SOOTY TERN BEHAVIOR By JAMES JAY DINSMORE A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1970 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I have benefited greatly from the counsel arid interest of many individuals. The advice and encouragement of Dr. Oliver L. Austin, Jr. have aided ne throughout this work, both in the field and in preparing a written report. Dr. William B. Robertson, Jr. continually provided ne with information on Sooty Terns and also arranged for my stay on the Dry Tcrtugas. The comments and criticisms of Drs. George W. Cornwell, Frank G. Nordlie, Thomas J. Walker, and S. David Webb have pointed cut many weaknesses in my work and thereby have been of great help to me. I also nave profited from discussions on Sooty Terns with Brian Harrington, Robert W. McFarlane, John C. O^ien. Dr. Glenn E. Woolfenden, and others, especially man,/ members of banding parties to the Tortugas. Personnel at Fort Jefferson National Monument and Everglades National Park i>sre especially helpful in providing a place for me to live at Fort Jefferson and then making that living enjoyable. Dr. Gary D. Schnell generously gave me access to his unpublished data on Sooty Tern flight speeds. The Florida State Museum provided a boat to use at Fort Jefferson. Two grants from the Frank M. Chapman Fund, American Museum of Natural History, and a Louis Agassiz Fuertes Research grant from the Wilson Ornithological Society helped finance the field work. A University of Florida Graduate School Fellowship made it possible for cie to spend an extend? I riod at the Dry Tortugas. My wife, Pat, encouraged me thr . .... it the sti ;, - nd typed the final drafts of! this dissertation. To all these individuals and organizations, I am grateful. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS • LIST OF TABLES • • LIST OF FIGURES ABSTRACT • • • INTRODUCTION . . . THE DRY TORTUGAS • Physical Features . - • Fauna • Clinate • Previous Jtfork . . • • « METHODS. . . . . breeding activities. Formation of the Colony • -1-0 Ac- rial Flock First Land. • * * • • ■ ■•••••••** Page 11 v vi vii 1 ? 2 5 6 6 10 12 Pre-laying Activities j- 15 18 c Aerial Display Ground Activities Establishing Territories ..... Incubation Period ....... ..... Egg-laying . . Behavior During incubation .........••• Attentiveness. lapping Temperature Regulation ... Nest Relief Length of Incubation Shifts Influence of Weather . Fledging Period Hatching Attentiveness Feeding Frequency of Feeding ..... Individual Recognition Chick Behavior • in 41 42 43 43 45 48 9 Page Other Aerial Activities ...... 61 Thermal Scaring 6l Fly-ups. . . 62 Panics 63 ECOLOGY 65 Interactions with Other Species 65 Enemies 65 Other Terns 69 Nesting Habitat , . 71 Site Tenacity 75 DISCUSSION 77 Behavioral Comparisons 77 Sooties as a Pelagic Species 80 LITERATURE CITED 90 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Q6 IV LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Activities other than incubating or shading by Sooty Terns caring for an egg Jl 2 Summary of 113 dipping flights by Sooty Terns . Jk 3 Time of occurrence of flights away from the egg by adult Sooty Terns 3& 4 Tine of nest relief during incubation 39 5 Time of feeding of young Sooty Terns 50 6 Rate of foraging by adult Sooty Terns 53 7 Nest density and success in five 5-yard— square plots on Bush Key in 1968 72 8 Some information on the breeding biology of several species of terns 83 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Map of Dry Tortugas Islands 3 2 Posture of Sooty Tern in the parade display 19 3 Activities by adult Sooty Terns during incubation 29 b Activities by adult Sooty Terns during the first 2 weeks of caring for the chick *r? VI Abstract cf Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy SOOTY TERN BEHAVIOR By Janes Jay Dinsmore August, 1970 Chairman: Dr. Oliver L. Austin, Jr. Major Department: Zoology A 3-year study of the breeding behavior of Sooty Terns (Sterna fuscata) was made at Bush Key, Dry Tortugas in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. The results are compared with the behavior "of other terns and the differences discussed, particularly in regard to the pelagic environment the Sooty Tern inhabits. Sooty Terns arrive at the Dry Tortugas some 2 months before eggs are first laid. At first they circle Bush Key at night only, but eventually land and extend the time they spend on the ground, arriving earlier in the evening and leaving later in the morning. After the first eggs are laid, flocking subsides. Aerial display by Scoty Terns consists mainly of the high flight in which two birds ascend, usually by jerk-flying, circle, and then descend together in a coordinated glide. Scoty Terns may have a poorly developed low flight display. On the ground the major display is the parade, similar to that of other Sterna terns. Courtship feeding is rare. Terns often interfere with pairs attempting to copulate. The single egg is incubated about 29.5 days with the male car_ vii for it somewhat more than the female. The birds are attentive over 95 per cent of the tine, incubating when it is cool, shading when it is hot, and engaging in ether activities such as preening, fighting, and loafing .cost commonly when they change between incubating and shading. Nest relief usually occurs in the evening after 24 or 48 hours of care. Dipping, in trhich adults dip their feet, bill and/or breast feathers in the ocean, is- common during incubation aid may cool the egg or provide it with needed moisture. Chicks are closely brooded for 4 or 5 days, after which adults seen to recognize them individually and spend progressively less tine with them. By the end of the 3"d week, chicks are alone much of the tine except when fed. Adults feed the chick by regurgitation, spend about 3.5 hours per foraging trip, and often feed a chick several tines after one trip. Males feed the chick somewhat mere than females do. Vocal exchanges between parent and chick seem most important in individual recognition. Occasionally adults feed a chick ether than their own. Chicks first fly when about 9 weeks old and leave the colon;/ scon after that. The ground and aerial displays of Sooty Terns are similar to those of other .Sterna, terns, especially the Common Tern. The rarity of the low flight and courtship feeding, both of which are common in other terns, may be due to the different way in which Socties carry food and the distance they travel to forage. Sooty Terns have a lower clutch size, longer period cf development of the chick, and first breed when older than most other terns, nany of which feed in raarshes and coastal waters. These characteristics of .Sooty Tern breeding biology are similar to those of many other pelagic V1X3. birds. A distant food supply and high adult survivorship apparently have contributed to these differences from other terns. IX INTRODUCTION Sooty Terns (St, em a fugcata) occur worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters, breeding mainly on low isolated islands (Ashnole, 1963). Scne colonies number in the millions (Ridley and Percy, 1958) and the species could well be one of the most numerous cf the world* s birds. This tern ranges ever the open ocean to Teed, thus differing from, the many terns that feed in coastal waters. Sooties apparently return to land only during the breeding season. Other pecularities of Sooty Tern behavior include a nonannual breeding cycle at some localities (Chapin, 195^; Ashmole, 1963), and a long migration by juveniles (Robertson, 196?). Although the ethology of several species of terns is well known, no pelagic species cf Sterna are adequately studied. The basic studies of Sooty Tern behavior were made $0 years ago (Watson, 1908 ; Watson ana Lashley, 1915; Lashley, 1915) and certainly need to be updated. From 1963 through 1970 1 studied the behavior of Sooty Terns at the Dry Tortugas Islands, watching a group of terns throughout the breeding season and recording their behavior at all accessible stages. This paper presents basic information on the behavior of a tropical Sterna and attempts to relate this behavior to the species' pelagic habits and thus show how fuscata ciffers from its coastal— feeding relatives. THE DRY TORTUGAS Physical Features The Dry Tortugas presently consist of seven snail low islands at approximately 2^°38'N, 82°52'V, about 70 miles west of Fey West, Florida (Figure 1). In the past, century at least four other islands, once a part of the group, have disappeared (see Robertson, l?6k, for history of all the islands). The islands are located on a large shallow bank, much of it less than 5 fathoms deep, in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. Here, near the northern limit of their breeding range, some 80,000 fecty Terns have nested in recent years. The earliest definite record. of Sooty Terns nesting en the Dry Tortugas is •• -^ +>io + at c: Audubon (1844) who found them nesting with Brown Noddies (Anous jitolidus) on Bird Key in I832. Both species continued to nest at Bird Key until the early l?3Cfs ^hen it finally washed away. The birds then moved to nearby Bush Key, which has been the major breeding site ever since, although occasionally some have nested on Garden, Long, and hospital Keys. All the islands are low sand bars or piles of coral rubble. The largest, loggerhead Key (ca. 30 acres), has a small Coast Guard lighthouse and station and a good stand of large trees, mainly Casuarina. Garden Key is dominated by Fort Jefferson, a former army outpost and later a prison. Starting with a National Audubon Society warden stationed en the Tortugas during the 1903 nesting season, the terns have had son- ■■ ection from eggers and ether disturbances 1 C\J 0) T3 CD si •P >> •H CD PtW 5 tn V H •H «er" «^-> rH ' 5) • • O o •H 15 -P 3 o 01 CQ S ■ w CQ CQ c o H" o cd o \ aj cu ^ >> cu cu O co 73 10 03 cU — >. -P O a: to • H most subsequent years. Fort Jefferson was designated a National Monument in 1935, and its snail permanent, human population provides some protection for the terns in the nesting seascn. Middle aid Hospital Keys are presently just small bare sand bars. East Key has some low beach strand vegetation. Long Key is a bar of rough coral rubble with a small stand of mangroves. I studied Sooty Terns en Bush Key, currently about 20 acres in extent and separated from Garden Key by a 5^0— foot channel.. It is composed primarily of coarse light-colored sand with coral rabble on the east end where a long narrow spit joins it to Long Key at low tide. Maximum elevation is about k feet above mean high tide, Bush Key apparently was present in the mid-lSOO's, disappeared, and reappeared in the early 1900* s (Robertson, 19c4). In this century it probably first appeared as a series oH sand bars that eventually connected, gained some vegetation, and gradually grew and stabilized. Three snail brackish ponds in the center of the island are rimmed by mangroves (Rhizoohora man-le and la -unoulr-ria racemosa) and buttonwood (Conocarous ereotns). Around them a thicket of bay cedar (jforiana maritima; 5 to o feet tali covers much cf the island. Outside the bay cedar thicket and extending from it to the tide line, the vegetation is relatively low and open. Most Sooty Terns nest on these flats, although seme nest in openings in and under the mangroves or the bay cedar. The major plants on the periphery of Bush Key are sea rocket (Cakile 1-noeolata) , sea oats (Unioia oaniculata) , prickly pear (Oountia sp. ) , a grass ( Snorobolus sp. ) and sea purslane C Sesuvium lortulacastruia) wi th some sea lavender (Toumefcrtia gr.aphalodes) around the edges. The density of these plants varies from year to year, primarily depending on the amount of rainfall. i'auna Besides Sooty Terns, at least three other species of terns have nested on the Dry Tortugas in recent times. Host numerous today are the several thousand Brown Noddies that build a simple platform nest of sticks and dead vegetation in the bay cedar and other low vegetation on Bash Key. The Black Noddy (A.neus tenui re stria) has csen reported on the Dry Tortugas almost yearly since 1959 (Robertson, 1964) but as yet has not been found nesting. Least Terns ( Sterna albifrer.s) formerly nested on Bush, long, and Loggerhead Keys but have not done so since about 1950, while several hundred Roseate Terns (S. dougallii) still nest yearly on the Dry Tortugas (Robertson, 1964). Royal Terns (Thalasseus maxirvjs) and Sandwich Terns (T. sandvicensis) nested en the Dry Tortugas in the 1890* s, but other than a single naximus egg found in 195- » no recent nesting records exist (Robertson, 1964). Of some 240 species of birds reported from the Dry Tortugas, th • only others known to have bred there are some species of booby (Sola) reported by Audubon (1844) and the Mourning Dove (Zenaidura nacroura). The only mammals reported from the islands are the introduced rat (Rattus rattus) that at times has killed young birds and destroyed eggs (Russell, 1933) and the West Indian Seal ('.-lonachus tro cicalis ) , currently faced with extinction. Several land reptiles have been collected on the islands (Duellman and .Schwartz, 1958) but apparently none has permanently colonized the islands and they pose no threat to the terns. A _• the name of the islands suggests, sea turtles formerly nested there in great numbers. A few, probably Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) , still lay their eggs en the Tortugas and occasionally destroy tern nests when they dig their own nests. Clinate The climate at the Dry Tortugas is best described as hot and dry. Daily temperatures often reach the low 90s (°F) and seldom drop below the low 60s at night (Vaughan, 1918). The intense radiation of heat from both water and the light— colored sand creates a severe microclimate in the layer of air just above the ground, the micro- habitat in which Scoty Terns nest. Rainfall probably averages less than 40 inches per year, much of it coming in sudden squalls. Several hurricanes have the Tortugas in recent years. On 6 June 1566 the 123 raph winds of Hurricane Alna drove water over Bush Key and buried many young terns in the sand. Many died, but overall mortality was surprisingly low (Mason and Steffee, 1966). On 3 June i960 the center of Hurricane Abby passed about 60 niles west of the islands and heavy winds, rain, and waves belted the islands for several days. The high waves washed away some eggs laid on higher parts of the beaches but did not swamp Bush Key, and mortality was very low. Adults with eggs or chicks sat tight on the scrape throughout the storm, and some eggs hatched during the storm without noticeable detriment. Previous Work The earliest scientific studies of Sooty Terns on the Dry Tortugas are those by Watson (1908), Lashley (1915), and Watson and Lashley (1915). They investigated its breeding behavior and made some preliminary tests of its honing ability. From 1936 to 1941 some 13,300 terns, mainly juveniles, were banded at the Dry Tortugas. During the 1940* s and 1950' s National Park Service personnel and others visited the colon;* almost yearly and made estimates of its size in most years. Summaries of much of this work appear in Sprunt (19^) and Robertson {196k). In 1959 the National Park Service, the Florida State Museum, and the Florida Audubon Society began a cooperative banding program on the Dry Tortugas terns. Robertson (1964-) summarizes the history of the terns on the Dry Tortugas and later (1969) documents the transatlantic migration by juveniles from this colony. In the 12 years of banding seme 153,700 juvenile and 81,100 adult Sooty Terns have been banded on Bush Key. METHODS I lived on Garden Key from 29 March to 10 July 1968 and worked almost daily on nearby Bush Y.ey. I erected a blind near a snail plot (25 x 30 feet) from which I cleared nearly all vegetation. Terns were captured in mist nets and 182 were color-marked, each with a unique pattern of three colored leg bands and a Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) band for individual recognition. The terns gradually acclimated to ray presence in the blind, and their behavior appeared normal once I was out of sight. I determined the sax of the terns by noting their position in copulation, keening in mind that nale-niale mountings may occur. Once the birds were color-narked, I recorded their activities and the roles of and females in the care of their eggs and chicks. As Sooty Terns spend much of their time flying, I had to limit ry studies to their activities at Bush Key and its immediate, vicinity. After the eggs hatched, I tethered some chicks to prevent them from hiding throughout the day. This altered their behavior, but it was the only way I could keep more than a few chicks in sight after they were about 3 weeks old. In 1969 and 19?0 I spent shorter periods on the island after the young hatched. BBEEDING ACTIVITIES The yearly activities of Sooty Terns at the Dry Tortugas can be summarized as follows: Starting in late January or February, Sooty Tems appear near the islands in numbers at night only, circling, calling, and sometimes landing, but generally are absent during the day (Robertson, 1964). Gradually the terns start, arriving at the Tortugas earlier each evening and also in greater numbers. Finally in late March or April they remain in daylight and land, display, copulate, dig a scrape, and lay a single egg that is incubated 29 to 30 days. The chicks are closely attended for the first week or two and then are alone much of the tine except v:hen fed. Chicks first flv when about 9 weeks old and apparently leave 3ush Key scon afterward. Some juveniles are flying by late June and nest terns have left the Tortugas by ]ate August or early September. Little is known of the activities of Sooty Terns away from the colony. Out of some 153,700 chicks banded on Bush Key, about 30 have been recovered away from the colony and provide some information en the movement of juveniles. After leaving Bush Key, juveniles drift west, in the Gulf of Mexico and then south along the eastern coast of Central America, finally moving east along northern South America and out across the Atlantic in the vicinity of the equator. They spend about 2 to k years in tb<^ Gulf of Guinea off West Africa, and gradually drifi 1 xjk ac -oss / . Atlantic. A few 3— year—old birds occur ax, the lortugas late in the breeding season, cut almost cert .wily do not 10 breed. At least a few 6-year-old birds breed but sone Sooties may not breed until older (Harrington, pers. comm. ). Among those banded as adults the recovery rate is lover, with only about 25 recoveries away i^-cn the colony out of 81,100 banded through 1970. These recoveries suggest that the range of most adults is the Gulf of Mexico throughout the year ( Robertson, 1969). Formation of the Colony As the terns assemble and reform the colony, they are very skittish and difficult to follow. Their activities can be divided into periods of aerial flocking and first landing. Aerial Flocking Robertson (19&0 describes a period of night flocking, starting some 2 months before eggs are laid and during which large flocks of terns gather near or over the breeding grounds to call, circle, and land, only to leave around dawn. Ashmole (1963) describes "night clubs" of terns that land on the breeding grounds in groups at nigh:, and leave before daylight. Tracks in the sand on Bush Key indicate that night groups for;; there too, although I never saw then. When 1 arrived at the Dry Tortugas on 29 March 1963, Sooty Terns had not yet laid any eggs, but they were flocking in well-developed patterns every evening. Few terns were present during the day. By about 03:00 (all times are EST) most Sooties left the island and ell was quiet except for a few Noddies. Occasionally at various times 01 day, small flocks of up to 10 Sooty Terns circled rapidly over 3ush Key, giving loud "wide— a-wake" calls or sharp "yip yip" notes as one bine, ens ed another. The birds passed over the island once or 11 sometimes repeatedly, flying low and often in pairs. They flew slowly with deep wing beats. Their flight resembled the low (fish) flight display described for other terns (Palmer, 19^1; Cullen, 1960a), except tha.t they did not carry a fish in their bill. In early evening, between 16-.J0 and 1?:00, flocking began. The terns approached the Dry Tortugas from the northwest, much as Robertson (196*0 describes and gathered northwest of Bush 'iley, circling and calling. As more birds joined the flocks, their calls grew louder and the circling more pronounced. Usually they started in a loose flock of 50 to 200 birds circling 50 to 100 feet above the water. They flew with a slow, seemingly exaggerated wing beat, often gliding between beats and drifting along in a circle 100 to 200 feet across. Eventually a few dropped low over the water and, assuming a more rapid wing beat, made a fast circuit over the edge of Bush Key and returned 00 the flock over the water. Gradually more circled over the island. A few started landing on the open sand beach on the north side of Bush Key. The calling got still louder. Occasionally all the birds on the beach flew rapidly and noisily back to the flock. There they circled and again started moving back toward the island. Around 18 :30 the number of birds gathered on the beach increased. Fewer flew when disturbed, and they returned sooner when disturbed. All this time more birds continued to join the circling flocks. Out over the water the flocking pattern changed slowly. At first all the terns were in one staging or circling flock, from which they flew to the island. As more birds arrived near Bush Key, more staging flocks formed in a line strung out to the northwest. Presumably birds entered the farthest one first and then moved from flock to flock as 12 they approached the island. Cn 5 April at 17 OO I cculd see three such flocks, one about 1,000 feet north of Bush Key and the other two beyond. Between the flocks I could see lines of birds flying with sic.;, exaggerated wing beats about 5^ feet above the water. Beyond the last staging flock a line of terns, again about 5° feet above the water, was stretched cut for several miles. Perhaps some birds approach Bush Key low- ever the water as they normally do later in the season, but most drifted in with the flocks described above. The largest flocks 1 saw were north of Bush Key; occasionally smaller flecks formed south of Garden Key. After sundown more terns landed and gathered in groups. On 10 April, a night with a full noon, most Scoties were sitting quietly along the beaches of Bush Key at 21:30, although a few still circled and called from the air. At sunrise no staging flecks were present, although many birds circled and called over Bush Key or stayed on the ground. By 08:00 most birds had left the island, flying to the northwest. The exodus was not so well defined as the approach. Flocking by Booties is apparently a significant social activity. Perhaps its function is to delay breeding by early arrivals at the colony until some critical number of terns is present. With adult Sooties apparently spread throughout the Gulf of Mexico in the nonbreeding season, such flocking might synchronize the reproductive cycles of individual birds and insure that most Sooties breed at about the same (most favorable?) tine each year. First Landin In 19c3 the first daylight landings of Sooty Terns appeared to be 13 gradual extensions of time spent, on the ground by night groups. No massive influx of terns with almost immediate egg-laying was observed, although that has been implied fcr this colony (Thompson, 1903; Sprunt, 19^8). Similarly on Ascension Island, after a period during which Sooties are present only at night, they suddenly start to return earlier in the evening arid stay later in the morning, and egg-laying soon follows (Ashraole, 1963). When I arrived on the Dry Tortugas in late 'larch, 1963, the terns had already started staying later in the day so that some were present until around 08:00. On 1 April I found three Sooty eggs en the west end of Bush Key, the first of the 196S season. Within a few days nore were laid near these three, and also several hundred feet east of them near my blind. Egg— : laying then seemed to spread out from these two foci and by 21 April eggs were present virtually throughout Bush Key. On the plot I watched from my blind, egg— laying started later (9 April) and peaked around 15 April. Hence I followed the behavior of these birds before they laid their eggs. At first they appeared nervous and were easily frightened. They hovered over open ground, landed briefly, and then flew in a panic (see p. 63) almost immediately. Gradually more birds landed and began to fill the available open ground, only to fly at the slightest disturbance and then return and go through the whole process again. As soon as the birds landed and settled down, at least two postures became common. One of these is the parade that wd.ll be described later. In the other the bird points its bill down, sometimes almost burying it in its breast feathers. This posture is common in Larids. Harrison (1965) calls it the "stare-down" and says it seems to 14 "cut off" or end a lew intensity agonistic or conflict situation. Sooties often give a stare— down almost immediately after landing and then preen their back and wings. An almost feverish amount of displaying occurred during these early morning hours in the few days from the time they first stayed on the island until the female laid her egg. Little displaying occurs in the night clubs and most of the birds just rest (Ashmole, 1963). I made only one night visit to Bush Key during this period, and I found that most terns were resting on the beaches or in open parts of the island with a few in the air. One evening when eggs were present, I remained in my blind until well after dark. Even then the birds were highly excitable, panicking whenever I made the slightest disturbance. To prevent undue disturbance of the colony, I avoided night work and have little information on the bird's nocturnal activities. Pre— laving; Activities All of the displays and activities leading up to egg— laying may occur within a few days after the birds first land in daylight, Eecause I was marking birds at this time, there were few I could follow through the entire behavioral sequence. I also found that birds were still moving around within the colony, since many color-marked birds immediately left my plot upon release and never returned. Hence the sequence of events has been pieced together from the few pairs that I could follow throughout this period and also by noting when various activities were most common on my plot. 15 A e ri 3.1 J> srla*.~ Early in the nesting season and to a lesser extent later, aerial displays are a characteristic activity of Sooty Terns. Culler. (lyoCa) studied aerial activities of the Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) in detail and summarized much of the information available on other terns. I follow his terminology for activities he describes that appear homologous to those of the Sooty Tern. Except for the chases ever the colony prior to egg-laying, which nay be homologous to the low (fish) flight that is common among Sterna terns, aerial display by Sooties seems zo consist solely of a high flight similar ^o that of the Arctic Tern (Cullen, 19oGa). In Sooties, the high flight is a slow steady ascent by two or sometimes three terns to a height of several hundred feet and then a rapid gliding descent. 1 noted two means of ascent, one often occurring after the other. In one the two birds ascended almost vertically in snail circles, flapping their wings rapidly as the lower bird chased and occasionally tried, to grasp the tail of the upper bird. This seems comparable to the upward flutter, a hostile behavior that Cullen (19o0a) describes. I saw the upward flutter at the start of only about 3° per cent of all aerial displays, but usually it was given only briefly and I may have missed seeing it in other cases. From the upward flutter, the birds changed to seemingly exaggerated deep wing beats that Cullen calls jerk—flying. In many instances the first sign of aerial display was this type of flight, and it was the initial pattern in many high flights. Flying thusly, the birds continued to climb, though not so steeply as with the upward flutter. Again they stayed close together as if ons was chasing the other. In these chases - 16 lead bird gave a rattling "ka ka ka" call while the pursuer gave upward-inflected "wek wek" notes. As they climbed, they flew in long looping circles above the colony and adjacent water, often reaching a height of several hundred feet. They sometimes continued to climb for 2 or 3 minutes, although more commonly they climbed for about a minute. At the peak of the flight they often chased briefly and then maneuvered close to each other by flapping their wings in slow, almost half beats with the wings barely moving to bole:-; the level of the body. Then they began a rapid gliding dive. The angle of descent was usually fairly shallow at first and became steeper as they descended. Several times I noted that the pursuer passed the leading bird and took the lead at the start of the glide, and this may be usual, much as Cullen (19oUa) reports. In the dive one bird was above and just behind the other, the two about a foot apart. Both held their wings rigid; the lower bird's wings were usually bent slightly at the carpals and the upper one's -wings were held almost straight out from the body. They held the long outer rectrices "scissored" together and in those instances where I could see their bills, they pointed straight forward. In this position they dove together, their movements coordinated so that the second bird closely followed the sometimes shifting and dodging flight cf the first. Sometimes they started the glide several times, leveled, off .after descending a short way, and then dove again. At ether times they separated and each flew away alone. In a complete display they glided together down to just above water level, swooped up a short ways end then separated, each flying away in a normal flight. Several times I followed both birds after the glide, but I 17 never saw then stay together to repeat the high flight. I saw numerous variations of the high flight. Of 50 high flights in which I saw all of the display, 18 started with the upward flutter and 32 with jerk— flying. Thirteen times the birds changed from the upward flutter to jerk— flying. Thus jerk— flying was part cf the ascent in ^5 of the y0 high flights. The other 5 tines the entire ascent was with upward flutter. In h-G high flights the two birds circled after this ascent, mainly by jerk— flying. The birds started a descending glide in 47 of the 50 high flights but continued to glide down to about sea level in only 28. Thus ascending by jerk— flying and descending in a glide are the two most conspicuous parts of the high flight, although they do not occur in all of them. The birds often change positions, first one leading and then the other. These changes occurred both during the ascent and in the glide. In the glide the change was made by the upper bird moving beneath the lower one. I was not able to determine the sex of the birds during the aerial display. Except that Arctic Terns sometimes carry a fish in the high flight (Culien, 19o0a), the high flight of Sooties seems very similar to that described by Culien for the Arctic Tern. Aerial displays were most common from 15:00 to 19:00, but I also saw some in early morning. Most occurred early in the breeding season in April but I also saw some in May, June, and July when they may have given by late arriving adults or renesters. Unfortunately I did not see the events on the ground, that preceded the high flight. The function of the high flight is not known, but Culien (19o0a) suggests that it may be part of pair formation. If so, perhaps the 18 high flights late in the nesting season involve young birds. As Sooties as young as 3 years old visit Bush Key late in the nesting season but probably do not breed for several years, perhaps they pair a year or more earlier. It is not known how long Sooty Tern pair bonds last but it would not surprise r.e if the sane birds pair in successive years. Such an extended "engagement" period is known for another long-lived pelagic species, trie Laysan Albatross (Dionedsa irvy.'.tabilis) (Fisher and Fisher, 1969). Moynihan (1962) also saw many aerial displays by Brown Noddies and the Inca Tern (Larostema inca) late in the nesting season, and suggests that at least in the Inca Tern these may have been young birds pairing. Brown Noddies at Bush Key also commonly give aerial displays late in the nesting season. Ground Activities Parade. — Once the birds landed and stopped the almost continuous panicking, displays on the ground began. The most conspicuous ground display of Sooty Terns is the parade in which it a distinct posture and displays to other birds by prancing rapidly with short, quick steps. A bird may prance toward, in front of, or around another tern; or two may prance together, moving parallel to each other. Palmer (19^1) describes a similar display in the Common Tern (Steri a hirundo) and says it takes two different forms, each with a different motivation. Although I saw these two forms in Sooties, I saw much variation in posture between the two extremes. In the parade posture, a Sooty extends its head and neck far forward, often sleekin t . feathers. _ The wings are usually held well away from the body, particularly at the carpals, and are lowered until they drag on the ground (Figure 2). Occasionally the 19 Figure 2. Fosture of Sooty Tern in the parade display (taken from Iredale, 1914). 20 wings are held tight against the bird's sides. Usually the tail is tilted upward and often the tips of the primaries cross under the base of the tail. If the bill is pointed upward, it is called the erect posture and Pal ner (19^1) says the display shows submission. Sooties nay point the bill horizontally or slightly above horizontal but seldom point it straight up as some other tems do. Sooties also tilt their head to the side, especially when displaying with or to another bird. Then they tip their head awaj iron the other individual but seen to lean the body even more toward it so that the near wing often drags on the ground. I saw Sooties give this display almost immediately after landing on the ground. Often it preceded copulation but other tines two birds separated after parading. Both saxes gave the erect form of the parade, but when one bird circled and obviously displayed to another, whenever I could determine the sexes, it was always the male that did so. As the erect form of the parade was common almost immediately after birds landed ana before they established territory, it certainly is important in pair formation. In the other form of the parade, the tern points the till down, but Sooties seldom point it directly at the ground. Palmer (19^1) calls this the bent position and says it is given when a tern tries to intimidate another tern. Sooties do not take so extreme a posture here, usually not holding the winga so far away from the body or stretching the neck so far forward. Several times I sav; a parade start with the bill pointing upward and end with it poin rare ground. Thus the position of the bill varies considerably, although 21 the basic wing and body postures are similar in the bent and erect forms of the parade. Both Fairer (19^1) and Cullen (1960a) note these two bill positions occurring in aerial displays of terns. Although I watched for this, in all cases that I could see the bill was pointed straight forward, the aerial position apparently comparable to the erect on the ground. In the high flight Sooties usually fly away from the island, so I may just have been unable to see the birds well enough. The only calls I heard associated directly with the parade were occasional low "wuk wuk" notes, but usually the birds were silent. Once I noted the throat of a parading male vibrating rapidly, but although I was only 10 feet away I heard no sound. Notes too low for ne to hear may accompany the display. Several tines I saw a bird en the ground raise its head and give a loud ,:ke-v;at— ic" or "wan— dick" call that was answered by a second bird in the air. After the two exchanged several calls, the second bird landed and then the two. paraded. In one exchange the male called to the female, and after parading the two copulated. Apparently the male called to attract a female and then paraded to her. As the erect form of the parade was most common when the birds first landed, I think it functions along with the high flight in pair formation. Courtship feeding;. — I saw courtship feeding only I? times, mainly from 13 to 20 April but once as late as 1? Jvne. Not all of these terminated with the actual transfer of food. V/here the sex was known, the female always begged. Generally she crouched, turned her head toward the male, 2nd gave a rapid series of low chuckling "ka ka" or "yip yip" notes, raising her open bill toward him, and biting at 22 his bill, much as a young tern begs for food. A few I actually saw the male transfer food to the female, sometimes reoeatedly in one bout of courtship feeding. Occasionally the parade preceded courtship feeding, but the latter is relatively rare and certainly not a regular component o± the oarade. Courtship feeding is a typical precopulatory behavior in most Larids (Culler, and Ashmole, 1963). In Sooty Terns courtship feeding seemed to be relatively rare and only occasionally preceded copulation. Copulation. — The parade commonly precedes mounting and copulation. The male parades in front of and around the female, stops beside her, and then mounts. The female crouches, holds her wings out from her sides, raises her tail, and stretches her head forward. The male then moves back on the female, crouches, and copulates. After coitus the male dismounts, and the two usually fluff tneir body feathers and then preen. A single pair may copulate repeatedly. Copulation was commonest on my plot from 6 to 23 April. Of 208 times I noted a male trying to mount a female, in only 56 (26.9 per cent) did they seem to copulate. In 68 (32.7 per cent) attempts the male fell off the female, the female did not crouch, or he simply dismounted without trying to copulate. More commonly (8^4- times, kO.k per cent), another bird interfered and either knocked the male off the female or the male dismounted and fought with the intruder. Interference from other birds became commoner as the breeding season progressed and eventually few pairs could copulate without other birds interfering. Several times I saw two to six males try to mount one female. 23 Establishing Territories Sooty Terns apparently do not establish, territories until after copulation. Even then the territory is not permanent until they finally dig a scrape and the female lays an egg. Normally Sooties claim an area spanning little mere than what they can reach while sitting on their egg. The scrape itself is a shallow hollow some 3 to 4- inches in diameter and about an inch deep. Scrane^-bui Iding. — By 10 April scrape— building was common en my plot and from then until 1c April it was the bird's mos^ conspicuous activity. Although scrape— building obviously provides a site for the egg, the incipient scrape— bui] ding behavior associated with it often occurs before copulation and seems to be part of courtship in Sooties, much as it is in Common Terns (Palmer, 19^1). Pairs of Sooties usually spend some time selecting a site and nay make several false starts. While selecting a site they walk together, poke at the ground, picK. up bits of gravel, shell, or vegetation and then drop them; start work at one site only to abandon it shortly, and continuously give low "puck puck" calls. Typically two birds stand close together, point their bills toward the ground, then lower their body, and kick dirt back with their feet. They often give low "puck puck" notes as they poke at the ground. Nearly always a pair works together to dig the scrape. Usually the male does most of the digging but the female helps at least occasionally. As they work at the scrape, they pick up small pebbles, shells, twigs, or other small objects and sometimes drop them into z] e scrape. Scrape— bi - ; generally stops once the female lays her egg, but 24 the birds occasionally work on the scraps after it contains an egg. Several pairs that lost their chick shortly after it hatched began work on new scrapes, but I did nc'^ see any bird lay again. Fighting. — Conspicuous fighting started around 11 April when scrapes were being dug. In fighting, two birds face each other, some tines approaching each other with their heads and bodies held low and forward or else upright, the head erect and the crown feathers raised. The two hold their wings out from the body and usually hold the tail up. Usually each jabs viciously at the head and bill of the other bird or grips the other bird's bill and then both shake their beads vigorously. Occasionally they beat their opponent with a wing, but normally the wings are used only for balance. Sometimes they give lev; rasping growls, Finally the two release each other and each retreats to its own scrape. While some fights ended with one bird clearly supplanting the other, I often saw them end differently. The two birds stopped scuffling, faced each other with wings against the body, bills forward; and first, one and. then the other lowered its bill into the bent posture and turned its head slowly away and then broke off the altercation. Occasionally they gaped, at each other before lowering the bill. Gaping apparently is an aggressive signal (Moynihan, 1962) as is the bent position. Thus the aggressive display apparently ended the fight. The stare-down posture described earlier also occurs commonly after fights. After a paired bird drove off an intruder, it commonly gave the stare-down upon returning to its mate. Again the aggressiveness seemed to end with the stare-down and the bird turned its attention back to its mate. 25 Thus the sequence of events preceding egg— laying seems tc be as follows : First the terns flock and land on Bush Key every evening in a mass social activity, perhaps synchronizing the breeding cycles. Gradually they extend the time they spend on the ground and as flecking decreases, they begin individual sexual activity. Males seen to land, I arhaps near where they bred in previous years ( see p. 75 ) £^-d call to try to attract females to them. When a female lands, the parade and high flight that follow probably contribute to pair formation. They continue courting with parading and incipient scrape— building until they copulate. The two then dig a scrape and begin to defend the area immediately around it. Incubation Period ESpy— laying After copulating and then working on a scrape for several days, the female Sooty Tern lays a single egg. All 14 eggs whose time of laying I was able to determine accurately were laid in the afternoon; five between 12:00 and 14:00, five between 14:00 and l6:C0, and four from 16:00 to 16:00. Ridley and Percy (1953) and Ashmole (1963) also note that Sooty Terns usually lay their egg in the afternoon. After the first eggs were laid on 1 April 1968, egg— laying gradually spread through the island. The first eggs were laid on my plot on 9 April and the peak of laying there was IS April. Usually both members of a pair are present when the egg is laid. The female crouches low in the scrape while the male stands nearby, occasionally walking around her or poking at the ground. In the first few minutes after :. ; is laid the two usually sit on it alternately several times. The female leaves the egg, walks around it, and the 26 male takes over. He pokes at the egg, rolls it into the scrape if it was laid on the edge, and in general worries over it before finally settling down to shade or incubate it. Usually the female flies within about 10 minutes, apparently to drink and dip as she often returns with her breast feathers wet. The two then stay near the egg, first one and then the other shading or incubating it. Exchanges now, as later in incubation, consist of one bird forcing the other off the egg and then taking over care of it. Exchanges are frequent during the first few hours after the egg is laid, but by early the following morning the male assumes care of the egg and the female is absent, presumably feeding. During incubation and to some extent after hatching, besides noting which adult cared for the egg and the adult's general behavior, I maintained accurate records of activity patterns of 15 pairs in the following manner. I made a complete catalog of the bird's activities, described below, i knew the date of laying and I could distinguish the sexes of each of these pairs, In the activity records, every 30 seconds I made a 1— second "spot" observation and record of the bird caring for the egg, assigning the bird's activity to one of several readily identifiable categories (e. g., incubating, shading the egg, off the egg and preening, etc. ). This method of making 120 observations per hour per nest was used for 1— hour periods throughout incubation. One fault of this method is that by cataloging activities, slightly different activities must be grouped in a single category. The categories with the most variety are those that occur when the adult is off the egg, and as the adults either incubate or shade the egg more than 90 per cent of the time, this variation is only a snail 27 fraction of ail the birds' activities. The ether alternative is to watch a few nests continuously and record all the activities. Even in a Sooty Tern colon;/, where nests are close together, it is difficult to follow all activities at a few nests, especially when several suddenly erupt into activity with fights or other interactions. Watching a few nests involves the risk that some or all of them may be destroyed, deserted, or otherwise disturbed. On the practical side, continuous watching of a few nests is very tiring. By viewing 15 nests, I kept my eyes moving and thus avoided some of the monotony and fatigue of continuous watching. I analyzed these activity records by sex, hour of day, and date in the incubation cycle, excluding all 1— hour watches in which exchanges occurred. Curing incubation, I have records for 1,632 bird— hours, each including 120 spot observations for a total of 195 > 840 soot observations. These include at least one hour of watching for each sex for each of the 12 daylight hours for most days curing incubation, and for some I have many more. These were used to prepare Figure 3 and Table 1. Behavior During .Incubation During incubation Sooty Terns primarily tend the egg and perform a few maintenance activities during brief spells away from it. I categorized their activities into the following types. Incubation, in which the adult bird places cne of its two brood patches directly against the egg, is obviously one of the most important activities. Sooties incubate mainly at night, in the early morning, and in late afternoon (Figure 3). As the air temperature increases in the morning, adults gradually Figure 3. Activities by adult Sooty Terns during incubation. 29 0) 0> d> G -H •H -P rr> +J •H c d > ■cH fl J-i •H ■u rt JJ -P (13 6 rC n rC *■* +J 03 tn H o o o CO C3 o sO o o o o o o CO o o o o 00 o r- o o o (M O o o id P m o a' £ •H Eh ^UaDJ8(J 30 rise up off the egg so that most days by around 10:00 they are shading the egg rather than incubating it. They usually continue to shade the egg until around 17:00, when they gradually change back to incubating again (Figure 3). To shade the egg the adult merely stands over it and keeps it in its shadow. As the sun changes position during the day the birds turn to keep their backs toward the sun. This keeps the maximum surface area of the body exposed to the sun and, as the upper surface of a Sooty Tern is black, would seen to present problems of heat load for the bird. However, keeping their back toward the sun best insures shading of the egg. By turning one side of its body toward the sun, the adult could probably lower its heat load, but it also would be more likely to expose the egg to che sun. The adults probably reduce the heat load several other ways. As it becomes hotter, they erect their backfeathers and hold their wings out from thsir sides, increasing insulation and the area for heat less. They also gape widely and pant, apparently dissipating more heat than in normal breathing. Another common activity is dipping as described below. The change from incubating to shading and back again is very gradual and proved my most difficult choice in recording activity. Figure 3 shows clearly when this change is made. Both incubating and shading involve direct care of the egg. All other activities, in which the adult is not actually caring for the egg, are shown as the bottom line in Figure J. Among these other activities, the most frequent is standing to the side of the egg and preening (Table 1). Incubating adults commonly rise up off the egg, poke at it, and apparently turn it. Other times the adult walks around the scraoe or to the ed^e of its territ< ry 31 able 1. Activities other than incubating or shading by Sooty Terns caring for an egg iber cf spot observations Activity of each activity Preening 4258 Poking at egg 15^0 Standing beside egg 1171 Walking 886 Fighting 673 Off away from scrape 2?6 Total 8804 Per cent , of ail such activi bies 48. 4 17. 5 13. 3 10. 1 7. 6 0 1 100. 0 32 and stands. Occasionally a bird leaves its egg to spar briefly with another tern, either a neighbor or one that ha.? cone too close. Generally Sooty Terns are much less bellicose daring incubation than they are earlier in the nesting cycle or after eggs hatch. Perhaps hone ground is permanently established and recognized, and the absence of chicks to intrude on others' territories enhances stability. Adult Sooties commonly defecate near their egg. They walk to the edge of their territory and turn to face the egg before defecating. Sometimes a stretching motion accompanies defecation. The bird stretches both wings vertically above the body, leans forward with head outstretched, and lets fly, thus stretching and defecating in almost the same motion. Another activity of adults during incubation is suddenly flying away leaving the egg unattended. On some occasions the birds fly away when panicked and return almost immediately. Other times this seems to be associated with the aerial activity called dipping. Attentiveness Sooty Terns are closely attentive during incubation. The percentage of time adults spend incubating or shading differs only slightly between sexes. Females spend a little more of their time incubating and males a little more shading, but with incubating and shading combined, the total attentiveness, analyzed by hour, differs by less than 1.2 per cent between sexes. In all, the bird caring for the egg spends over 95 per cent of the daylight hours either incubating or shading and only about k,5 per cent in a variety of other activities (Table 1). These other activities prevail from 0?:00 to 10:00 and from 17:00 to 18:00, the tines when birds shift 33 between incubating and shading (Figure 3). Presumably at these tines egg and air temperatures are much the same and care by the adult is not so critical. Sooties are most attentive from 12:00 to 15:00 and spend over 98 per cent of their tine directly caring for the egg, mostly by shading. This is certainly the time when the egg experiences the highest environmental temperatures, and presumably when adult care is vital to the embryo's survival. An activity of Sooty Terns at Bush Key that is especially noticeable during hot midday hours, but occurs occasionally throughout the day, entails their flying rapidly from the island, briefly dipping their bill, feet, or breast feathers into the water, and returning to the island. When only the bill is skimmed along the water's surface, it seems obvious that the birds are drinking, but dipping the breast feathers requires another explanation, Usually each bird flies directly and rapidly from the colon,;/- at a height of about 10 feet. It then drops down, dips the bill in the water, drags the feet in the water, and sometimes almost lands momentarily, wetting the feathers in the process. About 100 to 300 feet offshore the bird turns abruptly and flies back to the island. An individual may dip from one to as many as ten times on one flight. In II3 flights between 13 May and 7 June in which I recorded from a boat all dipping movements, and also whether the bird landed back in the colony or with groups cf terns sunning or. the beach, ever 80 per cent of all dipping occurred on the flight out. In about 95 per cent of the flights the birds dip] :i the bill at least once (Table 2), and in only about 17 per cent . dipped their breast fea hers. As one 34 w o <8 >-> ,0 w -p to •H H n •« G -C , — i •H ID nJ 5 S- ■P O >■*< O rH -H E-i h -a O fH G> •j *H Uj CU o rf — •> CO -p u >s m (0 '3 CD O S 43 rH •rH rH -P ch ■H 0 J 5 dipping- motion night result in more than one part of the body being dipped, I recorded the number of tines each part cf the body" actually was dipped (Table 2). The number of times a bird dropped down to dip is somewhat less. None of the flights that ended with the bird landing on the beach among birds sunning or resting included dipping the breast feathers, while about 25 per cent of the flights that ended with the bird going into the colony where eggs and young were present included dipping the breast feathers (Table 2). This suggests that dipping the breast feathers possibly has some relevance to nesting, something also suggested by behavior I noted at the scrape itself. Often during the hot midday hours, I saw a single bird fly from its egg, not in a panic, and head toward the water (Table 3)« After about, a minute it returned, flying low and rapidly toward the scrape. As the bird settled back on the egg, 1 often could see that its bill, feet, and sometimes the breast feathers were wet. Obviously those direct flights from the egg are the start of the dipping flights that I watched over the water. As dipping is most common when it is hottest, it seems possible that this behavior is thermoregulatory, both for the auult and the egg. Both sexes dip with equal frequency (139 to 137) so I have combined their records. Dipping by incubating adults is most frequent during the first 15 days of incubation (Table 3). Watson (1908) mentions an activity similar to dipping but says the birds were bathing. Tne Ashmoles (196?: 6z) note that incubating Sooties sometimes fly off to drink. Both Tompkins (19^2) and Hardy (1957) have seen Least Terns dip their breast feathers during incubation and suggest that it provides water necessary for the eggs. Table 3, Tine of occurrence of flights away from the egg by adult Sooty Terns 36 Number seer, during: Time First 15 days of incubation ■Second 15 days of incubation Total 06:00-07:00 4a(^)b 1 (1) 5 (5) 07 :CG-0S :00 6 (3) 0 (0) 6 (3) OS :00-09 :00 8 (7) 5 (4) 13(H) 09 :00-10 :C0 3K24) 4 (3) 35(27) 10 :00-ll ;00 3K25) 11 (8) 42(33) 11:00-12:00 24(18) 5 (5) 29(23) 12:00-13:00 21(19) 17(15) 38(3^) 13:00-14:00 24(20) 14(11) 33(3D 14:00-15:00 23(20) 4 (4) 27(24) 15:00-16:00 18(12) 3 (3) 21(15) 16 :0C-i? :C0 20(14) 1 (1) 21(15) 17 :00-l8 :C0 0 (0) 1 (1) 1 (1) Totals 210(166) 66(56) 276(222) a. Number of tiraes in activity records bird- were away frcn egg. b. Number of ac a fl: its represented, i.e., one flight night involve two ?:• more soot observations in activity records. 37 Tenre^atu-e Regulation Howell and Bartholomew (1962), working on Midway Island in the Pacific, show the delicate role that parental care plays in preventing Sooty Tern eggs from approaching the high and probably lethal temperatures they would reach in open sunlight. On Midway the adult maintained the egg temperature above that of the surrounding air and below that of the surrounding sand. Unfortunately they do not say whether the adult is incubating or shading the egg. I attached themisters to several eggs and monitored surface temperature of the egg and air temperature at about 4- inches above the ground for parts of several days. Unfortunately the eggs I worked with were close to ry blind, and the adults caring for them were easily disturbed by my isovements. Also the wire attached to the egg hindered the tern in turning it and affected the bird's behavior. I obtained useful information from a 24-day-old chick on 6 June and conflicting information from the sane egg the next day. On 6 June, in 23 temperature readings taken between 10:20 and 13:05, the egg averaged 101. 5°F (range 99 to 105°F) and the air at k inches averaged 105. 5°F (range 103 to 108. 5°F). The highest egg temperatures occurred when the adult left it to dip or flew off in a panic. In both cases the adult dipped the breast feathers before returning to the e^. The next day in 35 readings the egg temperature averaged 105. 2°F, somewhat above the air temperature that day (105°F) and 3.7°F above the egg's temperature on the 8th. Although the adult repeatedly left the egg to dip, it seemed unable to lower the egg' s temperature. As the egg cracked later that day and proved infertile, perhaps the heat of decay foiled the adult's attempts to lover the egg temperature. 33 On the 6th the adult had been able to maintain the egg's temperature some k°F below the air temperature. When the adult flew off to dip, the exposed egg's surface temperature rose 1 to 2°F while the bird was absent but then dropped 2 to 5°F within a few minutes after the adult returned. The adult did not hold the wet breast feathers against the egg, but held them right above the egg. Although 1 have United information, I suggest that dipping the breast feathers by incubating terns helps regulate either the egg's temperature or humidity. Some adults dipped often during incubation while others did so only rarely. If dipping the breast feathers is thermoregulatory , it is puzzling that the tern does not hold the wet, cool feathers directly against the egg. Possibly the water dripping off the feathers onto the egg provides moisture needed by the egg. Late in the breeding season adults continue to dip but seldom dip their breast feathers. On 2? June 1970 when most chicks were 6 to 8 weeks old and few eggs were present, on Bush Key, nearly all of the hundreds of adults flying out dipped only their bill or occasionally their feet. Nest Relief Most of the 61 nest reliefs observed during incubation occurred during early morning or late afternoon (Table k). Generally the adult lands near its scrape and walks up to its mate on the egg; The bird on the e?:g either steps off the egg so the second bird can incubate, or else the newcomer pushes the incubating bird off the egg and then takes over care of it. No elaborate ceremony occurs. The relieved bird generally flies away within a few minutes, presumably to drink, but often returns to the scrape and lingers for several hours or more 39 Table 4. Time of nest relief during incubation Number of Hours of Exchanges/hour Time exchanges Observation Observation 0.60 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.25 0.0? 0.09 0.29 0.09 0.20 0.70 0.35 0.6? 1.70 0.27 06:00-: 7 :00 13 21.52 07 : 00-O3 :00 4 27.92 03 :C0-09 :00 4 29.03 09 :00-10 :00 3 23.50 10 :0O-ll : 5 19.33 11 :0O-12 z U J l 13.33 12 : 00-13 :00 1 10.33 13 :00-14 :00 3 10.25 14 :00-15 :00 l 10.9? 15 :00-l6 :00 3 14. - - 16 :G0~17 :C0 12 16.93 17 :00-l8 : 6 17. 00 18 :00-19 : 3 4.50 19 :00-20 2 1.17 To- tal 61 220.46 40 before leaving Bush Key. Sometimes this bird forces its way back onto the egg so several exchanges occur before the new bird finally takes over arid the other leaves the island. I never saw an adult feed another one at a nest exchange during incubation. Although I saw some exchanges in midday (Table 4), most birds return to the colony in the evening and relieve their mate. then. Instead of circling near Bush Key as they do earlier in the nesting cycle, returning adults fly directly to the island and presumably to their scrape. Some circle over the island itself, calling loudly so that gradually the colony becomes noisier. The number of hours I watched in early evening is much smaller than for other times. Otherwise 1 certainly would have seen more exchanges then. At Bush Key few adults regurgitate when mist— netted in the morning or early afternoon, but many do so in the late afternoon, indicating they just returned from feeding. The exchanges I saw around sunrise may have been pairs making a final exchange after several exchanges during the night, and the relieved bird was at last leaving to feed. Much as when the colony is forming, the noise gradually diminishes and by about 08:00 few birds are in the air. Those that remain at the colony incubate quietly from about 08 :00 to 16:00. Ashmole (1963) found nest relief most abundant from 21:00 to 06:00. He reasons that arriving at that time means that they fed during daylight and then flew some 5 to 8 hours to arrive at the colony in the middle of the night. I have no records of changeovers from 21 :00 to 06 :00, but the massive influx of terns early in the evening suggests that changeovers are commoner then than late at night as they are on 41 Ascension island. If Ashmole's reasoning holds, then Bush Key Sooties feed within a few hours flight of Bush Key at most and can easily return vhen finished feeding. Length of Incubation Shifts To determine the length of incubation shifts (the length of time one adult cares for the egg without relief), I recorded which adult incubated each day for most of the nests I kept activity records on. Usually I found that the bird present in the morning remained there until at least late afternoon. Because most adults seem to return and exchange in the early evening, I assumed this was true unless I had evidence tc the contrary. I have computed incubation shifts as multiples of 1— day periods. I may have missed a few exchanges but the pattern I found is generally true of incubation shifts at Bush Key. Watson (1908) also notes that most Dry Tortugas Sooties return in the evening and that incubation shifts generally are 24 or 48 hours long. Of 23I incubation shifts measured in this manner, 148 (64.1 per cent) were 1 day in length, 70 (3O.3 per cent) were 2 days long, and only 13 (5.6 per cent) were 3 days long. Figured differently, Sooties did 45.3 Fer cent of their incubating in 1— day shifts, 42.8 per cent in 2-day shifts, and 11. y per cent in 3— day shifts. Even though 1— day shifts are more than twice as coercion as 2--day shifts, the two contributed about equally to incubation. Some pairs alternated daily throughout incubation, while others alternated regularly in 2— day or, in a few cases, 3— day shifts. Others seemed to follow no set pattern of relief. Overall on the basis of these records, males spent son iiat more time (175 to 1^2 day's) caring for the egg than did females, but the difference is not significant kl 2 (X=l.o2, P>0.20). In the hourly activity records, naies again predominated (880 to 752 hours), the difference being statistically significant fc2=0.0. 04-, P<0.005). As the female left the egg shortly after laying and the nale cared for it on the first shift, some of this difference occurred then, but even excluding the records for the first day of incubation, the nale still cared for the egg more than the female. Watson (1903) shows that incubation shifts on the Tortugas average somewhat over a day long with the longest a little over 3 days, well within the range I found in 19 68. On Ascension Island incubation shifts average I32 hours (Ashmole, 19 63), over twice as long as those on the Dry Tortugas. On Christmas Island in the Pacific, incubation shifts are about 7 days long (Ashmole and Ashmole, I967). Incubation shifts vary from 2 hours to 3 days on the Seychelles (Ridley and Percy, ic<8l The striking differences in incubation shifts between Bush Key Sooties and those at two other colonies are probably related to food availability and distance from the island. Ashmole (1963) reports many young at Ascension dying of starvation one year, apparently because of a failure in their food supply. On the Dry Tortugas Sooty Tern chicks have never been known to experience heavy mortality from food shortage (Robertson, 19c4). No evidence exists to tie the almost total nesting failure at Bush Key in 1969 to food. The shorter incubation shifts seem to indicate that the terns have an adequate food supply near the island. Influence of Weather The most obvious effects of weather on incubation patterns of Sooty 43 Terns are the shifts from incubating to shading and back tc incubating, depending on the environmental temperature (Figure 3). Sudden changes in weather provided natural experiments on weather effects. On hot days when clouds rapidly lower the air temperature, shading birds quickly change to incubating or move away from the egg to preen or perform other maintenance activities. Once the clouds pass and open sunshine returns, the birds again shade the egg. On normal, clear hot days an adult virtually never leaves its egg between 11:00 and 15:00 except, to dip. The few records I nave of terns performing other maintenance activities during those hours nearly always occurred en cloud;/' days. Rain also changes activity patterns. At the start of a rainstorm, swarms of Sooty Terns rise ana circle over the colony, calling noisily. As nearly all birds that are caring for an egg incubate throughout the storn, it is primarily free birds that circle ever the colony. Apparently Sooty Tern feathers are not water repellent and are easily soaked by rain. After rain Sooties preen their body and flap their wings vigorously. This apparently helps them dry the feathers to permit flight. Birds have great difficulty taking off in early morning after a heavy dew has soaked their feathers. The flocks cf terns rising at the start of rainstorms are probably birds getting airborne before they become too waterlogged. Once in the air, many remain there until the storn is ever, the motion of their wings preventing them from getting soaked. Fledging Period Sooty Terns incubate their eggs 29 cr 30 aays (mean 29 days 12.3 — 2.k hours, range 28 days 22 hours to yo days for 16 eggs). This agrees well with Ashmole (1963) who found that usually the egg is incubated 28.5 to 30 days. Watson's (1908) figure of 26 days seem somewhat short., though Ridley and Percy (1958) say Sooties incubate for 26 to 29 days on the Seychelles. The chick may pip the egg as much as 3° hours prior to hatching, but usually does so only the day before hatching. For eggs that I could determine the tine of hatching exactly, most hatched around sunrise or around neon. Adults attend pipped eggs very closely and seem reluctant to leave them. The only time that Sooty Terns ever actually mobbed or struck me in the colony was when eggs ver-e hatching. Howell and Bartholomew (1962) show that such an egg is particularly sensitive to heat stress and has no effective means of dissipating excess heat. Thus care by the adult is especially important to insure the chick's survival. Adults appear indifferent to the presence of the empty egg shell in the scrape and sometimes continue to sit on it after the chick has emerged. About 20 times 1 saw an adult pick up and carry off a piece of egg shell, often one from a neighboring scrape. Usually adults allow the empty shell to roll around until it is finally broken and crushed. Sooty Tern eggs (like those of most terns) are speckled and camouflaged on the outside, whereas the white inside lining contrasts sharply with the sand background of the nesting colony. Tinbergen ez al. (l9o2) show that rapid removal of the empty shell has definite survival value for Black— headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) chicks, in a colonial species like fuscata. removing the egg shell probably makes little 45 difference to chick survival. Any predator that reached the colony would have little trouble finding a chick, whether the white inside lining of an empty egg marked the scrape or net. Attentiveness My data en parental care of chicks are less complete than these for care of the egg. Every time 1 entered my blind, the chicks more than a few days old scattered and hid under the nearest cover. It sometimes took several hours for then to return to their scrapes where I could watch then again, and some never returned. The records I do have, summarized for the first 2 weeks of the chick's life, indicate that the adults are most attentive during the midday hours, much as they were when caring for the egg (Figure k). As in incubation, adults rise up off the chick to shade it in hotter hours of the day and brood it when it is ccol. Fenales care for the chick somewhat r.zre than males (157 bird—hours to 132 bird-hours), but statistically these are net significantly different (X?-2. 16, P>0.10). I found little difference between males and females in care of chicks and I have combined the records in Figure 4. . Generally adults are less attentive when caring for the chick than when caring for the egg. They often stand to the side of the chick for an hour or more, and their attentiveness decreases as the chick grows older. After the chick is about 3 weeks old, the adult spends very little time actually caring for it other than feeding it, although they may stand near it during the day. From then on cricks even seem to spend the night unbrooded cy an adult. £* ; ■« ,- j Figure k. Activities by adult Sooty Terns during the 2 weeks of caring for the chick. h-7 w 1' •r-1 tr> -P c tn •H •H c > T3 ■r-4 u ■ri 0 'u o Jj 0 fO ^ a u rC -U (0 ffi CO O o o co V-. \ I c o o o o o o Q o a> -H E-< ■»-.. o o o o o O O o CM o o co c o o o ^uao.iaj k8 Feeding Chick care centers around the provision of food. Sooty Terns apparently feed almost exclusively on fish and squid (Ashmole, 19&3; Ashnole and Ashmole, 1967). Much of this food is caught \ o c s o o hi) c CD «H O CO E CD to o s X> -H Tj S -P 0) e: 'h o E ■H E-> UN. on NO cnj CN] Ov CNJ CM CNJ CO NO CNJ vPv on CNi ON o o CO ON UN if o- rH CNJ UN CO ON CNJ CM CO CN- ON. on co c\j oo 00 CO 2F ON CO J- UN UN c*N NO H CNJ CNJ ON ON o CNJ t>- ^N O- UN o On ON NO rH H CNJ H O rH rH -* rH ON 0O NO NO -^ -H; CNJ ON O- ON UN CO -3" ON CNJ H r-\ CN rH rH ON CNJ H C\J c CO on H .;>■ CN CO UN NO CNJ CNJ rH -X. 3. UN CO UN ON CN O O o o O O O o O O O O O O to r-H ni +> O Eh CO o o 1 o CNJ t o t o NO t O CO i O O t O NO o CO o o rH CNJ H |H NO rH CO H 51 several fish to a chick in the space of a few ninutes is counted as one feeding. As the nunber of observation hours varied during the day, the nunber of feedings per hour of observation (Table 5, last column) is a mere valid comparison. This shows that peak chick feeding occurred in late afternoon and early evening with a smaller peak early in the morning. These observations were made from 16 May to 10 July, the tine when chicks were present on r>y plot. In about 5 per cent of the feedings, both adults fed. the chick; far more commonly two adults were present but only one actually fed it. Of 240 cases in which I knew the sex of the bird feeding the chick, the nale did so no re often than the female (133 to 102) and the difference is statistically significant (7-~=5.4C, P<0.025). In addition I recorded sone 240 occasions where a chick begged and an adult tried to feed it without actually doing so. Sometimes the adult regurgitated and held food in its bill and then reswallov;ed it, even when a chick begged loudly. The adult night do this several tines, but usually eventually fed the chick. Other tines an adult tried to regurgitate but was unable to bring up any food. Tne adult places all food directly in the nouth cf very snail chicks. Any that drops on the ground renains there unless an adult. picks it up to eat. or feed to the chick. The youngest chick to pick up food from the ground was about a nonth old, but they nay do so when younger. These older chicks pick up food fron the ground on scrapes other than their own. Once as an adult held a fish in front of a chick, I saw another adult seize tne fish and swallow it. 52 Freauency of Feeding Sooty Terns on 3ash Key feed their young infrequently enough to make it difficult to obtain good information on the rate of feeding. Although I watched many chicks continuously for long periods, I have few good records of an adult feeding it, leaving it ^o forage, and returning to feed it again. A major complication is that rather than immediately giving a chick all the food it has in its esophagus, an adult may feed the chick several times over a period of several hours. I saw cne adult regurgitate and feed its chick some 5.5 hours after it returned to the colony. Thus if an adult fed a chick, flew away and returned in k or 5 hours and fed it again, I could not be sure if the adult had left the island to forage in that time or if it had just loafed elsewhere on Bush Key before returning to the chick. Consequently 1 have determined the rate of feeding two ways. I have five gocd records of an adult leaving the chick and returning later to feed it. These were all made en 26 May with chicks 2 to 8 days old. The length of time the adult was absent (foraging time) averaged 3-87 hours and ranged from 2.63 to 5. 3^ hours. I also tabulated the number of times chicks were fed during long periods of continuous observation, separating these into chicks up to 15 days old and ones 15 to 27 days old (Table 6). After listing the total number of times the chick was fed, I subtracted those extra feeding" that occurred when an adult fed a chick more than once after returning to Bash Key. This gives the probable number of foraging trips made per bird— hour of observation and gives a rough estimate of the time an adult spent foraj;ir;^, about 3.^ hours. Apparently foraging trips are about an 'nour longer when the chicks are older, 53 Table 6. Rate of foraging by adult Sooty Terns o~- *o Number Probable Number of cf number of lira— hours hours per Age of chick feedings foraging trips of observation foraging trip 1-15 days 144 113 .6-27 days 20 19 Totals 164 132 369. 42 3.2? 84. 58 4.45 454.00 3.44 5^ but the sample size is small and the adults nay just loaf part of the tine. Note that here tine is in bird— hours of observation whereas in Table 5 it is hours of observation, during each of which I watched about 15 chicks. The two estimates are close enough to indicate that Sooty Terns at Bush Key probably forage 2 to 5 hours when they are feeding their chicks. Adults seen to pass food to older chicks more rapidly after they return to Bush Key. That is, rather than standing with the chick and feeding it several times in a few hours, they seen to feed it all the food they have and then leave it. Often I saw exchanges that appeared to be after foraging trips of h to 8 hours but the birds may have exchanged in short intervals when I was not watching. Thus my records of foraging time are biased for shorter periods. Watson (1908) gives k to 7 hours as the interval between feedings by Dry Tortugas Sooties, consistent with my findings. Sooty Tern chicks on Bush Key are fed much more frequently than those in other colonies that have been studied. On Ascension Island chicks are probably fed about once a day (Ashmole, 1963). On Christmas Island chicks are probably fed every 2 or 3 days (Ashmole and Ashmole, 1967) but good information is lacking. As the chicks grow, the adults become less attentive and often gather by the hundreds en the Bush Key beaches and sun nuch of the day. Other adults soar over the island during the hotter tines of day (see p. 6l ). Perhaps adults away from their chicks spend part of their time in these groups. They must spend some of their tine foraging but exactly how much is difficult to determine. At Bush Key more adults are present and the colony is noisier in 55 the evening than at any other time of the day. Hence I think that both adults are probably at the colony at night, though both nay not be with the chick at all times. Elsewhere Sooty Terns feed at night at least occasionally (Bruyns and Voous, 1965; Gould, 1?6?) , bub at Bush Key, with the noticeable influx of birds in the evening and exodus in the morning, I doubt that many adults feed at night. As during incubation, mist-netted birds regurgitate far more frequently in the evening than at other tines. The average flight speed of Sooty Terns is about 27 mph (Schnell, unpublished). Thus on longer trips they nay forage as much as 1G0 miles from Bush Key, but the average foraging trip of about 3.5 hours gives them a range of about k7 miles. Booties from Bush Key usually fly toward the west when they leave the colony and return from that direction. How far they go is unknown but they easily could fly to the nearby Florida Current and feed there. At about 3 weeks of age, the chicks begin to wander from their scrape. They may spend much of the day alone, being accompanied by an adult mainly when being fed. Some adults seen to check on their chick periodically during the day, landing beside it, possibly feeding it, and then flying off only to return in an hour or so„ These adults probably spend much of their time loafing on the beaches or soaring. I was not able to visit Bush Key during the height of Hurricane Abby (3 June) but on h June it was obvious that the tern's normal schedule had been disrupted as few adults were present until that evening when they started to stream into Bush Key and continued to do so until the evening of the 5th. They probably had been unable to feed during the storm and had left as soon as possible to obtain food 56 for themselves and their chick. Mason and Steffee (i960) noted a similar disruption after Hurricane Alma. Individual Recognition As the chick grows, its physical appearance changes and it may wander farther from the scrape. As the colony has thousands of chicks, adults undoubtedly have problems locating and feeding their own (or adopted) offspring. Sooty Tern chicks and adults evidently learn to recognize each other so the chick can be located and fed. Much as Lashley (1915) and Burckhalter (1969) report, I found that parents apparently do not recognize their chicks individually at first. In the first 4 or 5 days chicks often return to the wrong scrape and are readily accepted and reared by foster parents. After that they are pecked savagely if they intrude near another scrape, and some are killed. Thus adults seem to recognize their chicks when they are about 4 to 5 days old. As Davies and Carrick (19o2) and Hutchison et al. (1968) suspect for other terns, this recognition probably is based on calls between the adults and chicks. After a disturbance, typically the adult tries to attract its chick back to the home scrape with a combination of bill movements and low calls. The call is a low two syllable "kraa-unk" note accompanied by bowing movements of the bill and head, ending with the bill pointing down toward the breast feathers. Often an adult used such behavior to lure the chick back to the scrape, backing away from the chick and toward the scrape until the two were finally back at their own scrape. Once I watched an adult hold a fish in its bill and back away from its chick, apparently using the fish t,o lure it back to "ohe scrape. 57 By 3 weeks of age nost of the chicks en my plot spent much of their tine hiding under the nearby bay cedar. By removing most of the vegetation from the nesting plot I nay have forceo them to move to this cover. Typically these older chicks emerged fron the bay cedar late in the afternoon and stood at its edge or ran oat to their scrape. The chicks ran swiftly to a spot and stopped, seemingly knowing where they could stop and not be attacked by other chicks and adults. Once on the scrape, they stood and waited for an adult to cone and feed them. Whenever 1 caught one of these chicks, it was always at the scrape where it had been reared and thus had "homed" correctly. Also when an adult fed the chick, normally the adult was one of the pair that had used that scrape. Hence the chicks apparently knew their heme scrapes and returned there to be fed by a parent. Sonetines the adult landed at the scrape before the chick arrived. Then the adult typically circled 10 to 15 feet over the scrape and delivered loud "wid— ik" or "ka-wiri-ik" notes from the air until it was answered by a loud piercing "che— up" call from a chick hidden under vegetation. The two birds exchanged calls several times and the adult landed. The chick then ran out to the adult, begged, and was fed. As the chick approached the adult, the adult often gave what appeared to be a greeting, flying straight up 2 to 5 feet in the air, giving a loud "wide— a— woke" call at the peak, and dropping back down to the ground to feed the chick. These "fly-ups" occurred in other situations and are discussed later. Occasionally the adult pecked the begging chick sharply. I was not able to determine the relationship of the two in these cases, but I suspect that the twe had made a mistake in recognition and the adu] t lid not realise it until the chick came close. 53 Although chicks are usually fed by their parents (or by adults that adopt then), at least eight tines I saw a tern feed a chick other than its own. In five of these instances an adult that had lost its chick or whose egg had failed to hatch fed a chick, usually at an adjacent scrape. Three tines an unmarked adult fed a chick whose parents were both marked and thus recognizable. . I also saw seme chicks that seemed to approach and beg to any adult that came near. Although these chicks were not narked, 1 am fairly sure that some were fed by adults other than their parents. Often the adult pecked the chick and drove it auay, but often the adult tried to regurgitate. Occasionally it was successful in bringing up some food that it then fed the chick. Possibly these chicks had lost their parents in the shuffle of chicks in the first few days of life, and no adult recognized them as its own. The adults that fed then or tried to feed them nay have been their lost parents, or other adults that had lost their chick or egg. Thus older chicks seen to find their parent both by knowing where the home scrape is and by recognizing the adult's voice. Although I think Sooty Tern adults and chicks do recognize each other individually, I believe that much of this recognition is done by the adult, while the chick may try to get food from almost any adult that comes near. Chick Behavior Sooty Tern chicks can walk almost immediately after hatching and stand and beg for feed within 4 hours. For the first few days they are closely brooded by one of the parents, the chick resting either between the parent's feet or crossways in front of then. At first c 9 they walk by half crouching with the body low and almost on the ground, but they soon walk upright like adults. After a disturbance these small chicks frequently end up in the wrong scrape. I often saw two small chicks under one adult that seemed to accept both of then. The extra chick eventually returned to its own scrape, usually when called oj an adult. A common alarm response of these small chicks was to lie flat on the ground with the head and bill extended forward. Chicks apparently did this to avoid being pecked by adults, as adults pecked viciously and sometimes killed strange chicks that came close. Chicks 5 days old preened and voided with movements typical of adults. For the first 2 weeks, one adult nearly always stays at the scrape with the chick. Ehring the 3**d week this attention gradually diminishes, and by the end of the 3^d week the chick is often alone. Chicks defend the scrape, pecking at and driving off other chicks and Brown Noddies that intrude. Most chicks stay close to their scrape until they can fly, but older chicks that wander or are moved can find their way back to the scrape when displaced several hundred feet (Burckhalter, 1969). Chicks from scrapes close to the beach may sun and rest with adults in large flocks en the beaches during the day, and then disperse in late afternoon. Generally the chicks congregate just above water level and the adults assemble higher on the beach. Perhaps the sand is cooler there than, higher on the beach. I did not see adults feed chicks in such flocks. Apparently chicks return to thexr home scrape or some other nearby place to be fed. 1 observed 6-week— old chicks jumping into the air and flapping their wings vigorously. I lack exact records of when they begin to 6o fly, but one chick flew several hundred feet on 4 July and others were doing so within a week. If that chick had hatched from one of the eggs laid on 1 April (it was in that part of the colony), it would have been about 9 weeks old, the best estimate I have for the age Sooty Terns begin flying at Bush Key. As noted by-Ashmole (1963), chick development varies with the food supply. One year he found chicks at Ascension flying when about 8 weeks old and the next year, when food apparently i/as scarce, birds around 9 weeks old still could not fly. Burckhalter (1969) saw 8-*;eek— old chicks flying on the Hawaiian Islands, but he says they stayed at the island another 2 to 3 weeks.. Most of the chick's activities before it starts flying seen to be related to feeding and temperature maintenance. Obviously the adults help with the latter when the chicks are snail, but 3~ to ^—week-old chicks start assuming their juvenal plumage and are largely independent. When placed in open sunlight, their body temperatures rise to the lower range of black bulb temperature and then level off (Howell and Bartholomew, 1962). Chicks may help stabilize body temperature by panting,, facing away from the sun, drooping the wings, and erecting the back feathers, much as adults do when it is hot. A few of ny tethered chicks died in open sun when about this age, apparently from heat stress. Thus body temperature must closely approach lethality when c'nicks are exposed to open sun. Juveniles seem to leave the colony soon after they learn to fly, as there seldom are many flying juveniles at Bush Key at any given time. As they do not feed near Bush Kev, little is known of their activities. In all probability, the adults stay with the young and 61 continue to feed it until :_;. c?j\ capture food by itself (Robertson, 1964; Burckhalter, 196?) as do adult Royal Terns (Ashraole and Tcvar, 1965), Caspian Terns iB-crc.rc-ne cassia) (Jozefik, 1969), and Elegant Terns (Thalasssus elexans) (Monroe, 1956). Bush Key ad-alts cannot ~ feed flying Sooty Tern young more than about 2 months though, as the juveniles leave the range of adults by about October (Robertson, 1969). This certainly nust be a difficult time for young Sooties as they must learn to capture food while en the wing, a skill requiring good eyesight, coordination, and timing. Other Aerial Activities Thermal Soaring Sooty Terns at Bush Key commonly scar in dense circling columns during midday hours en hot days. Possibly at these times updrafts or thermal s develop near Bush Key. The columns approach 200 feet in diameter and sometimes go from just above sea level to several hundred feet in altitude, although most birds are usually below 200 feet. Within the columns the birds circle as they climb and then soar off to join another column. Most common late in the breeding season, these columns of scaring birds are taller than the circling flocks seen earlier, and the birds also appear to fly faster than in the early season flocks. Usually the terns are silent as they soar but occasionally one gives a "wid— ik" call. Soaring often continues for several hours although the composition of the flock changes as birds join or leave it. The columns often move laterally and two nay merge into a single column. Magnificent Frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) and occasionally Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occide l . las) and Laughing Gulls (Larus atricilla) 62 wn (Harrington, pers. conn.) join these flocks, but I did not see Bro Noddies do so. Fly— uos. A rather common activity in Sooty Tern colonies, especially when chicks are present, is for one or more adults to fly straight uP 1 to 5 or more feet, give a loud "wideawake" call at the peak, and drop back to the ground. I call these flights "fly-ups," and 1 believe they are a type of social behavior, often used in greeting. Besides the birds that actually fly, other birds around then often raise their wings vertically over the body in a flight intention movement, but do not fly. These fly-ups usually involve a snail group of terns. During a fly-up, other nearby birds becons very active and noisy for 15 to 60 seconds and then gradually quiet down. During incubation, 1 saw few fly-ups. They usually occurred when an adult arrived at the colony to assume care of the egg. Other adults near the arriving tern's scrape might fly up, seemingly in excitement over the arrival of another bird at the colony. Burckhalter (1969) also saw this group activity when an adult arrived at the colony. Once the chicks were present, I often saw fly-ups when an adult lanced to feed a chick or had started feeding it. Again several adults flew up in the air in a sudden burst of activity and then quieted down. Fly-ups were rather common when the chicks got fairly large. Then I often saw adults fly up when a chick ran out from cover and approached then. As the chick approached, the adult flew up, called and then landed to feed the chick. In these instances the chick seened to stimulate the n.^P- Several tines I saw a chick run past several 63 adults, each one flying up in turn as the chick approached, until the chick finally came up to an adult that fed it. Thus the adults seemed to react as if the chick v/as their own while the chick went by and approached another adult, presumably its parent, to be fed. Panics Sooty Terns exhibit two distinct types of disturbance flights, commonly called panics. Of these, dreads apparently include the flights Palner (194A) calls dreads and panics for Common Terns while those termed alarms are similar in both species. Alarm. — When an intruder openly approaches the colony, the birds stand upright with the neck and head stretched vertically. As the intruder comes closer they fly, calling as they do sot and then circle and hover over the intruder until it leaves the vicinity of the scrape. Unlike many other terns, Sooties seldom actually strike an intruder, but rather hover near it or dive at it without striking it. I did see Scoties attack Cattle Egrets (Bubuicus ibi s ) and once a Purple Gallinule ( Porphyrula martinica) that had broken a tern egg. Then the Sooty landed on the gallinule and jabbed it. The few -times a Sooty Tern struck me occurred about the time the eggs were hatching. A leud, long alarm call, usually a downward inflected "kee aa" or "kerr aa" often precedes the alarms. Most alarms are quite local, involving relatively few birds in the colony. Occasionally though, they spread throughout the colony and virtually ail of the terns fly. Alarms seem to start from an intrusion that is not sudden, but anticipated for a short time. The circling and calling by Sooties during rain are probably just a form of the alarm. Other disturbances are caused by less tangible factors such as a loud sound (e.g., sonic 64 boon-., boat whistle) cr a. sudden movement. These elicited a different response — the dread. Dread. — In dreads the terns suddenly become silent and fly rapidly from the colony to the water, darting and swooping as a unit silently down low over the water. At the end of the swoop, they rise up, start calling loudly, and gradually drift back to the colony. Thus if a bird is on the ground when the dread starts, it flies rapidly out over the water, and those birds that are already in the air suddenly swoop out over the water. This seems to be a high intensity form of panic, One final, zoorly defined alarm reaction is that in which virtually the entire colony flies up from the ground, either at once or, more often, in a gradually spreading group from one end of the island to the other. In the air the birds call loudly and drift out over the water and then gradually move back to the colony. This delayed alarm seems to start as an alarm in one part of the colony, and as those birds fly, zhey scare up birds near them and so on until the whole colony is in the air. ECOLOGY Interactions wi th Other Scecies Enemies As they nest on isolated islands, Sooty Terns cone in contact with relatively few vertebrate predators. Those predators that reach the nesting colony find eggs and chicks plentiful and vulnerable. Adult Sooty Terns are fast and shifty in flight, and probably few other birds are capable of capturing a flying adult. Certainly the most serious natural predator on Bush Key is the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus). One and occasionally two peregrines were present at the Dry Tortugas frcn S to 11 April 1963. I saw a peregrine sT-.cop at Sooty Terns 23 tines without capturing a bird, but I did find the decapitated remains of four Sooties that the falcon had almost certainly killed. 1 have seen peregrines capture incubating Sooty Terns on Little Tobago in the southern West Indies. On 15 May 1968 a Purple Gallinule cracked an egg and ate the contents until a Sooty attacked and drove it away. In June, 19&9» Ruddy Turnstones Qr-^ra.ria interpres) broke open and ate the contents of several unattended eggs from which I had frightened the adult Sooty Tern. Normally the adult terns sit tight if a tarr.stone approaches, but turnstcnes can cause considerable mortality anong unattended eggs. The Magnificent Frigatebird is perhaps the greatest threat to Sooty Tern chicks. Frigatebird predation must vary considerably from year to year as in 19 6? I saw one capture a Sooty chick only once 65 66 (3 June) while other years they have taken many chicks (Beard, 1939; Sprunt, 1948). When frigatebirds do prey on tern chicks, it seens to be a prey preference of only a few individuals rather than of all the frigatebirds present (Robertson, pers. comm. ). On 24 May 1968 a frigatebird chased a Sooty Tern adult. They may occasionally steal food from the terns. Ashmole (1963) reports Fregata acuila talcing many young Sooty Terrs on Ascension Island and F. miner does the same on Christinas Island (Ashmole and Ashmole, 196?). Frigatebirds usually take only snail chicks, mainly in open parts of the island where they can not find escape cover. Thus the relatively thick vegetation on Bush Key in 1968 probably discouraged frigatebird predation. Predation by rats (Rattus rattus) also must vary from year to year. I saw no evidence of predation by them in 1963 but in other years they have been a serious predator (Russell, 1933) on Bush Key. Several times an Osprey (Pan si 0.1 haliaetus) circled over Bush Key but usually the terns ignored it. Once several terns mobbed an Osprey. A few other times the birds panicked, but it nay not have been due to the Osprey1 s presence. The only other hawk I have seen cause any alarm was a Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo nlatynterus) that circled Bush Key on lo June 1969 and apparently started several panics. Other hawks migrate through the Dry Tortugas and occasionally may disturb the terns. Cattle Egrets occasionally take a Sooty Tern egg or click on Bush Key (Robertson, pers. comm.) but more commonly just disturb them. Ridley "and Percy (195S) report that Cattle Egrets often take Sooty Tern eggs and chicks en the Seychelles. Of the Cattle Egrets that migrate through the Dry Tortugas, those that linger generally are unable to 67 find enough food to maintain their flying strength and eventually starve to death. This shortage of food apparently forces then to feed on almost anything they can find as they often take snail migrant passerines (Cunningham, 1965; pers. obs. ). They also feed en fish the terns drop and on insects, disturbing the terns as they feed. Typically as an egret approaches a tern with an egg or chick, the tern faces the egret and gives a series of low, hoarse "wuk wuk" notes. As the egret ccmes closer the tern raises up off its egg or chick, erects the feathers on the top of the head and continues to direct "wuk" calls at the egret, the calls becoming leuder and none rapid and often changing tc a rapid "ka ka ka" call. If the egret ccrec within a few feet of the tern, the tern flies from the scrape and circles over the egret until it departs. A few tines a tern stretched its head and bill forward, raised the wings almost vertically ever the back, and ran at the egret. Sooties sometimes dive at an egret but they seldom actually strike it. Cattle Egrets often fly low over nesting terns, eliciting a long, drawn out "kaaa" note from the terns and sometimes starting a panic. The Sooties often chase egrets in the air and dive at then, mobbing them more commonly ir flight than when the egret is on the ground. Brown Noddies frequently join the Sooties in these attacks on Cattle Egrets and the Noddies are much more aggressive, striking them on the ground and in the air, and chasing them farther than the Sooties do. Cattle Egrets harm Sooty Terns mainly by disturbing then and keeping the adults away from the egg and chick, which can be fatal to the young tern. The Great White Heron (Ardea Occident, alls) has been reported preying on Sooty Terns on the Tortugas (Robertson, l?c2). 68 A few Herring (Laras argentatus) , Ring— billed (L. delawarensis) , and Laughing Gulls frequently linger around Bush Key. Gulls commonly prey on terns (Hatch, 1970), but I never saw one enter the colony at Bush Key to prey on tern chicks or eggs, although they could do so easily. Watson and Lashley (1915) saw Laughing Gulls prey on Sooties on Bird Key. Adult Sooties nay peck and kill chicks that wander away from their scrape and can be a serious cause of mortality. Ghost crabs (Ocypode quadrata) occasionally prey on tern chicks. A few times a tern gave a "wuk" note as a crab scuttled by or pecked at it but usually they ignored the crab. They also seemed to ignore the hermit crabs (Coenobita clypeatus) that probably feed only on dead chicks and broken eggs. Although most Sooty Tern colonies are on relatively isolated islands, man reaches many colonies at least occasionally and adversely affects nesting success, Tern eggs are still collected for human consumption at some colonies (Cott, 195^; Ridley and Percy, 195°), but National Park Service protection has curtailed egging at Bush Key. It is much more difficult to measure mortality caused by human activity in the colony, but at times such activity must be very harmful. Every time I entered or left my blind, I disturbed the birds. Although they soon habituated to this and rapidly returned to the scrape once I was out of sight, I still caused mortality, both by stepping on eggs and by separating chicks from their parents. Such mortal! ty is inevitable whenever a human works extensively in a Sooty Tern colon ', Other disturbances such as sonic booms, boat whistles, and low flying airplanes may cause the birds suddenly to leave the island in a &9 dread. However I did not see any of these disturbances keep the birds away iron their scrape for more than a few minutes unless they were repeated. Other Terns The interrelations of Sooty Terns and Brown Noddies on Bush Key are interesting. These two species are abundant and widespread in the tropics and nest together on many islands. On Bush Key the Brown Noddies nest primarily along the edge of the bay cedar, but also in other low vegetation and occasionally on the ground. Although some Sooties nest under the bay cedar, they always nest on the ground and hence are usually vertically segregated from the Noddy nests. Most Sooties nest in the open fiat parts of the island outside the bay cedar, again separating then from the Ilcddies. Some Noddies nest in low vegetation within inches of Sooty scrapes. I often saw young of both species in such situations, so apparently they can breed successfully in close proximity. Early in the nesting season Noddies often searched for nest material en my study plot. In all 35 instances of direct supplanting between these species that I saw en r^- study plot, the Sooty drove off the :''oddy. In two of these a Sooty chick drove an adult Noddy off the plot. Generally the Sooty stretched its head and neck forward, held the wings either tight against its sides or slightly away from the body, and advanced toward the Noddy until the Noddy retreated or flew. I never saw a Noddy fight back or withstand the attack long. Once I heard a Sooty give a low growling "urr" note as it advanced at a Noddy but usually both were silent. The few tines I watched for the reverse encounters, Z saw Noddies drive off Sooties that had cone too close 70 to Noddy nests. Noddies arrive at Bush Key at about the same time as Sooties, but begin work on their nest almost at. once rather than having a pronounced period of flocking as Sooties- do. In 1968 Noddies started laying somewhat after Sooties (10 April) and as their incubation period is longer than the Sooties' (35 to 36 days, Thompson, 1903) * Noddy eggs hatched later than the Sooties' eggs. Young Noddies mature faster than Sooties and many were flying by late June, well before most Sooty chicks. Both species feed in a similar manner, dipping down to capture food at the ocean's surface, although Noddies occasionally plunge to the surface or rest on the water to capture food. The Ashmoles (I967) show that Sooties and Noddies have very similar diets on Christmas Island, but the Noddies seem to feed much closer to the island. They also note that the wing of the Noddy, broader than that of Sooties, perhaps gives it greater maneuverability and allows it to forage more efficiently near the island, whereas the narrower wing of Sooties enables them to forage farther from their colonies. At the Tortugas Noddies often feed within sight of Garden Key, dipping down and capturing food at the ocean's surface. Noddies have incubation shifts of 3° minutes to 5 hours, much shorter than Sooties. They feed their chick every 2 to 4 hours (Watson, 1908), slightly less often than Sooties. The fact that Sooties virtually never feed within sight of Bush Key and the somewhat different foraging times, especially during incubation, suggests that the two feed in different areas, much as they do on Christmas Island. The two species apparently feed in different zones at other colonies in the Pacific 71 and Indian Oceans (Ashmcle and Ashmole, 1967: 65—66). The few hundred Roseate Terns at the Dry Tortugas generally nest in habitat quite different from, that used by the Sooties. In recent years they have nested in the coral rubble on Long Key and on the o-cen sand on sone of the other islands. When they have nested on Bush Key, it usually has been at the far east end away fron most Sooties. Roseates usually arrive later than Sooties and in 19 68 did not start nesting until nidr-May when Sooty eggs were hatching. The incubation and fledging periods of Roseates are much shorter than those of Sooties, so young Roseate Terns were flying well before anv Sooty Tern chicks. Roseate Terns often forage within sight of Fort Jefferson end probably avoid competition with .Sooties by foraging in different areas. They dive from the air and plunge into the water, thus capturing food that is unavailable to the Sooties. Nesting Habita' Although Sooty Terns nest throughout Bush Key, they nest in greatest concentration outside the bay cedar thickets and mangroves of the central part of the island. I set up five plots outside the bay cedar, each 5 yards sajiare, and at 2— to 6—day intervals marked all the eggs laid on each. I usually visited the plots in. late afternoon. As the eggs hatched, I banded the chicks in each. To avoid mortality, I did not fence xn the plots, and thus I missed many chicks that fled as I approached. Hurricane Abby caused no appreciable mortality on these plots. The density of eggs en each plot is summarized in Table 7. Plot 1 was close to the beach and had a thick cover of Gtuntia, Uniola, and Cakile. Plot 2 was mainly low grass with some Opuntia on one 72 Table 7. rlest density and success in five 5-yard-square pi its on 3ush Key in 1968 Plot no. o && 1 75 2 16.1 3 62 4 23 5 131 To^ ,als 457 No. eggs Minimum no. No. eggs/ broken or chicks known Dead chicks sq yd infertile to hatch found 3. 00 13 29 i 6.^ 21 91 5 2.^3 13 33 1 1.12 2 13 2 5.24 13 90 ?-0 3. 66 72 256 ?-' 73 side and about 30 per cent bare ground. The first eggs on Bush Key in i960 were laid on this plot. Plot 3 had a thick cover of Soorobolus and spurge (E'u-horbia buxl folia) 6 to 12 inches tall. The main cover on plot 4, 4— to 6— foot tall Uniola, probably made it difficult for terns to drop to the scattered openings en the ground. Plot 5 had scattered Euphorbia and Cakil i and numerous bare spots. The highest nest densities were on plots 2 and 5» both of which had scattered bare areas. This seems to be a major factor in determining nest sites for Sooty Terns, as care sand is avoided. The terns apparently require some features such as plants or rocks as reference points for locating the scrape and as cover for the shick. Ashmole (19&3) noted the same thing on Ascension Island, The other three plots all had a very thick ground cover in which adults probably could not dig an adequate scrape. >y data or, density of eggs are somewhat higher than those used by others for determining Sooty population densities. For instance, Sprunt (19^8) used densities ranging from 0.5 to 5 per square yard depending on the thickness of the vegetation, but he counted birds only once. Soccies arrive over an extended period and fill in space as some eggs are broken or deserted. Ky counts, made over an extended period, included these additional eggs and thus increased the estimate. Ashmole (1963) also used 5— yard squares and counted over an extended period. His maximum density of 132 eggs in a plot is somewhat less than my maximum o£ l6l. I'-fy" data, provide a rough estimate of the nesting success of Sooties at Bush Key. At. least 256 of 45? eggs hatched, and probably nearly 385 hatched (4-5/ minus 72 known broken or infertile). Thus somewhere between 56. 9 anc? 34.2 per cent of the eggs laid hatched. As scr.o pairs 74 undoubtedly relaid (I often found a fresh egg next to one of the deserted ones), perhaps 85 to 90 per cent of the breeding pairs on Bush Key produced a chick. Ridley and Percy (1958) report that 82.5 per cent of the eggs at the Seychelles hatch. Chick mortality is much harder to measure. Some chicks ran into nearby thick dunes of Cpuntia and Suriana and I was unable to band many of them. Cf the 256 that I know hatched, I found 2? dead, a known mortality of 11. 3 per cent. Chick mortality was undoubtedly higher as I could not follow chicks until they were flying and some older, more mobile chicks certainly died without ny knowing it. As a rough estimate of total mortality, if 385 of the k$7 eggs hatched and, of these, 11.3 per cent died, Jkl out of V?7 would be the maximum number surviving, a survivorship of about 75 per cent. This of course assumes that all eggs that I did not find broken or deserted did hatch and also underestimates mortality of chicks. This is not far from the 70 per cent survivorship Robertson (1964) gives as typical for Bush Key for summers without hurricanes. My presence on the plots undoubtedly increased mortality of eggs and of chicks, and I see no way that it can be avoided if one works with the birds intensively. Some chicks that ran from me probably did not find their way back to their parent and starved or were pecked severely by adults and died from the blows. Repeated disturbance also caused desertion of some eggs. For example, I have good records of the number of eggs laid on ray study plot and the number of these that hatched. Of 122 eggs, 93 (76.2 per cent) hatched, somewhat less titan the maximum figure arrived at on the other five less frequently visited plots, but 75 certainly not inconsistent with it in consideration of the variables in that information. Fully half the eggs that did not hatch, were those closest to my blind, the ones that I disturbed repeatedly. Site Tenacity Site tenacity, the tendency for a bird to return to the sane nest site year after year, occurs in the Connon Tern (Austin, 19^9). As I color— banded 152 Sooties at one location on Bush Key in 1968, later sightings of these provide some information on site tenacity. I later saw 106 of the 182 (53.2 per cent) in the genera], area of banding, and most of then probably nested in that general part of the colon,/-. Fron 23 April to 2 May 1970, 0. L. Austin, Jr. sat for several hours each day near the plot where the terns had been banded to watch for and record color— banded birds. He saw at least ICO birds with color bands on the plot or immediately adjacent to it. I sar.% three more in June and July, and three others were caught in other parts of Bush Key. Of the 103 birds on the plot, 76 could be identified individually; the others had lost some of the bands and were not caught to read the FWS band. Of the 76 individually recognizable Scoties, 53 (69.7 per cent) were anong the 106 that had been seen en the plot in 1963 after banding. Thus, of 106 color-marked birds that probably nested on or near the study plot in 1968, at least half of then (53 of 106) were on the same plot 2 years later. The 30 birds that could not be identified individually nay well have included birds that nested on the plot in 1968. Thus 50 per cent is a minimum figure and perhaps 70 per cent is a more meaningful estimate of site tenacity. These data suggest that individual birds had a strong tendency to nest, in the same parts of Bush Key in 1965 and 1970. As 76 my plot and the ground immediately around it covered much less than 1 per cent of the habitat suitable for Sooties on Bush Key, it seems unlikely that by chance alone so nan;." color—banded birds would return to this same area in 1970. Site tenacity implies individual attachment to a specific locale in the colony. Croup adherence implies that subgroups exist within the colony and these subgroups stay together and individually recognize other members of the group. Austin (1951) describes such subgroups in Common Terns and they may well exist in Sooty Tern colonies. Young Sooties, if not allowed to return to their scrape, establish a spatial arrangement with respect to other chicks similar to the pattern that existed when they were at the home scrape (Burckhalter, 1969). This implies that they recognise other chicks around them arid act as a group. The fly— ups already described also suggest that subgroups exist in Sooty colonies. In these, adjacent birds react to the activities of one bird, seemingly as if they recognized one another. Subgroups that move together within the colony could also explain the clustered nesting of color— banded birds seen at the plot in 1970, but this implies a fairly sizeable group of perhaps several hundred birds functioning as a subgroup. Although I definitely think subgroups exist In Sooty colonies, site tenacity remains the more likely explanation for birds nesting in the same general part of the colony in two different years. If individuals repeatedly nested in the sane part of the colony, they wculd of necessity contact the same birds year after year and then possibly form subgroups. liscusoio:: Two broader aspects of Sooty Tern behavior are particularly important and warrant further discussion. First is the comparison of the behavioral repertoire of fuscata to that of ether species of terns, especially those within the genus sterna. This should clarify the affinities Sooties have with other terns. Fortunately, several, other terns have been studied carefully enough to provide a basis for comparison. Equally important are the adaptations of 1 uscata that have allowed it to survive and thrive in a pelagic environment. 3y feeding in pelagic waters, Sooties differ considerably from most other terns and in many ways closely resemble pelagic species of birds in other orders such as the Frcceilariifomes. Behavioral 'emoarisens Behavioral comparisons can be made with several ether temperate Sterna terns, the White Tern (Gy-is alba), trie two £nous, several species of Thil-.~?eus, and the Black Tern (Chlidcnias niger). Trie high flights of the Common, Arctic, Roseate, and Sandwich Terns are all quite similar (Cullen, 1960a). The high flights of the Caspian Tern and Black Tern resemble those of the others, although in niger many birds may ascend together. The circling ascent and gliding descent of the Sooty Tern high flight are almost identical to those of the Common and Arctic Tern described by Cullen (39oCa). In the high 77 73 flight of the Brown "Acddj- the ascent is somewhat like the upward flutter cf Scoties but the birds descend in a circling glide rather than a long, essentially straight glide as the Sterna terns do (Moynihan, I9c2 ; pers. obs. ). The high flight of Gygis is similar to that of the dark .loddies (Moynihan, 1962). The low flight is poorly developed in fuscata and not nearly so common as in other terns except Gygis (Borward, 1963). Cullen (1960a) notes that the low flight has fewer special features and may have developed independently in each species. The rarity of the low flight by fuscata, may be due to its different manner of carrying food. Cullen (I9o0a) notes that food also has little importance in advertising by unmated birds of both species of Anous, both of which carry food in the esophagus as Booties do. Perhaps carrying fcod in the esophagus allows to transport more food (Ashmole and Ashmole, 196?) than if it were carried in the bill. Also it may prevent food desiccation during the often lengthy return flight to the colony. The food is the major water source for the chicks, so moist food may be necessary for the chick's survival. Moist food should be easier to handle and swallow than dried— out food. Besides Sooties, J3. a,naethetus and both Anous carry fish in their esophagus. The ground displays of Sooties seem similar to those reported for other Sterna terns, all having some form of a parade display. In particular the parade cf Sooties seems to resemble that of the Common Tern described hy Palmer (1941 j. Incipient scrape-building activities are part of courtship in Scoties, just as they are in Common Terns (Palmer, 1941). 79 The most conspicuous ground display of the dark Noddies is nodding, and generally their behavior is gull— like (Moynihan, 1962). Nodding emphasizes head movements, whereas the parade emphasises the position of the wings and head, providing a clear contrast between the Noddies and the Sterna terns. The displays of S-ygi s are similar to those of the dark Noddies, but are very simplified (Moynihan, ±962). Comparisons of behavior help clarify the relationships of various terns. Moynihan (1959) used comparative behavior as a basis Tor classifying the Laridae and put all terns into three genera. Lara sterna remains monctypic, Anous includes Gygis aid Frocelsx.erna, and the rest are placed in Sterna. I prefer the older terminology, retaining numerous genera, but nonetheless agree with the group limits he has established on the basis of behavior. In Moynihan' s classification, the typical black— capped terns include fuscata, hirundo. caradisaea, and others. He puts the large Thalasseus terns and the small Sterna terns like albifrons in separate groups within his large genus Sterna and also keeps the marsh terns (Chlidonias) together as a separate group within Sterna. This grouping agrees well with my observations. 'Trie high flight of fuscata is almost identical to that of hirundo and oaradisaea. The ground displays of fuscata are very similar to those of hirundo and on behavioral grounds the two species clearly are closely related. In contrast the displays of Gyi'is and both species of Anous, three species that share the tropical oceans with Scoties, are clearly different from those of Scoties. Moynihan (1959) points out, and I agree, that a most profitable area for future work is with the many old world and tropical forms that 80 are only slightly known. Two other tropical terns, Sterna lunata and anaethetus, resemble fuscata in their feeding habits .and probably their breeding biology, although they nay feed more offshore than pelagically. As yet these two are poorly known and further work on them certainly would be of interest. Sooties as a Pelagic Species. Of the kO species of terns (Sterninae), most feed either on. freshwater marshes, lakes, and streams, or along marine coasts and estuaries. A few venture into offshore waters (on continental shelves or near islands), especially in the nonbreeding season. Sooty Terns seem to be the most pelagic (beyond the continental shelf) of terns, although several other Sterna, both species of Anous, and Gy^is feed in offshore and pelagic waters. Apparently by exploiting pelagic waters and breeding on isolated islands, Sooty Terns utilize a niche available to few other species. Sooties are highly adapted to exploit this niche, particularly in regard to flying ability, population structure, and breeding biology. Probably foremost among their adaptations for exploiting pelagic waters is flying ability. Sooty Terns rapidly become waterlogged when placed on water (Watson and Lashley, 1915) and apparently seldom rest on water. As Sooties inhabit the open oceans during the nonbreeding season, birds from some colonies must fly continuously for 6 months or more. Virtually nothing is known of the physiological adaptations involved in flying for such long periods. For example, do they sleep on the wing as the Swift (Apus apus) apparently does (Lack, 1956), or do they go without any sleep at all? Their flying ability allows Sooties to exploit food in a large 31 area far from land, reached by few other birds. Several factors restrict Sooty Tern food availability. Except for some areas where upwellings or convergences occur, tropical pelagic waters are poor in nutrients and plankton that form the base of their food chain (Raymont, 1963). Sooties apparently are restricted to feeding on food items that occur at the very surface of the ocean, or in the air above it. This food is driven to the surface mainly by large predacious fish (Ashncle and Ashmole, 19o7 : 53) and thus is not evenly distributed throughout the ocean. The length of incubation shifts and brooding spells varies considerably between different Sooty Tem colonies. Adults usually shift at 1 or 2 day intervals on Bush Key whereas they vary from 2 hours to 3 days in the Seychelles (Ridley and Percy, 1958), and are as long as 6,5 days on Ascension Island (Ashmole, 1963), and 7 days on Christmas Island (Ashmole and Ashmole, 196?). The duration of the shift must depend on the time required to fly to the feeding ground, find enough food to last until the adult can feed again, and then return to the colony. Unfortunately feeding rates and exact locations of feeding grounds for various colonies are not known. The most reasonable explanation for the great variation between colonies in time scen'o foraging is that food is farther away or scarcer for some colonies than others. More puzzling is the change in length of spells once the egg hatches and the chick must be fed. At Ascension Island adults change from. 5. 5-day— incubation shifts to feeding their chick about once a day (Ashmole, 1963). As the breeding cycle at that colony is nonannual (9.5 months), it seems unlikely that a regular change in abundance of 32 food could occur and thus account for the differences in foraging between incubation and fledging periods. On Bush Key adults change from 1 or 2 day incubation shifts to feeding the chick several times a day. As the breeding cycle there is annual, perhaps food is more abundant, closer to the island, or the adults forage more diligently when chicks are present. The meager evidence available indicates that terns do not tend to capture smaller fish when they are feeding chicks as might be expected (Potthoff and Richards, 1970) but little is known about the food supply. As the parent forages not only for itself but also for the chick in a shorter period of time, it probably works harder when feeding the chick than during incubation. Put another way, after sitting quietly on the egg for several days, adults probably loaf at least part of the time during breaks from incubation. Table 8 gives some information on the breeding biology of several representative tern species. I have selected one species each from the genera Chlidonias , Thalasseus, and Anous and only a few from Sterna, picking species for which information is available and that seem to be representative of other similar species. This table is similar to one in Lack (1968: 2o2). The patterns in Table 8 vary both between various colonies of a species and from year to year within a colony, but this does not negate the comparisons to be made here. The purpose of the table is to try to compare some general features of the breeding biology of marsh and coastal feeding terns with those that feed offshore or pelagically. On Bush Key as at other Sooty Tern colonies, occasionally a scrape contains two eggs, but by far the usual clutch is one egg. Single egg clutches are common among marine birds (Lack, 1968) and seem to imply 83 to CD -p o co 0) ■H O tt) to o & o &J3 C 0) X> CD -P c o c o •H -P O c .,-1 CD E CO CD rH •s E- O c CU .M 0) r< 3 0) c c c M . O (1) -P N 3 -H rH CO CJ> b£+> C cd S3 O Cd fa x: to 0} •H O 0) ON to CO Q> CD >H bH 2 CM CN, I CM O 3, T} VO • cd CJ CO CM J UN, CM CM VO o CM -4. VO XI To 10 cd to W « J-. cd rH cd a «H cd O O 0 o CH H O P u CJ E O E /I E E CO En -a _> P ■g c o J-. ■P ID c ci B O • c r-( G Q CD 3 S-« m O CO -1 to m CO vO (h cd S CN rH X X! g) •- u 0> rH r-£ cd rH -* ~* O ON CN <->, r— i a M to *■ p < • • • * 3 rH vTJ * en o CN. r~\ VO rH On vp VO On ^h -P p r— } On rH ON ■■& d) 5 f^ p» « C #> +3 Q .Q o i) TJ •H u to Jh tn to rH r, .2 Ph o cd O e •H X -P •H X -p •H E 0 CO d — ; e-< •3 1-^* Eh H rH vO vO CN O ■H Kij C3 H CD 0) o x: to V| O a) ld birds that visit Bush Key late in the breeding season have little chance of finding a suitable nest site and breeding successfully. By returning to the colony earlier in successive years, eventually they should be able to arrive early enough bo find a suitable nest site and breed successfully. Thus delayed maturity keeps younger birds from competing with older, established breeders for nest sites, and also keeps the younger birds from undergoing the rigors of reproduction until they have a fairly high probability of success. The Fishers (1969) note a staggered arrival of age groups of Laysan Albatrosses, with the young birds not breeding for several years. For delayed maturity to persist, individuals with such maturity must more offspring in the long run than if they first bred 87 when younger. As sone 30-Jrear— old Sooty Terns are presently on Bush Key, the adults there clearly have many breeding opportunities. Still Sooty Terns, by delaying breeding for several years and then by raising at most a single young per breeding season, have a lower maxintni natality than other similar terns that feed close to their colony. lack (1968) proposes that birds raise as many offspring as possible with the usual clutch size being that that results in the most breeding adults in the next generation. According to his ideas, Sooty Terns with a clutch size of one canr.ct raise more than one young per breeding season. Presumably the limiting factor is their distant and sometimes unreliable food supply. Certainly the hypothesis fits the information from Ascension Island where an apparent failure of the food supply one season resulted in few chicks surviving (Ashnole, 1963). This and the long spells that Ascension adults spend foraging suggest that at most a pair could '-o ca raise one chick. Other colonies that have been studied have not had such failures. Except for the cats en Ascension Island, adult Sooty Terns suffer little predation and have a lew annual adult nortality, perhaps around 12 to 18 per cent at Bush Key (Austin, pers. comm. ), versus 25 per cent in adult Common Terns (Austin and. Austin, 195.6).. Although the food supply may limit the numbers of young they can raise and hence detemine the usual clutch size of Sooty Terns, perhaps delayed maturity is a function of the low predation on and high survivorship of the adults. High survivorship of adults could result in many birds cc.npeting for a United number of nest sites, but delayed maturity 88 could reduce this competition as has already been discussed. Some pelagic species can raise more than one young (see Harris, 1970), indicating that food is not entirely limiting, but so far the problem has been following the survival of these "twins" until they return to breed. Tims Sooty Terns differ fron most other terns. Many of these differences derive from their adaptations to a pelagic environment. The basic behavioral patterns in pair formation and courtship show clearly that Sooties are closely related to typical Sterna terns such as hirundo. I believe several behavioral differences between Sooties and most other species of Sterna are due to their different way of carrying food. Sooties do not have a well-developed low flight display, a display in which other terns often prominently carry a fish in their bill. Other terns also nay carry a fish openly in the bill during the high flight while Sooties do not, although they do have a well- developed high flight. The high cost of obtaining food, compared to that of coastal feeding terns, perhaps explains why courtship feeding is relatively rare in Sooty Terns. A coastal feeding tern can easily replace the food it feeds to another bird in courtship. For a Sooty Tern, replacement would require a long flight. Comparison cf the breeding biology of Sooties and coastal feeding terns shows other differences. The development of the Sooty Tern egg and chick is much slower than that cf most other terns, probably sc their young can survive lengthy periods when the parents are unable to find food. The high survivorship of adults and the distant food 69 supply have led to their delayed maturity and small clutch size. Thus in their breeding biology, with a long incubation and fledging period, delayed maturity, and a one-egg— clutch, Sooty Terns resemble other pelagic birds such as the albatrosses, shearwaters, and tropicbirds more closely than most other terns. LITERATURE CIIBD Ashmole, H.P. If 63. The biology of the Wideawake or Sooty Terr. Star:.: fjtscata en Ascension Island. Ibis, 103b: 297-364. Ashmole, 3. P« 19c8. Breeding and molt in the White Tern (Oyj/is alba) on Chrxsteas Island, Pacific Ocean. Condcr, 70: 35—55. Ashmole, M.?. , and L.J. Ashmole. 1967. Comparative feeding ecology of sea birds of a tropical oceanic island. Bull, Peabcdy Mus. Nat. Bgjst. , 24: I-I3I. Ashmole* M.P-, and H. Tcvar 3. 1965. Prolonged parental care in Royal Barns and ether birds. Auk, 3.5: 90-100. Audubon, J.J. 1844. The birds of America, vol. 7. 1967 reprint. Hew York, Dover Publ. , Inc. Austin, O.L. 1948. Predation by the common rat (JtaUW nqrvegicus.) in the Cape Cod colonies of nesting terns. Bird-Banding, 19: 60-^5. Austin, O.u. 1949. Site tenacity, a behaviour trai L. of the Common Tern (Sterna hirando Linn.). Bird— Banding, 20: 1-39. Austin, Q.L„ 1951. Group adherence in the Common Tern. Bird- Baading, 22: 1—15. Austin, 0.1*, and C. L. Austin, Jr. 195°. Some demographic aspects of the Cape Cod population of Common Terns (Sterna. hirund£). Bird-Banding, 27: 55—66. Beard, D.B. 1939. Kan-o'-^ar-birds prep on eastern Sooty lerns. Auk, 56= 327-329. 90 91 Bruyns, W. F. J. 'A. , and K.H. Voous. 1965. Night—feeding by Sooty Terns ( Sterna f..; scat a) . 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James is married to the former Patricia Ann Hoops, and they have two sons. He is a member of the American Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, Wilson Ornithological Society, Sigma Xi , and Phi Kappa Phi. 96 This dissertation was prepared under the direction of the chair- man of the candidate's supervisory committee and has beer, approved by all members of that committee. It was submitted to the Dear; of the College of Arts and Sciences and to the Graduate Council, and was approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. August, 1970 Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Dean, Graduate School Supervi so ry Commi ttee Q 0 V^aJ^U,