Mxhr^rp xxf Igriculhirc^uli Xlibcral Hrts Mpcecimalojgg Bulletin 443 July, 1957 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry INSPECTION OF COMMERCIAL FEEDINGSTUFFS Made for the State Department of Agriculture By H. A. DAVIS and JEANNE BENJAMIN The University of New Hampshire Durham, N. H. Bulletin 443 July, 1957 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry INSPECTION OF COMMERCIAL FEEDINGSTUFFS Made for the State Department of Agriculture By H. A. DAVIS and JEANNE BENJAMIN The University of New Hampshire Durham, N. H. INSPECTION OF COMMERCIAL FEEDINGSTUFFS Made for the STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The New Hampshire Commercial Feedingstuffs Law is administered by the Commissioner of Agriculture. All inquiries concerning the law and the registration of feedingstuffs should be addressed to the attention of the Feed Control Supervisor, Department of Agriculture, State House, Concord, New Hampshire. A booklet "New Hampshire Commercial Feed Law and Rules and Regulations" is available at the above address. A copy should be obtained by each individual or firm expecting to sell feed products in New Hampshire. In carrying out the provisions of the law during the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1957, 702 official samples were collected under the direc- tion of Honorable Perley I. Fitts, Commissioner of Agriculture. The samples were collected by the Control Supervisor, Mr. George H. Laramie, the Assistant Control Supervisor, Mr. Harold Ayer and an assistant, Mr. Daniel Graham, The samples were submitted to this laboratory for analysis. All inquiries relating to methods of analysis should be directed to this laboratory. It is not the purpose of this bulletin to discuss the law in detail but to point out certain requirements of the law. This bulletin reports the analysis of the official samples submitted by the office of the Commissioner of Agriculture. EXCERPTS FROM THE LAW and COMMENTS RELATING TO IT The New Hampshire Commercial Feed Law, Chapter 226 of the Laws of the State of New Hampshire, conforms closely to the Uniform Feed Bill proposed by the Association of American Feed Control Offi- cials. All persons concerned with the manufacture or use of feeding- stuffs should become familiar with the requirements of the law. Registration: Each brand of commercial feed offered for sale in the state must be registered with the Feed Control Supervisor. Forms are provided for that purpose by his office in Concord, New Hampshire. The term "commercial feed" refers to "all materials which are dis- tributed for use as feed for animals, other than man, and for wild birds kept in captivity, except (1) unmixed whole seeds, and meals made di- rectly from the entire seeds, (2) unground hay, and (3) whole or ground straw, stover, silage, cobs and hulls when not mixed with other ma- terials." The feedingstuff is usually registered by the manufacturer or job- ber, whether he is located within or outside the state. Feedingstuffs manufactured in other states are frequently handled by several middle- men before they reach the local distributor. Under the provisions of the law, if the manufacturer or jobber fails to make registration, the dealer is responsible. Dealers who purchase feed for resale should assure themselves that the brands they purchase are properly registered and the license fee paid, otherwise, they must assume that responsibility. Labeling: The law requires that any commercial feed offered for sale, or sold in this state shall furnish on each package a clearly printed statement certifying : the number of net pounds in the package the name and principal address of the person guaranteeing the commercial feed the name or brand under which the commercial feed is sold the guaranteed analysis, stating: the minimum percentage of crude protein the minimum percentage of crude fat the maximum percentage of crude fiber the name of each ingredient contained in the feed. In special cases, as in mineral feeds and vitamin supplements, re- quirements as listed in the law must be met. In the case of bulk de- liveries, a written or printed statement of the above information shall accompany delivery. The Association of American Feed Control Officials is an organiza- tion of control officials of the various states. At annual meetings mutual problems are discussed and problems worked out so that the require- ments of labeling and guarantees among the states may be as uniform as possible. The feed manufacturer attends these meetings and through sincere cooperation the feed consumer will obtain the best feed possible for his livestock. The Association publishes a booklet which is revised each year containing definitions, regulations and other information im- portant to the dealer as well as the consumer of feedingstuffs. The use of this booklet by a manufacturer will enable him to use the correct name of the ingredients in his feed on the tag. An alert purchaser will observe that correct labeling is a mark of a reliable manufacturer. There are no conflicts between the New Hampshire Law and the Model bill recommended by this Association. THE PURPOSE OF THE FEEDINGSTUFFS LAW The chief purpose of the feedingstuffs law is to protect the con- sumer against the inferior products which doubtless would soon appear on the market if the trade were not under state control. The law is primarily a correct-labeling act. It must not be assumed by the pur- chaser that every brand which meets the manufacturer's guarantee is a high-grade feed. The Commercial Feed Law does not prevent the sale of a low-grade feed if it is properly licensed and tagged, and is offered for sale in compliance with the law. It would not be in the public interest to legislate against the sale of the lower-grade by-products. They can be fed profitably if bought at a price adjusted to their feeding value. The law does prevent an inferior feed being offered for sale as a high-grade product. The dealer, in purchasing feed from the manufacturer, and the con- sumer in purchasing feed from the dealer, should make the specifica- tion that the feed delivered must comply with the New Hampshire Com- mercial Feed Law. If the feed is not registered ; if the protein, fat, and crude fiber are not guaranteed ; and if the ingredients of which the feed is composed are not plainly stated on the bag or on a tag attached there- to, the purchaser is not protected by the law. He has no recourse under the commercial feed law if the feed he purchases is of inferior quality. If the buyer fails to assure himself that the legal requirements have been met, he accepts the feedingstuffs at his own risk. The cost of a feedingstuffs inspection is a fraction of a cent per 100-pound bag sold. The funds for this inspection are allocated by the State for this purpose since each brand of feed sold must be registered and a registration fee paid annually by the manufacturers as provided by law. TERMS USED IN REPORTING ANALYSIS The terms used in reporting the chemical analysis of a f eedingstuff as required by law, are briefly defined as follows: PROTEIN is a collec- tive term for a considerable group of compounds, all of which contain nitrogen. Ingredients high in protein are usually more expensive than the other ingredients, therefore, protein is one of the most important nutrients determining the commercial value of a feedingstuff. The nutritional value of the proteins varies widely ; therefore, a feedingstuff should contain protein from several sources to insure inclusion of all essential types. FAT is separated from the other components of a feed- ingstuff by extracting the moisture-free sample with anhydrous ether. In such ingredients as the cereals, the seed-meals, and animal products, the extract is nearly pure fat. Some ingredients such as alfalfa meal contain some other soluble material which is not fat. When sulphur is present, the "ether extract" or "fat found" is much too high, since sul- phur is soluble in anhydrous ether. CRUDE FIBER is composed of cel- lulose and related compounds. Since crude fiber has little feeding value, the law requires that the maximum fiber be guaranteed rather than the minimum, as in protein and fat. There are times when it is desirable to determine the moisture, or water, present in a feed. Any material in contact with the air will absorb or release some moisture depending upon the humidity and the kind of material. Since feeds are in contact with the air and since the moisture content varies somewhat with the moisture of the surroundings, it is the usual custom to report the analysis of a feed on the basis as it is used, rather than on a perfectly dry basis. The ash or total mineral matter content is of value at times and is obtained by burning a sample of the feed until all of the carbon is removed and only the minerals re- main. The nitrogen-free extract contains the more soluble carbohy- drates such as sugars and certain simple cellulose materials. The term carbohydrates includes the nitrogen-free extract plus the crude fiber. The nitrogen-free extract and carbohydrate content of a feed is deter- mined by calculation after the analysis for certain other constituents. The usual analysis of a feed may be summarized as follows. In using the following statement, all results must be expressed in terms of per cent: 100 minus the sum of "moisture" + "ash" + "protein" + "fat" + "crude fiber" equals the "nitrogen-free extract." Total carbohy- drate equals "nitrogen-free extract" + "crude fiber." OTHER COMMENTS The use of drugs, growth stimulants and special purpose additives in feeds continues to increase. The use of these materials in feeds is carefully controlled by the Federal Food and Drug Administration. In this way the public is assured that no animal product injurious to humans reaches the market. A recent Food and Drug Administration publi- cation lists approximately 40 different substances that may be used in feeds for drug and antibiotic purposes. It is impossible for a small laboratory to check on all of these additives. In fact satisfactory analy- tical methods are not generally developed for all of them. During the past year it has been possible to make only those analyses required by law. The use of bulk feed deliveries continues to increase. This is a way of cutting feed costs when proper facilities are available for de- livery and storage of the feed. It is not within the scope of this bulletin to make recommendations regarding the use of commercial feedingstuffs. The Department of Dairy Husbandry and the Department of Poultry Husbandry are con- tinually studying feeding problems. The following publications which discuss feeds and feeding from one viewpoint or another are available free of charge to residents of New Hampshire, Requests should be addressed to : Mail Service, University of New Hampshire, Durham. Ext. Bull. 67 Turkey Production in New Hampshire. Feeding Dairy Cattle. Dairy Calves. Brooding and Rearing Chickens. Feed Standards for N. H. Broilers. Cobalt Deficiency in N. H. Cattle, Sheep and Goats. Sta. Bull. 419 Effect of Texture on the Nutritive Value of Con- centrates for Dairy Cattle. Sta. Bull. 426 Distributing and Handling Grain-Feeds in New Hampshire. I. Characteristics of Milling and Distribut- ing Firms. Sta. Bull. 427 Distributing and Handling Grain-Feeds in New Hampshire. II, Problems in Retail Distribution. Sta. Bull. 431 Distributing and Handling Grain-Feeds in New Hampshire. HI. Improving the Efficiency of the Grain Feeding Operation on Poultry and Dairy Farms. Sta. Bull. 438 The Nutritive Value of Dried Citrus Pulp for Dairy Cattle. 6 Ext. Bull. 114 Ext. Cir. 282 Ext. Cir. 312 Sta. Bull. 401 Sta. Bull. 411 Inquiries occasionally are made regarding a method of calculating the protein, fat, or fiber content of a home-mixed feed. There are tables available, such as those in Morrison's book "Feeds and Feeding," which give the average chemical analysis of feed concentrates, roughage and silages. It should be pointed out that the chemical analysis of a par- ticular lot of an ingredient may be somewhat above or below the aver- age figure shown in the table. This fact must be taken into consideration in fixing guarantees. The following example shows how the protein content of a feed mixture may be calculated : per cent lbs. protein Ingredients pounds used X protein in = furnished by ingredient ingredient Ground Oats 200 12.0 24 Ground Corn 400 8.0 32 Gluten Feed 300 25.0 75 Wheat Bran 400 15.0 60 Linseed Oil Meal 100 34.0 34 Salt 10 • ••• Total Mix 1410 lbs. contains 225 lbs. protein The mixture contains 225 1410 x 100 = 15.95% Protein. The percentage of fat or fiber may be calculated in a like manner by substituting the fat or fiber figures for those of the protein. CONFORMITY TO GUARANTEES The chemical analyses reported in this bulletin were made by methods approved by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. A total of 702 official samples were submitted for analysis. Seventy brands were sampled two or more times. Table I shows the percentage of samples analyzed each year since 1926 that did not conform to guar- antee. Table II lists the analyses of official samples of feed ingredients and mixed feeds. Table III lists the analyses of official samples of dry and canned cat and/or dog foods. Of 639 ingredients and mixed feed samples, 3% were 0.5% or less deficient in protein and 4.1% were de- ficient over 0.5% in protein; 1.1% were deficient 0.25% in fat and 3.8% were deficient more than 0.25% in fat; 4.1% exceeded the guar- antee in crude fiber. Of 63 cat and, or, dog foods 9.5% were 0.5% or less deficient in protein, 12.7% were deficient more than 0.5 't in pro- tein. Only 0.3 % showed deficiencies in fat and none contained excessive crude fiber. Percentage figures based on the total number of samples are shown in Table I. Bold face type and underline of the figure is used to indicate a de- ficiency of more than 0.5 per cent below guarantee in protein, of more than 0.25 per cent below guarantee in fat and an excess of more than 1.00 per cent above the guarantee in crude fiber. Seventy-four samples of mixed feed or ingredients were not regis- tered at the time of sampling. Twenty samples of cat and/or dog foods were not registered at time of sampling. They are so indentified in Table II and III. Sixty-seven samples were drawn from "bulk" delivery lots. Sixty- one samples were drawn at the farm. These samples are so identified in Table II. The inspection shows that good feed, usually up to guarantee, is being supplied New Hampshire farmers. The percentage of deficiencies is small but of course we would like to find all samples up to guarantee. Methods and control of mixing are constantly being studied and im- proved in order that the consumer may be more successful in using feed- stuffs for the production of better livestock products. TABLE I PERCENTAGE OF SAMPLES ANALYZED IN YEARS 1926-1957 NOT CONFORMING TO GUARANTEES Per cent below Per cent below Per guarantee in Protein guarantee in Fat cent high Year in Less than 0.5 per cent Less than 0.25 per cent Crude 0.5 per cent or more 0.25 per cent or more Fiber 1926 8.0 16.0 4,0 10.0 6.0 1927 8.3 16.4 5.8 13.6 5.9 1928 9.1 20.7 4.3 9.3 7.9 1929 9.5 20.2 2.8 9.3 6.5 1930 4.8 13.1 4.0 8.0 3.9 1931 1.8 7.2 5.9 9.7 5.3 1932 1.8 1.4 5.0 8.1 2.8 1933 1.3 3.6 7.5 9.8 3.6 1934 3.0 3.4 3.9 7.1 9.8 1935 2.4 3.0 4.2 8.5 9.9 1936 2.9 5.2 5.5 8.3 12.2 1937 2.8 4.2 3.0 6.0 11.0 1938 2.9 8.1 9.8 10.8 11.5 1939 1.9 3.3 0.8 9.3 8.7 1940 2.9 4.0 6.2 6.7 7.5 1941 1.1 2.6 4.7 6.7 5.6 1942 2.6 3.5 3.7 4.5 7.4 1943 3.7 2.7 7.7 8.6 7.4 1944 8.2 9.0 10.7 19.7 6.9 1945 2.1 6.1 2.9 7.5 7.1 1946 8.6 17.5 2.3 8.9 14.6 1947 4.1 10.2 1.7 4.0 24.7 1948 3.6 3.8 2.3 3.5 13.6 1949 3.5 5.8 2.7 2.8 7.2 1950 4.9 7.3 4.9 5.1 3.2 1951 4.4 7.5 2.7 4.9 4.0 1952 4.3 8.4 3.0 5.8 4.3 1953 4.3 12.7 3.4 6.8 4.4 1954 2.7 6.1 1.7 3.5 3.8 1955 2.8 7.5 2.4 4.5 5.9 1956 3.9 3.9 2.4 6.1 4.0 1957 3.6 4.8 1.2 3.7 3.7 REQUESTS BY INDIVIDUALS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF FEEDINGSTUFFS In addition to the official samples of feedingstuffs submitted by the Feed Control Supervisors, the Agricultural Experiment Station each year analyzes some samples drawn by individuals to aid in solving a particular problem. Chemical analysis can aid in certain cases but it should not be expected to answer all questions. A close study of man- agement practices will often answer many problems when the first thing to do seems to be to blame the feed for difficulties in growth or pro- duction of livestock. It is suggested that in the case of a difficulty in- volving feeding that you call in your County Agent, your veterinarian, or the fieldman of your feed supplier to consider your problem. They will then obtain the facts in the case and will determine whether an analysis of the feed will be of help or not. If a feed sample is mailed or brought to the laboratory, it is essential that the sample drawn, about one pint, put in a clean, tight container, adequately represents the large lot from which it is drawn and that full information concerning the case accompany the sample. If this is not done, it must be supplied before analysis can be made. Because of the cost of laboratory work and materials, the necessity for an analysis is decided upon the basis of information submitted and an opinion ob- tained as to whether or not an analysis is necessary in the particular case involved. Since this is a state experiment station, this service is available only to residents of the state and no charge is made for occa- sional work. Many questions that are raised may be satisfactorily an- swered by correspondence without laboratory work. Twenty-four samples of feed, hay or silage were examined for residents of the state because of some special problem involving the particular case during the fiscal year. TABLE II MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- i anteed* | Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Allied Mills, Inc. Chicago, 111. Chlortetracycline - Oxytetracy- cline-Nicai'bazine Mixture in Wayne H-A-D Krums Manchester Nicarbazine Mixture in Wayne Universal Grower Manchester 3-Nitro-4-Hydroxyphenylarsonic Acid and Nicarbazin Mixture In Wayne Chick Starter Manchester 3-Nitro-4-Hydroxyphenylarsonic Acid and Nicarbazin Mixture in Wayne Rocket Broiler Fin- isher Manchester 3-Nitro-4-Hydroxyphenylarsonic Acid and Nicarbazin Mixture in Wayne Rocket Broiler Starter Keene 4-Nitrophenylarsonic Acid Mix- ture in Wayne Turkey Grower Manchester 4-Nitrophenylarsonic Acid Mix- ture in Wayne Universal Tur- key Grower Manchester Pure Corn and Oats Chop W. Lebanon Sugarine 16 9^ Dairy Keene Sugarine 16% Dairy "E" W. Lebanon Wayne 16% Dairy W. Lebanon Wayne 20% Dairy W. Lebanon Wayne Egg Mash W. Lebanon Wayne Egg Mash W. Lebanon Wayne Fitting Ration W. Lebanon + Wayne Game Bird Grower W. Lebanon Wayne Pigeon Feed Manchester Wayne Pork Maker Manchester Wayne Tail Curler Manchester Wayne Test Cow Ration Keene Wayne Turkey Grower Manchester Wayne Universal Breeder W. Lebanon Wayne Universal Dairy Feed .... Keene Wayne Universal Egg (An All Mash Feed) Keene Wayne Universal Grower Manchester Wayne Universal Turkey Grower W. Lebanon Wayne Universal Turkey Grower W. Lebanon American Maize Product Co. New York, N. Y. + Amaizo Corn Gluten Meal Manchester Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. Minn., Minn. Archer Daniels 36% Linseed Oil Meal Solvent Extracted Keene 20.00 21.5 3.00 3.2 4.00 3.2 16.00 17.4 2.50 4.1 4.50 4.3 20.00 20.4 3.00 3.8 5.50 4.9 19.00 20.6 5.00 4.9 2.50 2.5 23.00 23.6 5.00 4.7 2.50 2.3 22.00 21.6 2.50 3.1 7.00 5.7 18.00 19.7 2.50 3.7 6.00 5.5 9.00 11.1 3.50 4.2 10.00 7.3 16.00 19.0 2.50 2.9 11.00 10.4 16.00 17.8 4.00 4.9 11.00 10.1 16.00 18.3 3.00 3.5 9.00 8.1 20.00 20.1 3.00 2.5 9.00 7.9 22.00 22.0 4.00 4.1 4.50 4.5 22.00 21.0 4.00 4.4 4.50 4.5 13.00 13.9 3.00 3.9 8.50 7.2 22.00 22.1 2.50 4.0 7.00 5.6 12.00 13.8 2.00 2.4 5.00 2.6 14.00 15.4 3.00 4.1 8.00 6.3 18.00 18.7 3.00 4.0 5.00 3.6 16.00 17.3 4.00 4.0 9.00 7.9 22.00 22.2 2.50 3.4 7.00 5.7 18.00 18.1 4.00 5.0 4.00 4.0 14.00 16.6 3.00 3.8 9.00 9.3 18.00 18.4 4.00 4.5 4.00 4.3 16.00 17.8 2.50 4.0 4.50 4.0 18.00 19.4 2.50 3.7 6.00 4.8 18.00 19.6 2.50 3.7 6.00 4.5 41.00 42.8 1.00 2.0 6.00 3.9 36.00 37.2 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. -|- Not registered when sampled. 10 0.50 0.9 10.00 7.9 TABLE II MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein i Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- I anteed* | Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found The Ark Valley Alfalfa Mill, Inc. Hutchinson, Kansas + Ark Valley Fine Ground Dehy- drated Alfalfa Meal Manchester 17.00 18.6 1.50 2.8 27.00 24.7 Auburn Dehydrating Mills, Inc. Auburn, 111. + Prairie Gold Suncured Alfalfa Meal N. Haverhill B & W Canning Co., Inc. Groveland, Fla. B' n W Brand Dried Citrus Pulp Woodsville 13.00 14.9 1.50 2.0 33.00 28.7 6.00 5.5 3.00 3.6 13.00 10.0 E. W. Bailey & Co., Inc. Montpelier, Vt. Bailey's Calf Ration Colebrook 15.00 Bailey's Complete Egg Ration .. Colebrook 16.00 Bailey's 16% Dairy Ration Colebrook 16.00 Bailey's 18% Dairy Ration Colebrook 18.00 Bailey's 20% Dairy Ration N.Haverhill 20.00 Bailey's Fitting Ration Colebrook 14.00 (F)Bailey's Fitting Ration Woodsville 14.00 (F)Bailev's Fitting Ration Warner 14.00 Bailey's Lay Mix Colebrook 16.00 Bailey's Mo-Bulk N. Haverhill 10.50 Bailey's Oxytetracycline Mix in Super-Ettes N. Haverhill 20.00 Bailey's 12% Pasture Ration .... Colebrook 12.00 Bailey's Pig Grovv^er Colebrook 15.00 Bailey's Scratch Feed N. Haverhill 9.00 Bailey's Special 16% Dairy Ra- tion Colebrook 16.00 + Bailey's 16% Test Ration Colebrook 16.00 Bailey's Yankee 16 Dairy N. Haverhill 16.00 (F)Yankee 18 Dairy Warner 18.00 Beacon Milling Co. Cayuga, N. Y. Auburn "16" Dover 16.00 + Be-Co-Nurse MilkReplacer Dover 24.00 Beacon "20" Dover 20.00 Beacon Breeder All-Mash Dover 17.00 Beacon C-C Pellets Dover 15.00 Beacon Chlortetracycline Mix .. Dover 20.00 Beacon Chlortetracycline Mix (Pellets) Dover 20.00 Beacon Complete Rabbit Pellets Dover 17.00 Beacon Dairy Fitting Dover 14.00 Beacon "22" Egg Mash Dover 22.00 Beacon Grower All-Mash Dover 16. '00 Beacon "18" Growing Mash Dover 18.00 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. 4- Not registered when sampled. (F) Sampled at a Farm. 15.1 3.00 3.0 7.00 5.2 19.2 3.50 4.6 7.00 6.2 18.0 3.00 3.5 10.00 9.1 18.9 3.00 3.5 9.00 6.3 24.3 3.00 3.0 9.00 6.4 14.5 3.00 3.8 11.00 9.4 14.7 3.00 3.3 11.00 8.3 14.9 3.00 3.6 11.00 7.8 16.0 4.00 5.1 4.50 3.9 12.9 1.00 2.1 17.00 13.4 23.4 3.50 5.2 4.50 3.7 12.3 3.00 4.2 10.00 9.2 15.6 3.50 4.6 6.50 8.0 10.3 2.00 3.4 4.00 3.0 19.6 3.00 3.8 10.00 8.7 16.5 3.00 3.5 9.00 8.3 18.2 3.00 4.0 15.00 9.5 19.3 3.00 4.0 15.00 8.5 16.2 3.00 3.6 10.00 7.4 24.0 10.00 10.1 0.25 0.1 21.0 3.25 3.3 9.00 7.4 17.8 4.75 5.3 4.75 3.5 16.6 4.50 10.8 5.00 4.3 21.0 4.00 5.0 5.75 4.4 20.8 4.00 5.3 5.75 4.4 17.7 3.50 4.7 13.00 10.4 15.0 3.25 3.5 9.00 9.0 22.2 4.75 5.3 5.50 4.3 16.5 4.50 4.9 6.00 4.6 19.1 4.50 5.4 6.00 4.6 11 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein i Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 Guar- anteed* 1 Found anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Beacon Milling Co. (Continued) Beacon Market Egg All-Mash (Pellets) Dover Beacon Nicarbazin - Arsanilic Acid Mix in Beacon Broiler Finisher Dover Beacon Nicarbazin - Arsanilic Acid Mix in Beacon Starter- Broiler Dover Beacon Nicarbazin Mix in Bea- con Complete Starter Dover Beacon "15" with Pellets Goffstown Beacon Poultry Fitting Dover Beacon Sodium Propionate Mix- ture in Beacon Dairy Fitting Ration Goffstown Beacon "14" Test Cow Ration .. Dover Beacon "18" Test Cow Ration .. Dover Beacon Turkey Finisher All- Mash Nashua (F)Beacon Turkey and Game Bird Fitting Grasmere (F) Beacon Turkey and Game Bird Fitting Grasmere (F) Beacon Turkey and Game Bird Grower (Pellets) Grasmere 17.00 17.6 4.75 5.4 4.75 3.3 18.00 20.0 22.00 15.00 11.00 14.00 14.00 18.00 18.00 10.00 10.00 24.00 23.2 15.3 11.7 15.0 15.8 19.4 19.4 10.1 10.2 24.2 4.50 5.0 4.50 2.8 23.00 23.9 5.00 5.8 4.50 2.7 4.00 4.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 5.1 4.2 3.2 3.2 4.2 4.0 4.0 2.8 3.2 3.9 5.50 9.00 7.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 5.50 9.00 9.00 5.75 3.4 6.6 4.2 7.8 7.6 7.6 3.6 5.0 4.9 3.7 Brown Forman Distillers Corp. Louisville, Kentucky BF Corn Distillers Solubles . Manchester 24.00 28.5 8.00 8.7 4.00 4.6 The Buckeye Cotton Oil Division of Buckeye Cellulose Corp. Cincinnati, Ohio + Buckeye 44% Protein Solvent Extracted Soybean Oil Meal .. Suncook 44.00 46.2 0.50 1.9 7.00 5.3 Buckeye Sugars, Inc. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada + Dried Beet Pulp Farmington 7.00 8.3 0.30 0.4 22.50 19.4 Calvert Milling Co. Hoytville, Ohio + 15% Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal Colebrook 15.00 14.2 1.50 4.3 30.00 29.7 Canada & Dominion Sugar Co., Ltd. Chatham, Ontario, Canada + Dominion Dried Beet Pulp A. B. Caple Co. Toledo, Ohio + Alfalfa Meal Concord Bow Mill 7.00 8.2 0.30 0.4 22.50 19.8 13.00 11.2 1.00 1.0 33.00 37.6 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. -f Not registered when sampled. (F) Sampled at a Farm. 12 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 j Guar- anteed* 1 Found 1 anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Central Soya Co., Inc. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Central Star Brand Solvent Ex- tracted Soybean Oil Meal Manchester 44.00 44.9 0.50 0.5 7.00 5.0 S. J. Cherry & Sons, Ltd. Preston, Ontario, Canada fWheat Bran Potter Place 14.00 + Wheat Shorts Potter Place 13.00 15.2 3.50 4.2 11.50 10.5 16.7 5.00 5.5 8.00 7.1 Clinton Foods, Inc. Clinton, Iowa Clinton 21% Protein Corn Glu- ten Feed Colebrook 21.00 19.5 1.00 1.6 10.00 8.2 Commercial Solvents Corp. Animal Nutrition Dept. 260 Madison Ave., N. Y., N. Y. + C. S. C. By-100 Dried Grain & Cane Syrup Fermentation Solubles (Butyl) Bow Mill Consolidated Products Co. Danville, 111. + "Consolidated's" Spray Dried Whole Whey Keene 25.00 26.4 1.00 3.3 10.00 3.3 12.00 13.3 0.50 0.6 Consolidated Rendering Co. 118 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. ■*Corenco 46% Meat and Bone Scrap Corenco 46% Meat and Bone Scrap '"'Corenco 46% Meat and Bone Scrap Corenco 46% Meat and Bone Scrap Corenco 47% Meat and Bone Scrap Corenco 47% Meat and Bone Scrap f Corenco Poultry By-Product Meal Corenco . Poultry By-Product Meal Corn Products Refining Co., Inc. New York, N. Y. Buffalo Corn Gluten Feed Diamond Corn Gluten Meal Manchester 46.00 45.3 6.00 9.5 .... .... Keene 46.00 45.4 6.00 8.7 2.00 1.9 Manchester 46.00 45.3 6.00 9.6 2.00 1.8 Bow Mill 46.00 46.3 6.00 8.3 2.00 1.6 Claremont 47.00 44.8 6.00 8.1 2.00 1.5 Potter Place 47.00 47.2 6.00 7.5 2.00 1.3 Manchester 56.00 55.1 6.00 11.3 2.00 1.6 Manchester 56.00 57.3 6.00 10.2 2.00 1.6 Potter Place Bow Mill 21.00 41.00 23.1 46.6 1.00 1.00 1.6 2.2 10.00 6.00 8.7 4.7 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. + Not registered when sampled. 13 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstu ffs Sampled in Protein 1 Fat Crude Fiber Brand Guar- Guar- Guar- anteed* 1 Found anteed* Found anteed* Found Chas. M. Cox Co. Boston, Mass. --Big W. 16% Dairy Feed Brentwood 16.00 17.2 3.00 3.3 14.00 12.2 Chlortetracycline-Furazolidone - Nicarbazine Mixture in Wirth- more Broiler Perk Meredith 20.00 21.4 4.50 5.7 4.00 3.1 Chlortetracycline Mixture in Wirthmore Quickies Meredith 20.00 22.4 3.50 5.8 4.50 3.8 Dienestrol Diacetate (Lipa- mone) Nicarbazin - Sodium Arsanilate Mixture in Wirth- « more Broiler Finisher Greenville 18.00 18.5 5.50 5.3 4.00 4.0 Furazolidone (NF-180) Mixture in Wirthmore Turk-E-Treat .. Dover 23.00 23.0 3.50 4.8 6.00 5.8 Nicarbazin Mixture in Wirth- more Fattening- Pellets Tilton 17.50 18.1 4.00 5.0 4.50 4.1 Nicarbazin Mixture in Wirth- more Improved Hi-Ener-G Starter & Broiler Ration Meredith 20.00 21.5 4.50 5.6 4.00 2.9 Nicarbazin - Sodium Arsanilate Mixture in Wirthmore Im- proved Hi-Ener-G Starter and Broiler Ration Nashua 20.00 20.2 4.50 5.9 4.00 2.5 4-Nitrophenylarsonic Acid (His- tostat) Mixture in Wirthmore Complete Turkey Fattening Ration Nashua 16.00 20.1 4.00 4.5 5.00 4.6 Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Wirthmore Complete Chick Starter Nashua 20.00 21.4 3.50 4.5 5.00 3.9 Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Wirthmore Hi-Ener-G 16 Hillsboro 16.00 16.9 3.50 4.7 4.50 4.0 Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Wirthmore Turkey Starter Ration Meredith 28.00 28.4 4.00 4.8 5.50 4.6 Wirthmore Breeder Mash Nashua 20.00 22.5 3.50 5.7 5.50 4.1 ** Wirthmore Calving Ration Amherst 14.00 15.6 3.50 3.9 10.00 6.5 Wirthmore Challenger Coarse 16 Dairy Ration Conway 16.00 18.3 3.25 3.3 10.00 9.4 Wirthmore Chick Starter 400 Medicated Hillsboro 20.00 20.7 4.00 4.4 5.00 4.4 Wirthmore Coarse Test Rairy Ration Nashua 16.00 19.2 4.00 4.6 9.00 6.6 Wirthmore Complete Breeder Ration Nashua 15.00 17.8 3.50 5.0 6.00 4.6 Wirthmore Complete Egg Ration Conway 15.00 16.6 3.50 4.8 6.00 4.8 Wirthmore Complete Growing Ration Lancaster 15.00 15.5 3.50 4.4 6.00 5.1 Wirthmore Complete Turkey Fattening Ration Plymouth 16.00 18.2 4.00 4.9 5.00 4.8 Wirthmore Complete Turkey Growing Ration Nashua 18.00 18.2 4.00 4.4 5.50 4.4 * Protein and fat not less than, rnide fiber not more than. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. 14 TABLE II MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* Guar- Found anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Chas. M. Cox Co. (Continued) {F)**Wirthmore 16 Dairy Feed .... Contoocook 16.00 Wirthmore 14 Dairy Fitting Ra- tion Hillsboro 14.00 (Fj Wirthmore 14 Dairy Fitting Ra- tion Stewartstown 14.00 Wirthmore 14 Dairy Fitting Ra- tion Plymouth 14.00 Wirthmore 16 Dairy Ration Lancaster 16.00 (F) Wirthmore 16 Dairy Record Feed Dover 16.00 ** Wirthmore 16 Dairy Record Ra- tion Milford 16.00 Wirthmore 16 Dairy Record Ra- tion Plymouth 16.00 Wirthmore 18 Dairy Record Feed Potter Place 18.00 Wirthmoie Fodder Greens Potter Place 9.00 Wirthmore Green Mountain 14 .. Concord 14.00 Wirthmore Green Mountain 16 .. Conway 16.00 Wirthmore Green Mountain 20 .. Conway 20.00 Wirthmore Gro & Egg Plymouth 20.00 *=^ Wirthmore Hi-Ener-G 16 Laconia 16.00 ** Wirthmore Hi-Ener-G 16 Pembroke 16.00 Wirthmore Hi-Ener-G Breeder .. Plymouth 16.00 *-''Wirthmore Hi-Energy Breeder .. Concord 16.00 Wirthmore Hog Grower Hillsboro 15.00 Wirthmore Horse Feed Hillsboro 10.00 Wiithmore Improved Hi-Ener-G Broiler Ration 404-medicated Dover 22.00 Wirthmore Meatless Mink Dover 13.00 Wirthmore Medicated Broiler Perk 406 Dover 22.00 Wirthmore Pig and Sow Feed .... Plymouth 17.00 Wirthmore Production Scratch .. Lancaster 9.50 Wirthmore Rabbit Pellets Hillsboro 17.00 "^Wirthmore 16 Record Ration .... Amherst 16.00 Wirthmore Sheep and Goat Ra- tion Plymouth 16.00 Wirthmore Stock Feed Plymouth 10.00 Wirthmore Turkey Growing Ra- tion Meredith 23.00 Wirthmore Twin Mix Calf Ra- tion Hillsboro 18.00 18.3 3.50 3.9 9.00 8.1 IG.l 3.50 4.1 8.50 7.0 16.5 3.50 3.8 8.50 7.6 16.5 3.50 3.8 8.50 6.6 19.0 3.50 4.0 9.00 8.8 19.4 3.50 3.9 8.50 7.6 18.3 3.50 3.7 8.50 7.8 18.8 3.50 3.9 8.50 7.7 18.3 3.50 3.7 8.50 7.9 9.2 2.00 2.0 18.00 17.7 17.5 3.25 3.4 10.00 8.4 16.9 3.25 3.4 10.00 9.4 22.0 3.25 3.1 10.00 8.8 21.0 3.50 4.6 5.50 4.3 16.6 3.50 4.1 4.50 3.6 16.6 3.50 4.2 4.50 3.4 17.8 3.50 4.4 4.50 3.7 17.5 3.50 4.4 4.50 3.4 16.9 4.00 4.0 6.00 5.5 10.6 3.25 4.0 9.00 7.3 22.2 5.50 6.0 3.50 2.9 13.6 3.00 6.5 6.00 4.2 22.4 5.50 6.4 4.00 3.4 18.7 3.50 4.7 8.00 5.8 9.9 2.50 3.2 4.00 3.8 18.8 3.00 4.2 12.00 11.0 18.9 3.50 4.0 8.50 7.7 18.2 3.50 3.7 9.00 8.3 10.2 3.00 3.8 11.00 10.1 23.5 3.50 4.4 6.00 5.3 21.1 3.00 4.3 8,00 6.5 Dawe's Laboratory, Inc. Chicago, 111. + Dawe's Fermentation Supple- ment Manchester 27.00 29.4 5.00 5.6 14.00 11.0 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. ' ^) Sampled at a Farm. ■* Sampled from Bulk Shipments. Not registei-ed when sampled. 15 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Sampled in Guar- anteed* 1 Guar- 1 Found 1 anteed* | round Guar- anteed* round Delaware Mills, Inc. Deposit, N. Y. Delaware Chlortetracycline Mix- ture in Delamycin Milford Delaware Complete Layer Farmington Delaware Complete Starter and Grower Milford Delaware Egg- Mash Farmington Delaware Fitting Ration Milford Delaware H-E Breeder Milford Delaware H-E Layer Milford Delaware Horse Feed Farmington + Delaware Nicarbazin and Arsan- ilic Acid Mix in Delaware H-E Broiler Milford Delaware Nicarbazin Mixture in Delaware Chick Starter Farmington Delaware Nicarbazin Mixture in Delaware Complete Starter and Grower Milford Delaware Nicarbazin Mixture in Delaware Complete Starter and Grower Milford Delaware Scratch Grains Farmington + Delaware Sweet 16% Dairy Feed Milford Delaware Sweet 16% Dairy Feed Farmington + Delaware Sweet 20 %' Dairy Feed Farmington Delaware 18% Test Ration Farmington + Indian Sweet 16% Dairy Feed .. Farmington Indian Sweet 16% Dairy Feed .. Farmington Nicarbazin Mixture in Dela- ware Broiler Finisher Milford 20.00 15.00 20.5 16.5 3.00 3.00 4.2 4.7 5.50 6.50 5.0 5.6 17.00 20.00 14.00 16.50 16.50 9.00 18.1 21.3 13.8 17.5 17.0 11.4 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 5.4 4.9 3.2 6.8 5.3 3.7 6.50 6.00 11.00 4.50 4.50 10.00 5.3 6.7 8.5 4.4 4.8 6.8 22.00 22.8 4.00 5.7 4.00 3.7 20.00 20.6 3.00 4.4 5.50 4.8 17.00 17.8 3.00 5.2 6.50 5.9 17.00 9.00 17.4 9.0 3.00 2.00 5.4 2.6 6.50 5.00 5.3 2.8 16.00 17.3 3.50 3.9 11.00 7.9 16.00 16.0 3.50 5.0 11.00 8.9 20.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 20.1 18.0 16.9 16.3 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.9 4.2 3.6 3.4 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 8.2 9.0 8.9 9.4 18.00 19.8 3.00 4.8 5.00 3.1 Delphos Grain & Soya Products Co. Delphos, Ohio 44% Protein Soybean Oil Meal (Solvent Extracted) Potter Place 44.00 Dietrich & Gambrill, Inc. Frederick, Md. Gambrill's Growing Mash (Pel- lets) Laconia 19.00 Gambrill's Laying Mash Laconia 20.00 Gambrill's Laying Mash (Pel- lets) Laconia 20.00 D. & G. Utility Scratch Feed .... Laconia 9.00 Distillers Corp., Ltd. Montreal, Canada + Distilco Corn Distillers' Dried Grains 25% Bow Mill 25.00 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. 16 45.9 19.8 21.6 20.2 11.3 26.7 0.50 0.6 7.00 5.8 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 5.6 5.5 5.8 2.9 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.00 4.8 5.7 4.9 3.2 8.00 10.4 12.00 8.5 TABLE II MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- i 1 Guar- anteed* 1 Found i anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Domestic Concentrates, Inc. New York, N. Y. + Dried Beet Pulp W.Lebanon 7.00 8.8 0.30 0.8 22.50 20.6 Dominion Malting, Ltd. Toronto, Ontario, Canada + Dried Brewers Grains Keene 22.00 22.0 6.00 7.2 20.00 14.7 Doughboy Industries, Inc. New Richmond, Wisconsin Pulverized White Oats (Pellets) Keene 10.00 10.7 2.50 3.9 15.00 14.2 Dougherty Feed Co., Inc. Louisville, Ohio Palmo Midds Bow Mill 15.00 15.2 8.00 6.5 8.00 8.7 + Palmo Midds Bow Mill 15.00 16.5 8.00 7.3 8.00 8.7 Dow Brewery, Ltd. 355 Calborne St., Montreal, Que. fDried Brewers Grains Claremont 22.00 17.5 7.00 7.1 15.00 16.3 + Dried Brewers Grains Claremont 22.00 17.8 7.00 7.0 15.00 16.3 Eastern States Farmers Exchange, Inc. W. Springfield, Mass. Cashmaker Medicated Concord 16.00 17.5 5.00 5.9 4.00 3.5 Eastern States All Mash Breeder Woodsville 16.00 17.8 4.00 5.6 4.00 3.4 (F)Eastern States Arsanilic Acid Mixture in Eastern States Cashmaker Manchester 16.00 17.2 5.00 6.1 4.00 3.4 Eastern States Arsanilic Acid Mixture in Eastern States Cashmaker Woodsville 16.00 18.1 5.00 5.2 4.00 3.2 Eastern States Arsanilic Acid Mixture Inc. in Eastern States Cashmaker Manchester 16.00 17.2 5.00 5.0 4.00 3.5 Eastern States Arsanilic Acid Mixture in Eastern States Matchmaker Manchester 22.00 22.0 4.50 5.1 5.00 4.4 Eastern States Arsanilic Acid Mixture in Eastern States Pig Primer Woodsville 16.00 17.5 3.00 4.1 5.50 4.6 Eastern States Arsanilic Acid Mixture Inc. in E. S. Pig Primer Concord 16.00 16.6 3.00 4.0 5.50 4.6 (F)Eastern States Calf Starter Laconia 20.00 23.2 3.00 3.0 6.00 5.5 Eastern States Champion Durham 14.00 14.7 2.50 2.6 7.00 5.8 Eastern States Chlortetracycline Mixture in Eastern States Sentinel Woodsville 20.00 20.8 4.00 5.1 4.00 3.7 Eastern States Class Leader .... Woodsville 14.00 15.4 3.50 4.2 9.00 7.6 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. -f- Not registered when sampled. (F) Sampled at a Farm. 17 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 anteed* | Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Eastern States Farmers Exchange (Continued) (F)Eastern States Class Leader .... Woodsville Eastern States Darimore Woodsville Eastern States Fulpail Woodsville + Eastern States Furazolidone Mix Inc. in E. S. Defender (Pellets) Dover + Eastern States Goalmaker (Pel- lets) Dover Eastern States Milkmore Woodsville (I )Eastern States Milkmore Dover (F)Eastern States Milksaver Laconia Eastern States Nicarbazin and Arsanilic Acid Mixture in Eastern States Pacemaker .... Manchester Eastern States Nicarbazin Mix- ture in Eastern States Fin- nisher Manchester Eastern States Rabbettes Manchester Eastern States Sweepstakes Woodsville Matchmaker Medicated Concord Pork Builder Concord B. A. Eckhart Milling Co. Chicago, III. Ecko Pure Wheat Bran Lebanon Elm City Grain Co. Keene, N. H. Elm Tree All Mash Layer Keene Elm Tree Chick Starter Keene Elm Tree Dairy Feed Keene Elm Tree 14% Fitting Ration .. Keene Elm Tree Hi-Eff Breeder Keene Elm Tree Hi-Eff Grower Keene Elm Tree Hi-Eff Layer Keene Elm Tree Hi-Lo Starter & Broiler Keene Elm Tree Laying Mash Keene (F)**Elm Tree Markitop 16% Dairy Dublin **Elm Tree Markitop 16% Dairy .. Marlboro Elm Tree Markitop 14% Dairy Feed Keene Elm Tree Markitop 16% Dairy Feed Keene Elm Tree Markitop 20% Dairy Feed Keene Elm Tree Pig & Hog Feed Keene Elm Tree Pig & Hog Feed Keene Elm Tree Provender Keene 14.00 15.4 3.50 4.1 9.00 7.2 16.00 18.0 2.00 3.6 12.00 10.5 20.00 21.5 3.00 3.4 9.00 8.0 20.00 20.8 4.00 4.6 4.50 4.0 16.00 18.9 4.00 5.5 4.00 3.2 16.00 17.8 3.50 4.4 9.00 8.0 16.00 17.7 3.50 4.2 9.00 7.0 24.00 26.4 1.00 1.5 1.50 0.8 20.00 20.6 5.00 5.9 4.50 3.6 16.50 18.7 5.00 5.5 4.00 3.4 18.00 19.4 2.00 3.5 16.00 10,7 16.00 17.1 3.00 3.3 8.00 6.2 22.00 22.7 4.50 5.4 5.00 4.3 14.00 14.0 3.00 3.7 4.00 3.0 14.00 16.1 3.50 4.3 12.00 16.00 17.6 2.50 3.0 8.50 9.5 16.00 16.6 3.50 3.6 7.00 5.8 20.00 20.7 4.00 4.1 4.50 4.4 18.00 19.0 3.00 3.4 10.00 8.4 14.00 15.3 3.00 3.5 10.00 8.8 16.00 16.0 3.50 4.6 5.00 5.0 15.00 16.4 3.50 4.3 5.50 4.8 15,00 16.5 3.50 4.4 5.50 5.1 20.00 20.0 3.50 4.0 4.50 4.8 20.00 22.4 3.50 3.9 7.50 6.1 16.00 16.3 2.50 2.8 8.50 8.8 16.00 15.4 2.50 2.7 8.50 10.4 14.00 14.0 3.00 3.1 8.00 8,4 9,0 20.00 21.8 3.00 2.8 8.50 6.5 14.00 16.6 3.50 3.5 8.00 5.3 14.00 16.0 3.50 3.6 8.00 5.4 10.00 11,6 3.50 4.4 8.00 7.1 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. (F) Sampled at a Farm. -f- Not registered when sampled. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. 18 TABLE II MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 i Guar- anteed* ! Found anteed* Guar- Found anteed* Found Elmore Milling Co., Inc. Oneonta, N. Y. Elmore Breeder Mash Derry Elmore Breeder Mash Derry Elmore Complete Breeder Ra- tion Derry Elmore Complete Breeder Ra- tion Deri-y Elmore Growing Mash Derry Elmore Pacemaker Fitting Ra- Derry John W. Eshelman & Sons Lancaster, Pa. Eshelman Red Rose 16 Dairy Feed Eshelman Red Rose Fitting Ra- tion Eshelman Red Rose Horse Feed Eshelman Red Rose Rabbit Pel- lets Pennsy Laying Mash Red Rose Calf Starter Red Rose Complete Breeder Red Rose Complete Breeder Ra- tion Red Rose Complete Laying Ra- tion + Red Rose Poultry Booster Pel- lets 20.00 20.00 20.1 22.3 3.00 3.50 4.2 4.0 6.00 6.00 4.4 4.9 16.00 16.8 3.00 3.9 5.00 4.1 16.00 18.00 16.7 17.2 3.00 2.50 5.0 3.8 5.00 6.00 4.0 6.0 14.00 14.8 3.00 3.2 9.00 9.0 Keene 16.00 17.6 3.50 3.6 9.50 8.2 Keene Keene 12.00 9.00 14.4 12.9 3.50 3.00 3.5 3.5 7.00 10.00 6.6 5.6 Keene Keene Keene Keene 18.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 18.3 21.0 18.8 18.6 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.50 3.6 4.9 3.3 5.0 12.00 8.00 8.00 4.50 9.2 5.3 7.3 4.0 Keene 16.00 17.8 4.00 4.9 4.50 4.0 Keene 16.00 17.1 4.00 5.1 4.50 4.0 Keene 25.00 26.0 3.50 4.2 6.00 4.7 Farm Bureau Brand Feeds, Fan Bureau Association Waltham, Mass. (F) + Complete Developer Mash .. (F) + Complete Market Egg Mash (F) + 14';''r Dairy Ration "Fine" .. (F)+16';'f Dairy Ration "Fine" .. (F)+Finisher Mash (F) + Hog Feed Mt. Vernon 16.00 17.1 3.50 4.6 4.50 3.9 Mt. Vernon 16.00 16.1 3.50 4.6 4.50 3.9 Mt. Vernon 14.00 14.6 3.50 4.6 8.00 5.3 New Boston 16.00 17.0 3.50 3.9 8.50 4.2 Mt. Vernon 17.50 17.9 4.00 4.2 4.50 3.2 Mt. Vernon 14.00 14.0 3.50 4.6 6.50 6.3 Farm Bureau Coop Assn., Inc. Columbus, Ohio Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal Manchester Farmers Feed Co. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bull Brand Brewers Dried Grains Claremont 17.00 18.1 1.50 3.0 27.00 23.9 26.00 27.1 6.00 8.0 17.00 13.6 Farmers Grain & Feed Co. Morrisville, Vt. Windsor Special 16% Dairy Newport 16.00 17.6 3.00 3.4 9.00 7.3 * Protein and fat not less thsn, + Not registered when sampled. crude fiber not more than. 19 TABLE II - - MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continue d Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein Fat Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* Guar- Found anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Florida Citrus Canners Cooperative Lake Wales, Florida Lake Wales Brand Citrus Pulp .. Lebanon 6.00 Fowler Bros., Inc. Suncook, N. H. Nicarbazin Mixture in Sun Val- ley Hi-Energy Starter and Broiler Mash Suncook 20.00 Sun Valley Dairy Ration Suncook 16.00 Sun Valley Hi-Energy All Mash Breeder Suncook 15.00 General Mills, Inc. Minn., Minn. Gold Medal Hi-Efficiency Breed- er Mash Exeter 20.00 Gold Medal Hi-Efficiency Com- plete Breeder Mash Exeter 16.00 Gold Medal Scratch Feed Exeter 9.50 Gold Medal 20% Super Dairy Feed Exeter 20.00 Larro All Purpose Poultry Wormer Exeter 20.00 Larro Antibiotic Mix in Surelift Exeter 16.00 Larro Nicarbazin with Arsonic Growth Stimulant in Sure- broiler Finisher 23 Exeter 23.00 Larro Nicarbazin with Chlor- tetracycline Mixture (100 gr.) in Special Surebroiler Starter Laconia 20.00 Larro Nicarbazin Mix in Sure- Chick Exeter 20.00 Larro Nicarbazin in Special Surebroiler Starter Exeter 20.00 Larro Poultry Surehatch H-E ... Exeter 20.00 Larro Poultry Surehatch Com- plete H-E Exeter 16.00 Larro Scratch Grains Exeter 9.00 Larro Surebroiler Finisher 23 (NCB-AGS) Medicated Exeter 23.00 Larro Surebroiler Starter 26 (NCB-AGS) Medicated Exeter 26.00 + Larro Surelay "H-E" Exeter 20.00 + Larro Surelay Complete H-E .... Exeter 16.00 Larro Suremilk 14 Exeter 14.00 Larro Suremilk 16 Exeter 16.00 Larro Suremilk 20 Lancaster 20.00 Medicated Poultry Surelift (P- 105) Pelleted Laconia 27.50 Nicarbazin with Arsonic Growth Stimulant in Larro Sure- broiler Starter Exeter 20.00 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. -I- Not registered when sampled. 20 6.3 2.00 2.1 16.00 11.6 20.9 3.00 4.8 4.00 4.0 17.3 2.50 4.8 10.00 7.6 15.6 3.00 5.7 4.50 3.9 20.5 3.00 4.8 5.00 4.2 16.5 10.3 3.00 2.50 4.9 2.7 5.00 5.00 4.4 3.3 23.9 3.00 3.0 10.00 7.8 20.0 18.0 2.50 3.00 3.8 3.0 5.50 3.50 5.4 3.5 23.0 6.50 5.8 2.50 2.6 22.2 3.00 3.5 3.50 2.9 21.0 3.50 4.0 5.00 4.0 21.7 20.0 3.00 2.50 3.7 3.9 3.50 5.50 2.9 4.8 16.9 9.1 2.50 2.00 3.6 2.6 5.00 5.00 3.7 3.3 24.5 6.50 6.5 2.50 2.2 28.3 20.8 16.6 14.9 16.1 21.6 6.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.5 3.4 3.3 3.1 3.1 3.9 2.50 5.50 5.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 2.5 4.9 4.9 9.0 8.4 8.2 29.7 5.50 6.3 3.00 2.5 21.6 3.00 4.5 3.50 2.3 TABLE II MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Brand Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein Fat Crude Fiber Guar- I 1 Guar- anteed* [ Found I anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found General Mills, Inc. (Continued) Nicarbazin with Arsonic Growth Stimulant in Surebroiler Finisher Exeter Nicarbazin Mixture in Gold Medal Chick Starter Exeter Washburn's Gold Medal Wheat Bran and Ground Wheat Screening's Not Exceeding Mill Run Enfield 20.00 22.0 2.50 3.7 5.50 3.1 20.00 20.7 3.00 4.3 7.00 7.0 Glidden Co. Chicago, Illinois Glidden Soybean Oil Meal Inc. Bow Mill 14.00 14.9 3.50 4.0 12.00 9.4 44.00 47.7 0.50 1.2 7.00 4.8 Gloucester By-Products, Gloucester, Mass. + Globpro Brand Fish Meal Manchester Globpro Fish Meal Manchester Hales & Hunter Co. Chicago, 111. Pioneer Dairy Production 16 .... Pioneer Dairy Production 18 .... Pioneer Dry & Freshening Pioneer Horse Feed Red Comb All Mash Layer Red Comb Egg Mash Red Comb Growing Mash Red Comb .015 9^ Nicarbazin Mixture in Red Comb Grow- ing Mash Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon 60.00 60.00 16.00 18.00 12.00 12.00 17.00 20.00 18.00 62.0 62.5 16.5 18.4 12.6 13.4 17.2 21.6 18.2 8.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 3.50 3.50 3.00 12.5 12.1 3.2 2.7 3.4 3.4 5.3 3.7 5.2 Harper Feed Mills Washington, Pa. Harco Laying Mash Derry Harco Special Short Feed Derry Top Profit Scratch Grains Derry 20.00 15.00 9.00 19.5 16.5 10.9 3.50 3.00 2.00 4.2 3.7 3.1 m Hi Pro Association, Inc. Frankford, Delaware + Hydrolyzed Poultry Feathers E. C. & W. L. Hopkins Co. Greenfield, N. H. Chlortetracycline Mixture Granite State Booster Granite State Broiler Mash Medicated Granite State Complete Mash .... **Granite State 16% Dairy Feed.. Granite State 16% Dairy Feed.. Granite State 20% Dairy Feed.. 1.00 1.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 5.50 6.50 7.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 Manchester 85.00 85.0 0.50 1.4 1.50 -1- Not registered when sampled. * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipmoi ts. 21 0.1 0.4 6.5 6.7 7.1 6.1 5.0 5.4 5.7 18.00 18.3 3.00 4.3 7.00 6.7 5.9 5.4 5.3 0.4 Hillsboro 20.00 21.4 3.00 4.3 4.00 4.0 Nashua 21.00 20.5 4.00 6.1 4.50 3.6 Hillsboro 15.00 15.8 3.00 4.6 7.00 5.1 Hillsboro 16.00 16.1 3.50 4.2 9.00 6.8 Greenfield 16.00 18.2 3.50 4.4 9.00 6.5 Hillsboro 20.00 20.0 4.00 3.2 10.00 7.7 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- i 1 Guar- anteed* 1 Found anteed* Guar- Found anteed* Found E. C. & W. L. Hopkins Co. (Continued) Granite State 20 Cf Dairy Feed.. Hillsboro Granite State Egg Mash Hillsboro Granite State Egg Mash Greenfield Granite State Fitting Ration .... Nashua + Granite State High Energy Breeder Mash Greenfield •■■* Granite State High Energy Com- plete Breeder Hillsboro ** Granite State Hi Energy Com- plete Growing Mash Peterboro ** Granite State Hi Energy Com- plete Laying Mash No. Weare + Granite State High Energy Lay- ing Mash Greenfield ** Granite State High Energy Lay- ing Mash Greenfield ** Granite State High Energy Lay- ing Mash Greenfield Granite State Scratch Grains .... Dover Granite State Stock Feed Hillsboro Nicarbazin-Arsanilic Acid Mix- ture in Granite State Broiler Mash Nashua Provender Hillsboro Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture Mixed with Granite State Chick Starter Greenfield 20.00 20.00 20.00 14.00 22.5 21.7 20.0 14.6 3.50 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.0 10.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 6.0 6.7 6.3 5.8 16.00 16.7 3.00 4.6 4.00 3.6 16.00 15.1 3.00 4.8 4.00 3.4 16.00 17.0 3.00 4.3 4.00 3.2 16.00 16.0 3.50 4.1 4.50 3.3 16.00 16.9 3.00 4.6 4.50 3.7 16.00 16.7 3.00 4.1 4.50 3.4 16.00 10.00 7.50 16.5 10.7 8.3 3.00 2.50 2.50 4.0 2.5 5.7 4.50 5.00 10.00 3.2 2.8 9.8 20.00 9.00 20.5 9,4 3.50 2.50 4.9 3.5 4.50 10.00 3.3 5.9 20.00 21.1 3.00 3.9 6.50 3.7 International Milling Co. Minneapolis 1, Minn. Blackhawk Wheat Standard Mid- dlings with Ground Wheat Screening Not Exceeding Mill Run Derry 14.00 15.1 3.00 4.4 9.50 6.5 R. P. Johnson and Son Potter Place, N. H. Johnson's Complete Laying Mash Potter Place Johnson's Dairy Feed Potter Place Johnson's Laying Mash Potter Place Johnson's Pig & Hog Feed Potter Place 15.00 16.1 3.00 3.2 8.00 7.6 16.00 18.0 3.00 3.8 9.00 6.2 18.00 18.7 4.00 4.0 8.00 5.5 15.00 17.4 2.00 3.8 7.00 5.2 Keystone Dehydrators Nazareth, Penna. Keystone Super Green Dehy'd Alfalfa Meal H. C. Knoke and Co. Chicago, 111. Barley Feed Bow Mill 17.00 17.8 2.00 2.3 27.00 29.1 * Protein and fat not less thnn, cnide fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. Manchester 12.00 13.0 3.00 3.6 16.00 15.3 22 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein i Fat Crude Fiber Brand Gaar- 1 anteed* ] Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Kuder Pulp Sales Co. Lake Alfred, Fla. Kuder Dried Citrus Pulp Colebrook + Kuder Dried Citrus Pulp High Sugar Manchester 6.00 6.1 3.00 1.9 13.00 10.3 6.00 6.0 5.00 3.6 13.00 10.3 L. B. Lovitt & Company Memphis Tenn. "Lovit Brand" 41 ^r Protein Cottonseed Meal Derry Maine Marine Products, Inc. Portland, Me. Maine Concentrate Suncook Maine Sea Horse Fish Concen- trate Bow Mill 41.00 41.1 3.00 3.6 14.00 12.4 50.00 54.4 10.00 17.2 1.00 0.4 60.00 63.8 8.00 12.0 1.00 0.2 Maine Reduction Co., Inc. Brooks, Maine + Hydrolized Feather Meal — with Blood added Manchester 85.00 88.5 1.00 2.1 3.00 0.7 Maple Leaf Milling Co. Toronto, Canada Rex Wheat Bran Concord 14.00 15.3 3.50 Maritime Milling Co., Inc. Buffalo 2, N. Y. + Arsanilic Acid and Nicarbazin Mixture in B-B MaCo Broiler Ration Newport + Arsanilic Acid Mixture in MaCo Broiler Finishing Ration Hillsboro Merrimack Farmers' Exchange, Inc. Concord, N. H. Arsanilic Acid Mixture in Mer- mack Fast Gro Starter and Broiler Derry Chlortetracycline and Oxytetra- cycline Mixture in High-Level Antibiotic Mash Exeter Chlortetracycline, Oxytetracy- cline and Nicarbazin Mixture in Merrimack High Level Antibiotic Mash Derry 16% (Fine) Dairy Ration Bow*Mill **Merrimack All Mash New London (F)Merrimack All Mash Manchester (F)Merrimack All Mash Wolfeboro * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. (F) Sampled at a Farm. 4.4 12.00 9.0 22.00 22.8 4.50 4.5 3.00 2.9 21.00 22.4 4.00 4.2 3.00 2.2 20.00 20.0 3.00 3.5 4.50 3.8 20.00 21.1 2.50 3.6 4.50 3.8 20.00 20.2 2.50 3.4 4.50 4.1 16.00 16.9 2.75 3.2 10.00 7.2 15.00 16.5 3.50 4.2 7.00 6.2 15.00 16.6 3.50 4.2 7.00 6.3 15.00 17.1 3.50 4.1 7.00 6.5 23 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled In Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 anteed* j Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Merrimack Farmers' Exchange, Inc. (Continued) (F)Merrimack All Mash Manchester Merrimack Blue Ribbon 16% Dairy Ration Exeter * 'Merrimack Breeder Mash Nashua (F)Merrimack Breeder Mash Wolfeboro Merrimack Calf Starter and Growing- Ration Plymouth Merrimack Calving Ration Plymouth Merrimack Chick Feed Derry Merrimack Chick Starter Nashua **Merrimack Complete Grower (Pellets) New London Merrimack Complete Grower- Layer Bow Mill Merrimack Complete Layer Plymouth **Merrimack Complete Layer Rumney Merrimack Conditioner Pellets .. Franklin ** Merrimack 16% Dairy Fine Claremont Merrimack 16% Dairy Ration .. Plymouth **Merrimack 16% Dairy Ration .. Epping **Merrimack 16% Dairy Ration .. Claremont (F) Merrimack 16% Dairy Ration .. Laconia **Merrimack 20% Dairy Ration .. Henniker Merrimack Extra Production Super Mash Medicated Laconia (F) Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Laconia (F)Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Manchester (F)**Merrimack 14% Fitting Ra- tion Nashua * •■Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Goffstown **Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Plymouth **Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Peterboro (F)Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Durham (F)Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Benton (F)**Merrimack 14% Fitting Ra- tion Laconia (F)Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Manchester (F)Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Laconia ** Merrimack 14% Fitting Ration Bow Mill Mei-rimack Fodder Ration Claremont Merrimack Fodder Ration Bow Mill (F) Merrimack Game Bird and Tur- key Breeder Brentwood + Merrimack Growing Mash Bow Mill **Merrimack Hi-F Grower Rumney Merrimack Hi-F Grower-Layer .. Laconia ** Merrimack Hi-F Layer Newbury Merrimack Hi-F Layer Plymouth (F)**Merrimack Hi-F Layer Nashua **Merrimack Hi-F Layer Mt. Vernon 15.00 16.3 3.50 4.5 7.00 5.7 16.00 14.5 3.50 4.0 9.00 5.0 20.00 20.4 3.00 4.1 4.50 3.8 20.00 21.4 3.00 4.1 4.50 4.1 12.00 13.8 2.75 3.6 12.00 7.8 12.00 13.6 2.75 3.2 15.00 11.0 9.00 9.0 2.50 2.2 5.00 1.7 20.00 20.8 2.50 4.0 6.00 5.5 15.00 15.6 3.00 4.3 8.00 5.9 16.00 16.2 3.00 4.2 7.00 7.0 15.00 15.5 3.00 4.1 7.00 5.6 15.00 15.1 3.00 4.0 7.00 3.8 17.00 20.2 2.50 3.5 8.00 5.5 16.00 16.5 2.75 3.5 10.00 8.1 16.00 15.5 3.50 3.6 9.00 7.9 16.00 17.3 3.50 3.6 9.00 8.2 16.00 15.7 3.50 3.8 9.00 7.6 16.00 16.5 3.50 4.0 9.00 7.6 20.00 20.3 3.50 4.2 8.50 7.5 16.00 16.3 2.50 3.7 4.50 4.4 14.00 14.6 3.50 3.8 9.00 7.0 14.00 14.4 3.50 3.6 9.00 7.1 14.00 14.4 3.50 4.0 9.00 8.7 14.00 15.7 3.50 4.0 9.00 7.6 14.00 15.2 3.50 3.8 9.00 7.4 14.00 14.3 3.50 3.6 9.00 6.8 14.00 14.7 3.50 3.7 9.00 6.6 14.00 15.6 3.50 3.6 9.00 6.5 14.00 15.8 3.50 3.8 9.00 8.4 14.00 15.4 3.50 3.6 9.00 6.8 14.00 17.0 3.50 3.8 9.00 6.0 14.00 16.6 3.50 3.8 9.00 6.6 10.00 13.3 1.50 1.7 20.00 15.5 10.00 11.8 1.50 1.7 20.00 16.9 24.00 24.2 3.00 5.2 6.00 4.7 19.00 19.6 3.00 4.1 4.50 3.7 16.00 16.4 2.50 3.4 4.50 4.4 16.00 15.4 2.50 3.4 4.50 3.7 15.00 15.3 2.50 3.3 4.50 3.8 15.00 15.5 2.50 3.2 4.50 3.7 15.00 15.1 2.50 3.2 4.50 3.8 15.00 15.4 2.50 3.2 4.50 3.6 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. (F) Sampled at a Farm. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. + Not registered when sampled. 24 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* Found Guar- 1 anteed* | Found Guar- 1 anteed* | Found Merrimack Farmers' Exchange, Inc. (Continued) {F)**Merrimack Hi-F Layer Dublin (F)**Merrimack Hi-F Layer Dublin ■^Merrimack Hi-F Layer Laconia Merrimack Horse Feed Derry Merrimack Laying Mash Plymouth Merrimack 12% Pasture Ration Claremont Merrimack Pig Feed Plymouth (F)Merrimack Pig Feed Manchester Merrimack Pig Feed Claremont Merrimack Pig Feed Bow Mill (F)Merrimack Pig Feed Manchester Merrimack Poultry Fitting Ra- tion Bow Mill Merrimack Provender Bradford Merrimack Sheep and Goat Ra- tion Bradford (F)Merrimack 18% Special Dairy Ration Ossipee Merrimack 18% Special Dairy Ration Claremont (F) Merrimack 18%; Special Dairy Ration Manchester Merrimack Stock Feed Plymouth **Merrimack Super Mash New Boston **Merrimack Super Mash Walpole Merrimack Turkey Growing Mash Plymouth Merrimack White Mountain Dairy Plymouth (F)** Merrimack White Mountain Dairy Tilton Merrimack Worm Control Mix- ture Plymouth Nicarbazin and Arsanilic Acid Mixture in Merrimack Fast- Gro Starter and Broiler Exeter Nicarbazin Mixture Inc. in Mer- rimack Chick Starter Exeter Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Merrimack All Mash Franklin (F) + Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Merrimack Game Bird Starter Brentwood Sulfaquinoxaline Mixture in Merrimack Hi-F Grower Derry Miller Alfalfa Co. Defiance, Ohio Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal (Pel- lets) Dover 15.00 16.5 2.50 3.2 4.50 3.7 15.00 15.8 2.50 3.2 4.50 3.8 15.00 16.0 2.50 3.4 4.50 4.0 11.00 11.1 3.25 3.9 10.00 6.7 20.00 20.2 3.50 4.3 5.00 3.2 12.00 13.5 3.00 3.1 10.00 7.9 17.00 16.6 3.00 4.4 7.00 6.1 17.00 17.4 3.00 4.5 7.00 7.0 17.00 17.4 3.00 4.1 7.00 7.0 17.00 17.1 3.00 4.6 7.00 6.6 17.00 17.2 3.00 4.8 7.00 6.0 13.50 13.6 2.50 3.1 8.00 4.5 9.00 9.7 3.00 3.6 10.00 5.0 14.00 14.7 2.50 3.3 9.00 5.7 18.00 18.8 3.50 4.0 8.50 7.4 18.00 18.0 3.50 3.8 8.50 8.2 18.00 18.6 3.50 3.7 8.50 6.9 9.00 11.6 2.50 3.3 12.00 9.6 16.00 16.7 2.50 3.6 4.50 4.2 16.00 16.5 2.50 3.7 4.50 4.2 22.00 24.3 2.50 3.3 4.50 4.4 16.00 14.7 2.00 2.6 12.00 9.6 16.00 16.2 3.00 3.5 10.00 7.5 15.00 16.0 3.00 4.0 8.00 4.8 20.00 23.2 3.00 3.2 4.50 4.3 20.00 21.1 2.50 3.8 6.00 4.6 15.00 16.5 3.50 4.1 7.00 6.2 27.00 28.0 3.00 4.5 7.00 5.9 16.00 16.6 2.S0 3.8 4.50 4.2 17.00 17.9 1.50 2.9 27.00 22.3 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. (F) Sampled at a Farm. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. -f- Not registered when sampled. 25 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Miner-Hillard Milling Co. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Choice Steam Cooked Hominy Feed Manchester 10.00 Minute Maid Corp. • Plymouth, Florida Golden Isle Citrus Pulp Plymouth 5.50 Golden Isle Citrus Pulp Plymouth 5.50 Golden Isle Citrus Pulp Bow Mill 5.50 Mowat Wilson Co. Detroit, Michigan Dried Beet Pulp Lebanon 7.00 Dried Molasses — Beet Pulp .... Derry 7.00 Dried Molasses — Beet Pulp .... Bow Mill 7.00 National Alfalfa Dehydrating & Milling Co. Lamar, Colorado Jack Rabbit 17% Dehydrated Alfalfa Granules Ke'ene 17.00 National Distillers Products Corp. 99 Park Ave., N. Y. Nadrisol Brand Corn Distillers Dried Solubles Suncook 25.00 The Neumond Co. St. Louis, Mo. + Neumond's 13% Suncured Al- falfa Meal Claremont 13.00 Northern Ohio Sugar Co. Freemont, Ohio G. W. Dried Beet Pulp Manchester 7.00 Ogden Grain Co. Utica, N. Y. Ogden Breeder Mash Salem Depot 20.00 (F)Ogden Complete Starter- Grower-Layer-Breeder Grasmere 16.00 Ogden Complete Starter- Grower-Layer-Breeder Manchester 16.00 Ogden Hi-Energy Laying Mash .. Salem Depot 16.00 Ogden Rabbit Pellets Salem Depot 18.00 Ogden Scratch Grains Salem Depot 9.00 Ogden U-T-K Fitting Ration Salem Depot 14.00 Ogden U-T-K Fitting Ration Salem Depot 14.00 Ogden U-T-K Sweet 14% Salem Depot 14.00 Ogden U-T-K Sweet 16% Salem Depot 16.00 Ogden U-T-K Sweet 16% Salem Depot 16.00 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. (P) Sampled at a Farm. + Not registei-ed wlien sampled. 26 10.4 5.00 5.3 5.00 4.1 13.5 6.1 2.75 2.0 15.00 12.2 5.7 2.75 2.2 15.00 11.1 6.0 2.75 2.1 15.00 11.5 8.3 0.30 0.5 22.50 19.1 0.1 0.30 0.3 20.00 14.6 8.9 0.30 0.5 20.00 15.9 17.0 1.50 2.6 27.00 21.1 28.0 6.00 6.1 4.00 2.5 1.00 1.6 33.00 28.7 8.9 0.30 0.5 22.50 18.2 20.0 4.50 5.2 5.00 4.6 17.2 3.00 3.7 6.50 6.7 16.0 3.00 3.5 6.50 5.7 16.6 4.00 4.7 4.50 4.2 18.1 3.00 3.4 12.00 10.0 10.1 3.00 3.0 6.00 2.9 15.5 3.00 3.8 12.00 9.6 15.5 3.00 4.1 12.00 9.0 16.9 3.00 3.6 11.00 8.2 17.6 3.00 3.6 12.00 9.5 18.5 3.00 4.0 12.00 9.1 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 Guar- | | Guar- anteed* Found 1 anteed* | Found i anteed* Found Park & Pollard Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Corn & Oats Half & Half Lebanon Furazolidone and Chlortetracy- cline Mixture in Lay or Bust T. N. T Lebanon Green Acres 14% Lebanon + Hi-Prime Complete Turkey Breeder Plymouth Lay or Bust All Mash Breeder ... Lebanon Lay or Bust All Mash Grower .... Plymouth Lay or Bust All Mash Layer Plymouth + Lay or Bust All Mash Layer Lebanon Lay or Bust Breeder Mash Salem Depot Lay or Bust Chick Starter Colebrook Lay or Bust Egg Mash Plymouth + Lay or Bust Egg Mash Lebanon Lay or Bust Growing Feed (Pel- lets) Lebanon Lay or Bust Hi-Power 20 7o Broiler Ration Plymouth Lay or Bust Hi-Value Pellets .... Berlin Lay or Bust Hi-Value Pellets .... Hillsboro Lay or Bust Poultry Fitting Ra- tion N. Haverhill Milk Maid Bulky Sweet Dairy ... Colebrook Milk Maid Calf Starter Newport Milk Maid 16% Dairy Ration .... Plymouth Milk Maid 20% Dairy Ration .... Berlin Milk Maid Dri-Fresh Ration Lebanon Milk Maid Fitting Ration Lebanon + Milk Maid Fitting Ration Lebanon Milk Maid 14 7c Test Ration Berlin Milk Maid 18% Test Ration Berlin + Milk Maid 18% Test Ration Hillsboro Nicarbazin Mixture in Lay or Bust All-Mash Grower Lancaster Nicarbazin Mixture in Lay or Bust Chick Starter Berlin Nicarbazin Mixture in P & P Complete Grower Hillsboro + Park & Pollard Complete Grower Lebanon Park & Pollard Complete Layer Berlin Park & Pollard Complete Layer Hillsboro P & P 16% Dairy Lancaster Pai'k & Pollard Economy Scratch Lancaster P & P Fitting Ration Lancaster Park & Pollard Go-Tu-It Pig Grower Lebanon Park & Pollard Go-Tu-It Pig Starter Colebrook 10.00 10.0 5.00 o.u 8.00 6.1 22.00 24.4 3.00 4.0 5.00 4.7 14.00 15.5 3.00 3.7 11.00 11.7 18.00 18.2 3.50 3.8 5.00 4.5 16.00 16.6 3.50 4.2 5.00 4.4 15.00 15.5 3.50 3.7 5.00 3.7 16.00 16.5 3.50 3.8 5.00 4.0 16.00 15.3 3.50 3.2 5.00 5.0 20.00 22.1 3.50 4.9 6.00 3.0 21.00 21.6 3.50 3.8 4.50 4.5 20.00 20.2 3.50 3.5 6.00 5.1 20.00 20.1 3.50 3.5 6.00 4.7 18.00 19.8 3.50 3.6 6.00 5.0 20.00 20.8 3.50 4.4 4.00 3.2 12.00 13.7 3.00 5.2 6.50 5.6 12.00 13.4 3.00 3.1 6.50 5.1 12.00 12.4 3.00 3.0 9.00 4.4 12.00 13.4 2.50 3.1 14.00 12.1 19.00 18.4 3.00 3.9 8.00 4.6 16.00 19.7 3.50 4.1 9.00 8.5 20.00 19.6 3.50 3.8 9.00 9.3 12.00 15.2 3.00 3.9 10.00 10.8 14.00 14.7 3.00 3.5 9.00 9.0 14.00 15.2 3.00 3.9 9.00 8.2 14.00 15.6 4.00 4.4 9.00 8.8 18.00 18.2 4.00 4.2 9.00 8.8 18.00 18.0 5.00 4.4 9.00 7.8 15.00 17.5 3.50 4.4 5.00 3.9 21.00 22.7 3.50 3.7 4.50 4.5 15.00 15.6 3.00 4.1 6.00 5.1 15.00 16.4 3.00 3.0 6.00 5.5 15.00 16.9 3.00 5.2 6.00 5.6 15.00 17.7 3.00 3.6 6.00 4.7 16.00 16.5 3.00 3.6 10.00 8.6 9.00 9.9 2.00 3.3 4.50 4.4 14.00 14.0 3.00 3.3 11.00 9.8 14.00 14.6 3.50 3.8 7.00 4.4 16.00 17.4 3.00 4.2 6.00 4.9 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more tlian. -f Not registei-ed when sampled. 27 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Park & Pollard Co. (Continued) + Park & Pollard Hi-Speed Horse Feed Lebanon P & P Histostat Mixture in Hi- Prime Turkey Starter Plymouth P & P Histostat Mixture in Hi- Prime Turkey Grower Plymouth Park & Pollard Rabbit Pellets .. Newport Park & Pollard Stock Feed Berlin P & P Sulfaquinoxaline Mix- ture in Hi-Prime Turkey Grower Newport P & P Sulfaquinoxaline Mix- ture in Lay or Bust Chick Starter Plymouth Phenothiazine & Nicotine Mix- ture in Lay or Bust D-Wormer N. Haverhill Red Ribbon 16% Dairy Ration .. Rochester Red Ribbon 18% Dairy Ration .. Rochester Red Ribbon 20% Dairy Ration .. Rochester George H. Parker Grain Co. Danvers, Mass. Bill McHugh's Horse Feed Salem Depot Bill McHugh's Horse Feed Salem Depot Parrish & Heimbecker, Ltd. Tronoto, Quebec, Canada + "Parrheim" Pure Wheat Bran .... Dover + "Perrheim" Pure Wheat Shorts Suncook Pasco Packing Co. Dade City, Fla. Suger Sweet Citrus Pulp Lancaster Suger Sweet Citrus Pulp Potter Place Penick & Ford Ltd., Inc. Cedar Rapids, Iowa + 21% Protein Douglas Corn Glu- ten Feed Keene Pillsbury of Canada, Ltd. Midland, Canada + Dandy Wheat Bran Colebrook 12.00 13.0 3.00 3.4 9.00 7.3 28.00 28.5 3.50 3.7 5.00 5.0 22.00 17.00 10.00 23.3 17.9 13.8 3.50 3.00 2.00 4.3 3.4 2.4 5.50 12.00 12.00 4.7 9.2 9.4 22.00 23.6 3.50 3.9 5.50 3.8 21.00 22.1 3.50 4.3 4.50 4.0 18.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 20.7 20.8 20.7 21.4 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.9 3.4 3.1 3.1 6.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 6.2 9.4 9.6 9.4 12.00 12.00 11.6 12.3 3.00 3.00 3.2 3.6 10.00 10.00 7.1 7.9 14.00 14.00 14.2 15.3 3.50 3.50 4.1 5.0 11.50 8.00 7.5 7.6 6.00 6.00 5.8 6.2 3.00 3.00 5.3 4.3 13.50 13.50 10.2 10.2 21.00 25.0 1.00 1.7 10.00 8.0 14.00 14.4 3.50 2.1 11.50 10.4 Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Minn., Minn. Pillsbury's Hard Wheat Bran with Ground Wheat Screen- ings not Exceeding Mill Run .. Exeter + **Pillsbury Mills Soybean Oil Meal Bow Mill 14.00 15.8 50.00 50.6 * Protein and fat not less than, onide fiber not more than. 4- Not registei-ed when sampled. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. 4.00 4.6 12.00 10.6 0.50 1.0 3.00 3.0 28 TABLE II MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- Guar- anteed* Found anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Pillsbury Mills, Inc. (Continued) Pillsbury's Wheat Standard Mid- dlings with Ground Wheat Screenings not Exceeding Mill Run Woodsville 15.00 Presto Grain Co. Claremont, N. H. Presto 16% Dairy Ration Claremont 16.00 Presto 16% Dairy Ration Claremont 16.00 Presto 16% Dairy Ration Claremont 16.00 + Presto 20% Dairy Ration Claremont 20.00 Presto 20% Dairy Ration Claremont 20.00 Presto 20% Dairy Ration Claremont 20.00 Presto Fitting Ration Claremont 14.00 Presto Fitting Ration Claremont 14.00 Presto Fitting Ration Claremont 14.00 Presto High Energy All Mash Layer Claremont 16.00 Presto High Energy All Mash Layer Claremont 16.00 Presto Pig Grower Claremont 14.00 Presto Pig Grower Claremont 14.00 Quaker Oats Co. Chicago, III. Bell Cow Wheat Bran Keene 15.00 Quaker Oats Co. of Canada, Ltd. Peterborough, Ontario, Canada Peterborough Oat Mill By-Prod- uct Franklin 2.50 Peterborough Oat Mill By-Prod- uct Claremont 2.50 Ralston Purina Co. St. Louis, Mo. Medicated Chek-R-Aide Check- er-ettes Nashua 20.00 Northeastern Scratch Feed Manchester 9.00 Purina B & M Cow Chow D Manchester 16.00 Purina Breeder Lay Chow E .... Exeter 23.00 Purina Breeder Layena (Com- plete Ration) E Manchester 16.50 Purina Breeder Layena (Com- plete Ration) E Nashua 16.50 Purina Chick Growena E Exeter 17.00 Purina Chick Growing Chow E .. Exeter 23.00 Purina Cow Chow 16% (Coarse) Exeter 16.00 Purina Cow Chow 16% (Coarse) Exeter 16.00 Purina Cow Chow 18% D Manchester 18.00 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. 15.8 16.3 16.4 15.6 17.43 20.1 17.9 15.1 15.0 14.4 16.0 15.3 14.5 3.2 3.3 4.00 4.0 9.50 7.2 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.3 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.2 2.7 3.6 3.1 3.2 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.8 3.8 3.6 4.50 7.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 1.1 1.2 6.6 6.7 7.0 6.3 5.8 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.7 16.4 3.50 3.9 4.50 4.3 4.4 6.0 7.3 15.0 3.50 4.2 11.50 10.1 33.00 31.4 32.00 29.4 20.1 4.50 5.6 4.50 3.5 9.0 2.00 2.6 5.00 3.5 16.0 2.50 2.7 10.00 5.2 23.8 4.00 5.5 5.00 4.8 16.5 4.00 5.6 4.50 3.4 16.8 4.00 6.1 4.50 3.4 17.3 3.00 4.6 7.00 5.1 23.9 2.50 3.9 8.00 6.2 16.0 2.50 2.7 10.00 5.6 16.5 2.50 2.9 10.00 5.6 18.3 2.50 2.6 10.00 5.1 29 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 Guar- anteed* Found anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Ralston Purina Co. (Continued) Purina D & F Chow Lancaster Purina 16% Dairy Chow Exeter Purina Eggena E Manchester Purina Eggena E Manchester Purina Lay Chow E Exeter Purina Layena (Complete Ra- tion) E Lancaster Purina Milk Chow E 16% Manchester Purina 3 Nitro-4 & Nicarbazin Purina Broiler Chow Finisher E Nashua Purina 4 - Nitrophenylarsonic Acid Mixture in Purina Tur- key Fatena E Manchester Purina 4 - Nitrophenylarsonic Acid Mixture in Turkey Breeder Developer E Nashua P. 3 Nitrophenylarsonic Acid & Nicai'bazin Mixture in P. Chick Startena E Manchester Purina Omolene Lancaster Purina Omolene Salem Depot Purina Pullet Developer E Exeter Purina Roaster Chow (E) nc Medicated Nashua Purina Turkey Breeder Layena E Manchester Purina Turkey Fatena E Manchester Purina Turkey Growena E Manchester John Reardon & Sons Cambridge, Mass. Register Brand 45% Protein Meat & Bone Scrap Concord Register Brand 45 9'r Protein Meat & Bone Scrap Concord G. Rouleau, Ltd. Montreal, Quebec, Canada + Barley Feed Keene Russell Miller Milling Co. Minn., Minn. Occident Wheat Bran Claremont Occident Wheat Red Dog Colebrook Occident Wheat Standard Mid- dlings with Ground Wheat Screenings Manchester Occident Wheat Standard Mid- dlings W/GWS Claremont 12.50 16.00 16.00 16.00 23.00 12.1 16.3 16.7 16.4 22.7 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 2.5 3.3 5.2 4.8 4.9 11.00 13.00 7.00 7.00 5.00 8.6 9.6 5.8 6.3 4.8 16.50 16.00 16.5 17.3 3.50 3.00 5.2 3.3 4.50 10.00 3.9 6.6 20.00 20.1 4.50 5.4 3.00 2.5 15.50 16.0 3.50 5.4 8.00 4.2 14.00 15.0 3.00 4.5 8.50 6.8 22.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 22.3 11.1 11.0 13.5 4.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 5.6 2.8 3.1 4.4 5.00 11.00 11.00 8.00 4.6 8.7 7.3 5.6 17.00 17.0 4.00 5.4 6.50 3.6 16.50 15.50 20.00 16.6 15.8 19.6 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.9 5.4 5.0 6.50 8.00 7.00 4.2 4.5 4.9 45.00 44.2 45.00 45.5 14.50 15.9 16.50 18.9 15.00 18.9 15.00 17.2 8.00 12.1 8.00 9.9 9.50 11.2 2.00 2.3 14.00 8.6 4.00 4.4 11.00 10.1 3.50 4.8 4.00 2.9 4.00 5.5 9.50 9.1 4.00 4.9 9.50 8.0 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. 30 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 Guar- anteed* Found 1 anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Saunders Mills, Inc. Toledo, Ohio + Vita Greens Alfalfa Meal De- hydrated 17 Concord Scotia Fat Salvage Co., Ltd. Middle Sackville, Halifax County, Nova Scotia + Fure Ground Fish Meal Manchester Joseph £. Seagram & Sons, Inc. Louisville, Ky. Seagram's Corn Distillers Dried Solubles Manchester Shirriff-Horsey Corp., Ltd. Plant City, Florida + J. William Horsey Brand Dried Citrus Pulp Manchester South End Grain, Inc. Manchester, N. H. Nicarbazine Mixture in Superior Starter-Broiler Manchester Superior High Energy Breeder Mash Manchester Southern Fruit Distributors, Inc. Orlando, Florida Bluebird Citrus Pulp Claremont F. B. Saulding Co. Lancaster, N. H. Provender "Real" Hog Grower & Fattener. Spaulding's 16% Dairy Ration . Spaulding's 20% Dairy Ration . Spaulding's Fitting Ration Spaulding's Horse Feed St. Lawrence Starch Co. Port Credit, Ontario, Canada + **Bacon's Corn Gluten Feed A. E. Staley Mfg. Co. Decatur, 111. + Staley's Corn Oil Meal 17.00 17.1 1.50 2.4 27.00 24.6 60.00 63.1 10.00 3.0 25.00 29.6 5.00 6.8 5.00 4.7 6.00 6.5 3.00 2.4 15.00 14.0 20.00 21.2 2.50 3.4 4.00 3.3 16.00 16.3 3.00 3.9 4.50 4.5 6.00 6.1 3.50 2.6 17.00 15.5 Suni Citrus Products Co. Haines City, Fla. Sweet Suni Citrus Pulp Lancaster 10.00 10.0 3.50 3.5 9.00 5.4 Lancaster 14.00 14.9 3.50 3.2 5.50 3.8 Lancaster 16.00 16.6 3.00 3.3 9.00 7.1 Lancaster 20.00 21.1 2.75 3.4 9.00 7.0 Lancaster 12.00 13.4 3.25 3.3 9.00 8.2 Lancaster 10.00 10.2 3.25 3.4 9.00 8.1 Claremont 21.00 25.8 2.00 3.9 10.00 8.2 Manchester 18.00 21.5 3.50 4.8 11.00 10.6 Manchester 6.00 6.0 3.50 4.5 15.00 17.2 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. "* Sampled from Bulk Shipments. 31 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs, of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Trexler Farm, Inc. AUentown, Pa. + Trexler Dehydrated Meal Alfalfa Manchester 17.00 17.8 2.00 2.4 27.00 26.4 Trudeau & Freres Chemin Larocque Rd., Valleyfield, Quebec, Canada + Brewers' Dried Grains N. Haverhill 22.00 Ultra Life Laboratories, Inc. East St. Louis, III Ultra-Life Livestock Keene + Ultra-Life 3 Nitro-4-Hydroxy Mix in New Broiler Gro Keene United Cooperative Farmers, Inc. Fitchburg, Mass. **Hi NRG All Mash Breeder New Ipswich **Hi NRG All Mash Grower & Layer **U.C.F. All Mash Grower & Laye **U.C.F. Super Starter Medicated Unity Feeds, Inc. Manchester, N. H. Broiler Maker Medicated 20% Dairy Ration + **High Energy Growing- & Lay- ing Mash Medicated Super Starter Medicated **Unity Dairy & Fitting Ration .... (F)**Unity 16 Dairy Ration **Unity Feeds Breeder Mash (F)**Unity Feeds 16% Dairy Ra- tion **Unity Feeds 16% Dairy Ration.. **Unity Feeds 16% Dairy Ration.. (F)**Unity Feeds 16% Dairy Ra- tion (F)**Unity Feeds 16% Dairy Ra- tion (F)**Unity Feeds 16% Dairy Ra- tion (F)**Unity Feeds 20% Dairy Ra- tion (F)**Unity Feeds Dairy & Fitting Ration (F)**Unity Feeds Dairy & Fitting Ration **Unity Feeds Growing & Laying Mash 23.00 22.50 22.5 7.00 7.9 15.00 15.7 25.6 1.50 1.6 4.50 4.1 22.8 4.00 5.3 7.00 6.3 15.50 16.3 4.50 5.5 5.00 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. -f Not registered when sampled. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. (F) Sampled at a Farm. 32 3.8 New Ipswich New Ipswich New Ipswich 15.50 15.50 20.00 16.4 15.5 20.1 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.7 5.2 5.2 5.00 5.00 4.00 3.4 3.7 3.6 Manchester Manchester 20.00 20.00 20.1 21.1 4.00 3.50 4.9 3.8 3.50 9.00 3.5 7.9 New Ipswich Manchester Hopkinton Francestown Brentwood 15.00 20.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 16.2 20.2 14.7 16.2 18.7 4.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 3.00 4.3 4.9 3.6 4.5 4.1 4.00 4.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 3.6 3.9 7.2 7.3 4.4 Hillsboro Hopkinton Suncook 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.3 16.1 16.1 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.1 3.8 4.0 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.7 7.8 8.6 Brentwood 16.00 17.1 3.50 3.8 9.00 6.6 Bedford 16.00 17.1 3.50 3.7 9.00 8.1 Bedford 16.00 18.0 3.50 3.9 9.00 7.3 Brentwood 20.00 22.0 3.50 3.4 9.00 7.3 Manchester 14.00 14.5 3.50 3.9 9.00 6.4 Hopkinton 14.00 14.8 3.50 4.2 9.00 8.6 So. Weare 20.00 20.6 3.00 4.2 6.00 5.9 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Unity Feeds, Inc. (Continued) (F)* "Unity Feeds High Energy Growing & Laying Ration .. (F)Unity Feeds Turkey & Game Bird Growing Mash Brentwood (F)Unity Improved Calf Ration Brentwood (F) Unity Turkey & Game Bird Growing Mash Brentwood H. K. Webster Co. Lawrence, Mass. Blue Seal All-Mash Breeder's Ration Blue Seal All-Mash Egg Ration Blue Seal All-Mash Egg Ration (Pellets) Blue Seal All-Mash Growing Ra- tion Blue Seal All-Mash Growing Ra- tion Blue Seal Coarse 16 Dairy Ra- tion Blue Seal Coarse "20" Dairy Ra- tion Blue Seal "16" Dairy Ration Coarse Blue Seal Egg Mash (Pellets) .... Blue Seal Fine "16" Dairy Ra- tion Blue Seal Fine "20" Dairy Ra- tion KF)Blue Seal Fitting Ration (F)Blue Seal Fitting Ration Blue Seal Furazolidone Chlor- tetracycline Mixture in NFA.. + Blue Seal Furazolidone, Chlor- tetracycline and Nicarbazin Mixture in NFA Blue Seal Growing Mash Blue Seal Horse Feed Blue Seal Nicarbazin Mixture Inc. In Advance Broiler Blue Seal Nicarbazin Mixture in Advance Broiler (Pellets).. Blue Seal Nicarbazin Mixture in Chick Starter Blue Seal Pig Feed Blue Seal Poultry and Turkey Fitting Blue Seal Scratch Feed Blue Seal SQ. Mixture All Mash Growing Ration Brentwood 15.00 15.7 4.00 4.8 Nashua Laconia Laconia Laconia Enfield Bedford Laconia Enfield Laconia Exeter Exeter Grasmere Grasmere Nashua Nashua 20.00 20.00 20.4 21.8 3.00 3.50 3.9 3.3 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 16.00 20.00 16.4 16.4 16.0 16.0 16.0 17.6 20.4 17.0 19.2 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.9 3.2 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.6 4.1 4.3 20.00 14.00 14.00 20.8 15.1 15.2 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.8 3.9 4.4 * Protein and fat not less than, cnide fiber not more than. (P) Sampled at a Farm. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. + Not registei-ed when sampled. ?3 4.00 5.00 6.00 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 3.7 4.5 5.8 20.00 20.7 3.00 3.8 5.00 4.6 2.6 3.7 3.3 3.6 3.3 8.7 8.0 8.1 6.0 16.00 17.0 3.50 3.8 9.00 7.7 7.4 8.3 6.6 20.00 20.1 3.00 3.6 4.00 2.7 Exeter Laconia Laconia 20.00 18.00 10.00 20.5 18.5 10.2 3.00 3.50 3.00 4.1 4.2 3.5 4.00 6.50 9.00 4.0 6.7 6.4 Nashua 22.00 21.7 5.00 5.1 3.50 2.7 Laconia 20.00 20.4 4.00 4.8 4.00 3.9 Laconia Nashua 20.00 15.00 23.9 15.5 4.00 4.00 4.4 4.8 4.50 6.00 4.2 4.3 Enfield Exeter 12.00 9.50 12.7 10.2 2.50 2.50 2.9 2.9 6.00 4.00 4.5 2.6 16.00 16.2 3.00 3.7 4.00 2.6 TABLE II — MIXED FEEDS AND INGREDIENTS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* 1 Guar- Fouiid 1 anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found H. K. Webster Co. (Continued) Blue Seal Standard "16" Dairy Ration Enfield Blue Seal Standard 20 Dairy Ration Barrington (F)Blue Seal Succulent Feed and Calving Ration Grasmere (F)Blue Seal Succulent Feed and Calving Ration Grasemere Blue Seal Super Breeder's Mash Exeter 16.00 17.1 3.00 4.0 9.00 8.4 20.00 21.0 3.50 4.2 9.00 7.4 12.00 12.6 2.00 2.5 16.00 14.5 12.00 20.00 12.3 19.7 2.00 4.00 2.7 4.2 16.00 4.00 9.4 2.6 Whitmoyer Laboratories, Ltd. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada Whitmoyer Quality 56% Fish Meal . Keene 56.00 60.9 5.00 9.5 2.00 0.2 James Wilson & Sons, Ltd. Monkland Mills, Fergus, Ont. + Pulverize d Oat Hulls Bow Mill 4.00 4.2 1.00 1.8 30.00 29.4 Winslow Feed Co., Inc. Concord, N . H. Big W B reeder Concord 22.00 23.3 3.50 5.0 6.00 4.5 Big W Fore-Runner Medicated .. Concord 20.00 22.0 3.50 4.7 4.50 3.4 Big W H i Efficiency Breeder .... Concord 16.00 16.9 3.50 4.4 4.00 3.1 Big W H i-Ef Grower-Layer Concord 16.00 16.9 3.50 4.6 4.50 3.2 Big W S-F Mash Concord 15.00 17.3 3.00 4.5 6.00 3.9 Winslow' s Coarse 18 Dairy Concord 18.00 17.7 3.50 4.0 10.00 7.9 Wirthmore Feed Co. Concord, N. H. "*Hygrade 16% Dairy Hopkinton 16.00 17.0 3.50 4.2 9.00 8.8 **Hygrade 16% Dairy Hopkinton 16.00 16.5 3.50 4.1 9.00 8.6 **Hygrade 16%. Dairy Concord 16.00 16.9 3.50 3.7 9.00 8.0 **Hygrade 14% Fitting Ration .... Hopkinton 14.00 13.6 3.50 4.0 9.00 9.4 Hygrade Growing Mash Concord 18.00 18.5 3.00 4.6 6.50 5.3 Hygrade High Energy Grower & Layer Concord 16.00 18.5 3.00 4.8 4.50 3.7 Hygrade Sulfaquinoxaline Mix- ture in Broiler Ration Concord 20.00 20.0 3.00 4.2 4.50 3.7 Hygrade Sulfaquinoxaline Mix- ture in Chick Starter Concord 20.00 20.4 3.00 4.9 6.50 5.5 Hygrade Sulfaquinoxaline Mix- ture in High Energy Grower .. nd fat not less than, crude Concord fiber not more 16.00 than. 17.5 3.00 4.3 4.50 3.7 * Protein a (F) Sampled at a Faim. + Not registered when sampled. ** Sampled from Bulk Shipments. 34 TABLE III DOG AND CAT FOODS Manufacturer Brand Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat Crude Fiber Guar- 1 anteed* 1 Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Albers Milling Co. Kansas City, Mo + Fiiskie's Dog Food . Portsmouth 10.00 10.1 2.50 4.1 1.00 0.4 Beef & Beef Allen Products Co., Ii Allentown, Pa. Al Po Dog Feed — By-Products Al Po Dog Food Horsemeat & Horsemeat By-Products American Crabmeat Co., Inc. Boston, Mass. Little 3 Kittens Cat Food New London New London Canaan 15.00 15.7 5.00 6.5 1.50 0.1 14.50 15.2 2.00 4.9 1.50 0.1 15.00 16.9 2.00 0.6 0.10 0.04 Armour & Co. Chicago, 111. Armour's Dash Dog Food ., Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. N. Y., N. Y. Daily Dog Food Diet No. 1 Calo Dog Food Co., Inc. Oakland, Calif. Calo Dog Food y Calo Horsemeat for Dogs & Cats Coast Fisheries, Inc., Div. of Quaker Oats Co. Chicago, III. Puss'n Boots Cat Food Pittsfield 10.50 13.2 2.50 3.0 1.00 0.6 Meredith 12.00 12.2 3.00 4.9 1.50 0.6 Meredith 10.00 10.2 3.00 4.1 1.00 0.8 Portsmouth 15.00 12.8 6.00 12.4 1.00 0.4 Consolidated Foods Corp. Chicago, 111. Better Bite Dog Food + Friendly Dog & Cat Food .. + Spunky All Fish Cat Food Spunky Dog Food Deep Run Packing Co. Dublin, Pa. ' +Big Bet Dog Food Big Bet Dog Food 100% Horse- meat + Smithy's Best Bet Dog Food — lOO'^^f Horsemeat Delham Food Product Co., Inc. Brighton, Mass. Kim's Dog Food , Franklin 12.00 14.4 2.00 9.3 1.00 0.7 Sunapee 14.00 15.0 4.00 2.1 0.50 0.5 Hudson 8.00 8.2 1.00 2.1 2.00 0.9 New London 15.00 16.4 0.25 0.9 1.00 0.1 New London 10.00 10.5 2.00 2.0 1.25 1.2 Alton 10.00 10.4 3.00 3.5 1.50 1.4 Newmarket 15.00 14.0 6.00 15.5 2.00 0.3 Nashua 14.00 14.2 5.00 15.5 1.50 0.1 Franklin 18.00 17.5 5.00 7.4 0.05 0.0 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. 35 TABLE III — DOG AND CAT FOODS — Continued Manufacturer Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat | Crude Fiber Brand Guar- 1 anteed* 1 Found Guar- anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Doyle Packing Co., Inc., of N. J. Long Beach, N. J. Strongheart Dog & Cat Food .... Portsmouth Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Inc. W. Springfield, Mass. Eastern States Dog Food Manchester Evans Industries, Inc. Marion, Ind. Prime Pet Food Boscawen 15.00 14.6 4.00 14.1 1.50 0.3 24.00 24.4 G.OO 7.5 3.50 8.00 8.8 2.00 1.5 Foodland, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio + Mrs. Lane's Cat Food Hudson Mrs. Lane's Dog Food Rochester + Mrs. Lane's Dog & Cat Food .... Nashua Foster Canning Co. Farmington, N. J. Snappy Dog Food Franklin General Foods Corp. Kankakee, HI. Gaines Dog Menu AA Newport + Jack & Jill Cat Food Tilton + Jack & Jill Cat Food Enfield 17.00 16.0 8.00 11.0 14.00 18.6 9.00 9.5 10.50 13.6 14.00 17. G 14.00 18.1 0.50 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.50 0.25 0.25 0.6 3.8 3.9 3.1 0.3 0.5 0.10 1.50 0.70 1.00 0.25 0.25 2.5 1.50 0.4 Food Products Co. of America Chicago, 111. Captain Horsemeat Dog Food .... Contoocook 17.50 15.5 3.50 13.3 1.00 0.1 Doghouse Dog & Cat Food Portsmouth, 10.00 10.2 2.00 2.3 5.00 1.5 0.03 1.2 0.4 1.50 1.3 0.5 0.1 0.02 General Mills, Inc. Minn., Minn. Larro Surechamp (Cubes) Laconia GLF Marketing Service Canandaigua, N. Y. + Big Red Dog Food Hudson 24.00 25.1 5.00 5.6 6.00 3.8 15.00 11.6 6.00 12.4 1.50 0.1 Hartz Mountain Products New York 3, N. Y. Dog Yummies — Dog Treat New Durham 26.00 35.5 3.00 6.2 6.00 2.5 Hill Pet Food Division Topeka, Kansas Hill's Dog Food Keene 12.00 11.2 5.00 5.0 1.00 + Hill's Horsemeat & Meat By- products for Dogs & Cats Barnstead 16.00 17.6 4.00 5.2 1.00 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. -1- Not registered when sampled. 36 TABLE III — DOG AND CAT FOODS Continued Manufacturer Brand I Sampled in Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein 1 Fat i Crude Fiber Guar- I i Guar- anteed* I Found I anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Laddie Boy Dog Food Co. Glendale, N. Y. Laddie Boy Dog Food Ground Beef Marnat Packing Co. Bennettsville, S. C. + Big Time Dog Food Rochester Jaffrey Massachusetts Canning Co. Boston, Mass. Imp Cat Food Lakeport Mack's Dog & Cat Food (Horse- meat) Hudson National Packing Corp. Boston, Mass. Kitty Snicker Cat Food National Pet Foods, Inc. Marcellus Falls, N. Y. + Kalico Kat Cat Food Gossville 14.00 12.7 3.00 9.1 1.50 0.2 15.00 16.2 3.00 5.5 1.00 0.2 14.00 17.3 0.50 0.6 0.10 0.04 14.00 18.1 6.00 7.0 0.70 0.1 10.00 11.6 2.00 3.5 1.00 0.3 Contoocook 12.00 13.0 2.00 8.1 1.50 0.7 Old Mother Hubbard Dog Food Co. Gloucester, Mass. Old Mother Hubbard All Breed Dog Food Warner Original Old Mother Hubbard Fish Cat Food Warner Orleans Canning Co. Chicago, 111 Orleans Dog Food Rochester 10.00 10.6 2.00 3.5 1.00 0.4 15.50 18.4 0.25 0.3 1.00 0.1 15.00 16.4 3.00 12.4 1.50 0.1 T. Passarini Co. Newton Hgts., Mass. Golden Twins Fish & Liver Cat Food Hudson S. S. Pierce Co. Boston, Mass. + S. S. Pierce Co. Dog Dinner Dog Food Somersworth Quaker City Packing Co. Allentown, Pa. Quaker City Beef Dog Food Nashua 15.00 16.3 0.20 0.4 1.50 0.1 10.00 11.7 2.00 4.2 1.00 1.0 13.00 8.0 9.00 9.1 1.00 0.1 Quaker Oats Co. Chicago, 111. Ken L Ration Meredith 10.00 10.1 4.00 5.9 1.00 0.4 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. 37 TABLE III — DOG AND CAT FOODS Continued Manufacturer Sampled In Pounds in 100 lbs. of Feedingstuffs Protein | Fat Crude Fiber Brand Guar- anteed* 1 Guar- Found 1 anteed* Found Guar- anteed* Found Re-Dan Packing Co. Ozone Pg., Long Island, N. Y. Cadet Dog Food Northwood Red Heart Div., John Morrell & Co. Chicago 4, 111. Morrell Red Heart Cat Food .... Hudson 8.00 9.3 2.00 3.1 1.50 1.1 11.50 12.2 2.00 3.8 1.00 0.7 Rex Dog Food DIv. of Laddie Boy Dog Foods Glendale, N. Y. + Rex Dog Food Rochester Rival Packing Co. Chicago 32, III. Rival Cat Food Portsmouth 8.00 8.7 2.00 4.9 1.50 0.9 12.00 12.5 2.00 2.0 1.50 1.1 Rudhard Products, Inc. 248 Michigan Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. + Rudhard Baked Fish Balls Rochester + Rudhard Baked Meat Balls Rochester 27.00 33.4 3.00 6.6 3.00 1.1 27.00 28.9 3.00 6.9 3.00 1.2 Standard Brands, Inc. N. Y., N. Y. Walter Kendall Hunt Club Dog Meal Enfield 23.00 24.3 5.00 5.2 4.00 3.0 Swift & Co. Chicago, 111. Pard's Swift Dog Food Franklin 10.50 9.50 2.50 4.7 1.00 0.4 Thrivo Co., Inc. Phlla., Pa. Scamp Dog Food Boscawen Timerson Canning Co. Fair Haven, N. Y. Flip Dog & Cat Food Portsmouth Timco Cat Food Poi'tsmouth Timco Dog & Cat Food Portsmouth Timco Horsemeat Dog Food Barnstead Timco 100% Horesmeat Dog Food Portsmouth 8.00 8.9 1.50 2.0 1.50 8.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 9.8 14.2 11.8 17.3 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.0 6.1 5.4 11.3 1.50 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.9 1.4 1.0 1.0 0.1 18.00 17.6 2.50 16.1 0.50 0.1 Usen Canning Co. Boston, Mass. Cop-E-Cat Cat Food Franklin Tabby All Fish Cat Food Penacook Vets Div. Perk Dog Food Co. Chicago, 111. Vets Dog Food Franklin 16.00 16.00 * Protein and fat not less than, crude fiber not more than. + Not registered when sampled. 15.7 16.1 0.30 0.30 0.9 0.9 0.30 0.30 0.1 0.1 10.00 10.2 2.00 1.8 1.50 1.5 38 The following products were unregistered by the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture at the time they were found exposed for sale, but samples were not drawn. (List supplied by the Feed Control Supei'visor.) AGRI-TECH, INC. Spec Meal Alfalfa ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND CO. 34% Protein Fat Fortified Linseed Oil Meal BEACON MILLING CO. Beacon Duck Fitting A. B. CAPLE CO. 17% Capex Dehy. Alfalfa Meal CHARLES M. COX CO. Wirthmore Dog Biscuit Kibbled DEEP RUN PACKING CO. Big Bet Dog Food Cat'n the Fiddle Cat Food Smitty's Best Dog Food DELAWARE MILLS, INC. Delaware H-E Broiler KANSAS CITY 5, MO. 17-1.5-27 MINNESOTA 2, MINN. 34-3.5-10 CAYUGA, NEW YORK 23-3.5-6 TOLEDO, OHIO 17-2-27 BOSTON, MASS. 22-2-3 DUBLIN, PENNA. 15-3-1.5 10-2-1 14-5-1.5 DEPOSIT, NEW YORK 22-4-4 ELM CITY GRAIN CO. Mai'kitop Dry & Freshening Ration ELMORE MILLING CO. Emco Scratch Feed KEENE, N. H. 12-3-8 ONEONTA, NEW YORK 9-2.5-7 FARM BUREAU CO-OP ASS'N, INC. Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal FOODLAND, INC. Mrs. Lane's Dog and Cat Food COLUMBUS, OHIO 17-1.5-27 CLEVELAND, OHIO 14-2-.7 FOOD PRODUCTS CO. OF AMERICA Dog House Dog Meal CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 25-4-4 HARPER FEED MILLS, INC. Harco Hi Energy Broiler Pellets Harco Top Profit Scratch Feed Harco Short Feed Station Fattening Pellets WASHINGTON, PENNA. 20-3-4.5 9-2-5 15-3-5 LADDIEBOY DOG FOODS, INC. Laddie Boy Dog Food All Chicken GLENDALE, L. I., N. Y. 10-3-1.5 MARNAT PACKING CO. Bit Time Horse Meat Dog Food BENNETTSVILLE, S. C. 15-6-1 S. E. MIGHTON CO. 100% Brand Dog Food BEDFORD, OHIO 15-4-.5 NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. Pal Dog Biscuit NEW YORK, N. Y. 20-3.5-2.5 NEW ENGLAND STORES SERVICE CORP. Jumbo Dog Food WORCESTER, MASS. 9-1-1.5 39 T. PASSARINI CO. Golden Twins Fish & Liver Cat Food PHILLIPS PACKING CO., VIMPEP FOODS DIV. Vimpep Dog Food Nice Kitty Cat Food PIERCE GRAIN CORP. Superior Fitting Ration S. S. PIERCE CO. Dogs Demand, A Complete Meal Dog Food QUAKER OATS CO. Peterborough Oat Mill By-Product G. ROULEAU, LTD. Canadian Barley Feed SPRATT'S PATENT (AM), LTD. Spratt's Assorted Dog Biscuits STANDARD BRANDS, INC. Hunt Club BurgerBits Dog Food F. W. STOCK & SONS Stock's Middlings SUNSHINE BISCUITS, INC. Austin's Kibbled Baked Dog Food T. H. TAYLOR CO., LTD. Wheat Bran ULTRA LIFE LABS., INC. Ultra Life 3-Nitro-4-Hydroxy. in New Broiler Gro Ultra Life High Energy Poultry UNITY GRIST MILL Trim — A Complete Ration (Medicated) VITALITY MILLS, INC. Vitality Medium Kibbled Biscuit H. K. WEBSTER CO. Blue Seal Provender NEWTON HEIGHTS, MASS. 15-.2-1.5 CAMBRIDGE, MD. 10-2-1 10-2-1 BUFFALO, N. Y. 14-3.5-9 BOSTON, MASS. 10-2-1 PETERBOROUGH, ONT., CANADA 2.5-1-32 MONTREAL, QUE., CAN. 9.5-2-14 NEWARK, N. J. 21-3-1.75 NEW YORK, N. Y. 25-5-4 HILLSDALE, MICH. 13.5-4-9.5 NEW YORK, N. Y. 22-2.5-4.5 CHATHAM, CANADA 13.5-3-11.5 EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. 22.5-4-7 19.5-5-5.5 MANCHESTER, N. H. 15.5-3-6 CHICAGO, ILL. 24-3-3 LAWRENCE, MASS. 9.5-3.5-7 WILSON & CO. Ideal Dog Food Kibbled Type CHICAGO, ILL. 22.3-2.5-3.61 40 1 630. 72 ' N532 no. 426-450 DATE DUE 1 HOV 4 -^4 MIYIS^ S.. :A ^^r.23'Sg [ F32b h- '-ii