SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF THE ENERGY EXCHANGE AT OWS NOVEMBER Kevin Merle Rabe Library Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 03 no hats: Qpunni bKHUuMIt obnUUL Monterey, California Spectral Analysis of the Energy Exchange at OWS NOVEMBER by Kevin Merle Rabe March 1975 Thesis Advisor: R. H. Bourke KAKnacattM Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. T165949 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When D«l« Enternrt) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT NUMBER READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (end Subtitle) Spectral Analysis of the Energy Exchange at OWS NOVEMBER 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Master's Thesis March 1975 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORf*) Kevin Merle Rabe 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERf«J 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 12. REPORT r>ATE March 1975 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 108 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME » ADDRESSC// dltlerent Irort Controlling Oltlce) 15. SECURITY CLASS, (cl thle report) UNCLASSIFIED 15«. DECLASSIFI CATION/ DOWN GRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION ST ATEMEN T (of thle Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the ebctract entered In Block 20, II dltterent from Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reveree elde II neceeeery end Identity by block number) Spectral Analysis OWS November Heat Budget Sea-Surface Temperature 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reveree elde 11 neceeeery end Identity by block number) Oceanographi c and meteorological data from Ocean Weather Station (OWS) NOVEMBER were analyzed by statistical and spectral methods in order to describe the nature and perio- dicities of the air-ocean energy exchange. Salinity data from 1968 through 1970 were compared with daily observed parameters commonly associated with changes in the salinity. Regression analysis showed surface salinity to be highly DD , F™n 1473 (Page 1) EDITION OF 1 NOV 66 IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102-014-6601 | UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Dete Entered) UNCLASSIFIED Clit-IJWITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS P»OEWin n»f« fni.r.,'. 20. Abstract (continued) correlated with surface pressure which is interpreted as the surface salinity responding to a baroclinic transport. At this location none of the classical parameters usually associated with fluctuations in the surface salinity were highly correlated. Twenty-four years (1947-1970) of daily averaged, observed cl imatol ogi cal values, as well as heat exchange terms computed from them, were compared with the sea-surface temperature time series and spectrally analyzed. The spectral analysis yielded spectral density, phase and coherence functions indicating the response of surface temperature to the heat exchange terms. From these it was evident that at the yearly cycle the net heat exchange, whi ch is shown to be equal to the horizontal heat advection, is of the same order of importance as solar radiation in its effect on the fluctuation of sea-surface temperature. DD Form 1473 (BACK) ncCT_Trn 1 Jan 73 UNCLASSI FIED S/N 0102-014-6601 0 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGErWTh*" Data Enltrmd) Spectral Analysis of the Energy Exchange at OWS NOVEMBER by Kevi n Merl e ,Rabe Environmental Prediction Research Facility B.A. , University of Washington, 1970 B.S., University of Washington, 1970 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL March 1975 i library 2WS£ ABSTRACT Oceanographi c and meteorological data from Ocean Weather Station (OWS) NOVEMBER were analyzed by statistical and spectral methods in order to describe the nature and perio- dicities of the air-ocean energy exchange. Salinity data from 1968 through 1970 were compared with daily observed parameters commonly associated with changes in the salinity. Regression analysis showed surface salinity to be highly correlated with surface pressure which is interpreted as the surface salinity responding to a baroclinic transport. At this location none of the classical parameters usually associated with fluctuations in the surface salinity were highly correlated. Twenty-four years (1947-1970) of daily averaged, observed cl imatol ogi cal values, as well as heat exchange terms computed from them, were compared with the sea-surface temperature time series and spectrally analyzed. The spectral analysis yielded spectral density, phase and coherence functions indicating the response of surface temperature to the heat exchange terms. From these it was evident that at the yearly cycle the net heat exchange, whi ch is shown to be equal to the horizontal heat advection, is of the same order of importance as solar radiation in its effect on the fluctuation of sea-surface temperature. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION - - 12 A. OBJECTIVE 12 B. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE -- 14 1. The Subtropic Region 14 2. Surface Circulation 16 3. The Subarctic Transition Zone 16 4. Average Annual Heat Balance 20 5. Surface and Subsurface Temperature Anomalies 21 6. Recent Studies of Pacific Air-Sea Interactions 23 II. TREATMENT OF THE DATA - 26 A. SOURCES 26 B. TREATMENT OF THE DATA TIME SERIES 26 C. THE HEAT BUDGET EQUATIONS 27 D. COMPUTATION OF PRECIPITATION 31 E. COMPUTATION OF THE ENERGY SPECTRUM r 33 F. COMPUTATION OF THE CROSS-SPECTRAL DENSIY 34 G. COMPUTATION OF THE COHERENCE FUNCTION 35 H. COMPUTATION OF THE PHASE ANGLE -- 36 III. RESULTS 38 A. REGRESSION ANALYSIS 38 B. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS - --- 46 IV. CONCLUSIONS 75 APPENDIX A - THE AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTIONS 77 APPENDIX B - FIFTEEN-YEAR TIME SERIES SEGMENTS 95 LIST OF REFERENCES 102 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST -105 LIST OF TABLES I. Correlation coefficients by season, resulting from a linear regression analysis of surface temperature, surface salinity, and 50 meter temperature data, 1968 through 1970 44 II. Correlation coefficients, all parameters vs surface salinity 45 III. Contribution of the yearly cycle to the total variance 47 IV. Spectral results for the solar radiation, sea-surface temperature, and cloud cover at the yearly cycle 48 V. Months of maximum and minimum value for the surface temperature and the heat budget terms 52 VI. Spectral results for the back radiation and related parameters at the yearly cycle 53 VII. Spectral results for tne heat of evaporation and related parameters at the yearly cycle 60 VIII. Spectral results for the convective heat vs the SST at the yearly cycle 69 IX. Spectral results for the net radiation and related parameters at the yearly cycle 70 LIST OF FIGURES. 1. Oceanographi c climatic regions of the North Pacific Ocean showing the location of Ocean Weather Station November at 30° north, 140° west -- 15 2. Winter surface circulation patterns for the North Pacific Ocean 17 3. Summer surface circulation patterns for the North Pacific Ocean 18 4. Monthly means of the observed surface temperatures, 1968 through 1970 and Robinson's (1971) long-term monthly means 39 5. Total monthly meridional transport between 135° and 145° west at 30° north during 1969 and 1970. Positive northward, negative southward 40 6. Monthly means of observed surface salinity, 1968 through 1970 - 42 7. Monthly temperature and salinity modal points resulting from the bivariate analysis of the data, 1968 through 1970 - 43 8. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the solar radiation 49 9. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs cloud cover 50 10. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the solar radiation vs cloud cover 51 11. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the back radiation 55 12. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs air temperature 56 13. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the air-sea temperature difference 57 14. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the vapor pressure of the air 58 15. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the back radiation vs cloud cover 59 16. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the heat of evaporation 62 17. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the vapor pressure difference 63 18. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the wind speed 64 19. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the wind speed squared 65 20. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the evaporation 66 21. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the convective heat 68 22. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the net radiation 71 23. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the surface pressure 73 24. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the net radiation vs the surface pressure 74 LIST OF SYMBOLS SST PS W W2 E P Ta Tw CL ew ea CD S QS QB QE QC QN Sea-surface temperature (°C) Surface pressure (mb) Wind speed (m sec" ) Wind speed squared Evaporation (cm) Precipitation (cm) Air temperature (°C) Water temperature (°C) Cloud cover, in tenths of sky covered Vapor pressure over water (mb) Vapor pressure of the air (mb) The drag coefficient Salinity (°/00) -2 - 1 Solar radiation (cal cm day ) -2 - 1 Back radiation (cal cm day ) -2 - 1 Heat of evaporation (cal cm day ) - 2 - 1 Convective heat (cal cm day ) -2 - 1 Net radiation (cal cm day ) 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank Dr. Robert Bourke for his assistance and guidance, both during the course of this research and the preparation of this thesis, and also, Dr. Dale Leipper and Dr. Edward Thornton for their constructive review of the text. Thanks are also extended to various personnel at both the Environmental Prediction Research Facility and Fleet Numerical Weather Central through whose assistance the opportunity to conduct this research was made possible. They are: Captain G. D. Hamilton, past Commanding Officer at EPRF, Captain R. C. Sherar, present Commanding Officer, Dr. Taivo Laevastu, my immediate supervisor, and Captain C. Barteau, formerly Chief of Development at FNWC. 11 I. INTRODUCTION A. OBJECTIVE Sea-surface temperature is one of the most important parameters in any study of air-sea interaction. Anomalies of this parameter, measured over periods of a week to several months, have been linked to gross atmospheric effects. However, few studies have investigated the time response of the sea-surface temperature over long periods to those factors which govern its fluctuations. Until the more recent decades such a study would have been limited by both instrumentation and general paucity of data. This resulted in reliance upon monthly or annual means to describe the state of the ocean. The advent of the ocean weather station program in the 1940's, and recently, the use of satellites has greatly increased the amount and frequency of data available to the researcher. Also, the advent of high speed computers has made the use of time series analysis routines relatively easy and inexpensive to use . The past limitations made statistical studies of changes of surface temperature on time scales of a day or less, difficult. However, daily fluctuations can be quite inform- ative. If advection is ignored, the sea-surface temperature at OWS NOVEMBER was found to fluctuate primarily in response to the day to day changes in air temperature, the amount of 12 insolation, wind-wave mixing, and the amount of cloud cover as well as the elevation of the sun. The magnitude of these diurnal fluctuations can be as large as the monthly fluctuations. Sea-surface temperature fluctuations are important in many oceanographi c parameters, such as the stability of the water column. This, in turn, is of great consequence in sound propagation. Anomalies of sea-surface temperature, likewise, have been linked to climatic variations over the ocean. The salinity is important in that it affects the density of sea water. Thus, it affects both vertical stability and sound propagation. Together with the water temperature, one can infer transport characteristics of a region based on water mass analysis. This study examines changes occurring at the surface of the ocean over time scales varying from one day to several years. The two parameters of primary interest are the sea-surface temperature and surface salinity. The area of study is Ocean Weather Station (OWS) NOVEMBER located at 30° North and 140° West. The data used are synoptic data collected by the United States Coast Guard at this position. The data are of two types: hydrographic Nansen cast data and shipboard meteorological observations. The thesis is organized to first present correlations of the primary parameters versus various meteorological parameters. These correlations provide an indication of 13 those parameters which can be used as predictors for the sea-surface temperature and salinity. Secondly, a spectral analysis of the data is made. From this, the synoptic atmospheric mechanisms which cause the fluctuations of the sea-surface temperature are identi- fied. Periods of high spectral energy, along with their corresponding phase and coherence relationships are examined to gain insight into the time scales associated with each mechanism. B. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 1 . The Subtropic Region Ocean Weather Station NOVEMBER, located at 30° North and 140° West, lies within what Tully (1964) defines as the Pacific Subtropical Region. Figure 1 shows its location in comparison to other major features of the North Pacific Ocean. The region is characterized by three dominant conditions: an excess of evaporation over precipitation throughout the year, the occurrence of convective mixing, and seasonal heating and cooling patterns which result in a pronounced seasonal thermocline. The excess of evaporation over precipitation (E-P), has a distinct effect on the other two traits. Tully (1964) estimated E-P to be approximately 80 cm" yr in the vicinity of OWS NOVEMBER. This leads to a removal of fresh water from the surface and acts as a driving force for the con- vective mixing. This mixing then contributes to the erosion of the seasonal thermocline. 14 15 2 . Surface Circulation The subtropical region of the Pacific is dominated by the Pacific Gyre. Figures 2 and 3 show graphically how the gyre varies seasonally both in location and intensity. In the winter the gyre's axis is displaced northward; in summer it is shifted approximately 100 n mi southward and intensifies by approximately 0.2 kt. Throughout the year the current speed ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 kt. Hansen (1973) hypothesized that this intensification occasionally results in the advection of large volumes of cold subarctic water into the area surrounding 0WS NOVEMBER, specifically during the period of 1968 through 1970. 3. The Subarctic Transition Zone The North Pacific Gyre, linked with the Subarctic Gyre, is also involved in the formation of a transition zone which bounds the subtropical region to the north. Roden (1970) first described the subarctic transition zone as an area characterized by large temperature and salinity gradients and low hydrostatic stabilities. This oceanic front defines the boundary between the subtropical and subarctic water masses, varying in location between 30° and 40° North. Subsequent articles by Roden (1971, 1972) further described this zone in the North Pacific. The transition zone is largely maintained by the surface wind stress. Its northern boundary is characterized by the subarctic water mass, resulting in temperature 16 <> XiA V ~> I 7f iH\h mi} \ hi* Ml v/J. i U;fr l-'/il-lJ;?: i " ^V . -4.YV ./ I: 1,5/ _ ? \ In) J. 14 /iS - ;"" — » V C\ • * I - 1 • • ' ■ .1.1 ■■mim^^\ \ : ' J: =li/H> •V 3 :a ^-w>" "V O* o a; r— s- o - <+- <1> o w i- c: oj S- E QJ E •+-> O +-> O fO O c O 4-i •r- C +J QJ rtJ E i— 4-> =3 S- O n3 i- a. •i- 0) O Q QJ O C 03 rt3 s_ o =3 O 00 o a> <+- 4-> T- c o 3 a. CVJ CD $- en 17 4, 5 CN i ] I ||f> "t il ^w^rV/hniA, J :LL £>: — •. Mi o +-> CTi r— S- o « If- QJ c_> S- E OJ i- E a> E •fJ O +-> o Q.4- o c O 4-> •i- c: +J CJ ro E i— -t-> 3 i- O 03 &- O. •r- (L> a q a> a c OJ fO if- (U s- a 3 o o S- T- <1J + B, sin* + Ap cos2<}> + B2 sin2<}> (3) From the Smithsonian Tables (List, 1951), utilizing a transmission coefficient of 0.7, the above terms can be computed as follows for latitude 30N: A i A A, B, 32.65 + 674.76 cosi 19.88 + 397.26 cos (£+90) = 6.75 + 224.38 sin i 1 .32 + 16.10 sin 2(x-45) = 1 .04 + 29.76 cos 2(5,-5) = 551 .7 (4) -178.7 (5) 105.4 (6) - 9.4 (7) 18.1 (8) where : l is the latitude t is the time of the year in days C is the cloudiness in tenths, ranging from 0 to 1, and 28 * 2 7T 365 (t-21) (9) The cloud factor correction utilized was one for cumulus type clouds (Seckel, personal communication): K = 1 .0 - 0.012C - 0.363C (10) An albedo factor of 0.95 was utilized. The new equation results in values approximately one- fourth to one-third greater than previously estimated. The effective back radiation, QB, is a Berlyand expression utilized by Seckel (1970): QB = 1.14 (10)"7 (273.16 + T ,)4 w (11) (0.39 - 0.05 fe~) (1 - 0.6CT) a + 4.58 (10)"7 (273.16 + T )3 en 0) 3 a 4-> u tt o )h 4-> 0) 1 a M a n J u l/J o O ri T1 0> r! rt <4H o o t^ a^ • U) •— i 09 C! C tf ,3 a rd -u 4-> C uu c O nD o o 3 00 • 1-1 CM CM CM CM O CM 00 qq *9J n | d J sduj e| 39 4 jO O. cf> o so r— \ i i i i 0 X o. 0 z °^° tn f^ p- 0) ^H O •»-> "+-i i—l rt_ O £ ^ T3 tt o Jh • ^ *o rt ^-N u) PQ o £ X) 4-> ^J H 4-> d o rH < w Jh U3 c d O *• nj T3 > OJ ^ ^. rH H -5 4-> H c 03 c s 2 ,0 o 2 thly Wes u o 2 c^ rt o° • t-t 1) t— 1 •—I 4-> Jd aj >tj to o X IT) o Oh • r-l Lk. 0) o I o o o i o CO o o (C(HX) J3»3UJO|l>|/pU0335/$U01 Ut 40 of cooler water equatorward during April through October, 1969. Except for the spring months, 1970 was more typical to the long-term mean than the preceding two years. Figure 6 shows the monthly means of surface salinity for 1968 through 1970. The most obvious fact from this figure is that the salinity shows evidence of having a semi-annual periodicity. In addition to this, there is the feature in 1970 of a reduction in the salinity, possibly due to the advection of abnormally fresh, cool subarctic water, indicating an equatorward shift in the subarctic transition zone . As stated previously, Hansen (1973) did much work on the same data series. Figure 7 is the result of his bivariate analysis of the monthly mean surface temperatures and salinities. It shows that the temperature follows four phases, namely the seasonal phases of summer, autumn, winter and spring, with autumn and spring appearing as transitional phases. Hansen also performed a regression test. of the seasonal surface temperature versus the surface salinity and also the temperature at 50 m. The correlation coefficients are given in Table I. For most cases the correlations were poor, especially between the surface salinity and the surface temperature. The only good correlations occurred during the transition periods when both the surface temperature and salinity were responding to the changes of the annual cycle. 41 c •"> • H m i— 1 (Tl r-~ cn CJ> tH u e o (0 rO U-l O v <+H o o r- c^- III i— ( a aS X CU DO • o UJ z: i Ld Li_ N in ' D 350 175 143 _J i_l_ F (Days 1 0.007 0.013 0.020 0.034 TIME (Days) 143 77 37 29 PS SST 29 TIME(DAYS) 0.000 0.007 0.013 0.020 0.027 0.034 f(DAYSM) 21 LU QC LiJ X LJ U_; j_ Q. 29 TIME(DAYS) 0.034 f(DAYS-') Figure 23. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the SST vs the surface pressure. 73 y z: LU CD > O C£ UJ ZI (Days'1) 0.007 0.013 0.020 0.034 TIME (Pays) 143 77 37 29 cc Cl go o 0.000 350 _J 175 143 i I 77 0.007 0.013 50 0.020 37 0.027 29 TIME(DAYS) 0.034 f(DAYSH) O z: cr Li J X. cr 3.- TIME(DAYS) 0.034 f (DAYS'1) Figure 24. Spectral density, coherence and phase for the net radiation vs the surface pressure. 74 IV. CONCLUSIONS The aim of this study was to use the tools of spectral analysis and other statistical approaches to describe the interactions of the air-sea interface at OWS NOVEMBER, specifically as to finding those parameters most closely associated with fluctuations of the daily average surface temperature and surface salinity. The results of this research showed that: 1. The surface salinity from 1968 through 1970 was shown through regression analysis to be poorly correlated with the parameters traditionally associated with changes in the observed salinity. The evaporation, evaporation minus precipitation, and precipitation were found to have little correlation with fluctuations in surface salinity. These terms are non-conservative terms associated with the air-sea interface and their low correlation coefficients would appear to negate their importance in controlling the surface salinity at this location in the Pacific. 2. The surface pressure was found to be the most strongly correlated of all the parameters regressed against the surface salinity. It was therefore hypothesized that this represents the presence of a movement of a baroclinic system of cooler water from the subarctic region into the vicinity of OWS NOVEMBER, corresponding to a shift southward of the transition zone. 75 3. For the yearly cycle, it was shown that the net radiation is a measure of the advection present and that this advection is of nearly equal magnitude as the solar radi ati on . 4. The new formula for the solar radiation leads to values for this term approximately 20 to 30 percent higher than previously computed. In turn, this leads to much larger positive values of the net heat exchange term and larger positive anomalies for both terms. 5. From the spectral analyses it was found that all the 24-year time series were dominated by the yearly cycle; except for the back radiation, cloud cover, wind speed and wind speed squared series which showed evidence of semi- annual and seasonal cycles as well. 6. As predictors of the surface temperature, the solar radiation and advection in the form of the net heat exchange term were the only terms of suitable phase and coherence at the yearly cycle to be valid. The o.ther heat transfer terms seems to have less effect upon fluctuations of the surface temperature. Several of the observed para- meters, such as the air temperature, were also highly coherent and, on the whole, had smaller lags associated with them. 76 Fij 3ure A- -1 A- -2 A- -3 A- •4 A- ■5 A- -6 A- ■7 A- •8 A- ■9 A- •10 A- ■11 A- •12 A- •13 A- •14 A- •15 A- •16 A- ■17 APPENDIX A THE AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTIONS Page Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the solar radiation, QS 78 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and cloud coverage 79 Autocorrelation curves for the cloud coverage and the solar radiation 80 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the back radiation 81 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the air temperature 82 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the air-sea temperature difference 83 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the vapor pressure of the air 84 Autocorrelation curves for the back radiation and cloud cover 85 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the heat of evaporation 86 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the vapor pressure difference 87 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the wind speed 88 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the wind speed squared 89 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and evaporation 90 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the convective heat 91 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the net radiation 92 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and surface pressure 93 Autocorrelation curves for the net radiation and the surface pressure 94 77 /I 03 SST « QS Figure A-l Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the solar radiation, QS (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 78 ^^^jL^%^4 ■W^f^ ■■■■. _ LA^V... CI 312 SST Figure A-2. Autocorrelation curves for the SST and cloud coverage (abscissa is given in hundreds of days) 79 ( > I ! V CI o:o Ux QS Figure A-3 Autocorrelation curves for the cloud coverage and the solar radiation (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 80 M SST Figure A-4 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the back radiation (abscissa is given in hundreds of days) 81 Figure A-5 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the air temperature (abscissa is given in hundreds of days) 82 Figure A-6 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the air-sea temperature difference (abscissa is given in hundreds of days.). 83 Figure A-7 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the vapor pressure of the air (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 84 D 0 thft Mk QB Figure A-8 Autocorrelation curves for the back radiation and cloud cover (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 85 -i o J Figure A-9 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the heat of evaporation (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 86 Figure A-l 0 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the vapor pressure difference (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 87 CM O o N O o o o 010 SST Figure A - 11 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the wind speed (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 88 IT SST Figure A- 12 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the wind speed squared (abscissa is given in hundreds of days). 89 Old a SST Fi gure A-l 3 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and evaporation (abscissa is given in hundreds of days). 90 » a ^ n o H O s SST Figure A- 14 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the convective heat (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 91 Figure A- 15 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and the net radiation (abscissa is given in hundreds of days) . 92 a ■t CD ^^^k « PS 0:0 ra SST 1 Figure A- 16 Autocorrelation curves for the SST and surface pressure (abscissa is given in hundreds of days) 93 ^ ^>A> Fi gure A-l 7 Autocorrelation curves for the net radiation and the surface pressure (abscissa is given in hundreds of days ) . 94 APPENDIX B FIFTEEN-YEAR TIME SERIES SEGMENTS Fi gure Page B-l Fifteen-year time series of the surface temperature and its anomaly 96 B-2 Fifteen-year time series of the solar radiation and its anomaly 97 B-3 Fifteen-year time series of the back radiation and its anomaly 98 B-4 Fifteen-year time series of the heat of evaporation and its anomaly 99 B-5 Fifteen-year time series of the convective heat and its anomaly 100 B-6 Fifteen-year time series of the net radiation and its anomaly 101 95 -v o .c: o +-> v-' t»- >> O 1 — rtJ l/> E > 13 1 +-> c 05 CD S_ CL) 0J +-> CL 4- E •r~ CL) U_ 4-> p_ 1 CO a i- ZJ o> T 96 >> fO S- TJ fO r-OsJ Ol oo E o Ol JZ 1 — +J (T3 O o, o >> to i — CD fO •<- E s- o -o J- c 03 fO CD >> C I o C T- QJ 4-> -r- 4- -O •p- 05 U. S~ CM I CQ CU 13 o o 8 © O e o o o o f» f* V4 1 IM 1 ? 97 to •r— -o i~ -^ u — -C I +-> >1 rO M- -O O CNJ 00 I <1J E •r- U O) r— l/> > +-> i— (O i- E fO o CD C >> (O C to O) -)-> -r- H- "O ■r- C U- ro CO I CO a> s_ =3 C7> 8 8 g ° g g § !•) *<4 »* f-4 I I I 98 _ 0 > 03 ■o CM E o +-> 03 i — o» — - at -c >> 4-> ■ — 03 <4- E O O c CO 03 CD •r~ CO j_ +-> a> •i— CO "O QJ c E 03 •i— +-> £Z o S- •1 — 03 +-> a> 03 >> S- 1 o c Q. a> 03 cu > +-> ai 4- •i— 4- u_ O <3- CO CD i. 3 CD 8 S o o o o o o o o o f»> <»* +-> U . QJ -— -> C I o >, O ro -o -□NI 4-> I E o to ro > to i — (13 a> E +J fO t- 00 ro +J O) -r- >> i -o a> ro o 4-> +J <*~ re •r- <1J LO I CO CD s- CD 100 CM to *-»*tJ ee> en N _ Q ?; o- vi en is: in en «** ite ■ i ;— JuLiAr ^c Sea* ■.» en ■ s ■ CO to V) O O o o •■< z CD e c • < a*- x:i 2 +-> >> , z 4-> r— o A3 « I- E "^ «3 O «"■• cu c >> fO S? ' U. E lO •^ O) +■> « a> •!- •& +-> o (A 4- -O fC u. <£> •^ ■ Z2 ca © •«*• (/> cu to «t !*- en ■^ 3 * — L •■* . 23 - e« •r— n **t r-> 101 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Beland, C.L., 1971: Sea surface and related subsurface temperature anomalies at several positions in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Master's Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School , Monterey. 2. Bendat, J.S. and Piersol, A.G., 1971 Analysis and Measurement Procedures. New York. Random Data: Wi 1 ey Intersci ence , 3. 4. 5. Bernstein, R.L., 1974: Mesoscale ocean eddies in the North Pacific: Westward Propagation. Science, v. 183 (4120): 71-72. Clark, N.E., 1972: Specification of Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Patterns in the Eastern North Pacific. J. Phys. Oceanogr. v. 2(3): 391-404. Dorman, C.E. , 1974 oceanograph i c data Analysis of meteorological and from ocean station vessel N (30N 140W Corval 1 is Phd. Thesis, Oregon State University, 6. Elliot, W.P. and Reed, R.K., 1973 off the Pacific Northwest Coast. V. 78(6): 941-948. 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Bourke, Code 58Bf Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 Code 58 Oceanographer of the Hoffman Bldg. No. 2 200 Stovall Street Alexandria, VA 22332 Navy Office of Code 480 Arlington, Naval Research VA 22217 Dr. Robert E. Stevenson Scientific Liaison Office, ONR Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, CA 92037 Library, Code 3330 Naval Oceanographic Office Washington, D.C. 20373 S 1 0 Library University of P.O. Box 2367 La Jolla, CA California, San Diego 92037 Department of Oceanography Library University of Washington Seattle, WA 98105 105 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 19. 20. 21. Department of Oceanography Library Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Commanding Officer Fleet Numerical Weather Central Monterey, CA 93940 Commanding Officer Environmental Prediction Research Facility Monterey, CA 93940 Department of the Navy Commander Oceanographer System Pacific Box 1390 FPO San Francisco 96610 Lieutenant Larry M. Thorne, USN Box 11 Dutton, Montana 59433 Dr. G. H. Jung, Code 54Jg Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 Mr. Kevin Rabe Environmental Prediction Research Facility Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 Lieutenant Donnel E USS FULTON (ASH ) FPO New York 09501 Hansen, USN Dr. C . E . Dorman Department of Geology San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92115 Dr. C . Paulson School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Mr. G. R. Seckel National Marine Fisheries Service Monterey, CA 93940 No . Copi es 1 106 22. Lieutenant Commander N. Camp, USN Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 23. Dr. S. Tabata Fisheries Research Board of Canada Pacific Oceanographic Group Nanaimo, British Columbia 24. Dr. K. Kenyon NORPAC Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California La Jolla, CA 92037 25. Dr. K. Wyrtki University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI 96822 26. Dr. Michael Laurs National Marine Fisheries Service La Jolla, CA 92037 No. Copies 1 107 Thesis Ri24 c.l 3 58798 Rabe Spectral analysis of * enerqy exchange at the energy OWS NOVEMBER Thesis 158798 R124 Rabe c.l Spectral analysis of the energy exchange at OWS NOVEMBER. thesR124 Spectral analysis of the energy exchange 3 2768 002 05233 4 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY -