. Thus, the easterly stationary condition was reached at Portland in 1764, at Boston in 1777, at Washington 1796, at Savannah 1809, at New Orleans 1831, and at San Blas in Mexico in 1849, EHx- cepting a certain region along our Pacific Coast, as indicated on the chart above referred to, the effect of the secular change at present is to zncrease the west declinations, or, what is the same thing, to diminish the east declinations. The same seems to take place in Alaska. This secular change is conveniently expressed by a circular or harmonic funetion, viz :-— D=65+rsin(am+c)+~7,sin(o,m+e)+.... when D = the magnetic declination at any timet m =the number of years (and fraction) from an adopted epoch {, = 1850, hence m = ?t — 1850-0. aa,.... are factors depending on the adopted periods p p,. . . fe) fe) so that o = abe a, = BOO ets: p Pi r7r,... are parameters andc c,... epochal constants of the several periodic terms. 6a constant representing the mean or normal direction of the needle about which the secular motion takes place. Thus, for each place for which we have a sufficient number of observed declinations we have to determine four unknown quan- tities, viz., 5, 7, a and ¢ for the establishment of the first or prin- cipal term and three for each following term. This is done by application of the method of least squares, each observation fur- nishing a conditional equation of the form 0— sD) x sino, mM. Yi COS a Mz. se supposing a has been suitably assumed and where 6 = 8,+ # y==rcoscand z—rsince. The process must be repeated for a value a + da and soon until the sum of the squares of the differ- ences of the observed and computed values equals a minimum. The second periodic term may best be established by Cauchy’s method of interpolation. The annual change vis found by v= 60 sin 1° [racos (a m+ ec) + 7,0, cos (a, m+ ¢,) + .-] expressed in minutes, and maxima and minimaare found by putting the expression within the brackets equal to zero, from which equation m can be found. The apparent probable error of an PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 49 observation is deduced from the differences A of the n observed and computed declinations, and is expressed by aor | OH 2A, n—Nn, where n== the number of unknown quantities in the equation which were found from the observations themselves. The principal uncertainty in the investigation arises from compara- tively large observing errors in the older observations and from the fact that the observations are made at different places in the same general locality, thus introducing possibly local deflections. For Philadelphia the deflecting force, when greatest, is estimated at about ,', of the horizontal force. To illustrate the above formula we have the expression for the secular change for New York D= +6°.43 + 2°.29 sin (1.6 m—5°.5) + 0°.14 sin (6.38 m + 64°) with the following table of observed and computed values, where + indicates west deflection. New Yorx. Latitude 40°42/7. Longitude 74°00'0 W. of G. Year of Observed Computed O—C Observation. Declination. Declination. or A 1684.5 +8°.75 +8°.80 AOE 1691.5 8 .75 8 .68 + .07 1724.0 Mass 7 .50 lg 1750.5 Gi ow Hush + .52 1755.5 5 .00 5 .46 BSS ALG 1789.5 4°33 A .30 + .03 1824.5 4 .67 4 .64 + .03 1834.5 4 .83 ay ed Ll — .34 1837.5 DEON 5 Bit + .30 1840.6 5 .45 Sivoo a LG 1841.5 6 .10 5 .68 + .492 1844.6 6 .22 DEo2 + .30 1845.7 6 .42 6 .01 + .4] 1846.3 5 .56 6 .05 — 49 1847.8 5 .68 6 .16 —— 148 1855.6 6 .72 OV te ==) Q1 1860.7 O53 V208 — .30 1873.8 eG: ff O + .03 1874.6 +17 .38 +7 62 — .24 Number of observations 19; apparent probable error of an observation + 15’; time of last stationary epoch, easterly di- gression, 1797; amount at easterly digression + 4°. 0; annual change (increase) in 1870 + 2/.4, and in 1880 + 2’.5. For San Francisco, California, we have the expression D = — 13°.34 + 3°.23 sin (1.00 m— 130°.3) and the corresponding values: number of observations 15, probable error of an observa- tion + 8’, time expected for next stationary epoch, easterly digres- 50 BULLETIN OF THE sion 1890; declination at that time —16°.6; annual change in 1870 —1’.0, andin 1880 —0’.5. At this place the earliest observa- tion dates from 1792.9 and the latest 1879.2. Results similar to the above are given for 52 stations; of these, several are foreign, viz.; Halifax, N. S.; Quebec, Can., and York Factory on the Hudson Bay; Havana, Cuba, Kingston, Jamaica, Rio Janeiro, Vera Cruz, Mex., Mexico City, Panama, New Granada and Acapulco, San Blas and Magdalena in Mex.; Kailua, and Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, and Petropavlovsk, Kamtchatka. Respecting errors of observations it is estimated that the ob- servations made by Hudson in 1609 in the vicinity of our coast and those of Champlain made about the same time may be sub- ject to a probable error of + 4°. Observations in the 17th cen- tury were frequently made on board ship in preference to terra firma, as the land was supposed to attract the needle. The ob- servations made by Vancouver on the western coast between 1792 and 1794 are subject to a probable error of only += 1°, and this is about the present limit of uncertainty of observation taken at sea with the azimuth compass and under favorable conditions, whereas, with our present portable declinometers the observing error is below 1’, requiring a station to be occupied several days in order to eliminate the daily regular and irregular fluctuations of the magnet from the final resulting direction. The tables containing the decennial values of the magnetic declination, as derived from the formule, should not be extended beyond the limit given to them (1885), though the expressions may continue to represent the phenomenon, of the cause of which no satisfactory explanation has ever been offered ; they may also at any time fail; in fact they need continued attention and adap- tation for every new observation or development, and this must continue so long as the process remains a tentative one, and we are without an adequate theory to guide us. Remarks upon Mr. Schott’s paper were made by Messrs. Harkness, ALvorp, and Enutort. Mr. J. S. Bruuinas, Vice-President of the National Board of Health, made a communication on THE WORK OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF HEALTH, stating the various subjects to which its inquiries and investiga- tions had been directed and the progress made. Remarks were made by Messrs. Mason, OsBornE, ANTISELL, Nrwcoms, Woopwarp, and Toner, and the discussion extend- ing to the disinfection of ships. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. ol Mr. F. M. Gunnen, by request, gave an account of attempts in the navy to disinfect ships infected by yellow fever, naming several which had been sent to Portsmouth, N. H., and after the exposure to the severe cold of an entire winter, on going to a warm climate, were again visited by the same disease. He stated also one case where the crew and stores having been re- moved, the ship was thoroughly steamed, and no cases subse- quently appeared on the return of the crew. The meeting then adjourned. 168TH MEETING. NovEMBER, 1879. The President, Mr. Stmon Newcomp, in the Chair. Forty-seven members present. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and adopted. The order of proceedings for annual meetings adopted Nov. 2, 1872, by the General Committee, were then read for the infor- mation of the Society, together with a list of members elected since the last annual meeting, and a list of the members entitled to vote at the annual election of officers. Letters from Messrs. J. H. C. Corvin and Asapn Hatt, de- clining to accept office under the Society, were then read, and are now filed in the records of the General Committee. The Society then proceeded to ballot informally for President for the ensuing year, Messrs. Paun and Farquyar being ap- pointed tellers. As a result of the ballot Mr. Simon Newcomer received a majority of the votes cast, and the informal vote was declared to be formal and made unanimous. The next ballot was for Vice-Presidents. Messrs. BARNES, Taytor, HILGARD, and WELLING, having each received a majority, were elected, the informal vote being made formal. In the choice of a Treasurer Mr. CLEVELAND ABBE was elected unanimously. The election of two Secretaries then followed, and Mr. Tuxro- DORE GILL having received a majority vote was clected at the first ballot. At a second ballot Mr. E. S. Honnen was elected. The nine members of the General Committee were then bal- y 52 BULLETIN OF THE loted for. Upon an informal ballot it appeared that Messrs. Durron, Euuiorr, Harkness, Powerit, Scuort, Toner, and Woopwarp had a majority, and on motion they were declared elected. Upon a second ballot Mr. Garrick MatLuery was elected, and upon the sixth ballot Mr. W. H. Dauu was elected. It was then moved by Mr. Hiuearp, and carried, that when this meeting adjourns it adjourn for two weeks, and that the ad- journed meeting be regarded as a continuation of the annual meeting for the purpose of receiving the annual address of the President of the Society. The Society then adjourned. 169TH MEETING. NOVEMBER 22, 1879. The President in the Chair. Fifty-two members present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted. The order of exercises for the evening, pursuant to the terms of the adjournment of the preceding meeting, consisted in the delivery of the annual Address of the President of the Society. Mr. Stmon Newcoms, the newly elected President, arose and stated to the Society that the pressure of other duties had pre- vented him from preparing an address upon the subject originally contemplated by him for this occasion. He regretted this inasmuch as it seemed to him that the sub- ject was better adapted to the spirit and purpose of an annual address to a Philosophical Society than the one which he had finally adopted. The paper chosen for the evening had been originally prepared with another object in view, but seemed to him not wholly unadapted to the occasion. The President then read for his address a paper entitled THE FUTURE OF THE HUMAN RACE REGARDED FROM THE STAND- POINT OF EVOLUTION, which was listened to with great interest and pleasure by the Society. The paper was reserved by the President for revision. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 53 At the conclusion of the reading the Society adjourned at 9.15 P. M. for the purpose of conversation and social intercourse. 170TH MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1879. Vice-President WintraAm B. Taytor in the Chair. Twenty-four members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The Chair stated to the Society that Mr. E. S. HonpEn, who had been elected at the meeting of November 8th to fill one of the Secretaryships of the Society, had been compelled to decline the position on account of the requirements of his professional duties, and called upon the Secretary, THEODORE GILL, to read Mr. Holden’s letter of declination. This letter will be found upon the records of the proceedings of the General Committee of the Society. The Chair then announced that, conformably to the provisions of the Constitution of the Society, the General Committee had elected Mr. C. EH. Durron to fill the position of Secretary in the place of Mr. Holden, declined. The order of exercises for the evening was announced. 1. Mr. J. J. Woopwarp—Some Apparatus recently brought into use by the Medical Department of the Army for the Exami- nation of the Eye. 2. Mr. Marcus BAkER—Discussion of a Geometric Problem, with several solutions. Dr. Woopwarp then explained to the Society the origin of the rules recently introduced into the Medical Department of the Army for the examination and testing of the powers of vision in recruits. The object of these rules was to obtain sufficiently ac- curate tests of those powers which enable the examining surgeon to discriminate between defects which would render a soldier unfit for the requirements of the military service and those which were insufficiently serious to cause his rejection. The apparatus employed consisted first of a pack of test cards with circular spots on them four-tenths of an inch in diameter 43 54 BULLETIN OF THE and grouped in the ordinary manner of spots upon playing cards. The recruit would be required to distinguish readily the number of spots upon each card at the distance of twenty yards. By rule of simple proportion this would be equivalent to the recog- nition of a target three feet square at the distance of six hundred yards. The second part of the apparatus consisted of an instru- ment resembling an optometer, having a graduated beam twelve inches in length, carrying a slide capable of being clamped at any part of the length. In the holder is the mounting for lenses, two of which are provided, one of ten inches the other of four inches solar focus. For measuring myopia and hypermetropia a smal] card bearing a printed sentence in small type is placed in the slide which is first clamped at ten inches from the lens. At this distance the normal eye should be able to read the printed sentence through the 10” lens, and have its accommodation re- laxed. By moving the slide nearer to the eye the amount of myopia can be judged. By substituting the 4” lens and moving the slide away from the eye beyond the four inch mark, the amount of hypermetropia can be judged. To ascertain the extent of as- tigmatism, there is substituted in place of the printed sentence a small card dial having two pairs of parallel lines crossing each other at right angles. The dial can be rotated in a vertical plane. Astigmatism, whenever it occurs, arises from the fact that the crystalline lens of the eye is not isotropic—different meridians having different curvatures. If the disc be placed at a distance from the eyes at which it would be focussed by the meridian of maximum curvature, and the dial turned so that one pair of lines is parallel to the plane of that meridian, only one pair of lines will be visible to the ordinary astigmatic eye. If the dial be rotated slowly this pair of lines will become indistinct and gradu- ally disappear. The angle through which the dial is rotated before the disappearance will vary inversely with the degree of astigmatism, and thus the amount of rotation becomes a measure of the degree of astigmatism. This device also indicates the positions of the meridians of maximum and minimum curvature of the crystalline lens in the astigmatic eye. For testing color-blindness, Dr. Woodward exhibited skeins of colored worsted of all the principal colors and of many tones. From a confused pile the recruits are required to sort out the colors into three groups—red, green, and violet. In case of PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 55 color-blindness, the errors committed will determine not only the existence of the defect, but also the particular colors which the eye is incapable of distinguishing. DISCUSSION OF A GEOMETRICAL PROBLEM, WITH BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. BY MARCUS BAKER, U. S. COAST SURVEY, WASHINGTON, D.C. The problem here discussed, and of which several solutions are given, is the following :— In a right-angled triangle there are given the bisectors of the acute angles: required to determine the triangle. This problem, like most problems in triangles in which the bisectors of the angles enter as a part of the data, cannot be solved by the elements of geometry, 7. e. by the use of the circle and right line only. We shall give, first, trigonometrical solutions ; second, algebraical solutions; third, constructions; and fourth, bibliographical notes. FIRST SOLUTION. Let a and g be the bisectors of the angles A and B respeet- ively: then we have A B sin A =6 cos (45°-$ A) and AB cos A=acosiA; whence by dividing, remembering that cos (45°_$ A) 1+tandA cost} A S2 B tan A — l= tan DAs su. 1 oul + tang) (1) and since ak fn 2tan 5A 1—tan?3 A’ we obtain by reduction tan°LA + tan?2 A + (Z./s—1) tan} A —1—=0 Ae) from which equation we may find tan $A. We may, however, obtain Eq. (1) directly from a construction as follows :— Prolong AC to E’ making C E’—C 8, and from EK’ draw EK’ G perpendicular to A HE’: from E draw E F perpendicular to A E, meeting E’ Gin F; and from C draw C G parallel to E F. Now the triangle C H’G is equal to the triangle A CE; hence 56 BULLETIN OF THE OG=EA, and also EF—EA: hence AEF is an isosceles right-angled triangle and AF—a,y2. Also BDC and AF E’ are similar triangles: whence BC: AE’::8:01//2. Fig. 1. Now when A © radius, or 1, BC tan A and AK’ =—1-+ tant A: whence B tan A == 1+tantA a ae ) as before. In this solution we have selected as our unknown quantity In the above diagram, the symbol & should be a, and (V2 should be ay/2. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Dil tan} A. We might obviously have selected any other trigono- metrical function, but this seems to lead to as simple a result as any. If we make sin $ A our unknown quantity our equation will be 4) -5 yay +i fsine a 4 Sv: 2) s2ya)-+2t | 4 ir | in‘hA— 441+ ee a | and if we make sec $ A the unknown quantity our equation will be | sec’ 4 A 2 (3—4v 8 ) sectt A +2 (6 -— SV 84 2 [ =) sett A —4 ( 1—4V8 a =a) =05 whence it appears that the simplest equation is the one first ob- tained in which the tangent is made the unknown quantity. Example.—Suppose a= 40 and 8=50. Then our equation becomes tan®3 A + tan?3A-+ (Sy ge 1) apUeG DN ail aes (Ne whence by Horner’s method tan 4 A = 0.49788 15817 54736. Whence Ave 13 2) 03) oly .33 Bi One Oo OS tore and the sides of the triangle are @ = 35.8073T7 == 47.407275 ¢ = 59.41058. SECOND SOLUTION. Let a, b, and ¢ be the sides of the triangle opposite A, B, and C respectively, and a and § as before; then we have (Fig. e > cosh A; whence= — 2cos’$A =1+-cos A= 1 inal? a a” C therefore and similarly 58 BULLETIN OF THE whence Zor cla 2 Come lene l a” b “Bp ih as (3) Again in & i= ct B=-cos(is?_fA)—= = LESS V2 ( whence an t eae sin)5 A = — 5 a2 —cosi A = av 2 6, B aie and since sin?4 A -++ cos? 4A = 1, “= >) ae oe +2 or Qa? 26/2adb , 2b? BO) ee ES eh (4) B ap a If now we eliminate b between Eqs. (3) and (4) we have ar equation from which a may be found. From (4) we find, , = ae ‘a a / pow} which substitut- ed in (3) gives after some reduction : 2 (P= Bre es 2may B?—a’ ng at Sue where m=" 2. This equation finally reduces to a (a? —aB/2-+ 87) a —(30°— 3/208 + 26%) ato (iat 2/209) 5 at 2 0. (5) THIRD SOLUTION. Revolve the triangles BOE and DOA about BO and AO respectively so that H falls upon H’ and D upon D’, then EOB=E’OB=F£'0D'=D’ O0OA—=A OD = 459, and consequently B O D’ and A O E’ are right-angled triangles : hence = =tan}A, or OA = 1+tandA; whencea = OA (1 + tan}A), (6) and similarly 6 = OB(1 + tan} B). (7) PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 59 Again, O Asin A =; whence from (6) a 1-+tandA = ay Y sin 5 A Dray 1 aaaael Of es TEAS epee and similarly y sing cos 5 A Bacal 1 y sin¢B cost B Fig. 2. sete oi Now sin } B = sin (45° —} A) = °82 eS and A + sin ZA. / 2 a cos $ B= cos (45° —3 A) = dea whence is ene f ae tie 1 a 2cos$ A y¥2 cost}A—sintA cos$A+sinA 2cos?}A—1’ from which we find and similarly 5 Ab . ak Since cos $ B = COs) =a sin 4 A + c= +2} =. (8) In this page, and the following, the symbol y (for radius) should read r. 60. BULLETIN OF THE . This equation involves only y, the radius of the inscribed circle and the given bisectors of the angles a and 8: hence we may de- termine y from it. Eq. (8) becomes after a somewhat laborious reduction 64 (a? —apV/2+ 6°) +87 208 (4 a’ —3/2a8 + 4") x! + a’ B*(2e?—aB Y/Y 2+ 28") 7’ —a‘p*—0. (9) These three solutions just given all involve trigonometrical re- lations and are therefore properly classed as trigonometric solu- tions. They may all, however, be made independently of trigo- nometry. In the following we shall give the algebraical solutions corresponding to the first and second trigonometrical solutions together with a third and entirely independent solution. ALGEBRAICAL SOLUTION. From Fig. 2 we have CePA a DICl LOMB OMDas soln: Cr sO Ce OPAy OMBu snl iT. from which OB 2 hop ee On ene a Ee l+n l+n l+m l+m AD=cn,CD=an,BE=cm, CKE=—bdm. Now a AINA) SCONES (6) 13201) n= (+ ) I c ae ore’n ae + ear i . BH=OB' + O0A.0 Hore'm=(-t -)'+ a ye ), whence Uiern ee i) tor or 1 - m m(1—) 2 Ee Gan: (1 + n)? ~ Againb—-AD+OD=n(c+a)..¢7+n7%(¢4+ar=¢ anda=CHE+BE=—bm+em=mn(c+a)+tem e 1—mn =em(ltn Ci i ey m(1 +n) Equating these two expressions l1—mn _1+7n’ 1 ip AN —n_. 1 DO) poy SEEN ENGL th) eS | m e190 1+n 1 +m PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 61 substituting in (10) we find after reducing nm + 7 + (vs2—1)n—1=0 | (11) mm + m+ (v8%—1)m—1=0 Ny Aa It is to be noted that n = DC = tan3 B and m= a = tan a 4 A, and therefore Eq. (11) corresponds to Hq. (2). FIFTH SOLUTION. The fundamental relations between the sides and bisectors are a __be(a+b+c)(—a+b+¢e) be = 2 2 2 ==(b UO Nia) pacar ar (6 +c)? a = @ $200 oy oe, And since a? + b? —=c’? ha 2b Sor oe _1 48 pat ore tt P i 4 f Whence ey as in the second solution, where this relation was obtained trigo- nometrically. Again Babin a. 6 a ae aoa oe a2 (It 0+ 4)=2 ih ea 9 f/V?+ab+0? a+b) a+2ad+ 0? a+b age et oatmeal, ott aoe W/V/2ab atod af @ Again by adding 2 207 a+b “BP ay oa c + 2. Whence ld Fee AE (4) B ° af a as previously obtained trigonometrically. The solution is now completed as in the second solution. 62 BULLETIN OF THE BIXTH SOLUTION. Let OE=O EK’ =a (Fig. 2), OD=OD' =Y, A H=a, and B D =8; the angles marked with a dot are each equal to 45°, and therefore EH’ = a2, and DD’ = yv2. From similar triangles BO : BD => OE’ : DD’, or B= Y\28) 2s oe 72.) WVilence (8 —Yy) y/2 = po. (12) (a — 2X) £/2 = oy. (13) From (13) Le (a—s), and substituting in (12) Q@ ap p— Tana (a —) Fito) Which reduces to i af (a-— 2) 9 i (a — 2 x). Expanding, rearranging, etc., this reduces to 6 B af a —2acxr? +o (Ggte)*—sy=o (14) CONSTRUCTIONS. First Construction.—The equations obtained in the sixth solu- tion point to a simple construction of the problem, as follows :— Equations (12) and (13) may be written as follows :-— x! —ax + Fe y= 0. (15) 8 YS BY oh got = © (16) And each of these equations is the equation of a parabola. If these two parabolas be constructed, their intersection will deter- mine «and y. The position and size of the parabola will readily appear by transforming co-ordinates. In equation (15) let r= x! ap Me and 2 ie] Oem y! + 9.79! then ea PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 63 and in equation (16) let yy” +6 OO ig ee aa IL then The following construction results immediately from the above. With reference to a set of co-ordinates X A Y construct a new 2 set X’ A’ Y’ such that «— a’ — = and yy eee oe and, ane w 2/2 f 3 other set X” A” Y” such that #— xe” = — and y — y/! — a 9/2 ») With the first new set construct the parabola 2’ a y, and with the second new set construct the parabola y? — — Fig. 3. their intersections will determine the segments wx and y, 2.e., OF and OD of Fig. 2. The construction is shown in Fig. 3. Second Construction.—Take a rectangle A OC BD, Fig. 4, and let AL, BM, the bisectors of A and B, intersect in K; then AKB=135°. Through B draw B R parallel to AL to meet 64 BULLETIN OF THE AD in R; then BR==4 L. Hence from data the triangle B M R is known. It is well known that 2aBMR+CM. DR-=—rect. A B= 2oBMR+2aCLM. (17) Fig. 4. Take BE=BL, AF=AM; then aABKE=aBKL, SsAKF=aAKM, and aFK EH =aLKM, because the angles LKM, F KH, are supplementary; therefore (} AM LB = 24AKB; hence by (17) AAKB=3aBMR. Construction.—Make a triangle B M R, having its sides B M, BR, equal to the given bisectors, and the angle M B R equal to half aright angle. On M R draw a semicircle, and construct a hyperbola having BM, BR, for asymptotes, and such that the rectangle under the ordinate and abscissa (parallel to the asymp- totes) is half the rectangle under the given bisectors. Let this hyperbola cut the semicircle in A; join A B and produce A K parallel to B R, so that A L —BR; and produce BL, AM, to meet in C. Then A BC will be the triangle required. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This problem was proposed in the Ladies’ Diary for 1797, by Alex. Rowe, and the following year two solutions of it were given; one by William Burdon and the other by J. Hartley. Our sixth solution is taken from Mr. Burdon, as published in Leybourn (Thomas). The Mathematical Questions proposed in the Ladies’ Diary, etc., 8vo., London, 1817, vol. iii. 328. Mr. Hartley’s solution is trigonometrical, the unknown quan- tity being tan 4 A, and his final equation corresponds to equation PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 65 (2), but the mode of obtaining it is not so elegant as that em- ployed in our first solution. The problem is proposed as an exercise in Bonnycastle (John). An Introduction in Algebra, etc., revised and enlarged, by James Ryan, 4th edition, 12mo., New York, 1829, p. 310. In the key to the second edition, New York, 1822, pp. 250-251, is a solution essentially the same as the first one given here. The problem extended to any triangle was proposed by the writer in the Analyst, vol. iii, No. 5, Sept. 1876, p. 163, and solved in the next number, pp. 188-189, by Prof. J. Scheffer. It. was also solved by Henry Gunder, William Hoover, and the writer. The problem not extended was proposed in the Hducational Times of January 1, 1879, p. 22, question 5866, by Mr. N. H. Capel; and in the following number proposed by the editor for construction, question 5885. In the May number, p. 150, a construction by Mr. R. Tucker was given, which we have here incorporated verbatim as our second construction. For the fourth solution I am indebted to my classmate, Prof. W. W. Beman, of the University of Michigan. At the conclusion of Mr. Baker’s communication the Society adjourned. Jilst MEETING. DECEMBER 19, 1879. Vice-President Tayior in the Chair. Thirty-four members present. The order of exercises for the evening consisted of the follow- ing communications :— 1. A paper by Prof. CaickErine on the Luray Cave. 2. A paper by Prof. WinL1AM HARKNESS. 3. A communication by Capt. Durron on the Permian Forma- tion in North America. The paper of Mr. CuickERING was reserved for publication. The paper of Mr. HARKNESS was on {THE NUMBER OF LENSES REQUIRED IN AN ACHROMATIC OBJECTIVE, 66 BULLETIN OF THE consisting of infinitely thin lenses in contact, in order that, with any given law of dispersion whatever, the greatest possible number of light-rays of different degrees of refrangibility may be brought to a common focus. For any system of thin lenses in contact we have 1 Fae A, + (w,—1)4,+ (—I)A, + ete. C1) the number of terms being unlimited. For a dispersion formula we write w= @ (2). (2) The form of @(a) is unknown, but there will be no loss of gener- ality if it is developed in a series arranged according to the powers ofa. We, therefore, have w=a-+t ba™ +ca™ + ea? + etc., (3) in which a, b, c, etc., are constants, and the number of terms may be taken as great as is desired. Let us also put C = A,(a,—1) +A, (Gh 1) ate Ah (a,— 1) -+ ete. D=A,b, + A,b, + A, b, + ete. (4) H=Av,c, + A,c, + A,c, + ete. F—A,e,+ A,e, + A,e, + ete. ete. ete. etec., the number of these equations, and the number of terms in the right hand member of each of them, being the same as the num- ber of terms in the right hand member of (3). Now substituting for the us in (1) their values in terms of the auxiliaries C, D, H, etc., of the equations (4), we find 1 iB Considering 2 as the abscissa, and / as the ordinate, this is the equation of the focal curve. Its first derivative, with respect to f and a, is ia : a ae — ff? (mDa™—-* + nEHa"—! + ete.), (6) which, as is well known, expresses for every point of the curve the tangent of the angle made by the tangent line with the axis of abscissas. The number of rays of different degrees of refran- gibility which can be brought to a common focus will evidently = C + Da™ + Ea" + Fa? + ete. (5) PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 67 be the same as the number of times that the focal curve intersects the focal plane. But the focal plane is necessarily parallel to the axis of abscissas; and, therefore, the greatest possible num- ber of intersections of the curve with the plane can only exceed by one the number of tangents which can be drawn parallel to the axis of abscissas. To find these tangents we equate (6) to zero, and obtain 0 = mDa™— + nEa*—! +. ete. (7) As » can never be either zero, negative, or imaginary, we have to consider only the real positive roots of this equation; each of which corresponds to a tangent. To make the number of tan- gents as great as possible the quantities D, B, F, etc., must be independent of each other; which will be the case when the right hand members of the equations (4) contain as many As as there are powers of a in the dispersion formula (4). All the terms of (7) contain the common factor a™—?, Taking it out we have —mD = nEv—™ + pFyP-™ + etc., (8) from which it is evident that the number of real positive roots in (7) will always be one less than the number of powers of a in (3). Hence we conclude that— In any system of infinitely thin lenses in contact, the number of lenses required to bring the greatest possible number of light- rays of different degrees of refrangibility to a common focus is the same as the number of different powers of a contained in the dispersion formula employed. The method made use of in arriving at this result has been adopted, because it brings out clearly the geometrical relations of the problem. The result itself is evident from a mere inspec- tion of equation (5), which cannot possess more real positive roots than it has independent auxiliaries D, E, F, ete. The communication of Mr. Durron ON THE PERMIAN FORMATION OF NORTH AMERICA then followed. Mr. Dutton stated that many geologists have long been in doubt whether the Permian formation was merely of local occur- rence in a very few districts constituting a subordinate series embraced within and forming a part of the closing period of the Carboniferous series, or whether it was of world-wide prevalence 68 BULLETIN OF THE and constituted a distinct period by itself. Strata of Permian age have for a considerable time been known in Kansas and in Texas, but have not been until very recently satisfactorily de- termined in other parts of America. ‘There is well known to- exist throughout the greater part of the mountain region of the West a series of heavy red sandstones sometimes divisible into two portions, an upper and a lower, and sometimes inseparable. The upper part of this series has been assigned with confidence to the Trias, but the lower part has not had its age satisfactorily determined, since it has not until recently yielded fossils which serve to place its age beyond doubt. During the last few months Mr. Walcott, a young paleontologist employed by the Geological Survey, has discovered in this formation, at Kanab, in southern Utah, well marked Permian fossils. The identity of the horizon from which they were taken, with the lower part of the Red beds of Colorado and Wyoming, the Uinta Mountains and New Mexico, and with the ‘“‘ variegated marls” of Newberry in Arizona, and New Mexico, and with the Shinarump of Powell, in the vicinity of the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers, is. already proven beyond controversy. Hence this discovery estab- lishes for the Permian in North America a general prevalence and a magnitude of development comparable with the Jurassic and Trias, and assigns it to the rank of a formation of a high order. The meeting then adjourned 172p MEETING. JANUARY 3, 1880- The President in the Chair. Forty-four members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The order of proceedings for the present evening consisted in the communications of Messrs. A. GRAHAM BELL, D. P. Topp, and W. H. DALL. PHILOSOPHICAL SCCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 69 The first paper was by Mr. Bett on the subject of BINAURAL AUDITION, (ABSTRACT.) While in England, in 1878, it occurred to Mr. Bell that all the peculiarities of binaural hearing might be produced artificially by the telephone, as the peculiarities of binocular vision are pro- duced by the stereoscope. Two transmitting telephones were arranged so that the dia- phragms of tke instruments were about as far apart, and occu- pied about the same position relatively to one another, as the drum membranes of a person’s ears. These transmitters were connected by two distinct and independent circuits to two re- ceiving telephones, which were placed respectively to the right and Jeft ears of an observer in a distant place. When sounds were made in the neighborhood of the trans- mitting telephones the auditory sensations experienced by the observer in the distant place were of a decidedly novel character. The direction of the speaker’s voice from the transmitting tele- phones could be perceived to a limited extent. Attempts were made to have the observer determine by ear the exact location of the original sound, with the following result :— Imagine the transmitting telephones to be placed in the in- terior of a globe upon which the usual meridian lines and paral- lels of latitude are marked so that the axis of the globe passes vertically through the centres of both diaphragms. Now, suppose we produce a sound at some point in the neigh- borhood of the transmitting telephones—we can take its bearings upon the surface of our globe—we can give as it were the lati- tude and longitude of the sound. It was found, as the result of a large number of experiments, that the distant observer could tell with approximate accuracy the latitude of the sound, but that he had no idea whatever of the longitude. It then occurred to Mr. Bell that the telephone might be used to test whether the same law held good for direct audition. A number of telephones were suspended in different parts of a summer-house, and were connected by independent wires to a common switch-board, so that any desired telephone could be instantly connected with a distant rheotome and battery by the operator at the switch-board. The rheotome interrupted the battery circuit about one hun- dred times per second, and a loud musical note was emitted by the telephone which happened to be in circuit with it. An observer stationed in the centre of the summer-house was required to indicate by pointing, the exact location of the tele- phone from which the sound proceeded. He was not allowed to 44 70 BULLETIN OF THE move his head, nor to open his eyes, but had to rely entirely upon the sensations produced in his ears when his head was held in a fixed position. The bearings of his hand were taken upon an imaginary sphere in the centre of which he stood, and the reading was recorded side by side with the true place of the telephone. After considerable experiment it was found advisable to use only one telephone, which was hung up in different parts of the summer-house during the absence of the observer—as it was found that the observer soon came to recognize each individual telephone by the quality or timbre of the sound produced by it —and that this recognition biassed his judgment regarding the direction of the sound, — “Imagine the observer to be facing the north—then the direction of sounds produced at the easterly or westerly points of the hori- zon of the ears was always clearly perceived. In proportion as the angular distance of the source of sound from those points was increased the readings of the observers became wild, and when itwas 90° it was not uncommon to make a mistake of 180° in the direction of the sound. The general results of all the observations thus seem to agree very closely’ with those obtained by telephone; but an examina- tion of the individual records must convince one that an indi- vidual observer discriminates the direction of a sound to a much greater extent than that indicated by the experiments first narrated. Most observers could indicate correctly the direction of sounds that proceeded from the northerly or southerly points of the horizon of the ears; few could locate a sound from the zenith, and none could tell the direction of a sound from beneath. When a telephone was placed on the ground between the feet of the observer, and was there caused to sound—he would imme- diately form a mental conception of the direction of the sound, and would indicate it by pointing, but he was invariably mistaken. Mr. Bell stated that he thought that the method pursued would ultimately lead to valuable results, but that many more experi- ments were necessary; and the results so far obtained he pre- sented to the Society in a tabulated form, ol PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. ee cnanenanemmenmmmeent » 09°16 » LL'86 » 96°66 » PIS » 9L'0G “UBoy » OG1G 2 §=OS CE » SOLS » O9°TG » 16°16 ” PS » O€°0G » OF 8G » €6°1G » FOG > GL6l ” VG "um °O OS 1G “m1 °O GL°GG O19 9) OL 0G “tM °O OF 1S bal 0D at) SLOG *HOTPVULWIIa}ap ISL Gr acdc § LaAaT » GL°6T » 69°63 » GL°G » §O°GG sO RECS: “Uva » 96°06 » 98°86 » G9°ES » 96°TS 2» §=09°SS ” PE » 00°06 » 09°66 1 OG'LZ » OL 8S » OL'0ZG ” PG ‘md OL ST “MLD ZS'0E “UL 0 0E°9% ‘ul 'd O06 “UL *D 09°FZ “MON VUIWI9}Op 4ST : UV LHOTY = —________—__| °C “ON ‘yp “ON Xe) ‘ON G “ON | “T “ON ee “SYR AUASAO ‘T a1qQny, v2 07 papny)p swoasasgo ay) Lof auoydaray, fig paurzmuajap sp suna ony ay} fo samod aaynpey— TI ATAVAL "s1ve [BOISNUL Iv SSeS é "srvak JT ” ” “HORW YRlwMatof *¢ “ON ” -sod 0} pemses [|v pure "SOyOUL LL “UP *savod JT 5 . URATI[UG auadN | *p ON 30 ‘mosey ‘Jorg JO poyjout Senn Ae a F aaa Se MORES IGE st 16 % , slvok CT = 5 aVYS [OVI @ ‘ON 1 qe SuiSuis yysnv; weeq seypoul £9 “yy PF “sivek CT < ss *HINOOHOW Septeyo 7 ‘ON ” pey staaArTesqo ose} [lV *satpOUl £G “YF *svod FL ‘ssey ‘aspuqmeg | “A\Jey uyor "I ‘ON T9Alasqg : ‘punois wWo0dy 2 : SHAVE Y iva Jo eourjsiq asy sous pIsey | “aTItN — o - —— “paysay som burunay asoym suoswad ay; buzutaouoo sanjnoyiog— "Yt UTAVL 72 BULLETIN OF THE TABLE III.—Direction of sound as determined by right ear alone. True direction of sound. INOS dle ve) —10° 0° “+23 0 —10 +45 +67 0 —23 +90 +67 0 —10 +135 +90 0 0 | +180 —45 } 0 0 —135 —-135 0 0 —90) —90 | 0 0 —45! —23 +90 +90 0 0 —90 —68 | 0 +113 OBSERVERS. No. 2. No. 3 No. 4 No. 5. 0° go He) ve) +45 +67 0 +113 45 +23 —23 —23 +90 +67 +67 1.45 —45 +10 —23 —10 +90 +90 +90 +90 —45 4-23 — 45 —10 +90 +90 +90 +90 0 +90 +90 —10 +45 0 0} ae 0 0) 0 0 —67 —9I0 —9I0 +180 0 +10 +10 +180 —90 —90 +180 0 +45 0 +35 —67 —45 —67 0 +390 +90 +68 0 0 0 0 +180 —23 +90 —45 —23 +68 0 +113 +1134 TABLE IV.—Direction of sound as determined by eee poe cee eee cee eee left ear alone. True OBSERVERS. direction of sound. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3. No. 4 No. 6 0 0 +10 0 —10 —10 0 —67 —67 —45 —23 — 3 0 0 +35 0 —10 +23 +45, +23 +67 +67 +67 0 0 0 23 0 0 —23 -+-90 eS) +113 —67 +157 —135 0 | 0 —10 0 0 —23 135) —113 —113 —67 +135 —113 0 0 —45 +35 +90 —23 +180 —35 —35 0 Y) —A5 —10 —10 —10 —10 —23 135 —113 —67 —45 —45 —67 0 —10 0 |—10 —10 —10 —90 —113 —67 —90 —67 —90 0 —10 —10 —10 0 0 6 —45 —45 —45 —45 —45 —(37/ +90 —10 —45 +45 +90 0 : 0 —90 —45 —45 0 +180 —9I0 +90 0 —10. —45 —Ad5 0 0 0 —157 ie +180 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 73 TABLE V.—Direction of sound as determined by both ears used simultaneously. True direction of sound. MG OGa BEB ec 0 IN} 0 Al tivisiocctess 0 AZ. +45 DAI Geeesettess 0 AZ. +90 DAL Gisccracayess 0 AZ. +135 BAU tiasticaitene 0 AZ. +180 Alt, 0 Az. —135 Alt Giese 0 Az. —90 Alt ents: 0 Az. —45 OBSERVERS. Jo. 1. No. 2 No 3. No. 4, No. 5 0 0 0 —10 a Hs) 0) 0 0 0 +-10 0 | 0 0 —45 0 +23) +30 +30 +67 +60 0 0. HP) —45 = 9) +90 +90 +68 +-90 +45 0 —10 —10 —10 0 +68 +113 +68 +90 +45 0 0 —22 ——20, —22 0 + 45 +90 +180 +23 —10 0 =—1() —35 —68 —75 —90 —113 —135 0 0 0 0 0 —90 —90 —90 — 90! —90 0 0 0 0 0 —67 —90 —67 —90) —67 TABLE VI.—Direction of sound as determined by both ears used simullaneously. True direction of sound. Alt [445 Az. se 0 A Geet -|-45 WA ot aicee eas +45 Alt | 45 ADS Meares +90 JN hedacosoos +45 Az. 6 -+-135 9: \ RAMS SA +-45 Az. +180 EAN tie sieveisiee +45 Az. 560 —135 MAN tester eects +45 AZ. ; —90 JAG eee +45 AZ. 6 —45, OBSERVERS. No. 2 No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. +22 0 +90 -|-45 0 0 0 0 —10 +10 +45 +10 L456 +45 +45) +465 —45 0 -+-10 —22 4-90 +90 +68 +68 492 422 —30 0 +-68 +60 +113 +-150 +80 —i0 -45 \—45 4-23 0 0 +180 +10 +10 35 —-68 —68 —113 —120 4-10 0 +45 —22 —9$0 —90 —90 —90 0 0 +45 0 —45 —90 —45 --45 74 BULLETIN OF THE TABLE VII.—Direction of sound as determined by both ears used simultaneously. True direction of sound. TAN bee ioectlce —45 Az. 0 Alt —45 Az. +45 DAL Secaess —45 Az. +90 Altec esees A) Az.. +135 Auliteeadevete. —45 UAV Za at a ose +180 JANG eeenes|| 4D Az. ——1135 Alt —45 AZ. —90 Alt —45 Az. —45 OBSERVERS. o. 1. No. 2 No. 3. No. 4. No. 5 0 “110 LW +80 —45 0; 0) 0 180 0 0 —23 0 0 —10 As +45 SENN) SS 4.45, 0 —23 0 —23 — 45 +75 +60 +68 +90 +68 —23 —10 —45 —35 +105 +75 601) E120) a etee 0 0 —10 — 45 —45 tLe 551,80) 9 21-1128 1 35 eee —30 —10 —10 —23 —135 —60 —105 —135 —113 —35 —23 0 —45 —A45 -—90 — 68 —90 —90 —I0 il —45 41.45 +10 0 —45 —45 —68 —45 —45* TABLE VIII.—Direction of sound as determined by both ears used simultaneously. aie OBSERVERS. direction of sound. No. 1. No. 2 No. 3. No. 4 No. 5. Alte 490 1.45 423 0 490 4.45 J Nie 500.00 bo 0; 0 0 0 0 +180 Alt .|—90 0 +90 0 490 +90 Az. 5| 0 +22 0 0 0 0 FMoccomeeera| 0 Ol eee +10 445 23 Az. 0 0 —A45 258} 4.90 168 Mr. D. P. Topp’s paper was entitled SOLAR PARALLAX FROM THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT. (This paper will be found published in full in the American Journal of Science for January, 1880.) * This observer was uncertain whether the sound came from a point of the horizon 450 to the left of the zero point or from one 135° to the left. After having the sound repeated a number of times he decided upon the former direction. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1S The next communication, by Mr. W. H. DAL, was SOME RECENT OBSERVATIONS ON MOLLUSCS. 1. He remarked first that he had observed in a species of Buccinum (B. undatum, L.) that the males were much smaller than the females. This species is found upon rocky coasts ex- posed to the action of waves and surf; and the animals in such situations are usually found inhabiting crevices in the rocks, where they find protection and shelter from the violence of the water. In more exposed situations they would not be able to survive. Prof. E. 8. Morse had published the suggestion that the small size of the males might be due to a special action of the natural law of survival of the fittest. In the contracted crevices of the rocks, the conjunction of the sexes would be much facilitated if the males were considerably smaller than the females, and would be much restricted if both sexes were large. Hence, under such circumstances, the males would oftenest succeed in obtaining access to the females, and would oftenest propagate, the result being a tendency to diminution of the males. Mr. Dall was of the opinion that this explanation was not sustained when brought into relation with other facts in connection with habits of the many species of Buccinwm in which the diminutive size of males is a common fact and is prevalent in species which inhabit still waters and other places where access to females can- not be dependent merely upon the small size of the male. He was of the opinion that a more satisfactory explanation would be found in the fact that in marine animals great fecundity is neces- sary to perpetuate the species, and that in order to nourish the very numerous ova, large ovaries, large organs of nutrition, and, in general, largeness of the entire organism is requisite in the females, without any corresponding necessity in the males. 9. Mr. Dall next referred to some observations by Mr. R. P. Whitfield, of New York, upon some individuals of the species Limnea megasoma—one of the largest known species of that genus. The animals were kept in a small tank and propagated. In the course of several generations a conspicuous diminution in the size of the individuals was observed. Mr. Whitfield had merely stated the observation without suggesting the explanation. Other naturalists, however, had suggested that it might be attri- buted to the higher temperature of the water in the tank than that of the water which the animals naturally inhabited. Mr. Dall thought that a much better explanation was that these Lim- 76 BULLETIN OF THE mnzas, which are very voracious, could not find their accustomed amount of food in such a restricted habitation, and were reduced in size in consequence of their half-famished condition. He cited other observations upon the lower animals which tended to confirm the belief that insufficient food, through successive gene- rations continuously, dwarfs the individuals of a species. He next remarked upon a characteristic of the genus Pleuro- tomaria. ‘This species of this genus all have a notch in the aperture of the trochoid shell, and in some species this notch is very deeply incised. The function of this notch in the economy of the animal has been a matter of some doubt. Mr. Dall be- lieved that its use was to permit the rejection of fecal products when the animal is retracted into its shell. In many gasteropods the anus is located in the anterior part of the soma, while in the Pleurotomaride this orifice is located behind the gills, and would be covered by the shell when the body is retracted were not a special modification of the shell-aperture provided. At the conclusion of Mr. DauL’s communication the Society adjourned. 173p MEETING. JANUARY 17, 1880. Vice-President WELLING in the Chair. Forty-one members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The order of exercises for the evening consisted in the presen- tation of communications from Messrs. M. H. DooLitTir and W. H. Dat. Mr. DooLitrie’s subject was A PILE OF BALLS. (ABSTRACT.) Mr. Doolittle’s communication was a discussion of the appear- ance the sky would present if the stars were of equal absolute brilliancy, with a relative arrangement in space corresponding to the centres of balls in a regular pile. The triangular and the rectangular pile differ in respect to anterior only. The most convenient Cartesian co-ordinate axes consist of the diagonals of a square base with a perpendicular thereto. The most conve- nient unit is equal to radius multiplied by the square root of 2. Then, the origin being at the centre of a ball, the centres of all a PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. TT other balls are determined by the conditions that each co-ordi- nate shall be an integer, and that the sum of the co-ordinates shall be an even number. ‘The distance in diameters of any ball centre from the origin is equal to the square root of half the sum of the squares of the co-ordinates. In the most general case, the permutation of the co-ordinates gives the factor 6; and as the algebraic sign of each co-ordinate may be either positive or negative, the number of variations for each permutation is equal to 8. The product 48 is the number of balls having the same distance and symmetrical arrangement. In particular cases two or all three of the co-ordinates may be numerically equal, or one or more of them may be equal to 0, and the number of such ball centres may be reduced to 6, 8, 12, or 24. Since a number may be the common sum of different sets of squares, there may be more than 48 equidistant balls be- longing to two or more independent symmetrical arrangements. Thus 50 is the common sum of 9, 16, and 25; of 0, 25, and 25; and of 0,1, and 49; and there are in all 84 ball centres at the _ distance of 5 diameters from the origin. The co-ordinates 0, 1, and 1 give 12 tangent balls, or stars of first magnitude in the imaginary universe; 0, 0, 2 give 6 of 2d magnitude; 1,1, 2 give 24 of 3d magnitude; 0, 2, 2 give 12 of 4th magnitude; 0, 1,3 give 24 of 5th magnitude; 2, 2, 2 give 8 of 6th magnitude; 1, 2, 3 give 48 of Tth magnitude, ete. If the origin be regarded as at the centre of a cube whose faces are perpendicular to the co-ordinate axes, the 12 stars of 1st magnitude are in the directions of the middle points of the edges, and the 12 of 4th magnitude in right lines beyond those of lst magnitude; the 6 of 2d magnitude are in the directions of the centres of the faces; and the 8 of 6th magnitude are in the directions of the corners. The formula A, b, ¢ may appropriately represent one large co- ordinate and two small ones; and the corresponding constella- tions consist of octagons around the face-centres, becoming squares when b is numerically equal to ¢, or when either is equal to 0. The formula A, B, c, denoting two large co-ordinates and one small one, corresponds to rectangles about the middle points - of the edges, becoming pairs when A is numerically equal to B, or when ¢ is equal to 0. The formula 4, B, C, denoting co-ordi- nates nearly equal, corresponds to hexagons about the corners, which are regular when A, B, and C are numerically in arithme- tical progression, and become triangles when two of the co-ordi- nates are numerically equal. Mr. Dauu’s communication On the Boundary Line between Alaska and British America, having been made on the spur of the moment to fill an unoccupied hour of the evening, he desired no further mention than the entrance of the title upon the minutes of the meeting. The Society then adjourned. 58 BULLETIN OF THE 174TH MEETING. JANUARY 31, 1880. The President in the Chair. Forty-four members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The order of exercises for the evening consisted in the reading of a paper by Capt. C. E. Durron on THE SILVER QUESTION. By the Act of February 28, 1878, the Secretary of the Treas- ury is required to purchase monthly not less than two million nor more than four million dollars’ worth of silver, and coin the same into dollars, each dollar weighing 4123 grains, and being nine-tenths fine. The dollars so coined are declared by the same law to be legal tender, in any amount, for all debts public and private, including duties on imports and interest and principal of the public debt. The Secretary of the Treasury is also au- thorized and required to issue certificates, payable on demand in silver dollars, provided that the amount of certificates so issued shall not be in excess of the silver coin deposited in the Treasury, and the denominations of the certificates shall not be less than ten dollars. These also are legal tender to the same extent as the silver dollars themselves. There are many careful thinkers who believe that the passage of the law of February 28, 1878, was ill-advised, and that it should be repealed, or radically modified. These objections are met by the reply that the country is now in a highly prosperous condition, and it would be best to “let well enough alone.” To this the rejoinder is, that it is certainly best now and always to let well enough alone, but this aphorism, like many others, is merely a curt way of begging the question. The real question which is raised is, whether the present silver law is well enough; if so, then by all means let it alone; if not, then it should be reconsidered, and either amended or repealed. The object of this paper is to inquire whether the silver law is well enough to remain upon the statute book, or ill enough to demand a recon- sideration. Among the causes which tend to promote prosperity is a wise system of monetary laws. Among those which tend to bring adversity is an unwise system of monetary laws. The wise sys- tem, however, will not alone insure prosperity, though it may go far towards it, and prosperity may come and abide with us for a season in spite of the bad system which will make itself felt oniy in the long run by making the adversity, which is sure to follow, the more severe. If the silver law be a bad law, therefore, we need not expect to feel its effects sorely during the flood tide, but we cannot hope to escape its pressure during the ebb. If it be a bad law the time to amend it is most assuredly PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 79 during the period of prosperity. To amend it undoubtedly will involve some sacrifice, but a sacrifice made to secure immunity from the consequences which must inevitably follow the omission to do the right thing at the right time. It is better to do this out of our plenty than to wait in order to do-it, or pay the penalty of not doing it out of our poverty and adversity. If it be a bad law, then the policy of ‘letting well enough alone” is as wise as the man we have so often heard of in the story of the Arkansas Traveller, who would not mend his roof in fair weather because it give him no trouble, and who could not mend it in the rain without getting wet and taking cold. In comprehending the merits of the law of February 28, 1878, we shall be materially assisted by taking a brief review of the history of our metallic currency. And this is all the more essen- tial since the arguments which were employed to sustain its pass- age had recourse to this same history, and the dollar which that law ordained is claimed to be the dollar of our fathers, and to embody a return to the policy, which originated from the wis- dom of the founders of the Republic, and which has prevailed without interruption throughout the eventful and glorious years of our adolescence and early manhood, until it was interrupted by a stealthy device sprung upon an unsuspecting Congress, and passed without anybody, except its authors, being aware of its dangerous nature and iniquitous purpose. At the close of the War of Independence one of the earliest subjects to engage the attention of the statesmen and legislators, who were laying the foundations of a great nation, was a national coinage and legal tender. The subject was a difficult and deli- cate one. In the several States there was a sufficiently good system of weights and measures, which was uniform throughout all of them. A bushel, a quart, a pound avoirdupois meant the same thing from New Hampshire to Georgia. But with money it was very different. The only coins in use were, for the most part, foreign, of many kinds, and a few colonial coins. In the moneys of account the same terms were applied to coins or nomi- nal moneys with widely different significations and values. Four shillings might signify in New Hampshire the same thing as twenty to twenty-two shillings in Georgia, provided a definite understanding could be reached as to the kind of coin to be used in a given transaction, and discordances only a little less wide existed between moneys of the same name used in other States. While all of the nations with which the new States held traffic had comparatively respectable coinages—some of them very good ones—America had none, and became the dumping ground of debased and abraded coins swept out of the circulation of richer and more populous nations. There was no legal tender, and it was necessary for contracts to specify in what kind of foreign coin they should be paid, and should any foreign State see fit to debase its coins the creditor, unless otherwise specially protected and guar- 80 BULLETIN OF THE anteed, might be liable to suffer by the debasement. The neces- sity for a national coinage was apparent, but the difficulties in the way of establishing it and making it practical were very con- siderable, and required the greatest wisdom and care in the framing. The leading statesmen and financiers of that day fully appreciated them, and displayed great wisdom in dealing with them.