ngncnlhirg,^! Liberal Hris IM^gthnolggg Bulletin 393 July 1952 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry Inspection of Commercial Feedingstuffs Made for the State Department of Agriculture By H. A. DAVIS and E. E. EASTMAN The University of New Hampshire Durham, N. H. INSPECTION OF COMMERCIAL FEEDINGSTUFFS Made for the STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The New Hampshire Feedingstuffs Law is administered by the Com- missioner of Agriculture. All inquiries concerning the law and the regis- tration of feedingstuffs should be addressed to the Feed Control Supervisor, State House, Concord. Under the direction of Honorable Perley I. Fitts, Commissioner of Agriculture, Mr. George H. Laramie, Feed Control Supervisor, and Mr. Harold Ayer, Inspector, collected 704 samples of feedingstuffs offered for sale in the state during the year ending June 1952. These samples of feed- ingstuffs represent brands of 125 manufacturers. REGISTRATION AND LABELING OF FEEDINGSTUFFS Registration — The New Hampshire feedingstuffs law, Chapter 226, Revised Laws, as amended by Chapter 64, Laws of 1949, requires the regis- tration of each brand of feedingstuff offered for sale with the Commissioner of Agriculture. Feedingstuffs are defined in the law as follows: "The terms 'concentrated commercial feedingstuff' or 'feedingstuff' as used in this chapter shall include all commercial feedingstuffs used for feeding wild animals and birds kept in captivity, domestic animals and poultry, except hay, straw, whole seed, unmixed meals made directly from the entire grains of wheat, rye, barley, oats, Indian corn, broom corn, buckwheat, and mixed grains the ingredients of which may be readily determined." The feedingstuff is usually registered by the manufacturer or jobber whether he is located within or outside the state. Feedingstuffs manu- factured in other states are frequently handled by several middlemen before they reach the local distributor. Under the provisions of the law, if the manufacturer or jobber fails to make registration, the dealer is re- sponsible. Dealers who purchase feed for resale must assure themselves that the brands they purchase are properly registered and the license fee is paid; otherwise, they must assume that reponsibility. The Feed Control Supervisor provides forms to be filled in his office for the registration of feeds. A copy is shown on page 3. New Hampshire APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF COMMERCIAL FEEDINGSTUFFS No. . Date To the Commissioner of Agriculture, State Dept. of Agriculture, Concord, N. H.: The undersigned hereby makes application for registration — reregistration — supple- mental registration of the following commercial feeding stuffs (for the period ending December 31, 19 ): (List products to be reregistered under heading REREGISTRATIONS. List under heading SUPPLEMENTAL those products added during the year.) Attached are product data sheets which have affixed thereto a label to be used on, or attached to the containers of feeding stuffs as required by paragraph 1 of Chapter 226, Revised Laws of N. H., Stock Foods Law. I hereby certify that the label or labels contain the information required by the law. (Enclosed is in the amount of $ covering the registration fee for feeding stuffs. Registration fee is $15.00 for each feeding stuffs.) Address correspondence to: Attention Firm Name Street and No By City and State Title CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION This certifies (that the registration fee has been paid and) that the above-listed products are this day registered under the provision of the New Hampshire Stock Foods law, and the sale is authorized when sold, offered or exposed for sale when labeled and other-wise in compliance with the law, until cancelled for cause (for the period begin- ning with the actual date of registration and continuing until December 31, unless the registration of any feed or feeds are cancelled). NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Commissioner Date INSTRUCTIONS Application for Registration: Submit cover sheet in duplicate. One copy will be returned as your Certificate of Registration. Product Data Sheet: One or more (81/2" x 11") sheets, to which is affixed a label, or if the label has not been printed, proposed copy or printer's proof may be affixed, for each product to be registered, must accompany the application. Number the attached data sheet pages and insert the page number in parentheses on the cover sheet immediately after the name of the feed. Brands: List these on the application cover sheets under the headings and in the order "Reregistrations" and "New Registrations." (Reregistrations are renewals from the previous year. New Registrations are brands not registered the previous year.) Reregistrations: (Renewals of registrations) require that all cover sheets be renewed. It is not necessary to renew Product Data Sheets except with respect to information which is different from that furnished when the feeds were registered or last reregistered. Labeling: All labeling must be in accordance with New Hampshire Stock Foods law, and all information on cover sheets and data sheets must com- ply with the above law. Labeling — The law requires every manufacturer or dealer who shall sell or offer for sale any concentrated commercial feedingstuffs to furnish with each package a clearly printed statement certifying: the number of net pounds in the package, the name or trademark under which the article is sold, the name of the manufacturer, shipper, or for whom the product is manufactured, the place of business, and a chemical analysis stating: the minimum percentage only of crude protein, the minimum percentage only of crude fat, the maximum percentage only of crude fiber, and the name of each ingredient contained in the feed. In order to secure greater uniformity in the labeling of feeds and in the statement of ingredients, the Association of American Feed Control Officials has adopted definitions and standards. The Association has ap- proved 20 official regulations which "should be adopted by State officials insofar as their statutes will permit." There are no conflicts with the New Hampshire feedingstuffs law in these regulations. Manufacturers and dealers are, therefore, expected to conform to the regulations of the Asso- ciation in all matters not specifically mentioned in the law. One sentence in the New Hampshire feedingstuff law reads as follows: " . . . . and shall state in bold type upon the container or tag attached thereto, if a compounded feed, the names of the several ingredients therein contained." To avoid the misinterpretation or deception that may result from the manufacturer's use of indefinite terms in listing the ingredients, the Association of American Feed Control Officials has adopted 228 official definitions of ingredients used in the compounding of feedingstuffs. These definitions are subject to frequent addition and revision. At the present time there are also 30 tentative definitions and three that have been pro- posed for future discussion. Tentative definitions are those which have received favorable consideration but have not yet been made official. An 146-page booklet containing the above three classes of definitions, 20 official regulations, 12 tentative regulations, 25 resolutions adopted, and other instructive material may be obtained from the Secretary of the Associa- tion of American Feed Control Officials, College Park, Maryland. The manufacturer should secure a copy of this booklet and list the ingredients accurately. Carelessness or indifference in listing the ingredients should create sales resistance in the buyer. The purchaser is warranted in con- cluding that the manufacturer who is inaccurate in specifying the ingredi- ents printed on the tag may be careless in selecting the ingredients he puts into the bag. THE PURPOSE OF THE FEEDINGSTUFFS LAW The chief purpose of the feedingstuff law is to protect the consumer against the inferior products which doubtless would soon appear on the market if the trade were not under state control. The law is primarily a correct-labeling act. It must not be assumed by the purchaser of feeding- stuffs that every brand which meets the manufacturer's guarantee is a high-grade feed. The feedingstuffs law does not prevent the sale of a low grade feed if it is properly licensed and tagged and is offered for sale in compliance with the law. It would not be in the public interest to legislate against the sale of the lower-grade by-products. They can be fed profitably if bought at a price adjusted to their feeding value. The law does prevent an inferior feed being offered for sale as a high-grade product. Bulk de- livery of feed direct to the farm is a practice that is being developed. The handling of feed in this manner brings special problems to the consumer as well as the manufacturer. Experience has shown that by the use of properly designed equipment bulk delivery is satisfactory. The consumer should carefully plan his storage bins and his method of feed distribution before accepting bulk delivery of feed. Feed delivered in bulk is subject to the same requirements so far as the law is concerned as feed sold in bags. The use of medicated feeds for special purposes continues to increase in volume. Special directions for feeding are printed on the tags attached to such feeds. The use of drugs in feeds for the control of certain diseases must be carefully investigated and meet the approval of the Food and Drug Administration before it is put on the market. The dealer, in purchasing feed from the manufacturer, and the con- sumer, in purchasing feed from the dealer, should make the specification that the feed delivered must comply with the New Hampshire feeding- 6 stuff law. If the feed is not registered; if the protein, fat, and crude fiber are not guaranteed; and if the ingredients of which the feed is composed are not plainly stated on the bag, or on a tag attached thereto, the pur- chaser is not protected by the state feedingstuff law. He then has no re- course under the feedingstuff law if the feed which he purchases is of inferior quality. The dealer who offers for sale a feedingstuff which has not been registered and which is not guaranteed in compliance with the law is probably indifferent to his customer's interests in other respects. He does not merit either the confidence or the patronage of the consumer. The purchaser's cooperation in refusing to buy a feed which does not con- form to the law in every respect will not only help in the enforcement of the law, but will, at the same time, secure for himself the protection of the law. If the buyer fails to assure himself that the legal requirements have been met, he accepts the feedingstuff at his own risk. The cost of a feedingstuff inspection includes the drawing and the analysis of the samples, and the publication and mailing of the annual bulletin. The funds from which these costs are paid are accumulated from the license fees which the manufacturer is required to pay annually on each brand of feedingstuff offered for sale within the state. Since manu- facturing and distributing costs are finally paid by the consumer, the pur- chaser of feedingstuffs is interested in the effect of the cost of the inspection on the retail price per ton. A calculation based on the known costs of the inspection and the estimated retail value of the feedingstuffs sold annually, shows that the cost of the inspection is only a fraction of a cent per 100- pound bag. The terms used in reporting the chemical analysis of a feedingstuff required by the law are briefly defined as follows: PROTEIN is a collective term for a considerable group of compounds, all of which contain nitrogen. Ingredients high in protein are usually more expensive than the other ingredients, making protein the most important nutrient for consideration in determining the commercial value of a feedingstuff. The nutritional value of the proteins varies widely; therefore, a feedingstuff should con- tain protein from several sources to insure inclusion of all essential types. FAT is separated from the other components of a feedingstuff by extract- ing the moisture-free sample with anhydrous ether. In such ingredients as the cereals, the seed-meals, and animal products, the extract is nearly pure fat. A few ingredients such as alfalfa meal contain some ether soluble material which is not fat. When urea is present, the figure for the percent- age of fat found may be high as much as 2/10 per cent, due to the slight solubility of urea in anhydrous ether. When sulphur is present, the per- centage of fat found is much too high, since sulphur is readily soluble in anhydrous ether. FIBER is composed of cellulose and related compounds. Since crude fiber has little feeding value, the law requires that the maxi- mum fiber be guaranteed rather than the minimum as in protein and fat. It is not within the scope of this bulletin to make recommendations regarding the use of commercial feedingstuffs. The Department of Dairy Husbandry and the Department of Poultry Husbandry are continuously studying feeding problems. The following publications of these depart- ments are free to residents of New Hampshire. Address your request to Mail Service, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire. Folder 10 The Use of Home-Grown Grains in Feeding the Dairy Herd. Ext. Bull. 67 Turkey Production in New Hampshire, 16 pp. Ext. Cir. 274 Brooding and Rearing Chickens, 20 pp. Ext. Cir. 282 Dairy Calves. While the word feedingstuff does not appear in all the above titles, no publication is included which does not discuss some aspect of the use of feedings tuffs. Inquiries occasionally are made regarding a method of calculating the protein, fat or fiber content of a home mixed feed. There are tables avail- able, such as those in Morrison's book "Feeds and Feeding," which give the average chemical analysis of feed concentrates, roughages, and silages. It should be pointed out that the chemical analysis of a particular lot of an ingredient may be somewhat above or below the average figure shown in the table. This fact must be taken into consideration in fixing guaran- tees. The following example shows how the protein content of a feed mixture may be calculated. Ingredients pounds used lbs. protein per cent protein furnished by ingredient Ground Oats 200 12.0 24 Ground Corn 400 8.0 32 Gluten Feed 300 25.0 75 Wheat Bran 400 15.0 60 Linseed Oil Meal 100 34.0 34 Salt 10 Total Mix 1410 lbs. contains 225 lbs. protein 225 The mixture contains x 100=15.95% protein. 1410 The percentage of fat or fiber may be calculated in a like manner by substituting the fat or fiber figures for those of the protein. CONFORMITY TO THE GUARANTEES The chemical analyses were made by the methods of the Association of Official Agriculture Chemists. Of the 704 samples analyzed, 12.7 per cent contained less than the guaranteed amount of protein; 8.8 per cent contained less than the guaranteed amount of fat, and 4.3 per cent con- tained crude fiber in excess of the guarantee. A comparison of these figures with those of previous years is shown in Table 1 . All the states have feedingstuff laws and publish a report. It is com- mon practice to indicate by different type those brands failing by an arbi- trary tolerance to conform to the guarantee. There is no common agree- ment what this tolerance should be. In this bulletin the analytical figures 1/2 per cent or more below guarantee in protein, 14 per cent or more below guarantee in fat, and one per cent or more above guarantee in crude fiber are printed in bold face type and underlined. 8 . TABLE I. PERCENTAGE OF SAMPLES ANALYZED IN YEARS 1926-1952 NOT CONFORMING TO GUARANTEES Year Per cent below guarantee in Protein Per cent below guarantee in Fat Per cent high Less than 0.5 per cent 0.5 per cent or more Less than 0.25 per cent 0.25 per cent or more in Crude Fiber 1926 8.0 16.0 4.0 10.0 6.0 1927 8.3 16.4 5.8 13.6 5.9 1928 9.1 20.7 4.3 9.3 7.9 1929 9.5 20.2 2.8 9.3 6.5 1930 4.8 13.1 4.0 8.0 3.9 1931 1.8 7.2 5.9 9.7 5.3 1932 1.8 1.4 5.0 8.1 2.8 1933 1.3 3.6 7.5 9.8 3.6 1934 3.0 3.4 3.9 7.1 9.8 1935 2.4 3.0 4.2 8.5 9.9 1936 2.9 5.2 5.5 8.3 12.2 1937 2.8 4.2 3.0 6.0 11.0 1938 2.9 8.1 9.8 10.8 11.5 1939 1.9 3.3 6.8 9.3 8.7 1940 2.9 4.0 6.2 6.7 7.5 1941 1.1 2.6 4.7 6.7 5.6 1942 2.6 3.5 3.7 4.5 7.4 1943 3.7 2.7 7.7 8.6 7.4 1944 8.2 9.0 10.7 19.7 6.9 1945 2.1 6.1 2.9 7.5 7.1 1946 8.6 17.5 2.3 8.9 14.6 • 1947 4.1 10.2 1.7 4.0 24.7 1948 3.6 3.8 2.3 3.5 13.6 1949 3.5 5.8 2.7 2.8 7.2 1950 4.9 7.3 4.9 5.1 3.2 1951 4.4 7.5 2.7 4.9 4.0 1952 4.3 8.4 3.0 5.8 4.3 REQUEST BY INDIVIDUALS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF FEEDINGSTUFFS The feedingstuff law requires the Agricultural Experiment Station to analyze only samples of registered feedingstuffs drawn under the direc- tion of the Feed Control Supervisor. It does, each year, however, analyze a considerable number of samples drawn by individuals representing stock purchased by them for their own use. Frequently, the reason for request- ing an analysis is that the feed is suspected of causing sickness or death of livestock or poultry. While in very rare instances the feed may have caused the trouble, disease is usually found to be the cause. Often feeders, suspecting the feed, lose valuable time in the treatment of the disease by sending a sample of the feed for analysis and waiting for the report. Losses could have been reduced had a veterinarian or poultry specialist been con- sulted immediately and proper treatment given promptly. The most con- clusive method of determining whether or not the feed is the cause of the trouble is a biological test. Such a test can be conducted on the premises of the feeder. If the feed is suspected, confine in sanitary pens two lots of healthy chicks. Give to one lot the suspected feed and to the other lot a feed known to be good. Should the chicks receiving the suspected feed become ill and the others remain healthy, there is evidence that the feed is the cause. Under such circumstances, notify the Feed Control Super- visor and an official sample will be drawn. The official sample will be analyzed to determine if the manufacturer is responsible. The most common reason the purchaser has for asking to have the sample analyzed is to satisfy himself whether or not the feed meets its guarantee, and if it does not, to obtain evidence upon which to base a claim for shortage. The Station can assume no responsibility for the draw- ing of an unofficial sample but can attest only the accuracy of the analysis of the sample as submitted. It is practically impossible to secure a repre- sentative sample of a feedingstuff composed of several ingredients varying widely in composition without the aid of a sampling tube for drawing the sample and proper equipment for mixing it. A feed may contain as one of its ingredients gluten meal averaging 40 per cent protein, and as an- other ingredient oat mill feed averaging 5 per cent protein. These ma- terials are so different in physical condition that the shaking in transit tends to separate them even though they may have been perfectly mixed by the manufacturer before bagging. It is apparent that an accurate sample of a shipment of a feed can only be had by drawing a core from several bags. Since a representative sample is as essential as an accurate analysis in judging the value of a shipment of feed, it is evident that a satisfactory adjustment can seldom be effected on the basis of an unofficial sample. Notwithstanding the objections which may be raised to the analysis of samples taken without proper sampling equipment, the Station is dis- posed to continue this work as long as there is evidence that it constitutes a useful service. The samples so submitted should be drawn from at least ten bags in a manner which will insure that the small lot sent for analysis is as accurately representative as possible of the large lot from which it is taken. Because of the cost of laboratory work and materials, an analysis is not usually warranted on a sample drawn from less than a one-ton lot of feed. 10 A one-pound sample is sufficient for the analysis. It should be sent in a glass jar or tin box to prevent loss of fine particles and a change in the moisture content. In order that the department may have a record of the sample analyzed, and may know whether or not the manufacturer and the dealer are complying with the requirements of the law, the following information should be submitted concerning each sample. Brand Manufacturer Address Guarantee: Protein Fat Crude Fiber Ingredients Dealer Address Number of bags in lot Number of bags sampled Price per 100 pounds Your name Your address Your reason for requesting analysis 11 Manufacturer Brand Albers Milling Company Peoria, Illinois Calf Manna Rochester Calf Manna (Pelleted) Hillsboro E. T. Allen Company Atlanta, Georgia Empire 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal Prime Quality Keene Allied Mills, Inc. Chicago, Illinois Sugarine 16% Dairy Feed W. Lebanon Sugarine 20% Dairy Ration W. Lebanon Sulfaquinoxaline in Wayne Rocket Broiler Feed Keene Wayne All Mash Breeder Manchester Wayne All Mash Egg Manchester Wayne All Mash Grower Manchester Wayne Breeder Mash W. Lebanon Wayne Broiler Feed Manchester Wayne Calf Starter Keene Wayne 16% Dairy Ration Manchester Wayne 20% Dairy Ration W. Lebanon Wayne Egg Mash Manchester Wayne Fattening Pellets Manchester Wayne Fitting Ration Manchester Wayne Flushing Mash Keene Wayne Growing Mash Manchester Wayne Growing Mash (Krums) Keene Wayne Horse Feed W. Lebanon Wayne Mash Layer W. Lebanon Wayne 26% Mash Supplement Manchester Wayne 18% Milk Producer W. Lebanon Wayne Pork Maker Manchester Wayne Poultry Fitting Ration W. Lebanon Wayne Rabbit Ration W. Lebanon Wayne Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Wayne Broiler Feed W. Lebanon Wayne Sulfaquainoxaline in Wayne All Mash Grower Manchester Wayne Sulfaquinoxaline in Wayne Universal Grower Keene Wayne Tail Curler W. Lebanon Wayne Turkey and Game Bird Grow- ing Mash W. Lebanon Wayne Turkey and Game Bird Starter W. Lebanon American Crystal Sugar Company Denver, Colorado Plain Dried Beet Pulp Somersworth Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff American Maize-Products Co. New York, New York Cream of Corn Gluten Feed Nashua Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- 1 anteed* | Found | Guar- anteed* 1 Found Guar- 1 anteed* | Found 25.00 25.84 25.00 25.70 4.00 4.00 4.51 4.46 5.50 4.70 5.50 4.70 41.00 41.12 4.00 5.99 13.00 10.12 16.00 17.52 3.00 3.49 12.00 7.43 20.00 23.64 3.00 4.44 12.00 10.68 20.00 22.51 3.50 2.92 5.00 3.13 17.00 17.90 2.50 4.16 8.00 7.20 17.00 17.29 2.50 4.42 8.00 7.50 15.00 15.94 2.50 4.32 7.00 7.64 20.00 22.33 3.00 4.02 8.00 6.78 20.00 20.71 3.50 4.53 5.00 4.58 16.00 17.74 3.00 3.63 11.00 6.87 16.00 18.61 4.00 4.01 10.00 7.54 20.00 20.66 4.00 4.02 10.00 7.23 20.00 20.67 3.00 4.08 8.00 7.08 18.00 18.44 3.00 4.71 8.00 6.15 13.00 14.41 3.00 4.63 10.00 7.32 20.00 20.62 3.00 3.49 7.00 3.90 18.00 20.05 2.50 4.25 8.00 6.68 18.00 19.18 2.50 3.88 8.00 7.24 9.00 9.85 2.50 3.35 12.00 7.64 20.00 20.23 3.00 4.21 8.00 7.98 26.00 30.79 2.50 3.12 10.00 7.69 18.00 18.35 3.00 4.12 12.00 11.16 14.00 13.62 3.00 3.76 8.00 5.33 11.00 10.59 2.50 3.13 9.00 7.63 17.00 18.69 3.00 4.30 15.00 13.06 20.00 22.11 3.50 4.63 5.00 5.42 15.00 15.50 2.50 4.63 7.00 6.99 15.00 16.24 2.50 4.14 6.00 4.85 18.00 19.39 3.00 3.73 5.00 3.52 20.00 20.49 2.50 5.08 8.00 7.06 28.00 30.08 3.00 3.77 8.00 6.78 7.50 8.84 0.30 0.44 22.50 18.77 23.00 23.99 2.00 2.24 9.50 7.14 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 12 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Manufacturer ~ — — - ; =-r r-= — -= — =rrr Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- I i Guar- I I Guar- I anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found Archer Daniels Midland Co. Minneapolis, Minnesota Archer Quality 32% Protein Expeller Linseed Oil Meal Keene 32.00 34.33 3.50 3.77 10.00 8.78 Arlington Dehydrator Co. Arlington, Nebraska Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal 17% Manchester 17.00 14.89 1.75 2.13 27.00 27.27 Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co. Atlanta, Georgia Sunny Florida Sweet Citrus Pulp Hillsboro 6.00 5.67 5.00 3M 16.00 15.19 E. W. Bailey & Company Montpelier, Vermont Bailey's Pennant Brand Breeder Mash N. Haverhill 20.00 20.89 3.75 4.16 7.50 Bailey's Pennant Brand Breeder Mash Hillsboro 20.00 19.37 3.50 3.70 7.00 Bailey's Pennant Brand Calf Ration ... Colebrook 15.00 lolR 3.00 3.55 8.50 Bailey's Pennant Brand Calf Starter ... Hillsboro 23.00 24.26 3.75 3.76 7.50 Bailey's Pennant Brand Complete Breeder Hillsboro 16.00 15.74 3.50 3.76 7.00 6.95 Bailey's Pennant Brand Complete Egg Ration Colebrook 16.00 17.12 3.75 4.60 7.50 7.81 Bailey's Pennant Brand Complete Grower Colebrook 15.00 15.68 3.75 4.11 7.50 6.99 Bailey's Pennant Brand 16% Dairy Ration (Coarse) N.Haverhill 16.00 17.56 3.75 3.77 10.00 9.59 Bailey's Pennant Brand 16% Dairy Ration (Fine) Colebrook 16.00 16.51 3.75 4.24 10.00 9.37 Bailey's Pennant Brand 18% Dairy Ration Colebrook 18.00 18.43 4.00 4.35 8.00 8.89 Bailey's Pennant Brand 20% Dairy Ration (Coarse) Colebrook 20.00 21.01 3.75 4.04 8.00 8.22 Bailey's Pennant Brand 20% Dairy Ration (Coarse) Hillsboro 20.00 20.35 3.50 3.42 9.00 7.10 Bailey's Pennant Brand 20% Dairy Ration (Fine) N.Haverhill 20.00 21.98 3.75 4.23 8.00 8.74 Bailey's Pennant Brand Fitting Ration (Coarse) Colebrook 14.00 14.94 3.75 3.79 11.00 9.93 Bailey's Pennant Brand Growing Mash N. Haverhill 18.00 17.13 3.75 3.62 7.50 6.00 Bailey's Pennant Brand Horse Feed ... Colebrook 10.50 TOd 3.00 3.82 9.00 7.38 Bailey's Pennant Brand Laying Mash N.Haverhill 20.00 21.54 3.75 3.67 7.50 6.26 Bailey's Pennant Brand Mo-Bulk Colebrook 10.50 9JJ2 2.00 L63 16.00 15.36 Bailey's Pennant Brand Pasture Ra- tion Colebrook 14.00 17.47 3.75 4.28 14.00 10.42 Bailey's Pennant Brand Pig Feed Colebrook 17.00 18.69 3.50 3^3 7.50 6.26 Bailey's Pennant Brand Pig Grower ... Colebrook 15.00 15.46 3.75 3;42 6.50 5.38 Bailey's Pennant Brand Provender Colebrook 10.00 9.39 3.50 3.81 8.00 5.62 Bailey's Pennant Brand Rabbit Pellets Hillsboro 16.00 17.56 3.00 3.16 12.00 10.17 Bailey's Pennant Brand Stock Feed Hillsboro 9.50 12.17 3.00 3.04 15.00 12.58 Bailey's Pennant Brand 32% Supple- ment N.Haverhill 32.00 32.93 3.50 4.06 9.00 6.64 Quality 20% Dairy Ration N. Haverhill 20.00 20.67 3.50 3.87 8.00 7.72 Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Bailey's Pennant Brand Broiler Ration Hillsboro 20.00 22.16 3.50 3.51 4.00 3.99 Battle Creek Dog Food Co. Battle Creek, Michigan Miller Kibbles Dog Food Salem Depot 22.00 23.25 2.00 2.34 3.00 1.38 ♦Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 13 Manufacturer Brand The Beacon Milling Co., Inc. Cayuga, New York Auburn "16" Dover Auburn "20" Dover Beacon "16" Dover Beacon "20" Dover Beacon Breeder All-Mash Goffstown Beacon Breeders Mash Goffstown Beacon Broiler Feed Dover Beacon Broiler Finisher Pellets Dover Beacon C-C Pellets Dover Beacon Dairy Fitting Dover Beacon "22" Egg Mash Dover Beacon Fleshing Pellets Weare Beacon Goat Ration Goffstown Beacon "18" Growing Mash Goffstown Beacon Horse Feed Weare Beacon "Nitrosal Mix" in Beacon Broiler Feed Dover Beacon Nitrosal in Beacon Complete Starter Dover Beacon "15" with Pellets Goffstown Beacon Poultry Fitting Weare Beacon Special Crate Fattener Goffstown Beacon "18" Test Cow Ration Dover Beacon Turkey and Game Bird Fit- ting Dover Beacon Turkey and Game Bird Grower Dover Be-Co-Lass Dover The Bordon Co. Special Products Div., 350 Madison Ave., New York 17, New York Bordens Dog Food Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Calo Dog Food Company West Hanover, Massachusetts Calo 100% Horse Meat for Dog Food Cape King Fisheries New Bedford, Massachusetts Cats Meow Cat Food Car-O-Green, Inc. Kansas City, Missouri Car-O-Green 17% Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal The A. B. Caple Co. Toledo, Ohio Alfalfa Meal Hillsboro Claremont Goffstown Keene Keene Central Soya Co., Inc. Fort Wayne, Indiana 44% Solvent Extracted Soybean Oil Meal 44% Solvent Extracted Soybean Oil Meal Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- Guar- Guar- 1 anteed* 1 Found anteed* Found anteed* 1 Found 16.00 19.22 3.00 3.13 10.00 7.13 20.00 20.75 3.00 3.45 10.00 7.80 16.00 17.60 3.50 3.67 9.00 7.30 20.00 20.36 3.25 3.58 9.00 8.03 15.00 17.12 3.50 4.73 6.50 5.98 22.00 22.68 3.50 5.04 6.50 5.99 24.00 24.69 4.00 4.52 4.50 4.15 15.00 16.73 3.50 4.10 5.50 4.88 15.00 15.54 4.50 10.20 5.00 4.68 14.00 16.29 3.25 3.55 9.00 7.80 22.00 23.12 3.50 4.56 6.50 5.83 20.00 20.84 3.00 3.54 6.00 5.07 16.00 18.31 3.00 4.99 10.00 7.12 18.00 18.65 3.50 4.46 6.25 6.01 10.00 10.90 2.50 3.61 9.00 6.76 23.00 23.60 3.50 4.57 4.50 4.20 23.00 24.65 3.50 3.99 4.50 4.03 15.00 15.50 4.00 4.82 9.00 7.30 11.00 10.57 3.00 3.16 7.50 5.11 17.00 18.30 3.00 3.61 6.50 6.43 18.00 19.26 3.75 3.77 9.00 7.63 10.00 10.11 3.00 3.17 9.00 5.52 24.00 24.74 3.50 4.69 6.00 4.53 11.00 11.17 2.00 2.84 13.00 12.04 Greenfield 44.00 46.76 Keene 44.00 45.79 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 14 25.00 29.11 5.50 7.22 5.00 3.63 18.00 14.27 3.00 3.46 1.00 0.28 12.00 14.34 2.50 2.69 1.50 0.76 17.00 19.09 1.50 2.22 27.00 26.02 13.00 13.62 1.00 1.27 33.00 32.40 0.50 0.83 7.00 5.28 0.50 0.62 7.00 5.47 Manufacturer Brand S. J. Cherry & Sons, Ltd. Preston, Canada Wheat Shorts Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff H. E. Clark Winfield, Kansas Alfalfa Meal Alfalfa Meal 17% Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal Manchester Clinton Foods Clinton, Iowa Clinton Corn Gluten Feed Clinton Corn Gluten Meal Coatsworth & Cooper Ltd. 67 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada C & C Wheat Shorts Commercial Solvents Corp. Peoria, Illinois B-Y 500 Dried Corn Fermentation Solubles Consolidated Products Co. Danville, Illinois Barx Dog Food Consolidated Rendering Company 178 Atlantic Ave Corenco Fish Meal Corenco 45% Corenco 46% Corenco 46% Meat Corenco 46% Meat Corenco 46% Corenco 46% Boston, Mass. Meat Meat Meat Meat Bone Scrap Bone Scrap Bone Scrap Bone Scrap Bone Scrap Bone Scrap Continental Distilling Corp. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 25% Corn Distillers Dried Grains Copeland Flour Mills, Midland, Canada Dandy Wheat Bran Ltd. Corn Products Refining Co. New York, New York Diamond Brand Corn Gluten Meal Diamond Brand Corn Gluten Meal Dover Suncook Manchester Greenfield Charles M. Cox Co. Boston, Massachusetts Challenger Coarse 14 Dairy Ration Ashland Provender Newport Wirthmore Breeder Mash Milford Wirthmore Breeder Mash (Pellets) Manchester Wirthmore Calving Ration Manchester Wirthmore Challenger Coarse 16 Dairy Ration Nashua Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- I Guar- I Guar- | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found Keene 15.00 16.25 5.00 4.66 8.00 5.35 Keene Keene Manchester 17.00 17.00 17.00 11.73 10.16 15.72 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.70 2.43 1.56 27.00 27.00 27.00 26.28 26.98 35.55 N. Haverhill Concord 23.00 41.00 23.08 46.32 2.00 1.00 2.22 2.28 8.50 6.00 10.02 3.72 Concord 16.00 18.21 5.00 5.17 8.00 7.27 Greenfield 32.00 35.73 4.00 4.79 Salem Depot 11.00 11.50 7.00 7.50 Manchester 58.00 57.40 5.00 15.13 Manchester 45.00 48.86 6.00 8.05 Manchester 46.00 45.76 6.00 9.06 Manchester 46.00 46.45 6.00 7.85 Manchester 46.00 44.65 6.00 11.71 Manchester 46.00 43.38 6.00 7.92 Keene 46.00 46.32 6.00 8.71 25.00 24.81 15.00 17.86 8.00 41.00 41.00 14.00 9.00 20.00 20.00 14.00 41.94 42.69 14.59 9.63 21.50 20.79 15.02 16.00 17.08 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.95 1.72 3.23 3.78 3.46 3.47 3.53 7.00 1.00 9.25 15.00 3.50 4.63 11.50 6.00 6.00 12.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 3.28 12.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 15 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Manufacturer n — r~- i wz rF — j t-u Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- I I Guar- I I Guar- | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found Charles M. Cox Co. (continued) Wirthmore Complete Breeder Ration Milford 15.00 15.59 3.00 3.61 6.00 Wirthmore Complete Egg Ration Lancaster 15.00 15.05 3.00 3.27 6.00 Wirthmore Complete Growing Ration Lancaster 14.50 12.64 3.00 3.58 6.00 Wirthmore 16 Dairy Ration Lancaster 16.00 17.29 3.50 3.65 9.00 Wirthmore 20 Dairy Ration Lancaster 20.00 21.58 3.50 3.91 8.00 Wirthmore 32 Dairy Supplement Manchester 32.00 36.43 3.00 4.20 8.00 Wirthmore Dog Food (Meal Form) Nashua 25.00 28.64 7.00 7.71 5.00 Wirthmore Fattening Pellets Nashua 17.50 17.74 3.50 3.51 6.00 Wirthmore 14 Fitting Ration Milford 14.00 14.67 4.00 4.01 9.00 Wirthmore 14 Fitting Ration Plymouth 14.00 14.15 4.00 4.01 9.00 Wirthmore Fodder Greens Ashland 9.00 9.68 2.00 U>7 180° Wirthmore Growing Mash Milford 18.00 17.86 3.00 3.52 7.00 Wirthmore Hi-Ener-G Starter and Broiler Ration Plymouth 20.00 21.93 3.00 2JU 4.00 Wirthmore Horse Feed Ashland 10.00 11.21 3.25 3.45 9.00 Wirthmore Laying Mash Plymouth 20.00 20.49 3.00 3.27 7.00 Wirthmore Pig & Hog Feed Lancaster 17.00 18.08 4.00 4.08 8.00 Wirthmore Poultry Fitting (for Tur- keys and Chickens) Manchester 12.00 11.62 3.00 3.01 10.00 Wirthmore Producer 16 Dairy Ration Manchester 16.00 17.29 3.00 3.87 10.00 Wirthmore Producer 20 Dairy Ration Manchester 20.00 20.35 3.00 3.86 9.00 Wirthmore Rabbit Pellets Manchester 15.00 16.46 4.00 4.01 12.00 Wirthmore 16 Record Ration Plymouth 16.00 16.07 3.50 4.01 9.00 Wirthmore 18 Record Ration Newport 18.00 20.18 3.50 4.71 9.00 Wirthmore Sheep and Goat Ration Nashua 16.00 17.43 4.00 4.12 8.00 Wirthmore Starter and Broiler Ration (Pellets) Manchester 20.00 19.59 3.00 3.49 6.00 Wirthmore Stock Feed Nashua 10.00 11.08 3.00 3.32 11.00 Wirthmore Sulfaquinoxaline Mixed with Hi-Ener-G Starter and Broiler Ration Milford 20.00 20.54 3.00 3.20 4.00 Wirthmore Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Wirthmore Improved Hi-Ener-G Starter and Broiler Ration Nashua 20.00 20.62 3.00 3.14 4.00 Wirthmore Sulfaquinoxaline in a Poultry Mash Base Manchester 20.00 20.40 3.00 3.48 4.00 Wirthmore Sulfaquinoxaline Mixed with Wirthmore Starter and Broiler Ration Milford 20.00 20.97 3.00 3.37 6.00 Wirthmore Super Pellets Manchester 20.00 20.97 3.00 3.44 8.00 Wirthmore Turkey Fattening Ration Ashland 16.00 16.99 3.00 3.54 7.00 Wirthmore Turkey Growing Ration ... Milford 20.00 21.15 3.00 3.54 7.50 Wirthmore Twin-Mix Calf Ration Nashua 17.00 18.48 4.00 4.01 8.00 Dailey Mills, Inc. Olean, N. Y. Double Diamond Broiler Deny 20.00 22.25 5.00 3M 6.00 Double Diamond Complete Egg Pro- ducer (All Mash) Derry 15.00 17.29 4.00 4.86 8.00 Double Diamond HiCal Body Builder Derry 14.00 15.81 3.75 4.01 7.00 Double Diamond HiCal Starter Broiler Derry 20.00 20.58 4.50 3J27 3.50 Double Diamond 16% Milk Producer Derry 16.00 17.47 3.50 3.51 10.00 Double Diamond Pig 8c Hog Derry 13.00 14.59 4.00 4.37 8.00 Double Diamond Revitalizer Derry 13.00 18.48 3.50 5.20 4.00 Nitrophenide in Double Diamond Broiler Derry 20.00 21.19 5.00 ^48 6.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 16 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Manufacturer 5 — —. , =— , _ ° _., Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- I I Guar- I I Guar- | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found Dawes Manufacturing Co. Chicago, Illinois Dawes Vitamelk Base Nashua 34.00 36.64 2.00 3.26 7.00 Dawes Vitamelk Base Ruminant Type Dover 34.00 35.20 2.00 5.22 7.00 Deep Run Packing Co. Dublin, Pennsylvania Big Bet Ration — Dog Food Concord 12.00 11.38 3.00 2.56 1.50 1.35 Dietrich & Gambrill, Inc. Frederick, Maryland D & G Breeder Mash Greenland 22.00 23.08 3.50 3.98 6.80 D & G Fleshing Mash Laconia 14.00 15.99 3.50 3.51 6.00 D & G Frederick 20% Dairy Greenland 20.00 20.75 3.00 3.22 12.00 D & G Pen Mar 20% Dairy Greenland 20.00 20.89 3.50 3.74 10.00 D & G Pen Mar Horse 8e Stock Feed Greenland 10.00 10.03 3.00 3.18 12.00 D & G Pig & Hog Meal Greenland 18.00 20.67 3.50 3.80 8.00 Frederick Laying Mash Laconia 20.00 20.05 3.50 3.58 8.00 Gambrills Laying Mash (Pelleted) Laconia 20.00 21.76 3.50 3.78 8.00 John C. Dow Co. Gloucester, Massachusetts Dows New Improved Vitamin Crum- pled (Meal) Goffstown 24.00 24.91 4.00 4.50 3.50 Dows Vitimin Crunch Dog Food Bradford 21.00 23.74 2.50 L96 2.00 Drackett Co. Cincinnati, Ohio Drackett Soybean Oil Meal N.Haverhill 44.00 45.53 0.50 1.51 7.00 Eastern States Farmers' Exchange West Springfield, Massachusetts Eastern States All-Mash Breeder Dover 15.50 16.42 3.00 3.04 5.00 Eastern States All-Mash Developer Woodsville 15.50 18.79 3.00 3.38 4.50 Eastern States All-Mash Producer Woodsville 15.50 16.12 3.00 3.33 4.50 Eastern States Breeder Mash Dover 22.00 22.99 3.00 3.28 4.50 Eastern States Calf Starter Dover 20.00 24.34 3.00 3.63 6.00 Eastern States Calving Ration Woodsville 10.50 12.69 2.00 3.10 15.00 Eastern States Champion Dover 16.00 18.56 2.50 3.28 7.50 Eastern States Developer Dover 22.00 22.29 2.50 3.11 4.50 Eastern States Dog Feed Dover 24.00 27.19 5.50 6.88 4.00 Eastern States Fitting Ration Woodsville 14.00 16.64 3.50 4.48 9.00 Eastern States Fulpail Woodsville 20.00 20.19 3.50 4.31 9.00 Eastern States Hen Supplement (Pel- lets) Concord 30.00 31.96 4.00 5.03 7.00 Eastern States Milkmore Woodsville 16.00 17.12 3.50 3.87 8.50 Eastern States Milk Saver Dover 30.00 33.32 LOO 1.44 2.00 Eastern States Nitrophenide Mixture in All-Mash Developer Woodsville 15.50 16.86 3.00 3.32 4.50 Eastern States Nitrophenide Mixture in Pacemaker Dover 20.00 20.58 3.00 3.08 4.00 Eastern States Pig Primer Woodsville 20.00 21.98 2.50 3.30 7.00 Eastern States Pork Builder Dover 15.00 15.99 3.00 3.43 5.00 Eastern States Producer Dover 22.00 23.04 2.50 2.68 5.00 Eastern States Sulfaquinoxaline Mix- ture in Minuteman Dover 20.00 20.40 3.00 3.45 4.50 3.69 Eastern States Sulfaquinoxaline Mix- ture in Turkey Starter (Pellets) Dover 25.00 28.02 2.50 3.37 4.50 3.75 Eastern States 32% Supplement Dover 32.00 33.76 3.50 4.12 7.50 7.25 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 17 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Manufacturer „ — — : i ?r— r-7; — -3 — j^r Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- I I Guar- I I Guar- | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found | antced* | Found Eastern States Farmers Exchange (continued) Eastern States Sweepstakes Dover 16.00 17.25 3.50 3.97 8.00 7.56 Eastern States Turkey Breeder (Pel- lets) \ Dover 20.00 21.80 3.00 3.48 5.50 4.52 B. A. Eckhart Milling Co. Chicago, Illinois Ecko Pure Wheat Bran Nashua 14.00 16.29 3.50 3.94 12.00 7.82 Elk Valley Alfalfa Mills Independence, Kansas E. V. 17% Fine Ground Alfalfa Meal Manchester 17.00 17.17 1.75 2.22 27.00 25.17 Elm City Grain Company Keene, New Hampshire Elm Tree All Mash Laying Keene 16.00 16.29 3.50 3.60 8.00 Elm Tree Dairy Feed Keene 18.00 20.01 3.50 !U8 11.00 Elm Tree 14% Fitting Ration Keene 14.00 14.41 3.50 3.33 11.00 Elm Tree Growing Mash Keene 18.00 19.36 3.50 3.68 8.00 Elm Tree Laying Mash Keene 19.00 20.71 3.50 3.61 9.00 Elm Tree Pig & Hog Feed Keene 14.00 16.25 4.00 4.68 10.00 Elm Tree Poultry Fitting Keene 10,00 10.55 3.00 3.49 9.00 Elm Tree Provender Keene 10.00 9.81 3.50 3.98 8.00 Sulfaquinoxaline in Elm Tree Chick Starter Keene 20.00 21.28 4.00 4.26 8.00 Elmore Milling Company Oneonta, New York Elmore Breeder Mash E. Jaffrey 20.00 22.29 3.50 4.28 8.00 Elmore Complete Growing Ration E. Jaffrey 14.00 21.02 3.50 4.23 8.00 Elmore Complete Layer and Breeder (Pellets) E. Jaffrey 15.00 19.31 3.50 4.32 8.00 Elmore Complete Market Egg Mash E. Jaffrey 15.00 19.96 3.50 4.62 8.00 Elmore Complete Market Egg Mash (Pelleted) E. Jaffrey 15.00 19.75 3.50 4.37 8.00 Elmore Complete Rabbit Ration E. Jaffrey 16.00 16.33 3.50 3A3 10.00 Elmore Dog Food E. Jaffrey 22.00 23.12 4.50 5.09 3.00 Elmore Dry and Freshening Ration ... Concord 12.00 13.49 3.25 4.25 9.00 Elmore Dry and Freshening Ration Concord 12.00 12.92 3.25 4.21 9.00 Elmore Flaked Pelleted Calf Starter Greenland 18.00 19.96 2.50 4.42 8.00 Elmore Grand Champion Ration Concord 15,00 13.49 3.50 3.97 9.00 Elmore Horse Feed E. Jaffrey 9.00 10.42 2.50 3.18 11.00 Elmore M.A.C. Laying Mash E. Jaffrey 20.00 23.82 4.00 4.28 8.00 Elmore Milk Grains "Sixteen" E. Jaffrey 16.00 18.61 4.00 4.36 9.00 Elmore Pacemaker 16% Dairy Ration Greenland 16.00 19.09 3.00 4.47 10.00 Elmore Pacemaker Fitting Ration E. Jaffrey 14.00 14.48 3.50 3.87 9.00 Elmore Pure Ground Corn and Oats E. Jaffrey 10.00 11.69 3.50 3.92 7.00 Elmore Test Ration Concord 18.00 17.31 4.00 ^68 9.00 Elmore Turkey Fitting Ration Concord 12.00 7TJZ 3.00 2.76 10.00 John W. Eshelman & Sons Lancaster, Pennsylvania Eshelman Pennsy 16 Dairy Ration Keene 16.00 18.17 3.00 3.82 12.00 9.21 Eshelman's R-R Breeder Mash Pel- leted Keene 20.00 21.85 3.50 3.90 7.00 Eshelman R-R Calf Grower Keene 14.00 18.04 3.00 3.12 9.00 Eshelman Red Rose Calf Starter Exeter 18.00 19.09 3.00 2J4 8.00 Eshelman R-R 16% Dairy Feed Keene 16.00 16.51 3.50 4.11 9.50 Eshelman R-R Fitting Ration Keene 12.00 12.30 3.50 4.33 7.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 18 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Manufacturer „ . . i =r— , „ , -., Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- I I Guar- I I Guar- | anteed* | Found | anteed* ] Found | anteed* | Found John W. Eshelman & Sons (con- tinued) Eshelman R-R Goat Ration Keene 16.00 17.03 3.00 3.40 10.00 Eshelman Red Rose Hi-Lo Broiler N.Hampton 20.00 22.25 3.50 3.58 5.00 Eshelman Red Rose Laying Mash Keene 19.00 22.76 3.50 3.74 9.00 Eshelman Red Rose Pig & Sow Meal N.Hampton 20.00 20.93 3.50 4.38 6.00 Eshelman R-R Rabbit Pellets Keene 18.00 20.27 3.00 3.16 12.00 Eshelman Red Rose 14 Test Cow Ra- tion N. Hampton 14.00 13.87 3.50 3.66 8.50 Eshelman S. O. S Keene 11.00 14.41 2.00 2.98 16.00 Red Rose Fitting Ration Keene 12.00 13.27 3.50 3.36 7.00 Red Rose Horse Feed Keene 9.00 9.81 3.00 3.43 10.00 Evans Industries Inc. Marion, Indiana Better Bite Dog Food Derry 16.00 11.04 4.00 4.01 0.50 0.41 Farmers Feed Company Buffalo, New York Dried Brewers Grains Newfields 24.00 24.21 6.00 6.01 17.00 14.05 Florida Citrus Canners Cooperative Lake Wales, Florida Lake Wales Brand Citrus Pulp Colebrook 6.00 6.83 3.00 3.01 16.00 12.57 Foodland Inc. Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Lane's Dog Food Somersworth 9.00 10.71 1.50 2.27 1.25 0.51 Fowler Brothers Suncook, New Hampshire Sun Valley All Mash Breeder Suncook 15.00 16.51 3.00 4.12 7.50 Sun Valley Breeder Mash Suncook 20.00 20.32 3.00 4.27 7.50 Sun Valley Chick Starter Suncook 20.00 22.33 3.00 3.85 7.00 Sun Valley Dairy Ration Suncook 16.00 16.77 3.50 3.52 10.00 General Mills, Larrome Division Detroit, Michigan Dried Beet Pulp Dover 7.00 7.93 0.30 0.74 22.50 General Mills, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota Farm Service 20% Broiler Mash Exeter 20.00 21.85 3.00 5.33 6.00 Farm Service Complete Breeder Mash Nashua 16.00 16.07 3.50 4.22 7.50 Farm Service 16% Dairy Feed Nashua 16.00 15.65 3.00 3.70 11.00 Farm Service 20% Dairy Feed Exeter 20.00 21.45 3.00 3.26 12.00 Farm Service 14% Fitting Ration Exeter 14.00 15.68 3.50 3.96 9.50 Farm Service Green Rabbit Pellets Exeter 15.00 15.85 3.00 3.60 16.00 Farm Service 18% Grower Mash Nashua 18.00 18.44 4.00 4.39 7.00 Farm Service Horse Feed Nashua 9.00 9.85 3.00 3.50 9.50 Farm Service 20% Layer Mash Nashua 20.00 20.01 3.00 4.32 7.50 Farm Service Nitrosal Mix in Farm Service 20% Broiler Mash Exeter 20.00 20.80 3.50 4.80 6.00 4.46 Farm Service Special Complete Hog Grower and Fattener Exeter 14.00 14.36 4.50 5.00 5.50 3.90 Larro Broiler Feed Exeter 20.00 22.47 3.00 3.28 5.50 4.12 Larro Broiler Supplement (Pellets) Exeter 18.00 19.61 2.50 3.31 6.00 5.18 Larro Calf Builder Laconia 24.00 24.92 2.50 2.98 6.00 4.75 Larro Chick Builder Exeter 20.00 22.07 3.00 3.45 7.50 5.81 Larro Dairy Concentrate Exeter 32.00 35.20 2.00 3.20 11.00 7.61 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 19 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Manufacturer Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- I I Guar- I I Guar- | anteed* | Found ] anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found General Mills, Inc. (continued) Larro 16% Dairy Feed Lancaster 16.00 16.86 2.50 2.72 12.00 9.09 Larro 20% Dairy Feed Lancaster 20.00 21.67 2.50 2J22 12.00 9.05 Larro 20% Dairy Feed Walpole 20.00 21.50 2.50 2.31 12.00 9.20 Larro Dog Food Exeter 24.50 24.87 4.50 5.56 6.00 5.02 Larro Egg Mash Nashua 20.00 23.34 2.50 3.58 8.00 6.54 Larro Green Pellets for Rabbits Laconia 15.00 16.12 2.00 3.48 19.00 16.95 Larro Nitrosal Mix in Larro Broiler Feed Exeter 20.00 22.90 3.00 3.08 5.50 4.30 Larro Poultry Breeder Mash Laconia 20.00 22.38 2.50 3.04 8.00 6.60 Larro Sow & Pig Builder Exeter 17.00 18.83 3.00 3.48 6.00 4.72 Larro Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Larro Chick Builder Exeter 20.00 22.33 3.00 3.36 7.50 5.32 Larro Turkey Builder Exeter 24.00 25.48 3.00 3.16 7.50 6.09 Larro Turkey Finisher Exeter 27.00 29.20 2.50 2.79 8.00 5.27 Sulfaquinoxaline in Larro Broiler Feed Walpole 20.00 22.20 3.00 2J0 5.50 4.23 Vigor 20% Dairy Feed Nashua 20.00 21.67 3.00 3.66 12.00 10.97 Washburn's Gold Medal Hard Wheat Bran and Ground Wheat Screen- ings Woodsville 14.00 16.12 3.50 4.83 12.00 9.65 The Glidden Company, Feed Mill Div., Indianapolis, Indiana Glidden's Nitrophenide in Glidden Super Broiler Ration Keene (Farm) 21.00 22.60 3.00 4.06 4.50 3.66 Glidden Company Soya Products Div., Chicago, Illinois Glidden 44% Solvent Extracted Soy- bean Oil Meal Manchester 44.00 44.61 0.50 2.02 7.00 5.52 Hi-Pro-Soy Solvent Extracted Soybean Oil Meal Manchester 50.00 50.14 0.50 0.96 3.00 2.42 D. H. Grandin Company Jamestown, New York Grandin's All Mash Grower (Pellets) Somersworth 14.00 14.50 3.00 4.52 6.50 5.67 Grandin's All Mash Layer Keene 15.00 15.68 3.00 4.02 6.50 6.17 Grandin's Breeder Mash Keene 20.00 20.49 3.00 4.97 6.50 5.82 Grandin's Bull Feed Somersworth 12.00 11.79 3.00 3.32 11.00 7.06 Grandin's Calf Starter Keene 18.00 18.48 3.00 4.23 10.00 6.25 Grandin's Complete Chick Starter Keene 25.00 24.77 3.00 2.80 6.00 5.42 Grandin's 14 Fitting Ration Keene 14.00 14.19 3.50 3.68 10.00 6.54 Grandin's Goat Feed Somersworth 16.00 15.04 3.50 3.38 10.00 7.48 Grandin's Hi-Pro Pellets Keene 22.00 22.03 3.00 4.53 6.50 6.60 Grandin's Horse Feed Keene 9.50 10.59 3.50 3.51 11.00 6.13 Grandin's Laying Mash Keene 20.00 20.01 3.00 3.90 6.50 6.14 Grandin's 16 Milk Maker Keene 16.00 16.99 3.50 4.05 10.00 8.15 Grandin's 20 Milk Maker Somersworth 20.00 22.03 3.50 3.55 10.00 6.74 Grandin's Pig 8c Hog Feed Keene 18.00 18.87 3.50 5.12 10.00 5.70 Grandin's Rabbit Pellets Somersworth 14.00 13.80 2.00 3.90 18.00 10.78 Grandin's Start-to-Finish Mash Keene 20.00 22.29 3.00 4.41 6.50 6.30 Grandin's Stock Feed Somersworth 9.00 10.29 3.50 3.08 12.00 8.77 Grandin's Succulent Feed Somersworth 9.00 10.64 1.00 2?77 19.00 12.84 Grandin's 16 Test Ration Keene 16.00 16.99 3.50 4.18 10.00 7.65 Grandin's Turkey Grower Somersworth 20.00 20.93 3.00 3.17 6.50 6.88 Grandin's Turkey Starter Somersworth 26.00 27.45 3.00 3.54 6.00 5.25 Sulfaquinoxaline in Grandin's Com- plete Chick Starter Keene 25.00 23.79 3.00 3.39 6.00 6.20 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 20 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedinerstuff Manufacturer = : i - , ^ . — 7^-, Protein [ Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- I Guar- I Guar- | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Founc D. H. Grandin Company (con- tinued) Sulfaquinoxaline in Grandin's Start-to- Finish Mash Keene 20.00 21.58 3.00 4.32 6.50 Sulfaquinoxaline in Grandin's Super Starter & Broiler Ration Keene 20.00 21.32 3.00 3.66 4.50 The Great A & P Company New York, New York Daily Diet 1 Dog Food Claremont 12.00 12.39 3.00 4.72 1.50 Daily Diet 2 Dog Food Claremont 12.00 11.74 3.00 3.58 1.50 Daily Dog Food Claremont 23.00 25.39 3.50 5.01 4.50 Hales & Hunter Company Chicago, Illinois Gold Flake I614 Dairy Lebanon 16.50 18.00 2.00 2.26 15.00 Pioneer Calf Starter Lebanon 18.00 19.35 2.50 3.06 8.50 Pioneer 15 Dairy Lebanon 15.00 19.05 3.00 3.33 9.00 Pioneer Dairy Bull Lebanon 12.00 14.01 3.00 3.92 12.00 Pioneer Dairy Sup-Pel Lebanon 18.00 22.77 3.00 4.13 9.00 Pioneer Dry & Freshening Lebanon 12.00 12.78 2.50 3.51 10.00 Pioneer Hog Ration 15 Lebanon 15.00 16.34 2.50 3.57 8.00 Pioneer Pelleted Flaked 15 Dairy Lebanon 15.00 16.82 3.00 3.71 9.00 Pioneer Rabbit Feed Lebanon 16.00 18.13 2.00 3.56 15.00 Pioneer Sow & Pig 21 Lebanon 21.00 22.51 2.50 3.40 8.50 Red Comb Egg Mash Lebanon 20.00 21.19 3.00 3.34 7.00 Red Comb Growing Mash Lebanon 18.00 20.18 3.00 3.56 7.00 Harper Feed Mills, Inc. Washington, Pennsylvania Harco Breeder Mash Derry 22.00 27.10 3.00 3.47 6.50 Harco Complete Breeder Ration Derry 18.00 23.16 3.00 3.18 7.00 Harco Complete Growing Ration Derry 16.00 17.38 3.00 4.16 7.50 Harco Complete Laying Ration Pellets Derry 16.00 21.72 3.00 3.68 7.50 Harco Dairy Fitting Ration Derry 14.00 13.26 3.00 3.16 10.00 Harco Fattening Mash Station Feed Derry 12.00 T4~67 3.00 4.18 6.00 Harco Growing Mash Derry 18.00 21.32 3.00 3.75 7.00 Harco Horse Feed Derry 9.00 8.84 2.00 2.82 10.00 Harco Laying Mash Pellets Derry 20.00 21.89 3.00 3.41 7.50 Harco Nitrophenide in Harco Com- plete Starter Broiler Ration Derry 18.00 20.23 3.00 3.63 6.50 5.70 Harco Poultry Fitting Ration Derry 10.00 12.69 3.00 3.63 11.00 7.05 Harco Short Feed Station Fattener Pellets Derry 15.00 15.29 3.00 3.65 6.50 5.46 Harper Finisher Pellets Derry 15.00 19.66 3.00 4.06 7.50 4.28 Nitrophenide Harco Chick Starter Mash Derry 20.00 21.94 3.00 3.84 5.50 4.07 Nitrophenide in Harco Special Hi- Energy Broiler Mash Derry 20.00 22.77 3.00 3.82 4.50 3.64 Highland Products Minneapolis, Minnesota Hi-Nutra Greenland 25.00 24.52 4.50 6.32 2.00 1.58 H. P. Hood & Sons Boston, Massachusetts Hoods Calf Starter Franklin 28.00 30.12 3.00 3.50 4.00 3.64 Hood Mills Company Baltimore, Maryland Hood's Pulverized Grain Manchester 11.00 11.47 2.00 2.56 13.00 13.55 •Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 21 Manufacturer Brand Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff 15.00 17.08 E. C. 8c W. L. Hopkins, Inc. Greenfield Granite State Breeder Mash Greenfield Granite State Complete Breeder Mash Weare Granite State Complete Mash Hillsboro Granite State 16% Dairy Feed Greenfield Granite State 20% Dairy Feed Greenfield Granite State 20% Dairy Feed Hillsboro Granite State Egg Mash Hillsboro Granite State Fitting Ration Hillsboro Granite State Growing Mash Greenfield Granite State Hog Ration Hillsboro Granite State Horse Feed Greenfield Granite State Stock Feed Hillsboro Provender ! Greenfield Sulfaquinoxaline in Granite State Chick Starter Greenfield Sulfaquinoxaline in- Granite State Complete Growing Mash Greenfield Humphrey's-Godwin Company Memphis, Tennessee Dixie Brand 41% Cottonseed Meal N.Haverhill International Milling Company Minneapolis, Minnesota Blackhawk Standard Wheat Brand with Ground Wheat Screenings Concord Blackhawk Wheat Bran with Ground Wheat Screenings not exceeding 8% W. Lebanon Blackhawk Wheat Flour Middlings Exeter Blackhawk Wheat Standard Middlings Laconia Target Wheat Red Dog Ashland Target Wheat Red Dog Colebrook John Jervis Grain Co. Ltd. Toronto, Ontario Jervis Pure Wheat Shorts Manchester R. P. Johnson & Son Potter Place Johnson's Chick Starter Potter Place Johnson's Complete Laying Mash Potter Place Johnson's Dairy Feed Potter Place Johnson's Growing Mash Potter Place Johnson's Laying Mash Potter Place Johnson's Pig & Hog Feed Potter Place Kasco Mills Waverly, New York Kasco All Mash Layer Ration Nashua Kasco Beatsall Milk Grains 16% Rochester Kasco Beatsall Milk Grains 20% Nashua Kasco Body Builder Nashua Kasco Chick Starter Nashua Kasco Complete Dog Ration Claremont Kasco Fitting Ration Nashua Kasco Growing Mash Nashua •Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- Guar- Guar- anteed* 1 Found anteed* | Found anteed* Found 20.00 21.28 3.00 3.97 7.50 6.37 16.00 15.79 3.00 4.36 7.00 4.20 15.00 17.16 3.00 4.60 7.00 5.92 16.00 19.62 3.50 5.34 9.00 7.55 20.00 21.94 4.00 4.09 10.00 7.58 20.00 22.99 4.00 5.20 10.00 8.96 20.00 20.67 4.00 4.70 7.50 6.95 14.00 15.11 3.00 3.52 8.00 6.75 19.00 20.14 3.00 5.34 8.00 6.10 17.50 18.17 3.00 4.03 7.00 5.35 10.00 11.08 3.00 3.01 8.00 5.52 8.00 8.23 4.00 5.61 10.00 9.26 10.00 9.46 4.00 2.65 10.00 5.28 20.00 22.68 3.00 5.01 6.50 5.02 15.00 16.51 3.00 3.87 7.00 5.25 41.00 41.24 4.00 4.68 12.00 12.63 16.00 17.08 2.50 4.80 12.00 10.33 15.00 17.78 2.50 5.38 12.00 9.49 15.00 14.61 2.00 3.18 4.00 2.55 15.00 17.04 3.00 5.96 9.50 7.65 15.00 16.82 2.00 2.62 4.00 2.06 15.00 15.02 2.00 3.12 4.00 2.38 5.00 5.01 8.00 7.01 16.00 20.36 3.00 4.61 10.00 5.75 15.00 16.34 3.00 3.91 8.00 5.82 16.00 18.26 3.00 3.03 9.00 7.21 14.00 15.85 3.00 3.94 9.00 5.74 18.00 18.65 4.00 4.11 8.00 5.99 15.00 17.43 2.00 3.60 7.00 5.78 15.00 17.56 3.00 3.73 7.50 5.54 16.00 18.17 3.50 4.15 10.00 7.90 20.00 17.76 3.50 3.70 10.00 7.50 15.00 17.69 3.00 3.86 7.00 5.18 20.00 21.54 3.00 3.60 5.50 4.17 25.00 28.55 7.00 9.41 4.00 3.46 14.00 16.11 3.50 3.61 10.00 7.41 18.00 19.13 3.00 3.74 7.50 5.90 than. 22 Manufacturer Brand Kasco Mills (continued) Kasco Pork Producer Kasco Poultry Breeder Mash Kasco Turkey Grower Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Spencer Kellog & Son Decateur, Illinois Spencer Kellogs Old Process Expeller Linseed Oil Meal Spencer Kellogs Toasted Solvent Ex- tracted Soybean Oil Meal Kellogg Company Battle Creek, Michigan Kellogg's Hominy Feed Kellogg's Hominy Feed Kennel Food Supply Company Fairfield, Connecticut Sportsmans Dog Meal Keystone Dehydrators Nazareth, Pennsylvania Keystone Super-Green Dehydrated Al- falfa Meal Kuder Pulp Sales Co. Lake Alfred, Florida Kuder Dried Citrus Pulp Kuder Dried Citrus Pulp High Sugar Lauhoff Grain Company Danville, Illinois Vermillion Hominy Feed L. B. Lovitt & Company Memphis, Tennessee "Lovit Brand" 41% Protein Cotton- seed Meal Prime Quality Luxemburg Milling Company Luxemburg, Yisconsin Standard Wheat Middlings Maine Fish Meal Company Portland, Maine Maine Concentrate Maine Starter Broiler Supplement Mapleleaf Milling Company Toronto, Canada Rex Wheat Bran with Screenings Colebrook Concord Concord Ashland Maritime MiUing Company Buffalo, New York Amino-Nitrothiazole (Enheptin) Mix- ture in B-B Maco Complete Turkey Growing Ration B-B Calf Meal B-B Conditioning Mash Newfields Newfields Keene Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- I | Guar- | Guar- | anteed* ] Found | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found Rochester 15.00 18.30 3.00 4.11 6.50 4.87 Nashua 20.00 21.59 3.00 3.32 7.50 6.40 Nashua 20.00 21.54 3.00 3.34 7.50 5.90 Dover 34.00 34.46 3.50 4.09 9.00 8.68 Dover 44.00 44.53 0.50 1.18 7.00 5.90 Greenfield 10.00 £73 6.00 7.08 5.00 3.91 Manchester 10.00 937 6.00 7.41 5.00 3.64 Concord 20.00 19.13 2.00 2.90 3.00 2.28 Greenfield 17.00 17.47 2.90 3.22 27.00 24.94 Woodsville 6.00 6.01 3.00 1.78 13.00 9.51 Manchester 6.00 6.01 5.00 4.60 13.00 11.06 Concord 9.00 9.63 5.00 4.86 6.00 4.30 Rochester 41.00 39.40 4.00 7.00 13.00 11.70 14.00 12.31 3.00 2.01 52.00 52.71 12.00 16.34 52.00 53.59 10.00 16.20 9.00 1.00 1.00 22.00 22.86 3.50 22.00 20.36 4.00 14.00 14.85 3.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 23 2.13 15.00 15.64 3.50 4.78 12.00 9.54 3.17 5.00 4.07 3.41 5.00 (k34 3.15 6.00 2.91 Manufacturer Brand Maritime Milling Co. (continued) Bull Brand Dry and Fresh Cow Fit- ting Ration Newfields B-B Horse Feed Newfields B-B Ma-Co Breeder Mash Newfields B-B Maco Broiler Ration Keene B-B Maco Complete Turkey Starter Ration Newfields B-B Ma-Co Egg Mash Newfields B-B Maco 30% Protein Turkey Pellets Newfields B-B Ma-Co Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in B-B Maco Broiler Ration Newfields B-B Maco Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in B-B Maco Broiler Ration Keene B-B Maco Turkey Fitting Ration Newfields B-B Nitrophenide Mixture in B-B Maco Broiler Ration Keene B-B Pasture Supplement Newfields B-B "18" Test Cow Ration Newfields Hi-Test Hog Feed Newfields Marmico 16% Protein Dairy Feed Newfields Nitrophenide Mixture in B-B Maco Broiler Ration Newfields Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in B-B Ma- co Complete Turkey Starter Ration Newfields Sweetened B-B "16" Dairy Ration Keene Sweetened Bull Brand "20" Dairy Ra- tion Newfields Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- anteed* I | Found | Guar- anteed* [ Found Guar- anteed* 1 1 Found 13.00 9.00 21.00 22.00 14.10 11.56 24.22 22.38 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.16 3.08 3.04 2.65 10.00 10.00 5.00 4.00 8.23 7.04 3.28 3.52 26.00 21.00 30.00 26.58 22.68 30.60 3.50 3.00 3.50 2.93 2.88 3.40 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.44 3.71 3.99 22.00 23.03 2.50 3.02 3.50 2.93 22.00 11.00 23.29 10.22 3.00 3.50 3.08 3.51 4.00 6.00 3.42 3.37 22.00 13.00 18.00 14.00 16.00 22.16 12.78 20.14 16.73 17.95 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.50 3.00 3.15 3.81 5.12 2.51 4.82 4.00 15.00 8.50 8.00 12.00 3.20 12.85 7.88 6.75 9.86 22.00 22.29 2.50 2.99 3.50 2.92 26.00 16.00 26.01 19.22 3.50 4.00 3.51 3.66 5.00 9.00 3.76 .8.10 20.00 21.59 4.00 4.49 9.00 7.35 Martin Food Company Boston 18, Massachusetts Martin Fisher 100% Horsemeat Dog Food Concord 18.00 19.37 3.00 McDonald & Robb Ltd. Valleyfield P. O., Canada Wheat Bran Concord 15.00 17.25 3.50 Merrimack Farmers Exchange, Inc. Concord, New Hampshire Merrimack All Mash Concord (Farm) 15.00 16.73 3.50 Merrimack All Mash Franklin 15.00 16.29 3.50 Merrimack Breeder Mash (Pelleted) Henniker 20.00 22.12 3.50 Merrimack Calf Meal Goffstown 20.00 20.93 4.50 Merrimack Calf Starter and Growing Ration Goffstown 12.00 15.11 3.00 Merrimack Calving Ration Goffstown 12.00 13.23 3.00 Merrimack Chick Starter Franklin 20.00 22.55 3.00 Merrimack Complete Grower Franklin 15.00 16.16 3.00 Merrimack Complete Layer Franklin 15.00 16.47 3.50 Merrimack 16% (Fine Dairy Ration) Goffstown 16.00 16.99 3.00 Merrimack 16% Dairy Ration Manchester (Farm) 16.00 16.25 3.50 Merrimack 16% Dairy Ration Plymouth 16.00 17.60 3.50 Merrimack 16% Dairy Ration Laconia (Farm) 16.00 16.29 3.50 Merrimack 20% Dairy Ration Henniker 20.00 20.36 3.50 Merrimack Fast-Gro Broiler (Pelleted) Franklin 22.00 23.65 3.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 24 3.56 1.00 4.07 7.00 4.03 7.00 3.57 7.00 4.54 7.00 3.08 12.00 2.64 15.00 3.50 7.00 3.77 8.00 3.84 7.00 3.71 10.00 3.51 9.00 3.99 9.00 3.85 9.00 3.51 8.50 3.48 4.50 0.11 4.75 11.30 10.12 Manufacturer Brand Merrimack Farmers Exchange, Inc. (continued) Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Protein Fat Crude Fiber Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Merrimack Fodder Ration Merrimack Growing Mash Merimack Horse Feed Merrimack Laying Mash Merrimack Pig Feed Merrimack Pig Feed Merrimack Pig Feed Merrimack Poultry Fitting Ration Merrimack Provender Merrimack Provender Merrimack Rabbit Pellets Merrimack Sheep and Goat Ration Merrimack 18% Special Dairy Ration Merrimack Starter and Broiler Ration Merrimack Sulfaquinoxaline in Com- plete Grower Merrimack Sulfaquinoxaline in All Mash Merrimack Sulfaquinoxaline in Mer- rimack Fast-Gro Broiler Merrimack Sulfaquinoxaline in Mer- rimack Starter and Broiler Ration Merrimack Turkey Growing Mash Merrimack Turkey Growing Mash Sweetened Oat Feed Miller Alfalfa Company Defiance, Ohio Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal (17% Miller's Choice Brand) Guar- Guar- Guar- 1 anteed* 1 Found anteed* 1 Found anteed* I Found Manchester (Farm) 14.00 15.50 3.50 3.86 9.00 6.80 Concord (Farm) 14.00 15.72 3.50 3.86 9.00 6.64 Franklin 14.00 16.25 3.50 4.51 9.00 7.90 Laconia (Farm) 14.00 14.94 3.50 3.93 9.00 6.71 Goffstown 10.00 10.86 1.50 1.88 20.00 18.82 Manchester (Farm) 17.00 18.57 3.50 3.57 8.00 6.14 Franklin 11.00 12.22 3.50 3.72 10.00 7.05 Manchester (Farm) 19.00 20.71 3.50 4.01 7.00 5.74 Manchester (Farm) 17.00 17.82 3.00 3.80 7.00 5.74 Laconia (Farm) 17.00 18.12 3.00 4.32 7.00 6.28 Franklin 17.00 18.61 3.00 4.57 7.00 6.22 Rochester 13.50 12.85 3.00 3.43 8.00 5.12 Plymouth 9.00 9.94 3.50 3.28 10.00 5.34 Bradford 9.00 9.20 3.50 4.25 10.00 5.88 Henniker 20.00 21.89 2.25 3.91 12.00 9.83 Rochester 14.00 15.64 2.50 3.64 9.00 6.45 Franklin 18.00 19.49 3.50 4.02 8.50 6.55 Goffstown 22.00 22.03 3.00 3.55 5.50 4.37 Goffstown 15.00 15.20 3.00 3.46 8.00 5.60 Goffstown 15.00 16.69 3.50 3.92 7.00 6.12 Franklin 22.00 23.43 3.00 3.51 4.50 3.33 Goffstown 22.00 22.95 3.00 3.33 5.50 4.70 Plymouth 20.00 22.04 3.00 3.58 8.00 6.36 Manchester 20.00 22.12 3.00 3.40 8.00 6.43 Goffstown 3.00 4.07 1.00 1.21 32.50 23.37 Minute Maid Corporation Leesburg, Florida Golden Isle Citrus Pulp Geo. Q. Moon & Co., Inc. Binghamton, New York Moon Breeder Mash Moon Complete Growing Mash Moon Complete Growing Mash with Sulfaquinoxaline Moon Complete Starter 8c Broiler Mash Moon Fitting Ration with Pellets Moon Hog Feed Moon Laying Mash Moon N.E. Complete Growing Mash Moon N.E. Complete Laying Mash Moon Special A 16% Dairy Ration Moon Special A 20% Dairy Ration with Pellets Suncook Henniker Salem Depot Salem Depot 17.00 18.48 1.50 2.50 27.00 27.63 Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Depot Depot Depot Depot Depot Depot Depot Depot 6.00 20.00 16.00 16.00 17.50 13.00 13.00 20.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 5.65 18.74 16.25 17.43 18.83 14.94 14.54 19.44 17.52 17.08 21.19 3.00 4.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.00 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 18.00 11.05 5.04 4.55 4.19 4.05 4.64 4.64 4.86 4.22 4.87 5.16 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 9.00 12.00 7.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 Salem Depot 20.00 19.29 3.50 4.72 10.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 25 6.80 6.02 6.16 6.78 6.43 7.65 6.40 8.55 7.82 8.23 8.28 Manufacturer Brand Geo. Q. Moon Co., Inc. (continued) Moon Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Moon Complete Starter & Broiler Mash Salem Depot Moon Super Broiler Ration Salem Depot Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Protein Fat Crude Fiber Mount Vernon Milling Co. Mount Vernon, Indiana Poco Hominy Feed National Pet Foods Buffalo, New York Kalico Kat-Cat Food Manchester Concord The Neumond Company St. Louis, Missouri Neumond's Suncured Dairy Cut Al- falfa Odgen Grain Company Utica, New York Odgen "Biddy Mash" Odgen Body Builder Pellets Odgen Complete Starter Grower Layer Breeder Odgen 16% Dairy Feed Odgen Growing Mash Odgen Layer & Breeder Odgen Poultry and Turkey Fitting Ration Odgen Rabbit Pellets Odgen Starter & Broiler Odgen Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Odgen Hi Energy Starter & Broiler Odgen Sulfaquinoxaline in Odgen Starter 8c Broiler Odgen Super Pig Ration Oswego Soy Products, Corp. Oswego, New York Big "O" 44% High Protein Soybean Meal Concentrate Soy Bean Oil Meal Toasted Extracted Pabst Brewing Company Peoria, Illinois Pabst Hominy Feed The Park & Pollard Co., Inc. Buffalo, New York Corn & Oats Half & Half Lay or Bust All Mash Breeder Lay or Bust All Mash Grower Lay or Bust Breeder Mash (Pelleted) Lay or Bust Chick Starter Lay or Bust Egg Mash Lay or Bust Fleshing Pellets Lay or Bust Growing Pellets Lay or Bust Hi-Power Broiler Ration Guar- I I Guar- I I Guar- | anteed* | Found ] anteed* ] Found ] anteed* | Found 17.50 19.00 3.50 5.15 7.00 6.36 20.00 20.62 3.00 4.38 4.50 3.14 10.00 9.02 5.50 4.48 6.00 3.14 12.00 13.48 4.00 6.51 1.00 0.52 Colebrook 13.00 15.85 1.00 1.29 33.00 Goffstown Goffstown 20.00 20.00 20.84 20.58 2.50 3.00 3.49 3.42 7.50 7.00 Goffstown Goffstown Goffstown Goffstown 16.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 17.51 17.91 20.10 21.01 2.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.65 3.73 3.82 3.64 7.50 9.00 7.50 7.00 Goffstown Goffstown Goffstown 10.00 16.50 20.00 10.33 17.21 20.01 3.00 3.00 3.50 2.77 3.91 4.09 8.00 13.00 7.00 Goffstown 22.00 22.38 3.00 3.90 4.00 Goffstown Goffstown 20.00 14.00 21.63 13.63 3.50 3.50 3.59 4.46 7.00 7.00 Potter Place 44.00 44.31 0.50 1.93 7.00 Suncook 44.00 45.49 0.50 2.53 7.00 Salem Depot 10.00 10.68 5.00 5.99 6.00 Colebrook 10.00 9.66 3.00 3.57 8.00 Lebanon 15.00 18.39 2.50 3.53 7.00 Colebrook 14.50 16.07 2.50 3.56 7.00 Lebanon 20.00 20.89 2.50 3.57 7.50 Manchester 20.00 21.50 2.50 3.36 6.00 Lebanon 20.00 21.06 2.50 3.57 7.50 Lebanon 15.00 16.29 2.50 3.88 6.50 Colebrook 18.00 18.01 2.50 4.19 7.50 Hillsboro 20.00 22.47 3.00 3.50 4.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 26 Manufacturer Brand The Park & Pollard Co., Inc. (con- tinued) Layor Bust Hi-Valu Scratch Pellets Lay or Bust Laying Pellets Lay or Bust Poultry Fitting Ration Milk Maid Bulky Sweet Dairy Milk Maid Calf Starter Pellets Milk Maid 16% Dairy Ration Milk Maid 20% Dairy Ration Milk Maid Fitting Ration Milk-Maid Test Cow Ration Munchy Dog Food Park & Pollard Go-Tu-It Pig & Hog Ration Park & Pollard Rabbit Pellets Park 8c Pollard Stock Feed Park & Pollard Sulfaquinoxaline Mix- ture in Lay or Bust Growing Feed Red Ribbon 16% Dairy Ration Red Ribbon Fitting Ration Special Milk-Maid 16% Dairy Sulfaquinoxaline in Lay or Bust Chick Starter Sulfaquinoxaline in Lay or Bust Turkey Starter Yankee Horse Feed Park & Tillford Distillers Corp. Louisville, Kentucky Pandt Corn Distillers Dried Grains Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd. Toronto, Canada "Parrheim" Pure Wheat Brand Pasco Packing Company Dade City, Florida Sugar-Sweet Citrus Pulp Patent Cereals Company Geneva, New York Toasted Corn Flakes Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- 1 1 Guar- Guar- anteed* | Found J anteed* | Found anteed Colebrook 12.00 14.28 2.50 3.91 6.50 Manchester 20.00 20.36 2.50 3.12 7.50 Manchester 14.00 13.40 2.50 3.39 9.50 Colebrook 12.00 13.09 2.50 3.09 14.00 Lebanon 22.00 27.67 3.50 3.55 7.00 Hillsboro 16.00 17.86 3.50 3.40 10.00 Colebrook 20.00 20.40 3.50 4.37 10.00 Colebrook 14.00 14.84 3.00 3.50 9.00 Colebrook 18.00 19.79 4.00 3.85 9.00 Manchester 26.00 26.93 6.00 6.59 4.50 Colebrook 16.00 17.99 3.00 4.20 6.00 Colebrook 14.00 15.41 2.50 3.41 12.00 Colebrook 9.00 10.59 2.00 3.91 12.00 Colebrook 18.00 19.08 2.50 2.92 7.50 Colebrook 16.00 17.95 3.50 4.33 11.00 Lebanon 14.00 15.37 3.00 3.31 9.00 Colebrook 16.00 17.12 3.50 5.16 10.00 Manchester 20.00 21.58 2.50 3.26 6.00 Hillsboro 28.00 28.68 2.50 3.14 6.50 Colebrook 10.00 11.73 2.50 3.33 10.00 Phenix Pabst-Ett Company Chicago, Illinois Krayletts for Swine-Chickens-Turkeys.. Pierce Grain Corporation 1040 Seneca St., Buffalo, New York Pierce Special 16% Dairy Feed 16 Reliance Dairy Ration 20 Reliance Diary Ration Reliance Hog Feed Superior Fitting Ration Pilgrim Feed Company Providence, Rhode Island Pilgrim Egg & Breeder Mash Pilgrim Supreme Nitrophenide mixed in Pilgrim Supreme Broiler Ration Dover Lancaster Colebrook Greenfield Greenfield Colebrook Colebrook Colebrook Colebrook Colebrook New Boston (Farm) New Boston (Farm) I I Found 25.00 28.19 5.00 7.41 16.00 10.19 15.00 14.28 3.50 4.55 11.50 11.48 6.00 6.04 2.50 1.96 13.50 10.60 7.00 10.68 3.00 4.49 20.00 22.38 4.50 7.87 16.00 16.00 20.00 18.00 14.00 20.00 23.17 22.00 21.54 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.26 4.59 4.03 4.63 4.01 5.00 2.00 8.50 9.00 9.00 8.50 9.00 3.73 8.00 4.01 3.57 3.50 6.78 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 27 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Manufacturer Protein [ Fat | Crude FibeF Brand Guar- I I Guar- I I Guar- I anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found Pillsbury Mills Minneapolis, Minnesota Pillsbury's xx Daisy Manchester 16.00 16.11 4.00 4.01 4.00 2.71 Pillsbury's Hard Wheat Bran Nashua 14.00 14.02 4.00 3.90 12.00 9.15 Pillsbury's Hard Wheat Standard Mid- dlings with Ground Wheat Screen- ings Somersworth 15.00 16.81 4.00 4.97 9.50 6.16 Pittsburg Plate Glass Corporation Red Wing, Minnesota Red Wing 36% Protein Extracted Linseed Oil Meal Greenfield 36.00 35.55 0.50 0.99 10.00 9.38 Platte Valley Products Inc. Lexington, Nebraska 17% Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal Lancaster 17.00 19.01 1.50 2.61 27.00 25.24 R. C. Pratt & Co. Ltd. Toronto, Canada Ruler Brand Pure Wheat Shorts Nashua 15.00 17.22 3.50 5.41 10.50 5.29 The George Pritchard Company Dover, New Hampshire Pritchard Breeder Mash Dover 20.00 20.67 4.00 3.81 7.00 5.01 Pritchard Complete Grower - Layer Mash Dover 16.00 18.26 4.00 4.68 7.00 Pritchard 16% Dairy Ration Dover 16.00 16.69 4.00 4.14 8.00 Pritchard 14% Fitting Ration Dover 14.00 15.15 4.00 JMJ9 8.00 Pritchard Starter & Broiler Mash Dover 21.00 20.47 4.00 3A4 5.00 Publicker Industries Inc. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dried Corn Distillers Solubles Manchester 25.00 29.77 2.00 6.31 6.00 28% Grain Sorghum Distillers Dried Grains Greenfield 28.00 30.43 8.00 7^ 15.00 Purity Flour Mills, Ltd. St. Boniface, Canada Pioneer Shorts Suncook 16.00 17.51 5.00 5.20 8.00 Quaker Oats Company Peterborough, Sask., Canada Bell Cow Wheat Bran N.Haverhill 15.00 17.08 3.50 4.79 11.50 Bell Cow Wheat Shorts Greenland 16.00 18.30 4.00 5.06 8.00 Ken-L-Bisket Exeter 20.00 20.40 3.50 4.40 3.00 Ken-L-Ration Henniker 10.00 10.74 2.50 5.42 1.00 Peterborough Oat Huller Feed Manchester 2.50 3.15 1.00 1.35 34.00 White Hominy Feed Colebrook 10.00 10.03 4.50 5.45 5.50 Yellow Hominy Feed N.Haverhill 10.00 SJ4 4.50 4.26 5.50 Radio Foods Corporation Lawrence, Massachusetts Radio Dog Food Manchester 12.00 10.51 3.00 2.30 1.50 Ralston Purina Company St. Louis, Missouri Purina B & M Cow Chow Concord 16.00 15.52 3.50 4.27 10.00 Purina Breeder Lay Chow (for heavy- breeds) Manchester 22.00 24.17 2.50 3.16 8.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 28 Manufacturer Brand Ralston Purina Company (con- tinued) Purina Breeder Layena (for heavy breeds) Exeter Purina Broiler Chow Manchester Purina Broiler Chow Finisher (Checker-Etts) Keene Purina Broiler Chow Finisher (Checkers) Keene Purina Broiler Chow Starter (Checker- Etts) Concord Purina Calf Startena Concord Purina Chick Chow (Fine) Concord Purina Chick Growena Exeter Purina Chick Growing Chow Manchester Purina Chick Startena Manchester Purina Commercial Lay Chow Concord Purina Commercial Layena (Checker- Etts) Keene Purina Complete Sow & Pig Chow Greenland Purina Cow Chow 16% Manchester Purina Cow Chow 18% Exeter Purina Cow Chow 20% Concord Purina D & F Chow Concord Purina Dog Chow Kibbled Meal Concord Purina Dog Chow Meal Concord Purina Game Bird Growing Chow Concord Purina Game Bird Startena Concord Purina Goat Chow Keene Purina Hog Fatena Concord Purina Layena (Complete Ration) (Checker-Etts) Keene Purina Mink Chow Milford Purina Omolene Manchester Purina Poultry Booster Checkers Exeter Purina Rabbit Chow Checkers (Com- plete Ration) Manchester Purina Roaster Chow Concord Purina Turkey Fatena Greenland Purina Turkey Growena Manchester .005% 3-Nitro-4-Hydroxyphenylarsonic Acid in Purina Broiler Chow Fin- isher Concord .005% 3-Nitro-4-Hydroxyphenylarsonic Acid and .0125% Sulfaquinoxaline in Purina Broiler Chow Finisher Concord .005% 3-Nitro-4-Hydroxyphenylarsonic Acid and .0125% Sulfaquinoxaline in Purina Broiler Chow Starter Concord .0125% Sulfaquinoxaline in Purina Broiler Chow Finisher Manchester L0125% Sulfaquinoxaline in Purina Broiler Chow Starter Manchester iJ0125% Sulfaquinoxaline in Purina Chick Growena Concord !J0125% Sulfaquinoxaline in Purina Chick Startena Concord ,0175% Sulfaquinoxaline in Purina Turkey Startena Manchester Pounds in 100 lbs, of Feedingstuff Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- anteed* Found 16.50 18.00 18.00 18.00 22.00 19.50 10.00 17.00 23.00 20.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 12.50 24.00 24.00 28.00 28.00 16.00 14.00 15.50 11.00 10.00 24.00 15.00 18.00 15.50 20.00 18.87 19.66 18.79 19.39 23.82 22.95 9.28 18~T7 23.86 21.37 21.28 18.35 18.17 18.39 17.28 18.85 14.15 22.89 23.30 28.01 28.63 17.21 16.86 18.13 14.54 10.07 24.78 16.77 18.08 16.69 21.54 18.00 19.27 18.00 20.10 22.00 22.16 18.00 19.35 22.00 22.24 17.00 17.78 20.00 21.28 24.00 27.23 Guar- anteed* 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 Found 3.27 3.71 Guar- | anteed* | Found 3.00 3.62 3.00 3.58 3.27 2.60 2.62 3.49 3.63 3.32 3.59 3.09 3.23 3.64 3.26 3.87 3.05 6.68 7.40 3.07 4.43 3.40 3.34 3.33 3.32 3.28 3.17 2.57 3.37 3.60 3.01 3.87 3.52 3.71 3.33 3.51 3.34 3.66 2.87 8.00 7.00 4.50 4.50 5.00 9.50 4.00 7.00 8.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 11.00 9.00 18.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 4.50 5.00 4.50 5.00 7.00 5.00 7.00 5.57 5.22 4.13 4.32 4.53 8.30 1.47 5.44 5.91 4.31 5.81 4.42 4.85 7.11 7.25 8.33 8.83 3.76 3.12 5.34 5.44 7.10 4.83 4.31 3.56 6.72 6.16 14.54 5.72 5.21 5.04 4.50 4.12 4.01 4.42 4.49 4.32 5.48 4.57 5.79 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 29 Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Manufacturer Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber~ Brand Guar- j I Guar- I I Guar- | anteed* [ Found | anteed* | Found [ anteed* | Found John Reardon & Sons Cambridge, Massachusetts Register Brand Fish Meal Suncook 60.00 59.46 5.00 7.83 1.00 0.11 Register Brand Fish Meal Nashua 60.00 61.16 5.00 13.01 1.00 0.14 Register Brand 45% Protein Meat 8c Bone Scrap Suncook 45.00 44.79 8.00 10.09 Register Brand 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scrap Dover 50.00 59.76 8.00 5;50 RE-Dan Packing Company Ozone Park, Long Island, New York Cadet Dog Food Concord 8.00 8.84 2.00 L51 1.50 1.16 Russell Miller Milling Company Minneapolis, Minnesota Hard Wheat Occident Bran Newfields 14.00 15.90 4.00 4.61 11.50 10.18 Schoeneck Farms, Inc. Nazareth, Pennsylvania Schoeneck's Super Green Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal Potter Place 17.00 16.55 2.00 2.87 27.00 26.40 Schwab Brothers Mills, Inc. New Bavaria, Ohio Dehydrated Bavaria Brand Alfalfa Meal 17% Nashua 17.00 16.35 1.50 2.37 27.00 29.33 Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. Louisville, Kentucky Seagram's Corn Distillers Dried Grains Manchester 26.00 25.07 8.00 9.80 11.00 8.38 Seagram's Corn Distillers Dried Grains Manchester 26.00 26.01 8.00 8.62 14.00 8.98 Silver Bros., Inc. Manchester, New Hampshire Friendly Dog Sc Cat Food Somersworth 6.50 8.80 1.50 2.46 1.00 0.99 Allen V. Smith, Inc. Marcellus Falls, New York Smith's Barley Feed Manchester 13.00 13.76 2.00 3.40 14.00 7.64 South End Hay & Grain Manchester, New Hampshire 18% Dairy Feed Manchester 18.00 18.66 4.00 4.19 10.00 Feedboard Breeder Mash Manchester 20.00 20.27 3.00 4.22 7.00 Feedboard Growing Mash Manchester 18.00 18.39 3.50 4.41 8.00 Feedboard Super-Starter Manchester 20.00 20.41 3.50 4.24 4.50 F. B. Spaulding Company Lancaster, New Hampshire Miracle Complete Egg Mash Lancaster 16.00 17.60 3.00 3.84 9.00 Provender ... Lancaster 10.00 10.73 3.50 3.63 9.00 Spaulding's 20% Dairy Ration Lancaster 20.00 18.74 3.50 4.15 9.00 Spaulding's Fitting Ration Lancaster 12.00 12.52 3.50 3.85 9.00 Spencer Kellogg and Sons, Inc. Buffalo, New York Spencer Kellogg's 32% Protein Old Process Linseed Oil Meal N.Haverhill 32.00 34.06 3.50 4.21 9.00 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 30 Manufacturer Brand A. E. Staley Mfg. Co. Decatur, Illinois Staley's Corn Gluten Feed Lebanon Stratton & Company Penacook, New Hampshire Stratton's Stock Feed Salem Depot Stratton's Wheat Bran Lebanon Stratton's Wheat White Middlings Lebanon Wheat Mixed Feed Salem Depot Wheat Standard Middlings Salem Depot Tioga Mills, Inc. Waverly, New York Sulfaquinoxaline in Tioga Broiler Feed North Swanzey Ti-O-Ga Broiler Feed North Swanzey Union Starch & Refining Co. Columbus, Indiana Union Corn Gluten Feed Suncook Union Corn Gluten Meal Manchester Union Corn Oil Meal Manchester Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- | J Guar- | | Guar- | anteed* | Found [ anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found 23.00 25.22 1.50 2.60 8.00 6.67 7.00 13.00 14.00 13.50 14.00 6.04 13.58 15.06 13.93 14.45 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.70 4.02 3.42 4.09 4.20 15.00 11.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 13.60 9.42 2.52 7.55 5.01 20.00 20.00 21.37 18.83 3.00 3.00 3:12 3.34 5.50 5.50 4.49 4.26 23.00 41.00 20.00 27.15 40.28 23.38 2.00 1.00 6.00 2.12 2.18 7.30 8.50 5.00 10.00 6.64 3.80 8.96 U. S. Industries & Chemical Inc. 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, New York Curbay B-G Dried Molasses Fermen- tation Solubles Unity Feeds Inc. Manchester Unity Feeds Breeder Mash Unity Feeds Breeder Mash (Pelleted) Unity Feeds Check Starter Unity Feeds Complete Growing Mash Unity Feeds 14% Dairy Fitting Ration Unity Feeds 16% Dairy Ration Unity Feeds 16% Dairy Ration Unity Feeds 20% Dairy Ration Unity Feeds 20% Dairy Ration Unity Feeds 14% Dairy Fitting Ration Unity Feeds Unity Feeds Unity Feeds Unity Feeds Unity Feeds Unity Feeds Ration Unity Feeds Super Gro Unity Feeds Unity Sup Unity Feeds Unity Feeds Unity Feeds Unity Grist 14% Dairy Fitting Ration Fattening Station Pellets Growing Mash (Pelleted) Horse Feed Laying Mash (Pelleted) ... Nitrophenide in Advance Nitrophenide Mixed with Ration Nitrophenide Mixed with er Ration Pig & Hog Ration Super-Gro Ration Super Ration Mill 4-Way Mash Manchester 10.00 10.16 1.00 0.58 Manchester 20.00 20.35 3.00 4.12 6.00 4.20 Manchester 20.00 18.92 3.00 3.70 6.00 4.28 Manchester 20.00 21.11 3.00 4.17 4.50 3.54 Milford 15.00 17.16 3.00 3.63 7.00 6.09 Manchester 14.00 14.37 3.50 3.51 8.00 6.14 Manchester 16.00 17.78 4.00 5.01 10.00 8.22 Manchester 16.00 18.66 4.00 4.42 10.00 7.60 Manchester 20.00 21.76 4.00 4.95 10.00 9.39 Manchester 20.00 20.10 4.00 4.70 10.00 9.41 Brentwood (Farm) 14.00 14.23 3.50 2.87 8.00 8.52 Manchester 14.00 17.43 3.50 3.51 8.00 6.75 Manchester 14.00 14.02 3.00 3.80 7.00 5.15 Manchester 18.00 18.52 3.00 4.25 7.00 6.38 Manchester 10.00 9.19 3.00 3.45 9.00 5.40 Milford 20.00 20.88 3.00 3.45 7.00 6.47 Manchester 20.00 21.54 3.00 4.42 4.50 3.52 Milford 17.00 17.82 3.00 4.44 3.50 3.30 Milford 20.00 20.14 4.00 4.20 3.50 3.76 Manchester 17.00 21.41 3.00 4.27 6.00 6.29 Manchester 17.00 19.27 3.00 4.01 3.50 2.53 Manchester 20.00 21.72 4.00 4.02 3.50 2.63 Manchester 15.00 18.52 3.50 4.19 7.00 4.82 *Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 31 Manufacturer Brand Valier & Spies Milling Co. St. Louis, Missouri Valier's Wheat Bran Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuff Protein Fat Crude Fiber Victory Mills Toronto, Canada Soybean Oil Meal Hi Protein H. K. Webster Company Lawrence, Massachusetts Blue Seal All Mash Breeder Ration Blue Seal All Mash Egg Ration (Pel- leted) Blue Seal All Mash Growing Ration (Pelleted) Blue Seal Breeder's Mash (Pelleted) Blue Seal "16" Dairy Ration (Coarse) Blue Seal "20" Dairy Ration (Coarse) Blue Seal Egg Mash (Pellets) Blue Seal Egg Mash Blue Seal Fine "16" Dairy Ration Blue Seal Fine "20" Dairy Ration Blue Seal Fitting Ration Blue Seal Fitting Ration Blue Seal Goat Feed Blue Seal Growing Mash Blue Seal Pig Feed Blue Seal Poultry and Turkey Fitting Blue Seal Rabbit Pellets Blue Seal Stock Feed Blue Seal Succulent Feed and Calving Ration Blue Seal Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture Super Starter and Broiler Blue Seal Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Super Starter and Broiler Blue Seal Super Mash (Pelleted) Blue Seal Super Starter and Broiler Blue Seal Test Ration Blue Seal Turkey Growing Western Condensing Co. Appleton, Wisconsin Peebles' Lacto-G Dried Whey Peebles' M-N-C Whitmoyer Laboratories, Inc. Myerstown, Pennsylvania CLO-MEAL GRO-TEIN Whitmoyer Quality Fish Meal Whitmoyer Quality Fish Meal Wilson and Company Chicago, Illinois Ideal Dog Food Yieldmor Feeds, Inc. Piqua, Ohio Yieldmore Hi-Energy Broiler Ration Guar- J Guar- I Guar- | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found | anteed* | Found Colebrook 14.50 16.37 3.50 4.43 10.50 Manchester 44.00 44.96 0.50 1.25 7.00 Chichester 15.00 16.59 3.50 4.20 6.50 Chichester 15.00 16.29 3.50 4.12 6.50 Chichester 15.00 15.42 3.50 4.01 6.50 Chichester 20.00 20.01 3.50 4.37 7.00 Chichester 16.00 16.55 3.50 3.98 9.00 Chichester 20.00 19.13 3.50 3.94 9.00 Nashua 20.00 20.62 3.50 6.64 7.00 Exeter 20.00 21.50 3.50 4.23 7.00 Chichester 16.00 16.12 3.50 4.09 9.00 Exeter 20.00 10.10 3.50 3.99 9.00 Nashua 14.00 14.01 3.50 4.04 9.00 Exeter 14.00 13.25 3.50 4.09 9.00 Rochester 16.00 16.25 3.50 3.67 9.00 Nashua 18.00 19.40 3.50 4.04 7.00 Chichester 15.00 14.86 3.00 4.30 6.00 Chichester 12.00 12.01 2.50 3.16 6.00 Exeter 20.00 19.79 3.00 3.61 12.00 Rochester 8.50 10.25 3.00 3.71 17.00 Rochester 12.00 12.56 1.50 2.43 18.00 Chichester 20.00 21.72 3.00 3.82 4.00 Exeter 20.00 21.67 3.00 3.74 4.00 Chichester 20.00 20.01 4.00 4.02 4.00 Chichester 20.00 20.40 3.00 3.85 4.00 Rochester 18.00 17.10 4.00 3.80 9.00 Exeter 20.00 21.76 3.50 3.90 7.00 Manchester 12.00 7.42 0.50 0.58 Greenfield 14.00 14.80 1.00 1.10 Keene 40.00 45.09 10.00 17.80 3.75 Keene 42.00 43.13 6.00 10.90 5.50 Suncook 60.00 58.36 7.00 10.73 3.00 Greenfield 59.00 63.44 8.00 8.22 2.00 Goffstown 10.00 10.03 2.00 3.49 1.00 Keene 20.00 20.45 3.00 3.54 4.50 •Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 32 1S54