I BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 9999 06317 67 y ?• c ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HELMINTHS OF WATERFOWL (ANATIDAE) Boston Public Library Superintendent of Documents ^s-o 2 5 1969 DEPOSITORY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE BUREAU OF SPORT FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, WALTER J. HICKEL, SECRETARY Leslie L. Glasgow, Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife, Parks, and Marine Resources Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, John S. Gottschalk, Director ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HELMINTHS OF WATERFOWL (ANATIDAE) By Malcolm E. McDonald Bear River Research Station Denver Wildlife Research Center Division of Wildlife Research Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Special Scientific Report — Wildlife No. 125 Washington, D.C. • June 1969 This bibliography is an attempt to list all the publications dealing with helminths of waterfowl (Anatidae) -- reports of their occurrence, descriptions, classification, life history, and pathological effects. It brings up-to-date and revises the work published on microfilm in 1965 (Wildlife Disease, No. 45). Studies on prophylaxis and treatment and on physiology, and general manuals and texts on poultry diseases are omitted. Publications issued before 1890 (numbering about 120) are also omitted, as the information in many of these is incomplete and the identifications dubious o Indexing of authors' names, transliteration of names and titles, dates of publication, and abbreviations follow the practice of the Index- Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology, Animal Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Some abbreviations not used in the Index-Catalogue are: AK - Akademiia Nauk, Centralbl. - Centralbaltt, Mangmt. - Management, Res. - Research, VIGIS - Vsesoiuz, Inst., Gel'mintol, im. Skrjabin. As far as possible both the original and translation are given for titles in Scandinavian and Eastern European languages, original title only in Western European languages, and translations only of Oriental languages. The annotations show the nature of the information on waterfowl par- asites: the type of helminth mentioned (indicated by letters: N - Nematoda, A - Acanthocephala, C - Cestoda, T - Trematoda, H - Hirudinea), the number of species of helminths mentioned, the names of new species described or reported, and the country in which the observations were made. Some, or all, of this information may be given in the title of the paper, and is then omitted from the annotations. Approximately 2900 references are included in this bibliography. About 60 percent of these have been examined by the author; information on most of the remainder was obtained from Helminthological Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Zoological Record, and especially from the parasite and host record cards of the Parasitological Laboratory, Animal Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. I cannot express deeply enough my appreciation for the help and courtesy shown by the staff of the Parasitological Laboratory, whose work made this publication possible. Their publications may be found listed under the names Doss, Hassell, and Stiles. Other important bibliographies are those of Halloran, Lapage, and Levashov. 11 Abdel Azim, M. 1930. On the identification and life history of Echinostomum recurvatum von Linstow, 1873, Ann. Trop . Med. Parasitol., 24: 189-192. / (T); (Egypt); synonym E_. aegyptiaca. Abdussalam, M., & M. M. Sarwar. [1953a.] Occurrence of a schis- tosome in ducks in Pakistan. [Abstr.] Proc . 5. Pakistan Sc . Conf. (Lahore, 1953), Pt. Ill, Abstr., p. 175. / (T); Pseudobil- harzia eggs in ducks. Abdussalam, M. , & M. M. Sarwar. 1953b. Schistosomiasis in Pakistan. Proc. 15. Internat. Vet. Cong. (Stockholm), v. 1, p. 18-23. [Fr. , Ger. summaries] / (T); Pseudobilharziella sp . in waterfowl . Ablasov, N. A, 1953. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh i dikikh vodoplava- lushchikh ptits Kirgizii. [Helminth fauna of domestic and wild aquatic birds of Kirgizia.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk (VIGIS); Avtoref. Diss., Moskva, 13 p. [Russ. text] / See Ablasov, 1957. Ablasov, N. A. [1954.] Novaia trematoda utki - Notocotylus skrjabini nov. sp. [A new trematode of ducks - Notocotylus skrjabini nov. sp.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 75-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, p. 15- 16. [Russ. text] / (T); (Kirgizia). See Ablasov, 1966. Ablasov, N. A. 1955a. Gimenolepididy vodoplavaiushchikh ptits , vpervye vstrechaiushchiesi^ na territorii SSSR. [Hymenolepids of aquatic birds, found for the first time in USSR.] Trudy Inst. Zool. Parazitol. AN Kirgiz. SSR, 4: 141-150. [Russ. text] / (C); includes 6 forms in waterfowl (Kirgizia) . Ablasov, N. A. 195 5b. Novaia trematoda ot utinykh ptits. [New trematode from anatid birds.] Trudy Inst. Zool. Parazitol. AN Kirgiz. SSR, 4: 137-140. [Russ. text] / (T); Prosthogonimus ryjikowi sp. n. (Kirgizia). Ablasov, N. A. 1957. Gel'mintofauna vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Kirgizii. [Helminth fauna of aquatic birds of Kirgizia.] Trudy Inst. Zool. Parazitol. AN Kirgiz. SSR, 6: 121-144. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 42 6 wild and 77 domestic waterfowl; reports 94 helminths. Ablasov, N. A. 1966. Translation of Ablasov, 1954. Contr. Helminth. Commem. 75. Birthday Skrjabin, Isr. Program Scient. Transl., p. 13-14. [Eng. translation]/ (T); (Kirgizia). Ablasov, N. A., & N. T. Chibichenko . 1960. Materialy po faune trematod ptits Kirgizii. [Data on the trematode fauna of birds of Kirgizia.] Izvest. AN Kirgiz. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, 2: 149-167. [Russ. text, Kirgiz. summary] / (T); examined 90 waterfowl, reports 25 helminths; includes Echinostoma bhattacharyai indicus subsp. n. , Echinoparyphium querquedulae sp. n. Ablasov, N. A., & N. T. Chibichenko. 1962. Fauna nematod dikikh ptits Kirgizii. [Nematodes of wild birds in Kirgizia.] Izvest. AN Kirgiz. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, 4: 113-130. [Russ. text, Kirgiz. summary] / (N); reports 12 helminths in waterfowl. Ablasov, N. A., & K. 1. Iksanov. 1959. Fauna trematod ryboi^dnykh ptits Kirgizii. [Trematode fauna of fish-eating birds of Kirgizia.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint., Moskva, p. 15-22. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 8 mergansers, reports 4 trematodes. Abmayr, J. 1959. Die Endoparasiten von Huhn, Gans und Ente im Gebiet von Glinzburg. Do. Unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von Alter, Fiitterung und Umweltbedingungen. Inaugr.-Diss . , Munchen, 67 p. / (N,C); (Germany). Abuladze, K. I. 1946a. Metody diagnostiki i terapii lentochno- glistnykh boleznei domashnikh utok. [Methods of diagnosis and therapy of tapeworm diseases in domestic ducks.] Dokl. Vsesoiliz, Akad. Sel'skokhoz. Nauk, 11: 46-48. [Russ. text] / (C); key to identification of scolices , includes 7 species (Moscow, Ukraine). Abuladze, K. I. 1946b. K diagnostike tsestod domashnikh utok po skoleksam. [Identification of cestodes of domestic ducks by scolex characters .] Gel'mint. Sbom . 40-Let. Dei^tel'nost. Skrjabin, p. 30-33. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR). Achonolu, A. D. 1964a. Life history cf Cotylurus flabelliformis (Faust, 1917) (Trematoda: Strigeidae) . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol . , 50 (3, Sec. 2): 28. / (T); experimentally in waterfowl (USA). Achonolu, A. D. 1964b. Life history of two Notocotylidae (Trematoda). [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 50 (3, Sect. 2): 28-29. / (T); Notoco- tylus stagnicolae, N. urbanensis (USA). Achonolu, A. D. 1965. Contributions to the life history of Cotylurus flabelliformis (Faust, 1917) (Trematoda: Strigeidae) . Proc . Hel- minth, Soc. Wash., 32: 115-117. / (T); experimentally in duckling, gosling (USA) . Achonolu, A. D., & O. W. Olsen. 1967. Studies on the life history of two notocotylids (Trematoda). Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 34: 43-50. / (T); life cycles, descriptions of Notocotylus urban- ensis , N . stagnicolae; distinct from N. triserialis (USA) . Ackert, J. E. 1931. The morphology and life history of the fowl nematode, Ascarldia lineata (Schneider). Parasitology, 23: 360-379. / (N); (USA). Ackert, J. E. , & W. M. Reid . 1936a. The cysticercoid of the fowl tapeworm, Raillietina cesticillus. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 55: 97-100. / (C); intermediate host, life history (US^ . Ackert, J. E., & W. M. Reid. 1936b. The house fly and fowl tape- worm transmission . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 22:543. / (C); Choanotaenia infundibulumlife history (USA). Ackert, J. E., & R. L. Tugwell. 1948. Tissue phase of Ascaridia galli life cycle elucidated by artificial digestion apparatus. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 34 (6, Suppl.): 32. / (N); life history (USA). Adam, W., & E. Leloup . 1934. Recherches sur les parasites des mollusques terrestres de Belgique. Trematodes larvaires. Mem. (62) Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, 40 p. / (T); life history of Brachylaemus fuscatus (Belgium) . Adiwinata, R. T. 1955. Tjatjing jang berparasit pada hewan men- jusui dan unggas di Indonesia. Hemera Zoa , 62: 229-247. [Fr., Span., Eng. summaries] / (N,C,T); lists 4 helminths in ducks (Indonesia) . Adler, H. E., & E. W. Moore. 1948. Renal coccidiosis and gizzard worm infection in geese. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 112: 154. / (N); (USA) . Adysheva, M. M. 1963. O gel'mintakh domashnikh vodoplavafushchikh ptits Andizhanskot oblasti. [Helminths of domestic waterfowl in Andizhan Province]. Voprosy Biol, i Kraevoi Meditsiny, (4): 271- 274. [Russ. text] Ahmed, Z. 1959. Die Cercarienfauna der Umgebung von Munster (Westf.) und der experimentell ermittelte Individualcyclus von Echinoparyphium spiniferum La Vallette (Trematoda) . Zeitschr. Parasitenk. , 19: 67-99. / (T); life cycle, experimentally in domestic duck (Germany). Akhmedova, SH. I. 1952. Vlijfanie sredy organizma khoziaina na morfologo-biologicheskie osobennosti nekotorykh nematod domashnikh ptits. [The influence of the environment of the organism of the host on the morphological-biological character- istics of certain nematodes of domestic birds.] Kand. Diss. , Moskva Vet. Akad. [Russ. text] / See Akhmedova, 1954a, 1954b. Akhmedova, SH. I. 1954a. Vliianie sredy organizma khoziaina na morfologo-biologicheskie osobennosti nekotorykh nematod ptits. [The influence of the environment of the host organism on the morpho-biological specificity of several nematodes of birds.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 7: 375-377. [Russ. text] / (N); Amidostomum anseris and Heterakis gallinae experimentally in ducks, geese, and chickens (USSR). Akhmedova, SH. I. 1954b. Vliianie sredy organizma khoziaina na morfd^biologicheskie osobennosti Heterakis gallinae. [Influence of the environment of the host organism on the morpho-biological characteristics of Heterakis gallinae.] Doklady AN Azerbaidzhan. SSR, 10: 799-806. [Russ. text, Azerb. summary] / (N); (USSR). Akhtar, S. A. 1936. Notes on helminth parasites from Afghanistan. Rec. Ind. Mus., 38: 373-375. (N); reports Echinuria uncinata, redescription. Akhtar, S. A. 1937. Report on some nematode parasites of Kabul, with descriptions of new species. Proc . Indian Acad. Sc. , Sect. B, 6: 263-2 73. / (A); reports one form in waterfowl (India). Akhumi^n, K. S. 1962. Obnaruzhenie gel'minta - Hystrichis tricolor Dujardin, 1845) v Armi^nskot SSR (Nematoda: Dioctophymidae) . [Hystrichis tricolor Dujardin, 1845 (Nematoda: Dioctophymidae) in the Armenian SSR] . Izvest. ANArmi^nsk. SSR, 15: 95-98. [Armenian text, Russ. summary] / (N) . Akhumfan, K. S. 1966. K izucheniiu vidovogo sostava gel'mintov okhotnich'e-promyslovykh i drugikh dikikh ptits Armi^nsko^ SSR. [On the study of the species composition of helminths of economically important and other wild birds in the Armenian SSR.] Biol. Zhur. Armenii, 19(11): 97-104. [Russ. text, Armenian summary] / (N,A,C,T); lists 26 helminths in waterfowl (Armenia). Alekseev, V. M . 1962. Rol' krevetok v rasprostranenii notokotileza . [The role of shrimps in the distribution of Notocotylus infection.] Zool. Zhur., 41: 1255-1257. [Russ . text, Eng . summary] / (T); cercariae encyst on fresh-water shrimp (decapod Crustacea) (USSR) . Alekseev, V. M. 1963a. Ob identichnosti vidov Echinochasmus (Ech.) beleocephalus (Linstow, 1873) i Echinochasmus (Ech .) japonicus Tanabe, 192 6. [Identity of the species Echinochasmus (Ech.) beleocephalus (Linstow, 1873) and Echinochasmus (Ech.) japonicus Tanabe, 1926.] Vestn. Leningrad. Univ., s. Biol., 18(15:3): ISO- IS 2. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T); Echinochasmus japonicus is synonym of E^. beleocephalus . Alekseev, V. M. 1963b. O teratologicheskoi modifikatsii Metorchis pinquinicola Skrjabin, 1913. [Teratological modification of Metorchis pinquinicola Skrjabin, 1913.] Zool. Zhur., 42:1871. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T); found in duck (Primorsk) . Alekseev, V. M. 1963c. K izucheniiu ekologii lichinok trematod vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Study of the ecology of the larvae of trematodes of aquatic birds.] Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. iRast., k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 215-218. [Russ. text] / (C,T); mollusk and fish hosts of various trematodes (Primorsk) Alekseev, V. M. 1963d. O znachenii gidro- i amfibintov ozera Khanka V rasprostranenni gel'mintoznykh invazii sredi domashnikh vodo- plavaiushchikh ptits. [The significance of aquatics and amphibians of Lake Khanka in extension of helminth invasion among domestic waterfowl.] Probl. Parazitol., Trudy 4. Nauchn. Konf. Parazitol. U[kr.]SSR, Kiev, p. 147-148. [Russ. text] Alekseev, V. M. 1963e. K faune nematod dikikh utinykh ptits . II. K obnaruzheniiu vzrosloi formy Physocephalus sp. ot turpana . [On the nematode fauna of wild anatid birds. II. On the discovery of adult form of Physocephalus sp . from a scoter.] Uchen. Zapiski Dal'nevost. Univ., 6: 173-179. [Russ. text]/ (N) . Alekseev, V. M., & S. M. Lopukhova . 1962. O teratologii trematod . [Teratology in trematodes .] Zool. Zhur., 41: 453-454. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T); includes 4 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Ali, S. M. [1957.] Studies on the nematode parasites of fishes and birds found in Hyderabad State. Indian J. Helminth., 8: 1-83. / (N); includes Amidostomum skrjabini (India) . Alicata, J, E. 1936. Parasitology. Poultry parasites . Rep. Hawaii Agric, Exper. Sta . (1935), p. 79-82. / (N); intermediate hosts of Tetrameres americana , Oxyspirura mansoni (USA - Hawaii) . Alicata, J. E. 1938. Studies on poultry parasites . Rep. Hawaii Agric. Exper. Sta. (1937), p. 93-96. / (N,C); intermediate hosts of poultry helminths (USA - Hawaii) . Alicata, J. E. 1939. Preliminary note on the life history of Subulura brumpti , a common cecal nematode of poultry in Hawaii. J. Parasitol. , 25: 179-180. / (N); list of intermediate hosts (USA - Hawaii) . Alicata, J. E. 1947. Parasites and parasitic disease of domestic animals in the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Sc . , 1(2): 69-84. / (N,C); life histories of 5 helminths reported in ducks; checklist of parasites of poultry other than waterfowl (USA - Hawaii). Alicata, J. E. 1962. Life cycle and developmental stages of Philo- phthalmus gralli in the intermediate and final hosts. J. Parasitol., 48: 47-54. / (T); (USA- Hawaii). Alicata, J. E. 1964. Parasitic infections of man and animals in Hawaii. Tech. Bull. (61), Hawaii Agric. Exper. Sta., Univ. of Hawaii, 138 p. / (N,C,T); reports one helminth in wild duck, gives intermediate hosts of helminths of chickens (USA - Hawaii) . Alicata, J. E. , & K. Noda . 1960a. Observations on the life history of Philophthalmus , a species of eye-fluke of birds in Hawaii. Libro Homenaje Caballero y C. , Mexico City, p. 67-73. / (T); Philophthalmus experimentally in ducklings; checklist of species of genus . Alicata, J. E., & K. Noda. 1960b. Same as Alicata & Noda, 1960a. Hawaii Agric. Exper. Sta. Tech. Paper (448), p. 67-73. / (T) . Ali§auskaite , V. 1957. K izucheniiu razlichnykh form i rasprostran- eniia lichinok ekhinostomatid na territori i Lit. SSR. [Contribution to the knowledge of the different forms and distribution of ech- inostomatid larvae in the territory of the Lithuanian SSR.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl . Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. Pozv. 40 g. Velik. Okt, Sotsial. Revolfuts. (1957), ch . 1, p. 8-9. [Russ. text] / (T); compared lakes, streams and their impound- ments, and small waters. Aligauskaite, V. 1958. Nekotorye dannye po izucheniiu ekhinos- tomatidnykh trematod v LitovskoY SSR. [Some data on the study of the echinostome trematodes in Lithuania.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf, Vsesofuz. Obshch. Gel'mint., AN SSSR (1958), p. 6. [Russ. text] / (T); includes life histories of 3 forms in waterfowl . AliSauskaite, V. [1959.] Echinostomatidy lervy fauna gelyjy vandeny moliuskuose Lietuvos TSR. (The fauna of the echinostomatous larvae in the freshwater mollusks in the Lithuanian SSR.) Acta Parasitol. Lithuanica, 1, 1958: 29-42. [Lith. text, Eng . & Russ. summaries] / (T); includes intermediate hosts of 8 helminths reported in waterfowl (Lithuania) . AliSauskaite, V. [1960a.] Echinoparyphium nordiana Baschkirova, 1941 (Echinostomatidae) raidos ciklas. (The life cycle of Ech- inoparyphium nordiana Baschkirova, 1941.) Acta Parasitol. Lithuanica, 2, 1959: 97-102. [Lith. text, Russ. & Eng. summaries] / (T); (Lithuania) . AliSauskaite, V. K. 1960b. K izucheniiu tsikla razvitiia Echinopary- phium aconiatum Dietz, 1909 (Echinostomatidae). [Study of the life cycle of Echinoparyphium aconiatum Dietz, 1909 (Echinos- tomatidae).] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1960), p. 4. [Russ. text] / (T); (Lithuania) . AliSauskaite-Kiseliene, V. 1961. Echinoparyphium aconiatum Dietz, 1909 vystymosi ciklas. (Developmental cycle of Echinoparyphium aconiatum Dietz , 1909.) Acta Parasitol. Lithuanica, 3: 35-42. [Lith. text, Russ. & Eng. summaries] / (T); (Lithuania). Allen, R. W. 1949. Studies on the life history of Capillaria annulata (Molin, 1858) Cram, 1926. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 35(6, Sect. 2): 35. / (N); (USA). Allen, R. W. 1950. Relative susceptibility of various species of earthworms to the larvae of Capillaria annulata (Molin, 1858) Cram, 192 6. Proc . Helminth. Soc . Wash., 17: 5 8-64. / (N); (USA). Allen, R. W., & E. E. Wehr. 1942. Earthworms as possible inter- mediate hosts of Capillaria caudinflata of the chicken and turkey. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 9: 72-73. / (N); (USA). Allison, L. N. 1940. Life-history of Cercariaeum constantiae Mueller (Trematoda: Brachylaemidae) from the snail Campeloma . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 26(6, Suppl.): 38. / (T); (USA). Allison, L. N. 1943. Leucochloridiomorpha constantiae (Mueller) (Brachylaemidae), its life cycle and taxonomic relationships among digenetic trematodes. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 62: 127-168. / (T); description; synonym L. macrocotyle Gower (USA) . Alvey, C. H. 1932. A species of Cephalogonimus from the domestic duck. [Abstr.] Papers Contr. 8. Ann. Meet. Am. Soc. Parasitol., J. Parasitol., 19: 174. / (T); Cephalogonimus sp. (probably C . vesicaudus) (USA). Anazawa, K. 1930. The first instance of Echinostoma revolutum found in man and its course of infection. [Abstr.] Japan. J. Zool., 3(1), Abstr.: 4. Original in: Taiwan Igak. Zasshi (288): 221-241, 1929. [Jap. text, Eng . summary] / (T); life cycle (Taiwan). Anderson, R. C. 1954a. Ornithofilaria fallisensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Filarioidea) from the domestic duck with descriptions of micro- filariae in waterfowl. Canad. J. Zool., 32: 125-137. / (N); description; comparison of 5 types of microfilariae in ducks (Canada) . Anderson, R. C. 1954b. The development of Ornithofilaria fallisensis Anderson, 1954 in Simulium venustum Say. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 40(5, Sect. 2): 12. / (N); experimental transmission (Canada). Anderson, R. C. 1955. Blackflies (Simuliidae) as vectors of Ornith- ofilaria fallisensis Anderson, 1954. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 41(6, Suppl.): 45. / (N); develops to infective larvae in 6 species (Canada), Anderson, R. C. 1956. The life cycle and seasonal transmission of Ornithofilaria fallisensis Anderson, a parasite of domestic and wild ducks. Canad. J. Zool., 34: 485-525. / (N); (Canada). Anderson, R. C. 1959. Preliminary revision of the genus Diplotriaena Henry & Ozoux, 1909 (Diplotriaenidae: Diplotriaeninae) . Paras- sitologia, 1: 195-307. / (N); diagnoses, parasite and host lists, synonymy; includes one form in waterfowl. Anderson, R. C. 1960. Correction to a previous paper. Canad. J. Zool. , 38: 677 . / (N); Ornithofilaria fallisensis in domestic duck (Canada) . Ando, A., & H. Tsuyuki. (1926.) On Echinostoma qotoi (Ando-Ozaki's new trematode) which has the intermediate host in Paludina. IJi Shinbun, Tokyo, (1189), Also: Ando & Tsuyuki, 1926. Japan Med. World, 6: 285. [Abstr.] / (T); (Japan). Andre, E. H. 1917. Contribution a I'etude de la faune helminthologique de la Suisse. Rev. Suisse Zool. , 25: 169-177. / (A,T); lists 7 forms in waterfowl. Andre, E. H. 1921. Acanthocephales . Cat. Invertebres Suisse, Mus. Hist. Nat. Geneve (13), 36 p. / (A); includes one form in water- fowl (Switzerland) . fy. r\ Andrievskaia, N. lU. 1955. Materialy po parazitofaune domashnikh ptits kolkhoza im. 51 Perekopskoi divizii, Odesskoi oblasti. [Material on the parasite fauna of domestic birds on collective farm no. 51 in Perekop division, Odessa oblast.] Trudy Odessk. Univ. im. Mechnikova, year 91, v. 145, s. Biol. Nauk (7): 137-141. [Russ. text] / (N); (Ukraine). Andrievskaia, N. lU. 1956. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh ptits Odesskoi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic birds of the Odessa oblast.] Probl. Parazitol., Trudy 2. Nauch. Konf. Parazitol. U[kr.]SSR (1956), p. 20-21. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); includes 12 forms in domestic waterfowl (Ukraine) . Andrievskaia, N. lU. 1957. Do pytannia pro gel'mintofaunu domashn'oi ptytsi V umovakh Odes'koi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic birds in the Odessa oblast.] Trudy Odessk. Univ. im. Mechnikova, year 93, v. 147, s. Biol. Nauk (8): 153-158. [Ukr. text, Russ. summary] / (N,A,C,T); examinted 403 waterfowl, reports 17 helminths (Ukraine) . Andrievskaia, N. lU. 1963. K voprosu o drepanidotenioze domashnikh vodoplavauishchikh ptits v Odesskoi oblasti. [On the question of drepanidotaeniasis of domestic waterfowl in Odessa oblast.] Probl. Parazitol., Trudy 4 . Nauchn. Konf. Parazitol. U[kr.]SSR, Kiev, p. 149-150. [Russ. text] / (C). Andronova [Sokolova-Andronova] , E. V. 1937. Trematody pochek ptits dal'nego vostoka. [The renal trematodes of birds of the Far East.] Rabot. Gel'mint. Posv. Skrjabin, p. 671-672. [Russ. text] / (T); Renicola sp. (USSR - Far East). 10 Angel, L. M . 1959. An account of Plagiorchis maculosus (Rud.), its synonymy and its life history in South Australia. Tr. Royal Soc . South Australia, 82: 265-281. / (T) . Artiukh, E. S. 1958. K nakhozhdeniiu u utok novo! trematody. [On the discovery of a new trematode of ducks.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauch. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. G el" mint. (195 8) , AN SSSR, p. 7-8. [Russ. text] / (T); Cotylotretus cubanicus sp. n. (USSR), descrip- tion but no figure. Artiukh, E. 1966. Daveneaty -- ]?r_tochnye gel'minty dikikh i dom- ashnikh zhivotnykh. Osnovy tsestodologii , Tom 6. [Davaineata — tapeworms of wild and domestic animals. Essentials of cestodo- logy, V. 6.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 512 p. [Russ, text] / (C); monograph; includes diagnoses of genera and above, descriptions of all species, hosts, synonymy, habitat, distributions, pathology; lists 11 forms in waterfowl. Artsimovich, Z. A. 1959. K izucheniiu fauny trematod, nematod i akantotsefal domashnikh utok v OdesskoT i Nikolaevskoi oblas- tiakh. [Contribution to the knowledge of the trematode, nematode, and acanthocephalan fauna of domestic ducks in the Odessa and Nikolaev oblasts.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Akad . Sel'skokhoz. NauR Lenina, vyp . I, p. 11-13. [Russ. text] / (N,A,T); examined 230 ducks, reports 17 helminths (Ukraine). Arvy, L. [1955.] Distomatose cerebro-rachidienne due a Diplostomulum phoxini (Faust) Hughes, 1929, chez Phoxinus laevis Ag . Ann. Parasitol., 29: 510-520. / (N,A,T); description (France). Arvy, L. , & A. Buttner. 1954. Donnees sur le cycle evolutif de Dlplostomum phoxini (Faust, 1918), (Trematoda , Diplostomidae) . Compt. Rend. Acad Sc . , Paris, 239: 1085-1087. / (T); life cycle, experimentally in G:'cklings (France). Asada, J. 1939. [A nev/ viecies of Echinostoma and studies on the life history of it.] V'-^' . Jub . Yoshida, Osaka, v. 1, p. 39-69. [Jap. text] / (T); life r.^ story of Echinostoma hortense (Japan). Askanazy, M. 1906. Weitere Mitteilungen liber die Quelle der Infektion mit Distomum felineum. Schrift Phys .-Okonom . Gesel- Isch. Konigsberg i Pr., (1905), 46: 127-131. / (T); includes life history of Paracoenogonimus ovatus (N . Russia) . 11 Ass, M. fA. 1961. K voprosu o tsikle razvitiia nematod iz roda Con- tracaecum . [The life cycle of nematodes of the genus Contrac- aecum.] Trudy Karadagsk . Biol. Stants . , (17) : 110-112 . [Russ. text] / (N); adults of Contracaecum spiculigerum in fish, Contracaecum larvae in Chaetognatha (USSR) . Autrum, H. 1936. Hirudineen. Bronn's Klassenu. Ordnungen das Tierreichs. IV Band, Abt. 3, Buch 4, Teil 1, p. 1-96. / (H); monograph; descriptions, synonymy, hosts. Lists 3 species in waterfowl . Avery, R. A. 1965. Host parasite relations of some hymenolepidid tapeworms. [Abstr.] Proc . British Soc. Parasitol., Parasitology, 55(4): 6P. / (C); size of worms reduced after repeated infections in ducks (England) . Avery, R. A. 1966a. Helminth parasites of wildfowl from Slimbridge, Gloucestershire. I. Parasites of captive Anatidae. J. Helminth., 40: 269-280. / (N,A,C,T); examined 123 captive waterfowl, found 26 helminths (England). Avery, R. A. 1966b. Helminth parasites of wildfowl from Slimbridge, Gloucestershire. II. Parasites of wild mallard . J. Helminth., 40: 281-284. / (N,A,C,T); examined 30 wild ducks, found 20 helminths (England) . Azhinov, S. A. 1960a. Novyi vid tsestody roda Diorchis Clerc , 1903, u domashnikh utok v Rostovskoi oblasti. [Anew species of cestode of the genus Diorchis Clerc, 1903, of domestic ducks in Rostov oblast.] Trudy Rostov. Oblast. Nauchno-Issled. Vet. Stantsii, 12: 287-292. [Russ. text]/ (C); Diorchis donis sp. n. (S. Russia). Azhinov, S. A. 1960b. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh utok v Rostovskoi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic ducks in Rostov oblast]. Trudy Rostov. Oblast. Nauchno-Issled. Vet. Stantsii, 12: 293-298. [Russ. text] / (C); reports 15 helminths (S. Russia). Babic, I. 1936. Entoparaziti ptica zapadnog dijela drzave. (Endopara- siten bei Vogeln aus den westlichen Gegenden Jugoslawiens .) Vet. Arhiv, Zagreb, 6: 297-302. [Ger. summary] / (N,C); gives 6 water- fowl records (Jugoslavia) . 12 Baczynska, H. 1914. Etudes anatomiques et histologiques sur quelques nouvelles especes de cestodes d'oiseaux. Bull. Soc . Neuchatel. Sc. Nat. , 40: 187-239. / (C); Hymenolepis kowalewskii sp. n. (Germany) . Baer, J. G. 1925. Quelques cestodes d'oiseaux nouveaux et peu connus. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 49: 138-154. / (C); description of Diplogynia oligorchis comb. n. (Australia). Baer, J. G. 1926. Contributions to the helminth-fauna of South Africa . Rep. Director Vet. Educ. & Res., Dept. Agric . Union of South Africa, pt. 1, p. 63-136. / (C); includes one form in waterfowl. Baer, J. G. 1927. Monographie des cestodes de la famille des Anoplo- cephalidae. Bull. Biol. France et Belgique, Suppl. 10, 241 p. / (C); lists one form in waterfowl. Baer, J. G. 1931. Apropos d'une nouvelle classification des cestodes du genre Davainea R. Br. s_. l_. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 56: 44- 57. / (C); critique of classification proposed by LOpez-Neyra, mentions 4 forms found in waterfowl. Baer, J. G. 1932. Contribution a la faune helminthologique de Suisse (Deuxieme partie) . Rev. Suisse Zool., 39: 1-58. / (T); reports Bilharziella polonica in waterfowl. Baer, J. G. 1940. Some avian tapeworms from Antigua . Parasitology, 32: 174-197. / (C) Hymenolepis flagellata in waterfowl (West Indies) . Baer, J. G. 1954. Revision taxinomique et etude biologique des cestodes de la famille des Tetrabothriidae parasites d'oiseaux de haute mer et de mammiferes marins . Mem. Univ. Neuchatel. , s. in quarto, 1, 121 p. / (C); redescription, synonymy of Tetrabo- thrius immerinus (synonym T^. arcticus) . Baer, J. G. 1956. Parasitic helminths collected in West Greenland. Meddel. Gr^z^nland, 124: 1-55. / (C , T); Haploparaxis groenlandica comb. n. , lists 2 other forms in waterfowl. Suggests marine Anseriformes acquire most parasites in fresh water while young. Baer, J. G. 1957. Repartition et endemicite des cestodes chez les reptiles, oiseaux et mammiferes. In: First Symposium on the Parasitic Specificity of Parasites of Vertebrates, Inst. Zool., Univ. de Neuchatel, p. 270-292. / (C); includes discussion of endemicity of cestodes of Anseriformes. 13 Baer, J. G. 1962. Cestoda. Zool. Iceland, 2(12): 1-63. / (C); Hymenolepis pseudosetlgera sp . n . , Diorchis diorchis comb . n . , description; reports 14 other cestodes in waterfowl (Iceland) . Baer, J. G., & A. Fain. 1955. Cestodes. Fasc. (36) Mission (de Witte) (1946-1949) Explor. Pare Nat. Upemba, 38 p. / (C); includes at least 3 forms in waterfowl (Central Africa). Baianov, M. G., & KH. KH . Sharislamova . 1965. Vyzhivaemost' plerotserkoidov Digramma interrupta vo vneshneY srede. [Survival rate of plerocercoids of Digramma interrupta in external environ- ment.] Materialy nauchn . Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 4, p. 15-17. [Russ. text] / (C); experimentally in domestic duck (Bashkiria) . Baidalin, A. lA. , & K. A. Popova . 1962. [Epizootiology and therapy of cyathostomatosis .] Sborn . Nauch . Rabot. Kursk. Obi. Nauch.- Proizv. Vet. Lab., (3): 114-117. [Russ. text] / (N); in domestic geese. Bajard, M. 1962. Maladies parasitaires du tractus digestif de I'oie dans le Landes. Thesis, Ecole Nat. Vet. d'Alfort, 63 p. / (N); includes life cycles, pathology, symptoms (France). Balozet, L. , & J. Callot. 1938. Trematodes de Tunisie. Hetero- phyoidea (Note preliminaire) . Ann. Parasitol., 16: 562. / (T); reports one form in duck, life cycles of 3 others. Balozet, L., & J. Callot. 1939. Trematodes de Tunisie. 3. Super- famille Heterophyoidea . Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, 28: 34-63. / (T); lists 3 forms known from waterfowl. Bangham, R. V. 1939. Parasites of Centrarchidae from southern Florida. Tr. Am. Fish. Soc . , 68: 263-268. / (N); intermediate hosts (fish) of Contracaecum spiculigerum (USA) . Bangham, R. V. 1951. Parasites of fish in the Upper Snake River drainage and in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming. Zoologica, Scient. Contrib. N. York Zool. Soc, 36: 213-217. / (N,C,T); lists inter- mediate hosts of 3 species of helminths reported in waterfowl (USA) , Bangham, R. V. , & J. R.Adams. 1954. A survey of the parasites of freshwater fishes from the mainland of British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 11: 673-708. / (N,C); intermediate hosts of 2 helminths of waterfowl (Canada) . 14 Bangham, R. V., & C. E. Venard . 1942. Studies on parasites of Reelfoot Lake fish. IV. Distribution studies and checklist of parasites. J. Tennessee Acad . Sc . , 17(1): 22-38. (Reelfoot Lake Biol. Sta. Rep. (6) (1942): 22-38.) / (N); intermediate hosts (fish) of Contracaecum spiculigerum (USA) , Barker, F. D. 1911a. The trematode genus Opisthorchis R. Blanchard 1895. Studies Zool. Lab. Univ. Nebraska, (103): 513-561. /(T); review of genus; lists one species from waterfowl. Barker, F. D. 1911b. [Preprint only] Same as Barker, 1911a. Arch. Parasitol., 14: 513-561. / (T) . Barry, M. R. 1959. Flukes in the respiratory tract of ducks . Cor- respondence, Austral. Vet. J., 35: 432. / (T); Tracheophilus cymbius in domestic ducklings (Australia) . Bartoli, P. 1965. Donnees nouvelles sur la morphologic et la biologie de Parvatrema timondavidi Bartoli , 1963 (Trematoda: Digenea) . Ann. Parasitol., 40: 155-164. / (T); experimentally in domestic duckling; description (France). Barus, V. 1964a. Studien liber die exogene Phase des Entwicklungs- zyklus von Amidostomum fulicae (Rudolphi , 1819) (Nematoda, Amidostomatidae) . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 24: 112-120. / (N); comparison of larvae of A. fulicae with A. anseris and A. acutum. Barus, V. 19 64b. The morphological and biometrical variability of the nematode Syngamus (Syngamus) trachea (Montagu, 1811) Chapin, 1925 and a revision of the species composition of the subgenus Syngamus. VSstnik £esk. Zool. Spolei. , 28: 290-304. / (N); S. trachea with w ide morphological variation, no physiologic races. Barus, V. 1964c. Freshwater snails as reservoir hosts of invasive larvae of the nematode Syngamus (S^.) trachea (Montagu 1811) . Proc . Symp . , Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc , , p. 83-90. / (N); snails infected with larvae from eggs, infected ducks experimentally (Czechoslovakia). Barus, V. , & A. Lelek. 19 61. Pfispevek k poznani helmintofauny lysky cerne (Fulica atra L.) a nekterych dalsich vodnich ptaku . (A contribution to the helminthofauna of European coot (Fulica atra L.) and certain other water birds.) &esk. Parasitol. , 8: 15-30. [Eng , summary] / (A); reports one form in waterfowl (Czechoslovakia). 15 Basch, P . F. 1966 . The life cycle of Trichobilharzla brevis , n . sp. an avian schistosome from Malaya. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 27: 242-251. / (T); in domestic duck. Bashkirova, E. lA. 1939. Ekhinostomatidy ptits SSSR. [Echinosto- matidae of birds of USSR.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS) [Russ. text]/ See Bashkirova, 1941, 1947. Bashkirova, E. lA. (1941). Ekhinostomatidy ptits SSSR i obzor tsiklov ikh razvitiia. [Echinostomatidae of birds of the USSR and observa- tions on their life cycle.] Trudy Bashkirsk. Nauch .-Issled . Vet. Opytn. Stants., 3: 243-300. [Russ. text] / (T); reports at least 9 forms in waterfowl; Hypoderaeum vigi sp. n. , Hypoderaeum gnedini sp . n . , Echinostoma revolutum tenuicollis var . n . , Echinoparyphium nordiana sp . n . , Echinoparyphium syrdariense aquatica var . n . , Petasiger skrjabini sp . n . Bashkirova, E. lA. 1946. Dve novye ekhinostomatidy Azerbatdzhanskikh ptits. [Two new echinostomes of birds of Azerbaidzhan.] Gel' mint. Sbom. 40-Let. DeAtel'nost. Skrjabin, p. 42-46. [Russ. text] / (T); Echinostoma stromi sp . n. in duck. Bashkirova, E. lA. 1947. Semeistvo Echinostomatidae Dietz, 1909. [Family Echinostomatidae Dietz, 1909]. In: Skrjabin, K. I., Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii. Vol. 1, p. 310-391. [Russ. text] / (T); checklist of species and hosts; lists 40 species in waterfowl. Bashkirova, E. lA. 1950. Semeistvo Cyclocoeliidae Kossack, 1911. [Family Cyclocoeliidae Kossack, 1911]. In: Skrjabin, K. I., Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii, v. 4, p. 329-493, Moskva. [Russ. text] / (T); monographic com- pilation; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, habitat, distribution; lists 14 species in waterfowl. Bashkirova, E. lA. 1960. K faune nematod ptits Primorskogo kraia. [On the nematode fauna of birds of Primorsk Territory.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 10: 46-57. [Russ. text] / (N); lists 4 species in waterfowl. Baskakov, V. P. 1927. K analizu individual' noi izmenchivosti trema- tody Prosthogonimus ovatus (Rud.) . (Ueber die individuelle Variabilitat des Saugwurmes Prosthogonimus ovatus (Rud.).) Sbom. Rabot. Gel'mint. posv. K. I. Skrjabin, p. 25-44. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); (USSR). 16 Baudet, E, A. 1929. Tracheophilus sisowi Skrjabin 1923, een Mono- stomum-soort bij eenden. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. , 56: 525-527. [Ger., Eng., & Fr. summaries] / (T); in domestic duck. Baugh, S. C. 1949. On a new avian trematode, Psilorchis thapari (Fam. Psilostomidae) , with a record of Psilochasmus oxyurus (Crep.) from India. Indian J. Helminth., 1: 79-84. / (T); P. oxyurus in ducks . Baugh, S. C. 1963. Contributions to our knowledge of digenetic trematodes VI. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 22: 303-315. / (T); Bilharziella lali sp . n . , Trichobilharzia indica sp . n . in ducks (India) . Baugh, S. C. 1950. On Paryphostomum horai sp. nov. (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) , with a note on the systematic position of Paryphostomum novum Verma , 1936. Rec . Indian Mus . , 47:99- 106. / (T); both in ducks; figures of Echinostoma novum comb. n. (India) . Baugh, S. C. 1958. Contributions to our knowledge of digenetic trema- todes. III. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc . India. 28: 205-226. / (T); 3 species in waterfowl: Paramonostomum nettioni sp. n. , Metorchis nettioni sp. n., Notocotylus parviovatus (India). Baylis, H. A. 1919. A collection of Entozoa , chiefly from birds , from the Murman coast. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., s. 9 (18), 3: 501-515. / (A,C); reports 8 helminths from waterfowl; Aploparaksis murmanica sp . n . (N . Russia) . Baylis, H. A. 1920. On the classification of the Ascaridae. 1. The systematic value of certain characteristics of the alimentary canal. Parasitology, 12: 253-264. / (N); checklist of species includes Porrocaecum crassum in duck. Baylis, H. A. 1928. Records of some parasitic worms from British vertebrates. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 10 s. (3), 1: 329-343. / (N,A,C,T); reports 24 forms from waterfowl (Great Britain). Baylis, H. A. 1929. Parasitic nematoda and acanthocephala col- lected in 1925-1927 . Discovery Rep. , Discovery Comm. , Colon. Office, London, 1: 541-559. / (N); reports Heterakis dispar in waterfowl (S. America). 17 Baylis, H. A. 1932a. A comparison of certain species of the nematode genus Amidostomum, with a description of a new species. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. , s. 10 (57) , 10: 281-286. / (N); Amidostomum spatulatum sp. n. in geese; redescriptions of A. skrjabini, A. monodon (Great Britain) . Baylis, H. A. 1932b. What is Psilochasmus lecithosus Otte? Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., s. 10 (49), 9: 124-125. / (T); synonym of Hypoderaeum conoideum. Baylis, H. A. 1934a. Some parasitic worms from Australia. Parasi- tology, 26: 129-132 . / (C); Hymenolepis robertsi sp . n . , Aplo- paraksis veitchi sp . n . , Diorchis flavescens , in waterfowl . Baylis, H. A. 1934b. Three helminthological notes. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., s. 10 (79), 14: 115-121. / (N); Qxyspirura mansoni (synonym O. garvovum) in muscovy duck (Australia). Baylis, H. A. 1936. Nematoda, Vol. I. Ascaroidea and Strongyloidea . Fauna of British India, London, 408 p. / (N); brief description of parasites reported; includes a few waterfowl records (India) . Baylis, H. A. 1939a. Nematoda, Vol. II. Filarioidea , Dioctophymoidea , and Trichinelloidea. Fauna of British India, London, 274 p. / (N); includes a few waterfowl records; host-parasite list for volumes I and II, 10 species in waterfowl (India). Baylis, H. A. 1939b. Further records of parasitic worms from British vertebrates. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., s. 11 (23), 4: 473-498. / (N,A,C,T); lists 36 helminths from waterfowl (Great Britain). Bearup, A. J. 1957. Schistosomes in the nasal passages of aquatic birds. Correspondence. Austral. J. Sc . , 19: 163. / (T); Trich- obilharzia sp. eggs (Australia). Bearup, A. J. 1960. Life-history of Acanthoparyphium spinulosum Johnston, 1917 (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) . Australian J. Zool., 8: 217-225. / (T); synonym A. spinulosum var. suzugamo (Australia) . Beaudette, F. R. 1936. Microfilaria in a duck. J, Am. Vet. Med. Ass. , 89, n, s, 42: 589-590. / (N); abundant in dead duck (USA). Beaudette, F. R. 1939. Flukes in the respiratory tract of ducks . J. Am. Vet, Med. Ass. , 94, n. s. 47: 44. / (N,A,T); three helminths reported from dead ducks (USA) . Beaver, P. C. 1937. Experimental studies on Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich) , a fluke from birds and mammals. Illinois Biol. Monogr., 15(1): 1-96. / (T); life cycle, biology, citations of hosts and dis- tribution, synonymy (USA). Beaver, P. C. 1938. Life history studies on Psilostomum ondatrae Price and Petasiger nitidus Linton (Trematoda) . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 24(Suppl.'): 28. / (T); P. ondatrae experimentally in duck (USA). Beaver, P. C. 1939. The morphology and life history of Psilostomum ondatrae Price, 1931 (Trematoda: Psilostomidae) . J. Parasitol., 25: 383-393. / (T); experimentally in duckling (USA). Becker, C. D., &W. D. Brunson. 1966. Transmission of Diplostomum flexicaudum to trout by ingestion of precocious metacercariae in molluscs. J. Parasitol., 52: 829-830. / (T); trout infected by ingesting snails with metacercariae (USA) . Becklund, W. W. 1964. Revised check list of internal and external parasites of domestic animals in the United States and possessions and in Canada. Am. J. Vet. Res., 25: 1380-1416. / (N,C..T); includes parasites reported in domestic ducks and geese. Belli, D. 1936. Glistnye invazii domashnikh ptits . [Tapeworm invasion of domestic birds.] Sovet. Ptitsevod., 2: 33-36. [Russ. text]/ (C); (USSR). Bejsovec, J. 1962. Ros§ifovani zarodku helmintu pasazi zazivacim traktem adekvatech pfena^ecu. Cesk. Parasitol., 9: 95-109. / (N); reports Ascaris suum, Parascaris equorum from domestic duck [experimental infections]; nematodes of domestic birds with direct life cycles in invertebrate hosts. Bell, E. J., & C. A. Hopkins. 1956. The development of Diplostomum phoxini (Strigeida, Trematoda). Ann. Trop . Med. Parasitol., 50: 275-282. / (T); life cycle, experimentally in domestic duck (Great Britain) . rs Belogurov, O. I., G. G. Da!ia , & M. D. Sonin . 1966. Novaia itmatoda Sarconema pseudolabiata nov. sp . (Filariata: Aproctoidea) - para- zit utinykh ptits . [New nematode, Sarconema pseudolabiata nov. sp. (Filariata: Aproctoidea) , parasite of anatid birds .] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 3-6. [Russ. text] / (N); repeatedly found, previously unrecognized (USSR). 19 Belogurov, O. I. , & V. V. Kulikov. 1966. K poznaniiu morfologii tsestody Sobolevicanthus octacantha (Krabbe, 1869) (Hymeno- lepididae) po materialu s Dal'nego Vostoka. [The morphology of the cestode Sobolevicanthus octacantha (Krabbe, 1869) (Hymeno- lepididae) from material from the Far East.] Vestnik Leningrad. Gosudarstv. Univ., s. Biol., 21: 149-152. [Russ. text, Eng . sum- mary] / (C); in waterfowl; description (Khabarovsk). Belogurov, O. I., & V. A. Leonov. 1963. Dva novykh vida trematod ot shilokhvosti (Anas acuta) Kamchatki. [Two new species of trematodes from the common pintail (Anas acuta) of Kamchatka]. Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 13: 212-215. [Russ. text] / (T); Metorchis elegans sp. n. , Lyperosomum anatis sp. n. Belogurov, O. I., A. P. Maksimova, & L. M . Tolkacheva. 1966. Cotylurostrigea brandivitellata nov. sp. - novaia trematoda ot gusinykh ptits. [Cotylurostrigea brandivitellata nov. sp. — new trematode from anserine birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 7-8. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR - Kazakhstan, Lower Yenisei) . Belokobylenko, V. T. 1960. K gel'mintofaune domashnikh gusef i utok Alma-AtinskoY oblasti. [On the helminth fauna of domestic geese and ducks in Alma-Ata oblast.] (Parazity Zhivotnykh Kaz- akh stana) . Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 14: 190-192. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); lists 14 species in domestic waterfowl (Kazakhstan) Belokobylenko, V. T. 1962a. [Dependence of helminth infections of domestic aquatic birds on the type of water-reservoir and the organization of control measures .] Tez . Dokl. Nauchno.-Proi- zvodstv. Konf. Gel'mint. Dzambule, p. 11-12. [Russ. text] Belokobylenko, V. T. 1962b. Gel'mintofauna domashnef vodoplava- lushchef ptitsy Alma-Atinskof oblasti. (Helminthofauna of domes- tic waterfowl of the Alma-Ata region.) Parazity Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn. Kazakhstan., AN Kazakh . SSR, Inst. Zool., (1): 197-206. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 217 domestic waterfowl; reports 27 helminths (Kazakhstan). Belokobylenko, V. T. 1963. Gel'mintofauna domashnet vodoplavaiu- shchei ptitsy lugovostoka i vostoka Kazakhstana. (Helminthofauna of domestic waterfowl in the south-east and east of Kazakhstan.) Parazity Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn. Kazakhstan., AN Kazakh. SSR, Inst. Zool., (2): 86-99. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 388 domestic waterfowl; reports 53 helminths, descriptions of 12. 20 Belokobylenko , V. T. 1965. Gel'minty domashnikh utok Ural'skoi oblasti. [Helminths of domestic ducks of the Uralsk oblast.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 2, p. 38-40. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 221 ducks, lists 40 helminths. Belokobylenko, V. T., E. V. Gvozdev, & A. P. Maksimova. 1964. Gel'minty vodoplavaiushchikh ptits ozer zaisan i alakul' . [Hel- minths of water birds in Lakes Zaysan and Alakul' .] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 22: 61-73. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 172 wild ducks, found 73 helminths (Kazakhstan). Belopol'skaia, M. M . 1947. Parazitofauna ptits zapovednika "Sem' ostrovov" . [Parasite fauna of birds of the Preserve "Sem Ostrovov" .] Kand . Diss. (Biblioth . Lenin) [Russ. textl/See Belopol'skaia, 1953b, 1953c. Belopol'skaia, M. M. 1949. Tsikl razvitiia trematody Spelotrema pygmaeum parazitiruiushche'f u ptits. [Life cycle of the trematode Spelotrema pygmaeum, parasitic in birds.] Doklady AN SSSR, n. s. 66: 133-135. [Russ. text] / (T); in ducks (USSR). Belopol' skai^ , M. M . 1952a. Trematody semeistva Microphallidae Travassos, 1920. [The trematode family Microphallidae Travassos, 1920.] In: Skrjabin, K. I., Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii , v. 6, p. 619-756. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, habitat, distribution; reports 15 species in waterfowl; Spelotrema oidemiae sp. n. (USSR). Belopol'skaia, M . M . 1952b. Parazitofauna morskikh vodoplavaiu- shchikh ptits. [Parasite fauna of marine aquatic birds.] Uchen. Zapiski Leningrad. Gosudarstv. Univ., (141), s. Biol. Nauk,(28): 127-180. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 67 eider ducks; reports 20 helminths; Renicola somateriae sp. n. , Streptocara dogieli sp . n., descriptions of 4 other species (N . Russia). Belopol'skaia, M. M. 1953. Balanus balanoides L. kak promezhuto- chnyY khozi^in nekotorykh paraziticheskikh chervel. [Balanus balanoides L. as an intermediate host of some parasitic worms.] Doklady AN SSSR, n. s. 91: 437-440. [Russ. text] / (C,T); para- sitized by larval stages, probably of Fimbriarioides intermedia , Anomotaenia sp . , Maritrema gratiosum (USSR) . 21 Belopol'skaia, M. M. 1954. Parazitofauna ptits Sudzukhinskogo zapovednika (Primor'e). [Parasite fauna of birds of the Sudzhuk- hinsk Preserve (Maritime province).] Uchen. Zapiski Leningrad. Gosudarstv. Univ., (172), s. Biol. Nauk , 35: 3-34. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 45 ducks; reports 11 helminths; descriptions of Spelotrema oidemia and Tri striata anatis . Belopol'skaia, M. M. 1957. Fauna lichinok sosal' shchikov bokoplava (Gammarus locusta L.) iz baltiYskogo mori^ . (Die Fauna der Trema- todenlarven von Gammarus locusta L. aus der Ostsee.) Trudy Leningrad. Obshch. Estestv., Otdel. Zool. , 73: 164-170. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); reports larval stages of 3 forms (N. Ru ssia) Belopol'skaia, M. M. 195 8. O stroenii laits nekotorykh Cestoda. (On the egg structure of some Cestoda). Nauch. Dokl . Vysshei Shkoly, Biol. Nauk (4): 7-10. [Russ. text] / (C) . Belopol'skaia, M. M . [1959a.] Parazitofauna ptits Sudzukhinskogo zapovednika (Primor'e). II. Skrebni (Acanthocephala) . (Die Parasitofauna der Vogel des sudsuchinschen Naturschutzgebietes (Ferner Osten) . II, (Acanthocephala).) Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 18: 304-320. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (A); examined 5 6 waterfowl, reports 4 helminths; Corynosoma sudsuche sp. n., description of C . mergi (Primorsk) . Belopol'skaia, M. M. 195 9b. Parazitofauna ptits sudzhukhinskogo zapovednika (Primor'e). III. Kruglye chervi (Nematodes), [The parasitic fauna of birds of the Sudzukhinsk Preserve (Primorsk). III. Nematodes.] In: Polianskii, 1. Y. , Ekologicheskaia Para- zitologiia, Izdat. Leningrad. Gosudarstv. Univ., p. 3-21. [Russ. text] / (N); reports 5 nematodes in waterfowl. Belopol' skai^ , M. M . 195 9c. Parazitofauna kulikov poberezhii lapon- skogo i barentsova morei. [The parasite fauna of shore birds of the Japan and Barents Seas.] In: Polianskii, I. Y. , Ekologicheskaia Parazitologiia, Izdat. Leningrad. Gosudarstv. Univ., p. 22-57. [Russ. text] / (T); reports one trematode in ducks; description of Arhythmorhynchus longicollis (USSR) . Belopol'skaA, M. M. 1960. Tipy razvitiia trematod semeistva Micro- phallidae. [Types of development among trematodes of the family Microphallidae.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1950), p. 9. [Russ. text] / (T); dis- tinguishes 4 types of development , with parallel modifications in Microphallus , Maritrema , and Levin s eniella . 22 Belopol' skaia , M, M. 1962. Tsikly razvitiia trematod semeistva Microphallidae Travassos, 1920. [Life cycles of the trematode family Microphallidae Travassos , 1920.] Vestnik Leningrad . Gosudarstv. Univ., 17, s. Biol.,(l): 45-53. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (T) . Belopol' skaA , M . M. 1963a. Semeistvo Microphallidae Travassos , 1920. [Family Microphallidae Travassos, 1920.] In: Skrjabin, K. I., Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka , Osnovy trematodologii, V. 21, pp. 259-502. [Russ. text] / (T); Monograph; includes description of all species not described in Belopol' skaia , 1952; synonymy, hosts, habitat, distribution, life cycle; reports 13 species in waterfowl. Belopol' skaia , M. M. 1963b. Parazitofauna ptits Sudzukhinskogo zapovednika (Primor'e) IV . Lentochnye chervi (Cestoidea) . [Parasites of birds of the Sudzukhinsk Preserve (Maritime territory). 4. Tapeworms (Cestoidea).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 13: 144-163. [Russ. text] / (C); lists 15 cestodes from waterfowl. Belopol' skaia, M. M. 1963c. Obzor parazitofauny ptits sudzukhinskogo zapovednika (Primor'e). [Survey of the parasite fauna of birds in the Sudzukhinsk Reserve (Primorsk) .] Parazitol. Sbom . Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 21: 221-244. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (N,A,C,T); examined 56 waterfowl, found 35 helminths. Tables compare parasite fauna of this area with other areas in USSR. Belopol' skaia , M. M. 1965. Ochagi zarazheniia trematodami seme- istva Microphallidae Travassos, 1920. [Foci of infections of trematodes of the family Microphallidae Travassos, 1920.] Mater- ialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch . 1, p. 16-21. [Russ. text] / (T) . van Bemmel, A. C. V., J. C. Peters, & P. Zwart. 19 60. Report on births and deaths occurring in the gardens of the Royal Rotterdam zoo during the year 1958 . Tijdschr. Diergeneesk . , 85: 1203-1213. / (A,C,H); includes 3 forms in waterfowl (Netherlands). van Bemmel, A. C. V., P. Zwart, & J. C. Peters. 1962. Report on births and deaths occurring in the gardens of the Royal Rotterdam zoo during the years 1959 and 1960. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk., 87: 826-836. / (T); includes one helminth in waterfowl (Netherlands). Bennett, H. J. 1942. Observations on the experimentally determined life cycle of the Leucochloridium actitis Mcintosh. [Abstr.] Proc . Louisiana Acad. Sc . , 6: 79-80. / (T); (USA). 23 Bennett, L, J. 1938. The blue-winged teal, its ecology and manage- ment. Collegiate Press, Iowa State Coll., 144 p. / (H); reports loss of young ducks due to Theromyzon occidentalis (USA) . van den Berghe, L. 1942. Enquete parasitologique . I. Parasites du sang des vertebres . Fasc. (1) Mission (van den Berghe) (193 6) Exp lor. Pare Nat. Albert, p. 3-15. / (N); Microfilaria plectropteri sp . n . (Ruanda) . Berrie, A. D. 1960a. The influence of various definitive hosts on the development of Diplostomum phoxini (Strigeida, Trematoda) . J. Helminth. , 34: 205-210. / (T); life cycle; experimentally in duck- ling (Great Britain) . Berrie, A. D. 1960b. Two Diplostomulum larvae (Strigeida, Trematoda) in the eyes of sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.). J. Hel- minth. , 34: 211-216. / (T); life cycles of Diplostomum spathaceum, Diplostomulum sp.; matured in ducklings (Great Britain) . Betz, W. 1941. Seuchenhafte Trematodenerkrankungen bei Ganzen. Tierarztl. Rundschau, 47: 526-527. / (N,T); epizootic in domestic geese due to Echinoparyphium recurvatum (Germany) . Beverley-Burton, M. 195 8. A new notocotylid trematode, Uniserialis gippyensis gen. et sp . nov. , from the mallard, Anas platyrhyncha platyrhyncha L. J. Parasitol., 44: 412-415. / (T); (Great Britain). Beverley-Burton, M. [1959.] Some helminths from fresh water birds in Suffolk. Tr. Suffolk Nat. Soc . (1958), 11: 29-43. / (N,C,T,H); reports 41 helminths from waterfowl; description of Notocotylus gibbus , Hymenolepis abort! va (Great Britain) . Beverley-Burton, M. 1960. Anew cestode, Hymenolepis mandabbi sp . nov,, from the tufted duck, Aythya fuligula (L.). Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., s. 13 (21), 2: 560-5 64. / (C); (Great Britain) . Beverley-Burton, M. 1961. Studies on the trematoda of British fresh- water birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 137: 13-40. / (T); examined 209 wild birds (mostly ducks), reports 14 trematodes from ducks; description of each (Great Britain) . Beverley-Burton, M. 1964. Studies on the cestoda of British fresh- water birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 142: 307-346. / (C); reports 26 species from waterfowl; includes descriptions of most (Great Britain) . 24 Bezubik, B. 1954a. (Diqramma interrupta Rudolph! , 1810 (Ligulidae f. n.).) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 1: 411-433. [Pol. text, Eng . & Russ. summaries] / (C); description, classification, comparison with other forms (Poland) . Bezubik, B. [1954b.] Helmintofauna ptakow twnych kaczkowatych (Anatinae) woj .Lubelskiego i Biafostockiego . Doniesienie tym- czasowe. (Helminthofauna of the wild ducks (Anatinae) in the districts Lublin and Bialystok.) [Abstr.] Pam. 3 Zjazd. Polsk. Towarz. Parazytol. (Wroclaw, 6-7 IX, 1952), p. 152-153. [Pol. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (N,A,C); (Poland). Bezubik, B. 1956a. Helmintofauna dzikich kaczek (podrodzinae Ana- tinae) woj. Lubelskiego i Bialostockiego. (The helminth fauna of wild duck (subfam. Anatinae) of the Lublin and Bialystok districts.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2(5), Suppl . : 267-268. [Pol. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (N,A,C); examined 278 ducks; gives incidence of helminths, discusses some aspects of parasitism (Poland) . Bezubik, B. 1956b. Badania nad Polymorphus minutus (Goeze, 1782) i Polymorphus magnus (Skrjabin, 1913). (Research on Polymorphus minutus and P. magnus.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2(5), Suppl.: 265. [Pol. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (A); the species differ only in measurements (Poland) . Bezubik, B. 1956c. Materia-Jy do helmintofauny ptakow wodnych Polski. (Materials to the helminthofauna of aquatic birds of Poland.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 4: 59-88. [Pol. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (N,A,C,T); report on birds other than Ana- tidae, cites some waterfowl records. Bezubik, B. [1957a.] Helmintofauna dzikich kaczek (podrodz. Anatinae). (The helminthfauna of wild ducks (subfam.Anatinae) .) Acta Para- sitol. Polonica, 4: 407-510. [Pol. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (N,A,C,T); examined 278 ducks, found 36 helminths; gives de- scription of each, hosts, incidence; discussion of seasonal changes, intensity (Poland) . Bezubik, B. 1957b. Studies on Polymorphus minutus (Goeze, 1782) - syn. Polymorphus magnus Skrjabin, 1913. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 5: 1-8. [Pol. summary] / (A); redescription of £. minutus (Poland). Bezubik, B. 1957c. Supplement to the study on the helminth fauna of wild ducks (subfamily Anatinae). Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 5: 177- 179. [Pol. summary] / (A); description of Polymorphus contortus (Poland) . 25 Bezubik, B. 1958. Strigea raabei sp. n., a new trematode from wild ducks of Poland. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 6: 309-317. [Pol. summary] / (T); description; key to species of genus. Bhaibulaya, M., M. Kruatrachue, & C. Harinasuta. 1965. Echinostome species of intestinal trematodes in Thailand. [Correspondence.] Tr. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg . , 59: 223. / (T); examined 966 domestic ducks, 11% infected with 4 species. Bhalerao, G. D. 1942. On Strigeida (Trematoda) from India. Rec . Indian Mus., 44(2): 207-216. / (T); compilation of reports, lists 4 forms in waterfowl. Bhattacharjee, M. L., & D. D. Doss. 1967. Tetrameriasis in ducks in Assam. [Correspondence.] Indian Vet. J., 44: 81-82. / (N); description of pathology. Biguet, J., S. Deblock, & A. Capron. 195 8. Contribution a la con- naissance des Microphallidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda). II. Description de deux especes nouvelles du genre Microphallus H. B. Ward , 1901 sens . nov. : M. debuni et M. canchei, parasites intestinaux de Charadriiformes (Charadrii et Lari) des cotes de France. Considerations sur quelques genres de la sous-famille des Microphallinae Ward, 1901 et essai de cle diagnostiques des especes du genre Microphallus Ward, 1901, sens, nov. Ann. Para- sitol., 33: 396-444. / (T); revision of Microphallinae, table of characters of species of genus Microphallus, key. Birova, V. , & V. Busa. 1957. K nalezu trematodov z rodu Prosthogon- imus Luhe, 1899 u kafiice domacej (Anas boschas domestica) a morky (Meleagris gallopavo) na Slovensku. (On the finding of trematodes belonging to the genus Prosthogonimus Luhe 1899 in the domestic duck (Anas boschas domestica) and the turkey (Mel- eagris gallopavo) in Slovakia.) Biologia, Bratislava, 12(4): 288-291. [Russ., Ger., & Eng . summaries] / (T); (Czechoslovakia). Bisseru, B. 1953. Some stages in the development of larval echinos- tomes recovered from molluscs acting as carriers of schistosomes in Central Africa. [Abstr. of demonstration] Tr. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 47: 262-263. / (T); life histories of Echinostoma revolutum, Echinoparyphium recurvatum (Congo). Bisseru, B. 1957a. On the genus Opisthorchis R. Blanchard , 1895, with a note on the occurrence of 0_. geminus (Looss, 1896) in new avian hosts. J. Helminth., 31: 187-202. / (T); host-species list, some forms reported in waterfowl. 25 Bisseru, B. 195 7b. On three known trematodes from African birds, with notes on the genera Typhlocoelum, Paryphostomum , and Petasiger . J. Helminth . , 31: 173-186 . / (T); Typhlocoelum cucu- merinum in waterfowl (N. Rhodesia) . Bisseru, B. 1967. Stages in the development of larval echinostomes recovered from schistosome transmitting molluscs in Central Africa. J. Helminth., 41: 89-108. / (T); life histories of Echinoparyphium recurvatum, Echinostoma revolutum (Zambia) . Bittner, H. 1923. Schistogonimus rarus (Braun) , ein seltener Trematode in der Bursa Fabricii einer an Tetrameres- Invasion gestorbenen Hausente. Arch. Wissensch. u. Prakt. Tierh . , 50: 253-261. / (N, T); (Germany). Bittner, H. 1925. Ein Beitrag zur Uebertragung und zur Morphologie von Echinoparyphium recurvatum. Berl. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 41: 82-86. / (T); (Germany). Bittner, H., & C. E. W. Sprehn. 1928. Trematodes. Saugwurmer. Biol. Tiere Deutschlands (Schulze) , Lief. 27, Teil 5, p. 1-133. / (T); compilation; lists 63 forms in waterfowl. Blanchard, R. 1891a. Note sur les migrations du Taenia gracilis Krabbe. Bull. See. Zool. France, 16: 119-122. / (C); life cycle (Great Britain) Blanchard, R. 1891b. Notices helminthologiques (2). Sur les teniades a ventouses armee. Mem. Soc . Zool. France, 4: 420-429. / (C); Echinocotyle rosseteri sp . n.; lists 16 forms in waterfowl (Great Britain) . Blanchard, R. 1891c. Same as Blanchard, 1891a. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 43, s. 9, 3: 330-332. / (C) . Blanchard, R. 1892. Description de la Glossiphonia tessellata. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 5: 5 6-68. / (H); free-living specimen (France). Blanchard, R. 1893. Courtes notices sur les hirudinees. XVIII. Encore la Glossiphonia tessellata. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 18: 197-198. / (H); in wild duck (Europe). Bock, F. 1935. Acanthocephala , Kratzer. Biol. Tiere Deutschlands (Schulze), Lief. 38, Teil 9, p. 1-34. / (A); compilation; lists 7 forms from waterfowl. 27 Boddeke, R. 1960a. The life history of Prosthogonimus ovatus Rudolph! . I. Experiments in birds. Trop. Geog. Med., 12: 263-292. [Span, summary] / (T); description, modification by differences in hosts and locations . Boddeke, R. 1960b. The life history of Prosthogonimus ovatus Rudolph i . II. The intermediate hosts . Trop. Geogr. Med., 12: 363-377. [Span, summary] / (T) . Boddeke, R. 1960c. The life history of Prosthogonimus ovatus Rudolph! . III. Taxonomy and economical aspects . Trop. Geogr. Med., 12: 378-387. [Span, summary] / (T); morphology, synonymy; reduces all forms in Europe and Asia (27 names listed) to one species. Bohm, L. K. 1921. Beitrage zur Kenntnis tierischer Parasiten. Centralbl. Bakt. 1 Abt. , Orig . , 87: 407-427. / (C); mentions one form in water- fowl. Bolek, E. 1960. Predbezne sd&leni o helmintech zazivadel jatecnych hus. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung ueber die Helminthen des Verdauungs- traktes der Schlachtganse .) Sborn. Vysoke Skoly Zemed . Brn§, Rada B. Spisy Fak. Vet., (29), 8: 151-154. [Ger. & Russ. sum- maries] / (N,C,T); examined 16 8 domestic geese (Moravia). Bolek, E., & H. Schanzel. 1960. Darmhelminthen bei sudmahrischen Gansen. Angew. Parasitol. , 1: 111-114. [Eng . & Russ. summaries] / (N,C,T); examined intestines of 300 geese; reports 10 helminths (Czechoslovakia) . Bondareva , V. I. [1941.] V voprosu o rasprostranenii vazhneishchikh gel'mintozov sel'skokhozfaistvennykh zhivotnykh v vostochno- Kazakhstanskoi oblasti. [On the question of the distribution of the important helminthiases of livestock in the East-Kazakhstan oblasts.] Trudy Kazakh. Nauchno-Issled . Vet. Inst., 4 (1940): 261- 275. [Russ. text] / (C); includes one form in waterfowl. Bonne, C. 1941. Echinostomiasis aan het Lindoemeer in Centraal- Celebes. Geneesk. Tijdschr. Nederl. -Indie, 81: 1139-1167. / (T); reports Echinostoma revolutum in waterfowl (Indonesia) . Bonne, C. , et al . 1942. Vortgezet onderzoek over echinostomiasis in Celebes. Geneesk, Tijdschr. Nederl-Indie, 82: 3-20. / (T); Ech- inostoma lindoensis exper. in duck. 28 Borgarenko, L. F. 1959. Nematody domashnikh ptits Tadzhikistana . [Nematodes of domestic birds of Tadzhikistan.] Shorn. Nauchno- Tekhnich . Inform. Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, (6): 3-5. [Russ. text] / (N); examined 40 ducks and 5 geese, lists 8 nema- todes . Borgarenko, L. F. 1961a. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh i okhotnich'e- promyslovykh ptits Tadzhikistana. [Helminth fauna of domestic and economically important birds of Tadzhikistan.] Avtoref. Diss. Kand. Biol. Nauk , Dushanabe, p. 3-10. [Russ. text]/ See Bor- garenko, 1961b. Borgarenko, L. F. 19 61b. K faune ploskikh i koliuchegolovykh chervei' domashnikh i dikikh ptits Tadzhikistana. [On the flatworm and acanthocephalan fauna of domestic and wild birds of Tadzhikistan.] Trudy Inst. Zool. Parasitol. , AN Tadzhiksk. SSR, 20: 15-19. [Russ. text, Tadzhik. summary] / (A,C,T); reports 37 helminths in water- fowl. Borges Ferreira, L. D. 1957. Infestajao pelo Heterakis gallinae (Gmelin, 1790) no Anser anser domesticus. Rev. Cien. Vet., 52(360): 21-25. [Fr. & Eng . summaries] / (N); cause of death in goose (Portugal). Boulenger, C. L. 1926. Report on a collection of parasitic nematodes, mainly from Egypt. Part IV. Trichostrongylidae and Strongylidae. Parasitology, 18: 86-100./ (N); Amidostomum skrjabini sp. n. , Epomidiostomum querquetulae sp. n. , in ducks. Boughton, E. 1965. Sarconema eurycerca (Wehr, 1939) in the mute swan. J. Helminth., 39; 125-126. / (N); in wild bird (England). Bourns, T. K. R. , M . E. Rau, & J. C. Ellis. 1967. Course of infection by the schistosome trematode, Trichobilharzia ocellata, in the black duck. Anas rubripes. [Abstr.] Bull. Wildlife Dis. Ass., 3: 87. / (T); life history (Canada). Bouvier, G. 1946. Observations sur les maladies du gibier, de quelques animaux sauvages et des poissons (1942-1945). Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 88: 268-274. / (T); lists 2 forms in waterfowl. Bowers, E. A. 1966. A description of Meiogymnophallus jamesoni sp. nov. (Trematoda: Gymnophallidae) from the intestine of the common scoter Melanitta nigra L. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 13 s., 8 (89/ 90): 277-283. / (C,T); reports 6 helminths from duck (Great Britain). 29 Bowers, E. A. , & B. L. James. 1967. Studies on the morphology, ecology and life-cycle of Meiogymnophallus minutus (Cobbold, 1859) comb. nov. (Trematoda: Gymnophallidae) . Parasitology, 57: 281-300. / (T); Meiogymnophallus minutus (=Gymnophallus oidemiae, G. nereicolor) description; experimentally in duckling (England) . Brackett, S. 1940a. Studies on schistosome dermatits . V. Prevalence in Wisconsin. Am. J. Hyg., 31, Sect. D: 49-63. / (T); prevalence in aquatic birds and mammals (USA). Brackett, S. 1940b. Studies on schistosome dermatitis. VIII. Notes on the biology of the snail hosts of schistosome cercariae in Wisconsin and epidemiological evidence for the life cycles of some avian schistosomes. Am. J. Hyg., 32, Sect. D: 85-104. / (T); (USA). Brackett, S. 1942. Five new species of avian schistosomes from Wisconsin and Michigan with the life cycle of Gigantobilharzla gyrauli (Brackett, 1940). J. Parasitol., 28: 25-42. / (T); Pseud- obilharziella waubesensis sp. n . , £. kegonensis sp. n. , P . hori- conensis sp . n . , P . burnetti sp . n . , in ducks (USA) , Bradley, B. 1927. Notes on the probable life of Cercaria catellae, an echinostome cercaria from New South Wales. Med. J. Australia, year 14, 1: 673-67 6. / (T); Echinostoma sp . in waterfowl (Australia) Bradshaw, J. E., & D. O. Trainer. 1966. Some infectious diseases of waterfowl in the Mississippi flyway. J. Wildlife Mangmt., 30: 570-576. / (N); microfilariae in waterfowl (USA). Brandes, G. 1890. Die Familie der Holostomiden. Zool. Jahrb . , Abt. Syst. , 5: 549-604. / (T); includes at least one form in waterfowl. Brandes, G. 1892. Revision der Monostomiden. Centralbl. Bakt., 12: 504-511. / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl. Braten, T. 1966. Host specificity in Schistocephalus solidus. Para- sitology, 56: 657-664. / (C); plerocercoids could not be success- fully transferred from Gasterosteus aculeatus to other species of fish . Braun, M. 1891a. Ueber Echinorhynchus polymorphus und filicollis. Centralbl. Bakt., Orig . , 9: 375-380. / (A); separation of the 2 forms, review of literature (Germany). 30 Braun, M. 1891b. Bericht uber die Fortschritte in der thierischen Parasitenkunde. Centralbl. Bakt, , 10: 389-392, 421-427, 465- 471, 493-498, 524-528. / (N,C,T); reports 8 forms in waterfowl. Braun, M. 1899. Ueber Distomum cucumerinum Rud. Zool. Anzeiger, 22: 465-468. / (T); taxonomic position. Braun, M. 1901a. Trematoden der Bursa Fabricii, des Eileiters und der Eier der Vogel. Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1, 29: 12-19. / (T); Prosthogonimus rarus sp . n., description of £. ovatus (Germany). Braun, M. 1901b. Uber einige Trematoden der Creplin'schen Helmin- thensammlung. Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1, 29: 258-2 60. / (T); ex- amination of Creplin's collection of helminths, reports 5 forms from waterfowl. Braun, M. 1901c. Zur Revision der Trematoden der Vogel. I. Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1, 29: 560-568. / (T); Distomum globulus (Europe). Braun, M. 19 Old. Zur Revision der Trematoden der Vogel. II. (cont.) Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1, 29: 941-948. / (T); Orchipedum tracheicola sp. n. (Austria), Bllharziella pulverulenta sp. n. (Sudan). Braun, M. 1902. Fascioliden der Vogel. Zool. Jahrb . , Abt. Syst. , 16: 1-162. / (T); monograph; lists at least 10 forms from waterfowl. Brenes Madrigal, R. R., G. Arroyo Sancho, & E. D. Flores . 1962. Helmintos de la Republica de Costa Rica. XIX. Nematoda 5. Algunos nematodes parasites de Gallus gallus domesticus (L.). Rev. Biol. Trop., 10: 183-197. / (N); Oxyspirura mansoni experi- mentally in duck (Costa Rica). Brinkmann, A., Jr. 195 6. Trematoda . Zool. Iceland, 2(11): 1-34. / (T); examined at least 11 waterfowl, found 7 trematodes; Gymnoph- allus bills sp. n. (Iceland). Brock, M. E. 1941. Hymenolepis stolli, a new hymenolepidid cestode from the pintail duck. Wasmann Collector, 4: 135-138. / (C); (USA). Brock, M. E. 1942. A new hymenolepidid tapeworm, Hvmenolepis filumferens, from the blue-winged teal. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 61: 180-185. / (C); (USA). van den Broek, E. 1965. Some recent cases of avian schistosomiasis and schistosome dermatitis in the Netherlands. Trop. Geogr. Med., 17: 229-235. [Span, summary] / (T); reports one form in waterfowl, one larval form. 31 v=-n den Broek, E. , & J. Jansen, Jr. 1964. Parasites of animals in the Netherlands. Suppl, I: Parasites of wild birds . Ardea, 52: 111-116. [Dutch summary] / (N,A,C,T); reports 9 helminths in water- fowl; Graphidium strigosum a pseudoparasite in ducks. Brown, F. J. 1926. Some British freshwater larval trematodes with contributions to their life histories. Parasitology, 18: 21-34. / (T); echinostome life histories (Great Britain). Brumpt, E. 1931. Cercaria ocellata, determinant la dermatite des nageurs, provient d'une bilharzie des canards. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc. , Paris, 193: 612-614. / (T); Trichobilharzia ocellata comb, n., life history (France). Brumpt, E., & A. Buttner. 1949. Pouvoir infectieux des metacercaires d'echinostomides. Ann. Parasitol., 24: 9-15. / (T); life cycles of 3 echinostomes , Metorchis xanthosomus (France). Biichli, K. 1924a. Bloedzuigers in de neusholte van eenden. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. , 51: 153-155. / (H); (Netherlands). Biichli, K. 1924b. Same as Buchli , 1924a . Mededeel. Veeartsenijk. Dienst. ' s-Gravenhage, (9), 3 p. / (H). Bugge,G. (1920). Die Magenwurmseuche der Ganse. Gefliigelwelt, (41). Also: Berl. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 36(1): 6. [Abstr.] / (N) . Bullock, W. L. 1952. Two new species of monostomes from the Canada goose with a review of Paramonostomum alveatum (Mehlis in Creplin, 1846) . J. Parasitol. , 38: 371-378. / (T); Catatropis harwoodi sp. n., Paramonostomum brantae sp. n. (USA). Bullock, W. L. 195 8. Histochemichal studies on the Acanthocephala. III. Comparative histochemistry of alkaline glycerophosphatase. Exper. Parasitol., 7: 51-68. / (A); one incidental waterfowl record (USA) . Bullock, W. L. 1961. A preliminary study of the histopathology of Acanthocephala in the vertebrate intestine. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol,, 47(4, Sect. 2): 31. / (A); degree of reaction of host associated with length of proboscis of parasite and depth to which it penetrates (USA). Bump, G. 1934. Pathological examination of game. 23. Ann. Rep., 1933, New York State Conserv. Dept., p. 285-289. / (N); includes report of helminths (no specific identification) in 5 waterfowl necropsies (USA). 32 Bump, G. 1935. Pathological examination of game . 24. Ann. Rep., 1934, New York State Conserv. Dept. , p. 293-297. / (N); in- cludes report of helminths (no specific identification) in water- fowl necropsies (USA) . Bump, G. 1936. Pathological examination of game. 25. Ann. Rep., 1935, New York State Conserv. Dept., p. 335-343 ./ (N, C , T); includes report of helminths (no specific identification) in wild and captive waterfowl (USA) . Bump, G. 1937. Pathological examination of game. 26. Ann. Rep., 1936, New York State Conserv. Dept., p. 307-314 ./ (N,C , T); includes report of helminths (no specific identification) in wild and captive waterfowl (USA) . Bump,G. 1938. Pathological examination of game. 27. Ann. Rep., 1937, New York State Conser. Dept., p. 268-274./ (N,C,T); includes report of helminths (no specific identification) in wild and captive waterfowl (USA) . Bump, G. 1939. Pathological examination of game. 28. Ann. Rep., 1938, New York State Conserv. Dept., p. 244-248. / (N); in- cludes report of some helminths (no specific identification) in wild waterfowl (USA) . Bump, G. 1940. Pathological examination of game . 29. Ann. Rep., 1939, New York State Conserv. Dept. , p. 236-242. / (N,C,T); includes report of helminths (no specific identification) in wild and captive waterfowl (USA) . Bump, G. 1941. Pathological examination of game . 30. Ann. Rep., 1940, New York State Conserv. Dept., p. 218-226. / (N,C,T); includes report of helminths (no specific identification) in wild and captive waterfowl (USA) . Bump, G. 1942. Pathological examination of game. 31. Ann. Rep., 1941, New York State Conserv. Dept., p. 213-220. / (N,C,T); includes report of helminths (no specific identification) in wild and captive waterfowl (USA). Bump, G. 1943. Pathological examination of game . 32. Ann. Rep., 1942, New York State Conserv. Dept., p. 188-194./ (N,A,C,T); death of 3 ducks due to Dendritobilharzia , pathology described; includes report of helminths (no specific identification) in wild waterfowl (USA). 33 Bunyea, H. , &G. T. Creech. 1926. The pathological significance of gizzard-worm disease of geese. N. Am. Vet. , 7(6): 47-48. / (N); amidostomiasis (USA). Burdzhanadze, P. L. 1937. Glistne invazii s.-khoz. zhivotnykh Gruzii po materialam 115-oT SGE. (Worm invasions of farmstock in Georgia (Material of the 115th helminthological expedition of the USSR).) Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet. Gruzii, 4: 161-178. [Georgian text, Russ. & Eng. summaries] / (T); Tracheophilus sp. in waterfowl. Burdzhanadze [Burzhanadze] , P. L. 1939. Glavnye gel'mintozy sel'- skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh GruzinskoY SSR. [The principle helminths of farm animals of Georgia.] Avtoref. Diss. , Moskva, 13 p. [Russ. text] / See Burdzhanadze, 1943. Burdzhanadze, P. L. 1943. K voprosu o vazhneishikh gel'mintozakh s-kh. zhivotnykh Gruzii. [On the question of the most important helminthiases of farm animals in Georgia.] Trudy Gruzinsk. Nauchno-Issled. Vet. Inst., 8: 36-62. [Russ. text, Georgian summary] / (N,A,C,T); includes 10 forms in waterfowl. Burns, W. C. 1961. The life history of Sphaeridiotrema spinoacetabulum sp. n. (Trematoda: Psilostomidae) from the ceca of ducks. J. Parasitol. , 47: 933-938. / (T); life cycle; deaths from experimental infections (USA) . Burns, W. C. 1963. The occurrence of Levinseniella minuta (Trematoda: Microphallidae) in Oregon. J. Parasitol., 49: 856. / (T); in domestic duck; life history (USA) . Burt, M. D, B. 1962. A contribution to the knowledge of the cestode genus Ophryocotyle Friis, 1870. J. Linn. Soc. London, Zoology, 44(301): 645-668. / (C); review; one form reported in waterfowl from literature. Burzhanadze, P. L.; see Burdzhanadze, P. L. Busa, V. 1956. Novy trematod Philophthalmus (Tubolecithalmus) hovorkai n. sp. husi domacej (Anser anser domesticus) . (Eine neue Trematode de Hausgans (Anser anser domesticus).) Biologia, Bratislava, 11: 751-754. [Russ. & Ger. summaries] / (T); (Czechoslovakia) . 34 Busa, V. 1957a. K zisteniu filoftalmozy husi domacej (Anser anser domesticus) na velkom Zitnom Ostrove. (To the statement of philophthalmosis at the domestic goose (Anser anser domesticus) on the great Zitny Ostrov (Slovakia).) Helminthologia , 1: 156-163. [Russ. , Ger. , Eng . summaries] / (T); description and pathology of Philophthalmus hovorkai (Czechoslovakia) . Busa, V. 1957b. Predbezna zprava o rozsireni gastrohelmintov vodnej hydiny v geografickych pasmach Slovenska. [Preliminary report on the distribution of the gastrohelminths of aquatic birds in the geo- graphic regions of Slovakia.] Helminthologia - Prace z I. Konf. cs helmintol., p. 150-155. Busa, V. 1957c. Helmintofauna vodnej hydiny na Slovensku (CSSR) . [Helminth fauna of water fowl in Slovakia (CSSR).] Zaverecna zprava, 138 p. BuSa, V. 1960. Nalez Trematoda Hyptiasmus arcuatus (Stossich, 1902) Kossack, 1911 v husi domace j Anser anser dom. (L.) na Slovensku. Biologia, Bratislava, 15: 546-549. [Russ. & Ger. summaries] / (T); description (Czechoslovakia) . Busa, V. 1961a. Prehl'ad helmintofauny husi domacej (Anser anser dom, L.) na Slovensku (CSSR). (Survey of the helmintofauna of the dom- estic goose (Anser anser dom. L.) in Slovakia (CSSF^.) Vet. Casopis, Bratislava, 10: 354-369. [Russ., Ger, Eng. summaries] / (N,A,C,T); examined 370 domestic geese, reports 19 helminths (Czechoslovakia). Busa, V. 1961b. Dal?ie nalezy trematoda Philophthalmus (Tubolecithalmus) hovorkai Busa, 1956. (Weitere Funde der Trematode Philophthalmus (Tubolecithalmus) hovorkai Busa, 195 6.) Biologia, Bratislava, 16: 618-620. [Russ., Ger. summaries] / (T); description, hosts (Czech- oslovakia) . BuSa, V. 1962a. Doteraj^ie poznatky o filoftalmoze vodnej hydiny. (Present knowledge of philophthalmosis in water fowl.) Vet. Casopis, Bratislava, 11: 276-281. [Eng., Fr., Russ. summaries] / (T); Philo- phthalmus hovorkai, morphology, pathogenesis (Czechoslovakia). Busa, V. 1962b. Prehlad helmintofauny kacice domacej (Anas platyrhy- nchos domestica (L.)) na Slovensku ((5SSR) . Vet. fiasopis, Brat- islava, 11: 541-556. / (N,A,C,T); examined 382 ducks, reports 29 helminths (Czechoslovakia) . 35 BuSa, V. 1962c. Helminty vodnej hydiny a sezonne helmintohostitel'- ske vzt'ahy ich najvyznamnej^ich druhov. [Helminths of water fowl and seasonal helminth-host relations of the most important species.] Kand. Diz. praca , I, II, 259 p. / See Bu§a, 1964a-1964i. Bu^a, V. 1963a. Prispevok k poznaniu epfzootoldgie najvyznamne- jsich geohelmintov vodnej hydiny. (Beitrag zur Epizootologie der bedeutendsten Geohelminthen des Wassergeflugels .) Shorn. Cesk- oslov. Akad. Zemedel. V^d., Rada Vet. Med., Prague, 36: 267-274. [Ger. , Russ. summaries] / (N); examined 382 ducks, 899 geese; reports 4 geohelminths (Czechoslovakia). Busa, V. 1963b. On philophthalmosis of waterfowls in Slovakia (Czechos- lovakia). Helminthologia, 4(1962-1963): 133-135. [Russ., Ger., Fr. summaries] / (T) . Busa, V. 1964a. Prispevok k poznaniu sez6nnych helmintohostitel'- skych vzt'ahov Polymorphus magnus Skrjabin, 1913 u kacice domacej na Slovensku (CSSR). (Contribution on the knowledge of seasonal helminth-host relations of Polymorphus magnus Skrjabin, 1913 in the [domestic] duck in Slovakia (CSSR). Biologia , Bratislava, 19: 89-95. [Eng., Ger., Russ. summaries] / (A); life cycle, seasonal incidence and intensity of infection. Busa, V. 1954b. Prispevok k poznaniu epizootoldgie najvyznamnejsich biohelmintov vodnej hydiny. (The epizootology of the most impor- tant biohelminths of waterfowl.) Sborn. Ceskoslov. Akad. ZemSdSl. Vid., Rada Vet. Med., Prague, 37:441-450. [Eng., Fr., Ger., & Russ. summaries] / (N,A,C); discussion of 4 helminths of ducks and geese (Czechoslovakia) . Bu^a, V. 1964c. Prispevok k poznaniu sezonnych helmintohostitel'- skych vzt'ahov Amidostomum anseris (Zeder , 1800) Railliet et Henry, 1909 u husi domacej na Slovensku (CSSR). (Contribution on the knowledge of the seasonal helminth-host relations of Ami- dostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) Railliet et Henry, 1903 in the [domestic] goose in Slovakia (£SSR).) Studia Helminthol. , I, p. 277-286. [Russ., Ger., Eng. summaries] / (N); seasonal & climatic relations (Czechoslovakia) . Busa, V. 1964d. Prispevok k poznaniu sezonnych helmintohostitel'- skych vzt'ahov Ganguleterakis dispar (Schrank, 1780) u husi dom- acej na Slovensku (CSSR) . (Contribution on the knowledge of seasonal helminth-host relations of Ganguleterakis dispar (Schrank, 1790) in the [domestic] goose in Slovakia (CsSR).) Studia Helmin- thol., I, P. 287-292. [Russ., Eng., Ger. summaries] / (N); sea- sonal and climatic zonal relations (Czechoslovakia) . 36 BuSa, V. 1964e. Prispevok k. poznaniu sezonnych helmintohostitel'- skych vzt'ahov Thominx contorta (Creplin, 1839) Travassos, 1915 u ka^ice domacej na Slovensku (CSSR). (Contribution on the know- ledge of seasonal helminth-host relations of Thominx contorta (Creplin, 1839) Travassos 1915 in the [domestic] duck in Slovakia (£SSR).) Studia Helminthol. , I, p. 293-298. [Russ., Eng . , Ger. summaries] / (N); seasonal and climatic zonal relations (Czecho- slovakia) . BuSa, V. 1964f. Prispevok k poznaniu sezonnych helmintohostitel'- skych vzt'ahov Capillaria anseris Madsen, 1945 u husi domacej na Slovensku (CSSR) . (Contribution on the knowledge of seasonal helminth-host relations of Capillaria anseris Madsen, 1945, in the [domestic] goose in Slovakia (CsSR) .) Studia Helminthol., I, p. 299-304. [Russ., Eng., Ger. summaries] / (N); seasonal and climatic zonal relations (Czechoslovakia) . Busa, V. 1964g. Prispevok k poznaniu sezonnych helminthohostitel'- skych vzt'ahov Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch , 1872) u husi domacej na Slovensku (£SSR). (Contribution on the knowledge of the seasonal helmintWiost relations of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Block, 1872) in the [domestic] goose in Slovakia (£SSR) .) Studia Helminthol., I, p. 305-311. [Russ., Eng., Ger. summaries]/ (C); seasonal and climatic zonal relations (Czechoslovakia). Busa, V. 1964h. Prispevok k poznaniu sezonnych helmintohostitel'- skych vzt'ahov Sobolevicanthus gracilis (Zeder, 1803) Spasskij et Spasskaja, 1945 u kacice domacej na Slovensku (CSSR). (Contri- bution on the knowledge of seasonal helminth-host relations of Sobolevicanthus gracilis (Zeder, 1803) Spasskij et Spasskaja, 1945 in the [domestic] duck in Slovakia (fisSR).) Studia Helminthol., I, p. 313-319. [Russ., Eng., Ger. summaries]/ (C); seasonal and climatic zonal relations (Czechoslovakia) . BuSa, V. 19641. Pri'spevok k poznaniu sezonnych helmintohostitel'- skych vzt'ahov Tetrameres fissispina (Diesing, 1861) u kacice domacej na Slovensku ((5sSR) . (Contribution on the seasonal hel- minth-host relations of Tetrameres fissispina (Diesing, 1861) in the [domestic] duck in Slovakia ((5SSR),) Studia Helminthol., I, p. 321-327. [Russ., Eng., Ger. summaries] / (N); seasonal and climatic zonal relations (Czechoslovakia) . Buga, V. 1964j. Helmintofauna vodnej hydiny na vychodnom Slovensku (6SSR) . (The helminth fauna of waterfowls in East Slovakia (Czecho- slovakia).) Sbom. Vychodoslovensk. Muzea, VA1964, 7: 97-104. [Russ., Eng., Ger. summaries] / (N,A,C,T); examined 102 domestic geese and 96 domestic ducks; reports 24 helminths. 37 Bu^a, V. 1965a. Prispevok k poznaniu ontogenezy tremat6da Philo- phthalmus (Tubolecithalmus) hovorkai, Bu^a 1956. [Contribution to knowledge of the ontogenesis of the trematode Philophthalmus (Tubolecithalmus) hovorkai, BuSa 1956.] Biologia , Bratislava, 20: 435-439. [Ger., Russ. summaries] / (T); life cycle (Czechoslovakia) BuSa, V. 1965b. Niektore poznatky o vyvinovom cykle trematoda Philoph- thalmus (Tubolecithalmus) hovorkai Busa, 195 6. (Some notes on the development cycle of the trematode Philophthalmus (Tubolecithalmus) hovorkai Busa, 1956.) Shorn. Ceskoslov. Akad. Zemgd^lV^d., Rada Vet. Med., 10, 3 8: 553-558, pi. [Russ., Eng., Ger. sum- maries] / (T); describes life cycle, pathological effects (Czecho- slovakia) . Buscher, H.N. 1965a. Seasonal dynamics of the intestinal helminth fauna in three species of ducks. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Okla- homa, Norman, 53 p. /See Buscher, 1965b, 1965c. Buscher, H.N. i965b. Seasonal dynamics of the intestinal helminth fauna in three species of ducks. [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr., 26: 2926. / (N,A,C,T); examined intestines of 500 ducks, found 34 helminths; describes factors affecting helminth fauna (USA) . Buscher, H. N. 1965c. Dynamics of the intestinal helminth fauna in three species of ducks. J. Wildlife Mangmt. , 29: 772-781. / (N,A,C,T); examined intestines of 500 ducks, lists 27 helminths; reports differences in breeding, migratory, and wintering popula- tions, age, and species (USA). Buscher, H. N. 1966. Intestinal helminths of the blue-winged teal. Anas discors L. , at Delta, Manitoba. Canad. J. Zool. , 44: 113- 116. / (N,A,C,T); examined 114 ducks, reports 20 helminths; para- sitism much higher in juveniles than in adults (Canada). Butler, W. J. 1940. Leeches in ducks. Rep. Montana Livestock San. Bd. (1939-1940), Leafl. (12), / (H); (USA). Buttner, A. 1951. La progenese chez les trematodes digenetiques . Etude de quelques metacercaires a evolution inconnue et de cer- taines formes de developpement voisines de la progenese. Con- clusions generales. Ann. Parasitol., 26: 279-322. / (T); life history of Levinseniella pelluclda (Tunisia) . Buxton, J. C, C. M. Ford, & I. B. Munro. 1952. Infestation of domestic ducks with Acuaria (Echinuria) uncinata . Vet. Record, 64: 5-6. / (N); epizootic in ducks, description of pathology (Great Britain) . 38 Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. 1948. Skrebni (Acanthocephala) ptits SSSR. [Acanthocephala of birds of USSR.] Parazitol. Shorn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 10: 245-2 57. [Russ. text] / (A); descriptions of Polymorphus acutis, £. contortus , P. minutus , in ducks. Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. 1949. Izmenchivost' morfologicheskikh priznakovi znachenie ee v sistematike sosal' shchikov sem. Cyclo- coelidae. [Variability of morphological characteristics and their significance in the systematics of the family Cyclocoelidae (Trema- toda).] Parazitol. Shorn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 11: 9-60. [Russ. text] / (T); review of family, reduces many forms to synonyms; key to species, lists 6 forms as in waterfowl, new records for 3 (USSR). Bykhovskai^-PavlovskaA , 1. E. 1950. Novye vidy pochechnykh para- zitov (roda Renicola) ptits. [New species of kidney parasites (genus Renicola) of birds.] Doklady AN SSSR, n. s. 71: 412-417. [Russ. text] / (T); Renicola mediovitellata sp. n. in ducks (W. Siberia) . Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. 1951. Izmenchivost' morfologicheskikh priznakov i znachenie ee v sistematike sosal' shchikov roda Leuco- chloridium Carus, 183 5. [Modification of the morphological charac- teristics and their importance in the classification of trematodes of the genus Leucochloridium Carus, 1835.] Parazitol. Shorn. Zool. Inst, AN SSSR, 13: 45-74. [Russ. text] / (T); taxonomic revision (USSR) . Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. 1952. Fauna sosal' shchikov ptits zapadnoi Sibiri i ee dinamika. [Trematode fauna of birds of west- em Siberia and its dynamics.] Doklady AN SSSR, n. s. 84: 649- 651. [Russ. text]/ (T); mentions 4 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. [1954a.] Fauna sosal' shchikov ptits zapadnoi Sibiri i ee dinamika. [Trematodes of birds of western Siberia and their dynamics .] Parazitol. Shorn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 15 (1953): 5-116. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 417 waterfowl, reports 33 trematodes; incidence, descriptions; Echinoparyphium paracinctum sp. n., Neodiplostomum sp . (USSR). Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskafa , I. E. [1954b.] K faune trematod ptits Leningradskoi oblasti. [The trematode fauna of birds of Lenin- grad region.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 75-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, p. 86-93. [Russ. text] / (T); cites records for 4 forms in geese (N. Russia). See Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, 1966. 39 Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia , I. E. 1955a. Sosal' shchiki ptits Tadzhiki- stana. [Trematodes of birds of Tadzhikistan.] Trudy Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 21: 125-151. [Russ. text] / (T); reports 15 forms in water- fowl. Bykhovskafa-Pavlovskaia, I. E. 1955b. Trematody ptits fauny SSSR. (Ekologo-geograficheskii obzor) . [Trematodes of the bird fauna of the USSR.] Diss. Kand. Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. Lenin); Avtoref. Diss., Leningrad, 25 p. [Russ. text]/See Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, 1962. Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. 1962. Trematody ptits fauny SSSR; ekologo-geograficheskii obzor. [Trematodes of the bird fauna of USSR; ecologico-geographical survey.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 407 p. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (T); list of trematodes of birds of USSR, hosts, distribution, citations; discussion of ecolo- gical factors . Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. 1964. To the methods and problems of parasitological investigations of animals bound to aquatic en- vironment. Proc . Symp., Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc . , p. 29-36. / (T) . Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. 1966. Translation of Bykhovskaia- Pavlovskaia, 1954b. Contr. Helminth. Commem. 75. Birthday Skrjabin, Isr. Program Scient. Transl., p. 86-93. [Eng. trans- lation] / (T) . Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E., T. A. Ginetsinskaia,K. M. Ryzhikov, & I. A. Khotepovskii. 1959. K voprosu o sistematicheskom polo- zhenii , morfologii i razvitii maloizvestnogo sosal' shchika Distoma arenula Creplin , 1825 = Laterotrema arenula (Crep . , 1825) Dollfus, 195 6. (Note sur la position systematique et au developpement du suceur peu connu Distoma arenula Creplin, 1825 = Laterotrema arenula (Crepl., 1825) Dollfus, 1956.) Parazitol. Sborn . Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 18: 321-330. [Russ. text, Fr. summary] / (T); in waterfowl; life history, description (Yakutia). Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E., & K. M. Ryzhikov. [1959.] Shisto- zomatidy (Schistosomatidae Looss, 1899) gusinykh ptits lakutii. (Les schistosomatides des oiseaux de Yakoutie (Siberie orientale).) Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 18: 283-294. [Russ. text, Fr. summary] / (T); reports 5 schistosomes in waterfowl; descrip- tions of Trichobilharzia ocellata, T. kowalewskii. 40 Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, I. E. , K. M . Ryzhikov, & I. A. Khotenovskii. 1966. Trematody roda Psilotrema ot gusinykh ptits lakutii. [Trema- tode genus Psilotrema from anserine birds of Yakutia.] Trudy Gel'- mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 35-46. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 740 waterfowl, reports 5 species of Psilotrema; descriptions of each, key, Bykhovskaia-Pavlovskaia, 1. E., & E. V. Zhukov. [1954.] K sistema- tike rodov Apharynqostrigea Ciurea , 1927 i Parastrigea Szidat, 192 8 (Trematoda, Strigeidae) . [On the systematics of the genera Aph- aryngostrigea Ciurea, 1927 and Parastrigea Szidat, 1928 (Trematoda, Strigeidae).] Trudy Zool . Inst. AN SSSR, 13 (1953): 163-170. [Russ. text] / (T); Parastrigea anati sp. n. in ducks (W. Siberia). Byrd, E. E., B. J. Bogitsh , &W. P. Maples. 1961. Grysoma singularis, a new species of trematode (Digenea: Psilostomidae) from the racoon [sic] Procyon lotor (L.). J. Parasitol . , 47: 783-786. / (T); Grysoma marilae comb . n. (synonym Psilostomum marilae) . Caballero y C. , E. 1937. Contribucion al conocimiento do los nema- todes de las aves de Mexico 11. Rev. Med. Trop . y Parasitol., 3: 2 5-35. / (N); Ascaridia lineata in domestic waterfowl. Caballero y C, E. 1939. Acerca de la presencia de Tracheophilus sisov/i Skrjabin, 1913, en los patos domesticos de Mexico y algunas consideraciones sobre las especies hasta hoy conocidas de este genero. An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico, 10: 269-273. [Eng . summary] / (T) . Caballero y C. , E. 1942. Descripcion de un Para mono stomum (Trema- toda: Notocotylidae) encontrado en los patos silvestres del Lago de Texcoco. An. Biol. Inst. Univ. Nac. Mexico, 13: 91-95. / (T); Paramonostomum obtortum sp. n. (Mexico). Caballero y C. , E., & C. Diaz-Ungria. 195 8. Intento de un catalogo de los trematodos digeneos registrados en territorio venezolano. Mem. Soc. Cien. Nat. La Salle, (49), 18: 19-36. / (T); includes 4 forms in waterfowl (Venezuela) . Caballero y C, E., & I. Larios Rodriguez. 1940. Las formes evolutivas de Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich, 1802) en dos moluscos pulmon- ados de la laguna de Lerma II. An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico, 11: 231-238. / (T); life cycle (Mexico). 41 Cable, R. M., & K. L. Hayes. 1963. North American and Hawaiian freshwater species of the genus Philophthalmus (Trematoda: Dig- enea). [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 49 (5 , Suppl. ): 41. / (T); Philophth- almus of West, 1961 not P . gralli. (USA) . Cable, R. M., & A. V. Hunninen , 1938. Observations on the life history of Spelotrema nicolli n. sp. (Trematoda: Microphallidae) , with the description of a new microphallid cercaria. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 24(Suppl.): 29-30/ (T); (USA). Cable, R. M . , & A. V. Hunninen. 1939. The life history of Spelotrema nicolli (Trematoda: Microphallidae). [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 25(6, Suppl.): 26. / (T); (USA). Cable, R. M., & A. V. Hunninen. 1940. Studies on the life history of Spelotrema nicolli (Trematoda: Microphallidae) with the descrip- tion of a new microphallid cercaria. Biol. Bull., 78: 136-157. / (T); (USA). Cable, R. M., & M. L. Kuns . 1951. The trematode family Microphal- lidae with the description of Cameophallus trilobatus gen. et. sp. nov., from Mexico. J. Parasitol., 37: 507-514. / (T); Cameoph- allus pseudogonotylus comb. n. Caemmerer, G. 1909. Nervose Storungen bei Gansen , hervorgerufen durch Taenien. Berl. Tierarztl . Wochenschr. , 25: 44-45. / (C); effects of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata infection (Germany) , Callot, J., & C. Desportes. 1934. Sur le cycle evolutif de Schistoce- phalus solidus (O. F. Miiller) . Ann. Parasitol., 12: 35-39. / (C); fatal infection in duck; life cycle (France). Canavan, W. P. 1931. Nematode parasites of vertebrates in the Phila- delphia zoological garden and vicinity. II. Parasitology, 23: 196- 229. / (N); 4 records in waterfowl; Eustrongylides wenrichi life cycle (USA). Cannon, D. G. 1938. Some trematode parasites of ducks and geese in eastern Canada. Canad . J. Res., 16, Sect. D: 268-279. / (T); reports 8 species, description of each; Stephanoprora mergi sp. n. Carrere, P. 1936. Sur le cycle evolutif d'un Maritrema (Trematodes) . Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc, Paris, 202: 244-246. / (T); Maritrema rhodanicum sp. n. life cycle; experimental infection in duck, not normal host (France). 42 Carrfere, P. 1938. Recherches experimentales et epidemiologiques sur les trematodes de quelques poissons marins . Cong. (71.) des Soc. Savantes, p. 293-295. / (T); Maritrema rhodanicum (France) . Carvalho, J. C. M . 1940. Contribui9ao para o conhecimento de fauna helmintol&gica de Minas Gerais. Ceres, 1: 411-423. [Eng. summary] / (C); Hymenolepls papillata in domestic muscovy duck (Brazil) . Case, A. A. , & J. E. Ackert. 1938. New intermediate hosts of the fowl tapeworm Raillietina cesticillus (Molin) . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 24(6, Suppl.): 17. / (C); (USA). Case, A. A. , & J. E. Ackert. 1940. New intermediate hosts of fowl cestodes. Tr. Kansas Acad. Sc . , 43: 393-396. / (C); intermed- iate hosts of Raillietina cesticillus , Choanotaenia infundibulum (USA) . Cassamagnaghi, A. (hijo). 1945. Dos especies de Capillaria (Trich- osomum) parasitando el tubo digestive superior de patos y gallinas. Bol. Mens. Dir. Ganad., Uruguay, 28: 237-249. / (N); Capillaria contorta in duck (Uruguay) . Cassamagnaghi, A. (hijo). 1946. Amidostomum anseris en Anser anser domesticus . Bol. Mens. Dir. Ganad., Uruguay, 29: 618-623. / (N); (Uruguay). Cassamagnaghi, A. (hijo), & A. Bianchi Bazerque. 1951. Sobre los trematodos (Trematoda Rudolphi, 1808) que parasitan a los animales domesticos y silvestres del pais (la. parte). Bol. Mens. Dir. Ganad., Uruguay, 32: 26-37. / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl (Uruguay) . Cerecero y D. [Zerecero] , M. C. 1944. Acerca de un trematodo parasite de la "zarceta de alas azules" Querquedula discors, del Lago de Texcoco, Mec. An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico, 15: 53-57. / (T); Hypoderaeum conoideum (Mexico). Chabaud, A. G. 1958. Essai de classification des nematodes Habron- ematinae. Ann. Parasitol., 33: 445-508. / (N); Hadjelia neglecta comb. n. 43 Chabaud , A. G . , Y. Campana-Rouget, & Truong-Tan-Ngoc. 1950. Note sur les dracunculides d'oiseaux. Ann. Parasitol. , 25: 335- 339. / (N); Avio serpens taiwana redescribed, cause of disease in domestic ducks (Viet-Nam) . Chaddock, T. T. 1938. Laboratory report on whistler swan. Wiscon- sin Conserv. Bull., 3: 25-27. / (N); examination of 8 swans, report on pathology (USA) . Chaloner, }. W. 1913. On the cestode parasites of trout, with special reference to the plerocercoid disease of trout from Loch Morar. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc . , 82. Meet. (1912), p. 507-509. / (C); (Great Britain) . Chapin, E. A. 1924. Untitled: notes on parasites. Soc . Proc . : Hel- minth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 10: 208. / (T);two forms reported in waterfowl (USA) . Chapin, E. A. 1925. Review of the nematode genera Syngamus Sieb. and Cyathostoma E. Blanch. J. Agric . Res., 30: 557-570. / (N); 4 species in waterfowl, description of each, keys; Cyathostoma coscorobae sp. n. Chatterji, P. N. 1954. Two new cestodes of the genera Idiogenes Krabbe, 1868 and Choanotaenia Railliet, 1896. J. Parasitol., 40: 535-539. / (C); Choanotaenia bhattacharai sp. n. in duck (India). Chatterji, R. C. 193 8. Annotated list of the helminths recorded from domesticated animals of Burma. Part 1 - Trematoda. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. India, 8: 93-104. / (T); lists 2 forms from waterfowl. Chatterji, R. C. 1940. Annotated list of the helminths recorded from domesticated animals of Burma. Part II. Cestoda. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. India, 10, Sect. B: 14-30. / (C); lists 14 species from waterfowl; Raillietina birmanica, Hymenolepis mehrai sp. n. Chauhan, B. S. 1947. Notes on some helminths in the collection of the zoological survey of India. Rec . Indian Mus., 45: 133-137. / (C); includes 3 forms in waterfowl (India). Chavarria Ch., M. 1962. Parasites internes de las aves domesticas, determinados en Mexico. Mem. 11. Cong. Mund . Avicult. (Mexico), p. 580-590. 44 Cheatum, E. L. 1938. Tanaisia pelidnae n. sp . and Orchipedum tracheicola (Trematoda) . J. Parasitol., 24: 135-141. / (T); 0_. tracheicola in duck (USA) . Cheatum, E. L. 1941. Dendritobilharzia anatinarum n. sp., a blood fluke from the mallard. J. Parasitol. , 27: 165-170. / (T); descrip- tion, pathology; cause of fatalities on game farm (USA). Cheatum, E. L. 1952. Disease and parasite investigations . Final Rep., P-R Project 1-R, Suppl. E, New York Conserv. Dept. , Div. of Fish & Game, 75 p. [Mimeographed] / (N,T); includes summary of helminths found in wild waterfowl (few specific identifications) (USA). Chen, H. T. 1941. The metacercaria and adult of Centrocestus formo- sanus (Nishigori, 1924), with notes or the natural infection of rats and cats with C . armatus (Tanabe, 1922). J. Parasitol., 28: 285- 298. / (T); life history, experimental infection in duckling (China). Chen, H. T. 1944. Spelotrema pseudogonotyla n. sp. (Trematoda: Microphallidae) from Hongkong. J. Parasitol., 30: 159-161. / (T); in domestic duck (China) . Chen, H. T. 1949. Systematic consideration of some heterophyid trematodes in the subfamilies Haplorchinae and Stellantchasminae. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 43: 304-312. / (T); descriptions of Procerovum sisoni comb . n , , Procerovum calderoni comb . n . (China) . Chen, H. T. [1951.] Prosthogonimus from China, with remarks on the validity of the various species of the genus (Trematoda: Plagiorch- iidae). Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 19: 183-192. / (T); reduces 27 species to 6; recognizes P. anatinus , P. cuneatus , P. dogieli, P. ovatus , P. pellucidus , P. rudolphii; P. furcifer and £. karausiaki left as sp. inquirendae. Chen, H. T. 195 6. (Studies on Chinese microphallid trematodes of the sub-family Microphallinae (Trematoda: Microphallidae).) Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica] , 8: 49-59, 3 pl. [Chin, text, Eng. summary] / (T); Microphallus longicaecus sp. n. in duck (China) Chen, H. T. 1957. [Studies on Chinese microphallid trematodes of the sub-family Maritrematinae (Trematoda: Maritrematidae) .] Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica], 9: 165-182, 2 pl. [Chin. text, Eng. summary] / (T); Maritrema afanassjewi var. minor var. n., Maritreminoides mapaensis sp. n., experimentally in ducks (China). 45 Chernin, E. 1953. The length of the prepatent period in a filarial infection of ducks. J. Parasitol., 39: 574-575. / (N); prepatent period 6-9 months, mean 7.2 months (USA). Chernin, E. , & E. H. Sadun. 1949. Leucocytozoon simondi infections in domestic ducks in northern Michigan with a note on Haemoproteus . Poultry Science, 28: 890-893, / (N); microfilariae also present (USA), Chiaberashvili, E. A. 1954. Predvaritel'nye dannye k izucheniiu razvitifa nekotorykh ekhinostomatid ptits . [Preliminary contributions to the study of the development of some echinostomes of birds.] Soobsh. ANGruzinsk. SSR, 15: 287-293. [Russ. text] / (T); intermediate hosts of Echinostoma revolutum , E. paraulum, E. miyagawai, experimentally in ducklings (Georgia). Chibichenko, N. T. 1964. Kratkoe soobshchenie o molluiskakh - promezhutochnykh khoziaevakh gel'mintov vodoplavaiushchikh ptits. [A short report on moUusks as intermediate hosts of helminths of water birds] . Izvest. ANKirgiz. SSR, Frunze, s. Biol. Nauk, 6(2): 83-85. [Russ. text] / (T); reports host of one waterfowl parasite (Kirgizia). Chikami, A. 1961. [Studies on Trichobilharzia ocellata La Valette, 1855 in Japan.] Kiseichugaku Zasshi [Jap. J. Parasitol.], 10: 106- 118. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); life cycle. Ching, H. L. 1959a. Studies on some digenetic trematodes of Puget Sound, Washington, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, 112 p. / See Ching, 1959b. Ching, H, L. 1959b. Studies on some digenetic trematodes of Puget Sound, Washington. [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr., 20: 1905. / (T); life history of Parvatrema borealis (USA). Ching, H. L. 1961a. The development and morphological variation of Philophthalmus gralli Mathis & Leger, 1910 with a comparison of species of Philophthalmus Loos, 1899. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 28: 130-138. / (T); experimentally in domestic duck (USA). Ching, H. L. 1961b. Three trematodes from the harlequin duck, Canad. J. Zool. , 39: 373-376. / (T); Paramonostomum histrionici sp. n. , 2 other forms (USA) , 46 Ching , H. L. 1962. Six larval trematodes from the snail, Littorina scutulata Gould of San Juan Island, U.S.A. and Vancouver, B.C. Canad. J. Zool., 40: 675-676. / (T); life history of Spelotrema pygmaeum (USA, Canada). Ching, H. L. 1963. The life cycle and bionomics of Levinseniella charadriformis Young, 1949 (Trematoda: Microphallidae) . Canad. J. Zool., 41: 889-899. / (T); experimentally in ducklings (USA). Ching, H. L. 1965a. Life cycles of Lacunovermis conspicuus n. gen., n. sp. and Meiogymnophallus multigemmulus n. gen., n. sp. (Gymnophallidae: Trematoda) from Macoma inconspicua and diving ducks from Vancouver, Canada. Proc . Helminth. Soc. Wash., 32: 53-63. / (T); Meiogymnophallus replaces Gymnophalloides of James, 1964; several new combinations. Ching, H. L. 19 65b. Systematic notes on some North American micro- phallid trematodes. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 32: 140-148. / (T); Microphallus pirum in duck (Canada) . Chiriac , E. 1963. Contributh la cunoasterea helmintofaunei pasarilor din R. P. R, [Contribution to the knowledge of the parasite fauna of the fowls of the Peoples Republic of Rumania.] Anal. Univ. Bucuresti s. Stiint. Natur., 12: 171-180. [Russ. & Fr. summaries] Chitwood , B.C. 1935. Nematodes parasitic in, and associated with, Crustacea, and descriptions of some new species and a new variety. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 2: 93-96. / (N); Avioserpens taiwana comb. n. (synonym A. denticulophasma) , intermediate host. Christenson, R. O. 1932. An epizootic in wild geese due to nematode and fungus infections. N. Am. Vet., 13(11): 5 7-59. / (N); Cyath- ostoma bronchialis in captive geese (USA). Christiansen, M. 1938. Igler (Protoclepsis tesselata O. F. Muller) som aarsag til sygdom, bl. a. konjunktivitis , hos gaes og aender. Maanedsskr. Dyrl., 50: 409-425. / (H); (Denmark). Christiansen, M. 1939. Protoclepsis tesselata (O. F. Muller), der Entenegel, als Ursache von Krankheit, u. a. Konjunctivitis , bei Gansen und Enten. Zeitschr. Infektionskr. Haustiere, 55: 75-89. / (H); (Denmark). 47 Christiansen, M . 1948. Epidemiagtigt sygdomsudbrud blandt Ederfugle (Somateria mollissima L.) ved Bornholm , foraarsaget af dyriske snyltere. (Epidemic-like outbreak of disease, due to zooparasites, among the common eiders (Somateria mollissima L.) at the island of Bornholm.) Dansk. Ornith. Forenings Tidsskr. , 42: 41-47, [Dan. text, Eng. summary] / (A); death of hundreds of birds; heavy infections of Polymorphus boschadis , new renal coccidia (Denmark) . Christiansen, M . , & H. Madsen. 1948. Eimeria bucephalae n. sp. (Coccidia) pathogenic in golden-eye (Bucephala clangula L.) in Denmark. Danish Rev. Game Biol., l(pt.2): 51-73. / (T); Cryptocotyle concava in weakened ducks. Chu, G. W. T. C. 1965. Susceptibility of marine snails to infection with the Hawaiian Austrobilharzia variglandis Penner. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 51(2, Sec. 2): 25. / (T); life history (USA - Hawaii). Chu, G. W. T. C, &C. E. Cutress. 1954. Austrobilharzia variglandis (Miller & Northup, 1926) Penner, 1953 (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) in Hawaii with notes on its biology. J. Parasitol., 40: 515-524. / (T); experimentally in duck (USA - Hawaii). Chubrik, G. K. 1954. O zhiznennom tsikle trematody Parapronocephallum symmetricum Belopolskaja, 1952. [The life cycle of Parapronocepha- lum symmetricum Belopol'skaia, 1952.] Doklady AN SSSR, n. s. 97: 565-567. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). Chubrik, G. K. 1957. Partenity i lichinki trematod iz molliuskov Belogo moria i vostochnogo Murmana. [Parthenitae and larvae of trematodes from mollusks of the White Sea and eastern Murman.] Avtoref. Diss., Leningrad, p. 1-21. [Russ. text] / (T); includes 2 forms from waterfowl (USSR) . Chubrik, G. K. 1966. Fauna i ekologifa lichinok trematod iz mollfuskov Barentseva i Belogo morei. [Fauna and ecology of trematode larvae of mollusks of Barents and White Seas.] Zhiznennye tsikly para- ziticheskikh chervei severnykh morel, Trudy Murmansk. Morsk. Biol. Inst., AN SSSR, 10(14): 78-167. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). Churina, N. V. 1963a. Gel'minty vodoplavaiushchikh ptits srednego Urala. [Helminths of aquatic birds of the central Urals.] Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. i Rast., k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, p. 107-111. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 1524 domestic and 52 wild waterfowl; reports 37 helminths (USSR). 48 Churina, N. V. 1963b. Gel'mintologicheskaia otsenka vodoemov Sverdlovskoi oblasti. [Helminthological appraisal of reservoirs of Sverdlovsk Territory.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf . Vsesoioiz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1963), pt. 2, p. 168-169. [Russ. text]/(W. Siberia) . Cichowlas, 'Z. 1961. The life-cycle of Diplostomum spathaceum (Rud . 1819) in brackish waters of the Baltic sea. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 9: 33-46. [Pol. summary] / (T); larval stages in snails and fish of brackish waters. Ciurea, I. 1928. Sur une nouvelle Proalaria et son metacercaire. Bull. Sect, Scient., Acad. Roum. , 11: 167-180 (p. 1-14). / (T); reports Rossicotrema donicum in waterfowl (Roumania) . Ciurea, I. 1930. Despre cajiva viermi parazifi cu care omul, mamiferele ji paserile se pot infesta de la pe^tii din bSlJile dunarei. Rev. Stiint. Vet., 11: 1-12. / (T); one form in waterfowl. Ciurea, I. 1933a. Le vers parasites de I'homme, des mammiferes, et des oiseaux provenant des poissons du Danube et de la Mer Noire. Premiere memoire. Arch. Roumaines Pathol. Exper. et Microbiol., 6 : 5 -13 4 . / (T) ; Cryptocotyle concavum , Rossicotrema donicum in waterfowl . Ciurea, I. 1933b. Sur quelques larves des vers parasites de I'homme, des mammiferes et des oiseaux ichtyophages trouves chez les poissons des grands lacs de la Bessarabie, du Dniester et de son liman. Arch. Roumaines Pathol. Exper. et Microbiol . , 6: 151-170. / (T); includes life history of Tylodelphys excavata (Moldavia) . Ciurea, I. 1934. Recherches experimentales sur la receptivite des oiseaux domestiques a 1' infestation par les trematodes de la famille Heterophyidae Odhner. In: Hommage a la memoire du Prof. Jean Cantacuzene, Paris, p. 169-183. / (T) ; Pygidiopsis genata experimentally in ducks and geese (Roumania) . Clapham, P. A. 1933. On the life history of Heterakis gallinae. J. Helminth., 11: 67-86. / (N); description, life history, hosts (Great Britain) . Clapham, P. A. 1934. Experimental studies on the transmission of gapeworm (Syngamus trachea) by earthworms. Proc . Royal Soc. London, s. B (791), 115: 18-29. / (N); (Great Britain) . 49 Clapham, P. A. 1939a. On flies as intermediate hosts of Syngamus trachea. J. Helminth., 17: 61-64. / (N); experimental infections successful (Great Britain). Clapham, P. A. 1939b. Three new intermediary vectors for Syngamus trachea. J. Helminth., 17: 191-192. / (N); infections in centipede, crane-fly, spring-tail (Great Britain). Clapham, P. A. 1940. On wild birds as transmitters of helminth parasites to domestic stock. J. Helminth., 18: 39-44. / (C); mentions one helminth in waterfowl (Great Britain) . Clapham, P. A. 1957. Helminth parasites in some wild birds. Bird Study, 4: 193-196. / (N,C); reports 8 forms in waterfowl; helminths cause of death in 2 ducks (Great Britain) . Clark, G. M., D. O'Meara, & J. W. Van Weelden. 1958. An epizootic among eider ducks involving an acanthocephalid worm. J. Wildlife Managmt. ,22: 204-2 05. / (N,A,C,T); Polymorphus botulus cause of disease (USA) . Clarke, A. S. 1953. Maturation of the plerocercoid of the pseudoph- yllidean cestode Schistocephalus solidus in alien hosts. Exper. Parasitol. , 2: 223-229. / (C); maturation dependent on high temp- erature of host, matured in both birds and mammals. Gierke, A. S. 1954. Studies on the life cycle of the pseudophyllidean cestode Schistocephalus solidus. Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 124: 257-302. / (C); (Great Britain). Clarke, C. H. D. 1946. Some records of blood parasites from Ontario birds. Canad. Field-Nat., 60: 34. / (N); includes microfilariae in ducks (Canada). Cleland, J. B. 1922. The parasites of Australian birds . Tr. &Proc. Royal Soc. South Australia, 46: 85-118. / (N,C,T); compilation of records, 13 forms listed in waterfowl. Clerc, V. O. 1902. Contribution a I'etude de la faune helminthologique de rOural. Communication preliminaire. I , II . Zool. Anzeiger, 25: 569-575, 658-664. / (C); Drepanidotaenia acuminata sp. n. , description of p_. aequabilis (USSR) . 50 Clerc, V. O. [Clerc, W.] 1903. Contribution a 1" etude de la faune helminthologique de I'Oural. Rev. Suisse Zool., 11: 241-368. / (N,C); examined 34 waterfowl, found 19 helminths; Diorchis acuminata sp. n., descriptions of 9 species (S. Russia). Clerc [Kler], V. O. 1905. [Preprint, 1904] Kratkaia zametka o moikh zoologicheskikh ekskursiAkh v 1903 i 1904 godakh. (Courte notice sur mes excursions zoologiques en 1903 et 1904.) Zapiski Ural'sk. Obsh. liubit. Estestv., 25: 18-28. [Russ. text, Fr. summary]/ (N,C,T); includes at least 3 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Clerc, V. O. 1910. Enumeration systematique des parasites intestinaux d'oiseaux de I'Oural moyen et meridional. Bull. Soc . Oural. Ama- teurs Sc. Nat., 30: 99-113. (Zap. Uralsk. Obsh. Liubit. Estestv., 30: 123-133.) [Russ. & Fr. texts] / (N,C); includes at least 4 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Clerc, V. O. [Clerc, W.] 1911. Materiaux pour la faune helmintholo- gique du gouvernement d' Orel. Bull. Soc. Sc . Nat. du Gouverne- ment d'Orel, (15), 24 p. [Russ. & Fr. texts] / (C); includes at least 3 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Cohn, L. 1899. Zur Systematik der Vogeltaenian (vorl. Mitteilung) . Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. I, 25: 415-422. / (C); system of classification. Cohn, L. 1900a. Zur Kenntnis einiger Vogeltaenian. Vorlaufige Mit- theilung. Zool. Anzeiger, 23: 91-98. / (C); Drepanidotaenia aequabilis comb . n . ; taxonomy of Hymenolepis . Cohn, L. 1900b. Zur Anatomie der Vogelcestoden. I. Zeitschr. Wis- sensch. Zool., 67: 255-290. / (C) . Cohn, L. 1901. Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Vogelcestoden. Nova Acta Leop. Carol. Akad. Nat. Curios., 79, 174p. (p. 263- 450.) / (C); discussion of classification and anatomy, many new combinations . Cohn, L. 1904. Helminthologische Mitteilungen. 2. Arch. Naturg., J. 70, 1: 229-252. / (T); Typhlocoelum flavum in waterfowl. Collin, A. 1892. Kleine Mittheilungen uber Wiirmer (Bipalium und Clepsine) . Sitzungsb. Gesellsch. Naturf. Fr. Berlin, (9): 164- 170. / (H); one form reported in waterfowl. 51 Collinge, W. E. 1945. Note on the life-history of Trichostronqylus tenuis (Mehlis) , Nematoda. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., s. 11 (95), 12: 783-784. / (N); life cycle completed in culture, free-living (Great Britain) . Connell, R. , & A. H. Corner. 1957. Polymorphus paradoxus sp. nov. (Acanthocephala) parasitizing beavers and muskrats in Alberta, Canada. Canad. J. Zool., 35: 525-533. / (A); reports 2 acanth- ocephala in waterfowl (Canada) . Cooley, N. R. [195 8.] Laboratory and field studies of an oyster drill parasite. Proc . National Shellfish Ass., 1957, 48: 174-188. / (T); life history, biology of Parorchis acanthus (USA) . Cooley, N. R. 1962. Studies on Parorchis acanthus (Trematoda: Digenea) as a biological control for the southern oyster drill, Thais haemastoma. Fishery Bull. (201), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull. 62: 77-91. / (T); life history, biology (USA). Cooper, A. R. 1919. North American pseudophyllidean cestodes from fishes. Illinois Biol. Mongr., 4(4); 243 p. / (C); Ligula intes- tinalis , Schistocephalus solidus in ducks; descriptions, hosts (USA). Cooper, A. R. 1921. Trematodes and cestodes of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. Rep. Canad. Arctic Exped., 1913-18, 9 (Parts G-H), 27 p. / (C); 3 forms reported from waterfowl; Later - iporus geographicus sp. n. (Canada). Cornwell, G. W. 1963. Observations on waterfowl mortality in southern Manitoba caused by Echinuria uncinata (Nematoda, Acuariidae) . Canad. J. Zool., 41: 699-703. / (N); cause of epizootic (Canada). Comwell, G. W. 1966. An ecological reconnaissance of helminth populations in the canvasback (Aythya valisineria) . Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Michigan, 2 88 p. /See Cornwell, 1967. Comwell, G. W. 1967. An ecological reconnaissance of helminth populations in the canvasback (Aythya valisineria) . [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr., 28 (IB): / (USA). Comwell, G. W. , & A. B. Cowan. 1963. Helminth populations of the canvasback (Aythya valisineria) and host-parasite-environmental interrelationships. Tr. 28. North Am. Wildlife & Natural Resources Conf., p. 173-198. / (N,A,C,T); examined 180 ducks, reports 21 helminths, mostly by genus or larger group; discusses factors of intensity of infections (Canada, USA). 52 Cornwell, G. (W.), A. B. Cowan, &G. S. Hunt. 1961. Superpara- sitism as a suspected factor in winter waterfowl mortality on the lower Detroit River. Wildlife Dis., (16), microcard (3 p.)/ (USA). Cort, W. W. 1950. Studies on schistosome dermatitis XI. Status of knowledge after more than twenty years. Am. J. Hyg. , 52: 251- 307. / (T); review; list of cercaria causing dermatitis, distribution (USA) . Cort, W. W. , S. Brackett, & L. Olivier. 1944. Lymnaeid snails as second intermediate hosts of the strigeid trematode, Cotylurus flabelliformis (Faust, 1917). J. Parasitol. , 30: 309-321. / (T); (USA), Cort, W. W. , & S. T. Brooks. 1928. Studies on the holostome cer- cariae from Douglas Lake, Michigan. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 47: 179-221. / (T); life cycle of Cercaria flexicauda sp. n. (USA). Cotteleer, C, & P. Schyns. 1961. Apropos d'une nouvelle espece de Nematopara taenia (Nematoparataenia brabantiae n. sp.) du cygne, decrite pour la premiere fois en Belgique. Ann. Parasitol., 36: 44-49. / (C). Cowan, A. B. 1955. Some preliminary observations on the life history of Amidostomum anseris Zeder, 1800. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 41 (6, Suppl.): 43. / (N); (USA). Cowan, A. B. , &C. M . Herman. 1955. Winter losses of Canada geese at Pea Island, North Carolina. Proc. Southeast. Ass. Game & Fish. Commrs. (1955, Florida), p. 172-174. / (N); losses associated with heavy gizzard worm infections and malnutrition (USA) . Cowan, I. McT. 1946. Death of a trumpeter swan from multiple parasitism. Auk, 63: 248-249. / (N,C,T); death believed due to massive cestode infection or nematodes in heart (Canada). Cram, E. B. 1924. Hymenolepis tenuirostris, the apparent cause of losses among American geese. Soc. Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 10: 217. / (C); in domestic geese (USA). Cram, E. B. 1925. New records of economically important nematodes in birds. [Abstr,] J. Parasitol., 12: 113-114. / (N); includes several waterfowl records (USA). Cram, E. B. 1926a. A parasitic nematode as the cause of losses among domestic geese. N.Am. Vet., 7(1): 27-29. / (N); Amidostomum anseris (USA) . 53 Cram, E. B. 192 6b. Untitled: notes on the larval tapeworms in the gizzard of a duck. Soc. Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasi- tol., 12: 17 8-179. / (C); (USA). Cram, E. B. 1926c. Untitled: note on new records of nematodes of birds. Soc. Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol. , 12: 180-181. / (N); some waterfowl records (USA). Cram, E. B. 1927a. Bird parasites of the nematode suborders Strongy- lata, Ascaridata, and Spirurata . U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. (140), Washington, D. C. (USA), 465 p. / (N); monographic account - description of each species, hosts, synonymy, habitat, distribu- tion; keys to species; describes 44 forms from waterfowl. Cram, E. B. 1927b. Nematodes of pathological significance found in economically important birds in North America. [Abstr.] Soc. Proc: 2. Ann. Meet. Soc, Am. Parasitol., J. Parasitol., 13: 223. / (N); gives some waterfowl records (USA). Cram, E. B. 1927c. Untitled: new records of distribution for various nematodes. Soc. Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 14: 70. / (C); Hymenolepis collaris in duck (China). Cram, E. B. 192 8. Nematodes of pathological significance found in some economically important birds in North America. U.S. Dept. Agric Tech. Bull. (49), 9 p. / (N); 5 forms in waterfowl; Echinuria parva sp . n . , Cyatho stoma brantae sp . n . (USA) . Cram, E. B. 1929a. A new roundworm parasite, Strongyloides avium of the chicken with observations on its life history and pathogenicity. North Am. Vet., 10(8): 27-30. / (N); (USA). Cram, E. B. 1929b. The life history of Tetrameres americana (Cram, 1927) Baylis, 1929, a spirurid of the proventriculus of chickens, Soc, Proc: Helminth.Soc Wash,, J, Parasitol,, 15: 292. / (N); (USA) . Cram, E. B. 1930. Pathological conditions ascribed to nematodes in poultry. U, S. Dept, Agric, Circular (126), 10 p, / (N); review of pathological effects of important nematode infections, including several in waterfowl. Cram, E. B. [1931a.] Parasitism in game birds. Tr, 17. Am. Game Conf,, (1930), p, 203-206, / (N , A, C ,T); general summary of important game bird parasites (USA). 54 Cram, E. B. 1931b. Developmental stages of some nematodes of the Spiruroidea parasitic in poultry and game birds. U. S. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bull. (2 27), 27 p. / (N); Tetrameres americana life cycle, experimentally in duck (USA). Cram, E. B. 1931c. Life history of Amidostomum anseris. Soc . Proc . : Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 18: 48-49. / (N); (USA). Cram, E. B. 1931d. The cockroach, Blatella germanica, as an inter- mediate host of Tetrameres americana of poultry. Soc. Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 18: 52. / (N); (USA). Cram, E. B. 1932. Recent advancement in our knowledge of poultry parasitism. Vet. Med., 27: 30-34. / (N,T); mentions a few forms in waterfowl (USA) . Cram, E. B. 1936. Species of Ca£illaria_ parasitic in the upper diges- tive tract of birds . U. S. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bull. (516), 27 p. / (N); Capillaria contorta , Capillaria annulata; descriptions, life cycle, biology; only C^. contorta in ducks. Cram, E. B, 1937. A species of Orthoptera serving as intermediate host of Tetrameres americana of poultry in Puerto Rico. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 4: 24. / (N) . Cram, E. B., & E. Cuvillier. 1933. Observations on Trichostronqylus tenuis infestation in domestic and game birds in the United States. [Abstr.] Abstr. 9. Ann. Meet. Am. Soc. Parasitol., J. Parasitol., 20: 12 8. / (N); life cycle. Cram, E. B., & E. Cuvillier. 1934. Observations on Trichostrongylus tenuis infestation in domestic and game birds in the United States. Parasitology, 26: 340-346. / (N); pathology, hosts, life cycle. Cram, E. B., M. F. Jones, & E. A. Allen. 1936. Internal parasites and parasitic diseases of the bobwhite. In: Stoddard, H. L. The bobwhite quail/ its habits, preservation and increase. Scribner's, New York, p. 229-313. / (N); incidental mention of waterfowl as hosts of some helminths (USA) . Cram, E. B., & E. Wehr. 1934. The status of species of Trichostrongy- lus of birds . Parasitology, 26: 335-339. / (N); Trichostrongylus tenuis (synonym T. pergracilis) in waterfowl and gallinaceous birds (USA). 55 Crawford, B. M. 1937. A description of the cestodes of the genus Diorchis parasitic in waterfowl from the region of Buttonwillow, California. M. S. Thesis, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles, 56 p. / (C); found 7 species, 3 undescribed (USA). Crompton, D. W. T., & J. G. Harrison. 1965. Observation on Polymorphus minutus (Goeze, 1782) (Acanthocephala) from a wild- fowl reserve in Kent. Parasitology, 55: 345-355. / (A); history of outbreak, incidence, position in intestine, host list from liter- ature; reports two other helminths (England) . Crompton, D. W. T., & D. L. Lee. 1965. The fine structure of the body wall of Polymorphus minutus (Goeze, 1782) (Acanthocephala). Parasitology, 55: 357-364. / (A); structure of surface layers would facilitate absorption of nutrients. Crompton, D. W. T., & P. J. Whitfield. 1968. The course of infection and egg production of Polymorphus minutus (Acanthocephala) in domestic ducks. Parasitology, 58: 231-246. / (A); (Great Britain) . Cross, S. X. 193 8. A study of the fish parasite relationships in the Trout Lake region of Wisconsin . Tr. Wisconsin Acad. Sc. , Arts & Lett., 31: 439-456. / (C); Ligula intestinalis in waterfowl (USA). Cuckler, A. C, & J. E. Alicata. 1944. The life history of Subulura brumpti, a cecal nematode of poultry in Hawaii. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 63: 345-3 57. / (N); (USA - Hawaii) . Cvetkovic , L. 1963. Paraziti i invazione bolesti gusaka ustanovljene dosada kod nas u ekstenzivnom uzgoju i problemi koj i se mogu ocekivati u intenzivnom uzgoju. [Parasites and parasitic diseases of geese in Yugoslavia reared under intensive conditions.] Vet. Glasnik, 17: 275-279. Cvetkovic, L., B. Lozanic , & O. Lepojev. 1965. Prilog poznavanju parazitne faune 5ivine u SR Srbiji. iV. Parazitna fauna zivine iz okoline PoSarevca . Vet. Glasnik, 19: 37-41. [Eng . , Russ. sum- maries] / (N); examined 24 domestic geese, lists 6 helminths. Cvetkovic, L. , V. Nevenic, & O. Lepojev. 1963. Prilog poznavanju parazitne faune zivine u NR Srbiji. III. Parazitne fauna zivine iz okoline Beograda. Vet. Glasnik, 17: 87-92. 56 Czaplinski, B. 1954. Rozmieszczenie i intensywnosc inwaszji nicienia Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) u ge§i domowych w Polsce. (La distribution et I'intensite d'invasion d'Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) chez les oies domestiques en Pologne.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 2: 275-298. [Pol. text, Fr. summary] / (N); intensity greatest in summer, decreases 2-3 months after rainfall decreases or temperature falls. Czaplinski, B. 1955. Aploparaksis stefanskii sp. n. - nowy gatunek tasiemca z rodziny Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907 u kaczki domowej (Anas platyrhynchos dom. . (L.)). (Aploparaksis stefanskii sp. n. - nouvelle espece de la famille Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907 (Cestoda) chez le canard domestique (Anas platyrhynchos dom. (L.)).) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 2: 303-318. [Pol. text, Fr. & Russ. summary] / (C); (Poland). Czaplinski, B. 1956a. Krytyczne opracowanie listy gatunkow Hymeno- lepididae wyst^pujacych w Anseriformes . (A critical elaboration of a list of Hymenolepididae occurring in Anseriformes.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2(5), Suppl.: 241-243. [Pol. text, Eng . sum- mary] / (C); lists some new synonyms, other comments (Poland). Czaplinski, B. 1956b. Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907 (Cestoda) u niektorych Anseriformes domowych i dzikich w Polsce. [Hymenole- pididae Fuhrmann, 1907 (Cestoda) in some domestic and wild Anseriformes in Poland.] [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2(5), Suppl.: 269-270. [Pol. text, Eng. summary] / (C); general summary of study. Czaplinski, B. 1956c. O tasiemcach z rodziny Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907 bytujacych u niektorych ptakow blaszkodziobych domowych i dzikich w Polsce. (About tapeworms of the Family Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907 parasitizing in some domestic and wild Anseriformes in Poland.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2: 293-298. [Pol. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (C); general statement. Czaplinski, B. 1956d. Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann , 1907 (Cestoda) parasites of some domestic and wild Anseriformes in Poland. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 4: 175-373. [Pol. & Russ. summaries] / (C); examined 116 wild ducks, 460 domestic waterfowl, found 34 cestodes; description of each, reported hosts, distribution, citations; Diorchis danutae sp. n. , D. stefanskii sp. n. , Hymenolepis paracompressa sp. n. , H . spiralibursata sp . n . , Sobolevicanthus wizniewskii sp. n. 57 Czaplinski, B. 1960. Anatomia i cykl rozwojowy tasiemca Hymenolepis vistulae sp. n. (Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907) pasoJyta tracza nurog^si - Mergus merganser L. (Sur Tanatomie et le cycle evolutif du cestode Hymenolepis vistulae sp. n. (Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907) parasite de I'harle bifevre - Mergus merganser L.). Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 8: 299-314. [Pol. text, Fr. summary] / (C); (Poland) . Czaplinski, B. 1961a. Rewizja rodzaju Amidostomum Railliet et Henry, 1909. (Revision of the genus Amidostomum Railliet et Henry, 1909.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol. , 7(2, Suppl.): 207-210. [Pol. & Eng. texts] / (N); cites 2 0 species of Amidostomum, recognizes 6 species; reduction based on large variability of some species. Czaplinski, B. 1961b. Lista gatunkow Aschelminthes stwierdzonych u Anseriformes domowych i dzikich w Polsce. (A list of species of Aschelminthes from domestic and wild Anseriformes in Poland.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 7(2, Suppl.): 2 13-216 . [Pol. &Eng. texts] / (N,A); lists 24 species from 521 Anseriformes; 9 new host records, 9 new records for Poland. Czaplinski, B. 1962a. Nematodes and acanthocephalans of domestic and wild Anseriformes in Poland. I. Revision of the genus Amidos- tomum Railliet et Henry, 1909. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 10: 125- 164. / (N); examined 114 wild, 421 domestic waterfowl (Poland); recognizes only 6 species in genus Amidostomum, descriptions. Czaplinski, B. 1962b. Nematodes and acanthocephalans of domestic and wild Anseriformes in Poland. II. Nematoda (excl. Amidostomum) and Acanthocephala. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 10: 277-319. [Pol. summary] / (N,A); examined 206 wild, 340 domestic waterfowl, reports 2 0 helminths; description of most forms; Porrocaecum heteroura , Acanthocephalus lucii in waterfowl. Czaplinski, B. 1962c. Nematodes and acanthocephalans of domestic and wild Anseriformes in Poland. 111. General comment. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 10: 395-410. [Pol. summary] / (N,A); discussion of variability of characters, relation of body characters and vulva position to location in host, host specificity. Czaplinski, B. 1964. O diagnozie rodzaju Wardoides Spassky, 1962, i jego nietypowo dojrzewajacym (rozdzielnoplciowym?) przed- stawicielu - Wardoides nyrocae (Yamaguti, 1935) Spassky, 1962. [Abstr.] (Diagnosis of Wardoides Spassky, 1962, and its untypically maturing (sexual divisibility?) representative - Wardoides nyrocae (Yamaguti, 1935) Spassky, 1962.) Wiadom. Parazytol., 10: 549-551. / (C); description (Poland). 58 Czaplifiski, B. 1965a. Retinometra guberiana sp. n. (Cestoda, Hymen- olepididae) , a new cestode species from Cygnus olor (Gm.). Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 13: 35-39. [Pol. summary] / (C); includes Retinometra bulbocirrosa comb, n. (Poland). Czaplinski, B. 1965b. Redescription of Wardium aequabile (Rud., 1810) Spassky et Spasskaja, 1954. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 13: 135-140. [Pol. summary] / (C); (Poland). Czaplinski, B. 1966. The anatomy of Wardoides nyrocae (Yamaguti, 1953) Spassky, 1962 (Cestoda) from Cygnus olor (Gm.). Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 14: / (C); (Poland). Czaplinski, B. 1967. Genus Monosaccanthes g. n. (Cestoda, Hymen- olepididae) and redescription of M. tenuirostris (Rud. , 1819 p. p.) comb. n. and M. kazachstanica (Maksimova, 1963) comb. n. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 14: 327-350. [Pol. summary] / (C); M. ten- uirostris (synonym Hymenolepis tritesticulata) , most reports are Tschertkovilepis krabbei or mixture; (Poland) . Czaplinski, B. , & N. R. Kotecki. 1967. Life cycle of Monosaccanthes kazachstanica (Maksimova, 1963) and Parabisaccanthes philactes (Schiller, 1951). Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 15: / (C); (Poland). Czaplinski, B. , A. Malczewski, &M. Swietlikowski . 1956. Wplym subklinicznej inwazji Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) na wzrost i tucz gesi. (The influence of subclinical Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) invasion on the growth and fattening of geese.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2(5, Suppl.): 187-188. [Pol. text, Eng. summary] / (N); weight and increase of weight in fattening geese decreased with increased numbers of helminths (Poland). Czaplinski, B., & K. Ryzhikov. 1964a. O rodzaju Parabisaccanthes Maksimova, 1963, i gatunku P. philactes (Schiller, 1951) n. comb. (Cestoda, Hymenolepididae) . (About genus Parabisaccanthes Maksimova, 1963, arc species P. philactes (Schiller, 1951) n. comb. (Cestoda, Hymenolepididae),) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 10: 545-546. [Pol. text] / (C); Parabisaccanthes philactes includes P. cygni as synonym; P. kazachstanica excluded from genus (Poland) . Czaplinski, B. , &K. M. Ryzhikov. 1964b. New data on Parabisac- canthes philactes (Schiller, 1951) Spassky et Reznik, 1963 (Cestoda, Hymenolepididae) from Poland and the Lena Delta. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 12: 363-371. [Pol. summary] / (C); in swans (Yakutia); synonym Parabisaccanthes cygni. 59 Czaplinski, B., & K. M. Ryzhikov, 1966. Gastrotaenia paracygni sp. n. (Hymenolepididae) , a new cestode of Cyqnus olor and C, cygnus. Acta Parasitol. Polonica , 14(12): 113-119. [Pol. summary] / (C); description (Poland); recognizes Gastrotaenia cyngi and G. dogieli as distinct species, suggests G. dogieli may be mixture of 2 species differing in size of rostellar hooks. Dadai [Daday] , J. 1900. Helminthologische Studien. Einige in Susswasser-Entomostraken lebende Cercocystis-Formen. Zool. Jahrb. , Abt. Syst. , 14: 161-214. / (C); seven new species described from larval stages in copepod Crustacea. Daengsvang, S. , Proja Thienprasitthi, & Pasoog Chomcherngpat. 1966. Further investigations on natural and experimental hosts of larvae of Gnathostoma spiniqerum in Thailand. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. , 15: 727-729. / (N); domestic duck one of the important intermediate hosts for human infection. DaTia , G. G. 1966. Pereopisanie Capillaria mergi i Thominx skrjabini (Nematoda: Capillariidae) . [Redescription of Capillaria mergi and Thominx skrjabini (Nematoda: Capillariidae).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 49-53. [Russ. text] / (N); in waterfowl (USSR). Danzan, G. 1964. Gel'minty domashnikh i dikikh ptits Mongol'skoi Narodnoi Respubliki. [Helminths of domestic and wild birds of the Mongolian People's Republic] Trudy Vsesofuz. Inst. Gel'- mint. Skrjabin, 11: 42-44. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 7 domestic ducks, some wild ducks; reports 19 helminths. Davies, T.I, 1938. Some factors governing the incidence of helminth parasites in the domestic duck. Welsh J. Agric . , 14: 280-287. / (N,A,C,T); examined 2 9 ducks, reports 6 helminths. Presence of trematodes depends upon calcium carbonate in water for snails (Great Britain) . Davis, H. E. 1944. Cittotaenia sandgroundi, a new anoplocephalid cestode from a Javanese tree duck. J. Parasitol., 30: 241-244./ (C); (Java). Davis, H. E. 1945. A new hymenolepidid cestode, Hymenolepis javanensis , from an East Indian tree duck . Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 64: 213-219. / (C); (Java). 60 Davis, H. E. 1947. The tapeworm Cittotaenia sandgroundi transferred to Diplogynia. Proc. Oklahoma Acad . Sc . (1946), 27: 65-66. / (C) . Deblock, S. 1960. De quelques identites varaisemblables concernant des metacercaires de microphallides d'Europe occidentale. Notes et informations, Ann. Parasitol., 35: 672-674. / (T); identification of larval forms described by Lebour, 1907-1914, placed in Maritrema and Microphallus (France) . Deblock, S., & A. Capron . 1960. Contribution a I'etude des Microph- allidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda) . IV. Le genre Maritrema: Description complementaire du M^. humile Nicoll, 1907, de M. linguilla et de Iv^. subdolum Jaegerskioeld, 1909. Ann. Parasitol., 35: 23-44. / (T); Maritrema subdolum reported in waterfowl, descrip- tion (France) . Deblock, S., A. Capron, & J. Biguet. [1959.] Contribution a la connaissance des Microphallidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda) des oiseaux de France. III. Description de Levinseniella tridigl- tata nov. sp. Etude critique du genre Levinseniella Stiles et Hassal, 1901. Ann. Parasitol. , 33: 513-537. / (T); review of Levinseniella, characters of species, hosts, key; 5 species in waterfowl. Deblock, S., A. Capron, & J. Biguet. 1960. Notes de faunistiques trematodologiques franjaise. I. Les microphallides des cotes de la Manche (Pas-de-Calais). Bull. Soc . Zool. France, 85: 205-210. / (T); life history of Maritrema subdolum. Microphallus claviformis (France) . Deblock, S., A. Capron, & J. Biguet. 1961. Contribution a la con- naissance des Microphallidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda). Description de Maritrema elongata n. sp.; revue critique des genres Maritrema Nicoll, 1907 et affins . Parassitologia , 3: 121- 143 . / (T) . Deblock, S., A. Capron, & F. Rose, 1961. Contribution a I'etude des Microphallidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda). Le genre Maritrema Nicoll, 1907: Cycle evolutif de M. subdolum Jaegerskioeld, 1909. Parassitologia, 3: 105-119. / (T); (France). Deblock, S., & F. Rose. 1964a. Contribution a I'etude des Microph- allidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda) des oiseaux de France. Vlll.- Creation du genre Atriophallophorus , parasite de canards sauvages. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 89: 225-232. / (T); Atriophallophorus samarae sp. n. (France). 61 Deblock, S., & F. Rose. 1964b. Contribution a 1' etude des Microph- allidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda) des oiseauxde France. IX.- Description d ' Anacetabulitrema samarae n. gen. , n. sp. , de Maritrema macracetabulum n. sp. et de Microphallus somateriae (Kulatsch.) n. comb., parasites d'anatides. Bull. Soc . Zool. France, 89: 429-443. / (T); includes report of one other helminth in waterfowl (France); Atriophallophorus minutus comb, n. (synonym Atriophallophorus gamarae) . Deblock, S., & F. Rose. 1966. Contribution a 1' etude des Microphal- lidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda) des oiseauxde France. XI.- Identification de la cercaire de Microphallus claviformis (Brandos, 1888). Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 90: 299-314. / (T); summary of data for M_. claviformis, hosts include waterfowl (France) . Deblock, S., & P. Tran Van Ky. 1966. Contribution a 1' etude des Microphallidae Travassos, 1920 (Trematoda). XII. Especesd'- Europe occidentale. Creation de Sphairiotrema no v. gen.; con- siderations diverses de systematique . Ann. Parasitol., 41: 23-60. / (T); lists 10 species in waterfowl; description of Maritrema gratiosum. Microphallus similis , Levinseniella brachysoma, L. pellucida , L. propinqua; key to genera and species of Europe. DeGiusti, D. L. seedeGiusti, D. L. Deliamure, S. L. [1956.] Gel'mintofauna morskikh mlekopitaiushchikh v svete ikh ekologii i filogenni. [Helminth fauna of marine mammals in the light of their ecology and phylogeny.] Moskva, 517 p. [Russ. text] / (A); includes Corynosoma strumosum in waterfowl (USSR) . Dence, W. A. 1958. Studies on Ligula-infected common shiners (Notropis cornutus frontalis Agassiz) in the Adirondacks. J. Parasitol. , 44: 334-338 . / (C); biology of Ligula intestinalis in intermediate host (USA). Dery, D.W. 1958. A description of Maritreminoides raminellae, n. sp. (Trematoda: Microphallidae). Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 25: 40-44. / (T); in waterfowl (USA). Desportes, C. [1946.] La dermatite des nageurs . Ann. Parasitol., 20: 263-278. / (T); discussion and history of schistosome derma- titis with special reference to France. 62 Diamare, V. 1893. Note su/cestodi. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, 1 s., 7: 9-13. / (C); includes one form in waterfowl. Dietz, E. 1909. Die Echinostomiden der Vogel. Diss., Konigsberg iPr., 3 7 p./ See Dietz, 1910. Dietz, E. 1910. Die Echinostomiden der Vogel. Zool. Jahrb. Jena, Suppl. 12, Heft 3, p. 26 5-512. / (T); monograph; reports 8 forms in waterfowl, description of each. Dinulesco, G. 1939. Echinoparyphium recurvatum Linstov. Conditions de son developement larvaire chez Paludina vivipara L. Trav. Station Zool. Wimereux, 13 (1938): 215-224. / (T); (France). Ditlevsen, H. 1917a. Cestoder. Medd. Grje^nland, 23: 1121-1140. / (C); reports 3 forms in waterfowl (Greenland). Ditlevsen, H. 1917b. Trematoder. Medd. Grjzinland, 23: 1143-1152./ (T); lists 5 forms in waterfowl (Greenland). Dobrokhotova, O. V. 1964. Novyi promezhutochnyl khoziaii utinykh tsestod. [New intermediate host of duck cestodes.] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 22: 211. [Russ. text] / (C); cysticercoids of 4 cestodes in Paracyclops fimbriatus (Kazakhstan). Dobrokhotova, O. V. 1965. Tsiklopy - promezhutochnye khoziaeva gimenolepidid domashnikh utok v Dzambul'skoi i ChimkentskoT oblastiakh. [Cyclops - intermediate hosts of hymenolepids of domestic ducks in Dzambul and Chimentsk oblasts.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 1, p. 72-74. [Russ. text] / (C); lists hosts of 6 helminths (Kazakhstan). Dobrokhotova, O. V., & lU. V. Butenko. 1964. Gel'mintologicheskaA otsenka biHikul'skikh ozer Dzhambul' skoi oblasti. [Helminthological appraisal of Lake Bilikul of Dzhambul oblast.] Gel'minty i Gel'- mintozy Dom.Ptits, Alma-Ata, p. 52-55. [Russ. text] Dobrokhotova, O. V. , & B. A. Kasymzhanova . 1964. Zarazhennost' tsiklopov lichinochnymi stadiiami gimenolepidid v vodoemakh okrestnostei Alma-Atay, [The infection cycle of larval stages of hymenolepidids in reservoirs in the vicinity of Alma-Ata.] Gel' minty i Gel'mintozy Dom. Ptits , Alma-Ata, p. 66-70. [Russ. text] 63 Dobrowolski, K. A. 1958. Pasozyty pijawek jeziora Druzno. (Para- zytofauna biocenozy jeziora Druzno - cz^s6 V.) (Parasites of leeches of Druzno Lake. (Parasitofauna of the biocoenosis of Druzno Lake - Part V.)) Acta Parasitol. Polonica , 6: 179-194. [Pol. text, Eng. summary] / (T); over 50% of dominant leeches with larval stages of avian helminths, especially strigeids (Poland) Donges, J. 1962. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche und morphologische Untersuchungen an Notocotyliden (Trematoda) . Zeitschr. Parasi- tenk., 22: 43-67. / (T); Notocotylus thienemanni, N_. seineti, N. imbricatus in ducklings (Germany). Donges, J. 1964. Gigantobilharzia suebica n. sp. (Trematoda), ein Dermatitiserreger beim Menschen. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 24: 65- 75. / (T); experimentally in duck (Germany); key to males of 14 species of genus. Donges, J. 1965. Schistosomatidencercarien Silddeutschlands . (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis dermatitiserregender Trematodenlarven .) Zeitschr. Tropenmed. Parasitol., 16: 305-321. [Eng. summary] / (T); larvae of 3 species; Cercaria kenilworthensis originated from eggs from swan (Germany) . Dollfus, R. Ph. 1913. Contribution a I'etude des trematodes marins des cotes du Boulonnais. Une metacercaire margaritigene para- site de Donax vittatus da Costa. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, (1912), 25: 85-144. / (T); Gymnophallus somateriae var. strigatus in Donax (France) . Dollfus, R. Ph. 193 8. Etude morphologique et systematique de deux especes d'acanthocephales , parasites de lemuriens et de singes. Revue critique du genre Prosthenorchis Travassos. Ann. Parasitol. , 16: 385-422. / (A); checklist of species of genus, includes P. avicola in waterfowl (Brazil) . Dollfus, R. Ph. 1946. Sur un distome du genre Tamerlania K. 1. Skrjabin, 1924 avec un catalogue des trematodes des reins d' oiseaux. Ann. Parasitol., 21: 25-73. / (T); review, reports 3 forms in Eucotyle, 1 in Renicola from waterfowl, synopsis for each species . Dollfus, R. Ph. 1948a. Sur les Prosthogoniminae, trematodes de la bourse de Fabricius des oiseaux et leur biogeographie. Mem. Mus, Nat. d'Hist. Nat., Paris, n.s., 24: 1-73. / (T); review, host- parasite catalogue; includes 21 forms in waterfowl. 64 Dollfus, R. Ph. 1948b. Sur deux monostomes (Cyclocoelidae) pourvus d'une ventouse ventrale. Observations sur la classification de Cyclocoeloidea Albert Henry, 1923, liste le leurs botes, repartition geographique. Ann. Parasitol., 23: 129-199. / (T); revised class- ification, checklist, distribution, host-parasite list; lists 19 forms in waterfowl. Dollfus, R. Ph. 1950. Trematodes recoltes au Congo beige par le Professeur Paul Brien (mai-aout 1937) . Ann. Mus . Belg . Congo, C-Dierk . , R. 5 , 1, 136 p . / (T); Hypoderaeum conoideum in water- fowl . Dollfus, R. P. 1960. Recherches sur le developpement et I'identifica- tlon de Plagiorchis (Multiglandularis) cirratus (Rudolphi 1802) II. Description du Plagiorchis obtenu adulte chez des souris blanches de laboratoire. Ann. Parasitol., 35: 282-291. / (T); Plagiorchis cirratus description (France); reports Anatidae as hosts. Dollfus, R. Ph. 1961. Station experimentale de parasitologie de Richelieu (Indre-et-Loire) . Contribution a la faune parasitaire regionale. Chap. 1, Liste des parasites par botes. Chap. 2, liste des parasites par ordre systematique. Ann. Parasitol., 36: 174-261, 262-341. / (N,A,C,T,H); reports 21 forms in waterfowl (France) . Dollfus, R. Ph. 1963a. Hotes et lieux de recolte de quelques trema- todes digenetiques de vertebres de la collection du Musee royal de I'Afrique centrale. Rev. Zool. et Bot . Afr. , 68: 323-357. / (T); reports one trematode in ducks. Dollfus, R. Ph. 1963b. Mission Yves- J. Golvan et Jean- A. Rioux en Iran- Ann. Parasitol., 38: 29-61. / (T); descriptions of Mesorchis pseudoechinatus , Plagiorchis brauni; no waterfowl records. Dollfus, R. Ph., & A. Buttner. [1954.] Localization anormale de Metorchis xanthosomus (Creplin, 1846) chez un canard domestique (canard d'Inde). Ann. Parasitol., 28: 450-452. / (T); life cycle (France) . Dollfus, R. Ph., & J, Callot. [1945.] Etudes documentaires sur le genre Metorchis A. Looss, 1899. Observations sur des Metorchis recoltes a Richelieu (Indre-et-Loire). Ann. Parasitol., 20: 125- 159. / (T); revision of genus; accepts 4 forms reported in water- fowl. 55 van Dors sen, C. A. 1951. Overzicht der onderzoekingen van het uit de praktijk ingezonden ziektemateriaal over het jaar 1950. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. , 76: 727-734. / (N,A,T,H); reports 6 forms in water- fowl (Netherlands) . van Dorssen, C. A., & H. A. Berg. 1950. Overzicht der onderzoek- ingen van het uit de praktijk ingezonden ziektemateriaal over het jaar 1949. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk., 75: 321-329. / (N,C,T); reports 4 species in waterfowl (Netherlands). van Dorssen, C. A. , & J. Donker-Voet. 1955. Overzicht der onder- zoekingen van het uit de praktijk ingezonden ziektemateriaal over het jaar 1954. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk., 80:1072-1079. [Eng., Fr., Ger. summaries] / (T); reports one form in waterfowl (Netherlands). Doss, M. A. 1963-1968. Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary- zoology. Subjects: Trematoda and trematode diseases , Partsl-8. Beltsville Parasitol. Lab., Agric. Res. Serv, U.S. Dept. Agric, 1684 p. / (T); guide to parasitological literature, alphabetical index by genera and supergenera, includes letters A-Z. Dotsenko, T. K. 1952. Paraziticheskie chervi domashnikh ptits Prim- orskogo kraia i biologiia Cheilospirura hamulosa. [Parasitic worms of domestic birds of the Primorski region and the biology of Chei- lospirura hamulosa.] Diss. Kand. Biol. Nauk (Biblioth . VIGIS); Avtoref. Diss., Moskva, 12 p. [Russ. text]/See Dotsenko, 1954, 1960. Dotsenko, T. K. 1954. Paraziticheskie chervi domashnikh ptits Primorskogo kraA i biologiia Cheilospirura hamulosa. [Parasitic worms of domestic birds of Primorski region and the biology of Cheilospirura hamulosa.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 7: 382-383. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); general incidence, number of forms found; reports 6 pathogenic species in waterfowl (Primorsk) . Dotsenko, T. K. 1960. K faune paraziticheskikh chervet domashnikh ptits Primorskogo kraia. [On the parasitic worm fauna of domestic birds of Primorski region.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 10: 85-91. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 103 domestic ducks, 44 geese; reports 31 helminths (Primorsk). Dremkova, P. P., &G. P. Podgornova . 1963 . O nektorykh faktorakh, vliiaiushchikh na biomassu zooplanktona v vodoemakh i na zara- zhennost' utok gel'mintami. [On certain factors, influencing the biomass of zooplankton in reservoirs and infections of ducks by helminths .] 66 Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. i Rast., k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 249-252. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); relation of helminth infection in ducks to biomass of plankton (S . Russia). Dubey, J. P. 1964. On some helminths parasitic in Indian domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos domesticus) . Indian J. Helminth., 16: 33-43. / (N,T); examined 16 ducks, lists 7 hel- minths (India); includes Tetrameres mohtedai, descriptions of 3 species . Dubey, J. P., & B. P. Pande. 1964. A note on some helminths of the wild duck (Anas poecilorhyncha) . Indian J. Helminth. , 16: 27-32. / (N,C,T); examined 7 ducks, reports 7 helminths; includes Notocotylus linearis , Hymenolepis wardlei sp . n . (India) . Dubey, J. P., & B. P. Pande. 1965. On some of the helminthic lesions in the Indian domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus). Indian J. Vet. Sc, 35: 190-196. / (N,C,T); describes pathological changes due to Notocotylus babai , Psilochasmus oxyurus , Amidos- tomum skrjabini, and Hymenolepis sp. (India). Dubinin, V. B. 1949. Eksperimental'nye issledovaniia nad tsiklami razvitiia nekotorykh paraziticheskikh chervei zhivotnykh del'ty Volgi. [Experimental studies on the life-cycles of several para- sitic worms of animals of the Volga delta.] Parazitol. Sbornik Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 11: 126-160. [Russ. text] / (N,A,); includes life cycle of Contracaecum spiculigerum, C^. microcephalum, Eustrongylides mergorum, Corynosoma strumosum (S . Russia) . Dubinin, V. B. 1952. Fauna lichinok paraziticheskikh chervei pozvon- ochnykh zhivotnykh del'ty reki Volgi. [The parasitic worm larvae of vertebrate animals of the Volga River delta.] Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 14: 213-265. [Russ. text] / (T); includes larvae in fish of one waterfowl parasite (S. Russia). Dubinina, M.N. 1948. Parazitofauna dikogo serogo gusia (Anser anser L.) , [Parasite fauna of the wild gray goose (Anser anser L.).] Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 10: 165-187. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); lists 19 helminths (S. Russia). Dubinina, M. N. 1950a. Novye dannye po morfologii i biologii pred- stviteleT roda Ligula . [New data on the morphology and biology of representatives of the genus Ligula .] Zool. Zhur. , 29: 147-151. [Russ. text] / (C); Ligula intestinalis a collective species, separates out L. colymbi of grebes; life cycle (USSR). 67 Dubinina, M.N. 1950b. Lentochnye chervi ptits , zimuiushchikh v luzhnom Tadzhikistane . [Tapeworms of birds, wintering in southern Tadzhikistan.] Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 12: 351- 381. [Russ. text] / (C); lists 18 forms in waterfowl. Dubinina, M.N. [1954a.] Lentochnye chervi ptits gnezdiashchikhsia v zapadnoi Sibiri. [Tapeworms of birds nesting in western Siberia.] Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 15 (1953): 117-233. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 226 waterfowl, lists 37 helminths; Hymeno- lepis monoposthe sp. n. , H . formosa sp. n . , Drepanidotaenia spinulosa sp. n., Aploparaksis endacantha sp. n. Dubinina, M, N. [1954b.] Setsifichnost/u remnetsov na raznykh fazakh ikh zhiznennogo tsikla. [Specificity of ligula in various phases of the life cycle.] Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 15 (1953): 234-251. [Russ. text] / (C); Ligula and Digramma life cycle; plerocercoids very host specific, adults much less so (USSR). Dubinina, M.N. 1956. Ispravleniia . [Correction.] [to 1954b] Para- zitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 16: 2 80 . [Russ. text] / (C); corrections in descriptions of Hymenolepis krabbeella and Echino- cotyle clerci in Dubinina, 1954b. Dubinina, M. N. 1957a. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie tsikla razvitiia Schistocephalus solidus (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) . (Experimental study of the life cycle of Schistocephalus solidus (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea).) Zool . Zhur. , 36: 1647-1658. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (C); life cycle, intermediate hosts indicate 2 distinct forms (USSR) . Dubinina, M. N. 1957b. K voprosu o spetsifichnosti u predstavitelei sem. Diphyllobothriidae Luhe, 1910. (Ueber die Spezifitat bei den Vertretern der Familie Diphyllobothriidae Lilhe, 1910.) Trudy Lenin- grad. Obshch. Estestv., 73, otd . Zool.: 181-187. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (C); includes intermediate hosts of Schistocephalus solidus (USSR). Dubinina, M. N. [195 8.] Sovremennoe sostoianie izucheniia remnetsov fauny SSSR. [Present status of the study of Ligulinae in the USSR.] Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 17 (1957): 251-276. [Russ. text] / (C); two pairs of species in Ligulinae with single and doubled reproductive organs respectively; Digramma nemachili sp. n. in ducks (USSR). 68 Dubinina, M. N. 1959a. O polozhenii roda Schlstocephalus v sisteme remnetsov (Ligulidae) . [On the position of Schistocephalus in the taxonomic system of Ligulidae.] 10. Soveshch. Parazitol. Probl., 2: 166-168. [Russ. text] / (C); separates 3 species on basis of host specificity of plerocercoids , morphology, differences in life cycle. See Dubinina, 1961. Dubinina, M.N. 1959b. O estestvennoT sisteme roda Schistocephalus Creplin (Cestoda, Ligulidae). (The natural system of the genus Schistocephalus Creplin (Cestoda, Ligulidae).) Zool. Zhur., 38: 1498-1517. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (C); Schistocephalus solidus a collective species of at least 3 forms, plerocercoids host specific; Schistocephalus pungitii sp. n. , S_. nemachili sp. n. in ducks (USSR) . Dubinina, M. N. 19 60. O vozmozhnosti progeneza u plerotserkoidov remnetsov (Cestoda, Ligulidae). (On the possibility of progenesis in plerocercoids of the family Ligulidae (Cestoda).) Zool. Zhur., 39: 1467-1477. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (C); plerocercoid stage includes most of sexual development, progenesis occurred experimentally in fish at temperatures over 35 C. (USSR). Dubinina, M. N. 1961. Translation of Dubinina , 1959a. 10. Conf. Parasitol. Probl., USSR, 2: 335-337. [Eng. translation] / (C) . Dubinina, M . N. 1964. Cestodes of the family Ligulidae and their taxonomy. Proc . Symp. , Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc, p. 173-186. / (C); special characteristics of family, summary of species in USSR. Dubinina, M. N. 1966. Remnetsy (Cestoda: Ligulidae) fauny SSSR; monograficheskoe issledovanie. [Ligulidae (Cestoda) fauna of the USSR; a monographic study.] Izdat. "Nauka" , Moskva, 260 p. [Russ. text] / (C); biology, life cycle, morphology, synonymy of each species; characteristics and evolution of family. Dubinina, M. N., & O. P. Serkova. 1951. Kruglye chervi ptits, zimuiushchikh v luzhnom Tadzhikistane . [Round worms of birds, wintering in southern Tadzhikistan.] Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, 13: 75-95. [Russ. text] / (N); examined 57 waterfowl, reports 9 nematodes. Dubois, G. 1928. Descriptions de nouveaux trematodes d'oiseaux du genre Hemistomum. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 52 (n.s., 1) : 33-44. / (T); reports Hemistomum pusillum sp. n. , H. excavatum in ducks (Switzerland) . 69 Dubois, G. 1930. Description de deux nouvelles especes de Cyclo- coelidae suivie d'une note sur Hyptlasmus ominosus (Koss.). Rev. Suisse Zool. , 37: 385-395 . / (T); Typhlocoelum gambense sp. n., Ophthalmophagus plectropteri sp. n. in waterfowl (S. Africa) . Dubois, G. 1932. Revision des "hemistomes" et etude de formes nouvelles. Bull. Soc . Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 56 (n.s., 5): 375- 412. / (T); 4 forms in waterfowl; Diplostomum mergi sp. n. , D^. parviventosum sp. n. , D^. pelmatoides sp. n. , D. pusillum (Swit- zerland) . Dubois, G. 1934. Nouveaux parasites d'oiseaux. Verb. Schweiz. Naturf. Gesellsch. (115. Jahresvers., 1934) 2 Teil: 374-375. / (T); Cotylurus syrius in waterfowl (Syria) . Dubois, G. 1935. Etude des strigeides de la collection du Departement de Parasitologie de I'Universite Hebra'ique de Jerusalem. Rev. Suisse Zool., 42: 571-585. / (T); description of Cotylurus syrius (Syria) . Dubois, G. 1937a. Sur quelques strigeides. Notes preliminaires . Rev. Suisse Zool. , 44: 391-396 . / (T); Apatemon fuhrmanni sp. n. in swans (Sweden); A. qlobiceps nom. n. Dubois, G. 1937b. Etude de quelque strigeides d'Australie et notes sur le genre Fibricola Dubois, 1932. Ann. Parasitol., 15: 231-247. / (T); refers to two forms reported in waterfowl (Australia). Dubois, G. 1938a. Liste systematique des Strigeides du Bresil et du Venezuela. Livro Jub . Prof. L. Travassos, Rio de Janeira, p. 145- 156. / (T); lists 3 forms reported in waterfowl. Dubois, G. 1938b. Monographie des Strigeida (Trematoda) . Mem. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 6, 535 p. / (T); description of each species, hosts, synonymy, distribution, life cycle; keys to species; includes 30 forms reported from waterfowl. Dubois, G. [1945.] A propos de la specificite parasitaire des Strigeida. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 69: 5-103. / (T); additions or changes to the monograph (Dubois, 1938b), adds 2 forms from water- fowl; summary of host specificity, including Anseriformes . Dubois, G. 1946. Sur I'identite de Paracoenogonimus katsuradi Lyster, 1940 (Trematoda: Strigeida). Verb . Schweiz. Naturf. Gesellsch., 12 6: 15 3-154. / (T); synonym of Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus . 70 Dubois, G. 1948. Liste des strigeides des Suisse. Rev. Suisse Zool., 55: 447-476. / (T); reports 10 forms in waterfowl; Apatemon gracilis gracilis , A. gracilis somateriae var , n . , A. gracilis exilis var . n . , redescription of 8 forms. Dubois, G. 1951. Etude des trematodes nord-americains de la collection E. L. Schiller et revision du genre Notocotylus Diesing, 1839. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 74: 41-76. / (T); reports 16 forms in waterfowl (USA); synonymy in Notocotylus, key to species, accepts 11 forms in waterfowl. Dubois, G. 1952. Revision de quelque Strigeides (Trematoda) . Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 75: 73-86. / (T); lists several reports from waterfowl. Dubois, G. 1953a. Liste systematique des Strigeida (Trematoda) de rinde. Thapar Commem. Vol., Lucknow, p. 77-88. / (T) . Dubois, G. 1953b. Systematique des Strigeida. Complement de la Monographie. Mem. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc. Nat., 8, 141 p. / (T); additions and corrections to monograph (Dubois, 193 8b); keys to species, host-parasite checklist; reports 33 forms in waterfowl; no descriptions . Dubois, G. 1955a. Revision du genre Parastrigea Szidat, 1928 (Trema- toda, Strigeidae) et description de deux especes nouvelles . Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat. , 3 s., 78: 53-65. / (T); lists P. robusta and P^. anati in waterfowl; key. Dubois, G. 1955b. Notocotylus solitaria Singh, un second synonyme deN. babai Bhalerao. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 3 s., 78: 67-69. / (T); (India). Dubois, G. 1955c. Nature de la specificite chez les Strigeides (Trema- toda). Rev. Iberica Parasitol. , Tomo Extraord. (Libro-Homenaje Lopez-Neyra), p. 133-144. / (T) . Dubois, G. 1957. La specificite de fait chez les Strigeida (Trematoda). In: First Symposium on the Parasitic Specificity of Parasites of Vertebrates, Inst. Zool,, Univ. of Neuchatel, p. 213-227. / (T); review of specificity of genera; genera often adapted strictly to one order of hosts, species usually adapted to only one order. Dubois, G. 1958. Les Strigeida (Trematoda) de Californie de la col- lection Tune Mahon. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 81: 69-78. / (T); Cotylurus strigeoides sp. n. in duck (USA). 71 Dubois, G. 1959. Revision des Cyclocoelidae Kossack, 1911 (Trema- toda) . Rev, Suisse Zool., 66: 67-147. / (T); lists 10 forms in waterfowl; key, diagnoses, host list, synonymy. Dubois, G. 1961a. Sur la position systematique ou la validite de quelques Strigeida (Trematoda) . Ann. Parasitol., 36: 50-56. / (T) ; Parastrigea anati synonym of £. robusta . Dubois, G. 1961b. Le genre Diplostomum von Nordmann, 1832 (Trema- toda: Strigeida). Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., £4: 113-124. [Eng . & Ger. summaries] / (T); genus divided into 3 subgenera, including Tylodelphys . Dubois, G. 1962. Les Strigeida (Trematoda) de la collection E. van den Broek. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 85: 109-120. / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl (Netherlands) . Dubois, G. 1964. Du statut de quelques Strigeata La Rue, 1926 (Trema- toda). I. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 87: 27-71. / (T); Coty- lurus gallinulae hebraicus comb . n . , C^. raabei comb . n . , C . orientalis synonym of C . syrius , Pseudapatemon mamilliformis in duck, Tylodelphys clavata (synonym T. excavata of Bezubik, 1957) in duck , 4 species of Cyathocotyle synonyms of C . prussica . Dubois, G. 1965. Note sur les Cyclocoelidae Kossack 1911 (Trematoda). Rev. Suisse Zool. , 72 : 413-42 8 . / (T); Cyclocoelum odeningi sp . n. in duck (Berlin Zoological Garden , Germany), discussion of Typhlocoelum cucumerinum of Macko & Bu§a, 1960. Dubois, G. 1966. Du statut de quelques Strigeata La Rue, 1926 (Trema- toda). II. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 89: 19-56. [Eng., Ger. summaries] / (T); Apatemon fuhimanni not subspecies of A. gracilis , Cotylurus strictus synonym of C. platycephalus; Diplostomum spathaceum with 4 subspecies, Diplostomum scudderi comb, n. (synonym D. baeri eucaliae) . Dubois, G. 19 67. Un strigeide de I'oie, Apatemon (Australapatemon) anseris n. sp. Ann. Parasitol., 42: 431-434. / (T); (Holland). Dubois, G. , & A. Fain. 1956. Contribution a I'etude des Strigeida du Congo Beige I. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 3 s., 79: 17-38. / (T); Apatemon gracilis congolense var . n . , key to 4 species . Dubois, G., & J. C. Pearson. 1965. Quelques Strigeida (Trematoda) d'Australie. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc. Nat., 88: 77-99. [Eng., Ger. summaries] / (T); description of Apatemon intermedius from swan. 72 Dubois, G., & R, Rausch. 1948. Seconde contribution a I'etude des "strigeides" (Trematoda) nord-americains . Bull. Soc . Neuchatel. Sc. Nat. , 71: 29-61. / (T); describes 2 new forms of Apatemon gracilis (USA) . Dubois, G., & R. Rausch. 1950a. A contribution to the study of North American strigeids (Trematoda). Am. Midland Nat., 43: 1-31. / (T); Cotylurus brevis sp. n. , one other form in waterfowl (USA). Dubois, G., & R. Rausch. 1950b. Troisieme contribution a I'etude des strigeides (Trematoda) nord-americains. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat. , 73: 19-50 . / (T); Apatemon gracilis canadensis var. n . , one other form in waterfowl (USA) . Dubois, G., & R. Rausch. 1960. Quatrieme contribution a I'etude des Strigeides (Trematoda) nord-americains. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc . Nat. , 83 (1959): 79-92. / (T); Apatemon gracilis burti subsp. n.; reports 5 forms from waterfowl (USA) . Dunagan, T. T. 1957. Paramonostomum malerischi n. sp. (Trematoda: Digenea: Notocotylidae) from the emperor goose (Philacte canagica L.) in Alaska. J. Parasitol., 43: 586-589. / (T); (USA - Alaska); includes list of species of genus. Duthoit, C. M . G . 1931. A new species of the trematode genus Notoco- tylus. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 10 s. (39), 7: 290-293. / (T); Notocotylus tachyeretis sp. n. in duck (Argentina). Dutt, S. C. 1965. The occurrence of Trichobilharzia physellae in India. Sc . Cult., 31: 320. / (T) . Dyk, V. 1959. Chobotnaka kachni. (Theromyzon tesselata bei der Ente.) Veterinarstvi, Brno, 9: 71. / (H); (Czechoslovakia). Dzhaparidze, L. A. 1962. K izucheniiu gel' mintofauny domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Svaneti. [On the study of the helminth fauna of domestic water birds in Svanetiia.] Soobshch. An Gruz- insk. SSR, 29: 595-600. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); lists 10 helminths in waterfowl (Georgia) . Dzaparidze, L. A. 1966. [Helminths of domestic waterfowl in the Georgian SSR.] Sbornik ANGruzinsk. SSR, 1: 207-242. [Georgian text, Russ. summary] / (N,T,C); examined 88 geese, 175 ducks; found 41 helminths. Compiled list of 63 helminths in domestic waterfowl in Georgia. Includes Cotylurus hebraicus , Syngamus merula, Gongylonema sp., Mesocestoides imbutiformis . 73 Dzhavadov, M. K. 1935. K izucheniiu paraziticheskikh chervei domashnikh gusei Azerbaidzhana . [On the study of parasitic worms of domestic geese in Azerbaidzhan.] Trudy Azerbaidzh. Vet. Nauch- Issled. Inst., (2): 43-45. [Russ. text] / (N); examined 44 domestic geese, reports 4 helminths. Dzhavelidze, G.I. 195 7. Tsikl razvitiia novoi ekhinostomatidy Ech- inoparyphium colchicus nov. sp. [Life cycle of a new echinostome Echinoparyphium colchicus nov. sp.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. Posv. 40 g. Okt. Sotsial. Revolfbts . , pt. 1, p. 105-106. [Russ. text] / (T); experimentally in duck (USSR) Dzhavelidze, G. 1. 1958. Rezul'taty izucheniia tsikla razvitiia novoi ekhinostomatidy Echinoparyphium colchicum nov. sp. [Results of study of the life cycle of a new echinostome, Echinoparyphium colchicum nov. sp.] Soobshch. ANGruzinsk. SSR, 21: 327-333. [Russ. text] / (T); (Georgia). Dzikiia, V. V. 1963. Ligulez ryb i ryboiadnykh ptits Tbilisskogo moria. [Ligula of fish and fish-eating birds of Tbilis Sea.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Sess. Gel'mint. Respub. Zakavkaz. Vopr. Gel'- mintofauny i Bor'by Gelmintoz. Gheloveka, Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn. i Rastenii (Tbilisi, 1961), p. 62-66. [Russ. text] / (C); recorded in duck. Eber, A. 1920. Ausgewahlte Kapitel aus dem Gebiete der Gefliigelkrank- heiten. Deutsche Tierarztl. Wochenschr. , 28: 593-597. / (C); includes 2 forms in waterfowl (Germany) . Eckert, J. 1961. Bemerkenswerte Falle von Helminthenbefall bei Zootieren. Monatsh. Vet. -Med., (22), 16: 851-856. / (N,C); reports 2 helminths in waterfowl (Germany) . Edwards, D. K., & M . E. Jansch. 1955. Two new species of dermatitis producing schistosome cercariae from Cultus Lake, British Columbia Canad. J. Zool. , 33: 182-194. / (T); Trichobilharzia adamsi sp. n. , exper. in duck (Canada). Efimov, A. V. 1936. K voprosu o rasprostranenii paraziticheskikh chervei u sukhoputnykh i vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Tatarskoi resp- ubliki . [On the question of the spread of parasitic worms in land and water birds of the Tatar Republic] Trudy Kazansk. Nauchno- Issled. Vet. Inst., 2: 162-174. [Russ. text] / (N,T); examined 6 domestic geese, 1 domestic duck; reports at least 2 helminths. 74 Egizbaeva, KH . I. 1962. Gel'minty domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Tselinnogo kraia . (Helminths of the domestic waterfowl of the Tselinnyi Territory.) Parazity Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn . Kazakhstan, Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, (1): 207-215. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 242 domestic waterfowl, reports 29 helminths; descriptions of 12 helminths (Kazakhstan) . Egizbaeva, KH . I. 1963a. Dinamika gel' mintofauny domashnikh utok v Pavlodarskom sovkhoze. (Dynamics of helminthofauna of domestic ducks in the Pavlodar state farm.) Parazity Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn. Kazakhstan., Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, (2): 100-107. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 184 ducks; reports 16 helminths, gives relation to season and age of ducks. Egizbaeva, KH . I. 1963b. Gastrotaenia cygni - novyY parazit domashnet utki. [Gastrotaenia cygni - new parasite of domestic ducks.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesomz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1963), ch. 1, p. 99-100. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR). Egizbaeva, KH . 1. 1964a. Zarazhennost' utok gel'mintami v Tselinnom krae zavisimosti ot tipa vodoema. (Infection of ducks with helminths in the Tselinnyi Territory in relation to the type of reservoir.) Parazity Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn. Kazakhstan., Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 3: 155-162. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); discusses 4 types of reservoirs in regard to intermediate hosts, parasites of ducks, ecology (Kazakhstan) . Egizbaeva, KH . 1. 1964b. Dopolnie k faune gel'mintov domashnikh utok i gusei Tselinnogo kraia. (Additional data to the fauna of helminths in domestic ducks and geese of Tselinnyi Territory.) Parazity Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn. Kazakh., Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 3: 163-166. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); lists 8 helminths of domestic waterfowl, description of Dicranotaenia introversa (Kazakhstan) . Egizbaeva, KH , I. 1964c. Gel'mintozy domashnikh utok i guseY v Tselinnom krae. [Helminths of domestic ducks and geese in the Tselinny region.] Gel'minty i Gel'mintozy Dom. Ptits, Alma-Ata, p. 71-7 5. [Russ. text] Ejsmont, L. 1929a. O dwoch rodzajach Schistosomatidae z ptakow. (Ueber zwei Schistosomatidengattungen der Vogel.) Bull. Internat. Acad. Polon. Sc . Lett., Cracovie, CI. Sc . Math. etNat., s. B: Sc. Nat. (II), (8-10): 389-403. [Pol. text, Ger. summary] / (T); Pseudobilharziella kowalewski sp . n . , Dendritobilharzia pulveru- lenta in waterfowl (Poland) . 75 Ejsmont, L. 1929b. O dwoch rodzajach Schistosomatidae z ptakow. [About two genera of Schistosomatidae of birds.] Rozpr . Wydz. Matemat.-Przyr. Polsk. Akad. Umiej . , 69, Dz. B (7): 307-312. [Pol . text] / (T) ; Pseudobilharziella kowalewski sp . n . , Dendrito- bilharzia pulverulenta (Poland) . Ejsmont, L. 1931. O identycznosci Proshystera rossitensis Korkhaus z Tanaisia fedtschenkoi Skrjabin i pewne uwagi o przywrach z polaczonemi odnogami jelita. (Ueber die Identitat von Proshystera rossitensis Korkhaus und Tanaisia fedtschenkoi Skrjabin, nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber Trematoden mit verbundenen Darmschenk- eln.) Bull. Internat. Acad. Polon. Sc . etLett., Cracovie, CI. Sc . Math, et Nat., s. B: Sc . Nat. (II), (6): 531-547. [Ger. text] / (T) . Emets, S. 1929, Mozzhcchkovaia ataksiia u gusei, kak rezul'tat invazii Hymenolepis lanceolata. [Cerebellar ataxia in geese as a result of infection with Hymenolepis lanceolata.] Vestnik Sovrem. Vet., (S4), 5: 531-532. [Ru:-. . text] / (C); (USSR). Emmel, L. 1947. Beitrage zur Biologie und Morphologic der Cercaria ocellata Zentralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Orig . , 152: 2 85-291 ./ (T); Cercaria ocellata a composite species. Endrejat, E. 1964. Helminths and helminthic diseases in Assam. Indian Vet. J. , 41: 538-542 . / (N,C,T); lists 6 genera of helminths in waterfowl . Endrigkeit, A. 1940a. Ein durch Parasiten hervorgerufenes Schwanens- terben auf dem Nordenburger See. Berl . u. Munch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 1940 (13): 148- 151. / (N,C,T,H); large mortality of swans due to massive helminth infection, 8 helminths listed; Ophriocotyle minutum sp. n . , Cotylurus stricta sp. n. , both nomina nuda; Protoclepsis granata comb. n. (Germany). Endrigkeit, A. 1940b. Parasitare Massenerkrankungen als Ursache fur Bestandsveranderungen in unserer Vogelwelt. Deutsche Vogelwelt, 65: 70-75. / (H); (Germany). Erasmus, D. A. 1962a. Distribution of certain strigeid trematodes in Great Britain. Nature, 195: 828-829. / (T); life cycles of Apatemon gracilis minor, A. gracilis pellucidus, both experimental infections in ducks . Erasmus, D. A. 1962b. Studies on the adult and metacercaria of Holostephanus I'uhei Szidat, 1936. Parasitology, 52: 353-374. / (T); life history, experimental infection in duckling (Great Britain). 76 Erasmus, D. A. , & C. Ohman. 19 63. The structure and function of the adhesive organ in strigeid trematodes. In: Some biochemical and immunological aspects of host-parasite relationships. Ann. New York Acad. Sc, 113: 7-35. / (T); function of adhesive organ of Cyathocotyle bushiensis (Great Britain); organ has secretory func- tion for extracorporeal digestion; exper. in domestic duck. Erhardt, A. 1935. Systematik und geographisch Verbreitung der Gattung Opisthorchis R. Blanchard 1895, sowie Beitrage zur Chemotherapie und Pathologie der Opisthorchiasis. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., &: l&S- 2 25. / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl. Erkina, N. G. 19 52, Tsikl razvitiia vozbuditelei notokotilidozov vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Catatropis verrucosa i Notocotylus chionis , [The life cycle of the causative agents of notocotyliasis of aquatic birds, Catatropis verrucosa and Notocotylus chionis.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk, Moskov. Vet. Akad.; Avtoref. Diss., Moskva, 15 p. [Russ. text]/See Erkina, 1954. Erkina, N. G, 1954. Tsikl razvitiia trematody Notocotylus chionis, parazita vodoplavaiushchikh ptits. [Life cycle of the trematode Notocotylus chionis, parasite of aquatic birds.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 97: 559-560. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); in domestic duck, domestic goose; 2 other helminths mentioned as present (USSR). Erkina, N. G., & N. F. Rodionova. 1956. O gel'mintozakh vodoplava- iushchikh ptits V nekotorykh kolkhozakh Semipalatinskoi oblasti. [On the helminthiases of aquatic birds on some collective farms in the Semipalatine oblast.] Materialy 1. Nauch. Konf. itogam Nauch- Issled. Raboty. Semipalatinsk . Zoovet. Inst., p. 37-38. [Russ. text]// (Kazakhstan) . Erkina, N. G., & N. F. Rodionova. 1958. [Helminth diseases of aquatic birds on some collective farms in the Semipalatinsk region.] Shorn. Nauch. Trud . Semipalatinsk. Zootekh. -Vet. Inst., 1: 165- 172. [Russ. text]/(Kazakhstan) . Erkina, N. G., N. V. Rodionova, N. F. Svetasheva, & L. F. Tiutfun- nikova. 1959. Gel'mintofauna gusei kolkhoza "Rastsvet" Zharm- inskogo raiona Semipalatinskoi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of geese on the collective farm "Rastsvet" in the Zharminsk district of the Semipalatinsk region.] Shorn, Nauch, Trud. Semipalatinsk. Zootokh,-Vet. Inst., 2: 196-208. [Russ, text] / (N,C,T); includes at least & forms in waterfowl (Kazakhstan), 77 Erkina, N. G., & N. F. Svetasheva. 1963. [Helminth fauna of ducks and geese on farms in the Beskaragaisk district of the Semipalatinsk region.] Trudy Semipalatinsk. Zoovet. Inst., 3: 325-326. [Russ. text]/(Kazakhstan) . Essex, H. E. 1932. A new larval cestode, probably Hymenolepis cuneata, a tapeworm of a wild duck. J. Parasitol., 18: 291-293. / (C); cysticercoid in copepod, identifiction not verified experi- mentally (USA) . Etges, F. J. 1953. Studies on the life histories of Maritrema obstipum (Van Cleave and Mueller, 1932) and Levinseniella amnicolae n. sp. (Trematoda: Microphallidae) . J. Parasitol., 39: 643-662. / (T); in domestic duck (USA). Evranova , V. G. 1954. Gel'mintofauna dikikh i domashnikh utok Tatar- skoi ASSR. [Helminths of wild and domestic ducks in the Tatar ASSR.] Trudy Kazansk. fil. AN SSSR, s. Biol. Nauk , 3: 223-226. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 42 domestic ducks, 60 wild ducks; found 31 helminths. Fain, A. 1955a. Sur un nouveau gongyloneme, G. congolense , n. sp., parasite de la poule, du canard et des gallinaces sauvages au Congo Beige et au Ruanda -Urundi. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 51: 1-10. / (N); Gongylonema congolense sp. n.; key to species in birds. Fain, A. 1955b. Recherches sur les schistosomes d'oiseaux au Ruanda- Urundi (Congo beige) . Decouverte d'une nouvelle bilharziose aviaire: la trichobilharziose nasale, et description de schistosomes nouveaux. Note preliminaire . Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 51: 373-387. / (T); Trichobilharzia schoutedeni sp. n. , T. berghei sp. n. , T. anatina sp. n . , T. nasicola sp . n . , T. spinulata sp. n. , all in waterfowl . Fain, A. 1955c. Le genre Gongylonema Molin, 1857, au Congo Beige et au Ruanda-Urundi. Ann. Parasitol., 30: 202-218. / (N) ; Gongy- lonema congolense in domestic muscovy duck; key to species. Fain, A. 1955d. Une nouvelle bilharziose des oiseaux: La trichobil- harziose nasale. Remargue sur I'importance des schistosomes d'oiseaux en pathologic humaine. Note preliminaire. Ann. Soc . Beige Med. Trop . , 35: 323-327. [Flemish summary] / (T); (Ruanda- Urundi) . 78 Fain, A. 1956a. Nasal trichobilharziasis: a new avian schistosomiasis. [Correspondence.] Nature, 17 7: 3 89. / (T); in waterfowl, describes pathology (Ruanda - Urundi) . Fain, A. 1956b. Le schistosomes d'oiseaux du genre Trichobilharzia Skrjabin et Zakharow, 192 0 au Ruanda Urundi. Rev. Zool. Bot. Mr. , 54: 147-178. / (T); three unnamed species in waterfowl; key to males of 19 species; figures for new species of Fain, 1955b. Fain, A. 1959. Un nouveau schistosome du genre Trichobilharzia dans les fosses nasales du canard nain . Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 60: 227- 232. / (T); Trichobilharzia duboisi sp. n. (Ruanda -Urundi) . Fain, A. 1960. Nouveaux schistosomes d'oiseaux du genre Giganto- bilharzia Odhner. Ann. Parasitol., 35: 292-304. / (T); Gigantobil- arzia adami sp. n. , G . nettapi sp . n. , G . plectropteri sp. n. , in waterfowl; key to 12 species (Ruanda-Urundi) . Fallis, A. M . 1934. A note on some intermediate hosts of Echinostomum revolutum (Froelich) . Proc . Helminth. Soc , Wash., 1: 4-5. / (T); life history, experimentally in domestic goose (Canada). Farr, M. M . , & V. G. Blankemeyer. 1956. Trichobilharzia brantae n. sp. (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) from the Canada goose (Branta canadensis L.). J. Parasitol. , 42: 320-325. / (T); (USA) . Farr, M . M. , & E. E. Wehr, 195 2 . Eimeria truncata associated with morbidity and death of domestic ducklings. Cornell Vet. , 42: 185- 187. / (N); reports 4 helminths present (USA). Faust, E.G. [1922,] Phases in the life history of a holostome, Cyath- ocotyle orientalis nov. spec, with notes on the excretory system of the larva. J. Parasitol., 8: 78-85. / (T); in duck (China). Faust, E. C, & M. Nishigori. 1926. The life cycle of two new species of Heterophyidae, parasitic in mammals and birds. J. Parasitol., 13: 91-128. / (T); Monorchotrema taichui sp. n. (Taiwan). Faust, E. C, & C. C. Tang. 1938. Report on a collection of some Chinese Cyathocotylidae (Trematoda, Strigeoidea) . Livrojub. Prof. L. Travassos, Rio de Janeiro, p. 157-168. / (T); Cyath- ocotyle szidatiana sp . n . , Linstowiella lutzi sp. n. , in domestic waterfowl (China) . 79 Fediushin, A. V. 1937. Gel'mintofauna gusei i utok zapadnoi Sibiri v svi^zi s zadacheT isporzovaniia estestvennykh vodoemov dlia tselei ptitsevodstva. [The helminth fauna of geese and ducks in western Siberia in connection with the problem of natural reservoirs for the purpose of bird breeding.] Rabot. Gel' mint. posv. Skrjabin, p. 167-177. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 66 wild waterfowl, 35 domestic geese; reports 32 helminths; incidence in geese and mallards, discussion (USSR). Fediushin, A. V. 1943. Sezonaia adaptivnaia reaktsiia (destrobiliatsiia) tsestod parazitiruiushchikh u osedlykh ptits . [Seasonal adaptation reaction (destrobilization) of cestodes, parasitic in non-migratory birds.] Doklady AN SSSR, 41: 368-370. [Russ. text; Eng. text p. 354-356] / (C); (USSR). Fedorova, E. 1964. Gliemezi--udensputnu ehinostomatidu starpsaimnieki un papildsaimnieki Latvijas PSR. [Mollusks as intermediate and supplementary hosts of echinostomes in waterfowl in the Latvian SSR.] Izvest. AN Latviisk. SSR (Vestis Latvijas Padomju Social. Republ. Zinat. Akad.), (199) (2): 55-59. [Latv. text] / (T) . Fedorova, O. E. 1954. Izmenchivost' morfologicheskikh priznakov i znachenie ee v sistematike sosal' shchikov roda Plagiorchis Luhe, 1899 . [The variation of morphological characters and their import- ance in the systematics of the trematode genus Plagiorchis Luhe, 1899.] Avtoref. Diss., Leningrad, p. 1-13. [Russ. text]/ (T); revision of genus. Feizullaev, N. A. 1961. Hepatiarius nov. gen. nov. sp. - novyi rod trematod iz semeistva Opisthorchidae Braun , 1901. [Hepatiarius nov. gen. nov. sp. - new genus of trematodes of the family Opisthorchidae Braun, 1901.] Doklady AN Azerbaidzhan. SSR, 17: 635-640. [Russ. text, Azerb. summary] / (T); Hepatiarius long- issimus comb, n. (synonym Opisthorchis longissimus) . Feng, L.-C. 1931. Studies on tissue lesions produced by helminths. Arch. Schiffs.-u. Tropen-Hyg., 35: 1-10. / (T); includes Cotylurus cornutus in waterfowl. Feoktistov, P. I. 1953. Destrobiliatsiia i drugie formy sezonnoi adap- tatsii u lentochnykh chervei Drepanidotaenia lanceolata. [Destro- bilization and other forms of seasonal adaptation of the tapeworm Drepanidotaenia lanceolata.] Zool. Zhur., 32: 49-52. [Russ. text] / (C); destrobilization, suppression of sexual function in winter (USSR) Ferguson, M. S. 1942. Development of the metacercariae of Diplos- tomum flexicaudum in the lenses of frogs, turtles, birds, and mammals. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol. , 28(6, Suppl.): 9. / (T); larvae experimentally in eye of duck (USA). Ferguson, M. S. 1943. Development of eye flukes of fishes in the lenses of frogs, turtles, birds and mammals. J. Parasitol., 29: 136-142. / (T); Diplostomum flexicaudum metacercariae experi- mentally in eyes of ducklings (USA). Ferri, A. G., W. M. Correa, & L. F. Martins. 19 60. A roundworm of the duck beak epidermis. Poultry Sc . , 39: 490-492. / (N); probably Capillaria sp. (Brazil). Fielding, J. W. 1926. Preliminary note on the transmission of the eye worm of Australian poultry. Australian J. Exper. Biol. Med. Sc . , 3: 225-232. / (N); Qxyspirura [mansoni] in waterfowl (Australia). Fielding, J. W. 192 7. Further observations on the life history of the eye worm of poultry. Australian J. Exper. Biol. Med. Sc, 4: 273- 2 81. / (N); Qxyspirura mansoni (Australia) . Fielding, J. W. 192 8. Additional observations on the development of the eyeworm of poultry. Australian J. Exper. Biol. Med. Sc . , 5: 1-8. / (N); Qxyspirura mansoni life cycle (Australia) . Fischoeder, F. 1902. Die Paramphistomiden der Saugetiere. Diss., Konigsberg, 59 p. / (T); includes one form in waterfowl (Brazil). Flores-Barroeta, L. 1955. Cestodes de vertebrados II. Rev. Iberica Parasitol. , 15: 115-134. / (C); reports Diorchis bulbodes , Diploposthe laevis in waterfowl (Mexico); D. laevis is teratological form of Hymenolepididae . Florescu, B. 1937. Le cycle evolutif de Polymorphus minutus Goeze en Roumanie (Acanthocephala) . Bui. Muz, Nat. 1st. Nat. din Chisinau, 7: 61-69. / (A). Florescu, B. 1942. Le genre Polymorphus Luhe en Roumanie (Acanth- ocephala). Bull. Acad. Roumaine, 23: 145-150. / (A); reports 2 forms in waterfowl. Foggie, A. 1933. A note on helminth parasites of poultry. Scottish Nat., (200): 60-64. / (N,T); lists 7 forms in waterfowl (Great Britain) . 81 Formozov, A. N. 193 7. Materialy k ekologii vodi^nykh ptits po nabirudeniiam na ozerakh gosudarstvennogo Naurzumskogo zap- ovednika (sev. Kazakhstan). (Materials on the ecology of aquatic birds according to observations made on the lakes of the Naurzum preserve (northern Kazakstan).) Pam. Akad. Menzbir. , p. 551- 595. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (H); includes at least Protoc- lepsis maculosa in waterfowl (Kazakhstan). Fotedar, D. N. 1965. On a new species of the trematode genus Typh- locoelum Stossich, 1902 from mallard duck in Kashmir and a review of previous work on the genus. Kashmir Sc, Year 1964, 1: 44-52a. / (T); Typhlocoelum indicum sp. n.; key to species of genus (India). Francalanci, G. [1961.] Infestazioni di trematodi in allevamenti avicoli rurali. Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Vet., (1960), 14: 483-487. [Eng., Fr. summaries] / (T); reports 6 forms in domestic waterfowl (Italy). de Freitas, J. F. T.; see Teixeira de Freitas, J. F. Fromming, E. 1932. Die zooparasiten unserer Siisswasserschnecken. Arch. Molluskenk. , 64: 154-159. / (T); intermediate hosts. Fuhrmann, O. 1897. Sur un nouveau tenia d'oiseaux (Cittotaenia avicola) . Rev. Suisse Zool. , 5: 107-117. / (C); reported in water- fowl (vial in Geneva Museum, Switzerland). Fuhrmann, O. 1900. Neue eigenthumliche Vogeltaenien. (Ein getren- ntgeschlechtlicher Cestode) . Zool. Anzeiger, 23: 48-51. / (C); Diploposthe lata sp. n. in ducks. Fuhrmann, O. 1901. Neue Arten und Genera von Vogeltaenien (Vorlaufige Mittheilung). Zool. Anzeiger, 24: 271-273; correction, p. 320. / (C); Diploposthe laevis (synonym Cotugnia bifaria von Siebold) . Fuhrmann, O. 1902. Die Anoplocephaliden der Vogel. Centralbl. Bakt. 1 Abt. , Grig. , 32: 122-147. / (C); includes Gittotaenia avicola in waterfowl. Fuhrmann, O. 1905. Das Genus Diploposthe Jacobi. Centralbl. Bakt. 1 Abt. , Grig. , 40: 217-224. / (C); Diploposthe laevis, description, synonymy. Fuhrmann, O. 1906a. Die Hymenolepis-Arten der Vogel. Centralbl. Bakt. 1 Abt. , Grig. , 41: 352-358, 440-452. / (G); Hymenolepis lobata sp. n. , H_. flagellata sp. n. , H_. papillata sp. n. , H_. bisac- cata sp. n. (Brazil); H_. teresoides sp. n. (Mus. Stuttgart); all in waterfowl. 82 Fuhrmann, O. 1906b. Die Hymenolepis-Arten der Vogel. II. Allgemei- nerTeil. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Orig . , 42: 620-628, 730-755./ (C); discussion of Hymenolepis morphology and variation, conclusion that no division of genus is possible, acceptance of 3 subgenera; checklist of species in birds, 43 species in Anseriformes . Hymen- olepis lonqicirrosa sp. n. , H. lonqivaqinata sp. n. , H. simplex sp. n., K. orthacantha sp. n . ; in waterfowl. Fuhrmann, O. 1907. Bekannte und neue Arten und Genera von Vogel- tanien. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Orig., 45: 516-536. / (C); Later - iporus propeteres sp. n. , Hymenolepis tritesticulata sp. n. , H. echinocotyle sp . n.; in ducks. Fuhrmann, O. 1908a. Das Genus Anonchotaenia und Biuterina . 2. Das Genus Biuterina Fuhrmann. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Grig., 48: 412-428. / (C); Biuterina lonqiceps sp. n. (Brazil), specimen from duck in poor condition and identification somewhat dubious. Fuhrmann, O. 190Bb. Die Gestoden der Vogel. Zool. Jahrb., Suppl. 10, Heft 1, 232 p. / (C); compendium, lists 66 species in water- fowl; explanation of assumed errors in reported hosts. Fuhrmann, G. 1908c. Nouveaux tenias d'oiseaux. Rev. Suisse Zool., 16: 27-73. / (G); Lateriporus biuterinus sp. n. in waterfowl (Brazil). Fuhrmann, O. 1909a. Die Gestoden der Vogel des weissen Nils . Re- sults Swedish Zool. Exped . Egypt & White Nile, 1901 (Jagerskiold) , Pt. 3(2 7) , 5 5 p./ (G); Hymenolepis blaculeata in waterfowl (Africa). Fuhrmann, O. 1909b. Neue Davaineiden . Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Orig . , 49 : 94-124 . / (C); Davainea anatina sp . n . , in domestic duck (Italy) . Fuhrmann, O. 1910. [Advance separate, 1909.] Gestodes. Wissensch. Ergebn. Schwed . Zool. Exped. Kilimandjaro , Meru Deutsch-Osta- frikas 1905-06, v. 3, Abt. 22; Vermes (2), p. 11-22. / (G); Hymeno- lepis biaculeata sp. n. in waterfowl (Africa). Fuhrmann, 0. 1913. Nordische Vogelcestoden aus dem Museum von Goteborg. Goteborgs K. Vetensk . -o. Vitterhets-Samh. Handl., 4 f. (1911-12), V. 14-15, Medd. Goteborgs Mus. Zool. Avd . (1), 41 p. / (G); reports 22 species from waterfowl; Fimbriaria intermedia sp. n . , Anomotaenia ciliata sp. n. , Hymenolepis macrocephala sp. n. , H . jaegerskioeldi s p . n . , Ji_. diorchis s p . n . (Swed en) . 83 Fuhrmann, O. 1914. Sur I'origine de Flmbriaria fasciolaris Pallas. Compt. Rend. 9. Cong. Internal. Zool. (Monaco, 1913), p. 437- 457. / (C); Flmbriaria intermedia (Sweden). Fuhrmann, O. 1919. Notes helminthologiques suisses. II. Rev. Suisse Zool. , 27: 353-37 6 . / (T); Notocotylus seineti sp. n. in duck (Swit- zerland) . Fuhrmann, O. 1920. Die Cestoden der Deutschen Sud-polar Expedition 1901-1903. Deutsche Siid -polar Exped . 1901-03 (Drygalski) , v. 16, Zool., V. 8: 467-524. / (C); Hymenolepis querquedula sp. n. in duck. Fuhrmann, O. 1924. Hymenolepis macracanthos (v. Lin s tow) . Consider- ations sur le genre Hymenolepis . J. Parasitol., 11: 33-43. / (C); description of H. macracanthos; checklist of species in genus, lists 60 in waterfowl; considers division of genus, concludes none can be made, accepts 3 subgenera. Fuhrmann, O. 1926. Cestodes. Catalogue des Invertebres de la Suisse, Mus. Hist. Nat. Geneve, (17), 149 p. / (C); lists 19 forms in water- fowl (Switzerland) . Fuhrmann, O. 1932. Les tenias des oiseaux. Mem. Univ. Neuchatel, 8, 381 p. / (C); monograph; checklist of species, synonymy, analyses of taxa above species, host-parasite list; interpretation of assumed errors in reports of hosts; lists 127 species in waterfowl. Fuhrmann, O. [1934.] Un cestode aberrant. Bull. Soc . Neuchatel. Sc . Nat., 58(n.s. 7): 107-120. / (C,T); reports 8 helminths in swan; Nematoparataenia southwelli sp. n. (Sweden) . Fuhrmann, O. 1935. Les tenias des oiseaux. Bull. Ornith . Romand . , 1: 114-117. / (C); reports at least one form in waterfowl. Fuhrmann, O. 1937. Un cestode extraordinaire, Nematoparataenia southwelli Fuhrmann. Compt. Rend. 12. Cong. Internat. Zool. (Lisbon, 1935), 3: 1517-1532. / (C,T); morphology; reports 7 other helminths in swan (Sweden) . Fukui, T. 1924. [Revision and recent reports on Amphistoma from Japan.] Dobuts Zasshi, Tokyo, (432), 36: 436-439. [Jap. text] / (T); includes one form in waterfowl. 84 Gasslein, H. 1954. Die Cestoden der Vertebraten aus der Umgebung von Erlangen. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 16: 443-465. / (C); examined 2 8 ducks, reports 6 helminths (Germany). Gagarin, V. G. 1951. Vozbuditeli kapilliariidozov domashnikh ptits i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevaniia. [Causative agents of capillariasis of domestic birds and the diseases caused by them.] Diss. Kand . Vet. Nauk, Moskov. Vet. Akad . [Russ. text]/See Gagarin, 1952, 1956. Gagarin, V. G. 1952. Vozbuditeli kapilliariidozov domashnikh ptits i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevaniia. [The agents of capillariasis of domestic birds and the diseases caused by them.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 6: 403-406. [Russ. text] / (N); includes at least 2 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Gagarin, V. G. 1956. KapillAriidy domashnikh ptits i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevaniia. [Capillarids of domestic birds and the diseases caused by them.] Trudy Moskov. Vet. Akad., 12: 214-229. [Russ. text] / (N); includes at least 2 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Gagarin, V. G. 1959. Zametki po sistematike kapilliariid. [Observa- tions on the systematics of capillarids.] Trudy Inst. Zool. Parazitol. AN Kirgiz. SSR, 7: 12 3-131. [Russ. text] / (N); Capillaria obsignata (synonyms C. anseris , C. gigantotecta, C. droumondi) in geese (USSR) Galli-Valerio, B. 1898a. Note parassitologische. Mod. Zooiatro, 9: 1-8. / (T); Opisthorchis pianae sp. n. in duck (Italy). Galli-Valerio, B. 1898b. Opistorchis Pianae nov. sp., eine neue Distomidenart der Wildente. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Orig . , 23: 145-146. / (C,T); reports 3 helminths in waterfowl (Italy). Galli-Valerio, B. 1898c. Ueber Opistorchis Pianae n. sp. Eine Erwei- derung an Herrn Prof. M. Kowalewski. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Orig., 24: 923. / (T); insists this species belongs in Opisthorchis. Galli-Valerio, B. 1901. La collection de parasites du laboratoire d'hygiene et de parasitologic de I'Universite de Lausanne. Bull. Soc. Vaudoise So. Nat., (140), 4 s., 37: 343-381. / (C); Dicrano- taenia furcigera in waterfowl (Switzerland) . Galli-Valerio, B. 1930. Observations et recherches sur les parasites et les maladies parasitaires des animaux sauvages. Bull. Murith. Soc. Valais. Sc . Nat., (1929-30), 47: 50-89. / (C); includes 2 forms from waterfowl. 85 Galli-Valerio, B. 1939. Observations sur quelques maladies parasitaires et sur quelques intoxications des animaux domestique et sauvages. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh. , 81: 91-108. / (A,C,T); includes 3 forms in waterfowl (Switzerland). Gambles, R. M . 1939. A list of parasites recorded from the domestic and wild animals and birds of Cyprus. Cyprus Agric. J. , 34: 29-32. / (N,T); includes 3 forms in waterfowl. Garden, E. A., C. Rayski, & V. M. Thom. 1964. A parasitic disease in eider ducks. Bird Study, 11: 280-287. / (N,A,C,T); repeated epizootics due to Profilicollis botulus; epidemiology and biology (Scotland). Garkavi, B. L. 1949a. Izuchenie tsikla razvitiia nematody Streptocara crassicauda (Creplin, 1829) parazitiruiushchei u domashnikh i dikikh utok. [A study of the life cycle of Streptocara crassicauda (Creplin, 1829), parasite of domestic and wild ducks.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 65: 421-424. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Garkavi, B. L. 1949b. Rasshifrovka tsikla razvitiia nematody Tetrameres fissispina, parazita domashnikh i dikikh utok. [Elucidation of the life cycle of the nematode Tetrameres fissispina, parasite of domestic and wild ducks.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 66: 1215-1218. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Garkavi, B. L. 1950a. K voprosu o biologii tsestody Fimbriaria fasciolaris (Pallas, 1781), parazitiruiushchei u domashnikh i dikikh utok. [On the question of the biology of the cestode Fimbriaria faciolaris (Pallas, 1781), parasitic in domestic and wild ducks.] Trudy VsesoiLz. Inst. Gel' mint. Skrjabin, 4:5. [Russ. text] / (C); larvae reported in body cavity of Gammarus locusta (USSR) . Garkavi, B. L. 1950b. Rezervuarnyi khozi^ii nematody Streptocara crassicauda (Creplin, 1829) Skrjabin, 1915, parazita domashnikh i dikikh utok. [Reservoir hosts of the nematode Streptocara crassicauda (Creplin, 1829) Skrjabin, 1915, parasite of domestic and wild ducks.] Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 4: 5-7. [Russ. text] / (N); larvae encysted in fish (USSR). Garkavi, B. L. 1950c. Streptokaroz utok. [Streptocariasis of ducks.] Veterinariia , 27 (1): 30. [Russ. text] / (N); Streptocara crassicauda cause of death in ducklings up to 1.5 months old (USSR). 86 Garkavi, B. L. 1950d. Streptokaroz domashnikh utok. [Streptocariasis of domestic ducks.] Diss, Kand. Vet. Nauk (VIGIS) [Russ. text]/ See Garkavi, 1953. Garkavi, B. L. 1953. Tsikl razvitiia nematody Streptocara crassicauda. Diagnostika i epizootologii^ streptokaroza utok. [Life cycle of the nematode Streptocara crassicauda . Diagnosis and epizootiolpgy of streptocariasis of ducks.] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 5: 5-22. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Garkavi, B. L. 1956. Rasprostranenie i prirodnai^ ochagovost' strepto- karoza utok. [Distribution and natural foci of streptocariasis of ducks.] Zool. Zhur., 35: 376-378. [Russ. text] / (N); Streptocara crassicauda; focus of infection for W. Europe and Far East in W. Siberia, distributed by migratory ducks. Garkavi, B. L. 1958a. Gel'mintozy domashnikh utok Krasnodarskogo krai. [Helminthiasis of domestic ducks of the Krasnodar area.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 34-35. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); remarks on several helminthiases . Garkavi, B. L. 1958b. Voprosy biologii nematody Tetrameres fissispina (Diesing, 1861) i epizootologii tetrameroza utok. [Question on the biology of the nematode Tetrameres fissispina (Diesing, 1861) and the epizootiology of tetrameriasis of ducks.] Trudy Krasnodarsk. Nauchno-Issled. Vet. Stants., 1: 173-188. [Russ. text]/ (N); (USSR). Garkavi, B. L. 1960. Nablfudeniia po biologii Echinuria uncinata i epizootologii ekhinurioza utok v Krasnodarskom krae. [Observations on the biology of Echinuria uncinata and epizootiology of the infection in ducks in the Krasnodar territory.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1960), p. 28-20. [Russ. text] / (N); (S. Russia). Garkavi, B. L. 1961. Mery bor'by s gel'mintozami utok. [Helminthiases of ducks and measures for their control.] Izdat. Sel'khoz. Lit-ry Zhur. i Platak., Moskva, 82 p. [Russ. text] Garkavi, B. L. 1964. [Microphallidiasis and paramonostomiasis in ducks.] Ptitsevodstvo, (5): 32. [Russ. text] / (T); (S. Russia). Garkavi, B. L. 1965a. K biologii nematody Tetrameres fissispina parazita domashnikh utok. (Contribution to the biology of the nematode Tetrameres fissispina , parasite of domestic ducks.) Helminthologia , 5: 61-63. [Russ. text; Eng . , Ger. summaries] / (N); new inter- mediate hosts . Garkavi, B. L. 1965b. Tsikl razvitiia Maritrema subdolum Jagerskiold, 1909 (Trematoda , Microphallidae) - parazita domashnikh utok . [Life cycle of Maritrema subdolum Jagerskiold, 1909 (Trematoda, Micro- phallidae) - parasite of domestic duck,] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesofuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch . 2, p. 58-62. [Russ. text] / (T); (S. Russia). Garkavi, B. L. 1966. Lechenie utiat pri mikrofallidozakh i paramonosto- moze. [Treatment of microphallidiasis and paramonostomiasis in ducklings.] Veterinari A , 43(8): 58-59. [Russ. text] / (T) . Gasowaska, M. 1932. Tasiemce ptakow z okolic Kijowa (Ukraina) . (Die Vogelcestoden aus der Umgebung von Kiew (Ukraine).) Bull. Intemat. Acad. Polon . Sc . et Lett., Cracovie, CI. Sc . Math, et Nat., s. B: Sc. Nat. (II), (7-10): 599-627. [Ger. text] / (C); Hymenolepis paramicrosoma sp. n., 3 other species, in waterfowl . Gedoelst, L. 1919. Le genre Histiocephalus et les especes qui y ont ete rapportees. Compt. Rend. Soc . Biol., Paris, 82: 901-903. / (N); Yseria californica sp. n. in duck (USA). Gedoelst, L. , &E. Liegeois. 1922. Note sur le Streptocara pectinifera (Neumann). Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 87: 1237-1239. / (N); Yseria is synonym of Streptocara; description of S^. pectinifera (France) . Geller, E. R. 1957. K bioloqii lichinochnykh form Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch, 17 82) . [On the biology of the larval form of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch, 17 82).] Uchen. Zapiski Kursk. Gosudarstv. Pedagog. Inst. Estestv. -Geograf . Tsikl. (4): 39-69. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR). Geller, E. R. 1958. [Biology and morphology of the cysticercoid forms of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch, 17 82).] Uchen. Zapiski Kursk. Gosudarstv. Pedagog. Inst., 11: 33-46. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR) . Geller, E. R. 1959. K bioloqii Drepanidotaenia lanceolata. [On the biology of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 9: 71-72. [Russ. text] / (C); relationship to intermediate hosts (USSR). Geller, E. R. 1961. [The bioloqy of Amidostomum anseris (Zed. 1800) and the epizootiology of the disease.] Uchen. Zapiski Kursk. Gosudarstv. Pedagog. Inst., 12: 5-44. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Geller, E. R. 1962. O nevozmozhnosti autoinvazii pri amidostomatoze gusei. (The impossibility of autoinvasion during amidostomosis in geese.) Zool. Zhur., 41: 993-997. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (N); Amidostomum eggs will not hatch at the high temperature within birds (USSR) . Geller, E, R., & I. Raspopov. 1961. [Resistance of larvae and eggs of Amidostomum anseris to the winter in the Kursk region.] Uchen. Zapiski Kursk. Gosudarstv. Pedagog . Inst., 12: 70-73. [Russ. text.] / (N); (USSR). Georgiev, B. 1962. Osobenosti v epizzootologiiata i patogenezata na amidostomozata po r'setata v Plovdivsko. (Peculiarities of the epizootiology and pathogenesis of amidostomiasis in goslings in the district of Plovdiv.) Izvest. Tsentral. Vet. Inst. Zarasni i Parazitni Bolesti, Sofia, 4: 171-184. [Bulgar. text , Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (N); Amidostomum anseris (Bulgaria) . Georgiev, B., & I. Denev. 1959. Khelminti po ptitsite v T'rnovski okr'g. (Bird helminths in the district of Tirnovo.) Nauchn. Trud . , (1) Minist. Sel'skog i lesnogo Khoz. , p. 157-160. [Bulgar. text; Russ., Eng. summaries] / (N,C); lists 6 helminths in domestic waterfowl (Eu Igaria) . Gerasimova, G.N. 1960. K izucheniia patomorfologicheskikh izmenenii pri tetrameroze i polimorfoze utok. [Study of the pathology and morphology of Tetrameres and Polymorphus infections in ducks.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1960), p. 29-31. [Russ. text] / (N,A). Gerasimova, G.N. 1961. Izuchenie gel'mintov utki morianki na vesennem prolete . [Study of helminths of old squaw ducks in the spring flight.] Izvest. Omskogootd. Geogr. Obshch. SSSR, 4(11): 116-117. [Russ. text]/ (USSR). Gerasimova, G. N. 1962. K epizootologii gel'mintozov domashnikh utok. [The epizootiology of helminthiasis in domestic ducks.] Veterinarifa , 39(9): 40-42. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C); (USSR). Gerasimova, G.N. 1963a. [Echinuria infection of ducks in the Omsk region.] [Abstr.] Veterinariia , 40(4): 45. [Russ. text] / (N); (W. Siberia) . Gerasimova, G.N. 1963b. [Role of wild water birds in the spreading of helminthiases of domestic ducks.] Trudy Omsk. Vet. Inst., 21: 181- 187. [Russ. text] /(USSR). 89 Gerasimova, G.N. 19 64. Gel'mintologicheskaia kharakteristika i landshaftnaia tipizatsiia ochalov gel'mintozov utok v Omskot oblasti. [Helminthological and topographical characterization of foci of helminthiases in ducks in the Omsk region.] Trudy Omsk. Vet. Inst., 22: 111-121. [Russ, text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 764 wild and domestic ducks, found 146 helminths; relations to three topographic regions described (W. Siberia). Giard, A. 1907. Sur les trematodes margaritigenes du Pas-de-Calais (Gymnophallus somateriae Levinsen et G . bursicola Odhner) . Compt. Rend. Soc . Biol., Paris. 63: 416-420. / (T); (France). Gibson, E. A. , & E. G . Barnes . 1957 . Acuaria uncinata infestation in domestic geese and ducks. Vet. Record, 69: 754-756. / (N); cause of mortality, disease (Great Britain) . Gibson, G. G. 1964. Taxonomic and biological observation on Strep- tocara californica (Gedoelst, 1919) Gedoelst & Liegeois, 1922 and the genus Streptocara (Nematoda: Acuariidae) . Canad. J. Zool., 42: 773-783. / (N); Streptocara californica (synonyms Korjakinema gusi , Streptocara dogieli), S^. crassicauda charadrii , and £. tridentata in ducks; description of S^. californica; cannot distinguish S^. pectinifera (Canada) . Gil'bert, L. I. 1930. K faune nematod ptits zapadnogo kraia SSSR. (Zur Fauna der Vogelnematoden des Westgebiets USSR.) Nauch. Izvest. Smolensk. Gosudarstv. Univ., Estestv., 6: 91-112. [Russ. text. Gar. summary] / (N); reports 2 helminths in waterfowl (N. Russia) . Gil'denblat, A. A. 1956. Biologiia vozbuditelia ganguleterakidoza gusei - Ganguleterakis dispar. [Biology of the agent of gangule- terakiasis of geese, Ganguleterakis dispar.] Trudy Moskov. Vet. Akad., 12: 207-213. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Gil'denblat, A. A. 1959. Ganguleterakidoz gusei. [Ganguleterakiasis of geese.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Vyp . I, Izdat. Min. Sel'sk. SSSR, Moskva, p. 35-38. [Russ. text] / (N); life cycle, biology (USSR). Ginetsinskaia , T. A. 1944. lavlenie neotenii u cestodes . (Neoteny phenomena in cestodes.) Zool. Zhur. , 23: 35-42. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (C); Apora dogieli sp . n., under lining of gizzard of ducks, neotenic larva of Hymenolepididae (USSR); Ne ma topara taenia a neotenic larva of family Davaineididae. 90 Ginetsinskaia , T. A. 1947. O parazitarnykh zabolevaniiakh gusei v Leningradskot oblasti. [On the parasitic diseases of geese in Leningrad oblast.] Trudy laiingrad. Obshch. Estestv. , otdel. Zool., 69(4): 22-30. [Russ. text, Eng . summary]/ (N,C,T); examined 90 domestic geese, reports at least 11 helminths (N . Russia) • Ginetsinskaia, T. A. 1949a. Parazitofauna utinykh ptits del'ty Volgi. [Parasite fauna of anatid birds of the Volga delta.] Uchen. Zapiski Leningrad. Gosudarstv. Univ., (101), s. Biol. Nauk,(19): 81-109. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 138 ducks, reports 41 helminths; descriptions of Amidostomum boschadis , Apora dogieli (S . Russia) . Ginetsinskaia, T. A. 1949b. Novye dannye o tsiklakh razvitiia neko- torykh trematod ptits. [New facts on the life cycle of certain trema- todes of birds.] Doklady AN SSSR, 66: 1017-1020. [Russ. text] / (T); Echlnoparyphium baculus life cycle (S. Russia). Ginetsinskaia, T. A. 1949c. Tsikl razvitiia trematody Cyclocoelum microstomum (Creplin, 1828). [Life cycle of the trematode Cyclo- coelum microstomum (Creplin, 1828).] Doklady AN SSSR, 66: 1219- 1222. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). Ginetsinskaia, T. A. 1954. Zhiznennyi tsikl i biologiia stadii razvitiia Cyclocoelum microstomum (trematodes) . [Life cycle and biology of stages of development of Cyclocoelum microstomum (Trematoda) .] Uchen. Zapiski Leningrad. Gosudarstv. Univ., (172), s. Biol. Nauk,(35): 90-113. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). Ginetsinskaia, T. A. 1957. O zhlznennom tsikle Echlnoparyphium petrovi Nevostr. 1953 (trematodes, Echinostomidae) . (Ueber den Lebenscyclus von Echlnoparyphium petrovi Nevostrueva 1953 (Trematoda, Echinostomidae).) Trudy Leningrad. Obshch. Estestv., otdel. Zool., 73: 178-180. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); experimentally in waterfowl. (USSR). Ginetsinskai^ , T. A. 195&a. Zhiznennye tsikly i biologiia lichinochnykh stadii paraziticheskikh chervei ryb . [Life cycles and biology of larval stages of parasitic worms of fish.] Osnov. Probl. Parazitol. Ryb (Dogiel, PctrushevskiT, & Polianskii), Izdat. Leningrad. Univ., p. 144-163. [Russ. text, Ger. summary p. 339-340] / (T); includes life history of Paracoenogonimus ovatus (USSR) . 91 Ginetsinskaia , T. A. 1958b. Ekologo-parazitologicheskoe issledovanie molliuskov rybinskogo vodokhranilishcha . [Ecological-parasitological investigation of mollusks in the Rybinsk reservoirs.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel' mint. , AN SSSR, (1958), p. 35-36. [Russ. text] / (C,T); general remarks. Ginetsinskai^ , T. A. 1959a. K faune tserkarii molliuskov rybinskogo vodokhranilishcha. Chastl. Sistematicheskii obzor tserkarii. [On the cercarial fauna of mollusks of the Rybinsk reservoir. Part I. Systematic observations on the cercariae.] In: Polianskii, lU. I., Ekologicheskaia Parazitologiia , Izdat. Leningrad. Univ., p. 96-149. [Russ. text] / (T); descriptions of cercariae, hosts; includes cercariae of 10 waterfowl parasites (USSR) . Ginetsinskaia, T. A. 1959b. K faune tserkarii molliuskov Rybinskogo vodokhranilishcha. II. Vlifanie ekologicheskikh faktorov na zarazhennost' molliuskov partenitami tre mated . (To the fauna of cercariae from molluscs of Rybinsky water reservoir. Part 2. The influence of some ecological factors on the infections of the molluscs.) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ., (21), s. Biol., (4): 62-77. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T); (USSR). Ginetsinskaia, T. A., & A. F. Kosheva. 195 9. K voprosu o zhiznennom tsikle i sistematicheskom polozhenii Paracoenogonimus ovatus Katsurada (Trematoda) i ob identichnosti metatserkarii etogo vida s Neodiplostomum hughesi Markewitsh. (On life cycle and systematic position of Paracoenogonimus ovatus Katsurada (Trematoda) and of the identity of Neodiplostomum hughesi Markewitsh.) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ., 14, s. Biol. (2): 68-7 5. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T); (USSR). Ginetsinskaia, T. A., & E. O. Saakova. 1952. O putiakh migratsii trematod iz semeistva Cyclicoelidae Koss. v organizme okonchatel'- nogo khoziaina. [On the path of migration of trematodes of the family Cyclicoelidae Koss. in the organism of the definitive host.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 85: 1423-1426. [Russ. text] / (T); life cycle of Hyptiasmus oculeus included (USSR) . Gintovt, V. E. 1966. [Occurrence of the metacercariae of Diplostomum pelmatoides in fish of the Neman river basin.] [Abstr.] [Symposium on parasites and diseases offish and aquatic invertebrates.] Izdat. "Nauka", Moskva, p. 13. [Russ. text] / (T); experimental infection in duckling (Byelorussia) . 92 de Giusti, D. L. , & N. Kingston. 1962. A preliminary account of the life cycle of Kowalewskius parvula (Kowalewski, 1904; Yamaguti, 1959). Cestoda: Hymenolepididae. [Abstr.] Am. Zool., 2: 517. / (T); experimental infection in ducks (USA). Gmitter, J. 1955. Studium biologickych a morfologickych vlastnosti parasitamotolice Echinoparyphium recurvatum a infekciozita labotornych cicavcov. Sbor. Ceskoslov. Akad . Zemed. Vet. Zivocisna Viroba a Vet. Med., 28: 295-312. / (T) . Gnedina, M. P. 1946. Novaia trematoda Psilochasmus skrjabini nov. sp. ot vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [A new trematode, Psilochasmus skrjabini nov. sp. from waterfowl .] Gel'mint. Sborn . 40-Let. Deiatel'nost. Skrjabin, p. 85-86. [Russ. text]/ (T); (USSR). Gnedina, M. P., & L. P. Potekhina. 1950. K faune trematod ptits Kirgizskoi SSR. [On the trematode fauna of birds of Kirgizia.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 4: 75-83. [Russ. text] / (T); reports 6 forms in waterfowl. Gogate, B. S. 1934. On the trematodes from wild ducks in Rangoon. Rec. Indian Mus., 36: 139-144. / (T); examined 2 ducks, reports 4 trematodes; Paryphostomum testitrifolium sp. n., Petasiger minutissimus sp. n. (Burma). Gohar, Nazmi. 1930. Anew trematode parasite from the domestic goose. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 10 s. (34), 6: 377-380. / (T); Cercarioides baylisi sp . n. (Egypt). Gohar, Nazmi. 1934. Liste des trematodes parasites et de leurs hStes vertebres signales dans la vallee du Nil. Ann. Parasitol., 12: 322-331. / (T); checklist; includes 7 helminths from waterfowl (Egypt, Sudan) . Gohar, Nazmi. 1935. Liste des trematodes parasites et de leurs hotes vertebres signales dans la vallee du Nil. lie partie. Ann. Parasitol. 13: 80-90. / (T); checklist, by hosts (Egypt). Golikova, M. N. 1959. Ekologo-parazitologicheskoe izuchenie biot- senoza nekotorykh ozer KaliningradskoY oblasti. II. Parazitofauna ptits. [Ecological and parasitological study of the biocoenosis of some lakes in the Kalininigrad region. II. Parasite fauna of birds.] In: Polianskii, fu . I., Ekologicheskafa Parazitologiia , Izdat. Leningrad. Univ., p. 150-194. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); reports 51 helminths in waterfowl (N . Russia). 93 Golikova, M. N. 1960a. K biologii nekotorykh vidov lentochnykh chervei vodoplavafushchikh ptits . [On the biology of some species of tapeworms of aquatic birds,] Doklady AN SSSR, 131: 1222-1224. [Russ. text] / (C); Hymenolepis multistriata . H. paracompressa . H. paramicrosoma ; snails serve as transport or auxiliary hosts for last 2 species (USSR). See Golikova, 1960c. « Golikova, M. N. 1960b. Ekologo-parazitologicheskoe izuchenie biotsenoza nekotorykh ozer Kaliningradskoi oblasti. IV. Fauna trematod bespozvonochvykh zhivotnykh. (Ecological and para- sitological investigation of the biocoenosis of some lakes in the Kaliningrad region. IV. On the trematode fauna of the invertebrates.) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ., (21), s. Biol., (4): 80-94. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (T); includes report of intermediate hosts of 8 helminths of waterfowl (USSR). Golikova, M. N. 1960c. Translation of Golikova, 1960a. Doklady AN SSSR, Transl. Biol. Sc. Sect., 131: 287-288. [Eng. translation] / (C). Gol'tsev, A. P. 1930. K gel'mintofaune domashnikh utok i gusei'Dal'- nego Vostoka . [On the helminth fauna of domestic ducks and geese of the Far East.] Trudy Dal'nevost. Inst. Eksper. Vat. , 6: 147-148. [Russ, text] Golubev, N. F. 1959. Gel' mintozy domashnikh utok Krymaskoi oblasti. [Helminthiases of domestic ducks in Crimea oblast,] 10. Soveshch. Parazitol. Prob., 2: 159. [Russ. text] / (N,C); reports epizootics of echinuriasis , hystrichiasis , tetrameriasis, suggests prophylactic measures. See Golubev, 1961. Golubev, N. F. 1961. Translation of Golubev, 1959. 10. Conf. Para- sitol. Probl. , USSR, 2: 321-322. [Eng. translation]/ (N,C). Golubev, N. F. 1963. K izucheniiAi gel' mintofauny domashnikh i dikikh vodoplavafushchikh ptits Krymskoi oblasti. [On the study of the helminth fauna of domestic and wild waterfowl of Crimean Territory.] Nauchn . Trudy Ukrainsk. Nauchn. Issled. Inst. Eksper. Vet. 29: 147-152. [Russ. text] Golvan, Y. J. 1956. Acanthocephales d'oiseaux. Premiere note . Description d'Arhythmorhynchus lonqicollis (Villot, 1875) et revi- sion du genre Arhythmorhynchus Luhe, 1911 (Acanthocephala) , Ann. Parasitol. , 31: 199-224. / (A); A. longicollis and A. frassoni in waterfowl; host-parasite catalogue, distribution, key. 94 Golvan, Y. J. 19 59. Acanthocephales du genre Corynosoma Liihe , 1904, parasites de mammiferes d'Alaska et de Midway. Ann. Parasitol., 34: 288-321. / (A); host-parasite list, 4 forms reported in waterfowl . Golvan, Y. J. 1960. Le phylum des Acanthocephala - Troisieme note. La classe de Palaeacanthocephala (Meyer, 1931). Ann. Parasitol., 35: 138-165, 350-386, 575-593. / (A); checklist of species, synonymy, type hosts; diagnoses of genera and higher groups. Golvan, Y. G. 1961. Le phylum des Acanthocephala. Troisieme note. La classe des Palaeacanthocephala (Meyer, 1931). Liste des hotes Ann. Parasitol., 36: 76-91, 612-647, 717-736. / (A); checklist of hosts, invertebrates and vertebrates. Gooch, J. K. 1903. Leeches in swans. [Abstr.] Vet. Record, 16: 248-249. / (H). Gorshkov, I. P. 1930. K voprosu ob individual'noi izmenchivosti trematody Notocotylus attenuatus ot vodoplavaiushchikh ptits. [On the question of individual variability of the trematode Notoco- tylus attenuatus (Rud . 1890) from aquatic birds.] Izvest. Bakt. Inst. Vet. Upravl. Narkomzema Tatarsk. ASSR, 3: 87-107. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). Gorshkov, 1. P. 1937. K poznaniiu gel'mintofauny domashnikh gusei* Omskoi i Cheliabinskoi obi. [On the knowledge of the helminth fauna of domestic geese of the Omsk and Cheliabinsk regions.] Rabot . Gel'mint. posv. Skrjabin, p. 191-202. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 26 domestic geese, reports 11 helminths; descriptions of 5 helminths (W. Siberia). Gower, W. C. 1938a. Seasonal abundance of some parasites of wild ducks. J, Wildlife Mangmt., 2: 223-232. / (N,A,C,T); examined 104 ducks, gives incidence of 11 genera of helminths (USA). Gower, W. C. 1938b. Studies on the trematode parasites of ducks in Michigan with special reference to the mallard. Michigan State Coll. Agric. Exper. Sta . , Mem. (3), 94 p. / (T); examined over 200 ducks, reports 15 trematodes; checklist of trematodes reported from waterfowl, key to genera; Amphimerus elongatus sp. n., Maritrema nettae sp. n . , Leucochloridiomorpha macrocotyle sp. n. (USA). 95 Gower, W, C. 1939. Host-parasite catalogue of the helminths of ducks. Am. Midland Nat., 22: 580-628. / lN,A,C,T); checklist by parasite and by host, synonymy, citations, key to genera. Lists 121 trematodes, 77 cestodes, 44 nematodes, 16 acanthocephala . Grabda, E. 1951. Sci^gorza (Ligula intestinalis) i jej znaczenie dla gospodarki rybnej . [Ligulids (Ligula intestinalis) and their signif- icance for commercial fishes.] Medycyna Wet., 7: 377-378. [Pol. text] / (C); in domestic duck; up to 50% incidence in fish in some lakes (Poland) . Grafner, G. 1954. Die Geflligelcestoden Cotugnia diqonopora und Diorchis stefanskii fur Deutschland erstmals nachgewiesen . Angew. Parasitol., 5: 215-219. [Eng., Russ. summaries] / (C); Diorchis stefanskii in duck; description (Germany). Grafner, G. 1965. Beitrag zur Trematodenfauna des Hausgefltigels (Neue und seltene Trematoden bei Huhn, Gans und Ente.) Monatsh. Vet. -Med., 20: 346-348. / (T); 3 trematodes in domestic waterfowl; Psilotrema simillimum swerinensis subsp. n. (Germany), Grafner, G., & H. D. Graubman. 1965. Trematoden der Gattung Metorchis bei Hausenten. Angew. Parasitol., 6: 23-29. [Eng., Russ. summaries] / (T); Metorchis bills; description, pathology (Germany) . Grafner, G., H. D, Graubman, & P. Betke. 19 65. Beitrag zum Entwick- lungszyklus sowie zur Wirtsspezifitat und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung von Metorchis bills Braun (Trematodes). Monatsh. Vet. Med., 20: 13-16. / (T); intermediate hosts include 14 species of fish; experi- mentally in ducks, chicken; pathology (Germany). Graham, R., J. P. Torrey, J. D. Mizelle, & V. M. Michael. 1937. Internal parasites of poultry. Illinois Agric . Exper. Sta . Circ. (469), 50 p. / (N,C,T); lists 12 forms in domestic waterfowl; only record for Metroliasthes lucida (USA) . Graybill, H. W. 1921. Data on the development of Heterakis papillosa in the fowl. J. Exper. Med., 34: 259-270. / (N); life history (USA). Grenquist, P. M. A. 1959. Finnish game research on waterfowl 1948- 1957. Proc. 4. Internat. Cong. Wildbiologen, Arnhem. / (A); epizootic of acanthocephala in eider ducks (Finland) . 96 Griffiths, H. J. 1947, A record of Trichostrongylus tenuis from the domestic goose in Canada. J. Parasltol., 33: 282. / (N) . Griffiths, H. J., R. M. Leary, & R. Fenstermacher . 1954. Anew record for gapeworm (Cyathostoma bronchlalis) infection of domestic geese in North America. Am. J. Vet. Res., 15: 298-299. / (N); cause of mortality In a flock. (USA). Grlgor'ev, N, KH . 1963. K Izucheniiu gel'mintofauny domashnlkh utok Checheno-Ingushskol ASSR. [The study of the helminth fauna of domestic ducks of Checheno-Ingush ASSR.] Materlaly Nauchn. ■ Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mlnt. (1963), ch. 1, p. 82-83. [Russ. text] Grosso, G. 1914. Ueber die Tropldocerca flsslsplna im Vormagen der Ente. Centralbl. Bakt., Abt. 1, Orlg . , 74: 272-274. / (N) . Gubanov, N . M . 1952. Gel'mlntofauna promyslovykh zhlvotnykh Okhotskogo moria i Tlkhogo okeana . [The helminth fauna of commercial animals of the Okhotsk Sea and Pacific Ocean.] Avtoref . Diss., Moskva (Blblloth . VIGIS), 9 p. [Russ. text] / (T); Includes at least one form in waterfowl (USSR). Gubanov, N. M . , & K. M . Ryzhikov. 1958. [Trematodes of anserine birds of Verkhoyan .] Nauch. Soobshch. lakutsk. fll. Sibirsk. otdel. AN SSSR, (1): 109-114. [Russ. text] / (T); lists 18 forms in waterfowl . Guberlet, J. E. 1916. Morphology of adult and larval cestodes from poultry. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 35: 23-44. / (C); life history of Choanotaenla infundibullformis (USA) . Guberlet, J. E. 1924. Notes on the life history of Ascaridla persplcillum (Rud.). Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 43: 152-156. / (N); (USA). Gubskii, V. O. 1957. Dlkie ptitsy kak rasprostranitell gel'mlntov. [Wild birds as distributors of helminths.] Nauch. Ezhevodn. (1956) Odessk. Gosudarstv. Univ. Mechnikova , p. 249-250. / (C); includes Dlgramma interrupta in waterfowl (USSR) . Gubskii, V. S. 1956. K voprosu o gel'mintofaune okhotnlch'e-promyslovykh ptlts nizhnego Dnestra. [On the question of the helminth fauna of game birds of the lower Dneister.] Probl. Parazitol. , Trudy 2. Nauch. Konf. Parazytol. U[kr.]SSR, p. 41-42. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); reports 9 forms in domestic waterfowl (Ukraine) . 97 Gubskii, V. S. 1957. Materialy po gel'mintofauni myslyvs'kopromyslovykh ptakhiv nyzhn'ogo Dnistra. [Helminth fauna of game birds of the lower Dneister.] Trudy Odessk, Gosudarstv. Univ. Mechnikova, year 93, v. 147, s. Biol. Nauk (8): 171-179. [Ukr. text, Russ. summary] / (N,A,C,T); reports 31 species in waterfowl (Ukraine). Gubskii, V. S. 1962. Okhotnich'e-promyslovye ptitsy nizhnego Dnestra kak istochnik gel'mintozov promyslovykh ryb i domashnikh vodo- plavaiushchikh ptits . [Economically important birds of the lower Dneister as the source of helminthiases of commericial fish and domestic waterfowl.] Materialy 3 . Vsesomz. Ornitol. Konf . , 1962, I'vov, V. 1, p. 111-114. [Russ. text] / (Ukraine). de Guerne, J. 1892a. Sur la dissemination des hirudinees par les palmipedes. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 9 s., 4: 92-95. / (H); Glossiphonia tessellata on plumage of ducks (France) . See de Guerne, 1892b. de Guerne, J. 1892b. Translation of de Guerne, 1892a. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 10(6): 117-120. [Eng . translation] / (H) . Gumen'shchikova, V. P. 1959. Gistrikhisy u tsyplfat i gusei. [Hystrichis in chickens and geese.] Bull. Nauchno. -Tekhn. Inform. Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, (5): 17-20. [Russ. text]/ (N); (USSR). Gumen'shchikova, V. P. 1961. K voprosu o zarazhenii svinei nematodoi vodoplavafushchikh ptits Hystrichis tricolor. [On the question of infections of the ascarid nematode of aquatic birds Hystrichis tricolor.] Sborn. Nauchn. Techn. Inform. Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, (7-8): 16-18. [Russ. text] / (N); larva in earthworm. Gumen'shchikova, V. P. 1963. Patomorfologicheskie izmeneniia pri eksperimental'nom gistrikhoze utok v dinamike. [Pathomorphological changes in experimental hystrichiasis of ducks in dynamics.] Trudy Vsesofuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 10: 126-141. [Russ. text]/ (N) . Gupalenko, A. M., V. M. Stetsenko, &G. K. Taran. 1958. Gistrikhoz domashnikh utok v zavodi^kh nizhnego techeniia Dnestra. [Hystri- chiasis of domestic ducks in the creeks of the lower course of the Dneister.] Veterinarifa, 3 5(4): 4 5-48. [Russ. text] / (N); Hystrichis tricolor life cycle, pathology; cause of severe mortality (USSR) . 98 Gupta, P. D. [1958.] On Psilochasmus indicus, sp. n. (family Psilostomidae Odhner, 1913). Parasitology, 47: 452-456. / (T); in waterfowl (India); P_. agilis synonym of £. oxy uru s . Gupta, R. 1963 . On Stephanoprora nigerica sp . nov. , with a brief review of the genus Stephanoprora Odhner, 1902 (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) . Zool . Anzeiger, 170: 117-130. / (T); includes checklist and key to species of genus. Gupta, R., & A. N. Gupta. 1963. On two new strigeid parasites from Indian birds (Trematoda: Strigeidae) . Proc . Nat. Acad. Sc . , India, Sect. B, 33: 294-302. / (T); includes key to species of Cotylurus. Gushanskaia, L. KH. 1950. K izucheniixi spirurat vodoplavaiushchikh i bolotnykh ptits SSSR. [Contributions to the knowledge of Spirurata of aquatic and marsh birds of USSR,] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 4: 55-63. [Russ. text] / (N); includes 8 forms in waterfowl. Gushanskaia, L. KH. 1951. Nematody ptits Komi ASSR. [Nematodes from birds of Komi ASSR.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 5: 67- 89. [Russ. text] / (N); several waterfowl records; descriptions of Tetrameres sp. 1, Tetrameres sp. 2, Amidostomum boschadis. Gutierrez, R. O. 1956. El qanso comun Coscoroba coscoroba (Molina, 1782) huesped de Dicheilonema rhea (Owen, 1843). Holmbergia, 5: 227-231. [Eng. summary]/ (N); (Argentina). Gutierrez, R. O. 1958. Larvas de Physocephalus sexalatus (Molin, 1860) enquistadas en el intestine del pato domestico. Rev. Investig. Ganaderas, Buenos Aires, (3): 33-38. / (N); probably accidental, in small cysts in walls of intestine (Argentina) . Gvozdev, E. V. 1958. Paraziticheskie chervi kurinykh ptits Kazakhstana. [Parasitic worms of gallinaceous birds of Kazakhstan.] Izdat. AN Kazakhsk. SSR, Alma-Ata, 2 65 p. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); includes descriptions (many original) of 27 helminths reported in waterfowl. Gvozdev, E. V. 1962. Sosal' shchiki okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits luzhnogo Kazakhstana. [Trematodes of economically important birds in southern Kazakhstan.] (Parazity dikikh zhivotnykh Kazak- hstana) Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 16: 89-124. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 208 waterfowl, reports 35 trematodes; includes Brachylecithum sp. 99 Gvozdev, E. V. 1964. Lentochnye chervi okhotnich'e promyslovykh ptits lAizhnogo kazakhstana . [Tapeworms of economically important birds in southern Kazakhstan.] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 22: 74-109. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 184 wild waterfowl, reports 32 cestodes. Gvozdev, E. V., V. T. Belokobylenko, & A. P. Maksimova. 1964. Vzaimoobmen gel'mintami mezhdu dikimi i domashnimi vodoplavafush- chimi ptitsami v usloviiakh Kazakhstana. [Exchange of helminths between wild and domestic waterfowl in the conditions of Kazakhstan.] Gel'minty i Gel'mintozy Dom. Ptits, Alma-Ata, p. 27-40. Haderlie, E. C. 1953. Parasites of the fresh-water fishes of northern California. Univ. California Publications Zool., 37: 303-440. / (N,C,T); intermediate hosts of Diplostomum flexicaudum, Contracaecum spiculigerum, Schistocephalus solidus (USA) . Hall, M. C. 1924. Heterakis dispar in the United States. Soc. Proc: Helminth Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 10: 209. / (N); in domestic geese, first record in USA. Hall, M. C. 1929. Arthropods as intermediate hosts of helminths. Smithsonian Misc. Collect. (Public. 3024), USA, 81(15), 77 p. Halloran, P. O'C. 1955. A bibliography of references to diseases of wild mammals and birds. Am. J. Vet. Res., 16 (61, Part 2), 465 p. / (N,A,C,T); arranged by orders of hosts. Hamann, O. 1891. Die Nemathelminthen. Beitrage zur Kenntnis ihrer Entwickelung, ihres Baues und ihrer Lebensgeschichte. Erstes Heft: Monographie der Acanthocephalan (Echinorhynchen) . Ihre Entwickelung, Histogenie, Anatomie, nebst Beitragen zur Systematik und Biologie. I. Theil. Jena, 119 pp. Also: Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw., 25, n. F. 18: 113-231. / (A); includes life cycle and mor- phology of Echinorhynchus polymorphus. Hamann, O. 1893. Die Filarienseuche der Enten und der Zwischenwirt von Filaria uncinata R. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , 14: 555-557. / (N); life history. Hamerton, A. E. 1931. Report on the deaths occurring in the Society's gardens during the year 1930. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1931, (2): 527-555. / (N); several waterfowl records; nematode in heart chamber of duck (England). 100 Hamerton, A. E. 1933. Report on the deaths occurring in the Society's gardens during the year 1932. Proc. Zool. Soc . London, 1933, (2): 451-482. / (N); Synqamus in duck (England). Hamerton, A. E. 1934. Report on the deaths occurring in the Society's gardens during the year 1933. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1934, (2): 389-422. / (N); Cyathostoma in duck (England). Hamerton, A. E. 1937. Report on the deaths occurring in the Society's gardens during the year 1936. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 107: 443- 474. / (N); reports Echinuria in swan (England). Hamerton, A. E. 1946. Report on the deaths occurring in the society's gardens during the year 1944. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 115: 371- 3 84. / (N); Syngamus trachea cause of one death in duck (England). Hamerton, A. E., & R. E. Rewell. 1947. Report of the pathologist for the year 1946. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 117: 663-672. / (N,C); microfilaria, Hymenolepis in waterfowl (England). Hansen, H. A., C. W. McNeil, & M. D. Priebe. 1957. Mortality of Canada geese with impacted gullets in eastern Washington, 1949- 1954. J. Wildlife Mangmt. , 21: 96-98. / (N,C,T); mortality probably from complex of factors; reports 5 helminths (USA). Hanson, H. C. 195 6. A three-year survey of Omithofilaria sp. micro- filariae in Canada geese. J. Parasitol., 42: 543. / (N); examined 369 birds; incidence of 2 kinds of microfilariae (USA). Hanson, H. C, & J. H. Gilford. 1961. The prevalence of some helminth parasites in Canada geese wintering in southern Illinois. Tr. Illinois State Acad. Sc . , 54: 41-53. / (N,A,C,T); examined 639 geese; reports 14 helminths (USA) . Hanson, H. C, N. D. Levine, & S. Kantor. 1956. Filariae in a wintering flock of Canada geese. J. Wildlife Mangmt. , 20: 89- 92. / (N); incidence of Omithofilaria sp., Sarconema eurycerca (USA) . Harding, W. A. H. 1910. A revision of the British leeches. Parasitology, 3: 130-201. / (H); description of Protoclepsis tessellata (Great Britain) Hare, T. 1945. Tapeworm in freshwater fish. [Letter to editor.] British Med. J. , (4392): 347. / (C); one form in waterfowl (Great Britain) . 101 Harkema, R. 1953. Study of Alaskan schistosomes . Arctic Aeromed . Lab., Ladd Air Force Base, Alaska, Proj . 22-1401-005, 26 p./ (T); one form in waterfowl (USA - Alaska). Harkema, R. 1954. Further study of Alaskan schistosomes . Arctic Aeromed. Lab., Ladd Air Force Base, Alaska, Proj. 22-1401-005, Rep. (2), 11 p. / (T); (USA - Alaska). Harkema, R. 1955. Further study of Alaskan schistosomes . Arctic Aeromed. Lab., Ladd Air Force Base, Alaska, Proj. Rep. (3), 15 p. / (T); blood bluke experimentally in ducklings, life cycle (USA - Alaska) . Harkema, R. 1960. Further study of Alaskan schistosomes . Arctic Aeromed. Lab., Ladd Air Force Base, Alaskan Air Command, Tech. Rep . (57-16) , 23 p. / (T); Trichobilharzia alaskensis sp. n. , description, life cycle; experimentally in ducks (USA - Alaska). Harkema, R. , S. McKeever, & D. A. Becker. 1957. Trichobilharzia alaskensis , a new species of avian schistosome from Alaska. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 43(5, Suppl.): 31-32. / (T); experimentally in ducks; no description (USA - Alaska). Harper, W. F. 1929. On the structure and life-histories of British freshwater larval trematodes. Parasitology, 21: 189-219. / (T); life history of Notocotylus seineti , Echinoparyphium recurvatum (Great Britain) . Harper, W. F. 1930. On some British larval cestodes from land and fresh-water invertebrate hosts. Parasitology, 22: 202-213. / (C); life cycles of Hymenolepis tenerrima, H. setigera , Aploparaksis furcigera , Echinocotyle nitidulans (Great Britain). Harper, W. F. 1931. On the structure and life histories of British fresh-water furcocercariae. Parasitology, 23: 310-324. / (T); life cycle of Strigea tarda (Great Britain) . Harrah, E.G. 1922. North American monostomes primarily from fresh water hosts. Illinois Biol. Monogr. , 7(3), 106 p. / (T); Gyclocoe- lum pseud omicrostomum sp. n. , Notocotylus urbanensis comb, n in ducks; key to species of genus Cyclocoelum (USA). Harrison, J. G. 1957. Avian tuberculosis in a wild shelduck in asso- ciation with an exceptional parasitic burden. Bull. British Ornith . Club, 77: 149-150. / (C,T); massive helminth infection, includes 6 species (Great Britain) . • / 102 Harrison, J. M . 1955. A case of nodular taeniasis due to Filicollis anatis in an eider duck Somateria mollissima mollissima (Linnaeus) . Bull. British Ornith. Club, 75: 121-123. / (A); description of pathology (Great Britain) . Harshe, K. R. 1932. On two species of trematodes from Allahabad. Allahabad Univ. Studies, 8, Pt. 2, Sc . Sect., p. 32-46. / (T); Catatropis orientalis sp. n. in duck (India). Hartwich, G. 1953. Von Hystrichis tricolor Dujardin, 1845 (Nematoda, Dioctophymoidea) erzeugte Geschwiilste am Driisenmagen einer Stockente. Wissensch. Zeitschr. Martin-Luther-Univ. , Halle- Wittenberg, 2(1), Math.-Naturw. Reihe (1), p. 59-61. / (N); description of pathology (Germany) . Hartwich, G. 1959. Revision der Vogelparasitischen Nematoden Mitteleuropas. I. Die Gattung Porrocaecum Railliet & Henry, 1912 (Ascaridoidea) . Mitt. Zool. Mus . Berlin, 35: 107-147. / (N); Porrocaecum crassum, £. semiteres in waterfowl (Germany). Harwcod, P. D, 1939. Notes on Tennessee helminths. IV. North American trematodes of the subfamily Notocotylinae . J. Tennessee Acad. Sc, 14: 332-340, 421-437. / (T); revision of subfamily, synonymy; Catatropis pricei sp . n . , Notocotylus dafilae sp . n . , in ducks (USA). Hasegawa, T. 1934. Ueber die enzystierten Zerkarien in Pseudorasbora parva. Okayama Igakkai Zasshi, (533), 46:1397-1434. [Jap. text, Ger, summary] / (T); includes Metorchis orientalis, Echinochasmus japonicus (Japan) . Hassall, A. 1896a. Check list of the animal parasites of ducks (Anas boschas domestica) . U. S. Dept. Agric . , Bur. Animal Industry Circ. (13), 7 p. / (N,C,T); checklist and synonymy of parasites reported . Hassall, A. 1896b. Check list of the animal parasites of geese (Anser anser domesticus) . U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. Animal Industry Circ . (14), 5 p. / (N,C,T); checklist, synonymy of parasites reported. Hassall, A., et al . 1932-1966. [Doss, M. A., et a^. , 1953-1962; Humphrey, J. M., & D. B. Segal, 1963-1965; Segal, D. B., & J. M. Humphrey, 1966] Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology. Parts 1-18, Supplements 1-16. U.S. Dept. Agric, Agric Res. Serv., Animal Dis. & Parasite Res. Branch (before 195 5 - Zool. Div., Bur. Animal Industr.), 5711 p.; Suppl. 1-7, 2139 p.; Suppl. 8-16 separately paged. ./ 103 Catalogue of world literature on parasitology, indexed by author; annual supplements. Since 196 5 with parasite, hosts, subject heading, and treatment indices. Hausmann, L. 1899. Zur Faunistik der Vogeltrematoden, Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , 26: 447-453. / (T); reports 4 species from waterfowl (Switzerland) . Heck, O. B. , Jr. 1958a. Studies on Gastrotaenia in waterfowl. Ph.D. Thesis, State Coll. of Washington, 67 p. /See Heck, 1958b. Heck, O. B. , Jr. 1958b. Studies on Gastrotaenia in waterfowl. [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr., 19: 1481. / (C); Gastrotaenia cygni hosts, biology, morphology, taxonomy; cause of death in one duck; remarks on morphology and taxonomy of Nematopara taenia (USA) . Heidegger, E. 1937. Libellula brunnea Fonsc. und Platycnemis pennipes Pall. , zwei neue Hilfswirte der Eileiteregel der Huhner. Arch. Wissensch. Prakt. Tierh., 72: 224-229. / (T); life history of Prosthogonimus cuneatus . Heinemann, E. 1936. Die Parasiten des Hausgefliigels , 6. Parasitische Wiirmer als Ursache eines Gansesterbens . Arch. Geflugelk., 10: 322-336. [Eng. summary] / (N,T); reports 8 helminths present in epizootic in domestic geese (Germany). Heinemann, E. 1937a. Uber den Entwicklungskreislauf der Trematoden- gattung Metorchis sowie Bemerkungen zur Systematik dieser Gattung . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 9: 237-260. / (T); Metorchis intermedius sp . n. in waterfowl; life cycle (USSR) . Heinemann, E. 1937b. Der Fischbandwurm Ligula intestinalis , seine Entwicklung und seine wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Allg. Fisch.- Zeitg. , 40: 284-286. / (C) . Henry, A. 1934. Les helminthes parasites des caecums chez les oiseaux domestiques. Atti 5. Cong. Mond. Pollicolt. (Roma, 1933), 3: 198- 202. [Eng. summary, 4: 86.] / (T); includes 4 forms in waterfowl. Herber, E. C. 1939. Life history studies on monostomes of the genus Notocotylus (Trematoda). [Abstr.] J. Parasitol. , 25(6, Suppl.): 18-19. / (T); Notocotylus urbanensis (USA). 104 Herber, E. C. 1942. Life history studies on two trematodes of the subfamily Notocotylinae. J. Parasitol., 28: 179-196. / (T); Notocotylus staqnicolae sp. n. , experimentally in ducks (USA). Herman, CM. 1939. Parasites obtained from animals in the collection of the New York Zoological Park during 193 8. Zoologica, Sclent. Contrib. N. York Zool . Soc . , 24: 481-485. / (C,T); includes 4 waterfowl records of helminths (USA) . Herman, CM. 1951. Blood parasites from California ducks and geese. J. Parasitol., 37: 280-282. / (N); includes microfilariae; incidence (USA) . Herman, C M., J. H. Steenis, & E. E. Wehr. 1955. Causes of winter losses among Canada geese. Tr. 20. North Am. Wildlife Conf . , p. 161-165. / (N); describes severe damage to geese by Amidostomum (USA) Herman, C M., & E. E. Wehr. 1953. Occurrence of Amidostomum in Canada geese. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 39(4, Suppl.): 34. / (N); widespread, pathogenic (USA). Herman, C, & E. E. Wehr. 1954a. Fluctuations in intensity of Amido- stomum infection in a wintering population of Canada geese. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 40(5, Sect. 2): 12-13. / (N); intensity of infection stable, although egg count in feces was variable (USA). Herman, C. M., & E. E. Wehr. 1954b. The occurrence of gizzard worms in Canada geese. J. Wildlife Mangmt. , 18: 509-513. / (N); wide- spread distribution in USA; direct cause of death in one goose, injurious to others. Herter, K. 1929a. Vergleichende bewegungsphysiologische Studien an deutschen Egeln. Zeitschr. Vergleich. Physiol., 9: 145-177. / (H) . Herter, K. 1929b. Studien uber Reizphysiologie und Parasitismus bei Fisch-yund Entenegeln. Sitzungsb. Gesellsch. Naturf. Fr. Berl., (4-7): 142-184. / (H) . Herter, K. 1929c. Reizphysiologisches Verhalten und Parasitismus des Entenegels Protoclepsis tesselata O. F. Mull. Zeitschr. Vergleich. Physiol., 10: 272-308. / (H) . Herter, K. , W. Schleip, & H. Autrum. 1939. Hirudineen, Teil 2. Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnungen des Tierreichs, Band 4, Abt. Ill, Buch 4, Lief. 4, p. 499-562. / (H); ontogeny, physiology, ecology, geo- graphical distribution; includes discussion of ecology of nasal leeches of ducks. 105 Hickey, M. D., & J. R. Harris. 1947. Progress of the Diphyllobothrium epizootic at Poulaphouca Reservoir, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. J. Helminth. , 22: 13-2 8. / (C); one helminth in waterfowl, epizootic in fish . Hill, W. 1941. Starker Befall von Enten mit Echinuria uncinata (Magen- wurmseuche) . Tierarztl. Rundschau, 47: 211-212. / (N); large losses in ducks (Poland). Hilmy, 1. S. 1936. Parasites from Liberia and French Guinea, Part III. Cestodes from Liberia. Public. (9), Fac . Med. Egypt Univ., 72 p. / (C); includes one helminth in waterfowl. Hilmy, I. S. 1949. Khalilloossia ali-ibrahimi gen, et sp. n. (Trematoda Paramphistomatoidea) from the black-winged stilt, Himantopus h . himantopus , with a note on the occurrence of paramphistomes in birds. Proc. Egypt. Acad. Sc . , (1948), 4: 15-19. / (T); refers to Zygocotyle lunatum in waterfowl. Hilprecht, A. 1956. Hockerschwan, Singschwan, Zwergschwan. A. Ziemen Verlg . Wittenberg Lutherstadt, 151 p. / (C,T,H); includes a review of disease and parasites in swans. Hobmaier, A. 1932. The life-history and the control of the cropworm, Capillaria contorta , in quail. California Fish and Game, 18: 290- 296. / (N); has no intermediate host (USA). Hobmaier, A. 1937. Auxiliary hosts in life cycle of lungworm in cat Aelurostronqylurus abstrusus. Rabot. Gel'mint. posv. Skrjabin, p. 231-234. [Russ. summary] / (N); experimentally in duckling as auxiliary host (USA). Hobmaier, M . , & A. Hobmaier. 1935a. Intermediate hosts of Aeluro- stronqylus abstrusus of the cat. Proc. Soc . Exper. Biol. Med., 32: 1641-1647. / (N); life history (USA). Hobmaier, M., & A. Hobmaier. 1935b. Mammalian phase of the lungworm Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in the cat. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 87, n.s. 40: 191-198. / (N); experimentally in ducks as auxiliary hosts (USA) . Hoeppli, R., & H.-F. Hsu. 192 9. Gewebsveranderungen unter den Einwirkung parasitischer Wurmer. Beihefte (l)Arch. Schiffs.- u. Tropen-Hyg. , 33: 5-23. / (N); includes one form in waterfowl. 106 Hoffman, G. L. 1954. The occuirrence of Ornlthodiplostomum ptycho- cheilus (Faust) (Trematoda: Strigeida) in fish and birds. J. Parasitol., 40: 232-233. / (T); life cycle (USA). Hoffman, G. L. 1957. Studies on the life cycle of Cryptocotyle con- cavum from the common sucker and experimentally in the chick. Proc. N. Dakota Acad. Sc . , 11: 55-56. / (T); in fresh-water fish (USA) . Hoffman, G. L. 195 8. Studies on the life-cycle of Ornlthodiplostomum ptychocheilus (Faust) (Trematoda: Strigeoidea) and the "self-cure" of infected fish. J. Parasitol., 44: 416-421. / (T); (USA). Hoffman, G. L. 1959. Studies on the life cycle of Apatemon gracilis pellucidus (Yamag.) (Trematoda: Strigeoidea). Tr. Am. Fish. Soc . , 88(2): 96-99. / (T); description, life cycle (USA). Hoffman, G. L. 1960. Synopsis of Strigeoidea (Trematoda) of fishes and their life cycles. Fishery Bull. (175), U. S. Fish & Wildlife Serv. Fish. Bull., 60: 439-469. / (T); review of forms found in fish; description of metacercariae, life cycles, hosts, synonymy. Hoffman, G. L., & J. B. Hundley. [1958.] The life-cycle of Diplostomum baeri eucaliae n . subsp. (Trematoda: Strigeida). J. Parasitol., 43: 613-627. / (T); in duck (USA). Holla, W. A., & E. A. Lane. 1947. Report of an itching dermatitis apparently due to schistosome cercariae. New York State J. Med., 47: 2458. / (T); Trichobilharzia physellae in domestic ducks (USA). Honor, M. R. 1964. Parasitic mortality in birds . Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. , 89, Suppl. 1: 192-194. [Fr. , Ger. , Dutch summaries] / (T); epizootic in swans in zoo due to Psilotrema spiculigerum . Hopkins, C. A. , & M . L. O. McCaig. 1962. The development of the plerocercoid of Schistocephalus solidus . [Abstr.] Proc. British Soc. Parasitol., Parasitology, 52(3/4): 16P. / (C); (Great Britain). Hopkins, C. A., & M. L. O. McCaig. 1963. Studies on Schistocephalus solidus . I. The correlation of development in the plerocercoid with infectivity to the definitive host. Exper. Parasitol. , 13: 235-243. / (C); life cycle (Great Britain). 107 Hopkins, C. A., & J. D. Smyth. 1951. Notes on the morphology and life history of Schistocephalus solidus (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) . Parasitology, 41: 283-291. / (C): (Great Britain). Horsfall, M. W. 1938. Meal beetles as intermediate hosts of poultry tapeworms. Poultry Science, 17: 8-11. / (C); life history of Choano- taenia infundibulum (USA) . Horsfall, M. W. , & M. F. Jones. 1937. The life history of Choano- taenia infundibulum, a cestode parasitic in chickens. J. Parasitol., 23: 435-450. / (C); (USA). Hotz, H. 1938a. Protoclepsis tesselata (O. F. Mliller) . Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Bau und Lebensweise der Hirudineen. Rev. Suisse Zool., 45 (Suppl.), 3 80 p. / (H) . Hotz, H. 1938b. Protoclepsis tesselata (O. F. Miiller) . Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Bau und Lebensweise der Hirudineen. Vrtljschr. Naturf. Gesellsch., Zurich, 83: 13-2 8. / (H) . Houdemer, F. E. 1925. Parasites des animaux domestiques ou sauvages du Tonkin, (Ire liste) . Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., 18: 343-350. / (N,A,T); reports 5 helminths in domestic waterfowl. Houdemer, F. E. 1938. Recherches de parasitologie comparee Indochin- oise. Paris, 235 p. / (N,A,C,T); includes 14 helminths in domestic waterfowl . Hsii, H.-F. 1932. A study of some parasitic nematodes from Tonkin, Indo-China and of Strongyluris brevicaudata Mueller, 1894 from Hainan Island, South China. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 7: 99-115. / (N); reports at least one helminth in waterfowl. Hsli, H.-F. 1935. Contributions a I'etude des cestodes de Chine. Rev. Suisse Zool., 42: 477-570. / (C); checklist of species reported in China; lists 21 species in waterfowl, based on Shen Tseng, 1932. Hsu, H.-F. 1936. Check list [of] parasitic helminths of animals and man in China. Chinese Med. J. Suppl., (1): 457-473. / (C); includes at least 20 cestodes in waterfowl. Hsu, H.-F., & C. Y. Chow. 1938a. Studies on the helminths of fowls . I. On the second intermediate hosts of Metorchis orien talis and M. taiwanensis, liver flukes of ducks . Chinese Med. J. Suppl., (2): 433-440. / (T); (China). 108 Hsu, H.-F., & C. Y. Chow, 1938b. Studies on helminths of fowls. 2. Some trematodes of fowls in Tsingkiangpu, Kiangsu, China. Chinese Med. J. Suppl., (2): 441-450. / (T); reports 6 helminths in ducks; includes Opisthorchis tsingkiangpuensis sp. n. , Philo- phthalmus sinensis sp . n . , Hypoderaeum conoideum (synonym H . sinense) . Hsu, H.-F., & R. Hoeppli. 1940. Histological changes caused by Metorchis orientalis in the bile duct system of experimentally infected ducks. Chinese Med. J. Suppl., (3): 228-234. / (T); (China) . Hsu, P.-K. 1950a. Anew trematode of the genus Procerovum from ducks and chickens in Canton (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) . Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 19: 39-43. / (T); Procerovum cheni sp. n. experimentally in ducklings (China) . Hsu, P.-K. 1950b. Some heterophyid metacercariae belonging to the genera Haplorchis and Procerovum (Trematoda: Heterophyidae). Lingnan Sc. J. , 23: 1-20 . / (T); Haplorchis taichui, H. pumilio, Procerovum cheni, P. sisoni, P. calderoni, all experimentally in ducks (China). Hsu, P.-K. 1954. Anew species of Notocotylus from Canton (Trematoda: Notocotylidae) . Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica] , 6: 117- 122. [Chin, text, Eng . summary] / (T); Notocotylus mamii n. sp. (China) . Hsu, P.-K. 1957. (On the life history of Notocotylus mamii Hsu, 1954 (Trematoda: Notocotylidae).) Tung Wu Hsiieh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica], 9: 121-128, 2 pi. [Chin, text, Eng. summary] / (T); experi- mentally infected ducklings (China) . Hsu, W. N. 1957. [Studies on nematodes of birds in Kwangtung Province.] Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica], 9: 47-77. [Chin, text, Russ. summary] / (N); includes one form in waterfowl (China) . Hsu, W. N. 1960. [Notes on some parasitic nematodes obtained from vertebrates in Nanking.] Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica], 12: 101-113. [Chin, text, Eng. summary] / (N); Heterakis yani sp. n. in domestic duck (China). 109 Hsii, Y.-C. 1935. Trematodes of fowls in Soochow. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 10: 141-150, pi. / (T); examined 66 domestic waterfowl, 11 wild ducks; found 6 trematodes; Paramonostomum ovatus sp. n. , Echinostoma elongata sp. n., Hypoderaeum sinensis sp. n., Pros- thoqonimus leei sp . n . Huang Sheng-i; see Khuan Shen-i Hudson, J. R. [1934.] A list of cestodes known to occur in East African mammals, birds, and reptiles. J. East Mr. & Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc, (49-50): 205-217. / (C); includes 3 forms in waterfowl (Kenya). Hubner, F. 1939. Uber Echinostomum anceps (Molin, 1859?) Dietz, 1909. Zool. Anzeiger, 128: 176-187. / (T); Moliniella anceps comb, n. , life cycle. Hughes, R. C. 1940. The genus Hymenolepis Weinland, 1858. Oklahoma Agric. Exper. Sta. Tech. Bull. (8), 42 p. / (C); checklist of species, synonymy, host-parasite list; lists 100 species in Anseriformes . Hughes, R. C. 1941a. A key to the species of tapeworms in Hymenolepis. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 60: 378-414. / (C); key to species; figure of rostellar hook of each, brief description. Hughes, R. C. 1941b. The taeniae of yesterday. Res. Monogr. (1), School of Arts & Sc; Bull. Oklahoma Agric. Mech. Coll., 38(16), 83 p. / (C); checklist of all names used under Taenia, synonymy. Hughes, R. C, & R. D. Schultz. 1942. The genus Raillietina Fuhrmann, 1920. Res. Monogr. (2), School of Arts & Sc; Bull. Oklahoma Agric. Mech. Coll., 39(8), 53 p, / (C); checklist of species, synonymy, host-parasite list; lists 10 species in waterfowl. Huizinga, H. W. 1966. Studies on the life cycle and development of Contracaecum spiculigerum (Rudolphi, 1809) (Ascaroidea: Heterocheil- idae) from marine piscivorous birds. J. Elisha Mitchell Sc Soc, 82: 181-195. / (N); life cycle successful in both fresh water and marine invertebrates and fish (USA). Hunt, G. S. 1957a. Causes of mortality among ducks wintering on the lower Detroit River. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Michigan, 308 p./See Hunt, 1957b. Hunt, G. S. 1957b. Causes of mortality among ducks wintering on the lower Detroit River. [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr. , 18: 1929. /Gives inci- dince of various causes; parasitism of minor importance (USA). 110 Hunter, G . W. , III, & D. E. Birkenholz. 1961. Notes on larval trematodes of Gunnison County, Colorado. Tr . Am. Micr. Soc. , 80: 358-364. / (T); two forms experimentally infected ducklings (USA). Hunter, G. W. , 111, et al . 1949. Schistosome dermatitis in Seattle, Washington. J. Parasitol., 35: 250-254. / (T); Trichobilharzia ocellata, T. physellae; snail hosts (USA) . Hynes, H. B. N. 1955. The reproductive cycle of some British fresh- water Gammaridae. J. Animal Ecol., 24: 352-387. / (A); incidence, effect of Polymorphus minutus infections on populations of Gam- maridae (Great Britain) . Hynes, H. B. N., & W. L. Nicholas. 1957. The development of Polymorphus minutus (Goeze, 1782) (Acanthocephala) in the inter- mediate host. Ann. Trop . Med. Parasitol., 51: 380-391. / (A); (England) . Hynes, H. B. N., & W, L. Nicholas. 1958. The resistance of Gammarus spp. to infection by Polymorphus minutus (Goeze, 1782) (Acanthoceph- ala). Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 52: 376-383. / (A); strain adapted to each species of Gammarus (Great Britain) . Hynes, H. B. N., & W. L. Nicholas. 1963. The importance of the acanthocephalan Polymorphus minutus as a parasite of domestic ducks in the United Kingdom. J. Helminth., 37: 185-198. / (A); life cycle, pathology, biology (Great Britain). lanchev, lA. , & D. K. Bozhkov. 1958. Prinos k'm prouchvane na trematodite po divite patitsi (podsem. Anatinae) v B'lgaria. (Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der Trematoden bei Wildenten (Unterfam. Anatinae) in Bulgarien.) Izvest. Zool. Inst. Bulgar. AN, otdel. Biol. Med. Nauk, 7: 425-431. [Bulgar. text, Russ. & Ger. summaries]/ (T); includes 9 forms in waterfowl. lanchev, lA. , & D. K. Bozhkov. 1959. Rana ridibunda Pall, ot Sofiisko kato dopulnitelen gostopriemnik na ni^koi tremadodi . [Rana ridi- bunda Pall, in the Sofia region as supplementary host of some trematodes.] Izvest. Zool. Inst. Bulgar. AN, otdel. Biol. Med. Nauk, 8: 21-32. [Bulgar. text, Russ. & Ger. summaries] / (T); includes 2 forms found in waterfowl (Bulgaria) . •Ill lanchev, lA. , & D. K. Bozhkov. 1960a. K rasshifrovke biologii trematody Proalaria excavata Rud.][On the interpretation of the biology of the trematode Proalaria excavata Rud.] Doklady AN SSSR, 132: 726-728. [Russ. text] / (T); life history (USSR). See lanchev & Bozhkov, 1960b. fanchev, lA. [Yauchev, YA.],&D. Bozhkov. 1960b. Translation of lanchev & Bozhkov, 1960a. Doklady AN USSR, Transl. Biol. Sc . Sect., 132: 454-455. [Eng. translation] / (T) . lartseva, A. S. 1953. K voprosu biologii vozbuditelia amidostomoza gusei. [On the question of the biology of the causal agent of amidostomiasis of geese.] [Abstr.] Veterinariia , 30(4): 28. [Russ. text] / (N); Amidostomum anseris (USSR) . iartseva-Selivanova, A. S. 1954. K voprosu biologii Amidostomum anseris . [On the question of the biology of Amidostomum anseris .] Shorn. Nauch. Rabot Sibirsk. Zonal Nauch. -Issled . Vet. Inst. ,(5): 109-121. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). von Ihering, H. 1902. Die Helminthen als Hilfsmittel der zoogeograph- ischen Forschung. Zool. Anzeiger, 26: 42-51. / (A); gives one specific waterfowl record . Ijima, Y. 1954. [On the second intermediate hosts of Gnathostoma spinigerum in Kagawa Prefecture.] Shikoku Acta Med., 5: 94-96. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (N); hosts include ducks (Japan). Iksanov, K. I., & L. K. Dikambaeva. 1962. Materialy izucheniia zarazhennosti rybofadnykh ptits Kirgizii nematodami. [Material on nematode infestation of fish-eating birds of Kirgizia.] Izvest. AN Kirgiz. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, 4: 131-137. [Russ. text, Kirgiz. summary] / (N); lists one form in waterfowl. lies, C. 1959. The larval trematodes of certain freshwater molluscs. I. The furocercariae. Parasitology, 49: 478-504. / (T); life cycle of Apatemon gracilis minor (Great Britain) . lies, C. 1960. The larval trematodes of certain fresh-water molluscs. II. Experimental studies on the life-cycle of two species of furco- cercariae. Parasitology, 50: 401-418. / (T); life cycle of Apatemon gracilis minor (Great Britain). Inamdar, N. B., &G. D. Bhalerao. 1944a. On the occurrence of Psilochasmus longicirratus Skrjabin, 1913, in Nyroca ferina in India. [Abstr.] Proc . 31. Indian Sc. Cong. (Delhi), Pt. Ill, p. 89. / (T). 112 Inamdar, N. B., & G. B. Bhalerao. 1944b. On the occurrence of Psilo- chasmus longicirratus Skrjabin , 1913 , in Nyroca ferina in India . Proc. Indian Acad. Sc . , Sect. B, 20: 48-50. / (T); description. Inglis, W. G. 1958. A review of the nematode superfamily Heterakoidea < Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 12 s. (120), 10: 905-912. / (N); status of species discussed, Heterakis dispar indistinguishable from li. altaica, H. caudata, H. hyperborea, H. papillosa, H. stylosa, and H . tenuicauda . Irie, T. 1958. (Studies on Gnathostoma in eastern area of Shikoku.) Shikoku Acta Med., 13: 264-278. [Jap. text, Eng . summary] / (N); intermediate hosts of Gnathostoma spinigerum include ducks (Japan). IsaTchikov [Isaitchikov] , I. M. 1924. Des variations individuelles chcz Gymnophallus choledocus (Odhner, 1900). Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 91: 1187-1189. / (T); description (S . Russia). Isafchikov, 1. M. 1925a. Novyi predstavitel' ptich'ikh trematod roda Echinoparyphium Dietz , 1909. (Le nouveau representant des trema- todes des oiseaux du genre Echinoparyphium Dietz, 1909.) Uchen. Trudy Sibirsk. Vet. Inst., (6): 5-17. [Russ. text, Fr. summary] / (T); Echinoparyphium recurvatum in waterfowl (USSR). Isaichikov, I. M. 1925b. K faune paraziticheskikh chervei domashnikh plotoiadnykh Kryma . [Zur Fauna der Schmarotzerwlirmer bei den hauslichen Carnivoren in der Krim.] Uchen. Trudy Sibirsk. Vet. Inst., (6): 47-103. [Russ. text] / (T); refers to one form in water- fowl (S . Russia) . Isaichikov [Isaitschikoff] , I. M. 1926. Sur le d^veloppement du trematodc Cryptocotyle concavum (Crcplin, 1825). Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 94: 305-307. ' (T); (USSR). Isaichikov, I. M. 1927a. Oprcdoliternai^/^ablitsa sosal'shchikov, parazitiruiushchikh domashnikh ptits . [A table of trematoda para- sitizing domestic fowl.] Vet. Trazhenik, 3(12): 1-8. [Russ. text] / (T); includes 18 forms in waterfowl. Isaichikov, I. M. 1927b. Vos'maia rossiiskaia gel'mintologicheskaia ekspeditsiia v Krym. (The 8th Russian helminthological expedition to Crimea (1922-1924).) Dei^tel'nost 28. Gel'mint. Eksped. SSSR (1919-1925) Skrjabin), p. 110-125. [Russ. text, Eng. summary p. 280.] / (T); examined 17 wild ducks, reports 2 helminths by name (S. Russia) . 113 Isaichikov, I. M. 1927c. 27-19 soiuznaia gel'mintologicheskaia ekspeditsiia v Zapadnufu Sibir' . l/vii-15/ix 1925 g, (The 27-th helminthological expedition to west Siberia (1925) .) Deiatel'nost. 28. Gel'mint. Eksped . SSSR (1919-1925) (Skrjabin) , p. 234-250. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T); examined 17 ducks; reports one helminth in waterfowl (USSR) . IsaYchikov, I. M. 192 8. K poznaniiu paraziticheskikh chervel nekoto- rykh grupp pozvonochnykh russkoi Arktiki. A. Trematodes (chast I) . (Zur Kenntniss der parasitischen Wurmer einiger Gruppen von Wirbeltieren der russischen Arktis.) Trudy Morsk. Nauch . Inst., Moskva, 3(2): 5-79. [Russ. text] / (N); includes 3 forms in water- fowl (N. Russia) . IsaYchikov, I. M. 1933. K poznaniiu paraziticheskikh chervei nekotorykh grupp pozvonochnykh russkoi Arktiki . A. Trematodes. (Chast II). (Contributions to parasitic worms of some groups of vertebrates from Russian Arctic .) Trudy Gosudarstv. Okeanogr. Inst., Moskva, 3(1), 44 p. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T); includes 2 forms from waterfowl (USSR). Ishida, H. 1960a. [Studies on the dermatitis-producing Cercaria mieensis n. sp. in man. 1. On the eggs of an avian schistosome newly found in Querquedula crecca crecca in Nagashima , Mie Prefecture. Kiseichugaku Zasshi [Jap. J. Parasitol.], 9: 717-723. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); (Japan). Ishida, H. 1960b. [Studies on the dermatitis-producing Cercaria mieensis n. sp. in man. II . On Cercaria mieensis n . sp. developed from eggs of an avian schistosome.] Kiseichugaku Zasshi [Jap. J. Parasitol.], 9: 724-729. / (T); (Japan). Ishii, N. (1933a). Chorui kiuchurui no kenkyu (Dai Ippo) . [Studies on the distomes parasitic in birds. I. Taxonomic study of distomes . II. On newly discovered distomes.] Jikken Igaku Zasshi, 16: 1205- 1231. [Jap. text] / (T); reports 7 trematodes in ducks; Echinostoma miyagawai sp . n. , Apatemon japonicus sp. n. , Cotylurus japonicus sp. n. (Japan) . Ishii, N. 1933b. Studies on bird trematodes. I. Bird trematodes in Japan. II, Four new bird trematodes. Japan. J. Exper. Med., Govt. Inst. Infect. Dis., Tokyo Imp. Univ., 11: 91-100. / (T); lists 7 forms from waterfowl; Echinostoma miyagawai sp. n., Apatemon japonicus sp. n. , Cotylurus japonicus sp. n. 114 Ishii, N. (1935a). Chorui kiuchuri no kenkyu (dai niho) . [New species of trematodes of birds.] Jikken Igaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 19(5): 467- 479. [Jap. text] / (T); Amphimerus filiformis sp. n. (Japan). Ishii, N. 1935b. Studies on bird trematodes. III. Bird trematodes in Japan. IV. Seven new bird trematodes. Japan. J. Exper. Med., Govt. Inst. Infect. Dis., Tokyo Imp. Univ., 13: 275-284. / (T); Amphimerus filiformis sp. n . , Apatemon parvitestis sp. n. , Psilo- chasmus japonicus sp . n . , in ducks . Ishii, N., &F. Matsuoka. (193 5a.) [Cyathocotyle fusa sp. nov.] Jikken Igaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 19(11): 1595-1601. [Jap. text] / (T); (Japan) . Ishii, N., & F. Matsuoka. 1935b. Studies on bird trematodes. V. Intermediate host and a new species of bird trematodes. Japan. J. Exper. Med., Govt. Inst. Infect. Dis., Tokyo Imp. Univ., 13: 7 51-75 6. / (T); Cyathocotyle fusa sp. n. in domestic duck (Japan). Isshiki, O. 1934. On a trematode parasite (Echinostoma revolutum Frolich, 1802) from a Corean wild duck. Rep. Govt. Inst. Vet. Res., Fusan, 9: 126-131. [Jap. text, Eng . summary] / (T); (Korea). Itagaki, S. [192 8.] On the life history of the chicken nematode, Ascaridia perspicillum. Proc. 3. World's Poultry Cong., (Ottawa, Canada, 1927), p. 339-344. / (N) . Ito, J. 1959. A contribution to the morphology of cercaria of Notocot- ylus magniovatus Yamaguti, 1934 (Notocotylidae, Trematoda) . Japan. J. Med. Sc. Biol., 12: 133-137. / (T); (Japan). Ivanitskaia, V. V. 1920. Trematody dykhatel'nykh putei donskikh ptits . [Trematodes of the respiratory system of Don birds.] Trudy Gel'- mint Lab. Kaf. Parazitol. i Invaz. Bolezn. , Izvest. Donsk. Vet. Inst., 1(2), 1919: 1-12. [Russ. text] / (T); includes at least 5 forms in waterfowl (S. Russia). Ivanitski?, S. V. 1927. K faune trematod pozvonochnykh Ukrainy. (Po materialam 26-T soiuzh. gel'mintol. eksp.) [On the trematode fauna of vertebrates of Ukraine. (From material of the 2 6th All- union Helminth. Exped.) Vet. Dilo, 5(42): 36-42, 8(45): 23-24. [Russ. text] / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl. 115 Ivanitski?, S. V. 1940. Materialy k gel'mintofaune pozvonochnykh Ukrainy (fauna tsestod, nematod i kolilichegolovykh) . [Materials on helminth fauna of vertebrates of Ukraine (fauna of cestodes, nematodes, and acanthocephalans) .] Shorn. Trud . Kharkov. Vet. Inst., 19: 129-155. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); includes at least 9 forms in domestic waterfowl. Iwata, M. 1939. The classification list of Cestoidea in Japan. Vol. Jub. Yoshida, Osaka, v. 2, p. 225-247. / (C); includes 21 forms in waterfowl . Iwata, M., & O. Tamura. 1933. Some intestinal parasites in the duck from Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon., 14: 1-6. / (N,C,T); Raillietina osakensis sp. n.; includes 10 other helminths. lygis, v., see Jogis, V. Izfumova, N. A. 1959. K voprosu o dinamike parazitcfauny ryb Rybin- skogo vodokhranilishcha . [On the question of the dynamics of the parasite fauna of fish in the Rybinsk reservoir.] Trudy Inst. Biol. Vodokhranilishch. , 2: 174-190. [Russ. text] / (T); includes inter- mediate hosts of Paracoenogonimus viviparae (N . Russia). Izumi, M. (1935.) Studies on the trematode cysts found in fresh- water fishes in Kobe Prefecture. Tokyo Iji Shinsi, (2950): 2531- 2543. [Jap. text] / (T); life history of Echinochasmus japonicus (Japan) . Jacobi, A. 1896. Diploposthe, eine neue Gattung von Vogeltaenien. Zool. Anzeiger, 19: 268-269. / (C); Diploposthe laevis comb. n. Jacobi, A. 1897. Diploposthe laevis, eine merkwurdige Vogeltaenie. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat. , 10: 287-306. / (C); description. Jagerskiold, L. A. 1900. Levinsenia (Distomum) pygmaea Levinsen, ein genitalnapftragendes Distomum. Centralbl. Bakt, I Abt., 27: 732-740. / (T); Levinsenia pygmaea comb. n. in duck (Sweden). Jagerskiold, L. 1907. Zur Kenntnis der Trematodengattung Levins eniella. Zool. Stud. Tillagn. T. Tullberg 65-Ars-Dag, p. 133-154. / (T); Levinseniella pellucida in waterfowl (Sweden) . 116 Jagerskiold, L. A. 1908. Kleine Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Vogeltrema- toden. Zentralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Orig . , 48: 302-317. / (T); Spelo- phallus prima s sp . n. , Maritrema subdolum sp . n . , in ducks (Sweden) . Jagerskiold, L. A. [1909.] Zur Kenntnis der Nematoden-Gattungen Eustrongylides und Hystrichis . Nova Acta R. Soc . Upsaliensis, 4 s., 2(1), Art. 3, 48 p. / (N); Hystrichis neglectus sp. n., H. varispinosus sp. n., 4 other species in waterfowl. Jain, G. P. 1960. A new echinostome cercaria from Lymnaea luteola with notes on its life history. Proc . Nat. Acad. Sc . , India, Sect. B, 30: 47-50. / (T); Echinoparyphium bagulai (India), experimental infection in duck. Jain, G . P. 1961 . On a new trematode Echinoparyphium bagulai sp. nov., (Echinostomatidae) from Anas poecilorhyncha. Parasitology, 51: 123-126. / (T); description, life cycle (India). Jain, S, P. 19 66. Occurrence of a new variety of Tracheophilus sisowi (Fam. Cyclocoelidae) in an Indian avian host - Anas acuta (Lin- naeus). Indian J. Helminth., 18: 142-147. / (T); Tracheophilus sisowi aclrratus var. n. (India). Jaiswal, G. P. 1957. Studies on the trematode parasites of fish and birds found in Hyderabad State. Part I-IV. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 85: 1-72. / (T); 3 forms in waterfowl; Psilochasmus alii sp. n. (India). James, B. L. 1964. The life cycle of Parvatrema homoeotecnum sp. nov. (Trematoda: Digenea) and a review of the family Gymnoph- allidae Morozov, 1955. Parasitology, 54: 1-41. / (T); summary of descriptions of all species; Parvatrema lintoni nom. n. (=Distomum B Linton, 192 8), several new combinations in Gymnophalloides , Parvatrema, two new records in waterfowl (Great Britain). Jameson, H. L. 1902. On the origin of pearls. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902, 1, pt. 2, p. 140-166. / (T); pearls result from trematode larvae in mussels, life cycle requires Mytilus, Tapes , and scoter or eider; reports 2 helminths in waterfowl (Great Britain) . Jameson, H. L., & W. Nicoll. 1913. On some parasites of the scoter duck (Oedemia nigra) , and their relation to the pearl-inducing trema- tode in the edible mussel (Mytilus edulis) . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913, (1): 53-63. / (T); reports 17 trematodes in waterfowl; Gymno- phallus oidemiae nom. n. , G . affinis sp. n. , G . macroporus sp. n, G . ovoplenus sp. n. (Great Britain). • / 117 Jansen, J., Jr. 1961. Over de nomenclatuur van de trichostrongyliden en de trichostrongylose bij de Nederlandse huisdieren. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. , 86: 248-254. [Dutch text; Eng . , Fr. , & Ger. sum- maries] / (N); includes Trichostrongylus tenuis in waterfowl (Netherlands) . Jansen, J. (Jr.), & E. van den Broek. 1966. Parasites of zoo-animals in the Netherlands and of exotic animals II. Bijd. Dierk., K. Zool. Genootsch. Natura Artis Magistra Amsterdam, (36): 65-68. / (N,A,T); lists 8 helminths in waterfowl. Jarecka, L. 1956. Larwy tasiemcow w jeziorze GoWapiwo. (Tapeworm larvae at Goldapiwo Lake.) [Abstr.] Wiadom, Parazytol., 2(5, Suppl.): 203-204. [Pol. text, Eng. summary] / (C); intermediate hosts of 12 cestodes of waterfowl (Poland) . Jarecka, L. 1958a. Cladocera as the intermediate hosts of certain species of Cestoda. Life cycle of Anomotaenia ciliata (Fuhr. , 1913) and Hymenolepis furcifera (Krabbe, 1869). Bull. Acad. Polon. Sc, s. Sc. Biol., 6: 157-166/ (C); includes table of cestode infections in microcrustacea , 14 species from waterfowl (Poland). Jarecka, L. 1958b. Plankton crustaceans in the life cycle of tapeworms occurring at Druzno Lake. (Parasitofauna of the bio-coenosis of Druzno Lake - Part II.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica , 6: 65-109. [Pol. summary] / (C); larvae of 19 cestodes of waterfowl found naturally or experimentally in copepod and ostracod Crustacea (Poland) . Jarecka, L. 1958c. Life cycle of Orlovilepis megalops (Nitsch in Creplin) Spassky et Spasskaja, 1954. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sc . , s. Sc. Biol., 6: 335-338. [Russ. summary] / (C); natural infection in ostracod crustacean, a vernal form (Poland). Jarecka, L. 1960a. Life-cycles of tapeworms from Lakes Goidapiwo and Mamry Poi:nocne. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 8: 47-66. [Pol. summary] / (C); life cycles of 21 cestodes of waterfowl, descrip- tions of larval stages (Poland) . Jarecka, L. 19 60b. Separation of sexes and quantitative regulation in cestodes of the genus Diploposthe Jacobi, 1896 (Cestoda - Diplo- posthidae) . Bull. Acad. Polon. Sc . , s. Sc . Biol., 8: 155-157. / (C); Diploposthe laevis , D. sui-generis (synonym D. skrjabini); life cycles (Poland), only 2 specimens per host. 118 Jarecka , L. 19 61. Morphological adaptations of tapeworm eggs and their importance in the life cycles. Acta Parasitol. Polonica , 9: 409-42 6. / (C); includes figures of eggs of 20 cestodes of water- fowl; structure of eggs related to size and habitat of intermediate hosts; summary of reported intermediate hosts (Poland) . Jennings, A. R. 1959. Causes of death of birds at Slimbridge, 1955- 1957. 10. Ann. Rep. Wildfowl Trust, 1957-1958, p. 37-40./Para- sitism cause of death of 29 of 680 birds; no identification of species of parasites (England) . Jennings, A. R. 1961. An analysis of 1000 deaths in wild birds. Bird Study, 8:25-31. /Examined 38 waterfowl, 12 (31.6%) deaths due to parasitism (Great Britain) . Jennings, A. R. , & E. J. L. Soulsby. 1956. Diseases in wild birds, third report. Bird Study, 3: 270-272. / (N,C); several waterfowl records, death of goose due to gizzard worms (Great Britain). Jennings, A. R., & E. J. L. Soulsby. 1957. Diseases of wild birds, fourth report. Bird Study, 4: 216-220. / (N,A,C,T); lists 19 helminths from waterfowl, reports one death due to gizzard worms (Great Britain) . Jennings, A. R., E. J. L. Soulsby, & C. B. Wainwright. 1961. An outbreak of disease in mute swans at an Essex reservoir. Bird Study, 8: 19-24. / (N,C,T); deaths due to starvation and parasitism; reports 8 helminths (Great Britain) . Jerstad, A. C. 1936. The gizzard worm, Amidostomum anseris, of geese in western Washington. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 89, n.s. 42: 318-320. / (N) ; caused several deaths (USA). Jerstad, A. C. 1937. Further records of the gizzard worm, Amidostomum anseris , in the state of Washington. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 90, n.s. 43: 785-786. / (N); (USA). Jha, V. R. 1944. A new species of the genus Lepoderma Looss , 1899 syn. Plagriorchis [sic] Luhe, 1899. Proc . Nat. Acad. Sc . India, 14 , Sec . B: 184-188 . / (T); reports Lepoderma potanini in duck (India) . Joest, E. 1915. Zur Histologie der durch den Strongylus nodularis Rud. bedingten "Magenwurmseuche" jungerGanse. In: Mitteilungen 'liber einige besonders bemerkenswerte Falle, Ber. K. Tierarztl. Hochschule Dresden, n.F. (9), 1914, p. 94-96. / (N); (Germany). 119 Jogis [?ygis], V. 1959. Puhtu umbruse vee-ja rannikulindude trema- toodide faunast. (The flukes (Trematoda) of water and shore birds of the Puhtu peninsula (the western coast of Estonia) ,) Loodusu- urijate Seltsi Aastaraamat. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad . Juures [Ezhegodn. Obshch. Estestv. pri AN Estonsk. SSR] , 52 : 131-149. [Esth. text, Russ. & Eng . summaries] / (T); examined 5 2 waterfowl, reports 17 helminths [Esthonia) Jogis tlygis] , V. (1963.) Fauna tsestod, nematod i akantotsefalov vodnykh i pribrezhnyk ptits okrestnostei Pukhru. [The cestode, nematode, and acanthocephalan fauna of aquatic and coastal birds of the vicinity of Pukhru.] Ezhegodnik Obshch. Estestv. Estonsk. SSR, 55: 94-128. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C); lists 26 helminths of waterfowl; Echinocotyle ryjikowi sp. n. in duck (Esthonia). Johnson, J. C. 1920. The life cycle of Echinostomum revolutum (Froelich). Univ. California Public. Zool., 19: 335-388. / (T); (USA). Johnson, R. A. 1937. Tapeworm in young red-breasted merganser. Auk, 54: 383. / (C); Schistocephalus solidus (USA) . Johnston, S. J. 1904. On some species of Holostomidae from Australian birds. (Contributions to a knowledge of Australian Entozoa III.) Proc. Linn. Soc . New South Wales, (113), 29: 108-116. / (T); Hemistomum intermedium sp. n. in swan. Johnston, S. J. 1913. On some Queensland trematodes, with anatomical observations and descriptions of new species and genera. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, n.s. 59: 361-400. / (T); 2 forms in waterfowl; Typhlocoelum reticulare sp. n. (Australia). Johnston, S. J. 1914. Australian trematodes and cestodes. Med. J. Australia, 1: 243-244. / (T); reports 4 forms in waterfowl. Johnston, S. J. 1917. On the trematodes of Australian birds. J. & Proc. Royal Soc. New South Wales, (1916), 50: 187-2 61. / (T); includes at least 6 species in waterfowl. Johnston, T. H. 1910. On Australian avian Entozoa. J. & Proc. Royal Soc. New South Wales, 44: 84-122. / (N,C,T). Johnston, T. H. 1912a. Internal parasites recorded from Australian birds. Emu, 12: 105-112. / (N,C,T); lists 15 helminths from water- fowl, records from Australia and from European zoos. 120 Johnston, T. H. 1912b. On a re -examination of the types of Krefft' s species of Cestoda in the Australian Museum, Sydney, Part I. Rec. Australian Mus . , 9: 1-36. / (C); identifies 5 cestodes from water- fowl (Australia) . Johnston, T. H. [1913a.] Cestoda and Acanthocephala [observed in North Queensland.] Rep. Australian Inst. Trop. Med., (1911), p. 7 5-96. / (C); Hymenolepis terraereginae sp. n. (Australia). Johnston, T. H. 1913b. [Advance separate 1912.] Notes on some Entozoa. Proc . Royal Soc . Queensland, 24: 63-91. / (N,C); 2 helminths in waterfowl; Heterakis chenonettae sp. n. (Australia). Johnston, T. H. 1916. A census of the endoparasites recorded as occurring in Queensland, arranged under their hosts. Proc. Royal Soc. Queensland, 28: 31-79. / (C,T); includes 7 forms from water- fowl (Australia) . Johnston, T. H. 1918. Notes on miscellaneous endoparasites. Proc. Royal Soc. Queensland, 30: 209-218. / (T); one form in waterfowl (Australia) . Johnston, T. H., & L. M. Angel. 1941. The life history of Echinostoma revolutum in South Australia. Tr. Royal Soc. South Australia, 65: 317-322. / (T). Johnston, T. H., & L. M. Angel. 1949. The life cycle of the trema- tode Echinoparyphium ellisi, from the black swan. Rec. South Australia Mus., 9: 247-254. / (T); (Australia). Johnston, T. H., & L. M. Angel. 1951. The morphology and life cycle of the trematode, Apatemon intermedius , from the black swan. Tr. Royal Soc. South Australia, 74: 66-78. / (T); (Australia). Johnston, T. H., & E. R. Cleland. 1937. Larval trematodes from Australian terrestrial and freshwater molluscs. Part I. A survey of literature. Tr. & Proc. Royal Soc. South Australia, 61: 191-201. / (T); reports one helminth from waterfowl. Johnston, T. H., & S. J. Edmonds. 1948. Australian Acanthocephala , No. 7. Tr. Royal Soc. South Australia, 72: 69-7 6. / (A); Poly- morphus biziurae sp. n., description, life cycle. Johnston, T. H., & P. M, Mawson. 1941a. Additional nematodes from Australian birds. Tr. Royal Soc. South Australia, 65: 254-262. / (N); Tetrameres biziurae sp . n . , T. australis sp. n. , Physaloptera sp. , in waterfowl . 121 Johnston, T. H., & P. M . Mawson. 1941b. Ascaroid nematodes from Australian birds. Tr. Royal Soc. South Australia, 65: 110-115. / (N); includes 3 helminths in waterfowl. Johnston, T. H., & P. M. Mawson. 1942. Some avian nematodes from Tailem Bend, South Australia. Tr. Royal Soc. South Australia, 66: 71-73. / (N); 3 helminths in waterfowl; Echinuria querquedulae sp. n, Johnston, T. H,, & P. M. Mawson. 1945. Capillariid nematodes from South Australian fish and birds. Tr. Royal Soc. South Australia, 69: 243-248. / (N); Capillaria ellisi sp. n. in black swan. Johnston, T. H., & P. M. Mawson. 1947. Some avian and fish nema- todes, chiefly from Tailem Bend, South Australia. Rec . South Australian Mus., 8: 547-553. / (N); Amidostomum biziurae sp. n . , one other helminth in waterfowl . Johnston, T. H., & P. M. Mawson. 1949. Some nematodes from Australian hosts, together with a note on Rhabditis allgeni. Tr. Royal Soc. South Australia, 73: 63-71. / (N); Tetrameres fissispina in waterfowl . Johnston, T. H., & P. M. Mawson. 1952. Some nematodes from Australian birds and mammals. Tr . Royal Soc. South Australia, 75: 30-37. / (N); Tetrameres australis , description. Johnston, T. H., & P. M. Mawson. 1953. Parasitic nematodes and trematodes from Campbell and Auckland Islands (Cape Expedition). Rec. Dominion Mus., New Zealand, 2: 63-71. / (N); Contracaecum microcephalum in duck. Johri, G.N. 1960. Anew paruterinid cestode, Lallum magniparuterina gen. et sp. nov. from the intestine of a common teal, Nettion crecca Linn. Parasitology, 50: 269-272. / (C); (India). Johri, L. N. 1934. Report on a collection of cestodes from Lucknow (U. P., India). Rec. Indian Mus., 36: 153-177. / (C); includes 3 forms from waterfowl. Johri, L.N. 1939. On two new species of Diorchis (Cestoda) from the Indian Columbiformes . Rec. Indian Mus., 41: 121-129. / (C); tabular summary of genus Diorchis; Diorchis lintoni nom. n . (synonym D. acuminata of Linton, 1927) , D . ransomi nom. n. (synonym D . acuminata of Ransom , 1909). 122 Jones, M. F. 1930a. Untitled note: life cycle of Raillietina cesticillus. J. Parasitol., 16: 164-165. / (C); (USA). Jones, M. F. 1930b. Untitled note: new records for bird cestodes. Soc . Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 16: 159. / (C); one waterfowl record (USA) . Jones, M. F. 1931. Untitled note: second record of cestodes from under the gizzard lining of a duck. Soc. Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 18: 46. / (C); (USA). Jones, M. F. 1932. Additional notes on intermediate hosts of poultry- tapeworms. Soc. Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 18: 307. / (C); intermediate hosts of Raillietina cesticillus (USA). Jones, M. F. 1936. Metroliasthes lucida, a cestode of galliform birds, in arthropod and avian hosts. Proc Helminth. Soc. Wash., 3: 2 6-30. / (C); life cycle (USA). Joyeux, C. 1922a. Recherches sur le tenias des Anseriformes . Develop- pement larvaire d'Hymenolepis parvula Kow. chez Herpobdella octoculata (L.) (Hirudinee) . Bull. Soc Path. Exot. , 15: 46-51. / (C); life history, experimentally in ducks (France). Joyeux, C. E. 1922b. Recherches sur les notocotyles. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. , 15: 331-343. / (T); two forms in waterfowl, life history of Notocotylus attenuatus (France) . Joyeux, C. 1929. Precede pour rechercher les cysticercoides des petits crustaces. Ann. Parasitol., 7: 112-115. / (C); microcrustacea containing cysticercoids eaten by snails, cysticercoids survive in snail, infective to ducks; snails concentrate cysticercoids; two cestodes experimentally in ducks from snails (France). Joyeux, C. 1931. [Advance separate, 1930.] Sur quelques helminthes recoltes dans la region de Villers-sur-Mer. Bull. Soc. Linn. Norm., (1930), s. 8, 3: 7-12. / (N,C); includes 5 forms in water- fowl (France) . Joyeux, C. 1936. Recherches helminthologiques dans la region de Marseille. Rev. Parasitol. Clin. Lab., Habana, 2: 413-419. [Eng. & Span, summaries] / (A,T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl (France). Joyeux, C, & J. G. Baer. 1927. Note sur les Cyclocoelidae (Trema- todes) . Bull. Soc. Zool . France, 52: 416-434. / (T); review of family, generic diagnoses, checklist of species, synonymy, hosts; lists 6 species in waterfowl. 123 Joyeux, C, & J. G. Baer. 1928. Note sur quelques helminthes recoltes en Macedoine. Bull. Soc . Path. Exot,, 21: 214-220. / (A,C); includes 3 forms in waterfowl. Joyeux, C, & J. G. Baer. 1936a. Cestodes. Faune de France, Fed. Fran9. Soc. So. Nat., (30), 613 p. / (C); forms reported from animals occurring in France; some descriptions, life histories, host-parasite list, keys; lists 90 cestodes of waterfowl. Joyeux, C., & J. G. Baer. 1936b. Recherches biologiques sur la ligule intestinale; reinfestation parasitaire. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 121: 67-68. / (C); life cycle; host immune to rein- fection for 20 days (France) . Joyeux, C., & J. G. Baer. [1939.] Sur quelques cestodes de galliformes. Trav. Station Zool . Wimereux, 13 (1938): 369-389. / (C); reports Raillietina cesticillus in duck (France). Joyeux, C., & J. G. Baer. 1942. Recherches sur revolution de la ligule intestinale. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille, 2: 1-32. / (C); life cycle, experimentally in duck (France). Joyeux, C., & J. G. Baer. 1950. Sur quelques especes nouvelles ou peu connues du genre Hymenolepis Weinland, 1858. Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc. Nat., 73: 51-70. / (C); Hymenolepis bisacculina in swans, description (Sweden, Switzerland) Joyeux, C., J. G. Baer, & R. Martin. 1936. Sur quelques cestodes de la Somalie-Nord. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., 29: 82-96. / (C); includes one form in waterfowl. Joyeux, C., J. G. Baer, & J. Timon-David. 1932. Le developpement du trematode Brachylaemus (Brachylaemus) nicolli (Witenberg) . Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 109: 464-466. / (T); (France). Joyeux, C., J. G. Baer, & J. Timon-David. 1934. Recherches sur les trematodes du genre Brachylaemus Dujardin (syn. Harmostomum Braun). Bull. Biol. France et Belgique, 68: 385-418. / (T); life history of Brachylaemus fuscatus (France) . Joyeux, C., & Truong-Tan-Ngoc . 1950. Les cestodes de quelques oiseaux de basse-cour dans la region de Cholon (Viet-Nam) . Rev. d'Elevage et Med. Vet. Pays Trop. , n.s. 4: 67-69. / (C); reports at least 5 forms in waterfowl. 124 Kagan, I.G. 1950. The life history of Neoleucochloridium problematicum (Magath, 1920) new comb. (Trematoda: Brachylaemidae) . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 36(6, Sec. 2): 15. / (T); (USA). Kagan, I. G. 1951. Aspects in the life history of Neoleucochloridium problematicum (Magath, 1920) new comb, and Leucochloridium cyanocittae Mcintosh, 1932 (Trematoda: Brachylaemidae). Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 70: 2 81-318. / (T); (USA). Kagan, I.G. 195 2a. Further contributions to the life history of Neoleucochloridium problematicum (Magath, 1920) new comb. (Trematoda: Brachylaemidae). Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 71: 20-44. / (T); (USA). Kagan, I.G. 1952b. Revision of the subfamily Leucochloridiinae Poche, 1907 (Trematoda: Brachylaemidae). Am. Midland Nat. , 48: 257-301. / (T); lists Neoleucochloridium flavum (synonym Leucochloridium insigne) in waterfowl (Mexico). Kalantarian, E. V. 1924. K poznaniiu trematod ptits okrestnostei g. Erivani. (Contribution a 1' etude des trematodes des oiseaux des environs d'Erivan.) Trudy Trop . Inst. Armenii, 1: 74-75. [Armen . summary p. 31, Fr. summary p. 7] / (T); includes 2 forms in water- fowl (Armenia) . Kalmbach, E. R., & D. R. Coburn. 1937. Disease factors in reported cases of starvation in waterfowl. Tr. 2. North Am. Wildlife Conf . , p. 404-410. / (N,A,C,T); variety of factors responsible for deaths of ducks, severe parasitism present (USA). Kapitonov, V. I. 1959. [Biology of the eider of the Kandalaksha Gulf.] Trudy Nauch. Issled. Inst. Sel'skokhoz. Krain. Severs., 9: 216- 2 37. [Russ. text] / (T); mass loss of young Somateria sp. due to helminths, evidently Renicola somateriae (N. Russia). Karel, R. 1953. Parasitarni invase u kachen v Bmenskem kraji. Veterinarstvi, Brno, 3(2): 29-30. / (N,A,C); includes 5 forms in waterfowl (Czechoslovakia) . Karlovic , M., S. Richter, & Z. Aleraj . 1960. Streptokaroza japanskih gusaka (Sygnopsis sygnoides L.). (Streptocarosis in the japonese geese (Sygnopsis sygnoides L.).) Vet. Arhiv, Zagreb, 30: 7-12. [Croatian text; Eng . & Fr. summaries] / (N); Streptocara pectinifera cause of death (Yugoslavia) . 125 Karmanova , E. M . 1956. Rasshifrovka biologicheskogo tsikla nematody Hystrlchis tricolor Dujardin, 1945 - parazita domashnikh i dikikh utok . [An interpretation of the biological cycle of the nematode Hystrlchis tricolor Dujardin, 1845, a parasite of domestic and wild ducks.] Doklady AN SSSR, 111: 245-247. [Russ. text] / (N); (Georgia SSR) . Karmanova, E. M. 1959a. K biologii nematod podotrf^da Dioctophymata (Skrjabin, 1927) . [The biology of the nematodes of the suborder Dioctophymata (Skrjabin, 1927).] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, p. 148-151. [Russ. text.] / (N); includes life cycle of Hystrlchis tricolor. Karmanova, E. M. 195 9b. Biologiia nematody Hystrlchis tricolor Dujardin, 1845 1 nekotorye svedeniia po epizootologii gistrlkhoza utok. [Biology of Hystrlchis tricolor Dujardin, 1845 and some information on the epizootiology of hystrichiasis of ducks.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 9: 113-125. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Karmanova, E. M . 1960a. K revizii roda Hystrlchis (Dujardin, 1845) (Dioctophymata, Nematoda) . [On revision ot the genus Hystrlchis (Dujardin, 1845) (Dioctophymata, Nematoda),] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 10: 112-116. [Russ. text] / (N); Hystrlchis wedll, H. varlspinosus , H. orlsplnus , and H. neglectus believed larval forms of H. tricolor. 3 valid species reported in waterfowl. Karmanova, E. M. 1960b. K poznanlfu fauny gel'mlntov oligokhety - Criodrilus lacuum. [On knowledge of the helminth fauna of an oligochaete -- Criodrilus lacuum.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 10: 117-123. [Russ. text] / (N,T); intermediate host of Hystrlchis tricolor, Petaslger coronatus , Porrocaecum crassum (USSR). Karmanova, E. M. 1962. Obnaruzhenie tsistitserkoida Aploparaksis furcigera (Rud . , 1819) v oligokhetakh Kazakhstana . [The detection of cystlcercolds of Aploparaksis furcigera (Rud., 1819) in oligochaeta of Kazakhstan.] Trudy Gel'mint . Lab. AN SSSR, 12: 25-26. [Russ. text] / (C); in body cavity of Lumbrlculus variegatus . Karokhln, V. I. 1935. Krovoizlii^nie i vospalenie v oblasti lokalizatsil Streptocara crassicauda (Creplin, 182 9). [Extravasation and inflam- mation in the region of localization of Streptocara crassicauda (Creplin, 1829).] Trudy Gosudarstv. Vet. Inst. Troitsk., 1: 137- 140. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). 126 Kasimov, G. B. 1952. Gel'mintofauna okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits otriada kurinykh . [Helminth fauna of game birds of the order Galli- formes.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. Lenin) [Russ. text]/ See Kasimov, 1956. Kasimov, G. B. 1956, Gel'mintofauna okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits otriada kurinykh. [Helminth fauna of game birds of the order Galli- formes.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 554 p. [Russ. text] / (N,A,T); monograph; description of each species reported in gallinaceous birds, hosts, habitat, distribution, citations; reports 2 8 species also in waterfowl. Kasimov, G. B., S. M. Vaidova, & N. A. Feizullaev. 1958. Trematody ptits nizmennoT chasti Lenkoranskoi zony Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. [Trematodes of birds in the Lenkoran lowland of Azerbaidzhan SSR.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. , AN SSSR, (195 8), p. 64. [Russ. text] / (T); general remarks; incidence higher in wild than in domestic birds . Kasimov, G. B., S. M . Vaidova, & N. A. Feizullaev. 1962. Lenkoran zonasy, Mugan ve Mil duzu gushlarynyun sorutsu gurdbary - Trema- toda . [Trematodes of birds of the Lenkoran zone, Mugan and Mill steppes of Azerbaidzhan.] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Azerbaidzhan. SSR, 22: 73-102. [Azerb. text, Russ. summary] / (T); reports 19 species in waterfowl; Echinostoma grandis included. Kasimov, G. B., S. M. Vaidova, & N. A, Feizullaev. 1963. Fauna i ekologiia trematod ptits LenkoranskoY zony i Murganskoi stepi Azerbaidzhana. [Fauna and ecology of trematodes of birds of the Lenkoran zone and Murgan steppe of Azerbaidzhan.] Materialy Nauch. Sess. Gel'mint, Respub. Zakavkaz. Vopr. Gel'mintofauny i Bor'by Gel'mintoz. Cheloveka , Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn, i Rastenii (Tbilisi, 1961), p, 84-92. [Russ. text] / (T); 21 species reported in waterfowl; including Echinostoma chloropodis, E. sarcinum, first reports in ducks. Katsurada, F. 1914. Studien liber Trematodenlarven bei Siisswasserfis- chen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Elb- und Alsterfische . Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Grig., 73: 304-314. / (T); Paracoenogonimus ovatus sp. n., life cycle (Germany). Kauker, E. (1941.) Enzootien unter Wassergeflilgel durch Echinuria uncinata. Deutsche Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 49: 609-612. / (N); severe mortality in ducks and geese (Poland). 127 Kauker, E. 1943. Geflugelkrankheiten im Warthegau. Deutsche Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 51(7-8): 64-66. (Tierarztl. Rundschau, 49). / (N); waterfowl mortality due to Tetrameres fissispinus (Germany) . Kazlauskas, J. [I960.] Naujos z^sy trematody rusys . (New species of geese trematodes .) Acta Parasitol. Lithuanica , 2, 1959: 39-41. [Russ. text, Eng. and Lith. summaries] / (T); Notocotylus imbrlcatus and Psilotrema oligoon, descriptions (Lithuania). Kazlauskas, J. 1962. Materialy po gel'mintofaune guse! v Litovskoi SSR. (Data on the helminthofauna of geese in the Lithuanian SSR.) Acta Parasitol. Lithuanica, 4: 175-177. [Russ. text, Eng. & Lith. summaries] / (N,C,T); examined 109 domestic geese, reports 16 helminths . Keithly, J. S., & M. J. Ulmer. 1965, Experimental development of cystacanths of Polymorphus sp. in the amphipod. Hyalella azteca . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 51(2, sec. 2): 60. / (A); (USA). Kessler, E. 1932. Bilharziose du canard par Bilharziella polonica . Thfese Vet., Paris, 46 p. / (T). Keymer, I. F., J. H. Rose, W. N. Beesley, & S. F. M. Davies. 1962. A survey and review of parasitic diseases of wild and game birds in Great Britain. Vet. Rec, 74: 887-894 ./ (N , A, C,T); parasites caused death of 6.7% of 2044 wild birds (not a random sample); refers to 11 helminths in waterfowl (Great Britain) . Khalil, M., & E. G. Vogelsang. 1932. On some nematode parasites from South American animals. Zentralbl. Bakt. 1 Abt., Grig., 123: 477-485. / (N); one helminth in waterfowl (Germany - Zool. Garden). Khan, D. 1960. Studies on larval trematodes infecting freshwater snails in London (U.K.) and some adjoining areas. Part 1. Echinostome cercariae. J. Helminth. , 34: 277-304. / (T); Cercaria essexensis sp. n. , intermediate hosts (England). Khan, D. 1962a. Studies on larval trematodes infecting freshwater snails in London (U.K.) and some adjoining areas. Part VI. The cercariae of the "vivax" group and the life history of Cercaria bushiensis n . sp. (=Cyathocotyle bushiensis n . sp.) . J. Helminth. , 36: 67-94. / (T); Cyathocotyle bushiensis sp. n. experimentally in duckling (England) . 128 Khan, D. 1962b. The life history of Hypoderaeum essexensis n. sp. , the adult of Cercaria essexensis Khan, 1960. J. Helminth., 36: 95-106. / (T); description and life history, experimentally in duckling (England) . Kharchenko, O. N. 1958. K voprosu o patologogistologicheskikh izmenenii^kh pri gimenolepidozakh domashnikh utok . [On the question of the pathohistological changes during hymenolepidiasis of domestic ducks .] [Abstr.] TezisyDokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 162-164. [Russ. text] / (C); description of pathological changes in 15 infected ducks (USSR). Kharchenko, O. N. 1960. K voprosu o gel' mintonositel' stve domashnikh utok pri gimenolepidoze. (On the problem of helminth-carriers among ducks affected by hymenolepidosis .) Helminthologia , 2: 249-253. [Russ. text; Ger. , Eng . , Fr. summaries] / (C); destrob- ilization in winter, growth and release of eggs in summer by ces- todes, periodicity maintained during 3 years of isolation from reinfection. Khaziev, G. Z. 1963. Novaia trematoda ptits Leucochloridiomorpha skrjabini sp. nov. [New trematode of birds Leucochloridiomorpha skrjabini sp. nov.] Gel'minty Cheloveka , Zhivotn. iRast., k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 136-137. [Russ. text] / (T); in waterfowl (Bashkiria). Khaziev, G. Z. 1964. Gel'minty vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Bashkirii, dinamika vyzyveemykh imi zabolevaniY i gel'mintologicheskoe obsledovanie vodoemov. [Helminths of aquatic birds of Bashkiria, dynamics of the agents of their diseases, and helminthological investigation of reservoirs .] Avtoref. Kand. Diss., Moskva, 23 p. [Russ. text] KholodkovskiT, N. A. 1912. Ob'iasnitcl'nyi katalog kollektsii parazit- nykh chervei zoologicheskago kabineta Imperatorskoi Voenno-Medi- tsinskoi Akademii . Vypusk I. Tsiepni (Cyciophyllidea) . [Explana- tory catalogue of the collection of parasitic worms of the zoological department of the Imperial Academy of Military Medicine. Sect. 1, Cyciophyllidea.] St. Petersburg, 96 p. [Russ. text] / (C); includes 12 forms from waterfowl (USSR) . Kholodkovskii, N. A. 1916. Ob 'lasnitel'nyi katalog parazitnykh chervei zoologicheskago kabineta Imperatorskoi Voenno-Meditsinskoi Akad- emii. Vypusk II. Chast I. Lentetsy (Pseudophyllidea) i odinochnyi^ lentochnyia glisty (Cestodaria) . [Explanatory catalog of the parasitic worms in the zoological department of the Imperial Academy of Military Medicine. Section II. Part I. Pseudophyllidea and Cestodaria.] 129 In: Kholodkovskii & Kostylev, 1916, Petrograd , p. 3-45. [Russ. text] / (C); includes 2 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Khokhlova, I.G. 1966a. Akantotsefaly ptits Chukotki. [Acanthocephala of birds of Chukotka.] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 245-259. [Russ. text] / (A); reports 8 forms in waterfowl; description of Polymorphus diploinflatus , first report of Corynosoma phalacrocoracis in ducks . Khokhlova, I.G. 1966b. K faune i morfologii akantotsefal ptits nizov'ia Enisei^ i Noril'skikh ozer. [The fauna and morphology of acanth- ocephala of birds of the lower Yenisei and Norilsk Lake.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 260-276. [Russ. text] / (A); reports 6 species from waterfowl; descriptions of Polymorphus magnus, P_, strumosoides , P . trochus (Tamyr) . Khuan Shen-i. 19 60. K faune nematod domashnikh i okhotnich'e-promy- slovykh ptits Khabarovskogo kraia . [On the nematode fauna of domestic and economically important birds of Khabarovsk Territory.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1960), p. 145. [Russ. text] / (N); summary of study, mentions 4 helminths . Khuan Shen-i. 19 61a. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh i okhotnich'e-promy- slovykh ptits nizhnego Amura . [Helminth fauna of domestic and commercially important birds of the lower Amur.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk, Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR [Russ. text]/See Khuan Shen-i, 1961b, 1962a. Khaun Shen-i. 1961b. K gel'mintofaune domashnikh ptits Khabarovskogo kraia. [The helminth fauna of domestic birds in the Khabarovsk region.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 303-308. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 78 geese, 46 ducks; reports 22 helminths (USSR) Khuan Shen-i. 19 61c. Tetrameres ryjikovi. novyi vid nematody ot gusinykh ptits. [Tetrameres ryjikovi. a new species of trematode from anserine birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 314-318. [Russ. text] / (N); (Khabarovsk). Khuan Shen-i. 19 61d. PervyT sluchai obnaruzheniia na territorii SSSR trematody Zygocotyle lunatum (Diesing, 1835). [The first case of the finding of the trematode Zygocotyle lunatum (Diesing, 1835) in the territory of the USSR.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 319- 321. [Russ. text] / (T); (Khabarovsk). 130 KhuanShen-i. 1962a. Gel'mintofauna okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits nizhnego Amura . [Helminth fauna of commercially important birds of the lower Amur.] Trudy Gel 'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 12: 284-300. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 240 ducks, reports 98 helminths; Psilotrema acutirostris , Amphipetrovia inflatocirrosa , Echinocotyle singhi , Anomotaenia citrus, listed but not described (Khabarovsk). Khuan Shen-i. 1962b. Novye i redkie vidy gel'mintov okhotnich'e- promyslovykh ptits nizhnego Amura. [New and rare species of helminths of commercially important birds of the lower Amur.] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 12: 301-316. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); 7 species in waterfowl; Levinseniella belopolskoi sp. n. , Bisaccan- thes bisaccata orientalis subsp. n. , Prosthogonimus macrorchis, Notocotylus dafilae, Cyathocotyle fusa (Khabarovsk). Kibakin, V. V. 1962. K izuchenifu gel'mintofauny domashnikh ptits v Turkmenii. [On the study of the helminth fauna of domestic birds in Turkmenistan.] Izvest. AN Turkmen. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, (5): 93-94. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); reports 5 species in waterfowl. Kibakin, V. V. 1965. Gel'minty ptits Gasan-Kuliiskogo zapovednika. [Helminths of birds of Gasan-Kuliisk Preserve.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesofuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 1, p. 108-111. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); lists 39 helminths from waterfowl; includes Cosmocephalus obvelatus magnus , first report from waterfowl (USSR). Kilias, R. , & W. Frick. 1964. Die Zwischenwirtschnecken wichtiger einheimischer Haus- und Nutztierhelminthen. 11 Teil. Vorkommen und Entwicklung der Helminthen und kritische Betrachtung ihrer Schnecken- zwischenwirte. Angew. Parasitol., 5: 13-45. [Eng. & Russ. sum- maries] / (T); includes summaries of life histories of 16 helminth parasites of waterfowl. Kingscote, A. A. 1947. Rep. Dept. of parasitology and fur-bearing animals. Ontario Vet. College Rep., 1946-47, p. 33. / (N); Trichostrongylus tenuis in domestic geese (Canada). Kingscote, A. A. 1951. A note on Ribeiroia ondatrae Price, 1931 (Trematoda). J. Parasitol., 37:324. / (T); reports 2 helminths in geese (Canada) . Kirii^k, E. 1960. K poznaniiu lentochnykh chervei (Cestodes) u ptits Rumynskoi Narodnoi Respubliki. [On the study of cestodes of birds in the Rumanian People's Republic] Rev. Biol. Acad. Republ. Pop. Roumaine, 5: 373-391. [Russ. text] / (C); includes 2 forms in waterfowl . 131 Kiseliene [Kiselene] , V. K. 1965. Parazitologicheskoe issledovanie mollfuskov, ispoi'zuemykh v kachestve korma dlfa domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Parasitological investigation of moUusks, used as food by domestic waterfowl.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf . Vsesofuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch . 2, p. 118-121. [Russ. text] / (T); molluskan hosts of 3 waterfowl helminths; shows rela- tionship of depth and parasite infections in mollusks (Lithuania) . Kiseliene [Kiselene] , V. 1966. K voprosu gel'mintologicheskoi otsenki vodoemov, ispoi'zuemykh dlia vyrashchivaniia domashnikh vodoplava- iushchikh ptits. (On the helminthological evaluation of water basins used for the growth of domestic water fowl.) Acta Parasitol. Lith- uanica, 6: 71-83. [Russ. text, Lith. and Eng . summaries] / (T,C); gives molluskan hosts of 21 helminths reported from waterfowl (Lithuania) . Kisielewska, K. 1955. Badania nad rozwojem larw Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch) w zywicielu posrednim. (Investigations on the development of larves of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch) in the intermediate host.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 3: 397-428. [Pol. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (C); rate of development affected by temperature, location in host, size of population in host, species, age, and sex of host (Poland). Kisielewska, K. 1957. O zjawiskach obumierania larw Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch) w niektorych zywicielach posrednich. (On phenomenon of dying away of larvae of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch) in some intermediate hosts.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica , 5: 193-210. [Pol. text, Eng. summary] / (C); cysticercoids frequently die in intermediate host; death related to species, age, and sex of host, season (Poland). Kisielewska, K. 1959. Types of copepoda and Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch) host-parasite systems established experimentally. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 7: 371-392. [Pol. summary] / (C); relation of larvae to intermediate hosts — sex, age, and species of host, stage in reproductive cycle of host, climate; effect on mortality of host (Poland) . Kler, V. O.; see Clerc , V. Kluge, J. P. 1967. Avian parasitic (Sarconema eurycerca) pancarditis. Bull. Wildlife Dis. Ass., 3: 114-117. / (N); cause of death in swan; description of lesions (USA) . 132 Knudsen, E. 1966. Amidostomiasis og acuariasis hos svtammefugle. [Amidostomiasis and acuariasis in web-footed birds.] Nord . Veterinaermed . , 16: 38-43. [Dan. text, Eng . &Ger. summaries] / (N); review; pathology, biology, incidence (Denmark). Kobayashi, H. 1927. On the life-history of the Qxyspirura mansoni and pathological changes in the conjunctiva and the ductus lacry- malis caused by this worm. Tr. Japan. Path. Soc . , 17: 239-242. / (N); (Japan). Kobulej , T. 195 6. Beitrage zur Biologic des Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800). Acta Vet., Acad. Sc. Hungaricae, 6: 429-449. / (N); embryonal development to infective stage. Kobulej, T. 1959. Ueber die parasitische Phase der postembryonalen Entwicklung von Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800). Acta Vet., Acad. Sc. Hungaricae, 9: 243-260. / (N); life cycle (Hungary). Kohn, E.G. 1921. Tierische Parasiten der Haustiere Nordwestserbiens (Mit besonderer Berilcksichtigung der Myiasis.) Wien. Tierarztl. Monatschr. , 8: 33-42. / (C); includes one form in waterfowl (Yugoslavia) . Komiya , Y. 1938, Die Entwicklung des Exkretionssystems einiger Trematodenlarven aus Alster und Elbe, nebst Bemerkungen uber ihren Entwicklungszyklus . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 10: 340-385. / (T); life cycles of Cotylurus cornutus, Paracoenogonimus viviparae (Germany) . Komiya, Y. , &S. Kondo. 1951. Anas domestica as a definitive host and Ophicephalus argus as a second intermediate host of Clonorchis sinensis. Jap. Med. J., 4: 157-161. / (T); natural and experimental infections in duck (China) . Komiya, Y. , & K. Murase. 1952. On the distribution of various meta- cercariae of trematodes within the fish body. Jap. J. Med. Sc . Biol., 5: 2 77-2 92. / (T); includes 2 helminths of waterfowl (Japan). Konno, S., & J. Yamashita. 1957. Morphological complement to the rostellar hook in Elaploparaxis japonensis Yamaguti, 1935. Japan. J. Vet. Res., 5: 81-82. / (C); in waterfowl (Japan). Kopyrin, A. V. 1946. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh gusei luzhnoT chasti Omskoi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic geese of the southern part of the Omsk oblast.] Gel'mint. Sbom. 40-Let. Deiatel'nost . Skrjabin, p. 146-148. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 145 geese, found at least 10 helminths (W, Siberia). 133 Komiushin, V. V. 1964. K faune tsestod ptits otriada Anseres Cherno- morskogo poberezh'ia. [On the cestode fauna of birds of the order Anseriformes of the Chernomorsk coast.] Materialy Nauchn, Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1964), ch. 1, p. 188-190. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR - Crimea). Korovaev, N. M. 1957a. [Infestation of the nasal cavities of geese by leeches.] Sborn . Nauchn. Rabot Altaisk . Kraevoi Nauchn. -Issled . Vet. Stantsii, (1): 242-244. [Russ. text] / (H); causes 10-60% loss on some farms (USSR). Korovaev, N. M . 1957b. Slucha? parazitirovaniia piiavok Glossiphonia tessalata v nosovykh polostiakh gusei. [A case of parasitism by the leech Glossiphonia tessalata in the nasal cavities of geese.] Sborn. Nauchn. Rabot. Sibirsk. Zonal. Nauch . -Issled . Vet. Inst., (7): 161-162. [Russ. text] / (H); (USSR). Kosinova, V. G. 1965. O faune oligokhet priazov'ia Krasnodar skogo kraia i ikh spontannoi zarazhennosti lichinkami gel'mintov. [On the oligochaete fauna of the Azov area of Krasnodarsk Territory and its natural infections with larvae of helminths.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch . 2, p. 126-128. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); reports infections of 6 different helminths (S . Russia). Kossack, W. 1911a. Ueber Monostomiden . Inaugr .-Diss . , Albertus Univ. Konigsberg, Konigsberg i. Pr. , 32 pp. /See Kossack, 1911b. Kossack, W. 1911b. Uber Monostomiden. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. System., 31: 491-590. / (T); lists 9 forms in waterfowl; Hyptiasmus tumidus sp. n . , H . laevigatus sp . n . Kostylev, N. N. 1916. Ob'ihsnitel'nyi katalog parazitnykh cherveT zoologicheskago kabineta Imperatorskoi Voenno-Meditsinskol Akademii. Vyp . II. Chastll. Skrebni Acanthocephali . [Explanatory catalog of the parasitic worms of the zoological department of the Imperial Academy of Military Medicine. Section II. Part II. Acanth- ocephala.] In: KholodkovskiT, N. A. & N. N. Kostylev, 1916, Petrograd, p. 46-79. [Russ. text] / (A); includes at least 3 hel- minths in waterfowl (USSR) . Kostylev, N. N. 1922. Sur les acanthocephales de I'eider (Somateria mollissima) . Parasitology, 14: 372-377. / (A); Polymorphus phippsi sp . n . , description of Echinorhynchus pupa from type , Filicollis botulus (USSR). 134 Kostylev, N. N. 1926. Notes regarding v. Linstow's paper on the Acanthocephala of the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of URSS. Ezhegodnik Zool . Mus. Ross. AN, (1925), 26: 1-9 . / (A); Filicollis botulus (synonym Echinorhynchus polymorphus Westr. of Linstow, 1901). Kotecki, N. R. 1964a. Life cycle of Parabisaccanthes philactes (Schiller, 1951) Spassky et Reznik, 1963 in the intermediate host. Acta Parasitol. Polonica , 12: 373-378. [Pol. summary] / (C); intermediate hosts copepods; in swan (Poland) . Kotecki, N. R. 1964b. Cykl rozwojowy Parabisaccanthes philactes (Schiller, 1951) Czaplinski et Ryjikov, 1964, w zywicielu posrednim. [The developmental cycle of Parabisaccanthes philactes (Schiller, 1951) Czaplinski & Ryjikov, 1964, in the intermediate host.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 10: 547-548. [Eng . summary] / (C); experi- mental infection in Cyclops spp. Kotecki, N. R. 1967. The development of larvae of Wardoides nyrocae (Yamaguti, 1935) Spassky, 1962 in the intermediate hosts. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 14: 357-363. [Pol. summary] / (C); (Poland). Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1954a. Tsikl razvitiia vozbuditelia filikolleza domashnikh utok i epizootologiia vyzyvaemogo im zabolevaniia . [Life cycle of the agent of filicolliasis of the domestic duck and the epizootiology of the cause of their disease.] Diss. Kand . Vet. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS) [Russ. text]/See Kotel'nikov, 1954b, 1959a. Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1954b. Filikollez domashnikh utok. [Filicollis in the domestic duck.] Veterinariia, 31(6): 30-32. [Russ. text] / (A); Filicollis anatis , life cycle (USSR). Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1958, K biologii gimenolepidid utok Khabarovskogo kraia. [On the biology of hymenolepids of ducks in the Khabarovsk region.] [Abstr.] TezisyDokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 69. [Russ. text] / (C) ; gives intermediate hosts of 3 cestodes (S . Russia). Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1959a. Tsikl razvitiia skrebnia Filicollis anatis i voprosy epizootologii filikolloza utok. (The life cycle of Filicollis anatis (Acanthocephala) and observation on epizootiology of Filicollis infection in ducks.) Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 6: 7-19. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (A); (USSR). 135 Kotel'nikov, G. A. 195 9b. Gimenolepididy utok Khabarovskogo krai i ikh biologicheskie osobennosti. [Hymenolepis in ducks in Kaba- rovskiy kray and their biological peculiarities.] 10. Soveshch. Parazitol. Prob . , 2: 182-183. [Russ. text] / (C); lists 8 cestodes in ducks, gives life cycle of 4 of these (S . Russia). See Kotel'- nikov, 1961c. Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1960a. O stadiinosti v razvitii gimenolepidid . [Developmental stages of Hymenolepididae .] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1960), p. 57-59. [Russ. text] / (C); describes 3 larval stages in development. Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1960b. Tsikl razvitii^ tsestody - Fimbriaria amurensis sp. n. - parazita domashnikh utok. [The life cycle of the cestode Fimbriaria amurensis sp. n. , a parasite of domestic ducks.] Dok- lady AN SSSR, 130: 944-945. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR - Far East). Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1960c. Translation of Kotel'nikov, 1960b. Doklady AN SSSR, Transl. Biol. Sc . Sect., 130: 133-134. [Eng . translation] / (C). Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1961a. K biologii vozbuditelia ekhinostomaza utok Echinostoma robustum Jamaguti, 1935. [The biology of Echinostoma robustum Yamaguti, 1935 causing disease in domestic ducks.] Shorn. Nauchno-Tekhn. Inform. Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, (7/8): 29. [Russ. text] / (T); (S . Russia). Koternikov, G. A. 1961b. K izucheniiu biologii vozbuditelia ekhinurioza utok. [Biology of Echinuria uncinata from ducks.] Shorn. Nauchno- Tekhn. Inform. Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, (7/8): 30-33. [Russ. text] / (N); life cycle (USSR). Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1961c. Translation of Kotel'nikov, 1959b. 10. Conf. Parasitol. Prob., USSR, 2: 3 63-364. [Eng. translation] / (C) . Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1962a. Novoe v biologii vozbuditelia tetrameroza utok - Tetrameres fissispina (Diesing, 1861). [News on the biology of the causative agent of avian tetrameriasis , Tetrameres fissispina (Diesing, 1861).] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 9: 16-23. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Kotel'nikov, G . A. 1962b. Rol'dikikh ptits v zarazhenii gel'mintami domashnikh utok. [The role of wild birds in the spread of helminthiases among domestic ducks.] Veterinariia, 39(9): 3 8-40. [Russ. text] / (A,T); larval stages of waterfowl parasites in aquatic invertebrates, domestic ducks infected experimentally (USSR) . 136 Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1962c. Gel'mintologicheskaia otsenka vodoemov iuzhnogo Urala . [Helminthological evaluation of reservoirs of southern Ural.] Voprosy ekologii, 8, Kiev., p. 66-68. [Russ. text] Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1963a. Gel'mintologicheskaia otsenka vodoemov kak metod profilaktiki gel'mintozov ptitsy. [Helminthological evaluation of reservoirs as a method of prophylaxis of helminthiases in poultry.] Veterinariia , 40(12): 45-47. [Russ. text] Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1963b. Postembryonal'noe razvitie nekotorykh gimenolepidid domashnikh utok . [Postembryonal development of some hymenolepids of domestic ducks.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1963), ch. 1, p. 159-162. [Russ. text] / (C) . Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1963c. Rezervuarnyi parazitizm u gimenolepidid. [Reservoir parasitism in hymenolepids.] Problemy Parazitologii, Trudy 4. Nauchn. Konf. Parazitol. U[kr.] SSR, Kiev, p. 64-67. [Russ. text] / (C) . Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1964a. K poznaniiu sostava promezhutochnykh khoziaev tsestod domashnikh vodoplavafushchikh ptits . [Study of the composition of the intermediate hosts of cestodes of domestic waterfowl.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1964), ch. 1, p. 193-195. [Russ. text] / (C) . Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1964b. Gel'minty vodoplavafushchikh ptits i gel'- mintologicheskaia otsenka vodoemov Pskovskot oblasti . [Helminths of water birds and the helminthological evaluation of the bodies of water in Pskov Province.] Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 11: 92-102. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 164 domestic water- fowl, reports 32 helminths; comparison of 3 types of habitats (N. Russia) . Kotel'nikov, G. A. 1965. Razvitie tsestod roda Fimbriaria Froelich, 1802 . [Development of cestodes of the genus Fimbriaria Froelich, 1802.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 3, p. 136-141. [Russ. text] / (C); Fimbriaria kubanika sp. n. description and life history (no figures); life history of £. fasciolaris (USSR). Kotlan, A., & W. L. Chandler. 1925. A newly recognized fluke disease (prosthogonimiasis) of fowls in the United States. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., n.s. 20, 67: 7 56-7 63. / (T); in duck (USA). 137 Kotova, E. I. 1939. Fauna lichinochnykh form trematod r. Kliaz'my. [Larval trematode fauna of the Klyazma River.] Zapiski Bolshevsk. Biol. Stantsii, (11): 75-106. [Russ. text, Fr. summary] / (T); includes one form in waterfowl (USSR) . Kovalenko, 1. I. 1960a. Izuchenie tsiklov razvitiia nekotorykh gel'- mintov domashnikh utok, vyrashchivaemykh v khoziaistvakh na Azovskom poberezh'e. [A study of life cycles of some helminths of domestic ducks, raised on farms along the Azov sea coast.] Doklady AN SSSR, 133: 1259-1261. [Russ. text] / (N,A); Poly- morphus magnus; Streptocara crassicauda and Tetrameres fissispina in marine fish as auxiliary hosts (USSR). See Kovalenko, 1961. Kovalenko, I.I. 1960b. [The epizootiology of Streptocara , Tetrameres, and Polymorphus infections of ducks reared on the coast.] Nauchnie Trudi Ukrainsk. Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 27: 34-38. [Ukr. text] / (N,A); intermediate and auxiliary hosts (S. Russia). Kovalenko, I. I. 1961. Translation of Kovalenko, 1960a. Doklady AN SSSR, Transl. Biol. Sc . Sect., 133: 597-598. [Eng. translation]/ (N,A). Kovalenko, I. I., & A. A. Khalchenko. 1964. [Helminths and helminth infections of waterfowl in Dnepropetrovsk region.] Veterinariya , Kiev, (1): 81-84. [Ukr. test, Russ. summary] Kowalewski, M. 1896a. Materialy do fauny helmintologicznej pasorzy- tniczej polskiej 2. Sprawoz. Kom. Fizyogr. Akad. Umiej . Krakow, 31(2): 251-258. / (A,C,T); includes 12 helminths in waterfowl (Poland). Kowalewski, M. 1896b. Bilharzia polonica sp. nov. Sprostowania i uzupelnienia. (Studya helmintologiczne 4.) [Amendements et supple- ments au travail de I'auteur sur le Bilharzia polonica sp. nov. (Etudes helminthologiques. 4.)] Rozpr. Wydz. Matemat. -Przyr. Akad. Umiej. Krakow, 30, 2 s., 10: 34 5-3 56. / (T); (Poland). Kowalewski, M. 1896c. O przedstawicielach rodzaju Echinostomum Rud. (1809) u kaczki i kur/, oraz siow kilka w kwestyi syononimiki. (Sur les representants du genre Echinostomum Rud. (1809) chez la poule et le canard domestique, et quelques mots sur la question de la synonimie.) Kosmos, (1896), 21: 541-565. [Pol. text, Fr. summary] / (T); includes at least 3 helminths in waterfowl (Poland). Kowalewski, M. 1896d. Bilharzia polonica sp. nov. (Helminthologische Studien. 3. [Abstr.] Bull. Internat. Acad. Sc. Cracovie, CI. Sc . Math. etNat., (2), p. 63-72. / (T); (Poland). 138 Kowalewski, M. 1897a. [Advance separate 1895.] Bilharzia polonica sp. nov. (Studya helmintologiczne. 3.) Rozpr. Wydz. Matemat.- Przyr. Akad. Umiej . Krakow, 31, 2 s., 11: 41-70. [Pol. text, Ger. summary] / (T); first case of blood flukes in birds (Poland) . Kowalewski, M. [1897b.] Nuovi fatti concernenti la Bilharzia polonica M. Kow. Atti. Soc. Tosc. Sc. Nat., Pisa, (1895-97), Proc . Verb., 10: 198-200. / (T) . Kowalewski, M. 1898. Ueber Opisthorchis Pianae Galli-Valerio. Cen- tralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , 23: 751-752. / (T); synonym of Echinostomum conoideum . Kowalewski, M. 1899. [Preprint, 1898.] Przyczynek do blizszej zna- jomosci kilku przywr. (Studya helmintologiczne. 5.) [Contribution a I'etude de quelques trematodes. (Etudes helminthologiques . 5.)] Rozpr. Wydz. Matemat. -Przyr . Akad. Umiej. Krakow, 35, 2 s., 15: 106-164. / (T); reports 7 forms in waterfowl; Opisthorchis simulans comb . n . , O . simulans poturzycensis var . n . , O . xanthosoma compascua var. n. , O. crassiusculus janus var. n. , O. choledoca comb. n. (Poland). Kowalewski, M. 1901. O czterech gatunkach rodz . Trichosoma Rud . (Studya helmintologiczne. 6.) [On four species of the genus Trichosoma Rud. (Helminthological studies 6.)] Rozpr. Wydz. Matemat. -Przyr. Akad. Umiej. Krakow, 38, 2 s., 18: 268-285. [Pol . text] / (N) ; Trichosoma brevicolle in waterfowl (Poland) . Kowalewski, M. 1902a. Spis robakow pasorzytnych znalezionvch w ptactwie domowem, w Dublanach w ciagu lat 1894-1901. Przegl. Wet. Lwow, 17(1), 1 Stycznia, p. 5-6. / (N,C,T); includes 11 forms in waterfowl (Poland) . Kowalewski, M. 1902b. Materyaiy do fauny helmintologicznej pasor- zytniczej polskiej . 3. [Material for Polish helminthological para- sitic fauna. 3.] Sprawoz . Kom . Fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakow, 36(2): 21-30. / (N,C,T); includes 11 forms in waterfowl (Poland). Kowalewski, M. 1903. Studya helmintologiczne. 7. [Helminthological studies. 7.] Rozpr. Wydz. Matemat. -Przyr . Akad. Umiej. Krakow, 43, 3 s., V. 3, Dzial B, p. 194-218. / (C,T); reports 3 forms in waterfowl; Diploposthe suirgeneris sp . n . , Metorchis tener sp . n . (Poland) . 139 Kowalewski, M . 1905. [Preprint 1904 .] Materyaly do fauny helmintolo- gicznej pasorzytniczej polskiej . IV. [Materials for Polish helminth- ological parasitic fauna. 4.] Sprawoz. Fizyogr. Akad. Umiej . Kra- kow, 38, Cz. II, p. 18-26. [Pol. text] / (N,C,T); includes 14 forms in waterfowl (Poland) . Kowalewski, M. 1906. [Preprint 1905 .] Studya helmintologiczne , cz^s'c IX. O dwoch gatunkach tasiemcow rodzaju Hymenolepis Weinl. [Helminthological studies, part IX. On two species of tapeworms of the genus Hymenolepis Weinl.] Rozpr. Wydz. Matemat.-Przyr. Akad. Umiej. Krakow, 45, 3 s., v. 5, dz. B, p. 222-238. / (C); Hymenolepis arcuata, H. parvula , in ducks (Poland). Kowalewski, M. 1907. Studya helmintologiczne, czgs'c X. Przyczynek do blizszej znajanosci dwoch ptasich tasiemcow. [Helminthological studies, part 10. Contribution to the study of two cestodes of birds.] Rozpr. Wydz. Matemat.-Przyr. Polsk. Akad. Umiej. Krakow, 47, 3 s., V. 7, dz . B, p. 633-643. / (C); Hymenolepis compressa forma major forma n. , H. compressa forma minor forma n. (Poland) . Kowalewski, M. 1908. [Preprint 1907 .] Materyaiy do fauny helmint- ologiczne] pasorzytniczej polskiej. V. [Materials for a Polish helminthological parasite fauna. V.] Sprawoz. Kom. Fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakow, 42, Cz. II, p. 8-12. / (C,T); includes 5 forms in waterfowl (Poland) . Kozicka, J., & K. Niewiadomska . 1958. Life cycle of Paracoenogonimus viviparae (Linstow, 1877) Sudarikov, 1956 (Trematoda, Cyathocoty- lidae). Bull. Acad. Polon. Sc . , s. Sc. Biol., 6: 377-382. / (T) ; (Poland) . Kraneveld, F. C, & J. B. Douwes . 1940. Aanvullende lijst van voor Nederlandsch Indie nieuwe parasitaire wormen bij zoogdieren en vogels. Nederl.-Ind. Blad . Diergeneesk, 52: 178-180. [Eng . , Fr. summaries] / (N,C); reports 2 helminths in domestic duck. Krasnolobova , T. A. 1956. K biologii razvitiia vozbuditelia zabolevaniia i^itsevoda kur Prosthogonjmus cuneatus Rudolph! , 1809 (Trematoda). [On the biology of development of the agent of a disease of the oviducts of chickens Prosthogonimus cuneatus Rudolphi, 1809 (Trema- toda).] Doklady AN SSSR, 106: 165-168. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). Krasnolobova, T. A. [1959a.] K biologii Prosthogonimus pellucid us (Linst. 1873) - vozbuditelia prostogonimoza domashnikh ptits . [On the biology of Prosthogonimus pellucidus (Linst. 1873) - agent of prosthogonimiasis of domestic birds.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, p. 173-175. [Russ. text] / (T); life cycle (USSR) . 140 Krasnolobova, T. A. 1959b. Ob identichnosti Prosthogonimus pellucidus Llnstow, 1873 i prosthogonimus anatlnus Markow, 1902. (On the identity of Prosthogonimus pellucidus Linstow, 1873 and Prosth- ogonimus anatinus Markow, 1902.) Helminthologia, 1: 113-119. [Russ. text; Eng . & Ger. summaries] / (T); Prosthogonimus pellucidus and P_. anatinus identical, represent effect of different hosts (USSR). Krasnolobova, T. A. 1960. BiologiiS vozbuditeleY prostogonimozov domashnikh ptits . [Biology of Prosthogonimus from poultry.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1960), p. 59-60. [Russ. text] / (T) . Krasnolobova, T. A. 1961. [Life cycle of Prosthogonimus cuneatus (Rudolphi, 1809), a parasite of poultry.] Helminthologia, 3: 183- 192. [Russ. text; Eng., Fr. , Ger. summaries] / (T) . Krasnolobova, T. A. 1963. BiologicheskiY tsikl trematody Prosthogonimus pellucidus (Linstow 1873) vozbuditelfa zabolevaniia ptits . (The life cycle of the trematode Prosthogonimus pellucidus (Linstow, 1873), the agent of a disease of birds.) Helminthologia, 4: 217- 2 29. [Russ. text; Eng., Ger., Fr. summaries] / (T) . Krasnolobova, T. A. 1965. O vidakh roda Prosthogonimus Luhe, 1909, identichnykh Pr. macrorchis Macy, 1934. [On species of the genus Prosthogonimus Luhe, 1909, identical with Pr. macrorchis Macy, 1934.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 1, p. 131-133. [Russ. text] / (T) . Krause, R. 1914. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hemistominen . Zeitschr. Wissensch. Zool. , 112: 93-238. / (T); includes 3 forms in water- fowl . Kreis, H. A. 1953. Beitrage zur Kenntnis parasitischer Nematoden. XV. Ein neue Cyatho stoma -Art - Cyathostoma sarcidiornis n. sp. - aus der Trachea der Hockergans - Sarcidiornis melanota . Zen- tralbl. Bakt. lAbt., Orig . , 159: 371-377 ./ (N ,C); (Germany - Berlin Zoo) . Kreis, H. A. 1962. Neue helminthologische Untersuchungen in sch- weizerischen Tierparken, bei Haustieren und bei Tieren des Sch- weizerischen Nationalparkes . Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 104: 94-115. / (N,C); reports 6 forms in waterfowl (Switzerland). 141 Krotov, A. I. 1949. K faune gimenolepidid gusinykh ptits SSSR. [On the hymenolepid fauna of anseriform birds of the USSR.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 2: 99-109. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 144 waterfowl, reports 26 helminths; Diorchis abuladze sp. n. , D. mathevossianae sp . n . , D . tshanensis sp. n. , D . vigisi sp. n. , Dicranotaenia bisacculata sp. n. , Skrjabinoparaksis tatianae sp. n. (W. Siberia) . Krotov, A. I. 1951. Novye tsestody ot ptits. [New cestodes from birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 5: 130-137. [Russ. text] / (G); Diagonaliporus spasskyi sp. n. in duck (Sakhalin). Krotov, A. I. 1952. Novye tsestody (Hymenolepididae i Paruterinidae) ptits. [New cestodes (Hymenolepididae and Paruterinidae) of birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 6: 259-272. [Russ. text] / (C); includes 14 forms in waterfowl (Sakhalin) . Krotov, A. I. 195 3. Paraziticheskie chervi domashnikh i okhotnich'e- promyslovykh zhivotnykh Sakhalina. [Parasitic worms of domestic and economically important animals of Sakhalin.] Diss. Dokt. Vet. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS) . [Russ. text]/See Krotov, 1959. Krotov, A. I. [1954.] K pozaniiu fauny tsestod SSSR. [Study of cestode fauna of USSR.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 75-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, p. 326-339. [Russ. text] / (C); reports 3 forms in waterfowl; Dia- gonaliporus aecophilus comb. n. (synonym Lateriporus aecophilus) (Sakhalin). See Krotov, 1966. Krotov, A. I. 1955. Gel' mintogeograficheskii ocherk ostrova Sakhalina . [Helmintho-geographical outline of Sakhalin Island.] Tezisy Dokl. 8. Soveshch. Parazitol. Probl . , L., p. 81-82. [Russ. text] / (T); includes at least one form in waterfowl. Krotov, A. I. 195 9. Gel'mintofauna pozvonochnykh na ostrova Sakhalin. [Helminth fauna of vertebrates on Sakhalin.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Akad . Sel'skokhoz. Nauk Lenina, vyp. I, p. 98-102. [Russ. text] / (N,A,T); reports 10 forms in waterfowl. Krotov, A. I. 1966. Translation of Krotov, 1954. Contrib . Helminth. Commem. 75. Birthday Skrjabin , Isr. Program Scient. Trnsl., p. 328-342. [Eng. translation] / (C) . Krotov, A. I., & S. L. Deliamure . 1952. K faune paraziticheskikh chervei mlekopitaiushchikh i ptits SSSR. [On parasitic worms of mammals and birds of USSR.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab . AN SSSR, 6: 278-292 . [Russ. text] / (C); includes 3 forms in waterfowl (Sakhalin). 142 Krull, W. H. 1940. Notes on Typhlocoelum cymbium (Diesing, 1850); Cyclocoelidae. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 59: 290-293. / (T); morphology (USA). Ku, C.-T. 1937a. On a new trematode parasite from the Peking duck. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 12: 39-41. / (T); Echinostoma pekinensis sp. n. (China) . Ku, C.-T. 1937b. Two new trematodes of the genus Notocotylus , with a key to the species of the genus. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. , 12: 113-122 . / (T); Notocotylus orientalis sp. n. , N. anatis sp. n. , in waterfowl (China) . Ku, C.-T. 1938. New trematodes from Chinese birds . Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. , 13: 12 9-13 6 . / (T); Petasiger longicirratus sp. n. in duck; reports one other helminth also (China) . Ku, C.-T. 1940. Studies on the genus Prosthogonimus of the domestic duck in Kunming. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 15: 119-131. / (T); Prosthogonimus sinensis sp . n . , P . penni sp . n . , refers to 12 others in waterfowl (China) . Ku, C.-T. 1955. The discovery of Schistogonimus rarus (Braun, 1901) Liihe, 1909, (Trematoda) in China. Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica] , 7: 5 9-62. [Chin, text, Eng . summary] / (T) . Ku, C.-T. 1964. (A preliminary survey of trematodes and nematodes of poultry in eight cities of north and east China.) Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica], 16: 581-595. [Chin, text, Eng. summary] / (N,T); reports 13 helminths from domestic waterfowl; includes Heterakis parva , Tetrameres hagenbecki, first report from waterfowl. Ku, C.-T., & M.-M. Li. 1966. On four species of Opisthorchidae Trematoda from some summer birds in Bai Yang Dian, Hopei Province China. Tung Wu Hsiieh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica], 18: 28-31. [Chin, text, Eng. summary] / (T); reports 3 forms in waterfowl. Ku, C.-T., M.-M. Li, & H. Chu. 1964. [Study on the trematodes of the family Echinostomatidae Dietz, 1909 of domestic birds in Peking.] Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica], 16: 39-53. [Chin, text, Russ. summary] / (T); lists 12 forms in domestic waterfowl; Echin- oparyphium chinensis sp. n. in domestic duck (China). 143 Kucharova, F., M . Baltaf, & D. Zajicek. 1957. Nalez nekterych neobvyklych parasitu u kachen. (Incidence of some unusual strains of parasites in ducks.) Vet. Casopis, Bratislava, 6: 408-415. [Eng., Fr., Ger., & Russ. summaries] / (N,C,H); includes at least 3 helminths in ducks. Kuhlow, F. 1953. Beitrage zur Ent wicklung und Systematik heimischer Diphyllobothrium-Arten . Zeitschr. Tropenmed . u. Parasitol,, 4: 203-234. [Eng. summary] / (C);description of 5 species reared experimentally/ comparison of all species in birds; two reported from waterfowl, Kulachkova, V. G. 1953. Parazity gagi Kandalakshskogo zapovednika, ikh patogennoe znachenie i perspektivy bor'by s nimi . [Parasites of the common eider of the Kandalaksh preserve, their pathogenic importance and perspectives of control.] Diss. (LGU), 234 p.; Avtoref. Diss. (Biblioth. Lenin), 12 p. [Russ. text] / See Kulach- kova, 1954, 1957, 1958; Ryzhikov, 1960. Kulachkova, V. G. 1954. Zhiznenny" tsikl i patogennoe znachenie Paramonostomum alveatum (Mehlis, 1846), trematody gagi. [Life cycle and pathogenic importance of Paramonostomum alveatum (Mehlis, 1846), trematode of the eider.] Trudy Probl. i Tematich . Soveshch., AN SSSR, (4): 118-122. [Russ. text] / (T); life cycle in marine mollusks; cause of severe mortality in eiders (N . Russia). Kulachkova, V. G. 1957. Novyi vid pochechnykh sosal' shchikov Renicola mollissima nov. sp. iz obyknovennot gagi. (Eine neue Art der Nierentrematoden Renicola aus Somateria mollissima .) Trudy Leningrad. Obshch. Estestv. , 73, otdel. Zool., p. 198-203. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); most common in eiders two weeks old (N . Russia) . Kulachkova, V. G. 1958. Ekologo-faunisticheski? obzor parazitofauny obyknovennoi gagi Kandalakshokogo zaliva . [Ecologico-faunistic survey of the parasite fauna of the common eider of Kandalaksha Bay.] Trudy Kandalaksh. Gosudarstv. Zapovednika, (1): 103-160. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); reports at least 28 forms; Levinseniella somateriae sp. n. (N . Russia). Kulachkova, V. G. 1960. Gibel' ptentsov obyknovennoi" gagi i prichiny, ee vyzyvaiushchie . [Death of eider ducklings and its causes.] Trudy Kandalaksh. Gosudarstv. Zapovednika, (3): 91-107. [Russ. text] 144 Kulachkova, V. G. 1961. [The biology of the larval stages of Paramon- ostomum alveatum (Trematoda) , a dangerous parasite of the eider.] Trudy Karelsk. f il . AN SSSR, (30): 90-91. [Russ. text] / (T); change in feeding area with age restricts infection mostly to young eider ducklings . Kulachkova, V. G. 1964. [Infection of aquatic birds in the Gulf of Kandalaksha with trematodes of the family Microphallidae .] In: Lutta , A. S. [Natural focal occurrence of parasites and transmissable diseases in the Karelian SSR.] Izdat. "Nauka" , Moskva, p. 32-47. [Russ. text] / (T). Kulachkova, V. G. 1966. Trematody morianki (Clanqula hyemalis L.) kandalakshskogo zaliva belogo morfa . [Trematodes of old squaw (Clanqula hyemalis L.) of Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 82-87. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 54 ducks; reports 17 trematodes (N . Russia). Kulikov, V. v., A. K. Tsimbaliuk, & T. I. Baranova. 1965. Gel'mintolo- gicheskoe izuchenie biotsenoza litorali tikhogo okeana i dal'nevos- tochnykh moreT SSSR. III. Obnaruzhenie novykh dopolnitel'nykh i okonchatel'nykh khozi^ev trematody Himasthla militaris (Rudolphi, 1802) (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) . [Helminthological study of the biocoenosis of the littoral zone of the Pacific Ocean and Far Eastern seas of USSR. III. Discovery of new supplementary and definitive hosts of the trematode Himasthla militaris (Rudolphi, 1802) (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) .] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch . 3, p. 153-157. [Russ. text] / (T); in waterfowl; life cycle (Bering Sea). Kuntz, R. E., & A. C. Chandler. 1956. Studies on Egyptian trematodes with special reference to the heterophyids of mammals. I. Adult flukes , with descriptions of Phagicola longicollis n . sp . , Cyno- diplostomum namrui n . sp . and a Stephanoprora from cats . J . Parasitol., 42: 445-459. / (T); Pygidiopsis qenata in domestic duck (Egypt) . Kupriianova-Shakhmatova , R. A. 1958. Lichinki trematod , parazitiruiush- chie v presnovodnykh moUiuskakh srednego Povolzh'ia. [Larval trematodes parasitic in fresh-water mollusks of central Povolzh'e.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 74. [Russ. text] / (T); general incidence; infection highest in summer and early autumn. 145 Kuprii^nova-Shakhmatova, R. A. [1959.] Eksperimental'noe dokazatel' stvo vidovoi identichnosti Notocotylus attenuatus Rudolph! , 1809 i Noto- cotylus thienemanni L. et U. Szidat, 193 3. [Experimental evidence of the specific identity of Notocotylus attenuatus Rudolphi, 1809 and Notocotylus thienemanni L. & U. Szidat, 1933.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, p. 185-187. [Russ. text] / (T); differences in supposed species due to geographical variation and host response in Notocotylus attenuatus (USSR). Kuprifanova-Shakhmatova, R. A. 1960a. Izuchenie lichinok trematod presnovodnykh moUiuskov srednego Povolzh'ia. (Study on the trematode larvae of fresh-water molluscs in the central region of the Wolga.) Helminthologia , 2: 67-76. [Russ. text; Ger. , Eng . , Fr. summaries] / (T); (USSR). Kupriianova-Shakhmatova, R. A. 1960b. Eksperimental'noe izuchenie vidov ekhinostomatid (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) . (Experimental study of the development of some echinostomatide species (Trematoda, Echinostomatidae).) Helminthologia, 2: 98-104. [Russ. text; Ger., Eng., Fr. summaries] / (T); 6 helminths experimentally in waterfowl (USSR) . Kupriianova-Shakhmatova, R. A. 1961. K faune lichinok trematod pres- novodnykh molliuskov srednego Povolzh'ia. [On the fauna of larval trematodes of fresh-water mollusks in the central Volga provinces.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 130-143. [Russ. text] / (T); mol- luskan hosts of 10 forms reported in waterfowl; Psilotrema tuberculata comb. n. (syn. P^. spiculigerum) . Kurashvili, B. E. 1940. Novye formy chervei, parazitiruiushchikh v ptitsakh Gruzii. [New forms of worms, parasitizing birds of Georgia.] Soobsh. Gruzinsk. fil . AN SSSR, 1: 702-703. [Russ. text] / (N,T); reports at least 7 species in domestic ducks. Kurashvili, B. E. 1941. K izucheniiu gel' mintofauny ptits Gruzii . [On the study of the helminth fauna of birds of Georgia.] Trudy Zool . Inst. AN Gruzinsk. SSR, 4: 53-100. [Russ. text] / (N,T); includes at least 7 records of helminths in waterfowl. Kurashvili, B. E. 1950a. Dve novykh tsestody ptits Gruzii , Dicrano- taenia mathevossiani sp. nov. i Drepanidotaenia signachiana sp. nov. [Two new cestodes of birds of Georgia, Dicranotaenia mathe- vossiani sp. nov. and Drepanidotaenia signachiana sp. nov.] Soobsh. AN Gruzinsk. SSR, 11: 663-676. [Russ. text] / (C); D. signachiana in ducks . 146 Kurashvill, B. E. 1950b. Gel'mintofauna okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Gruzii i nektorye zakonomernosti ee dinamiki. [The helminth fauna of commercially important birds of Georgia and some principles of their dynamics.] Trudy Inst. Zool . ANGruzinsk. SSR,(9): 37-80. [Georgian text, Russ. summary] / (C,T); includes at least 3 helminths of waterfowl . Kurashvili, B. E. [1954.] Fauna gel' mintov okhotnich'e^romyslovykh ptits Gruzii. [The helminth fauna of game birds of Georgia.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 75-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, p. 340-346. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); checklist, reports 18 species from waterfowl; discussion. See Kurashvili, 1966. Kurashvili, B. E. 1955a. Gel' minty okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Gruzii v faunisticheskom i ekologicheskom osveshchenii . [Helminths of economically important birds of Georgia from faunistic and ecological standpoints.] Diss. Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. Lenin) [Russ. text] See Kurashvili, 1954, 1957. Kurashvili, B. E. 1955b. Gel'mintofauna okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Gruzii v svete ekologii gel'minta i khoziaina . [The helminth fauna of economically important birds of Georgia in the light of the ecology of the helminths and hosts.] Tezisy Dokl. 8. Soveshch. Parazitol. Prob., L., 182 p. [Russ. text] / (T); includes at least 12 forms in waterfowl. Kurashvili, B. E. 1956a. Gel'mintofauna ptits Lagodekhskogo zapovednika. [Helminth fauna of birds of the Lagodekhsk preserve.] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Gruzinsk. SSR, 14: 105-145. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); includes 11 forms in waterfowl (Georgia SSR). Kurashvili, B. E. 1956b. Gel'mintofauna okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Gruzii v svete ekologii gel'minta i khoziaina. [Helminth fauna of economically important birds of Georgia in light of the ecology of helminths and hosts.] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Gruzinsk. SSR, 14: 237- 247. [Russ. text]/ (Georgia SSR). Kurashvili, B. E. 1956c. Rol' okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits v raspro- stranenii gel'mintnoi invazii sredi domashnikh ptits. [The role of game birds in the spread of helminths among domestic birds.] Trudy Inst. Zool. ANGruzinsk. SSR, 14: 271-276. [Russ. text]/ (Georgia SSR). Kurashvili, B. E. 1956d. Zoogeograficheskaia kharakteristike gel'minto- fauny okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Gruzii. [Zoogeographical characteristics of the helminth fauna of economically important birds of Georgia.] Soobsh. ANGruzinsk. SSR, 17: 935-940. [Russ . text] 147 Kurashvili, B. E, 1957. Gel'minty okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Gruzii v faunisticheskom i ekologicheskom osveshchenin. [Hel- minths of commercially important birds of Georgia from faunistic and ecological standpoints.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 434 p. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 555 waterfowl, reports 57 helminths; description of each species, other data; classifies 28 helminths as characteristic for waterfowl. Kurashvili, B. E. 1961. K izucheniiu fauny gel' mintov ryboiadnykh ptits Gruzii. [On the study of the helminth fauna of piscivorous birds of Georgia.] Soobsh. ANGruzinsk. SSR, 26: 73-77. [Georgian text] / (N,T); reports 3 helminths from waterfowl. Kurashvili, B. E. 1963. Skrebni (Acanthocephales) zhivotnykh Gruzii. [Thorny-headed worms (Acanthocephala) of animals of Georgia.] Soobshch. ANGruzinsk. SSR, 32: 179-184. [Russ. text] / (A); reports at least two forms in waterfowl. Kurashvili, B. E. 1966. Translation of Kurashvili, 1954. Contrib. Helminth. Commem. 75. Birthday Skrjabin, Isr. Program Scient. Transl., p. 343-350. [Eng . translation]/ (N,A,C,T). Kurisu, T. (1932). Studies on trematodes of domestic fowl in Japan. Kumamoto Igakkwai Zasshi, 8: 283-298. / (T); life history of Echinochasmus japonicus . Kurochkin, lU. V. 1954. O biologicheskom tsikle nematody-vozbuditeli^ epomidiostomoza utok . [On the biological cycle of the nematode- caused epomidiostomiasis of ducks.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 98: 509-511. [Russ. text] / (N); life cycles of Epomidiostomum anatinum, Amidostomum boschadis (USSR) . Kurochkin, lU . V. 1957. Adaptatsiia gel' mintov k sushchestvovaniiu v muskul'nom zheludke ptits. [Adaptation of helminths to existence in the gizzard of birds.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf . Vsesofbz, Obshch. Gel'mint. Posv. 40 g. Okt. Sotsial Revol. , Chastl, p. 167-168. [Russ. text] / (N); general discussion. Kurochkin, lU. V. 1959. Adaptatsii gel' mintov k parazitirovaniiu v muskul'nom zheludke ptits. [Adaptation of helminths to parasitism in the muscular stomach of birds.] Acta Vet., Acad. Sc . Hungaricae, 9: 57-65. [Russ. text] / (N,C); includes 10 helminths which occur in waterfowl . 148 Kurochkin, lU . V., K. M . Ryzhikov, & N. M, Gubanov. 19 61. K faune nematod gusinykh ptits Verkhoi^n'f^ . [The nematode fauna of anseriform birds of Verkhoyan.] Trudy Astrakhansk. Zapovednika, (5): 326-329. [Russ. text] / (N); examined 83 ducks, reports 14 nematodes (Yakutia) . Kurova, O. A. 1927. K poznaniiu trematod semeistva Echinostomidae iz ptits Turkestana . (Contribution a la connaissance des trematodes (fam. Echinostomidae) des oiseaux du Turkestan.) Ezhegodnik Zool. Muz. AN SSSR, (1926), 27: 113-130. [Russ. text, Fr . summary] / (T); reports 4 species in waierfowl; Echinostomum rufinae sp. n. , E. turkestanicum sp. n. (Kazadhstan) . Kurtpinar, H., & A. Merdivenci. 1956. Balikesir bolgesi kaz (Anser anserdom.) yavrularinda oliime sebebiyet veren Hymenolepis setigera (Froelich, 1789). Turk . Vet. Hekim. Derne§i Dergisi, (112-113) 26: 2659-2666. / (C); (Turkey). Kuznetsova, O. N. 1955. Piiavki - parazity vodoplavaiushchei ptitsy. [Leeches — parasites of aquatic birds.] Ptitsevodstvo, 5(11): 32- 34. [Russ. text] / (H); morphology and biology of Protoclepsis tesselata , £. maculosa (USSR) . Lahille, F. 1918. Nota sobre Monostoma mutabile y la clasificacion general de los trematodes. Physis: Rev. Soc. Argent. Cien. Nat., 4 (17) , Die. 20, p. 328-331. / (T); in goose. Lahille, F. 1922. Nota sobre los trematodes y la representacion esquematica de los ciclos evolutivos . Buenos Aires, 30 p. / (T); includes one form in waterfowl (Argentina) . Lakela, O. 1932. Chickens definitive hosts to species of Prosthogoni- mus . Poultry Science, 11: 181-184. / (T); experimental infection in ducks (USA). Lai, M. B. 1935a. On the morphology of a new species of monostome of the genus Notocotylus Diesing, 1839. Proc . Indian Acad . Sc . , Sect. B, 2: 419-423. / (T); Notocotylus indicus sp. n. in duck (India) . Lai, M. B. 1935b. A review of the genus, Notocotylus, with description of a new trematode parasite of Mareca penelope from Lucknow. Proc. Indian Acad. Sc . , Sect. B, 2: 457-466. / (T); Hindia lucknowensis sp . n . ; Naviformis and Hindia new genera (India) . 149 Lai, M. B. 1936a. Anew genus of trematodes of the sub-family Typh- locoelinae from the shoveller duck, Spatula clypeata . Proc . Indian Acad. Sc. , Sect. B, 4: 45-51. / (T); Typhlophilus shovellus sp. n. (India) . Lai, M. B. 1936b. On a new trematode from the intestinal caeca of a wigeon, Mareca penelope. [Abstr.] Proc. 23. Indian Sc . Cong. (Indore). p. 347. / (T); (India). Lai, M. B. 1936c. A review of the genus Paramonostomum Luhe; with descriptions of two new species and remarks on the genera of the subfamily Notocotylinae. Proc. Indian Acad. Sc . , Sect. B, 3: 25-34. / (T); Paramonostomum querquedulum sp. n. , £. casarcum sp. n. , in ducks; Neoparamonostomum gen. n. (India) . Lai, M. B. 1937. Studies on the trematode parasites of birds. Part II. Morphology and systematic position of some new bloodflukes of the family Schistosomidae. Proc. Indian Acad. Sc . , Sect. B, 6: 274- 283 . / (T); Chinhuta indica sp. n. in duck (India) . Lai, M. B. 193 8. On a new species of Psilorchis from the intestine of the common teal, Nettion crecca. Livro Jub . Prof. L. Travassos, Rio de Janeiro, p. 259-2 62. / (T); Psilorchis ajgainis sp. n. (India). Lai, M. B. 1939a. On a new species of Psilorchis Thapar and Lai, 1935, from the intestine of the common teal, Nettion crecca . [Abstr.] Proc. 25. Indian Sc. Cong. (Calcutta, 1938), Sect. 11, Vet. Res., p. 273. / (T); (India). Lai, M. B. 1939b. Studies in helminthology . Trematode parasites of birds. Proc. Indian Acad . Sc . , Sect. B, 10: 111-200. / (T); synopses of descriptions of trematodes reported in birds in India, lists 15 forms in waterfowl; Echinostoma chasma sp. n. Lalitha, C. M . , & V. S. Alwar. 1960. Parasites of domestic ducks (Anas boschas domesticus) in Madras. (A preliminary note). Indian Vet. J., 37: 179-181. / (N,C,T); examined 25 domestic ducks, reports 24 helminths; Opisthorchis obsequens, Opisthorchis sp. (provisionally O^. desouzai) , Pancreatrema sp. , new in ducks (India) . Lampio, T. 1946. Riistantaudit Suomessa v. v. 1924-43. (Game diseases in Finland 1924-43.) Suomen Riista, 1: 93-142. [Finn, text, Eng . summary]/ (N,A,C,T,H); epizootics of Polymorphus boschadis in eiders; few other helminths reported. 150 Lancaster, W. E. 1957. A check list of the helminths of domestic livestock in Malaya. J. Malayan Vet. Med. Ass., 1: 151-163. / (C,T); lists 3 forms in waterfowl. Lange, H. 193 8. Ueber eine durch Tropisurus fissispinus Diesing hervorgerufene Magenwurmseuche bei Enten, mit besonderer Beriick- tsichtigung der Entwicklung des Parasiten auf Grund des pathologisch- anatomischen Befundes. Zeitschr. Infektionskr. Haustiere, 53: 1-8. / (N). Lapage, G. 1958. Parasites of the Anatidae. 9. Ann. Rep. Wildfowl Trust, 1956-1957, p. 66-68. / (N,A,C,T); provisional list of the more important genera of parasites of waterfowl, includes 40 genera of helminths . Lapage, G. 1961. A list of the parasitic protozoa, helminths and arthro- poda recorded from species of the family Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans). Parasitology, 51: 1-109. / (N, A,C ,T, H); checklist of parasites arranged by subspecies of host, citations for each; lists 717 helminths excluding synonyms. Very many errors; 17 names erroneously listed. See Lapage, 1962. Lapage, G. 1962. Reprint of Lapage, 1961. Wildlife Dis . , (26), 3 microcards (109 p.) / (N,A,G,T,H). Larios Rodriguez, I. 1942. Dos especies del genero Prosthogonimus encontradas en los oviductos de aves anseriformes de Mexico. An. Biol. Inst., Univ. Nac. Mexico, 13: 111-121. / (T); Prosthogonimus rudolphii, P_. karausiaki. Larios Rodriguez, I. 1943. Dos especies de trematodos encontrados en el aparato digestivo de aves acuaticas migratorias. An. Biol. Inst., Univ. Nac. Mexico, 14: 499-506. [Eng. summary] / (T); Leucoch- loridium insigne in duck, description (Mexico). Larios Rodriguez, I. 1944. Descripcion de un cestodo del genero Hymenolepis encontrado en los patos silvestres del Lago de Texcoco, Mex. An. Biol. Inst., Univ. Nac. Mexico, 15: 73-78. / (G); Hymen- olepis megalops (Mexico) . Larson, O. R. 19 61. Larval trematodes of fresh-water snails of Lake Itasca, Minnesota. Proc . Minn. Acad. Sc . , 29: 252-254. / (T); reports hosts of Gotylurus flabelliformis and Zygocotyle lunatum of waterfowl (USA) . 151 Layman, E. M.; see LiSiman, E. M. Lavrent'ev, A. A. 1957. Obnaruzhenie skrebnia Polymorphus maqnus u vykhukholi. [Discovery of the thomy-head Polymorphus maqnus in the muskrat.] [Abstr.] TezisyDokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint., posv. 40 q. Vel. Okt. Sotsial Revoliut. (1957), ch. 1, p. 169-170. [Russ. text] / (A); £. maqnus in Gammarus lacustrls. Lazovskii, I. V. 1940. Izuchenie bioloqii vozbuditelia amidostomatoza qusel. [Study of the bioloqy of the causative aqent of amidostomiasis in qeese.] Uchen. Zapiski Vitebskoqo Inst. , 7:117-124. [Russ. text] / (N); Amidostomum anseris (Belorussia) . Lazovskii, I. V. 1947. Amidostomatoz qusei i opyt bor'by s nim v kolkhozakh i sovkhozakh Belorussii. [Amidostomiasis of geese and experiments in combating it on farms and communals of Belorussia.] Diss. Kand. Vet. Nauk (VIGIS) [Russ. text]/See Lazovskii, 1949. Lazovskii, I. V. 1949. Amidostomatoz gusei i opyt bor'by s nim v kolkhozakh i sovkhozakh Belorussii. [Amidostomiasis of geese and work in combating it on farms and communals of Belorussia.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 2: 231-233. [Russ. text] / (N) . Lebour, M . V. 1914. Some larval trematodes from Millport. Parasitology, 7: 1-11. / (T); life cycle of Parorchis acanthus (Great Britain). Lebour, M. V., & R. Elmhirst. 1922. A contribution towards the life history of Parorchis acanthus Nicoll, a trematode in the herring gull. J. Marine Biol. Ass. United Kingdom, n.s. 12: 829-832. / (T); (Great Britain) . Lee, O. P. 1966. Some helminths from Malayan wild birds with descrip- tions of two new species. Bull. Nat. Mus. Singapore, 33: 77-81. / (C); two species in ducks; Hymenolepis malaccensis sp. n. (Malaysia). Lee, Y. C. , et al . 1957. Investigation on the internal parasites of domestic animals in Taiwan. J. Agric. Ass. China, n.s. (19): 56-67. [Chin, text, Eng. summary] / (A,C,T); lists at least 13 helminths in waterfowl . Leibovitz, L. 1962. Unusual bird parasite cases and overall parasite incidence found in a diagnostic laboratory during a five-year period. Avian Dis . , 6: 141-144. / (T); Ribeiroia ondatrae cause of death in ducks (USA). 152 Leiby, P. D. 1964a. Taxonomic and biological studies on the nematodes Amidostomum (Strongyloidea) and Epomidiostomum (Trichostrongyloidea) occurring in the gizzards of waterfowl. Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins/See Leiby, 1964b; Leiby & Olsen, 1965. Leiby, P. D. 1964b. Taxonomic and biological studies on the nematodes Amidostomum (Strongyloidea) and Epomidiostomum (Trichostrongyloidea) occurring in the gizzards of waterfowl. [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr., 24: 3029. / (N); life history of Amidostomum raillietii (USA). Leiby, P. D., & O. W. Olsen. 1965. Life history studies on nematodes of the genera Amidostomum (Strongyloidea) and Epomidiostomum (Trichostrongyloidea) occurring in the gizzards of waterfowl. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 32: 32-49. / (N); life histories of Amidosto- mum raillieti, A. skrjabini, Epomidiostomum uncinatum (USA) . Lent, H., & J. F. Teixeira de Freitas. 1939. Novo nematodeo parasito do pato domestico (Spiruroidea) . Boletim Biol., Sao Paulo, n.s. 4: 177-180. / (N); Parhadjelia neglecta sp. n. (Brazil). Leonov, V. A. 1957. [Species identity of the trematode Cercarioides baylisi Nazmi, 1930.] Uchen. Zapiski Gorkovsk. Gosudarstv. Pedagog. Inst., 1957, (19): 53-55. [Russ. text] / (T); synonym of Cercarioides aharoni. Leonov, V. A., K. M. Ryzhikov, A. M . Tsimbaliuk, & O. I. Belogurov. 1963. Trematody gusinykh ptits Kamchatki. [Trematodes of anserine birds of Kamchatka.] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 13: 196-207. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 716 waterfowl, reports 67 trematodes; description of Zyqocotyle lunatum. Leonov, V. A., & A. K. Tsimbaliuk. 1963. Novyi vid trematod Maritrema inusitata sp. n. ot morianki s Kamchatki. [Anew species of trema- tode Maritrema inusitata sp. n. from an old squaw (Clanqula hyemalis) of Kamchatka .] Vestn. Leningrad. Gosudarstv. Univ., s. Biol., 18: 145-148. [Russ. text, Eng. summary]/ (T); (USSR). Le Roux, P. L. 1934. Report of the assistant veterinary research officer. Ann. Rep. Dept. Animal Health, North. Rhodesia (1933), p. 28-71. / (N,T); includes 2 helminths in waterfowl (North. Rhodesia). Le Roux, P. L. 1950. Bilharziella . Demonstrations. Tr. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg . , 43: 352. / (T); (England). 153 Lesin'sh, K. P. 1959. Gel'minty sel' skokhoziaYstvennykh zhivotnykh lugovostochnykh raYonov Estonskol SSR. (Helminths of domestic animals in the south-east districts of Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic.) Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 7: 106-110. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (N,A,C,T); examined 11 ducks, 5 geese; reports 18 helminths. Lesin'sh, K. P. 1964. Sezonnaia dinamika ekhinostomatidozov utok v Latviiskot SSR. [Seasonal dynamics of echinostomiasis of ducks in the Latvian SSR.] Izvest. AN Latviisk. SSR (Vestis Latvijas Padomju Social. Republ. Zinat. Akad.), (199) (2): 60-63. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T) . Lesin'sh, K. P., & E. lA. Feodorova. 19 66. Epizootologiia ekhinosto- matidozov domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits v Latviiskol SSR. [Epizootiology of echinostomatidiases of domestic waterfowl in the Latvian SSR.] Parazity Zhivotnykh i Bor'ba Nimi, p. 49-66. [Russ. text] / (T); reports 3 forms in waterfowl. Lesin'sh, K. P., & lA. R. Kliavin'sh. 1966. Epizootologiia gimenole- pi dozov domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits v Latviiskoi SSR. [Epizootiology of hymenolepidiasis of domestic waterfowl in the Latvian SSR.] Parazity Zhivotnykh i Bor'ba Nimi, p. 35-48. [Russ. text] / (C); reports 9 forms in domestic waterfowl. Lesin'sh, K., & P. Murnietse. 1963. Razvitie Hymenolepis setigera i Dicranotaenia collaris v organizme utok . [Development of Hymeno- lepis setigera and Dicranotaenia collaris in ducks.] Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. i Rast., k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 398-399. [Russ. text] / (C); life history, intermediate hosts (Latvia) . Lesin'sh, K. P., & R. Murnietse. 1964. [Development of echinostomes in the organism of the duck.] Izvest. AN Latviisk. SSR (Latvijas Padomju Social. Repub. Zinat. Akad. Vestis), (1): 38-40. / (T) . Levashov, M. M. 1949. Opyt bibliografii Russkof gel'mintofaunisticheskoT literatury za period s 1771 po 1947 g. [A work on the bibliography of Russian helminthological literature for the period from 1777 to 1947.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 2: 143-204. [Russ. text] Levin, N. L. 195 6. Life history studies on Porrocaecum ensicaudatum, an avian nematode. [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr., 16: 1969. / (N); (USA). 154 Levin, N. L. 1957. Life history studies on Porrocaecum ensicaudatum, an avian nematode. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 43(5, Suppl.): 47-48. / (N); (USA). Levin, N. L. 1961. Life history studies on Porrocaecum ensicaudatum (Nematoda) , an avian nematode. I. Experimental observations in the chicken. J. Parasitol., 47: 3 8-46. / (N); (USA). Levine, N. D., D. T. Clark, & L. E. Hanson. 1955. Encephalitis in a swan due to Dendritobilharzia sp., [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 41(6, Sect. 2): 36. / (T); (USA). Levine, N. D., D. T. Clark, & L. E. Hanson. 195 6. Encephalitis in a swan due to Dendritobilharzia sp. (Trematoda; Schistosomatidae) . J. Parasitol., 42: 496-500. / (T); cause of death (USA). Levine, N. D., & H. C. Hanson. 1953. Blood parasites of the Canada goose, Branta canadensis interior. J. Wildlife Mangmt., 17: 185-196. / (N); two types of microfilariae present (USA). Lewis, E. A. 192 6a. Helminths of wild birds found in the Aberystwyth area. J. Helminth., 4: 7-12. / (T); examined 5 swans, reports 4 helminths (Great Britain) . Lewis, E. A. 1926b. Reprint of Lewis, 1926a. Coll. Addresses & Lab. Studies, London Sch. Hyg. Trop. Med. (1925-26), 2(53): 7-12. / (T) . Lewis, E. A. 1927. A survey of Welsh helminthology. J. Helminth., 5: 121-132. / (N,C,T); checklist of species found; lists 7 species in waterfowl (Great Britain) . Lewis, E. A. 1930. An account of a survey of parasitic helminths of some domestic animals in mid-west Wales . J. Helminth., 8: 1-18. / (N,A,C); examined 42 ducks, 10 geese; found 6 helminths (Great Britain) . Li, H.-C. 1933. Report on a collection of parasitic nematodes, mainly from North China. Pa.-t I. Filarioidea . Parasitology, 25: 192-223. / (N); Diplotriaena microphallos sp. n. in duck (China). Liaiman [Layman], E. M. 192 6. Trematody zhelchnykh khodov pecheni ptits Rossii. (K poznaniiu gel'mintofauny Rossii.) [Trematodes of the bile ducts of the liver of Russian birds. (Contribution to the knowledge of the helminth fauna of Russia.)] Rabot. Parazitol. Lab. I, Moskovsk. Gosudarstv. Univ. (Skrjabin) , p. 59-72. [Russ. text] / (T); Metorchis zacharovi sp. n.; reports 3 other forms in water- fowl (USSR). 155 Liaiman [Layman], E. M. & K. A. Mudretsova. 192 6. K faune para- ziticheskikh cherveY ptits Murmana. [Contribution to the parasitic worm fauna of the birds of Murman.] Rabot. Parazitol. Lab. I, Moskovsk. Gosudarstv. Univ. (Skrjabin) , p. 38-47. [Russ. text] / (N,A); reports 3 forms in waterfowl (N . Russia). Kian Joe Lie. 1964a. Studies on Echinostomatidae (Trematoda) in Malaya. VI. The life history of Hypoderaeum dinqeri n. sp. Trop. Geog. Med. 16: 61-71. [Span, summary] / (T); in waterfowl (Malaya). Kian Joe Lie. 1964b. Studies on Echinostomatidae (Trematoda) in Malaya. VIII. The life history of Echinostoma lindoense Sandground & Bonne, 1940. Trop. Geog. Med., 16: 72-81. [Span, summary] / (T); in domestic ducks; life history, description. Kian Joe Lie. 1965. Studies on Echinostomatidae (Trematoda) in Malaya. IX. The Mehlis' gland complex in echinostomes . J. Parasitol., 51: 789-792. / (T); four species reared experimentally in ducklings. Kian Joe Lie. 19 67. Studies on Echinostomatidae (Trematoda) in Malaya. XV. The life history of Echinostomum murinum (Tubangui, 1931) . Proc. Helminth. Soc. V\Aash., 34: 13 9-143. / (T); (Malaysia). Kian Joe Lie [Lie Kian Joe]. 1968. Further studies on the life history of Echinostoma lindoense Sandground & Bonne, 1940 (Trematoda: Echinos- tomatidae) with a report of its occurrence in Brazil. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 35: 74-77. / (T) . Kian Joe Lie & P. F. Basch. 1966. Life history of Echinostoma barbosai sp. n. (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae). J. Parasitol., 52: 1052-1057. / (T); experimental infection in ducklings (Brazil). Kian Joe Lie & T. Umathevy. 1965a. Studies on Echinostomatidae (Trematoda) in Malaya. VIII. The life history of Echinostoma audyi sp. n. J. Parasitol., 51: 781-788. / (T); experimentally in ducklings; life history, description; very difficult to separate from E. revolutum, but cercariae differ. Kian Joe Lie & T. Umathevy. 1965b. Studies on Echinostomatidae (Trema- toda) in Malaya. X. The life history of Echinoparyphium dunni sp. n. J. Parasitol., 51: 793-799. / (T); experimentally in ducklings; de- scription, life history. Lindner, E. 1921. Die Bedeutung des Cysticercus Schwanzes. Biol. Zentralbl., 41: 36-41. / (C); life history of Hymenolepis gracilis. 156 von Linstow, O. 1890. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogeltanien, nebst Bemerkungen uber neue und bekannte Helminthen. Arch. Naturg . , 56 J. , 1: 171-188. / (N); Trlchosomum spinulosum sp. n. in duck. von Linstow, O. 1892. Beobachtungen an Vogeltanien. Centralbl. Bakt. lAbt., 12: 501-504. / (C); description of Taenia malleus, cysticercus of T. setiqera . von Linstow, O. 1894. Helminthologische Studien. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw. , 28, n.F. 21: 3 2 8-342. / (T); life history of Distomum ech- inatum, Tetracotyle typica . von Linstow, O. 1896a. Nemathelminthen. Ergebn. Hamburg. Magalhaens, Sammelreise (1892-93), v. 3, 21, [1] p. / (A); Echinorhynchus miniatus sp. n. von Linstow, O. 1896b. Ueber den Giftgehalt der Helminthen. Internat. Monatschr. Anat. u. Physiol., 13: 188-205. / (N); includes one hel- minth in waterfowl. von Linstow, O. 1899. Zur Kenntniss der Genera Hystrichis und Tropi- docerca. Arch. Naturg . , 65 T. . 1: 15 5-164. / (N); Hystrichis papil- losus in waterfowl . von Linstow, O. 1901a. Entozoa des zoologischen Museums der kaiser- lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg. 1. Bull. Acad. Imp. Sc . St. Petersburg, 5 s., 15: 271-292. / (C); Tetrabo- thrius arcticum sp. n., in duck (Spitzbergen) . von Linstow, O. 1901b. Die systematische Stellung von Ligula intes- tinalis Goeze. Zool. Anzeiger, 24: 627-634. / (C); life history, description. von Linstow, O. 1902. Beobachtungen an neuen und bekannten Nema- thelminthen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 60: 217-232. / (A); reports one helminth in waterfowl. von Linstow, O. 1904a. Neue Helminthen aus Westafrika . Centralbl. Bakt. 1 Abt. , Grig. , 36: 379-383. / (G); Taenia abortiva sp. n. (synonym T . volutina , lapsus) , in duck . von Linstow, O. 1904b. Beobachtungen an Nematoden und Gestoden. Arch. Naturg. , 70 J. , 1: 297-309. / (G); Diorchis parviceps comb, n.; one other form reported. 157 von Lin stow, O. 1905a. Helminthen der Russischen Polar-Expedition 1900-1903. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sc. St. Petersburg, CI. Phys. -Math. , 8 s., 18(1), 17 p. / (A,C); reports 11 helminths in water fowl; Aploparaksis birulai sp. n. , Aporina borealis sp. n. , Diorchis sibirica sp . n. , Hymenolepis retracta sp. n. , H. megalhystera sp. n. H. bilateralis sp. n. , Notobothrium arcticum sp. n. , Echinorhynchus pupa sp. n. (USSR - Tamyr Peninsula). von Linstow, O. 1905b. Helminthologische Beobachtungen. Arch. Mikr. Anat. , 66: 355-366. / (A,C); Fimbriaria plana sp. n. , Hymenolepis trifolium sp. n. , }i_. abortiva comb. n. , Aploparaksis rhomboidea comb. n. , Echinorhynchus laevis sp. n. von Linstow, O. 1906a. Helminthes from the collection of the Colombo Museum. Spolia Zeylanica, 3: 163-188. / (C); Hymenolepis clausa sp. n. (Ceylon). von Linstow, O. 1906b. Nematoden des zoologischen Museums in Konigsberg. Arch. Naturg., 72 J., 1: 249-258. / (N); Heterakis caudata sp. n. , H_. circumvallata sp. n. , in waterfowl. von Linstow, O. 1909. Parasitische Nematoden. In: Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands (Brauer) , Heft 15, p. 47-83. / (N); compilation of records; lists 29 nematodes in waterfowl. Linton, E. 1891. On two species of larval Dibothria from the Yellowstone National Park. Bull. (150), U. S. Comm. Fish & Fisheries, (1889), 9: 65-79. / (C); Dibothrium cordiceps life history (USA). Linton, E. 1892. Notes on avian entozoa. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 15: 87-113 . / (A,C ,T); Distomum flexum sp. n. , Epision plicatus sp. n. , Taenia macracantha sp. n.. Taenia compressa sp. n. , in ducks (USA). Linton, E. 1927. Notes on cestode parasites of birds. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 70, Art. 7, 73 p. / (C); examined at least 47 ducks, reports 10 cestodes, some m.assive infections; Hymenolepis anceps sp. n. , H_. hamulacanthos sp. n. (USA) . Linton, E. 1928. Notes on trematode parasites of birds. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 73, Art. 1, 35 p. / (T); reports 4 species in waterfowl; Himasthla incisa sp. n. (USA). 158 Little, J. W., S. H. Hopkins, & F. G. Schlicht. 1966. Acanthopary- phium spinulosum (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) in oysters at Port Isabel, Texas. J. Parasitol., 52: 663. / (T); (USA). Litvishko, N. T. 1958. K diagnostike bil'khartsielleza domashnikh utok. (To the diagnostics of the home duck bilharziasis .) Veterinariia , 34(9): 70-72. [Russ. text, Eng . title] / (T); (USSR). Litvishko, N. T. 1959a. K diagnostike bil'khartsielleza domashnikh utok. (To the diagnostics of bilharziellosis in ducks.) Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 7: 140-145. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (T); Bilharziella polonica , incidence in various organs, description of egg (USSR) . Litvishko, N. T. 1959b. Izuchenie gel' mintofauny domashnikh ptits v usloviiakh levoberezh'i^ Ukrainy. [A study of the helminths of domestic birds in the leftbank area of the Ukraine.] 10. Soveshch. Parazitol. Prob . , 2: 186-188. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 331 domestic waterfowl, 25 wild ducks, reports 2 2 helminths. See Litvishko, 1961. Litvishko, N. T. 1961. Translation of Litvishko, 1959b. 10. Conf. Parasitol. Prob., USSR, v. 2, p. 372-374. [Eng. translation] / (N , C , T) . Litvishko, N. T. 1963. K vyiavleniiu promezhutochnykh khoziaev vozbuditelia bil'khartsielleza domashnikh utok na Ukraine. [On the appearance of the intermediate host of the agent of bilharziel- liasis of domestic ducks in Ukraine.] Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. i Rast., k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 219- 220. [Russ. text] / (T); life history of Bilharziella polonica. Litvishko, N. T., & lA. P. Pustovar, 1960. Klinika i patologicheskaia anatomiia bH'khartsielleza domashnikh utok. (The clinic and pathological anatomy of bilharziellosis in domestic ducks.) Hel- minthologia, 2: 151-157. [Russ. text; Eng., Ger., Fr. summaries] / (T); (USSR). Litvishko, N. T., & lA. P. Pustovar. 1962. [Bilharziasis in ducks.] Visnyk sil'hosp. Nauky, 5(8): 102-105. [Russ, text] / (T) . Liubimov, M. P. 1926. K poznaniiu gel' mintofauny domashnikh i dikikh utok SSSR. 1. Nematody utok podsemeistva Anatinae, Donskoi oblasti (Sur la faune des nematodes des canards domestiques et sauvages subfam. Anatinae de la region du Don.) Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 3(2): 13-3 4. [Russ. text, Fr. summary]/ (N); lists 19 nematodes in waterfowl. (S . Russia). 159 Liubimov, M. P. 1927. K poznanifu gel'mintofauny domashnikh i dikikh utok SSSR. 2. Nematody utok podsemeYstva Fuligulinae DonskoY oblasti. (Zur Kenntnis der Helminthenfauna der wilden und zahmen Enten der Union SSR.) [Part 2. Nematodes of ducks of the subfamily Fuligulinae of the Don district.] Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 4: 124-129. [Russ. text] / (N); lists 8 nematodes in waterfowl (S. Russia). lA^bimov, M. P. 1934. Legochno-glistnoe zabolevanie (tsiatostomatoz) vodoplavaiushchei i bolotnoi ptitsy. [Lung-worm sickness (cyath- ostomiasis) of aquatic and diving birds.] Zhur. "Boets-ochotnik" , (9): [Russ. text] / (N); Cyathostoma sp. (USSR). liubimov, M. P., & S. A. Al'f. 1934. Ekhinurioz vodoplavaiushchikh ptits V Moskovskom zooparke. [Echinuriasis of aquatic birds in Moscow zoopark.] Bull. Zoopark. i Zoosad., (4-5): [Russ. text] / (N); Echinuria uncinata (N . Russia). Lfubimova, A. P. 1947. Novye nematody lebedei Kirgizii (ozero Issyk- Kul') i Zapadnoi Sibiri (ozero Chany). [New nematodes of swans in Kirgizia (Lake Issyk-Kul) and in western Siberia (Lake Chany).] Trudy Biol. Inst. Kirgizk. fil. [Frunze], AN SSSR, (1): 147-151. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 16 swans, reports 15 helminths; Echinuria skrjabiniana sp. n. , Thominx skrjabini sp. n. , Capillaria pudendotecta sp. n. , C. gigantotecta sp. n. Locke, L. N. , et aj^. 1964. A merganser die-off associated with larval Eustrongylides. Avian Dis. , 8: 420-427. / (N); Eustrongylides sp. , caused extensive loss; pathology (USA). Loftin, H. 1960. An annotated check-list of trematodes and cestodes and their vertebrate hosts from northwest Florida. Quart. J. Florida Acad. Sc, 23: 302-314. / (T); reports 2 helminths in waterfowl, including Cyclocoelum obscurum (USA) . Logachev, E. D. , & B. R. Bruskin. 1959. O gistologicheskikh izmeneniicikh kishechnika domashnikh utok pri invazii skrebnia Polymorphus magnus Skryabin, 1913. [Histological alterations in the intestine of domestic ducks when invaded by the acantho- cephalan Polymorphus magnus Skrjabin, 1913] Doklady AN SSSR, 129: 709-710. [Russ. text] / (A); (USSR). See Logachev & Bruskin, 1960. Logachev, E. D., & B. R. Bruskin. 1960. Translation of Logachev & Bruskin, 1959. Doklady AN SSSR, Transl. Biol. Sc. Sect., 129: 1052-1054. [Eng. translation]/ (A). 160 Long, L. H . , & N . E . Wiggins . 1939 . A new species of Diorchis (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae) from the canvasback. J. Parasitol., 25: 483-486. / (C); Diorchis nyrocae sp . n. (USA). Lonnberg , E. 1890. Helminthologische Beobachtungen von der Westkuste Norwegens. 1. BihangK. Svenska Vetenske .-Akad . Handl., 16, Af d . 4 (5) , 47 p. / (C); Ophryocotyle insignis sp. n. , in duck (Norway) . Loos-Frank, B. 1967. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber Bau , Entwick- lung und Systematik der Himasthlinae (Trematoda , Echinostomatidae) des Nordseeraumes . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 28: 299-351. / (T); Himasthla continua sp. n. in ducks, did not mature, not true hosts (Germany) . Looss, A. 1896. Recherches sur la faune parasitaire de I'Egypt, premiere partie . Mem. Inst. Egyptien, 3: 1-252. / (T); life cycle of Monosto- mum verrucosum [synonym of Notocotylus aegyptiacus] . Looss, A. 1899. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Trematoden-Fauna Aegyptens, zugleich Versuch einer natiirlichen Gliederung des Genus Distomum Retzius . Zool . Jahrb . , Abt. Syst., 12: 521-784. / (T); refers to at least 3 forms in ducks. L6pez-NeyTa, C. R. 1931a. Estudios sobre el proceso de fimbriarizacion. Los generos Fimbriaria e Hymenofimbria como deformidades de \ Hymenolepis y Diorchis. Med. Pai'ses Calidos, 4: 1-18. [Fr. summary] / (C). L6pez-Neyra, C. R. (1931b.) La Fimbriaria fasciolaris y sus relaciones con Diorchis acuminata . Bol. Univ. Granada, (13): 131-156. / (C) . L6pez-Neyra, C. R. 1932. Hymenolepis pittalugai n. sp. et ses rapports avec les especes similaires (H . macracanthos) . Ann. Parasitol., 10: 248-256. / (C); Hymenolepis pittalugai sp . n . (Spain) , H . lintoni sp. n. (synonym H. macracanthos of Linton, 1927), H. macracanthoides sp. n. (synonym H . macracanthos of Fuhrmann , 1924); all in ducks. L(5pez-Neyra , C, R. 1941. Especies nuevas o insuficientemente conocidas correspondientes al genero Hymenolepis Weinland (s.l.). Rev. Iberica Parasitol., 1: 133-170. / (C); discussion of Hymenolepis teresoides , H. fasciculata , H. gracilis , H. macracanthos . 161 L6pez-Neyra, C. R. 1942. Division del qenero Hymenolepis Weinland (s.l.), en otros mas naturales . Rev. Iberica Parasitol., 2: 46-93, 113-256. / (C); divides Hymenolepis into 8 genera; Drepanidotaenia luengoi sp. n. (synonym Hymenolepis sp. of Linton, 1927); check- list of all species formerly in genus Hymenolepis . Ldpez-Neyra, C. R. 1943a. La fimbriarizaci6n . Posibles cestodes normales que la presentan. Rev. Ib6rica Parasitol., 3: 107-140. / (C); fimbriarization a process of teratological and physiological modification of Diorchis and Hymenolepis spp. , cause of formation of Fimbriaria fasciolaris and related forms. L(5pez-Neyra, C. R. 1943b. Paradicrano taenia anormalis n. g. , n. sp. y consideraciones sobre los Nematoparataeniidae . Rev. Iberica Parasitol., 3: 229-254. / (C); Nematopara taenia maybe product of fimbriarization of Raillietina, Gastrotaenia cygni probably represents change from Hymenolepis liophallos. L(5pez-Neyra, C. R. 1944. Compendio de helminthologica iberica . Rev. Iberica Parasitol., 4: 75-96, 138-198, 209-342, 403-492. / (C); reports 7 forms in waterfowl (Spain) . L(5pez-Neyra, C. R. 1946. Compendio de helmintologia iberica . Rev. Iberica Parasitol., 6: 343-3 77. [Eng . summary] / (N); refers to waterfowl as hosts of 3 helminths. LOpez-Neyra, C. R. 1947a. Los Capillarinae. Mem. R. Acad. Cien. Exact., Fis. y Nat. Madrid, s. Cien. Nat. 12, 248 p. [Eng. sum- mary] / (N); revision, divides Capillaria into 6 genera; refers to at least 6 species in waterfowl; Eucoleus raillieti sp. n. LCpez-Neyra, C. R. 1947b. Generos y especies nuevas o mal conocidas de Capillarinae. Rev. Iberica Parasitol . , 7:191-238. [Eng. summary] / (N); lists 5 species in waterfowl; Eucoleus raillieti sp. n. (synonym Trichosomum contortum of Railliet & Lucet, 1899) , E. contorta s . str. limited to corvids as hosts. LOpez-Neyra, C. R. 1956. Revisi6n de la superfamilia Filarioidea (Weinland, 1858). Rev. Iberica Parasitol., 16: 3-212, 319-331. / (N); includes Diplotriaena microphallos . LOpez-Neyra, C. R. 1958. Hymenosphenacanthus nomen novum para Sphenacanthus L6pez-Neyra 1942 (Cestode - Hymenolepididae) nee Agassiz 1837 (pez f6sil) . Rev. Iberica Parasitol., 18: 315. / (C) . 162 Low, J, B. 1942. The ecology and management of the redhead, Nyroca amerlcana (Eyton) , in Iowa. Iowa State Coll. J. So. , 16: 90-92. / (H) ; Theromyzon occidentale in 80% of ducklings , did not cause death (USA). Low, J. B. 1945. Ecology and management of the redhead, Nyroca americana , in Iowa . Ecol. Monogr. , 15: 35-69. / (C,T,H); Theromyzon occidentale frequent (USA) . LozovskiY, 1. V. 1949. Amidostomatoz gusei i opyt bor'by s nim v kolkhozakh i sovkhozakh Belorussii. [Amidostomiasis in geese and experiments on its control on collective and state farms in Belorus- sia.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 2: 231-233. [Russ. text] / (N); survival and movement of larvae. Lucet, A. 1892. Epizootic vermineuse chez I'oie. In: Garnet de notes d'un practicien. Rec . Med. Vgt., 69, 7 s., 9: 351-352. / (C); Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (France). Lucet, A. 1896. Typhlite vermineuse de I'oie. In: Garnet de notes d'un practicien. Rec. Med. Vet. , 73, 8 s. , 3: 289-290. / (N); Heterakis dispar (France) . Liihe , M. 1907. Ueber Ostpreussens Helminthenfauna . Schrift. Phys . - Oekonom. Gesellsch. Konigsberg i Pr., (1906), 47: 133-137. / (T); Metorchis xanthosomus in captive swan (USSR). Liihe, M. 1909. Parasitische Plattwurmer . I: Trematodes . In: Sus- swasserfauna Deutschlands (Brauer) , Heft 17, 217 p. / (T); check- list, revision, and description of all trematodes reported in German hosts; reports 41 forms in waterfowl. Luhe, M. 1910. Parasitische Plattwurmer. II: Gestodes. In: Susswas- serfauna Deutschlands (Brauer), Heft 18, 153 p. / (C); checklist and description of cestodes reported in German hosts; lists 46 forms from waterfowl. Luhe, M. 1911. Acanthocephalen. In: Susswasserfauna Deutschlands (Brauer), Heft 16, 116 p. / (A); checklist, descriptions, hosts; lists 10 forms in waterfowl. Lukacsovics, F. 1959. A Polymorphus mlnutus Goeze (Acanthocephala) larva hatasa a Gammarus roeseli Gerv. (Amphipoda) fajra. (Wirkung der Larve von Polymorphus minutus Goeze (Acanthocephala) auf die Art Gammarus roeseli Gerv. (Amphipoda).) Ann. Inst. Biol. (Tihany) Hungar. Akad , Scient., 26: 31-39. [Hung, text, Ger. summary] / (A) 163 Lumsden, R. D., & J. A. Zischke. 1963. Studies on the trematodes of Louisiana birds. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 22: 316-366. / (T); reports one form in waterfowl (USA) . Lund, E. E., E. E. Wehr, & D. J. Ellis. 19 66. Earthworm transmission of Heterakis and Histomonas to turkeys and chickens. J. Parasitol., 52: 899-902. / (N); earthworms served as intermediate hosts of Heterakis gallinarum (USA) . Lundstrom, A, 1941. Corynosoma mergi n. sp. eine neue Art der Acan- thocephalen. K. Fysiograf. Sallsk. i Lund Forhandl., 11: 103-109. / (A); in ducks (Sweden). Lundstrom, A. [1942.] Die Acanthocephalen Schwedens , mit Ausnahme der Fischacanthocephalen von Silsswasserstandorten. Lund, 238 p. / (A); lists 12 species in waterfowl; Polymorphus diploinflatus sp. n., P_. meyeri sp. n . , F_. strumosoides sp. n . , £. major sp. n . , de- scription of Corynosoma mergi . Luther, A. F. 1906. Larver af Echinorhynchus polymorphus i Gammarus locusta. Medd. Soc . pro Fauna et Flora Fenn . , (1904-1905), (30): 30-31, 217. / (A). Luttermoser, G. W. 1935. A note on the life history of the monostome, Notocotylus urbanensis . J. Parasitol., 21: 456. / (T); experimental infection in ducks (USA) . Lutz, A. 1924. Estudos sobre a evolucao dos Endotrematodes brazileiros, Parte especial: 1. Echinostomidae . Mem. Inst. OswaldoCruz, 17: 55-93. [Port, and Ger. texts] / (T); Echinostoma mendax reported in waterfowl (Brazil) . Lutz, A. 1928. Estudios de zoologica y parasitologia venezolanas. Rio de Janeiro, 133 p. / (T); includes 3 forms reported in waterfowl (Venezuela) . Lyster, L. L. 1940a. Paraceonogonimus katsuradi sp . nov. (Trematoda: Strigeida) from Lophodytes cucullatus in Quebec. Canad. J. Res., 18, Sect. D: 79-82. / (T); (Canada). Lyster, L. L. 1940b. Apophallus imperator sp. nov., a heterophyid encysted in trout, with a contribution to its life history. Canad. J. Res., 18, Sect. D: 106-121. / (T); (Canada). 164 McCaig, M. L., &C. A. Hopkins. 1963. Studies on Schistocephalus solidus . II. Establishment and longevity in the definitive host. Exper. Parasitol., 13: 273-283. / (C); life history (Great Britain). McCauley, J. E., & I. Pratt. 1960. The life history of Echinochasmus milvi Yamaguti, 1939. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 46(5, Sect. 2) : 15 . / (T); experimentally in ducks (USA). McCoy, O. R. 1928. Life history studies on trematodes from Missouri. J. Parasitol. , 14: 209-228, / (T); life cycle of Echinoparyphium flexum (USA) . McCraw, B. M. 1952. Gizzard worm (Amidostomum) in geese. Canad. J. Comp. Med. & Vet. Sc . , 16: 342. / (N); (Canada). Macdonald, J. W . 1962. Mortality in wild birds with some observations on weights. Bird Study, 9: 147-167. / (N,A); parasitism cause of death in 25% of 186 birds; helminths in several birds, especially ProfilicoUis botulus in eiders (Great Britain) . Macdonald, J. W. 1963. Mortality in wild birds. Bird Study, 10: 91-108. / (N,A); parasitism cause of death in 9% of 206 birds; includes several helminths in waterfowl (Great Britain) . McDonald, M. E. 1965a. Annotated bibliography of helminths of water- fowl. Wildl. Dis., (45), 3 microfiche (177 p.)/Covers world litera- ture on helminths of waterfowl, 1890 to present; annotations include class of helminth, number of birds examined, names of species described, country. McDonald, M. E. 1965b. Catalogue of helminths of waterfowl (Anatidae) . Wildl. Dis., (46), 7 microfiche (392 p. )/ (N,A,C,T,H); for each species reported gives importance as waterfowl parasite, synonymy, life cycle, hosts, habitat, distribution, references; lists 465 hel- minths, 432 rejected names. Macfarlane, W. V. 1949. Schistosome dermatitis in New Zealand. Part I. The parasite. Am. J. Hyg . , 50: 143-151. / (T); Cercaria longicauda sp. n. , experimental infection in duck. Macha(5ek, J. 1954. Prisp^vek k pruzkumu helmintofauny kachen v kraji brnenskem. [Contribution toward a reconnaissance of the helminth fauna of ducks in the region of Brno.] Cesk. Parasitol., 1:175-177. [Russ. summary] / (N,A,C); gives incidence of 4 helminths in ducks (Czechoslovakia) . 165 Machado Filho, D. A. 1950. Revisao do genero Prosthenorchis Travassos, 1915 (Acanthocephala) . Mem, Inst. OswaldoCruz, 48: 495-544./ (A); includes Prosthenorchis avicola in waterfowl, description. Machado Filho, D. A. 1961a. Nova contribuifao para o conhecimento do genero "Corynosoma" Luhe, 1904 (Metacanthocephala, Palaeacantho- cephala, Polymorphidae) . Rev. Brasil. Biol., 21: 249-251. / (A); Corynosoma lonqilemniscatus sp. n. in duck (Brazil). Machado Filho, D. A. 1961b. Contribuifao para o conhecimento do genero Corynosoma Liihe, 1904 (Metacanthocephala, Palaeacantho- cephala, Polymorphidae). Mem. Inst. OswaldoCruz, 59: 181-184. / (A); Corynosoma iheringi sp. n. in duck (synonym C. peposacae of Travassos, 1926) (Brazil). Machado Filho, D. A. 1962. Sobre "Corynosoma enriettii" Molfi & Fernandes, 1953 (Metacanthocephala, Palaeacanthocephala , Poly- morphidae). Rev. Brasil. Biol., 22: 143-151. / (A); Corynosoma molfi-fernandesi sp. n. (synonym C. enriettii in part) (Brazil). Machattie, C. 193 6a. A preliminary note on the life history of Schistosoma turkestanicum Skrjabin, 1913. Tr. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg . , 30: 115-124. / (T); Bilharziella yokogawai in duck (Iraq). Machattie, C. 1936b. The relation between schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) in domestic animals and man as observed in Iraq. Thesis, Vet. Fac . Univ. Zurich, 74 p. / (T); reports one form in waterfowl. Machattie, C. 1936c. Reprint of Machattie, 1936a. Vet. J., 92: 291- 299. / (T). Mcintosh, A. , & M. M. Farr. 1952 . Renicola brantae n. sp. from the kidney of the Canada goose, Branta canadensis (Linnaeus, 1758). [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 38(4, Suppl.): 35-36. / (T); description, no figure (USA) . Mcintosh, A., &G. E. Mcintosh. 1939. Experimental infection of European starling with Leucochloridium Carus. [Abstr.] J. Para- sitol. , 2 5(6, Suppl.): 25-26 . / (T); Leucochloridium actitis life history (USA) . Macko, J. K. 1955. Novy trematod rodu Metorchis Looss, 1899.^ (Fine neue trematode des Stammes Metorchis Looss, 1899.) Vet. Casopis, Bratislava, 4: 17 3-17 9. [Ger., Russ. summaries] / (T); Metorchis hovorkai sp. n. in duck (Czechoslovakia). 166 Macko, J. K. 1959. Zur Revision der Systematik der Trematode Dendri- tobilharzia anatinarum Cheatum, 1941. Helminthologia, 1: 133-137. [Russ., Eng . summaries] / (T); Dendritobilharzia pulverulenta (synonym p. anatinarum) , description (Czechoslovakia), Macko, J. 1960a. Vyskyt plochych 6ervov u ka5ice chrapky - Anas crecca L. - na Slovenskeu. (Zum Vorkommen von Plattwurmern bei der Krickente Anas crecca L. Biologia, Bratislava, 15: 87-93. [Russ. Ger. summaries] / (C,T); examined 42 ducks, lists 11 helminths; description of 3 forms (Czechoslovakia) . Macko, J. 1960b. Cicavice E^. sinorchis Oschmarin, 1956 a T. long- ivitellata Strom, 1946, najdene u novych hostitel'ov. (Saugwiirmer E. sinorchis Oschmarin, 1956 und T. longivitellata Strom, 1947, gefunden bei neuen Wirtstieren .) Biologia, Bratislava, 15: 694- 699. [Russ., Ger. summaries] / (T); Echinoparyphium sinorchis in waterfowl, description (Czechoslovakia). Macko, J. K. 1960c. Neue Wirte der Saugwiirmer aus der Familie Ech- inostomatidae Dietz, 1909 und Eucotylidae Skrjabin, 1924. Hel- minthologia, Bratislava, 2: 312-317. [Eng., Fr., Russ. summaries] / (T); Echinoparyphium sinorchis in duck (Czechoslovakia), descrip- tion. Macko, J. K. 1961a. Fauna nematodov a akantocefalov kacic Anas querquedula L. a Anas crecca L. v jarnom obdobi na vychodnom Slovensku. Biol6gia, Bratislava, 16: 184-194. [Russ., Ger. sum- maries] / (N,A); examined 203 ducks, reports 6 helminths (Czecho- slovakia) . Macko, J. K. 1961b. K plathelmintom kacice chrapaSky - Anas querque- dula L. (Plathelminthen der Ente Anas querquedula L.) Cesk. Parasitol., 8: 269-282. [Ger. summary] / (C,T); examined 122 ducks, reports 18 helminths; descriptions of 8 species (Czecho- slovakia) . Macko, J. K. 1962. Revizia druhu Hymenolepis oweni Moghe, 1933, najdeneho u novych hostitel'ov, a jeho preradenie do rodu Echino- cotyle Blanchard, 1891. Biologia, Bratislava, 17: 606-613. [Ger., Russ. summaries] / (C); (Czechoslovakia). ft Macko, J. K. 1965. Uber taxonomische Kriterien und Vorkommen von Cyclocoelum mutabile (Zeder, 1800) und Cyclocoelum obscurum (Leidy 1887) bei der Familie Rallidae und Limicolae. Helminthologia, 6: 200-318. [Russ., Eng. summaries] / (T); descriptions, synonymy (Czechoslovakia) . 167 Macko, J. K. , & V. Busa. 1960a. Navrh noveho systematickeho triedenia Typhlocoelidae . (Entwurf einer neuen Systematischen Einteilung der Typhlozoeliden,) Biologia, Bratislava, 15: 250- 262. [Russ., Ger. summaries] / (T); only one species of Typhlocoe- lum in waterfowl, reports 3 subspecies. Macko, J. K., & V. Busa. 1960b. Revision der Systematik der Typh- locoeliden. Helminthologia , 2: 21-34. [Russ., Eng . , Fr. summaries] / (T); three subspecies of Typhlocoelum cucumerinum, includes T. cymbium. McLeod, J. A. 1936. Further notes on cercarial dermatitis. Tr. Royal Soc. Canada, 3. s. , Sect. V, 30: 39-48. / (T); Microbilharzia canadensis sp. n., M. manitobensis sp. n., in waterfowl (Canada). McLeod, J. A. 1937. Two new schistosomid trematodes from water-birds. J. Parasitol. , 23: 456-466. / (T); Pseud obilharziella querquedulae sp. n. (Canada) . McLeod, J. A. 1940. Studies on cercarial dermatitis and the trematode family Schistosomatidae in Manitoba. Canad . J. Res., 15, Sect. D: 1-2 8. / (T); checklist of schistosomes. McLeod, J. A. , & G. E. Little. 1942. Continued studies on cercarial dermatitis and the trematode family Schistosomatidae in Manitoba. Part I. Canad. J. Res., 20, Sect. D: 170-181. / (T); Pseudobil- harziella querquedulae is synonym of Cercaria physellae; life cycle and description (Canada) . McMullen, D. B., & P. C. Beaver. 1942. The life cycles of three dermatitis-producing cercariae (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae). [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 28(6, Suppl. ): 12-13 . / (T); Cercaria staqnicolae, C. elvae, C. physellae (USA). McMullen, D. B., & P. C. Beaver. 1945. Studies on schistosome dermatitis. IX. The life cycles of three dermatitis -producing schistosomes from birds and a discussion of the subfamily Bil- harziellinae (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae). Am. J. Hyg., 42: 128-154. / (T); Trichobilharzia physellae, T. ocellata (synonym Cercaria elvae) , T . staqnicolae (USA) . McNeil, C. W. 1948. A preliminary survey of parasites of eastern Washington waterfowl. Murrelet, 29: 2-4. / (A,C,T); examined 62 waterfowl; gives incidence of helminth groups (USA) . 168 Macy, R, W. 1934a. Prostiioqonimus macrorchis n. sp. , the common oviduct fluke of domestic fowls in the northern United States. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 53: 30-34. / (T); experimentally in ducks (USA). Macy, R. W. 1934b. Studies on the taxonomy, morphology, and biology of Prosthogonimus macrorchis Macy, a common oviduct fluke of domestic fowls in North America. Univ. Minnesota Agric. Exper. Sta. Tech. Bull. (9 8), 71 p. / (T); (USA). Macy, R. W. 1965. On the life cycle of the trematode Prosthogonimus cuneatus (Rudolphi, 1809) (Plagiorchiidae) in Egypt. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 84: 577-580. / (T) . Macy, R. W. 1966. Studies on the life cycle and disease relations of the psilostome trematode Sphaeridiotrema globulus (Rudolphi). [Abstr.] Proc. 1. Internat. Cong. Parasitol. (Rome, 1964), v. 1, p. 537-538. / (T); experimentally in ducks (USA). Macy, R. W. , A. K. Bemtzen, & M. Benz. 1968. In vitro excystation of Sphaeridiotrema globulus metacercariae, structure of cyst, and the relationship to host specificity. J. Parasitol., 54: 28-38. / (T); (USA). Macy, R. W. , & J. R. Ford. 1964. The psilostome trematode Sphaeri- diotrema globulus (Rud.) in Oregon. J. Parasitol., 50: 93. / (T); life cycle, experimentally in ducks (USA); cercaria different from that described by Szidat, 1937. Macy, R. W. , & D. J. Moore. 1953. The relationship between Trich- obilharzia oregonensis and T. elvae, etiological agents of schistosome dermatitis in the Pacific northwest. Science, 118: 650. / (T); (USA). Macy, R. W., D. J. Moore, & W. S. Price, Jr. 1955. Studies on the dematitis -producing schistosomes in the Pacific northwest, with special reference to Trichobilharzia oregonensis. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 74: 235-251. / (T); comparison of biology of Trichobilharzia oregonensis , T. elvae, and T. physellae (USA) . Madsen, H. 1945. The species of Capillaria (Nematodes, Trichinelloidea) parasitic in the digestive tract of Danish gallinaceous and anatine game birds, with a revised list of species of Capillaria in birds. Danish Rev. Game Biol., 1 (Part 1) , 112 p. / (N); examined 275 duc':s, found 6 species of Capillaria; lists 2 others in waterfowl in check- list; tabulation of characters; Capillaria anseris nom. n., C. mergi nom. n., C. nyrocinarum sp. n. 169 Madsen, H. 1950a. On the systematics of Synqamus trachea (Montagu, 1811) Chapin, 1925. J. Helminth., 24: 33-46. / (N); morphology, corrected host list; citations for reports in waterfowl. Madsen, H. 1950b. Studies on species of Heterakis (Nematodes) in birds. Danish Rev. Game Biol., 1(3): 1-43. / (N); Heterakis dispar, H. qallinarum comb, n. in waterfowl (Denmark); description, synonymy, hosts: checklist of species, 4 others listed in waterfowl. Madsen, H. 1951. Notes on the species of Capillaria Zeder, 1800 known from gallinaceous birds. J. Parasitol., 37: 257-265. / (N); synonymy, hosts listed for each; 3 reported in waterfowl. Madsen, H. [195 2.] A study on the nematodes of Danish gallinaceous game-birds. Danish Rev. Game Biol., 2(1): 1-126. / (N); biology, synonymy, hosts; biology of helminth infections in wild birds; summary of helminths in domestic birds, refers to 25 forms in water- fowl. de Magalhaes, P. S. 1899. Notes d'helminthologie bresilienne. 9. Monostomose suffocante des canards. 10. Existance du Syngamus trachealis von Siebold a Rio de Janeiro. Arch. Parasitol., 2: 258-261. / (T); Monostoma flavum in waterfowl (Brazil). Magath, T. B. 1920. Leucochloridium problematicum n. sp. J. Parasitol., 6: 105-114. / (T); life history, description (USA). Magnusson, H. G. 1929a. Rundmaskar i kortelmagen hos svan, Echinuria uncinata Rud . , orsakande dodsfall. (Nematode parasites, Echinuria uncinata Rud. , in the proventriculus of a swan causing death.) Skand. Vet. -Tidskr . , 19: 1-6. [Eng . summary] / (N) . Magnusson, H. G. 192 9b. Rundwilrmer (Echinuria uncinata Rud.) im Drusenmagen beim Schwan als Ursache von Todesfallen. Tierarztl. Rundschau, 35: 295-296. / (N) . Mahon, J. 1956. On a collection of avian cestodes from Canada. Canad. J. Zool., 34: 104-119. / (C); reports 5 species in waterfowl. Mahon, J. 1958. Helminth parasites of reptiles, birds, and mammals of Egypt. V. Avian cestodes. Canad. J. Zool., 36: 577-605. / (C); reports 3 forms in ducks; descriptions of Diorchis longicirrosa , Hymenolepis pauciannulata . 170 Maksimova , A. P. 1962. Sosal' shchiki dikikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Turgaiskikh ozer. [Trematodes of wild water birds of the Turgay Lakes.] (Parazity dikikh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana) Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 16: 125-134. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 135 waterfowl, reports 35 trematodes (Kazakhstan). Maksimova, A. P. 1963a. Tsestody dikikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits turgaiskikh ozer. [Cestodes of wild aquatic birds of Turgay Lake.] (Parazity dikikh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana) Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 19: 101-116. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 135 water- fowl, reports 42 cestodes; Microsomacanthus spiralicirrata sp. n.; descriptions of Nadejdolepis lauriei, Microsomacanthus tuvensis, Skrjabinoparaksis tatianae, Nematopara taenia skrjabini, all in waterfowl (Kazakhstan) . Maksimova, A. P. 1963b. Novye vidy tsestod ot lebedei Kazakhstana. [New species of cestodes from swans of Kazakhstan.] (Parazity dikikh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana) Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 19: 126-132 . [Russ . text] / (C); Parabisaccanthes cygni sp. n. , P_. kazachstanica sp. n. Maksimova, A. P. 1964. [Nematoda and acanthocephala of wild water birds in central and northern Kazakhstan.] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 22: 49-60. [Russ. text] / (N,A); examined 393 water- fowl, reports 19 helminths; descriptions of Amidostomum cygni, Streptocara tridentata, Echinuria hypognatha . Maksimova, A. P. 1965. Sosal' shchiki dikikh guseobraznykh ptits vodoemov tsentral'nogo Kazakhstana. [Trematodes of wild anserine birds of waters of central Kazakhstan.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf . Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch . 4, p. 126-131. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 130 waterfowl, reports 22 helminths. Maksimova, A. P. 1967. [Helminths from wild Anseriformes of western Kazakhstan.] Trudy Inst. Zool., AN Kazakh. SSR, 27: 124-155. [Russ. text] Mann, H. 1941. Uber das Vorkommen von Polymorphus minutus (Gze.) (Acanth.) in der Umgebung von Tihany. Magyar Biol. Kutatoint. Munkoi, 13: 166-167. [Hung, summary] / (A). Mann, K. H. 1951. On the bionomics and distribution of Theromyzon tessulatum (O.F . Mllller) , 1774. (^Protoclepsis tesselata) . Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. , s. 12, 4(46): 956-961. / (H); cause of death of ducklings; becoming more frequent, records several unpublished collections from waterfowl (Great Britain). 171 Mann, K. H. 1962. Leeches (Hirudinea) , their structure, physiology, ecology and embryology. Pergamon Press, New York, 201 p. / (H); monograph; particularly covers findings since Autrum, 1936; classi- fication to genera, key to species of central Europe and North America; lists 4 species of Theromyzon. Manson-Bahr, P. H. 1954. The life histories of some flukes of wild birds. Bull. Brit. Ornithol. Club, 74: 59-62. / (T); Bilharziella polonica . Manter, H. W., & O. L. Williams. 1928. Some monostomes from North American birds. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 47: 90-93. / (T); examined 44 ducks, reports 2 helminths; Typhlocoelum americanum sp. n. (USA). Maplestone, P. A. 1921. Notes on Australian cestodes . 1. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 15: 402-405. / (C); Ophiotaenia hylae, Diorchis flavescens in waterfowl (Australia) . Maplestone, P. A. 1922. Notes on Australian cestodes. III. Cotugnia oligorchis n. sp. Ann, Trop. Med. Parasitol., 16: 55-60. / (C); Cotugnia oligorchis sp. n . , Diploposthe laevis in waterfowl (Aus- tralia) . Maplestone, P. A. 1930. Parasitic nematodes obtained from animals dying in the Calcutta zoological gardens. Parts 1-3. Rec . Indian Mus . , 32: 3 85-412 . / (N); Amidostomum fuligulae sp. n. , Pseu- damidostomum boulengeri sp. n., Epomidiostomum uncinatum, in waterfowl (India) . Maplestone, P. A. 1931. Parasitic nematodes obtained from animals dying in the Calcutta Zoological Garden , Parts 4-8. Rec. Indian Mus . , 33 : 71-1 71 . / (N) ; Echinuria spinosa sp . n . in duck (India) . Maplestone, P. A. 1932. The genera Heterakis and Pseudaspidodera in Indian hosts. Indian J. Med. Res., 20: 403-420. / (N); reports 2 forms in waterfowl. (India) . Maplestone, P. A. 193 9. Notes on some nematodes new to India. Rec. Indian Mus. , 41: 419-421. / (N); Echinuria uncinata in ducks, description. Maplestone, P. A., & T. Southwell. 1922. Notes on Australian cestodes V. Three cestodes from the black swan. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 16: 189-198. / (C); Echinorhynochotaenia nana sp. n. , Nematopara- taenia paradoxa sp . n . , Hymenolepis lanceolata (Australia) . 172 Markov, G. S. 1942. Parasitic worms of birds of Bezymiannaya Bay (Novaya Zemlya) . Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 30: 579-582. / (N,A, C,T); lists 8 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Markov, M. 1903. O novom predstavitele roda Prosthoqonimus Pr. anatinus nov. sp. (Sur le nouveau representant du genre Prost- oqonimus-Prostogonimus anatinus n. sp.) Trudy Obshch. Ispytatel. Prirody Imp. Khar'kov. Univ., (1902), 37: 287-297. [Russ. text, Fr. summary] / (T); Prosthoqonimus anatinus sp. n. (USSR). Markowski, S. 1949. On the species of Diphyllobothrium occurring in birds, and their relation to man and other hosts. J. Helminth., 23: 107-12 6. / (C); two species in birds, Diphyllobothrium ditremum in waterfowl (Europe, USA). Marotel, G., & P. Pierron . 1947. Une maladie rare des canards francais: I'acuariose. Bull. Acad. Vet. France, 20: 41-43. / (N); Acuaria uncinata cause of death of 12 ducks (France). Martin, W. E., & J. E. Adams. 19 60. Life cycle of Acanthoparyphium spinulosum Johnston, 1917 (Echinostomatidae) . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 46(5, Sec. 2): 35. / (T); (USA). Martin, W. E. , & J. E . Adams . 1961. Life cycle of Acanthoparyphium spinulosum Johnston, 1917 (Echinostomatidae: Trematoda) . J. Parasitol., 47: 777-7 82. / (T); (USA). de Marval, L. 1904. Sur les acanthocephales d'oiseaux. Note prelimin- aire. Rev. Suisse Zool. , 12: 573-583. / (A); diagnoses of all species; hosts not given but list includes 8 forms reported from waterfowl. de Marval, L. 1905. Monoqraphie des acanthocephales d'oiseaux. Rev. Suisse Zool. , 13: 195-387. / (A); lists 8 forms in waterfowl; descrip- tion of each species, synonymy, hosts. Massino, B. G. 1927. K opredeleniiu vidov roda Plagiorchis Luhe, 1889. (Bestimmung der Arten der Gattung Plagiorchis Liihe.) Shorn. Rabot. Gel'mint. Posv. Skrjabin, p. 108-112. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); key for determination of species, includes P_. laricola , no waterfowl hosts reported. Massino, B.G. 1929. Die Trematoden der Gattung Plaqiorchis Liihe, 1899 der Vogel Russlands. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Helminthen- fauna Russlands. Zentralbl. Bakt. 2 Abt., 78: 125-142. / (T); reports 2 species in waterfowl (USSR). 173 Matevosian, E. M . 1938. Gel'mintofauna dikikh ptits Bashkirii. [Helminth fauna of wild birds of Bashkiria.] Trudy Bashkir. Gel'- mint. Eksped., 1936, p. 372-391. [Russ. text]/ (N ,C ,T); reports 12 forms in waterfowl (S. Russia). Matevosian, E. M. (1940.) K poznaniiu tsestodoznykh invazii ptits SSSR. [On the knowledge of cestode invasion of fowls in USSR.] Kand. Diss. (VIGIS), Moskva, [Russ. text] / (C) . Matevosian, E. M. 1942. An analysis of the specific components of the genus Diploposthe: Cestodes from Anatidae. Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 34: 265-268. / (C); Diploposthe skrjabini sp. n. , D. laevis, Diploposthe sp. (Azerbaidzhan) . Matevosfan, E. M. 1946. Novye tsestody ptits SSSR. [New cestodes of birds of USSR.] Gel'mint. Sborn. 40-Let. Deiatel'nost. Skrjabin, p. 178-188 . [Russ . text] / (C); Aploparaksis pseudofurcigera sp. n. , Dicranotaenia andrejewoi sp . n . , D. coronula micracantha subs p. n . , p . kutassi sp . n . , D . pseudocoronula sp . n . , Diorchis par- voqenitalis sp. n. , Hymenolepis skrjabini sp. n . , Lateriporus skrjabini sp. n. , all in waterfowl. Matevosian, E. M. 1950. K faune tsestod ptits luzhnoi Kirgizii. [On the cestode fauna of birds of southern Kirgizia.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 4: 84-89. [Russ. text] / (C); Schistocephalus solidus in waterfowl . Matevosian, E. M. 1963. Dilepidoidea - lentochnye gel'minty domash- nikh i dikikh zhivotnykh. Osnovy tsestodologii. Vol. 3. [Dilepid- oidea - tapeworm helminths of domestic and wild animals. Essentials of cestodology. Vol. 3.] Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moskva, 687 p. [Russ. text] / (C); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; keys to genera; reports 16 forms in waterfowl. Matevosian, E. M., & N. N. Garizhskaia. 195 9. Tsestody domashnikh utok V Odesskoi i Nikolaevskoi oblastiakh. [Cestodes of the domestic duck in the Odessa and Nikolaev oblasts.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Vyp. I, Izdat. Min . Sel'skogo Khoz . SSSR, Moskva, p. 116-123. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 56 domestic ducks, reports 10 helminths (Ukraine) . Matevosian, E. M., & N. N. Garizhskaia. 1962. K izucheniu gel'- mintofauny sel'khozzhivotnykh v Volgogradskoi oblasti. [On the study of the helminth fauna of domestic animals in Volgograd oblast.] Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 9: 26-37. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); lists 10 forms in domestic and wild waterfowl. 174 Matevosian, E. M., & A. I. Krotov. 1949. Dva novykh vida Echlnocotyle (tsestoda) ot vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Two new species of Echln- ocotyle (Cestoda) from aquatic birds.] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 2: 96-9 8. [Russ . text] / (C); Echlnocotyle clerci sp . n. , E. skrjabini sp. n., in waterfowl (W. Siberia). Matevosian, E. M., & V. I. Okorokov. 1959. K izucheniiu neotenich- eskikh form tsestod vodoplava^iushchikh ptits SSSR. (On studies of neotenic forms of cestodes in waterfowls of the USSR.) Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 6: 121-130. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (C); Nematopara taenia skrjabini sp. n. , Gastrotaenia cygni , description; in waterfowl (W. Siberia). Mathias, P. 1922. Cycle evolutif d'un trematode holostomide (Strigea tarda Steenstr.). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc, Paris, 175: 599-602. / (T); (France). Mathias, P. 1924a. Cycle evolutif d'un trematode echinostome (Hypod- eraeum conoideum Bloch) . Compt. Rend. Soc . Biol., Paris, 90: 13-15. / (T); (France). Mathias, P. 1924b. Sur le cycle evolutif d'un trematode de la famille des Psilostomidae (Psilotrema spiculigerum Milhling) . Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc, Paris, 178: 1217-1219. / (T); (France). Mathias, P. 1925. Recherches experimentales sur le cycle evolutif de quelques trematodes. Bull. Biol. France et Belgique, 59: 1-123. / (T); includes 8 species in waterfowl (France). Mathias, P. 192 6. Sur le cycle evolutif d'un trematode de la famille des Echinostomidae Dietz (Echinoparyphium recurvatum Linstow). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc . , Paris, 183: 90-92. / (T); (France). Mathias, P. 1927. Cycle evolutif d'un trematode de la famille des Echinostomidae (Echinoparyphium recurvatum Linstow). Ann. Sc . Nat., Zool., 10 s., 10: 289-310. / (T); life cycle, description (France) . Mathias, P. 1930a. Sur le cycle evolutif d'un trematode de la famille des Notocotylidae Liihe (Notocotylus attenuatus Rud .) . Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc . , Paris, 191: 75-77. / (T); (France). Mathias, P. 1930b. Sur Cercaria ocellata La Valette. Ann. Parasitol., 8: 151-160. / (T); review of records of hosts , life history (France). 175 Mathias, P. 1935. Cycle evolutif d'un trematode holostomide (Cyath- ocotyle Gravieri n. sp.). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc . , Paris, 200: 1786-1788. / (T); (France). Matthias, D. V. 1963. Helminths of some waterfowl from western Nevada and northeastern California. J. Parasitol. , 49: 155. / (C); examined 14 waterfowl, reports 4 helminths; Paradilepis sp. (USA). Mawson, P. M. 1956a. Ascaroid nematodes from Canadian birds. Canad. J. Zool. , 34: 35-47. / (N); Contracaecum anasi sp. n. , C. yamaguti nom . n., Subulura sp., in waterfowl (Canada). Mawson, P. M. 1956b. Capillarid worms from Canadian birds. Canad. J. Zool., 34: 163-164. / (N); two species in waterfowl (Canada). Mawson, P. M. 1955c. Trichostrongylid worms from Canadian birds. Canad. J. Zool., 34: 164-165. / (N); four species in waterfowl (Canada) . Mawson, P. M. 1956d. Three new species of spirurid nematodes from Canadian birds. Canad. J. Zool. , 34: 193-199. / (N); Echinuria borealis sp. n. , in waterfowl (Canada). Mawson, P. M. 1956e. Spirurid nematodes from Canadian birds. Canad. J. Zool., 34: 206. / (N); one waterfowl record (Canada). Mayhew, R. L. 1925. Studies on the avian species of the cestode family Hymenolepididae. Illinois Biol. Monogr. , 10(1), 125 p. / (C); divides Hymenolepis into 3 genera, review of avian species of genus; Hymenolepis cuneata sp. n. , H. sacciperium sp. n. , Weinlandia cyrtoides sp. n. , W. macrostrobiloides sp. n. , W. intro- versa sp. n. , Diorchis excentricus sp. n. , all in ducks (USA) . Mayhew, R. L. 1929. The genus Diorchis , with descriptions of four new species from North America . J. Parasitol., 15: 251-259. / (C); diagnoses of all species in genus; Diorchis spinata sp. n. , D. bulbodes sp. n. , D. kodonodes sp . n. , D. microcirrosa sp. n. , all in ducks (USA) . Meggitt, F.J. 1920. A contribution to our knowledge of tapeworms of poultry. Parasitology, 12: 301-309, 313. / (C); reports 3 forms in waterfowl; Cotugnia fastigata sp. n. (Burma). Meggitt, F. J. 1926. On a collection of Burmese cestodes. Parasitology, 18: 230-237. / (C); one form in waterfowl (Burma). 175 Meggitt, F. J. 1927a. List of cestodes collected in Rangoon during the years 1923-26. J. Burma Res. Soc . , 16: 200-210. / (C); lists one helminth from waterfowl (Burma) . Meggitt, F, J. 1927b. Report on a collection of Cestoda, mainly from Egypt. Part II. Cyclophyllidea: family Hymenolepididae. Para- sitology, 19: 420-450. / (C); lists 15 species in waterfowl; Diorchis longicirrosa sp. n . , Hymenolepis birmanica sp . n . , H . fructifera sp. n. , H . fruticosa sp. n. , H . pauciannulata sp . n . , H . pauciovata sp. n . Meggitt, F. }. 1928. Report on a collection of Cestoda, mainly from Egypt. Part III. Cyclophyllidea (conclusion): Tetraphyllidea . Parasitology, 20: 315-328. / (C); Hymenolepis fidelis nom . n. (synonym H . pauciovata Meg . , 1927) , Progynotaenia evaginata in waterfowl. Meggitt, F. J. 1930. Report on a collection of Cestoda, mainly from Egypt. Part IV. Conclusion. Parasitology, 22: 338-345. / (C); Hymenolepis floreata nom. n. (synonym H. pauciovata Meg., 1927); two waterfowl records. Meggitt, F. J. 1931. On cestodes collected in Burma, Part II. Parasitology, 23: 250-263. / (C); reports 8 forms from, waterfowl; Cotugnia fila sp. n. , Raillietina fecunda sp. n. , R. pseudocyrtus sp. n . , Amoebotaenia sphenoides . Meggitt, F. J, 1933. Cestodes obtained from animals dying in the Calcutta Zoological Gardens during 1931. Rec . Indian Mus . , 35: 145-165. / (C); reports 13 species in waterfowl; Hymenolepis fimula sp. n, , H . fista sp . n . , H . fona sp . n . , H . foveata sp. n . (India) . Meggitt, F. J. , & Maung Po Saw. 192 4. On a new tapeworm from the duck. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 s., 14 (9): 324-326. / (C); Raillietina parviuncinata sp . n . (Burma) . Megnin, P. 1890a. Un parasite nouveau et dangereux de I'oie cabouc (Sarcidiornis melanota ) . Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 42 , 9 s 2: 87-90 . / (T); Monostoma sarcidiornicola sp. n . (Madagascar) . See Megnin, 1890b. Megnin, P. 1890b. Reprint of Megnin , 1890a. Rev. Sc . Nat. Appliq., 37: 685-688. / (T) . • I 177 Megnin, P. 1905. Sangsues parasites des palmipedes. Arch. Parasitol., 10: 71-76. / (H); Protoclepsis tessellata cause of death of duck. Mehra, H. R. 1937. Certain new and already known distomes of the family Lepodermatidae Odhner (Trematoda) , with a discussion on the classification of the family. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 9: 429-469. / (T); Lepoderma casarcii sp. n. , L. ferrugineum sp. n . , in ducks (India); L. russii nom. n. (synonym Plagiorchis maculosus var. anatinus); new combinations from subgenera. Mehra , H . R . 1940 . A new distome Enterohaematotrema n . g . and a new blood fluke Hemiorchis bengalensis n. sp. belonging to the family Spirorchidae Stunkard , and a new species of the genus Dendritobil- harzia Skrjabin and Zakharow belonging to the family Schistosomatidae Poche, with remarks on the evolution of the blood flukes, Proc . Nat. Acad. Sc. India, 10:100-118./ (T); Dendritobilharzia asiaticus sp. n . , in duck (India), Bilharziella indica comb. n. (synonym Chinhuta indica) . Mehra, R. K. 1944. A new species of the race genus Pseud echinostomum Odhner from Nettion crecca crecca . [Abstr.] Proc. 31. Indian Sc . Cong. (Delhi, 1934), Part IV, p. 7. / (T); Pseudechinostomum indicus sp. n., no description (India). Mendheim, H. (1940.) Beitrage zur Systematik und Biologie der Familie Echinostomatidae (Trematoda). Nova Acta Acad . Nat. Curios., 8: 489-588. / (T); reports 6 species in waterfowl; Echinochasmus mirus sp. n. , Stephanoprora pseudodenticulata sp. n . , S^. gracilis sp. n . , Petasiger coronatus sp. n.; includes descriptions of Himasthla elongata , Isoparyphium anceps comb . n . , Echinochasmus beleoceph- alus , Stephanoprora spinosa, Echinostoma revolutum (Germany). Mendheim, H. 1943. Beitrage zur Systematik und Biologie der Familie Echinostomatidae. Arch. Naturg. Leipzig, (N.T.), 12: 173-302. / (T); host parasite checklist for family; descriptions of 5 waterfowl parasites (Germany), Mendheim, H. 1953. Ueber Anomalien , Variationsbreite und Artabgrenzung bei der Familie Echinostomatidae (Trematoda). Zentralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Grig., 159: 477-480. / (T) . Merdivenci, A. 1955. Evcil ordek (Anas boschas dom.) lerimizde ilk defa olarak buldugumuz Hypoderaeum conoideum (Bloch, 1782): Trematoda (Fam. Echinostomidae) . Turk. Vet. Hekim. Derne§i Dergisi, 25: 2553-2559. [Turk, text, Eng . summary] / (T); (Turkey). 178 Merdivenci , A. [1957.] Evcil kaz (Anser anser dom.) larimizda buldu§umuz Notocotylus attenuatus (Rudolphi, 1809): Trematoda . Turk. Vet. Hekim Derne^i Dergisi, 27: 3597-3606. [Turk, text, Eng . summary] / (T); (Turkey) . Merdivenci, A. 1967. Turkiyenin Marmara bolgesinde evcil tavuk , hindi, 3rdek ve kazlarda goriilen trematod, sestod ve nematodlara dair arajtirmalar . Thesis, Istanbul, 150 p. / (N,C,T); includes result of examination of 95 ducks and 87 geese (Turkey) . Mettrick, D. F. 1959a. On the nematode genus Capillaria in British birds. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 13 s., 2(14): 65-84. / (N); reports 3 species in waterfowl (Great Britain) . Mettrick, D. F. 1959b. Zygocotyle lunata. A re-description of Zygocotyle lunata (Diesing, 18 36) Stunkard^ from Anas platyrhynchos domesticus in southern Rhodesia. Rhodesia Agric . J., 56: 197-198. / (T); description, synonymy, hosts; cause of extensive mortality. See Mettrick, 1959c. Mettrick, D. F, 1959c. Reprint of Mettrick, 1959b. Bull. (1996), Min. Agric, Salisbury, Rhodesia, 3 p. / (T) . Meyer, A. 1931. Die Acanthocephalen des arktischen Gebietes . Fauna Arctica (Romer u . Schaudinn) , 6(1): 9-20. / (A); lists 7 species in waterfowl; Profilicollis botulus comb, n., £. arcticus comb, n. Meyer, A. 1932-1933. Acanthocephala . In: Bronn's Klassen u . Ordnun- gen des Tierreichs , v. 4 , Abt. 2 , Buch 2; Leif . 1, 332 pp. , 1932; Lief. 2, p. 333-582, 1933. / (A); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution; lists 19 species in water- fowl. Lief. 2 -- host-parasite checklist, distribution by faunal regions . Meyer, A. [1938.] Klasse: Acanthocephala , Akanthozephalen, Kratzer. Tierwelt Mitteleuropas (Brohmer, Ehrmann, & Ulmer) , v. 1, 6 Lief., p. 1-40. / (A); lists 8 forms in waterfowl. Meyer, F. P. 1958. Helminths of fishes from Trumbull Lake, Clay County, Iowa. Proc . Iowa Acad. Sc . , 65: 477-516. / (N); inter- mediate hosts of Contracaecum spiculigerum (USA) . Meyer, M. C, & J. P. Moore. 1954. Notes on Canadian leeches (Hirudinea), with the description of a new species. Wasman J. Biol., 12: 63-96. / (H); Theromyzon rude in dead waterfowl (Canada, USA), description; 3 species of genus Theromyzon in Canada -- T. rude, T. occidentale, T. tessulatum. 179 Mielcarek, J. E. 1954. The occurrence of Plasmodium relictum in the wood duck (Aix sponsa) . J. Parasitol., 40: 232. / (N); microfilariae present in blood (USA) . Mihelsone, V. 1965. Sawalas putnu loma majputnu kasgalvju izplatisana, Latv. Lauksaimn. Akad , Rak . , 16: 195-19 7. [Russ. summary] / (A); reports 3 acanthocephala in waterfowl (Latvia) . Mikacic, D., & I. Erlich. 1940. Entoparasitska fauna guske. (Les helminths de I'oie en Yougoslavie .) Vet. Arhiv, Zagreb, 10: 379- 390. [Fr. summary] / (N,A,C,T); examined 50 domestic geese, reports 12 helminths (Yugoslavia) . Mikacic, D., & 1. Erlich. 1941. Parasitska fauna nase patke. (La faune endoparasitaire du canard.) Vet. Arhiv, Zagreb, 11: 453-476. [Croatian text, Fr. summary] / (N,A,C,T); examined 100 domestic ducks, reports 21 helminths (Yugoslavia). Mikailov, T. K. 1957. Nekotorye dannye o rasprostranenii remnetsov v vodoemakh Azerbaidzhana . [Some data on the distribution of ligulids in the waters of Azerbaidzhan.] Izvest. AN Azerbaid. SSR, 9: 95-101. [Russ. text, Azerbaidzhani summary] / (C); Ligula intestinalis in domestic duck. Milic , D. 1956. Parazitne bolesti domacih zivotinja na territoriji sreza Kolubarskog . [The parasitic diseases of domestic animals in the territory of the county of Kolubara.] Vet. Glasnik, Belgrade, 10: 930-933. / (C); includes at least one helminth in geese. Miller, E. L. 193 6. Studies on North American cercariae. Illinois Biol. Monogr., 14(2), 125 p. / (T); life history of echinostome, experimentally in duck (USA) . Miller, M. J. 1940. Black spot in fishes. Canad . J. Comp. Med. & Vet. Sc. , 4: 303-305. / (T); life history of Apophallus imperator (Canada) . Miller, M. J. 1941. The life history of Apophallus brevis Ransom, 1920. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 2 7(Suppl.): 12. / (T); (Canada). Miller, M. J. 1946. The cercaria of Apophallus brevis. [Abstr.] Canad. J. Res . , 24, Sect. D: 27-29. / (T); Apophallus imperator synonym of A. brevis (Canada). 180 Miller, M, J., & E. Munroe. 1951. Schistosome dermatitis in Quebec. Canad. Med. Ass. J., 65: 571-575. / (T); Trichobilharzia sp. (Canada). Mindel, N. V. 1963. K biologii lichinochnykh stadii Diplostomum spath- aceum (Rud . ) . [Biology of the larval stages of Diplostomum spathaceum (Rud.).] Material. 12. Nauchn. Konf . Leningrad. Vet. Inst., p. 125- 126. [Russ. text] / (T); life history (USSR). Miyazaki, 1. 1954. Studies on Gnathostoma occurring in Japan (Nematoda: Gnathostomidae) . II. Life history of Gnathostoma and morphological comparison of its larval forms. Kyushu Mem. Med. Sc . , 5: 123-140. / (N); Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae in ducks (Japan). Miyazaki, I. 1960. On the genus Gnathostoma and human gnathostomiasis , with special reference to Japan. Exper. Parasitol., 9: 338-370. / (N); Gnathostoma spinigerum life cycle, intermediate hosts include waterfowl (Japan). Miyazaki, I., & M. Nagao. 1952. [Natural infection of wild-fowls with encysted larvae of Gnathostoma spinigerum Owen.] Igaku to Seibut- sugaku, 24: 122-124. [Jap. text] / (N); (Japan). Miyazaki, I., & M. Nagao. 1953. [Natural infection of wild-fowls with encysted larvae of Gnathostoma spinigerum Owen. II.] Igaku to Seibutsugaku, 28: 242-244. [Jap. text] / (N) ; (Japan). Modlinger, G. 1934. Adatok az Apophallus donicus biologiajahoz. (Beitrage zur Biologie von Apophallus donicus .) Magy. Biol. Kutato Intezet Munkai, 7: 60-75. [Hung, text, Ger. summary] / (T); experimentally in waterfowl. Monnig, H. O. 1926. Helminthological notes. The anatomy and life- history of the fowl tapeworm (Amoebotaenia sphenoides) . 11. & 12 . Rep., Dir. Vet. Educ . Res., Dept. Agric . , Union South Africa, (1), p. 199-206. / (C). Monnig, H. O. 1933. Over eenige pluimvee-wormen verzameld te Utrecht. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. , 60: 468-469. / (T); reports 2 forms in waterfowl (Netherlands). Moghe, M. A. 1933. Four new species of avian cestodes from India. Parasitology, 25: 333-341. / (C); Unciunia acapillicirrosa sp. n. in domestic duck. 181 Mola, P. 1913. Nuovi ospiti di ucelli contribute al genere Hymenolepis. Biol, Centralbl. , 33:208-222. / (C); Hymenolepis riqqenbachi sp. n. in duck (Sardinia). Mola, P. 1919. Cestodes avium. Contribute alia fauna elmintologica sarda. Arch. Parasitol. , 16: 557-578. / (C); includes Hymenolepis riqqenbachi (Sardinia) . Molfi, A., & B. de Freitas Fernandes. 1953. "Corynosoma enriettii" n. sp. , parasita de patos e marrecos dom6sticos (Palaeacanthocephala: Polymorphidae) . Arq. Biol. eTecn., 8: 3-6. [Eng. summary]/ (A); (Brazil) . Monchenko, V. 1. 1956. Veslonoqie rakoobraznye kak promezhutochnye khoziaeva gel'mintov. [Copepoda as intermediate hosts of helminths.] Trudy 2. Nauch. Konf. Parazitol. U[kr]SSR, p. 87-88. [Russ. text] / (C); includes at least 11 helminths of waterfowl (USSR). Monticelli, F. S. 1892a. Studii sui trematodi endoparassiti Monostomum cymbium Diesing. Contribuzione alio studio dei monostomidi. Mem. R. Accad. Sc. Torino, CI. Sc. Fis. , Mat. e Nat. , 2 s. , 42: 583-727. / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl. Monticelli, F. S. 1892b. Studii sui trematodii endoparassiti; sul genere Notocotyle Diesing. Boll. Soc . Nat. Napoli, Is., v. 6(1), 5 Sett. , p. 2 6-46. / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl. Moore, J. P., & M. C. Meyer. 1951. Leeches (Hirudinea) from Alaskan and adjacent waters. Wasmann J. Biol. , 9:11-77. / (H); Theromyzon rude comb, n. in ducks (USA, Canada). Moran, J. F. , Jr. , & J. D. Mizelle. 1956. Notes on the habitat and tissue-phase of Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788). [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 42(4, Sect. 2): 18. / (N); life history (USA). Morehouse, N. F. 1944, Life cycle of Capillaria caudinflata, a nematode parasite of the common fowl. Iowa State Coll. J.Sc, 18: 217-253. / (N); (USA). Morgan, D. O, 1927a, Studies on the family Opisthorchiidae Braun, 1901 , with a description of a new species of Opisthorchis from a sarus crane (Antigone antigone) , J, Helminth,, 5 :89-104. / (T); revision of family, checklist of species, hosts; lists 4 species in waterfowl. See Morgan, 192 7b, 182 Morgan, D. O. 1927b. Reprint of Morgan, 1927a. Coll. Addresses & Lab. Studies, London Sch. Hyg . & Trop. Med., (1926-27), 3: 89- 104 (p. 1-16). / (T) . Morgan, D. O., & P. A. Clapham. 1934. Some observations on gape- worm in poultry and game birds. J. Helminth,, 12: 63-70. / (N); host relationships of Syngamus trachea (Great Britain) . Morini, E. G., E. G. Colombo, & A. A. Martin. 1960. Infestacion de cisnes , Cygnus melancoriphus con Echinuria cygni n . sp. Actas y Trab. 1, Cong. Sudam. Zool . (La Plata, 1959), v. 2, Secc . 3: Invertebrados , p. 223-22 8. / (N); describes only female (Argentina, Zool . Garden) . Morishita, K. 1924. [On the phylogeny of the so-called monostomatous trematode and the trematode genus Cyclocoelum from Japan.] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, (424), 36: 89-104. [Jap. text] / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl . Morishita, K. 1929. Some avian trematodes from Japan, especially from Formosa; with a reference list of all known Japanese species. Annot. Zool. Japan., 12: 143-173. / (T); reports 8 species in waterfowl, lists 5 more from literature (Taiwan) . Morishia, K., & K. Tsuchimochi. 1925a. Notes on four avian trematodes from Formosa with remarks on the life history of Hypoderaeum conoi- deum (Bloch) . Contrib. Dept. Hyg., Govt. Res. Inst. Formosa, (41), 19 p. (Jap. text] / (T); four species in waterfowl (Taiwan). Morishita, K. , & K. Tsuchimochi. 1925b. Notes on four avian trematodes from Formosa, with a remark on the life history of Hypoderaeum conoideum (Bloch) . Studies on trematode parasites of the domestic birds in Formosa. Contrib. II. Taiwan Igakk . Zasshi, Taihoku, (243): 544-562. [Jap. text, Eng . summary] / (T); four species in waterfowl . Morozov, F.N. 1951. Geteropioidy cheloveka, domashnikh i dikikh zhivotnykh. [Heterophyoidea of man, domestic and wild animals.] Dokt. Diss., Moskovsk. Vet. Akad . [Russ. text]/See Morozov, 1952. Morozov, F. N. 1952. Trematody NadsemeTstva Heterophyoidea Faust, 1929. [Trematoda Superfamily Heterophyoidea Faust, 1929.] In: Skrjabin, Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii , V. 6, Moskva, p. 153-615. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph, includes Heterophyidae; description of each species, synonym, hosts, cita- tions; lists 7 forms from waterfowl. 183 Morozov, F. N. 1955. Podotriad Heterophyata Morozov, 1955. [Suborder Heterophyata Morozov, 1955.] In: Skrjabin, Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka , Osnovy trematodologii, v. 10, Moskva, p. 243-335. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph, includes Gymnophallidae; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, citations; lists 8 forms in water- fowl. Morozov, F, N. [1959.] K voprosu o nalichii anusa u digeneticheskikh trematod . [On the question of the presence of an anus in digenetic trematodes.] Rabot. Gel' mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint., Moskva, p. 239-242. [Russ. text] / (T); Jubilarum skrjabini sp. n. in duck (Kamchatka). Morozov, F.N. 1960. Novye trematody ot ryboiadnykh ptits Kamchatki. [New trematodes from fish-eating birds of Kamchatka.] Gel'mint. Sborn. (2), k 50-Let. Gor'kovsk. Gosudarstv. Pedagog. Inst., Uchenye Zap., 27: 5-12. [Russ. text] / (T); Levinseniella camtsh- atica sp. n. , Pleuropsolus somaterias sp. n. , Cestotrema malissimus sp. n . , in ducks . Mortelmans, J. 1961. Aperju des filarioses animales. Ann. Soc . Beige Med. Trop., 41: 307-322. / (N); includes filariae of waterfowl. Mosina, S. K. 1957. K izucheniiu gel'mintozov gusei v Tatarskoi respublike. [On the study of helminths of geese in Tatar republic]. Uchen. Zapiski Kazan. Gosudarstv. Vet. Inst., 68: 134-137. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); lists 7 helminths of domestic geese. Movsesian, S. O. 1962a. Izuchenie gel'mintofauny domashnikh utok i gusei Moldavii. [Study of the helminth fauna of domestic ducks and geese of Moldavia.] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 9: 38-41. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 692 domestic waterfowl, reports 27 helminths. Movsesian, S. O. 1962b. Issledovanie vodnykh bespozvonochnykh zhivotnykh na zarazhennost' lichinkami gel'mintov utok i guseT iz Kalfinskogo i Donutsenskogo vodoemov Moldavii. [Investigation of aquatic invertebrates of Kalfinsk and Donutsensk reservoirs in Moldavian SSR, infected with larval helminths of ducks and geese.] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 9: 42-44. [Russ. text] / (N,C); seasonal intensities of various groups in invertebrates. Movsesian, S. O. 1963a. K epizootologii osnovnykh gel'mintozov domashnikh vodo'^plavaiushchikh ptits v MoldavskoT SSR. [Epizo- otiology of the principal helminthiases of domestic waterfowl in the Moldavian SSR.] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 10: 49- 53. [Russian text] / (N,C); seasonal incidence of diseases. 184 Movsesian, S. O. 1963b. Obnaruzhenie tsestody Tatria acanthorhyncha (Wedl, 1855) y beloglazogo nyrka . [Discovery of the cestode Tatria acanthorhyncha (Wedl, 1855) in the common white-eye.] Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. i Rast. , k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 157-159. [Russ. text] / (C); in waterfowl (Moldavia); description. Moynihan, I. W. , & P. L. Stovell. 1955. Parasitism of the swan by the nematode Acuaria uncinata. Canad. J. Comp. Med. & Vet. Sc, 19: 48-49. / (N); cause of death of domestic swan (Canada). Mozgovoi, A. A. 1949. Askaridy zhivotnykh (morfologiia , biologiia, sistematika) i opyt postroenira filogenetiki i zoogeografii (Anisakoidea) . [Ascarids of animals (morphology, biology, systematics) and knowledge of the philogenetic structure and zoo-geography.] Diss. Biol. Nauk, Moskovsk. Vet. Akad . , 1052 p. [Russ. text] / See Mozgovoi, 1953a, 1953b, 1968. Mozgovoi, A. A. 1952a. Biologiia Porrocaecum crassum - nematody vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [The biology of Porrocaecum crassum - nematode of aquatic birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 6: 114-125. [Russ. text] / (N); life cycle (USSR). Mozgovoi, A. A. 1952b. Rasshifrovka biologicheskogo tsikla Porrocaecum crassum - nematody vodoplavaiushchikh ptits. [The life cycle of Porrocaecum crassum, nematode of aquatic birds.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 83: 335-336. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Mozgovoi, A. A. 1953a. Ascaridaty zhivotnykh i cheloveka i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevaniia , v. 1. Osnovy nematodologii, Tom 2. [Ascaridata of animals and man and the diseases caused by them. Part 1. Essentials of nematodology , vol. 2.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 351 p. [Russ. text] / (N); monograph; description of each species, hosts, distribution, pathology; includes genus Ascaridia , lists 3 forms in waterfowl. See Mozgovoi, 1968. Mozgovoi, A. A. 1953b. Ascaridaty zhivotnykh i cheloveka i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevanifa, v. 2. Osnovy nematodologii, Tom 2. [Ascaridata of animals and man and the diseases caused by them. Part 2. Essentials of nematodology, vol. 2] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 616 p. [Russ. text] / (N); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, habitat, citations; includes genera Contracaecum, Porrocaecum, lists 6 forms in waterfowl. 185 Mozgovof, A. A. 1954a. K izuchenliu epizootologii porrotserkoza vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Contribution to the epizootiology of porrocaeciasis of aquatic birds.] Trudy Gel 'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 7: 196-199. [Russ. text] / (N); Porrocaecum eras sum biology and life cycle (USSR) . MozgovoT, A. A. 1954b. Porrotsekoz utok i biologicheskie osobennosti ego vozbuditelia . [Porrocaeciasis of the duck and its biological peculiarities.] Sborn, Trud . Khar'kovsk. Vet. Inst., 22: 316-320. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Mozgovoi, A. A. 1968. Translation of Mozgovoi, 1953a. Isr. Program Scient. Transl., 390 p. [Eng . translation] / (N) . Mozgovoi, A., & L. Bishaeva. 1959. K voprosu rasshifrovki tsikla razvitia Porrocaecum heteroura (Ascaridata, Anisakidae) . (On the evolution cycle of Porrocaecum heteroura (Ascariadata, Anisakidae).) Helminthologia , 1: 195-197. [Russ. text; Ger. , Eng. summaries] / (N); life cycle (USSR). MozgovoT, A. A., I. I. Magda, & N. E. Shalduga. 1962. K epizootologii askaridioza domashnikh ptits. [On the epizootiology of ascaridiasis of domestic birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 166-168. [Russ. text] / (N); could not infect waterfowl with Ascaridia galli from chickens . Mozgovoi, A. A., M. K. Semenova, & V. I. Shakhmatova. 1965. Tsikl razvitiia Contracaecum microcephalum (Ascaridata: Anisakidae) - nematody vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Cycle of development of Contracaecum microcephalum (Ascaridata: Anisakidae), nematode of aquatic birds.] Materialy Nauchn . Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint, (1965), ch. 1, p. 154-159. [Russ. text] / (N) . Mozgovoi, A. A., V. I. Shakhmatova, & M. K. Semenova. 1965. K izucheniiu tsikla razvitii^ Contracaecum spiculiqerum (Ascaridata: Anisakidae) - nematody vodoplavaiushchikh ptits. [On the study of the life cycle of Contracaecum spiculigerum (Ascaridata: Anisakidae), nematode of aquatic birds.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf, Vsesoiliz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 4, p. 169-174. [Russ. text] / (N); intermediate hosts invertebrates and fish. Mrazek, A. 1890. O cysticerkoidech nasich korySu sladkovodnich . Pnspevek k biologii a morfologii cestodu. [About the cysticercoids of our freshwater Crustacea .] Sitzungsb. K.-B3hm. Gesellsch. Wissensch., Prag . , Math. -Naturw. 01., Pt. 1, p. 226-248. / (C); includes cysticercoids of at least 3 waterfowl species. 186 Mrazek, A. 1891. Phspevky k vyvojezpytu nekterych tasemnic ptacich. [Development of some cestodes of birds.] Sitzungsb, K.-Bohm. Gesellsch. Wissensch., Prag, Math . -Naturw. CI., p. 97-131. / (C); includes larvae of at least 3 helminths of waterfowl. Mrazek, A. 1896. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte einiger Taenien. Sit- zungsb. K.-Bohm Gesellsch . Wissensch., Frag., Math. -Naturw. CI. , pt. 2 , Art. 3 8, p. 1-16. / (C); includes Fimbriaria fasciolaris . Mrazek, A. 1907. Cestoden-Studien . 1. Cysticercoiden aus Lumbriculus variegatus. Zool. Jahrb . , Ab!;, Syst., 24: 591-624. / (C); includes Dicranotaenia aequabilis . Muchlis, A. 1959. Tambahan daftar tjatjing jang berparasit pada hewan menjusui dan unggas di Indonesia. [Parasitic worms on mammals and birds in Indonesia.] Hemera Zoa, 66: 6-9. / (C); lists 2 forms in waterfowl. Muchlis , A. 1960 . On an Amphimerus worm from the bile duct of a common house duck. Commun. Vet. Fac . Vet. So. Bogor, Indonesia, 4: 77-80 . / (T); Amphimerus bogoriensis sp. n. prov. (Java) . Mudaliar, S. V., & V. S. Alwar. 1947. A check-list of parasites (class- Nematoda) in the department of parasitology, Madras Veterinary College laboratory. Indian Vet. J. , 24: 77-94. / (N); lists one form in ducks (India) . von zur Miihlen, M. , & G. Schneider. 1920. Der See Wirzjew in Livland. Arch. Naturk. Ostbaltikum, (2): 14, 19. / (H); Theromyzon maculosum in duck (Latvia-Esthonia) . Muehling, P. 1896. Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger Trematoden. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , 20: 588-590 . / (T); Cyathocotyle prussica sp. n. , Distomum laticolle sp. n., in ducks . Muehling, P. 1897. Beitrkge zur Kenntnis der Trematoden. Arch. Naturg., 62 J. , 1: 243-279. / (Tl; Cyathocotyle prussica in duck . Muehling, P. 1898a. Studien aus Ostpreussens Helminthenfauna . Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Zool. Anzeiger, (549), 21: 16-24. / (T); includes 4 forms in waterfowl; Distomum simillimum sp. n. , Distomum spiculigerum sp. n. (N . Russia). Muehling, P. 1898b. Die Helminthen-Fauna der Wirbeltiere Ostprussens . Arch. Naturg., 64 J., 1: 1-118. / (N,A,C,T); lists at least 11 forms in waterfowl (N . Russia). 187 Muroma, E. 1951. Suomen tarkeimpien riistaelainten loiset ja taudit tahan mennessa suoritettujen tutkimusten mukaan. (A list of parasites and diseases of the most important game animals in Finland.) Suomen Riista, 6: 159-162. [Swed . , Eng. summaries] / (N,A,C,T); reports 10 forms (only 2 by specific name) in waterfowl. Muto, M . 1921a. On the first intermediate host of Echinochasmus perfoliatus var. japonicus . Japan, Med. World, 1: 7-8. / (T); (Japan). See Muto, 1921b. Muto, M. 1921b. Reprint of Muto, 1921a. Nippon Byori Gakki Kaishi, Tokyo, 11: 447-449. / (T) . Muto, M., & F. Ohshima. 1923. On the life history of Metorchis orientalis Tanabe. Nippon Byori Gakki Kaishi, Tokyo, (13): 38-90. [Jap. text] / (T); (Japan). Myers, B. J., & R. E. Kuntz . 1962. Nematode parasites from vertebrates taken on Lan Yu, Formosa. II. Nematodes from fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds. Canad. J. Zool., 40: 135-136. / (N); Tetrameres sp. in duck. Najarian, H. H. 1952. The metacercaria of Echinoparyphium flexum (Linton) Dietz, 1909 in frog kidneys. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 3 8 (4, Suppl.): 38. / (T); (USA). Najarian, H. H. 1953. The life history of Echinoparyphium flexum (Linton, 1892) Dietz, 1910 (Trematoda: Echinostomidae) . Science, 117: 564-565. / (T); (USA). Najarian, H. H. 1954. Developmental stages in the life cycle of Echinoparyphium flexum (Linton, 1892) Dietz, 1910 (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) . J. Morphol., 94: 165-197. / (T); (USA). Najarian, H. H. 19 61. The identity of Echinoparyphium flexum (Linton, 1892) Dietz, 1910 (Trematoda, Echinostomatidae). J. Parasitol., 47: 635-63 6 . / (T); Echinoparyphium flexum and E^. recurvatum are distinct species (USA) . Nardelli, L. 1946. Enzoozia di distomatosi epatica da Metorchis xantosomus (Creplin, 1846) (var. min.) in un allevamento di anatre mute (Chairina moscata L.). Profilassi, 19: 8-12. / (T); (Italy). Nasir, P. 1960. Trematode parasites of snails from Edgbaston Pool: The life history of the strigeid Cotylurus brevis Dubois & Rausch, 1950. Parasitology, 50: 551-575. / (T); (Great Britain). Nasir, P. 1962. On the identification of the cercaria of Cotylurus brevis Dubois & Rausch, 1950 (Trematoda: Strigeida) and genitalia of the adult. Proc. Helminth. Soc . Wash., 29: 82-87. / (T) . Nath, D. 1962. On the trematode genus Prosthogonimus Luhe, 1899 in Indian birds. Agra Univ. J. Res.lSc.), 11: 219-226. / (T); recognizes only 2 species in India, P. putschkowskii and P. cuneatus; 8 species not valid . Nath, D . , & B . P . Pande. 1962 . On a new species of Para mono stomum Luhe, 1909 (Trematoda: Notocotylidae) from Anas crecca L. Agra Univ. J. Res .(Sc), 11: 215-217 . / (T); Paramonostomum harwoodi sp. n. (India). Naumenko, A. M. 1965. [Tetrameres fissispina in ducks.] Ptitsevodstvo, (H): 30-31. [Russ. text] / (N) . Nelson, E. C, & J. S. Gashwiler. 1941. Blood parasites of some Maine waterfowl. J. Wildlife Mangmt., 5: 199-205. / (N);includes incidence of microfilariae in 130 wild ducks (USA) . Neradova, J. 196 6. Contribution to the knowledge of the helminthofauna of domestic ducks (Anas platyrhyncha dom. L.) in the western parts of Czechoslovakia . Vestnik Ceskoslov. Spol. Zool., 30: 247-255. / (C,T); examined 346 domestic ducks on large farms, 30 from small farms, 27 wild waterfowl. Neradova, J. 1967. Studies on the life-history of some cestodes of water birds, belonging to the family Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907. V^stnik (Seskoslov. Spol. Zool., 31: 179-189. / (C); intermediate hosts of 5 cestodes (Czechoslovakia) . Neuhaus, W. 1952. Biologie und Entwicklung von Trichobilharzia szidati n. sp. (Trematoda, Schistosomatidae) , einem Erreger von Dermatitis beim Menschen. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 15: 203-266. / (T); in ducks (Bavaria). Neumann, L. G. 1909. Parasites et maladies parasitaires des oiseaux domestiques . Paris, 230 p. / (T); Typhlocoelum obovale sp. n. in domestic duck (Brazil) . 189 Nevostrueva, L. S. 1953, K Izucheniiu tsikla razvitiia Echinostoma miyagawai (Ishli, 1932) - vozbuditelia ekhinostomatoza domashnikh ptits . [On the study of the life cycle of Echinostoma miyagawai (Ishii, 1932), cause of echinostomiasis in domestic birds.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s., 90: 317-318. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). Nevostrueva, L. S. 1954a. Izuchenie tsiklov razvitiia vozbuditelei ekhinostomatidozov domashnikh ptits. [Study of the life cycles of the causative agents of echinostomatidiasis of domestic birds.] Diss. Kand. Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. Lenin), 215 p.; Avtoref. Diss., 8 p. [Russ. text]/See Nevostrueva, 1954b. Nevostrueva, L. S. [1954b.] Tsikl razvitiia novoi ekhinostomatidy domashnikh ptits Echinoparyphium petrowj nov. sp. [Life cycle of a new echinostome of domestic birds Echinoparyphium petrowi nov. sp.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 75-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 436-439. [Russ. text] / (T); experimental infections in ducklings, goslings (N . Russia). See Nevostrueva , 1966. Nevostrueva, L, S. 1964. K izucheniiu tsikla razvitiia Echinoparyphium recurvatum (Linstow, 1874). [Study of the developmental cycle of Echinoparyphium recurvatum (Linstow, 1873).] Uchen. Zapiski Gorkii Gosudarstv. Pedagog . Inst., 48: 160-161. [Russ. text] / (T) . Nevostrueva, L. S. 1966. Translation of Nevostrueva , 1954. Contrib. Helminth. Comemm. 75. Birthday Skrjabin, Isr. Program Scient. Transl., p. 439-442. [Eng . translation] / (T) . Nezlobinski, N. 1926. Helmintolo§ke studije u Ohridskoj kotlini. I. O bubreSnim trematodama kod ptica . [Helminthological studies in the Okhrida valley. I. On kidney trematodes in birds.] Glasnik Tsentral. Khig. Zavoda, Beograd, yearl, 1: 202-217, [Croatian text]/(T); one form in waterfowl (Yugoslavia). Nicholas, W. L. , & H. B. N. Hynes. 1957. The life-cycle of Polymorphus minutus (Acanthocephala) , a parasite of the duck and other birds . [Abstr.] Tr, Royal Soc . Trop. Med. & Hyg . , 51: 9. / (A); (Great Britain) . Nicholas , W. L. , & H . B. N . Hynes. 1958. Studies on Polymorphus minutus (Goeze, 17 82) (Acanthocephala) as a parasite of the domestic duck. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 52: 36-47. / (A); life cycle, biology (Great Britain) . 190 Nicoll, W. 1906. Some new and little-known trematodes . Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., s. 7 (102), 17: 513-527. / (T); reports one form in waterfowl, description of Levinsenia similis (Great Britain) . Nicoll, W. 1907. Observations on the trematode parasites of British birds. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 7 s. (117), 20: 245-271. / (T); Gymnophallus dapsilis sp. n.; lists 5 forms in waterfowl. Nicoll, W. 1914a. Trematode parasites from animals dying in the Zoological Society's gardens during 1911-1912. Proc . Zool . Soc. London, 1914 (1): 139-154. / (T); reports 2 forms in waterfowl (England). Nicoll, W. 1914b. The trematode parasites of North Queensland. H. Parasites of birds. Parasitology, 7: 105-126. / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl (Australia). Nicoll, W. 1923. A reference list of the trematode parasites of British birds. Parasitology, 15: 151-202. / (T); checklist of trematodes of British species of birds; host-parasite list, lists 66 forms in waterfowl, Nicoll, W. , & W. Small. 1909. Notes on larval trematodes . Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 8 s. (15), 3: 237-246. / (T); life history of Cryptocotyle concava (Great Britain) . Niewiadomska , K. 1958. Paracoenogonimus viviparae (Linstow, 1877) Sudarikov, 1956 (Trematoda , Cyathocotylidae) from the Mamry Lake, Poland. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sc . , s. Sc . Biol., 6: 305-308. [Russ. summary] / (T); life cycle. Niewiadomska, K. 1962. Identity of Tylodelphys clavata (Ciurea, 1928) nee Nordman, 1832, with Tylodelphys excavata (Rudolphi, 1803) (Trematoda, Diplostomatidae) . Bull. Acad. Polon. Sc . , CI. II, s. Sc. Biol. , 10: 431-433 . / (T); life cycle of Tylodelphys excavata (Poland). Niewiadomska, K. 1964. Observations on the specificity in the genus Tylodelphys (Diesing 1850) (Trematoda, Diplostomatidae). Proc. Symp., Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc . , p. 159-165. / (T); cites reports of T. excavata in waterfowl, T. clavata is synonym. Nikulin, T.G. 1958. Gel'minty i gel'mintozy domashnikh gusei i utok na territorii VitebskoT oblasti. BSSR. [Helminths and helminthiases of domestic geese and ducks in the territory of Vitebsk oblast BSSR.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint., AN SSSR, (1958), p. 94-95. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); general information on study (Belorussia) . 191 Nikulin, T. G. 1961. [Comparative data on the helminthic infection of domestic aquatic birds on some farms in the Vitebsk region.] Uchen. Zapiski Vitebsk. Vet. Inst., 17: 41-48. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 125 domestic geese, 290 ducks; reports 10 helminths, gives conditions leading to high infections (Belorussia) . Nikulin, T. G. 1965. K faune tsestod domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Belorussii. [On the cestode fauna of domestic waterfowl of Belorussia.] Materialy Nauchn . Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 1, p. 166-168. [Russ. text] / (C) . Nikulin, T. G. 1966. Enzooticheskaia vspyshka singamoza gusei. [Enzootic outbreak of Syngamus infestation in geese.] Veterinariia , 43(8): 56-58. [Russ. text] / (N) . Nikulin, T. H. 1967. [Nematodes and nemathelminthiases of domestic ducks and geese in Byelorussia.] Vestsi AN BSSR, s. Sel'skahasp. Nav., Minsk, (2): 123-129. / (N) . Noller, W., & K. Ullrich. 1927. Die Entwicklung einer Plagiorchis-Art. (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cercariae armatae.) Sitzungsb. Gesel- Isch. Naturf. Fr. Berlin, (4-7): 81-96. / (T); Plagiorchis maculosus life history. Noller, W. , & O. Wagner. 1923. Der Was serf rosch als zweiter Zwisch- enwirt eines Trematoden von Ente und Huhn (Vorlaufige Mitteilung) . Berl. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 39: 463-464. / (T) . Noll, W. 1950. Eine Masseninfektion von Gammarus pulex fossarum Koch mit Polymorphus minutus Goeze. Nachrichten der Sammel- stelle fur Schmarotzerbestimmung . Naturw. Mus. der Stadt Aschaf- f enburg , (2 9), p. 13-15. / (A); over 60% of G . pulex infected . Novak, O. , & H. Schanzel. 19 61. Der Einfluss der Haltung auf den Wurmbefall bei Enten . Angew. Parasitol., 2: 16-19. [Eng . summary] / (N,C,T); examined 300 domestic ducks, lists 7 helminth parasites (Czechoslovakia) . Nybelin, O. 1919. Zur Entwicklung sgeschichte von Schistocephalus solidus (O. F. Miill.). Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Grig., 83: 2 95- 2 97. / (C); life cycle, in duck (Sweden). 192 Odening, K. 1959. Uber Plaqiorchis, Omphalometra und Allocreadium (Trematoda, Digenea) . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 19: 14-34. / (T); revision of genus Plagiorchis , several new combinations as sub- species - P . eleqans uhlwormi comb . n . , P . cirratus potanini comb . n . , £. laricola ferrugineum comb, n. Odening, K. 1961. Was ist Cercaris echinatoides Filippi = C. echinifera La Valette? Wiadom. Parazytol., 7: 850-855. / (T); Echinoparyphium echinatoides (synonym E . petrowi) . Odening, K. 1962a. Trematoden aus indischen Vogeln des Berlinen Tierparks. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 21: 381-425. / (T); Opisthorchis sp. , Cyclocoelum capellum, in waterfowl, descriptions (Germany). Odening, K. 1962b. Bemerkungen zum Exkretionssystem dreier echinos- tomer Cercarien sowie zur Identitat der Gattungen Neoacanthoparyphium Yamaguti und Allopetasiger Yamaguti (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 21: 521-534. / (T); Neoacanthoparyphium echinatoides comb, n. (synonym N . petrowi) , life history, synonymy (Germany) . Odening, K. 1962c. Furcocercarien (Trematoda: Strigeata und Schistoso- mata, larvae) aus Brandenburg und Sachsen. Monatsb. Deutsch. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 4: 384-392. / (T); intermediate host of Bilharziella polonica (Germany). Odening, K. 1962d, Trematoden aus einheimischen Vogeln des Berliner Tierparks und der Umgebung von Berlin. Biol. Zentralbl., 81: 419- 468. / (T); Metorchis bills comb, n. includes 5 species of Metorchis reported from waterfowl. Odening, K. 1963a. Einige Trematoden von aus der Sowjetunion import- ierten Vogeln des Berliner Tierparks. Abh. Ber. St. Mus. Tierk., Dresden, Zool. Abh., 26: 249-255. / (T); reports at least 3 species from waterfowl. Odening, K. 1963b. Echinostomatoidea, Notocotylata und Cyclocoelida (Trematoda, Digenea, Redioinei) aus Vogeln des Berliner Tierparks. Bijd , Dierk., 33: 37-60. / (T); lists and describes 8 helminths from waterfowl, descriptions of 5 others reported in waterfowl; Curtuteria grummti sp. n. , Echinochasmus mergi palaearcticus subsp . n. (E. Germany) . 193 Odening, K. 1963c. Strigeida aus Vogeln des Berliner Tierparks, Angew. Parasitol. , 4: 171-182, 225-242. [Eng. &Russ. summaries] / (T); Qrnithodiplostomum ptychocheilus palaearcticun subsp. n. , description of Diplostomum mergi (Germany); reports 4 helminths in waterfowl. Odening, K. 1964a. Die Entwicklungszyklen einiger Trematodenarten des Blesshuhns Fulica a. atra L. im Raum Berlin. Biol. Rundschau, 2: 129-131 . / (T); life cycles of Notocotylus pacifera, Moliniella anceps , Laterotrema arenula (Germany) . Odening, K. 1964b. Zur Trematodenfauna von Nettapus c. coromandelianus in Indien. Angew. Parasitol., 5: 228-241. [Eng., Russ. summaries] / (T); reports 3 species in duck; Notocotylus duboisianus sp. n. , Tanaisia fedtschenkoi meridionalis subsp. n.; diagnosis and revision of species of genus Notocotylus (Berlin Zoo - Germany) . Odening, K. 1964c. Trematoden aus einheimischen Stockenten und Lachmowen. Zool. Anzeiger, 172: 265-273. / (T); lists 5 species of helminth in ducks; description of each (Berlin Zoo - Germany). Odening, K. 1964d. Dicrocoelioidea und Microphalloidea (Trematoda: Plagiorchiata) aus Vogeln des Berliner Tierparks. Mitteil. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 40: 145-184. / (T); reports 3 helminths in ducks, description of each (Germany) . Odening, K. 1964e, What is Cercaria spinifera La Valette? Some remarks on the species identity and biology of some echinostome cercariae. Proc . Symp . , Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc, p. 91-97. / (T); C_. spinifera is in Echinostoma revolutum complex. Odening, K. 1964f. Der Entwicklungszyklus des Trematoden Notocotylus pacifer (Noble, 1933) in Raum Berlin. Monatsb. Deutsch. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 6: 785-786. / (T) . Odening, K. 1965a. Der Lebenszyklus des Trematoden Parastrigea robusta Szidat im Raum Berlin. [Abstr.] Monatsber. Deutsch. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 7: 846. / (T); (Germany). Odening, K. 1965b. Der Entwicklungszyklus von Parastrigea robusta Szidat, 1928 (Trematoda, Strigeida) im Raum Berlin. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 26: 185-196. / (T); (Germany). Odening, K. 1965c. Der Lebenszyklus von Neodiplostomum attenuatum (Trematoda, Strigeida) im Raum Berlin. Biol. Rundschau, 3: 250- 2 53. / (T); duck shown as auxiliary host for metacercariae (Germany). 194 Odening, K. 1965d. Der Entwicklungszyklus des Trematoden Catatropis verrucosa (Frolich, 17 89) im Raum Berlin. [Abstr.] Monatsber. Deutsch, Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 7: 477. / (T); (Germany). Odening, K. 1965e. Die Altrices-Wirte einiger einheimischer Haus- und Nutztiertrematoden , Bemerkungen zum tatsachlichen gegenwartigen Stand der Kenntnisse. Angew. Parasitol., 6: 84-94. / (T); review and correction of molluscan hosts reported for trematodes in Europe, includes 2 2 species of trematodes reported from waterfowl. Odening, K. 1966a. Physidae und Planorbidae als Wirte in den Lebens- zyklen einheimischer Notocotylidae (Trematoda: Paramphistomidae) . Zeitschr. Parasitenk. , 27: 210-239. / (T); life history of Notocotylus pacifer , N. ephemera , Catatropis verrucosa included (Germany). Odening, K. 1967. Die Lebenszyklen von Strigea falconispalumbi (Viborg) , S^. s trig is (Schrank) und S^. sphaerula (Rudolphi) (Trematoda, Strigeida) in Raum Berlin. Zool . Jahrb . , Abt. Anat., 94: 1-67. [Eng . summary] / (T); S_. falconispalumbi experimentally in duck (Germany), Odhner, T. 1900. Gymnophallus , eine neue Gattung von Vogeldistomen . Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., 28: 12-23. / (T); reports 4 species in water- fowl; Gymnophallus choledocus sp . n. , G . bursicola sp. n . , G . somateriae comb. n. (Sweden). Odhner, T. 1905. Die Trematoden des arktischen Gebietes . In: Fauna Arctica (Romer & Schaudinn) , 4, 2 Lief., p. 291-375. / (T); reports at least 2 helminths in waterfowl. Odhner, T. 1910. Nordostafrikanische Trematoden, grosstenteils vom Weissen Nil (von der schweidischen zoologischen Expedition gesammelt). Results Swedish Zool. Exped . Egypt & White Nile 1901 (Jagerskiold) , (23A), 170 p. / (T); includes 3 forms in waterfowl (Egypt) . Odhner, T. 1911. Sanguinicola M . Plehn — ein digenetischer Trematode! Zool, Anzeiger, 38: 33-45. / (T); reports Bilharziella pulverulenta in waterfowl (in footnote) , Odhner, T. 1912. Zum naturlichen System der digenen Trematoden , 5. Zool, Anzeiger, 41: 54-71, / (T); review of blood flukes, includes 2 forms reported from waterfowl. Odhner, T. 1913. Zum naturlichen System der digenen Trematoden . 6, Zool, Anzeiger, 42: 289-318, / (T); reports 5 forms in waterfowl (Sweden, Germany, Poland). 195 Ohman, C. 1966a. The structure and function of the adhesive organ in strigeid trematodes . Part 111. Apatemon gracilis minor Yamaguti, 1933. Parasitology, 56: 209-226. / (T); life history; parasite encloses villus in forebody, breaks down epithelium, ingests semi-solid material (Great Britain) . Ohman, C. 1966b. The structure and function of the adhesive organ in strigeid trematodes IV. Holostephanus I'uhei Szidat, 1936. Parasi- tology, 56: 481-491. / (T); very similar to structure of Cyathocotyle bushiensis; adhesive organs of strigeids caui\^ disintegration of host tissue, followed by ingestion. Ogata, T. 1942. Description preliminaire d'une nouvelle espece de trematode Euamphimerus cygnoides n. sp. Dobuts. Zasshi [Zool . Mag.], Tokyo, 54: 242-244. / (T); in duck (Oceania -Palauls.). Ogata, T. 1944. On the morphology, ecology and life history of an agamo- distome parasitic in a bivalve, Paphia (Ruditapes) philippinarum (Adams et Reeve) . Sc . Rep. Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Sect. B, (102), 7:1-24. / (T); life history of Gymnophallus bursicola. Oglesby, L. C. 1965. Parvatrema borealis (Trematoda) in San Francisco Bay. J. Parasitol., 51: 582. / (T); life history (USA). Oguri, M. , & G . W. T. C. Chu. 1955. Influence of diet on the suscep- tibility of domesticated ducks to parasitism by a marine trematode. [Abstr.] Proc. Hawaiian Acad. Sc . , (30. Ann. Meet., 1954-55), p. 15-16. / (T); experimental infection by Parorchis acanthus , in ducks on abnormal diet (USA - Hawaii) . Oiso, T. 1927. On a new species of avian Schistosoma developing in the portal vein of the duck, and investigation of its life-history. Taiwan Igakk . Zasshi, Taihoku, (270): 848-865. [jap. text, Eng . summary] / (T); Bilharziella yokogawai sp. n. (Taiwan). Okabe, K. 193 9. On the trematode cysts of the freshwater fishes in North Manchuria. Fukuoka Ikwadaigaku Zasshi, 32: 289-296. [Jap. text, Eng. summary p. 19] / (T); includes Metorchis orientalis . Okabe, K. (1940.) A synopsis of trematode cysts in fresh water fishes from Hukuoka Prefecture. Fukuoka Ikwadaigaku Zasshi, 33: 309-335. [Jap. text; Eng, summary, p. 19.] / (T); includes Metorchis orientalis, Echinochasmus japonicus (Japan) . 196 Okorokov, V. I. [1954.] Akantotsefaly dikikh i domashnikh ptits Chel- labinskoi oblasti. [Acanthocephala of wild and domestic birds of the Cheliabinsk oblast.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 75-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 458-460. [Russ. text] / (A); examined 111 ducks; Polymorphus magnus, P. minutus; incidence (W. Siberia). See Okorokov, 1966. Okorokov, V. I. 1955. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh ptits Cheliabinskoi obi. i sezonnaia dinamika vyzyvaemykh imi zabolevanii. [Helminth fauna of domestic birds of the Cheliabinsk oblast and the seasonal dynamics of the causes of their diseases.] Diss. Kand . Vet. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS); Avtoref. Diss., 12 p. [Russ. text]/'See Okorokov, 1957a, 1957b. Okorokov, V. 1. 1957a. Gel' minty dikikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Cheliabinskoi oblasti i ikh sezonnaia dinamika. [Helminths of wild aquatic birds of the Cheliabinsk oblast and their seasonal dynamics.] [Abstr.] TezisyDokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. Posv. 40. g. Okt. Sotsial. Revol., ch. 1, p. 228-229. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); general information on incidence and numbers. Okorokov, V. 1. 1957b. Gel'mintofauna dikikh vodoplavaJAishchikh ptits Cheliabinskoi oblasti i sezonnaia dinamika vyzyvaemykh imi naibolee rasprostranennykh zabolevanii. [Helminth fauna of wild aquatic birds of the Cheliabinsk oblast and seasonal dynamics of their most wide- spread diseases.] Uchen. Zapiski Cheliabinsk. Gosudarstv. Pedagog. Inst., 3: 177-185. [Russ. text] / (W. Siberia). Okorokov, V. I. 1963a. Nekotorye dannye dinamiki zarazheniia Gammarus lacustris (S . ) lichinochnymi stadiyami gel'minta Polymorphus (P.) maqnus v vodoemakh Cheliabinskoi oblasti. [Some findings on the infection of Gammarus lacustris (S.) by larval stages of the helminth, Polymorphus (£.) maqnus in bodies of water in the Cheliabinsk oblast.] In: Sbornik Statei po Kraevedeniyu i Istorii Geografii, Cheliabinsk, p. 225-229. [Russ. text] / (A); life cycle (W . Siberia). Okorokov, V. I. 1963b. K izucheniiu epizootologii drepanidotenioza domashnikh gusei v khozlaistvakh Cheliabinskoi oblasti. [On the study of the epizootiology of drepanidotaeniasis of domestic geese in hosts of Cheliabinsk Territory.] Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. IRast., k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 402-423. [Russ. text] / (C); Drepanidotaemia lanceolata (USSR) . Okorokov, V. I. 1966. Translation of Okorokov, 1954. Contrib . Helminth. Comemm. 75. Birthday Skrjabin, Isr. Proqram Sclent. Transl., p. 461-463. [Enq. translation] / (A). 197 Oliver, W. T. 1952. Amidostomiasis in domestic geese. Canad . }. Comp. Med. & Vet. Sc . , 16: 235-237. / (N); pathology (Canada). Olivier, L. 1940. Life history studies on two strigeid trematodes of the Douglas Lake region, Michigan. J. Parasitol., 26: 447-477. / (T); tabulation of life histories in Strigeida, includes 11 from waterfowl. Olsen, O. W. 1952 . Avioserpens bifidus , a new species of nematode (Dracunculidae) from ducks, Tr. Am. Micr, Soc . , 71: 150-153. / (N); (USA). [Host erroneously reported, was Bucephala clangula (Olsen, verbal communication).] Olsson, P. 1893. Bidrag till skandinaviens helminthfauna . 2. Handl. K. Svenska Vetensk . -Akad . , (1892), n.F. 25(2), Art. 12, 41 p. / (A,C,T); reports 10 forms in waterfowl. Olteanu, Gh., D. Negru, & E. Coman. 1963. Amidostomoza la rajele domestice din bazinul inferior al prutului ^i nordul Dobrogei. (Amidostomosis in domesticated ducks of the lower basin of Prut River and in the north of Dobrudja.) LucrSr. Inst. Cere. Vet. §i Bioprep. Pasteur, 2: 257-269. [Fr., Eng . , Ger., Russ. summaries] / (N); anatomy and pathology of amidostomiasis; mortality reaches 50% in ducklings on some farms (Roumania) . Olteanu, Gh., & E. Stoican. 1963a. Helmin^i ^i helmintoze la animalele domestice ih Republica Socialista Romania. Nota VII. Helmintofauna la pasSrile domestice. (Helminths and helminthoses of domestic animals in the Socialist Republic Rumania.) [Note 7. Helminth fauna in domestic poultry.] Lucrar. Inst. Cere. Vet. §i Bioprep. Pasteur, 2: 233-243. [Eng. , Fr . , Ger. , Russ. summary] / (N,A,C,T); examined 2632 domestic waterfowl, reports 53 helminths. Olteanu, Gh., & E. Stoican. 1963b. Helmin^i ^i helmintoze la animalele domestice In Republica Socialista Romania. Nota VIII. CercetSri asupra raspindirii principalelor helmintoze la pasarile domestice (gSini, raje §i gl^^te) . (Helminths and helminthoses of domestic animals in the Socialist Republic Rumania. VIII. Survey of the major helminthoses spread in poultry (hens, ducks and geese).) LucrSr . Inst. Cere. Vet. §1 Bioprep. Pasteur, 2: 245-256. [Eng., Fr., Ger., Russ. summaries] O'Meara, D. C. 1956. Blood parasites of some Maine waterfowl. J. Wildlife Mangmt., 20: 207-209. / (N); incidence of microfilariae (USA) . 198 Ono, S. 192 8. The life history of Prosthoqonimus putschkowskii found in the vicinity of Mukden, South Manchuria. 1. Report. Anax parthenope as the intermediate host, and infestation experiment with male fowl. Nippon Zyui Gakwai Zasshi [J. Japan. Soc. Vet. Sc], 7: 290-294./ (T). See Ono, 1930b. Ono, S. 1930a. (The life history of Echinostoma campi n. sp. found in the vicinity of Mukden, with special reference to the second inter- mediate host.) Dobuts Zasshi [Zool . Mag.], Tokyo, (495) 42: 7-16. [Jap. text, Eng. summary]/ (T); (Manchuria). See Ono, 1930c. Ono, S. 1930b. Reprint of Ono, 1928. Select. Contrib . Mukden Inst. Infect. Dis. Animals, v. 1, p. 195-196 [Jap. text], p. 229-232 [Eng. text] / (T) . Ono, S. 1930c. Reprint of Ono, 1930a. Select. Contrib. Mukden Inst. Infect. Dis. Animals, v. 1, p. 201-208 [[ap. text], p. 239-240 [Eng. text] / (T) . Ono, S. 1933. Studies on the life history of Spiruridae in Manchuria I. The morphologic studies on the encysted larvae found in 2 species of dung-beetle, dragonfly, hedgehog, domestic fowl and dujjk , as well as their infestation experiments with rabbits and dogs. J.Japan. Soc. Vet. Sc . , 12: 165-184. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (N); Spirocerca sanguinicola encysted in duck. Ono, S. 1935. [Studies on the trematodes, invading Lymnaea snails as the first intermediate hosts, found in the vivinity of Mukden. II. On the encystation and development of Echinostomidae .] J. Japan. Soc. Vet. Sc . , 14: 232-248. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); experimental infection in ducks by Echinostoma gotoi , E^. revolutum (Manchuria) . Oparin, P. G. 1963. Gel'mintozy domashnikh ptits i organizatsiia mer bor'by s nimi v usloviiakh Primorskogo kraia. [Helminthiases of domestic birds and organization for control of them in the conditions of Primorsk area.] Parazitich. Chervi Zhivotn . Primor'f^ i Tikhogo Okeana (Shorn. Rabot) , Sibirsk . otdel . Dal'nevost. f il . AN SSSR, GeI'mint. Lab. Biol.-Pochv. Inst., p. 27-44. [Russ. text]/ (N , C , T); examined 818 waterfowl, reports 35 helminths; shows monthly changes in incidence of some species, relation to age of host and to certain bodies of water. 199 Opravilova, V. , & J. Vojtek. 1965. K poznani vyvojovych stadil druhu Apatemon gracilis (Rudolph! 1819) Szidat 192 8. [Towards knowledge of the developmental stages of the species Apatemon gracilis (Rudolph! 1819) Szidat 1928.] Zool . Listy, 14: 359-366. [Ger. summary] / (T); life history (Czechoslovakia). O'Roke, E. C. 1928. Intestinal parasites of wild ducks and geese. California Fish & Game, 14: 286-296. / (N,C,T); reports 7 helminths, mostly not identified to species (USA) . O'Roke, E, C. 1933. Some important problems in game bird pathology. Tr. 19. Am. Game Conf . , p. 424-431. /There are few outstanding parasites in waterfowl, no helminths (USA). O'Roke, E. C. 1935. Disease and parasites . In: Pirnie, M., Michigan waterfowl management. Game Div., Michigan Dept. Conserv. , p. 70-79. / (N,T); pathogenic parasites in waterfowl primarily gizzard worms, filariae, liver flukes (USA). Orr, T. S. C. 1967. Distribution of the plerocercoid of Ligula intestinalis . J. Zool., 153: 91-97. / (C); intermediate hosts. Ortlepp, R. J. 1923. The life-history of Syngamus trachealis (Montagu) v. Siebold, the gape-worm of chickens . J. Helminth., 1: 119-140. / (N). Osche, G. 1955. Ueber Entwicklung, Zwischenwirt und Bau von Porrocaecum talpae , Porrocaecum ensicaudatum und Habronema mansoni (Nematode). Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 17: 144-164. / (N); life cycle of P^. ensicaudatum. Osche, G. 1958. Beitrage zur Morphologic, Oekologie und Phylogenie der Ascaridoidea (Nematoda) parallelen in der Evolution von Parasit und Wirt. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 18: 479-572. / (N); includes 2 forms in waterfowl. Oshmarin, P. G. 1946. Paraziticheskie chervi promyslovykh zhivotnykh Buriat-Mongol' skoi ASSR. [Parasitic worms of commercial animals of Buriat-Mongol ASSR.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS) , 269 p. [Russ. text] / (C,T); lists at least 9 forms in waterfowl; Hypoderaeum skrjabini sp . n . , Prosthogonimus sudarikovi sp. n . , Notocotylus linearis . 200 Oshmarin, P. G. 1948. Gel'mintofauna promyslovykh zhivotnykh Buriat- Mongol'skoi ASSR. [Helminth fauna of game animals of Buryat- Mongol ASSR.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 1: 186-188. [Russ. text] / (A,C,T); mentions 5 helminths in ducks; Prosthogonimus sudarikovi s p . n . (nomen nudum) . Oshmarin, P. G. 1950. K faune gel'mintov ptits Dal'nego Vostoka (Kamchatka, Zemli^ Koriakov i Kuril'skie ostrova) . [Helminth fauna of birds of the Far East (Kamchatka, Zemlia Koriakov and Kurile Islands).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 3: 166-179. [Russ. text] / (N,C); reports 9 helminths in waterfowl; Hymenolepis macracan- thissima sp. n. , H_. praeputialis sp. n. , Lateriporus aecophylus sp. n . , Korjakinema gusi , Streptocara cirrohamata . Oshmarin, P. G. 1951. Rabota 260-1 Soiuznoi gel'mintologicheskoi ekspeditsii 1949g. [Work of the 260th Soviet Helminthological Expedition of 1949.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 5: 207-219. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C); lists 10 helminths in waterfowl. Oshmarin, P. G. 19 56. Tetrameridy (Spirurata, Tetrameridae) domashnikh i dikikh ptits Primorskogo kraia. [Tetramerids (Spirurata, Tetrameridae) of domestic and wild birds of Primorsk region.] Trudy Dal'nevostoch. fil. AN SSSR, s. Zool., 3: 281-314. [Russ. text] / (N); lists 4 forms in waterfowl; Tetrameres galericulatus sp. n. , T. striatus sp. n. Oshmarin, P. G. 1957. K kharakteristike gel'mintogeografii Primorskogo kraia. [On the characteristics of the helminth-geography of the Primorsk region.] Uchen. Zapiski Dal'nevost. Gosudarstv. Univ., 1: 179-189. [Russ. text] / (T); includes at least 10 forms in water- fowl (USSR). Oshmarin, P. G. [1959.] NovyT predstavitel' tsestod — Skrjabinoparaksis arsenjevi nov. sp. i ego polozhenie v sisteme semetstva Hymeno- lepididae. [New cestode -- Skrjabinoparaksis arsenjevi nov. sp. and its position in the system of the family Hymenolepididae.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 257-260. [Russ. text] / (C); in waterfowl; S. endacantha comb, n. (Primorsk). Oshmarin, P. G. 1960. Polytestilepis chitinocloacis gen. et sp. nov, -- novyi vid i rod lentochnykh gel'mintov utok . [Polytestilepis chitino- cloacis gen. et sp. nov. — a new species and genus of tapeworm of ducks.] Soobshch. Dal'nevost. fil., Si'birsk. otdel AN SSSR, (12): 133-136. [Russ. text] / (C); (Primorsk). 201 Oshmarin, P, G. 1961. Paraziticheskie chervi mlekopitaiushchikh i ptits Primorskogo kraia . [Parasitic worms of mammals and birds of the Primorsk region,] Diss. Kand. Dokt. Biol. Nauk , 1151 p. [Russ. text]/See Oshmarin, 1963. Oshmarin, P. G. 1963a. Paraziticheskie chervi mlekopitaiushchikh i ptits Primorskogo kraia. [Parasitic worms of mammals and birds in the Maritime Territory]. Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moskva, 322 p. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 145 waterfowl, reports 92 helminths; Psilostomum anserinum sp. n. , Psilotrema acutirostris sp . n . , £. brevis sp . n. , P_. mediopora sp . n . , Philophthalmu-s proboscidus s p . n . , P_ . noctumus , Amphipetrovia inflatocirrosa s p . n . , Nadej- dolepis cambrensis , Porrocaecum depressum, Pelecitus helix, Corynosoma mandarinca sp. n. , all new in waterfowl. Oshmarin, P. G. 1963b. Vozbuditeli gel'mintozoonozov i gel'minto- ferodomozov v Primorskom krae . [Causative agents of zoonotic helminthiases and domestic animal helminths of feral origin in Primorsk Territory.] Parazitich. Chervi Zhivotn. Primor'ia i Tikhogo Okeana (Sborn . Rabot) , Sibirsk. otdel. Dal'nevost. fil. AN SSSR, Gel'mint. Lab. Biol.-Pochv. Inst., p. 45-63. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); lists 17 helminths of domestic waterfowl, gives wild hosts for each. Oshmarin, P. G. 1964. Neskol'ko novykh nauki vidov i rodov trematod ot ptits DemokraticheskoT Respubliki V'etnam. [Some new species and genera of trematodes from birds of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.] Zool . Zhur., 43: 652-661. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (T); Psilotrema cygnei comb, n. Oshmarin, P. G., etal. 1963. Prudovik ugnetennyY kak promezhutochnyi i rezervuarnyi khoziain gel'mintov domashnikh utok v Primorskom krae. [Pond snails as supplementary and reservoir hosts of helminths of domestic ducks in Primorsk Territory.] Parazitich. Chervi Zhivotn. Primor'ia i Tikhogo Okean (Sborn. Rabot), Sibirsk. otdel. Dal'nevost. fil. AN SSSR, Gel'mint. Lab. Biol.-Pochv. Inst., p. 18-26. [Russ. text] / (C,T); larval forms of 5 helminths infected ducks fed Radix lagotus . Oshmarin, P. G., & T. K. Dotsenko. 1951. K epizootologii glistnykh boleznei domashnikh ptits Prikhanskaiskoi nizmennosti. [On the epizootiology of tape-worm disease of domestic birds of lower Prikhansk.] Soobshch. Dal'nevost. fil. Komarova AN SSSR, 3, s. Zool.: 8-11. [Russ. text] / (C,T); Echinochasmus beleocephalus chankensis var. n.; reports at least 12 other helminths; some cause much loss on duck farms (USSR - Far East). 202 Oshmarin, P . G . , P. G . Oparin, & A. G . Rummel , 1958a . K voprosu o roll molliuskov v biologicheskom tsikle gimenolepidid . [On the question of the role of mollusks in the biological cycle of hymeno- lepids.] [Abstr.] TezisyDokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint., AN SSSR, (1958), p. 104-105. [Russ. text] / (C); ducks readily became infected with cestode in snails. Oshmarin, P. G., P. G. Oparin, & A. G . Rummel, 1958b. Vyznam slimaka Radix lagotus v epizootologii hymenolepidozy domacich kacic vyvolavanej Hymenolepis microsoma . (Significance of the snail Radix lagotus in the epidemiology of hymenolepidiasis of domestic ducks caused by Hymenolepis microsoma.) Vet. Casopis, Bratislava, 7: 307-312. [Russ., Ger., Fr. , & Eng . summaries]/ (C); cysticercoids in snail. Osipov, A. N. 1959. K vyiavleniiu promezhutochnykh khoziaev-vozbudi- telei polimorfoza i gistrikhoza utok v Nikolaevskoi oblasti. [On finding intermediate hosts -- agents of polmorphiasis and hystri- chiasis of ducks in the Nikolaev oblast.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Vyp. I, Izdat. Min . Sel'skogo Khoz . SSSR, Moskva, p. 137-138. [Russ. text] / (N,A); intermediate hosts of Polymorphus magnus , Hystrichis tricolor (Ukraine). Otelina , L. E. 1961. [Pathological anatomical changes of the goose stomach during Amidostomum infection]. Uchen. Zapiski Kursk. Gosudarstv. Pedagog. Inst., 12: 74-86. [Russ. text] / (N) . Otte , W. 1926. Betrachtungen uber Geflugeltrematoden in Liv- und Kurland. Berl. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 42: 444-446. / (T); Psilochasmus lecithosus sp . n. in domestic duck (Latvia-Esthonia) . Ouspenskaia, A. V.; see Uspenskai^, A. V. Owen, R. W. 1951. The helminth parasites of domesticated birds in Mid-Wales. J. Helminth., 25: 105-130. / (N,C,T); examined intestines of 30 geese, 57 ducks; reports 15 helminths (Great Britain) . Ozerskaia, V. N. 1946. Opyt lecheniia nematodozov kishechnika gusei. [Tests of treatment of intestinal nematodiasis of geese.] Doklady Vsesoiuz. Akad. Sel'skokhoz. Nauk 1. L. 9-10: 35-37. [Russ. text] / (N); examined 52 domestic geese, reports 4 nematodes (S . Russia), 203 Palimpsestov, M. A. 1937. K kharakteristike gel'mintofauny domashnikh zhivotnykh v Mordovskoi avtonomnoT, Kuibyshevskoi i Orenburgskoi oblastiakh. [On the characteristics of the helminth fauna of domestic animals of Mordovian autonomous, Kuibyshev, and Orenburg districts.] Rabot. Gel'mint. posv. Skrjabin, Moskva, p. 454-458. [Russ. text] / (N,T); reports 5 forms in waterfowl (S . Russia). Palim[p]sestov, M. A. 1963. K gel' mintofaune domashnikh utok Tsentrai'noi Lesostepi USSR. [On the helminth fauna of domestic ducks of the central forest steppe of U(kr.)SSR.] [Abstr.] Mater. Dokl . Vsesoiuz. Nauchn. Konf. posv. 90. -Let. Kazan. Vet. Inst., p. 169. [Russ. text] / (C,T); lists 8 helminths of domestic ducks. Pallaske,G. 1944. Zur pathologischen Anatomie wenig bekannter parasitarer Erkrankungen des Gefliigels. Deutsche Tierarztl. Wochenschr. (Tierarztl. Rundschau v. 50), 52: 97-100. / (N); pathology of Tetrameres fissispina , Echinuria uncinata . Palm, V. 1963. Der Entwicklungszyklus von Transcoelum oculeus (Kossack, 1911) Witenberg, 1923 (Earn. Cyclocoeliidae) aus dem Blesshuhn (Fulica atra L.). Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 22: 560-567. / (T); (Germany). Palombi, A. 1924. Le cercarie del genere Gymnophallus Odhner dei mitili. Publicazione Stazione Zool. Napoli, 5: 137-152. / (T); reports one form from waterfowl. Pande, B. P., B. B. Bhatia , & J. P. Dubey. 1964. On the development of free-living stages of Amidostomum skrjabini: a pathogenic nematode in domestic duck. Current Sc. (India), 33: 278-279. / (N); (India). Pande, B. P., P. Rai, & J. S. Srivastava. 1960. A note on some pathological effects observed in certain nematode infections of wild aquatic birds with remarks on its significance. Poultry Science, 39: 1121-1125. / (N); pathology of Tetrameres spinosa infection (India). Panin, V. lA. 195 7a. Biologiia trematod Prosthogonimus ovatus (Rud . , 1803) i Prosthogonimus cuneatus (Rud. , 1809) - parazitov fabritsievoi sumki i laitsevoda dikikh i domashnikh ptits. [Biology of the trema- todes Prosthogonimus ovatus (Rud. , 1803) and Prosthogonimus cuneatus (Rud. , 1809), parasites of the bursa fabricii and oviduct of wild and domestic birds.] Izvest. AN Kazakh. SSR, (14), s. Biol. (2): 53-65. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). 204 Panin, V. lA. 1957b. Izmenchivost' morfologicheskikh priznakov i znachenie ee v sistematike sosal' shchikov roda . (Variability of the morphological characters and its importance in the systematization of suckers of the genus Prosthogonlmus Llihe, 1909.) Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 7: 170-215. [Russ. text] / (T); reduces number of species in Prosthogonlmus to 7 , P_. anatinus , P_. cuneatus , ?_. ovatus , £. dogieli , P. vitellatus , P_. macrorchis , P. lonqus- morbificans, in 3 subgenera. Panin, V. lA. 1957c. Rasprostranenie trematod roda Prosthogonlmus sredi dikikh ptits i prirodnafa ochagovost' prostogonimoza . [Distribution of trematodes of the genus Prosthogonlmus among wild birds and the natural foci of prosthogonimiasi s .] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 7: 216-226. [Russ. text] / (T); incidence of 3 species; area of distribution depends upon motility of dragonflies (USSR) . Panin, V. lA. 1960. K gel'mintofaune ptits Zaisansko]* kotloviny . [On the helminth fauna of birds of Zaisansk basin.] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 12: 166-172. (Parazity zhivotnykh i prirodnafa ochagovost' Boleznei) [Russ. text] / (C,T); examined 33 wild water- fowl; reports 8 helminths (Kazakhstan). Panova, L. G. 1926. K izucheniiu nematod utok Turkestana (po materialam 5-oi RossiTskoi Gel'mintologicheskot Ekspeditsii) . (Zur Kenntnis der Nematoden der Enten Turkestans) [from material of the 5th Russian Helminthological Expedition] . Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 3: 35-37. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (N); lists 4 helminths in waterfowl (Kazakhstan). Panova, L. G. 1927. Gel'mintologii^ v Kazakstane. (Helminthologie in Kasakstan.) Sborn . Rabot. Gel'mint. posv. Skrjabin, p. 121-137. [Ger. summary] / (N,A,C,T); lists 15 helminths in waterfowl. Panova, L. G. 1956. Izuchenie gel'mintofauny domashnikh ptits v Leningradskoi oblasti. [A study of the helminth fauna of domestic birds in the Leningrad oblast.] Sborn. Trud . Leningrad. Nauchno- Issled. Vet. Inst., 6: 139-143. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 22 ducks, 22 geese; reports 16 helminths (N . Russia). Pao, T.-C. , & Y.-L. Yung. 195 7. (The discovery of an avian schisto- some, Pseudobilharziella sp. (Family Schistosomatidae; subfamily Bilharziellinae) in Chung-Ching, Szechwan Province, China.) Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica] , 9: 291-296. [Chin, text, Eng . summary] / (T); in domestic duck. 205 Parona , C. 1894. L'elmintologia italiana da suoi primi tempi all' anno 1890. Storia , sistematica, corologia e bibliografia , Atti R. Univ. Geneva, 13, 733 p. / (N); lists at least one helminth in waterfowl (Italy) . Parona, C. 1896. Helminthum ex Conradi Paronae Museo catalogue. Sec. I. Trematodes. Geneva, 4 p. / (T); lists one form in waterfowl. Parona, C. 1899. Catalogo di elminti raccolti in vertebrati dell' isola d'Elba dal Dott. Giacoma Damiami. Atti Soc . Ligust. Sc . Nat. e Geogr., 10(2), Giugno: 85-100. Also: Parona, 1899. Boll. Mus. Zool., Geneva, (77), 16 p. / (C,T); lists 6 forms in waterfowl. Parona, C. [1900.] Helminthum ex Conradi Paronae Museo catalogus. (Sect. 2, Cestodes). Geneva, 6 p. / (C); lists 15 forms in waterfowl, Parona, C. 1902. Catalogo di elminti raccolti in vertebrati dell' Isola d'Elba. (Seconda note.) Atti Soc. Ligust. Sc . Nat. e Geogr., 13(1): 10-29. Also: Parona, 1902. Boll. Muz. Zool . Geneva, (113), 20 p. / (C,T); lists 6 forms in waterfowl. Parukhin, A. M. 1954. Biologii^ vozbuditelei gimenolepidozev gusei i veprosy epizootologii i prefilaktiki, vyzyvaemykh imi zabelevanii. [Biology of the causative agent of hymenelepidiasis of geese and problems of epizootiolegy and prophylaxis of the cause of its disease.] Diss. Kand . Vet. Nauk , Gor'kii (Biblieth . VIGIS), 123 p.; Avtoref. Diss. [Russ. text]/See Parukhin, 1957. Parukhin, A. M. 1957. [Experimental investigations of the life cycle of the causative agent of tapeworm disease of domestic birds (drepanidotaeniasis) .] Uchen. Zapiski Gor'kii. Gesudarstv. Pedagog , Inst., 1957, (19): 78-91. [Russ. text]/ (C); Drepanidotaenia lan- ceolata (USSR). Pashchenke, L. F. 1952a, Gel'mintofauna domashnikh ptits Kievskoi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic birds of the Kiev district.] Kand, Diss., Inst. Zeel . AN U[kr.]SSR, Kiev; Avtoref. Diss., 18 p. [Russ, text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 130 geese, 125 ducks; reports 21 helminths; Diorchis markewitschi sp, n. (Ukraine). Pashchenko, L. F. 1952b. Do gel'mintofauny sviiskoT ptytsi KyTvs'koT oblasti. [On the helminth fauna of anatid birds of the Kiev district.] Pratsi Inst. Zool. AN URSR, 8: 43-52. [Ukr. text] /(Ukraine) . 206 Paspalev, G. V., & A. Zheliazkova-Paspaleva . 1963. Iz sled vane vurkhu khelmlntofaunata na divi ptitsi ot raiona na Petich i Gotse Delchev. II. Vidov sustav i razprostranenie na Trematoda. [Studies on the helminth fauna of wild birds from the areas of the towns of Petric and Goce Delcev. II. Species composition and distribution of Trematoda.] Izvest. Zool. Inst, s Muz., Bulgar. AN, otdel. Biol. Nauk. , 14: 197-204. [Bulgar. text] / (T); reports one form in duck. Patnalk, M. M . , & S. K. Ray. 1966. On the life history and distribution of Echinostoma revolutum (Frohlich , 1802) in Orissa. Indian Vet. J., 43: 591-600. / (T); experimental infection in chickens (India). Paudere, V. lA. 1957. Latvijas PSR maju pilu un zosu helmintofauna un izplatTtakas helmintozes . [Helminths and distribution of helminth diseases of domestic ducks and geese in Latvian SSR.] Latvijas LauksaimniecTbas Akad. Raksti, (6): 321-328. [Latv. text, Russ. summary] / (N,A,C,T); reports 20 helminths in waterfowl. Paudere, V. lA. 195 8. Latvijas PSR majputnu helmintofauna un izplatTtakas helmintozes. [Identity of infection of helminth fauna and helminthi- ases of domestic birds in Latvian SSR.] Latvijas LauksaimniecTbas Akad. Raksti, (7): 325-341. [Latv. text, Russ. summary] / (A); lists at least 2 forms in waterfowl. Paudere, V. lA. 1960. Gel'mintofauna i osnovnye gel'mintozy domashnikh ptits V LatviTskoi SSR. [The helminth fauna and fundamental hel- minthiases of domestic birds in Latvian SSR.] Avtoref. Kand . Diss., Riga, p. 1-16. [Russ. text]/See Paudere, 1957, 1958. Pav, J., & D. Zaji't^ek. 1960. Die Helminthenfauna des Verdauungsap- parates der Marzente (Anas platyrhyncha L.) aus dem Jagdgebiet Zbraslav n. Vlt. Prace vyzkumnych ustavw lesnickych USSR, 20: 6-21. Pav, J., & D. Zajicek. 1964. Ohrol'uje parazitofauna divoke kachny velkochovy domaci'ch kachen? (Large scale duck farming threatened with wild duck's parasitofauna ?) Veterinarstvi , Prague, 14(2): 72-73. Pavlov, P. I, 195 5. Patomorfologiia i nekotorye voprosy patogeneza pri drepanidotenioze gusei". [Pathomorphology and certain questions of pathogenesis in drepanidotaeniasis of geese.] Diss. Kand. Vet. Nauk, Voronezh, (Biblioth. VIGIS) [Russ. text] / (C) . 207 Pearson, J. C. 1956. Studies on the life cycles and morphology of the larval stages of Alaria arisaemoides Augustine & Uribe, 1927 and Alaria canis La Rue & Fallis, 1936 (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) . Canad . J. Zool., 34: 295-387. / (T); mesocercariae of Alaria canis experimentally in duck as paratenic host (Canada). Pearson, J. C. 1957. Some observations on the life cycle of Striqea eleqans Chandler & Rausch, 1947 (Trematoda: Strigeidae). [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 43 (5, Suppl.): 33. / (T); duck infected experimentally as 3rd intermediate host (Canada). Pearson, J. C. 1959. Observations on the morphology and life cycle of Strigea elegans Chandler & Rausch, 1947 (Trematoda; Strigeidae). J. Parasitol., 45: 155-174. / (T); duck infected experimentally as 3rd intermediate host (Canada); summary of life cycle of Striqea vaqinata from Lutz , with duckling an experimental intermediate host. Pearson, J. C. 1964. A revision of the subfamily Haplorchinae Looss, 1899 (Trematoda; Heterophyidae) . I. The Haplorchis group. Para- sitology, 54; 601-676. / (T); description of each species, hosts, review; 5 forms experimentally in waterfowl; Procerovum varium (=Haplorchis sisoni, P^. calderoni of Chen, 1949) , Procerovum sp, (=P . sisoni of Chen , 1949 , P . calderoni of Hsu , 1950) . Penner, L. R. 1953. The red-breasted merganser as a natural avian host of the causative agent of clam diggers' itch. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 39(4, Suppl.); 20. / (T); Austrobilharzia variqlandis (synonym Microbilharzia chapini) (USA) . Penner, L. R., & B. Fried. 1963. Philophthalmus hegeneri sp. n., an ocular trematode from birds. J. Parasitol. , 49; 974-977, / (T); experimentally in swan (USA), life history. Perez Vigueras, I. 1935. Notas sobre la fauna parasitologica de Cuba. Part I; Vermes (Continuacion) . Mem. Soc . Cubana Hist. Nat., 9; 59-66. / (C); Raillietina cesticillus in domestic duck. Perez Vigueras, 1. 1936. Notas sobre la fauna parasitologica de Cuba (Cont.). Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., 10; 53-86. / (N); lists 3 forms in waterfowl. Perez Vigueras, I. 1944a. Trematodes de la super-familia Strigeoidea; descripcion de un genero y siete especies nuevas. Rev. Univ. Habana, (52-54), 9; 294-346. / (T); includes at least one form in waterfowl (Cuba) . 208 Perez Vigueras, I. 1944b. Trematodes de la super-familia Echlnostoma- toidea, con descripcion de siete especies nuevas de Cuba. Rev. Univ. Habana, (55-57), p. 221-234. / (T); Echinostoma multlspinosa sp. n. in duck (Cuba). Perez Vigueras, I. 1955. Contribucion al conocimiento de la fauna helmintologica Cubana . Mem. Soc . Cubana Hist. Nat., 22: 195-233. / (T); reports one form in waterfowl. Perez Vigueras, I. 1957. Contribucion al conocimiento de la fauna helmintologica Cubana. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., 23: 1-36. / (T); Echinostoma revolutum (synonym E^. multlspinosa) , description. Perry, M. L. 1942, Anew species of the acanthocephalan genus Filicollis. J. Parasitol. , 28: 3 85-388. / (A); Filicollis altmani sp. n. , cause of mortality in ducks (USA) . Peter, C. T. [195 8.] Observations on the post-cercarial development of Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich) . [Abstr.] Proc. 44. Indian Sc . Cong. Ass. (Calcutta, 1957), pt. 3, sect. 9, p. 369-370. / (T); (India). Petrochenko, V. I. 1949a. Vozbuditeli polimorfoza utok , voprosy epizootologii i profilaktike vyzyvaemykh imi zabolevanii. [The causative agent of polymorphiasis of ducks, problems of epizootiology and prophylaxis of the agent of their disease.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk (VIGIS), Moskva [Russ. text]/See Petrochenko, 1950a, 1950d. Petrochenko, V. I. 1949b. Rasshifrovka tsikla razvitiia skrebnia Poly- morphus magnus Skrjabin, 1913, parazita domashnikh i dikikh utok. [Elucidation of life cycle of the acanthocephalan Polymorphus magnus Skrjabin, 1913, parasite of domestic and wild ducks.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 66: 137-140. [Russ. text] / (A); cause of great mortality in ducks (USSR). Petrochenko, V. I. 194 9c. Novye vidy skrebneT ot ptits sredneT Azii. [New species of acanthocephala from birds of central Asia.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 2: 114-127. [Russ. text] / (A); Polymorphus actuganensis sp. n., £. kostylewi sp. n., £. mathevossianae sp. n., in waterfowl (Kazakhstan) . Petrochenko, V. 1. 1950a. K epizootologii polimorfoza utok. [On the epizootiology of polymorphiasis of ducks.] Trudy VsesoiAjz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 4: 33-40. [Russ. text] / (A); (USSR). 209 Petrochenko, V. I. 1950b. O nekotorykh biologicheskikh osobennostiakh skrebnei roda Polymorphus i o znachenii etikh osobennosteT v sistematike. [On some biological peculiarities of the genus Poly- morphus and the importance of these peculiarities in systematics .] Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 4: 98-108. [Russ. text] / (A); descriptions of P. minutus and P. magnus; divides Polymorphus into subgenera Polymorphus and Hexaglandula . Petrochenko, V. I. 1950c. K faune skrebnei (Acanthocephala) ptits Barabinskikh ozer. [On the acanthocephalan fauna of birds of Barabinsk Lake.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 4: 106-107. [Russ. text] / (A); reports 3 species in waterfowl (W. Siberia). Petrochenko, V. 1. 1950d. K faune akantotsefal ptits luzhnoi Kirgizii. [On the acanthocephala of birds of southern Kirgizia.] Trudy Gel'- mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 4: 100-105. [Russ. text] / (A); examined 5 ducks; reports one helminth. Petrochenko, V. I. 1950e. Vozbuditeli polimorfoza utok i voprosy epi- zootologii i profilaktiki vyzavaemykh imi zabolevanii. [The causative agent of polymorphiasis of ducks and problems of epizootiology and prophylaxis of the disease it causes .] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint . Lab. AN SSSR, 4: 273-274. [Russ. text] / (A); life cycle of Poly- morphus magnus (USSR) . Petrochenko, V. I. 1953. Postembrional'noe razvitie skrebnia Polymorphus magnus -- vozbuditelia polimorfoza utok. [Postembryonic development of the acanthocephalan Polymorphus magnus -- cause of polymorphi- asis in ducks.] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 5: 49-62. [Russ. text] / (A). Petrochenko, V. 1. 1954. Bor'ba s gel'mintozami utok v ptitsesovkhoze . [Control of helminthiasis of ducks on an avian collective farm.] Priroda, 43(12): 104-10 5. [Russ. text] / (N); mortality due to Tetrameres fissispina (USSR) . Petrochenko, V. I. 1955. Akantotsefaly (skrebni) domashnikh i dikikh zhivotnykh. [Acanthocephala of domestic and wild animals.] Diss. Dokt. Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS), Moskva [Russ. text]/See Petrochenko, 1958a. 210 Petrochenko, V. I. 1958a. Akantotsefaly (skrebni) domashnikh i dikikh zhivotnykh. Vol. II. [Acanthocephala of domestic and wild animals. Vol. II.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 458 p. [Russ. text] / (A); monograph; acanthocephala of birds and mammals, description of each species, synonymy, hosts, citations; life history, pathology of Polymorphus magnus, Filicollis anatis; lists 33 forms in waterfowl. Petrochenko, V. I. 1958b. Gel'mintozy vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Dal'nego Vostoka i mery ikh profilaktiki . [Helminthiases of waterfowl of the Far East and measures for their prophylaxis.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint., AN SSSR, (1958), p. 116-119. [Russ. text]/General remarks . Petrochenko, V. I. 195 9. Novye vidy skrebneY (Acanthocephala) ot ptits. [New species of thornyheads (Acanthocephala) from birds.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Vyp. I, Izdat. Min. Sel'sk. Khoz . SSSR, Moskva, p. 144-147. [Russ. text] / (A); Prosthorhynchus gracilis in waterfowl (Armenia, Azerbaidzhan) . Petrochenko, V. I. 1960a. Rasshifrovka tsikla razvitiA lentochnogo gel'minta gusei - Drepanidotaenia przewalskii Skrjabin, 1914. [The interpretation of the life cycle of a tapeworm of geese -- Drepani- dotaenia przewalskii Skrjabin, 1914.] Doklady AN SSSR, 130: 946- 948. [Russ. text] / (C); description (Khabarovsk). See Petrochenko, 1960b. Petrochenko, V. I. 1960b. Translation of Petrochenko, 1950a. Doklady AN SSSR, Transl. Biol. Sc . Sect., 130: 135-136. [Eng . translation] / (C). Petrochenko, V. I. 1962. Biological principles of prophylaxis of hel- minthoses in domestic ducks and geese in USSR. [Abstr.] Proc . 12. World's Poultry Cong . , Summ. Sect. Papers, p. 64. Petrochenko, V. I., & L. M. Egorova. 1961, Novyt vid trematod Echino- stoma amurzetica nov. sp. ot domashnei' utki Dal'nego Vostoka SSSR. (Anew species of trematode, Echinostoma amurzetica nov. sp. from the domestic duck of the far East (USSR).) Helminthologia , 3: 267- 270. [Russ. text; Eng., Fr. , & Ger. summaries] / (T); (Khabarovsk). Petrochenko, V. I., & L. M. Egorova. 1963. Novyi vid trematod Echino- stoma amurzetica nov. sp. ot domashnei utki v Khabarovskom krae (SSSR). [Anew species of trematode, Echinostoma amurzetica nov. sp from a domestic duck in Khabarovsk Territory, USSR.] Trudy Vsesoiuz Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 10: 31-33. [Russ. text] / (T) . • / 211 Petrochenko, V. I., & V. A. Khrustaleva. 1963. NovyY vid i rod trematod Metechinoctoma amurensis nov. gen.nov, sp. ot domashnei utki v Khabarovskom krae (SSR) . [A new species and genus of trematodes, Metechinoctoma [sic] amurensis nov. gen. nov. sp. from a domestic duck in Khabarovsk Territory (USSR).] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'- mint, Skrjabin, 10: 33-36. [Russ. text] / (T); Me techino stoma amurensis sp. n. Petrochenko, V. I., &G. A. Kotel'nikov. 1959a. Veterinarno-gel'- mintologicheskai^ otsenka vodoemov v otnoshenii vozmozhnogo zarazheniia na nikh ptits gel'mintozami . [Veterinary- helminthological appraisal of waters in relation to possible infections in them by helminthiases of birds .] Sborn . Nauchn . -Tekhn. Inform., Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, (6): 12-20. [Russ. text] / (C,T); gives invertebrate hosts of 7 helminths of waterfowl. Petrochenko, V. I., &G. A. Kotel'nikov. 1959b. Izuchenie biologi- cheskikh osobennostei vozbuditelei gel'mintozov gusei i utok Khabarovskogo krai^. [Study of the biology of helminths causing disease in geese and ducks in Khabarovsk Territory.] Sborn. Nauchno- Tekn. Inform. Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, (6): 21-34. [Russ, text] / (N,C,T); life history data on 15 helminths of waterfowl. Petrochenko, V. I., &G. A. Kotel'nikov. 1960. Gel'mintologicheskaia otsenka vodoemov, ispol'zuemykh dlia razvedenii^ vodoplavaiushchei ptitsy. [Helminthological appraisal of reservoirs, used for raising waterfowl.] Ptitsevodstvo, 10(7): 36-39. [Russ. text] Petrochenko, V. I., &G. A. Kotel'nikov. 1962a. Ispoi'zovanie vodoemcv dlia vyrashchivaniia ptitsy i profilaktika gel'mintozov. [Utilization of ponds for raising aquatic birds and prophylactics of helminthiases] . Moskva, Izdat. Min. Sel'khoz, RSFSR, 139 p. [Russ. text] Petrochenko, V. I., & G . A. Kotel'nikov. 1962b. Gel'minty i gel'mintozy utok i gusei* Khabarovskogo kraia. [Helminths and helminthiases of ducks and geese in Khabarovsk Territory.] Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 9: 108-119. [Russ. text/ (N,C,T); examined 358 domestic waterfowl; reports 31 helminths; descriptions of 4 cestodes, Ganguleterakis dispar brevispiculatis subsp . n . Petrochenko, V. I., & L. A. Smogorzhevskai^ . 1962. Novyi vid i rod skrebnei Hemiechinosoma pontioum sp. n., gen. n. (Acanthocephala) ot baklana s poberezh'ia Chernogo Moria . (A new species and a new genus of acanthocephala, Hemiechinosoma ponticum sp. n. et gen. n. (Acanthocephala) from a cormorant of the Black Sea shore.) Zool. Zhur. 41: 936-939. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (A); Hemiechinosoma merqi comb, n. (synonym Corynosoma mergi) . 212 Petrov, A. M . 1926. K faune paraziticheskikh chervei domashnikh i dikikh gusei Donskoi oblasti. (Beitrage zur Kenntnis der para- sitischen Wurmer des Haus- und wilden Ganse des Dongebiets.) Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 3: 99-113. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (N,C,T); examined 35 geese, reports 16 helminths, 10 others added from literature; Tetrameres zakharowi sp. n. , Epomidiostomum skrjabini sp. n. (S. Russia). Petrov, A. M . , & A. N. Chertkova. 1950. K izucheniJAi fauny nematod ptits luzhnoi Kirgizii. [Contribution to the study of the nematode fauna of birds of southern Kirgizia.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 4: 90-99. [Russ. text] / (N); lists 2 helminths in waterfowl. Petrov, A. M., & A. N. Chertkova. 1962. Trematody podsemeistva Notocotylinae Kossack, 1911 parazitiruiushchie u gryzunov. [Trematodes of subfamily Notocotylinae Kossack, 1911, parasitizing rodents.] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 9: 91-102. [Russ. text] / (T); Notocotylus mamii in duck, description (Azerbaidzhan) , 2 others cited for waterfowl. Petrov, A. M . , & A. V. Fedfushin. 1949. Novafa nematod domashnikh i dikikh utok Amidostomum boschadis nov. sp. [New nematode of domestic and wild ducks Amidostomum boschadis nov. sp.] Trudy Moskovsk. Zooparka, 4: 278-281. [Russ. text] / (N); (N . Russia). Petrov, A. M . , & V. E. Sudarikov. 1963. Cyathocotyle skrjabini sp. nov. -- novyi vid trematod ot domashnikh utok. [Cyathocotyle skrjabini sp. nov. -- new species of trematode from the domestic duck.] Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. i Rast. , k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 133-135. [Russ. text] / (T); (Ukraine). Pfeiffer, H. 1960. Hymenosphenacanthus bulbocirrosus spec, nov. (Hymenolepididae) , ein neuer Bandwurm des Schwarzhalsschwanes . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 20: 345-349. / (C); (Austria - Zoological Garden) . Pflugfelder, O. 1956. Abwehrreaktion des Wirtstiere von Polymorphus boschadis Schr. (Acanthocephala) . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 17: 371- 382. / (A); host reaction, histology. Phillips, J. C, & F. C. Lincoln. 1930. Poisons, diseases, and parasites. In: American waterfowl / their present situation and the outlook for their future, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Chapt. 3, p. 148-185. / (N,A,C,T); reports a number of massive infections of helminths in waterfowl (USA) . 213 Pike, A. W. 1968. Observations on the life-cycle of Psilotrema oliqoon (Linstow, 1887) Odhner, 1913, and on the larval stages of two other psilostome trematodes , Parasitology, 58: 171-183. / (T); experimen- tally in domestic duck (Great Britain) . Fillers, A. W. N. 1923. Notes on parasites during 1922. Vet. Record, 3: 459-460. / (C); lists 3 forms in waterfowl (Great Britain). Pillers, A. W. N. 1933. Notes on parasites in 1932. Vet. Record, n. s. 13: 964-966. / (A); one record in waterfowl (Great Britain) . Pinto, C., & J. Lins de Almeida. 1935. Sinopse dos helmintos dos animals domesticos do Brasil. O Campo, Rio de Janeiro, 6(E): 54- 63. / (N,C T); lists 9 helminths of waterfowl. Pinto, C., & J. Lins de Almeida. 1937. Synopsis des helminthes parasites des animaux domestiques du Bresil. Rabot. Gel'mint. posv. Skrjabin, Moskva, p. 469-482. / (N,C,T); lists 13 helminths in waterfowl . Plimmer, H. G. 1912. The president's address: on certain blood para- sites. J. Royal Micr. Soc . , (2): 133-150. / (N); reports one record of microfilariae in waterfowl. Podgomova , G. P. 1964. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh utok Volgogradskoi oblasti. [The helminth fauna of domestic ducks of the Volgograd region.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1964), pt. 2, Moskva, p. 67-70. [Russ. text] Polk, S. J. 1942a. A new hymenolepidid cestode, Hymenolepis dafilae, from a pintail duck. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 61: 186-190. / (C); (USA). Polk, S. J. 1942b. Hymenolepis mastlgopraedita , a new cestode from a pintail duck. J. Parasitol., 28: 141-145. / (C); (USA). Ponomarenko, F. M. 1926. Parazitologicheskie zamatki . [Parasitolo- gical notes.] Trudy Lab. Eksper. Biol. Moskovsk . Zooparka , 1: 2 62-2 63. [Russ. text] / (N); Echinuria uncinata in swan (USSR). Ponomarenko, V. A. 1961. Oput likvidatsii pii^vok u vodoplavafushchikh ptits . [Attempt to eradicate leeches in aquatic birds.] [Abstr.] Veterinariia , 38(7): 56-57. [Russ. text] / (H); heavy mortality of domestic ducklings due to Protoclepsis tesselata and £. maculosa (USSR). 214 Pons, R. 1920. Description de deux microfilaires sanguicoles, parasites d'un oiseau (Merganser serrator) vivant dans des regions froides (Terre-Neuve, Anticosti, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon) . Bull. See. Path. Exot. , 13: 6 52-654. / (N); Microfilaria legeri sp. n. , M . guillemeti sp. n. (Canada - Newfoundland). Pope, E. C. 1955. Bather's itch, or schistosome dermatitis. Australian Mus. Mag. , 11: 288-291 . / (T); Trichobilharzia sp. reported in swan (Australia) . Popov, A. T. , & N. Mincheva. 1955. Sluchai na ekhinurioza po patitsite u nas. (Falle von Echinuriose bei den Enten in Bulgarian.) Izvest. Tsentr. Khelmint. Lab., 1: 159-166. [Bulgar. text, Russ. & Ger. summaries] / (N); Echinuria uncinata . Popova, Z. G. [1954.] Patologo-morfologicheskie izmeneniia zhelezistogo zheludka utok pri estestvennom tetrameroze. [Pathological-morpholo- gical changes in the glandular stomach of the duck caused by tetra- meriasis.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 75-Let. Skrjabin, p. 547-551. [Russ. text] / (N); Tetrameres fissispina cause of death of ducklings (USSR). See Popova, 1966. Popova, Z. G. 1966. Translation of Popova , 1954. Contrib. Helminth. Commem. 75. Birthday Skrjabin, Isr. Program Sclent. Transl. , p. 549-554. [Eng. translation] / (N) . Popova, Z. G., K. P. Korzh, &1. 1. Kovalenko. 1962. Vivchennia epizootologii golovnykh gel'mintoziv kachok v gospodarstvakh primors'- koi zony Donets'koi oblasti i rozrobka metodiv ikh profilaktyky . [On the epizootiology of the principal helminthiases of ducks in the state maritime zone of Donets oblast and an elaboration of methods for their prophylaxis.] Mater. Ses. Viddilem. Tvarin. UASGN, p. 113-120 (Zakhod Borot. Parazitar. Khvor. Sil'skogos. Tvarin.) [Ukr. text] Porta, A. 1908a. Gli acantocephali degli anfibii e dei rettili. Arch. Zool. Napoli, 3: 225-259. / (A); two records in waterfowl from literature. Porta, A. 1908b. Gli acantocefali dei mammiferi. Nota preventiva. Arch. Parasitol. , 12: 268-282. / (A); one form in waterfowl. Porta, A. 1914. Acantocefali nuovi e note sinonimiche. Zool. Anzeiger, 44: 483-485 . / (A); Echinosoma peposacae sp . n . in duck (Argentine) . 215 Porter, A. 1938. The larval trematoda found in certain South African mollusca with special reference to schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) . Public. South African Inst. Med. Res., (42), v. 8, 492 p. / (T); Bilharziella polonica , Echinostoma fulicae in ducklings from experimental infection. Potekhina , L. F. 1963. K morfologii nematody Echinuria uncinata (Rudolphi, 1819) . [On the morphology of the nematode Echinuria uncinata (Rudolphi, 1819).] Gel'minty Cheloveka , Zhivotn. i Rast. , k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 163-166. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Potekhina, L. F. 1965. Eksperimental'nyi ekhinurioz gusei . [Experimental echinuriasis of geese.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 1, p. 178-180. [Russ. text] / (N) . Potemkina, V. A. 1937a. Izuchenie diagnostiki i terapii gimenolepidoza gusei i biologij^ ego vozbuditelia . [Study of the diagnosis and treatment of hymenolepidiasis of geese and the biology of its causative agent .] Diss. Kand . Vet. Nauk, Moska [Russ. text]/ See Potemkina, 1937b, 1937c, 1938. Potemkina, V. A. 1937b. Diagnostika i terapiia gimenolepidoza (Hymenolepis lanceolata) gusei. [Diagnosis and treatment of hymenolepidiasis (Hymenolepis lanceolata) of geese.] Rabot. Gel'mint. posv. Skrjabin, Moskva, p. 529-541. [Russ. text] / (C); reports 4 species in geese (USSR) . Potemkina, V. A. 1937c. Diagnostika, terapiia i epizootologiia gimenole- pidoza gusei. [The diagnosis, treatment and epizootiology of hymeno- lepidiasis of geese.] Sovet. Vet., 8: 52-56. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR) Potemkina, V. A. (193 8.) Izuchenie diagnostiki gimenolepidoza gusei i biologii ego vozbuditelya . [Biology and diagnosis of hymenolepidiasis of geese.] Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint., 3: 97-126. [Russ. text] / (C); description, life cycle, hosts of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata. Potemkina, V. A. 1940. Gimenolepidozy (lentochno-glistnye zabolevanii^ kishechnika) gusei. [Hymenolepidiasis (tapeworm sickness of the intestine) of geese.] Sovet. Ptitsevod., (4): 28-30. [Russ. text] / (C) ; Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (USSR) . Potemkina, V. A. 1956. Ekhinurioz vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Echinuri- asis of aquatic birds.] Ptitsevod stvo, 5(12): 28-30. [Russ. text] / (N). 216 Pratt, H. S. 1902. Synopses of North-American invertebrates. XII. The trematodes. Part II . Am. Nat., 36: 953-979. / (T); lists 4 helminths of North American waterfowl species. Pratt, I., & J. E. McCauley. [1961.] Trematodes of the Pacific Northwest, an annotated catalogue, Oregon State Monogr. , Studies Zool. (11), Oregon State Univ., 118 p. / (T); checklist; gives biology, hosts in area; several waterfowl records (USA, Canada) . Price, E. W. 1928. The host relationship of the trematode genus Zygocotyle. J. Agric. Res. , 3 6: 911-914. / (T); Zygocotyle lunata (synonym Z. ceratosa) in waterfowl (USA) . Price, E. W. 1929a. A synopsis of the trematode family Schistosomidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 75, Art. (18), 39 p. / (T); lists 5 species in waterfowl; keys to genera and species; Microbilharzia chapini sp. n. (USA). Price, E. W. 1929b. Losses among wild ducks due to a species of trematode of the genus Sphaeridiotrema . [Abstr.] Soc . Proc: Abstr. Papers 5. Ann. Meet. Am. Soc. Parasit. , J. Parasitol., 16: 103-104. / (T); extensive mortality (USA). Price, E. W. 1930. Two new species of trematode worms of the genus Eucotyle from North American birds. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 11 , Art. (1) , 4 p. / (T); Eucotyle wehri sp. n. in duck (USA) . Price, E. W. 1934a. New trematode parasites of birds. Smithson. Misc. Coll. , 91 (6) , 6 p. / (T); Levinseniella minuta sp. n. in duck (West Indies) . Price, E. W. 1934b. Losses among wild ducks due to infestation with Sphaeridiotrema globulus (Rudolphi) (Trematoda; Psilostomidae) . Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 1: 31-33. / (A,C,T); repeated epizootics, description of pathology (USA). Price, E. W. 1942. A new trematode of the family Psilostomatidae from the lesser scaup duck, Marila affinis. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 9: 30-31. / (T); Psilostomum marilae sp. n. (USA) . Priebe, M. D. 1950. Acanthocephalan parasites of waterbirds in eastern Washington. M. S. Thesis, State Coll. of Washington, Pullman, 46 p. / See Priebe, 1952. 217 Priebe, M. D. 1952. Acanthocephalan parasites of waterbirds in eastern Washington. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. , 71: 347-349. / (A); examined 134 waterfowl, reports 7 helminths; pathology caused by Polymorphus obtusus (USA) . Probert, A. J. 1965. Studies on larval trematodes infecting the fresh- water molluscs of Llangorse Lake, South Wales. J. Helminth., 39: 53-66. / (T); life history of Sphaeridiotrema globulus (Great Britain) . Probert, A. J. 1966. Studies on larval trematodes infecting the fresh- water molluscs of Llangorse Lake, South Wales. Part III. The furocercariae, J. Helminth., 40: 91-114. / (T); lists 2 species of waterfowl parasites (Great Britain). Prokopi6, J. 1957. Helminthofaunistiky vyzkum rejscu z rodu Neomys . (Helminthofaunistische Forschung an Insektenfressern der Gattung Neomys.) Vestni^k Seskoslov. Zool. Spolec. Praze, 21: 44-54. [Ger. & Russ. summaries] / (A); list of hosts of Polymorphus nunutus . Prudhoe, S. 1949. A review of the trematode genus Galactosomum . J. Helminth., 23: 135-156. / (T); Galactosomum baylisi (synonym Cercarioides baylisi) reported in waterfowl. Purcherea, A. 1965. Contributii la trematodofauna ratelor §i gistelor din regiunea Bucure^ti. Lucr. §tiint. Inst. Agron. Nicolae BSlescu, s.C, 8: 293-307. [Eng., Russ. summaries] / (T); (Roumania) . Purvis, G. B. 1932. Cestodes from domestic animals in Malaya, with descriptions of new species. Vet. Record, n.s. 12: 1407-1409. / (C); lists one form in waterfowl. Piivi, M., & T. Vilumets. 1962. Tartu lihakombinaadis 1950. A. Sugisel tapetud hanede sooletrakti helmintofaunast. [On the helminth fauna in the intestinal tract of geese killed in the autumn of 1960 at Tartu meat combine.] Eesti Pollumaj . Akad. Uliopilaste Teadus. Toode Kogum, (3): 118-122. [Esth. text, Russ. summary] / (N ,C , T); reports 8 helminths (Esthonia) . Quortrup, E. R. , & A. L. Holt. 1940. Filariasis in wild swans, J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. , 96: 543-544. / (N); Sarconema eurycerca, incidence; cause of one fatality (USA). 218 Quortrup, E. R., & J. E. Shillinger. 1941. 3000 wild bird autopsies on western lake areas. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 99: 382-387. / (N,A, C,T,H); parasitism cause of death in 3.3%, including cestodes, Sarconema eurycerca; lists 19 helminths found in waterfowl (USA) . Rahman, M . H . 1961a. Helminthological scheme. Ann. Rep. Directorate Livestock Serv. , E. Pakistan (1955-56), p. 35-38. / (T); one helminth in duck (E . Pakistan). Rai, D. N., & B. P Pande. 1967. On the metacercariae in Viviparus bengalensis (Lamarck) race mandiensis Kobelt and observations on an experimental infection with the echinostome form. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 28: 264-276. / (T); life history and description of Echinoparyphium flexum (India) . Radin, I. D. 195 9. K biologii vozbuditelia ekhinurioza vodoplavaiushchikh ptits. [On the biology of the agent of echinuriasis of waterfowl.] Sborn. Nauchn. Rabot. Moskv. Vet. Akad . , 4: 165-169. [Russ. text] / (N); Echinuria uncinata (USSR). Railliet, A. 1892. Notices parasitologiques . Premiere serie. Bull. Soc . Zool. France, 17: 110-117. / (C); lists Taenia tenuirostris in waterfowl (France); proposes genera Drepanidotaenia and Dicrano- taenia . Railliet, A. 1898a. Trematodes parasites des canards. Rec . Med. Vet., 75, 8 s., 5: 412. / (T); (France). Railliet, A. 1898b. Syngamose tracheo-bronchique de I'oie domestique. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 50, 10 s., 5: 400-402. / (N); Syngamus bronchialis in domestic goose (France) . Railliet, A. 1898c. Sur la pretendue occurrence du Syngamus trachealis von Siebold chez le canard domestique. Arch. Parasitol., 1: 626- 627. / (N); (France). Railliet, A. 1898d. Sur une epizootie vermineuse sevissant sur des oies et attribuee a tort au Monostomum mutabile. Arch. Parasitol., 1: 627-628. / (T); (France) Railliet, A. 1899. Sur la classification des teniades . Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. I, 26: 32-34, / (C); rejects Diplacanthus of Cohn, 1899, for Hymenolepis , transfers all species of Cohn to this genus. •219 Railliet, A. 1921. Les Cestodes des oiseaux domestiques , determination practique. Rec . Med. Vet., 97: 185-205. / (C); lists 16 forms in waterfowl . Railliet, A. 1925a. Les helminthes des animaux domestiques et de I'homme en Indochine (Ire partie) . Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 49: 589-60 8. / (C,T); reports 2 forms in waterfowl. Railliet, A. 1925b. Les helminthes des animaux domestiques et de I'homme en Indochine (2e partie). Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 50: 7-26. / (N); Ascaridia anatis in waterfowl. Railliet, A., & A. Henry. 1909. Les cestodes des oiseaux par O. Fuhrmann. Rec. M6d . Vet., 86: 337-338. / (C); review of Fuhrmann, 1908; corrections and additions; Hymenolepis venusta comb, n.. Taenia (s^. lat.) conscripta comb, n. (synonym T. krabbei Kow.), Amoebotaenia sphenoides (synonym A. cuneata) . Railliet, A., & C. L. Henry. 1914. Essai de classification des Heterakidae, Compt. Rend. 9. Cong. Internat. Zool, (Monaco, 1913), p. 674-682. / (N); lists 6 forms in waterfowl. Railliet, A., & A. Lucet. 1889. Sur la presence du Trichosoma contortum Creplin chez le canard domestique. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 14: 3 82-3 83. / (N); description (France). Railliet, A., & A. Lucet. 1892. Observations et experiences sur quelques helminthes du genre Heterakis Dujardin. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 17: 117-120. / (N); lists one form in waterfowl. Ramanujachari , G., & V. S. Alwar. 1954. A check-list of parasites (Classes - Trematoda , Cestoda , and Nematoda) in the Department of Parasitology, Madras Veterinary College (Additions since 1947). Indian Vet. J., 31: 46-56. / (T); lists one form in waterfowl (India). Rankin, J. S., Jr. 1939. Studies on the trematode family Microphallidae Travassos, 1921. III. The genus Maritrema Nicoll, 1907, with a description of a new species and new genus, Maritreminoides . Am. Midland Nat., 22: 438-451. / (T); Maritrema acadiae comb, n. (synonym Streptovitella acadiae) , Maritreminoides nettae comb, n. (synonym Maritrema nettae) . Rankin, J. S. , Jr. 1940. Studies on the trematode family Microphallidae Travassos, 1921. II. The genus Spelotrema Jagerski6ld, 1901, and description of a new species, Spelotrema papillorobusta . Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 59: 3 8-47. / (T); Spelotrema pygmaeum in waterfowl. 220 Ransom, B. H. 1902a. On Hymenolepis carloca (Magalhaes) and H . meqalops (Nitzsch) with remarks on the classification of the group. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 23: 151-172 . / (C); Hymenolepis megalops in ducks, morphology (USA). Ransom, B. H. 1902b. Reprint of Ransom, 1902a. Studies Zool. Lab., Univ. Nebraska, (47), p. 151-172. / (C) . Ransom, B. H. 1909. The taenioid cestodes of North American birds. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. (69), 141 pp. / (C); checklist of cestodes reported from birds occurring in North America, citations for descriptions; lists 55 forms in waterfowl. Ransom, B. H. 1920. Synopsis of the trematode family Heterophyidae with descriptions of a new genus and five new species. Proc . U. S. Nat. Mus., 57(2322): 527-573. / (T); Cryptocotyle concava in waterfowl, key to species in genus Cryptocotyle. Rasheed, S. 1960. The nematode parasites of the birds of Hyderabad (India). Biologia, Lahore, 6: 1-116. / (N); Tetrameres cordoniferens sp. n. in duck, key to species of genus Tetrameres . Ra^in, K. 1933. Echinoparyphium recurvatum (Linstow, 1873) a jeho vyvoj . (Echinoparyphium recurvatum (Linstow, 1873) und seine Entwicklung.) Biol. Spisy Vysoke §koly Zverolek, Brno, 12, Art. 1-2: 1-104. [Ger. summary] / (T) . Rauchbach, C, & T. Moraru. 1957. Observafii asupra unor cazuri de acantocephaloza la rate. [Observations on some cases of acanth- ocephaliasis in some ducks.] Probleme Vet. , Bucharest, (4): 44-45. [Rumanian text] / (A) . Rayski, C. 1959. On the identity of acanthocephalan parasites of eider duck (Somateria mollissima) in Scotland. Proc. 15. Intemat. Cong. Zool., (London, 1958), p. 676-679. / (A); Profilicollis botulus = forms reported by Thom & Garden; Profilicollis major comb. n. Rayski, C. 1964. An outbreak of helminthiasis in pheasant chicks due to Plaqiorchis (I^.) megalorchis Rees 1952; with some critical remarks on P. (M.) laricola Skrjabin, 1924. Parasitology, 54: 391-396. / (T); Original description of P. laricola not available, disagreement in later descriptions by Russian authors. 221 Rayski, C, & M. A. M. Fahmy. 1962. Investigation on some trematodes of birds from East Scotland. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 22: 186-195. / (T); examined 9 ducks, reports 5 helminths; Wetzelitrema melanittae sp. n. , Spelotrema excellens . Rayski, C, & E. A. Garden. 1961. Life-cycle of an acanthocephalan parasite of the eider duck. Nature, 192: 185-186. / (A); death of many eider ducks due to Profilicollis botulus; life cycle (Scotland). Rebecq, J. M. 1960. Presence en France de Maritrema subdolum Jager- skiold, 1909 ^ Maritrema rhodanicum Carrere, 1936 (Trematoda, Microphallidae) . Vie et Milieu, 11: 69-74. / (T); experimentally in duckling. Rebecq, J. 1961. Role du mollusque d'eau saumatre Hydrobia ventrosa (Montagu) dans le cycle evolutif de deux trematodes en Camargue. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc . , Paris, 255: 2007-2009. / (T); life cycle of Microphallus papillorobusta , Himasthla militaris (France). Rebecq, J. 1964. Recherches systematiques , biologiques et ecologiques sur les formes larvaires de quelques trematodes de Camargue. Thesis, Univ. of Aix-Marseille, 223 pp. / (T); includes larval stages of several Microphallidae and Gymnophallidae reported from waterfowl; Microphallus hoffmani sp. n. reported experimentally in duck (France). Rebecq, J., &G. Prevot. 1962. Developpement experimental d'un Gymnophallus (Trematoda, Digenea) . Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc . , Paris, 255: 3272-3 274. / (T); Gymnophallus nereicola sp. n., experimental infection in duckling (France) . Rees , F . G . 193 3 . On the anatomy of the trematode Hypoderaeum conoideum Bloch, 17 82, together with attempts at elucidating the life-cycles of two other digenetic trematodes. Proc . Zool. Soc . London, (1932), Part IV: 817-826. / (T) . Rees , F . G . 193 9. Cercaria strigata Lebour from Cardium edule and Tellina tenuis. Parasitology, 31: 458-463. / (T); synonym of Gymnophallus sp. , probably _G. deliciosus (Great Britain). Rees, F. G. 1940. Studies on the germ cell cycle of the digenetic trematode Parorchis acanthus Nicoll. Part II, Structure of the mira- cidium and germinal development in the larval stages. Parasitology, 32: 372-391. / (T); life history (Great Britain). 222 Rees, F, G. 1955. The adult and diplostomulum stage (Diplostomulum phoxini (Faust)) of Dlplostomum pelmatoides Dubois and an experi- mental demonstration of part of the life cycle. Parasitology, 45: 295-312. / (T); experimentally in domestic duck (Great Britain). Rees, F. G. 1957. Cercaria diplostomi phoxini (Faust), a furcocercaria which develops into Diplostomulum phoxini in the brain of the minnow. Parasitology, 47: 126-137. / (T); experimentally in ducks; synonym of Diplostomum pelmatoides (Great Britain) . Reid, W. M., & J. E. Ackert. 1937. The cysticercoid of Choanotaenia infundibulum (Bloch) and the housefly as its host. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 56: 99-104. / (C); (USA). Reid, W. M., J. E. Ackert, & A. A. Case. 1938. Studies on the life- history and biology of the fowl tapeworm Raillietina cesticillus (Molin). Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 57: 65-76. / (C); (USA). Reimer, L. 1963. Zur Verbreitung der Adulti und Larvenstadien der Familie Microphallidae Viana, 1924 (Trematoda , Digenea) in der mittleren Ostsee. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 23: 253-273. / (T); 6 species in ducks (Germany); Microphallus fusiformis sp. n.; life histories of Microphallus claviformis, M. papillorobustus , M. primus , Levinseniella brachysoma , Maritrema subdolum (Germany) . Reimer, L. 1964a. The salt contents - a factor determining the develop- ment of fish- and bird trematodes in the middle Baltic Sea. Proc . Symp., Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc . , p. 63-68. / (T); relation of salinity to life cycles, distribution, and abundance in invertebrate hosts (Germany) . Reimer, L. 1964b. Life-cycles of Psilostomatidae Odhner, 1911, emend. Nicoll 1935 (Trematoda, Digenea). Proc. Symp., Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague , 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc . , p. 99-106 . / (T); life cycles of Psilostomum brevicolle and Psilochas- mus oxyurus, modifications with differences in salinity (Germany). Reimer, L. 1964c. Uber das Vorkommen der Eucotylidae Skrjabin, 1924 (Trematoda; Digenea) bei Wasservogeln an der deutschen Ostseekiiste, Helminthologia, Bratislava, 5: 77-84. [Russ. & Eng . summaries] / (T); reports 2 species in waterfowl; descriptions of Eucotyle cohni, E. zakharowi; Eucotyle clangulae synonym of E. cohni (Germany) . 223 Reimer, L. 1965. Die Ostsee als Reservoir einiger auch im Susswasser sich entwickelnder wirtschaftlich wichtiger digenetischer Trematoden. Angew. Parasitol., 5: 75-78. / (T); modifications of life histories of fresh-water parasites in brackish water (Germany). Rewell, R. E. 1948. Report of the pathologist for the year 1947. Proc . Zool, Soc. London, 118: 501-514. / (C); reports helminths in 2 waterfowl (England) . Ricci, M . , & P. M. Carrescia. 1961. Contribute alia conoscenza dell' elmintofauna degli uccelli d'acqua dolce in Italia. 1. Trematoda . Riv. Parassitol., Roma, 22: 237-258. [Eng . summary] / (T); examined 45 wild ducks, reports 8 helminths (Italy). Richard, J. 1965. Trematodes d'oiseaux de Madagascar . Note IV. Strigeides et Cyathocotylides . Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat,, Paris, s . 2 , 36 (1964): 506-522 . / (T); Apatemon gracilis and Mesostephanus sp . in wild ducks . Richard, J,, & P. Daynes. 1966. Zygocotyle lunata (Diesing, 1836) (Trematoda) chez un canard sauvage a Madagascar. Bull. Mus. Nat. d'Hist. Nat., Paris, 38: 949-952. / (T); description. Richter, S. 1960a. Gammarus (Rivulogammarus) triacanthus (Schaferna 1922) posrednik za razvoj Streptocara pectinifera Neumann 1900. (Gammarus Rivulogammarus triacanthus Schaferna, 1922 as transmitter in the development of Streptocara pectinifera (Neumann, 1900)). Zborn. 2. Kong. Vet. i Vet. Tehnic . Jugoslav. (Beograd , 1959), p. 503-506. [Eng. summary] / (N); experimental infection in ducks (Yugoslavia) . Richter, S. 1960b. Posrednik za razvoj Streptocara pectinifera (Neumann, 1900), razvojni ciklus i na5in invazije. (Intermediate host of the Streptocara pectinifera (Neumann, 1900), life cycle and infestation mode with this parasite.) Vet. Arhiv, Zagreb, 30: 86-92. [Eng., Ger. summaries] / (N); life cycle, experimentally in ducks (Yugo- slavia) . Richter, S., O. Vrazic, & Z. Aleraj . 1953. Filoftalmoza domace guske. (Philophthalmosis of the domestic goose.) Vet. Arhiv, Zagreb, 23: 193-205. [Eng., Ger. summaries] / (T); Philophthalmus posaviniensis sp. n. , P^. cupensis sp. n. , cause of disease in geese; 2 other helminths reported (Yugoslavia). 224 Ridala, V. 1958. Patologicheskie izmeneniia pri amidostomatoze gusei i mery bor'by s etoi invaziei. [Pathological change in amidostomiasis of geese and measures for its control.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Vsesofuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 125-127. [Russ. text] / (N) . Riech, F. 1927. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Echinostomiden. l.Der Lebens- zyklus von Echinoparyphium aconiatum Dtz . 2 . Cercaria laticaudata n. sp. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Orig . , 103: 2 7 9-2 90./ (T) . Ripple, R. C. 1941. Studies on the gapeworm Syngamus trachea (Montagu, 1811) in robins and chickens. J. Parasitol., 27: 369-374. / (N); life cycle (USA). Ritchie, J. , Jr. 1915. A contribution to the parasitic fauna of the west of Scotland. Glasgow Nat. , 7: 33-42. / (A,T); reports 2 helminths in waterfowl . Roberts, H. E. 195 5. Leech infestation of the eye in geese. Vet. Record, 67: 203-204. / (H); Theromyzon tessulatum cause of blindness (England). Robijns, K. G. 195 5. Een infectie met Acuaria uncinata bij jonge zwanen. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. , 80: 728-730. [Eng . , Fr. , Ger. summaries] / (N); cause of death in young swans (Netherlands). Rodri'guez, A., & J. J. Boero. 1964. Echinuria cygni Morini, Columbo, y Martin, 1959 from black swan, Cygnus melanocoriphus Molina. Rev. Med. Vet. , Buenos Aires, 45: 371-375, / (N) . Rohde, K., & Lee Fah Onn . 1967. Life cycle of Catatropis indica Srivastava, 1935 (Trematoda: Notocotylidae) . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 29: 137-148. [Ger. summary] / (T); includes description (India). Rollinson, D. H. L. , K. N. Soliman, & K. H. Mann. 1950. Deaths in young ducklings associated with infestations of the nasal cavity with leeches. Vet. Record, 62: 225-227. / (H); Protoclepsis tessellata (England) . Romanova, N. P. 193 8. Biologiia ekhinurii - vozbuditelia zheludochno- glistnoi bolezni vodoplavaiushchei ptitsy. [Biology of Echinuria — causative agent of stomach-worm illness of waterfowl.] Sovet. Ptitsevod., (8-9): 51-53. [Russ. text]/ (N); (USSR). 225 Romanova , N. P. 1945. Izuchenie tsikla razvitiia Echinuria uncinata (Rud.) - vozbuditelia ekhinuroza zheludka vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Study of the life cycle of Echinuria uncinata (Rud.) -- causative agent of echinuriasis of the stomach of waterfowl.] Diss. Kand. Biol. Nauk, Moskva (VIGIS) [Russ. text] / See Romanova , 1947, 1948. Romanova, N. P. 1947. A study of the development cycle of Echinuria uncinata Rud. , 1819, a nematode parasitic in the stomach of nata- tores. Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 55: 371-372. / (N); (USSR). Romanova, N. P. 1948. Izuchenie tsikla razvitii^ Echinuria uncinata Rudolphi (1819) vozbuditelia ekhinurioza zheludka vodoplavaiushchikh ptits. [A study of the developmental cycle of Echinuria uncinata Rudolphi, 1918, agent of echinuriasis of the stomach of waterfowl.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 1: 189-190. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Romanova, N. P., & K. M . Ryzhikov. 1958. Gel'minty lebedeY Mos- kovskogo zooparka . [Helminths in swans of the Moscow Zoological Garden.] Sbornik Statei, Moskovsk. Zoopark , (2): 108-116. [Russ. text.] Romanovskii, A. B. 1964. [Developmental cycle of Polymorphus minutus.] Veterinarifa , 41(12): 40-41. [Russ. text] / (A); (USSR). Rosen, F. 1920. Recherches sur le developpement des cestodes , II. Le cycle evolutif de la ligule et quelques questions generales sur le developpement des bothriocephales . Bull. Soc . Neuchatel. Sc . Nat. , 44: 259-280 . / (C); life cycle of Ligula simplicissima, hosts . Rosseter, T. B. lB91a. Development of Taenia lanceolata from the duck. [Abstr.] J. Royal Micr. Soc, (3): 438. / (C); (England). Rosseter, T. B. 1891b. Taenia coronula. Internat. J. Micr., 3 s., 1: 291-295. / (C); (England). Rosseter, T. B. 1891c. Sur un cysticercoide des ostracodes , capable de se developper dans I'intestin du canard. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 16: 224-229. / (C); called Taenia lanceolata [but does not fit description] (England) . Rosseter, T. B. 1892. On a new Cysticercus and a new tapeworm. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (30), 4: 361-366. / (C); (England) . 226 Rosseter, T. B. 1893. On the Cysticercus of Taenia microsoma and a new Cysticercus from Cyclops aqilis (Rosseter). J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (32), 5: 17 9-182. / (C); (England). Rosseter, T. B. 1897a. Cysticercus venusta (Rosseter). J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (40), 6: 305-313. / (C); Taenia venusta sp. n. (England) . Rosseter, T. B. 1897b. Cysticercus of Taenia liophallos . J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (40), 6: 314-317. / (C); (England). Rosseter, T. B. 1897c. On experimental infection of ducks with Cysticercus coronula Mrazek (Rosseter), Cysticercus gracilis (von Linstow), Cysticercus tenuirostris (von Hamann) . J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (41), 6: 397-405. / (C); (England). Rosseter, T. B. 1898. On the generative organs of Drepanidotaenia venusta. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (42), 7: 10-23. / (C); (England). Rosseter, T. B. 1900. The anatomy of Dicranotaenia coronula . J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (47), 7: 355-370. / (C); ex- perimentally in duck (England) . Rosseter, T. B. 1903. On the anatomy of Drepanidotaenia tenuirostris. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (52), 8: 399-406. / (C); (England) . Rosseter, T. B. 1904. The genital organs of Taenia sinuosa. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (55), 9: 81-90. / (C); experimental infection in duck (England) . Rosseter, T. B. 1906. On a new tapeworm, Drepanidotaenia sagitta . J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (58), 9:275-278. / (C); in domestic duck (England) . Rosseter, T. B. 1907. On the tape-worms Hymenolepis nitida , Krabbe, and H. nitidulans , Krabbe. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (60) , 10: 31-40 . / (C); Hymenolepis nitidulans and H . parvula in ducks (England) . Rosseter, T. B. 190 8. On Hymenolepis fragilis. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (62), 10: 22 9-234. / (C); (England). 227 Rosseter, T. B. 1909a. Hymenolepis acicula sinuata , a new species of tapeworm. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (64), 10: 393-402. / (C); in duck (England). Rosseter, T. B. 1909b. On Holostomum excisum (Linstow, 1906) and the development of a tetracotyliform larva to a Holostomum sp. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (64), 10: 385-392. / (T); (England) . Rosseter, T. B. 1911. Hymenolepis upsilon, a new species of avian tape-worm. J. Queckett Micr. Club, London, 2 s. (68), 11: 147-160. / (C); in duck (England). Rossi, C, & C. Ginanni. 1965. Echinostomiasi nelle gru coronate e altri trampolieri: Diagnosi e profilassi. Ann. Fac . Med. Vet. Torino, 15: 495-499. [Fr., Eng . summary] / (T); one helminth in waterfowl (Italy) . Rothschild, M. 193 8. Preliminary note on the life-history of Cryptocotyle jejuna Nicoll, 1907 (Trematoda) . Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 11 s . , 1(2): 238-239. / (T); (Great Britain). Rothschild, M. 1939. A note on the life cycle of Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin) 1825 (Trematoda). Novitat. Zool., 41: 178-180. / (T); (Great Britain) . Rothschild, M. 1941. Note on life histories of the genus Paramonostomum Liihe, 1909 (Trematoda: Notocotylidae) with special reference to the excretory vesicle. J. Parasitol., 27: 363-365. / (T); (Great Britain). Rothschild, M. 1942a. A further note on life history experiments with Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin, 1825). J. Parasitol., 28: 91-92. / (T); (Great Britain) . Rothschild, M. 1942b. A seven-year-old infection of Cryptocotyle lingua Creplin in the winkle Littorina littorea L. J. Parasitol. , 28: 3 50. / (T); (Great Britain). Round, M. C. 1962. The helminth parasites of domesticated animals in Kenya. J. Helminth., 36: 375-449. / (C); lists one helminth of domestic goose . Royce, B. M. 1937. Some trematodes of Pacific Northwest birds. [Abstr.] Public. Univ. Washington, Theses Ser. , 2: 723-724. / (T); Notocotylus asperiductus sp. n. , N . chenis sp. n . , no descriptions (USA) . 228 Ruiz, J. M . 1946. Pronocephalidae (Trematoda) . Estudos das especies brasileiras e revisao da familia . Mem. Inst. Butantan, 19: 249-372. / (T); lists 31 forms in waterfowl. Runge, S. 193 3. Przypadki chorobowe srod zwierz^t ogrudu zoologicznego w Poznaniu. (W latach 1929-1932). (Les maladies des animaux du jardin zoologique de Posnanie.) Wiadom . Wet., (152), Rok 15, 12: 105-115. [Pol. text, Fr. summary] / (N); Heterakis dispar in duck (Poland) . Rust, W, 1908. Entenerkrankung durch Tropidocerca fissispina. [Abstr.] Veroffentl. J.-Vet.-Ber. Beamt. Tierarzte Preuss . (1905), 6(2): 30. / (N); intermediate host Daphnia pulex. Ruszkowski, J. S. 1926. [Preprint 1925 .] Materjaly do fauny helmin- tologicznej Polski. Czesc 1. (Materiaux pour la faune helminthol- ogique de Pologne.) Sprawoz. Kom. Fizyogr. Akad. Umiej . Krakow (1925), 60: 173-185. [Pol. text, Fr. summary] / (A,C,T); lists 7 species in waterfowl. Ruszkowski, }. S. 1932a. Cycle d' evolution du cestode Drepanidotaenia lanceolata . [Abstr.] Acad. Polon . Sc. et Lett., Compt. Rend. Mens. CI. Sc. Math. etNat., Cracovie, (1): 4-5. / (C); (Poland). Ruszkowski, }. S. 1932b. Rozwoj tasiemca Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch) . (Le cycle evolutif du cestode Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch).) Bull. Internat, Acad. Polon. Sc . et Lett., Cracovie, CI. Sc. Math. etNat., s. B: Sc . Nat. (II), (1-4): 1-8. [Pol. text, French text] / (C); (Poland). Rybicka, K. 1957. Three species of the genus Diorchis Clerc, 1903 occurring in the European coot (Fulica atra L.). Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 5: 449-479, [Pol. summary] / (C); discusses reports of Diorchis spp. in both ducks and coots; descriptions of Diorchis inflata , D. ransomi (Poland) . Rybicka, K. [1958.] O rozwoju larw tasiemca Diorchis ransomi Schultz , 1940 (Hymenolepididae) w zywicielu posrednim . (On the development of the larvae of the tapeworm Diorchis ransomi Schultz, 1940 (Hymenolepididae) in the intermediate host.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 5: 613-644. [Pol. text, Eng. summary] / (C); (Poland). Rybicka, K. 1959. Some remarks on the classification of the family Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907 (Cestoda) . Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 7: 499-520. [Pol. summary] / (C); objects to splitting Hymenolepis into many monotypic genera . 229 Rybicka , K. 1961. Morphological and cytochemical studies on the development of the cestode Diorchis ransomi Schultz 1940. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 9: 279-304. / (C); (Poland). Rysavy, B. 1957. Dalsi poznatky o helmintofaune ptaku v Ceskoslovensku, (Zur Kenntnis der Helminthenfauna der Vogel in Tschechoslowakei .) Cesk. Parasitol., 4: 299-329. [Ger. , Russ. summaries]/ (N,A,C,T); examined 7 waterfowl, reports 12 helminths. Rysavy, B. 1959. Der Entwicklungszyklus von Porrocaecum ensicaudatum Zeder, 1800 (Nematoda: Anisakidae). Acta Vet., Acad. Sc . Hungaricae, 9: 317-323. / (N); life cycle (Czechoslovakia), RySavy, B. 1960a. Prisp^vek k poznani motolic cizopasi'cich u ptaku v Ceskoslovensku. (Beitrag zur Kenntnis der bei Vogeln in der Tschecho- slowakei parasitar auftretenden Trematoden.) Cesk. Parasitol., 7: 271-283. [Ger. summary] / (T); reports 3 forms in waterfowl. Rysavy, B. 1960b. Entwicklungszyklus des Bandwurms Sobolevicanthus octacantha (Krabbe , 1669) Spassky et Spasskaja, 1954 (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae) . Helminthologia, Bratislava, 2:163-168. [Eng . , Fr.^Russ, summaries]/ (C); (Czechoslovakia). Rysavy, B. 1961a. Vyvojovy cyklus tasemnice Dicranotaenia coronula (Dujardin, 1845) Railliet 1892 (Cestoidea: Hymenolepididae). (Life cycle of the cestode Dicranotaenia coronula (Dujardin 1845) Railliet 1892 (Cestoidea: Hymenolepididae).) Zool . Listy, Brno, 24, n.s. 10: 97-100. [Eng. summary] / (C); (Czechoslovakia). Rysavy, B. 1961b. Tasemnice vodniho ptactva z rybnicni oblasti jizni'ch Cech. I, Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907. (Die Bandwurmer (Cestoidea) der Wasservogel aus dem teichgebiet Sildbohmens. I. Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann, 1907.) Cesk. Parasitol., 8:325-363. [Ger. summary] / (C); examined 112 ducks, reports 2 8 helminths; descriptions of 17 species; Diploposthe mathevossianae sp. n. (Czechoslovakia) . Rysavy, B. 1961c. Problema rezervuarnogo parazitizma u tsestod semeistva Hymenolepididae. (The problem of the reservoir parasitism in cestodes of the family Hymenolepididae) . Helminthologia, 3:288-293. [Russ. text; Eng. , Fr. , & Ger. summaries] / (C); 5 cestodes with larvae in snails; snails infected by ingestion of dead infected Crustacea (Czechoslovakia) . 230 Ry^avy, B. 1962a. Poznamky k vyvojovym cyklum nekterych ptaii'ch tasemnic, zjist^nych na uzemi Ceskoslovenska . (Contribution to the life-history of some cestodes from birds recorded on the territory of Czechoslovakia .) Zool. Listy, Brno, 25, n,s. 11: 27-34. [Eng . summary] / (C); life cycles of Echinocotyle nitida , E^. rosseteri, Microsomacanthus paracompressa , M . paramicrosoma, M. spira- libursata; all with snails as auxiliary hosts. Rysavy, B. 1962b. Tasemnice ptaku Ceskoslovenske soc . republiky a jejich ekologie. [Tapeworms of birds of Czechoslovakia and their ecology.] Doct. Dis . prace, 324 pp. Rysavy, B. 1962c. Beitrag zu dam Problem des Entwicklungszyklus der Familie Hymenolepididae . [Abstr. Rep. 1. Jahreshauptversamml . Biol. Gesellsch. Deutsche Demokrat. Repub., Berlin, 1960], Biol. Beitr. , 1: 239-241. / (C); records 4 cestodes in waterfowl. Rysavy, B. 1964a. The epizootological importance of water snails for cestodoses of domestic ducks. Cesk. Parasitol., 11: 217-223. / (C); snails serve as auxiliary hosts for several species of cestodes of ducks; snails preserve and concentrate the parasite and facilitate entrance to final host. Rysavy, B. 1964b. Life-histories of cestodes parasitizing birds of the order An serif or me s . Proc . Symp., Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc . , p. 107-113. / (C); intermediate hosts of 14 cestodes of waterfowl; relationship of infections to habitat; reservoir parasitism in snails - reservoir habitationism (Czechoslovakia) . Rysavy, B. , & V. Fidler. 1955. [Zum Problem der Adaptationsmoglichkeit des parasitischen Gansewurmes Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) Railliet et Henry, 1909, auf Vogelwirte anderer Ordnungen.J Cesk. Biol., 4: 393-396. [Czech, text] / (N) . Rysavy, B., & J. Michalek . 1957. [Weitere Beobachtungen von Adap- tationsmoglichkeiten des Wurms Amidostomum anseris an ungewohnte Wirte.] Helminthologia - Prace z I. Konf. Helmint. , p. 255-259. [Czech, text] / (N) . Rysavy, B., J. Michalek, & V. Fidler. 1955. K voprosu vozmozhnosti adaptatsii paraziticheskogo chervil gusei Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) Railliet i Henry, 190 9 na ptits drugikh otriadov. (Zur Frage der Moglichkeit einer Adaption des in Gansen parasitierenden Wurmes Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1600) Railliet und Henry, 1909 an Wirtsvogel anderer Ordnungen.) Folia Biol., Praha, 1: 276-281. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (N); (Czechoslovakia). 231 Ryzhikov, K. M. 1941. Fresh-water mollusc Limnaea stagnalis L. as reservoir host of the nematode Syngamus trachea Mont. Doklady AN SSSR, n.s. 31: 831-832. / (N); (USSR). Ryzhikov, K. M. 1948. Morfologo-biologicheskie osobennosti singamid i opyt perestroTki ikh sistematiki. [Morphological-biological characteristics of syngamids and an experiment in reconstruction of their systematics.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk, Moskva (VIGIS) [Russ. text]/See Ryzhikov, 1950. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1949a. Dva novykh vida nematod roda Syngamus Sieb . , 1836. [Two new species of nematodes of the genus Syngamus Sieb. , 1836.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 2: 62-68. [Russ. text] / (N); Syngamus skrjabinomorpha sp. n. in geese and chickens (Georgia). Ryzhikov, K. M. 1949b. Singamidy domashnikh i dikikh zhivotnykh. Osnovy nematodologii , Tom I. [Syngamidae of domestic and wild animals. Essentials of nematodoloy. Vol. 1.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 164 pp. [Russ. text] / (N); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, citations, biology and pathology; key to species; lists 5 species in waterfowl. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1950. Morfologo-biologicheskie osobennosti singamid i opyt perestroYki ikh sistematiki. [Morphological-biological char- acteristics of syngamids and an attempt to reconstruct their system- atics.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 3: 282-284. [Russ. text] / (N); Syngamus skrjabinomorpha in geese, life history of S. trachea (USSR) . Ryzhikov, K. M. 1955, Gel'minty domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Helminths of domestic waterfowl.] Izd-vo. AN SSSR, Moskva, 111 pp. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); description, life history, and control of 35 most common and pathogenic helminths of domestic waterfowl, popular account. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1956a. Gel'mintofauna utinykh ptits Rybinskogo vodokhranilishcha . [Helminth fauna of Anatidae of Rybinsk reservoir.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 8: 112-130. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 44 ducks, reports 45 helminths (Russia); description of 4 forms . Ryzhikov, K. M. 1956b. K gel'mintofaune utinykh ptits v mestakh zimovok. [On the helminth fauna of Anatidae on their wintering grounds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 8: 131-139. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 26 ducks, reports 31 helminths (Georgia SSR); description of one form. 232 Ryzhikov, K. M. 1958. K kharakteristike filiarii iz serdtsa ptits . [On the characteristics of a filaria from the heart of a bird.] Shorn. Rabot. Gel'mint. 60-Let. Shul'ts, p. 368-372. [Russ. text] / (N); Sarconema eurycerca in swan, description (Yakutia). Ryzhikov, K. M . 1959a. K gel'mintofaune malogo lebedi^ . [On the helminth fauna of Cygnus bewickii Yarrell, 1830.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 9: 234-242. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 6 swans, reports 9 helminths (Yakutia); descriptions of Prosthogonimus cuneatus , Amidostomum cygni, Tetrameres zakharowi; checklist of helminths of swans in USSR. Ryzhikov, K. M . 1959b. Nematody v serdtse lebedia . [Nematodes in a swan heart.] Priroda , 48(11): 119. [Russ. text] / (N); Sarconema eurycerca (Yakutia) . Ryzhikov, K. M. 1960. K gel'mintofaune gagi-grebenushki . [On the helminth fauna of the king eider.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 10: 173-187. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 5 eiders, reports 21 helminths; Streptocara somateriae sp . n . , Rusguniella arctica sp. n. (Yakutia); checklist of helminths reported from eiders in USSR. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1961a. Kratkii obzor nematod roda Echinuria (Nematoda: Spirurata) . [A brief survey of nematodes of the genus Echinuria (Nematoda: Spirurata).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 208-212. [Russ. text] / (N); includes key to 10 species of genus. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1961b. Analiz fauny nematod gusinykh ptits s svete zakona Furmana-Skrjabina. (An analysis of the fauna of nematodes of Anseriformes in the light of the Fuhrmann — Skrjabin's law.) Helminthologia, 3: 2 81-2 87. [Russ. text; Eng . , Ger., & Fr. summaries] / (N); host specificity of nematode parasites of waterfowl; most show rather strict specificity (USSR) . Ryzhikov, K. M. 1962. Microsomacanthus melanittae - novyt vid tsestody ot gorbonosogo turpana (Melanitta deglandi) . [Microsomacanthus melanittae, a new cestode species from the white-winged scoter (Melanitta deglandi).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 12: 102-105. [Russ. text] / (C); (Yakutia). Ryzhikov, K. M. 1963a. Gel'mintofauna dikikh i domashnikh gusinykh ptits Dal'nego Vostoka. [Helminth fauna of wild and domestic anserine birds of the Far East.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 13: 78-132. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); compilation of records; hosts, distribution, and citations for each species (USSR - Far East). 233 Ryzhikov, K. M. 1963b. Nematody gusinykh ptits Kamchatki. [Nema- todes of anserine birds of Kamchatka] . Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 13: 133-143. [Russ. text] / (N); reports 23 nematodes; descriptions of Amidostomum monodon , Tetrameres crami asiatica subsp. n. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1963c. Nematody gusinykh ptits Chukotki. Po materialam 318 SGE 1961 g. (Nematodes from anserine birds of Tchukotka.) Helminthologia , 4: 413-423. [Russ. text; Eng . , Ger. , & Fr. summaries] / (N); lists 23 nematodes in Anseriformes; Echinuria borealis asiatica subsp. n. , Tetrameres somateriae sp. n. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1963d. Psilostoma borealis sp. nov. i Gymnophallus minor sp. nov. - novye trematody ot ptits otrAda Anseriformes. (Psilostoma borealis sp. nov. and Gymnophallus minor sp. nov. -- new trematodes from birds of the order Anseriformes.) Helminthologia, 4: 424-429. [Russ. text; Eng., Fr. , Ger. summaries] / (T); (Chukotka) . Ryzhikov, K. M. 1963e. Gymnophallus skrjabini sp. nov. — novaia trematoda ot gag s Chukotki. [Gymnophallus skrjabini sp. nov. — new trematode from eiders from Chukotka.] Gel' mint. Cheloveka , Zhivotn. i Rast., k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, p. 130-132. [Russ. text] / (T) . Ryzhikov, K. M. 1964. The specificity of helminths parasitizing birds of the order Anseriformes to their hosts. Proc . Symp. , Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc, p. 167-170. / (N,A,C,T); specificity to subgroups of Anseri- formes in USSR, discussion. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1965. Tri novykh tsestody ot gusinykh ptits Chukotki: Microsomacanthus minimus nov. sp. , M_. borealis nov. sp., M. somateriae nov. sp. (Cyclophyllidae , Hymenolepididae) . [Three new cestodes from anseriform birds of Chukotka: Microsomacanthus minimus nov. sp., M_. borealis nov. sp., M_. somateriae nov. sp. (Cyclophyllidea, Hymenolepididae).] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 15: 132-139. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 84 eider ducks, reports 14 cestodes. Ryzhikov, K. M. 1967. [Key to helminths of domestic aquatic birds.] Izdat. "Nauka", Moskva, 264 pp. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); key for identification of 124 helminths of domestic ducks, 5 8 of domestic geese (USSR). 234 Ryzhikov, K. M., & N. M. Gubanov. 1959. K faune tsestod gusinykh ptits Verkhoian'ia (lakutiih) . [On the cestode fauna of Anseriformes of Verkhoyan (Yakutia).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 9: 243-248. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 73 waterfowl, reports 17 cestodes; Wardium nyrocae sp. n. , description of W. aequabilis . Ryzhikov, K. M . , & N. M . Gubanov. 1962. Lateriporus mathevossianae novyY vid tsestody ot gusinykh ptits. [Lateriporus mathevossianae, a new species of cestode from anserine birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 12: 106-108. [Russ. text] / (C); (Yakutia). Ryzhikov, K. M. & L. A. Koshkina. 1962. K faune trematod gusinykh ptits Tuvy. [The trematode fauna of anserine birds of Tuva.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 12: 112-119. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 234 wild waterfowl, reports 35 trematodes; descriptions of Orchipedum tracheicola , Cotylurostrigea raabei (USSR) . Ryzhikov, K. M . & D. Kozlov. 1959. K faune nematod dikikh ptits Turkmenistana . (On the nematode fauna of free-living birds in Turkmemistan.) Helminthologia , 1: 55-68. [Russ. text, Ger. & Eng . summaries] / (N); examined 78 wild ducks, reports 11 nematodes, including Tetrameres pavonis . Ryzhikov, K. M. , & D. P. Kozlov. 1960. Tetrameres cygni - novaia nematoda ot lebedeY iz lakutii. [Tetrameres cygni, a new nematode from swans of Yakutia.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 10: 188-191. [Russ. text] / (N) . Ryzhikov, K. M . , V. A. Leonov, & A. K. Tsimbaliuk. 1964. Novyi gel'mint gusinykh ptits - Australapatemon skrjabini sp. nov. (Trematoda: Strigeidae) . [New helminth of anseriform birds — Australapatemon skrjabini sp. nov. (Trematoda: Strigeidae).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 14: 182-186. [Russ. text] / (T); includes description of A. intermedius (Kamchatka). Ryzhikov, K. M., & A. V. Pavlov. 1959. Amidostomum orientale sp. nov. - novafa nematoda gusinykh ptits lakutii. (Amidostomum orientale sp. nov. -- a new nematode at anseriform birds in Jakut.) Helminthologia, 1: 69-73. [Russ. text, Eng. & Ger. summaries] / (N). 235 Ryzhikov, K. M . , & N. P. Romanova. [1959.] Paramidostomum skrjabini - novaia nematoda ot gusinykh ptits Moskovskogo zooparka. [Para- midostomum skrjabini — new nematode from anserine birds in Moscow zoological garden.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat.AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 306-309. [Russ. text]/ (N); (USSR). Ryzhikov, K. M., & T. N. Timofeeva. 1951. K gel'mintofaune dikikh i domashnikh vodoplavaixishchikh ptits Amurskoi oblasti . [On the helminth fauna of wild and domestic waterfowl of the Amur region.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 213-222. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 90 wild and 24 domestic waterfowl, reports 39 helminths (USSR) . Ryzhikov, K. M., & T. N. Timofeeva. 1962. Plagiorchis nyrocae, novyi vid trematody ot morskoi cherneti (Nyroca marila) . [Plagiorchis nyrocae, new species of trematode from the scaup duck (Nyroca marila).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 12: 109-111. [Russ. text] / (T); (Kamchatka) . Ryzhikov, K. M., T. N. Timofeeva, & E. N. Dudorova . 1966. K poznaniiu trematod ot gag Chukotki. [The knowledge of trematodes from eiders of Chukotka.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 157- 168. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 95 eiders; reports 11 trematodes; descriptions of 4 species of genus Gymnophallus , describes 3 forms of Gymnophallus macroporus . Ryzhkova, N. P. [1954.] Kartina krovi u domashnikh utok pri terapii porotsekoza (Predvaritel'noe soobshchenie) . [Hematology of domestic ducks during therapy for porrocaeciasis (Preliminary report).] Rabot. Gel'mint. 75-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 607-610. [Russ. text] / (N); hematology associated with Porrocaecum crassum infection (USSR). See Ryzhkova, 1966. Ryzhkova, N. P. 1966. Translation of Ryzhkova, 1954. Contrib . Helminth. Commem. 75. Birthday Skrjabin, Isr. Program Scient. Transl., p. 609-611. [Eng. translation] / (N) . Ryzhova , A. A. 1945. Paraziticheskie chervi domashnei ptitsy Gor'kovskoi oblasti. [Parasitic worms of domestic birds of Gorkovsk oblast.] Diss. Kand. Biol. Nauk, Moskva (Biblioth. VIGIS); Avtoref. Diss., Gor'kii, 10 pp. [Russ. text]/See Ryzhova, 1948. 236 Ryzhova , A. A. 1948. Paraziticheskie chervi domashnikh ptits Gor'kovskoi oblasti. [Parasitic worms of domestic birds of the Gorky oblast.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 1: 195-197. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 240 domestic waterfowl, reports 15 helminths (USSR) . Ryzhova, A. A. , & E. N. Sheretnevskai^ . 1958. Gel'mintofauna domashnei ptitsy Gor'kovskoi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic birds of Gorky oblast]. Trudy Gor'kovsk . Sel' skokhoz . Inst., 9: 252-261. [Russ, text] / (T); lists one helminth in domestic waterfowl (S . Russia). Saakova , E. O. 195 2. Fauna paraziticheskikh chervei ptits del'ty Dunaia , [Parasitic worm fauna of birds of the delta of the Duna.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk; Avtoref. Diss., L. , 9 p. [Russ. text] / (T); includes at least 9 forms in waterfowl (S . Russia). Saakova, E. O. [1959.] Dva novykh roda tsestod semeistva Hymenolepi- didae iz ptits del'ty Dunaia. [Two new genera of cestodes of the family Hymenoiepididae from birds of the delta of the Duna.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 310-314. [Russ. text] / (C); Arhynchotaenia clausovaginata sp. n. in duck (S. Russia) . Sage, B. L. 1958. On the avian hosts of the leech Theromyzon (Pro to - clepsis) tessellata (O. F. Muller) . Bull. Brit. Ornithol. Club, 78: 113-115. / (H); list of reported hosts, biology; reports mortality from infection (England) . Salhoff, S. 1941. Sektionsergebnisse bei Wildvogeln . Berl. u. Munch. Teirarztl. Wochenschr., (22): 267-268. / (C); Fimbriaria plana abundant in emaciated ducks (Germany). Sandeman, I. M. 1959. A contribution to the revision of the dilepid tapeworms from Charadriiformes . Preliminary note. Zool . Anz., 163: 278-288. / (C); Chitonorecta agnosia is synonym of Liga brevicollis . Sanders, D. A. 192 8. Manson's eyeworm of poultry. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 72, n.s. 25: 568-584. / (N); Oxyspirura mansoni life history (USA). Sanders, D. A. 192 9. Manson's eyeworm of poultry. Florida Agric. Exper. Sta . Bull. (206), p. 565-585. / (N); Oxyspirura mansoni life history (USA) . 237 Sandground , J. H. 1937. Three new parasitic nematodes from the Belgian Congo. Rev. Zool. Bot. Mr. , 29: 230-236. / (N); Echinuria minor sp. n . in duck. . Sandground, J. H., & C. Bonne. 1940. Echinostoma lindoensis n. sp. , a new parasite of man in the Celebes with an account of its life history and epidemiology. Am. J. Trop. Med., 20: 511-53 5. / (T); Echinostoma revolutum in ducks (Java) . Sandosham, A. A. 1954. Malaysian parasites XIII. Studies of larval trematodes from snails. Studies (26) Inst. Med. Res. Fed. Malaya, p. 199-209 . / (T); life history of Echinostoma revolutum . Sarwar, M. M. [1953.] Capillaria columbae in pigeons in Pakistan. [Abstr.] Proc. 5. Pakistan Sc. Conf. (Lahore, 1953), Part III, Abstr., p. 180. / (N); reports one helminth in ducks (Pakistan). Saunders, D. C. 1955. The classification of microfilariae in birds. Avifilaria tyrannidarum and A. fringillidarum, two new species . Tr . Am. Micr. Soc . , 74: 37-45. / (N); reports microfilariae in waterfowl (Mexico) . Saunders, D. C. 1961. Microfilariae from wild birds of Trinidad . Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 80: 366-369. / (N); includes description of microfilariae from waterfowl. Savchuk , N. A., & V. S. Gubskii. 1957a. Gistrikhoz domashnikh utok V raione nizhnego Dnestra. [Hystrichiasis of the domestic duck in the lower Dnester region .] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn . Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint., posv. 40 g. Okt. Revol., ch . 2, p. 50-51. [Russ. text] / (N); Hystrichis tricolor (Ukraine). Savchuk, N. A., & V. S. Gubskii. 1957b. Gistrikhoz domashnikh utok V raione nizhnego Dnestra. [Hystrichiasis of the domestic duck in the region of the lower Dnester.] Zhur. Microbiol., Epidemiol, i Immunobiol., 29: 127-129. [Russ. text] / (N); Hystrichis tricolor (Ukraine) . Savchuk, N. A., & V. S. GubskiT. 1958. O prirodnoi ochagovosti gistrikhoza utok v lugo'^zapadnoT chasti SSSR. [On the natural foci of histrichiasis of ducks in the southwestern portions of USSR.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1956), AN SSSR, p. 131-133. [Russ. text] / (N) . 238 Savchuk, N. A.., & V. S. Gubskii. 1961. O prirodnykh ochagakh gistrikhoza utok na territorii Ukrainskoi SSR. [On natural foci of hystrichiasis of ducks in the territory of Ukrainian SSR.] Trudy Ukrainsk. Respub. Nauch . Obshch. Parazitol., (1): 231-234. [Russ. text] / (N) ; Hystrichis tricolor . Savinov, V. A. 1960. [New treraatode Hyptiasmus vigisi nov. sp. from the nasal cavity of the scaup duck.] Nauch. Trudy, Kalinin. Otd . , Mosk. Obshch. Isp. Prirody, (2): 74-77. [Russ. text] / (T); (N . Russia) . Savvateeva, 1. A. 1965. K rasshifrovke biologicheskogo tsikla Capillaria bursata Freitas et Almeida, 1934. [The biological cycle of Capillaria bursata Freitas & Almeida, 1934.] Soobshch. ANGruzinsk. SSR, 40: 709-712. [Russ. text] / (N); life cycle (Georgia SSR). Sawada , I. 1952. On the life history of chicken cestode Raillietina cesticillus. Rep. Nara Gakugei Univ., 1: 235-243. / (C); (Japan). Sawada, I. , & T. Ijima. 1964. Cestodes from aquatic birds in Yamanashi Prefecture (1). Japan. J. Med. Sc . & Biol., 17: 3 3-37. / (C); reports one helminth in ducks (Japan). Sawada, 1. , & H. Okada . 1955. Studies on the morphology of successive stages in the development of Raillietina (Skrjabinia) cesticillus oncosphere to mature cysticercoid . Dobuts . Zasshi, Tokyo, 64: 316-320 (p. 16-20). [Jap. text, Eng . summary] /P); (Japan). Schad, G. A. 1962. Helminth parasitism in a flock of domestic geese introduced to arctic summer conditions in Canada. Canad . J. Zool . , 40: 1-4. / (C,T); examined 57 geese, reports 2 helminths; believes few parasites can complete life cycle in far north. Scheer, D. 1934. Gammarus pulex und Carinogammarus roeselii als Zwischenwirte von Polymorphus minutus (Acanth.) Zeitschr. Para- sitenk . , 7: 2 68-2 72 . / (A); difference in incidence in Gammarus sp. , believed due to their difference in feeding. Schell, S. C. 1959. Cercaria robinsonensis n . sp. and other schistosome cercariae occurring in the inland empire of the Pacific Northwest. Northwest Sc . , 33: 121-128. / (T); two schistosome species of water- fowl (USA). Schell, S. C. 1967. New species of trematodes from birds in the Pacific northwest. J, Parasitol., 53: 1000-1004. / (T); Eucotyle warreni sp. n. in wild duck (USA). 239 Schiller, E. L. 1950. Hymenolepis rauschi,n. sp.,a cestode from the ruddy duck. J. Parasitol., 36: 274-277. / (C); (USA). Schiller, E. L. 1951a. Hymenolepis hopkinsi,n. sp., a cestode from the black duck. Am. Midland Nat., 45: 253-256. / (C); reports two helminths (USA). Schiller, E. L. 1951b. The Cestoda of Anseriformes of the north central states. Am. Midland Nat., 46: 444-461. / (C); examined 184 water- fowl, reports 32 cestodes; gives average and extremes of infections (USA) . Schiller, E. L. 1951c. Studies on the helminth fauna of Alaska VI. The parasites of the emperor goose (Philacte canagica) with a description of Hymenolepis philactes. J. Parasitol., 37: 217-220. / (C); examined 16 geese, reports 3 cestodes; Hymenolepis philactes sp. n. (USA - Alaska) . Schiller, E. L. 1952a. Studies on the helminth fauna of Alaska IX. The cestode parasites of the white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons) with the description of Hymenolepis barrowensis n. sp. J. Parasitol. , 38: 32-34. / (C); examined 35 geese, reports 2 cestodes (USA - Alaska) . Schiller, E. L. 1952b. Studies on the helminth fauna of Alaska. III. Hymenolepis kenaiensis n. sp. , a cestode from the greater scaup (Aythya marila nearctica) with remarks on endemicity. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 71: 146-149. / (C); examined 4 birds, reports 4 cestodes (USA - Alaska) . Schiller, E. L. 1953. Studies on the helminth fauna of Alaska. XIV. Some cestode parasites of the Aleutian teal (Anas crecca L.) with the de- scription of Diorciy^ j^ngi^vurn_n. sp. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 20: 7-12. / (C); examined 20 ducks, reports 4 cestodes; Diorchis longiovum sp. n.; Diorchis wigginsi nom. n. (synonyms D. longae Schultz, p. nyrocae Long & Wiggins) (USA - Alaska). Schiller, E. L. 1954. Studies on the helminth fauna of Alaska. XVIII. Cestode parasites in young Anseriformes on the Yukon delta nesting grounds. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 73: 194-201. / (C); examined 74 waterfowl, reports 9 cestodes; Hymenolepis yukonensis sp. n., H. stolli (synonyms H_. dafilae, I£. mastigopraedita) (USA - Alaska). 240 Schiller, E. L. 1955a. Studies on the helminth fauna of Alaska. XXIII. Some cestode parasites of eider ducks. J. Parasitol., 41: 79-88. / (C); examined 93 ducks, reports 13 helminths; Haploparaxis poly- stictae sp. n. , Hymenolepis arctica sp. n.; redescription of Hymenolepis sibirica , H. fallax, Lateriporus teres (synonym L. geographicus) (USA - Alaska). Schiller, E. L. 1955b. Some cestode parasites of the old-squaw, Clangula hyemalis (1,). Proc . Helminth. Soc . Wash., 22: 41. / (C); examined 116 ducks, reports 5 cestodes (USA - Alaska). Schiller, E. L. 1957. Studies on the helminth fauna of Alaska . XXXII. Hymenolepis echinorostrae n . sp. , a cestode from the lesser scaup, Aythya af finis (Eyton) . J. Parasitol., 43: 233-235. / (C); examined 3 birds, reports 5 cestodes (USA - Alaska). Schirrmeister, E. 1938. Magenwurmseuche bei einem Schwan. Berl . Tierarztl . Wochenschr . ,(^: 49. / (N); Echinuria uncinata . Schlegel, M. 1909. Gefluqelseuche veranlasst durch Filaria uncinata. [Abstr.] Deutsche TierSrztl. Wochenschr. , 17(12): 169. / (N) . Schlegel, M . 1914. Bericht uber die Tatigkeit des tierhygieni schen Instituts der Universitat Freiburg i Br. im Jahre 1913. Zeitschr. Tiermedizin, 18: 364-405. / (N); Tropisurus fissispinus in ducks (Germany) . Schlegel, M . 1920. Einige wichtige Funde tierische Parasiten. Mitt. Ver. Badisch. Tierarzte, 20: 1-4. / (N); Tropisurus fissispinus in ducks . Schlegel, M. 1921. Echinorhynchus polymorphus Brems . , seuchenhaftes Entensterben verursachend. Arch. Wissensch. u. Prakt. Tierh., 47: 216. / (A). Schmelz , O. 1941. Quelques cestodes nouveaux d'oiseaux d'Asie. Rev. Suisse Zool. , 48: 143-199. / (C); Diorchis anomala sp. n. (China); p. lonqae nom. n. (synonym D . nyrocae Long & Wiggins); table of species of Diorchis in waterfowl. Schmid, F. 1943. Die Magenwurmseuche der Ganse und ihre Bekampfung. Deutsche Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 51(13-14): 122. / (N) . Schmidt, G. D. 1964. A note on the acanthocephala parasitizing amphipod Crustacea in a spring-fed pond in Montana. Canad. J. Zool., 42: 323. / (A) ; Polymorphus minutus (USA) . 241 Schmidt, G. D. 1965a. Polymorphus swartzi sp. n,, and other Acan- thocephala of Alaskan ducks. J. Parasitol., 51: 809-813. / (A); lists 4 forms in waterfowl (USA - Alaska) . Schmidt, G. D. 1965b. Corynosoma bipapillum sp. n. from Bonaparte' s gull Larus Philadelphia in Alaska, with a note on C. constrictum Van Cleave, 1918. J. Parasitol., 51: 814-816. / (A); C. constrictum in ducks (USA - Alaska) . Schmidt, G. D., & R. E. Kuntz. 1967. Notes on the life cycle of Polymorphus (Profilicollis) formosus sp. n. , and records of Arhy- thmorhynchus hispidus Van Cleave, 1925 (Acanthocephala) from Taiwan. J. Parasitol., 53: 805-809. / (A); Polymorphus formosus sp. n. in domestic and wild ducks (Taiwan); life history. Schmidt, J. E. 1894. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte und der anatomische Bau der Taenia anatina (Krabbe) . Arch. Naturg . , 60 J., 1: 65-112. / (C). Schneider, G. 1902. Ueber die in Fischen des finnischen Meerbusens vorkommenden Endo-parasiten. Ichthyologische Beitrage III . Acta Soc . Fauna et Flora Fenn . , 22 , Art. 2 , p. l-87/(C); Ligula intestinalis in duck (Finland) . Schofield , F. M. 1932. Heavy mortality among ducklings due to Hymenolepis coronula. Rep. Ontario Vet. Coll., 1931, p. 49, / (C); (Canada). Schultz, R. L. 1940. The genus Diorchis Clerc 1903. Am. Midland Nat . , 23: 382-389, / (C); checklist of species, hosts, key, synonymy; figures of rostellar hooks; lists 17 species in waterfowl; Diorchis wigginsi nom . n. (synonym D . nyrocae Long & Wiggins) , D. acicula- sinuata comb. n. Schulz, R. E. S.; see Shul'ts, R, E. S. Schuurmans Stekhoven, J. H. 1931. Der Zweite Zwischenwirt von Pseudamphistomum truncatum (Rud.) nebst Beobachtungen uber andere Trematoden-larven . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 3: 747-7 64. / (T); includes intermediate hosts of Paracoenogonimus ovatus. Schuurmans Stekhoven, J. H. 1935. Nematoda parasitica. Tierwelt Nord- u, Ostsee (Grimpe u. Wagler) , Lief. 28, Teil Vc , p. 1-47. / (N); lists 4 species in waterfowl. 242 Schwabe, C. W. 1950. Studies on Oxysplrura mansoni, the tropical eyeworm of poultry. III. Preliminary observations on eyeworm pathogenicity. Am. J. Vet. Research, 11: 286-290. / (N); (USA - Hawaii) . Schwabe, C. W. 1951. Studies on Oxyspirura mansoni, the tropical eyeworm of poultry. II. Life history. Pacific Sc . , 5: 18-35. / (N); (USA - Hawaii) . Schwartz, B. 1925. Parasitic nematodes from Tonkin, Indo-China, including anew species of Ascaridia . Proc . U. S. Nat. Mus . , 66, Art. (1) , 9 p. / (N); Ascaridia anseris sp. n. , A. lineata, in domestic geese . Scott, H. H. 192 6. Report on the deaths occurring in the Society's gardens during the year 1925. Proc. Zool. Soc . London, 1926: 231- 244. / (N); microfilariae in ducks (England). Scott, J. W. 1935. On the Diphyllobothrium of Yellowstone Park . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol. , 21: 443. / (C); life cycle, 3 forms believed present (USA) Scott, J. W. 1955. A new description of Diphyllobothrium cordiceps (Leidy, 1872). Rev. Iber. Parasitol., Tomo Extraord., p. 99-108. / (C). Seddon, H. R. 1947. Host check list of helminth and arthropod parasites present in domesticated animals in Australia. Serv. Public. (Div. Vet. Hyg.) (2), Australia Dept. Health, 41 p. / (N,C,T); reports 6 forms in waterfowl. Selim, M. K. , & A. El-Kassaby. 1965. The occurrence of Capillaria obsiqnata Madsen, 1945, in the U. A. R. J. Arab. Vet. Med. Ass., 25: 225-236. / (N); in wild duck. Selivanova-lartseva , A. S. 1954. K voprosy biologii Amidostomum anseris. [On the problem of the biology of Amidostomum anseris .] Sborn. Nauchn. Rabot Sibirsk. Nauchno-Issled . Vet. Inst., 5: 109-121. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Selivanova-lartseva, A. S. 1959a. [The epizootioloqy of Drepanidotaenia infections of geese in the Omsk region.] Sborn. Nauchn. Rabot Sibirsk. Nauchno-Issled. Vet. Inst., 8: 193-196. [Russ. text] / (C); Drepanidotaenia lanceolata life cycle (W. Siberia). 243 Selivanova-Iartseva, A. S. 1959b. Gel'minty utok OmskoT oblasti. [Helminthiases of ducks in Omsk oblast.] Ptitsevodstvo, 9(10); 37-38. [Russ. text] / (W. Siberia). Selivanova-Iartseva, A. S., &G. N. Gerasimova. 1959. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Omskoi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic aquatic birds in the Omsk region.] Sborn. Nauchn. Rabot Sibirsk. Nauchno-Issled . Vet. Inst., 8: 189-191. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 706 birds, reports at least 14 helminths (W. Siberia) . Seliverstov, P. A. 1961. [Epizootiology of Hymenolepis infection in geese in the Saratov region.] Trudy Saratovsk Zoovetinst. , 10: 267-271. [Russ. text] / (C); (S . Russia). Semenov, V. D. 1927. Trematody ptits zapadnogo kraia SSSR. (Vogel- trematoden des westlichen Bereiches der Union S. S. R.) Sborn. Rabot. Gel'mint. posv. Skrjabin, p. 221-271. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); lists 5 helminths in waterfowl; uses name Schisto- gonimus intermedius sp. n. , but leaves validity in doubt (Byelorussia) Senger, C. M. 1954. Notes on the growth, development, and survival of two echinostome trematodes . Exper. Parasitol., 3: 491-496. / (T); growth and development in final hosts of Echinostoma revolutum, Echinoparyphium recurvatum (USA) . Seraf in , C. 1957. W sprawie pojawienia sie przywry Notocotylus attenua- tus Rudolphi, 1809 u gesi na fermi "C". [On the occurrence of the fluke Notocotylus attenuatus Rudolphi, 1809 in geese.] Medycyna Wet., 13: 398-399. [Pol. text] / (N,T); cause of death; 2 other helminths present. Serkova , O. P. 1948. Kruglye chervi ptits Barabinskikh ozer. [Round worms of birds of Barabinsk lakes.] Parazitol . Sborn. Zool . Inst. AN SSSR, 10: 209-244. [Russ. text] / (N); reports 12 species in waterfowl; Agamospirura sp. (W. Siberia). Seurat, L. G. 1918. Sur les strongles du gesier des palmipedes. Bull. Mus. Natl. d'Hist. Nat., 24: 345-351. / (N); description of 3 species from waterfowl (Algeria). Seurat, L. G. 1919a. Dispharages (nematodes) de I'Afrique mineure. Novitat. Zool., 26: 17 9-189. / (N); Echinuria uncinata in water- fowl. 244 Seurat, L. G. 1919b. Contributions nouvelles a 1' etude des formes larvaires nematodes parasites heteroxenes . Bull. Biol. France et Belgique, (1918), 52: 344-378. / (N); reports one helminth in water- fowl . Severn Wildfowl Trust. [1950.] Pathology. 2 . Ann . Rep . Severn Wild- fowl Trust, 1948-1949, p. 33-34. / (N); fatal infection of Amidostomum anseris in 5 birds (England) . Severn Wildfowl Trust. [1951.] Pathology. 3. Ann. Rep. Severn Wildfowl Trust, 1949-1950, p. 52. / (N,H); fatalities in waterfowl due to Amidostomum anseris, leech (England). Severn Wildfowl Trust [Menzies , D. W. & J. A. J. Venn]. [1952.] Pathology, 4. Ann. Rep. Severn Wildfowl Trust, 1950-1951, p. 44- 46. / (N,C,T); fatalities due to Amidostomum sp., cestode infection, trematode infection (England) . Shabaev, V. A. 1961. [The more important helminth infections of ducks and geese in the Buryat ASSR.] Trudy Buryat Sel'skokhoz . Inst., 16: 103-110. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 82 waterfowl (USSR). Shabaev, V. A. 1965a. Izuchenie epizootologii polimorfoza i spiruratozov utok i mer bor'by s nimi v BuriatskoT ASSR. (Investigation of poly- morphosis epizootiology and spiruratoses of ducks and methods of their control in Buryat Autonomous Republic of the USSR.) Trudy Moskov. Vet. Akad . , 48: 115-118. [Russ. text, Eng , summary] / (N,A). Shabaev, V. A. 1965b. Istochniki zarazheniia domashnikh utok polimor- fozom, tetramerozom, streptokarozom i profilaktika ikh v usloviiakh pribaikal'i^ . [Source of the infections of domestic ducks, polymorphi- asis, tetrameriasis , streptocariasis , and prophylaxis of them in the conditions of Pribaikalia .] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch, 1, p. 250-253. [Russ. text] / (N,A). Shakhtakhtinskaia , Z. M. 1953, Gel' mintofauna domashnikh i okhotnich'e- promyslovykh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits AzerbaidzhanskoY SSR. [Hel- minth fauna of domestic and economically important aquatic birds of Azerbaidzhan SSR.] Diss. Dokt. Biol. Nauk (VIGIS); Avtoref. Diss., Baku, 2 p. [Russ. text]/See Shakhtakhtinskaia, 1959. Shakhtakhtinskaia, Z. M . 1956. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh i okhotnich'e- promyslovykh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits AzerbaidzhanskoY SSR. [Hel- minth fauna of domestic and economically important aquatic birds of Azerbaidzhan SSR.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 8: 285- 2 86. [Russ. text] 245 Skakhtakhtinskaia , Z. M. 195 8. Novaia trematoda iz ptits Azerbafdzhana - Echinochasmus (Episthmium) mathevossiani nov. sp. [A new trema- tode of birds in Azerbaidzhan -- Echinochasmus (Episthmium) mathe- vossiani nov. sp.] Doklady AN Azerbaidzhan. SSR, 14: 155-157. [Russ. text] / (T); in ducks (Azerbaidzhan). Shakhtakhtinskaia, Z. M. 1959. Gel'minty domashnikh i okhotnich'e- promyslovykh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits v Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. [Helminths of domestic and economically important aquatic birds of Azerbaidzhan SSR.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Vyp. I, Izdat. Min. Sel'sk. SSSR, Moskva, p. 197-202. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); checklist and host record; reports 73 helminths in water- fowl. Sharma, K. N. 1943. On some helminths from Burmese ducks (Anas boschas) new to science. Indian Vet. J. , 19: 227-232 . / (C,T); Mehlisis gatesi sp. n . , Hymenolepis apcaris sp. n . , H . infrequens sp. n. , H . jamunica sp. n. , H . meggitti sp. n. , H . rangoonica sp. n . (Burma) . Shats , M. F. 194 7. Parazitarnye zabolevaniia gusei v Soletskom raYone LeningradskoT oblasti. [Parasites of the goose in Solzy district, Leningrad oblast.] Trudy Leningrad. Obshch. Estestv. , otdel. Zool., 69: 202-222. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (N,C,T); examined 140 domestic geese, reports 11 helminths (N . Russia). Shaw, J. N. 1947. Some parasites of Oregon wild life. Oregon Agric . Exper. Sta . , Tech. Bull. (11), 16 p. / (C); lists one helminth in waterfowl (USA) . Shcherbovich, 1. A. 1946. Trematody ptits Dal'nego Vostoka. [Trematodes of birds in the Far East.] Gel'mint. Sborn. 40-Let. Dei^tel'nost Skrjabin, p. 296-300. [Russ. text] / (T); includes two forms in water- fowl (USSR). Shen , S.-S,, & S.-C. Wu . 1964. A preliminary survey of trematodes and nematodes parasitic in aquatic birds from Ulasu-Hai, Inner Mongolia, China. Tung Wu Hsiieh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica] , 16: 398-415. [Chin, text, Eng. summary] / (M,T); lists 14 helminths in waterfowl; includes Petagifer bilobus, Uvitellina pseudocotylea , Epomidiostomum cygni, first report in waterfowl. Shen, Tseng; see Tseng, Shen 246 Shen, W.-H. 1959. Notes on the morphology and life history of Haplorchis pumilio (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) . Tung Wu Hsueh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica] , 11: 470-481. [Chin, text, Eng , summary] / (T); experimentally in duck (China) . Shepard , W. 19 43. A new hymenolepid cestode, Hymenolepis parvisac- cata, from a pintail duck. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 62: 174-178. / (C); (USA) . Shevchenko, M . N. 1965. K voprosy o zhiznennom tsikle trematody Metorchis xanthosomus (Creplin, 1846). [On the problem of the life cycle of the trematode Metorchis xanthosomus (Creplin, 1846).] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 4, p. 320-323. [Russ. text] / (T); experimentally in domestic duck. Shevtsov, A. A. 1952. Gel'mintozy domashnikh utok i ikh vozbuditeli. [Helminthiases of domestic ducks and their causative agents.] Avtoref. Diss., Moskva Vet. Akad . , p. 1-16. [Russ. text]/See Shevtsov, 1954, 1958; Shevtsov & Zaskind, 1960. Shevtsov, A. A. 1954. Gel'mintozy domashnikh utok i ikh vozbuditeli. [Helminthiases of domestic ducks and their causative agents.] [Abstr.] Trudy Gel'mint. AN SSSR, 7: 394-395. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 1104 domestic ducks, found 41 helminths; mentions 6 in this abstract (USSR). Shevtsov, A. A. 1955. K voprosu izucheniia gel' mintofauny domashnikh utok na territorii SSSR. [On the problem of study of the helminth fauna of domestic ducks in the territory of the USSR.] Trudy Kievsk. Vet. Inst., 12: 157-204. [Russ. text] Shevtsov, A. A. 1958a. O zabolevanii domashnikh utok tsiatokotilezom. [On the infection of domestic ducks by cyathocotylids .] [Abstr.] Veterinarii^, 3 5(5): 82. [Russ. text] / (T); cause of mortality (Ukraine). Shevtsov, A. A. 1958b. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh utok MoskovskoT oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic ducks in the Moscow oblast.] Trudy Moskov. Vet. Akad., 27: 246-252. (Rabot. Parazitol. 80-Let. Skrjabin) . [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 872 ducks, reports 29 helminths (Russia). Shevtsov, A. A. 1958c. K voprosu rasprostraneniia gistrikhoza domash- nikh utok na Pravoberezh'i Ukrainy. [On the question of the distri- bution of hystrichiasis of domestic ducks on the right bank of Ukraine.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 168-169. [Russ. text] / (N); (Ukraine). 247 Shevtsov, A. A. 1960. K poznaniiu gel'mintov i gel'mintozov domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits v Zakarpatskoi oblasti. [On knowledge of helminths and helminthiases of domestic waterfowl in the Trans- carpathia region.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiliz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1960), p. 149-150. [Russ. text] / {N,C,T); incidence of helminth groups, helminthiases. Shevtsov, A. A. 1961a. Izuchenie sezonnoi dinamiki gel'mintoznykh zabolevanii u utok. [Study of seasonal dynamics of helminthic diseases in ducks.] Visnyk Sil's*kogospod. Nauky. , Ukr. Akad. Sil'skogospod. Nauk, 4(1): 80-84. [Russ. text] Shevtsov, A. A. 1961b. Materialy po gel'mintofaune i epizootologii gel'mintozov domashnikh utok i gusei na territorii Ukrainy. (Pred- varitel'noe soobshchenie) . [Material on the helminth fauna and epizootiology of helminthiases of domestic ducks and geese in territory of Ukraine. (Preliminary communication) .] Prob. Parazitol., Trudy Ukrainsk. Respub. Nauch. Obshch. Parazitol., (1): 221-230. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); lists 17 helminths. Shevtsov, A. A. 1962a. Do vyvchennfa sezonnoi dynamiky gel'mintoziv gusei na terytorii Ukraini. (On study of season dynamics of helminth- osis of geese on the territory of the Ukraine.) Visnik Sil's'kogospod. Nauki, 5: 100-104. / (N,C); discusses 8 helminths in waterfowl. Shevtsov, A. A. 1962b. Porotsekoz kachok. [Porrocaeciasis of ducks] . Sotsial. Tvarin., 34(3): 52-54. [Ukr. text] / (N); (Ukraine). Shevtsov, A. A. 1962c. Do vyvchennfa hel'mintiv i hel'mintoziv sviis'kyk kachok na terytorii zakhidnykh oblastei URSR. [On the thorough study of helminths and helminthiases of domestic ducks in the western oblasts of URSR.] Mater. Ses. Viddilem. Tvarin. UASGN, p. 93-97 (Zakhod. Borot. Parazitar. Khvor. Sil's'kogos. Tvarin). [Ukr. text] / (N,A,T); mentions 4 helminths of ducks (Ukraine). Shevtsov, A. A. 1963a. Vyvchennfa gel'mintofauny vodoplavnoi ptytsi na Ukrains'komu Polls si. [Studying the helminths of waterfowl in the Ukrainian Polesye.] Visnik Sil's'kogospod. Nauki, 6 (5): 117-119. [Ukr. text] Shevtsov, A. A. 1963b. Izuchenie gel'mintofauny domashnikh vodoplava- fushchikh ptits v Lesostepnoi zone Ukrainy. [Study of the helminth fauna of domestic waterfowl in the forest steppe zone of Ukraine.] Gel'minty Cheloveka, Zhivotn. i Rast. , k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 388-390. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 1648 domestic waterfowl; reports 54 helminths. 248 Shevtsov, A. A. 1963c. Izuchenie fauny, sezonnoi i vozrastnoi dinamiki gei'mintov domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits v stepnoi zone USSR. [Study of the faunal, seasonal, and developmental dynamics of helminths of domestic waterfowl in the steppe zone of Ukraine.] Probl. Parazitol., Trudy 4. Nauchn. Konf, Parazitol. U[kr.]SSR, Kiev, p. 288-290. [Russ. text] Shevtsov, A. A. 1963d. Degel'mintyzatsiik vodoplavnoi ptytsi pry tsestodozakh. [Dehelminthization of waterfowl in cestodiasis .] Sotsial. Tvarin., 35(9): 57-59, [Ukr. text] Shevtsov, A, A. 1963e. Izuchenie fauny gei'mintov domashnikh utok i gusei na territorii Volynskoi oblasti. [Study of helminth fauna of domestic ducks and geese in the territory of Volynsk oblast.] Mater. Dokl. Vsesoiuz. Nauch. Konf., posv. 90. -Let. Kazan. Vet. Inst., p. 193-194. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); lists 11 helminths (Ukraine) . Shevtsov, A. A. 1964a. Vidovoi sostav gei'mintov domashnikh gusei na zapade Ukrainy. [Species composition of the helminths of domestic geese in western Ukraine.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1964), ch. 2, p. 254-258. [Russ. text] Shevtsov, A. A. 1964b. [Helminth fauna of domestic ducks in western areas of the Ukrainian SSR.] Veterinariya, Kiev, (1): 67-71. [Ukr. text, Russ. summary] Shevtsov, A. A. 1964c. [Seasonal and age dynamics of helminthiasis in ducks and geese in different zones of Ukrainian SSR.] Veterin- ariya, Kiev, (1): 72-80. [Ukr. text, Russ. summary] Shevtsov, A. A. 1965a. [Enzootic infestation of poultry by Echinochasmus in the Ukraine,] Veterinariia , 41(1): 55-56. [Russ. text] / (T); life history of Echinochasmus beleocephalus , cause of mortality in domestic birds. Shevtsov, A. A, 1965b. Prosthogonimus spinatus nov. sp, novyi vid prostogonimusa ot domashnei utki. [Prosthogonimus spinatus nov. sp. new species of Prosthogonimus from domestic ducks.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz, Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 4, p, 317-320. [Russ. text] / (T); lists 7 species in domestic ducks in Ukraine. 249 Shevtsov, A. A. 1965c. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh utok na territorii Ukrainy. [Helminth fauna of domestic ducks in the territory of Ukraine.] Parazity i Parazitozy Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh, Respub. Mezhved. Sbornik , s. Probl. Parazitol. , AN[Ukr.]SSR, Kiev, p. 169-179. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T,H); summary of previous work, 2370 ducks examined, lists 71 helminths. Shevtsov, A. A., & I. M. Zabello. 1965. Do vivchennia epyzootologyi ta patogenezu tetramerozu y ekhynuryozu kachok na Ukrainy. (On studying epizoothiology and pathogeny of Tetramer[es] and Echinuri[a] of ducks in the Ukraine.) Visnik Sil' s'kogospod. Nauki, 8: 107-112. [Ukr. text, Russ. summary] / (N) . Shevtsov, A. A., & L. N. Zaskind. 1960. Gel'minty i gel'mintozy domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [Helminths and helminthiases of domestic waterfowl.] Izd-vo. Khar'kovsk. Gosudarstv. Univ., Khar'kov, 444 p. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); lists 155 helminths in domestic waterfowl; description of each, hosts, distribution; diag- nosis, pathology, treatment of helminthiases; 20 page bibliography. Shibue, H. 1954a. Studies on avian trematodes in Kyushu. Proc . 23. Ann. Meet. Japan. Parasitol. Soc . , Kiseichugaku Zasshi, 3(1): 43. / (T); (Japan). Shibue, H. (1954b.) Studies on the intestinal trematodes of birds in Kyushu. Kurume Igakkai Zassi, 17: 178-183. [Jap. text, Eng . summary] / (T); reports Psilochasmus longicirratus in ducks (Japan). Shigin, A. A. 1954. Gel'mintofauna ryboiadnykh ptits Rybinskogo vodokhranilishcha . [Helminth fauna of fish-eating birds of the Rybinsk reservoir.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS); Avtoref. Diss., M., 14 p. [Russ. text] / (T); reports at least 9 forms in waterfowl (N . Russia). Shigin, A. A. 1959. K gel'mintofaune ryboiadnykh ptits otri^dov guseo- braznykh (Anseres) i khishchnykh ptits (Accipitres) Rybinskogo vodokhranilishcha. [On the helminth fauna of fish-eating birds of the goose-like birds (Anseres) and birds of prey (Accipitres) of Rybinsk reservoir.] Trudy Darvinsk . Gosudarstv. Zapovednika, (5): 315-331. [Russ. text] Shigin, A. A. 1964. K voprosu o dlitel'nosti zhizni Diplostomum spath- aceum v organizme dopolnitel'nogo khoziaina. [Life span of Diplostomum spathaceum in the body of an additional host] . Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 14: 262-272. [Russ. text] / (T) . 250 Shigin, A. A. 1965. K izucheniiu zhiznennogo tsikla Diplostomum mergi (Trematoda, Diplostomatidae) - novogo vozbuditelia diplostomatoza ryb. [Study of the life cycle of Diplostomum mergi (Trematoda, Diplostomatidae), a new pathogen of fish diplostomatiasis .] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 15: 203-205. [Russ. text] / (T); larvae common in lens of eyes of fish of Volga delta, experimentally in young ducks (USSR) . Shikhobalova, N. P., & K. M. Ryzhikov. 1956. Biologiia Syngamus skrjabinomorpha Ryjikov, 1948. [Biology of Syngamus skrjabinomorpha Ryjikov, 1948.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 8: 267-277. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Shillinger, J. E. 1936. Parasites in wildlife. In: Giltner, Report of committee on parasitic disease, J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. , 88, n.s. 41: 423-431. / (N); fatalities due to Eustrongylides mergorum (Canada). Shirinov, N. M. 1960. Sezonnaia dinamika osnovnykh gel'mintozov domashnei vodoplavaibshchei ptitsy Azerbaidzhana . [Seasonal dynamics of principal helminthiases of domestic water fowl in Azerbaidzhan] . Sotsial. Sel'skokhoz. Azerbaidzhana, 9: 40-42. [Russ. text] Shirinov, N. M. 1962a. Sezonnaia dinamika gel'mintov i naibolee rasprostranennykh gel'mintozov domashnikh utok v Azerbaidzhane. [Seasonal dynamics of helminths and the most widely spread hel- minthiases of domestic ducks in Azerbaidzhan] . Trudy Azerbaidzhan. Nauch.-Issled. Vet. Inst., 13: 112-119. [Russ. text, Azerb. summary] / (N,C,T); lists P helminths of domestic ducks. Shirinov, N. M . 1962b. Redkie vidy gel'mintov domashnikh vodoplava- luschchikh ptits . [Rare helminth species of domestic waterfowl.] Trudy Azerbaidzhan. Nauchno-Issled . Vet. Inst., 13: 120-124. [Russ. text, Azerb. summary] / (A,T); lists 3 species of helminths; Pary- phostomum pentalobum included (Azerbaidzhan) . Shirinov, N. M. 1962c. 10 vidov gel'mintov, vpervye obnaruzhennykh u domashnikh gusei i itok. [Ten species of helminths found for the first time in domestic geese and ducks.] Trudy Azerbaidzhan. Nauchno- Issled. Vet. Inst., 16: 75-80. [Russ. text] Shirinov, N. M . 1962d. Azarbajwanda ev su gushlarynyn (guz, erdak) helmint ea helmintozlaryna dair. [Azerbaidzhan and its anseriform (goose, duck) helminths and helminthiases.] Issled. Gel'mintol. v Azerbaidzhane, AN Azerb. SSR, Obshch. Gel'mint., p. 119-123. [Azerb. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 369 domestic waterfowl, reports 44 hel- minths; includes Trichostrongylus medius, Paryphostomum novum , P. radiatum, first reports in waterfowl. 251 Shirinov, N. M. 1963. Gel'minty i gel'mintozy domashnikh gusei i utok Azerbaidzhana 1 mery bor'by s nimi. [Helminths and helminthiases of domestic geese and ducks of Azerbaidzhan and measures for control of them.] Materialy Nauchn, Sess. Gel'mint. Respub. Zakavkaz. Vopr. Gel'mintofauny i Bor'by Gel' mintoz . Cheloveka, Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn. i Rastenii (Tbilisi, 1961), p. 198-205. [Russ. text] / (N,A, C,T); reports 25 helminths in domestic waterfowl. ^lais, J. 1961. Darmschleimhautschadiqung durch Bandwurmer Aploparaksis furcigera (Rudolphi) und Hymenolepis parvula (Kowalewski) bei Enten. Helminthologia, 3: 316-321. [Russ., Eng . summaries] / (C); results of histological examination of tissue reactions. Shleikus, P., & A. Tatarintsevaite . 1960. Ekhinoparifioz - novyi gel'- mintoz gusiat v Litovskoi SSR. [Echinoparyphium infection — a new helminthiasis of geese in the Lithuanian SSR.] Veterinarifa , 37(9): 53. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); Echinoparyphium recurvatum caused losses in goslings; reports 3 other forms present. Shlikas, A. V. 1965a. K bioloqii Capillaria anseris Madsen, 1945. [Biology of Capillaria anseris Madsen, 1945.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 15: 23 8-240. [Russ. text] / (N); has direct life cycle (USSR) . Shlikas, A. V. 1965b. K tsiklu razvitiia nematody Capillaria caudinflata (Molin, 185 8) . [On the life cycle of the nematode Capillaria caud- inflata (Molin, 185 8).] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 2, p. 262-263. [Russ. text] / (N); larvae develop in Eisenia rosea . Shlikas, A. 1966. Tsikl razvitiia Capillaria bursata Freitas et Almeida, 1934. (Developmental cycle of Capillaria bursata Freitas et Almeida, 1934.) Acta Parasitol. Lithuanica , 6: 143-147. [Russ, text, Lith. & Eng. summaries] / (N); indirect life cycle. Shokina, N. P. 1954. Terapiia utok pri porrotserkoze i nekotorye nabliudenii^ po klinike i epizootologii etogo zabolevaniia . [Therapy of ducks for porrocaeciasis and some observations on clinical signs and epizootiology of this disease.] Diss. Kand, Vet. Nauk , Moskva (Biblioth. VIGIS.) [Russ. text] / (N) . Shokina, N. P. 1959. O porrotsekoze utok. (Observations on porro- caeciasis in ducks.) Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 6: 259-265. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (N); Porrocaecum crassum (Georgia SSR). 252 Shtein, G. A. 1958. Materialy po parazitologii vodnykh chlenistonogikh nekotorakh ozer Karelii. II. Digeneticheskie sosal'shchik, meta- tserkarii. [Materials on the parasitology of aquatic arthropods in some lakes of Karelia.] Uchen . Zapiski Petrozavodsk. Gosudarstv. Univ., 8: 120-139. [Russ. text] / (T) . Shtelfn, G. A. [1959.] Materialy po parazitofaune vodnykh chlenistono- gikh nekotorykh ozer Karelii. [Material on the parasite fauna of aquatic arthropods of some lakes of Karelia.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80- Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Vsesoi^iz. Obshch. Gel'mint., Moskva, p. 407-410. [Russ. text] / (C); cysticercoids apparently of Hymenolepis abortiva and H . microsoma in amphipods (USSR). Shul'ts, R. E. S., M. P. Gnedina, & A. N. Kadenatsii. 1938. Materialy k izucheniiu gol'mintofauny zhivotnykh Bashkirii. [Contributions to the study of the helminth fauna of animals of Bashkiria.] Trudy Bashkir. Gel'mint. Eksped., 1936, p. 18-37. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); reports 14 forms in waterfowl (S . Russia). Shumakovich, E. E. 1948. K faune paraziticheskikh chervei domashnikh ptits Sevemogo Sakhalina. [On the parasitic worm fauna of domestic birds of northern Sakhalin.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 1: 158- 160. [Russ. text] / (N); examined 3 domestic geese, reports 3 hel- minths . Shumakovich, E. E. , & F. K. Borisovich. 1950. Ukazatel' otechestvennoi literatury po obshei i veterinarnoi gel'mintologii s 17 81 do 1949 g. [Guide to Russian literature on general and veterinary helminthology from 1781 to 1949.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 3: 235-272, 4: 167-260. [Russ. text] Shumilo, R. P., &G. Vesht. 1963. Ekhinurioz i gistrikhoz utok . [Ech- inuriasis and hystrichosis of ducks.] Kolkhozno-Sovkhoz . Proizvod. Moldavii, 8(7): 54-55. [Russ. text] / (N) . Simms, B. T. , & J. N. Shaw. 1931. Studies of the fish-borne tapeworm Dibothrium cordiceps Leidy . J . Am . Vet . Med . As s . , 7 9 : n . s . 32: 199-205. / (C); life history (USA). Simon Vicente, F. 1963. Lymnaea auricularia (L.) y Physa acuta (Drap.), hospedadores de metacercarias de Echinoparyphium recurvatum y de otras formas jovenes de Digenea. Rev. Iber. Parasitol., 23: 315- 323. [Eng. summary] / (T) . 253 Singh, K. P. [1960a.] Some avian cestodes from India. I, Species belonging to families Davaineidae and Biuterinidae. Indian J. Helminth., 11: 1-24. / (C); gives list of all cestodes reported in this series of papers, 7 species from waterfowl. Singh, K. P. [1960b.] Some avian cestodes from India. III. Species belonging to family Hymenolepididae . Indian J. Helminth., 11: 43-62 . / (C); Hymenolepis smythi sp. n. , H . cameroni sp. n. , in ducks . Singh, K. P. [1960c.] Some avian cestodes from India. IV. Species belonging to families Amabiliidae, Diploposthidae, and Progyno- taeniidae. Indian J. Helminth., 11: 63-74. / (C); Diploposthe laevis in waterfowl . Singh, K. S. 1952. Cestode parasites of birds. Indian J. Helminth., 4: 1-72. / (C); Echinocotyle minutissima sp. n., E^. rosseteri, Hymenolepis makundi sp. n., H. crecca sp. n., in waterfowl (India) Singh, K. S. 1954. Some trematodes collected in India. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. , 73: 202-210 . / (T); Notocotylus solitaria sp. n. , Echinostoma microspina sp. n. , Psilochasmus oxyurus (synonym P. longicirratus) in ducks. Singh, K. S. 1956. Catatropis rauschi n. sp. (Family: Notocotylidae Liihe, Trematoda) from the pintail, Dafila acuta from India. J. Zool. Soc. India, 8: 43-46. / (T) . Singh, K. S. 1961. Helminths of India . Parti. Trematoda. Wildlife Dis., (21), 2 microcards (53 p.) / (T); checklist, with hosts; lists 37 species in waterfowl. Singh, K. S. 1962a. Helminths of India. Part II. Cestoda. Wildlife Dis., (27), 1 microcard (32 p.) / (C); checklist, with hosts; lists 40 species in waterfowl. Singh, K. S. 1962b. Helminths of India, Part III. Nematoda . Wildlife Dis., (29), 1 microcard (33 p.) / (N); checklist, with hosts; lists 14 species reported in waterfowl. Sinfar, D. S. 1959. Artenliste der Acanthocephalen-Sammlung im Zoologischen Staatsinstitut und Zoologischen Museum Hamburg. Mitt. Hamburg. Zool. Mus. u, Inst., 57: 31-35. / (A); one form in waterfowl . 254 Sivickis, P. [I960.] Lietuvos S^siniy paukS6ii^ parazitiniai kirminai. (The helminthic parasites of anseriform birds in Lithuania.) Acta Parasitol. Lithuania, 2, 1959: 25-3 8. [Lith. text; Russ. & Eng . summaries] / (N,A,C,T); reports 50 helminths. Sizov, P. V. 1914. Quelques cas interessants d'autopsies des volailles faites aux halles centrales de Paris. 1. Cong. Internat. Path. Comp. (Paris, 1912), v. 2, Compt. Rend., p. 677-680. / (T); reports one helminth in waterfowl (France) . Skarbilovich, T. S. 1938. K izucheniiu biologii Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) - vozbuditelia zheludnochno-glistnogo zabolevanii^ gusei. [On study of the biology of Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800) - cause of gastrohelminthic disease of geese.] Trudy Vsesofuz. Inst. Gel'mint., 3: 46-54. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Skarbilovich, T. S. 1948. Fam. Lecithodendriidae . In: Skrjabin, Trema- tody zhivotnykh i cheloveka , Osnovy trematodologii , v. 2, Moskva, p. 337-597. [Russ. text] / (T); Monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; lists one form in waterfowl. Skarda, J. 1964. Helmintofauna nSkterych volnS zyiXich ptakQ v CSSR. (The helminthofaune of some wild birds in Czechoslovakia.) Sborn. Vysok6 Skoly Zemedel. Lesnicke Fak . Bme, Rada B, Spis. Fak. Vet., 12(33) (3): 269-293. / (N,A,C,T); lists 12 helminths in waterfowl; includes descriptions of 6 helminths reported from waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I. (190 8.) Echinorhynchiasis dikikh utok . [Echinorhynchiasis in wild ducks .] Vet. Vrach, S .-Peterburg, (42), p. 661-662. [Russ. text] / (A); Echinorhynchus polymorphus (USSR). Skrjabin, K.I. 1912. Paraziticheskie chervi ptits Turkestana. A. Trema- todes. 1. Sem. Prosthogoniminae Lilhe. [Parasitic worms of birds of Turkestan. A. Trematodes. 1. Family Prosthogoniminae Lilhe .] Arkhiv. Vet. Nauk, S .-Peterburg , 42: 1270-1287. [Russ. text] / (T); reports 3 forms in waterfowl (Kazakhstan) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1913a. Paraziticheskie chervi ptits Turkestana . A. Trema- todes. 2. Orchipedinae . [Parasitic worms of birds of Turkestan.] Arkhiv. Vet. Nauk, S . -Peterburg , 43: 339-343. [Russ. text] / (T); reports one form in waterfowl (Kazakhstan) . 255 Skrjabin, K. I. 1913b. Tracheophilus sisowi n. g. n. sp. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Gattung Typhlocoelum Stossich und der ver- wandten Formen . Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Orig . , 69: 90-95. / (T); (France, Kazakhstan); refers to 2 other forms in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I. 1913c. Vogeltrematoden aus Russisch-Turkestan. Zool. Jahrb. , Abt. Syst. , 35: 351-388. / (T); Psilochasmus longicirratus sp. n., reports 6 other forms in waterfowl (Kazakhstan). Skrjabin, K. I. 1913d. Zur Acanthocephalen-Fauna Russisch Turkestans . a. Acanthocephalen der Sumpf- und Wasservogel. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst. , 35: 403-414 . / (A); Polymorphus magnus sp. n. , P_. corynoides sp. n., £. minutus; in waterfowl (Kazakhstan). Skrjabin, K. I. 1914a. Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger Vogelcestoden. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Orig., 75: 59-83. / (C); Davainea cyrtus sp. n. in duck (Paraguay). Skrjabin, K. 1. 1914b. Tracheophilus sisowi n. g. n. sp. NoviT parazit domashnei utki. [Tracheophilus sisowi n. g. n. sp. A new parasite in the domestic duck.] Uchen. Zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 31: 115- 128. [Russ. text] / (T); (Kazakhstan). Skrjabin, K. I. 1914c. Vogelcestoden aus Russisch Turkestan. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 37: 411-492. / (C); reports 14 species in water- fowl; Aploparaksis elisae sp. n. , Hymenofimbria merganseri sp. n. , Hymenolepis solowiowi sp. n. , H . rarus sp. n. , H. przewalskii sp. n. (Kazakhstan). Skrjabin, K.I. 1914d. Zwei neue Cestoden der Hausvogel. Zeitschr. Infektionskr. Haustiere, 15: 249-260. / (C); Davainea microcotyle sp. n. , p. anatina, in ducks (Italy). Skrjabin, K.I. 1914e. Zwei Vogelcestoden mit gleicher Scolexbewaffnung und verscheidener Organisation (Hymenolepis collaris Batsch und Hymenolepis compressa Linton). Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Orig., 74: 275-279./ (C); description. Skrjabin, K. I. 1914f. Dva novykh parazita domashnikh ptits . [Two new parasites of domestic birds.] Vestnik Obshch. Vet. , S. -Peterburg, 26: 1172-1178. [Russ. text] / (N); Epomidiostomum anatinum sp. n., Histiocephalus laticaudatus , in ducks (Kazakhstan). 256 Skrjabin, K.I. 1915a. Hymenolepis fasciata (Rud. 1809) - lentochnyY glist domashni^go rusia (Anatomicheskai^ kharakteristika) . [Hymeno- lepis fasciata (Rud. 1809) — the tapeworm of the domestic goose (Anatomical characteristics).] Vestnik Obshch. Vet., S .-Peterburg, 27: 225-229. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR). Skrjabin, K. I. 1915b. Strongilidy myshechnago zheludka turkestanskikh ptits. (Vidy roda Amidostomum Raill. et Henry 1909). [Strongylidae in the gizzard of birds of Turkestan. (Species of the genus Amidos- tomum Raill. & Henry, 1909.)] Vestnik Obshch. Vet., S .-Peterburg , 27: 693-700. [Russ. text] / (N); Amidostomum anseris, A. monodon comb, n., Epomidiostomum anatinum sp. n., in waterfowl (Kazak- hstan) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1915c. Syngamus'y turkestanskikh ptits. [Syngamus in birds of Turkestan.] Vestnik Obshch. Vet., S . -Peterburg, 27: 645- 658. [Russ. text] / (N); Syngamus bronchialis , S^. tadornae in water- fowl (Kazakhstan) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1916a. K kharakteristikie gel'mintofauny domashnikh zhivotnykh Turkestana. [The characteristics of the helminth fauna of domestic animals of Turkestan.] Diss., lur'ev, 96 p. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); includes 17 forms in domestic waterfowl (Kazakh- stan) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1916b. Nematodes des oiseaux du Turkestan russe . Ezhgodnik Zool . Muz. Imp. Acad. Nauk, Petrograd, (1915), v 20(4), Mem., p. 457-557. [Russ. text] / (N); lists at least 10 species in waterfowl; Streptocara crassicauda var. anseris var. n. , Epomidios- tomum anatinum n. g., n. sp. (Kazakhstan). Skrjabin, K. I. 1916c. K kharakteristik ptich'ikh nematod roda Streptocara [On the characteristics of bird nematodes of the genus Streptocara .] Arkh. Vet. Nauk, S . -Peterburg , 46: 883-900. [Russ, text] / (N); Streptocauda crassicauda anseri in ducks (USSR) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1916d. [Advance separate 1915 .] Trematody uralskikh ptits. (Trematodes des oiseaux de rOural.) Ezhegodnik Zool . Muz. Imp. Akad. Nauk, Petrograd, (1915), v. 20, M^m., p. 395-417. [Russ. text] / (T); includes at least 7 forms in waterfowl (USSR). Skrjabin, K. I. 1917. Paraziticheskie chervi domashnikh ptits . Lentochnye glisty. [Parasitic worms of domestic birds . Tapeworms.] Arkhiv. Vet. Nauk, S-Peterburg, (6,8): 382-468. [Russ. text] / (C); reports 14 forms in waterfowl (USSR) . 257 Skrjabin, K.I. (1919.) Trematody fabritsievoi sumki Donskikh ptits . [Trematodes from the bursa fabricii of birds in the Don region.] Trudy Obshch. Vet. Vrachei Vsevelik. Voiska Donsk., Novocher- kask, (1): 15-29. [Russ. text] / (T); reports 3 forms in waterfowl; Prosthoqonimus rudolphii sp . n. (S . Russia) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1920a. Nematody domashnikh ptits . Nieskolko vstupi- telnykh slov. [Nematodes of domestic birds. Several introductory remarks.] Izvest. Donsk. Vet. Inst., (1919), 1: 1-32. [Russ. text] / (N); Ascaridia lineata, Amidostomum anseris in waterfowl (USSR) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1920b. Gelmintologicheskie zametki . (K poznaniiti gel'mintofauny ptits Rossii.) (Helminthological Notezin zur Kenntnis der Helminthofauna der Vogel Russlands .) Izvest. Donsk. Vet. Inst., Novocherkask, 2(2): 1-7. [Russ, text] / (T); Eucotyle zakharowi sp. n., in ducks (S . Russia). Skrjabin, K. I. 1921. K poznaniiu paraziticheskikh chervei Nogorodskoi gybemii. (Materialy po gelmintogeografii Rossii.) [On the study of parasitic worms of Novgorod district. (Material for a helmintho- geography of Russia .)] Izvest. Donsk. Vet. Inst., 3:12-15. [Russ. text] / (A,C); reports 5 forms in waterfowl (N . Russia). Skrjabin, K. I. 1923a. Trematody domashnikh ptits . (Opyt monografi- cheskoi obrabotki.) [Trematodes of domestic birds. (Attempt at a monographic study.)] Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 1(2): 193-256. [Russ. text] / (T); (USSR). Skrjabin, K. I. 1923b. Paraziticheskie nematodes presnovodnoi fauny EvropeTskoT i, otchasti, Aziaskoi Rossii. [Parasitic nematodes of the fresh-water fauna of European and, in part, of Asiatic Russia.] In: Zernov, Kol'tsov, & Meisner, Presnovodnaia fauna Evropeiskoi Rossii, Vyp. II, p. 1-98. [Russ. text] / (N); lists 21 nematodes in waterfowl; Contracaecum turkestanicum. Skrjabin, K. I. 1924. Nierentrematoden der Vogel Russlands . Centralbl. Bakt. 2 Abt., 62: 80-90. / (T); Eucotyle zakharowi in waterfowl (USSR) Skrjabin, K.I. 1926a. Infestation simultanee d'un oiseau par 17 especes d'helminthes. Compt. Rend. Soc . Biol., Paris, 94: 307-308. / (N,A,C,T); in mallard duck (S, Russia). 258 Skrjabin, K. I. 192 6b. Izuchenie gel'mintologicheskoi kollektsii sobrannoT ekspeditsiei G . iK. Sedova k Severnomu Poliusu v 1912- 1914 godu. (Das Studium der helminthologischen Sammlung der Nordpolar-expedition von G. J. Sedow in den Jahren 1912-1914.) Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 4: 114-121. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (A,C); lists 3 forms from waterfowl. Skrjabin, K.I. 192 6c. K poznanim kruglykh chervei (nematodes) iz ptits Palearkticheskoi oblasti. (Contribution a la connaissance des nematodes des oiseaux de la region palearctique.) Ezhegodnik Zool. Muz. AN SSSR, 27: 88-103. [Russ. text] / (N); reports one form in waterfowl (USSR) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1927a. Vtoraia rossiiskaia gel'mintologicheskai^ \ ekspeditsiia na severnoe poberezh'e Azovskogo mori^ . lO/vii-15/viii 1919 goda. (The 2-d Russian helminthological expedition on the north coast of the Azoff Sea (1919).) Deiatel'nost. 28.Gel'mint. Eksped. SSSR (1919-1925) (Skrjabin), p. 14-26. [Russ. text, Eng . summary p. 279] / (N,T); examined 3 ducks, reports 3 helminths (S. Russia) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1927b. Tret'ia rossiiskaia gel'mintologicheskaia ekspeditsiia v del'tu r. Dona. 23/x-19/xi 1919 goda. [The 3rd Russian helminthological expedition into the Don Delta (23/x-19/ xi 1919).] Deiatel'nost. 28. Gel'mint. Eksped. SSSR (1919-1925) (Skrjabin), p. 26-32. [Russ. text, Eng. summary]/ (N,C,T); examined 59 waterfowl, reports 24 forms, mostly by genus only (S. Russia) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1927c. Chetvertaia rossifskaia gel'mintologicheskaia ekspeditsiia v Donskuiu oblast' (okr. g. Novocherkasska) . 5/vii- 24/x - 1920 goda. (The 4th Russian helminthological expedition into the district of Novotscherkassk (1920).) Deiatel'nost. 28. Gel'mint. Eksped. SSSR (1919-1925) (Skrjabin), p. 32-40. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (N,T); examined 9 waterfowl, reports 5 hel- minths (S . Russia). Skrjabin, K. I. 1927d. Piataia rossiiskaia gel'mintologicheskaiS eksped- itsiia V Turkestanskii krai. 28/vi-ll/xi 1921 goda. (The 5-th Russian helminthological expedition to Turkestan (1921).) Deiatel'nost. 28. Gel'mint. Eksped. SSSR (1919-1925) (Skrjabin), p. 40-92. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (N); examined 40 waterfowl, reports one helminth (Kazakhstan) . I I 2 59- Skrjabin, K. I. 1927e. Deviatnadtsatai^ soiuznaih gel'mintologicheskaik ekspeditsii^ po izucheniiu gel'mintofauny Armenii . (Organizovan- naA gel'mintologicheskim otdeleniem tropicheskogo in-ta Armenii.) 4/xii 1923 2-ii 1924 g. (The 19-th helminthological expedition to Armenia (1923-1924), accomplished by H . V. Kalantarjan .) Dei^tel'- nost. 28. Gel'mint. Eksped. SSSR (1919-1925) (Skrjabin), p. 184-187. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (T); examined 4 wild ducks, reports 2 helminths (Armenia) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1928. Sur la faune des trematodes des oiseaux de Trans- baYkalie. Ann. Parasitol., 6: 80-87. / (T); lists 7 forms in water- fowl; Plagiorchis potanini sp . n . , P_. maculosus var . anatis var . n . (USSR) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1947a. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trematodologii, Tom I. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology, Vcl . 1.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 515 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; includes Eucotylidae, Orchipedidae , Philo- phthalmidae, Psilostomatidae, Renicolidae; description of each species, hosts, distribution, citations; lists 23 forms in waterfowl. For Echinostomatidae see: Skrjabin, Petrov, & Bashkirova, 1947; Bashkirova, 1947; Skrjabin, 1947b. Skrjabin, K.I. 1947b. Novye materialy po sistematike i faune trematod semeYstva Echinostomatidae. [New material on the systematics and fauna of trematodes of the family Echinostomatidae.] In: Skrjabin, Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii, v. 1, p. 491-505. [Russ. text] / (T); Echinostoma stromi in waterfowl (Azer- baidzhan) . Skrjabin, K. I. 1948. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom II. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology. Vol. 2.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 600 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph, includes Lecithodendriidae; see: Skarbilovich, 1948. Skrjabin, K. I. 1949. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom III. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology. Vol. 3.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 623 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph, includes Paramphistomidae; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; lists one form in waterfowl. 260 Skrjabin, K. I. (1950.) Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trematodologii, Tom IV, [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology. Vol. 4.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 495 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; for Opisthorchioidea see Skrjabin & Petrov, 195 0; for Cyclocoeliidae see Bashkirova, 1950. Skrjabin, K. I. 1952a. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka. Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom V. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology, Vo. 5.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 624 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph, includes Schistosomata; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; lists 18 forms in waterfowl . Skrjabin, K. I. 1952b. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom VI. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology, Vol. 6.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 759 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; for Heterophyoidea see Morozov, 1952; for Microphallidae see Belopol' skaia , 1952a. Skrjabin, K. I. 1953. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom. VIII. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology. Vol. 8.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 618 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph, includes Notocotylidae; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; lists 35 species in waterfowl; Tri striata anatls sp. n. Skrjabin, K. I. 1955. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom X. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology. Vol. 10.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 653 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; for Gymnophallidae see Morozov, 1955. Skrjabin, K. I. 1956. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom XII. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology. Vol. 12.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 932 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; for Echinostomatidae see Skrjabin & Bashkirova, 1956. Skrjabin, K. I. [195 9a.] Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trematodologii, Tom XIV. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology. Vol. 14.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 934 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; for Plagiorchiinae see Skrjabin & Antipin, 1959. 261 Skrjabin, K. I. 1959b. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trematodologii, Tom XVI. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essen- tials of trematodology. Vol. 16.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 706 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; for Strigeidae see Sudarikov, 1959. Skrjabin, K. I. 1960. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom XVII. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology, Vol. 17.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 643 p. [Russ. text] Also: Skrjabin, 1964. Isr, Progr. Scient. Transl. [Eng . translation] / (T); monograph; for Diplostomatidae see Sudarikov, 1960a,1964. Skrjabin, K. I. [1962.] Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trematodologii, Tom XIX. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essen- tials of trematodology. Vol. 19.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 471 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph, includes Prosthogonimidae; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; lists 20 species in waterfowl; for Cyathocotylidae see Sudarikov, 1962. Skrjabin, K. I. 1963. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka . Osnovy trema- todologii, Tom 21. [Trematodes of animals and man. Essentials of trematodology. Vol. 21.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 504 p. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; for Microphallidae see Belopol'skai^ , 1963a. Skrjabin, K. I., et aj_. [1953.] Strongiliaty . Opredelitel' parazitiches- kikh nematod, Tom III. [Strongylata . Key to parasitic nematodes. Vol. 3.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 890 p. [Russ. text] / (N); key to genera; diagnoses of genera and higher groups; checklist of species, giving synonymy, hosts, distribution; lists 26 species in waterfowl. See Skrjabin, etal., 1961. Skrjabin, K. I., etal. 1954. Kamallanaty, rabditaty, tilenkhaty, trikhots^liaty, dioktofimaty i raspredelenie paraziticheskikh nematod po khoziaevam. Opredelitel' paraziticheskikh nematod, Tom IV. [Camallanata, Rhabditata , Tylenchata, Trichocephalata , and Dioctophymata and the distribution of parasitic nematodes by hosts. Key to parasitic nematodes. Vol. 4.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 927 p. [Russ. text] / (N); key to genera; diagnoses of genera and higher groups; checklist of species, giving synonymy, hosts, distribution; lists 23 forms in waterfowl; host-parasite checklist for the 4 volumes. Skrjabin, K. I., etal. 1961. Translation of Skrjabin, etaj,., 1953. Israel Program Scient. Transl., 890 p. [Eng. translation] / (N) . 262 Skrjabin, K. I., & D. N. Antipin. [1959.] Nadsemeistvo Plagiorchioidea DoUfus, 1930. [Superfamily Plagiorchioidea Dollfus, 1930.] In: Skrjabin, Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii , V. 14, p. 73-631. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; reports 5 forms in waterfowl . Skrjabin, K. I., & E. lA. Bashkirova. 1956. Semeistva Echinostomatidae Dietz, 1909. [Family Echinostomatidae Dietz, 1909 .] In: Skrjabin, Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii, v. 12, p. 51-930. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; reports 58 species in waterfowl . Skrjabin, K. I., & V. P. Baskakov. 1925. Ueber die Trematodengattung Prosthogonimus (Versuch einer Monographic) . Zeitschr. Infektionskr . Haustiere, 28: 195-212. / (T) . Skrjabin, K. I., & V. G. Evranova . (1942.) Novaia trematoda iz pochek utki. [New trematode of the kidney of ducks.] Trudy Kazan. Nauch.- Issled. Vet. Inst., 8: 149-152. [Russ. text]/ (T); Eucotyle popowi sp. n. (Yakutia) Skrjabin, K. I., & E.G. Massino. 1925. Trematoden bei den Vogeln des Moskauer Gouvemements . Centralbl. Bakt. 2 Abt., 64: 453-462. / (T); Echinostoma revolutum in domestic duck (N . Russia). Skrjabin, K. I., & E. M. Matevosian. 1941. K perestroTke sistematiki tsestod sem. Hymenolepididae . [On the revision of the taxonomy of cestodes belonging to the family Hymenolepididae.] Doklady AN SSSR, 33: 333-336. [Russ. text] / (C) . Skrjabin, K. I., & E. M. Matevosian. 1942. Corrections to errors and controversies in the taxonomy of the cestodes of the family Hymeno- lepididae. Doklady AN SSSR, n.s, 36: 188-191. / (C); Dicranotaenia deglandi sp. n. (Hymenolepis sp. of Linton, 192 7), Hymenolepis anseris sp. n . (Hymenolepis sp. of Mikacic & Erlich) . Skrjabin, K. I., & E. M. Matevosian. 1945. Lentochnye gel'minty - gimenolepididy - domashnikh i okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits. [Hymenolepid cestodes of domestic and economically important birds.] Sel'khozgiz. , Moskva, 488 p. [Russ. text] / (C); monograph; de- scription of each species in birds, hosts, distribution, synonymy, citations; divides Hymenolepis into 4 genera in birds; lists 151 forms in waterfowl . 263 Skrjabin, K. I., & A. M. Petrov. 1950. Nadsemeistvo Opisthorchoidea Faust, 1929. [Superfamily Opisthorchoidea Faust, 1929.] In: Skrjabin, Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii, V. 4, p. 81-328. [Rubs, text] / (T); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; reports 16 forms in waterfowl . Skrjabin, K. I., A. M. Petrov, & E. lA. Bashkirova. 1947. Ekhinos- tomatidy domashnikh i okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits SSSR. [Echinostomatidae of domestic and economically important birds in USSR.] In: Skrjabin, Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka , Osnovy trematodologii, v. 1, p. 392-489. [Russ. text] / (T); keys to species; description of each species in USSR, hosts, distribution; lists 20 species in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I., & N. P. Shikhobalova . 1948. Filiarii zhivotnykh i cheloveka. [Filariae of animals and man.] Moskva, 608 p. [Russ. text] / (N); monograph; description of each species, hosts, distri- bution, citations; lists 2 forms in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I., & N. P. Shikhobalova. 1949. Paraziticheskie nematody i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevanii^ . Oksiuraty. Kniga Pervaia . [Para- sitic nematodes and the diseases caused by them. Oxyurata , V. 1.] Izdat. Meditsin. Nauk SSSR, Moskva, 615 p. [Russ. text] / (N); gives description, cynonymy, hosts, biology of each form; includes Heterakis , Ganguleterakis , reports 7 forms in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I., N. P. Shikhobalova, & E. A. Lagodovskaia . 1961. Oksiuraty zhivotnykh i cheloveka. Chast 2. Osnovy nematodologii, Tom 10. [Oxyurata of animals and man. Part 2. Essentials of nematodology. Vol. 10.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 499 p. [Russ. text] / (N); monographic treatment; diagnoses of genera and above, keys, descriptions of all species, hosts, synonymy, distribution, citations; includes Heterakidae, lists 7 forms as in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I., N. P. Shikhobalova, & A. A. Mozgovoi. 1951. Oksiuraty i askaridaty. Opredelitel' paraziticheskikh nematod , Tom II . [Oxy- urata and Ascaridata. Key to parasitic nematodes, V. 2.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 632 p. [Russ. text] / (N); key to genera; diagnoses of genera and higher groups; checklist of species, giving synonymy, hosts, distribution; lists 15 forms in waterfowl. 264 Skrjabin, K. I., N. P. Shikhobalova , & I. V. Orlov. 1957. Trikhotse- falidy i kapilli^riidy zhivotnykh i cheloveka i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevaniia . Osnovy nematodologii, Tom VI. [Trichocephalidae and Capillariidae of animals and man and the diseases caused by them. Essentials of nematodology, V. 6.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 587 p. [Russ. text] / (N); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; reports 16 forms in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I., N. P. Shikhobalova, A. M. Petrov, & M. M. Levashov. 1963. Stroitel'stvo gel'mintologicheskoi nauki i praktiki v SSSR, Tom II. [Structure of helminthological science and practice in the USSR, Vol. 2.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 416 p. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); includes final part of review of taxonomy of helminths, summaries of life cycles (59 of those in waterfowl), and brief reports on all Soviet Helminthological Expeditions . Skrjabin, K. I., N. P. Shikhobalova, & R. E. S. Shul'ts. 1954. Trikhos- trongilidy zhivotnikh i cheloveka. Osnovy nematodologii, Tom III. [Trichostrongyloidea of animals and man. Essentials of nematodology, V. 3.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 683 p. [Russ. text] / (N); mono- graph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; lists 8 forms in waterfowl. See Skrjabin, Shikhobalova, & Shul'ts, 1960. Skrjabin, K. I., N. P. Shikhobalova, & R. E. S. Shul'ts, 1960. Trans- lation of Skrjabin, Shikhobalova, & Shul'ts, 1954. Isr. Program Sclent. Transl., 704 p. [Eng. translation] / (N) . Skrjabin, K. I., N. P. Shikhobalova, & A. A. Sobolev. 1949. Spiruraty i fili^riaty. Opredelitel' paraziticheskikh nematod, Tom I . [Spirurata and Filariata. Key to parasitic nematodes, V. 1.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 519 p. [Russ. text] / (N); key to genera; diagnoses of genera and higher groups; checklist of species, giving synonymy, hosts, distribution; lists 27 species in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I., & R. S. Shul'ts. 1934. La lutte centre les helminthoses des volailles. Bull. Office Internet. Epizoot. , 8: 37 9-413. / (N,A,T); includes 10 forms in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I., & A. A. Sobolev. 1963. Spiruraty zhivotnykh i cheloveka i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevaniik . Pt. I. Spiruroidei. Osnovy nematodo- logii. Vol. 11. [Spirurata of animals and man and the diseases caused by them. Pt. 1. Spiruroidea . Essentials of nematodology. Vol. 11.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 511 p. [Russ. text] / (N); monograph; descrip- tion of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; includes Tetrameridae , lists 17 forms in waterfowl; Tetrameres crami asiatica subsp n., T. somateriae sp. n. 265 Skrjabin, K. I., & A. A. Sobolev. 1964. Spiruraty zhivotnykh i cheloveka i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevaniia . Pt. 2. Fizalopteroidei. Osnovy nematodologii , Vol. 12. [Spirurata of animals and man and the diseases caused by them. Pt. 2. Physalopteroidea. Essentials of nematodology. Vol. 12.] Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moskva, 334 p. [Russ. text] / (N); monograph; includes description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; lists one form in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K, I,, A. A. Sobolev, & V. M. Ivashkin. 1965. Spiruraty zhivotnykh i cheloveka i vyzyvaemye imi zabolevaniia. Chast 3. Akuarioidei. Osnovy nematodologii, Tom 14. [Spirurata of animals and man and the diseases caused by them. Part 3, Acuarioidea. Essentials of nematodology. Vol 14.] Izdat. "Nauka", AN SSSR, Moskva, 5 72 p. [Russ. text] / (N); monographic treatment; includes diagnoses of genera and above, keys, descriptions of all species, hosts, synonymy, habitat, distribution, citations, pathology; includes Acuariidae and Streptocaridae, lists 23 forms in waterfowl. Skrjabin, K. I., & N. P. Zakharov. 1920. Dva novykh trematod iz krovi ptits. (Materialy k poznaniili gelmintofauny ptits Rossii.) (Zwei neue Trematodengattungen aus den Blutgefassen der Vogel. (Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Helminthenfaunen der Vogel Russlands.)) Izvest. Donsk. Vet. Inst., 2(1): 1-6. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); Trichobilharzia kossarewi sp. n. , Dendritobilharzia odhneri sp. n. , in ducks (USSR). Skrjabina, V. I. 1962. K gel'mintofaune chirka-svistunka. [On the helminth fauna of the common teal.] Trudy Barguzinsk. Gosudarstv. Zapovednika, (4): 221-225. [Russ. text] Skryl'kov, A. 1. 1965a. K biologii Microsomacanthus pachycephala (Linstow, 1782) - vozbuditel'i^ gimenolepididoza utok. [On the biology of Microsomacanthus pachycephala (Linstow, 1782), cause of hymenolepidiasis of ducks.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf . Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 1, p. 194-195. [Russ. text] / (C) . Skryl'kov, A„ I. 1965b. K izucheniiu biologii Sobolevicanthus gracilis (Zeder, 1803) na luzhnom Urale. [On the study of the biology of Sobolevicanthus gracilis (Zeder, 1803) in southern Urale.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 3, p. 232- 236. [Russ. text] / (C). V Slais, J. 1961o Darmschlelmhautschadigung durch Bandwurmer Aploparaksis furcigera (Rudolphi) und Hymenolepis parvula (Kowalewski) bei Enten. Helminthologia , 3: 316-321. [Russ., Eng. summaries] / (C); results of histological examination of tissue reactions. Sloka , lA. 1956. Materialy o faune piiavok (Hirudinea) Latviiskoi SSR. [Material on Hirudinea of the Latvian SSR.] Latvijas PSR Zinat. Akad. Vestis, (104): 89-93. [Russ. text] / (H); Protoclepsis maculosa in waterfowl. 266 Smogorzhevs'ka, L. O. 1956. Do parazitofauni guski ciroi (Anser anser L.). [Parasites of the graylag goose (Anser anser L.).] Nauk. Zap. Kiev. Univ., 15(3): 159. / (Ukraine). Smogorzhevs'ka, L. O. 1961. Tsestody ryboidnykh ptakhiv dolyny r. Dnipra. [Cestodes of fish-eating birds in the Dneiper river valley.] Zbirn. Pratsi Zool. Muz. AN URSR, (30): 52-66. [Ukr. text, Russ. summary] / (C); reports 2 forms in waterfowl (Ukraine). Smorgorzhevskaia, L. A. 1954. Gel'mintofauna ryboi^dnykh ptits doliny Dnepra. [Helminth fauna of fish-eating birds of the valley of the Dneiper.] Diss. Kand. Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. Lenin); Avtoref. Diss., Kiev, 17 p. [Russ. text]/See Smogorzhevskafa, 1956, 1961. Smogorzhevskafa, L. A. 1956a. Sosal'shchiki ryboiadnykh ptits doliny r. Dnepra. [Trematodes of piscivorous birds of the valley of the Dneiper river.] Parazitol. Sborn. Zool. Inst. AN SSSR, (16): 244- 263. [Russ. text] / (T); examined 6 ducks, reports 9 trematodes; descriptions of Cercarioides baylisi, Ciureana cyathocotyloides, Echinostoma sudanense, and Leucochloridiomorpha constantiae, in ducks (Ukraine) . Smogorzhevskafa, L. A. 1956b. Gel'mintofauna rybojfadnykh ptits doliny Dnepra. [Helminth fauna of fish-eating birds of the valley of the Dneiper.] Trudy 2. Konf. Parasitol. U[kr.]SSR, Kiev, p. 111-112. [Russ. text] Smogorzhevskafa, L. A. , & N. I. Iskova. 1963. Fauna i ekologiA gel'mintov domashnikh ptits pravoberezhnot stepi USSR. [The fauna and ecology of helminths of domestic birds of the right bank steppe of Ukraininan SSR.] Probl. Parazitol., Trudy 4. Nauchn. Konf. Parazitol. U[kr.]SSR, Kiev, p. 266-268. [Russ. text]. Smogorzhevskafa, L. A. , & N. 1. Iskova. 1965. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh ptits Pravoberezhnoi stepi USSR. [Helminth fauna of domestic birds of the right bank steppe region of Ukrainian SSR.] Parazity i Parazitozy Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh, Respub. Mezhved. Sbornik, s. Probl. Parazitol., AN Ukr. SSR, Kiev, p. 162-168. Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 242 domestic waterfowl, lists 35 helminths. 267 Smogorzhevskai^, L. A., V. V. Korniushin, N. I. Iskova, & A. Eminov. 1965. K gel'mintofaune ryboiadnykh ptits lugo-vostochnolt Turkmenii. [On the helminth fauna of fish-eating birds of southeastern Turkmen- istan.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1965), ch. 2, p. 228-230. [Russ. text] / (C); lists 3 cestodes in waterfowl. Smogorzhevskaia, L. A. , & L. A. Smogorzhevskii. 1963. Rol' dikikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits v rasprostranenii gel'mintov domashnikh ptits i promyslovykh ryb na territorii Pravoberezhnoi stepi USSR. [The role of wild waterfowl in the extension of helminths of domestic birds and commercial fish in the territory of the right bank steppe of Ukrainian SSR.] Probl. Parazitol. , Trudy 4. Nauchn. Konf. Parazitol. U[kr.]SSR, Kiev, p. 92-94. [Russ. text] Sobolev, A. A. 1947. Spiruraty domashnikh i okhotnich'e-promyslovykh zhivotnykh. [Spirurata of domestic and game animals.] Diss. Dokt. Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. Lenin) [Russ. text] / See Skrjabin & Sobolev, 1962, 1963. Sogandares-Bernal, F. , & R. D. Lumsden. 1963. The generic status of the heterophyid trematodes of the Ascocotyle complex, including notes on the systematica and biology of Ascocotyle angrense Travassos, 1916. J. Parasitol., 49: 264-274. / (T); Ascocotyle angrense in water- fowl; description, life history (USA). Sokolova-Andronova , E. W.; see Andronova , E. V. Soliman, K. N. 1955. Observations on some helminth parasites from ducks in southern England. J. Helminth., 29: 17-26. / (N,A,C,T); examined 18 domestic ducks, reports 13 helminths. Solonitsyn, I. A, 1928a. K poznaniiu gel'mintofauny ptits Volzhsko- Kamskogo krai^. (Nematodes i trematodes ptits Chuvashskoi i Tatarskoi Respublik.) (Zur Kenntnis der Helmintofauna der Vogel der SuwaSen- und Tataren-Republik. Nematoden und Trematoden der Vogel.) Uchen. Zapiski Kazan. Gosudarstv. Vet. Inst., 38: 75-99. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (N,T); reports 9 forms in waterfowl (S. Russia). Solonitsyn, I. A. 1928b. K poznanifu gel'mintofauny ptits Volzhsko- Kamskogo kraia (nematodes i trematodes). (Contributions to the knowledge of helminthofauna of birds of Volga-Kama region (nema- todes and trematodes).) Trudy 3. Vseross. S'ezda Zool. , Anat. i Gistol. (Leningrad), 192 7, p. 155-156. [Russ. text] / (N); Amidos- tomum leucopareiae (no description), several other forms listed (S. Russia) . 268 Solov'ev, G. V. 1962a. Ekologo-faunisticheskii analiz gel'mintofauny domashnikh ptits Kirgizii . [Ecological-faunistic analysis of helminth fauna of domestic birds in Kirgizia.] Izvest. AN Kirgiz. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, 4(5): 107-113. [Russ. text, Kirgiz summary] / (N,A,C,T); lists 40 helminths in ducks and geese. Solov'ev, G. V. 1962b. Gel' mintofauna domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Kirgizii. [Helminth fauna of domestic waterfowl of Kirgizia] Izvest. AN Kirgiz. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, 4: 139-144. [Russ. text, Kirgiz summary] / (N,C,T); examined 22 5 domestic waterfowl, found 26 helminths; includes Capillaria bursata. Solov'ev [Solowiow] , P. F. 1911a. Helminthologische Beobachtungen. Cestodes avium. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Orig . , 60: 93-132. / (C); reports 6 species in waterfowl; Aploparaksis fuligulosa sp. n., Hymenolepis villosoides sp . n . , H . megarostellis sp . n . (Poland) . Solov'ev, P. F. 1911b. Gel'mintologicheskiia nabliudenii^ (Cestodes avium). Varshavsk. Univ. Izvest., (2), p. 1-74. / (C); at least 2 forms reported in waterfowl; Hymenolepis villosoides sp. n. (Poland) . Solov'ev, P. F. 1912. Paraziticheskie chervi ptits Turkestan. [Parasitic worms of the birds of Turkestan.] Ezhegodnik Zool. Mus. Imp. Akad. Nauk, S.-Peterburg, 17: 86-115. [Russ. text] / (N); Echinuria juga- dornata sp . n . , E . spinifera sp . n . , E^. uncinata comb . n . (Kazakh- stan) . Solowiow, P.; see Solov'ev, P. F. Sommer, A. 1954. Tasemnice vodniho ptactva z okoli Velkeho Mezifi^i. Sborn. Vysoke Skoly Zem§d . a Lesnicke Fak. Brne, Rada B, Spis. Fak. Vet., (3-4): 1-13. [Russ. summary] / (C); reports 11 cestodes in waterfowl (Czechoslovakia) . Sonin, M. D. 1963. Filiarii ptits Sovetskogo Dal'nego Vostoka . [Filaria of birds in the Soviet Far East.] Trudy Gel 'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 13: 227-249. [Russ. text] / (N); lists 3 forms in waterfowl. Sonsino, P. 1892. Studi sui parassiti di molluschi di acqua dolce nei dintorni di Cairo in Egitto. Festschr. 70. Geburtst. R. Leuckart's, p. 134-146. / (T); includes life history of Echinoparyphium recurvatum. Sonsino, P., & M. Kowalewski. [1897.] Nuovi fatti concernenti la Bilharzia polonica M . Kow. Atti Soc. Tosc . Sc . Nat., Proc . Verb., 10: 198-200. / (T) . 269 Sooter, C. A. 1937. Leeches infesting young waterfowl in northwest Iowa. J. Parasitol., 23: 108-109. / (H); Theromyzon occidentale, believed cause of death (USA) . Soulsby, E. J. L. 1955. Deaths in swans associated with trematode infection. Brit. Vet. J., Ill: 498-500. / (T); death caused by Echinoparyphium recurvatum (England) . Soulsby, E. J. L. 1958a. Parasitological findings in viscera sent for examination by wildfowlers . Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 78: 21-22. / (N,A,C,T); reports several massive infections of parasites (Great Britain) . Soulsby, E. J. L. 1958b. Visceral parasites in waterfowl. Wildfowl Trust, 9. Ann. Rep., 1956-1957, p. 68-69. / (N,A,C,T); examined viscera of 46 waterfowl, reports 16 helminths; one massive infection; same material as Soulsby, 195 8a (Great Britain). Southwell, T. 1914. A short account of our present knowledge of the cestode fauna of British India and Ceylon. J. & Proc . Asiatic Soc . Bengal., 10: 139-145. / (C); reports 2 forms in waterfowl. Southwell, T. 1915. Notes from the Bengal fisheries laboratory, Indian Museum, No. 3. On helminths from fish and aquatic birds in the Chilka Lake. Rec . Indian Mus . , 11, Pt. 4, p. 331-335. / (C); reports Diploposthe laevis in ducks (India). Southwell, T. 1916. On some Indian Cestoda. Part 2. Rec. Indian Mus., 12: 5-20. / (C); lists one form (unidentified) in waterfowl. Southwell, T. 1922a. Cestodes in the collection of the Indian Museum. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 16: 127-152. / (C); reports 5 cestodes from waterfowl (India) . Southwell, T. 1922b. Cestodes from Indian birds with a note on Liqula intestinalis. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 16: 355-382. / (C); lists 3 forms in waterfowl (India - Calcutta Zoo) . Southwell, T. 1923. Notes on cestode parasites from a duck. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 17: 5 53. / (C); lists 3 helminths. Southwell, T. 1930. Cestoda, Vol. 2. Fauna of British India, 2 62 p. / (C); lists 14 cestodes reported in waterfowl (India, Burma, Ceylon). 270 Southwell, T., & A. Kirshner. 1937. Parasitic infections in a swan and in a brown trout. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 31: 427-433. / (A,C,T); lists 3 forms in swan; Psilostomum cygnei sp. n. (England). Southwell, T. , & F. Lake. 1939. On a collection of cestoda from the Belgian Congo, with an introduction by Jaques Schwetz . Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol,, 33: 63-90, 107-123./ (C); lists at least one form from waterfowl. Southwell, T., & J. W. S. Macfie. 1925. On a collection of Acantho- cephala in the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 19: 141-184. / (A); lists one form in waterfowl. Sovetnikov, V. M. 1964, Sezonnaia dinamika gel'mintozov domashnikh utok V OrenburgskoY oblasti. [Seasonal dynamics of helminthiases of domestic ducks in Orenburg Territory.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1964), ch . 2, p. 154-158. [Russ. text] / (S . Russia). Sovetnikov, V. M. 1966. Gel'mintozy domashnikh utok v Orenburgskoi oblasti. [Helminthiases of domestic ducks in Orenburg oblast.] Tematich. Sobrn. Rabot Gel'mint. Sel'skokhoz. Zhivotn., 12: 20-24. [Russ, text] / (N,C,T); examined 963 domestic ducks, reports 24 helminths (S , Russia). Spasskaia, L. P. 1949. Nematody ptits zapadnoi Sibiri po materialam 257-1 soiuznoi gel'mintologicheskoi ekspeditsii. [Nematodes of birds of western Siberia from materials of the 257th All-Union Helmintholo- gical Expedition.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab, AN SSSR, 2: 128-142. [Russ. text] / (N); examined 144 waterfowl, reports 8 nematodes. Spasskaia, L, P, 1952. Gel'mintofauna ptits BarabinskoY stepi (po mater- ialam 257-T SGE). [Helminth fauna of birds of Barabinsk steppe (from material of the 257th SGE.] Diss, Kand , Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS, Lenin); Avtoref, Diss., Moskva [Russ, text] / (W. Siberia), Spasskaia, L. P. 1957. K faune tsestod ptits Komi ASSR. [On the cestode fauna of birds of Komi ASSR.] Acta Vet, , Acad, Sc . Hungaricae, 7: 185-207. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 54 wild ducks, reports 8 cestodes (N. Russia). 271 Spasskai^, L. P. 1958. Ekologicheskii analiz tsestodofauny ptits Komi ASSR. (Okologische analyse der Bandwurm-Fauna von Vogeln der A.S.S.R. Komi.) Acta Vet. , Acad. Sc . Hungaricae, 8: 173-185. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (C); repeats records of Spasskaia, 1957 (N. Russia). Spasskaia, L. P. 1961a. Tsestody ptits Tuvy. 111. Sobolevicanthus i Sphenacanthus (Hymenolepididae) . [Cestodes of birds of Tuva. 111. Sobolevicanthus and Sphenacanthus (Hymenolepididae) .] Acta Vet. , Acad. Sc . Hungaricae, 11: 235-257. [Russ. text, Ger. summary]/ (C); examined 234 ducks, reports 8 cestodes; descriptions of each form. Spasskaia, L. P. 1961b. Tsestody ptits Tuvy. IV. Hymenolepididae vodoplavaulshchikh. [Cestodes of birds of Tuva. IV. Hymenolepididae of aquatic birds .] Acta Vet., Acad. Sc. Hungaricae, 11: 311-337. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (C); reports 15 species in waterfowl- descriptions of 9 of these ; Diorchis nyrocoides sp. n. Spasskaia, L. P. 1962. Rod Platyscolex, gen. nov. (Cestoda: Dilepididae) (Gattung Platyscolex, gen. nov. (Cestoda: Dilepididae).) Acta Vet. , Acad. Sc. Hungaricae, 12: 207-211. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (C) ; Platyscolex ciliata comb . n . (synonym Anomotaenia ciliata) , description (USSR) . Spasskaia, L. P. 1963. Microsomacanthus skrjabini nov. sp. — novyi vid gimenolepidid kamenushki (Histrionicus histrionicus) semoi Kamchatka. [Microsomacanthus skrjabini nov. sp. -- new species of hymenolepid of the harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) of northern Kamchatka .] Gel'minty Cheloveka , Zhivotn. i Rast. , k 85-Let. Skrjabin, AN SSSR, Moskva, p. 163-166. [Russ. tex^ / (C) . Spasskaia, L. P. 1964a. K faune tsestod ptits Tuvy. [On the cestode fauna of birds of Tuva.] Acta Vet., Acad. Sc . Hungaricae, 14: 35- 49. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (C); reports 2 cestodes in water- fowl (USSR). Spasskafa, L. P. 1964b. Tsestody ptits Tuvy. VI. (Tapeworms of birds from Tuva. VI.) vSstnik Seskoslov. Zool. Spolec., 28:105-116. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (C); lists one form in waterfowl. Spasskaia, L. P. 1965. Tsestody gusinykh Penzhinskoi tundry. [Cestodes of anserines of the Penzhina tundra.] Trudy Pervyi Moskva Med. Inst., 41: 74-96. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 141 waterfowl, reports 41 cestodes; descriptions of 10 species (Kamchatka). 272 Spasskai^, L. P. 1966. Tsestody ptits SSSR. Gimenolepididy . [Cestodes of birds of the USSR. Hymenolepididae.] Izdat. "Nauka" , AN SSSR, AN Moldav. SSR, Inst. Zool . , Moskva, 698 p. [Russ. text] / (C); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations. Lists 126 species with waterfowl hosts; Retinometra oxyuri Maksimova, sp. n.. Ward o ides oidemiae sp. n. Bibliography of 2 8 pages . Spasskaia, L. P., & A. A. Spasskii. 1961. Tsestody ptits Tuvy. II. Genus Microsomacanthus (Hymenolepididae). (Die Cestoden der Vogel in Tuva II. Microsomacanthus (Hymenolepididae).) Acta Vet., Acad. Sc . Hungaricae, 11: 13-53. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (C); examined 234 ducks, reports 12 cestodes ; Microsomacanthus formosoides ps . n. , M_. hystrix sp. n. , M_. recurvata sp. n. , M. tuvensis sp. n. (USSR). Spassakaia, L. P., & A. A. Spasskii. 1964. K tsestodofaune gusinykh tikhookeanskogo poberezh'e Kamchatki. [On the cestode fauna of anserines of the Pacific coast of Kamchatka.] Izvest. AN Moldav. SSR, 1: 9-18. [Russ. text] / (C) . Spasskii, A. A. 1940. K faune tsestod ptits SSSR. [On the cestode fauna of USSR.] Diss. Kand. Biol. Nauk , M. (Bibliotli. Lenin) [Russ. text] /(C). Spasskii, A. A. 1946. K poznaniiu fauny tsestod ptits soiuza SSR. [Contribution to knowledge of the cestodes of birds of USSR.] Gel'mint. Sborn. 40-Let. Deiatel'nost. Skrjabin, p. 252-261. [Russ. text] / (C); one form in waterfowl (N . Russia). Spasskii, A. A. 1949a. O vidovoi samostoiatel'nosti tsestody Cittotaenia sandgroundi Davis, 1944. [On the systematic position of the cestode Cittotaenia sandgroundi Davis, 1944.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 2: 60-61. [Russ. text] / (C); synonym of Diplogynia oligorchis. Spasskii, A. A. 1949b. Lentochnye gel'minty - anoplotsefali^ty domash- nikh i dikikh zhivotnykh. [Tapeworms -- Anoplocephala of domestic and wild animals.] Diss. Dokt. Biol. Nauk., M. (Biblioth. Lenin) [Russ. text]/'See Spasskii, 1951b. Spasskii, A. A. 1951a. Reorganizatsiia roda Cittotaenia Riehm, 1881, v sviazi s obosnovaniem novogo roda Mosgovoyia gen. nov. [Reorgan- ization of the genus Cittotaenia Riehm, 1881 together with a new genus Mosgovoyia gen. nov.] Trudy Gel'mint . Lab. AN SSSR, 5: 28-33. [Russ. text] / (C); Diplogynia oligorchis (synonym Cittotaenia sand- groundi) , Cittotaenia avicola - identity of host questioned. 273 Spasskii, A. A. 1951b. Anoplotsefaliaty - lentochnye gel'minty domash- nikh i dikikh zhivotnykh. Osnovy tsestodologii, Tom I. [Anoplo- cephalata — tapeworms of domestic and wild animals. Essentials of cestodology, V. 1.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 735 p. [Russ. text] / (C); monograph; description of each species, hosts, synonymy, distribution; lists one form in waterfowl (Ctenotaenia avicola) , questions identity of host. See Spasskii, 1961a. Spasskii, A. A. 1952. O nomenklature roda Diorchis (Cestoda: Hymeno- lepididae) . [On the nomenclature of the genus Diorchis (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 6: 74-75. [Russ. text] / (C); Diorchis with subgenera Diorchis and Acanthodiorchis . Spasskii, A. A. 1954. O tsikle razvitiia dilepidid roda Lateriporus (Cestoda: Dilepididae) . [On the life cycle of dilepidids of the genus Lateriporus (Cestoda: Dilepididae).] Trudy Gel'mint . Lab. AN SSSR, 7: 176-179. [Russ. text] / (C); Lateriporus teres — intermediate host Gammarus, larva Cysticercus pachyacanthus (USSR) . Spasskii, A. A. 1955. O nezavisimom vozniknovenii priznaka setevidnoi matki u predstavitelei razlichnykh grupp gimenolepidid . [On the observed independent characteristic, reticulate uterus, in different representative groups of hymenolepids .] Zool . Zhur. , 34: 1012-1018. [Russ. text] / (C); Sphenacanthus (Retinometra) giranensis comb, n., description; reticulate uterus arose independently in Fimbriaria, Hymenolepis , and S^. giranensis . Spasskii, A. A. 1956a. K revizii roda Dicranotaenia (Cestoda: Hymen- olepididae). [Revision of the genus Dicranotaenia (Cestoda: Hymen- olepididae).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 8:165-175. [Russ. text] / (C); lists 8 species of genus, reduces 5 names to synonyms of p. coronula; D. coronula only firmly established species. Spasskii, A. A. 1956b. K analizu fauny gimenolepidid gusinykh ptits vostochnogo Kitaia. [Analysis of the hymenolepids of anserine birds of eastern China.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 8: 176-189. [Russ. text] / (C); revision of Shen Tseng, 1932b, extensive changes; re- description of Anatinella meggitti. Spasskii, A. A. 1958a. Kratkii analiz sistemy tsestod . [Short analysis of the system of cestodes .] £esk . Parasitol., 2:163-171. [Russ. text] / (C); Gastrotaenia dogieli comb, n. (synonym Apora d.) . 274 Spasskii, A. A. 1959. Utochnenie klassifikatsii topograficheskikh otnoshenii polovykh organov gimenolepid . [A more precise definition of the types of relative positions of the genitalia in the Hymenolepi- didae.] Zool. Zhur., 38: 31-37. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (C); describes 15 types of arrangements as aid to classification; several new combinations. Spasskii, A. A. 1960. Zamechaniia po sistematike tsestod sem. Hymeno- lepididae (Ariola , 1899). [Observations on the systematics of cestodes of the family Hymenolepididae (Ariola, 1899).] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauch. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1960), p. 134- 135. [Russ. text] / (C); disposal of various generic names in Hymen- olepididae. Spasskii, A. A. 1961a. Translation of Spasskii, 1951b. Isr. Program Scient. Transl., 7 83 p. [Eng. translation] / (C) . SpasskiT, A. A. 1961b. Breve revisione die Hymenolepididae. (Parte prima. Parte seconda) . Parassitologia, 3:159-178, 179-198. [Eng. summary] / (C); several new combinations and synonyms affecting species in waterfowl . Spasskii, A. A. 1962a. lavlenie vtorichnoi polimerizatsii gonad u gimenolepidid. [Secondary polymerization of gonads in hymenolepidids .] Doklady AN SSSR, 142: 734-736. [Russ. text] / (C); evolution and morphology of Hymenolepididae; Polytestilepis chitinocloacis with 32 testes, belongs in Hymenolepididae. See SpasskiY, 1962b. Spasskii, A. A. 1962b. Translation of Spasskii, 1962a. Doklady AN SSSR, Transl. Biol. Sc . Sect., 142: 139-140. [Eng. translation] / (C) . Spasskii, A. A. 1963. Gimenolepididy - lentochnye gel'minty dikikh i domashnikh ptits. Osnovy tsestodologii, Tom II, Chastl. [Hymeno- lepididae -- tapeworms of wild and domestic birds. Essentials of cestodology, V. 2, pt. 1.] Izdat. AN SSSR, Moskva, 417 p. [Russ. text] / (C); monograph; discussion of family, keys, genera from A through Drepanidolepis; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; checklist and disposal of names within each genus; reports 53 forms from waterfowl; Diorchis spasskajae sp. n. , p. tuvensis sp. n. , D . danutae asiatica subsp. n. (USSR) . Spasskii, A. A. 1964. Genera composition of the family Hymenolepididae. Proc. Symp., Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc . , p. 231-237. / (C); list of genera with type species in the family Hymenolepididae; 43 genera listed, 3 new. 275 Spasskii, A. A. 1966a. [On the heterogeneity of the genus Anomotaenia (Cestoda: Dilepidae).] Doklady AN SSSR, 169: 1483-1485 . [Russ. text] / (C); Anomotaenia includes species of about 20 genera; notes on some forms. See Spasskii, 1966c. Spasskii, A. A. 1966b. Filogeneticheskii analiz tsestod sbornogo roda Lateriporus (Cyclophyllidea) . [Phylogenetic analysis of cestodes of the collective genus Lateriporus (Cyclophyllidea) .] Parazity Zhivotn. i Rast., Inst. Zool. AN Moldav. SSR, (2): 50-63. [Russ. text] / (C); revision of genus; Fuhrmanacanthus gen . n . , £. biuterinus comb . n . , F. propeteres comb, n.; retains 5 species in Lateriporus . Spasskii, A. A. 1966c. Translation of Spasskii", 1966a. Doklady Biological Sc, Proc. Acad. Sc . USSR, 169: 554-556. [Eng . translation] / (C) . Spasskii, A. A., & L. P. Bobova . 1961. Tsestody (Pseudophyllidea i Tetraphyllidea) ot vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Kamchatki. [Cestodes (Pseudophyllidea and Tetraphyllidea) from aquatic birds of Kamchatka.] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 259-269. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 159 waterfowl, reports 3 cestodes, including Schistoce- phalus pungitii (USSR) . Spasskii, A. A., & L. P. Bobova. 1962. Tsestody semeistva Hymeno- lepididae ot vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Kamchatki. [Cestodes of the family Hymenolepididae from aquatic birds of Kamchatka.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 12: 172-200. [Russ. text] / (C); reports 21 cestodes in waterfowl, with descriptions of 5; Sobolevicanthus gladium sp. n. , Limnolepis amphitricha (USSR) . Spasskii, A. A., Dang Van-Ngy [Dang Van-Ngu] , & N. M. lurpalova . 1963 . Tri novykh vida gimenolepidid ot dikikh i domashnikh ptits V'etnama. [Three new species of hymenolepids from wild and domestic birds of Vietnam.] Parazity Zhivotn. iRast. Moldav., Inst. Zool. AN Moldav. SSR, (1): 75-83. [Russ. text] / (C); Microsomacanthus rangdonensis sp. n. in domestic duck. Spasskii, A. A. , & V. I. Freze. 1958. Reviziia roda Aploparaksis . [Revision of the genus Aploparaksis .] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 144. [Russ. text] / (C); general summary. 276 Spasskii, A. A. , & V. I. Freze. 1961. Obzor roda Aploparaksis Clerc 1903 (Cestoda=Hymenolepididae) . (The survey of species of the genus Aploparaksis Clerc 1903.) £esk. Parasitol . , 8:385-389. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (C); checklist, some revision of species of genus . Spasskii, A. A. , & N. M. furpalova . 1964. Pervye itogi izucheniia gimenolepidid gusinykh ptits Chukotki. [First total study of hymeno- lepids of anserine birds of Chukotka.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1964), ch. 2, p. 166-170. [Russ. text] / (C). Spasskii, A. A. , & N. M. lurpalova . 1966a. Tsestody roda Microsoma- canthus (Hymenolepididae) from gusinykh ptits Chukotki. [Cestodes of the genus Micro somacanthus (Hymenolepididae) from anserine birds of Chukotka.] Parazity Zhivotn . i Rast. , Inst. Zool. AN Moldav. SSR, (2): 15-49. [Russ. text] / (C); reports 14 cestodes in waterfowl, includes descriptions of 10. Spasskii, A. A., & N. M. lurpalova. 1966b. Tsestody gusinykh ptits Anadyrskoi nizmennosti. [Cestodes of anserine birds of the lower Anadyr.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 183-210. [Russ. text] / (C); examined 235 waterfowl, reports 44 cestodes; descriptions of 8 species (Chukotka) . Spasskii, A. A. , & V. N. Reznik. 1963. K revizii roda Drepanidotaenia (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae). [On revision of the genus Drepanidotae- nia (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae).] Parazity Zhivotn. i Rast., Inst. Zool. AN Moldav. SSR, (1): 84-90. [Russ. text] / (C); retains 4 species in genus, ethers transferred; some new combinations. Spasskii, A. A. , & V. N. Reznik. 1966. ReviziiS roda Liga (Cestoda: Dilepididae) . [Revision of the genus Liga (Cestoda: Dilepididae) .] Parazity Zhivotn. i Rast., Inst. Zool. AN Moldav. SSR, (2): 64-74. [Russ. text] / (C); discusses position of L. brevis and Chitonorecta agnosta . Spasskii, A. A. , & L. P. Spasskaia. 1954. Postroenie sistemy gimeno- lepidid, parazitiruiushchikh u ptits. [The construction of a classi- fication of the hymenolepids parasitic in birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 7: 55-119. [Russ. text] / (C); genus Hymenolepis in birds divided into 25 genera, 16 with forms in waterfowl; for each genus gives diagnosis, figures of type, list of species included. 277 Spasskii*, A. A. , & L. P. Spasskai^. I960. Reviziia roda Paradilepis Hsu, 1935 V svAzi s ekologicheskoi polivalentnost'iu ego otdel'- nykh vidov. (Revision der Gattung Paradilepis Hsii, 1935 mit Ruck- sichtnahme auf die okologische Polyvalenz einiger ihrer Arten.) Acta Vet., Acad. Sc. Hungaricae, 10: 183-199. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (C); Paradilepis urceus and £. scolecina in waterfowl, descriptions (Tuva) . Spasskii, A. A. , & L. P. Spasskaia. 1966. Morfologo-ekologicheskii analiz roda Amoebotaenia (Cestoda: Dilepididae) . [Morphological- ecological analysis of genus Amoebotaenia (Cestoda: Dilepididae).] Parazity Zhivotn. i Past., Inst. Zool . AN Moldav. SSR, (2): 75-86. [Russ. text] / (C); discusses position of genus Chitonorecta. Spasskii, A. A. , & L. M . Tolkacheva . 1965. Anserilepis nov. gen. (Cyclophyllidea , Hymenolepididae) - novyi rod tsestod gusinykh ptits . [Anserilepis nov. gen. (Cyclophyllidea, Hymenolepididae) a new genus of cestodes of anserine birds.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 15: 151-155. [Russ. text] / (C); description of Anserilepis barrowensis comb. n. (Siberia). Sprehn, C. E. W. 1930. Wichtige Engoparasiten des deutschen Hausge- flugels. Berl. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 46: 765-774. / (T); Echino- stoma recurvatum life cycle. Sprehn, C. E. W. 1932. Lehrbuch der Helminthologie. Eine Natur- geschichte der in deutschen Saugtieren und Vogeln schmarotzenden Wilrmer, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Helminthen des Menschen, der Haustiere, und wichtigsten Nutztiere . Berlin, 998 p. / (N,A,C,T); checklist; synonymy and hosts of each species. Srivastava, H. D. 193 9a. Some unrecorded helminths from Indian ducks and geese. [Abstr.] Proc. 25. Indian Sc. Cong. (1938), Sect. 11, Vet. Res., p. 2 61. / (T); lists 2 forms. Srivastava, H. D. 1939b. Stomach worms in the Indian domestic ducks. [Abstr.] Proc. 25. Indian Sc . Cong. (1938), Sect. 11, Vet. Res., p. 261. / (N); Echinuria sp. (India). Stammer, H.-J. 1933. Eine neue eigenartige Cestodenlarve: Cysticercus (Cercocystis) mirabilis nov. sp. aus Daphnia magna . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 6: 76-90. / (C); lists 3 forms in waterfowl. 278 Stefflova-Leiska , M. 1957. Vyzkum endorparasitu drubeze v Cechach. (Die Endoparasiten des Gefliigels in Bohmen.) Cesk. Parasitol., 4: 337-350. [Ger. summary] / (N,C,T); examined 269 geese, 116 ducks; reports 16 helminths (Czechoslovakia). Stiles, C. W., & A. Hassall. 1894. A preliminary catalogue of the parasites contained in the collections of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Army Medical Museum, Biological Department of the University of Pennsylvania (Coll. Leidy) , and in Coll. Stiles and Coll. Hassall. Vet. Mag., 1: 245-253, 331-354. / (N,A); (USA). Stiles, C. W., & A. Hassall. 1896. Tapeworms of poultry. (Report upon the present knowledge of the tapeworms of poultry, p. 1-79; Bibliography of the tapeworms of poultry, p. 81-8 8). U.S. Dept. Agric . , Bur. Animal Ind . , Bull. (12), 88 p. / (C); description of each species reported from domestic birds, synonymy, hosts, life history; table of hosts of all species reported from game birds; lists 51 species in waterfowl. Stiles, C. W., & A. Hassall. 1908. Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology. Subjects: Trematoda and trematode diseases. U.S. Public Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv., Hyg . Lab. Bull. (37), 401 p. / (T); guide to parasitological literature, alphabetical index by genera and supergenera, index of specific names. See Doss, 1963-1968. Stiles, C. W. , & A. Hassall. 1912. Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology. Subjects: Cestoda and Cestodaria . U.S. Public Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv., Hyg. Lab. Bull. (85), 467 p. / (C); guide to parasitological literature, alphabetical index by genera and supergenera, index of specific names. Stiles, C. W., & A. Hassall. 1920. Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology. Subjects: Roundworms (Nematoda, Gordiacea, and Acanthocephala) and the diseases they cause. U.S. Public Health Serv. , Hyg. Lab. Bull. (114), 886 p. / (N,A); guide to parasitological literature, alphabetical index by genera and super- genera, index of specific names. Stodter, W. 1901. Die Strongyliden in dem Labmagen der Gezahmten Weiderkauer und die Magenwurmseuche . Diss., Hamburg, 108 p. / (N); reports 3 forms in waterfowl. -279 Stoican, E. , J. Fromunda, & L. Georgescu. 1963. Radix pereqra (Muller, 1774) gazda intermediary penUu trematodul Echinostoma revolutum (Frolich 1802) in Republica PopularS Romana . Lucr. §tiinf. Inst. Patol . Ig . Anim., 12: 43 3-438. [Eng . , Fr., Russ. summaries] / (T); experimental infection in ducks. Stoican, E., Gh. Paunescu, I. Paul, & R. Pintilie. 1961. Un focar de trematodozS hepatica la rafe cu Metorchls xanthosomus (tratament ^i profilaxie) . (Un foyer de trematodose hepatique che les canards avec Metorchis xanthosomus.) Probleme Zooteh . $i Vet. , 11: 51-54. [Russ., Fr. summaries] / (T) . Stoimenov, K. R. 1966. Mezhdinen gostopriemnik na Streptocara crassicauda po ptitsite u nas opiti za likvidiraneto mu V'v vodoe- mite. (Intermediate host of duck Streptocara crassicauda in Bulgaria. Experiments for its destruction in reservoirs.) Nauchn . Trud . (1), Minist. Sel'skogo i Lesnogo Khoz . , p. 173-176. [Bulgar. text; Russ., Eng. summaries] / (N) . Storozheva, A. M. 1957a. K voprosu sezonnoi dinamiki osnovnykh gel'mintozov vodoplavaiushchei ptitsy i ikh profilaktiki . [On the question of the seasonal dynamics of the most important helminths of waterfowl and their prophylaxis.] Ptitsevodstvo, 7(8): 37-39. [Russ. text] / (C); includes 5 helminths of waterfowl (USSR). Storozheva, A. M. 195 7b. Gel'minty i gel'mintozy domashnikh utok i gusei na territorii Grodnenskoi oblasti i zony Poles' la BSSR. [Hel- minths and helminthiases of domestic ducks and geese in the terri- tory of the Grodno oblast and the Polesie zone of BSSR.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoixiz. Obshch. Gel'mint. posv. 40. g. Okt. Revol., ch. 2, p. 91-93. [Russ. text] / (N,C); examined 794 waterfowl, found 37 helminths; lists names of 3 (Byelorussia). Storozheva, A. M . 1957c. Fizotsefalez u domashnikh kur utok i gusei". [Physocephalus in domestic chickens, ducks, and geese.] Veterin- ariia, 34(10): 47-49. [Russ. text] / (N); Physocephalus sexalatus larvae encysted in muscles; in 25% of ducks, 5.5% of geese (USSR). Storozheva, A. M . 195 8. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits Grodnenskoi oblasti, zony poles'ia BSSR i ee sezonnaia dinamika, [The helminth fauna of domestic waterfowl of the Grodno oblast, of the forest zone of BSSR and its seasonal dynamics.] Diss. Kand . Vet. Nauk (Biblioth . VIGIS); Avtoref. Diss., Moskva, 18 p. [Russ. text]/See Storozheva, 1959. 280 Storozheva , A. M . 1959. Gel'mintofauna domashneY vodoplavaiushchei ptitsy V GrodnenskoT oblasti i zone Poles'fa Belorusskoi SSR v aspekte sezonnoi dinamiki. (The helminth fauna of domestic water- fowls in the Grodno region and in the v^^ooded district of the Bye- lorussian Republic.) Trudy Vsesoiuz , Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 6: 177-182. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (A,G,T); examined 892 domestic ducks and geese, reports 38 helminths. Stossich, M. 1890a. II genere Trichosoma Rudolphi . Lavoro monografico. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc . Nat. Trieste, 12: 3-38. / (N); Trichosoma contortum in waterfowl. Stossich, M. 1890b. Elminti veneti raccolti dal Dr. Alessandro Conte de Ninni. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc . Nat. Trieste, 12: 49-56. / (N); one helminth in waterfowl. Stossich, M. 1891a. Nuova serie di elminti veneti raccolti dal Dr. P. Allessandro Gonte de Ninni e descritta da Glasnik Hrv. Nar. Drustva, Zagreb, 6: 216-219. / (N); includes one helminth in water- fowl. Stossich, M. 1891b. II genere Dispharagus Dujardin. Lavoro monografico . Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc . Nat. Trieste, 13: 81-108. / (N); Dispharagus crassicauda in ducks . Stossich, M. 1891c. Elminti veneti raccolti dal Dr. Alessandro Gonte de Ninni. Seconda serie. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc . Nat. Trieste, 13: 109-116. / (A,G ); two helminths in waterfowl (Italy). Stossich, M. 1892. I distomi degli uccelli . Lavoro monografico. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc . Nat. Trieste, 13: 143-19 6. / (T); lists 10 forms in waterfowl. Stossich, M. 1896a. II genere Ascaris Linne. Lavoro monografico. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc . Nat. Trieste, 17: 9-120. / (N); lists 6 forms in water- fowl. Stossich, M. 1896b. Ricerche elmintologiche. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc. Nat. Trieste, 17: 121-13 6. / (T); Monostomum minutissimum sp. n. in duck . Stossich, M. 1898a. Filarie e spiroptere . Lavoro monografico . Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc . Nat. Trieste, 18: 13-162. / (N); lists 2 forms in waterfowl . 281 Stossich, M. (1898b.) Saggio di una fauna elmintologica di Trieste e provincie contermini. Programmo Civ. Scuola Reale Sup., Trieste, 162 p. / (C); Dicranotaenia creplini comb. n. Stossich, M. 1899a. Lo smembramento dei Brachycoelium. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc. Nat. Trieste, 19, Mem.: 7-10. / (T); lists 2 forms in waterfowl . Stossich, M . 1899b. La sezione degli echinostomi. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc. Nat. Trieste, 19, Mem.:ll-16. / (T); includes 3 forms in water- fowl. Stossich, M. 1899c. Strongylidae. Lavoro monografico. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc. Nat. Trieste, 19, Mem.:55-152. / (N); lists 13 forms in waterfowl. Stossich, M . 1902. Sopra alcuni nematodi della collezione elmintologica del Prof. Dott. Corrado Parona. Boll. Mus. Zool. Geneva, (116), 16 p. Also: Stossich, 1902. Atti Soc. Ligust. Sc. Nat. Geogr. , Geneva, 13(2), Giugno, p. 61-76. / (N); reports one form in water- fowl. Stossich, M. 1903. [Preprint 1902 .] II Monostomum mutabile Zeder e le sue forme affini. Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sc. Nat. Trieste, 21, Mem., p. 1-40. / (T); lists 5 forms in waterfowl; Cyclocoelum robustum sp. n. (France). Strenzke, K. 1952. Per Wirtswechsel von Plagiorchis maculosus. Zeitschr, Parasitenk., 15: 359-391. / (T); life history (Germany). van Strydonck, D. 1965a. Trematodes d'oiseaux sauvages. Especes du genre Paramonostomum Liihe , 1909 (fam. Notocotylidae Liihe 1909). Ann. Parasitol. , 40: 141-148. / (T); Paramonostomum chabaudi sp. n. in duck (Belgium). van Strydonck, D. 1965b. Trematodes of the digestive system of wild birds in Belgium. Ann. Soc. Beige Med. Trop. , 45: 679-684. [Fr. , Ger. , Span., Flemish summaries] / (T); includes at least 3 forms in waterfowl. Stubbs, E. L. 1956. Gapeworm (Cyathostoma bronchialis) infection in a duck. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. , 128: 138, / (N); in domestic duck (USA) . 282 Stunkard, H. W. 1916. On the anatomy and relationships of some North American trematodes. J. Parasitol., 3: 21-27. / (T); Zygocotyle ceratosa sp. n. (USA). Stunkard, H. W. 1917. Studies on North American Polystomidae, Aspido- gastridae, and Paramphistomidae. Illinois Biol. Monogr., 3(3), 114 p. / (T); Zygocotyle ceratosa in ducks, description (USA). Stunkard, H. W. 1927. Notes on the trematode genus Cryptocotyle . [Abstr.] Soc. Proc: 3. Ann. Meet. Am. Soc . Parasitol., J. Parasitol., 14: 125. / (T); life cycle of Cryptocotyle sp. (USA). Stunkard, H. W. 192 8. The life history of Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin) . [Abstr.] Soc. Proc: Abstr. Papers, 4. Ann. Meet. Am. Soc. Parasitol., J. Parasitol., 15: 148. / (T); (USA). Stunkard, H. W. 1930. The life cycle of Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin), with notes on the physiology of the metacercariae . J. Morph . & Physiol., 50: 143-192. / (T); (USA). Stunkard, H, W. 1934. The life cycle of Typhlocoelum cymbium (Diesing, 1850) Kossack, 1911 (Trematoda , Cyclocoelidae) . Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 59: 447-466. / (T); (USA). Stunkard, H. W. 1958. The morphology and life-history of Levinseniella minuta (Trematoda: Microphallidae) . J. Parasitol., 44: 225-230. / (T); (USA). Stunkard, H. W. 1959. Specific determination in the trematode genus, Gymnophallus. Proc. 15 Intemat. Cong. Zool. (London, 1958), p. 672-674. / (T). Stunkard, H. W. 1960a. Studies on the morphology and life-history of Notocotylus minutus n. sp ., a digenetic trematode from ducks . J. Parasitol., 46: 803-809. / (T); synonym N . gibbus of Stunkard & Dunihue, 1931 (USA), Stunkard, H. W, 19 60b. Further studies on the trematode genus Himas- thla with descriptions of H . mcintoshi n . sp. , H . piscicola n. sp. , and stages in the life history of H. compacta n. sp. Biol. Bull. , 119: 529-549 . / (T); life history of H. elongata (USA) . Stunkard, H. W. 1962, New intermediate host for Parvatrema borealis Stunkard & Uzmann , 1955 (Trematoda). J. Parasitol,, 48: 157, / (T); metacercariae frequently in Nereis limbata (USA). 283 Stunkard, H. W. 1966. The morphology and life-history of Notocotylus atlanticus n. sp., a digenetic trematode of eider ducks, Somateria mollissima, and the designation, Notocotylus duboisi nom. nov. , for Notocotylus imbricatus (Looss, 1893) Szidat, 1935. Biol. Bull., 131: 501-515. / (T); life history of Notocotylus atlanticus sp. n. and N. minutus (USA) . Stunkard, H. W. 1967a. Studies on the trematode genus Paramonostomum Luhe, 1909 (Digenea: Notocotylidae) . Biol. Bull., 132: 133-145. / (T); Paramonostomum alveatum (=P. brantae) life history, description; ?_. parvum life history; remarks on taxonomy (USA) . Stunkard, H. W. 19 67b. The morphology, life-history, and systematic relations of the digenetic trematode, Uniserialis breviserialis sp. nov., (Notocotylidae), a parasite of the bursa Fabricius of birds. Biol. Bull., 132: 266-276. / (T); experimentally in domestic duck (USA). Stunkard, H. W., & P. W. Dunihue. 1931. Notes on the trematodes from a Long Island duck with description of a new species. Biol. Bull. , 60: 179-186. / (T); Paramonostomum parvum sp. n.; reports 3 other trematodes (USA) . Stunkard, H. W., & M. C. Hinchliffe. 1951. The life cycle of Micro- bilharzia variglandis (=Cercaria variglandis Miller & Northup, 1926), an avian schistosome whose larvae produce "swimmer's itch" of ocean beaches. [Abstr.] Anat. Rec. , 111: 529-530. / (T); synonym Microbilharzia chapini (USA) . Stunkard, H. W., & M. C. Hinchliffe. 1952. The morphology and life history of Microbilharzia variglandis (Miller & Northup, 1926) Stunkard & Hinchliffe, 1951, avian blood-flukes whose larvae cause "swimmer's itch" of ocean beaches. J. Parasitol., 38: 248-265. / (T); (USA). Stunkard, H. W., & J. R. Uzmann. 1955. The killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus , second intermediate host of the trematode, Ascocotyle (Phagicola) diminuta . Biol. Bull., 109: 475-483. / (T); description (USA). Stunkard, H. W., & J. R. Uzmann. 1958. Studies on digenetic trematodes of the genera Gymnophallus and Parvatrema . Biol. Bull., 115:276-302. / (T); Parvatrema borealis sp. n., experimentally in waterfowl; 2 other forms present (USA); identification of Gymnophallus impossible as adult descriptions are inadequate, life history studies all un- controlled . 284 Stunkard, H. W., & C. H. Willey. 1929. The development of Crypto- cotyle (Heterophyidae) in its final host. Am. J. Trop. Med., 9: 117-12 8. / (T); life history of Cryptocotyle lingua (USA). Stunkard, H. W. , C. H. Willey, & Y. Rabinowitz . 1941. Cercaria burti Miller, 1923, a larval stage of Apatemon gracilis (Rudolphi, 1819) Szidat, 1928. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. , 60: 485-497. / (T); life cycle, description; experimentally in ducks (USA) . Styczynska, E. 1956a. Acanthocephala w biocenozie jeziora Druzno. (Acanthocephala in the biocoenosis of Druzno Lake.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2(5, Suppl.): 245-246. [Pol. text, Eng . & Russ. sum- maries] / (A); larvae of 2 forms in Asellus (Poland). Styczynska, E. 195 6b. Kilka obserwacji nad biologia i rozwojem larw Filicollis anatis Schrank (Acanthocephala) . (Some observations on the biology and development of the larvae of Filicollis anatis Schrank (Acanthocephala).) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2(5, Suppl.): 247-248. [Pol. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries]/ (A); (Poland). Styczynska, E. 195 Ba. Acanthocephala of the biocoenosis of Druzno Lake. (Parasitofauna of the biocoenosis of Druzno Lake - Part VI.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 7: 195-211. [Pol. summary] / (A); Poly- morphus minutus and Filicollis anatis in waterfowl; F_. anatis completes life cycle in lake (Poland) . Styczynska, E. 1958b. Some observations on the development and bionomics of larvae of Filicollis anatis Schrank. (Parasitofauna of the biocoenosis of Druzno Lake - Part Vll.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 7: 213-224. [Pol. summary] / (A); (Poland). Styczynska-Jurewicz, E. 1961. Uwaqi cyklu rozwoiowym gatunku Plagiorchis eleqans Rud . , 1802 (Trematoda , Plagiorchidae) i zagadnienie rewizji rodzaju Plagiorchis Luhe , 1899. (Remarks on the life cycle of Plagior- chis eleqans Rud. , 1802 (Trematoda, Plagiorchidae) and the problem of revision of the genus Plagiorchis Lilhe, 1899.) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 7(2, Suppl.): 191-194. [Pol. & Eng. texts] / (T) . Styczynska-Jurewicz, E. 1962. The life cycle of Plagiorchis elegans (Rud., 1802) and the revision of the genus Plagiorchis Luhe, 1899. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 10: 419-445. [Pol. summary/ (T); description; synonyms of P. elegans include P. brauni, P_. casarcii, P. potanini , P. uhlwormi, P. cirratus, all reported from ducks. 285 Sudarikov, V. E. 1956. Ob identichnosti rodov Linstowiella i Para- coenoqonimus (Trematoda: Cyathocotylidae) . [On the identities of the genera Linstowiella and Paracoenogonimus (Trematoda: Cyatho- cotylidae).] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 8: 240-247. [Russ. text] / (T) . Sudarikov, V. E. 1959. Otriad Strigeidida (La Rue, 1926) Sudarikov, 195 9. Chast 1. Morfologicheskaia kharakteristika strigeidid i nadsemeistvo Strigeoidea Railliet, 1919. [Order Strigeidida (La Rue, 1926) Sudarikov, 1959. Part 1. Morphological characteristics of strigeids and the superfamily Strigeoidea Railliet, 1919.] In: Skrjabin, 1959. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii, v. 16, p. 217-631. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph, includes Strigeidae; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; reports 25 forms in waterfowl . Sudarikov, V. E. 1960a. Otriad Srigeidida [sic] (La Rue, 1926) Sudarikov, 1959. Chast 2. Nadsemeistvo Diplostomatoidea Nicoll, 1937, seme- istvo Diplostomatidae (Poirier, 1886). [Order Strigeidida (La Rue, 1926) Sudarikov, 1959. Part 2 . Superfamily Diplostomatoidea Nicoll, 1937, family Diplostomatidae (Poirier, 1886).] In: Skrjabin, 1960. Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka , Osnovy trematodologii , v. 17, p. 157-530. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; reports 7 species in waterfowl . See Sudarikov, 1964. Sudarikov, V. E. 1960b. Eksperimental'noe poluchenie polovozreloi formy metatserkariia Tetracotyle ardeae (Trematoda, Strigeidae). [The experimental acquisition of a sexually mature form of the metacercaria Tetracotyle ardeae (Trematoda, Strigeidae).] Trudy Gel 'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 10: 22 7-230. [Russ. text] / (T); synonym of Strigea falconis, life history (USSR) . Sudarikov, V. E. 1961. Novyi rod trematod, Cotylurostrigea nov. gen. (sem. Strigeidae) ot vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [New genus of trema- tode, Cotylurostrigea nov. gen. (Family Strigeidae) from water birds.] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 11: 293-294. [Russ. text] / (T); Coty- lurostrigea raabei comb, nov. (Poland). Sudarikov, V. E. [1962.] Otriad Strigeidida (La Rue, 1926) Sudarikov, 1959. Chast chetvertaia. Podotriad Cyathocotylata Sudarikov, 1959. [Order Strigeidida (La Rue, 1926^ Sudarikov, 1959. Part four. Suborder Cyathocotylata Sudarikov, 195 9.] In: Skrjabin , 1962 . Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka, Osnovy trematodologii , v. 19, p. 269-469. [Russ. text] / (T); monograph; includes Cyathocotylidae; description of each species, synonymy, hosts, distribution, citations; reports 8 forms in waterfowl; bibliography for entire order. 286 Sudarikov, V. E. 1964. Translation of Sudarikov, 1960a. Isr. Program Sclent. Transl., p. 100-368. [Eng . translation] / (T) . Sudarikov, V. E., & E. M . Karmanova . 1960. Oligokheta Criodrilus lacuum Hoffmeister, 1845 kak dopolnitel'nyi khoziain trematod sem. Echinostomatidae i Strigeidae. [The oligochaete Criodrilus lacuum Hoffmeister, 1845 as a supplementary host for trematodes of the families Echinostomatidae and Strigeidae.] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 10: 231-234. [Russ. text] / (T); life cycle of Petasiger coronatus (Ukraine) . Sudarikov, V. E., & E. M. Karmanova. 1964. [Metacercaria of the trematode Plagiorchis laricola Skrjabin, 1924, and its development.] Trudy Astrakhansk. Zapovednik., (9): 208-213. [Russ. text] / (T) . Sudarikov, V. E., E. M. Karmanova, & T. L. Bakhmet'eva. 1962. K voprosy o vidom sostave metatserkariev trematod otri^da Strigeidida V piiavkakh Volzhskoi del'ty. [Types of metacercariae of trematodes of the order Strigeidida in leeches of the Volga Delta.] Trudy Astrak- hansk. Zapovednik, (6): 197-203. [Russ. text] / (T) . Sugimoto, M. 1915a. On Typhlocoelum sp. Taiwan N8jih6, (106), [v. 4], p. 1048-1049 (p. 48-49). [Jap. text] / (T); (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1915b. Two species of parasite in the small intestines of domestic duck. Taiwan Nojiho, (107) [v. 4], p. 1145-1147 (p. 45-47). [Jap. text] / (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1915c. Filaria disease of young domestic duck. Taiwan Nojiho, (108) [v. 4], p. 1249-1258 (p. 63-72). [Jap. text] / (N); (Taiwan) . Sugimoto, M. 1916a. [Ueber die Filariase bei Hausente . (Vorlaufige Mitteilung).] Chuo Jui Kai Zasshi, Tokyo, 29: 45-64. [Jap. text] / (N); (Taiwan) . Sugimoto, M. 1916b. [Ueber die Echinostomum echinatum, einem Darms- chmarotzer des Hausvogels.] Chuo Jui Kai Zasshi, Tokyo, 29: 109- 115. (p. 27-33). [Jap. text] / (T) . Sugimoto, M. 1916c. [Typhlocoelum sp. bei Hausente .] Chuo Jui Kai Zasshi, Tokyo, 29: 115-116 (p. 33-36). [Jap. text] / (T); (Taiwan). 287- Sugimoto, M . 1917. Tapeworms found in the alimental organs of Formosan ducks. Taiwan N6jih6, (129), 6: 631-532 (p. 35-36). [Jap. text] / (C) . Sugimoto, M. [1919.] List of zooparasites of the domesticated animals in Formosa. Taihoku, Formosa, 97 p. [Eng . & Jap. texts] / (T); Trach- eophilus hepaticus sp . n. in duck. Sugimoto, M. 1925. Catalogue of parasites of domestic animals in For- mosa. Dept. Agric . , Govt. Res. Inst., Taihoku, Formosa, Japan, p. 93-137. / (N,A,C,T); lists 20 forms in waterfowl (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M . 1927. On the nematode parasite (Streptocara crassicauda) in the gizzard of Formosan domestic duck. Nip. Zyui Gak . Zasshi (J. Japan. Soc . Vet. Sc), 6: 380-385 [Jap. text, Eng. abstr.] / (N); (Taiwan) . Sugimoto, M. 192 8a. [On the trematode parasites (genus Philophthalmus) found in the eyes of Formosan domestic birds.] Dobuts . Zasshi, Tokyo, [(478)], 40: 343-351. [jap. text] / (T); Philophthalmus anatinus sp. n. in duck (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1928b. On the trematode parasites (genus Philophthalrrus) found in the eyes of Formosan domestic birds. Nip. Zyui Gak. Zasshi (J. Japan. Soc. Vet. Sc), 7(2): 22-34 [p. 112-124]. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T) . Sugimoto, M. 1928c. [On the nematode found in the gizzard of the duck.] Taiwan Nojih6, (262), 22: 819-824 (p. 19-24). [Jap. text] / (N); Amidostomum anatinum sp. n. (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1928d. On the trematode parasites (genus Philophthalmus) found in the eyes of Formosan domestic birds. Taiwan Ncjih8, (263), 22: 925-937 (p. 33-45). [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T) . Sugimoto, M. (192 8e.) [On Amidostomum anatinum sp. n. found in the gizzard of the domestic duck.] Chuo Jui Kai Zasshi, Tokyo, 41: 929- 934. [Jap. text] / (N); (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1929. On the trematode parasites (Genus Philophthalmus) found in the eyes of Formosan domestic birds. [Abstr.] Japan. J. Zool., 2, Abstracts: 107. / (T); (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1930a. Anew parasitic nematode (Amidostomum anatinum sp. nov.) from Formosan domestic duck. Nip. Zyui Gak. Zasshi (J. Jap. Soc. Vet. Sc), 9: 243-247. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (N); (Taiwan) . 288 Sugimoto, M. 1930b. On a new nemdtode parasite (Streptocara formosensis sp. nov.) in the gizzard of Formosan domestic ducks. J. Soc. Trop . Agric. (Nettai Nogaku Kwaishi) , Taiwan, 2: 135-144. [Jap. text, Eng . summary] / (N); includes table of comparison of all species of genus. Sugimoto, M . 1931. On a new parasitic nematode (Eustrongylides tricolor sp. nov.) in the proventriculus of Formosan domestic duck. Nip. ZyuiGak. Zasshi (J. Japan. Soc. Vet. Sc), 10: 57-67. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (N). Sugimoto, M. 1932a. On the parasitic nematode (Eustrongylides tricolor Sugimoto, 1931) in the proventriculus of the Formosan domestic duck. Nettai Nogaku Kwaishi (J. Soc. Trop. Agric), Taiwan, 4: 103-116. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (N); description, comparison of species of genus (Taiwan) . Sugimoto, M. 1932b. Anew parasitic nematode, Eustrongylides tricolor sp. nov. , from the proventriculus of Formosan domestic ducks. [Abstr.] Japan. J. Zool., 4(2), Abstracts: 38. / (N); (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1932c. Anew parasitic nematode (Amidostomum anatinum sp. nov.) from the Formosan domestic duck. [Abstr.] Japan. J. Zool., 4(3), Abstracts: 59. / (N); (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1934a. Morphological studies on the avian cestodes from Formosa. Rep. Govt. Res. Inst., Dept. Agric, Taiwan, Japan, (64), 52 p. [Jap. text] / (C); reports at least 12 cestodes in waterfowl; Hymenolepis angularostris sp. n. , H . giranensis sp. n. , H . oshimai sp. n. , Diorchis formosensis sp. n. (Taiwan). Sugimoto, M. 1934b. On the filaria from the Formosan domesticated birds. Nip. ZyuiGak. Zasshi (J. Japan. Soc Vet. Sc), 13: 261-266. [Jap. and Eng. texts] / (N); Oshimaia taiwana comb, n., cause of subcu- taneous tumors in ducks (Taiwan) . Sugimoto, M. 1934c. Study of a nematode (Oshimaia taiwana (Sugimoto, 1919)) from Formosan duck, and filariasis of the duck. Nettai Nogaku Kwaishi (J. Soc Trop. Agric), Taiwan, 6: 437-458. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (N); cause of subcutaneous tumors. Sugimoto, M. 1935. On some trematodes (genus Prosthogonimus Luhe, 1899) from the Formosan domestic birds. Nettai Nogaku Kwaishi (J. Soc. Trop. Agric), Taiwan, 7: 361-369. [Jap. text, Eng. title] / (T) . 289 Sugimoto, M . 1939. A catalogue of parasites of domestic animals from Formosa. Tokyo, 244 p. / (N,A,C,T); complete host list for each species . Sugimoto, M., & S. Nishiyama. 1937. [On the nematode, Tropisurus fissispinus (Diesing, 1861), and its transmission to chickens in Formosa.] Nettai Nogaku Kwaishi (J. Soc. Trop. Agric), Taiwan, 9: 226-235. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] Also: Sugimoto & Nishiyama, 1937. Nip. ZyuiGak. Zasshi (J. Jap. Soc. Vet. Sc), 16: 305-313. / (N); intermediate hosts are insects, earthworms (Taiwan). Sulgostowska, T. 1958. Flukes of birds of Druzno Lake. (Parasitofauna of the biocoenosis of Druzno Lake - Part III.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 6: 111-142. [Pol. summary] / (T); examined 79 waterfowl, reports 14 flukes; variety of food most important factor affecting abundance of parasites (Poland). Sulgostowska, T. 1960a. Intestinal trematodes of birds of mesotrophic lakes: GoMapiwo and Mamry P6i:nocne. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 8: 85-114. [Pol. summary] / (T); examined 108 waterfowl, found 15 trematodes, lists reported hosts for each; discussion of factors affecting abundance (Poland) . Sulgostowska, T. 1960b. Extra-intestinal trematodes in birds of the mesotrophic lakes: Goldapiwo and Mamry Polnocne. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 8: 471-492. [Pol. summary] / (T); found 8 forms in water- fowl, lists reported hosts for each (Poland). Sulgostowska, T. 1963. Trematodes of birds in the biocoenosis of the Lakes Druzno, Goidapiwo, Mamry Poinocne and Swi^cajty. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 11: 239-264. / (T); lists 18 species in water- fowl (Poland) . Sultanov, A. M. 1958a. Gel'mintofaune domashnikh ptits Tashkentskoi oblasti. [Helminth fauna of domestic birds of the Tashkent oblast.] Uzbek. Biol. Zhur. , 1958 (1): 63-73. [Russ. text, Uzbek, summary] / (N,A,C,T); reports 10 forms in waterfowl (Uzbekistan). Sultanov, M. A. 1958b. Rol' okhotnich'e promyslovykh ptits v rasprostranenii gel'mintozov domashnikh ptits. [The role of game birds in the distribution of helminthiases of domestic birds.] Uzbek. Biol. Zhur., 1958 (5): 17-21. [Russ. text, Uzbek, summary]/ (N,A,C,T); reports 38 helminths in waterfowl (Uzbekistan). 290 Sultanov, M. A. 195 9a. K gel'mintofaune domashnikh i okhotnich'e- promyslovykh ptits Uzbekistana . [On the helminth fauna of domestic and game birds of Uzbekistan.] Trudy Gel' mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 9: 333-335. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 108 domestic and 204 wild Anatidae, general remarks. Sultanov, M . A. [1959b.] Trematody domashnikh i dikikh ptits Uzbekis- tana. [Trematodes of domestic and wild birds of Uzbekistan.] Rabot. Gel'mint. 80-Let. Skrjabin, Izdat. AM SSSR, Moskva, p. 364-368. [Russ. text] / (T); reports 24 species in waterfowl. Sultanov, M. A. 1959c. K poznaniiu fauny gel'mintov domashnikh i okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Uzbekistana. [Contribution to the helminth fauna of domestic and game birds of Uzbekistan.] Uzbek. Biol. Zhur., 1959 (2): 62-71. [Russ. text, Uzbek, summary] / (N , A,C); reports 69 forms in waterfowl; includes Seurocyrnea eurycerca, first report in waterfowl . Sultanov, M. A. 1961. Gel' minty domashnikh i okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Uzbekistana. [Helminths of domestic and economically important birds of Uzbekistan .] Diss. Dokt. Biol. Nauk, Inst. Zool. Parazitol. AN Uzbek. SSR, Tashkent; Avtoref. Diss., 11 p. [Russ. text]/See Sultanov, 1963. Sultanov, M. A. 1963. Gel' minty domashnikh i okhotnich'e-promyslovykh ptits Ubekistana. [Helminths of domestic and game birds of Uzbekis- tan]. Izd-vo AN Uzbek. SSR, Tashkent, 466 p. [Russ. text] / (N,A, C,T); examined 265 wild, 131 domestic waterfowl, found 85 helminths; gives hosts, intensity of each; Sarconema anseris sp. nov. Sultanov, M. A., K. M . Ryzhikov, & D. P. Kozlov. 1960. K faune nematod dikikh ptits ust'ia Amu-Dar'i. [On the nematode fauna of wild birds from the mouth of the Amu-Darya.] Uzbek. Biol. Zhur, , (1): 58-63. [Russ. text, Uzbek, summary] / (N); reports 6 forms in waterfowl (Uzbekistan) . Sultanov, M. A., F. S. Sarymsakov, & M . M . Adysheva . 1963. [Hel- minths of domestic waterfowl of the Kara-Kalpak ASSR, and the seasonal dynamics of basic helminthiases.] Uzbek. Biol. Zhur., (6): 32-35. [Russ. text, Uzbek, summary] Sumenkova, N. I. 1962. K bioloqii Brachylaemus fuscatus (Rud . , 1819). [The biology of Brachylaemus fuscatus (Rud., 1819).] (Parazity dikikh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana) , Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 16: 166-168. [Russ. text] / (T); life cycle (Kazakhstan). 291 Sundaram, R. K.,et al. 1963. Studies on the life-cycle of Tetrameres mohtedai, Bhale Rao and Rao, 1944. Indian Vet. J., 40: 7-15. / (N); (India) . Supperer, R. 1959. Untersuchungen uber Parasiten der Hausente, Anas platyrhynchos dom. Zeitschr. Parasitenk. , 19: 259-277 ./ (N ,C ,T); distinguishes metacercariae of Echinostoma revolutum and E^. paraulum; cysticercoids of Hymenolepis compressa in Lymnaea palustris . Suzuki, S. 1932, On several cercariae infesting Lymnaeas in the surround- ings of Taichu. Taiwan Igakkwai Zaishi, Taihoku, (322, i.e. 323), 31: 151-154 (p. 2 5-28). [Jap. text; Eng. abstr., suppl. p. 15 .] / (T); Includes Echinostoma revolutum (Taiwan). Svetasheva, N. F. 1964. Gel'minty utok Semipalatinskoi oblasti. [Hel- minths of ducks of the Semipalatine Territory.] Gel'minty i Gel'- mintozy Dom.Ptits , Alma-Ata, p. 137-138. [Russ. text] Swales, W. E. 1933a. A review of Canadian helminthology. 1. The present status of knowledge of the helminth parasites of domesticated and semidomesticated mammals and economically important birds in Canada, as determined from work published prior to 1933. Canad . J. Res., 8: 468-477. / (N,C,T); reports 5 helminths in waterfowl. Swales, W. E. 1933b. A review of Canadian helminthology . 2. Additions to part las determined from a study of parasitic helminths collected in Canada. Canad. J. Res., 8: 478-482. / (N,C,T); reports 6 hel- minths in waterfowl. Swales, W. E. 1933c. Streptovitella acadiae (gen, et spec. nov. ), a trematode of the family Heterophyidae from the black duck (Anas rubripes) . J. Helminth., 11: 115-118. / (T); cause of epizootic in wild ducks (Canada) . Swales, W. E. 1933d. Tetrameres era mi sp. nov. , a nematode parasitizing the proventriculus of a domestic duck in Canada. Canad. J. Res., 8: 334-336. / (N); (Canada). Swales, W. E. 1934. The enemies within our wild ducks. Rod & Gun in Canada, Feb., 1934, p. 12-13. /Ducks feeding in stubble-fields with fewer parasites than those from marshes; numbers of parasites increase in ducks concentrated in refuges (Canada) . Swales, W. E. 1936a. Two important diseases of ducks in Quebec. J. Agric. & Hort., Quebec, 39: 13, 40-41. / (N); includes Tetrameres crami (Canada) . 292 Swales, W. E. 1936b. Morphological and biological studies on Tetrameres era mi Swales, 1933, an important nematode parasite of ducks, [Abstr.] J. Parasitol. , 22: 528. / (N); in 12 species of waterfowl; larvae in amphipod Crustacea (Canada). Swales, W. E. 1936c. Tetrameres crami Swales, 1933, a nematode parasite of ducks in Canada. Morphological and biological studies. Canad . J. Res., 14, Sect. D: 151-164. / (N); life cycle, description. Swales, W. E. 1936d. Tetrameres crami Swales , 1933, an important parasite of ducks in North America. Proc. North Am. Wildlife Conf., p. 491-493. / (N); life cycle, hosts, pathological importance (Canada). Swanson, G. A. 1937. Studies on trematodes of the superfamily Strigeoidea with especial reference to the species from hawks and owls. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Minnesota. / (N); includes one waterfowl record (USA). Swennen, C, & E. van den Broek. 1960. Polymorphus botulus als para- siet bij de eidereenden in de Waddenzee. Ardea, Tijdschr. Nederl. Omith. Unie, 48: 90-97. / (A); cause of heavy mortality in eider ducks (Netherlands) . Swierstra, D. 1948. Enkele mededlingen naar aanleiding van het in 1946 en 1947 ingezonden materiaal. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. , 73: 831-841. / (A,C,T); reports 3 forms from waterfowl (Netherlands). Swierstra, D., J. Jansen, Jr., & E. van den Broek. 1959a. Parasites of animals in the Netherlands. Survey of identified parasites of domestic and free-living animals and fecal examinations in the years 1948-195 8 inclusive. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk., 84: S92-900. [Dutch, Ger., & Fr. summaries] / (N,A,C,T); reports 17 forms in waterfowl. Swierstra, D., J. Jansen, Jr., & E. van den Broek. 1959b. Parasites of zoo-animals in the Netherlands. Survey of parasites of zoo-animals and animals not endemic in the Netherlands, identified from 1948 to 1958 inclusive. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk., 84: 1301-1305. [Dutch, Ger., & Fr. summaries] / (C); reports one helminth in waterfowl. Swinyard , C. A. 1931. On Heterakis hyperborea, n. sp., from the lesser snow goose, Chen hyperborea hyperborea (Pall .) . Tr . Am. Micr . Soc. , 50: 366-371. / (N) ; (USA). I 293 Szidat, L. 1924a. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Holostomiden I. Zool. Anzeiger, 58: 299-314. / (T); life history of Tetracotyle typica (N. Russia). Szidat, L. 1924b. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Holostomiden. II. Zool. Anzeiger, 61: 249-266. / (T); life history of Diplostomum volvens (N. Russia). Szidat, L. 192 6. Beitrage zur Faunistik und Biologie des Kurischen Haff s . Schrift. Phys.-Oekonom. Gesellsch. Konigsberg, 55: 5-31. / (C,T); includes 4 helminths in waterfowl (N . Russia). Szidat, L. [1927.] Die Parasiten des Hausgefliigels . 1. Die Holostomiden des Entendarmes und ihre Entwicklung . Arch. Geflugelk., 1: 395-403. / (T); reports at least one form in waterfowl. Szidat, L. 1928a. Studien an einigen seltenen Parasiten der Kurischen Nehrung. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 1: 331-344. / (T); includes 2 forms in waterfowl (N , Russia). Szidat, L. 192 8b. Zur Revision der Trematodengattung Strigea Abildgaard. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Orig . , 105: 204-215. / (T); reports at least 4 species in waterfowl; Parastrigea robusta sp. n. (Germany), Apatemon graciliformis sp. n. (Brazil). Szidat, L. 1929a. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Strigea (Abildg.). II. Spezieller Teil: Revision der Gattung Strigea nebst Beschreibung einer Anzahl neuer Gattungen und Arten. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 1: 688-764. / (T); includes 4 forms in waterfowl; Apatemon graciliformis sp. n. , Parastrigea robusta sp . n . , Apatemon gracilis comb, n. , Cotylurus cornutus sp. n. Szidat, L. 1929b. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Holostomiden. III. Ueber zwei Tetracotylen aus Hirudineen und ihre Weiterentwicklung in Enten zu Cotylurus cornutus Rud . und Apatemon gracilis Rud. Zool. Anzeiger, 86: 133-149. / (T); (N . Russia). Szidat, L. 1929c. Die Parasiten des Hausgefliigels. 3, Bilharziella polonika Kow., ein im Blut schmarotzender Trematode unserer Enten, seine Entwicklung und Uebertragung. Arch. Geflugelk., 3: 78-87. / (T). 294 Szidat, L. 1929d. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Blut-trematoden der Enten, Bilharziella polonica Kow. 1. Morphologie und Biologie der Cercarie von Bilharziella polonica Kow. Centralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Orig., Ill: 461-470. / (T); (N. Russia). Szidat, L. 1930a. Gigantobilharzia monocotylea n. sp., ein neuer Blutparasit aus ostpreussischen Wasservogeln. Zeitschr. Parasitenk. , 2: 583-588. / (T); in wild duck (N . Russia). Szidat, L. 1930b. Die Lebensgeschichte von Bilharziella polonica Kow., ein Beispiel fur die Entwickelung eines Bluttrematoden . [Abstr.] Tierarztl. Rundschau, 36: 72 2. / (T) . Szidat, L. 1930c. Die Lebensgeschichte von Bilharziella polonica Kow. ein Beispiel fur die Entwicklung eines Bluttrematoden. 91. Verhamml. Gesellsch. Deutsch. Naturf. Arzt. , Konigsberg i Pr.; Klin. Wochen- schr. , 9: 1055-1056. / (T) . Szidat, L. 1930d. Die Parasiten des Hausgefliigels . 4. Notocotylus Diesing und Catatropis Odhner, zwei die Blinddarme des Gefliigels bewohnende Monostome Trematodengattungen, ihre Entwicklung und Uebertragung. Arch. Geflugelk. , 4: 105-114. / (T); Notocotylus attenuatus. Szidat, L. 1930e. Ueber einen Saugwurm, Bilharziella polonica Kow. aus dem Blut ostpreussischer Enten. Schrift Phys. -Oekonom. Gesellsch. Konigsberg i Pr. , 67: 99-100. / (T): (N. Russia). Szidat, L. 1931a. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Holostomiden. IV. Die Cercariae des Entenparasiten Apatemon (Strigea) gracilis Rud. und ihre Entwicklung im Blutgefassystem des Zwischen wirtes (Her- pobdella atomaria Car.). Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 3: 160-172. / (T) . Szidat, L. 1931b. Die Parasiten des Hausgeflugels . 5. Untersuchungen uber die Entwicklungsgeschichte und die Biologie von Filicollis anatis Schrank, eines Kratzers aus dem Darm unserer Entenvogel und seine Uebertragung durch Wasserasseln. Arch. Geflugelk., 5: 90-102. / (A). Szidat, L. 1931c. Cordulia aenea L. , ein neuer Hilfswirt fur Prosthogonimus pellucidus v. Linstow, den Erreger der Trematodenkrankheit der Legehuhner. Zentralbl. Bakt. 1 Abt. , Grig., 119: 289-293. / (T); (N. Russia). 295 Szidat, L. 1932a. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Cyclocoeliden. Der Lebenzyklus von Tracheophilus slsowi Skrj . 1923. Zool . Anzeiger, 100: 205-213. / (T); (N . Russia). Szidat, L. 193 2b. Ueber die Entwicklung und den Infektionsmodus von Tracheophilus sisowi Skrj . , eines Luftrohrenschmarotzers der Enten aus der Trematodenfamilie der Cyclocoeliden. [Abstr.] Wien. Tierarztl. Monatschr. , 19: 662. / (T) . Szidat, L. 1933a. Uber die Entwicklung und den Infektionsmodus von Tracheophilus sisowi Skrj., eines Luftrohrenschmarotzers der Enten aus der Trematodenfamilie der Zyklozoliden . Tierarztl. Rundschau, 39: 95-99. / (T) . Szidat, L. 1933b. Ueber drei neue monostome Gabelschwanzcercarien der ostpreussischen Fauna. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 5: 443-459. / (T); life cycle of Linstowiella viviparae (N. Russia). Szidat, L. 1933c. Weitere Beobachtungen uber das Vorkommen und die Biologic von Prosthogonimus pellucidus v. Linst. , den Erreger der Trematodenkrankheit der Legehuhner, bei Enten und Gansen in Ostpreussen. Zentralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1, Orig . , 127: 392-397. / (T); causes severe mortality in geese and ducks (N . Russia). Szidat, L. 1936. Parasiten aus Seeschwalben. I. Ueber neue Cyatho- cotyliden aus dem Darm von Sterna hirundo L. und Sterna paradisea. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 8: 285-316. / (T); Cyathocotyloides curonensis sp. n.; some new combinations (N . Russia). Szidat, L. 1937. Uber die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Sphaeridiotrema globulus Rud. 1814, und die Stellung der Psilostomidae Odhner im natiirlichen System. I. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Sphaeridio- trema globulus Rud. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 9: 52 9-543. / (T); includes life history of Psilotrema spiculigerum. Szidat, L. 1938. Pseudobilharziella filiformis n. sp., eine neue Vogel- bilharzie aus dem Hockerschwan, Cygnus olor L. Zeitschr. Parasitenk. 10: 535-544. / (T); Pseudobilharziella yokogawai comb, n.; reports 4 Pseudobilharziella spp. in waterfowl. Szidat, L. 1940. Die Parasitenfauna des weissens Storches und ihre Beziehungen zu Fragen der Oekologie, Phylogenie und der Urheimat der Storche. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 11: 563-592. / (T,N); includes life history of Tylodelphys excavata; refers to 3 helminths reported from waterfowl . 296 Szidat, L. 1957. Uber den Entwicklungszyklus von Psilochasmus oxyurus (Creplin 1835, Luhe, 1910) (Trematoda , Psilostomidae) in Argentinien. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 18: 24-35. / (T) . Szidat, L., & U. Szidat. 1933. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Trematoden der Monostomidengattunq Notocotylus Dies. Zentralbl. Bakt. I Abt. , Orig. , 129: 411-42 2 . / (T); Notocotylus Thienemanni sp. n. (synonym Cercaria ephemera Nitzsche) , life cycle (N . Russia). Szidat, L. , & U. Szidat. 1961. Die Trematoden der Gattung Notocotylus Diesing, 1839 (Notocotylidae Luhe, 1909) aus Siidamerika bzw. Argentinien und Daten ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 21: 169-180. / (T); refers to one report in waterfowl. Szidat, U. 1935. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Trematoden der Monostomidengattung Notocotylus Diesing. Zentralbl. Bakt. I Abt., Orig . , 133: 265-270 . / (T); Notocotylus imbricatus comb. n. , life cycle. Szpotanska, I. 1931. Quelque especes nouvelles ou peu connues des Hymenolepididae Fuhrmann (Cestodes). Ann. Mus . Zool. Polon., 9: 247-266. [Pol. summary] /(C); Diorchis spiralis sp. n. , Dre- panidotaenia bisacculina sp. n. , D. curiosa sp. n. , D. lanceolata var. lobata var. n., Hymenolepis rapida sp. n., H. globulosa sp. n . , H . southwelli nom . n . (synonym Echinorhynchotaenia nana) (Australia) . Szpotanska, I. 1934. Recherches sur la structure anatomique de Hymeno- lepis villosoides Solowiow. Ann. Mus. Zool. Polon., 10: 327-332. [Pol. summary] / (C) . Szymanik-Koperska, K. 1956. Tasiemce ptakow kaczkowatych jeziora Goldapiwo. (Tapeworms of Ana tidae at Goldapiwo Lake .) [Abstr.] Wiadom. Parazytol., 2(5, Suppl.): 205-206. [Pol. text, Eng . & Russ. summaries] / (C); reports on examination of 108 waterfowl (Poland) . Tanabe, B. 1925. The differentiation between the seventeen species of schistosome and their geographical distribution in the world. [Abstr.] Abstr. Sclent. Papers 6. Cong. Far East Ass. Trop. Med., p. 257- 274. / (T). 297 Tanabe, B. [1926.] The differentiation between the seventeen species of schistosome and their geographical distribution in the world. Far East Ass. Trop. Med., Tr. 6. Bien. Cong. (Tokyo, 1925), v. 1: 449- 473. / (T). Tanabe, H. 1920. Ein neuer Metorchis aus der Gallenblase der Hausente. Acta Scholae Med. Univ. Imp. Kioto, 3: 733-742. [Jap. and Ger. texts] / (T); Metorchis orientalis sp. n. (Japan). Tanabe, H. 1921. [A new species of the trematode genus Metorchis.] Dobuts. Gakk. Zasshi, Tokyo, (388), 33: 48-57. [Jap. text] / (T); Metorchis orientalis sp. n. (Japan). Tanabe, H. 1922. Ein neuer Metorchis aus der Gallenblase der Hausente. [Abstr.] Japan J. Zool., 1(1), Abstr.: 7. / (T); Metorchis orientalis; no description (Japan) . Tanaka, M. 1959. The studies on Trichobilharzia physellae. Proc. 28. Ann. Meet. Japan. Soc. Parasitol., Kiseichugaku Zasshi [Jap. J. Parasitol.], 8: 358. / (T); (Japan). Tanaka, M. 1960a. [Studies on Trichobilharzia physellae in Oki Islands. 1. Trichobilharzia physellae found in wild ducks in Oki Islands.] Kiseichugaku Zasshi [Jap. J. Parasitol.], 9: 596-603 (p. 146-153). [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); (Japan). Tanaka, M. 1960b. [Studies on Trichobilharzia physellae in Oki Islands. 3. Experimental infection of domestic ducks (Anas platyrhyncha domestica) with a schistosome cercariae parasitic in fresh-water snails (Lymnaea japonica).] Kiseichugaku Zasshi [Jap. J. Parasitol.], 9: 610-614 (p. 160-164). [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); (Japan). Tanaka, M. 1960c. [Studies on Trichobilharzia physellae in Oki Islands. 4. Experimental infection of the snails, Lymnaea japonica with the miracidia of Trichobilharzia physellae.] Kiseichugaku Zasshi [Jap. J. Parasitol.], 9: 615-619 (p. 165-169). [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); (Japan) . Tang, C.-C. 1941. Contribution to the knowledge of the helminth fauna of Fukien. Parti. Avian, reptilian and mammalian trematodes . Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., (1940-41), 15: 299-316. / (T); lists 6 species in water- fowl (China) . 298 Tao, S. C. 1948. Notes on the study of life-cycle of Metorchis orientalis and M. taiwanensis. Chinese Rev. Trop. Med., 1: 9-14. / (T); (China), Tarazona Vilas, J. M. 1955. Cestodes parasites de vertebrados en la provincia de Huesca . Rev. Iberica Parasitol. , tomo extra ordinairio, p. 109-122. (Libro-Homenaje L6pez-Neyra) . / (C); reports one form in waterfowl (Spain) . Taylor, E. L. 1934. Fimbriaria fasciolaris in the proventriculus of a swan associated with bacterial infection and ulcer formation. Parasitology, 26: 359-360. / (A,C); examined one of six swans dead of disease (Great Britain) . Taylor, E. L. 1935. Syngamus trachea. The longevity of the infective larvae in the earthworm. Slugs and snails as intermediate hosts. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., 48: 149-156. / (N); (Great Britain). Taylor, E. L. 1938a. An extension to the known longevity of gapeworm infection in earthworms and snails. Vet. J., 94: 327-328. / (N); Syngamus trachea life history (Great Britain). Taylor, E. L. 193 8b. Internal parasites of poultry and their association with disease. Agric . Progress, J. Agric . Educ . Ass., 15: 94-100. / (N); only two helminths cause serious disease in domestic birds that can be diagnosed with certainty, Syngamus trachea and Amidostomum anseris . Teixeira de Freitas, J. F. 1951. Revisao da familia Eucotylidae Skrjabin, 1924 (Trematoda). Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 49: 33-271. / (T); reports 2 forms in waterfowl . Teixerira de Freitas, J. F., cSc J. Lins de Almeida. 1935a. Sobre um novo nematodeo parasite de ave domestico, Capillaria cairinae n. sp. Rev. Dept. Nac. Prod. Animal Brazil, 2: 13 9-141. [Fr. & Eng . summaries] / (N); in domestic muscovy duck (Brazil). Teixeira de Freitas, J. F., & J. Lins de Almeida . 193 5b. O genero Capillaria Zeder, 1800 (Nematoda - Trichuroidea) e as capillarioses nas aves domesticas. Rev. Dept. Nac. Prod. Animal Brazil, 2: 310-363. [Eng. summary] / (N); two species in waterfowl (Brazil). Teixeira de Freitas, J. F. , & J. Machado de Medon9a. 1954. Novo tricostrongilideo parasito de cisne europeu (Nematoda, Strongyloidea) . Rev. Brasil. Biol. , 14: 3 97-400. / (N); Amidostomum similis sp. n. (Belgium) . 299 Tepper, I. 1955. Prispevok. k vyskytu hystrichozy na Slovensku. (Zum Vorkommen der Hystrichose in der Slowakei.) Vet. Casopis, Bratislava, 4: 59-64. [Ger. & Russ. summaries] / (N,A); (Czechoslovakia). Teslova, G. P. 1955. Opyt ozdorovleniia ot drepanidotenioza plemennykh gusevodcheskikh ferm Peskovskogo goslemrassadnika . [Experiment on recovery from drepanidotaeniasis at the breeding goose-pond farm of Peskov.] Trudy Voronezh . Nauchno-Issled. Vet. Stants . , (4): 179-185. [Russ. text] / (C). Testi, F. 1962. Sphaeridiotrema globulus (Rudolphi, 1814) Odhner, 1913 in anitra domestica. Nuova Vet. ,38: 149-153. / (T); mortality in domestic duck . Thery, A. 1962. Les syngamoses. Thesis, Ecole Nat. Vet. d'Alfort, 74 p. / (N); systematics, morphology, biology, pathology. Thom, V. M., & E. A. Garden. 1955. A heavy mortality among eider ducks. Fair Isle Bird Observ. Bull., 2: 325. / (A); caused by Polymorphus boschadis (Great Britain) . Thomas, L. J. 1931. Note on filaria infecting ducks . [Abstr.] Anat. Rec . , 51(1, Suppl.): 66. / (N); microfilariae (USA). Thomas, L. J. 1937. On the life cycle of Contracaecum spiculigerum (Rud.), J. Parasitol., 23: 429-431. / (N); (USA). Thomas, P. M. [see also: Mawson, P.] 1959. Some nematode parasites from Australian hosts. Tr. Royal Soc . South Australia, 82: 151-162. / (N); Amidostomum bizlurae, redescription (Australia). Threlfall, W. 1963. Factors concerned in the mortality of some birds which perished in Angelsey and northern Caernarvonshire during the winter of 1963, with special reference to parasitism by helminths. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 13 s. (72), 6: 721-737, pi. / (C,T); reports 6 helminths in waterfowl (Great Britain) . Threlfall, W. 1965. Helminth parasites and possible causes of death of some birds. Ibis, 107: 545-548. / (C,T); lists 2 helminths in water- fowl (England) . Thwaite, J. W. 1926. Notes on some nematodes in the museum of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 20: 273-278. / (N); Echinurioides plectropteri sp. n. (Nigeria) . 300 Timon-David, J. 1943. Contributions a 1' etude biologique de la Camargue. Parasitologie I. Sur la presence en Camargue et le developpement experimental de Cotylurus cornutus (Rud.) (trematode, strigeide) . Bull, Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille, 3: 17-21. / (T); (France). Timon-David, J. 1963. Developpement experimental d'un trematode du genre Apophallus Luhe (Digenea, Heterophyidae) . Bull Soc . Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 98: 452-458. / (T); Apophallus bacalloti experimentally in ducks; life history, description (France). Timon-David, J., & J. Rebecq . 1956. Les metacercaires parasites de I'annelide Nereis diversicolor O. F. Muller et leur developpement experimental. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 152; 1713-1733. / (T); life cycle of Himasthla militaris (France). Tolkacheva, L. M. 1964. K gel'mintofaune gusinykh ptits nizov'ia Eniseia. [The helminth fauna of anserine birds of the lower Yenisei.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (Moskva, 1964), pt. 2, p. 191-194. [Russ. text] Tolkacheva, L. M. 1965. Novaia tsestoda ot gusinykh ptits - Microsoma- canthus spasskii nov. sp. (Cyclophyllidea , Hymenolepididae) . [A new cestode from anserine birds -- Micros omacanthus spasskii nov. sp. (Cyclophyllidea, Hymenolepididae).] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 15: 167-171. [Russ. text] / (C); (Siberia). Tolkacheva, L. M. 1966. K tsestodofaune gusinykh ptits nizov'ia Eniseia i Noril'skikh ozer. [The cestode fauna of anserine birds of the lower Yenisei and Noril Lake.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 17: 211-239. [Russ. text] / O; examined 248 waterfowl, reports 41 cestodes; describes 11 species; Echinatrium melanittae sp. n. (Tamyr). Tomskikh, P. P., & V. I. Okorokov. 195 8. K izucheniiu gel'mintoznykh zabolevanii domashnikh ptits Cheliabinsko oblasti. [On the study of helminth diseases of domestic birds of Cheliabinsk oblast.] [Abstr.] Tezisy Dokl. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 155-15 6. [Russ. text]/General information on study. Torrey, J. P., F. Thorp, Jr., & R. Graham. 1934. A note on pathological changes encountered in wild ducks. Cornell Vet., 24: 289-298. / (N); microfilariae abundant in ducks dead of aspergillosis (USA). 301 Toshchev, A. P. 1930. K gel'mintofaune domashnikh utok. i guseY Dal'- nego Vostoka. [On the helminth fauna of domestic ducks and geese of the Far East.] Trudy Dal'nevost. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 6: 147-148. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); reports at least 7 helminths (USSR). Town, R. H. 1960. A survey of helminth parasites in diving ducks found dead on the lower Detroit River. Thesis, M. Wildlife Mangmt. , Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 61 p. / (N,A,C,T); examined 101 dead ducks, reports 24 helminths (USA). Trainer, D. O. , C. S. Schildt, R. A. Hunt, & L. R. Jahn. 1962. Preval- ence of Leucocytozoon simondi among some Wisconsin waterfowl. J. Wildlife Mangmt., 26: 137-143. / (N); microfilariae present (USA). Trautman, M. B., W. E. Bills, & E. L. Wickliff. 1939. Winter losses from starvation and exposure of waterfowl and upland game birds in Ohio and other northern states. Wilson Bull. , 51: 85-104. / (A,C, T); 35 ducks examined, a few were heavily parasitized (USA). Travassos, L. P. 1913. Sobre as especies brasileiras da subfamilia Heterakinae Railliet et Henry. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 5: 2 71- 318. [Port, and Ger. texts] / (N); lists two forms in waterfowl (Brazil) . Travassos, L. P. 1914. Contribuijoes para o conhecimento da fauna helmintolojica brazileira. 3. Sobre as especies brazileiras do genero Tetrameres Creplin, 1846. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 6: 150-162. [Port, and Ger. texts] / (N); reports 3 species in water- fowl (Brazil) . Travassos, L. 1915a. Contribui9Ses para o conhecimento da fauna hel- mintolojica brazileira. V. Sobre as especies brazileiras do genero Capillaria Zeder, 1800. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 7: 146-172. / (N); reports 4 species in waterfowl. Travassos, L. P. 1915b. Sobre as especies brazileiras de genero Tetrameres Creplin, 1846 (Nota previa). Brazil-Med., 29: 297-298. / (N); reports one helminth in waterfowl (Brazil). Travassos, L. 1917a. Contribu^oes para o conhecimento de fauna helmin- tolojica brazileira. 6. Revisao dos acantocefalos brazileiros. Parte 1. Fam. Gigantorhynchidae Hamann, 1892. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 9: 5-62. / (A); reports one helminth in waterfowl (Brazil). 302 Travassos, L. (1917b.) Gigantorhynchidae brazileiras . I. Congresso- Medico Paulista, v. 2: 181-191. / (A); Prosthenorchis avicola sp. n. in duck (Brazil) . Travassos, L. 1919. Gastro helmintose das aves domesticas . Rev. Vet. e Zootech . , Rio de Janeiro, 9: 78-89. / (N); one helminth in water- fowl (Brazil) . Travassos, L. 1920. Acanthocephalos dos animaes domesticos . Rev. Vet. e Zootech. , Rio de Janeiro, 10: 3-23. / (A); two forms in water- fowl . Travassos, L. 1921a. Contribui9ao ao conhecimento dos Cyclocoelidae brazileiros. Brazil-Med . , 35, Pt. 1(10): 121-123. / (T); Ophthalmo- phagus magalhaesi sp . n . , Typhlocoelum neivai sp . n . (Brazil) . Travassos, L. 1921b. Contribui9ao para o conhecimento da fauna hel- mintologica brasileira. IX. Sobre as especies da sub-familia Micro- falinae Ward 1901. Arch. Escol. Super. Agric . e Med. Vet., Rio de Janeiro, 4: 85-91. / (T); Levinseniella cruzi sp. n., L. jagerskioldi sp. n., Maritrema nicolli sp. n. (Brazil). Travassos, L. 1921c. Trematodeos novos. II. Brazil-Med., 35, Pt. 1 (15): 17 9-180. / (T); Psilochasmus agilis sp. n. (Brazil). Travassos, L. 1926. Contribuifoes para o conhecimento da fauna hel- minthologica brasileira. XX. Revisao dos acanthocephalos brasi- leiros . Parte II. Familia Echinorhynchi^dae Hamann, 1892, subfam. Centrorhynchidae Travassos , 1919. Mem. Inst. OswaldoCruz, 19: 31-125. / (A); lists 16 species in waterfowl. Travassos, L. 1928. Fauna helminthologica de Matto Grosso (Trematodeos, I parte). Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 21: 309-372. [Fr. version, p. 343-372] / (T); reports one form in waterfowl (Brazil). Travassos, L. 1929. Notas sobre Cyclocoelidae. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Suppl. 6, [p. 54.] / (T); Neivaia neivai comb. n. (synonym Typhlocoelum neivai) . Travassos, L. 1930. Pesquizas helminthologicas realisadas em Hamburgo . VII. Notas sobre os Rhabdiasoidea Railliet, 1916 (Nematoda) . Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 24: 161-181. / (N); Strongyloides minimum sp. n. , in duck (Brazil) . 303 Travassos, L. 1932. Notas sobre trematodeos . Ann. Acad. Brazil. Sc . , 4: 109-110 . / (T); Schistosoma pirajai sp . n . , based on ova in feces of duck (Brazil) . Travassos, L. 1933. Observations sur Zyqocotyle lunatum (Diesing, 1835) (Trematoda-Paramphistomidae) . Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 114: 958-959. / (T); (Brazil). Travassos, L. 1934. Synopse dos Paramphistomoidea . Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 29: 19-17 8. / (T); lists Zygocotyle lunatum in water - fowl. Travassos, L. 1937. Revisao da familia Trichostrongylidae Leiper, 1912. Monogr. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1, 512 p. / (N); monograph; description of each species, synonymy, hosts; lists 14 species in waterfowl; Epomidiostomum voqelsangi sp. n. (Zoological Garden - Germany). Travassos, L. , & J. F. Teixeira de Freitas. 1941. Relatorio da excursao cientifica realisada na zona de Estrado de Ferro Noroeste do Brasil em julho de 1939. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, (1940), 35: 525-556. / (N); Subulura sp. in duck (Brazil). Tret'i^kova, O.N. 1940. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh i okhotnich'e- promyslovykh vodopiavaiAishchikh ptits luzhnogo Zaural'ia. [Hel- minth fauna of domestic and commercially important aquatic birds of southern Zauralia.] Diss. Kand . Biol. Nauk (Biblioth. VIGIS) , 72 p. [Russ. text] / (N,A,C,T); examined 22 domestic ducks; reports at least 9 forms in waterfowl (USSR) . Tret'iakova, O. N. 1948. Dva novykh gel'minta ptits Cheliabinskot oblasti - Philophthalmus muraschkinzewi i Tatria skrjabini n . sp . [Two new helminths of birds of the Cheliabinsk oblast - Philophth- almus muraschkinzewi and Tatria skrjabini n. sp.] Sborn. Rabot. Gel'mint. (40. Nauchn. Defat. Skrjabin) , p. 232-236. [Russ. text] / (T); Philophthalmus muraschkinzewi sp. n. , in ducks (W, Siberia) . Tripathi, J. C. 1967. Tetrameriasis in ducks in Assam. [Letter to editor] Indian Vet. J., 44: 81-82. / (N) . Trofimov, V. P. 1962. Ekhinoparifioz i strigeidoz utok . [Echinoparyph- iasis and strigeidiasis of ducks.] Veterinariia , 39(4): 46. [Russ. text] / (T); Echinoparyphium recurvatum and Apatemon gracilis cause of epizootic (N . Russia). 304 Truon-Tan-Ngoc. 1937. Filariose du canard domestique en Cochinchine due a Oshimaia taiwana (Suqimoto, 1919). Bull. Soc . Path. Exot., 30: 775-778. / (N); incidence, ecology, pathology (Vietnam). Truon-Tan-Ngoc. 1938. Filariose du canard en Cochinchine. Rev. Avic, 49: 207-208. / (N) . Tsai, S.-T. 1955. [A new trematode, Pseudolevinseniella cheni n. g., n. sp. (Microphallidae) from Canton.] Tung Wu Hsileh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica], 7(2): 147-158, 2 pi. [Chin, text, Eng . summary] / (T); experimentally in domestic duck (China). Tseng, Shen. 1932a. Douve trouvee dans un oeuf de poule a Nankin et considerations sur especes du genre Prosthogonimus . Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 56: 468-47 8. / (T); lists 7 forms in waterfowl. Tseng, Shen. 1932b. Etude sur les cestodes d'oiseaux de Chine. Ann. Parasitol., 10: 105-128. / (C); reports 22 species in waterfowl, • Hymenolepis longistylosa sp. n. , H. pingi sp. n. , H. meggittl sp. n. , Weinlandia mayhewi sp. n. , Fuhrmanniella fausti sp. n. Tseng, Shen. 1933. Studies on avian cestodes from China, Part II. Cestodes from charadriiform birds. Parasitology, 24: 500-511. / (C); tabulation of species of genus Haploparaxis , lists 4 species in waterfowl . TsimbaliAik, A. K. 1965. K gel'mintofaune kriakvy, gnezdi^shcheisi^ i zimuiushcheT na Komandorskikh ostrovakh. [Helminth fauna of Anas platyrhynchos nesting and wintering on the Komandorsky Islands.] Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. (9), s. Biol., (2): 160-164. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (N,C,T); examined 20 birds, found 24 helminths, claims 13 forms new in mallard; includes Streptocara recta , Desmi- docercella incognita; seasonal differences in fauna. Tsimbaliuk, A. K., & V. A. Leonov. 1963. Dva novykh vida trematod ot nyrkovykh utok Kamchatki. [Two new species of trematodes from the diving ducks of Kamchatka.] Trudy Gel'mint. Lab. AN SSSR, 13: 216- 219. [Russ. text] / (T); Cloacitrema marilae sp. n., Gymnophallus ceratostomus sp. n. Tsuchimochi, K. 1924. [On the life history of two echinostome trematodes No. 1. (Studies on the trematodes of the birds in Formosa. 1.)] Dobuts. Gakk. Zasshi, Tokyo, 36: 245-258. [Jap. text] / (T); Echin- oparyphium koidzumii sp. n. (Taiwan). 305 Tsuchimochi, K. 1926. On larval flukes infesting Limnaea in Formosa. Taiwan Igakkwai Zasshi, Taihoku (257), p. 733-754. [Jap. text, Eng. summary p. 1-4] / (T); Echinoparyphium koidzumii life cycle (Taiwan) . Tsukman, N. lA. 1956. [Nematodiasis in geese of the 51st Perekov Division Collective Farm of the Odessa City District]. Pratsi Odessa Univ., Zbirnyk Students'k. Robit, 146(4): 115-116. / (N) . Tsvetaeva, N. P. 1953a. K patologii ekhinurioza vodoplavaiushchikh ptits . [On the pathology of echinuriasis of aquatic birds.] Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 5: 150-157. [Russ. text] / (N); Echinuria uncinata (USSR) . Tsvetaeva, N. P. 1953b. Patologo-gistologicheskie izmeneniia v zheludke utok pri streptokaroze . [Patho-histological changes in the stomach of the duck caused by streptocariasis .] Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'- mint. Skrjabin, 5: 146-149. [Russ. text] / (N); Streptocara crassicauda (USSR) . Tsvetaeva, N. P. 1959. Patomorfologicheskie izmeneniia v kishechnike utok pri filikolleze. (On patho-morphologic changes in the intestine of ducks infected with Filicollis anatis.) Trudy Vsesoiuz. Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 6: 338-346. [Russ. text, Eng. summary] / (A); (USSR) . Tsvetaeva, N. P. 1960. Patomorfologicheskie izmeneniia v zheludke utok pri eksperimental'nom tetrameroze. (Pathomorphological changes in the proventriculus of ducks by experimental tetrameriasis.) Hel- minthologia, 2: 143-150. [Russ. text; Eng., Fr., & Ger. summaries] / (N); Tetrameres fissispina (USSR). Tsvetaeva, N. P., & A. A. Vasil'ev. 1963. Izuchenie vosstanovitel'nykh protsessov v organizme gusei posle izlecheniia ikh ot amidostomoza . [Restorative processes in the goose organism after recovery from amidostomiasis .] Trudy Vsesoiuz . Inst. Gel'mint. Skrjabin, 10: 142- 168. [Russ. text] / (N) . Tubangui, M. A. 1932a. Trematode parasites of Philippine vertebrates, V. Flukes from birds. Philippine J. Sc, 47: 369-404. / (T); lists 6 forms in waterfowl ;Notocotylus intestinalis sp. n. , N. naviformis sp. n. , Philophthalmus rizalensis sp. n. 306 Tubangui, M. A. 1932b. Observations on the life histories of Euparyphium murinum Tubanqui, 1931, and Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich, 1802), (Trematoda). Philippine J. Sc, 47: 497-513. / (T); E. revolutum in ducks (Philippine Is.). Tubangui, M. A. 1933. Trematode parasites of Philippine vertebrates, VI. Descriptions of new species and classification. Philippine J. Sc . , 52: 167-197. / (T); includes 6 forms reported from waterfowl. Tubangui, M. A. 1947. A summary of the parasitic worms reported from the Philippines. Philippine J. Sc . , 76: 225-322. / (T); lists 6 forms previously reported from waterfowl. Tudor, G. , & V. Birson. 1965. CDbservaJii asupra unui focar de coccidiozS renalS la gijte tn regiunea Dobrogea. (Remarks over a focus of renal coccidiosis in geese in Dobrogea region.) Rev. Zooteh. §i Med. Vet., 15(3): 72-81. / (C); reports one cestode in geese. Udintsev, A. N. 1937. Diorchis skrjabini n. sp. novyi parazit utki - Anas circia L. [Diorchis skrjabini n. sp. , a new parasite of the duck Anas circia L.] Rabot. Gel'mint. Posv. Skrjabin, p. 735-738. [Russ. text] / (C,T); lists 3 forms in waterfowl (S. Russia). Ujiie, N. 1936a. On structure and development of Echinochasmus japonicus and its parasitism in man. Taiwan Igakkwai Zasshi [J. Med. Ass. Taiwan], Taihoku, (371), 35: 535-546 (p. 299-310). [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); (Taiwan). Ujiie, N. 193 6b. On the identification of certain worms of the trematode genus Monorchotrema occurring in Formosa. Taiwan Igakkwai Zasshi [J. Med. Ass. Taiwan], Taihoku, (373), 35: 938-946 (p. 204-212). [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); includes life history of M^. pumilio, M. taichui. Ullrich, K. 1932. Die Magenwurmseuche der Ganse. Ein Beitrag zum Studium parasitarer Erkrankungen des Gefliigels. Prager Arch. Tiermed. u. Vergleich. Path., 12: 61-68. / (N); Amidostomum nodulosum. Ulmer, M. J. 1957. Notes on the development of Cotylurus flabelliformis tetracotyles in the second intermediate host (Trematoda, Strigeidae) . Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 76: 321-327. / (T); (USA). 307 Ulmer, M . J., & F. J. Vande Vusse. 1964. New host records for an avian schistosome, Dentritobilharzia sp. and occurrence of secondary hermaphroditism in males . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol. , 50(3, Sect. 2): 29. / (T); (USA). Urbain, A., J. Nouvel, & M. A. Pasquier. 1937. Au sujet de quelques nematodes, parasites d'animaux sauvages. Bull. Acad. Vet. France, 10: 46-47. / (N); one waterfowl record (France). Uspenskaia, A. V. 1954. Parazitofauna benticheskikh rakoobraznykh vostochnogo Murmana. [Parasite fauna of benthic Crustacea of eastern Murmana.] Trudy Probl. i Tematich. Soveshch. Zin. , AN SSSR, 4: 123-127, (7. Soveshch. Parazitol. Probl.) [Russ. text] / (C,T); larval forms; most parasites in littoral species, a few in sublittoral forms (USSR). Uspenskai^, A. V. 1955. Parazitofauna benticheskikh rakoobraznykh Barentseva mori^. [The parasite fauna of benthic Crustacea of the Barents Sea.] Avtoref. Diss., L. , p. 1-16. [Russ. text] / See Uspenskaia, 1960, 1963. UspenskaA [Ouspenkaia] , A. V. 1960. Parasitofaune des crustaces benthiques de la mer de Barents. (Expose preliminaire.) Ann. Parasitol., 35: 221-242. / (A,C,T); life cycles of Levinseniella propinqua, Maritrema gratiosum, Hymenolepis microsoma, H. setigera , Lateriporus teres , Polymorphus phippsi , Profilicollis botulus (N. Russia). Uspenskaia, A. V. 1963. Parazitofauna benticheskikh rako-obraznykh Barentseva moria . [Parasite fauna of benthic Crustacea of the Barents Sea]. Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moskva, 126 p. [Russ. text] Uzmann, J. R. , & S. H. Hayduk. 1964. Larval Echinochasmus (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. J. Parasitol. , 50: 586. / (T); Echinochasmus milvi life cycle (USA) . 308 Vaidova , S. M. 1964. Faune i ekologii skrebneY (Acanthocephala) ptits Azerbaidzhana (Lenkoranskaia zona i Muganskaia step'). [Fauna and ecology of acanthocephala of birds in Azerbaidzhan (Lenkoran zone and the Mugan steppe).] Izvest. AN Azerbaidzhan. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, (2): 29-35. [Russ. text, Azerb. summary] / (A); lists 2 forms in waterfowl. Vaidova, S. M. 1965. Fauna gel' mintov ryboiadnykh ptits vodoemov Kura -Araks in skoi nizmennosti Azerbaidzhana. [Helminth fauna of piscivorous birds in waters of the Kura-Araksin lowland of Azer- baidzhan.] Trudy Inst. Zool . AN Azerbaid . SSR, 24: 99-108. / (T); lists 2 forms in waterfowl. Valente, G. L. 1958. Segnalazioni di alcuni casi di infestione da trema- todi negli allevamenti avicoli rurali. Vet. Ital., 9: 693-698. / (T); one helminth in geese. Van Cleave, H . J. 1916 . Filicollis botulus n . sp . , with notes on the characteristics of the genus. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 35: 131-134. / (A); (USA). Van Cleave, H. J. 1918. The acanthocephala of North American birds. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. , 37: 19-47 . / (A); Corynosoma constrictum sp. n. (synonym Echinorhynchus striatus of Linton, 1892); Polymorphus sp. (USA). Van Cleave, H. J. 1920a. Acanthocephala of the Canadian Arctic Expedi- tion, 1913-1918. Rep. Canad. Arctic Exped . 1913-18, 9 (Part E) , 11 p. / (A); Filicollis arcticus sp. n. (Canada). Van Cleave, H. J. 1920b. Sexual dimorphism in the acanthocephala. Tr. | Illinois State Acad. Sc . , 13: 2 80-2 92. / (A); in Corynosoma constrictum. Van Cleave, H. J. 1939. A new species of the acanthocephalan genus Polymorphus and notes on the status of the name Profilicollis . J. Parasitol., 25: 129-131. / (A); Polymorphus marilis sp. n. (USA); Profilicollis is synonym of Polymorphus . Van Cleave, H. J. 1945. The acanthocephalan genus Corynosoma. 1. The species found in water birds of North America. J. Parasitol. , 31: 332-340 . / (A); Corynosoma anatarium sp. n. , C. constrictum, in ducks (USA). 309 Van Cleave, H. J. 1947. Analysis of distinctions between the acantho- cephalan genera Filicollis and Polymorphus, with description of a new species of Polymorphus . Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. , 66: 302-313. / (A); Polymorphus altamani comb, n. (synonym Filicollis altmani) . Van Cleave, H. J., & R. L. Rausch. 1951. The acanthocephalan parasites of eider ducks. Proc . Helminth. Soc. Wash., 18: 81-84. / (A); found 2 species (USA - Alaska); lists 6 others from other reports. Van Cleave, H. J., & W. C. Starrett . 1940. The Acanthocephala of wild ducks in central Illinois, with descriptions of two new species. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 59: 348-353. / (A); examined 56 ducks, found 5 species; Polymorphus cucullatus sp. n., £. acutis sp. n. (USA). Van Haitsma, J. P. 1930. Studies on the trematode family Strigeidae (Holostomidae) . No. XX. Paradiplostomum ptychocheilus (Faust). Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 49: 140-153. / (T); description, life cycle (USA). Van Haitsma, J. P. 1931a. Studies on the trematode family Strigeidae (Holostomidae). No. XXII. Cotylurus flabelliformis (Faust) and its life-history. Papers Michigan Acad . Sc , Arts & Lett., (1930), 13: 447-483. / (T); description, life cycle; caused injury to host (USA). Van Haitsma, J. P. 1931b. Studies on the trematode family Strigeidae (Holostomidae). No. XXIII: Diplostomum flexicaudum (Cort & Brooks) and stages in its life history. Papers Michigan Acad. Sc. , Arts & Lett., (1930), 13: 483-516. / (T); (USA). Van Volkenberg, H. L. 1939. An annotated check list of the parasites of animals in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Exper. Sta . , Circ . 22, 12 p. / (T); lists one form in duck. Vasilev, I. 195 8. Kum khelmintofaunata na domashnata patitsa u nas I. Trematodi. (Contribution a 1' etude de la faune helminthique du canard domestique en Bulgarie I. Trematodes.) Izvest. Inst. Sravn. Patol. Domashn. Zhivotni, Sofia, 6: 339-346. [Bulgar. text, Fr. & Russ. summaries] / (T); examined 210 domestic ducks , reports 16 trematodes, gives incidence. Vasilev, I. 1962a. Kum morfologichnata kharakteristika na Ascaridia dissimilis Vigueras, 1931 i diferentsiraneto i ot Ascaridia galli (Schrank 1788), Freeborn, 1923 . (On the morphological characteristics of Ascaridia dissimilis Vigueras, 1931, and its differentiation from Ascaridia galli (Schrank, 1788) Freeborn, 1923.) Izvest. Tsentral. Khelmint. Lab., Sofia, 7: 5-10. [Bulgar. text, Eng . & Russ. summaries] / (N) . 310 Vasilev, I. 1962b. Kum khelmintofaunata na domashnata guska (Anser anser dom.) v Bulgariia . [On the helminth fauna of the domestic goose Anser anser dom.] Izvest. Tsentral. Khelmint. Lab., Sofia, 7: 11-17. [Bulgar. text, Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (N,A,C,T); examined 511 geese, found 36 helminths; includes Capillaria bursata, Ascaridia dissimilis, Gongylonema sp. , first reports in waterfowl. Vasilev, I., & I. Denev. 1963. Prouchvaniia vurkhu biologichnifa tsikul na Philophthalmus sp . , parazitarash u gCiskata (Anser anser dom . ) v Bulgariia. I. S&obshtenie. (Studies on the biological cycle of the Philophthalmus sp . , parasite of the goose (Anser anser dom.) in Bulgaria.) Izvest. Tsentral. Khelmint. Lab., Sofia, 8: 21-30. [Bulgar. text; Eng. & Russ. summaries] / (T); experimentally in ducks, geese (Bulgaria). Vasilev, I., & I. Denev [Vassilev, 1. & Y. Dnev] . 1965. Research into the life history of Philophthalmus sp. , recovered from geese in Bulgaria. I. Zeitschr. Parasitenk. , 25: 320-329. / (T); experimentally in ducks . Vavilova, N. M . 1926. Nematody ptits Moskovskoi gubernii . (Vogelnema- toden des Moskauer Gouvernements .) Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 3: 111-131. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (N); lists 4 helminths in waterfowl (N. Russia). Vazquez-Colet, A., & G. M . Africa. 1938. Determination of the piscine intermediate hosts of Philippine heterophyid trematodes by feeding experiments. Philippine J. Sc . , 65: 293-302. / (T); (Philippine Is.). Vazquez-Colet, A., &C. M. Africa. 1939. Determination of the piscine intermediate hosts of Philippine heterophyid trematodes by feeding experiments. Progress report. Philippine J. Sc, 70: 201-215. / (T); includes Procerovum calderoni, P. sisoni . Vazquez-Colet, A., & C. M. Africa. 1940. Morphological studies on various Philippine heterophyid metacercariae with notes on the incidence, site, and degree of metacercarial infection in three species of marine fish. Philippine J. Sc . , 72: 395-419. / (T); includes Procerovum calderoni (Philippine 1.). Velasquez, C. C. 1964. Life history of Acanthoparyphium paracharadrii sp. n. (Trematoda; Echinostomatidae) . J. Parasitol., 50: 261-265. / (T); experimentally in duckling (Philippine Is.). 311 Veldemann, L. 1957. Kodupartidel eslnevad parasitaarsed helmindid Eesti NSV-s. [Parasitic helminths found in domestic ducks from Estonia SSR.] Eesti Pollumaj . Akad . Teadusl, Toode Kogum., (3): 278-284. [Esth. text, Russ. summary] / (N,A,C,T); examined 387 ducks, reports 27 helminths. Veldemann, L. 1961. Partide ja hanede parasiitidest ja nende torjest Eesti NSV-s. [On parasites of ducks and geese in Estonia and their control]. Eesti Pollumaj. Akad. Teadusl. Toode Kogum, (18): 105-111. [Esth. text; Russ. & Ger. summaries] Vel'deman, L. M. 1957. Parazitarnye gel'minty , vstrechaiushchiesia u domashnikh utok v EstonskoT SSR. [Parasitic helminths, occurring in domestic ducks in Esthonia,] Pervoe Nauchno-koordinats . Soveshch. po parazitol. probl. Litovsko!, Latviiskoi, EstonskoT i BelorusskoT' SSR. Tezisy Dokladov, Vil'nfus, p. 103-105. [Russ. text] Vel'deman, L. M. 1958. Gel'mintofauna i glavneishie gel'mintozy domashnikh utok v EstonskoY SSR. [The helminth fauna and principal helminthiases of domestic ducks in Esthonia.] Tartu, p. 1-18. Venn, J. A. J. [1953.] Pathological investigations . Severn Wildfowl Trust, 5. Ann. Rep., 1951-1952, p. 61-64./ (N,C,T); 9 fatalities in captive waterfowl, due to Amidostomum sp. , Acuaria sp. , Hymenolepis spp., Echinostoma sp. (England). Venn, J. A. J. 1954. Pathological investigations . Wildfowl Trust, 6. Ann. Rep. , 1952-1953, p. 44-46. / (N,C); mortality in captive flock due to Hymenolepis sp. , Amidostomum sp. , Cyathostoma sp. , severe mortality due to Acuaria uncinata (Great Britain) . Venn, J. A. J. 1955. Pathological investigations . Wildfowl Trust, 7. Ann. Rep., 1953-1954, p. 55-56. / (N); severe mortality in captive flock due to Acuaria uncinata (Great Britain) . Vergin, G. I. 1962. Molliuski reki Severnyi Donets kak dopolnitel'nye khozi^eva trematod . [The mollusks of the Northern Donets river as supplementary hosts of trematodes .] Zool . Zhur., 41: 519-527. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (T); intermediate hosts of Echinoparyphium petrowi , Hypoderaeum conoideum (Ukraine). 312 Verma, S. C. 1936. Notes on trematode parasites of Indian birds . [Part I.] Allahabad Univ. Studies, 12, (1935), So. Sect. II, Zool., p. 147- 188. / (T); reports 11 forms in waterfowl; includes Echinoparyphium qizzardai sp. n. , E^. recurvatum Indiana var. n. , Echinostoma crecci sp. n,, E^. minimus sp. n., E. longicirrus sp. n., Euparyphium lonqitestis sp. n. , Hypoderaeum magnocirrusa sp. n. , H. mainpuria sp. n., Paryphostomum novum sp. n. (India, or locality unknown) . Vevers, G. M. 1920. Report on entozoa collected from animals which died in the zoological gardens of London during eight months of 1919-1920. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1920, (3), p. 405-410. / (N,T); reports 3 helminths in waterfowl (England). Vevers, G. M. 192 3. Observations on the life-histories of Hypoderaeum conoideum (Bloch) and Echinostoma revolutum (Froel.): Trematode parasites of the domestic duck. Ann. Applied Biol. , 10: 134-136. / (T); (England). Viana, L. 1924. Tentativa de catalogacao das especies brazileiras de trematodeos. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 17: 95-227. / (T); lists at least 8 species in waterfowl (Brazil). Vidyarthi, R. O. 1937. New avian trematodes of the subfamily Cotylurini Dubois, 1936 (Family Strigeidae Railliet, 1919). Proc. Indian Acad . Sc. , Sect. B, 5: 315-32 3. / (T); Apatemon indicus sp. n. , A. casarcus sp . n. , Cotylurus orientalis sp. n. , in ducks (India) . Vik, R. 1954. Investigations on the pseudophyllidean cestodes of fish, birds, and mammals in the Anoya water system in Tr0ndelag. Part 1. Cyathocephalus truncatus and Schistocephalus solidus. NyttMag. Zool. , 2: 5-51. / (C); Schistocephalus solidus in duck, life cycle (Norway) . Vik, R. 1965. Studies of the helminth fauna of Norway. V. Pleurocercoids of Diphyllobothrium spp. from the Rossaga water system, Nordland County. Nytt Mag, Zool., 12: 1-8. / (C); Diphyllobothrium osmeri experimentally in duck; life history. Vil'danov, M. G. (1938.) G el 'minto fauna domashnikh ptits B ASSR. [Hel- minth fauna of domestic birds of Bashkir ASSR.] Trudy Bashk. Gel' mint. Eksped., p. 360-371. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 26 domestic geese, reported 10 helminths (S, Russia). 313 ViSacki, V. 1961. Prilog poznavanju lokalizacije patoanatomskih promena kod amidostomoze. Veterinarski Glasnik , Belgrade, 15: 1043-1044. / (N); Amidostomum anseris in geese. Voelker, J. 1963. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Anatomie und Systematik von Leucochloridlomorpha lutea (v. Baer, 1827) n. comb. (Trematoda , Brachylaemidae) . Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 23: 516-526. / (T); life cycle, experimentally in duck (Germany). Vogel, H. 1928. Zur Morphologie und Biologie von Cyathostoma variegatum (Creplin, 1849). Zeitschr. Infektionskr . Haustiere, 34: 97-117. / (N); cause of death in duck (Germany); Cyathostoma bronchialis and C. brantae may be host-specific strains of C. variegatum. Vojechovska-Mayerova , M. 1953. Nove nalezy parasitickych cervu u nasich ptaku. (Neue Funde parasitischer Wurmer bei unseren Vogeln.) Vestnik Ueskoslov. Zool. Spole6 . Praze, 17: 71-88. [Ger. & Russ. summaries] / (N,A,C,T); lists 16 forms in waterfowl (Czechoslovakia). Vojtek, J. 1961. Stadia larwalne robakow pasozytuj^cych w rybach CSRS. (Larval stages in worms parasitising in fishes in Czechoslovakia.) Wiadom. Parazytol., 7: 810-814. [Discussion, p. 852-864.] / (T); life history of Metorchis intermedius (Czechoslovakia). Vojtek, J. 1964a. Zur Kenntnis des Entwicklungszyklus von Apatemon cobitidis (Linstow, 1890). Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 24: 578-599. / (T); Apatemon cobitidis comb, n. (=A. pellucidus); life cycle; names 4 subspecies (Czechoslovakia) . Vojtek, J. 1964b. The importance of life-history studies for the systema- tics of the genus Apatemon (Trematoda, Strigeidae) . Proc . Symp., Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc . , p. 121-130. / (T); only A. gracilis and A. cobitidis have cercariae known, division of A. gracilis into groups of subspecies not based on knowledge of life cycles. Vojtek, J., V. Opravilova , & L. Vojtkova. 1967. The importance of leeches in the life cycle of the order Strigeidida (Trematoda). Folia Parasitol., Praha, 14: 107-119. / (T); (Czechoslovakia). Vojtek, J. & L. Vojtkova. 1961. K poznani motolic ptaku a plazu z okoll Komarna . Spisy Prirodoved . Fak . Univ. Brne, 14: 157-172. [Ger. & Russ. summaries] 314 Vojtkova, L. 1962. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Entwicklungszyklus von Cyathocotyle prussica Muhling, 1896 (Trematoda, Cyathocotylidae) . V^stnik. Ceskoslov. Spole5. Zool. , 26: 207-211. / (T); life cycle, description (Czechoslovakia) . Vojtkova, L. 1966. Zur Kenntnis des Entwicklungszyklus von Holostephanus volgensis (Sudarikov, 1962) n. comb. (Trematoda, Digenea: Cyathoco- tylidae). Vestnik Ceskoslov. Spol. Zool., 30: 275-2 86. / (T); experi- mental infection in domestic duck; description (Czechoslovakia) . Volgar'-Pastukhova, L. G. 1959. Parazitofauna beskvostykh zemnovodnykh del'ty dunaia. [The parasite fauna of tailless smphibians_of the delta of the Duna.] In: Polfanskii, Y. I., Ekologicheskaia Parazitologiia , Izdat. Leningrad. Univ., p. 5 8-95. [Russ. text] / (N,A,T); lists larval stages of Tylodelphys rhachiaea , Hystrichis varispinosus , Acanthocephalus ranae, Centrorhynchus aluconis (USSR) . Vol' skis, G. 1966. K voprosy o parazitofaune nematod ptits v Litovskoi SSR. (On the nematodes of birds in the Lithuanian SSR.) Acta Parasitol. Lithuanica, 6: 47-56. [Russ. text, Lith. & Eng . summaries] / (N); examined 22 waterfowl, lists 6 helminths. Vol' skis, G.I. [1967.] Materialy k faune trematod ptits Litovskoi SSR. [Material on the trematode fauna of birds of Lithuanian SSR.] Lietuvos TSRMoks. Akad. Darbai, s. C (41), (3): 123-133. [Russ. text, Lith. summary] / (T); lists 3 forms in waterfowl. Volz, W. 1900. Beitrag zur Kenntnis s einiger Vogelcestoden. Arch. Naturg., 66 J. , I: 115-174. / (C); Bothriocephalus ditremus in waterfowl. Voore, V. N. 1950. O rasprostranenii remnetsa (Ligula) v vodaiu Estonskii SSR. [On the distribution of tapeworms (Ligula) in waters of Esthonian SSR.] Zool. Zhur., 29: 323-326. [Russ. text] / (C); adult in merganser, larvae common in fish. Vorob'ev, M , M . 1954. K izuchenifu epizootologii i biologii Agamospirura^ [The epizootiology and biology of Agamosplrura .] [Abstr.] Veterinariia, 31(4): 24. [Russ. text] / (N); encapsulated in intestine of geese and ducks (USSR). Vorob'ev, M. M. 1957. Opyt terapii tsiatostomatoza gusei. [Experiment in therapy of cyathostomiasis of geese.] [Abstr,] Tezisy Dokl. Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. GeI'mint., posv. 40 g. Vel. Okt. Sotsial Revol. (1957), ch . 1, p. 6 8-5 9. [Russ. text] / (N) ; common in young geese, death in 3-10 days (Ukraine). 315 Vorob'ev, M . M. 1958. Enzootii tsiatostomatoza gusei i mery bor'by s etim zabolevaniem. [Enzootic cyathostomiasis of geese and measures for the control of this disease.] [Abstr.] TezisyDokl, Konf. Vsesomz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1958), AN SSSR, p. 32-33. [Russ. text] / (N); frequent in young geese. Vorob'ev, M. M . 1961. Enzootiia tsiatostomoza gusei i mery bor'by s zabolevaniem. [Enzootic cyathostomiasis of geese and measures for control of the disease.] [Abstr.] Veterinarifa , 38(7): 57. [Russ. text] / (N); mortality from Cyathostoma outbreak in geese (USSR). Vorob'ev, M. M . , & I. G. Kolotilov. 1954. K epizootologii filikolleza domashnikh utok na Ukraine. [Epizootiology of Filicollis in domestic ducks in the Ukraine.] [Abstr.] Veterinarifa, 31(4): 24. [Russ. text] / (A); mortality up to 50% in young ducks. Vorob'ev, M. M., & G. A. Kotel'nikov. 1959. P'favky - parazyty vodo- plavnoi ptytsi. [Leeches, parasites of aquatic birds.] Sotsial. Tvarin., 31(4): 53-54. [Ukr. text] / (H); (USSR). Vorontsov, S. A. 1962. [Echinuria infestation in ducks.] Veterinarifa, 39(7): 52-53. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Vrazic, O., & S. Richter. 1954. Prilog entoparasitskoj fauni nase domace guske. (Contribution to entoparasitic fauna of native goose.) Vet. Arhiv, Zagreb, 24: 15-17. [Eng. & Ger. summaries] / (T); examined 18 domestic geese and 8 additional heads, found 3 helminths (Yugoslavia) . Vsevolodov, B. P. 1938. Materialy po patologicheskoi anatomii i gistologii amidostomatoza guchei. [Material on the pathology and histology of amidostomiasis in geese.] Trudy Vsesofuz . Inst. Gel'mint., 3: 59-63. [Russ. text] / (N); (USSR). Vysotskaia, S. O. , & V. G. Kulachkova. 1953. Gamazovye kleshchi kak promezhutochnye khozi^eva kruglyiu chervei. [Gamasid mites as intermediate hosts of round worms.] Doklady AN SSSR, n.s., 91: 441-443. [Russ. text] / (N); gamasid mites perhaps hosts of Strep - tocara dogieli (N. Russia). Wadowski, S. 1939a. Niektore pazozyty jelit drobiu. (Quelques parasites intestinaux Chez v/olaille.) V\Aiadom. Wet. (223), v. 18 Pam. Panst. Inst. Nauk. Gospodarst. Wiejsk. Pulawach. Wydz. Wet. (2), p. 105- 139.) [Fr. summary] / (A,C,T); reports at least 6 helminths in water- fowl. 316 Wadowski, S. 193 9b. Some observations on intestinal worms of Polish poultry, Proc. 7. World's Poultry Cong . , Cleveland, Ohio, p. 270- 271. / (C); reports one helminth in waterfowl. Waite, R. H. 1920. Earthworms - the important factor in the transmission of gapes in chickens. Bull. (234), Maryland Agric . Exper. Sta . , p. 103-118. / (N); Syngamus trachea life history (USA). Wakelin, D. 1963. Capillaria obsignata Madsen, 1945 (Nematoda) from the black swan. J. Helminth., 37: 381-386. / (N); synonyms Capillaria anseris , Capillaria droummondi; 2 other helminths reported (Great Britain) . Wakelin, D. 1965a. On species of the genus Capillaria Zeder, 1800 (Nematoda) from British domestic fowl. Parasitology, 55: 285-301. / (N); reports two species from waterfowl, lists one species reported elsewhere, description of each (England) . Wakelin, D. 1965b. Experimental studies on the biology of Capillaria obsignata Madsen, 1945, a nematode parasite of the domestic fowl. J. Helminth., 39: 399-412. / (N); (England). Wakelin, D. 1967. Nematodes of the genus Capillaria Zeder, 1800, from the collection of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 1. Capillarids from exotic avian hosts. J. Helminth., 41: 257-268. / (N); Capillaria exilis, Capillaria longifila, and C. anatis in captive ducks in zoo (England) . Walden, H. W. 1961a. [Preprint, I960.] Eucotylae clangulae n. sp., a new digenetic trematode, from the kidney of Clangula hyemalis . Arkiv Zool., s. 2, 12: 571-575. / (T); (Sweden); includes tabulation of species, 3 in waterfowl. Walden, H. W. 1961b. Reprint of Walden, 1961a. Medd . Stat. Vet. -Med. Anstalt, Stockholm (1960), p. 571-575. / (T) . Walker, T. 1937. A preliminary report on the helminthic parasites of poultry, wild birds and small mammals in the South Wales area. Vet. J., 93: 28- 31. / (T); reports one form in waterfowl (Great Britain). Wallace, F. G. 1937. A new Diplostomulum from China. J. Parasitol., 23: 215-217. / (T); Diplostomum mutadomum sp. n. , larvae encapsulated in ducklings in experimental infection. 317 Wallace, F. G. 1939a. The metacercaria of Amphimerus elongatus Gower (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae) . J. Parasitol. , 25: 491-494, / (T); life cycle (USA) . Wallace, F, G. 1939b. The life cycle of Pharynqostomum cordatum (Diesing) Ciurea (Trematoda: Alariidae) . Tr. Am. Micr. Soc . , 58: 49-61. / (T); metacercariae encyst in muscles of duckling as auxiliary host in ex- perimental infection (China). Wallace, F. G. 1940. Studies on two species of liver flukes. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 2 6(6, Suppl.): 37./ (T); Amphimerus elongatus life cycle (USA) . Ward, H. L. 1943. A redescription of Polymorphus obtusus Van Cleave, 1918 (Acanthocephala) . J. Parasitol., 29: 2P9-291. / (A); (USA). Ward, H. L. 1951. The species of Acanthocephala described since 1933. I. J. Tennessee Acad . Sc, 26: 282-311. / (A); checklist of species, descriptions, type hosts; 10 species in waterfowl. Ward, H. L. 1952. The species of Acanthocephala described since 1933. II. J. Tennessee Acad . Sc . , 27: 131-149. / (A); host-parasite list. Wardle, R. A. 1933, The parasitic helminths of Canadian animals. I. The Cestodaria and Cestoda . Canad . J. Res., 8: 317-333. / (C); lists 6 species in waterfowl (Canada) . Warren, A. J. 1956. Arthropod and helminth parasites of the mallard duck, Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos (L.) in northern Idaho. M.S. Thesis, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. / (N,A,C,T); examined 25 ducks, lists 20 helminths (USA). Warwick, T. 1961. The vice-county distribution of the Scottish freshwater leeches and notes on the ecology of Trocheta bykowskii (Gedroyc) and Hirudo medicinalis L. in Scotland . Glasgow Nat. , 18: 130-135 . / (H); Theromyzon tessulatum reported . Warwick, T., & K. H. Mann. 1960, The freshwater leeches of Scotland. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. , 13 s. (2 5), 3: 2 5-34. / (H); Theromyzon tessulatum in waterfowl. Watanabe, S., F. Nagayama , & J. Saito. 1953. Observations on the inter- mediate host of fowl cestode, Raillietina (Skryabinia) cesticillus (Molin, 1858) Fuhrmann. 27. Rep. Govt. Exper. Sta . Animal Hyg . , Tokyo, p. 277-287. / (C); (Japan). 318 Webster, G. A. 1959. Orchipedum tracheicola reported from a whistling swan, Cygnus columbianus . Canad . J. Zool., 37: 213. / (A,T); (Canada) . Webster, J. D. 1943. A revision of the Fimbriariinae (Cestoda, Hymeno- lepididae). Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. , 62: 390-397. / (C); Fimbriarioides lintoni n. nom. (synonym Fimbriariella falciformis Linton in part); two others in waterfowl (USA) . Wehr, E. E. 1930. Fimbriaria fasciolaris as a parasite of the mallard in the United States. Soc. Proc. : Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 16: 167. / (C); (USA). Wehr, E. E. 1933a. Occurrence of Amidostomum spatulatum in the United States. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 20: 68-69. / (N); reports 2 helminths in waterfowl (USA) . Wehr, E. E. 1933b. Is Echinurioides (Nematoda) Thwaite, 1926, a good genus? Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 20: 78. / (N); Tetrameres plectropteri comb . n . (synonym Echinurioides plectropteri) . Wehr, E. E. 1933c. Echinuria spinosa Maplestone, 1931, a male of the genus Tetrameres . Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 20: 113-114. / (N). Wehr, E. E. 1933d. Descriptions of two parasitic nematodes from birds. J. Wash. Acad. Sc . , 23: 3 91-39 6. / (N); Amidostomum cyqni sp. n. (USA); key to species of the genus. Wehr, E. E. 1934. A new host for the bird dracunculid, Avioserpens denticulophasma. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash., 1: 11. / (N); in duck (USA) . Wehr, E. E. 193 6. Earthworms as transmitters of Capillaria annulata , the crop-worm of chickens. North Am. Vet., 17(8): 18-20. / (N); (USA). Wehr, E. E. 1937. Two new species of Echinuria (Nematoda: Acuariidae) from birds, with notes on other species of this genus. Rabot. Gel'- mint. Posv. Skrjabin, Moskva, p. 763-768. [Russ. summary] ' (N); Echinuria hypoqnatha sp . n . , E . uncinata , in ducks (USA) . Wehr, E. E. 1939a. New genera and species of Filarioidea. Ill, Sarconema eurycerca n. gen . , n. sp. Proc . Helminth. Soc . Wash. , 6: 95-97 . / (N); in swans (USA). 319 Wehr, E. E. [1939b.] Nematodes of domestic fowls transmissable to wild game birds. Vet. Med. , 35: 52-58. / (N); six species may affect waterfowl (USA) . Wehr, E. E. 1940. Reprint of Wehr, 1939b. Poultry Pract. , Coll. Discuss. Vet. Med., p. 136-142. / (N) . Wehr, E. E. 1952. Recent studies on transmission of Capillaria spp. of poultry, with special reference to C . contorta . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 38(4, Sect. 2): 17. / (N); (USA). Wehr, E. E. , & R. W. Allen. 1945. Additional studies on the life cycle of Capillaria caudinflata, a nematode parasite of chickens and turkeys. Proc. Helminth. Soc . Wash., 12: 12-14. / (N); Capillaria caudinflata and C. annulata carried by annelids (USA) . Wehr, E. E., & M. M. Farr. [195 7 J Parasites affecting ducks and geese. In: Animal Diseases, Yearbook of Agriculture , (1956) ,U.S . Dept. Agriculture, p. 500-502. / (N,C); lists 5 helminths (USA). Wehr, E. E. , & C. M. Herman. 1954. Age as a factor in acquisition of parasites by Canada geese. J. Wildlife Mangmt., 18: 239-247. / (N,C,T); 8 helminths in geese (USA); acquired in first 1-3 weeks of life. Wehrmann, S. 1909. Sur Taction pathogene des helminths des oiseaux. Arch. Parasitol., 13: 204-238. / (N,A,T); describes pathogenic effects of Echinorhynchus polymorphus, E. filicollis , and Hystrichis eleqans; includes at least 11 helminths in waterfowl in tabulation. Weidman, F. D. 1913. A study of metazoan parasites found in the Phila- delphia Zoological Gardens . Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc . Philadelphia, 65: 126-151. / (A,C); general reports for waterfowl, no specific identi- fications (USA). Wertejuk, M. 1958. Enzootic caused by Psilotrema oliqoon (Trematoda: Psilostomatidae) in young geese. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 6: 319- 328. [Pol. summary] / (T); cause of severe mortality, life cycle; Psilotrema spiculigerum synonym of P. oligoon (Poland) . Wesenberg-Lund, E. 1928. Acanthocephaler. Medd . Gr^nland , 23, Suppl., 1926: 143-155. / (A); lists 2 forms in waterfowl (Greenland). 320 Wesenberg-Lund, E. 1952. Acanthocephala . Zool. Iceland, 2, Pt. 16, p. 1-6. / (A); lists 2 forms in waterfowl (Iceland). West, A. F. 1961. Studies on the biology of Philophthalmus gralli Mathis & Leger, 1910 (Trematoda: Digenea) . Am. Midland Nat., 66: 363- 383. / (T); life cycle, description (USA). West, A. F. 1962. Studies on the biology of Philophthalmus gralli Mathis & Leger, 1910 (Trematoda: Digenea). [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr. , 23: 1131- 1132. / (T); (USA). Wetmore, P. W. 1941. Blood parasites of birds of the District of Columbia and Patuxent research refuge vicinity. J. Parasitol., 27: 379-393. / (N); microfilariae present in waterfowl (USA). Wetzel, R. 1930. A new species of trematode worm of the genus Ornithobil- harzia from a Canadian goose . Proc . U.S. Nat . Mus . , 78, Art .3,4 p. / (T); Ornithobilharzia pricei sp. n. (USA); key to species of genus. Wetzel, R. 1931a. Untitled note: nematodes from the gizzard of a mallard. Soc. Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 17: 235. / (N); Amidostomum chevrouxi , probably identical with A. skrjabini (USA). Wetzel, R. 1931b. Description of a new species of amidostomine worm of the genus Epomidiostomum from the gizzard of anserine birds. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. ,78, Art. 21, 10 p. / (N); Epomidiostomum crami sp. n. , 2 other forms in waterfowl (USA.); key to species of genus. Wetzel, R. 1934. Untersuchungen ueber den Entwicklungskreis des Huhner- bandwurmes Raillietina cesticillus (Molin, 1858). Arch. Wissensch. u. Prakt. Tierh., 68: 221-232. / (C) . Wetzel, R. 1935. Die Entwicklung der Geflugelbandwiirmer und ihre Bekampfung. Deutsche Tierarztl. Wochenschr. , 43: 188-191. / (C); life history of Choanotaenia infundibulum . Wetzel, R., &G. Quittek. 1940. Ueber die Entwicklungsdauer (Prapaten- tperiode) der parasitischen Wilrmer im Wirtstier. Arch. Wissensch. u. Prakt. Tierh., 75: 336-369. / (N); includes life cycle of Capillaria anatis . Wikgren, B.-J. 1956. Studies on Finnish larval flukes with a list of known Finnish adult flukes (Trematoda: Malacotylea) . Acta Zool. Fennica, (91): 1-106. / (T); lists 6 forms from waterfowl (Finland). 321 Wickware, A. B. 1941. Notes on miscellaneous diseases of geese. Canad . J. Comp. Med. & Vet. So. , 5: 21-24. / (N); wild geese died with heavy infection of Amidostomum anseris and Echinuria parva (Canada) . Willey, C. H. 1932a. The lymph system of Zygocotyle lunatum, with a note on the sub-family Zygocotylinae. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 19: 165. / (T); (USA). Willey, C. H. 1932b. Same as Willey, 1932a. Anat. Rec . , 54(3), Suppl.: 109. / (T). Willey, C. H. 1933a. Resistance of terns to infestation with Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin) . [Abstr.] Abstr. 9. Ann. Meet. Am. Soc. Parasitol., J. Parasitol., 20: 135-136. / (T); life history (USA). Willey, C. H. 1933b. The lymph system of Zygocotyle lunatum (Trematode: Paramphistomidae) . Parasitology, 25: 242-247. / (T); (USA). Willey, C. H. 1935. The excretory system of the trematode, Typhlocoelum cucumerinum, with notes on lymph-like structures in the family Cyclo- coelidae. J. Morphol. , 57: 461-471. / (T); Typhlocoelum cucumerinum (synonym T. americanum) . Willey, C. H. 1937. The development of Zygocotyle from Cercaria poconensis Willey, 1930. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 23: 571. / (T); Zygocotyle lunatum, experimentally in ducks (USA) . Willey, C. H. 1938. The life history of Zygocotyle lunatum. [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 24(6, Suppl.): 30. / (T); (USA). Willey, C. H. 1941. The life history and bionomics of the trematode Zygo- cotyle lunata (Paramphistomidae). Zoologica, Sc . Contrib . N.Y. Zool. Soc. , 26: 65-88. / (T); (USA). Willey, C. H., & Y. Rabinowitz. 193 8. The development of Cercaria burti Miller, 1923, in leeches and ducks . [Abstr.] J. Parasitol., 24(Suppl.): 30-31. / (T); experimentally infected ducks (USA). Willey, C. H., & H. W. Stunkard . 1942. Studies on pathology and resis- tance in terns and dogs infected with the heterophyid trematode, Cryptocotyle lingua. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 61: 236-253. / (T); (USA). 322 Williams, I. C. 1961. A list of parasitic worms , including twenty-five new records, from British birds . Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., s. 13 (44), 4: 467-480. / (N,A,C,T); examined 14 waterfowl, reports 14 helminths (Great Britain) . Williams, M . O. 1966a. Studies on the morphology and life-cycle of Diplostomum (Diplostomum) gasterostei (Strigeida: Trematoda) . Parasitology, 56: 693-706. / (T); description of Diplostomum gas- terostei n. sp., experimentally in ducks (Scotland). Williams, M. O. 1966b. On some larval trematodes from Lymnaea peregra (Muller) in Scotland. J. Helminth., 40: 245-252. / (T); lists 7 species of waterfowl parasites, 5 experimentally in ducklings (Scotland). Williams, O. L. 1937. Rusguniella kofoidi sp. nov. a nematode (Acuariidae) from the lesser scaup duck. J. Parasitol., 23: 306-308. / (N); (USA). Willomitzer, J. 1957. Prispevek k diagnostice notokotylosy kachen. (To the diagnosis of notocotylosis in ducks.) Veterinarstvi , Brno, 7: 268-269. / (T). Willomitzer, J., & F. Gilka. 1957. Prispevek k vyskytu hlistice Tetra- meres fissispina u kachen. (A contribution to the occurrence of the menatode Tetrameres fissispina in ducks.) Sborn . Ceskoslov. Akad. Zem^d^l. Ved . , Vet. Med., 30: 825-828. [Eng . & Russ. summaries] / (N). Wisniewski, W. L. 1934. Prohemistomulum opacum sp. n., postac larwalna Cyathocotylidae (Trematoda). (Prohemistomulum opacum sp. n. eine Larvalform der Cyathocotylidae (Trematoda).) Bull. Internat. Acad. Polon. Sc . et Lett., Cracovie, CI. Sc . Math, et Nat., s. B: Sc . Nat. (II), (5-7), p. 269-266. [Ger. text] / (T); reference to Linstowiella orientalis comb . n . Wisniewski, W. L. 1958a. Characterization of the parasitofauna of an eutrophic lake. (Parasitofauna of the biocoenosis of Druzno Lake - Part I.) Acta Parasitol. Polonica , 6: 1-64. [Pol. summary] / (C,T); circulation of parasites in biocoenosis, life cycles, relationship to intermediate hosts (Poland) . Wisniewski, W. L. 1958b. The development cycle of Psilochasmus oxyuris Creplin, 1825. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 6: 273-287. [Pol. summary] / (T); description, life cycle (Poland). 323 Wisniewski, W. L. , K Szymanik-Koperska, & K. Bazanska. 1958. The formation of a structure in tapeworm populations. Cesk. Parasitol., 5(2): 195-212. / (C); response of cestodes to population pressures (Poland) . Witenberg [Wittenberg], G. 1923. Trematody semeistva Cyclocoelidae i novyi printsip ikh sistematiki (K poznaniiu gel'mintofauny Rossii). [The trematodes of the family Cyclocoelidae and a new principle of their systematics .] Trudy Go sudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet., 1(1): 84- 141. [Russ. text] / (T); Hyptiasmus coelonodus sp. n., 11 other forms in waterfowl (USSR) . Witenberg, G. 1926. Die Trematoden der Familie Cyclocoelidae Kossack, 1911. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Helminthenfauna Russlands. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 52: 103-186. / (T); 16 forms reported in waterfowl; Ophthalmophagus massinoi sp. n. Witenberg, G. 1928. Notes on Cyclocoelidae. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 10 s. (11), 2: 410-417. / (T); lists 2 species in waterfowl, notes on taxonomy of others; Hyptiasmus theodori sp. n. (USSR). Witenberg, G. 1929. Studies on the trematode-family Heterophyidae. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 23: 131-239. / (T); cites record of one form in waterfowl . Witenberg, G., & F. Eckmann. 1939. On the classification of the trema- tode genus Prosthogonimus . Vol. Jub. Prof. Yoshida, 2, p. 12 9-143. / (T); recognize only 7 valid species in genus. Witenberg [Vitenberg] , G. G., & V. P. Pod'iapol' skaia . 1927. Odinnad- tsataia soiuznaia gel'mintologicheskaia ekspeditsii^ v Zabaikal'e. 16/v-23/ix 1923 goda . (The 11-th helminthological expedition beyond the Baikal (1923).) Deiat. 28. Gel'mint. Eksped. SSSR (1919-1925) (Skrjabin), p. 144-152. [Russ. text, Eng . summary] / (T); examined 15 wild ducks, reports 7 helminths in waterfowl (USSR). Wolffhiigel, K. 1898. Taenia malleus Goeze, Repraesentant einer eigenen Cestodenfamilie: Fimbriariidae. Zool. Anzeiger, 21: 388-389. / (C); Fimbriaria malleus comb, n., description. Wolffhiigel, K. 1900a. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelhelminthen. Inaugr.- Diss. (Basel), Freiburg i Br., 204 p. / (N,C); examined 54 waterfowl, reports 18 helminths (Germany). 324 Wolffhugel, K. 1900b. Drepanidotaenia lanceolata Bloch . Centralbl. Bakt. lAbt., 28: 49-56. / (C); anatomy, systematics. Wolffhugel, K. 1903. Einige Worte zu Sturhans Artikel "Magenwurmseuche bei Enten" . Zeitschr. Fleisch.-u. Milchhyg . , 14: 12-14. / (N) . Wolffhugel, K. 1916. Cestode nuevo parasito del estomago succenturiado de un cisne (Cygnus melanocoryphus Molin) . Rev. Med. Vet., Mon- tevideo, 1: 226-227. / (C);one form in waterfowl (Uruguay). Wolffhugel, K. 192 0. Die Parasiten der Haustiere in Siidamerika, besonders in den La Platastaaten. Festschr. f. 60. Geburtst. F. Zschokke, (29), 18 p. / (C); includes two forms in waterfowl (Argentina). Wolffhugel, K. 193 6. Fimbriariinae (Cestodes). Zeitschr. Infektionskr. Haustiere, 49: 257-291. / (C); Fimbriariella falciformis comb. n. (synonym Fimbriarioides falciformis); includes 2 other forms in water- fowl. Wolffhugel, K. 1938. Nematoparataeniidae . Skolex und Verdauung . Zeitschr. Infektionskr. Haustiere, 53: 9-42. / (C); Gastrotaenia cygnl sp. n., Cloacotaenia megalops comb, n. (synonym Hymenolepis mega- lops) . Wolffhugel, K. 1939. Ergebnisse von Nematoparataeniidae (Car.: Folo. Poche) Fuhrmann. Vol. Jub . Prof. Yoshida, 2, p. 211-220. / (C); includes 2 forms in waterfowl. Wolter, E. 1935. Beitrag zur Biologie des Gansemagenwurmes, Amidostomum anseris (Zeder, 1800). Inaugr.-Diss. , Vet.-med. Dr., Friedrich-Wilhems Univ. Berlin, 35 p. / (N) . Wood, S. F., & C. M. Herman. 1943. The occurrence of blood parasites in birds from southwestern United States. J. Parasitol., 29: 187-196. / (N); microfilariae reported in waterfowl (USA). Woodbury, L. A. 1932. The development of Diphyllobothrium cordiceps (=Dibothrium cordiceps) in Pelecanus erythrorhynchus . [Abstr.] Soc . Proc: Helminth. Soc. Wash., J. Parasitol., 18: 304-305. / (C); experimental infection in pelican (USA) . Woodland, W. N. F. 1930. On three new cestodes from birds. Parasitology, 22: 214-229. / (C); Hymenolepis lamellata sp. n. in duck (London Zool. Garden) . 325 Wootton, D. M. 1957. The life history of Cryptocotyle concavum (Creplin, 1825) Fischoeder, 1903 (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) . J. Parasitol., 43: 271-279. / (T); infected ducks experimentally (USA); description. Wright, C. A. 1954a. Trematodes of the genus Renicola from birds in British zoos, with descriptions of two new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 124: 51-61. / (T); checklist of reported species and hosts, includes one form in waterfowl. Wright, C. A. 1954b. Trematodes of the genus Renicola from the kidneys of birds in Brazil. Rev. Brasil. Biol., 14: 61-64. / (T); reports one unidentified from in waterfowl. Wright, C. A. 1956. Studies on the life-history and ecology of the trematode genus Renicola Cohn, 1904. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 126: 1-49. / (T); checklist of reports additional to Wright, 1954a; includes 3 from waterfowl. Wright, C. A. 1957. Two kidney-flukes from Sudanese birds, with a description of a new species. J. Helminth., 31: 229-238. / (T); adds to description of Renicola brantae (USA). Wright, C. A., & M . S. Bennett. 1964. The life cycle of Notocotylus attenuatus. [Abstr.] Parasitology, 54 (4): 14P. / (T); (Great Britain) . Wu, C. F. , & B. Noyes. 1928. Flukes of the genus Prosthogonimus from the hen's egg and the uterus of the duck. China Med. J. , 42: 209. / (T); (China). Wu, C.-L. [1951.] Study on the life history of Euparyphium murinum Tubangui, 1931 (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) . Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 19: 285-295. / (T); in duck (China). Wu, Kuang. 1937. Helminthic fauna in vertebrates of the Hangchow area. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 12: 1-8, / (N,T); reports 7 forms in waterfowl; first report of Heterakis beramporia (China) . Wu, L.-Y. 1953a. A study of the life history of Trichobilharzia cameroni sp. nov. (family Schistosomatidae) . Canad. J. Zool., 31: 351-3 73. / (T); experimental infection in duckling (Canada). Wu, L.-Y. 1953b. On the life history and biology of Notocotylus stagnicolae Herber, 1942 (Family Notocotylidae) . Canad. J. Zool, 31: 522-527. / (T); description (Canada). 326 Yamaguchi, T. , & Y. Ijima. 1954 . [Gnathostoma from wild-fowls in Shikoku Island. I.] Igaku to Seibutsugaku, 32: 109-111. [Jap. text] / (N); Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae in waterfowl (Japan). Yamaguti, S. 1933. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 1. Trematodes of birds, reptiles and mammals. Japan. J. Zool. , 5: 1-134. / (T); lists 11 forms from waterfowl; includes Apatemon fuligulae sp . n . , _A_. pellucidus sp . n . , _A_. minor sp . n . , Opisthorchis anatis sp. n. , Proalaria mergi sp. n. , Prosthogonimus orientalis sp. n. , P. querquedulae sp. n. Yamaguti, S. 1934. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 3. Avian trematodes II. Japan. J. Zool., 5: 543-583. / (T); reports 12 species in waterfowl; includes Diplostomum orientale nom. n. , Cyathocotyle melanittae sp. n. , Philophthalmus nyrocae sp. n. , Acanthoparyphium marilae sp. n. , Notocotylus parviovatus sp. n. , N. magniovatus sp. n. , Paramonostomum elongatum sp. n. Yamaguti, S. 193 5a. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part V. Trematodes of birds 111. Japan. J. Zool., 6: 158-182. (T); lists 3 forms in waterfowl; Spelophallus bucephalae sp. n. , Paramonostomum bucephalae sp . n. , Cloacitrema ovatum sp. n. Yamaguti, S. 1935b. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part VI. Cestodes of birds. I. Japan. J. Zool., 6: 183-232. / (C); lists 6 forms in waterfowl; includes Diorchis nyrocae sp. n. , Haploparaxis japonensis sp. n. , Hymenolepis nyrocae sp. n. Yamaguti, S. 1938. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Notocotylus attenuatus (Rud., 1809) und N_. magniovatus Yamaguti, 1934. Zeitschr. Parasitenk., 10: 288-292. (T); life cycle of each, hosts (Japan) , Yamaguti, S. 1939. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 25. Trematodes of birds, IV. Japan. J. Zool., 8: 12 9-2 10. /(T); lists 23 forms from waterfowl; includes Gymnophallus macrostoma sp. n. , Pseud OS pelotrema japonicum sp. n. , Stictodora japonica sp. n. , S. mergi sp. n. , Acanthoparyphium spinulosum suzugamo subsp. n. , A. kurogamo sp , n. , A. melanittae sp. n. , _A. tyosenense sp. n. , Echinostoma anseris sp. n. , Catatropis cygni sp. n. , C_. hisikui sp. n. , Levinseniella bucephalae comb. n. Yamaguti, S. 1940. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 30. Cestodes of birds II. Japan. J. Med. Soc . , Pt. VI, Bacterid. & Parasitol. , 1: 175-211. / (C); Hymenolepis mergi sp. n. ; lists 4 other forms in waterfowl. 327 Yamaguti, S. 1940b. Zur Entwicklunqsqeschichte von Cyathocotyle ori entails Faust, 1921. Zeitschr. Parasitenk. , 12: 78-83. / (T); (Japan) . Yamaguti, S. 1941a. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 32. Trematodes of birds V. Japan. J. Zool. , 9: 321-341. / (T); reports one form in waterfowl. Yamaguti, S. 1941b. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 36. Avian nematodes, II. Japan. J. Zool., 9: 441-480. / (N); reports 4 forms in waterfowl. Yamaguti, S. 1941c. Zur Entwicklunqsqeschichte von Echinostoma hortense Asada, 1926, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Struktur derCercarie. Zeitschr. Parasitenk. , 12: 273-276. / (T); (Japan). Yamaguti, S. 1951. Zur Entwicklunqsqeschichte von Echinochasmus japonicus Tanabe, 1926, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Struktur der Cercarie. Arb. Med. Fak. Okayama, 7: 338-342. / (T); experimental infection in duck (Japan). Yamaguti, S. 1956. Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 50. Cestodes of birds. III. Okayama; S. Yamaguti, 23 p. /(C); Kowalewskius yoshidai sp. n. in waterfowl. Yamaguti, S. 1958. Systema helminthum. Vol. I. The digenetic trematodes of vertebrates. Parts 1 and II. Interscience Publ. Co., N. Y. , Part I p. 1-979, Part II p. 980-1575. / (T); diagnoses of genera and higher groups, key to genera, checklist of species with hosts. Yamaguti, S. 1959. Systema helminthum. Vol. II. The cestodes of vertebrates. Interscience Publ. Co., N.Y., 860 p. / (C); diagnoses of genera and higher groups, key to genera, checklist of species with hosts . Yamaguti, S. [1962.] Systema helminthum. Vol. III. The nematodes of vertebrates. Parts 1 and II. Interscience Publ. Co., N. Y. , Parti p. 1-679, Part II p. 681-1261. / (N); diagnoses of genera and higher groups, key to genera, checklist of species with hosts. Yamaguti, S. 1963. Systema helminthum. Vol. V. Acanthocephala. Interscience Publ. Co. , N.Y. , 423 p. / (A); diagnoses of genera and higher groups, key to genera, checklist of species with hosts. 328 Yamaguti, S. , & Y. Mitunaga. 1943a. Cestodes of birds from Formosa, 1. Tr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Taiwan, 33(240): 268-277. / (C); lists 2 forms from waterfowl (Taiwan). Yamaguti, S., & Y. Mitunaga. (1943b.) Nematode parasites of birds from Formosa. I. Tr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Taiwan, 33(241): 300-311. / (N); Tetrameres fissispina redescription (Taiwan). Yamaguti, S. , & Y. Mitunaga. 1943c. Trematodes of birds from Formosa, I. Tr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Taiwan, 33(241): 312-329. / (T); lists 10 forms from waterfowl; includes descriptions of 3. Yamashita, J. 1939. Studies on the Echinostomatidae. Part VI . On four species of the echinostomes from Osaka prefecture. Oyo Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 11: 25-30. [Jap. text, Eng. summary] / (T); Echinostoma revolutum in domestic duck (Japan). Yen, W. C, & S. C. Wu. 1959. [A new nematode Epomidiostomum petalum n. sp. (Nematoda: Trichostrongylidae) from domestic duck.] Tung Wu Hstieh Pao [Acta Zool. Sinica] , 11: 572-576. [Chin, text, Eng. summary] / (N); (China). Yorke, W. , & P. A. Maplestone. 1926. [Reprint, 1962.] The nematode parasites of vertebrates. J. A. Churchill, London, 536 p./ (N); diagnoses of genera; checklist of species, synonymy, hosts. Yoshida, S. 1908. [Three new species of tapeworm parasites in birds. (Preliminary report) .] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 20: 297-303. [Jap. text] / (C); Hymenolepis trichorhynchus sp. n. in duck (Japan). Yoshida, S. 1910. On three new species of Hymenolepis found in Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon. , 7 (Part IV) , p. 235-246. / (C); Hymenolepis trichorhynchus in duck. Young, R. T. 1938. The life history of a trematode (Levinseniella cruzi?) from the shore birds, (Limosa fedoa and Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus) . Biol. Bull., 74: 319-329. / (T); (USA). Young, R. T. 1949. A note concerning certain microphallid trematodes infecting shore birds (Limosa fedoa and Catoptrophorus semipalmatus with description of a new species (Levinseniella charadriformis) . J. Parasitol., 35: 353-357. / (T); Spelotrema nicolli (synonym Levinseniella cruzi of Young, 1938) life history (USA). 329 Zago, H. (filho) , & M. Pereira Barretto. 1962a. Contribu^ao para o conhecimento do ciclo evolutivo da Tetrameres confusa Trav. , 1917 (Nematoda: Spiruroidea) . Pap^is Avulsos Dept. Zool., 15: 111-122. / (N); life cycle, descriptions (Brazil). Zago, H. (filho) , & M . Pereira Barretto. 1962b. Contribui9ao para conhecimento dos hospedeiros intermediarios da Tetrameres confusa Trav. , 1917 (Nematoda, Spiruroidea). Rev. Brasil. Biol., 22: 33-37. / (N); experimentally infected 6 genera of orthopteran insects (Brazil) . Zajicek, D. 1959. Prisp^vek k vyskytu a patogenezi zaludecni Servivosti u kachen. (Beitrag zu Vorkommen und Pathogenese der Magen- wurmkrankheit bei Enten.) (Nematoda: Echinuria uncinata (Rudolphi 1819), Tetrameres fissispina (Diesing 1861).) Sborn. Ceskoslov. Akad. ZemSd^l. V5d., Rada Vet. Med., 4 (32) (2), p. 133-140. [Ger. , Russ. summaries] / (N); (Czechoslovakia). Zajicek, D. 1960. Prispevek k druhovemu vyskytu a patogenite vlasovek rodu Amidostomum Railliet et Henry, 1909 (Nematoda). (Beitrag zum Vorkommen der Arten und zur Pathogenitat der Wurmer der Gattung Amidostomum Railliet et Henry, 1909 (Nematoda).) Sborn. Seskoslov. Akad.ZemSd^l. Ved., Rada Vet. Med., v. 33, V. 5 (10): 775-788. [Russ. & Ger. summaries] / (N); Amidostomum anseris, A. boschadis , descriptions (Czechoslovakia). ZajiJek, D. 1963a. Ma flora rybniku vztah k helmintofaune kachen? (Teichflora und ihre Beziehung zur Helminthofauna der Enten.) Sborn. Seskoslov. Akad. ZemedSl. V^d., Rada Vet. Med., 36: 257-262. [Ger., Russ. summaries] / (T); larval parasites in snails and leeches; suggests ecological survey as guide to danger of helminths to waterfowl (Czechoslovakia). Zajicek, D. 1963b. Patogeni pusobenf nSkterych druhfi motolic v za^ivacim traktu ptaku. (The pathogenic effect of some species of flukes in the digestive tract of birds.) Sborn. Ceskoslov. Akad. Zem^dSl. V^d., Rada Vet. Med., 36: 263-266. [Eng., Russ. summaries] / (T) ; study of Cotylurus cornutus , Apatemon gracilis (Czechoslovakia) . Zajicek, D. 1963c. Cerkarie a dalsi vyvojova stadia motolic u plzu z nSkterych rybnicnich soustav jiznich Cech. Ceskoslov. Parasitol., 10: 187-206. / (T); includes molluscan intermediate hosts of 8 helminths reported from waterfowl (Czechoslovakia). 330 ZajiSek, D. 1964a. Contribution to the knowledge of the life-history of trematodes of the genus Cotylurus Szidat, 1928 in Czecho- slovakia. Proc. Symp., Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc, p. 131-136. / (T); includes material on Cotylurus cornutus , C. erraticus , and Tetracotyle typica. Zaji^ek, D. 1964b. The embryonal and postembryonal development of Amidostomum boschadis Petrov and Fediuschin 1949 (Nematoda) . Proc. Symp. , Parasitic worms and aquatic conditions (Prague, 1962), Czechoslov. Acad. Sc. , p. 137-143 . / (N) . Zaji'Sek, D., & J. Pav. 1963. Parazitofauna nasich bSSnych divokych kachen a kachen domacich v druhovem a ekologickem profilu. [Parasite fauna of our present wild ducks and domestic ducks in species and ecological profiles.] Prace Vyzkumnych Ustavu Lesnickych 5SSR, 23: 105-155. Zajicek, D., & Z. Valenta. 1958. Notocotylosa a cotylurosa jako pri^ina hynuti kachnat. Cesk. Parasitol., 5: 213-216. / (T); Cotylurus cornutus , Notocotylus attenuatus in ducks (Czechoslovakia) . Zakharov, N. P. 1919. K obnaruzheniiu Bilharziella polonica u Donskikh ptits. (Zum Vorfinden der Bilharziella polonica bei den Donischen Vogeln.) Trudy Obsh. Vet. Vrach. Vsevel. Voiska Donsk., 1, Novocherkassk, p. 69-78. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T) ; (S. Russia). Zakharov, N. P. 1920. Prosthogonimus skrjabini nov. sp. (Materialy k poznanifu gel'mintofauny ptits Rossii.) (Zur Kenntniss der Helminthenfauna der Vogel Russlands.) Izvest. Donsk. Vet. Inst., 1(2), 1919: 1-6. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); (USSR). Zakhrialov, lA. N., & L.N. Savinkova. 1962a. [The biology of Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch, 1782) and epidemiology of drepanidotaeniasis of geese in the Amur region.] Trudy Dal'nevost. Nauch.-lssled. Vet. Inst., 4: 79-92. [Russ. text] / (C); (USSR). Zakhrialov, fA. N., & L. N. Savinkova. 1962b. Gel'mintofauna domashnikh vodoplavaiushchikh ptits v Amurskoi oblasti. [The helminth fauna of ducks and geese in the Amur oblast.] Trudy Dal'nevost. Nauch.-lssled. Vet. Inst., 4: 120-124. [Russ. text]/ (N,C,T); examined 240 ducks, 172 geese; reports 2 6 helminths (USSR). 331 Zakhri^lov, lA, N. , L. N. Savinkova, & N. M. Gorodovich. 1963. Gel'mintofauna, epizootologiia i mery bor'by s osnovnymi gel'mintozami utok i guse? v AmurskoY oblasti. [The helminth fauna, epizootiology, and measures in the struggle with the principal helminthiases of ducks and geese in Amur Territory.] Materialy Nauchn. Konf. Vsesoiuz. Obshch. Gel'mint. (1963), pt. 1, Moskva, p. 104-1-5. [Russ. text] Zaskind, L. N. 1951. Gel'mintozy guseY i ikh vozbuditeli. [Helmin- thiases of geese and their causative agents.] Diss. Kand. Vet. Nauk, (Biblioth. Lenin & VIGIS) , Moskva Vet. Akad.; Avtoref. Diss., 9 p. [Russ. text]/See Zaskind, 1952. Zaskind, L. N. 1952. Gel'mintozy guseY i ikh vozbuditeli. [Helmin- thiases of geese and their causative agents.] [Abstr.] Trudy Lab. Gel'mint. AN SSSR, 6: 407-409. [Russ. text] / (N,T); review of number of helminths known in each species of goose; specifically mentions 7 helminths . Zaskind, L. N. 1958. K voprosu izucheniia gel'mintofauny domashnikh guset. [On the problem of studying the helminth fauna of domestic geese.] Trudy Moskov. Vet. Akad., 27: 132-138. (Rabot. Parazitol. 80-Let. Skrjabin) . [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 400 geese, lists 13 helminths (N. Russia). Zaskind, L. N. 1961. Novafa tsestoda Hymenolepis aspirantica sp. n. vyiavlennaia u dikogo serogo gusia v Kustanatskolf oblasti. [A new cestode Hymenolepis aspirantica sp. n. found in the wild gray goose of Kustan oblast.] Nauk. Pratsi Ukr. Akad. Sil'skogospod. Nauk, 14 (1959): 54-56. / (C); (Kazakhstan). Zaskind, L. N. 1963. K gel'mintofaune serogo gusia (Anser anser) kustanaisko? oblasti. (Contribution to the helminth fauna of the Anser anser L. of the Kustanai region.) (Parazity Dikikh Zhivotnykh Kazakhstana) , Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 19: 117-120. [Russ. text] / (N,C,T); examined 51 geese, reports 13 helminths; description of Tetrameres zakharowi (Kazakhstan). Zavadil, R. 1958. Gyathostomosa ptaku, jeji puvodci a vyskyt v Ceskoslovensku. (Die Cyathostomatose der Vogel, ihre Erreger und die Verbreitung der Krankheit in der Tschechoslowakei.) Shorn. Vysoke Skoly ZemedSl. a Lesnicke Fak. BrnS (2), Rada B, Spisy Fak. Vet., 5(25): 105-121. [Ger. &Russ. summaries] / (N); Gyathostoma bronchialis pathogenicity. 332 Zdarska, Z. 1963. Larvalni stadia motolic z vodnich plz6 na uzemf CSSR. (Larval trematodes of fresh-water snails in Czecho- Slovakia.) Cask. Parasitol., 10: 207-262. [Eng. summary]/ (T); includes intermediate hosts of 15 helminths of waterfowl. Zdarska, Z. 1964a. Further findings of larval trematodes in molluscs from Czechoslovakia. Vestnik Ceskoslov. SpoleSn. Zool. , 28: 14-25. / (T); life cycles of Neoacanthoparyphium echinatoides , Leucochloridiomorpha constantiae, Tylodelphys excavata. Zdarska, Z. 1964b. K problemu vyvoje nekterych motolic. [The development problems of some trematoda.] Cesk. Parasitol., 11: 295-308. [Ger. summary] / (T); 8 species of trematodes experimentally developed in chickens and ducks (Czechoslovakia). Zdarska, Z. 1964c. K vyvoji a druhove samostatnosti motolice Notocotylus ephemera (Nitzsch 1807)-(syn. N_. thienemanni Szidat L. et Szidat U. 1933). [The development and specific independence of the trematode Notocotylus ephemera (Nitzsch 1807)-(syn. N_. thienemanni L. Szidat & U. Szidat 1933).] fiesk. Parasitol., 11: 309-318. [Ger. summary] / (T); Notocotylus ephemera life cycle, description; distinct from N. attenuatus (Czechoslovakia) . Zdarska, A. 1966. Der Entwicklungszyklus des Trematoden Plagiorchis laricola (Skrjabin, 1924). Vestnik Ceskoslov. Spol. Zool., 30: 179-184. / (T); description, life history (Czechoslovakia). Zdun, V. I. 1959. Cercariae from Coretus corneus (L.) in the environments of Warszawa. Acta Parasitol. Polonica, 7: 95-115. [Pol. summary] / (T); 3 species of helminths reported from snails (Poland). Zelikman, E. A. 1950. Trematoden als Komponente des littoralen Komplexes des Meeres. Trudy Vsesoiuz. Gidrobiol. , 2: 214-230. / (T); includes discussion of Maritrema obstipum life cycle (USSR). Zelikman, E. A. 1951. K biologii lichinochnykh stadii trematod sem. Microphallidae. [On the biology of the larval stages of trematodes of the family Microphallidae.] Doklady AN SSSR, 76: 613-616. [Russ. text]/ (T); incidence of infection in various invertebrates (N. Russia). Zelikman, E. A. 1953. O zhiznennom tsikle ptich'eT trematody Gymnophallus affinis (Jameson et Nicoll, 1913). [Life cycle of the avian trematode Gymnophallus affinis (Jameson & Nicoll, 1913).] Doklady AN SSSR, 91: 989-992. [Russ. text] / (T); (N. Russia). 333 Zelikman, E. A. 1962. Lichinki sosal'shchikov semeistva Gymno- phallidae Morosov, 1955 (Trematoda: Digenea) i ikh razvitie. [Trematode larvae of the family Gymnophallidae Morosov, 1955 (Trematoda: Digenea) and their development.] Trudy Murmansk. Morskoi Biol, Inst., 4: 186-201. [Russ. text] / (T); reports at least one form in waterfowl; intermediate hosts of 2 waterfowl parasites (USSR). Zhatkanbaeva, D. 1964. [Helminths of fish-eating birds of Kazakhstan.] Trudy Inst. Zool. AN Kazakh. SSR, 22: 110-125. [Russ. text] / (T); Sonkulitrema kazachstanica sp. n.; same as form reported as Heterophyidae from duck by Maksimova. Zheltvai, V. V. 1953. Tsestodozy gusei v Zakarpatskoi oblasti. [Cestodiasis of geese of the Zakarpat oblast.] Sborn. Nauchn. Trudov. Leningrad. Usovershenst. Vet. Vrach., 8: 25-28. [Russ. text] / (C); (Ukraine). Zhukova, E. V. 1934. Novaia trematoda domashnei utki. (Eine neue Trematodenform der Hausente.) Zool. Zhur. , 13: 148-149. [Russ. text, Ger. summary] / (T); Opisthorchis skrjabini sp. n. (Siberia). Zilluff, H. 1912. Vergleichende Studien uber die Muskulatur des Skolex der Cestoden. Arch. Naturg., 78, Abt. A, (7): 1-33. / (C); scolex structure of Hymenolepis megalops . Zischke, J. A. 1966. Studies on the early development of the digenetic trematode Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich) in its snail host Stagnicola palustris (Say). [Abstr.] Diss. Abstr. , 2 7: 1665. / (T); (USA). Zschokke, F. 1903. Die arktischen Cestoden. In: Romer & Schaudinn, Fauna Arctica, 3: 1-32. / (0); lists one form in waterfowl (Spitzbergen) . Zuern, F. A. 1898. Sammel-Referate uber Krankheiten der Vogel und deren Ursachen. 1. Die Bandwurmer des Hausgefliigels . Zeitschr. Thiermed., 2: 442-460. / (C); lists Drepanidotaenia krabbei in domestic geese. « U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE - 1969 0—355-597 As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Depart- ment of the Interior has basic responsibilities for water, fish, wildlife, mineral, land, park, and recreational re- sources. Indian and Territorial affairs are other major concerns of America's "Department of Natural Resources." The Department works to assure the wisest choice in managing all our resources so each will make its full contribution to a better United States — now and in the future.