SURVEY OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES - Part VII I ^^^^'fie^BkJioJS SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No. 40 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication. Washington, D. C. November, 1950 United States Department of the Interior Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service Albert M. Day, Director Special Scientific Report - Fisheries No. UO SURVEY OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES PART 7 Area VI. Snake River from above the Grande Ronde River through the Payette River. By Zell E. Parkhiirst Fishery Research Biologist CONTENTS Page Introduction 2 Part 1. Sub-Area Salmon River System 3 Introduction 5 List of Streams 6 The Survey 9 Table of Obstructions and Diversions 30 Part 2. Sub-Area Weiser River System 31 Introduction 32 List of Streams 33 The Survey 3$ Table of Obstructions and Diversions. ., kh Part 3. Payette River System U5 Introduction ii7 List of Streams ; k9 The Survey 50 Table of Obstructions and Diversions 60 Part U. Exclusive of Sub-Areas 6l Introduction. 63 List of Streams 6li The Survey 68 Table of Obstructions and Diversions 92 Literature Cited 95 ILLUSTKATIONS FIGURE Page 1. Columbia River System ••...*..... 1 2» Clearwater, Salmon, and Weiser River Systems «..•••• h 3» Confluence of main Salsion River and Middle Fork 13 h» Confluence of Camas Creek and Middle Fork of Salmon River, 15 5» Payette River System •• o*> ^^ 6, Black Canyon Dam *.eo.... 51 7, North Fork of Payette River 53 8, Area VI exclusive of Sub-Areas t*«** •••• 62 AREAE-Deschutes R. to Snake R. AREA TT- Snake R., mouth thru Gronde Ronde R. AREA'SZI-Snake R., above Gronde Ronde R. thru Payette R. AREAIZH-Snoke R., above Payette R. to Upper Solmon Falls COLUMBIA RIVER SYSTEM SCALE 40 20 0 50 SO 30 10 Figure 1 1 INTRODUCTION Th© purpose of the Colxambia River Stream Survey is to provide data for the evaluation of eaoh stream, or portion of stream, from the stand- point of its present and potential value in relation to the maintenance of the salmon resources of the Columbia River. The Columbia River water- shed has been divided into several survey areas or units as shown in Pigvire 1« This report deals with the streams in Area VI. Area VI includes the tributaries to the Snake River from a point just above the mouth of the Grande Ronde River through the Payette River. The area begins approximately 170 miles above the mouth of the Snake River emd extends for a distance of 197 miles upstresuoa. For more than 125 miles of this distance, up to Homestead, Oregon, the Snake River extends through an immense canyon. One section of the Snake River Canyon, known as Hell's Canyon, is the deepest gorge on the North Ameri- can continent, and extends from a point about 217 miles above the mouth for a distance of 30 miles upstream. Although it is impossible to conduct a biological survey of the Snake River through Hell's Canyon, it may be stated that this section is of no value to salmon because of the steep gradient and the bedrock composition of the river bed* Above the mouth of Pine Creek the river has fewer canyons, and in the upper part of the area portions of the main stream might be utiliz- ed to some extent by spawning chinook salmon. However, the chief value of the Snake River to salmon has been as a passageway to some of its large tributary systems. In Area VI these have been divided for con- venience into four sub-areas. On the Idaho side of the Snake River these are (1) the Salmon River System, (2) the Weiser River System, and (3) the Payette River System. On. the Oregon side of the Snake River the sub-area (4) includes the Imnaha River, Pine Creek, Powder River, euad Burnt River. A great many small streajns enter the Snake River Cajiyon, but all of them have steep gradients, and are of no value to salmon. Various individuals had a part in the field work and, so far as possible, the names of those who made the observations upon which the following account is based and the dates on which the surveys were made are given in connection with the treatment of eaoh stream. For convenience there is given here a complete list of all the men who were engaged in the survey of Area VTi - F. G. Bryant, D. G. Frey, M. G. Hana- van, W. M. Morton, Z. E. Parkhurst, J. L. Wilding, and P. D. Zimmer, PART 1 SUB-AREA SALK^N RIVER SYSTEM CONTENTS Page Introduction ..»• 5 List of Streams ••....e. ••.••.•••• 6 The Survey • <>, 9 Summary of Recommendations «. •.. 29 Table of Obstructions and Diversions •• 30 '-./■•' 1; r ."1 ^' \ ff \ AREA FIVE SUB AREA- CLEARWATER RIVER AREA SIX SUB AREA - SALMON ANU WtlSER RIVERS LEGEND /'^ Dam. partiol borrlti ^~\ Oom, loiol barrltr AN Wol«ffall. total borrlar f ■ 0am. p>opot«0 y^ Oom, with lithway ^ Siriom turwtytd _.'' SIftom not lurvaytd .^ Sireoni ol novolua lo lolmon SIrtom inaccMiibl* lo fun Oiviriioni X!) Unicrttnad, capacity >•*« Ihon IOc>t ..4 Unicrttnad. capoclty I0-I00cl>. ^ Unicraantd, copacity lOO^JOO c(t ^) Untcrtanad. copacily ovti 1000 c tt ^« Scfaanad Figure 2, Clearwater, Saljnon, and Weiser River Systems Introduotion The Salmon River joins xhe Snake River approximate iy 187 miles above the Columbia River confluence. Its drainage area comprises more than 14,000 square miles of central Idaho, and includes a consid- erable portion of the Sawtooth Mountains, as well as the southwestern slope of the Bitterroot Mountains, which also form the bovtndary of the Pacific Slope. The total stream length of the Salmon River system, excluding all minor tributaries, amounts to more than 1200 miles. The Salmon River system always has been one of the mainstays in the production of the choice early variety or spring chinook salmon. Some of the lakes in its headwaters also have contributed to the pro- duction of the valuable blueback salmon. In recent years it has as- sumed added importance because of the industrial and agricultural development of other watersheds formerly of major value as salmon spawning areas and the consequent loss of these regions as salmon pro- ducing areas. A considerable part of the system is of value from the standpoint of natural salmon production because it is unmolested by man due to the extremely rugged topography of the watershed, and will probably always remain in its present primitive condition. On the other hand, the present chinook and blueback salmon runs in the easily accessible headwaters area are only a small fraction of their former cize. The value of this river system to anadromous fish will be further reduced if the proposed series of major dams in the Middle Columbia and lower Snake Rivers is constructed. The vemguard of the chinook run appears in the upper Salmon River early in June, and spawning occurs in July and August. Inasmuch as the comnercial fishing season in the lower Columbia in past years has not begun until May 1, the majority of these fish have passed through the commercial fishery by that date and have not been subjected to it on their spawning migration. The effect of the marine fishery during the several years of ocean residence is of course unknown for any particu- lar stock of salmon. The bluebacks in the Salmon River system spawn in October, consid- erably later than the chinooks. These fish are subjected to an intense commercial fishery in the lower Columbia River, A survey of the Salmon River system was undertaken in J\jne and July, 1941. At that time the main Salmon River was very turbid, and for this reason the detailed survey was confined to the larger clear tributaries, except for part of the clear headwaters portion of the main stream above Stanley, Idaho, List of Streams Page 1. Main Salmon River »•• 9 Ao Little Salmon River • *.o.» 11 (1) Rapid River , o H a. West Fork • • . • « 11 B, South Fork, Salmon River 11 (1) Secesh River ••• ,» 11 (2) East Fork , 11 ao Johnson Creek ••• • 11 Co Middle Fork, Salmon River , 11 (1) Big Creek •••• ik ao Monimiental Creek o.* o 1^ bo Crooked Creek **,»,*,,,, ih (2) Camas Creek ik a. West Fork ik (3) Loon Creek • o.o l6 ao Rock Creek l6 bo Warm Spring Creek l6 i. Trapper Creek l6 c, Mayfield Creek 17 i. West Fork ' . . 1? ii. East Fork o ....... o 17 do Trail Creek l8 e. Pioneer Creek o 18 List of Streams (continued) Page (U) Little Loon Creek a.o l8 (5) Marble Creek • l8 (6) Indian Creek ••••• 19 (7) Pistol Creek 19 a. Big Pistol Creek ..••o««oo 20 b. Little Pistol Greek 20 (8) Rapid River 20 (9) Soldisr Creek 21 (10) Elkhorn Creek 21 (11) Sulphur Creek • 21 (12) Marsh Creek 22 a. Beaver Creek ••o 22 b. Cape Horn Creek 22 i. Banner Creek •••..*.• 23 c. Knapp Creek 23 (13) Bear Valley Creek 23 a. Elk Creek 2^^ b. Sack Creek 2k c. Cache Creek 2k D, Panther Creek 25 (1) Napias Creek 25 Eo North Fork, Salmon River • 26 F. Lemhi River 26 List of Streams (continued) Page (1) TITimpey Creek , , 27 (2) Hayden Creek .•., 27 (3) Canyon Creek ••••••••..««., 27 (h) Eighteenmile Creek ab. ..••..,, 27 (5) Texas Creek ..... 27 G. Pahsimeroi River •..•..••••••.,, 27 H. East Fork, Salmon River , 28 I. Yankee Fork, Saljnon River 28 J. Valley Creek 28 K. Redfish Lake Creek 28 The Suinrey 1. Main Salmoa River*— (July 20-23, 1941; Bryant), The main Salmon extends for approximately 400 miles. In the lower 200 miles it flows through the second deepest oanyon on the North American con- tinent. This part of the river has a fairly steep gradient and little suitable spawning area. The upper terminus of the oanyon is near Shoup, Idaho. The strecun gradient is modejrate above the oanyon, and a large amo\mt of spawning area was found. The stream bed was heavily silted for a distance of approximately 161 miles from Shoup to Stanley, and many otherwise good spawning riffles in iiiis sirea were considered of doubtful value for the development of salmon eggs. This condition was due to mining operations, the principal source of silting being a large gold dredge opei*ating on Yankee Fork, although there were other dredges and mines on both the main stream and some of its tributaries which were contributing to this condition. Among these were the mine on the North Pork near Gibbonsville, the silver mine at Clayton on the main Salmon, «uad the operations on Valley Creek near Stanley* The effects of turbid water and a heavily silted stream bed on the migration and spawning activities of salmon have not been agreed upon by all fisheries investigators. Many instances are recorded where salmoB migrate through very turbid water with apparently no ill effects. Salmon often have been observed spawning in silted streams, suid their spawning activity has the effect of washing the gravel and making the nests easily distinguishable from the remainder of the stream bed. The subsequent silting of the nests however, may be very harmful to the development of the eggs, depending in large measure on the extent to iriiioh it occurs. This has been well demonstrated by Hobbs (1937)« Shapovalov and Berrian (1940), Smith (1940), and others. In the Salmon River, silting has been so extensive as to constitute a serious hazard in the development of salmon eggs* There is no practical remedy for this condition* There is excellent spawning area, free of pollution, for a distance of about 35 miles above Stanley. There sre numerous small side ohemnels in this area where flows of 5-6 o.f.s. are maintained by constant cold springs, and which serve as perfect natural rearing places for salmonoid fry. This area with its tributaries at present supports small, greatly depleted runs of chinook and blue back salmon and a fair spring ran of steelhead trout* There are several tributary lakes in the headwaters that offer suitable habitats for bluebaok salmon. These include Alturas, Pettit, Yellow Belly, Little Redfish, and Big Redfish lAkes, all of which were studied by Bvermazm (1895, 1696, 1897). The main Salmon River was surveyed July 20-23, 1941, for a digtanoe of 19 miles, from Stanley to the Sawtooth Valley ranger station. The river was 120 feet wide and flovrijig about 375 o.f.s. at Stanley. At the upper terndnus of the survey it was 66 feet wide and the flow had decreased to about 225 o.f.s. The gradient is moderate, with numerous good shallow riffles and adequate resting pools. There are 160,000 sqimre yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 21 peroent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. A search wns made for blueback salmon in the Redfish Lakes region during the early part of October, 1942, About 200 of these fish were foUnd spawning in Big Redfish lAke, and none in the other lakes. The headwaters of the Salmon River system are easily accessible from nearby roads, and the custom of spearing salmon on the spawning beds, although the fish are in poor condition for food, formerly result- ed in great economic waste and has been one of the principal causes of salmon depletion in this region. The regulation abolishing the spear- ing and snagging of salmon and steelhead trout, placed in effect by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission in 1945, has, been of great benefit. The Sunbeeim Dam, located just above the confluence of Yankee Fork, or approximately 360 miles above the mouth, has been another im- portant factor contributing to the depletion of salmon in the headwaters* It was reported that this dam was built in 1913, and stood unused for many years. It was of concrete oonstruction, about 30 feet high, and constituted a partial barrier to salmon. Attempts to ocastruot a fish- way never were satisfactoiy. Steelhead were able to ascend the f ishway during spring high water, but at the time of arrival of the chinook and blueback runs in late summer and early fall the river was too low to enable the fish to enter the ladder. A few fish at times succeeded in passing through a tunnel around one side of the dam. Although this dam interfered with the utilization of a large amount of excellent chinook spawning area, it was especially damaging to the blueback run, which is entirely dependent upon access to the lakes above. Sunbeam Dam vras partially removed in 1934, Bind although no longer such a serious ob- stacle, chinook and blueback salmon still congregate in the pool below the remnants of the dam, where an intense so-called sport fishery is prosecuted against them« The only other dams noted were several small, temporary, irrigation wing dajns above Stanley, none of which was a barrier to the upstream migration of salmon. There are no important water diversions on the main Salmon River, Three small, unscreened irrigation ditches were in operation above Stanley, none withdrawing more than 5 o.f.s. There are no fish hatcheries on the inain Salmon River. (Chinook salmon fry and fingerlings were formerly released into the stream by the U, S. Fisheries Station at Salmon, Idaho, as a result of fish-cultural activities on the Lsmhi River. No salmon have been propagated at this station in recent years, 10 lA. little Salmon River. — (October 9, 19h2; Parkhurst and Bryant.) The Little Salmon River enters the main Salmon River at Rigging, Idaho, approximately 82 miles above the mouth. It is about Ii3 miles long, of which the lower 3U miles were surveyed. Near the mouth the stream had an average width of about 50 geet. The discharge was 210 c.f.s. and the water temperature was 5U.5 F. The lower 2k miles has a fairly steep gradient in many places and a large amount of bedrock and large rubble. Good spawning area is not extensive. In the upper 10 miles of the section surveyed the stream has a sli^t gradient and a large amovmt of mud and sand. There were 76,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, con- stituting approximately 9 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. No total barriers to fish were found, but several small falls and c ascades render the upper section difficult of access to salmon dtiring low-water stages. No salmon were seen during the siurvey, and it was reported that none had been seen spawning in the Little Salmon for several years. The stream formerly supported a fair run of Chinook salmon. It is easily accessible, and the fish were formerly subjected to an intensive sport fishery. It is of little or no value as a salmon producer at present, but has some potential value. lA-(l), Rapid River. — (Not surveyed) Rapid River enters the Little Salmon River approximately k miles above the mouth. The stream is about 21 miles long, and was discharging about 2$ c.f.s. Its principal tributary is lA.-(l)a, the West Fork, about 9 miles long. Rapid River was reported to support a small run of Chinook salmon, IB. South Fork, Salmon River. — (Not surveyed) The South Fork enters the Salmon River approximately 129 miles above the mouth. It is about 80 miles long, Gaging-station records for the water-year I9UO-I9UI (U.S.G.S., I9U2) give the mean discharge as 1,506 c.f.s. at a point about 20 miles above the mouth. The principal tributaries are IB-(I), the Secesh River, entering approximately 3U miles above the mouth and extending about 22 miles, and lB-(2), the East Fork, entering approxmately 3$ miles above the mouth, and together with lB-(2)a, Johnson Creek, extend- ing about 60 miles. The East Fork was reported to be often turbid from mining silt below Stibnite, Idaho, approximately 26 miles above the conflu- ence with the South Fork. The South Fork is difficult of access, and a large part of the watershed is seldom frequented. The stream is known to have formerly supported large rims of Chinook salmon and steelhead. The present condition of these i*uns has not been determined, but it is report- ed that they still occur to some extent. IC. Middle Fork, Salmon River. — (June 20-July 2U, 19Ul; Parkhurst, Zimraer, Frey, and Bryant.) The Middle Fork enters the Salmon River approxi- mately 191 miles above the mouth. The stream is about IO6 miles long, of which the upper 88 miles and all the major tributaries were surveyed. It is the largest and most important tributary to the main Salmon River, Gaging-station records for the water-year 1938-39 (U.S.G'.S., 19U0) gives the mean discharge as 1,U8U c.f ,s, at a point about 30 miles above the mouth. The stream width decreased from about 200 feet near the mouth to 7$ feet at the confluence of Bear Valley and Marsh Creeks, which is con- sidered the point of origin. 11 The stream is not easily accessible except by boat from the mouth to the confluence of Big Creek, 18 miles above. In this section the course extends through a narrow bedrock canyon, and offers practi- cally no suitable spawning area. The tributaries in this lowermost section are small, have very steep gradients, and are of no value to salmor - The gradient is moderate throughout most of the course, having a rise of 21-22 feet per mile between the confluence of Big Creek and the confluence of Camas Creek, 1? miles above, and gradually increasing up- stream until it has a rise of slightly more than 50 feet per mile in the uppermost 10 miles. The best appearing spawning area was found between Big Creek and Camas Creek. The entire stream has many extensive shallow riffle areas, but the bottom is composed mainly of rubble that is too large to be of best use to spawning salmon. There were 380,000 square yards of sviitable spawning area, constituting approximately 5 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed* The only obstacle to migratory fish on the Middle Fork is Sulphur Creek Falls, located approximately 96 miles above the :.ioath, or about 2^ miles above the confluence of Sulphur Creek. This consists of two cascades, neither having a fall of more than 8 feet. They are located in a narrow box canyon, and are passable with difficulty at high water, due to the velocity of the confined flow in the narrow, rocky channel, Salmon and steelhead trout have alv/ays spawned above this point, however, and the falls cannot be considered a barrier. The Chinook run reaches the Middle Fork in June, and spawn- ing is usually completed late in July or early in August. .A large portion of the fish entering the Iliddle Fork apparently utilize it chiefly for its larre resting spools, and when spawning time approaches ascend the principal tributaries, where the best spawning beds are lo- cated, Vfliy few sal-non had moved out of the resting pools and onto the spawning beds at the time of the survey, and consequently only a few were seen, as the water was slightlynturbid from continued rains, and visibility was poor in the deep pools. In the lower part of the sur- veyed portion of the stream there is a fairly good run of chinooks into the larger tributaries through Camas Creek, 35 miles above the mouth. In the headwaters, where several excellent spawning streams flow to- gether to form the Middle Fork, the salmon population has been bad^-y depleted. The run was very small in this upper section in I9UI, and was reported by both the U.S, Forest Service personnel and private guides to have been progressively smaller for a number of years pre- viously. The headwaters are only a short distance from Stanley, Idaho, and are easily accessible to sport fishermen, who fonnerly took saloion on the spawning grounds. Because most of its course and many of its tributaries are seldom frequented ty man, the Middle Fork as a whole is still of value as a salmon producer. However, it is capable of supporting many times its present salmon populations. A good run of steelhead trout appears in the river in April and May and ascends most of the tributaries. These fish have apparently suffered much less depletion than the Chinook salmon. 12 Figure 3. — Confluence of Middle Fork and Main Salmon River, Note turbidity of main stream. 13 IC-Cl). Big Creek.— (June 22-25, 19Ulj Parkhurst and Zimmer.) Big Creek enters the Middle Fork approximately 18 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 50 miles long, of which the lower 25 miles were surveyed. It is the largest and most important tributary to the Middle Fork, At the mouth the discharge was between 500 and 600 cf.s, and the water temperature 51i»0°F, At the upper terminus of the survey the flow was about UO cfoS, and the water temperature h6,5°F. The gradient is generally moderate, with extensive shallow riffles and n-jmerous good resting pools. There were U80,000 square yards of suit- able spawning area, constituting 35 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. No obstructions or water diversions were encounter- ed o The stream supports a fair run of chinook salmon and a good spring run of steelhead. It is difficult of access and suffers prac- tically no molestation by man. The present chinook run does not ap- proach the full spawning capacity of the stream, lC-(l)a, Monumental Creek. — (Not surveyed) Monumental Creek enters Big Creek approximately 25 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 25 miles long. It is the largest tributary to Big Creek, the two streams being almost equal size at their confluence. Monu- mental Creek was about 30 feet wide at the mouth and was discharging about UO c,f,s. It was reported to support runs of chinook salmon sind steelhead, lC-(l)b. Crooked Creek, — (June 26, 191:1; Parkhurst and Zimmer,) Crooked Creek enters Big Creek approximately 25 miles above the mouth, ••■he stream is about 15 miles long, and has a fairly steep gradient. It was discharging about 12 c,f,s, at the time of observation, and was very turbid from mining silt. There are numerous beaver dams in the stream, and it is of little value to salmon, lC-(2), Camas Creek, — (June 17-19, 19Ulj Parkhurst and Zimmer,) Camas Creek enteis the Middle Fork approximately 35 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 38 miles long, of vrtiich the lower 19-| miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it was 70 ft, wide, discharging about 200 c,f,s,, and the water temperature was U6,0°F, The gradient is fairly steep to .moderate. There were 83,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 17 percent of the total bot- tom in the portion surveyed. No obstructions or diversions were found, Camas Creek has a fair run of chinook salmon, and is capable of sujv- porting a much larger run, lC-(2)a, West Fork, Camas Creek. — (July 12, 19Ulj Zimjner.) The West Fork enters Camas Greek approximately 15 miles above the rnouth. The stream is about 13 miles long, of which the lower 6f miles were surveyed. It is of little value to salmon above the upper terminus of the survey because of the steep gradient and slight volume of flow. Near the mouth the stream width was 20 ft. and the discharge about 50 cf.s. The water temperature was U6,0 F. throughout. The gradient 111 Figure U.~ Confluence of Caman Creek and Middle Fork of Salmon River, 15 is moderate in the lower part of the stream, where excellent spawning area is foimd. There were 38,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately i;7 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyedo An irrigation diversion dam located 2 miles above the mouth was not a barrier to fish« The unscreened ditch was estimated to carry 3-5 c,foSo Several beaver dams found about h miles above the mouth were considered to be barriers at low water. The West Fork has a small run of chinook salmon, and covild support a larger run, lC-(3)« Loon 3reek, — (June 20-30, 19Ul; Frey and Bryant,) Loon Creek enters the Middle Fork approximately U5§ miles above the mouth • The stream is about 3U miles long, of which the lower 26 miles were surveyed. Numerous beaver dams, the decreased volume of flow, and the steep gradient together rendered the stream of no value to salmon above the terminus of the survey. At the mouth it was 5U ft, wide, discharging about $50 c«f«s«, and the water temperature was 5l«0°F, The gradient is steep except for a section of moderate gradient extending 6§ miles, which contains most of the spawning area. There were $8,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 8 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed, A small, unscreened irrigation ditch having a carrjdng capacity of about 3 c,f.So was observed about 10 miles above the mouth* Loon Creek has a small run of chinook salmon, and could support a larger run, lC-(3)a. Rock Creek. — (June 26, 19ijlj Frey.) Rock Creek enters Loon Creek approximately 12 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 7 miles long, of which only the lower UOO yards were surveyed. Near the mouth it was 9 ft, wide and discharging about l5 c,f ,s. The gradient is so steep that the stream was considered to be of no value to salmon, lC-(3)b. Warm Spring Creek. — (June 23-26, I9UI; Frey and Bryant.) Wann Spring Creek enters Loon Creek approximately ih miles above the mouth. The stream is about 1? miles long, of which the lower 11^ miles were surveyed. Beaver dams at the terminus of the survey were found to be so numerous and difficult to ascend that they were considered as barriers to sa]jiion. Near the mouth the stream was about 30 ft, wide, discharging about 1$0 c,f .s., and the water temperature was l^S.O^F. The gradient is fairly steep except for a section of moderate gradient extending 3^ miles, irfiich contains most of the spawning area. There were 2$, 000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approxi- mately 15 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. The stream is seldom frequented, and fish suffer practically no molestation by man. Warm Spring Creek has a small run of chinook salmon and a spring run of steelhead trout. It is capable of supporting a larger salmon run. lC-(3)b-i, Trapper Creek, — (June 2$, 19Ulj Frey and Bryant.) Trapper Creek enters Warm Spring Creek approximately 10 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 7 miles long, of which the lower 1^ miles 16 were surveyed. It was found to be inaccessible and of no value to salmon above the upper teiminus of the survey because of numeroios beaver dams and the small voltme of flow. Several beaver dams, log ^ams, and small falls in the portion surveyed were considered barriers at low water or passable only with great difficulty. Near the mouth the stream was 12 ft. wide, discharging about 25 c.f .s., and the water temperature was U3«0°F. The gradient is fairly steep in the lower portion, and increases upstream. There were 2,100 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 23 percent of the total bottom in the portion sur- veyed, A small run of Chinook salmon enters Trapper Creek, and the stream can accommodate only a few spawners. lC-(3)c. Mayfield Creek.— (June 21, 19U1; Bryant.) Mayfield Creek enters Loon Creek approTdmately 232 iniles above the mouth. The main stream extends only 2^ miles, where it is formed by the union of the east and west forks. It had an average width of 2k ft., and was discharging more than 100 c.f .s. The water temperature at the forks was U3»0°F. The gradient is fairly steep, with numerous cascades. There were only 1,800 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately h percent of the total bottom. Several log jams and beaver dams were considered to be passable only with great difficulty. There are three small vinscreened irrigation ditches, none diverting more than 5 c,f,s. A few chinook salmon and steelhead trout spawn in main Mayfield Creek, but it is not of importance as a salmon producer, lC-(3)c-i. West Fork, Mayfield Creek,— (June 21, 19iil; Bryant,) The West Fork enters Mayfield Creek approximately 2^ miles above the mouth. The stream is about 6 miles long, of which the lower 2^ miles were surveyed. At the mouth it was 21 ft. wide, discharging about UO c,f ,s,, and the water temperature was Ii3»0°F, The gradient is steep, with ntmierous cascades. There were only 1,600 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 7 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Numerous beaver dams were passable to fish onlj"- with great difficulty. Al- though a few Chinook salmon end steelhead trout were reported to enter the West Fork, it was regarded as a poor salmon stream. lC-(3)c-ii. East Fork, Mayfield Creek.— (June 21, 19Ulj Frey.) The Bast Fork enters Mayfield Creek approximately 2^ miles above the Bouth. The stream is about lU miles long, of which the lower 2 miles were surveyed. It was inaccessible and of no value to salmon above the terminus of the survey because of a log jam and a series of beaver dams* Near the mouth the stream was 18 ft. wide, discharging about 30 c.f.s., and the water temperature was lil4.0°F. The gradient is fairly steep, except for a section of moderate gradient starting ij miles above the mouth and extending several miles, which was largely inaccessible. There were 3,900 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 20 per cent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Although small runs of chinook salmon and steelhead trout were reported to enter the stream, it was considered of slight value at present as a salmon producer. 17 lC-(3)d. Trail Creek.— (June 20, I9I1I5 Bryant.) Trail Creek enters Loon Creek approximately 2k miles above the mouth. The stream is about 6^ miles long, of which the lower 2 miles were surveyed. It was 12 feet wide near the mouth, and was discharging about 2^ c,f .s. The gradient is fairly steep. There were only $00 square yards of suitable spawning area, cpnstituting approximately 12 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. An impassable beaver dam was found 950 yards above the mouth, and there are numerous other beaver dams throughout the stream. Two small, unscreened irrigation ditches were observed, each diverting 3-5 c.f.s. No salmon were reported to enter Trail Creek, and probably no run exists. The stream could not be of more than slight value to salmon, lC-(3)e Pioneer Creek, — (Jime 20, 19Ulj Frey.) Pioneer Creek enters Loon Creek approximately 2$^ miles above the mouth, above an impassable beaver dam on Loon Creek, The stream was therefore entirely inaccessible to migratory fish. It is about 6 miles long, of which the lower mile was surveyed. The stream was of no possible value to salmon above the tenninus of the survey because of the increasingly steep gradient. It was 21 ft, wide at the mouth and discharging about 35 c,f,s. There were only 250 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 3 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Pioneer Creek is of no present value and of practically no potential value to salmon, IC-(U), Little Loon Creek, — (July 9, 19Ulj Frey and Bryant,) Little Loon Creek enters the Middle Fork approximately 55^ miles above the mouth. The stream is about 11 miles long, of which the lower 3 miles were surveyed, up to a series of beaver dams forming an impassable barrier to fish. Near the mouth it was 12 feet wide, discharging about 25 cf.s,, and the water temperatiure was U7»0 F, The gradient is fairly steep in the lower 3 miles and increases upstream. There were 3,600 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 16 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed » A falls 6 feet in height is located at the mouth and is probably a barrier at low water. Numerous beaver dams were found in the section surveyed, ren- dering the passage of fish extremely difficult. The U. S, Forest Service reported that Little Loon Creek formerly supported a small run of Chinook salmon before the infliix of beavers in recent years. No salmon were seen dxiring the survey, and it is doubtful if any enter at present. The stream has some potential value for a small salmon popu- lation, lC-($), Marble Creek.— (July 11, I9UI; Frey and Bryant.) Marble Creek enters the Middle Fork approximately 63 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 2U miles long, of which the lower 11 miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it was U2 feet wide, discharging between 125 and l50 c.f.s,, and the water temperature was 52,0 F, The gradient is fairly steep, and 18 increases rapidly above the tenninus of the survey. There were 9,700 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately U percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyedo It was report- ed that Marble Creek formerly supported a good run of chinook salmon » No salmon were seen during the survey, and the run is now greatly de- pleted. There was considerable raining pollution in the stream at the time of the survey. The effect of this pollution on fish should be investigated, "Die stream has some potential value as a salmon producer* lC-(6), Indian Creek. — (July 13-15, 19Ulj Frey and Bryant,) Indian Creek enters the Middle Fork approximately 69 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 22 miles long, of which the lower 13| miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it was 30 ft, wide, discharging 119 c,f .s,, and the water temperature was $7,0°F, The gradient is moderate in the lower 3 miles, and increases upstream. There were 17,000 3q;iare yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 9 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Two log jams were considered to be possible barriers to fish at low water, A falls 7 ft, in height located 11§ miles above the mouth was considered a bar- rier at low water. No salmon were seen during the survey, Indian Creek extends through a remote area, and the salmon rim has not been subjected to molestation by man. Although it is of little or no value as a salmon producer at present, it has seme good spawning area and appears capable of supporting a fair run, lG-(7). Pistol Creek,— (July 15-16, I9UI; Frey and Brsrant,) Pistol Creek enters the Middle Fork approximately 7U miles above the mouth. The main stream extends for about 3^ miles to the forks. The average width of the stream was 33 ft, and the discharge at the mouth was 171 c.f.s. The water temperature range was between 50 and 60°F, The gradient is fairly steep throughout. There were 3,200 square yards of suitable spavming area, constituting approximately 5 percent of the tOytal bottom. The U, 3, Forest Service reported a run of Chinook salmon in Pistol Creek during past years, but the U. S, Forest Guard stationed near -the mouth reported that none had been seen that season. No salmon were seen during the survey, althotigh spawners should have been present at that time, A run of steelhead trout was reported to enter dxiring the spring. This entire portion of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River drainage system is subject to local severe flash floods, which may be very destructive to salmon if they should occur at certain critical stages of the reproductive period. Evidence of such floods was found in Pistol Creek and several of its tributaries. Although the stream is ajparently of little value as a salmon producer at present, it seems capable of supporting a fair run. 19 lC-(7)a. Big Pistol Creek.— (July l6, 19Ulj Bryant.) Big Pistol Creek enters main Pistol Creek about 32 miles above the mouth. The stream is approximately l5 miles long, of -which the lower 6 miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it was 18 ft. wide, discharging about 80 c.f.s., and the water temperature was 5l.0°F. The gradient is fair- ly steep except for a few small flats. There were 8,^00 square yards of suitable spawning are* constituting approximately 13 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Most of the good spawning area was found in the lower 3 miles* Two log and debris jams and numerous beaver dams found in the upper half of the portion surveyed were very difficult for fish to ascend, and were probably barriers at low water* The U.S. Forest SeinrLce reported that a small run of Chinook salmon formerly entered the stream, but that no salmon had been seen here for several years, A fair run of steelhead trout was reported to enter in the spring. The cause of the present salmon depletion is not known, but may be due partly to severe and recurrent flash floods. Big Pistol Creek extends through a remote area, and the salmon run has not been subjected to molestation by man. It is of no value as a salmon pro- ducer at present, but has some potential value and appears capable of supporting a fair run, lC-(7)b, Little Pistol Creek.— (July l6, 191x1; Frey.) Little Pistol Creek enters mairt Pistol Creek about 3j' miles above the mouth. The stream is approximately 13 miles long, of which the lower 7 miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it was about 30 ft. wide, discharging between 75 and 80 c.f.s,, and the water temperature was 5l«0 F. The gradient is slight to moderate in the lower 2 miles, increasing up- stream until above the terminus of the survey it is too steep for the stream to be of possible value to salmon. There were 13,000 square yards of s\ii table spfl-wning area, constituting approximately 15> percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Several log and debris jams were c onsidered as probable barriers to fish at low water. The U. S. Forest Service reported that a good run of Chinook salmon formerly entered the stream, but that no salmon had been reported for the past several years, A fair run of steelhead trout was reported to enter in the spring. The salmon run has not been subjected to molestation by man in this stream. No salmon were seen during the survey. Althoi^ Little Pistol Greek is of slight or no value as a salmon producer at present, it has some good spawning area and appears capable of sup- porting a fair run, lC-(8). Rapid River,— (July 17-18, 19Ulj Frey and Bryant.) Rapid River enters the Middle Fori: approximately 78 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 20 miles loijg, of which the lower 125- miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it was about 30 ft. wide, discharging about 1$0 c.f.s., and the water tertiperature was 58,0°F. There was little decrease in volime upstream in the portion surveyed, the flow at the upper terminus being about 120 c.f.s. The gradient is steep to moder- ate. There were 28,000 square yards of s\ii table spawning area, consti- tuting approximately 1$ percent of the total bottom in the portion 20 surveyed 0 The U. S, Forest Service reported that a small run of Chinook salmon had entered Rspid River in past years o No salmon were seen during the surveyo A small run of steelhead trout was reported to enter in the spring. The lower portion of the water- shed has been denuded by fire, and the stream is subject to damaging flash floods. Severe erosion of the watershed and banks was observed in. many places. Although the stream is of little value as a salmon producer at present, it has excellent potential value and should support a good run, lC-(9). Soldier Creek,— (July 21, 19Ulj Frey.) Soldier Creek enters the ItLddle Fork approximately 8S2 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 8 miles long, of which the lower 3 miles were surveyed. It is of no possible value to salmon above the upper terminus of the survey because of the increasingly steep grad- ient and numerous beaver dams. Near the mouth the stream was about 1$ ft, wide, discharging between 30 and Uo c,f,s,, and the water temperature was US.O F, The gradient is fairly steep. There were 900 square yards of s^oitable spawning area, constituting approximately 5 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Several log and debris jams were considered to be passable to fish only with difficulty. There was no pollution at the time of the survey, but mine operators expected to have a quartz mill operating at a point ^ mile above the mouth in the year 19li?, It was reported that no saLnion or steelhead enter the stream. No salmon were seen during the survey. Soldier Creek is of no present value and of little potential value as a salmon producer, IC-(IO). Slkhorn Creek,— (July 21, 19Ulj Frey.) Elkhorn Creek enters the Middle Fork approximately 88 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, intermittent in the upper portion. The grad- ient is fairly steep, and increases upstream. Several bad log and debris jams were found, including one located 1 mile upstream which was considered a total barrier to fish. There were less than 100 square yards of suitable spawning area. The stream is of no present or potential value to salmon, lC-(ll), Sulphur Creek, — (July 23, 19hl; Frey.) Sulphur Creek enters the Middle Fork approximately 9U-| miles above the mouth. The stream is about 19 miles long, of which the lower 10 miles were sur- veyed. Near the mouth it was 30 ft, wide, discharging about 60 c,f,s,, and the water temperature was $3»0 F, The gradient is moderate for the most part, becoming fairly steep above the terminus of the survej'. There were 37,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constitu- ting approximately 27 percent of the total bottom in the' portion sur- veyed. The watershed in the first 3 miles above the mouth was burned over in I9U0, This area was covered with fallen trees, and several log jams had begun to formo The lower part of the stream should be checked for obstructions after each spring high-water ceriod to insure free access to salmon. Sulphur Creek is an excellent cbinook salmon streai^ and supports a fair run. One hundred twenty-eight 21 salmon were counted in pools during the survey, and many more probably were unobserved because the fish had not yet moved onto the spavming riffles. The stream is capable of supporting a nuch larger run than was observed, although the entire run may not have ascended from the Middle Fork at the time of the survey, 1C-(I2). Marsh Creek,— (July 24-25, 1941j Frey and Bryant.) Marsh Creek enters the Ivliddle Fork approximately loe^- miles above the mouth. The stream is about 14^7 miles long, of which the lower llg- miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it was 66 feet wide, dis- charging between 275 and 300 o.f.s,, and the water temperature was 53,0°F, The gradient is moderate throughout. There were 33,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 16 percent of the total bottom in the portion s\irveyed. The upper 5 miles of the portion surveyed has a large amount of good spawning area. Marsh Creek formerly supported a large run of ohinook salmon, but in the last 20 years, particularly in the decade preceding 1940, the rrxa. had been almost exterminated by the former unrestricted practice of spearing salmon on the spawning beds. At present it supports a very small run of salmon; only nine adult ohinooks and five completed nests were seen during the survey, A fair spring )run of steelhead trout was reported. The stream is of little value in salmon pro- duction at present, but it has great potential value, lC-(12)a, Beaver Creek,— (July 29, 1941j Frey and Bryant,) Beaver Creek enters Marsh Creek 5 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 15 miles long, of which the lower 11 miles were surveyedo Near the mouth it was about 40 ft. wide, discharging 90 o.f.s., and the water temperature was 45,0*^, The gradient is moderate in the lower 10 miles, and becomes steep in the upper part. There were 35,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting aoproxi- mately 22 percent of the total bottom in the portion survej'-ed. The U, S, Forest Service reported that up to the year 1930 Beaver Creek supported a large run of chinook salmon. The history of the depletion of the run is identical with that of Marsh Creek. At present it supports a very small run of salmon; 11 adult chinooks and 24 nests were seen during the survey. A spring run of steelhead trout was re- ported. The stream is of little value in salmon production at present, but it has great potential value, lC-(12)b, Cape Horn Creek.— (July 24-25, 1S41; Frey and Bryant.) Cape Horn Creek enters Marsh Creek about 6 miles above the mouth. The stream is approximately 9^ miles long, of which the lower 5|- miles were surveyed. It is of no value and inaccessible to salmon above the terminus of the survey because of the small valume of flow and numerous beaver dams. Wear the mouth the stream was 24 ft, wide and discharging about 60 c,f,s. Water temperatures 7/ere favorable for salmon, ranging between 45 and 520f, The gradient is slight to moderate in the lower 5z miles, and becomes steep in the upper part. There were 28,000 square j^ards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 44 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Cape Horn Creek 22 formerly supported a large run of Chinook salmon. The history of the depletion of the run is identical with that of Marsh Creek. At pre- sent it supports a very small salmon populationj U1+ live adult chi- nooks, U dead spawned-out chinooks, and i|.6 nests were seen during the survey, A spring run of steelhead trout was reported. The stream is of small value as a salmon producer at present, but it has great po- tential value. lC-Cl2)b-i, Banner Creek.— (July 28, I9UI; Frey and Bryant.) Banner Creek enters Cape Horn Creek 5^ miles above the mouth. The stream is approximately U miles long, of which about 1 mile was sur- veyed. It is of no possible value to salmon above the terminus of the survey because of the steep gradient and low volume of flow. Near the mouth the stream was l5 ft. wide, discharging about l5 c.f.s«, and the water temperat\ire was U9.0 F, The gradient is slight to moderate in the lower mile, and becomes steep above, There were 1,900 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 3U percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. A log jam located a short distance above the terminus of the survey was considered to be a barrier to fish. Although too small to have ever accomodated a large rxm, the stream formerly supported a much larger salmon popula- tion than at present, ^he history of the depletion of the r\jn is identical with that of Marsh Creek. The present salmon run is very small; U live adult chinooks, 1 dead spawned-out Chinook, and 7 nests were seen during the survey* A spring run of steelhead trout was reported, ^he stream is of little value as a salmon producer at present, but it has some potential value, lC-(12)c, Khapp Creek, — (July 25, 19^1; Bryant,) Knapp Creek enters Marsh Creek 10 miles above the mouth. The stream is approximately 15 miles long, of which about 1 mile was surveyed. The small volime of flow and numerous beaver dams located about 2 miles above the .mouth render the stream of little value to salmon above that point. Near the mouth it was 15 ft. wide and discharging about 10 cf.s. '^'he gradient is slight to moderate in the lower 3 miles, and becomes steep in the upper part. There were 1,200 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 26 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Water conditions at the tine of the spawning migration affect the amount of spawning area available, Kn^pp Creek formerly supported a good number of chinook salmon for a stream of its small size. The history of the depletion of the run is identical with that of Marsh Creek, A few salmon still enter the stream; no spawners and only two nests were seen during the survey, A spring run of steelhead trout wqs reported. The stream is of little value as a salmon producer at present, but it has some potential value, 1C-(13).. Bear Valley Creek, — (July 2^-27, 19Ulj Frey and Bryant,) Bear Valley Creek enters the Middle Fojrk approximately IO6J miles above 23 the mouth. The stream is about 37 miles long, of which the lower 2? miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it wis about 50 feet wide, dis- charging more than 200 c.f.s,, and the water temperatiire was 58.0°F. Ihe gradient is mostly slight to moderateo There were 150,000 sq, yd, of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 21 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Several beaver dams render the upper part of the streaai difficult of access to salmon. Bear Valley Greek formerly supported a large run of Chinook salmon. The history of the depletion of the run is identical with that of Marsh Creek, At present it supports a very small run of salmon j 1? live adult chinooks, 1 dead spa-mied-out Chinook, and 6 nests were seen during the survey. A spring run of steelhead trout was reported. The stream is of slight value as a salmon producer at present, but it has great potential value, lC-(13)a, KLk Creek.— (July 28, I9UI; Frey and Bryant.) Elk Creek enters Bear Valley Creek 11 miles above the mouth. The stre?jii is approximately 22 miles long, of which the lower 13 miles were surveyed,- Near the pouth it was 36 ft, wide, and was discharg- ing about 100 c,f,s. The water temperature was $3,0°F, The gradient is mostly slight. There were Ul,000 sq, yd, of s uitable spawning area, constituting approximately 19 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed, Slk Creek formerly supported a large run of Chinook salmon. The history of the depletion of the run is identical with that of Marsh Creek. At present it supports a very small run of salmon; 5 live adult chinooks, 1 dead sp?.wned-out Chinook, and I6 nests were counted during the survey, A spring run of steelhead trout was reported. The stream is of slight value as a salmon producer at present, but it has a great potential value, lC-(13)b. Sack Creek.— (July 27, 19Ulj Bryant.) Sack Creek enters Bear Valley Creek approximately 18 mdles above the mouth. The stream is about 5| miles long, of which the lower ij miles were surveyed. It was too small to be of any value to salmon above the terminus of the survey. Near the mouth the stream was 6 feet wide and was discharging less than 10 c,f,s. The gradient is slight to moderate, '^ere were only 500 sq, yd. of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately lU percent of the total bottran in the portion surveyed. Two beaver dams in the lower 200 yd, were considered to be passable with difficulty. No salmon were seen during the survey. Sack Creek is of little possible value to salmon because of its small size, lC-(13)co Cache Creek.— (July 27, 19hl; Frey.) Cache Creek enters Bear Valley Creek approximately 19^ miles above the mouth. The stream is about 6 miles long, of wiich the lower 2 miles were surveyed. It was too small to b e of value to saLmon above the terminus of the survey. Near the mouth the stream was about 1$ feet wide, discharging about ]5 c,f,s., and the water temperature was 5ii,0°F, The gradient is slight 2U to moderate in the lower part, and becomes fairly steep above the terminus of the survey, ■'^'here were 3*100 so. yd, of suitable spawn- ing area, constituting approximately 20 i)ercent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. No salmon were seen during the siirvey, and it was reported that none enter the stream. Although not capable of supporting a large run because of its small size. Cache Creek has some potential value to salmon. ID, Panther Creek,— (July 11, 19Ulj Parkhurst and Zimmer,) Panther Creek enters the main Salmon River approximately 203 miles above the mouth. The stream is about U3 miles long, of which IO2 miles were surveyed. The lower part, from the mouth to the conflu- ence of Napias Creek, a distance of about 20 miles, was not survey- ed in detail because it was rendered extremely turbid by the discharge of mining silt from Napias Creek. The stream bed is composed largely of bedrock and large rubble for a distance of 22| miles above the mouth, and there is little suitable spawning area in this lower portion. Near the mouth the stream was UO feet wide, discharging about 1^0 c.f ,s,, and the water ter.perature was 62,5°F, Just above the mouth of Napias Creek the stream was about 30 ft, wide, discharging about 30 c.f ,s., and the water temperature was $3.0°F. The -jradient is fairly steep in the lower part of the stream, becoming moderate in the surveyed jxjrtion. The upper 8 miles of the portion surveyed has a very high concentration of suitable spawning area. There were 82,000 sq. yd. of s\u.table spawning area, constituting approximately h^ percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. The stream is of little possible value to salmon above the terminus of the s"'jrvey because of its small size. Three low irrigation diversion dams, oneabandoned mining diversion dam, and several beaver dams and log jams were foiir.d. None of these were total barriers to fish, but two of the irrigation dams and a log jam appeared to be passable only with difficulty at low water stages. Only one irrigation diversion dam was in operation, the ditch with- drawing about 1 c,f ,s. Panther Creek formerly supported a good run of Chinook salmon. It was reported that the run has declined steadily in recent years. At present very few salmon enter the stream j four adult chinooks were seen during the survey , It is of slight value as a salmon producer at present, but has good potential value, ID-(l), Napias Creek. — (Inspected July 11, I9UI; Parkhurst and Zimmer.) Napias Creek enters Panther Creek approximately 20 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 13 miles long. Near the mouth it had an average width of more than 20 feet, and was discharging about 90 c.f.s. The gradient is e:ctremely steep. The stream is inaccessible to salmon a short distance above the mouth because of the many falls and cascades. The water was extremely muddy at the time of observation, the stream carrying a large amount of silt from gold mines at Leesburg in the headwaters, Napias Creek has practically no suitable spawning area, and is of no present or potential value to salmon. 25 IE. North Fork, Salmon River, — (Inspected July 10, 19iil; Parkhurst and Zimraer,) The North Fork enters the main Salmon River approximately 229 miles above the raouth« The stream is about 23 miles longo Near the mouth it was 3U feet wide, discharging about 80 Cef.s, and the water temperature was 55«0°F« The gradient is moderate to fairly steep. The water was extremely muddy for a dis- tance of 17 miles above the mouth* Above this point the stream was too small and steep to be of value to salip.on» '^he extrone turbidity was due to a large gold mine at Gibbonsville, 11 miles above tJie mouth, and a number of smaller mining operations at various points along the stream. Under natural conditions the stream contained a fair amount of suitable spawning area, but the stream bed had become so heavily silted as a result of mining activity that it was of no value to salmon at the time of the survey. The North Fork originally support- ed a run of chinook salmon, but it was reported that no salmon had been seen in it for man3r years a IF, Lemhi River, — (June 30 - July 8, 19Ulj Parkhurst and Zimmere) The Lemhi River enters the Salmon River at Salmon, Idaho, appro:cimately 2^1 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 6o miles long. Near the mouth it was 32 feet wide, discharging about 15 c.f.s, and. the water temperature was 59oO°F,, most of the flow being diverted, ^he gradient is moderate throughout. Spawning area is abundant, of excellent quality, ?nd well distributed. There were 880,000 sq, yd, of s ui table spawning area, constituting approximately 59 percent of the total bottom. The Idaho Power Company maintains a diversion dam 6 feet in height at a point 1 mile above the mouth of the river. This dam is not equipped with fishways, and is a barrier to salmon except during the June high water stage, when a few early-arriving chinook salmon succeed in passing it. During low water periods the entire flow is diverted except for seepage. At the time of observation the dam was impassable to fish, and was diverting 312 c,f,s, into the canal leading to the power plant. The diversion is not equipped with any fish protective devices. The tailrace discharges into the main Salmon River less than 1/2 mile below the power plant, and a short distance below the mouth of the Leralai River, Since this diver- sion takes almost the entire flow during the time ^vhen most of the salmon should be entering the stream, the majority of these fish as- cend the tailrace to the power plant, where they are completely ob- structed. The turbines operate under a 38 foot head. They are the low speed, reaction type, and probably do not greatly injure the downstream migrants. There is an irrigation diversion located about 3 miles above the mouth which was withdrawing about 20 c,f,s, at the time of observation. The dam in connection with this diversion is on a side channel and is not a barrier to fish, ^ere is aii irrigation dam 3 feet in height located 7^ miles above the mouth. No fishway is provided and the dam is a barrier at low water. The ditch was withdrawing about 30 cf.s. 26 There are numerous other low irrigation dams on the Lemhi River, These are all passable to fish, most of them being temporary •wing dams. Most of the diversions are small. Measurements were taken on 2k of the irrigation ditches, which were withdrawing a total of lii3 c,f,s. There are no fish screens on any of the water diversions from this stream. At the terminus of the survey -Uie Lemhi River is formed by the union of several small streams, namely IF-(3) Canyon Creek, IF-CU) Eighteenmile Creek, and IF-(5) Texas Creek, The discharge of each of these headwater streams was approximately 2 c.f .s,, and they were con- sidered to be of little value to salmon because of their small size. The Lemhi River formerly supported an excellent run of Chinook salmon. The U. S, Fisheries Station at Salmon, Idaho conduct- ed the artificial propagation of Chinook salmon on the Lemhi River during the years 1920-1933, but despite this effort the run has been depleted. No salmon were seen during the survey. The stream is of little value as a salmon producer at present, but it has great poten- tial value, IF-(l), Wimpey Creek, — (July 1, 19Ul; Zimmer,) Wimpey Creek enters the Lemhi River approximately 12^ miles above the mouth. The stream is about 8 miles long, of which about l|^ miles were surveyed* Near the mouth it was k2 feet wide and discharging about 75 c,f .s. The gradient is moderate in the lower 3 miles, becoming steep above, ■'■he lower 1/2 mile contains a high concentration of excellent spavn>- ing gravel. There were 3,800 sq. yi9, of sui -table spawning area, constituting approximately 2I4 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. The stream formerly supported a good rxin of Chinook salmon, but it has been greatly depleted. No salqjon were seen during the survey. Although Wimpey Creek has been adversely affected by obstructions and diversions in the Lemhi River, it has 8(XQe potential value for salmon, IF-(2), Hayden Creek, — (inspected July 8, 19Ulj Parkhurst and Zimmer.) Hayden Creek enters the Lemhi River approximately 33 Tniles above the mouth. The stream is about 20 miles long. Near the mou^bh it was 27 feet iride, discharging about 60 c,f ,s,, and the water temperature was 57«0°F» The gradient is fairly steep throughotrt. The stream bed is composed chiefly of large rubble, and there is little suitable spa'wning area, Hayden Creek was considered to be of slight ■value to salmon, IG, Pahsimeroi River,— (July 9, 19Ulj Parkhurst and Zimmer,) The Pahsimeroi River enters ■the Salmon River 18 miles below Challls, Idaho, or approximately 29$ miles above the mouth. The stream is about 30 miles long, of irtiich about 27 miles were surveyed. It was too small ■bo be of possible value to salmon above ■the terminus of 27 the survey. Near the mouth the stream was about 50 feet yride, dis- charging about 150 c.f.s,, and the water temperature was 58.0 F, The volume of flow diminished rapidly upstream. The gradient is moderate throughout the portion surveyed. There were 120,000 sq. yd, of suitable spawning area, constituting 55 percent of "the total bottom in the portion siirveyed. Numerous small irrigation ditches were found throughout* None of these diversions were equipped with fish screens. The total amount of water being diverted was considerable, and in several places the stream bed was practically dry. There was sons silting of the stream bed. This was due mainly to returns from irrigation ditches and partly to placer mining on several small tributaries. The Pahsimeroi River formerly supported a good run of Chinook salmon and steelhead trout. Eggs were taken from Chinook salmon spawners in this stream and removed to the U. S. Fisheries Station at Salmon, Idaho during the years 1?23 through 1927. Some fingerlings were liberated in the Pahsimeroi River, but the run has declined steadily. The stream is of little present or potential value as a salmon producer, due mainly to the extensive withdrawal of water for agricultural piirposes, IH, 3ast Fork, Salmon River, — (Not surveyed) The East Fork enters the S?lmon River 5 miles below Clayton, Idaho, or approximately 336 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 32 miles long. It was reported to support a small run of chinook salmon, II, Yankee Fork, Salmon River, — (June 19, I9UI} Frey and Bryant,) The Yankee Fork enters the Salmon River 12 miles below Stanley, Idaho, or approximately 36O miles above the mouth. The stream is about 25 miles long. The discharge was Uh5 c.f,s, (U.S .G.S,, 19^42) . The Yankee Fork was extremely muddy at the time of observation, due to the extensive operations of a large gold-J >» x: d 1) X) cS c rt C +i t J 0) ^ 0 ^ (D •^ •c > 0) j5 Q) x; U 0) O •P c •H ^ :> m c CJ c >> I S ^ o o o H o •ri U O cr\ (I) to f e! :S B (Q M c a o •H ^ CO P to ^ 4) S vO c^ •H •o S c *H O •«! c: 1 ^ H b p CO XT to c g-l ^^ rH o ^_^ H M 'li C3 0) (0 +5 g ai Cm a ^1 r.l -P a- o c C to 5- (: g o o XI +3 IT 5 •H •H O CO 1*4 o 03 CO o ^ U 0) flj • (i> 0) to j:; M c o f> > O +3 3 C O O .H o ^ ^ C ^3 •H CO (4 L^ '"^ E4 •P ^H 0) c c ^_ (|H U (U fc o o 71 "S 0) +3 "9 o •H •H Pk -P 43 O 0) evJ Oi 0,5 i (0 o Ul W) •§ Tl t -o ^1 U d -p " M M on incl n and s •H o 1^^ s 0) p to CO > 1 -H s s 15 «H ^ (S 4-> O o .H to n i 1 t £ " •Thi run » 11 * 30 PART 2 SUB-AREA WEISBR RIVER SYSTEM CONTENTS Page Introduction 32 List of Streams •..eoo*e*«o**...oo*o 33 The Survey e***.«>«»*o« •«•• 35 SurnmsuTT of Recoiranendations ••••e*oe.«*oo« k-2 Table of Obstructions and Diversions • • • M»- 31 Introduction The Weiser River joins the Snake River approximately 3h2 miles above the confluence of the Snake and Columbia Riverso Its drainage area comprises approximately 1700 square miles of west- central Idaho. The total stream length of the system, including all major tributaries, is more than 600 miles o The Weiser River watershed embraces several rich agri- cultural valleys, but the arid natiire of the region necessitates the extensive use of irrigation facilities for the successful production of crops. Water is consequently the dearest and most contested resoijrce of the area. Water rights have been granted for much more water than there is available dxiring periods of normal flow. On several streams practically all of the water is diverted at certain points during the su-nmer, leaving sections of dry stream bed. Water is also transferred from one tributary'' to another, and even brought in from the Little Salmon River water- shed. There are I67 irrigation diversions in the system, not one of ?*dch is screened to prevent the loss of fish. In the early days before the agricultural development of this region, the Weiser River System was a valuable area for the reproduc- tion of salmon. Large runs of Chinook salmon formerly utilized the extensive spawning area in both the main stream and its principal tri- butaries. These runs have gradually become depleted, the last fair- sized run of chinooks being reported as occurring in 1931o A few salmon continue to appear, spawning mainly in the upper Little Weiser River early in September, A fairly good run of steelhead trout still enters the river during the spring high water period and ascends the tributaries to spawn. 32 List of Stresuns Page 2o Main Weiser River • 35 A. Mann Creek 35 (1) Adams Creek 36 (2) Stacy Creek o*. 36 (3) Fourth of July Creek «.•...... 36 a. Porcupine Creek ....... 36 (U) Hitt Creek o . . . . 36 (5) Bear Creek • 36 B. Cove Creek 37 C. Bear Creek • 37 D. Crane Creek ••...... o.o. 37 E. Sage Creek .....oo 37 F. Keithley Creek 37 G. Little Weiser River .••.. 37 (1) Grays Creek 38 11. Pine Creek • 38 I. Spring Creek 38 Jo Rush Creek 38 K. Grizzly Creek 39 L. Cow Creek , 39 M. Baccn Creek • 39 N. Goodrich Creek 39 0. Johnson Creek •.••o • 39 33 List of Streams (continued) Page P. Middle Fork, Weiser River 39 (1) Fall Creek 1^0 Q* Cottonwood Creek I4.O (1) North Cottonwood Creek e •.•••. . ko R, Hornet Creek oe 14-0 (1) North Hornet Creek kl a. Left Fork iH S. Mill Creek i , kl T, Fort Hall Creek lH U. West Fork, llelser River ........... kl (1) Lost Creek kl V. Warm Spring Creek k2 W. East Fork, Weiser River k2 X. Beaver Creek • k2 Y« East Branch, Weiser River . k2 Z* West Branch, Weiser River • k2 3h The Survey 2. Main Waieer River.— (August 16-29, 1941; Frey and Bryanto ) The main Weiser River is approximately 82 miles long. Gaging-station records for the wat«r-year 1940-41 (U.S.G.S,, 1942), taken at a sta- tion about 15 miles above the mouth, shov discharges rarigiiig from a maximim of 600C o.f.s. in December to a minimum of 51 o.f.s. in July. The streajn bed in the lower part of the river is covered with a layer of silt resulting from the turbid discharge of several reservoirs lo- cated on tributary streams. The upper part is more often clear, and contains a large amount of good spawning area. There are 13 irrigation diversions on the main Weiser. Six of these have water rights ranging from 9 to 240 o.f.s. The Mill Ditch irrigation diversion dajn is located about 11 miles above the mouth. This is a low structure, passable at high water, and not equipped with a fishway. The ditch has a water right of 9 c.f.s. A short distance above the Mill Ditch there is located the Galloway diversion dam of the Weiser Irrigation Project. This is a concrete structure 4 feet high, with flashboards increasing the height to 5 feet. Along the base of the dam there is a concrete apron extend- ing 12 feet downstreson. A poorly designed fishway parallels the face of the dam and disoharges onto the apron. It was reported that when there is sufficient spill over the dam, wi-iich usxially occvire only during the spring run-off, steelhead jump directly over this obstacle* As the discharge decreases it becomes increasingly difficult for fish to pass over the long, shallow downstream apron and enter the fish ladder. There is usually little or no spill over the dam during August and September, and during these months the stream bed below ic practically dry. A large part of the Chinook run has sometimes been blocked at this dan, and the fish caught in large numbers. It was reported that this occurred in 1939. The Galloway ditch has a cari^'ing capacity of 240 c.f.s., and has a right to all the water in the river at the diversion point except for the 9 o.f.s which must bo supplied *• the Mill ditch. Other major irrigation diversions and their carrying oapaci- ties are the Middle Valley ditch, 60 o.f.s; the Robertson-Levey ditch, 30 o.f.s. but adjudicated for 16 o.f.s; the Sunnyside ditoh, 30 o.f.s, and the Alii son- Jewell ditoh, about 9 o.f.s. 2A. Mann Creek.— (August 17-28, 1941; Frey and Bryant.) Mann Creek enters the Weiser River approximately Sg- miles above the mouth. The stream is about 33 miles long, of whioh the lower 29 miles wore surveyed. It is of small size and has a fairly steep gradient above 35 the terminus of the survey* Gaging-station records for the water- year I9U0-UI (U.S.G.S. I9U2), taken at a station 12 miles above the mouth, show discharges ranging frcn a maximum of 290 c.f .s, in March to a minimuTi of U»l c.f.s, in October, During the survey the stream was 12 feet wide at this point, and the flow ranged from 5»1 to 6.3 c.f.So The water temperature ranged from 70 to 82 Fo in the lower 12 miles. In the upper part the water temperature declined to 1;9°F, at the terminus of the surveyo There are 2l|. water rights for Mann Creek, and 20 irrigation diversions were found. Thirteen of the dams associated with these diversions, as well as several falls and log jams, were considered to be barriers at low water. Each of these dams diverts practically the entire stream at that point during low water stages, lea^/ing a dr;;r channel. Wherever a point downstream is reached where the volijme of flow has been built up sufficiently by irrigation returns, springs, and tributaries, another dam repeats the process. It has been proposed that the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation build a storage dam, to be known as the Spangler dam, at a point about lU miles above the mouth. The plans call for an earth-fill structure having a height of llB feet. It would be provided with an outlet t-jnnel discharging under a head of U5 ft. No facilities are to be provided for the upstream passage of migratory fish nor for the pro- tection of downstream migrants. However, it has been recommended that the project undertake to capture and transfer to other nearby streams such migratory fish as may appear below the dam during the first few years after its construction. There were 9,300 square yards of suitable spawning area, consti- tuting approximately 6 percent of the total bottom in the portion sur- veyed. Most of the suitable spa'';^ning was found in the upper part of the stream, above the proposed Spangler dam, and is available only at high water and only to steelhead trout. Reports indicate that many years ago Mann Creek supported good runs of Chinook salnon and steelhead. The salmon run has been prac- tically exterminated, and there remains only a small spring run of steelhead, A few of these fish ascend several of the upper tribu- taries, including 2A-(1) Adams Creek, 2A-(3) Fourth of July Creek, 2A-(U) Bitt Creek, and 2A-(5) Bear Creek, It was reported that they do not enter 2A-(2) Stacy Creek, and probably not 2A-(3)a Porcupine Creek, The protection and rehabilitation of this small run of steelhead would be doubtful of success because of the numerous existing dams and diversions, and also because of the difficulties which would be en- countered in the passage of both upstream and downstream migrants over the proposed hi^ Spangler dam. The cost of a rehabilitation program would also not be warranted by the results which might be achieved. 36 2Bo Cove Creek o — (Not surveyed.) Cove Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 9 miles above the mouth. It is about 11 miles long. Although there are no diversions on the stream, it carries very little water during the summer months. There were no reports of salmon enter- ing Cove Creek, and it is of no value to migratory fish. 2C. Bear Creek. — (Not svirveyed.) Bear Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 12 miles above the mouth© It is a small stream, about U^ miles long. Although there are no diversions on Bear Creek, it norm- ally carries very little water. It is of no value to migratory fish because of its small si zee 2D. Crane Creek, — (August 16, 19lil; Frey and Bryant.) Crane Creek enters the Weiser River approximately lit miles above the mouth. The stream is about 33 miles long. The discharge is entirely controlled and amounted to ll^O cf.s, at a point near the mouth on the date of inspection, Gaging-station records for the water-year 19U0-iil (U.S.G.S. I9U2), taken at a station \ mile above the mouth, show discharges rang- ing from a maximum of 995 c.f.s, in March to a minimum of 3 c,f ,s, in May. The Crane Creek dam is located 12 miles above the mouth. It is a high storage dam for irrigation, not eqxiipped with fishways, and is a total barrier to migratory fish. The stream bed below the dam is often practically drj-- when water is being impounded, and for this reason Crane Creek must be considered of no present or potential value to salmon. 2E, Sage Creek. — (Not surveyed.) Sage Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 27 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 13 miles long. Three irrigation ditches take the entire flow dur- ing the summer, the creek becoming dry about the middle of June, For this reason it is of no present or potential value to salmon, 2F, Keithley Creek,— (Not surveyed,) Keithley Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 29^ miles above the mouth. The stream is about 15 miles long. Thirteen irrigation diversions take almost the entire flow during late summer, A small late summer rvm of Chinook salmon formerly utilized the spawning area, and a spring run of steel- head trout was reported. The Chinook rxm has been reduced to only a few fish. The stream is of little present or potential value to salmon because of the extensive diversion of water for irrigation. 2G. Little Weiser River,— (Not surveyed.) Little Weiser River enters the main stream approximately 36 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 38 miles long. Gaging station records for the water-year 19U0-iil (U.S.G.S,, I9U2), taken at a point about 1 mile above the diversion leading to the C, Ben Ross reservoir and about 20 miles above the mouth, show discharges ranging from a maximum of Ii82 cf.s, in May to a minimtm of 13 c.f.s. in September. Before the C. Ben Ross reservoir was built near the town of Indian Valley in 1937 the portion of the stream below the lowest diversion was often dry during the summer. The reservoir now main- tains some flow in the lower part of the stream, althovigh the discharge at the confluence with the main Weiser is very low after the first week in June, There were 18 irrigation diversions on the stream. There is 37 a large amount of good spawning area above the town of Indian Valley, l5 miles above the mouth, and it was reported that in earlier years Chinook salmon and steelhead spanmed all along the stream from the vicinity of Indian Valley to the headwaters some 2li miles above. Al- though the Chinook salmon have been greatly depleted, it was reported that the remnants of these r^ons still utilize this upper portion. The appearance of the late summer chinooks is now dependent upon satis- factory water conditions in both the lower Little Weiser River and in the main stream. Since these conditions are often unsatisfactory at the time of the spa^vning migration, the stream is of little present or po- tential value to salmon. Water conditions are much better in the spring, and the headwaters portion rrith its numerous tributaries has good po- tential value for a large run of steelhead, 2G-(1). Grays Creek. — (Not surveyed) Grays Creek enters the Little TTeiser River approximately 11 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 25 miles long, A single diversion takes the entire flow during the irrigation season, leaving the lower portion of the stream bed practically dry. Water is carried into Grays Creek from diversions on Fall Creek and the Little Weiser River, Without these two supplemental supplies for irrigation, Grays Creek would be dry for almost its entire length in late summer. Because of its use for irrigation, the stream is of no value to salmon and of little value to steelhead, 2H. Pine Creek. — (August 27, 19Ul; Frey and Bryant.) Pine Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 36| giiles above the mouth. The stream is about l5 miles long, of which the lower 7 miles were surveyed. Near the mouth it was 13 feet wide, discharging between 10 and 15 c,f,s,, and the water temperature was 58,0°Ft The gradient is moderate, and increases above the terminus of the survey. The stream bed was heavily silted for a distance of h-z miles above the mouth. There were 5,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, con- stituting approximately 10 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. There were 21 small irrigation diversions. The diversion dams were all small, low structures. Most of these dams were of temporary construction, although there were several which were barriers to fish at low water. The stream formerly supported good runs of Chinook salmon and steelhead. It was reported that a few chinook salmon still appear in most years, and that there is a small spring run of steelhead. Because of its extensive agricultural use. Pine Creek has little present or potential value as a salmon producer, 2-1. Spring Creek, — (Mot surveyed.) Spring Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 37 miles above the mouth. It has one small irrigation diversion. Because of its small size the stream is of no value to salmon. 2J, Rush Creek. — (Not surveyed.) Rush Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 37| miles above the mouth. The stream is about 17 miles long, A fowerplant and an impassable falls are located about 9 miles upstream. There were 21 small irrigation 38 dlTersloxis* Good runs of ohlnook salmon and steelhead fonnerly utilised the spanning area, but these runs hare been greatly depleted in recent years* Because of its extensive irrigation use the streeun is of no pre> sent or potential Talue to salmon, and of only slight -value to steel- head. 2K» Griggly Creek,— (Not surreyed*) Griialy Creek enters the YTeiser River approximately 42-^ miles above the mouth* The stream is about 8 miles long. It had one small irrigaticn diversion of less than 1 o*f.8* The stream is not of sviffioient size to be of any value to salmon or of more than slight value to steelhead* 2Im Coir Creek*— (Not surveyed*) Coir Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 43^ miles above the mouth* The stream is about 8 miles long* There were three irrigation diversions, only one of iriiioh was of any importance* The stream is not of sufficient sixe to be of any value to salmon or of more than slight value to steelhead* ZUa Bacon Creek.— (Not suiTsyed. ) Baoon Creek enters the Weiser River approxiiaately 44^ miles above the mouth* It is about 7 miles long* Excess water from the Mesa diversion of the Middle Fork of the Weiser River flows into a pool at the head of Bacon Creek* If it were not for this supplememtal flow. Bacon Creek would be dry during the summer* There were no reports of salmon entering the stream* Because of its small size and dependence upon an unnatural flow. Bacon Creek is of no present or potential value to salmon* 2N* Goodrich Creek.— (Not s'lrveyed*) Goodrich Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 462- miles above the mouth. It is about 13 miles long* There were three sna.ll irrigation diversions, the largest having a capacity of 0*4 o.f.s. The stream is one of those wtiioh were reported formerly to have supported rvais of ohinook saLmon and steelhead* It is of little present or potential value to salmon. 2-0. Johnson Creek*— (Not surveyed© ) Johnson Creek enters the Weiser River approximsTFely 48 miles above the mouth* It is about 13 miles long. There was one small irrigation diversion. Good runs of Chinook salmon end steelhead trout formerly utilized the spavRiing area* Although -Uiere are occasional reports of a few ohinook salmon in the Btream, it is of slight present or potential value as a salmon producer* It is of more value to steelhead because water oonditions are more fav- orable at the time of the spring steelhead spawning migration* 2P, l&ddle Fork, Weiser River.-« (August 19-22, 1941; Frey and Bryant, ) The Middle Fork enters tiie Weiser River approximately 49^ miles above the mouth. The stream is about 25 miles long, of whieh 15 miles were surveyed. It was 9 feet wide at the moizth euad discharg- ing about 3 o.f.s* at the time of the suz'vey* Gaging-station records for the water-year 1940-41 (U.S.G.S.), taken at a station 2^ miles above the mouth, show discharges ranging from a maxiaum of 640 o.f.s* In May to a minimum of no flow in part of August. The discharge at this point on the date of observaldan was 7 o*f*8* The gradient is moderate in the lower portion and increases upstream, becoming fairly steep above Mesa Dam* 39 From the mouth to Mesa Dam there were 5,200 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 5 percent of the total bottom in that area. Spawning below the Mesa DsP would probably be unsuccessful because of seasonal low flows and hi^ water temperatures. Frcra Mesa Dam to an impassable falls there were 1,800 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 3 percent of the total bottom in that area, and avail- able only at high water. There were 8 irrigation diversions on the stream, the most important being the Mesa ditch, located about 8 miles above the mouth o This diversion has a legal right to all the water in the stream during the iiTigation season* It is also the source of domestic water supply for the town of Mesa* On the date of obser- vation the Mesa ditch was withdrawing U8 Cof .s* It was reported that the stream bed is often practically dry below the diversion point during part of July, August, and September, The diversion dam is a wooden structure extending 32 feet downstream in a series of three low, broad steps© It is a barrier to fish at low water* ■^here is a falls 2$ feet in height located about 13 miles above the mouth. It is a total barrier to fish. Good runs of Chinook salmon and steelhead formerly enter- ed the Middle Fork, The stream is of no present /St potential value to migratory fish because of the extensive withdrawal of water for agirLcultural and domestic use, 2P-(1). Fall Creek.— (August 21, 19Ulj Frey and Bryant.) Fall Creek enters the Middle Fork of the Weiser River approximately 7 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 6 miles long, and has two important irrigation diversions. All the water from the upper part of the stream is diverted into the North Fork of Grays Creek, a tributary of the Little Weiser River, and is used to irrigate land in the vici- nity of Indian Valley, Two miles above the mouth another diversion carries the remainder of the stream into the Mesa Ditch* Fall Greek is of no present or potential value to salmon because of its extensive agricul- tural iise. 2Q, Cottonwood Creek,— ^ (Not surveyed,) Cottonwood Creek enters the Weiser River approximately ^2 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 11 miles long. There were six irrigation diversions on the main stream and one on 2Q-(l) North Cottbnwood Creek. There were no reports of salmon entering the stream in recent years. Because of the extensive withdrawal of water for irrigation and the hazards to fish presented by the unscreened diversions, Cottonwood Creek was consid- ered of no value to salmon and of only slight value to steelhead. 2R. Hornet Creek, — (August 16, 19LJ.; Frey and Bryant.) Hornet Creek enters the Weiser River approximately $k^ miles above the mouth. The main stream is about 18 miles long, Gsiging-station records for ho the water-year l?UO-Ul (U.S.G.S., 19U2), taken at a station 2f miles above the mouth, show discharges ranging from a maximura of 527 c«.f,So in March to a minimum of OoU c,f,s» in July. On the date of observa- tion the discharge at this point was 5.5 c.f.So and the water tempera- ture was 80 F« The gradient is moderate. 2R-'(1) North Hornet Creek enters the main stream about 8 miles above the mouth and extends for 12 miles. 2R-(l)a The Left Fork enters North Hornet Creek U| miles above the mouth of the latter and extends for 7 miles to its so\arce in constant springs. There were 13 irrigation diversions on Hornet Creek. Three of these were of fair size, each withdrawing 3-1; c.f.s. The stream was reported to have formerly supported good runs of Chinook salmon and steelhead trouto The headwaters are still of some value to steelheads, although the irrigation diversions present hazards to downstream mlgrants# Because of the extensive withdrawal of water for irrigation. Hornet Creek is of no present or potential value to salmon. 2S. Mill Creeto->^ (Not surveyedo) Mill Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 58 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 7 miles long. There were nine irrigation diversions. There were no reports of salmon entering the stream in recent years. Because of its small size and use for irrigation. Mill Creek is of no value to salmon* 2T» Fort Hall Creek. — (Not surveyed©) Fort Hall Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 60 miles above the mouth. It is a very small stream, about 3 miles long. There were three irrigation diversions. There were no reixjrts of salmon entering the stream. Because of its small size and use for irrigation, Fort Hall Creek is of no value to salmon. 2U. West Fork, Weiser River. — (August 29, 19Ulj Frey and Bryant.) The West Fork enters the Weiser River approximately 61 miles above the mouth. "Hie stream is about lii miles long. Gaging-station records for the water-year 19UD-m (U.S.S.S,,19U2), taken at a station 1^ miles above the mouth, show discharges ranging from a maximum of 350 c.f.s. in April to a minimum of 2 c.f.s. in Jiily. On the date of observation the dis- charge at this point was h6 c.f.s. There were three irrigation diver- sions on the stream, the largest withdrawing about 6 c.f.s. The West Fork was reported to have formerly supported good runs of chinook sal- mon and steelhead trout, and it is still of some value for steelhead. The Chinook rwa has been greatly depleted, and the stream is of little present or potential value for salmon because of the extensive with- drawal of water for irrigation. 2U-(1). Lost Creek. — (August 29, 19Ulj Frey and Bryant.) Lost Creek enters the West Fork of the Weiser River approximately 8 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 21 miles long. Gaging-station re- cords for the water-year I9U0-U. (U.S.G.S., 19U2), taken at a point ^ ndle below the Lost Valley reservoir dam, or about 10 miles above the mouth, show discharges ranging from a maximum of 18U c.f.s. in May to a minimum of 2 c.f.s, in October. On the date of observation the dis- charge at this point was about U9 c.f.s* There was very little dis- charge from October through March, when water was being impoxmded, Ul The Lost Valley reservoir dam is about UO feet high and 300 feet long. The regulated discharge occurs through outlet gates at the baseo A spillway is located at one end of the structure. No fishways are provided and the dam is a total barrier to fish. The reservoir is used to provide sufficient water for irrigation diversions on the West Fork and the main Weiser River above Crane Creek during July, August, and September, Practically the entire discharge from the reservoir is thus diverted during the irrigation seasons Although there are no water diversions on Lost Creek itself, it is of no present or potential value to salmon because the flow is used for irrigation during the summer and impounded during the winter, 2V« Warm Spring Creek, — (Not surveyed,) Warm Spring Creek enters the Weiser River approxjjnately 6U miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 7 xiles long. There is an impassable dam below Starkey Hot Springs, about 1 mile above the mouth. The stream is of no value to salmon, 2Wo East Fork, Weiser Rivera — (Not surveyed,) The East Fork enters the Weiser River approximately 68| miles above the mouth , The stream is about lii miles long, Gaging-station records are not complete, but readings for the year I9UI (U.S.G.S,, 19it2), taken at a point about 12 miles above the mouth, show discharges ranging from a minimum of 0,5 c.f.s, in April to a maxiraum of U5 c,f,So in May, There is probably no flow at times dxiring the winter. There were two irrigation diversions on the stream. Most of the water in the upper part was being used for irrigation in the vicinity of Council, The East Fork was reported to have formerly supported runs of Chinook salmon and steelhead. It is of no present value to salmon because of the withdrawal of water for iirigation, 2X, Beaver Creek, — (Not surveyed,) Beaver Creek enters the Weiser River approximately 7U miles above the mouth. It is a small streaun, about 7 miles long. There were no reports of salmon enter- ing Beaver Creek, and it is of little value to migratory fish, 21, East Branch, Weiser River,— (Not surveyed,) The East Branch enters the head of the Weiser River at a point approximately 82 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 7 miles long. During the irrigation season some water is diverted from Boulder Creek in the Little Salmon River system and c arried into the East Branch of the Weiser, There were no reports of salmon entering the East Branch, and it is of little value to migratory fish, 2Z, West Branch, Weiser Rivera-^ (Not surveyed,) The West Branch joins the East Branch to form the main Weiser River at a point approximately 82 miles above the moutti of the latter. It is U2 a small stream, about 3 miles long. The discharge is very low except during spring freshets* There were no reports of salmon entering the stream, and it is of little value to migratory fish. Svunmary of Recommendations The large amount of good spa^vning area in the headwaters of the Vfeiser River System, and the survival of a fair run of steelhead trout under adverse conditions indicates the great potential value of the system to this species. Therefore, all diversions should be screened and streams should be improved to facilitate upstream passage of fish. As long as the present extensive agricultural use of the system^s water is continued, it is useless to attempt to restore the run of Chinook salmon, since the time of spavming migration corresponds the period of maximum irrigation use. 1;3 g •H n u > I n c o •H n O H •9 Eh d o § 2 •H o ■P ca Id « v u • iH T) H H « "2 ^g § •W .fH o © t6 l>> (0 cd s ■£ o C C C d § « cd 0) V as « a 4) » « N,"^.. ..^., ..^.. ^^Z^^ .?.. •♦ «• o 4> •P •p >» O c (« t e> £3 CO c c d d i: O ■H o o o o 2: (^ SS s: s !S — •« « •« • *• •• « •« «• 4 > •• *• •• •• •• »• •• •• •• •• •• c O ^-v •H • CO » On o o O o 0\ o u • -cr M3 r^ o^ UN 0) Vt > • CJ ci g ^ ■p n x^ •• •• fl) g -s bD lA o 0) (d •H ^ «H o X n •H •• •• • •« • •• »« • •• • • * «• • •« — •• • •• •• •• •« •• •• •• ■p m ■H in « fc 33 S §? P ■• •• s ^ rH ► jJ s KJ >> . ° ° JC rH "S 5) tH -H -ri o nS c »-3 a> r-H o +> m •p ^ > o in •H d o § 'd Name bstru dive g t ^ o 00 •H ^ a (0 0) 3 •P n o o a o a: CO o O S fe •^ •••«*• • •• 1 •••««! 1 «« #. • •« • «• »• •• • • •• • •• •• •« •• Pi ca u u g s 0) ? •H •rl u a> a> -p to ^ ^ u »4 V) »4 ^s ^ •\ •\ Vj 9 «> 0) 0) 0) 0) «M ^ >i o > ► > >> > t» « 13 1i M o U ^ 13 5 •H 0) o £ 0) 1 u (>« u ^ u »4 o a> « a SB 9> 0) 0) « a> V 0) rH H a 1 n 1 n 1 ra •H 1 1 •p n a> - (August 1-5 > 1938; Hanavan, Parkhurst, Wilding, and Morton o) The main Payette River is approximately 72 miles longo The discharge at the mouth is subject to great variation, being dependent upon the amount of water impounded and diverted for irrigation, Gaging-station records for the water-year I9UO-UI (UoS.3oSo,19h2), taken at a station a short distance above the mouth, show discharges ranging from a maximxm of 9,700 c,f,3, in May and June to a minimum of U69 CofoS, in August, The stream is available to migratory fish for a distance of about Ul miles above the moutho The average water temperature in this section at the time of the survey was 7UtiO F, Such high water temperatures during late summer render the available portion of the stream of little value to saLmon. The Black £anyon Dam was constructed in 1923 by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as a power and irrigation project. This dam is 96 feet high, and is a total barrier to raigratoiy fish. There were no fish-protective devices at the time of the survey, but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has since screened the irrigation diversion. The power diversion remains \mscreened. The U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service has reported that it would be possible to con- struct some tjrpe of fishway over the dam, but only at a high cost - probably more than $200,000, There were eleven irrigation diversions and one power diversion in operation on the main Payette, None of these were screened at the time of the smrvey. Eight diversions were of large size. Sewage is discharged into the stream at the town of Payette near the mouth, and at Bnmett, about 32 miles above the mouth. Saw- mill waste also enters at Bnmett, The lower portion of the stream bed is heavily silted in many places. The main Payette formerly supported a good run of chinook salmon and provided a passageway for a good run of blueback salnon. It is of no value to migratory fish at present, 3Ao Little Willow Creek, — (Not surveyed,) Little Willow Creek enters the Payette River approximately 9 miles above ihe mouth. It is a small, intermittent stream about 23 miles long. The Paddock Valley reservoir is located about 18 miles above the mouth » the stream is of no value to salmon, 3B, Willow Creek ♦— (Not surveyed,) Willow Creek enters the Payette River through several ditches approximately 13 miles above the moutho The stream is about 23 miles long. Because of its agri- cultural use Willow Creek is of no value to salmon. 50 Figure 6. — Black Canyon Dam, Payette River Si 3C, Squaw Creek. — (Not svirveyed.) Squaw Creek enters the Payette River approximately U5 miles above the moutho The stream is about U5 miles long. It is of no value to salmon because it enters above Black Canyon Dam, and almost the entire flow is di- verted for irrigation. 3D. Jerusalem Creek o — (Not suarveyed.) 3E. Hill Creek o — (Not surveyed.) 3F. Brownlee Creek. — (Not surveyed.) These are all small, inter- mittent streams entering the Payette River between Squaw Creek and the north fork of the Payette. None of them are of any potential value to salmon, 3G. North Fork, Payette River.— (August 5-13, 1938; Hanavan, Parkhurst, Wilding, and Morton.) The North Fork enters the Payette River approximately 72 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 120 miles long, of which 116 miles were surveyed. The average stream width from the mouth to Payette Lake was more than 180 feet. The discharge at the time of the survey was 573 c.f .s. at a point about iiO miles above the mouth, about 300 c.f.s. at the outlet of Payette Lake, and about 75 c.f.s, at a point U miles above Payette Lake, The water temperature was 69. 0 F. at the mouth, 67.0 F. at the outlet of Payette Lake, and 53.0F. at the upper end of Upper Payette Lake. The gradient is mostly moderate. There is a concentration of good spawn- ing area for a distance of 12 miles downstream from the outlet of Payette Lake, and also in the section between Payette and Upper Payette Lakes. There were 310,000 sq\xare yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately h percent of the total bottom in the sur- veyed portion of the stream. There is a mill dam at the town of Cascade, about UO miles above ihe mouth. This obstruction is U feet high, has no fish ladder, and is passable only at high water. There is a power dam located one mile above the town of Cascade. This obstruction is 7 feet high, has no fish ladder, and is imp»assable to fish. The power diversion is vmscreened, A new water control dam was constructed at the outlet of Payette Lake in the fall of 19U3» It was designed to raise the level of the lake about 7 or 8 feet, and probably withstands a head at the dam of about 10 feet. No fishways were provided, and the dam is a barrier to migratory fish. There is a water control dam at the outlet of Upper Payette Lake. This obstruction is about 9 feet high, has no fish ladder, and is impassable to fish. 52 Figure 7.— North Fork of Payette River below Payette Lake, to show suitable salmon spawning area. 53 There is a small diversion about $00 yards below the outlet of Payette Lake which provides water for a fish hatchery. Untreated sewage from the town of McCall is discharged into the stream about a half mile doTmstream from the outlet of Payette Lake, but pollution is not extensive. The North Fork together with the lakes in its headwaters formerly supported large runs of chinook and blueback salmon, Payette Lake still has a large population of land-locked blueback salmon, called "Little Redfish". This region is now completely inaccessible and of no present value to salmon, 3G-(1), Clear Creek, — (August 19, 1938; Parkhurst and Morton,) Clear Creek enters the North Fork of the Payette approximately 29 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 16 miles long, of which 6 miles were surveyed. It is of no possible value above the terminus of the survey because of its small size and steep gradient. It was 12 feet wide at the mouth and discharging about 10 c,f,s. The water tempera- ture was 5U,0Fe The gradient is mostly slight, but becomes fairly steep in the upper section. There is little spawning area, the stream bed being coaposed chiefly of sand. There were 2,100 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately U percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. Several beaver dams in the lower section were barriers to fish. There were two small, iinimportant, unscreened diversions for irrigation and stock watering. The stream has a large population of rough fish. It is completely inaccessible, and of little potential value to migratory fish. 3G-(2). Big Creek, — (August 18, 1938; Parkhurst and Morton,) Big Creek enters the North folic of the Payette approximately 32 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 19 miles long, of which h miles were surveyed. It was 18 feet wide at the mouth and discharging about 30 c,f,s» The water temperature was 6U,0 F, The gradient is slight. There was no suitable salmon spawning area in the section surveyed, the stream bed being composed almost entirely of sand. A series of beaver dams and log jjams were considered impassable to fish at low water, ^ere is an irrigation diversion dam located at the terminus of the survey. This obstruction is 25 feet high, has no fishway, and is a total barrier to fish. About 15 c,f,s, were being diverted into an unscreened ditch. The stream is completely inaccess- ible, and of no present or potential value to migratory fish. 3G-(3). Gold Foiit Creek,— (August 17, 1938j Hanavan, Parkhurst, Wilding, and Morton, ) Qold Fork Creek enters the North Fork of the Payette approximately $8 miles above the mouth. It is about 28 miles long, of which 19 miles were surveyed. The stream divides into fovir or five small branches above the terminus of the survey. In the lower part it had an average widtjj of 2k feet, and was discharging 5ti kO c,f .s* The water temperature was $8.0 F. The gradient is slight to moderate o The stream bed contains large amounts of sand and silt. There were 23,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 7 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. There is an irrigation diversion dam located 12 miles above the mouth. This obstruction is 1$ feet high, has no fishway, and is impassable to fisho Diiring the irrigation season 30-UO CofeSo are diverted into an unscreened ditch. Part of this diversion is returned h miles below the dam, but the intervening portion of the stream bed is rendered al- most dry. The stream is completely inaccessible, and has little po- tential value for migratory fish, 3G-(3)a, North Fork, Gold Fork Creek, — (August 17, 1938 j Wilding.) The North Fork enters Gold Fork Creek about a half mile above the impassable dam, or approximately 12 J miles above the mouth. The stream is about lii miles long, of which 7 miles were surveyed. It is of no possible value to salmon above the terminus of the sujrvey because of the steep gradient* It was 30 feet wide at the mouth and discharging about 20 Cof .s. The water temperature was U7»0 F. at the terminus of the survey. The gradient is moderate in the portion sur- veyed, ■'■here were 53,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, con- stituting approximately U5 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed. The stream is COTipletely inaccessible. It is of no present value, but has good potential value for salmon, 3G-(1;). Lake Fork Creek, — (August 1$, 1938; Hanavan, Parkhvirst, Wilding, and Morton, ) Lake Fork Creek enters the North Fork of the Payette approximately 6U miles above the mouth. The stream is about 2U miles long, of which the upper 20 miles were surveyed. The first k miles were not surveyed because in this section the stream is slug- gish, and the bottom is composed entirely of sand trLih no possible salmon spawning area. The discharge was about 10 c,f oS, at the mouth and 220 Cof,s, at the outlet of Little Payette Lake, The water temperature was 62-65,0 F, The gradient is slight to moderate. There is a concentra- tion of good spawning area in the upper 6J miles. There were 57,000 square yards of suitable spawning area constituting approximately l5 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed, A dam 2 feet in height is located 165^ miles above the mouth, and is a barrier at low water. An irrigation diversion dam 2 feet in height is located 1?^ miles above the mouth, diverts 70 cf.s,, and is a barrier at low water. An irrigation wing dam located 18| miles above the mouth diverts 5-6 c,f,s« An irrigation diversion dam 2 feet in height is located 22^ miles above the mouth, diverts lUh c,f ,s, with the addition of flash boards, and is a barrier at low water. 55 The water control dam at the outlet of Little Fayette Lake is 15 feet high, and is impassable to fish. None of these dams or diversions were equipped with any fish- protective devices* A run of blueback salmon formerly entered Little Payette Lake, It was reported that the lake now supports a population of the land- locked form of the same specieso Lake Fork Creek is completely inacces- ible to salmon , and is of little potential value because during the irrigation season 90 percent of the flow is diverted for agricultural use* 3G-(ii)a, North Fork, Lake Fork Creek « — (August lU, 1938j Hanavan,) The North Fork enters the upper end of Little Payette Lake, The stream is about lU miles long. An impassable power dam 20 feet in height is located 2 miles above the lake. The diversion of 20 c,f,s, was being carried to the power plant one mile below, where it was returned to the stream. There were no fish-protective devices. The stream bed from the dam to the power plant is practically dry at low-water stages. The North Fork is completely inaccessible, and of no present value to salmon, 3H. South Fork, Payette River, — (August 21-25, 1938; Hanavan, Parkhturst, Wilding, and Mortono) ^e South Fork enters the Payette River approximately 72 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 77 miles long, of which 73 miles were s\u:veyed. Near the mouth it was about 100 feet wide, Gaging«station records taken at a station 1 mile above the mouth (U.S.G.S., 1939) show a discharge of 1200 cfoS, at the time of the survey. The discharge of the lower South Fork is partly controlled by the operation of a dam on the Deadwood River. The water temperatiu'e ranged from 69,0 F. at the mouth to 5U,0 F, at the terminus of the survey. The gradient is mostly moderate, but is fairly steep in some places. There is a concentration of good spawning area for a dis- tance of 7 miles above the confluence of the Middle Fork, This portion of the stream provided the principal Chinook salmon spawning area in the South Fork before the run was blocked by dams in the main Payette, There were 1|10,000 square yards of suitable spa?ming area, constituting approximately 11 percent of the total bottom in the portion surveyed; 200,000 square yards or approximately h9 percent of the spawning area, was found in the lower 16 miles, below the impassable Grimes Pass power dan. The Grimes Pass power dam, located about l6 miles above the mouth, was 60 feet high and was not provided with any mesins for the passage of fish, ■^he middle third of this structure was washed out on July 7, 19U3» It was reported that reconstruction was intended. There is a series of natviral falls about 25 miles above the mouth. One of these is about l5 feet high, and it was reported that iriien salmon were formerly able to enter the South Fork they did not ascend above this point. 56 there is an impassable series of steep cascades and low falls extending for a distance of a half mile above the terminus of the survey. The lower portion of the South Fork formerly supported a good run of Chinook salmon, and still has good potential value as a salmon producer. The area above the Grimes Pass dam is of slight potential value. The entire stream is now inaccessible to migratory fish, 3H-(1). Middle Fork . Payette River .— (August 23-2U, 1938j Hanavan and Wilding,) The Middle Fork enters the South Fork of the Payette approximately 7 miles above the mouth. The stream is about UO miles long, of which 32 miles were surveyed. It is of little possible value to salmon above the terminus •H +> U • o 0) 2: -p a (0 tf o •H • (0 10 •S tH > • ■^ o -p m 0) n (^ a c ■H -P jq n •H 0) 0 BC ft, c o o •H m , -P U !h g 0) o r< >^ f •o c (U § s £ £ S B B B £ B o o 0) h -p o B e B B B S B s S a ■X3 0) Q> «> « • e • 0) CD • (D C C c C c a c u fl C o o o o o o o o o O z a s s s a JS CO S s •• • •• •• •• M •• •9 • •• •• • •• s ^ o o ^ o o ^ o 0\ 8 tn CVJ H r- c*- •• «« •• « ~ •• • •■ •• • • •< •• >• •• •• vO -=t Os •• •• •• • •» ., • •• •• '• •• •• '• •* «« ■js H fLi 1 o •;! % § 1 1 § §;• 0) Q O Cu Q o 1 « -p ■p 0) C 1 •H § Cli O cd o 03 •H > ^ § s s s 5 (4 0) IX, O o o 0) t^ • u i^ (h ^ J«j M CO ■p x> J •• • • • > •• • -p u cd a> Ph > B r 6 E B B s B ^ © o •p 1X4 -p 0) C E C C B B - - :$ rt (-, ^r o B B S s B B B B B B B = S s B B S S B B B B 0> 0) 0) • V « CD « 0) <1> 0) 2 c a G d c c C c c CJ c c o o O o o o O o o o o o 2 S5 a a s z is; s 2 2 a !S • • • •< «* >• •< •• •• •• •• • •• •• « •1 •• ff« ^ o 1 o ^ o cv) t- •• o •• • On •• • • • LTV •t • •• •• • XA o •• o •• • o • • •• • • • H • • • •• * •• H • • • •• ■o »• ■ • • •• • • % •• • 1 o • • •• « • • ■ •■ a o *• •« • n H O c c u o U o o •p Q H u -P •H •H c O n +3 c n m o U U c o ^ u o -P Q 6 o 9> P ^ B O > > 0) o O U V ^ 1 i ■^ •H O -p -p PL, O fe X -p Q Q S' w "2 O Cd . C C o o cd n S' 0) O O ^ •H Ph (U 0) 0) PL, •H •H ■p -P a (U T) -p n 00 cd cd .3 H 1 CO >J Q^ > >• U )^ -P ^ o cd pL, © s ^ U M A •H £ C5 CO *• - «« • • • ♦• •• • • ♦* • • • 6 •• • • • >• r s •g O p:! B ;i>i ^! 0) « CD &4 -P u 0) (U S c -p cu ■" "" " O 0) 0) B > •a •s •g ^ r-1 •> X) (D o O B c ^ ^ o C^ ft. ft. u o P r o c E = bO •a 0) • • 1 •H O *S[ B B o o B a> m C3 ) «H O ^ Q) 4) 0) P PL, • ■P ■H cd u 0) • cd S S ^ o cd ■P fn ^ O +> 4J Cd >, to » r? e C u o o cd 4J to cd X> S (D 'cd _ o ^ 60 PART U AREA VI EXCLUSIVE OF SUB-AREAS CONTENTS Page Introduction •• 63 List of Streams •• • 61t The Survey .••.•••••..••••••••• 66 Sunnnary of Recommendations •• ••• 91 Table of Obstructions and Diversions *•••••• 92 61 AREA SIX \ EXCLUSIVE OF SUB AREAS VX LEGEND ,— , Oom, portiol borner r\ Dom, lotol borner ^ Stream surveyed .-' Sfreom not surveyed i- /) \ "y Stream of no value to solmon Diversions 1^ / -o Unscreened, copodly less thon 10 tfs \ ^>\ / -• Unscreened, copacity lO-IOOcf.s. 0 9 tp -'"U '' [ 'ScolelnMllet i' -'/ i' ) / ' ''' J ] 1 * \ I / \ \ N \ / ^ s— -^-- ^^^-' — — ' » / V 1 s / — ~N / >C2fV tl u^ 4 ^ v'lt, / c^^^ \ , z\ r^~ir \ ■ ?/ M iK-V 7 1 J /T r ^ ) Oj) ^ \ A s^^ l^ , (z vf \ s X \ ~?> \ s V BAKER^O " M f/ ' — ' d / r O ^^fj! 1 ^ ?? \[%/ ."' ij / c |feftJt>'(?*fe^l^ ^ k'w^ f tfK _Sr — N. %p i* / y ^■^~^^ «^1|0® ^BURN~ ^ -^ ^ v \ ( v^ W J \v_- 3s;nr-?>A --Q J W K ja< ^w / ^^^ 7^ M • ^/ / Figure 8, Area VI exclusive of Sub-Areas 62 Introduction VTith the exception of the ImnaJia River, there are no streams of present or potential major importanoe to salmon on the Oregon side of the Snake River in this area. This is mainly due to extensive irrigation use, and the restoration of natural salmon production in this area would entail not only the screening of a great many irrigation diversions, but also the even greater difficulties of maintaining suffi- cient flows and proper water temperatures, and the construction of fishways over several large storage reservoir dams of fluctu- ating water level. Moreover, the salmon runs in this area are now in such a state of depletion that sufficient spawns rs are not available for the rehabilitation of the runs by mesins of artificial propagation. For these reasons the report on this section cannot hold forth much hope for restoration of salmon runs in streams other than the Imnaha River. 62 List of Streams Page li« Imnaha River 6B $» Pine Creek 68 A. North Pine Creek • . . . • 70 (1) Lake Fork 70 B. Fish Creek 70 C. Foiirmile Creek e««*.* 70 D« Deer Creek •••••• 70 E« Applegate Creek 70 F, East Pine Creek • 71 (1) Clear Creek 71 G, East Fork 71 H. West Fork 71 I. Middle Fork 71 6o Main Powder River •..»....*•••••••••• 71 A. Dalj Creek 76 B, Eagle Creek 76 (1) Skull Creek 77 (2) Little Eagle Creek 78 (3) Paddy Creek 78 (li) East Fork 78 (5) West Fork . 78 C, Kirby Creek 78 D. Big Creek 78 61, List of Streams (continued) Page E. Wolf Creek 79 F. North Powder River 79 (1) Anthony Fork • 80 (2) Antone Creek 61 (3) Dutch Flat Creek 81 G. Ifuddy Creek •• ••• 81 H« Rock Creek « • • 81 I. Pine Creek 81 J. Sutton Creek ••• 82 K« Beaver Creek • •• 82 L. Seer Creek • • • . 62 M* Cracker Creek ••••••••••o«***»>*« 82 (1) Pole Creek 83 (2) Slim Creek • 83 (3) Wind Creek 83 (li) Silver Creek 83 (5) Little Cracker Creek 83 N. McCully Fork •. 83 Main Burnt River .•• •••«•• 8U A. Durbin Creek .• •• 87 B. Marble Greek 87 p. V* Dixie Creek • • 87 Do Damen Jet Creek 87 6^ List of Streams (continued) Page E. Chicken Creek 87 (1) Sisley Creek • 8? F. Shirttail Creek 87 G« Swayze Creek ••......••..•••••• 8? (1) Manning Creek •• 8? H. Durkee Creek • 8? I. Alder Creek 87 (1) Lavvrence Creek •• 87 J. Powell Creek • • 87 K. Deer Creek 87 L. Dark Canyon Creek • 87 M. Clarks Creek 87 N* Auburn Creek 87 0. Mill Creek 87 P. Pine Creek 87 Q. Independence Creek ...• 87 R. Big Creek 87 (1) Cow Creek 87 S. Camp Creek •• • 87 T. Job Creek . 87 U. South Fork, Burnt River •• • 88 (1) Pole Creek • • * 88 (2) Bullrun Creek » 88 66 List of Streams (continued) Page (3) Sheep Creek 89 (U) Amelia Creek 8? (5) Barney Creek • • 69 (6) Elk Creek 89 a. Last Chance Creek 89 (7) Spring Creek 89 V. Middle Fork, Burnt River . 90 W. West Fork, Burnt River • 90 Xi North Fork, Burnt River • 90 (1) China Creek 90 67 The Survey Ue Imaha River e — (Not sijrveyed,) The Imnaha River joins the Snake River approximately 190 miles above the Columbia River conflu- ence. Its drainage area comprises more thsin 900 square miles of northeastern Oregon in the Wallowa National Forest, and includes the eastern slope of the Wallowa Mountains. The stream is about 75 miles longo Gaging-station records for the water-year I9UO-I1I (U.S,G,S,, I9U2) give the mean discharge as 5U8 c.f.So at Imnaha, 20 miles above the mouth. The stream flows through an extremely rugged, mountainous area, and has not been subjected to demands for water use by any agri- cultural or industrial development. The gradient is fairly steep throughout. Imnaha Falls is located about 65 miles above the mouth. This falls was reported to be a barrier to salmon. The Imnaha formerly supported good runs of chinook salmon and steelhead trout, but the present runs were reported to be very small. $• Pine Greek, — (July 1?, 19U2} Parkhurst.) Pine Creek joins the Snake River at Copperfield, Oregon, approximately 269 miles above the Columbia River confluence , Its drainage area comprises more than 300 square miles, and includes a portion of the southeastern slope of the Wallowa Mountains, The main stream is about 32 miles long. The greater part of its course lies adjacent to the southern boundary of the Minam Division of the Whitman National Forest, It was reported that no salmon have been seen in Pine Greek for about the past 15 years, A small winter and early spring run of steelhead trout still ascend to the upper part of the stream, and also enter a number of tributaries. he survival of the steelhead rvin has been possible because these fish ent^r during highwater periods, and are not subjected to adverse water conditions. Topographically the Pine Creek drainage basin may be divided into four sections; (l) Lower Pine Canyon; (2) Pine Valley; (3) Carson to Cornucopia, Oregon; and (Ii) Cornucopia to the headwaters. Section (1) - Lower Pine Canyon t Pine Creek extends through a narrow, rocky canyon from the mouth to a point about 12 miles upstream. The stream was U5 feet wide at the mouth, and was dischsirging about 90 c.f .s. The water tempera- ture was 70,0 F, at the mouth. The gradient is fairly steep to moder- ate in this section, and there are numerous good shallow riffles and adequate resting pools. It was estimated that about 50 percent of the stream bed constituted suitable spawning area. However, the high water temperatures occunrLng in the late summer months would be an adverse factor to spawning salmon. 68 A diversion dam ? feet in height is located approximately 3 miles above the mouth» There was a good flow over the crest of this structure, and it was not a barrier to fisho About 3 c.f.So were being diverted into an unscreened ditch for irrigation and stock vvateringo Section (2) - Pine Valley; Above the lower canyon section the stream extends for the next 12 miles through Pine Valley to the town of Carson, In the lower half of this section the stream flows through a valley char- acterized by a series of low, rolling hillocks, which gradually re- cede as the valley becomes wldero The gradient is moderate, and gradually decreases upstreamo The stream divides about 15 miles above the mouth, just above the village of Pine, The branch enter- ing from the south side of the valley was discharging about l5 c.f,s,, while the main stream above -Uiis point was flowing about 30 c,f,3« at the time of observation, and in many places did not fully cover the wide, shallow channelo The average width of the main stream was about 30 feet© There su:e numerous excellent shallow riffles throughout, and it was estimated that about 90 percent of the bottom constituted suitable salmon spawning area. There are few resting pools. In the upper half of this section the stream extends for a distance of 6 miles through a gently sloping valley one to two miles wide. This portion of the valley is extensively cultivated, and there are large numbers of small, imscreened irrigation diversions, which in late summer tsike practically all of the water in both the main stream and the side channel. Section (3) - Carson to Cornucopia, Oregon; Above Pine Valley the stream extends for the next 5 miles through a narrow valley 300-100 yards wide to the raining camp of Cornucopia, There is no cultivation in this section. There was no mining along the stream at the time of observation and, although there has been considerable such activity in the past, the stream has not been damaged. The gradient is moderate, increasing to fairly steep upstream. There are no obstructions or diversions in this portion of the stream. A side channel originates a mile above Carson, and was carrying about 30 c,f,s, down the south side of Pine Valley, The main stream was 39 feet wide and flowing about 90 cf.s, at Cornucopia, The water temperature was 52,0 Fe There are numerous excellent shallow riffles, and it was estimated that about 75 percent of the bottom constituted suitable saLnon spawning area. Resting pools are adequate and of good quality, especially in the upper part of this section. Section (U) - Cornucopia, Oregon to headwaters: Above Cornucopia the main stream courses through a narrow rocky canyon for a distance of about 2j miles. The gradient is steep, the stream being of the cascade type. At this point the main stream is formed by the confluence of the West Fork and the Middle Fork, The bottom contains a large amount of bedrock and 69 boulders, and is of little value as spawning area for salmon, 5Ao North Pine Creek. — (July 17, 19U2j Parkhurst.) North Pine Creek enters Pine Greek approximately 7 miles above the mouth. It is about 15 miles long. The stream had an average width of 10 feet and was discharging about 15 c,f,So ^e water temperature at the mouth was 57.5 Fo The gradient is steep, with numerous cascades and small falls flowing over laurge rubble and bedrock, ^t was estimated that less thein 10 percent of the bottom constituted suitable salmon spawn- ing area. The stream was considered passable to salnion in the lower 8 miles, up to the mouth of Lake Creek, Above this point it is too small and steep to be of value to salmon. There were no reports of salmon in North Pine Creek, and it is of little potential value for natural salmon production. It was reported that some steelhead ascend during the spring high-water period, 5A-(1). Lake Fork, — (Not stirveyed,) Lake Fork enters North PLne Creek 8 miles above the mouth. It is about 12 miles long. A, U.S. •^'orest Service Guard reported that the stream is too small and steep to be of value to salmon. ^B, Fish Creek. — (July 18, 19U2j Parkhurst,) Fish Creek enters Pine Creek approximately 7? miles above the mouth. The stream extends for about II4. miles to its source in a high, mountain lake. Fish Creek had an average width of 6 feet and was discharging about $ c,f,s. The water temperature at the mouth was 58.0 F. The gradient is steep, the stream cascading over a bed composed chiefly of boulders. Only the lower 5 miles are at all passable to salmon, the iipper portion having too steep a gradient. Several small, unscreened irrigation diversions occur near the source of the stream at Fish Lake, There were no re- ports of salmon in Fish Creek, and it is of little possible value to salmon, A few steelhead may utilize a portion of the stream, 5C, Fourmile Greek, — (July 18, 19U2j Parkhurst.) Fourmile Creek enters Pine Greek approximately 9z miles above the mouth, ^t is a small, short stream, flowing less than 1 c.f,s« and is of no value to salmon. 5D, Deer Creek, — (July 18, 19U2} Parkhurst.) Deer Creek enters pine Creek approximately 13 miles above the mouth. It is a small, short stream, flowing less than 1 c.f .s,, and is of no value to salmon, 5E, Applegate Creek, — (July 18, 19U2j Parkhurst,) Applegate Creek enters Pine Creek approximately 13 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 9 miles long, -^t may receive some water from Fish Creek through a short ditch at a point some 6 miles above the mouth, Applegate Creek was discharging less than 2 c.f,s., and was considered to be of little possible value to salmon. 70 5F. East Pine Creek, — (July 18, 19U2j Parkhurst,) East Pine Creek enters Pine Creek approximately 1^^ miles above the mouth* The stream is about 18 miles longo It had an average ■vridth of l5 feet, and was discharging about 20 CofoS, East Pine Creek is passable to fish for a distance of about 10 miles, and possesses a considerable amount of good spawning area. It is of little value as a salmon producer at present, but has good potential value, Steelhead are reported to enter during the spring high-water period, 5F-(1), Clear Creek, — (July 18,19^2^ Parkhurst,) Clear Creek enters East Pine Creek approximately ^ mile above the mouth» The stream is about 17 miles long. It had an average width of 9 feet, and was discharging about 12 CofoS, Clear Creek is passable to fish for a distance of about 7 miles, and possesses a considerable amount of good spawning area. It is of little value as a salmon producer at present, but has good potential value. Steelhead are reported to enter during the spring high-water period, 5Go East Fork. — (Not surveyed,) Tlie East Fork enters Pine Creek about one mile above the mining camp of Cornucopia, or approxi- mately 30 miles above the mouth. The stream is only about h miles long. It was discharging about 30 c,foS, The gradient of the East Fork is even steeper than that of upper main Pine Creek, the stream descending rapidly in a series of cascades and small falls over a bed composed chiefly of bedrock and boulders, '^ne East Fork was considered to be of no value as spawning area for salmon, 5H, West Fork,— (Not surveyed,) The West Fork and the Middle Fork flow together to form Pine Creek at a point approximately 32 miles above the mouth of the main stream. The West Fork is about 2 miles long, and has its source in two small connected high mountain lakes, which together are about 3/U mile long. The discharge at the mouth was estimated to be 20 to 30 cf.s. Like the other tributaries in the headwaters of Fine Creek, the West Fork is a typical turbulent moxmtain stream, with a steep gradient, and a bed composed chiefly of bedrock and boulders. It was considered to be of no value as spawn- ing area for salmon. 5-1, Middle Fork. — (Not surveyed,) The Middle Fork contributes to the formation of Pine Creek at a point approxL-Tiately 52 rrdlet; above the mouth. The stream is about 2 miles long. The discharge at the mouth was estimated to be 15-20 c,f .s. The gradient is steep, and the stream bed is composed chiefly of bedrock and boulders. Like other inountain streams of this nature, it was considered to be of little or no value as spawning area for salmon, but may be utilized to a limited extent by steelhead trout, 6, Powder River, — (July 2-l6, 19l;2; Parkhurst,) The Powder River joins the Snake River at Robinette, Oregon, approximately 29U miles above the Columbia River confluence. The drainage basin of Powder River and its tributaries comprises more than l600 square miles of eastern Oregon, and includes portions of both the Blue 71 Hountalns and Minam Divisions of the Yniitman National Forest. The main stream is about 114 miles long. The Powder River originally vms an excellent salmon stream, and many old settlers tell of the large runs that appeared in the early days. In the central portion of its course the stream extends through the fertile Baker Valley. This region, along the Old Oregon Trail, was settled at an early date. The growth and extension of agriculture by means of irrigation, together with the more recent extensive mining developments in the upper section of the stream have resulted in the extermination of the salmon rvms in the greater part of the Powder River system. There were no fish protective de- vices on any of the irrigation dams and diversions that were examined. The main stream and particularly its tributaries have some potential value for salmon. However, the runs might be reestablished only at enoi*mous expense for both stream improvements and artificial propaga- tion* Powder River extends through a narrow, rocky canyon for a distance of about 6 miles above the mouth. The stream had an average width of about 60 feet in this section and was discharging about 250 o.f.s. The major portion of the flow was due to the discharge from Bagle Creek, a major tributary. The water temperature near the mouth was 79,0 F» The prevailing high water temperatures during the summer months probably render the nvunerous otjierwise excellent resting pools in the canyon of little value to salmon. The stream gradient is moderate, with numerous shallow riffles, which all are heavily silted. There is also a large amount of broken bedrock in the stream bed. Less than 10 percent of the bottom was classified as suitable spawning area© The river grad\ially emerges from the lower canyon into the flat Bagle Valley, which extends 11 miles upstream. The flow above the confluence of Eagle Creek was about 50 c.f.s., and the vrater temperatiire was 78.0 F. The gradient is very slight in this section, and riffle areas are few in number and poor in quality. Pools also are poor and without cover. The stream bed is composed chiefly of mud and silt, and is of no value as spawning area for salmon. Above Eagle Valley the stream extends for about 12 miles through another narrow, rocky canyon. The gradient is more moderate through this section, and the bottom is not so heavily silted. There are num- erous shallow riffles, and about 20 percent of the stream bed might be classified as suitable spawning area, except for several adverse factors vrtiich make the section appear unsuitable for salmon. Among these are the high water temperatures, and the low volume of flow that occurs in late summer over the relatively wide stream channel. Both of these adverse factors are due to the extensive irrigation diversions. 72 Above this canyon the river opens into another flat valley, which extends 12 miles upstreamo The flow was about 50 c.f.So in the lower part of this section, and the water temperature was 780O F, The gradient is very slight 0 The stream bed is composed chiefly of mud amd silt, and is of no value as spawning area for salmon. An irrigation diversion dam about 2 feet high and 66 feet long is loca- ted about 1,3 miles above Keating, or approximately 37^ miles above the mouth. This dam is not a serious obstacle to fish. The ditch withdraws about h c.f.So Above the Lower Powder Valley the river extends for 18 miles through the narrow, steep. Thief Valley Canyon, This is an arid, \m- inhabited regiono The stream gradient is moderate, with numerous good riffle areas. On the basis of bottom composition, about 30 percent of the stream bed might be classified as suitable spawning area. Adverse factors include the high water temperatvires during the summer months and the large amount of silt. Pools are adequate in number, but practically without any marginal vegetation. There are several irrigation dams and diversions in the lower part of Thief Valley Canyon, These diversions receive the greatest part of the discharge from the Thief Valley Reservoir Dam, An irrigation diversion dam is located about -^ mile above the lower end of the Thief Valley Canyon, or approximately hi miles above the mouth of the river» This dam is of concrete construction, 6 feet high, and 60 feet long. It is a b^rier to fish during low[ water. Two irrigation diversions, the Duncan Ditch and the Oliver Ditch, originate from either side of the dam, and each withdraws 30 C.foS, The Basche Irrigation Diversion Dam is located approximately 1x2^ miles above the mouth. This dam is of concrete construction, 3 feet high, and UO feet long. It is a barrier to fish during low water, ^he ditch withdra^vs I4O c,f,s« The Miles Irrigation Diversion Dam is located approximately UU miles above the mouth. This dam is of concrete construction, 3 feet high, and iiO feet long. It is a barrier to fish during low water© The ditch withdraws 15 c,f ,s. The Thief Valley Reservoir Dam is located approximately $2 miles above the mouth. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation began con- struction of this dam in 1931 and completed it in 1932, It is an Ambursen type dam, b^jilt entirely of reinforced concrete, and rises to a height of 70 feet above the foundation. The crest length is 390 feet. The spillway is of the concrete overflow type, and is about 268 feet long. The discharge at the time of inspection (July 6, I9U2) was I60 c,f ,s«, irtiich was flowing over the top of the spillway. It wqs reported by the dam tenders that the reservoir level would soon be below the top of the spillway, and the discharge would then come through two ports in the base, where it is controlled by two slide-type sluice gates. The average momentary discharge is 75 c.f.s. This dam is a total barrier to fish. Its purpose is to maintain a water storage reservoir in order to provide supplemental irrigation for approximately 6,000 acres in the Lower Powder Valley. The reservoir has a capacity of 17,U00 acre-feet. It covers a sur- face area of 750 acres, and extends for about 3 miles above the dam. It was reported by the dam tenders and other reliable persons that "Silverside" salmon and steelhead trout ascended the stream and con- gregated at the base of the spillway in each of several successive years after the completion of the dam, and that a large number of these fish were captured here by people who became aware of this condition. The dam tenders reported that no salmon or steelhead had been seen at the base of the dam for several years, the runs to the headwaters evidently having been exterminated. The Powder River extends for a distance of approximately 28 miles through the broad, flat Baker Valley above the Thief Valley Canyon. The discharge was 107 c.f.s. above the North Powder River confluence on July 5, 19^2, but the flow becomes greatly diminished during the late summer and fall irrigation season. The water tem- perature was over 70 F. throughout this section. The gradient is very slight, and the stream bed is composed almost entirely of mud and silt, with no suitable salmon spawning area. One arm of the stream meanders down the east side of the valley for a distaaice of 10 miles in a section known as Baldock Slough. A number of small irrigation ditches lead from this slo\igh, serving the east side of Baker Valley and the lower Sunnyslope District. There are a ntmiber of small, open irrigation ditches in the Baker Valley section, in addition to several larger, more important installations. Most of the ditches were dry or flowing less than 1 c.f.s. at the time of observation, being used mainly for stock water at that season. The Estes Irrigation Diversion Dam is located k miles below the town of Baker, or approximately 8l miles above the mouth of the river. This dam is k feet high and 36 feet long. It had no spill over the crest, the water seeping through and under it, and must be considered a barrier to fish. The ditch is 5? feet wide at the head- gate and was withdrawing less than J c.f.s. It was reported that the ditch would be cleaned out in the fall emd would have a much larger flow during the irrigation season. There is another similar low irrigation diversion dam 300 yards above the Estes Dam. The height of this dam varies with the use of stop-logs and flash-boards. It may be a barrier to fish at certain seasons. The foundation is permanently constructed, with a concrete apron extending I5 feet downstream. The ditches at each end of the dam are of small size and without headgates. They were completely dry, and have a capacity of only a few second-feet during the season of maximum use. 7^ The Old Pioneer Irrigation Diversion Dam is located within the city limits of Baker, about ^ mile south of the city center. This dam is 2 feet high and U5 feet long. There was a good flow over the entire crest, naking the structure passable to fish. The foundation and abutments are of concrete construction, and it is a simple matter to raise the effective height of the dam by the use of stop- logs. It may be a barrier to fish during the irrigation season, when the volume of the diversion is several times greater. The irrigation canal is 18 feet wide, and is fitted with headgates which were limiting the diversion to about 10 Cof,s, Above Baker Valley the Powder River extends for a distance of one mile and 2-| miles through two narrow, rocky canyons separated by a small valley U miles long. The discharge was about 120 c,f,So in the lower part of this section, and the water temperature was above 70 Fo The gradient is generally moderate, although somewhat less in the valley portion. There are numerous good shallow riffles and ade- quate resting pools. The stream bed is so heaidly silted as a res\xlt of mining activity in the headwaters that the underlying rubble com- position cajinot easily be determined. This condition is so pronoimced that it caused the value of this section for salmon spawning to be heavily discounted. It was estimated that less than 10 percent of the stream bed should be classified as suitable spawning area« An irrigation diversion dam is located near the lower end of the canyon where the powder River emerges into Baker Valley, about 2 miles above Baker, or approximately 8? miles above the mouth of the stream. This dam is 1| feet high and 36 feet long. It is probably a barrier to fish during low water. The type of construction is typical of that employed on the Powder River; the foundation and abutments are of concrete, and the height of the dam can easily be changed by the adjust- ment of stojV'logs. The ditch is h feet wide at the headgate, and was withdrawing about 6 c.f ,s. The Stewart-Shaw Irrigation Diversion Daii is located near the lower end of a canyon about 7 miles south of Baker, or approximately 92 miles above the mouth of the river. This dam is 2 feet high, 36 feet long, and is impassable to fish during low water© Its height can be easily changed. The ditch is about h feet wide at the headgate, and was withdrawing 125 miner's inches, or slightly more than 3 c,f,So It was reported that the average diversion during the irrigation season is 500 miner's inches, or 12f c.f.s. The Smith Brothers Irrigation Diversion Dam is located 100 yards above the Stewart-Shaw Dam. This dam is 3 feet high, 39 feet long, and is probably impassable to fish during low water. It is similar in construction to the dams previously described. The diversion canal is 8 feet wide at the headgate, and was withdrawing about 12^ c,f,s. The maximum diversion is 372 c»f«s« 7$ Proceeding upstream, the Powder River extends for a distance of about 8 miles to the lower end of Sumpter Valley, The discharge in this section was about lUO c.f.s,, and the water temperature was above 70 F* In the lower h miles the stream flows throu^ a narrow valley. The gradient here is moderate, and there are nimerous good shallow riffles and adeq\iate resting pools* The value of "Uiis por- tion of the stream as salmon spawning area was discounted because of the extensive deposition of mining silto It was estimated that less than 10 percent of the stream bed should be classified as sviitable spawning area. In the upper portion of this section the stream gradually becomes confined in a narrow, rocky canyono The gradient becomes fairly steep, and the bottom is composed chiefly of large rubble and bedrock « There is less silting of the stream bed, but very little spawning areao The Sumpter Canyon opens upstream into the wide, gently sloping Sumpter Valley, through which the stream extends for a dis- tance of about 12 miles o The stream had an average width of 30 feet and was flowing about 135 c.f.s. in this sectiono The water temperature ranged from 65 F. to 68 F. The gradient here is generally moderate, and there are numerous good riffle areas and adequate resting pools. The stream bed is covered throughout with such a heavy layer of silt that it is impossible to determine the underlying rubble composi- tion, and this portion of the stream was adjudged to be of no value as salmon spawning area under these conditions. The water was also extremely turbid, and silt was being deposited continually. In the upper half of this section, from McEwen upstream to Sumpter, a distance of somewhat more than 6 miles, the stream bed was either torn up or in the process of being torn up by gold dredges, which caused heavy silt- ing downstream. The stream bed was transformed into conical mounds of gravel tailings, and the banks were often dug away and denuded of marginal vegetation. The Powder River is formed at Sumpter by the confluence of Cracker Creek and McCully Fork, 6A. Daly Creek, — (Ju3y 16, 19U2; Parkhurst,) Daly Creek enters the powder River approximately 7 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 10 miles long, and was discharging about 5 c,f,s. The water temperature was 75 F. at the mouth. The gradient is slight, and the lower portion of the stream bed was heavily silted. Daly Creek offers only slight attraction to salmon, and was considered to be of little value. 6B. Eagle Creek, — (July l6, 19ii2; Parkhurst.) Eagle Creek enters the Powder River approximately 9 miles above the mouth, near the town of Richland, The stream is about 36 miles long, and drains the south slope of the \ininhabited, heavily forested Eagle Cap Primitive Area of the Wallowa Mountains. A comparatively small portion of its waters are diverted for agric\iltural use, and most of the watershed remains practically untouched by man, thus assuring a fairly constant flow of clear, cold water. 7,6 For a distance of about 11 miles above the mouth to the entrance of the TThitman National Forest, the stream extends through a gently sloping valley v/^hioh gradually narrows upstream. The stream was 60 to 70 feet iivide in this section, and was discharging about 200 o.f.s. The water temperature ranged from 59 F. near the mouth to 57 F« upstream. The gradient is moderate and the stream bottom is composed chiefly of medium and small rubble. Good shallow riffles are almost continuous for the first 6 miles, and adequate resting pools first appear in the succeeding 5 miles. It was esti- mated that 75 to 90 percent of the stream bed in this section con- stituted suitable salmon spawning area, A log wing dam located about 7 miles above the mouth was diverting about 5 o,f.s, into an irrigation ditch. This dam does not extend entirely across the stream, and is not a barrier to fish. A small irrigation diversion occurs about 9 miles above the mouth. There is no dam in connection with this ditch, and it was withdrawing only about 2 o,f,s» Another irrigation diversion occurs about 11 miles abov» the mouth, just 100 yards below the entrance to the Yfhitman National Forest, There is no dajn in connection' v;-ith this ditch, and it was withdrawing about 10 c,f,s,, which seemed to be a capacity flow* Above this point the stream extends through the Whitman National Forest, and there are no habitations except the U, S, Forest Service Guard Stations, From a point near the National Forest en- trance to the headwaters the streaun runs through a narrow, rooky canyon, which becomes increasingly steep as it narrows upstream. The stream was about 50 feet wide at the lower end of this section, axid was discharging about 170 c,f,s. The water temperature remged from 57 F» to 54 F» The gradient is moderate to fairly steep, in- creasing upstreajn. There are numerous good riffle areas, which become smaller as the stream becomes more narrow, and the gradient, pools, and large rubble increase. Main Eagle Creek has its source in Eagle Lake, and it is also fed by short, steep tributaries leading from several other small, high mountain lakes, Bagle Creek is one of the few streams in eastern Oregon that is reported to maintain at present a fairly good rim of chinook salmon. The stream also has a good run of steelhead trout. It has the great- est present and potential value to salmon of any of the smaller streams in this area, 6B-(1) Skull Creek.— (July 16, 1942; Parkhurst, ) Skull Creek enters Eagle Creek approximately 11 miles above the mouth. It is about 4 miles long. Skull Creek is a small stream, flowing less thaja 1 c,f,s. It has a steep gradient, and is of no value to salmon, 77 6B-(2), Little Eagle Creek.—- (Jtdy l6, 19U2; Parkhiorst.) Little Eagle Creek enters Eagle Creek approximately 12^ miles above the mouth. It is about 9 miles long. About 2 miles above the mouth the gradient becomes too steep for the stream to be of value to salmon. The stream had an average iridth of 18 feet in the lower section, and was discharging about 15 Cof.So The water temperature near the mouth was $7 F« The gradient in the first 2 miles above the mouth is moderate to fairly steep, with nimeroua excellent shallow riffles amd a few small resting pools. It was estimated that 75 percent of the bottom in this portion of the stream constituted suitable salmon spawning area. Although no spawners were seen at the time of inspection. Little Eagle Creek is of value to a small number of salmon, 6B-(3). Paddy Creek. — (July 16, 19U2j Parkhurst.) Paddy Creek enters Eagle Creek approximately 18| miles above the mouth. It is about h miles long, Padcfy Creek is a small stream, floTfing less than 2 cf.s. It has a steep gradient, and is of no value to salmon. 6B-(U). East Fork. — (Not surveyed^ The East Fork enters Eagle Creek approximately 21^ miles above the mouth. It is about ih miles long, of which the lower 8 miles are passable, up to East Eagle Falls. The stream was discharging about 60 cf.s. The lower portion of the East Fork is known to be of some value to salmon. 6B-(5). West Fork.— (Not surveyed,) The West Fork enters Eagle Creek approximately 26f miles above the mouth. It is about 9 miles long, and flows frcan two small, high mountain lakes* The Sparta Irri- gation Ditch withdraws a good portion of the West Fork at a point about 1^ miles above the mouth. The lower portion of the stream is of some value to salmon, although the Sparta Ditch presents a hazard to down- stream migrants, 6C, Kirby Creek,— (July 16, 19U2; Parkhurst,) Kirby Creek enters the Powder Pliver approximately 10 miles above the mouth, or less than a mile above main Eagle Creek, Kirby Creek is actually a small branch of Eagle Creek, leaving the main Eagle Creek channel about 2 miles above the mouth. The stream had an average width of 12 feet and was discharging about 5 c,f ,s. The water temperature was 65 F. near the mouth. The gradient is slight to moderate, with numerous shallow riffles and few large resting pools. There is a large amount of sand in the stream bed. It was estimated that 20 percent of the bottom con- stituted suitable salmon spawning area. The stream is of some value to adult salmon, and offers considerable protection to fingerlings. 6d. Big Creek,— (Not surveyed,) Big Creek enters the Powder River approximately ii)4 miles above the mouth. It is about 15 miles long. Big Creek had an average width of about 30 feet, and was es- timated to be discharging between 25 and 30 cf.s. Although its present value was not determined, it is reported to have formerly supported a good run of salmon. 76 6E. ITolf Creek.— (July 5, 1942; Parkhurst,) Wolf Creek enters the Powder River approximately 58 miles above the mouth* It is about 16 miles long. The stream had an average width of 8 feet, and was discharging about 4 c,f.s» The water temperature vf&s 72 F. near the mouth. The gradient is moderate, with nvmerous shallow riffles and small pools. It was estimated that 30 percent of the bottom constituted suitable salmon spawning area. The stream is ■vrtiolly inaccessible to anadromous fish because of the Thief Valley Dam. It is of slight potential valua to salmon, 6P. North Powder River,—' (July 7, 1942; Parkhurst.) The North Powder River enters the main Powder River approximately 61 miles above the mouth. It is about 26 miles long. The North Powder extends through a gently sloping, cultivated valley for a distance of about 11 miles from the mouth to Anthony Fork. The stream had an average width of about 25 feet in this section, and was discharging 49 o.f.s. The water temperature ranged from 70 F, at the mouth to 54 F, at Anthony Fork, The gradient is moderate, with numerous good shallow riffle areas emd adequate resting pools. The stream bed is composed chiefly of medi\im and small rubble, and it was estimated that 30 percent of the bottom in the lower 6 miles and 50 percent of the bottom in the next 5 miles constituted suitable salmon spawning area. An irrigation diversion dam is located about l-g miles above the mouth, at the tavm of North Powder. This dam is 1 foot high, about 50 feet long, and is not a barrier to fish except during low- water. The ditch is 6 feet vriie and was withdrawing 2g c. f . s. Another irrigation diversion dam is located a short distance above the town of North Powder. This dam is about 2 feet high, 30 feet long, and is not a barrier to fish except during low water. The ditch was mthdrawing about 4 o.f.s. An irrigation diversion dam is located about 7 miles above the mouth. This dam is 2 feet high, 30 feet long, and is not a barrier to fish except during low water. The ditch is 6 feet wide, and was withdrawing about 2 o.f.s. Above Anthony Fork the North Powder extends through a narrow canyon, which becomes increasirigly steep as it narrows upstream. For the first 3 miles of this section, up to the mouth of Antone Creek, the stream had an average width of 18 feet, and was discharging 272 c.f.s. The water temperature was 52 F. The gradient is fairly steep, vrith some small, shallow riffle areas, and many small cascades. It was estimated that about 30 percent of the stream bed between Anthony Fork and Antone Creek constituted suitable salmon spawning area. Above Antone Creek the stream extends for a distance of some 12 miles to its source in two small, high mountain lakes. This upper section is of no possible value as salmon spavming area because of the increasingly steep gradient, preponderance of large rubble, and 79 greatly reduced flow. The discharge just above the mouth of Antone Creek was only 7^ CofoS, The Big Bulger Irrigation Diversion Dam is located 2 miles above Antone Creek, or 16 miles above the mouth. This dam is 3 feet high and 18 feet long. It is a barrier to fish during low water© The ditch is 10 feet wide and withdraws 30 c.f ,So The Hartung-Nicholson Irrigation Ditch located about l6|- miles above the mouth. There is no dam in connection with this diversion. The ditch is U feet wide and withdraws 75 miner's inches, or less than 2 c.f.s. The Big Mansfield Irrigation Ditch is located about 17 miles above the mouth. There is no dam in connection with this diversion. The ditch is 7 feet wide and withdraws 20 c,f ,s. The Warfield-Burnside Irrigation Ditch is located about 17 miles above the mouth. There is no dam in connection with this diversion. The ditch is 6 feet wide and withdraws 1^0 Miner's inches, or 3o75 c,f,s. The Little Mansfield Irrigation Ditch is located about 171- mile s above the mouth. There is no dam in connection with this diversion. The ditch is 7 feet wide. and withdraws 7^ c,f«So The Savage Irrigation Diversion Dam is located about 18 miles above the mouth. This dam is 2 feet high and is a barrier to fish during low water. The ditch is 7 feet wide and withdraws 10 cf.s. The Ncrth Powder River was originally an excellent salmon stream. The early agricultural development of the North Powder Valley has resulted in the extensive diversion of water for irri- gation purposes. It was reported that during the irrigation season, in late summer and fall, the discharge at the mouth of the North Powder is often less thsm 5 c,f,So Under these conditions the stream is of no value to salmon. More recently the construction of the impassable Thief Valley Dam on the main Powder River has rendered the North Powder inaccessible at all times to salmon and steelhead, 6F-(1), Anthoay Fork.— (July 7, 19U2; Parkhurst.) Anthony Fork enters the North Powder River approximately 11 miles above the moutho It is about 12 miles long, of which the lower 2 miles were surveyed. Above this point the stream extends through a narrow, rocky canyon, and is of no possible value to migratory fish because of t he steep gradient. The stream had an average width of 2U feet in the section surveyed, and was discharging about 30 c,f,s. The water temperature was 55 F. near the mouth. The gradient is moderate 8b in the lower 2 miles, with nimerous good shallow riffles and small pools. This ].ower section of the stream bed is composed chiefly of mediim and small rubble, and it was estimated that $0 percent of the bottom constituted suitable salmon spawning area« The lower section of Anthony Fork was reported to have formerly supported a good run of Chinook salmon and steelhead trout. It is now inaccessible and of no present value to these species© 6F-(2). An tone Creek.— (July 7, 19U2; Parkhurst.) Antone Creek enters the North Powder River approxima :ely lU miles above the mouth. It extends for about U^ miles to its source in a small, high mountain lake. The stream was 15 feet wide at the mouth, and was discharging about 20 c,f»s. The volume decreases rapidly up- strean, the discharge at the outlet of Anthony Lake being less than 5 c,f .So The water temperature at the mouth was it9 F. The gradient is steep, and increases upstream. Antons Creek is mainly a succession of cascades and small falls, with the stream bed composed chj efly of bed- rock and large rubble. Less than 10 percent of t he bottom con- stitutes suitable salmon spawning area, Antone Creek is of no value to salmon at present and of little potential value. A few steelnead may have formerly entered the stream, 6f-(3), Dutch Flat Creek, — (Not surveyed,) Dutch Flat Creek enters the North Powder River approximately l5 miles above the mouth. It extends for about 8 miles to its source in several small, high mountain lakes. It is a typical turbulent mountain stream of steep gradient, similar to Antone Creek, and is of no value to salmon, 6g, Muddy Creek,— (July 5, 19U2; Parkhurst,) Muddy Creek enters the powder River 2 miles below the town of Haines, or approximately 71 milos above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 8 miles long, and was discharging less than 3 c,f,s. Several small open ditches take most of the flow for irrigation and stock watering. Muddy Creek was considered of no possible value to salmon, 6h# Rock Creek, — (July $, 19U2; Parkhurst.) Rock Creek enters the Powder River 1 mile below the town of Haines, or approximately 72 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 15 miles long, and was discharging less than 5 c,f,s. Several small open ditches take most of the flow for irrigation and stock watering. Rock Creek was considered of no possible value to salmon, 6-1, Pine Greek. — (July U, 19U2; Parkhurst.) Pine Creek enters the Powder River 2 miles above the town of Haines, or approxi- mately 7$ miles above the mouth. It is about 10 miles long, and was discharging about 5 cf.s. Several small open ditches take most of the flow for irrigation and stock watering. Pine Creek was consider- ed of little possible value to salmon. 81 6j. Sutton Creek*— (July 3, 19U2j Parkhurst.) Sutton Creek enters the Powder River a half mile above the toim of Baker, or approxi- mately 85^ miles above the mouth. It is about 13 miles long, and wps discharging about 3 c.f.s. Because of its small size Sutton Creek was considered to be of little possible value to salmon. 6k« Beaver Creek o — (July 3, 19U2; Parkhurst,) Beaver Creek enters the powder River 6 miles above the town of Baker, or approxi- mately 91 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 8 miles long, and was discharging less than 1 cfoS, Beaver Creek was consid- ered to be of no possible value to salmon, 6l. Deer Creek,— (July 2, 19li2} Parkhurst.) Deer Creek enters the powder River about 3 miles below the town of MciSwen, or approximately 10^ miles above the mouth, ^t is about 12 miles long. The stream was l5 feet wide in the lower section, and was discharging about 5 c.f.s. The water temperature was 65 F, near the mouth. The gradient is moderate, with numerous shallow riffle areas. The stream bed is composed chiefly of medium and small rubble, and it is estimated that 7$ percent of the bottom constitutes suitable salmon spawning area. There is an irriga- tion diversion dam located about 1 mile above the mouth. This dam is less than 2 feet high, and is not a barrier to fish. The ditch was withdrawing about 2 c.f.s. Because of its small size. Deer Creek was considered to be of little potential value to salmon, 6m. Cracker Creek. — (July 2, 19^2; Parkhurst,) Cracker Creek enters the Powder River at the town of Sumpter, approximately llU miles above the mouth. Cracker Creek and its principal tributaries extend through narrow mountain valleys, which merge into steep canyons in the upper sections of the streams. The watershed is mountainous, and pos- sesses a moderate cover of small conifers. The streams are cold, generally clear, and of fairly constant, large volime. Cracker Creek is about 10 miles long, of which the lower 6§ miles, up to the mouth of Little Cracker Creek, appeared suitable for salmon spawning. There are no artificial obstructions or diversions. In the first 5 miles above the mouth, up to Silver Creek, the stream had an average iridth of 30 feet. The discharge at the mouth was more than 90 c.f oS,, and the water temperat lire was 5U F. I'he gradient is fairly steep, with numerous fast riffle areas and adeqiiate resting pools. The stream bed is composed chiefly of medium and small rubble, and it is estimated that $0 percent of the bottom constitutes suitable salmon spawning area. Above Silver Creek the stream is much smaller. In the section between Silver Creek and Little Cracker Creek the stream had an average width of 15 feet, and was flowing at a rate of 30 c.f.s. The water temper atiire was 52 F. The gradient remains fairly steep, with numerous fast riffle areas » Suitable saLmon spawning area continues to consti- tute about 50 percent of the bottom. 82 Above Little Cracker Creek the gradient increases rapidly, and the stream acquires a torrential velocity which renders it unsuitable for salmon spawning. The stream has its source near the suraoit of the Blue Mountains at an elevation of more than 7,000 feet. Although Cracker Greek is at present wholly inaccessible to salmon and steelhead because of obstructions in the Powder River, it has good potential value, particularly for steelhead trout. Several small, very steep, turbulent streams, which are of no possible value to salmon, enter the lower portion of Cracker Creek* 6M-(1). Pole Creek. — Enters about 3 miles above the mouth and was discharging less than 5 c.f.So 6M-(2), Slim Creek. — Enters 3 miles above the mouth and was discharging less than 2 c.f.So 6M-(3), Wind Creek, — Enters 3| miles above the mouth and was discharging less than 5 c,f,s, 6M-(ii). Silver Creek.— (July 2, 19^2 ; Parkhiirst.) Silver Creek enters Cracker Creek approximately 5 miles above the mouth. It is about 6 miles long, of which the lower 2 miles appeared some- what suitable for salmon spawning. In this lower section the stream had an average width of 2U feet, and was discharging about 50 c.f .s. The water temperature was 50 F, The gradient is too steep for the best type of salmon spawning area© Medium and small rubble in numerous small pools and riffles make up a large part of the stream bed. It is estimated that about 30 percent of the bottom in this section constitutes suitable spawn- ing area. In the upper section the gradient becomes too steep for the stream to be of any possible value to salmon. Although inacces- sible at present. Silver Creek has some potential value, particularly for steelhead trout, 6m-(5). Little Cracker Creek.— (July 2, 19h2j Parkhurst,) Little Cracker Creek enters Cracker Creek at the village of Bourne, approximately 6^ miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 2 miles long, and discharging about 5 c.f .s. The first mile above the mouth contains some suitable salmon spawning area. Because of its small size. Little Cracker Creek was considered of slight poten- tial value to salmon. 6n. McCully Fork,— (July 2, 19U2; Parkhurst.) McCully Fork enters the Powder River at the town of S\flnpter, approximately llU miles above the mouth. It is about 9 miles long, of which the lower 5 miles appeared suitable for salmon spawning. For the first 3 miles above the mouth the stream flows across the upper end of the gently sloping, open Sumpter Valley, It then extends for some 2 miles through low, rolling hills moderately covered with young pines. In this first 5 miles the stream had an average width of 20 feet, and was discharg- 83 ing about 1$ c.f .s« The water temperature was $h F, at the confluence with the Powder River. The gradient is moderate, with niimerous excel- lent shallow riffles, '^here are few resting pools in this section. The stream bed is composed chiefly of medium and small rubble, and it is estimated that 75 percent of the bottom constitutes suitable salmon spawning area. In the uppermost section the stream has a fairly steep gradient, and extends for about U mi les through a narrow, forested valleyo McCully Fork has some good potential value for salmon, although it is at present wholly inaccessible because of obstructions in the Powder River. 7o Burnt River, — (September 27-30, 19Ul, and June 28 - July 1, 19i;2; Parkhurst and Zimmer,) Burnt River joins the Snake River near Huntington, Oregon, 326 miles above the Columbia River confluence. Its drainage basin covers an area of approximately 1200 square miles. The main stream extends for a distance of 78 miles to the Unity Reservoir, Above the impassible Unity Dam several tributaries extend for a total distance of about 65 miles to the headwaters. The climate of the Burnt River region is semi-arid in character, making irrigation essential to crop production. The predominant type of farming is range livestock. Practically all cropland acreage is in ej.ther past\ire, hay, or grain. Reports from old settlers indicate that Burnt River once sup- ported a good run of chinook salmon. This ran has been greatly depleted for majiy years. One of the causes of this depletion has been that before the construction of the Unity Storaj^e Rgservoir the stream volume became very low during the irrigation season beca\ise of the extensive use of water for agricultural purposes. Because of the present ample reservoir storage facilities, such extreme low water conditions no longer occur. However, the Unity Reserv^oir Dam and another upper storage dam now render some spawning area inaccessible to migratory fish. There are 39 direct irrigation diversions between the mouth of Burnt River and Unity Dam, and U6 irrigation diversions on the tributaries that flow into the re- servoir above the dam. None of these are equipped with any fish-pro- tective devices, ALcost all of the diversions occur through open ditches, without headgates, the flow being regulated by alteration of the dams. Most of the ditches have good returns to the river, and the water is used repeatedly. Almost all of the diversion dams are of a temporary nature, and are constructed of logs, loose rock, pD.anks, and timbers. Few of them are more than ^h feet high, and since the construction of Wiity Dam, none of those below that point are barriers to salir.on, all having a good spill over their crests when in use. This is because the members of the irrigation district sponsor a policy of allowing a dis- charge from the reservoir considerably in excess of their water needs, in order that all the water users may be easily supplied. 8U Burnt River is of little value as a salmon producer at present. No salmon were seen during the sui^'ey, although there are reports that a few salmon fingerlings have been captured in recent years, and a few spavners may still enter the stream. B\imt River has some potential value for salmon, although the large number of unscreened irrigation diversions are a definite hazard to downstream migrants. The main stream is usually txirbid, due to returns from the irrigation ditches, and also due to gold mining activi-ty. The amount of available spawning area would be slightly increased by the construction of fishways over Unity Dam. The South Fork is the most suitable tributary for salmon above Unity Dam, but in order for it to be made fully available the Whited Reservoir Dam 6 miles above the Unity Reservoir would likewise have to be provided with fishways© It is extremely doubtful if the amount of potential spawning area on the South Fork would justify the expense for the construction of fishways over these two dams. This is espec- ially true since the run is so depleted that a restocking program would have to be devised in any attempt to reestablish saLnon in Burnt River. Topographically the Burnt River drainage basin may be divided into six sections: (1) Huntington Valley; (2) Durkee Valley; (3) Burnt River Canyon; (U) Bridgeport Vedley; (5) Hereford Valley; and (6) Unity Valley and headwater areas* Section (1) - Huntington Valley: Burnt River extends through the Huntington Valley for a distance of 23 miles above the mouth* The valley varies generally in width from 100 yards to UOO, yards. The stream had an average width of 18 feet in this section, and was discharging Ihz c,f .s» at its confluence with the Snake River. The water temperature at the mouth was 76,5 F. The grad- ient is moderate, being 25 feet per mile, with numerous good shallow riffles. There are few good resting pools. The stream bed is composed chiefly of medium and small rubble, and it is estimated that 30 percent of the bottom constitutes suitable salmon spawning area. There are 9 irrigation ditches, with a total water diversion of slightly more than 1$ c.f.s. Section (2) - Durkee Valley t Above Huntington Valley the stream extends for a distance of 6| miles through the Durkee Valley. The valley has an average width of about three-fourths of a mile. The stream had an average width of 2)4 feet in this section, and was discharging slightly more than 22 c.f.s. The water temperature was 75 F. at the lower end of the valley. The gradient is l5 feet per mile* There are few shallow riffles, but numerous pools. The stream bed is composed chiefly of mud and sand, and there is practically no svii table salmon spawning area. There are 7 irrigation ditches, with a total water diversion of almost 32 c.f.s. Section (3) - Burnt River Canyon: This section of the river extends for a distance of about lit miles through a narrow, steep, rocky gorge. Several large-scale 85 gold dredging projects are located in Burnt River Canyon, but it was reported that these operations were discontinued during World Viax II • These dredges operated directly in the stream channel, forming conical mo\mds of gravel tailings five to eight feet in height as they slowly progressed upstream. At the time of obser- vation they had not blocked the channel to the migration of fish at any point o The dredges were aided by power shovels that removed large quantities of gravel from the alluvial fan deposits at the mouths of several small, intermittent tributaries. The stream had an average width of 30 feet in this section, and was discharging slightly more than U5 c.f.So The water temperature was 70 F« at the lower end of the canyon, and the prevailing high water temperature during the summer months is an adverse factor in any evaluation of this section for salmon. The gradient is moderate to fairly steep, having an average rise of U8 feet per mile. There are numerous good shallow riffles, but few large resting pools. The stream bed is composed chiefly of medium and small rubble, and it is estimated that 60 percent of the bottom constitutes suitable salmon spawning area. Aside from the high water temperatures that occur in this part of the main Burnt River, it appeal's to be the best part of the stream for salmon spawning. There are three small irrigation ditches, none of which were in operation at the time of observation. Section jk) - Bridgeport Vglleyt B\irnt River Canyon opens above into the Bridgeport Valley, which extends about 15 miles upstream. For the most part the Bridgeport Valley is about a mile wide, but in the upper three miles it narrows rapidly into a small canyon. The stream had an average width of 27 feet, and was discharging lil c.f.s. The water temper- ature was 69 F, at the lower end of the valley. The gradient is slight for the most part, having an average rise of 10 feet per mile. There are few shallow riffles, but pools are almost continuous. The stream bed is composed chiefly of mediim auid small rubble, with a heavy layer of mud and silt. It is estimated that 10 percent of the bottom constitutes suitable salmon spawning area. The upper three miles of this section have a higher gradient, less silt in the stream bed, and better spawning area. There are seven irrigation ditches, with a total water diversion of about 62 c.f.s. Section ($) - Hereford Valley; Above Bridgeport Valley, Burnt River extends for a distance of 20 miles upstream through Hereford Valley to Unity Dam, This valley has an average width of about one mile. Terraces and bench lands encroach untiH the stream is finally confined to a narrow, rocky gorge for the upper l|- miles. Ihe average width of the stream was 30 feet. 86 The discharge at the lower end of the valley was about 53 c.f.s., and the water temperature was 6U Fo The gradient is slight for the most part, having an average rise of 12 feet per mile* There are few shallow riffles, but pools are almost continuous o The stream bed is composed chiefly of mediian and small rubble, with a heavy layer of mud and silt. There is no suitable salmon spawn- ing area except for a small amount in the upper ij miles, where the gradient becomes moderate and there is less silt. There are 11 irrigation ditches, with a total water diversion of slightly more than 56 Cof«s» Section (6) - Unity Valley and headwaters: Unity Dam is located at the narrow, upper end of the Hereford Valley, The dam was built by the U. S, Bureau of Reclamation in order to provide a water storage reservoir to supplement the irriga- tion of lands along Burnt River, Its construction was begun in 1936 and was completed in 1939, when the operation and maintenance of the project was turned over to the Burnt River Irrigation District, The dam has a height of 76 feet above the stream channel, and a crest length of 69U feeto It is of the earth embankment type, with the spillway and outlet works constructed of concrete. The spillway is an open rectangular chute controlled by two large radial gates. The outlet works consist of a tunnel 7§ feet in diameter and 620 feet long, gate controlled, and protected at the submerged inlet by an iron grizzly. This tunnel is impassable to any fish seeking to migrate farther upstream. At the time of observation in the latter part of June, 19U2, the discharge at the dam was from 89 c,f,So to 87 c,f,s. No fishways are provided, and the dam is a total barrier to the upstream passage of fish. The reservoir has a capacity of 25,UOO acre feet, and a surface area of 925 acres. It is subject to consider- able variation in water level. At the time of the survey in September, I9UI, the reservoir was ?2 feet below the high water level. At high water stages it extends for a mile or more above the original mouths of the principal tributaries. All the tributaries to Burnt River entering below Unity Dam are small, intermittent, and of no possible value to saL-non, These include 7A Durbin Creek, 7B Marble Greek, 7C Dixie Creek, 7D Damen Jet Creek, 7E Chicken Creek, 7E-(1) Sisley Creek, 7F Shirttail Creek, 7G Swayze Creek, 7G-(1) Manning Creek, 7H Durkee Creek, 71 Alder Creek, 7I-(1) Lawrence Creek, 7 J Powell Creek, 7K Deer Creek, 7L Dark Canyon Creek, 7M Clarks Creek, 7N Auburn Creek, 7-0 Mill Creek, 7P Pine Creek, 7Q Independence Creek, 7R Big Creek, 7R-(l) Cow Creek, and 7S Camp Creek, 7T, Job Creek, — (September 27> 19hl; Parkhurst and Ziramer,) Job Creek enters Unity Reservoir approximately a mile above the dam. It is a small stream, about 7 rniles ling. It has 6 small irrigation ditches diverting a total of about lOg- cf.s,, which is practically the entire flow. Job Creek is of no possible value to salmon. 87 7U. South Fork, Burnt Pdver. — (September 27-30, 19U1; Parkhurst and ZinmerT5 The South Fork enters Unity Reservoir approximately 2 miles above the dam. It is about 16 miles long, and was surveyed for a dis- tance of 13 miles to the mouth of Spring Creek, Above this point the stream was flowing less than 2 c.f.So, and was considered too small to be of amy possible value to salmon. The stream was l5 feet wide near the mouth, and wa? discharging about iS c,f .So into the Unity Reservoir, The mouth of the stream at the time of the survey was 1000 yards below the high water level of Unity Reservoir. The volume of flow in the stream channel varies widely at different points in the first 6| miles above the mouth, due to the intake and return flows of numerous diver- sions. The water temperature ranged from U9 F. at the mouth to U6 F, at the upper terminus of the survey. From the mouth to Whited Reservoir, a distance of about 6 miles, the gradient is slight to moderate, with numerous small riffles smd well protected resting pools. The stream bed is composed chiefly of medium and small rubble, and there is also a large amount of silt. There were 18,000 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 2? percent of the total bottom in this section. There are 8 irrigation ditches on the South Fork up to ItVhited Reservoir, with a total water diversion of U8 cf.s. With one exception, none of them have dams which might obstruct the passage of fish. The Whited Reservoir Dam is of the earth embankment type, approximately UO feet high and 75 feet long. The outlet extends through the base of the dara, and is gate controlled. No fishways are provided, and the dam is a total barrier to the upstream passage of fish. The '"hited Reservoir extends about ^ mile upstream, and has a maximum width of somewhat more than ^ niile. Above the Whited Reservoir Dam the stream extends for a distance of 7 miles to the terminus of the survey. The gradient is moderate, with numerous good shallow riffles and small pools. The stream oed is composed chiefly of medium and small rubble, and there is much less silt than occurs below. There were 146,000 square yards of s ui table spawning area, constituting approximately $2 percent of the total bot- tom in this section, 1'here are 6 irrigation ditches, with a total water diversion of about 65 cf.s. There are no dams above Whited Reservoir that are barriers to fish, 7U-(1) Pole Greek. — (September 30, 19hl; Parkhurst and Zinmer,) Pole Creek enters the South Fork of Burnt River approximately 5 miles above the mouth. It is about 6 miles long, and was discharging less than 1 cf.s, ^ere are 5 small irrigation ditches on the stream. It is of no present or potential value to salnon, 7U-(2)« Bullrun Creek, — (September 30, 19Ulj Parkhurst and Ziramer.) Bullrun Creek enters the '^outh Fork of Burnt River approxi- mately 8 miles above the mouth. The stream is about 7 miles long. 88 There are 3 irrigation ditches on Bullmn Creek, diverting a total of more than 13 c.f.s., which is practically the entire flowo It is of no present or potential value to salmon, 7U-(3)« Sheep Creek «— (September 30, 19Ulj Parkhurst and Zimmer,) Sheep Creek enters the South Fork of Burnt River approximately B^ miles above the mouth. The stream is about 5 miles long, and was discharging less than 1 c.f.Se It is of no present or potential value to salraone 7l>-(ii). Amelia Creek. — (September 29, 19Ul; Ziramer.) Amelia Creek enters the South Fork of Burnt River approximately 10 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about U miles long, and was discharging about ^ c.f.s. There are 2 small irrigation ditches on Amelia Creek. The stream is of no present or potential value to salmon. 7U-($)« Barney Creek < — (September 29, 19Ul; Zimmer.) Barney Creek enters the South Fork of Burnt River approximately 11 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about h miles long, and was discharging less than 1 c.f.s. There is one small irrigation ditch on Barney Creek, The stream is of no present or potential value to salmon. 7U-(6). Elk Creek.— (September 30, 19Ul; Parkhurst.) Elk Creek enters the South Fork of the Burnt River approximately 12 miles above the mouth. It is about $ miles long, of which 3/U mile was sur- veyed, up to the mouth of Last Chance Creek. Above the terminus of the survey the stream was flowing about h c.f.s., and was too small and steep to be of more than slight potential value to salmon. Elk Creek had an average width of 15 feet in the section s\irveyed, and was discharging about 10 c.f.s. The water temperature was I4.9 F. at the mouth and U6 F. just above Last Chance Creek, Mammoth Spring enters 300 yards below Last Chance Creek, and adds approximately 1 c,f,So The spring temperature was S0»$ F, The gradient is moderate and there are numerous small riffles and pools. The stream bed is composed chiefly of small rubble and gravel, and there were 6,300 square yards of suitable spawning area, constituting approximately 86 percent of the total bottom in the section surveyed. The stream is wholly in- accessible to salmon, and is of no present value, 7U-(6)a, Last Chance Creek. — (September 30, 19Ulj Parkhurst,) Last Chance Creek enters Elk Creek 3/U mile above the mouth. It is about S miles long, and was discharging about h c.f.s. The stream be- comes too small and steep a short distance above the mouth to be of more than slight potential value to salmon, 7U-(7). Spring Creek. — (September 30, 19Ul; Ziramer,) Spring Creek enters the South Fork of Burnt River approximately I3 miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 3 miles long, and was discharging less than 1 c.f.s. Spring Creek is of no present or potential value to salmon. 89 7Ve Middle Fork, Burnt River, — (September 28, 19Ul; Parkhurst and ZimmerT) The Middle Fork enters Unity Reservoir approxtmately 1 mile above the South Fork. It is about 10 miles long, and was dis- charging less than ? c.foSo There are 8 irrigation ditches on the Middle Fork, diverting a total of more than 6 c.f.s. The stream is wholly inaccessible to saLnon, and is of no present or potential value, Tff. West Fork, Burnt River. — (September 28, 19Ulj Parkhurst and ZimmerT) The West Fork enters Unity Reservoir approximately 1 mile above the Middle Fork, It is about 6 miles long, and was dis- charging less than 2 c»f.So There are 2 irrigation ditches on the West Fork, diverting a total of more than U c.foSo The stream is irtiolly inaccessible to salmon, and is of no present or potential value. 7X. North Fork, Burnt River, — (September 26, 19Ulj Parkhurst and ZimmerT) The North Fork enters Unity Reservoir approximately 1 mile above the West Fork, It is about 25 miles long and was discharg- ing less than 1 c.f.s. The gradient is moderate. The stream bed is composed chiefly of large rubble, with little suitable spawning area and few good pools. There are I4 irrigation ditches on the North Fork, diverting a total of more thajn 35 c.f.s. An irrigation diversion dam is located approximately 3 miles above the mouth. This dam is 8U feet long, 3 feet high, and is a barrier to fish during low water. The irrigation ditch is 5 feet wide, and was withdrawing about 1 c.f.s., which was the entire stream flow at this point except for a small amount of seepage. Another irrigation diversion dam is located approximately 5 miles above the mouth, at the entrance to the Whitman National Forest, This dam is I30 feet long and 3 feet high. It is a barrier to fish during low water. The irrigation ditch is 6 feet wide, and was with- drawing about 6 c.f.s,, leaving less than 1 c.f.s, in the stream channel. A gold dredge was in operation 18 miles above the mouth, near Whitney, Oregon, causing the stream below to be very tvirbid. The North Fork is wholly inaccessible to salmon, and is of no present or potential value, 72-(l). China Creek, — (September 28, I9UI; Parkhurst and Zimmer,) China Creek enters the North Fork of Biornt River approximately 3^ miles above the mouth. It is a small stream, about 6 miles long, and was discharging less than 2 c.f.s. There is one small irrigation ditch on China Creek, The stream is of no present or potential value to salmon. 90 SUliMARY OF RECOLDMENDATIONS Imnaha River Since the Imnaha has not heen subjected to demands for water use, it is a stresun in which r\ins of chinook salmon and steelhead trout may- be maintained, and every possible attempt should be made to restore the runs to their former abundance. Pine Creek The decreased volume of flow during the stunmer months over the wide stream bed in the Pine Valley region, due to numerous small irrigation diversions, has had the twofold effect of causing high water temperat\u*es and hampering the upstream migration of salmon. Since the agricultural demand for water does not pennit the allev- iation of this condition, it is not advisable to atten^t the res- toration of the salmon run into this stream. Powder River The barrier imposed by the Thief Valley Dam has rendered the greater portion of the Powder River and most of the spawning area inaccessible to migratory fish. The difficulty of constructing adequate fishways over this storage reservoir dam of fluctuating ?ra.ter level, as well as the necessity for screening numerous irri- gation ditches above the dam and maintaining an adequate flow at the time of salmon migration, make any program for the restoration of the salmon run to the upper Powder River doubtful of success and eoonomi- oally unfeasible. Eagle Creek, a large tributary to the lower Powder River, offers excellent salmon spawning -area. Sufficient discharge should be allow- ed from the Thief Valley Reservoir at the time of salmon migration to insure the passage of salmon up to the mouth of Eagle Creek, Burnt River The difficulty of providing adequate fishways over the Unity Reservoir Dam due to the great fluctuation in water level, and the numerous irrigation diversions on Burnt River, together render the stream of liti;le potential value to salmon. Therefore it is not recommended that euiy attempt be made to restore the run of salmon to this streEuiu 91 c o ^-^ •H • CO (0 u • > • •H O -p H 01 H QJ a) «H tH C ^H •H o +> e x: cfl 1X0 X) ■H (D «H X o c o •H -P O CO O c o •H CO ;h 0) > ft o 0) CO o oo O 1 CY'^ -^ Fh a> •H vO o^ ^ H rt ■p o H en x: x j3 rH o o o H -p -p ■p tI ^ ^ fl) rt o C -H 3 rH CD Q O CQ ^ u ^1 (1) o 0) > > > •H ■H ■H a « a t« ^4 u •§ 0) 0) T3 c s ^ ^ o 0-, o Oh lA r^ ■P CO a> H •rH !> •H Pi (-1 (J % 0-, >^ 0) H > 0) •H x; Eh C\J x: o -p •H •a n vO d o •H (0 Fh 0) > •H ■n c o •H ■P CD •H Ih U U > ■^ U 0> TJ O a. , — s .-i|N HltV r~ > ■^ •H u ^ Q> 0) XI X) » ^ o o Ph Ph CM c o •H -P 05 t.j U 9) > •A I Oh x: -p o o ■H -P cU hO •n Jh Si 0) > ■H Plj ^. 1 Pi O CM CM o •H (0 0) > •H X! O •H -P 03 M •H ^( U > •H K U X) & x: •p o o m o CM X! o -p •H XI Xl rH 0) •H Cm CO •H 03 U > •H Pi U •H XI I •p u o H|ai -p « •H X} ^ 1) XI 0) s Sh 0) 0) p tH ^ ^ o . tl rH rt CO 3 (D O G •H O t. c 0) CO xl c Xl rt ^3 -P o C ^ 0) w -p o; cd u 5 a, 0) CO ;h c rt o •H CO CO 0) ;h o

•H (U Xl XI XI 0) c > cfl •rl +3 CO O C Q) o -P •H O o ^ 3 ^ o -p s (0 XI o • s (D ti to o o u x; -p •p CQ >i 0) rH x: C -p o c o s^ ^ -P fH 1 •d 4J H 1 0) (4 1 H c e s s e e e C r B e c C s 5 e «H «H jo C ti •H O CM o c +" § JS 3 1 MX) •H » 0) Ch o r c 2 s £ ^ r s e e s s s s C s DC O -1 •H 0) ^ -P s 0) O rH S t-i -p O u c -p i ^ -P o jC c o •p Q) 03 -H o o • •H -P -p OJ 43 m +3 •H 0} H C O o ^ O ^ 0) ^ 03 o u 1 H o 03 rH ■;^ n O tH > CO c ^ -P H ^ r-i to °^ (1) r! 03 0) •H f^ c i^ M ^ M W) Q ^H 03 J3 03 -P «H m 03 03 5 J« s S o > 73 (13 fe c 03 1 ^ s •H P £ 0) X) CO •r4 :S -§ ^ 0) H •H o r-i 03 6 rt ^ O C3 H H ■P ^ 03 H a CO o « s O •-3 CQ ^ o 2; s O O O ;s O (h 0) > 1 s Q) Vl ii en 1 U > S e e s S S e s r e c e e s e § tH o Id •H o C <]} 5 -p G o o ^ ^ s e £ ^ ■■ s e " e ^ * s ^ e e e 93 o M to en o t3 CO o c •H o o c o (0 03 ^ -• 0) • •H O •p r-J 0) C( 0) tn tH ^^ c O •H (0 -P § ttDX) •iH 0) !m sc o c o •H -P O ^ c •p c to ^ X> CO O ^1 '^ > °-^ i u S o u p CO Cm o s •Lf\ a> •H o C I •^ ^0 T3 O 0) 0) > -p c m O o o CVJ -P O -P ■LTi > O r-i % > o -p o lA « ^H x> (1) fl ^^ H (4 ^ +> a) o -p -p 0) ^-^ Tl o +J « O o s oo o o > u Q) m (U T) <1> -P •H 0) > •H •P o x: o CO u cti XI o 1-^ c o •H -P nJ Wl •H •H CM <;> 0) T3 Pd • (D « P •H +^ x; c! ^ 3 0) D3 > •N O U ri O -^^ ■ iO ^^ H > U -P 5 o -p o 0 CO c o •H cn a> > •H TJ C O ■H -P C[) •H CX> > -p m o 0) H XI ? ? -p -p o o •p ■p •i-' ^--' o o • • -=r ^ c 1 ) t c r n CO C C! o o •H •H CO 10 u U a> Q) > > •H •H TD T5 c C O O •H •H P •P flj n) hO M) •d t (h U •H •H 00 ■LTi • m ^ •H ^4 ■P 0 Pi -o c -P oil • H « m ■P- c •« JM ^ f-i OQ o •N ^ X u ■p o m t^ 0) • ^ s :^ IITERATUBE CITED EVERKANN, BARTON W. 1896* A preliminary report upon salmon investigations in Idaho in 1894 . • . U. S. Fish Comnu, Bull., vol, 15, 1895(1896), pp. 253-284. Washington. KVSRMANN, BARTOtT W, 1897. A report upon salmon investigations in the headwaters of the Columbia River, in the State of Idaho, in 1895, to- gether with notes upon the fishes observed in that state in 1894 and 1895 . . . . U, S. Fish Coonm., Bull., vol, 16, 1896(1897), pp. 149-202, Washington. EVSRMANN, BARTON W., and MEEK, SBTH E. 1898. Salman investigations in the Columbia River Basin and elsewhere on the Pacific Coast in 1896 • . • • U. S. Pish Conm., Bull., vol. 17, 1897(1898), pp. 15-84. Wash in gt one HOBBS, DERISIEY P. 1937. Natural reproduction of quinnat salmon, brown and rainbow trout in oertain New Zealand waters. New Zealand - Uarine Dept., Fish. Bull. No. 6. pp. 1-104. SHAPOVALOV, I£0 and BSRRIAN, WILLIAM. 1940. An experiment in hatching silver salmon (tooortwnohus kisutoh) eggs in gravel .... Trans. Amer. Fisla. Soc, 1939(1940), vol. 69, pp. 135-140. Washington, SMITH, OSGOOD R, 1940. Placer mining silt and its relation to salmon and trout on the Pacific Coast . , , , Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc,, 1939(1940), vol. 69, pp. 225-230. Washington. References such as "(U.S.G.S., 1940)* are to water supply papers of th« U. S. Geological Sui^ey. These papers are issued under the general title oi "Surface Water Supply of the United States" and are issued in parts refer- ring to various drainage basins. The papers referred to in this report are for Peirt 13, which covers the SnaJce River Basin. Dates given are dates of publication rather than the years to which the data apply. 9S Tntprlor — Dupl Icating Section . Washington. D. C. 86! MBL WHOl Library Serials iiiiiiiiii|i ii||i|i| iijliliill!!:!! 5 WHSE 0 021