PILCHARD EGGS AND LARVAE AND OTHER FISH LARVAE, PACIFIC COAST ■ 1950 Marine Biological Laboratory N0V2;:i 1952 WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No. 80 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE PILCHARD EGGS AND LARVAE AND OTHER FISH LARVAE, PACIFIC COAST - 1950 Marine Biological Laboratory NOV 2 2 1952 WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No. 80 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE The seii.es embodies results of investigations^ usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilisation practices and as guides for administrative or legislative actiono It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication o Washington, D. C, October, 1952 HLCHARD EGGS AND LARVAE ANT OTHER FISH LARVAE ^ PACinC COAST, 1950 By Elbert H. Ahlstrom This report contains records of the quantitative sampling of fish eggs and larvae off the west coast of North America during 1950 o The 5.rea Included is roughly that lying between the Colximbia River and Punto Abreojos, Lower California, and extending 350 to UOO miles off shore » The species included are the pilchard or sardine (Sardinops jaerulea), northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) , jack mackerel" (Trachuras sj^Tnmetricus) ^ halce (Merluccius productus;. and rock fish (Sebastodss 5pp.)e 1/ In the tables, pilchard larvae are enumerated by size categories, and pilchard eggs by age (in da^/B) since spavjning. Northern anchovy larvae are also enumerated by size categories. Tabulations are given of the numbers of jack mackerel, hake, and rock fash, three of the most abundant species in the collections. In addition, haul data are given for all collections taken during cruises 11 through 16, February through September, 1950. Descriptions of the eggs and larvae of the jack mackerel and hake are being prepared for early pubiicationo The purpose cf this report is to put these data on recordo Analyses of the data will be presented in subsequent publications o The investigation of the distribution and abxindance of pilchard eggs and larvae is one of the major lines of research being pursued by the South Pacific Fishery Investigations of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the California Cooperative Sardine Research Program* This program is sponsored by the Marine Research Committee and is being carried out in conjunction with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, the California Department of Fish and Game, the California Academy of Sciences, and the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the wholehearted cooperation of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, both in the collection of data at sea and in its processing ashore. The whole staff of the Scuth Pacific Fishery Investigations of the Fish and Wildlife Service contributed to this investigation, with the majority of the workers devoting their full time to it. When it is pointed out that about $0 persons participated in each cruise, either in the collecticn of material or in the operation of the vessels, and that nearly half this number of persons worked iidth the material ashore, it will be e'rident why it is impracticable to include individual acknovjledgments. 1/ The collections were designed primarily to yield information on pilchard o Information on the other species is partially an incidental, although not ur.expected byproducto 135* -T~" IJO- — I — ♦ 0° 35» 25» CO. 80 30.100 lEO* — 1 ITISH COLUMBIA STATION PLAN 1950 SHOWING POSITIONS OF STATIONS IVER OCCUPIED DURING SURVEY CRUISES FEBRUARY THROUGH SEPTEMBER 40.T0 43.30 40.S0 * <^*° ^«APE HCinoomo 40.M • 40.100 40.110 80.70 83^*; 8080 * 8184 *%■;, 9a>o • V 80;oo • "i" 50.110 eo,«o BO.ItO * 60JS0 60^0 60.90 eo.too «atio •aizo eo.iao 67.«8 70 70 ''*J^> 70.80 • "/' „:,. T ....o" "-"• '°'^°^-^' 9M0 • »7.T0 • 97.80 • '"t*" 9190 • 'O^^O * *°°*° iioai loojo * iia4(r ' looiio i8i-.a iiaeo 1001 to iia70 * iiaeo * ctDBOs' M(^o • ' iiaioo itojio 110.110 * I20J0 liaioo* ltO.IIO* iiaoo Figure 1. Station plan, showing location of all stations occupied during the 1950 survey of the distribution and abundance of pilchard eggs and larvae. -2- AREA COVERED The area covered during the survey is shown in figure 1. Not all of the 167 stations shown vjere occupied monthlyj as can be seen from the following tabulation, only 93 to IhO stations were occupied on a given cruise. Text table 1» Stations ! scheduled i through 18. Month Number, scheduled Cruise 11 February 118 Cruise 12 March 130 Cruise 13 April 130 Cruise lit May 130 Cr'jise 1$ June IliO Cruise I6 July T)iO Cruise 17 August 93 Cruise 18 September 109 Number Percent occupied 111 occupied 97 111 85 125 96 129 99 106 76 ilo 100 93 100 108 99 Total 990 926 The nximber of stations scheduled for each cruise is shown in text table lo A simplified tabulation giving the station lines scheduled for each cruise and the vessel assigned to work each line is given in text table 2, Most stations were occupied six to eight times during the season, but stations on the northernmost line were occupied only once (cruise 17) and on the next adjacent line only twice (cruises 17 and 16) . Three vessels participated in each of the monthly cruises. The Crest, operated by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the Black Douglas, operated by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, took part in all of the eight cruises, while the third participating vessel was either the Horizon or the Paolina T., operated by Scripps. Three of the vessels successfully occupied 97 percent or more of the stations assigned to them. METHODS OF SMPLING Fish eggs and larvae \-jere collected by plankton nets that measure 1.0 meter in diameter at the mouth by about 5 meters in over-all length. The nets were constructed of No. 30xxx grit gauze, a rugged grade of Sxviss silk bolting cloth. A sketch of the type of net employed has been given in a previous report (Ahlstrom 19ii£, fig. It). The plankton hauls ivere taken obliquely from about 70 meters deep to the surface at a vessel speed of about 1-1/2 to 2 knots. In taking a haul, the net was lowered on 100 meters of wire (l/U-inch cable) at the rate of about $0 meters a minute, then retrieved at the rate of $ meters a minute. The actual depth reached by the net varied somewhat from haul to haul, depending upon the speed of the ship and the state of the sea. As most of the vessels used for taking plankton hauls could not be slowed down sufficiently when the sea was fairly calm, it was necessary to start and stop the engine frequently d\iring a haul in order to -approximate the desired towing speed. A film trace of the actual path of the net during hauls has been obtained for the tows made on at least one vessel per cruise, by using a microplankton sampler in conjunction with the regular net. The micro- plankton sampler is fastened about 2 to U meters below the regular plankton net. The sampler is equipped with a calibrated bellows and a rotator. A continuous record of the depth of the sampler in the water and the amount of water strained by it during a haul is obtained as a stylus scratch on clear 35-mm. acetate film, the amount of water strained, being recorded on the horizontal axis, the depth of the net on the vertical, ■'^rora these traces tje have verified that the depth of the net at any instant during a haul can be approximated by multiplying the amotmt of wire cut by the cosine of the angle of stray of the towing wire from the vertical (see fig. 2), WIRE OUT IN METERS 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T" SURFACE J I I L •— • PATH OF 1.0 METER NET BY ANGLES PATH OF M.P.S. BY TRACE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L Figure 2. Comparison of the path of a 1.0 -meter plankton net during an oblique haul upward (as determined from the cosine of the angles of stray of the towing wire) with the path of a microplankton sampler (M.P.S.) attached 2.$ meters below the 1.0-meter net, as determined from a film trace made by a pressure bellows. -I- Line 20 - Line 30 - Line UO — Line $0 B Line 6C B Line 70 C Line 60 B Line £3 C Line 8? C Line 90 c Line 93 c Line 97 c Line 100 H Line no H Line 120 H Line 123 H Line 127 H Line 130 H B B B B B B B B C C C c c c c . c c c c c p p p p p p p p p p p p B - B B B B B B C B c B c mm p ~ p » c C — P - P - P - P — P _ P Text table 2» Station lines scheduled to be occupied on cruises 11 through 16, February-September 19$0e Cruise "11 12 ' 13 [ nr 15 iS TT TF B B B B B B B B B B B B C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H H C C H C C H C C HOC H C C HOC Throughout the report, vessels used on survey cruises are designated by the following letters; B - Black Douglas ; C - Crest; H - Horizon; P - Paolina T. MEASURH^-IEIIT OF VOLUME OF WATER STRAINED DlJRING PLAffiTON HAULS A measure of the voltune of water strained during a haul was derived from current meter readings. An Atlas-type current meter was fastened in the center of the mouth of each net. Seven current meters were used during cruises 11 through 16. Two were lost at sea during this period, current meter No. 6 on cruise 12, and current meter No. $ on cruise 13c The current meters were calibrated before and after each cruise on vihich they were used. In calibrating, the current meters x^^ere towed over a measured distance at different speeds. Performance graphs were constructed in v/hich the length of the column of water strained per revolution of the current meters (meters/rev) was plotted as the depen- dent variable against the rate of towing (revolutions per second). Since these performance tests were made both before and after each cruise, the graphs applicable to a given cruise i 6, and 31» Other meters changed their performance gradually, becoming less free-running with continued use (current meter No. 81). "^he abrupt change in performance of current meter No. 32 on Horizon ' bruise Jlij il^as due to "an accidewtol" ^ change in the pitch of the fclades of the current meter 'a impeller. For any given haul, the appropriate calibration graph was used to determine the performance of the current meter (length of the coliann of water strained per revolution) at the speed at which the haul was taken (average rev/sec). The vol^ame of water strained during a haul was determined by multiplying the number of revolutions registered by the cvirrent meter duri.ng a haul by this value, and then teking the cross-sectional area of the mouth of the net (in square meters) into account. For the very few hauls lacking reliable current meter readings, an approximate value was obtained which represented the average performance of the current meter at the rate of speed at which the particular hauls were made. Stich values in table I are enclosed by parentheses. STANDARDIZATION OF THE HAULS For comparability xri.th past data, the same method of standardizing hauls has been employed as that described in a previous report (Ahlstrom 19h8). This standard adjusts the number of eggs or larvae in a haul to the nximber in 10 cubic meters of water strained per meter of depth fished by the net. If the vertical distribution of the eggs or larvae has been encompassed, this value is equivalent to the number under 10 square meters of sea surface. The reader is referred to the above-cited paper for details. SEPARATION OF FESH B3GS AND LARVAE FROM PLANKTON SAMPLES Fish eggs and larvae were separated from the other constituents of the plankton hauls by examining the material \inder a low-power microscope. For the majority of hauls (6I47 samples, representing about 70 percent of the hauls) the complete samples wtre examined. Owing to the large voltime of plankton taken in some hauls, it was necessary to fraction these into aliquot portions. A few samples were divided into as many as 16 aliquots (6.25 percent each), but most fractioned samples were divided into 2, U, or 8 aliquot portions. For all iiquots smaller than 50 per- cent, two portions of each sample were sorted. A tabulation follows of the number of samples from each cruise that were fractioned and the per- cent of each that was sortedl Text table 3 « Current meter performance data for two selected speeds (cruises 11 through 18) . (Based on the average of two calibrations, one made before, the other after the cruise indicated.) Current Cruise on which used Fieters/rev at - - meter 2. .0 rev/sec 3.5 rev/ sec 1/ No, 5 Lost B-11 B-12 at sea on cruise 13 0.252 0,253 0,2ii3 0.239 NOe 6 Lost C-11 at sea on cruise 12 0,250 - 0.250 No. 31 P-ll C-13 C-lli C..15 C=l6 0-17 0.233 0.23ii 0.239 0.2li6 0.2li3 0,231 0.218 0.220 0.229 0.232 0.232 0.225 No. 32 H-lj. H-12 H-.13 0.261 0.258 0,256 0,250 0.2ii5 0,2i;5 H-lli 0. 253/0 o287 0.2lj2/0.'273 P-15 0,295 0.281 F-.16 0.302 0o290 P-17 0.302 0,298 No. 61 B=lh B-15 E"16 C»18 0,256 0,270 0,281 0.290 0.252 0,260 0,27l4 0o280 No, 82 B^17 0.2?6 0.270 No. 87 P"18 0.353 0,352 ]/ The average rev/sec registered by the current meters during most hauls lie between these two values. Text table ho Nitmber of samules from each cruise. by proport: ion of sample sorted Fractioned samples examined by sorting aliqvot po irtions rep res ;enting— Whole samples Total 12 «5 percent ' 25" percent 50 percent samples of sample _» of sample of sample sorted examined Cruise 11 3 8 15 86 llh Cruise 12 2 7 28 7h 111 Cruise 13 - 17 k2 66 125 Cruise ih 1 12 3ii 82 129 Cruise 15 - - 20 86 106 Cruise l6 - h 111 9^ liiO Cruise 1? 1 2 18 72 '93 Cruise l8 - 2 22 220 8l4 611 108 Total 7 52 926 LITERATURE CITED Ahlstrom^, Elbert H. 19U3 • Studies on the Pacific pilchard or sardine (Sardinops caerulea) li« Influence of temperature on the rate of development of pilchard eggs in nature. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service^, Spec. Sci. Report No. 23, 26 pp. I9I18. A record of pilchard eggs and larvae collected during surveys made in 1939 to 19iil. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Spec. Sci. Report No, 5U, 76 pp. Marr, John C, and Elbert H. Ahlstrom I9I18. Observations on the horizontal distribution and the numbers of eggs and larvae of the northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) off California in 19hO and 19lil. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Spec. Sci. Report No. 56, 13 pp. Sette, Oscar E., and Elbert H, Ahlstrom 19h8. Estimations of abundance of the eggs of the Pacific pilchar-d (Sardinops caerulea) off southern California during I9I4O and 19 hi. Sears Found. Journ. Mar. » Res. vol. VII, No. 3, pp. 5ll-5Il2. GUIDE TO TABLES Table I»— =Record of Oblique Hauls made with Plankton Nets dviring Cruises 11-16 in 1950. Station? The letter preceding the station number is used to designate the vessel from which the collections were madeo The four participating vessels are designated as follows § B - Black Douglas ; C - Crest; H - Horizoni P =• Paolina T » Station numbers are made up of h to 6 figures separated into two groups by a doto The figures before the dot represent the number of the line on which the station occurs^ the figures following the dot represent the position of the station on the lineo Station lines are numbered from north to souths stations on lines from inshore to offshore o Refer to figure !„ the station chart for I95O5 showing all stations occupied during cruises 11 through l8c Position "No lato,, W. longer The positions given represent the best estimate of the position of occupancy of each station© Dateg Month given in Roman numerals,, the day of the month in Arabics thus VIII -5 is August 5o Hour g The time indicated is approximately that of the mid-depth of the haul as the net was being brought obliquely upward. The hours are given on a 2li"hour basis| thus 1930 is equivalent to 7s30 p«m. Duration of Haulg Given in minutes to the nearest quarter minute • Depth (Meters) s Depth of the stratum fished^ in meters, Volo of Water Strained s In cubic meters (see preceding text)* Estimates given in parentheses were not based on current-meter readings. S, Factors Standardized haul factor (for explanation,, refer to Ahlstrom 19l6). Table II. —Record of Pilchard %gs., 1950. Number of Nonnal Eggs? Number of normally developing pilchard eggsc Total number of Eggs 8 Includes all pilchard eggs taken in sample^ whether normal or abnonnal. Pilchard eggs were classi- fied as abnormal when the embryos were stunted and misshapen in appearance. It is not known whether such abnormalities are caused by a diseased condition of the eggs or by mechanical Injury during collectiono Pilchard eggs are separated into the several days of spawning- represented in sach sample (see Ahlstrom 19U3)«. The age cate=> gories are designated as follows? A ■= eggs spawned within 2li hours of collectioni B - eggs spawned within 2k to ii8 hours of collection" C =■ eggs spasmed within U6 to 72 hoiirs of collectioni D = eggs spawned within 72 to 9$ hoxirs of collectioni Unclass, (Unclassified eggs) - refers to deteriorating eggs that could not be classified with certaintyj n «- total number of pilchard eggs in a standardized haul« Average n ' § Average number of eggs in a standardized haul per day of spawning represented* Because of incomplete age categories^ resulting from collection being made while spawning or hatching was acstively taking place^ not all age categories were used in determining n\ but only those followed by an asterisk (for a discussion of this problem, refer to Sette and Ahlstrom^ 19li8) » Table III .—Record of Pilchard Larvae^ 19^0 Mi<^<3;tob. of size classes 8 The larvae are grouped into size classes "wiich have the following midpoints and ranges g: Midpoint Range (in rameX (injmn.) 3.25 6oT5 8e75 9.75 10.75 llc75 2.25 ° I4.25 U.26 5.26 6.26 7^26 8.26 9.26 10.26 11.26 = 5.25 = 6-25 ^ #5 = ^.25 - 9*2^ =10.25 '11.25 =12.25 Midpoint 12.75 13.75 111. 75 15.75 17.25 19.25 21.25 23.75 Range ' (in mm.) 12.26 - 13.25 13.26 - li;.25 lli.26 - 15.25 15.26 = 16.25 16.26 =. 18.25 18.26 - 20.25 20.26 - 22.25 22.26 = 25.25 10 Table IVo^-^ecord of Anchovy Larvaej 1950 Same as above except for the first category g 3 .0 mm o size class containing larvae from 1<,76 to ho25 rmna in lengths In previous paper dealing with the numbers of anchovy eggs and larvae collected off southern California during 19iiO and 19 III (Marr and Ahlstrom 19l;8)<, larvae were tabiilated by niimbers but not by size© Table Vo-.=Record of the larvae of Jack Mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus),, 1950 The standardized numbers of larvae are listed by station for the eight cruises^ 11 through l6j and a station total given in the next to the last columno The station average (last column) represents the average number of larvae per haul taken during the season at each station. A dash indicates that the station was not occupied on the cruise o Table VIo-= Record of the Larvae of Hake (Merluccius productus ) , 1950 The comments concerning Table V are applicable to Table VI « Table VII,-=Eecord of the larvae of Rockfish (Sebastodes spp,)^ 1950 Refer to the comments given above for Table Vo The larvae of all species of rockfish taken in our collections are grouped together as Sebastodes sppo 11 Table I Record o if Oolique riavds mad c v/ith i^lanl:t( 311 lets ca^rins Cruise.o 11-lC in 1950 ■ Fosibioii "TKiratlorT"" i)epth, Tol.oi S Station 1'. latr \U lone. Date Houx- of Haul ileters I'nter Factor (1 Strained Craise 11 3-50.55 39030 ! 12^1-° 30 ' 11-16 1310 23.25 0-69 785^9 ,874 50.60 39020 ' 12'l-°52' 11-16 1715 2.2.5 0-71 778,0 .907 50.70 39°oo ' 125°36.5' 11-16 2345 24.0 0-67 323.8 .816 50.80 38'^i;0 '• 12o'^21' II-l? 0640 25.25 0-77 347.6 o907 50,90 38°20' 127°05' 11-17 1230 22.75 0-68 763,6 .883 50.100 3o°00 » 127049' 11-17 1900 24,5 0-69 343.8 08O8 50=110 37°^0 1 123033* 11-18 0250 23 c- 5 0-70 7S7e6 .886 50.120 37° 20 ' 129°l6,5' 1 1-13 0925 23^5 0-69 819.8 .837 50.130 37"00' 130000' 11-13 1040 24.75 0-71 304.1 .383 55.60 * 38023. 5' 124014 • Ii-16 0^:00 24.25 0-73 733=6 .9^-^9 60.60 37037, 123037' 11-15 1230 23.0 0-67 3l9o7 .320 60,70 37017* 124021 * 11-15 0700 22.5 0-70 742.9 .9^5 60:80 36057' 125°04» 11-15 0025 23 = 75 0-71 666.0 1,060 60^90 35037 1 125047' II-1.'+ 1815 22,5 0-71 689-7 1.028 60.100 360171 126030 ' II-l-'i- 1145 22,25 0-73 705-2 1.037 60,110 35057. 127n2' li-m- 0550 23.75 0-70 782,5 ,398 60.120 35° 37' 127054,5' 11-13 2310 23 c 75 0-68 797 = 0 .852 60, no* 350171 123037) n-13 1700 23^75 0-72 827.7 .875 61.55 370371 123°07=5' II--15 1715 12.25 0-67 434,6 1.546 65.60 36oij.5 1 123000 ' 11-8 0350 24.25 0-68 351.1 .793 70.55 36003' 122002 • 1 1-8 1755 25>75 0-75 792.0 .951 75.60 35001 ! 121046' 11-9 0240 26,75 0-78 906.4 .35? 80.55 340191 120048 ' 1 1-9 1250 13»25 0-66 473.3 1.388 80.60 3'i'O05' 121O09' U-9 1735 12,75 0-65 466.8 lc336 80.70 330Z19! 121051? II-9 2355 14.0 0-63 535^7 1.182 80.80 33029s 122,032' 11-10 0715 23^75 0-72 752.6 .961 30,90 33009? 123°13 ' 11-10 1500 12,75 0-74 '.■10,3 1.803 80.100 32° 49' 12305^' 11-11 0915 23.25 0-70 . 776,9 .906 80,110 32029' 12ij-o34.5' 11-11 1950 14,5 0-70 556.-2 1.258 BO.iro 320091 125°l5-.5' il-5 O83O 24 0 5 0-68 329.. 6 .821 80,130 31049 « 125056' II-5 0145 23,25 0-75 962.0 *780 C-70.60 35°5l ' 122021' II-2 0410 23.0 0-70 670.3 I0O50 70.70 350331 123006' 1 1-2 1155 22.5 0-70 695.3 1,013 70 c 80 35°12« 1230^8' II-2 1630 24.75 0-70 694,6 1,015 70o90 34053 « 124030 I II-2 2230 22.25 0-76 606,7 1,261 70,100 3^^32.5' 125*12' 11-3 0500 23c0 0-71 623.6 1,140 70.110 ilo sconple o'btained 70 „ 120 ITot occupied 70.130 "Jot occuoied 83.55 330441 1200 24' 11-10 1105 12e0 0-66 ■ 3?7«5 1»75/^- 83.60 33033. 120045' iI-10 0650 12.5 0-64 415.0 1,552 83.70 33°15' 121°25' 11-10 0040 12.25 0-69 397 c 6 1 . 7-'i-6 83,80 32056' 122004 ' II-9 1335 12.25 0-72 378.3 I-.908 83,90 32° 38' 1220/M' II-9 1250 12.5 0-71 379.3 1.869 87.35 33050 « 113037,5' 1 1-7 1815 23.0 0-72 646.7 1.110 12 Tatle I (cont'd) P.ecord of O^blioue Hi'.nls m. de vdth Plao-i^ton iTots during Cruis es 11-13 in 1950 Posit ion Duration Depth Vol. of s Station i.'-lats Wo long. Date Hour of Hr.ul Meters l.'ater Strained Pactor 53 » 5^!- 38058' 124°00« VII 1-5 1605 12.25 0-67 467.4 1.433 57.5^- 38°2i|-« 123<'35' VIIi-5 0820 14.0 0-64 496.5 1.279 C~6o.6o 37037 I 123037 1 YIII-9 1930 22.75 o-so 529.6 1.507 60.70 37017 ( 124021 ' YIII-10 0115 12.0 0-68 3^!-9.4 1.949 60.80 36°57<.5' 125°04« VI 11-10 0645 13c 25 0-70 382,9 1.815 60,90 36° 39' 125047 • vi:i-io 1205 12.25 0-70 351.9 lo995 60.100 35019! 126031 ' VIII-10 1305 12.0 0-65 369,9 1.763 60,110 35058' 127012.5' Vlii-10 2?30 12,25 0-70 363.2 1.922 60.120 350391 127055' viii-11 0555 12.25 0-70 374<.9 1^859 60,130 35^15.? ' 123036 . -,7- VI 11-11 1155 12.0 0-69 362.8 1.907 61.55 37035.7'- 123009" vili-9 1520 22,25 0-70 620.0 1.126 63.57 37009* 122053.4' VIII-9 1040 22.75 0-70 642.5 1.088 67.55 36033. 7' 122026 « viii-9 0440 27c0 0-74 689,6 1,072 70.55 35°47=5' 122010,5' VI 11-13 2120 12.5 0-70 359.2 1.963 70.60 35°40 ' 122030' VI I 1-13 1750 12.75 0-70 373-1 1,876 70.70 350231 1 23010 ' VII 1-13 1210 12.5 0-78 310.8 2.506 70„00 35°o6.5^ 123°5l^5' VIII-13 0635 13.5 0-76 37^1-. 6 2.037 70.90 •5/4.0 /.1.91 124031.51 VI I 1-13 0040 12,5 0-75 353.5 2,086 70cl00 34033 ' 125°12' VI I 1-12 1910 12.5 0-73 356,6 2.058 70.110 34019.5* 125054' VIII-12 1345 12,5 0-71 353.7 1.979 70.120 33057. 126034' VI I I -12 0810 12.75 0-71 364.8 1»955 70.130 330351 127°l4c5' VIII-11 2400 12.25 0-70 368.7 1.912 73.51 35°29.5' 121014' VII 1-14 0355 12.5 0-61 3S6.9 1,566 77.55 34052.5' 121O08.5' vi:i-i4 0845 12.0 0-70 339.2 2.076 80.55 34019' 120048' VIII~14 1350 12.25 0-70 366.6 1.909 80.60 34°09' 121009' VI I 1-14 1735 12.0 0-6S 339,9 2.006 80.70 33011,91 121047.5' VIII-15 0005 12.5 0-71 324.5 2.197 80.80 33°28.5' 122026,5' VII 1-15 0540 12.25 0-72 339.2 2.114 80.90 33009! 123005' VIII-15 1135 12.25 0-70 355.1 1.977 80.100 32°43.5' 123044' VIII-15 1650 12=0 0-68 346.6 1.965 80.110 320 23' 124023' VIII-15 2205 12.5 0-71 368.3 1,928 8O0I2O 32007' 125°03' VIII-16 0335 12.0 0-70 351.9 1.989 80,130 3l°45.5' l25°4lo5' VIII-16 O850 12.25 0-69 354.8 1.936 90,30 330241 117°54.7' VI 1 1-19 0100 12,75 0-63 379.7 1.786 90,37 33°ll' ll8o23c5' VI I 1-18 2010 12.0 0-70 362.4 1.937 90.45 52054,5' 11^056,3' VIII-13 1535 12„5 0-73 353. 0 2.045 90.53 32039,3' 119029.5' VI I 1-18 1045 12.25 0-71 352,6 2.014 90,60 32024. 8 « 119059.3' VII 1-18 0530- 12.0 0-63 367.6 1.864 90.70 32=05' 120040' VI 11-18 0010 12,5 0-71 579.7 1.873 90,80 31045' 121019' VII 1-17 1900 22,75 0-71 620,7 1.137 90.90 3l°35.5* 121056.5' VIII-17 13i;.5 22 „ 75 0-70 676.4 1.042 90.100 31°14.15 122038' VIII-17 O8O5 12.0 0-70 . 387.6 I.803 90.110 30052.8' 123° 18 ' VIII-17 0305 12.5 0-65 384.9 1.000 90.120 30031 s 123°58.6' VIII-16 2005 12.25 0-68 363.3 1.380 13 2?Me I (cont'd) Record of Oblique Hauls mcd.e vita Plr.u:t on l:ets t.urin^:j Crt\] Lses 11-18 in 1950 Posi tiou ;, De.tG Hour D-aration of Haul De^jth. Meters Vol. of Ifr-ter S Station il. Ip.t, VJ. lon^ P.ictor Strained syJ+o 33040 ' 118°50 1 1-7 2215 23.25 0-73 60i:-.4 1.214 87.50 33°20' 11 9° 39 IX-8 Oi^-05 12., 0 0-35 336.8 1.042 37.60 33°oo» 120°23 1 1-8 1035 12.5 0-70 343.0 2,055 07.70 32°'l0' 121°05' 1 1-8 l6'.^o 13.5 0-74 389.6 1.894 37. oO 32° 20' 121°.'^2 II-8 2225 12o5 0-63 394.1 1,728 87.90 32°00 ' 122° 2^!' 1 1- 9 0515 12.5 0-76 333.7 2,244 90.30 33°2i^.5' 117°55 1 1-7 1205 23.0 O-bS 690.2 ,935 90.37 330131 113°2^;- II-7 0725 23.0 0-72 602.0 1,196 90,^1-5 33000' 11G°56 II-7 0150 23.25 0-74 631.4 1.164 90,53 32"''l2' 119° 30 1 1-6 2105 23.0 0-69 703.4 .985 90.60 300301 119°55. 5' II-6 1635 12.5 0-74 -^61.1 2.058 90.70 32°66' 120°38 II-6 1100 12,5 0-70 351.0 2.000 90.80 3l°/|-5' 121°1^ 1 1-6 0425 22.25 0-71 601.6 1.175 90.90 31° 25' 122°00 II-5 2220 23.0 0-72 574.3 1.254 90.100 31°0S' 122°^!0 n-5 1545 22.5 0-68 620.7 1.104 90.110 30°'45 • 123° 20 1 1-5 0950 21.25 0-62 744.6 .326 90.120 30°2^.5' 124°00 ' 1 1-5 0314 23.0 0-70 673.5 1 = 038 93.30 32° 50' 11 7° 3-1- 11-11 0440 12.0 0-60 372.9 1.837 93JiO 32° 23' 110°12 ii-11 0930 13.0 0-70 383.0 1.813 93.50 32°03 ' llo°55 ii-ii 1810 12.5 0-65 336.6 1,676 93.60 Ifot occuoied 93.70 31° 30' 120°li!- 11-12 Oii.'lo 13.0 0-76 362.0 2.113 93.80 3l°07.5' 120° 55 ' 11-12 1235 12.5 0-73 336,6 2cl66 93.90 30040* 12l°3i iI-12 1725 13.0 0-75 374.0 2,000 97.32. 32°11 • 117°17 il-l/|- 1130 12,0 0-72 353.9 2,014 97. -K) 3l°55' 11 7° 50 il-liv 0645 13 = 0 0-73 365.6 2.002 97.50 31 "^35' 118°30 11-14 0035 I3c0 0-66 393. s 1.673 97.60 3l°13' 119°il 11-13 1810 12.5 0-61 416.9 l.i;58 97.70 300301 11 9° 50 11-13 1210 12e0 0-71 357,1 1.997 97.80 30031 1 120°3i 11-13 0555 12.5 0-76 340.3 2.245 97.90 30°16 ' i:.l°09. 5' xi-12 2340 12.5 0-70 336.8 1,812 H-100.?0 3l°^0.5' llo°/|-6. 5' J. 1-12 l5'^o 2i:..o 0-59 331,2 ,670 100 J: 0 31*21 ' 117 ''27 11-12 0935 23.25 0-63 633,3 .989 100.50 31° 01' 118°0? 11-12 0240 24,0 0-68 705.8 c959 100. 60 30°^!-! ' 118°4?, 5' 11-11 2235 24.5 0-66 698.3 • 951 100.70 30°20.5' 119° 27 11-11 1525 23»0 0-70 722.7 o962 100.80 30001 ' 120°07 11-11 1315 24.25 0-73 630^2 1.165 100,90 2?°40.5' 120°4? 11-11 0555 23.0 0-70 725.3 .962 100.100 29°20.5' 121° 27 11-10 2350 23.25 0-71 660.1 1.063 100,110 29°00.5' 12 2° 07 11-10 1720 21c0 0-75 602.6 1 . 246 100.120 20°/l-0.5' 122°46 11-10 1105 23»25 0-67 743.6 .896 105.35 300391 116° 33 1-31 0250 25.5 0-71 ■760. 5 . 920 110.35 2':'°i+6.5' 116°00 II-7 21^!-5 24,5 0-30 508 „1 1.569 110,^:0 29° 36. 5' 116°19, 5' I 1-3 oi/;o 23,25 0-65 792.5 .820 Ih TalJle I (cont'd) Record of Oolique rlr.uls mr.ue v;ita rlrrUrton ::.et£; during Crnises 11-18 in 1950 i^OEJ .tion Date Hour Eviration of Haul Depth Meters ¥01. of 1/ater S Station i". lat . Iv. long. Facto] Strained 110 o 50 29°l6,5' 116059' n-8 0735 22,5 0-65 704,6 ,918 110.60 20056.5' 117°39' I1-3 1350 23.-5 0-78 648.2 1.197 110.70 23° 36. 5' 113°13 ' 1 1-3 1945 24.0 0-78 591.8 1.310 110.80 23°l6.5' 118°57.5' II-9 0215 24.25 0-70 737.5 .943 110.90 27°5b.5' 11 9° 36' II-9 0825 23.0 0-65 738.3 .876 110.100 27°36'5' 120°15' II-9 1410 23.25 0-67 726.5 ,924 110.110 27°l6.5' 120054.5' 1 1-9 2055 23.0 0-72 670.1 1.073 115.40 23°45' 115°46.5' n-7 1350 23.5 0-70 693.8 1.009 120.35 23°03' 114054' II-6 1000 14.5 0-^1-6 359.8 1.278 120c 45 27043 ' 115*33' 1 1-6 0350 23,5 0-63 687,4 .921 120.50 27033: 115°52.5' II-5 2300 23.0 0-69 620.9 1,110 120,60 27013 ' 116031.5' II-5 1715 24.5 0-64 810. 5 .791 120.70 26°52.5' 117°10' II-5 lO-'-l-O 23,0 0-74 6ii4,0 1.151 120.80 26032^5' 117°43.5' 1 1-5 0435 23.0 0-64 772.7 ,824 120.90 25°13' 113027,5' il-5 0025 24.5 0-59 858.7 ,684 120.100 25°53' 119°06' II-4 1605 23.5 0-63 826.8 .760 120.110 250331 119°44' 1 1-4 1015 22„25 o-6i 803. 5 .759 123.40 2?"18' 114051.5' II-l 0235 24,0 0-71 686.8 1,031 123.50 26058 ' 115''30.5' II-l 0705 23.0 0-72 631.2 1.144 123.60 26038.5' 116009' II-l 1225 23^25 0-63 725.7 .871 127.40 26043.5' 114°29.5' II-2 0740 22.75 0-62 780,2 .783 127.50 26023.5' 115°08' II-2 0115 23.25 0-71 525.1 1,350 12.7. 60 26003.5' 115°46„5' II-l 1925 23.5 0-68 770.2 .873 130.35 26019' 113"^.'-3.5' II-2 1400 27.0 0-55 ?96,5 '555 130.40 26009' 114007,5' 1 1-2 1700 23.5 0-69 693.4 1.001 130,50 2504c 1 114043.5' II-2 22/:-5 23.0 0-70 700,3 ,996 130.60 25°29' 115°24' II-3 0500 23.5 0-62 810.1 .771 130.70 25°08.5' 116002' iI-3 1105 23.25 0-76 539.5 1.298 130,30 24048.5' 116040' 11-3 1720 23.5 0-63 671.9 1,009 Cruise 12 B-40.45 ilot ouciititative 40.. 50 Zi,]_09'?« 125°23' IU-13 0930 23.5 0-73 703.3 1.035 40„60 41003= 125009' I 11-13 0325 12.75 0-68 422,5 1.605 40.70 /; 0042 ' 126° 55' IH-12 2150 12c 75 0-68 464,8 l.ii6i 40.80 40° 23' 1270^:0' I 11-12 1635 12.25 0-69 ^!19.1 1.653 40.90 40O02' 123° 25' I I 1-12 1015 12.0 o-6^i- L'A-5.6 lo443 40.100 39042 ' 129°10 II 1-12 0400 13.0 0-69 410.5 1.676 4oaio 39023' 129055 ' I 11-11 2150 24,25 0-67 810.7 .830 43.50 40°48" 124057' I I 1-13 2345 23.25 0-73 750.0 .969 43.60 40° 23' 125043' I I 1-14 0415 23.0 0-73 732.9 .991 47.55 40O0i; ' 124055' I I 1-14 1530 14.0 0-63 505oO 1.343 •'1-7.60 * 39° 54' 125°18' I I 1-14 li.65 23.0 0-73 810.0 .904 50,55 * 390^0' 12'^:-o30' 1 1 1-3 1605 22.75 0-71 748.3 .950 50.60 39°20' 124052' 1 1 1-3 2220 23.75 ■ 0-71 743.0 .953 15 Tr.Me I (coiit'd) Secord of Obliqtie Hrnls urde \riuh. ?lr.:il:ton -'ets dui'ing Cru.ises 11-18 in 1950 Poea .tion. Date Hour Duration of iirul Depth Meters Vol. of Water S station II. lat. VJ. lons^;, Pactor StxV'^'ined 50.70 39°00 ' 125°36.5' III-9 0330 22„5 0-72 710.4 1.021 50.30 38''-^40 ' 126° 21' ni-9 1335 12.75 0-63 416.0 1.647 50.90 38<'20 ' 127'"05" III-9 2155 14.0 0-70 430.2 1.634 50.100 58°00' 1270491 III-IO 0600 12.75 0-71 423.7 1.656 50.110 37040 i 12C°33' 11^-10 1225 23o5 0-63 717.6 .946 50.120 37° 20' 129°l6.5' I 11-10 1935 23.0 C-74 627o2 1.172 50.130 37000' i30°oo« I 11-11 0400 25.25 0-66 753.3 .872 55.60 33028.5' ' 124014' 1 1 1-8 0345 24.25 0-70 833.9 .337 60,60 37° 37 ' 1230371 III-7 1045 13.25 0-67 403.8 1.667 60.70 37°i7 ' 124° 21 ' III-7 0400 23.25 0-67 673.9 .996 60.80 36°57' 125°04' 1 1 1-6 1945 23.25 0-72 715.1 1.003 60.90 36°37' 12504? ' III-6 1245 23.75 0-66 729.6 .902 60,100 3o°l7' 126°30» 1 1 1-6 0435 22.25 0-75 654.2 lel45 60.110 35057. 127°12' 11 1-5 2215 24.25 0-68 730,5 .930 60.120- ■^c^or,ryi 127°54.5' liI-5 1425 23.0 0-71 756.3 .939 60.130 35°i7' 123° 37' 111-5 0445 23.5 0-71 740.3 .945 61.55 370371 123°07.5' IIi-7 1755 23.75 0-63 879,2 .715 65 060 j6°h5 ' 123°00' III-l 2145 16.5 0-69 522.5 1.321 70,55 36^03' 122°02 ' 1 1 1-2 0830 15.0 0-65 492.5 1.324 70.60 35° 53' 122° 23' IIJ.-2 1410 24.0 0-68 S33.6 .810 70.70 35° 33' 123°06' III-2 2125 25.0 0-69 734.0 .375 70,30 350131 123°43' III-3 0410 13.0 0-64 425.4 1.511 70 . 90 3-':°53' 124° 30' 1 1 1-3 10^-5 14.25 0-70 461.1 l.5l^^ 70,100 3^° 33' 125°12' III-3 1710 23.0 0-69 782.9 .879 70.110 3^i-°l3' 125°5^: ' III-3 23^0 24.5 0-63 795.4 .852 70,120 330531 126°35.5' II 1-4 0645 13,0 0-65 550.9 1.176 70.130 33° 33' 127°l6.5' III -4 l:":30 13.0 0-66 451.8 1.454 C-80. 55 3^;-°i9' 120°48' III-2 1115 23.25 0-70 695.5 1.011 30.60 3'^°09 ' 121°09' III-2 1525 22.25 0-73 626.4 1.167 30.70 33°''i-8 ' 121°50 ' 1 1 1-2 2145 14.25 0-74 420.8 1.756 80.80 30,02b • 122°32' IiI-3 0420 13.5 0-69 iM4.3 1.670 8C.9O 3-003.5. 123°13' III-3 ilot quantitative 80.100 32°48 ' 123°56 ' III-3 1750 13^75 0-73 403.1 1.809 80.110 32°29' 1240341 II 1-4 00). 5 13.5 0-69 451.2 1.531 30.120 32010' 125'^13' III-4 07^10 23.0 0-69 716.7 .957 80.130 3l°^!'9' 125°56' II 1-4 1555 23.5 0-70 715.5 .974 83.55 Tot OCG upied 33.60 Hot occu^jied 83.70 xTot occupied F-33,80 32°55' 122°06' III-IO 1545 12.25 0-63 360.5 1.384 83.90 32°42 ' 122°49' III-IO O83O 22.25 0-60 771.9 .780 87.35 33050 1 113°38' I I 1-12 1600 22.5 0-65 756.2 .854 87,^0 33040 ' 118°58« I I 1-12 2025 13.0 0-64 456c 5 1.391 87.50 33020 ' 119°39' I I 1-13 0140 07.0 0-36 228 c 4 1.554 16 Table I (cont'd) Eecord of ColiqtiB Hnils nrde i-dtli Plcr.l-ton letr. (fairing Cruises 11-13 in 1950 Position 'Dv.te Hour Duration of Zaul Depth. ■ ileters Vol . of ".-.'ater S Station r. lat. '.'. lonQ, Pactoj Strained 87.60 320591 120021 • IIi-13 0355 12.75 0-67 438.9 1.531 07.70 IJo ECJiple toJ.: en due to loss of gear 87.80 :Tot- occupied 87.90 Hot- occixoied 90.30 ■ 33°24.5' 117°55.6' III-I6 0220 13o25 0-71 (394.-3) 1.791 90o37 33°ll' 113023.5' I I 1-16 0750 12.75 0-69 (305.^) 1.790 90.^■5 32°5^:'.5' 118056 ' I 11-16 1340 11.75 0-67 (377. ^^ ) 1.765 90.53 32038.5' 11 9° 29' III~l6 1940 13.0 0-75 (352.1 ) 2.127 90.60 Hot occupied 90.70 I'ot occf.pied 90.30 ITot occupied C-90.90 3l°23' 122007 « III-6 0625 23.0 0-73 606.5 1.210 90.100 3l°05' 122.040 ' III-5 225 -^ 22.75 0-73 632.3 lvl53 90.110* 30"46 ' 123021' III-5 1545 24.75 0-71 769cl .926 50el20* 300255 124001 ' IiI-5 0755 25.0 0-68 840.0 .808 p-93.30 32050. 117° 31. 5' III-18 0625 12.5 0-62 (?f33.6 ) 1.423 93.^:0 32030. 118012.5' IX 1-17 2335 12.5 0-70 (3G0c5) 1.332 93.50 32°10' II8053.5' 111-17 1610 14.0 0-70 (420e2) 1.656 93.60 31042' 119015' III-17 0335 12.5 0-68 (392.9) 1.721 93.70 ITot occupied 93.SO "ot occupied 93.90 i'ot occupied 97.32 ilot occupied 97.^^0 Tot occupied 97.50 ilot occupied 97.60 Hot occupied 97.70 ITot occupied 97.80 ITot occupied 97.90 Hot occ upied H-100,30 31°42„2' 116043.5' I 11-15 0040 23.0 0-74 696.0 1.059 100.40 310231 117024' I I 1-14 1320 12.0 0-63 419.0 1.506 100.50 31° 04' 113005' I I 1-14 1215 23.0 0-56 731.4 .723 100 060 30045 1 II8043 ' IIi-l4 0635 22.5 0-61 697.^ .376 100.70 30023.8' 119026=3' I I 1-14 0030 12.25 0-63 433.2 1.433 100.30 30004' 120007.5' III-13 1350 23.25 0-62 720,1 .c362 100.90 290441 120047' III-13 1250 22.75 0-71 713^3 .997 lOOolOO 29020.5' i:;lo27' III-13 0640 23.0 0-78 700.3 1.107 100.110 29001' 122007' II 1-13 0045 22.75 0-62 837.9 .73^ 100.120* 2G040 ' 122045 ' I 11-12 1900 24.0 0-72 673-0 1.06? 105.35 300391 116033' 1 1 1-2 0020 23.75 0-65 (318.1 ) .795- 110.35 29046.5' li6°oo' 1 1 1-9 I8O5 22.25 0-63 800,2 .856 110.40 29036.5' 116019' 1 1 1- 9 2135 22.5 0-76 (702.3) 1.086 110„50 29015' 115059' I 11-10 0350 23.0 0-75 (723.0) 1.037 110.60 2O0531 117039' III-IO 0915 23.75 0-74 783.9 .938 17 Tatile I (cont'd) Hecord of Oblique 'i;:.uls nirxle v.'itli Pirn" -ton - ots diirinc Cridses 11-13 in 1950 Position Date Hour Duration 01 Haul Deptli ileters VoloOf s Strtion i'f, lat . iJ. Ion,". i'actor Ctrrlncd 110,70 28°39' 118018' ii:-io 1315 23.5 0-76 695.7 1.038 110.00 .28°13.5' 113°57.5' III-ll 1020 23.0 0-72 724.4 .990 110.90 .27°56.5' 119°36' III-ll 1550 22.5 0-61 3^-4.9 .724 110„100 27° 36, 5' 120015 ' III-ll 2125 22.75 0-77 710.1 1,036 llOellO 27°l6.5' 120055' I 11-12 0450 22.75 0-68 333 » 3 .810 113.35 29°12' 115039. III-9 1325 22.75 0-69 833-. 3 .828 117.35 28° 37' Il5°l6' 1 1 1-9 0820 22.25 0-70 So5,9 1,050 120.35 23°63' 114.54' III-9 0445 19.0 0-56 615.7 .906 120.i,^5* 27°40 ' 115032' IIx-8 0610 25.5 0-60 863.5 .791 120.50 27031 1 115-^52.6' 1 1 1-8 0125 23^25 0-56 932.7 .599 120.60 27°14.2' 116032' III-7 1900 22.5 0-63 840.7 .752 120.70 26°54.5' 117°10' III-7 1320 23.25 0-63 374.3 .725 120.80 26°33.5' 117051' ,111-7 0640 23.5 0-71 770.5 ,921 120.90 , 26°l4' 118027' III-7 0020 22.25 0-72 722.4 .999 120.100 25°53' 119^04' III-6 1-35 23.0 0-70 778.1 .905 120.110^ 25° 30. 7' 11904/;'' III-6 1200 24.5 0-66 752.7 ,878 123.40 , 27°13' 114051.5' 1 1 1- 2 2145 25.25 0-80 (SO 8. -9) ,988 123.50 2G°55'5^ 115°30»7' ii:-3 . Oi^;15 22.75 0-75 702.9 1.067 123.60 26° 30' II6016' 111-3 1050 23.25 0-72 776.7 .924 127.40 26043.5' 114030' III-4 0515 23.0 0-71 779.1 .906 127.50 . 26023' 115'-^0B' 111-3 2310 23.5 0-79 6-':0.3 1.240 127.60 26003' 115°46,3' III-3 1655 22.75 0-77 723.2 1,063 •130.35 . 26010,4' 113046.3' III-4 1150 22.5 0-70 743.3 .935 130. ilO 26° 09' 114°03' II 1-4 1605 23.5 0^72 705.1 .944 130.50 25°51.5' 114045' III-4 2Qi:o 23.0 0-72 716.5 1.011 130,60 25031' 115°30' III-5 0450 22.5 0-6/;. 799.2 .803 130,70 25''0o.5' 116062' III-5 1115 23.0 0-72 3n!.3 .890 130.80 2ij,oii,q * llboito' III-5 1740 0-70 760 0 5 .914 Cruise 13 E-40.-45 • 41° 33' 125°00' IY-15 2045 14.0 0-68 521.0 1.309 40.50 41023' 125°23' IV-15 1625 23.5 0-68 879.8 .775 40 c 60 41003' 126009' IV-15 l0i^5 22.75 0-70 779 » 2 .397 i!0.70 40042' 126055 IV-15 0505 13.75 0-69 /1.64.8 1.430 40,80 * 40° 23' 127040 ' IV-14 2220 13^75 0-70 424.3 1.657 40.90 40002' 123°25» IY-1^- 1455 23.0 0-68 786.9 .370 40.100 39°42 ' 129°10 ' IY-14 0820 25.0 0-69 723.9 .950 40.110 390231 129055' I\^-14' 0335 13.75 0-68 445.5 1.515 43.50 40°48 ' 12.':-o57' IY-16 1350 13.0 0-70 482.0 1.452 43.60 40° 20' 125°43 ' IV-16 1025 24,0 0-70 826.4 .351 47.55 * 40° 04' 124055 • IY-16 2i;'-o 13.25 0-73 •'1-19.0 1.733 47.60 3;°54' 125018' lY-16 l6i:.0 22.75 0-71 789.1 .898 50.55 39° 30' 124030 ' Iv-iO 1415 23.75 0-68 913.7 .735 50.60 39°20 ' 12^-05? » IV-10 1855 23.75 0-70 8/:.l,7 .828 50.70 * 39000' 125036.5' IY-11 0120 24.25 0-70 815.7 .361 18 Ta'ole I (cont'd) F.ecord of Oblicue "->,\'.ls nrtLe v.-itli Plruilrtou -lets during Cruises 11-18 in 1950 irositioa — ■ duration De:)th Yoloof S station IT. lat. \I. lone. Dnte "lou:: 01' 'i£,Ul li'eters 'vp.ter £ti-c.inrd i'r.cto] 50,80 38°40 ' 126°21' IV-11 1225 23.25 0-77 556.5 1.334 50.90 3o°20« 127°05' lY-ll 1940 25.5 . 0-66 330.2 .754 50.100 38°00' 127°49 • IV-12 0620 13.25 0-71 ¥^0.1 1.622 50.110 37040 < 123°33' 17-12 1135 14.75 0-66 S-'S.ii 1.224 50,120 37°20' 129°l6.5' IV-12 1905 13.75 0-70 kbs.e 1.497 50.130 37°00' 130° 30' IV-13 0300 15,5 0-70 481.3 1.454 55.60 33°28.5' 12.';-°l4' IV-10 0350 13.25 G-70 487.0 1.446 60.60 37035. 123°40 ' 17-9 1120 13.0 0-70 469.2 1.503 60.70 * 37°17' 12':° 21' 17-9 ok'io 23.75 0-70 713.5 .973 60.30 36°5?' 125°04' 17-8 2105 15.75 0-63 562.9 1.203 60.90 35037. 125°47' 17-8 1420 22.75 0-68 883.6 .771 60.100 36n7' 126°30' 17-8 0900 23.25 0-69 1033.7 .669 60.110 35°57' 127°12' 17-7 2305 24.25 0-06 320.3 .798 60.120 35° 37' 127°5'i>5' 17-7 1^25 23.75 0-69 395.2 .771 60.130 35017. 123° 37' 17-7 0840 23^25 0-69 815. 1 .851 61.55 37° 37' 123°07o' 17-9 1725 23 c 25 0-63 889.7 .769 65.60 360^1.5 i 123°00' 17-3 2220 21,0 0-58 741.2 .778 70.55 36004' 122°03' 17-4 0750 13.5 0-68 613.5 1.113 70.60 35053. 122°23' 17-4 1320 13.75 0-70 604.7 1.166 70,70 35033. 123°06' 17-4 2020 13,0 0-63 515.6 1.222 70.30 35013. 123°43» 17-5 0305 25.5 0-69 812,6 .852 70o90 34°53' 124° 30' 17-5 1005 12.25 0-63 515.7 1.214 70.100 34° 33' 125°12' .17-5 1630 11.75 0-70 491.4 1.420 70.110 34° 13 ' 125°54' n-5 2300 23.25 0-63 908.2 .691 70.120 33053. 126° 35. 5' r--6 0630 23.25 0-71 803.7 .885 70,130 33033. 127°l6.5' 17-6 1225 23.0 0-59 843.3 .819 H-80, 55 3^^'^2l ' 120°50' 17-4 0840 14.25 0-71 479.3 1.481 80.60 34° 09' 121°09» 17-4 1300 12.25 0-72 434.0 1.664 80.70 33°49 ' 121°5l* 17-4 18.'>5 12.75 0-61 485.9 1.251 80.80 330301 122°37' 17-5 0100 13.25 0-66 419.8 1.577 80.90 330091 123°13' 17-5 0640 13.0 0-65 ii43.5 1.468 80.100 32°49 ' 123°54' Iv-5 1305 11.5 0-59 453.9 1.294 80.110 32°29' 124°34.5' 17-5 1850 12.5 0-69 439.8 1.564 80.120 32°03' 125°l6' 17-6 0130 12.75 0-75 3':i.i 1.931 80.130* 31°49.5' 125°58' 17-6 1105 23.75 0-70 323.7 .352 83.55 33°42' 120° 24' 17-12 0410 12.25 0-55 610.0 .893 83.60 33° 34' 120°45 ' 17-11 2355 14.0 0-77 395.6 1.936 83.70 33°i3' 121° 24* 17-11 1730 13.25 0-71 475-1 1.497 83 ,,80 32°56' 122° 05' 17-11 1145 12.75 0-74 424.4 1.751 S3. 90 320291 122°46.5' 17-11 0525 13.0 0-69 458.9 1.^1-93 87.35 33050. 113°37' r:-9 1630 12.5 0-68 450.1 1.5.04 87.40 330 A|^ « lia°53« .17-9 l8/;5 I5o0 0-71 487.9 1.447 87.50 Hot occiroied 87.60 32°55' 120022 ' 17-10 o^;-35 12.5 0-81 ■ 377.4 2.138 87.70 32039. 121°D6« 17-10 1035 13.5 0-89 291.8 3.040 19 TalJle I (cont -•d) Hecorcl of Gbli.-aie jTiawls m-xle uitli Plnnlzton I'ets diiri UG Cruises 11-18 in 1950 Posi tion D-ixration Depth Vol. Of b Station IJ. Ic^t. I',', 10X1;'^, Date Hour 01 llav.l iieters l.'rvter Str-lncd Factor 87,30 32°1B.5« 121°^-! ' IY-10 1625 12.75 0-77 391.7 1.971 87.90 31°54,5' 122.022' lV-10 2310 12.25 , 0-7^1- 407.2 1.322 90.30 33° 24' 117055' IV- 9 0935 l^.oO 0-67 445.3 1.500 90.37 33^11' 118023 ' IV-9 0450 n,o 0-71 460.5 1.544 90.4^ 32° 54' 113056' IV-8 2335 14,5 0-76 405,0 I-.S77 90,53 32036 i 119028" IV-8 laiio U'.25 0-73 ,393.8 1.G49 90.60 32° 26' 119056' IV-8 i':-05 13o?3 0-77 404..7 1,390 90.70 32°o6' 1200^7 •' IV-3 0740 24.5 0-68 10?.4.3 ^666 90.30 310471 121015 ' n-3 0150 14.0 0-77 3Ca.3 2.019 90 c 90 31° 25' 121°59' IV- 7 1940 22.5 0-74 733.2 1.009 9oaoo 3l°03' 122.042' IV- 7 1355 23 eO 0-77 -730.3 1.052 90.110 30°39' 12302.4' lV-7 0655 22,0 0-63 869,0 .725 90.1^0 30022' 12.4002' IV-6 2320 23.0 0-6''' 846.1 .817 93.30 32°5l ' 1170 '^2' lV-12 1005 12.5 0-77 337.6 1.992 93.40 32°30« 118012.5' Iv-13 0045 13.5 0-71 449.3 1.567 93^50 32°10 * 113053.5' IV-13 0720 l^l-.O 0-83 330.3 2.512 93.60 31050 « 119034' iV-13 i5?o 13.0 0-75 318.9 2,361 93.70 Hpt occupied 93.80 ITot occuijied 93.90 ilot occupied 97.3^ 32«11.5' 117017* IV-15 0355 12.25 0-63 439.0 1.433 97.^0 31=55 ' 117056* IV-15 0/;35 12.75 0-69 452.3 1.521 97.50 31°37' 113030.5' IV-15 00^1 0 12.5 0-71 420.7 1.692 97.60, Ifct occupied 97.70 30055* 119050.5' IV-14 1715 13.75 0-60 . 461.3 1.309 97.80 30030 ' 120034' IV- .14 1140 13»0 0-84 359.7 2.344 97.90 30013 1 121oi4' IV-14 0600 13 ..5 0-81 345.5 2.356 •100.30 31040.3' 116047' IV-17 0050 12.25 0-69 37^:-. 2 1.352 100.40 31°£0' 117027' IV-16 lb55 22.25 0-65 554,0 I0I77 100,50 300501 113°03 ' IV-].6 1050 22,5 0-69 642.6 1^077 100,60 30040 ' II8050 ' IV-16 0/!30 23,0 0-69 625.3 1.107 100.70 30^19.5' 119029.5' IV-15 2215 22,25 0-67 652.1 1.029 100.80 29° 57. 2' 120010' IV-15 IblO 23.25 0-71 708.6 1,002 100.90 05035; 120049 ' IV-15 1020 22.5 0-70 703.2 .991 100,100 29017' 121029' IV-15 Oi'OO 22.5 0-70 674.1 1.040 100.110 28°57.5' 122003,5' IV-14 2145 22c5 0-71 685.2 1,033 100.120 23039.51 122°43.5' IV-14 153.5 22,75 0-72: 645.6 1.111 105.35 300% • 116032.7' IV-3 2240 22,75 0-65 677.7 .961 110/^5 290^' 6. 5* ll6°0l' lv-11 1425 22o5 0-69 511.7 1.341 110. iiO 29036,5' 116020' IV-II 1815 22.5 0-69 606,8 10029 110.50 29013.5' II605Q' IV~12 0000 22o5 0-67 689.1 .972 110.60 23050' 11702,01 IV-12 0605 22,75 0-69 600.3 1.020 110,70 28036' 113013.5 « IV-12 2250 22,75 0-70 704,, 7 .990 110.80 2,8015,8' 113057! IV-13 0440 22.5 C-71 675.3 1.045 20 Tabl e I (cont'd) Record o f Cblimxe Hauls mad e v'ith Plaiilcton liets during Crui ses 11-18 in 1950 Posi tion Date Hour Luration of Haul Depth Motel's Vol. of Vatev S Station JT, lat. If. long. Factor Strrined 110.90 28°00« 1190351 IV-1? 1035 22.5 0-67 661.0 1.020 110.100 2T°38.7' 120°17.5' IV-13 1605 22.5 0-70 689.1 1,014 110,110 27° 22' 120°53' IV-1? 2155 22.5 0-70 635.6 1.018 113.35 29P12.5' 115°39' iv-ii 0820 22.5 0-73 6l4,7 1.183 11705 23° 36. 8' 115°l6' r;-ii 0250 22.5 0-71 657.3 1.076 120.35 28°03.3« ll4°54o6 5 n-10 O83O 11.75 0-72 362,1 1.983 120. i^5 27°39^5• 115° 32' J.v-10 0020 22.75 0-71 665.4 1,073 120.50 27° 31' 115°54' IV- 9 2035 22.5 0-69 685.6 i.oii. 120.60 27°13.5' ll6°33' lV-9 1500 22.5 0-70 711.3 .981 120.70 2o°5l.5' 117°l4» iV-9 1025 22.5 0-71 604.5 1.036 120e80 26°32.2' 117°51.2' IV-Q 0450 22.75 0-72 661.0 1.089 120.90 26°12.5' 118°29' lV-8 2135 23,0 0-68 705.7 .965 120.100 25° 52. 5' 119°06» IV.-8 I035 22.5 0-67 711.5 c938 120.110* 25° 31' 119°^j6« IV-8 1120 23.5 0-71 695.3 1.021 123.40 27'l6o2» 114°51' xV-5 0335 23.25 0-70 621.5 1.130 123.50 27° 02' 115°30' IV- ^, 0915 22.5 0-70 670.1 1.040 123.60 26^38' ll6°09' IV-'^ ihio 22.75 0-70 670,4 1.047 127.40 26o/,-3' 114°29.5' lv-6 0725 22.5 0-68 643,6 1,050 127.50 26°21,3' 115°11.5' 11-6 0100 23.0 0-73 616.8 1.137 127=60 26^04 « 115°46»8' lv-5 2005 23.25 o-7i 653. s 1,091 130.35 26°i6' 113°45' iV-6 1420 22.75 0-69 663.1 1.039 130.40 26°09' ll4°07.3' rv-6 17^0 22.75 0-71 542.6 1.309 130.50 250491 114°46,5' IV-6 2335 23.75 0-68 6bi.o .994 130,60 25°29' 115° 24' IV-7 0i-!40 22.5 0-68 6^^6.0 .973 130.70 25°12' ll6°G2.8' lv-7 1125 23.0 0-69 693.1 .993 130.80 * pM-°i'.S ' 116040' IV- 7 1755 2i':75 0-69 700,0 .983 Cru.it; e 14 B-^0.45 * kl^jy 125° 00' v-16 1820 13.5 0-59 i;-oi.2 1.730 ^■o,j)0 41° 23' 125° 23' v-16 1135 13.75 0-63 516.6 1 = 218 ^1-0.60 /MOOS' 126°09' T-].6 O'-l-lO 13.5 0-71 (377,8) 1.871 ^0.70 hQol'Zf 126° 55" v-15 20i^5 14,0 0-73 (364,5) 2.003 40.80 40 "23' 127°40» v-15 1245 24,5 0-72 609.9 1.187 40.90 40°02' 123°25' v-15 0325 24.75 0-71 806 . 3 .886 40.100 39°42' 129"10' v-l^- 1730 23.75 0-74 598.0 1.246 40.110 * 39° 23' 129° 55' \-ik 0715 25.0 0-70 786.6 .892 43.^0 i.'0°/.|-8' 124° 57' T-16 2315 14.25 0-68 4?3.2 1.416 ii.3.60 40° 28' 125°43' v-17 0620 24.0 0-65 795.4 .813 47.55 iMot ci_uantitat Lye 47.60 39°54' 125°18' V-17 1210 24.25 0-74 733.2 1.011 50,55 39° 30' 124° 30' V-10 2200 1-^.0 0-53 438.9 1.326 50.60 39°20' 124° 52 ' V-11 0310 2':-, 5 0-75 575 ol 1.297 50.70 39°oo' 125°3o.5' V-1 1 1056 23.25 0-70 559.9 1.259 50.80 38^^:0' 126°21' V-11 1755 23.25- 0-64 983.3 .650 50,90 33 0935 11.0 0-55 314.1 1.742 70.70 35° 33 123°o6' v-3 1625 13.0 0-66 436.9 1,506 70 c 30 35°13 123°48' Y-3 2^,-00 I'i-oO 0-68 333.2 1.775 70 . 90 '5^1.05? 124030' -r_4 0705 13^25 0-67 467 cO 1,426 70.100 3^i'°33 125°12' 7-4 1410 2^^.0 n-68 533.9 1,151 70.110 3^^°13 125° 56' V-4 20^10 23 c 5 0-70 (672.4) lc043 70 ..120 33053 1 126035.5' V-5 0345 24.0 0-60 (732.3) .923 70.130 33033 127<'i6.5' v-5 1000 23.25 0-70 761.7 .916 1-80,55 3i|-°21 120050 ' ^>3 0305 25. Q 0-61 1021.2 .599 80.60 3^010 121010 ' 7-3 1200 1-^.2'^ 0-69 500.3 1.382 30.70 33050 121051 ' v-3 lt)05 13.5 0-69 438.^:- 1.421 80.30 33028 122° 32' Y-'l- 0020 13.25 ' 0-66 548.0 1.210 80 = 70 37009 12:013' v_4 0640 13»0 0-59 432.9 1.230 80.100 3po£;,OI 123054 « Y-4 1305 12.5 o~6i 487 0 3 1.254 80.110 32029 12/1-034,5! Y_4 1355 12.5 0-73 411.5 lc78l 80.120 320091 125°15.5' V-5 0135 13 .,0 0-S5 3-^-9.8 2,496 80.130 31050 125° 57' v-5 07CO 12,75 0-74 4/: 8. 2 1.656 83.55 330''i4 1200 2-^1.5' 7-12 0245 13.5 0-56 550.3 1.008 83.60 33034 120-^45' V-11 2235 12.75 0-72 420 c 6 1.705 83.70 33°l'!-. 5' 121026* 7-11 1630 12«25 0-39 641.9 .604 83.80 32oij,o 1 1220C6' V-11 0930 23.25 0-75 733.5 I-OI7 83.90 1220^7' 7-11 0355 23.0 0-70 784.8 .396 87.35 33050 1 113037,5' 1/-Q 1105 12«0 0-73 454.0 1.604 87. -'lO 33040 1 118°58,5' V-0 1700 12.25 0-/1-6 618.6 ,740 87.50 33020 119039.5' 7-9 2120 11.5 0-64 J 1-63.0 1.391 87„60 33000 120021.5' 7-10 0255 13.0 0-71 /:4A'-c9 1.600 87.70 32040 ' 121004 ' 7-10 0325 13.5 0-66 475.9 lc33'5 87 c 80 32019. 5' 121043' V-10 1520 23.0 0-65 833.6 .779 22 Eecord of GlDlique Table I (coat'd) ?Ailr, mrde v/itu Plcnhton lletr, during Cri'ises 11-18 in 1950 Position Date Eoitr Duration of Ilai.Tl Deptii i'ieters Vol. of I'/ater ■ 5 station IL lai ;. V:. long. Factor Strained 87.90 32°00 122025' T-10 20ii-5 23.75 0-49 1060.3 Mo 90.30 33024, 5' 117°55' V-8 1215 12.25 0-52 545.7 .951 90.37 33"' 11 1I0023.5* v-3 0745 12,5 0-50 555 0 9 .890 90.45 32°56 II8057' V-3 0205 13.25 0-00 488.6 1.353 90.53 32° 35 119026' V-7 201 1-5 12.75 0-63 442.7 1.432 90.60 32°25 11^056' V-7 1600 23.25 0-75 706.2 1.053 90.70 32° 04. 5' l.".oo39' T-7 0835 22.75 0-66 810.6 .809 90.30 31° 50 121019 ' v-7 0315 23.75 0-31 669.6 1.2X4 90,90 31 "^27 121059' V-6 2310 23.25 0-72 742.2 .971 90.100 31° 04, 5' 122.040' Y-6 1310 23.0 0-53 945.1 .553 90.110 30046 123016' v-6 0625 2-^,0 0-69 796.7 .869 90.120 30°24. 5' 12A'O01' V-5 2305 23.75 0-73 745.1 .982 93.30 32°50 117°31.5' V-12 1735 23 c 73 0-57 926.1 .611 93,40 32030 118012,5' V-12 2305 12.0 0-53 447 0 5 1.293 93.50 30007 118°57' V-13 oi^'S 14.0 0-43 634,2 .678 93o6o , 31°49 119° 34' V-13 1105 22.5 0-6:- 7.56.1 = 915 93.70 31° 28 120016' V-13 1710 23,0 0-63 876.4 .714 93-80 31 °0^- 120O58„5' V-13 2325 13.0 0-71 442.7 1.595 93.90 30037 121045' V-14 0540 12.0 0-65 452.6 1.445 97»32 32°ll. 5' 117°17' "-I0 0030 12.5 0-71 457.0 1.545 97.40 31°56 117051 ' V-15 1355 12.5 o-;.i7 583.8 .802 97.50 31036 113032' V-15 1235 12.75 0-61 481.7 1.260 97.60 31°i5= 5' 119010.5' V-15 0635 12.0 c-45 591.1 .761 97.70 30° 55 119050.5' V-15 0055 13.25 0-79 403.3 1.951 97.30 30035 120031 « V-14 1805 12.5 0-60 519.2 1.150 97.90 30007. 5' 121011" V-14 1205 12.75 0-38 352,1 2.499 C-100.30 31oi!0 ll6o<':6' V-15 1930 12c 25 0-68 362.4 1.863 100,40 31027 117°21' V-15 1405 23.25 0-71 575.7 1.233 100.50 31007 113002' V-15 0715 22.75 0-70 523.7 i.3':'0 100.60 300.^5 1130/.14' V-15 0135 23.5 0-71 623,3 l.l/'.5 100.70 30025 11902.4' V-14 2005 22.5 0-70 6i:4.7 1.036 100.80 30°05 120 004* V-14 1420 23.25 0-71 634o8 1.120 100,90 29043 i20o;'-3' V-14 0850 22.75 0-72 591.5 1.222 100.100 29023 121025' V-14 0300 23.25 0-73 567 0 9 1.237 100.110 29004 122002' V-13 2135 22.75 0-72 646,9 1.110 100.120 2ao/i4 122038' V-13 1535 0-72 0^0.1 1.099 105.35 30 0 3'^. 116039' V-2 2345 23o75 0-6^1- 736.1 .867 110.35 29046 116003' V-11 0815 23.0 0-68 654.0 1.047 110,40 29029 ' 116022' V-11 1055 23.75 0-67 0-3^,6 »976 110.50 29°l6 116059' V-11 1635 22.75 0-68 712.1 .949 110.60 28055 117°40 ' v-11 2215 25.5 0-68 683.5 .995 110.70 23033 ' 1 ISO 24' v-12 0355 22.75 0-70 691.7 1.015 110c 80 28°17 ' 118055 ' V-12 0350 23.75 0-70 656.7 l.O-^A 110.90 27°55 ' 119035' V-12 1:>15 23^0 0-70 652.2 1.070 23 Table I (cont'd) Record of Colinue Hfiuls mrdn v/itii Pln^iltton .."cts during Cruises 11-13 in 1950 Foci tion — —- — — — Dur ration Depth 7ol.of s Stp.tion IT. lat . . ". lon;^. Date ' Hour of Hroil Meters Urter Fr.ctor St rallied 110.100 ,^7038! 120016 » V-12 2100 23 = 5 0-72 657 = 0 1.096 110.110 27° '22' 120055' V-13 0230 22.75 0-72 643 c 8- 1.112 113.35 r9''ii' . 115°41 ' V-11 ■ 0045 22,5 0-',a 530.2 1.227 117.35 '28"^ 37 ' 115°l6' V-10 1915 23.0 0-66 722.3 .910 120,35 ■i;3°b3' 114054' 7-10 1^>20 19.25 0-56 303.0 1.537 120,;'-5 ■27° '2' , 115o'l2' v-9 ■ 1105 22.75 0-71 530.5' 1.227 120,50 27° 3?' ■ 115° 53' 0635 23.5 0-73 673.7 1.070 120.60 ■27° 20' . 116033' v-9 • 0055 23 = 0 0-70 725.2 .961 120.70 -27^03' , 117007' v-8 1900 24.0 0-7A'- 072.3 1.093 120.80 2604.6' . 117°53' 7-8 ■ 1315 22.75 0-69 729.5 .949 120.90 ■26° 24', 113032' v-8 0850 23.5 0-72 688.1 lo 0^1-2 120.100 26°00 • 119007.5* V-8 ■ 0100 23.0 0-n 524.8 1,391 120.110* ■ 25038 ' j^iqojoi v-7 1902 23,0 0-73 719.5 1.020 123.il0 27°l6'. 114054.5' V-4- ■ 0325 13.75 0-63 419.1 1.613 123.50 26° 57' 115031 ' V-4 OS 10 23.5 0-70 696^1 1.011 123.60 26°37.3' 116009.5' 7-4 1440 2''.0 0-74- 691.7 1.070 127. A'O 26039 « 114033' 7-5 ■ 0855 22.75 0-72 676.4 1.060 127.50 26° 23' 115008.5' ':-'^ o?5j 22.5 0-71 556.3 1,232 127.60 26005' 115043 ' 7-4 2040 23.0 0-74 694.4 1,064 130.35 26019' 113043 • 7-5 1535 22.5 0-71 1„420 130.^0 26010 i 1140 03' 7-5 1935 23c0 0-69 6?0.7 lc.089 130.50 230/. n i 114045 1 V-6 0205 23.75 0-72 653.5 1.103 130.60 25028' 115023' 7-6 0820 22,75 0-69 690. s . 993 130.70 25008' llD'-aO = 7-6 1455 23.75 0-68 750.5 .902 130.80 * 24°55 ' 116041 ' 7-6 2345 23.25 0-72 773.6 .937 Cruise 15 3-i!.0,^-5 Hot occ\ipied 40.50 • Hot be cupied 40.60 , Hot occupied 40.70 • 40oi4.Z' 126055' 71-20 1620 12.75 0-75 376.0 2.003 . 40 ,80 ■ 11,0023: 127040 ' 7Ir20 0810 14=75 0-67 ^1.47.7 1.497 . 40.90. /:.o°02' 123025' 71-20 0115 12.75 0-68 403,4 1.660 . 40,100 ■ 350/1,2 1 129010' 71-19 1825 12.75 0-71 ■ 383 ..6 1,327 40,110 35023. 129055' 71-19 1150 13.0 0-72 396.9 1.812., 43.50 • Hot occupied i 43.60 . Hot oc cupied 47.55 Hot occupied 47.60 Hot occupird • 50,55 n/yooQt 124030 ' 71-16 1605 13.5 0-68 344,0 1.974.' 50.60 39020 ' 124052' 71-16 2010 12.25 0-68 390.0 1.751 50.70 39000 * 125'' 36, 5' 71-17 0220 12.75 0-65 412,6 1.58.3 50.80 33040 ' 126021' 7i-17 0840 12»5 0-67 393.6 I..695 50.90 38020* 127=05' 71-17 1530 12.25 0-68 372,7 1.811 50.100 330002 127049' 71-17 2315 12.5 0-68 291c 4 2.344- 2l| F.ecorcl of ODliq\i.e Table I (cont'd) Ir-uls nade lyith ?li:nkton Nets during Cniises 11-18 in 1950 Po;: it ion j-. Date Hour Duration of iluul Depth Meters Vol . of I'/atcr s Station i\r. lat. \I. loni Factor Strained 50.110 37° 40 ' 123033 ' VI-18 0525 12.25 0-72 369.4 1.941 50.120 370201 129016, .5' VI-13 1120 12.0 0-66 351.0 1.883 50.130 37°00» 130000 VI-18 1700 12,25 0-71 301.5 2.361 53.5^ 38°53' 124° 00 ' VI-16 1000 12.0 0-68 330.3 2.053 53.64 38°38" 124044 VI-15 0010 12.75 0-72 325.1 2.227 57.5^^ 38°24' 123°35 VI-16 0925 12.25 0-65 411.4 1.580 57. 61^ 38°04' 124019 VI-15 1530 16.75 0-71 444,1 I.6O8 60,60 370371 123037 VI-1/!- 1625 13.5 0-71 352.6 2,005 60.70 370171 124021 VI-14 0945 15.0 0-64 393.5 1,619 60.80 36°57' 125°04 VI-14 0215 13.0 0-72 358.7 2,016 60.90 36037' 125°4? VI-13 1820 23.0 0-69 662.0 1,047 60.100 36°17' 126030 VI-13 1040 23.75 0-70 713.0 .985 60.110 350571 127°12 VI-13 0330 14,0 0-72 380,1 1.889 60.120 35037 1 127°54, 5' vi-12 2000 25.5 0-72 733.5 .978 60.130 350171 128°37 Vl-12 1220 22,2.5 0-72 696.0 1.034 61.55 370371 123°07. 5' VI-14 2120 13.0 0-61 379.6 1.615 63.57 370091 122°58 VI-5 1825 12,5 0-74 432.7 1.713 63.67 36049' 123041 " vi-6 0625 14.0 0-72 365.1 1.969 67.55 350391 122° 26 vi-7 0825 13.25 0-73 385.6 1.885 67.65 36019' 123°09 vi-6 1720 14.75 0-42 625.0 .670 70.55 36^03' 122002 vi-9 0935 18.75 0-81 662.0 1.221 70.60 350531 122023 vi-9 1435 23.25 0-69 605.7 1,142 70.70 350331 123° 06 vi-9 2100 26.5 0-66 542.5 1,226 70,80 350131 123043 vi-10 0430 24.0 0-68 382,2 1.771 70.90 34053' 124030 vi-10 1050 22.25 0-68 443.6 1.542 70.100 34033' 125°12 VI-IO' 1805 14.25 0-77 342,7 2.247 70.110 34013' 125°54' vi-11 0135 24,75 0-67 642.7 1.046 70.120 330531 125035. 5' vi-11 0950 23.0 0-70 585.5 1.196 70.130 330331 127°l6. 5' vi-11 1705 24.0 0-70 561.5 1.248 C-73.51 350351 121°20' VI-8 0705 12.5 0-76 382,3 1.998 73.61 35°15' 122° 03' VI-8 1235 12.75 0-68 412,7 1.645 77.55 34054' 121°13" VI-9 0010 13.75 0-67 (425.2) 1.578 77.65 34034' 121°55' VI- 3 1745 12.5 0-78 337.4 2.008 80,55 34019' 120048' VI-9 0510 13.0 0-75 417.1 I.8O3 30.60 34° 09' 12100s ' VI-Q 0910 12.75 0-82 357.6 2.293 80.70 33°49' 121058' VI-9 1450 12,75 0-69 403.7 1.709 80.80 330311 122033' VI-9 1950 12.25 0-68 385.2 1.752 80.90 330121 123012' VI-10 0205 12.0 0-70 359.1 1,941 80.100 32049' 123°56' VI-10 0755 11.75 0-69 363.5 1,901 80.110 32029' 124034' VI-10 1325 12.0 0-69 384,1 1.799 8u,120 32009' 125°15' VI-10 1930 12.0 0-67 380,9 1.756 80.130 31049' 125056' VI-11 0120 12.0 0-70 384.3 1.829 83.55 33°4l' 120025' VI-16 0610 12.25 0-71 291.4 2.430 83.60 330321 120045' VI-16 0225 12.25 0-68 267.2 2.552 25 TaMe I (cont'd) Record of Cblinue Hauls made with Plmikton -'ets dui'lu^ Cruises 11-13 in 1950 ?( jsition _— _-_.__-. ^__^^ Duration Deptii Vol. of s station il. lat, ¥, long. Dr.te EOT',1" Of Eaia Meters \irtov Factor Stiv'iiiied_ 83.70 33013 ' 121025 » VI-15 2115 12.5 0-72 33/I-.8 1.874 83.80 3205^!- i 122007 ' ¥1-15 1545 12,0 0-70 370.5 1.387 83e90 32° 36 ' 122.046 ' VI-15 1100 12.25 0-72 375=5 1,920 87.35 330^1.9 ' 118°37 ' vi-13 2320 12.25 0-66 387.0 1.698 87«^0 33040 II8058 ' VI-14 02':o 13.75 0-70 433.4 1.622 86.50 ITot oc cupied 87.60 33°oo ' 120021 ' VI-14 1125 12.5 0-70 371.5 I.S76 87.70 32^39 ' 121003 ' VI-14 1720 12.5 0-74 391.8 1,889 87.80 32° 20 ' 121043 ' VI-14- 2310 12.5 0-71 370 c 6 1.870 87e90 32°01 • 1220 24 ' VI-15 0620 12.0 0-72 369,7 1.953 90e30 330 2/j. ' 117°55 ' VI-13 17'!-5 12.0 0-57 436.6 1,303 90.37 33° 11 ' 113024 • VI-13 1235 12c25 0-71 376.0 1,875 90,^-5 32056 ' 1IS058 1 vi_i3 0725 12,75 0-71 393.7 1.793 90.53 32040 • 119°30 ' VI-13 0215 12.75 0-67 356.7 1,890 90,60 32° 22 ' 120000 VI-12 2105 12.25 0-71 351.8 2,030 90.70 32000 ' 120044 ' VI-12 1610 13.0 0-74- 337.0 1,962 90.80 31° 39 ' 121021 ' VI-12 10 '^0 12.25 0-74 407.8 I..B17 90.90 31^^20 ' 122°02 > VI-12 0555 12,5 0-74 407.5 1,821 90,100 31002 122041 ¥1-12 0005 12=25 0-73 338.5 1,887 90,110 30043 123021 VI-11 1350 12o25 0-73 388.9 1.877 90,120 3002/;. 12^•o02 VI-11 1355 11.75 0-69 3^2 ,,0 1.758 93.30 32047 117''31 VI-18 0355 12,25 0-63 402,2 1 = 691 93 c 'JO 32029 110013 VI-18 0350 12.25 0-71 343 c 3 2.074 93.50 32° 10 11S053 VL-18 1420 12.5 0-71 400,5 1.770 93.60 31° 51 119036 VI-18 1930 12c5 0-34 313^4 2 -.687 93.70 31° 32 120016 VI-19 0050 12.25 0-73 3'-i-3a 2.134 93.80 31013 120056 VI-19 0610 12,25 o-7i^ 356,3 2,091 93.90 3005-^ 121030 VI-19 1250 12.0 0-69 300.3 1.769 97.32 I'o t ow tal">;en 97.'!'0 31056' 1170 ''^2 VI-20 2040 12.25 0-71 317.2 2,226 97.50 31031' 1180 28 VI-20 1535 12.0 0-58 323.3 2,088 97.60 3l°l3' 119009' VI-20 122.5 12.25 0-69 339.2 2.046 97.70 3005',^! 119050' VI-20 0535 12,25 0-70 368,9 lco84 97.30 30035 120031 VI-19 2345 12,5 0-70 371.9 1.385 97.90 30010' 121°12 VI-19 1750 12.5 0-73 35s .-.1 2,173 P-100.30 31° 40. 5' ll6°4-6. 5' vi-23 0200 22.25 0-64 35^.8 .755 100. i:o hot occupied 100,50 xToo occupied 100=60 ixt occupied 100.70 iTot occupied 100,80 hot occupied 100.90 hot occupied 100,100 hot occupied 100.110 iTot occupied 26 Tal)le I (cont'd) Record of Obliciue Hauls usde with PlaJil:tou ITets durin;;; Cniises 11-13 in 1950 _ Posi tion — — — - •"— — Buratiou Dep til- Vol , of s station il. Ir.to V.', long. Date Hour of Haul Meter s Watei^ Gtrrdned Factor 100.120 "Eot occupied 105.35 300391 116033' VI-22 1555 20.25 0-60 493.4 1.214 110,35 29°46.5> il6''00« VI-22 0655 23,25 0-69 619.8 lcll5 llOe/4.5 Not occupied 110.50 Eot occupied 110,60 ilot occupied 110.70 Fot occuxoied 110.80 Hot occupied 110.90 Hot occupied 110.100 Eot occupied 110,110 Hot occupied 113.35 29°12« 115°39' VI~22 0020 22.5 0-67 645.9 1.044 117c35 28037' Il5°i6' Vi-21 1820 24.5 0-69 484.0 1,434 120,-35 28°03« 114° 54' VI-21 1245 21.75 0-68 44-2.6 1.525 120o45 27^43' 115°33' VI- 21 0700 21.25 0-62 601.5 1.037 120.50 27033! 115°52.5' VI- 20 1940 19-25 0-59 597.2 ,981 120.60 27°13' 116° 31. 5' Vi~20 1035 22.0 0-62 700.1 .890 120,70 Hot occupied 120=80 Hot occupied 120.90 Hot occupied 120.100 Hot occupied 120.110 Hot occu-.'ied 123.'f!0A 27°18' 114° 51. 5' VI-12 0920 23.0 0-67 785.6 .850 123»40B 27°18' 114°51.5' VI-19 2210 22,5 0-6^:- 726,1 .879 1^3.50 26°58« 115°30.5' VI-19 1515 22,25 0-66 735.9 .894 123.60 26° 38. 5' ii6°09' Vl-19 0910 22,0 0-68 688.4 ,983 127.40 26°43o5' 114°29.5' VI-13 1140 23.75 0-70 689. 7 1.019 127.50 26°2?.5' 115°03' VX-13 1830 22.25 0-69 697.5 .992 127.60 26^03.5' 115°46,5' VI-19 0025 21.5 0-72 699.2 1.024 130.35 26°22' 11 3° 54* vI-14 1025 22.5 0-70 725.7 .963 I30.if0 26°09' ll4°07^5' VI-14 1520 23.0 0-66 680. 7 .962 130,50 230/1.91 ll4°4-6 • VI-14 2325 22.25 0-69 691.4 .998 130.60 Hot occupied 130.70 Hot occupied 130.80 Hot occupied Cruise 16 B-40.i|-5 'M«33' 125°00' VII-22 1705 12,25 0-68 320.0 2,140 40.50 4l°23« 125°23' VII- 22 1300 13.25 0-69 369.2 1.877 40 „ 60 4i°03' 126^09' ViI-22 04-50 13.75 0-75 34c. 0 2.150 40.70 i-i0°42' 126° 55' VI 1-21 2120 13.5 0-70 356.9 1.956 40.80 40° 23' 127°40' VII-21 1315 23.75 0-72 653.9 1.099 40.90 40°02' 128°25' VIi-21 0550 13.25 C-76 344.2 2.223 40,100 39°42' 129°10' V 11-20 2110 25.75 0-71 653.1 lc096 40.110 30023: 129°55' VI 1-20 1425 23.0 0-72 621.5 1.15s 27 Table I (cont'd) ?Lecord of Oblique Hr^xils nifide v;itli Plavilcton iieti dv.ring Cruiser, 11-18 in 1950 Posi Aips Duration Depth Vol, of s Station IT. Ip.t. 'J, long. Date Houi" of Haul Meters Ifeto.r Strained Factor 43-50 hO^l^S ' 124057' VI 1-22 2^105 13.5 0-70 293.7 2, 170 ^13. 60 '!0°2S* 125°43' VI 1-23 0540 12„25 0-77 227.3 3 = 375 47.55 i|-0o04' 12.4055' V 11-23 1650 I3c5 0-72 33^M 2.146 .':-7.6o 39°54' 125^8' VII-23 1145 14.0 0-74 310.2 2.395 50,55 39030 ( 124030' V 11-17 l^05 12.25 0-69 393-1 1.760 50.60 39°20« 124052' V 11-17 2000 12»75 0-69 333.0 2a 063 50.70 39°00 ' 125°36.5' VI 1-18 0245 13.25 0-69. 3^:0,0 2,035 50,80 30°/!-0 > 126021 ' VII-13 1000 13-:) 0-06 3?o.5 1-703 50.90 38° 20* 127° 05' VII-13 1625 14.75 0-68 397.9 1.699 50.100 38°00' 127o/!-9' VII-13 2305 24.0 0-70 657.7 1,070 50.110 370/40 1 128°33' VlI-19 0605 23.75 0-67 742.9 .900 50=120 37" 20' I29°l6,5' VIi-19 1235 23.25 0-70 663 c 8 1.047 50.130 37°00 ' 130000' vii-19 1325 23.0 0-69 726,6 .952 53.54 33^53' 124000 ' vil-17 0735 13^75 0-73 321.7 2.257 53.64 38038 ' 124o/;4' vi:-i6 2100 13.5 0-71 392.5 1.819 57.54 38024* 123035? vii-16 0455 23.75 0-72 581.7 1.236 57.64 38004 ' 124019'' VI 1-16 1125 25.0 0-67 30I.3 1.849 60.60 37037. 123°37' VI 1-15 1410 23=75 0-74 486.6 1.511 6c, 70 -^70171 124021 f VI 1-15 0630 24.75 0-77 461.6 1.664 60.80 36057 * 125°04» -vll-l/|. 1920 23.75 0-67 539.8 1.236 60,90 350371 125°47' VII-14 0740 24.5 0-68 609.3 1,108 60.100 36017 ' 126030' VII-13 2155 24. 25 0-68 658.9 1,024 60.110 35°57' 127012' VII-13 l^!-50 24,0 0-69 642.7 1.077 60«120 35037. 127°5'^3 5' VII-13 0535 22.5 0-68 700.8 .969 60 .130 35017? 12:3037' VI 1-12 2125 24.0 0-67 710.3 .949 61.55 770371 123°07.5' vii-15 2040 24.5 0-72 659-2 1.023 63.57 370501 122°58' VI 1-6 2110 24»75 0-68 832,0 .814 63.67 36049' 123041 ' VI 1-7 0i|40 26.75 0-69 790 c a .871 67.55 36°39' 122026' VIl-9 1305 23.75 0-69 519.8 lc333 67.65 36°19' 123°09' Vil-9 0600 24,5 0-72 537.1 1.348 70,55 36°03' 122002' vil-9 2010 24 .-,0 0-72 572.6 1.263 70.60 35°53' 122023' ViI-10 0050 24.0 0-70 522,1 1.345 70.70 35033: 123006 ' VI.I-10 0820 24.0 0-70 591.2 1.182 70.80 35013. 123°48 ' VII-10 1540 24.0 0-72 545-8 1.325 70.90 34053' 12.';-." 30 ! VII-10 23'!'0 25.5 0-69 526.4 1.315 70.100 34033' 125°12' VII-11 0655 24.0 0-74 577-0 1.279 70.110 34°13' 125°54' V 11-11 1345 2^1-. 0 0-72 593.2 1.197 70,120 33° 53' 126035. 5 « VI.I-11 2005 23^5 0-72 563.4 1^274 70.130 33033. 127016.5' VII-12 0225 23.5 0-73 667,2 1,091 C-73.51 35° 35. 5' 121° 20' VII-3 1030 12.0 0-71 363.7 1-949 73.61 35°15.5' 122002.5' ViI-3 1455 12.5 0-66 343,3 1.398 77.55 34054' 1.21013' VI 1-9 0105 12.75 0-66 233.4 2.0O7 77»65 3->o3/i,i 121°54«3' VII-3 1955 12.25 0-71 3';3e2 2.036 SO. 55 34° 13, 5 • 120052' Vll-9 0555 I2c75 0-70 402.9 1.727 2o Table I (cont'd) Record of Obllq-ue Kauls made with Pltaxkton iletc during Cruises 11-18 in 1950 Position Date Kour Durt.tion of Haul Depth Meters Vol. of V.'ater S Station 11, lat. u', longt Factor Strained 30.60 34° 08. 6 ' 121 °10' VI 1-9 0855 12.0 0-67 361.4 1.832 80.70 3:3°47 ' 121052.5' VI 1-9 1/|45 12.25 0-71 317.4 2,234 80«80 33"29.5 ' 122°32,5' VII-9 1930 12.25 0-72 364,6 1.930 80,90 33010* 123°13.5' VII-10 0050 12.0 0-69 355.7 1„934 80.100 32°49.5 ' 123°54.5' V 11-10 0550 12.5 0-72 374.5 1,923 80.110 32°29.5 ' 124°35.5' VII-10 1100 12.0 0-69 3W.6 1.930 80.120 32°li,5 ' 125°l6' VII-10 1605 12.25 0-70 375.9 1.862 80.130 310491 125° 56' VII-10 2120 12.0 0-72 379.4 1,900 83.55 330451 120026' V 11-16 0350 12,75 0-66 425.6 1.541 83,60 330301 120040.2' VII-16 0040 12.75 0-66 356.9 1.842 83o70 33°17.6 ' 121021' VI 1-15 19^1-5 12.25 0-65 338.3 1,679 33.80 32°56 » 122°05=8' VI 1-15 14^0 12.5 0-68 392.6 1.732 8?. 90 32° 35 ..5 ' 122047' V I 1-15 0920 12.0 0-71 370.1 1.913 86,50 33°26.5 • 119°^4,5' VxI-14 0720 ^^5 0-69 178 c 7 3.861 87.35 33050 » 113037.5' T I 1-13 2245 12.25 0-67 3'^6.,4 2.004 87,^ 33°4l ' 113059' VI 1-14 0150 1^1-, 0 0-73 364.6 2,002 87.60 33001 « 1^.0021.7' VI 1-14 1155 12,. 25 0-71 300.9 2.373 87.70 3?.o4]. ' 121°02' VI 1-14 1650 12.25 0-67 400.7 1.669 37.80 3?° 20' 121043' VI 1-14 2200 13.25 0-73 3GO.6 1.903 87.90 32°01» 122023 • VI 1-15 0310 12.5 0-72 367.3 1.949 90.30 33° 24' 117°55' VI 1-13 1703 13.0 0-61 338.3 1»576 90.37 33° 11 ' 118023,6' VI 1-13 \Zi\-5 12.25 0-67 330.4 2.034 90.45 32° 54' 113056' VI 1-13 0820 12.75 0-69 330,1 2,090 90.53 32°38.5 ! 1 1 OOOO I VI 1-13 0^10 12.75 0-70 344,3 2.024 90.60 32°2/!-.5 119056.5' VI 1-12 2155 13.25 0-33 277.2 2.980 90.70 32°o6.5 t 120039' VII-12 1612 12.5 0-74 306,2 2,407 90.80 31°45.5 121022' VI 1-12 1040 22.25 0-7^':- 531.7 1.392 90.90 31° 28' 120000.5' VII-12 04^1-5 23.0 0-72 557.7 1-282 90.100 31° 05. 3 ' 1220/-I.1' V 11-11 2315 22,5 C-69 6C3.9 1.013 90.110 30°45.5 123°'26 ' VII-11 1720 12.5 0-72 356 e 3 2.010 90 ,.120 32° 24, 5 124004.5' VII-11 1110 12.0 0-72 362.0 1.939 93 oO 32°51.5 117032' VI 1-17 0900 12,5 :0-68 405.7 1.6?6 93 c 40 32030 1 118012.5' VI 1-17 1440 22.25 0-69 697.8 .990 93.50 32°10.5 118054 ' VI 1-17 2050 22.5 C-67 630.7 ,986 93.60 31°51.5 119"32' Vxl-18 0930 22.25 0-68 686 0 .933 93.70 3l°30.5 120013.5' VI 1-13 1505 22.75 0-68 680. 3 .992 93.30 3i°il' 120054' VI 1-13 2125 22,5 0-71 677.4 1.044 93.90 3o°50.5 121035' VII-19 0235 22.25 0-70 679.5 1.027 97. "32 '^2"13' 117017.5' V 11-21 0040 23.75 0-70 694.3 1.010 97.40 31°55.5 117050' VI 1-20 19A'0 22.75 0-73 686.5 1.059 97.50 31° 31. 5 11 8° 26' VI I- 20 1125 12,0 0-71 381.3 1.854 97.60 31°15»5 119011' VI 1-2.0 0335 12,5 0-71 402,4 1.757 97,70 30°55' 119^^49.5' VIl-19 2205 22,25 0-69 668.6 1,032 97.80 30036' 120°31' VII-19 1455 22.25 0-69 718.0 .965 97.90 30°i5' 121011' VII-19 08^0 22.75 0-69 713.6 .961 29 Tatle I (cont'd) Hecord of Oblic rae Mauls r lade v/ith Plpaiktoii I'ets dni- ing CrvLises 11-1 8 in 1950 Pc jnition > Date Ilom- Diu'ation of Haul Depth ;ietors Vol. of IJator S Station IT. late 1/. Lon. Pactor Strained P-100,30 ^loi'O, 5' 116046 5' VI 1-20 0105 23.0 0-6^T 805.1 ,862 100.40 31° 22 117032 VI 1-19 1900 23^5 0-69 761.8 .903 100.50 31^05 ' 118°14 V 11-19 1115 23c0 0-67 767.2 .877 100.60 300/1.3 118°53 ' VI 1-19 0555 22.5 0-70 732.0 .949 .100.70 30021 119032 VlI-19 0025 23.0 0-68 709.2 .962 100,80 30000 120009 VI 1-18 1855 23.0 0-67 760.7 .833 100.90 29035 120047 vII-18 1320 2^,5 0-65 764.2 .856 100.100 2 9° 16 121028 ' ,'vll-l8 O805 23.0 0-63 753.5 .398 100-110 28057 122009 VII-18 0230 23.5 0-67 700.7 .956 100.120 28039 122049 VI 1-17 2050 22.5 0-66 815. 3 0815 105«35 30009 116033 VIi-7 0700 22.25 0-59 ^ 325.7 .711 110.35 29050 115062 VI 1-15 0705 23.0 0-69 710 08 .967 110. /40 29040' 115022 vii-i'; 10 ?5 23.0 0-70 73^.5 .950 110,50 29020 117000 VI 1-15 1655 22o0 0-66 730.4 .901 110,60 23059 117°4l vii-i5 2250 23.0 0-70 758.4 .919 110.70 23039 118020 VI 1-16 0440 22o5 0-68 739,5 .913 110.80 23019 113058 VI 1-16 1035 23.0 0-68 768,3 .888 110e90 23001 ' 119034 vii-16 1635 22.5 0-68 788.4 „864 110,100 27037 120°l6 V 11-16 2250 23.0 0-70 731.3 .963 110,110 27°l6o 5' 120054. 5' vii-17 0450 23.0 0-08 780.2 .865 11 3^5 29012 115039 VI 1-15 0010 23^0 0-67 809.5 .828 117.35 280 37 Il5°l6 VI 1-14 1735 22.0 C-71 711.0 .997 120,35 2B003 114054 VI 1-14 1035 23.0 0-65 591.2 1.096 120.^15 27043' 115°33 VIi-14 04-35 23.0 0-70 719>0 .972 120.50 270331 115°52. 5' VII-14 0020 22.5 0-70 (724, 3) .964 120,60 27013 116031 5' VI 1-13 1735 24,0 0-67 776.8 -.857 120.70 25054 117°10 ViI-13 1105 23»0 0-69 745.3 .930 120.30 25037 117050 VII-13 0350 ?3.o 0-68 828,3 .827 120.90 26019' 113035 vn-12 2620 23.0 0-68 772.8 .834 120,100 26°02' ll9oio VI 1-12 1340 23.0 0-70 755=3 .929 120.110 25045' 119043 VI 1-12 0810 23r0 0-72 728,1 »986 123.40 27016 114049 VI 1-8 1320 24. 0 0-57 8/1-7.1 .790 123.50 26053 115032 VI 1-8 1940 24.0 0-69 785.2 .879 123 -,60 26036 116006 VII-9 0315 23.0 0-69 763:5 .902 127.40 26043.- 5' 114°29. 5' vn-io 0015 24.0 0-69 744.0 .923 127.50 26^23' 5' 115003 VII-9 164=; 24,0 0-68 722,4 .937 127.60 25^55 115042 VII-9 0830 24„5 0-67 836.6 -798 130.35 26°17 11 3° 55 ViI-10 0605 24 cO 0-68 789.7 .352 130.40 26007 114011 VII-10 0925 23.0 0-70 739.7 .946 130.50 25°50 11/1.046 VII-10 1510 23.0 0-70 747c 6 .930 130.60 25029' 11 5° 24 VII-10 2145 23.0 0-70 668,6 1.054 130.70 25°04 116010 VIi-11 0430 23.0 0-64 795.2 .309 130.80 24047 116048' VII-11 1015 24.0 0-71 713.9 .996 30 TaMe I (cont'd) Eeccrd of Oblique Hpnls made with Plaikton iTeto during Cruises 11-13 in 1950 P0S3 tlon Date Hour jjiaration of Haul Depth Meters 7ol c of VJrter s station i\Fc If t . 1'.'. long» Factor Strained Cruise 17 B-20.10 46°10 .5 124°49' VIII-lR 2035 12.5 0-66 418.7 1.564 20,20 45°50.5 125° 38. 5' YIII-18 I^IOO 12.0 0-63 439.2 1.435 20.30 45° 30, 5 126°27.5' VI I 1-18 0715 23.0 0-66 792.7 .833 20,1^ 45°10.5 127°l6,5' YIII-lu 0130 13.0 0-67 447.3 1.496 20.50 44° 50c 5 123°06' VI I 1-17 1930 20.0 0-68 651 0 9 1.042 20.60 A' 4030. 5 128°53.5' vl 11-17 1310 12.5 0-65 434-. 1 1.506 20.70 44°10.5 129°42.5' VIll-17 0630 12.25 0-63 434c 9 1.442 20.80 43°50.5 130°30' VllI-17 0145 12.5 0-70 435.2 1.611 20.90 43° 30. 5 131°13' VIII-lo 1520 12.75 0-67 434.5 1.544 23.15 45°25^5 124047' vii:-i9 0400 13.25 0-70 421.0 1.668 27.20 44°^'0 ' 124°45 ' viix-19 1120 12.75 0-68 467.0 1.450 30.26 ^•3°54.5 124°49.5' vi:i-i3 1425 12.75 0-60 435.9 1.383 30.30 43°^!'6,5 125°03,5' viii-13 1700 12.25 O-'iS 373 = 5 1.477 30, /|0 43° 26, 5 125°56' v:ii-i3 2350 12c 75 0-68 400.1 1.710 ■ 30.50 43°o6.5 I26°43c5' VII 1-14 0730 13.0 0-71 331.5 2.154 30.60 42=46.5 127° 30. 5' VIII-14 1825 15.0 0-63 541 .9 1.170 30.70 42° 26. 5 123°17' VI I 1-15 0010 13.5 0-68 479.4 1.425 30.80 42°06.5 129° 04' VIII-15 0800 12.75 0-65 500,2 1.303 30 = 90 4l°47' 120°50' VIiI-15 1455 23.0 0-66 806.6 .823 30,100 4l°27' 130036' VIII-15 2135 13.25 0-67 A; 66. 9 1.429 33»32 43°07.5 12':-° 53' VIiI-13 0735 13^5 0-69 337.9 2.033 37.33 42° 20' 124056,5' VIII-12 2335 13.75 0-67 333.1 1.982 40,45 i;l°33' 125°00« VIIJ.-12 1555 17.75 0-94 539.7 1.751 40,50 4l°23' 125° 23' VIII~12 1125 13.0 0-73 317.4 2.313 40,60 4l°03' 126°09' VIII-12 0125 13.75 0-71 413.2 1.709 40 c 70 40° 42' 126055' YI 11-11 1840 12.0 0-71 396.5 1.796 40.80 40°23' 127040' VIIi-11 1215 12.5 0-73 399.0 1.329 40.90 40°02' 123°25' YiII-11 0525 12,5 0-66 410.8 1.607 40.100 3 9° 42' 129°10 ' Vill-lO 2145 23.75 0-70 774.7 .907 40.110 39023 1 129° 55' VI 11-10 1550 11.75 0-68 i!l3.4 1.655 40.120 390031 130039' VIII-10 0730 12.5 0-67 443,9 1.500 43^50 40°48' 124° 57' Y II 1-6 1950 12-75 0-68 246 c 9 2.742 43.60 40° 28' 125°43' VIII-7 0340 12.25 0-69 427.8 1.620 47o 55 40°04' 124° 55' YIII-6 1145 12.25 0-64 369.1 1.729 47 060 39054' 125°18' YIII-7 1020 12.25 0-70 361.8 1.9^16 50.55 30030 » 124° 30' VT.ii-6 0135 13.5 0-73 406.9 1.787 50.60 39° 20 ' 124° 52' YIII-7 1655 12.0 0-69 419.4 1.650 50.70 39° 00 ' 125° 36, 5' VI I 1-8 0020 13.25 0-67 435.7 1.533 50.80 33040 ' 126° 21 ' V 11 1-8 0630 12.0 0-63 461 0 4 lc365 50.90 38° 20' 127°05' YiII-8 1255 12.0 0-67 37c. 3 3.782 50.100 33°00' 127°49' YIII-8 I3i|.0 12.5 0-66 407.6 1.619 50.110 37°40 ' 128° 33' YIII-9 0120 12.5 0-69 434.0 1.599 50.120 37° 20' 129°l6.5' YIII-9 0710 12.25 0-64 461.9 lc38l 50.130 37° 00' 130°oo' Vill-9 1415 12.5 0-70 405.9 1.724 31 Hecord of 01)1 ioue -t.pi3.1s mpde TrMe I (cont'd) v/itli Plaa'-ton :,ets dtu-iiv' CrniaeB 11-13 in 1950 Station Pogition let. ':h long* Date "iour IXiro.tiou of -laul Depth lieters Vol. of \k.ter Strp.ined Fr.ctor P-70.30-1 70.30-2 70.30-3 83.60 83.70 87.60 87.70 86.50 Cruise 13 B-30,26 30.30 30.i|0 30.50 30.60 30,70 30,80 30,90 30.100 33.32 37.38 koM ^0,50 40.60 40.70 40.80 40.90 40.100 40.110 40.120 43.50 43.60 47.55 47,60 50.55 50.60 50.70 50.80 50.90 50.100 50.110 50.120 50,130 53^54 53.64 35°12' 35°12' 35^12' 33°!^. 5' 33°oo' 32°39o5' 33°28» 43054 ^i'3°i;6 43026 43006 42°J!|-6 42° ?6 42^06 410 27 43*07 42° 20 41033 41° 23 4l°03 40042 40° 23 40002 39°42 35023 39003 40°43 40° 23 40O04 39° 54 39030 39° 20 39000 38040 38° 20 33000 37040 37° 20 37°00 38°53 38°33 5' 5' 5' 5' -!« 5' 123° 47' 123°^: 7' 123°A'7' 120°49' 121° 26' 120°21.5' 121<^02' 119°46« TIII-9 VIII-9 TIIi-10 VI 1 1-12 VII 1-12 VIII-13 VI 11-12 1^1-20 2100 1520 0920 1535 0520 2230 124°49.5* 125°08«5' 125°56' 126043.5 ' 127°30.5' 123°17' 129°04' 129° 50' 130°36' 124°53 ' 124056. 5' 125°00' 125° 23' 126°09' 126°55' 127°40' 123° 25' 129°10' 129° 55' 1300391 12.':'0 57' 125°43' 124° 55* 125°13' 12^:°30' 124° 52' 125°36.5' 126°21 * 127°05' 127049' 123033' I29°l6.5' 130°C0' i:24°00' 124° ^'4' VIII-13 1055 IX-19 IX-19 IX-19 IX-13 IX-13 IX-13 1:^17 I.L-17 IX-17 IX-19 IX- 20 IX-13 IX-13 IX-iil- XX-14 1X^14 Ix-15 lx-15 d:-15 i;;i-l6 1^:^13 i::-i3 ix-12 IX-12 IX-12 IX-12 IX-11 IiL-11 1:^11 IX-10 IX-10 IX-10 i:l-6 ix-6 ni5 0950 0315 1910 1255 0jj40 2125 1400 0500 1930 0455 1935 2325 0620 lilOO 2030 0325 1215 1750 0220 1220 0525 1810 2230 1130 0720 0035 1655 0940 0210 1825 1105 0255 1235 1355 26.25 26.0 25.5 22.0 25.0 23 o 5 24.25 24,75 24.25 13.75 13.75 14.5 2'-'.' c 25 24.25 24.25 25.5 2.'!-. 5 13.75 13^25 15.75 14,25 13.75 13.5 13.25 24,5 13.75 24.0 2^-.75 14.75 15.25 13>25 14.0 13.0 13.75 13.25 23.5 23-75 24.25 23.25 23^5 23-75 I4c25 14.75 0-147 0-146 0-139 0-6/1- 0-72 0-6 y 0-69 0-70 0-71 0-66 0-68 0-71 0-71 0-72 0-61 0-72 0-63 0-70 0-68 0-68 0-67 0-63 0-71 0-68 0-70 0-73 0-72 0-71 0-70 0-68 0-67 0-63 0-67 0-63 0-70 0-69 0-71 0-71 0-69 0-69 0-73 0-65 0-70 711.5 737.7 735.3 629.7 709,9 7^2.8 774,7 602.8 675.7 '1-66,1 ':32.1 3^9.6 642.1 455.6 799.3 734.5 732,0 470 .5 452.0 335.9 399.3 371.4 334.6 371.0 722.2 362.7 666,2 723.8 393.6 396.5 350.3 367.6 226.3 347.4 3?8.0 651 = 6 646.1 612.8 658.6 460.3 413.6 415.1 2.061 1.974 1.396 1.021 1.010 .917 .892 1.166 1.046 l,4l6 1.576 1.784 1,106 1.587 .766 .976 .930 1.483 1.500 1.757 1.673 1.702 2.131 1.844 c966 2.007 1,088 .969 I.7S9 1,702 1.958 1.861 2.978 1.972 2.071 lc06o 1 = 093 1.155 1.049 1,220 1.532 1.579 1.677 32 Trble I (cont'd) Record of Obliqiie Hauls mrdo v.dtli i?] cUil::ton nets during Cruic es 11-18 in 1950 ?osi tion Date Hour Diiration of Haul Depth Meters Vole of Later ■ S Station H. lat. \i. long. Pact or Stn.inRd 57.5^'- 33° 24' 123° 35' Ix-6 0625 14,0 0-73 419.3 1.739 57.64 33°04' 124°19' Ix-7 0125 12.5 0-67 4l6c7 1.613 60.60 37037 t 123°37' lx-7 0840 13.25 0-69 405»4 1.712 60.70 37°17' 12'!-° 21' IX-7 1505 12.75 0-72 355.8 2.032 60.30 36°57' 125°04' 1:1-7 2115 13.75 0-68 400.3 1.694 60.90 360371 125°47' IX-8 0435 13.5 0-67 365.1 1.327 60.100 36°17' 126030 ' IX-8 1140 13.5 0-69 377.3 1.323 60.110 350371 127°12' IX-8 1320 12.75 0-70 363.3 1.909 60.120 35037. 127°54.5' IX-9 0040 24,0 0-74 602.7 1.229 60.130 350171 123°37' ix-9 o?35 23.75 0-68 465.0 1.467 61.55 370371 123°07.5' ix-5 1750 16.25 0-70 514.6 1.358 C-70, 55 35°03,4' 122°01.7' IX- 6 2220 14.0 iTon quantitative 70,60 350531 122023' IX-7 01 --o 14,5 0-69 /■!42.3 1,569 70.70 35°35' 123°05.5- IX-7 0815 13.25 0-70 i:09.0 1.719 70,30 35°l6.5' 123°40* IX-7 1530 12.5 0-70 353.5 1.958 70,90 3ij.057.31 124°31 ' IX-7 205 ■; 13.0 0-70 3S0.7 1.847 70.100 3'^-° 38.8' 125°13.5' IX-8 0226 12.75 0-73 366.2 lc994 70.110 34° 20 ' 125°55.5' IX-8 0910 12,5 0-72 ?54a 2.039 70.120 34° 01' 12(>37.8' IX-8 1330 12.5 0-70 379.8 1.343 70,130 33033. 127"l6.5' IX-8 1820 22.75 0-72 669,5 1.072 90.30 33° 24 117^54.8' IX-13 1955 22.75 0-71 650.8 1.039 50.37 33°10.9' 113° 2 3. 2' L.-13 1330 21,75 0-71 &52»3 1.091 90 .>5 32° 56 =8 « 113"55.5' IX-13 1025 23«0 0-71 519.8 1.358 90.53 32°39.6' 119°29' IX-18 0610 23.25 0-69 620.4 I0I15 90,60 32°30.6' 11 9° 54. 3' ix-ia 0220 23.25 0-69 685.5 1.005 90.70 32°ll ' 120035,2' ix-17 2055 22c 5 0-69 705.3 .974 90.80 31°^ 3, 7' 12i°l3' ix-17 1510 23e0 0-68 723o8 .944 90,90 31° 25' 122° 01-" IX-17 0930 22.5 0-68 692.1 .990 90.100 3l°04c5' 122°i'r0 ' IX-17 0330 22.75 0-69 722.3 .953 90.110 30°4^=5' 123°20' ix-16 2200 22.5 0-69 729=5 .951 90.120 30°23.7' I2i:-ooi • ix-16 1610 22.75 0-69 702.6 ,988 P-100o30 3l°40.5' Il6°46.5' ix-21 2105 23.5 0-67 820.4 .812 100.^0 31° 24' 117°20' i;.-2i 1525 23-25 0-66 8O6.5 .322 100,50 31°07'' 117°53' i:i-2i 1015 23.75 0-67 (743.7) .3 PS 100:60 30049' 118° 31' ix-21 0350 23.75 0-70 652.3 1.072 100,70 30°20.-5' 11 9° 27' ix-20 1955 23.75 0-67 740,1 c904 100.80 30000' 12000;' IX- 20 1320 23.25 0-69 642,8 1.078 100c 90 2^037 1 120052' i:c-20 0545 24.0 0-67 729.6 .922 100.100 29°15' 121°37' IX-19 21^10 23.5 0-71 713.2 1.001 100.110 29°oo,5' 122°07' ix-19 1520 23.75 0-68 776.3 .877 105.35 300391 116033' ix-7 0215 22.25 0-60 824.3 .724 110.35 29°46.5' ll6°ob' ix-16 2335 23^75 0-64 80G.7 .791 110,40 29° 36. 5' Il6°i9.5' IX-17 0320 23.25 0-64 760.. 5 .846 33 Tatle I (cont'd) Record of Obliqne Fav.ls mode with PlcaLtoii llets durin,-; Cniises 11-18 in 1950 Station Position lat, \h IcniSf Date Hour- Duration of Haul Depth Meters Vol , of ¥£,ter Str-iincd S i,ctor 110.50 iio»6o 110,70 110c 80 110.90 110.100 110,110 113^35 117.35 120,2? 120,35 120,^1-5 120,50 120,60 120.70 120.80 120 .,90 120a00 120.110 123^,1-0 123,50 123,60 127,i!0 I2?c50 127,60 130.35 130. ^'10 130.50 130.60 130 ,-,70 130.80 20010 1 28°59' 28° 36' 28 ='20' 28° oi.'^' 2704O ' l-.7"02' 117°^1 ' 118°18' llo°5S' 119°42* 120-^18' IX-17 ii-17 11-17 17.-1 8 IX-18 IX-18 27°l6,5' 120°5^k5' IX-18 n5°39' 115''l6' lli^°23' l]./-i-^5^i-' 115°32' 116°10' ll6°'i-3' 117''15' 117°50' 118°30' 119°io' ll9°^i-5' 114°5'V ' 115'' 30' 26°33.5' ii6°09* 29°12' 28° 37' 29°19' 28003' 27011.3 1 27° 21' 27° 05' 2,6° 50' 26° 3'-!-' ib°l 2' 25^^51 ' 2500,2! 27°i5' 26°57 ' i6°43o' ll^:-°29c5' IX-9 0910 1520 2120 0^1.05 1010 1635 22l|-5 0955 2355 1955 1310 Oo20 2*^00 17^v5 113^ O^I^O 2215 1610 0635 1230 1905 I^.'IO Tot occupied iA-16 IX-16 IX-15 IX- : 5 IX-15 i:v-i5 :x-i4 XX-lii. 17.-7.1', ix-13 IX-l? IX-8 IX-8 IX-8 25°03„5' 1150^16.5' Ix-9 26°19' 113°^8c.5' IX-U lli^-°ll ' 11^-° 55' 115^3'+* ll6°06' 26°C?» 25"^:7 ' 25°2?' 25°C8 ' 2i!.oi!-3,';' llooil-O' i:c-ii ix-11 i:;:-i2 ix-12 lX-12 ooij-5 1310 1700 2300 0530 1110 i6i^5 2i^0 25.0 2^1-. 0 2^-,0 23.75 2^.5 23.75 23.5 23.75 2i^:,0 2^.75 23o25 23.5 ■Lk 0 23.25 2/1-.5 2^4' =0 23-5 23.5 2i^-.0 2^.0 14=0 13.0 13.0 25.5 24„0 25.0 23^25 24.75 12c 75 0-65 0-66 0-63 0-66 0-67 0-66 0-63 0-64 0-64 0-66 0-64 0-67 O-o? C-65 0-62 0-67 0-66 0-68 0-63 0-65 c-65 c-72 0-69 0-62 0-76 c-63 0-65 0-63 0-63 0-^8 v302.9 806. 3 773.2 666,0 772.6 755.4 656,8 833.1 706.0 753^2 ~ 60O.6 757.3 '^54.9 764.0 808.4 342,0 773.8 779.6 002.3 753.2 710.1 0:02 > 9) 395.6 4o6c2 609=7 825.6 763.2 704.2 826e8 452.2 .006 .320 .873 .996 .863 .871 1.031 .768 .813 ,880 .939 ,889 .836 .851 .773 .793 .857 .867 .783 .364 .914 1 = 775 1.7^14 1 = 529 1.245 .761 o846 .900 .761 1.233 3h TaTdIg II 2ecf. 3rd of Pilchiird : Sijs . 1950 llumti er of : worriial ~-,5;ss Tota 1 iTumlier of Sgt^-. jive , station A B 0 D I ^ B C D U:icl, n \ n< Cruise 11 120.35 317 143 179 379~^ 164* 209* 6 758 253 120.45 15 12 12 113 40* 58* 2 147 360 83 120 e 50 1 13 21 1 33^' 32* 6 72 30 130.35 1 1 1* 1* i* 3 1 Total 33'+ 169 212 494 238 300 2 159 1193 373 Crviise 12 113.35 2 !)■ * 2* 2* ; 4 1 117.35 1 1 * 1* 1* 2 1 120.35 2 9 2* 29* 31 16 120.45 2 5^- 4* 263* 2 269 13^ 120.50 * 3* 8 4 123 .40 10 21 115* 35* 5 175 87 123.50 2 2 * * 2 1 130=35 284 ^32 1072 1235* 1335^'' 2102 711 5383 1480 130.40 « 5* 8 13 6 Tot.al 286 947 1159 1237 1462 2460 4 724 5887 1730 Cruise I3 i5 B7.35 2 2 2 2* 6* 3* 16 5 90,60 4 « * * 4 4 0 53 00 28 * « 32* 32 11 93>50 23 5 50 45* 8* 63* 121 40 97.32 23 17 166 83* 23* 21 Zi.* ?20 107 97=^0 3 12 2 9 32* 3* 2 6 57 22 100.30 4 15 48 15 k- 26* 59* 30* 7 126 41 100,40 61 5 * 71* 5 76 36 100.50 2ilA 201 583 ' 315* 220* 613* 1143 383 105.35 1 5 159 1* 5* 265 271 3 110.35 91 104 667 * 134* 145''^ 1463* 1742 436 113.35 2 4 1 ij,* 12* * 1 17 5 117.35 12 2 24* ^ 1 27 13 120.45 165 9 366* 34* 11 411 206 120.50 1 3* 12* 15 8 123,40 1182 1521 3797 262 1767 2068* 5860* 1306* ^3356 1^:^357 4018 123.50 285 372 944 832* 580* 1502 25 2939 712 123.60 * * 2* 2 1 127.40 6 5 >K 6* 6 12 3 127,50 18 39 23* 74* 102 51 130.35 1077 85 19 2042* 137* 58 2237 1090 130,40 66 2843 52 94 3;-;64* 68 3626 3464 Total 2909 5^31 5662 1112 5199 7209 3773 3071 3406 27658 10655 35 Ta^ble II (cont'd) Eecord of Pilcb.£>.rd i^ggs, 1950 ITuraber of i'oinpl .^jS^'S Total i\-u;-foer 01 "■''n;fS Ave. Station _A__ 3 ^__ .D ^ i A 3 C D Uiicl. ii i n« Cruine 14 c • 83,60 ill * 63* * 68 23 90 060 2 4* * * 4 1 93 '40 47 320 83* 6l4* 10 8 715 352 93-50 * * 1 1 0 93-60 4 7 >:: ir,* * 26 41 5 93»70 1 4 16 1^ ^.* 20* Z'i 8 97.50 « * * 5 5 0 97. GO 2 3 5* 8* 2 15 8 97.90 35 * * 110 110 0 100,40 2 « * 2 2 0 105.35 2* * 2 4 2 110,35 23 10 7 1* 8?* 13* 13* 33 149 37 11 3 05 4 * « 5* 5 2 117.-35 1 « * * 1 1 0 120.35 14 25 11 48* 37* 17 9 111 46 120.45 752 1110 * 1248* 2310* 360 •^918 1306 123«40 5 129 8 5 27 510* 21* 11* ij4 '613 195 130.35 94 104 * 99* 106 205 50 130.40 2 57 * 33* 113 1 147 17 I'otal 24 IO83 1714 24 86 2128 3394 72 459 6139 2052 Cruise 15 « 60,70 3 3 « 3* * 3 3 9 2 60.80 4 * l^* ' « 4 1 60.90 4 * 4* * 4 2 70,70 2 * 2* * 2 1 70.90 6 « 6* * ^ 6 2 77^65 139 32 297* 44* * 12 353 118 80,55 25 4 * 27* i^=^ 2 33 11 80.60 25 9 30 37* 16* 30* 83 28 80,80 4 * * 4 4 0 87.60 164 664 37^.^ 85 373* 1023* 679* 724 2/176 5 200 1306 90,53 2 3'o 15 2 40* 15* 57 28 90,60 4 * 4* >'f 4 1 93.40 10 23 * i;j> 41* 2 57 28 93.50 12 * 7* 181 11 199 3 93.60 16 * * 16* 16 5 117.35 1* 3* * 34 33 13 120.45 1 * « 1* 1 0 123.40 * * 1* * 1 0 123.50 1 2 3* Zf* Z!4 1 52 4 130.35 3 55 5* 141* * 0 9 157 52 Totrl 383 820 512 92 723 1305 1049 733 2550 6360 1610 36 feblo II (coat'd) Hecord of rilcliard '.'ggs, 1950 Hwib er of i"ormc?l B C nf'£;s 'Dotal :.iuinl)er of 'Af-.-'^s Ave, Str.tion A D i A 2 C D Unci c n 1 n« Cruise 16; 70,55 90.37 22 120 0 35 120.45 120o50 2 287 60 1 22* * 2* * 306* 72* 1* * 2 22 306 72 1 1 11 153 72 1 Total 22 350 22 331 403 238 Cruise 17! 50.55 3 * 3* * 3 1 Total 3 3 3 1 Cruise l8: 1-^005 2 20* 37 59 21 Total 2 20 37 2 59 21 37 o ■S " EH U t O o » d e d CO ^0^0 O ^ CM l>. CM VAC^rH iH ■* CM CO CM CM rH . C^ 0\cys O CO oo . • • si • • . r-l • • • CT\ . • 5 • • VAC- CM CM . H 3- C-00 . . . H H O . C^ CM 2.6 5.5 21.0 rH » ON CM 00 -* ,_) vr» vr\ O O >A O O 41. .... . rsoO . . ^ o OVOVO • • • rH-* rH o . rH O 00 « . rH O rH o • CM .*CO . . NO O O CM • o O • (3S • O o • CM 0\ o O CM 00 • cn 00 ■ s CJS • o • -*«^ o\ CO ^' o «> cn •a H CM CM rH rH EH 00 O CM rH cjQvrv\rv»riQOC?c5»riQooo v^^5>3^c<^cA.*v7^c^3•.5m3^ \r>vo co o .ooc^oooocnr-ooooo HC-rHrHrHCMCMCM . . C- P^ O C7\ • • CM OS » CM en 00 en CM OS C7S E'- en CM en so •3 o 38 •a HOO ■ 3 ■O CM CM 1-4 >o » » r» » » S » » » CM * ^ VO CM r\ 01 C^ • CM • . \o o CM C^ . OO CM . ft . CM c»^ • CM CM • f-t c^o • 4 « o H •H . i-l CM C^O . . 4 CO 5i CM . CM H • CM CO HO\Cy . . < CM C^Cv 9. • OO »r»f-i • • -* CM 3 ^vO O * . < O CM^ • CM • CM CM • • • ■H CM H CM <^NO .... C^CMVO CM H . CO CM i -*c^ • • c<^ CM s O . CO iH . . >riCM H • • • • . CTv <7\ • • o r» • OO o r\ . . poo • • • • CO CM C^vOOO-* VO r-l O C^VO O CO • •••••• CM o • • • • • 0\0\ . • C-CM CM rH C^CM . • CM C;- c^ CM crv c^ CM 1e • £J 9 ^"^'^<^'^<^-* >'>S ^S ^S <^3 * ri V Cm-7 .....a.......... CO P £r t- O O O •-< ■-< CM N CM CM CM CM CM CM ?% fS C^ • 39 0\ e o -a et o a s t4 O -P a CM CM CM "\ » CM » >0 K CM 8 a ■p 00 oooo\^oocoaoooo c>-vr>\r>\o CMCM^oo^«^i-to-*t<^ooo^t^i-tc^o • •••*•«•.••...•...•••...•....•. M£j ^S5^'^ y £>■* e!-*l>-CMC\lrHCMCMOvOOCM(^rH<7\OOrH^OQOOP> i-l CMrH C^U^ONrHC^ » e<> CM NO * A CM . CM 0\ • CJ\ O 00 CO • C^lH . . 1-1 H 00 « o o . CM CM « o CM a\cM . • C^rH CM C\J >0 cn i-l c^ CM . 00 * C^C>-CM CM O iH CM ...... • iH >ACM H CJ\ r^ 1-4 VO CM CO 00 c^ O <7\ vOvO HOOVO ..... 1-1 CJ\0 o u^ ^\0 OOVO OOVO rM iH CM C^O (^ iH 1-1 H Cv-JtOvCr\0O-*-*COVO»r» >r»p~\or~CMvocM>rvi-ic^ CM rH^ H -* O iH r-(OCJSO>OCvJOC^ ........ iH -* 1-1 I-l f^ m •^ . . CM CM P-\CJ\ . vrvc^ VO c^ VO Cv. VO CM OO CM CM ... . H Cv-CM iH VO . CM CM ft O CM . . . -* C^ iH O • . H CO tyv M • • . • • O iH P-> CM^ CM • • • »nrH CM VO C^ . PA ^ cv. c^ vr>\r»cv- iH iH CM CM c•^oo VO 1-1 • .... C^ Jt . 3- CM CM ^ Ovo CO VO CM CM CJv Ov (»-> ■H CO CM OO C7\ iH O iH ^^ Ed CM I-l C^ CM «^CM iH O . . • • . iH CJvvo ^CMCM CTVCO iH ^ iH 00 C^^ CM o pooopOrHvr>>rv\r\vrvpoQO«~>C300 0(C<^0 0*OOQQOQOOo3'>'^vOC^^r-irH<*^CAC^^-3-u^3->A(n3->AvO r* \r\ 3" u^vo C^ CO 3" ^'Nvo C^ CO Ov ....•••......•••.♦. . . . . . . . . • • . .OOOOOOO^AC^OOCi^C^Cv-C^OOOO oc'^c^cl^{^c^c^cv-c~^-^^v-oooooooOl^cMCMCMCMCMCMc^c~\c■^cA 0or^ ... CM 00 VO • o 00 § s> CJ\ CM Cv- +» o E-1 Uo H N OO >-« O CO C^CM O^O 00 CM C>-0 N C>-CVi C^r^t triO O N 0\r»vO O t«-0 O O Q .•«..♦......•.•..•..*......... t^r^jfj»-fHeMo^cMoo<^>r\o\»r\ri4o«OH'-<<»y'^*'^'-««^NHOji-» i-H H (-1 <-l W iH >0 ^ N ^ (n I-I rH 0\ Vf\ 00 a •H NO . cvj 00 . o OS o CM O\00 « • H O >o CO • P< o o 5 » S iJi N » JO ^ C4 CM iH o . . r-t t^ « . Cll CM* VO 3- OO rH^ . . . CM CM^ r* CO H OO o\ OSi-l • • iH t^ CM o ^ CM s*^ CM H « • • Ji'oo • • • • • • CM H • • • • • • • 21.5 27.7 12.6 2.1 6.2 30.1 . • en i-l • • OO CM . • HCMj* ... CMvOVO 0\U^ iHOO O M • • • • • • H nflo^ ... OO • OO . . • . • S P-5 vS^O t>-S 5 >r\vo C^oo t Qooc^oooo«nc^c>-ooo<^c^<^<^2>t-t-C-c-c~o^icMeM^^ \0^0 P-r>-000000000000C0CN^<7>a\O\OSOsO-lr-lrHiHr-l CM CM CM la ^ o\ rH ^ 8 xi > 4J 3 o o -d ,0 C>OOOQvO^W^>r> CO vT) 00 0\vr\ ^o ^^ OD 00 «^ CO • • • • ^••••••••••ooocn Pr^ooc<^c--c^^- ocncnocMcgcM hvOC^C^^-C-CDCOCNC7^C7\r^^^^-^r^ o •a o C>-CJ\ CM • • • CM H rH 0\ en >A d - »0 S 00 s s vr\ «0 o . d ■»» CO CMj*-\o>r»eMrHCMooor\«r>t>-o*o>r>Oj»>r>oo»A r^cM^-u^l^vOl-l0^cM^o>o^^p^^-^l-l«^-u^«^c^cMl-( CM cl^ rS CM c^ CM o o • • CM H O . H . CM o 0\ . « H O ^.1 t>-rH • ... H H i-l 00 • VO iH CM . . . • c^ O O . M VO CM . . CM . CM CM «^ OO • o . CM c^ v% CM* ■H ft H • • . OHO VO 00 VO OvCM CM • • . • C^ O CM H >r^o<^ CM ... • VO iH O H <»\ VO CM O CM . « . 0\^ CM OO OO VO N • p- CM C^ VO o N \o • O O O W>p Q C^»OC^O Q Q S «^<»VC<^S-!»- ^<^S"S i-l • voc^ooc^^*o<^-;t"W^vO^>r\ . . . . . . . . . • d •f-l....«.......OOOW^>'>QOOOQ ■f poo(^c^c^c^opoor^c^oooo^^NCMt^r^<'^ • (4 OO 00 OO 00 CO OO C^. Cv 0\ C7\ OV Ov H f-l rH rH r-l H rH rH fH iH H U3 o 0) rH o • •H 03 rHCMC~»0^i-|vr\o ^^^OC^CMCM0Ovr^r^CMl-^C^r^cI^^0Or^C^C^ 3 CM CM ,-• 1-1 CM '^ 1^ vO o\^ • • H C^ o . iH OO r-4 00 . -* • rH • iH • • 00^ iH C^r-t O C>^ -* O C^ ... C>- iH CM o . o CM g: CM ooc^c^ooot^ C^Oi-li-lrHiHCgCMCMCM OOrHrHrHrHi-liHiHiHrH I ■a ■a o»rivr\>rv\r>\rvvr>oQOOO>00 CMP^<«^P^(nr^c^-*vr^3■3•v^^'.o r~>vr\ c^ ........••**.. Ti . . . •0>AO<^C^OOOC^C^C--C--00 riC^C^C^C^OOi-li-li-ICMC\)CMCMCMtMCMr^C^ SOOaOO^C7\rHiHiHi-lrHiHi-lrHrHiHiHiHrHi-l CM CM . OO 00 . CJ\ c^ fH C^ CM . CM CO •a EH Uli r^o^l^o^>^^^^^ooo^r-lH^-»^^^-r^r^Ol^c>Jc^l«Mf^ VO CM iH 9, CM CM CM CM CM c^ 0\ c^ Ov c«^ CM r\ CM C^ C^CM • ■ r^ CM CM «M »riCM N c^ o CM CM CM • • VO C^ c^ vrv m O CM O • • VOVO N • • HVO C4 CMOO • • VO CM si s K OO CM VO CMvO CM 00 VO O CM CM 0\ ■* r-l t>-vO ^00 • • • • c^»r» CM ( ,8 O o OvCO CM • • • • • !-<■* Ji- i-i fH OO si «% c^ CM 00 CM >n •H CM C7\ VO CM^ CO CM OO CTvO • • • • ^ CM H-* -* CM O OO OO 00 C^vo >A • • • • • C>-CTvvO CXvC- VO vO VO ^^ VO CO o CM Q o R>r»v5 eSo^^vo I 53 Q ^ 5D *0.<2 9 ® 2 • • • , _ - _ •oooc^c>-oo r^c^o C^C^OOppC^<^C^C>-t^^-OOOrHr-ICMCMCMCMC^ 0000CTvOvO\OvOvCy\CvCvC\O\iHiHiHi-irHrHi-lf--ioQCM^^oaD\ooocMc^c^c>-ocM -*vO CM o fH iH 1-1 SO iH C-CM . CM OO o 00 . o -i-< ^ iH . . • . H CM vr» CM CO o . • C^CM C~-CM OO ... 00 o\ C^ iHCM VTli-l CO C^U-> iH H ... .... o o . • C^CM vr> CMOO ... OOONP^ vO CM <-t tn VTtvo ... • . • r-co vr> "^{j C3 rH CM rH ... rH * Cs. OO rH C^ e^iH . . . . • VO CM >r( VTl C^ C^ rH i-< CJWO ... ■*vO rH 00 CJ\ . • o . c^ CM CM rH r- rH CM ...... o ^ r^ t^CM ^ CM CO 00 o H C^ 5^-* t^ OO rH O C^ .... VO "~>0O CM CJV rH VO CO CJ eg rH C^ CVJ I O O p p ....•••....♦•• ..OO c^ c^- <^cv-c^t^opoor^c^r>{ncr\c^cs-t^ocMCM«~ipocv.vr\c^oopoooooo<^u-> a xr»tr\3-vo P^-* vrvvo r^^ u-»vo tv. vri\o c^- OO * CM P CM 00 P rkH^OOCMV\r4OC0OOO0\or4.4-Oa0 CJ c5 \0 pI iH CM O rt O rH r4 fH H 0 cH On o c^ CM CM CM O CM CM CM o o CM CM O O O . . • •H H CM o CJN ca O CM O O NO CM o NO o . CM CM -t o . CO oo • CN. co NO CM oo c^ ON o NO c^ Si ^ o . oo O ©NO ... CM CM iH ^ NO CM C^CnCN- ... CM * ^ f-4 . J* H C^ . o . • C>- c»^ ON O OnO NO NO NO . CM £ ^?:: CO rH rH C^ O rH o o o rHNO -* . 00 86.9 2.1 8 <5 o o o o vr\o o p • 0»nOOC^vrvOOCJi-t>AOiHVrvo>r>QQC«-u>OOOOOCJNO(<^xr«NO-5 H O iH UM>- ^NO ^TiNO ^ 1-INO «^ iH r-l U^NO (^^ CnC^^NO C^>ANO tN- C^ • . . . • CO •rl*....... •.•...••.••••.... .OU^C^C^C^ ■»» pOiHOOC^OOOOC^C^OO<^<^C^C^OOOO<*^<^t^t^C^OOCMCMCM • U ^r\'-0'-0 NONOr-C^CN-^-C^C^COOOOOOOOOOOCT>CrNCJNONONONONCyN<7\rHi-trHrHi-l B1 U7 OS e 4 rH ^* o (S OS rH o o OC^>OoO\i-|N(MvOaO rHf^rHrH(npHC\Jt^>nr\rH-M<^i-(4-C<^<^ iH ^ 0< ^ SO rH ?\ rH CM o o\ »o >A • 00 • oo « ts- • NO • r-l i-l o\ * rH rH ooo CM • O OS r\ o • »0 0\ • ••*«.• H N OS rH rH (n»0 HSO »n SO O 00 >n u~lOs D-SO r% rH CJs H CM r-4 r^ VWO c>- • . • • . HOSOS^ S^ en M OS CVJ vrv * • • • csi en 00 vr, CSI O so >r\ o • • C^ (^ en o so . • (^ SO 00 rH OO « OO CM 00 o 00 OO • • rHC>- -*00 €)0C30^^>A0000»ri»0rH00C^0 - r^^ Cs-uSvr\u>so C^flO rH >r»vr>>r>u-vcncnc^ so vrvH J- ■* O ^ • •••..• CM 00 H -* so ITv rH c^ CO (Si o\ CO o\ 1 OOOcnC-rHOOOOCs-O (nso O O Q n o C3N en o so •3 en vO . _ - 2 _ - 75.60 1 ___„___ 77.55 - - - - 77.65 - - _ - 00.55 11 30.60 5 5 .6 2 .2 c > .6 i!0 5.0 32 1.5 537 73.^ 88 12.6 173 2^.7 38 5.^ 2 1.0 1 1.0 11 lo4 5 .7 ^^2 Table VI (Cont'd) Record of the Lco-vae of Hc-iio (Merlucciuc productvis), 1950 Crui£:e a'.id i'-'ioiith. 11 12 13 1^ 15 16 Station Feb. :iai-ch . Airi,!, ..._ Kay Jtme JjJ.y Ati.- 80,70 3 80.30 l6 /^ Ii- 80.90 80.100 y 3 ■80,110 3 80.120 2 80.130 83.55 - 2 8 33.60 - 7 •o p o 70 - 3 4 17 18 Sta. Sta. Au.'a. Sent. Total -iVQjt _ •^ ,1^ - 2^ 3.4 _ 10 1,4 - 3 .4 — 2 .3 - — 10 2-0 - 7 la2 - 7 1.2 - - 20 3.3 - - 9 1.5 •~ ^^ 11 1.8 "* " 19 2.7 - 11 1.3 - - 7 1.4 22 48 23 49 125 21 2 12 1 201 26 13 1 373 40 - 14 - 16 3 18 6 237 2 62 2 1196 15 857 42 4 22 2.8 79 10 „0 174 24.9 223 31.9 13 1.9 ■83.80 20 83.90 9 87.35 126 87.40 87.50 87.60 19 87.70 8 - 3 87. 80 7 87 .90 90.30 3 1 4 .5 90.37 90.45 90,53 2 90.60 90.70 90. SO 90.90 90.100 90.110 90.120 93. "^0 93.40 93.50 93o6o - 21 93.70 93.80 2 93«90 97.32 97.40 97.50 3 97 : 6c 97.70 97.30 97.90 100.30 1 53 5 .8 229 38.2 14 2.3 434 86.8 16 4.0 13 4.5 3 .8 zk- 4,8 2^2 48.4 61^ 12.8 1211 242.2 899 179.8 10 1.4 Table VI (Cont'd) Kecord of the Larvne of Hri:e (l-fcrluccius productus ) . 1950 Cruise aiici Month 11 12 13 1^ 15 l6 17 18 Stp.tion Feb,, March jApril May , Juiae July Aii.,i^c Seot. 100.40 100,50 2'!' 3 - 100.60 i}. /i.9 5 _ 100.70 40 11 - 100.80 76 100.90 28 1 - 100.100 19 - 100.110 100.120 - - - 105.35 3 3 110.35 47 3 3 1 110. iW 5 63 742 3 - - 110.50 9 4 23 110.60 1 1 26 110.70 3 _ - 110.80 381 110.90 2 - - 110.100 110.110 113.35 - 8 1 115.40 15 -_-_-__ 117.35 120.35 120.45 120.50 120.60 120.70 120.80 120.90 120.100 120.110 123.40 23 3 - 26 3,7 123.50 2 - 2 .3 123. bO 127.40 1 - 1 .1 127.50 127=60 130.35 1 2 8 54 - 65 9.3 130.40 15 - 6 ,9 130.50 130.60 ~ ^ ■ . 130.70 7 - - 7 1.2 130. GO Totals 669 1139 4718 519 44 5 7094 Sh 18 4 141 52 14 28 5 Sta, Sta. Total Ave. 27 4.5 53 9.7 51 8.5 13 2.2 29 4.8 19 3.2 6 .9 54 7.7 018 136.3 36 6.0 28 4.7 *-* .5 381 63.5 2 .3 9 1.5 15 15.0 27 4.5 193 27.6 47 6.7 5 .7 Table VII Record of the Irxvae of Sooldish (Sc"ba,GtocLes spp,), 1950 . Cr^iir.G rnd iionth. )2 - 82 82.0 1 — 1 1.0 J^ 4 2.0 5 3 8 i^^.o i^ 2 6 3=0 11 12 13 1^+ 15 lb 17 18 Sta. Sta. S,tation,.__JVb. i'iarda ^vjril U^;^ Jmie JiUy Aug. 6Q-,:)t. Touo.l . ye. 20.10. - ---.__8- 8 3.0 20.20 ----__ 20.30 - ---__3_ 3-^.0 20.1.0 - ->--__ ij. _ Zj. Ii-.O 20.50 --_-„_ 20.60 - - - _ _ _ 20.70 ---___ 20.80 --_-__ 20.90 - - _ _ - _ 23.15 - - - - _ _ 27.20 - » - - _ _ 30.26 - - - » _ _ 30.30 - - _ _ _ _ ?0.40 - _____ 30.50 - _____ 30.60 - _____ 30,70 - - - - _ _ 30.80 - _____ 30,90 - _____ 30.100 - _____ 33=32 " _____ m 4 ^,.5 22.5 37.33 - _____ 2 2 ^;- 2.0 ^!0..'-:.5 - 173* 5 - 33 19 ''^ 2Ml> 40.7 40o50 - 030 9 k- - 2 2 10 657 109,'? 40.60 - 37 2 22 - 13 7 31 13.5 40.70 - 29 24 2 16 !', 75 10.7 40.80 - 46 13 2 27 9 2 99 14.1 40.90 - 3^ 28 4 17 4 5 94 13,4 40,100 15 9 4 h 32 4.6 40.110 - 7 7 1.0 40.120 - _____ 43.50 - 64 29 1 - 52 146 24.3 43. bO - 28 3/+ 3 ~ 41 5 7 118 19.7 47.55 - 133 20 - - 83 10 4 255 51.0 47.60 _ 45 18 46 - 14 123 20.5 50.55 3^ '^ 4 17 12 Ih 11 96 12o0 50.60 4 12 2 49 4 8 13 92 il„5 50.70 2 ^1' 2 28 49 4 39 11.1 50.80 1 6 2 10 3 2 29 3^6 50,90 1 5 12 40 11 69 8.6 50.100 T.0 14 225 33 4.1 50.110 . 1 47 4 52 6.5 * Snm-ile non-.'''u.r'aititr-tive cV.ie to net oel.it: torn 5^ Table VII (Cont'd) Record of the I.rjvae of Eocl'i'ieh (Sobr.Gtodec cpo.-), 1950 Station 11 12 - ___ Cr"i-iso pnd " ioii/bli_ 13 1^ 15 April I l:iy Jtm e 16 17 Aug. 18 Se-it. Sta. Tot-1 Sta. Ave. 50,120 50.130 53.5^ 53.6/+ 55»6o 57.5^ 57.64 61.55 60,60 60.70 60,80 60.90 60.100 60.110 60.120 60 .,130 63.57 63.67 65.60 67.55 67.65 70.55 70.60 70,70 70,30 70,90 70.100 70,110 70,120 70.130 73.51 73.61 77.55 77.65 80.55 80.60 30.70 80.30 80.90 80,100 30.110 30.120 k 177 39 L', 3 3 1 6 85 53 7 8 6 11 33 m- 3 13 9 12 2 2 2 2 2h 7 7 15 7 28 6h 2 10 3 22 4 6 4 25 3 6 20 22 13 19 35 4 10 8 4 5 60 6 3 3 8 ' 5 16 12 7 2 35 54 53 2 37 12 6 10 42 29 47 5 8 11 23 5 5 4 37 10 9/1- 3 11 4 4 35 66 20 9 36 35 7 11 13 25 56 20 2 22 12 2 /|. 2 5 2 11 6 19 20 20 3 4 146 82 17 46 62 325 121 91 65 42 14 6 2 65 9 119 324 11 117 25 26 33 50 11 3 124 13 39 16 62 106 i;-6 .1 36.5 27.3 4.2 11,5 20.7 40.6 15.1 11.4 8.1 5.Z 1.8 .8 .2 21.7 4.5 29.7 103.0 5.5 14.6 3.1 3.2 4.1 6.2 1.4 .4 41.3 6.5 13.0 8,0 8.9 15.1 6.6 65 9.3 .3 56 station Tatle VII (Cont'd) Record of the Larvae of lioclzfich (Scbastodes spp, ), 1950 11 12 13 if'eb . i'iarcli Aoril Cr^TisG and, iioritli 1^- 15 16 Ik:'-',' June Jnly 17 Aug. 18 Se-:]t. Sta, JTotol Ave. 80.130 83.55 83.60 S3. 70 83. SO 83.90 87.35 87.^0 86.50 87.50 07.60 S7.76 87. 80 87.96 90. ?0 90.37 90.i:'5 50.53 90.60 90.70 90, .80 90.90 90.100 90.110 50.120 93.30 93. 4o 53.50 93.60 93.70 53.80 93.50 Q7 '^'^ 57.^10 97-50 97.60. 57.70 97.80. 97.90 100. 30 lOO.ij-0 100.50 34 70 8 318 318 77 16 30 233 169 161 11 20 6 6 3 3 21^ 5 113 300 186 2'':- 7 75 239 4 270 10 6 52 128 16 9 6 38 126 8 11 38 60 233 • 10 3^1-5 126 11 I: 52 3^f-5 67 5 2 14 26 7 11 27 120 47 1 16 3 15 13 2 ^10 6 35 23 12 15 2 8. 15 18 14 162 38 53 2 10 Li ii-3 7 6 12 24 4 4 3 11 7 10 4 4 19 5 8 o 3 36 1 10 4 1? 388 41 51 12 512 755 14 277 235 14 135 308 64^1- 335 I'i 77.6 608 15.2 2.0 85.3 126.5 7»0 52.3 34.1 2.3 5^5 16,9 38.5 80.5 47.9 1 1 12 6? 11.2 31b 52.7 76 12c 7 40/:- 80.8 25 6.2 8 2.0 i\ .5 172 43,0 26 5.2 47 9.4 19 4.8 56 11. 2 79 15.8 361 72.2 165 23.6 72 12,0 I'l- 2c 3 57 2rMe VII (Cont'd) Record of the Larvae of rLOci-fish (SetaGtodec spp.), 1950 Cruise ami iiontli 1^ 20 32 5.3 15 2.5 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 Sta. Sta. Station Fe"h. M.-irch April liry Jijine July Aug. oe-^t. Total i\ve. 100.60 - 2 5-7- 100.70 9 15 - 8 - 100.80 m^ - 1 _ 100.90 100.100 ■ 22 - - 22 3.7 100.110 100.120 - - - 105.35 ^ 1 33 2 2 3 - 89 12.7 110.35 3^8 ii' - 19 2.7 110. i+o 2 12 21 3 - 1 - 39 6,5 110.50 2 - - 2 .3 110.60 1 - - 1 .2 110.70 1 1 - _ 2 .3 110.30 1 - - 1 .2 110.90 110.100 110.110 113.35 - 217 158 10 1 - 386 64.3 115.40 3 ___-_-„ 3 3.0 117.35 - 9:^. 46 21 6 - 165 27.5 120.35 4 9 88 2 - 103 14.7 120.45 3 60 i!-l 16 1 2 - 123 17.6 120.50 14 1 5 5 1 - 26 3.7 120.60 120.70 1 - - 1 .2 120.80 120.90 120.100 120.110 123.40 38 18 31 2 1 - 2 92 13.1 123.50 26 2-3 13 1.9 123.60 127.40 127.50 1 - - 1 .2 127.60 130.35 5 23 8 40 6 - 82 11.7 130.40 3 11 1 - 1 21 3.0 130.50 1 - 1 .1 130.60 1 - - 1 .2 130.70 130.80 Totals 2138 2931 2739 913 "979 1135 "322 174 11831 ' 29055 58 MBL WHOI Library - Serials iii!i'iili:t|fl!'i:ii|il'f',llini".lffi 5 WHSE 01061 "l i