SACRAMENTO - SAN JOAQUIN DELTA FISHERY RESOURCES: Effects of Tracy Pumping Plant and Delta Cross Channel SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No. 56 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE SACRAMENTO - SAN JOAQUIN DELTA FISHERY RESOURCES: Effects of Tracy Pumping Plant and Delta Cross Channel SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No. 56 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND MIDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication. Washington,. D. C, December 1°50 United States Department of the Interior, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary- Fish and Wildlife Service, Albert M. Day, Director Special Scientific Reoort - Fisheries No. $6 SACRAMENTO - SAN JOAQUIN DELTA FISHERY RESOURCES: Effects of Tracy Pumping Plant and Delta Cross Channel By Leo F. Erkkila, James W. Moffett, Oliver B. Cope, Bernard R. Smith, and Reed S. Nielson Fishery Research Biologists CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Objectives .......... 5> Methods 7 Biological Investigations . . 10 King Salmon 12 Spawning Migration 12 Seaward Migration 13 Discussion 20 Striped Bass ............ 22 Shad 31 Water Flow in Relation to Fish Populations 3li Fish Protection „ I^o Summary Ii5 Recommendations ........... 2^6 References J^7 Appendix £0 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 1. Map of Central Valley Project ............. 2 2c, Map of Delta,, showing station locations ........ 6 3. Distribution and abundance of king salmon juveniles, X / i-i-k-' O OO ■ • O 0 OOOOOO O OO OO - O © « C & -L O U. Distribution and abundance of king salmon juveniles, i.74/ » • 6 • o o e e • • 9 • o • 0 o o • • 0 • e 0 o *LtJ £« Distribution and abundance of striped bass juveniles, 6. Seasonal catch of striped bass eggs, larvae and juveniles, 19h9 ...................2$ 7. Distribution and abundance of striped bass juveniles ■ - ' L\y 00000000 ooooooooaooooeect^ 8„ Distribution and abundance of shad juveniles, 19U8 . . 32 9. Distribution and abundance of shad juveniles, 19u9 . . 34 10. Graphic Summary of Delta tow-net catches and mean daily Delta water temperatures. ...... ...... 36 11. Monthly occurrence and relative abundance of salmon, striped bass, and shad juveniles as related to the I9J48 and 19U9 flow patterns in the Delta, adjusted to the Delta-Mendota demand ............. 40 12. The mean and minimum lengths of young salmon, shad, and striped bass showing mean screenable size. . . . l& INTRODUCTION Water for domestic and commercial use, irrigation, and for the production of electrical energy in California is perhaps the most important and vital commodity regulating the growth and well-being of the State. The most efficient use of California's limited supplies of water has been the concern of planning agencies and the citizenry since before 'the turn of the century. Federal and State governmental bodies have authorized extensive studies of the water problems, many of which still are in progress. As a result of certain state investigations, the California Division of Water Resources published a series of bulletins (1929-31) which presented what has been known since then as "The State Water Plan". This report consists principally of observational data which have not yet been fully analyzed. Although the analyses are now being carried out, it will be some time before technical reports embodying them will be published. In the meanwhile, there is need for publication of the data for use by administrators, fishery biologists and engineers who are actively engaged in planning, constructing and evaluating fish protective devices. For the Central Valley of California, this plan recommended storage of excess Sacramento River water and its ultimate transport to the San Joaquin Valley, where water deficiencies were especially acute (Fig. 1). This Central Valley water development came to be known as the Central Valley Project when Federal assistance was obtained in its construction. Essentially, the project consists of a large (U, 500,000 acre-foot capacity) reservoir above Shasta Dam on Sacramento River about fifteen miles upriver from the city of Redding, California; controlled flow of Sacramento River downstream from the reservoir; the discharge of stored water into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; the pick-up on the south side of the Delta of a maximum of U,600 second feet by huge pumps; the delivery of that water through the Delta-Mendota Canal extending some 120 miles up the San Joaquin Valley, and its distribution to farms below the Mendota Pool on the San Joaquin River. Provision of this water to the San Joaquin Valley will make possible the use of San Joaquin River water, stored above Friant Dam, in the southern end of that valley where agricultural potentials are high and water quantities are very low. Water will be transported from Friant Dam to farms in the area by two canals: the Madera Canal leading northward a short distance, and the Friant-Kern Canal which will course southward toward Bakersfield, California, to bring water to lands now arid. The original plan proposed the transport of water from Sacramento River to the Delta-Mendota Canal lift pumps through a closed channel, a large canal sufficient to transport water for salinity control in the Delta and to fill the requirements of farms dependent on the Delta-Mendota Canal. Excessive construction costs and technical difficulties involved in the closed channel forced a change of plans. Studies were instituted by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation and the State of California to determine the feasibility of water transport through existing Delta Channels in quantity and quality adequate for project operation. Although certain engineering problems in the Delta are somewhat imperfectly known, it has been decided to draw water required for the Delta-Mendota Canal from existing Delta channels increased in volume by greater discharges down Sacramento River, and to cut a channel from Sacramento River to the center of the Delta to increase and improve the water supply available at the Delta-Mendota intake. If insufficient water is obtained by gravity through the initial channel, supplemental water will be diverted through additional gravity channels or a low-lift pump system. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is a. sea-level maze of channels, low islands, and levees. It forms the uppermost extension of San Francisco Bay and constitutes a common terminus for the two main river systems in the Centrsl Valley. Approximately $00 miles of channels in the Delta network mix the waters of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers thoroughly; especially since the entire Delta system is influenced by tidal action. Water in the Delta is generally fresh or only slightly brackish, although seasonal and cyclic changes in salinity do occur. Salinity is higher in late summer and fall, and lower in winter and spring. In periods of drought, salinity increases in the Delta area suf- ficiently to cause crop damage and to change the fauna inhabiting the waters . The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is an especially important key in the life history of anadromous fishes utilizing the streams of the Central Valley as spawning areas. Adult and juvenile king salmon, striped bass, shad, and two species of smelt pass through, spawn, or temporarily reside in Delta waters. The Delta stream complex is also an extremely vital nursery ground for the young of these species. Anything which threatens to change the dynamics of Delta waters constitutes a potent threat to the continued existence of these species which are valuable segments of the well-developed fishery resources of the State of California and the Paci- fic Coast in general. Salmon resources of California which are directly attrj bu table to Central Valley and which will be endangered by the Central Valley Project amount to an average annual commercial catch of 5, 600,000 pounds. This average is derived from catch statistics covering the years 1916 through 19U6. It was calculated according to methods established by the Califor- nia Division of Fish and Game from tagging experiments x\rhich fix propor- tions of the troll catch attributable to the Central Valley Streams. It also involves the total catch of the gill-net fishery in Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. During the 30-year period the annual calculated catch has ranged between 1,936,800 pounds in 1939 to 11,390,600 pounds in 19U6. In addition to the commercial catch, there is a large sport fishery for salmon both in the ocean and in the rivers. The total size of this fish- ery is unknown. However, creel census studies show sport catches of about 62,uOO pounds in the 19u7-M3 season and 136,200 pounds in the 19U8-U9 season in the upper 100 miles of the Sacramento River alone. According to the California Division of Fish and Game, approximately 20, COO salmon were caught offshore on party boats during 19u8. Using the methods applied to the commercial catches discussed above, we derive a figure of approxi- mately ll^OOO fish which originated in the Central Valley. Opposite; Figure 1 - Map of Central Valley Project ft/ Xi 0/?Z. >4/W7 PROJECT i CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT SCALE IN MILES » o 10 »> » « to «o -Ki m as as JT SACRAMENTO VALLEY CANALS OW7B4 CBSW CANAUSUBSTATION, $ TRANSMISSION LINE-' TRACY P.P.} SWITCHYARD DELTA- MENDOTA CANAL\^z SAN LUIS-WEST SIDE CANAL / '/^Jl \P Solinoi LOCATION MAP *>\ -FRIANT-KERN CANAL s ) r> LEGEND Son Lun 0»«oo^^ I — Proposed Feotures Approved / Com pi eted Feotures \))1 The striped bass fishery has been a sport fishery since 1931, when the commercial fishery was made illegal. Existing estimates of the size of this fishery in terms of numbers and poundages of striped bass taken have been derived from a postal card survey conducted by the California Division of Fish and Game. That agency has supplied the following esti- mates for inclusion in this report. Weight of Bass Taken as Year Number of Bass Taken Based on a l*-Pound Average 19U3 1,650,000 6,6oo,O00 19Uh 1,1*20,000 5,680,000 19U6 1,381,000 5,52l*,ooo 19U8 1,660,000 6,61*0,000 The California Division of Fish and Game estimates that approximately 225,000 anglers fished a total of 2,250,000 days for striped bass in Cali- fornia in 19u8. Poundage figures available from the commercial fishery of the entire Atlantic Coast indicate that approximately 6,100,000 pounds of striped bass were taken in 19U8. This highly valued east coast commercial fishery can be compared with the 19l;8 sport fishery in California waters, amount- ing to more than 6,600,000 oounds, most of which originated in waters of and tributary to the Delta. In a recent publication, Calhoun (19li9) analyzed the catches of striped bass reported by party boat operators in Delta waters during the period 1938-19U8. He demonstrates that the striped bass are maintaining their numbers and are providing satisfactory angling in the Delta. A slight decrease in catch per angler since 19U1* is demonstrated in Calhoun5 s data (p.2l*7); however, this change is attributed to a irinor and natural fluctuation in abundance. Shad are taken from Central Valley waters by commercial fishermen almost entirely. A small sport fishery exists on the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, but it is insignificant. The commercial catches of shad are subject to rather violent fluctuations which arise from abundance of the fish and economic conditions. State of California records since 1926 show annual catches ranging between the extremes of 113,101 pounds in 19Ul and 1*, 103, 1*23 pounds in 1927. The mean annual catch during the 1926- 19U8 period is 1,1*60,000 pounds. The gravity of the problem of fish protection in the Delta xjas recog- nized by State and Federal fishery agencies as early as 1938, and prelim- inary steps to solve the problem were taken by the State of California in 1939. Results of this undertaking are published in two papers: Hatton (19l*0) and Hatton and Clark (19U2). Many conferences were held between personnel of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, the California Division of Fish and Game, and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in an attempt to solve the fish protection problem. Tentative plans for protective devices were formulated on the basis of biological work done prior to 1°U£. The efforts of Hatton and Clark indicated an abundance of young salmon and the young of other anadromous fishes entering the Delta seasonally in their seaward migration or originating there from eggs spawned in Delta Channels. It was not difficult to define the problem in fish protection posed by the Delta-Mendota pumping plant. The main questions to be answered were: What can be expected to happen, how much damage will be done, and when will it occur? Existing information gave little assistance in the resolu- tion of these fundamental questions. However, many of the fishery agencies were convinced that some measure of fish protection would have to be provided at the entrance to the pump channel intake. Ideas regarding desirable fish protection centered around three main possi- bilities: 1. The first and most desirable plan involved construction of the closed channel across or around the Delta with a screen at the head of the canal. This possibility was overruled and the position favoring it was made untenable by the changes in plans of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2. A satisfactory screen at the entrance to the pump intake channel and a by-pass originating in the San Joaquin River, passing the screen and ending in Dutch Slough, were to be constructed. The by-pass was to be a channel capable of carrying £00 second feet of San Joaquin River water through the southern part of the Delta. It was to empty into Dutch Slough, which was considered to be outside the influence of the pump draft. 3. A satisfactory screen was to be constructed as in number 2, but the by-pass, instead of originating in the San Joaquin River, was to begin at the screen and the water volume was to be reduced to 200 cubic feet per second. The by-pass was to course to a point outside the pump draft in- fluence, which was tentatively set at Dutch Slough. These plans and certain preliminary engineering specifications were discussed by representatives of the California Division of Fish and Game, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation during a lengthy conference at Denver, Colorado, in February of 1°1|6. Efforts to bring about realization of the tentative plans for fish pro- tection were unsuccessful mainly because of a lack of sufficiently con- vincing and basic evidence. Consequently, a study of the Delta fisheries problems, recommended in V)hS, was undertaken in August of 19\±6 by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This report presents the main features of the investigation, which was conducted under the sponsorship and with the financial assistance of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. The California Division of Fish and Game cooperated in the study and made valuable con- tributions to present knowledge of Delta fisheries from independent studies which they undertook. Dr. James W. Moffett, Chief, Central Valley Investigation, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, gave general supervision to the project from its in- ception to its termination. During the preliminary and exploratory work of the first year, Charles B. Wade was in charge of the field program,, assisted by Kenneth Legg and Joseph Bender, In June, 19U7, Leo F. Erkkila assumed charge of the field program, and assisted by Bernard R. Smith, held this capacity until termination of the study. Other personnel active in the field program were: Millard H. Coots, Louis H. Carufel, Jr., Eugene S. Cupernell, William A. Rush, and James R. Thrailkill. Stanford office personnel oarticipat- ing in the studies were Reed S. Nielson and Oliver B. Cope. Irene L. Krieshok gave valuable assistance in the preparation of the report. Throughout the study, contact has been maintained with the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, the agency which financed the bulk of the study, and the California Division of Fish and Game, whose biologists gave in- valuable advice and assistance in many phases of the work. The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation supplied engineering assistance, maps, and data relative to flow and project operation. The U. S. Corps of Engineers provided certain funds which helped support the study during its first year. OBJECTIVES When the study was inaugurated in 19^6, the basic objective was recognized as being the development of measures to protect and manage the fishery resources in the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta in relation to the Delta Cross-Channel, the Tracy Pumping Plant, and their appurtenant works. In order to obtain the essential information necessary for meeting the main objective, the following plan of study was organized as a guide for operations planned for a five year period, beginning in 19U7: 1. Learn the biology, magnitude, and composition of the fishery resources that depend upon or utilize Delta waters. 2. Determine the present hydrodynamics of the Delta. 3. Determine the details of the proposed project and its operation. h. Determine the possible effects of project operation on present hydro dynami c s . 5. Determine the effects on fishery resources of hydrodynamics altered by project operation. 6. Devise ways and means to mitigate damage to, or improve condi- tions for, present fishery resources. 7. Assess the degree of success of ways and means, adopted for the protection and improvement of fishery resources. Termination of the project in 19h9 made impossible completion of any of the lines of investigation listed above. However, considerable infor- mation was obtained on several of the investigations; on other phases, very little information wac obtained. This report presents a summary and discussion of those findings on which reliable data have been obtained and which are pertinent in resolving the main problem. Standard methods of fishing the various nets were adopted. The eggs j larvae, and juvenile fish taken by these methods are considered indicative of their relative abundance and distribution in the Delta. Two types of plankton net hauls were made: surface tows just below the water surface, and deep tows at depths of 13 and llj. feet. The net was towed fifty feet astern of the launch for five or ten minute periods, depending on the amount of detritus in the river. The five-foot tow-net hauls were made just below the surface with the net towed 100 feet astern of the launch for 30 minutes. The towing speed was kept constant by tachometer readings. During 19h9, a Price current meter suspended in the water from the bow of the launch was used in conjunction with the tachometer readings to keep the towing speeds as nearly constant as possible under operating conditions. The towing speed of the plankton hauls was approximately four feet per second. The five-foot surface net was hauled through the water at an approximate rate of six feet per second. In determining the relationship of the velocity of the water strained through the nets to the velocity of the flow past the nets, a series of tests were made with a Price current meter mounted in the center of the mouth of the nets and another suspended from the bow of the towing vessel as in actual operation. The mean velocity of the flow through the standard five-foot tow-net with bobbinet lining com- puted from 185 readings was 5.8 feet per second compared to 5.95 feet per second, the velocity of the net through the water. Similar tests with the half-meter plankton net computed from k9 readings gave a mean velocity of 3-36 feet per second through the net compared to 3.92 feet per second, the velocity of the net through the water. Exploratory net towing operations were conducted in the Delta channels for several months. This preliminary work permitted (l) selec- tion of standard methods of sampling for each type of net, (2) recon- naissance of Delta channels for suitable stations, and (3) observations of the hydrodynamics within the Delta. As a result of the exploratory work, twenty-five stations were selected as the minimum number necessary to obtain reasonable coverage of the Delta. The locations of the stations are illustrated in Figure 1. Stations 1 to 5 were established during the preliminary operations and the remainder were included in the operation schedule after March, 19U8. One complete coverage of all stations is referred to as a cycle. During 19u8, nineteen cycles were completed. The cycles varied from 7 to 1)4 days in duration and were repeated as frequently as possible. Four- stations in the central Delta area were relocated in 19^9 in order to give better coverage, and an additional tow-net station was estab- lished on April 11, 19U9 in the main stem of the Sacramento River off Chipps Island. The relocations were not drastic in nature, as demon- strated by subsequent checks. The I9U8 locations of the stations which were relocated are indicated in Figure 1 with broken line circles. The following list sets forth the old and new locations of the tow-netting stations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; Opposite: Figure 2 -- Location map of stations in Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta % j z o • 4 Uj o < 0- (A UJ < □ h z > K Cfl > < z o w LU LL _l Q z Ul -1 _J < > o h- < o z u o UJ -1 1- < X a. < z o < 1- l/J z o H < < X to _l < o o _l or o o s Z UJ z Z Ul UJ ^ V o METHODS Work carried on in 19U6 and 19U7 was preliminary and exploratory in nature. As a result of these preliminary studies, a work program was de- signed, having as its essential features; (a) sampling juvenile popula- tions of fishes by tow-netting from motor launches at stations located in representative parts of the Delta and fished at regular intervals accord- ing to a standard procedurej (b) sampling juvenile populations of fishes with one to six fixed fyke-nets at strategic locations; (c) sampling in- vertebrate faunae and fish eggs by towing plankton nets from motor launches; and (d) collecting data on temperature, turbidity, salinity, flow, and water quality. The study of the biology, size, and composition of the fishery re- sources that depend upon or utilize the waters of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, required the development and operation of several types of collecting gear. In the early course of the investigation fyke nets pro- vided the most expedient means of studying movements of the young anadro- mous fishes within the Delta channels. These nets, a trap type of gear, were fished from a fixed position. The nets were half -inch stretched mesh, No. 9 cotton webbing framed on three rings, 5, k, and 3 feet in dia= meter and constructed into a conical trap fifteen feet long. An inner funnel tapering to a ten-inch opening provided the entrance into the trap. Tidal action in the Delta made it necessary to operate the fyke nets from inter-connecting lines either between buoys anchored from the bottom, or between bridge dolphins and piling when these were available. This method permitted the net to fish counter to the direction of the current. Fyke nets were fished daily at several strategic locations for periods of six months to a year (Fig. 2), One net, located in the San Joaquin River, one half mile below the Antioch Bridge, was operated from August, 19U6 to November, 19U9. The information from the fyke-net operations on the time of appearance of the young anadromous fishes in the Delta and the extent of their movements was invaluable, particularly in corroborating the results obtained in tow-net operations. However, the introduction of improved methods of sampling, resulting in more complete information on the fishes in the Delta has precluded the use of the fyke-net data in this report. The acquisition of a motor launch in July, 19^7, permitted adoption of more thorough methods of studying the spawning, distribution, and abundance of the early life stages of the fishes within the Delta. Three types of nets were selected for the sampling operations from the launch. A plankton net a half -meter (20 inches) in diameter at the mouth, and constructed of bolting cloth 30 meshes to the inch in the cone was used for collecting eggs and larvae. The tow net, a fifteen foot conical net of half=inch stretched mesh, No. 9 cotton netting, five feet in diameter at the mouth, was used for collecting juvenile fish. The same net with a lining of bobbinett, 8 meshes per inch, was used in collecting post-larval specimens of fish. An adaptation of a trawl net, using half -inch stretched mesh netting, was used periodically for bottom tows0 . 7 Station Location 1 Old River, Livermore Yacht Club upstream two miles. 2 Grant Line Canal, Grant Line Bridge to Old River. 3 Coney Island Cut, entire length. h Victoria Canal, entire length. 5 Old River , Woodward Canal to Santa Fe Railroad Bridge. 6 Holland Cut, entire length. 7 False River, overhead cables to Fishermen's Cut. 8 Middle River, San Joaquin River to Salmon Slough. 9 Middle River, Borden Highway Bridge to North Victoria Canal. 10 (I9I48) Middle River, Santa Fe Railroad Bridge to Empire Cut. 10 (19i4.9) Middle River, Empire Cut to Connection Slough. 11 San Joaquin River, 1/2 mile below Southern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Mossdale, to Middle River. 12 (19U8) San Joaquin River, l/2 mile below bifurcation of Middle River for two miles downstream. 12 (19U9) San Joaquin River, Brandt Bridge to Borden Highway Bridge. 13 (19^8) San Joaquin River, Navigation Light No. 21 to Light No. 17. 13 (19U9) San Joaquin River, Turner Cut upstream to Navigation Light No. 35. lU Venice and Mandeville Cuts, Navigation Light No. $ to Light No. 2. 15 San Joaquin River, Mouth of Mokelumne River to 7 Mile Slough, 16 San Joaquin River, Three Mile Slough to False River. 17 San Joaquin River, Blind Point to Mayberry Cut. 18 (19^8) South Fork Mokelumne River, from North Fork to Terminus. 18 (19li9) South Fork Mokelumne River, from Terminus to Sycamore Slough. 19 (19^8) North Fork Mokelumne River, from mouth of South Fork, up- stream two miles. 19 (19u9) North Fork Mokelumne River, from five miles above South Fork upstream two miles. 20 Mokelumne River, Georgiana Slough to Jackson's Harbor. 21 Georgiana Slough, Tyler Island Bridge to mouth of Slough. 22 Sacramento River, Pratt-Low Preserving Co. Cannery to Isle- ton Highway Bridge. 23 Sacramento River, from Isleton to Grand Island Sounding Board. 2it Sacramento River, west side of river, from Rio Vista to Three Mile Slough. 25 Sacramento River, east side of river, from Toland's Landing to Towers. 26 Sacramento River, Bell-buoy No. 10 to Stake Point. A special field form was designed for recording the catch of each towing operation, including water temperature, direction of current, tide and turbidity. During 19h9 improved coverage of the Delta was made possible with an increase in the number of personnel, and the addition of a second launch. This permitted dividing the Delta into two areas s one included all stations located in the Sacramento Delta, Mokelumne River, and those stations situated in the San Joaquin Delta below the mouth of Old River) the other area included all stations located in the San Joaquin Delta above the mouth of Old River. Each area was assigned a launch and operating crew. A minimum of eight stations was sampled daily, with a cycle of all stations completed in a period of three days. Thirty- three weekly cycles were completed from January 25th to September 22nd, I9h9. The fishes, post-larval and juveniles, taken alive, were measured in the field and returned to the water. Specimens killed in towing operations were measured and then preserved in five percent formalin. Measurements were made to the nearest millimeter from the anterior tip of the head to the fork of the tail. Plankton-net catches were examined in the field for striped bass eggs and larval fishes when time allowed) otherwise, the samples were preserved in five percent formalin and sorted at headquarters. Identification of the larval striped bass and shad was checked with the aid of the following references: Pearson (1938), Merriman (19h0), Leim (I92li), and Leach (1925). Through the courtesy of Dr. A. J. Calhoun, of the California Division of Fish and Game, identified speci- mens of eggs and larvae were made available for aid in identification of our material. In order to determine the distribution of the immature salmon, striped bass and shad in the Delta, it was necessary to calculate relative abundance of each species at each tow-net station. The calculation was based on the assumption that the horizontal and vertical distribution of the fish was uniform and that the thirty-minute tow-net sample was representative of conditions at the station. Since the tow net had a diameter of five feet and was towed immediately beneath the surface, the calculation was limited to the upper five feet of depth. The mean width of the station was determined from U. S. Corps of Engineers maps of the Delta channels (1933, 193k, and 1936) . The average width of the channel in feet at the station was multiplied by five to obtain the cross-sectional area involved. The cross-sectional area was then divided by 20 square feet, the cross-sectional area of the tow net, and the dividend was multiplied by the number of young fish of each species taken in the station. In this manner, adjustments were made for the differences in width of channels at station sites. The relative numbers of salmon, striped bass and shad thus obtained were assumed to represent the abundance of young fish in the area sampled. The calculated results for the three species are illustrated graphically in independent series of maps, showing the cyclic distribution of each species in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in 19U8 and 19U9 as determined from tow-net sampling. On the graphic illustrations, the area of each circle is proportional to the calculated number of specimens at each station. The mean length of the measured sample from each station is given with each circle. The hydrodynamics occurring during the cycle are included,, showing mean Delta inflows in cubic feet per second, maximum and minimum temperature range in degrees Fahrenheit, mean salinity at Antioch in parts per one hundred thousand (California Division of Water Resources data 19U8, 19U9), and turbidity in inches, as determined with a four-inch Secchi disc. Water temperature studies (Cope, 19^9), considered an important part of this investigation, were carried on at critical locations in the Delta (See Fig. 1) . Recording thermometers were used throughout the course of this work. The field installation of the instruments stressed maximum protection and stability. The thermographs were encased in steel housings firmly secured to structures such as concrete bulkheads, bridge dolphins or anchored barges. Servicing of the thermographs en- tailed weekly changes of the charts and the calibration of the instru- ments against a thermometer of known accuracy. Transcription of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures of water and air were completed on monthly temperature data forms. The temperature readings were read to the nearest degree, Fahrenheit. Additional temperature records were obtained by means of hand thermometers at established fyke-net and tow- net stations. Studies of chemical features of the Delta waters included weekly analyses during I9I4.8 for dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, pH, and turbidity in the San Joaquin River at Mossdale, Sacramento River at Isleton, and Old River at Clifton Court. Methods followed were obtained from American Public Health Association (1936). Hydrogen ion concentration was deter- mined colorimetrically using a Hellige Pocket Comparator with Brom-thymol- blue, Phenol Red-D, and Chlor-phenol red against standard color discs. Turbidity of the water at the above locations was determined by means of a turbidity scale and tape (U. S. Geological Survey Model). Occasion- ally it was necessary to use a four-inch Secchi disc to determine tur- bidity at the water chemistry stations. The Secchi disc was regularly used in determining turbidity at the tow-net and fyke-net stations. BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS The field operations of this study were conducted with a view toward ascertaining the biology, composition, and abundance of the populations considered to be most vulnerable to the Tracy Pumping Plant and the Delta Cross-Channel. Emphasis Was placed particularly upon immature king salmon, striped bass, and shad, the adults of which comprise among the most valuable fishery resources in the Delta. While these three anadromous species received the most attention, a great deal of information was purposely obtained relative to other species of fish utilizing Delta waters, in order that a complete understanding of the aquatic complex of the area would be gained. In addition to the col- lection of data pertaining to the fish themselves, the program included the gathering of such ecological information on the identity, presence, and numbers of invertebrate fish-food organisms, the importance of these organisms in the diet of juvenile fishes, the thermal patterns in the Delta, the chemical quality of Delta waters, and the hydrodynamics of important Delta channels. 10 It is recognized that any or all of the ecological factors men- tioned may affect the well-being of fish in the Delta if the existing environmental balance is disrupted. It was the aim at the outset of the project to determine the importance of each of these factors with regard to the welfare of the fish populations. Although this section of the report will not treat ecological factors as units of the study, it should be stressed that, had the investigation been c arried to com- pletion, rather thorough inquiries into their influences would have been made. Before a real knowledge of the ecology of the Delta waters is gained, these studies will have to be pursued further. It should be stated here that all the evidence obtained to date indicates that migrating juvenile fish studies in the Delta are distri- buted in proportion to the amount of water carrying them. Studies on the Sacramento River at Isleton and on Georgiana Slough demonstrated that migrating juvenile salmon were so distributed. It is assumed from this fact that the outflows from the Delta (Sacramento River and Delta-Mendota Canal) will contain fish in numbers proportional to their volume of flow. The same concept applies to inflowing streams, and to the portions of those inflows which would ultimately be pumped. The San Joaquin River, due to its proximity to the Tracy Pumping Plant, assumes unusual importance in this regard, because, at times, the entire flow of this stream and all of its fish will be drawn to the pumps. The points t aken up above will be considered in detail under later discussions on king salmon, striped bass, and shad. Other fishes will be mentioned here, but not in relation to population dynamics and project operation. The anadromous fishes collected in this study were the king salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha), steelhead trout ( Salmo gairdnerii), striped bass (Roccus saxatalis), shad (Alosa sapidissima), two species of smelt (Hypomesus olidus and Spirinchus thaleichthys), and the Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) . Other anadromous fishes known to utilize or migrate through the Delta, but not observed in this study are the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and green sturgeon (Acipenser acutirostris) . The resident fresh-water fishes collected incidental to the study were catfish (Ictalurus catus and Ameiurus natalis), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), black c rappie (Pomoxis nigro-maculatus) , blue- gill (Lepomis macrochirus), and warmouth bass (Chaenobryttus corona- rius). Cyprinidae noted in the Delta were carp (Cyprinus carpio), splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) , squawfish (Ptycocheilus grandis) , sucker (Catostomus occidentalis) , hardhead (Mylopharodon conocephalus), Sacramento blackfish (Orthodon microlepidotus) , and hitch (Lavinia exilicauda) . The fresh-water viviparous perch (Hystero- carpus traski) was frequently taken. The three-spined stickleback 11 (Gasterostous aculeatus) was common. Two species of sculpin, Cottus asper and Leptocottu^ armatus were taken in the vicinity cTTntioch. Juvenile starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) were also taken in the nets. Station 26 in the lower Sacramento River yielded a considerable number of anchovy (Engraulis mordax nanus), bay smelt (Atherinops af finis af finis), and herring (Clupea pallasii). Two kinds of gobies were taken, one species, Clevelandia ios, was captured frequently at stations 15, 16, and 26; only a single specimen of the other, Lepidogobius lepidus, was taken in the fyke net off Toland's Landing, In order to demonstrate to what degree the king salmon, striped bass, and shad will be endangered, it is essential that each species be discussed separately. The ensuing discussions, tables, and graphs summarize the data collected and provide evidence relative to the jeopardy into which these fish will be placed by the operation of the Tracy Pumping Plant and the transfer of Sacramento Paver water to the San Joaquin Valley via the Delta Cross-Channel, The charts are designed to facilitate a clear understanding of the seasonal occurrence, distribution, and abundance of juvenile king sal- mon, striped bass, and shad in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, By the use of these charts the reader is enabled to recognize the initial occurrence, with subsequent movements and fluctuations in abundance as the season progresses, and he can associate this information with cer- tain measured physical factors represented by bar diagrams on each cycle. All data on which these charts are based are presented in tabular form in the appendix. The amount of information collected on the life history of the smelt (Hypomesus olidus) warrants inclusion in this report. The data collected for each station during the two seasons (19h&-19h9) are given in Appendix Tables 17, 18, and 19, but the data are not discussed. King Salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) Spawning migration The distribution of king salmon within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta reflects movement of adults to their upstream spawning grounds and young salmon migrating to the ocean. Adult king salmon returning to spawn in the streams of the Central Valley pass through the Delta in every month of the yearj however, the majority of them move during two distinct migration periods. These periods occur in the spring and fall of the year and are spread over several months. The spring migration appears in February, reaches peak proportions in May and diminishes in June. The fall run of salmon usually makes its appearance in August, increases to its peak of abun- dance in September and declines by the end of October. •c The migration pattern of the adults through Delta waters has not been determined by direct investigation. However, returns from marked salmon recoveries made at Paladini Fish Company in Pittsburg, California, have contributed some knowledge of the migration pattern of the Sacramento run of fall spawning salmon. In the fall of 1°U8, UU adult salmon previously marked at the Coleman Salmon Hatchery as seaward migrants were recovered from the commercial catch landed at the Paladini Fish Company. Nine of the marked salmon were taken in gill nets drifted in the San Joaquin River below the mouth of the Mokelumne River. These recoveries indicate the possibility that 20 percent of the Sacramento River salmon may return to their spawning grounds via San Joaquin River and then through Three Mile or Georgiana Sloughs. The principal upstream route is via Sacramento River. In 19h9 price disagreements between the packers and the fishermen's union prevented duplication of the previous years inspection of salmon landings at the Paladini Fish Company for marked fish and further study of adult salmon movements through the Delta, No evidence of the migration pattern of the San Joaquin River king salmon has been obtained. It is assumed that the principal upstream migration is via Old River since approximately two-thirds of the San Joaquin River flow is carried by it during the fall runoff. Seaward Migration Two separate studies of the seaward migration of king salmon from the Sacramento River drainage have been made in the past. Rutter (1902) made the first systematic study at Walnut Grove and Balls Ferry, January 7 to May 8, l899« Hatton (19U0) and Hatton and Clark (19^2) of the California Division of Fish and Game conducted a survey during the years 1939<> 19^0, and 19hl at Hood, California. The present in- vestigation began by using methods similar to those of Hatton. The pattern of the downstream migration of Sacramento River king salmon in 19U7 is best illustrated by the following summary of fyke net results obtained at Toland's Landings Month No. of Salmon Percent of Total Mean Monthly Runoff c, ~19~W f .s December f 9 1.0 , 17100 19U7 January February March April May 2 207 319 87 2 .3 33oO 51.0 13.8 .3 127UO 23390 30170 2ii220 10790 Although the annual runoff of Sacramento River in 19^7 was 5k percent of the fifty-year normal, the peak flows occurred in their historical runoff pattern, and the downstream movement of the juvenile salmon migrants from the Sacramento drainage conformed with this flow pattern. 13 Limited studies in the San Joaquin Delta during 19u7 yielded in- complete information as to the movements of the seaward migrants from the' San Joaquin River drainage. The total number of young salmon re- covered was small. However, the results showed that the most signifi- cant downstream movement occurred in May. In 19l*8 seaward migration of king salmon from the Sacramento drain- age was influenced by drought conditions prevailing in the area from mid-January through the middle of March. An initial movement of down- stream migrants to the delta in early January was noted from fyke net results. This influx diminished with the river runoff so that by Jan- uary 23rd. no salmon were observable. Increasing water flows resulting from late March rains flushed the young salmon from the upper streams so that by the end of that month the seasonal peak of abundance was reached. The numbers and monthly percentages of king salmon migrants sampled by fyke net at Isleton during the 19u8 downstream movement are summarized below: ~19W January February March April May 29 0 721 262 h 2.8 70.9 25.8 .h c.f .s. 23700 13000 19100 51780 52320 Month No. of Salmon Percent of Total Mean Monthly Runoff c.f.s. Studies by Rutter and Hatton of the seaward movement of young salmon were limited to the periphery of the Delta and up-river locations. Knowledge of the salmon dispersal in the Delta was fragmentary, although Hatton did observe salmon movements near Martinez. One of the objectives of the pre- sent investigation was to determine the migratory habits of the salmon within the Delta. To this end tow-netting operations at the twenty-five stations established in the Delta began on April 9, 19u8. Delay in the start of tow-netting prevented observation of the initial pattern of dispersion of the young salmon from the Sacramento River into the Delta. A total of 1,19k salmon migrants was captured in towing operations from April 9 to August 3, 19U8, and all individuals were measured. Data collected for each station during the season are given in Appendix Table 5, and are further summarized in Appendix Table 1. The catch data for 19U8 are shown graphically in Figure 3, which il- lustrates the distribution of king salmon migrants in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta as determined from tow-netting results. Although a major segment of the young salmon moved down the Sacra- mento River toward the bay, a significant proportion was diverted via Georgiana Slough into the central San Joaquin Delta. There is evidence of further transfer of migrants by tidal action to the San Joaquin Delta through Three Mile Slough and Sherman Lake. The proportion of salmon migrants is assumed to be in direct relation to the amount of Sacramento lU water transferred to the Delta. Some of the diverted fish moved seaward down the San Joaquin River while others were dispersed further into the central Delta waters. Contrary previons to opinions, Sacramento River salmon remained in the San Joaquin Delta for a period of time. Young salmon of Sacramento River origin were taken on successive towing cycles at station 13 in the San Joaquin River, Station 6 in Old River and station 10 in Middle River (Fig. 2). This distribution of the Sacramento and possibly Mokelumne River salmon migrants within the Delta was due to circulation of Sacramento water into the San Joaquin Delta by flow and tidal action. Salmon migrants from the San Joaquin River were noted in the first towing cycle, April 9-l6, above and below the bifurcation of the San Joaquin and Middle Rivers (Fig. 3). Absence of young salmon in the Delta channels between station 8 in Middle River and station 6 in Old River separated the two groups. The mean lengths of station samples of Sacramento salmon (stations 6, 7, and 13-25,) ranged from 38~69mm (1.5 to 2.7 inches), and corresponding mean lengths of San Joaquin fish (stations 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, and 12), ranged from 6$>-8bnm (2.7 to 3.3 inches) during the first and second cycles and salmon from each source were separable by this difference (Appendix Table 5). Intermingling of the two groups of salmon was inevitable, and by the end of the third cycle it was impossible to differentiate the two groups of fish since a size group of Sacramento River salmon corresponding in size to the San Joaquin fish had also entered the Delta. Representative samples of young salmon were taken at all stations as the season ad- vanced, with the largest catches continuing from the Sacramento Delta and the western and central San Joaquin Delta. The diversion of Sacramento salmon via Georgiana Slough, and their dispersal within the central San Joaquin Delta continued to be reflected in the tow- net catches from this area. The seaward movement of young salmon migrants from the San Joaquin River system did not reach expected proportions during the year of 19u8. Drought conditions in the San Joaquin Valley were severe, and practic- ally prohibited the escapement of immature salmon from San Joaquin River and its tributaries, which are still considered good salmon spawning grounds. At no time during the migration period did the number of salmon migrants caught in the southern San Joaquin Delta equal or even approach the number caught in the Sacramento and the western and cen- tral parts of the Delta. The juvenile salmon entering the Delta from San Joaquin River were dispersed principally via Middle River to Salmon Slough, Grant Line Canal, and then down Old River. The progress of San Joaquin salmon through the Delta was slow. By the end of June the last salmon migrants from the two main river sources had apparently entered the Delta. The seaward movement of young salmon from the Delta extended through July, but negative catches in August indicated that they had left the Delta waters. 15 Figure 3 - Distribution of king salmon seaward migrants in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19hQ. The area of each circle is proportional to the calculated number of specimens at each station. The hydro dynamics for each cycle are included, showing delta inflows in cubic feet per second, maximum and minimum temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit, mean salinity at Antioch in parts per one hundred thousand, and turbidity in inches with Secchi disc. 16 Operations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta were accelerated in 19i-i9 when tow-netting began on January 25th. During the period of downstream migration, February 22 to July 22, a total of 3,1*10 salmon were taken in tow-net catches and a random sample of 2,978 individuals were measured for length. Data collected for each station during the season are given in Appendix Table 6 and are further summarized in Appendix Table 2. Distribution of the king salmon migrants in the Delta as determined from the tow-net operations is illustrated graphi- cally in Fig. ho The first four weeks of tow-net sampling failed to show the presence of king salmon seaward migrants in the Delta. Initial appearance of Sacramento River salmon migrants was observed in the fifth towing cycle with specimens taken February 23rd. in the lower Mokelumne River, station 20, and Georgiana Slough, station 21. The following day, February 2l*th, several salmon migrants were taken in Sacramento River, stations 22, 2k, and 25. The appearance of young salmon in the Delta prompted several ex- ploratory tows during the fifth cycle to observe the rate of downstream movement of the Sacramento migrants through the Delta. These explora- tory tows revealed a steady but light migration of young salmon down Sacramento River and the transfer of some migrants to the San Joaquin River through Three Mile Slough. The first evidence of Sacramento River salmon entering San Joaquin River from Georgiana Slough was observed February 28th. at station lit. The peak of seaward salmon migration from Sacramento River sources reached the Delta during the sixth towing cycle, March 1-U, 19l;9 (Fig. U). This peak of abundance coincided with an increase in Sacramento River runoff which doubled over the previous week's mean flow of 15,600 second feet, The major portion of the seaward escapement was down Sacramento River with a proportionate diversion down Georgiana Slough. By the end of the sixth cycle some scattering of the young salmon was observed in central Delta waters. Although the Sacramento River runoff was increasing, a decline in the number of salmon migrants entering the Delta occurred during the 7th. towing cycle, March 8-10, 19^9. The Sacramento River salmon mig- rants were becoming well distributed throughout the central part of the Delta and some seaward movement of these fish was evident down the San Joaquin River. Dispersion of immature Sacramento River salmon toward the southern part of the Delta was noted, with recoveries of individuals from San Joaquin River at station 13, and Old River at station 6. Succeed- ing towing cycles (8 and 9) showed that the major segment of the Sacramento River salmon population had entered the Delta and escaped seaward by the end of March, principally down Sacramento River. A number of the juvenile salmon diverted via Georgiana Slough into the central Delta had penetrated up the San Joaquin Delta as far as the Borden Highway Bridge at Middle River , station 9, and the Santa Fe Railway Bridge at Old River, station 5. 17 Figure h - Distribution of king salmon seaward migrants in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19U9" The area of each circle is proportional to the calculated number of specimens at each station. The hydrodynamics for each cycle are included, showing delta inflows in cubic feet oer second, maximum and minimum temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit, mean salinity at Antioch in parts per one hundred thousand, and turbidity in inches with Secchi disc. L8 A rapid decline in the downstream escapement of Sacramento River salmon in cycles 10 and 11 accompanied a decrease in Sacramento flows. A sudden rise in Sacramento River flows in the 12th towing cycle was followed by an increase in the downstream movement of fish from that source. Juvenile salmon from the Sacramento River drainage continued to enter the Delta until June 9, 191*9 (Cycle 20) with a proportionate number of individuals moving down Georgiana Slough. No further record of regular downstream movement was noted from the stations in the upper Sacramento River and Georgiana Slough, indicating completion of seaward migration from that source. The average lengths of the station samples of Sacramento migrants from the beginning of towing through the peak period of abundance, end- ing with the 9th cycle, was 35-U5 mm (l.b-1.7 inches). A gradual in- crease in growth continued until the 12th cycle, April 11, when migrants of a larger size-class began appearing in the samples. By the last week of April, lljth cycle, the majority of station samples of Sacramento sal- mon were 50-70 mm (2-2.7 inches). From the beginning of May to the end of the seaward migration, Sacramento migrants averaged 70-90 mm (2.7- 3.5 inches). Six weeks after the initial arrival of Sacramento River seaward migrants in the Delta, those from the San Joaquin River drainage began entering the southern Delta waters. Specimens were recovered at stations 2, 8, and 12 in the 11th cycle (Fig. h) . Their time of arrival was approximately the same as in the previous year and con- sisted of fingerlings ranging from 2.$ to 3.0 inches in mean length. The appearance of the San Joaquin River migrants reflected a spontaneous seaward movement, inasmuch as it was not influenced by increasing river runoff. Quite to the contrary, the San Joaquin River flow was receding and continued to do so for the succeeding three cycles. Significant numbers of salmon migrants were taken in the southern Delta stations in the ensuing nine cycles, to indicate a comparatively greater escapement than that of the previous year (Appendix Table 6) . Through- out the season, stations in channels converging on the approach canal of the Tracy Pumping Plant yielded the largest catches (Fig. h). One catch of 119 salmon fingerling averaging 71. h mm (2.8 inches) was made in a standard tow from station 3 during the lUth cycle. Continuous migration from the San Joaquin River was evident through the 22nd cycle, June 20-23 , 19u9« Thereafter, only an occasional individual was recovered in the southern Delta channels. During the 25th and 26th cycles, water temperatures in the southern Delta reached a maximum of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. One role of water temperatures in controlling the movements of immature salmon in the Delta is suggested by information presented in Fig. 9, which features a graphic summary of tow-net catches, together with a temperature curve based on five Delta stations. It is seen that after the mean daily water temperatures surpassed 75 degrees in 19I18 19 (July 15>), salmon soon disappeared from tow-net catches. In 19h9s, although 75 degrees was reached in the middle of June, the temperature dropped immediately, and July 10 is taken as the reference. Again sal- mon disappeared very shortly from the catches. This suggests that water temperatures are an important factor in regulating the exodus of salmon c from the Delta) and that once an upper temperature limit is reached, movement seaward is rapid. Discussion The association of seaward migration of immature king salmon mig- rants with flood flows is historical in its annual recurrence and has been demonstrated in the past and present studies of the early life history of salmon in Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. During the course of this investigation the initial appearance of salmon fry from Sacramento River sources was observed at the time of the seasonal increase in runoff. Rutter (1902), Hatton (I9I1O), and Hatton and Clark (19u2) obtained similar results in their studies „ This phenomenon was also observed by Hatton in the San Joaquin drainage during years of normal rainfall and prior to storage of runoff waters at Friant Reservior. Sub-normal water supplies in California's Central Valley during the period of this study affected downstream migration of juvenile salmon from the two principal sources, particularly in the San Joaquin drainage. The escapement from the Sacramento River drainage was least affected, since the runoff, ai- through less in each of the three years than the fifty-year normal, still consisted of much uncontrolled water flowing in its historical pattern. Several factors altered the downstream escapement of salmon migrants from the San Joaquin drainage. The principal one was the storing of San Joaquin waters behind Friant Dam (Millerton Lake), thereby limiting runoff. Severe drought conditions in the San Joaquin Valley further affected the seaward migration and high water temperatures were undoubtedly effective in re- stricting downstream movement. Upon reaching the peripheral limits of the Delta, the Sacramento migrants were apportioned with the runoff into its diverging channels. The migrants dispersed down the main stem of the river and the three sloughs off the river, Sutter, Steamboat, and Georgiana. Georgiana Slough is of particular importance because it is the chief connecting channel through which Sacramento water and migrants flow into the San Joaquin part of the Delta. The main body of the Sacramento River migration entering the Delta moves more or less directly seaward with a significant segment diverting into the San Joaquin Delta. This investigation has demonstrated that upon entering the San Joaquin Delta with its larger tidal basin the transferred migrants tend to remain within it for a period of time and a proportionate number disperse throughout the Delta with the Sacramento River water (see Figs. 3 and it). • 20 This condition will be magnified when the water-use projects under construction, namely the Tracy Pumping Plant and the Delta Cross-Channel j are placed in operation and start drawing Sacramento water to the pumps. In addition to the Sacramento water schedule for Delta-Mendota demands, additional inflow will be required for consumption and salinity control. Based on the ultimate require- ments with the Delta-Mendota pumping plant taking of ii,600 second feet, salinity control of 2,700 and San Joaquin Delta consumption of 2,700, a total of 10,000 second feet of Sacramento water will be transferred into the San Joaquin Delta. Three Mile Slough, connecting lower Sacramento River with San Joaquin River, delivers an additional net tidal flow of 95>0 second feet from the Sacramento to the San Joaquin Delta (California Division of Water Resources, Bulletin No. 27). This varies however, depending on the character of the tide. During the period of seaward migration of Sacramento River salmon, a proportionate number are transferred with the net flow through Three Mile Slough to the San Joaquin Delta. Samples of Sacramento migrants taken in Three Mile Slough and station 16, before migrants from Georgiana Slough had entered the central Delta, indicated the movement of salmon through this slough to the San Joaquin Delta. The seasonal movement of juvenile Sacramento River salmon into the San Joaquin Delta and toward the Tracy Pumping Plant can be expected to be proportional to the amount of Sacramento River water transferred for project operation. The position of the San Joaquin River salmon migrants with refer- ence to the division of the river flows within the Delta and the Tracy Pumping Plant is extremely important. The initial division of the San Joaquin River into Delta channels occurs at the bifurcation from Middle River, with the major flow down Middle River. According to Bureau of Reclamation determinations of flow ratings of San Joaquin River at Brandt Bridge against the flow at Vernalis (USBR Delta District Hydrography Report, Volume No. II, 19h7) , the proportion of flow into Middle River is about two-thirds to three-fifths of recorded runoff of 2,500 to 5,000 second feet at Vernalis, Further division of flow occurs where Old River separates from Middle River, the major portion flowing down Old River channels, consisting of Salmon Slough, Grant Line and Fabian Bell Canals and Old River. Middle River, at its bifurcation from Old River, takes only a limited quantity of water (less than 100 second feet when the recorded flow at Vernalis is 3000 c.f.s.). The Old River channels converge within a half-mile of the ap- proach canal of the Tracy Pumping Plant. It has been demonstrated by the present investigation that the downstream migration of San Joaquin salmon through the Delta was prin- cipally via the channels coverging on the Tracy Pumping Plant (Tables 5 and 6, Figs 3 and h) . With the project in operation under the present 21 conditions^ it has been determined by the U. So Bureau of Reclamation that the entire discharge of the San Joaquin River would flow into the pumping plant (USER Hydraulic Laboratory Report No, 1U5)<- If the entire flow of the San Joaquin River can be expected to flow into the pumping plant,, it is reasonable to state that all seaward migrating fish from the San Joaquin River will be endangered by the pumping plant operations. Striped Bass (Roccus saxatalis) In determining the status of striped bass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the Fish and Wildlife Service has been concerned chiefly with the breeding distribution and early life stages of the juvenile bass in Delta waters in relation to the Tracy Pumping Plant and the Delta Cross-Channel. No direct sampling of the adult population was attempted in this study. Observations of immature striped bass during the first year and a half, August 20 , 19l;6 through December, 19u7, were dependent on fyke net operations. The results showed trends in the abundance and rate of growth cf the juvenile bass in the areas where the nets were fished. The San Joaquin River fyke net located below Antioch Bridge was fished continuously for three and a fraction years. A late start in fyke-net sampling in 19M3 obviated any analysis of trends for that year. In 19u7 the fyke net was fished continuously through the year. The initial appearance of juvenile bass was in the last week of May. The period of peak abundance occurred during June 23-27, when 17 bass per hour were taken, averaging 32.8 mm (1.3 inches) in length. During 19U8 and 19U9 the fyke-net sampling continued as a supplement to the tow-net operations. The first significant fyke-net catch in 19U8 was made June 16-30, followed by a period of peak abundance on July 2H> to August U, when 12 .U fish per hour were captured, averaging 31. U mm in length (1.2 inches). In 19U9 the initial fyke net catch of juveniles was made June 2=10, with the period of peak abundance occurring from June 29 to July 8 when 2U.2 fish per hour were taken. These fish averaged 32. h mm in length (1.3 inches). Thus 19^9 was the best year of striped bass production in the Delta during the period 19u7 to 19u9° The introduction in I9ii8 of tow-net sampling at selected stations located throughout the Delta provided a quantative method of determin- ing abundance and dispersion of striped bass eggs, larvae and post- larval juveniles. In 19ii8 sampling for striped bass eggs and larva? was limited to standard surface plankton net hkuls of five and ten minutes duration. Tables 7 and 8 give a summary of the bass eggs and larvae taken in the plankton haul -. The spawning distribution of adult striped bass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is reflected indirectly by the plank- ton net catches of eggs at the twenty- five stations. The first collec- tion of eggs, a small one, was made in San Joaquin River near Antioch on April 30th. Delta water temperatures ranged from 55 degrees to 65 degrees Fahrenheit at that time. Significant catches of bass eggs were first made May 5th (cycle 3) in San Joaquin River near Mossdale and below the bifurcation of San Joaquin River, and Middle River, stations 8, 11, and 12. Samples of eggs were taken from this area until May 28th (cycle 6), establishing the fact that San Joaquin River above the Delta is a breeding area of considerable importance. Spawning activity spread into the central portion of the Delta during cycles It and 5, with a con- siderable number of bass eggs taken in Middle River at station 10, and in Old River at stations 3 and 5. Stations 15, 16 and 17 in the central and western portions of the Delta were most productive in eggs yields from the itth through the 8th towing cycle (May h to June 16). Spawn- ing continued sporadically to the end of June. Evidence of striped bass breeding in Sacramento River was observed June lUth and l5th when several eggs were recovered in the river at Isleton and in Georgiana Slough. These eggs were probably flushed downstream from spawning areas in Sacramento River above the Delta (Calhoun, 19U8). No further recoveries of eggs were made in Sacramento River, although stations were sampled regularly each towing cycle. Plankton-net catches of larval specimens of striped bass were in- significant throughout the season and were limited to cycles 8 and 9 (Table 8). No deep hauls were made with the plankton net in 19U8; thus, our information on striped bass larva distribution is incomplete for that year. The initial catches of striped bass in the post-larval stages of development were made with the five-foot tow-net at eleven of the twenty-five stations in the 10th towing cycle, July 2-12, 19ii8. The appearance of young fry in the large net was abrupt, with signi- ficant numbers taken at several stations in the western and central portions of the Delta. Successive towing cycles yielded increasing numbers of juvenile bass at additional stations. During the season a total of 8,071 striped bass were captured with the large tow-net and a random sample of 5,306 individuals were measured. Data collected for each station are given in Appendix Table 9, and are further summarized in Appendix Table 2. Distribution of young striped bass in the Delta as determined from tow-net sampling is illustrated graphi- cally in Figure 5. The largest concentrations of juvenile bass were at stations in the western part of the Delta, which includes San Joaquin River from the mouth of Old River to Antioch, and Sacramento River below Rio- Vista. Juvenile bass were not taken in stations in Sacramento River between Rio Vista and Walnut Grove. The peak of abundance and the most extensive pattern of dispersion occurred in the 13th cycle, 23 Figure 5 - Distribution of striped bass (19U8 year-class) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 1QU8. The area of each circle is proportional to the calculated number of specimens at each station. The hydrodynamics for each cycle are included showing delta inflows in cubic feet per second, maximum and minimum temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit, mean salinity at Antioch in parts per one hundred thousand, and turbidity in inches with Secchi disc. 2h August h=17, 19U8« Stations in the southern Delta in the vicinity of the Tracy Pumping Plant yielded representative samples of striped bass through the llrth cycle. The diminishing catches of striped bass in the tows from the lUth cycle to the 17th cycle were probably due to the move- ment toward the lower bay, mortality, ability of the young to escape the tow-nets as they increased in size, and adaptation of adult characteristics of schooling and feeding nearer the bottom. Weekly coverage of established stations in 1°U9 proved to be an improved means of sampling striped bass and gave a better re- lative measure of distribution of bass eggs, larvae, and juveniles in the Sacramento^San Joaquin Delta, than in 19U8. Results of sampling for striped bass eggs in 19^9 are summarized in Appendix Table 11 „ This sampling generally consisted of three plankton-net hauls of five minutes duration at each station. Two sur- face tows were made, one at the beginning of the station and the second at the end of the .station. The five-minute deep tow was usually made at the terminus of the station at a depth of 13-lU feet. Several sta- tions in the southern Delta channels were too shallow to risk the loss of the net, so sampling was limited to the two surface hauls. The first evidence of striped bass spawning was observed in San Joaquin River near Mossdale, station 11, in the 11th cycle (April 5-7, 19U9), when two eggs were recovered. By the end of the next cycle (April 11-15, 19^9) spawning activity was occurring in several scattered locations in the San Joaquin Delta. Significant catches of bass eggs were made in the southern part of the Delta through the major period of the spawning season. Increasing numbers of eggs were caught in successive towing cycles, with new stations added to the growing list. The peak period of spawning activity extended from the last week in April to the middle of May. Observed water temperatures ranged from 57 degrees to 65 degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the spawning (April 5-7, 19^9), and generally were above 60 degrees at the stations where eggs were taken. At the close of the spawning season (June 15-17, 19h9) water temperatures in the Delta ranged from 69 degrees to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Assuming that the number of eggs recovered from week to week in the San Joaquin Delta is an index of spawning intensity, it is evi- dent that the initial spawning was heaviest in the southern and central portion of the Delta, with a gradual shift to the western or lower San Joaquin River portion,, Very few eggs were taken at stations located in Sacramento and Mokelumne Rivers. As in I9I48, the most productive area was San Joaquin River from the mouth of Old River to Antioch. This concentration of eggs in the lower section of San Joaquin River was probably due to the eggs drifting with the net outflow of water, particularly tvith respect to the eggs recovered on station 17. Station 17 was apparently the lower limit of the outward drift of eggs. This was evident from the small number of eggs recovered from station 26, which was downstream from station 17. 25: The results of sampling in 19 1*9 for striped bass larvae are given in Appendix Table 12. Sampling for larvae was carried on jointly with that of egg collecting. The first striped bass larvae were taken in plankton hauls during cycle 13 (April 18-21, 191*9) at stations l} 13 and 16. From then on the catches increased each week with a peak yield in cycle 20 (June 6-9, 19h9) when larvae were taken at 11 of the 26 stations. A larger total catch was recovered in cycle 16 but was re- presented almost entirely from stations 16 and 17. The recovery of larval bass diminished in numbers as the season progressed, with the last larvae taken in the 23rd. cycle (June 27-30, 19U9) at station 15. Significant numbers of striped bass larvae were taken at stations located in Sacramento River from Isleton to Toland's Landing, in Georgiana Slough, and in Mokelumne River below the mouth of Georg- iana Slough. The catches of larvae in Sacramento River were first made in the l8th towing cycle (May 23-26, 19U9). This was a month later than the appearance of larvae in the San Joaquin Delta. The larvae captured in Sacramento River represented the production from spawning activity occuring in Sacramento River and tributaries north of the city of Sacramento (Calhoun, 19U8) . Representative catches of striped bass larvae were recovered from station 26, located off Chipps Island, from May 9 through June 23, 19u9. These larvae were of both Sacramento and San Joaquin River origin. Samples of striped bass larvae from the southern part of the Delta be- tween Mossdale and the Tracy Pumping Plant were few in comparison to the eggs taken. Two factors may account for the small number of larvae recovered from this area: (1) the drift of the eggs and larvae from the area with the net outflow of water and (2) possible high rate of mortality. The seasonal catch of striped bass larvae expressed in terms of a standard volume of water strained was derived for each station (see Appendix Table lit) . A graphic composite illustrating the relative abundance and dispersion of striped bass larvae from April 18 to July 1, 19h9} is shown in Fig. 6. A comparison of this chart with that of the egg chart shows the dispersion of the larvae in a pattern con- siderably different from that of the eggs, with the exception of San Joaquin River between the mouth of Old River and Antioch. The lack of larvae in the southern part of the Delta is demons- trated very clearly and indicates that the net outflow of water in 19l*9 probably was one of the causes of the dispersion pattern ex- hibited by the larvae. The positive action of Sacramento River flows in flushing the larvae from the upriver spawning areas is obvious from the number of larvae present in Sacramento River below Walnut Grove. 26 Juvenile bass were sampled for fourteen consecutive weekly cycles, terminating with the 33rd cycle, September 20-22, 19h9* A total of 20,2ii2 juvenile striped bass were collected with a five-foot tow net and a random sample of 9,6l9 individuals was measured to observe the seasonal rate of growth. The data collected from the twenty-six stations are presented in Appendix Table 13, and are further summarized in Appen- dix Table 2. The weekly distribution of the young bass and their rela- tive density as determined from tow-net hauls is illustrated graphically in Fig. 7. Initial catches of post-larval striped bass were made in the 20th cycle (June 6-9, 19l;9) at several stations in the western part of the Delta. The average size of the young fry taken in this cycle was 13.1 mm (0.5 inch). An increasing number of stations yielded juvenile bass in the succeeding cycles. During cycles 20-2U (June 6-30, 19^9) the prin- cipal catches were made in the lower Delta, particularly station 17, 2$, and 26. The number of young bass captured in the central Delta area and San Joaquin River above Antioch began to increase in the succeeding cycles. Many of the stations produced 300 to 700 individuals in a standard tow, indicating the enormous population of juvenile striped bass present in the Delta during July. The peak period of abundance occurred during the 26th cycle (July 19-22, 19U9). The length of indi- viduals measured during this cycle averaged 37.7 mm (l.U inch). Follow- ing the cycle of peak abundance, there was a rapid decline in the number of juveniles collected, particularly in the central and southern Delta. Coupled with diminishing returns in the central section of the Delta, was the apparent increase in catch in San Joaquin River at Antioch, and Sacramento River off Chipps Island. This increase in the lower river sections indicates a downstream movement toward the lower bay area. By the end of the season, tow-net samples of juvenile bass were limited to the lower Delta channels, with an occasional individual recovered in the southern and central Delta. With the results available from two consecutive years of sampling striped bass eggs, larvae, and juveniles at the established stations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, certain facts concerning spawning, distribution, and movements become apparent. The relative importance of the areas within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta as striped bass spawning waters was determined during 19it8 and 19U9. Although in 19U8, frequency in sampling did not ap- proach that of 19h9, the egg distribution was essentially the same. The time and extent of the spawning seasons varied and was dependent upon favorable water temperatures. Water temperatures of 60 degrees, Fahrenheit and higher were normally encountered where eggs were taken. The spawning season in 19U3 extended from the first of May to the end of June, and In 19^9 the spawning began the first of April and ended about the middle of June. 27 Figure 6 - Seasonal catch of striped bass eggs., larvae and juveniles expressed in terms of a standard volume of water strained (100 per 100,000 cubic feet of water) 3 19U9. 28 UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE CENTRAL VALLEY INVESTIGATION CATCH OF STRIPED BASS EGGS, LARVAE AND JUVENILES EXPRESSED IN TERMS OF A STANDARD VOLUME OF WATER STRAINED STRIPED BASS EGGS • PHIL 5" JUNE IT. I»49 100 EGOS PER 100.000 CUBIC FEET OF WATER • ^M The largest concentration of eggs occurred in San Joaquin River from Antioch to the mouth of Old River. Next in importance were Old River and Middle River, which will be the two principal channels carrying transferred Sacramento water to the Tracy Pump- ing Plant. San Joaquin River in the vicinity of Mossdale was also found to be a spawning area of significant importance. Very few eggs were taken during either year from the Kokelumne River area and Sacramento River downstream from Walnut Grove. In 19U7 and 19U8 Calhoun (19U8) recovered considerable numbers of eggs in Sacramento and Feather Rivers and at their confluence^ establishing them as .spawning grounds of importance. The area of densest larval bass concentration was in San Joaquin River between Three Mile Slough and Antioch. False River and San Joaquin River below the mouth of Mokelumne River yielded repre- sentative samples of larvae. Significant numbers of larval bass were taken from Sacramento River downstream from Walnut Grove, confirm- ing the importance of the upper river spawning grounds. Comparatively small numbers of larvae were taken in the southern Delta regions. Sufficient information has been collected to emphasize the impor- tance of the several Delta areas as nursery grounds for juvenile striped bass. The distribution of youn^ bass was general in the western and central sections of the Delta by the middle of July in 19u9j the importance of these regions, including Old River and Middle River up- stream to the Santa Fe Bridge, is revealed by the abundance of juvenile striped bass collected in those areas. The southern Delta region, which is a spawning ground of importance, did not approach the areas mentioned above in numbers of juveniles present j however, young bass were present in sufficient numbers to indicate that it was also a nursery ground of consequence. Water temperature appears to have exerted a very important influence both in determining the time of spawning and the rate of development of larval and post-larval striped bass in the Delta. Spawning activity as reflected by collections of eggs was seen to have been related to water temperatures of $8 degrees and higher, with peak spawning occurring when temperatures ranged between 60 degrees and 67 degrees. The influ- ence of warmer waters in speeding the growth of larval and juvenile bass can be seen by reference to Fig. 10, which brings out some dif- ferences between 19h8 and 19u9 populations. The spring water tempera- ture changes of 19U9 were about four weeks earlier than those of 19^8. The date on which average Delta water temperatures attained 65 degrees in 19h8 was June 19 j in 19u9 this occurred on May 23 » The first appearance of juvenile bass in tow-net collections in 19U8 was near July 2, approx- imately two weeks following the rise of water temperature above 65 degrees. In 19h9) juveniles were taken on June 6, also two weeks after temperatures reached 65 degrees in that year. This suggests that water temperatures have determined to a great extent the time of spawning and the speed of development of immature bass in the Delta. 29 Figure 7 - Distribution of striped bass (19h9 year-class) in the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta, 19h9° The area of each circle is proportional to the calculated number of specimens at each station. The hydro- dynamics for each cycle is included, showing delta inflows in cubic feet per second, maximum and mini- mum temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit, mean salinity at Antioch in parts per one hundred thousand, and turbidity in inches with Secchi disc. JO Shad (Alosa sapidissima) Observations of the migration of adult shad in the Delta were limited. The period of migration was established indirectly from the catch of the commercial fishery. From this source, it was determined that the fish entered the Delta on their spawning migration in early spring, usually in March, and reached the peak of abundance in May. Adults were observed in Sacramento River, Georgiana Slough, Mokelumne River, San Joaquin River and its distributaries below Mossdale during the spring months. During the month of June, 19h9 , large numbers of shad were seen in these waters in dead or dying condition. Because of the nature of shad spawning activity and the character of the eggs, observations on spawning and recovery of eggs were not successfully accomplished with the collecting methods used. Consider- able evidence substantiating the occurrence of spawning in the Delta was obtained from sampling larval shad at the established tow-net sta- tions. The study of the early life stages of shad and their distribu- tion in the Delta was carried on concurrently with that of salmon and striped bass. The introduction in I9I18 of the tow-net method of sampling selected stations in the Delta made it possible to determine certain facts about the spawning distribution of shad and the relative abundance and dis- persion of larval and post-larval forms. During 19U8 a total of 6,606 larval and juvenile shad were collected in standard tow-net hauls and a random sample of 3>908 individuals was measured for growth rate studies. Data for each station are given in Appendix Table \$s and are further summarized in Appendix Table 1. Distribution and abundance as determined from the sampling is illustrated graphically in Figure 8. The first evidence to indicate that shad reproduction was well under way was collected during the 9th cycle, June l6-July 2, I9I18. Larval shad were initially taken June 30th at towing stations located in Sacramento and Mokelumne Rivers. Young shad were taken in increas- ing numbers at these stations through July 20, the 11th towing cycle, with an extraordinary increase in catch occurring in the North and South Forks of the Mokelumne River. This large increment of young shad from the Mokelumne extended through four cycles (10-13) , July 2 to August 17, and surpassed catch records from all other stations. The stations in the central and southern delta also yielded significant catches of post-larval shad. Tow-netting results from the stations in the Sacra- mento River and Georgiana Slough indicated that considerable spawning occurred in the Sacramento drainage above the Delta. Young shad entered the Delta from Sacramento River from the first of July to the end of October. Production of juvenile shad from the southern part of the Delta and San Joaquin River above the Delta extended from July 2 to October 23 with the peak yield from this area occurring in the 12th towing cycle. However, it did not approach the magnitude of the catches from Mokelumne and Sacramento Rivers. Mokelumne River was the major 31 Figure 8 - Distribution of shad (19U8 year-class) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19U8. The area of each circle is proportional to the calculated number of specimens at each station . The hydro- dynamics for each cycle is included, showing delta inflows in cubic feet per second, maximum and mini- mum temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit, mean salinity at Antioch in parts per one hundred thousand, and turbidity in inches with Secchi disc. }\ spawning area of shad within the confines of the Delta in 19h8. Produc- tion of young shad from this source was continuous, with larval specimens taken as late as October. The growth of larval shad was rapid. Those in the southern part of the Delta were of greater average length than those from Sacramento and Mokelumne River sources. However, the average length of the larvae from all stations for the 9th and 10th towing cycles, June 16 to July 12, was less than 20mm (0.8 inch). The peak of abundance occurred in the 11th towing cycle. Most larvae had completed transformation to the juvenile form by the end of the 12th towing cycle, July 20-August 3, and had attained a mean length of 33mm (1.3 inches). The growth of juvenile shad was also very rapid. Their mean length was h!?mm by the middle of August, and 3>7mm by the end of August. By the end of September, in the 16th towing cycle, the young shad had attained a mean length of 70mm. A few averaging 75mm in length were taken in November, the 18th towing cycle. Evidence of the seaward movement of young shad was noted from the results of the succeeding towing cycles (Figure 8) . Larval shad were flushed from the upper Sacramento River spawning grounds by river run- off toward Suisun Bay, with significant numbers diverted into the cen- tral San Joaquin Delta via Georgiana Slough. The peak of the Sacramento migration occurred during the 11th cycle, July 12-20, followed by a secondary peak in the 13th cycle, August h-17. Juvenile shad from San Joaquin River above the Delta and from the southern section were slower in their downstream movement, peaking in the 12th cycle. These fish spread out into the central Delta area Large numbers of shad persisted in the lower Mokelumne River through the 12th cycle, July 20- August 3. However, a gradual movement from the Mokelumne into the central San Joaquin Delta was evident in the 11th and 12th cycles. Emi- gration from the Mokelumne was definite by the ena of the 13th cycle, and was reflected in the larger catches from stations 15> and 17 in the lower San Joaquin River. Dispersal of the Mokelumne shad through the central Delta area was evident in cycles 13 and lit. The tendency of some of the shad to remain within Delta waters was indicated by catches of the larger size shad at a majority of the stations as late as the last week of October, with even a few taken in November. The study of shad distribution in Delta waters in 191+9 was con- ducted in the same manner as in the previous year. However, weekly sampling at the tow-net stations gave a more representative distribu- tion pattern of the larval and juvenile shad in the Delta. Relocation of stations 18 and 19 (Figure 1) on the South and North Forks of Moke- lumne River was helpful in evaluating the importance of these waters as shad producers. In 19^9 the total catch of the early life stages of shad with the five-foot tow net was 22,U6l specimens. Of this catch a random sample of 8,U05 individuals was measured for studies in growth rate. Data for the tow-net stations are given in Appendix Table 16 and are further summarized in Appendix Table 2. The distribution of shad as determined from tow-net samples is presented graphically in Figure 9. 33 Figure 9 - Distribution of Shad (19li9 year-class) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19U9- The area of each circle is proportional to the calculated number of specimens at each station. The hydrodynamics for each cycle is included, showing delta inflows in cubic feet per second, maximum and minimum temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit, mean salinity at Antioch in parts per one hundred thousand, and turbidity in inches with Secchi disc. 3U The first catches of shad larvae were made in plankton-net hauls in the 13th cycle (April 18-21, 19U9) at station 8 in the San Joaquin River and at station 21 in the Worth Fork of Mokelumne River „ There™ after, shad larvae were taken occasionally in plankton-net hauls, but never in significant numbers . Catches of advanced forms of larval and juvenile shad with the standard five-foot tow net were first made in the 18th cycle (May 2ii~26, l°USj in the North Fork of Mokelumne River and in Old River near the approach canal of the Tracy Pumping Plant . By the 20th cycle (June 6-9, 19U9) shad larvae were taken in Georgiana Slough, Sacramento River below Rio Vista, in the forks of Mokelumne River, and in several stations in the southern Delta, A wide dispersion. of larval and juvenile shad was recorded in the 21st cycle when 21 of the 26 stations yielded large numbers of fish. From then on the total catch for each cycle increased rapidly until the peak of abundance occurred in the 23rd cycle (June 27-30, 19^9) . Although many of thestations continued to yield larval forms, particularly stations in Mokelumne River, the growth rate was rapid with the average length ex- ceeding the 25-28mm measurement considered to be the length at which transformation occurs (Leim 192U) . The distribution of immature shad in the succeeding cycles remained relatively constant to July 22, Mokelumne River continued to be the most important source of shad production, with the Sacramento River stations also yielding significant catches. The rapid growth continued so that by the 26th cycle the mean length of the measured catches was 3U.9 (1.5 inches). Catches of larvae and juveniles became progressively smaller after the 26th cycle, with the central portion of the Delta continuing to yield the principle catches. This tendency prevailed until the termination of field activities on September 22, at which time it was apparent that the results of further sampling would have paralleled those of I9I4.8. The charts clearly show that larval and juvenile shad were always concentrated in areas which will be within the influence of flows to the Tracy Pumping Plant, WATER FLOW IN RELATION TO FISH POPULATIONS The preceding sections have dealt separately with the distribution and occurrence of juvenile king salmon, striped bass, and shad in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, The charts illustrating this infor- mation for each species have shown their relative abundance and distribu- tion in relation to the various channels that form the Delta, They have also portrayed abundance in relation to time and demonstrated an overlap of all species. Overlapping of species is more clearly seen in Figure 10 where the juveniles of all species are shown to be present in considerable numbers in the months of June and July, This figure also demonstrates that fingerling salmon are present in Delta waters as early as February and remain there until the latter part of July. 35 Figure 10 - Graphic summary of delta tow-net and mean daily delta water temperatures. Bars, representing numbers of fish, follow a geometric scale. The temperature line represents composite mean daily readings based on thermographs located on Sacra- mento River at Walnut Grove, gan Joaquin River at Mossdale and Stockton, Old River at Clifton Court, and Middle River at Tracy Island Bridge. 36 Mean Calculated Catch per Tow ■ > i ■"■ * ■ i r t Striped bass and shad spawn in Delta waters in the spring, and the resultant eggs and larvae are found throughout that area with notable concentrations in its central portion. The juveniles of these species remain in considerable numbers in Delta waters much longer than the salmon. Collections of juvenile striped bass and shad were regularly made through September, and shad were taken as late as November. Hook and line fishing and exploratory tows proved the presence of juvenile shad and striped bass in quantity in all other months of the year„ The egg, larval, and juvenile stages are particularly vulnerable to the actions of the various components of their complex environment, especially that of flow. The inability of eggs and larval fish to resist current is a matter of common knowledge, and is a pertinent consideration in this situation. Salmon juveniles and the juveniles of striped bass and shad, because of their larger size, have greater power to resist currents, and would not be affected to the same extent as larval forms of striped bass and shad. Since shad eggs are demersal, currents dc not affect them to the same degree as they do the pelagic striped bass eggs. The evidence obtained in this investigation seems conclusive that the Delta provides excellent spawning and nursery grounds for the species of fish emphasized in this discussion. It also demonstrates that the various fresh-water phases of their life histories occupy the entire twelve months of the year in Delta waters . This is particularly true with striped bass and shad. Termination of the study at approximately the halfway mark pre- vented intensive investigation into the problem of the distribution of fish in relation to flow. However, sufficient evidence has been gathered on this problem to indicate strongly that flow is the most important controlling factor in the distribution of juvenile fishes in the channels of the Delta. Evidence of primary importance was obtained in 19U8 as a result of fishing fyke nets in Georgiana Slough and in Sacramento River below Isleton during the peak of the spring seaward migration of juvenile salmon. Georgiana Slough diverts Sacramento River water at Walnut Grove, which lies approximately 8 miles above Isleton. Results of catches made in these nets were compared with the flews at their respective locations, and showed a phenomenal degree of correlation. During the period March 26 through 30, Georgiana Slough was carrying 22.28 percent, of the total Sacramento River flow above its sources as calculated from U. S. Bureau of Reclamation rating curves. The flow in Sacramento River below the head of Georgiana Slough, was, of course, 77.72 percent of the flow of the main stream as described above. Of the total number of seaward migrants taken in the fyke nets, 22.56 per cent were taken in the Georgiana Slough net and 77. Wi percent were taken in Sacramento River. It is recognized, of course, that the numbers of juveniles occupying certain areas are limited by the volumes of water present in those areas. It seems characteristic, however, that numbers tend to pile up in large areas of open water that are susceptible to maximum tidal influence, as the channel of the main San Joaquin River between its confluences with Middle River and Seven Mile Slough. 37 From the foregoing it is evident that a clear understanding of the entire problem demands consideration of the sums of the juvenile popu- lations of salmon., striped bass, and shad in relation to the flow patterns that will occur in the Delta when the Tracy Pumping Plant and Delta Cross- Channel are operating. It is also clear that a proper relationship can only be visualized by utilizing information obtained on the fishes in 19U8 and 19h9 in conjunction with project operation schedules calculated in accordance with Delta inflows for the years 19^8 and 19^9- These operation schedules were obtained from the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation and concern initial Central Valley Project operation and that project operation as modified by increased storage at Folsom Reservoir now under construction on the American River. They do not, however, show flow conditions that would have prevailed in the Delta in 19U8 and 19^9 with the project in full operation. Under full operation, the Tracy Pumping Plant would deliver a maximum flow of li,600 cubic feet per second to the Delta-Mendota Canal. Data on this operation were not available at the time of prepa- ration of this report and accordingly their inclusion was impossible. However, the relationship of Delta fish populations to flow patterns that would have existed in 19li8 and 19U9 with the project operating at its maximum level is a matter of primary importance. A critical study of Figure 11 should be conditioned by this fact. The relationships between fish populations and flow are shown dia- grammatically in Figure 11 for the various months during which juvenile fish were studied in 19l|8 and 19h9^ The data presented and used in the formulation of the various diagrams are presented in Appendix Tables 20, 21,23,25,26, and 27. The relative magnitude of the sums of juvenile populations of striped bass, salmon, and shad is illustrated by circles, and is proportional to the area of the circles in each case. The propor- tion of the total population represented by each species in each month is given in percentum. The percent, of abundance of each species is shown by a segment of the circle as well as by a figure within the segment. Water flows into and out of the Delta are designated by single lines or pairs of parallel lines radiating from the circumference at each major point of entry and exit. These points are named, and arrows indicate the direction of flow. Mean monthly flows are given in each case and the distance between parallel lines is drawn to scale according to volume of flow to assist in their comparison. The outflow point at the bases of the circles is designated, Delta-Mendota Demand, and represents outflow to the Tracy Pumping Plant. In each figure, the total volume of water carried from the Delta via this route is shown and the sources and volumes making up this flow are given. An examination of the monthly diagrams in Figure 11 clearly shows that juvenile fish are most abundant in Delta waters in the months of June, July, and August. They also show that the population is dominated by striped bass and shad in the months of July and August. Salmon con- stituted only a small fraction of the total in June of 19^9 but were more abundant in that month in 19lj8. They show, too, that seaward migrant salmon made up the entire population of juvenile fish in the Delta in the spring months preceding June. 38 The variations in abundance and composition of juvenile populations are paralleled by a variety of flow patterns. The most significant of these are the patterns of inflow and outflow that prevail during the months of greatest population density. Inflow is reduced during these months and consequently outflow to the sea is similarly reduced , But the outflow pumped to the Delta-Mendota Canal reaches peak levels in June, July, and August. Outflow to the Dumps sometimes exceeds the amount of water flowing from the Delta to the sea. This would have been the case in July of 19^9 with project operation modified for increased storage at Folsom Reservoir. In that month, the outflow to the sea would have been 3,000 cubic feet per second while the pump demand would have been 3,0u0 cubic feet per second. Generally, pump demand for the months under consideration in 19U8 and 19U9 would have ranged from one-third to over one-half that of the volume of flow passing to the sea. The effect of flow on fish in these instances needs no further elaboration. As previously stated, the population of juvenile fish in the Delta from February to June is composed entirely of seaward migrant king salmon. It has also been pointed out that these fish enter the Delta in peak numbers during periods of heavy run-off. Thus, inflow to the Delta is at peak levels during most of the period that these salmon are in the area. Similarly, outflow to the sea is at peak levels while pump demand is low. This situation appears to be favorable to the bulk of king salmon seaward migrants from Sacramento River. Seaward migrant king salmon of San Joaquin River origin must face an entirely different set of circumstances, most of which are detrimental with the project in operation. They arrive in the Delta six weeks to two months later than the Sacramento River fish; their point of entry into the Delta is in close proximity to the Tracy Pumping Plant; their avenues of migration through the Delta converge on the intake to the pump channel; and up to 70 percent of the entire San Joaquin River flow is destined for the pumps during their period of migration. It is evident, therefore, that king salmon migrants of Sacramento River origin are more secure than those of San Joaquin River origin. Nevertheless, migrants from both sources that are in the central Delta area in June and July will be influenced by the current patterns pre- vailing at that time. Striped bass and shad juveniles in the central delta will be subject to the same influences. FISH PROTECTION Preceding sections of this report have shown that important segments of the immature populations of king salmon, striped bass, and shad enroute through and within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta will be endangered by the conditions created by the Tracy Pumping Plant and the Delta Cross- Channel. The information gathered is sufficient to support recommendation 39 Figure 11 - Monthly occurrence and relative abundance of salmon, striped bass and shad juveniles as re- lated to the 19U8 and 19U9 flow patterns in the Delta,, adjusted to the Delta-Mendota demand. The area of the circles represents the monthly- occurrence in per cent of the total seasonal catch, and each circle is divided proportionate to the monthly catch of the three species . The Delta inflow and outflow patterns for 191*8 and 19U9, modified for (1) the Initial Central Valley Project Operation and (2) Coordination with Folsom Operation of the Tracy Pumping Plant, are shown in their relative magnitude „ The Delta upland use and Delta consumDtion are not illustrated* UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE CENTRAL VALLEY INVESTIGATION MONTHLY OCCURRENCE AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF SALMON, STRIPED BASS AND SHAD JUVENILES AS RELATED TO THE FLOW PATTERNS IN THE DELTA ADJUSTED TO DELTA-MENDOTA DEMAND INITIAL CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT OPERATION 1948 JULY 4I.S X AUGUST 46.1 X CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT OPERATION MODIFIED FOR INCREASED STORAGE AT FOLSOM 1948 JULY 41.9 X AUGUST 46.1 X INITIAL CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT OPERATION 1949 i I CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT OPERATION MODIFIED FOR INCREASED STORAGE AT FOLSOM 1949 SEPTEMBER 8 8 X JULY 34.0X of positive means of fish protection involving (1) a screen at the Tracy Pumping Plant intake channel, and (2) an adequate method of by-passing the screened fish to areas outside the influence of the pump draft. Several plans for the protection of the fishery resources in the Delta relative to the water-use projects have been considered by State and Federal fishery agencies since construction of the Central Valley Project was undertaken by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Modifications of this basic recommendation were mentioned briefly in the introduction. The original plan of the U. 5. Bureau of Reclamation to transport Sacra- mento River water through a closed channel to the Tracy Pumping Plant was supported by fishery interests because it would have resulted in no changes in existing flow conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Fish protection wo uld have been limited to the intake structure at the point of diversion on Sacramento River, with very little required in the way of protective devices along the closed channel. However, this plan was abandoned in favor of the "State Plan", which proposed the trans- fer of Sacramento River water to the Tracy Pumping Plant via existing Delta channels. The original "State Plan", modified by the U. S. Bureau of Reclama- tion, and called the Delta Cross-Channel, was thoroughly studied and found to be the most economical and feasible means of delivering water to the Tracy Pumping Plant. The Delta Cross-Channel will be a gravity diversion with the point of diversion in the vicinity of Walnut Grove. The natural diversion, Georgiana Slough, will also be used. As demands increase, additional water will be obtained by constructing a diversion near Isleton. The possibility of installing low-head pumps to supplement flow has also been considered. Initial operation is scheduled for July 195l< This plan of operation imposes serious problems in the protection and maintenance of the fishery resources dependent on the Delta. Time has not been available to carry through a screen-testing pro- gram in relation to this project. However, a self-cleaning, traveling water screen appears to be the most feasible because: it can operate under the tidal conditions present; it can handle the great loads of debris characteristic of Delta waters; and it offers a means of collecting screened fish for transfer to a by-pass canal. * The screen structure should be located in the approach canal at a point where the velocity of the current ranges between 1.5 and 2.5 feet per second. Screens towed in the Delta through this range of velocity demonstrated low mortality of screened fish. No trials were made with velocities exceeding 2.5 feet per second. However, it is known that excessive velocity does cause high mortality in the operation of station- ary and rotary screens. Size of the screen mesh used in the traveling water screens for ^ish protection is governed by the clearance between the stationary and moving parts of the unit and by the sizes of fish to be screened. One ill type cf traveling water screen can hold its clearance to .159 inches , the theoretical opening of the 5x5 to-the-inch mesh of No. 19 wire. There would be no advantage in reducing the screen size to less than t he limits of these clearances. Sufficient information has been gained from other projects where traveling water screens are used to prove that sea- ward migrating salmon are screenable with ^S to-the-inch mesh. It' is recognized that the eggs and immature forms of striped bass and larval shad cannot be successfully screened by this size of mesh. In order to determine the size at which juvenile striped bass could be screened, a weekly series of tows testing the effectiveness of 5x5, No. 19 hardware cloth in the screening of striped bass juveniles were completed betweer June 20 and July 22, 19U9- The method used in deter- mining the screenable size of the young bass was to secure a 12-1/2 square foot circular section of screen, four feet from the mouth and inside the cone of a five-foot standard tow net. This apparatus was towed through the water at 2.5 feet per second, which is approximately the calculated velocity of the current in the approach canal to the Tracy Pumping Plant. The results revealed that the maximum length of striped bass passing through the screen was 26mm (1 inch)j however, only one individual of this size was found in the net behind the screen. Bass 20mm (0.8 inch) and less in length passed through the screen consistently, while many individuals 20-25mm (0.8 to 1 inch) were stopped by the screen. The following table shows the calculated screening efficiency of $x$3 No. 19 hardware cloth as derived from a regression of mean length of striped bass upon percentage screened? MEAN LENGTH PER CENT SCREENABLE 10 mm (0.U inch) 0 15 mm (0.6 inch) 7.5 20 mm (0.8 inch) 30„o 25 mm (1 inch) 53.0 30 mm (1.2 inch) 75.0 35 mm (l.ii inch) 98.0 The same tests were planned for learning the screenable size of shad, but lack of sufficient time prevented fulfillment of plans. However, preserved specimens of shad juveniles 32mm and over could not be forced through the S^S No. 19 screen meshes. Figure 12 presents growth curves of mean and minimum lengths of salmon, shad, and striped bass, plotted in relation to mean size screen- able determined as described above. Examination of this figure shows that with few exceptions, king salmon juveniles are screenable at all times during their period of residence in the Delta. It also demonstrates the particular vulnerability of shad, and to a lesser degree, striped bass. It is evident that large portions of the populations of larval shad and striped bass may fall within the influence of the pumps &r I pass through S'x.'-) mesh screen. This suggests that intensive study be made to determine if there are means of affording them protection. Additional 12 studies along these lines should include investigations into the matter of operating speed of screens, approach velocity to the screens, and the welfare and disposition of adult fishes within the influence of the pumps. To complete its function, the screen must be provided with a by-pass of sufficient capacity, and of certain dimensions to carry the fish to a point of safety within the shortest time possible. An integral part of the screen structure should include means of collecting fish from the screen and transferring them to the intake of the by-pass canal. These are details that must be worked out by engineers in collaboration with fishery biologists. Several alternate plans for transporting juvenile fish collected by the screen have been proposed. The initial plan proposed that the by- pass originate in the vicinity of Mossdale on the San Joaquin River. From this point it would follow Paradise Cut, a short stretch of Tom Paine Slough, thence through about 12 miles of new canal constructed along the southwest side of the Delta to the screen structure. From this point it would be necessary to construct another 15 miles of new canal to the lower section of Dutch Slough, which empties into the San Joaquin River upstream from Antioch, California, and is considered to be sufficiently removed from pump influence to assure safety of the fish. This by-pass canal, approximately 33 miles in length, would have a ■ capacity of 500 cubic feet per second, and would derive its entire flow from the San Joaquin River by means of a 12 foot concrete diversion dam. This structure would provide a 10 foot head at the point of diversion. This canal would be continuous and would pick up fish collected at the screens. This plan, as well as one which proposed a by-pass flow of 500 cubic feet per second originating a't the screen structure, was abandoned because of complexity and prohibitive costs. The plan currently in favor proposes a by-pass canal of 200 cubic feet per second capacity originating at the screen structure and termina- ting in Dutch Slough. ' It would be supplied by means of water pumped from the approach canal. The channel would have a total length of approximately 15> miles, all of which would have to be constructed, since there are no natural channels which could be used along its route. To assure the maintenance of water temperatures as low as possible and to attain maximum safety from predators, this canal should be made as deep as possible consistent with its capacity. The adequacy of the channel and its volume of flow can only be deter- mined under actual maximum operation of the project. If changes are warranted at that time, they should be made. U3 Figure 12 - The mean and minimum length of young salmon, shad and striped bass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta showing mean size screenable with 5x5 to the inch mesh of No. 19 wire screen. 'hU 60 - 70 - MEAN AND MINIMUM LENGTH 0FY0UNG SALMON, SHAD AND STRIPED BASS IN SACRAMENTO - SAN JOAQUIN DELTA SHOWING MEAN SIZE SCREENABLE WITH 5X5 TO-THE-INCH MESH OF NO. 19 WIRE SCREEN 1949 6,N «' A' V & y ' «. s FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER cpo sr fso SUMMARY 1. The U\ S. Fish and Wildlife Service carried on investigations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from 19^6 to 19h9 in order to deter- mines (1) the magnitude, composition and occurrence of populations of king salmon, striped bass, and shad that occur in or utilize Delta waters j (2) the effects of changes in Delta hydrodynamics on these populations that would result from project operation; (3) the effects of various other environmental factors ; and (h) ways and means of protecting and maintaining these populations if damage to them was indicated. 2. Young stages of anadromous fishes were found in Delta waters in all months of the year. King salmon were dominant from February through May, with peak numbers occurring in March. Large numbers of salmon remained in the Delta to the middle of July. The juveniles of striped bass and shad were dominant during the period June through September, with peaks of abundance occurring in July and August. The juveniles of all three species were present in quantity during the months of June and July. 3° In 19U8 and 19h9 striped bass and shad spawned in the Delta from early April to the end of June, with peak activity occurring in the month of May, and with some shad spawning as late as the end of August. Occur- rence and abundance of the larval forms of these species paralleled that of spawning activity. lio Eggs, larvae, and juveniles of striped bass and shad were dis- tributed throughout the Delta, with heavy concentrations occurring in the central area, particularly in the channels of the lower Mokelumne River, San Joaquin River between its confluences with Middle River and Seven Mile Slough, and Old and Middle Rivers. King salmon juveniles entered the Delta from Sacramento River through Georgiana Slough, Three Mile Slough, and, by tidal action, up the mouth of San Joaquin River. They distributed themselves throughout the Delta in a manner similar to that noted above for striped bass and shad. Juvenile king salmon entered the Delta from San Joaquin River principally through the channels of Middle River, Old River, and Grant Line Canal, all of which converge on the southwest corner of the Delta. Their dispersal from this point was quite uniform and seemed to follow a definite seaward movement. 5. It was observed that the early life stages of salmon, striped bass, and shad occurred in abundance in relation to water volume, and it was further observed that populations of fish tended to pile up in large open-water areas most susceptible to tidal action. As a corollary to this principle, evidence was obtained to show that distribution was in proportion to flow, 60 When the project is in operation, drastic changes in existing Delta flow patterns will occur, particularly during the months of June, July, August, and September, when project demand will be high. Water 1*5 demand for the Delta-Mendota Canal will be at its peak in June and July,, and outflow at this point will sometimes exceed outflow to the sea. During the other months of this period outflow through the pumps will be equivalent to one-third to one-half of the outflow to the sea. 7. The evidence is conclusive that in order to protect and maintain populations of king salmon, striped bass, and shad, positive means for preventing their passage through the pumps must be adopted. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. It is recommended as a result of these studies that a screen be installed in the approach canal, complete with a fish-collecting system and a by-pass canal that will carry screened fish to an area beyond the influence of the Tracy Pumping Plant. The screen should be of the travelling water type. The by-pass should originate at the screen and terminate at Dutch Slough, and should have a capacity of 200 cubic feet per second, the water to be pumped into the by-pass from the approach canal. 2. It is recommended that additional studies be made to determine: (1) means of affording protection to eggs and larval fish; (2) further effects of environmental factors in controlling fish populations in the Deltaj (3) the behavior of adult king salmon, striped bass, and shad; (k) the degree of success of the fish protective devices during all stages of development and operation, and (5) the effects of altered Delta environment on fish populations. 3. It is recommended that the operation of the fish protection devices be under the supervision of a competent fishery biologist. U6 REFERENCES American Public Health Association 1936 Standard Methods of water Analysis, Eighth Edition. Calhoun A. J. 19U9 California Striped Bass Catch Records from the Party Boat Fishery; 1938-19i48j California Fish and Game, Vol. 35, No. k, p. 211. Calhoun, A. J. & Wcodhull, C» A. I9J48 Progress Report on Studies of Striped Bass Reproduction in Rela- tion to Central Valley Project; California Fish & Game, Vol. 3k, No. k, pp. 171-188. California Division of Fish and Game 1913 General Report, on the Chinook Salmon Investigations carried on during Spring and Summer of 1911; California Fish & Game, Fish Bulletin No. 1. Towing Salmon & Steelhead Fry from Sacramento to the Sea in a Live Car; California Fish & Game, Fish Bulletin No. 1. 19ii9 The Commercial Fish Catch of California for the Year 19U7 with an Historical Review 1916-19U7; California Fish & Game, Fish Bulletin No. 7llo California Division of Water Resources 1931 Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay, 1931> Bulletin No. 27. Water Supervision Reports, 1931-191*8. Clark, G.H. 1929 Sacramento-San Joaquin Salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) Fishery of California; California Fish & Game, Fish Bulletin No. 17. Cope, 0. B. 19U9 Water temperature records from California's Central Valley, 1939- 19U8; U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Special Scientific Reports Fisheries No. 2, pp. 1-77, September, 19U9. Hatton, S, Ross 19U0 Progress Report of Central Valley Fishery Investigations, 1939; California Fish and Game, Vol.' 26, No. k, pp. 33^-373. 19U2 Striped Bass Spawning Areas in California; California Fish & Game, Vol. 28, No. 1, p. 65. Hatton, S. Ross & Clark, G. H. 19U2 A Second Progress Report on the Central Valley Fisheries Investiga- tion; California Fish & Game, Vol. No. 28, No. 2, pp. 116-123. kl Leach, G. C. 1921; Artificial Propagation of Shad; Report of the Comnu of Fisheries,. Appendix VIII, Doc. No. 981, pp. U59-i|86. Leim, A. H. I92U The Life History of the Shad with special reference to factors limiting its abundance. Contributions to Canadian Biology, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 161-28U. Moffett, James W. 19U9 The First Four Years of King Salmon Maintenance below Shasta Dam, Sacramento River, Calif ornia; California Fish & Game, Vol 35>, No. 2, pp. 77-102. Murphy, Garth 19U1 A Key to the Fishes of the Sacramento -San Joaquin Basing California Fish & Game, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 165-171. Rich, Willis H. 1920 Early History of Seaward Migration of Chinook Salmon in the Columbia & Sacramento River; U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Bulletin, Vol. 37, Doc. 887. Rutter, Cloudsley 1902 Natural History of the Quinnat Salmon Investigation on Sacramento River, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Bulletin No. 22. Schuitz, Leonard P. 1936 Keys to the Fishes of Washington, Oregon and closely adjoining: regions. University of Washington, Publications in Biology, Vol. 2, No. li,pp. 103-228. Scofield, E. C. 1928 Striped Bass Studies; California Fish & Game, Vol. Ik, No. 1, pp. 29-37. 1931 The Striped Bass of California; California Fish & Game Bulletin 29, pp. 82. Scofield, N. B. 1900 Notes on movements and rate of growth of Quinnat Salmon Fry in Sacramento River. Biennial Report of California Fish & Game Comm. 1897-1898. 1910 Notes on Striped Bass in California, 21st Biennial Report, 1909- 1910. Scofield, N. B. & Bryant, H. C 1926 The Striped Bass in California; California Fish & Game, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 55-7U. U8 Scofield, N, B._& Coleman, G. A. 1910 Notes on spawning and hatching striped bass eggs at Boulder Isl.j 21st Biennial Report, California Fish & Game, 1909-10, pp. 109-117. Snyder , Jo 0 . I92B Salmon Investigations 5 California Fish & Game, Vol. ill, No. 1, Jan., pp. 25-29. Truitt, R, V. & Valdykov, V. D. I936 Striped Bass Investigations in the Chesapeake Bay; Transactions of American Fisheries Society, Vol. 66, pp. 225-226. U. 5. Bureau of Reclamation 19UU Hydraulic Laboratory Report No. lU5 Hydraulic Laboratory Report No. 1$5 19U5 Comprehensive Plan for Water Resources Development Central Valley- Basin, Project Planning Report No. 2-U.O-3, November, 19U5. 19k7 Region II, Delta District Hydrography Report. Uo S. Corps of Engineers 1933 Sacramento River, Sacramento to Collinsville Maps. 193U San Joaquin River & Suisun Bay Maps. 1936 Old River Maps. U. S. Geological Survey 1931 Water Supply Paper 1939 Water Supply Paper 19U2 Water Supply Paper 19U5 Stream Gaging Procedure, Water Supply Paper 888. Van Cleve, Richard 19U5 A Preliminary Report on the Fishery Resources of California in Relation to Central Valley Project; Calif. Fish & Game, Vol. 31, No. 2, Vladykov, V„ D. & Wallace, D. He 1937 Remarks on populations of the Shad (Alosa sapidissima) along the Atlantic Coast Region; Trans, of American Fisheries Society, Vol. 67, pp. 52-66. Wallace, David H , , & Truitt, R V 1938 Progress of the Rock and Shad Research Work at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory; Trans, of American Fisheries Society, Vol. 68, pPo 361H368. Woodhull, Chester T9U7 Spawning 'Habits of the Striped Bass (Roccus saxatalis) in California Waters; California Fish & Game, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 97-102. k9 APPENDIX TABLES 1. Summary of tow-net catches of salmon, striped bass and shad, with computed results, 19^8. 2. Summary of tow-net catches of salmon, striped bass and shad, with computed results, 19h9« 3. Hydrodynamics of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19U8. In Hydrodynamics of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19^9. 5>o King salmon seaward migrants taken in towing cycles, Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, 19U8. 6. King salmon seaward migrants taken in towing cycles, Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, 19U9. 7. Striped bass eggs taken in plankton-tows, 19U8. 8. Striped bass larvae taken in plankton- tows, 19U8. 9. Striped bass (19U8 year-class) taken in towing cycles, Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, 19U8. 10. Striped bass (19^8 year-class) taken in towing cycles, Sa icramento- San Joaquin Delta, 19^9 • 11. Striped bass eggs taken in plankton-tows, 19U9. 12. Striped bass larvae taken in plankton-tows, 19U9. 13. Striped bass (19U9 year-class) taken in towing cycles, Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, 19ii9« liu Catch of striped bass eggs, larvae, and juveniles expressed in terms of a standard volume of water strained, 19^9. 15. Shad (19U8 year-class) taken in towing cycles, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19k8. 16. Shad (19ii9 year-class) taken in towing cycles, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19^9 • 17. Smelt, Hypomesus olidus, taken in towing cycles, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19U8. 18. Adult smelt, Hypomesus olidus, taken in towing cycles, Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, 19il9. 19. Smelt, Hypomesus olidus (19U9 year-class) taken in towing cycles, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 19U9. 20o Monthly occurrence and relative abundance of salmon, striped bass, and shad juveniles as shown from tow-net catches in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta. 21. Delta-Mendota Demand, showing source of water, 191*8 and 19U9. 22 o Delta-Mendota Demand, showing source of water, 1931* 1938 and 19i|0« 23. Mean monthly flow of Sacramento River at Sacramento, California. 2lu Estimated flow of Sacramento River at Sacramento, plus flood-flow in Yolo By-Pass. 2$. Mean monthly flow of San Joaquin River at Vernalis, California. 260 Mokelumne River flows entering the Delta. 27. Flow out of Delta. 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W O CO -P o o a r-t O •H g a § es 3 eJ ►3 CO (0 to a n •o o (X •H h •P co en =*£ O 1 rH tO O.CM S\ O CD c a •rH 0 ■r-t W -P CO c'. ci P m CO CO « & £ CM co 8 c- in co to rH r-t O 8 © m CM CM rH W t>- to C7> CO i-i CO w tOlft O rH CO CM CM lO to o o lO o rH O C l-H CO l-l o O O rH • rH O O CO 1 • • • 1 r-t t • ( i LO to co >o to CO CD C- r-t •# <& o o t- o rH O CO CD CO co to co O O CO o o o o> o • • • • • • • • CO CO CO rH i-t << rH ^» r-t o> CO C- CO *"" e- co I I i OHO CO CD to o to to CD CO CO CD CO CO rfOHOHHIflOOOONNHOICIOOOOOOOnO'il CM © Hi CM OWO) CD * oo> CM o o o CO s to CO o CO CO t- I I I CM CO O to tJ< <« O CM O lO CD CM o CD CO to C- CD ^ o r-t c- n to CO CO o r-i CM to w r-t r-l CO rH to O CO o rH LO LO CO • C- l-H rH t- t- CD O 1 o t CD 1 C- 1 O < tO r-t \n LO t- «J* «* O CM Q CO «* O CM 8 co ■**» CO CM r-i CO O o> a> o f- I I i CM tO VI lO IA •^ o CO o co to co o o CO ># CD tS- tO • • • • • • • • • • • 8 rH CO C- tO o to CD t- O CO LO LO LO CD t» CD CO UD OrHrHO'^lQcOOOtOrHOtOCO^CQ'* r-t ^ r-t O CM C7> • • « o> CO to CO CD to OOOOOOOCOO tO CM 88 CM CD 8cSS o o o • • • co O 10 CO CO to O lO CM CO CO r» O t- t- • I I O >0 CD «* to «o co to o O CO • I SCO to O O Q ^ rH to o OS co c- tO O CM rH CO CO CM t»- r-t CD O to O r- CO CD Oi CO O O O I I I I I • CD C- CO CO rH O ■4« «J» 'J* ^ LO CD ° * Q CO CO o o> •«*< OrHCMtO^COtoC-COO>©rHCMtO^»VOCD r-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tC^f'iC^lC^r^esiti a> LO to CO co CD o © O CM LO • • • • « r-t o 8 cn CM t- co LO CO to OrHOOOOOO CM CO CO r-t rH r-t 8 to »o 75 TABLE NO. 14 Catch of Striped Bass Eggs, Larvae and Juveniles expressed in terms of a standard volume of water strained 1S49 EGGS LARVAE JUVENILES 4/5-6 A7. 1949 4/18-7A. 1949 6/fe-9/22. 1949 Cat oh Catch Catch No. of pe: r 100,000 No. of per 100,000 No. of per 100,000 Station Samples Cubic Feet Samples Cubic Feet Samples Cubic Feet 1 20 68.3 22 2.1 14 3.2 2 27 99.5 28 0 H 4.8 3 27 75.0 31 1.1 It 11.4 4 20 0 22 2.1 tl 4.6 5 28 127.2 31 0 II 14.1 6 27 65.6 29 2.5 tf 31.2 7 23 41.7 24 65.0 It 81.8 8 21 10.3 22 0 It .9 9 20 50.1 22 2,1 It 9.5 10 27 106.2 30 1.2 tt 59.9 11 21 250.3 22 0 It 1.1 12 21 6.2 22 0 II 15.6 13 28 1.3 30 0 It 23,7 14 27 12,1 30 4.8 tt 63.3 15 31 240.1 34 44.5 II 88,4 16 30 404.8 33 326.1 II 59.6 17 31 1193.4 33 772.5 II 63.6 18 28 0 31 6.8 tt 9.1 19 28 1.3 31 0 It .2 20 30 7.2 33 58.5 It 10.0 21 28 6.5 31 6.8 II .03 22 28 2.5 31 159.3 It 0 23 27 1.3 30 106.9 II .03 24 28 2.4 31 49.8 II 54.6 25 30 6.8 33 67.2 II 30.0 26 31 21.6 34 138.6 ■ 65.7 76 O C- S B ID (-1 O %% o> r. 15 ■P r-< 5* in CI -9 rt £§< • o $ 3 z •"9 ^-N a to C 1 aJ CO i-i H O "O 1 ti u a d * -S a CO q =5 a MS w 3» 0 I I c- to to HHCO 0> l|3 O Q Oi Si to MDN lO CO 04 CM i-i cm nCO CO lO rH CM hh^ to «* cm to I I I CM I I II rH CM C5COrHtO NHNHHHNN NWOOOHOrl tO rH rH CM CM CM tO CM U3 8 0 CM O CM «# to o> CO CO U) tO tO CM * I I tO <* r-|. CM tO CM O O C~ c- o to CO CO CO to O CO «d« tO tO I I I »cm m c- I CM i-t CM rH C- CO lO tO O • • • e- • • • rH lO CM CM << CO rH lO tO CM — ' tO CM CO t> CM CO t- eo IO I - >tf rH r-» o> O Q O IO o o i-t CM O •# C~ lO to e- to t> «# to o to 'rH ^ C~ rH i-l tO CO lO ^ rH to CM c- o rH tO to to to to CM tO o c~ c- eo lO CM rH O O rH r-\ r-i rH to CM I O o> to • w • M M *-: • 00 t- iotoo«oooooto jlOWCMCOl^^CT>fH»OtOCC)Cq ■p rf a> o CM u rH rH CM CM CM ^lOtOC-cOO^OrHCMtO^intOt-COOtOrHCMtO^lO HrlHHHHNNNNNN rH rH rH rH 3 77 O r-t O O co =$=lo CM © I r-l CO >>\ CJ> CO to co i-t I O CO •o CO c CO -rt © O hO M C •rt a co ctj +3 fl to cJ C o o I •a -p ci C! ■P "O CO i « tO -H © •H CI CO « e o TJ -P rt CO -H a -p CO CO **• H CO CO C» Q iH rlrt CO to CM in to co t~ • I r-i tO to CO • • CO tj< CO t- LO CM CO CO I I CJ LO t» lO lO o> • • to C- t- co CO CM to to o> r- i I CO iH to t» o o to rj« C- C- SiO^NOH^OO CMO»<#Ot-CDLO>i« cgHr-tncDHOWN ^HHrtNtOCOH COtOOCM^t-ODOOO cot-cococococoLOcc I I I I I I I I I NNfHUOONOl ^©in(>Nt-H (OOUJt>N^i/5^lO O CM ^ CM r-l •*}< to to CO t- • I CO CM LO CO o oo • • a> co lo co ooionom^o^vo C»-tOCM«0<«tOCMCOCDOOCM<0 i-t H WN 8 o «* 01 t» CO r-l CM CM CM Q 8 ^< r-l 00 r-t o o o o •# o CM r-1 to •<* to CM CO O o to r-l CO to lO co LO <* CO CM 9! r-t CM (H t- CD LO to o to r-l CO CO •cJ' to r-t *JI ^< to i-t co r-t to l-H CM r-t to CM r-t r-l CO o o LO t» IOON i-t •& c- CO to CM CM LO r-t CO CO C-- t- t- t- CO e- t- CO co C- c^ LO LO •>* O t- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 » 1 1 1 1 1 1 • t a> to to r-t CO f- CO to o t- CO to «* CM o CO O LO Nt< CO «* to CO *JI to to <• r}1 ^< LO LO CM CM to CO LO o o o O o LO LO CM O CO to f- o CM o CO co LO o o o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • to to cr> CM CO to t CO r-t e- co r-l LO CO vj< LO CO H CM o CM CO CO LO CO LO CO LO CO LO to CO LO CO CO to to <» CM CO CO ^•^CMt-OrH^tOCO tO CM CMCMCMlO^toOCOCMOr-ICMCM t- CO CM CM iH r-t O O CM C- OONN . 00>0> COHH CM 8t- lO »J» to ■* o C7> CO r-l r-t •«* W i-t r-t r-t CO r« t- o> OOCMIOOCMOOQQOO n*rtOO)iniomw!Di>- NtONNt-OWN^HO n to r- co m ^ h co c- tO CM r-t r-i LO tO 0> *£ CJ> CM CO C~ CO LO LO I I I I I CM t- O CO O to tO CM tO tO tO W CO t- to CO 00 LO CO C- OOINOO * to ^ CO to •<* o o *toiSt^ I i i i I t i i i tOCOtOt-r-IOOlOTr-l rJ»rHrHCMCMtOCMCMlO HsoiHinowowsio acfttosnONHcoio^ •^•^^•^■^tJtLOLD^lO";)* ^•toiON'iiHtoHinionNio to to ^Qf-OCMOOt~COOCMCOO> ~LO^ito^iOtOtO'J*lO-^LO s 0)HHHHU)NlONlO tO CM iH ■& ft r-t r-t lO x* ** tO CM LO to co CM r-l CO *J« CM tO CO O •* r-t tO O- <— t OOCMCDOCOOiCMCMCOO OOrttOONOlOWOW ^onomoiotocDrtHm C-J O r-l LO CM ■* r-t IOCM CM OOCOCOCMtJIOOOlOOOLO IOQHWMO^O^MOOiO CMOt*^COOtOCOtOCMsJS'lJltO'«iT^C^COCOtOCMO> OLOCM^O NHNHNNIOHNNH 3 CM CM CM CM 13 nH »*rHt»tOCMOrSOOOCD«l«-Pa>COGOOOC'>LOLOOOe«-t-->* ■ ••••••••••(]••««»«•••»,»• t>0>©rlCM';MtO tOCMtOtOtOtO^CMtOtOCM 0 Or-ICMtOxiOr-ICMtO'tf o> CO LO CM i-l to CO LO to eo CM to to 78 CO r-l\ =feto O I r-l f-l >»CM O r-t -I o 8 o m Si p S « 5 4» -p <-l o C Q •H d d -h 18 Cj -p o in C (0 cj a) 00 C$ X) • •? 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