UnwerslijJ 0/ 0 a y STATION BULLETIN 504 June, 1975 Chloride in Natural Waters of New Hampshire by Francis R. Hall NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE University of New Hampshire PREFACE This publication is a result of the research program of the Institute of Natural and Environmental Resources. The Institute is a multi-disciplinary group of scientists involved in a coordinated program of research, teaching, and extension. The research effort encompasses investigations of: problems affecting the quality of the environment, economics of agriculture, forest and wildlife resources, the efficient use and conservation of water and soil, and regional and community planning and development. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank the many students and faculty members at the University of New Hampshire and the staff members from the various state and federal agencies who helped make this publication possible. Particular thanks go to the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission for co- operation in assembling much of the basic data. The work reported herein has been accomplished as part of the research mission of the Institute of Natural and Environmental Resources at the University of New Hampshire. The research project has been supported by the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station and by the United States Department of the Interior as authorized under the Water Resources Act of 1964, Public Law 88-379, through the New Hampshire Water Resource Research Center. Programs of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Statiofi are open to all persons without regard to race, color, national origin or sex. The University of New Hampshire is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. SOURCE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CHLORIDE IN NATURAL WATERS: NEW HAMPSHIRE AS A CASE HISTORY by Francis R. Hall INTRODUCTION Chloride is a very mobile but chemically inactive constituent in natural waters. 2 For this reason, chloride is useful as a tracer and as an indicator of potential problems although it is not harmful to humans except at fairly high concentrations. The commonly accepted drinking water standard of 250 milligrams per liter (mg/£) is basically a taste threshold, people can drink up to 1000 mg/£ with little difficulty. However, other elements such as sodium and heavy metals which may accompany chloride can be harmful at fairly low concentrations. Also, chloride can contribute to corrosion and vegetational kills. Particular advantages for the study of chloride are: 1. Data for many years are likely to be available in the files of various agencies; 2. Little change in analytical techniques, so data from different times should be comparable; 3. Natural sources can generally be identified. Chloride in the dissolved or ionized form is of major concern herein; however, the following conversion factors for the two major salt compounds referred to in the text may be of interest: sodium chloride (weight or concentration) x (0.607) = chloride (weight or concentration) calcium chloride (weight or concentration) x (0.639) = chloride (weight or concentration) The concentration unit used in this report is the milligram per liter (mg/£,) except for solid salt where the part per million (ppm) is used. All weights are given in terms of the short ton which is equal to 2,000 pounds. The material on which the present paper is based has come mainly from a research project entitled "Preliminary Investigation of Water Quality of New Hampshire with Emphasis on Chloride and Selected Minor Constituents". The intent herein, however, is to consider the source and significance of chloride in natural waters in a broader sense and to treat New Hampshire as a case history. The general method of approach is to consider regional aspects and to avoid individual or local problems. ■'^ Professor of Hydrology, Institute of Natural and Environmental Resources, University of New Hampshire 03824 2j. D. HEM, STUDY AND INTERPRETATION OF THE CHEMICAL CHARACTER- ISTICS OF NATURAL WATERS 170-175 (U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1473, 2nd ed. 1970) (hereinafter cited as HEM). SOURCES OF CHLORIDE In order to utilize and interpret chloride data in any meaningful way, it is first necessary to establish what the normal values of chloride concentrations are naturally. These values provide a baseline for evaluating changes which may be attributed to human activity. The second thing that is needed then is to identify the activities and assess the incremental values arising from them. NATURAL SOURCES Potential natural sources include atmospheric precipitation, dry fallout, rock weathering, and saline water. Only the first two are of much importance to New Hampshire or to most of the northeastern United States; however, the others can be of considerable importance elsewhere. Atmospheric Precipitation and Dry Fallout The^ quantitative importance of chloride from atmospheric precipitation and dry fallout varies with climate and distance from the ocean. For example, considerable chloride in surface waters comes from the ocean in the southeastern and northeastern parts of the United States2a, 3 whereas only a small amount does in the southwestern U.S.'* With the ocean as a major source, lines of equal chloride concentration (isochlors) can be expected to approximately parallel and decrease inland from the ocean. This type of trend is shown in Figure 1 where concentrations are about 10 mg/£ near the ocean and drop to less than one inland. A comparable picture for Massachusetts is given in Motts and Saines^ and for all of New England and New York in Jackson.6 A difficult question to answer is the amount of chloride which is dissolved in atmospheric precipitation and the amount which occurs as dry fallout during precipitation-free periods or is washed out of the atmosphere during precipita- tion. Even if chloride in rain and snow is mainly recycled sea salt this need not be -the case for dry fallout which can include material extracted from dust 2aA. W. GAMBELL & D. W. FISHER, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF RAINFALL, EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA AND SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA K9 (U.S. Geo- logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 15 35-K, 1966). ^F. J. PEARSON, JR. & D. W. FISHER, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ATMOS- PHERIC PRECIPITATION IN THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES P5-P8 (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1535-P, 1971). "•"HEM 171. ^W. S. MOTTS & M. SAINES, THE OCCURRENCE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF GROUND-WATER CONTAMINATION IN MASSACHUSETTS FIGURE 2 (University of Massachusetts, Water Resources Research Center 7, 1969). ^D. D. JACKSON, THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION OF CHLORINE IN THE NATURAL WATERS OF NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND PLATE 10 (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 144, 1905). (hereinafter cited as JACKSON). picked up by the wind. Juang and Johnson^ present data showing that part of the chloride leaving a small watershed in northern New England likely comes from dr>' fallout. Based on Figure 1, Jackson^, Juang^ and Pearson and Fisher, 10 the author believes 0.5 mg/£, is a reasonable estimate for average chloride reaching land surface in New Hampshire. Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks Few rocks with the exception of evaporites are likely to contain much chloride within theirstructures. ^ Evaporite deposits are derived by evaporation of sea and lake water usually in closed basins. Marine evaporites in particular are likely to be extensive and high in chloride. Therefore, water associated with these rocks will also be high. For example, the Pecos River receives a considerable increment of chloride from evaporites in southeastern New Mexico. 12 A consideration of regional geology should show whether evaporites are likely to be present in any particular area. For example, they are not present in New England. Concentrations in sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks range from 15 mg/£ for sandstone up to 300 or more for shale. 13 Rock dissolution or weathering will produce only very small concentrations in surface or ground water although over time the accumulation may be large. Metamorphic rock weathering is only a minor source in one small watershed in New Hampshire. 14 Chloride entrapped in sedimentary rocks leaving or entering after deposition can be a significant item, and this will be discussed in the section on saline water. Saline Water Saline water may either be entrapped in sedimentary rocks during deposition or may enter later. The former is probably most common in sandstone and shale whereas the latter may occur in almost any rock near saline water. Two good examples are brines found associated with petroleum deposits and sea-water propagated inland by tides. The question of presence of brines is best answered Juang & Johnson, Cycling of Chlorine through a Forested Watershed in New England, 72 J. Geophysical Research 5641-5647 (1967). (hereinafter cited as Juang). ^JACKSON. 9 Juang. ^°F. J. PEARSON, JR. & D. W. FISHER, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ATMOS- PHERIC PRECIPITATION IN THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 15 35-P, 1971). Johns & Huang, Distribution of chlorine in terrestrial rocks, 31 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 35-49 (1967). l^HEM 174. l^Id. 171. Juang. V Figure 1 / Chloride distribution in New Hampshire, 1918-1924 /'' '*' (•6.9 I 0.6 • Ground water ^0.4 J i>7 1.0 05 07 0 7 0^ ' • • I as Q8 • 05 • 0.5 045 5.9 1.0 0.5 .0.7 06 0.6 / '•7 /07 0.5 .1 1.6. ,"1.0 [?' ^Ojt'" 'I'l's 1.2 1.1 / • • • 1.6 1.0 -2.4 10-- 1.1 ,45 08 095 10 1.0 \2 •1.2 U 2.0./ 1.6 0.9 40 I tl 10 -t ^ / 0.8°*^ / i > i 1.6 0.« 08 1.1 1.5 1.0 4.0 1.2 [2 0.85 * t • •15 1.2 i'/ 2 5'" 0.9V_10 1.3 4.0 10 2.8» \ 1.1 2.3 1.5 I 2.7 1.9 J.8' 3.8i.3-2, r''7X)'> 1.9 27/60 ,6J^ ' 0.9 10 ^^•' 6.5 3.0 \ ' ; 2.2 1° ; \ ?.i ' ■ ^^^^ / ) -^ 4*/' *' ' \] 48' '' /ifl \ /2 ^ — ^5.0*5 'U -"jV ^^ ?*^.a^°-y /:^i.2 ,'2.3 J^'Xsi/ u.^.^^r ^r^r ' -,. ^-|8,''.19 .u / \V\ '' ^ '^ V-i*' 2.5 , - - _ - ro "1 2~ ~ - -* ' / / 'c\ sjy-/ ■U • 3 ♦2 •4 ♦4 /*2 • 1 Loconia^g /12 • 150 14«- '0 •13 •l6 \ ♦l 24, ' I f7 ♦2 ♦3 .3 lV. 11». 12^ V 1 ' 'Tl'^ \ ' "•^•15 / \ ^^ jA \\ ! ^5 •! V 22«i Z 4» . \ ^ 22 I I ' /'' perry I ' Portsmouth \ ,l\^^Hampton 19*.P0 -J / 12 Table 3. Chloride Balance for New Hampshire, 1970 Inflow Atmospheric Precipitation and Dry Falloutl^ Human Activity?.^ Highway Deicing Saltl^ Town Road Deicing Saltl/ Chloride, Tons 14,500 7,400 9 1 ,000 20,000 132,900 Outflow Surface and Groundwater^./ 135,900 Change in Storage^/ 3,000 1. 0.5 mg/£,chloride in 43 inches of precipitation on 9,300 square miles. 2. 20 pounds per capita for 7 38,000 people. 3. 150,000 tons sodium chloride. Approximate average for period leading into 1970. 4. Estimate based on assumed 3 3,000 tons sodium chloride. 5. Calculated from area weighted mean of 8.7 mg/£^ from Table 2 in 23 inches of runoff from 9,300 square miles. 6. There more likely is an increase in storage, but this factor is not easy to evaluate because of uncertainties in the balance. 13 unusually high values in the early part of the record and unusually high or low values later on cannot be explained with any confidence. Particular points of interest in Figures 3 through 9 can be summarized as follows: 1. There is slight evidence at best for increasing chloride between 1918 and 1945. 2. After 1945 chloride increases in all of the supplies. This essentially coincides with the beginning of increased road deicing salt applications. 3. Only one place (Figure 5) has chloride in a well approaching or beyond the accepted standard of 250 mg/£. Nevertheless overall increases range from about two-fold (Figure 6) to about eighty-fold (Figure 3). 4. Some of the supplies such as Laconia (Figure 7) appear to be starting to level off by 1970. This would suggest that input and output has essentially reached steady state at a new and higher chloride level. 5. None of the supplies appear to show any decline. However, such declines may occur as road deicing salt applications have been decreased since 1972. 6. The 1920 and earlier average chloride concentration for Lake Winni- pesaukee is 1.2 mg/£ and the 1970 figure is 9 mg/^. The difference between these may not seem impressive but it does represent an addition of some 28,000 tons of chloride to storage. 14 o o o O • • •• • •• • • • • o — |t^ IT) I l_ I I I L J I L I I I L J I L O to in O in en in o >^ a> in CO o >- o _ CO in CM O CM in O O CO O O Chloride (mg/l) ^ « Figure 3 Chloride for 1918-1970 at Colebrook Groundwater Supply 15 • • • • • • • •• • ••• • •• (M • • • • • o • •• ID — CD o • • IT) • • -*£? • o • -in o Q • ••• • «• • • •• O Of M • • — >^ lO CO o CO m CM o • • -Csl III'' I I I I I'll' I I I I I \^ o o ^91 ^ Chloride (mg/l) Figure 4 Chloride for 1918-1970 at Derry Groundwater Supply • • • • a • • • • • •••■■ • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • o in CO O CD • •• • o Q lO in o in <7> in sr o in CO o CO in CN o CSI O I L III! J L I I I L J L in O O CO O O Chloride (mg/l) — (y> Figure 5 Chloride for 1918-1970 at Dover Groundwater Supply 17 •• •• • —mm • m m • • • • • •• • ••• • • o m in o IT) E o •• • in O o a> >- • • • • in CO O CO in CNI O CN I I I I J I L 1 ' ' ' I J L iJl£? O O Chloride (mg/l) 18 <— O^ Figure 6 Chloride for 1918-1970 at Hampton Groundwater Supply •• • •••• • • • • o If) o CO in in o in in o o o o o • • • • • I I I I J L JJe in CO O CO in CM o CM O Chloride (mg/l) <— o> Figure 7 Chloride for 1918-1970 at Laconia Surface Water Supply 19 • •• o ID • • • • o • • • •• •• • • • o E o Q. o • •• • • • •• • * . * * • • • • • • •• • • • i» -"^ IT) • • •• o m o >- o> • • in CO O CO o CM 1 I I t I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 — liQ o o ^2 Chloride (mg/l) Figure 8 20 Chloride for 1918-1970 at Portsmouth Groundwater Supply o • • • • — |C^ ••• • •••• «••• •••• • • «M» •• ••••••••• • • m m •«•• •• • ••••••• • mmm — • • • • • • • • • • • • • •« • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • ,^-t O • • ••• c: • • • • • o • •• ••• • tZ. • m • • ■° • •» • ••• O ••••• ••••• a> • •••• • • • • • ^-f^ • • •• •• • • • o • ^3 O .— O- • <1> w IE U- • • 2> ••• IT) CD O CO in in C3> o in <3> in St ay • • • m m • • >- <^ in CO o CO in _Csl O CM 1 I ' I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 1 1 — 1^ Chloride (mg/l-1934) Figure 9 Chloride for 1918-1970 at Whitefield Groundwater Supply 21 O O WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? A general picture has been presented as to how chloride in New Hampshire has increased from more or less natural concentrations to present levels. On a statewide basis, the increase in discharge has been about seven fold, and the increase in storage has been at least two fold. The importance of road deicing salt is obvious. However, nothing in the general picture seems to indicate any severe problems with chloride. Nevertheless, as suggested by Figures 3 through 9, problems have arisen and can be expected to continue. Therefore, the general picture needs to be modified by taking a closer look at certain aspects. One important feature is that the chloride increase has come mainly in the more urbanized areas and along highways, whereas mountainous areas above highways have been little effected. Attention should be centered on more localized areas and to the indirect effects as alluded to in the introduction. These are discussed briefly by major topic rather than in a detailed fashion. Emphasis is placed on material not adequately covered in the literature. VEGETATION AND SOILS The effect of road deicing salt on vegetation and soils was seen fairly early in New England^*^'^^ and elsewhere. ^8 Vegetation with low salt tolerance such as various species of maples, elms, and grasses are killed or seriously impaired within about 30 feet of salted highways. Sodium is the major source of trouble although chloride may be at higher concentrations. The killing or damaging of vegetation not only has aesthetic implications, but practical ones as well because vegetation serves to control erosion and shrubbery and trees muffle traffic sounds. Sodium affects soils by causing an alteration to a less desirable structure. The sodium from road deicing salt or othe.- source of chloride, replaces or exchanges for calcium and magnesium, thereby impairing fertility and permeability.^^ An interesting side effect is that ground and surface waters may show more increase in calcium and magnesium than in sodium. Chloride is not likely to replace other anions in soils, but it may become delayed in transit due to the depletion of soil moisture above the water table.'^^ This chloride will be flushed downward when adequate soil water moves through the soil. '"Lacasse & Rich, Maple Decline in New Hampshire, 54 Phytopathology 1071-1075 (1964). Hutchinson, Environmental Pollution from Highway Deicing Compounds, 25 J. Soil and Water Conservation 144-146 (1970). ^^STRUZESKI 85-96. 39 Id, 86 Toler & Pollack, Retention of chloride in the unsaturated zone, 2 J. Research U.S. Geological Survey 119-123 (1974). 22 NATURAL WATERS Data already given in the tables, Figure 7, and the text show how chloride buildup occurs in large rivers and one large lake. A potential problem is that small streams and ponds or partially closed bays, may reach much higher chloride levels which can impair biologic activity or even prevent an annual overturn.'^^ Figures 3 through 6 and 8 through 9 shpw buildup in various groundwater reservoirs or aquifers, but little can be added because of the absence of information about physical properties, volume, and residence times. Some useful insights can be obtained, however, by consideration of what might be expected as shown by a mathematical model for dispersion from a highway. Computer simulations of a modified form of a model developed at Colorado State University'*^ have been performed at the University of New Hampshire for thin, narrow acquifers overlying bedrock. The results show that chloride will buildup and fluctuate seasonally close to a highway. This has been observed from measurements in many wells and concentrations may reach 1000 mg/£. chloride or more. Away from the highway, however, the model indicates that lower but more or less steady state values will prevail once chloride outflow to a nearby water body equals inflow from the highway. This ha§ not been commonly observed because most monitoring programs emphasize wells close to highways. This steady state situation should occur after a few years of appHcation of salt, and the chloride should flush out a few years after cessation of salting. The implication is that in small, thin aquifers intersected by streams such as are commonly found in much of New England, buildup of chloride may not be a serious problem except close to highways. Chloride from septic tanks may act in much the same way but for the special case of a point source. This optimistic view must be tempered somewhat, however, by the fact that ecologic problems from increased chloride may develop in ponds, streams, and wetlands draining the aquifers. This aspect does not seem to have received much attention. If the same computer model is applied to larger aquifers such as for the supplies shown in Figures 3 through 6 and 8 through 9, then the same general pattern develops except buildup away from the highway will likely be greater. Also, the aquifer will flush much more slowly because of volume and if salting ceases the impact of chloride is more serious than in the thinner aquifers. CORROSION The corrosion associated with road deicing salt of automobile bodies, concrete pavement and structures, metal manhole covers and so on, is discussed well in the literature'*^ -44 but the potential toxicity of the corrosion products '^^ PROCEEDINGS, STREET SALTING - URBAN WATER QUALITY WORKSHOP AT STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY 74-79 (R. H. Hawkins ed, 1971) '^^D. L. REDDELL & D. K. SUNADA, NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF DISPERSION IN GROUNDWATER AQUIFERS (Colorado State University Hydrology Papers 41, 1970). "^^ FIELD 34. ''"'^STRUZESKI 77-80. 23 has not been as thoroughly covered. A few years ago, the author suggested that some heavy metals such as hexavalent chromium, which is toxic to humans, might be released by corrosion of car bodies and move into surface and groundwaters. Little progress has been made in evaluating the validity of this idea, but preliminary field studies indicate that corrosion of home water systems is potentially a serious problem. Although corrosion occurs mainly by oxidation, the process is enhanced in the presence of solutions containing chloride. 45 A typical home-water system involves pumping from a stone or concrete Hned dug well or drilled well with steel casing, through a plastic or iron pipe, to a dwelling where flow is into copper tubing through an iron pressure tank, back into copper tubing. Iron and copper and impurities may be released, and, in addition, zinc and cadmium may be released if galvanized piping is involved. In a state such as New Hampshire where groundwater tends to be in the pH 5.5-7.5 range, the end result can be considerable corrosion of copper as well as other metals, thereby causing deterioration of the water system and posing a health hazard. Added chloride can only make the problem worse. A sampling for chemical analysis including iron, zinc, copper, lead, and hexavalent chromium of a pond, a stream, and 18 wells along U.S. 4, from Great Bay four miles east of Durham, to Northwood Ridge 15 miles west of Durham, was undertaken in the summer of 1972. The results must be treated carefully because of the small number of samples, lack of knowledge about the water systems, and problem of determining in some cases, whether chloride was from road deicing salt or a septic tank. Also, with the exception of iron, which is more unsightly than a health hazard, all values are lower than accepted standards. Nevertheless, one domestic well close to the highway had water with 174 mg/£^ of chloride, a pH of 6.0, and 0.395 mg/^ hexavalent chromium which is uncomfortably high. There is a definite tendency in the samples for high chloride to be associated with lowpH and fairly high zinc and copper. Lead levels are low and appear to represent natural background. Iron ranges from 0.09 mg/£ to 19 mg/£, but relationships to chloride are not obvious. An interesting point is that during the study, many people complained about corrosion of their own water system or remarked on similar problems of others. Clearly, additional work needs to be done to assess what is happening and to pose corrective measures for both economic and health reasons. ELEMENTS ACCOMPANYING CHLORIDE Apart from the chloride itself, the accompanying constituents may produce problems. Considerable emphasis has recently been placed on sodium which is the other major component of most road deicing salt.*^" Several aspects have already been discussed in the section on vegetation and soils. Also, there has been considerable controversy over whether or not hard (high in calcium and magnesium) or soft (high in sodium and low in calcium and magnesium) drinking waters have implications for health. A hard water can have considerable sodium 45 Id. '^^TERRY 38^1. 24 (seawater for example), whereas soft water cannot have much calcium or magnesium; so these terms should be used correctly and cautiously. The matter of hard water versus soft water is left to others, but Terry'^'^has reviewed and summarized known health hazards from sodium ingestion for cardio-vascular, kidney, and liver ailments with emphasis on essential hyper- tension which requires severe limitations of sodium. Problems also arise with some complications in pregnancy and with some metabolic disorders. For healthy people, 270 mg/£ sodium is a reasonable upper limit in drinking water, whereas, 20 mg/Ji is the upper limit for those suffering form hypertension.'*^ Certainly then, there is cause for concern with any buildup in chloride even if some sodium is exchanged for calcium and magnesium. Salt for table use, deicing, water softeners, and so on, is usually nearly pure sodium chloride whether from evaporated or rock salt. Nevertheless, minor constituents may pose problems. For example, a Chilean rock salt analyzed by the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission contained 64 parts per million (ppm) zinc and six ppm orthophosphate. Fresh-water fish have a low tolerance for zinc, and phosphate can contribute to eutrophication of ponds and lakes. Another aspect of some concern has been possible effects of deicing additives (anti-caking) such as ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian blue) and sodium ferrocyanide and corrosion inhibitors such as certain chromates (apparently no longer used) and sodium hexametaphosphate.'*^ The ferrocyanides, particularly in the sodium form, are somewhat soluble in water, and cyanide is harmful even in low concentrations to some aquatic life. Hexavalent chromium is toxic to humans, and trivalent chromium is toxic to some vegetation. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUTURE Rather than the traditional summary and conclusions, I prefer to close on a more personal note. Clearly, mankind is going to continue using salts containing chloride for a variety of purposes. Very likely, use of road deicing salt will continue, but recent events suggest a trend toward much closer control of quantity and better methods of application. Perhaps substitutes will be found. The hard water versus soft water controversy wiU continue, and maybe it will turn out to hinge on some as yet undetected trace element. Pollution problems wiU not go away, and there will always be combined indifference and hand wringing. We do live on a large but finite planet which is not likely to possess infinite capacity to absorb at rapid rates the wastes and by-products resulting from man's activities. It is essential that apparently harmless constituents such as chloride be given consideration at the same time as more harmful substances. In closing, I would point to the reaction against nonbiodegradable detergents which caused water from wells to foam. In response, producers developed a biodegradable detergent that does not cause foaming; however, its products may still be there. We just do not see them any longer. Chloride should be viewed in the same light. It has something to tell us. 47 id. '^TERRY 41-43. "^^STRUZESKI 65-70. 25 WG 1 3 2004 BioSci ■630.70 ■■no.5Ql-516" ■, \ I