BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 9999 063 7 735 4 bURVEYS TOFTS UNlV£RS1rfYLlBR,V(, Q) t o m 1— ( to •H u 01 CO >^ x> c OJ ^ CO ■u vO vO en 1 (U Csl X VO d) tjN TD t— 1 C •H •a c c CO o •l-l vD 4-1 in (0 ON T—i 1-4 3 O. » o CO CXT)| CO T) a c CO CO U m c a) )-l •r-l 0) w u •1-1 en to CO C CU o o o VO 1—1 o 00 ON CJN CJN CO CO tJN VO ON ON (T) CM o in vO vO vO vO vO o > 4J CO t3N ON CJN CJN CJN CJN CO ON CJN (JV CJN ON CJN J-l CO c to en 3 •-I r— f r— I rH i-H 1—1 1—1 1—1 r-l 1—1 1—1 1—1 0) OJ 01 cr U in u o s-l r-l en CS VO CO u to •r-l (U ^-\ ON > 1 CO r-< >> Q. 1—1 CO 0) CU VO !-i m VO 01 4J ^J B to 60 bO o to CO c CO X 4-1 3 tn X X CO 1-1 (U cr 0) J= 0) "0 MH tn tJ >, c -u u > c (0 -H o c O- •1-1 •H 4J 4J •1-1 > o !-i (-1 (U O N-^ (U 1 4J 0) <: o o h VD pi ^^ 00 CT\ in <)■ 00 00 CN >— I Ln ■— I o o o jz jz ••-< T* bD MS-V -a •r-l -H QJ (1) c c ^1 u c c ^ u O) QJ CO 0) 0) (U 0) J= J 4J XJ 4J 4J J-l 4J en CO CO CO !-i 3 > 01 4-1 •H CO CO 4J C CO (U u T3 4J CO -a a) ■— I U CO CO tl y— ^ x> O \0 o y-i vo (U ".O vi- se vD VD to I a^ (J CVJ '-I (U vO ^-^ > ON < -1 Q ^1 #^ C"' 'x . \ft ' V-. V e (U CO 3 cr to u a. 0) to XI .—I 0) ^-v CO 4-1 C I >, 4-1 4= CO 13 O 60 (U H -r^ e OJ 3 u C CO / 0)1 >. CM CO +1 + 1 CM n + 1 CSI + 1 VO +1 O o 00 CO + 1 0^ n o CM +1 o 00 u-l I-l CM O in 00 00 < I— 1 <; PQ u w fe CM VO Ov < pa u w pLi en vO C3N <; pa U w Ij-i vO ON (L) a S CO 0) o o 60 CO XI CO c CO O •a 0) ■I-t 4-1 ■r-l 4-1 CO U U CO M o X) 4H 0) 3 CO c 4J -r-l •i-l 4J g c -r-l o 1— ( o 1 J CO ^ X) o c Vj CO ^ AJ OJ en CM CO CM eg CO CM Ul 01 CJ C .-N CO CM •r-l to J-l v^ CO > XI r-l 0) CO 4-1 CI >% J-> rC CO ^2 H -.-I e 3 H c CO ^'^ Olt >, CO 4J d e c 60^-' 0) CO 4J x; •—s CO 60 13 U •r^ v-^ 4J (U W ? M CM CM + 1 CM + 1 CO in + • 00 in ON CN + 1 CM cn -4- vO in o CM o - CM in in CM in ■— I f^ CM VD <3> en in - CM O in CO in O f^ <)• cTilin VD CO CM m '-^ICTi r-llCM t^ r^ CO ^ CTn CM O rH CM o 00 r^ -d- ro CM in in r— I in c3^|ln t^ CO > r-l <; PQ O pq fc VD CJV 10 Table 3 . --Calculation of optimum sample allocation for stratified Canada goose sample (Snedecor, 1956, p. 508) Average Stratum Standard Percent percent weight deviation allotment allotment Year Stratum (W) (s) Ws Ws/Sl Ws 1963-66 1963 A .07 63.50 4.45 44 B .04 10.91 0.44 4 C .11 10.62 1.17 12 E .30 9.78 2.93 29 F .48 2.30 1.10 10.09 11 100 1964 A .07 72.94 5.11 51 B .04 34.15 1.37 14 C .11 10.14 1.12 11 E .30 5.05 1.52 15 F .48 1.72 0.83 9.95 8 99 1965 A .07 68.67 4.81 45 B .04 50.98 2.03 19 C .11 9.67 1.06 10 E .30 4.63 1.39 13 F .48 2.73 1.31 10.60 12 99 1966 A .07 39.32 2.75 23 41 B .04 42.47 1.70 15 13 C .11 10.75 1.18 10 11 E .30 7.55 2.27 19 19 F .48 8.02 3.84 11.74 33 100 16 100 11 u o 4-^ c o •H ■U n) o o i-j ^^ CO (U , — 1 G- •^N g n (TJ CO 0) I— ( g JD 3 CO .§ 4-1 ij a^l o >^ Mh m O ^ <3^ (U r— < to 3 CD U g CO O cu !-4 > m c U) o 4-1 •H -o e a; •r-t en r-H CO J3 (U O - c OJ 0) I— < TD Q •r^ e M-l CO C CO o o CO o O u a-oi .a 0) ■1-1 M-l u-* •i-l o 4-1 CO c U o 4J •H cn ■U CO B •r-l 4J CO W 1 o- 00 £i CM u~l CT\ vt CTi .— I cn CM LO CM CM 'JD O CM r-i 1—1 1— I LO O CM O CM c^ o r-l o r-l |CM 1—1 in 00 vo inlin <)■<)■ CO o mlvj- 1-1 CO > 1-1 <; cQ u w fiH 0\ < pa u w P^ in < pa u w pH 12 --I vO I vO On o o- r- O r. CM . 0) 1^ >. 0) > CO 0) 4J !-i I > u CO 3 CO .— ( 3 •r-l Pm en 4-1 >-i U3 a) o U (U J-) •r-l Qi c 4J ■u ^ ■H C C r-l 13 nj ■H •l-l ,— ) 3 W CM .—1 in ON ON I^ *x - . I ?^ 0) 0) > ,-< QJ 4-1 V-i Pm > to 3 Vl e tn •1-1 3 ■r-l D. en 4-) U D. tn tu •H U tu 4J tn , to m p^ c 0 TJ tn C TJ CO 3 ffi W XI •\ c o to tn m 0) e CO to 4J n CO !-i VH 4-1 o in 4-) e tn o to u cu VH x X 0) (U TD X) d c ■H •H !-i i-4 cu ^ O O W Q <: CO B H 800 r ^ Eastern Canada (index) — - — • Atlantic Flyway (winter survey and kill) — - * Mississippi Flyway (winter survey and kill) Eastern Canada and Atlantic Flyway 700 •- 600 I- 1963-6A 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 800 700 600 500 L Eastern Canada and Mississippi Flyway I I / I 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 YEAR AND SEASON 1966-67 Figure 4. — Summer Canada goose index from Canada east of James and Hudson Bays compared with following winter survey and kill data in the United States. 14 -• Atlantic Flyway (winter survey and kill) -• Strata B, C, E and F in Canada (index) fd a a o o CO Q O X H 800 700 600 - 500 400 300 200 _L I _L 1963-64 1964-65 YEAR AND SEASON 1965-66 1966-67 Figure 5. — Sununer Canada goose index from strata B, C, E and F compared with following winter survey and kill data in the Atlantic Flyway. 15 winter survey and kill from 1963-64 to 1965-66. However, from 1965-66 to 1966-67 the two surveys show a diverging trend (fig. 4). Comparison of summer index values east of James and Hudson Bays with Mississippi Flyway winter survey and kill figures shows opposition in trend every year since 1963-64 (fig. 4). Comparison of summer index values from strata B, C, E, and F (high density stratum A omitted) with Atlantic Flyway winter survey and kill estimates shows agreement in trend every year since 1963-64 (fig. 5). However, the index from this portion of the breeding ground approximates only one-half of the Atlantic Fljrway winter survey and kill. While it is likely that nearly all geese present are observable on the transects in the tundra, a lesser proportion are probably observed when forested areas are surveyed. Also, it is likely that some geese in the western portions of strata E and F are associated with the Mississippi Flyway. Both of the above effects may account for the low index value from strata B, C, E, and F compared with Atlantic Flyway winter population estimates. Canada Goose Summer Survey and Hunting Regulations Annual hunting regulations are set on July 15 in Canada and August 1 in the United States. The summer survey for Canada geese is not usually completed until mid-August. Hence, the latest data on the Canada goose breeding population and production is not available for consideration at regulations hearings. Completion of the summer survey earlier than August 1 is not feasible if maximum production figures are to be included in the index. Markedly lower brood counts on transects 19 through 22 (fig. 1) in eastern Ungava Peninsula were associated with early survey dates, as shown below: Year Dates of survey July 20, 21 July 27 - August August 9, 10 2 Total broods 7 28 50 "Downy young" broods 1965 1964 1966 2 1 1 The infrequent recording of the smallest "downy young" broods, even at the earlier dates, suggests that surveys conducted too early will lead to low counts not only because fewer broods have been produced, but also because young broods are more difficult to observe than are older broods. Unless setting the hunting regulations for Canada geese is delayed, data adequately representing production in the highest density area in Canada cannot be made available for current regulations hearings, 16 BLACK DUCK SURVEY - FINDINGS Observed Black Duck Densities Black duck densities did not differ enough between areas, and differences between years were not consistent enough to justify strati- fication of the sample area (Chamberlain and Kaczynski, 1965). Figure 6 shows the density per square mile within the arbitrarily selected blocks in the survey area. These figures are based upon the average of the years 1955, 1956 and 1963-66. Total number of square miles sampled in all years is also shown. The two southernmost blocks yielded below-average densities, but this may be related to a phenological difference rather than a density difference since, at the time of survey, nesting tends to be more advanced in southern than in northern areas. When nesting is advanced, hens flush less readily and drakes may have left the area. Lower than average densities in the tier of blocks next to the St. Lawrence River were probably related to difficult survey conditions caused by the mountainous terrain in much of that area. Data for the Labrador area are primarily from surveys in 1955 and 1956. For most years from 1963 to 1966, the ice-line prevented making the survey during the required period of time. The relatively high density of black ducks in the northernmost and easternmost blocks indicates that the survey does not reach the northern limit of the black duck breeding population. However, a greater proportion of the ducks present may be counted in the more barren northern blocks than in the heavily forested southern blocks and the importance of the more northern areas may be exaggerated. Estimation of Black Duck Breeding Population Trends in Eastern Canada The group-characteristic procedure (Chamberlain and Kaczynski, 1965) was used in estimating trends of black duck breeding populations in eastern Canada to reduce the bias imposed by different stages of breeding as the survey progressed northward. There is a correlation between the progress of the breeding season and the manner in which ducks are grouped. For example, early in the season, paired birds are most common. Later in the season, as the hen becomes attached to the nest, more single birds (males) are seen. Still later, the males congregate into small flocks and fewer pairs or singles are seen. The group-characteristic procedure divides the survey area into southern, central, and northern zones (fig. 7), and uses only the degree blocks sampled every year. For each zone and year we computed the total number of black ducks seen per square mile and the number of (1) singles, (2) pairs, (3) groups of three, and (4) groups of from four to 10. Flocks larger than 10 were omitted because their occurrence was sporadic. The sizes and occurrence, by year and zone of the flocks omitted, are as follows: 17 -^i^-'^*^% /— ■ ,A :£3^ ) Figure 6. --Observed black duck densities per square mile based upon average of observations for 1955, 1956 and 1963-66. Numbers in parentheses indicate number of square miles sampled in all years combined. 18 Lv r ^^«*^^ ''. -^-'' /-.--N '2^ ■ /JlJfl .^>^^'x^;;"^<:^. \l southern'^ ^'' ;■■ .i^ ' ' -^ ■■'■■■ "■'': . f ^^ ?=•■ fe^sC, -) Figure 7. --Zonal division of degree blocks sampled for black ducks, 1955-56 and 1963-66. 19 Occurrence and sizes of black duck flocks larger than ten Zone Total Year Southern Centra 1 Northern Ducks Flocks 1955 0 11,12, 13 0 36 3 1956 0 13 15 28 2 1963 0 35 0 35 1 1964 0 0 0 0 0 1965 20 25 0 45 2 1966 0 16 30 46 2 All years: Ducks 20 125 45 190 — Flocks 1 7 2 ••. 10 Densities in each group class were ranked as high, medium, or low in relation to the mean density for all 6 years of survey (table 6). Values falling within the range of the mean, plus or minus 1 standard error, were arbitrarily considered medium, while values outside that range were considered high or low. In table 7, agreement or disagreement in these rankings between any 2 years for each group of ducks is quantified by assigning a value of two when rankings agreed (high-high, low-low, medium-medium), a value of one for combinations of medium with either high or low, and no value for greatest difference in combinations (high-low) . Thus highest comparability (2) in each of the four groups would provide a maximum agreement index of eight. Only comparisons that resulted in an index of five or higher are shown in table 7. For those years considered most comparable (agreement index of five or greater, table 7) we plotted total densities (excluding flocks larger than 10) for each zone and year (fig. 8). Lines were drawn between the comparable points. For example, in the northern zone, 1955 data were comparable only to 1956 and 1964 data (table 7). Therefore, in figure 8, lines are drawn from 1955 to only 1956 and 1964. With the exception of the central zone from 1955 to 1963, every comparison, thus selected, of an earlier year with a later year showed a decrease in density. An average density trend for the combination of zone-year com- parison is shown by the doubled line in figure 8. The points on this line were determined from the average of all points and intersects in figure 8. In determining the average trend line, zone densities were weighted by area. 20 I u a) 01 ex -H -I E 4-1 cx o 3 U o o o 0) en 0) 3 ^ O 4-1 U o c ^ n 00 o o o n r-i o- r^ 00 m CNJ CsJ ■ — ^ 1 — I 1 — 1 1 — ' n CTn 0^ 00 CM d- vD CM •— 1 CM 00 vO r^ in 00 vD CM O O -d- t-i r~. m 00 CO O r-< r-- r-4 CO in in o O o o O O in in O O CM CM ro ro -— I >— I CM CM ■— I •— I en ro i-J hJ ffi tJ y^ x-v CM s a o o o o o en ^ I O O en O r-l r-J o o o o o o o o o PC hJ i-J ^"^ /—^ /^s CM K S S o -— I O O CM CN O I <}■ O O CM --I ■— I 0> o o o o o o o o in in in o in O CM CM in r~ in m o^ ON vD O ■— < in CM CM CM CM — * -— 4 •— < o C3N (3N ON C3N CJN ON W + I c u r- C3N 00 vO CM O O O O O O vO o Ed in vo en ^f in >X) in in VO >.D vD vD CO C7N <3N e3N C3N CJN CT\ d (U o — < I en CM vo o- in en r^ O O O O o o cn o w vD e3N 4-( •r-l en en eo en d 0) •a eo o T3 C en !-i eu (U i-J 21 60 C O e CO ^-^ c u O cfl c 3 cTinl 0) c 1-1 to 0) JZ a. 4J >. !-< 4J QJ ■H 3 W o c r~-i 0) Xl X 01 c XI •H c •r-l in (U > 60 4-> C •H to .— ) JZ ■H u JO to T) ^J c to (0 p S (fl o ^ o u 3 .—) TD to 4.J ^s; o o ■u to (— I c ^ ■H 4-1 61 o C ■H to 4-1 60 .-il C 3 •r-l en (X (U 3 ^ O u to 60 4-1 to 5-4 XI O Nw> 4-1 ^ tn vO (U 1 X (T) Q) VD T) t3^ C f— J •i-l X) >% c ■u CO •rH I—) VD •H un XI (JN to t-l ^1 to * a- ml E in o ON o ■— I 1 tn • i-i 1^ CO 0) 0) >• ■— 1 J2 (0 H I 0) u to >. 3 to u to 4-1 &, ■'-I en E en O C V4 X) a O 4-1 tn D. 3 O u bl U O ■^ X ^ QJ CO X) ^ C to -r-l a e o u o o en r-l a I 3 fi vo O CM •— I •— I >— I '— I CM CN O CM CM CM CM O O CM -l CM CM --I "-I CM XI vD < O o ttJ d o r— 1 C 1-1 en <1) en C , 01 > 1-1 U 0) 4J c •H 12 I < o o o o o o o o o o CM r-l t-^ vO 00 •— I CM CN O-l O" £) — I CO o o o o o CO r~~ CO r-~ O ON ■-< O CM CM vD CM CO 00 tn ^ CM O r-^ CM r-l ,-1 CSJ ,-1 CO vo vo I — r^ CO LO Cvl •— I 00 vj- ■— I O 00 vo CO CN VO 00 CM 0- UO ON CM r^ CM --I CO CM <)■ P^ CO O vD CO in o in OS in in 00 vo 00 <]■ •N •% •S "S •S ON CO 00 CM CM C3^ CO -< pa PQ in CM CM ON CM CM 00 CM ON 00 CM a o CO CO •r-l Xi 4-J •H (U CO j: C2 u CI) XI o 4J o •r-l 01 iJ > CO •iH •H 4J Jj (0 0) r-H 4J (1) O V-i CO u >N CO •u ^ •r-l o cn 1 c D. (U 3 TD O U >N bC (U ^ U-l o 3 cn ,— 1 <3i )-i > Qi CU 4J T— 1 c •H O S u 1 XI CU <.> o 3 X) s CI) > >N CO CO •r^ 1-1 1-1 r-l r— 1 U CO CO . >. CO ^j 3 t-i u .u 0 O CO CO o 2 w 2 S H J= j: a) Cl) 4-1 4J ^j i-i M 3 CO CO O O 3 3 c CO CO CO r— 1 r— 1 XI X) >, 0) (1) c c CO O Q CO CO r— 1 XI X> (I) (1) c C )-l S-i f^ CO CO CO CO r— 1 r-H 3 3 O >. >N CO CO •H ^-1 V4 r— 1 r— 1 4-1 CO CO 0) S C r. S P CO 1 1 r— 1 m 4-1 •tt XI 4-1 o O c CO c CO < -C jr r— 1 r— 1 r— 1 ■u 4-1 >N >N CO ^J 3 ^1 yi ■U o O CO CO o !s CO a S H 25 .500 .400 .300 .200 .100 .000 55 56 T 1 63 64 65 — r~ YEAR 66 55 I — 56 — I 63 64 65 ■~r" 66 U North of Md.-Del. (0.287)£' 2/ South of Md.-Del. (0.497) ^ .500 .400 .300 .200 „100 Md.-Del. and south (0.229) Breeding ground survey • Portions of Atlantic Flyway winter survey as indicated .000 L Md.-Del. and north (0.171) .500,- .400 .300 .200 .100 ,000 Total Atlantic Flyway (0.125) Figure 9. — Black duck population trend from the breeding ground survey compared with Atlantic Flyway winter survey trends. i'Density per square mile of breeding ground survey counts is based upon group characteristics procedures. ^'Density per square mile of winter survey population relative to the breeding ground survey area is reduced to the level of breeding ground density to facilitate trend comparisons. The mean reduction factor is shown. 26 Approximation of the Proportion of Black Ducks Present That are Seen From the Air (visibility rate) Indirect estimates of the black duck population using band recovery and kill data indicate that the black duck winter population is much larger than shown by winter surveys (data on file at the Migratory Bird Populations Station). Indirect estimates of population agree with summer and winter surveys in showing a population drop in recent years. While the average winter population in the 1950's was estimated to be 1.5 million black ducks, a population of 870,000 was estimated for 1964. If we accept this indirect estimate as the general population level of recent years and estimate the part of the total black duck breeding population that is within the survey area, it is possible to approximate the pro- portion of black ducks present that are seen from the air (visibility rate). It appears that 30 to 40 percent of the continental breeding population is resident in the summer survey area (data on file at the Migratory Bird Populations Station). We may approximate the proportion of breeding black ducks that are seen from the air (visibility rate) as follows : Average breeding ground index (including flocks) 1963-66: 54,774, Fraction of the breeding population within the summer survey area: 0.30 to 0.40. Indirect estimate of wintering black ducks: 870,000. Visibility rate = 54,774 - .30 to .40 "^ 870,000 = . 16 to .21. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION Canada Goose Breeding Population and Production Survey Aerial surveys have increased our knowledge about the distribution of Canada geese on their breeding grounds, and this will aid in inter- preting banding data in the future. Currently, there are several limitations to the usefulness of the summer survey as a management tool, These limitations include high sampling error, inadequate knowledge of seasonal distribution, and lateness of surrvey completion relative to the time of setting regulations. Optimum sample allocation estimates show that, with the present resources and methods, sampling error can be reduced to a range of + 17 to 20 percent of the mean (95 percent confidence level) . This degree of precision would detect, as statistically significant, changes in the range of a 40 to 50 percent increase or of a 30 to 35 percent decrease . 27 Administrative use of summer goose data is hindered by inadequate knowledge of seasonal distribution, summer to winter. Comparisons of trends between summer survey indexes and winter survey figures suggest a relation between the summer survey area and the Atlantic Flyway. However, this relation must be viewed critically in the light of the degree of sampling error in the summer index (which alone may account for changes indicated since 1963) and the unknown reliability of the winter survey. Unless an extensive banding program can be conducted to show a consistent relation between summer and winter goose population by area, these relations will have to be surmised. There is evidence that advancing the present schedule of the summer survey to make the data available in time for hearings on regu- lations would not be practical because it would result in greatly reducing the number of broods that could be observed. If the summer survey is not conducted at a time when broods can be observed, summer survey population estimates would be of little value and a winter survey would be preferable. Black Duck Breeding Population Survey Application of the group-characteristic procedure to data obtained from eastern Canada indicates a steadily declining breeding population since 1963 for that portion of the breeding range in Canada surveyed repeatedly. A downward trend is indicated also by winter survey results south of Maryland and Delaware since 1963 and by winter survey results of the whole Atlantic Fljrway in 1965 and 1966. We estimate that the survey area includes about 30 to 40 percent of the total breeding black ducks. It appears that the proportion of black ducks seen from the air is quite low, possibly 16 to 21 percent. The combination of limited area coverage and limited visibility provides a breeding population index that is about 6 percent of the total black duck population as computed by indirect estimat ion. It is not possible to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the breeding ground survey and winter survey in indicating population changes because they can only be judged against each other. Knowledge of the distribution of black ducks on the breeding ground will be needed to interpret band recovery data properly. However, delineation of relative black duck densities from the survey data in eastern Canada will have to cope with a difficult problem of variable observation conditions coupled with a small sample of black ducks observed. Tie cost in time and money to develop and maintain a statistically reliable survey of the sparse population of breeding black ducks in eastern Canada appears prohibitive. 28 References Chamberlain, E. B., and C. F. Kaczynski. 1965. Problems in aerial surveys of waterfowl in eastern Canada. U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Special Scientific Report--Wildlife No. 93, 21 pp. Snedecor, G. W. 1956. Statistical methods applied to experiments in agriculture and biology. 5th ed. Iowa State College Press, Ames . 534 pp . 29 « U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1968 O - 310-843 The Department of the Interior, created in 1849, is a Department of Conservation, concerned with management, conservation, and develop- ment of the Nation's water, wildlife, fish, mineral, forest, and park and recreational resources. It has major responsibilities also for Indian and Territorial affairs. As America's principal conservation agency, the Department works to assure that nonrenewable resources are developed and used wisely, that park and recreational resources are conserved for the future, and that renewable resources make their full contribution to the progress, pros- perity, and security of the United States, now and in the future. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE BUREAU OF SPORT FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE WASHINGTON. D. C. 20240