ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF FISHERY LITERATURE Additional Listings, 1957 DEC n 1957 V^OODS HOLE, MftSS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT- FISHERIES No. 227 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE EXPLANATORY NOTE The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication . United States Department of the Interior, Fred A. Seaton, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF FISHERY LITERATURE ADDITIONAL LISTINGS, 1957 By Leslie W. Scattergood Fishery Research Biologist Special Scientific Report- -Fisheries No. 227. Washington, D. C. August 1957 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF FISHERY LITERATURE ADDITIONAL LISTINGS, 1957 INTRODUCTION TTiis report is a continuation of a series begun by W . M. Chapman during his associa- tion with the Washington State Department of Fisheries. The series was initiated to provide fishery investigators with information on the amount and availability of English translations of fishery literature . The first two sections of this series have been issued by the Washington Department of Fisheries, Fishermen's Terminal, Seattle 99, Washington, and copies may be obtained on re- quest to that agency. The third, fourth, and fifth reports, undertaken with the cooperation of the above agency, were published by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as Special Scientif- ic Report- -Fisheries Nos. 35, 72, and 176, and are available from the Washington office of the Service. Those who wl sh to contribute to future issues may send their translation references to the compiler at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. The neces- sary bibliographic information on each transla- tion should be submitted as follows: 8 . Number of pages of translation . 9 . Where the translation may be ob- tained and the cost, if any. As in the previous five sections, the compiler does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the translation references. In all cases, the translations of the publications are assumed to be complete, unless otherwise indicated. To conserve labor and space, certain abbreviations have been used throughout to in- dicate where and how the translations can be obtained. They are as follows: ABS: Fishery Research Board of Canada, Atlantic Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. Translations available on interlibrary loan. BMFF: British Ministry of Agriculture, Fish- eries and Food, Lowestoft, England. Those who desire translations from the Lowestoft Library should send their re- quest to the Branch of Fishery Biology, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wash- ington 25, D. C. 1 . Author 2 . Date 3 . Title in the original language, if the English alphabet is used; otherwise, a direct translation into English rather than transliteration into the English alphabet in such cases as Japanese, Russian, etc. 4. Name of the journal, series, or institution responsible for the pub- lication, if contained in a serial . 5. Volume, number of pages, and place and date of printing (the latter to be given if it is not the same as the date of the article or serial) . 6. Name of translator and translator's address (when possible). 7. Whether translation is complete or partial . CFL: California State Fisheries Laboratory, Terminal Island Station, San Pedro, California. Translations available on interlibrary loan. FOL: Fishery-Oceanographic Library, Univer- sity of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Translations available on interlibrary loan. FRI: Fishery Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Translations available on interlibrary loan. FWS: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wash- ington 25, D. C. Translations available on interlibrary loan. HOL: Hydrographic Office Library, U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office, Washington 25, D. C. Russian translations avail- able on interlibrary loan; other transla- tions on request from SLA. PBS: Fishery Research Board of Canada, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Translations available on interlibrary loan . SHD: Scottish Home Department, Fishery Laboratory, Aberdeen, Scotland. Translations available on interlibrary loan. SIO: Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, California. Translations avail- able on interlibrary loan . SLA: Special Libraries Association, John Crerar Library, 86 E . Randolph Street, Chicago 1, Illinois. Translations avail- able as photoprints or microfilms, with service fee . The abbreviation CSS refers to Canada Secretary of State, Foreign Language Division, Bureau of Translations . NOTE: In the fifth translation list (SSR--Fish. No. 176), there was a considerable number of references to translations held by SHD. Some of these translations have been microfilmed and are now held by FWS . It will now be more convenient for North Americans to borrow from FWS rather than SHD the follow- ing (numbers refer to those in SSR--Fish. No. 176): 1, 3, 9, II. 12, 14, 17, 18, 22, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 75, 76, 79, 80, 86, 91, 92, 96, 97, 106, 108, 113, 120, 122. 125, 127, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 159, 165, 167, 171. 172, 174, 179. 180, 182, 183, 184, 189, 190, 191, 193, 197, 201, 209, 215, 220, 225, 230, 231, 232, 233. 235, 236, 237, 238, 240, 242. 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 254, 255. 266, 286, 301. (1) Akhmerov, A. KH. 195*+ • Fomid differences in parasitic fauna between Oncorhynchus nerka and 0. nerka infra sp. asabatch (in Russian). Dok. Akad. Naulc SSSR, Leningrad, n.s., vol. 9^, No. 5, pp. 969- 971. FOL. (2) Andriashev, Anatoly P. 1937- A contribution to the knowledge of the fishes from the Bering and Chukchi Seas (in Russian). Expl. Mers SSSR, Inst. Hydrogr., Leningrad, pp. 292-355- FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 1^+5) - 8I pp. by Lisa Lanz with Nonnan J. Wilimovsky, (3) Anonymous. 1917. Abnormal conditions of the tides in the Danish waters, January I5 and 16, 1916 (in Danish). Meteorol. Inst. Meddel. , No. k. FOL. {k ) Anonymous . 193^ ^ • Currents of the Pescadores Islands area (in Japanese). Japan Hydrogr. Off., Publ. No. 616, pp. 1-17 . HOL. (5) Anonymous. 1934b. Rapport sur le travail et les finances par le secretaire (Report on the work and the finances made by the secre- tary). Assoc. Oc^anogr. Phys., Union G^od. Geophys. Int., Proc.-Verb., No. 1, pp. 32-36. FOL. (6) Anonymous. 1935- Primera Conferencia Oceanogr^fica Ibero-Americana (First Spanish-American oceanographic conference). Cons. Oceanogr. Ibero-Amer. , Rev., Ano. 6, No. 1, pp. I-76. FOL. (7) Anonymous. 1939a' Oceanographic conditions and the albacore grounds east of Cape Nojima (in Japanese). Miyagi Prefectvire Exp. Sta., April 1939. FWS (Spec. Sci. Kept: Fish. No. 77) - I8 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. ( 8 ) Anonymous . 1939^)- Report on different operations relative to the Pacific Ocean and China Sea (in French). Min. Mar. Ser. Cen. Hydrogr., Hydrogr. Gen. (127) S. H. 1. FOL. (9) Anonymous. 1940. Reports of the drifting station "North Pole" (in Russian). Ekspeditsiia SSSR na Severnyi Polius 1937-1938- Trudy Dreifuiushchei Stantsii "Severnyi Polius", vol. 1, Nos. 1-5 and vol. 2, Nos. 1-2, 19^0, 191^1-19^5. FOL. (10 ) Anonymous . 19^1 . Hydrographic data on Southern Seas areas - ocean currents (in Japanese). Japan. Ilydrogr. Off., Publ. No. 8IOO, pp. 31-39. HOL. (11) Anonymous. 1948a. Outline of cost price calculation -- operating in the red as sho'im by figui^es (in Japanese). Katsuo to Maguro, No. 1, July 19^8. FWS (Spec. Sci. Kept: Fish. No. 79) - 1 p. by W. G. Van Campen. ( 12 ) Anonymous . 19il-8b . Development of the movement to revise ceiling prices (in Japanese). Ibid., No. 3, November 19^8. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 79) - 1 p. by W. G. Van Campen. (13) Anonymous. 1951a. What is the effect of increased heindling charges and material costs? (in Japanese). Ibid. , No. 13, January 1951. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 79) - k pp. by W. G. Van Campen. {ik) Anonymous. 1951b. The present condition of the tuna fisheries (in Japanese). Ibid., No. 16, May 1951. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 79) - partial translation ik pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (15) Anonymous. 1952. Currents and other phenomena in the southern area of Honshu, February through May 1952 (in Japanese). Hydrogr. Bull. No. 32, pp. 172-175, Tokyo, Maritime Safety Agency, Oct. 1, 1952. HOL. (16) Anonymous. 195Ua. New Soviet researchers, explorations and discoveries in the central Arctic (in Russian). Izvest. Alcad. NauJc SSSR, Leningrad, Ser. Geogr. Geofiz. , No. 5, pp. 3-l6. FOL. (17) Anonymous. 195i4-b. Average year's fishing condition of tuna longline fisheries j 1952 edition (in Japanese). Nippon Katsuo-I^guro Gyogyokumiai Rengokai, October 195^- FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 169) - 131 PP- of the introduction and albacore sections only by W. G. Van Campen. (18) Apstein, C. I909. Die Bestimmung des Alters pelagisch lebender Fischeier (Age determination of pelagic fish eggs). Mitt. Deutsch. Seefisch.-Ver. , Bd. 25, Heft 2, S. 36^4-373- FOL. (19) Arapovskii, S. I. 1933- Results of the study of surface currents of the Caspian Sea by means of freely drifting bottles (in Russian). Zapiska po Gidrografii, No. 3, pp. 87-88. HOL. (20) Badigin, K. S. I9I+O. On the ship "Georgii Sedov" across the Arctic Ocean (selected passages on ocean depths and hydrology, pages 432-434, 5^7-553). In Na Korable "Georgii Sedov" Cherez Ledovityi Okean, Moscow-Leningrad, 605 pp. SLA - 13 PP- (21) Barabash, I. I. 1936a. Pinnipedia of the Commander Islands (Part 2) (in Russian). Marine Mammalia of SSSR Far East. PBS - 2 pp. by G. Mares. (22) Barabash, I. I. 1936b. Pinnipedia of the Commander Islands (Part 3) (in Russian). Ibid. PBS - 2 pp. by G. Mares. (23) Bardet, Jacques, Arakel Tchakirian, and Raymonde Lagrange. 1937- Dosage du lithium dans I'eau de mer (Determination of lithivim in sea water). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, tome 2CA-, No. 6, pp. Vf 3-445- FOL. (2k) Berg, L. S., B. S. Ilin, I. J. Kazanova, T. S. Rass, and A. N. Svetovidov World catch of ocean perch 1936-39 (in Russian). In Commercial Fishes of the SSSR, p. 657. ABS. (25) Bertrand, Gabriel. I938. Sur la quantlte de zinc contenue dans I'eau de mer (On the quantity of zinc contained in sea water). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, tome 207, No. 2k, pp. 1137-ll4l. FOL. (26) Bertrand, Gabriel, Freundler and Menanger. 1922. £3ur les variations de composition chimique de I'eau de mer et 1 'Evaluation de la salinite (On the variation of the chemical composition of sea water and the valuation of the salinity). Ibid. , tome Yfk , No. 19, pp. 1251-1253. FOL. (27) Bezrukov^ P. L. , and G. B. Udintsev. 1953. New data on tlie geological stioicture of the Soviet Far Eastern Seas (in Russian). Dok. Al:ad. Naiik SSSR, leningrad, vol. 91, IIo. 2, pp. 359-362. FOL. (28) Bezrulcov, P. h. , and G. B. Udintsev. 1955^ The northern end of the Hawaiian suboceanic ridge (in Russian). Ibid., vol. IO3, No. 6, pp. IO77-IO8O. FOL. (29) Biesel, F., and B. LeMehaute. 1955* Apercus sur la similitude des modules reduits destines a 1 'etude des seiches portuaires (Notes on the similitude of small scale models for studying seiches in harbors). Houille Blanche, vol. 10, No. 3, PP- 392-ij-07. FOL. (30) Bijlaard, P. P. I936. Theorie des deformations plastiques et locales par rapport aux anomalies negatives de la gravitation, aux fosses oceamiennes, aux geosynclinauic, au volcanisme^ a I'orogenie et a la geologic de gc^bsynclinaux, au volcanisme, a I'orogenie et la geologic de 1' Ocean I^cifique Occidental (Theoi"y of plastic and local defonnations on account of negative gravity anomalies, of oceanic trenches, of geosjmcline, of volcanism, of orogeny and the geology of the Eastern Pacific Ocean). Rapp. Union Geod. G^ophy. Int., Congi-ecs el Edimbourg, 1935, 22 pp. SIO - by Robert L. Fisher. (31) Blinova, E. N. 19'+7. On the mean annual distribution of temperature in the earth's atmosphere with respect to continents and oceans (in Russian). Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, Ser. Geogr. Geofiz., vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 3-lU. FOL. (32) Bogorov, V. G. , and M. E. Vinogradov. 1955. Some essential features of zooplankton distribution in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (in Fhassian). Trudy Inst. . Okeanolog., Acad. Sci. SSSR, vol. I8, pp. 113-123- FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. I92) - 10 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (33) Bossuet, R. 193^. Recherche des m^taux alcalins dans les eaux naturelles (Testing for alkaline metals in natural waters). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, tome I99, No. 2, pp. I3I-I33. FOL. {3^) Bourcart; Jacques. 19 5^^ • Description des echantillons recoltes par l'"Amlral Mouchez" sur la cote Marocaine entre port lyautey et Casablanca (Descriptions of samples collected by the "Amiral Mouchiz" along the Moroccan coast between Port lyautey and Casablanca). Com. Cen. Oceanogr. Etude C^es, Bull. D'lnfomiation, 6th year, No. 5, pp. 207-211. Paris, May 19514-. HOL. (35) Braginskii, L. P. 195'^- Toxicity of phosphates for zooplankton (in Russian). Priroda, I956,, No. 3, p. II6. FWS - 1 p. "by L. Birkett, BMFF. (36) Brebion, G. 1956. Description d'lin appareil destine a 1 'experimentation toxicologique sur le poisson suivant les conditions standard preconlsees \ Zurich (Description of an apparatus designed for toxological experiments on fish, following the standard conditions recommended at Zurich). Assoc. Tech. Ind. Papetiere, Bull. No. 1, pp. 9-12. FRBC, Tech. Sta. , Vancouver, B. C. - by Miss Eve Onofrey. (37) Brodskii, K. A. 1950. Copepods (Calanoida) of the Far Eastern Seas of the SSSR and the Polar Basin (Key only) (in Russian). Opredeliteli Po Faune SSSR, No. 35,- PP- Ql-Sh , 110-111, l40-l42, ikh, 170, 196, 225. 239-240, 31^-315, 325, 3i^2, 360-361, 380, 393, kOl, iH5. FOL. (38) Brodskii, K. A. 1955a. Concerning the vertical distribution of plankton in the northwestern portion of the Pacific Ocean (in Russian). Dok. AJcad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 101, No. 5, pp. 96I-964. SLA - 8 pp. Also, FV/S (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 192) - 6 pp. by W. G. Van Compen. 10 (39) Brodskii, K. A. 1955b. Plankton of the northvrestem part of the Kuroshio and the waters of the Pacific Ocean adjacent to the Kurile Islands (in Russian). Trudy Inst. Okeanolog., Acad. Sci. SSSR, vol. 18, pp. 12i<-133- FV/S (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 192) - 9 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (1+0) Buch, Kurt. 1929- Ueber die pH-Bestimmung des Wassers nach der Chinhydron- methode (On the pH determination of water by the Quinhydrane method). Finska Vetenskapssoc. Coram. Phys.- math., torn h, No. 21, 10 pp. FOL. (41) Buch, Kurt. 1938- Versuche uber photoelektrische pH Bestimmung im Meerwasser (The colorimetric determination of the hydrogen ion concentration in sea water). C. R. Trav. Lab. Carlsberg, Ser. Chim. , vol. 22, pp. IO9-II7. FOL. (14-2) Buch, Kurt, H. W. Harvey, and Hermann Watteriberg. 1931- Die scheinbaren Dissoziationskonstanten der Kohlensaure in Seewasser verschiedenen Salzgehalts (The apparent dissociation constants of carbonic acid in sea water of different salinity). Die Naturwissenschaften, I9 Jahrg., Heft 37, S. 773. FOL. 11 (k3) Buen, Rafael de. 1936a. Premiere Conference Oc^anographique Ibero-Americaine (The first Spanish -American Oceanographic Conference). Int. G^od. Geophys. Union. ,, Ass. Phys. Chem. , Proc- Verb., vol, 2, pp. 86-87. FOL. {kk) Buen, Rafael de. 1936b. Croisi^res oceanographiques accomplies en Espagna en 1933-3^ (Oceanographic ci-uises in Spain in I933 and 1934). Ibid., p. 91. FOL. (i^5) Bullig, H. J. 1954. Atlas of monthly values of water tempei-ature, wind and cloudiness along the sea route Europe-South America (in German). Wetterdienst. Seewetteramt . Einzelverof fentl. , Bd. 5, S. 3-20. FOL. (46) Chapslcii, K. K. 195^. Contribution to the problem of the history of development of the Caspian and Baikalian seals (in Russian). Zool. Zhur., vol. 33, Wo. 3, pp. 677-692. PBS - by V/. E. Ricker. (47) Chevey, P. 1936. Repartition des temperatures et des salinites dans la Mer de Chine m^ridionale (Distribution of temperature and salinities in the South China Sea). Int. Geod. Geophys. Union., Ass. Phys. Chem. , Proc.-Verb., vol. 2, pp. 119- 120. FOL. 12 (^4-8) Chi'istenson, Ivan. I956. Om ostron-gulsoten fx'Ai Bohuslan. En unik epidemi och en hygieniskepidemiologisk studie (Yellow jaundice from oysters in Bohus County. An epidemiological and hygienic study of a unique case of infectious disease). Hedellemsblad fo'r Veterinarforbund, Nr. 6, 195^, Stockholm. FWS - 8 pp. by Jan Kjellander., BMFF. {k9) Cot, D. 1936. L''^tude de la pesanteur sur la Mer (The study of gravity at sea). Int. G^od. Gdophys. Union., Ass. Phys. Chem. , Proc.-Verb., vol. 2, pp. 163-164. FOL. (50) Dannevig, Alf , and Sigfred Hansen. 1952. Faktorer av betydning for fiskeeggenes og fiskeyngelens oppvekst (Significant factors for the grovrth of fish eggs and fry). Rept. Norvr. Fish. Mar. Inv., vol. 10, No. 1, 36 pp. FOL. (51) De Angelis, Phiggero. 1950. La sistemazione idraulica e las trasformazione fondiaria dei coraprensori lagunari in Grecia (Hydraulic improve- ments and land transformation in the lagoon regions of Greece). Boll. Pesca, Piscicoltura, Idrobiol. (Note Mem. Sci.), vol. 5, n.s., fasc. 1, pp. 128-15'4-. FWS - by U. S. Dept. State, Division of Language Service. 13 (52) De Angelis, Ruggero. 1952a. Difesa ed incremento della pesca e dell^ plsclcultura nelle lagune costiere (The protection and development of fishing and fish culture in the coastal lagoons). Boll. Pesca, anno 28 (n.s. anno 7), No. 3^ May-June 1952, pp. 4-5. FWS - 7 pp. by U. S. Dept. State, division of Language Service. (53) De Angelis, Ruggero. 1952b. Lagune, valli e boniface (Lagoons, "valli" and reclamation). Ibid., No. k, July-Aug., 1952, pp. k-T. FWS - lil- pp. by U. S. Dept. State, Division of Language Service . {^k) De Angelis, Ruggero. 1955. L' incremento della pesca nella Laguna di Varano (improvement of fishing in the Varano Lagoon). Ibid. , anno 31 (n.s. anno 10), No. 3, May-June, 1955, PP' 5-8. FWS - 11 pp. by U. S. Dept. State, Division of Language Service. (55) Derjugin, K. 1928. Bacteria as a factor in the gas content (in Russian). In Romer, Fritz, and Schaudinn, Fauna Arctica, vol. 5> No. 2, pp. 519-520. FOL. 14 (56) Derju-in, K. 1933- Pacific expedition of the State H;'"drologlcal Institute in 1932 (in Russian). Gosudarstvennyi Gidrobiol. Inst., Leningrad, Isslcdovanila Morel SSSR, vol. I9, pp. 31-35. FOL - translation of German siunmary. (57) Dezgrez,, A., and J. Meunier. I926. Recherche et dosage du strontium dans I'eau de mer (investigation and determination of strontium in ocean water). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, tome I83, No. YJ, pp. 689-691. FOL. (58) Dietrich, Gunter. 1951. Oberflacheiistrdmvmgen im Kattegat, Im Sund und in der Beltsee (Surface currents in the Kattegat, in the Sund, and in the Belt Sea). Deutsch. Hydrogr. Zeitschr., Bd, k, Heft V5/6, S. 0^9-1^9- HOL -2? pp. (59) Dragesimd, Olaf. 1955 . Forel^pige resultater av forfangst og feitsildunders^kelsene sommeren 195^+ (Preliminary results of the "forfangst" and fat herring investigations in the siommer of 195^ )• Fiskets Gang, i^l aarg. , Nr. 23, 9 Juni 1955, s. 317-322. FWS - by Leslie W. Scattergood. 15 (60) Ehrenbaum, Ernst. I907. Kunstliche Zucht und Wachstum des Hxffiimers (Artificial hatching ajid growth of the lobster). Mitt. Deutsch. Seefisch.-Ver., Bd. 23, S. I78-I88. SHD - 10 pp. partial translation. (61) Einsele, Wilhelm. I938. Ueber chemische vmd kolloidchemische Vorgange in Eisen- Phosphat-Systemen unter limnochemischen und limnogeolo- gischen Gesichtspunkten (On the chemical and colloid- chemical reactions in iron-phosphate systems from the standpoint of limnochemistry and limjiogeology ) . Arch, fur Hydrobiol., Bd. 33, S. 36I-387. ABS - 2? pp. by F. R. Hayes. (62) Englesson, Elov. 1947-^8. Propellerproblemet vid fiskebatar (The propeller problem in fishing boats). Unda Maris, s. 153-168. SLA - 26 pp. (63) Buler, Hans von, Harry Hellstrom, and Maj Malmberg. 1933- Salmensaure, ein Carotinoid des Lachses (Salmon acid, a carotinoid of salmon). Svensk Kem. Tidskr., vol. k3' PBS. 16 (64) Eyssen. 1937- Allgemeiner Reisebericht (General travel report). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteorol.j 65 Jahrg. , Beiheft Zum 9, S. 3-6. FOL. (65) Fediakvskii, K. K. 19^6. The origin of wind waves (in Russian). Izvest. Akad. Natik SSSR, Leningrad, Ser. Geogr. Geofiz. , vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 265-290. FOL. (66) Fjeldstat, Jonas Ekman. 1933. Interne Wellen (internal waves). Geofys. Publ. , vol. 10, No. 6, s. 1-35- SIC - by Joseph L. Reid. (67) Georgi, J. I95I+. Bin verbessertes Angstr3m-Korapensations-Fyrheliometer nach F. E. Volochine (An improved Angstrom- compensation pyrheliometer by F. E. Volochine). Meteorol. Rundschau, Bd. 7, Heft 5/6, S. 100-101. HOL. (68) Gilsen, K. K. I918. Formation of hydrogen sulfide on the bottom of Onejakoe Lake (in Russian). Bull. Akad. Naiok SSSR, Leningrad, s. 6, vol. 12, No. 2, p. 2233. FOL. 17 (69) Giral, Jose, and Fi-utos A. Gila. 1923- 3ur I'emploi du chloiiire de sodium comme ^talon dans le dosage des Imlogdnes de I'cau de mer (On the employment of sodium chloride as standard in the determination of the halogens in sea water). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, tome 176, No. 24, pp. 1729-1730. FOL. (70) Gordienko, P. 1955- A study of the ice regime in Arctic seas and in the Arctic Ocean (in Russian). Morakoi Plot, No. 3, PP« 25- 28. FOL. (71) Gripenberg, Stina. I938. Impressions of oceanographic institutions in America (in Finnish). Suomalainen Kem. Seura, Helsingfors. Finska Kemistamfundets Meddel. (Suomen Kem. Tiedonantoja), No. if. FOL. (72) Hagemeister, E. F. 1955- The ice age and Atlantis (in Russian). Priroda, No. 7; pp. 92-96. FOL. (73) Hagmeier, Arthur, and Clemens Kunne. 1950- Die Nahrung der Meerertlere (The food of marine animals). In Lubbert and Ehrenbaum's Handbuch der Seefischerei Nordeuropas, Bd. I, Heft 5a, S. 63-73- FOL - partial ■ translation. (7^) Hansen, Walter, I95O. Gezeitenstrome im Eiiglischen Kanal (Tidal currents in the English Channel). Deutsch. Ilydrogr. Zeitschr. , Bd. 3, S. 169-183. FOL. (75) Hayashi, Kaneo. 19i{-8. Concerning Fa-ts'ai, a species of edible blue-green algae Kamina, an edible blue seaweed (Cyanophyceae) (in Japanese). Science (japan) vol. I8, pp. 89-9O. SLA - 7 pp. (76) Hempel, Gotthilf. I953. Die TemperaturabhJlngigkeit der Myomerenzahl beim Herlng (Clupea harengus L. ) (The temperature-myomere relationship among herring). Die Natiirvfissenschaften, kO Jahrg. , Heft 17, S. 467-^+68. FWS - 3 pp. by Peter Holmes, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. (77) Holckaido Regional Fisheries Research Station, n.d. Discussion on the position from which scale samples of red salmon should be taken for age determination (in ' Japanese). Its Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Biol. Rapt. No. Ik. FWS - k pp. by Robert Y. Ting. 19 (78) Honma; Mlsao, and Tadao Karaimura. 1955' Bigeye studies. II. A consideration of the size composition of bigeye talcen on pole and line (in Japanese). Bull. Jap. Sec. Sci. Fish., vol. 20, No. 10, pp. 863-869. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. I82) - 7 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (79) Ichiye, Takashi. 195^. Change of density of coastal water due to precipitation (in Japanese). Oceanogr. Rept. Cen. Meteorol. Observatory, vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 73-79, Tokyo, July 19514-. HOL. (80) Ivan-Frantskevich, G. N. 1953. Vertical stability of vater layers as an important oceanographic characteristic (in Russian). Trudy Akad. Naulc SSSR, Leningrad, Inst. Okeanol., No. 7, pp. 91-110. FOL. (81) Joseph, Joachim. 1952. Turbidity conditions in the southwestern North Sea during the "Gauss" voyage in February -March, 1952 (in Germsin). Ber. Deutsch. Wiss. Komm. Meeresforsch. , N. F., Bd. 13, Heft 2, S. 93-103- BMFF - 56 pp. 20 (82) Kalle, Kurt. 195^'. Ein kreicfoiTai[^er Rechenschieber zur BestiuimunG des Salzeelialtes boi der CI 'Titration des Meerwassers (A circular slide laile for the determination of salinity of sea water by CI 'titration). Deutsch. Hydrogr. Zeitschr. , Bd. 8, Wr. 1, S. 29-30. HOL and FOL. (83) Kamiinura, Tadao^ and Mlsao Honma. 1953- Bigeye studies. I. Size composition of the bigeye on the North Pacific fishing grounds (and especially on the alternate -year cycle in the size composition) (in Japanese). Contr. Nankai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., No. 1. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. l82) - I6 pp. by W. G. Van Ceunpen. (8^) Katayaraa, Masao. 1935- Biometric study of dog salmon /Oncorhynchus keta (Walb.JJ (in Japanese). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. k, No, 3, September 1935. FWS - 5 pp. by Loriy M. Nakatsu. (85) Kikawa, Shoji. 1953- Observations on the spawning of the bigeye tuna (Parathunnus mebachi Kishinouye) near the South Marshall Islands (in Japanese). Contr. Nankai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., No. 2k, July. SLA - 19 PP. 21 (86) Kohan, S. D. 1955- Existence of a deep-lying surface of (seismic) food on the edge of the Pacific Ocean (in Russian). Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, vol. 101, No. 1, pp. 63-64. FOL. (87) Kondratyev, V. F. 1953- Antibacterial properties of oil of three-spined stickle- back (in Russian). Priroda, No. 2, p. H^^. FOL. (88) Kort, V. G. 1955- The work of the Institute of Oceanology in the Arctic basin (in Russian). Vestnik Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, vol. 25, No. 1, pp. ij-1-42. FOL. (89) Koziovskii, D. A. 1953- Significance of turbidity of rivers in the development of fish fauna and changes in fish forms (in Russian). Zool. Zhur., vol. 32, No. 6, pp. IO52-IO63. SLA - 25 pp. (90) Krefft; G. 195^- Untersuchungen zur Rassenfrage beim Hering (Research on the races question in herring). Mitt. Inst. Seefisch. Bundesforschungsajistalt Fisch. , Heft 6, 2 Auflage, Hamburg. FWS - 9 PP. by Peter Holmes. 22 (91) Kriss, A. E. 1955a. Microbe populatiUij the deep waters of the Olchotsk Sea and Pacific Ocean (in Russian). Priroda, vol. 3, No. "J, pp. 65-72. PBS - 19 pp. by CSS. (92) KrisG, A. E. 1955"o. Bacterial vorld of the ocean in the region of the North Pole (in Russian). Ibid., No. 9, pp. 6I-68. PBS - 2? pp. by CSS. (93) Kriss, A. E., and A. V. Assman. 1955- Microoi'ganisms as fish food (in I^ssian). Dok. Naiik SSSR, vol. 105, No. 3, pp. 606-699. PBS - 8 pp. by CSS. (9^) Kriss, A. E., and V. I. Biryuzova. I955. Vertical distribution of microorganisms in the Kuril- Kamchatka depression of the Pacific Ocean (in Russian). Ibid., vol. 100, No. o, pp. II7-I78. PBS - 10 pp. by CSS. (95) Kriss, A. E., M. N. Lebedeva, and E. A. Rukina. 1952. Distribution of the quantity and biomass of micro- organism in the sea depending on the distance from the shore (in Russian). Dok. Akad. Naiik SSSR, Leningrad, vol.- 86, No. 3, pp. 633-636. SLA - 8 pp. 23 (96) Kriss, A. E., and E. A. I^akinti. I9U9. The microbiolOciy 01 ishe Black Sea (in Russian). J-likrobiologiia, vol. 13^ Ko. 2, pp. ikl-iyj,. SLA - I3 pp. (97) Krogh,, August. I93O. Ueber die Bedeuturi^ von gelcJsten organischen Substanzen bei der ErnShrung von VJassGrtieren (upon the significance of dissolved organic substances in the nutrition of aquatic animals). Zeitschr. Vergleich. Physiol., Bd. 12 (3A). S. 668-681. FOL. (98) Krogius, F. V., and E. M. Krochin. 195^. Means to restore and increase the runs of Karacloatka salmon (in Russian). Ikhtiologicheskaya Komissiya, Trudy Soveshchaniy, No. k, pp. IO-I3. FWS - 7 pp. by C. E. Atkinson. (99) Korringa, P. 19if9. Nieuwe aanv;ijzingen voor de bestrijding van slipper en schelpziekte (New iiifontiation on combating slipper limpets and shell disease). Visserij-Nieuws, Nr. 8, pp. 90-91+. ABS - 13 pp. by Mrs. M. H. A. Keenleyside. (100) Korringa, P. 1955. De Kwaliteit van de Consijraptie-Oesters in het Seizoen 1954.55 (The quality of oysters for consumption during the season of 1951+-1955)- Ibid., Nr. 12, pp. I87-I89. ABS - 5 pp. by CSS. 24 (101) Kubo, Itsuo. 1938. Preliminary notes on the stock of the anadromous dog salmon Oncorhynchus keta (Walb . ) 1 . On the catch from the Miomote River (in Japanese). Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 6, No. 5, PP- 262-265. FWS - 10 pp. by Lorry M. Nakatsu. (102) Kubo, Tatsuro. I956. Peculiarity of population of chum salmon in the Shiriuchi River in respect to the vertebral coimt (in Japanese). Bull. Faculty Fish. Hokkaido Univ., vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 266-270. FWS - 10 pp. by Robert Y. Ting. (103) Kuroki, Toshiro. I952. Study on the electric fish-screen IV. The electrifying effects by 10-4 sec. order low frequency electric shocks upon fish bodies (in Japanese). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 18, Wo. 1, pp. 25-29. FWS - 9 pp. by Akira Ishimaru. {iQh) Labesh, V. G. 1955 . Measurement of the direction of surface flow in the open sea (in Russian). Meteorol. Gidrolog., No. 6, Nov. -Dec, 1955, pp. 55-56. SLA - 3 pp. 25 (105) Lavrentieff, V. M. 1951. Influence of the boundary layei- on the wave resistance of a ship (in Russian). Kept. Acad. Sci. SSSR, torn. 80, No. 6, SLA. (106) Liaijnan, E. M- 19^9* A course in fish diseases (in Ffussian). In Kurs boleznei lyb. FOL. (107) Lisitsyn, A. P., U. P. Petelin, and G. B. Urdintsev. 195i<-. A new achievement of Soviet marine geology (in Russian). Priroda, vol. 6, pp. 63-66. SLA - 8 pp. (108) Lucht, Fritz. 1953. Hydrographische Untersuchungen inner Brackwasserzone der Elbe (Hydrographic investigations in the zone of brackish water of the Elbe). Deutsch. Hydrogr. Zeitschr. , Bd. 6, Heft 1, S. 18-32. SLA - 15 pp. (109) Lunde, Gulbrand, and Sigurd Lunde. 1938. Unders^kelser over forekomsten av carrageen - alger i Kordland (investigations regarding the distribution of carrageen algae in Worth Norway). Fiskeridirektoratets Skr, , Ser. HavundersjzJk. , vol. 5, pp. 6-I9. SLA - 13 pp. by HOL. 26 (no) Manuelli, A. 191'+. Ricerche di chiniioa talassografica. Sul rapporto fra i vari sali nell'acqua dl mare (Chemical oceanographic research. A report on various salts in sea water). Ann. Chim. Appl., No. 2, pp. 132-153- FOL. (in) Maurer, H. 1933- Gemeinsame graphische Tafel der Berichtigiingsfonneln fur geschutzte lond ungeschutzte Tlefsee- Utakipp- thermometer (General graph of the corirection formulas for the protected and unprotected deep-sea thermometers). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteorol., 6l Jahrg., Hefte 11/12, S. 385-387- FOL. (112) Miche, M. 19^+9- Mouvements ondulatoires de la mer en profondeur constante ou decroissante (Undulatory motions of the sea at constant or decreasing depth). Ann. Fonts Chaussees, tome Ilk, No. 1, pp. 25-78. SLA. (n3) Monastyrskii, G. W. 1953. Types of spawning fish populations (in Russian). Ocherki po Obshchim Voprosam I^Jitiolog^ pp. 295-305. SLA - 20 pp. (114) Nakai, Zinziro. 19if2. The chemical composition, volume, weight, and size of the important marine plankton (in Japanese). Jour. Oceanogr. Soc. Jap., vol. 1, No. 1/2, pp. 45-55. FOL. 27 (115) Nakai , Zinziro. Shuzo Usami, Shicemasa Hattori;, Koji Honjo, and Shigeichi Hayashi. 1955- Progress report of the Cooperative Ivashl Resources Investigations, 19^9-1951 (in Japanese). Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. I^b. FOL. (116) Nakaraura, Hiroshi. 1938. Report of an investigation of the spearfishes of Formosan waters (in Japanese). Rept. Taiwan Govt., Gen. Fish. Exp. Sta., 1937, No. 10. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 153) - *i-6 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (117) Nakamura, Hiroshi. 19^4-1. On the body temperature of two or three fishes of the families Thunnidae and Istiophoridae (in Japanese). Suisan Gakkai, Kai Ho, vol. 8, No. 3/4, pp. 256-263.. FOL. (118) Nakamura, Hiroshi. 19^9. The tunas and their fisheries (in Japanese). Tokyo, Takeuchl Shobo, 19^9. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 82) - 115 pp. by V/. G. Van Campen. (119) Nakamura, Hiroshi. 1951- Tuna longline fisherj-- and fishing grounds (in Japanese). Assoc. Jap. Tuna Fish. Coop., Tokyo, 1951- FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 112) - I68 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. 28 (120) Nakajuura Research Staff. 1949. Report of investigations of skipjack and tima resources in 1947 (in Japanese). Fish. Exp. Sta. , March I9U9. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept : Fish. No. I7) - I9 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (121) Nakamura, Hiroshi, Tadao Kamimura, and Yoichi Yabuta. 1953. Size composition of albacore and bigeye tuna of the North Pacific fishing grounds (in Japanese). Contr. Nankai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. No. 12. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. I82) - 5 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (122) Nakayama, Takuzo. 19^8. The calculation of the first cost price in the tuna fishery (in Japanese). Suisankai, No. 77O, May 19^8, pp. 10-16. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 79) - 12 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (123) Nazarov, V. A. 19^47. Historic pattern of Kara Sea iciness (in Russian). Izvest. Geogr. Obshchestvo SSSR;, vol. 79^ No. 6, pp. 653-655. FOL and SLA. 29 (12^) Ileiuaaiuij Gerhard,, and Aiiiold GchKiiiaclicr. 19^1-. Stromun^en ■•iiiid Diclito der Mcorccoberflache vor der Ostldiste Noixlaiaerikas (Currents and dciicity of sea surface off the east ccast of North America). Ann. Hydrogr. I'fe,rit. Meteorol., 72 Jaiirc-, Ifcft 10, S. 277- 279- HOL. (125) IUkolsl^ of the Amur Basin (in Russian). Trudy Soveshchaniia po Voprosam Lososevovo Khoz. Dalnevo Vostoka, 1953, pp. 160-168. PBS - 10 pp. by W. E. Ricker. (126) Nikolsl^jr, G. V. 1953b. Concerning the biological basis of the rate of exploitation, and means of managing the abimdance of fish stocks (in Russian). Ocherki po Obshchim Voprosam Ikhtiologii, 1953, Acad. Sci. SSSR, Leningrad, pp. 306- 318. PBS - 16 pp. by W. E. Ricker. Also FOL. (127) Oceanographic Section, Kobe Marine Observatoiy. 195^' On the hydrography of the Giili' of Osalca and Kii Strait (1953) (in Japanese). Oceanogr. Rept. Cen. Meteorol. Obseivatory, vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 7-36, Tokyo, July 195'^-' HOL. 30 (128) Oshima, Kokichi. 1931. Discovery of an enzyme- splitting alginic acid and its properties (in Japanese). Agric. Chem. Soc. Jap., Jour. No. 7, pp. 332-339. FOL. (129) Ostrekhin, M. E. I95I1. Recent study and exploration of the central Arctic (in Russian). Priroda, No. 12, pp. 3-12. FOL. (130) j25y, Emil. 1951. Qm kvelstoff - forbindelser i sj^tang (The nitrogen compounds in sea weed). Tldsskr. Kjemi, Bergvesen, Metal., 1951, Nr. 6, s. 82-8if. SLA. (131) Picotti, Mario. I93O. Ricerche di oceanografta chimica. Parte I - Tabelle generali delle analisi clorometrische e dei dati di temperatura , salinita e densitk (Researches in chemical oceanography. Part I - General tables of chlorometric analyses and data on temperature, salinity and density). Ann, Idrogr., vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 69-II6. FOL. (132) Picotti, Mario. 1935a. Developpement et approximation de la r^fractom^trie de I'eau de mer (Development and approximation of the refractometry of sea water). Coram. Int. Expl. Mer Mediterranee , Rapp. Proc.-Verb., n.s., vol. 9, PP- 31-38. FOL. 31 (133) Picotti, Mario. 1935t>. Rafrattometria dell'acqiaa marine e tavole per la mlsura dell salinita (Refractometry of sea water and tables for the measurement of salinity). Com. Tallassogr. Ital. Mem., No. 221, pp. 1-31- FOL. (134) Picotti, Mario. I938. II mare, grande vivificatore de2J.a laguna (The ocean, the source of the lagoon). Soc. Ital. Prog. Sci., Atti, No. 26, pp. 195-199. FOL. (135) Piotrovich, V. V. 1956. Formation of depth-ice (in Russian). Priroda, No. 9* pp. 9^-95. FOL. (136) Plashchinskiy , N. K. 19^9. A course in electronavigational instruments for higher naval educational institutions. Section IV - Echo sounder (in Russian). FOL - by F. R. Preveden. (137) Portier, P. 1931. Gaz carbonique et phenom^nes de synthase (Carbonic gas and phenomena of synthesis). LaPresse Medicale, Jvtne 3^ 1931, No. hh, pp. 823-825. FWS - 14 pp. by C. E. Atkinson. 32 (138) Prost, Maria. 1952. V Investigations on parasitic protozoa on the gills of salmon fry (in Polish). Lublin > Uniw. Marii Curie- Sk/odowskie j . Ann. (Roczniki). Dzia^ C. Nauki Biol., vol. 6, Wo. 12, pp. 379-386. FOL. (139) Paspalev, G. V. 1933- Bulgarische biologische Station und Aquariiun in Varna am Schwarzen Meer (Bulgarian biological station and aquarium in Varna on the Black Sea). Arb. Biol. Meeressta. Schwarzen Meer Varna, vol. 1, S. 26-33. SLA - 5 PP« (140) Paspaleff, G. W. 193^- Ueber das Vorkommen von Thaumantias maeothica Ostr. Im Golf von Varna (On the occurrence of Thavunantias maeothica, Ostr. in the Gulf of Varna). Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. , Dd. 3I, S. 273-280. FOL. (iJH) Pelissier, L. 1937- Rapport d 'ensemble sur les travaux d ' oceanographie physique executes en France depuis 1933 (Collective report on the physical oceanographical work performed in France since 1933). Assoc. Oc^anogr. Phys., Union Geod. G^ophys. Int., Proc.-Verb., No. 2, pp. 88-9O. FOL. 33 (ll+2) Petrushevski , G. K. 1955- On the problem of parasitocoenoses in fish (in Russian). Trav. Inst. Zool. , Acad. Sci. SSSR, vol. 21, pp. kh-32. FV/S - 5 PP- by Z. Kabata, SHD. (lij-3) Pettersson, Hans. 1936. Das Licht 0m Meer (Light in the ocean), Meteorol. Zeitsch. Bioklimat. Beibl., Bd. 3, Heft 1, S. 1-11. FOL. {Ikh) Raben, E. I916. Quantitative determination of the phosphoric acid dissolved in sea water (in German). Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. , Abt. Kiel, N. F., Bd. I8, Heft 1, S. l-2if. FOL. (IU5) Ramalho, A. 1937- Review of Ed. le Danois' "Observations hydrologiques des quatre premieres croisi^res du navire 'President Theodore Tissier'" (Review of Ed. le Danois' Observations of a hydrological nature on the first four cruises of the ship "President Theodore Tissier"). Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, Jour, du Cons., vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 205-206. FOL. (l46) Ravich-Shcherbo, lU. A. 1956. Prospects of the use of antibiotics in the fishing industry (in Russian). Rybn. Khoz., No. 6, pp. 75-77- FOL. 34 (147) Reschkc. 1953 . Das Verhalten von Leichtraetall-Legierungen gegentfber Seewasser (The behavior of light metal alloys in sea water). Aluminium, Bd. 29, Nr. 5, S. 203-206. SLA. (1^+8) Reibisch, John. I899. Ueber die Eizahl bei Pleuronectes plate ssa und die Alterbestimmung dieser Form aus den Otolithen (The number of eggs in Pleuronectes plate ssa and age deter- mination by means of the otolith). Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. ^ N. F., Bd. k, Abt. Kiel, S. 231-2-1+6. FWS - 15 pp. by A. T. A. Dobson, BMFF. (149) Reichenbach-Klinke , Heinz-Hermann. 1954. Untersuchungen uber die bei Fischen durch Parasiten hervorgerufenen Zysten und deren Wirkung auf den Wirtskdrper (investigations regarding cysts produced in fish through parasites and the effect of such cysts on the host). Zeitschr. Fisch. Hilfswiss., N- F., Bd. 3, Heft 6/7/8, S. 565-636 and Bd. 4, Heft l/2, S. 1-52. FOL. - 19 pp. (150) Reichenbach-Klinke, Heinz-Hermann. 1955- Beobachtungen iiber Meeresfisch-Tuberkulose (Observations on marine fish tuberculosis). Pubb. Staz. Zool. Napoli, vol. 26, pp. 55-62. FOL - 5 PP- 35 (151) Reichenbach-lG-inke, Heinz- He imann. 1956. Die Verraehrungsformen des zoophagen Pilzes Ichthyosporidium hofei'i (Plelin et Mulsow) (Fungi, Phycomycetes) im Wirt /The reproduction forms of the zoophagous fungus Ichthyosporidium hoferi (Plehn and Mulsow) ( Fungi , Phycomycetes) in the host_J^ VerdTffent. Inst, fur Meeresforsch. in Bremerhaven, Bd. IV, Heft 2, S. 21^^-219. FOL - 5 pp. (152) Ringer J W. E. I906. Concerning the variations in the composition of the sea water upon freezing (in Dutch). Rijksinst. voor het Onderz. Zee, Verhandel. , No. 1, bl. 1-55- FOL. (153) Risting, Sigurd. I912. KnjZ^lhvalen (Tlie humpback whale). Norsk Fiskeritid. , 31 aarg., No. 11, s. 1^37-1^9. HOL. (I'^k) Roch, Feliz. I93I. Einige Beobachtungen zur 5kologie und Physiolgie von Teredo naval is L. (Observations on the ecology and physiology of Teredo navalis L. ). Arkiv for Zool., Bd. 2l^A, H^fte 2, No. 5, s. I-I8. FOL. (155) Rodewald, M. 19^9. Klima und Wetter des Fischereigebiets Bareninsel (Climate and weather of the Bear Island fisheries area). Amtl. Veroffentl. Meteorol. Nordwest-Deutschland, pp. 1-70. SIA - 50 pp. 36 (156) Rodina, A. G. 19'+9. Bacteria as food of aquatic animals (in Russian). Priroda, vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 23-26. SLA - 12 pp. (157) Roll, H. U. 195^. Values of ocean waves as a function of wind forces (in German). Wetterdienst. Seewetterarat. ElnzelverSffentlich- ungen, No. 6, S. l-l8. FOL. (158) Ruppin, Ernst. I9II. Bericht ilber das Verhaitnis der CI, SOn und ^ Werte in einer Reihe von l^J- Meen^asser Proben (Report on the pro- portions of CI and SOo and specific gravity obtained on a series of fourteen samples of sea water). Zeitschr. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. , Bd. 69, S. 232-246. FOL. (159) Saetersdal, Gtmnar. 1956. Fisheries research in northern waters - study items and resiilts (in Norwegian). Avdellngsrapp. Havforsloiingsinst. Fiskeridirek. , Bergen, IIo. 1, Aug. I956. ABS - 21 pp. by Central Office of Information, London. (160) Sasaki, Takeo. 1939- Skipjack fishing grounds and oceanographic conditions in the Northeastern Sea area (in Japanese). Miyagi Prefecture Fish. Exp. Sta., Fish. Guidance Materials No. 1, March 1939. F\^/S - 21 pp. by W. G. Van Carapen. 37 (161) Sato, Rokuji. 1938a. On new migratory courses of salmon determined by the tagging experiments in the fishing ground of northern North Pacific, 1935 (Report 2) 2. Oncorhynchus keta (Walb. ) (in Japanese). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 251-261. FWS - 30 pp. by Lorry M. Nakatsu. (162) Sato, Rokuji. 1938b. On the migratory speed of salmon and the stock of red salmon estimated from the tagging experiments in northern Pacific (in Japanese). Ibid. , vol. 7* No. 1, Ifey 1938- FWS - 7 pp. by Lorry M. Nakatsu. (163) Sato, Rokuji. 1939a. On the condition of gonads of salmon (Oncorhynchus ) having reached the age of return in the northern North Pacific, Report No. 1: Red Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka Walb.) (in Japanese). Ibid., vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 73-75- FWS - 8 pp. by Robert Ting. (I6U) Sato, Rokuji. 1939h. On salmon tagging experiments in northern North Pacific in 1937 and I938 (in Japanese). Ibid., No. k, November 1939. FWS - 16 pp. by Robert Ting. 38 (165) Sclr.i.perclaus , W. 1956a. Die Bauchwassersucht des Karpferis, eine bakterielle Inf ektionskrankheit . iiiid neue Methoden zu ihrer erfolgreichen Heilung und Bekarapfung durch antibiotische Mittel (Dropsy of carp, a bactex-ial infectious disease, and new methods of curing and treating it through anti- biotics). Arch. Fischereiwlss. , 7 Jahrg. , Heft 1, S. 9- 17. FOL - 10 pp. (166) Schaperclaus , W. 1956b. Bekarapfung der infektiosen Bauchwassersucht des Karpfens durch Antibiotika (Treatment of infectious dropsy of carp with antibiotics). Zeitschr. Fisch. Hilfswiss., N. F., Bd. 5, Heft 1/2,, 59 S. FOL - U pp. of sections XIII and XIV (Summai-y of the possible applications of antibiotics, pp. 5^-57.- a-nd Summary, pp. 57-59)- (167) Schulz, Bruno. 1930a. Gehalt von Regenwasser an Schwefelsaure (Sulfuric acid content of rain water). Ann Hydrogr. Mar. Meteorol., 58 Jahrg., Heft k, S. I57-I58. FOL. (168) Schulz, Bruno. 1930b. Die Bezlehiing zwischen Jod- und Salzgehalt des MeeiT/assers (The relationship between the iodine and salt content of sea water). Ibid., Heft 5, S. I87. FOL. 39 (169) Schulz, Biimo. 1930c. Die Alkalinit!it des Oberfl&'chenvassers des Nordsee iind des Nordatlantik (The alkalinity of the surface water of the North Sea and the North Atlantic). Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, Rapp. Proc.-Verb., No. 6'J , pp. 91-92. FOL. (170) Sebentsov, B. M. ,, D. I. Bisk, and E. W. Meisner. 1940. Water regulation in the reservoirs of the Moscow-Volga Canal (in Russian). Veseoiuznyi Nauchno-issledovatelskli Trudy Inst. Pinidovogo Rybn. Khoz.j Voronezhskoe Otdelenie, vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 97-99. FOL. (171) Semko, R. S. 1951- On the causes of fluctuation in the number of Pacific salmon and the tasks in the rational use of stocks (in Russian). Paper presented at Russian All-Union Conference on Questions of Fisheries, Fisheries Management, 1951- FWS - kk pp. (172) Shliamin, B. A. 1955- The Peru current (in Russian). Geografiia v Shkole, pp. 28-29. FOL. (173) Shtokman, V. B. 1953- Some problems of the dynamics of sea currents (in Russian). Izvest. Akad. Naulc SSSR, Ser. Geofiz., No. 1, pp. 69-77. SLA - Ik pp. 40 (17^0 Sluaclkin, V. V. 1950. TliG present status of the theory of ice field drift (in Russian). Parairoti luliia luliia Mikhailovicha Shokal' skogo, No. 2, pp. 63-S2. FOL. (175) Shuleikin, V. V. 1953a. How the energy' of the wind is transferred to the waves (in Russian). Dok. Aicad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad ^ vol. 91, No. 5, pp. 1079-1082. FOL. (176) Shuleikin, V. V. 1953o. Destruction of waves on a shoal (in Russian). Vestnik Akad. Hauk SSSR, Leningrad, vol. 23, Wo. 12, pp. 75-7?. FOL. (177) Shulman, S. S. 195^^- On the specificity of fish parasites (in Russian). Zool. Zhur. , vol. 33, pt. 1, pp. 1^1-25. FWS - 12 pp. by Z. Kabata, SHD. (178) Smaragdova, N. P. 193^'"'. Growth of Sebastes nari nus L. in Barentz Sea (in Russian). Bull. Soc. Wat., Moscow, Biol. Sec, vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 331-337- FV/S - 9 pp. by Paul S. Galtsoff. (179) Snezhinskii, V. A. 1951a. Recovery and storage of water samples (in Russian). Praktich. Okeanogr. , pp. 125-167- FOL. 41 (l80) CnezhinGkii, V. A. 19510. Ooservations of the level (in Russian). Ibid. , pp. 255-29^. FOL. (lei) Soleijn, Peder. 1939. Rauaten og Gildelarvene i nord^stlige Nordsjj!^ i april 1937 (Red feed and herring larvae in the northeastern Korth Sea and Norwegian Sea in April 1937 )• Kept. Horw. Fish. Mar. Invest., vol. 6, nr. 1, pp. Y^i-S^i-. FWS - 9 pp. by Leslie \1. Scattergood. (182) Sorensen, N. A. 1935- Ueber die Cai'otinoide des Lachsfleisches, Lipochrome mariner Tiere (On the carotinoids of salmon flesh. Lipochromes of marine animals). Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., Bd. 235* PBS. (183) Sji$rensen, S. P. L. I902. Bestiinmung des Ciilor- und Salzgehalts (Determination of the chlorine and salt content). Wiss. Meeresimtersuch. , Abt. Keil, N. F., Bd. 6, S. 136-142. FOL. (l81|) Strel'nikov, I. D. 1923- Contribution to the knov/ledge of the fauna of the Kara Sea (in Russian). Izvcst. Petrogradskogo Nauch. Inst. Imeni P. F. Lesgafta, vol. 6, pp. 7I-80. HOL. 42 (185) Stremousov, N. V. 1935- Synoptic processes in the eastern part of the Asiatic continent and adjacent seas (in Russian). Zhur. Geofiz., vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 20U-221. FOL. (186) Suda, Akira. 195i^. Albacore studies. I. Size composition of albacore taken in the North Pacific during the period of southward movement (in Japanese). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 20, No. 6, pp. k60-k68. F\'/S (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. 182) - 8 pp. by W. G. Van Carapen. (187) Suda, Akira. 1955- Albacore studies. II. Size composition of the albacore taken in the North Pacific during the period of north- ward movements (in Japanese). Ibid. , vol. 21, No. 5; pp. 31^-319. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. l82) - 6 pp. by W. G. Van Campen. (188) Suda, Akira. I956. Albacore studies. III. Size composition seen in the several ocean currents (in Japanese). Ibid. , No.- 12. FWS (Spec. Sci. Rept: Fish. No. I82) - 5 PP. by W. G. Van Campen. 43 (189) Sugiura, Jiro. 195^. Volume transport in the sea area east of Sanriku from March to August 1950 (in Japanese). Oceanogr. Rept. Cen. Meteorol. Observatory, vol. 3> No. 3^ PP« 64-68, Tokyo, July 195^. HOL. (190) Sukharevski, lU. M. 19^8. Some characteristics of reverberation observed in the sea (in Russian). Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, vol. 60, No. 7, pp. Il6l-ll6if. FOL and SLA. (191) Svetovidov, A. N. (?) Key to families of gadiform fishes (in Russian). In Faima SSSR, Ryby, vol. 9, No. k, 221 pp. FWS - 9 PP. by C. Richard Robins. (192) Sysoev, N. N. 1953- Procedure for the measurement of currents while drifting (in Fhissian). Trudy Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, Inst. Okeanol., No. 7, pp. 32O-326. FOL. (193) Sysoev, N. 1955- The Vitiaz in the ocean (in Russian). Sovetskii Soiuz, No. 2, pp. 12-13. HOL. 44 (19^) Taguchi, Kisaburo. lSk&. On the scale and stock of the red salmon (Oncorhynehus nerka) migrating to the Kamchatka (in Japanese). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 13, No. k, pp. I58-I6O. FWS - 8 pp. by Lorry M. Nakatsu. (195) Tamura, Tamotsu. 1954. An experimental study of fish tagging (in Japanese). Ibid., vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 1021-1027. FOL. (196) Tarasov, N. I. 19^3. Biology of the sea and the Navy (in Russian). Moscow, Naval Publ. House People's Comm. SSSR Navy. FWS - 472 pp. by F. R. Preveden. (197) Thiel, G. 1953. Die Wlrkungen der Luft- und Winddruckes auf den Wasserstand in der Ostsee (Effects of atmospheric and wind pressure on the water level in the Baltic). Deutsch. Hydrogr. Zeitschr., Bd. 6, Heft 3, S. 107-123. HOL. (198) Thorbjamarson, Thordur. 19kh. Innovations used in the fishing industry in the United States (in Icelandic). Aegir, vol. 37; No. 9/lO, pp. 19^-207. FOL. 45 (199) Tikhii, M. I. 1925- On salmon hatching in the grovmd (in Russian). Izvest. Vsesoiuznyi Nauchno-issledovatelskit Inst. Ozemogo i Rechnogo Rybn. Khoz. , vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 125-133. FOL. (200) Tomczak, Gerhard. 1952. Der Einfluss der Kiistengestalt und des vorgelagerten Meeresbodens auf den windbedingten Anstau des Wassers, betrachtet em Belspiel der Westlofste Schleswig-Holsteins (The influence exercised by the coast's shape and the topography of the tidal flats on the piling up of water due to stress of wind, exemplified by the conditions on the coast of Schleswig-Holstein). Deutsch. Hydrogr. Zeitschr., Bd. 5, Heft 2/3, S. llif-131. SLA. (201) Travin, V. I. 1951- A new species of sea perch in the Barents Sea (Sebastes mentella ) (in Russian). Dok. Akad. Naiik SSSR, vol. 77, No. k, pp. 74l-7il-i|. FWS - 5 PP- by C. R. Robins. (202) Tremblay, Jean Louis, and Louis Lauzier. 19*4-0. L'origine de la nappe d'eau froide dans I'estuaire du Saint-Laurent (The origin of the layer of cold water in the estuary of the St. Lawrence). Naturaliste Can., No. 57. pp. 5-23. FOL. 46 (203) Tsilcunov, V. A. 1952. Certain peculiarities of ebb and flow phenomena in a strait (in Russian). Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, vol. 86, No. 5, pp. 925-928. FOL. (2(A-) Tsujimura, Michiyo, PCikiilco Tabei, and Tsixru Wada. 1952. On the components of sea weed. On the quantity of riboflavin in sea weeds (in Japanese). Nippon Kagaku Kalshi, vol. 2.G, No. 1, pp. II-I3. SLA - 10 pp. (205) Tsujimiira, Michiyo, Tei Yamanishi, and Fujiko Yoshimatsu. 1953' Studies of flavin and other substances in Laminaria Japonica (Tangle) (in Japanese). Ochanomizu Hoshi Daigaku Shizen Hokolcu, Dai \ Kan Dai 1 Go, vol. h. No. 1, March 1953. SLA - 8 pp. (206) Uda, Mlchitaka. 1933- Types of skipjack schools and their fishing qualities (in Japanese). Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 107-111, September 1933- SLA - 11 pp. (207) Uda, Michltaka. 193'^■. Local variations in the composition of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) schools (in Japanese). Ibid., vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 196-202, November 1934. SLA - I7 pp. 47 (208) Udintsev, G. B. 195^- New data on the topography of the Kurile -Kamchatka trough (in Russian). Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR^ Leningrad, vol. 9*+, No. 2., pp. 315-318. FOL. (209) Udintsev, G. B. 1955- Geological structure of the Kurile -Kamchatka trough (in Russian). Priroda, No. 12, pp. 79-82. FOL. (210) Vallaux, Camille. 1936. The oxygenation index in sea water (in French). Rev. Gen. Sci. Pur. Appl. , vol. Wj , No. 23, pp. 655-662. FOL. (211) Vasilief, V. V. 1937- Content of bromine in Japanese sea (in Russian). Zhur. Prikl. Khim., Leningrad, vol. 10, 2(7), PP- I296-I3OI. FOL. (212) Vercelli, Francisco. 1927- Ricerche di oceanografia fisica. Parte I - Correnti e maree (Researches in physical oceanography - Part 1. Currents and tides). Ann. Idrogr., vol. 11, pp. 13- 208. FOL. (213) Vercelli, Francisco. 1930. Ricerche di oceanografia fisica Parte IV - La temperatura e la salinita delle acque (Researches in physical oceanography. Part h. The temperature and salinity of the water). Ibid. , vol. lib, pp. 1-66. FOL. 48 (2ll<-) Vercelli, Francisco, and Mario Picotti. 1926. The physical-chemical regime of the waters in the strait of Messina (in Italian). Comm. Int. Mediterraneo . Deleg. Ital. Crociere Stud. Fenomeni Stretto Messina, No. 2, pp. 1-161. FOL. (215) Vilela, H. 195^. As ostras no consijmo e na economia nacional (Oysters in consumption and in the national economy). Bol. de Pesca, vol. U3, pp. lii-25. SLA - 16 pp. (216) Vinogradov, A. P. 1933- La composition chimique el^mentaire des organismes vivants et le systdme p^riodique des elements chimiques (The elementary chemical composition of living organisms and the periodic laws of the chemical elements). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, tome 197, No. 25, pp. I673-I675. FOL. (217) Vinokurov, G. A. I938. Notes on spontaneous crystallization of water (in Russian). Trudy Veseoiuznyi Arktic. Inst. Leningrad, No. 110, pp. 39-^1. FOL. (218) Vize^ Vladimir lUlevich. 1933. Temperature and salinity of the sea water (in Russian). Ibid., No. 10, pp. 84-87. FOL. 49 (219) Waiiiczek, H. 1930. Investigations of some species of Asplanclma (in Polish). Ann. Mas. Zool. Pol., No. 8, pp. 109-322. FOL. (220) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1929- VII. Die Phosphat- und Nitrat- Untersuchimgen der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition auf V. S. "Meteor" (The phosphate and nitrate investigations of the German Atlantic expedition on the survey steamer "Meteor"). Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, Rapp. Proc.-Verb., No. 53, pp. 90-94. FOL. (221) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1931- Ueber die Lbslichkeit von CaCOo im Meerwasser (On the solubility of CaCOo in sea ^■ra.ter). Die Naturwissenschaften, 19 Jahrg., Heft 48, S. 965. FOL. (222) Wattenberg, Hermann. I936. Kohlensaure und Kalziumlcarbonat im Meere (Carbon dioxide eind calcium carbonate in the sea). Fortschr. Mineralog., Kristallogr. Petrogr., Bd. 20, S. 168-195. FOL. (223) Wendicke, Fritz. I916. Hydrographische Untersuchungen des Golfes von Neapel in Sommer 1913 (Hydrographic studies of the Gulf of Naples, summer, 1913). Mitt. Zool. Sta. Neapel, Bd. 22, Nr. 11, S. 329-366. SLA - 24 pp. 50 (22it) Wust, GGor-. 1929- Schichtung und Tiefenzerkulation des Pazifischen Ozeana (stratification aiid depth circxilation of the Pacific Ocean), Verciffent. Inst. Meereslcunde , Geogr. Reihe, Bd. 20, G. l-6k. FOL. (225) Wiist, Georg. 1932 Prografflm, Ausriistvuig, Methoden der Serienmessungen (The program, equipment and methods of the series measurements), Deutsch Atl. Exp. "Meteor" 1925-192?. Wiss. Ergebnisse, Bd. 4, Erste Teil, S. 1-59. FOL. (226) wiist, Georg. I936. Surface salinity, evaporation and rainfall over the oceans (in German). lA'nderkundliche Forschung, Festschr. Norbert Krebs...dargebracht, S. 3^7-359. FOL. (227) Yoshihara, Tamolcichi. 1954. The distribution of catches on tuna longlines. k. A • table and diagram for calculating the closing- in ratio (in Japanese). Riill. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 1012-1014. FOL. (228) Zelinsky. I893. Tlie sulfhydric fermentation in the Black Sea (in Russian). Russ. Fiziko-ldiim. Obshchestvo Zhur. , No. 25, pp. 298^303. FOL. 51 (229) Zenkovich, B. A. 193^. Materials on cetaceans of Far Eastern Seas (in Russian). Vestnik Akad. Nauk SSSR Leningrad, No. 10, pp. 9-25. SLA - 7 pp. (230) Zenkevich, L. A. 1951- On the availability of food to fish in marine vraters (in Russian). Paper presented at Russian All-Union Con- ference on Questions of Fisheries, Fisheries Management, 1951- FWS - 18 pp. (231) Zijlstra, J. J. 1956. De Engelse wal-visserij (British coastal fisheries). Visserij-Nieuws, 8 Jaarg. , No. 11, bis. I86-I92. FWS - 10 pp. by Central Office of Information for BMFF. (232) Zinimer, Hans K. 19^7- Fiskebaters stabilitetsproblem (The stability problem of fishing boats). Unda Maris, I9I17/I+8. Nordisk Fiskebotbyggarekongress, pp. 67-75- SLA - I8 pp. (233) Zotin, M. 1955- On the drift of scientific stations in the Central Arctic (in Russian). Morskoi Flot, vol. 11, pp. 26-28. FOL. (234) Zubov, N. N. 19^7. Sea currents (in Russian). In Dinam. Okeanol. , ch. "] , PP- 257-335. FOL and HOL. 52 (235) Zubov, N. N. 19^+8. Arctic ice and the wanning of the Arctic (in fhjssian). In V. TSentre Arktiki, ch. 6-7- FOL. (236) Zubov, N. N., and V. D. Dibner. I955. Arctic ice-islands and how they drift -- The origin of the floating ice-islands (in Russian). Priroda, vol. 2, PP- 37-^5 and vol. 2, pp. 89-92. FOL. 53 (237) Ancellin, J. A. 19!;?. Considerations sur les harengs du sud de la Mer du Nord et de la Manche Orientale (Thouchts on the herring of the southern North Sea and the Eastern Channel. Resume of observations made from 19^5 "to 195*^ )• Sci. et Peche, Inst. Sci. Tech. P6ches Marit., Publ. Mensuelle, No. ^3, Ser. B., Biol. Peche, 10 pp. FWS - by Leslie W. Scattergood (238) Anonymous. I897. Om Sildens Fedtgehalt (Fat content of the herring). Norsk Fiskeritid. , Kvartalskr. , l6Aarg., s. 617-647. CFL. ( 239 ) Anonymous . I899 . Om Forholdet mellem MaJcrelens Fedtgehalt og Egenvagt (Concerning the relationsliip between the mackerel's fat content and specific gravity). Ibid., I8 Aarg., s. 10- I6, CFL. (2i^0) Carazzi, D. I895. Revisione del genero Polydora Bosc. e cenni su due specie che vivono sulle ostriche (General dlscription of Polydora and an account of their specific characteristics and their significance). Mitt. Zool. Sta. Neapel., Bd. XI, pp. n-lk, 17-20, 36-^4-3. Fl'/S - 16 pp. 54 (214-1) Helland, Araiind. IO97. Egenvagt 0(^ Fedt i Sild or; Torsk (Specific c^avity and fat in herring and cod). Norsk Fiskeritid., Kvartalskr., 16 Aarg., s. 9^-105. CFL. (2l<-2) Hokl-zaido Kaiku Suisaii Kenlcyii Jo. n.d. Discussion on the position from which scale samples of red salmon should be taJcen for age determination (in Japanese). Hokkaido Reg. Fish. Res. Sta. , Fish. Agency. Int. North Pacific Fish. Comm. Biol. Rept. No. ik FWS - 6 pp. by Robert Y. Ting. (2ll-3) Kandler, R. 19lf2. Ueber die Emeuei-ung der Heringsbestande ^xn^. das Wachstum der Frdhjahrs- und Herbstheringe in der westllchen Ostsee (concerning the renewaJ. of the herring stocks and the gro-vrth of the autumn and spring herring in the western Baltic). Monatshefte fUr Fischerei, N. F., 10 Jahrg., Heft 2, S. 17-22. I'WS - by Norman Linlcer, East Boothbay, I4aine . (2kk) Mosso, U. 1889. Ricerche sulla natura del veleno che si trova nel sangue dell'anguilla (Nature of the poison in the blood of eels). Atti Reale Accad. lincei, vol. 5, pp. 8(^-810. SIA - 15 pp. 55 (2'+5) Okinaml, M. , M. Sakai, Y. Kiorata, M. Fujita, T. Mats\ahara, • H. Furuno, and R. Inoue. 1953- Hygienic studies on ciiltured oysters in Hiroshima Bay. Fourth Report: Experiments in artificial purification of oysters, No. 1 (in Japanese). Hiroshima - Eisei- Kenkyusho No. 3, pp. 40-ij-8. FWS - l8 pp. by BMFF. (2h6) Okinfuni , M. , M. SaJcai, S. Sasaki, G. Chiba, M. Kaganaka, K. Kishimoto, T. Takeuchi, T. Matsuhara, H. Yoshino, and R. Inoue. 195^. Cleansing research on ciiltured oysters in Hiroshima Bay, 5th Report. Experiments on artificial purification of oysters, No. 2 - September, 1953 (in Japanese). Ibid., No. h, pp. 101-106. FWS - 11 pp. by BMFF. (21^7) Hiisalix, C. I897. Venins et animaux venimeux dans la serie animale (Venoms and venomous animals in the animal series). Rev. Sci., vol. 8. SLA. - 72 pp. 56 SUBJECT n©EX ARCTIC Bacteria: 92 Bear Island: 155 Exploration: 129 Ice: 70, 235, 236 Institute of Oceanology: 88 Polar basin: 37, 88 Russia: 9, l6, 20 Scientific stations: 233, 236 ASPIMCHNA: 219 BACTERIA: 55, 91, 92, 9k, 95, 9^, 156 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY: 2l6 BIOLOGICAL STATION: 13^ FISH Abundance : 126 Age deteimination of eggs: l8 Albacore: 121, l86, I87, I88 Amur Basin: 125 Barents Sea: 201 Bering Sea: 2 Bigeye: 78, 83, 85, 121 Biometrics: 81+, 102 Body Temperatures: II7. 57 Carp: 165, 166 Chukchi Sea: 2 Cod: 2^+1 Culture : 52 Diseases: I06, 165, 166 Eel Blood: 2^4- Eggs: 18, 50, 148 Electric fish- screens: 103 Fat content: 238, 239, 2hl Food: 73, 230 Formosa: II6 Fry: 50 Gadidae: I9I Gonads : I63 Growth factors: 50 Herring: 59, l6, 90, I8I, 237, 238, 2^1, 2k3 Kamchatka: 98, 19^ Mackerel: 239 Microorganisms as food: 93 Migrations: 161, I62, l6k, I86, I87, 19^ Myomeres: ^6 North Pacific: 121, I6I, I62, I63, l6k, I7I, I86, I87 North Sea: 83, 237 Non/ay : 59 Oncorhynchus nerka: 1, 77, I62, I63, 19^, 242 58 OncorlxyTichus keta; 8^1-, 101, 102, l6l Otoliths : l48 Parasites: 1, I38, 1^9, 177 Parasitocoenoses: 1^2 Pleuronectes plate ssa: li{-8 Races: 90 Research in Northern waters: 159 Prussia: 1 Salmon: 1, 77, &^, 9^, 101, 102, 125, 138, 161, 162, iCh, I7I, l82, 199, 2i^2 Salmon acid: 63 Sardines: 115 Scales: 77, 2^2 Sebastes: 2k, I78 Sebastes mentella: 201 Skipjacks: 120, I60, 206, 207 Spawning populations: 113 Spearfishes: II6, II7 Sticklebacks : 87 Tagging: 195 Toxicology experiments: 36 Tuberciilosis: I50 Tunas: 78, 83, 85, 117, II8, 120, 121, I60, 227 Turbidity significance: 69 Vertebrae : 102 59 FISHERIES Albacore : 7 Antiobiotics: 1^6 British coastal fisheries: 231 Economics: 11, 12, 13, 122 Herring: 59 Japanese: 11, 12, 13, 1^, 17 Norv/ay: 59 Tuna: ih, 17, ll8, 119, 122 United States industry: I98 CRUSTACEA Copepods: 37, I8I Food: 73 Lobsters: 60 ICHTHYOSPORIDIUM HOFERI; 151 KARA SEA FAUNA: l&i- LIMNOLOGY Alkaline metals: 33 Bottoms : 68 Hydrogen su2_fide: 68 Iron- phosphate system: 61 Onejakoe Lake: 68 Reservoir regulation: I70 S-ulTuric acid: I67 MARINE BIOLOGY, GENERAL: I96 60 Caspian Sea: kG Cetaceans : 229 Comiiiander Islands: 21, 22 Humpback whales: 153 Lake Baikal: kS Pinnipedia: 21, 22, kS MARINE PLANTS Algae: 75, 109, 130 Alglnic acids: 128 Edible seaweeds: 75 Flavin in seaweeds: 205 Laminaria : 205 Riboflavin in seaweeds: 20i)- METEOROLOGY: 155 MOLLUSKS: Bohuslan: kQ Food: 73 Hiroshima Bay: 2^5, 246 Holland: 99, 100 Oysters: 48, 100, 215, 2^5, 246 Purification: 245, 246 Shell disease: 99 Slipper limpets: 99 61 Teredo navalis; 15^ Yellow Jaiindice: k-Q OCEMOGRAPHY Alkalinity: 169 American oceanographic institutions: 7I Arctic: 20, 72, 88 Association of Physical Oceanography: 5 Atlantic Ocean: k^ Atlantis: 72 Baltic : 197 Belt Sea: 58 Black Sea: 228 Brackish water: I08 Brcanlne : 211 Calcium carbonate: 221, 222 Cape Nojima: 7 Carbon dioxide: 222 Carbonic acid: k2, 137 Caspian Sea: I9 Chemistry: 23, 25, 26, 57, 69, I3I, ikh, ikj, I58, I68, I69, I83, 211 China Sea: 8, kj Chlorine: I58, I83 Currents: h, 10, 15, 19, 58, 7*+, lO^;, 12'^ 172, 173, I89, 192, 203, 212, 22il-, 23^*- 62 Denmark: 3; 58 Density: 79, 12^+, 131 Depths: 20 Dissolved organic material: 97 Drift bottles: 19 Elbe River: 108 English Channel: 7^1- France : l^l-l Gauss: 8l Geology: 27, 28, 30, 107, 185, 208, 209 Georgil Sedov; 20 Gravity: 49 Greece: 51 Gvilf of Naples: 223 Giilf of Osaka: 127 Halogens : 6^ Hawaiian suboceanlc ridge: 28 Honshu: 15 Ice: 135, 152, 17^, 217 Ice station: 9 Iciness: 123 Internal waves: 66 Iodine : l68 Japan : l60 Japanese Sea: 211 • Kara Sea: 123 63 Kattegat: 5" Kii Gtrait: 127 • Kurile-Kamchatloi troueh: 203, 209 Lagoons: 51, 52, 53> 5^, 13^ Liglit: 1^3 Lithium: 23 Messina: 21^1 Metal alloys: li<-7 Meteor: 220 Moroccan coast: 3*+ Nitrate : 220 Worth America: 124 North Pole: 9 North Sea: 8l, 169 Oxygenation Index: 210 Pacific Ocean: 8, 30, 56, 208, 209, 22k Peru current: 172 Pescadores Islands: k pH: i^O, 41 Phosphate : 220 Phosphoric acid: l44 Fresident Theodore Tissier: 1^5 Refractometry: 132, 133 Reverberation: I90 64 Saint Laurence estuary: 202 Salinity: 26, if 2, k-J , 82, I3I, 168, I63, 213, 2J.8, 226 Sampling: I79 Sanrlloi area: I89 SchleswlG-Holstein: 200 Sea level: I80, I97, 200 Seiches; 29 Southern Seas: 10 Spain: kk Spanish-American Oceanographic Conferences: 6, 43 Stratification: 80, 224 Strontixm: 57 Sulfite: I58, 228 Temperatures: 31, 45, 47, I3I, 213, 2l8 Theimometer corrections: 111 Tides: 3, 212 Travels : 64 Turbidity: 8I Undulatory movements: 112 Varano lagoon: 54 Wind: 45, 157, 175, 176, 197, 200 Wind waves: 65, I57, I75, I76 Zinc : 25 PLAIKTON Calanus : I8I Chemical composition: ll4 65 Kurile Islands: 39 Kurite-Kamchatka depression: 94 Kuroshio: 39 North Sea: I8I Pacific Ocean: 38, 39, 86, 9^^ Phosphate toxicity: 35 Thaumantias maeothica: li|-0 Vertical distribution: 38, 86 Zooplankton: 32, 35, 86 POLYDORA: 2^0 FYRHELI0I4ETER: 67 VENOMS: 2^5 VESSEI5: Navigational instruments: I36 Propellors : 62 Stability: 232 Wave resistance: IO5 VITIAZ: 193 66 INT.-DUP. SEC, WASH., D.C.2 3MMW