3oL Council of Planning Librarians exchange bibliography February 1974 532 A SOCIAL ECOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Joel C. Snell and R. Gary Dean Department of Sociology Dana College Blair, Nebraska Mrs. Mary Vance, Editor Post Office Box 229 Monticello, lUinois 61856 COUIICIL OF PLAlfrlliJG UBRARIMS : . Exchange Bibliography //532 A- SpCI/i ECOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRiiPHY by Joel C. Snell and Hi Gary Dean Dept. of Sociology Dana College Blair, Nebraska 68OO8 Social ecology is a subfield of sociology that incorporates the influences of not only sociology but economics, biology, economics, political science and urban studies. The term "social ecology'' was ilrst popularized by Professor Robert Park of the University of Chicago. This bibliography enconpasses literature for urban planners, ecologists, and urban analysts. Included in the list are such topics as population, environmental pollution, energy shortage, urban crisis, suburban spx-awl, and city hall politics. The bibliography was originally constructed as background material for a federally funded urban system analysis containing a ^0 year projection. 2, GPL Exchange Bibliography #532 Asron^ Henry J. Shelter and Subsidies; IJho Benefits from Federal Housing Policies? j 1972. Abolson, Philip H. "ilnergy Conservationj" Science ^ 178:355* 1972. . "Energy and National Security,'' Science, 179: HF7ri?73. Allen, Gary. ''Environment! Doomsday and Dictatorship," American Opinion, February 1973 j pp. 1-18. Allied Van lines, Broadviexr, Illinois. Computerized Study ox the Nation's Migration Patterns — 1972, February 2b, 1973. Anderson, J. 'Muard. "PRT: Urban Transportation of the Future?" The Futurist, February 1973. Arbital, Samuel L. Cities and Metropolitan Areas in Today's World. Mankato, Minnesota: Creative Educational Society, Inc., 1968. Ayres, Robert. "Urban Transportation of the Future," The Futurist, August 1968. B and E Construction Company. The Building Innovations ilnonymous Houses on the Move. Baali, F. and Joseph Vandiver. Urban Sociology — Contem- porary Readings. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970. Banfield, Hdtjard C. The Unheavenly City; The Nature and Future of Our Urban Crisis. Boston: Little, Broim and Compar^'-, 1970. Beckerman, IJilfred. "The Myth of the Environraent Catastrophe," National Revie^^^, November 2k, 1972, pp. 1293-1295. BeclCTjith, Bumham P. "Becki'iith's 31 Major General Social Trends," The I'Xiturist, October 1968, pp. 88-89. ''The Future of Man: Optimism vs. Pessimism," The Futurist, /ipril 1972, pp. 62-66. Bell, Daniel. "The 3nd of Scarcity?" Society, ;^ril 1972, pp. ii9-52. , Bt al. "Working Session Two: Four Futures," CoiTJiientary, 1970. 3.' CPL Sxchange Bibliography j(-532 Bird, Caroline. "Hvunan Rights: Han is Losing Some but Gaining Others," The Futurist., February 1973, p. 33. Black, Angus. A lladical's Guide to :i:conomic Reality. New York: Holt, ^inehart, l.'inston, 1570. Boskoff, Alvin. A Sociology of Urban Reji^ons. Hew York: i.ppleton-Century-Crofts, 1970, Brand, David. "Catching S\mbeams — Old Dream of Putting Suns' Fire to Work Gets Renewed Attention," Wall Street Journal, April l6, 1973, pp. 1, lU. Braijner, Jack. "Price of Land Soars in a I'fliirl of Housing," Omaha l/orld-Herald, Febi-uary IS 73. Brower, David, Jolin Holdren, Mr. Lovins and Jerry Weingart, "How to Use Less Energy," Not iian Apart, Vol. II. San Francisco: Friends of the ICarth, August 1972. "Should Atomic IHnergy Go Back to the Drax-ang Board?" Hot Man Apart, Vol. II. San Francisco: Friends of the Earth, August 1972. EroTrn, Lester R. "New Grain Seeds are Changing the Outlook for FeecJing the World's Spiraling Population," Foreign Affairs, July 1968. Bryerton, Gene. Nuclear Dilemma. New York: Ballantine Books, Inc., 1970. Canterberry, 3. R. and H. Bickel. "The Green Revolution and the World Rice Market," jjnerican Journal of Agri- cultural Sconorrlcs, Urbana, Illinois, 1971. Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Boston: Houghton liifflin, 1962. Chapman, Duane, Timothy Tyrrell and Timothy I'iount, "Elec- tricity Demand Growth and the Energy Crisis," Sciences 178, 1972, pp. 703-708. City Planning Commission. City Plan. Omaha, Nebraska, 19U6. Clark, John. "Thermal Pollution and Aquatic Life," Scientific iimerican, March 19 69. . "Thermal Pollution: A Threat to Cayuga's Waters?" Science, 162, pp. 6k9-o$0, k* CPL Exchange Eibliogrephy #532 Clark;, Lindley II., Jr. "Houses on the Move," IJall Street Journal, Kay 7, 1973* Clark, Wilson. "Nixon on 3nergy, " Hot Han Apart, Vol. II. San Francisco: Friends of the Earth, August 1972. . "Huclear Plants are Unsafe," Not Man Apart, Vol. I. San Francisco: Friends of the Earth, J\ily 1971. Clawson, Marion and Jack L. Knetsch. "Outdoor Recreation, Resources for the Future Study Foresees Huge Increases," The Futurist, June 1968, pp. 56-57. Commission on Marine Science. "Marine Resources and Legal- Political Arrangements for Their Development," Engi- ■ neeilng and Resources Panel Report, Vol. 3. VJashington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969. Commission on Population Groirth and the American Future. Population and the American Future. Washington: Federal Government Printing Office, 1972. Commission Report from the Advisory Coranassion on Inter- governmental Relations. Urban and Rural Ajnerica: Policies for Future GroxJth. Washington, April 1968. Commoner, Barry. Science and Survival. New York: Viking Press, 1969. Conservation Foundation. Needed: Better Regulation of Pesticides and Integrated~Methods of Pest Control. Washington, D.G. Cook, ilarl. "Energy Sources for the Future," The Futurist, August 1972, pp. IU2-I52. Cooley, Charles H. Theory of Transportation. Baltimore: Publicators of the American Economic Association, I89I4. Cooper, Robert. "Euthanasia and the Notion of Death lath Dignity," The Christian Century, February 21, 1973, pp. 225-227. Cronkite, Walter. "Twenty-First Century, the World You'll Live In," Popular Science, 190, April 1967, pp. 98-101. Dean, G. W. and G. A. King. "Projection of California Agri- ciilture to 1980 and 2000: Potential Impact of San Joaquin Valley West Side Development," Gianni a Founda- tion Resource Report of California, Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley, 1970. Demaree, Allan T. "Cars and Cities on a Collision Course," Fortune, 81, February 1970, p. 126. 5. GPL Jlxchange Bibliography #532 DoimSj, Gene G. and Charles P. Norman. Nuclear Povrer Contro- versy. Farranghams Sastern Mass. Rsgional Library System, 1971. Dymentj Robert. "Transportations 'Wheels j Wings and Hulls for the Year 2000," Science Digest, November 1568. Editorial Research Section, Office of Public Affairs of the Environmental Protection Agency. "i\n Environmental Bibliography," yasliington, 1971. Edsall, Jolon T. "Nuclear Energy," Science, 178, 1972, p. 933- Elirlich, Paul. The Population Bomb. New York; Ballantine Books, 1968. and i-iin H. Ehrlich. Population Resources Bnvix-on- ment. San Francisco; I/. J. Freeman, 1970. and Richard L. Herremon. How to be a Survivor. New York; Valentine Book, 1971. and John P. Holdren. "VJhy Do People Move?" Saturday RevieTT, September 1970. Swold, Hilliam R., Jr., ed. Environment and Policy the Next 50 Years. Indiana University Press, 1960. . Environment for ilan (The Next 50 Years). In- diana University Press, 1967. Fair Stand Committee. Federal IJater Quality Advice. (Locally PublishedT) ' -~— ~ — — Feinberg, Gerald. "Long-Range Goals in the Environment," The Futurist, December 1971. FerkLss, Victor. Teciinologjcal Mans The Myth and the Reality. George Vraziller Publisher, 1970. "Toward the Creation of Technological Han," The Futurist, February 1970, pp. 11-12. Frisbie, Al. ''County Housing Grows in Number, Value, Size," Omaha Uorld-Herald, February lU, 1971. Gannon, Robert. "Atomic Power — V/hat are the Dangers?" Science Digest, Vol. LKXI. New York: The Hearst Corp. 6. GPL Exchange id.bliographj'- #532 Geesgjfien^ Donald. "And II o: 7 for a Little Diversion ...," Environraent, Vol. ll;, ot. Louis: Scientists' Insti- tute for Public Information, October 1972, Georgeji P. 3. and G. A. ICing. "Consumer Deraand for Food Corimodities in the United States •with Projection for 1980 J " Giannini Federal Monciraph, California Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Berkeley, California, 1971. Gerson, Wolfgana. Patterns for Urban Living. University of Toronto, 1970. Gillette, Robert. "Nuclear Safety: Damaged Fuel Ignites a Wex^ Debate in AEC," Science, 177, 1972, pp. 330-331. 'lluclear Safety (I): The Roots of Dissent," Science. 177, 1972, pp. 771-776. ■'iTuclear Safety (II): The Years of Delay," Science., 177, 1972, pp. 867-871. "Nuclear Safety (IV): Barriers to Communica- tions," Science, 177, 1972, pp. 1080-1082. "Reactor Safety: aj]C Concedes Soma Points to Its Critics," Science, 178, 1972, pp. ii82-U8U. 'The Budget of the U.S. Government, 197U: Energy," Science, 179, 1973, pp. 5U9-550. Givens, Richard A. "New Aspirations for Man in the Space Age," The Futurist, October 1969, pp. 116-119. Gofman, John \J. and Arthur R. Tamplin. Poisoned Pouer; The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants . Smmaus : Rodale Press, Inc., 1971. Gordon, liitchell. Sick Cities. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967. Grimmer, D, D. and K. Luszczynski. "Lost Poorer," Snviron- ment, Vol. II+. St. Louis: Scientists' Conmittee for Public Information, April 1972. Gullion, iHdmund a., ed. Uses of the Seas. Snglevjood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 196«. Hall, Peter. The IJorld Cities. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969. Halverson, Guy. "Megalopolis Grovrth Predicted," The Chris- tian Science Monitor, January 21;, 1970, p. 11. 7. CPL ^Ixchsngs Bibliography //532 liamil, Ralph. "The Future of the OceanSj" The Futurist, June 1972, pp. 109-110. "Hoving Beyond the Earth," The Futurist ^ April 1971, pp. 68-71. Hammond, iillen L. "'Energy Options; Challenge for the Future," Science, 177, 1572, pp. 875-876m. "Solar Energy; The Largest Resource," Science, 177, 1972, pp. 1088-1090. '■Fission; The Pro's and Con's of Nuclear PoTxer," Science, 178, 1972, pp. 1U7-1U9. . "Conservation of Energy: The Potential for More Efficient Use," Science, 178, pp. 1079-1081. . "Energy Needs: Projected Demands and Hou to Reduce Themi" Science, 178, 1972, pp. II86-II88. . "Energy and the Future: Research Priorities and National Policy," Science, 179, 1973, PP. I6I1-I66. _. "Solar Energy; Proposal for a Major Research Program," Science, 179, 1973, P.. III6. Hardin, Clifford H. "Steps to Improve Idfe in Rural Areas," The Futurist, October 1970, pp. 165-166. Hardin, Garrett. Population Evolution of Birth Control. San Francisco: William H. Freeman Cornpany, 19t>9. . StalkLnf; the I'ild Taboo. Los AJ.tos: William Kauimann, Inc., 1973. Harris, Pliilip R. "From Evolution to Emergence," The Futurist, October 1967, pp. 7U-75. Hari-ison, G, A. and A. J. Joyce, eds. The Structure of Hum.an Populations. Clarendon Press, 1972. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. "Life Tables," Vital Statistics of the United States, Vol. II, Section ^3 pp. 5-12, Wc sliington, D.C. Hersey, Irwin, " Ife Will Have to Run Very Hard Just to Stay Even," Engineering Opportunities, Hay 1969. 8. CPL iicchange Bibliography #532 Heniiingson, Durham and IM-chardson (Consultants). "Solid Wasts Disposal for the Omaha-Council Bluffs Hetropo- litan Arsa Planning Agency," Jieportj 196?, . liAPA Cornprehensive i.'ater Pollution Control Plan, July 1972. Hickel, T-falter J. "iJho Oims /jierlca? Hew York: Prentice- ilall, 1972. Hirst J Jlric and John C. lioyers. "Zlfficiency of Energy Use in the United States," Science, 179, 1973, pp. 1299-1301;. Holcomb, Larry C. and Robert H. Anderson. "Quality Envi- ronmental Council," Parrghlet. (Locally published.) Holden, Constance. "Llevr Hlnergy Message Doimplays R and D," Science 3 180, 1973, p. U75. Hopkins, Franlc Snoxjden. "The Rise of Teclinological Han," The Futurist, February 1970, pp. 12-13. "Stuart Chase Envisions the 'Most Probable' Iforld," The Futurist, ioigust 1968, p. 82. "The Underdeveloped Countries IIott Dare to Hope," The Futurist, June 1970, pp. 103-101;. Howard, Walter. "The Population Crisis is Here Nox:," Eiosciencs, Vol. 19, September 1969, p. 783. Jackson, Charles 3. "TeWite Unlocks Secrets from the Ocean's Floor," National :.'ildlife, 9:3April-Kay 1971, pp. 5l-5I|.. Johnson, Paul. "The Next Hundred Years," New Statesman, ilarch 28, I969, pp. 1;38-U39. Kajratieyer, Kenneth 11. Population Studies. Rand licNally, 1970. Kieffer, Jarold A. "The Automobile's Success: A Lesson for Its Critics," The Futurist, February 1973. ICilbildge, li. C, R. P. 0 'Block and P. V. TepHtz. Urban Analysis. Boston: Harvard University, 1970. Klein, Rudolph. "Groxrth and Its Enemies," Commentary, June 1972. IQemme, Randal T. "Industrial Development ~ 2000 A. D.," The Futurist, February I968. 9. CPL Exchange Bibliography j;'$32 Knappj Clifford Z, "jlco-Problems," Instructor Publications , 1970. ".Ecology Series," Instructor Publications. 1970. ICraus, Albert L. "The 1960's Should Have Been Ho Surprise for the Demographers," Metr York Times ^ January 11, 1973. Xristol, Irving. ''Is Hew York City in a Crisis," Social Profile USA Today. Hexf York: Van llostrand Heinliold Company, 1970. Large, David B. "Consendng 3nergys Some Things that can be Done," Hot Han Apart, Vol. Ill, San Francisco; Friends of the liarth, March 1973. LewandoTrska, Z. "Food Heeds and the Reserves of the Agri- cultural Production Growth Until the Year 2000," Ekonoraista, Warszawa, 1967. Lincoln, G. A. "Energy Conservation," Science, 180, 1973^ pp. 155-162. Lindsey, Robert. "Passengers idll Ride to 70' s on Hopes and Problems," Hew York Times, January 11, 1970. Lowenstein, Louis K. Urban Studies. Hew York; Free Press, 1971. McHsle, Johii. "Planning the Future," Current, September 1969, pp. 16-25. licLoughlin, J. B. Urban and Rei^onal Planning; A Systems Approach. Heir York: Frederick A. Fraeger, 1969. McMichael, Stariey and Robert ?. Bingham. City Groxfth Essentials. Cleveland; Stanley HcMchael Publishing Organization, 1928. Maddox, Jolin. Doomsday Syndrome. Hew York: McGraw-Hill, 1973. MAPA Economic Base Survey, City Planning Board, Community Renewal Prograr,i. June 30, 1970. (Locally published.) Mason, Roy. "Areas Uithin a City Might also Specialize," The Futurist, October 1969, p. 131. Maugh, Thomas H., II. "Fuel from Vfestes: A Minor Energy Source," Science, 178, 1972, pp. 599-602. 10. CPL -Exchange Bibliogrsphy #532 Mayer J Albex-t B. The Urgent Future. Hew York: licGrau- Hill Book Company, 196?. _. "Large Seals Fairines are Eecoiping Less Likely, i'l-utxltionists Believe," Columbia University Forura, 12: 2,. Surnrfier 196?. . . Mayer, L. V. "An Analysis of Future Resource Supplies, Ptesource Utilization, Domestic and Export Demand, and Structural Change in the Agricultural Zconomy to 1980," KLssertation Abstract, 28 :U, pp. 1173-117i|, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Order No. 67-12, 979. Mayr, Earnest. Biological Man in the Year 20C0. Cambridge: Harvard University, 196?. Meadows, Dennis L. "Nuclear Energy and Gi-oirth," Science, 179, 1973, pp. 855-856. 'Predicament of Mankind," The Futurist, August 1971, pp. 137-lItU. Meadows, Donella, et al. The Limits to^ GroTrth. Hew York: Universe Books, 1970. Meadows, Meadows, Randers and Eehrens . "The Limits to Gro;-ith," (review by Myron A. Sharp) in Society, Sep- tember 1972. Mesthene, Emmanuel. "Is Technology Destroying Human Values?" The Futurist, August 1969, pp. 9U-95. The Metropolitan Area Planning Agency. Council of Elected Planners, Comprehensive Planning, 1971. (Locally published. ) Meyer, John R. "A ZPG Economy," Money Magazine, May 1973. Miles, Rugus E. "Three Ways to Solve the Population Crisis," Man's Population Predicament — Population Bulletin, 27:2, published by Population Reference rureau, April 1971. Miller, David C. "The Environment-Makers," The Futurist, August 1967, pp. 59-60. Miller, J. Inan. "Can We Afford Tomorrow? Changing Pri- orities: Hard Choices, New Price Tags," Staurday Review, January 23, 1971, pp. 36-38. Mills, E. S. Studies in the Structure of the Urban Economy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1972. 11. GPL Exchange Bibliography #532 Mtchell, J. Murraj'-, Jr. "Is Man's Industry Upsetting i;orld Ueather?" The Futurist. April 1969, pp. 3U-35. Mobile Homes Manufacturers Association. ''Mobile Homes are Hi sing Rapidly in Popularity in the iJnited States," Chicago. Moe, L. 4;. and M. K. Mohtadi. "World Supply and Demand Prospects for Oilseeds and Oilseed Products in I98O x-.dth Emphasis on Trade by the Less Developed Oountries," Foreign Agric. Econ. Rep. 3con. Serv. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 71, Washington, B.C., 1971. Mutual of Omalia. Nature's Living Museum. (Locally published.) Nash, Hugh. "Review of Energy by John Holdren and Phillip Herera, " Hot Man Apart, Vol. III. San Francisco; Friends of the 3arth, February 1973- National Committee on Urban Gro-wth Policy. The New Oity. New York; Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Nebraskans for Peace. A Primer for People who Oare! l.Tiat You Can do to Save Your Snviromnent! (Locally published. ) Odum, llugene P., et al. The Crisis of Survival. Madison: Scott, Foresman, and Company, 1970. Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency. "I97O Housing Study," Report No. 110. Omaha City Planning Board, The Omaha Nebraska Community Renewal Program (Basic Analysis City-Wide Analysis), 19661 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) , Future Directions for Research in Urban Transportation, (report of panel discussion including Sumner Meyers and others). Publications Office, 2 rue Andre-Pascal, 75 Paris (I6e), France, 1969. Owen, Wil'fred and Inai Bradfield. The Accessible City. The Brookings Institution, 1972. Palen, John and Carl H. Flaming. Urban Ajnerica — Conflict and Change. New York: Hope, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. Peper, Bram. "Agricultural Policy and Social Policy," Rural Sociology, 9:3, 1969, pp. 221-23U. 12. GPL a^change Bibliography #532 Peterson, uillian. Population. London; Hcliillan Corpany, 1969. Pickard, Jerome P. "Is llegalopolis Inevitable?" The Futurist, October 1970, pp. 151-1^2. Planned Parenthood. VJorld Popiilgtion. ilew York, New York. Population Reference Bureau, Inc. The Future Population ox the United otates. Washington, D.C. Rand Corporation. "Rand Uarns:' Techhology Offers no Short" -or I^iiddle-Term Solutions to the 'ZJnergy Crisis,' So Demand for Pox-fer Must be Curtailed," iiot I-Ian Apart, Vol. III. San Francisco: Friends of the Earth, February 1973. Rathlesberger, Jim. "Adnani strati on VJatching — Nuclear Power,'' Hot Man Apart, Vol. I. San Francisco: Friends of the Sarth, October 1971. Rees, Phillip H. Factoral Ecology ofMetropolitan Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago, 196b. Reich, Charles A. The Greening of i\meilca. New York: Random House, 1970. Reid, Sue Titus and David L. Lyon. Population Crisis and Interdisciplinary Perspective. Glenview: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1972. Revelle, Roger and others. The Ocean. San Francisco: V7. H. Freeman and Conpany, 1969. Roos, Leslie L., Jr., ed. The Politics of Ecosuicide. New York: Holt, Rinehart, winston, 1971. Rosenfeld, Albert. II_Gensis — The Coming Control of Life. New York: Prentice -Hall, 1970. Rrehoda, Robert. Extended Youth; The Promise of Gerontology. "Our Children Hay Live to be 100 Years Old," The Futurist, February 1969, pp. U-6. Samuelson, Paul A. "Falling Birth Rates," Newsweek, Jvine 19, 1972, p. 75. Sertwell, Joyce. "The Coming Decline of the Classroom," The Futurist, April 1969. 13. GPL Zzzchange Bibliography #^32 Sesborgj Glenn T. "The Birthpangs of a New 1/orld," The Futurist, December 1970, pp. 205-208. 'Some Long-Rsnge Implications of iluclear Energy,'' The Futurist, February 1968, pp. 12-13. "The NeX'j OptinrLsPi, " The Futurist, December 1969, pp. 157-160. and 1 alii am Pu. Corlis. Man and Atom; Building a JTeTf World Through Nuclear Technology. New York: S. P. Dutton axid Company, 1971. Shanas, jlthel. "The Sociology of Aging and Aged," Sociolo- gical Quarterly, Spring 1971, pp. 159-176. Sharp, Eric. "Seafood Scientists Hoping Experiments Bloom Into Industry," The Omaha IJorld-Herald, February 25, 1973. Sheppard, Gene. "The Disaster Lobby on the March," Human Events, Karch 6, 1971, pp. 1-U. Silber, Hoi'jard. "The People Hovers s Busway Experiment Looldng Good," World-Herald Washington Bureau, Omaha World-Herald, Hay 30, 1973. Silha, Stephen and Susan Wattei-s. "Super community PlaJis Aim to Solve Suburban Ills," Christian Science Ilonitor, November 30, 1972. Simoncini, Giorgio. "The Future and the City," Bologna: II Mulino, 1970. Sirjamald., Jolin. The Sociology of Cities. New York; Ilandom House, 196"ir. '" """" Skreja, imton. "The Future Population of the United States," Population Bulletin, i^pril 1971. Soleri, Paolo. "Arcology: The City in the Image of Han," in iuinual Editions Readings in Sociology '72- '73 by Dean Acheson, et al. GuiJford, Connecticut: Dushkin Publishing Group, 1972. Spengler, J. J. "Economic Growth in a Stationary Popula- tion," Population Reference E-ureau, July 1971. Squires, Arthur li. and David A. Burtoiitz. Power of Gener- ation and Environmental Change. Cambridge: fflT Press, 1971. 11;. CPL Sxchange Bibliography •;!-532 Stanford, Quentin H., ed. The I.-orld's Popiilation-Problems of Grovrbh. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1>'72. Stalls, liauilce. "The U.S. Plan for Curbing Ilegslopolis, '' Th3 futurist, October 1970, pp. 157-158. Stein, Maurice R. j]clips3 of Community, ilexr York: rlarper and 2on, I960. Sijatek, Pa-ol. The Users Guide to the Protection of the ICnvironment. l^Iew York: Valentine Books, 1970. Taylor, Gordon. The Doorasday Book: Can the Uorld Survive? Hew York: Ilorld Publishing Company, 1971. Teller, Aaron. "The Only IJay Out of Pollution," The ■Ajierican Legion liagagine, Jrnie 1970, pp. 6-11. Thompson, David. "Hearing is liay 8 on Transport Plan," Omaha Uorld-Herald, April 18, 1973. "Mass Transit Study Sugj^ost k Routes," Omaha World-Herald, May 23, 1971. "Small Rail Transit 'Ideal for Omaha'," Omaha Uorld-Herald, July U, 1971. Thompson, Warren S. and David L. Letiis. Population Pro- blems. Hew York: McGraw-Hill, 196^7"^ Tietz, Frederick J. and Janes 3. McKeouan. The Changing Metropolis. Boston, I96I4. Toffler, Jilvin. Future Shock. New York: Random House, 1970, p. 56. Tonge, Peter. "The Abundance of the Oceans in HOT Limited," The Christian Science Monitor, 65: 82:9, March 3, 1973. "Bring Furrows Yield Bunrper Crops," The Christian Science Monitor, 65:81:9, March 2, 1973. "Heed Chickens Eat Better Than People," The Christian Science Monitor, 65:80:7, March 1, 1973. "Ocean Plenty: Fact or Fantasy," The Christian Science Monitor, 65:79:7, February 28, 1973. Toyinbee, Arnold. Cities on the Move. Oxford University Press, 1970. 1$. CPL Sr.change Bibliography i;'^32 Tha Union of Concerned ocientists. "im jlvaluation of ITuclear :ieactor Safety," Hot Man Apart ^ Vol. II. San Fran- cisco; Friends of the "Harth, August 1972. U.S. Department of Cowcerce. ¥e, the iiraericansi Our Homes. Social and 2conoriiic Statistic Adnanistrationj Bureau of the Census, October 1972. U.S. Department of Ti-ansportation. 1972 National Trans- portation Report. IJashington, D.C, 1972. Unnah, Jesse M. "To Bend the 'iJind," The Futurist, April 1967, pp. 19-20. Ventoules, Ted and ¥ard Eisenhauer, eds. Up Aji^ainst the Urban I Jail. Mew Jerseys Prentice-Hall, 1971. Walford, Lionel A. Living Resources of the Sea. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 195^. Waring, John. "The Horsepower jilxplosion, " The Futurist, February 1969, pp. 23-2U. Westoff, Leslie and Charles S. From Now to Zero. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1971. Wilkes, Paul. "When do We Have the Right to Die?" Life, January lU, 1972. Williams, Oliver P. and Charles Press. Democracy in Urban America. Chicago: Rand Mci'Jally, 1969. Wilke, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Handbook on Abortion. Cincinnati; Hiltz Publishing, 1972. Wise, William. Killer Smo.^. New York: Audobon/Eallantine Book, 1970. Wood, Robert. Suburbia, Its People and Their Politics. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 195^. Woodbury, C, ed. The Future of Cities and Urban Redevel- opment . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953. Wright, Nathan, Jr. Black Power and Urban Unrest. Hew York; Hawthorn, 1972. Wrong, Dennis H. Population and Society. Nevr York: Random House, 1966. Zero Population Gro^rth, Inc. "Zero Population Groxfth," Pamphlet . 16. CPL Sxchsnge Bibliography #532 AMOI'TBIOUS (idphabetized by Title of Article) "Abortion Laxr Attack Gains," The Washington Post, ilovember 11, 196?. "Abortions: iioves to Abolish All Legal Restraints," The New York Times . "The Advant of Big Biology," Time, March 23, 1970, p. liO. "Advertisings hedia IJary of Contraceptive," Hew York Times, March 11, 1970. "Agricultural Projections for 197^ and 1985, United States," Paris; 05CD, 1968. "Aust Urges Freeway Studies," Omaha Vforld-Herald, August 13, 1972. "Big Metropolitan Areas Get Bigger," The Futurist, October 1970, p. 1S$. "Billions for Urban Renex^al — But Not Znough to Go Around," U.S. Mews and World Report, April 20, 1970, pp. 27-28. "Boswash, Cliipitts and Sansan," The Futurist, February 1968. "Building a City in the Ocean," The Futurist, June 1969, pp. 66-69. "Biiilding Utopia in Vir^nia," The Futurist, December 1967, pp. 86-87. Cities. New York; A Scientific iaierican Book, 1966. "Cities of the Future," The Futurist, June 1969, p. 67. "Cities Will Hove Underground," The Futurist, June 1968, p. Sh' "City of the Future," The Christian Science Monitor, Sep- tember 9, 1968. "Congress and Urban Mass Transportation," Congressional Digest, U8:289, December 1969. "Conservation Caretaker," Time, February'' 9, 1970. "The Conservation Coalition," Congressional Quarterly, 1971, p. 81. "Coping with Urban Sprawl," The Futurist, October 1970. 17. CPL Exchange Bibliography #5 32 "Crowding Out," IJasliington Post^ February 21, 1970. "lllectric and ioler Power Consujtption May Pise," The Aiturist, August 1$'67. "^Indorsing Infanticide?'' Time, May 28, 1?735 P* 10^. "JJnergy and the iivironment, " (speech) MBM lieeting in CMcago, May 1970. "The Energy Crisis; Time for Action," Time, May 7, 1973, p. Ultff. "Uo Pet. of Homes Euilt Since 1950,=' Omaha "iJorld-Herald, September 21, 1972. "France Elsmes Accidents- i--lcoholism, and Insecurity for Underpopuletion, " I'Jex;: York Times, April 13, 1970. "Freeway of Dodge," Omaha '.,'orld-Herald, May 12, 1973. "Getting There in 1995," Omaha iJorld-Herald, April 18, 1973. "Glinpse of the Home of Tomorrow," U.S. "Hews and 1/jorld ^egort, 5U, July 3, 1967, pp. '5^-90. "Goals and Objectives Suggested by Citizens at an Open Meeting of the Quality Environment Council and the Soil and iJater Conservation Service," January 13, 1973. "Green Refuge in the Age of Machines," Literature Gazette, February 2U, 1971. "Heat Pollution — or Enrichment /' Industrial Research, July 1968. "Here Comes the Smog," Hewsweek, August 10, 1970, pp. 6I4-65. "ilousing Study Head Disputes Aust View," Omaha Tjorld-Herald, August 22, 1972. "How to Pay for Mass Transit," Business Week, 2095s 72, October 31, 1969. "How to Stop Pollution," U.S. Hews and IJorld Report, November 23, 1970, pp. 51.I.-57. "Latest Moves on Pollution Control," U.S. Hews and i.orld Report, February 2, 1970. "Montreal Faits Will Men Live in Bubbles?' The Futurist, February I967. "Hew Bag on Campus," Hewsweek, December 1969, p. 72. 18. CPL Exchange Bibliography #532 "New Products — Fish Protein," Sweden Hers, 6:6:lU, 1972. "IJixon Starts the Cleanup," Time, February 23, 1970, pp. 39-UO. "Mox-r a Boom in Devices to Fight Pollution," U.S. HeT-Js and World Report, August 31, 1970, pp. h3-hh' "Officials Relocation No Longer Problem," Omaha ivorld- Herald, Apial 17, 1973. "Open-Space Toxms," Christian Science lionitor, October 10, 1969. "Opposition to Breeder-Reactor Mounts," The Environmental , Vol. IV, Columbus, Ohio: Earthday Committee of the Ohio State University, October 1972. "Payrolls and Pickerel in Maine," Time, February 16, 1970, p. 52. "Pig Power as Motor Fuel is High-Octane, Honpolluting, " OmaJia World-Herald, April 22, 1973.' "A Plastic House in lour Future," Petroleur.i Today, Fall 1968. "The Politicians Know an Issue," Newsweek, January 26, 1970, p. 33- "Pollution; Grovjing Menace — >Jhat U.S. Is Doing About It," U.S. Hews and liorld Report, June 9, 1969, pp. 1;0-U3. "Population will Strain Natural Resources," The Futurist, December 1969, p. 156. "Rapid Transit Halts Freeway," Omaha Iforld-Herald, November 29, 1971. "Rapid Transit Instead of Freeway?" Omalia World-Herald, April 21, 1971. "Report on the Geosocial Revolution," Saturday Review, 50, September 16, I967, pp. 31-32. "Report on National Goals Research Staff Towards a Balance Growth, Quantity id-th Quality," Uasliington, D.C., 1970. "The Return of the Returnables?" Newsweek, September 21, 1970, pp. 70-71. "Saving the Farm — and the City," New York Tines, September 5, 1972. "Saving the Land," Time, May 28, 1973, p. 96. 19. CPL Ixchange Bibliography •i;^532 "Specifl Issus: ^copomography," Rodale'g Environmental Action Bxilletin^ Vol. III. 'inmausj Pennsylvania: Puodals PresS;, Inc. "Step Fon'Tard in Housing," Omaha l-Jorld-Hereldj iiay 3, 1972. "dtdng to Unlesdad Gas: r.Tiat's Ahead,'' U.j. News and IJorld -^Leport., December 28, 1570. "They Choso to be CMldless," New lorl: Times, March 23, 1970. "Three-County "leport Holds Few Surprises," Omaha IJorld-Herald; Septeiiiber 30, 1970. "Today I lulled Ky Best Friend," Time, 8^, April 23, 1965, pp. 7U-7U. "Tomorrow's Decentralized Cities," The Fu-turist, June 1967, pp. 38-39. Towerd Balanced Groxrth; Quantity xdth '>aality. Report of the National Goals Research Staff, JuJy h, 1970, ¥aslxlngton, D.C. "Transportation for the Boswash Corridor," The Futurist, February 1972. "Untangling Big-City Traffics The Big Push for Mass Transit," U.S. Fews and World Report, Washington, D.C, 67:U8, Hay 25, 1970. "Urbanisation? Past is Clearer than Futu.re," The Futurist, October 1970, pp. 167-168. "Utah International iiines Coal, Iron, Copper and Uranium, " Investor's Reader, iipril U, 1973* PP» 16-19. "Villages on Ocean Floor Are Foreseen," The Futm-ist, June 1970, p. 93. "What's Ahead in Housing," U.S. Hews and . orld Report, Fe- bruary 2, IS 70, pp. 57-38^ "\Pao I Jill Oi?n the Sea," The Fut\uust, June 1968, pp. la-iiU. "Wintertime Lxni- Crisis," Hexxsweek, February 13'* 1971, pp. 73-7U. 20. CPL nixchange Bibliography ,-',-532 COUNCIL OF PLAi'INIWG LIBR/JilMS Exchange Bibliography jr'532 A SOCIAL ECOLOGICAL BIBUOGPUlPHY Additional copies availcble ri-om! Council of Planning Librerians Post Office Box 229 Monti cello, Illinois 61856 for $2.00