572 Effects of Lamprey Larvicides on Invertebrates in Streams SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT-FISHERIES Na 572 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE BUR E A iToF'cOMMERciArFisHERiEr UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES Effects of Lamprey Larvicides on Invertebrates in Streams By RICHARD L. TORBLAA Contribution No. 366, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report.-Fisheries No. 572 Washington, D.C. August 1968 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Materials and methods 1 Organisnns collected and identified 1 Effects of treatment in different streams 5 Changes in treated and control streanns 5 Changes in riffle and sand-detritus areas 6 Summary of effects 1 week after treatnnent 11 Sunnmary of effects 6 weeks and 1 year after treatment 1 1 Acknowledgments 13 Literature cited 13 Effects of Lamprey Larvicides on Invertebrates in Streams By RICHARD L. TORBLAA, Fishery Biologist Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Station Marquette, Michigan 49855 ABSTRACT The study was conducted on five streams tributary to Lake Superior and four tributary to Lake Michigan, Samples of the bottom fauna before and after chemical treatnnent revealed that most groups of aquatic organisms were not adversely af- fected by exposure to larvicides. The total number of invertebrates was smaller 1 week after treatment than before treatment, increased somewhat by 6 weeks after treatment, and had returned to pretreatment levels 1 year after treatnnent. Aquatic insects were affected less than other organisms, and invertebrates were more se- verely affected and recovered more slowly in areas of sand and detritus than in riffle areas. INTRODUCTION A program to control the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, in the Great Lakes with the lamprey larvicide TFM (3-trifluo- romethyl-4-nitrophenol) began in 1958 (Apple- gate, Howell, Moffett, Johnson, and Smith, 1961). In some treatments, 5,2'-dichloro-4' - nitrosalicylanilide (Bayluscide^) was used as a synergist with TFM to reduce cost (Howell, King, Smith, and Hanson, 1964). The toxicity of these compounds to several representative groups of aquatic invertebrates has been tested in the laboratory (Smith, 1967). The object of the present study was to determine the effects of these chemicals on aquatic invertebrates in natural waters. MATERIALS AND METHODS Streams were treated with TFMas described by Applegate et al. (1961). One stream (Three Mile Creek) was treated with a nnixture of 98 percent by weight TFM and 2 percent Bay- luscide (Howell et al., 1964). Nine streams were selected for the study-- five in the Lake Superior watershed and four in the Lake Michigan basin. Of these, one stream in each lake basin was an untreated ^Registered trade mark of Farbenfabriken Bayer AG, Leverkusen, West Germany. Mention of commercial prod- ucts does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries. control. 1 made collections in control streams on the same dates and in the same manner as on treated streams. The great variations in the physical and chemical characteristics of the water of the streams (Zimmerman, 1968) did not clearly influence the conclusions of this study. The nature of the substrate, however, influenced findings in different parts of a single stream. Lake Superior streams sampled were Buck Bay Creek, Gongeau Creek, Iron River, Little Garlic River (control), and Wilson Creek; Lake Michigan streams were Little Scarboro Creek (control). Sturgeon River, Sunny Brook, and Three Mile Creek. Three Mile Creek was the only stream in this study treated with the synergistic mixture of TFM and Bayluscide. Study streams, chemical application sites, and sampling sites are shown in figures 1 and 2, Streams, locations, dates of collection, and number of samples are given in table 1. All bottom samples were collected with a modified Hess sampler (Waters and Knapp, 1961). Average concentrations of TFM for each treatment were above minimum lethal con- centration for larval lampreys (table 2). The periods of exposure were the consecutive hours above minimum lethal concentration. ORGANISMS COLLECTED AND IDENTIFIED I separated organisms fronn the debris by a sugar flotation method (Anderson, 1959). Too CHEMICAL APPLICATION POINT: COLLECTION STATIONS BUCK BAY CREEK Figure 1.— Location of Lake Superior study streams, cdemical application points, and collection sites in Michigan. few individuals of most species and of some families were present for meaningful interpre- tation. Thus data for insects are presented for families, and sparsely represented families of an order are sometimes combined in tables and shown under the order. Data for other invertebrates are usually presented by phylum and order. Individual insects were identified to genus and species when possible. The following list (after the order of Pennak, 1953) gives the most precise identification made for various organisms, INSECTS Plecoptera Pteronarcidae Pteronarcys Nemouridae Nemoura Perlidae Paragnetina media Neoperla clymene Phasganophora capita ta Perlodidae Isoperla Chloroperlidae Hastaperla brevis AUoperla Ephemeroptera Ephemeridae Ephemera simulans Hexagenia Caenidae Tricorythodes Brachycercus Caenis Ephemerellidae Ephemerella Baetiscidae Baetisca Heptageniidae Stenonema Epeorus Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia Baetidae Baetis Odonata Gomphidae Ophiogomphus Cordulegasteridae Cordulegaster Libellulidae Agrionidae Agrion J CHEMICAL APPLICATION POINTS • COLLECTION STATIONS GREEN BAY Figure 2.— Location of Lake Michigan study streams, chemical application points, and collection sites. Hemiptera Hebridae Gerridae Corixidae Megaloptera Sialidae Sialis Corydalidae Chauliodes Neuroptera Sisyridae Trichoptera Rhyacophilidae Philopotamidae Chirmarra Psychomyiidae Psychomyia Hydrops ychidae Hydropsyche Cheumatopsyche Diplectrona Hydroptilidae Orthotrichia Phryganeidae Table 1. --Location, date of collection, and number of square-foot (0.092 m.^) bottom samples collected to determine effects of lamprey larvicldes. Lakes Superior and Michigan, 1962-64. Lake and stream Length Treatment point (kilometers above mouth) Sample location-'- (kilometers above mouth ) Date of .'llection Samples Lake Superior: Buck Bay Creek Gongeau Creek Iron River Little Garlic River^... Wilson Creek Lake Michigan: Little Scarboro Creek^. Sturgeon River Do Do Sturgeon River-' Do Sunny Brook Three Mile Creek Km. 8.0 14.5 11.3 11.3 64.4. 6.4 4.8 Km. 6.4 3.2 4.8 4.8 8.0 3.2 2.4 Km. 1.6 4.3 1.6 1.6 0.5 57.9 (1) 45.1 (2) 29.0 (3) 0.5 0.5 May 4, 1964 May 12, 1964 June 23, 1964 Apr. 28, 1964 May 6, 1964 Jiine 10, 1964 July 26, 1962 Aug. 3, 1962 July 26, 1963 Aug. 27, 1964 Sept. 4, 1964 Aug. 27, 1964 Sept. 4, 1964 Apr. 16, 1964 Apr. 24, 1964 June 6, 1964 May 1, 1963 May 9, 1963 June 20, 1963 May 1, 1964 May J, 1963 May 11, 1963 June 22, 1963 May 3, 1964 May 5, 1963 May 13, 1963 June 24, 1963 May 5, 1964 May 7, 1963 May 15, 1963 June 26, 1963 May 7, 1964 May 7, 1963 May 15, 1963 June 26, 1963 May 7, 1964 Apr. 19, 1963 Apr. 27, 1963 June 28, 1963 April 16, 1964 Apr. 24, 1964 June 6, 1964 ■'• Station numbers in parentheses . ^ Control, stream not treated. •^ This station is on Eighteen Mile Creek, a tributary of the Sturgeon River. Table 2. — Stream, date of treatment, average concentration of TFM, and period of exposure. Lakes Superior and Michigan, 1962-64 Buck Bay Creek. . . Gongeau Creek. — Iron River Sturgeon River^. . Do. Sunny Brook. . Three Mile Creek Wilson Creek. Date of treatment Period of exposure May 5, 1964 Apr. 29, 1964 July 27, 1962 (1) May 2, 1963 (2) May 4, 1963 (3) May 6, 1963 (4) May 8, 1963 (5) May 8, 1963 Apr. 20, 1963 Apr. 17, 1964 Aug. 28, 1964 3.8 6.0 3.4 2.3 2.3 Hours 2.8 9.0 16.5 15.7 7.0 16.1 9.3 13.4 6.7 Numbers in parentheses refer to corresponding numbers of locations on table 1; dates, concentrations, and exposure periods reflect passage of chemical at each location as it moved down- stream. ^ Concentration included 2 percent by weight of Bayluscide. Limnephilida e Molannidae Molanna Leptoceridae Lepidostomidae Lepidostoma Brachycentridae Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Lepidoptera Pyralididae Coleoptera Haliplidae Dytiscidae Gyrinidae Elmidae Optioservns Stenelmis Dubiraphia Helodidae Chrysomelidae Donacia Curculionidae Diptera Tipulidae Antocha Simuliidae Chironomidae Heleidae Palpomia Stratiomyiidae Tabanidae Tabanus Rhagionidae Atherix variegata Empididae Dolichopodidae Muscidae Hymenoptera Thysanoptera Thripidae OTHER INVERTEBRATES Nematoda Bryozoa Annelida Crustacea Cladocera Copepoda Isopoda Asellidae Amphipoda Gammaridae Gammarus Decapoda Hydracarina Mollusca Gastropoda Pelecypoda EFFECTS OF TREATMENT IN DIFFERENT STREAMS The effects of lamprey larvicides on aquatic invertebrates were studied from a comparison of bottonn samples taken before and at various periods after treatment. Two pairs of treated and control streams were studied, as were two pairs of riffle and sand-detritus areas. The treated-control series included Wilson Creek and Little Garlic River (control) from Lake Superior, and Three Mile Creek and Little Scarboro Creek (control) from Lake Michigan. Riffle and sand-detritus areas compared were Iron River and Sturgeon River, and Gongeau Creek and Buck Bay Creek. In addition a riffle area of Sunny Brook was studied. Changes in Treated and Control Streams Samples were collected in riffle areas 1 day before and 1 week after chemical treatment of Wilson Creek, and on the same dates on Little Garlic River, the untreated control stream (table 1). The total number of organisms in Wilson Creek 1 week after treatment was 40 percent of the pretreatment number (table 3). Of the organisms represented by 10 or more individuals before treatment, 10 had declined (Leptophlebiidae, Baetidae, Rhyaco- philidae, Brachycentridae, Elmidae, Tipulidae, Chironomidae, Heleidae, Annelida, and Hydra- carina) and 1 had increased (Chloroperlidae). The total number of organisms in the con- trol stream, Little Garlic River, changed little after 1 week, and the composition of organisms showed no clear major change. The total number of organisms after 1 week was 104 percent of the first sample; of the orga- nisms represented by 10 or more individuals, 6 declined and 6 increased. The changes in total number of organisms in Little Garlic River (control stream) and in Wilson Creek (treated stream) showed no relation that would indicate that the major reduction of inverte- brates in Wilson Creek was not caused by the treatment; decreases of some aquatic insects may have been somewhat exaggerated, how- ever, because of seasonal emergence. Lepto- phlebiidae and Chironomidae declined in both streams. Table 3. — Nunber of insects and other organisms per square foot {0.092m. ^) collected in riffle areas in Wilson Q7eek before chem- ical treatment and 1 week after treatment, and on the same dates the Little Garlic River (untreated control), Lake Superior, 1964- Insects: Plecoptera Perlidae Chloroperlidae. . I^hemeroptera Ephemeridae Caenidae JJihemerellidae. . Heptageniidae. . . Leptophlebiidae. Baetidae Oionata Gontphidae Megaloptera Sialidae Trichoptera Hhyacophilidae. . Philopotamidae. . Psychomyiidae. . . Ifydropsychidae. . Leptoceridae. . . . Brachycentridae. Coleoptera ELmidae Diptera Tipulidae Simuliidae Chirt '".jmidae. . . . Heleidae Tabanidae Rhagionidae Bnpididae Muscidae Other invertebrates : Annelida Crustacea Isopoda Hydracarina Mollusca Gastropoda Wilson Creek Pretreatment 1 week Little Garlic River . Pretreatment 1 week Number per square foot Total 371 W8 ore individuals per square foot (0.092nn.2) in san-iples from riffles in treated and untreated streams. In the six treated streams, 64 percent of the groups decreased in number 1 week after treatment, 19 percent increased, and 17 percent showed little or no change (table 10). In the two control streanis, 33 percent of the groups decreased. 50 percent increased, and 17 percent showed no significant change. For the orders of aquatic insects that were well represented, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Diptera declined in the treated streams. Most other groups of invertebrates also declined in treated streams but showed no change in abundance in the two control streams. Table 9. — Change in the abundance of organisms-"- in sand and detritus areas of various streams 1 week after treatment. Lakes Superior and Michigan, 1962-63 [Increase or decrease is greater than 20 percent qhange; increase (+), decrease ( -) , little or no change (0)] Organism Insects: Plecoptera Nemouridae Chloroperlidae. . Ephemeroptera Ephemeridae Caenidae Baetiscidae Heptageniidae . . . Baetidae Odonata Gomphidae Trichoptera Rhyacophilidae. . Phryganeidae . . . . Coleoptera Elmidae Dytiscidae Diptera Tipulidae Chironomidae. . . . Heleidae Empididae Other invertebrates: Annelida Crustacea Cladocera Amphipoda Hydracarina. Increase. . No change. Decrease. . Iron River Sturgeon Fiiver Gongeau Creek -"-Based on groups that contained five or more individuals per square foot (0.092 m.^). SUMMARY OF EFFECTS 6 WEEKS AND 1 YEAR AFTER TREATMENT Recovery was rapid in four of the five streams in which the abundance of organisms was reduced 1 week after treatment: samples collected 6 weeks after treatment indicated that the pretreatment numbers of organisms had been exceeded in three streams, partially restored in one, and further reduced in one (table 11). The one further decline (in Sunny Brook) was probably not entirely due to the effects of TFM. Rapid reestablishment of decimated popula- tions of invertebrate fauna has been demon- strated also by Moffett (1936). Most of the factors that contribute to rapid reestablish- ment as reported by Frey (1961) existed in the present study: (1) most of the aquatic forms were not eliminated from the treated areas and they, themselves, could help in recoloni- zation; (2) untreated streams near the treated Table 10. — Change in the abundance of organisms''- in riffle areas of various streams 1 week after treatment and in control streams, Lakes Superior and Michigan, 1962-6'4 [increase or decrease is greater than 20 percent change; increase (+), decrease (-), little or no change (0)] Organism Treated streams Wilson Creek Three f^le Greek Iron River Sturgeon River Buck Bay Greek Simny Brook Control streams Little Garlic River Little Scarboro Creek Insects: Plecoptera Nemouridae Perlidae Chloroperlidae . . Ephemeroptera Caenidae Ephemerellidae. . Heptageniidae. . . Leptophlebi Idae . Baetidae Odonata Gomphidae Trichoptera Rhyacophilidae. . Psychomyiidae. . . Hydropsychidae. . Phryganeidae . . . . Lepidostomatidae Brachycentridae . Coleoptera Elmidae Diptera Tipulidae Chironomidae .... Heleidae Rhagionidae Empididae Other invertebrates : Annelida Crustacea Isopoda Amphipoda Hydracarina Mollusca Gastropoda Pelecypoda Increase No change Decrease 1 0 15 •*■ Based on groups that contained five or more individuals per square foot (0.092 m.^), 12 Table 11. — Percentage of pretreatment number of aquatic invertebrates in samples for various streams and substrates 1 week, 6 weeks, and 1 year after treatment and in control streams. Lakes Superior and Michigan, 1962-64 Stream and substrate 1 week 6 weeks 1 year Treated streams : Buck Bay Creek Riffle Gongeau Creek Sand -detritus — Iron River Riffle Sand -detritus — Sturgeon River Riffle Sand -detritus. . . Sunny Brook Riffle Three Mile Creek Riffle Wilson Creek Riffle Control streams: Little Garlic River Riffle Little Scarboro Creek Riffle Percent Percent Percent 93 137 40 120 64 - 108 51 65 101 98 25 56 110 60 39 64 - - 40 - - 104 - - 113 154 streams could act as hatcheries or reserves; and (3) upstream migrations could have occurred, because chemical concentrations were less in the lower reaches of streams and many organisms were probably affected little if at all in these areas. Downstream drift (Waters, 1961) may have been another factor that influenced reestablishment in this study; streams were not treated from their sources, so the unaffected populations of invertebrates were available from the head- waters of most treated streams. In the three stations that were sampled 1 year after treatment, all showed complete recovery in total number of organisms, and all major groups present before treatment were well represented. Thus, aquatic inverte- brates, although affected moderately by the selective lamprey larvicides, usually recov- ered substantially in 6 weeks and fully in 1 year. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wesley J. Ebel initiated the study, and Albert W. Bowers drew the figures. LITERATURE CITED ANDERSON, RICHARD O. 1959. A modified flotation technique for sorting bottom fauna samples. Limnol. Oceanogr. 4: ZZi-ZZb. APPLEGATE, VERNON C, JOHN H. HOWELL, JAMES W. MOFFETT, B. G. H. JOHNSON, and MANNING A. SMITH. 1961. Use of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitro- phenol as a selective sea lamprey larvicide. Great Lakes Fish. Comnn., Tech. Rep. 1, 35 pp. FREY, PAUL J. 1961. Effects of DDT spray on stream bottom organisms in two mountain streams in Georgia. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 392, ii 11 pp. HOWELL, JOHN H., EVERETT L. KING, JR., ALLEN J. SMITH, and EEE H. HANSON. 1964. Synergism of 5,Z'-dichloro-4'-nitro- salicylanilide and 3-trifluoromethyl-4- nitrophenol in a selective lamprey larvi- cide. Great Lakes Fish. Comm., Tech. Rep. 8, Z\ pp. MOFFETT, JAMES W. 1936. A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some Utah streams variously affected by erosion. Bull. Univ. Utah 26(9): 33 pp. PENNAK, ROBERT W. 1953. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States. The Ronald Press Com- pany, New York, 769 pp. SANDERSON, MILTON W. 1938. A monographic revision of the North American species of Stenelmis (Dryop- idae: Coleoptera). Univ. Kansas, Sci. Bull. 25: 635-717. SMITH, ALLEN J. 1967. The effect of the lamprey larvicide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol, on se- lected aquatic invertebrates. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 96: 410-413. WATERS, THOMAS F. 1961. Standing crop and drift of stream bottom organisms. Ecology 42: 532- 537. WATERS, THOMAS F., and ROBERT J. KNAPP. 1961. An improved stream bottom fauna sampler. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 90: 225-226. ZIMMERMAN, JEROME W. 1968. Water quality of streams tributary to Lakes Superior and Michigan. U.S. Fish Wildl, Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 559, iii + 41 pp. MS. #1761 13 MBL WHOl Ubrai WHSE 01763 Created in 1849, the Department of the Interior — a depart- ment of conservation — is concerned with the management, conservation, and development of the Nation's water, fish, wildlife, mineral, forest, and park and recreational re- sources. It also has major responsibilities for Indian and Territorial affairs. As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the De- partment works to assure that nonrenewable resources are developed and used wisely, that park and recreational resources are conserved for the future, and that renewable resources make their full contribution to the progress, prosperity, and security of the United States — now and in the future. 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