523 SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA STREAM CATALOG FOR REGULATORY DISTRICT Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 by Carl Rosier, Norm Johnston, and Russell F. Orrell Marine Biological Laboratory U I B R A R >• JAN 1 0 1966 WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT- FISHERIES No. 523 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE B U R E A^ToF'cOMMERaArF ISH^^ This work was financed by the Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries under Contract No. 14-17-0005-24, with funds made available under the Act of July 1, 1 954 (68 Stat. 376), commonly known as the Salton- stoll-Kennedy Act. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Stewart L. Udall, Secretary John A. Carver, Jr., Under Secretary Stanley A. Cain, Assistant Secretary /or Fish and Wildlife FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Clarence F. Pautzke, Commissioner Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Donald L. McKernan, Director STREAM CATALOG OF SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA REGULATORY DISTRICTS NOS. 5, 6, 7, and 8 Edited by Carl Rosier, Norm Johnston and Russel F. Orrell Contribution No. 193, College of Fisheries University of Washington United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific R eport - -Fisheries No. 523 Washington, D. C. August 1965 CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Sources of data Limitations of data Escapement estimates Physical observations Explanation of catalog format Stream designations Intertidal zone Upstream Escapement record Weir record Mapping symbols Alphabetical index of salmon streams Numerical index of salmon streams Regulatory District indexes of salmon streams Map of stream locations Map of Regulatory Districts Nos. 5, 6, 7, and Stream descriptions Page 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 6 6 11 14 19 20 21 lii STREAM CATALOG OF SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA REGULATORY DISTRICTS NOS. 5, 6, 7, and sU Edited by Carl Rosier and Norm Johnston Alaska Department of Fish and Game Juneau, Alaska and R ussell F. Orrell Fisheries Research Institute University of Washington Seattle, Washington ABSTRACT Information about part of Southeastern Alaska salmon streams is cataloged from the voluminous records of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game; the Alaska Salmon Industry; the Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington; the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries; and other agencies. Stream descriptions, maps, and historical records of salmon escapement data are compiled for 130 salmon streams in Southeastern Alaska Regulatory Districts Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Each stream is locoted geographically by latitude and longitude and by orientation to prominent landmasses. A standard numbering system, number designations formerly in use, and common names of each stream are listed. Physical descriptions are presented for the intertidal zone and the upstream area of each stream. Available records of weather, virater temperatures, and information useful to ground and aerial stream surveyors are presented in brief form. The species of salmon utilizing the spawning grounds and estimates of the escapements each year for many years are given. INTRODUCTION The pink salmon of Southeastern Alaska are an important fishery resource. Millions of these fish are captured annually by the commercial fishery during their spawning migration. There are more than 1, 100 known spawning streams, plus himdreds of small, individually unimportant ones, scattered along the 9, 000 coastal miles of Southeastern Alaska. For many years, management and research agencies of the Federal, Territorial, and State gov- ernments, Alaska salmon canners, and the Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington, have independently conducted stream surveys of the salmon spawning grounds. A vast amount of valuable information has been accumulated and has been, in the main, kept on file in the offices of the various organizations. 1/ Contribution No. 193, College of Fish- eries, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. It is the fourth catalog of salmon streams of South- eastern Alaska. Previous catalogs cover areas as follows: Reg. Dist. No. 1, SSR--F 305; Reg. Dist. No. 2, SSR--F453; Reg. Dist. Nos. 3 and 4, SSR— F465. To make full use of all these scattered ma- terials, records from the various sources have been gathered together and methods of stream surveying have been studied on a comparative basis. This in- formation has been consolidated into a standard form which is presented here as a stream catalog. This catalog has been compiled under a con- tract given to the Fisheries Research Institute by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The material contained herein includes 130 major and numerous minor streams of Regulatory Districts Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Information on each stream is presented by a stream description and, when available, a map, and escapement record. Information pertinent to the identification of each stream by name, number, and location is given, and further physical features are described where necessary for positive identifi- cation. Descriptions of each stream are given as completely as available information allows. The catalog format is so designed that future surveys by various agencies can be recorded and conducted ac- cording to a uniform style. As a handbook of salmon streams, this cat- alog is expected to serve as an aid to conservation agencies as well as others who have an interest in the valuable salmon resource of Southeastern Alaska. SOURCES OF DATA Tlie information compiled in this catalog is derived from a number of sources, both in and out- side of the field of fishery work. A complete list of these sources is given below. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Valuable stream and escapement information is available in reports by research and management personnel. Alaska Salmon Industry. Surveys (made by individual members of the industry) are among some of the ear- liest records available. U. S. Forest Service. Data on stream characteristics and salmon escapements are available on several streams in records of studies conducted by this agen- cy on the effects of logging on the physical makeup of streams. U. S. Geological Survey. Aerial photographs from this agency are the primary source for measurements of stream distances and areas and for valley fea- tures not visible from the ground. These photo- graphs, which are of most of the streams in South- eastern Alaska, were made by the U. S. Navy (Pa- trol Squadron Four) in 1948. Local residents. Another source is the descriptive infqrmation on several major streams provided by local residents. Fisheries Research Institute. Records are available for each year starting with 1947. Many of the In- stitute research projects have been concerned with precise measurements of physical factors. Data from these projects provide some of the stream de- scriptions and escapement estimates included in this catalog. In 1950 and 1951 the Institute assembled a stream catalog for Southeastern Alaska with all the information then available. It has served as a guide for the present catalog. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Charts used throughout the catalog for standardization of stream location coordinates are from this source. A number of large-scale charts have provided intertidal zone information. The U. S. Coast Pilot (1952. Southeast Alaska, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay, Tenth Edition, 544 p. plus charts) is the source of information on vessel approaches to stream mouths and the authority for spelling of proper names. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. District catalogs of this agency are a major source of stream physi- cal data and salmon escapement records. Escape- ment records from the streams where weirs were operated are actual counts. The FWS stream numbering system is the basis for the numbering system used in this catalog. Information on some of the large mainland streams with headwaters in Canada was obtained from the Canadian govern- ment by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U. S. Federal Power Commission. The report, Woter Power of Southeastern Alaska. 1947, pub- lished with the cooperation of the U. S. Forest Service, provides discharge rates and stream drainage areas, and other information about a number of important salmon streams. LIMITATIONS OF DATA Escapement estimates obtained by visual means are often limited in accuracy because fish are not seen in turbid water, under overhanging streambanks, or in areas inaccessible to observers. Actual counts throughout the duration of the salmon run past a counting weir or tower are relatively ac- curate estimates of total escapement. However, it is not economically feasible to establish a weir on each stream, and escapement surveys are the only source of information for a large part of the area which must be covered. The value of the catalog as a history of the salmon escapements can be re- alized only if its limitations are fully known. Escapement Estimates Escapement estimates do not indicate the actual total escapement. At no time are all the salmon in the stream simultaneously, since the spawning run extends over a period of weeks. There- fore, each escapement estimate is an index of the relative abundance at the time of survey. The maximum estimate determined by sur- vey methods at about the peak of the run is used as an estimate of the relative abundance of the total escapement. Reliable indices of relative abundance from year to year can be made only if the surveys are comparable. Evaluation of the following factors is necessary to determine the accuracy of the es- capement estimates. Observers. --The escapement records are from many different observers. Variability in estimating the number of salmon in a given area by different observers should be considered in judging the accuracy of the data. In general, with more observers variability increases. Survey systems. --Different survey systems have been used by the various agencies. Reliability of the escapement estimates varies with the systems used. Survey systems that employ standard count- ing techniques over standard distances are the most reliable method now available for comparison of abundance between years, particularly when streams can be only partially covered. Standard survey distances in comparatively long streams were not widely used prior to 1949. Survey systems requiring periodic visits to each stream during the spawming period are more reliable for estimates of peak abundance than systems requiring only one or two visits. The peak period of abundance in a salmon stream is usually relatively short, and one or two visits may miss the peak. Type of survey. --Two basic methods for covering the streams during escapement surveys are being used. The oldest method is the ground survey in which the observer follows the stream course on foot or in a skiff with an outboard motor. Most parts of the stream can be closely observed by this type of survey. The newer method is aerial survey. This is a fast, economical means of covering a large number of streams in a short period of time over stream dis- tances greater than is possible on the ground. This method requires experienced personnel familiar with ground surveys as well. Aerial surveys are best suited for large rivers and streams where ground coverage is limited usually to the lower portion of the stream near the banks. Ground surveys are more reliable than aerial surveys on small streams that offer poor visibility from the air. Observation conditions. --Weather is an extremely important factor in the reliability of escapement estimates. During flooding, ground surveys can be made only with great difficulty. Visibility is also greatly reduced because of turbid water. Any esti- mate made during years that had heavy rains of long duration during the peaks of spawning runs is not comparable with an estimate made during normal water levels. Streams in which Lntertidal spawning pre- dominates may present difficult observation condi- tions at high tide. Spawning salmon in the inter- tidal zone behave differently when the spawning areas are flooded by the high tide. Aerial observations vary with the different types of aircraft used. Observations made from small light planes capable of following winding stream courses are more reliable than those made from larger planes which must fly at considerable height above the stream and generally at greater speeds. Physical Observations Observations of the characteristics of each stream by different observers have been recorded with varying degrees of accuracy. Many details of stream descriptions are dependent upon the individ- ual observer's ability and knowledge. Many stream dimensions are merely esti- mates. Instruments for measurements were usually not available to observers, and pacing and esti- mating were used. Most basic stream distances have been taken from aerial photographs and are relatively accurate. However, some errors may have occurred where ref- erence points were difficult to identify. Drainage estimates were based on compensating polar plani- meter measurements of valley areas, but occasion- ally drainage divides were difficult to distinguish and the areas given are only approximate. EXPLANATION OF CATALOG FORMAT Further descriptions of the data such as esti.T mates of timing, temperature ranges, spawning facilities, etc. , are included under these specific headings in the explanation of the catalog format that follows: Stream Designations Statistical area number. --The number used by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to desig- nate the statistical area is given in the upper left side of the heading. Stream name. --This appears in the center of the first line of the heading. Recorded names or common local names are used when available. Other- wise unnamed strearns of importance are given descriptive names corresponding to location or other distinguishing features. Some streams have identical names; they are retained without change because of local usage. Many minor streams have no names; hence they are identified only by number. Streom number. --This number appears on the right side of the first line of the heading. The letter preceding the number designates the adminis- trative district in Southeastern Alaska: e. g. , "WR" for Wrong ell. Continuity of stream numbers along a shoreline is followed where practical. Because of the numerous islands, breaks in the sequence have been necessary. Nonhyphenated numbers designate major or important streams. A catalog number which includes a hyphenated number designates a tributary to the stream of the same number. A catalog number combining numbers and letters designates a minor stream, either adjacent to or between major streams numbered in sequence. For example, stream number 76A is a minor stream adjacent to major stream number 76. ADF Statistical number. --A space for the new ADF Statistical number is provided for use when the new numbers are assigned. Latitude ond longitude. --TTiis appears on the second line, left side, of the heading. Location of streams is given by the use of "N" for north lat- itude, and "W" for west longitude, stated in de- grees (° ), and minutes and tenths of minutes ('). Location of the high tide point on the stream is given for positive identification. Previous number. --This appears on the second line, right side, of the heading. Stream number or numbers used in the past by Fish and Wildlife Service are given for positive identifi- cation of old stream records. Geographic location. --This appears on the third line of the heading. Each stream location is described by the administrative district, major channel, bay or inlet, arm or cove, and location within the smallest division given by direction (from true north) and distance (nautical miles) Major species. --Included are those species of salmon which furnish the bulk of spawn- ing in the stream. Where more than one dominates, both (or more) are included. Other species. --This indicates other known species of salmon and trout using the stream. Escapement timing. --The timing is based on systematic stream survey records, which include a number of years of surveys with visits before, near, and after the peaks of abundance. Extensive stream temperature studies were made on most of these surveys. The earliest runs of salmon occur along the colder mainland streams. The latest runs are in the outer charuiel and coastal areas where stream levels are dependent upon rain- fall. An intermediate timing of the runs occurs in the region lying between the mainland and outer coastal areas. Three major time divisions are used to indicate the peak period that the major species are found in the stream. "Early" designates peaks before August 15; "middle, " peaks between August 15 and September 15; "late, " peaks after September 15. The range of time in which the major species are found in the streams is given by months. Escapement magnitude. --These are esti- mates of the total escapement, based on stream counts of the peak abundance of salmon, multiplied by a certain factor. This factor was determined from stream tagging experiments at Herman Creek in 1953 by the Fisheries Research Institute, who found the total escapement was between two and three times the peak count. The range of the escape- ment magnitude is given in thousands. Spawning facilities. --This includes a gen- eral classification rating of poor, fair, good, excel- lent , etc. The rating is based on estimates made by various individuals. Stream temperatures. --In this classification the following general ronges are used for each stream. Each range is for the 3 -month period (July, August, and September) in which most of the salmon spawning migrations occur: Cold-range, averaging less than 50° F. , usually an early-run stream. Normal-range, averaging between 50° and 55° F. , usually a middle -run stream. Warm-range, averaging over 55° F. , usually a late -run stream. These ranges generally correspond to the geographic location of the stream and times of the runs. Where only limited temperature information is available for a stream, the range has been estimated from its location and timing of run. Cold-range streams are usually found along the mainland or on the larger islands in the northern part of Southeastern Alaska. Warm-range streams are usu- ally found along the outer channels and coastal areas, which are dependent upon precipitation as the primary source of supply. The normal-range streams appear to fall geographically between and may com- bine characteristics of both cold- and warm -range streams. Timing of the salmon runs, especially pink salmon, also follows the geographic distribution out- lined above. Recording thermograph data, available from a number of streams with known escapement timing, have been used as a basis for comparison. Volley description. --Glacial, stream -cut, etc, , describe valley origin with a general descrip- tion of the outstanding features such as length, width, timber, slopes, directions, etc. They have been obtained from aerial photographs and by direct observations. Drainage area. --This has been either esti- mated in square miles or computed with a polar pla- nimeter from aerial photographs. Estimates of the drainage area of large systems have been taken from the small-scale, key, composite photographs and are less reliable. Data from Water Power of South- eostem Alaska 1947 are included when available. Descriptions are given of supply sources, drainage topography, and characteristics governing water quality and temperature ranges during spawning from the editor's interpretation of aerial photos and local knowledge. Stream mouth identification. --This is a description of some general featiu-es visible at the stream mouth. Anchorage. --Descriptions of temporary anchorages which have been used for short stops by stream survey vessels are given. Overnight and storm anchorages are given in the U. S. Coast Pilot. Trails ond survey routes. --These include descriptions of trails that have been used by groimd parties on stream surveys. Where other than the stredmbed was used, a description of routes is given, including difficult points, identification, outstanding features, presence of brown bears, etc. Reference to right or left bank is made while facing in the direction of the current. Aerial survey notes. --The notes include remarks from various individual observations on the visibility in each stream and the conditions con- sidered necessary for adequate observations. Ap- proaches to valley, starting points, and any known hazards are described from aerial surveyor's notes and the editor's knowledge of the area. Intertidal Zone Length. --The distance is given in miles from mean high to mean low tide, obtained from aerial photographs measured to the nearest tenth of a mile. Where low tide locations were not known the measurement was made from the edge of tidal flats visible in the photographs. Average width. --These are estimates in feet, based on observations by various individuals. Average depth. — These are estimates in inches, or in feet in larger systems, based on ob- servation by various individuals. Gradient. --Estimates are in degrees from horizontal, based on observation by various in- dividuals. Velocity. --Estimates are in feet per second during normal water levels, based on observation by various individuals. Bottom. --A description is given of the com- position such as gravel (range from 1/4 inch to over 5 inches in diameter, arbitrary division point), mud, silt, organic materials, broken and water-washed rock, boulders, large rocks, bedrock, etc. , accord- ing to observation by various individuals. Low tide location. --The location of the mean low tide point is an approximation and is given only where it falls near good identification points, usually found in restricted stream outlets. High tide location. --The mean high tide location generally has been found to correspond to the tree line. Other methods of locating the high tides, such as markers, are described wjien present. Salmon schooling areas. --The areas are usually found near high tide where pools often occur. The areas are described with reference to the mean high tidemark. Annual variations in streombeds may alter locations of schooling areas. Spawning areas. --Major areas are described with reference to the high tidemark. Location may change with change in stream conditions. General notes. --This includes notes per- tinent to the intertidal stream that are of interest and importance in the description of runs. Upstreom Escapement Record Length accessible. — The length given in miles was measured from aerial photographs along the course of the stream to the known upper limits of salmon migration. Where barriers restrict majot species but allow more vigorous species to pass, secondary species limits are given under "Barriers. " Gradient. — Slope was estimated in degrees from horizontal, based on observation by various in- dividuals. Velocity. --It is in feet per second during normal water levels and is an estimate from obser- vation by various individuals. Bottom. --A description is given whether gravel (range from 1/4 inch to over 5 inches in dia- meter, arbitrary division point), mud, silt, organic materials, broken and water-washed rock, boulders, bedrock, etc. , are present, from observation by various individuals. Marker distance. --Distance is given in miles along stream course to standard termination point for salmon counting. Marker identification. --Descriptions of an artificial marker or of identification feature marking termination point for salmon spawning surveys is given. Barriers. --Distance and location above high tide point to known barriers, both passable and impassable, are listed. Descriptions are also given wh<=n available. Tributaries. --Tributaries used by spawning salmon are listed by distance from the mouth of the main stream, by direction, and by importance. Tributaries not used by salmon, but numerous, are mentioned under "Drainage. " Salmon schooling areas. --Based on survey records, major salmon schooling areas are listed where specific locations have been observed for an individual stream. Spawning areas. --Mojor areas are described by distance above high tide or from a reference point in the stream. General notes. --The notes include data pertinent to the upstream areas that are of interest and importance in the description of salmon escapements. Statistical area number. --The number used by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to designate the statistical areas is given on the upper left side of the heading. Stream name. --This appears in the center of the first line of the heading. Stream number. --The new and old numbers appear on the right side of the first line of the head- ing on the first page of the escapement record. Date surveyed. --Surveys are listed chron- ologically. Miles surveyed. --Distances are given as measured along stream courses to the termination point of the regular survey. Grovmd surveys are des- ignated by "G" and aerial surveys by "A. " These symbols precede miles surveyed. Surveyed by. — Initials of surveying organizations are listed as follows: Alaska Depart- ment of Fish and Game, ADF; Alaska Salmon In- dustry, ASI; Fisheries Research Institute, FRI; U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries, FWS; and U. S. Forest Service, USFS. Pinks, chums, other species. --Abundance of salmon observed during surveys is given as a numerical estimate. Estimates of secondary species are usually less reliable than those for the primary species. Estimates of dead salmon of all species usually are very general, having been based on the percentage of the count. Remarks. --Adjective ratings are given first when available. The ratings range from poor to excellent and describe the abundance of salmon for the surveyed date only. They do not indicate seasonal escapement abundance. Other notes entered in this column include survey conditions, behavior and distribution of salmon, and salmon observations beyond stated survey distances. Weir Record Salmon escapement counts made by weirs operated by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game follow Escapement Record when available. MAPPING SYMBOLS y North -. ' Bridge LANDFORMS £ Cabin Instrument Shelter /a!0J^ Bank A"A Cable Crossing /tnfUUmr>- Bedrock 'MMW'iii Dam ^^29^ Boulders &t3 O O 0 Pier Canyon Dry Channel Glacier ^' Gorge Gravel Hill Low or Rolling Grade Steep Grade i<>/t'|'M';'lV Ridge .•;*=?•'•• ■■^' Sand (bar) MARKERS ^ HT m Fish and Wil dl ife Limit Marker Forest Service Trail Marker High Tide Marker Marker Section Marker Stream Gage ROUTES Railroad Rood Trail (type designated) STRUCTURES Beaver Dam r,JX?n p-i I i n g imm\ Weir ^ Windfall VEGETATION ^5:? Brush .■>>'',, .\i/,.. Grass - "^ — i^ Muskeg ^ Stump 1 Trees 4 Conifers Deciduous WATER FORMS Anchorage Channel (in sand and gravel) Falls f_ Fathom Float ^ Pool ^■■i^ Rapids ^^^ Riffle ^^^^^'y^ Stream Entrance PS:-'*^ Tidal Area (sand and grayvalue) Wa te r (gray value) ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SALMON STREAMS AARON CREEK, Blake Channel, enters large bay Immediately WR 6 ( 8] E. of Ne pt une I. ALDER CREEK, Sumner Strait, 4.8 miles E. of Point Baker, WR 97 (13i; E. fork ANAN BAY CREEK, Bradfield Canal, Anan Bay, Head WR 14 ( 17] ANAN CREEK, Bradfield Canal, Humpback Bay, Head WR 15 ( 18] ANDREW CREEK, Frederick Sound, Dry Strait, Stikine River WR 3-1 ( S] , tributary, S. bank, SE. of Limb I. BARRIE CREEK, Sumner Strait, Keku Strait, 2.5 miles N. of WR 65 ( 90] Pt. Barrie BEAR CREEK, El Capitan Passage, Dry Pass, 1 mile E. of en- WR 61 ( 14] trance to Dry Pass BIG CREEK, Frederick Sound, 8 miles SE. of Frederick Pt. WR 52 ( 69] BIG CREEK, Sumner Strait, Red Bay, SW. corner WR 101 (135] BIG JOHN CREEK, Big John Bay, 3.8 miles from head E 34A BUSTER CREEK, Sumner Strait, 5 miles W. of entrance to WR 98 (l: Red Bay CALDER CREEK, Sumner Strait, Shaken Bay, Colder Bay, Head WR 93 (126] CASTLE RIVER, Duncan Canal, 3.5 miles W. of N. tip of WR 61 { 85] Big Castle I. Clarence Strait, Gold and Gilllgan Lagoon, entrance to Kash- WR 107 (150] evarof Passage Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Whale Passage, S. corner WR 106 (144] Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Exchange Cove, Head WR (139' Clarence Strait, Stikine Strait, 2 miles SW. of NW. tip WR 43 ( 57] of Etolln I. Clarence Strait, Stikine Strait, Meter Bight, 4 miles SW. of WR 44 ( 58] S. Craig Pt. Clarence Strait, Stikine Strait, Meter Bight, 4.5 miles SW. of WR 45 ( 59; of S. Craig Pt. Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Whale Passage, Neck WR (142] Lake, 1.5 miles from head Clarence Strait, 1 mile N. of Macnamara Pt. WR 48 ( 62] Clarence Strait, McHenry Lake Creek, McHenry Inlet, 0.2 mile WR 36 ( 49; from E. head of E. arm Clarence Strait, Mosman Inlet, 1 mile from head WR 39 ( 53] Clarence Strait, Mosman Inlet, Head WR 40 ( 54] Clarence Strait, Ratz Harbor, Head WR 110 (156] Clarence Strait, Salmon Bay, Head WR 103 (137] Clarence Strait, Snow Passage, 2.5 miles NW. of Pt. Nesbitt WR 46 ( 60) Clarence Strait, Snow Passage, NE. of Bushy I. WR 47 ( 6i; COFFMAN CREEK, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Coff- WR 108 (154] man Cove, Head CRITTENDEN CREEK, Eastern Passage, 1 mile NE. of WR 4 ( 5] Babbler Pt., N. of Mill Creek DOG SALMON CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, N. shore of WR ( 27] entranc e DUNCAN CREEK, Duncan Canal, 2.5 miles NW. of Ohmer SloughWR 58 ( 81] Duncan Canal, Towers Bay, Head WR 59 ( 83] Duncan Canal, 3.5 miles NW. of Indian Pt. WR 60 ( 84] EAGLE RIVER, Bradfield Canal. Eagle Bay, head on S. shore WR 13 ( 16] EAGLE CREEK, Clarence Strait, 1.8 miles S. of Luck Pt. WR 109 (155] EAST BRADFIELD RIVER, Bradfield Canal, E. head WR 12 ( 15] EL CAPITAN CREEK, El Capitan Passage, N. end of Passage WC 60 { 16] El Capitan Passage, S. of El Capitan Creek WC 64 ( 15] El Capitan Passage, opposite Aneskett Pt. WC 58 ( 18] 8 WR 20 ( 24) WR 34 { 47) WR 33 ( 45) WR 24 ( 32) WR 55 ( 78) E 31D WR 96 (130) WR 25 ( 33) WR 8 ( 11) WR 53 ( 72) WR 50 ( 66) WR 51 ( 67) WR 2 ( 3) WR 16 ( 19) WR 10 { 13) EMERALD CREEK, Ernest Sound, Emerald Bay, Head Ernest Sound, 1 mile W. of entrance to Canoe Passage Ernest Sound, Canoe Passage, NW. of Browuson I. Ernest Sound, Fools Inlet, E. head FALL CREEK, Wrangell Narrows, 1 mile N. of Rock Pt. FIVEMILE CREEK, Frederick Sound, W. Sukhoi Islets FLICKER CREEK, Sumner Strait, 3.8 miles E. of Pt. Baker, S. fork FOOLS CREEK, Ernest Sound, Fools Inlet, W. head FRANK'S CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 8 miles from entrance on N. shore Frederick Sound, Keku Strait, Big John Bay, 2. 7 miles from E 34 head on E. side Frederick Sound, Dry Strait, 3.5 miles SE. of Cosmos Pt. Frederick Sound, 2 miles SE. of Frederick Pt. Frederick Sound, 3 miles SE. of Frederick Pt, Frederick Sound, Le Conte Bay, SE. corner FROSTY CREEK, Seward Passage, Frosty Bay, Head HARDING RIVE R, Bradfield Canal, 6.3 miles from head on N. shore IRISH CREEK, Frederick Sound, Keku Strait, Rocky Pass, E 34C opposite High I. , E. shore JAP CREEK, Frederick Sound, Le Conte Bay, 3.5 miles N. of WR 1 ( 1) entrance to Le Conte Bay KAH SHEETS CREEK, Sumner Strait, Kah Sheets Bay, Head WR 62 ( 86) KUDAY'S CREEK, Ernest Sound, 2 miles W. of entrance to WR 35 ( 48) C anoe Passage KUNK (KONKE) CREEK, Zimovia Strait, W. of Nemo Pt. WR 28 ( 38) LOVELESS CREEK, Sumner Strait, Keku Strait, 4 miles N. of WR 66 ( 91) Skiff I. MARBLE CREEK, Sumner Strait, Shaken Bay, 1.5 miles N. of WR 92 (125) Dry Pass MARTEN CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 1 mtle from entrance on N. shore McH'BNRY LAKE CREEK, Clarence Strait, McHenry Inlet, head of E. arm MENEFEE CREEK, Ernest Sound, Menefee Inlet, Head MILL CREEK, Eastern Passage, N. side, 5 miles from Pt. Madan MUDDY RIVER, Frederick Sound, S. of Pt. Agassiz NAVY CREEK, Clarence Strait, Burnett Inlet, 2 miles NE. of Isle Pt. NORTH ARM CREEK, Clarence Strait, Stiklne River, 1 mile NE. of Farm I. , N. shore NORTH BRADFIELD RIVER, Bradfield Canal, N. head OHMER CREEK, Duncan Canal, Ohmer Slough, Head PETERSBURG CREEK, Wrangell Narrows, NW. of Bayou Pt. PINE CREEK, Sumner Strait, Red Bay, 0.7 mile S. of Pine Pt. PORCUPINE CREEK, Clarence Strait, Steamer Bay, Head SANTA ANNA CREEK, Seward Passage, Santa Anna Inlet, Head Seward Passage, 1.5 miles E. of Watkins Pt, SHIPLEY CREEK, Sumner Strait, Shipley Bay, NE, corner of bay SMITH CREEK, Shakan Strait, 0. 5 mile SW. of entrance to Dry Pass SNAKE CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Olive Cove, Head SOUTHEAST CREEK, Clarence Strait, Ernest Sound, Southeast Cove, Head SQUAW CREEK, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Whale WR 104 (140) Passage, on inlet N. of W. side of Thome I. ST. JOHN CREEK, Sumner Strait, Pt, St, John, Head WR 49 ( 64) STREETS LAKE CREEK, Clarence Strait, Rocky Bay, Head WR 41 ( 55) 9 WR 7 ( 10) WR 37 ( 50) WR 32 ( 44) WR 5 ( 6) E 7A WR 38 ( 52) WR 3-2 (FWS 4) WR 11 ( 14) WR 57 ( 80) WR 56 ( 79) WR 102 (136) WR 42 ( 56) WR 17 ( 20) WR 19 ( 22) WR 91 (118) WC 63 ( 13) WR 31 ( 42) WR 26 ( 34) head NW. corner Bear Harbor, head of N. arm 10.5 miles S. of head of shore arm of head on N. arm S. of head on N. arm of head on N. arm head of S. arm S. of SE. tip of Edwards I. 2 miles S. 2. 5 miles 4 miles S . Sumner Strait, Eastern Passage, in cove 2 miles SE. of Channel I. Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, Affleck Canal, E. shore Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, 2.5 miles from head on W. Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, Kell Bay, head of N. arm Sumner Strait, Alvin Bay, Head Sumner Strait, Alvin Bay, 0.5 mile from head on N. shore Sumner Strait, Blind Slough, head of N. arm Sumner Strait, Hole in the Wall, Head Sumner Strait, Pt. Beauclerc, head of N Sumner Strait, Pt. Beauclerc, Sumner Strait, Pt. Beauclerc, Sumner Strait, Pt. Beauclerc, Sumner Strait, Pt, Beauclerc, Sumner Strait, Pt. Beauclerc, Sumner Strait, Louise Cove, 2 miles W. of Pt. Amelius Sumner Strait, Pt. Beauclerc, 2.3 miles from entrance on N. shore Sumner Strait, Port Protection, head of S. arm Sumner Strait, 1 mile S. of entrance to No Name Bay Sumner Strait, 4 miles W. of entrance to Red Bay Sumner Strait, Red Bay, SW. corner Sumner Strait, Reid Bay, head of N. arm Sumner Strait, Reid Bay, 0.2 mile from head of N. arm on W. shore Sumner Strait, Reid Bay, in bight 1.5 miles S. of head o f N. arm Sumner Strait, Reid Bay, in bight 1,6 miles S, of head of N. arm Sumner Strait, Reid Bay, head of W. arm Sumner Strait, Reid Bay, 0. 1 mile N. of head of W. arm from head Sumner Strait, Seclusion Harbor, Salt Lagoon, Head Sumner Strait, Shipley Bay, in cove 2 miles from head of bay Sumner Strait, Threemile Arm, in cove 5 miles E. of head Sumner Strait, Threemile Arm, Head Sumner Strait, Totem Bay, Head SUNNY CREEK, Seward Passage, Sunny Bay, Head SUTTER CREEK, Shakau Strait, 2 miles SW. of entrance of Dry Pass THOMS CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Thorns Place, Head TOM CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 9,5 miles from entrance on N. shore TOTEM CREEK, Sumner Strait, Totem Bay, 3 miles E. of head TROUT CREEK, Sumner Strait, 1.8 miles S. of Ruins Pt. TUNEHEAN CREEK, Sumner Strait, Keku Strait, 2 miles S. of Devils Elbow VIXEN CREEK, Ernest Sound, Vixen Inlet, Head WHALE PASS, Head, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage WOLF CREEK, El Capitan Passage, N. of Aneskett Pt. Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, Head Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, W, head 23 ( 31) WR 85 (110) WR 86 (111) WR 84 (109) WR WR 88 (113) WR 73 ( 99) WR 73A (99-) WR 54 ( 73) WR 94 (128) WR 78 (104) WR IS (105) WR 79A WR 80 (106) WR 81 (107) WR 82 WR 83 (108) WR Tl (103) WR 95 (129) WR 72 ( 98) WR 99 (133) WR 100 (134) WR 74 WR 74A WR 75 (100) WR 7SA (100-) WR 76 (101) WR 76A (101-) WR 71 ( 96) WR 90 (117) WR 68 ( 93) WR 69 ( 94) WR 64 ( 89) WR 18 ( 21) WC 62 ( 12) WR 27 ( 35) WR 9 ( 12) 63 WR 89 (116) WR 67 ( 92) WR 22 ( 26) WR 105 (141)108) WC 59 ( 17) WR 29 ( 40) WR 30 ( 41) 88) 10 NUMERICAL INDEX OF SALMON STREAMS { 1) WR WR WR 2 3-1 3) 5) 3-2 (FWS 4) 4 ( 5) 10 6) 8) 10) 11) 12) 13) 11 ( 14) 12 ( IS) 13 ( 16) 14 ( 17) 15 ( 18) 16 ( 19) 17 ( 20) 18 ( 21) 19 ( 22) 20 ( 24) 22 ( 26) 23 ( 31) 24 ( 32) 25 ( 33) 26 ( 34) 27 ( 35) 28 ( 38) 29 ( 40) 30 ( 41) 31 ( 42) 32 ( 44) 33 ( 45) 34 { 47) 35 ( 48) 36 ( 49) 37 ( 50) 52) 39 { 53) 40 ( 54) 41 ( 55) 42 ( 56) 43 ( 57) JAP CREEK, Frederick Sound, Le Conte Bay, 3.5 miles N. of entrance to Le Conte Bay Frederick Sound, Le Conte Bay, SE. corner ANDREW CREEK, Frederick Sound, Dry Strait, Stikine River tributary S. bank, SE. of Limb I. NORTH ARM CREEK, Clarence Strait, Stikine River, 1 mile NE. of Farm I. , N. shore CRITTENDEN CREEK, Eastern Passage, 1 mile NE. of Babbler Pt. , N. of Mill Creek MILL CREEK, Eastern Passage, N. side, 5 miles above Pt. Madan AARON CREEK, Blake Channel, enters large bay immediately E. of Neptune I, MARTEN CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 1 mile from entrance on N. shore FRANK'S CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 8 miles from entrance on N. shore TOM CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 9,5 miles from entrance on N. shore HARDING RIVER, Bradfield Canal, 6.3 miles from head on N. shore NORTH BRADFIELD RIVER, Bradfield Canal, N. head EAST BRADFIELD RIVER, Bradfield Canal, E. head EAGLE RIVER, Bradfield Canal, Eagle Bay, head on S. shore ANAN BAY CREEK, Bradfield Canal, Anan Bay, Head ANAN CREEK, Bradfield Canal, Humpback Bay, Head FROSTY CREEK, Seward Passage, Frosty Bay, Head SANTA ANNA CREEK, Seward Passage, Santa Anna Inlet, Head SUNNY CREEK, Seward Passage, Sunny Bay, Head Seward Passage, 1.5 miles E. of Watkins Pt, EMERALD CREEK, Ernest Sound, Emerald Bay, Head VIXEN CREEK, Ernest Sound, Vixen Inlet, Head Sumner Strait, Eastern Passage, in cove 2 miles SE. of Channell, Er nest Sound, Fools Inlet, E. head FOOLS CREEK, Ernest Sound, Fools Inlet, Head SOUTHEAST CREEK, Clarence Strait, Ernest Sound, Southeast Cove , Head THOMS CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Thorns Place, Head KUNK (KONKE) CREEK, Zimovia Strait, W. of Nemo Pt, Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, Head Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, W, head SNAKE CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Olive Cove, Head MENEFEE CREEK, Ernest Sound, Menefee Inlet, Head Ernest Sound, Canoe Passage, NW. of Brownson I. Ernest Sound, 1 mile W, of entrance to Canoe Passage KUDAY'S CREEK, Ernest Sound, 2 miles W. of entrance to Canoe Passage Clarence Strait, McHenry Inlet, 0. 2 mile from E. head of E. arm McHENRY LAKE CREEK, Clarence Strait, McHenry Inlet, head of E. arm NAVY CREEK, Clarence Strait, Burnett Inlet, 2 miles NE. of Isle Pt. Clarence Strait, Mosman Inlet, 1 mile from head Clarence Strait, Mosman Inlet, Head STREETS LAKE CREEK, Clarence Strait, Rocky Bay, Head PORCUPINE CREEK, Clarence Strait, Steamer Bay, Head Clarence Strait, Stikine Strait, 2 miles SW. of NW, tip of Etolin I, 11 58) 59) 46 60) 47 61) 48 [ 62) 49 64) 50 66) 51 67) 52 69) 53 72) 54 73) 55 78) 56 79) 57 [ 80) 58 81) 59 83) 60 84) 61 85) 62 ( 86) 63 88) 64 89) 65 90) 66 ( 91) 67 ( 92) 68 93) 69 94) 70 95) 71 ( 96) 72 98) 73 1 99) 73A 99-) 74 No) 74A No) 75 100) 75A 100-) 76 101) 76A ( 101-) n 103) 78 104) 79 105) 79A No) 80 106) 81 [107) 82 No) 83 108) 84 109) Clarence Strait, Stikine Strait, Meter Bight, 4 miles SW. of S. Craig Pt. Clarence Strait, Stikine Strait, Meter Bight, 4.5 miles SW, of S. Craig Pt. Clarence Strait, Snow Passage, 2.5 miles NW. of Pt. Nesbitt Clarence Strait, Snow Passage, NE. of Bushy I. Clarence Strait, 1 mile N. of Macnamara Pt, ST. JOHN CREEK, Sumner Strait, Pt. St, John, Head Frederick Sound, 2 miles SE, of Frederick Pt, Frederick Sound, 3 miles SE, of Frederick Pt, BIG CREEK, Frederick Sound, 8 miles SE. of Frederick Pt. Frederick Sound, Dry Strait, 3.5 miles SE. of Cosmos Pt. Sumner Strait, Blind Slough, head of N. arm FALL CREEK, Wrangell Narrows, 1 mile N. of Rock Pt. PETERSBURG CREEK, Wrangell Narrows, NW, of Bayou Pt. OHMER CREEK, Duncan Canal, phmer Slough, Head DUNCAN CREEK, Duncan Canal, 2.5 miles NW. of Ohmer Slough Duncan Canal, Towers Bay, Head Duncan Canal, 3.5 miles NW. of Indian Pt. CASTLE RIVER, Duncan Canal, 3.5 miles W. of N. tip of Big Castle I. KAH SHEETS CREEK, Sumner Strait, Kah Sheets Bay, Head TOTEM CREEK, Sumner Strait, Totem Bay, 3 miles E. of head Sumner Strait, Totem Bay, Head BARRIE CREEK, Sumner Strait, Keku Strait, 2.5 miles N, of Pt, Barrie LOVELESS CREEK, Sumner Strait, Keku Strait, 4 miles N. of Skiff I. TUNEHEAN CREEK, Sumner Strait, Keku Strait, 2 miles S. of Devil's Elbow Sumner Strait, Threemile Arm, in cove 5 miles E. of head Threemile Arm, Head Seclusion Harbor, Salt Lagoon, 0,5 mile from Sumner Strait Sumner Strait head Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sumner Strait on W. sho Sumner Strait N. arm Sumner Strait N, arm Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sumner Strait N. shore Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sum ner Strait N. arm Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Sumner Strait Seclusion Harbor, Salt Lagoon, Head 1 mile S, of entrance to No Name Bay Alvin Bay, Head Alvin Bay, 0,5 mile from head on N, shore Reid Bay, head of N, arm Reid Bay, 0. 2 mile from head on N. arm Reid Bay, in bight 1.5 miles S. of head of Reid Bay, in bight 1,6 miles S, of head of Reid Bay, head of W, arm Reid Bay, 0,1 mile N. of head of W, arm Port Beauclerc, 2,3 miles from entrance on Port Beauclerc, head of N. arm Port Beauclerc, 2 miles S. of head Port Beauclerc, 2.5 miles S. of head of Port Beauclerc, Port Beauclerc, Port Beauclerc, Louise Cove, 2 Affleck Canal, 4 miles S. of head of N. arm head of S, arm S. of SE, tip of Edwards I. miles W, of Pt, Amelius in cove 10,5 miles S, of head of Affleck Canal, E. shore 12 Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, 2,5 miles from head on W. shore Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, head of NW. corner Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, Bear Harbor, head of N. arm Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, Kell Bay, head of N. arm TROUT CREEK, Sumner Strait, 1.8 miles S. of Ruins Pt. Sumner Strait, Shipley Bay, in cove 2 miles from head SHIPLEY CREEK, Sumner Strait, Shipley Bay, NE. corner of bay MARBLE CREEK, Sumner Strait, Shakan Bay, 1.5 miles N. of Dry Pass CALDER CREEK, Sumner Strait, Shakan Bay, Colder Bay, Head Sumner Strait, Hole in the Wall, Head Sumner Strait, Port Protection, head of S, arm FLICKER CREEK, Sumner Strait, 3.8 miles E. of Pt. Baker, S. fork ALDER CREEK, Sumner Strait, 4.8 miles E. of Pt. Baker, E . fork BUSTER CREEK, Sumner Strait, 5 miles W. of entrance to Red Bay Sumner Strait, 4 miles W. of entrance to Red Bay Sumner Strait, Red Bay, SW. corner BIG CREEK, Sumner Strait, Red Bay, SW. corner PINE CREEK, Sumner Strait, Red Bay, 0.7 mile S. of Pine Pt. Clarence Strait, Salmon Bay, Head Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Exchange Cove, Head SQUAW CREEK, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Whale Passage, in inlet N. of W. side of Thome I. (14i;i08) WHALE PASS, Head, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Whale Passage, Neck Lake, 1.5 miles from head Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Whale Passage, S. corner Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Gold and Gilligan Lagoonj entrance to Kashevarof Passage WR 108 (154) COFFMAN CREEK, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Coffman Cove, Head WR 109 (155) EAGLE CREEK, Clarence Strait, 1.8 miles S. of Luck Pt. WR 110 (156) Clarence Strait, Ratz Harbor, Head WR ( 27) DOG SALMON CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, N. shore of entrance E 34 Frederick Sound, Keku Strait, Big John Bay, 2,7 miles from head on E. side E 34A BIG JOHN CREEK, Frederick Sound, Keku Strait, Big John Bay, 3.8 miles from N. head on E, side IRISH CREEK, Frederick Sound, Keku Strait, E. of High I. MUDDY RIVER, Frederick Sound, S. of Pt. Agassiz FIVEMILE CREEK, Frederick Sound, W, of Sukhoi Islets El Capitan Passage, opposite Aneskett Pt, WOLF CREEK, El Capitan Passage, N. of Aneskett Pt. EL CAPITAN CREEK, El Capitan Passage, N. end of Passage BEAR CREEK, El Capitan Passage, Dry Pass, 1 mile E. of entrance to Dry Pass SUTTER CREEK, Shakan Strait, 2 miles SW. of entrance to Dry Pass SMITH CREEK, Shakan Strait, 0.5 mile SW. of entrance to Dry Pass El Capitan Passage, S. of El Capitan Creek 13 WR 85 (110) WR 86 (111) WR 88 (113) WR 89 (116) WR 90 (117) WR 91 (118) WR 92 (125) WR 93 (126) WR 94 (128) WR 95 (129) WR 96 (130) WR 97 (131) WR 98 (132) WR 99 (133) WR 100 (134) WR 101 (135) WR 102 (136) WR 103 (137) WR (139) WR 104 (140) WR 105 (14i;i0! WR (142) WR 106 (144) WR 107 (150) E 34C E 7A E 31D WC 58 ( 18) WC 59 ( 17) WC 60 ( 16) WC 61 ( 14) WC 62 ( 12) WC 63 ( 13) WC 64 ( 15) REGULATORY DISTRICT NO. 5 El Capitan Passage, opposite Aneskett Pt, WOLF CREEK, El Capitan Passage, N. of Aneskett Pt. EL CAPITAN CREEK, El Capitan Passage, N. end of Passage BEAR CREEK, El Capitan Passage, Dry Pass, 1 mile E. of entrance to Dry Pass SUTTER CREEK, Shakan Strait, 2 miles SW. of entrance to Dry Pass SMITH CREEK, Shakan Strait, 0.5 mile SW. of entrance to Dry Pass El Capitan Passage, S. of El Capitan Creek Frederick Sound, Keku Strait, Big John Bay, 2.7 miles from N« head on E. side BIG JOHN CREEK, Frederick Sound, Keku Strait, Big John Bay, 3,8 miles from head IRISH CREEK, Frederick Sound, Keku Strait, E. of High I. BARRIE CREEK, Sumner Strait, 2.5 miles N. of Pt. Barrie LOVELESS CREEK, Sumner Strait, 4 miles N. of Skiff I. TUNEHEAN CREEK, Sumner Strait, Keku Strait, 2 miles S. of Devil's Elbow ad Sumner Stra Sumner Stra Sumner Stra: from he Sumner Stra: Sumner Stra: Sumner Stra: Sumner Stra: Sumner Stra: Sumner Stra: W. shor Sumner Stra N, arm Sumner Stra N, arm S um ner Stra Sumner Stra Sumner Stra N. shore Sumner Stra Sumner Stra Sumner Stra arm S umner Stra Suimner Stra Sumner Stra Sumner Stra Sumn er Stra Affleck Sumner Stra Sumner Stra Sumner Strait Threemile Arm, in cove 5 miles E, of head Threemile Arm, Head Seclusion Harbor, Salt Lagoon, 0,5 mile Seclusion Harbor, Salt Lagoon, Head 1 mile S. of entrance to No Name Bay Alvin Bay, Head Alvin Bay, 0.5 mile from head on N, shore Reid Bay, head of N. arm Reid Bay, 0, 2 mile from head of N. arm on Reid Bay, in bight 1.5 miles S, of head of Reid Bay, in bight 1,6 miles S, of heaa of Reid Bay, head of W, arm Reid Bay, 0, 1 mile N. of head of W, arm Port Beauclerc, 2,3 miles from entrance on Port Beauc lerc , Port Beauc lerc , Port B eauclerc , head of N. arm 2 miles S. of head on N. arm 2.5 miles S. of head on N. wc 58 ( 18) wc 59 ( 17) wc 60 ( 16) wc 61 ( 14) wc 62 ( 12) wc 63 wc 64 ( 15) E 34 Port Beauclerc, 4 miles S, of head on N. arm Port Beauclerc, head of S, arm Port Beauclerc, S, of SE, tip of Edwards I. Louise Cove, 2 miles W. of Pt. Amelius Affleck Canal, 10,5 miles S. of head of anal, E. shore Affleck Canal, Head, NW. corner Affleck Canal, Bear Harbor, head of N. arm Affleck Canal, Kell Bay, head of N. arm TROUT CREEK, Sumner Strait, 1,8 miles S. of Ruins Pt. Sumner Strait, Shipley Bay, in cove 2 miles from head of bay WR SHIPLEY CREEK, Snmner Strait, Shipley Bay, NE. corner of bay MARBLE CREEK, Sumner Strait, Shakan Bay, 1,5 miles N. WR of Dry Pass CALDER CREEK, Sumner Strait, Shakan Bay, Calder Bay, HeadWR Sumner Strait, Hole in the Wall, Head WR 14 E 34C WR 65 ( 90) WR 66 ( 91) WR 67 ( 92) WR 68 ( 93) WR 69 ( 94) WR 70 ( 95) WR 71 ( 96) WR 72 ( 98) WR 73 ( 99) WR 73A {99.) WR 74 WR 74A WR 75 (100) WR 75A (100-) WR 76 (101) WR 76A (101-) WR 77 (103) WR 78 (104) WR 79 (105) WR 79A WR 80 (106) WR 81 (107) WR 82 WR 83 (108) WR 84 (109) WR 85 (110) WR 86 (111) WR 88 (113) WR 89 (116) WR 90 (117) WR 91 (118) 93 94 125) 126) 128) Sumner Strait, Port Protection, head of S. arm WR Sumner Strait, Affleck Canal, 2.5 miles from head on W. WR shore 95 (129) IS REGULATORY DISTRICT NO. 6 Clarence Strait, McHenry Inlet, 0.2 mile from E. head of E. arm McHENRY LAKE CREEK, Clarence Strait, McHenry Inlet, head of E . arm NAVY CREEK, Clarence Strait, Burnett Inlet, 2 miles NE. of Isle Pt. Clarence Strait, Mosman Inlet, 1 mile from head Clarence Strait, Mosman Inlet, Head STREETS LAKE CREEK, Clarence Strait, Rocky Bay, Head PORCUPINE CREEK, Clarence Strait, Steamer Bay, Head Clarence Strait, Snow Passage, 2.5 miles NW. of Pt. Nesbitt Clarence Strait, Snow Passage, NE. of Bushy I. Clarence Strait, 1 mile N. of Macnamara Pt. ST. JOHN CREEK, Sumner Strait, Pt. St. John, Head FALL CREEK, Wrangell Narrows, 1 mile N. of Rock Pt. PETERSBURG CREEK, Wrangell Narrows, NW. of Bayou Pt. OHMER CREEK, Duncan Canal, Ohmer Slough, Head DUNCAN CREEK, Duncan Canal, 2.5 miles NW. of Ohmer Slough Duncan Canal, Towers Bay, Head Duncan Canal, 3.5 miles NW. of Indian Pt. CASTLE RIVER, Duncan Canal, 3.5 miles W. of N. tip of Big Castle I. KAH SHEETS CREEK, Sumner Strait, Kah Sheets Bay, Head TOTEM CREEK, Sumner Strait, Totem Bay, 3 miles E. of hea Sumner Strait, Totem Bay, Head FLICKER CREEK, Sumner Strait, 3.8 miles E. of Point Baker, S. fork ALDER CREEK, Sumner Strait, 4.8 miles E. of Point Baker, E. fork Sumner Strait, 5 miles W. of entrance to Red Bay Sumner Strait, 4 miles W. of entrance to Red Bay Sumner Strait, Red Bay, SW. corner BIG CREEK, Sumner Strait, Red Bay, SW. corner PINE CREEK, Sumner Strait, Red Bay, 0.7 m i le S . of Pine Pt. Clarence Strait, Salmon Bay, Head SQUAW CREEK, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Whale Passage, on inlet N. of W. side WHALE PASS, Head, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Pa ssa g e , Whale Passage, S. c orner Clarence Strait, Gold and Gilligan Lagoon, entrance to Kashevarof Passage COFFMAN CREEK, Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage Coffman Cove, Head EAGLE CREEK, Clarence Strait, 1.8 miles S. of Luck Pt. Clarence Strait, Ratz Harbor, Head Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Exchange Cove, Head Clarence Strait, Kashevarof Passage, Whale Passage, Neck Lake, 1.5 miles from head 36 { 49) 37 ( 50) 38 ( 52) WR 39 ( 53) WR 40 ( 54) WR 41 ( 55) WR 42 ( 56) WR 46 ( 60) WR 47 ( 61) WR 48 ( 62) WR 49 ( 64) WR 55 ( 78) WR 56 ( 7^) WR 57 ( 80) WR 58 ( 81) WR 59 ( 83) WR 60 ( 84) WR 61 ( 85) WR 62 ( 86) d WR 63 ( 88) WR 64 ( 89) WR 96 (130) 97 (131) WR 98 (132) WR 99 (133) WR 100 (134) WR 101 (135) WR 102 (136) WR 103 (137) WR 104 (140) WR 105 (Ml; 108) WR 106 (144) WR 107 (150) WR 108 (154) WR 109 (155) WR 110 (156) WR (139) WR (142) 16 REGULATORY DISTRICT NO. 7 CRITTENDEN CREEK, Eastern Passage, 1 mile NE. of Babbler Pt. > N. of Mill Creek MILL CREEK, Eastern Passage, N. side, 5 miles above Pt. Madan AARON CREEK, Blake Channel, enters large bay immediately E. o f Ne pt un e I . MARTEN CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 1 mile from entrance on N. shore FRANK'S CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 8 miles from entrance on N. shore TOM CREEK, Bradfield Canal, 9.5 miles from entrance on N. shore HARDING RIVER, Bradfield Canal, 6.3 miles from head on N. shore NORTH BRADFIELD RIVER, Bradfield Canal, N. head EAST BRADFIELD RIVER, Bradfield Canal, E. head EAGLE RIVER, Bradfield Canal, Eagle Bay, head on S. shore ANAN BAY CREEK, Bradfield Canal, Anan Bay, Head ANAN CREEK, Bradfield Canal, Humpback Bay, Head FROSTY CREEK, Seward Passage, Frosty Bay, Head SANTA ANNA CREEK, Seward Passage, Santa Anna Inlet, Head SUNNY CREEK, Seward Passage, Sunny Bay, Head Seward Passage, 1.5 miles E. of Watkins Pt. EMERALD CREEK, Ernest Sound, Emerald Bay, Head VIXEN CREEK, Ernest Sound, Vixen Inlet, Head Eastern Passage, in cove 2 miles SE, of Channel I. Ernest Sound, Fools Inlet, E. head FOOLS CREEK, Ernest Sound, Fools Inlet, W. head SOUTHEAST CREEK, Clarence Strait, Ernest Sound, Southeast Cove , Head THOMS CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Thoms Place, Head DOG SALMON CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, N. shore of entra nc e Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, Head Zimovia Strait, Anita Bay, W, head SNAKE CREEK, Zimovia Strait, Olive Cove, Head MENEFEE CREEK, Ernest Sound, Menefee Inlet, Head Ernest Sound, Canoe Passage, NW. of Brownson I. Ernest Sound, 1 mile W. of entrance to Canoe Passage KUDAY'S CREEK, Ernest Sound, 2 miles W. of entrance to Canoe Passage WR ( 5) ( 6) ( 8) 10) 11) WR 9 12) WR 10 13) WR 11 14) WR 12 15) WR 13 16) WR 14 17) WR 15 18) WR 16 19) WR 17 20) WR 18 21) WR 19 22) WR 20 24) WR 22 26) WR 23 31) WR 24 32) WR 25 33) WR 26 34) WR 27 35) WR 27) WR 29 40) WR 30 41) WR 31 42) WR 32 44) WR 33 45) WR 34 47) WR 35 48) 17 REGULATORY DISTRICT NO. 8 MUDDY RIVER, Frederick Sound, S. of Pt. Agassiz E 7A FIVEMILE CREEK, Frederick Sound, W. of Sukhoi Islets E 31D JAP CREEK, Frederick Sound, Le Conte Bay, 3.5 miles N. WR 1 { 1) of entrance to Le Conte Bay Frederick Sound, Le Conte Bay, SE. corner WR 2 ( 3) ANDREW CREEK, Frederick Sound, Dry Strait, Stikine River WR 3-1 ( 5) tributary, S. bank SE. of Limb I. NORTH ARM CREEK, Clarence Strait. Stikine River, 1 mile WR 3-2 ( 4) NE. of Farm I. , N. shore KUNK (KONKE) CREEK, Zimovia Strait, W. of Nemo Pt. WR 28 ( 38) Sumner Strait, Stikine Strait, 2 miles SW. of NW. tip of WR 43 ( 57) Etolin I. Sumner Strait, Stikine Strait, Meter Bight, 4 miles SW. of WR 44 ( 58) S. Craig Pt. Sumner Strait, Stikine Strait, Meter Bight, 4.5 miles SW. of WR 45 ( 59) S. Craig Pt. Frederick Sound, 2 miles SE. of Frederick Pt. WR 50 ( 66) Frederick Sound, 3 miles SE. of Frederick Pt. WR 51 ( 67) BIG CREEK, Frederick Sound, 8 miles SE. of Frederick Pt. WR 52 ( 69) Frederick Sound, Dry Strait, 3.5 miles SE. of Cosmos Pt. WR 53 ( 72) Sumner Strait, Blind Slough, head of N. arm WR 54 ( 73) 18 19 20 REGULATORY DISTRICT NO. 5 144-62 56° 09. 2' N. 133°14' W. WEST COAST, EL CAPITAN PASSAGE, Opposite Aneskett Pt. ADF STAT. No. WC 5! Previous No. l£ MAJOR SPECIES Pink. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. Sept. SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 1.6 square miles (polar planimeter) STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor for aerial survey. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Logs and debris, two places impassable at low water. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES May be capable of producing some fish in the good areas. 22 ADF STAT. No. WC 5! Previous No. 1! ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1941 FWS 4,000 2,000 Fail 1942 Sejt 12 FWS 1,000 200 Poor 1943 Sept 23 FWS 5,000 1,000 Fair 1944 Sept 24 FWS 6,500 Good 194S Sept 8 FWS 20,000 Excellent 1957 Sept 19 GO. 8 FWS 60 20 23 144-62 WOLF CREEK WC59 , i \ * -- / \ '^ Windfa II Area ^ H^y ^^ V \ X M ' "^^ — X / \ ~~-^ ^^ — X I ^ ^-^^ V 0.25 Mil* \ ^^ "t::::^ Windfall Areo ' '^ ^^ / . > i . H, ^ i ^ y^' " ' . y^Xs/'^^r^ ^^^^^ 1 "^ "^' > .. '■' , ' * /"^ ^^^^ ^ J '' \^ """^^^hv y^' ^ '1 ' '->.'S^§!^ ^ ' "-,, - --'-' 2h 144-62 56°09. 8' N. WOLF CREEK 133° 17. 8' W. ADF STAT. No. WC 59 Pr e vi o ui No . 1 7 WEST COAST, EL CAPITAN PASSAGE, N. of Aneskett Pt. OTHER SPECIES Chums. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES Pinks. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. Sept. (estimated) SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Warm range. No observed temperatures- VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. A mile upstream the creek runs along the base of a snow-capped mountain. The valley runs in a SW. direction. DRAINAGE 5. 3 square miles (polar planimeter) Precipitation-fed. The outlets of two lakes drains into this stream. Snowfields at the head of the valley contribute snowmelt at certain times of the year. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Cannot be surveyed by air. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 25 SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1940 Sept 30 FWS 6,000 1942 Sept 12 FWS 1,500 1943 Sept 22 FWS 30,000 1944 Sept 17 FWS 14,000 194S Sept 17 FWS 40,000 1957 Sept 19 G 1. 3 FWS 400 200 ADF STAT. No. WOLF CREEK WC 59 Previous No. 17 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live Fair SOO Poor Excellent Fair Excellent 26 144-62 EL CAPITAN CREEK WC60 N 0.25 Mil* 27 ADF STAT. No. 144-62 EL CAPITAN CREEK WC 60 Se'lO 1' N. 133°20.4' W. Previous No. 16 WEST COAST, EL CAPITAN PASSAGE, N. end of Passage- MAJOR SPECIES Pinks. OTHER SPECIES Chums , cohos. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. Aug. -Oct. (est.) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair to good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Worm range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial-cut. The valley is bordered on the E. side by a mountain, and the slope on this side is steep in places. The valley widens upstream. DRAINAGE 5. 6 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation fed. A few small lakes are found within the drainage area, but the stream is fed largely by surface run -off. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters on a large grass flats at extreme NW. corner of EI Capitan Passage. ANCHORAGE Anchor right off stream mouth in 6 fathoms. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES An old quarry trail following the stream banks is overgrown, but can be used for travel. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Impossible to survey by air due to heavy overstory. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50' -60'/ IS" -18" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES SUght- BOTTOM Gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A pool below the high tide mark offers facilities for schooling salmon. SPAWNING AREAS Most of the spawning takes place in this zone. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE Smiles- AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20' -30'/ 6" -10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Gravel and marble . MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Two bedrock falls 0. 7 mile upstream are partial blocks to salmon passage at low flow. TRIBUTARIES None reported. SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous pools. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning is limited to the lower part because of extensive aieas of bedrock. GENERAL NOTES 28 ADF STAT. No. EL CAPITAN CREEK WC 60 Previous No • 1 6 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1940 Sep 30 FWS 25,000 2,000 Good 1941 FWS 12,000 Fail 1942 Sept 11 FWS 12,000 6,000 Fair 1943 Sep 22 FWS 35,000 15,000 Good 1944 Sep 17 FWS 16,500 1,200 Fail 194S Sep 19 FWS 45,000 2,500 Excellent 1946 Oct 11 FWS 25,000 5,000 Fair 1947 Oct 1 G as FWS 1, 000 chums off mouth 1948 Aug 16 G 2.0 ASI 130 78 Aug 25 G 1.5 ASI 12,000 3,200 15,000 off mouth Sep IS G 2,5 ASI 350 34, 000 500 4,400 Oct 9 G 1.5 ASI 1,606 1, 350 333 2,850 180 cohos Good 1949 Aug 8 G 1.8 FRI 5 25 Aug 21 G as FWS 5,000 200 Sep 3 GO. 3 FRI 3,480 17 260 11 Sep 11 G 1.5 FRI 5,160 >20 850 225 Sep 25 G 1.5 FWS 4,850 322 126 133 20 cohos 1954 Sepl7 G FWS 30,000 •i ,000 Sep 17 G FWS 25,000 3 ,000 Intertidal zone 1957 G 1.5 FWS Sep 19 FWS 8,000 6; ,012 Few chums 29 144-62 56°09. 7' BEAR CREEK N. 133° 23. 4' W. ADF STAT. No. WC 61 Previous No. 14 WEST COAST, EL CAPITAN PASSAGE, DRY PASS, 1 mile E. of entrance to Dry Pass. OTHER SPECIES Chums. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES Pinks. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. Sept-Oct. (est. ) SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Warm range. No observed temperatures- VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 0. 3 square mile (polar planimeter) STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES No trails. Brushy banks make travel difficult AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 5 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30-/12" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Bedrock, small rock , and boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Two falls are present. The first is passable, but the second is a total block to salmon. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS A few holes are available for schooling. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES Carries a large volume of water, but most of the stream is torrential. 30 ADF STAT. No. 144-62 BEAR CREEK WC 61 Previous No. 14 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live Good 5,000 Good SO, 000 Good 700 Poor 100 Poor Poor 1,000 Good SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1940 Oct 1 FWS 10,000 1942 Sept 10 FWS 20,000 1943 Sept 22 FWS 1,000 1944 Sept 18 FWS 250 1945 Sept 18 FWS 500 1946 Oct 11 FWS 7,000 1947 Oct 1 FWS 5,000 31 122-31 SUTTER CREEK WC62 III •(<■ 0.25 Mil* 32 J 22-31 56° 09' N. 133° 26. 6' W. SUTTER CREEK ADF STAT. No. WC 62 Previous No . 1 2 WEST COAST, SHAKAN STRAIT, 2 miles S W. of entrance to Dry Pass. OTHER SPECIES Cohos , reds ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES Pinks. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. Sept.-Oct. (est. ) SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Warm range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial cut. DRAINAGE 6. 8 square miles (polar planimeter^ Drains two lakes. The first is 0. 3 mile long and the second 0. S mile long. These lakes are fed by small feeder streams. Snowfields surround the upper valley. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 2 mile to lake. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES ESCAPEMENT RECORD AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH Date 1342 Sept 11 1943 Sept21 1944 Sept 24 194S SeptlS [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial by A] SURVEYED Miles By FWS FWS FWS FWS PINK Live Dead 5,000 5,000 1,600 15,000 CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 2,500 cohos Fair 1, 800 cohos, 8, 500 reds Fair Good REMARKS 33 122-3 1 56" 09. 6' SMITH CREEK N. 133° 24. 9 ' W. ADF STAT. No. WC 63 Previous No ■ 1 3 WEST COAST, SHAKAN STRAIT, 0. 5 mile SW. of entrance to Dry Pass. OTHER SPECIES Chums. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES Pinks. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. Sept. SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. The valley runs in a northeasterly direction DRAINAGE 2 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation -fed. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1941 1942 Septll 1943 Sep 22 FWS 17,000 FWS 8,000 FWS 5,000 Good Fair Fair 31^ 144-62 WC64 ^^/ ''//n (III \i \ '^'n^y' W/\y^ y ■--\\\^" \ ''":J 1/ \ ^ 35 ADF STAT. No. 144-62 WC 64 56*08. 8' N. 133°20.7' W. Previous No. 15 WEST COAST, EX CAPITAN PASSAGE, S. of El Capitan Creek. MAJOR SPECIES Pinks. OTHER SPECIES Chums. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. SepL-Oct. (est) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITES STREAM TEMPERATURES Warm range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. The valley runs NE. in its upper reaches and N- near its lower end. Broadens at the stream's headwaters. DRAINAGE 4.4 square miles (polar planimeter) STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 8 mile AVFRAGF WinTH/nFPTH 15V7 . GRADIENT AND VELOCITES Moderate. BOTTOM Fine gravel and sand. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A few pools. SPAWNING AREAS None. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 5 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'-15'/6"-10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Coarse gravel and boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Gradient becomes very steep a short distance upstream and makes travel upstream difficult for salmon. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous pools. SPAWNING AREAS Very limited. The lower section has the most available spawning area. GENERAL NOTES ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial by A] Date 1943 Sept 22 1944 SURVEYED Miles By FWS PINK Live 50, 000 Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live REMARKS Good SeptlS 1945 FWS 10, 150 350 Fair Septl9 1946 FWS 101,000 Excellent Oct 11 1957 FWS 1,500 Poor Sept 20 G 0.3 FWS 60 20 36 154-93 E34 37 ADF STAT. No. E 34 154-56 Previous No. 56' 54' N. 1 33° 40. 5 ' W. EASTERN, FREDERICK SOT IND, KEKU STRAIT, BIG JOHN BAY, 2. 7 miles from head on E. side. MAJOR SPECIES Chum. OTHER SPECIES Pink. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Late Aug. to early Sept. SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 6. 7 square miles (polar plani meter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Fishing vessels anchor in SE. arm in 18 to 24 fathoms; soft bottom. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS In many places at the mouth of this stream, the bottom is bedrock shale interspersed with good spawning areas. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2 mile.-;. A VER A G E WI D TH / D EPTH 75V20''. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS One-third mile upstream is a 5' accessible falls; three-fourths mile up is a 4' accessible falls; 2 miles up is a 6' falls impassable to salmon. Stream should accommodate 50,000 salmon with some blasting. The upper falls could be made accessible by blasting. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Good. GENERAL NOTES Barrier data source: Microfilm No. 137-2 FRI - SE. Alaska Research. Stream Survey Data, 1931-50, 1952. 38 ADF STAT No. 154-56 E 34 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live No fish observed 8,000 500 pinks, 1,000 chums at mouth Sept 9 6.0 FWS 7,000 13,000 Sept 15 2.0 FWS 450 8,000 1957 Aug 16 A 2. 0 FWS No fish observed 1963 Aug 9 A length ADF No fish observed in stream; jumps in bay SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1943 Sept 16 2.0 FRI 7,500 1950 Sept 9 1955 Sept 11 G 2. 0 ADF 25,000 1956 Aug 24 0.7 FWS Sept 7 3.0 FWS 39 154-56 56*48. 9' N. 133*40. 5' BIG JOHN CREEK ADF STAT. No. E EASTERN, FREDERICK SOUND, KEKU STRAIT, BIG JOHN BAY, 3. 8 miles from head. MAJOR SPECIES Formerly pinks. ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURE No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1956 Aug 24 1.0 FWS 169 Sept 1 0.7 FWS 1957 Aug 16 A 2.0 FWS 500 1963 Aug 9 A length ADF REMARKS 8, 000 pinks at mouth No fish observed in stream; jumps in bay ko ADF STAT. No. 154-56 IRISH CREEK E 34C 56° 43. 7' N. 133° 40. 6 W. EASTERN, FREDERICK SOUND, KEKU STRAIT, ROCKY PASS, opposite High I. , E. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Pink, chum. OTHER SPECIES Coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. SPAWNING FACILITIES This creek has a falls that prevents spawning in the upper spawning grounds. About one -tenth of the stream is utilized; area above the falls is idle. STREAM TEMPERATURES No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Drains long, flat muskeg valley; several small lakes. DRAINAGE 11.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Low narrow flats. ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easy game trail on left bank. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES It is the opinion of the surveyor that this stream is an ideal one and is capable of a tremendous potential above the falls. Several m-.les above the falls it branches, with two lakes at the inlet. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH O.Smile. A VER A G E WI DTH / D EPTH 75716". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Fine gravel and sand. LOW TIDE LOCATION Flats. HIGH TIDE LOCATION Almost to falls. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Upper half of intertidal zone has good spawning. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE To falls. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 75720". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Gravel and sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS 22 barrier falls. TRIBUTARIES None below falls. SCHOOLING AREAS Deep hole under falls. SPAWNING AREAS Good. GENERAL NOTES Miles of excellent spawming area is available above falls; however, laddering of these falls would be extensive. Preliminary engineers survey by G. Liemer made 1963. 41 ADF STAT. No. IRISH CRE£K E 34C ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys byA] OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Miles 1953 Aug 10 1956 Aug 29 Sept 6 6.0 FWS 2, 500 mixed Sept 8 Sept 13 1957 Aug 16 A abv falls FWS 100 Sept 4 A past falls FWS 8,000 Sept 9 G 0. 2 FWS 71 258 1958 Aug 25 A 0. 2 FWS 100 Aug 26 G 0. 2 FWS 300 1959 Aug 17 A to falls FWS No fish observed 1960 Aug 29 A 1.0 ADF No fish observed 1963 Aug 9 A length ADF 10 SURVEYED PINK CH Miles By Live D( =ad Live G FWS 100 0.7 FWS 1,500 6.0 FWS 3.0 FWS 800 1,200 6.0 FWS 2,250 2,250 k2 1 44-1 0 WR 65 0.25 Mile kz ADF STAT. No. 144-10 BARRIE CREEK WR 65 56*28.4' N. 133*39.6 W. Previous No. 90 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, KEKU STRAIT, 2. 5 miles N. of Pt. Barrie. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Coho, red, chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESC APEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 20.5 square miles (polar plonimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Adequate anchorage is found 500 yards S. of the mouth. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Many gravel bars run along the stream, making travel easy. Wading possible. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES The stream is open enough for aerial survey, often too dark to survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 40V12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Mostly swift. BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A few deep holes. SPAWNING AREAS Some spawning gravel in the lower portion. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 5 miles to lake. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'-40'/8"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Mostly bedrock and some gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Beaver dams are sometimes a problem. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS A few good pools, but mostly riffles. SPAWNING AREAS Good spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES A small stream with mainly a bedrock bottom. M^ BARRIE CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 65 Previous No. 9 0 Date 1951 Sept 8 1953 July 30 1955 July 13 July 15 July 25 July 27 Aug 9 1956 June 29 July 7 Aug 4 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 18 Aug 19 1957 July 23 Aug 17 Aug 20 Aug 22 Aug 30 Sept 3 Sept 4 1958 July 20 July 26 July 29 July 30 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug 4 Aug 8 Aug 29 Season Sept 2 SeptlS 1959 July 11 July 14 July 21 Aug 4 Aug 5 Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 10 Aug 12 SURVEYED Miles By [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 1.2 FWS 15,000 437 A 0. 6 FWS CO. 5 GO. 5 GO. 5 GO. 5 G0.5 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS G FWS G FWS A 0. 5 FWS 3, 000 A length FWS G 0. 5 FWS 2, 000 G FWS >7, 000 G FWS G mouth GO. 2 G length G mouth GO. 5 A 1.0 FRI-FWS A 1.0 FWS FWS FWS 800 FWS 1,500 FWS 6, 375 FWS 480 300 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS A to lake FWS G 1. 5 FWS GO. 1 G G G G G GO. 2 GO. 5 G5.0 G flats G flats G flats G mouth G mouth G mouth G mouth G mouth G mouth FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS 3,000 2,000 300 5,000 11,600 1,200 800 150 150 200 300 3,000 2,000 1,700 150 188 200 200 200 No fish observed. Water very, low 40 reds 200 reds 50 reds 60 reds >300 reds 1,000 reds 12 reds 30,000-40,000 reds No fish observed 7,000 entered creek No fish observed 10, 000 pinks at mouth No fish observed >2, 000 reds 500 reds 600 reds 600 reds 100 reds 1,000 reds 25 cohos 10, 000 reds, 25 cohos 6 cohos, 1 reds 2, 000 reds 1 , 000 reds 25 reds 50 reds 40 reds 100 reds SO reds On fiats On flats ^5 ADF STAT. No. 144-10 SURVEYED PINK Date Mites By live 1959 Aug 16 G mouth FWS 1,000 Aug 18 G mouth FWS 1,000 Aug 21 A FWS 1,000 1960 June 24 A 5.0 ADF July31 A 5.0 ADF Aug 24 A 0. 1 ADF 1961 July 4 A 5.0 ADF Aug 25 A 5.0 ADF present 1962 Aug 20 A 1.0 ADF Aug 29 A length ADF 40,000 1963 Aug 9 A 1.0 ADF few WR 65 [E CREEK . - Continued Previous No. 90 CHuM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed Fish present. Stream too dark No fish observed 1,000 at mouth; 100 In intertidal; vision poor Aug 19 A to lake ADF 9, 000 Low water 1^6 144-10 LOVELESS CREEK WR 66 0.25 MiU ^7 ADF STAT. No. 144-10 LOVELESS CREEK WR 66 S6°33.3' N. 133°39.2' W. Previous No. 91 FWS No. 67 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, KEKU STRAIT, 4 miles N. of Skiff I. MAJOR SPECIES Pink, chum. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 16 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Lies on the S. side of a small, partially wooded peninsula. ANCHORAGE Anchor S. of the mouth in front of the FWS stream gunrd cabin. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily traveled up the strearabed except in areas of windfalls. A good game trail follows the right bank. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Usually too dark color to survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.7mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH lO'/S". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'-15'/8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate . BOTTOM Gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES Two miles upstream, the creek splits into numerous channels. SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous pools. SPAWNING AREAS Good spawning riffles are found throughout the distance surveyed. GENERAL NOTES 48 ADF STAT. No. WR 66 LOVELESS CREEK Previous No. 91 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Uve D ead Live . 1954 July 30 0.7 FWS 2 195 Aug 12 A FWS 0 2,000 Aug 10 A FWS 2,000 Aug 27 A 0.5 FWS 3,600 350 1955 July 25 G mouth FWS 100 July 29 G mouth FWS 40 July 31 G mouth FWS 2,000 Aug 17 G mouth FWS 200 Aug 22 G mouth FWS Aug 24 A length FWS 12,500 Aug 27 G mouth FWS Sept 6 A 3.0 FWS 8,000 1956 Aug 5 A FWS 8 Aug 12 G FWS 400 Aug 17 G 1.5 FWS 1,400 100 Aug 21 A 1.2 FWS Aug 27 G 1.7 FWS 5,000 10, 000 Sept 10 A 3.0 FWS 1957 July 28 GO. 5 FWS 350 15 July 31 G 1.2 FWS 1,000 30 Aug 7 G 1.7 FWS 600 200 Aug 11 GO. 2 FWS 200 200 Aug 19 G 1.5 FWS 1,750 60 Aug 20 A 6.0 FWS Aug 23 GO. 2 FWS 1,200 2,800 Aug 25 G 2.7 FWS 325 1,575 Aug 28 FWS 20 100 Aug 30 G 2. 0 FRI 1,000 2,000 Sept 3 Gl.O FRI-FWS 360 188 Sept 4 A 1.0 FWS 15,000 7,000 Sept 14 Gl.O FRI-FWS 85 125 4 cohos 1958 July 23 GO. 5 FWS 10 July 28 A 0.5 FWS 75 Aug 9 GO. 5 FWS 210 490 Aug 22 G 2. 7 FWS 1,350 3,160 200 Aug 28 1st hole FWS ISO 150 Aug 30 G 1.5 FWS 620 800 298 Season FWS 1,500 4,500 Sept 2 A 2.0 FWS 4,000 700 700 Sept 10 A 2.0 FWS 1,200 500 Sept 15 GO. 5 FWS 400 200 pinks at mouth A few fish present Total 10,000, no dead 3,000 salmon present 2,000 salmon seen 18,000 in stream, 8,000 at mouth 600 mixed dead A few dead pinks 49 ADF STAT. No. WR 66 144-10 LOVELESS CREEK - Continued Previous No. 91 ESCAPEMENT RECORD No fish observed SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1959 July 18 GO. 5 FWS July 19 GO. 5 FWS 5 July 21 GO. 5 FWS SO 25 July 28 G 1.7 FWS 518 220 Aug 1 A. 1.0 FWS 800 100 Aug 9 G 2.5 FWS 5,559 2,155 Aug 11 G 0. 2 FWS 2,500 2,600 1960 Aug 24 A 2.0 ADF 300 150 1961 No survey; s 1962 July 26 A 1.0 ADF Aug 8 A mouth ADF Aug 20 A 1.0 ADF 1963 Aug 9 A 1.5 ADF 200 Aug 19 A length ADF 1,500 No fish observed Many jumps, could not estimate Pinks present 2,000 in intertidal zone 3, 000 in intertidal zone 50 144-10 TUNEHEAN CREEK WR67 Logging Road ^ ^V-P.-. •"■ ...3' ..••■* .'■.-<.<•■_■■ rA foe .-A ^. -^ij 0.25 Mill ••; ^" '.•:■.•;••• Iv •.■>.. 51 44-10 TUNEHEAN CREEK WR67 0.25 MiU 52 1 44-10 TUNEHEAN CREEK \\\V I x-^-*."^ ,1 ,1 WR67 0.25 Mile 53 ADF STAT. No. I'44-IO TUNEHFAN CREFK WR 67 56°3S.9' N. 133"38.7' W. Previous No. 92 FWS No. 68 WRANGFLL, SUMNER STRAIT, KEKU STRAIT, 2 miles S. of Devil's Elbow. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho.. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT M ACN I T UD E Est. 60,000, 9/18/43 SPAWNING FACILITIES Good to excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 63° F. , 8/ 10/50; 51° F. , 9/4/50; 49'F. , 9/20/50; 55° F. , 8/14/51; 56°F. , 8/25/51; S3°F. , 9/ 12/51 ; 70" F. , 8/13/52; 55° F. , 8/23/52; 48"F. , 9/9/52; 50. 5°F. , 9/ 19/52; 57. 5° F. , 8/12/53; 55*F. , 8/23/53; 55°F. , 9/6/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Meanders through a wide, flat valley surrounded by rolling hills. Numerous muskeg areas. DRAINAGE 36 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. Several small creeks drain into this stream. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters an extensive grass flat. An old logging camp is at the upper end of the flats near the high tide mark. ANCHORAGE Suitable anchorage is found S. of the creek mouth. Rocky Pass and its tributary bays are very foul. Navigate with caution. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Wudeable at normal water levels. Gravel bars are numerous. A logging road, grown over in places, follows the right bank for about 2. 5 miles. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Water usually dark color. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1.6 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 40' -60'/ 10" -20". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Gravel, rock and occasional bedrock outcrops. LOW TIDE LOC ATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Salmon school throughout the lower deep area in the lower part of this zone and in a large pool just below the high tide mark. SPAWNING AREAS The upper 0. 6 mile offers good spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES In this area the stream divides many times as it flows through a large grass flat. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 100'/24". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Ccaxse gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Long deep areas and pools occur throughout. The lower part has some very large, deep bedrock pools. SPAWNING AREAS Riffle areas offering excellent spawning facilities are found throughout the distance surveyed. GENERAL NOTES 3k- TUNEHEAN CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 67 Previous No . 9 2 FWS No. 68 Date 1949 Sept 23 1950 Aug 10 Sept 4 Sept 20 1951 Aug 14 Aug 25 Sept 12 Sept 19 1952 Aug 13 Aug 23 Sept 9 Sept 19 1953 July 30 Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 11 Aug 12 Aug 18 Aug. 21 Aug 23 Sept 6 Sept 18 1954 July 30 Aug 12 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 16 Aug 24 Aug 27 Sept 10 Sept 10 Season 1955 Aug 3 Aug 17 Aug 19 Aug 24 Aug 26 Sept 5 Sept 6 1956 Aug 17 Aug 21 Aug 26 Sept 7 Sep 10 Sept 17 SURVEYED Miles By [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live G 2.0 GO. G 0. GO. GO. G 0. G 0. G 0. GO. 5 G 0. 5 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.5 G 0. 2 A G 1.0 G 0. 3 G 1.5 G 1.0 G 1.0 A G 1.0 A 6.0 A A A A A A 1.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.5 mkr A mkr A 7.0 A mkr FRI FT^I FT^I FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FRI FRI FWS FRI 750 6,210 24, 000 5,000 1,030 660 7, 200 2,600 595 150 100 300 150 300 34 160 110 2,000 6,500 4,000 6,000 28, 200 2,000 2,000 28, 000 0 0 >200 6,200 10, 000 6,000 25,000 28,500 3,000 17,000 10, 000 50, 000 0 0 28 185 100 770 55 5 815 800 0 0 150 150 700 150 500 150 20 93 5,000 0 10,000 >300 150 5,000 40 cohos 158 cohos 175 cohos Poor visibility. No estimate No estimate possible. Flooding 5,000 in intertidal zone 15 dead cohos. Peak past Many dead chum. All spawning Several thousand off mouth Several thousand off mouth Poor visibility. Peak over Run is over No fish seen 300 at mouth 300 salmon in stream No fish observed 3,000 off mouth 10, 000 in intertidal zone Many dead Just above creek mouth Some dead pinks, few live chums Some live chums present Visibility poor 7, 000 spawning above marker Some chums and cohos Estimated 30, 000 upstrear 80, 000 pinks above marker 5 miles 55 TUNEHEAN CREEK - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. FWS No. 67 92 68 Date SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live REMARKS 19S7 Aug 6 Aug 6 Aug 8 Aug 11 Aug 13 Aug 15 Aug 18 Aug 20 Aug 23 Aug 25 Aug 25 Sept 3 Sept 4 Sept 14 1958 July 17 July 22 July 28 Aug 1 Aug 8 Aug 19 Aug 25 Season Aug 29 Sept 2 Sept 16 Sept 19 1959 July 18 July 22 Aug 10 Aug 22 Oct 2 1960 July 31 Aug 24 Aug 29 1961 1962 Aug 8 Aug 14 Aug 20 1963 Aug 9 Aug 19 G 0. 5 G 0. 7 G 1.0 G 0. 7 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.5 A marker Aug 27 G 1. 5 Aug 29 G 1 . 5 Sept 2 A marker G 1. 5 A 2.0 G 0. 5 G 2. 0 G 2. 0 G 1. 2 G 1.5 G 1. 2 G 1.0 A marker G A 2.0 G 1.0 A marker GO. 5 A 2.0 G 1.0 G G A length A 0.5 A length FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS ADF ADF ADF No surveys A 1.0 G 1.5 A5.0 A length A length ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF 150 30 40 100 1,000 1,200 5,000 12,000 8,000 1,000 3,000 1,200 1,200 1,400 840 25,000 50 200 350 400 600 15 12 2,000 7,000 510 4,500 100 50 2 15 40 200 1,000 3,000 6,000 4,000 1,500 1,800 2,800 100 20, 000 30 15 10 6 12 1,000 15 250 1 2 cohos 1,000 pinks, 7, 000 chums above marker 2,000 pinks, 3, 000 chums above marker 2,000 dead Total No fish observed. Many dead No fish observed No fish observed Water too dark No fish observed 150 chums and pinks at mouth Jumps at mouth. Water dark No pinks observed 3, 000 mixed fish Pinks present 200 in intertidal zone 17,000 mixed 56 144-10 56* 36. 5' N. 133°48. 9' W. WR AN CELL, SUMNER STRAIT, THREEMILE ARM, in cove S miles E. of head. ADF STAT. No. WR 68 Previous No. 93 FWS No. 69 MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 8 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE The arm offers good anchorage in 5 to 8 fathoms. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/18" 57 ADF STAT. No. WR 68 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 93 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS 500 pinks and chums SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By L ive Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Aug 23 FWS 1951 Sept 10 0.7 FWS 3, ,000 250 1953 July 31 A FWS 1954 July 29 0.7 FWS 6 ISO Aug 16 A length FWS 5, ,000 Aug 18 A length FWS 6, ,000 Aug 28 GO. 5 FWS 5, ,000 1,660 1955 Aug 3 A length FWS 25 Aug 17 A FWS Aug 24 A FWS Aug 24 A length FWS 50 Sept 6 A FWS Sept 13 G 0. 5 FWS 150 1956 Aug 21 A 0. 2 FWS Sept 10 A 0.5 FWS 300 300 Sept 25 GO. 7 FWS 800 1957 Aug 20 A 2.0 FWS 800 Sept 3 G FRI-FWS 30 0 80 30 1 coho Sept 15 G FRI-FWS 0 0 30 0 1958 July 21 G 0. 5 FWS 75 176 Sept 2 A length FWS 150 1959 Aug 1 A 1.0 FWS 1960 No survey s 1961 Aug 17 A ADF few 0 No salmon observed 50 pinks in intertidal zone 2, 000 pinks in intertidal 200 pinks in intertidal zone Fish present Fair spawning area. Stream low No fish observed 1,500 pinks in intertidal area and several schools off mouth 1962 Aug 13 mouth ADF Few jumps at mouth Aug 20 A 1.0 ADF No fish observed Aug 29 A 1.0 ADF A few pinks seen 1963 Aug 19 A 2. 0 ADF Dead chums; poor vision Aug 22 G 0, 5 ADF 2, 000 Good showing 58 ADF STAT. No. 144-10 WR 69 56'36.4' N. 133*56.2' W. Previous No. 94 FWS No. 70 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, THREEMILE ARM, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink, chum. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. SejI. SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Heavily timbered. DRAINAGE 4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Anchor well out in bay at head. Approach to left side where banks are fairly steep. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily waded. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Heavy overstory. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Gravel, small rock, some boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Fine gravel and sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENER AL NOT E S The FWS conducted environmental studies on this stream in 1958. 59 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 69 Previous No. 94 SURVEYED Date Miles By 1950 Aug 23 1951 Sept 10 Seft 10 1953 July 31 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A) REMARKS Sept 18 1954 Aug 12 Aug 16 Aug 28 1955 Aug 17 Aug 24 Sept 5 1956 Aug 21 Aug 29 Sept 10 Sept 26 1957 Aug 7 Aug 16 Sept 3 Sept 15 1958 Aug 18 Aug 19 Aug 25 Aug 27 1959 Aug 1 Aug 21 1960 Aug 29 Seit 6 1961 Aug 17 1962 Aug 20 Aug 29 1963 July 31 Aug 22 0.7 GO. 7 FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS PINK Live Dead 2,000 1,480 CHUM Live Dead 500 341 OTHER SPECIES Live 3,000 4,000 A length FWS A length FWS A length FWS A 0. 5 FWS 900 A length FWS 2, 500 A 0. 5 FWS 250 G 0. 7 FWS A length FWS 250 A length FWS 600 G 0. 5 FRI 30 GO. 5 FRI-FWS G length FWS A length G length G length A 1.0 A 1.0 A length ADF A 1. 0 ADF FWS 400 FWS 109 FWS FWS 500 FWS 350 ADF ADF 80 47 225 1 GO. 2 GO. 5 ADF ADF 50 pinks in stream 40 at mouth No fish observed 50 pinks in intertidal zone 2, 000 pinks in intertidal zone 200 pinks in intertidal zone In school at mouth Aug 29 A length ADF 500 salmon in intertidal 300 fish in intertidal area No fish observed 1,000 fish off mouth 200-300 in intertidal zone Few pink seen, 5, 000 in intertidal zone 2,000 chums in intertidal 1,000 in intertidal; 1,000 dead 3, 500 at mouth 60 1 44-1 0 WR 70 \ 0.25 Mile 61 ADF STAT. No. 144-10 WR 70 56'34.3'N.133°54.6'W. PreviousNo.95 FWS No. 71 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, SECLUSION HARBOR, SALT LAGOON, 0.5 mile from iuad. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, echo. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Seyt. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Limited. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 2. 4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Anchor near the E. shore opposite the cabin, between the beach and the first rock. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily waded. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Too brushy for survey. INTER TIDAL ZONE LENGTH Short. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30712'. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Coarse gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION Edge of woods. SCHOOLING AREAS Off mouth. SPAWNING AREAS None. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 13'-15'/4"-6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Mixed gravel and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Several pools. SPAWNING AREAS Good riffles. GENER AL NOTES This watershed to be logged in 1963-1964. Timber is to be left adjacent to the stream. 62 ADF STAT. No. WR 70 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 95 [Counts made by ground surveys are designed by C; cierial surveys by A] OTHER SPECIES REMARKS d Live No salmon observed water black SLIRVEYED PINK CH Date Miles By Live Deac 1 Live 19S1 Aug 28 G 0. 5 FRI 825 : ! 8 Sept 11 0.2 FWS 5 ,000 200 1953 Sept 18 GO. 3 FWS 1954 Aug 10 FWS 1955 Aug 17 A 0.3 FWS 0 0 Aug 24 A 0.3 FWS 9^ ,000 1,000 Sept 6 A 0.3 FWS 10; ,000 Sept 13 G 0. 6 FWS 4 ,000 300 1956 Aug 17 A FWS 5 ,000 Aug 29 A length FWS 6, ,000 Sept 10 A length FWS 15; ,000 15,000 1957 Aug 15 A length FWS 600 Sept 2 G 0. 5 FRI 140 90 Sept 4 A length FWS 10 25 Sept 15 GO. 5 FRI-FWS 37 40 1958 Aug 11 A to lake FWS 500 10 Aug 21 G 200' FWS 6 15 Aug 25 A length FWS 250 Sept 9 A length FWS 900 Sept 16 GO. 2 FWS 95 2 1959 Aug 11 A 0.5 FWS 800 1960 No survey: s 1961 No survey: 1962 Aug 20 A mouth ADF No salmon observed water low 1,200 fish at mouth 300 off mouth No fish observed 63 1 44-10 WR 71 \ 6k ADF STAT. No. 144-10 WR 71 56"34.2'N. 133"55'W. Previous No. 96 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, SECLUSION HARBOR, SALT LAGOON, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, echo. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle, Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 56° F. , 8/ 12/52; 50' F. , 8/23/52; 49' F. , 9/19/52; 48' F. , 8/12/53; 31. 5° F. , 8/23/53; 51' F. , 9/6/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 6-2 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 70. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Brush bordered. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTER TIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. A VER AG E WI D TH / DEPTH 20'/10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel and mud in lower part. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A few pools. SPAWNING AREAS Excellent spawning facilities in the upper section. GENERAL NOTES Flows through a grass flat for most of its length. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES The stream forks 1 mile above the mouth; both forks goto small lakes. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Riffles with excellent spawning gravel are found throughout. GENERAL NOTES This section continually splits and rejoins. 65 ADF STAT. No. WR 71 Previous No. 96 SURVEYED PI Date Miles By Live 1950 Aug 24 FWS 20 1951 Aug 28 G 0. 5 FRI 6,000 Sep 11 GO. 2 FRI 5,000 1952 Aug 12 G 0. 2 FRI 405 Aug 23 GO. 2 FRI 3,390 Sept 19 G 0. 2 FRI 460 1953 Season FWS 250 July 31 A FWS Sept 6 GO. 2 FWS 250 1954 Aug 10 A length FWS 50 1955 Aug 24 A length FWS 9,000 Sept 6 A length FWS Sept 13 G 0.7 FWS 4,000 1956 Sept 10 A length FWS 1957 Sept 2 G 0. 5 FRI 140 Sept 15 G 0. 5 FRI 37 1958 Aug 11 A to lake FWS 500 Aug 21 GO. 04 FWS 6 Aug 25 A length FWS 250 Sept 9 A length FWS 900 Sept 16 GO. 2 FWS 95 1959 Aug 11 A 0.5 FWS 800 1960 No survey s 1961 No survey s 1962 no record 1963 July 30 Mouth ADF Aug 19 A length ADF 2,000 Aug 22 GO. 5 ADF 5,000 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES Dead Live Dead Live 10 cohos 0 100 10 50 50 10 0 42 0 0 480 1 31 6 0 1,000 300 0 90 0 0 40 10 15 0 Several hundred at mouth Jumps in bay Run appears to be over Water very low 200 chums in lagoon 10,000 salmon in strear 15,000 salmon in stream Stream low Stream still very low 300 off mouth No fish observed 1,000 in intertidal; dead chums 1,500 at mouth; 1,500 mixed in intertidal zone 66 144-10 56° 28 ' N. 133° 52. 5' W. WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, 1 mile S. of entrance to No Name Bay. ADF STAT. No. WR 72 Previous No. 98 MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 3. 0 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Anchor at 5 fathoms in cove, 0. 12 mile off stream mouth. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0.6 mile. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Mostly bedrock and boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH lO'/lO" SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1951 Aug 21 GO. 7 FWS 1 0 1954 Aug 10 FWS 1955 Aug 13 GO. 5 FWS Sept 22 A length FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys 1962 Aug 8 A bay ADF Aug 14 Mouth ADF ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live Stream dried up No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 67 144-21 56° 25. 9' N. 133°56. 6' ADF STAT. No. WR 73 Previous No. 99 W RAN CELL, SUMNER STRAIT, ALVIN BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 2 iquare miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'/3" 68 ADF STAT. No. WR 73 144-21 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 99 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS At mouth of 2 streams Jumps off mouth SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 19 FWS 321 1951 Aug 6 FRI 1,500 30 20 cohos Aug 18 FRI 2,000 Aug 27 GO. 1 FRI 0 0 Sept 19 G 0.7 FRI 1,134 32 1 coho 1953 July 31 A 0.5 FWS Sept 8 A 0.5 FWS 1955 Aug 13 A 0.5 FWS Aug 17 AO. S FWS Sept 22 A 0.5 FWS 1956 SefJ 14 G 0. 7 FWS 45 Sept 26 G to falls FWS 150 Sept 26 GO. 7 FWS 225 25 1957 Aug 7 A length FWS 1958 Sept 2 A length FWS 25 Sept 16 G FWS 1 •1959 No data 1960 No survey; 1961 No survey: No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 200 at mouth Right side Left side No fish observed 69 144-21 56° 26. 2' N. 133° 56' W. DF STAT. No. WR 73A Previous No. 99 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, ALVIN BAY, 0.5 mile from head on N. shore. MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES No observed temperatures VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 3.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS ^PAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH U PSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to swift. BOTTOM Very rocky. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Rocky with limited area. GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 70 ADF STAT. No. WR 73A Previous No. 99 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS 2, 000 at mouth SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Aug 18 FWS Aug 18 GO. 2 FRI 40 0 0 0 Aug 27 G 0. 1 FRI 35 0 0 0 Sept 19 0.7 FWS 3,000 50 1 coho Sept 19 G 0. 2 FRI 1,615 1953 Season FWS 1954 Aug 10 A FWS 1955 Aug 13 GO. 5 FWS Aug 17 A length FWS Sept 22 A length FWS ,1956 Sept 14 G 0. 7 FWS 245 Sept 26 G to falls FWS 150 Sept 26 G 0. 7 FWS 225 25 1957 Aug 7 A length FWS 1958 Sept 2 A length FWS 25 Sept 16 G 0. 1 FWS 1 Sept 29 A length FWS 1959 No data 1960 No survey s 1961 Aug 17 AO. 1 ADF 1962 Aug 14 Mouth ADF Aug 20 A ADF Sept 29 A ADF No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed Right side No fish observed 200 pinks at mouth No dead salmon No fish observed A few fish off mouth No fish observed 150 at mouth 1,500 on intertidal zone 71 ADF STAT. No. 144-21 WR 74 56°24.2' N. 133°5" W. No previous No. WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, REID BAY, head of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES CTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Spawning areas are limited but could handle several hundred salmon if water level was higher. STREAM TEMPERATURES No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 0. 47. square mite (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15V2". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Gravel and algae. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES A very small stream twisting through continuous gravel bars and numerous windfalls. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 4'/2". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Fine gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES 72 ADF STAT. No. WR 74 No previous No. ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1953 Season FWS 1954 Aug 29 FWS 1,000 1956 Aug 21 AO. 1 FWS Sept 10 A length FWS Sept 26 G 1.2 FWS 1958 Sept 16 G 0.5 FWS 3 1959 Aug 11 A 0.5 FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 Aug 17 A ADF 100 No fish observed- No fish observed No salmon observed No fish observed 200 fish at mouth 73 ADF STAT. No. 144-21 WR 74A 56°24'N. 133-55. 3- W. No pr e vi o us no . WRANGELL, SUN4NER STRAIT, REID BAY, 0. 2 mile from heod on N. arm on W. shore. MAJOR SPECIES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 0.95 square mile (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'/2". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel witli algae in lower part. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS One hundred fifty yards of spawning gravel at the upper end. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 6V3". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Broken rock and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES A very small stream with poor spawning facilities in upper area. 7U ADF STAT. No. WR 74A No previous No. ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1949 Aug 31 0 3 1955 Sept 12 C 0. 7 FWS 80 1956 Sept 10 A length FWS 1957 No record 1958 Sept 2 A length FWS 25 1959 Aug 11 A 2.0 FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 Aug 17 A mouth ADF 1962 Aug 20 A ADF No fish observed 400 at mouth A few pink. Too brushy for survey 75 ADF STAT. No. 144-21 WR 75 56''23.2' N. 133*55' W. Previous No. 100 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, REID BAY, in bight 1. 5 miles S. of head of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink- OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 1.7 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the bay between two small islands which lie near the beach and have gravel bars running to the beach at low tide. ANCHORAGE Anchor on the W. side of the peninsula point on the S. side of the bay entrance. Enter the bay with caution. There are dangers off the points at the entrance. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Travel up the stream is easy. Numerous game trails along the banks. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEPT H 30'/3". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Gravel with much brown algae. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Possibly the upper 300 to 400 yards could be used for spawning. GENERAL NOTES Meanders through a grassy flat. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 6' -30V 2" -10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Small gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous holes formed by downfall logs. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS sad Live Dead Live 25 Upper stream 0 25 0 SURVEYED PI Date Miles By Live 1949 Aug 31 G 0. 2 FRI 105 1951 Aug 24 G 1.5 FRI 550 Aug 24 0.2 FWS 341 Sept 13 G 0. 5 FRI 321 1954 Aug 10 A FWS 1955 Sept 22 A 0.5 FRI 0 0 12 0 No salmon. Low water Small stream. No salmon observed 76 144-21 5 6° 23. 2' N. ISS'SS. 1' W. ADF STAT. No. WR 75A Previous No. 100- WR ANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, REID BAY, in bight 1. 6 miles S. of head of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES 200 yards of tidal spawning area. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE <1 square mile. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Common intertidalto WR 75. ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Rocky. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/6". UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Little spawning area above intertidal zone GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH ESCAPEMENT RECORD (Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] Date SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 1951 Aug 17 Sept 13 1960 G GO. 1 FRI FRI 30 341 0 0 20 8 0 0 1961 No survey No survey s s REMARKS 77 ADF STAT. No. 144-21 WR 76 56°22.S' N. 133'35.8' W. Previous No. 101 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, REID BAY, head of W. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES None observed. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 0. 9 square mile (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 3'/2". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Fine gravel and brown algae. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES TTie intertidal zone is straight and with the stream higher would be fairly rapid. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVER A GE WIDTH / D EP TH 3V1"- GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate- BOTTOM Fine gravel and small broken rocks. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES A very small stream, with numerous holes and some available spawning area. 78 ADF STAT. No. WR 76 144-21 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 101 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS Very small stream 1,500 at mouth No salmon, low water SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live D sad Live Dead Live 1949 Aug 31 G 0. 1 FRI 0 0 0 0 Sept 25 G 0. 1 FKl 600 86 13 23 1950 Sept 10 FWS 100 150 1951 Aug 18 0.5 FWS Sept 13 1.0 FWS 1,000 200 1954 Aug 10 A FWS 1955 Aug 29 FWS 1,000 1958 Aug 24 G 0.5 FWS 10 20 Aug 25 A length FWS SO Aug 8-30 FWS 1,000 500 Sept 10 A length FWS 250 100 2 50 Sept 17 G 0 1 FWS 20 Sept 29 A length FWS 100 1959 Aug 11 A 0 5 FWS 1960 No survey s 1961 Aug 17 A ADF 1962 Aug 29 A ADF No salmon observed 400 fish observed off stream mouth Brush prevents survey 79 144-21 56° 22. 6' N. ISB'SS. 7' W. WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, REID BAY, 0.1 mile N. of head of W. arm. ADF STAT. No. WR 76A Previous No. 101- MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 1.5 square miles. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Fairly rough travel AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/15" UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous holes. SPAWNING AREAS Some available spawning areas. GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'/6" ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYEX) Miles 1949 Aug 31 1951 Aug 18 Sept 13 1960 1961 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS By GO. 5 GO. 2 No surveys No surveys FRI FRI PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 100 1,400 No fish in the stream or off the mouth. Very small stream Jumps at mouth 80 ADF STAT. No. 144-22 WR 77 SeMS.S' N. 133°53.9' W. Previous No. ]03 WRANCELL, SUMNER STRAIT, PORT BEAUCLERC, 2. 3 miles from entrance on N. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho . ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. After Sept. 15. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 49. 5° F. , 9/5/50; 50° F. , 9/15/50; 45. 5° F. , 9/28/50. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. DRAINAGE 5 square miles (polar planimcter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters a marshy meadow three -fourths of a mile in diameter S. -SW. of the old cannery site. ANCHORAGE A good anchorage may be found either in the S. arm or on the N. side of the small island lying N. of Edward Island. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Game trails follow the banks, but it is easiest to travel up the stream. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Too brushy for good surveys. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.2 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'-30V6'! GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Small gravel, coarse sand, and bedrock near upper limit. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel and small rock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Many deep holes, some of which were formed by piles of downfall trees, offer facilities for schooling salmon. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES 81 ADF STAT. No. WR 77 Previous No. 103 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED 1 PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 25 G 1.0 FRI 900 4 0 0 6 cohos 1950 Sept 3 FWS 315 Sept 5 G 0.6 FRI 312 4 4 0 Sept 15 G 0. 6 FRI 88 0 7 0 Sept 28 GO. 6 FRI 23 0 0 0 1951 Sept 19 0.7 FWS 452 43 1953 Aug 1 A 0.5 FWS 1954 Aug 10 FWS / 1955 Sept 4 A 0.5 FWS 0 0 0 0 Sept 12 G 1.5 FWS 165 0 0 0 1956 Aug 29 A FWS Sept 10 A FWS Sept 26 G lake F-WS 1,200 10 Sept 26 G 0. 7 FWS 800 1957 Aug 11 G 1.0 FWS 50 Aug 15 GO. 5 FWS 30 Aug 15 G 1.0 FWS 50 Aug 21 G 1.0 FWS 80 80 1958 Aug 28 G 1.0 FWS 20 Aug 30 G 1.0 FWS 20 Sept 9 A length F-WS 200 50 1959 Aug 11 A 2.0 FWS 1960 Jul 31 A 0. 1 ADF 1961 Aug 9 AO. 1 ADF Aug 17 AO. 1 ADF 1962 Jul 26 A mouth ADF Aug 1 A ADF Aug 13 A mouth ADF Aug 13 A mouth ADF 1963 Jul 29 A ADF Aug 3 G 0. 5 ADF 5,000 Aug 18 GO. 5 ADF 7,500 No salmon observed No salmon, low v/ater No salmon observed Fish in fair condition No salmon observed 600 fish 100 salmon at mouth No fish observed No salmon observed 4, 000 fish off mouth Jumpers off mouth No salmon observed 200 salmon at mouth Few salmon at mouth 2, 000 at mouth 3, 000 at mouth; 3, 000 mixed in intertidal 1,500 at mouth; 3,500 mixed in intertidal zone 82 ADF STAT. No. 144-22 WR 78 56*22.8' N. 134'00. 1' W. Previous No. 104 WR AN CELL, SUMNER STRAIT, PORT BEAUCLERC, heud of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. Sept (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A heavily forested vuUey with rolling hills. DRAINAGE 5. 9 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Good anchorage can be obtained off the mouth between the island and the right bank. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES The stream is easily waded, but no trails follow its course. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Heavy overstory makes aerial survey difficult. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 200-300 yards. A VER A G E WI DTH / DEPT H 10'-20V6" -12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Fine gravel and gravel rubble. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS School below the low tide mark. SPAWNING AREAS The upper 200 yards contains good spawning gravel. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0- 7 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 6'-10V6" -10" . GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Fine gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS One partial falls barrier about half a mile upstream. TRIBUTARIES None reported. SCHOOLING AREAS Few holes are available for schooling salmon. SPAWNING AREAS The spawning gravel is good in the distance surveyed but limited by the stream's small size. GENERAL NOTES Numerous windfalls. 83 ADF STAT. No. ESCAPEMENT RECORD WR 78 Previous No. 104 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS Small stream, water low Peak past. None off mouth No salmon, water low SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live D ead Live 1949 Aug 31 GO. 1 FRI 6 103 6 0 1951 Sept 18 0.7 FWS 1,320 6 Oct 5 G 0. 5 FRI 490 103 4 17 cohos 1954 Aug 6 FWS 100 Aug 10 FWS Aug 12 FWS 450 1955 Aug 23 A 0.5 FWS 100 0 0 0 Sept 12 A 0.5 FWS 911 0 0 0 Sept 22 A 0.5 FWS 900 0 0 0 1956 Aug 17 G length FWS Sept 10 A length FWS Sept 26 G 1.0 FWS 1, 100 40 1957 Aug 13 G 1.0 FWS Aug 23 G 1.0 FWS 1 31 1958 Aug 24 GO. 5 FWS 10 20 Aug 25 G length FWS 50 Aug 8-30 FWS 1,000 500 Sept 10 A length FWS 250 100 Sept 17 G 0. 1 FWS 20 2 Sept 29 A length FWS 100 50 1959 No record 1960 July 31 A mouth ADF 1961 Aug 9 A mouth ADF Aug 17 A mouth ADF Sept 4 G 0. 7 ADF 1,000 0 2,000 0 1962 Aug 29 AO. 2 ADF Sept 5 GO. 5 ADF 900 100 1963 July 21 GO. 5 ADF July 29 A ADF Aug 4 G 0. 2 ADF Aug 18 GO. 7 ADF 100 350 Visibility excellent Good spawning area 10,000-15,000 chums Few hundred fish No dead No salmon observed 2, 000 schooled fish at mouth Several thousand off mouth Many dead chumS 8,000 at mouth, 400 in intertidal zone 500 at mouth No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 1, 500 mixed in intertidal zone Aug 28 A ADF 4, 000 at mouth 81^ ADF STAT. No. WR 79 Previous No. 105 144-22 56*21.3" N. 134* 00. 7' W. WHANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, PORT BEAUCLERC, 2 miles S. of head of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Poor. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 2 square miles (Aerial) . STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 77- TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES None. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Impossible to survey due to small size. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH O.lmile. AVER AGE WI DTH/ D EPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Shale and large boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Below low tide location. Off mouth. SPAWNING AREAS None. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE O.lmile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/6" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Boulders and shale bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Small pools. SPAWNING AREAS Very limited. GENERAL NOTES Stream is a series of cascades and falls over boulders and bedrock. 85 ADF STAT. No. WR 79 Previous No. 105 SURVEYED PI Date Miles By Live 1949 Aug 31 GO. 2 FRl 0 1952 Aug 6 FWS 1953 Sept 8 A 0.5 FWS 0 1954 Aug 13 A FWS 50 Aug 30 A length FWS 460 1955 Aug 24 A 0.5 FWS 0 Sept 4 A 0.5 F-WS 500 Sept 12 A 0.5 FWS 100 1956 Sept 10 A length FWS Sept 26 G to lake FWS 1,200 1957 Aug 15 G 0. 2 FWS 0 Aug 23 G 1.0 FWS 5 1958 Aug 25 G 1.0 FWS 200 Aug 8-3C 1 FWS 250 Sept 10 A lake FWS 300 1959 Aug 21 A FWS 1960 July 31 A mouth ADF 1961 Aug 9 A ADF Aug 17 A ADF 1962 Aug 7 A mouth ADF Aug 15 G to lake ADF 12 1963 Aug 4 G length ADF 2 Aug 18 G length ADF 700 Aug 28 A mouth ADF ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES RFMARKS Dead Live Dead Live 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 0 Few jumps at mouth No fish observed 20 50 Stream damaged by logging 509^ pinks, 50% chums in poor condition 600 indefinite species No fish observed No salmon observed 400 fish at mouth Jumpers at mouth 250 at mouth 500 at mouth 300 in intcrtidal zone; 1,000 fish at mouth 100 in intcrtidal zone 300 at mouth 144-22 5 6°21.3' N. 134' 00. 4' W. ADF STAT. No. WR 79A No previous No. WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAITS, PORT BEAUCLERC, 2. S miles S. of heud of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good spawning gravel above bedrock areo around high tide. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 0. 12 square mile (Aerial). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Small stream. INTERTIDAL ZONE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'-15V4". LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Gravel fair in lower portion. LOV/ TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Good spawning gravel above bedrock area around high tide GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1951 Aug 11 FRI 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES Live Dead Live No fish observed A few chum jump in bay 87 ADF STAT. No. 144-22 WR 80 56M9. 1' N. 134"01.4' W. Previous No. 106 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, PORT BEAUCLERC, 4 miles S. of head of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle-late. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 2 square miles (Aerial). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Stream enters behind unnamed island across from Walters Island. ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES None. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor due to small size and overstory. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.8 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/24" . GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Good gravel abundant. LOW TIDE LOG ATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION Edge of timber. SCHOOLING AREAS Large pools in lower intertidal area; several small pools in the upper area. SPAWNING AREAS Little spawning area. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'/3". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Sluggish. BOTTOM Fair gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Many small pools. SPAWNING AREAS Riffles tliroughout stream. GENERAL NOTES 88 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 80 Previous No. 106 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS 100 in school at mouth No fish seen. Water low- No fish seen. Water low SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Aug 11 GO. 1 FRI 0 0 0 0 Sept 18 G 0.7 FWS 3,100 0 350 0 1952 Aug 28 A FWS 1953 Aug 1 A FWS 1954 Aug 10 FWS 1955 Sept 4 A length FWS 10 Sept 12 G 1.0 FWS 500 490 1956 Sept 10 A length FWS Sept 26 G 1.0 FWS 2,700 750 1957 Aug 14 G 0. 2 FWS Aug 15 G 0. 2 FWS 25 Aug 15 G 0. 2 FWS 25 Aug 23 G 1.0 FWS 373 75 1958 Aug 15 GO. 5 FWS 10 20 Aug 25 A length FWS 500 Aug 26 G 1.0 F'WS 250 200 Aug 15- 30 FWS 2,000 1,500 SeptlO A length FWS 1,200 250 Sept 17 GO. 5 FWS 150 280 Sept 22 A length FWS 500 100 1959 Aug 21 A length FWS 100 1960 July 31 A mouth ADF 1961 Aug 9 A 0.3 ADF Aug 17 A ADF Sept 4 G 0.5 ADF 800 3,000 1962 Aug 7 A mouth ADF Aug 13 A 1.0 ADF Aug 15 GO. 5 ADF 6 3 Aug 20 A ADF Aug 22 GO. 7 ADF 900 85 Aug 29 A mouth ADF 1963 July 21 GO. 5 ADF July 29 A 1.0 ADF Aug 18 G 0. 5 ADF 10 10 200 indefinite species No salmon observed 20-30 at mouth 2, 000 pints at mouth No fish observed 500 fish at mouth Several schools at mouth Many dead. Good distribu- tion for a small stream No fish observed 6, 000 salmon at mouth 2, 000 salmon at mouth 6, 000-7, 000 at mouth 15,000 in intertidal zone 20,000 at mouth, 5,000 in intertidal zone No fish observed No fish observed 250 mixed in intertidal zone Aug 28 A length ADF few ADF STAT. No. 144-22 WR 81 56'14.4' N. 133'58.9 W. Previous No. 107 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, PORT BEAUCLERC, h.jad of S. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug.-Seft. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 51* F. , 9/S/SO; 49° F. , 9/15/50; 45.5'' F. , 9/28/50; 50° F. , 8/16/51; 51° F. , 8/26/51; 47° P., 10/15/51. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. DRAINAGE 1 square mile (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Flows through grass flats in SK. corner of bay. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 77. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES A bulldozed road follows the right bank for about tlu-ee-fourths of a mile. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Aerial survey difficult due to small size of stream and brush. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 1 mile. AVER AGE WI DTH / D EP TH 15'/9'.' GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Large gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS No pools. SPAWNING AREAS The gravel in this area is algae covered except in the upper 100 yards where there is good spawning gravel. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1 mile. A VE R AGE WI DTH/ DEP TH 10'-12'/4" -6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to steep. BOTTOM Fine gravel to large rocks. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Small pools at the head of tidewater. SPAWNING AREAS The first half mile above the high tidemark has the best spawning facilities above this, there is a series of rapids, pools, and falls. GENERAL NOTES Logging operations have been carried on here in past years. 90 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 81 P r e V i o u No. 107 Date Mile By Live 1949 Sept 1 G 0. 6 FRI 0 Sept 24 GO. 6 1,700 1950 Sept 4 FWS 453 1951 Aug 16 G O.S FRI 0 1953 Aug 1 A FWS 1954 Aug 10 FWS 1955 Aug 24 A 0.5 FWS 0 Sept 4 AG. 5 FWS 500 Sept 12 A 0.5 FWS 250 1956 Sept 10 A FWS Sept 13 G 1.0 FWS 1,700 1957 Aug 14 G 0.5 FWS 20 Aug 23 GO. 5 FWS 53 1958 Aug 8-30 FWS Sept 9 A length FWS 1,800 Sept 17 0. 2 FWS 110 1959 Aug 1 G 0. 2 FWS 100 Aug 21 A FWS 150 1960 July 31 A mouth ADF 1961 Aug 9 A mouth ADF Aug 17 A 0.3 ADF few Sept 4 G 0. 5 ADF 1,300 1962 July 26 A mouth ADF Aug 13 A ADF Aug 20 A ADF Aug 29 A ADF Sept 5 G 0. 5 ADF 500 1963 Aug 3 C 0. 2 ADF 4 Aug 18 GO. 2 ADF 30 Aug 28 A mouth ADF CHUM OTHER SPECIES ad Live Dead Live 0 0 0 44 454 105 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 One jump off mouth Poor rating, water low No salmon, water low 0 0 Plus 1 , 000 pinks off mouth 0 70 schooled at base of rapids 300 indefinite species 10 1, 000 pinks in tideflats 57 1,000 400 400 fish at mouth 220 No salmon observed Several hundred at mouth Several thousand at mouth 2, 100 Few dead pinks, many dead chums No fish observed 8,000 salmon at mouth 15,000 at mouth 14, 000 at mouth 100 1,000 in intertidal zone 50 pinks in intertidal zone 300 in intertidal zone 12,000 at mouth 91 ADF STAT. No. 144-22 WR 82 56'16.7' N. 133'56.3' W. No previous No. WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, PORT BEAUCLERC, S. of SE. tip of EdArards I. MAJOR SPECIES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'/2". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel and mossy rock. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 8'/3". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Various sizes of broken rock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Fair spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARK Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 1 GO. 2 FRI No fish observed 1960 Few jumps at mouth 1961 No surveys No surveys 92 ADF STAT. No. 144-21 WR 83 56'12.5' N. 133°57.2' W. Previous No. 108 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, LOUISE COVE, 2 miles W. of Pt. Amelias. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 51.5* F., 8/ 12/52; 52° F. , 8/22/52; 48.5* F. , 9/6/52; 49' F. , 9/17/52; 54. 5". F. , 8/11/53; 52.5' F. , 8/22/53; 51.5' F. , 9/9/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 6 square miles (Aerial). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Anchor W. of the small island lying E. of the mouth. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0-7 mile. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEPTH 30'-50'/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel and sand . LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Four -tenths mile of the upper part offer good spawning gravel. TTie area from the woods to the intertidal island has gravel mixed with sand. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 25'-30'/8"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Three-tenths mile upstream there is a bedrock constriction. Here the stream falls 15 feet in 100 yards. This could be a partial block to pink salmon. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES Between the high tide mark and the bedrock constriction, the stream is a series of pools and riffles. 93 ADF STAT. No. WR 83 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 108 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS Water extra low SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live D ead Live De :ad Live 1951 Sept 17 1.0 FWS 9,500 10 1952 Aug 12 GO. 2 FRI 0 0 0 0 Aug 22 G0.2 FRI 0 0 0 0 Sept 6 GO. 2 FRI 10 0 7 0 Sept 17 GO. 2 FRI 10 0 7 0 1953 Aug 1 A 0.6 FWS 0 0 0 0 Aug 11 A 0.6 FRI 0 0 0 0 Aug 22 GO. 6 FRI 87 5 0 0 Sept 6 G 0. 6 FRI 71 0 3 0 1954 Aug 24 A 0.6 FRI 0 0 0 0 1955 Aug 24 A 0.6 FWS 0 0 0 0 1956 Sept 10 A FWS 600 600 Sept 13 G 0. 7 FWS 600 1957 Aug 6 G 1.0 FWS 500 Aug 11 G 1.0 FWS 1,500 200 Aug 15 A 2.0 FWS 3,000 Aug 17 G 1.0 FWS 2,000 500 Aug 24 G 2. 5 FWS 10,000 2,500 1958 Aug 18 A length FWS 30 Sept 2 2 A length FWS 250 50 1959 Aug 21 A FWS 1960 Sept 7 A mouth ADF 1961 Aug 9 A 0.3 ADF 1962 Aug 1 A 1 .0 ADF Aug 7 A ADF None off mouth None off mouth No fish observed None entering None observed in stream 5,000-8,000 at mouth No fish observed No salmon observed 1, 100 salmon schooled at mouth and in intertidal zone Sept 28 A 0. 1 ADF 5, 000 carcasses in inter- tidal area and mouth No fish observed 250 fish at mouth 9U 144-30 56° 1 1. 4' 134* 00. 5 ' W. ADF STAT. No. WR 84 Previous No . 109 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, AFRECK CANAL, 10. 5 miles S. of head of Affleck Canal, E. shore. MAJOR S PECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE tt 15 square mile (Aerial). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Small brushy stream. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM ':k5od gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS No holes in stream. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 95 ADF STAT. No. WR 84 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 109 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS No fish observed SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Sept 16 0.2 FWS 500 75 Sept 16 A 0.2 FRI 240 147 62 47 1953 Aug 1 A 0.6 FWS 0 0 0 0 1954 Aug 12- 30 FWS 9 1955 Aug 24 A 0.6 FWS 0 0 0 0 Sept 4 A 0.6 FWS 0 0 0 0 1956 Sept 27 G 0.5 FWS 1,500 1957 Aug 15 A 1.0 FWS 1958 Sept 29 A lengtii FWS 50 1959 No record 1960 July 31 A length ADF Aug 30 GO. 1 ADF Sept 7 A mouth ADF 1961 Aug 9 A ADF 1962 Aug 1 A 1.0 ADF 1963 Aug 19 GO. 5 ADF 0 10 Very minor stream No fish observed Jumpers at mouth No fish observed No fish observed 500 fish at mouth No fish observed 96 1 44-30 WR 85 97 ADF STAT. No. 144-30 WR 85 S6°19' N. 134'04.6' W. Previous No. 110 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, AFFLECK CANAL, Head, NW. corner. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES None observed. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Flows across long gravel beach on NW. corner of bay. ANCHORAGE Anchor in Bear Harbor and run to head with skiff. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES No trails; stream easily wadeable. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor for aerial survey due to small size. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 1 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Lower half mostly large rock. Upper half fair spawning gravel. LOW TIDE LOG ATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Off stream mouth. SPAWNING AREAS Limited to upper one-half of intertidal area. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/4" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Good gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES One enters on right side about 200 yards above intertidal area. SCHOOLING AREAS Few small, scattered pools throughout. SPAWNING AREAS Good spawning. GENERAL NOTES 98 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 85 Previous No. 110 SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 1951 Sept 16 G 0. 5 FWS 3,750 0 430 0 Sept 19 0.5 FWS 1,500 1953 Aug 1 A 0.6 FWS 0 0 0 0 Sept 6 G 0. 2 FWS 550 0 50 0 Sept 18 A 0.6 FWS 1954 Sept 9 A Igth FWS 400 Sept 15 0.5 FWS 8,000 6,000 1955 Aug 17 A 0. 6 FWS 0 0 0 0 Aug 24 A 0.6 FWS 0 0 0 0 1956 Aug 21 A 0.7 FWS Aug 31 G 1.0 FWS 9,000 100 Sept 10 A FWS 4,000 4,000 Sept 27 G 0. 7 FWS 5,000 500 1957 Aug 3 GO. 5 FWS Aug IS A 2.0 FWS Aug 18 G mouth FWS 1958 Aug 29 A FWS 4,000 Sept 9 A FWS 4,500 150 Sept 12 A mouth FWS 2,000 Sept 18 G 0.7 FWS 1,900 210 1959 No record 1 1960 July 31 A mouth ADF Aug 24 A mouth ADF Aug 30 G 1.0 ADF 550 0 500 0 Sept 7 A length ADF 2,000 1961 July 28 AO. 1 ADF Aug 9 AO. 1 ADF Aug 14 GO. 5 ADF 1,700 0 few 0 Aug 20 A ADF Sept 9 A ADF 1,500 few 1962 Aug 1 A 0.7 ADF Aug 13 A mouth ADF Aug 20 A ADF Aug 29 A mouth ADF 1963 Aug 19 G 0. 5 ADF 600 100 Aug 28 A mouth ADF No fish observed, water low Few dead fish at mouth Good visibility Good visibility 5,000 salmon None in stream No fish observed No fish observed 5,000 pinks at mouth 1,000 dead, 60% pinks Scattered jumps at mouth Scattered jumps at mouth 4,000 mixed at mouth 2,500 mixed fish in intertidal area and at mouth No fish observed 4,000 fish at mouth Several schools off mouth 500 fish at mouth 1,000 chum in the inter- tidal area No fish observed 300 at mouth 1,500 at mouth 4, 000 at mouth 2, 000 at mouth 99 44-30 WR86 100 44-30 WR86 S no wf i e I ds 101 ADF STAT. No. 144-30 WR 86 56°15.6' N. 134''07.8' W. Previous No. Ill WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, AFFLECK CANAL, B FAR HARBOR, head of N. arm MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, echo, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 49.5° F. , 9/6/50; 51. 5° F. , 9/16/50; 47.5° F. , 9/29/50; 50° F. , 9/16/51; 50'" F. , 8/27/51; 49° F. , 9/11/51. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. DRAINAGE 3 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. Fed by snowmelt from surrounding snowfields and surface runoff. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Stream flows through long grass flats at head of bay. ANCHORAGE The middle and W. arms of this harbor are suitable for anchorage. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily traveled up the streambed. Game trails along banks. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Aerial visibility is fair. INTF.RTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.6 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH lOO'/lO". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Fine gravel, sand, and mud. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION Edge of woods on big tides. SCHOOLING AREAS Two large holes in the lower and middle intertidal area. SPAWNING AREAS The upper one-fourth mile has excellen'' spawning gravel and is utilized to a large degree by pink salmon. Above and below this, the bottom is largely silt and sand. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 8 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Clean, small gravel. MARKER DISTANCE 0. 7 mile. MARKER IDENTIFICATION Orange circled aluminum square on undersurface of large uprooted tree. BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None. Stream branches considerably above 0. 7 mile. SCHOOLING AREAS One large pool at the head of tidewater; small pools throughout stream. SPAWNING AREAS Nearly continuous spawning riffles are found throughout. GENERAL NOTES This stream branches just before entering the long tideflats. The main stream enters in the extreme SW. corner of the tideflats. The other branch enters about the middle of the tideflats. Fish enter both forks when water conditions are favorable. 102 144-30 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. 86 101 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPEC Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 2 G 1.0 FRI 3,000 0 525 0 1950 Sept 6 G 1.0 FRI 4, 157 1 248 0 Sept 16 GO. 5 FWS 5,626 105 700 23 3 cohos, 2 Sept 29 G 0. 5 FRI 1,989 263 1,663 0 1951 Aug 12 G 2.0 FRI 12 0 2 0 Aug 27 GO. 5 FRI 5,002 0 27 0 Sept 11 G 1.0 FRI 7,130 0 570 0 1953 Aug 1 A 0.7 FWS Aug 24 G 1.0 FWS 1,000 0 0 0 Aug 25 G 1.0 FWS 200 0 0 0 Aug 29 G 1.0 FWS 150 0 2 0 Aug 30 G 1.0 FWS 50 0 0 0 Sell 6 G 1.0 FWS 0 0 0 0 Sep 18 A 0.7 FWS 1954 Aug 16 A FWS 4,000 Aug 24 A 0.7 FRI 500 0 0 0 Septic A 0.7 FRI 3,000 0 0 0 Sept 15 GO. 5 FWS 10, 000 1955 Aug 19 A 0.7 FRI 12,000 0 Aug 21 FWS 1,800 Aug 21 A 0.7 FRI 12,000 0 Aug 24 A FWS 23,000 2,000 Aug 28 A 0.7 FRI 14,000 0 0 0 Sept 4 A length FWS 150,000 Sept 5 A 0.7 FRI 60, 000 0 Sept 16 A 0.7 FRI 70,000 Sept 22 A 0.7 FRI 60, 000 1956 Aug 9 FWS 100 Aug 18 0. 2 FWS 300 Aug 21 A 0.7 FWS 7,000 Aug 25 A marker FRI 40, 000 Aug 26 A 0.7 FRI 40, 000 Aug 29 A FWS 25,000 Aug 31 GO. 5 FWS 20, 000 150 cohos Aug 31 GO. 7 FWS 27, 000 Aug 31 A FWS 20,000 Sept 7 A 0.7 FRI 55,000 Sept 10 FWS 15,000 Sept 12 G 1.0 FWS 6,200 100 Sept 12 A 0.7 FRI 25,000 Sept 27 G 1.5 FWS 10,000 8,000 Schools off mouth and bay 5,000 in intertidal zone No fish observed Visibility poor. None observed 1,000 pinks in intertidal zone 2, 000 off mouth 500 piilks at mouth Pink mature, water low Some live chum Some chum 1,000 at mouth, >6,000 in bay Amazing for size of stream Many dead pinks 10,000-20,000 at mouth Chum present Chum present First half of a mile Some dead pinks Schools at bay entrance 100 at mouth 60, 000 at mouth. Chum first mile, pink after 103 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 86 Previous No. Ill [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED 1 PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1957 Aug 25 A 0.7 FRI 12,000 Sept : G 1.0 FWS 25,000 2,000 200 Sept 2 A FT^I 14, 000 0 Sept 5 A FRI 5,000 500 Sept 12 A FRI 12,000 Sept 16 G 1.0 FWS-FRI 26,500 0 1,700 0 1958 Aug 7 G length FWS 350 Aug 15 GO. 7 FWS 8,000 8 1 red Aug 15 GO. 7 FWS 5,800 8 Aug 25 A length FWS 16,000 Aug 25 GO. 7 FWS 10, 000 10 1 red Aug 26 G 1.0 FRI 40, 870 22 350 1 Aug 13- 29 G FWS 16,000 100 Sept 9 A length FWS 42, 000 500 Sept 17 A marker FWS 3,000 3,000 5eptl8 0.7 FWS 7,300 580 Sept 20 G 1.0 FWS 6,500 3,410 1,000 500 500 cohos Sept 22 A length FWS 22, 000 800 1959 Aug S G flats FWS 7,300 Aug 18 GO. 2 FWS 5,700 1 Aug 24 G marker FWS 12,500 50 Sept 3 A length FWS 30,000 1960 Jul 31 A 1.0 ADF Aug 24 A 1.0 ADF 400 Aug 30 G 1.7 ADF 11,000 300 Sept 7 A 0.7 ADF Sept 12 A 1.7 ADF many many 1961 Jul 28 A 0.7 ADF Aug 8 A ADF Aug 9 A 1.0 ADF 1,000 Aug 10 GO. 5 ADF Aug 14 G 0. 8 ADF 4, 500 Aug 20 A Aug 25 A 0. 7 Sept 5 G 0. 8 many ADF ADF ADF 16, 700 REMARKS Some live chums Some live chums 2,000 pinks at mouth Dead pinks, some live chums >1,000 chums at mouth 4,800 in first half mile, 3, 200 in last quarter Some chums 5, 000 dead salmon 500 off mouth 15,000-20,000 off mouth 55,000 pinks in salt Vi^ater Several schools in bay 21,000 mixed off mouth 21, 500 in intertidol zone 30, 000 in intertidol zone 700 mixed in bay Water dark, good showing 2, 000 mixed in intertidol 3, 200 mixed in intertidol, 3,000 off mouth Thousands off mouth, 9,000 chums and pinks in intertidol 3,000 at mouth 15,000 in intertidol zone 2, 000 mixed chums, pinks, and cohos at mouth 10i4- ADF STAT. No. WR 86 144-30 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued Previous No ■ 111 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1962 July 26 A ADF 300 salmon at mouth Aug 1 A flats ADF >20,000 salmon at mouth, Aug 8 G Aug 13 A bay Aug 13 G 1.0 Aug 15 G 1.0 Aug 20 A 0.5 Aug 21 A 1.0 Aug 23 G 1 . 0 ADF ADF ADF ADF 16,000 ADF 19,000 ADF 10, 000 ADF 20, 000 ADF 51,200 Aug 29 A length ADF many 1963 Aug 19 0. 2 ADF 400 above flats Aug 28 A length ADF Sept 3 G length ADF 1,030 2, 000 in intertidal zone 5, 000 salmon at mouth, 2,500 in intertidal zone 2,000 in intertidal zone 30, 000 at mouth 8,000 in intertidal zone 20, 000 at mouth , 12,000 in intertidal zone IS, 000-20,000 at mouth , 25,000 in intertidal zone 40,000 at mouth, 20,000 in intertidal zone 40,000-50,0000 in intertidal zone 60, 000 at mouth , 50, 000 in intertidal zone 8, 000 in intertidal zone 3, 500 in intertidal zone 600 mixed at mouth; 470 pinks, 325 chums in intertidal zone 105 144-30 WR 88 s\ Pot Holes 1/4 Mile East 0.25 Mile 106 ADF STAT. No. 144-30 . WR 88 56°11.4'N.134°11.2'W. PreviousNo.113 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, AFFLECK CANAL, KELL BAY, head of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent in first mile becoming progressively worse above. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 48* F. , 9/7/50; 52. 5" F. , 9/16/50; 46"'F. , 9/29/50; 54* F. , 8/16/51; 55°F. , 8/26/51; 52* F. , 9/10/51; 53*F. , 8/22/52; 51°F. , 9/5/52; 50° F., 9/18/52; 54° F., 9/9/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 3-5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Flows in across a short grass flat at head of bay. ANCHORAGE Boat anchorage is available at the head of the bay. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES About 100 yards to the right of the stream there is an open muskeg area which can be easily followed downstream. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Aerial survey difficult due to small size, dark water and brush. GENERAL NOTES A small stream. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.2mile. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEPTH 15'-90V3"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Fine to large gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Several holes are found in this area. A large, deep hole near the upper end is utilized extensively. SPAWNING AREAS The upper 200 yards has good gravel and spawning occurs in this area. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1. 5 miles. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEPTH 15'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Good spawning gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Impassable falls 1.5 miles above tidewater. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Many deep holes throughout. SPAWNING AREAS The first mile of the stream has numerous good riffles. Above this, bedrock becomes more predominant, limiting the spawning area. GENERAL NOTES Easy stream to survey by foot. 107 144-30 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] Date 1949 Sept 3 1950 Sept 7 Sept 16 Sept 29 1951 Aug 16 Aug 26 Sept 10 Sept 15 Oct 5 1952 Aug 11 Aug 22 Aug 28 Sept 5 Sept 18 1953 Aug 1 Sept 6 Sept 9 Sept 18 1954 Aug 16 Aug 24 Sept 10 1955 Aug 19 Aug 28 Sept 4 Sept 5 Sept 16 Sept 22 1956 Aug 13 Aug 15 Aug 19 Aug 21 Aug 23 Aug 26 Aug 26 Aug 31 Sept 7 Sept 10 Sept 12 Sept 12 Sept 27 SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead G 1. 2 FRI 4,500 G 0.5 G 0.5 G 0.5 G 1. 0 G 1.0 G 1. 0 1.0 G 0. 7 GO. 7 G 0.7 A G 0.7 G 0. 7 A A GO. 7 A A length A A A A length A A A 0.3 G 0. 7 A G 0. 2 G 0. 2 A A 0.7 A A G 1. 2 A G 0. 7 FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FWS 4,544 3,830 1,362 0 8,100 7,620 20, 000 2,721 0 3,600 3,310 1,675 200 750 200 400 1,500 1, 100 4,000 30, 000 32,000 20, 000 15,000 1,000 1,000 2,800 7, 100 10, 000 18,000 50, 000 5,000 12,000 16,000 1 2, 000 0 6 182 540 0 0 3 1,400 0 1 50 143 CHUM Live Dead 800 579 451 158 0 170 1,425 2,000 388 0 920 1,250 1,030 0 620 400 1,500 30 150 225 224 0 0 75 1,200 0 0 98 113 OTHER SPECIES Miles 12 cohos, 2 reds 16 cohos 70 cohos REMARKS Scattered schools in bay 8,000 in intertidal zone Peak past Water extra low <2, 000 fish None off mouth None off mouth No fish observed Good visibility. No fish Fev/ live salmon. Some dead Water very low Few fish at mouth Some chums. Schools at mouth 5,000 at mouth Schooled in pools Dead pinks, live chums Above tidal zone, 50 chums in tidal zone Tidal zone Many jumps in bay Thousands in intertidal Some dead Some dead pinks Several thousand dead 108 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 88 Previous No. 113 Date SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead 1957 Aug 25 Sept 1 Sept 2 Sept 5 Sept 16 1958 Aug 7 Aug 13 Aug IS Aug 16 Aug 24 Aug 25 Aug 25 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 13-29 season Sept 9 Sept 17 Septl7 Sept 20 Sept22 1959 Aug 3 Aug 9 Aug 17 Aug 20 Aug 23 1960 July 31 Aug 19 Aug 24 Aug 31 Sept 7 1961 Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 13 Aug 25 Sept 5 1962 July 26 Aug 5 Aug 7 Aug 13 FRI FWS FRI FWS-FRI 6,000 11,000 8,000 6,000 FWS-FRI 10,000 A 0.5 G G 0. 7 G 1.5 G 1.5 A marker G 1.5 G 1.0 G 1.5 A 9.0 A marker G 0. 7 G 1.2 A length A 2.0 G 0. 2 GO. 5 G 1.0 G marker A A 0.3 A 0.3 G 1.3 A 0.5 A A G 0. 8 G 1.0 A G 0.8 A G A A 0.5 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS ADF ADF ADF ADF Aug 13 G 1.0 75 2,000 10,000 7,000 7,000 9,000 7,500 41,900 6,000 8,500 19, 000 2,000 9,700 4,000 5,000 100 150 7,700 25,000 15,200 7,000 ADF 10, 000 4, 100 14, 500 33,000 ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF 4, 800 Aug 20 A 1.0 ADF Aug 21 A 1.0 ADF 15,000 Aug 24 G ] 0 ADF 31,500 Aug 29 A 1.0 ADF many 0 500 CHUM Live Deed 450 1,500 350 4,000 200 4 >300 300-400 400 575 300 400 500 1,600 1,300 200 10 2 OTHER SPECIES Live 20 cohos 0 2,500 0 00 few few 2 reds 1 red nany 1,000 rnany REMARKS Some live and dead chun£ Few at mouth Some dead pinks and chums Excellent spawning area Excellent spawning area Some chums 500 dead salmon >5,000 dead 5,000 dead Estimated 10, 000 dead 2, 000 off mouth Several schools at mouth Fish present. Poor visibility No fish observed 7, 000 pinks and chums at mouth 7,000 in intertidal zone 10, 000 in bay 6,000 in bay 5, 200 off stream mouth 4,000 in intertidal area Too rough to survey 6,500 in intertidal area 150 salmon at mouth 3,000 at mouth 8,000 at mouth 18,000 at mouth, 10,000 in intertidal 20,000 at mouth, 5,000 in intertidal zone ff.OOO at mouth, 8,000 in intertidal zone 10,000 at mouth, 10,000 in intertidal zone 10, 000 at mouth, 21,000 in intertidal zone 5,000 at mouth 109 ADF STAT. No. WR 144-30 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued Previous No. SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1963 Aug 9 A ADF 1, 000 in intertidal zone Aug 19 G 0. 7 ADF 2,500 500 in intertidal zone Aug 28 A moutliADF 2, 000 in intertidal zone Sept 3 GlengthADF 600 1,670 110 1 44-70 TROUT CREEK WR 89 111 ADF STAT. No. 144-70 TROUT CREEK WR 89 56°03' N. 133°41.5' W. Previous No. 116 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, 1. 8 miles S. of Ruins Pt. M.'VJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum and coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Flat, large muskeg valley. DRAINAGE 17 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Anchor in Shipley Bay and proceed in skiff. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Fairly open banks. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Can be surveyed, but water is extremely dark. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 1 mile. A VER AG E WI D TH/ D EPTH 100V14". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gradual. BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Off mouth and in lagoon area. SPAWNING AREAS Good gravel in upper area. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE Smiles. A VE R AGE WID TH/ D EP TH 75714". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Gravel and sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Excellent. GENERAL NOTES 112 ADF STAT. No. WR 89 TROUT CREEK Previous No. 116 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1942 Sept 9 G FWS 15,000 1943 Sept 15 G FWS 75,000 1944 Sept 20 G FWS 10,000 1945 Sept 7 G FWS 20,000 195 0 July 28 FWS 2,500 195 3 Season FWS 3,000 1954 Sept 14 G 1.0 FWS 15,000 1955 Aug 14 GO. 5 FWS Aug 21 GO. 5 FWS Aug 23 GO. 5 FWS 500 Aug 24 A FWS 5,000 0 0 0 Aug 25 G 0. 5 FWS 4,000 Sept 5 A 2. 5 FWS 5,000 0 0 0 1956 Sept 4 A length FWS 3,000 Sept 10 A 4.0 FWS 3,000 Sept 13 G 0. 7 FWS 75 1 coho Sept 17 A 1.0 FRI >15,000 1957 Aug 5 G 2.0 FWS 700 Aug 8 GO. 7 FWS 1, 100 Aug 10 G 1.5 FWS 2,000 Aug 15 4.0 FWS 7,000 Aug 16 G 2.5 FWS 6,000 Aug 17 5.0 FWS 6,500 Aug 24 0. 1 FWS 600 Sept 9 A 2.0 FRI 300 Sept 22 A mkr FRI 300 Sept 27 A 1.0 FWS 1,200 500 cohos 1958 Aug 9 GO. 5 FWS 30 Aug 25 G 1.0 FWS >2, 000 Aug 28 GO. 5 FWS 1,000 Aug 29 G 1.0 FRI 10,020 200 Sept 2 G 1.0 FWS 600 Sept 7 G mkr FWS 2,000 Septic A 1.0 FWS 1,400 300 Sept 18 G 1.0 FWS 1,700 100 10 300 cohos 1959 Aug 3 A5.0 FWS 50 Sept 3 A 2.0 FWS Poor Some pinks 4 spawning - 1 dead Jumpers off mouth 6,000 in tidal zone No fish observed 113 ADF STAT. No. WR 89 TROUTCREF.K PreviousNo. 116 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1960 JuV 31 A length ADF No fish observed Aug 24 A mouth ADF 500 mixed chums and pinks at mouth Sept 7 A length ADF 2,000 1961 July 28 A 1.0 ADF 3,000 pinks in schools at mouth Aug 25 A 3. 0 ADF Fish present. Water too dark for estimate No fish observed 800 salmon at mouth 25,000-30,000 salmon c mouth Few pinks seen 10, 000 at mouth Very fev^ present 4,000-5,000 at mouth 2, 000-3, 000 at mouth 50 in intertidal zone 500 in intertidal zone; I, 500 at mouth 1962 July 26 A 1.0 ADF Aug 7 A ADF Aug 13 A ADF 200 Aug 16 A 6.0 ADF Aug 21 A 3.0 ADF Aug 25 A 1.5 ADF 1963 July 29 ADF 7, 000 Aug 7 A 1.0 ADF 3, 000 Aug 20 G 2. 2 ADF 45, 000 Aug 28 A 2.0 ADF 32, 000 111^ 44-63 WR 90 115 ADF STAT. No. 144-63 WR 90 56*04.4' N. 133°33' W. Previous No. 117 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, SHIPLEY BAY, in cove 2 miles from heud of Bay. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fuir. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 3 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters on the E. side of the most prominent point on the S. shore. ANCHOR AGE Good anchorage at the head of the bay. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES It is preferable to enter at high tide and run to the upper end of the intertidal zone. From here, the stream is easily waded until the bedrock is reached and then travel becomes more difficult. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Aerial survey difficult due to heavy overstory of brush. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Several large pools in upper half. SPAWNING AREAS Upper half of this area has good gravel. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30V10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate below, swift above BOTTOM Gravel below, large rock, and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Pools throughout area surveyed. SPAWNING AREAS The lower 300 yards has the best spawning gravels; above this, the gradient increases and rubble begins to be the predominant bottom material. GENERAL NOTES ilb 144-63 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 90 Previous No. 117 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live D ead Live 1943 Sept 15 GO. 1 FWS 10, 000 Fair 1944 Sept 19 G 0. 1 FWS 30,000 850 cohos Excellent 194S Sept 7 G 0. 1 FWS 20, 000 Excellent 1946 Oct 2 G 0. 1 FWS 4,000 Poor 1950 Aug 30 FWS 2, 000 pinks and chums in tidewater 1953 Season FWS Few fish 1954 Sept 9 1.5 FWS 20,000 Sept 14 1.0 FWS 20,000 1955 Aug 8 G 1.0 FWS 0 0 0 0 No fish noted in bay Aug 17 G 1.0 FWS 0 0 Few pinks noted in bay Aug 18 G 1.0 FWS Big school of pinks Aug 19 G 1.0 FWS Pinks started going up stre Aug 24 A FWS 10,000 Aug 25 G 1.0 FWS 2,000 Few live chums Sept 4 A FWS 10, 000 About 300 off mouth Sept 11 G 1.6 FWS 10, 000 25 0 1,000 fish in intertidal zoi 1956 Aug 17 G FWS 20 Aug 18 G FWS 100 Aug 23 G FWS 10,000 10, 000 off mouth Sept 4 A length FWS 100, 000 salmon in bay Sept 10 A FWS 3,000 Sept 13 G 5.0 FWS 21,000 400 1957 Aug 13 G mouth FWS 700 300 Aug 14- 21 GO. 2 FWS 103 SO Aug 15 A 3.0 FWS 600 Aug 22 GO. 2 FWS 500 Aug 23 GO. 5 FWS 500 400 chums off mouth Aug 24 GO. 7 FWS 800 25 600 off mouth Aug 26 G 1.0 FWS 3, 000 25 0 0 Sept 6 GO. 7 FRI 630 70 Fair to good Sept 17 G 1.0 FRI-FWS 4,200 400 Fair to good Sept 26 G 0.5 FWS 1,800 130 1958 Aug 14 G 1.0 FWS 1,200 14 Aug 21 GO. 2 FWS 200 100 Aug 22 G 1.0 FWS 700 Aug 27 G 0. 5 FWS 1,500 50 Sept 10 A 2.0 FWS 3,000 50 Sept 19 GO. 5 FWS 900 2 Sept 29 A 1.0 FWS 500 200 117 144-63 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead 1959 Aug 3 A 2. 0 FWS Aug 27 G 1.0 FWS 5,300 Sept 3 A 1.0 FWS 1960 July 31 A mouth ADF Aug 19 A 0. 5 ADF Aug 24 A mouth ADF Sept 7 A mouth ADF Sept 15 A length ADF present 1961 July 28 A ADF Aug 8 A ADF Aug 9 A 0. 3 ADF Aug 25 A 2.0 ADF CHUM Live Dead SO OTHER SPECIES Live 1962 July 30 A 1.0 ADF Aug 7 A 0.5 ADF Aug 13 A 0.5 ADF Aug 16 G 1.0 ADF 2,000 Aug 21 A 1.0 ADF 2,000 Aug 25 G 1.0 ADF 4,700 1963 July 29 A ADF Aug 7 A 0.2 ADF Aug 20 G 1.0 ADF 6,500 Aug 29 A mouth ADF Sept 5 G mouth ADF ADF STAT. No. WR 90 Previous No. 117 REMARKS 10,000 fish schooled in outer bay No fish observed 500 fish at mouth Poor visibility 150 pinks at mouth S, 000 pinks at mouth 5,000-6,000 at mouth 1, 500 pinks off mouth 20, 000 in bay off mouth Several thousand off mouth 300 pinks in tidal area Good showing of fish throughout stream No fish observed 1, 700 salmon at mouth 10,000 salmon at mouth 5,000 in intertidal zone 2, 000 at mouth 6,000 at mouth, 4,000 in intertidal zone 6,000 at mouth 1, 500 at mouth 4,000 mixed in intertidal; 4,000-5,000 at mouth 20, 000 at mouth; 10, 000 in intertidal zone 1, 000 in intertidal zone 118 44-63 SHIPLEY CREEK WR 91 119 ADF STAT. No. 144-63 SHIPLEY CREEK WR 91 56°03.4' N. ]33"30.2' W. Previous No. 118 WR AN CELL, SUMNER STRAIT, SHIPLEY BAY, NE. comer of Bay. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est.) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Poor in the stream. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A narrow stream-cut valley running between a lake and Shipley Bay. It is heavily wooded with dense underbrush in places. DRAINAGE 8. 9 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains a lake 2. 2 miles long and 0. 3 mile wide. Snowficlds surround the upper valley and contribute snowmelt at certain times of the year. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION A small, grassy tideflat can be seen just W. of the stream mouth and a prominent rock ledge is on the E. side of the mouth. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 90. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES The stream may be waded with some difficulty due to the brushy margins. A trail follows the left bank from the lake to the beach. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Too short and overgrown for adequate aerial survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.05 mile. A VER A GE WI DTH/ D EPTH 30'-40VlO"-I2". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Coarse rock. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Off the mouth and in a large pool near the high tidemark. SPAWNING AREAS Some spawning may occur near the upper end. GENERAL NOTES The stream is divided within this zone. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 40'/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Small rock and gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS A few pools are present. SPAWNING AREAS Very little spawning area is found in the stream, but there a ppears to be good spawning facilities in the lake. GENERAL NOTES 120 SHIPLEY CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR 91 Previous No. 118 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYI^D PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live D ead Live Dead Live 1942 Sept 9 G 0.7 FWS 30, 000 0 1,000 1 , 000 reds 1943 SeptlS G 0. 7 FWS 150,000 0 1,000 cohos Excellent 1944 Septl9 G 0. 7 FWS 186,000 0 8,500 6,500 cohos Excellent 1945 Sept 7 G 0. 7 FWS 4,000 0 500 Excellent 1946 Oct 12 GO. 7 FWS 10, 000 0 2,000 Good 1950 Aug 18 FWS 3,000 1953 Aug 7 A FWS No salmon in stream, 3,500 off mouth 1954 Sept 9 FWS 3,000 jumpers off mouth Sept 14 G to lake F-WS 20,000 600 400 cohos 1955 July 18 G 0.7 FWS 0 0 0 0 A few jumps off mouth July 19 GO. 7 FWS 0 D 0 0 4 reds July 22 GO. 7 FWS 0 0 0 0 100 reds Low water July 24 GO. 7 FWS 0 0 D 0 1,000 reds July 26 G 07 FWS 0 0 D 0 250 reds Big school off mouth July 28 G 0.7 FWS 0 0 0 0 3,000 reds schooled at mouth Aug 5 G 0.7 FWS 0 0 0 0 Reds can't enter lake, water low Aug 6 G 0.7 FWS 0 0 0 0 2, 500 reds up with high tide Aug 7 G 0. 7 FWS 0 0 0 0 Most reds reached lake Aug 24 G 0.7 FWS 0 0 0 0 Visibility poor Sept 1 C 0. 7 FWS 13,750 0 75 0 1 red Small stream, good spawning Sept 4 A F-WS 100 0 0 0 Visibility poor Sept 10 G to lake FWS 180 50 cohos 1956 July 27 G FWS 3,000 reds July 28 G FWS 3,000 reds July 30 G FWS 6 reds Aug 6 C FWS 4,000 reds Sept 12 A lake FWS 5,000 20,000 at mouth Sept 13 G FWS 7,000 8,000 300 cohos 1957 July 24 G mouth FWS 250 reds July 25 G mo'JtIi FWS 150 reds July 28 G mouth FWS ] 25 reds July 29 G mouth FWS 50 reds Aug 6 G mouth FWS 100 reds Aug 19 G mouth FWS 3,000 salmon off mouth Aug 22 C mouth FWS 500 Sept 26 FWS 18,000 400 2, 500 reds 4,000 dead 121 SHIPLEY CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 9 1 Previous No. 118 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1958 July 8-13 G flats FWS 50 reds July 14-16 G flats FWS 200 reds At mouth July 17-21 G flats FWS 200 reds At mouth July 22-23 G flats FWS 700-1,000 reds July 24-25 G flats FWS 1,000 reds July 26-28 G flats FWS 1 , 500 reds At mouth July 30 G flats FWS 150 reds At mouth Aug 2 G flats FWS 200 reds 400 reds on flats Aug 4- 9 G flat' FWS 900-1,400 reds Aug 10 G flats FWS 500 reds Aug 11 G flats FWS 100 reds Aug 13 G flats FWS 8,000 reds Aug 13 G 1.0 FWS 50 5,000 pinks, 400 chums on flats Aug 18 G flats FWS 9,000 Aug 19 G flats FWS 5,000 300 Aug 19 A lake FWS 4,000 pinks at mouth 400 salmon in lake Aug 20-21 G flats FWS 5, 000 Aug 21 intertidal FWS 40, 000 Aug 22 G lake FWS 700 Aug 22 G flats FWS 25 ,000 Aug 29 G 0. 7 FRI 550 Sept 10 A lake FWS>20 ,000 Season entire FWS 30 ,000 Sept 18 G lake FWS 18 ,000 Sept 29 A lake FWS 5 ,000 1959 July 15 G flats FW,'S July 17 G flats FWS July 18 G flats FWS July 21 G flats FWS July 26-27 G flats FWS Aug 1- 3 G flats FWS 500 Aug 4- 5 G flats FWS 1, ,500 Aug 22 A lake FWS Aug 27 G lake FWS 4; ,400 1960 July 31 A 2.0 ADF Aug 19 A mouth ADF Sept 7 A mouth ADF 1961 July 28 A ADF 2, ,000 Aug 8 A ADF Aug 9 A 2.0 ADF Aug 15 G 0. 3 ADF Aug 25 A mouth ADF 1962 Aug 16 G lake ADF 500 Aug 21 A ADF Aug 25 G lake ADF 3, ,000 1963 July 31 GO. 2 ADF Aug 29 A mouth ADF 400 400 1 cohc 10 2, 500 reds 500 Off mouth 28 50,000 pinks off mouth 5,000 pinks at mouth ;,ooo 12,000 reds 800 200 dead, 75% chums 200 100 reds 200 reds 400 reds 100 reds 15,000 dead, 300 salmon at mouth No fish observed No fish observed 5,000 pinks off mouth Jumpers at mouth 400 pinks at mouth Fish present. Water dark At mouth 20,000 in bay 1 , 000 at mouth 3,000 at mouth Water dark for survey 7, 000 at mouth 1,500 at mouth 10,000 at mouth 3,000-5,000 at mouth 20, 000 at mouth; 2, 000 in intertidal zone; 20, 000 schooled inside markers 122 44-62 MARBLE CREEK WR 92 123 144-62 5 6° 10. 4' N. MARBLE CREEK 133° 27. 7' W. ADF STAT. No. WR 92 Previous No. 125 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, SHAKAN BAY, 1.5 miles N. ofDryPass. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 7. 3 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Travel in woods several hundred feet above-high tide, then upstream. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS No spawning area observed. GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'/8" 12U ADF STAT. No. WR 9 2 144-62 MARBLE CRFF.K PrcviousNo.125 F.SCAPF-MENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys arc designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVF.YED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor seeding 2,000 No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 90 75 dead 1 200 No fish observed No fish observed 50 pinks at mouth 1, 500 pinks off mouth Water too dark for estimate Excellent show throughout Scattered jumps Sept 10 G FWS 10, 000 1943 Sept 21 G FWS 8,000 1944 Sept 19 G FWS 1,200 1945 Sept 18 G FWS 2,000 1946 Oct 11 1.0 FWS 4 1951 Sept 15 1.0 FWS 20,000 1954 Sept 16 FWS 2,000 1955 Sept 10 G 1.0 FWS 300 1956 Aug 12 G 0. 5 FWS Sept 12 G 1.0 FWS 300 Sept 12 A 0.5 FWS 1957 July 26 G 0. 2 FWS Aug 15 A 2.0 FWS 50 Sept 25 GO. 7 FWS 350 1958 Aug 24 G 1.0 FWS 1 Sept 19 0.05 FWS 2 Sept 29 A length FWS 150 Sept 30 G mouth FWS 1959 Aug 21 A FWS 1960 July 31 A mouth ADF 1961 Aug 16 G 0. 3 ADF Aug 25 A mouth ADF 1962 Aug 13 A mouth ADF 1963 July 29 A mouth ADF 125 1 44-62 C ALDER CREEK WR 93 126 ADF STAT, No. 144-62 CALDER CREEK WR 93 S6''12.4' N. 133°31.4' W. Previous No. 126 ".VRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, SHAKAN BAY, CALDER BAY, Head- MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red- ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 47° F. , 8/14/51; 4 6° F. , 8/25/51; 44''F. , 9/10/51j 48.5"^, 9/23/51; 47"^ , 8/16/52; 46° F. , 8/26/52; 44' F. , 9/7/52; 44° F. , 9/16/52; 49° F., 8/16/53; 45°F. , 8/24/53; 4 8. 5° F. , 9/10/53; 46. 5° F. , 9 /20/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION The E. fork flows through a flat valley with moderate gradient, timbered with tall spruce and cedar. The W. fork lies in a valley narrower than that of the E. fork, becoming steeper sided upstream. DRAINAGE 14 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. Snowmelt from the snowfields at the headwaters and surface runoff are this stream's major water source. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters a tideflat 1 mile long and 0. 5 mile wide. The stream enters tlie tideflat in the NW. cornsr and flows across the flat to the S F.. corner. ANCHORAGE Colder Bay dries to 0. 4 mile from the bay entrance. Anchorage may be found near the entrance to the bay. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Both forks are easily waded. The E. fork hjs numerous long gravel bars and a logging road is found a short distance above the forks which can be traveled. The E. fork has brushy banks. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1 mile. A VER A GE WI DTH / D EPTH 25'-30V6" -8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Sand and gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A few moderately deep pools. SPAWNING AREAS This zone is made up largely of riffles. Both chum and pink salmon spawn in this area. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCE S SIBLE >0.5mile. A VER A G E WI DT H / DEP TH 40'/10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel below, larger rock above. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES A good sized tributary enters the W. fork 0. 2 mile above the forks. Several other smaller tributaries enter both the E. and W. forks. SCHOOLING AREAS Both forks have occasional pools. SPAWNING AREAS The E. fork is the largest fork and has the most available spawning gravel. Good gravels are also found in the lower one-fourth mile of the W. fork. GENERAL NOTES 127 ADF STAT. No. WR 93 CALDF.RBAY Previous No. 126 ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead L ive Dead Live 1930 Sept 29 Weir USBF 34, 925 27 ,516 95 cohos Final total. Weir installed July IS 1931 Sept 23 Weir USBF 31,959 17 , 125 193 cohos Final total. Weir installed August 10 1950 Sept 28 FWS 1 , 000 cohos 18,000 salmon, mostly chum 1951 Aug 14 G 1.0 FRI 120 0 20 0 All in intertidal zone Aug 23 GO. 5 FRI 8,500 0 300 1 Sept 10 G 0. 5 FRI 13,200 0 510 3 Sept 15 0.5 FWS 10,000 Sept 17 1.0 FWS 48,000 2 ,000 Sept 23 G 0.5 FRI 12,700 725 20^ ,400 870 2 cohos 1952 Aug 16 G 0. 5 FRI 1 0 2 0 Rain raising water Aug 26 G 0. 3 FRI 721 0 250 0 2, 000 observed off mouth Sept 7 GO. 3 FRI 7,450 9 1, ,000 4 Few in bay Sept 16 G 0. 3 FRI 5,980 76 2, ,270 30 420 cohos Few off mouth Sept 22 G 0. 3 FRI 5,000 >90 1, ,500 >13 100 cohos 1953 Aug 16 G 0. 3 FRI 2,027 0 124 0 Aug 20 A FWS 6,500 0 0 0 2,000 at mouth. No spawning Aug 23 G 0. 1 FWS 0 3 0 0 400 at mouth Aug 24 GO. 3 FRI 4,495 0 361 0 Sept 8 A FWS Many pink. Escapement good Sept 10 G 0. 3 FRI 1 1 , 000 0 635 0 300 cohos, 1 red Good showing chums off moutl Sept 19 G 0. 3 FRI 7,900 550 3, 100 200 300 cohos 5,000-6,000 schooled chums 1954 Aug 24 A 0.7 FRI 503 0 0 0 Water low. Streams in bay Sept 8 A 0.7 FKI 22,000 0 0 0 36,000 at mouth Sept 9 G 0. 1 FWS 40,000 Sept 10 A 0.7 FRI 15,000 0 6,000 chums at mouth Sept 14 G FWS 30,000 1955 Aug 7 G 0. 3 fWS 400 0 0 0 Aug 8 G 0. 3 FWS 1,000 0 0 0 Aug 17 G 0. 3 FWS 10,000 0 0 0 Aug 19 A 0.7 FRI 15,000 0 0 0 Some live chums observed Aug 24 A 0.7 FWS 10,000 0 0 0 Estimated 15,000 in bay Aug 25 G 0. 3 FWS 4,000 0 0 0 Some chums Aug 26 G FWS 15,000 7,000 in bay, 1,500 coming Aug 26 G FWS 650 Left fork Aug 28 A mkr FRI 26, 000 Sept 4 A length FWS 40, 000 Sept 5 A mkr FRI 46, 000 Sept 11 G 1.7 FWS 25,000 500 Sept 16 A mkr FRI 75,000 Sept 23 A mkr FRI 65,000 Sept 28 A mkr FRI 10,000 128 ADF STAT. No. WR 93 144-62 CALDER CREEK Previous No. 126 ESCAPEMENT RE CORD - Continued SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live D. ead Live 1956 Aug 9 G 1.0 FWS 50 50 Aug 10 G 0. 5 FWS 100 Aug 12 G 1.0 FWS 150 100 Aug 14 G 1.0 FWS 350 100 Aug 14 A 0.5 FWS 200 Aug 18 Intertidal FWS 3,000 Aug 18 G 1.0 FWS 2,500 SCO Aug 20 G 1.0 FWS 5,000-7,500 pinks Aug 25 A marker FRI 6,000 Aug 28 G 1.0 FWS 20,000 Aug 29 G 1.0 FWS 10,000 800 Aug 29 A FWS 3,000 Sept 4 A length FWS 35,000 2,000 Sept 7 A marker FRI 45,000 Sept 12 A marker FRI 45,000 Sept 12 A l.U FWS 20,000 Sept 13 G 1.5 FWS 55,000 10,000 Sept 17 A Tnarker FRI 55,000 Sept 23 A 0.7 FRI 50,000 Many dead pinks. Some chu Sept 28 A marker FRI> 30, 000 1957 July 18 A 0. 2 FWS 30 Aug 5 G 1.5 FWS 700 35 Aug 5 G 1.0 FWS 1,000 100 Aug 7 G 1.0 FWS 1,900 175 Aug 8 G 0. 5 FWS 500 20 Aug 8 G 1.0 FWS 2,400 100 Aug 10 G 1.0 FWS 2,500 200 Aug 12 G 1.0 FWS 4,500 800 Aug 13 G 1.0 FWS 5,000 900 Aug 15 G 1.0 FWS 5,500 1,000 Aug 15 A 2.0 FWS 5,000 fish in stream, 10, 000 at mouth Aug 19 G 0.5 FWS 6,000 1,100 Aug 23 G 1.0 FWS 6,700 1,600 Aug 23 A 0.7 FRI 10,000 Hundreds of chums schooled Aug 25 A 0.7 FRI 6,000 Schooled in intertidal zone Aug 27 GO. 3 FWS 5,000 0 200 0 Jumps in bay Aug 31 G 0. 5 FWS 2,800 200 Seft 2 A 0.7 FRI 8,000 0 0 0 >4,000 at mouth Sept 9 A 0.7 FRI 10,000 0 0 0 >30,000 chums in outer bay Sept 17 G 2. 5 FWS-FRI 5,000 0 20,000 0 100 cohos Fair Sept 23 A 0.7 FRI 3,000 15,000 Some dead Sept 23 G 0. 7 FWS 2,000 1 1 , 000 SO cohos Sept 24 G FWS 2.000 19,000 50 cohos 1958 Aug 16 G 0. 5 FWS 1,000 700 Aug 17 G 1.0 FWS 1,500 500 129 C ALDER CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 93 Previous No. 126 SURVEYED PII Date Miles By Live 1958 Aug 16 G 0. 5 FWS 1,000 Aug 17 G 1.0 FWS 1,500 Aug 20 G 1.0 FWS 3,200 Aug 24 G 0. 7 FWS 8,000 Aug 24 G n. 7 FWS 6,000 Aug 25 A marker FWS 7,000 Aug 27 G 0. 7 FWS 3,500 Aug 27 G 2.5 FWS 3,000 Aug 29 G FWS 4,000 Aug 30 G 1.0 FRl 25,400 Sepe 7 G marker FWS 8,000 Sept 10 A FWS 16,000 Sept 17 G marker FWS 1 1 , 000 Sept 19 G 0. 7 FWS 2,600 Sept 21 G 1.0 FRI 24,500 Sept 22 A length FWS 16,000 Sept 30 G mouth FWS 1959 July 22 A FWS July 31 GO. 2 FWS 4D3 Aug 10 GO. 5 FWS 5,600 Sept 2 A 0. 2 FWS 25, 000 1960 July 24 A mouth ADF July 31 A mouth ADF Aug 19 A mouth ADF Aug 24 A mouth ADF 1961 July 28 A 0.5 ADF Aug 8 A ADF 5,000 Aug 17 A 1.0 ADF 9,000 Aug 25 A 1.0 ADF >30,000 Sept 6 A 0.5 ADF 28,000 Sept 7 G 1.0 ADF 20, 000 1962 Aug 7 A 1.0 ADF Aug 13 A 1.0 ADF 2,000 Aug 16 A 1.5 ADF Aug 20 Aug 21 A 2. 0 ADF 2, 500 CHUM Live Dead 700 500 800 1,700 1,600 1,000 1,250 1,000 500 500 1,800 17,500 500 2,000 100 200 OTHER SPECIES 1 coho 1 coho 20 conos 500 cohos 2,000 many Aug 25 G 0. 2 ADF 3, 900 Sept 4 A ADF Sept 6 G 2. 5 ADF 8, 600 Right fork 10,000 pinks, 1,000 chums at mouth 4,000 salmon on flats 1,500 dead 2,000 dead No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed One jump at mouth 3,000 mixed at mouth 5,000-10,000 ut mouth 600 in intertidal zone 5,500 chums at mouth No fish observed 2,000 salmon in intertidal 3,000 at mouth, 3,000 in intertidal zone 10,000 at mouth, 7,000 in intertidal zone 10,000 at mouth, 3,500 in intertidal zone 12,000 in intertidal zone 30,000 in intertidal zone 15,000 pinks, 200 chums in intertidal zone 130 144-62 CALDER CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 93 Previous No. 12 6 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1963 July 17 G 1.0 ADF 20-30 in intertidalj zone July 29 A 0.2 ADF 500 500 in intertidal zone Aug 2 G to falls ADF 8,000 100 1, 000 in intertidal zone Aug 7 A 0. 2 ADF 10,000 All in first two holes Aug 21 G 1.0 ADF 16,000 1,000-2,000 mixed in intertidal zone Aug 28 A to falls ADF 15,000 12,000 below forks Sept 5 G ADF 1, 500 in intertidal zone 100 mixed in intertidal zone 131 ADF STAT. No. 144-62 CALDER CREEK WR 93 Previous No. 1 26 U. S. Fish G Wildlife Service Weir Count Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1930 July 15 7 16 17 1 18 7 19 2 20 73 21 4 22 4 23 6 24 25 26 27 28 29 5 9 30 4 13 31 11 Aug 1 18 2 30 3 22 4 9 21 5 11 6 2 9 7 5 8 10 9 10 10 14 11 62 260 12 13 14 41 120 15 14 69 16 7 21 17 4 12 18 41 19 4 41 20 10 64 21 61 176 22 50 140 23 80 175 24 9 56 25 72 361 26 12 86 27 18 143 28 20 150 29 32 161 30 108 91 31 91 89 Sept 1 210 115 2 258 249 3 90 70 4 450 100 5 1,550 790 6 280 110 132 ADF STAT. No. CALDER CREEK - Continued V/R 93 Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1930 Sept 7 630 171 8 2,005 417 9 1,690 202 10 650 88 11 1,026 104 12 2,880 372 13 3,751 369 14 382 2,287 IS 481 6,483 16 207 1,011 17 170 1,238 18 84 702 19 341 5,202 20 406 4,389 21 1,430 60 22 880 40 9 23 4,630 140 7 24 3,248 87 4 25 986 46 16 26 2,747 71 11 27 1,440 60 17 28 877 22 29 431 9 Total 34,925 27,516 95 1931 Aug 9 10 IS 11 12 88 13 27 14 IS 36 136 16 35 141 3 17 69 136 18 22 86 19 61 201 20 31 81 21 16 41 22 3,345 1,491 23 3,576 2,244 24 6,504 1,786 25 1,084 776 26 741 137 27 2,048 1,406 28 2,761 1,884 29 2,233 1,841 30 683 641 31 237 198 Sept 1 318 97 2 140 17 11 3 88 18 8 4 84 9 4 5 172 24 5 6 83 12 4 133 ADF STAT. No. 144-62 CALDER CREEK - Continued WR 93 Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1931 Sept 7 47 31 2 8 600 427 23 9 210 800 3 10 167 159 18 11 811 869 27 12 204 177 4 13 146 270 8 14 371 95 3 IS 116 91 7 16 471 84 6 17 648 87 22 18 1,456 173 7 19 863 117 3 20 638 104 11 21 466 61 2 22 167 31 5 23 184 43 7 24 25 26 Weir dismantled Sept 24 Total 31,959 17,125 193 13^ 44-61 WR 94 135 ADF STAT. No. 144-61 WR 94 56-15.7' N. 133°38.5'W. Previous No. 128 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, HOLE IN THE WALL. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, echo. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 50.5°F., 8/16/52; 48°F., 8/25/52; 46.5°F., 9/6/52; 45*F., 9/ 17/52; 48° F. , 8/15/53i 48.5''F., 8/24/53; 47.5'>F., 9/10/53; 46^., 9/19/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. A high bluff outlines the W. side of the valley. The valley haJ a moderate gradient. DRAINAGE 10 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION The stream enters the &F.. corner of the tideflat and breaks into numerous channels. ANCHORAGE This basin offers good anchorage for small craft in all weather. The bay dries to 0.5 mile from its head. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Bordered by dense woods and underbrush. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.6mile. A VE R A GF WI D TH / D EP TH 20'-4O'/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate . BOTTOM Gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'-40'/12'! GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Sand and gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS "* SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES 136 ADF STAT. No. WR 94 Previous No. 1 28 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys ore designated by G; nerial surveys by A) REMARKS Many jumps in bay Several hundred off Few in bay None off mouth No fish observed in stream Few chums off mouth Few chums at mouth 2, 000 pinks and cohos at mouth Stream is fairly small No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1952 ug 16 Go- 2 FRI 0 0 0 0 ug 25 GO. 2 FRI 0 0 1 2 spt 6 GO. 2 FRI 525 2 20 0 spti? GO. 2 FRI 166 0 73 0 10 cohos 1953 ug 15 GO. 2 FRI 0 0 10 0 ug 24 GO. 2 FRI 1 0 1 0 jpi: 8 A FWS :ptlO GO. 2 FRI 167 0 140 0 2 cohos '.p: 19 GO. 2 FRI 153 170 20 1955 ug 15 GO. 2 FWS 0 0 0 0 Several cohos »pt 8 G 1.6 FWS S ,350 0 0 0 :pt 8 1 Q^f^ G 1.5 FWS 1, 700 SO ug 24 A 0.5 FWS SO ;ptn A 0.5 FWS 2, 500 ;ptl7 1 Qc;7 G C.7 FWS 8, ,500 300 iV 24 C 0. 5 FWS ug 15 1958 A length FWS ug 17 A 0.5 FWS :itl9 G 0. 1 FWS 275 :Ft29 A length FWS 150 SO ug 21 1960 A FWS 500 1961 No surveys 1 Qf^" No surve ys 1^0 1. ug r.i A mouth ADF :pt 4 A mouth ADF A mouth ADF Bay ADF 4, 000 salmon at mouth 3,000 salmon at mouth 5 in intertidal zone; 2 sm^il schools at mouth 2, 000 at mouth 1 jump at mouth 137 ADF STAT. No. 144-61 WR 95 56°17.2' N. 133*35.2' W. Previous No. 129 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, PORT PROTECTION, head of S. arm. MAJOR SPECIES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DR AI N AGE < 1. 0 square mile (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 4V8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES Very small stream. ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHf.R SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Aug 11 GO. 2 FWS 0 0 Sept 16 GO. 7 FWS 308 18 333 94 1953 Sept 20 FWS 600 1955 Aug 24 FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys No fish observed 138 ADF STAT. No. WR 144-30 56 17.3' N. 134°04.8' W, WR AN CELL, SUMNER STRAIT, AFFLECK CANAL, 2.5 miles from head on W. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Chum. OTHER SPECIES Pink. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 3.3 square mites (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Stream enters at head of only bight in the upper reaches of Affleck Canal. ANCHORAGE Bear Harbor. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES None. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor for aerial survey. INTERTIDA L ZONE LENGTH 0.2mile. A VER AG E WI D TH / D EFT H 35' /8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel and sand. LOW TIDE LOCATION Halfway out bay. HIGH TIDE LOCATION Edge of timber. SCHOOLING AREAS Off mouth and in two small pools at head of tidewater. SPAWNING AREAS Upper intertidal area only. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 5 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 25V10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel. MARKER DISTANCE None. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Barrier falls at 0. 5 mile. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Two small holes at head of tidewater. SPAWNING AREAS Throughout first 0. 5 mile of stream. GENERAL NOTES 139 REGULATORY DISTRICT NO. 1 1 5-40 WR 36 X N V ^ ' ' y €? % i 0.25 Mile t§> 141 APF STAT. No. ] 15 -40 WR 36 56"02.2' N. 132"22.4' W . Previous No. 49 WR ANGFLL, CLARENCE .STRAIT, McHENRY INU'.T, 0. 2 mile from E. head of E. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 48° F. , 9/22/52; 44° F. , 10/4/52; 47.5° F. , 9/16/53; 45° F. , 9/29/53; 48° F. , 10/5/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. The valley is broad for 1. 5 miles; at this point it runs into the mountains and branches. Both branches are short and steep-sided. DRAINAGE 6. 6 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. Snowfield.s surround the upper valley. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Lies in the SE. corner of the udenat at the head of the bay. Tlie mouth of tliis stream is the most prominent bight at tlie head of the bay. ANCHOR AGE Affords good anchorage. Consult U. S. Coast Pilot for details on entering. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily wadeable. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Impossible to aerial survey due to heavy overstory. INTER TIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 3 mile. A VER A G E WI DTH / D EP TH 30' -40' / 8" -12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Two pools are utilized for schooling. The largest is 200 yards below the high tide mark, while the other, a shallow pool, is found at the high tide mark. SPAWNING AREAS Excellent spawning facilities in the upper half. This area is used extensively by pinks. GENERAL NOTES Joins WR 37 at the lower end of the intertidal zone. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 7 mile. A VER AGE WIDTH/ DEP TH 20' -4078" -I 2". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Gravel, boulders, and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE 0. 5 mile. MARKER IDENTIFICATION Black circle on white plastic marker on spruce tree on left bank. BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS The riffles are broken by small pools. A pool just above the Iiigh tide used extensively. SPAWNING AREaS Almost continuous riffles with excellent spawning gravel. GENERAL NOTES A small stream with almost continuous splits, windfalls and log tangles for 0. 3 mile. Evidence of old logging operation along left bonk. 114-2 1 15-40 ESCAPFMF.NT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. 36 49 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS 3, 200 pinks and chums Half of pinks spawning Most in intertidal 3,000 at mouth No fish observed SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 28 FWS 1951 Sept 8- 26 0. 2 FWS-FRI 13,000 100 Sept 26 G 0. 2 FRI 12,200 100 50 IS Oct 6 G 0. 2 FRI 5,800 700 0 0 1952 Sept 22 G 0. 5 FRI 2,190 28 60 8 Oct 4 G 0. 4 FKI 655 52 20 1 1953 July 29 G 0. 4 FWS 75 Aug 5 G 0. 4 FWS Sept 16 G 0. 4 FRI 1,950 70 150 115 Sept 25 G 0. 2 FWS 400 0 4,000 0 Sept 29 G 0. 4 F-RI 680 65 120 30 Oct 5 G 0. 4 F-RI 290 145 30 90 1954 July 23 A FWS 100 Aug 2 A FWS 1,000 Aug 5 A FWS 163 Aug 18 A FWS 50 500 Aug 28 A FWS 100 Sept 8 A FWS 3,000 1955 Aug 20 G 0. 1 FWS 500 0 0 0 Aug 21 A 0. 4 FWS 100 Aug 22 G 1.0 FWS 1,600 0 200 0 Sept 12 G 1.7 FWS 6,000 1,000 Sept 16 A 0. 4 FRI 9,000 0 0 0 Sept 23 A 0.4 FRI 15,000 Sept 28 A 0.4 FRI 15,000 0 0 1956 Aug 8 G FWS 12 29 Aug 9 G FWS 30 60 Aug 11 G 2. 0 FWS 40 508 Aug 15 G 2.0 FWS 50 550 Aug 16 A 2. S FWS 175 800 Aug 23 FWS 300 1,600 Aug 29 G 2.0 FWS 2,000 2,000 Aug 31 G 2.0 FWS 7,000 Sept 9 A 0.4 FRI 2,000 Sept 12 A 2.0 FWS 3,000 Sept 17 A 2.0 FWS 2,000 Sept 20 A 2.0 FWS 15,000 Sept 23 A 0.4 FRI 20,000 Sept 28 A 0.4 FRI 20,000 1957 July 12 G 0. 2 FWS 50 July 17 G mouth FWS 300 July 24-27 G marker FWS 2,000 250 Shade, difficult observation 200 dead pinks and chums Some dead pinks and chums Many dead pinks. Spawning Few dead pinks. Some chums Some dead Iks ADF STAT. No. WR 36 115-40 ESCAPF.MENTRECORD - Continued PreviousNo. 49 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1957 July 29 G mouth FWS 2,000 July 30 G 0. 2 FWS 50 July 31 G mouth FWS 1,500 60 Aug 2 G 0. 7 FWS 450 45 Aug 4 G mouth FWS 1,600 1,000 Aug 7 A 2.0 FWS 1,500 Aug 10 G mouth FWS 500 700 Aug 18 A mouth FWS 303 Aug 24 G mouth FWS 300 500 Sept 9 A mark .'RI 300 Sept 12 GO. 5FRI-FWS 630 320 Sept 22 A mark FRI 400 Sept 27 A mark FRI 600 200 Season G length FWS 7,500 8,000 1958 Jul 24 A 0. 5 FWS 200 Jul 28 G 0. 7 FWS 75 Aug 3 Gl.O FWS 4!0O 500 chums at mouth Aug 12 G 0. 2 FWS 350 350 Aug 16 G FWS 400 200 Aug 17 G 0. 7 FWS 1,000 200 pinks at mouth Aug 17 G 0. 2 FWS 400 600 19 Aug 26 Gl.O FWS 600 300 31 Sept 1 G 1. 2 FRI 360 4 34 23 Sept 7 A mcirk FWS 400 Sept 9 G 2. 0 FWS 250 20 Sept 18 G 1.5 FRI 1,710 71 Sept 19 A 2.0 FWS 1,750 Sept 27 G flats FWS 2,000 1959 July 22 G 0. 2 FWS 450 July 30 G 0. 7 FWS 650 250 July 31 G 0. 5 FWS 795 200 Aug 1 G 1.0 FWS 900 250 Aug 7 G 0. 7 FWS 1,000 350 Aug 9 G 1.0 FWS 1,000 350 Aug 10 G 1.0 FWS 1,000 350 Aug 12 Gl.O FWS 2,800 400 Aug 16 Gl.O FWS 3,350 500 Aug 19 A ]. 2 FWS 5,000 1,000 Aug 27 G 2. 0 FWS 4, 000 400 700 Sept 6 G 0. 3 ADF 850 1960 Aug 19 ADF 600 pinks in intertidal, chums present 1961 July 27 A 0. 3 ADF 3,000 chums and pinks at mouth Aug 1 A 0. 3 ADF No fish observed Aug 18 A 0. 3 ADF 1, 000 chums and pinks in intertidal zone ihh 1 15-40 ESCAPE MEW SURVT.YED PINK Dtitc Miles By Live Dead 1961 Aug 29 GO. 8 ADF 1,500 1962 Jul 25 A 0.5 ADF Jul 26 A ADF Jul 30 A 0.5 ADF Aug 3 A 2.0 ADF Aug 7 A 0.5 ADF Aug 16 A mouth ADF 1963 Jul 24 A ADF Jul 28 G 0. 7 ADF 125 Jul 29 GO. 2 ADF 150 Aug 17 G 1.5 ADF 3,200 Aug 27 A mouth ADF CHUM OTHER SPECIES Live Dead Live 200 200 200 ADF STAT. No. WR 36 Previous No. 49 REMARKS Chun] spawning 10,000-15,000 pinks and chums schooled at mouth 500 at mouth 200 mixed fish at mouth 1,000 at mouth, 4,000 in intertidal zone 1,000 in intertidal zone 6, 000 at mouth, 400 in intertidal zone 3,000 at mouth No fish observed 3 in intertidal zone 200 pinks and 25 chums in intertidal zone 800 at mouth 2, 000 at mouth 11^5 15-40 Mc HENRY LAKE CREEK WR 37 A DF STAT. No. 115-40 McHENRY LAKE CREEK WR 37 56°02.3' N. 132°22.4' W. Previous No. 50 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, McHENRY INLET, Head of E. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. Extremely limited above the intertidal zone. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 54 F. , 9/12/50; 49°F. , 10/2/50; S8'F. , 9/15/51; 54' F. , 9/26/51; 49"F. , 10/6/51; 48' F. , 9/22/52; 50.5*F. , 10/4/S2; 48. 5'F. , 9/16/53; 50'F. , 9/29/53; 47*F. , 10/5/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. DRAINAGE 16 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains McHenry Lake which is about 1 mile long and 0. 5 mile wide. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the same tideflat as WR 36. Ues in the NE. comer and runs through the W. side of the flat. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 36. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily wadeable to falls. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Intertidal area good for aerial survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 6 mile AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50'-75V3"-12" . GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Good spawning gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A large pool about halfway up this zone is the major schooling area. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning occurs throughout most of this zone. The upper part has a higher per- centage of spawning gravel than the lower part, where large rock persists. GENERAL NOTES The intertidal aiea makes up almost all the available spawning portions of this stream. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 2 mile to falls AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 45V6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to steep. BOTTOM Bedrock, large rock, and heavy gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS A series of 2 falls 0. 2 mile above the high tidemark are impassable to salmort. The first falls is 30' high and the second is 20'. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Two deep holes below the first falls. SPAWNING AREAS TTie spawning facilities in this section are fair but limited. GENERAL NOTES The stream splits just above the intertidal zone, but rejoins a short distance upstream. Both sections ore utilized. Ikj McHF.NRY I.AKF, CRFF, K E SCAPE MENT RECORD A DF STAT. No. WR 37 Previous No. 50 SURVEYED Date Miles By [Counts mude by ground surveys are desiynciteJ by G; cierial surveys by A] REMARKS PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 1949 Seiit 17 Sept 27 1950 Sept 12 Sept 25 Oct 2 1951 Aug 31 Sept 15 Sept 25 Oct 6 1952 Sept 22 Oct 2 1953 Jul 29 Aug 5 Sept 5 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept 25 Sept 29 Oct 5 1954 Aug 13 Sept 8 Sept 15 Sept 22 Sept 24 1955 Aug 20 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept 28 1956 Aug 15 Aug 22 Aug 26 Aug 29 Aug 31 Sept 9 Sept 12 Sept 20 Sept 23 Sept 28 G 0. 1 FRI G 0. 1 FRI 8,050 19,000 G 0. G 0. G 0. FRI 904 FRI 1,743 FRI 3,515 FRI 880 G 0. 1 FRI 10,403 G 0. 1 FRI-FWS 24, 100 G 0. 1 FRI 12,700 G 0. 1 FRI G 0. I FRI G 0. 1 G 0. 1 G 0. 1 G 0. I G 0. 5 G G 0. I C 0. 1 FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI A length FWS FWS FRI F-WS FRI G falls FV;S G falls G falls G falls G falls A falls A falls 900 300 3,500 4,000 1,000 1,700 250 9,700 FWS 400 FRI 10,000 FRI 25,000 FRI 30,000 FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI 20,000 A mark FRI 40,000 25 100 100 200 1,000 6,000 5,000 10,000 3 600 6 0 344 12 35 200 ,200 40 85 900 2,600 1,607 1,628 972 120 2,400 2,430 1 , 000 3,060 1,600 7,000 67 350 1,360 15 60 500 1,380 May be excessive 7,400 3,200 1 , 750 3, 200 100 1,000 1,500 1,100 1,000 600 5,000 5,000 250 100 100 500 10 cohos 15 cohos 10 cohos 120 900 50 cohos 3,000 ut mouth Few fish observed, water low 4,000 pinks nnd chums at falls Many chums jumping in bay 4,000 pinks in intertidal zone 16,000 off mouth, 90% pink 3,000 off mouth Schools in bay 600 in intertidal zone 30,000 off mouth 11^8 McHENRY LAKE CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 37 Previous No. 50 SURVF.YED 1 PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live D ead Live 1957 July 29 G to fall IsFWS 180 July 30 G to fallsFWS 300 50 Aug 2-7 G mouth FWS 30 20 Aug 7 G 4. 0 FWS 200 Aug 18 A mouth FWS 200 Sept 9 A mark FRI >1,000 Sept 12 FRI 630 0 320 0 Sept 12 G to fallsFWS 200 6,000 Sept 22 A mark FRI 300 5,000 Sept 27 FRI 2,000 100 6,000 1, 000 1958 Aug 26 G to fallsFWS 600 300 Aug 27 G to fallsFWS 1,200 200 Aug 30 G FWS 3,000 100 Sept 7 A mark FWS 6,000 Sept 9 G falls FWS 700 1,800 Sept 19 A mouth FWS 5,000 1,000 Sept 26 A length FWS 3,000 500 Sept 27 G flats FWS 2,000 1959 Aug 12 G falls FWS 200 Aug 16 G falls FWS 50 200 Aug 19 A falls FWS 300 Aug 28 G falls FWS 125 250 Sept 6 G falls FWS 3,000 350 Sept 14 G falls FWS 650 30 1960 No surve ys 1961 July 27 A 0. 1 ADF Aug 1 A 0. 1 ADF Aug 18 AO. 1 ADF Aug 29 GO. 1 ADF 4, 000 0 500 0 1962 July 12 A mouth ADF July 26 A falls ADF July 30 A ADF Aug 3 A ADF Aug 7 A fulls ADF Aug 16 A ADF 1963 JuV 28 G falls ADF 100 100 Aug 17 G falls ADF 4,200 50 Some chums Refer to No. 36 Few hundred at mouth 8,000 pinks and chums at mouth Refer to No. 36 No fish observed 200 in intertidal 20ne 1,000 at mouth 1,000 in intertidal 500 in intertidal zone 3, 000 at mouth 250 in intertidal zone 800 at mouth Iks 1 1 5-20 NAVY CREEK WR 38 ADF STAT. No. 115-20 NAVY CREEK WR 38 56°03.7' N. 132°27' W. Previous No. 52 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, BURNETT INLET, 2 miles NE. of Isle Pt. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. Very extensive for the size of the stream. STREAM TEMPERATURES Observed temperatures: 53° F. , 9/17/49; 47° F. , 9/28/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A primitive coniferous basin approximately 6 miles long and 0.5 mile wide situated between precipitous peaks. Slopes toward the S W. Rugged terrain along creek except near the mouth. DRAINAGE 8 square miles (aerial). Drains Navy Lake which is a collecting basin for rainfall, surface runoff and snowmelt. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters a small bight SE. of the first wooded island up the E. shore from Isle Point. Rocky beaches border the mouth, especially the W. side. ANCHORAGE The inlet is too deep for good anchorage. Anchor inshore off old Burnett Cannery. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Bear trails afford fairly easy access up either side of the stream. The left side is the most favorable for upstream travel near the mouth. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Too brushy for survey above int ertidal zone. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.05 mile. A VER A GE WI DTH / D EPTH 30'/9". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to steep. BOTTOM Large boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION Mudflats. HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AR EAS A deep pool below the falls offers good protection for schooling salmon. SPAWNING AREAS Extensive. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE I. 5 miles to falls. A VER AGE WIDTH/ D EPTH l5'/4". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to steep. BOTTOM Bedrock, boulders, and rubble. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS At approximately I. 5 miles a falls presents a total block to pinks and chums. TRIBUTARIES The only significant tributary is found on the right bank just above the lower end of the area in which the stream splits into many channels. SCHOOLING AREAS Pools of assorted sizes are found from the intertidal zone to the falls. SPAWNING AR EAS Except for a short rapids above the 8' falls, there are excellent spawning gravels. GENER AL NOTES The small falls at tidewater may delay pinks at certain water stages but does not appear to interfere generally. The lake is blocked by two falls. 151 NAVY CRFF.K ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 38 Previous No. 52 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 17 G 0. 5 FRI 1,025 23 0 0 1953 July 29 A 0. 2 F-WS Sept 5 A 0. 2 FWS 3,500 0 0 0 Sept 23 A 0. 2 FWS Sept25 A 0. 2 FWS 1954 Sept 22 FWS 50 1955 Aug 24 FWS 200 Sept 12 C 0. 1 FWS 2, 500 30 1956 Sept 11 G FWS 300 Sept 17 A 0.5 FWS 200 200 Sept 20 A I.O FWS 400 1957 July 28 G mouth FWS Aug 7 A 1.5 FWS 50 Sept 12 G 0. 5 FWS 550 100 1958 Aug 26 GO. 7 FWS Sept 26 A 1.0 FWS 1959 July 21 G 0. 1 FWS 35 July 31 G 0. 2 FWS 500 Aug 12 G 0. 2 FWS 3,000 Aug 19 G 0. 2 FWS 2,500 Aug 24 G 0. 2 FWS 3,000 Sept 6 G to lull sF-WS 2,300 Sept 13 G 0. 5 FWS 2,500 G ADF 2,300 1960 Aug 2 A moutii ADF Aug 19 A mouth ADF Aug 24 A mouth ADF 1961 July 27 AO. 1 ADF Aug 1 A 0. 1 ADF Aug 18 A ADF Aug 28 C 0. 3 ADF 7,000-8,000 1962 July 25 A mouth ADF Aug 7 A mouth ADF Aug 16 ADF 1963 July 24 A mouth ADF July 28 G 1.0 ADF 22,500 REMARKS Fair showing. 20' falls at half-mile point No fish observed Few pinks at mouth 100 pinks at mouth July 29 GO. 5 ADF 15,700 Aug 18 G falls ADF 56,000 No fish observed No fish observed No fisli observed 300 pinks at mouth 400 pinks in tidal zone Area for a much larger run Few jumps at mouth Few jumps at mouth Few jumps at mouth 800 off mouth No fish observed No fish observed Several hundred off mouth No fish observed One jump No fish observed 4,000-5,000 at mouth 3,000 in intertidal zone; 1,000-2,000 at mouth 900 pinks at mouth; 2, 600 pinks in intertidal zone J, 500 at mouth 152 153 151^ ADF STAT. No. 115-20 WR 39 56°09.2' N. 132°34.9' W. Previous No. 53 W RAN CELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, MOSMAN INLET, 1 mile from E. head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperature: 50° F. , 9/16/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. Flows through a broad flat with numerous scattered muskeg areas. DRAINAGE 8 square miles (Aerial). Precipitation-fed. Drains a large muskeg area. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters a small bight S E. of the wooded island near the head of the inlet. The tideflat extends S. of the stream into a small bay. ANCHORAGE NW. corner at head in 10 to 12 fachoms close to shore. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES The lower 0. 4 mile contains large gravel bars which are easy to hike during normal water stages. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor stream for aerial survey due to dark water and heavy overstory. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.4 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH S0V3"- GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel and small boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A long narrow pool near the middle of the zone and a deep hole in the lower portion are the major schooling areas- SPAWNING AREAS Nearly a continuous shallow riffle at low tide with good spawning facilities in the upper 200 yards. GENERAL NOTES A bedrock constriction is found near the lower limit of this zone. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE Smiles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'-40'/6"-12" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES A small stream joins WR 39 in the lower part of the intertidal zone. SCHOOLING AREAS Spawning riffles ore broken by pools and deep holes. SPAWNING AREAS Nearly continuous spawning riffles in the distance surveyed. GENERAL NOTES 155 115-20 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live ADF STAT. No. WR 39 Previous No. 53 1950 Sept 28 FWS 1951 Sept 9 0.5 FWS 250 1953 July 29 AO. 2 FWS 300 Sept 6 A 0.2 FWS Sept 16 A 0.5 FRI 160 Sept 23 A 0. 2 FWS Sept 25 A 0. 2 FWS 1954 Aug 5 0.5 FWS Aug 19 A FWS Sept 8 FWS 1955 Sept 23 A 0. 2 FRI 10, ,000 Sept 28 A 0. 2 FRI 9, ,000 1956 Aug 2 G 1.6 ADF Aug 4 G 2. 6 ADF Aug 7 G falls FWS Aug 9 G 2. 6 ADF Aug 11 G falls FWS Aug 14 G 2. 6 ADF 28 Aug 16 G falls FWS 95 Aug 18 G 2. 6 ADF 54 Aug 23 ADF Aug 23 G ADF Aug 27 G falls FWS 4, ,670 Sept 12 A 2.0 ADF 5; ,000 Sept 20 A 2.0 ADF 35 ,000 Sept 20 A 4.0 FWS 80; ,000 Sept 23 A mark FRI 20; ,000 Sept 28 AO. 2 FRI 37: ,000 1957 Aug 15 G 3. 0 FWS Aug 28 G 3. 0 FWS Sept 9 A mark FRI Sept 12 G 1.5 FWS 91 Sept 22 A mark FRI h ,000 Sept 27 A mark FRI 200 1958 Aug 26 G 1.5 FWS 300 Aug 27 A FWS 2 ,500 Aug 28 A length FWS 500 Aug 30 G 2. 0 FWS 1 ,000 Aug 30 G 2. 0 FWS 814 18 177 23 717 33 1, 109 45 1, 198 5,000 1,000 1,080 >1,050 4,500 300 Few salmon observed Exploratory survey No salmon observed No salmon observed Good showing in stream and off mouth Jumps in inlet. Some dead pink Some dead chums 200 50 300 500 10 cohos, 133 6 reds 156 1 15-20 ESCAPEM SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1959 Aug 12 G 0. 7 FWS Aug 19 A 2.0 FWS Aug 23 G 1.4 FWS 180 Sept 13 G 0.7 FWS 4,500 1960 Aug 2 A mouth ADF 1961 July 27 A 0.5 ADF Aug 18 A ADF Aug 28 G 0. 5 ADF >10,000 0 1962 July 30 A 0.5 ADF Aug 7 A 1.0 ADF Aug 16 A 2.0 ADF Aug 21 G 1.0 ADF 7,000 1963 Aug 17 G 2. 0' ADF 1,700 ADF STAT. No. WR 39 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued Previous No. 53 REMARKS CHUM OTHE,R SPECIES Jve Dead Live 200 800 360 6 School of 2,000 pinks between 39 and 40 200 pinks off mouth 20,000 chums and pinks off mouth 300 in intertidal zone 3,000 in intertidal zone 15,000 at mouth 3,000 at mouth 2,500 2,000 at mouth 700 in intertidal zone 525 300 pinks in intertidal zone 157 5-20 WR40 158 159 ADF STAT. No. 115-20 WR 40 56"09.8' N. 132"35.4' W. Previous No. 54 W RAN CELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, MOSMAN INLET, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug.-Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 52° F. , 9/13/50; 43* F. , 10/2/50; 52'F. , 9/15/51; 46° F. , 9/25/51; 48' F. , iO/5/51; 53' F. , 9/21/52; 49° F. , 10/3/52; 49" F. , 9/16/53; 46° F. , 9/28/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial. Drains a large muskeg area. DRAINAGE 8. 2 square miles (polar plonimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Ues at the head of Mosmon Inlet behind the wooded island. Enters on the W. side of the small, double point. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 39. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Enter the channel on the W. side of the wooded island and secure boat to the W. bank. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor for aenul survey due to overstory and dark water. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.6mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 60'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle BOTTOM Fine broken gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS No real pools ore found within this lone. SPAWNING AREAS Tlie upper one -third is a continuous riffle with excellent spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE Smiles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50'/6"-10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Fine broken gravel, boulders, and slate. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None reported. TRIBUTARIES None reported. SCHOOLING AREAS Very few resting holes. SPAWNING AREAS The lower three -fourths mile has excellent spawning riffles. Above this, boulders, and outcroppings become more common and the spawning is limited to small pockets. GENER AL NOTES A large stream of gentle gradient with a long intertidal zone and almost continuous fine broken gravel. i6o ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 40 Previous No. 54 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 17 G 0. 7 FRl 3,370 6 162 4 Sept 27 G 0. 7 FRl 15,000 1,313 15 12 1950 Sept 13 G 0. 7 FRI 356 3 100 17 1 red Sept 26 G 0. 7 FRl 1,696 17 46 3 Sept 28 FWS 505 Oct 2 G 0. 7 FRI 541 239 0 0 1951 Sept 9-26 0.7FRI-FWS 5,300 500 Sept 15 G 0. 7 FRI 4,700 25 495 10 25 cohos, 3 re. Sept 25 G 0. 7 FKI 10, 300 100 737 120 27 cohos Oct 5 G 0. 7 F-RI 9,300 570 16 210 40 cohos 1952 Sept 21 G 0. 7 FRI 1,030 65 105 63 Oct 3 GO. 7 FRI 36 4 17 3 1953 Sept 16 G 0.7 FRl 270 0 240 1 Sept 25 A 0.7 FWS Sept 28 G 0. 7 FRI 280 22 70 4 1954 Sept 15 A 0.7 FBI 1,400 0 0 0 Sept 27 A 0.7 FRI 9,000 1955 Sept 13 G 1. 2 FWS 5,000 100 Sept 16 AG. 7 FRI 1,000 0 0 0 Sept 23 A 0.7 FRI 14,000 0 Sept 28 A 0.7 FRI 20,000 1956 Aug 7 C falls ADF 23 Aug 11 G falls ADF 33 Aug 16 G falls ADF 95 45 Aug 27 G 1. 6 ADF 4,670 1,080 Sept 9 A 0.7 FRI 20,000 0 Sept 20 A 4.0 ADF 80,000 Sept 23 A 0.7 FRI 30,000 0 Sept 28 A mark FRI 37, 000 1957 Aug 29 G 1,6 FWS 500 Sept 9 A 0.7 FRI 0 200 Septl2 A 0.7 FWS 267 0 880 0 Sept 2? A 0.7 FRI 2,000 Many fish off mouth Sept 27 65 percent pinks spawning Spawning in intertidal Pink run over No salmon observed 14, 000 off mouth Many dead pinks Schools in bay Some live chums 5, 000 above marker Many live and dead chums 20,000 at mouth, 40,000 in bay Many live and dead chums Few live pinks. Few dead chums Some live and dead pinks Several thousand pinks and chums above marker None observed off mouth l6l ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 40 Previous No. 54 SURVEYED Date Miles 1958 Aug 11 Aug 31 to dam Sept 7 A 0. 7 Sept 18 to dam Sept 26 A 1.0 1959 Aug 12 G 0.4 Aug 15 G to falls Aug 23 G 1.0 Sept 13 G 1. 5 1960 Aug 2 A mouth Aug 24 A 0. 3 1961 July 27 A 3. 0 Aug 18 A 3.0 By FWS FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS PINK Live Dead 940 0 380 150 1962 July 30 Aug 16 Aug 21 1963 July 29 Aug 17 A 1.0 A 2.0 G 2. 0 G 1.2 G 2. 0 30 FWS 2,000 ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF 7, 650 ADF ADF 2,300 CHUM Live Dead 120 200 OTHER SPECIES Live 20 2,000 25 IS REMARKS 20 pinks off mouth Few pinks. None at mouth 600 Refer to stream #39 on August 2 No fish observed Refer to stream #39 on August 18 2, 000 schooled at mouth No fish observed 20,000 at mouth, 2,500 in intertidal zone No fish observed 200 pinks at mouth 162 115-20 56°05. 2' N. 1 32° 37. 3' W. STREETS LAKE CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR 41 Previous No. 55 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, ROCKY BAY, Head OTHER SPECIES Pink, chum. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES Red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION A short stream-cut valley running between Streets Lake and Rocky Bay. DRAINAGE 2.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters Rocky Bay through a long, narrow intertidal area. The bank on the NE. side of the stream rises sharply for the entire length of the intertidal zone and for a short distance upstream. ANCHORAGE The entrance to Rocky Bay is bare in spots and is only suitable for boats drawing 2' or 3' of water. Small craft may anchor just eastward of Three Way Passage. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 163 ADF STAT. No. WR 41 STREETSLAKF. CRF.FK PreviousNo. 55 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live A few salmon at mouth, 25 dead Few salmon observed 25 dead salmon at mouth SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live De nd 1953 Sept 6 A FWS Sept 23 A FWS Sept 25 A FWS 25 1954 Season FWS 2,000 1955 Aug 21 A length FWS Sept 13 G 0. 5 FWS 1956 Sept 20 A length FWS 20,000 1957 Aug 7 A 2. 0 FWS 50 1958 Aug 26 C 0. 5 FWS Sept 19 A length FWS 3,500 1959 Aug 12 G 0. 2 FWS 20 Sept 13 FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys No fish observed 18,000 salmon at head of bay Fish in bay, some dead At mouth 100 dead fish In tidal ^one 40 chums in tidal zone. Stream too hard to reach 16U ADF STAT. No. 142-40 PORCUPINE CREEK WR 42 56°07.9' N. I32'39.5' W. Previous No. 56 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, STEAMER BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Observed temperatures: 49' F. , 9/20/49; 58' F. , 9/4/51. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. DRAINAGE 2. 4 square miles ( [Xjlar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Meanders through a narrow, grassy flat. ANCHOR AGE Good anchorage is afforded at the head of Steamer Bay, but the holding ground is not good and S E. winds draw with considerable force through the creek- TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.6mile AVER AGE WIDTH/ D EPTH 2075". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Fine gravel and coarse sand. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A deep pool 100 yards below the high tide mark. SPAWNING AREAS The upper half is composed of fine gravel and coarse sand. Spawning facilities here are good except for limited water flow. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'/8"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Sand and fine gravel. MARKER DISTANCE 0. 2 mile. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES A small stream gently winding through the first one -fourth mile. 165 ADF STAT. No. WR 42 PORCUPINE CREEK Previous No. 56 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by Q aerial surveys by A] PINK Dead SURVEYED p; Date Miles By 1 Live 1949 Sept 20 GO. 2 FRI 1 ,900 1950 Sept 26 FWS 1951 Sept 4 G 0. 2 FRI 1953 July 30 G 1.0 FWS Sept 6 G 1.0 FWS Sept 23 G 1.0 FWS 1954 Sept 16 A FWS 15; ,000 1955 Aug 21 A length FWS 1956 Sept 12 A length FWS 300 Sept 17 A length FWS 3 ,000 Sept 20 A length FWS 20 ,000 1957 Not surveyed 1958 Septl2 G 0. 5 FWS 150 Septl9 A length FWS 4 ,500 Sept26 A 2.0 FWS 1 ,500 1959 Aug 30 GO. 5 FWS Sept 11 GO. 2 FWS 3 1960 Not surveyed CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live 3 0 3,000 at mouth 630 Saw 5 chums in one pool Stream so low fish cannot enter No salmon observed No salmon observed Poor escapement No fish observed Three large schools in bay Intertidal spawning good 100 dead No fish observed 650 pinks, 20 chums in tidal zone 1961 July 27 A 0. 6 ADF No fish observed Aug 18 A 1.0 ADF 3,000 pinks at mouth 1962 July 25 A length ADF No fish observed 166 142-30 56° IS. 5 ' N. 132° 54. 3' W. WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, SNOW PASSAGE', 2. 5 miles NW. of Pt. Nesbitt . ADF STAT. No. WR 46 Previous No . 60 OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION The stream flows through nearly flat muskeg terrain. Sparsely wooded except near the mouth- DRAINAGE 30 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the head of a small lagoon which dries at low tide. The tidal flat of this stream projects 0. 5 mile out from shore at low tide. A prominent bluff is just W. of the mouth. ANCHORAGE Excellent anchorage may be had W. of Bushy Island. The anchorage is protected from all but NW. winds. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Good gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES A large, swift stream . AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH S0'/18" 167 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 46 Previous No . 60 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 1 FWS 56 1951 Sept 10 0.5 1,500 10 Sept 10 1.0 FWS 2, 103 1956 Sept 11 A 1.0 FWS No fish observed Sept 17 G 0.5 FWS 1,000 1957 Aug 15 A 1.0 FWS No fish observed 1958 Aug 25 A length FWS No fish observed Sept 10 A length FWS 150 150 pinks at moutl Sept 22 A length FWS SO 1959 Sept 7 G 0. 2 FWS 60 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys 168 142-30 56' 17. i N. 132*57. 5' W. DF STAT. No. WR 47 Previous No. 61 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, SNOW PASSAGE, NE. of Bushy Island . OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPfMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION The valley slopes towards the S and is steep-sided. Appears to be a stream -cut valley. DRAINAGE 84 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION A bluff rising to 1, 000' outlines the shoreline E. of the mouth and runs N- as the E. side of the valley in which WR 47 runs- ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 46. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES A fairly large stream. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH SO'/S" 169 ADF STAT. No. WR 47 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 61 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 1 FWS 205 13 1951 SeptlO 0.2 FWS 4,000 50 1953 Sept 5 A 0.5 FWS SeptlO A 0.5 FWS 1956 Aug 15 A 0.2 FWS Sept 11 A 1.0 FWS 5,000 1957 Aug 15 A 1.0 FWS 1958 Aug 25 A 0.2 FWS 350 SeptlO A length FWS 800 Sept22 A length FWS 200 1959 Sept 7 G 0. 2 FWS 1,050 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 170 142-20 56* 20. 7' N. 133° 03. 9 • W. ADF STAT. No. WR 48 Previous No. 62 WR AN CELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, 1 mile N. of Macnamara Pt. MAJOR SPECIES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 2. 4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TTiis shore affords only temporary anchorage during good weather. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Good clean gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 25'/8" UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 171 ADF STAT. No. WR 48 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 62 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 1 FWS 390 57 1951 Sept 10 0.7 FWS 360 1953 Aug 5 A 0.5 FWS Seit 10 A 0.5 FWS 1956 Aug 15 A 0.7 FWS Sept 11 A 0.5 FWS 1957 Aug 15 A 3.0 FWS 1958 Sept 20 A length FWS 25 1959 Sept 7 C 0. 5 FWS 5 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys No salmon observed A few salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed 172 142-20 56* 25. 4' N. ST. JOHN CREEK 132°58. 2' W. DF STAT. No. WR 49 Previous No. 64 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, PT. ST. JOHN, Head. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION A wide valley wit h a slight gradient. Tlie valley floor is largely muskeg, and the valley slopes are heavily forested. DRAINAGE 2.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Lies at the SW. corner of the bay, immediately behind the wooded peninsula. The course of the stream nearly parallels the beach for one-fourth mile. ANCHORAGE St. John Harbor affords good protection from all but N- winds. Enter midway between Northerly Island and Low Point. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES GENERAL NOTES A small stream of little importance as a salmon producer. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES The stream forks 0. 8 mile above the mouth AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 173 ADF STAT. No. 142-20 ST. JOHN CREEK WR 49 Previous No. 64 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By li ve Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 19 FWS 500 100 1953 Aug 5 A 1.5 FWS No salmon observed Aug 23 G1.5 FWS 20 dead salmon Sept 6 A 0. 5 FWS 2 dead 1954 Aug 19 A length FWS 50 1955 Oct 7 G 0. 2 No salmon observed 1956 Sept 11 A 1.0 FWS 2,500 Sept 24 G 0. 5 FWS No salmon observed 1957 Aug 15 A 2. 0 FWS 75 Aug 23 A 1. 0 FWS 500 100 Aug 26 G 1.5 FWS 210 550 1958 Aug 17 A 0. 5 FWS 800 Sept 2 A length FWS 800 800 1959 Aug 11 Gl.O FWS 1,100 140 1960 1961 No surveys No surveys 11k ADF STAT. No. 142-10 FALL CREEK WR 55 56°40.8' N. 132°55.4' W. Previous No. 78 WRANGELL, WRANGELL NARROWS, 1 mile N. of Rock Pt. MAJOR SPECIES Coho. OTHER SPECIES Pink, chum, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Limited. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Flat, muskeg valley. DRAINAGE 17.4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Can be reached by road from Petersburg. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Too dark for survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. AVER AGE WIDTH / DEPTH 40724". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Mud, rocks. LOW TIDE LOCATION Extended flats. HIGH TIDE LOCATION Falls. SCHOOLING AREAS At base of falls and off flats. SPAWNING AREAS Very few. GENERAL NOTES No observed spawning. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 7 miles. AVER AGE WI DTH/ DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Sand and fine gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES Fall creek, flowing into Wrangell Narrows on the W. coast of Mitkof I. , has an estimated total length of 7 miles. A partial block at tidewater has been laddered with a poorly designed FWS facility. 175 142-10 FALL CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Miles By Live Dead L ve Dead Live ADF STAT. No. WR 55 Previous No. 78 Date 1950 Sept 17 1951 Sept 1 1953 Season 1954 Season 1955 1956 Season 1957 Aug 6 1958 July 22 Aug 5 Aug 14 Aug 17 1959 July 22 Aug 9 Aug 21 Oct 5 1960 1961 65 A length FWS FWS 1,298 See weir G length FWS 1,019 G mouth FWS G falls FWS G falls FWS G falls FWS G falls FWS A 1 . 0 FWS at falls FWS A 1.0 FWS G falls FWS No surveys No surveys 1, 200 10 20 330 587 1 25 20 10 900 cohos S 5 cohos 1, 956 cohos 100 cohos 100 cohos 50 cohos cohos present 1 coho REMARKS Poor No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed 176 ADF STAT. No. WR 55 FALL CREEK Previous No. 78 1953 July 15 0 16-21 0 22 2 23 1 24 3 25 0 26 1 27 0 28 3 29 2 30 0 31 0 Aug 1 0 2 0 3-7 0 8 0 9 5 10 58 11 31 12 184 13 26 14 14 15 71 16 22 17 11 18 7 19 1 20 11 21 22 22 9 23 13 24 19 25 5 26 0 27 2 28 3 29 0 30 9 31 0 Sept 1 7 2 5 3 10 4 2 5 7 6 9 7 14 8 26 9 0 10 0 U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Weir Counts Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 17 7 0 106 147 0 20 13 0 34 32 0 11 19 0 11 10 0 54 371 0 19 92 0 1 17 0 10 11 0 4 3 0 14 8 0 18 65 0 12 14 0 6 21 0 7 60 0 7 72 0 3 59 0 0 31 0 5 25 0 3 42 0 22 123 0 16 92 0 11 63 0 3 27 0 2 15 0 3 16 0 3 3 0 2 47 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 77 0 0 16 0 177 142-10 Date Pinl 1953 Sept 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 Total 615 1954 July 1-15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 3 22 2 23 3 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 0 28 0 29 1 30 0 31 0 Aug 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 0 5 3 6 0 7 2 8 5 9 7 10 5 11 1 12 0 13 0 14 3 15 3 16 8 17 13 18 37 ADF STAT. No. WR 55 FALL CREEK - Continued Previous No. 78 Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 0 24 0 0 19 0 0 31 0 0 19 0 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 16 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 459 1,764 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 7 2 11 0 12 3 17 2 9 1 10 0 8 2 10 0 14 1 8 1 14 0 18 0 23 0 9 3 11 19 8 20 5 9 19 8 9 7 12 4 19 7 17 11 6 19 9 138 178 ADF STAT. No. WR 5S FALL CREEK - Continued Previous No. 78 Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1954 Aug 19 16 20 11 21 3 22 7 23 6 24 2 25 11 26 21 27 17 28 3 29 3 30 19 31 138 Sept 1 57 2 87 3 39 4 46 5 11 6 23 7 127 8 110 9 176 10 185 11 26 12 21 13 7 14 9 15 13 16 0 17 0 Total 1,298 1955 July 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 S 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 19 161 3 61 2 18 3 9 1 11 2 3 3 2 0 3 2 211 0 5 0 1 0 287 0 208 0 9 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 140 0 229 0 137 0 119 0 27 0 9 0 17 0 6 0 9 0 3 0 130 0 1,956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-10 56 1-10 56 1-8 56 1-7 56 1-3 57 1-2 56 1-2 56 1-0 56 1-0 54 1-0 54 0-9 55 1-6 54 1-6 52 1-4 54 1-0 54 0-9 56 0-8 56 0-7.5 56 1-2 52 179 142-10 Date Pink 1955 July 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 0 31 0 Aug 1 2 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 11 6 18 7 27 8 27 9 35 10 93 11 47 12 21 13 37 14 33 15 69 16 56 17 187 18 43 19 46 20 22 21 67 22 31 23 23 24 20 25 11 26 9 27 3 28 2 29 1 30 14 31 9 Sept 1 12 2 11 3 5 4 8 5 3 6 4 7 1 8 1 9 0 FALL CREEK Coho Red King 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 36 42 5 22 0 21 289 0 15 176 0 16 161 0 64 158 0 17 52 0 11 34 0 65 19 0 13 22 0 S3 21 0 68 81 0 .24 34 0 16 29 0 42 30 0 11 32 0 15 43 0 5 7 0 7 3 0 9 2 0 3 1 0 0 40 0 1 6 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 36 0 0 10 0 0 19 0 0 34 0 0 16 0 0 15 0 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ADF STAT. No. WR 55 Continued Previous : No. 78 Stream gage Water temp. Ret narks 1-3 52 1-1 54 1-2 52 1-5 55 1-1 56 0-9 57 0-8 60 0-7 60 0-8 58 1-1 56 0-8 55 0-7 57 0-7 62 0-7 62 0-7 60 0-7 58 1-1 55 3-2 53 2-1 54 1-7 56 2-3 54 2-1 53 1-7 55 1-6 55 1-9 53 2-7 52 2-4 54 2-7 53 4-0 53 2-2 54 2-1 54 0-9 56 0-8 56 0-8 56 0-8 56 0-8 56 0-9 55 1-2 55 2-0 54 1-7 55 1-0 0-9 0-9 0-8 0-8 56 52 52 52 52 l8o 142-10 FALL CREEK - Date Pink Chum Coho Red King 1955 Sept 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 8 IS 5 16 11 17 3 18 0 Total 1, 036 1956 July 8-11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15-16 0 17 3 18 0 19 0 20 1 21 0 22 0 23 1 24 2 25 8 26 4 27 5 28 1 29 0 30 5 31 1 Aug 1 7 2 58 3 34 4 46 5 11 6 57 7 40 8 7 9 14 10 2 11 5 12 3 13 0 14 2 15 16 16 33 17 16 18 47 19 84 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 0 3 1 1 11 17 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 21 0 23 0 25 0 6 0 14 0 18 0 21 0 62 0 49 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 8 0 9 0 3 0 12 0 ADF STAT. No. WR 55 Continued Previous No. 78 Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 0-9 53 1-0 54 0-8 42 1-8 52 2-6 52 2-9 51 2-9 51 2-8 50 3-4 50 0 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 52 3 2 2 35 24 27 7 32 25 1 17 5 4 0 1 3 10 8 19 36 l8l 142-10 Date Pink 1956 Aug 20 58 21 120 22 47 23 33 24 25 25 51 26 13 27 25 28 17 29 15 30 5 31 11 Sept 1 15 2 32 3 9 4 4 5 7 6 5 7 11 8 3 9-14 0 Total 1, ,019 31 41 17 16 9 13 11 12 1 0 0 5 3 3 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 ADF STAT. No. WR 55 FALL CREEK - Continued Previous No. 78 Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 35 0 54 0 19 0 18 0 10 0 8 0 18 0 7 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 6 0 27 0 9 0 6 0 11 0 14 0 11 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 587 182 183 142-10 %///////^ PETERSBURG CREEK B"" WR5 6 181* 42- 10 PETERSBURG CREEK WR5 6 18^ ADF STAT. No. 142-10 PETERSBURG CREEK WR 56 56°50.2' N. ISB'Ol.e' W. Previous No. Ti WRANGELL, WRANGELL NARROWS, NW. of Bayou Ft. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 52* F. , 9/5/52; 48. 5° F. , 9/16/52; 55. 5' F. , 9/4/53; 52° F . , 9/11/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. DRAINAGE 36 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains Petersburg Lake, about 3. 5 miles in length and 0-5 mile wide- The stream is fed by snowmelt and surface runoff. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the N. end of the Wrangell Narrows opposite the town of Petersburg- A long, grass-bordered tidal flat is found at the mouth. ANCHORAGE Boats may moor or anchor in the harbor at Petersburg. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES A forest service trail follows the left bank up to the lake. The intertidal area is very long and a survey should begin on a floodtide to enable boats to pass through this zone. Stream margins are brushy, but at normal water levels the stream can be waded. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 4. 5 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 200"/6"- GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel with sand in the lower part. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION Above cabins - "mud banks". SCHOOLING AREAS Some deep areas occur throughout. SPAWNING AREAS The upper 2 miles offer excellent spawning facilities. The lower reaches huve not been adequately surveyed. GENERAL NOTES In this zone the stream splits and rejoins many times. Numerous grassy places. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 4 miles to lake. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50'/10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. « BOTTOM Gravel and sand, shale boulders 4 miles upstream. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES One tributary flows from W. near Lake outlet. SCHOOLING AREAS A few deep holes and resting areas. SPAWNING AREAS Almost a continuous riffle area with excellent spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES Fair stream for aerial survey. Water has slight muskeg color during normal flow. 186 ADF STAT. No. W R 5 6 PETERSBURG CREEK Previous No. 19 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Miles By FWS Live De ad Live Dead 3,000 Live 4,000 reds A 8.0 FWS 1,000 2,000 Fish around estuary A 6.0 FRI Present in pools, somi spawning G 0. 7 FRI 3, 100 14 10 0 Visibility lair to poor G 0. 7 FRI 2, 760 83 0 0 Peak of spawning over G 4. 0 FWS 2, 000 2, 000 50 150 dead cohos G 0. S FWS 0 0 1,000 0 Fish observed at mouth G 0. 5 FWS 0 0 0 0 Good seeding G 0. 7 FRI 420 50 20 0 45 cohos Spawning peak well past G 0. 7 FRI 210 0 0 0 Visibility poor A FWS 500 15,000 A 0. 5 FRI 2,500 0 Many reds Some live chums, many dead A 0.5 FRI 4,900 0 2,000 above marker CQ.l FWS 1,000 reds At mouth G 0. 7 FWS Few chums G 0. 7 FWS Reds still going up creek G 0. 7 FWS Many chums on flats G 0. 7 FWS 1 2 reds Some chums G 0. 7 FWS Some pinks and chums G 0. 7 FWS 8 cohos A 0. 5 FRI 500 None observed off mouth A 0. 5 FWS New fish showing A 0. 5 FWS 500 salmon observed, flood condition Gl.O FWS 100 100 5 cohos A length FWS Pinks and chums present AO. S FRI >10,000 0 0 0 Fresh A 0. 5 FRI 12,000 0 0 0 5,000-10, 300 pinks and cohos at mouth A 0. 5 FRI 20, 000 0 Few dead pinks, some live chums 3, 000 reds below lake >2, 000 reds A to lak eFWS 15,000 G mouth FWS 96 371 G 1. 5 FWS 3 500 G 1.5 FWS 2,000 G 2.5 FWS 2,000 A 0.5 FRI . 1,000 G 3. 0 FWS 1,000 G 2. 0 FWS 1,000 A 0.5 FRI 2,000 187 PETERSBURG CREEK - Continued ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 56 Previous No . 79 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1957 Aug 9 G 2. 0 FWS 2,000 Aug 20 A lake FWS Aug 23 G 2. 5 FWS 200 300 Aug 26 A 0.5 FRI 500 500 Sept 10 A 0.5 FRI 1,000 Season FWS 5,000 20, 000 30, 000 reds 3,000 cohos 1958 July 17 G 3.5 FWS 150 Aug 11 A 0.5 FRI Aug 14 G 3. 0 FWS 3,000 Aug 26 A 0.5 FRI Aug 27 G4. 5 FWS 600 Aug 29 A to lake FWS 1,500 400 Sept 8 A 0.5 FRI 1,500 Sept 10 A to lake FWS 1,200 200 Season FWS 3,000 400 1959 July 18 G dam FWS 100 July 22 A FWS 10 250 reds Aug 2 G barn FWS 2 300 Aug 9 G bank FWS 200 Aug 12 G lake FWS 6,750 750 1960 Jui*23 A 4.0 ADF July 21 A 4.0 ADF July 30 G ADF 300 Aug 7 1961 July 23 July 26 Aug 1 Aug 20 1962 July 31 Aug 1 Aug 11 1963 Aug 31 A 4.0 ADF 1,000 A 4. 0 ADF 50 G ADF 10,000 A 4.0 ADF 25,000 A length ADF 2,000 A length ADF G length ADF 3,000 G lake ADF 2, 300 7,500 fish, 530 dead None observed No salmon observed Some chum Estimate 1,000 in school above beaver dam No fish observed Fish present. Water dark Water too dark for estimate Water too dark for estimate 8,000 pinks off mouth 3,000 in intertidal zone Many carcasses Pinks present 200 cohos 10 reds 188 ADF STAT. No. 142-10 OHMER CREEK , WR 57 56*44. I'N.ISS-IS.Z'W. PreviousNo.80 WRANGELL, DUNCAN CANAL, OHMER SLOUGH, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink, coho. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. SPAWNING FACILITIES Very limited. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 51° F. , 9/10/49; 51" 4. , 9/26/49. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A narrow valley. DRAINAGE 18 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Extensive grass flats are found at the mouth. ANCHORAGE Most of the inshore waters in Duncan Canal are foul. Anchorage may be had in Little Duncan Bay, but travel in other areas is unsafe without local knowledge. Temporary anchorage is found just S. of the slough. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES When surveying at low tide, leave the skiff on the beach S. of of the mouth. Wadeable in only a few places. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Muskeg -colored water makes survey difficult. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1 mile. AVER AGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/5". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Fine gravel and larger rock. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS C^e-half mile of fine gravel appearing to be well suited for spawning is found at the upper end of this zone. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2.4miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 25'/5". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gradual. BOTTOM Gravel, small rock, bedrock, and sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS The gravel areas are limited between the sections of bedrock and large rock. Only one good riffle occurs in the first quarter mile. GENERAL NOTES 189 OHMER CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 57 Previous No. 80 SURVEYED 1 PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Live By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 10 G 0. 2 FRI 250 45 1 8 Sept 26 G 0. 2 FRI 8 6 0 0 1951 Aug 29 1.5 FWS 1, 136 137 1955 Aug 10- 24 FWS 59 Aug 17 A 1.5 FWS Se[i 4 A 1.5 FWS 1956 Aug 21 A 0.7 FWS 1957 Aug 20 A 2.0 FVv'S 1958 Aug 11 AO. 2 FWS Sept 9 A 0.5 FWS 1959 July 18 G FWS 2 cohos July 25 G FWS 5 cohos Aug 10 G FWS 20 cohos Aug 26 G FWS 20 cohos 1960 No surve ys 1960 No surveys Run over, surveys too late No salmon observed None observed None observed None observed None observed None observed Tidal zone Tidal zone Tidal zone Tidal zone 190 ADF STAT. No. 142-10 DUNCAN CREEK WR 58 S6''45.8' N. 133*14.8' W. Previous No. 81 WRANGELL, DUNCAN CANAL, 2. 5 miles NW. of Ohmer Slough, MAJOR SPECIES Pink, chum. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING Early. Aug. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Not great but size of stream is good. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Steep-sided. DRAINAGE 18. 1 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION A mudflat extends for Q. 25 mile from the roouth. ANCHORAGE Anchor just S. of island opposite Indian Pt. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Stream has only one serious falls which is passable on left bank going downstream. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 4'D'/24". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM First 0. 25 mile bedrock and rapids. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Fair. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1. 3 miles. AVER AG E WIDTH / D EPT H 30V18". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slow. BOTTOM Mostly boulders and bedrock. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Extensive spawning 1. 5 miles upstream. GENERAL NOTES Stream mostly pools connected by short riffles. 191 ADF STAT. No. WR 58 I DUNCAN CREEK Previous No. 81 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground s::rveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed 12 cohos Tidal zone 18 cohos Tidal zone 30 cohos Tidal zone 40 cohos SO cohos 1951 Aug 29 G 1.5 FWS 1, 1953 Season FWS 1954 Aug 24 C 1.5 FWS 1955 Aug 24 FWS 1956 Aug 21 A 0.7 FWS 1957 Aug 20 A 2.0 FWS 1958 Aug 20 A 0.5 FWS Sept 9 A 0.5 FWS 1959 July 10 G FWS July 21 G FWS July 29 G FWS Aug 10 G 0. 5 FWS Aug 18 GO. 5 FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys 192 142-10 S6°50. 7' N. 133" 21. 9' W. ADF STAT. No. WR 59 Previous No. 83 WRANGELL, DUNCAN CANAL, TOWERS BAY, Head- OTHER SPECIES Coho . ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent 1. 93 miles. STREAM TEMPERATURES VAL-EY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 20.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Huge tideflat at entrance. ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Banks difficult to hike because of heavy brush and steep contour. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Aerial survey reveals good spawning area above falls. Two falls — first passable and second impassable. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Good gravel in first mile. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES First mile with low banks and many gravel bars. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 70710" UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Boulders on bedrock. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 60'/2» 193 ADF STAT. No. WR 59 142-10 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 83 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1947 Jun 12 A 2. 0 FWS Many cohos Below falls 1954 Aug 16 FWS 4,000 800 1955 Aug 17 A length FWS No salmon observed 1956 Sept 13 A 2.0 FWS 12 1957 Aug 20 A 2.0 FWS 2,000 fish in stream 1958 Aug 11 A 1.0 FWS No salmon observed 1959 Aug 11 A 1.0 FWS No salmon observed Aug 21 A FWS No salmon observed 1960 1961 No surveys No surveys 19^ 142-10 ADF STAT. WR 60 56°45.7'N. ISB'ZO.S'W. Previous No. 84 WRANGELL, DUNCAN CANAL, 3. 5 miles NW. of Indian Pt. MAJOR SPECIES Coho. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 24.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Tideflats. ANCHORAGE N. of Indian Pt. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel, sand, clay, and silt. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Little, if any, spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES Continuous riffles with occasional pool. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 4. 6 miles. AVER AGE WI DTH/ DEPTH 80'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel--some boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Stream appears to have good spawning riffles. GENERAL NOTES A wide stream with gradient flow. There are no impassable falls. 195 142-10 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 60 Previous No. 84 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1953 Sept 13 G 0. 7 FRI 0 0 Few live chum, many dead Exploratory survey. Stream flooding Season FWS 5,000 1954 Aug 16 FWS 1,000 1955 Sept 4 A 1.5 FWS No salmon observed 1956 Aug 21 A 1.0 FWS 75-100 seen in upper intertidal zone Sept 12 A 2.0 FWS No salmon observed 1957 Aug 20 A falls rWS No salmon observed 1958 Aug 11 A 1.0 FWS No salmon observed Sept 9 A 0.5 FWS No salmon observed 1959 Aug 11 ALU FWS No salmon observed 1960 No surveys 1961 No surve ys 196 ADF STAT. No. 142-10 CASTLE RIVER WR 61 56°40.1' N. 133°15.7' W. Previous No. 85 WRANGELL, DUNCAN CANAL, 3. 5 miles W. of N. tip af Big Castle I. MAJOR SPECIES Pink, coho. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Very limited in first half mile. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures . VALLEY DESCRIPTION Wide, flat muskeg valley. DRAINAGE 25 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the head of the bay behind Castle Islands on the N. side of the large tideflat. ANCHORAGE Anchor in the lee of Castle Islands. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES This is a hard stream to survey without stranding the skiff. A main- tained trail follows the right bank from the high tidemark. Shelter cabin at high tidemcrk. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Almost always muskeg colored; impossible to survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1.5 miles. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEPTH 60V3"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Mostly small gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION Extensive flats. HIGH TIDE LOCATION Falls; shelter cabin. SCHOOLING AREAS Below falls. SPAWNING AREAS Very few. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 100'/2"-12".. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Very gentle. BOTTOM Sand and fine gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Many pools. SPAWNING AREAS Gravel riffles throughout. GENERAL NOTES A large river which has a bedrock rapids for the first 500 yards. Cohos appear to be major species in recent years. Good surveys are lacking due to aerial survey conditions. 197 ADF STAT. No. WR 61 142-:0 CASTLE RIVER Previous No. 85 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 10 G 0. S FRI 18 11 3 0 1951 Aug 28 1.5 FWS 125 58 1953 July 30 A 1.5 FWS No fish observed Sept 13 GO. 5 FRI 0 0 0 0 Few dead chum. Explor- atory survey. Stream flooding 1954 Aug 10 FWS 300 Intertidal Aug 16 G falls FWS 1,000 8,000 1,000 cohos Aug 16 A FWS 10,000 Aug 20 FWS 2,000 8,000 Aug 24 A 4. 0 FRI 0 0 Some live chum Aug 25 mouth FWS 5,000cohos Season FWS 2,000 1955 Aug 17 A length FWS No fish observed Aug 24 A 2. 0 FWS No fish observed Sept 22 A 2. 0 FWS No fish observed 1956 Aug 16 G FWS 5, 000 off mouth Sept 12 A 0. 8 FWS 300 1957 Aug 4 G 1. 0 FWS 25 Aug 20 AlO. 0 FWS 32, 000 in stream 500 dead 1958 Aug 9 G 1. 0 FWS Schools at mouth Sept 9 A 2. 0 FWS 400 salmon in stream 1959 July 23 G to falls FWS 2 July 30 G to falls FWS 3 Aug 2 G to falls FWS 8 Aug 9 G to falls FWS 150 Aug 10 G FWS 200 Aug 15 G to falls FWS SO Aug 19 G to falls FWS 25 Aug 21 A FWS No salmon observed Aug 25 G to falls FWS 100 1960 Aug 19 A ADF Too dark for estimating 1961 Aug 20 A 2. 0 ADF No fish observed 198 142-1 0 KAH SHEETS CREEK WR 62 199 ADF STAT. No. 142-10 KAH SHEETS CREEK WR 62 Se'Bl.S' N. 133*08.6' W. Previous No. 86 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, KAH SHEETS BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red- ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 62°F. , 8/12/50; 56"F. , 9/8/50; 53°F. , 9/23/51; 49"F. , 10/3/51; 56. 5*F. , 8/15/52; 58°F. , 8/24/52; Sl'F. , 9/6/52f 51' F. , 9/18/52; 58*F. , 8/14/53; 56° F. , 9/5/53; 52. 5°F. , 9/13/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION The stream winds through a bedrock canyon, heavily wooded along the stream. A few soft muskeg areas. DRAINAGE 18 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the NW. corner of the bay. Heavily wooded near the mouth. Grass flats can be seen on botli sides of the mouth. ANCHORAGE Small craft may anchor in midchannel off the FWS stream guard camp which is on the N. end of the island nearest the mainland ut the bay entrance. Care must be taken in entering. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES If unfamiliar with the bay, go upstream at or near high tide because the bay dries almost entirely at low water. A trail follows the left bank. Wadeable at most water levels. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Water usually muskeg colored. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH Imile. AVER AGE WI DTH/ DEP TH 60V10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Clean gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A large pool is the main schooling area lying a short distance below the high tide mark and along the wooded point on the W. side of the stream. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning occurs throughout the upper half of this zone. The upper 200 yards furnishes an extensive spawning area that is heavily used by both pinks and chums. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2. 3 miles to lake . AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 2S'/8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to steep. BOTTOM Clean gravel and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS A 20' falls three -fourths of a mile upstream is a block to pinks and chums. Cohos and reds ascend with some difficulty. About <^ 2 mile above first falls, another falls is possible barrier at high water. TRIBUTARIES One-half mile upstream the stream splits into numerous channels, but rejoins further upstream. SCHOOLING AREAS The major schooling area is the pool below the falls. Smaller pools are scattered through the area below. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning areas are limited by bedrock outcrops. The best area is found in the first 150 yards above the intertidal zone. GENERAL NOTES There is a good cabin with bunks just behind the edge of the timber on the E. side of the mouth. This marks the beginning of the trail. Cabin also at end of troil on lake shore. Skiff available also. Preliminary engineering survey of two falls completed in 1963 by Gil Tiemer. 200 KAH SHEETS CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 62 Previous No. 86 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] Date 1949 Sept 9 Sept25 1950 Jul 8 Sept 8 1951 Aug 16 Aug 31 Sept 13 Sept23 Oct 3 1952 Aug 15 Aug 24 Sept 9 Sept 18 1953 Aug 14 Sept 5 Sept 13 1954 Aug 24 Sept 7 1955 Aug 15 Aug 17 Aug 19 Aug 22 Aug 24 Aug 26 Sept 5 Sept 6 Sept 7 Sept 15 1956 Aug 21 SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead G 0. 7 G 0. 7 FRI FRI FWS FWS 7,900 8,900 411 FWS 1.0 FWS-FRI 14,000 GO. 7 FRI 13,300 GO. 7 FRI 11,700 GO. 7 FRI 5,500 GO. 7 G 0. 7 G 0. 7 G 0. 7 G 1.0 G 0. 7 G 0. 7 FRI FRI 1,100 FRI 400 FRI 660 FRI FRI FRI A 0. 7 FRI A 0. 7 FRI A 0.7 A 0.7 A 0.7 mark A 2.0 A 0.7 A 0.7 A length G 1. 2 G 2. 5 FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI FWS FWS ADF 0 1,300 250 0 0 >100 1,000 0 3,000 >5,000 5,000 500 1,500 A to lake FWS Aug 26 A 0.7 FRI 3,000 Sept 4 A length FWS Sept 7 A mark FRI 11,000 Sept 17 A 0.7 FRI 9,000 Season G tidal zone FWS 10, 200 and bay 82 824 CHUM Live Dead 2,300 406 4,300 300 500 0 4, 700 600 890 80 0 0 1 3, 400 6 1 , 500 210 540 0 2,880 3,800 1,300 2, 100 >300 0 1,000 1,800 400 OTHER SPECIES Live 3,500 reds 5 cohos, 2 reds 0 550 reds Few cohos 72 203 0 2,000-5,000 reds 205 30 cohos, 2 reds 119 1 reds 500 cohos 100 reds Very good escapement Very good escapement 4, 500 at mouth 1 dead red. Stream high 1 dead red. 95% spawning Many hundred dead Some live pinks. 100 dead reds Some dead cohos Visibility poor Spawning peak past 35 dead reds. Stream high Cohos and reds present Some dead chums. Visi- bility poor 1 fish at rapids Flooded. Poor visibility No salmon observed Chums, cohos, reds present Cohos and reds present 200 schooled in tide channels None observed at mouth Pinks and chums present None observed at mouth Some dead pinks 12,400 15,500 reds 12,700 cohcs 201 142-10 KAH SHEETS CREEK - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 62 Previous No . 8 6 ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live- Dead Live Dead Live 1957 July 1 G falls FWS 380 reds July 9 GO. 2 FWS 350 reds July 19 GO. 2 FWS 1,000 reds Aug 1 G to falls FWS 200 reds Aug 5 G to falls FWS 100 reds Aug 14 GO. 5 FWS 20 2 Aug 17 G falls FWS 50 50 10 cohos Aug 20 A lake FWS Aug 21 G 1.0 FWS 300 550 50 cohos, 10 reds Aug 23 G 0. 5 FWS 350 750 200 cohos, 30 reds Aug 24 G 1.5 FWS 450 6,000 500 cohos Aug 25 G 1.0 FWS 300 4,000 250 cohos Aug 25 A mkr FRI 1,000 >200 Aug 26 G 2. 5 FWS 500 7,000 20,000 cohos Aug 27 G 0.5 FWS 250 2,000 Aug 28 GO. 7 FWS 280 74 750 Aug 28 G falls Sept 1 G 1. 2 FWS-FRI 15 600 Sept 2 A mkr FRI 700 1,100 Sept 18 GO. 5 FWS-FRI 20 600 Season G length FWS 1 , 000 reds 1958 July 28 G 1.5 FWS 800 6 reds Aug 11 GO. 1 FWS 400 Aug 17 G 1st falls FWS 500 Aug 25 A 0.7 FWS 0 200 Aug 28 G 1st falls FWS 10, 000 Aug 28 G to falls FRI 840 950 50 Sept 2 A lake FWS 200 5,000 250 Sept 14 G 1.5 FWS 1,100 100 200 200 cohos, 25 reds Sept 17 A 0.7 FWS 500 0 0 0 Sept 18 A lake FWS 4,000 1959 July I GO. 5 FWS July 21 G mouth FWS July 27 G to falls FWS 3 1 , 000 reds Aug 3 G up falls FWS Aug 7 G flats FWS Aug 10 G 0. 5 FWS 4 Aug 16 G to falls FWS 650 reds and coh Aug 18 G 0. 2 FWS 6 600 Aug 21 A FWS 1,500 1960 June 4 G 0. 7 ADF 0 0 0 0 JuV 31 A 2. 3 ADF Aug 19 A 2. 3 ADF few Aug 24 A 0.3 ADF In bay 4,800 in stream, 500 at mouth Coho above falls Estimated 20, 000 coho None observed off mouth Some dead pinks No salmon observed Twfo schools on grass flats Small schools in riffles Steelhead in pools No fish observed Jumps in lake 30 chums at mouth 202 ADF STAT. No. WR 62 142-10 KAH SHEETS CREEK - Continued Previous No. 86 ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Mile By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1960 Sept 1 G 0. 7 ADF 25 0 few 0 75 cohos 150 cohos at mouth Sept 12 A 2. 3 ADF few 0 200 0 1961 July 4 A 2. 3 ADF 1 jump off mouth, possibly red Aug 20 A 2. 3 ADF 1,000 400 fish in intertidal zone 1962 July 26 A 0.5 ADF 200 in intertidal zone Aug 1 A 1.0 ADF No fish observed Aug 29 A ADF 5,000 in intertidal zone 1963 Aug 22 G lake to falls ADF 50 150 2 reds, 300 cohos 4, 000 in intertidal zone 203 43-30 WR 63 2(A ADF STAT^ No. 143-10 TOTEM CREEK WR 63 56°29.8' N. 133°23' W. Previous No. 88 WRANGELL. SUMNER STRAIT, TOTEM BAY, 3 miles E. of head . MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho • ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: SQ-p. , 9/ZS/49; 60*F. , 8/11/50; 42. 5°F. , 9/30/50; 54°?. , 8/14/51; SoT. , 8/24/51; 52°F. , 9/23/51 ; 6 1'F. , 8/14/52; 52°^, 8/25/52, 49" F., 9/8/52; 51° F., 9/18/52; 54° F., 8/15/53; 55° F., 9/5/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 28 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters Totem Bay on the W. side of a sandspit near the middle of the bay. The mouth is a prominent cut in the beach. ANCHORAGE The bay affords protection from all except S. winds. Favor the E. shore when entering. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Long gravel bars follow the stream in most areas making travel fairly easy. Surveyors may hike over the sandspit near its middle and survey the intertidal zone on way down- The skiff should be pulled up on the beach E. of the mouth. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Appears to be open enough in most areas for satisfactory aerial observation. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 8 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 60'-75V 10"-16". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Clean gravel over entire area. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Two large pools in the upper 200 yards and a deep hole opposite the tip of the spit are the main schooling areas. SPAWNING AREAS The gravel bottom in the upper half is extensively used by both pink and chum salmon. The bottom appears to be suited for spawning between the lower pool and the upper pools. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE J. 5 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DFPTH 30'/ 10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel and broken rock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None reported. SCHOOLING AREAS Holes are interspersed throughout the distance surveyed. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning takes place in all riffle areas. Some areas of large broken rock and bedrock occur in the lower half mile. GENERAL NOTES 205 TOTEM CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 63 Previous No. 88 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] Date 1949 Aug 11 Aug 22 Sept 9 Sept 25 1950 Aug 11 Sept 7 Sept 30 1951 Aug 14 Aug 18- Sept 23 Aug 24 Sept 23 1952 Aug 6 Aug 14 Aug 25 Sept 8 Sep: 18 1953 July 30 Aug 15 Aug 19 Sept 5 Season 1954 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 25 Sept 9 Season 1955 Aug 19 Aug 26 Sept 6 Sept 15 1956 Aug 26 Sept 7 Sept 10 Sept 17 SURVEYED Miles By G 1.2 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.5 1.5 G 1.0 G 1.5 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 0. 2 G 0. 2 GO. G 0. GO. G 0. ACS G 1.0 A0.5 G l.S G 1.7 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A ACS FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FWS FRI FWS FRI FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FWS FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI PINK Live Dead FRI 3,025 FWS 1,422 FRI 17,800 FRI 9,800 372 1,420 17 500 FWS 19,000 FRI 24,000 FRI 6,900 502 1,730 610 305 70 2,000 1,000 267 3,500 702 1,498 1,400 1,498 >400 >3,000 10,000 >2, 500 3,000 9,000 300 1 2, 000 231 2, 100 0 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 >200 CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 25 59 53 0 82 46 0 200 179 500 135 172 0 Good escapement 300 in intertidal zone 1,000 11 cohos, 2 reds 200 6 8 0 2 cohos All spawning. Peak pas 100 in stream, 400 at mouth 433 0 Extra low water 550 21 Chum spawning 20 6 Stream flooding 4 0 Run over. Stream high Low water Extremely high water No fish observed All intertidal and fresh Water low. Chums upstream High flood Visibility poor Some chums and cohos All spawning None observed at mouth Some chums present None observed at mouth 206 143-10 TOTEM CREEK - Continued ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 63 Previous No . 88 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live D ead Live Dead Live 1957 Aug 25 A 0.5 FRl 500 0 100 Aug 29 GO.S FWS 750 100 300 100 Aug 30 C 1.5 FWS 1,450 150 Sept 2 A 0.5 FRI 300 600 Sept 2 G 0. 5 FRl 9 Sept 13 G 0. 3 FWS-FRI 5 0 0 0 1958 Aug 16 G 1.0 FWS 2,261 132 Aug 23 GO.S FWS 1,277 36 Aug 25 A 1.0 FWS 600 400 Aug 4-27 G FWS 2,500 250 Aug 25 A mark FWS 300 Aug 29 FRI 1,210 3 70 42 Sept 2 G 2. 5 FWS 2,650 65 Sept 17 A mark FWS 500 Sept 18 A 2.0 FWS 1,000 1,000 1959 No record s 1960 July 31 A 1.0 ADF Aug 24 A 0.7 ADF 2,000 0 500 0 Aug 30 A 0.3 ADF 1,000 1961 Aug 9 A 1.5 ADF 2,000 0 0 0 Aug 20 A 1.5 ADF 4,500 0 0 0 1962 July 26 A 1.0 ADF July 30 A 1.0 ADF Aug 13 A 2.0 ADF 6,000 Aug 20 A 1.0 ADF Aug 29 A 2. 0 ADF 1963 Aug 8 A 1.0 ADF 1,800 Aug 23 G 1.0 ADF 5,300 Several himdred above marker None observed off*mouth Stream too low for fish Estimate Some live chums Few chum. Poor visibility 500 fish in intertidal zone Visibility poor Water very dark 1,500 fish in intertidal Stream almost dry 150 in intertidal zone 1,500 at mouth, 500 in intertidal zone 300 salmon at mouth Few fish in stream, water dark for count 25,000 mixed fish in stream 400 in intertidal zone 207 143 WR 64 0.25 Mile 208 ADF STAT. No. 143-10 WR 64 Se-BO.a' N. 133'25.8' W. Previous No. 89 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, TOTEM BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 55 F. , 5/30/57; 52° F. , 5/23/58. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Wooded with open muskeg areas away from the banks. Mountainous to the W. DRAINAGE 17. 5 square miles (polar planimeter). Numerous scattered ponds are found within this drainage system. Drains a large muskeg area. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION The mouth is constricted about halfway up the extensive intertidal zone. A large grass flat is found above the constriction. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 63. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Survey at high tide to avoid walking across the tideflats. Above the constriction the stream flows along the E. side of the grass flat. Easily waded. Fair game trails. AERIAL SURVFY NOTFS INTERTIDAL ZONF LENGTH 1.6miles. AVFRAGF WIDTH/DEPTH 90V12". GRADIENT AND VFLOCITIFS Moderate. BOTTOM Sand and gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS School in the bay ond in a hole at the constriction. SPAWNING ARE AS The upper half has a fine gravel bottom which looks suitable for spawning. Spawning has not been reported to take place here. GENERAL NOTES UPSTRF AM LENGTH ACC ESSIBLE 6 miles. AVFRAGF WinTH/DFPTH 50'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Small gravel and bedrock in certain areas. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None reported. SCHOOLING AREAS Very few holes are found in this section of the stream. A few holes have been formed by log jams and offer excellent schooling facilities. SPAWNING AREAS The lower 1. 2 miles is made up of nearly continuous good spawning riffles. GENERAL NOTES 209 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 64 Previous No. 89 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live D. ead Live D. sad Live 1949 Aug 11 G 1.2 FRl 4,515 0 502 0 1950 Aug 22 FWS 134 3,280 5 cohos 1951 Aug 18- Sept 7 1.5 FWS 25,000 1,000 7 cohos 1952 Aug 6 A 1.0 FWS 4,000 fish, 400 at mouth Aug 28 A 3.0 FWS <3, 000 fish 1953 July 30 A 0.7 FWS 0 0 0 0 No fish observed Aug 17 G 0. 5 FWS 2,000 0 3,000 0 500 cohos Sept 18 A 0.7 FWS 0 0 0 0 300 salmon observed Season A 3.0 FWS 2,000 1954 July 28 G 1.5 FWS 45 218 Aug 14 G 1.0 FWS 1,090 Aug 15 A0.7 FRl 5,000 0 0 0 Aug 16 G 1.0 FWS 2 571 Aug 26 G 1.5 FWS 2,897 965 2, 800 cohos Sept 10 A 0.7 FRl 2,500 0 0 0 1955 Aug 19 A 0.7 FRl >200 0 1,500 0 Aug 26 A 0.7 FRl >5,000 0 0 0 Visibility poor Sept 5 A 0.7 FRl 6,000 0 0 Some chum present Sept 16 A 0.7 FRl 6,000 0 0 0 Visibility poor 1956 Aug 15 G 2. 0 FWS 375 Aug 17 G 3.0 FWS 600 Aug 21 A 1.5 FWS 800-1,000 one quarter mile upstream Aug 26 G 0.7 FRl 2, COO 0 0 0 3,000 at mouth Sept 7 G 4.0 FRl 13,000 0 0 Few dead pinks Sept 10 A 5.0 FWS 5,000-10,000 pinks Sept 17 GO. 5 FRl 8,000 0 0 Some dead pinks 1957 Aug 25 A 0.7 FRl 200 0 500 0 Pink fresh Aug 28 C 0. 5 FRl 300 150 600 0 Jumps off mouth Sept 2 G 0. 7 FRl 1, 100 500 Some dead Sept 2 G 1.0 FRl 470 350 80 cohos Sept 4 A 1.5 FWS 3,000 1,000 Sept 13 G 0.5 FRl 300 0 220 0 1958 July 29 A 2.0 FWS 250 Aug 17 G 1.0 FWS 1,545 1,039 3 Aug 23 G 1.0 FWS 1,225 1,085 6 Aug 25 A mark FWS 1,000 Aug 28 G FRl 1,240 220 210 143-10 ESCAPEMENT RECOR SURVEYED PINK CHUM Dote Miles By Live Dead Live Dead 1958 Aug 29 G 2. 0 FWS 4,000 800 Sept 2 A 2.0 FWS 1,400 400 Sep 8 G 0. 5 FWS 600 2 Sept 10 A 2.0 FWS 1,500 Sept 15 G 2. 0 FWS 1,000 80 Sept 17 A mark FWS 350 1959 Aug 1 A 2.0 FWS 50 100 1960 JuV 31 A 1.5 ADF Aug 19 A 2.0 ADF Aug 30 A 1.0 ADF 3,000 0 300 0 1961 Aug 9 A 2.0 ADF 2,500 0 0 0 Aug 20 A 0.5 ADF 4,000 0 0 0 Aug 25 A length ADF many 1962 July 26 A r. 0 ADF July 30 A 1.0 ADF Aug 7 A mouth ADF Aug 13 A 2.0 ADF 1,000 Aug 20 A 1.0 ADF Aug 29 A 3.0 ADF 3 1 , 000 1963 Aug 7 A ADF Aug 9 A 1.0 ADF 2,000 Aug 23 G 1.0 ADF 4,000 ADF STAT. No. WR 64 - Continued Previous No. 89 OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live No fish observed Fish present Water too dark for estimate 2, 500 fish in inter- tidal area 1,000 fish in inter- tidal area Stream too dark for estimate. Good distri- bution on all riffles No fish observed 1,000 at mouth, 200 in intertidal area Too rough for survey Fevir pinks seen 2, 000 salmon in intertidal area 6,000 in intertidal zone 200 at mouth; 5,000 in intertidal zone 200-300 in intertidal zone 211 143 56" 20. FLICKER CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR 96 Previous No. 130 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, 3. 8 miles E. of Point Baker, S. fork. MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 8. 2 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easy travel. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Extensive bedrock. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 212 ADF STAT. No. WR 96 FLICKER CREEK Previous No. 130 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 0 No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 1951 Aug 10 G 1.0 FWS 0 1954 Sept 18 G 1.0 FWS 1 1955 Sept 2 G 1.5 FWS 1956 Aug 15 A 1.0 FWS Sept 11 G 0. 7 FWS 1957 Aug 15 A 1.0 FWS 1958 Aug 19 A 1.0 FWS Sept 22 A length FWS 1959 Aug 21 A FWS 1960 No survey: s 1961 No survey: s 213 143 ALDER CRFEK 56* 20. 7' N. 1 33" 31 . 8' W. WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, 4. 8 miles E. of Point Baker, E. fork. ADF STAT. No. WR 97 Previous No. 131 OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES Pink. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Sept. SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 56° F. , 8/14/53; 46. 5° F. , 9/10/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A wide, generally flat valley running in a SE. direction. Scattered muskeg areas are found throughout. DRAINAGE 11 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters a tidal area common to it and WR 96. Thi tideflat narrows a short distance up the intertidal zone and remains this way for 0. 6 mile. WR 97 enter the extreme SE. corner of the flat. ANCHOR AGE Point Baker offers good protection near its head, 3. 5 miles W. of the creek mouth. A float has been anchored in this bay in past years and was used as a moorage. A temporary anchorage is found near the point on the left side of the mouth of the creek. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 3 mile. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel, slate, and shale. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Excellent spawning gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 40'-80'/6" -8" UPSTREAM AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20V14" 2ll4- ADF STAT. No. WR 97 143 ALDER CREEK Previous No. 131 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS Initial survey None entering SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Aug 10 GO. 7 FWS 1 0 1 0 Sept 15 G 1.2 FWS 475 2 4 0 1953 Aug 14 G 1.2 FRI 0 0 0 0 Sept 10 GO. 3 FRI 0 0 0 0 Sept 15 1.2 FWS 500 25 1954 Season FWS 1955 Sept 2 G 1.7 FWS Sept 8 G 1.0 FWS 600 1956 Aug 15 G 1.0 FWS Sept 11 G 1.5 FWS 1,200 1957 Aug 15 A 3.0 FWS 1958 Aug 19 A 1.0 FWS 25 Sept 9 A 1.0 FWS 150 Sept22 A length FWS 1959 Aug 21 A FWS 1960 No survey- 1961 No survey: No fish observed Count not possible Water low. Tide out No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 215 ADF STAT. No. 143 BUSTER CREEK WR 98 56*19.7' N. 133°26.2' W. Previous No. 132 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, 5 miles W. of entrance to Red Bay. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Coho, steelhead. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE Minor. SPAWNING FACILITIES Good for size of stream. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Heavily wooded. DRAINAGE 11.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Logging area at mouth. ANCHORAGE Tie skiff to rocky point at stream mouth at low tide. TRAILS AND SljRVEY ROUTES Wide gravel bars make easy travel. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Rubble. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION Edge of woods. SCHOOLING AREAS Large pool at edge of woods. SPAWNING AREAS Limited. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'/14". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Several deep pools. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES 216 BUSTER CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR 98 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 132 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Aug 10 G 1.0 FWS 0 0 0 0 Sept 15 GO. 7 FWS 945 3 119 4 1954 Sep 18 G 0. 2 FWS 60 1955 Sept 8 G 1.0 FWS 150 1956 Aug 15 A 1.0 FWS Sept 4 A 1.0 FWS 2 Sept 11 GO. 7 FWS 1,000 200 Sept 11 A 3.0 FWS 300 1957 Aug 15 A 2.0 FWS 1958 Aug 19 A 1.0 FWS 25 Sept 9 A 1.0 FWS 150 Sept 22 A length FWS 1959 No record 1960 No survey; 1961 No surveys No fish observed No fish observed 150 pinks Qt mouth 100 pinks at mouth No live fish, 600 dead 217 143 56' 19. 6' N. 133" 24. 7' W. ADF STAT. No. WR 99 Previous No. 133 WR ANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, 4 miles W. of entrance to Red Bay. MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 2.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Anchor in cove. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Travel easy. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 8'/4" 218 ADF STAT. No. WR 99 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 133 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Dote Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Aug 10 GO. 3 FWS 0 0 0 0 1954 Aug 19 A 0.2 FWS No fish observed Sept 18 G length FWS No fish observed 1955 Sept 8 G 0. 7 FWS 1 1956 Sept 4 A 1.0 FWS 2 Sept 11 GO. 7 FWS 1,000 200 Sept 11 A 3.0 FWS 300 1957 Aug 15 A 2.0 FWS No fish observed 1958 Sept 10 A 0.2 FWS 25 1959 Aug 21 A FWS No fish observed 1960 No surveys 1961 No survey: 219 ADF STAT. No. 143 WR 100 56*16' N. 133*21.3' W. Previous No. 134 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, RED BAY, SW. corner. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Red, chum, and coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Heavily timbered. DRAINAGE 1. 7 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters on common grass flats with WR 101. ANCHORAGE Good anchorage just inside bay. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Stream easily waded. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES A small stream, brushy, and difficult to survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/18". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to swift. BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES ^ SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Almost continuous riffles. GENERAL NOTES 220 143 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 100 Previous No. 134 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by Gj aerial surveys by A) SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 3 FWS 550 3,000 2, 000 reds 1951 Sept 14 G 1.0 FWS 223 1 940 276 5 cohos Sept 19 0.7 FWS 1953 Aug 1 A FWS Sept 8 A FWS 1954 Aug 12 A length FWS Aug 29 GO. 2 FWS 1955 July 13 G mouth FWS 1956 Aug 5 G length FWS ISO 150 Aug 14 G length FWS 500 400 Aug 22 G length FWS 1,000 1,000 Aug 24 G length FWS 1,300 1,300 Aug 27 G length FWS 1,300 1,300 400 cohos Aug 28 G length FWS 1,200 2,800 400 cohos Sept 4 G 1.0 FWS 2,000 4,000 2, 000 cohos Sept 8 G 1.0 FWS 2,400 4,400 2, 500 cohos Sept 11 GO. 5 FWS 30 500 Sept 11 A 1.5 FWS 1,000 Sept 14 G 1.0 FWS 2,000 4,000 2, 000 cohos 1957 Aug 5 G 1.0 FWS 400 200 Aug 24 G FWS 25 25 Aug 31 G 1.0 FWS 100 100 Sept 5 G 1.0 FWS 100 100 Sept 6 G 1.0 FWS 400 200 1958 July 28 G 1.0 FWS 100 100 Aug 1 G 1.0 FWS 100 100 Aug 11- 24 G 1.0 FWS 100 200 Sept 1 G 1.0 FWS 57 7 Sept 9 A 1.0 FWS 150 SO Sept 20 G flats FWS 1959 Aug 21 A FWS 1960 July 12 G 1.0 ADF 20 reds Aug 2 A mouth ADF 29 reds Aug 24 A mouth ADF Sept 2 GO. 5 ADF 500 0 200 0 1961 Aug 1 A 0.3 ADF 500 pinks and chums No fish, dark water No fish, dark water No fish observed 1 , 000 pinks off mouth No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 700 reds at mouth Chum jumping at mouth Fish jumping at mouth No fish observed 221 43-30 BIG CREEK WR 101 222 ADF STAT. No. 143-30 BIG CREEK WR 101 56°15.8' N. 133*20.4' W. Previous No. 135 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, RED BAY, S W . corner. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept . ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 58° F. , 9/ 14/50; 49° F. , 10/1/50; 58- F. , 9/12/51; 55' F. , 9/20/52; S3' F. , 9/30/52; 55° F. , 9/14/53; 52° F. , 9/24/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A short valley between Red Lake and Red Bay. DRAINAGE 15 square miles (polar planimeter. ) Drains Red Lake, which is 2. 3 miles long and 0. 4 mile wide. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Lies in the SF. corner of the tidal flat in a small bight. Breaks into many branches in the lower intertidul area. ANCHORAGE Temporary anchorage is available in the bight W. of Dead Islet. Red Bay is used extensively during fishing season and offers good protection in all weather. For directions on entering, refer to the U. S. Coast Pilot. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily traveled. Good trails follow either bank. The tributary has brushy margins and numerous downfalls. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTID ^L ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 35'-50'/3"-10" • GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Rock, gravel, and algae. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS This zone offers poor spawning facilities except in the upper 500' '/h:^re there is a fair spawning area. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 6 mile to lake. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/6"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Mostly gravel with some silt and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None TRIBUTARIES A good -sized tribut irj' enters from the W. 0.5 mile above the high tidemark. This tributary offers fair spawning facilities. SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous pools are found from the intertidal zone to the lake. SPAWNING AREAS The entire stream contains good spawning areas. Red salmon spawn in the lake near the outlet; and in 2 small inlet streams. GENERAL NOTES 223 BIG CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 101 Previous No. 135 SURVEYED Date Miles [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS By PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead 1949 Aug 30 Sept 26 1950 Sept 14 Sept 27 Oct 1 1951 Sept 12 Sept 24 Oct 3 1952 Sept 20 Sept 30 1953 Sept 1 Sept 14 Sept 24 1954 Sept 8 Sept 17 Sept 18 Sept 21 1955 July 9 July 12 July 21 July 26 Aug 2 Aug 30 Sept 6 Sept 8 Sept 16 Sept 23 1956 Aug 2 Aug 5-9 Aug 12-14 Aug 15 Aug 20 Aug 26 Sept 4 Sept 8 Sept 11 Sept 14 Sept 23 Sept 28 GO, 5 GO. 5 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 GO. 6 GO. 5 GO. 5 GO. 2 GO. 5 GO. 5 A0.6 AG. 6 AG. 5 AG. 6 GO. GO. GO. GO. GO, GO. GO. 5 GO. 5 AG. 5 GO. 5 G loke G lake G lake G lake G lake A G lake G lake G lake G lake A A FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FRI 137 2,850 445 264 131 1,200 2,500 950 270 15 20 6 400 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 >400 >300 SO 3GG 200 100 95 >100 IGO 200 1,800 1,000 >200 >300 0 27 1 1 11 0 50 148 4 2 7 9 125 5 0 50 220 20 1 1 .100 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 350 0 0 0 50 300 50 305 0 200 200 10 500 0 0 OTHER SPECIES Live 116 cohos, 2 reds 108 cohos 15 cohos, 2 reds 352 cohos, 2 reds 420 cohos 35 cohos SO reds 162 cohos 25 cohos 50 reds 100 reds 20 reds 1 , 300 reds 200 reds 3,000 off mouth 40 per cent pinks spawning I dead coho Pink run over. Stream high Few live pinks. Jumpers in bay Stream high Stream flooding Few at mouth No intertidal fish seen Salmon near mouth of stream First chums noted m stream Some chums 250 salmon at mouth of stream 400 salmon in stream None observed at mouth None observed at mouth None observed at mouth Many dead pinks. None in bay 221)- Date SURVEYED Miles By 1957 July 20 G to lake FWS July 24 G to lake FWS July 25-28 G to lake FWS July 26 G lakeshore FWS Aug 1-2 G to lake FWS Aug 3-14 G to lake FWS Aug 15 G to lake FWS Aug 19 G to lake FWS Aug 20-31 G to lake FWS Aug 23 G lakeshore FWS Sept 6 G to lake FWS Sept 22 A mkr FRl ADF STAT. No. WR 101 BIG CREEK - Continued Previous No. 135 PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live Dead Live 15,000 reds 300 100 400 reds 300 100 1 , 600 reds 500 reds 300 100 300 100 2,000-3,000 in bay 4,000 in bay G 0. 7 G to lake G to lake G lake G to lake G to lake G to lake G to lake A G 1. 2 A lake A A A lake 600 300 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS p-ws FWS FWS 170 reds 200 reds 400-500 reds 10, 000 reds 700 reds 200 100 100 439 600 300 300 100 100 10 4, 000 in bay 3,000-4,000 in bay Some churns. None in bay 3,000 in bay 17,000 reds in lake None observed off mouth None observed off mouth Fish present upstream G 1.0 A 2.0 G 0. 2 G A length G 0. 5 GO. 6 FWS FWS FWS ADF ADF ADF ADF 250 1, 100 300 500 50 14 A 0.6 ADF A mouth ADF G mouth ADF A 0.6 ADF No fish observed No fish observed 3,503 reds in lake No fish observed Many reds jumping 1 , 500 reds off mouth No salmon observed 3,000 reds off mouth 1, 200 reds No fish observed 225 ADF STAT. No. 143-30 PINE CREEK WR 102 56*19.4' N. 133°16.8' W. Previous No. 136 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, RED BAY, 0. 7 mile S. of Pine Pt. MAJOR SPECIES Chum. OTHER SPECIES Coho, steelhead. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. SepLlest.) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Limited. STREAM TE.MPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 7.8 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Small lagoon area. ANCHORAGE In Red Bay. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easilywaded. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Heavy overstory prevents surveys. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.1 AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Rocky. LOW TIDE LOCATION Flats. HIGH TIDE LOCATION Edge of woods, small rapids. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Very limited. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE A V E R AG E WI DTH / DEPT H 15'/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM B.;drock, gravel, and boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous small pools. SPAWNING AREAS Gravel pockets between rapids and small side channels. GENERAL NOTES Abundance of small steelhead fingerlings in every pool in Jimc, 226 PINE C R F. E K ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT No. WR 102 Previous No. 136 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Sept 13 0.3 FWS 10 75 1953 Sept 6 G 0. 2 FWS 0 0 2 0 Sept 17 G 0. 2 FWS 0 0 0 0 1954 Aug 10 A FWS Aug 19 A length FWS 50 1955 Sept 1 G 0.5 FWS 1956 Sept 11 G 1.5 FWS 25 65 1957 Aug 14 G 0.2 FWS Aug 15 A 1.0 FWS 1958 Aug 19 A 0.5 FWS Sept 10 A 1.0 FWS 1959 Aug 21 A FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 No survey! Chum fair, pink poor None observed. Water low No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 227 228 42-30 Vy R 1 0 3 229 142 -30 ///, '/ I, ""l,i,^' 0.25 Mil* WR103 230 42-30 WR 103 231 ADF STAT. No. 142-30 WR 103 56M7' N. 133'09.7' W. Previous No. 137 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, SALMON BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHT.R SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Runs through a nearly flat area with numerous scattered muskeg areas. Several stream -cut valleys enter the main valley. DRAINAGE 22 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Flows out of the northernmost entrance to Salmon Bay. An island lies one-eighth mile off the mouth in the tidal flat. This island dries on three sides at low water. ANCHORAGE The bay is used extensively as a harbor during certain seasons. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor due to very dark muskeg colored water. INTFRTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.4 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH bO'/lO". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Mud, rubble, gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION Entrance of bay. HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS In bay off mouth and large pools in middle of intertidal area. SPAWNING AREAS Limited to the upper stretch. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1. 3 miles to lake. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 40'-SO'/10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Gravel and sand grading into coarse gravel. M.A.RKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION 3ARRIERS Falls 4' in height one -fourth mile jbove the high tidemark are accessible by a natural bypass which goes around one side. TRIBUTARIES A tributary enters 1 mile upstream-- has good spawning gravel and is. used by pinks and cohos. SCHOOLING AKtAS Many large pools. SPAWNING AREAS Riffles tliroughout. GENERAL NOTES Grcidient becomes quite slow about 0. 6 mile upstream. Stream is quite deep in this area. Three inlet streams to Salmon Bay Lake, Nos. 103A, 103B, and 103C are major red and coho producers. 232 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 103 Previous No. 137 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by O; aerial surveys by A] SURVE^TD PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1953 June 19 G 0. 2 FWS Few red, bay and stream July 19 A FWS 2, 000 reds in potholf Aug 4 G 0. 2 FWS 4, 000 reds in pothole Aug 20 A FWS 2, 000 reds in pothole Sept 1 G 0. 2 FWS 500 cohos 1954 July 29 FWS 60 reds Aug 4 FWS 3,500 reds Aug 2 3 0.2 FWS 50 250 reds Aug 24 0. 2 FWS 80 300 reds Aug 28 0. 2 FWS 1 cohos 1955 June 15 G 0. 2 FWS Few reds in Salmon Bay June 29 GO. 2 FWS First reds noted July 16 G 0. 2 FWS 1,000 reds passed by July 27 GO. 2 FWS Red run improving Aug 17 GO. 2 FWS 350 1 reds Aug 21 GO. 2 FWS 400 Some pinls. Few reds Aug 26 G 0. 2 FWS Few cohos Sept 8 CO. 2 FWS 2,000 400 cohos Some chuirs Septl 1 GO. 2 FWS 200 cohos Some pinks and chums Sept 13 tideflats FWS 300 cohos Sept 26 G 0. 2 FWS 2,000 250 cohos Some chums 1956 July 4 G FWS 3,000-4,000 reds Tidal zone July 8- IIG FWS 2, 000 reds Entered. Tidal zone Aug 15 GO. 5 FWS 100 150 Aug 18 G 1.5 FWS 150 150 600 cohos Aug 26 G 1.5 FWS 2,000 1,000 Aug 29 G 1.5 FWS 2,000 1,000 500 cohos Sept 1 G 1.5 FWS 3,000 1,000 500 cohos Sept 3 G 1.5 FWS 6,000 400 900 cohos Sept 7 A 1.0 FWS 5,000 500 3, 500 cohos Sept 10 A 1.0 FWS 5,000 500 3, 500 cohos Sept 14 G FWS 6,500 1,200 12,000 reds 3,000-4,000 cohos 1957 July 14 G 0. 2 FWS 250 reds July 19 GO. 2 FWS 500 reds July 31 GO. 2 FWS 400 Aug 5 GO. 2 FWS 400 550 reds Aug 13 GO. 2 FWS 200 250 reds Aug 17 GO. 2 FWS 600 200 50 reds Aug 24 GO. 2 FWS 500 100 Aug 27 G 1.0 FWS 200 10 5 re* Aug 28 G lake FWS 1,000 reds Season FWS 5,000 reds Sept 10 G 0. 2 F'WS 75 1 233 42-30 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Continued SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live ADF STAT. No. WR 103 Previous No. 137 REMARKS 1958 June 9 G 1.0 FWS JuV 7 G 1.0 FWS July 20 G 1.5 FWS 150 July 23 G 1.5 FWS July 27 G 1.5 FWS 100 July 31 G 1.5 FWS Aug 2 G 1.0 FWS 30 Aug 10 G 1.0 FWS 150 Aug 17 G 1.0 FWS 200 Aug 29 A lake FWS 800 Sept 9 A lake FWS 1,400 Sept 11 G 2.0 FWS 850 Sept 23 G 0. 8 FRI 500 Season FWS 1959 June 8-15 G flats FWS July 1- 3 G flats FWS JuV 4- 5 G flats FWS July 6-7 G flats FWS July 8 G flats FWS July 9 G flats FWS Jutyl2 G flats FWS Julyl4 G flats FWS JulylS G flats FWS JuV16-20 G flats FWS July20-25 G flats FWS July25-31 G flats FWS July28 G flats FWS Aug 1-9 G flats F'WS Aug 11 G flats FWS Sept 6 G flats FWS 400 1960 Aug 30 A length ADF 1961 July 5 G ADF July 11 A ADF July 28 A length ADF Aug 1 A mouth ADF 1962 July 26 A ADF Aug 7 A ADF Aug 31 GO. 5 ADF 1963 July 29 A ADF Aug 27 A ADF 100 30 20 350 Sept 10 G 0. 2 Sept 10 G 2. 0 S. end to falls 200 reds 400 reds 700 reds 500 reds 250 reds 40 reds 2 reds 4, 000 reds 100 reds 200 reds 500 reds 300 reds 100 reds 200 reds 300 reds 500 reds 400 reds 2, 000 reds 3,000 reds 500 reds 1,500 reds 35 cohos 10,450 reds 3,900 reds No fish observed In big hole Red in slough No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed Red jumping at mouth 7,000 at mouth 5,000 at mouth No fish observed Large school in intertidal zone Good gravel all the way; good distribu- tion Few reds above falls 23^* 115-10 SQUAW CREEK WR 104 ."/, 0.25 Mile 'ii I 235 115-10 56°07. 9 ' N. 133° 05. 2' W. SQUAW CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR 104 Previous No. 140 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, KASHEVAROF PASSAGE, WHALE PASSAGE, on inlet N. of W. side of Thorne I. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures . VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 3.3 square miles (polar planimeter) STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE The bay which extends to the NW. near the middle of the passage affords good anchorage. An excellent anchorage is also found N. of this bay along the E. side of the passage between the irregu- lar shaped island and shore. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'-25'/6"-8 GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Coarse gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS The stream enters a canyon 1 mile upstream and a 4' falls is found near the lower end of the canyon, possibly a barrier to salmon. TRIBUTARIES A small stream enters three -fourths of a mile upstream. SCHOOLING AREAS A few deep holes are available for schooling salmon. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES 236 SQUAW CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 104 Previous No. 140 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] Date 1951 Sept 21 1953 Aug 11 Sept 5 1954 Aug 10 Sept 20 1955 Aug 14 Aug 21 Aug 23 Sept 16 Sept 29 1956 Aug 15 Aug 28 Sept 1 Sept 11 Sept 12 Sept 18 1957 Aug 23 Aug 29 Sept 11 1958 Aug 8 SURVEYED Miles By A GO. 2 0. 2 GO. 2 A GO. 2 G 1.5 G 1.5 A 0.7 G 2. 0 G 1.0 G 1.0 A 1.0 G 1.0 G mouth G 0. 7 G 1. 2 GO. 2 PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live FWS 6 , 670 FWS FWS FWS FWS 12,000 FWS FWS FWS FWS 10,000 FWS 20,000 FWS FWS 2, 335 FWS 5, 150 FWS 35,000 FWS 3,000 FWS 28,000 FWS FWS FWS FWS 1,000 422 555 1,050 7,000 2,000 100 1,050 50 cohos SO cohos Aug 11 GO. 5 FWS Aug 15- 23 G 0. 5 FWS Aug 26 A length FWS Aug 27 G 0. 2 FWS Aug 30 GO. 2 FWS Sept 1 G 0. 2 FWS 25 Sept 1 G 0. 5 FWS 16 Sept 19 A length FWS 750 Sept 26 A length FWS 10 100 1959 Aug 24 G mouth FWS 1,000 1,000 Aug 27 G mouth FWS 400 600 Aug 28 G mouth FWS 400 600 Aug 29 G mouth FWS 1,000 500 Sept 6 G 0.5 FWS 375 125 REMARKS No salmon observed Some live chums. 500 pinks in bay No salmon observed No salmon observed None at mouth Pinks and chums at mouth No salmon observed 8,000 pinks and chums schooled at mouth 100 pinks, 200 chums at mouth 25 pinks at mouth 30 pinks at mouth 200 salmon at mouth 100 pinks at mouth 150 pinks at mouth ISO pinks at mouth 600 pinks off mouth 237 SQUAW CREEK - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 104 Previous No. 14 0 SURVEYED Date Miles By 1960 No surveys 1961 Aug 1 A mouth ADF Aug 26 A mouth ADF PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER iPECIES Live 1962 July 26 ACS ADF Aug 16 A 1.0 ADF 1963 July 29 A length ADF Aug 27 A bay REMARKS Mixed jumpers off mouth Mixed jumpers off mouth No fish observed No fish observed Good runs reported but foot survey not made No fish observed; difficult to survey Good showing at mouth 238 115-10 WR 1 05 239 DF STAT. No. WR 105 Previous No. 141 115-10 56*07.6' N. 133*08. 8' W. WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, KASHEVAROF PASSAGE, WHALE PASSAGE, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES . Normal range. Observed temperatures: 50* F. , 9/27/50; 48. 5* F. , 10/1/50; 61. 5* F. , 8/28/51; 55° F. , 9/13/51; 53* F. , 9/24/51; 48* F. , 10/4/51; 52* F. , 9/20/52; 49* F. , 10/2/52; 50* F. , 10/8/52; 52* F. , 9/14/53; 50° F. , 9/25/53; 47. 5* F. , 10/3/5 3 VALLEY DESCRIPTION A heavily wooded valley with low-lying hills. DRAINAGE 22 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the extreme head of the flats and flows along the E. side of the small wooded islands. The flats extend nearly to the S. edge of the islands. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 104. TRAILS AND SURVEY R OUTES Road on right side to second lake. Survey trail on left side from first lake down to tidewater. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Light and water color often limit surveys. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1 mile. AVER AGE WI DTH / DEPTH S0'/6"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Sand, gravel, and bedrock. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS School in the bay off the mouth. SPAWNING AREAS The upper one-fourth mile is an excellent spawning area. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2. 5 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 40'-60V4"-6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Large rock and bedrock with gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Three barriers exist on this stream. The first two are only partial blocks while the third, just below the first lake outlet, appears to be a total block to pink and chum. Coho do go over. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS In the first mile only a few holes are present. The hole below the old weir site is used most extensively. SPAWNING AREAS A good spawning riffle is found in the first 150 yards above the high tidemark; from this point to a 5-foot cataract and for a short distance above, there is poor spawning area. Above this there are excellent spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES This stream drains two lakes, the first about 2.5 miles upstream is approximotely 200 yards across by 503 yards long. The second lake is about 0. 5 mile above the first and is about 1. 8 miles long by 0. 5 mile wide. Coho fry have been found in the second lake. The stream goes underground for about 150 yards at the outlet of the first lake. Coho go through to the second lake, but pink and chum appear to be stopped at falls 100 yards below the underground outlet. 2i^0 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. 105 141 [Counts made by ground surveys ore designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live By Live Dead Live D ead Live G 1. 0 FRI 700 G 1. 0 FRI FWS 31,800 700 0 600 230 G 1. 0 FRI 4,586 142 306 169 20 cohos G 1. 0 FRI 4,695 649 234 102 48 cohos, 1 red GO. 1 FRI 24 0 0 0 Thousands at mouth GO. 6 FRI 5,000 55 160 5 1 coho Thousands off mouth 1.7 FWS 40,000 1,200 G 1.0 FRI 18, 800 185 1, 170 365 10 cohos Fish spawning G 1.0 FRI 6,800 1,180 510 320 200 cohos 7S% pinks spawning GO. 7 FRI 3,630 1 279 0 Many fresh GO. 7 FRI 22 37 0 1 Stream flooding G 0. 7 FRI 1,410 1,396 8 32 40 cohos GO. 7 FWS 500 0 500 0 4,000-5,000 in mouth GO. 7 FWS 400 0 400 0 Fish observed at mouth G 0. 7 FWS Fish at mouth A FRI 2,000 200 Some live chums, dead pinks G 1.0 FRI 1,100 0 125 0 Stream flooding G 1.0 FRI 1,350 40 250 10 1 coho A FRI 2,000 200 Some live chums, dead pinks G 1.0 FRI 642 150 12C 35 A FWS FWS 50,000 No fish observed A FWS None observed off mouth G 1.5 FWS Pinks and chums off mouth A mark FRI 5,000 >30, 000 in bay A mark FRI >1,000 75,000-100,000 in bay G 2. 0 FWS 12,000 A mark FRI 70,000 G 1.5 FWS 10,000 150 150 20 A mark FRI 80,000 G 2. 0 FWS 40,000 10,000 A mark FRI 65,000 G 1.5 FWS 20,000 Some chums G FWS No fish observed G 2d mark FWS 225 A mark FRI 3,000 A mark FWS 3,000 GO. 5 FWS 3,000 G 1.5 FWS 15,500 2,000 A to mark FRI 25,000 5, 000 at mouth 2lH SURVEYED Miles By 1956 Sept 11 to log jam FWS Sept 12 A to lake Sept 18 G 1. 2 Sept 28 1957 Aug 16 Aug 21 Aug 27 Aug 31 Sept 9 Sept 18 Sept 22 Sept 27 1958 Aug 25 Aug 27 Aug 31 Aug 31 Sept 1 Sept 7 Sept 17 Sept 19 Sept 23 Sept 26 1959 Aug 16 Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug A mark G 0. 5 A 1.0 G 1.0 G 0. 5 A mark G 0. 5 A mark A mark FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FRI FRI PINK Live Dead 5,500 42,000 35,000 42,000 100 700 1,500 500 300 100 5,000 2,000 A mark FWS A length FWS G 1.5 FRI G 2. 5 FWS G 0. 2 FWS A length FWS >20, 000 A length FWS 20,000 A 4. 0 FWS G 1. 0 FWS A length FWS 350 4,000 3,880 3,030 3.500 35,000 1,500 37, 500 G 0. 5 G flats G G G G G FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS 1,500 5,000 15,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 20,000 Sept 5 G 2. 0 FWS 26,000 1960 Aug 30 A 2. 5 ADF 400 Sept 2 G 1.5 ADF 6,000 1961 Aug 1 A 2. 5 ADF Aug 26 A 2. 5 ADF Aug 30 G 2. 5 ADF 106, 000 Sept 7 A 2. 5 ADF many ADF STAT. No. WR 105 r RECORD - Continued Previous No. 141 CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live 72 25 50 1,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 7,000 6,000 500 50 3,500 750 cohos Many dead 1, 500 in intertidal >5,000 pinks above marker 10,000 salmon in stream 3, 500 pinks at moutli Estimated 100,000 pinks have gone up Plus 20, 000 pinks in tidal zone; 600 pinks off mouth 500 pinks in intertidal 5,500 at mouth Jumpers off mouth Pink present, water dark 3, 000 below weir 15,000-20,000 below weir 2ll-2 SXmVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead ADF STAT. No. WR 105 ■NT RECORD - Continued Previous No. 141 CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live A length ADF A length ADF A length ADF A length ADF 1,500 G lake ADF 69,000 A length ADF A length ADF A length ADF G mouth ADF ADF 4,500 A mouth ADF ADF 67,315 723 Few cohos 2, 881 cohos 150 salmon at mouth No salmon observed Few pinks 2, 000-3, 000 at mouth 500 in intertidal zone 114,000 upstream 138,000 downstream 130, 000 upstream 161 , 000 downstream No fish observed Cohos jumping Mixed; 3,000 counted through weir 5,000 mixed fish at mouth Bio -Research Div. weir coimt 2l+3 ADF STAT. No. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Weir Counts WR 105 Previous No. 141 L Chum Coho Remarks Final weir total. Weir installed July 21. 1929 Oct 5 191,948 5,728 2,856 1930 July 20 38 22 44 23 46 24 217 25 166 26 59 27 2 28 29 20 30 12 31 Aug 1 2 3 7 4 S 14 6 5 7 3 8 2 9 10 6 11 13 12 857 13 10 1,718 14 278 1,000 15 1,130 20 480 16 228 50 17 377 20 18 1,495 60 19 2,862 10 45 20 3,091 7 55 21 6,435 40 60 22 7,114 125 175 23 11,629 150 60 24 14,214 500 40 25 12,468 400 25 26 14, 679 84 25 27 9,752 52 28 13, 700 12 29 15,500 23 30 7,737 56 31 9,600 46 Sept 1 6,600 104 2 4,806 75 3 3,050 56 4 3,417 20 5 7,776 128 6 3,428 252 7 1,980 40 8 5,477 245 9 4,700 256 10 1,500 60 11 2,496 120 12 6,456 325 13 15,000 644 2^ 115-10 Pink Weir Counts - Continued Chum Coho ADF STAT. No. WR 105 1930 Sept 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Oct 1 2 3 4 Total 1931 July 5 6 7 35, 150 31,129 20,000 18,136 14,566 38, 189 22,540 14, 606 7,076 4,198 3,400 2,300 2,507 1,410 1,602 1,401 2,121 790 410 52 18 420,576 842 652 660 757 225 241 147 35 16 4 20 12 6 53 7,542 22 72 296 395 370 560 330 152 86 32 243 252 16 122 82 14 10 10 4 No further count. Weir removed Oct 4 Aug 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 114 22 23 77 245 185 103 9 23 5 2 9 21*5 115-10 Date Pink 1931 Aug 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5,442 17 162 18 5,006 19 2,586 20 464 21 359 22 22,553 23 45,825 24 34,500 25 21,402 26 25, 159 27 51,827 28 29,465 29 36,060 30 31,781 31 28, 704 Sept 1 30, 144 2 7,760 3 2,462 4 1,217 S 1,797 6 1,925 7 2,968 8 1,951 9 11,396 10 6,650 11 9,638 12 29, 706 13 7,101 14 10,916 15 6,639 16 2,031 17 236 18 14 19 642 20 1,122 21 400 22 378 23 950 24 680 25 847 26 772 27 265 28 16 Total 481, 949 ADF STAT. No. Weir Counts - Continued WR 105 Chum Coho Remarks 40 14 13 21 17 33 11 13 7 11 650 43 552 23 417 188 16 280 23 3,940 2,015 2,531 1,235 67 745 938 3,400 1,110 1,540 1,065 2,393 1,220 1,250 650 2,019 1,475 733 1, 200 180 460 62 4,805 1,410 3, 265 700 15,572 1,505 12,187 3,096 818 990 979 1, 160 657 1, 270 162 410 178 18 38 74 1,802 354 1,300 81 99 32 59 27 103 44 67 24 148 22 37 11 3 1 68,617 18,364 2k6 1 15-10 Date Pink Chum Coho 1961 Aug 7 53 399 8 211 76 9 17 16 10 44 13 11 0 0 12 267 3 333 13 17, ,139 1,065 14 4, ,236 101 15 130 4 16 176 10 17 662 11 18 0 0 19 430 2 20 638 4 21 470 12 22 1, ,343 9 23 5; ,138 4 8 24 0 0 25 0 0 26 33, ,046 53 0 27 2, ,542 5 28 2, ,071 8 21 29 1, ,010 6 30 192 1 7 31 2, ,776 76 51 Sept 1 1; ,017 39 15 2 299 16 7 3 1, ,657 292 40 4 472 66 4 5 253 115 4 6 114 72 2 7 413 472 6 8 3; ,875 860 54 9 411 313 10 10 420 269 12 11 215 197 3 12 341 347 17 13 305 203 4 14 242 96 0 15 90 333 0 16 63 250 0 17 1 ,340 2,154 33 18 24 91 0 19 377 342 16 20 62 68 4 21 45 129 11 22 97 223 7 23 249 536 6 24 353 83 2 25 185 50 3 26 93 12 0 27 38 32 0 28 88 31 1 29 667 277 117 30 163 43 11 Oct 1 16 46 278 2 23 13 3 Total 86 ,598 8,215 2,823 ADF STAT. No. WR 105 2k'J 115-10 Weir Cc junts - C Datfe Pink Chum Coho 1962 Aug 9 67 159 10 2,195 249 11 297 17 12 1,313 67 13 102 24 14 55 5 15 503 71 16 5,619 287 17 10,023 2 128 18 1,938 1 12 19 1,950 5 20 8,821 11 23 21 11,637 8 23 22 6,324 1 15 23 10,801 18 5 24 8,999 12 12 25 9,901 11 14 26 7,833 4 20 27 5,842 3 9 28 4,365 6 14 29 4,463 10 13 30 3,448 1 31 1,862 8 1 Sept 1 1,605 7 2 551 4 3 527 13 4 380 5 5 426 35 6 316 12 7 129 66 8 6,768 319 23 9 1,844 146 21 10 990 57 41 11 168 8 7 12 90 33 5 13 935 219 16 14 3,635 189 145 15 1,360 41 51 16 17 92 9 2 18 4 3 2 19 1 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 65 21 51 26 27 10 19 17 28 19 13 6 29 39 38 54 30 Oct 1 2 4 3 ADF STAT. No. WR 105 2ka ADF STAT, No. 115-10 Weir Counts - Continued WR Date Pink Chum Coho Remarks 1962 Oct 4 5 6 23 1 50 9 10 11 12 13 2 39 14 15 16 668 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 131 Total 128,339 1,357 2,502 2k9 ADF STAT. No. 115-10 Weir Counts - Continued WR 105 Date Pink Chum Coho Remarks 1963 1, 200 300 Estimated in stream prior to weir installation Aug Sept IS 5, 207 395 16 1, 387 108 17 176 7 18 6 0 19 S 1 20 0 0 21 0 0 22 0 0 23 0 0 24 57 1 25 13 0 26 0 0 27 58 2 28 3 0 29 0 0 30 0 0 31 0 0 1 657 3 2 2 701 1 5 3 5, ,293 21 515 4 18, ,909 107 954 5 19. ,988 68 185 6 7, ,803 159 116 7 3, ,844 60 65 8 89 1 2 9 58 4 1 10 18 6 11 530 22 9 12 246 15 19 13 17 1 1 14 179 31 4 15 58 4 4 16 32 0 0 17 182 77 23 18 437 73 36 19 45 8 5 20 68 14 16 21 0 0 0 22 10 5 0 23 14 12 8 24 6 4 0 25 3 1 0 26 1 2 1 27 1 0 0 28 5 0 0 29 1 0 0 30 8 30 90 67 ,315 723 2,881 Weir removed October 1,1963 250 Weir Counts - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR Pink 1964 Aug 8 37 9 2 10 0 11 0 12 1 13 0 14 500 15 183 16 1,806 17 1,986 65 18 749 282 19 2,570 10 20 1,246 13 21 238 11 22 0 0 23 30 0 24 0 0 25 14,S«4 84 47 26 7,502 4 36 27 2,574 1 14 28 3,128 2 31 29 5,669 86 29 30 2,202 5 15 31 1,670 0 28 Sept 1 4,000 3 5 2 8,400 4 8 3 1,670 14 1 4 6,593 21 3 5 1,582 10 1 6 5,258 82 1 7 9,283 16 2 8 2,994 28 0 9 448 5 0 10 1,697 SO 0 11 1,533 99 0 12 915 38 0 13 15,837 242 0 14 15,211 80 0 15 6,610 23 0 16 4,861 51 18 17 3 0 0 18 0 0 0 19 805 31 12 20 142 2 0 Totals 134.499 981 632 Notet About 3, 000 pinks below the weir at the time weir removed. Count of total pinks probably low. Adjusted count of 138, 112 suggested. 251 ADF STAT. No. 115-10 WR 106 56°02' N. 133°0.4.2' W. Previous No. 144 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, KASHEVAROF PASSAGE, WHALE PASSAGE, S. comer. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, echo. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle, Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 12.6 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Shelter may be found on the N. side of the passage near its S. entrance in the small cove just past the two charted rocks. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'/4". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gradual. BOTTOM Grave 1 and bedrock- LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'/10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gradual. BOTTOM Gravel and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIER S An 8' falls three-fourths mile upstream is a block to salmon. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous bedrock holes. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES 252 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 106 Previous No. 1 44 Date 1949 Aug 29 Sept 19 1950 Aug 28 Sept 14 1951 Sept 21 1953 Aug 11 1954 Aug 10 Season 1955 Aug 21 Sept 15 Sept 18 1956 Aug 15 Aug 27 Sept 2 Sept 11 Sept 12 Sept 18 1957 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 29 Sept 7 Sept 11 1958 Aug 29 Sept 1 Sept 26 1959 Aug 12 Sept 6 1960 1961 SURVEYED Miles By G 0. 5 FRI Gl.O FRI PINK Live Dead FWS FRI 700 31,800 201 187 A G 1.7 G FWS 6,000 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS 10, 000 ADF 2, 000 A to lake FWS G 0. 3 FWS G FWS G length FWS A length FWS GO. 7 FWS 400 150 200 2,000 3,000 13,000 GO. 5 FWS 2,000 G FWS 30 GO. 5 FWS 2,500 G 0. 5 FWS 100 GO. 7 FWS 110 G 0. 7 FWS G 0. 5 FWS A length FWS G 0. 1 FWS G FWS No surveys No surveys 19 77 50 CHUM live Dead 0 600 1,500 SO 700 1,500 15 1,600 50 850 OTHER SPECIES Live REMARKS 18 328 4 cohos 5 cohos 2 cohos Heavy schools at mouth Excellent showing No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 1 jump off mouth 3,000 off mouth 25 chums in tidal zone Tidal zone 253 115-10 56° 00. 3' N . 13 2*57.9' W. ADF STAT. No. WR 107 Previous No. 150 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, GOLD AND G I LUGAN LAGOON, entrance to Kashevarof Passage. MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE Aerial 1 square mile (polar planimeter) STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Fair visibility. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 25^ 115-10 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by Gj aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 107 Previous No. 150 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1953 Aug 11 A FWS No fish observed Sept 27 A FWS None off mouth. Thou- sands unidentified salmon 1954 Season FWS Good escapement 1955 Aug 21 A length FWS No fish observed Season G length FWS 500 cohos 1956 Aug 11 G length FWS No fish observed Sept 3 G FWS 6 25 2 1957 Sept27 A 3.0 FRI Many dead, unidentified 1958 Aug 30 A 1.0 FWS No fish observed Sept 19 A length FWS No fish observed 1959 No record 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys 255 : 1 5 - 1 0 56*00' N. 132° 5 1. 2' W. COFFM AN CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR 108 Previous No. 154 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, KASHEVAROF PASSAGE, COFFMAN COVE, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good but limited by the small size of the stream. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 50° F. , 9/21/52; 47* F. , 10/3/52; 45° F. , 10/9/52; 48* F. , 10/4/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 5.1 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Good anchorage may be had in the middle of the S E. part of the cove. A midchannel course will carry in safely. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Clean, fine gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20V3V Slight , UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/3". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Gravel and sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS • TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous holes under log jams. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES A very small stream of continuous fine gravel, sand, and many windfalls. Very winding. 256 ADF STAT. No. WR 108 115-10 COFFMAN CREEK Previous No. 154 ESCAPEMENT CREEK [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A) REMARKS Very minor stream SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Aug 29 G ai FRI 15 0 2 0 1952 Sept 21 G QS FRI 82 3 0 0 Oct 3 G a5 FRI 23 1 1 0 Oct 9 G Q5 FRI 2 2 0 0 1953 Aug 11 A FWS Sept 3 A 1.0 FWS Sept 6 A FWS 25 Sept 23 A 1.0 FWS Few cohos Sept 25 A 1.0 FWS Sept 26 GO. 2 FRI Oct 4 GO. 5 FRI 44 7 25 cohos 1954 Season FWS 10,000 1955 Aug 21 A FWS Sept 14 G 1.5 FWS 6,000 1956 Aug 15 A 2. 5 FWS Sept 11 G 1.0 FWS 2,000 Sept 19 G 1. 2 FWS 350 1957 Aug 17 A length FWS IS Aug 21 A 1.0 FWS 25 Sept 12 G 05 FWS 18 4 1958 Aug 13 A length FWS Aug 25 G 2. 0 FWS Sept 26 A 2.0 FWS 1959 Aug 12 G FWS Sept 12 GO. 3 FWS 1960 Aug 30 A length ADF 1961 Aug 26 A length ADF present 1962 July 26 A 1.0 ADF Aug 7 A 1.0 ADF Aug 30 A length ADF 1963 Aug 15 G to log bridge ADF 12 Fewf fish observed 300. pinks and chums in inter- tidal zone 300 .pinks and chums in inter- tidal spawning Stream flooding. Vis. zero Visibility good 75 dead. Estimate 2,000 pinks in sloughs at mouth No fish observed Plus 5,000 in tidal zone No fish observed No chum observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed. Loggers report 3,000 pinks in cove Stream damaged by logging Water too dark for survey No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed Stream muddy from bridge to tidewater 257 115-10 EAGLE CREEK WR 1 09 i \ J / J i ] / , ^ / I / : ^^ / ' ^ ■ , . • • " '\ - "^ :^'^ ] ; ^ ^ ^ -^ - : i ~~ ~^ i ^ ^ V ^ ^ // N \ \ \ / J 1 \ \ \ 1) \ ^ ^ * y ; \ / ^ ^ ^^ ^ \ // \ ^ ' \ \{ ^ \ >' ; ; ^^^ ]\ - i I i '- _ N \\ - _ ^ )\ ^ 'X 1 ;• .--, /^ f ^ i X ' '"'' ( ' '. 1 ."^ ^ .-■ * // ■ .: f i 0.25 Mile \.?t\ / '■ 't ^* " tT^^ ' ' / / ML^^ .'•/jjC'i' *.;C \.kM. ^^ Falls ( 3t Low Woter .V;.r-. ■•••■? i,-^ . . . '.V A. > \ Keep Skiff Outside Lagoon 258 ADF STAT. No. 115-30 EAGLE CREEK WR 109 55-58' N. 132-58. 2- W. Previous No. 155 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, 1. 8 miles S. of Luck Pt. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESC APEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Poor. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 59* F. , 9/13/50; 52.5*F. , 9/26/50; 48. 5*F. , 10/2/50; 57" F. , 8/1/51; 57' F. , 8/13/Sl; 56* F. , 8/25/51; 53' F. , 9/8/51; 65* F. , 8/29/51; 58* F. , 9/14/51; 52-F. , 10/2/52; 50* F. , 10/9/52. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 30 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDLENTIFIC ATION No tideflat. Flows directly into Strait. Rock 100 yards off mouth. ANCHORAGE Anchoring off the mouth is safe only in calm weather. Anchor Coffman Cove or Ratz Harbor. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES This stream is extremely difficult to travel along its margins and is nearly impossible to wade because of the slippery rocks. Game trails follow the ridges on both sides, but are strewn with downfalls. Most easily surveyed from lake down. Cabin on lake. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Good visibility, in upper reaches. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.2mile AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30710". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to steep. BOTTOM Shattered bedrock, boulders, and some gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A large hole just above the constriction. SPAWNING AREAS About 100 yards at the upper end of this zone offers limited spawning facilities. Not much spawning takes place in this zone. GENERAL NOTES This area has steep walls for the first 150 yards. Travel is difficult in this area. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1. 8 miles to lake. AVER AGE WI DTH / DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to steep. BOTTOM Large boulders, bedrock, and sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Several large pools, mostly in upper half of stream. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning facilities are limited to the stream's margins and gravel pockets between boulders except in upper one-half of stream which is excellent spawning area. GENERAL NOTES Almost a continuous rapids for first mile. 259 EAGLE CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 109 Previous No. 155 By PINK Live De 1928 Sept 29 1929 Oct 5 1930 Oct 1 1931 Sept 29 1949 Aug 28 Sept 18 1950 Aug 26 Sept 13 Sept 26 Oct 2 1951 Aug 29 Sept 1 Sept 14 Sept 25 1952 Oct 2 1953 Aug 7 Aug 11 Sept 3 Sept 23 1954 Sept 8 Sept 27 1955 July 1 July 6 USBF 405,762 USBF 102, 654 USBF 223,012 USBF 532, 863 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 0. 6 G 0. 6 G 0. 6 G 0. 6 0.7 G 0. 6 FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI 5,500 14,500 1,500 5,460 3,986 129 5,066 2,480 317 8 365 13,000 20 G 0. 6 FRI-FWS 15,000 GO. 5 FRI G G 0. 1 July 18 G 0. 1 July 21 G 0. 1 July 23 G 0. 1 July 24 G 0. 1 July 25 G 0. 1 July 28 G 0. 1 July 29 A July 30 A Aug 1 A Aug 6 G 0. 1 FWS FWS FWS FWS 900 FWS FWS 30, 000 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS 530 1,000 1,000 1,300 1,000 1,300 1, 150 500 5,000 CHUM Live Dead 1,982 5,066 23, 224 50,772 7,500 106 5 3, 230 96 2,449 1,389 0 30 560 OTHER SPECIES Live 523 cohos, 2,701 reds I, 861 cohos, 1, 939 reds 6, 525 cohos, 6, 371 reds 3,289 cohos, 15,749 reds 4 cohos, 40 reds 2 reds 1 , 000 reds 200 reds 500 reds Final total. Weir in- stalled June 27 Final total. Weir in- stalled July 2 Final total, Weir in- stalled June 25 Final total. Weir in- stalled July 5 3, 000 off mouth 3,000 pinks Many fish off mouth 1 dead reds Few dead pinks 1, 000 pinks spawning 4, 000-5, 000 off mouth Flooding Jumpers at mouth Few at mouth Chums and pinks seen High water 6 salmon head of cove Some dead pinks 1 , 000 reds entered Reds present Holes full of red 1,000 pinks, 200 reds off mouth 200 reds off mouth Good showing off mouth Many jumpers off mouth Creek still low 260 115-30 EAGLE CREEK - Continued ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 109 Previous No . 155 SURVEYEE PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1955 Aug 7 GO. 1 FWS 1,000 Level high Aug 11 GO. 1 FWS 500 Aug 18 GO. 1 FWS 1,000 300 10 cohos Many cohos off mouth Aug 19 GO. 1 FWS 2,000 Aug 22 GO. 1 FWS 6,000 Chums showing creek mouth Aug 23 G 0. 1 FWS 7,000 Aug 24 GO. 1 FWS 6,000 Aug 25 GO. 1 FWS 8,000 Cohos jumping near creek Sept 23 A FRI 80, 000 In flats below lake Sept 28 A FRI : 125, 000 Some dead pinks 1956 Jime 26 A FWS 15 reds Aug 12 GO. 5 FWS 34 reds Aug 19 GO. 2 FWS 33 reds Aug 21 G FWS 1,500 fish Aug 23 G 100' FWS 2, 500 fish Aug 26 G mouth FWS Many salmon Sept 9 A to lak eFRI 20, 000 Sept 11 A to lak eFWS 15,000 Sept 20 A to lak eFWS 100, 000 Sept 23 A FRI : >30,000 Sept 28 A mark FRI 80,000 20, 000-30, 000 at mouth 1957 July 14- 18G0. 1 FWS 50-100 100-150 reds JuV2S GO. 1 FWS 250 July 28 GO. 1 FWS 100-150 Aug 2 GO. 1 FWS 15 Aug 6 G 0. 1 FWS 30 1 cohos Aug 8 G 1.7 FWS 140 Aug 16 GO. 1 FWS 400 100 cohos Aug 16 GO. 1 FWS 800 200 cohos Aug 19 GO. 1 FWS 1,200 Aug 23 GO. 7 FWS 500 Aug 24 GO. 5 FWS 400 10 Aug 28 GO. 1 FWS 1,200 50 Aug 31 GO. 1 FWS 1,500 200 Sejtll G mouth 4, 000-5, 000 mixed i n front of mouth Sept 22 A mark FRI 20,000 >5,000 Sep 27 A mark FRI 3,000 300 20, 000 2, 000 1958 July 10 G mouth FWS 400-600 reds July 19 G mouth FWS 300 Teds July25-28 G mouth FWS July 28 G mouth FWS Aug 21 G 1. 0 FWS Aug 23-27 G mouth FWS Sept 7 A to lake FWS SeptlO G 1. 0 FWS 2,000 3,000 200 1,000 10 2,000 salmon at mouth 2,000 pinks at mouth 3, 500 pinks at mouth 4, 000 pinks at mouth 261 EAGLE CREEK - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 109 Previous No. 155 ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1958 Sept 17 A to lake FWS 2,000 Sept 17 A length FWS 17, 500 Sept 22 G mouth FWS 100 1 Sept 26 A 2. 0 FWS 25,000 2,000 Sept 29 G mouth FWS 1959 July 9 G FWS 1,500 reds July 11 G FWS 3, 000 reds July 12 G FWS 1,500 reds July 18 G FWS 1,000 reds Aug 12 G FWS 1,000 Aug 14 G FWS 1,000 Aug 18 G FWS 4,500 Aug 23 G FWS 50 Sept 12 FWS 1960 Sept 7 A length ADF 1961 Aug 1 A mouth ADF Aug 26 A mouth ADF Aug 29 G1.8 ADF 19,000 0 Few cohos 1962 July 26 A ADF Aug 7 A 1.0 ADF Aug 21 A length ADF 4,000 Aug 30 A length ADF Sept 5 A mouth ADF 1963 July 15 A mouth ADF Aug 7 A length ADF Aug 21 G mouth ADF REMARKS 200 off mouth No fish observed Tidal zone Tidal zone Tidal zone Tidal zone Tidal zone Tidal zone Tidal zone 800 pinks off mouth Too rough to land No salmon observed No salmon observed 300 off mouth 20, 000 pinks at mouth 250 at mouth No salmon observed Excellent showing of fish throughout 3, 000 at mouth No fish observed No fish observed 7, 000 salmon at mouth 262 ADF STAT. No. 115-30 EAGLE CREEK WR 109 Previous No. 155 U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Weir Counts Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water t emp. Remarks 1928 June 27 16 28 9 29 3 30 3 July 1 2 3 4 27 5 18 6 4 7 8 64 9 10 3 11 23 12 232 13 446 14 307 15 19 16 12 17 9 18 19 20 2 21 268 22 97 23 99 24 23 25 71 26 64 27 23 28 14 29 3 30 3 31 2 Aug 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 69 7 9 8 4 9 9 111 10 198 162 11 2, 8SS 196 12 1, 826 77 13 2, ,955 3 69 14 3, 901 3 5 15 3, ,460 2 16 886 8 17 5. ,145 22 18 3, ,369 8 19 1, ,939 20 1, ,225 6 263 EAGLE CREEK - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 109 Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1928 Aug 21 2,587 4 22 901 3 23 620 5 24 1,654 4 25 2,010 11 26 259 27 3,213 28 13 28 7,237 3 14 17 29 5,116 2 5 3 30 1,223 6 31 789 3 8 Sept 1 1,002 4 2 2 3,300 2 6 3 3 3,262 16 2 4 4,807 7 3 5 3,074 5 2 6 2,950 5 8 7 2,830 2 5 8 3,300 4 10 3 9 13,660 28 51 10 10,642 27 44 11 8,100 38 52 12 58,000 100 6 13 67, 810 150 50 4 14 70,401 15 65,660 262 78 16 8,800 178 17 5,934 270 18 3,938 62 19 1,400 19 21 20 5,225 212 31 21 1,800 116 22 22 1,680 212 9 23 915 82 24 1,080 45 7 25 850 24 26 625 28 7 27 455 50 11 28 585 35 9 29 300 17 4 30 Total 405, 762 1,982 523 2,701 1929 July 2 53 3 4 5 IS 6 91 7 42 8 38 9 26 10 17 11 12 Includes 30,000 pink on each of four days when gates of weir were open 2.0^ ADF STAT. No. 115-30 EAGLE CREEK - Continued WR 109 Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1929 July 12 19 13 6 14 22 15 32 16 22 17 420 18 17 19 n 20 23 21 22 23 4 78 24 21 25 60 26 66 27 3 225 28 132 29 1 4 112 30 2 61 31 2 3 16 Aug 1 1 2 14 2 1 22 3 IS 4 18 S 2 24 6 7 49 5 8 9 19 9 10 11 14 19 27 12 41 3 18 13 50 4 8 14 34 4 9 15 70 6 10 16 424 23 36 18 17 866 9 32 26 18 1; ,054 30 19 1; ,850 16 55 20 1, ,550 45 275 21 1, ,700 34 186 9 22 3, ,500 40 110 23 5, ,000 80 115 24 4, ,700 90 104 25 26 7, ,100 14 28 27 12, ,400 90 84 28 4, ,750 26 38 29 5, ,800 48 39 30 7, .100 49 43 31 5, 000 19 24 Sept 1 3, 721 18 16 2 4, 055 11 9 3 4, 161 19 8 4 3, 606 20 21 5 1, 678 24 20 265 ADF STAT. No. 115-30 EAGLE CREEK - Continued WR Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1929 Sept 6 2,618 51 34 7 1,757 30 S 8 616 29 29 9 1,041 32 10 1,003 49 10 11 1,150 44 7 12 1,850 92 11 13 1,800 115 17 14 429 28 4 15 1,200 140 21 16 1,270 116 13 17 871 107 8 18 971 178 33 19 2,627 307 51 20 594 287 61 21 61 57 7 22 158 92 9 23 97 110 2 24 99 74 1 25 144 140 1 26 162 100 27 158 38 1 28 195 42 29 115 18 30 192 119 1 Oct 1 251 379 1 2 715 592 4 3 150 589 152 4 5 150 330 68 Total 102, 654 5,066 1, ,861 1930 June 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 61 54 264 107 42 184 856 340 52 37 61 14 11 39 266 ADF STAT. No. 115-30 EAGLE CREEK - Continued WR Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1930 July 18 30 19 86 20 116 21 41 22 53 23 17 442 24 1,610 25 254 26 3 114 27 171 28 3 103 29 37 30 2 11 31 41 Aug 1 4 28 2 57 3 16 4 9 6 5 1 14 6 7 19 8 2 14 9 11 10 27 11 3 41 12 12 13 17 3 443 14 11 5 79 15 26 4 6 54 16 18 38 17 12 29 18 19 6 8 19 10 20 9 3 41 21 710 3 47 22 922 7 104 8 23 828 64 6 24 667 31 9 25 540 3 18 8 26 Z ,702 2 26 6 27 I, ,549 3 18 4 28 394 12 3 29 2, ,559 4 35 4 30 3, ,124 1 49 18 31 1, ,500 2 19 7 Sept 1 4, .900 2 137 8 2 1, ,547 4 48 6 3 1, ,009 7 25 2 4 1, ,009 8 160 5 5 s, 209 13 176 8 6 4, 875 52 102 2 7 s, 570 55 115 8 10, 914 124 95 9 11. 450 153 72 2 10 8, 012 68 40 3 267 ADF STAT. No. 115-30 EAGLE CREEK - Continued WR 109 Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1930 Sept 11 6,800 55 34 12 7,400 22 28 13 9,600 119 30 14 22,000 555 146 5 15 20,000 1,115 108 3 16 13,500 2,040 268 17 13,000 2,900 760 18 15,000 1,452 575 19 11,000 1,280 864 20 10,500 1,364 900 21 5,380 918 322 22 5,264 745 157 23 2,041 710 36 24 1,726 991 23 25 1,477 719 22 26 1,154 470 48 27 4,080 852 116 28 5,963 2,951 239 29 3,279 1,473 123 30 3,255 1,181 210 Oct 1 2,560 744 156 2 3 4 Weir removed Oct. 4 Total 223,012 23,224 6,525 6,371 1931 July 5 47 6 31 7 S2 8 128 9 161 10 218 11 316 12 407 13 462 14 342 15 372 16 107 17 52 18 28 19 29 20 264 21 967 22 17 23 236 24 265 25 947 26 2, 841 27 711 28 729 29 337 30 702 31 163 Aug 1 395 2 31 3 24 268 llS-30 EAGLE CREEK - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 109 Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1931 Aug 4 IS 5 343 6 560 7 11 1,061 8 3 105 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 420 1 34 113 17 128 6 107 18 348 24 163 19 1,421 20 192 20 866 2 45 228 21 1,411 11 90 22 4,229 1 38 159 23 15,234 22 174 380 24 50,139 88 278 644 25 37,585 38 114 90 26 26, 380 50 111 37 27 41,178 78 172 32 28 61,110 381 247 35 29 41,425 266 144 14 30 27,000 264 158 31 23,000 134 139 Sept 1 30,537 165 120 2 27,551 500 77 3 20,024 396 51 4 17,845 763 61 5 6 7 25,011 1,641 130 8 15,089 894 27 9 14,910 1,635 108 10 12,118 3,644 179 11 10,200 3,508 111 12 7,450 4,608 70 13 6,800 5,680 244 14 4,600 3,380 175 15 2,240 1,860 64 16 1,335 2,202 42 17 1,158 2,412 22 18 960 2,525 19 19 627 1,856 12 20 956 2,900 41 21 476 2,004 9 22 210 1,246 0 23 270 1,384 0 24 208 1,040 0 25 120 950 12 26 66 472 0 27 92 852 0 28 122 930 0 Total 532,863 50,772 3,289 15,749 269 ADF STAT. No. WR 110 Previous No. 156 115-30 55*53. 3' N. 132° 37. 9' W. WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, RATZ HARBOR, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE 250,000 SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 48* F. , 10/5/53; 54*. F. , 9/15/53; 49.5* F. , 9/27/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Logged. DRAINAGE 8. 2 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters through flats at head of bay. ANCHORAGE This harbor affords protection from all except N. to NE.. winds. The usual anchorage is in the S. part of the harbor. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily traveled up the streambed. Game trails follows both banks. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Logging road for length. Usually too dark for survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH O.lmile. AVER AGE WI DTH/ DEP TH 25'/3': GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Algae, rocks, and barnacles; clean gravel further up. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Two holes between the intertidal forks and the high tidemark. SPAWNING AREAS The upper 200 yards has a clean gravel bottom and offers fair spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES The stream branches in this area and the left branch goes to a lagoon while the right branch continues as the main stream. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE To falls between lakes. AVER AGE WIDTH/ D EPTH 25V4". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Small gravel and occasional boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION -♦ BARRIERS Between lakes. TRIBUTARIES One good tributary below first lake, available to barrier falls 0. 7 mile. SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous holes are found throughout. SPAWNING AREAS Three miles of good spawning area. GENERAL NOTES Cohos, pinks, and reds spawn between lakes. Cohos reported above falls. Rock work planned in 1964 to enable reds and cohos to enter upper lake. Entire watershed to be logged by 1964. Little Ratz Harbor Creek is immediately south of Ratz Harbor and is reached by log roadj to be clear cut in 1964. Good minor pink and echo stream; 4,000-5,000 pinks in 1963. 270 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 110 Previous No. 156 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] Date 1949 Aug 28 Sept 18 1950 Aug 26 1953 Aug 12 Aug 21 Aug 30 Sept 10 Sept 15 1954 Sept 27 1955 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 25 Sept 13 1956 Aug 15 Sept 4 Sept 9 SURVEYED Mile? By G 1. 0 G 1.0 GO. 2 GO. 2 GO. 2 A G 0. 6 G 1. 5 G 1.5 G 1.5 A lake A lake A to lake FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI Sept 11 A lake Sept 19 Gl.O 1957 Aug 17 Sep: 27 Season 1958 July 25-26 G mouth FWS G mouth FWS A lake FRI FWS Aug 21 Aug 29 Aug 30 Sept 7 Sept 7 Sept 9 Sept 17 Sept 17 Sept 17 Sept 19 Sept 23 Sept 26 1959 Aug 4 Sept 12 G1.5 FWS G mouth FWS G mouth FWS A FRI A length FWS G 2. 0 FWS A mkr FWS A FRI PINK Live Dead 987 4,450 710 FRI 13,000 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI 200 7,000 4,000 FWS 3,000 FWS 25,000 1,000 4,000 >400 300 945 1,500 1,500 G 1. 0 FRI 1,680 A 1.0 FWS 4,500 A length FWS 2, 000 G2. 0 FWS 4,250 CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 280 0 53 0 200 5,000 >1,000 2, 000 cohos 750 A 1.0 FWS G 0. 2 FWS 10 REMARKS Scattered jumps in bay 3,000 pinks off mouth 2, 000 pinks and chums No fish observed Few jumpers observed 50 salmon observed Few salmon observed Some dead pinky off mouth No fish observed No salmon in bay 500 pinks in sloughs, right No fish observed No fish observed >15,000 on nats; 5,000 chums at mouth 3, 000 in bay 250 pinks at mouth Few live chums 3,000 reds at mouth 375 pinks at mouth 125 pinks at mouth 175 pinks at mouth None observed off mouth Few dead pinks. None at mouth No fish observed 271 ADF STAT. No. WR 110 Previous No . 15 6 REMARKS No salmon observed Pink present. Stream too dark to estimate No fish d> served 1 , 000 at mouth 700 in intertidal zone Sept 20 G to 2d lake ^DF 20,000 100 reds Good se eding of pinks 1963 Aug 7 A to ADF No fish observed in stream; 2d lake 1, 500 at mouth Aug 14 ADF 400 Aug 16 Gto ADF 2,300 Stream muddy 1st lake Aug 21 A ADF 200 salmon in intertidal zone 115-30 ESCAPEMENT RECORD - Cont i n ue d SURVEYED HNK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1960 Aug 24 A 0.5 ADF 1961 Aug 26 A 0.5 ADF 1962 July 26 A 0.5 ADF Aug 7 A 1.0 ADF Aug 30 A length ADF 15,000 272 142-30 55° 10. 6' N. 132''05. 2' W. ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, KASHEVAROF PASSAGE, EXCHANGE COVE, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTH£R SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURE VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters at head of Exchange Cove. ANCHORAGE At entrance of Exchange Cove. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Only the intertidal area can be aerial surveyed. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1.0 mile. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Mostly sand. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Off mouth. SPAWNING AREAS Upper intertidal area only. GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50'/8" UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 273 ADF STAT. No. WR ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 139 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A) REMARKS No fish observed SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1953 Aug 25 GO. 2 FWS 1955 Aug 24 A FWS Sept 16 GO. 7 FWS 2,000 1956 Aug 15 A to lake FWS Sept 11 A FWS 6,000-8,000 Sept 17 GO. 7 FWS 600 40 1957 Aug 10 A 1.0 FWS Aug 26 GO. 5 FWS 150 50 Sept 11 Gl.O FWS 350 20 690 129 1963 Aug 27 A bay ADF No fish observed Chum present No fish observed No fish observed 5, 000 pinks in cove Many at mouth; jumps in bay 27^ ADF STAT. No. 115-10 WB 56*06' N. 133*08.4' W. Previous No. 142 No. 109 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, KASHEVAR OF PASSAGE, WHALE PASSAGE, NECK LAKE, 1. 5 miles from head MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. SPAWNING FACILITIES Poor. STREAM TEMPERATURE VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 16. 6 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters short lagoon on W. shore of Whale Passage at head. ANCHORAGE Small bight 0. 5 mile S. of stream entrance. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Trail to lake on E. bank. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Impossible to survey from air. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 1 mile. AVER AGE WI DTH/ DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Mostly bedrock. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Off stream mouth. SPAWNING AREAS Very limited. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 1 mile. AVER AGE WID TH/ DEPTH 20'/16". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Some gravel and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE None. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Falls at 0. 1 mile upstream. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Very limited. GENERAL NOTES 275 ADF STAT. No. WR ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 142 No. 109 [Counts made by ground surveys ore designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1955 Aug 14 G FWS No fish observed Aug 21 A FWS 1 jumper off mouth Sept 14 GO. 7 FWS 3,000 Sept 18 GO. 5 ADF 1,500-2,000 1956 Aug 15 GO. 1 FWS No fish observed Sept 1 GO. 3 FWS 450 Sept 11 GO. 7 FWS 500 Sept 12 A FWS 300 Sept 18 G FWS 10,000 300 276 REGULATORY DISTRICT NO. 7 1 42-60 CRITTENDEN CREEK WR 4 278 ADF STAT. No. 142-60 CRITTENDEN CREEK WR 4 56*29.8' N. 132°15.6' W. Previous No. 5 WRANGELL, EASTERN PASSAGE, 1 mile NE. of Babbler Pt. , N. of Mill Creek. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug-Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair to good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 59* F. , 9/5/51; 57* F. , 8/9/52; 50*F., 8/19/52; 51'F. , 8/28/52; 57. 5*F. , 8/8/53; 53.5 F., 8/18/53, 53*F. , 8/29/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION The lower part is of glacial origin; the upper is stream-cut. Valley walls rise up at a moderate rate from the streambed. DRAINAGE 54 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. A few small lakes drain into the W. fork. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters Eastern Passage on the E. side of a small wooded peninsula . It is slightly constricted at the mouth but broadens inside the peninsula. There is flattened terrain on both sides of the mouth. ANCHORAGE Wrongell is only a short distance away- Adequate dock space is available for moorage. Suitable anchorage is found just N. of the mouth and 100* to 150' off shore a bar is found S. of the mouth. Skiff can go upstream 2 miles. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Game trails follow both banks. It is wadeable in places. A skiff can be taken up to the falls on a 20' tide. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor for aerial observation. Very good light conditions are needed for satisfactory observations. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1.3 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 150'/14". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Shale rock and silt. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Two large pools at the head of the zone ore utilized, the upper one directly below the first falls. SPAWNING AREAS Fair spawning facilities in the upper one-third. Below this, the bottom is unsuitable for spawning. This is about the only area available to pinks. GENERAL NOTES The intertidal zone, a wide grass bordered area, is navigable at any tide level. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE a 3 mile to falls AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 100'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Shale gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIER S One-half mile upstream the first falls is a total block to pinks at most water levels. Pinks are also blocked at the second falls. Cohos can pass at most water levels. TRIBUTARIES A stream enters from the E. at the upper end of the intertidal zone. A falls 200 yards upstream is 40' high and a total block to salmon. SCHOOLING AREAS The pool below the falls is the only major schooling area. SPAWNING AREAS The lower part of the upstream area has the most suitable spawning gravels. Large rock and boulders become more numerous upstream. A long stretch of excellent spawning ground is found above the falls. GENERAL NOTES Reported to be a good salmon stream. 279 CRITTENDEN CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No . ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by Gj aerial surveys by A) Date 1950 Aug 13 1951 July 18 July 25 Aug 12 Aug 24 Aug 25 Sept 5 Sept 5 Sept 20 1952 Aug 9 Aug 19 Aug 28 1953 Aug 5 Aug 8 Aug 18 Aug 28 Sept 7 1954 July 20 Sept 7 1955 Aug 26 Aug 31 1956 July 24 Aug 14 Sept 4 Sept 9 Sept 9 Sept 12 Sept 17 1957 July 30 Aug 9 1958 Aug 8 Aug 11 Aug 11 Aug 22 Aug 26 Aug 30 Sept 17 SURVEYED Miles A 0. 3 A A 0. 3 AO. 3 A 2.0 A 0. 3 AO. 1 G 1.0 G 0. 3 GO. 3 G 0. 3 A A 0.3 A 0. 3 A 0. 3 A 1.5 G 1.0 AO. 3 A 2.0 G 2. 0 A 0.3 A 2.0 A to falls G to falls G to fails A 0.5 G 1. 5 By PINK Live Dead FWS 2, 900 FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS 0 3,200 5,800 5,000 4,000 2,700 4,000 1, 170 1, 145 475 155 251 190 2 5 350 0 20 380 500 2 0 0 FWS FWS 3,000-4,000 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS A 5. 0 FWS A length FWS A length FWS G falls FWS G 0. 5 FWS A 2. 0 FWS A 0. 3 FWS A length FWS A 0. 3 FWS 300 2,500 1,500 2,000 3,000 100 2,750 3,000 4,000 500 2,500 CHUM OTHER SPECIES Live Dead Live 200 cohos 150 100 100 SO 180 cohos 200 cohos 50 cohos 0 1 0 0 20 0 10 cohos 1 7 0 0 20 0 50 cohos 150 cohos None observed No salmon Half pinks spawning No visi) ility in lower stream Exploratory beyond marker Flooding stream Flooding creek Poor Survey to falls Few live chums None observed Several schools seen No fish observed No spawning observed Few dead pinks Few dead 280 SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live D( 19S9 Aug 10 A 1.0 FWS 650 Sept 17 G to falls FWS 140 Sept 17 G to falls FWS 30 Sept 18 G FWS >200 1963 July 23 G falls ADF July 23 G falls ADF 100 Aug 23 G falls ADF 300 ADF STAT. No. WR 4 CRITTENDEN CREEK - Continued Previous No. 5 ESCAPEMENT RECORD CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live Left-hand fork Right-hand fork 200 in intertidal zone 281 ADF STAT. No. 142-60 MILL CREEK WR 5 56*27.6' N. 132"12.2' W. Previous No. 6 WR AN CELL , EASTERN PASSAGE, N. side 5 miles above Point Madan. MAJOR SPECIES Red. OTHER SPECIES Cutthroat trout. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle Aug. -Sept (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Poor in Mill Creek, fair in Virginia Lake and good in the inlet streams. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Flows through a short, broad valley between Virginia Lake and the Eastern Passage. DRAINAGE 41 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains Virginia Lake, which is 2 miles long and 0.5 mile wide. The lake is fed by numerous small feeder streams. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters a small lagoon, wooded on the SE. -side and not wooded on the NW. shore. The lagoon is entered by both Mill Creek and another tributary. Mill Creek enters W. of the tributary. ANCHORAGE Temporary anchorage is found close in and NW. of the mill buildings. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES A good trail follows the right streambank up to the lake. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Cannot survey from the air. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH O.lmile AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEP TH 150'/36". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Large boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION Large falls. SCHOOLING AREAS None. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES No intertidal zone. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 3 mile to lake AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 125V48". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Large gravel and boulders, large areas of bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE ■• MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS A 20' falls is found at the high tidemark. TTiis falls is passable, but has to be negotiated under favorable conditions of tide and water level. TRIBUTARIES A small stream enters near the mouth. The main inlet to Virginia Lake is a large, clear water stream with clean gravel offering considerable spawning area. SCHOOLING AREAS Many large pools. SPAWNING AREAS The stream is swift and deep above the falls and presents unfavorable conditions for spawning. GENERAL NOTES A popular trout fishing area. Boats and shelter are available on tlie lake. 282 142-60 ADF STAT. No. WR 5 Previous No. 6 MILL CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES Live Dead Live SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1953 Aug 5 A FWS 1956 June 28 A mouth ADF 1957 June 24 G mouth FWS Julyl6 G mouth FWS July 25 G to falls FWS July 30 A 2. 0 FWS 1958 July 13 G mouth FWS Aug 11 G mouth FWS 1959 June 28 Gl.O FWS Aug 4 A length FWS 1963 July 29 A mouth ADF 3,000 reds No salmon observed 15 jumps per minute No salmon observed Few reds jumping 300 reds below falls No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed 283 281^ 142-60 AARON CREEK WR6 ' ^<.. ""'.. 285 ADF STAT. No. 142-60 AARON CREEK WR 56*22.9' N. 131*5.6.4' W. Previous No. WR ANGELL, BLAKE CHANNEL, enters large bay E. of Neptune I. MAJOR SPECIES Pink and chum. OTHER SPECIES Red, king. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Early. July-Aug. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 53.5*F., 8/8/51; 56. 5*F. , 8/31/51; 56*F. , 9/2/51; S2*F. , 7/21/52; 55* F. , 7/29/52; 54. 5*F. , 8/6/52; 45* F. , 8/15/52; 51. 5*F. , 7/24/52; 52*F. , 7/31/53; 52* F. , 8/10/53, 50* F. , 8/18/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. Flows through a rugged valley; mountainous in its upper part. The valley is about a mile wide. A long tideflat is found at the lower end. DRAINAGE Precipitation-fed. Snowfields, both glacial and seasonal, surround the upper valley. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters through grass flat over 2 miles long. The mouth opens into the W. comer of the bay. ANCHORAGE Bergs Bay offers best anchorage in passage. Enter on either side of the island in its mouth but give it a good berth. A reef extends 200 yaids northward of the inner end of the island. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Go up the main stream in a skiff as far as the tributary. Survey the tributary on foot. Trail extends from Bergs Bay head through timber to stream mouth. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Only the tributary is clear enough for aerial surveying. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 120'/30". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Mud, sand, and very fine gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A deep area at the confluence of Aaron Creek and the tributary entering from the left at the head of the grass flats is the main schooling area. SPAWNING AREAS None. GENERAL NOTES The water is glacial colored and does not permit observation of the features in this area. Bottom very unstable in the entire intertidal area. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 7 miles. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEPTH 80'/2'-3'. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Fine sand and gravel. MARKER DISTANCE 1 mile. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None observed. Valley becomes steep. TRIBUTARIES A clear water stream enters at the head of the grass flat from the E. This stream is like a slough at mouth and offers poor spawning facilities. Above this the current increases and good spawning facilities are found. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES The glacial colored water does not permit observation of physical features. 286 ADF STAT. No. WR 6 AARON CREEK Previous No. 8 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Aug 19 A FRI Mpny dead Sept 2 A FWS 1,722 50 cohos 1951 July 25 A FRI 15,000 200 dead chums Aug 8 AO. 3 FRI 10,000 20 210 75 Aug 25 A 2. 5 FRI 8,000 Numerous dead chums Aug 31 A 0.3 FRI 300 230 1 10 Run is over Sept 3 A 0.3 FRI 500 Numerous decayed dead 1952 July 21 A 0.5 FRI 35 0 200 4 July 29 A 0.5 FRI 115 0 382 25 Aug 6 A 0.5 FRI 339 4 191 201 10 kings Aug 12 A 4.0 FWS-ADF Many dead. Run over Aug 15 A 0.5 FRI 344 112 23 180 20 kings Spawning about over 1953 July 24 A 0.5 FRI 562 1, 195 20 July 24 A 0.5 FWS 540 730 July 31 GO. 5 FWS 1,650 1,150 177 July 31 A 0.5 FRI 1,933 0 1,536 617 Aug 4 A 5.0 FRI 200 Few live chums Aug 10 G 0. 5 FWS 640 340 60 Aug 18 GO. 7 FWS 300 100 1954 July 15 FWS 600 Aug 3 FWS 47, 000 pinks and chums Aug 5 A 0.5 FRI 600 0 2,000 0 Aug 7 marker FRI 500 5,000 6,000 Aug 14 marker FRI 100 Many dead chun* Aug 15 A 0.5 FRI 100 0 0 Many dead chums Aug 26 A 0.5 FWS None observed Sept 7 A 0.5 FWS None observed 1955 July 29 A 0.5 FRI 1,000 2,000 Aug 1 A 0.5 FRI 1,000 3,500 Aug 15 A 0.5 FRI 500 Peak over Aug 19 A 0.5 FWS 400 Spawning 1956 July 17 GO. 3 FWS 2 July 23 A 1.0 FWS 250 July 24 A mkr FRI 200 400 July 28 A 2.0 FRI 6,000 Aug 4 A mkr FRI 300 700 Sept 5 G 1.5 FWS 7,500 100 Septl2 A 4. 0 FWS 12 other species 287 ADF STAT. No. WR ( 142-60 AARON CREEK - Continued Previous No. ! ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead live Dead Live 1957 July 29 A mark FRI 2,000 6,000 July30 A to falls FWS 15,000 salmon Aug 9 A 1.5 FWS 1,000 1,000 Aug 9 A 5. 0 FWS 20, 000 7, 000 Aug 18 A 5. 0 FWS 20, 000 7, 000 1958 July 24 A 3. 0 FWS 500 3, 000 Aug 8 A3. 0 FWS 4,000 3,000 Aug 13 A 3.0 FWS 1,800 Aug 26 A FWS No fish observed Aug 27 A length FWS 175 1959 July 28 A3. 5 FWS 1,000 2,000 Many dead chums Aug 4 A 2.0 FWS 10, 000 mixed fish, 3, 000 dead Aug 10 A 2.0 FWS 5,000 2,000 Aug 12 A 3. 2 FWS Few live salmon, many dead chuns 1960 July 8 A length ADF 0 200 July 20 G ADF 3,000 5,000 July 28 A length No fish observed 1961 July 6 A length ADF Jumping off mouth July 21 A length ADF 1,500 600 Chum spawning July 27 A length ADF 2,000 1,300 Fish spawning Aug 2 A length ADF 5,000 2,000 many Pink in schools Aug 18 A length ADF Almost all fish dead 1962 July 6 A length ADF 350 July 16 A mouth ADF No fish observed July 19 A mouth ADF 2, 000 at mouth July 24 G 0. 2 ADF 300 1963 July 24 A 0. 2 ADF No fish observed July 29 A length ADF 4,500 Spawning scattered; poor seeding 288 1 42-60 MARTEN CREEK WR 7 Land Slides. V, \ Large Land Slide 1 Mile to Lake ; Borrlir FalU # y^' 0.25 Mil © <$>' 289 ADF STAT. No. 142-60 MARTEN CREEK WR 7 56*14' N. 131°53' W. Previous No. 10 WRANGELL, BRADHELD CANAL, 1 mile from entrance on N. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Warm range. Observed temperatures: 51.5*F., 7/20/SO; 63. =;*F. , 9/7/51; 62 5»F. , 8/14/S2i 57. 5*F. , 8/26/52j 55' F. , 9/3/52; 58*F. , 8/16/53; 58* F. , 8/29/53; 57' F. , 9/6/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. Runs W. and S. Broadens in the area around the lakes. Numerous tributary valleys. Heavily wooded near tlie mouth. DRAINAGE 22 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains three lakes: Clay Lake with on area of 50 acres; Martha Lake with an area of 440 acres and Upper Martin Lake with an area of 80 acres. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters through a small grass flat. W. of the mouth there is a steep bank. A wooded peninsula lies S. of the mouth and blocks its view from a southerly direction. ANCHORAGE Good temporary anchorage just off tlie creek mouth. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Travel up the stream is difficult if the water is higher than normal. The left bank is reportedly most suitable for travel. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES The lower portion of this stream is not suitable for aerial survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 500' AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 100'/2'. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift- BOTTOM Broken rock in upper; sand bottom in lower. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A large pool at tlie high tidemark offers facilities for schooling salmon. SPAWNING AREAS Some spawning occurs in the upper one -fourth. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2. 5 miles to lake . AVER AGE WID TH / D EPTH 40' -60'/ 16" -30'! GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Broken rock and large boulders below falls; sand and gravel above. MARKER DISTANCE Q 8 mile. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS A 50' falls 1 mile upstream is a total block. TRIBUTARIES Numerous small tributaries enter the lakes. Spawning has not been reported to take place in any of them. SCHOOLING AREAS Pools are found throughout the upstream area. SPAWNING AREAS Two large pool areas above the first rapids are the best spawning areas available. A little spawning takes place above the pools. GENERAL NOTES There is evidence of logging operations a short distance above the mouth. 290 ADF STAT. No. WR 7 MARTEN CREEK Previous No. 10 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live D ead Live D ead Live 1949 July 10 AO. 1 FRI 0 0 0 0 No fish in stream 1950 July 20 A 0.5 FRI 0 0 0 0 No fish in stream Aug 16 A 0.5 FRI Few reds Sept 6 FWS 10, 390 1951 July 25 A FRI None observed Aug 23 0.5 FWS 10, 000 300 Sept 7 A 0.7 FRI 5,850 1 666 10 15 3 reds Spawning 1952 Aug 14 A 0.7 FRI 955 38 Aug 26 A 0.7 FRI 1,275 31 44 3 Sept 3 A 0.7 FRI 1,060 63 61 26 Sept 12 A 0.7 FRI 357 259 39 26 1953 July 20 A FWS No salmon observed July 23 A 0.5 FRI 200 Chum spawning Aug 16 A 0.7 FRI 648 1 67 Aug 29 A 0.7 FRI 2,452 19 28 3 Sept 6 A 0.7 FRI 1,409 239 40 28 8 cohos, 4 reds 1954 Aug 6 FWS Many pinks 1955 July 8 GO. 2 FWS No fish in stream July 31 GO. 5 FWS No sign of salmon Aug 12 A 0.7 FWS Very few salmon seen 1956 July 28 length FWS No fish observed Aug 4 G 0.5 FWS 75 100 Aug 9 G 0. 5 FWS 75 100 Sept 12 A FWS 300 other species 1957 Aug 2 G 0. 7 FWS 100 250 1958 Aug 7 G 1.0 FWS 50 Aug 8 A length FWS 1,500 Aug 13 A length FWS 1,250 Aug 22 A length FWS 900 1,250 Aug 22 G 1. 0 FWS 10,000 2,000 Aug 26 G 1.0 FWS 30,000 500 Aug 30 G falls FWS 3,900 36 1959 July 10 G FWS 2, 000 pinks and chum intertidal zone July 12 G FWS No fish observed Aug 4 A to falls FWS 100 unknown species 291 ADF STAT. No. WR 7 142-60 MARTEN CREEK - Continued Previous No. 10 ESCAPEMENT RECORD No fish observed 25 chums and 75 pinks at mouth No fish observed No fish observed SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live D€ ad Live Dead Live 1959 Aug 19 A 0.7 FWS Oct 5 G 0. 7 FWS 135 10 1960 JuV 27 G 0. 3 ADF 85 4 Aug 4 A 0.8 ADF 400 Aug 13 GO. 8 ADF 550 5 1961 July 27 A 0.8 ADF 1962 July 6 A length ADF Aug 28 A length ADF 400 1963 JuV 23 GO. 2 ADF 35 0 July 24 A mouth ADF JuV 29 A moutliADF Windy and rough flying No fish observed 292 ADF STAT. No. 142-60 FRANK'S CREEK WR 56°12.9' N. 131'43.5' W. Previous No. ] WRANGELL, BRADFIELD CANAL, 8 miles from entxance on N. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent, but limited. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 50* F. , 8/1/51; 50* F. , 8/13/51j 49. 5*F. , 8/25/51; 50. 5'F'. , 9/1/51; 51. 5*F. , 9/8/51; 49* F. , 9/16/51; 46°F. , 7/27/52; 47* F. , 7/31/52i 51*F. , 8/8/52; 48.5*F. , 8/16/52; SaS'F. , 8/24/52; 48. 5*F. , 7/30/53; 50.5*F. , 8/7/53; 50* F. , 8/16/53; 48*F. , 8/26/53; 49*F. , 9/5/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A sliort stream -cut valley. The volley wall rises sharply W. of the stream. The E. side of the stream is flat for a short distance, then rises sharply. DRAINAGE 6- 2 square miles ( polar plonimeter). Precipitation-fed. A few small ponds are scattered throughout the drainage system. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION A small tideflat. The stream meanders through the upper part of the intertidal zone. ANCHORAGE Suitable anchorage in all except severe storms is found 100 yards out from the old trap pilings. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES At high tide a skiff may be taken upstream for several hundred yards. TTie stream is easily waded except at times of high water. A game trail follows the W. bank. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Heavy brush along the banks obstructs aerial visibility. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.4 mile. AVER A GE WIDTH/ DEP TH 30'-40'/6" -10" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Fine gravel with boulder areas. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Good schooling areas throughout. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning takes place in the upper half. GENERAL NOTES Wadeable at low tide. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE Smiles. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEP TH 30'/12"-18". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate . BOTTOM Gravel predominant; some small boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICA-TION BARRIERS None reported. TRIBUTARIES None reported. SCHOOLING AREAS Good resting pools are interspersed between riffle areas. SPAWNING AREAS Numerous good spawning riffles. GENERAL NOTES Brown bear are present on this and most other mainland streams. 291+ FRANK'S CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 8 Previous No. 1 1 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Aug 16 Sept 6 1951 July 12 Aug 1 Aug 13 Aug 22 Aug 25 Sept 1 Sept 1 1952 July 22 July 31 Aug 8 Aug 16 Aug 24 1953 July 23 JuV30 Aug 7 Aug 16 Aug 26 Sept 5 1954 Aug 14 Aug 15 1955 July 10 July 26 Aug 1 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 12 Aug 25 1956 Aug 4 Aug 4 Aug 11 Sept 7 1957 July 30 Aug 18 AO.S A 0.5 AO.S A 0.7 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 2. 5 AO.S AO.S AO.S AO.S AO.S A 0.5 AO.S A 0.7 A 0.7 A 0.7 A 0.7 marker AO.S G 0. 5 G 0. 5 G 0. 5 G 0.5 G 1.0 A 0.7 G 1. 0 length G 1.0 G 1. 0 GO. 7 FWS 2, 900 FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS 0 1,083 26, 200 15,000 16,800 14,400 17, 300 0 S59 1,624 1,20S 790 27 61 594 968 1,720 671 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 500 100 200 0 6 165 363 785 1,250 6,800 0 0 21 250 321 0 0 1 12 36 228 55 0 18 113 2 8 0 0 2 47 172 83 3 12 15 73 43 11 4 0 0 7 0 35 375 0 0 0 300 0 1 9 18 0 150 0 2 10 91 A 5. 0 FWS A length FWS Too small for aerial survey Schooled. Little spawning One -fourth spawning Exploratory beyond marker Spawning past peak 2 pinks, 47 chums next quarter mile Less than 100 pinks Good spawning area Visibility poor, water high Very few salmon present 500 seen 1,500 salmon 295 ADF STAT. No. WR 8 FRANK'S CREEK - Continued Previous No. 11 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Date 1961 RVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live A length FWS 3,000 2,000 2,500 kings A length FWS 400 200 A length FWS 400 100 G 1.0 FWS 200 A length FWS 1,000 50 REMARKS 1958 July 24 Aug 8 Aug 13 Aug 15 Aug 27 1959 July 6 G FWS 500 pinks and chums in intertidal zone July 14 G 1. 0 FWS No fish observed July 28 A 2. 0 FWS No fish observed Aug 4 A 0. 5 FWS No fish observed Aug 10 A 1.0 FWS 300 Aug 19 G 0. 7 FWS 100 100 dead 1960 Aug 13 G 2. 5 ADF 125 14 Not surveyed 1962 Juty 6 A mouth ADF 300-400 at mouth 1963 July 24 G 0. 5 ADF No fish observed July 24 A mouth ADF No fish observed; flying rough 296 142-60 TOM CREEK ^ C WR'9 - ^ ^ - .-^ // ,- ^ ^ i 0 A-ir ' , ^~~-— N ^ S^ \\ : ZH v^\ ^ \ J — ' // v^ ji • 1 ,/ ^ \ / -' <^ i 1 ^-' M / ////'" . ■/ \ M '- •^ \ // _- / \ ^^ -^ ^ 1 — J^ ^^ ^ f ^ /vC ' y^ ^ 1/ i \ 'i P ^ - H r 0.25 MiU ii - u 'A'. G.o.e /' y '''''' 'J / y' y rf ""Pi'*' *'•<■ \.'""' / ///MAht J^'^i ^ rT ^x :'■'.'■ ' ■ 7 ,,';■-'■•;■ ■?' ^/.■ '-' •■ " '• / * ^' /'' M: ,' •Vr'-"' j^^-^-^-^-'Siix^X— ii-^^^ -^ ii, I ■(K^y /:^% ''^'^^ i'v,, .^^ .v^' ^ •1." ■ ■/ p>' .■'■' .ro'A y H ^ f ^^^^1" V •: j r ■.;'■'.. ''X, ^ '■■ -l / . r'.-'-'^-' ] —'~ '' ■ ^^^— ^^ y •■» ••■'•' "nr '■ ■■ ='.;.-, 7"^^"^"- r^ •■■ • i •'■■••/^ ) ^ ',\\ •v_ ^ •'•■■'.■•,:.• •■■■.■,__ .^^ r \ ^ \ \ '■"■•'•/ \ \ ^ ■:^r ■ •• y'^ V '^■■} ^ •^ ^ -1 297 29a 1 42-60 TOM CREEK WR9 299 ADF STAT. No. 142-60 TOM CREEK WR 9 56*12.7' N 131*40.8' W. Previous No. 12 WRANGELL, BRADFIELD CANAL, 9. 5 miles from entrance on N. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Pink . OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red, king. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair in the lower 2 miles , excellent in the mile below the lake and in the three -fourths mile above the lake. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 55. 5*F. , 8/7/51; 54. 5*F. , 8/17/51; 56.5*F. , 8/18/51; 58*F. , 8/30/51; 53* F. , 7/30/52; 58*F. , 8/11/52; 51. 5*F. , 8/27/52; 48*F. , 7/22/53; 53*F. , 8/1/53; 59*F. , 8/7/53; 52*F. , 8/17/53; 52* F. , 8/24/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. DRAINAGE 21 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains two small lakes: Tom Lake, 3 miles upstream, and Campbell Lake, 4.5 miles upstream. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the canal 3 miles W. of the Harding River Lies at the head of a lagoon, about 0. 5 mile long and 100 yards wide. ANCHOR AGE Suitable anchorages are found on either side of the mouth, 100 yards off shore. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES At flood tide a skiff con be taken to the foot of the rapids , about 200 yards, and then run up to the lake. Travel is difficult along the banks. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Extensive areas of moss-covered rocks make detection of fish from the air difficult. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.8 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 250'/ 18" . GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Fine gravel and a few large boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION The lower end of the rap ids. SCHOOLING AREAS The lower two-thirds is made up of deep pools. SPAWNING AREAS Does not appear to be utilized for spawning to any significant degree. Some spawning occurs in a limited area in the upper one -third. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2. 2 miles to lake . AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 100'/ 2' -3'. GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Fine to moderate gravel with sand and silt in sluggish area. MARKEK DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS A 40' falls three-fourths mile above the first lake blocks the passage of salmon. TRIBUTARIES Two tributaries enter Tom Lake. The largest on the S E. side of the lake has good spawning gravel. SCHOOLING AREAS Numerous pools are scattered throughout the stream's length, but are most frequent in the second mile. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning areas are limited in the lower 2 miles, but are excellent in the riffle just below the lake and in the area below the falls. GENERAL NOTES The stream follows a meandering course. I 300 ADF STAT. No. TOM CREEK WR 9 Previous No. 1 2 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS Fish throughout SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Aug 8 A FWS 10,255 770 Aug 16 A 3.5 FRI 1951 July 13 A 3.0 FRI 285 267 July 25 A 3.0 FRI July 25 A 3.0 FRI 10, 000 salmon. Count difficult July 27 A 3.0 FRI 24, 870 2, ,670 15,000 pinks schooled above lake Aug 7 A 3.0 FRI 43,896 540 2, 330 930 27 reds Pink spawning Aug 18 A 3.0 FRI 49, 100 3 ,480 297 1,240 17 reds Pink spawning Aug 23 A 0.6 FWS 2,500 500 20 10 Exploratory to falls above lake. 5, 600 live and 180 dead pinks Aug 30 A 3.0 FRI 19,000 17 ,100 80 400 3 cohos, 30 reds, 45 kings Sept 13 A 3.0 FRI 4,600 200 25 3 700 cohos, 21 reds, 20 kings 1952 July 30 A 3.0 FRI 3,575 0 2, 135 12 25 kings, 10 reds Aug 11 A 3.0 FRI 9,270 285 2, ,129 591 15 cohos, 146 reds, 91 kings Aug 12 A 3.0 FRI Poor showing on delta at lake inlet Aug 27 A 3.0 FRI 2,205 618 105 393 25 cohos, 180 reds, 36 kings, 10 dead reds, 5 dead kings 1953 July 20 A 3.0 FWS No fish observed July 22 A 3.0 FWS 1,00012, ,000 July 22 A 4.0 FRI 1,260 0 3,701 5 3 reds Survey to lake same as 1951 and 1952 Aug 1 A 4.0 FRI 10, 230 0 9,040 521 13 reds, 53 kings Aug 7 A 4.0 FRI 13,420 50 8,040 3,250 Aug 17 A 4.0 FRI 8,168 753 1,960 3,066 255 reds Aug 24 A 4.0 FRI 3,872 1, ,738 600 3,329 75 cohos, 309 reds, 6 dead reds, , 107 1954 kings Aug 5 FWS 100 Aug 5 A 3.0 FRI 500 0 3,000 Some dead chums Aug 15 A 3.0 FRI 1,700 3,000 Some dead pinks and chums Sept 10 A 3.0 FRI 600 0 0 Few dead chums 1955 July 10 G 0.5 FWS 0 0 30 July 11 G 0.5 FWS 0 0 10 0 July 23 A 3.0 FRI 0 0 300 0 Jumps in bay July 26 G 0.5 FWS 0 0 0 2 kings Aug 1 A 3.0 FRI 1,100 0 800 0 Aug 5 G 0.5 FWS Few live pinks, 22 chums off mouth Aug 15 A 3.0 None observed off mouth Aug 19 A 3.0 FWS Salmon spawning Aug 19 A 3.0 FRI 700 Spawning Aug 26 A 3.0 FWS 500 50 Spawning 301 142-60 TOM CREEK - Continued Date 1956 JuV 22 July 26 July 28 July 28 July 29 July 31 Aug 4 Aug 17 Aug 24 1957 Aug 4 Aug 9 Aug 16 1958 July 17 July 24 Aug 1 Aug 4 Aug 8 Aug 11 Aug 11 Aug 13 Aug 22 Aug 25 Aug 31 Sept 8 1959 July 9 July 22 July 28 Aug 4 Aug 10 Aug 12 Oct 6 1960 July 8 July 18 Aug 4 1961 July 17 July 23 July 27 Aug 8 Aug 18 1962 JuV 25 Aug 28 1963 July 24 July 24 July 29 Aug 5 SURVEYED Miles By A 3.0 G 0. 7 length A A 3.0 A A 3.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A to lake A 3.0 FRl FWS FWS FWS FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI A 3.0 FWS A length FWS G2. 0 FRI Gl.O FWS A length FWS A mark FWS A3. 0 FRI A length FWS A length FWS A 3. 0 FWS G 2. 0 G 1.5 FRI FWS FWS G 1. 5 FWS A 4. 0 FWS A 3. 0 FWS A length FWS A 4. 5 ADF G 0. 5 FWS A length ADF A length ADF A length ADF G ADF A ADF A length ADF A length ADF A length ADF A lake ADF A mouth ADF A 0. 2 GO. 5 A lake skiff to lake PINK Live Dead 0 200 400 300 1,500 200 3,000 200 2,000 200 200 200 1,000 2,000 2,000 500 500 200 750 50 1,000 100 200 100 300 1,500 1,200 700 4 600 ADF ADF ADF 20,000 ADF 14,000 CHUM Live Dead 400 500 1,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 900 600 0 5,000 1,000 500 1,000 100 50 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 20 1,000 200 3,000 2,500 100 9,000 few ,000 OTHER SPECIES Live Few kings ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No ■ REMARKS 9 12 50 reds 1 king 25 reds 3,000chums at mouth Pink fresh 300 dead chums Water high Pink in lower stream Some dead pinks and chums Few chums. Old fish spawning 300 pinks and chums in tidal zone 1,000 Several kings 50 reds in lake No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed Fish in lower stream 300 at mouth 100 mixed fish at mouth Many dead fish All spawning Fish in lake and stream No fish observed Mixed in upper stream Above lake in inlet stream 302 42-60 WR 10 1 42-60 HARDING RIVER WR 10 r 304 ADF STAT. No. WR 10 142-60 HARDING RIVER Previous No. 13 56* 12. 3' N. 131* 37. 3' W, WRANGELL, BRADHELD CANAL, 6. 3 miles from Aead on N. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Chum. OTHER SPECIES Pink, king, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Early . July -Aug. (est.) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial and stream-cut. DRAINAGE ^7. 2 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains Fall Lake 5 miles upstream. The river has its headwaters near some small glaciers about 20 miles above the lake STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION It enters Bradfield Canal opposite the Eagle River and Duck 1. ANCHORAGE Good anchorage W. of Duck I. Good float W. of river mouth. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Small light skiffs can be run to falls. The U. S. G. S. has blazed a trail up the right bank as far as the thermograph building. The stream is wadeable just above this point. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Visibility is not too good because of the glacial water. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. AVER AGE WI DTH/ DEPTH 200V3". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Boulders with sand and mud in the lower part. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A deep area about halfway up the intertidal zone is utilized. Large pool at head of tidewater. SPAWNING AREAS Some spawning might take place near the head of the zone. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 5 miles to falls. AVER AGE WI DTH / D EPTH 150V20". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Sand, gravel, and rock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Suspected block just below lakes. TRIBUTARIES Numerous tributaries enter from the W. side. No reports of spawning in any tribu- tary stream. SCHOOLING AREAS Pools are scattered throughout the stream's length. A large, deep hole at the U. S. G. S. thermograph building is heavily utilized. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning area is good from thermograph building station to just below falls. Spawning takes place in all riffle areas. GENERAL NOTES Very good population of brown bear. 305 142-60 HARDING RIVER ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 10 Previous No. 13 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live D ead Live 1949 July 10 C 2.0 FRI Aug 12 C 2. 0 FWS 1950 Aug 9 A FWS 7,500 230 Aug 16 A 6.0 FRI Aug 16 G 0. 5 FRI 107 1 991 283 1951 July 25 A 6.0 FRI 1952 Aug 7 5.0 FWS 35,000 Aug 12 A 6. 0 FWS-ADF 1953 July 20 A 6.0 FWS 40,000 1954 Aug 1 G 0. 5 FWS 30 1955 July 12 G 2. 0 FWS July 23 A 6.0 FRI 0 0 5,000 0 July 25 A 1.0 FWS 5 Aug 1 A 6.0 FRI 2,000 0 14,000 0 Aug 19 A 6.0 FRI 1956 July 22 A 6.0 FRI 0 0 Few kings JuV28 length FWS 2,500 July 29 A 6.0 FRI 1,000 0 11,000 July 31 A length ADF 15,000 Aug 1 A FWS 15,000 Aug 4 A 6.0 FRI 5,000 Aug 9 A FRI 10,000 Aug 11 G 1.5 FWS 600 Aug 17 A 6.0 FRI 2,500 Aug 24 A 6.0 FRI 1957 JuV30 A FRI 1,000 20,000 Aug 4 A 6.0 FRI 3,000 0 40,000 Aug 7 A 9.0 FWS 70,000 Aug 7 G to falls FWS 100,000 Aug 9 A to lake FWS 45,000 Aug 16 A 6.0 FRI 2,000 20, 000 >500 kings 1958 July 17 A 3.0 FWS 75 July 24 A length , FWS 12,500 Aug 4 A 1.0 FWS 3,000 Aug 11 G mark FWS 3,000 10,000 Aug 11 A 6.0 FRI 3,000 0 2,000 Aug 13 A length 1 FWS 25,000 Aug 31 FRI King and chum breeding Good show^ing of chum Good showing. Many dead 20,000 salmon Fair showing, mostly chums Many live chums No jumps observed 1 king at mouth Water high and colored pink spawning 500 pinks at mouth Several schools at mouth Some pinks. None at mouth Few pinks observed Pink in lower stream None observed at mouth No fish observed, few dead 306 HARDING RIVER - Continued ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 10 Previous No. 13 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1959 July 9 G FWS Juty 22 A 5.0 FWS 2,000 3,000 July 28 A 5.0 FWS 7,500 Aug 3 G FWS Aug 4 A 5.0 FWS 25,000 Aug 10 A length FWS 20, 000 Aug 11 A 6.0 FRI 3, 000 0 2,000 Aug 12 A 4.0 ADF 4,000 Sept 3 A length FWS 1960 June 28- A ADF Juty 19 July 21 G 3.5 ADF July 23 G4. 5 ADF 0 25,000 Aug 4 A length ADF 0 45,000 1961 July 9 G0.6 ADF 0 0 Jufyll A 4. 5 ADF 0 50 July 17 C 4.5 ADF 500 0 16,000 July 23 A 4. 5 ADF few 14,000 Aug 4 A length ADF few 50, 000 many Aug 18 A length ADF many 10,000 17,000 1962 July 6 A length ADF July 16 A length ADF 600 JuV 25 A to lake ADF 25,000 Aug 28 A length ADF 50 200 1963 July 29 A length ADF 20,000 Aug 6 skiff 2.0 ADF 1,000 5,000 No fish observed Few pinks 600 mixed fish at mouth 2,000 dead None observed at mouth Few pinks. Many dead chimis No fish observed. Evi- dence washed out No fish observed Many chums present New fish Fish spawning Few chums in intertidal Chum spawning Heavy spawning on all riffles No fish observed 100 in intertidal zone Count not accurate 307 142-60 56*15' N. 131° 28. 5' W. NORTH BRADFIELD RIVER ADF STAT. No. WR 11 Previous No. 14 WRANGELL, BRADFIELD CANAL, N. Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pinks. OTHER SPECIES Kings. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. AugrSept, (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A large glacial-cut valley with many tributary valleys. Most of the valley is heavily timbered with spruce. DRAINAGE Fed by several glaciers. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Remain at Harding and run to river with skiff. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Survey the lower river from a skiff. The upstream area is easily reached along the numerous gravel bars. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Impossible to survey due to glacial color of water. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Good. GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 15 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 150V24" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to swift. BOTTOM Gravel, small and large rocks, and boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES Several small, but good, tributaries enter between 6 and 10 miles upstream. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREA The first 6 miles has numerous gravel riffles, the next 4 miles has coarse rubble and good gravel is found beyond a glacier 12 miles up. GENERAL NOTES King salmon carcasses have been observed. 308 ADF STAT. No. WR 11 NORTH BRADFIELD RIVER Previous No. 14 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Aug 16 A 1.5 FRI Sept 10 A FWS 1951 July 25 A 3.0 FRI 1953 Not surveyed 1954 Not surveyed 1955 July 7 G 1.5 FWS Aug 1 G 1.5 FWS 1956 July 12 G 2. 0 FWS Aug 7 A FWS Aug 14 A 3.0 ADF Sept 17 A 2.0 ADF 1957 July 12 G 2. 0 FWS Aug 7 A FWS 1958 July 23 G mouth FWS 1959 No surveys 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys 2,300 230 North Fork #14 fair None observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed, water colored None observed No surveys 309 142-60 56° 13. 6' N. 131° 27. 8' W. EAST BRADFIELD RIVER ADF STAT. No. WR 12 Previous No. 15 WRANGELL, BRADFIELD CANAL, East head. MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES Went up at high tide, but not able to find many fish, so concluded the escapement was light here. 310 EAST BRADFIELD RIVER ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live ADF STAT. No. WR 12 Previous No. 15 1950 Aug 16 A 15.0 FRI 1956 Sept 17 A 2. 0 ADF 1957 July 12 G 2. 0 FWS Aug 7 A FWS 1958 July 23 G mouth FWS 1959 No surveys 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys #15 S. fork good showing No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 311 1 42-60 0.5 Mil* EAGLE RIVER . --^ — A WRl 3 .5. 1 ', \ ', -^ / ■• ' ■ ■ J' .'■ '-P: '.' -'VV ; V \x^- \:s r If 'm 312 142-60 EAGLE RIVER B-- .^-.•~- WR 1 3 5 Mile -'^ 313 1 42-60 EAGLE RIVER WRl 3 .5 Mile f, yiiii' ''/, "■ y- ADF STAT. No. 142-60 EAGLE RIVER WR 13 56*09.7' N. 131"3S.6' W. Previous No. 16 W RAN CELL, BRADFIELD CANAL, EAGLE BAY, Head on S. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, king. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Late. Sepi.-Oct. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE Est. 250,000. SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Warm range. Observed temperatures: 54* F. , 8/1/50} 55.5*F. , 8/16/50} 55*F. , 9/11/50} 50*F. , 9/24/50; 57* F. , 8/1/51} 58*F. , 8/13/51) 56*F. , 8/25/51} 53* F. , 9/8/51; 57*F. , 9/16/51; 56*F. , 8/24/5^ 52. 5* -56. 5* F. , 7/21/53-7/28/53} 62* F. , 8/1/53} 55* F. , 8/14/53} 56.5*F. , 8/25/5 3. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. Flattened in its lower reaches becoming steep-sided upstream. DRAINAGE 62 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains two fair -sized lakes. Snowfields surround the valley and probably contribute snowmelt at certain times of the year. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters Bradfield Canal just Sw. of Duck Island. A large grass flat is found at the mouth. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 10. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES A skiff should be taken upstream at high tide to the upper end of the grass flats. From here, the stream may be followed along the right side though travel is not easy. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Aerial visibility is excellent. Light best early in day. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 100' -200'/ 12" -24" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Good spawning gravel - lower area sand, silt, and mossy stones. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Deep holes on the W. side of the flats about 0,5 mile upstream offer excellent facilities for schooling. SPAWNING AREAS Limited to about 500 yards near the upper end. The lower section is composed largely of fine sediment. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE >3. 5 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 100'-150'/10"-16", GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel, small and large rock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS A falls is one-half mile below the first lake. Falls is impassable. TRIBUTARIES Numerous small tributaries. A tributary enters at the high tidemark and has a 50' falls 100 yards upstream. SCHOOLING AREAS Holes are interspersed throughout the distance surveyed. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning areas appear to be spread uniformly throughout. The best areas seem to be in the lower 2 miles and above the 3-mile mark. GENERAL NOTES 315 142-60 EAGLE RIVER ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 13 Previous No. 16 SURVEYED Miles [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS Date 1949 July 10 Aug 20 Aug 27 Sept 15 1950 Aug 1 Aug 16 Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 24 1951 Aug 1 Aug 13 Aug 25 Sept 2 Sept 8 Sept 14 Sept 16 1952 July 22 July 31 Aug 8 Aug 15 Aug 24 1953 July 20 July 21 July 28 Aug 6 Aug 14 Aug 25 Sept 23 1954 June 1 Aug 7 Aug 14 Sept 10 1955 July 11 July 23 July 31 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 5 Aug 15 Aug 19 Aug 26 to 1st lake G 1.0 A G 1. 5 G 0. 5 G 0. 5 G 1.5 G 1.5 G 1.5 GO. 6 G 1. 0 G 1.0 G 1.0 2.0 G 1.0 G 0.5 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1. 0 G 2. 0 A 1.0 A 1.0 A 1.0 G 1.0 A 1.0 G 1.0 A mkr to forks A mark A mark By PINK Live Dead FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FWS FRI FRI FWS 100, 000 17, 200 4,500 218 13,888 15,201 15,200 150 20, 080 32,012 19,500 10, 000 48 0 2,300 115 706 887 8,095 1,290 0 1, 110 4,820 4,650 2,080 1,000 2,000 11,000 5,500 0 1,500 400 300 250 200 500 191 2, 200 29 1,225 1,225 150 0 75 330 55 0 650 225 0 0 226 30 0 0 0 11 94 CHUM Live Dead 80, 000 215 OTHER SPECIES Live 409 2,069 179 606 3 1,800 2,350 363 1 1 130 0 826 780 494 70 185 1,130 2,310 1,650 506 10, 000 2,000 500 0 0 600 179 0 212 3 0 280 179 0 25 0 7 43 564 63 0 0 47 517 415 Too early Excellent showing Stream high Water discolored and high 11 cohos, 23 kings Flooding Spawning in intertidal 50 kings 2 reds, 50 kings 14 kings, 3 cohos Half spawning Flooding. No visibility 550 cohos, 2 kings 4 kings 5 kings 1 jump at mouth 35 cohos, 23 kings No salmon observed None observed off mouth None observed off mouth No salmon observed No salmon observed 316 142-60 EAGLE RIVER - Continued ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 13 Previous No . 1 6 SURVEYED Date Miles By [Counts made hiy ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS 1956 JuV 22 July 25 July 28 July 29 July 31 Aug 4 Aug 4 Aug 4 Aug 9 Aug 12 Aug 14 Aug 17 Aug 24 Septl2 Septl? 1957 July 12 July 30 July 30 Aug 4 A 1.0 FRI GO. 5 FWS A3. 0 FWS G markerFRI G markerFRI G 1.0 A to lake A 1.0 A 3.0 G 1.5 A to lake A markerFRI A marker FRI A 5.0 FWS A 5.0 FWS FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS PI^IK Live Dead 0 500 500 600 400 4,000 1,500 2,000 1,500 6,000 6,000 10, 000 4,000 FWS 2, 000 G 1. 5 A 5.0 FWS FWS A marka-FRI A 1.0 FRI Aug 7 A 4. 0 FWS Aug 9 A 3. 0 FWS Aug 16 A to marker FRI Aug 30 1958 July 17 Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 11 Aug 13 Aug 16 Aug 22 Aug 25 Aug 27 Sept 8 Sept 17 1959 July 9 July 28 Aug 4 Aug 12 Sept 3 Oct 6 G 1.5 FRI-FWS 6,000 200 700 15,000 450 1,500 140 A 3.0 G 1.0 A 4.0 A 1.0 A 3.0 G 2.0 A 4.0 A 1.0 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS A length FWS G 1. 0 FWS lake G A 3.0 A 4.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 G 1.0 FWS FWS FWS FV/S FWS FWS FWS 10,000 17,500 32, 000 2,000 12,500 25,000 21,000 65,000 25,000 200 CHUM Live Dead 0 500 500 1,500 1,600 3,500 OTHER SPECIES Live 400 1,500 2,500 800 2.000 1,000 300 1,500 1,000 5,000 3,000 1,500 8 kings 300 kings 5 kings 1 kings None observed at mouth >100 at mouth 20,000-30,000 mixed 1,500 dead No fish observed Pink entering, chums spawning Pirk fresh. Few above marker All fresh. Schooled Some chums. Most spawning No fish observed No fish observed No dead 317 142-60 EAGLE RIVER - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 13 Previous No. 16 ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1960 July 14 A length ADF JuJy 21 Gl.O ADF 50 10 7 kings Aug 14 G 3. 5 ADF 3,500 1,500 37 dead kings 1961 July 9 G 1.5 ADF July 11 A 3. 0 ADF July 23 A length ADF July 27 A length ADF 250 Aug 8 A length ADF 400 Aug 18 A length ADF 1,200 1962 July 6 A 2. 0 ADF July 25 A to rapids ADF Aug 16 A length ADF Aug 28 below lake ADF 12,300 1963 July 24 A ADF July 24 G 1. 0 ADF July29 A length ADF No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 450 pinks in intertidal zone Few schools at mouth All spawning No fish observed 3,000 mixed 14,000 mixed 2, 500 in intertidal zone 200 pinks at mouth No fish observed Few pinks and chums 318 142-60 ANAN BAY CREEK WR 1 4 319 ADF STAT. No. 141-60 ANAN BAY CREEK WR 14 56*10.8' N. 131*52.3' W. Previous No. 17 WRANGELL, BRADFIELD CANAL, ANAN BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 56. 5* F. , 7/31/52; 51*F. , 8/24/52; 51.5*F. , 9/1/52; 48* F. , 9/12/52; S5*F. , 7/30/53; S3.5*F. , 8/14/53; 52*F. , 8/24/53) 53*F. , 9/5/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut, running in a northwesterly direction. Valley walls rise sharply away from the W. side of the river in its upper reaches. DRAINAGE 52 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Tidal area does not extend past the tree line. Heavily wooded. ANCHORAGE Good anchorage is found just off the creek mouth. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Many windfalls and brush overgrow the stream making travel difficult. Keep on top of the rim in the canyon for easiest travel. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Brush could obstruct aerial visibility. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH lOOyards. A VER AGE WID TH/ DEP TH 6'-10'/6"-8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Mainly small and medium sized rocks. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Fish school off the mouth. SPAWNING AREAS The upper half is utilized. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEFTH 10'-15'/8"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Small gfavel - 2" -4", large rock and boulders. " MARKER DISTANCE 3/8 mile. MARKER IDENTIFICATION None established. BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS A few pools were found throughout the distance surveyed. SPAWNING AREAS The best spawning area is just above the high tide mark. The bottom becomes very coarse near the lower end of the canyon. GENERAL NOTES The stream splits and rejoins many times in its lower reaches. 320 142-60 Date 1950 Aug 19 Aug 27 1951 Aug 22 Sept 11 1952 July 20 July 30 Aug 8 Aug 16 Aug 24 Sept 1 Sept 12 1953 July 30 Aug 6 Aug 14 Aug 24 Sept 5 1955 July 29 1960 1961 ANAN BAY CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by Gj aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 14 Pre vi ous No. 1 7 SURVEYED Miles 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 G 0.4 G 0.4 G 0.4 G 0.4 G 0.4 By FWS FRI G 0. 7 FWS G 0. 1 FRI PINK Live Dead 500 300 FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI 6,000 700 0 0 0 3 125 76 25 7 110 306 31 FRI 25,000 Not surveyed Not surveyed 600 250 CHUM Live Dead 1,000 0 OTHER SPECIES Live Exploratory survey Past spawning peak No fish in or off creek 14 pinks spawning 205 pinks spawning Pinks spawned out 321 141-10 1^ ANAN CREEK ^ \\v '///, /?^ 'I'll \\ \oid Weir Sit. "% 5 Mile 322 141-10 ANAN CREEK WRI5 .5 Mile 323 ADF STAT. No. 141-10 ANAN CREEK WR 15 Se'lO.S' N. 131°52.3' W. Previous No. 18 WRANGELL, BRADFIELD CANAL, HUMPBACK BAY, Head- MAJOR SPECIES Pink- OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, steelhead. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE 205, OOa SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES Warm range. Observed temperatures: 64* F. , 7/10/52; 64° F. , 7/14/52; 55*F. , 7/19/52; 59. 5°F. , 7/25/52; 63* F. , 7/28/52; 62* F. , 8/4/52; 61*F. , 8/12/52; 65. 5*F. , 8/13/52; 59°F., 8/25/52; 58" F. , 8/27/52; 56* F. , 9/4/52; 56'^, 9/5/52; 58'' F. , 7/20/53; 61*F. , 7/26/53; 62.5*F. , 7/27/53; 64.5*F. , 8/4/53; 69* F. , 8/5/53; 60' F. , 8/12/53; 62*F. , 8/13/53; 59* F. , 8/19/53; 59* F. , 8/23/53; 57.5*F. , 9/2/53; 58* F. , 9/8/53; 56* F. , 9/11/53; 52*F. , 9/18/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Broad in the lower part, narrows above the forks and has a steeper gradient. Heavily forested. DRAINAGE 52 square miles (polar plonimeter). Precipitation-fed. The E. fork is fed by numerous small lakes and ponds. The W. fork drains Anan Lake, 3 miles Icmg, and Boulder Lake, 2 miles long. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Lies at the head of Humpback Bay. The stream enters a lagoon and the lagoon enters the bay through a constricted mouth. ANCHORAGE Good anchorage is afforded in Humpback Bay or small cove on NE. shore of bay. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES A skiff may be taken into the lagoon at or near high tide and secured at the upper end. The skiff may also be left just E. of the mouth and a forest service trail, marked by a sign, followed upstream. The trail ends just above the old weir shack. A beaver dam is found 0. 7 mile above the hightidemark and a rough section of stream may be bypassed by going F, to the end of the pond and then S. through muskeg to the E. fork. The E. fork is easily waded. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Visibility is excellent in the E. fork. The W. fork has amber colored water. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.4 mile. AVER AGE WIDTH/ D EPTH 80'-1007 12"-24". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel and sand. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Schooling takes place throughout, but the main schooling area is at the upper end. Fish also school heavily off the mouth. SPAWNING AREAS Tlie upper and middle part of the lagoon offer fair spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 5 miles. AVER AGE WI DTH/ DEP TH 100'/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate . BOTTOM Predominantly small gravel, grading into large 2 miles from mouth. MARKER DISTANCE 3. 3 miles . MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Two falls, one at the high tidemark and another 700 yards upstream, are a partial block to salmon at certain water levels. Falls 3. 5 miles up the E. fork is a complete block. TRIBUTARIES The stream forks I. 5 miles upscream. The W. fork drains two lakes. SCHOOLING AREAS Pools and deep areas are scattered throughout the main stream and forks. Below the forks there are several large, deep areas. SPAWNING AREAS The E. fork offers the best spawning facilities; all riffle areas are utilized. Some good spawning areas are found below the forks. The W. fork is a series of cascades for a mile, but above this there are fair spawning areas. GENERAL NOTES Brown bear frequent this stream. 32k ANAN CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 15 Previous No. 1 8 SURVEYED PINK CHUM Miles By Live Dead Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live 1925 Sept 8 Weir USBF 260, 844 133 1926 Aug 31 Weir USBF 121,784 75 1927 Sept 27 Weir USBF 44,936 280 1928 Sept 19 Weir USBF 195,577 67 1929 Sept 22 Weir USBF 221,462 57 1930 Sept 7 Weir USBF 563,938 65 1931 Sept 1 Weir USBF 613,598 27 1932 Aug 14 Weir USBF 132,351 80 1935 Season USBF 1949 July 8 G 3.5 FRI 3,500 33-35 July 21 G 1.0 FRI 5,000 40-48 Aug 13 G 3. 0 FRI 300, 000 6 Aug 26 G 4. 0 FRI 142,000 3,905 Sept 14 G 1.0 FRI 25,000 2,000 Sept 28 G 2. 0 FRI 1,486 1950 July 7 G 2. 5 FRI 1,757 July 10 G 2. 5 FRI 12,136 July 14 G 2. 5 FRI 15,692 July 28 G 2.5 FRI 41,925 Aug 7 G 2. 5 plus FRI 36,560 36,000 Aug 13 G 2.5 FRI 52,834 Sept 18 G 2. 5 FRI 14, 135 1951 July 11 G 2. 5 FRI 6,700 July 20 G 2.5 FRI 28, 500 July 25 A 2. 5 FRI 50,000 July 26 G 2. 5 FRI 54, 000 2 654 cohos, 75 reds Weir installed 67 kings June 17 596 cohos, 57 redsWeir installed 87 kings June 12 1,942 cohos, 121 Weir installed reds, 68 kings June 11 2, 859 cohos, 70 Weir installed reds, 40 kings June 18 976 cohos , 61 Weir installed reds, 40 kings June 14 1,087 cohos, 20 Weir installed reds, 57 kings June 12 1,206 cohos, 31 Weir installed reds, 42 kings June 17 2,015 cohos, 15 Weir installed reds, 93 kings July 5 850, 000 Fish below falls Some dead pinks For 2. 5 miles more 20,000 salmon off mouth 70% schooled 325 ADF STAT. No. WR 15 ANAN CREEK - Continued Previous No. 18 ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live D, aad Live 1951 July 31 3.0 FWS 150,000 Aug 10 G 2.5 FRl 137,000 250 Aug 10 G5.0 FT^I 141,000 260 Aug 16 G 2. 5 FRI 123,000 700 Aug 22 G 2. 5 FRI 94,000 300 6 2 1 coho , 1 red Aug 22 G 5. 0 FRI 123,500 Aug 29 G 2.5 FRI 86, 800 1,600 3 16 cohos Sept 2 3.0 FWS 350, 000 Sept 4 G 2.5 FRI 50,000 7,000 1 9 cohos Sept 12 G 2.5 FRI 32,000 3,800 1952 July 19 G 2. 5 FRI 37, 600 July 19 A 5.0 FWS 19,000 July 25 G 2.5 FRI 31,300 0 0 0 July 28 G 2.5 FRI 22, 260 0 0 0 Aug 4 G 2. 5 FRI 36,835 Aug 7 A FWS 50, 000 Aug 12 G 3.0FWS-ADF 4,775 260 0 0 6 cohos Aug 12 FRI 36, 750 950 1953 July 16 G 2. 5 FRI 2,160 0 0 0 July 20 G 2. 5 FRI 12,375 0 0 0 July 27 G 2. 5 FRI 9,647 0 44 0 Aug 4 G 2.5 FRI 13,425 0 0 0 Aug 12 G 2. 5 FRI 21,575 10 0 0 Aug 19 G 2. 5 FRI 15,893 41 30 0 Aug 23 G 2. 5 FRI 3,472 8 4 0 Sept 2 G 2.5 FRI 11,246 0 4 0 100 cohos, 3 reds Sept 11 G 2. 5 FRI 7,970 560 0 0 3 kings, 3 reds Sept 18 G 1. 2 FRI 3,145 652 0 0 1954 July 8 G FWS 7,000 0 0 0 July 10 GO. 2 FWS 10, 000 0 0 0 July 11 G 2. 5 FWS 0 0 0 0 July 13 G 2. 5 FWS 0 0 0 0 July 15 GO. 2 FWS 100,000 0 0 0 July 20 G 0. 2 FWS 100, 000 0 0 0 July 22 FWS 500, 000 0 0 0 July 23 GO. 5 FWS 13,500 0 25 0 July 24 G 0. 5 FWS 2,547 0 0 0 July 24 to gage FWS- =200,000 Aug 7 all FRI 121,000 Aug 7 GO. 5 FRI 106, 000 Aug 14 GO. 5 FRI 117,000 0 0 Sept 10 G 0. 5 FRI 14, 000 0 0 Schooled 1 dead red Half pink schooled Water high, poor visibility Ascending, small groups Ascending, small groups Possibly 85,000 pinks in all stream 500 fish 1st and 2nd falls 15,000 above marker Few dead pinks Few at mouth, 4, 000 dead 326 141-10 ANAN CREEK - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. Date 1955 July 10 July IS July 23 July 24 July 25 July 29 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 15 Aug 5 Aug 19 Aug 24 1956 June 28 June 28 July July July SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FRI FRI FWS FRI A length FWS 55,000 A3. 0 FRI 30,000 A length FWS 60, 000 GO. 5 GO. 2 A 3.0 GO. 5 A 0.2 A 3.0 A 3.0 G A 3.0 100 1,000 3,000 8,000 10, 000 25,000 60,000 25,000 0 G 1. 2 G 1. 2 A 0.7 FWS 21,300 FWS 24,800 FWS 40,000 FWS 80,000 FWS 100, 000 ADF 40,000 FWS 125,000 FWS 130,000 FWS 180, 000 FWS 200, 000 FWS 350, 000 FWS 300, 000 FWS 250,000 FWS 350, 000 FWS 275, 000 FRI 400,000 FWS 300, 000 FWS 300, 000 FRI 370,000 FWS 325, 000 FRI 450,000 FWS 200, 000 FWS 325, 000 A mark FWS 200, 000 A 3.0 FRI 200,000 A length FWS 500, 000 2 5 old weir 7 to thermog 7 7 9 2d falls 2d falls A 5.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A mark A 3.0 A 3.0 A 4.0 A 3.0 A 3.0 A 4. 5 G 0. 2 G to weir G 0. 2 G to weir G 2. 0 GO. 5 G to weir G mark 13 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS 14 300 350 1,350 3,775 FWS 20,000 FWS 20,000 FWS 24,500 G mark 14 FWS 30,000 G to falls FWS July 27 • 2 past falls FWS 15,000 July 26 FWS 55,000 CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live REMARKS 100 in lagoon No salmon above falls Two schools in Blake Channel 3,000-5,000 at mouth Weir site Flooding. Peak is past Schooled 170,000 in creek Jumps in Ernest Sound 30, 000 at mouth 30, 000 in lagoon Large schools upstream 20, 000 at mouth 10,000 in lagoon Thousands at mouth Spawning at peak 10, 000 at mouth Spawning throughout Spawning at peak Most spawning Thousands dead Est. 2, 000 off mouth Est. 5,000 outside 1,500-3,000 pinks in bay 327 141-10 ANAN CREEK - Continued ADF STAT. No. WR 15 Previous No . 18 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Date 1957 July 28 July 29 July 29 July 30 July 30 Aug 4 Aug 7 Aug 9 Aug 16 Aug 25 Aug 29 Sept 2 Sept 11 1958 June 24 June 28 2 2 3 5 5 S SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live G 2nd falls FWS 25,000 A mark FRI 70, 000 G length FWS 60, 000 5 mi past Y FWS 59,000 A 5. 5 FRI 38, 500 A mark FRI 85,000 A 5.0 FWS 200,000 A length FWS 85,000 A mark FRI 55,000 A mark FRI 65,000 G to forksFRI-FWS 65,000 A mkrFRI-FWS 45,000 G to forks FRI-FWS 19,000 July July July July July July July 8 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 14 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 17 July 20 July 24 July 31 Aug 2 Aug 8 Aug 11 Aug 17 Aug 22 Aug 25 Aug 28 Aug 29 Sept 17 1959 June 28 Jum 30 July 1 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS G to falls G 1. 2 GO. 7 G G 1.0 GO. 5 AG G 0. 5 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 2d fork A abv fork GO. 7 G to canyon FWS G abv falls FWS G 1. 2 FWS G 4. 0 FWS A length FWS G fork FWS A to falls FWS G5.0 FRI G I. 2 FWS A length FWS A mark FWS G 1.5 FWS A length FWS A mark FWS G 1st falls FWS G5. 0 FRI A mark FWS G 0. 5 FWS G 0. 2 FWS G FWS 175 5,000 3,500 7,250 11,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 12,000 13,000 23,000 50, 000 25,000 38,000 27,000 30,000 68,000 75,000 36,000 85,000 300, 000 34,000 90, 000 60, 000 2,000 90,000 60, 000 2,000 100, 120 10,000 170 500 380 REMARKS Few off mouth All schooled 300 dead. None at mouth Few dead Some chums 3, 000 dead 10, 000 outside lagoon 50 Some dead pinks Some chums Many dead pinks None observed 500 in lagoon, 1,000 off mouth 328 ANAN CREEK - Continued ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 15 Previous No. 18 SURVEYED Date Miles By 1959 juV 3 July 4 JuV 5 July 6 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 16 July 23 July 27 July 28 Aug 4 Aug 10 Aug 12 Aug IS Aug 19 Aug 20 Sept 3 Oct 1 1960 June 28 July 7 Julys -9 July 11 July 12 July 14 July 14 July 15 July 17 July 17 G 1.5 G 2. 0 G 1.0 G 1.0 G 1. 2 G to forks 3d lookout G to forks G to forks G 1.0 2d lookout G 2. 7 G 1.2 A 3.0 A 5.0 A 4.0 A length A 5.0 G lagoon A length G to forks A 5.0 G 0. 5 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS ADF 1st falls ADF A length ADF 2d falls ADF A length ADF A length ADF 2d falls ADF A 3. 5 ADF \ length ADF 2d falls ADF July 19 A length ADF July 27 A length ADF July 28 A length ADF July 28 G 2d falls ADF Aug 4 Aug 9 Aug 14 1961 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 A length ADF G 1st falls ADF G 1st falls ADF A length ADF A length ADF G 1.0 ADF A and G ADF PINK Live Dead 1,500 2,000 6,000 7,200 10, 000 12,000 12,000 16,000 20, 000 20,000 18, 000 35,000 55,000 55,000 30, 000 55,000 70, 000 140, 000 300 85,000 70,000 65,000 5,000 3,000 present 12,000 15,000 21,000 14, 000 12,000 41,000 28,000 many 75,000 75,000 75,000 93,000 300 250 100 200 5,000 5,000 CHUM Live Dead OTHER SPECIES Live REMARKS 1,000 in lagoon 800 in lagoon 2, 000 in lagoon 1, 200 in lagoon 1,000 in lagoon 2, 000 in lagoon 1,000 in lagoon 1 , 000 in lagoon 1,000 in lagoon 3,000 in lagoon 500 in lagoon 500 in lagoon 5,000 in lagoon 1,000 pairing off Fish schooled in holes 1, 000 in lagoon Schooled in holes Few pinks coming in Active spawning, few dead Pink present off mouth and in stream 3,000 off mtouth 5,000 pinks at mouth Many off mouth 8,000-10,000 pinks at mouth 6,000 in lagoon and 13,000 pinks above second falls 16,000 above falls Few in lagoon 1, 500 in lagoon Includes 45,000 below second falls 3,000 to first falls All old fish 50 pinks in lagoon Pink jumping off mouth 1,500-2,000 pinks in lagoon Below second falls 1, 200 above the falls 329 ANAN CREEK - Continued ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1961 July 13 G 0.5 ADF 7,000 July 14 A length ADF 10,000 July 16 G-A length ADF 16,000 July 17 G 0.5 ADF 5,500 July 21 A length ADF 20, 000 July 23 A length ADF 15, 000 July 27 A length ADF 17,000 Aug 2 A length ADF MO, 000 Aug 4 A length ADF 42, 000 Aug 8 G 2d falls ADF 6,500 Aug 8 A length ADF 31,000 Aug 18 A length ADF 60,000 Aug 26 A length ADF 50,000 1962 June 29 A length ADF July 2 G 2d falls ADF 2,000 July 5 G 2d falls ADF July 6 A length ADF July 8 A length ADF July 8 G 2d falls ADF 50,000 July 9 G 2d falls ADF 60,000 July 11 G 2d falls ADF 50,000 July 12 A length ADF 1,500 July 14 G 0. 2 ADF 60, 000 July 15 GO. 2 ADF 65,000 July 16 July 17 July 19 July 23 July 25 July 29 July 30 Aug 3 Aug 9 Aug Aug Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 21 Aug 30 1963 July 7 July 10 July 15 July 23 July 26 July 29 Aug 1 Aug 5 Aug 7 Ai:g 16 Aug 16 A 3.0 A 2.0 A length G 2d falls A ond G A and G A length A length A length A length A length A length A length A length A length A lagoon G 2d falls G length G 2.0 G forks A length G 2d falls G 2d falls A length A length A length ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF ADF 200 50,000 30,000 35,000 55, 000 55,000 40, 000 60,000 148, 000 147, 000 34, 000 200, 000 200, 000 135,000 139,000 12,000 21, 000 40,000 70,000 19,000 25,000 125,000 205,000 258,000 330 ADF STAT. No. WR 15 Previous No. 18 REMARKS 500 pinks at mouth 500 at mouth 400 in intertidal zone 250 in inteirtidal zone 1 , 700 at mouth 200 pinks in intertidal 2, 000 in intertidal 500 at mouth 1,000 in intertidal Above second falls None in lagoon No fish observed 15, 000 in intertidal zone 20, 000 in intertidal zone 30, 000 in intertidal zone 10,000 in lagoon 40,000 at mouthj 50,000 in intertidal 4, 000 at mouthj 20, 000 in lagoon 5,000 at mouthj 20, OOC in lagoon 45,000 in lagoon 40, 000 in lagoon 2, 000 at mouth IS, 000 in lagoon 45, 000 in lagoon 30, 000 in lagoon 40, 000 in lagoon 30, 000 in lagoon 20, 000 in lagoon 30, 000 in lagaon 1 king in lagoon 1, 000 in lagoon 9, 000 in lagoon 500 in intertidal zone 1,000 at mouth Spread out 6, 700 in intertidal zone 550 in intertidal zone 15,000 in intertidal zone 4, 000 in intertidal zone 5, 000 in intertidal zone 2, 000 at mouth By helicopter ADF STAT. No. 141-10 ANAN CREEK WR 15 Previous No. 1 8 U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Weir Counts Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1925 June 17 13 18 4 19 6 ao 6 21 14 22 168 23 1,445 24 2,768 25 3,645 26 2,949 27 3,465 28 1,286 29 328 30 793 July 1 749 2 2,570 3 4,976 4 5,079 5 5,856 6 8,694 7 14,071 8 1,285 9 10 1,519 11 1,164 12 137 13 14 748 15 2,849 16 3,963 17 1,397 18 3,602 19 7,312 20 10,385 21 9,663 22 11,235 23 10,915 24 10, 211 25 7,841 26 4,621 27 6,489 28 4,467 29 6,233 30 5,512 31 7,302 Aug 1 3,665 2 4,712 3 1,938 4 1,864 5 1,296 6 4,905 7 8,310 8 7,085 9 6,001 21 26 15 76 12 331 ADF STAT. No. 141-10 ANAN CREEK - Continued WR IS Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water t emp. Remarks 1925 Aug 10 6,318 11 9,400 12 3,818 13 3,282 14 2,269 15 2,961 16 1,970 17 1,675 18 1,517 19 1,694 20 709 21 1,494 22 773 23 618 24 624 25 279 26 376 27 333 28 245 29 407 30 214 31 288 Sept 1 280 2 245 3 306 4 422 5 319 6 220 7 134 8 143 9 Total 260,844 1926 June 12 1 13 8 14 16 IS 44 16 230 17 177 18 403 19 425 20 1,514 21 2,984 22 1,494 23 2,621 24 1,875 25 563 26 893 27 5 28 234 29 493 30 1,826 July 1 1,950 2 2,445 3 5,305 4 7,454 16 74 28 27 377 43 17 133 654 75 67 332 ADF STAT. No. 141-10 ANAN CREEK - Continued WR 15 Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water t emp. Remarks 1926 July 5 5,655 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 4 1 Aug 5 5,655 6 7,067 7 5,732 8 5,730 9 4,853 10 4,263 11 4,483 12 4,461 13 4,217 14 3,909 IS 3,308 16 2,469 17 3,548 18 1,673 19 1,503 20 3,984 21 4,581 22 3,096 23 2,199 24 25 776 26 877 27 1,536 28 1,593 29 870 30 600 31 585 1 369 2 1,475 3 908 4 528 5 262 6 310 7 142 8 108 9 47 10 39 11 46 12 44 13 36 14 21 IS 23 16 23 17 6 18 325 19 190 20 41 21 40 22 47 23 30 24 18 25 82 26 14 27 18 28 21 29 17 13 168 80 10 157 6 17 333 141-10 ANAN ( Date Pink Chum Coho Red Kin; 1926 Aug 30 11 31 14 Sept 1 10 65 18 2 Total 121,784 75 596 57 87 1927 June 22 1 23 24 2 25 2 26 1 27 28 4 29 1 30 37 July 1 94 2 42 2 3 290 4 138 5 178 6 550 7 988 8 18 9 23 12 10 223 11 674 12 664 13 977 14 179 IS 1,398 16 1,254 2 3 10 17 879 18 897 19 642 20 656 21 1,243 22 881 23 295 16 5 24 838 25 835 26 624 27 482 28 866 29 1,859 30 867 24 2 14 31 1,726 Aug 1 876 2 818 3 996 4 395 5 761 6 947 6 41 1 5 7 592 8 603 9 359 10 340 ADF STAT. No. WR 15 King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 33k 141-10 A^ Date Pink Chum Cohb Red 1927 Aug 11 1,354 12 335 13 672 15 41 11 14 306 15 409 16 396 17 318 18 452 19 449 20 272 26 103 10 21 400 22 346 23 616 24 116 25 1,298 26 242 27 299 27 189 23 28 766 29 771 30 804 31 918 Sept 1 416 2 564 3 421 99 532 22 4 5 358 6 403 7 350 8 204 9 493 10 283 8 511 13 11 130 12 204 13 252 14 43 15 179 16 454 17 88 36 354 25 18 94 19 97 20 120 21 69 22 85 23 75 63 129 11 Total 44,936 280 1,942 121 1928 June 18 4 19 20 8 21 8 22 427 23 458 24 471 25 825 26 2,170 ADF STAT. No. ANAN CREEK - Continued WR 15 Cohb Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 68 335 ADF STAT. No. ANAN CREEK - Continued WR Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water t emp. Remarks 1928 June 27 3,011 28 4,198 29 4,561 30 3,570 July 1 3,114 2 5,628 3 4,356 4 5,854 5 5,646 6 6,555 7 4,869 8 2,691 9 4,598 10 4,397 11 3,462 12 848 13 1,524 14 2,466 15 5,204 16 8,561 17 14,922 18 15, 696 19 11,136 20 2,318 21 957 22 47 23 4,936 24 5,652 25 7,177 26 8,265 27 8,309 28 5,005 29 3,838 30 3,827 31 3,007 Aug 1 2,381 . 2 1,365 3 1,422 4 863 5 214 6 853 7 378 8 180 9 10 12 11 18 12 8 13 52 14 356 IS 185 16 184 17 113 18 113 19 248 20 90 21 69 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 2 1 4 9 2 15 5 25 1 16 34 18 31 1 1 40 35 29 27 37 24 3 2 98 2 108 2 86 30 1 47 74 1 59 2 169 8 50 5 79 11 3 1 164 1 SO 3 58 3 64 55 66 56 1 40 2 1 2 S 3 2 2 1 336 ADF STAT. No. 141-10 ANAN CREEK - Continued WR IS Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1928 Aug 22 32 26 23 1 21 24 53 1 35 25 46 IS 26 6 4 27 24 1 6 28 17 6 29 19 1 30 33 10 31 34 11 Sept 1 47 43 1 2 50 39 3 74 40 4 46 4 12 5 65 2 20 6 38 10 7 44 13 8 36 5 9 55 1 3 10 243 2 89 3 11 194 2 147 2 12 171 1 107 1 13 106 1 33 9 14 228 95 8 15 53 1 121 6 16 37 1 41 2 17 38 68 10 18 17 48 19 9 15 2 20 21 22 4 11 23 7 20 24 6 1 12 Total 195,577 67 2,859 70 1929 June 14 4 15 1 16 10 17 13 18 3 19 20 20 6 21 11 22 183 23 553 24 534 25 796 26 46 27 542 28 855 29 2,699 30 2,791 July 1 3,705 2 1,272 3 1,410 337 141-10 Date Pink 1929 July 4 2,899 5 2,494 6 3,207 7 7,113 8 7,095 9 4,121 10 5,470 11 6,340 12 6,254 13 4,480 14 4,882 15 4,175 16 3,016 17 2,196 18 1,818 19 3,685 20 4,209 21 4,229 22 4,223 23 2,273 24 2,663 25 3,431 26 6,306 27 922 28 3,067 29 2,693 30 6,063 31 9,113 Aug 1 9,267 2 10, 454 3 5,930 4 8,370 5 5,632 6 5,044 7 5,001 8 5,156 9 2,992 10 3,031 11 2,618 12 2,796 13 2,595 14 2,001 15 1,957 16 1,140 17 523 18 1,002 19 1,023 20 1,078 21 22 23 512 24 586 25 199 26 272 27 782 ADF STAT. No. ANAN CREEK - Continued WR 15 Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 13 10 83 338 ADF STAT. No. ANAN CREEK -Continued WR IS Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1929 Aug 29 500 30 503 31 300 1 158 8 Sept 1 852 2 564 3 526 4 423 S 161 6 403 7 232 8 266 9 209 10 144 11 104 12 325 13 104 14 132 15 114 17 173 3 16 225 17 173 18 213 19 265 20 111 21 39 22 34 16 276 11 Total 221 ,462 57 976 61 1930 June 12 1 13 2 14 1 15 16 4 17 7 18 1 19 3 20 3 21 5 22 16 23 40 24 189 25 95 26 1, ,275 27 2, ,209 28 3, ,203 29 2, ,267 30 610 July 1 1, ,239 2 3, ,399 3 4, ,066 4 3, ,876 5 9, ,171 6 11: ,543 7 s, ,488 8 4, ,002 9 9, ,319 10 24, ,950 11 30, ,611 12 31, ,897 13 33, ,754 339 ADF STAT. No. ^4j_^Q ANAN CREEK - Continued WR 15 Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1930 July 14 27,119 15 8,487 16 6,816 17 10,956 18 20,100 19 30,301 20 24, 834 21 5,792 22 1,189 23 3,539 24 7,746 25 9,617 26 10, 423 27 16,576 28 14, 530 29 1,698 30 6,440 31 26, 378 Aug 1 19, 641 2 220 3 32, 215 4 13,353 5 4,751 6 ISO 7 2,141 8 4,629 9 8,028 10 10,631 11 10,292 12 10,978 13 7,044 14 2,088 15 5,694 16 3,044 17 2,053 18 325 19 1,122 20 813 21 746 22 835 23 961 24 60S 25 487 26 248 27 1,433 28 427 29 295 30 483 31 250 Sept 1 251 2 310 3 310 4 284 5 408 6 356 7 267 Total 563, 95e 1,087 20 57 3l^o ADF STAT. No. ANAN CREEK - Continued WR Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Renarks 1931 June 17 5 18 1 19 7 20 5 21 66 22 90 23 325 24 624 25 1,484 26 2,754 27 2,720 28 2,791 29 3,330 30 5,770 July 1 8,882 2 8,763 3 9,219 4 8,648 5 8,644 6 13,979 7 15,202 8 18,022 9 18, 743 10 15, 693 11 13,300 12 6,627 13 15,013 14 19,563 IS 31,906 16 24,383 17 18,467 18 13, 090 19 8,136 20 9,064 21 12,013 22 10,646 23 5,717 24 9,494 25 8,114 26 22,522 27 20,027 28 18, 754 29 16,737 30 15, 809 31 13,626 i^ug 1 12,503 2 10,483 3 9,817 4 9,446 5 6,992 6 7,793 7 7,363 8 7,320 9 8,157 10 8,153 11 8,153 sJin ADF STAT. No. ANAN CREEK - Continued WR IS Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1931 Aug 12 8,153 13 8,153 14 8,153 15 8,153 16 7,244 17 5,034 18 3,046 19 1,327 20 1,847 21 1,148 22 1,516 23 895 24 169 25 672 26 791 27 413 28 132 29 486 30 742 31 575 Total 613,604 1932 July 5 10 6 45 7 1,033 8 1,628 10 2,647 11 1,884 12 2,197 13 1,880 14 1,061 15 2,449 16 2,017 17 5,607 18 4,857 19 3,193 20 1,328 21 818 22 431 23 147 24 1,286 25 2,915 26 5,067 27 3,628 28 4,394 29 2,047 30 1,630 31 702 Aug 1 785 2 792 3 2,000 4 2,262 5 2,264 6 4,281 7 5,309 8 7.170 9 8,291 27 1,206 3^2 ADF STAT. No. 141-10 ANAN CREEK - Continued WR Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1932 Aug 10 7,510 11 5,077 12 4,462 13 5,889 14 5,212 15 2,346 16 1,982 17 2,565 18 2,428 19 1,223 20 979 21 691 22 295 23 310 24 392 25 148 26 414 27 39 28 831 29 163 30 100 31 55 Sept 1 2 33 3 4 IS 5 55 6 27 7 18 Total 131,551 3^3 141 -20 FROSTY CREEK WR 1 6 Gome Trail l«cati«i) (btw Fdb ^3^, 0.25 Mil* 3hh ADF STAT. No. 141-20 FROSTY CREEK WR 16 56*03.3' N. 131*57.3' W. Previous No. 19 WRANGELL, SEWARD PASSAGE, FROSTY BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Poor. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 52*F. , 9/3/52; 50. 5*F. , 9/15/52; 52.5*F., 9/19/52; 54*F., 9/4/53; 53* F. , 9/13/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION A stream -cut valley. DRAINAGE 15 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains three small lakes three-fourths mile above the falls. Numerous scattered ponds are also found in the drainage area. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION A short rapids with large boulders is just above the tidal flats. ANCHORAGE Two rocks lie 150 yards northward of the S. point of the entrance. Anchor in 6 fathoms in the SW. part of the bay. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Can be waded in most places. A fair game trail follows the right bank. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Difficult due to brushy overstory. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 150'. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 60'/10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Large boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Schooling occurs off the mouth and in several pools in this zone. SPAWNING AREAS Limited spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0.2mile. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEP TH 30'/6"-24". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Variable — slight to very steep. BOTTOM Gravel, coarse sand, and boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION B ARR lER S A series of falls 300 yards above the high tide mark are impassable to salmon. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Holes just below the falls. SPAWNING AREAS The best spawning area is just above the high tide mark. GENERAL NOTES 3h3 ADF STAT. No. WR 16 141-20 FROSTY CREEK Previous No. 19 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 July 11 G 0. 2 FRI No fish observed SeptlS G 0. 1 FRI 1,225 388 8 3 Excellent pink show^ing 1950 Se{i26 FWS 300 200 1951 Julyl4 G 1. 2 FRI 10,780 42 20 0 Sept 3 0. 2 FWS 50 3 reds Sept24 G 0. 2 FRI 1,400 200 100 0 1952 SeptlS G 0. 2 FRI 56 5 16 0 Septl9 G 0. 2 FRI 46 9 1 0 1953 July 20 A 0. 5 FWS No salmon observed Aug 5 A 0. 5 FWS No salmon observed Sept 4 A 0.5 FWS 150 0 103 0 Sept 13 A 0. 2 FRI 55 2 25 2 Poor visibility 1954 Aug 8 FWS No salmon observed 1955 Sept 1 G 0. 2 FWS 1 dead pink on bank 1956 Sepcll A to lake FWS 3,000 Septl7 A length FWS 100 reds Sept21 G falls FWS 4,000 500 1957 Aug 13 GO. 5 FWS 30 Sept 4 G 0. 2 FWS 230 10 1958 Aug 9 G mouth FWS No salmon observed Sept 19 A 1.0 FWS No salmon observed 1959 Aug 14 G to falls FWS No salmon observed Oct 7 G to falls FWS 115 70 1960 Not surveyed 1961 Aug 2 A length ADF No salmon observed 1962 July 8 G mouth ADF Jumps at mouth Sept 4 A ADF No salmon observed 1963 July 27 G 0. 7 ADF No salmon observed 3k6 141 -20 ./^ 0.25 MIU 3^7 ADF STAT. No. 141-20 SANTA ANNA CREEK WR 17 SS'SS.S' N. 131'S6' W. Previous No. 20 WR AN CELL, SEWARD PASSAGE, SANTA ANNA INLET, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Trout, echo. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIE.S Poor. STREAM TEMPERATURES Observed temperatures: 48. 5* F. , 9/24/51. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE Drains Lake Helen, a small lake 0. 25 mile upstream. Several other small lakes drain into Lake Helen. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Anchor at the head of the inlet. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Wadeable. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 100 feet. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/14". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep BOTTOM Boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION Edge of woods. SCHOOLING AREAS Off mouth. SPAWNING AREAS Poor. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. 2 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep; cascades. BOTTOM Small and large rocks in creek. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Series of pools. SPAWNING AREAS A limited amount of spawning ground is found near the mouth, but from there to the lake the bottom is coarse. GENERAL NOTES This stream has had a poor run for a number of years. 3W ADF STAT. No. WR 17 141-20 SANTA ANNA CREEK Previous No. 20 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1935 Sept 19 G FWS This stream has had a poor run for a number of years 1951 Sept 24 A 2. 0 FRI 200 Few chums. Some dead pinks 1953 July 20 A 2. 0 FWS No salmon observed Aug 24 A 2. 0 FWS No salmon observed in mouth of stream, lake, tributaries of lake or inlet Sept 9 A 2. 0 FWS No salmon observed Oct 6 A 0. 1 FWS High water. No dead fish 1954 Sept 10 FWS Good 1955 Aug 24 FWS No salmon observed Sept 9 0. 5 FWS No salmon observed Oct 6 0. 1 FWS No salmon observed 1956 Sept 11 A to lake FWS 3,000 Sept 21 G to lake FWS 800 Cohos off mouth. No dead 1957 Sept 14 G to lake FWS 200 1958 Sept 19 A 2. 0 FWS 150 1959 Not surveyed 1960 Not surveyed 1961 Aug 2 A length ADF No salmon observed 1962 July 8 G to lake ADF No salmon observed Sept 4 A mouth ADF 500-600 at mouth 3^9 ADF STAT. No. WR 18 141.20 SUNNY CREEK Previous No. 21 55* 57. 7' N. 1 3 1° 57. 9 ' W, WRANGEI.t, SEWARD PASSAGE, SUNNY BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Coho. OTHER SPECIES Pink, chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE A small lake one-fourth mile from the beach is the source of this stream. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH SOyards. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Large boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0. ?. mile. A VER A G E WI D TH / D EP TH 4'/8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep. BOTTOM Bedrock and sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES 350 SUNNY CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 18 Previous No. 21 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 16 G 0. 2 FRI 1951 Sept 17- ■27 1.0 FWS 8,000 200 5 cohos 1953 Sept 27 FWS 2,050 1954 Sept 15 mark FRI 800 15 Sept 27 mark FRI 2,050 1955 Aug 24 FWS Sept 16 A mark FRI 400 Sept 23 A mark FRI 1,500 Sept 29 A mark FRI 600 1956 Sept 9 A mark FRI 3,000 Sept 10 A 1.0 FWS 2,500 Sept 21 G 1.0 FWS 155,000 100 Sept 28 A mark FRI 10, 000 1957 Sept 13 G 1.5 FWS 52 24 Sept 22 A mark FRI 500 Sept 27 A mark FRI 1958 Sept 7 G mark FWS 300 Sept 19 A 2.0 FWS 350 Sept 26 G 0. 3 FWS 11 3 1959 Not surveyed 1960 Not surveyed 1961 Not surveyed REMARKS Apparently not a salmon stream No salmon observed >7,000 at mouth Many dying pink Many dead No salmon observed 351 141 -20 WR 19 352 ADF STAT. No. 141-20 WR 19 55*57.8' N. 132*00.5' W. Previous No. 22 WRANGELL, SEWARD PASSAGE, 1. 5 miles E. of Watkins Pt. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Poor. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 48*F. , 9/ 12/50; S4°F. , 9/17/51; 45*F. , 9/27/51; 50* F. , 10/8/51; 51*F. , 7/3/52> 48T. , 9/8/52; 50. 5*F. , 9/15/52; 52. 5*F. , 9/19/52; 48*F. , 10/6/52; 54*F. , 9/4/53j 53* F. , 9/13/53, 50. 5*F. , 9/18/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. There are large open muskeg areas along both sides of the stream. DRAINAGE Numerous ponds are scattered throughout the valley. Drains a large area of muskeg. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Lies at the head of the first large bight W. of Change Island. The stream course almost parallels tlie beach in its lower reaches and the moutli is barely visible from the bay. ANCHORAGE Good anchorage can be found in any of the small bays on either side of the creek mouth or just off the mouth. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easy to travel at normal water levels. Ill-defined game trails follow the margins. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Good visibility. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 450 yards. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'-30'/6"-10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Large rocks and gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS A small deep pool at the midtide mark. SPAWNING AREAS The upper 300 yards is a good gravel riffle, while the lower portion is mainly large rock and some gravel. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/4"-6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Large rock, rubble, gravel, and bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None reported. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS A few pools are found throughout the distance surveyed. SPAWNING AREAS Spawning areas are limited to the small pockets between the boulders and to a few fast riffles. GENERAL NOTES One-half mile upstream, the stream enters a bedrock canyon. There are no spawning facilities available in this area. 353 ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. 19 22 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 12 G 1.0 FRI 628 41 11 3 Sept 16 C 1.0 FRI 2, ,400 53 97 8 6 cohos Sept 25 G 0. 6 FRI 122 12 3 0 1951 Sept 17 G 1.0 FRI 1, ,070 30 60 2 Sept 27 G 1.0 FRI 7, ,400 215 150 20 5 cohos Sept 27 G 1. 2 FRI 700 0 0 0 Oct 8 G 1.0 FRI 1^ ,650 235 17 2 1952 Sept 3 G 1.0 FRI 48 0 28 0 Sept 8 G 1.0 FRI 65 0 0 0 Sept 15 G 1.0 FRI 102 0 4 0 Sept 19 G 1.0 FRI 99 4 0 0 Oct 6 G 1.0 FRI 0 1 4 0 1953 Aug 5 A 1.0 FWS Sept 4 G 1.0 FRI 147 1 57 0 Sept 13 G 1.0 FRI 90 0 62 1 Sept 18 G 1.0 FRI 90 2 70 2 1954 Sept 15 G 1.0 FRI 800 0 15 0 Sept 27 G 1.0 FRI 2, ,050 0 1955 Sept 16 G 1.0 FRI 400 0 0 0 Sept 23 G 1.0 FRI 1, ,500 0 0 Sept 28 G 1.0 FRI 600 1956 Sept 9 A 1.0 FRI 3, ,000 0 0 0 Sept 23 A 1.0 FRI 10 ,000 0 0 Sept 28 A 1.0 FRI 10; ,000 0 1957 Sept 7 A 1.0 FRI 4; ,007 Sept 22 A 1.0 FRI 500 0 Sept 27 A 1.0 FRI 1958 Sept 7 A 1.0 FWS 200 1959 Aug 19 ACS FWS 1960 Not surveyed 1961 Not surv eyed Excellent showing Half spawning. 3, 500 off mouth 75 per cent pinks spawning All pinks and chums spawning No salmon observed Poor visibility 2, 000 off mouth Few pinks and chums. None off mouth Some dead pinks Some dead pinks- Few live chums >7, 000 at mouth Few dead pinks Some chum present. Few at mouth None observed off mouth Few chums observed None observed off mouth Poor visibility. Spawning in inter- tidal zone No salmon observed 35l^ ADF STAT. No. 141-30 EMERALD CREEK WR 20 55°53.0' N. 132°02.3' W. Previous No. 24 WRANGELL, ERNEST SOUND, EMERALD BAY, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Abroad, flat valley with open muskeg areas. DRAINAGE Two miles upstream, the creek breaks into many muskeg creeks. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Flows through a tidal flat 0. 4 mile long, constricted at its entrance to salt water. ANCHORAGE Emerald Bay is used during E. winds, but it is a poor anchorage, TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Should be surveyed on a floodtide when a skiff can be taken about 0. S mile upstream. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.4 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2 miles . AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 20'/10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Very few pools deep enough to allow fish to school. SPAWNING AREAS Tlie entire stream is reported to have good spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES 355 ADF STAT. No. WR 20 141-30 EMERALD CREEK Previous No. 24 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designatai by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1947 Aug 21 1. 0 FWS 300 chums Oct 7 A FWS Pink excellent 1954 Sept 10 A FWS 300 1955 Aug 24 A length FWS No salmon observed Sept 9 G 1 . 2 FWS 600 1956 Sept 11 A 0.5 FWS 300 Sept21 C 0. 7 FWS 8,500 450 1957 Aug 13 Gi.O FWS No salmon observed Aug 27 A 1.0 FWS 1 Septl3 G l.S FWS 46 68 1958 July 31 G mouth FWS No salmon observed Aug 30 A 2. 0 FWS No salmon observed Sept26 G mouth FWS No salmon observed 1959 1960 1961 Not surveyed Not surveyed Not surveyed 1963 Auq 7 A ADF 1, 000 in intertidal zone; 500 at mouth 356 141 - .^ 0 55' 57. 2' N. VIXEN CREEK 1 32" 00. 2' W. ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No . 22 26 WRANGELL, ERNEST SOUND, VIXEN INLET, Head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair to good. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains. DRAINAGE Drains a lake 2. 3 miles upstream. The lake has numerous tributaries which appear to be fed by snowmelt. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Tlie inlet affords good anchorage. Use the cliormel southward of Sunsliine Island when entering. Tlie head of the inlet dries for a good distance. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily surveyed at any stage of the tide, but at high tide a skiff may be taken upstream. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50'-70'/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel and shale. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS A25' stepped falls J mile above the mouth is a total block to salmon passage. TRIBUTARIES None reported. SCHOOLING AREAS A large pool below the falls. SPAWNING AREAS Almost the entire area from the high tidemark to the falls offers good spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES 357 ADF STAT. No. WR 22 Previous No. 26 VIXEN CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By li ve Dead Live Dead Live 1942 Oct 6 0. 2 FWS 1, 000 200 Showing 1947 Oct 7 A FWS Pink excellent Oct 10 ASI Poor visibility 1951 Sept 2 0.5 FWS 261 6 4 reds 1953 Aug 5 A length FWS 100 below falls 1954 Aug 7- Sept 10 FWS No salmon observ 1955 Aug 24 FWS No salmon observ Sept 8 FWS 350 350 1956 Septll A 1.0 FWS 10, 000 Sept 20 G 1.0 FWS 20, ,000-30,000 500 1957 Aug 13 G 0. 5 FWS 34 Sep 13 G to falls FWS 1958 Sept 19 A length FWS Sept 26 A 1.0 FWS Sept 26 G 0. 5 FWS 1959 Aug 19 A to falls FAVS Sept 3 A to falls FWS 1960 Not surveyed 1961 Not stirveyed 1963 Aug 7 A 1.0 ADF Aug 21 G to lake ADF 600 200 500 1,000 500 No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed Few pinks; few at mouth 2 jumps at mouth; I jump in lake; low water makes falls impossible to jump 358 142-60 56* 20. 4' N. 132°08' W. WR AN CELL, EASTERN PASSAGE, in cove 2 miles SE,. of Channel L ADF STAT. No. WR 23 Previous No. 31 MAJOR SPECIES Pink. ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES Chum and coho. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate —swift. BOTTOM Fair gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES A large, rocky stream witli numerous large boulders AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'-20V12" 359 SURVEYED Date Miles By 1951 Aug 24 0.5 FWS 1953 Aug 5 A 1.0 FWS SeptlO A 1.0 FWS 1955 Aug 24 A 0.7 FWS Aug 31 G 0. 7 FWS 1956 Aug 14 G 0.7 FWS Sept 12 A length FWS 1957 July 30 A 5.0 FWS 1958 July 13 G mouth FWS Aug 27 A 2.0 FWS 1959 Aug 4 A 0.5 FWS Aug 19 A 0.7 FWS 1960 Not surv eyed 1961 Not surv eyed ADF STAT. No. WR 23 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 31 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead L.ve Dead Live 2,750 No salmon observed No salmon observed, water black No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed 360 ADF STAT. No. 141-10 WR 24 56°13.8' N. 132*02.5' W. Previous No. 32 WRANGELL, ERNEST SOUND, FOOLS INLET, E. head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good, but limited. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. DRAINAGE 0. 65 square mile ( polar plonimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Small stream entering at high tide line. Easily missed at low water. ANCHORAGE Anchorage may be had southward of the two small islands near the head of the inlet. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Easily surveyed. Good game trails along the banks. Take a skiff upstream as far as possible, but beware of being stuck on on outgoing tide. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor for aerial survey due to heavy overstory. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.1 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50V3"-36". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Gravel, rock, and sand. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS At the upper limits of the intertidal area. SPAWNING AREAS The upper one -eighth has good spawning gravel; this section is heavily utilized by pinks. GENERAL NOTES The entire section to marker is affected by extreme high tide of 16' and over. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE C, I mile. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEPTH 10'-20'/8"-16". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight BOTTOM Coarse grave and sand grading into hard shale rock 1.5 miles up, MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES Tlie intertidal zone joins that of a neighboring stream near the high tide mark. SCHOOLING AREAS The entire area surveyed consists largely of pool areas. SPAWNING AREAS Very little spawning area available upstream. Left fork has 1.5 miles spawning area. GENERAL NOTES 361 ADF STAT. No. WR 24 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 32 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By L- ve Dead Live Dead Live 1951 July 30 GO. 1 FRI 90 0 Aug 6 G 0. 1 FRI 300 0 Aug 14 G 0. 1 FRI 200 0 Aug 22 G 0. 1 FRI 225 10 Sept 4 G 0. 1 FRI 700 40 Sept 14 GO. 1 FRI 1,300 130 Sept 23 G 0. 1 FRI 750 180 Sept 28 GO. 1 FRI 1,250 0 1954 Aug 9 FWS 3,000 Sept 7 mark FRI 4,200 Sept 10 FWS 20, 000 Sept 15 mark FRI 4,500 1955 Aug 24 FWS 500 100 Sept 1 G FWS 500 Sept 5 FRI 7,000 1956 Aug 10 G 1.5 FWS 30 Aug 14 A 0.7 FWS 200 Sept 4 A length FWS 200 Sept 11 A 0.5 FWS 200 Sept 17 A length FWS 300 1957 Aug 7 A 1.5 FWS Aug 14 G 0. 2 FWS Aug 18 A length FWS 100 1958 July 30 A 20 FWS Aug 2 G FWS 500 Aug 14 GO. 7 FWS 400 Aug 16 GO. 1 FWS 200 Aug 20 GO. 5 FWS 500 Aug 22 AG. 2 FWS 500 Aug 30 A 2.0 FWS 1959 Aug 1 G 0. 2 FWS Aug 19 A 2.0 FWS Sept 17 FWS 250 Oct 5 G 0. 2 FWS 1960 Not surveyed 1961 Sept 13 G 0.5 ADF 300 many few Ired 1962 Aug 21 A 1.0 ADF 1,500 Aug 30 A 2. C ADF 8,000 1963 July 27 G 0. 7 ADF 0 2 No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 500 pinks at mouth No fish observed No fish observed None seen above intertidal No fish observed Old fish, mostly spawned 5,000 in intertidal zone 20,000 in intertidal zone Spawning 141-10 FOOLS CREEK WR 25 0.25 MiU 363 ADF STAT. No. 141-10 FOOLS CREEK WR 25 56'14' N. 132*03.7' W. Previous No. 33 WRANGELL, ERNEST SOUl^ID, FOOLS INLET, W. head. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho . ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent in the area below the forks. Poor above the forks. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 53°F. , 8/23/52 j 54* F. , 8/26/52; 48*F. , 9/8/52; 51*F. , 9/17/52; 55*F. , 8/14/53; 54.5*F. , 8/21/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. DRAINAGE 17. 4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters Fools Inlet W. of WR 25. Tlie mouth lies very close to that of WR 25. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 24. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES An easy stream to walk. Bear trails follow the banks. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Aerial visibility is very good. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'-50V12"-24". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight to moderate. BOTTOM Gravel and sand. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Two pools just below the high tide mark offer schooling facilities. SPAWNING AREAS The upper 500 yards is used extensively by pinks and offers excellent spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 2. 5 miles. AVER AGE WIDTH/ D EPTH 60V10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Slight. BOTTOM Broken rock and gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS The S. fork has an impassable falls 1 mile from the high tidemark. TRIBUTARIES The stream splits near the upper end of the intertidol zone. SCHOOLING AREAS Several excellent deep holes. SPAWNING AREAS Both forks consist largely of boulders and rock and do not provide tlie excellent spawning gravel available in the intertidal zone. Fi.sh do spawn heavily just above tlie forks. GENERAL NOTES 361^ 141-10 FOOLS CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR 25 Previous No. 32-33 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] Date 1949 July 11 Seftll 1950 July 1 1 July 31 Aug 17 SeptlO Sept 24 1951 July 30 Aug 6 Aug 14 Aug 22 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 25 Sept 4 Sept 14 Sept 17 Se^ 17 Sept 23 Sept 28 Oct 8 1952 Aug 23 Aug 26 Aug 30 Sept 17 Sept 8 1953 July 24 July 30 Aug 5 Aug 5 Aug 14 Aug 21 Sept 10 Sept 21 1954 Aug 9 Sept 7 SeptlS Septl7 1955 Aug 24 Aug 25 Sept 1 SURVEYED Miles By G 0. 1 FRI GO. 1 FRI GO. 7 FRI G 0. 7 FRI G 0. 7 FRI G 0. 7 FRI G 0. 7 FRI G 0. 7 G 0. 7 G 0.7 GO. 7 1.0 0. 2 A 1.0 G 0. 7 G 0. 7 GO. 7 G 1.0 G 0. 7 G 0. 7 G 0. 7 G 0. 5 G 0. 5 G 0. 5 G 0. 5 G 0. 7 G 0. 7 G 0. 7 G 0.7 FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI GO. 5 FRI G 0. 5 FRI FWS GO. 5 FRI GO. S FRI FWS FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI FRI FRI 1. 2 FWS GO. 5 FRI GO. 5 FRI GO. 5 FRI PINK Live Dead 2,300 0 0 781 2,452 158 4,000 2,800 3,750 5,515 8,000 780 7,850 6,000 14,000 700 1,680 9,050 830 386 1, 171 1,670 264 715 700 75 855 822 516 4 4,200 4,640 400 500 0 0 2 262 914 0 20 80 2,325 2,000 1,700 1,500 290 0 0 0 J7 0 CHUM Live Dead 0 0 21 14 30 10 25 50 200 25 15 115 0 A 0.5 FRI 1,000 A 0. 5 FWS 500 G 1.5 FWS 200 100 75 113 313 104 137 1 0 20 0 0 100 25 0 0 0 0 0 114 2 49 3 1 0 0 40 0 106 0 25 0 10 0 0 0 OTHER SPECIES Live 1 coho, 1 red Too early Many dead washed out Some dead pinl4,000 July 27 A length ADF >5,5O0 Aug 1 A length ADF 15,000 Aug 3 G 1.0 ADF 15,000 Aug 12 G 1. 0 ADF 13,000 3,000 35 cohos ADF STAT. No. WR 31 Previous No ■ 4 2 REMARKS No fish observed No fish observed 200 pinks at mouth 3,000 dead pinks 300 pinks at mouth 3,000 at mouth 3,000 at mouth 1 , 000 pinks at mouth 1,000 pinks at mouth 200 pinks at mouth Weir estimate 18,000 Heavy spawning 382 142-50 SNAKE CREEK - Continued SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1962 July 6 A length ADF July 16 GO. 2 ADF 17,500 July 25 A length ADF >40,000 July 23 G length ADF 79,000 July 30 A length ADF 100, 000 Aug 5 G length ADF 90,000 Aug 9 A length ADF 85,000 Aug ? A length ADF 88,000 Aug ? A length ADF 68,000 Aug ? A length ADF 30,200 1963 July 10 G mouth ADF July 15 A 0.5 ADF 500 July 20 G above cabin ADF 4,000 July 29 A length ADF 45,000 Aug 7 G to 2nd ADF 105,000 24 falls Aug 16 A length ADF 112,000 Aug 16 A length ADF 125,000 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 Previous No. 42 REMARKS 1,500 at mouth 1,000 in intertidal zone 1 , 500 at mouth 500 in intertidal zone 3, 000 at mouth 1,500 below weir 500 below weir 100,000 in lower stream 95,000 in lower stream No fish observed 2, 000 in intertidal 400 in intertidal 1, 500 in intertidal helicopter 383 ADF STAT. No. 142-50 SNAKE CREEK WR 31 Previous No. 42 U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Weir Counts Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1928 July 16 3, ,783 17 2, ,405 18 3, ,286 19 1, ,837 20 1, ,249 21 707 22 415 23 2, ,186 24 2, ,258 25 4, ,331 26 s, ,348 27 3, ,733 28 2, ,745 29 1, ,920 30 1, ,325 31 1, ,340 Aug 1 360 2 t ,260 3 868 4 972 5 615 6 668 7 593 8 197 9 948 10 255 11 187 12 272 13 181 14 189 15 272 16 239 17 52 18 106 19 365 20 114 21 42 22 50 23 121 24 153 25 85 26 110 27 141 28 43 29 37 30 51 31 61 Sept 1 31 2 45 3 31 4 36 S 34 6 19 7 IS 3«^ 142-SO Date Pink 1928 Sept 8 29 9 13 10 59 11 54 12 13 139 14 81 IS 16 16 16 17 22 18 15 19 5 20 6 21 7 22 8 Total 49, 156 1929 July 10 400 11 221 12 500 13 1,754 14 1,148 IS 1,295 16 2,176 17 2,203 18 2,601 19 1,400 20 1,050 21 1,452 22 1,362 23 2,333 24 1,359 25 1,603 26 828 27 1,400 28 2,504 29 1,492 30 672 31 358 Aug 1 267 2 198 3 270 4 385 S 397 6 325 7 175 8 275 9 265 10 88 11 212 12 31 13 18 14 43 IS 17 16 454 ADF STAT. No. WR 3 1 SNAKE CREEK - Continued Previous No. 42 Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 44 46 31 54 58 21 15 21 19 6 385 385 SNAKE CREEK - Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream ADF STAT. No. WR 31 Continued Previous No. 42 gage Water temp. Remarks 1929 Aug 17 1, 088 18 18 29 19 11 20 87 21 22 16 23 46 24 21 25 21 26 74 27 63 28 28 29 36 30 34 31 18 Sept 1 12 2 21 3 12 4 56 5 67 6 16 7 18 8 47 9 21 10 20 11 Total 35, 381 31 1930 July 13 4, 648 14 1, 469 15 1, 775 16 4, 194 17 6, 907 18 4, 078 4 19 s, 447 20 2, ,610 7 21 3, 695 17 22 4, 279 10 23 3, 975 5 24 1, 113 5 25 7, ,643 6 26 9, 246 20 27 3, 714 6 28 3, ,842 6 29 4, ,881 5 30 9, 167 5 31 9, 134 4 Aug 1 6, 787 14 2 4, 625 6 3 3, 900 8 4 4, 025 6 5 2, 024 3 6 2, 219 7 2, 257 Estimated 1,000 below 72 weir 386 1930 Aug 8 2,710 4 9 2,805 10 :o 2,372 11 12 4,086 7 10 13 1,470 8 9 14 1,916 6 12 15 560 6 16 510 Total 134, 083 172 38 1931 July 9 350 10 1,078 11 2,845 12 2,133 13 5,227 14 5,568 15 3,522 16 6,161 17 3,689 18 3,000 19 2,611 20 2,681 21 3,489 22 5,484 23 8,131 24 10, 108 25 9,237 26 4,587 27 5,400 28 4,282 1 29 1,690 3 30 2,706 2 31 2,750 Aug 1 2,485 2 1,840 3 600 4 257 5 138 6 364 7 628 8 205 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 192 9 3 17 348 15 S 18 154 10 19 162 4 20 128 21 SO 5 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 SNAKE CREEK - Continu'ed Previous No. 42 Coho Red King Streom gage Water temp. Remarks Weir closed for scientific purpose Weir closed for season 387 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 142-SO SNAKE CREEK - Continued Previous No. 42 Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 1931 Aug 22 151 13 1 23 1,950 89 3 24 1,138 31 21 25 230 18 1 26 81 13 13 27 5 5 28 571 18 73 29 365 11 36 30 137 27 30 31 105 15 6 Sept 1 155 7 13 2 180 15 68 3 56 7 13 4 73 7 10 5 1,000 100 Total 110,477 325 296 1932 July 17 18 104 19 92 1 20 311 21 34 2 22 170 1 23 1,228 5 24 2,491 11 25 1,204 7 26 373 2 27 1,367 5 28 391 8 29 904 10 30 841 8 31 832 10 Aug 1 654 18 2 635 20 3 641 8 4 418 55 5 481 29 6 116 22 7 334 30 8 46 21 9 lis 44 10 52 49 11 121 75 12 481 103 13 699 91 14 244 56 IS 605 73 16 118 46 17 108 32 18 33 24 19 302 52 20 17 14 21 90 21 22 72 21 23 73 23 24 68 8 388 142-50 SN Date Pink Chum Coho Rec 1932 Aug 25 16 4 26 82 6 27 315 5 9 28 452 7 3 4 29 79 8 30 14 4 31 133 1 1 1 Sept 1 265 1 4 2 178 1 4 1 3 64 1 4 46 5 45 2 6 42 2 7 500 50 8 9 10 Total 19 096 1,038 80 6 1933 July 15 1 384 1 16 9 745 6 17 4 315 1 18 1 113 19 3 897 20 7 891 3 1 21 13 527 5 22 9 328 2 23 6 306 6 24 7 201 25 4 847 5 26 4 830 1 27 3 969 5 28 4 726 6 29 4 300 30 10 619 6 31 6 862 Aug 1 4 125 1 2 3 566 3 3 1 597 1 4 2 444 2 5 1, 197 6 1, 383 1 1 7 6, 600 3 13 8 613 2 9 2, 000 5 10 230 11 12 13 77 14 846 15 1, 376 4 1 16 621 2 2 17 240 5 10 18 256 6 5 19 4 20 1 21 1 SNAKE CREEK - Continued King Stream gage Water temp, ADF STAT. No. WR 31 Previous No. 42 Remarks 389 142-50 Date Pink Chum Cob 1933 Aug 22 162 2 1 23 829 4 25 24 57 4 2 Total 130,582 98 61 1949 July 14 3,600 15 2,500 16 3,498 17 1,968 18 3,642 19 5,786 20 2,465 21 3,730 22 9,261 23 8,541 24 5,900 25 5,475 26 7,880 27 12, 363 28 9,203 29 9,375 30 5,615 31 3,182 Aug 1 304 2 3 5,820 4 3,140 5 8,247 6 8,643 7 9,862 8 4,475 9 3,509 10 1,743 11 2,736 12 6,938 13 7,583 14 2,361 15 3,276 16 5,742 Total 178, 363 1950 July 20 40 21 2,255 22 1,323 23 857 24 812 25 350 26 551 27 3,139 28 2,499 29 1,988 30 1,219 31 574 Aug 1 1,244 2 2,016 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 SNAKE CREEK - Continued Previous No. 42 Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 390 142-50 Date Pink Chum 1950 Aug 3 989 4 798 5 900 6 261 7 461 8 802 9 2,527 10 750 11 113 12 117 13 1, ,349 14 64 15 46 16 9 17 18 33 19 11 20 48 21 22 34 23 21 24 23 25 122 26 1 Total 28, ,346 1951 July 25 2, ,046 2 26 1, ,994 27 2, ,232 1 28 4, ,778 3 29 4, ,381 30 3, ,386 31 2, ,848 Aug 1 4, ,582 3 2 3, ,002 1 3 6, ,322 5 4 7, ,600 10 5 6, ,187 6 6 3, ,365 7 3, ,208 8 1, ,556 1 9 1, ,597 7 10 r ,116 4 11 779 12 670 4 13 532 5 14 1, ,209 9 15 471 5 16 509 4 17 323 7 18 336 5 19 91 2 20 266 17 21 318 9 22 75 9 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 SNAKE CREEK - Continued Previous No. 42 Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 391 142-50 Date Pink Chum 1951 Aug 23 40 1 24 69 1 25 251 26 21 1 27 143 3 28 12 29 37 30 19 6 31 9 Sept 1 29 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 398 18 9 372 50 Total 67, ,179 203 1952 July 21 67 22 1, ,989 4 23 1, ,884 24 1; ,678 1 25 1; ,496 1 26 1, ,949 2 27 2, ,039 2 28 1; ,556 8 29 2, ,354 3 30 1, ,634 2 31 1, ,727 4 Aug 1 865 4 2 1, ,104 11 3 761 4 567 4 5 818 7 6 507 12 7 798 32 8 241 15 9 159 19 10 161 6 11 ISO 12 12 179 24 13 42 13 14 155 15 IS 68 12 16 83 24 17 259 88 18 193 66 19 87 41 20 21 12 9 22 15 12 23 19 6 24 13 4 Total 2S; ,629 463 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 SNAKE CREEK - Continued Previous No. 42 Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 392 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 SNAKE CREEK Previous No. 42 Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. 1953 July 1-17 0 July 18 225 July 19 413 July 20 874 July 21 938 July 22 995 1 July 23 686 2 July 24 808 4 July 25 840 6 July 26 520 2 July 27 459 1 July 28 871 2 July 29 516 5 July 30 637 4 July 31 426 1 Aug 1 549 5 Aug 2 321 3 Aug 3 292 10 Aug 4 399 2 Aug 5 176 5 Aug 6 310 8 Aug 7 293 6 Aug 8 238 18 Aug 9 45 11 Aug 10 496 40 Aug 11 114 17 Aug 12 186 10 Aug 13 47 9 Aug 14 90 6 Aug 15 131 6 1 Aug 16 203 12 4 Aug 17 89 7 Aug 18 82 9 1 Aug 19 31 3 Aug 20 27 2 Aug 21 26 2 2 Aug 22 17 4 Aug 23 2 Aug 24 26 17 1 Aug 25 41 11 2 Aug 26 10 1 Aug 27 40 5 Aug 28 2 Aug 29 209 16 5 Aug 30 25 11 Aug 31 13 5 1 Sept 1 18 4 31 Sept 2 0 Sept 3 7 Total 13 ,763 293 48 393 142-50 Date Pink Chum 1954 July 18 12 19 569 15 20 3,732 10 21 1,166 1 22 1,568 1 23 1,728 1 24 2,555 1 25 2,109 1 26 1,857 27 3,115 1 28 1,924 5 29 1,848 1 30 2,982 1 31 2,050 Aug 1 2,201 4 2 1,921 1 3 1,401 1 4 2,505 1 5 1,660 6 1,368 1 7 2,111 8 1,565 9 928 10 10 555 11 677 4 12 691 4 13 738 3 14 291 3 15 538 3 16 388 12 17 427 17 18 222 11 19 205 9 20 203 7 21 151 3 22 91 5 23 41 24 87 6 25 163 10 26 70 4 27 150 7 28 73 2 29 3 3 30 135 6 31 14 3 Total 48, 788 132 1955 July 21 669 22 127 23 413 24 791 25 551 26 454 27 2,700 28 1,320 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 SNAKE CREEK - Continued Previous No. 42 Chum Coho Red King Stream gage Water temp. Remarks 39^ 142-50 SNAKE CREEK Date Pink Chum Coho Red King 1955 July 29 3, 294 30 4,584 31 3,202 Aug 1 2, 806 2 1, 639 3 2, 055 4 964 5 1,085 6 542 7 355 8 1,397 1 9 738 10 282 11 404 12 555 13 162 14 91 15 209 16 100 17 66 18 161 19 117 20 SO 21 135 22 67 1 23 22 1 24 134 25 9 26 426 10 27 7 28 51 29 40 1 30 49 31 234 9 Sept 1 27 6 2 45 2 3 24 2 4 27 5 Total 33, 180 33 J 1956 July 5-11 0 0 July 12 10 July 13 304 July 14 1,054 2 July 15 626 July 16 3,903 July 17 3,439 July 18 4,518 July 19 8,014 1 July 20 3,519 352 July 21 1,618 395 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 EK - Continued Previous No. 42 Stream gage Water temp. Remarks Date Pink Chum Coho Red King Str 19S6 July 23 1,432 14 July 24 3, 197 0 July 25 3,350 July 26 908 July 27 1,936 July 28 2,108 July 29 1,286 July 30 1,455 July 31 2,043 Aug 1 899 Aug 2 1,280 1 Aug 3 903 8 Aug i 902 8 Aug 5 High water - no count Aug 6 1,528 27 Aug 7 664 31 Aug 8 251 6 Aug 9 214 3 Aug 10 315 5 Aug 11 297 12 Aug 12 152 14 Aug 13 137 8 Aug 14 261 11 Aug 15 157 6 Aug 16 67 19 Aug 17 8 Aug 18 136 34 Aug 19 90 98 Aug 20 201 52 3 Aug 21 170 164 4 Aug 22 102 63 2 Aug 23 72 54 3 Aug 24 67 60 Aug 25 33 24 1 Aug 26 18 16 Aug 27 22 31 Aug 28 24 24 Aug 29 74 29 Aug 30 6 11 Aug 31 190 68 7 Sept 1 66 21 3 Sept 2 55 14 Sept 3 21 4 Total 57,486 1,347 23 ADF STAT. No. WR 31 Continued Previous No. 42 ■earn gage Water temp. Remarks 396 1961 July 27 15,000 July 28 74 July 29 561 July 30 210 July 31 844 Aug 1 918 Aug 2 807 Aug 3 1,176 Aug 4 352 Aug 5 1,284 Aug 6 797 Aug 7 1,293 Aug 8 793 Aug 9 371 Aug 10 283 Aug 11 895 Aug 12 421 Aug 13 261 Aug 14 155 Aug 15 299 Aug 16 184 Aug 17 155 Aug 18 97 Aug 19 31 Aug 20 48 Aug 21 22 Aug 22 17 Aug 23 27 Aug 24 175 Aug 25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 6 Aug 30 2 Sept 1 26 Sept 2 4 Sept 3 4 Sept 4 14 Totals 27,552 1962 July 6 July 7 145 July 8 474 July 9 12,216 July 10 2,065 July 11 1,763 July 12 2,587 July 13 4,536 July 14 5,445 July 15 2,854 July 16 4,338 July 17 3,557 18 2 5 4 20 2 5 3 4 3 3 1 2 1 5 9 21 ADF STAT. No. SNAKE CREEK - Continued WR 31 Previous ^No. 42 Stream Water Coho Red King gage temp. Remarks 2 15 1 1 8 10 33 26 397 ADF STAT. No. SNAKE CREEK - Continued WR 31 Previous No . 4 2 Streain Water Pink Chum Coho Red King gage temp. Remarks 1962 July 18 5,457 July 19 6,740 July 20 2, 974 July 21 6,166 July 22 7,204 July 23 3,437 July 24 6,174 July 25 8,062 July 26 2,881 July 27 3,057 July 28 1,508 Totals 93,644 398 141 -20 MENEFEE CREEK WR 32 0.25 Mile 399 141 -20 56° 08. 4' N. MENEFEE CREEK 132° 15. 2' W. ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No . 32 44 WRANGELL, ERNEST SOUND, MENEFEE INLET, Head . OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES Pink. ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Tlie valley wall rises sharply W. of the stream, snowfields border this side of the valley. To the E. the vcUey has a gentle gradient and numerous open muskeg areas. DRAINAGE 5. 2 square miles ( polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. Large snowCeld to the W. contributes snowmelt at certain times of the year. Also drains a large muskeg area. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Anchorage may be had 1. 2 miles from the head of the bay in 14 fathoms. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'/12". If 00 ADF STAT. No. WR 32 MENEFEE CREEK Previous No. 44 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by C; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 27 FWS 31 74 cohos 1951 Sept 7- 21 0. 7 FWS 11,000 500 200 cohos 1953 July 27 A 0.6 FWS 1954 Aug 8- Sept 10 FWS 2,000 1955 Sept 7 G 2.5 FWS 1,300 50 12 1956 Aug 15 A 2.0 FWS 700 Sept 6 G length FWS 5,000 50 Sept 6 G 1.2 FWS 15,000 100 Sept 11 A 1.5 FWS 8,000-10, 000 1957 July 28 GO. 2 FWS 750 50 Aug 7 A 2.0 FWS 400 Aug 12 G 3. 0 FWS 1,040 350 Aug 29 GO. 5 FWS 354 354 1958 Aug 8 A length FWS 175 Sept 27 G 0. 1 FWS 11 1959 July 31 GO. 2 FWS 40 Aug 10 A 1.5 FWS 350 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys 1962 Aug 30 A length ADF 8,000 5,000 pinks and chums Fish observed at head of bay 300 at mouth, 12,000 in intertidal zone ^01 ADF STAT. No. 141.2n WR 33 56°03.2' N. 132*13' W. Previous No. 45 WRANGELL, ERNEST SOUND, CANOE PASSAGE, NW. of Brovmson Island . MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Augi-Sept. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. Observed temperatures: 48* F. , 9/3/52; 47.5*F. , 9/11/52; 51*F. , 9/17/52; 53*F. , 9/4/53; 50.5*F. , 9/13/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 4. 3 square miles (polar planimeter). Drains a lake 1. 2 miles long ondO- 4 mile wide, lying 1. 5 miles above the mouth. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters Canoe Passage directly opposite the middle of its N. entrance. Heavily wooded at the mouth. A short tidal area. ANCHORAGE Canoe Passage , eastward of Brownson Island, widens and affords anchorage. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Good aerial visibility. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.4mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15V3"-6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Mostly gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Very few pools. SPAWNING AREAS Good spawning gravel is found in the upper 0. 2 mile. GENERAL NOTES This zone meanders through a grass flat. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1. 5 miles to lake- AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'/6". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Small rock — fair spawning gravel. MARKER DISTANCE .0.5 mile. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES koz ADF STAT. No. WR 33 Previous No. 45 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS Exploratory survey SURVEYED nNK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Uve Dead Live 1952 ug 31 0.4 FWS 175 SO :pt 3 G 0.5 FRI 162 15 9 39 :ptll G 0.4 FRI 274 9 20 15 :ptl9 10C3 GO. 5 FRI 259 21 18 0 ly 28 A 0.5 FWS jg 17 A 0.6 FRI 0 0 0 0 ag 26 A 0.6 FWS 25 0 75 0 ■.p: 4 A 0.6 FRI 62 1 36 38 :Ftl3 A 0.6 FRI 105 4 62 38 ig 7 0.5 FWS Lg 7-: 10 FWS 2,000 No fish observed Same terminal as for 1952 200 at mouth 1,000 mixed off mouth 1.0 1.0 G G GO. 2 GO. 2 FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS FWS No salmon observed 3,000 10, 600 75 12 125 40 G 0. 5 FWS A length FWS G 0. 5 FWS GO. 2 GO. 2 GO. 2 GO. 2 FWS FWS FWS FWS No surveys No surveys A length ADF A length ADF 43 3,000 300 25 13 80 20 30 No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed 25 pinls at mouth No salmon observed 300 at mouth 150 at mouth, 1,500 in intertidal zone h03 141 -30 WR 34 V kck 141-30 55*56. 2' N. 132° IS. 7' W. WRANGELL, ERNEST SOUND, 1 mile W. of entrance to Canoe Passage. ADF STAT. No. WR 34 Previous No. 47 OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES Pink. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperature: 44. 5* F. , 9/30/53 VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 2. 7 square miles (polar plonimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Excellent gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 12'/6" ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground svuveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Fish at moutli Date SURVEYED Miles By PINK Live Dead CHUM Live Dead 1951 Sept 22 1953 GO. 5 FRI 660 118 200 1,056 July 28 Aug 25 Sept 3 1960 A 0.2 GO. 2 GO. 2 FWS FWS FWS 300 0 0 0 0 2,000 400 0 0 1961 No surveys No surveys if05 141 -30 KUDAY'S CREEK WR 35 ko6 ADF STAT. No. 141-30 KUDAY'S CREEK WR 35 55°S6.3' N. 132*16.5' W. Previous No. 48 WRANGELL, ERNEST SOUND, 2 miles W. of entrance to Canoe Passage- MAJOR SPECIES Pink OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug.-Sep. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 50.5*F. , 9/12/50; 41*F. , 10/3/50; 50*F. , 9/16/50; 45*F. , 9/26/SO; 47*F. , 10/7/51; 51*F. , 9/22/52; 46.5*F. , 10/5/52; 48. 5*F. , 9/17/53; 43.5*F. , 9/30/53. VALLEY DESCRIPTION The valley is broad and nearly flattened near the mouth. Upstream the valley narrows. DRAINAGE 12 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Stream enters the left comer of the first bight W. of the entrance to Canoe Pass. Must proceed to the most westerly point in the bay before the stream is visible. ANCHORAGE Anchorage is available in the right-hand side of the bight or in the lee of Stone Island. The W. shore at the bight has several submerged rocks which present a hazard to boats. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES A fair game trail follows the right bank. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0.5 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 15'-30V6"-12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle to moderate. BOTTOM Good gravel between larger rock in the upper part; gravel and boulders in the lower part. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS The upper 300 yards has goodspawning gravel and is heavily used by pinks. The lower portion has poor spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 0.5 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'-25V5"-8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to steep . BOTTOM Large rock and rubble, broken rock, gravel, and much bedrock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None reported. TRIBUTARIES None reported. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS The lower part is the only area with a bottom suitable for spawning. Most of the spawning is limited to pockets behind boulders. GENERAL NOTES A small stream with fast riffles and nearly continuous rapids. One -half mile upstream the creek enters a canyon. The bottom is nearly all bedrock in this area. korj 141-30 KUDAY'S CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 35 Previous No. 48 Date 1949 Sept 16 Sept 29 1951 Sept 16 Sept 26 Oct 7 1952 Sept 1 Sept 22 1953 JuV 5 Aug 25 Au9 27 Sept 17 Sept 30 1954 Aug 7 Sept 15 Sept 27 1955 Aug 26 Sept 10 Sept 16 Sept 23 1956 Aug 15 Sept 9 Sept 11 Sept 12 Sept 17 Sept 20 Sept 28 1957 Sept 9 Sept 22 Sept 27 1958 Sept 7 1959 Aug 4 Aug 14 1960 1960 1963 July 26 Aug 21 SURVEYED Miles G 0. 7 GO. 7 G 0. 5 G 0. 5 GO. 5 G 0. 3 G 0. 3 G 0. 2 GO. 2 GO. 5 G 0. 1 G 0. 3 1.0 G 0. 5 G 0. 5 A 1.0 G 1.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A length A 0.5 A 1.0 G 1.0 A 1.0 G 2. 0 A mkr A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0. 2 GO. 2 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS By PINK Live Dead CHUM OTHER SPECIES Live Dead Live FRI FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FRI FWS FWS FWS FRI FRI FWS FRI FRI FWS FWS FRI FRI FWS FRI 4,475 6,400 11, 100 19,400 2,200 850 305 5,000 2,000 20 50 30 3, 100 3,900 500 450 1,500 9,000 200 1,500 FWS 2, 500 FWS 1, 700 FWS 3,000 FWS 21,600 FRI 20, 000 FRI FRI FRI FRI FWS FWS 200 700 100 400 No surveys No surveys A mouth ADF A ADF 235 1,472 800 >400 450 20 21 0 0 0 0 0 50 500 0 7 0 300 37 14 200 0 120 53 0 0 50 few 100 4,000 125 3 cohos Excellent to excessive Excellent to excessive 30 per cent pinks spawning 60 per cent pinks spawning 1 , 000 on ground above 1,800 at mouth Visibility zero Salmon observed, Pink school off mouth 3,000 off mouth Few dead chums 3,500 fish in mouth Some at mouth Few live, few dead chums Few live chums, 3, 000 at mouth Few dead pinks. Some live chumS Few live chums None off mouth. Poor visibility No salmon observed No salmon observed No fish observed 200 in intertidal zone kOQ REGULATORY DISTRICT NO. 8 ADF STAT. No. E 7 154-94 MUDDY RIVER 56°54. 8' N. 132''49. 5' W. EASTERN, FREDERICK SOUND. S. of Ft. Agassu. MAJOR SPECIES Chum. OTHER SPECIES Pink, coho, steelhead, ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. trout. SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Long, wide valley with several clear water sloughs and streams. DRAINAGE 76.4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE Poor anchorage. Can be reached by skiff from Petersburg or Thomas Bay. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Stream can be run for quite a length in shallow-draft skiff. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES TTie main stem is discolored and impossible to survey. Two clear water streams are present about 7 or 8 miles from tidewater. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH lS0'/36". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM 15% sand, 80% gravel, 5% small rock, LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 12 miles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES Two clear water tributaries and several small clear water sloughs. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed Too muddy for survey Several hundred chums in clear water tribu- taries SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Aug 9 1.5 FRI Aug 19 FRI 1958 Aug 29 A 0.2 FWS 1962 July 24 A 10.0 ADF iHO ADF STAT. No. 142-70 56''52. 9' N. 134° 5! FIVEMItE CREEK EASTERN, FREDERICK SOUND, W. of Sukhoi Islets. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, echo, steelhead, ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. and cutthroat trout . SPAWNING FACILITIES Generally good spawning facilities. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 49. 5* F. , 9/4/52; 47* F. , 9/15/52. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Narrow valley, bounded by high peaks. DRAINAGE Steep, timbered slopes, muskeg valley. Originates in small, clear lake. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Sandy beach at N. shore; cabins and warehouse at mouth. ANCHORAGE Only available anchorage is off the mouth of the stream. This is poor anchorage as there is very little shelter and the 12 fathom shelf is narrow. Small skiff can be anchored in stream and drifted out at any tide. Stream can be worked out of Petersburg easily by skiff. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES There is a forest trail that follows the muskeg to the right of the stream and crosses the stream at the terminal marker. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Water usually dark and light in stream poor due to dense timber -stand. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 0. 5 mile at low tide. A VER AGE WI D TH/ D EPTH 55'/8". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel and small boulders; sand in lower part. LOW TIDE LOCATION Mudflats. HIGH TIDE LOCATION First, small, grassy island in stream. SCHOOLING AREAS Limited schooling area. SPAWNING AREAS Upper tidal zone offers excellent spawning facilities while the lower portion contains sand and many barnacle-covered boulders. GENERAL NOTES Pink salmon generally do not appear to school in the intertidal area of this stream in large numbers, but instead move quickly into the stream. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/12" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Gravel, small boulders, and some sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS The first 0. 7 mile above high tide is generally good spawning area. The stream has continuous riffles with numerous pools. Above the terminal marker, the stream gently cascades over large boulders and bedrock offering very poor spawning facilities. GENERAL NOTES Jfll ADF STAT. No. E 31D FIVEMILE CREEK ESCAPEMENT R-ECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS No fish observed No fish observed 1,500 in intertidal SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live D( iad L ve Dead Live 1952 Sept 4 FWS 600 1 Sept 15 FWS 151 22 1958 Aug 25 A 1.0 FWS 1959 Aug 17 A 0.5 FWS 1961 Aug 8 A 0.2 ADF 1,500 1962 JuV27 C ADF Aug 15 A 1.5 ADF No fish observed A few pinks 14-12 130-10 JAP CREEK WR 1 »*13 ADF STAT. No. WR 1 130-10 JAP CREEK Previous No. 1 5 6° 4.6. 4' N. 13 2V36' W. WRANGELL, F REDERICK SOUND, LE CONTE BAY, 3. 5 miles N. of entrance to Le Conte Bay. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Fair. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream -cut. The valley is steep-sided and rises sharply away from the stream along both forks. DRAINAGE 6. 5 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION NW. of the mouth steep cliffs rise up from the shoreline. A small tidal area, heavily wooded around its margin. ANCHORAGE The great depths prevent anchoring in the bay proper, but anchorage for small craft is obtainable in Thunder Cove. Beware of icebergs. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES A cabin is reported to be near the mouth. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES GENERAL NOTES ADF personnel advise staying out of Le Conte Bay. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1 mile. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 40V24'! GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. ^ BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES One tributary enters the lake. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Good spawning grounds in the lower reaches. GENERAL NOTES klk JAP CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. 1 1 SCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PI Date Miles By Live 1950 Aug 9 FWS 1951 July 24 A FRI 1953 Aug 4 A FWS 1,000 Aug 31 G 0. 12 FWS 10 1954 July 21 G 1. 0 FWS July 29 GO. 5 FWS Sept 2 G 0. 2 FWS 72 1955 July 26 G 0. 2 FWS Aug 20 G to falls FWS 3,000 Aug 24 G to falls FWS 2,000 1956 JuV30 G FWS 1 Aug 8 G FWS 300 Aug 13 G FWS 1,500 Aug 14 A 0.5 FWS 900 Aug 15 G 0. 3 FWS 2,000 Aug 27 GO. 3 FWS 2,500 1957 JuV29 GO. 2 FWS 1 Aug 5 G 0. 5 FWS 700 Aug 7 A 0.2 FWS 1958 July 24 G 0. 5 FWS July 24 A 1.0 FWS Aug 8 A FWS 100 Aug 13 AO. 2 FWS 3,000 Aug 16 A 1.0 FWS Aug 28 A 1.0 FWS 500 1959 Aug 3 GO. 5 FWS 250 Aug 10 A 0.5 FWS Sept 3 G to falls FWS 110 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys 1962 JuV29 A mouth ADF 1963 July 29 A ADF [Co'-mts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS :ad Live Dead Live 310 ,000 30 ,000 85 3,000 300 800 1,000 100 900 15 700 to upper tidal hole In schools No salmon observed 15 pinks in tidal zone No salmon observed No jumps iH5 130-10 WR 2 416 ADF STAT. No. 130-10 WR 2 56°46.1' N. 132*26' W. Previous No. 3 WRANGELL, FREDERICK SOUND, LE CONTE BAY, SE. comer. MAJOR SPECIES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES Good to excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. DRAINAGE 12.4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Good aerial visibility. Aerial survey preferable. GENERAL NOTES Stream is inaccessible until mid-July and then it is not a good idea to survey on foot. ADF personnel advise staying out of this area. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES Enters Le Conte Bay through on estuary. UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE Smiles. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 75V30". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Steep to moderat e. BOTTOM Gravel, small and large rock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TTie right branch has a 30' falls a short distance above the confluence. Tlie left branch has a steep cascade just above the fork. The cascade forms a partial block. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS A good spawning stream. GENERAL NOTES TTie stream forks three -fourths of a mile upstream. klj ADF STA'l . No. WR 2 Previous No. 3 130-10 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [CoiLits made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles- By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1930 Aug 9 FWS 213 1951 July 27 A 0. 7 FRI None observed 1953 Aug 4 A FWS Few pinks Aug 8 0.5 FWS 100 200 1954 July 29 GO. 12 FWS 50 1,000 July 29 G 0. 7 FWS 300 Sept 7 A 1. 0 FWS None observed Sept 12 G 0. 5 FWS 45 1955 July 26 G 0. 2 FWS 0 350 July 28 G 0. 2 FWS Some pinks off mouth Aug 15 A No salmon observed Aug 23 G 0. 1 FWS 3,000 A few rugged chum Aug 24 G 0. 2 FWS 2,000 5,000 estimate in fresh and salt water 1956 July 29 G FWS 100 Intertidal zone Aug 13 FWS 5 Intertidal zone Aug 18 G 0. 3 FWS 5 Aug 28 GO. 3 FWS <100 1957 July 29 G 0. 2 FWS 0 11 Aug 9 A 2. 0 FWS 200 1958 Aug 8 A length FWS No salmon observed Aug 28 A 4. 0 FWS No salmon observed 1959 Aug 10 A 0. 5 FWS No salmon observed Sept 3 G 0. 1 FWS No salmon observed 1960 1961 No surveys No surveys 1H8 1 30-30 WR3-1 1 30-30 ANDREW CREEK WR3-1 i^20 ADF STAT. No. WR 3- 1 130-30 ANDREW CREEK Previous No. 5 56" 40' N. 132° 14. 9 ' W. WRANGELL, FREDERICK SOUND, DRY STRAIT, Stikine River tributary, S. bank. SE. of Limb I. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES King, chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle, Aug. -Sept- (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE 700,000good. SPAWNING FACILITIES Excellent. STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin in lower part; stream-cut in the upstream area. The valley is wide near the mouth and narrows progressively up each fork. DRAINAGE 13. 6 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the Stikine River from the S. , about 5 miles upstream. The mouth of this stream is continually changing. The stream itself enters what is locally known as Andrew Slough. The slough in turn enters the main Stikine about 0. 2 mile below the entrance of the creek. There is a large, clear water slough area extending approximately 0. 5 mile before one actually gets into the stream. There is a large island just upstream from the mouth and a small one just off the mouth, ANCHORAGE Vessels with <3' of draft can navigate the Stikine River. Larger vessels should be left in Wrangell and a skiff taken up. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES When entering the Stikine River, use the S. channel. The mudflats at the mouth shift with every freshet. Therefore, directions should be obtained from boatmen in Wrangell. At moderate water levels, a river skiff can be taken upstream a good distance . AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Aerial visibility is very good. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES Andrew Creek has no intertidal zone UPSTREAM LENGTH 4 miles (W. fork). AVER AGE WI DTH/ DEPTH S0V18"-24" GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel, sand, and boulders. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS 0.5 mile up the E. fork, a barrier is impassable to salmon. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS A large lagoon and clear water slough form the lower part of the stream. Good pool areas are found throughout this section. SPAWNING AREAS Salmon spawn throughout the distance surveyed. Excellent spawning areas. GENERAL NOTES This stream does not have a lake as its source, but it has a red run. Fair population of brown bear. Easily surveyed by foot due to wide streambed. This stream is on excellent pink stream. 421 ANDREW CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. ESCAPEMENT RECORD SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead live 1951 Aug 25 A 3.0 FRI 25,000 Run beginning 1953 July 26 A Poor 1954 Aug i G FWS 200 Aug 15 A 0.5 FRI >100 0 0 0 500 kin^ Few chums Sept 7 A 0.5 FRI 0 0 0 0 Run over 1955 Aug 1 A 0.5 FRI 10, 000 0 0 0 3,000-4,000 kii 1^ Aug 12 GO. 5 FWS 15, 750 0 0 0 6 kings 3 dead kin^, fevir dead pinks Aug 15 G 1.0 FWS 10, 000 Some chums Aug 19 A 0.5 FRI 25,000 200 6,000 kings Kings spawning 1956 July 24 A 0.5 FRI 503 kings ujistream July 24 FWS 15 200 July 28 FWS 20 30 20 kings July 28 A length FWS 400 200 500 kings Left fork Aug 9 A length FWS 500 kings Right fork Aug 14 A 6.0 FWS 4iX) 4,000-5,000 kings Aug 30 FWS 3,500 2, 500 other spei :ies Sept 2 A marker FRI >100 Sept 4 A 3.0 FWS >1,000 Right arm Sept 13 A 3.0 FWS None observed, both forks 1957 July 29 G FWS 1,000 kings July 30 A 8.0 FWS 18, 400 unidentified fish Aug 1 G FWS 10,000 6,000 3,000 kings Aug 9 A 4.0 FWS 25,000 Aug 9 A to falls FWS 3,000 Aug 15 G 1.5 FWS 1,000 1 , 000 reds Aug 15 G to (alls FWS 500 reds Aug 19 G 1.5 FWS 1,500 200 Right fork Aug 19 G to falls FWS 500 500 reds Left fork Sept 2 A marker FRI 300 300 1958 July 11 GO. 3 FWS 2 Left fork July 13 G 3.0 FWS 55 30 kings July 17 G 2.0 FWS 150 30 July 17 A 3.0 FWS 30 5 kin^ July 26 G 2.0 FWS 150 5 150 kings July 28 G FWS 500 kings July 29 G FWS 200 kings Aug 8 G 2. 0 FWS 2, 500 kings Aug 8 A length FWS 5,000 2,000 500 kings Aug 25 A length FWS 200 Aug 26 G 2. 0 FWS 200 SO 300 kings 1,000 dead salmon Aug 26 A 0.5 FWS 200 0 Aug 30 A length FWS 3,000 100 400 175 kings Sept 17 A markei ■ FWS 200 400 schooled in intertidal l^22 130-30 ANDREW CREEK - Continued ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR 3-1 Previous No . 5 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1959 July 18 G mouth FWS 50 1 kings July 25 G 2. 0 FWS 20,000 Pink in S. fork, none in N. fork Aug 4 A 1.5 FWS 8,000 50 Aug 10 A 4.0 FWS 26,000 Aug 16 GO. 3 FWS 4,500 150 kings, 100 reds Aug 18 GO. 5 FWS SO 1 kings Water high Aug 16 GO. 2 FWS 3,000 Left fork Aug 27 G 2.0 FWS 6,000 300 reds, 50 kings Sept 3 A 4.0 FWS 15,000 209« dead fish 1960 July 17 A length ADF 0 0 0 0 34 kings No fish in E. fork July 19 G 4.0 ADF 0 0 5 0 55 kings July 19 G length ADF No fish observed July 31 A length ADF 1,000 0 40 0 75 kings Aug 7 G3.0 ADF 300 0 38 0 287 kings Aug 7 G length ADF 100 30 30 kings 1961 July 21 A length ADF 700 few few kings July 23 A 4.0 ADF 800 200 17 kings Aug 1 G 2.0 ADF 7,800 100 103 kings 2,500 mixed at mouth Aug 2 A length ADF 13,400 500 few kings Aug 9 A length ADF 8,500 2,000 1962 July 16 A mouth ADF No salmon observed July 24 G falls ADF Few pinks, chums, kings July 25 A length ADF Very few fish July 30 A length ADF 300 kings Aug 30 A length ADF 900 12 kings Few dead 1963 July 29 A length ADF 3,000 500 at mouth; 4, 000 in left fork Aug 16 A length ADF 4,900 500 kings, 500 reds Mixed Aug 16 A length ADF 14, 000 500 kings, 500 reds Mixed Aug 17 G length ADF 4,700 8 402 kings, 551 reds U23 130-30 56° 41 . 4' N. 132° 19 ' NORTH ARM CREEK ADF STAT. No. WR 3-2 FWS No. 4 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, STIKINE RIVER , 1 mile NE. of Farm I. , N. shore. MAJOR SPECIES Pink, chum.. OTHER SPECIES King, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURE VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE Approximately 3 square miles. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters Stikine River approximately two miles N. of the combined entrances to North Arm and Eulachon Slough. ANCHORAGE Use skiff out of Wrangell. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES No trails. Difficult to walk at high water stages. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Fair for aerial survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES No intertidal zone. AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1. Smiles. AVER AGE Wl DTH / DEPTH 40V16". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate to 1. 5 miles, then swift. BOTTOM Sand, some boulders, and gravel. MARKER DISTANCE None. MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Falls in gorge at about 2 miles. TRIBUTARIES None. SCHOOLING AREAS Large lagoon at confluence with Stikine River and large pool about 100 yards upstream. SPAWNING AREAS Throughout stream to the gorge. GENERAL NOTES Quite a few brown bear inhabit this stream. k2k July 28 July 29 NORTH ARM CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD ADF STAT. No. WR FWS No. 3-2 4 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1955 July 24 GO. 5 FWS 100 A few pink Aug 14 G 0. 2 FWS 1,000 s 1 king Aug IS A FWS No fish observed 1956 July 24 G FWS No fish observed Aug 14 A 1.2 FWS 8,000-10,000 fish seen Sept 4 A 1.5 FWS 5,000-10,000 3,000 500 Sept 13 A FWS 15,000 Sept 15 G 1.0 FWS 2,000 15,000 4 4,000 Sept 5 G FWS 20, 000 19,000 Season estimate 1957 July 19 G FWS Pinks and chums present July 27 G FWS 1,000 mixed salmon July 30 G FWS 8,000 July 30 A 5.0 FWS Aug 1 G FWS 500 Aug 5 GO. 5 FWS 10,000 Aug 9 A FWS 5,000 Aug 9 A FWS Aug 21 GO. 5 FWS Aug 27 G FWS 2,000 Sept 2 A FWS 300 Oct 10 G 0. 5 FWS 1958 No record 1959 July 18 Mouth FWS 50 Aug 1 AO. 2 FWS 2,000 Aug 10 A 1.0 FWS 5,500 Aug 27 0.5 FWS 4,800 1960 July 19 G 1.0 ADF 5 July 30 A length ADF Aug 7 G length ADF 2,500 Sept 8 G length ADF 6,500 3,500 1961 July 23 A 1.5 ADF July 27 A 0.5 ADF Aug 1 G to rapids ADF 100 Aug 2 A length ADF 200 Aug 9 A length ADF 5,000 Aug 26 To canyon ADF 500 20, 000 15,000 500 kings 500 kings 2, 500 kings 100 200 100 43 7O0 500 2 500 200 38 kings 2, 000 in mouth 3,000 in creek 5,000 at mouth 3,000 in creek 7,000 salmon; 4,000 in first half mile 75% spawning; 30,000 fish 2,000 pinks moving up 1, 200 mixed at mouth Pink old 1, 200 at mouth 3, 900 mixed at mouth 3,000 at mouth 23,000 mixed k25 ADF STAT. No. NORTH ARM CREEK - Continued WR 3-2 FWS No. 4 ESCAPEMENT RECORD 3,000 mixed at mouth 1, 200 at mouth 3,000-4,000 at mouth SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1962 July 24 GO. 7 ADF 100 20 kings July 25 A length ADF 1,000 July 30 A length ADF 3,000 hQ6 ADF STAT. No. WR 2J 142-50 KUNK (KONKE) CREEK Previous No. 3J 56° 17. 2' N. 132" 23. 6' W. WR AN GE LL, ZIMOVIA STRAIT, W. of Nemo Point. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept. (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures. VALLEY DESCRIPTION Short, stream-cut valley. The valley branches 0. 5 mile upstream. Tributary valleys are divided by a steep ridge. DRAINAGE 4. 4 square miles. Drains Konke Lake which is 1. S miles long and 0. 5 mile wide. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHOR AGE Temporary anchorage is found close into the mouth of the creek in 6 to 7 fathoms. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES A Forest Service trail follows the right side of the creek and lake, A shelter cabin is found at the end of the trail. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Poor for aerial survey due to heavy overstory. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH O.lmile. A VERA GE WIDTH/ DEP TH 25V10". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Large boulders. LOW TIDE LOCATION Beginning of timber. HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Off mouth. SPAWNING AREAS None. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE 1 mile to lake. AVER AGE WIDTH/ DEP TH 20V12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Small and large rock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS Several partial barriers throughout length. TRIBUTARIES The stream forks 0.5 mile upstream and the S. fork goes to Konke Lake. SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS Only a limited amount of spawning area, the bottom being for the most part coarse gravel and rock. The lake has patches of good gravel, but no spawning tributaries. GENERAL NOTES 427 ADF STAT. No. WR 28 KUNK (KONKE) CREEK Previous No. 38 ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by qround surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1950 Sept 10 FWS 300 reds, ISO ( 1951 Sept 6 0.7 FWS 400 200 55 reds, 100 c( 1953 July 6 G 1.5 FWS Aug 3 G 1. 5 FWS Aug 6 G 1.5 FWS 1954 Sept 16 FWS 1955 Aug 2 G 0. 2 FWS 1956 Sept 8 G to lake FWS 1957 July 28 G length FWS 2 reds Aug 9 A mouth FWS 1958 Aug 14 GO. 5 FWS Aug 23 G mouth FWS 1959 iept 10 GO. 5 FWS 1960 No jurve ys 1961 No surveys 1962 July 30 A mouth ADF 300 700 Aug 7 A mouth ADF No fish observed Creek low, 40 jumps Pink in mouth No fish observed No fish observed No fish observed 2 jumps off mouth No fish observed No fish observed 50 red jumps at mouth No fish observed 200 pinks off mouth 1,000 at mouth 200-300 at mouth 1^28 ADF STAT. No. 142-40 WR 43 56°19.2' N. 132°32.8' W. Previous No. 57 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, STIKINE STRAIT, 2 miles SW. of NW. tip of Etolin I. MAJOR SPECIES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Stream-cut. Near the mouth there ore open muskeg areas a short distance from both stream banks. DRAINAGE 9. 2 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters into the SE. comer of a small bay. This is the first bay N. - NE. of Quiet Harbor. ANCHORAGE The cove into which the creek enters offers protection for small croft from SE. weather. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 75V24". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES Large stream, extremely rocky and swift. ESCAPEMENT RECORD [ Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G ; aerial surveys by A] SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1953 Aug 11 A 0.5 FWS No fish observed 1956 Aug 15 A 0. 7 FWS No fish observed 1959 Sept 4 G 0. 5 FWS 64 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys h29 142-40 56* 20. N. 132°4 1. 2' W. ADF STAT. No. WR Previous No. 44 58 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, STIKINE STRAIT, METER BIGHT, 4 miles SW. of S. Craig Pt. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Glacial origin. Large patches of open muskeg areas on both sides of the stream. DRAINAGE 22. 5 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Heavily wooded near the mouth. Lies at the N. end of the tidal flat into which WR 45 enters. Enters Meter Bight. ANCHORAGE The bight offers poor anchorage because of the large tidal flat. Temporary anchorage i^ available in Deep or Fritter Coves to the N. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGT GRAD TH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITI BOTTOM Good gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING ARE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 65'/:5" .IBUTARIES HOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES U3O ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial survey by A] ADF STAT. No. WR a Previous No. 5 8 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER S Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Sept 11 0.2 FWS 100 1953 Aug 11 A 0.5 FWS 1955 Aug 31 GO. 7 FWS 1,250 1956 Aug 15 A 1.0 FWS Sept 17 G 1. 0 FWS 1,600 1957 Aug 15 A 2.0 FWS 1958 Aug 8 A 2.0 FWS Aug 28 GO. 2 FWS 500 100 Sept 14 G 1.0 FWS 1,500 100 Sept 19 A 2.0 FWS 2,500 1959 Aug 30 GO. 2 FWS 2'JO 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys 1962 July 25 A 2.0 ADF Good stream but no fish observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed U3I 142-40 56° 20. 4' N. 132° 40. 7' ADF STAT. No. WR 45 Previous No . 59 WRANGELL, CLARENCE STRAIT, STIKINE STRAIT, METER BIGHT, 4. 5 miles SW. of S. Craig Pt. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION TTie lower 2 miles of stream runs through a generally flat area with scattered patches of muskeg. Above this the valley lies between two mountain ridges. DRAINAGE 6. 5 square miles (polar planimeter). Precipitation-fed. Snowmelt from the surrounding snow- fields and rainfall, along with muskeg drainage, feed this creek. STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the S. end of Meter Bight, about 400 yards from its S. point. This is the same flat into which WR 44 enters. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 44. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 50'/15" 1*32 ADF STAT. Na. WR 45 ESCAPEMENT RECOi^D Previous No. 59 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS No salmon observed No salmon observed SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Sept 11 0. 1 FWS 19 0 1956 Aug 15 A 0.5 FWS Sept 17 G 1.0 FWS 1957 Aug 15 A 2.0 FWS 1958 Sept 14 GO. 2 FWS 1 Sept 19 A 0.5 FWS 1959 Aug 30 GO. 2 FWS 1960 No sui'veys 1961 No surveys No salmon observed 1 pink spavmed out No salmon observed No salmon observed 1^33 130-10 56*46. 2' N. 132'"47. 9' W. WRANGELL, FREDERICK SOUND, 2 miles SE. of Frederick Pt. ADF STAT. No. WR 50 Previous No. 66 OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 65 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE This shoreline offers no overnight anchorages, only temporary. Petersburg, about 8 miles NW. , offers excellent facilities for moorage or anchoring. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM Boulder and bedrock, with little gravel. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH lO'/lO" SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1951 Sept 3 0.5 FWS 650 1 23 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A) CHUM OTHER SPECIES Live Dead Live k3k 130-10 So' 45. 5 ' N. 13 2° 46. 7' W. ADF STAT. No. WR 51 Pre vious No. 6 7 WRANGELL, FREDERICK SOUND, 3 miles SE. of Frederick Pt. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. Aug. -Sept (est. ) ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES Normal range. No observed temperatures, VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 4 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Enters the second bight S. of WR 50. ANCHORAGE Refer to WR 50. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES INTERTIDAL ZONE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS A few good spawning areas are found within this zone. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Bedrock, boulders, and small rock. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'/6" SURVEYED PINK Date Miles By Live Dead 1953 Aug 11 A 0.5 FWS 1955 July 26 GO. 2 FWS Aug 12 G 1.0 FWS Aug 26 G 1.0 FWS Aug 30 G 1.0 FWS 700 0 Sept 4 A 1.0 FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] CHUM OTHER SPECIES REMARKS Live Dead Live No salmon noted in stream 100 off mouth No salmon observed Poor visibility - water high No salmon observed - poor visibility ^35 1 30-10 BIG CREEK WR 52 1^36 ADF STAT. No. 130-10 BIG CREEK WR 52 56°42.1'N.132°42.6'W. PreviousNo.69 WRANGELL, FREDERICK SOUND, 8 miles SE. of Frederick Ft.. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Middle. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE Fair. SPAWNING FACILITIES Good. STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION Flat, muskeg valley. DRAINAGE 23.5 square miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION Lies at the head of a small bight W. of Coney Island. ANCHORAGE Ideal Cove, 1. 2 miles S. of Coney Island, furnishes good anchorage for small vessels. in 7 fathoms. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Water usually too dark for survey. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 80"/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Gravel and bedrock. LOW TIDE LOCATION Mudflats. HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Several pools. SPAWNING AREAS A good spawning area . GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 30'/12". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM Boulders and gravel mixed with sand. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS None. TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS Pools throughout length. SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES kzi BIG CREEK ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] ADF STAT. No. WR 52 Previous No. 69 SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead L.ve 1951 Sept 3 1.0 FWS 3,230 153 11 6 2 reds 1953 Aug 11 A 0.5 FWS 1954 Sept 10 A l.S FWS 5,000 Septl2 G 7.0 FWS 1,000 Few cohos 1955 July 12 G 0. 5 FWS Aug 19 A 0.5 FWS Sept 6 A 0.5 FWS 1956 Aug 2-8 G FWS Aug 9 G FWS 100 Aug 14 G 0.3 FWS 75 Sept 3 G 1.0 FWS 1,500 Sept 13 A 3.0 FWS 5,000 Sept 20 A 3.0 FWS 2,000 1957 No record 1958 Aug 8 A 2.0 FWS Aug 28 A 4.0 FWS 1959 Aug 3 GO. 2 FWS 30 Aug 10 A 1.0 FWS 225 Sept 3 G 0. 5 FWS 35 1960 No survey; s 1961 No survey; s Few salmon present No evidence of salmon No salmon observed None observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed 1+38 130-40 56*37. 4' 132° 36. 3 ' W. ADF STAT. No. WR Pre vious No . 53 72 WRANGELL, FREDERICK SOUND, DRY STRAIT, 3. 5 miles SE. of Cosmos Pt. MAJOR SPECIES ESCAPEMENT TIMING SPAWNING FACILITIES STREAM TEMPERATURES VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 5 square miles (Aerial). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION ANCHORAGE TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES AERIAL SURVEY NOTES OTHER SPECIES ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES BOTTOM LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Swift. BOTTOM Boulders and bedrock with little spawning area. MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES SCHOOLING AREAS SPAWNING AREAS GENERAL NOTES AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10V6". ESCAPEMENT RECORD [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by G; aerial surveys by A] REMARKS No salmon SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1951 Sept 4 0.2 FWS 303 1953 Aug 11 A 0.5 FWS 1955 Jul 12 GO. 5 FWS Aug 19 A 0.5 FWS Sept 6 A 0.5 FWS 1960 No survey 1961 No survey No sign of salmon No salmon No salmon 1^39 1 30-20 iM> ^ \ \ W R 5 4 i ■ \ 1<^V ''''' K > ^ W".-":\ \ O \';>-\.^^0^ .5 Mile \ ^/■■.•.'■■'H. -X \ i \^;^^-;'\ \ \ "•■'■•■'..'."•■ A ^ \ \ ■ -A ^ ^ \ >>■■■■• A y^ \ \ \. ■_•••• 'A / X i 1 v.'ii''!4r '••■\ .> v'--;- > /^^ \ <«: Hv -^ \ H ^ _ '^ ' '^"X \' ^ \ i 1 it \ \ 1 \ kko 30-20 WR54 .5 Mile kkl ADF STAT. No. 130-20 WR 54 56°35.2' N. 132°44.5' W. Previous No. 73 WRANGELL, SUMNER STRAIT, BLIND SLOUGH, head of N. arm. MAJOR SPECIES Pink. OTHER SPECIES Chum, coho, red. ESCAPEMENT TIMING Early. July-Aug. ESCAPEMENT MAGNITUDE SPAWNING FACILITIES West fork - fair; east fork - good. STREAM TEMPERATURES Cold range. Observed temperatures: 55.5' F. , 8/13/50; 48° F. , 9/8/50; 44* F. , 9/30/50. VALLEY DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE 10 sqiare miles (polar planimeter). STREAM MOUTH IDENTIFICATION The stream lies in the NE. comer of the slough and flows through a long grass -bordered tidal area. ANCHOR AGE The slough is very shallow and should be used only by small craft. TRAILS AND SURVEY ROUTES Travel along the stream is easy at normal water levels. Leave skiff secured to the bank and follow the W. bank. Can be reached from Petersburg by road. AERIAL SURVEY NOTES Dark water makes surveys impossible. INTERTIDAL ZONE LENGTH 1 mile. AVER AGE WI DTH / D EPTH 30'/3". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Gentle. BOTTOM Good gravel. LOW TIDE LOCATION HIGH TIDE LOCATION SCHOOLING AREAS Several holes are utilized throughout tliis zone. SPAWNING AREAS Evidence of spawning has been observed in the upper one-fourth mile. The upper three-fourths mile appears well suited for spawning. GENERAL NOTES UPSTREAM LENGTH ACCESSIBLE AVERAGE WIDTH/DEPTH 10'/3". GRADIENT AND VELOCITIES Moderate. BOTTOM MARKER DISTANCE MARKER IDENTIFICATION BARRIERS TRIBUTARIES TTie stream forks just above the high tidemark. The left fork is the most important. SCHOOLING AREAS Holes and riffles occur alternately. SPAWNING AREAS TTie right fork has good clean gravel for three -fourths mile; at this point larger rocks begin to show up and spawning facilities become poorer. GENERAL NOTES 1^2 ADF STAT. No. V/R 5 4 ESCAPEMENT RECORD Previous No. 73 [Counts made by ground surveys are designated by Gj aerial surveys by A] REMARKS Pink still in holes SURVEYED PINK CHUM OTHER SPECIES Date Miles By Live Dead Live Dead Live 1949 Sept 11 GO. 7 FRI 2,455 315 2 10 1950 Aug 13 GO. 7 FRI 293 0 742 12 2 reds Sept 8 G 0. 7 FRI 29 5 0 0 94 cohos Sept 18 FWS 299 94 cohos Sept 30 GO. 7 FRI 0 0 0 0 165 cohos 1953 July 20 A 0.5 FWS Sept 8 A 0.5 FWS 1954 July 22 G mouth FWS Septic A length FWS 1955 July 9 A 0.5 FWS Sept 6 G 0. 7 FWS 0 200 0 0 1956 Aug 7 bay FWS Aug 30 FWS 20,000 Sept 10 A length FWS 1957 July 22 G mouth FWS Aug 7 G 0. 2 FWS 100 1958 Aug 8 A 1.0 FWS 200 Aug 28 G 0.5 FWS 400 50 Sept 11 G 0. 5 FWS 250 50 1959 Aug 4 A 0.5 FWS Aug IS GO. 5 FWS 100 20 Sept 1 GO. 2 FWS 1960 No surveys 1961 No surveys No salmon observed Poor on pinks and chums Few chums in slough No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed No salmon observed MS #11^68 G P O 989. hh3 MBl WHOI Lihra.y -Serials 5 WHSE 01649 Created in 1849, the Department of the Interior — America's Department of Natural Resources — is concerned with tlie man- agement, conservation, and development of tlie Nation's water, fish, wildlife, mineral, forest, and park and recreational re- sources. It also has major responsibilities for Indian and Territorial affairs. As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Depart- ment works to assure that nonrenewable resources are developed and used wisely, that park and recreational resources are con- served for the future, and that renewable resources make their full contribution to tlie progress, prosperity, and security of the United States — now and in the future.