TRIAL OF DENIL-TYPE FISH LADDER ON PACIFIC SALMON Marine Biological Laboratory WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No. 99 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ' FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating Agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication. Washington, D.C. May, 1953 United States Department of the Interior, Douglas McKay, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Albert M. Day, Director TRIAL OF DENIL-TTPE FISH LADDER ON PACIFIC SALMDN by Leonard A. Fulton and Harold A. Gangmark Fishery Biologists and Scott H. Bair Hydraulic Engineer Special Scientific Reports Fisheries No. 99 CONTENTS Page History of the Denil-type ladder , 1 Design developments of the Denil-type 'ladder 3 General design features of the Denil-type ladder at Dryden Dam 5 General design f eatures of the Pool-type ladder at Dryden Dam. ... - 8 The exp erL raent .^ 10 Discussion 13 Summary and conclusions l5 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Perspective of Denil-type fish ladder with single-plane baffles 2 2. Pictorial representation of flow conditions in Denil-tj'pe fish ladder, with direction of flow at the various depths shown by position of thread banderoles. {Redrawn from Furuskog 19Ui) 1; 3. Arrangment of structures at Dryden Dam. 6 ii. Pool-type fish ladder in 19^8 prior to construction of the Denil-type ladder 7 5. The Denil and pool-type fish ladders in operation in 19U9. 7 6. General design of Denil-type fish ladder at Dryden Dam.... 9 In the Pacific Northwest the problem of safeguarding the passage of upstream migrating fish at hydroelectric and irrigation developments is becoming increasingly importanto New types of fishways are being considered in the hope that more efficient ones will be found, A design known as the Denil-type fishway, used to some extent in Europe, has had favorable comment as an economical yet efficient means of enabling fish to surmount barriers. New interest was stimulated hy an article by Valter Furuskog (19U$) of Stockholm, Sweden, concerning the design and construction of a "fish pass" for the Herting power dam on the Atran fliver, near Falkenburg, Sweden. As a result of this interest, an experiment was designed to compare the effective- ness of the pool-type and Denil-type ladders as fish-passage devices. Observations were made in a side-by-side installation at Dryden Dam on the Wenatchee River approximately 17 miles above the confluence of the Wenatchee and Columbia Rivers. HISTORY OF THE DENIL-TYPE LADDER The Denil-type fish ladder, "counter-current" in principle, was developed by G, Denil of Brussels, Belgium who devised a system of baffles in a channel whxich by nature of their shape and position im- part a secondary outward circulation of flow, producing a momentum transfer from the central portion of the channel toward the walls. In a publication concerning "fish-pass" installations at the Meuse and Orthe Dams on the Rhine River, Denil (1909) presented his fish-ladder design in its original form, explained the ideas xirhich served as the basis of his design, and described in detail the first fish ladders con- structed with his principles. Work initiated by Denil in 1907 was con- tinued over a period of 30 years. In his endeavor to develop a rational basis for fish-ladder design, Denil (1936-38) conducted numerous experi- ments on the hydraulics of "counter- current" fish ladders, the nature and magnitude of resistance encountered by fish in various types of ladders, and the^ility of fish to overcome those resistances. Denil 's principles were further investigated by the Committee on Fish Passes, British Institution of Civil Engineers, who during the period 1936-38 carried out hydraulic experiments at the Imperial College of Science and Technology to confirm Denil' s results and, by application of his principles, to develop a simpler design of baffle than the some- what complicated cup-shaped baffle utilized by Denil in his experiments. The type of baffle selected ty the British investigators as the most practical was a single-plane baffle (see Figure 1) which is more readily constructed than the cup-shaped baffle used by Denil. Figure 1.— Perspective of Denil-type fish ladder with single-plane baffles 2 In March 19ii3j further investigations were made by Swedish fishery- interests at Stockholm, of experimental fish ladders constructed in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Fish Passes. Based on the results of these experiments ^ a Denil-type ladder was de- signed by Furuskog for the Herting power dam in Swedeno Furuskog's design represented a modification of the design recommended by the Committee on Fish Passes, involving an increase in linear dimensions and a decrease in bottom slope of the channel. Further comparative experiments of models of the Herting fish ladder were undertaken in May 19^3 "under the guidance of Professor Hellstrom of the Royal Technical University of Stockholm. One of the models was sawed down the middle, and one of the halves was placed against the glass wall of a test flume, so that observations could be made of currents inside the fish-ladder model„ By use of a wire with thread banderoles attached, it was found that the currents near the bottom of the channel were nearly vertically upward with the higher velocities in a longitudinal direction occurring near the water surface (see Figure 2) . The baffles being placed at an angle with the floor of the channel catch the faster-flowing water near the water surface, forc- ing the flow downward to the floor where it is directed upward in such a manner that it slows down the current in a longitudinal direction. Ex- periments utilizing small fish gave no indication of their being disturbed by the vertical currents. The Herting fish ladder was completed in May, 19hS ^ and counting observations were initiated in September of the same year. According to Furuskog (19U5), Sh Atlantic salmon i^eighing up to 20 pounds and 6 sea-run trout negotiated the new fish ladder during one 3-hour period. The success of the Denil-type ladder at the Herting power dam was con- sidered proved, although the information furnished by Furuskog gives no indication of the size of run involved. i DESICM DEVELOPMENTS OF THE DENIL-TYPE LADDER Based on experiments conducted by the British investigators during the period 1936-38, a practical Denil-type fish ladder as defined by the Committee on Fish Passes (19^2) would have a channel width of 3 feet, with single-plane baffles spaced at a distance of two-thirds the c hannel width and laid sloping upstream at a h5=-degree angle with the channel floor. As further defined by the Committee, a practical Denil-type fish ladder would have a clear opening between the upright portions of the individual baffles of 1 foot 9 inches 5 the channel would have a bottom- slope not exceeding 1 on U, and resting pools would be provided at verti- cal intervals of 6 to 8 feet. A bottom slope of 1 on 5 was, however, recommended where a channel length of 30 feet is provided between resting pools. FiFure 2.— Pictorial representation of flow conditions in Denil-type fish ladder, -ith direction of flow at the various depths shown by position of thread banderoles. (Redrawn from Furuskog 19A5;. Effective operating depth, as recommended by the Committee, varies between the limits of 2 to 3 feet above the floor of the channel. At a depth of 2 feet J approximately 10 second-feet (cubic feet per second) of flow would be required for operation of the defined practical Denil- type ladder^ and at a 3-foot depth, flow requirements would be increased to about 21 second-feet. As described by Furuskog (19h5) , the Denil-type ladder at the Herting power dam represents a modification of the design recommended by the Com- mittee on Fish Passes, involving a linear enlargement of about lU2 percent and a decrease in bottom slope of the channel to 1 on 6. The channel width was increased to 1,30 meters (i; feet 3-I/I4 inches), with a clear opening between the upright portions of the individual baffles of O.76 meters (2 feet 6 inches) . The slope of the baffles was maintained at hS degrees with respect to the floor of the channel, and the spacing of baffles was maintained at two-thirds the channel width. The greatest channel dis- tance between successive resting pools in 9*02 meters (29 feet 7-1/8 inches'^ . Flow requirements of the Denil-type fish ladder at the Herting power dam was reported by Furuskog to be normally l.k cubic meters per second (li9 second-feet) , although the figure is not particularly sig- nificant in that the operating depth within t he channel was not specified. GENERAL DESIGN FEATURES OF THE DENIL-TYPE LADDER AT DRYDEN DAM The apoarent success of the Herting fish-ladder installation designed by Furuskog, encouraged the Fish and Wildlife Service to con- struct a Denil-type ladder side by side with an overflow weir pool- type ladder. In this way the efficiency of the two types could be compared under similar operating conditions and with the same species of fish. The site at Dryden Dam (see Figure 3j on the Wenatchee River was selected, inasmuch as it was a relatively low dam where concentra- tions of salmon could be assured. The location was oarticularly advan- tageous, since, as the r esult of reconstruction work at Dryden Dam to replace sections of the dam damaged by high water in the spring of 19li3, a temporary earthfill cofferdam made it possible to construct the Denil fish-ladder in the existing pool-type ladder while the latter was unwateredo The work was thus facilitated and resulted in a more econom- ical installation than otherwise could have been effected. Construction of the Denil-type ladder reduced the width of the pool- type ladder to approximately one-half of its original width of 10 feet as shown in Figures h and 5. The two ladders could then be compared to determine inhich was preferred by the fish. Work on the Denil-type installation was initiated during the fall of I9U8 and was completed in the spring of I9U9. c I Q -P a) n -p o (^ ■P n Cm O i & c «; I I • (D U Fi^re I. — Pool-type fish ladder in 19A^ prior to construction of the Denil-type ladder. Figure 5. — The Denil and pool- type fish ladders in operation in 1949, Design of the Denil-type ladder at Dryden Dam was patterned after the Herting installation and varied therefrom only to the extent that no weirs were provided at the upper end for regulation of ladder flows with accompanying forebay fluctuations. However, flow regulation c an be effected to a small degree by the insertion of one or more stop-logs in the guides provided at the upper end of the ladder for unwatering pur- poses. The Dryden installation (see Figure 6) consists of a channel 1; feet 3 inches in width, with 10 U-shaped wooden baffles spaced 2 feet 10 inches on centers along the floor of the channel and set at & h^- degrse angle thereto. Clear ooening between the upright portions of the individual baffles is 1 foot 9 inches, and the bottom slope of the channel is 1 on 6, The ladder is d^ '. c^ned for a maximiun difference in elevation betxreen forebay and tail. if approximately 5 feet 9 inches, Flow through the ladder was experimentally adjusted between 20 and 30 second-feet during the tests. According to the British Committee on Fish Passes, minimum operating depth^ for, the Denil-type ladder with a channel 3 feet in width was indicated to be 2 feet above the channel floor. Observations made at Dryden Dam showed that fish could readily negotiate the ladder at a lesser depth. The maximum operating depth was based on the assumption that the maximum depth (3 feet) prescribed by the Committee on Fish Passes for the channel 3 feet in width could be increased by U2 percent. The U2 percent represents the increase in linear dimensions of the Denil-type ladder at Dryden Dam over that recommended by the Committee on Fish Passes. From actual observations, the most suitable operating depth appeared to be 3 feet. At this depth flow through the Dryden installa- tion was computed from current-meter readings to be approximately 30 second-feet. GENERAL DESIGN FEATURES OF THE POOL- TYPE LADDER AT DRYDEN DAM As previously mentioned, the width of the pool-type ladder was reduced to about one-half of the original width (10 feet) as a result of construction of the Denil-type ladder. The pool-type ladder con- sisted of h pools each 5 feet wide and 6 feet long. This made 5 steps of approximately 1 foot drop. Flows were regulated at from 9 to 12 second-feet. Tne pool-type ladder was damaged by high waber in the spring of 1950 when the lowest weir supports were vrashed out. This reduced the number of ladder pools to three and created a short entrance channel to the ladder from the tailwater area below the dam. This change in the number of pools apparently did not affect fish passage. More fish ascended the ladder in 19^1 than in 19ii9. The average depth of water in the pools of the ladder was calcu- lated to be $o5 feet for the h pools in 19h9 and U.U feet for the 3 pools as operated during 19.^1 « THE EXPERIMENT V/ith the completion of the Denil-type ladder at Dryden Dam in the spring of 19l;95 plans were formulated for fish-passage obser- vations at both the Denil-type and pool-type ladders, in connection with the migration of blueback salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) on their way to their spawning grounds. The method used for making comparative counts of fish utilizing the individual ladders was for the observer to alternate his attention from one ladder to the other for approximately equal periods. When two observers were available, fish were counted simultaneously in both ladders. During the 19li9 migration, llU hours 20 minutes of observa'' ions were made, with a total of 260 fish being counted through the ladders. However, not as many fish were tallied as had been anticipated, since, as the result of flow conditions over this relatively low dam, a great many were able to negotiate the dam without using the ladders. Fish other than salmon seen ascending the Dryden ladders were rainbow or steehead trout (Salmo gairdenrii) , Dolly Varden trout (Salvelinus malma) , suckers (Catostomus so.) and Squawfish (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) . In I9L9, a total of 259 fish was counted through the Denil-type ladder in 6U hours and $ minutes, while only one fish was observed passing through the pool-type ladder in 50 hours l5 minutes of observation. Data concerning these observations are listed in Table 1. The observations were extended to the 19^0 season, but were soon abandoned after no fish were seen using the ladders over a period of several days. High water conditions resulted in the fish finding other means of negotiating the dam than by the ladders. From the standpoint of the experimental observationo, water levels during the 19^1 season were more satisfactory and salmon used the fish ladders to a greater extent. Both the Denil-type and pool-type ladders were observed for a total of U6 hours IiO minutes during which time l^SS^ fish ascended the Denil-type ladder and 225 fish were counted through the pool-type ladder. The data on 195l observations can be found in Table 2. Thus in the total time that counting was conducted in 19^9 and 19^1 (207 hours ho minutes, 89 percent of the fish used the Denil-type ladder and 11 percent used the pool-type ladder. As will be noted from Tables 1 and 2, a larger percentage of fish negotiated the dam in 195l by use of the pool-type than in I9U9. 10 I p CO EH O o CO 1 ON 1 1 i r-t a +> ^ o OOOOrHOOOOOOOOOOOOO r-i • Eh O ojI m U OJ X! b +> oooooooooooooooooo O 9) o 4^ y^ o 1> u OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCfcOO O e EH +5 1 c r-1 • o O a B O zl rS (U o to • c oooooooooooooooaoo O rH (d pq to oooorHooooooooooaoo --1 • Ih -H Opu^OvAvj-NOOOOOpOOQOOO xr> g 2 S r-i s 2 _ rHrHrHCNJf^ CVJ r^ r-i rHOJrHJ-nH O •H ^ (S (^ tH O tH 1 - rH (d vOO^pHCOvrNf^C^VOrHr^ONrHC^OvOrHrHrH (y SO • o Eh C^-d- r-1 rH ,H CM C\J rH vr ON On -** u O^I>-vrHO Cv 0) o en ■d -d 05 "::n- h:) g « ^ cnoOCMOOOrHrHr-tCMOOOOOOO o s EH H +> C 1 • O rH c s •H s-^ rHC7\CM^r-10r^000f*^0rHrH.d-C^(Vr-l vr> 5 o to c^ O ^•g Sl c\Joooo o- •H 0) VO COr^ rH r-1 CN- pq to rH • • Q> h a S 4) -H 1-1 <" s OOVAOvnoOOOOOpvAOOOOO v0CVJ0J00v0CMOCMvr,cMxA?JON^v0C\)C\)00 Eh fii O C iHrHCOCVJC^r-ICVJrHr-lrHrHi-^ CMC^^^rH •H 1 CMC^OvriO^cnvAOvO^-OO-* C^Ou-\\/>0 •-< u \OVOCs.c^C^C^C^vO(M(\J f^0vJOOC3sr^V0u-> CO ,H 0) B O EH g > O^ On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On O^ O^ cd > 4> . \n-5t'S5^J-^r^C\)CVJrHr-1000CjNC7N<> r-1 U CS • ••••••••••••«•••« PP o ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOC7N • • ' f-^ C^Cn-C^C^C^C--C^C^C^O-C^C^Cn-Cn-Cn-NOv£)nO On On On On On On On On On On On CTn On ^^ On On On On 4J • • eOONOrHrHCNlC^J*vnNOCN-OOONOrHCN)r^^ CNi^r^C^ r-i r^ r^ r^ r-i m a a> r-i a> ■p • • a CJ ^ dcss rssscssrsSBcer 4J o Eh 0 O u +» c > OD f-t •rl <-* o ^ P Oi o & » ca +> t( •d § « * ^ o 0) ,o J>i c u •H ;3 a lA u >. +> rH j3 B •H 1H It! w h1 cnjI I W m 1-4 I I to o o » CO ■S31 ■;:ii. o o o u E-i o a o o a a O OT ,o O « a m w d a • -H ■H ^ s EH o ON ■3 +> o U v 4» O o Eh o o □ a Si cd o to • el J3 O $ B H cd m to a a PI •H • EH ^ S o Of^ODO^r^C^Of^O-*C30C^l^ Cs. H rvj iH pH -* OJ ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo 0i-ICV»0<^iH000r-lC^t-4CVJ C^ (H I-) fH rH -* C>J O OvriO O Q \Au^vr^v/^0 vj->0 r-tC^C\lCJHi-10>Jr-lrHr^5jr^r-l 1 vr CM PJ C>-NO00^rHO\OsCvJCMON»n-* 0^ r^ ^ OJ r-<-:tlNi-IOOOOOOOOO OrHOOOOOOOrHOOO OrH^^«rNCVJrHOCM0000(MvOI>-CJ (^ rH -a- CM OOXAOOP\rNXAU^^"\OVAO OOvDOOO-5- OVO»Ai-(C7\CMvO rHr^CMCMr-trHCMrHrHC^CMP^H CO CM VO CD d o •rH -P Qi o Si i-H •H OS EH o « P Os\r\cO-;t r^cM <7\COa\(^vfi c^rH CMOVOU^^^CMr-lf^OsvOf^-d- O O OCT\0\0n0NC7s0D C^C^C^C^ • ■••••••••••1 OO C7^CJ^C7^C^^(T^C7^CT^CTsO^C^^CJ^ Cv-t^vD\b\CivOvONOA^O^-00 i-HrHrHr-tfHiHi-lrH }eseBBess>ss O U ■p o « <0 a o 1 o 0) Si n 9 O i-H 12 DISCUSSION In an experiment of this type^ it is difficult to eliminate all influences which might have an effect on the final outcome. Results of the experiment would have been more conclusive, had it been possible to alternate the position of the two ladders. However, the importance of position is minimized to a degree at least by two conditions: (1) the small flow requirement for each of the ladders as compared to the total flow over the dair gave both ladders a relatively equal attraction to salmon approaching from either shore ;, and (2) despite the fact that sal- mon are sometimes known to follow the shorelines in their upstream migra- tion^, our experience at other damSj such as Tumwater Dam further upstream^ indicates that the greatest numbers of fish do not always use the entrance situated nearest the shore. Another question which arisen is v:hether or not the pool-type ladder at Dryden Dam was a good example of that type. That is, were the pools of adequate dimensions and was the entrance most suitably located with respect to the downstream face of the dam? Also, might not the pool-type ladder have been more effective had it been possible to provide submerged orifices in the weirs? Short ladder pools ( 6 feet) precluded the use of submerged orifices, //hile the pool-type ladder at Dryden Dam is not suggested as being the best exam.ple of that type ladder, it is a typical example of the ladders constructed at low-head dams on the tributary streams through- out the Columbia River basin. It appeared from observations made in connection with the experiment that the foremost advantage of the Denil-type ladder is the attractive entrance condition created by the nozzle-like flow from the ladder entrance. In the case of the pool-type ladder, the effect of the nappe of flow over the entrance weir is quickly dissipated as it plunges into the deeper water below the dam, whereas the effect of the jet of flow from the Denil-type ladder extends downstream a considerable distance from the ladder entrance horizontally along the water surface. This fact, it was concluded, was the chief reason why most of the fish selected the Denil-type over the pool- type ladder. In arldition to providing what appears to be a better attraction to fish, the Denil-type proved to be superior with regard to facilitation of fish passage. Salmon and fish of several other species, including squawfis'h, suckers and certain less active fish, appeared to arrive at the upper end of the ladder with little effort. The ease with which fish appeared to negotiate the ladder is attributed to the dissipation of energy by the baffles. Part of this dissipation of energy produces up- ward currents which /jere demonstrated by Furuskog in a model, as shown in Figure 2. It was not always possible to see fish entering the two ladders, hence the length of time it took fish to negotiate the two types was not measured. However, there were a few occasions when the water was 13 clear so that individual fish could be seen entering the ladders and later crossing the counting board. The short time required for a salmon to pass upstream through the Denil-type never failed to startle the observers, and was especially in contrast to the slow progress through the pool-type ladder. During short periods of observation, fish passed through the Denil-type at an average of 2U second intervals. (On August 18^ 1951, in 100 minutes of observation, 2^7 fish passed through) „ On numerous occasions several bluebacks passed through the ladder simultaneously, or in rapid succession. However, it would be desirable tu make an additional study at a location where there is a greater concentration of fish and other species of salmon present. The apparently more attractive entrance flow of the Denil-type could be a deciding factor in preventing delay or acc^;lmulation of salmon such as now occurs below pool-type ladders. From the standpoint of flow and number of fish concerned,, the Denil- tj'pe ladder conveyed more fish per second-foot of flow than the pool-type ladder. That is, 89 percent of the fish used the Denil-type ladder, al- though it carried only 1|0 percent more flow, A saving in space can be an important factor where there is limited room for construction. Fishery engineers in Sweden are convinced that the Denil-type ladder, with a width of approximately that of the Dryden Dam installation ( h feet 3-l/U inches), will replace the pool-type ladder with a width of 10 feet, commonly used in Sweden. In addition, the steep gradient of the Denil-type ladder would result in a somewhat shorter over-all length than for a pool-type ladder with pools of normal length, thereby conserving space. Some difficulty was experienced in keeping the Dool-type ladder con- tinually adjusted to produce optimum flow conditions for upstream passage of fish. The removal or addition of stop-logs or for that matter, even minor changes in water level, will alter the hydraulic conditions within the pool to influence to some de gree the response of fish to the fishway. A distinct advantage in the Denil-type structure is the automatic adjust- ment for changes in water level obtained from use of the vertical baffles. Although the optimum conditions for salmon have never been adequately determined, the accepted operational procedure for pool=type ladders was followed to even a greater degree than would be done in normal operational practice. Although it might at first appear that there would be considerable savings affected — due to the smaller size of the Denil-type ladder, size alone does not necessarily control cost. The Denil-type ladder requires higher walls, and numerous specially constructed baffles which increase the cost. Therefore, it is the opinion of the authors that the Denil-type ladder would not represent any savings in construction cost over the pool-type ladder, lU SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Interest in the Denil-type fish ladder constructed at the Herting power dam in Sweden led to the construction at Dryden Dam of one patterned after the Swedish installation. Comparison of the Denil-type and pool- type ladders was facilitated because it was possible to construct a Denil- type ladder in one-half of the existing pool-type ladder at Dryden Dam. During the actual time that counting observations were conducted in 19li9 and 1951, the Denil-type was preferred by fish utilising the ladders. In 110 hours ii5 minutes, 1,828 fish used the Denil-type ladder, and in 96 hours 55 minutes a total of 226 fish were counted through the pool-type ladder. The Denil-type ladder at Dryden Dam occupies essentially the same amount of space as the pool-type ladder. There is, therefore, some advan- tage in the Denil construction in conservation of space, both from the standpoint of its narrowness, and shorter length made possible by a steeper slope. It was concluded, because of the baffles and higher flume wall con- struction of the Denil-type ladder, that there is no substantial saving in cost of construction over the standard pool-type ladder. '^th regard to flow requirements, Ihe data collected revealed that the Denil-type ladder passed a greater number of fish per second-foot of floxiT and required less attention. With only i^O percent more flow than in the pool-type ladder, the Denil-tj'pe was utilized by 89 percent of the fish counted through the ladders. Probably the most desirable feature of the Denil-tj'pe was the attrac- tion flow it presented to fish. The study undertaken at Dryden Dam was somewhat limited in scope, and it is hoped that the encouraging results may stimiilate further research into the possibilities of the Denil-type ladder. One possibility for adoption of the Denil-type which should be investigated is its installa- tion at the downstream end of a pool-type ladder, since, on the basis of observations at Drj'-den Dam, the Denil-type fish ladder is apparently more effective in attracting fish than the small pool-type ladder common to the Pacific Northwest. Additional studies also should be undertaken to determine the height of dam that different species of fish can nego- tiate by a continuo\is baffled channel without resting pools, and investigations should be carried out to determine the practicability of the Denil-type ladder at higher dams. 15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of J. T. Barnaby, under whose direction this experiment was planned and initiated, and C. J. Burner and H. B, Holmes for their suggestions and help in the preparation of the manuscript o We are grateful also to Milo C. Bell, Technical Coordinator, and D. R« Johnson, Chief Biologist, Washington State Department of Fisheries, for their review and comments. LITERATURE CITED COMMITTEE ON FISH PASSES, BRITISH INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ) ENGINEERS I9U2 Report of the Committee on Fish Passes, $9 PP» DENIL, G. 1909 Les echelles a poissons et leur application aux barrages de Meuse et d'Ourthe (Fish passes and their application at the Meuse and Orthe dams), Bull, Acad, Sci. Belgique 1908(1909) s 1221-1221;, DENIL, G. 1936-38 La mechanique du poisson de riviere. Qualities nautiques du poissonj ses methodes locomotricesj ses capacities; ses limites; resistances du fluide; effet de la vitesse, de la pente; resistance du seuil (The mechanics of river fishes. Swxmming properties of fishes; their methods of locomotion; their abilities and their limitations; the resistance of fluids; the influence of velocity and slope; threshold resistance), Annales des Travaux Publics de belgique, Vol. 37 No. It pp. 507-583, Vol. 37, Noo 5 pp. 707-720, Vol. 38 No. 1 pp. 69-8U, Vol. 38 No. 2 pp. 255-28U, Vol. 38 No. 3 pp. U11-U33, Vol, 38 No. 1; pp. 609-638, Vol, 38 No. 5 Dp. 733-763, Vol, 38 No. 6 pp. 957-9(80, Vol. 39 No. 1 pp. 131-171, Vol. 39 No. 2 pp. 399-111, Vol. 39 No. 3 pp. 537-578, Vol. 39 No. h pp. 783-803. FURUSKOG, VALTER 19U5 En ny laxtrappa (A new salmon pass), Sartryck ur Svensk Fiskeri Tidskrift, No, 11, pp. 236-239. 16 Interior-Duplicating-Washington,D.C. 42665 rniiimH?,' ,!^'^':f'y - SerialT fiifflitilil il 5 WHSE 01081 /'r