395 THE TROUT FISHERY IN SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT-FISHERIES Na 395 UNITED STATES BEPARTMENT^OFJTHE^JNTERIOR^ FISH AND WILDLiTe SERVICE EXPLANATORY NOTE The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication . United States Department of the Interior, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Clarence F. Pautzke, Commissioner Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Daniel H. Janzen, Director THE TROUT FISHERY IN SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK By Robert E. Lennon Special Scientific Report- -Fisheries No. 395 Washington, D. C , November 1961 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 The streams 1 Collection of data 2 The status of trout populations prior to 1952 2 Decline of trout populations 4 Drought 4 Water levels 4 Water temperatures 6 Predation 6 Trout spawning 7 Floods 7 Scouring 7 IDamage to aquatic life 7 Population estimates 7 The recovery of trout populations 8 Stocking 8 Population estimates 8 1955 8 1956 10 1957 10 1958 12 1959 12 Growth of trout 12 The sport fishery 13 Season and regulations 13 Creel census 13 Management aspects 13 Summary 14 Acknowledgements 15 Literature cited 15 THE TROUT FISHERY IN SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK By Robert E. Lennon Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Fish Control Laboratory La Crosse, Wisconsin ABSTRACT Populations of brook trout in streams of Shenandoah National Park were reduced drastically early in the past decade by a succession of unusually severe droughts and floods. The drying of stream beds, predation, and scouring were principal factors in the loss of fish. The park was closed to fishing in 1954 and 1955 to protect survivors. The small numbers of survivors quickly repopulated the streams after drought conditions abated. The stocking of hatchery -reared fingerling trout in selected waters failed to augment the recovery of populations. Survival and growth of young, wild trout were especially good. Their redistribution through miles of previously dry streams was rapid. The park was opened again to fishing in 1956 under regula- tions which restrict the take but afford an increase in sporting opportunity. Two streams were placed under fishing-for -fun -only regulations in 1961. The welfare of the trout populations is dependent mostly on the weather cycle. Fish may be abundant in wet years but very scarce in dry ones. Thus, the stream must be managed as marginal for trout. The brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis, Wildlife Service to conduct a long-term study Mitchill) is the principal sport fish in Shenandoah which began in 1952 and continued through 1959. National Park. Its numbers may fluctuate dras- It was opportune in that it included one of the tically, however, due to factors other than more critical periods with respect to the fishery fishing regulations and fishing pressures. With- since the establishment of the park in 1930. in the past decade the fish has ranged from abundant to very scarce and back to abundant THE STREAMS again. The park is located within the State of The National Park Service has endeavored Virginia and lies along the crest and slopes of on several occasions to evaluate the trout popula- the Blue Ridge Mountains between Front Royal tions and to define the factors which so strongly on the north and Rockfish Gap on the south. It is affect them. Brief studies were made on the fish approximately 80 miles long and 1 to 13 miles and the streams by King (1936), Taylor (1941), wide. The steep ridges and peaks rise 1,000 to Chamberlain (1951), and Henderson (1950)*. The 3,000 feet above the Piedmont Plateau to the east results were conflicting, due to reasons which and the Shenandoah Valley to the west. The high- are explained later in this report. Continuing est peak in the park is 4,049 feet above sea level, problems in the sport fishery indicated the need for a comprehensive investigation. Accordingly, The 46 trout streams are short, steep, the National Park Service requested the Fish and and small to medium in size. Their fishable * Typewritten reports to the National Park Service. lengths range from 0.5 to 7 miles (average: 2.4 miles) and total 108.5 miles. The streams on the east slopes drain into the Rappahannock and James rivers. Those on the west slopes drain into the Shenandoah River. In general, they cease to be trout streams within a short distance from the park. The sandstone and shale stream beds scour badly. The waters are clear, colorless, and very soft. Tests I made at various times have ranged as follow: 6.0 to 7.0 in pH; 22,000 to 58,000 ohms in resistivity at 77° F.; 19 to 40 ppm in total dissolved solids; and 0 to 10 ppm in methyl orange alkalinity. Twenty-one species of fish occur in the streams, but the distribution of some is limited (table 1 ). All but the rainbow trout are native to the park. Some of the waters were stocked with hatchery-reared brook trout or rainbow trout up to 1950, and with brook trout again in 1955. No stocking has been done since that time. It is certain that the scenic streams and their wild trout populations will increase in im- portance in years to come. First of all, they are situated within 100 miles of Washington, D.C, and other large metropolitan areas. Many at- tractive trails provide access for fishermen and hikers. Secondly, the condition of the water- sheds has improved greatly since the park was established. Most of the poor, mountain-side farms and cutover areas which contributed to silting, pollution, and warming of the streams have reverted to forest. Thus, the potential for a greater fishery resource is improving. COLLECTION OF DATA The research plan included a survey of each of the 46 streams . Because of limitations on the time and manpower which could be de- voted to this park, the surveys had to be accom- plished over a period of several years . The plan also called for intensive observations on 6 of the larger or more important streams, and quantitative data on their fish were collected each autumn from 1954 through 1957. Supple- mentary surveys were made on the same waters during other seasons of the year from 1953 through 1959. A large amount of rather diffuse data was obtained in the surveys. Most of the findings were furnished to the National Park Service in periodic and annual reports . Only selected data are presented in this paper to illustrate important features of the streams and the fish populations . Trout and other fishes were collected in measured areas of streams with cresol compound (Wilkins, 1955), or with electrofishing gear (Petty, 1955; Lennon and Parker, 1957 and 1958). A 230 -volt, AC, alternate -polarity electrode system, used in conjunction with blocks of cattle salt, was the means employed most success- fully to obtain reliable estimates of the numbers and pounds of trout per acre of stream . These were the first enumerations of the fish popula- tions in the park because efficient collecting tools were not available to the previous investiga- tors. THE STATUS OF TROUT POPULATIONS PRIOR TO 1952 We assume that the brook trout were close to maximum abundance in 1950 and 1951. A re- , view of the surveys by King (1936), Taylor (1941), Chamberlain (1951), Henderson (1950), and the reports by park rangers in 1951 and 1952 show the development of the trout fishery. Many of the streams had been abused prior to the establishment of the park. King be- gan his observations on them a few years after they came under park protection, and during a period of drought as well. He wrote, for example, that Madison Run was not a trout stream, but 5 years later Taylor rated it as good. Chamberlain classed it as exceptionally rich in trout food or- ganisms, and park rangers considered it good trout water in 1950. We observed a fine spawn- ing population in 1952. Brokenback Run was rated as a possible trout stream by King, as fair by Taylor, but it became one of the seven most heavily fished streams by 1950. Big Run, a large and important stream, appeared to King to be better suited to smallmouth bass than brook trout. Taylor Table 1:- The fishes of Shenar idoah National Park. Family and species Distribution Abimdance SALMONIDAE 1. Rainbow trout limited rare 2. Brook trout wide abundant CYPRINIDAE 3. Eastern redbelly dace It It k. Rosy dace It common 5. River chub limited rare 6. Common shiner tt 11 7- Blacknose dace wide abiindant 8. Longnose dace ti It 9. Creek chub limited rare CATOSTOMIDAE 10. White sucker 11. Northern hog sucker 12. Golden redhorse 13. Torrent sucker ICTALURIDAE Ik. Margined madtom ANGUILLIDAE 15. American eel CENTRARCHinAE 16. Rock bass 17. Redbreast sunfish 18. Smallmouth bass wide II common limited rare It abxmdant rare PERCIDAE 19. Fantail darter 20. Johnny darter coin DAE 21. Mottled sculpin wide abundant considered it as fair trout water; Henderson found trout up to 12 inches long plentiful in 1950; and Chamberlain called the bottom fauna rich. We observed numerous trout up to 14 inches long in 1952. A few of the large streams, such as the Rapidan, Hazel, Hughes, and Staunton rivers, were Listed as good trout waters by King or Taylor and as excellent by Henderson or park rangers about 10 years later. On the other hand, several streams remained relatively poor for trout through the years . The improvements in the trout popula- tions were the result, in large degree, of the continuous and various efforts of the National Park Service. Before 1950, the larger and more accessible streams were stocked annually with fingerling and legal size brook trout. The North Fork of Moorman River was also stocked with rainbow trout. Fishing seasons were only slight- ly more than 2 months long; a 7-inch minimum size restriction was imposed; and the use of natural bait was prohibited. Furthermore, the streams were well protected, and the erosion of roads and hillsides into the streams was reduced. These efforts, in addition to favorable weather and water conditions, contributed to an overabundance of small trout by 1950-1951. Henderson reported that many of the trout were only 2 or 3 inches long at the end of their second summer, and that many sexually mature fish were only 4 or 5 inches long. Fishermen com- plained to park rangers about the abundance of large-headed, sublegal trout. This situation was a large part of the reason that the National Park Service requested the Fish and Wildlife Service to perform a survey of the fishery . Before the survey could be started, however, the trout population began to decline. DECLINE OF TROUT POPULATIONS Ehrougftt A series of severe droughts began in Shenandoah in the autumn of 1951 and continued into 1955. They were related to the widespread drought conditions which affected central and southwest States from 1952 to 1955 (Larimore, Childers, and Heckrotte, 1959). The dry periods in the park in 1951 and 1952 occurred during the fall months. In 1953, the drought persisted from August until late fall, whereas in 1954 it lasted from June to October. Less damaging conditions occurred during the summer and fall of 1955, The record of rainfall for the July -October period each year from 1945 through 1959 illustrates the succession of drougjits (table 2). Water levels:-- Stream flows were quick- ly and strikingly affected by the droughts . Many riffle areas, especially in the headwaters, were dry during the autumns of 1951 and 1952. The longer drought in 1953 caused most of the streams to become largely dry between their sources and the park boundary . Shrunken pools were widely isolated. Temperature and pH readings in adjacent but isolated pools disclosed that the flow of ground water between them was small. The temperatures differed up to 3° F. between pools and pH ranged from 6.0 to 7.0. Increases in acidity were greatest in tiie fall and they were believed to be due to heavy accumulations of fallen leaves in the water. Kendall and Dence (1927) reported a similar sit- uation which adversely affected trout of certain New York streams. The concentrations of dis- solved oxygen and carbon dioxide remained with- in favorable limits for fish, however, because the low temperatures prevented rapid decompo- sition of the leaves. The most critical effects of drought on water levels were observed in 1954. Beginning in June, stream flows decreased rapidly. The conditions on Big Run were considered typical of those on many of the streams . The normal flow of 5,400 gallons per minute at a station located midway between the source of the stream and the park boundary was reduced in July to 14 gallons per minute and in August to 10 gallons per minute. It was estimated that 75 percent of the length of the stream was dry by late August. In fact, the entire headwater section which previously con- tained numerous trout was completely dry. The majority of the streams during the summer flowed at less than 0.2 cfs. The larger Rapidan River and Hughes River had only 5.5 and 2.0 cfs respectively in mid-August, representing only small fractions of normal flows . I -* s OS ^ u to o U o ■p a o ■p 0) CO OnOJOO t— hco ocoj- t— Lr\ ITN r-i H H r-i r-\ r-\ f-Ol OJ H H • • • • • • rH OJ CVJ H rH H On 0-) • OnOJCX) t— HCO OC0-* LTNirvt-- ^COlfN t-1 lA lA ON ON-^ t-^ojoj oopoj ■i^'^ HrHH HrHrH HH HCVJ HHH VOMD J- CT\-=i- on t--* o CKLTNON CO r-i ir\ ON O f^ OJ ir\ ro OJ O H OJ rH OJ^ ^ OJ LTN OJ VD O ON t— H CT\ J OJ no LfN l/N LfN O -=t OO VO H-d- r-i r-i lA ITN roVD ^ rH J^ HOJCO COOrH OOro COOCO t— J-i-H ro OJ (v-i rAt— -d- ro ITN m OJVOm O^-Ocn vo _d- t— rovD u^ CO onvo oj onvd .^ o (T) VO lA^ iAkO ^ OJrHrv^ OJOCO rHLfNt^ i/NMD t— cOONO rHOJOo -:!• ITNVO ^ 3 J- 3 ^ LTN LTN LfN tr\ UMTN ITN ON On ON ONONON On ON ON ONONON rHHH HrHH HrHrH ,-{ rH >-i VO VO ON on OJ m 0) t— CO ON U ITN ITN ir\ H rH rH < H rH H 2 O ta o d •H •H -rt O O tn to CJ o C C •H -H o voce • • • ON-d-CO Lf\ LTNl/N ^ ^1 UN ro NO ON OJ ai LfN o a) -4- ITN b- 1^- no CO ON NO ON 3 u\ CO NO H CVJ LTN no cy NO* LfN CM ITN ON CO NO on I u Q On M OJ ON On • • H • • O t- t- OJ no\0^ r-\ cr,r-{ ^ OVO CM CM no O CVI VO H rH LTN rH •CO p,Lf>VD t— CK a LfN LTN LfN LTN 3 ON CJN ON ON U H •-\ r-i r-\ Lf>VO t-- CJN LfN LTN LfN LfN ON ON ON C3N rH H rH H K IfNVO f- ON LTN LfN LfN IfN >j CT\ CT\ ON CT\ (U r-i •-{ r-i r-\ LfNVO ^- ON lf\ IfN LfN LfN C7N CTN ON <7\ r-i r-{ r^ r-i 53 11 North Fork Moorman River. They averaged 3.5 inches long on November 29, 1956, and 5.5 inches on April 12, 1957. The eastern seaboard region from Vir- ginia northward experienced another drought during the summer and early fall (table 2). Streams in the park once again became very low or intermittent, and water temperatures were high. The surveys made in December demon- strated that the numbers of trout had decreased (table 3). On the other hand, the weight of trout per acre had increased in some streams and decreased in others. An examination of the length-frequency distribution of trout disclosed that there were far fewer young-of -the -year trout than in 1956 (table 4). The smaller num- bers were the result of poor survival conditions in the summer and the fewer spawners in the fall of 1956. As mentioned previously, the lar- ger adult trout responsible for the abundant reproduction in 1955 were cropped during the 1956 fishing season. 1958:-- Estimates of the fish populations were made only in the spring, and the surveys included 22 streams which were not studied pre- viously. We sought to determine whether the trout had recovered from the disastrous droughts and floods. One or more survey sites were located on each stream . Where only one site was possible, it was located on the lowermost section or most accessible section. We assum- ed that if trout were found at these sites, they would be present in equal or greater numbers upstream or in the more inaccessible sections. The numbers of brook trout in 16 of the 22 streams ranged from a few to 851 fish per acre. Young-of-the -year trout, 0.9 to 1.5 inches long, were observed in most of them . Although no trout were seen or collected in 6 streams, it would be unsafe to conclude that they do not exist in the upper waters. 1959: --Sixteen new streams were in- cluded in the surveys. Three were barren of trout, and the estimates for the others ranged from 16 to 1,744 trout per acre. The populations were relatively good in the 5 streams which had been surveyed in previous years . The data indicate that of the larger and more heavily fished streams. Big Run, Piney Run, and Rapidan River are better producers of trout than the North Fork Moorman River . Growth of trout The growth of brook trout was relatively rapid during the period of population recovery. Henderson (1950) listed the ages of brook trout which he collected in Shenandoah streams in the fall of 1950. The trout were abundant at that time, and their growth was slower than that of trout we collected in 1956-57. For example, among the trout sampled in Big Run, age II fish ranged from 4.0 to 7.9 inches long in 1950 and from 6.0 to 10.9 inches long in 1956-57. Age III fish ranged from 5.0 to 9.9 inches in 1950 and from 8.0 to 12.9 inches in 1956-57. In general, the growth of brook trout was more rapid in the warmer streams. Thus, trout in the North Fork Moorman River and Big Run grow slightly faster than in Piney Run. Rainbow trout also grew well in the North Fork . The 1956 year class averaged 3.5 inches in November of that year and 7.8 inches long in December 1957. Furthermore, two-year-old brook trout in park streams in April 1957 ranged from 6.0 to 12.9 inches long whereas 35 wild trout of the same age from a productive New Hampshire stream in July 1957 ranged from 6.0 to 9.9 inches . Most of the Shenandoah fish were in the 9.0-9.9-inch group and most of the New Hamp- shire fish were 7.0-7.9 inches. Among 86 legal size, brook trout (9.0-12.9 inches long) which were captured by anglers or during surveys on Big Run and Piney Run in 1956 and 1957, 23 trout were beginning their third summer; 57 their fourth summer; and 6 their fifth summer. No 5 -year -old fish were taken by us at any time. 12 THE SPORT FISHERY Creel census Season and regulations Upon the reopening of fishing in 1956, the season was lengthened to correspond to that of the State of Virginia. It now opens in early April on the same date as the State, and it closes on the same date as the State, or on Oc- tober 15, whichever is the earlier. A Virginia license is required in the park and, until recently, the high cost of a non- resident permit deterred many tourists from en- joying the fishing. Now a short-term permit is available to non-residents at a lower cost. Only artificial lures are permitted; the daily bag limit is 8 trout; and the minimum legal size is 9 inches. A 9-inch minimum size was adopted as a compromise between recommendations for fishing-for-fun-only and the renewal of the pre- vious 7-inch limit. It was applied primarily to protect the spawning potential, especially during the recovery years . It also serves to improve the sporting aspects of trout fishing, as demon- strated on the North Branch of the Au Sable River in Michigan (Cooper, 1951). Although the high- er size restriction cuts down the yield of trout to fishermen, such yield is, and must continue to be, of secondary importance in Shenandoah . The trout resources and the sport fishery can be preserved best by applying a fishing-for- fun-only program on the streams such as has been tested on selected streams in Great Smoky Moun- tains National Park (Lennon and Parker, 1960). The program would be especially appropriate in Shenandoah, and a start in this direction was made in 1961. Under terms of an agreement be- tween the park and the State of Virginia, the headwaters and tributaries of the Rapidan and Staunton rivers were opened to fishing-for-fun (Sheridan, 1961). All trout captured must be returned to the water immediately . Although only months old, the program has been called a success from the standpoint of angler participa- tion and fishing quality (Birchfield, 1961 and Yeager, 1961). The streams in the park are not subject to the fishing pressures which are typical of northern trout waters. In general, the pressure is relatively heavy during the first several days of the season. Thereafter, the drop is so sharp that one must search for fishermen. For ex- ample, there were 38 fishermen on the 5 -mile long Big Run on May 1 and 2, 1956, when the park was reopened to fishing. On Memorial Day, there were only 7 anglers on the stream . On opening day in 1957, 28 fishermen were counted on the stream . On the same day, park rangers counted only 191 fishermen on 17 streams. Within a few days after the openings, fishermen were also scarce on the State -managed trout waters beyond the park boundary. It appears that the average fisherman in the Blue Ridge region fishes for trout several times immediately after the season opens and then devotes his efforts to the abundant warm water fisheries in larger waters. Only the rel- atively few avid trout fishermen frequent the mountain streams throughout the season. Limit catches of 8 trout are rare. We checked anglers during their fishii.g who had up to 6 legal trout. Most of the fishermen expressed approval of the 9-inch minimum size and satis- faction with the quality of fishing. They stressed that fewer 9- to 14 -inch wild trout in the creel were preferable to several more 7 -inch wild trout . Management aspects Wild brook trout occur in at least 37 of the 46 streams . No trout were found at the sites surveyed on 9 streams, but we cannot conclude that they are barren of trout. The exotic rainbow trout is established in the North Fork Moorman River, but the population is small. Smallmouth bass and redbreast sunfish are found in the lower courses of a few streams, but in such small num- bers that they are of no importance in the sport fishery . Thus, management should be directed almost exclusively to the brook trout. The outstanding factor which influences the trout populations and the sport fishery is the 13 weather. Under favorable conditions, most of the streams have excellent capacities for sup- porting and producing trout. Brook trout up to 14 inches long and rainbow trout over 20 inches long are reported by anglers . On the wet side of the weather cycle, park personnel can expect complaints from fishermen that the streams are becoming over -populated with small, large - headed trout. It must be remembered then that the abundance is temporary, and the populations will be reduced again by the droughts and flash floods which occur during the dry years of the veather cycle. Significant fluctuations in popu- lations will occur also in some streams as a result of short droughts or local floods. Thus, dependent upon the weather, the sport fishery of the park is marginal. Demands will be made to stock hatchery- reared trout during periods when the wild popula- tions are small. It was apparent, however, in the present study that the drought and flood conditions which decimated the wild fish would be equally or more inimical to stocked trout . It was apparent also that small numbers of survivors can quickly repopulate the streams as soon as water conditions permit. SUMMARY The populations of native brook trout in streams of Shenandoah National Park increased from relative scarcity in the late 1930's to abundance in 1950. The National Park Service requested a survey by the Fish and Wildlife Service to answer, in part, the complaints of fishermen that there were too many small, large -headed trout. The fishery situation in the park changed radically at the time the survey was undertaken. A series of severe droughts, beginning in 1951 and continuing into 1955, curtailed reproduction and caused large losses of trout and other species. Up to 75 percent of the lengths of some streams were dry in the summer of 1954. The drying stream beds, the high temperatures of water in isolated pools, and predation by water snakes contributed to the heavy mortality. Two unusually severe flash floods in 1954 damaged stream beds and caused further losses of fish. The floods appeared to be especially damaging when they occurred as interruptions in a drought. The park was closed to fishing in 1954 and 1955 to protect the small remnants of the trout populations . There was no evidence that any species had been eliminated during the drought years . Recovery of the fish populations was rapid despite the small numbers of adult fish, once water conditions improved enough to permit reproduction and good survival. One of the better streams which was surveyed annually contained 8.5 pounds of brook trout per acre in 1954, 34.5 pounds in 1955, and 43.3 pounds in 1956. Within the two years, the trout and other species also distributed themselves throughout long sections of mainstreams and headwaters which were dry in 1954. Among the non-game species, fantail darters made a particularly quick recovery in numbers and distribution. An attempt to augment the recovery of brook trout by stocking Appalachian -strain fingerlings in 1955 appeared unsuccessful. The growth of trout was relatively rapid during the period of population recovery. Two- year -old trout in one of the principal streams in 1950 ranged from 4 to 8 inches long; fish of the same age in 1956 and 1957 ranged from 6 to 11 inches. Age III fish in 1950 were 5 to 10 inches long, but those of the same age in 1956 and 1957 were 8 to 13 inches. The park was reopened to fishing in 1956. The season and subsequent seasons were set to conform more closely with those of the State of Virginia. Legal-size trout (9 inches) are crop- ped closely, but populations have remained good as a result of favorable water conditions. Two streams were placed under fishing-for-fun- only regulations in 1961. The welfare of trout populations in the park is dependent to an unusual extent on the weather cycle. The numbers of trout will vary from abundant in wet years to scarce in drought 14 years. The short, steep streams are partic- ularly vulnerable to drying during droughts and to severe scouring during flash floods . These factors influence the sport fishery much more strongly than fishing regulations or fishing pressures. Thus, from a long-range point of view, the streams are considered marginal for trout, and they must be managed as such. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The assistance of the following persons in the planning, conduct, and reporting of the study is gratefully acknowledged: Dr . Willis King and Mr. Phillip S. Parker, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Superintendent Guy Edwards (retired). Superintendent R. Taylor Hoskins, and Mr. O. L. Wallis, Aquatic Biologist, Na- tional Park Service; and Mr. Robert G. Martin, Chief, Fish EJivision, and fishery biologists of the Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries. I am grateful also to Messrs. Robert G. Piper, Howard N. Larsen, and Donald F. Mairs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for their critical review of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Birchfield, Jim 1961. No fishing for keeps. TTie Washing- ton Star Sunday Magazine, May 28, pp. 4-5. Cooper, Edwin L. 1951 . Every trout a trophy. Michigan Conservation, March -April, pp. 14-18. Cooper, Edwin L., and Norman G. Benson 1951. The coefficient of condition of brook, brown, and rainbow trout in the Pigeon River, Otsego County, Michigan. The Progressive Fish-Culturist, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 181-192. Embody, G. C. 1921. Concerning high water temperatures and trout. Transactions of the Amer- ican Fisheries Society, vol. 51, pp. 58-64. Kendall, William C, and Wilford A. Dence 1927. A trout survey of Allegany State Park in 1922. Roosevelt Wild Life Bulletin, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 289-482. Lagler, KarlF., and J. Clark Salyer, II 1947. Food and habits of the common watersnake, Natrix s. sipedon, in Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, vol. 31, 1945, pp. 169-180. Larimore, R. Weldon, William F. Childers, Carlton Heckrotte 1959. Destruction and re -establishment of stream fish and invertebrates affected by drought. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 88, no. 4, pp. 261-285. Lennon, Robert E . , and Phillip S . Parker 1957. Electric shocker developments on southeastern trout waters. Trans- actions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 85(1955), pp. 234-240. 1958. Applications of salt in electrofish- ing. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report - Fisheries no. 280, 11 pp. 1960. The fishing-for-fun program on trout streams in Great Smoky Moun- tains National Park. Proceedings, Society of American Foresters, Wash- ington, D.C., pp. 106-112. Petty, A. C. 1955. An alternate -polarity electrode. New York Fish and Game Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 114-119. Sheridan, Jack 1961. Fish for fun. Virginia Wildlife, Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 16-17. Wilkins, L. Price 1955. Observations on the field use of cresol as a stream survey method. The Progressive Fish-Culturist, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 85-86. 15 Yeager, Lee E. 1961 . Virginia's trout are headwaters fish. Virginia Wildlife, Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 8-9. INT. DUP.,D.C. 61-1 01-0 61 16 MBL WHOI Library - Serials 5 WHSE 01522