Kimm- 'Tt Oni Pi!; rra z^ rrt STATISTICS, MEDICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL, PROYOST-MARSHAL-GENERAL^S BUREAU, DERIVED FROM RECORDS OF THE EXAMINATION FOR MILITARY SERVICE IN THE ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE LATE WAR OF THE REBELLION, OVER A. ]Nd:iLI.ION RECKUITS, DRAFTED MEN, SUBSTITUTES, AND ENROLLED MEN. COMPILED UNDER DIRECTION OV / VUnW^HTY^ THE SECRETARY OF \WAE ^^y 'V \ iV. ,*. ^ V Ojt ■ \ \{ ^^-^ ^ J. H. BAXTER, A. M., M->,^\-'> ^ t^J^j;;,.^-^ COLONEr. AND CHIEF MEDICAL PURVEYOR UNITED STATES ARStT, LATE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICF.K OF THE PROVOST- MARSHAL-GENERAL'S BUREAU. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II WASHINGTON: (iOVERNMENT PRINTINC. OFFICE. 18 7 5. TABLE OF COIS^TEIS^TS VOLUME II. ",' A copious general index will be found at the end of vol. I. Page. Explanation of the tables v TABLE No. 1. Stature : Its relation to girth of cbest ; to expansion of chest; to the geographical divisions of States and congressional districts; and, in addition, the relation of expansion of chest to girth of chest, and of both to locality. — American-horn white men 2 TABLE No. 2. The same. — American-horn colored men 84 TABLE No. 3. The same. — Natives and foreigners 166 TABLE No. 4. Complexion — Age : The relation of each to stature ; to girth of chest ; to expansion of chest; and, in addition, the relations of the last three qualities to each other. — American- horn white men 200 TABLE No. 5. Age: Its relation to stature; to girth of chest; to expansion of chest; and, in addition, the relations of the last three qualities to each other. — American-born colored men 218 TABLE No. 6. Complexion — Age: The relation of each to stature; to girth of chest ; to expansion of chest ; and, in addition, the relations of the last three qualities to each other. — Brilinh Americans 228 TABLE No. 7. The same. — Englishmen 240 TABLE No. 8. The same. — Irishmen 2C4 415381 IV TAKLE OF CONTENTS. TABLE No. 9. The SAME.— Gerwifljis 282 TABLE Ko. 10. Complexion — Age — "Weight: The relation of cacli to stature; to girth of chest ; toex])an- .' ^ i • i From the fourth district 18v ^ ' From the fifth district . . 12 ) 72 VIH KXl'LANATION OF TABLES. Tlie miruber of men exhibiting each successive degi-ee of gii-th of chest is seen to bo — Under 29 inches 16" 29 inches, and inider 31 inches. . 24i 31 inches, and under 33 inches. . 181 Am • j n-i • ^ • i • i-x u± 1JH.UV.O, .liiu ^ V ^Y[ being under CI niches ni height. 33 inches, and under 35 inches. . 9 35 inches, and und( 37 inches, and over 35 inches, and under 37 inches. . 3% 2) 72 If the first group of the above be examined, the following particulars of expan- sion of chest are seen to be recorded : 1 inch, or less 1 ^ Over 2 inches 14 > "^^^ being under 61 inches in height and Over 3 inches 1 ) i^mder 29 inches in gu-th of chest. 16 If, again, one group of these, the second for example, be examined, the division according to locality becomes evident : From the first district 6 ^ ^11 being over 2 inches in expansion; From the thu-d district 1 1 ^^^j^^. 39 in inches girth; under 61 From the fourth district .... 4 ( j^^i^^g jj^ j^^^igl^t From the fifth district 3 ) 14 In a similar manner, the relation to locality of the men under 29 inches in girth, irrespective of expansion, may be discovered. From the same group numbering 16 there will be — From the fii'st district 6^ From the third district 1 f All being under 29 niches in girth; From the fourth district 5 ( under 61 inches in height. From the fifth district 4 * 16 Details precisely like these are to be found in each of the five remaining columns of girth of chest. The ratios across both pages indicate the relation to the whole number of men examined hi the State of Maine, viz, 12,363. Upon turning to pages 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, and 72, the continuous record of the State of Maine will be observed under the advancing degrees of stature. The form of tabulation and the mode of exti-acting the conclusions are, of course, identical with the case just given in illustration. EXPLANATION OF TABLES. IX On the extreme right of the second page of the last series, viz, on page 7;'), will be found an additional column, which is headed "Grand aggregate." The figures in this column show that the entire number of men (of all dimensions) from the State of Maine was 12,363, and their relation to locality was as follows: From the first district 2, 424 From the second district 1, 644 From the third district 1, 108 From the fourth district 4, 374 From the fifth district 2, 813 Total number of men from Maine 12, 363 The relation of this total to the whole number of the entire table, viz, 315,620, is expressed underneath by the ratio of 39.171. This completes the information furnished by this table concerning the State of Maine ; the same construction obtains in the case of other States. On pages 10 and 11, where the particulars illustrating the first degi"ee of stature terminate, will be seen the line entitled "Grand total for United States." From this line it appears that 1,674 men (irrespective of dimensions of chest, of districts, or of States) were under 61 inches in height. Separately, these men present the following details as to girth of chest: Under 29 inches* 456"' 29 inches, and under 31 inches- . 535/ 31 inches, and under 33 inches. . 347( AH being under 61 inches in 33 inches, and under 35 inches . . 219( height. 35 inches, and under 37 inches . . 93' 37 inches, and over -24/ 1,674 If the first total of the foregoing be examined as to the details of expansion of chest, the following is seen to be the residt : 1 inch, or less 25 j Over 1 inch 50 f All being under 29 inches in girth, and Over 2 inches 263 f under 61 inches in height. Over 3 inches lis) 456 The like details are set forth in each of the five remaining columns. The ratios set under this line of "Grand totals for United States" indicate the relations to the wh(»le number of men of the entire table, viz, 315,620. n EXPLANATION OF TABLES. TABLE No. 2. Material. — Tlie men of wlioso iinrticulars this table is composed were colored men born in the United States. Their nnmber is 25,828, and it inclndes not only pure neg-roes, bnt nndattoes of every degree of hybridity. These men belonged to the classes of recrnits, snbstitutes, drafted men, and enrolled men ; and their number includes those rejected as avcU as those found fit for military service. The larger por- tion of them were recruits, (volimtecrs.) The purpose of this table, and its construction, are identical Avith those of Table No. 1, so that the explanations given Avith the latter apply with equal precision to this. The ratios, which relate to the whole number of men examined, refer, of course, in this table to 25,828 men instead of to 315,620, as in Table No. 1. TABLE No. 3. Material. — 501,068 men, of 24 different races or nativities, are represented in this table. These men belonged to the classes of recruits, substitutes, drafted men, and enrolled men ; and their number includes those rejected as well as those found fit for military service. PuKPOSE. — The purpose of Table No. 3 is, like that of the two preceding tables, to illustrate the relation borne to stature by girth of chest, and expansion of chest. There is necessarily no relation to locality to be developed, race or nativity taking its place. Construction. — This is precisely like that of Tables No. 1 and No. 2, and exhibits a series of eight tables which represent the eight degrees of stature. Totals. — As there are no subdivisions corresponding to the congressional districts of the States of the Union, there are, in consequence, no horizontal lines of totals, excepting one such at the end of each series, viz, at pages 168, 172, 176, 180, 184, 188, 192, and 196. This line of "totals," which corresponds to the lines marked " Grand totals for United States" in the two preceding tables, displays the total number of mentor all nativities, at each of the four degrees of expansion of chest — at each of the six degrees of girth of chest — and (on the extreme right) at the height specified at the top of the page. The vertical totals show the total number of men of each nativity, at each of the six degrees of girth of chest — and (on the extreme right) at the height which heads the page. The colunms of " Grand aggregate," which conmience at page 195, show the total number of men {oj all dimensions) of each nativity. Ratios. — The ratios set underneath totals which refer to all nativities necessarily relate to the whole number of 501,068 men. The ratios appertaining to totals oi the details of any one nativity relate to the whole number of men examined of that nativity. The explanation of the ratios in Table No. 1 applies equally to the ratios of this table. Example. — If the column headed "United States, White" lie selected as the illus- tration, it will be seen, on page 167, that there were 1,674 men of that nativity who were " under 61 inches in height." The ratio of that total to 315,620, being tliewhole EXPLANATION OF TABLES. XI number of men of the nativity, is 5.304. This total when divided according to degrees of girth of chest shows the following result : Under 29 inches 456' 29 inches, and under 31 inches. . 535i 31 inches, and under 33 inches- . 347\ .n ^ n-, • t • i • i. or. • 1 1 1 „. • , ^.^/-A^ll under 61 niches m heio'ht. 33 mches, and under 35 niches. . 219( 35 inches, and under 37 inches. . 93* 37 inches, and over 24^ 1,674 If the first of these totals be followed into its details, the following is the result as regards expansion of chest : 1 inch, or less 25^ Over 1 inch 50 f All under 61 inches in height, and Over 2 inches 263 ( under 29 inches in girth of chest. Over 3 inches 118 J 456 The value of the "totals," (and their ratios,) which close each of the eight series of degrees of stature, and of the colunnis of " Grand aggregate," have been fully set forth in the explanation of those parts in Table No. 1. TABLE No. 4. *4f.* This is the first of a series of six tables, extending from No. 4 to No. 9, identi- cal in form and purpose, but each one relating to a different race or nativity. The men represented in them were exclusively accepted men; and they were obtained from all classes, namely, from recruits, substitutes, di-afted men, and enrolled men. The expla- nation of this table, wdiich is given below, applies watii exactness to the five succeeding tables also. The section relating to Complexion is necessarily absent from Talile No. 5. Material. — This table displays the results of the examination of 190,621 men, all of them white natives of the United States. They consisted of recruits, substitutes, di'afted men, and enrolled men, who wei'e found to be fit for military service. PuKPOSE. — Two distinct sets of observations are included in this table. The first illustrates the relation borne by stature, girth of chest, and expansion of chest to the two varieties of Complexion, namely, liglit and dark. The second illusti'ates the relation borne by the same qualities to six periods of Age. No relation exists in the table between the two qualities of complexion and age. The number of men at each degree of stature and dimension of chest, as well as the total number, is the same under each, but the sections are independent of each other. XII EXPLANATION OF TABLES. Construction. — Light complexion is associated Avith light liair, and eyes of blue or gray color ; dark complexion, with dark hair, and black or hazel eyes. Age is divided into 6 periods, as follows : Under 20 years. 20 years, and under 25 years. 25 years, and under 30 years. 30 years, and under 35 years. 35 years, and under 40 years. 40 years, and over. Stature, as in the preceding tables, is divided into eight degrees, which commence, respectively, at pages 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 212, and 214. Each degree thus occupies a double page. Under each of these degrees of stature will be found : 1. The circumference of chest at expiration in six consecutive columns, denoting the six degrees of girth described. 2. Beneath each degree of girth of chest, four columns denoting the four degrees of expansion of chest. In this manner is shown, under each variety of complexion, and at each period of age, the number of men (of the height specified at the top of the page) at each degree of circumference of chest at expiration ; and at each degree of circumference of chest ft shown the number of men presenting each degree of expansion of chest. By adding the rate of expansion of chest to the giith of chest at expiration, the cir- cumference at inspiration is obtained. Totals. — 1. Complexion. — The horizontal line of totals shows the number of men of both varieties of complexion at each of the four degrees of expansion of chest — at each of the six degrees of girth of chest — and (on the exti-eme right) at the height which heads the page. The vertical lines of totals show the number of men of each variety of complexion at each of tlie six degrees of girth of chest — and (on the extreme right) at the height specified at the top of the page. The column of "Grand aggregate," on page 215, shows the total number of men, irrespective of dimensions, of each variety of complexion ; and the addition of these gives the whole number of the table, namely, 190,621 men. 2. Age. — The horizontal line of totals shows the number of men of all ages at each of the four degrees of expansion of chest — at each of the six degrees of girth of chest — and (on the extreme right) at the height specified at the top of the page. The verti- cal totals show the number of men of each period of age at each of the six degrees of girth of chest — and (on the extreme right) at the height which heads the page. The column of "Grand aggregate," on page 215, shows the total number of men, irrespec- tive of dimensions, of each period of age ; and the addition of these gives the whole number of the table, namely, 190,621 men. Ratios. — The ratios in every instance refer to the whole numljer of men of the entire table, namely, 190,621 men. ExAiiPLE. — ^On page 201, it will be seen that there were 438 men of light complex- ion who were " under 61 inches in height." The ratio of that number to the 190,621 EXPLANATION OF TABLES. XIII men of the entire table is expressed underneath as •2.298. If this group of men be sub- divided according to degrees of girth of chest, the following is seen to be the result : Under 29 inches 68" 29 inches, and under 31 inches. . 157 i 31 inches, andunder 33 inches.. lOsL^^ ^^^^^^, ^^ .^^^^^ -^ ^^^-^-^^^ 33 inches, and under 35 inches . . 72 1 35 inches, and under 37 inches. . 26' 37 inches, and over 7, 438 If the first total of the foregoing series be followed into its details, this result will be observed : 1 inch, or less 0^ Over 1 inch 5 ( ^^^ under 61 inches in height, and Over 2 inches 41 ( under 29 inches in girth of chest. Over 3 inches 22) 68 The total formed by the addition of both varieties of complexion, namely, 609, admits of the same analysis, and will furnish similar results for the whole numbers. The details as to Age are to be obtained from the lower section of the table by a precisely similar process. The entire number of men of this table furnishes the following mean results : Mean age ^ T 26.969 years. Mean heisrht >of 190,621 Americans, white. - < 67.693 inches. Mean girth of chest. . ^ ( 33.590 inches. TABLE No. 5. This table is composed of details furnished by the examination of 19,379 colored men born in the United States. Pure negroes and mulattoes of various degrees of color are included in the number, though the latter class is largely in excess. This table differs from the others of the series in the omission of the section of Complexion. The following mean results are obtained : Mean age 1 T 26.395 years. Mean height >of 19,379 Americans, colored. . < 6G.GG1 inches. Mean girth of chest . . ^ ^33.880 inches. For exiilanatmi see description of Table No. 4. • XIV KXl'LANATION OK TABLES. TAliLE No. G. Like particulars eoiiceming 14,365 natives of British America, principally from Canada, are presented in this table. They aiford the following mean results: Mean age ') T 25.248 years. Mean height >of 14,36.'3 British Americans . . -? G7.137 inches. Mean girth of chest. . > (33.590 inches. ^^For e.T2)hmat'ion see description of Table No. 4. TABLE No. 7. This table presents similar details concerning 9,649 Englishmen. The following are the mean results : Mean age ^ f 27.910 years. Mean height |^ of 9,649 EngHshmen < 66.594 inches. Bleau girth of chest. . ^ , ( 33.480 inches. "For explanation see description of Table No. 4. TABLE No. 8. The examination of 28,995 Irishmen furnishes the materials of this table. The following are the mean results obtained : Mean age ) T 28.995 years. Mean height ^of 28,995 Irishmen ) 66.755 inches. Mean girth of chest. . ^ ^33.850 inches. ^^For explanation see description of Table No. 4. TABLE No. 9. In this table are exhibited similar particulars afforded by the examination of 29,600 Germans. The following are the mean results obtained : Mean age ^ C 31.071 years. Mean height Vof 29,600 Germans } 66.530 inches. Mean girth of chest. . ) (34.010 inches. '^^For explanation see description of Table No. 4. TABLE No. 10. *4t* With this commences a second series of six tables, extending from No. 10 to No. 15, all of them alike in form and object, but each one relating to a different race or nativity. The men represented in them were exclusively -accepted men; and they were EXPLANATION OF TABLES. XV obtained from all classes — that is to say, from recruits, substitutes, clraftod men, and enrolled men. This and the five succeeding tables are in piu-pose and construction uniform -svitli the six preceding. They exhiljit, however, an additional quality — that of Weight. Tables No. 4 to No. 9 illustrate the relation of stature, girth of chest, and expansion of chest to Complexion and to Age, in six nativities. The present series exhibits the relation of the same qualities, in the same nativities, to Complexion, to Age, and to Weight. Table No. 1 1 is necessarily without the section relating to Complexion. The explanation given on a previous page of Table No. 4 applies with equal pre- cision to each of these six tables. The construction is identical, and the additional section of Weight is arranged in the same manner as the sections of Complexion and Age. Table No. 10 presents the details above described as exhibited by 6,359 white natives of the United States. The mean results obtained from the whole number are as follows : Mean age \ / 26.387 years. Mean height — / \ 67.297 inches. Mean girth of chest. . . > of 6,359 Americans, white. . < 32.491 inches. Meanexpansion of chesty / 3.242 inches. Mean weight ) \ 136.051 pounds. TABLE No. 11. This table consists of particulars yielded by the examination of 377 colored natives of the United States. This number includes both pure negroes and mulattoes, the latter being in excess. The mean results obtained from them are as follows : Mean age \ ^ 26.948 years. Mean height / \ 66.387 inches. Mean girth of chest V of 377 colored men <' 32.844 inches. Meanexpansion of chesty / 3.232 inches. Mean weight ) 1^141.671 pounds. ^ff^ For explanation see remarks upon Table No. 10. « TABLE No. 12. This table represents 589 natives of British Amenca, fi'om whom the following mean results are obtained : Mean age \ ^ 24.935 years. Mean height / \ 67.059 inches. Mean girth of chest. . . V of 589 British Americans. . . < 32.666 inches. Meanexpansion of chesty / • 3.272 inches. Mean weight ) \ 138.693 pounds. For explanation see remarks upon Table No. 10. XVI EXPLANATION OK TABLKS. TABLE No. 13. This table sets forth particulars obtained from the examination of 454 Englishmen. The mean results are as follows Mean age \ t 27.355 years. Mean height / > GG.348 inches. Mean girth of chest. . . > of 454 Englishmen. ^ 32.749 inches. Mean expansion of chest y / 3.187 inches. Mean weight J \ 135.639 pounds. For explanation see remarks upon Table No. 10. TABLE No. 14. In this table are included details concerning 1,417 Irishmen ; and the mean results are as follows : Mean age \ ^ 26.796 years. Mean height - . . / ^66.589 inches. Mean girth of chest. . . )> of 1,417 Irishmen < 33.1 19 inches. Mean expansion of chestV j 3.208 inches. Mean weight J \ 1 36.464 pounds. I^^ For explanation of this table see remarks upon Table No. 10 TABLE No. 15. This table exhibits details furnished by the examination of 1,343 Geiinans. The following are the mean results : Mean age \ " ^ 30.101 years. Mean height / \ 65.982 inches. Mean girth of chest. . .} o{ 1,343 Germans <^ 33.047 inches. Mean expansion of chest V J ,3.231 inches. Mean weight J Q 136.478 pounds. For explanation of this table see remarks upon Table No. 10. TABLE No. 16. *,t* With this table begins the series of Pathological Tables. Material.— 501,068 men of the classes of recruits, substitutes, drafted men, and enrolled men, and of various nativities, are comprised in this table. Of this number, 338,248 were accepted, being in the ratio of 675.054 in the thousand; and 162,820 were rejected, or a proportion of 324.946 in the thousand. EXPLANATION OF TABLES XVII Purpose.— To exhibit the relation borne by statnre, and circumference of chest at expu-ation, to Disease. Construction. — Table No. 1 6, Hke the preceding tables, actually consists of eight separate tables. Each of these exhibits the relation of disease (and incidentally of girth of chest) to a degree of stature. It is not to be followed across both pages. Two degi-ees of stature are to be found upon each page, and, as the list of diseases extends through five pages, it follows that the same two degrees of stature are at the to}) of five consecutive pages. The two lowest degrees of stature commence at page 409 ; the next two at page 414 ; the next two at page 419 ; and the last two at page 424. Under each degree of stature are placed : 1. A statement of the total number of men examined of that particular height. 2. Six columns denoting the six degrees of girth of chest, and two columns which contain the totals and then- ratios. In this manner is shown under each degree of stature the number of men (of that height) at each degree of circumference of chest who were rejected for the particular disease mentioned on the line therewith. Totals. — The horizontal lines of totals are three in number. The first, entitled "Total," is placed under a subdivision of a class of diseases, and indicates the number of men of each degree of circumference of chest rejected on account of diseases included in that subdivision. The second, or "Grand total," shows the like particulars for the class of diseases which is formed by the subdivisions just referred to. The third, or "Grand total for all diseases," will be seen to close the series illustrating a degree of stature, and shows the total number of men rejected on account of all dis- eases at each degree of circumference of chest, all being of the stature specified at the top of the column. A vertical column of totals is placed under each degree of stature. It is headed "Number rejected," and shows the number of men (of all dimensions of chest) rejected for each disease, all being of the height specified at the top of the page. The addition of these numbers, as indicated by the line drawn across the column, results in the total number (of the particular height) rejected under a subdivision of diseases, and corre- sponds with the addition of the horizontal line. The further addition of these sub- division-totals gives the total for the class of diseases, and in like manner corresponds with the addition of the horizontal line. On page 424, where the last degree of stature commences its series, there will be seen, on the extreme right, a column headed " Grand total rejected." This exhibits the total number of men of all dimensions of chest and of all degrees of stature who were rejected for each disease. The addition at the foot of this column indicates the total number of men rejected for all diseases, namely, 162,820. These vertical totals also correspond with the addition of the lines of horizontal totals. Ratios. — xV ratio accompanies each of the totals in the column of "Number rejected," and both are to be found under each degi'ee of stature. This ratio shows the i-elation of the number of men rejected for each disease (of all dimensions of chest) to the whole number examined who were of the particular height specified at the top of the column. The ratios which accompany the horizontal lines of "Total" show the III XV] II EXPLANATION OF TABLES. relation tho total number rejected of a suhdivwion bears to the whole niunber examined of the height speciiied at the top of the column ; and the ratios accompanying the "Grand total" show the relation which the total number of men of a class of diseases bears to the whole number examined, with the same pro\aso as to height. The ratios Avhich accompany the column of "Total rejected," on the right of each page of the series illustrating the last degree of stature, refer throughout to the aggre- gate number of men examined, namely, 501,068. Example.— If, for the sake of illustration, it be desired to ascertain the facts set forth in this table respecting phthisis pulmonalis, it will be seen, on page 409, under the column of "Number rejected," that 29 men (under 61 inches in height) were rejected on account of that disease. The ratio of this number to the whole number of men examined who were of the same height is 7.740 per 1,000. If the 29 men be traced back through the column representing girth of chest, the following is the result observed : Under 29 inches 6^ 29 inches, and under '31 inches. . 'O^ 31 inches, and under 33 inches. . h\^^^ ^^^^^^^^. gj j^^^^^ j^ ^^.^^^^ 33 inches, and under 35 niches. . 1 35 inches, and under 37 inches. . 37 inches, and over 29 In like manner, the details concerning phthisis may be followed through the next degi'ee of stature on the same page, and through the successive degrees on ])ages 414, 419, and 424. On the right of page 424 will be seen, under the heading of " Grand total rejected," the number of men of all dimensions of chest and of all degrees of stature who were rejected on account of phthisis, namely, 5,044. The ratio that num- ber bears to the whole number of men examined, namely, 501,068, is stated on the next column at 10.067 per 1,000. If the total number ho traced through all the degrees of stature, the following will be seen to be the result: Under 61 inches in height 29 61 inches, and under 63 inches 132 63 inches, and under 65 inches 428 65 inches, and under 67 inches 1, 083 67 inches, and under 6!) inches 1, 534 69 inches, and under 71 inches 1, 198 71 inches, and under 73 inches 519 73 inches, and over 121 Total number rejected 5, 044 Each of the foregoing totals which represents a degree of stature may be traced back in its six divisions denoting the degrees of girth of chest. EXPLANATION OF TABLES. XIX If the particulars of a class of diseases be soiight, the following will be the neces- sary proceeding- : On page 409, for example, it will be seen that 40 men were rejected under the class of "Diseases of the nervous system," all of whom were under 61 inches in height. If this number be followed into the columns of girth of chest, the following result is seen : Under 29 inches in girth of chest. 29 inches, and under 31 inches. . 10/ .n j ^i • ^ • i • i , ■, n- • T 1 ^ TO • 1 ^„f All under 61 mchesm height, and 31 inches, and under 66 inches. . 18v , , i ,. , „„., T n„-., .> each number a total for the 33 inches, and under 35 inches. 35 inches, and under 37 inches 37 inches, and over 0 entire class of diseases. ^) 40 If the same total be traced through the sub-division of diseases, the following is the result : Diseases of the brain and its membranes. . . 1 1 . „ . , Diseases of the nerves 1 1 j^'^fjl'^'^t'of ^^^ Functional diseases of the nervous system.. 16 f . '^ .' , „ , ^ Disorders of the intellect 22 J ^^^ S"'*^ ^^ "^"'*- 40 If one of the subdivisions of this class of diseases-^the last one, for example- be followed along the horizontal Hne, this is seen to be the result : Under 29 inches in height 3\ All under 61 inches 29 inches, and under 31 inches 7/ in height, and 31 inches, and under 33 inches lo( each number a 33 inches, and under 35 inches it total for the en- 35 inches, and under 37 inches 1 \ tii'e subdivision 37 inches, and over 0/ of diseases. Total rejected for disorders of intellect . . 22 The same subdivision followed down the page gives this result : Chronic alcoholism 5 ] Imbecility 17 1 AH under 61 inches in height, but of vaiy- Insanity 0 j ing girth of chest. Solitary vice 0 j 22 If the same class be followed to its final appearance in the table, namely, on page 424, the total number of men rejected imder it, irrespective of dimensions of chest or XX EXPLANATION OF TAULES. of stature, is seen to be 5,488. This total is also formed by the horizontal line of totals for each deg-ree of stature. The ratio of this grand total of all rejected in the class of "Diseases of the nervous system" to the whole number of men examined, namely, 501,068, is stated in the next column to be 10.953. TABLE No. 17. Material.— 501,008 men of the classes of recruits, substitutes, drafted men, and enrolled men, and of \arious nativities, are comprised in this table. Of this number, 338,248 were accepted, being in the ratio of 675.054 in the thousand; and 162,820 were rejected, or a proportion of 324.946 in the thousand. Purpose.— The purpose of this table is to show the number of men of each of the several nativities represented who were rejected for disease. Construction.— This table is not to be read across both open pages. The list of diseases, as in the foregoing table, occupies five pages, but, owing to the number of nativities, it is repeated three times, making altogether four such tables, which will be seen to commence at pages 431, 436, 441, and 445. Two columns are appropriated to each race or nativity : one contains the number of men rejected for a disease ; and the other the ratio the number bears to the whole number examined. The columns of each nativity are continued through five pages. Totals. — The horizontal lines of totals are of three kinds. The "Total" shows the number of men of each nativity rejected under a suhdivision of diseases ; the "Grand total'' shows the number of men of each nativity rejected under a chss of diseases; and the "Grand total for all diseases," which is at the foot of each list of diseases, (pages 435, 440, 445, and 450,) shows the number of men of each nativity rejected on account of all diseases. Onl}^ one vertical column of totals is to be found in this table, and that is on the extreme I'ight of each page of the last series of nativities, which commences at page 445. It shows the total number rejected, of all nativities, for each disease ; the total number for each subdivision and for each class of diseases ; and, at the foot of the col- umn, on the last page of the table, the total number rejected of all nativities for all diseases. Ratios. — The ratios throughout this table invariably refer to the whole number of men examined, as announced at the head of the column. Thus, under every nativity, the ratio shows the relation of the number of men rejected for every disease to the whole number examined of that nativity. The ratio in the column of "Grand total" in the last series of nativities refers to the whole number of men of all nativities so examined, namely, 501,068, as stated at the head of that column. Example. — If, for example, an inquiry be made into the relations of phthisis pul- monalis and nativity, it will be seen, on page 431, that the number rejected on account of that disease of the Uiitives of the United States was 3,713 ; of the natives of British America, 84; of the natives of South America, (on page 434,) 5; of Englishmen, 87; EXPLANATION OF TABLES. XXI &c. The total niimloer rejected for the disease will be seen, at page 446, to be 5,044, or 10.067 in the thousand of" the whole number examined. At the foot of page 435 it will be seen that the total number of natives of the United States rejected for all diseases was 107,791, or in the proportion of 315.576 in the thousand of the whole number examined, namely, 341,569. TABLE No. 18. Material. — Tliis table presents the results of the examination of 334,321 men of various nativities and belonging to the four classes of recruits, substitutes, drafted men, and enrolled men. Out of this body of men, the number found fit for military sei-vice was 211,705, being 633.239 in the thousand of the whole number examined. Purpose. — The pui-pose of this table is, first, to show the number of men of each variety of complexion among those rejected for disease ; and, secondly, to show the proportion among them of man-ied and unmarried. Construction. — The list of diseases extends through five pages as in the preced- ing table, but does not in this one require to be repeated. The two sections of Com- plexion and Marriage head the pages. Under Complexion are to be seen three columns, headed Dark, Light, and Total ; the whole number of men examined is announced under each heading. These columns extend through the entire list of diseases, and they show the nimaber of men of each grade of complexion, and of both together, who were rejected for each disease or class and subdivision of diseases. Marriage likewise has its three columns, which are headed Married, Single, and Total. These columns exhibit the social condition, as regards marriage, of the men rejected. No relation exists between the two subjects of Complexion and Marriage in this table. Totals. — The horizontal lines of totals are of thi-ee kinds: the "Total" shows the number of men of each variety of complexion, and of each form of social condi- tion vmder a subdivision of diseases; the "Grand total" shows similar particidars for a class of diseases ; and the "Grand total for all diseases" (at foot of page 457) shows the result for all disabilities. The veitical totals exhibit the addition of the numbers in the columns of Dark and Light, and Married and Single, respectively, thus presenting the total number of men rejected for each disease under each general heading. Eatios. — These refer in every instance to the number examined, as announced at the head of each column. Example. — On page 453 it will be seen that 1,070 men of dark complexion, and 2,654 men of light complexion, making a total of 3,724, were rejected on account of filth) sis imlmonalis. The dark-complexioned men were in the proportion of 26.387 in the thousand of the whole number of dark-complexioned men examined, which latter is seen to be 117,029. XXII EXPLANATION OF TABLES. The next section, on the same page, sho-n-s that of these 3,724 men rejected for phthisis, 2,G17 were married, and 1,107 were single. The ratio accompanying each number expresses the proportion of the phthisical man-ied men to the whole number of man-ied men examined, and the hke in the case of the single men, and of the total formed by the addition of the two. In the closing line of "Grand total for all diseases," (page 457,) the following general result ma}- be obsei-ved : Total number rejected for all diseases, darh 38, 91 6 Total number rejected for all diseases, liglit 83, 700 122, 616 Total number rejected for all diseases, married 71, 302 Total nxunber rejected for all diseases, single 51,314 122, 616 TABLE No. 19. Material. — This table presents the results of the examination of 334,321 men of various nativities, and belonging to the four classes of recruits, substitutes, drafted men, and enrolled men. Out of this body of men, the number found fit for military service was 211,705, being 633.239 in the thousand of the whole number examined. Purpose. — To show the age of the men rejected for disease. Construction. — The list of diseases, as in the last table, extends tkrough five pages. Age is divided into six periods in the following manner : Men under 20 years. Men 20 and under 25 years. Men 25 and under 30 years. Men 30 and under 35 years. Men 35 and under 40 years. Men 40 years and over. Each column denotes a period of age, and has placed at its head a statement of the total number of men examined at that age; it then extends through the entire list of diseases, and contains the number of men rejected for each disability, with the pro- portion which that number bears to the whole number examined. Totals. — As in the preceding table, the horizontal lines of totals are of three kinds: the line of "Total" shows the number of men of each period of age rejected under a subdivision of diseases; the "Grand total" gives the same information for the class of diseases ; and the "Grand total for all diseases" (at foot of page 465) shows the total number rejected at each period of age for all diseases. The vertical columns of totals exhibit the number of men of all ages rejected for each disease. Ratios. — These refer, in every instance, to the number examined, as stated at the head of each column. EXPLANATION OF TABLES. XXIII Example. — If phthisis pulnionahs be the disease selected for iUustration, the fol- io-wing result is to be seen on page 461 : Under 20 y eai's of age . 119 All rejected on account of phthisis pul- monalis. 20 and under 25 years . 614 25 and under 30 years . 735 30 and under 35 3-ears . 729 35 and under 40 years . 856 40 yeai-s, and over 671 3,724 Of the foregoing- list, those under 20 years of age were 119 in number, and the proportion they bear to the whole number of men examined who were under 20 years of age, namely, 58,952, is seen to be 2.019 in the thousand. The addition of the total number under each period of age, as shown at the foot of page 465, gives the total number of men rejected of all ages and for all diseases, namely, 122,616. It will be seen that this total number of rejected men bears to the whole number examined, namely, 334,321 men, a ratio of 366.761 hi the thousand. TABLE No. 2 0. Material. — This table presents the results of the- examination of 334,321 men of various nativities, and belonging to the four classes of recruits, substitutes, drafted men, and enrolled men. Out of this body of men the number found fit for military sei'vice was 211,705, being 633.239 in the thousand of the whole number examined. Purpose. — To show the occupation followed by these men at the time of their enhsting or being drafted, and the proportion engaged in each occupation rejected for the various forms of disease. Construction. — The list of diseases extends through five pages, and is repeated ten times, making in all eleven tables. The occupations represented are seventy-six in num- ber : seven of them form a table with the list of diseases in each of the first ten ; and six of them in the last of the series. Under each heading is announced the total number of men examined who were engaged in the occupation specified, and this is followed by two columns, one containing the number of men rejected for each disease, and the other the appropriate ratio. Totals. — The horizontal lines of totals are of three kinds: the "Total"' shows the number of men of each occupation rejected in a subdivision of diseases; the "Grand total" shows the number rejected in a class of diseases ; and the "Grand total for all diseases," which is at the foot of each series, shows the number of men of each occupation rejected on account of all diseases. Only one vertical column of totals is to be found in Table No. 20, and that is on the exti'eme right of the pages of the last series, namely, from page 519 to page 523. It shows the total number of men of all occupations rejected for each disease ; under each subdi^^sion of diseases ; under each class of diseases ; and, finally, at tlie foot of the last page (page 523) the number rejected on account of all diseases. The totals In this vertical column correspond to additions of the totals on the horizontal lines, as in all the tables. XXIV EXPLANATION OF TABLES. Ratios. — The ratios invariably refer to the wliole number examined, as announced at the head of each cohimn. Example. — The relation of a disease, phthisis pulmonalis, for example, to occu- pation is to be observed in this manner. On page 469 it will be seen that 14 Afjents were rejected on account of the disability in question. The ratio of this number of rejected men to the whole number of Agents examined, namely, 450, is stated at 31.111 in the thousand. Similar infonnation is furnished respecting the disease by the remaining six columns of the page. On turning to page 474, it will be seen that phthisis pulmonalis appears in relation to seven other occupations ; and it will be found, in hke manner, on pages 479, 484, 489, 494, 499, 504, 509, 514, and 519. On this last page will be observed, in the column on the right, the total number of men of all occupations rejected on account of phthisis, namely, 3,724. The ratio of this number to the whole number of men examined, namely, 334,321, is stated in the next colunm at 11.134 in the thousand. A class of diseases, or a subdivision of a class, is to be traced through the series of eleven tables of occupations by the same method. If it be desired to note the relation of any one occupation to various forms of disease, the following is the necessary proceeding : Let the column headed BaJicrs, commencing on page 469, be selected. It will first be seen that 1,975 of these work- men were examined in all. The column must then be followed down through five pages, and opposite each disease and each subdivision and class of diseases will be seen the number of bakers rejected, and the rate in the thousand to the whole number of bakers examined. At the foot of page 473 will be seen the number of bakers rejected for all diseases, namely, 807, which, to the 1,975 examined, is seen to be at the rate of 408.608 in the thousand. TABLES No. 21 AND No. 22. *4t* From the large number of figures required to illustrate the relation of locality to disease in the case of the drafted men, it became convenient to separate the results. One of these tables, therefore, contains only numbers, and the other only ratios. The two combined form one complete table. It will be seen that the list of diseases in this table is more circumscribed in extent than in the preceding tables. This arises from the fact that the drafted men, who alone appear in it, were subject to stringent regulations, under which fewer causes of exemption were tolerated than in the case of recruits or substitutes. Material. — Only drafted men are represented in these tables, the entire number being .501,002. Of these, 141,697 were rejected, being at the rate of 282.827 in the thousand. The rate of aptitude for the table is therefore 717.173. Purpose. — The purpose proposed is to show : 1. The proportion of these drafted men furnished by each congressional district and by each State. 2. The proportion of these drafted men rejected for each disease for each subdi- vision and class of diseases, and for all diseases, in each congressional district and iu each State. 1 EXPLANATION OF TABLES. XXV CoNSTEUCTiON. — The list of diseases extends through four pages, and is repeated five times in Table No. 21, and seven times in Table No. 22, thus making six tables in the fonner and eight in the latter. The tables are to be followed across the double page, excepting in the second series in Table No. 22, beginning at page 584 and end- ing at page 587, which is to be followed down the single page. The column headed by a State is subdivided according to the number of congressional districts the State contained, and to these is added a column for the totals found by the addition of the numbers of the districts. In Table No. 21, each disti-ict-column shows the number of men rejected in that district for each disease. By following a State or district tlu-ough the list of diseases, the comparative prevalence of disease may be observed. The cor- responding column in Table No. 22 shows the ratios these numbers bear to the whole number of men examined, as announced at the top of the column. Totals — The horizontal lines of totals of these tables are of three kinds : the "Total" in Table No. 21 shows the number of men in each congressional district and in the entire State who were rejected under a subdivision of diseases; the "Grand totals" exhibit similar results for a class of diseases; and the "Total exempted for all diseases," which is found at the foot of each successive list of diseases, shows the num- ber of men rejected in each district and in the State for all diseases. A vertical column of totals accompanies each State, and shows the total number of men rejected in the State for each disease; then the total nimiber rejected in the State under each subdivision and under each class of diseases ; and, finally, on the last page of the series, the number rejected for all diseases. On the extreme right of the pages of the last series (commencing at page 567) is the column of " Grand total." This exhibits the total nimiber of men (irrespective of States or districts) rejected for each disease ; for each subdivision of diseases ; for each class of diseases ; and, finally, at the foot of the last page of the table (page 573) the number rejected for all diseases. Ratios. — The ratios are to be found exclusively in Table No. 22. They show in every instance the relation of the number of men rejected for disease to the whole number of men examined, as announced at the top of each column. The number of men rejected for a disease, or for a subdivision or class of diseases, in any congressional district or State, being first ascertained in Table No. 21, a refer- ence to the precisely corresponding place in Table No. 22 will exliibit its ratio. Example. — On page 52 fi it will be seen that, in the State of Maine, for example, 138 men were rejected for chronic rheumatism. On page 576 of Table No. 22 the ratio this number bears to the whole number of men exanained in the State of Maine is seen to be 6.739 in the thousand. The congressional districts furnished these rejected men in the following proportions : First consrressional district 57 Second concessional district l " , . , .. • , ° . , 1. . „„i chrome rheumatism. Lourth congressional district . . 2.6 Fifth congressional district 19 , ' Keiectet ) 138 XXVI KXPLANATION OF TABLES. If chronic rheumatism be followed to the last series of States, namely, on pages 566- 567, it will be seen that' the entire number of men rejected for the disease was 2,479. On pnii-e (J29 of Table No. 22, the ratio of this number to the whole number of men examined, namely, 501,002, is seen to be 4.948 in the thousand. Subdivisions and classes of diseases are to be traced in a similar manner. If, in the case of the State of Maine, the relation of the State to disease be exam- ined, the columns must be followed through five consecutive pages, and opposite each disease, and subdivision and class of diseases, will be seen the number of men rejected in each district and in the State. At the foot of page 532 Avill be seen the total number of men rejected in the State of Maine for all diseases, namely, 7,893. On the corresponding spot in Table No. 22, (page 582,) it will be seen that the ratio this nvmiber bears to the whole num- ber of men examined from the State, namely, 20,479, is announced as 385.419. The number rejected came from the congressional districts of the State in the following proportions : First congressional district - 2, 054 Second congressional district _ 1, 374 Third congressional district 1 , 406 Fourth congressional district 1, 534 Fifth congressional district 1, 525 Total number rejected for the State 7, 893 TABLE No. 23. Material. — The men who are represented in this table were 305,608 in num- ber, and consisted exclusively of recruits and substitutes. It will be remembered that by the former term is meant volunteers, so that all of these men were desirous of being received into the Army. The total number rejected was 69,965, or 228.937 in the thousand, leaving the aptitude for service of this body of men at 771.063; a higher rate than that exhibited by the drafted men of the last table, as might reasonably be expected. Purpose. — The purpose of this table is to show — 1. The proportion of the recruits and substitutes of this table which was furnished by each congressional district. 2. The number rejected for each disease, for each subdivision and class of dis- eases, and for all diseases, in each congressional district, and in each State. Construction — The list of diseases extends through five double i)a;jes, and it is repeated twelve times, thus making thirteen such tables altogether. The column headed by a State is subdivided according to the number of congressional districts th# State contained, and to these is added a column for the totals formed by the addition of the numbers of these districts. Each district-column is again divided into two colunuis, EXPLANATION OF TABLES. XXVII one of which contains the number rejected for each disease, and the other the appro- priate ratio. By following a State or district through five double pages, the compara- tive prevalence of disease in relation to locality may be observed. Totals. — The horizontal lines of totals are of three kinds: the "Total" shows the number of recruits and substitutes, in any congi-essional district and in the State, rejected under a subdivision of diseases; the "Grand total" exhibits similar results for the class of diseases; and the "Grand total for all diseases," which is found at the foot of each list of diseases, shows the number of men rejected in each district, and in the State, for all diseases. A vertical column of totals accompanies each State, and shows the total number of men rejected in the State for each disease; for each subdivision, and for each class, of diseases; and, finally, on the last page of the series, the number rejected for all dis- eases. On the exti-eme right of the page of the last series, commencing at page 559, is the column of "Grand total." This exhibits the total number of men (irrespective of States or districts) rejected for each disease; for each subdivision, and for each class of diseases; and, finally, at the foot of the last page of the table, page 767, the number rejected for all diseases. Ratios. — The ratios throughout Table No. 23 accompany the totals and show their relation to the whole number examined, as announced at the head of each column. Example. — On page 638 it will be seen that, in the State of Maine, for example, 61 men were rejected on account of phthisis pulmonalis. The ratio of this number of rejected men to the whole number examined is seen to be 8.572 in the thousand. The congressional districts furnished them in the following proportion : First congressional district 6 i Second congressional disti'ict 24/ . Third congressional district 2V> I^^J^cted on account of Fourth congressional district 4i l'^**"«^' pulmonalis. 'o' \ Fifth congressional district 6 ' 61 If phthisis pulmonalis be followed to the last series of States, namely, to pages 758-9, it will be seen that the total number rejected on account of this disease was 1,000; and the i-elation of this number to the whole number examined, namely, 305,068, is expressed by the ratio of 3.272. Subdivisions and classes of diseases are to be traced through the series of States in the same manner. If, in the case of the State of Maine, the relation of the State to disease be the subject of inquiry, the columns headed by that State must be followed through five consecutive double pages. Opposite each disease, each subdivision of diseases, and each class of diseases, will be found stated the number of men rejected, and in the con- tiguous column the ratio per thousand to the whole number examined in each district and for the State. At the foot of page 646 will he seen the total number of men rejected in the State of Maine for all diseases, namely, 2,533. The ratio of this number to the 1 XXVIII EXPLANATION OF TABLES. whole number of men examined from the State is announced as 355.958. The districts of the State furnished this number in the following propoi-tions : First congressional district — ^^^ ] Second congi-essional district 58l/ ^^ .^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Third cong-ressionai disti-ict o.^b^ :,: „ ^,^ .,,.., cnoi MameiOY all mseases. Fourth congressional district oyoV Fifth congressional district 348/ Total number rejected for the State. 2,533 TABLES. T^BLE NO. 1 THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GffiTH OF CHEST, EXPANSION OF CHEST, STATES AND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. AMERICAN-BORN WHITE MEN. NUMBER EXAMINED, 315,620. Table No. 1— Showing the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and expansion of chest, to each other, and to substitutes, drafted HKTGHT UNDER 61 INCHES. GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRAITON. XTnder 29 inches. 29 aod under 31 inches. 3 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 o ■s .3 1 1 s a i .a u S n t O ^ 1 i ■§ 1 O CO « -2 c» 1 1 0 .5 1 u 1 a 1 1 ItMSE. 6 6 2 6 4 4 12 4 6 4 1 7 .... 4 1 4 3 ...... 1 5 4 3 2 3 5 1 3 1 2 5 1 1 2 2 Xotal 1 14 1 10 1 2 12 D 34 1 13 4 18 .081 1. 132 .081 1.294 .031 .162 .971 .728 1.941 .081 1.052 .324 1.4S6 NEW HAMTSHIRE. 1 1 o 3 3 S '""'i' 3 4 9 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 3 4 Total 2 1 3 4 ! 11 1 16 i 3 3 2 S .714 .357 1.071 1.428 ;3.927 .357 5.712 I 1.071 1.071 .714 2.856 VEiaiONT. Pirfitfliitripf, 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 a 2 1 2 1 4 6 1 2 1 1 3 4 3 4 7 2 2 4 .290 .8tJ9 1.180 .880 1.180 2.07S .593 .593 1.186 MASSACHUSETTS. 1 3 1 n 1 2 ...... 4 3 2 5 5 2 1 1 1 2 ...... 1 1 7 3 3 1 1 Thin! iH-itiict 1 5 3 2 1 1. riflh ilislrict Sixlb (li.stiict 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 Total 1 13 7 21 2 12 5 19 1 3 0 C Eutio pLT 1,0C0 esamiued .159 2. 070 1. 115 3.344 .318 ,1.911 .790 3.025 .159 .478 .318 .955 First district - 9 1 1 3 10 5 5 0 2 1 7 3 4 1 5 Second district. . 1 Total 1 10 4 15 7 3 10 4 I 5 .332 3.319 1.328 4.978 I2. 323 .996 3.319 1.328 , .332 1.659 CONNECTICUT. 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 Third district 1 1 2 2 Total 1 3 4 2 2 4 3 3 " Ratio ]H'r 1,000 examined .476 1.429 1.906 1 .953 1 .953 1.900 1.429 1.429 NEW YOUK. 2 3 S 1 2 5 5 4 Second flistrict ..... 1 1 5 1 19 3 1 1 1 4 1 ""'i' 1 Third district 13 I G Vniiith district 3 1 3 (liffcrent localities, emhracivg the statistical results of the examination of 315,^0 American-horn lohite citizens, iiKluding recruits, and enrolled nicn. HEIGHT TTNItEK 61 INCHES— Continued. 0 GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 0 0 33 and Tinder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. -a STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ■5, 1 S i •g a a I O o CI g o w n O 0 so 0 ■3 a 4 a > 0 1 .a « 1 0 a 1 3 i .3 1 > 0 ■g .s 0 0 0 ■§ _P CO 0 '3 1 g 0 MAINE. 1 1 "i 1 4 '"3 26 Second district Third dislrict 3 ■■'a' 1 "i' "i 1 '"'2 1 1 i 1 14 2 18 Fifth district Total 1 6 3 1 9 2| 1 3 0 2 72 .485 .243 1 .728 .162 1 .081 .243 1 .102 .162 5.824 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 NEW H.UIPSUIRE. First district Second district "io 1 1 10 " '0' 2 2 2 8 "'3' ""'3 1 9 28 20 Third district Total 1 11 1 12 10 4 14 4 4 57 Batio per 1,000 examined 3.937 .357 4.284 3. 570 [1. 438 4.998 1.428 1.428 20.350 \'EEMOXT. 1 1 1 1 0 4 First district Second district U 4 Total 3 1 4 19 .889 .296 1.186 1 5.031 MASS.\CHUfiETTS. 1 i 1 ' i 1 6 Second district Third district "i "i 15 9 Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Kinth district 5 i 5 1 Tenth district Total: 1 2 3 il::: 1 1 1 To Katio per 1,000 examined .159 .318 .478 1 .159 .159 1 7.962 26 8 1 34 KHODE ISLAND. 1 1 1 1 1 First district Second district 1 Total Katio per 1,000 examined 1 .332 1 .332 1 .332 1 ^ .996 .332 .332 11.284 CONNECTICUT. First district S4-t; •3 i 0 ■g p 6 0 « u 0 1 % 0 'cs 1 i 0 a ■g .9 u 6 •g c « 0 .a a CO s 6 "3 1 New York— Continued. Fifth district 1 1 1 4 1 1 7 1 2 3 Sixth district 1 1 ■■"6' 3 '" 'i' 1 1 3 6 5 1 1 1 2 5 ""i" 1 Ei"litli ilistrii-t . -. - 3 o 9 3 ""2 3 4 13 0 1 4 9 1 a 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 KIcvriilli ili'^trict 1 1 1 G 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 6 6 1 1 21 8 2 2 ...... 2 2 1 3 3 9 8 1 2 24 10 3 5 a 6 1 4 G 8 3 0 4 1 10 1 1 2 1 i 1 40 3 3 2 43 5 1 1 Twt'iitirtii ilislrict .. . . Twi'iitv-tiist ilistrict \ 7 8 2 ' 1 1 1 TwentV-i'ourlh district 1 3 4 8 1 1 "i 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 TwentV-fifth district Twonty-sixth district 1 —a- 1 2 1 1 Tweiitv-sevfiith district 1 1 2 1 1 a 1 G "i' 2 1 1 3 1 Thirty-first district 3 1 1 6 2 10 Total 13 15 87 25 140 8 10 80 18 122 9 5 40 14 Ratio per 1,000 examined .297 .342 1.980 .571 3.196 .183 .305 1.627 .411 2.780 .205 .114 .913 .320 1 553 NEW JERSEY. 2 10 7 1 1 6 ...... 2 8 16 8 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 7 6 4 ■ ■■■4' 0 2 1 5 1 14 9 0 0 6 5 6 4 1 1 1 "o 1 G Sccfind district a 4 1 1 "3 g Third district 8 3 Fifth district 2 1 Total 2 C 21 11 40 3 21 15 1 41 2 3 IG 5 26 .117 .351 1.229 .644 2.341 .293 jl.229 . 878 2. 400 .117 .176 .937 .293 1 522 rEXXSYLVAXIA. First district 2 0 1 3 ...... 1 3 4 1 5 8 1 13 1 9 1 0 3 a 5 Second district 2 Third district 1 5 3 3 1 i "'3' '2' 0 ...... 1 2 4 3 1 3 Four til district 0 1 2 Fifth district 3 8 1 2 1 Sixth district 2 12 1 7 1 1 i 4 4 Srvi nth ilistrict '... Ei^lilhdistiict 1 G 6 3 1 4 G Kiiith ili^lrht 1 10 Tenth district 7 Fhv.iith district 1 1 1 4 4 1 T wrll t li dist riot 1 1 1 3 1 7 6 1 1 Tliirl.vnth district 1 2 1 3 0 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 ...... i 1 4 Finn t rent h district 1 1 1 2 Fittct-nth district 1 1 2 2 1 4 a 3 1 5 3 Sixicrnth district 2 2 3 9 1 ...... 3 1 3 13 2 0 7 2 2 1 1 8 2 Hi^lilc'fiitli ilistrict Xiii.t.fiilhdi.strirt 4 Twciiticlli distiict 1 3 2 1 5 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 Twciitv-liTHt district r> Twinit v-sfCDiHl district 1 Twfnty-tliird disitrict 1 Twonty-lourtb district 1 1 Total 5 3 30 8 52 6 10 53 17 88 1 G 46 21 74 Katio per 1,000 csainincd .100 .004 .704 .170 1.103 .127 .031 .127 .976 .416 1 570 ■ expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ij'c— Continued. HEIGHT UNDER 01 INCHES— Contiuucd. 1 GIKXn OF CHEST AT EXl'IKATION. a u 3;j and under 35 inchea. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. !3 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. to "3 1 o a ■g a u ©■ o c CI 6 !■ c n o > o 13 1 1 B 1 u a o i •s .9 t. o O H o A a A n o 5 i A o a o 1 .9 CO 'S ■3 i o A o •s a u g o 1 1 t o 1 p u > O H DELAWARE. 1 1 1 1 .823 .823 MARYLAND. 1 1 1 1 1 "i 4 2 5 3 1 1 3 4 4 1 7 1 1 o 7 Total . . 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 9 1 4 9 1 15 .145 .145 .289 .145 .145 .867 .145 1.301 .145 .578 1.301 .145 2 168 DISTRICT OF C0LU3IBU. 1 1 3 3 Total 1 1 3 3 ..147 .347 1.041 1.C41 WEST VIRGINIA. 3 3 2 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 Secoiid district Third district 1 1 1 2 3 Total 1 3 4 3 4 7 3 3 .193 .578 .771 .578 .771 1.350 .578 .578 First district 1 1 Third district 1 1 1 Fourth district 1 Fifth district , Sixth district ^ 1 1 Seventh district Eighth district 1 1 3 Ninth district 0 6 3 Total 1 7 1 9 1 3 4 1 1 Itatio per 1,000 oxamiued .235 1.646 .235 2.117 .235 .706 .941 .235 .2,15 mssouni. First district 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 o T 1 1 1 4 Second district 2 Tliiril district 1 1 Ftunthdistrict... Filth district Sixth district Seventh district Eishlh district 1 1 Niiith district 1 Total 1 1 M 3 1 5 6 1 1 ! - 2 7 Kat io per 1,000 examined .166 1 .332 1 .497 .166 .829 .995 .166 .663 .332 1 161 OHIO. Firstdistrict ! t o" ii 1 1 Second district i 4 i i 5 :t •■, 1 4 expansion of cheat, to each other, and to different locaUtics, ^c— Continued. HEIGHT TTNDEE 61 ESCHES— Continned. oi 1 GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 0 33 and under 3.5 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inclies and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. to o ■§ .3 o .3 > . o DO O n 0 1 i 0 0 > 0 CD 1 .9 CI .3 > 0 3 ^ 0 .9 0 > 0 m 0 .9 £ 0 i a n > 0 3 S ■a 0 DELAWARE. First district 2 2 3 Total 2 2 3 L646 1.646 2 469 MARYLAXD. First district 4 4 1 6 3 6 1 23 17 Second district Tliird district i 2 "' i ""2 2 ....„ "3 1 "'3" 1 1 2 Fourtli district Fifth district Total 3 1 4 6 14 1 4 5 1 1 2 47 Batio per 1,000 examined .434 .145 .578 . 867 |2. 024 .145 .578 .723 .145 .145 .289 6.794 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 3 3 7 Total 3 3 7 Katio per 1,000 examined 1.041 1.041 2.428 WEST VTEGIMA. Fir-st district Second district • 2 2 11 1 Third district Total 2 2 16 .386 .386 1 1 3.085 KENTUCKY. First district Second district Third district Fonrth district Fifth district Sixth district "i ...... ""2 i 1 3 i Seventli district Eighth district Ninth district Total liatio per 1,000 examined 1 .835 1 .235 0 .470 1 9 10 3.763 MISSOURI. First district 11 Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district i ..... ..... ..... 1 3 i Eighth district 1 ::::: 22 Total Katio per 1 ,000 examined .166 .663 .829 .166 -Hill. .106 1 3.643 OHIO. First district Second district 1 1 1 1 5 12 8 Table No. 1 — Sliowing ilic rctation of height, girth of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT UXDER 61 INCHES— Continued. CncTII OF CUE.'iT .\T KXTIK-VTIOX Under 20 inches. 29 and uudcr 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATKS. Expansion. Expancuou. Expansion. OD s 1 r-4 o s ■§ g CI > o ■3 .9 n 1 O 1 1 > o 1 a i B n 0 "3 H so o 1 1 a CI o 6 •§ c n u > C B Ohio— Coutinuetl. 2 1 4 ...... C 1 1 2 ...... 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 14 1 """i' 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 ■ '3 1 2 2 ...... 2 1 3 1 3 8 2 9 5 2 5 1 " "a' 3 1 2 7 5 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 ""s ■""a" 4 S 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 4 5 2 2 5 3 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 Total o 8 21 22 53 6 11 34 ' 58 1 » 18 G £5 .051 .204 .534 .560 1.343 .153 .280 .865 .178 1.475 1 .035 . 458 1 . 153 .636 IN-DL\KA. 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 2 Third tlistnct 1 1 3 3 3 "a 3 5 7 o 4 2 6 2 2 1 4 2 T 1 6 2 4 4 8 5 2 1 Fifth disti-ict 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 3 1 i Sixth district 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 n Eighth diatrict 1 ""2 3 Niutli district -• 1 3 3 Tenth district 3 Eleventh district 1 1 1 Total 2 11 12 25 1 3 10 1 21 33 1 7 13 20 1 Ratio per 1.000 esaniincd .052 .2b7 .313 .652 .020 ..078 .201 1 ..^•)« .913 1 . 183 . 339 .521 ILLINOIS. First district 2 2 2 S 4 Second district Third diatrict 2 2 1 1 1 ...... a 3 1 1 5 1 1 2 9 1 G 1 ...... 1 2 3 3 11 2 7 1 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 "3' 2 3 Fifth di.strict 7 Sixth district 1 1 5 Seventh district 4 1 3 Eighth district... 1 1 1 1 1 2 Ninth district o 2 1 ...... 3 Tenth district ". 1 t 2 1 1 1 ■^ 2 Elevenl li (1 istrict Twelfth district 3 2 1 1 1 1 Thirticulh district 1 1 1 Total 5 U 1 1 " 1 4 27 1 . 10 41 1 1 2 19 10 32 Eatio per 1.000 examined .137 .302 .027 .466 j .110 .740 1 .274 1.124 .027 1 .055 1 .521 1 .274 .878 IOW.\. First district 1 1 2 1 ...... 4 Second district 1 1 4 ...... ...... a 4 Third district 1 1 1 Fourth district 1 2 1 Fifth di.slrict " 1 1 1 Sixth district 1 I 3 ' i Total 1 1 3 1 4] 11 1 4 1 1 7 1 ' 1 5 4 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined .1 .128 .383 \-Jj^. 1 1 fian 1 _sii 1 1.278 ' - .... '-■ . '.■ — 1 1 : " expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, #c.-Contiuued. HEIGHT UHDEE CI INCHES-Coutinnca. GIUTll OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. STATES. as and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. Expansion. Ouio— Continned. Third district Fourth district Filth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth district Fmirteenth district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth dirtrict Eighteenth district Nineteenth district Expansion. Total Ratio per 1,000 examined . First district Second district — Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh o 1 .3 o o .9 n 1 o 1 .3 > o 1 M U t- O .a 1 n O "3 1 O ■g D ■§ .9 5 CD 1 a w u g o s CO u > O •3 JIICIIIGAN. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 1 • 3 2 2 o 2 2 4 ...... C .1 2 3 2 7 1 2 1 3 1 6 2 Total 3 4 3 10 2 6 6 14 1 5 7 13 .238 .318 .238 .795 .1.59 .477 .477 1.113 .079 .397 .556 1.033 ■msC0N6IN. First district 1 2 3 1 1 7 1 5 5 10 2 7 1 5 1 4 1 1 2 10 1 1 1 ""i" '" 1 1 1 Fifth district 1 Sixth district 1 1 2 1 Total 1 1 7 15 24 1 1 7 7 16 1 3 1 S Kiitio per 1,000 examined .092 .092 .641 1 37.1 2.197 .092 .092 .041 .641 1.465 .092 .275 .092 .458 MINNESOTA. 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 Total 1 3 1 5 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 Ratio per 1,000 csamiDcd .272 .815 .272 1.358 .272 .272 .543 . 273 j . 543 .815 CALIFOKNIA. Middle, distriit Total Eatio per 1,000 examined KANSAS. Northern district " 3 3 • 2 2 1 1 Southern district 1 Total 3 3 2 2 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined 4.115 4.115 2.743 2.743 1.372 1.372 OREGON.- Oregon Total Ratio per 1,000 examined *' NEVADA. Nevada 1 Total 1 1 1 Grand total Dnited States 25 50 263 118 456 29 60 314 132 535 19 27 206 95 Ratio per 1,000 examined .079 .158 .833 .374 1.445 .092 .190 .995 .418 1.695 .060 .086 .653 .301 1.099 11 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities ^•c- -Coiitinued HEIGHT trNDEE CI INCHES— Continued. 1 Glimi OF CHEST AT EXTIUATION. s s 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. a s STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 •s a .a u a i 6 1 at 5 s a > o c i o .2 .2 u g a o to •g .9 u o 3 o H i u o ■g .a 43 o M a .3 o 1 a 3 o a rt o MICHIGAN. 1 2 ..... 1 1 3 1 1. 4 , 1 8 6 7 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 o o 23 Sixth district 3 Total 1 5 4 10 1 2 3 1 1 51 .079 .397. 1 .318 3 .795 1 1 4 .079 .159 .233 .079 ;079 4.053 WISCONSIN. 9 22 1 1 1 9 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 4 Sixth district 4 Total 4 4 8 2 2 1 1 56 Batio per 1,000 examined .300 .300 .732 .183 .183 .092 .092 5.127 inynEsoTA. 3 Second district 7 Total 10 2.716 CALIFORNIA. Korthern district Middle district 1 1 1 Southern district Total '-^^■^ 1 1 1 - .765 .765 .765 Katio per 1,000 examined KANSAS. Korthcrn district 1 1 7 Total 1 1 7 OREGON. 1.372 1.372 iiil-J 9.602 Total E.itio per 1,000 examined NEVADA. Nevada - Katio per 1,000 examined Grand total United States 12 9 125 73 219 5 7 57 24 93 4 illlll 14 6 24 1,674 Katici per 1,000 c.^carained . .038 .030 .390 .231 ,091 .Oif .022 .181 .070 .29.^ .013 . .044 .019 .076 5.304 12 Tablk No. 1 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat at exjtiration, a:id HEIGHT CI AND TINDER G3 INCHES. GIUTII OF CHEST AT EXTIRATIOX. TJDder 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 09 •g a r- o i a c 0 > 0 •3 a n 0 "3 0 1 1 ■3 .s S g ■g > o to .n n ID > o 1 i .a 1 1 a at t 6 0 n MAINE. 1 16 4 0 3 6 3 1 1 20 5 3 3 13 3 ...... 3 1 1 1 1 34 15 4 17 11 8 3 9 10 48 10 8 27 23 .1 6 1 so 3 6 11 6 11 3' 11 5 3!) 4 9 24 13 Fourth district 2 1 2 1 Total 3 31 10 44 4 7 81 30 122 5 8 40 30 89 .243 2.507 .809 3.559 .324 .566 6.552 2.427 9. 868 .404 .647 3.721 2.427 7. 199 NEW IIASU'SHIUE. 3 3 4 4 2 7 7 13 3 15 9 16 1 "3 i 1 2 5 17 5 2 g 4 2 1 1 4 8 Third district 1 1 Total 1 1 C 3 11 3 5 16 16 40 4 2 24 7 37 Eatio per 1,000 examined .357 .357 2. 142 1.071 3.927 1.071 1.785 5.712 5.712 14.281 1.423 .714 8.568 2.499 13. 210 VERMONT. 1 1 S 5 5 11 4 1 13 0 24 4 2 5 8 4 2 12 9 14 4 Third dislricL Total 1 6 7 30 14 34 2 1 11 14 27 .296 1.77S 2.075 5.928 4.149 10.077 .593 1 3.260 4.149 8.002 . MASSACHUSETTS. 1 1 10 3 7 4 7 3 1 3 1 2 8 5 13 9 8 8 i 2 1 1 4 4 9 30 9 10 12 7 4 0 3 5 3 1 10 12 14 41 10 15 20 1 17 9 1 2 9 1 6 3 1 3 3 3 4 4 3' 2 4' 2' Secniid district 1 o (J 3 1 2 Pillh distrirt 2 1 4 1 1 7 Ei^ihth district 4 4 0 1 1 6 5 1 7 4 2 7 Ninth district 2 1 1 4 5 Tenth district Total.. . . 3 5 34 21 63 6 13 87 41 147 2 2 33 21 57 Katio per 1,000 examined .478 .796 5.414 3.344 10. 032 .955 2.070 13.854 0.529 23.408 .318 .318 5.096 3.344 9.076 imODE ISLAM). First district 1 17 8 20 G 38 14 1 "i 13 15 10 13 30 29 0 9 8 5 5 16 Second district '.. Total 1 25 26 52 1 1 28 29 59 2 17 10 29 llatio per 1,000 examined .. .332 8.297 8.629 17.259 .332 .332 9.293 9.625 19.582 .064 5.642 3.319 9.625 CONNECTICUT. First district 1 7 6 17 10 23 13 9 (i 4 9 19 Second district 6 4 1 1 10 1 3 13 Third district Fourth district 1 1 2 7 » 7 16 Total I 7 6 14 1 15 26 42 29 21 50 Eatio per 1,000 examined .476 3. S.l.'i 2.859 6.670 .476 7.146 12.387 20.010 13. 816 10. 005 2aS31 NEW YOUK. First district "i' 4 1 3 " "5 3 50 4 3 3 1 5 4 10 7 2 15 29 6 •i 6 10 26 46 15 1 11 1 3 .1 3 11 11 3 1 15 Second district Third district 4 42 3 "■"5 17 15 S Fourth district 13 (■J7)«HsiOH of chrst, lo each other, anil io {lifffreiit localities, ^-c. — Coiitiiiiied. HEIGHT 01 AND UNDER 63 IXCHES-Coiitinucd. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. s a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. Ms STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o a .i o .a 0 0 a n g 0 'a 1 i o 1-t CI j o 1 a g o i -S in t 6 e5 O 3 o a 5 MAIXE. 1 3 14 7 4 7 7 1 2 3 19 7 5 11 10 7 3 4 2 2 1 7 2 5 6 2 4 1 ...... 1 4 1 1 2 137 35 1 ■"2 31 1 73 Fifth district 1 CI Total 2 5 39 6 52 1 16 5 22 6 2 8 337 .162 .404 3.155 .485 4.206 .081 1.294 .404 1.760 .485 .102 . 047 37. 25!> NEW HAMPSUinE. 2 3 5 9 21 4 1 4 4 3 35 7 " 3 3 4 1 1 5 1 4 39 2 4 15 •2 69 1 Total 2 4 24 5 35 6 5 11 2 5 2 1 9 1 143 I^atio per 1,000 examined .714 1.428 8. 508 1.785 12. 496 2.142 1.785 3.927 .714 I. 785 .714 3.213 51.053 VERMONT. 1 3 1 ■■2 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 22 Srruiid di-^ti'ict 1 49 Third district 9 Total 1 1 * 2| 8 1 . - 1 1 3 4 ; 1 bO .296 .296 1.186 . 593 1 2. 371 .296 1 .889 1.186 1 1 23.711 MASSACHUSETTS. 2 1 2 1 25 1 1 27 67 1 1 1 1 1 28 "Fifth district 1 1 34 1 36 2 30 IS 1 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 3 I 3 7 2 2 4 1 278 Ratio per 1,000 examined .159 .478 .478 1.115 .318 .318 .637 1 U.IIGS 0 3 2 5 8 8!) 64 6 Total 8 5 13 1 ira 2.655 1.G59 4.315 1 1 50.780 ' COXXF.CTICUT. First ilistrict 6 1 3 9 1 1 1 30 411 3 Fourth district 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 34 Total 9 6 15 2 1 1 3 , M ' '"^ r..itio ppr 1,000 examined 4.288 2.859 7.146 1 . 953 1 . 476 1.429 .47G 1 476 59.552 NEW YORK. First distiict 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 34 0 4 53 Tliird di.itrict Fmirtli district 121 1 24 14 TAni-K No. 1 — Shmoing Vie relation of heiijht, girth of chest at ex/)i)-a(ioii, and HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 63 INCHES— Continued. GIKTU OP CHEST AT EXPIIUTION. TInd or 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o •g P o 0 a Gl 6 ■g U n u > 0 1 o .a i > O © ■§ ■ .3 a u •s > O OS o .a a n u O 3 0 > 0 .a a 0 « 0 1 0 New Tobk— Continued. Pifth district 1 3 0 6 4 1 lU 1 4 7 4 1 11 21 12 1 10 13 33 17 11 97 23 "ij 4 7 4 15 i 6 0 2 io 3 0 4 20 9 8 11 2 22' 34 9 4 2 19 39 14 4 31 41 47 30 12 119 31 11 15 9 4 45 4 7 4 5 3 2 1 20 14 5 17 12 16 12 11 42 1 4 i i 1 8 3 2 18 1 1 3 6 6 6 3 4 1 2 29 15 6 1 4 1 0 21 3 1 3 5 c 7 CG 7 1 9 1 1 1 "is 1 1 8 20 5 1 8 15 10 10 0 77 8 2 24 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 ""5 6 1 2 2 31 20 3 15 35 10 ""4 3 25 5 2 1 ""h 7 1 1 7 2 •■■"2" 30 21 14 1 1 19 1 1 48 1 8 1 7 4 Twenty-second district « G 5 16 7 7 2 1 17 12 1 2 10 32 1 6 3 17 1 8 4 4 2 47 4 1 C 1 4 5 4 1 3 7 11 7 4 11 10 ii 13 8 13 18 8 37 21 3 1 2 14 12 12 1 4 8 3 15 5 4 1 6 1 10 1 "i ' 's 1 1 1 2 19 30 Thirty- first district 17 Total 24 24 228 70 346 54 73 392 172 691 32 41 267 135 475 Batio per 1,000 examined .548 .548 5. 306 1.598 7.900 1.333 1.667 8.950 3.927 10. 777 .731 .936 6.096 3.082 10. 845 NEW JCUSET. 7 G I 20 28 20 10 29 3 4 9 14 .')2 43 36 12 26 12 4 11 13 1 2 36 48 36 9 34 47 13 6 40 43 87 74 66 50 79 i 7 i 1 8 5 1 6 23 30 26 13 28 27 12 12 32 32 51 .5 0 01 Third district 50 46 Fifth district . . 67 Total . . 11 19 80 09 169 14 30 163 149 356 9 21 120 110 265 Katio per 1,000 examined. .644 1.112 4.683 12 3.454 4 1 1 a 1 13 "3 1 9. 893 10 1 10 12 2.'1 78 11 10 3 .819 1.756 9.541 8. 732 20. 838 .027 1.220 7.024 6.731 15.512 I'EXNSYLVAXIA. First district 2 8 3 20 34 31 .59 12 36 37 8 4 1 7 16 14 15 8 9 4 1 4 4 17 4 10 8 16 2 9 9 2 3 is 3 4 1 1 1 Ii 16 9 3 2 14 20 26 45 32 77 17 01 46 10 7 1 26 21 11 18 2."» l.'i 25 19 3 6 1 15 11 27 16 24 9 30 40 13 14 11 6 20 8 17 14 12 16 i 1 6 23 4 14 5 11 1 4 14 I 11 9 6 12 4 4 22 25 2 :t 1 1 . 2 ""i 4 a 21 63 10 1 1 1 " '(V ""■i ■J 0 1 3 ...... 16 44 Fifth diHtiict 23 Sixth district 36 Hfvriitli district 1 10 ilir'htli district . - 3 37 04 Truth district 4 2 17 i:h\.-iilh district 21 Tw.lttli district 1 5 9 1 9 7 18 7 1 3 2 1 1 13 Tlnrt.cnth district 7 1 3 6 5 5 2 3 4 0 ' 'i' 1 'J "i(V 3 1 33 Fmirt. riitii distiift 11 FitUcnlli district 15 Sixtcfiitli district 1 2 2 1 3 6 ...... 2 ii 5 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 27 Sfvciiticutli district 15 Kiu'liti'riitli district 93 Nineteen 111 district 21 27 94 Tweuty-lirat district 1 Twenty -second district 1 6 Twenty-tliird district 3 ....- Twenty-fourth district 1 5 Total 7 15 161 06 239 27 1 28 342 100 547 15 19 322 164 Batio per 1 ,000 examined .149 .318 3. 417 1.188 5.072 . 573 . 594 7.257 3.183 11. 608 .318 .403 6.833 3.480 11. 0.15 15 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, Stc. — Coutiuued. IlEIGnT (U AN1> UNDER C3 INCIIES— Continncd. 1 GIUTIl OV CHEST AT EXi'IKATlON. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 iiicliea. 37 iucrliea and over. 3 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .S.'q 2,2 s;3 a 4 a '6- 1 o at a 3 ■ o o •3 t o to V a OQ -s '3 i .a p •3 a u t 0 s •s a CI 0 .a a n u 0 0 1 0 0 New YOKK-^ontiuned. 2 4 6 5 1 1 52 Sixth (li=;trirt 4 1 20 1 1 9 6 1 12 5 3 2 5 2 2 4 2 "i 0 1 '"' i" 1 2 2 4 3 3 1 2 8 2 5 3 1 16 5 8 9 12 4 0 5 2 5 2 7 4 8 2 2 3 10 10 9 G 34 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 i "2 ""'i' "2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 104 1 46 Twelfth district 3 1 G 1 1 ...... 31 86 91 83 1 1 40 1 252 1 1 1 1 53 3 1 1 27 45 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 28 Twenty-third district 1 1 17 2 133 3 1 1 2 6 3 3 20 24 2 2 1 1 2 9 2 1 1 1 58 Twcntv-iiiiith district 2 1 7 47 1 76 1 1 51 Total 22 9 77 53 160 3 3 20 12 47 5 2 7 1,726 . .502 .205 1.758 1.18- 3.053 .068 .008 .663 .274 1.073 .114 .046 .160 39. 408 NEW JERSEY. 6 7 11 2 10 8 4 1 10 12 14 12 20 12 24 1 2 ...... 1 .2 1 1 7 205 1 2 2 2 1 184 C 1 171 1 G 121 IFifth district 2 1 1 1 204 Total 6 5 36 35 82 1 10 1 12 1 2 1 4 888 Uatio per 1,000 examined .351 .233 2.107 2.049 4.800 .059 .585 .059 .702 .059 I-"' .059 .234 51. 978 rKNNSYLVASIA. 4 G 4 12 5 8 3 10 ""'5 7 IG 4 18 5 IC 59 3 3 1 1 06 Tliird disti'irt 56 2 1 3 1 4 2 7 17 G 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 ...... T 1 "3 "' i 1 3 1 4 1 4 3 9 20 7 2 2 5 2 3 4 2 2 3 5 0 123 84 Si^th district 2 ' 211 1 41 1 11 27 15 14 o 2 4 3 10 4 5 10 1 4 1 I !l 4 2 a i ..... 7 3 " "3 13 36 18 18 5 10 G 5 14 4 5 16 9 7 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 121 162 Tenth district 1 1 60 ) 48 Twelfth district . 1 2 1 1 1 1 i 23 1 1 68 1 49 Fiftoenth district .. .. 1 1 '"' i 1 3 1 2 36 1 1 1 1 1 1 73 56 58 61 1 84 59 15 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 16 Total 7 9 1,53 C8 237 2 5 57 20 84 1 1 1 10 G 18 1,645 liatio per 1,000 cxamiucd .149 .191 3.247 1. 443 5. 029 .042 .106 1.210 .424 1.783 .021 .021 .212 .127 .382 34. 908 16 Table No. 1 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT 01 AND TJNDEE C3 INCHES— Continnod. . GIRTU OF CHEST AT EXI'IUATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and nnder 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches STATES. Expansion. Expaus on. Expansion. o .9 .a a > O S a U X 1 a n > o "3 o H o .a ,3 > o .a u .9 CI u & 5 i ■3 .3 n 1 3 0 ■3 a .a a g 0 t .9 1 ■3 a n > 0 DELAWARE. 4 2 1 7 1 12 1 Total 4 2 1 7 1 12 1 14 3.292 1.646 .823 5.701 .823 9.877 .823 11 523 MARYLAND. 1 1 3 5 1 10 11 1 11 17 9 1 1 2 1 ...... 1 18 1 0 u 8 4 I 4 1 3 1 4 1 2 Third district 1 1 1 3 1 6 2 9 0 3 1 1 18 2 1 28 Total 1 2 4 3 10 8 8 18 15 49 5 20 30 6 61 Eatio per 1,000 examined .145 .289 .578 .434 1.44G 1.150 1. l.-iO 2.602 2.108 7.083 .723 2.891 4.337 .867 8.818 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. District of Columbia - 7 2 23 3 28 38 1 39 Total 7 7 2 23 3 28 38 1 39 2. 428 2. 428 .094 7.978 1.041 9.712 13. 181 .347 13.528 WEST VIKCIXIA. 3 5 11 2 21 3 C 10 14 3 7 1 33 15 3 1 5 3 2 7 1 Second district 4 Tliird district 2 2 1 3 Total 3 .378 7 11 2 23 3 6 33 8 50 1 1 10 8 20 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1.350 2.121 .386 4.434 .578 1.157 0.362 1.542 9.039 .193 .193 1.928 1.542 3.856 KEXTIICKV. First district 1 1 Second district Third district 1 .2 1 5 2' 1 2 1 7 2 a Fonrtli district 1 1 2 Fifth district 1 i 1 Sixth district 2 2 1 Seventh district , 1 1 Eighth district 1 1 Ninth district 2 1 3 0 1 7 2 0 Total 1 1 4 1 7 15 3 18 1 1 4 3 9 Eatio per 1,000 examined '. .235 .235 .941 .235 1. 040 3.523 .700 4.233 .235 .235 .941 .700 2.117 MISSOUKI. First district 1 7 2 10 2 1 5 i 4 3 12 8 2 1 ■i 7 10 7 4 15 Second district 15 Third district 1 1 Fourtli district Fifth district 1 1 1 1 Sixth district Seventh district 1 1 i 1 2 2 9 s 2 1 1 1 1 13 3 17 Eighth district C 2 I Ninth district 1 1 Total 1 9 3 13 2 5 27 9 43 2 4 30 15 51 Eatio per 1,000 examined .160 1.492 1 14 .497 2. 150 1 . 332 .829 4.477 1.492 7.130 .332 .063 4.974 2.487 8.456 OHIO. First district 1 3 1 8 11 11 12 9 23 21 1 4 n 0 2 T 13 7 Second district 22 17 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ^•c.— Continued. HEIGHT ai AND T7NDEE 63 INCHES— Continned. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIEATIOX. a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and undei' 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansiou. 1-9 i 1 o 1 a CO s 6 1 ■a 1 o ■3 .2 "3 a i o a 1 o ID V ■§ a m 1 s o 1 u I m 1 g o 1 "3 1 5 DELAWARE. First district 18 1 19 1 2 3 43 Total 18 1 1 19 1 2 3 43 Katio per 1,000 examined 14.815 1 .833 15. 638 .823 1.646 3.469 35.391 MARYLAND. district 3 "'i' 3 5 10 19 2 22 16 SMond district Third district Fourth district i 2 "ii' 6 8 2 ..... ■ 'a' 4' 4 Q " i' 1 6 7 2 46 74 18 20 5 39 1 3 10 2 I 16 j 1 1 1 176 Total 1 .434 1.590 2.891 .723 5.637 .145 .434 1.446 .289 2.313 .145 . 145 I25. 441 Eatio per 1,000 examined DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. District of Columbia 36 36 10 10 1 1 121 Total i 1 30 36 10 10 1 1 1 121 Eatio per 1,000 examined : ii3-«v 12. 487 3.469 1 |3.409 I .347 .347 41.970 WEST VIRGINIA. 2 2 1 2 8 1 i 68 Second district ...... ""i" i i 22 10 Total 5 5 1 ! 1 I ! 1 100 Katio per 1,000 examined .964 .964 ZZ .193 .193 .193 .193 19.279 KENTUCKY. 1 1 1 3 First district *l Third district 3 4 Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district 1 ...... 2 2 3 1 1 0 10 3 2 Eighth district Ninth district Total 1 1 3 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 12 43 Eatio per 1,000 examined .23.'> .235 .706 1.176 1 .235 .235 .470 .235 .235 .470 10. 113 MISSOURI. Firnt distript 1 1 4 6 J 5 5 12 2 1 3 1 5 43 49 3 4 Second distiict Third district Fourth district 1 1 ::::::::;:: Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district 4 i 1 5 3 " i i 1 •■•■li;:::::!::::: i 1 i _. ..... "2 "3 '"■38 13 6 Ninth district 1 1« 9 30 1 1 5 7 1 ... 1 1 2 i 3 1 147 - 1 •■ 1 Ratio per 1,000 ex.aniined . 332 . 166 1 2.985 1. 492 1 4. 974 .166 .106 .829 !l.l61 1 .166 .332 .497 j24.374 OHIO. 4 40 First district 3 1 t ; I 1 o 1 57 fcecond district 18 Table No. 1 — Shotving the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT CI AND UNDEE 63 INCHES— Continued. GIKTH OF CHEST AT E.XPIILVTIOX. Under 29 inches. S9 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o a 1 o i •s .9 fit 5 S ■§ a n u > O * 'a 1 i i 1 •g a i 1 .5 0 CO 1 "3 0 H !-4 •3 a 4 a i 0 1 CI 1 a n g 0 "3 1 Ohio— CoDtinued. 2 2 1 6 6 6 '3' 14 8 4 ""i 2 1 31 12 8 1 12 2 6 9 17 6 14 1 12 7 25 32 6 36 1 32 3' 76 0 5 i 2 7 9 1 19 69 15 41 1 18 12 85 26 18 24 2 25 15 36 39 25 7 17 3 1 4 10 4 6 10 6 15 4 13 3 16 27 » 12 19 2 6 1 14 2 1 7 1 12' 4 5 4 3 i 2 3 «K> Fifth ilistrict 04 1 1 1 3 1 1 15 11 12 6 2 c. 7 Niiitli (li- 0 GD 00 V u 0 •3 a 0 t-i & 1 > 0 ■a 1 1 a 0 0 a CI 0 to 1 a 0 Ohio— Continuod. 3 8 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 V 5 1 5 ■■■5 '""9' "i 8 11 8 1 4 7 4 12 4 11 9 1 2 4 1 114 1 1 1 1 58 77 2 2 4 2 4 I 2 3 2 4 10 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 3 " i' 1 ...... 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 7 1 37 1 32 2 28 136 1 9 ...... 1 ....„ 1 6 65 1 63 GG 7 4 2 4 15 1 1 8 ...... 1 5 11 4 18 2 1 1 55 1 42 73 2 6 8 8 1 1 108 58 Xotal 15 9 67 37 128 3 2 24 9 38 1 2 13 ->. 18 1,132 Ratio per 1,000 examiued .382 .229 1.704 .941 3.256 .076 .051 .611 .229 .907 .025 .051 ,331 .051 .458 28. 796 IKUIANA. 1 4 7 12 1 5 3 3 18 8 24 12 17 14 3 3 6 55 . 1 1 5 ■3' 3 8 G 18 3 9 25 2 1 6 3 2 2 4 2 1 7 5 3 9 6 4 1 1 GO 89 1 9 8 6 8 4 11 1 152 2 77 1 7 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 161 1 1 o 83 3 1 1 78 54 5 6 49 57 117 2 1 17 23 43 2 2 4 835 .130 .156 1.278 1.486 3.051 .052 .026 .443 .600 1.121 .052 .052 .104 21. 771 ILLINOIS. 1 12 4 17 3 1 4 1 1 101 13 Third district 1 1 .■i 15 3 3 2 2 « 2 8 18 11 7 62 1 1 6 3 5 1 7 6 6 1 2 5 1 4 5 2 1 1 ...... 1 2 211 Fifth district 100 ■ 2 97 1 67 Ei"litli district 1 G 12 3 6 4 3 10 G 1 23 18 5 12 4 6 2 4 " i 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 118 Tcutii tlistrict 1 G 28 "1 1 1 1 2 2 85 1 1 1 36 Thirtft'iith district 1 2 1 45 Total 4 13 72 41 129 2 5 23 13 43 1 1 1 1 7 2 11 1.1174 Katio per 1,000 esauiiued .110 .329 1.974 1.124 1 3. .538 .055 .137 .631 . 3.i7 1.179 .027 .027 1 .192 .055 .302 29. 453 IOWA. First district 2 5 ..... 1 1 2 7 i 3 1 1 ... ^ 1 1 " i 2 3 39 1 2 45 Third district 1 17 18 1 2 1 1 1 16 Sixtli district 6 Total 2 3 11 3 1 1:1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1- •• 1 1| 1 141 .250 .383 1.406 .3^3 1 2.429 .128 . 123 1 . 2.56 .128 j .639 1 !•»"-« 1 .128 [ 18. 024 1 :! 20 Table No. 1 — Shomng the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT CI AND UNDEE 63 INCHES— Continued. OIETH OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. & •s 3 1 10 > O si .a .S 1 CO 1 o •3 i 0 •g .5 0 0 0 g > 0 a n 0 0 ! 1 i 0 •3 a .3 « 0 > 0 s u a d g 0 1 n c 0 1 MICHIGAN. 1 4 5 1 10 2 ""■"a' 6 ...... 6 1 7 14 2 15 9 1 D 3 14 2 13 3 C 11 8 "5 7 16 14 22 3 22 10 1 5 3 12 11 9 5 9 1 3 ...... 1 Thinl district 3 4 6 14 18 Fourth district 1 1 1 ■'"3 6 Fifth district Sixth district 5 Total .... 1 C 23 18 48 2 4 44 37 1 87 4 29 40 73 Ratio per 1,000 csamiued .079 .477 1.828 1.431 3.815 .159 .318 3.497 2.940 6.914 .318 2.305 3.179 5.801 WISCONSIN. First district 10 6 1 7 3 5 2 13 13 U 3 22 1 1 18 10 4 1 5 10 15 17 5 19 i 34 34 9 20 5 19 2 1 10 10 4 14 8 4 4 9 16 25 Third district Foiirth district 2 1 5 10 Fifth district ...... 2 Sixth district 2 2 2 16 Total 2 26 23 51 4 60 57 121 4 5 30 36 m Katio per l.OCO examined .183 2.381 2.106 4.C69 .366 5.493 5.219 11. 079 .366 .458 3.296 1 3.296 7.416 MKXESOT.i. First district 1 5 '2 1 3 3 4 6 7 11 3 1 3 3 3 2 9 6 Second district 2 Total 6 2 8 2 6 10 18 1 6 5 15 Ritio per 1,000 examined 1.630 .543 2173 .543 1.630 2 716 4.8S9 1.086 1.630 1.358 4 074 CALEFOKXIA. Xortliem district 2 0 Middle district .Southern district 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 Total 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 3 Hat io per 1,000 examined .765 .765 .765 2.294 3.058 .765 1.529 2.294 KANSAS. Northern district 5 2 5 2 1 1 10 2 1 13 2 2 2 Southern district 1 Total 7 7 1 1 12 1 15 2 Katio per 1,000 examined 9.602 9.602 1.372 1.372 16. 461 1.372 20. 576 2.743 a 743 OKKOON. Oregon Total Katio per 1,000 examined 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 i NEVADA. Nevada 1 1 1 Total 1 1 ] 1 1 1 i 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Griind total United States. 01 111 a-iu 443 1,451 152 293 2,024 1,268 3,737 119 212 1,5.% 1,026 9,953 Ratio per 1,000 examined .193 .352 1649 1.404 4.597 .482 .928 6.413 4.017 1 11.840 .377 .672 5.057 3.251 9.356 21 expaimon of chest, to each other, and to different localities, <^-c. — Continued. HEIGHT CI AND UNDEK 03 INCHES— Continued. a GIUTIl OF CHEST AT EXPIEATION. a St 33 and uudtT35 inche 3. 3; autl uuder37 inches. 37 inches and over. ■a oi STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. -S 1 J3 1 U O O X V .a o a at u 1 ■g P n 1 3 0 H c ■3 a > 0 .a 0 .s u a n u 5 3 •3 a 1 0 1 0* 0 s •g a n > 0 0 a MICHIGAN. Firat district 1 2 3 G 7 5 2 5 2 ■■"2 2 5 8 10 7 7 2 1 1 i 1 3 1 4 1 I 3 1 4 36 44 2 4 1 1 1 23 Fifth district 68 27 Total 3 23 13 39 G 5 11 1 3 1 5 263 .238 1.828 1.033 3.099 .477 .397 .874 .079 .238 .079 .397 20 901 ■mscoNsis. First district 5 5 1 8 2 2 2 1 7 15 3 2 5 11 3 1 1 1 4 1 4 5 2 1 2 3 77 1 1 90 Third district 1 1 2 27 49 3 9 1 ..... 2 4 1 1 24 1 2 52 Total 2 1 23 17 43 2 8 7 17 1 3 2 G 319 .183 .092 2.10G 1.556 3.937 .183 .732 .641 1.536 . 092 97.1 .183 .549 29. S07 MINNESOTA. First district 4 4 3 3 7 24 Second district 4 4 2 2 37 Total 8 G 14 4 4 2 2 61 2.173 1.630 3.802 1.086 1.0S6 .543 .543 16. 567 CALIFORNIA. 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 0 2 1 3 13 Total ■ 2 0 3 3 3 1 4 17 1.529 1.529 2.294 2.294 a. 294 . 703 .). 058 12.997 KANSAS. ' 20 4 Total 1 1 24 1 ' 1 1 32. 9S2 OREGON. Total 1 1 NEVADA. ! 1 1 'Total 1 1 ' 1 Grand total United States 74 83 706 371 1.234 17 25 239 109 390 0 11 C4 25 lOG 9,871 Ratio per 1,000 osaiuiuod .234 .203 9.937 1.175 3.910 .054 .079 .757 .345 1.230 .010 .035 .203 .079 .336 31.275 22 Table No. 1 — Shoicivg the relation of heiglif, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT 63 AND tINDEE 65 rNCHEa GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPiaiTION. TTnder 20 inches. 29 and nnder 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. s i .s 4 1 o m o •§ a 1 o 00 .1 M f o i 1 1 a 1 1 1 n 1 .a g 4 .5 i 0 .9 g 0 « n u > 0 3 5 MAINE. 2 11 14 2 4 4 4 6 8 17 14 2 10 12 7 2 1 1 2 8 ■"■"2" 1 4 60 44 5 26 18 24 1 4 35 36 99 47 12 63 60 C 2 11 56 46 18 55 36 41 2 12 81 51 114 S) Thirrl ilistri»'t 30 Fonrtb district Fifth ili'itrict 4 2 7 138 9H Total 2 35 18 55 13 15 153 100 281 12 1 20 211 187 430 Batio per 1,000 examined . . . .162 8.831 1.456 4.449 1.052 1.213 12.376 1 8.089 ia729 .971 ,1.618 17.067 15. 126 34. 781 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 7 12 2 5 1 12 13 3 5 2 12 17 22 22 2fi 5 45 47 39 6 4 44 51 1 3 11 2 20 73 Total 1 ai 6 28 3 11 19 37 70 2 20 97 49 163 Eatio per 1,000 examined. . . .357 7.497 2.142 9.990 1.071 3.927 6.783 13. 210 24. 991 .714 ,7.140 34. 630 17. 494 59. 979 VERMONT. 1 5 2 8 1 3 14 2 3 8 16 18 7 35 8 18 51 28 3 1 26 19 20 8 84 6 37 1 ...... lot ThirH dis^trict. 2 86 1 ' ' Total 1 1 6 11 19 5 42 50 97 1 4 1 65 98 107 Eatio. per 1,000 examined. . . .296 .296 1.778 3.260 5.631 1. 482 j 12. 448 14. 819 28. 749 1.186 1 19.265 29.046 49. 496 MASSACBUSETTS. First district 1 1 3 30 17 12 5 1 12 2 4 5 5 3 20 10 4 1 6 2 2 7 8 44 41 24 13 2 18 5 6 9 16 102 33 60 28 4 19 13 . 5 22 13 19 20 25 4 3 26 8' 31 30 134 61 86 39 7 45 17 13 i 2 2 i 1 "5 3 '" i" 1 1 2 3 16 53 11 34 27 2 16 19 5 14 26 13 15 26 4 .» 12 18 1 2 1 13 7 '" "5 43 Tliird district 11 71 Fonrtii district 3 1 2 31 riftli district 62 Sixtli district . ... 32 Eijilitli district . ' 39 KintUdiatrict '... 3 1 29 Tentli district 17 Total 6 19 87 58 170 7 27 289 140 463 6 1 14 180 141 347 Eatio per 1,000 examined. . . .955 3. 025 13. 854 9.236 27. 070 1.115 4.299 46. 019 22. 293 7.3. 726 . 955 2. 229 j 29. 618 22. 452 S5.255 RHODE ISLASD. First district ^. . . 5 33 12 33 8 71 20 1 ...... 38 19 67 27 106 47 1 1 1 28 33 36 30 66 Total S 45 41 91 1 1 " 1 2 61 66 130 "■ 1.659 14. 935 13.608 30.202 .332 .332 18. 918 31. 198 1 50. 780 .332 .664 20.246 21. 905 43. 146 CONNECTICUT. First district 1 7 6 2 1 1 14 2 5 1 33 20 9 32 2 12 43 52 2 32 9 1 24 11 2 27 14 35 14 41 40 Second district 1 47 Third district 16 Foortlx district 1 3 a 18 68 Total 2 11 9 22 3 71 55 129 3 64 104 171 .953 5.241 4.288 10. 481 1.4S9 33.820 1 20.203 61.458 1. 429 30. 491 49. 547 NEW YORK. Firat district 1 2 2 2 1 3 5 2 4 41 i 8 4 10 56 5 2 2 5 9 6 6 e 7 31 58 2 io' 8 21 49 74 15 14 6 9 3 22 3 9 12 7 29 52 15 14 4 1 43 Second di.-itrict Tbinl ilislrict Fourtli distiiet ^I 23 expan^on of chest, to each other, and to different localities, 0 1 s ■3 n 1 0 "3 1 ■§ a 0 1 en 1 i New York— Continued. 4 5 1 1 1 12 30 5 1 21 8 1 7 2 93 4 1 3 5 4 11 2 29 i i 9 9 23 3 9 2 1 1 20 51 10 3 51 15 5 11 3 106 13 1 23 8 8 31 6 17 4 4 23 59 42 17 41 28 21 62 30 209 70 12 10 12 22 50 5 3' 10 22 6 1 83 6 4 9 15 " 33 67 2 27 2 10 117 11 11 33 43 3 38 42 45 22 9 8 38 94 52 26 133 91 36 85 46 244 138 14 37 14 32 174 11 28 41 57 21 83 62 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 18 3 92 2 1 . 2 1 1 2 7' 17 ■■■■4' 8 1 10 3 ■"'"3' 3 4 ...... 1 ...... 4 15 18 15 16 11 109 60 35 44 78 21 43 103 127 34 19 6 17 79 33 6 1 3' 33 14 1 S6 9 3 10 29 e 88 30 24 12 26 140 9 11 23 73 11 55 72 •M 1 27 5 1 2 5 2 5 5 56 2 0 2 '"''3 8 2 3 4 1 9 12 1 ...... 17 17 4 9 1 1 ■"■'2' 4 19 1 2 1 1 7 1 151 76 T^vc O 1 .5 a n s t- o 3 0 ■3 a 1-4 •i a 1 .9 g 0 1 P CO g 0 3 a" "a 0 rs a 01 a Xew To bk— Continued. Fifth district 3 2 11 10 20 fi 7 o 44 30 35 26 73 14 17 101 42 12 18 2 13 55 13 1 3 4 13 60 28 26 2 1 2 2 2 11 8 2 50 1 1 4 15 3 47 18 5 5 27 41 2 8 10 31 8 16 21 26 23 8 9 6 57 38 57 77 128 18 23 117 46 59 36 7 18 86 60 3 12 14 44 87 48 51 2 4 2 3 8 3 ■ 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 123 79 36 40 84 307 179 160 423 437 91 179 337 537 341 123 101 76 249 495 05 Sixth district 2 1 1 1 1 Seventh district . Ei'^hth district 4 4 2 2 2 9 1 2 5 13 2 3 24 4 3 11 1 3 16 3 2 2 2 4 i ...... "'h' 7 2 '5 6 13 3 9 10 18 3 3 31 4 8 18 3 3 21 9 Twelfth district 11 1 54 9 ...... 2 • 1 1 2 1 5 3 1 1 5 6 Thirteenth district 2 3 3 Fourteenth district 3 Sixteenth district .. -. 2 1 1 1 2 1 Nineteenth district . 3 3 Twenty-first district 1 4 1 2 4 Twentv-tliird district 4 4 2 Twenty-tifth district 1 1 5 22 7 3 ...... 7 4 2 3 1 2 12 27 10 6 1 '"'i' 2 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 75 98 218 237 1 Twenty-cif^hth district Twenty-ninth district Thirtieth district 8 2 4 5 S 1 " "i' 2 8 1 1 Thirty-first tUstrict 278 Total 97 07 726 349 1,239 17 19 152 61 249 6 1 33 12 52 6,S03 Rntio per 1,000 examined . . 2.215 1.530 16. 576 7.968 28. 289 .388 .434 3.470 1.393 5.685 .137 .023 .753 .274 1.187 141.627 KEW JERSEY. 1 2 33 1 2 5 25 1 10 26 44 64 6 39 40 17 12 50 55 69 68 134 58 104 ...... 3 1 1 5 7 6 12 1 14 3 2 12 6 10 14 22 13 26 2 1 6 1 6 1 1 ■■■'a' 2 3 3 8 3 11 Second district 1 0 394 Third district Foniih district 356 Fifth district 1 5 3 Total 37 43 179 174 433 8 12 40 25 85 6 16 6 28 2,750 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 3.166 2. 517 10. 478 10. 185 25.345 .468 .702 2.341 1.463 4.975 .351 .937 .351 1.639 160.969 PEXXSYLVAXIA. 2 1 18 1 11 66 17 41 8 84 123 55 66 24 43 17 73 36 • 46 32 29 30 16 7 9 8 64 1 21 8 11 1 9 37 18 37 11 101 1 22 10 6 39 67 16 9 12 15 29 65 15 88 27 il 9 100 161 73 104 37 H6 2U 39 95 46 58 72 103 50 25 19 24 4 4 3 13 5 11 4 39 73 21 17 11 i; 7 5 22 8 21 15 11 12 4 5 2 1 33 ■■"4 1 3 i 23 10 8 1 13 ■ 3 3 ...... 12 16 12 ■■■■4" 1 5 38 3 18 6 14 4 44 97 33 25 13 20 10 8 23 9 25 27 29 25 4 9 3 197 1 2 7 [» 257 Third district 3 1 2 137 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 7 13 8 3 3 G 1 3 3 9 5 8 5 405 256 Sixth district 5 4 1 5 12 7 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 '""'i' 1 1 1 2 4 ...... ""2 ""3 3 2 401 146 Eighth district . 7 ' i 3 1 2 1 1 354 558 Tenth district . 215 1 2 2 a ""i" 218 Twelfth district 1 ...... 3 123 427 114 109 3 o r 1 1 1 9 1 5 "o 3 o 3 1 1 1 358 165 Eijihteeuth district 1 8 2 5 3 181 S06 Twentieth district 1 1 1 563 244 77 Twenty-third district 1 1 77 96 Total 30 35 808 531 1,404 13 11 333 150 497 1 4 63 33 100 6,004 Itatio per 1.000 examiDcd - - .037 .743 18.419 11.268 31. 007 .276 .233 6.854 3.183 10.547 .021 .085 ..337 .679 il22 127. 409 26 Table No. 1— Showing the relation of height, girth of chest at cjcpiralion, and HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER G5 INCHES— Contiuued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT KXPIBATIOX. Under 29 Inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and i nder :t3 inches. STATES. Expansion. Exp-aiision. Exx)ansion. 00 00 s 8 .a .a i m .a a « u > O i o g n u Q > o o H i — i ■3 a i i o ■§ > O s ■g a n > O 3 i .a a a •0 .a « a Gt V 5 O "3 o UELAWAUE. Tirtsfili strict; 1 1 3 5 1 9 1 6 34 5 46 1 1 3 5 1 9 1 6 34 5 46 .823 .823 2.409 4. 115 .823 7.407 .823 1.938 27. 9l<4 4. 115 37. 860 MARYLAND. 2 5 7 1 1 4 2 3 "■"4 1 1 4 9 4 3 16 7 25 13 1 2 8 14 9 25 16 41 6 25 32 48 27 23 3 16 2 5 29 Secniid (listlit't 1 4 2 3 1 ...... 33 3 32 1 1 1 54 1 2 1 86 Fifth district 35 2 3 5 5 15 11 19 51 24 105 10 39 138 49 236 Katio per 1,000 examined. . . .289 .434 .723 .723 2.) 68 1.590 2.746 7.372 3.409 15. 178 1.446 5.637 19. 948 7.083 34.114 DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA. District of Columbia 7 1 8 3 1 61 S 67 5 131 4 140 Total 7 1 8 3 1 61 2 67 5 131 4 1 140 2.428 .347 2.775 1.041 .347 21. 159 .094 23. 240 1.734 45. 439 1.387 48.501 WEST VIKGINIA. 4 10 1 26 1 11 57 2 3 1 16 45 48 7 .56 16 2 120 65 13 2 52 51 11 62 26 116 77 11 Total 4 17 27 11 59 4 19 100 74 197 2 114 88 ] 204 Ratio per 1,000 examined. . . .771 3.277 5.205 2.121 11.375 .771 3.003 19.279 1 14.200 37.980 .386 21. 978 10.965 39.32D KENTUCKY. 1 1 1 5 • 3 8 7 3 1 20 1 4 8 8 6 28 1 2 11 i 3 3 4 1 5 11 14 1 7 3 5 10 7 2 3 i 2 3 1 1 4 2 1 5 8 1 1 3 8 Filth district 2 1 17 Sixth district 24 1 1 1 1 7 1 4 7 14 3 4 10 1 3 1 5 1 19 Total 1 10 5 IG 3 3 27 36 09 1 6 59 33 ! 99 Katio per 1,000 examined. . . .235 2. 3.')2 1. 176 3. 703 .700 .706 0.350 8.467 16. 228 .235 1.411 13. 876 7.761 23.28;) MISSOURI. First district 2 1 5 1 1 8 3 1 1 3 2 G 2 1 20 11 5 6 29 20 6 2 1 2 2 4 2 15 1 3 44 24 4 2 2 11 10 61 1 44 Thiiil ilistrict 19 Fonrlli district 3 riltli district 5 Sixth district 2 4 17 8 2 3 19 15 .1 1 1 1 38 8 3 13 1 1 52 Ei'.'htli district 1 1 10 5 Total 1 3 7 1 12 2 20 58 14 94 4 28 125 42 1 199 "alio JUT 1,000 examined. .. .1B6 .497 l.lGl .166 1.990 .332 3.31G 9.617 2.321 15.586 .663 4.643 20.726 6.964 32.9!!C OHIO. 1 5 1 11 7 33 1 8 21 36 1 32 73 17 31 39 2 .■ai Second district 25 06 27 crpaj!«io» of cheit, to each oilier, and to different localities, ^-c— Continued. HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER 63 INCHES— Continued. 3 GIIITH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 ruches. 37 inches and over. wJ STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. •—^'i ^'^ i O ■s a J3 .g U O > O i •g a. ■t 0 1 0 a n > 0 3 u 0 a .a .s .1 1 0 1 0 1 •i I 1 .a .S .a > 0 .9 0 0 1 n > 0 H "a 3 s a DELAWARE. 2 5 37 8 52 3 14 1 18 2 1 3 129 First district 2 5 37 8 52 3 14 1 18 2 1 3 129 Total 1.646 4.115 30. 453 6.584 42. 798 2.469 11. 5-23 .823 14.815 1.646 .823 2.469 106. 173 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . MARrLAMl. 1 4 10 4 2 ...... 41 1 4 38 40 47 7 21 1 15 i 20 37 82 92 11 1 6 2 1 1 "3" 2 15 4 5 17 19 3 6 ...... 11 14 29 35 5 1 1 3 5 1 " 'i' 2 3 6 8 89 2 1 1 ...... 3 96 197 241 94 Thii-d tlistrict Fourth tlistrict Fifth district Total 21 53 136 33 248 11 20 48 15 94 4 3 10 2 19 717 Eatio per 1,000 examined .. 3.036 7.661 19. 639 5.493 35. 849 1.590 2.891 6.938 2.168 13.588 .578 .434 1.446 .289 12.746 103. 643 DISTRICT OF COLCMBIA. 2 101 3 106 34 2 36 6 6 363 District of Columbia Total 2 101 3 106 34 11. 793 2 36 6 6 303 .694 35.033 1.041 1 36.767 .694 12. 487 2.081 2.081 125.911 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . WEST TIEGIKIA. 14 17 6 17 10 2 31 27 8 1 5 4 1 5 3 11 7 1 335 Flrstdistrict Second district 1 1 179 32 37 29 66 1 10 8 19 1 1 546 Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 7.133 5.591 12. 724 .193 1.928 1.543 3.663 .193 .193 105. 263 KENTUCKY. 2 4 1 "'i' 3 7 1 5 8 13 2 4 G 2' 15 2 2 i 2 6 11 4 20 11 10 5 6 9 ""3 1 - 3 i 4 1 6 '""i' 1 6 2 5 1 1 7 15 First district Second district Third district 28 23 39 Fourth district ...... 1 2 1 1 1 1 i 73 ■■■■•■1 8 Seventh district 1 1 1 1 1 26 Eighth district Kinth district 44 Total l\ 8 1 49 24 88 5 1 16 1 23 1 1 2 397 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 1.646 1.881 11. 524 5.644 20.696 1.176 .235 3.763 .235 5.409 .235 .235 .470 69. 849 MISSOUBI. 2 1 """i ""i 1 1 8 "x 24 22 i 32 3 3 8 4 5 2 35 28 8 ii .39 4 6 1 1 ...... 12 6 1 ii 2 3 3 "■3' 16 10 2 5 17 2 3 0 3 152 First district 107 35 Third district Fourth district Fifth district SLxth district Seventh district Eighth district Kinth district ""4 1 1 ...... ■■■■5 1 1 5 132 31 16 Total 5 •as. 1 83 19 131 2 6 1 35 9 52 11 1 12 Eatio per 1,000 examined . .8-29 3.648 ; 14.094 3.150 21.721 .333 .995 5.803 1.492 a 6-22 1.824 .166 1.990 OHIO. 10 19 2 31 0 4 10 7 130 First district .... 1 1 i 303 .1 12 10 ' '.-J ■ ■ 1 ■ 28 Table No. 1 — Showitig the rclaiioii of height, girlh of chest at expiration, aud TTRTGHT C3 AND UNDER 65 INCHES— Cod tinuod. GIliTH OF CHEST AT EXriJJATIOS. Under 29 inches. 29 and uuder 31 inches. 31 and iindur33 inches. STATES. Expansion. E.'cp:iiision. Exijanaion. a 1 O it .a 1 CI O V 1 O 1 S o •a ■3 > 0 1 a CJ 6 It .s n % c 1 i 0 •s C3 1 t-t 0 m a g 0 t •s t 0 Ohio — Contiuiird. 1 7 o 3 5' 4 7 7 '3 2 2 5 7 4 27 21 11 6 45 11 11 19 26 21 29 15 50 18 100 39 11 68 3 108 1 10 13 2 138 12 27 11 12 4 24 52 8 132 97 29 124 14 69 24 33 157 48 89 49 27 68 46 161 53 143 i 1 1 8 2 5 28 4 1 3 20 a 2 15 2 5 17 1 5 2 3 4 24 55 11 27 68 33 44 10 66 46 30 21 67 21 52 118 13 53 3 129 9 6 25 1 75 23 18 33 12 15 32 30 24 96 80 61 Fifth district 144 57 1 5 3 1 1 14 5 7 i 1 1 3 35 9 3 2 14 8 31 2 1 ^1 15 7 49 10 84 60 62 1 7 13 •f 1 6 ""i 2 14 7 24 2 3 17 7 98 TwrlltlKlistrict Tbirtt'eiillidistrift 109 71 34 Fiftotlitli ilistrict 1 9 5 '5 9 4 3 1 87 55 85 150 Sevoutccutli district Eiirhteenth district 3 1 9 0 10 Total 10 9 90 90 211 66 85 523 003 1,336 53 103 788 612 1 555 Ratio per 1,000 examined. . . .254 .229 2.442 2.442 .5.367 1. 079 2.102 13. 304 16.840 33.985 1.323 2.620 20. 045 15. 568 39. 556 INDIANA. 1 1 2 "■■26 1 1 7 1 3 4 27 71 52 45 26 15 21 55 2 75 50 113 80 63 36 53 12 63 22 5 79 83 191 135 115 66 08 46 1 20 2 i 1 4 10 28 18 25 3 35 64 32 43 81 30 60 88 4 7 65 70 137 124 191 70 101 13 1 1 42 Third district 36 12 21 3 5 7 0 12 32 0 10 19 3 3 68 Fifth district 11 3 5 12 3 ■"2" 2 7 1 3 4 205 Seventh district 159 156 Teuth district 138 1 o 4 9 Total 1 1 37 51 90 28 26 272 547 873 29 33 435 870 Ratio per 1,000 esaiuined. . . .026 .020 .965 1.330 2.347 .730 .678 7.092 14. 202 22. 762 .756 .860 11.081 22. 083 35. 381 ILLINOIS. 1 0 II (; 18 25 5 2 24 11 5 5 8 5 i * 1 6 20 8 47 38 13 7 8 15 3 2 "'3' 8 15 6 37 40 45 102 34 62 54 26 26 39 44 10 5 22 11 7 34 83 13 8 53 44 18 21 20 61 59 70 143 117 87 82 80 73 59 87 31 8 2 3 1 i 2 4 1 1 7 30 33 1 3 10 2 2 18 2 10 104 20 131 198 58 72 60 30 48 38 79 25 25 48 4 36 77 121 16 10 178 84 10 15 32 1 Second district 37 Third district 1 6 Fourth district - 309 Fifth district 1 1 4 1 3 180 Sixth district 6 " "2 1 2 4 20 1 ...... 20 1 3 92 80 Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district 136 Toulhdistrict '. 10 3 1 60 114 60 36 Elc-venth district Twelfth district Thirteenth district Total 3 14 88 03 168 14 81 524 330 955 16 121 694 038 1,600 Ratio per 1,000 i.xaniiued. .. .082 .384 2. 113 1. 728 4. 007 .384 2.221 14. 370 9.214 26. 189 .439 3.318 21. 517 17. 496 45.770 JOWA. First district 1 2 1 12 1 i 3 1 10 3 1 4 26 20 8 6 3 10 9 3 17 11 2 10 35 35 28 20 7 20 1 7 1 23 11 3 3 1 24 71 18 24 13 14 in 11 21 21 1 20 35 Second district 0 I 1 6 1 « T 106 57 48 17 35 Third district 3 1 2 3 Foiuth dintrict Filth dish-ict Sixth district Total ^ 8| 17 28 4 10 79 53 145 8 42 164 84 298 Ratio jier 1,000 examined... .383 1. 023 ] 2. 173 3.579 .511 1.278 10. 0D8 6.647 18. 535 1.023 .5. 369 20. 964 10. 738 38. 093 29 expansion of chest, to each otlur, and to different localities, o s .a u a CI § o 1 CO ? o 1 4 a u > 0 0 1 c* 0 6 > 0 ■3 s 0 u c 1 □ 0 0 ■3 .9 n 0 'a 1 1 0 rs § 0 Ohio— Continued. Third district 9 87 9 20 50 43 22 21 47 24 12 8 41 19 10 89 7 34 10 32 9 7 15 4 48 8 6 17 1 8 30 3 22 17 43 99 42 54 CO , 59 39 71 62 87 29 11 51 53 13 119 24 5 20 1 10 19 20 5 3 17 4 7 4 7 3 1 39 1 3 '"a 1 1 8 ""s 3 3 11 1 ■ -7 3 9 3 8 22 8 27 22 2'J 7 11 21 13 19 5 7 10 4 49 4 1 1 5 2 11 12 4 1 233 2 "'i' 21 1 2 13 a 5 14 2 1 ...... ...... 14 1 1 1 5 223 2 4 327 Sixtli district. 4 2 5 9 2 1 2 3 1 163 256 Eifihth district 1 179 144 346 2 43 ""o 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 7 3 1 1 ID 7 1 247 338 171 2 2 3 78 2 2 " "i 2 3 226 1 168 278 4 4 1 9 2 11 389 329 Total 58 80 648 283 969 13 29 176 67 285 4 9 47 11 71 4,427 Ratio per 1,000 cxamiaed .. 1.475 2. 035 13. 940 7.199 24. 650 .331 .738 4.477 ll.704 I 7.250 .102 .229 1.196 .280 1.806 112. 615 INDIANA. 1 10 3 1 " 16 20 10 43 4 10 00 10 29 71 31 46 38 i 31 36 88 52 111 47 64 21 60 20 63 35 40 l.'i3 07 141 128 101 79 ...... 1 ...... 5 4 13 2 3 10 9 13 22 12 24 7 ""5 4 12 6 16 14 14 4 13 5 19 7 7 22 19 29 37 31 37 2 2 4 202 97 2 1 1 i .... 1 5 1 3 1 1 5 7 2 2 5 7 126 Fourth district 202 Fifth district 1 4 3 1 277 5 5 "l6 2 8 582 3 1 4 397 Eighth district 1 543 ""3 2 1 ■ 2 7 1 392 4 4 345 Eleveuth district 3 3 259 Total 23 47 340 469 899 9 18 117 82 226 5 5 14 13 37 3,482 Katio per l.COO examined . . .COO 1.225 8. 805 12. 750 23.440 .235 .469 3.051 2.138 5.802 .130 .130 .365 .339 .965 90. 786 ILLINOIS. 71 9 78 107 29 53 27 22 30 26 43 16 18 24 16 27 53 3 111 50 3 3 17 3 95 9 109 143 82 58 41 133 93 35 58 34 24 29 4 32 32 7 11 4 4 11 0 6 4 '■> 9 7 11 1 "u 16 6 ■""2 38 4^ 42 18 14 4 18 27 14 14 1«6 10 2 12 302 115 3 la 9 0 3 7 5 1 8 5 450 649 444 Sixth district 1 1 1 11 2 2 2 291 230 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 5 5 449 I 2 11 1 3 1 1 o40 4 1 "i 0 7 184 Eleventh district 1 2 4 1 281 138 Thirteenth district 1| 0 1 80 Total 10 51 535 318 914 2 1 26 159 71 258 1 2 32 10 43 4,009 Ratio per 1,00U examined . . .274 1.399 14. 072 8.721 25. 065 . 055 . 713 4.360 1.947 7.075 .027 .055 .878 .274 1.234 101 941 IOWA. 4 8 12 1 C 17 53 14 12 23 20 5 4 16 14 5 14 26 6G 43 27 34 36 3 13 1 I "'"2 3 17 0 4 )0 n 1 1 103 Second district Third district 1 3 ..... 1 2 4 2 225 2 1 3 l.iS Fourth district Filth district 102 11 1 3 10 1 1 4 4 79 Sixth district .» 2 100 Total C 31 1.39 58 234 2 8 39 1 8 57 2 6 8 770 Pntio pri- l.COO exaitiined . . .707 3. 903 17.768 7.414 .29.912 .256 1.023 4.983 jl.023 7.286 .256 .767 1.0-23 98. 42S 30 Table Nu. 1 — Shoifiiiy llu rdatiuit vf luiylit, tjirlh of chest at ex2>iration,aud HEIGHT C3 AND UNDER 65 INCHES— Continued. GIETH OF CHEST AT EXPIUATION. Under 29 inches. 29 .ind under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. OD ID O s •g s .a 1 i 1 .9 1 1 en I o i •S .g a i 6 m o o a g O 1 .a a .S3 a c* > 0 oi n > 0 1 JQCIIIGAN. 1 6 5 2 7 3 5 8 4 1 7 18 6 14 11 4 14 21 ..... 1 1 3 7 ■""6" 18 27 46 6 35 10 22 112 25 2 18 40 41 142 78 9 63 50 2 9 42 23 56 19 61 8 30 120 38 11 35 33 83 143 2 6 1 100 1 31 9C 41 1 2 24 43 70 2 20 142 219 3S3 2 16 209 267 494 Katio per 1,000 examined. . . .079 .159 1.907 3.417 5. 503 .159 1.589 11.285 36 29 9 3 10 9i 17.404 30. 438 .159 1.272 16. 610 21.219 39.259 WISCONSIN. !Kr o 1 6 .9 CO 1 3 S o a 1 MICUIGAX. 2 30 0 32 52 40 3 14 67 27 11 18 17 46 73 61 65 67 20 • 2 9 2 11 25 13 3 16 3 5 5 3 14 18 14 32 IS 3 7 1 3 3 1 3 1 ""i 1 1 10 2 3 4 1 200 392 2 ■■a' 2G7 2 1 2 145 260 136 3 6 1C9 154 332 2 2 60 35 99 13 7 22 1,400 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .238 .477 13. 431 12. 239 26. 385 .159 .159 4.708 2.782 7.868 1.192 .536 1.748 111.201 WISCONSIN. 6 2 39 29 18 1 32 31 11 35 14 8 4 e 56 67 32 9 38 57 8 5 7 ""e 5 8 12 12 220 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 5 230 122 147 2 8 1 3 U 1 "is 12 17 1 1 134 10 3 1 191 Total 11 18 150 80 259 5 32 94 61 3 6 4 13 1,054 Ratio per 1,000 examined .. 1.007 l.li48 13. 734 7.323 23.714 1 .458 9.930 2.197 5.385 .275 .549 .366 1.190 96.502 MINNESOTA. 1 1 15 10 8 21 24 38 8 3 3 6 11 9 91 .. .. 2 o 135 Totil 2 31 39 62 11 9 20 2 2 226 .543 8.419 7.876 10. 839 2.988 2.444 5.432 .543 .543 61. 380 CALIFORNIA. 6 3 1 10 i 9 2 12 1 4 3 8 1 1 2 28 31 o 6 6 2 2 37 Total 6 2 14 1 23 1 4 9 14 1 3 4 96 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . 4.587 1.529 10. 703 .703 17.584 .763 13.058 6.881 10. 703 .703 2.294 3.058 73. 394 K.4NSAS. 1 7 2 8 2 1 2 ...... 1 3 36 1 1 16 1 9 10 3 1 4 1 1 52 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 1.372 13. 346 13. 717 4.115 1. 372 5.487 1.372 1.372 71.331 OREGON. NEVADA. Nevada 1 1 3 Total 1 1 p. 3 47. 619 47. 619 142. 857 Grand total United States 341 508 4,512 2,884 8, 245 100 .317 173 .548 1,403 4.445 627 1.987 2,3OT 27 .086 39 .124 294 .931 115 .364 475 1.505 36,989 Ratio per 1,000 examined . i.oeo 1.610 14.290 9.138 26.123 7.297 117. 195 32 Table No. 1 — Sliotvinjf the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, a.irf HEIGHT 05 AND TJlfDEE 67 INCHES. GIRTH OF CnEST AT EXPIUATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o ■g ■§ > o i .s CI > O o a CO g o •3 i 1 4 .9 O s ■g « a n u 5 o H IB i a .3 > 0 H CI 1 i 1 CO g 0 1 MAIKE. 1 6 1 3 2 10 3 1 5 44 23 10 41 13 27 4 4 67 39 77 27 15 112 54 4 1 3 2 3 9 1 2 0 11 94 97 33 109 47 58 6 21 197 152 ICS 105 1 3 1 59 1 6 1 10 3 17 4 1 1 364 213 Total 1 1 14 18 34 3 10 131 141 285 13 20 430 434 906 Eatio per 1,000 examined. . . .081 .081 1.138 1.456 2.750 .243 .809 J 0.596 11. 405 23.053 1.052 2.340 1 34.781 35.105 73.283 NEW HA31PSHIKE. 5 5 11 5 40 8 16 1 1 21 47 16 '""'i' 2 1 2 11 6 107 57 55 3 9 11 1 3 5 4 Third district 79 Total 11 5 16 4 9 53 18 84 3 14 170 67 254 3.927 1.785 5.712 1. 428 3.213 18. 922 6.426 29.989 !l.071 4.998 00. 693 2a 920 VEEMOST. 1 1 1 3 'b' 2 2 7 5 1 i' 1 14 6 41 37 11 22 44 53 3 1 3 39 26 02 20 123 S3 62 149 Thiid district 97 Total 1 5 8 14 1 2 61 55 119 6 127 173 308 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . . .290 1. 482 2. 371 4.149 .296 .593 18. 079 16.301 35. 270 1.778 ! 37.641 • 51.867 91.286 SUSSACHUSETTS. 2 1 48 10 11 5 6' 3 3 I 6 26 5 "i 11 ...... 3 6 61 49 16 6 1 17 4 4 4 15 121 47 43 19 5 15 14 7 24 19 22 C2 44 8 4 31 3 8 28 34 156 113 88 31 IS 46 21 15 7 21 109 31 74 ■47 5 15 36 33 41 44 59 72 14 4 37 13 21 1 7 3 i 2 2 1 2 3 8 3 6 64 " i' " "a' 1 13 3 2 2 2 4 99 Pii'tli district 143 1 Seventh district 16 Eialith district 52 1 2 2 ...... 6 55 29 Tentli district . . . . Total 5 12 95 55 107 6 24 j 289 235 544 7 28 j 352 338 723 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .796 1.911 15. 127 8.758 26. 598 .955 3.822 1 46 019 35.828 86. 624 1.115 4. 459 1 56. 031 53. 823 ll.-i. 446 IIHODE ISLAND. IFirst district 1 11 4 20 4 32 8 2 2 2 62 23 99 31 165 56 I 3 2 71 44 104 56 179 102 Second district ; . 1 15 24 40 2 4 85 130 231 1 5 115 160 281 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .332 4.978 7.965 13.276 .664 1.328 28.211 43. 146 73.349 .332 1. 659 38. 168 53.103 93.263 CO-NTJECTICL'T. First district 1 4 2 5 1 8 2 5 23 14 9 32 7 18 32 46 7 31 "3 2 1 49 24 4 • 44 28 58 23 64 79 Second district 86 Tliird district 27 Fourtli district o 1 1 110 - Total 1 4| 11 16 ] 2| 48 06 116 1 4 4 121 173 302 Eatio per 1,000 examined. . .476 1.906 ^?.241 7.623 ! . 953 j 28. 868 31. 444 55. 864 1. 906 1. 900 ' ' 57. 046 82. 4i0 143 '•78 .NEW YORK. First district 2 2 3 o 1 5 2 25 3 6 3 3 3 13 4 8 3 9 10 43 4 1 12 7 29 29 61 10 20 7 4 32 10 13 10 0 43 105 17 1 18 18 02 78 .Si'coiiil ilistrict Tliird (li.strict T'ourth distrirt 4 1 12 6 140 32 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localitiea, tf-c— C'outiuued. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDEE 67 INCHES-Continued. u ■§ OIRTU OF CHEST AT EXPIEATION. s a 33 antl under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 3 STATES. Expansion. E.xpansion. Expansion. .«■§ MS ■3 4 a o 01 V O i CO t o i .a •g a u 00 6 S ■§ .3 n o ■3 1 1 _P u 6 u p 6 CO 1 5-= 1 a 2 0 HAISE. First district 4 2 4 2 7 21 ""'io' 4 7 121 152 64 102 .■ir. 56 8 30 199 165 202 162 108 . 307 234 2 4 62 59 42 46 24 25 6 26 69 75 93 65 73 119 105 2 4 35 7 24 17 20 Second district 21 8 7 12 7 9 8 1 10 582 Third district 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 3 Fovirtb district 279 Filtli district 2 1 1 G30 Total 19 4-1 494 458 1,013 8 13 1 233 901 455 1 6 1 8 50 39 103 2, 790 Eatio per 1,000 examined.. 1.537 3.397 |39.958 37.046 81. 938 .647 1.052 |18.847 16.258 36. 803 1 . 485 1 . 647 4.044 3.153 8.331 226. 159 NEW HAMPSHIRE. First di.strict 68 29 3 7 34 73 124 1 30 82 7 3 5 8 33 100 1.311 287 Second district 1 2 1 10 22 ...... """io' 31 Tliird district 16 1 99 3 10 8 350 Total ■i 17 1 172 39 231 3 10 1 113 15 "M 8 32 ' 1 41 767 Eatio per 1,000 exaniiiied-. 1.071 G.009 61.407 il3.924 82. 471 1.071 .3.570 40.343 5.335 50.339 2.856 11.424 .3.57 14. 633 273.8:il VERMONT. First district 2 48 17 37 19 147 2^ 69 164 60 1 2 29 2 4 5 53 4 37 55 8 2 2 2 11 1 6 11 1 Second district 198 430 224 Third district 1 1 Total 2 1 ! 102 1 188 293 1 [ 2 j 33 62 100 1 2 2 14 IS 832 Ratio per 1,000 examined.. .593 .290 |30.231 ;55.720 86. 841 .290 1 .593 ,10.373 18. 370 29.638 1 .593 .593 4.149 5. 335 232.519 MASSACHUSETTS. First di.strict 6 10 50 28 35 29 4 3 21 3 24 21 17 17 17 14 5 9 30 31 69 46 53 38 H 17 34 19 5 3 5 4 4 2 1 4 5 4 21 7 13 11 4 2 4 6 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 3 7 2 107 140 Second district 1 14 3 8 11 3 ■ — ' ' Third district i' 2 1 i' 2 3 1 Fonrth district 1 ...... 468 317 325 154 41 134 119 66 Fiflli district 1 Sixtli district- Se\'enth district 1 Eighth district Ninth district 2 6 3 2 1 1 Tenth district Total 4 9 1 189 1 136 338 1 1 3 1 45 28 "■ 1 1 10 9 20 1,871 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .637 1.433 30.096 21.656 53.822 .159 . 478 1 7. 166 4.459 12.261 1 1 .159 1. 592 1.433 3.185 297.930 EHOUE ISLAND. 93 56 11 12 12 4 23 16 6 o 2 1 8 3 First district 35 31 60" a.'i 502 241 Second district 1 ! Total 66 85 151 1 23 16 39 8 3 11 743 Eatio per 1,000 examined . 21.905 ,28.211 50.116 1 7.634 5. 310 12.944 1 2.655 .996 3.651 246. 598 ,, CONNECTICUT. First district 2 1 40 3 n 26 31 10 44 68 .52 11 73 2 4 4 8 8 1 1 189 200 5-'> Second district 1 Third district 1 27 Fourth district 1 1 ^ 3 2 241 1 Total 2 6 85 j 111 204 1 13 1 28 1 41 3 3 082 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .933 2. 859 Uo. 495 52. 882 97. 189 i 1 ] C. 193 J13.340 [19.533 . ..1 1.429 1.429 324. 917 NEW YORK. First district Second district Third district 8 .■1 n 9 26 3 2 i 13 26 29 1 16 4 7 48 48 37 40 6 1 8 4 4 o 7 21 3 5 13 3 3 1 2 2 2 o ■■■3' 8 6 2 3 173 176 Fourth district i 11 l.'l 0 '. . .. Si ...... 90 34 Taulk No. 1 — Shoiving the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT C5 AND UNDER C7 INCHES- Continned. OIKTll OF CHKST AT EXPIRATIOX. Uuiler 29 iucbes. 29 and under 31 incbes. 31 anil under 33 iucbca. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i a a i o a CI 5 £ a n 6 H i > 0 0 m 2 a 0 5 ."3 S 0 s J3 1 1 .a a U 1 ■y n 0 3 New York— Continued. 1 1 3 1 3 ...... 5 1 "38 1 1 1 7 6 1 7 1 1 20 1 '" "5 10 ...... G 3 1 17 28 8 4 50 14 4 10 1 5G 9 3 7 1 1 42 2 5 0 IG 5 17 19 2 5 3 4 2 6 4 45 2 3 1 1 18 ■""5" 8 1 4 3 ■"""4 10 1 1 1 7 32 5 17. 23 72 39 19 49 29 11 61 34 180 37 10 12 32 57 1 12 3 12 17 Ro 36 5 1 19 29 11 4 122 9 6 6 7 24 73 8 38 5 13 190 28 11 57 41 7 89 56 27 42 9 23 47 109 53 33 178 83 23 80 43 212 111 15 48 17 47 253 29 25 60 53 32 145 97 I 5 1 1 •""■g" 1 33 iss' ""2 1 22 1 3 5 2 29 1 9 6 6 1 15 72 23 35 18 139 101 112 104 158 30 110 119 283 44 32 12 28 123 79 20 24 11 11 74 129 158 0 5 4 10 7 47 45 245 39 3 21 37 22 206 46 49 22 4.5 318 12 30 88 100 12 116 214 40 83 28 46 28 193 149 181 350 330 42 137 104 309 251 78 61 51 170 406 Sixth iljstric't 1 15 22 ~7 3 13 5 •2 9 1 1 Tenth distrirt Eleventh district Twelfth district 1 2 7 ■3' "'i' Fourteenth district 4 45 3 1 1 1 ""5 2 4 2 1 5 Twenty-fourth di'^trict 1 21 1 3 1 6 2 10 15 2 2 1 3 55 102 Twtnty-iiinth district 3 ■ 5 '"5 3 1 14 2 4 11 11 111 258 376 Thirty -first distriet 1 2 Total 24 24 202 128 378 106 95 941 881 2, 023 243 182 2, 240 1,789 4,454 Ratio per 1,000 examined. . . ■.548 .548 4.012 2 923 8.631 2.420 2169 21.485 20. 115 46. 189 5.548 4.155 51. 144 40. 847 101. 694 NEW JERSEY, 29 10 18 82 G 3 15 36 111 19 27 20 58 1 2 32 "'"4 3 5 30 1 26 119 50 80 21 116 2G8 33 25 127 240 391 90 1G7 149 1 7 57 1 4 5 10 63 4 55 148 135 221 40 134 369 98 4G 11*7 202 523 256 Second district 3 7 ■""■4' Third district. 5 1 387 0^.2 Fourth district Fifth district 395 Total... G 14 73 142 235 39 65 380 693 1 1, 183 70 143 678 902 1,793 Ratio per 1,000 examiued. . . .351 .819 4.273 8.312 13. 736 2.283 3.805 22.504 40.564 1 69.246 4.097 a 370 39.686 52. 798 104.952 PENXeYLV-VNIA. First district 2 4 5 1 2 15 13 11 1 1 4 1 1 ..... ..... 36 4 11 32 2:1 37 22 4 4 1 5 12 2 14 3 3 1 38 4 a ■ 42 6 56 102 45. 105 84 36 37 14 8 9 37 15 7 70 24 11 22 20 33 12 5 6 30 30 8 59 31 49 5 16 4 6 6 5 50 5 9 21 4 3 74 42 72 168 81 157 91 65 42 21 14 15 92 22 17 116 34 ■""3' 0 1 10 1 13 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 6 6 2 ""3 3 6 5 5 6 9 2 2 2 3 7 18 44 8 9 3 13 2 83 12 58 183 125 212 118 U2 l.iO GO 81 .59 105 61 31 240 97 85 81 89 98 28 8 29 35 111 7 117 85 65 8 39 83 18 48 36 245 7 44 37 30 11 85 365 78 22 103 88 121 124 74 307 216 293 136 166 234 82 Second district Third district. Foiirtli district 1 2 1 4 2 0 15 9 22 17 2 3 1 1 1 1 (1 1 10 1 3 2 '"« "\0 ...... 2 0 3 2 1 6 7 5 1 2 3 1 1 '3 2 1 23 3 3 2 2 Fifth district Sixth district 1 1 "i Eiiihth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district 100 362 87 77 333 141 107 lliO 470 178 Thirte.-nth district Funrteenth district 1 4 Sixtr. iilli ilistrif.t 4 1 Eiulilcr-litli ilistriit Niii.-t.-f!itli i!istri<-t ... 10 35 224 246 20 53 12 24 31 36 3 9 Twciitutli ili.slrict 2 Twfutv-lirst (lislrict Twentv-.sfcoiui di.strict .. ."iO Twentv-tliinl district 3 7 2 5 7 2 113 Twenty-fomtb district 117 Total 4 31 115 101 241 27 65 806 C47 1. 545 60 151 2,211 1,767 4,189 Batio per 1,000 oxamined. .. .085 .44G 2.440 2143 5.114 .573 1.379 17. 104 13. 730 32. 786 1.273 3.204 40. 919 37. 497 88.893 35 expanmon of cliest, to each other, and to different localities, «,'c.— Coutiuued. HEIGHT 05 AND XJNDEE 67 INCHES— Continned. STATES. New Touk — Continned. Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth district Fourteenth district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twenty-first district Twenty -second district Twenty-third district Twenty-fourth di.strict Twenty-fifth district Twenty-sixth district Twenty-seventh district. .. Twenty-eighth district Twentv-niuth district Thirt ieth district Thirty -first district GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 33 and under 3.1 inches. Expansion. 43 3 156 1 Total. Katio per 1,000 examined . 5. 959 I 3. 128 |43. 427 127. 079 79. 593 NEW JEESEY. First district — Second district.. Third district... Fourth district. Fifth district... Total Batio per 1,000 examined . PESXSTLVAXIA. First district Second di.strict Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth di.strict Fourteenth district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twenty-first district Twenty-second district. Twenty-third district . . Twenty .I'ourth district . 16 53 13 24 6 135 111 114 .■19 274 28 79 170 132 34 35 5 33 155 30 13 14 21 12C 55 86 6 9 G 3 31 31 8 147 11 4 10 40 18 161 39 14 IS 55 im 23 18 54 108 18 44 117 40 63 22 30 D 173 144 189 210 441 36 94 219 154 196 74 19 51 211 193 24 31 71 130 176 106 207 35 and under 37 inches. Expansion. 261 I 137 I 1, 902 ' 1, leO I 3, 486 G 06 154 7 98 48 68 180 24 2 16 105 31 84 117 226 103 314 123 234 54 114 444 448 i 1,000 3. 161 I 6. 073 125. 9S9 20. 223 | 02. 040 1 53 3 10 3 34 ."i 108 3 88 1 155 n 38 2 158 254 1 121 2 89 5 84 3 75 12 60 35 33 2.34 5 142 13 121 1 130 14 75 8 120 39 15 1 37 22 102 5 82 21 42 5 33 99 31 82 41 209 0 57 49 32 10 136 202 75 69 124 2,393 1,593 7C 116 43 197 113 202 50 209 355 157 174 130 3511 93 92 322 181 154 274 360 210 50 70 95 s •a c» n p u O O 00 51 589 30 26 68 73 85 19 13 93 21 33 54 7 19 75 33 3 11 20 45 99 37 inches and over. Expansion. 301 I 1.001 I 19 .370 I 1.104 113.448 I 6.872 22.855 ] .434 1.405 1 2.985 I 8.253 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . [l. 464 2. 031 J48. 659 133.804 | 80. .W9 1 1 2 1 1 1 f, 5 o ] 2 7 1 2 2 '"""i' 9 19 8 7 32 19 44 8 60 209 58 40 47 28 20 19 65 76 88 53 33 46 9 6 39 32 121 39 81 90 312 5.619 18.S63 .410 ,878 19 60 9 55 28 55 13 93 204 79 79 58 108 36 53 90 94 103 129 95 85 12 30 23 59 I 1,007 560 1,003 123 198 210 75 113 101 540 384 489 682 980 129 337 536 758 008 232 144 144 523 927 90 132 273 365 449 553 735 2, 808 1. 438 4. 880 19 C4 11,556 1,301 505 1,042 509 1,170 4,047 1.112 |l.346 3.740 272.009 250 94 304 351 210 777 408 756 315 571 982 358 413 311 939 261 249 892 471 41G 023 1, 926 543 137 205 254 377 19,094 .785 I 1.252 21.369 [11.884 ;35.990 297 403 5.305 11.995 I a 000 1231.. 042 30 Taulk No. 1 — ShouiiKj the relation of height, {/iiih of chest at expiratioti, and nEIGHT G5 AND UNDER G7 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 20 inclies. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Exxmnsion. Expansion, s .a 1 .9 i o to •s « > o 1 a n S3 > O 3 OD i 1 m s « 1 (0 .a - « a n u > O 1 1 s i-i 3 1 s •3 a 1 cS V ,a CO O *« 1 DEI, A WAKE. 1 1 0 1 9 0 14 07 10 97 Total 1 1 0 1 3 6 14 07 10 97 .823 .823 4 938 .823 7.407 |4.938 11. 523 55. H4 8.E:iO 79.635 MA UY LAND. 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 3 2 4 0 3 10 9 41 22 1 1 7 28 8 19 20 60 4 31 54 09 70 71 7 17 4 18 75 3 4 1 2 1 3 9 10 14 14 5 9 2 13 54 14 54 Tlihcl (lislri.t 1 1 4 1 98 111 Total 4 7 3 14 ID 23 09 33 135 42 83 238 117 470 Ratio per 1,000 cxamiucd .. .578 1.012 .434 2.C24 1.440 3. 325 9.974 1 4.770 19.514 0.071 11. 998 ;;2.938 10. 912 07. 939 DISTRICT OF C0LU5IBIA. 5 5 3 4 85 3 95 4 10 209 8 231 Totfd 5 5 3 4 85 3 95 4 10 209 8 231 1.734 1.734 1.041 1.387 29. 483 1.041 32. 952 1.387 3.469 72. 494 2.773 80.125 WEST VIRGINIA. First district Second district 2 2 n 1 9 24 2 11 2 71 43 11 95 8 1 179 53 14 ...... 1 0 1 117 70 34 193 31 7 311 113 Tliird district 43 Total o 2 13 9 25 2 15 125 104 240 1 8 237 2:n 407 Katio per 1,000 osainincd. . . .386 .380 2.313 1.735 4.820 .380 2.802 24. 099 20. 030 47. 420 .193 1. 542 43. 703 44. 534 90. 033 KENTUCKY. First district 1 1 1 3 ...... 1 3 1 1 2 1 6 • 7 7 9 0 31 2 5 11 13 10 39 7 7 2 ...... 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 8 10 10 22 21 1 1 18 21 5 30 14 18 Third disliiet. 2 1 1 3 1 29 Foiiiili district 38 30 Sixth distiift 2 4 G 59 2 Ei"htli distiict } 3 5 i 4 7 16 23 4 0 21 Kiuth district • 1 31 Total 0 0 12 4 8 32 47 91 18 13 119 93 243 1.411 1.411 2. 822 .941 I. 881 7. 520 11. 054 21. 402 4.233 3.057 27. 987 21. 037 36. 914 MISBOUKI. First dislrirt 1 1 3 r, 2 I 1 11 .1 1 23 13 19 3 40 18 U 2 2 7 '"'i' ■■■■« 4 4 20 1 5 61 08 0 2 3 20 9 1 98 81 Tliird district 1 1 33 3 1 11 2 1 i 5 3 1 5 11 8 5 4 15 19 11 1 1 11 5 1 55 28 8 24 8 1 91 Ei"Iilh district 1 43 10 Total 1 3 5 9 5 20 • CO 33 134 12 57 231 69 309 Katio per 1,000 cxfimincd . . .100 .497 .829 1.492 .829 4.311 9.949 5. 472 20.50) 1.990 9.451 38. 302 11.441 01. 184 OHIO. 1 1 1 11 15 o 57 1 1 8 1 12 59 1 70 22 137 21 2 42 91 n 70 71 Second disti-ict 103 37 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, 4'c. — Continued. HEIGHT 03 A^^) UNDEK 07 INCHES— Coutinueil. a i GIKTU OF CUIiST AT EXI'IHATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 aud under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s II STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i u o 1 o o © a CO 5 1 i u 0 V 1 g u p 5 u -3 5 S •§ a CO > 0 ■3 S 1 11 ■i 1 s •§ .2 0 1 a n u 0 "3 1 n 1 0 DELAWARE. 9 12 110 1 13 144 4 c 47 - G4 1 4 1 0 320 Xotal 9 12 110 13 1 144 4 6 j 4? ' 64 1 j 4 1 0 330 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 7.407 9.877 90. 535 10.700 118.519 3.292 4.938 33.683 5. 761 52.073 .823 1 1 3.293 { .823 4.938 263. 374 MARYLAND. , 1 29 14 5 8 s' 9 93 1 11 91 99 1C3 42 83 5 41 G 13 94 133 1G3 207 G4 2 15 3 5 5 33 6 51 42 51 8 28 1 21 i' 36 67 71 89 9 2 12 8 "'9' ...... 10 11 29 25 5 247 Second district ,- 4 4 1 1 4 274 383 12 12 1 2 475 253 Total 57 111 340 147 GGl 25 38 158 51 1 273 10 i 17 1 35 1 18 80 1, 032 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 8.239 10.045 50.014 21. 249 95. 548 3.614 5.493 ^22.839 7.372 39.318 1.44G |2.437 | 5.039 2.602 11.564 235. COG DISTRICT OK COLUMCL\. District of Columbia 1 0 287 7 301 3 C 113 4 126 1 3 28 3 34 792 1 i U 287 1 7 ; 301 3 6 113 4 126 [ 3 1 28 3 34 792 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .347 2.081 U9.549 2.428 104.403 1.041 2.081 I39.I95 1.387 43. 704 il.041 j 9.712 1.041 11.793 274. 714 WEST VIUGLMA. 35 70 42 114 56 5 149 120 .50 5 20 19 19 35 34 55 20 1 3 3 10 4 13 691 3G1 3 1 127 3 147 173 1 325 1 44 54 99 1 4 13 17 1,179 Katio per 1,000 examined .. .578 28.340 33 738 i '»'' ^^^"^ 193 8.483 10.411 {19.088 1 .771 ,2.500 3.277 227. 299 KENTUCKr. 5 6 3 i 7 20 9 12 21 34 4 32 17 2 7 14 12 15 3' 9 15 23 17 26 39 51 12 35 9'1 5 12 3 5 19 2 5 12 2 2 11 2 1 1 2 3 1 4 i 14 32 4 8 14 G 4 14 2 3 2 1 ...... 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 i '""2" 6 5 0 1 4 5 1 6 1 52 Sict'Dd dislrict Third district 88 66 87 Filth district Sixth district 3 " ""4 3 2 4 1 1 97 166 1 1 1 1 19 Ei"lith district 1 80 1 2 71 ' ' Total 19 15 150 G2 [ 25S 19 6 60 13 1 98 5 1 4 j 17 1 5 31 72G Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 4.4C8 3. .528 3li. 089 14.581 1 59.2CG 4.468 1.411 14.111 3.037 ,2.3.048 1.170 1 .941 ; 3.998 jl.HG 7.291 170.743 MISSOURL 5 1 55 SO 4 34 24 93 80 30 3 26 3 1 2 'io' 16 13 3 11 7 32 21 13 1 7 7 1 2 1 ID 8 1 286 203 2li 3 19 89 Fonrth district 8 7 1 15 16 8 2 57 1 Seventh district 1 1 10 1 1 103 17 17 36 3 130 22 1 3 2 52 5 8 13 i 71 7 9 '; 1 25 8 34 30:1 Eighth district Ninth district 1 1 1 SI Total 7 fil 259 99 1 4SC 0 32 97 34 169 1 1 3 1 41 11 5G 1,153 Eatio per 1.000 examined . . 1. lUl 10.114 42. 945 10. 415 1 70. 035 .995 5.306 10.084 5.638 28.022 .106 j .497 1 G.79S il.824 9.285 191. 179 OHIO. First di.strict Second district 3 26 31 GG 7 25 67 91 1 11 21 16 2 7 35 23 ...'. 3 2 6 2 203 413 415281 38 Taulk No. 1 — SkowiiKj the relation of heiyht, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT C5 AND UNDER 67 INCHES— Continued. GUITH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expanaion. Expansi on. Expansion. DD s u o ■s- a .9 > o s •§ a u iU > O 1 .s n > O i .a 9 i a 0 > 0 to a CI 0 1 '0 "3 0 H i % •3 a a 0 1 0 1 n & 0 "3 1 Ohio— Continued. Third district 2 1 4 4 1 3 2 4 5 5 2 2 3 1 15 2 2 7 2 11 3 34 28 22 26 5 50 U 13 17 20 36 12 15 58 16 96 40 11 74 1 90 6 12 10 1 120 12 19 6 35 9 16 48 14 175 102 26 122 28 69 21 46 138 37 78 20 50 71 35 149 59 186 ...... "4" 8 2 0 56 ■" "4' 1 ""■5' 1 4 4 38 8 5 29 2 4 21 2 2 8 5 6 1 38 90 41 64 128 -?? 29 88 89 53 48 139 34 101 142 32 110 3 246 33 27 47 1 169 40 34 40 45 38 72 95 51 206 149 3 ""'6 '"e 17 1 its Fifth distiict 291 Sixth district 1 139 1 1 2 171 Ei'hlh district 113 9 2 17 23 1 3 6 2 ion Tfiith district 3 ""h 1 a 1 33 200 1 4 2 1 5 TwclttI) district 1 2 200 95 95 1 2 2 2 3 5 3 189 Sixtirdth district 112 Sivmlrijitli ilistrict .- 9 1 1 232 1 205 239 Total 5 7 50 70 132 43 81 547 725 1,396 88 170 1,385 1,335 2 D78 Eatio per 1,000 esamiued. . . .127 .178 1.272 1.781 3.358 1.094 2. 060 13. 915 18. 443 35. 512 2.239 4. 324 35. 232 33.960 75. 755 INDIANA. 3 1 3 9 1 35 1 10 10 2 75 2 3 105 105 145 143 71 38 42 10 87 47 5 105 147 217 183 115 92 52 35 1 59 ...... 2 6 ...... 5 3 8 6 1 ii 9 6 53 9 23 48 65 28 14 76 145 09 83 l.'i4 55 93 225 4 6 178 205 328 322 431 116 176 40 282 2 ,6 128 Thir;iiith district 1 3 8 3 169 Tenth district 1 174 Eleventh district 224 Twehthdistrict 99 37 Total 13 43 35 91 6 80 568 329 983 31 192 1,041 1,156 3 0-^0 .357 .960 2.496 .165 2.194 15. 577 9. 022 26. 957 .850 5.265 45. 002 31. 702 82. 819 IOWA. First district 2 1 22 5 2 6 25 5 1 2 ...... 2 7 2 3 1 14 23 4 3 5 9 15 9 48 17 1 6 31 40 54 23 7 15 4 1 ■"2 6 7 10 4 10 2 47 140 25 42 36 30 16 9 61 .17 11 34 70 Sccniid district 1 4 3 160 district 103 Fifth district 1 2 57 68 Sixth district Total 1 10 30 41 1 15 r>e 96 170 8 39 330 188 555 Ratio per 1,000 oxamiued . .128 1.27S 3.835 5.241 .138 |1.9I7 7.414 12. 272 21. 731 1.023 4.985 40. 905 24. 032 70 945 39 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, Sfc. — Continued. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER C7 INCHES— Continued. a GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIltATlON. -3 33 and nnder35 inches. 35 and iiuiicr 37 i nchcs. 37 iiicUes and over. to 1, t- STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. % u o •g u 1 ■ I o 1 O w > o 1 o 1 a ■g a i 0 i .5 u i ■g .9 U 1 1 Q 1 1 •g c ©1 u 1 en > 0 H a s Oh 10 — C ontinued . 1 5 3 84 3 8 32 1 8 39 1 1 fi 8 1 5 o 26 188 43 98 214 101 92 29 108 84 52 32 135 .'>7 37 188 18 86 9 147. 14 24 42 2 124 64 25 72 37 30 106 27 57 106 113 208 193 206 251 152 127 154 187 242 125 70 171 171 65 256 126 '"2 2 6 11 83 14 48 141 81 27 10 72 34 20 14 45 38 8 129 22 4 27 8 13 37 ""'39" 15 6 21 14 14 32 3 26 10 35 95 41 161 164 120 37 50 91 78 43 28 60 72 11 157 10 1 18 4 16 40 20 4 2 14 7 7 5 1 5 1 7 8 1 7 2 "io 6 20 10 41 53 38 7 11 16 22 19 408 6 ■■"4" 4 2 2 1 1 20 2 2 2 449 661 10 10 1 1 7 5 1 "i 1 21 1 98 5 I 10 '""'3 17 1 580 713 446 328 556 7 94 469 10 5 2 635 304 245 1 2 6 7 2 33 2 4 13 ■ """i" 4 10 20 2 39 6 508 412 440 Eighteeutli ilistrict Kineteenth ilistrict 6 1 1 1 1 719 601 Total 138 234 1, 599 1, 004 2,975 1 41 158 812. 300 1,311 1 23 39 194 72 328 9,120 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 3.510 5.953 40. 676 25.540 75. 679 1. 043 4 019 |20.C56 7.631 33.349 i .585 .992 4.935 1.832 8.344 231. 996 INDIANA. "FirHt, dintrict 3 48 3 1 6 """'so 42 1(.4 117 165 7 11 125 164 274 206 354 151 193 67 210 159 160 131 213 430 262 421 362 288 283 ..... 6 3 ■ ""34' 27 24 63 4 17 44 15 26 104 37 108 37 3 19 44 30 72 42 84 66 70 31 67 28 122 48 48 120 62 110 177 ...... 2 1 4 3 10 8 '"'2' 3 8 17 5 17 14 9 7 13 4 22 3 8 22 11 18 25 24 48 668 349 485 1 6 3 1 23 6 39 48 i4ir 50 66 188 75 166 1 1 3 3 2 723 1 3 i 2 4 4 1 10 15 23 1,284 933 1,184 TCintli ilistrict """3 12 7 4 29 1 983 14 11 114 180 Eleventh district ^ 14 695 Total 83 115 1,010 1,717 1 2,925 27 82 469 498 1,076 7 27 74 90 198 8,403 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 2.164 2.998 26.334 44 767 76.263 .704 2.138 112.228 12 984 28. 054 . 183 .704 1.929 2.347 5.162 219. 091 ILLINOIS. 1 1 10 45 28 2 8 22 1 9 12 44 3 19 154 62 227 382 77 171 68 41 70 90 213 51 32 76 11 79 144 166 38 5 269 182 40 29 66 1 232 83 355 556 246 2-24 95 311 264 147 286 121 1 55 1 ■"""i 1 " i 2 7 i 20 13 1 4 1 1 2 7 15 91 11 71 182 27 49 19 17 33 39 61 31 29 31 20 37 44 8 """9.^ 74 18 6 29 2 123 13 111 2;)2 74 62 20 114 111 71 82 60 48 25 4 18 22 4 7 2 2 10 22 13 9 8 1 ■ "".V 11 8 12 2 2 8 20 4 26 34 13 8 4 11 22 30 19 19 14 636 336 4 2 1 7 1 " i 2 1 1 1 1 1 950 Fourth district 915 707 387 3 5 Ninth district 2 "0 4 4 " "« 519 T30 320 1 3 Thirteenth district 2 15 Total 27 204 1,638 1 1,106 1 2,975 16 80 660 365 1,121 1 6 _21 146 57 230 8,420 Ratio per 1,000 examiDed . . .740 5.594 44.920 30.330 81.535 .439 "■"■4 7 •""2 2.194 6 13 20 1 24 18. 100 10.010 30. 742 j . 165 .576 f 3 9 4.004 1 6 5 4 14 2 1.563 1 3 ..... 1 1 6.307 230.906 IOWA. 1 3 5 4 30 20 54 217 34 la 21 34 71 271 99 106 93 22 51 14 7 37 25 6 17 6 16 7 8 34 85 53 24 70 34 1 5 12 14 5 17 3 213 574 312 266 Fifth district 18 1 63 14 47 3- 1 i 207 Sixth district 85 1 1 Total 9 79 1 4i;5 ; Yf, j 727 ; 14 1 70 15b 60 300 ! 2 15 32 7 50 1,849 Ratio per 1,000 examined . l;15C 1 10. 098 '59.410 M.24-. 92. 931 1. 790 8.943 !lt>.941 7.670 38.348 i .2.-iC 1.917 1.091 .895 7.156 236.354 40 Table No. 1 — Showiiit/ the relation of lidylil, ijirth «/ chest at expbatioti , and HEIGHT C5 AND tTNDEE 07 INCHES— Continued. GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXI'IKATION. Under 20 incbes. 29 and under 31 iuclies. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i •g 1 u g o 1 ft* 5 S •3 .2 CO 1 o o 1 u 0 1 •3 a > 0 CO .a a U « ■i a n u 9 6 1 0 ■3 a .a « a 0 0 s .a a ct 6 s u a n 5 0 MICHIGAN. First district 1 4 1 i;! 1 6 11 1 1 5 17 10 15 7 3 18 19 33 45 42 9 33 17 31 134 28 6 24 47 63 180 71 18 59 GO 3 "i' 8 1 8 8 2 3 1 70 58 90 56 70 61 79 232 lOfi 23 6G 64 "a .J 1 1 1 0 298 1 205 1 88 146 1 126 Total 2 1 23 41 72 4 5 178 270 457 13 36 411 569 1,019 Eatio per 1,000 cxaTDinecl. .. .159 .079 2.225 3.258 5. 722 .318 .397 14. 146 21. 458 36.319 1.033 2.066 32. 663 45. 230 80. !'82 \VISC0KS1X. 2 3 3 1 5 4 11 4 10 2 1 G 15 7 22 "4 7 "'i' 1 ""4 3 5 ...... 2 4 36 14 23 "4 9 23 36 58 22 109 8 7 75 78 45 114 19 37 3 9 62 59 45 5 48 109 07 131 58 110 17 22 138 2 195 103 115 1 "36' 6 28 71 1 189 Total 1 :i 10 41 01 e 15 107 240 368 33 45 328 405 811 Eatio per 1,000 examined. . . .192 .275 1.4C5 3.754 5.585 .549 1.373 9.797 21. 974 3.3. GD3 3.021 4.130 30.031 37. 081 74.254 MINNESOTA. First district 3 1 1 4 3 1 7 0 4 1 9 11 20 17 4 33 35 3 5 1 66 45 50 42 124 88 Total 4 5 4 13 c 10 31 21 68 3 6 111 93 212 Ratio per 1 000 examined 1.08C 1.358 1.08C 3.531 1.630 2.716 8.419 5.703 18. 468 .815 1. 630 30. 147 24. 986 57 577 CALiroBNU. T 1 6 13 8 14 19 1 13 5 17 Middle district 4 2 1 G 1 14 5 14 2 28 8 23 1 Total 4 3 7 1 19 10 3C 4 19 41 19 83 3.058 2.294 5.353 .705 14. 526 12 232 27. 523 3.058 14. 526 31. 34(i 14. 526 63. 456 KANSAS. 5 5 1 C 5 "i 1 2 22 "9 1 1 24 Soutlieru district 1 1 13 Total 1 1 10 1 " 1 3 31 2 37 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . . 1.372 1 i. 1.372 13. 717 1.372 15. 089 1.372 4.115 42.524 2.743 50. 754 OlUiCON. 1 Total 1 r Eatio per 1,000 examined- . - 1 ... . NEVADA. Nevada 1 1 ^ I "1 1 Totil 1 1 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined. . . 47. 619 1 47.019 47. G19 47. 019 57 Grand total United States. 114 752 775 1,098 323 583 4,066 5,513 11, 385 743 1,373 12,624 12,119 26,859 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . . .181 .301 2.383 2.455 5.360 1.0S3 1.847 15.734 17. 407 30. 072 3.354 4.350 39. 997 38.397 85.099 41 eicpansion of chest, to each other, and to different loeaVitiea, o H i 0 0 1 i •3 .2 t 6 =3 1 0 a g 0 JIICHIGAS. First district 1 8 1 n 5 2 1 83 32 110 138 104 25 01 178 102 46 62 37 153 211 218 199 109 58 3 3 2 T 7 1 69 8 30 102 25 24 50 22 24 16 99 60 59 135 42 R 5 4 0 18 5 3 0 7 4 4 1 8 10 14 20 9 1 489 774 574 469 443 276 Si'cnnd district Third district '""3' 1 1 10 1 Fillh district Sixth district i Total 13 23 487 486 1 008 ^ 14 240 142 401 3 2 1 38 25 m 3,025 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .954 1.828 3a 703 38. 024 80. 108 .397 1.113 19. 073 11.285 31. 808 .238 .139 3.020 1.987 5.404 240. 404 WISCONSIX. First district 7 5 7G 72 48 2 69 137 21 149 61 32 23 27 104 229 111 31 98 213 i 2 4 4 30 29 27 5 52 13 3 7 18 39 86 42 3 37 105 0 14 8 ii 0 1 "i' 0 25 14 1 4 21 368 628 322 289 233 572 Second district 3 2 Third district Fonrlh district Filth district 6 19 "io 3 10 27 61 ■■■5" "■"3" 4 13 Sixth district . . - 30 Total 35 37 404 313 789 19 21 174 98 312 5 2 45 19 71 2, 412 Batio per 1,000 examined . . 3. 205 1 3. 388 X. 990 28. 658 72.240 jl. 740 1.923 15. 931 8.973 28.566 .458 . 183 1 4. 120 1.740 6.501 220. 839 SnXSESOTA. First district 3 * 71 70 31 107 109 178 2 1 36 24 11 34 50 58 2 1 8 4 '2 11 6 3:14 371 Second district 1 Total 3 1 5 141 138 287 2 1 00 45 108 2 1 12 2 17 703 Katio per 1,000 examined . . . 815 1 1. 358 38. 294 37. 480 77. 947 .543 .272 10. 295 12.222 29. 332 .543 .272 3.259 .543 4.017 191. 472 CALIFOEXIA. Northern district 5 13 1 10 17 36 i 3 35 2 49 6 n 11 2 19 4" 28 2 30 4 2 1 1 4 7 1 0 87 67 Midillf district " 2 132 Total 5 1 24 53 4 80 6 18 32 4 00 4 4 I 6 14 286 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 3. 823 18. 349 40.520 3.058 65.749 4.587 13.701 24. 405 3.058 45. 872 3.058 3.053 4.587 10.703 218.654 KANSAS. Northern district 1 38 6 5 44 0 1 15 2 1 1 17 3 4 4 Southern district 28 Total 1 44 5 50 1 17 o 20 4 4 123 1.372 00.357 0.859 08.587 1.372 23.320 2.743 27. 435 5.487 5.487 168.724 OREGON. Oregon * Total 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 NEVADA. Nevada 1 . " 1 1 4 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 i 1 47.610 47. 619 1 47. 019 47.019 190. 476 Grand total UnitedStatea 1 819 ! 1.380 12, 894 9,094 24, 787 321 723 5,338 2,984 9,366 115 200 1,175 572 2,062 76, 157 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 2. 595 1 4. 372 40.853 to. 714 7a 534 1.017 2.291 10. 913 9.434 29.675 .364 .634 3.723 1.812 6.533 241.293 42 Table No. 1 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT 67 AND UNDER 69 INCHES. GIETH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. TTnder 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. s •s .3 1 5 .a 1 6 j u % o 1 . •s a a 1 1 .2 CI 6 •s a n 1 •3 0 £ a « u 1 .a a n 0) 1 MALNE. First distiit't 1 " "2 1 2 1 2 2 2 17 10 7 27 11 10 1 32 31 29 11 7 66 44 ' "i' 4 8 3 1 8 5 94 77 25 169 68 68 3 18 204 154 170 2 1 83 3 1 4 1 442 "Fifth district 2 231 5 3 8 4 7 72 74 1 157 7 23 433 507 .404 .243 .647 .324 .566 5.824 5.986 12.699 .566 2.022 33.024 41. 009 NEW HAUrSHIKE. 1 22 9 1 1 10 23 2 5 119 23 55 5 1 5 1 1 1 3 4 123 I'otal 6 6 24 11 35 2 7] 147 55 **!! 2.142 2.142 8.568 3.927 12. 496 .714 2.499 1 52.481 19. 636 75 330 VEKMOXT. 1 10 6 19 2 23 4 13 29 24 2 3 1 2 44 23 81 22 136 39 71 1 1 2 IGO 2 1 Total 2 1 3 2 35 29 C6 2 6 148 197 Ratio per 1,000 examined .593 .296 .889 .593 10. 373 8.595 19. Sol .593 1.778 43. 865 58. 388 104 624 MASSACHUSETTS. FiTet district 1 5 1 12 1 2 1 5 17 17 2 4 6 6 68 29 19 7 2 7 2 4 10 14 17 53 28 3 23 1 10 16 21 89 83 47 11 2 30 4 14 6 11 138 26 55 36 8 9 34 7 29 39 53 78 59 8 » 38 4 24 35 Third district 1 15 5 1 1 "i" 2 n 3 4 6 1 1 3 197 Fifth district 117 Sixth district 1 Scv.-iit Ii ilistiict 23 EiRlith district 3 2 5 47 Uiuth district 1 3 6 47 Tenth district 2 2 31 Total 1 1 27 24 53 8 150 159 317 11 21 1 330 343 705 Katio per 1,000 examined .159 .159 4.299 3.822 8.439 1.274 21885 25. 318 50. 478 1.752 3. 344 j 52. 548 54. 618 112.261 KHODE ISLAND. First district 1 7 1 19 1 27 2 4 1 1 43 94 8 1 23 147 32 2 1 5 69 45 121 43 107 Total 1 8 20 29 5 1 56 117 179 3 5 114 164 Katio per 1,000 examined .3:12 2. 655 0.C38 9.625 1.659 .332 18. 586 38. 832 59. 409 .990 1.659 1 37.836 54. 431 94. 022 CONNECTICUT. First district 1 6 9 5 21 7 5 12 30 7 11 3 1 28 20 3 17 22 37 18 49 53 Second district 1 1 58 Third district 21 Fourth district 1 1 2 2 6 1 1 68 Total 2 1 3 3 21 38 62 1 5 68 126 Batio per 1,000 examined .953 .470 1.429 1.429 10. 005 1 18. 104 29.538 .476 2.382 1 32 396 60.029 2 14 14 9:». 283 NEW YOKK. First district Second district i ...... ' "i 5 ""i ■""■4 5 1 7 7 7 1 6 3 8 23 0 1 3 12 17 20 43 10 15 8 3 6 33 20 7 24 16 108 5 10 70 5:1 141 Third district Fourth district i 21 43 expansion of chest, to each othc) •, and to diffa cut localities, 4-C.— Coutiu ued. HEIGHT 67 AND UNDER 69 INCHES— Continned. t4 • GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. n 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1.3 5§ o •g 4 a o DQ « h ID > 0 1 n 1 3 m n i g 5 1 a u > 0 n 1 i 1 a i g 0 © .3 g 0 s 0 B 0 JIAINE. 6 9 136 230 76 167 93 84 20 50 389 260 235 250 143 563 366 5 1 9 4 5 11 ■ "io' 2 2 109 118 74 95 49 41 15 40 151 147 166 134 126 932 203 4 3 64 27 38 16 13 22 1 10 11 25 93 56 30 41 694 Third district 3 3 9 13 4 4 2 1 2 6 2 1 376 1, 3.55 Fifth district Total 21 30 702 803 1,556 17 25 445 394 881 9 12 158 69* 248 3, 823 Katio per 1,000 examined.. 1.699 2.427 56. 782 34. 952 125.859 1.375 2.023 35. 994 31. 869 ^ 71.261 .728 .971 12.780 5.581 30. 060 309.148 NEW H-OirSHIHE. 118 63 46 8 9 53 197 109 5 50 75 8 3 13 13 53 102 5 1 5 13 61 141 1 2 '"'35 12 344 Third district 3 11 1 7 48 5 303 Total 3 35 188 63 289 3 11 130 24 168 1 7 60 11 79 788 Katio per 1,000 examined. . 1.071 19. 496 67. 119 22.492 103. 177 1. 071 3. 927 46.412 8.568 59. 979 .3.57 3.499 21. 421 3.927 28.204 281. 338 VERMONT. 2 5 1 1 63 25 02 27 207 41 97 233 104 2 6 34 7 91 13 49 105 92 1 7 5 3 26 4 11 31 4 241 1 13 9 Second district Third district 278 Total 9 7 150 275 434 2 7 56 111 176 1 13 33 46 1,078 Ratio per 1,000 examined.. .593 2.075 44. 458 81.506 128.631 1 .593 2. 075" 16. 598 [32. 899 j52. 164 .296 3.557 9.781 13.634 319. 502 MASSACHUSETTS. 9 7 91 18 37 40 7 10 16 3 33 19 41 46 28 9 5 17 11 23 42 3 1 19 3 16 6 3 3 8 5 17 6 7 7 9 2 5 2 2 20 7 90 10 26 8 6 8 11 7 1 1 2 2 1 2 5 3 6 3 2 115 i 3 1 3' 2 27 135 66 66 53 14 97 28 27 i 3 3 2 2 112 ...... 1 1 1 I'hirrt district 290 1 "i' 1 126 3 SeveDth district 117 1 1 1 3 1 ... .. .3 2 93 83 Tenth district Total 3 12 238 232 485 j 1 5 60 57 193 1 1 16 9 27 1,710 Katio per 1,000 examined .. .478 1.911 i 37. 898 46 46 36. 943 77.929 .159 .796 9.554 9.070 19.586 .159 .159 2.548 1. 433 4. 299 272.993 RHODE ISLAND. 2 86 134 1 21 11 25 21 47 33 1 8 3 11 5 20 8 579 ^69 Second district 58 105 1 1 Total 2 1 92 144 1 239 1 1 1 32 46 80 1 11 16 98 841 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .664 .332 30. 534 47.793 79.323 .332 .332 10.621 15.267 96.552 .332 3.651 5.310 9.993 279. 124 CONNECTICUT. 1 1 23 16 2 27 31 37 13 65 55 5 5 ""is 11 14 3 11 16 20 3 26 1 1 2 i 2 1 1 4 3 2 3 140 166 Second district Third district 54 15 93 i ..... 48 205 Total 1 2 68 146 217 1 1 25 39 65 2 4 j 0 12 1 359 Eatio per 1,000 examined . .476 .353 32. 396 69. 557 3 10 103.383 1 .476 11.910 7 13 14 4 18. 580 3 2 30. 967 .953 2 2 4 9 i. 906 I2. 859 5.717 266. 317 NEW YORK. First district Second district 10 2 6 8 53 5 4 11 24 29 52 18 96 58 8 1 20 5 1 1 35 22 17 7 7 ..... 8 12 2 2 226 169 280 Third district Fourth district 72 1 37 1 2 "i 1 1 78 44 Table No. 1 — Shuwiiig the rdalion of hdyht, r/irlh of chest at cxj>iralion, and HEIGHT 07 AND UXDEK 69 INCHES- Continued. GIUTII OF CHEST AT KXPIUATIOK. 1 Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inchea. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o ■s s .a .1 5 1 a « 1 a : 1 a n o 1 a 1 .9 6 oi ■3 CO Ph 0 1 1 0 a 00 .2 « > 0 0 n p 6 C5 1 New ToaK— Coutiimed. 1 1 "i' 1 2 3 2 ...... '■5' 1 12 2 ■5' 2 1 3 2 ' 'i' 2 1 1 4 15 2 8 0 26 26 5 24 14 2 28 6 112 20 5 7 1 22 41 1 0 3 12 10 24 37 1 1 i 7 17 0 1 79 6 1 10 3 16 54 2 10 9 0 140 22 "4 29 24 2 49 35 18 5 11 IS 40 33 14 106 32 4 40 10 131 74 7 23 10 29 186 23 10 32 36 26 75 74 1 2 15 84 7 71 14 90 110 90 84 163 4 115 67 298 50 31 9 16 80 84 1 15 26 12 79 92 177 14 12 2 6 11 49 35 12 S13 52 3 30 35 40 250 43 31 28 46 389 32 29 101 108 ^3 118 380 •w 93 9 77 1 1 2 5 1 1 3 5 8 1 2 10 3 1 1 2 2 '""25" 2 80 2 ""'2' 2 2- 8 2 23 5 1 1 5 8 3 29 149 147 2 161 6 2 1 10 1 304 302 10 1 150 112 10 1 1 1 1 3 ■■■3' 11 4 2 4 2 343 300 74 1 40 3 47 1 4 132 1 12 . 0 2 i 4 1 11 3 19 2 1 1 6 5 10 11 1 3 0 482 33 1 1 45 197 ...... 1 2 3 4 7 120 6 1 1 2 1 1 10 1 4 0 14 3 123 Thirtieth di'^triet 225 1 564 6| 7 07 52 132 54 50 509 557 1,170 183 100 2,040 2 131 4,518 lEatio perljOOO examined . ia7 1 . 100 1.530 1.187 3.014 1.233 1.142 11. 022 12.717 20. 714 4. 224 3.790 40. 714 48.427 103. 133 NEW JERSEY. 1 14 4 5 18 30 1 28 51 5 9 9 52 ..... 25 2 2 4 5 24 2 21 72 22 50 12 00 255 19 21 102 153 331 47 120 118 242 ""s 55 1 3 14 84 4 40 142 117 223 33 150 463 02 47 209 201 614 201 1 3 409 249 Fifth district 1 5 434 Total . .... 2 ' 9 43 72 120 30 5S 222 550 858 07 149 liG7 1,044 1 927 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined . 117 1 . 527 2.517 4.214 7.375 1.756 3.278 13. 995 32. 194 50.222 3.922 8.722 39. 042 1 01. 110 112. 796 PEXXSYLVAXU. First district 1 1 1 3 7 5 5 0 1 5 4 ""h 1 4 0 7 5 3 10 7 9 10 3 1 1 22 1 33 52 25 51 45 21 10 5 5 10 21 8 8 72 10 0 19 12 15 4 3 5 13 17 2 34 17 33 11 4 4 3 4 3 32 2 5 11 1 2 9 135 19 5 18 4 37 18 45 89 44 88 60 32 20 8 9 13 53 10 13 97 10 13 32 148 37 10 21 9 ...... 3 ...... 0 3 15 1 2 7 0 5 3 11 1 1 49 13 57 135 90 223 140 81 80 30 45 47 90 07 19 339 81 80 00 83 08 19 10 27 32 07 94 57 72 8 31 54 12 46 37 227 15 49 76 20 13 89 423 98 94 76 95 83 81 Third district 2 ""n ""a 0 3 2 2 4 1 74 1 "i' 231 Fifth district 153 Sixtli district 304 1 2 1 162 Fi^MiIh district !.. Kiiith distiitt 128 136 Tciilh ilistrirt 1 2 1 3 1 48 Ehv.Tltll distiirt 1 " "(V 1 1 10 0 1 5 2 5 17 27 08' 9 5 0 12 8 1 94 TwfUihdistn,-! 89 Thirt 0 1 .s 4 a S ■g .9 « u 0 a % > 0 1 2 5 New Youk— Contiiniod. Fiftli (listri.t. Sixtli (listiirt 3 2 22 14 82 20 42 6 120 125 180 86 369 23 114 167 234 37 47 5 36 171 26 3 19 25 17 135 50 218 1 9 5 5 7 26 30 14 227 27 6 17 58 31 280 58 24 27 71 284 40 22 121 108 30 82 252 40 93 25 48 14 1.51 157 2.50 317 569 33 139 229 269 318 106 29 63 244 318 43 41 151 125 197 141 489 11 7 17 10 10 2 57 47 79 37 200 14 33 121 45 10 46 3 22 01 8 3 2 1 1 4 13 6 84 17 5 3 26 12 50 56 0 14 24 53 8 6 .37 50 10 15 38 18 20 12 11 3 63 02 105 121 281 24 38 150 57 68 104 9 37 115 64 8 21 46 70 143 38 84 ■ 1 1 3 1 4 ' i 1 1 4 2 5 10 1 ...... 8 "ii' 17 2 3 1 17 5 18 25 51 10 4 29 4 20 29 98 234 f)3 152 70 434 405 550 889 1,238 82 372 530 815 1 i 4 2 15 1 1 3 7 3 3 i" Tenth district 1 2 13 3 11 14 23 7 3 19 3 9 12 Twclitb district 41 3 172 1 1 1 1 1 12 8 2 1 27 2 ""1 Thirtoontli district F4 207 £09 174 28 00 .•in 1 2 2 24 3 26 244 341 Third district 1 186 i i 21 0 16 11 ""i 34 G 24 1 51 103 22 24 20 37 24 23 56 71 64 51 47 27 1 14 10 680 Fifth district . . 1 2 368 767 ""5 1 2 377 Eighth district 21 36 80 20 15 18 8 18 7 43 51 46 23 20 10 1 5 2 8 23 1 9 1 29 ""io' 4 15 8 26 24 11 8 552 860 Tenth district 1 278 EU'vonth district 2 3 6 3 4 10 16 406 Twelfth district- 1 342 1,075 Fourteenth district 1 5 377 287 Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district 16 5 5 2 11 1 2 78 19 15 4 11 3 1 6 . 4 1 2 9 3 6 1 1 1,649 841 .543 913 Twentieth district Twenty-first district 1,546 668 139 1 0 1 2 3)9 1 361 1 Total 83 192 3,033 1 2,234 5, .W2 54 102 1 1,673 9C6 [ 2, 795 i '« 31 455 2.35 739 14,119 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . 1.761 4.074 64.302 ,48.408 lie. 006 1.146 2. 165 ]35. 503 20.499 [59.312 .382 .658 9.655 4.987 jl3. 682 299. 614 46 Table No. 1 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest at mpiration, and HEIGHT 67 AND UNDER 69 INCHES— Continued. GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXI'IRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Exx>an8ion. Expansion. Expansion. i •g a 4 g o CD s a > o 1 -S CO 1 "a o H GO c i ■g .9 .a a 1 u « u > O s •g .5 n t o 1 1 's- .5 '3 6 g o 1 n t- g o o PE LA WARE. 1 1 4 4 1 9 5 12 44 20 81 Total 1 1 4 4 1 9 5 12 44 20 81 .823 .823 3.292 3.292 1 .823 7.407 4.115 9.877 36.214 16. 461 66. 667 MARYLAND. 4 1 5 - 4 4 9 1 41 19 ii 23 a 16 10 63 1 14 8 3 15 4 5 33 16 8 30 40 35 124 79 6 16 1 37 88 5 3 2 7 ■ "4 7 4 54 69 2 I 3 72 "FitYh (listiict - 192 Total 2 5 1 8 17 15 59 30 121 41 58 2.37 139 475 " .289 .723 .145 1.156 2.457 |2. 168 8.528 4.3.37 17. 491 5.927 8.384 34.258 20. 093 68.661 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1 1 3 8 55 1 07 3 5 172 13 193 Total 1 1 3| 8 55 1 1 07 3 5 172 13 1P3 Hatio per 1,000 examined .347 .347 1.041 2.775 19.077 1 .347 23. 210 1.041 1.734 59. 060 4.509 66.944 WEST V1UGIXL\. First district 1 5 6 1 4 1 1 46 IC 7 66 9 1 117 2G 9 2 1 2 2 4 84 95 43 283 40 4 3f9 1:9 Third district 52 Total Katio per 1 000 examined 1 5 6 1 0 69 76 132 3 8 222 327 560 .193 .964 1.157 .193 |1. 157 13. 302 14. 652 29.304 .578 1.542 42. 799 03. 042 107. 962 KENTUCKY. 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 2 32 2 3 5 IG 10 44 9 12 "'i' 2 1 6 2 i 4 8 13 1 3 13 11 9 11 16 3 32 10 4 47 28 2 2 11 5 10 26 Third district 2 2 2 43 Fourth district 2 23 2 1 2 24 1 1 2 77 14 Eishtb district ' 1 4 5 1 4 0 9 30 27 9 3 42 1 i 34 Total 1 1| 3 4 8 4 4 39 ] 48 95 25 39 139 108 311 .235 .TOG ..HI 1.681 1 .941 .941 0. 172 11. 289 2-2. 342 5.880 9.172 32. 690 25.400 73. 142 M16S0UKI. First district 1 1 2 2 7 1 2 17 12 1 14 5 34 19 8 1 6 3 2 ...... 2 3 07 31 28 103 Soroiid district 90 Third district se 8 40 5 10 3 5 8 Fifth district 4 16 Seventh district 2 G 7 17 1 3 2 12 25 "i "i G 13 1 37 49 13 14 19 8 51 a 2 4 Nintii district 22 Total 2 3 ! 5 1 22 59 1 24 106 7 72 239 100 418 .332 .497 1 .829 .106 3.648 4 9.783 11 47 3.979 2 46 17. 576 17 93 1.161 1 11. OSS 39.C39 16. 581 OHIO. First district 10 1 25 110 13 100 4!) Second district 9 io 19 220 47 crpansion of chest, 1o each olhtr, and to differevt localities, ^-c— Continued. HEIGHT 67 AND TINDER 09 IXCHES— Contimied. u 0 3 GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXPIKATIOX. a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1i i i a i CD a> •§ a & ■1 1 n p 5 "a 1 "3 o 1 o a n u o 5 1 i 1 0 i 0 1 5 i 0 n 1 1 DELAWAHE. First district 4 24 115 35 178 6 7 87 18 118 3 9 7 19 406 Total 4 t 24 1 115 i 35 178 6 7 87 18 I 118 1 3 9 7 19 1 406 Batio per 1,000 examined . . J.292 Ifl. 753 j94.650 28.807 146.502 L938 j 5.761 71.605 4.815 97. J 19 j2. 469 , 7.407 5.761 15.638 334.156 MAEYLA.ND. Virst district 1 36 9 12 16 1 4 19 97 17 1 1 22 145 109 5 88 26 132 ; 2 108 1 11 109 154 112 243 1.12 2 25 6 4 1 1 9 6 68 2 14 G3 76 110 17 44 61 1 5 16 39 24 4 14 ■20 38 58 5 366 3.i6 397 570 439 4 1 101 29 117 2 1 184 7 27 20 4 3 1 3 31 Fifth district Total 74 138 459 1 189 860 38 86 1 280 86 1 490 28 1 35 1 88 1 23 174 2,128 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 10.C97 19.948 ^ 66. 349 27.320 124.313 5.493 12.431 40. 4V4 12.431 70.830 1.047 5.059 12.720 3.325 25.152 307. 003 DISTRICT OF COI.U5IBIA. i 372 5 51 4 55 890 District of Colombia 3 9 i 334 2G 1 372 5 192 ' 5 ; 202 .-.1 4 55 890 Total 1.734 CG. 597 1.734 70.060 1 17.090 1.387 19.077 308. 706 liatio per 1,000 examined . . WEST ^HBGIXIA. 3 4 44 192 119 99 82 6 239 222 91 1 1 3 n 34 52 42 62 6 49 97 61 4 5 4 5 11 9 17 5 -,m "i i 218 Third district 3 Total 3 i 7 1 245 297 552 5 92 110 207 1 1 1 1 13 ; 10 1 31 1,508 Katio per 1,000 examined .. .578 1 1.350 47.233 57.259 106.420 .964 17.737 21.207 .39.907 .193 6 4 .193 2 2.506 ,3.085 j 5.976 290.727 KESTLCKY. 17 14 18 i 1 5 20 26 14 9 35 53 2 1 27 14 9 25 57 41 42 24 51 78 27 90 49 8 23 14 21 27 12 7 28 12 1 6' 4 4 7 44 50 19 11 36 22 10 68 5 7 3 1 3 6 7 2 1 7 13 11 10 3 10 IS 2 18 4 145 131 121 79 a 3 1 5 2 1 2 5 3 1 3 ....„ 3 2 238 53 Sixth district Sfvc-nth (Hstrict. 10 2 ■-■-■ .... 56 14 7 1 3 3 2 224 114 Kinth district ' Total 45 1 52 263 1 99 1 459 42 i7 177 31 1 277 1 15 1 8 1 41 1 !K 1 86 | 1,2:)0 Katio per 1,000 examined . 10.583 12 230 |61.853 ,23.283 J107.949 9.878 6.350 41.627 7.291 65.146 ;i.523 1.881 i 9.643 5.174 20.226 ,290.087 MISSOURI. First district 1 6 6 1 62 67 89 9 9 5 50 47 i 129 137 72 9 30 8 1 1 " "i 2 "23 2 18 48 40 10 1 7 1 123 9 24 23 27 1 "33 6 SI 68 33 3 26 1 164 24 1 2 7 9 3 S 3 IS 13 8 363 320 "i 163 21 Third district 1 Fifth district ""i 23 2 2 80 1 ...... 8 130 45 42 43 14 8' 184 68 50 1 1 5 2 1 36 1 4 8 46 2 463 205 11Q Eighth district 1 Kiuth district 7 1 3a 1 1 Total 9 1 111 396 ; 183 679 1 13 1 59 263 99 434 1 14 ."io 19 93 1 1,735 Batio per 1,000 examined . . 1.492 18.405 C5.C61 27. («7 112. 585 2.156 9.783 43. 608 16. 415 j71. 962 .166 2.321 1 9.783 ^3.150 15.420 287.080 a»5 OHIO. 24 51 7 82 2 3 34 A « 1 6 2 1 s 1 1 Second district 1 / o 96 ' 51 150 I....-..' 1 ' 25 1 13 ' SJ ' I ■ 1 . 48 Taiili: Nu. 1 — Showing the rclalion of height, girth of chest ut vxpiratioti, and HEIGHT C7 AND UNDER CO INCHES- Contiuued. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. TJndor 29 inches. 29 and under 31 locbes. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. CD £ p .9 i o 1 s .s > 1 t4 o ■g p A s 8 <§ .3 01 0 0) ,a g n I ■i I i •S .a a 0 > 0 i u 0 0 ,£3 a n u 0 "3 1 Ohio— Continued. 1 1 3 4 4 1 2 10 8 17 7 25 10 8 13 10 23 4 18 23 13 59 19 12 44 1 83 2 13 9 1 63 5 20 2 21 2 « 30 5 117 54 10 101 15 41 19 14 76 16 59 6 39 28 22 97 35 129 ■■"2' ""3 0 1 1 3 7 35 7 11 29 38 42 57 08 152 55 65 19 94 99 31 62 143 35 115 88 48 119 3 241 38 25 53 2 184 38 57 38 65 52 62 108 30 303 158 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 "i 2 6 2 50 305 Fifth ilistiirt 1 144 ISO 120 3 2 9G 1 1 ...... 1 3 1 2 1 "i" 1 2 4 4 1 0 203 Ekvriit li district Twrlltli ilistiict 2 1 1 '""'a' 1 8 2 48 1 '"2 "a' 11 3 27 4 1 7 5 3 1 137 231 128 Fit'ti'riith ilistiict . -- 2 3 "3 2 5 204 102 3 1 2 "ii' 3 2 13 "6 225 1 132 354 Total 3 0 33 29 71 22 35 337 477 871 79 155 1,346 1, 542 3 122 Batio per 1,000 examiueil .070 .153 .839 .738 1.806 .500 .890 8.573 12. 134 22.157 2.010 3,943 34.240 39. 220 79. 418 INDIAXA. 1 10 9 1 1 15 32 41 17 38 4 5 56 1 54 58 100 119 33 19 21 8 07 24 3 55 74 139 105 54 63 26 13 2 70 5 3 52 91 17 13 70 133 95 67 153 02 74 267 8 2 228 278 314 452 307 144 187 42 32(1 1 C 7 14 Tliinl district . ... 22 1 2 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 6 4 1 Filth district 1 '"3 "'"'i' 2 2 0 2 ..... 2 1 3 0 3 13 5 3 32 3 9 353 Sixth di.-'Iritt. 1 1 a 1 1 460 Ki"ht h district 439 Isiiith district 33 y 255 Elt'vciitli district 3 3 131 Total . 1 1 15 15 32 19 20 173 471 683 93 76 827 2,889 3 '^S^ Ratio per 1,000 examined .026 .026 .391 .391 .834 .495 .521 4.511 12. 280 17. 808 2.425 1.982 21.562 59.681 65. 649 ILLINOIS. J4 62 2;) 29 35 45 34 5 3 37 25 7 2 5 27 5 14 45 12 11 13 8 33 10 4 19 103 37 50 84 60 50 18 12 73 39 12 4 ""3" 2 1 3 3 1 a 17 2 2 0 18 38 28 2 13 32 5' 17 34 4 C 77 148 208 228 102 196 114 15 43 143 204 30 14 53 55 124 129 312 58 17 134 07 77 42 66 132 Second district 1 1 1 4 1 12 5 1 3 2 4 1 i i 1 1 14 8 7 3 4 221 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 ....^ 4 i 2 I 433 Fourth district 387 Fitth district 417 Sixtli flistrict Srvciith district Eiulitli district 16U K i 111 li district 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 117 Tenth (Ustiict ; 3 Eluvcntli district 1 262 Twelfth district 106 Tliirteeuth diatrict 22 Total 1 3 15 15 34 7 46 321 187 .561 38 199 1,5S8 1,134 2,y59 Ratio per 1,000 examined .027 .082 .411 .411 .932 .192 1.261 8.803 5.128 15.385 1.042 5.457 43. 549 Sl.OCS 81. 146 IOWA. 1 1 0 4 1 1 3 21 6 4 3 4 0 G 20 11 3 11 31 33 10 3 7 i 5 3 21 8 4 9 1 28 125 28 45 25 41 21 19 04 04 14 40 52 1G6 Second district Tliird district. 9 9 105 113 Fmirtli district Fifth (tistriit Sixth disi rict 1 1 8G Total 2 9 11 8 41 52 101 10 46 292 222 570 .250 1.150 1.406 1.023 5.241 6.047 12. 911 1.278 2a 378 72. 8C*J 1 1 — ^-^ 49 expanaiou of chest, io each other, and to different localities, ^-c. — Continued. HEIGHX G7 AND UNDER C9 INCHES— Continued. STATES. Ohio — Continued. Third district Fonrtli district Fifth district Sixth district Seventli district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth distiict.. Fiinrte4'iith district.. Fifteenth distiiet... Sixteenth district — Seventeenth district." Eighteenth district. . Nineteenth district. - GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXriEATIOX. 33 and under 35 inohe.s. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. Expansion. Expansion. 3 100 1 1 2 o 3 7 1 Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . . rSDIAXA. First district Second district — Third district Fiinrth district Fifth district Sixth di.striet Seventh distiiet . . . Eighth district . . . Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district.. 4.045 Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . ILUKOIS. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district . . . Twelfth district Thirteenth distiiet . 3 3 9 105 8 4 50 27 257 Gl 138 303 127 144 37 172 111 71 C3 208 102 78 223 18 298 2, 287 Total Eatio per 1.000 examined . IOWA. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district 1G6 73 192 78 12 58 181 109 90 305 95 206 40 54 77 3 171 GG 38 98 104 55 158 G3 50 173 £ jJ H. B 1^ o 156 2 285 3 4 278 4 29G 13 145 381 IG 3 209 1 % 20-1 17 208 1 254 G 4 298 48 19 172 2 1G8 273 1 G 203 1 4 147 280 11 2 194 8 215 20 143 207 122 7G 24 135 G8 57 22 110 101 12 171 3 16 23 107 8 53 32 C4 241 82 333 309 200 97 83 203 157 131 38 142 213 20 239 33 Expansion. 3 3 22 9 1 1 2 72 3 49 112 71 10 5 37 11 11 5 24 23 12 8G 14 119 130 104 13 2G 47 42 32 7 29 59 445 073 784 903 1,052 G54 424 010 GGt 791 410 382 082 059 492 804 727 109.486 i2.593 274 22 1 264 302 440 431 503 263 311 131 1,418 70. 759 101 128 300 509 143 238 124 43 117 196 345 96 47 1,944 103 40 132 199 262 63 17 292 217 93 42 126 4,304 102 357 302 151 277 363 033 558 594 Gon 423 396 121.395 1.304 227 I 1, 615 ■39 2, 633 5.774 41.083 118.799 68.251 12:1 7 26 100 28 48 166 70 116 11 27 106 82 153 134 241 146 163 114 166 I 913 I 1,293 4. 328 ;23. 857 j33. 712 269 192 497 813 411 318 178 333 346 ! 338 460 240 79 116 29 1 2 7 23 157 1 24 265 1 60 3 4 110 12 48 6 22 1 2 73 18 13 148 1 43 154 5 2 81 2 25 40 173 94 244 114 109 262 164 289 323 254 398 a, 424 54 2.468 1 1 1 5 11 1 3 2 4 171 41 206 353 135 126 67 173 207 214 216 172 74 576 10,768 Total. Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 12. 301 | 9. 9 13. 177 4. 432 21. 470 302. 587 5.892 844 11,893 9 71 13 13 48 33 58 82 52 151 6.857 14.549 50 6 55 105 24 17 9 37 58 70 49 57 39 931 611 491 703 910 1,546 1,479 1,438 1,399 1,012 1,092 11,038 041 504 1,232 1,714 1,083 790 471 718 742 953 1,047 589 218 314. 969 50 Taiii.k Is'ii. 1 — Slioifiiiij till- nUilion of linijhl, yirlh nf cIhsI (d <'Xpiiiili(jii,<(i!tl HEIGHT f.T AK1> TINDER GO I XC HE S— Con tin nod. GIUTII OP CHEST AT EXriUATlON. Under 29 incbes. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. ExpanMon. Expansion. Expansion. CO 1 1 3 o a 5 s •g a ° •a •g a .5 F.. o 1 .3 o 1 o 1 o C o p .9 i- t 0 rA ■3 .9 > 0 MICIIIGAK. 1 1 1 4 1 ' "i' 14 2 5 1 U 3 17 15 24 23 3 13 8 11 79 14 3 19 42 ao 105 39 c 34 51 2 '■■■5' 1 1 4 8 3 ] 1 OS 51 99 40 69 03 79 318 89 19 71 93 148 2 373 196 1 2 07 J^lfth district 1 142 1 157 Total 1 1 11 21 34 7 80 108 201 8 18 388 0C9 1,083 Katio per 1 ,000 examined .079 .079 .874 1.069 2. 709 . 550 0.835 13. 331 SO. 742 .636 1.431 30. 835 53. 167 86. 069 WISCONSIN. 1 1 0 o 0 3 15 1 1 3 7 fi 21 4 2 2 17 7 (■> 9 14 17 24 34 11 124 2 4 43 41 19 133 19 29 ...... 2 2 5.-) 49 50 0 49 107 101 70 194 11 27 132 213 1 1 1 132 "'33 1 12 18 301 Fifth district 1 1 ...... 3 1 72 185 Total 1 2 12 26 43 8 7 70 199 284 34 35 322 544 935 Katio per 1,000 examined .002 .183 1.099 3. 564 3.937 .732 .041 6.409 18. 220 26. 003 3.113 3.203 29. 482 49.808 85. 007 MINNESOTA. 1 1 3 8 4 5 5 2 7 9 11 13 18 4 41 27 11 1 13 14 72 57 47 37 143 109 Total 1 4 4 9 7 16 23 22 08 12 27 129 84 252 .272 1.086 1.086 2.444 1.901 4.345 0.247 5.975 18.468 3.259 7. 333 35. 035 22. 814 08. 441 CALIFORNIA. 3 2 9 10 22 1 12 5 15 Middl<> district 1 3 4 1 10 1 fi 10 3 28 1 2 12 39 Total 1 1 3 5 •2 11 0 19 3 14 47 18 82 .763 .765 2.294 3.823 1.529 8.410 4.587 14. 526 a 294 10. 703 35. 933 13. 761 62.691 KANSAS. 1 3 4 i 4 12 15 3 1 15 1 1 i "~ 18 Total 1 1 1 7 1 9 2 27 4 I^atio per 1 ,000 exaraiiied 1 372 1.372 1. 373 9.602 1.372 12.346 2.743 37. 037 5.487 45 267 OUKGON. Orcgou Total Katio per 1 ,000 examined NEVADA. ' Total 1 1 Ratio per l.COO examined 47.019 1 . 47. 019 Grand total United States. 23 43 317 346 729 203 376 2,914 3,086 7,179 708 1,345 11,948 13,490 27,497 Ratio per 1,000 examined .073 .130 1.004 1.090 2.310 .043 1.191 9.233 11.079 22.746 2.343 4.261 37.850 42.760 87.121 51 expansion of elwst, to each ollur, and lo diffvn'nt locaUties, e)'-c. — Continued. HEIGHT 07 AND UNDER 09 INCHES— Continued. i GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXI'IltATION. 'Si and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 15 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1.5 1 o 1 .a U 5 .2 n 1 J i ■s a .3 5 00 a; .a CI 6 i ! 1 ' n u a 6 3 0 H a 0 a 4 0 3 at o3 .a u 0 > 0 ■2 as s a 2 0 MICHIG.\X. First (listrkt 1 1 7 2 fi 6 o 121 32 151 162 98 84 329 172 53 82 04 213 364 329 241 185 101 5 6 102 15 96 146 49 10 64 95 71 45 23 24 177 110 174 210 80 34 1 2 1 29 2 20 .57 11 1 12 20 9 11 3 1 44 23 29 69 15 2 610 980 "13' 7 0 3 768 15 3 1 ...... 590 Fifth district 459 362 Total 20 23 1 COl 769 1, 433 18 22 418 327 765 2 4 120 56 182 3,778 Eatio per 1,000 esamiued . . 1.589 1.828 47.703 [62.704 113. 884 1. 431 1.748 33. 219 25. 987 02.380 .159 .318 9. 537 4.450 14. 464 300.246 WISCONSIN. First district 1 1 4 9 101 109 103 4 83 242 30 236 109 63 27 45 142 3.55 212 68 115 401 ""'2 1 48 CS 49 9 104 46 9 19 10 179 97 9 73 246 20 21 11 4 31 10 1 5 5 30 52 22 1 11 CI 408 847 1 488 1 5' 43 433 "Fif^h district '""44' 3 20 56 166 6 42 299 70 7 7 924 Total 73 01 1 C42 517 1,293 40 31 387 203 607 8 7 106 56 177 3,399 Batio per 1,000 examined .. 6.CS4 5. 585 ;58. 780 [47. 330 lia 365 4. 212 2.S38 35.433 ia586 01. 069 .732 .641 9. 705 5.127 16. 200 311.307 BnNNESOTA. 16 14 8 180 100 75 137 285 251 5 8 4 119 54 25 90 157 148 n 5 1 17 3 31 35 661 15 19 .573 Total IC 22 1 280 212 t36 S 12 173 115 305 6 G 32 22 1-0 1,236 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 4.345 5. 975 |77. 075 57. 577 145.573 1.358 3.259 46.e85 11. 233 82.835 1.630 1.630 8. COl 5.975 17.923 335. 687 CALIFORXIA. G 11 i ID i 1 37 9 92 11 12 30 1 38 ...... 4 .53 07 0 2 7 11 116 64 1 5 50 Southern district 1 22 _ 15 0 10 2 18 210 Total 7 CO 1 87 1 11 138 11 27 09 5 112 2 8 17 2 29 383 Batio per 1,000 examined . . 5.352 25.2:9 60.514 1 8.410 1C5.C05 ^8.410 20. 642 5.'. 752 41 3 3.823 85. 627 1.529 0.116 12.997 1. .529 J2.171 2D4. 343 KANSAS. 1 1 60 14 3 05 0 3 46 3 9 1 1 10 1 141 Soutlioi-n district 14 42 Total 1 1 1 7.1 3 79 2 44 3 49 10 1 11 182 Batio per 1,000 examined . . 1. 372 1^72 101.5091 4.115 108. 368 2. 743 60.357 4.115 67.215 13.717 1.372 15.089 249. G57 OREGON. Oregon Total Batio per 1,000 examined . . 1 t 1 1 NEVADA. Nevada 1 3 4 1 0 3 8 Total i 1| 3 4 1 2 3 ' 8 380. 952 Eatio per 1,000 examined .. Grand tnt;il tJuitedStatea 1,120 47.019 142.657 ! I l,f97 17,C06 15,284 lEO. 470 30,207 625 47. 619 1,195 10,119 6,180 18,119 240 446 2,000 1,373 4,719 94,450 Katio per 1,000 ex.lniiiu'd .- 3.549 1 6.010 48.425 114.717 1.980 3.786 32.001 19.581 57. 408 .700 1. 413 8.428 4.350 14.952 299.252 Taiu.k No. I— Showing the relaUon of height, girth of cheat at expiration, aud HEIGHT C9 AND UNDER 71 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT liXPIKATlON. TJudor 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion . Expansion. Expansion. 09 i a .a o .S 1 o 2 '3 « 1 1 n o 1 S ■3 a u o 1 a V •3 n u o > o i u 0 •3 n •g a 0 i .5 6 I 0 5 0 MAINE. 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 5 9 5 10 9 2 47 10 2 5 32 42 7 112 27 40 3 5 185 78 85 45 Tliinl ilistiict 1 1 1 1 i 3 2 3 1 14 18 5 28 11 301 109 Tot'il 2 5 7 1 2 37 44 84 0 11 220 1 317 554 .1U2 .404 .560 .081 .102 2.993 3.559 0.794 .4!?5 .890 17. 795 1 25. C41 44. 811 NEW IIAMI'SHIKK. VirtitiliHtrirt 1 1 2 1 4 4 13 1 2 02 7 1« 20 1 5 7 1 04 2 9 3 1 3 1 5 8 4 18 0 71 j 20 93 .714 .337 1.071 .357 1.785 2.656 1. 428 0. 420 .714 25. 348 1 7. 140 33. 202 VEUMOXT. First Uifltrict 4 2 1 5 5 7 9 18 7 37 8 54 30 26 01 9 2 1 07 Total 2 2 1 9 11 21 62 92 154 .sd:i .S93 .290 2.007 3.260 6.224 18. 370 1 27. 267 45. 643 MASSACHUSETTS. First district 1 1 2 1 1 2 I 3 2 2 25 3 7 4 4 5 22 12 1 6 6 32 27 19 1 1 5 5 59 26 17 10 5 0 0 1 11 19 29 54 18 4 9 27 4 12 Socond district 24 ...... 2 1 i 2 1 Fourth district 82 35 Fifth district Sixth district 2 16 Fijrhth district ■ 4 1 1 0 5 10 2 6 Ninth district 1 1 Truth district 13 Total 5 5 10 1 4 45 59 109 1 t 140 1 187 335 .196 .790 1. 592 .159 .037 7.100 9.395 17. 357 .159 1.115 22. 293 1 29. 777 53. 344 RHODE ISLAND. First district 1 1 4 5 1 2 20 0 30 4 52 10 1 4 44 16 99 18 148 34 Second district Total 2 4 0 2 26 34 02 1 4 60 117 183 lUtio per 1,000 examined . . . .064 1.336 1.991 .604 e.029 11.284 20.577 .332 1.328 19.914 1 38.832 00. 405 CONNECTICUT. First district 1 5' 2 0 I 5 2 7 1 7 9 l:i 18 11 17 21 27 11 Second district 1 1 Third district Fourth district 2 2 1 4 21 Total 3 3 o 13 15 1 1 20 j 50 fO Kiitio jH'r 1,000 examined. . . 1.42.0 1.429 • .953 0.193 7.140 j .470 9. 528 1 28. 109 33.113 NEW yOKK. First di.strict 1 3 1 2 2 14 3 7 4 17 8 1 iT 21 4 10 .1 0 11 34 7 6 l.i 1 35 82 01 21 Srcund district Third district Fouilh distrirt 53 exjMHsion of chest, loeach other, and to different localities, er 1,000 examined . BHODE ISLAND. First district — Second district. Total Katio per 1,000 examined . COXXECTICUT. First district Second district Third district Fourth district 181 .318 I 1.592 23.507 28.822 8.211 126 50.089 1.071 140 11.324 0.875 14 20 34 1 450 342 189 1, 129 C04 247 2,711 19.979 219. t2y 65 235 144 46 54.299 I .478 I .159 | 7.043 |l0.987 132 61 Total E.itio per 1,000 examined . NEW YORK. First distiict Second district. Third district . . Fourth district. .332 25.224 .470 : 1.429 38.500 I 04.050 1 .996 | | 8.629 18 29 01 19 1..- 30 |.... 12 I.... 33 1.... 19.263 714 12.139 2.499 116.423 165.655 40 3.260 11.855 127 339 197 15.110 190.503 54 15. 599 25.224 94 14 31 45 13. 816 29. 061 1 44. 783 6. 070 14. 769 !21. 439 45 10 14 4 2 is 28 I 1 9 G 7 45 1 1 15 1 18 1 1 5 19 i 20 42 1 62 64 251 183 143 64 25 83 34 49 958 X 025 ,3. 1&5 I 0. 688 ,152. 548 4.315 ,5.042 413 138 10. 621 lt2. 874 31 78 ^ 4 6 243 95:i ji.eoo 2.859 115.769 — " 1 4 7 4 ""3 1 7 8 10 5 124 7!) 151 51 54 Table No. I— Showing the iclation of hwjkt, girth of cheat at exxiiration, and HEIGHT C9 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OK CUEST AT E.XrlKATION Under 29 inches. 29 iind under 31 inobcs. 31 and undiT 3.J inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansiuu. i I 4 of a Gi 1 00 1 u 1 o 1 .a o _n u O S CI at O 1 1 .a .g a u > 0 a CI 0 oi 0 .a a n 1 0 H Nbw YoRK-^ontinucd. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 1 3 12 10 15 5 40 11 2 13 5 35 29 4 5 1 3 08 4 2 12 17 17 40 27 1 1 2 3 5 30 6 42 9 31 45 57 33 70 3 50 152 42 8 ^ 1 31 30 1 i' 1 9 13 23 4 123 22 1 20 26 18 129 9 10 11 12 187 20 79 53 8 .57 216 10 4 1 3 8 G 8 4 7 3 2 8 4 29 10 3 2 2 5 33 3 4 1 5 18 1 5 i 55 1 11 14 20' 18 31 9 3 1 3 1 ..... 3 3 3 1 43 1 i 1 2 2 1 18 1 1 18 2 30 1 1 1 1 C 1 14 3 4 i 1 1 SO 70 93 3 3 0 161 5 134 1 1 5 1 75 49 2 ""i 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 172 172 1 1 18 12 1 1 12 2 1 1 3 12 15 7 19 1 1 1 44 5 5 219 20 Xweiity-sixth district 2 7 5 39 44 )13 14 2 88 1 ' i 3 1 2 1 10 58 2 3 1 2 4 4 1 3 7 3 3 58 105 7 335 . Total 3 20 17 45 20 19 173 200 418 99 86 9.50 1,086 2,221 .046 .594 .388 1.027 .457 .434 3.950 4.703 9.544 2. 260 1.964 21. U90 24. 796 50. 710 NEW JEK8EY. First (lietrict 5 2 3 1 4 G ""'s 7 11 2 7 G 17 2 7 1 2 12 5 15 9 25 111 4 1 29 52 135 11 35 38 84 2 32 i' 4 14 53 2 19 77 45 101 10 06 200 28 22 100 125 341 89 2 2 208 118 6 1 C 211 Total 2 8 15 18 43 10 21 75 197 303 35 92 305 535 907 Ititliu Iter 1,00D examined. . . .117 .408 .878 1.054 2.517 . .585 1.229 4.390 11.531 17. 736 2.049 5.385 17.853 22 30 41 32 100 80 22 23 10 14 20 50 32 10 202 36 23 51 .59 37 G 4 6 31.316 .56. 603 I'lSNNbYLVANIA. 10 4 2 4 12 5 5 1 2 2 i 1 ifi 2 5 4 38 5 1 3 14 17 28 0 31 26 13 5 2 3 3 21 4 3 38 3 5 8 42 10 4 6 4 1 13 28 3 38 21 43 8 8 12 4 14 17 99 4 27 33 14 6 43 264 43 13 36 26 Second district "* 2 1 1 30 Tliird district 1 1 2 1 1 10 15 1 25 24 5 2 2 2 2 4 i' 25 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 1 1 3 1 4 1 2 2 8 35 Fifth district 55 Sixth district 1 1 1 1 i 148 97 Seventh district Eij^bth district 6 34 Ninth district ^ 35 Tenth district 1 1 14 Elovfiith district 28 Twellth district 1 1 5' i' 0 1 4 9 22 "7 1 0 7 2 39 Thirteenth district 1 1 i 154 45 38 1 1 Pillei iitli district Sixtc.iilli.iisirict Sevetil.eiitli district 2 1 3 2 G 2 262 57 Ei-htcenlh district 1 1 "n 1 1 2 1 30 Niurlr. iiili district Twentieth district 332 Tweniv-tirHt diHtrict 1 87 19 40 district Twenty-third district Twenty.Jourth district 32 Total 9 5 14 13 15 155 115 298 2J 70 911 1 822 1,823 Itatinper 1,000 exanuucd. .. 1 .ini .100 .297 .276 .318 3.269 2. 410 C. 324 . 424 1. 485 19. 332 1 17.443 3a 685 55 expan : of chxt, to each otlar, ami to different localities, ifC.-Coutiuued. STATES. HEIGHT 09 AND TJNBEE ll INCHES— Continnea. GIKTU OF CIIF.ST AT EXTinATION. 33 anil under 33 inches. Expansion. Kf.w Toiui — Continued. Eiftli district Sixtli district Seventli district Eigbtli district Ninth district Tenth district El.'ventb district Twelfth district Thirteenth district Fourteenth district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eishtecnth district Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twenty -first district. Twenty-second district- . Twenty-third district — Twenty -fonrth district - . Tweutv-flfth district Twenty-sixth district- - - Twenty -seventh district Twenty-eighth district - Twenty-ninth district . . Thirtieth district Thirty -first district o 13 Total. Katio per 1,000 examined . 3. 379 i 2. 3.52 34. 728 [30. 527 NEW JEESET. First district — Second district.. Third district... Fonrth district- Fifth district. - . 5 49 13 28 4 41 75 lie 32 233 10 91 76 103 29 24 1 2 4 9 3 15 30 10 142 28 35 and under 37 inches. Expansion. 10 83 20 1 9 32 11 02 44 180 19 30 19 187 31 10 15 54 178 29 11 99 \ 70 10 ' 55 250 18 53 17 37 7 58 106 104 178 347 14 115 107 183 216 55 10 31 139 202 30 20 137 81 101 104 443 7 15 10 15 I 33 32 80 30 127 15 36 CO 51 15 21 1 24 53 5 37 inches and over. Expansion. 148 1, 521 j 1, 337 I 3, 109 1 5 13 17 50 11 2 0 27 10 55 33 0 12 21 54 14 10 57 31 13 11 50 10 20 14 20 1 40 40 116 89 182 19 44 95 03 70 54 7 37 74 01 14 16 73 44 93 31 534 70.965 ,1.980 1 1.005 il9. 133 12. 192 34. 317 Total. Bntio per 1,000 examined . rKNNSTLVANIA. 2.517 43 44 57 177 20 44 115 342 177 35 31 91 83 417 i 225 99 334 112 147 917 0. 731 !20. 019 [24. 409 ! 53. 676 1 21 '""i 23 1.346 12 "lo I. 693 ! 9. 107 district Second district Third district Fonrth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth district Fourteenth district Fifteenth district Sixteen til district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district .. Ninetoentli district Twentieth district Twenty-first district - - - Twenty-second district. Twent'y-tliird district . . Twenty-fonrth district . Total Katio per 1.000 examined . 24 2 13 65 48 113 87 92 86 19 37 47 55 86 29 398 222 71 94 92 15 46 11 48 8 62 24 32 17 IG 36 13 34 28 206 11 .50 96 SO 13 150 379 81 14 91 37 50 24 128 73 149 110 112 122 33 71 78 205 117 80 568 302 99 252 483 171 22 108 130 63 46 165 33 70 26 9 o 16 10 4 8 1 8 27 •IPS 2 2 9 0 1 I 1 9 1 14 26 1 6 4 12 1 2 15 7 4 3 12 13 7 28 15 47 10 3 26 11 18 34 n 14 31 12 1 3 22 8 32 10 18 119 43 111 41 171 243 406 489 721 57 250 282 400 50G 100 39 102 291 507 69 55 332 209 333 291 931 31 . 708 I . 548 143 379 8. 370 22. 183 40 152 I 1,837 I 1,561 3,590 .849 I 3.220 38. 9K! j33. 125 70. 182 20 1. 443 10 1 6 35 19 67 30 68 135 33 32 59 18 69 20 221 258 86 64 83 70 0 25 39 I 1,400 30. 9-2 4 40 1 23 5 11 5 19 43 13 41 15 131 2 39 38 55 19 115 151 59 11 56 39 221 420 7,710 5.046 3.288 19 51 .351 1.112 2.985 935 19.841 15 43 7 62 20 81 44 95 ISl 4l"i 74 75 154 83 59 282 318 112 174 24-2 133 17 83 78 2,4S9 9.589 176.172 795 257 814 308 542 31 1.815 6.263 5-2.818 17 .301 .079 2 1 n 4 81 4 !S 80 18 7 29 11 12 13 48 102 42 28 31 13 1 10 1 518 10.992 — 6 24 2 4 10 27 3 17 9 30 9 34 43 24 36 104 23 12 I 39 39 24 30 63 136 59 67 79 40 1 27 7 2,716 liiS. 979 105 146 85 318 166 4j:i S«82 290 447 119 1S8 234 633 274 210 1,216 816 306 598 1,180 441 03 204 257 290 j &57 I 9,071 6.1&t 18.186 192.493 Table No. 1 — Shoiving tlte relation of htighf, girth of chest fit expii-ation, and HEIGHT 60 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CIIEST AT EXriRATION. TTudcr 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o a .S > o •s .s 5 i 1 a n o 6 3 o H i .g a 0 m Oi .£3 .9 0 1 n > 0 3 s .a •3 .a 0 .£3 .3 at a > 0 n u 6 "a I UELAWARE. 3 3 5 9 5 19 Total 3 3 5 9 5 19 2.469 2.469 4.115 7.407 4. 115 48 2 5 1 27 15. 638 MARTLAND. 1 1 2 1 1 15 17 1 3 4 54 1 11 11 20 103 49 12 6 ii 1 4 14 11 26 .... 1 1 2 1 3 8 20 a5 1 1 37 7 152 Total 2 2 4 12 41 23 79 29 30 116 83 288 Hatio per 1,000 examinod. . . .289 .289 .578 1.735 5. 927 3.180 11.419 4.192 4.3.37 21. 104 11.998 41 631 DISTRICT OF COLUMBU. District of Columbia 24 3 27 1 1 82 3 Total 24 3 27 1 1 69 3 8.325 1.041 9.365 .347 .347 2?. 443 1.041 WEST VIUOINIA. Firs! district 1 3 1 4 1 23 39 1 1 C3 3 1 52 28 13 205 16 7 257 1 45 Tliinl o s a n s > o 1 i .a s 7-* .3 0 s •2 a c» ? 0 s .a u a g 0 a ^ CD i a C( a; > 0 n 0 *3 Ohio — Con tinned . 1 1 2 13 1 17 1 3 2 1 28 2 5 6 7 11 44 15 1 3a 7 n 5 8 33 11 15 3 11 9 13 19 8 47 1 3 1 3 20 3 2 3 1 6 9 2 4 9 1 3 15 2 1 4 4 8 5 14 15 30 32 69 22 31 14 28 43 14 38 SO 33 54 34 14 39 "'ise' 10 12 26 5 66 17 45 17 46 30 42 63 12 191 S7 16 3 4 18 2 5 3 4 5 7 7 3 4 8 6 8 7 3 172 51 3 86 53 1 2 45 81 2 2 1 2 1 1 51 33 1 i' 83 Fift<'onth district 84 119 Ei"l]tcentb district 1 53 3 3 205 Total 3 2 G 11 9 13 123 168 313 35 76 611 822 1 544 Ilatio per 1,000 examined. . . .076 .051 .153 .280 .^ .331 3.129 4.274 7.962 .890 1.933 IS. 543 1 30. 910 39.277 KDLiXA. First district 2 2 2 2 7 2 19 26 8 3^ 6 34 56 4 5 33 68 74 16 9S 24 23 163 4 1 105 133 149 342 166 103 -5 23 6 99 Third district 5 i'ouith district 1 5 "i 11 1 8 10 19 7 19 4 1 18 24 21 50 10 12 9 4 19 32 33 78 18 34 13 5 110 Fiftli district 1 1 1 i' 1 8 6 2 13 3 167 1 5 1 2 1 1 3 185 211 100 47 Tenth district Total 1 11 12 24 G 6 78 176 266 46 38 4.32 1,261 1,777 Katio per 1,000 examined. . . .026 .287 .313 .626 .156 .156 2.034 7 23 8 10 15 18 11 4.589 3 10 5 4 24 8 1 7 1 11 5 6 6.935 10 3G 16 17 39 28 14 7 0 29 21 11 0 1.199 i i 3 i' 1 7 2 i .991 1 11 10 11 4 8 11 1 1 12 IG 2 G 11.263 17 136 121 102 65 94 08 1 10 94 101 IS 4 32.878 46.332 ILLINOIS. First district 27 38 66 64 171 35 10 48 22 75 25 46 1 45 186 197 178 240 140 89 51 34 188 144 63 12 3 2 3 Third district 1 1 1 Fourth distl'ict Fifth district 1 1 1 2 1 Sixth district 2 2 Suventh district F.ightli district Niulb district 1 2 1 1 "i 3 2 1 "'l' 1 1 3 1 2 io' 1.1 4 Tenth district Fleventh district Twelfth district -.. Thirteeiitli district Total 1 1 6 2 10 0 20 128 85 235 17 94 828 623 Eatio per 1,000 cxaniiucd. .. .027 .027 .165 .055 .274 .055 .548 3.510 4 12 a 2 3 5 2.331 6.445 .466 2..'i78 22. 707 17. K2 42.973 IOWA. First district 3 2 14 3 i' 7 IG 17 5 3 8 i 2 2 5 7 1 G 1 9 .59 15 13 22 13 13 5 52 23 5 17 24 Second district 2 1 """■3' 2 4 "1 2 Third district Fourtli di.strict 73 Fifth district Sixth district 0 Tnt.ll 3 3 G 3 2 28 23 56 3 22 131 lis 271 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 1 . .- .:ij0 .38:i .7G7 .383 .256 3.579 2.940 ^l.-iS .383 2. 812 16. 745 14.700 34.641 59 expansion of chcsf, to each olhci; and to different localities, .J'c. — Continued. HEIGHT 09 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. a GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and uiidor:{7 inches. 37int he.s and over. 0 STATES. Kxi>.insion. Expansion. Expansion. ■r ^ 1 o .g r-t •3 a 1 1 CI 0 c 0 3 n 3 > 0 0 H i i a 4 .9 i o 1 CI g o 1 a n s > o H 1 n 11 u g 0 s ■s .a 01 t4 g 0 1 a s 0 H a 1- 0 Ohio— CoutimiciL Third district 1 1 11 66 3 C 30 1 7 21 12 117 32 100 229 69 93 17 134 92 38 58 148 88 42 99 16 74 8 165 33 41 60 4 121 55 49 64 79 48 150 55 31 109 87 129 208 226 281 137 134 139 200 225 102 139 208 244 99 140 185 '"e 13 i 3 1 130 7 6 14 5 183 9 90 223 100 89 18 148 67 71 28 127 105 4 122 7 38 12 73 25 43 67 4 87 45 17 01 23 20 134 10 28 48 45 200 83 231 286 173 108 103 203 141 132 50 161 241 13 157 55 4 73 5 44 143 73 14 5 43 15 13 10 32 30 2 54 2 3 0 0 5 18 33 1 18 13 19 4 11 37 1 11 4 7 85 13 106 175 117 18 23 61 54 32 14 44 75 3 65 6 212 431 514 641 839 485 313 381 528 558 302 299 506 653 ""i3 rourtli district 3 6 ....„ 6 0 53 3 6 3 Fifth district . .. Sixth district 7 8 2 1 Eijih th district Kiuth district Tenth district 4 C3 6 30 4 21 1 25 4 12 Twrllth district Thirteenth district Fourteenth district 2 ii 4 2 FiTtcenth O •it & u a n u o > O i .a a .a a u o 5 s a t. O O .a ej a n > o 3 o H miciiiga:!. 1 "'i' 1 1 5 11 9 5 3 9 56 0 2 4 12 14 68 16 4 9 15 2 2 4 1 6 2 41 31 54 21 28 21 30 181 51 13 36 65 77 1 1 213 Thiril (liRtript 111 1 1 2 7 38 2 3 64 4 1 1 88 Total 1 5 G 12 4 33 89 120 5 '^ 196 370 591 Eatio per 1,000 examined. . . .070 .397 .477 .954 .318 2.623 7.073 10.014 .397 1.113 1.1.577 20.882 4G.9I>8 WISCOKSIX. 1 2 1 IS 5 9 4 5 10 5 57 18 17 15 61 i 1 8 i' 11 4 29 17 10 6 24 51 34 73 43 130 13 10 65 89 Third ili^trict 60 4 7 11 137 48 1 4 8 2 15 14 79 Total 4 7 11 1 8 38 79 126 16 26 143 303 488 Katio per 1,000 examined .3BG .041 1.007 .092 .733 3. 470 7. 233 11.536 1.465 2.381 13. 093 27. 742 44.680 MINNESOTA. 1 1 . 1 2 2 2 2 a 5 6 6 4 15 20 5 2 2 6 26 25 31 14 64 Total 1 a 3 4 10 11 10 35 7 8 51 45 Katio per 1,000 examined. . . .272 .543 .815 I.08G 2.716 2.988 2.716 9.500 1.901 2.173 13.851 12.222 3J 147 CALIFORNIA. Northern district 1 5 7 1 13 4 1 1 1 10 14 is 3 3 Middle district 1 1 25 2 7 Total 1 1 1 "- 8 7 17 1 8 25 13 50 Sntio per 1,000 cxaniimd. . . .... 1 .765 .765 1 1.52D 6. 110 5. 352 12.997 .705 6.116 19. 113 13. 761 1 KANSAS. Northern district • 1 1 5 1 o 7 3 II Soathern district 1 1 5 Total 1 1 5 1 6 3 20 j 3 Batio per 1 ,000 examined . . 1.3T1> 1.372 6.859 1. 372 8.230 4.115 27. 435 1 4. 115 OREGON. Oregon Total 1 1 Katio per 1 ,003 examined . . 1 ■ KEV.Ml.V. Nevada ; 1 i 1 Total 1 1 1 1 Ivalio per 1,000 examined. .. 1 1 i 1 Cirandtolal United States. 9 IC lOG 08 229 80 164 1,135 1,410 2,789 353 693 5,760 7,247 14,053 Kiitinper l.noo examined .. .rao .051 .336 .310 .726 .2.53 .520 3. 596 4.467 8. 837 1.118 2.196 18.2.53 22.961 44.525 01 expansion of chetl, to cuch other, and to diffcnnt localities, ly-c— Contiimcd. " " HEIGHT CO AND USDEK 71 KCnES— Continued. p 3 GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIUATIOX. 0 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. *3 3B STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. '0 ^ 1 O ■3 4 i o 1 a 1 o 1 a en 1 1 i o .3 1-* .a 1 i o o > o OS n O 3 S % •3 1 g 0 s ■s .9 1 s •3 a n u > 0 1 0 ■a a g a SI1CI1IG,«. B 2 1 4 3 G 103 25 105 79 63 38 88 281 133 39 58 68 199 307 231 128 126 107 1 1 2 ""'8 4 1 76 17 07 109 52 100 78 34 131 123 1 3 39 5 28 48 8 3 14 18 14 9 5 5 57 33 44 64 479 735 Second district 15:) 3 4 1 1 555 336 7 70 20 Fil'tli district Sixtli district 38 30 4 16 8 245 Total 14 10 i 412 1 05G 1,098 6 15 311 316 648 4 11 130 65 210 2, 685 Eatio per 1,000 cxamiued - - 1.113 1. 272 32. 743 52. 134 87.361 .477 1.193 24. 716 a. 113 51.498 .318 .874 10.331 |5. 166 16.689 213. 333 WISCONSIN-. First district 1 1 4 2 1 48 54 66 1 53 182 24 153 87 74 24 37 75 210 158 75 87 2 1 5 3 40 46 37 3 44 173 9 103 54 14 24 33 50 154 90 17 71 258 "3 1 1 14 35 13 1 42 15 5 3 7 16 63 30 5 16 82 224 548 359 Third distrk-t 30G 10 3 14 "is ""e is 54 739 Sixtli district 47 29 295 38 Total 53 44 1 404 1 390 900 40 26 343 337 C4C 18 8 118 73 317 2,388 Ealio per 1,000 examiued . . 4.853 4.029 j3C.990 ,30.533 82. 402 3. 662 3.381 31.405 31. 699 59. 147 1.648 .732 10. 804 6.684 19.808 i218.C41 MI.VSESOTA. 9 8 105 4 86 71 110 193 200 3 10 1 116 62 29 88 158 151 3 1 2 20 19 9 23 33 464 404 Secoud district It 1 Total .---. 9 13 1 191 1 181 393 3 11 178 117 309 3 3 39 33 77 1 938 Katio per 1,000 examined .. •2.444 3.259 51. 874 49. 158 106. 735 36 14 67 .815 3.988 9 4a 343 31.776 83. 933 . 815 1 . 815 10. 592 8.C91 33.913 |253.037 CAUFOKNIA. Xorthern district 6 10 1 12 20 9 43 ...... 13 n 34 4 43 4 52 4 57 4 6 11 2 14 ■■■3 21 2 17 113 58 109 Southern district 10 Total G 23 { 72 1 16 117 9 19 81 4 113 4 i 6 27 3 40 1 340 Katio per 1,000 examined .. 4..'i87 17.584 [55.046 13.232 89.450 6.881 14.526 61.927 4G 9 3.058 86. 391 3.058 4.587 30. 643 3.294 30.581 259. 939 KASSAS. Nortbern district 1 1 1 4 40 21 7 1 49 27 2 8 56 9 1 13 1 1 15 1 132 58 Total 1 5 1 Gl 1 8 76 2 55 8 65 t 1 14 1 16 190 Eatio per 1,000 examined . 2. 743 1 C. 859 ,83. C7G 10. 974 104.252 3.743 75.446 10.974 89.163 1.372 19.204 1.372 OREGON. Oregon 1 ■_^^^ Eatio per 1,000 examined . NEVADA. Nevada Tot'd 1 1 ■1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _l 2 0 Eatio per 1,000 examined . Grand total United States i. 706 47. 619 1,274 1 1 !ll,839 11,590 1 47.619 25,409 501 068 47. 619 8,855 6,314 47. 619 16,638 233 . 395 3,138 1,708 5,473 .1 9.1.238 64, 591 Eatio per 1,000 examined . .3.237 1 4. 036 37. 510 36. 721 1 i 80.505 1.587 3.067 28.056 20. 005 52.715 1 .735 1.253 9.942 5.413 17.340 204. 648 G2 Table No. 1 — Showing the rtlation of height, yirth of cliest at expiration, and HEIGHT 71 AND UNBEU 73 INCUES. GIRTH or CHEST AT KXriUATION. Under 29 inclics. Si) ami uihIi-i- 31 inclics. 31 am mnliT33 iuchca. STATES. Expansion. Exiianaion. Expausiun. 00 1 .a .a 1 u O 00 o 1 1 u o •§ 4 1 a >-> % o 1 p n u 1 0 ■§ B 1 % 0 0 .a u C Gl 0 J in 0 3 0 MAIXE. 1 ■■■3' 1 9 1 1 3 3 9 5 1 2 4 9 21 (i 10 2 5 50 22 17 11 1 7 "i' 1 72 1 3 29 1 5 14 20 2 3 43 8!) 130 .081 .404 1.132 1.018 .162 .243 3.397 7.199 11. 001 NEW HAMl'SllIKE. 1 1 4 4 1 4 3 3 1 14 3 19 4 1 1 3 3 1 17 9 27 357 .357 1.071 1.071 .357 0.009 3.213 9 039 VKIIJIOM*. 1 1 1 10 5 1 .T ° 12 2 1 3 M Tot;il .. a 0 4 11 10 27 .593 .593 1.183 3.200 4. 742 8.003 WASSACHUSEITS. First district 4 5 5 10 4 5 1 0 1 3 4 1 1 5 2 i 3 5 2 0 9 3 5 1 7 Tliinl (liHtrict 1 1 2 '"""i' 1 1 15 20 Filth district 10 Sixili district 7 0 Kiirlitli district 1 1 1 3 4 7 Niiitli district 1 Teulh district 3 3 1 4 Total «l 3 0 12 18 1 2 24 SO 77 llatio per 1.0 :0 osaniincd .318 .318 .055 1.911 3. 605 .159 .318 3.ee2 7.9C2 13.201 ItilODE ISLANK. 1 1 4 1 7 1 11 0 1 10 3 30 0 Sccoiid district !) Total 1 1 5 8 13 3 1 19 3G Katjo per 1,000 cxamiuod . Si-i .333 i.Gsg 2.055 4.315 .Gli4 .332 0. 30G 11.948 19.250 CONNECTICUT. First district 2 1 4 3 2 Si'cond district 1 1 2 G 'lliird district 4 2 Foiirt h district 1 2 3 Total I 1 3 1 5 5 9 14 i Katio per 1,000 examined 1 .470 1.429 .470 2. 382 2. 3?2 4.283 C.070 NEW VOUK. 2 1 1 3 1 5 4 C 1 :< i 11 Srcdnd district 3 Third district 1 0 3 10 4 luiurthilistrict 63 cxpatisioH of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ^-c. — Continued. HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 IKCHES— Continued. 1 GHiTII OF CUEST AT EXPIRATION. a 33 anil under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 1- STATES. Expansion. E^q)ansion. Expansion. *5 = s s 4 .9 t-i o .3 > o 1 CO o 3 o .a a o > o > O 3 i a 0 a g 0 •3 a a P 0 0 .a n > 0 3 0 H 'p. 0 MAINE. First district 2 24 50 9 51 21 17 6 . 0 140 86 43 02 18 193 112 9 1 32 50 23 33 22 21 12 13 102 90 56 62 45 142 114 2 - 23 18 14 13 2 13 3 8 38 21 23 135 159 1 2 2 3 ..... 1 2 4 1 1 95 20 ' 25 Filtii district o 3 283 Total 5 7 101 255 428 4 1 8 1 107 1 240 1 419 | 5 1 1 j 70 1 67 ; 143 1,146 Katio per 1,000 esamined.. .404 .506 3.023 ' !0.626 34.019 .324 .047 3.503 |l9.413 !33.85l 1 .401 . 031 1 5. 6G2 1 i.419 11. 3U7 92.C9G NEW HAMPSHIRE. 5 1 5 34 1 19 15 0 1 4 7 21 19 2 2 4 19 27 1 1 1 3 81 Third district 1 6 8 1 Total 1 33 13 47 1 35 11 1 47 2 5 1 4 1 U 130 43.554 Eatio per 1,000 examined.. .357 11.782 4.641 16. 760 .357 12. 496 .1.927 !lC.780 .714 1 1.785 1.428 1 3.927 VERMOST. 1 12 0 22 D 40 22 22 40 44 14 4 5 4 20 15 IS 25 20 1 1 13 2 13 4 44 First district 1 C6 Second district Third district 2 2 85 1 40 71 112 1 23 39 63 3 1 16 1 19 225 Total Ratio per 1,000 examined. . .290 11.855 21. 043 33. 195 .290 6.817 11.559 iaG72 889 |4. 742 1 5.631 66. ats MASSACHUSETTS. First district 2 4 10 15 8 5 2 0 4 20 24 13 3 5 1 3 8 7 2 1 4 21 14 3 6 7 16 Second district Third district i 2 15 7 5 3 3 ) 12 7 1 1 5 1 ...... G 1 4 72 G4 Fonrth district Fifth district 3' 28 25 Sixth district Seventh district 2 1 i' 3' 1 i' i 7 16 Kinth district 3 3' 3 3 10 3 36 49 88 1 28 24 53 5 1 7 12 1 230 Total ' . Katio per 1,000 esamined . .478 5.732 7.803 14. 013 .159 4.459 3.822 a 439 .796 jl.llS 1.911 1 39.809 RHODE ISLAKD. ' "i 18 3 38 8 .',0 13 1 25 5 21 47 5 4 8 12 17G First district Second district 6 ] 6 12 40 Total 1 21 46 68 1 30 21 r.i 10 1 14 24 1 216 Hatio per 1,000 examined . .332 e.970 13.207 ' 22.569 .332 9.937 6.970 17.259 3.319 ;4.G17 7. 903 j 71. C89 CONNECTICUT. 2 3 1 8 2 8 3 11 2 5 4 i G 4 1 10 1 17 1 1 i 3 1 10 First district Second district i 2 3 2 2 4 3 24 7 "3 27 Fonrth district 1 7 1 68 Total 6 . 2.859 19 9. 052 25 11.910 1? 11 17 .i:::! . .476 2.382 a 6 11 5.241 2 1 1 17 8.C99 7 10 M 1 . 1.906 1.429 3.3:1; ] 32.396 — ' — 1 NEW YORK. 7 G o 5 7 2 I 2 3 2 40 1 26 1 ..... 48 1 2 1 13 1 7 17 Fourth district 3 1 4 ' ' 7 ' ■ • ■• ()4 Table No. 1 — Showing the rcJalion of height, girth of chest at irpiralioii, and HEIGHT -1 AND UNDER 7:1 INCHES-Continncd. GIKTH OI- CHEST AT EXPIRATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 incites. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i s •s a i a 6 1 n 5 i .H 5 o OS 1 5 oi .a o H n 1 v 0 ■§ 4 a 1 M CI 1 a n 0 > 0 New York— Contiuued. 2 8 1 l' 2 1 3 2 4 29 6 3 4 1 5 8 1 1 1 1 ..... 1 1 3 1 2 10 12 2 3 4 21 15 19 14 .■) 2 1 ...... C 1 1 5 2 13 9 '1 39 TUirtei'iitliaistrict 1 1 47 38 i 3 3 8 1 "3 2 3 3 11 2 2 11 7 36 11 2 9 2 5 42 4 3 2' 36 IS 3 13 13 1 24 64 SO 1 10 Eiglitituth ilistiict 1 1 41 53 2 6 2 5 5 3 5 1 1 2 1 2 10 13 1 40 Twenty lift li ili.^trict 18 1 1 3 IG 1 1 1 3 4 2 10 11 15 2 3 """"4" 0 12 5 26 10 Tbirtitjth district 2 2 4 1 4 5 5 6 31 Thirty -tirst district 4 94 Total I 1 0 3 11 ' 10 36 46 96 32 23 223 291 571 Ratio per 1 000 esatuined .023 .0^3 . 137 . 068 .251 .091 j .22CI .822 1.050 2.192 .731 .571 5. 092 6.644 13 037 ^'EW JEUSliV. First district 3 3 6 1 1 1 2 8 1 3 36 3 '""a 12 46 5 8 8 18 "a' 14 1 1 12 2 3 21 6 35 0 9 60 2 4 21 30 Second district 11 Tliiril district 3 C5 1 1 1 Fifth distliot 1 1 5 42 Total 4 4 8 4 5 17 59 85 IC 19 73 137 245 Katio per 1,000 examined .234 .234 .468 .234 .293 .995 3.454 4.975 .937 1.112 4.273 8.019 14.341 I'EN.NSVLVAXIA. I'Mrst district 1 1 1 3 4 1 4 1 1 6 8 24 29 G 3 1 1 12 11 5 1 49 12 7 12 13 11 5 5 8' 1 12 2 7' 1 2 2 31 1 4 14 i 13 58 14 1 11 6 10 Second district g Third district 1 Fi'urtli district 1 1 1 1 4 1 0 1 H 7 1 14 Fill h dist rict 9 Sixth district 9 6 1 2 1 1 1 ...... 37 30 Seventh district Ei^jbth distiict 1 1 Niutli district 10 2 Tenth district : 1 1 Elcvouth district 3 16 Tweltth district Thirtccnili ilislrict !"..!!!!!!. i 'a' ...... 3 1 8 S ■■3 ""5' 5 1 10 0 1 1 lourlcciith district 1 1 2 " "i 1 5 1 14 2 11 G 78 15 8 28 74 26 1 12 10 Fillc. mil di^iiict Sixteinlh district 2 Seyciitccntli district Eiglitecnlli district Kiiieticmh district 3 2 4 3 r> 3 5 8 7 1 1 1 2 2 Tw.-iilut h disti ict Tweuly.tirsl district Tweiity-sccniid district Twenlytliird district 1 4 rwenty-lourth district Total 1 3 a 5 1 1 6 1 45 00 74 8 32 O-IO 19D 401 ■| Uatio per 1,000 examined 1 .064 .042 .100 1 ,„_ 1 ni-- I .170 .079 4.711 4.223 9.783 •"' .UJO 65 expa nsion of chest, io each other, and to different heaUties, «fc.— Contiuuea. STATES. HEIGHT 71 AND UNDEK 73 PNCHES— Continueil. GIKTH OF CnEBT AT EXPIRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. New ToitK— Continued. Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Niiitli district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth district Fourteenth district Filteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twenty -first district -^ Twenty-second district. . Twenty-third district Twenty-fourth district . . Twcnty-flfth district Twenty-sixth district Twentv-seventh district. Twenty -eighth district . . Twenty -ninth district . . . Thirtieth district Thirty-first district Expansion. Total. 15 I 17 11 30 12 77 5 35 18 57 14 3 1 6 le G 55 27 ,Katio per 1,000 examined . . 1. 256 j . 610 NEW JEESEY. First district — Second district.. Third district... Fourth district. Fifth district- . - 11. 416 Total. 16 34 500 3 8 13 64 7 1 5 5 14 69 3 4 8 10 55 15 6 41 24 5 21 178 35 and under 37 inches. Expansion. 1 17 4 17 1 23 20 61 78 117 8 43 23 71 83 6 5 15 26 62 15 10 49 27 35 31 253 568 1, 150 12. 969 1 26. 257 112 Katio per 1,000 examined.. I .937 1.990 | C.556 TENNSYLVAXIA. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district . Thirteenth district.. Fourteenth district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twenty.first district Twenty-second district.. Twenty .third district — Twenty.fourth district . . 24 .548 82 27 122 34 44 147 309 8.605 1 18.087 Total - 7 15 8 37 28 28 16 4 8 21 21 36 8 120 62 22 32 29 26 o i) 15 7 10 75 6 13 32 13 5 33 143 28 2 36 38 .502 8.357 .995 64 3.746 5.845 1 9 2 11 1 12 17 42 39 90 4 19 32 34 33 23 1 11 34 21 10 2 29 25 21 13 89 37 inches and over. Expansion. 668 15. 252 17 23 4 18 9 73 11 13 13 17 54| 144 3.161 8.429 19 108 434 . 068 2. 466 4 3 10 10 36 5 5 16 6 7 9 1 5 12 6 o 1 12 3 16 1 S 43 8 46 G 47 47 154 185 281 17 80 84 1.56 199 48 12 36 79 144 45 17 lOU 75 90 88 473 205 2, 701 1.712 61.6fi9 4 .234 557 .590 8 10 8 34 17 52 39 39 24 6 15 32 97 54 21 177 84 33 67 176 54 5 46 I J3 1,131 1 10 5 16 17 20 31 9 18 13 11 40 7 95 98 20 27 37 39 1 16 11 49 552 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .446 | 1.125 |11. 9 11.035 1 24.423 .255 I 1.040 11.714 3 8 1 10 4 6 1 1 11 4 7 4 45 4 16 18 22 4 67 93 32 2 40 2J 423 10 2 20 9 23 20 25 42 14 25 18 57 55 23 130 1-27 36 06 133 74 3 58 31 9 .527 11 1 10 14 6 41 273 67 309 83 130 1. 580 4. 156 50.457 T 1,036 8. 976 21. 985 .212 .361 1 4 3 8 35 8 5 8 3 12 9 31 57 19 15 23 10 3 264 1.602 7 2 18 "s' 3 12 4 27 18 13 3 1 7 3 14 40 8 12 11 21 17 17 39 74 27 42 44 19 3 20 7 3.204 9.380 30 35 U 80 37 130 105 86 116 31 55 77 222 144 68 434 302 104 238 435 180 12 136 101 3,109 67.248 (J (J TaI!I,k No. 1 — Showiii;/ the relation of luiyht, ijirth of dicnt at fX^jira/ioH, and HEIOIIT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES— Continued. GIUTU OF CUEST AT EXTIIIATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and uuderGl inches. 31 nnd Tinder '^'3 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. m CO 3 a i o s 1 fit g o to a s o 1 CD i a 1 1 1 a CI h tD U O 1 o 1 i a 5 s ■s .H t 0 □6 s 1 n t 0 3 UELAWAKB. 1 1 1 3 3 Total 1 1 1 2 3 .823 .823 .823 1.646 2.469 UAR7LAND. 1 1 1 1 7 9 3 1 5 3 59 18 3 i2 20 3 1 ....„ ■"3 2 6 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 15 12 1 1 Fifth diatrict - - . 1 10 3 60 Total 2 2 1 3 12 11 27 7 11 70 33 121 .389 .289 .145 .434 1.735 1.590 3.903 1.1112 1.590 10. 119 4.770 17. 491 DISTRICT OF COLUMUU. 3 5 8 1 29 2 32 Total 3 5 6 1 29 2 32 1.041 1.734 2.775 .347 10.059 .694 WEST VIRGINIA. 1 1 1 4 2 8 13 17 6 8 69 9 86 15 2 Total 1 1 1 6 8 15 2 31 78 llatici pt-r 1,000 examined .193 .193 .193 1.157 1.542 2.892 .386 5.976 15.038 21 400 KENTpCKY. 4 3 ...... 1 5 4 6 1 4 2 13 7 4 9 9 14 S o 1 CO % o •3 i 0 •3 .5 .9 0 IE .a u 01 0 OS u a n t 6 MICUIGAN. 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 12 '""2 5 3 15 3 1 2 5 16 4 6 10 10 8 7 47 13 2 12 20 23 1 "i 1 1 2 53 20 15 22 Sixth district 2 2 1 1 30 1 2 3 8 21 29 3 5 54 101 163 Katio per 1,000 examined .079 .159 .238 .630 1.619 ■>. 305 .338 .397 4.292 8.027 12. 954 WISCONSIN. 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 3 14 ...... 2 5 5 15 4 1 1 1 0 "ii 1 1 i' 3 4 7 4 5 10 15 8 18 15 46 4 9 17 24 1 24 2 J 3 52 1 17 1 1 39 Total 3 1 4 1 I 8 22 32 15 10 48 100 173 .il5 .092 .366 .092 .092 .73-2 2. 014 2.930 1.373 .916 4.395 9.156 15. 840 MINXESOTA. First district 1 i 2 3 3 ...... 5 6 2 1 3 5 21 5 9 6 35 Second dlBtrict 17 Total 1 3 6 1 11 3 8 26 15 S2 .272 .615 1.630 .272 2.988 .815 2. 173 7. 061 4.074 14.123 CAUFOENIA. • 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 9 3 16 20 1 5 Total 1 1 1 4 1 6 4 12 16 32 Katio per 1,000 examined .705 .765 .765 3.058 .765 4.587 3.058 9.174 12.232 24. 405 KANSAS. Northern district 1 1 1 1 4 9 4 9 Total 3 2 13 13 Katio per 1,000 examined 2.743 2.743 17.833 17.833 OEEGON. Oregon Total Katio per 1,000 examined 1 .... NEVADA. Kevada Total Batio per 1,000 examined j 1 1 1 1 3 3 33 25 63 .200 24 .076 50 249 330 662 147 256 1,615 2.074 4,092 Katio per 1,000 examined .006 . 010 . 105 .079 .187 .789 1.046 2.097 .466 .811 5.117 6.571 12. 905 71 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ^c.-Contimied. HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES-Contmned. GIKTII OF CHEST AT EXPIKATION. 33 anil under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inchca and over. STATES. Expansion. MICHIGAN. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district ] Sixth district Total Katie per 1,000 examined . wisco.vsn.'. Expansion. First district — Second district . . Third district . . . Fourth district. Fifth district. . . Sixth district.. - .477 35 49 10 104 35 46 29 11 14 24 10 30 133 85 116 82 46 39 40 Expansion. 10 Total Katio per 1,000 examined . MINNESOTA. 21 !0. 570 20. 981 408 10 32. 425 . 795 39 6 46 50 12 G .556 12.636 25 77 54 46 49 117 1. 923 2. 197 14. 649 First district... Second district . Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . CALIFOBNIA. Northern district. Middle district . . . Southern district. .272 14. 924 81 368 23 33. 693 l2. 106 .815 21. 999 15..209 38.294 Total Katio per 1,000 examined . KANSAS. Northern district . Southern district. Total Katio per 1,000 examined . . OREGON. Oregon Total Katio per 1,000 examined . NEVADA. Nevada Total Katio per 1,000 examined . 9 1 56 141 13. 431 27. 418 17 10 88 . 159 . 795 6. 994 4.292 16 73 51 10 33 143 326 1. 556 10. 297 .543 7 1' 24 1.358 9.888 29. 848 30 14 46 52 I 9 3 204 211 238 197 91 101 154 1,102 12. 239 87. 578 21. 727 18. 468 42 6.881 19.113 2 27 5.487 2.743 137.037 C. 116 32. 110 1 .765 12 9.174 20. 642 42.097 39 Grand to talTJnited States. Ratio per 1,000 examined 274 8. 2.30 I 53. 498 34 46. 639 5.352 7 .641 9 49 1 23 11 2 5 85 7. 782 4. 669 .272 .543 35. 933 1.529 1 9 12. 346 425 4,067 1.347 13.886 4,551 9,317 224 1 1 47.619 4,087 5.352 6.790 71 211 153 128 118 372 150 1,053 7.061 54 96. 411 219 194 413 14. 666 112. 167 15 11. 468 3. 058 58. 985 1 1. 372 I 13 28 21. 407 17. 833 5. 487 14.419 1 29.520 .710 1.480 1 1 47. 619 40 47 09 156 119.266 72 43 18 115 24.691 157.750 12.949 3,213 10.180 7,991 25.318 145 .459 222 I 1,838 5.823 .703 1,170 3.707 3,373 10. 693 1 1 47.619 25,500 80.793 72 Table No. 1 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER. CIUTII OF CHEST AT EXTIILATJOX. Under 29 inches. S9 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i a i a 6 1 u .5 a i o M .2 n 6 1 O a 1 O 1 s o 1 o "3 i u o ■3 -1 6 •A 1 u p 6 % ■3 MAKE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 G 1 7 3 10 5 17 8 1 1 3 4 7 11 10 27 .081 .081 .243 .324 .56(! .890 1.294 2.184 NEW iiASirsniKii:. 1 1 1 Third district 1 Total . 2 2 *" .714 .714 VERXONT. First district 1 1 1 1 1 Third district 3 4 3 3 C llatiu per 1,000 examined .889 .880 1.778 MASSACHUSETTS. First district 1 1 Second district Third district 2 o 4 Fourth district 1 1 1 o 1 Sixth district 1 1 Scventli district 1 Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district 1 Total 2 2 4 2 5 7 liatio per 1 ,000 examined .318 .318 .C37 .318 .790 1.115 lillODF. ISLAXIl. First district 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 t; Second district 1 1 Total 1 1 2 1 4 4 Eatio per 1,000 examined .332 .UC4 .332 1. 328 1.328 2.987 co.NXECiitur. First district - Second district Third district Fonrtli district i Total Ratio per 1,000 examined NEW VOIIK. First district 1 1 Third di.strict FourtU district '..'.'.'.'.'.'. ....„ i 73 eiyansioii vf chest, to cacli other, and to different locaUties, ^c— Continued. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVEE— Continucil. STATES. GlUTll OF CHEST AT EXI'IRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. Expansion. First district . . . Second district . Third district . . Fourtli district . Fifth ilistrict... Total Katio per 1,000 examined . NEW iiAMrsmiiE. First district Second district .. Third district . . ■ Total Katio per 1,000 examined . First district . . . Second district . Third district . . 102 35 and under 37 inches. Expansion. 3.9C3 Total Katio per 1,0110 examined . MASSACHUSETTS. 1.428 0.675 .343 . 357 1. 785 First district Sceiinil district Third district Foiutli di.strict Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district... Eiplith district Ninth district Tenth district Total Katio per 1,C00 examined . UHODE ISLAND. First district - . . Second district . Total Katio per 1,000 examined . CONNECTICUT. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Total Katio per 1,000 examined NKW VOllK. First district Second district Thil-d district Fouith district 11 3.200 5.928 1. 592 2.229 3.822 .332 4.125 37 inches and over. Expansion. 8.493 .102 .162 .357 .357 1. 181) 24 5.039 21 4.287 39 37 IC 115 71 s to 6, a 32. 480 1. 428 G.224 .593 2.499 U 1.991 3.651 i.974 .637 .332 1.42D 1.906 .996 2.070 2.860 11 2. 323 3. 651 2,424 1,C44 1,108 4, 374 2,813 12. 363 39. 171 3 490 3 1, l.'i9 10 1, 140 10 1 2,8Ul 5. 712 a 875 9 72.^ 21 1,749 23 8S7 ~Si\ 3,374 15.703 I lO.ti'.'O .478 .318 .953 1.429 700 3D8 454 l, O i u 0 .5 0 5 ID > 0 0! C » a CO g 0 3 New Yowk— Con tinned. 1 1 1 1 1 "i 2 2 2 ""0 1 I ■ 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 •2 5 s 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 " "5 1 1 ■J Twentv-sixtb di>*trict 1 1 1 3 2 1 " "9' 2 . 2 1 12 3 i 2 2 Thirty-lirst district 1 2 3 25 Total 1 1 1 U 6 13 9 3 37 31 80 .023 .023 .023 .137 .137 .297 .203 .068 .845 .708 1.827 NEW JERSEY. First district 5 5 1 1 1 7 1 17 2 2 3 4 18 1 3 Tliiiil district 1 1 11 3 3 1 1 4 2 8 10 1 I 10 28 40 Ratio per 1,000 examined .117 .468 .565 .059 .059 .585 1.639 PENNSYLVANU. First district 1 """3' 1 1 3 0 2 8 1 I'ourtli district Fifth district 1 ""i 1 1 Sixth district 5 Seventh district. g Ki^hth district Ninth a)isio» of clii-sl, to each other, and to diffeiriit loealUics, ,Jc.— Contiuued. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continued. g 0 a « •3 0 a 2 Ginxn OF CHF.ST AT EXPIKATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 6 •s o 1 .3 g 0 a n 0 •3 a a 1 5 w .9 CO « t> Q 3 .3 > 0 s 1 g 0 0 CO u 0 > 0 ■i 0 H 1 es ■3 a r- a ■ New Tokk— Continued. 462 Sixth district. 6 •"a 1 1 6 ...... '"a 7 3 2 1 12 3 "ii 2 4 45 6 1 2 1 4 4 8 15 7 3 22 8 3 4 3 13 3 15 3 7 10 69 2 2 1 4 3 11 21 32 58 4 22 20 37 30 12 3 12 11 24 5 3 33 8 29 14 146 232 Eiebtli district.. 2 1 3 1 i 347 Nintli district Tentli district 1 3 9 4 16 1 10 4 4 2 3 3 "io" 3 ""e 3 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 9 2 5 1 22 1 3 10 14 25 1 10 10 7 6 4 5 5 1 1 2 10 2 11 2 35 1 "'2' 3 1,705 i,:«5 Twelftli district Thirtpciitli district Finirtoeiitli district ...^. 3 2 8 e' 3 18 1 2 1 i' 1 1 5 5 24 ...... 1 3 1 2 1 7 2 5 4 G 10 1 2 G 4 5 4 1 2 2 3 1,807 3,001 3,842 474 Fiftf I'litli district 2 4 3 3 ' "1 1 1 4 ""3 1,307 Sixtfi-nth district 1 1,834 3,096 2, .132 033 EiKbtoi-iitli district Nineteenth district i i Twentietli district Twenty-tirst district. 1 2 2 4i;4 .^71 1,720 3,389 Twenty-tliir«l district Tweiitv-fifth aiatrict 426 Twt-ntvsixtli district '■"2 "'i' 1 '""^ 1 12 1 2 1 1 3 1 8 1,237 Twenty -soventh district. - . 1.309 Twenty-eighth district 3 1 ' 1,704 1,819 i 8 "i 3" 10 14 3,875 Thirty-first district Total 9 3 99 110 220 » 3 82 77 171 3 39 33 83 568 43, 798 Katio per 1,000 examined . - .205 .046 2.260 2. 512 5.023 .205 .068 1.872 1.758 3 2 3 3 3.904 4 4 32 2 5 ia3 .O08 1 2 3 .890 .753 1.895 12. 9C9 138. 768 NEW JERSEY. 2 5 7 3' 14 1 5 9 1 16 7 17 11 5 1 2 12 1 4 12 "3 44 19 62 20 18 4,749 2,019 4 274 1 2 o 1 "'"3 "'l' ""2" 6 '"'"3 Third district 3 2,083 Fourth district Fifth district 1 2 Total 3 6 17 30 50 3 5 17 12 37 1 G 0 11 20 1G3 17, 084 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . I'ESNSYLVANIA. .170 .351 .995 1.756 3.278 .176 .293 .99.1 .702 2.166 .059 .351 .117 .644 1.171 9.541 54. 1-28 1 2 3 12 4 1 i 1 5 4 2 25 9 1 10 16 7 3 4 1 1 "i 1 1 " i 16 1 2 6 2 ..... 47 9 ■" "g 4 2 1 2 4 14 8 1 i 2 21 6 4 38 12 2 23 66 17 '"'ib 8 2 5 1 8 G 22 39 20 28 4 21 50 37 10 120 58 15 50 152 36 2 36 18 954 Second district Third district i' 2 7 12 4 8 2' 6 3 10 3 i' 1 3 i' 3 i' 4 10 1 2 3 2 1 8 20 3 2' 3 10 13 0 11 3' 10 13 15 42 21 11 13 40 12 3 "i '""'i 3 3 13 " "5 1 7 2 14 IG 2 7 9 1 i '""i' 3 """"3 7 1 2 4 7 ■"g 14 3 1 ..... '"'i' 2 4 4 14 10 9 4 21 24 2 13 24 5 2 ..... 696 2,471 1 :i"H) Fifth district 2,807 1 308 1 "i' i 2, 016 3 3,174 Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district 1,070 1,336 1,139 Twelfth district 2 ..... '"'"i " "5 1 1 2 1 ■ "i 1 1 1 3, 426 1,265 973 Thirteenth district Fourteenth district 4 Fifteenth district '""i 6 2 33 17 9 5 17 1 2 1 2, 741 1,630 Eighteenth district 2, 702 5, 201 2, 191 Nineteenth district 1 2 1 "i 1 1 Twenty-tirst district Twenty-second district... Twenty-third district Twenty-fourth district . . . Total a "i 4:.o 1,116 1,104 G 15 lU 110 1 242 3I 10 141 73 1 233 4 7 1 8G 55 1.52 746 15. 831 47, 124 149. 306 Ratio per 1,01)0 examined . .137 318 ** ^^^ 2.334 1 -"i. 135 .064 ' .340 2. 092 i 1. 549 1 4. 944 .085 . 149 ll. 825 1.167 3.220 1 1 -= -= = 7fi Table No. 1 — .slioiciiig the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT 73 INCTTKS AUD OVER— Continued. Glliril OK CllEST AT EXPIIIATIOX. Under 2t> inches. 29 aud under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 00 c o a 4 .5 a o i ■i a > 6 .3 o 3 ■s a X a M a n o o a o H 1 o •3 .a 1 p 5 ■ s .a a c» o O s .a B o DEI-AWAKE. 1 1 Total 1 , 1 .823 .823 »IAi:VLAM>. 1 1 3 i 4 1 1 Fifth district 1 1 3 5 10 4 28 1 1 3 5 10 8 34 .143 .^^^ .145 .434 .733 2.C03 ,1.156 4.915 DlSTliltT Of lOLlMlllA. ■ .-, .1 1 1 4 n Total . .T - 1 1 4 6 .C94 .094 .347 .347 1.387 2.081 WEST VIKCIXIA. First district 1 1 1 2 10 2 o 11 Second district 4 Third district 1 o 9 ~ Total 1 ■■: 3 3 Katio per 1,000 examined .193 .386 .578 . 578 2. 099 3 277 KESTL'CKT. First district 3 2 o l' 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 Third district 1 3 Fourth district 2 mtth ilistrirt 1 1 Sixth district 1 1 o 3 1 4 Seventh district 3 3 Eighth district 1 1 o 3 2 Ninth district 3 Total 1 2 1 4 3 5 14 4 Katio per 1,000 examined .235 .470 .233 .541 .70.T 1.170 3.293 041 Q 115 JIISSOUKI. First district 1 4 0 4 Second dist ri(^t 4 1 ..... 3 HI Fourth o M 1 a n "5 i ■3 a 1 > 0 s u 1 1 3 0 1 0 .a a CI > 0 § ■§ .s •3 1 1 1 0 DELAWARE. First district 2 2 6 3 9 2 2 4 16 1,215 Total 2 2 6 3 9 2 2 4 IG 1,215 Ratio per 1,000 oxamined . . 1.C4C 1.C46 4.93H 2.469 7.407 .646 .646 1.292 13. 169 3.850 ilXllYLXSTI, ..".... '"'2' 2 c" 4 3 23 12 "i " "7 12 8 3 33 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 11 3 2 "l 2 3 3 8 4 29 15 11 18 87 1,159 3 ""s 3 1,098 1 i 1,348 "3 5 ""'17' 2 1 7 21 1,836 riftli district 3 i Total 3 4 30 20 63 5 7 20 10 42 1 2 14 3 20 160 G,918 Ratio per 1,000 examined .. .434 .S^S 5.204 i891 9.107 .723 1.012 2.891 1.446 G.071 .145 .289 2.024 .434 2. 891 23. 123 21.919 MSTRICT OF COLUMTJLV. District of Columbia 13 13 ^••^l 12 1 9 1 11 44 2,883 Total 13 13 12 12 1 9 1 11 44 2,8M Katio per 1,000 examined . . 4.509 4.509 4.162 4. 102 15 13 22 .347 3.122 .347 3.815 15. 262 9.134 WEST VIUGDOA. 2 10 G 27 4 1 29 14 8 15 8 3 6 15 2 6 17 9 62 43 43 2,825 1.032 730 5 19 7 1 Tliird district Total 1 IR 32 51 24 26 50 9 23 1 32 133 5,187 Katio per 1,0G0 examined .. .193 3.470 6.1(i9 9.832 4 4 4 " "i' 4. 627 2 7 3 2 4 4 1 24 5.013 9. 639 1.735 4.434 6.169 29. 497 10. 434 KE.NTUCKY. First district 7 1 "i 1 1 2 0 i 2 4 4 5 1 1 5 ""i ' 13 5 13 3 0 8 3 10 G 2 3 4' 2 9 2 12 14 4 6 4 6 4 33 3 1 3 3 5 5 1 2 2 2 2 "'"2 1 11 10 3 2 9 7 1 8 2 41 33 23 13 9 27 11 54 14 490 508 Second district 403 Third district 304 Fourth district 2 2 1 6 1 1 186 3 ""1 Seventh district Eighth district 10 4 2 396 Total 11 7 34 11 63 11 6 47 22 86 4 4 23 15 46 225 4,252 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 2.587 1.640 7.996 2.587 14.817 2.587 1.411 11.054 5.174 6 9 i i 2 20. 230 .941 .941 5.409 3.523 10.818 52. 91C 13. 472 MISSOUKI. 2 1 ""g 3 3 4 8 1 6 0 ""is 12 2 2 0. ..... "2 n 8 15 7 10 5 "is 91 2 3 12 4 4 1 "13 5 10 9 22 8 5 4 "is 9 ...>.. 1 2 1 7 3 1 4 '"i7 6 9 21 54 18 13 ""51 45 32 1, 18!l 1,206 ITirst district 1 4 5 Second district 3 525 Third district 1 1 ..... 3 4 ""i 1 4 103 272 1 1,572 Fourtli district Fifth district Sixth district 1 ...... 2 1 3 1 1 1 Eio"hth district 3 400 Ninth district Total 3 15 48 17 83 1 11 52 25 1 89 1 8 25 14 48 256 Ratio per 1,000 examined . .497 2.437 7.959 2.819 13. 702 .160 1. 824 8. 622 4. 145 14. 757 .166 1.32G 4.145 9. 321 7.959 42. 447 OHIO. 1 1 5 1 5 3 10 1 ^ 9 722 1,779 First district 1 1 1 1 a T 1 43 Second district 78 Table No. l—Showiiig the relation of height, girth of vltest at expiration, and HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVEK^C on tinned- GIUTII OF CUEST AT EXPl ItATION . Under 29 inclies. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. s 4 a > o V ■g a c* ki 9 6 s ■g a n 9 6 o H S i a t- o CD O ■s .a o T, o .a o a 5 OQ V i ■3 a i i o 1 m •3 .a M U O •3 1 Ohio — Continued. 1 1 1 2 2 5 7 1 1 5 6 2 1 2 it Sfvciilli district 8 4 1 10 8 2 7 9 4 1 8 13 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 ""h 4 4 2 1 1 7 o 8 Total 1 1 7 9 4 6 41 39 90 Ratio per 1,000 examined .025 .025 .178 .229 .102 .153 1.043 .992 2.289 INDIANA. 3 0 8 11 1 1 4 10 1 3 4 7 2 7 8 7 5 22 3 7 2 9 10 1 5 1 1 7 1 2 1 9 1 1 1 1 "i 1 1 1 30 i;i"litli (li-^tvict 7 1 1 1 15 1 2 3 Total 1 1 2 1 3 7 13 5 4 35 03 106 .02C ..026 .052 .020 .078 .183 .339 .130 .104 .913 1.617 2.764 ILLINOIS. First district 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 6 5 8 3 B 3 2 I 1 13 'rhii.l «iistiict 8 l''oiiiIli district 5 Filthilistiict 6 1 1 1 8 Sivnitli ai.strict 1 2 8 Kiuhlli liistrict 1 Xiiiili ilisnict 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 11 4 2 6 1 2 20 EIrv.ritlMlistrict 5 T\\ rl n iicalitica, ^-c— Coutiuued. STATES. Ohio — Continued. Third district Foiirtli district Tilth district Sixth district.-.. Seventh district Eightli district Niuth district Tenth district Elfventb district Twelfth district Tbir-teentb district Foirrteeiith district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eishteeuth district nineteenth district Total Eatio per 1,000 examined First district Second district. Third district ... Fonrth district.. Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district. Total Eatio per 1,000 examined Firat district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth district Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . . First district Second district Third district Fonrth district Fifth district-. Sixth district Total Eatio per 1,000 cx.-iniinca . 80 TAiil.K Nil. 1 — Shuitiiifi the relation of height, ijirth of cheat at expiration, and nEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continued. GIKTU OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 iacbcs. 31 and under 33 incbes. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. OS OD i •3 q 13 c u a) 5 1 1 O "3 o H s •g .2 1 > o s a u g o a n ? 5 "3 1 i i 1-1 > o •§ a « > O 1 mCHIGAX. 1 1 1 5 0 2 5 1 G 1 5 8 1 1 1 4 5 9 1 2 ■potal 1 1 2 4 1 9 20 CO .079 .079 .139 .318 .070 .715 1. SSO 2.384 WISCONSIN. 1 1 3 4 G 5 '"""i' 5 4 1 1 ...... 1 2 4 3 1 7 5 2 ....„ 1 1 3 4 4 1 4 5 10 2 2 7 18 29 .092 .360 .458 .910 .183 .183 .041 1.648 2.655 MLXNESOTA. 1 1 2 3 2 2 5 2 Total 1 1 2 3 4 7 io per 1,000 examined .272 .272 .543 .815 1.086 l.SOl -. , CALIFORNIA. Middle district 1 1 2 Total 1 1 2 Katio per 1,000 examined -- .705 .705 1.529 KAKSAS. Xori liern district 1 1 Soullicni district 1 1 Tolal 1 1 1 1 Kaiio per 1,000 examined 1. 3--2 1.372 1.372 1. 372 OREGON. Oregon Total Ilatio per 1,000 examined NEVADA, ITo vada Katioper I, COO examined Grand total United Statca I 5 2 8 0 9 39 r-,0 113 32 53 317 340 744 Knl io per 1,000 examined .ooc .OIG .OOG .o-r. .019 .029 .124 .107 .358 .ICI .174 1.004 1.077 9,357 81 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, O s a o O 9 21 13 3 9. 1 o •3 1 h s CI o 2 > o CI O H J i & .2 □ i O 09 .a a 5 1 1 n 6 to a a 2 O MICIIIOAX. First district 4 12 9 5 13 23 25 13 13 10 12 11 24 7 7 4 3 23 24 18 20 6 6 1 6 1 10 • 15 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 10 4 14 18 3 2 52 58 65 51 32 21 2,078 3,260 11 9 2 3 1 2,539 1 4 1,874 1,661 Sixtli district 5 5 1 1,171 Total 1 37 59 97 4 1 37 1 56 ] 97 2 1 34 15 1 51 279 12,533 E.itio per 1,000 examined .. .079 2.940 ).G89 7.709 .318 2.940 1 4.450 | 7.709 .159 12.702 1.192 4.053 22.173 39. 808 WISCONSIN. 3 4 G o 12 5 G 2 5 5 17 .11 G G 29 1 3 2 14 3 17 14 51 43 19 21 93 1,3.11 1 6 3 7 5 1 !■' 1 8 2, G4- 1 12 15 4 4 5 5 37 1. -ya 1,379 ... .^. 1 G 3 11 5 2G 2 10 1 2 3 23 1, 04:> Sixtli district 4 2 3 2 2, 937 Total 7 8 27 32 74 5 2 37 37 81 3 2 27 15 47 241 10, 92-> Ratio per 1,000 examined . . .641 .732 2.472 2.930 0.775 ..458 .183 3.388 3. 388 7.416 .275 .183 2. 472 1.373 4.303 22. OCO 34. 605 SnNNESOTA. 1 1 1 15 7 3 5 20 13 3 16 9 3 9 22 18 2 o 5 1 10 10 11 59 44 1,655 Second district 1 1 Total 1 2 22 8 33 3 25 12 40 2 2j 0 11 21 103 3,682 Ratio per 1,000 examined .. .272 .543 5.975 2.173 8.963 .815 G.790 3.259 10. 864 .543 .543 |l.030 2.9K8 5.703 |27. 974 U.6CG CALIFORNIA. Northern district ■ . . 1 „ 3 2 1 i 1 6 3 2 1 2 4 ' 7 13 9 5 402 271 Middle district Soutlicni district :;::::;L..r 1 2 1 3 6.35 Total 4 4 1 2 G 2 11 1 3 G ! 10 27 1,308 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 3.058 3.058 .765 1.529 4.587 1.529 8.410 .705 2.294 |4.587 .7.045 20. 042 19 17 4.144 KANSAS. Nortlicrn district 4 10 1 1 5 11 5 3 4 1 9 4 1 1 1 I [ 1 521 208 Total 14 2 )G 8 5 13 3 2! 5 30 729 liatio per 1,000 examined . 19.204 2.743 21. 948 10. 974 6. 859 17.833 4.115 2.74 i 6. 8.59 1 J 49.383 2.310 OKEUOX. Oregon Total 1 |...- Katio per 1,000 examined . NEVAllA. Nevada Total 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 ^^= 1 1 I ; 1 1 •1 ' 21 21 Katio per 1,000 examined . Grand total United States . 77 108 88G 1,013 2,084 70 118 47. G19 1,055 95.238 929 J142.85 2,172 .... 45 8t i 659 47 1 5 1,26' .|l42.S5 r 6,33S I .067 315, 620 Katio per 1,000 examined . . .244 1 j .342 2.807 3.210 6.603 .222 .374 3.343 2.943 6.882 .143 .279 2.088 |1.50 1 1 5 i4. 01 1 20.240 11 T^BLE NO. 2, THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GIRTH OF CHEST, EXPANSION OF CHEST, STATES AND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. AMERICAN-BORN COLORED* MEN. NUMBER EXAMINED, 25,828. * Those wholly or in part of negro blood. 84 Tw.i v. X(>. 2— .SZiniciiK/ till rilaliiiii of hiiyhl, (firlh of vhcut at rxjiinilioii, and expansion of chest, to each other, and to difTircnt ~ " ■ xuliHtiluten, divfled HEIGHT UNDEE 01 INCHES. GIHTH 01' CBEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and nnder 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Exjjansion. Expausiou. i ■3 .5 CD 1 u 6 S •§ .9 n ? O i .a o > i .9 o > O 1 CO 1 o H o a a a 6 1 a > o 1 a n V O 3 5 MAIXE. Fiftli (liatrict Totll NF.W IIAMI'SIIIKK. 1 1 Third district 2 1 3 1 1 2 Total 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 li. 173 5.587 5.587 aa. 346 5.587 5.587 11.173 VERMOXT. Firatdistrict 1 1 Second district Total 1 1 1 1 Hatio per 1,000 examined 1 15. 025 15. 025 1 MASSACHUSETTS. First district 1 2 1 o Third district 1 1 Pourtli district riftli district Sixtll district 1 1 1 1 Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Total i 1 1 4 4 1 1 *" ■ Ratio per 1,000 examined 1 3.937 3.937 15. 748 15. 748 3. 937 3. 937 KlIODE ISI^XD. First district 1 1 1 1 Second district 1 1 2 1 1 Total 1 2 a * 1 2 1 ^ 1 liat io per 1 ,000 examined 14.925 H.923 7.403 7.463 14.925 7.403 7 463 CONNECTICUT. First district Second district Third district FonrtU district Total Kiitio per 1 ,000 examined 1 NEW VORK. First district 1 1 1 1 2 6 Sei-ond district 2 G Third di.ntrict a 1 3 ' Fourth ihstrict 85 localilivs, embracing the slalistical rcsiills of flic cjcaminulivn of 25,y28 Amcricau-horn colored' men, iiichtdiiirj rccruils, and enrolled men. HEIGHT TrNDER 01 INCHES— Continued. Climi OF CHEST AT KXPIRATIOX. 1 W and iiuder3o inches. 33 and nudcr^T inches. 37 inches and over. 3 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. § ^ o "3 c "« 03 O CI ;-■ 6 09 .a 1 6 1 i o .5 a 8 6 OS o CI p 6 S o n u u 6 '5 1 i o a 6 1 a CI u > o o a n > o 'a 1 1 s a g MAINE. Fifth district Total ■•--1 1 "1 Katio per 1,000 examined 1 t NEW IIAMPSIIIKE. First district i 2 i """"i i 1 :;;::: 1 2 1 1 8 Third district 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 H Total 1 10. 7C0 IB. ICO 5.587 3.587 11. 173 CI. 433 VERMONT. First district Second district 1 Third district Total...: 1 15.C25 MASS.VCHUSETTS. district I ^ocoikI district Tliird district Fourth district Fifth district .'...'.. 3 Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district 'J'ot^l G 1 ! 33. C52 imOUE ISLAXD. First district Total 1 • 1 4 5 ll.Mo per 1,000 examined COXXECTICUT. First district Second district Third district Fonrtb district Total 1 37. 313 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined XKW YORK. First district Second district FniivlTi distrirt '. "i i 'C'.'.'. 2 3 10 • The tenn 'colored • includes only those wholly or in part of negro Wood. 86 Table No. 2-^Shounng the relation of height, girth of chest at expiratioti, and HEIGHT mmEE 61 INCHES— Continued. GIItTlI OF CHEST AT EXPIBATION. Under 2a inches. 39 and under 31 inches. 31 and under .33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. c o 1 o O > o ■ « ■g > O ■i a n g o 1 o 1 « o 1 a 6 •s n 3 & CD •g 1 .a 1 S .a a 5 1 New Touk— Continued. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...... 2 1 2 2 1 I 1 1 TwpTitv-fifth district 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thirtieth district 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 « 2 9 3 13 16 1 7' 3 11 .490 1 2.C43 .981 4. '4 14 1.471 C. 370 7.847 .490 3.433 1.471 5.395 KEW JERSEY. First district 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 2 o 1 2 1 ' "i" 2 5 4 3 1 3 3 1 3 Tliird district 1 1 2 Foarth district 1 Filth district 1 1 8 2 Total 2 3 2 7 2 3 5 G 10 1 4 2 7 Katio per 1,000 cxaminod ' 2.183 3,275 2.183 7. C42 2.183 3.275 5.439 G. 550 1 17. 407 1. 092 4.367 2.183 7. G42 PENNSYLVANIA. 1 1 1 1 1 3 ...... 1 1 2 4 3 2 3 Second district 2 Third district 1 1 1 i 1 7 2 1 1 i 1 2 2 8 3 o 1 1 Fourth tUstrict 2 4 « 3 5 Fifth district 4 Sixth district 1 1 12 2 15 1 9 3 1 8 Seventh district Eighth district 1 7 3 1 2 Ninth district : 1 1 2 Tenth district Eleventh district Twelftl) district Thirleeutli district Fourtet-ntli district 1 1 1 1 1 Fifteenth district 1 1 1 1 Sixteentli dislrict 1 1 1 1 Soventeeuth district 1 1 Eighteenth district 1 1 Ninoteentli district Twentietli district Twenty-first district Tweiity-seeoud district 1 1 Twent'v-tliird district Twenty fourth district ) Total 1 1 3 1 IG 1 1 21 3 1 32 5 40 1 18 9 28 Katio jier 1 ,000 examined . :m 1 . 971 ! :>. 103 1 . 32.-) 1 r,. mr, 1 . cm . 32.1 1 in. :t.- 1 1 S ■g .9 n O H ■§ n .9 i o 1 H CI 1 .9 n u o > O •a 1 i a 1 t4 > O CO .9 o .a 1 3 a 3 o a New Touk— Contlnned. Fifth district Sixth district 1 Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district 1 1 2 1 1 1 Thirteenth district Fourteenth district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twenty-first district. ...... i' 2 1 5 1 Twenty -second district Twenty-third district Tweuty-fonrth district "i i i i Twent v-tifth district Twenty-sixth district Twenty-seventh district a i Twenty -ninth district Thirtieth district Thirty-first district 1 1 ""l 1 1 1 1 "'i' 1 1 i i 4 3 a 2 2 2 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 46 Total .981 .981 .981 2.943 .420 .490 .490 1.471 .490 .490 23.560 Katio per 1,000 examined NEW JERSEY. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Total 1 1 1 1 8 9 6 2 6 1 '' Katio per 1,000 examined FENNSVLVANli. First district Second district Third district Fmrth district Fiftli district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tentli district Eleventh district Twelfth district ... Thirteenth district Fourteenth district Fifteentii district Sixteenth district Seventcentli district Eighteenth district Nineteenth "district Twentieth district Twenty-first district TwcntV-sccond district Twenty-third district Twenty-fourth district i 3 1 i i 1.092 ! 1.092 i 3 1 i i 1 1 1 ::;.. ..... 1 ..... 1 33.843 6 3 3 11 7 34 4 11 7 1 a 1 3 a a ! i 98 Total Katio per 1 ,000 examined 1 ^1 1 2.372 1 . 2.272 . .325 . .323 _11111 1 .325 . .325 31.808 88 Table No. 2 — Showing the relation of heiijhl, yirlh of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT tTNDER 61 INCHES— Continued. CIUTU OF CHEST AT EXriKATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. IE ^* o 1 s e .a u a O o 1 n o 6 *« 1 i a 4 a 03 1 c» o o 1 CO o '3 H •3 O i o IB .a c a ct V t- O go 1 n n s o 1 DELAWARE. Total > 5IAUYLANU. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 Third district 1 2 1 2 1 o 4 1 1 1 ...... 4 4 2 2 1 Total 1 2 1 4 1 a 4 1 8 2 1 8 2 13 Katio per 1,000 csamiiicd .413 .826 .413 1.GS3 .413 .826 LGM .413 3.306 .826 .413 3.306 .826 a 372 DISTniCT OF COLIMUIA. 2 2 5 5 4 „ G Total 2 2 5 5 4 2 Katiu p 0 1 .a 0 > 0 1 0 £ •g .g 1 m 1 CO i 0 i 1 1-t i •s 5 <6 1 a n u 0 5 ■3 1 & 3 S a 1 DELAWAKE. First tlistrict 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 i 1 Katio per 1,000 examined 3.597 3.597 1 1 1 i 3.597 MARTLANT). 9. 8 1 5 1 ...:. i\ 1 1 0 2 1 1 13 1 1 2 12 Fiftli district 4 Total 2 7 ^\ 11 1 1 2 1 1 39 Katio per 1,000 examined .820 9.693 .826 4.545 .413 .413 .820 .413 .413 16. 116 C G ' DISTRICT OF COI.UMDIA. District of Columbia 19 Total 1 1 fi C 19 i 2.845 1 2.845 9.009 WEST VIKGINIA. First district '.'....... Third district Total Katio per 1,000 examined KENTUCKY. 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 5 2 1 1 4 i 2 8 First district 4 .1 " i 24 Third district Fourth district "i ""{ 3 10 16 Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Miuth district " "2 i 3 ::::: "i i 14 2 9 5 1 7 1 IT 1 1 1 7| M » 1 1 1 93 Total 1 •■ .908 .194 1 ,„. i, n,.o 1 ,nA 1.743 .194 .194 17. 816 Katio per 1,000 examined 1.35C 1 a. 31 / MISSOURI. 2 4 '. 2 1 1 4 '. 1 1 '.'.'.'.. 3 1 3 ■| 1 4 )."■ First district Secoutl district Tliinl district Fmii t h district Finli ihstriot ■-.. Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district 25 3 1 1 47 Katio per 1,000 examined . .960 . 4.410 .490 5.870 .490 1 ^ |l.470 1 .| 1.9CC .... = -— ._^ :::i:: .23.028 OHIO. First district Second district .!.... . .... 1 .... . .... . : 1 12 90 Table No. 2 — Shotcing the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT UNDEE 61 INOHES-Continoed. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRAllOM. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 iuches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 00 s % •s •3 a > o i CI 1 o oi o .a .9 CO 1 1 o B s i o 1 .3 Cl to > O .9 n s o ■s a i 1 1 1- 1 .9 n 1 ^ Ohio— Continued. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ... . 1 3 1 5 3 1 3 1 8 2 1 3 1 7 .300 1.081 .300 1.803 1.081 .300 l.OSl .360 2.884 .721 .300 1.081 .300 Di-DIANA. Firet district 1 1 Tliird district Fourth ilistrict Fifth district 1 1 Sixth district 1 1 . Eighth district Niuih district Tenth district Eleventh district Total 1 1 1 3 1 .921 .921 .921 1 ILLINOIS. First district 1 1 1 1 Second district Tliird di.strict Fourth district Fifth district 1 1 Sixth district 1 1 Seventh ilistrict 1 "i 1 1 Eighth district 1 1 Kiuth district Tenth district 1 1 2 Eleventh district 1 1 1 1 Twelfth district .' Thirteenth district S Total 1 1 1 1 4 5 5 1 4 5 liatio i)er 1,000 examined .092 .092 .092 .052 2.708 3. -ISO 3.4GD .092 2.708 3. 460 IOWA. First district 1 1 Si^cond district 1 1 Third district Fourth district Filth district Sixth district ...... 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined '.'..050 1 1 .5.050 5.030 5.050 1 91 ecpansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, l(c. — Contiuued. HEIGHT UNDER 01 INCHES-Continned. £ 0 GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIRATIOS. 3 33 and under 35 inches. 33 and under 37 inches. 37 incliea and over. a 3 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. to '3 to i 1 1-4 1 1 o 1 .a « o 3 0 .a « a 1 g 0 S a g 0 ■s .5 CO s 6 i 0 •s .a ■s a 1 g 0 0 1 ■3 1 1 s a g 0 Ohio— Continued. Third ilistrict Fourth district Fifth district Sixth distric-t 1 1 ' 2 8 Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district J Thirteenth district Fourteenth district Fifteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district Total 1 1 1 1 2 liatio per 1,000 examined .3G0 3C0 .3G0 .300 .721 8 201 Dv-DIANA. First district 1 Second district Third district 1 1 1 Filth district 1 1 1 2 Seventh district Eijhth district " Total 1 1 1 2 5 .021 .921 1. 842 4.C04 ILLINOIS. 2 Fifth district 1 Sixth district 2 1 Eighth district o "2 2 2 4 ■^ 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 3 23 Katio per 1,000 examined .692 1.384 1.384 3.460 .692 .092 .692 2.076 1 15.225 IOWA. 1 1 Sixth district Total 1 2 Eatio per 1,000 examined j 11.299 92 Table No. 2 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT TTNDEK 61 INCHES— Continned. GIUTII OK CUEST AT EXPIUATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and nnilorSl incbcs. 31 and under 33 incbes. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ■ 1 a a o 1 « o u o o i a o s .2 > o M .5 « g o 1 .9 (i »s»)H of chi'St, to cuch other, and to iUffciriit lomUties, ,j''c.— Continued. HEIGHT TINDER Gl INCH3LS— Continued. i GIKTII OF CHEST AT EXPIU.WIOX. a 33 and under 35 inches. 3d and under 37 incliua. 37 itichcs and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 5 o .a u o •g a > O u .3 o a U > O C n f- o 6 1 i — o 1 a o > o ■J Cl o > O 6 o a i .9 > O EC 1 o S CO s 6 •3 ■s s ■a S 1 O MICHIGAN. Krst district Second district Tliird district ......^ i lourtli district Filth district Sixtli district Total 1 1 1 1 ;::::: 6 7 Katio pur 1,000 examined 1 2.410 2.410 1 1 16.867 \VISCO.\SIS. First district Second district i i' .....I 7 Third district Fourtli district Filth district Sixth district 1 1 1 ' 12 Katio per 1,000 examined 1 1 3.731 1 3.731 1 44.77G MINNESOTA. I^irst district Second district Total Katio por 1,000 examined 1 1 1 1 CALIFORNIA. Nortliern district Middle district Southern district Total 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 - Katio per 1,000 examined KANSAS. Northern district Southern district Total 1 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 i58. 824 4 1 * Ivatio per 1,000 examined OISEC.ON. Oregon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K:itio per 1,000 examined NEVADA. Xevada 1 1 1 1 i ! 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 "I" ■" Katio pur 1,000 examined Graudtot.ll United States... 7 0 42 1 9 1 64 5 4 1 21 1 2 •1 32 1 1 ■1 3 -1 4 473 Katio per 1,000 examined . .271 .232 1 1.620 .348 2.478 .194 .155 .813 .077 1.239 1 . .038 .110 1 .IK ■lasis 94 Table No. 2 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT SI AND UNDER 63 INCHES. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIEATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and tmder 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Exp.onsion. Expansion. i a a i o CO 1 a CI O 1 .9 n > O c S o p 1 O 1 g O .a a o ■3 1 1 •s .9 a g o 1 O a n 1 1 MAIXE. 1 5 4 1 6 4 4 1 2 1 1 a 1 1 1 I Fifth district Total 1 1 2 2 in 14 1 4 5 1 8.475 a 475 1G.949 10.949 84. 746 lia044 a 475 33.898 NEW HAMTSHinS. 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 Third district 1 5 5 TotaJ 1 1 2 I 3 4 5 3 tj Katio per 1,000 examined 5.587 5.587 11. 173 5.587 16.700 22.346 27. 933 16. 7CQ 44 693 1 VERMONT. 1 o 3 5 1 1 Third district Total 1 1 2 3 5 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 15.G25 15.G25 31.250 46. 875 78. 125 15.025 15.023 31.250 MASSACHUSETTS. First district Second district 1 1 Third district 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 ronrth district 1 1 2 Fifth district 1 Sixth district 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Seventh district EiRhth district 1 1 2 Ninth district 2 1 3 Tenth disUict Total 1 3 1 5 5 , 5 1 11 1 2 1 4 Batio per 1,000 examined 3.937 11.811 3.937 19. C85 19.685 19. 683 3.937 43. 307 a 937 7.874 3.937 15. 748 RHODE ISI,A.ND. Krst district .3 2 1 4 2 o 2 1 1 o Second district 1 Total ;.... 5 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 3 Katio per 1,000 examined 37. 313 7.463 44. 776 14. 925 14.925 7.403 7.463 7.463 22.388 CONNECTICUT. First district 3 2 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 3 2 Third district i 1 2 2 1 1 3 Fourth district 1 2 2 Total 2 2 4 1 6 3 10 4 3 7 Katio per 1,000 examined 8.197 ^.197 16.393 1 4.098 24. 590 12.21)5 40. 984 10. 393 12. 295 28.689 1 NEW YORK. First district 1 1 2 i 5 1 Third disliict ..... 7 ' i 9 1 1 1 3 1 8 i 3 10 3 ...... 2 I'uinth district 1 95 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, tjc— Continued. HEIGnT 01 AND UNDER 03 INCHES-Continncd. GIUTH OP CHEST AT EXPIUATION. r3 a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches aiid over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. ExpaDsioD. II o .a u a 4 o i 5 1 .a > o O s .a .9 i a 1 o 1 « u O 1 i o a .3 s 1 CI s 5 1 a n t O 3 o 3 5 MAINE. 9 4 1 1 7 1 Fiftli district 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 2 22 Satio per 1,000 examined 8.475 3. 475 1 10. 949 IHG. 441 NEW HAMPSHmE. Krat district Second district I 1 7 2 18 Third dlstnct Total 1 3 5 1 10 3 3 27 Eatio per 1,000 examined 5.587 lo.ieo S7. 933 5. 587 j 55. 806 16.7G0 16. 760 150.8.38 VEKMONT. First district Second district "" i 4 1 11 Third district Total 4 4 12 02.0001 62.500 187. 000 MASSACHUSETTS. First district 1 Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district 1 i 1 2 2 6 3 1 5 1 2 3 22 Katio per 1,000 examined 3.937 3.937 2 7.874 3 1 ■* ■ 86. 614 RHODE ISLAND. First district Second district Total i 1 8 6 H Eatio per 1,000 examined CONNECTICUT. First o 3 0 H i ■3 p i .2 t- w t 1 a > 0 (0 1 u 0 > 0 "3 i u 0 % .a i 0 « 0 : Over 3 inclies. "a I New York— Continued. 1 1 1 2 i 2 1 1 1 1 i i 1 5 8 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 i 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 "i 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 7 2 Twolflli (listi'ict • 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 Fourt'ciitli district. 1 1 1 2 9 2 1 "'i' 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 0 1 Twentietli district 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Tweiitv-sii^tli ilistrict 2 0 4 2 1 1 6 1 2 Twt'ut v-i-'i"btb district 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 ... 2 6 3 1 5 7 3 Thirty-lirst district 2 0 3 3 24 4 31 4 0 40 14 04 5 7 36 G 1.471 11.770 1.0C3 15. 204 1. 503 2.943 19. 017 0.800 31. 388 2. 459 3.433 17. 050 2.943 NEW JERSEY. First district 9 4 5 1 2 3 "4 12 G 7 5 2 0 12 7 1 3 7 2 g' 3 13 10 11 7 7 1 4 2 10 7 1 4 15 Second district 2 1 ■"2 2 2 14 Tliird district 1 ■ 2 5 Fourth district 4 Fifth district 1 Total 1 3 21 7 32 2 5 29 18 54 3 13 22 38 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1.092 3.275 23. 92C 7.042 34. 934 2. 183 5.439 31. 059 19. 051 58. 932 3.2:5 14. 193 24. 017 41. 485 TENNSYLVANIA. First district ■ 0 3 2 5 3 21 8 4 5 1 10 2 4 1 2 7 13 3 8 5 25 11 7 5 5 3 12 8 Second district 1 3 4 19 Third district 1 i 0 Fourth district 3 4 20 9 I 1 2 ■"■■4 1 1 5 6 20 12 1 5 5 10 4 3 4 2' 5 1 Fifth district 2 1 1 1 8 15 Sixth district 1 1 Seventh district "i 2 5 1 4 4 1 K iuth district Tenth district 1 Klevciith (liMtriet 1 2 2 G 1 i 2' 1 2 3 8 3 2 3 1 4 i 1 2 3 Thirl. ■. nth (Ustrict 1 I'oiirliciitli district i 3 1 3 i 4 1 3 i 2 5 1 Seveiitciiith district "'i' 1 2 1 3 Eijjhtcciilli district Nintticiilh ilistrict 1 i 3 i 1 2 Twentieth district 1 1 1 1 3 1 i 4 2 1 Twc-uty-Mrf..nd district 1 1 •J Twenty-third district Twenty-fourth district Total 3 4 48 13 07 1 2 9 1 70 24 111 2^ 2 51 20 — : iJutio per 1 ,000 examined .974 1.293 1 15.579 3.695 21.740 1 .049 2. 921 1 24. 007 7.790 30. 027 . 049 . G49 IC. 553 a 439 20. 290 97 cxpaiixioii of cheni, to each iitlin-, and to ctiffircnt localities, 0 o5 1 a n u 0 i i a 1 > o o5 .2 « g o ■3 w u t> O 13 I o ■3 .0 .a o o 5 u a 5 o .a u .5 U > O o O New Tokk— Continued. 1 1 0 1 1 1 « 0 1 6 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 1 0 3 11 1 1 1 25 7 2 2 7 1 1 1 5 1 3 5 1 1 1 10 4 1 1 1 2 4 8 1 1 1 3 1 1 5 3 6 8 Thirty-first district 12 Total 4 16 7 27 1 6 1 8 1 1 lf5 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1.D62 7.847 3.433 13.242 .490 2.943 .490 3. 9-23 .4G0 .490 90. 731 NEW JERSEY. 2 1 2 3 1 42 2 1 39 24 16 Fifth district 1 1 1 1 11 Total 3 4 7 1 1 1 132 ^ 3.275 4.367 1 9 ...... 7.C42 4 10 5' 3 1.092 1. 192 144. 105 ~ 1 2 \ 1 i' TEXXSYLVAXIA. 1 2 1 5 2 20 Second district Tliird district Fourth district Fifth district ..... 41 3 84 22 72 Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district ""'i' 1 2' 1 2 1 1 4 1 ...... ...... 3 i' i 3 29 15 14 3 0 C 4 19 Twelfth district Thirtecntli district i ■""2' 1 i 1 a 3 Foiirtcciitli district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district 5 5 "'■3' ...... ..... " i 2 i 6 EiKhteenth district Nineteenth district 1 7 5 8 i Twenty-second district Twenty-third district Twenty -fonrth district 1 ""'i 1 i 1 1 Total Katio per 1,000 examined 3 .974 4 1.998 17 5.518 19 |6. 107 43 1 13.9i)7 1 .325 1 .325 1 ^ |2.o97 5 15 1. 023 4. 869 J^llL :^_ 317 . 102.889 13 Table No. 2 — Shinciiiy tin- nlutioii of liii(jhl, O H o § > O i ■3 a > o i .3 U a CO > o "3 1 1 ■3 .5 •J .3 u O s •3 a it 5 5 ■a 1 DELAWARE. ,T 1 3 „ 7 9 Total 1 2 1 1 3 2 7 9 7.194 3. 597 1 10. 7C1 7.194 25.180 32.374 MARYLAND. 1 1 1 3 5 1 3 1 1 9 G o 1 9 o 5 13 13 3 ...... 1 7 3 4 0 4 9 10 2 i 14 1 1 1 1 6 11 1 5 3 0 11 Filtli (li 3 15 2 10 19 11 42 6 8 26 13 S3 Eatio per 1,000 examined .AV3 2.470 2. GOG 1.240 0.198 .826 4.132 7.851 4.545 1 17.355 ■2. 479 3.306 10. 744 5.372 21.901 DlSTPaCT OF COLUMBIA. 5 5 2 2 42 1 47 4 1 77 4 86 5 5 2 2 42 1 47 4 1 77 4 86 2.371 2.371 .948 .948 19. 915 .474 22.285 1.897 . 474 36. 510 1.897 40. 778 WEST VIUGIXU. First district 1 1 2 Total 1 1 1 2 Batio per 1,000 examined 1 5.988 5.9B8 11. 976 KESTUCKV. First district 8 i' 1 1 1 1 1 12 5 7 ■ 3 3 3 3 7 7 10 U 7 10 4 1 10 2 10 7 9 11 11 2 13 3 4 3 Second district 1 2 2 4 3 ..... 3 4 4 4 26 Tliird district Fourth district ...... 1 23 Fifth district 15 1 1 3 1 3 4 7 Eighth district 4 4 1 5 3 3 4 1 Touil 2 14 3 19 17 7 34 18 70 15 5 C4 23 lv.'itiii per 1 ,000 examined .387 2.711 .581 3.079 i.292 1.356 0.584 3.4Sfl 14.717 itOS .908 12.:l!l3 4.434 20.720 MISSOURI. First lUstrict 1 10 12 4 3 10 18 7 14 15 5 3 "6 Second district t 1 3 4 2 18 Third district 1 1 !I*'oiirth district Fifth district 3 3 o 2 Sixth district Seventh district 1 1 Eijlhtll district 1 1 1 1 r >i iiil h district 1 1 1 8 1 1 3 1 G 2 G 23 1 7 3.430 38 7 4 51 ^ Katio per 1 ,000 examined .490 .400 1.470 .490 2.940 .9£0 2.940 11. 209 18.018 1.430 i.noo 15.189 4.41U •4.988 OHIO. First district 1 1 2 1 4 3 1 5 5 3 6 3 3 9 6 Second district 99 expausloii of chest, to each other, and to diffeicnt localities, cjc.-Coutiuutd. lIEICrllT CI AND UXDER Gil INCUES— Ccntiimcd. -3 3 GIRTH OF CIIEST AT EXFIUATIOX. 5 33 and under S-l inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o o •3 a u S 0 > 0 u a SI 0 Over 3 iuches. Total. 1 5 0 > 0 _g u to >- 0 1 i hi 0 1 > 0 1 a at i 6 1 2 0 DELAWARE. 0 4 . 30 First district 10 I 1 1 1: Total 2 1 10 1 13 1 4 5 1 30 Eatio per 1,000 examiiieil 1 .194 35.971 : .597 4S.7G3 3 .597 1 4.388 17.980 i. 107. 914 MARYL.4Nn. 1 1 2 2 1 1 7 4 3 3 ■■■3 5 3 13 6 3 1 3 1 "i 1 "i 2 4 3 i 35 18 32 First district 1 1 1 "i Thirtl (Ustrict Fourth district 39 28 Total 2 C 10 6 30 1 1 6 2 1 10 2 2 152 Eatio per 1,000 examined BISTBICT OF COLUMBIA. .8-26 2.479 6.012 2.470 12. .397 1 .413 .413 2.479 . 820 1 4. 132 .826 6 .«2ti 6 62. 810 1 62 63 1 12 13 220 District of Columbia 1 .. .,.,« Total 1 62 63 1 12 5 6C0 13 6.164 6 2.845 1 " 2,845 104. 315 Eatio per 1,000 examined WEST VIUGINIA. First il istrict Second district Third district .474 29.398 i 1 i' 1 ;;;;; 3 3 Eatio per 1,000 examined KENTUCKY. 4 3 5.988 4 14 4 1 10 1 1 3 1 4 2 "' i 5.988 11 24 ■4 5 13 3 15 4 1 1 5 1 1 19 ..... 4 ■■■3' ""'i' " i 3 25 3 7 1 4 3 17. 964 24 1 3 1 "l 4 1 ..... "i 104 Second district Third district 9 1 40 47 Fourth district Fifth dist! jet Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district 1 ■5 "9" 2 " "2 1 ' "3 " i 29 32 12 13 Trttil 19 13 39 9 80 10 4 28 4 46 2 5 ' Eatio per 1,000 examined MISSOURI. First district Second district Third district Fourtli district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh dL-itrict Ei;;hth district Kiuth district 3.679 2.517 7. 552 1.743 15.492 1.936 .775 5.422 .775 1 a 908 .387 .968 3 3 1 ' "4 5 9 8 ; i ! i 19 1 1 2 14 9 4 i ; i 29 3 3 4 4 8 "1 1 7 5 U 1 ] 3 . ..... 4 4 . ..... C7 54 1 9 3 a 5 1 141 Eatio per 1,000 examined OHIO. .1.47C 2.450 9.303 1 .980 14.200 5 1.470 ! .... . 3. 920 ! 1 .490 .... 5.87' ) .49( . 1. 06( ) :1 ;:;::::i::::::i.- ..1 14 100 Taiii.k No. 2 — Shoirhnj Ihr relation of hiit/lit, yirlh of ihefit at ixpiyaliaii, and HEIGHT 0! AND TJN'DEK C3 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIK.\TION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 iuclics. STATES. Expansion. Exjiansion. Expansion. •3 ^2 •3 .2 m tu •§ p CI s o « a n 6 1 u o a ■3 a 1 ■s a O § .a a n u o 6 1 'a 1 m to V u o •§ 1 i o EC CJ CI 6 u a CO g 5 1 Ohio— Con tiuued. Third district 5 2 1 i 6 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 ' 1 2 1 4 Fillli o 1 t o i a « > O 0 H i i .a a 0 1 a CI t-l t 0 .2 > 0 06 A .s 0 0 A 0 CO 0 6 1 0 H 3 ■3 i 0 Ohio— Continned. 4 4 1 13 1 9 '■"i" i 1 4 1 4 1 1 6 1 4 1 1 3 1 4 21 2 7 7 1 1 1 1 5 1 11 1 6 1 1 3 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 2 1 11 Nineteenth district 2 Total 2 2 11 11 26 "- 5 1 8 1 150 -1* -.^i 1 o ni^- 3. 965 9.373 .721 1.802 .360 2.884 ..I .... 54. 074 Eatio per 1,000 examined IXDI.1NA. First district 7 4 1 8 6 16 G C Second district Third district Fourth district "i i 1 1 Fifth district ■ Sixth district Seventh district i i' 1 1 2 .... 1 2 3' ...... i Eighth district Ninth district 1 1 3 Eleventh 0 •a u in 1 a n 5 0 H S s 0 1 B 00 0 .5 « g 0 9 .5 n g 0 MICHIGAN. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 3 4 2 6 6 3 9 Katio per 1 .000 oxamined 4.819 2.410 7.229 9.039 4.819 14.458 14.458 7.229 21.687 WTSCOXSIN. o "'2 2 2 0 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 0 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 3 G 9 G 3 9 Katio per l.OOO examined 11. 194 7.403 ia057 11. 194 24 388 33.582 22.388 11.194 33. .582 MINNESOTA. 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 '1 2 3 31.250 31.250 31.250 6i500 93.750 CALtFORXIA. 1 1 Total 1 1 Katio por 1,000 examiucd 29.412 29.412 1 KANSAS. n 2 • 8 2 8 a 5 5 r Total 2 2 10 10 5 5 ISatio per 1,000 oxamlncd 5.141 5.141 1 25.707 25.707 12.853 12.853 1 OREGON. Oregon 1 Total 1 1 Satio per 1,000 oxauiiucd NEVADA. Nevada 1 Total 1 1 1 Batio per l.COO examined 1 1 1 1 Grand total TTnitcd StatoH n 20 143 45 224 3d 07 305 143 613 45 5t 399 153 650 Catio per 1 ,000 osaminod . .42G •™ 5.730 1.742 a 673 1.471 1 2.504 14.132 5.537 23.734 1.742 1.975 15. 448 C. 001 25. 166 103 expansion of chest, to each other, and to differed loeaUties, o i .a o > o Over 3 inches. , Total. i a 1-4 a 0 i g a n 3 MAINE. 1 4 I 5 1 1 1 1 i' 1 1 1 1 1 3 yiltli district 1 Total 1 0 7 1 3 2 1 5 1 1 8.475 50. 847 59.322 8.475 16. 949 16.949 '42 373 NEW UAlU'SIlIltE. 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 i' 3 Second district 1 2 4 2 Third district 1 1 7 Total 1 -1 3 1| 1| 2| 1 1 6 4 12 S. 587 11.17.1 1C.7CU 5. 587 1 5. 587 1 11. 173 |5. 587 5.587 33. 520 VEUMOST. 1 i 1 1 1 2 3" S<»rnnd district. . - 5 Third district t Total M 1 2 3 3 Q Satio per 1,000 examined 15. 625 1 15. 025 31.250 46.875 46. 875 93 750 MASSACHUSETTS. First district 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 10 9 2 1 Second district Third district 3 3 o 3 o 1 2 8 4 5 1 1 1 2' 1 >'onrth district I ...... 3 I'illU district 2 Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district 1 N int li district 1 1 Tenth district Total 3 i 2 9 3 2 13 7 25 9 3 12 11.811 35.433 11.81! 7.874 51.181 27. 559 98.425 .15.433 11.811 47. 244 ••"■* RIIOUE ISLANU. First district 2 1 1 3 1 5 3 5 3 3 3 2 1 5 4 Second district 1 Total 2 2 4 8 « n 3 9 Eatio per 1,000 examined 11. 925 14.925 29.851 50.701 59. 701 44.776 22.388 67. 164 CO.VNECnCl/T. First district 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 7 3 1 3 7" 2 7 10 3 4 9 6 2 4 4 11 10 4 3 Sct;ond district Third district Fourth district 1 1 3 Total 3 1 4 1 14 9 1 24 18 10 28 Eatio per 1,000 examined 12.295 J4.098 16.393 1 4.098 57. 377 36.885 98.361 73. 770 40. 984 114.754 NEW YORK. Fii-stdislrict 1 10 ...... 5 ...... 5 Tliinl di.strict ...... 1 6 ...... 8 1 ...... ....^. 2 7 7 1 3 1 S I'vurlU (liiili-ict 2 105 expansion of chest, to each oiha; and to diffci-ent localities, -* .5 1 1 a Gt > 0 U3 a n S-i g 0 3 H i a ■§ .2 .2 0 0 •g « u 0 c 0 1 0 3 1 •3 i a > 0 i g S 1 0 1 1 s MAINE. 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 16 Third district Fourth district 3 1 Total 1 ^1 1 5 5 il c 1 H 3| 4 27 Katio per 1,000 examined.. £.475 •< .5. 424 8.475 i 2.373 t 2. 373 8.473 J50.847 8.475 J25.424 33.898 J2a814 NEW Il.UIPSHUiE. 1 '"3 1 4 5 •2 4 5 8 10 10 20 Second district Third district 1 """i i 2 i 3 ..... ""i ■■3 Total 1 1 4 10 2 17 1 3 4 1 1 2 40 Ratio per 1,000 examined.. 5. 587 122. 346 55.e66 11.173 14. 972 5.587 16. 7G0 [23.346 5.587 5.587 11. 173 223. 464 VERMONT. 1 1 1 2 3 8 11 Second district Third district Total Ratio per 1,000 examined. . 1 i 1 i 1 ;:::::: 15. 025 15.625 31. 250 15.625 15.625 i 1 1 i 1 171. 875 MASSACHUSETTS. First district Second district i 2 2 i 2 5 i i 1 i 1 2 2 1 25 Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eishth district Ninth district Tenth district 1 17 7 3 i 1 57 Total Ratio per 1,000 examined . 1 3.937 19. G83 7.874 31. 406 3.937 3. 937 7.874 3.937 1 3.937 224. 400 RHODE ISLAND. 0 2 4 1 5 6 1 7 19 9 Second district Total 28 Katio per 1,000 examined . CONNECTICUT. 14. 925 3 1 ; i 37. 313 2 2 32.239 3 3 3 1 •- ..... 1 ! i = = '-'^^^ . 208. 955 23 24 Second district Third di.strict Fourth district 8 12 Total : 5| 4 9 a 8. 19" -'.mi lim \ .... :^::i . 274. 590 Ratio per 1,000 examined . NEW YORK. First district Second district Third district Fourth district i 1 .20.493 1 i 16. 3a3 2 t ( ) i L .... 1 1 ..'.'. 11 20 33 4 14 106 Tablk No. 2 — Shou-ing the retaiion of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT 03 AND UNDER 65 INCTTRS— Continued GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 20 and under 31 incbes. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ac IS a a o .9 1 B o j g i o .S a CI o t .9 CD > o 1 1 g .9 > 0 g .9 CI t 0 ID .a « n ^ 0 New Youk— Contiuuca. 1 1 1 1 2 3 ...... 1 1 3 3 4 8 2 S 1 2 ■"""2" 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 3 8 3 5 3 7 2 4 9 3 4 2 3 1 i 2 7 1 1 4 ...... 1 1 12 3 5 4 1 1 2 1 1 i 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 10 4 1 2 11 6 6 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 5 i 4 1 1 2 o 8 0 4 2 5 1 1 3 3 C 10 "i' 3 1 1 i 1 3 4 3 2 2 4 1 3 5 2 13 1 3 1 1 1 o 4 2 1 11 11 20 6 »1 11 1 1 0 19 33 Total 4 23 4 31 12 5 58 28 103 4 10 90 44 154 11. CC2 11.280 i.oca 15.204 5. 685 2.452 28.445 13. 732 .50. 515 i.ro2 7.847 44. 139 21. 579 75. 527 1 KEW JEUSEY. !Fir^t district 1 2 1 3 4 i 2 7 2 4 1 3 ...... 1 9 6 4 1 22 2 5 11 31 8 10 G 15 ...... 1 1 6 6 10 1 1 31 G c' 6 38 1 1 Third ilistrict 11 7 1 2 3 7| 7 17 3 5 22 40 70 1 2 24 49 Kntio per 1,000 oxamiDod 3.275 7. C42 \^. 042 18. fi59 3. 275 5.459 24.017 43. 06S 70.419 1.C92 a. 183 ao. SOI 5.1. 498 g.i 969 l'EXNSYLV.\NU. 1 1 3 0 1 3 0 10 5 • 5 1 5 0 4 6 3' 2 5 2 2 9 7 5 10 20 13 3 2 11 10 20 23 6 4 2 5 3 21 f>' 7 10 3 3 2 Second district 24 Tbird district 1 i 1 3 0 5 0 1 4 1 Fifth district 17 15 19 4 4 Seventh district ..... 4 2 1 1 26 10 Ki;;hth district Ninth district ^ 2 2 Elcvfiith district I 1 2 5 2 2 1 2" 1 2 6 2 Twdllh district Thirteenth district 2 2 1 1 1 2 i 3 7 1 3 1 Four t cent h ilistrict 1 1 2 5 0 5 3 1 8 8 riitccnth district Sixtciiith district 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 7 4 2 Seventeenth district KiKhtecnlh ilistrict 1 1 2 >.'inetrt-iilh district Tweni ieth district 2 2 2 9 3 8 i 10 2 3 1 4 7 10 11 Twent v-Iirst district 8 Iwentv-seeond district 1 1 13 Twenty-third district Twenty-lourth district 1 3 4 Total 1 2 22 13 3a 2 8 80 38 128 5 7 140 77 229 Uatio per 1,000 examined .335 .GIO 7. m ,4.219 12. :«4 .649 2.597 25.966 12.ai4 41.545 1.023 2. 272 4.5. 440 24. !)92 74.327 107 ejcpansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, Src— Coutiuaed. HEIGHT C3 AND UNDER 05 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT KXTIKATION. 5 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. S3 s .£3 ■3 o 6 <6 .a CI > o 09 .9 en 1. 00 •g a u 0 s •§ a « g 0 i > 0 "3 0 .s .a a i 0 m 1 1 u g 0 "3 0 H 'a 5 New ToiiK— Continued. Fifth district 2 2 8 8 2 2 1 1 2 Seventh district » 2 2 4 1 5 2" 3- ... 2 2 9 1 2 3 D 1 1 1 1 Ninth district 15 Tenth district 1 1 1 1 Elcventb district g Twelfth district 1 1 1 1 Thirteenth district Poiirteenth district 2 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16 Pilteenth district 5 2 1 1 i 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 5 1 1 1 29 • 10 Twentieth district 1 3 7 1 1 1 7 Twenty-third district 3 1 3 1 1 11 . . 9 Twentv-fifth district 5 Twenty-sixth district 1 2 1 o o 4 3 1 2 19 7 5 1 i 1 1 1 1 3 G 6 Twenty-ci"'bth district 13 Twenty-ninth district 1 18 5 1 9 1 1 43 33 TMrty-first district 48 Total 5 G 71 1 20 108 1 3 21 7 31 6 1 1 7 434 ' Katio per 1,000 examined . . 2. 4.j2 2.943 34.631 12.751 52.967 jl.471 10.299 3.433 15.204 2.943 .4E0 1 3.433 ]21'i849 NEW JERSEY. 3 5 13 1 7 1 10 8 4 7 3 1 1 1 93 1 1 1 1 1 33 Third district 2 29 21 2 2 2 30 Total 2 a 10 1 24 38 3 3 1 1 1 2 206 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 2.183 2.183 10. 917 J20. 201 41.485 1 3.275 3.275 1 1.092 1.092 1 2.183 J224.891 I'KNNSYLVANIA. 6 3 7 17 13 20 I 3 1 8 4 2 1 1 11 1 4 2 3 3 42 1 1 2 06 10 7 I 23 3 2 2 11 1 5 1 8 1 3 5 4' 2' 3 12 8 15 26 6 7 2 15 1 2 5 4 4 47 Fifth district 31 1 1 i" 2 3 1 i 79 Seventh district Eighth district 85 23 3 1 1 1 i' 4 1 2 . .. 1 1 25 Tenth di'^trirt 5 Eleventh district 1 1 1 2 1 27 Twelfth district 3 9 5 1 3 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 23 15 1 1 SO « Eighteenth district 3 1 2 10 1 1 1 4 2 15 1 9 1 1 1 1 9 5 5 1 1 1 3 39 1 3 12 Twenty-second district 7 29 2 Twenty-fourth district 1 1 2 7 Total 2 2 95 74 173 22 20 42 1| 7 1 9 619 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .649 .049 |30.P34 24.018 50. 151 1 7.141 0.491 13.032 1 .325 1 2.272 .325 2.921 |200.909 108 Table No. 2 — Shmeing the relation of luight, r/'ntb of cliest at cxpbaliort, and nEIGHT Gil AND UNDER G.'i IKCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. • i .a a > O BO s o a « 9 6 •1 c n O "3 .S 0 .9 u 0 1 a tn u 0 H DO s s .g .£3 0 i •§ « u 0 t .a 0 a n 2 DELAWARE. 1 1 5 3 8 1 1 5 3 8 3.597 1 3.597 17. 980 10. 791 28. 777 MAUYLANl). 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 3 13 2 4 9 36 G 8 15 14 33 22 2 7 8' 28 1 1 1 1 3 '■■■5' 1 2 6 5 12 ■5' G 1 2 21 1 1 5 27 20 Fifth district '. 51 Total 3 1 4 11 12 27 14 64 9 14 76 39 138 1.240 .413 1.653 4.545 4.959 11.157 5.785 26. 440 J. 719 5.785 31.405 16. 116 57 025 DISTRICT or COLUMBIA. 5 5 3 1 42 3 49 1 127 3 131 Total 5 5 3 1 42 3 49 1 127 3 131 2.371 2. 371 1. 432 .474 19. 915 1. 422 23. 234 .474 ;. 423 WEST VIKCIMA. First district 3 4 5 8 5 1 4 2 3 Second district 1 6 Third district ... . Total 1 7 5 13 5 4 9 Katio per 1,000 examined 5.988 41.916 29. 940 77. 844 29. 940 23. 952 53. 892 KENXt;CKY. First district 3 5 "4" 2 "i' 1 1 1 1 2 9 7 19 12 4 i 5 15 2 7 7 15 13 35 15 12 5 3 10 11 4 4 1 10 27 11 44 42 19 1 9 15 3 1 8 35 6 13 i" 3 Second district 1 1 2 2 i 4 1 33 Third district 1 o 1 2 1 "'i' SO 79 Fonrtli district Fifth district 1 ...... 5 1 4 54 33 .Sixth district 1 1 Seventh district Eighth district 0 8 1 2 ID ninth district G C 1 19 Total 1 2 12 2 17 12 7 63 33 115 20 17 178 70 285 Eatio per 1,000 examined .194 .387 2.324 .387 3.292 2. 324 1.350 12. 200 6. 390 23. 270 3.873 3.292 34. 469 13. 555 55. 190 MISSOUUI. Firstdiatrict 1 1 o 2 4 2 1 13 18 3 1 22 20 5 1 2 38 51 1 IS 11 63 Second district 1 1 Tliird district Fourth district. . . X'ifth district 2 2 1 1 1 2 Sixth district 1 Seventh district 1 1 4 1 2 2 Eislith district 4 1 1 5 1 1 Ninth district 4 Total 1 1| 2 1 5 4 4 38 5 51 U 1 4 93 31 139 Eatio per 1,000 c.\aniincd .490 . 4C0 1 . Ofc'O .480 2. 450 1.9611 jl.OCO 18. 018 2.450 21. nss 12 17 2.940 1.960 48.016 1.1.189 09.104 OHIO. Firstdistrict 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 13 5 . 2 7 Second district 4 ' • 1 ' 11 • S 13 109 cxiiaiisinu of dust, to each ollin; dui) to (liffcniit locaUiics, ij-c. — Contiiuu-d. IlEIOHT 63 AND UNDER 05 INCHES— Conliimed. Pi OIUTH OF CHKST AT EXPIRATION. 1 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 0 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ■5 a a .a a u ? 6 s .a o a 01 u o > O .£3 O □ u 6 13 0 H i .a g 1 09 1 CI CO a n 0 ■a I "3 a a to 0 DELAWAHE. 1 2 20 2 1 15 2 20 54 First district - -I 1 Total 1 2 20 2 1 25 2 1 15 2 20 1 1 |. 54 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 3.597 7.194 ■ 1. 942 7. 194 |f U923 r.i04 1 3.597 )3. 957 7.104 71.942 1 1 94.245 MAETLAND. 4 13 2.-1 10 33 25 "'3' 30 23 32 23 43 1 8 24 2 " "3 3 12 34 8 4 1 4 4 1 2 6 5 77 10 3 1 1 1-2 5 4 3 1 1 6 4 2 1 50 Third district 61 Fourth district * 139 20 17 85 34 150 4 11 40 6 1 61 3 1 9 1 13 436 Total 1 Batio per 1,000 examined .. 8.204 7.025 35. 124 14. 050 64.463 1.053 4.545 1 16.529 2.479 25.207 1.240 3.719 .413 5. 372 180. 165 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 2 1 174 91 92 24 24 482 District of Columbia 2 1 174 4 181 1 91 92 1 24 24 482 Total 1 Katio per 1,000 examined . . .948 .474 82.504 1. 897 JeS. 823 .474 43. 148 43. 023 - ..|11.380 11.380 228.544 WEST vincixiA. 1 2 1 6 1 7 4 1 2 1 2 2 4 20 17 1 38 Second district Third district 1 i Total Eatio per 1,000 examined .. 1 5.988 4 23. 952 41.916 71. 656 5.988 17. 964 23. 9.52 5 4 ...... 1 G 30 2 5 14 1 1 2 227. 545 KENTUCKY. 14 15 10 3 1 1 I 14 1 11 47 14 37 39 12 10 8 9 3 12 33 10 4 2 35 08 27 61 55 18 42 D 11 11 22 5 4 2 7 26 11 5 27 2 5 5 G i 5 8 5 2 2 23 53 18 13 36 4 19 a 6 99 First district 21 11 5 ■ "s 2 200 1 1 82 195 175 Fifth district 5 2 2 72 77 33 Sixth district ■""is' 1 . '. 3 11 0 1 0 Eighth district - 52 Total 1 52 33 1 177 1 04 326 38 26 1 94 23 181 10 1 ■* ^^ IJ CI 1 985 190. 744 Eatio per 1,000 cxaniiued . 10.070 0.390 34. 276 12. 393 63. 1-20 7.359 5.035 18.203 4.454 35. 050 1.936 1 .775 7. 105 4 5 1.936 "" i a. 813 MISSOURI. 14 2 2 i 3 49 40 7 5 4 22 12 i 4 94 54 1 3 8 5 8 6 2 17 18 1 i 2 3 5 1 i 1 30 19 3 2 4 5 3 5 6 210 First district 104 Second district Tliird district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district 2 i i 1 ..... i ', io I 17 17 10 Ninth district ' 1 •> *_ Total 10 G 105 40 1 173 C 1 7 1 45 1 8 1 60 M 1 9 1 12 1 440 . 7.830 2.940 51.445 22.538 84.763 2.940 1 3.430 ;22.0Ja 1 3. 920 |32. 331 .490 . 490 4.410 .490 5.879 |2ia520 omo. 1 11 I 6 4 1 4 1? I 5 1 .... 2 ! 67 First district Second district : 1 42 no Table No. 2 — Showing the relation of hiighl, girth of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT 6:) AND UNDER CT INCHES— Continued. GIKTII or CHEST AT EXl'IRATION. Under 2D inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. a u > O 1 .3 % > o 1 O •s 1 i 6 CD a et 0 > 0 .a 0 -H n 1- 1 a 1 .3 g 0 • a n H Ohio— Continued. Third district 2 1 6 3 i 1 1 4 8 1 3 1 15 3 C 4 2 6 4 3 2 0 1 1 4 1 3 3 1 1 i 2 i 5 g 1 1 1 1 7 Sixth district 1 13 1 2 1 4 4 3 27 2 5 9 3 2 s 6 1 : 1 ' "2' 31 g Ei'^htli district Nintb district 1 1 3 1 3 1 7 Teuth district 3 1 1 2 1 "ii 1 6 3 6 2 a 4 i 4 Twell'tb district 2 3 2 27 ThirtecDth district Fourteenth district 0 Fifteenth district 2 "i 2 1 5 yixteentli district 2 5 1 1 7 3 2 5 8 1 3 Seventeenth district 1 1 1 2 1 Ninetceulh district 1 1 Total 7 1 9 10 27 6 10 50 30 90 17 28 84 37 166 Katio per 1 ,000 examined 2. 523 .360 3.344 3.605 9.733 i. 163 3. C03 13. 023 10. 815 34. 607 6. 128 10.094 30. 2.'il 13.338 39.841 INDIANA. First district 1 1 6 "ii 1 3 3 7 11 Second district 1 1 5 1 14 Third di.strict Fourth district 1 3 9 1 1 4 18 5 2 3 9 4 1 3 Firtli district 1 2 1 5 1 8 4 "1 1 3 13 3 Sixth district 3 1 2S 7 Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district - — . . 1 1 Tenth district Eleventh district 1 1 1 1 Total 1 3 3 7 5 0 14 15 36 12 2 28 37 69 Ratio per 1,000 oxaiuiucd .021 2.7(i2 2.702 6. 446 4.604 1.843 12.891 13. E13 33. 149 11.050 1.842 25.783 24. 862 63.536 ILLINOIS. First district 1 1 4 6 3 3 6 1 5 5 4 11 Second district 2 Third district 3 10 Fourth district i 1 1 Filth distiict 1 i 2 3 5 3 3 Eightli district 7 0 2 2' 11 3 11 2 3 1 8 4 4 9 2 2 17 6 Eleventh district Twellth district i 2 1 2 ..... 2 1 8 1 7 5 9 16 8 Thirtcontli district , 1 3 Total 1 5 0 1 2 27 15 45 9 51 31 Eatio per 1,000 examined .692 3. 4C0 4.152 .092 1.3S4 18. 685 10. 381 31. 142 0.228 35.294 21.453 6-2.976 IOWA. First district 1 2 a 1 i 3 3 1 3 4 1 3 Tliird district Fourtli district i i 2 "1 5 1 3 1 Fifth district Sixth district ..'.'. 1 Total 1 1 2 3 3 1 7 1 !) 3 liatio per 1 ,000 cxauiiucd 5.650 5.030 11.299 16.949 10.949 5.G50 39.548 ■). (iSO 50. 847 ia949 73.446 Ill tipansion of ckast, to each other, and to different localities, ^c— ContinvicU. nEIGHT 03 ANB UNDER C5 INCHES— Continued. GIRXn OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. c3 33 and under 3.) inches. 33 aud under 37 iuches. 37 inches and over. 0 *- B ^ 0 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. . 1 1 h O a 1 o a 5 •§ a CI > o s .a a n « > 0 3 0 •g a ■g .a 1-1 g 0 1 .9 i •g a u 0 > 0 1 i u 0 "i i > 0 .9 u > 0 1 '6 "3 0 i 0 Ohio— Contiuued. 2 10 2 1 1 ""2 ""0 3 2 i i 2 4 11 1 14 19 ""■'2 a 9 19 4 1 2 2 1 10 2 1 3 1 9 '""i 5 1 1 ..... 3 19 6 29 6 Fifth district Sixth district 1 1 7 1 " i 6 15 "" I ■■ '6 4 4 1 2 6 3 6 1 2 " 1 12 8 1 2 ""\ 6 2 4 1 . 1 . 1 . 41 t'O 11 Eighth district "i "i' 1 18 Tenth district 24 Twellth district Thirteenth district 13 3 2 i "i 10 3 Fonrteenth district Fifteenth district '"' i '"' i 2 1 9 4 1 i 4 2 1 1 14 11 Sixteenth district 4 Seventeenth district Eighteonth district Kineteenth disti-ict 6 1 7 :::::: 1 1 30 17 Total 16 22 1 71 22 131 6 9 36 14 63 2 8l 5| 2 17 502 Katio per 1,000 exanuned . . 5.7C8 7.931 J25.595 7.931 J47.224 2.163 3.244 12. 078 5.047 23. 432 .721 a. 884 1. 802 .721 1 6.128 180. 9C6 INDIANA. 1 10 i 3 i 1 7 8 2 2' 5 2 2' 7 2 2 9 10 3 1 9 15 0 2 3 2 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 5 2 3 3 1 1 0 1 0 i 25 First district Second district Third district Foorth district Fifth district Sixth district 1 ...... 34 7 5 22 72 14 Seventh district Eighth district Ninth di.strict Tenth district Eleventh district i 1 1 i 4 4 5 Total 11 1 1 24 20 56 1 10 10 21 1 1 1 3 192 Eatio per 1,000 examined .. 10.129 .921 K.099 18.416 51.565 .921 9.208 9.208 19.337 .921 .921 .921 2. 762 176.796 ILLINOIS. i i 1 i 6 8 2 7 2 1 2 3 5 0 2 10 2 i 4 1 ■■""i-2 4 7 10 4 12 1 2 2 15 7 6 0 10 16 3 "a 1 i 2 3 6 4 3 2 2 5 1 1 8 8 5 1 5 1 36 First district Second district 7 27 5 Fifth district Sixtli district Seventh district 2 2 1 1 5 1 ; 2 9 ■■""i 3 3 11 5 43 21 Niiith district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district i 27 G 42 30 4| . Total 1 11 1 44 31 1 87 4 17 13 34 1 1 10 1 12 Eatio per 1,000 examiBod . IOWA. . .092 7.612 30.430 21.433 CO. 208 . 2.768 11. 705 8.997 23.329 . . 692 1 6. 920 .092 8.304 3 4 1 ] 1 1 1 1 4 t 1 1 1 i ^ 13 ■Piraf flintrift. .... 1 ■ .%•■-- 18 1 3 Third district Fimrth district Fifth district Sixth district 1 6 2 2 44 Total .1 1 2 1 1 ) 3 11 S .... 3 1 4 ■ 1 '-■: Katio per 1,000 examined •1--^ .111.299 56.49 J 10.949 84.74 ; . 16.949 |22.59 9 . ... . 39.54 8 j ' = == =-:=^ 112 TaDLE No. 2 — Showiny the rdution of hiiylil, ijirlh of vhext o 1 i > o a .a u n > O '3 o in i •g a rH V •g c > O o a o 6 w Si u o .£3 o •a 4 a u 1 a w 6 w i > o •a 1 MICHIGAN. 1 1 2 2 2 o 4 2 3 7 2 1 3 0 3 4 8 4 i 1 2 4 7 2 o 1 4 i 4 1 Total 1 2 1 4 1 10 7 18 10 14 24 2.410 4.819 2.410 9.C3D 2.410 24.090 IG. 8G7 43. 373 24. 090 33. 735 57. 831 WI6C0KSIX. 2 1 o o 1 1 4 3 1 2 3 3 8 11 3 Third district 1 1 1 3 3 Fifth district Sixth district 2 2 Total 1 1 4 G 10 8 11 19 3.731 3.731 14.925 22. 388 37.313 29. 851 41. 045 70. 890 .... MLVNESOTA. First district Second district 1 1 2 • Total 1 1 2 Eatio per 1,000 examined 31.250 31.250 62.500 CALIFORNIA. Northern district Middle district 1 1 1 Southern district ' 1 1 1 Total 1 1 2 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 examined 29.412 29. 412 58. 824 29.412 29.412 KAXSAS. Xortliern district 2 2 2 4 ..... ...... 8 2 1 1 D 5 10 2 10 Southern district 2 2 Total 2 4 C_ 1 1 10 2 14 12 IS E.atio per 1,000 examined l5"l 10.283 15.424 2.571 2. .'571 25. 707 5. 141 1 'So. 990 30. 848 30. 848 OREGO.W Oregon Total 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 NEVADA. Nevada 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 1 1 1 1 Grand total United States. . 12 .465 21 .813 109 48 190 65 65 500 260 890 77 102 990 469 1,638 Eatio per l.OCO exaiiiiued 4.220 1.858 7.306 2.517 2.517 19. 359 10. 007 34. 459 2.981 3.949 3&330 18. 159 03.420 Ill txjiai'sioii of clioit, to each oilier, and to different localities, ^c— Continued HEIGHT 03 AlsT) UNDER 63 INCHES— Continued. a GIETH- OF CHEST AT EXPIKATIOX. a C3 33 and under 33 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. •^ go .3 V STATES Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i a is 5 1 O CD O a Cl > O O a n o 3 1 ^ i 3 .a U 1 a 1 o .a .3 « o > O 1 a n u 0 > 0 1 u 0 •g .5 ■3 a r-t > 0 1 CI 1 0 1 .9 n > 0 3 0 0 SIICHIGAX. 1 1 1 3 i' i o 2 2 4 1 ..... 1 1 20 Second district 1 8 5 8 21 2 20 Third district Fourtli district 5 ■■"4 """2 ""'2' Sixtli district 1 Total 1 10 G 16 1 4 4 8 1 1 2 72 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 24. 096 14. 438 38.554 1 9.G39 S.639 19.277 2.410 2.410 4. 819 1173. 494 wiscoxsix. • First district Second district Third district Fourth district 2 i 1 1 3 1 1 i 2 1 3 1 4 0 19 11 4 6 Sixth district Total i 4 14.923 - 7.463 1 22.388 3 11. 194 4 14.925 7 26.119 43 160. 448 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . i jnSNESOTA. First district Second district i 1 1 I 2 2' i 1 6 Total Katio per 1,000 examined .. ; 1 31.250 1 31.250 2 62.500 2 62.500 2 62. 500 1 31.250 1 31.250 7 218.750 CALirOEMA. Xorthem district Middle district Southern district Total -. 1 1 1 i a 3 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . KANSAS. Xorthem district Southern district 1 15 1 15 1 5 1 K 5 5 2 2 2 2 88.235 43 11 54 Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . 15 |38. 560 1 38.500 1 .-I 1 |l2.853 12.853 5.141 5.141 138. 817 OEEGOS. Oregon 1 1 .in:::: Katio per 1,000 examined . NEVADA. Nevada Totil ■1 1 J 1 1 .1 1 1 1 i •1 111 Ratio per 1,000 examined . Grand total United States !. 130 -1 112 ■1 943 381 •1 1,568 60 -1 63 •1 419 IS 664 16 la lie 2€ 17a 5,122 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . 5.03.T 4.330 36.588 14.751 60.709 2.323 2.430 16.223 4.724 25.70!! .619 .691 4.509 .77- 6.659 19?. 312 — , 15 114 TAiii.iv No. 2 — Shoichig the relation of height, girth of chinl at cxpiralioti, tiiui HEIGHT KS AND TTNDKn r,7 rNCHlCS. OIRTH op CHRST AT EXI'IIIATION. Under 29 inches. 29 .inil nnCcr 31 inches. 31 and nndcr 33 inchca. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .H 1 i s .3 .5 1 O s .a n g O ■3 1 1 i ■g a i o o c > O i i a 4 a s- o a o i •3 .9 « > o 3 MAINE. 1 1 1 1 1 4 i 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 8 10. 949 16. 949 a 475 8.473 33. 898 IG. 949 07. 797 NEW HAilTSIIIRE. 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 S 3 B 1 4 2 1 3 1 11 3 15 11.173 5.587 10. 760 5.537 61. 453 16. 700 83.799 VERMONT. • 1 1 .1 1 4 3 2 2 Total 1 1 2 2 4 5 9 Katio per 1,000 oxamiiicd 15.G23 15.625 31.250 31.250 02.500 78.125 140. 023 JIASSACHUSETTS. First district 1 8 4 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 "i 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 12 . t< Sixth district 1 1 Eighth district 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tenth district ! Total 3 1 4 • G 5 11 "- 15 9 1 20 ' 1 Katio i»cr 1,000 examined 11.811 3.037 15. 748 23.622 19. 085 43. 307 j7.874 59. 055 35 433 ! 102.363 ItllODE ISIJVND. First (liati-ict 1 1 2 3 '2 4 1 7 3 2 y 1 11 Second dlBti-ict I Total '. 1 1 2 5 5 10 2 10 12 1 Katio per 1,000 examined 7.403 7.403 14.925 37. 313 37. 313 74. 027 14.925 8 4 1 2 74. 027 89.532 I CONNECTICUT. Firat district 1 ..... 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 5 4 1 3 7 4 3 4 3 2 13 S*'Coml diBtiict 10 Third district 4 Fourth district o 1 5 Total 1 2 3 o 5 10 17 1 ^ 15 15 32 Kntin per 1,000 examined 4.098 a 197 12.295 8.197 2 20.492 40.984 09. 07-2 2 2 13 1 |8.197 61. 475 61. 475 3 3 131. 148 NEW VOllK. First district 2 1 5 11 1 3 Second district 10 8 Third district 3 3 ...... 3 3 17 :t Fourth district 115 expansion of chest, to cadi other, and to different localities, ^c— Coutiimed. HEIGHT 05 A^^) UNDER C7 INCHES-Continned GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXPIlt,4T10N. 5 3.3 and nuder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. •r i -3-3 s 1 o 1 1 u ? 6 o 1 > O i 1 u 6 -3 1 S-t o •3 .3 a d 1 o a U o £ .13 o a n ^^ o > O o a a 4 a 0 d 1 .3 CI g 0 09 •s a n 0 > 0 3 0 0 n a 2 0 tIAlSE. Krst district Second district Tliird district 1 3 1 1 2 ...... G 1 2 1 " "i 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 15 4 5 1 Fiftli district , 1 ■■--■ M ,1 . 1 1 10 1 1 1 4 6 1 1 2 27 Total 1 1 o 1 1 8.475 33. 898 50.847 S.475 a 475 228.814 Katie per 1,000 examined . - KEW HAMFSmKE. i' 5 4 i 4 1 7 8 First district Second district Tliird district 2 ..... i 7 ...... i' 2 10 21 Total 1 6 j 5 12 2| 4 1 7 1 1 2 39 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 5.5a7 i:a.r>aO |27.933 07.039 U.173 J2i34G 5.587 39. 100 5.587 5.587 11. 173 217. 877 VEKMOXT. First district Second disti ict Third district 2 1 i 3 2 4 ..... 1 o 3" 3 0 15 21 Eatio per 1,0 0 examined . . rrr 4G.875 40.873 93.750 15. 625 31.250 46.873 32!<. 125 MASSACHUSETTS. i 4 2 1 i i i 19 4 4 1 1 o i i 2 i' 1 i 1 3 i' 1 1 First district 2 37 Third district Fourth district ■-. Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district 13 2 3 1 i 2 2 21 3 2 4 :i Total 3 so 10 33 jog (JOJ 1 3.937 3 11.811 2 7.874 6 23.622 2 7.874 7.874 82 322.835 Eatio per I.IjOO examined .. RHODE ISLAND. First district 4 3 4 a 5 2 1 1 3 1 31 10 Total 7 G 13 o 2 14 925 4 29 851 _^^ 41 305. 970 Eatio per 1,000 examined . CONST-CTICUT. o 5-i 23i) G 4 2 3 3 3 4 11 3 0 3 2 5 '^5 Second district Third district Fourth district 2 5 3 i 2 8 1 1 1 14 10 83 Total E.atio per 1,000 examined . 2 8.197 12 49. 180 53.279 110.650 20.492 1 2 1 1 12.295 32.787 2 3 1 4.098 4.098 3G0.G30 i NEW YOEK. 3 2 4 9 C 20 3 1 10 19 Second district 3 3 15 3 3 54 8 Third district Fourth district •1 1 11 1 1 IIG Taiu.k No. i—Shmcing the nlaiion of hchjhl, gitih of chest at expiration, oiid HEIGHT 05 AND UNDEE 07 INCHES- [Continued. GIRTH OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and iiutler 31 iuchcs. 31 .lud uudtr.33 iuchca. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 3 1 .a « i o ■3 a o i a n 6 o H .2 o ■3 4 6 1 a a u O 1 n t o i o c ■g a u > O m c- 1 0 0 'a .9 n g 0 Nkw York— Coutiinietl. 1 1 3 1 2 4 0 2 G 3 2 i 3 3 3 1 0 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 3 i 2 4 1 1 8 10 2 Twclftlnlistrict Tliiitcciitli (listrict 1 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 7 3 1 7 T''it*tcfiitli district 1 1 3 2 1 o 1 2 2 2 18 i 4 18 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 4 4 3 i 3 4 TwenlV-f* until district 4 3 Tweuty-sevi'iitli district 1 1 2 7 53 3 3 2 11 7 3 Tweuty-ci^lith ilisti ict 2 5 28 1 9 15 0 4 Twcuty-nintli disiiict 1 1 1 1 25 1 "■"3 12 Tliirtit-tli district 2 1 2 4 4 5 29 Thirty-tirst district 13 Total 1 1 10 0 18 2 7 53 43 107 7 12 107 52 173 Ralio i)er 1,000 examined .490 .490 4.904 3.943 8.828 .981 3.433 20. 974 21. 080 52. 477 3.433 5.885 52. 477 25.503 87. 298 NEW JERSEY'. First district o o 1 4 "2 0 T 2 1 5 3 19 1 0 3 27 5 4 0 8 10 8 9 3 43 2 4 4 53 i 1 1 11 Third district 13 Fourth district 7 Fifth district 5 Total 5 6 11 1 1 20 29 50 1 2 32 55 00 Katio per 1,000 examined 5.459 0.550 IS. 009 1.093 21. 834 31. 059 54. 585 1. 093 2.183 34.934 60.044 98.253 rENNSYLVANU. First district 2 2 4 3 4 3 3 i i 1 i 7 4 3 9 8 9 23 5 2 i 2 3 fi 1 1 5 1 1 0 3 4 8 9 16 54 7 14 1 5 1 1 10 2 11 3 1 5 9 1 5 4 12 3 3 i 1 i i 5 2 11 Sccoud district 13 Third district 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 5 9 23 4 .5 Fourth district 1 1 15 Filth district 13 Sixth district 3 4 2 1 5 G 28 Seventh district 1 1 1 1 5 03 10 Kiphtli district -. Kinth district 17 Tenth district 1 1 Kleventh district 4 1 2 2 i 1 Twelfth district 1 Thirteenth district 3 Foui teenlli district 3 14 Filteeiiih district i ...... ...... 3 ' "i' 4 Sixteenth district Sovriiteeiitli er 1,000 examined .G49 4.219 1.C23 C.491 OJf\ 1 n>.i i nl nrt— 7.141 33. 431 1 54. 203 19.474 78.540 ••"* 117 crpaiision of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ijc. — Conf iuued. HEIGHT C5 AlfD tTNDEK 07 INCHES— Continuort. a CIUTU OF CHEST AT liXriKATIOX. •3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. iS STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i 3 ?:;£ i •3 S O CO 1 a CI 1 S u a n > O o H 1 o •§ a 4 u o > O OS 1 CI O o a n 3 o 3 o o a a o "o a ct o .a 1 > O s o H <2 3 a g C9 New Youk— Continued. Fifth district 2 o 5 4 5 1 1 4 7 4 1 ■ ■ 0 2 11 2 5 0 i 1 3 6 17 2 6 1 12 2 1 o 2 7 2 9 2 2 Eleventh district 4 Thirteenth district 11 5 i 4 1 1 a 3 2 i 5 3 1 1 25 9 1 4 1 1 3 i 1 i 7 1 1 3 9 » 1 4 1 1 34 5 1 1 4 10 2 3 1 1 4 1 i' 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 5 12 Twenty-fourth district 8 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 6 2 6 12 1 9 ■ 1 I 0 ""g 1 7 14 14 5 1 2 1 3 20 1 11 1 1 43 Thirtieth district 1 55 Thirty -first district 1 76 Total 9 8 101 40 1 158 3 2 44 15 64 2 8 10 535 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 4.414 3.923 49. 534 19.617 : 77. .(89 1.471 .981 21. 579 7.357 31.388 .981 3.923 4.904 262.334 ^'EW JERSEY. 1 2 2 8 5 23 7 7 9 26 10 8 7 10 2 5 7 119 1 1 34 1 1 i 2 2 1 5 28 23 Fifth district 1 2 1 29 Total o 3 16 46 1 67 3 4 8 15 233 Ratio per 1,000 examined - . 2.183 3.275 17. 467 50.218 1 73.144 3.275 4. 307 8.734 16.376 254.307 1'E^■^■SYLVA^^A. 1 7 11 16 1 6 2 la 2 10 6' 19 16 C 11 11 39 41 IS 26 2 25 3 2 1 13 4 6 2 11 3 3 17 2 1 4 i' 3 6 1 1 i' 0 20 1 16 S s 7 4 14 2 9 1 1 8 1 45 1 0 6 58 5 5 S 26 37 12 16 17 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...... 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 54 Fifth di<;trif t 1 i 41 1 ■2 90 1 1 141 1 1 1 SS 63 8 •T 47 1 4 6 1 4 i Y 1 1 1 2 C 14 4 10 1 5 1 8 2 11 1 4 1 13 2 11 3 G 38 1 1 13 4 4 1 3 1 1 1 10 31 Seventeenth district Eii^htfcuth district Nineteenth district i 4 i' 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 5 10 S 1 3 1 1 1 1 KJ 2 3 n 27 1 1 2 Twcnty-fourtli district 2 2 2 S Total 7 8 169 94 1 278 1 5 70 48 124 1 6 14 21 7es Eiitio per 1,000 esamiued .. 2.a-2 1 2.507 54. &52 30.510 1 90.230 .325 1.623 22. 720 15. 579 40.247 1 .325 1.947 4.544 6.810 ■255. 761 118 Table No. 2 — Shotving the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HF.TGHT U5 AND UNDER G7 INCHES— Contiuurtl. GIRTH OF criEST AT EXVIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 incbes. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .2 1 •g .a g O 1 .9 o 1 .9 n > O 3 o .2 .a a B i o o .a o u Cl a 5 .a a n > O 3 o H o .a O .a a > o •s a Cl > o i a n > o C3 DELAWARE. 3 10 3 16 3 10 3 10 10.791 35. 971 10. 791 23 2 1 13 57.554 "" JLVRYLAND. 7 8 3 n 24 23 2 ..... 2 4 4 2 1 5 2 4 4 5 7 10 9 50 13 1 1 18 15 2 H 4 73 Xotal 1 1 4 7 21 11 43 12 15 76 39 142 .413 .413 1.653 3.893 8. 078 4. 545 17. 769 4. 9,">9 6.198 31. 405 16. 116 58. 678 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 2 2 2 27 1 30 2 124 4 130 Total 2 2 2 37 1 30 2 124 4 130 .948 .948 .948 12. 802 .474 14.225 .948 58. 790 1.897 61. 641 ■WEST YIRGIKIA. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 G 1 9 6 Third distrirt 1 1 Total 1 1 1 2 3 1 8 7 16 i"'";;: Batio per 1 000 examined 5.988 5.988 5. 988 11.970 17. 964 5.988 47. 904 41.916 95. 808 KENTUCKY. 5 1 3 1 2 1 12 4 7 1 5 12 2 8 9 3 0 25 8 17 4 1 10 13 7 8 2 18 9 15 52 36 24 1 8 10 1 1 22 46 0 13 4 40 19 1 1 1 2 1 o 1 1 .■!7 .... 1 2 1 1 "i' ...... 1 7 5 90 ."iO 39 7 9 1 5 3 14 Total 5 1 6 8 12 33 30 83 23 25 173 94 314 Katio per 1,000 oxaminod .968 .194 1.1C2 1.549 2.324 6.390 5.809 16.073 •1.260 4.841 .33. 501 18.203 60. SCO jnssoURi. First district 2 1 1 4 2 "l 5 13 0 1 13 15 4 6 44 43 25 13 79 Second district .'lO Third district 1 1 Filth district 1 2 1 4 Sixth district Seventh district 1 1 1 4 1 5 6 1 4 5 2 1 1 3 9 Ninth district u Total 2 1 1 4 2 3 21 8 34 5 9 100 48 162 Ratio per 1,000 examined .980 .400 .490 1.060 .980 1.470 10. 289 3.920 16. 659 2.450 4.410 4a 990 23. 518 79. 373 OITIO. 1 1 4 6 9 4 3 5 18 Second district 1 . i 7l 5 i-i 9 110 cxpausion of clu'f:t, to carh other, and to different localities, 0 1 Ohio— Continued. 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 4 2 9 4 1 3 .1 10 .1 3 11 2 9 1 1 2 5 1 2 5 3 9 3 1 5 1 6 1 3 3 3 o 2 1 4 4 "1 7 4 9 1 9 1 o 1 29 2 3 1 4 7 1 1 8 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 3 12 a 29 1 1 i' 2 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 5 3 5 9 2 2 4 9 8 5 5 13 1 1 9 Total . O 1 4 3 10 5 9 35 31 80 12 18 93 54 177 Eatio per 1,000 examined .721 .360 1.442 l.OSl 3.603 1.802 3.244 12.617 11. 175 28.839 4.326 6.489 33.526 19. 466 63.807 INDLAAA. 1 1 1 2 0 3 "12 1 1 3 1 1 10 6 11 10 5 6 14 1 3 13 Third district 4 6 4 3 1 4 8 7 7 1 Fifth district 3 3 4 1 1 7 "3 1 1 IS Sixth (hstrict 32 1 1 1 8 Eighth district 1 7 Ninth district 3 Tenth district Eleventh district 1 1 Total 1 1 2 4 3 11 20 34 13 1 40 50 Eatio per 1 ,000 examined .921 .921 1.842 3.083 2.762 10. 129 18. 416 31.308 11.971 .921 36.8:12 46. 041 93 764 ILLINOIS. Pirst district 1 1 1 ' 2 1 4 1 1 2 i' i 3 1 1 4 1 1 6 3 5 1 4 7 5 3 7 2 10 1 9 4 4 5 3 1 5 4 2 io' 9 Second district I Third district 1 r, Vomth district 12 Filth district 5 Sixth district G Seventh district a Eighth district 1 1 1 1 1 2 '3 13 Kiuth district 1 7 Tenth district 3 1 4 4 3 2 2' 14 Eleventh dist rict Twelfth district - 20 Total 4 1 5 1 19 8 28 2 9 60 34 103 Eatio per 1,000 examined 2.768 .692 3.460 .692 13. 149 5.536 19. 377 1.3S4 6.228 41.522 23.529 72.064 IOWA. First district 1 2 1 Second district 1 1 1 1 6 7 Tliird district 1 1 3 Fonrth district 3 3 Fifth district Sixth district 1 Total 1 1 1 3 4 2 0 4 Eatio per 1,000 examined 5.630 5.650 3.630 16. 949 22.599 22.599 67. 797 i: 121 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ^c — Continued. IIEIGHT C5 AND UNDER G7 INCHES-Continucd. -a a Guren OP cuEST at kxpiuatiox. -3 33 and under 3j inches. 35 and nuder 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 3 tLJ3 STATES. Expansion. Exx)ansion. Expansion. is i •S .5 .s U > O o a O S •§ a CO > 0 0 B 1 i .a 1 .a g 0 1 CM 0 1 a > 0 3 0 1 .a 0 a > 0 3 Cl > 0 s .a B n u 1 1 0 H 2 -3 a 2 0 Ohio — Continued. 5 10 8 3 3 4 9 1 ■■4 4 1 3 " "3 13 19 3 37 47 3 20 G 12 33 G 6 9 3 17 2 1 1 4 1 5 18 1 36 IG 5 5 36 3 5 "i 3 7 44 " i '"•3 10 17 1 IG 33 13 2 ,'j 11 3 '"'c' 6 1 1 "I 9 13 3 93 4 110 7 1 2 1 1 2 37 Elcvcnt li district 1 18 S ■■■ g' 3 8 9 4 1 1 7 "i 1 4 13 19 2 3 7 4 1 4 1 2 1 3 3 8 34 103 4 Fourteenth district 5 1 1 G 1 30 21 10 1 13 2 2 G 16 8 13 1 4 1 17 2 G 1 7 54 Eigbtecnth ilistrict Nineteenth district ! 22 Total 2G 40 IGI CO 287 9 43 94 27 173 G 8 32 4 1 50 777 Eatio per 1,000 esamiued . . ).373 14. 420 58. 039 21. 629 103.401 3.244 15. 501 33. 88G 9.733 62. 365 2.1C3 2.884 11.536 1. 442 18. 023 260. 101 INDIANA. 4 0 4 4' 11 7 4 9 14 G 0 1 1 11 17 5 4 13 26 G 2 3 1 3 5 5 3 2 1 2 i' 1 5 9 3 6 4 G 1 0 2 1 G 1 1 1 3 3 34 11 i i 6 i 3 1 1 4 1 .'.'.'.'.'. " '3 2 i 13 20 Tliird district Tilth district Sixth district 46 -1 23 ScTcnth district Eighth district Ninth ilistrict Tenth district i i i 5 '■' ■■ i i i i 14 10 2 11 Total 11 2 32 46 91 G 2 17 20 45 1 7 2 10 2I-8 Katio per 1,000 ex.imined . . 10.129 1.842 29. 4GC 43. 337 83. 794 5. 525 1.842 15. 654 18. 416 41. 436 .921 6.446 4 1.848 2 9.208 265.193 ILLKOIS. First district 13 8 1 , -1 ii 25 •""3 1 14 1 21 "1 8 18 5 7 38 3 14 1 28 8 8 2 10 6 49 3 Second district Third district o 3 10 0 5 12 3 7 ..... 4 1 1 7 "is 1 1 ."i 1 5 i 9 "ic' 1 1 "ii 1 9 1 20 21 4 i 14 pourth district 13 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 4 19 Sixth district Seventh district Ei"litli district i 1 G 70 15 Ninth district 0 2 51 Tenth district 4 8 Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth district « ""ia 5 10 13 8 1 "i ■"■5 7 3 3 1 io 10 46 Total 14 71 67 152 1 13 59 21 94 1 8| 22 11 43 436 natio per 1,000 examined . 9.CS9 49. 135 ■10.367 103. 190 .693 8.097 1 40. 830 0 0 14.533 65.052 .692 3.536 15.225 7.612 29. 06G 294. 810 IOWA. i 7 1 i 1 i 4 9 1 1 1 9 1 "t 1 1 25 .Second district 5 4 Fourth district 0 2 '. 4 ; i 1 6 Filth district Sixth district 1 Total 1 11 4 10 3 10 2 15 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 5. G.-.U |U2. 147 22. 599 90. 395 . 10. 949 56. 497 11.299 84.746 1 . 5. era 1 5. 650 ^-J^ . 11.299 I2S2.4SS -' = =^ IG 122 Table No. 2 — Shotting the relation of height, girth of chest at eipiration, and HEIGHT 05 AND UNDEK 07 IXCIEES-Continned. GIBTH OP CHEST AT EXPIBATIOS. Under 29 inches. 29 and nnder 31 iucfaes. 31 and nnder 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i a a i o o •3 a c< u 1 o CO g o •3 1 a ■3 a > o 1 a CI 1 6 1 o ■3 i .a 1 .a a > O s a CI o m e g n g > O •a 1 MICHIGAN. 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 5 6 1 1 7 1 1 5 2 1 3 1 3 1 6 1 1 2| 9 2 13 12 10 22 2.410 2.410 4.819 21.G87 4.819 31.325 2&91G 24.096 53.012 WISCONSIN. 2 5 7 3 1 7 1 10 2 1 1 1 1 Fiftb district i 3 I i 4 Total . . 1 1 2 5 7 1 8 9 13 3.731 3.731 7.463 18.657 26. 119 3.731 29. S51 33. 5S2 07. 1C4 SnXNESOT.V. Total Katio per 1,000 examined . CALIFOBXU. 1 1 2 1 o 2 SoDtlicrn district 1 3 1 4 Total 1 1 1 3 4 3 1 4 I^tio per 1,000 csamiDed 29.412 29. 412 29.412 8&235 117. 647 88.235 29.412 117. 647 KANSAS. ■Northern district 1 , 3 i' 4 1 14 11 1 15 Soutbcrn district 2 2 1 1 13 Total ^ 2 1 3 1 5 1 1 25 1 28 Katio per 1,000 examined 5.141 5.141 2.571 7.712 2.571 12.853 2.571 2.571 64. 267 2.571 71. 979 OKKGON. Oregon ; Total Eatio per 1,000 examined NEVADA. Nevada — Total Satlo per 1,000 examined ■ Grand total United States. G G 53 33 98 29 51 355 238 073 82 119 1,093 5C8 1,862 Ratio per 1,000 examined .232 .232 2.C52 1.278 3.794 1.123 1.975 13.745 9.215 26. 057 3.175 4.607 4a 318 21.992 72.092 123 ejpansion of cheat, to each other, and to different localities, fc. — Continued. HJiLGHT 65 AND UNDER 67 INCilES-Coutinncd. •§ GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATIOS. -3 5 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and nnder 37 inches. 37 inches and over. S3 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. a n > O g o CQ o •§ a o 1 o •s a .J3 u > O (ri M « .9 CI a & o •3 M a •g a > o 5 i 1 > o 1 o Q « O MiCllIG/VX. T"irst diatrirt 4 1 1 1 H 4 6 5 1 4 8 7 7 2 14 1 2 1 1 4 1 5 2 4 1 1 23 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 Tiftli district 1 1 2 1 28 Sixth district 1 1 o 15 20 38 3 9 4 16 1 2 3 93 Ratio per 1,000 esamuied . . i410 4.819 36. 145 48. 193 91. 566 7.229 21. 687 9.639 38.554 2.410 4.819 7.229 224 096 WISCONSIN. 7 4 2 2 1 1 11 3 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 34 1 6 3 3 TTiftli district 3 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 8 Total 2 1 10 10 23 4 4 8 3 3 60 Ratio per 1,000 examined .. 7.463 3.731 37. 313 37.313 65. 821 14. 925 14. 925 29. 851 11. 194 11.194 223. 881 MNNESOTA. ■pircf flistrict 1 5 1 5 1 1 i 1 2 2 7 Total G 6 2 1 3 U Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 187.500 lb7. 500 62. 500 31.250 93. 750 281.250 CALIFORXIA. 3 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 11 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . 29.412 29.412 29.412 29. 412 323. 529 KANSAS. 28 5 5 33 6 18 1 18 1 7 2 9 79 1 23 Total 1 33 5 39 19 19 7 2 D lOJ Ratio per 1.000 examined.. 2.571 fi4. 833 12 853 100.257 48. 843 48. 843 17.995 5.141 23.136 262.211 OREGON. Oregon Total Ratio per 1,000 examined . . NEVADA. Nevada Total Ratio per 1,000 examined . . Grand total United States 172 197 1,550 718 37. 709 2,637 102. 098 124 4.801 150 5.808 882 298 11.538 1,454 58 42 233 72 405 7,129 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . G.659 7. 027 60. 012 34. 149 56.295 2.246 1.626 9.021 2.7gS 15. 681 276.018 124 Table No. 2 — Showiiig the relation of height, girth of vhcat at expiration, and HEIGHT 07 AUD TJNDEE CD INCHES. GIEXn OF CHEST AT EiTULiTION. Under 39 inches. 29 and under 31 inches 31 and under IS incites STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. s o .a > s •s a e o S •§ .9 n 1 1 .s u ■§ .9 •3 a S O i •3 a a > o o ■3 .5 > o n 1 a CI g o g •g a n 1 MAIXE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ::::::::;:: ::::i::::;:::i \"' 1 1 Xotal 1 1 ! 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 8.475 8.475 10. 949 8.475 25 424 1 . NEW IIAMTSHIIIE. 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 Total . 1 1 1 1 4 3 g 1 1 5.587 5.587 5.587 22.346 1G.760 44. 693 1 VEUMOXr. 1 i' 1 Secoml (Ustrict 1 Thiiil district Total 1 1 1 1 Hatio per 1,000 examined 15.C25 15. C25 31 250 MASSACHUSETl^ First district • 1 3 3 1 1 Third district 5 1 i G 3 2 1 1 5 riftU district o Sixth district 1 1 1 1 Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district 1 1 Total 7 3 10 1 5 8 Batio per 1,000 examined 27.S59 11.811 39.370 3. 937 1 19. 085 31.490 55. 118 1 , RHODE ISI.ASU. Firstdistrict 1 1 1 1 2 7 o 9 Second district 4 Total 2 o * 9 13 ^ Eatio per 1,000 examined 14.925 14.925 1 29.851 67. 164 97 015 COKKECTICUT. district 1 1 * 2 1 3 0 3 2 1 1 8 Third district 4 Fourth district """"i 1'"'!!!" 1 1 .1 1 o 1 Total -- _ . „ 1 .^ 1 n 5 1 " 1 " 1 15 Hatio per 1,000 examined |4.098 8.197 8.197 20.492 1 45.052 16.393 61. 475 N-EW YOHK. First district 1 1 1 o Second district 4 1 i 5 1 2 5 1 5 Tliird district 1 1 6 Fourth district 1 1 i 125 ejcjmnsion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ^-c— Continued. HEIGHT C7 AND UNDEE 09 Df CUES- Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIRATION. « 33 and under 3.1 inches. 35 and undi'r 37 inches. 37 inches and over. G *3 35 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. §3 1 U o a .a 1 % O O .9 Cl u > O i o p CO O 3 o fa o o a 1 5 o 1 3 6 5 "a H 2 1 4 ...... % 1 i 0 i u a ot g 0 ■s a > 0 •3 0 a g 0 MAINE. First district 1 2 4 1 1 1 4 ....„ 1 1 13 2 Second district Tlaird district Fourth district 1 .... G 1 2 Total 1 4 1 5 1 10 i ll 7 1 8 i 1 1 23 Eatdo per 1,000 examined.. 8.475 33.898 42.373 84. 74G e. 475 59. 322 | |G7.797 1 1 8.475 8.475 194.915 NEW HAMPSHIRE. First district 3 5 4 1 4 5 5 2 2 9 g Second district "i 2 ""4 '"e 3 3 17 Third district — 1 12 1 1| 14 2 4 2 8 3 3 34 Total 5.5S7 67.039 5.587 ,78.212 11.173 J22.346 11.173 44.693 16.760 16.760 189.944 Eatio per 1,000 examined.. !' VERMONT. First district Second district Third district 2 2 1 s' 1 5 2 8 Total 2 1 2 31.250 ;31.230 1 15.023 5| 6 10 156.250 Ratio per 1,000 examined. . * SIASSACHUSETTS. First district Second district Third district ""'io' i 4 3 1 14 3 1 i i' 21 4 0 1 1 4 4" 3 1 1 9 0 29 13 Fourth district Fifth district i 5 4 3 Sixth district .Seventh district Eiffhlh district Ninth district Tenth district Total 1 13 8 1 i 1 54 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . RHODE ISL.VXD. First district '51. 181 2 J31. 49G 3 82.G77 5 19.685 1 15. 748 2 35. 433 1 2 i i 212. 598 IG 11 Total 4 4 8 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 "'' Eatio per 1,000 examined . 29. 851 29.851 39.701 7.463 14.925 i 22. 388 1 1 7.463 1 1 7.463 201. 493 COXNECnCUT. First district Second district 5 1 3 4 3 8 5 3 1 2 20 13 4 Fourth district Total G 3 13 3 19 2 3 1 2 4 ■1 i 1 2 45 Eatio per 1,000 examined . 24. 590 53. 279 77. 8G9 - 12. £93 4.098 16.393 1 4.098 ]4.098 8.197 184. 42G NEW Yonic. G i 1 3 G 4 i 7 4 G 5 3 1 2 2 4 4 2 .1 13 First district 1 1 2 ". i 17 Second district Third district Fourth district ..... 20 11 126 Table No. 2 — Hlwwiiif/ the nialwn of hciylit, yirlh of cheat at cxpiruiiou, and HEIGHT G7 AND UNDER 61) INCHES- Continued. GIUTII OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and imdoi* 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i .S a t o i .2 O .a « a > o 1 S o a .a u a o •6 CJ o CO 1 1 i .3 .s iH 1 a a O .S m g o 3 New Yokk— Coutiaued. 1 3 1 G 1 3 1 4 3 1 i' 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 "i 1 1 G 1 2 1 G 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 10 2 3 12 3 1 i 2 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Twenty -tliinl dislrirt 0 4 Twciit v-lilth ilistrict 1 1 Twfiil v-sixtli ilistrict 1 2 6 8 31 1 1 1 2 1 0 11 14 7 1 7 i 1 8 1 Tliiitir-th district 1 i 21 Thirty-lii"8t district 1 43 Total 2 2 4 3 1 20 5 35 4 4 75 65 143 Katio per 1,000 cxamincsd .981 .981 1.9C2 1.471 .490 12. 751 2. 4.52 17. 165 1. 9G3 1.903 36 783 31. 878 72 585 NEW JEUSKY. 1 2 3 3 1 1 9 i 5 12 1 1 1 G 10 7 3 1 2 27 5 3 7 9 37 Socoiul district "i' 1 13 Third district 7 8 Fiitli district , 1 11 Total 1 2 3 C 15 21 1 1 23 51 7G liatio per 1,000 examined 1.092 3.183 3. 275 0.550 IG. 37G 23. 930 1.092 1.092 25. 109 55. 677 82.969 PENNSYLVANIA. First difitrict 4 2 4 i 2 4 1 1 G 4 2 4 0 7 11 1 1 7 2 G 7 5 10 35 3 10 3 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 6 3 7 G 3 i 3 i 2' r, 1 2 T 13 Second district 5 Third district 1 1 3 4 3 9 Fourth district , 14 Fifth district ...... 5 i 7 Sixth district 10 1 ' i 8 46 Eii;hth district Ninth district : 2 1 11 Tenth district 1 Elov<-iith ilistrict G Twflttli district ........ Thirt I'liit h district 1 1 1 i' 1 1 o 1 Fourteenth district 1 Fifteenth district 2 Keventmitli district 3 8 I Ki^^liteenth district Nineteenth district 1 Twontielh district Twunty-llrst district Twenty-second district Twontv-third district '"'i' 1 i' 1 2 o 4 1 5 9 i> Tweuty.fourth district ■ ' " 1 Total 6 G 1 2 31 19 53 1 12 1 114 45 172 Katio per 1,000 examined 1.947 1.947 .325 .649 10.062 6.167 17. 202 .325 1 14.600 55. 836 127 expansion of chest, io each other, and to different localities, ifc— Continued. liFIGUT ti7 AND UNDER C9 INCHES— Contiuued. a GlETH OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. r3 a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ■r 0 u o a a o O .a a s u o i -a a CO u I 3 i ■g a i 5 i ,a o c» u 6 i •g n 5 1 1 o .a a g o 5 n ■3 1 a 0 New ToiiK— Contiuued. 1 1 o 1 1 . 1 . 2 1 4 3 3 2 11 Sixth district ..V . . 2 Ei'^lith district 5 2 fi 1 G 1 "'"'3 4 5 2 11 2 8 3 10 1 1 3 1 7 3 1 7 16 8 2D 4 Ninth district Tenth district ...... ""4 4 Eleventh district o 1 2 1 5 i 3 2 5 1 "1 " i 3 16 9 Fourteenth district Eif tecnth district Sixteenth district 4 8 1 1 2 i 2» 1 3 1 Seventeenth district Eitrhteenth district Nineteenth district s' i "H ■■■•^ 1 1 8 1 30 4 Tweuty-tirst district i G 2 2 3 1 2 10 3 G 17 ..... 6 4 3 1 2 . 11 12 20 29 "i 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 i 2 " "i 3 3 2 2 5 9 4 4 1 4 Twenty-second district 1 1 13 Twenty-fourth district 6 Twenty-fiUh district 1 4 TwentV-scveiith district... i 9 13 12 ""\ i 9 3 23 5 1 2 7 1 35 i' Twi/nlv-iiiiilli lUstiict Thirtii-th ili.strict Tbirty-iirst district 54 79 Total G 9 99 58 172 2 1 5 1 57 18 82 3 1 15 4 23 4li4 Eatio per 1,000 examiucd . . 2.Q43 4.414 48.553 ;28. 445 84.355 .981 2.4.52 ,27.935 8. 828 40.216 jl.471 .490 7.357 1.962 11.2bO 227.563 NEW JEllSEY. i 2 G 5 5 2 1 IS 31 7 4 4 4 1 50 37 13 11 71 7 3 4 14 10 1 1 1 1 14 17 4 5 1 1 28 106 First (li.stiict Sccoml district 31 24 Third district Pnurtli district Filth district , . 16 22 199 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . rICXNSYLVAMA. 3.273 ...-^ |19. 051 9 2 1 14 12 0 38 3 15 1 5 1 !.54. 585 4 20 5' - 1 8 9 3 4 1 4 1 3 2 5 1 1 2 11 4 2 5 77. 511 13 22 "T 20 14 14 5) fi 19 2 9 3 7 5 19 G 3 3 12 . 0 10 2 7 15.284 1 2 3 8 4 3 17 3 16 9 1 1 11 1 13 5 1 ; 8 15. 284 4 19 1 5 8 3 1 1 4 1 4 ...... 1 3 3 2 5 30. .508 5 21 4 13 4 11 22 4 17 3 13 2 5 12 2 15 5 1 3 3 2 13 1 1 8 1 9 6 217.249 38 01 13 i 4 Third district 57 31 53 135 15 53 7 Fiftli distrirt Sixth district Seventh district i 3 2 2 4 1 2 i Eighth district 1 2 1 Tenth district 2 i 1 1 29 5 Twelfth district 1 ..... 1 4 1 2 11 Thirteenth district Fourteenth district i 3 7 2 11 5 2 1 1 4 e 2 1 i 1 3 11 Fifteenth district 0 46 12 2 2 7 8 26 Twentieth district 1 1 1 2 11 Twenty-tirst district Twenty-second district... Twenty-third district Twent v-fcnu-th district . . . 1 34 4 8 Total 1 8 1 148 1 98 255 2 5 j 10- 6G 180 1 1 2 18 It 39 1 7U;. Katio per 1,000 examined . .323 2.597 4a 036 31.608 'J82.705 .640 1 1.62:1 34.72> 21. 422 5a423 1 .323 1 .C4£ 5.842 5.84i ! 12.65t = ^^^= — " 128 Table No. 2— Showing the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT C7 AND UNDEE 69 INCHES-Cuntinned. CIRTn OF CDEST AT EXriR.\TION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under SI inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 03 00 V U O •3 .9 .9 1 o o a O 1 CO & o H m m o o CI 1 o •§ a n s 5 C3 1 1 c a > 0 -S CI 1 0 1 .2 n a i 0 •3 0 .3 6 S •§ s CI 0 •s n g "3 0 H "3 1 0 DELAWAKE. 1 1 12 ir: 3 CO r. 31 5 2 7 62 First district 1 M M 12 2 10 3 1 22 1 0 1 31 1 5 9l 7l 62 Total 3.597 1 3.597 | 13. 1C5 7.194 .'57.554 10.791 ;79.137 ,21.5S3 111.511 17. 980 7. 194 25. ISO 223. 022 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . MARYLAND. 1 8 1 1 0 1 3 9 C 4 28 10 15 89 40 1 5 1 19 46 40 23 26 120 6 31 34 19 1 10 25 44 57 14 24 2 12 20 0 2 5 9 1 4 26 30 11 118 Second district 8 2 ...... 4 5 3 9 1 ...... 1S6 120 CO 234 Fonrtll district 11 21 2 Fitth district Total 17 20 152 06 255 11 12 1 103 38 1 1G4 10 4 40 17 71 058 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 7.025 8.2C4 62.810 27.273 105.372 4.545 4.959 .42.562 1 15. 702 07.709 [ 4.132 1.053 10.529 58 7.025 £9.339 271. EOl DISTRICT OF COLUJIBIA. 1 I'lO T 107 1 59 463 District of Columbia i 1 .... \ „ 1 ,^„ 1 1 159 7 [ 107 58 1 1 59 463 Total i Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 71.124 4.207 ^75.391 . 474 75. 391 | 3. 319 ,79. 184 |27.501 .474 27.975 219. 535 WEST YIEGISIA. 2 3 5 5 10 1 1 1 1 20 16 3 Second district 3 o 5 3 4 7 Third district Total 5 •> G 4 10 2 2 45 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . KENTUCKT. 12 13 8 4 2 o 12 2 34 1 1 29. 940 22 27 20 43 02 27 11 0 9 29. 940 2 "24' 57 22 21 I 2 3 59. 880 44 44 40 102 90 50 65 9 13 24 19 "■"3 """26' 18 3 0 1 2 1 20 3 35. 928 23 50 12 23 43 8 8 20 8 23.952 4 14 40 10 8 i 59. 880 70 70 28 04 .^.8 17 54 23 9 23 22 ' "i 7 2 2 1 1 9 47 10 0 13 4 3 13 11.970 "K 4 13 1 2 ■■■"2 11.976 39 70 10 20 10 6 5 15 209.401 180 215 103 Third district 239 207 104 1 1 130 ScYcnt \\ district 10 50 Eighth district 30 Total 44 j CO £27 132 409 66 56 j 200 1 77 1 399 47 14 105 1 or 193 1,269 Kiitio per 1,000 examined . 8.521 ia78i 43.958 25.502 90.821 12.781 10.844 38.730 14.911 ,77.200 9.101 6 2.711 ;20.333 '|5.229 37.374 245. 740 . 1 12 5 1 i 2 2 23 6 1 1 2 i 5 3 MISSOURI. First district G i 1 1 4 4 i 2 55 44 1 i 2 12 14 38 10 4 0 100 01 5 0 3 16 18 15 ..... 5 1 0 1 3 40 31 18 14 78 46 2 1 4 4 12 11 4 1 ..... 1 238 153 Second distiict 9 Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district 3 8 4 i 2 6 1 8 ..... 14 a 38 Eighth district 2 1 37 Total 1 1 1 1 7 1 13 129 CO 1 209 16 15 ! 86 41 1 158 nn AOQ T7 ill 6 2 940 6 la 940 23 111. 209 7 3 430 42 [20.578 499 244.483 Eatio per 1,000 examined . OHIO. . 3.430 1 n.M9 4 '63. £04 1 7 2 13 5 11 2 4 IC a 44 First district i 1 1 02 Second district i 17 130 Table No. 2 — Shmving the rdalion of height, girth of cheat at eijyiraiion, and HEIGHX G7 AND UNDER 69 rXCUES-Xy'ontiniied. OIIITH OF CUE6T AT l-SPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 2It and under 31 inches. 31 uud under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 u a u o > O 1 a 1 I 'a s a "3 a > o CD •3 a c» o > O ,=3 a n > O C3 O H o o V a a i 0 ID C •3 .5 w ■3 CO g 0 "5 I Ohio — Continued. 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 3 3 5 15 1 1 \ 2 1 8 4 6 i i 1 2 5 1 1 7 o 4 C 3 1 G 1 1 1 i 3 1 "5 ■■5' 4 0 0 1 3 4 ThirtctMitli (U'strict . . 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 0 3 3 3 g Total 1 1 2 5 12 15 34 8 13 72 44 137 .300 .360 .721 1.802 4. 320 5.407 12.257 2.684 4.686 25.955 15.862 ISDIAKA. First district 1 0 9 7 9 Third district. o 1 4 2 2 3 9 2 5 11 13 8 Fifth district 2 5 5 5 4 16 Sixth district . 1 Eighth district 2 Teuth district Eleventh district 1 1 1 3 4 Total 8 9 17 7 1 20 49 " Katio per 1,000 examined 7. 300 8.287 15.054 6.440 . U21 . ILLINOIS. First district 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 5 2 3 I 0 5 1 3 1 H n Second district 1 1 H Third district Fourth district '■ 1 Fifth district 1 1 4 Sixth district 1 I Seventh district Eighth district (J Ninth district Tenth district 1 1 3 1 4 1 H 1 KleVL-nth district Twelfth district .- 1 1 1 1 4 1 Tliirteeuth district 2 Total 2 2 4 2 6 4 22 31 1 57 Ratio per 1,000 examined t.384 1.384 2.708 1.384 4.152 2.708 15.225 21.4:3 1 39.446 IOWA. First district 1 2 1 i Second district 1 1 0 ' Third district 1 * Fourth district i" I ^ 1 1 ll 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 Satio per 1,000 oxamiued 5.G50 5.050 5.650 5.C50 5.050 16. 949 11.299 33.893 1 """" r^^^^ 131 fxnaiiSiOH of chest, to each olhir, and to different localities, ^c — Continued. HEIGnT 07 AND trNPEU 00 FMCHES- Continued. u rS a GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIKATIOS. r3 a 33 and under 33 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s ti to STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i P > o 0 1 .9 n > 0 1 •s a 1 0 a n ^^ > 0 •3 I a 2 5 Ohio— Continued. 5 18 ■ ii' 42 4 0 1 12 13 3 2 23 2 4 11 9 ""b 6 "i 3 6 1 4 8 14 IS 3 23 48 5 7 9 19 27 3 3 27 8 5 15 8 1 2 1 3 5 1 0 I 1 ""3 4 1 1 15 1 30 40 2 G 1 20 11 1 15 3 1 15 1 1 5 "'i:V 10 1 " i 1 ..... 1 1 6 1 24 20 28 ■""6 1 13 44 Fourtb district i 2 "io' 4 10 Fifth district 5 3 17 11 30 1 0 CO 148 14 15 Sovcuth (Ustrict >;inlli district 1 ...... 0 1 "■"2" 1 8 11 17 54 07 7 6 1 3 1 8 1 10 2 1 1 15 "io' Twelitb district Thirteenth district 11 Fourioenth district Fifteenth district ""'i 6 ...... 0 1 53 14 12 42 Seventecntb district i 11 8' a' Eighteenth district Is inot^ientli district so Total 13 10 17a 1 70 286 17 23 127 30 199 13 10 52 11 92 1 749 Eatio per 1,000 oxamined .. 4.680 6.840 04. 107 27. 307 103.100 0. 123 9.012 45. 7S2 10. 815 71.738 4.686 5.768 18.745 3.965 33. 105 J270. 007 INDIANA. 3 5 4 "s 9 2 o ■■3' 14 1 2 17 21 5 7 19 23 10 0 3 ""'0 2 5 2 2 0 1 0 8 " "3 5 5 1 3 0 2 10 14 3 5 7 12 2 5 2 4 2 ' ' i 1 '■5' 0 5 ."> 1 0 39 49 13 Second district 10 1 9 i 3 2 4 i' 20 Fourth district Fitth district 45 69 Sixth district 26 Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district i i" i' ...... 1 i 1 2 7 6 3 17 Eleventh district Total 17 1 36 .19 113 9 3 23 29 64 3 9 1 11 at 1 294 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 15.054 .021 33. 149 .54. 323 104.052 8.287 2.762 21. 179 20.703 58. 932 2.702 8.287 10.120 121.179 2,0.718 ILLINOIS. 5 1 3 12 2 3 9 4 1 1 7 1 3 10 3 4 1 24 7 10 5 31 7 8 "12 1 i 10 1 lii 3 2 2 ■"io 1 3 1 13 1 11 i 10 4 1 1 11 3 14 0 30 18 7 i 2 3 9 i 2 33 First district .Second district Third district i 2 i 8 35 12 TTiftl, district 10 5 Seventh district ) 1 2 2 ) 8 1 43 13 Ninth district Tenth disliiit i 1 3 3 5 14 5 3 4 i i 7 0 4 1 i.'i 43 0 11 26 3 107 Twelfth district Thirteenth district 1 o 1 3 30 Total 1 1 7 65 1 40 119 13 00 30 04 913 118 81 OGl .mil 2| 34 1.384 !23.5an 17 11.70; 1 53 1 3,.., 30.073 243.075 Itatio per 1,000 examined . IOWA. First district . . 602 1 4.844 44.083 2 5 ;31. M34 2 1 5 128.240 4 ."i 4 2 U 84. 74( 4 i 1 C 1 1 '.'..'.. 0 14 Second district Third district 4 5 Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Total E.alio per 1,000 examined •1 .1.... - 50. 49' ■1 1 2a24< ) |30. 54 1 S 07.79 7 ... IZ ..1 .] 35 .; 197.740 132 Table No. H— Showing the rcJalion of height, girth of chat at expiration, and HEIGHT 07 AND UNDER C9 INCHES— Continued. GIIlTn OF CHEST AT EXTIUATIO.V. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. •§ .a 1 > O 1 Gt o s •s .3 n > o o i i •g c ■3 n g o to 1 c CI s 5 o3 ■§ CO 8 > o 1 'S 1 ■3 a i o ID .3 « > O t 1 n 1 ■i o MICnIGAX. 1 2 1 3 4 G 2 3 5 7 1 1 2 3 10 11 21 2.410 4.819 7. 229 24. 090 20.500 50.002 vnscoNSix. 1 1 2 10 1 12 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 Total 1 1 1 1 5| 13 18 3.731 3.731 3. 731 3.731 18. 057 48. 507 07. 104 MINNESOTA. 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 31.253 31.250 31.250 31.250 CALIFOItNIA. Northern district 1 1 Southern district 1 1 1 3 4 Total 1 1 1 1 1 3| 4 29.4)2 29. 412 29. 412 29.412 29.412 S8.235 | 1)7.047 KAKSAS. Northern district . • 1 1 1 1 1^ :::::::: 3 Southern district 10 Total 2 2 '■'\ 13 Ratio per 1,000 examined .. - 1 5.141 5.141 33.419 33.419 1 OliEGON. Oregon '. Total 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined ] 1 NEVADA. Nevada 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 Ratio per 1,C00 examined 1 1 1 Grand total Uuitcd States. 3 .110 IG .019 11 30 13 12 147 5.091 105 4.005 277 10.725 52 08 007 479 1,200 Ratio per 1,000 examined .420 1.1G2 .503 .4GS 3. 013 12. 033 So. eS5 18. 543 49.017 133 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localilks, 4'C. — Coutiuued. i HEIGHT 67 AND OTTDEE 69 IXC HES— Continued. it s GinTH OF CHEST AT EXPIKATIOS. a s5 33 and nadcr 3n Indies. 35 and under 37 inchea. 37 iiic ics and over. .3 iJ STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. u O a > O "o CI > O o o n u o > O 3 i a .a .a > o 1 a CI u Qi 1 3 eo u o > O "3 1 i u o o a o o o a g O 1 .9 1 3 o H 1 1 o MICHIGAX. 1 7 3 2 1 5 0 14 4 1 3 14 17 G 2 9 3 2 9 3 2 5 2 1 8 4 11 3 2 27 29 1 2 2 1 ' "i' 2 3 1 22 s 1 19 1 Total 1 1 18 28 43 1 19 8 28 5 1 C lOG Eatio per 1,000 examined . . y.4io 2.410 43. 373 67. 470 115.603 2.410 45.733 19. 277 67 470 12 048 J2. 410 14.453 25."). 422 WISCOXSDJ. 7 3 3 3 4 3 7 5 3 3 7 6 3 i 3 1 1 " i 1 1 24 2 8 3 G 3 3 2 4 2 5 12 1 1 1 12 8 23 31 1 9 1 11 2 1 3 05 Eatio per 1,000 examined .. 29.851 85. 821 115.673 3.731 33.582 3.731 41. 045 7.463 3.731 11. 194 242. 537 MINNESOTA. 1 1 1 o 2 1 3 i 1 7 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 8 Katio per 1,000 examined . . |31.230 31.250 62. 500 62.500 31.250 93. 750 31. 250 31.250 250.000 CALIFORNIA. 1 Soatliem district 2 1 3 1 1 9 2 1 3 1 1 10 Eatio per 3,000 examined .. 58. 824 29. 419 88.235 29. 412 29.412 1 294. 118 KANSAS. 27 11 2 29 12 26 I 23 1 8 4 12 71 Southern district 1 24 Total 1 33 2 41 27 27 1 8 4 12 95 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 2.571 97.680 ,5. 141 105.398 69. 409 69.409 i 20.560 10.283 ^30. 648 244. 216 OKEGOS. Oregon Total 1 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . NEVADA. Kevada 1 1 1 1 Total 1 t 1 •-.- 1 Grand total United States 111 150 1,334 753 2,348 125 143 1,055 397 1,720 83 45 381 124 633 0,274 Eatio per 1,COO examined . 4.298 5.808 51.649 29. 154 90.909 4.840 5. 537 40. 847 15. 371 00. 594 3. 214 1.742 14.751 4.601 24.508 242.915 134 T.uiLK No. 2 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest at eipiralioti, and HEIGHT C9 AND UNDER 71 INCHES. GIUTH OF CHEST AT KXTIItATlON. Under 2D inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. S i ■s .5 .a § 1 g > o .s > O "3 1 1 ■i a ■i a u o 01 1 g O o en O 1 1 o at > o V .a a n g O Is 1 MAINE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Ratio per 1,000 examiiioJ 8.475 8.475 10. 949 NEW HAJirSIIIUE. 2 1 o 1 Total 3 3 16. 7G0 16. 760 VERMONT. TMi'd district Total MASSACHUSETTS. Second district Third district 4 i 4 Fonrth district 1 1 1 Fifth district Sixth district Sovontli district Ei L'lil h di St rict Ninth clistiict Tuuth district Total . 1 1 4 1 5 Batio per 1,000 examined 3.937 3.937 15. 748 3.937 19. cai UIIODE ISLAND. First district 1 Second district 3 3 Total 3 1 4 Katin per 1,000 examined S2.388 1 1 7.4C:i i 1 29.651 CONNECTICUT. First district 1 Second district 2 Third district Fourth district i 1 Total 3 2 5 Katioper 1,000 cx.iminod 12.295 8.197 20.492 NKW yoKK. First district o o T 1 4 fi«'<-oiiii rlJNlrict 1 Third (lislri.t 1 1 ...... 3 4 Fourth lli^trict 1 135 expansiox of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ^-c— Continued. HEIGHT C9 AND UNDEK 71 INCHES— Cent iuued. s GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXPIUATION. s 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. :s STATES. Expansion. Expansion. ExpaDBiOD. 1.1 i O •s a .a a u o > O a > O 1 « > o "3 o H u o .a o a •3 a I 0 1 u 0 i 0 ■3 u 0 a •g CI m C 0 H 1 MAIKE. 2 2 . i ! 3 . 1 . ...... . 3 1 . "i 1 . 1 1 . 2 4 1 10 Second district Third district "■■'i' ; 2 1 Fifth diatrict Total zr\ 1 2 3 11:11: ^1 1 2| 1 6 1 |. 2 2 5 10 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 8.475 1 6.949 1 3 2 25.424 33.898 10.049 [50.847 |8. 475 1 |l6.949 |l6.949 142. 373 35.593 SEW HAMPSHIRE. First district Second district 3 3 '""3 1 ■■"3 1 2 ..... . 1 3 3 9 5 Third district Total 4 2 6 4 4 2 2 4 17 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 1 J2.346 11. ITJ 33.520 22.346 22.34G 11. 173 11.173 22. :!46 94.972 VEKMOST. 2 i 2 1 3 1 1 5' 5 1 S 6 3 Second district Third district izm. 6 9 Total Eatio per l.OCO examined . . 31.230 15.025 46. 875 15.6-25 7a 125 ]93.750 1 1 1 4 5 140.6-25 JL46SACHUSETTS. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district i 1 4 j 5 1 i 3 i 1 3 i 1 i' 3 i" 3 2 6 4 4 1 14 G 2 1 24 Total Katio per 1,C00 examined . 7.874 19.685 1 . ■ 1 27.559 J 11.611 11.811 23. 622 l.'i.748 3.937 19.685 94. 483 KHODE ISLAND. First district Second district 1 3 1 4 4 1 5 2 1 3 0 T 1 =* 7 5 12 Katio per 1,000 examined . CONXK(?riCUT. First district Second district Third district Fourth district ■^^^ . 7.463 '. |29. 851 1 3 1 I 1 37.313 1 4 1 < = - .22.388 1 22.389 89.552 3 6 2 3 Total Katio per 1,000 examined NEW YOKK. . a 19 1 2 f 7 24.59( 1 1 i 32.78 5 3 ! .... r .... 2 I- 2 .;.::;: 1 . 4.096 1 4.09 I 3 .... -i:^ -;p^ = =;== = == . 57.377 9 L 7 Second district i 8 1 1 3 Fourth district 1 1 1 1 1 1 • ■ 13G Table No. 2—Shotcing the relation of htight, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT CD AND UNDEK 71 INCHES— Continued. GIBTU OF CUEST AT EXPIUATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 00 § ■§ .3 1 f-, £ •§ U o c n o 6 *« 1 s •3 a •g .a 1 6 o CI p O •s CO p 5 ^ S u O 1 O 1 U p 0 .a ••J n > 0 1 New York— Continued. 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 i 3 a 3 1 1 1 6' 22 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 Tw(.'Utv-fi"litb (listiict 2 2 1 2 4 2 10 Tliirty-tirst tUatrict 1 1 31 Total 3 4 7 3 4 27 43 79 1.471 1.962 3.433 1.471 1.902 13. 245 22.070 38. 744 NEW JERSEY. First district 1 4 1 5 1 4 15 1 0 1 10 1 Tbird district 1 1 2 4 2 Fifth district :... 1 1 1 Total o 5 1 1 1 0 19 27 2.183 5.459 7.042 1.092 1.092 6.550 20. 742 29. 476 I'EXNSYLVANIA. First district 1 ^ 3 Second district 1 1 1 1 2 Third district 1 1 Fourth district 1 1 5 3 1 Fifth district 1 3 24 1 4 Sixth district 1 1 1 1 7 2 3 7 8 Seventh district 1 4 31 Eighth district 2 Ninth district , 1 1 1 Tenth district Eleventh district 3 •) Tw.llilMli.sliict Thnlniitli district Fnuilr.-iitli district 1 1 2 2 Fillcniiii (listrict Sixtrnitli district 1 1 5 1 Cx Seviiitniiih district Eitihlrnitli district ........ Niu O 'a 1 u 0 a 0 5 .a .a a n u ? 0 1 i 0 (-1 0 S •g a u 0 (6 1 .a CI > 0 i n 1 1 "a 1 1 0 IfEW York— Continued. Fifth district 3 1 2 i 3 o "■4 2 3 1 1 4 5 3 4 0 1 1 1 1 4 2 6 Seventh district 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 8 Twelfth district 1 1 1 3 2 i 1 1 1 2 6 3 1 1 Q 1 3 2 1 1 Fifteenth district 3 1 1 J 5 0 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 Twentieth district 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 Twentv-thini district 1 1 5 3' 1 C 25 1 5 1 3 3 9 33 4 Twent'v-iifth district 1 1 8 1 1 1 0 Twcntv-ei'^hth district 1 14 1 2 2 1 14 5 3 1 4 1 i 11 1 1 2 3 13 7 30 Thirtieth district 1 25 Thirty-first district 1 74 Total 2 2 43 04 111 4 1 33 D 47 2 13 7 22 2CG Eatio per 1,000 examined . . .981 .981 21. 089 il. 388 54.438 1.902 .490 10. 184 4.414 33.051 .381 6.370 3.433 10. 790 130. 45G NEW JEltSEY. 3 2 1 2 20 2 3 3 23 4 4 4 5 1 3 3 2 4 5 1 1 2 1 1 .52 11 Third district 1 1 1 9 1 7 Fifth district 1 9 Total 1 1 10 28 40 1 5 7 13 1 1 83 Itatio per 1,000 examined . . 1.093 1. 092 10.917 30. 5CS 43. 008 1. 092 5.459 7.042 14. 192 1.092 1.092 9C. 070 PESXSTLVASIA. First district 3 1 7 7 4 11 9 2 1 1 1 1 ""3 3 4 7 1 10 9 10 CO 4 3 1 4 2 2 11 3 12 4 1 3 8 3 9 1 4 1 1 ■ ■■-- 1 5 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 11 1 1 24 1 3 5 5 45 2 2 3 2 1 3 10 2 9 1 2 1 2 1 G 3' 2 i 4 3 9 19 2 12 1 5 1 1 4 2 18 1 17 38 G 1 2 3 1 2 121 Eighth district 9 21 Tenth flistrirf 2 Eleventh district 3 1 1 1 1 - 14 3 1 1 3 1 4 Fourteenth district 3 8 4 1 2 1 21 ■1 Sixteenth district 0 4 1 1 8 3 5 2 1 1 2 3 ■■"•■0 11 4 G 2 3 1 4 1 1 1 ..... 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 12 8 3 1 1 8 "■■■4 9 2 5 15 1 2 1 1 1 5 Twcnty-sccoml district U '1 wciity-third district IVcnt y-luurtli district ...... i 2 0 - I 1 G Total 1 9 CO CO 171 2 4 CI 39 100 2 3 15 14 34 3r9 l;atio per 1,000 csaminea . . j 2.1121 31. 159 n. 422 55.501 .049 "1.298 13. 799 12.C58 34. 404 .049 .974 4.609 4.544 11.035 129. 503 18 138 Table No. 2 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat at expiralion, and HEIGHT C9 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. GIETII OP CHEST AT EXTIRATIOS. Under 39 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 aud tuidei- 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o a •g a 1 a CI t- 6 -S CO 5 H i .a i i 5 3 •3 .a a & n .a « n p 6 c H i .3 a I.. o > O 00 .a p O t A u g O I DELAWAItE. Total 1 1 . MAUYLAXD. 3 3 1 2 4 3 10 \n 1 2 3 3 Fifth district 1 1 9 1 12 4 28 7 42 Total 1 1 10 4 10 G 6 37 17 .413 .413 1 4.13S 1.653 C. 612 2. 479 2.479 15.289 7.025 DISTKICT OF COLUJIBIA. District of Columbia G C 21 2 o^ Total 0 6 21 2 23 2.845 2.B45 9.957 .948 1 WEST VlllGIXIA. ] 1 1 1 Second district o 2 Third district Total 2 2 2 1 Batio per 1,000 esamiucd 11. 976 11. 976 11.976 5.988 17 9G4 KENTUCKY. First district > 1 3 4 1 3 4 :') 12 4 5 7 Second district Third district 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 3 3 5 3 Fonrtli district 8 C G OQ Fifth district .... 1 Jl 1 1 1 Seventh district 1 4 Eighth district 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ninth district 1 Total 1 1 2 1 10 G 17 9 5 32 26 72 Katio per 1 ,000 examined .194 .194 .387 .194 1.93G 1.162 3.292 1.743 .968 6.197 .1. 033 MISSOUUI. First district 1 1 1 3 1 5 4 13 3 4 7 Second district 2 17 Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Sorcntli district Eicli 1 li dist net 2 2 1 1 Ninth district Total 1 1 2 G 1 9 1 18 7 ;>6 lUitio p 0 0 n CI u 0 > 0 2 a n 1 0 1 i 1 .a a i 0 GO a tn t 0 1 tn t 0 ■3 0 •3 a c; (5 DELAWAKE. 2 3 4 8 1 9 4 3 7 20 First district 1 Total 2 2 4 1 B 1 9 4l 3 7 20 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 7.194 7.194 14.388 28.777 3.597 32. 374 14.388 10.791 ,-25. 180 ■ 1 1 71.94J MAUTLANH. "3 1 ...... 2 4 3 11 8 6 43 32 1 5 "n 36 15 14 8 70 15 15 18 32 15 23 1 19 20 2 1 1 3 ""2' 2 30 2fi 3 0 68 First district 4 3 '""i" 1 ""z s 13 23 7 16 10 2 i 1 70 75 29 149 Tourtb district Fifth district 4 Total 7 8 73 55 143 8 11 1 59 23 103 12 2 42 7 G3 391 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . 1893 3.306 30. 103 |22. 727 09.091 76 3.300 4.545 24. 3S0 10.331 '42.562 4.939 .826 17. 355 2.693 26.033 161. 570 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. District of Columbia 3 72 1 85 3 88 3 32 1 36 229 Total 3 72 1 76 85 3 88 3 32 1 36 2S9 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 1.422 34. 139 .474 30.036 40. 303 1.422 41. 720 1. 422 15. 173 .474 17. 070 lOr. 582 WEST VIBGIMA. 1 4 3 3 4 7 6 Second district Third district 2 . ... 2 4 1 Total 5 1 C 11 2 2 4 1 1 2 22 Katio per 1,0:0 examined . . 29.940 13.3.928 63. 868 25 18 20 55 28 35 27 9 12 10 4 ■""2' ""12 11.976 11.976 23.952 5.988 5.988 11. 97C 131.737 KENTUCKY. 7 G 5 11 9 8 22 16 25 8 8 7 2 3 12 33 10 8 4 6 1 3 1 3 2 18 17 IS 11 10 23 8 13 10 4 1 9' 40 11 8 3 1 34 23 23 51 39 18 43 13 5 10 10 3 •""4" 5 33 8 5 13 2 1 1) 2 ""i' 5 13 1 a 1 24 44 17 18 16 5 3 15 3 91 93 C6 147 2 1 •2 ••2" 99 "Filth distiict 1 7 ""i 1 2 12 1 73 Sixtli district 78 40 27 Eijbth district Kintli district Total 22 21 114 1 72 ! 229 1 28 34 114 73 249 31 9 1 80 25 145 714 Batio per 1,000 examined . 4. 200 1 4.0C7 22.076 ,13.943 44.345 5.422 6.584 ,22.070 14136 44 218 6.003 1.743 15.492 4.641 28. 079 l-3a-265 inssouKi. First district 7 i 22 26 0 10 14 39 40 1 2 4 5 5 1 16 23 i 19 3 i 8 3 34 20 ; 1 i 15 8 4 7 3 ; 5 3 0 ..... 1 13 5 1 f 4 90 93 Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district i 1 1 1 3 29 Eighth district 3 1 3 2 1 6 5 17 Total 7 1 56 27 91 5 3 51 27 86 4 1 18 G 29 942 Eatio per 1,000 examined . .3.430 .490 27. 438 13. 229 | 44. 580 2.450 1. 470 |24. 988 13.229 42.130 1.900 .490 a 819 2.940 14.209 OHIO. 2 3 1 f S 4 1 : l.'! First district ::;: .1 31 1 6 ' 11 1 IB ' ' ' "* ' .i^ -> ,<.^ .^^^ / Ia n rJlO 140 Table No. 2 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT CO AND TJXDEE 71 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHBST AT EXTIIUVTION. Under 29 inches. 29 and nnder 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i 1 •a o a u c o o O 1 1 g O .2 a 1 5 o u a U t> O o a n o > O 5 § a •s a i 0 DC .a s CJ t-l 1 •§ C n u > 0 1 Ohio— Continued. 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 3 i i 2 I 1 9 "Pio-lith (liqtrict. 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 9 1 1 2 3 1 3 0 1 3 Eigbtciuth (li'itrict 1 4 4 .- . Total 1 3 3 7 4 4 31 15 f,4 .3G0 1.081 1.081 2.523 1.442 1.442 11. 175 5. 407 19. 46G IXDIAKA. riist district 3 3 Second district 1 2 3 Tliiid district Foiirtb tlistrict Fiftli district 1 1 1 2 1 4 3 2 7 10 Sixtli district 10 Sevciitli district EiRli tb district Ninth district Tcntli district 1 Eleventli district Total 1 2 3 1 10 22 33 Katio per 1 ,000 examined .921 1.842 2.702 .921 9.208 20.258 ILLINOIS. Eirst district 1 1 1 3 Second district Third district ...... Eouilli district 1 i i' 3 3' 1 Filth district Sixth district 1 2 1 1 1 Seventh district 1 3 Eighth district 2 Ninth district I Tenth district 3 Eleventh district 1 3 I Thirteenth district ...... i 1 i G Total 1 1 1 1 2 11 9 o.-» "~ Ritio per 1,000 examined .092 .092 .092 .092 1.384 7.012 0.223 15.225 IOWA. Firstdistrict 1 2 Second diatrict Third di.-.lrict Fourth district Fiflh district Sixth di.strict i i i 2' l" 2 Total 2 1 3 1 3 4 Batio per 1 ,CCO examined 11.299 5.fi50 10. 949 5. G50 10. 949 23.599 1 1 141 eTjMimon of chest, to each other, and to different localities, 4 c. — Continued. HEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES-Continued. 3 GlllTH OV CnEST AT ESriEATIOX. 2 33 and under 3.') inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 iuches and over. -J STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. -.2 sr o ^0 O <5 i a u o s ■3 a o > O "3 I s i 0 1 s > 0 1 U > 0 3 St 0 1 •1- •3 a 1 0 0 > 0 2 p "3 3 1 0 Ohio— Continned. 2 1 2 1 12 ""5 i 2 2 5 0 5 3 4 33 1 7 5 8 23 i' 3 1 2 4 6 0 7 2 1 2 3 5 1 ■■ '3 2 ...... 2 4 8 2 16 27 2 8 a 12 14 2 1 5 2 1 1 8 FoTirtli (listrict 4 1 3 17 1 5 ""s 7 ...... 3 7 20 7 Fifth district '""i 1 ..... "7 "'""5 20 1 8 1 2 8 8 12 1 5 1 18 19 1 1 39 89 5 3 2 1 18 Kinth district 15 Tenth district ""i 1 5 9 3 2 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 28 Twelfth district 8 5 2 i 4 ThirtecDth district 3 Fonrteentli district I'lfteenth district G 0 16 3 Sixteenth district^ 5 Eifihteenth district 2 1 7 2 1 9 1 5 2 11 Total 12 1 11 61 1 48 132 10 15 76 27 1 128 5 9 46 12 72 a93 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 4. 326 3. UG5 |21. 990 17.304 47.585 3.605 5.407 37. 397 9.733 46.143 1.802 3.244 10.583 1 1 3 1 1 4.326 1 1 23.955 2 3 3 141. 673 DVDIASA. 1 2 1 i 5 i' 7 i 10 7 9 2 i' 8 7 3 1 15 12 9 3 1 1 2 8 2 7 i' 2 2 1 1 9 11 3 2 7 4 1 22 24 8 Second district 5 ...... i 3 i Third district Fourth district 1 2 3 28 33 23 4 1 Sixth district SevcDth district 1 4 3 Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district 1 i o" 7' "1 ...... i' 3 2 10 Total G 2 14 37 59 3 2 23 14 44 2 1 8 7 18 137 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . 5.525 1. 842 il2. 691 ,34. 070 54.328 |2.762 1.842 23.020 12.891 J40.5in 1.842 .921 7.36G 0.44G 2 16.573 144.567 ILLINOIS. 6 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 5 1 10 4 2 3 3 7 3 ""ii 8 2 1 4 3 3 1 10 2 10 2 22 5 5 2 4 1 2 i' 4 1 4 i 8 1 9 2 5 1 2 9 5 2 3 i 1 5 i I 25 First district Second district Third district 4 11 5 6 4 21 10 Fonrth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district i 3 ..... 1 2 4 Kinth district Tenth district ..... 1 1 1 1 i 19 3 Eleventh district 1 1 12 3 12 25 "i ""'0 ii 1 8 4 15 Thirteenth district 1 1 . Total 1 4 39 1 29 73 3 35 27 05 44 983 1 2 1 384 21 14.533 12 8.304 36 24. 913 193 137.024 Ratio per l.OCO examined . IOWA. .092 2.768 1 20. 900 120. 069 50. 519 1 1 ! i 3 2 2 i 3 4 2 a . "i i 1 i ■I 6 g Second district Third district Fourth district Filth district Sixth district 1 ; i 1 4 2 3 1 "1 Total 1 2 K 1 1 9 1 u 1 0 3 1 .. Eatio iier l.COO examined . 5.650 11.29S i 1 ICO-ID ! 5.650 50. 847 5.050 |02. W 5.C30 11.299 . IG. 94fl rju.3»j 142 Table No. 2 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat at expiration, and HEIGHT G9 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Coutuiucd. GIKTH OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 incbes. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 4 a © 5 1 .5 > i •§ .2 n g o 1 u o n o a 5 a a n O o i .a 6 1 O .2 c» o 1 Q n u > O o H JIICHIGAK. ] 1 1 1 2 4 3 2 4 2 5 Vifth ili^trirt 1 1 .1 2 2 5 1 8 13 4.819 4.819 12.048 1 19.277 31. 335 WISCONSIN. 1 1 2 Tliiril district '. 4 1 4 Fifth district .- 1 1 1 Total 3 G 9 11.194 32. 388 33.582 MINNESOTA. Fir»t district 1 Total 1 i 1 31.250 31.250 1 CALIFORNU. 1 1 2 Southeru district 1 1 2 Total 1 2 1 4 Eatio per 1,000 examined 39.412 58. 834 29. 412 KANSAS. Northern district 1 G i 1 Southern district Total 7 1 ^ r.mio per 1,000 examined 17.995 2.571 OUKOON. Oregon .' Total llatio per 1,000 examined NEVADA. Nevada Total llatio per 1,C00 examined 2 .077 G .233 3 .116 3 Grand United States. 1 .039 2 .077 1 .039 58 32 90 25 31 277 201 534 Initio pur 1,01)0 (ix.imiued .lie 2. 24G 1.239 3.717 .968 1.200 10.725 7.782 20. G75 143 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, if-c— Coutiiuied. HEIGHT 09 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. "s GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIBATION. 5 « 33 and xmder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. S STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 11 1 1 1 i o o .5 t •i a n O 1 i •g .3 4 a i-i 1 0 1 1 1 ID V •i n u 0 > 0 3 H .2 0 ■s p S •3 a CI u 0 0 i g 0 1 0 1 0 U1CHIGA.N. 2 3 2 1 o 1 12 4 3 15 G 1 1 4 9 1 I 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 17 6 7 1 29 7 i' 8 1 1 1 20 .1 3 Fourth district 1 8» 1 Total 10 1 19 1 29 1 8 13 27 1 2 4 7 78 Eatio per 1,000 oxamhied . . 24.096 45.783 | 09.860 2.410 19. 277 43. 373 lis. 060 2.410 4.819 J. 639 G.867 187.952 WISCOXSIX. First district Rocond district 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 8 S 2 Third district Fonrtli district 5 5' 4 2 3 i 4 5 i 2 '".'.'.'. i 9 10 Fifth district Sixth district I : 1 4 1 3 12 Total 4 i 10 14 1 , si 6 15 1 5 2 9 4G Katio per 1,000 examined . . 14.925 37.313 .'■>3.239 3.731 29.851 122.388 ')5. 970 3.731 18.6.57 7.463 20. 851 171. 642 raXXESOTA. First district i 2 i' i 4 Total i 1 M ' 0 1 1 1 11 O'ai 1 31.250 4 125. 000 l^tio per 1,000 examined . . CALIFORXIA. Northern district Middle district Southern district Total i' 1 i 1 1 ...... 1 i 1 2 4 6 Ratio per 1,000 ixamined . . KAXSAS. Northern district Southern district 1 29.412 11 1 1 6 ' 29.412 13 n 25 3 6 31 7 29.412 1 29.412 8 176. 471 53 17 1 ' Total --- 1 17 1 1 19 1 1 1 28 6 35 '1 1 8 70 Ratio per 1,000 examined .. 2.571 -13. 702 2.571 1 4S.843 2.571 71. 979 1.1. 424 89.974 17.995 2.571 20.566 179. 943 OnEGON. Oregon Total Ratio per 1,000 examined . = NEVADA. Nevada 1 1 lllll- Ratio per 1,000 examined . 035 478 1,238 CI 77 G23 297 1,058 K! 31 30.-> 109 507 = -^^^^— Grand total United States Gl i:4 3,4L'9 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . a 362 2.478 24.5SS 118.507 47.932 2.362 2.981 24.121 11.499 40.9fi3 ,2.400 1.200 11.809 4.ffiJ0 i9.g;u 133.150 144 TABT-T5 No. 2 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest at ex2nration,and HEIonT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES. CIIITII OF CDEST AT EXTIRATION. Under 29 inches. 'Zd and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 si u a rH 1 o 1 a 1 s •§ a n 1 1 o .^ o a S3 -S > 1 o SI o a n to IS O s 1- 1 rH O 1 S at CO g o 1 MAINE. Total 1 1 1... 1 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 3 3 Third disliict 1 ""\ Total 1 3 3 1 1 1(5. TOO 16.760 1 VERJIOXT. First district Tliiiil district I "*) lotal MASSACHUSETTS. First district Tliird district 1 1 Fonrtli district Fiftli district Seventh district Teutli district Total 1 .. Ealio per 1,000 examined 3. 937 1 3.937 l". KUODE ISLAND. First district 1 1 1 Second district ... Tot.i1 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 7.463 7.4C3 7.4G3 7.463 co::xECTicuT. First district 2 o Second district Tliird district Fourth district 1 Totnl i 2 1 Hiitio i>er 1,000 examined I. 8.197 a 197 NEW YORK. First district 3 2 St'cnnd district Third district I''ourth district 1 i I 145 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different locaUlies, cjc.— Continued. HEIGHT 71 AND TJNDEE 73 INCHES— Continued. g a Gnt-ra OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. C3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 iiicbes. 37 inches and over. I- re* a o STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. u o ■§ o ■g G g > o <6 1 a g > O 1 o 1 i w .9 u > o g > O 1 n g 5 "3 1 o i a 1 > O 1 G* o 5 t .5 % O ItAIXE. 1 1 1 1 2 Third district Fourth district Fiftk district 1 '.'.'.'.'.' \. '.v.... 1 i i i Total 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Eatio per 1,000 examined.. 1 1 8.475 [ 1 8.475 1 8.475 1 8.473 8.475 8.475 25. -124 KEW H.VMPSHIRE. 2 2 2 o 5 Third district 1 i 1 1 2 5 Total ] 1 1 1 "1 1 ' 1 1 1 2 10 Eatio per 1,000 examined. . 1 1 5.587 1 j 5.587 122.346 1 22.34G 5.587 5.587 11. 173 55.866 VEItMOXT. Second di.strict Tliird district Total ::::::: .llllL Ratio per 1,000 examined.. MASSACHUSETTS. First district Second district i 1 ' i i , o i 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 3 Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district EiRhth district Ninth district Tenth district Total i 1 1 ...... 1 ........ 1 2 2 8 Eatio per 1,000 examined .. nllODK 1SL,VND. -^ 1 1 3.937 3.937 J 7.874 7.874 1 1 7.874 1 1 15.748 2 2 3.937 3.937 3I.49G 4 First district Second district Total 1 1 1 1 1 5 Eatio per 1,000 examined . COXXECnCUT. First district Second district Third district Fourth district ~- ~ 1 i 7.403 1 7.403 i 1 14.925 1 I 1 1 1 7.4C3 7.463 3 I 1 1 Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . 1 1 1 '1 1 4.098 1 4.09S 1 "- ] &197 4 ,10.393 1 . 24.590 NEW YORK. First district Second district Third district Fourth district :::::: i 1 2 1 ; 1 2 i 3 ;;;;;; :::... :E 1 5 i 4 19 146 Tamle No. 2 — Showing the relation of Insight, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT 71 ANli UNDER 73 INCHES— Continued. GIIITH OF CHEST AT BXPIBAllOS. Under S9 inches. 20 .and under 31 inches. 31 and iindrr :v,i inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 00 s i •3 a 4 a t> o 1 o 1 .9 "a i o O a rH a i o 1 a a o 5 t •s a > O •s a 1 1 a 5 i "3 New Toiti;— Continued. Sixth district Seventh district 1 1 1 Tbirtftntli district Foiirtnntli district 1 1 1 Seventeenth district 3 3 Tweiity-lirst district. Twenl\-third (listrict Twentv-i'iiiulh district 1 i 1 1 Twentv-lifth district Twenty-sixtli district 1 1 Twenl v-nintb district Tbirti/th district 3 4 Tbirt v-lirst diKtrict 3 7 Total 1 2 3 1 2 8 9 20 Katio per 1,000 examined... .490 .981 1.471 .490 .981 3.923 4.414 9.809 NEW JERSEY. First district 2 '2 2 t> Second district 1 1 1 Third district Four! h district Fifth district 1 1 Total 1 1 2 2 1 3 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1.092 1.092 2.183 2.183 1.092 3.275 4.367 PENNSYLVANIA. I'lrst (liatrict Second district " Third district Fourth district 1 1 Fifth district Sixth diatrict 3 3 6 \ Seventh district 1 1 1 S 1 Ei;;hth district , Ninth district Tenth district :.. Eh'venth district Twelttli district Tliirlr, ntli district 1 1 1 \ Fnurlrciith district 1 1 Fittrcnth district Sc^vi'iitrfTitli ilistrict i 1 EiKlilLinth district 1 1 Niiii-lcciith ilistrict T\vi-i]| ii'tli ilisi T ii;t Twriit\ ilistrict.. 1 1 TwiTit\ BcioTiil district Twciit vtliiril district 1 1 1 1 Twuutj-ioiirth Uistrict Total 1 3 1 ^ 2 7 8 )7 1 liatio per 1,000 cxniiiincd , . ,--..! .649 2.272 ■ ■ 147 cJ-pa „.,;o» of chest, to each other, and to different localities, Sfc.-Contiuued. STATES. New Touk— Continued. Fifth district Sixth ilistiict Seventh district Eiglith district Kimh district Tenth district ElcTcntli district Twelfth district Tliirteenth district Fourteenth district Fifteenth district ■ Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eigliteenth district Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twenty-tirst district Twenty -second district.. Twenty-third district Twenty-lburth district . - Twentv-tifth district Twenty-sixth district Twi-nty -seventh district. Twenty-eighth district . - Twenty-ninth district - - . Thirtieth district Thirty -first district Total Eatio per 1,000 examined KEW JERSET. First district Second disti-ict Third district Fourth district Fifth district. .- Total Katio per 1,000 examined PKNKSYLVAKIA. First district Second district Thii-d district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh dlistrict Eishtli district Kilith district Tenth di.strict Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteeuth district Fourteeiitli district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district. --■..- Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twentv-tirst district Twenty-second district.. TwentV-third district . - - Twent'y-foui-th district . . Total Eatio per l.OUU examined 148 Table So. 2 — Showing the relation of height,' girth of chest at expiration, nnd HEIGHT 71 AND UNDEK 73 INCHES-Continned. fiiimr OF CHEST at ICXriRATIOX. Under 29 ii ches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and luider 3 3 iaclies STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ■s .9 1 .9 o O 0? O CO 1 ■3 1 i U o > o s 1 t o s .a u a n O 1 i ■3 .3 4 a t. o > O a O s •s a n o 5 1 DELAWAltE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 . 1 .-1 3 597 3.597 SIARYLAND. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 9 2 13 Total 1 1 2 1 o 9 4 IG .413 .413 .sac .413 .820 3.719 1.053 C 612 DISTRICT OP COLUMDIA. _ o 9 Total 1 7 2 9 1 l^tio per 1,000 examiucd 1 . 3.319 .948 4. -^07 1 WEST VIIIGIXIA. 1 1 Secoud district Total 1 1 1 i Katio per 1,000 examined 1 .^.998 5.9*8 1 KENTUCKY. First district 1 1 2 1 1 2 a 3 Third district ' ■:::::i 1 Fourth district 1 1 4 Fifth district I 1 1 Sixth district 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 Eighth district 1 1 1 Hintli district 1 . . . . -k. . . Total o 2 1 2 1 3 3 o 8 2 Eatio per J,000 examined .387 .387 .19J .387 1 .581 .581 .387 1.549 1 1 .3S7 MlSSOUItl. First district 1 1 1 1 1 2 Second district 1 1 1 2 Third district Fourth district Filth dialrict Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district 1 Total 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 Ratio per 1,000 examined .490 .490 .080 .490 1 .490 .980 .980 1.960 OHIO. Firstdistrict Second district I ..;...i.:::: ::;-:;i 3 3 149 eTpausion of cheat, fo each other, and to different localities, 4'C. — Continued. HEIGHT 71 AND TJNDEK 13 INCHES-Continued. S 1 a GIKTn OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and nudcr 37 inches. 37 inches and over. ^ y STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. -5 S .3 a 6 .a > O o .a n u 5 73 o H 0 "3 > 0 s •s .2 CI 3 6 0 •§ a m > 0 ■3 I 0 .a B u I* 0 A .a a > 0 a c H 3 a 0 DELAWARE. First district 1 1 o 1 3 4 2 2 9 Total 1 i| 1 2 1 1 3 4 I---I 2 2 9 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 3.597 3.597 7.194 1 1 3.597 10. 791 14. 388 1 : 7.194 7.194 32. 374 SIAEyLA.\-D. 1 3 1 7 8 6 1 1 25 2 4 3 2 7 3 2' 3 5 7 5 4 10 15 3 3 2 1 6 4 1 1 i 9 5 2 1 23 12 1 2 1 7 3 14 8 50 Total e 1 1 19 15 41 3 1 2 18 8 31 2i 2 12 1 17 107 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 2.470 .413 7.851 0.198 1C.942 1.240 j .tae 1 7.438 1 3.30C 12.810 .826 .626 4.959 .413 7.025 44.215 DISTRICT OF COLUSIBIA. District of Colombia 20 20 26 26 13 13 68 Total 20 20 1 26 20 1 13 13 C8 Katio per 1,000 examined . . t 9.483 9.483 ! 12.328 12.328 6.104 6.104 32.243 WEST \1KGIXIA. 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 SecoDd district Third (1i ^ '■■' Eatio per 1,000 examined . .490 .490 5.879 i 2.450 1 9.309 1 .490 6.859 1 4.900 12.249 0 j .980 4.900 1.960 7.k;'1 ' •■-- OHIO. 4 5 '.".!!!! 1 1 1 1 3 4 First district 1 1 ! 2 ll 1 1 11 150 Table No. 2 — Shmcing the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT 71 AND TrNDER 73 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .a a u > o 03 1 .9 a ? 5 1 a CO g o 1 i o •g > o 1 c* 6 .5 CO (-• o & 3 a 4 •S »-* 1 a u •§ a CO s o 2 o H Ohio— Coutinued. 1 1 o 1 i 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 3 1 8 3 14 .360 .300 .731 .300 3. 884 1.081 5.047 IXDUSA. Second district 1 1 Third district Fifth district 2 2 Sixth district 1 1 o 2 Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district • Total 1 1 1 S 2 5 Efttio per 1,000 examined .921 .931 .921 1.842 1.843 4.604 ILLINOIS. First district Second district Third district Fourtli district Fifth district Sixth district Seventli district 1 1 Eishth district Ninthdistrict Tenth district 1 1 2 Eleven til district 1... Twelfth district Thirteenth district Total 1 1 1 \i Eatio per 1,000 examined . .692 .693 .692 2 070 . . .... IOWA. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Total Katio per 1,000 oxaniiiied 151 spansio,, of chest, to each other, and to different localities, #o-Contini.ed. HEiaHT 71 AlTD TTNDEK 73 INCHES— Contmned. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIRATIOS. 33 and under 35 inches. STATES. ExpansioD. 35 and under 37 inclios. Expansion. Ohio— Continued. Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eigh th district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth district Fourteenth district Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district Nineteenth district pH u Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . . 360 1. 081 ISDL4NA. First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district . . - Eighth distiict..- Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district. ■ 23 8.291 12 4.326 37 inches and over. Expansion. 14. 0.W Total Katio per 1,000 examined . ILLINOIS. First district ■ Second district Third district Fonrtli district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eidith district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirteenth district 18 a. 163 1. 802 9.733 33 4.326 1.081 7 13 6 18 31 2 7 4 7 16 ...J 6 3 3 2 1 38 j 7.931 |4. 326 13.699 51.190 3.683 .921 9.208 [16.575 30.387 4.604 .921 10.129 Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . First district Second district — Third district Fourth district... Fifth district Sixth district 8.287 26 r 2" 23.941 1.842 6.228 Total Ritio per 1,000 examined . 1 5.650 11.765 10 5 11 6 4 16 15 11 .... 1 5 75 9.208 69.061 3.460 LI 5. 05(T I .11.299 14 9.689 .692 2.768 -2.076 5.C50 5.650 5.536 LI 1 5. 650 4 1 1 3 "3 3 6 "9 I 15 4 34. 602 1| 4 ICSO'I 22.599 152 Table No. 2 — Showing the relation of hciyhl, girth of chest at expiration, and HEIGHT 71 AND TJNDEU 73 IXCIIES-Continned. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIIUTIO.V. Under 29 inches. 29 and under :tl inches. 31 and iiuder 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 s a i u > O 1 a CI > o s ■3 a n O 3 o H 1 1 5 m .a o G Gl o a n s o "3 1 .3 ■i a o <5 <6 a g O i .5 M U % o "3 MICHIGAN. 1 1 1 i I 1 . Total i! 1 1 1 2 1 2.410 1 2.410 2.410 2.410 4.819 i WISCOKSDJ. 1 1 1 1 o Fifth district Total 1 M 1 1 1 1 Batio per 1,000 examijicd 1 3.731 3.731 3.731 3.731 7 463 MIXNESOTA. First district Second district Total •- 1 1 1 Batio per 1,000 examined 1 1 1 1 CALlFOnSIA. Northern district Middle district Total 1 1 ■ 1 1 Batio per 1,000 examined 1 1 1 K.\XSAS. Northern district 1 1 o 5 2 Southern district 5 1 1 Total • i| ! 1 7 7 Butiu p'er 1,000 examined 2.571 1 1 2.571 17.993 17 995 OKEGOX. Oregon 1 I i Total Eatio per 1,000 examined NEVADA. Nevada 1 1 Total...'. 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 Grand total United States- S 3 5 1 1 11 7 20 8 10 68 41 127 Eatio per 1,000 examined .077 .116 .194 .039 .039 .426 .271 .774 .310 .387 2.633 1.587 4.917 153 expansion of chest, to each other, and to different localities, ^c. — Coutinued. HEIGHT 71 AND TINDEE 73 INCHES— Continned. u o % CIRTU OF CHEST AT EXTIKATIOX. r3 a e3 33 and nndor 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. -»3 03 STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o ■3 a 4 > o m o a O .a n u > O o ■3 .2 •g .9 U o t- O 1 U 1 a rt u > O 3 S o .3 r-i 4 a rH o 1 a > O S o a n u o > o 3 ♦J i JUCHIGjVN. 1 o 1 5 2 7 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 2 1 1 •2 10 o 1 1 2 1 2 4 3 1 1 Total 4 8 12 :! 4j 7 i i| 3 4 2G Ratio per 1,000 esamiDcd .. 9.639 19. 277 2S. 91C 7.229 9.C39 1C.867 2.410 1 7.229 9. 039 62. 651 WISCONSIN. 1 1 4 Second tUstrict 2 2 2 M 4 Foiirtli district i i "i' i 1 2 Fifth district Sixtli district \ 1 1 Total 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 11 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 7.4C3 7.403 3.731 3. 731 7.4C3 3.731 3.731 7.4G3 14.925 41.045 MINNESOTA. First district Second district Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . . CALIFOEXIA. Northern district Middle district Southern district Total Eatio per 1,000 examined . . ICANSAS. Northern district 1 G 1 1 2 7 5 4 2 7 4 3 1 2 1 17 17 Total 7 2 »! 9 2 11 4 2 G 34 Eatio per 1,000 examined . 17.995 5. 141 23.13C 1 23. 13G 5.141 28. 278 10.283 5. 141 15.424 67. 404 OKEOON. Oregon ( Eatio per 1,000 examined . NEVADA. NeTad.i ... 1 = Eatio per 1,000 examined . Grand total United States 18 21 170 138 1 333 31 29 193 120 373 20 13 i 122 G4 219 1,097 Eatio per 1,000 ox,amined . . .697 .813 G.814 5.343 1 13. 007 1. 200 1.123 7.473 4.G46 14. 442 .774 .503 4.724 2.478 a 479 42.473 154 Table No. 2 — Shmving the rclaimt of height, girth of chest at cxpimtimi, and HEIGHT 73 INCHES A2S^D OVER GIRTH OF CHKST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 incliea. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Exi)ansion. i o 1 J3 o •g I O o .9 n u o 6 rt o H .2 1 6 1 B i « > O H JLUN-E. NEW HAMPSraRE. Total VEKMONT. Total MASSACHUSETTS. First district Second district Pourth district Fifth district Seventh district Ei-hth district Tenth district Total Ratio per 1,000 examined RHODE ISLAND. First district Second district Total Katio per 1,000 examined COXNECTICUT. Firat district Second district Third district Fourth district Total Ratio per 1,000 examined NEW YOlllv. First district Si'cond district. Third dintrict Fourth district 155 expansion of chest, to each other, and to iViffcrcut localities, tj-c— Continued. HEIGHT 73 rNCHF.R AJSTD OVER— Continued. * .3 ^ . n 1 1 1 GIKTH OF CHEST .\T EXPIILVTION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 iuclies and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. d 1 .a .a .3 r-l to > O cs ■3 a u © O i CO > o H i 1 1 rH 1 o a I i 1 I O 3 o •g 0 1 1 01 g o OQ n g o til 1 ■3 2 'J JIAINE. 04 11! 22 H Fifth diBtrict 8 Total 1 i 118 Eatio per 1,000 examined.. 4.569 NEW n.iltPSHIKE. 3S 1 1 1 47 94 Total 11 1 1 179 Katio per 1,000 examined. . 5.587 j [5.587 5.587 6.930 VERMONT. First district Second district Third district ....--. 10 43 Total 04 Ratio per 1,000 examined.. 1 2.478 MASSACnUSETTS. First district Sec(ni(l district ...... ...... i 4 7 118 Fourth dist rict Fifth district 61 21 18 Sixth district Srvi-nth district Kiuht h district Xinlh district G 8 8 3 Tenth district Total 1 i 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 254 Katio per 1,000 examined . - 1 1 ! 3.937 i3.937 3.937 9.834 nilODE ISLAND. district Second district I 1 1 1 1 o 88 Total j 1 1 1 1 1 2 134 Eatio per 1,000 examined . ! 7.463 7.463 7.463 7. 403 1 14. 923 5.188 CONNECTICUT. First district Second district ■'"'i 1 ""i 1 ■| J I 89 79 32 Fourth district Total .lllll 244 Ratio per 1,000 examined . SEW TOUK. First di.strict Second district •-. Third district Fourth district 4 098 4.098 " i 1 . 4. 098 i 00 74 156 M 156 Table No. 2— Showing the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and STATES. HEIGHT 73 ESrCHES AKD OTEE-Continacd. OIKTH OF CHEST AT EXTIRATIOX. Under 29 inches. Expansion. New York— Continuod. Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Ninth district Tenth district Eleventh district Twelfth district Thirtei^ulh district FonrtecDth tUstxict Fifteenth district Sixteenth district Seventeenth district Eighteenth district Nineteenth district Twentieth district Twenty-hrst district , Twenty-second district Twenty-third district Twenty-fourth district Twenty-fjfth district Twenty-sixth district Twenty-seventh district Twenty-eighth district Twentv-uihth district Thirtieth district Thirty-first district 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. Expansion. Batio per 1,000 examined. NEW JERSEY. First district Second 1 o •a O GIRTH OP CHEST AT EXPIRATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inclies and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i a 1-1 a O S xi a so O 3 i i ' .a g 4 a u « 5 i > O g o "3 1 1 1 ■i a I 1 a o u 1 1 CO i c i o Kew York— Continued. Fifth district 24 59 1 1 1 Seventh district Kinth district .* Tenth district 143 Twelfth district 07 Thirteenth district 40 I'llteenth district 27 Seventeenth district \ Ei'^hteentli district 1 1 1 1 3 132 Twenty-fiist district J 19 Twenty-tliird o ■3 1 Of i 4 .g d o •s .g O o .a a > O o o 4 1 o ■g « O c o "a 1 DELAWAKE. 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 MARYLAND. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Katio per 1,000 osamined .4)3 .413 .413 1.240 DISTRICT OF COLUamiA. 2 3 2 2 .948 1 .948 WEST VIKGLNIA. 1 1 1 5.988 5.988 KENTUCKY. 1 1 Third dislrirt Sixth district * * Ninth district Total 1 1 Eatio per 1,020 examined 1 .194 .194 SIISSOUKI. First district Second district 2 2 Third district Fourth district I'ifth district Sixth ilistiict Ei-htli district JJiiUh dialrict Total 1 2 ■2 1 Eatio per 1 ,000 (jxaiiiined • .980 .980 OHIO. First district Sccoiul district 159 expansio)! of clwst, to each other, caul to different localities, 4-c. — Continued. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AJSD OVEK-Continuod. r3 a d o •§ B n i> .a o 1 ■a i GIBTn OF CnKST AT EXPIKATIOX. 33 and xmder 35 inclics. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Esp-insion. Expansion. Expansion. i o •g i u p 6 .5 1 o 1 o ■i o H o •§ i o 1 u a a > O 1 > O 1 g 1 u 1 1 CI u % o o 1 n 1 o 1 1? ■a a o DELAWARE. First district 1 ' 1 1 1 2 273 Total -V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 278 Katio per 1,000 examined . . 1 1 t 3. 597 3. 597 i. 597 3.597 7.194 10. 764 M-UirLA.\-D. 1 1 5 5 2 1 1 4 8 6 1 2 6 419 409 508 Second district 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 271 Fifth district 2 813 Total 2 2 1| 5 1 4| 5 1 10 2 1 2 1 5 23 2,420 Eatio per 1,000 examined .. .836 .826 1 .413 |2C60 .413 1.653 2.000 4.132 .826 ; .820 .413 2.066 9.504 93. C97 DISTRICT OF COLUSnJIA. District of Columbia 1 8 8 4 1 5 16 2,103 Total 1 1 ! > 1 8 i i 8 t 4 I 5 16 2,109 Katio per 1,000 examined . . .474 1.474 3.793 ; 3.793 ! 1.897 .474 2 371 7.587 81. 6.-10 WEST VIRGINIA. First district Second district \ 1 1 ::::::i:::::: t '.'.'..'.'.'.. o 79 79 9 Tbird district Total ^^^^ 11 1 2 Kl Eatio per 1,000 examined .. 1 |5.988 5.988 1 1 1 11. 976 6.466 KENTUCKY. o 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 5 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 6 2 1 1 1 6 11 9 5 4 2 1 1 040 2 ""i 3 i 1 1 448 1,029 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 411 .103 Sixth district 1 2 Seventh district 1 i i 3 1 1 191 Kinth district i i Total 2 2 6 2 12 1 5| 8 6 20 3| 1 6 3 13 40 5, 104 Eatio per 1,000 examined . .387 1 .387 1.162 .387 2.324 .104 .968 |l. 549 1. 162 j3. 873 .581 .194 1.102 .581 2.517 8.908 199. 93S inssouBi. 1 1 ""i 1 2 2 3 1 ..... 1 ..... ..... 1 2 5 5 ; i 2 9.i3 7S8 23 3 50 3 42 121 112 Second district Third district Fourth district Fiftli district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Kinth district Total .1 .... 2 1 3 3 2| 5 2 1 3 13 2,041 Eatio per 1,000 examined . .980 .490 ; 1.470 1.470 . 980 2 430 .980 .490 1.470 6.3G9 79.023 OHIO. First district Second district . ....^ ..... ; i 217 202 160 Tahi.i: No. 2 — Shoiving the relation of lu'xjhl, ijirtli of chmt at expiration, and HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIBATIOX. Under SO inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o 1 1 O a > o i -S o > O 3 o ■s 4 .9 > O 1 5 s •3 .5 n O ■3 aa s a .9 1 1 .9 M V c CO (- o ■3 Ohio— Continued. ■ Vifth (lUtrirt Fifteenth district ■ Total Katio per 1,000 examined IXDIANA. Pirst district 1 1 Third district Fourth district Fifth district Seventh district Eipchtlt district Ninth district 1 1 Tenth district 1 1 Eleventh district Total 1 1 2 2 Katio per 1,000 examined .921 .921 1.842 1 842 ILI.IXOIS. First district Second district Third district , Fourth district Fifth district Sixth district Seventh district Eighth district Is iuth district Tenth district Ele^■('Ill h district Tw.llth district Thineeuili district ....... Total Eatio per 1,000 examined 10W,\. First district Second district Third district Fonrlli district Fifth district .'... Sixth district Total Katio per 1 ,000 examined • 1 ■- ' * |.. ._..... 101 CTj Hiiixioii of ilitut, to rnc'i otlur. and to iViffiri)it tocnliticn, .Jo. — Coiitinuod. HEIGHT 73 IJTCHES ASH OVER— Continued. 1 1 n t- ^% 1 -§ a 0 GIRTn OF CHEST AT EXriHATIOS. 33 and nuder 35 inches. 1 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. d i i 4 a > o CI g o 6 V U n > o 1 1 •g .a a « 0 i 0 s •s .9 n z 0 1 09 i u S P u 6 m a •3 g 0 1 CO > 0 3 3, e 5 Onio— Coutinncil. 1 1 1 3 1 7 112 1 1 3 1 4 16G 43 1 1 1 '"'i' 1 1 6 '"'"i' 2 8 1 2 3 1 3 4 G 13 295 1 SOO 46 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 103 81 1 153 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 318 37 17 1 1 1 1 1 125 1 1 64 35 165 73 Total 1 2 1 1 2 1 C 1 2 11 4 18 1 2 1 9 2 14 38 1 2,774 Katio per 1,000 examined . . .300 .721 .360 .721 2. 163 .300 .721 3.963 1. 442 6.489 .721 1 .360 3.244 .721 5.047 13.699 ; 107.403 INDIANA. I 1 1 2 5 135 2 2 1 2 0 171 riiurtli district GO I'iiili district 1 ...... 2 """3 3 ...... 1 4 3 282 ScvcDtb district 35 Eighth district 1 1 20 Eleventh district '.'.'.'.. 1 1 1 1 2 ] au Total 6 3 9 1 2 3 1 3 3 j 18 1,080 li.itio per 1,000 examined -. 5.523 2.762 8.287 .921 1. 842 2.762 1-- — 2.762 2. 762 ; 10. 573 1 42. '047 ILLINOIS. First district 1 1 1 lOG 18 Second district Third district Fourth district :m 133 39 .19 26 217 60 164 30 Sixth district Scvcntli district '"""i ..... 1 1 1 1 3 i 1 1 Tenth district 1 1 2 Eleventh district Twelfth district ...... ..... ""2 ""'2 '""'i ■3 1 3 4 9 341 152 Total 2 3 5 3 2 1 ^ 1 5 6 16 1 1, 445 Katio per 1,000 examined . 1.384 2.076 3.460 2.076 1.384 3.460 .692 3.460 4. 152 1 11.073 1 55.947 IOWA. First district Second district Tliird district Fonrtli district Fifth district Sixth district Total 1 1 ::•::: ..... 1 "i 1 1 .... 1 ..... 2 :.:::::: i 0 43 74 18 18 20 4 177 rL.".tio per 1,000 examined . 21 ■1 1 -' 5.030 5.650 11.299 = 162 Tahlk No. 2 — Slimnng the relaiion of hei'jlit, girlh of cheM at npiraliou, and HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continued. CIRXn OF CHEST AT EXPIUATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. s •s .a ■3 a a > O -§ .9 > o ■g n s 1 4 a i 1 c 01 g o 1 .s n o 1 i •g •9 .a a O to o ■§ a > o s. CO > 1 MICHIGAN. 1 1 "Fifth (lisfcrict 1 1 .... Total 2 1 2 1 4.819 1 WISCONSIN. Tbird district Fifth district Sixth district -.-. Total , 1 Efitio per 1,000 oxamiDed SIINNESOTA. First district Secoud district 1 1 Total Katio per 1,000 esamined . CALIFORNIA. Northern district 1 Total 1 Eatio per 1,000 esaiiiincd 29.412 29. 412 ItANSAS. Northern district Southern district 1 1 Total 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined a. 571 3.571 OREGON. Oregon Total 1 ! Katio per 1,000 examined 1 1 NKVADA. JTovada Total Entio per 1,000 examined Grand total United States.. 1 1 2 1 14 ID 0-, Eatio jier 1,000 examined .039 .039 .077 .0.39 .542 .387 .906 163 crptt uxUm of chml, h each other, and to different localities, #c.— Continued. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVEE^Continned Grand total for height 73 inches ana over. GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXFIUATIOS. 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 and nnder 37 inches. 37 inches and over. STATES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1, i 1 i o 1 \ Over 2 inches. Over 3 inches. Total. o ■g d i % o Over 3 Inches. Over 3 inclies. Total. 1 Inch or lees. 1 Over 1 inch. Over 2 inches. Over 3 inches. Total. 1 to ?? 5 5 MICniGAS. rirst district Second district Third district rourth district rifth district 1 o ... ....^. ...... ... 1 2 ;;■.: '"i i' ■"■'■ ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 B 4 3 :V 96 101 t'.i 24 95 0 ...| 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 12 : 413 ■Ritin T>Rr 1 000 examined .. . 4.819 4.819 9.C 39 1 2.410 2.410 2 410 |2. 410 7.229 1 12.048 28.910] 10.003 WISCONSIN. First district Second district Third district ITotirth district rifth district Sixth district Total ;:::;:::::;:::::::: ::::: "i' ...v.. i 1 1 1 i' 1 110 43 13 28 31 38 268 Hatio per 1,000 examined MINNESOTA. rirst district Second district 3. 731 3. 731 4 23 32 Eatio per 1,000 examined CALIFOUNIA. NortUcm district Middle district Southern district Total 1 1 1 i 1 io 24 34 Eatio per 1,000 examined KANSAS. 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 :.... 1 1 2] 1 .4 • A 1 1 9 7 3 10 292 97 389 Northern district Sonthem district ; ..'... 1 4 5 1 1 '- Katio per 1,000 examined OKEGON. 2.571 a.571 E .141 |2.571 .10.283 13.853 "111.:::::: 1^11 3.571 2.571 5.14 25.707 Total Eatio per 1,000 examined '11. = ==== NEVADA. Nev.ada .mi iim 1111^ ^^^^ ^^^ Total 1 ^^^- = 6 35 26 70 5 9 47 30 91 7 5 38 19 < .9 23 7 25,828 Eatio per 1,000 examined . . . IIC .232 1.355 1.007 2.710 .It 4 .3' 8 1.820 1.162 3.523 .2' rl .194 1.471 .730 2 6- ra 9.95 « : T^BLE NO. 3, THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GIRTH OF CHEST. EXPANSION OF CHEST, lsrA.TIONA.LlTIJi;s. NUMBER EXAMINED, 501,068. 1G6 Table No. 3 Showing, hij nationalities, the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and expansion of clicsi, to eadi other; HEIGHT UNDER 61 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIKATION. Under 20 inebes. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expausioii. i s u a .a n ■g .s g o OS o i a n t 5 s o 09 1 2 .2 W u 6 o .a o 5 a; n o o 1 o CO 1 s 5 .a *« 1 UNITED STATES, ■^liito 25 :,a 263 118 456 29 CO 314 132 535 19 07 200 95 347 Katio per 1,000 examined .079 .153 .833 .374 1.445 .092 .190 .995 .418 1.095 .060 .080 .053 .301 1.099 UNITED STATES. Colored 12 10 45 12 79 19 12 108 21 160 10 9 79 30 134 Ratio per 1,000 examined .405 .387 1.742 .405 3.059 .7.36 .465 4.162 .813 6.195 .019 .348 3.059 1.162 5.188 XmiTED STATES. BEITISH AMERICA 2 2 18 9 31 5 7 29 0 47 4 3 28 13 48 Eatio per 1,000 examined .092 .092 .832 .410 1.432 .231 .323 1.340 .277 2.171 .185 .139 1.294 .601 2.218 MEXICO 1 2 3 Katio per 1,000 examined 10.989 21. 978 32.967 SOUTH AMERICA 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined . 12. 658 12. 653 ■WEST INDIES 1 1 2 2 2 2 Ratio per 1,000 (examined 1. 724 1.724 3.448 3.448 3.448 3.448 ENGLAND . 1 3 14 - 25 „ 4 .30 8 44 7 7 29 18 Gl Ilutio p*'r 1 ,000 examined .002 .185 .804 24 .432 1.S44 .123 .247 1.852 .494 2.717 .432 .432 1.791 1.111 3.766 IRELAND 1 1 5 31 10 13 44 21 88 10 10 74 30 Ratio per 1,000 examined .020 .020 .475 .009 .013 .198 .257 .871 .410 1.741 .198 .193 1.404 .712 2. 572 SCOTLAND 3 1 4 1 3 3 7 Ratio per 1,000 examined .863 .288 1.151 .288 .863 .863 2 014 WALES 2 2 1 5 1 1 Ratiu per 1.000 examined 1.812 1.812 .906 4,529 .906 .906 FRANCE 2 1 8 4 13 1 3 15 5 ■Zi Ratio per 1,000 examined 308 "^efl .017 .308 2.407 1.233 4.009 .308 .925 4. 625 1. 542 7.401 1 167 cmh-aciiifj the statiet ieal rcsidO, of the cxawiimtion of 501,068 vien, including rcci-uits, Buhstitutes, drafted and enrolled men. HEIGHT UNDER CI INCHES— Continued. 1 GIRXa OF CHEST AT EXrHL.lTIOX. 0 t4 33 and under 35 inches. 33 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. § NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o •3 a > O to .S a 1 o 6 13 o to o- u 0 .a 0 Over 1 inch. O^er 2 inches. 03 6 1 1 i a '6 c CI a n 3 > 0 ■5 5 UNITED STATES. 12 0 125 73 219 5 • 7 57 24 93 4 . 14 G 24 1,674 T?ntin T»pr 1 000 examined. . 038 . 029 .396 .231 .694 .016 .022 .181 .076 .295 Oil . .044 019 .07G 5.304 UNITED STATES. 7 G 42 9 64 5 4 21 n 32 . 1 3 . 4 473 Ratio per 1,000 uxamiued. UIJITED STATES. Indians .271 .232 1.C26 .348 2.478 . 194 . 155 . 813 .077 1.239 .039 .116 .153 18.313 Ratio per 1,000 examined. BRITISH AMERICA .... Ratio per 1,000 examined. MEXICO 1 2 IG G 23 1 1 6 8 1 1 ICO .046 .092 .739 .277 1.155 .040 .046 .277 .370 046 .046 3 32. 907 Ratio per 1,000 examined . SOUTH AMERICA 1 1 0 25.316 Ratio per 1,000 examined ■V\TJST INDIES 12. 658 12. 058 5 8. 021 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined ENGLAND o 2 26 8 38 5 3 8 494 176 . 10.807 Katie per 1,000 examined IRELAND . .123 4 .123 5 LC03 49 .494 18 2.340 76 2 15 .297 2 .040 19 .37(1 3 .059 5 . .099 3 .059 1 .21 I 355 3 7.023 Ratio per 1,000 examined SCOTLAND . .079 .099 2 S i I 1 1 .28f i 16 4. 603 R;itio per 1,000 examine< WALES I ■^■-^ . .57; .57: > 1.15 1 3 .... 9 8. 152 Ratio per 1,000 examine FRANCE Ratio per 1 ,000 examine d d. .30 1 8 .01 . 1.81 2 7 1.85 3 .90 6 0 .92 S 2.71 3 1 5J3.7O 7 .... 2 .... 0 .... .. .61 I 1 .61 r~6i 7 1. a"> 6 0 .30 1 .... 8 .... TT .30 t 8"T30 1 3 .92 3 60 .5 18. .Wl 1G8 Tablk No. 3 — Showing, by itationaUtien, the relation of heiyht, girth oj clwst at expiration, and cxptinsion HEIGHT UNDEE 01 rNCUES-Coutinucd. GIUTU OF CIIKbT AT KXriliATIOX. Under 29 inclies. ay and undi'i' 31 inehcs. 31 and under 33 inches NATIOXALITIKS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i .a u a i o S •g .5 o 1 > O o -a o a c 6 S 1 S O .a n o > O o H o 3 .a p 5 g S CI 6 o .a n a 6 1 nnr T \nt) 2 1 3 1 1 3 r 2. 022 l.OU 3.033 l.OU 1 l.OU 3. 033 5.050 GERMANY G 1-2 38 13 69 25 22 102 58 207 19 28 142 50 24) Katio per 1,000 ex.imiDcd .109 .2113 .092 .237 1.250 .455 .400 1.856 1 1.056 3.767 .340 .510 2.584 1.019 4.459 OTVF.nTCX 1 o 1 1 .840 .840 1.681 .840 .840 1.081 NdliWAY 1 2 3 2 1 4 1 e .437 .873 1.310 .873 .437 1.747 .437 3.493 DENMARK 1 1 2.011 2.011 SWITZEEL A \D 1 o 3 1 2 5 1 9 4 3 7 . .555 1.110 1.065 .555 1.110 2.775 .550 4.994 2.220 1.065 3.885 SPAIN 2 1 3 11514 0.757 20. 270 PORTUGAL 1 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 examined 1 12.34G 12. 340 12. 340 12. 346 ITALY 1 . 1 , ' I 2 1 ' '•) *** • 1 t ,2, 950 2.950 S 5.DG0 2.950 2.950 5.900 EUSSIA 3 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 24.590 24.590 1 HUNGAET 1 1 1 1 1 £atio p«r 1,000 csaiuiucil .... 1 . .. 11.2.i6 11.2:10 11.2-36 11.230 1 POLAKB " ■ I 1 1 1 1 1 Entio per 1,000 examiueil 1 5.848 269 5.848 Total 43 78 404 167 697 93 127 654 257 1,131 78 91 594 1,032 Kaliopi r l.noo c x.iuuuiil .0% .150 .800 . 333 1.3D1 .186 .203 1. 30.') .513 2.257 .150 .189 1.185 .537 •_'. OIKI ICO of chest, to cadi other; anhraebig the slatislkal results of the examination of £01,068 vun, «f'C. — Contiuucil. HEIGHT UXBER CI INCHES— Continued. CIKTII OV CHEST AT tXrilUTION. o 'Si ami under 35 iuclies. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inclics and over. s ^■AT10XAL1■1■IES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. "5 1 s .a o a a u a O y a CI 'S 6 .a a n 5 "3 1 i a 4 .9 o 6 o .3 CI 1- z o o a « 6 3 o OS ■§ .s .2 p 5 o O i .a 5 o a 2 a = HOLLAND 2 1 3 1 1 2 13 ILttio per 1.000 uxiimincil. 2.022 1.011 I 3.033 1.011 1.011 2.092 13.145 GEUMAXY 19 19 74 24 13G 7 G 20 9 48 11 7 18 723 Rntio iicr 1,000 examiued. .340 .340 ; 1.347 .437 2.475 , 127 . 109 .473 .164 .874 .200 .127 .3-28 13. 159 SWEDEX 1 1 5 Katio per 1,0 0 fsamined. .840 .840 4.203 KOKWAr 2 3 5 1 1 17 Katio per 1,000 examined. .873 1 1.310 2.183 ■ .437 .437 7.424 DENMARK 1 1 2 3 Katio per 1,0:;0 cxamiued. 2.011 2.G11 5.222 i 7.833 4 5 1 1 4 1 1 29 SWITZEKLASU 1 ' ' 1 1 l^tio per 1,000 examined. .550 2.220 2. 775 .555 .555 .555 .555 2. 220 .555 .555 10.093 SPAIX 1 1 4 Katio per 1,C00 examined. fl. 757 1 6.757 ! 27.027 PORTUGAL 1 1 1 3 Katio per 1,000 examined. 1 12. 340 12. 340 37. 037 ITALY ... 1 1 1 ^ 7 Ratio nev 1,000 examined . i.900 1 2.950 1 caoo e.!-5o i ■ 1 111"^ 1 20. 049 RUSSIA 1 1 1 4 32. 787 Katio per 1 ,000 examined HUXGART 8.197 1 8.197 1 3 Katio per 1,000 examined 1L230 11.230 H'Jll. i:m 1 .1^^^= 33.708 POLAND 1 1 - Katio per 1,000 examined. 5.848 5.848 151 11. 090 603 21 21 136 44 223 9 1 .002 34 ' 18 63 .124 Total 49 49 354 3,747 Katio per 1,000 examined. .098 .098 .706 .301 1.203 .043 .043 .271 .088 .443 .018 .008 .030 7.478 170 Tabus No. 3— Shouting, li/ nationalilicg, the relation of hdght, girth of chest at expiration, and atpantion HEIGHT 01 AND UNDER C3 INCHES. OIliTII OF CHEST \T Exrni.vTios. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 iuchcs. 31 and under 33 inches. KATIONALITIES. | Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. S o •g a ■g a i IS a b 10 > O u o 5 1 1 t-. o 1 o g ■s .5 o i 5 3 1 1 o CI ? 6 g > O H UNITED STATES. 61 111 836 443 1,451 152 293 2,024 1,268 3,737 119 212 1,596 1,026 2,953 Eatio per 1,000 examined .193 .352 2.649 1.404 4.597 .482 .028 C.413 4.017 11.840 .377 .672 5.057 3.251 9.356 UNITED STATES. 11 20 148 45 224 38 07 305 143 613 45 51 399 155 659 Katio per 1,000 examined .426 .774 5.730 1 1.742 8.073 1.471 2. .594 14. 132 5.537 23.734 1. 742 1.975 15.448 6.001 25.166 UNITED STATES. 1 1 1 8.264 e.264 8.264 a 264 BRITISH AMERICA 1 8 02 33 104 16 30 202 100 348 14 29 206 132 371 Batio per 1,000 examined .046 .370 3. 864 1.525 4.805 .739 1.386 9. 332 4.620 16. 078 .647 1.340 9.517 5.636 17. 140 MEXICO 1 1 3 5 1 1 3 10.989 10. 989 32.967 54.945 10.989 10.989 21.978 SOUTH AMERICA 2 2 3 1 4 Katio per 1,000 examined 25.316 25.316 37.975 12.638 50.633 ■WEST INDIES 1 1 3 1 6 1 3 4 5 13 2 15 5 23 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1. 724 1. 724 5 5.172 1. 724 10. 345 1.724 5. 172 0.897 8.621 22.414 3.448 23.802 8.621 37. 931 ENGLAND 42 15 02 7 21 141 85 254 13 28 161 142 3H .309 2. .S93 .926 3.828 .432 1.297 8.700 .803 1.729 9.941 8.768 IRELAND 4 11 100 30 151 37 36 269 192 534 23 61 459 334 877 Eatio per 1,000 examined .079 .218 1.979 .712 2.988 .732 .712 5.323 3.799 10. 567 .455 1.207 9.082 6.609 17. 354 SCOTLAND 5 3 8 2 15 13 30 2 29 19 Katio per 1,000 examined 1.438 .863 2.301 .575 4.315 3.740 8.031 .575 a 343 5.466 14.3S4 WALES 3 1 4 2 1 8 7 18 4 18 7 29 Katio per 1,000 examined 2.717 .906 3.023 1.812 .906 7.246 6.341 16.304 3.6-23 16. 304 6.341 26.2o8 FRANCE 1 1 3 e 11 1 23 14 38 4 8 57 23 94 Eatio per 1,000 examined .308 .308 .925 1.850 3.392 .308 7.092 4.317 11.718 1.233 2.407 17.57G 7.709 2a9.S6 171 of chcsl, to each other, emhradng the statistical results of the examination of 501,068 mm, # 3. — Continued. HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 63 INCHES— Continned. S GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 1 1 33 and under 35 inclies. 35 and under 37 inclies. 37 inches and over. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ■3^ IB O ■g a 4 a i o 1 g o on .3 > o H .2 1 1 > O 1 a 01 t-. « O ID O n o > O 1 ■g a 1 5 i •g .3 u 5 n ? O o o a 2 c UOTTED STATES. ■White 74 83 706 371 1,234 17 25 239 109 390 6 11 04 25 106 9,871 Ratio per 1,000 examined. .234 .263 2.237 1.175 3.910 .054 .079 .757 .345 1.236 .019 .035 .203 .079 .336 31.275 UOTTED STATES. Colored 32 47 229 79 387 18 13 88 19 138 3 2 20 25 2,037 Katio per 1,000 examined. 1.239 1.820 8.866 3.059 14. 984 .697 .503 3.407 .736 5.343 . 116 . 077 .774 .968 78. 868 UNITED STATES. 1 1 3 Eatio perl.OOO examined. 8.264 8.264 24. 793 BRITISH AMERICA .... 6 24 131 47 2C8 2 5 28 16 51 1 6 5 12 1,094 Ratio perl,000 examined. .27? 1.109 6.052 2.171 9.610 .098 .231 1.294 .739 2.356 .046 .277 .231 .554 30.343 MEXICO 1 1 8 Ratio per 1,000 examined. SOUTH AMERICA 2 1 3 10.989 1 10. 989 1 !"! 10 Ratio perl.OOO examined. 25.316 12.658 37.975 18. 658 12.638 126. 582 WEST INDIES 7 4 11 o 1 3 1 1 c> 57 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 12. 069 6.897 18. 966 3.448 1.724 5.172 1.724 1.724 8 2 3.448 12 98. 276 ENGLAND.... G 14 114 63 197 3 o 36 13 36 2 .123 925 Ratio per 1,000 cxaminod. .370 .864 7.039 3.890 12.163 .183 .123 2.223 .926 3.458 .494 .123 .741 57. 113 IBELAND 25 68 372 190 655 10 20 122 56 214 3 7 23 9 44 2,475 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined .495 1.346 7. 361 3.760 12. 901 .198 .514 2.414 1.108 4.235 .039 .139 .495 .178 .871 5 48. 974 SCOTLAND 1 4 17 5 27 1 3 2 6 2 1 126 Ratio per 1,000 examined .288 1.151 4.891 1.438 5 7.763 .288 .863 .573 1.726 .573 .288 .373 1.438 ■WALES 1 1 8 15 1 7 1 9 2 L812 1 .906 3 2.717 78 70. 652 Ratio per 1,000 examined FRANCE . .906 1 .906 8 7.246 28 4. 529 20 13.587 57 1 3 14 3 21 1 3 224 Ratio per 1,000 examined . .308 2.467 8. 634 1 6. 167 17. 576 .308 j .925 4.317 .925 6. 475 - = == -I .617 .308 .925 172 Tabu-: No. S—Sliowiiig, by nalionalitks, the relation of height, girth of chest at cjrpirulion, and expansion HEIGHT CI AND UNDEK 63 INCHES— Continuwl. curm OF CHEST at expiration. Under SO inches. 20 and niuler 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inelies NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expans lOU. Expansion. 1 1 •3 a 5 g ■n a 1 1 O c 1 4 a o 1 CI g o o •§ a o ■3 0 H s 0 .a 4 a > 0 0 a a g 0 g" •§ a n t 0 1 nOLLAlfD 3 3 ' 1 G 4 11 1 18 6 25 3.033 1 3.033 |i.on C.007 4.044 1 11.122 1.011 18.200 675 6.067 474 25.2!8 GERMANY » t 15 1 81 : 45 150 1 35 ' 81 341 1 213 G72 53 139 1,341 Eatio per 1,000 examined .104 .273 ,1.474 1 .819 2.730 . 037 ;1. 474 C.20G 3. 913 1 12. 231 .965 J2.530 ! 12.285 1 a 617 24.407 SWEDEN ! 1 1 a 3 2 4 5 14 1 1 9 4 13 Ratio i>er 1,000 esamincil .840 .840 1.681 2. 521 jl. C81 3.361 4.202 1 11.765 . 840 1 . 840 7.563 3.361 12.605 NOllW VY 1 1 1 5 3 ; 9 M 13 n 23 1 1 .437 2.183 1.310 { 3.9:10 .437 5. 677 3. 930 10.044 DENIIAEK 1 j i 1 t 2 4 4 8 Eatio per 1 000 examined 2. an 1 2.611 1 5.222 10. 444 1 10. 444 20.888 i SWITZEELAKD 3 0 9 1 5 13 S 26 1 1 i: 24 15 46 1.C65 3.330 4.90-1 .555 9.775 G.659 4.440 1 14.428 8.324 35.527 SPAIN ... 1 2 1 3 t 4 3 1 1'" """1 '!■' 1 Ivutio piT 1,0U0 examined 1 1 13.514 6.737 20.270 27.027 20.270 47.297 1 PORTUGAL 2 2 i "1 Katio per 1,000 examined 1 1 . I 1 24. 691 94. P91 1 1 ITALY 1 1 1 1 1 G. 1 8 3 Jl Eatio per 1,000 examined !2.D50J 2.0jO 2. D50 17.6D9 2. 950 ' 23. 599 2. 950 3. 950 17. CD9 | 8. 850 32.443 RUSSIA 1 1 o i 2 3 3 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1 1 1 1 16. 393 1 16.393 24.590 24. 590 1 1 HUNGAKT 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 esaiujned 1 1 i....::. 11.236 1 11.23G 11.236 11.236 — 1 — 1 — 1 POLAND 1 1 4 1 5 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1 1 5,848 i 5.8(3 11.696 23.392 5.848 29. 240 Total 88 172 1,292 635 2,187 293 547 3,430 2,072 6,342 279 542 3,707 2,356 6,884 Ratio per 1,000 examined .176 .343 2.578 1.267 4.365 .585 1.092 6. 815 4.135 12.657 .557 1.082 7.398 4. 702 13. 739 173 of vlual, to each oilier, cmhraciii'i the f:l(ithlieiil yexiilt^ of the examination of :"01.U08 mett, ■fp. — Cdiitiiini'il. HEIGHT 61 A^O) UNDER C3 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIUATION. a '3 33 and under 3.') incbes. 35 and under 37 inclies. 37 inclies and over. NATIOXALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. % 2 ^5 •g a O i .a u CI u 5 s ■§ n o 5 ■Ji o O a .a u c > O O CI O .0 o 1 CO o o DO EC O o 1 i o s .3 o O tn .9 u I "3 1 o 1 1 1 7 2 11 7 2 9 2 2 61 1 1 I^iti!> per 1,000 examined. 1.011 1.011 7.0TB 2.022 1. 122 7.078 2.022 9.100 2.022 o 022 j 61 678 flRRTMAXY 39 101 504 295 999 18 30 183 71 302 6 7 32 14 59 3, 523 Ratio per 1.000 examined. .710 1.833 10. 205 5.309 18. 182 .328 .540 3.331 1.292 5.497 .109 .127 .582 .253 1. 074 64. 120 1 3 0 8 18 1 6 3 10 59 liatio per 1,009 examined. .840 2.521 5.043 0.723 15. 126 .840 5.042 2.521 1 8.403 49. 580 "VOTIWAV C 1 12 4 23 G 5 11 1 1 67 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 2.620 .437 5.240 1.-47 2. 020 1 2. 183 j 4. 803 .437 . 437 ' 29. 2.18 TiVKW \T*'K 1 4 5 10 1 2 3 1 1 24 1 62. 663 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 2.011 10. 444 13.035 20. 110 2.011 5. 222 j 7. 833 2.611 2.611 CWTTyFTTT A"?!!! 1 3 18 11 33 1 3 1 3 8 2 2 124 Eatio per l.OOOexamined. .555 1.665 9. 969 2 0.104 18. 313 .553 1.665 .555 1.665 4.440 1.110 1 1.110 i 64 812 1 4 14 ; 94. .Wj Ratio per 1,000 examined. C.737 13. 514 6.757 27. 027 ! 1 1 \" 1 PORTUO/VL 3 2 5 1 1 2 9 Ratio per 1,000 examined. - 37.037 24. 091 01. 728 12.346 2 12.346 J24. C'Jl I 111.111 ITALY 1 3 1 5 2 27 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined. 2.950 8.850 2.930 [14.749 5.900 1 5.900 i 1 79.646 8 1 65.574 RUSSIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 8.197 8.197 8.197 1 8. 197 8.197 a 197 HUKGARY 1 B .1 <» 472 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined POLAND 1 2 1 3 1 1 -1 12 .1 70.175 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined Total 5.848 197 359 2,237 1,114 3,907 71 110 749 310 1,240 21 32 165 60 278 20,838 Ratio per 1,000 examined .30,1 .710 4.464 2.223 7.797 .142 .220 I. 495 . 619 2. 475 .042 .064 .320 .120 . 555 41. 587 174 X AitLi: No. 3 — Showbiff, by iialioiialities, the relation of height, f/irth of cheat at expiration, and expansion HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER 65 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIBATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. » i .5 ,a o a u > O ■3 3 1 1,232 S 1 o H 1 3 J3 o > O CO ■3 a 1 o .a u > O A Cl > O i « a u t o o H UNITED STATES. TVhite ■K 170 888 2,372 361 G£i 4,788 4,230 10, 032 424 762 6 817 5, 589 13.592 Katio per 1,000 examined .ail .558 3. 903 2.814 7. 515 1.144 I. 974 15. 170 13. 402 31.090 1.343 2.414 21.599 17. 70.S 469 4.3.004 UNITED STATES. Colored li 21 109 48 190 05 C3 TiOO 200 890 77 102 990 1, 638 Eatio per 1,000 examiiKMl .4Go .813 4.220 1.858 7. 356 ;2. 517 2.517 19.359 10. 067 34. 439 2.981 3.949 38. 330 13. 159 63.420 UNITED STATES. 4 9 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 41. 3-22 33. 058 74.380 1 BEITLSH. AMERICA 2 10 81 50 149 17 47 391 300 755 32 51 0.53 537 1,273 Ratio per 1,000 examined .092 .739 3.742 2.310 G.8S4 .7S3 2.171 18. OCI 1 1.3. 800 1 34. 881 2 1.478 2.350 30. 109 24. 809 58.813 ■MV.-x^r.n 2 5 3 10 - 10. 989 10. 989 21. 978 32. 907 109. 890 SOUTH AMEEICA 1 1 2 4 4 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 12. 058 12 658 25.316 50.033 50.633 WEST INDIES 3 1 1 3 8 2 1 15 11 29 2 3 17 12 34 Eatio per 1,000 examined 5.112 1.724 1.724 5.172 13.793 3.448 1. 724 25.862 18. 966 50. 000 3.448 5. 172 29. 310 20. 090 58. 621 ENGLAND 5 0 46 2fi 83 21 36 262 2G2 !i81 27 02 548 454 1,091 Eatio per 1 ,000 examined .309 .370 2.840 1.C05 5.125 1.297 2.223 10. 177 16. 177 35. 873 1.607 3.828 33.830 28.032 1,22!) 67. 362 IRELAND 5 17 115 91 228 44 100 578 .537 1,259 00 191 1,440 2,926 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined .099 .330 2.270 1.801 4.512 .871 1.979 11. 437 10.626 24. 912 1.300 3.779 23. 013 24. 200 57. 898 SCOTLAND 1 12 7 20 1 7 43 33 84 a 12 98 95 213 E.itin per 1,000 examined .288 3.452 1 2.014 1 5.754 2 .283 2.014 4 12.371 12 9.494 17 24.100 33 2.301 1 3.452 28.193 27. aio 61.277 WALES 1 40 23 Eatio per 1.000 examined .900 G .906 6 1.812 13 3.023 10. 870 15. 399 29. 891 36.232 20. 833 58. 877 1 FRANCE 3 3 29 38 73 10 24 116 116 263 Ratio per 1,000 examined .308 1.850 1.850 4.009 .925 .925 8. 942 11.718 22.510 3.084 7.401 33.7G9 35. 769 17f of cIimI to each other ; cmhrdcliig tla .stuli.ilicul results of the examination of 501,068 men, O 0) V .a w G n O 1 1 o .£3 O a ■g .H o to >B .a Gl ^^ 6 i .a a n o i i a ■§ a O i 1 CI > O ■g .a n O o H n o Pi a 5 UNITED STATES. ■Wliito 341 508 4, 512 2,884 8,245 100 173 1,403 637 2,303 27 39 294 115 475 30, 989 Eatio per 1,000 examiucd. 1.080 I.GIO 1 4. 290 9.138 C 0.123 .317 .548 4.445 1.987 7.297 .086 .i24 .931 .364 1.505 117.195 UNITED STATES. Colored 130 112 945 381 1, 508 CO 03 419 120 604 16 18 118 20 172 5.122 Eatio per 1,000 examined . 5.033 4. 330 iO. 588 1 4.751 00.709 2.323 2.439 0.223 4.724 25.709 .019 .097 4.509 .774 6. 659 198.312 UNITED STATES. Indians 1 o 3 1 1 1 1 14 Katio per 1,000 examined. 8.204 10. 529 24. 793 8.204 1 8.204 8.204 8.204 115. 702 BRITISH AMERICA .... 20 GO 515 334 937 11 19 182 70 288 2 1 35 10 54 3,456 Eatio per 1,000 examined. 1.201 2.804 23.793 15. 431 43.289 .508 .878 8.408 3.511 13.300 .092 .046 1.017 .739 2.495 159. 007 MEXICO 1 4 3 8 1 1 21 Ratio per 1,000 examined 10. 98!) 43. 950 32. 907 37. 912 10. USD 10.989 230.709 1 5 o 1 5 0 1 1 21 SOUTH AMERICA " i Katio per 1,000 examined. 12. 658 03.291 2.1. 310 101.200 [ 12.058 03.291 |75.S49 12.058 12. 058 205. 823 1 1 17 0 £7 4 3 7 1 1 106 Eatio per 1,000 examined. 1.724 1.724 23. 310 13. 793 40. 552 6.897 5. 172 12. (;09 4 5 40 1. 734 12 1.724 01 182. 759 ENGLAND 29 58 551 352 990 11 21 185 88 305 3, in Eatio per 1,000 examined 1.791 3.581 34. 021 21. 734 01. 120 .079 1.297 11. 423 5.433 18. 832 .247 .309 2. 470 .741 3.766 193. 084 lEELAND 12G 220 1,715 995 3,002 38 107 703 312 1,100 13 23 151 50 237 8,873 Ratio ]icr 1,000 examined 2.493 4. 472 33. 930 19.089 60.589 .752 j 2.117 13.911 0. 174 18 03. 953 .257 . 455 2.988 . 989 j 4. 090 175. 555 SCOTLAND a 9 94 55 lor 1 0 47 72 2 9 3 14 509 Eatio per 1,000 examined 2.301 2.589 57.043 1.-.. 823 47. 750 1 . 288 1.720 13. 521 5. 178 20. 713 . .575 2.589 7 .803 4 4.028 103. 094 ■WALES o 7 59 29 9" 3 19 0 28 11 236 Rat io per 1 ,000 cx.amined . 1.812 0.341 53. 443 20.208 a7. 802 |2. 717 . 17.210 .5. 435 30 25. 302 .6.341 3.023 9.904 213. 703 FEANCE 8 20 130 04 22C 4 11 .59 104 1 11 3 IS C93 Ratio per 1,000 examine! 2.407 0.167 40. 08(j 19.735 68.455 |1.233 3.392 18. 193 9.251 32.06£ . .30t" 3.302 .925 1 4.02.- 17G Tm'.i.i: Xo. r! — Sliniviiitj, bj/ iiatinnalilicx. the relation of hcif/ht, f/irlli of cJitsI id cxpiniHon, niiil cxpaiKinn HEIGHT G3 AND UXDEE 03 IXCHES— Continued. r.IltTII OF OnE.< o i u o J3 □ > o t CI u CJ O V n > O *« 1 i Qi U o a 4 9 6 n u C CA o O o UOTX^TCB 4 2 n 1 10 11 22 5 1 33 31 70 i. 014 1 023 0.0C7 1.011 10. HI 11.122 22. 245 5.050 1.011 33. 307 31. 345 70. 779 GEEUANT 2 18 Bl 58 109 47 100 489 563 1, 199 121 271 1,707 1,440 3, 539 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined .030 .328 1.050 1.050 3.070 . 855 1. 820 0. 900 10. 247 21. 8iS 2.202 4. 932 31. 008 20.209 04. 411 SWEDEN' 2 2 4 1 5 8 14 1 4 27 .32 04 " Eiltio per 1,000 examined i.esi 1.681 3.361 .840 4.202 0.723 11.765 .840 3.361 23. 0S9 20. 891 53. 782 NOEWA Y 3 3 1 8 18 27 0 8 39 37 80 1.310 1.310 .437 3.493 7. 860 11.790 2. 020 3.493 17. o:!i 10. 157 39.301 DENMAEK 1 1 1 3 4 3 0 7 16 2.011 2.011 2. fill 7.833 10.444 7.833 15. 006 18.277 41.775 SWITZEELANT) 4 4 1 5 19 31 50 3 4 63 57 l.-Jfi Eatio per 1,000 examined 2.220 3. 230 4.440 .555 2.775 10. 544 17.203 j 31.077 1.6G5 2.220 34. 406 31. 032 09. 932 SPAIN 1 1 5 5 13 10 23 Eatio per 1,000 examined 0.757 0.757 33.784 n-l 7Sj1 87. S.38 07. 568 155 4'J5 ...... .J — — POETUGAL 1 1 1 5 0 Eatio per 1,000 examined 12.340 12.346 12.340 61. 723 74. 074 ITALY 5 1 6 11 1 13 8 [ * Eatio per 1,000 examined 14.749 2.950 17. 099 -2.950 32. 448 20.649 56.047 5. COO 3. 950 33.348 1 23.509 70.790 EUSSIA 1 o , 7 1 8 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined B.107 10. 393 24. .59J 57.377 8.197 65.574 HUNGAKY o 2 2 4 G 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 23.472 ^472 22.472 44.944 67. 410 I'OLAND 1 1 10 IS 1 10 2 13 Katio per 1,000 examined. . . . 5.848 5.848 53.430 70. 175 5.848 58.480 11. 690 76.033 Total 105 257 1,710 3.413 1,191 2.377 3,263 0.512 567 993 7,180 6,334 15,074 30.084 785 1.567 1,504 12,658 10, 159 23,100 Batio per 1,000 examined .210 .513 1.132 1.982 14.329 12.641 3.003 25.262 20.275 30. 19J 177 of chraf, to rack other; cmhracbig the statinlical results of the examination of 501,008 mai, ,fc.— Contiiiucil. HEIGHT 03 AND UNDER C5 INCHES— Continued. ft GIP.TII OF CUEST AT KXPIRATIOX. -3 33 and under 35 inclics. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inclies and over. rt S3 . NATIOXALITDES. Expansion. Expansion. Expans on. A"* s ■g .9 J3 U a o t> O 3 C( 5 CO O ■8 a n o O o H ■§ u > O CI o O i A y ^n rs > O .9 ■g i o •§ .9 > O o en Li O 1 a 2 o HOLLAND 3 32 24 50 3 10 6 24 1 0 1 8 ISO Katio per 1,000 examined. 3.033 32. 350 24.207 59. 650 2.022 10. 178 G.0G7 24.207 l.OU 0.007 217 1.011 78 8.089 191. 102 GEUMANY 142 301 2,000 1,122 3,031 04 134 1,004 380 1,582 28 26 349 10, 409 Katio per 1,000 examined. 2.584 5.478 37. 003 20.421 00.085 1.105 2.439 18. 273 0. 910 2S. 793 . 510 .473 3.949 1. 423 0.353 190. 539 SWEDEN 3 o 41 24 70 2 o 27 2 4 4 ID Ratio per 1,0C0 examined. 2. 521 1.C81 3.4. 454 20. 108 58. 824 1.-681 1. 081 10. 924 8.403 92. 089 1.081 3. 301 3.301 8.403 158 824 NORWAY 11 3 52 34 100 9 4 35 10 5S 2 14 1 17 295 Ratio per 1,000 examined . 4.803 1.310 22. 707 14. 847 43. 608 .3. 930 1.747 115.234 4.307 25.328 .873 16.114 1 .437 7. 424 128. 821 DENMARK 1 1 12 18 32 1 2 6 3 12 1 1 1 1 4 Ratio per 1,0:0 examined. 2.011 2.011 31. 332 40.097 83.5S1 a. Oil 5. 232 15. GOO 7.833 31. 332 2.011 2.011 2.611 2.011 10. 444 180. 157 SWITZERLAND 0 9 OG 42 123 2 4 35 12 53 2 1 9 12 378 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 3.330 4.994 30. C20 23.307 08.257 1.110 2.220 19.423 0. 059 29. 412 1.110 .555 14.994 0.059 209. 707 SPAIN 1 4 4 2 11 1 1 4 0 46 6.757 27. 027 27. 027 13.514 ,74.324 6.757 C.-757 ;27.oa7 40.541 1 310. 811 1 PORTUGAL 6 4 10 1 1 2 1 20 74. 074 49.383 ;123.457 12. 340 12.34G 24.0'Jl 1 12.340 13.340 340. 914 ■ ITALY 3 4 15 10 32 6 4 10 3 1 * 3 94 Ratio per 1,000 examined . 8.850 11.799 44.248 29.499 94.395 17. 099 11.799 |29.4C9 5.900 2.950 -:^'= 8.850 277. 286 RUSSIA o n A 0 2 8 1 1 21 *" " 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined . 16. 393 16. 393 ,33. 787 49. 180 10.393 65.574 8.197 8.197 IDO. 721 HUNGARY 3 3 1 o 1 4 15 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 33. 708 33 708 11 ^36 on i7.-> 11.2.30 |44.944 108.539 POLAND o 1 A 4 11 1 1 2 1 1 2 40 ■ Ratio per 1,000 examined. 11. C9fl 5.848 23. 392 23.392 04.327 .5.848 5.848 11.690 5.848 5.848 11.090 233. 918 Total 841 1,333 10, 851 6,395 19, 419 307 552 4,156 1,712 0,727 97 121 919 312 1,449 71,038 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 1.678 2.658 21.650 12.763 38.755 .613 1.102 8.394 3.417 13. 425 .194 .241 1.834 .633 2.892 141.773 23 178 Tahle No. 3 — Showing, hij iiationaliUes, the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and expattsion HEIGHT 05 AND UNDER 67 INCHES. GIETH OF OUEST AT EXPIRATION. . Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inclies. 31 and under 33 iucbes. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o •s a > O 'I c 752 i 5 3 o H i 1 i o CI g O 1 O o .3 i o 1 CI u a) > O t g O cs o H UNITED STATES. ■\Vliito 57 114 775 1, C98 323 583 4,900 5,513 11,385 743 1, .373 12, 624 12,119 26,859 ll.atio per 1,000 examined .181 .301 2.383 2.455 5.360 1.023 1.847 15. 734 17.467 30. 072 2.354 4.350 39. 997 38. 397 85.099 UNITED STATES. fi C 53 33 98 29 51 355 238 673 82 119 1,093 568 1,862 Eatio per 1,000 examined .232 .2.'i2 2.052 L278 3.794 1.123 1.975 13. 745 9.215 26. 057 3.175 4.007 42. 318 21. 992 73.0.12 UNITED STATES. 3 1 4 4 3 7 S4. 793 8.204 33, 058 33. 058 24. 793 57 651 BRITISH AMERICA 5 5 .52 57 119 21 34 305 397 ?17 30 80 908 999 2,083 Ratio per 1,000 examined .831 .231 2. 402 2.033 5.498 .570 L571 16.863 1 18. 341 2 37. 745 3 1.663 3.090 44. 722 46. 154 96.235 MEXICO 1 5 2 8 Ratio per 1,000 examined 10. 989 21. 978 32. 907 10.989 54. 945 21. 978 87 913 SOUTH AMERICA „ 2 4 n 3 3 Ratio per 1,000 examined 25.31G 25. 310 50. 633 25.316 37.975 37. 975 101 %6 WEST INDIES 1 1 3 5 10 1 2 11 15 29 3 4 20 24 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1. 724 1.724 5.172 8.621 17. 241 L724 3.448 18. 966 25.802 50. 000 5. 172 6.897 44. 828 41.379 98.273 ENGLANQ 1 5 30 22 58 17 SO »10 303 596 58 99 811 759 1, 727 Ratio pir 1,(100 examined .062 .309 1. 852 1.358 3.581 1.C50 1.235 15. 189 18. 'lOS 36. 182 3.581 6.113 50. 074 46. 803 100. 031 IRELAND c. 12 72 70 150 41 04 525 600 / 1, 296 132 2!9 2, 176 2, 143 4, 670 Ralio pi'V 1,0110 examined .040 .237 1.425 1.385 3.087 .811 1.200 10. 388 13. 178 25.645 2.612 4.333 43. 058 42.405 93. 408 SCOTLAND 3 3 li 5 3 50 43 101 n 18 143 140 307 Ratio per 1,000 examined .863 .f03 1.720 1 1.438 .863 14. 384 12.371 29. 056 1.726 5.178 41. 139 40.270 88.;«o WALES 1 7 11 18 1 2 45 39 Ratio per 1,000 examined .006 2 .906 5 6.341 9.904 16. 304 .900 1.812 40. 761 35. 32G 78. 804 3 1 FRANCE 3 24 37 05 12 15 146 131 304 Ratio per 1,000 examiuod . 925 .017 1.543 .308 .925 7.401 11.409 20.043 3.700 4.625 45. 020 40. S95 93. 740 179 of chest, lu cacli other; emhraciiig the statistical results of the ejcamiitatioii 0/ 501,063 nie«, #e. — Coutinued. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 07 INCHES— Continued. a 3 a GIETH OF CHEST AT EXPIEATIOX. 33 and under 35 iucbes. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s is KATIONALITIES. Exp.ansiou. Expansion. Expansion. i o ■§ a 1 CI 6 1 n o 6 1 % •g n i o o5 W a C( 6 o n o 09 u O •3 a to .a a ct u ~i O •6 b ,£3 U a n ? 6 o "3 o 1 2 o UNITED STATES. ■Wbitcs 819 ,380 2,894 9,694 24,787 321 723 5,338 2, 084 9,366 115 200 1,175 572 2, 062 70, 157 Eatio per 1,000 (examined. i595 1.372 0.853 iO.714 78. 534 1.017 2.291 C.913 0.4.54 20.075 .304 .634 3.723 L812 0.533 J41.293 TINITED STATES. Colored 172 197 1,550 718 2,637 124 150 882 29d 1,454 53 42 233 72 405 7,129 Eatio per 1,000 examined 5.009 7.fi27 JCO.012 27.799 102. 0C8 4.801 5.608 34. 149 11. 538 JG.295 2.240 1.620 9.021 2.788 15. 681 276.018 UNITED STATES. Indiaus ■1 3 4 8 3 1 4 23 190. 083 Eatio per 1,000 examined . EEITISn AMERICA .... a 264 40 89 i,rno 836 2,034 34 63 492 298 887 11 12 108 46 177 6,117 Eatio per 1,000 examined. 2.2G4 4.112 48.972 38.C23 03. 071 1.571 2.911 22. 730 13. 7C8 40. 970 .508 ..554 4.090 2. 125 &177 262. 606 1 2 5 o 10 1 25 MEXICO Eatio pir 1,000 examined. 10.069 21.978 54. 045 21. 073 109. 8110 10. 0e9 32. 007 43. 056 274. 725 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 4 20 SOUTU AMERICA Eatio per l,f-!00 examined. 12.058 25. 310 12. 058 50.C33 12.058 12. 058 25. 316 .50.633 ■253. 165 4 4 33 26 07 1 2 17 7 27 o 2 4 194 ■WEST I.NDIES Eatio per 1,000 examined. G.897 C.6D7 50. 807 44. 8;8 115.517 1.724 3.443 20. 310 12. 069 4G.552 3.448 3.448 6.897 334.483 ENGLAND 71 84 ■ 927 C03 1, 755 30 40 441 201 778 13 12 93 51 174 5,078 Eatio per 1,000 examined 4.384 5. 604 il. 230 40. 9:i6 108. 3G0 2.223 170 2.470 214 27. 229 IC. 115 48. 037 .803 .741 6.051 3. 149 10. 743 313.534 IRELAND 210 331 3, 253 2, 240 fi, 031 1,811 825 3,020 43 65 471 161 740 15,916 Eatio per 1 ,000 examined 4.155 c.5:o 04. 309 44. S24 110. SOB 3.3C4 4.235 ;.5. 835 10.325 53 .'.9. 758 185 .851 4 1.286 2 9.320 3.186 14.043 314. 938 SCOTLAND 12 21 177 160 370 9 11 112 39 11 .55 1,024 Eatio per 1,0011 examined 3. 4.'.iJ G.041 50.921 4G. C.-50 106. 444 2.589 3. 105 32.221 '15.247 .53. 222 1.151 .575 3 10. 932 17 3.165 7 15. 823 294. .591 4 1 67 68 130 7 2 53 21 83 1 28 347 E.itio per 1,1. 00 examined . 3.C2;i 10 .£00 CO. 088 220 52.536 117. 754 6.341 1. 813 4a 007 19.022 75. 181 .906 2.717 15.359 6.341 25. 302 FRANCE 24 149 400 5 SI 107 1 69 202 2 8 30 15 53 1,040 Eatio per 1,000 e.\umined . 4. 934 7.401 67.838 45. 945 126. IIM 1542 6.475 |3a.994 21.277 02.288 .617 2.467 0.251 4.625 16. 960 = - ISO Taiii.e No. n — Shenring, hi/ nationaliliai, tlic relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and expansion HEIGHT C5 AND UNDER CV INGHES— Continuea. GinXH OF CHEST AT KXPIRATIOX. Under 20 inches. 29 and nnder 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 's •g 1 i 5 S ■3 .5 CI > o 1 .s CO o 1 1 1 O i -3 p a o 1 n u o > O I u o 1 1 g O o o 5 s .9 n 1 3 fi HOLLAND 1 3 4 2 8 19 29 3 8 32 35 l.Oll 3.033 4. 044 2.022 8.089 19.211 29.323 3.033 8.089 32. 350 33. 389 78 608 GEKilANV" -. 2 c 51 41 100 40 73 422 508 1,109 154 204 2,034 1,992 Itatio per 1,000 examined .030 .109 .928 .740 1.820 .837 1. 329 7.081 10.338 20.184 2. 803 4.805 37. 930 30.233 81. 792 SWEDEN 1 1 2 o 9 15 20 2 34 37 73 .840 .840 1.081 1.081 7.563 12.003 21.849 |l.081 28.571 31.092 01.345 NORWAY 1 4 5 1 2 9 20 32 8 3 47 42 100 .437 1.747 2.183 .437 .873 3.930 8.734 13.974 3.493 1.310 20. 524 18. 341 43. 668 DEXMAIiK 0 4 10 1 1 13 10 23 Itatio per 1,000 ixamiued . irj.eOO 10.444 2G. 110 o ojj o fii I 33. 943 26.110 63 274 ■ S WITZEKL AND 1 3 1 5 0 12 10 37 3 3 74 72 152 r.atio per 1,000 examined .5.15 1.005 .555 2.775 3.330 ll.OOj 0.059 8.879 20. 533 1.005 1.003 41. 005 39. 9.50 84. 351 SPAIN 2 2 4 1 5 0 12 Uiitici per 1,000 examined 13. 514 13. 514 27. 027 0.757 33. 784 40.541 PORTUGAL 3 4 7 R.atio per 1,000 exainiued 37. 037 49.383 ITALY 1 2 3 1 • 4 3 8 2 12 « Ratio i)er ! ,000 examined 2.950 5.900 B. 8.i0 2.050 1L799 6.850 23. 599 5.900 35. 398 23. 599 04.897 RUSSIA 1 1 4 4 8 Ratio per 1,000 examined 8.197 8.197 32.787 32.787 65.574 HUNGARY 1 1 1 „ 7 3 13 Ratio per 1,000 examined . . . . 11.230 11.236 |11.230 22.472 78. 052 33. 708 140 067 POLAND 1 1 1 3 8 4 10 Rjltio per 1,000 examined __ 5.848 5.848 5.818 17.544 40. 784 23.392 93. .507 Total 74 l.-.l 1, 020 1,019 2,270 491 .980 843 7,039 7,S7C 10,239 1,244 2,2-21 20, 307 19, 147 43, 979 Ratio per 1,000 examined .148 .301 2.048 2.034 4.530 1.682 14, 028 13.718 32. 409 2.483 4. 433 40. 647 38.212 85.775 181 of chest, to each oOur; rmhraciug the .tatislical results of the examination of 501,068 nifH.^T.-Coutiu.uJ. HEIGHT 05 AND UNDER 67 INCHFS-Continued. GIBTn OF CHEST AT EXl'IKATIOX. a -a a ei 33 and under 35 inclies. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 3 NATIOXALIXUJS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1^ S O 1 1 V . o a p O IK a n 5 1 1 a 1 > O i ■g a ct u o at s CO u g o o 1 .5 u o <5 t •3 o a n 1 c s 0 HOLLAND.. .. 2 11 7n 11 119 1 3 20 15 43 7 3 10 1 — 1 885 Katio per l,n00 examined . 2. 023 11.122 172. 801 34.378 120. 324 1.011 1 3.033 ;20.2SD 15.107 978 43. 501 63 7.078 3. 033 jlO. Ill 28a 170 GERiTANr 937 428 3.602 2,303 0,030 100 265 2,143 3,340 76 530 234 928 10, 807 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined . 4.313 7.7C0 0.5. 53a 43. 007 120. 008 2.912 4.823 ,39.003 17.600 C4. 538 1.123 1.383 10. 119 4. 239 |lC. 890 303. 893 SWEDEX 3 5 70 71 149 3 4 44 40 91 1 3 19 11 34 375 liatioper l,00Oesaraincd. 2. 521 4.202 38. 824 39. 004 125. 210 2.521 1 3.301 30. 975 33.613 70. 471 .840 2.521 15. 960 9.244 28.571 315. 120 NORWAY 20 14 127 105 272 79 39 142 10 9 34 5 1 4 585 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 11.334 'C.U4 35. 459 45.832 118.777 8. 297 1 2. 183 34. 498 17. 031 62.009 |2.183 1.747 0.987 3. 930 [14. 847 •335. 459 DEXilAEK 1 20 15 43 2 1 20 11 34 6 2 a Ratio per 1 ,000 examined 2 611 07. 885 39. 104 |l09. 001 5. 222 1 2. Oil |52. 219 |28. 721 88.773 15. 000 3.222 ;2U.e83 310. 705 SWITZERLAND 11 8 110 79 214 4 0 02 45 117 2 3 23 4 32 557 Ratio per 1,000 examined. G.104 4.440 04.373 43. 84 J 118.757 2.220 3. 330 ^34. 40G 24. 072 04.928 1.110 1. 065 12. 704 3.220 1 17. 733 309.101 SPAIN o 1 9 4 10 1 o 4 „ Ratio per 1.000 examined. 13.514 0.757 CO. 811 27.027 108. 103 0.757 13.514 27. 027 47.297 8 1 203.514 PORTUGAL 6 6 1 1 5 1 1 1 28 Ratio per 1 000 examined . 74. 074 74.074 !l4a lis 12.340 J12.340 |C1.728 112.340 |9S. 705 1 12 340 12.340 345 079 1 ITALY 1 0 15 11 33 3 3 10 8 24 3 2 3 95 ( Ratio per 1,000 examined. 2.a5J 17.099 41.2413 33. 448 97. 345 8. 833 1 8. 850 ^29. 4D9 p. 599 70.790 1 ^ 1 8.850 3. COO 14. 749 380.236 RUSSIA 1 8 0 13 1 . 4 2 4 34 1 "1 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined. ai97 03. 574 49. 180 |l2a 951 8.197 J32.787 1 8.197 49.180 j S.197 8.197 ia393 !33. 787 278.089 HUNGARY 0 5 11 1 5 5 11 2 2 38 Ratiopcr l.COO examined. 07. 410 50 180 i.^T «^nfi |ll.236 |56.169 30. ISO 123.596 22.472 0.1 470 jo(\ (^j;rt POLAND 1 , ; 15 I-, ^7 r 5 1 55 ' i ' 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined . 23.392 11.600 87.719 35.088 157. 895 5.848 23.393 5.848 35.088 1 ■39.240 29.240 321. C37 Total 1,645 2,621 24,263 17,258 45,785 902 1,518 11.601 5,970 20,051 317 431 2,811 1,204 4,703 9.500 132,087 Ratiopcr l,O0Oexamined. 3.283 5.231 48.423 34.438 91. 375 1.800 3.030 23.272 11.915 40.017 .633 .800 5.610 ■3.403 •363.011 182 Tablk No. 3—Slwuiiig, hij inilidiiaUlice, the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and expansion HEIGHT 07 AND UNDEE 69 INCHES. GIKTII OP CHEST AT EXPIRATIOS. Under 29 inches. 99 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 p 6 o > O 6 o i o "5 p 5 p 6 o p o "« 1 O £ a 5 c; a n 5 UNITED STATES. ■White 23 43 317 340 729 203 376 2,914 3,086 7,179 ros 1,345 11,948 13, 496 27,497 Eatio per 1,000 examined .073 .130 1.004 1.09G 2.310 .043 1.191 9.233 11. 679 22. 740 2.243 4. 261 37. 8.56 42. 760 87. 121 UNITED STATES. 3 10 11 30 13 12 147 105 977 52 68 067 479 1,266 Eatio per 1,000 examined UG .619 .420 1. 102 .503 .465 5.691 4.005 10. 725 2.013 9. 633 25.825 18.546 49. 017 UNITED STATES. 1 1 2 1 3 4 8 8.264 8.204 16. 529 8.264 24.793 33.058 06. 116 BRITISH AMERICA 1 22 10 39 10 12 141 223 386 93 59 699 861 1,642 .040 i.oie .739 1.802 .462 .554 6. 514 10. 303 17. 633 1.063 2. 726 32. 294 39. 778 75.800 MEXICO 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 5 10.989 10.989 10. 959 21.978 3a 967 10.989 10.989 32.967 54.945 SOUTH AMERICA 1 1 1 2 3 Eatio per 1,000 examined 12. 658 12. 658 19.658 25.310 37. 975 WEST INDIES 1 1 1 1 5 5 12 4 19 13 36 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1.724 1.724 1.724 1.724 8.621 8. 631 20. 090 6.897 39. 759 22.414 62.069 ENGLAND 2 2 7 r- IG 9 11 ■ 107 139 200 15 50 513 591 1 175 Eatio per 1 ,000 examined .123 .123 .432 .309 .988 .556 .079 6.607 8.5^ 16. 424 .920 3.458 31. 674 30. 490 72.549 IRELAND 3 4 23 20 . 50 93 27 289 343 082 09 159 1,493 1,657 3,373 Eatio per 1,000 examined .059 .079 .455 .514 1.108 .455 1534 5.719 6.787 13. 495 1. 365 3.146 29. 543 32. 788 00. 842 SCOTLAND 1 2 3 1 14 31 40 5 11 107 93 216 Eatio per 1,000 examined .2fl8 .575 .803 .288 4.028 8.918 13.934 1.438 3.165 30.783 20. 755 62. 140 ■WALES 5 8 13 1 3 19 28 51 Eatio per 1,000 examined .. 4.529 7.246 11.775 .906 2.717 17. 210 25.303 4C. 19G FEANCE 2 1 3 1 U 24 36 G 8 88 76 178 Eatio per 1,000 examined .017 .308 .925 .308 3.392 7.401 11. 101 1.850 2.467 27.135 23.435 183 of chest, to each other ; emhradng the statistical results of the examination of 501,068 men, .fc.-Continned. HEIGHT 67 Alrt) TTNDER 69 INCHES— Continned. NATIOXALITIES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXFIKATIOX. 33 and nnder 35 jDChcs. Expansion. tTNlTED STATES. White Katio per 1,000 examined UNITED STATES. Colored Eatio per 1,000 examined. UNITED STATES. Indians Katio perl,000 examined. BRITISH AMEEICA ... Katio per 1,000 examined 1,120 1,897 35 and under 37 inche.=. Expansion. .a 17,906. 15,284 6.010 56. 733 150 4.298 5. 808 MEXICO Katio per 1,000 examined SOUTH AMERICA Ratio per 1,000 examined ■WESTIKDIES Eatio per 1,000 examined 48. 435 1,334 51. 649 57. 851 94 2.310 4.343 753 36, 207 2,348 125 1, 195 10, 119 6,180 37 inches and over. Expansion. 18, 119 3.786 33. 061 19. 581 29. 154 90. 909 4. S40 99. 174 54. 146 21.978 65. 934 1,096 50.035 57. 408 397 240 446 1,720 66. 594 52 57. 851 719 10. 989 6.897 ENGLAND Ratio per 1,000 examined IRELAND Ratio perl,000examined 53 3. 273 25.316 43. 103 32. 759 897 98. 901 1.413 33. 218 20. 651 63. 291 4.678 3.740 SCOTLAND Eatio per 1,000 examined WALES Eatio per 1,000 examined 5. 521 55. 384 3,867 40. 309 56. 731 7.480 6.341 45.290 FRANCE Katio per l.OOOexamined 2.775 197 87. 931 1,780 1.724 37. 975 8.438 4.350 4,719 14. 952 124 633 299.252 6,274 14.751 4.801 24.508 43. 956 37. 975 29. 310 109.904 2.223 1.58 43.532 109. 524 1.56 56.674 44.879 50 3.084 159 49 44.384 3. 126 110.759 3.334 13. 793 50. 000 30. 193 2, 153 3.877 109 15 4.315 98.732 1.812 5.435 17.288 1,086 .601 16.529 16. 529 .155 29 859 53. 038 21. 489 72.086 37. 975 28.709 37 33.514 108 49.029 33.303 286 8 16 88.190 2.467 4.934 113 9.471 73.936 82 330. 579 339 15. 602 6,081 280. 943 5. 172 1.724 29 141 ■2!. 645 63.406 70 34. 844 21. 585 63.830 2.589 8.706 241. 758 6.897 4.569 13. 752 5.244 51 14. 672 151. e99 229. 310 16. 177 269. 079 1,128 4,358 14, 423 285. 375 3.6-23 1.542 2.407 29 8.343 16 14. 493 15. 726 96 27. 618 4 3.623 24 21.739 K 1,003 28a 550 267 241. 848 792 .5. .550 25^^285^ 244^3 184 Table No. 3 — Showing, hy nationaliiies, the relation of height, girth of cheat at ejcpiration, and ej-pansion HEIGHT G7 AND UNDER 69 INCHES— Continued. GIRTn OF CHEST AT EXPIRATIO.N. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o .a 1 i o 1 S s 6 M n ■y O O H .a a .2 o .a CI O c 5 a o H o .a a .a a u > O a a a 1- O X .a n O 1 TTOT.T,A'NT> 1 1 1 10 U 1 20 42 63 1.011 1.011 1.011 10.111 11.122 1.011 21.222 42.407 63 101 , frERMANY 3 3 17 21 44 22 58 238 276 594 84 102 1,298 1 462 3 COG Ratio per 1 ,000 examined .033 .055 .309 1 .382 .801 .400 1.05G 4.332 5.023 10.811 1.529 2. 948 23. 624 26.009 54. 710 SWEDEN o 4 8 1 2 15 31 49 1 LG81 1.681 3.361 6.723 .840 1.081 12. 605 26.050 it 41. 176 1 NORWAY 1 1 5 8 iri 11 5 54 J 14 .437 .437 2.183 3.493 5.677 4.803 2. 183 23. 581 19.214 DENMAKK 3 2 5 1 5 5 11 1 i 7.833 5.222 13. 035 2.6U 13.055 n.o.w SWIXZEKLAND 2 o 4 1 3 11 8 23 2 o 45 .10 Eatio per 1,000 examined .- 1.110 1.110 2.220 .535 1.665 0.104 4.410 12.704 1.110 1. 110 24.972 27. 747 54 931 SI'AIX 1 o 3 2 8 3 13. 514 20.270 13.514 54.C54 20.270 87.833 PORTUGAL 1 1 1 ■ 1 ' Katio per 1.000 oxaminpd 1 1 1 12.346 1 ITALY. 1 :i 1 5 ' 8 8 23.599 2 17 1 1 ••> 2.950 8.850 2.950 14. 749 2.950 23.599 50. 147 _- . - EUSSIA 1 3 1 5 .1 1 Kalio per 1,000 esamined 8.197 24. 590 8.197 40. 984 8.107 16. 393 16. 393 nuXGAllT 1 1 Q 1 Katid per 1,000 examined 1 11.236 11.236 1 POLAND 1 T) 3 2 4 3 = liatio per 1.000 examined \ [ 1 5.848 11.696 17.544 |11.696 23.392 11.690 46.784 1 Total 34 56 407 431 928 285 505 2,905 4,878 9,573 984 1,888 17, 020 18, 951 33, 843 Katio per 1,000 examined .0G8 .112 .812 .800 1.832 .509 1.008 ,5. 798 9.735 19. lO.-) 1.904 1 3.703 33.667 37. 821 77. 520 185 of chest, to each other; aiihracing the statistical results of the examination of 501,068 men, .Jc— Continued. HEIGHT 07 AND UNDER C9 INCHES-Continned. s GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXflRATIOX. •r a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over XATIONALITIES. Expansion. 1 Expansion. Expansion. i o •§ a o CO o o CI u o 6 1 a n 6 •s a .a 1 i O CI 1 i a 1 3 o 09 a u o a o .a o a CI o > O ti .a u .a r: 1 1^ 1 > *« ^ o a a u O HOLLAND 2 4 58 47 111 3 41 24 68 10 7 17 271 Itatio per 1,000 examined 2.02a '4. 0-14 538.045 [47. 523 jll2,233 | 3.033 41.456 24.267 08.756 0.111 ■ .078 17.189 >74. 014 GERMANY 200 331 2, 950 2,241 5,722 101 253 2,292 1 1,238 3,944 83 98 804 350 1,400 14,710 Eatio per 1,000 examined. 3.640 3.024 , ,3.691 - 10. 7S7 104. 142 2.930 4.003 11. 715 22. 532 71. 732 1.602 .784 |15.725 6.37J 125.480 267. 727 SWEDEN 1 „ 74 46 123 1 3 54 48 106 2 1 31 14 48 334 Katio per l.OCO examined .840 1.681 32. 185 J8.655 103.361 .840 2. 521 45. 378 40. 330 89. 076 I.G81 .840 26.050 1.703 40.336 28). 072 NORWAY 19 22 130 90 293 27 9 130 .58 224 14 5 35 22 70 721 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 8.297 |9.007 G8. 122 41.921 127.948 11.790 3.930 56. 709 23. 328 97. 817 G.114 2.163 J15.234 9.007 33. 183 ;il4.847 DENMARK o 0 19 0.1 45 3 2 14 10 29 3 4 5 12 102 Ratio per 1,00 examined 5. 222 5.222 49. 008 57. 441 117. 493 7.833 5.223 30. 554 36. 110 |75. 718 7.833 10. 444 13.033 ',31. 332 266.319 SWITZERLAND 8 9 85 81 183 "- 7 54 36 99 2 2 29 6 39 447 Ratio per 1,000 examined 4.440 4.994 47. 170 44. 930 101. 334 1.110 3.885 29.907 19.978 54.939 1.110 1. 110 !10. 093 i 3.330 21.643 243. 058 SPAIN 2 5 4 11 2 3 1 5 1 1 2 34 Ratio per 1,000 examined . 13.514 33.784 27.027 74. 324 13. 314 20.270 ,33.784 6.757 0. 7,57 13. 514 229. 730 PORTUGAL. 2 5 7 1 2 3 0 4 4 18 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 24. 091 01. 728 86.420 12.340 24. 091 37. 037 ,74. 074 14 49.383 49.333 3-22. 2-22 ITALY 1 23 10 34 1 11 2 1 1 71 2.930 07.847 •29.499 100.295 2.950 32.448 5.900 |4L298 2.950 J.— 11 2. 9.30 1-209.440 Ratio per 1,000 examined - RUSSIA 4 3 7 1 3 4 8 1 4 2 7 32 R;itio per 1 ,000 examined 32. 787 24. 590 57. 377 8.197 24. 590 32.787 05.574 8.197 |32.737 16.393 57.377 202. 295 HUNGARY 5 5 4 1 5 2 2 14 Ratio per 1,000 examined 50.160 56.180 44.944 11.236 ,56.180 22. 472 22. 472 137. 303 POLAND .^ .. I.T J 23 1 5 42 Ratio per 1,000 csamiued .|11.69G 3.848 170.175 46. 764 134.503| .| .20.240 5.848 33.088 \ |ll.«90 11. 090 Total 1,783 2,919 28,014 35. 9C.9 22, 994 55,710 1,204 2. 403 2,011 17,458 10,024 30,697 557 1 759 i 5,192 2,391 8.699 144,650 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined . j 3. 558 5. e-2G 4.1890 111.18: 4.013 34. 843 20.005 'fit. 203 1.113 1 ]l.515 jio.soa •1.772 17.760 ■283.683 24 186 T.MiLi: No. ;! — Shomng, hy iiaHonalities, the relation of Imight, girth of chest at expiration, and erpansion HEIGHT 09 AND UNDEK " 1 INCHES. GIBTH OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i •i -a a ? 5 o a a s- 106 o P n 3 > o i 6 i 3 5 i 5 5 i o a o 5 (0 V > o CO o .a i» ^2 n 6 r-i UNITED STATES. 9 IG 98 229 80 104 1,135 1,410 2,789 353 693 5,760 7,247 14,053 Katio per 1,000 examined .0-20 .051 .330 .310 .720 .233 .520 3.596 4. 4C7 8.837 1.118 2. 190 ia250 22. %1 44.525 UNITED STATES. Colored 1 2 1 2 G 3 3 53 32 96 25 31 277 201 534 Katio per 1,000 examined .039 .077 .039 .077 .232 .110 .110 a. 240 1.239 3. 717 .968 1. 200 10.725 7.782 20. CT3 UNITED STATES. 1 1 3 a 264 8.264 24 793 24 793 r.KrriSii aiiekica 2 1 3 8 14 7 3 52 80 142 9 23 300 397 *7-v> Kalio per 1.000 examined .092 .040 .139 .370 .047 .323 .139 2.402 3. 090 0.560 .410 1.003 13. 800 18. 341 33.080 MEXICO 1 10.989 SOmi AilERICA 1 1 3 5 Hatio per 1,000 ex-imined 12.658 12. 653 37.975 63. 291 VTEST INDIES 1 1 1 1 4 6 7 5 Katio pt-f 1,000 examined 1. 724 1. 734 1.724 1. 724 6.S97 10. 345 li069 a 621 20. 690 ENGLAND 1 5 3 9 3 4 35 36 78 0 19 100 214 399 Eatio per 1.000 examined .062 1 .300 .185 .MC 9 .185 4 .247 8 2. ICl 2 223 4.810 173 .370 1.173 9.879 13.213 IKELAND G 02 99 33 44 477 549 1,103 Katio per 1,000 examined .0-20 .040 .119 .178 .079 .ir* 1.227 l.9.'.9 3. 423 .053 .871 9.439 10.SS3 21. KSi SCOTLAND .T y 0 10 o „ 48 53 Katio per 1,000 examined .575 2.301 1.726 4.003 .575 .575 13.809 15. 247 WALES 1 2 3 10 10 20 Katio per 1.000 examined .900 1. 812 2.717 9. 058 9.053 lauo FJJANCE 1 2 1 4 1 4 18 18 41 Ratio per 1 000 examined 1 .308 .817 .308 1.233 .MS 1.2.13 S.S-W 5. .530 12.W3 I-''"""I 187 of .„.., io eacU o,Ur; .,^r..U„ „.c .aU.ncal res.Us ofO^ee^car^^ NATIOXALITIES. HEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES-Continnea. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXFIRATIOK. 33 Dud under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. Expansion. UKITED STATES. ■White Eatio per 1,000 examined •UNITED STATES. Colored Eatio per 1,000 examined - UNITED STATES. Indians Eatio per 1,000 examined 706 1,274 11, 839 2.237 4.036 11, 590 25, 409 37. 510 Expansion. •jG.731 80.505 501 1.587 968 3.067 635 478 2. 362 BKITISH AMEEICA ... Eatio per 1,000 examined. MEXICO Eatio per 1,000 examined 2.478 24. 586 18. 507 74. 380 1.109 SOUTH AMEEICA Eatio per 1,000 examined 31 550 1,238 47. 932 2. 362 37 inches and over. Expansion. 8, 855 '6, 314 16, 638 28.056 ,20.005 033 297 2.981 33. 0.58 107.438 691 1. 432 25. 410 31. 924 WEST INDIES Eatio per 1,000 examined ENGLAND Eatio per 1,000 examined 32. 967 1,296 24 52.715 232 24.121 11.499 1,058 40.963 395 3,138 1,708 1, 252 9. 942 2.400 33.058 30 507 33. 058 354 66. 116 59. 875 1.109 21. 978 54. 945 14 24. 138 50. 633 12 20. 690 50. 033 44. 828 311 1.386 23.433 16. 355 1.200 305 11. 809 109 5,473 64, 591 17. 340 204. 648 4.220 19.030 8.264 .8.264 3,439 133. 150 27 10. 529 323. 140 42. 273 IRELAND Eatio per 1 ,000 examined .926 1. 385 SCOTLAND Eatio per 1 ,000 examined. 1.544 90 1 .'i24 ll9. 2112 45. 196 10. 989 12. 658 10. 989 12. 658 3. 448 20. 690 24 291 .924 8.302 4.606 3,415 157. 773 B 25. 316 C 20 10.345 34.483 1.297 1 1.482 17.907 11.361 1.781 1,183 23.409 1.151 10 1.877 1,064 I 2,407 21. 054 83 |23. 87E 47. 628 89 25.604 "WALES ■ Ratioperl,OOOcxamincd.j^^^«OG^| j^ 28 25. 362 FEANCE... Kalin per 1 ,000 esai 186 53. 510 08 I 109 2.157 1. 346 1.726 23 53 20. 833 48. 007 71 57 niined. . 925 1. 850 21^|l7^ 1,127 22. 300 2.301 137 42.245 10. 989 520 10.989 87.912 32. 107 . 370 63 19. 563 13. 831 73 21.001 44.591 13. 587 0 10 1.850^13.084 !9. 634 155 .679 1. 724 109 0.730 3.952 1 1. 724 190 n.731 11 139.241 66 113.793 1.009 14 29 1.151 504 I 253 I 854 16. 699 9.973 5.006 0 46 1.736 13.234 12.681 26.268 .906 26 109 20.060 8.017 33.1111 .017 1 ,900 13 11. 775 23 1,928 119. 042 6,549 129. 588 14 4.028 !20. 138 533 153.049 20 4.529 18.116 16 45 . 233 7. 092 125 113. 225 336 4.934 ll3. 876 103.608 188 Table No. 3 — Shotdng, hy nationalities, the relation of heiglit, girth of chest at expiration, and expansion IIEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. OIRTII OF CHEST AT EXTIOATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 ■s a ? o S •3 C c» g o 1 o a m t- o "3 o i i .3 6 i ■3 s CI p 6 n CJ .3 O n > O "3 o H 1 .a 1 .3 o a s. > o .2 o 1 c > o "3 1 TTrtT T AXTl 1 3 3 7 1 5 11 17 1.011 3.033 3.033 7.078 1.011 5.036 11.122 17.189 GEEMANT 2 1 3 5 11 8 17 75 90 190 27 CI 413 515 1,010 Eatio per l.COO examined .03G .018 .CM .091 .200 .UG .309 1.365 1.C36 3.458 .491 1.110 7.517 9.373 18. 492 1 1 1 1 2 11 6 19 .640 .840 .840 .840 1.G81 9.244 5.04i 15.966 NOEWAT 1 o 1 3 7 2 1 17 20 40 .437 .673 .437 1.310 3.037 1 .873 .437 7.424 8.734 17.467 DENMAEK 1 1 3 1 4 2. Gil 2. Gil 7.833 2.011 10. 444 SWITZEELAND 1 4 2 7 3 13 12 28 .555 2.220 1.110 3.bS5 1.665 7.214 G.G59 13.538 SPAIN 1 1 6.737 6.757 POETUGAL 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 examined 12.346 12.346 IT.VLY . S 5 10 Ealio per 1,001) exaiuiiied 14.719 14.749 29 499 EUSSIA 1 1 2 4 Eatio pel- 1,000 (isainincd. ... . . a 197 8.197 10.393 32.787 IIDXGAEr 1 1 1 1 I'atiopor 1,000 examined 11.236 11.236 11.236 11 23fi POLANr 2 o 1 1 n ■■ Eatio per 1,000 examined 11. COG 11. 696 5.843 5.848 11.696 14 ■ 22 122 122 280 108 Total 205 1,438 1,773 3,524 460 884 7,531 9,273 18, 14B Ealii) per 1,011(1 examined .rss .04t .2« .2« .559 .210 .409 2.870 3. .Wg 7.033 .918 1.704 15.030 18. 506 36.219 189 of chest, to each olhcr: cmbruciiifi the stalislical results nf the examination of G01,0G8 mcH, .Jc. — Coiiliinied. HEIGHT 09 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. GIUTII OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. a 33 and under 3.'i inobea. 35 and under 37 inclica. 37 inches and over. ♦3 * NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 o .a •3 a u 6 Q « at O V .a § n O CO ■s p ■3 .5 .a O o .£3 O a n o 5 'a ID CO a> s id .s o 1 _p o S ■§ n u O o 1 IS •a O HOLLAND 3 1 23 23 50 1 4 17 13 35 1 7 4 12 121 Katio per 1,000 examined. 3.033 1.011 a 256 J23.236 ] 50. 550 l.OU 4.044 17.189 13.145 J35.3B9 L.OU 7.078 1.044 12.133 123.340 GERMANY 90 139 1,223 1,075 2, 527 92 1 156 1, 122 689 1 2, 039 00 36 533 205 904 6,707 Eatio per 1,000 examined. 1.C38 2.530 22. 259 19. 505 43. 992 1.074 2. 839 |20. 421 12. 540 37. 475 .910 1.019 9.701 4.823 16.4.'J3 122.070 SWEDEN 1 33 28 02 3 28 32 63 o 12 12 20 172 Eatio per 1,000 examined. .840 27.731 23.529 52. 101 2.521 23.529 26.891 32. E41 1.681 10. 084 10.084 21. 849 ,144. 538 NOEWAT 15 7 03 69 154 15 9 101 47 172 5 1 32 15 53 421! Eatio per 1,000 examined. 0.550 3.057 27.511 30. 131 67.249 6.550 3.930 44. 105 20. 524 75. 109 2.183 .437 13. 974 6. 330 |23. 144 180. 0S6 DENMAEK 1 7 9 17 1 10 13 24 1 3 1 5 51 133. 159 Eatio per 1,000 examined. 2. Oil 18. 277 23.499 44. 380 2.611 26. 110 33.943 62.063 2.611 7.833 2.611 13.035 SVflTZEELANI) 1 3 36 35 75 1 5 29 24 59 1 o 14 14 31 200 Eatio per l.OOOexamiued. .555 1.603 19. 978 19. 423 41. 620 .335 2.775 16. 093 13.319 32.741 .555 1.110 7.769 7.709 17.203 110.988 SPAIN 1 2 o 5 1 1 1 1 8 Eatio per 1,000 examined. G.757 13. 514 13.514 33.784 6.757 0.757 6.757 6.737 1 54.034 rOETUGAL 1 1 1 1 3 37.037 Eatio per 1,000 examined. 1 12. 340 0 3 10 1 7 6 14 4 4 38 ITALY I Eatio per ),00D examined. 2.950 17. 099 8.830 29.499 1 2. 930 20.649 [17.699 41.298 11.799 11.799 112.094 EUSSIA o 1 5 1 9 1 1 o 2 2 ... r,^n 17 Eatio per 1,000 examined 10. 393 8.197 40.984 2 8.197 73. 770 4 8.197 3 8.197 1 10. 393 4 2 HUNGARY 2 12 134.831 Eatio per 1,000 examined 22. 472 22.472 44. 944 33.708 ll.i36 44. 944 22.472 22.472 POLAND 1 1 1 1 1 3 ii.i:9C 2 11.606 10 38.480 Eatio per 1 ,000 examined Total 999 1,C54 5.848 16, 198 15, 570 5.848 34,421 797 1,407 12, 890 1 8. 801 123, 893 426 .■183 4,927 |2, 588 8,524 88,793 177.205 Pvatio per 1,000 oxaniiued 1.994 3.301 32.327 31.074 68.695 1.591 2.808 25.735 17.564 47.688 .830 1.164 1 9.833 5.103^17.012 190 Tablk No. [i—Shoipiiig, hy iiulioHulitu!!, the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, ami exjyanaion HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER "a INCHES. Climi OF C11E6T AT E-M-IliAnoN. Under 29 inebe.s. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inebe.>4. NATlOKALIXrES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o •§ .a a > O •3 .2 9 6 X a > o "c c *3 6 .a a u O > O •3 1 1 .a o a S 5 V .a a Cl o 's i .a •J a n O UNITED STATES. White 2 3 33 25 G3 24 59 249 330 002 147 250 1,015 2,074 4,093 Katio per 1,000 examined .006 .010 .105 .079 .200 .070 .187 .789 1.040 2.097 .466 8 .811 IP 5.117 68 6.571 41 13. 965 UNITED STATES. o 3 5 1 1 11 7 20 127 Eatio per 1,000 examined .077 .IIG .194 .039 .039 .420 .271 .774 .310 .387 2. 033 1.587 4.917 UllITED STATES. 1 1 8.264 8.264 BRITISH AMERICA 1 1 2 8 13 23 6 4 73 105 188 Katio per 1,000 examined .046 .046 .092 ..370 .CO! 1.063 .277 .185 3.373 4.851 8.686 "MEXICO 1 1 Ratio per I.OOO examined 10. 989 10. 989 SOUTH AMERrCA Katio per 1,000 cxamiued WEST INDIES .... 1 1 2 „ .T 4 1.724 1. 724 3.448 3.448 3.448 6.897 ENGLAND 4 1 u" 8 24 2 6 41 47 96 .247 .062 .079 .494 1. 483 .123 .370 2.531 2.902 5.927 IRELAND 1 1 2 4 9 13 SO 4 10 112 115 221 .020 .020 .040 .079 .178 . 257 .514 .079 .198 1. 620 2.270 4.373 SCOTLAND 2 n 1 a 14 21 .575 . 575 .283 1. 720 4.028 G.041 WALES 1 1 4 4 liatio per 1,000 examined .<,'00 .COO 3.623 3. C2.i FRANCE 1 2 2 5 1 4 4 g Ratio per 1,000 examined .308 .617 .617 1. 542 .308 1.333 1.233 2.775 I 191 of ekes, ,0 ea^k otker; e.lrac'lng iU sU^mioal resulu of tke e.a„unamn of 501,063 ».«. #c.-Continued. NATIONALITIES. HEIGHT 71 ANT) trNDEB 73 rSCHES-Continued. GIRTH OF CUEST AT EXPIRATIOK. 33 and vmder 35 inches. Expansion. UNITED STATES. "Whites Katio per 1,000 examined TJNITED STATES. Colored Eatio per 1,000 examined TOaTED STATES. Indians Eatio per 1,000 examined 274 .868 425 1.347 35 and under 37 inches. Expansion. 4,007 4,551 1-2.886 1 14. 419 170 .007 BRITISH AMERICA ... Eatio per 1,000 examined &264 0.814 9,317 29. 520 224 .710 353 .343 10. 529 12 135 10. 529 13. 007 37 inches and over. Expansion. 407 4,087 3,213 7,991 1.480 12.949 10. ISO 1.200 1.123 7.473 25. 318 . 459 4.646 373 14.442 41.322 277 .554 I 0.237 MEXICO Ratio per 1,000 examined. SOUTH AMERICA Katio per 1,1 00 examined 10.989 10. 989 17. 140 .370 .001 8.264 41. 322 180 155 1,833 1,170 3,375 25,500 774 49.587 .503 5.823 3.707 10.093 8.593 7.101 30S 10. 724 . 402 21. 973 ■WEST INDIES Ratio per 1,000 examined. 1.724 ENGLAND Ratio per 1,000 examined 25.310 3. 448 25.310 .390 IRELAND R;itio per 1 ,000 examined SCOTLAND I 1 Eatio perl,000 examined. 1. l-'il 20 98 0.051 B4 2. 478 8.479 80. 793 42. 473 8.204 1 1 8.254 107. 438 1,103 .047 12.058 6.897 5.804 16 317 5. 401 276 263 3 .863 WALES Ratio per 1,000 examined. FKANCE Eatio per 1,000 examined .900 20 7.480 ,. 204 12. 781 575 11. 378 10. 345 12. 058 3.095 13.095 I 7.300 1.724 12.069 14 1 82 . 804 I .5. 063 328 60 159 16 4.603 7 6.341 14 5 4.529 49 ir697 .495 .923 1. 542 4. 317 9 2.775 11. 77S .575 6.490 3.705 9.817 203 4.056 25 . 803 7. 192 31 9.559 .906 .185 .123 580 11.477 31 61 .396 1.297 DO. 939 1.050 32.907 37.975 29.310 43 529 .396 173 81 3.453 1.603 8.918 17. 549 . 863 . 575 4.529 017 I 2.407 2.717 8.152 12 3.700 .906 .906 5.754 3.623 32. 002 294 1,698 ,■•.. 818 33. 599 3.452 1. 812 37 10. 644 7.246 i^ -i^r^ "- 158 1-^4,^1^^^^^ 170 48. 907 33 31.703 86 20 519 192 Tahlh No. :i—Slioifiiui, hy iialionalities, ilic relation of licight, girth of chest at cjcpiration, and cxjmimon HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES— Continued. Un< GIKTU OF CnEST AT EXPIBATIOX. er 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expans on. S i .a .H •3 a u 1 R Gl O t .2 CO o t. O o u o s a i ■s a at 1 o s •s .a > o 3 o H o n •3 p u u t- O S o o i ■3 a n o 1 nOLLAND 1 1 3 Ivtitio por 1 000 examined 1 1.011 1.011 3.033 5 05G ■"" 1 1 GERMANY ^ 1 1 1 3 1 4 11 17 33 9 15 94 103 22C Ratio per 1 ,000 examined .018 .018 .018 .053 .018 .073 .200 1 .309 .Oil .164 .273 1.711 1.D6S 4.113 SWEDEN 1 1 2 2 4 Uatio per 1,000 examined .840 1 .840 1.081 1.081 3.301 5 (142 NOR\rAT 1 1 4 1 3 7 15 .437 .4.37 I. 747 . 437 1.310 3.057 DENMARK 3 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined 7.833 2.011 10. 444 SWITZERLAND 1 1 4 3 7 Ratio per 1,000 examined .555 . 555 2.220 LOOS 3,885 SPAIN Ratio per 1,000 examined rORTUGAL i 1 •• Ratio per 1,000 examined 1 1 i __;_ 1 1 ITALY Ratio per 1,000 examined RUSSIA R;itin per 1,000 examined HUNGARY 1 Ratio per 1,000 examined 1 1 1 POLAXD Ratio per 1.000 examined 1 1 :...". Total 3 5 40 27 73 20 74 303 394 801 I 1 2,533 lEO " 305 s.cou Ratio per 1,000 examined .OOG .010 .060 .054 .150 .000 .148 .605 .780 1.599 .339 .009 4.009 5.055 10.033 193 if chest, to each other ; emhraciug the statistical results of the examination of 501,068 nifii, .fr. — Continued. HEIGHT 71 AND UNDEE 73 INCHES— Continned. u GIETH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATIOX. g 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inclies. 37 inches and over. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expassiou. §•3 i "i o a i-t ■ 4 a u > o w a 1 a n O 3 o •g a « a u > O 1 .9 « O a n > O 3 03 1 1 1 IK ■S 51 O > O c H 5"^ o o 1 1 7 11 20 1 1 10 4 16 2 1 3 44 Katio per 1,000 examined 1.011 |i.on 7.078 11.122 20.222 1 1.011 i 1.011 1 10. HI 4.044 16.178 2. 022 1.011 3.033 GERMANY 16 37 270 224 547 26 23 311 242 602 13 18 175 104 313 1, 724 Eatioperl.OOO examined. .291 .673 4.914 4.077 1 9.956 . 473 1 . 419 5.660 j 4.404 10.957 .2.-i7 .323 3. 210 1.893 5.697 31. 377 2 4 7 13 1 7 9 17 2 7 9 47 Eatio per 1,000 examinod- 1.681 5 3.361 5.882 10. 924 1 .840 5.882 7.563 14.286 1.681 5. 882 7.563 39. 496 NOEWAT 3 18 15 40 3 3 42 20 63 2 1 12 10 23 149 Eatio per 1,000 examined .873 2.183 7.860 6.550 17.467 1.310 1 1.310 18.341 8.734 ;29. 694 .873 .437 5.240 4. 367 10. 917 65.066 DENMAEK 2 e, 4 1 1 2 3 5 14 Eat i 0 per 1 ,000 examined 5.222 5.222 1 10.444 1 2.611 1 2.611 5.222 7.833 13.055 30. 554 SWITZERLAND 1 1 14 26 2 4 10 16 8 1 9 59 Eatio per 1,000 examined. .555 .555 7.709 5.540 1 14.428 1.110 2.220 5. 549 1 8. 879 4.440 .555 4.994 32. 741 SPAIN 3 3 3 Eatio per 1,000 examined. :20.270 J20.270 20.270 PORTUGAL Eatio per 1,000 examined . I.. .;;... ITALY 1 1 3 3 2 2 6 Eatio per 1,000 examined . 2. '.150 2.950 8.850 8.850 5.900 5.900 17.699 RUSSIA 1 1 2 2 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 8.197 8.197 10. 393 16.393 HUNGAEY 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 4 44. 944 Ratio per 1 ,000 examined 1 11.336 1 11.236 1 1 o 4 1 1 7 POLAND Eatio per 1,000 examined 5.848 549 5.848 5,123 11.696 5.848 5.848 11.696 23. 392 5.848 5.848 40.936 Total 352 5,567 11,584 323 582 5,302 4,096 10, 303 218 296 2,459 1,550 4,5-23 33,313 Eatio per 1,000 examined .702 1.082 10.224 11.110 23. 119 .645 1.1G2 10. 581 8.175 20. 562 .435 ..591 4.908 3.093 9.027 04.483 25 194 Table No. 3 — Showing, ly naUmalitiei, the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and expatmon HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OTEE. GIKTn OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and nnder 31 inches. 31 and ondcr 33 inches. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o ■3 .9 .9 o O o (0 ■3 .a CO u e o i .s w p i o OS a a 1 o O H 1 i ■g a CI t o 6 1 UNITED STATES. 1 .5 ^ 8 0 0 39 59 113 33 55 317 340 741 Eatio per 1,000 oxaminert .003 .016 .000 .023 .019 .02D .124 1- .187 .358 .101 .174 1 1.004 14 1.077 10 a. 357 UNITED STATES. 1 2 25 'R&tio per 1,000 examined .039 .039 .077 .039 .542 .387 .968 UNITED STATES. 1 1 3 5 15 G 21 Eatio per 1,000 esamiucd .0-16 .04G .139 .231 .093 .277 .970 MEXICO ^ SOUTH AMEIiK; \ "VTEST INDIES 1 1 ENGLAND 1 1 2 1 8 6 15 Katio por 1,000 cxatuiiiud .062 .062 .003 .062 .123 .062 .494 • 4 .370 .920 IKELAND 1 1 1 1 8 14 Katiii ]»!!■ 1,(100 I'Xaniiiiod .020 .020 .020 .020 .079 .158 1 .277 SCOTLAND 4 liatio per 1,000 t^xamiuud 1.151 .S8S 1.43S WALES 1 1 1 1 Katiii per 1,0(1(1 i-xnniiiied .906 .906 .906 .906 FRANCE Kalio per 1,000 oxamined _ . __ . 195 of cVcM, to each other ; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 501,068 men, .J-c.— Continued. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continued. -3 n to .a 1 a O GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and nnder 37 inches. 37 inches and over. NATIONALITIES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. d w m o % .a .s. 4 B t- % o a o .a « .s CI u > O 1 5 's 1 .a > o .3 c* u « O o O i. 1 (-4 5 CO 1 « u o t- o o CO o 1 tij a a O TTNITED STATES. ■White 77 108 886 1 ,013 ■: ,084 70 118 1 , 055 929 ; ,172 45 88 C59 475 1,267 6, .388 315,620 Katio per 1,000 examined .244 .342 S .807 : .210 ( .603 .222 .374 C .343 ■ >.943 ( .862 .143 .279 '.'.088 1 .505 4.014 20.240 6-29. S95 tTNITED STATES. Colored 3 6 35 20 70 5 9 47 30 91 7 5 1 38 19 69 257 25,828 Eatio per 1,000 examined TJiaTED STATES. Indians .116 .232 1.355 L.007 2.710 .194 .348 .820 1 I. 162 3.523 .271 .194 .471 .736 2,672 9.950 51.546 1 1 8 264 121 .241 Katio perl,000 examined. BRITISH AMEEICA .... 1 o 28 30 ' 61 2 B.264 45 46 8.264 93 1 1 22 15 39 219 21,645 ISatio per 1,000 examined .046 .092 1.994 1.386 2.818 .092 2.079 2.125 4.297 .046 .046 1.016 .693 1.802 10. 118 43. 198 MEXICO 1 1 1 10.989 !)1 .162 Eatio per 1,000 examined SOUTH AMEEICA 10 989 10.989 79 .158 Katio per 1,000 examined. * ■ 1 1 1 1 1 724 S 3.448 580 1 1.158 Eatio per 1,000 examined. 14 12 27 2 1.724 15 11 28 3 6 9 18 91 ENGLANB 1 16, 196 Eatio per 1,000 examined IKELAND .062 . 804 1 . 741 1.667 .123 .920 .679 1.729 .185 .370 .556 1.111 5.619 230 4.947 3 4 23 37 67 6 4 39 53 102 8 37 21 .416 60 1 306 .50,537 1 100. 859 Eatio per 1,000 examined .059 .079 .455 8 .732 1.326 .119 1 .079 .772 l.U4y 2 3 6 7 4 11 36 = 6 14 3,476 Eatio per 1,000 examined WALES 2. 301 1.726 4. 028 .288 .575 .863 1.726 .2.014 1.151 3.165 1 10.337 1" 1 1 1 2 3 1 . .906 I .90C 1 ' 6.341 1,104 2203 Eatio per l,r00 examined FRANCE Katio per 1 ,000 examinoil llllJ . .906 2 . .61- j .el- . .906 •1 i.2:c .... Lllll . 1.23: 1 ' i .308 1.54; 1 ! .30t 1 1 . .30! 1 ! .30f i .92. r~T70( 3.243 ) &472 196 Tablk No. 3 — SliotHng, by nationalities, the relation of height, girth of chest at expiration, and expansion HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT KXPIUATIOX. Uiidci' iiO inclit'S. 29 and under 31 inchei!. 31 and under 33 inches. NATIONALITIKS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i ■§ ■S i o 1 i o a n > O 1 s ■s a 4 a u > O .9 o > O CO o a n u o > O 3 o H •g .s > O t .a o a « o i 1 n t- o 3 o H i o 1 .a a o O a a 1 1 .a u Oi t- O H 1, to a a s HOLLAND 1 1 2 1 2 3 5 Ratio per 1,000 examined. .011 I. on 2.022 l.OU 1. 022 1 033 1 5.050 1 974 fiEEMANY 3 33 43 78 4 4 51 37 90 5 6 34 28 73 231 54 944 Ratio perl, 000 examinetl. .055 .601 .704 1.420 .073 .073 .9-28 .073 1.747 .091 .109 .619 .510 1.3-29 5.114 109. 654 SWEDEN 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 9 1, 190 Eatio perl, 000 examined. .840 .840 1.081 1.681 3.301 .840 1.681 2.521 7. 563 2.375 NORWAY 1 1 5 2 9 3 5 8 1 6 5 12 30 2,290 Ratio per 1,000 examined. .437 .437 2.183 .873 3.930 1.310 2. 183 3.493 .437 2.620 2. 183 5. 240 13. 100 4.570 T>FNMARK 1 1 1 383 Ratio per 1,030 examined. 2.C11 2. en 2.611 .704 3 SWITZERLAND 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 8 1, 802 Ratio per 1,000 examined. .555 .555 .555 1.110 .555 2. 220 .555 1.110 1.605 4.440 3. 596 SPAIN 148 Ratio per 1,000 examined. 1 .295 POUTTTfJ 'VT, 81 1 .163 ITALY 1 1 1 339 Katio per 1 ,000 examined . 1 2.950 2. 950 2.950 1 .077 1 1 RUSSIA 122 Eatio per 1 ,000 exniniaed . 8.197 8.197 8.197 .243 HUNGAEY 1 89 Eatio per 1,000 examined 1 11.236 .178 POLAND 1 1 o 171 Eatio per 1,000 examiued S.848 1,039 5.848 2, 422 11.696 .341 Total 89 122 1,172 86 140 1,270 2.535 1,122 2.239 2,618 5.225 61 112 812 1.621 582 1.162 1,.567 3.127 7,003 15. 174 501, 063 .178 .243 a. 074 2.339 4.834 .172 .279 .122 .224 Eatio per 1,000 examined i T^BLE NO. 4, SHOWING THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GIRTH OF CHEST, EXPANSION or CHEST COMPLEXION AND AGE. AMERICAN-BORN WHITE MEN ACCEPTED. 200 Taklk No. i—Shoicing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of cheat, to complcrion and age, and to each other; HEIGHT UNDEIl CI IN'cnES. GIUTII OF CHEST AT EXPIILVTIOX. TTnder 29 inclies. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o .5 4 a u BO « •3 a CI u 5 X 1 CO 3 t- O •3 i ■§ •g a i •g o i 1 n u o i S .2 o •i .9 .2 i o o .2 u o & u n O "3 1 LIGHT COHrLEXION. 5 41 22 G8 10 91 5fi i.-ii 15 57 30 108 .020 .215 .115 .357 .052 .477 .294 1 .624 ! . 070 .299 .189 .567 DAEK COMPLEXIOX. 3 12 fi 21 2 8 20 18 .14 3 27 20 50 .OIG .0G3 53 .031 28 .110 89 .010 2 .042 18 .136 117 .094 74 .283 .016 .142 .105 .262 Total 8 211 18 84 56 158 Eatio per 1 000 accepted .042 .278 .147 .407 .010 .094 .614 .388 1.107 .094 .441 .294 829 AGE. ITniler 20 G 4G 24 7G 2 12 77 51 142 8 40 26 74 .031 .241 .120 .399 .010 .0G3 .404 .268 .745 .042 .210 .136 2 5 „ 9 4 19 10 33 4 23 11 Katio per 1,000 accepted ... .010 .02G oin .047 .021 .100 .052 .173 .021 .121 .C58 199 23 and uudcrSO 2 2 1 10 4 15 9 in 19 E.itio per 1,000 accepted .010 .010 .005 .052 .021 .079 .047 .052 .100 30 anduudtr35 1 1 6 5 11 „ J, o G Eatio per 1,000 accepted .005 .003 .031 .036 .058 .010 .010 ! .010 031 35 and uudcr40 -. ... 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 5 5 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .005 .005 .005 .010 .005 .021 .005 .020 1 .026 .058 40 and over a 3 " 3 5 2 10 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .016 I .010 .031 I .010 . 026 ! . 010 052 Total 8 .53 28 89 2 211 18 84 56 158 Eatio per 1,000 accepted ... .042 .278 .147 .407 .010 .094 1.107 .094 .441 .294 .829 .... 201 emhracing the statistical i-esults of the examination of 190,021 Jmerican-lorn, white men, found Jit for military sn-rice. HEIGHT UNDER CI INCHES— Contiiuu-d. a> GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIKATIOX. 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. a 0 COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i a 1 rH 5 a g O CO 1 CD 6 u o 1 o a 1 2 .S o 1 a n g o 1 u o 0 4 a rH O 1 .a M S o i .a o a CO u 1 13 3 o 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 4 38 30 -a 3 14 9 2G 2 1 4 7 438 1 1 .021 .190 .157 .378 .016 .073 .047 .130 .010 .005 .021 .037 2.298 DARK COMPLEXION. 1 20 10 31 8 4 12 2 1 3 171 Katlu per 1,000 accepted .005 .105 .052 .103 .042 .021 .003 .010 .C05 .010 .897 Total 5 58 40 103 3 22 13 38 3 3 5 10 009 .020 .304 .210 .540 .010 .115 .008 .199 .010 .OIG .020 .052 3.195 AGE. TTinlpr "0 10 G 10 1 1 1 1 2 311 . 0.52 .031 .084 .005 .005 .005 .005 .010 1.632 1 18 10 11 33 5 5 10 120 " Ratio per 1,000 accepted .005 . 094 1 . 058 .157 .026 .020 .052 .630 25 aud under 30 2 12 9 23 2 4 3 0 1 „ 3 71 .010 .003 .047 .121 .010 .021 G .010 3 .047 9 .005 .010 .016 .372 2 4 G 12 39 .010 .021 .031 .003 .031 .010 .047 .205 35 and under 40 9 4 13 2 o 4 1 2 3 30 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .047 .021 .008 .010 .010 .021 .005 .010 .016 .189 40 and over 5 4 9 1 4 5 1 1 2 32 Katio per 1,000 accepted .020 .021 .047 .005 .021 22 .020 .005 .005 5 .020 .010 10 .052 .168 Total 5 58 40 103 3 13 33 2 3 .010 609 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .020 .304 .210 .540 .016 .115 .008 .199 .010 3.195 26 202 Tahle No. 4 Showing Ihe relation of height, girth of chest, and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, and to HEIGHT 61 AND UCifDER 63 INCHES. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIltATION. Under 29 inches. 29 aud under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Exp.-insion. Expansion. EC 1 1 to 5 o5 •§ > O > o- o .a > o a > o i n p O 3 o H 1 o •s a .2 C a i o i •g .2 6 CO •3 .9 n u 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 14 119 119 253 1 86 039 460 ,186 1 118 693 453 1,265 Katio per 1,000 accepted .005 .073 .624 .621 1.327 .005 .451 3.352 2.413 3.222 .005 .619 3.635 i376 G.63G DAKK COMPLEXION. 4 33 33 69 33 239 218 490 1 38 318 239 596 .021 .168 .173 .362 .173 1.254 1.144 2..S71 .005 .199 L668 1.254 3.127 1 1» 151 152 322 1 119 878 678 1,676 2 156 1,011 692 1,861 Hatio per 1 000 accepted - . .005 .094 .792 .797 1.689 .005 .624 4.606 3.557 8.792 .010 .818 5.304 3.630 9.763 AGE. 15 132 123 270 1 95 643 408 1,207 69 505 309 885 .079 .692 .645 1.416 .005 .498 3. 373 2.455 6. 332 .362 2.649 1. 621 4.632 2 13 17 32 14 130 115 259 36 256 178 470 Katio per 1,01)0 accepted .010 .068 .089 .168 .073 .632 .603 1.359 .189 1.343 .934 2.466 25 and under 30 1 2 5 8 7 45 37 89 1 21 110 82 214 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .005 .010 .026 .042 .037 .236 .194 .467 .005 .110 .577 .430 1.123 'M\ and under 35 3 3 2 26 27 R5 10 71 47 128 .016 .016 .010 .136 .142 .289 .052 .373 .247 .671 3 2 5 18 18 36 1 10 38 41 90 Itatiopcr 1,000 accepted .016 .010 .026 .094 .094 .189 .005 .053 .199 .215 .4T2 40 and over 1 1 .T 4 1 16 13 30 10 31 35 "6 .005 .005 .010 .021 .005 .084 .068 .157 .052 .163 .184 .399 Total 1 18 151 152 322 1 119 878 678 1,676 2 692 1,861 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . .005 .094 .792 .797 1.689 .005 .624 4.606 3.557 8.792 .010 .818 5.304 3.630 9.763 203 each other ; cmhracing raeina tU statistical results of the eMMinafion of 190,621 American-horn white men, #c.-Continned. COiirLEXIONS AND AGES. LIGHT COMPLEXION Blue or gray eyesj Uglit hair Katio per 1,000 accepted DARK COIIPLEXION. Black or hazel eyea ; dark haiiv Katio per 1,000 accepted Total. Katio per 1,000 acceptea AGE. Under 20 Katio per 1,000 accepted 20 and nnder 25 Katio per 1,000 accepted 25 and nnder 30 Katio per 1,000 accepted 30 and under 35 Katio per 1,000 accepted 35 and nnder 40 Katio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over Katio per 1,000 accepted Total Katio per 1,000 accepted HEIGHT 61 AND TJNDEE 63 INCHES— Continned. 204 TAiii-r: No. 4 Shoiring the relation nf hcU/ht, (jirlh of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, and to HEIGHT 03 AND UNDER 05 INCHES. GIBTH 3F CHEST AT E.XPIKATION ITndor 29 inches. 29 and nnder 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inclies. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i 1 1 o m .a o a CI > O > o 3 u o 1 u o o i .a u a Cl 5 03 a u > O I i u o ■3 •s ,.9 6 m A ©I 1 5 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 13 171 235 431 12 190 1,738 1,700 3,700 22 441 3,012 2,536 0,031 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .079 .897 1.233 2.209 .063 .997 9.118 9.233 19. 410 .115 2. 313 15. 801 13. 409 31. 039 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. . . 1 4 54 67 126 5 71 634 753 1,463 3 179 1,379 1,252 2,813 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .005 .021 .283 .351 .001 .020 .372 3.326 3.950 7.675 .016 .939 7.234 6.568 14.757 1 19 225 302 547 17 261 2,372 2,513 5,163 25 620 4.391 3,808 8,844 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .003 .100 1.180 1.584 2.870 .089 1.369 12.444 13. 183 27. 085 .131 3.253 23.035 19.977 46.396 AGE. Under 20 1 14 177 237 429 15 189 1,082 1,698 3,584 10 313 2,204 1,649 4, 183 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .005 .073 .929 1.243 3.251 .079 .991 8. 824 8.908 18. 802 .084 1. 642 11. 563 8.651 21. 939 a 20 37 59 1 37 384 477 899 4 141 1,053 1,011 2 209 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .010 .105 .194 .310 .005 .194 2.014 2.502 4.716 .021 .740 5.524 5.304 11 588 25 and under 30 o 15 11 28 1 17 128 144 290 4 74 474 434 986 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .010 .079 .058 .147 .005 .089 .071 .755 1.521 .021 .388 38 2.487 2.277 5 173 30 and xmder 35 1 8 7 16 8 77 89 174 1 277 320 636 .005 .042 .037 .084 .042 .404 .407 .913 .005 .199 1.453 1.679 35 and under 40 ' t, G 8 4 51) 62 122 31 224 236 'ill Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .010 .031 .043 .021 .294 .325 .640 .103 1.175 1.343 3 4 7 C 45 43 94 23 159 138 320 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .010 225 1.180 .021 302 1.584 .037 547 2.8T0 .031 SGI 1.309 .236 .220 .493 25 .131 620 .834 4,391 23.033 .724 3,808 19. 977 1 19 Total 17 .089 2,372 3,513 5,163 27. 085 8,844 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .003 .100 12. 444 13. 183 .131 3.253 46. 396 205 each other ; embracing the statislicaJ results of the examination 0/ 190,621 American-horn white men, 0 0 a 0 i i ■g a □ i 0 a ©» 1 0 1 a n 0 H 4 i 6 S •s .S « g 0 0 ■0 a n s 3 & 0 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair. 13 331 1,838 1,267 3,499 3 88 538 251 eeo 20 111 58 189 14,720 liatio per 1,000 accepted .068 1.T3G 9.C04 6. 647 18.356 .016 j .462 2.822 1.317 4.616 .105 .sas .304 .991 77. 221 DAPvK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair 3 185 993 722 1,903 2 57 336 186 581 13 69 24 106 6,992 Katio per 1,000 accepted .016 .971 5 209 3.788 9.983 .010 1 .299 1.763 .976 3.048 .068 .362 .126 .556 36.680 Total 16 516 2,881 1,989 5,403 5 145 874 4.585 97 437 2.393 46 1,461 7.664 161 33 .173 180 .944 S2 295 21,712 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .084 2.707 15. 114 10. 434 28.339 .026 3 .761 16 .430 1.548 113.901 AGE. Under 20 8 1.37 748 417 1,310 1 16 2 19 9,685 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .042 .719 3. 924 2.188 6.872 .010 .084 .509 .241 .845 .005 . 084 1 . 010 .100 50. 808 3 144 804 559 1,510 1 41 240 101 383 5 27 12 44 5,104 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .016 .755 4.218 2.933 7. 921 1 . e05 1 . 215 1.259 .530 2.009 . 026 1 . 142 .063 .231 26. 770 2 80 482 359 923 „ 25 157 81 265 9 33 15 57 2,549 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .010 .420 2.529 1.883 4.842 .010 .131 .824 .425 1.390 211 .047 .173 .079 .299 13. 372 30 and under 'AT> 1 51 330 261 633 24 M3 74 G 28 15 49 1,749 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .005 1 .268 1.679 1.369 3. 321 120 .750 .388 1.264 1 .031 .147 .079 .257 9.175 35 and nnder 40 53 302 213 569 24 130 64 218 4 35 22 61 1, 489 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .005 .278 1.584 1.117 2. 985 1 .126 .6K2 .3.16 1.144 193 .021 8 .184 41 .115 10 . 320 05 7.811 40 and over , 1 .005 IMI a:>i 15 107 71 1,136 Ratio per l.OUO accepted .268 1.180 .944 2. 397 .079 ..561 .372 1.012 .042 .215 .084 .341 5.959 Total 10 516 2. 707 2,881 1.989 5,402 5 145 874 437 1,461 33 ISO 82 295 21,712 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .084 1.1.114 10.434 28.339 .030 .761 4.585 2.293 7.664 .173 .944 .430 1.548 113. 901 206 Table No. i—Sltuiving the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, and to HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 67 INCHES. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATIOX. Uiuler 20 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AXD AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i .a o f o CO o 1 i 1 "3 a u > 3 6 i .5 n 5 "a e5 •g '3 O a Gt o 1 a n u « O "3 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 17 111 187 315 16 200 1,801 2,456 4,479 49 701 5,497 5,603 11,850 .089 .582 .981 1.6.i2 .084 1.081 9.448 12.884 23.497 .257 3.677 28.837 29.393 0-2.165 DARK COMPLEXION. 6 45 78 129 8 G3 G90 1,030 1,790 25 306 2,357 2,069 5,357 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted ...,.j .031 .236 .409 .677 .042 .325 3.620 5.403 9.390 .131 1.605 12. 365 14.002 2&103 Total 23 l.'Wi 265 444 24 268 2,491 3,486 6,269 74 1,007 7,854 8,372 17,207 .121 .818 1.390 2.329 .126 1.406 13. 068 18.288 32. 887 .388 5.283 41.202 43.395 90.268 AGE. 16 112 178 306 23 1.53 1,460 2,035 3,671 42 379 .3,169 3,158 6,748 ^ Ratio per 1,000 accepted .084 . 588 . 934 1.605 .121 .803 7.659 10. 676 19.258 .220 1.988 16. 625 16. .567 35.400 20 and under 25 3 24 52 79 1 52 589 855 1,497 19 270 2,188 2,431 4.908 Eatio per l.COO accepted .016 .126 .273 .414 .005 9-rx 3.090 4.485 7.853 .100 1.416 11. 478 12. 753 25.747 25 and under 30 1 13 18 32 27 207 273 507 7 127 990 1,119 2 243 Kat i.t p<-r 1 .000 accc'pled . 005 . 068 .094 .163 .142 1.086 1. 432 2.660 .037 .666 5. 194 5.870 11.767 30 and under 35 4 11 15 15 102 154 271 3 94 615 689 1,401 Eatia per 1 ,000 accepted .c:i .058 .079 .079 .535 .808 1. 422 .016 .493 3. 236 3.615 7.350 35 and imder 40 1 o 5 8 12 70 92 174 86 527 522 1 135 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 005 .010 .036 .042 .063 .367 .483 .913 .451 2.765 2.7.18 5.954 40 aud over 2 1 1 4 9 03 77 149 3 51 365 353 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .010 .005 .005 .021 .047 .330 .404 .782 .016 .268 1.915 1.852 4.050 Total 205 444 2,491 3,486 0,269 7,854 8, 272 17,207 ,4 |.,„v,. Batio per 1,0(10 accepted .121 .818 1.300 2. 389 .12V 1.40G 13.068 1R288 32. 8S7 .388 5.283 41.203 43.393 _ 207 each ollie)-; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 190,621 Americanr-hom white men, ^c. — Continued. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 67 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CREST AT EXTIRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 aud under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. c3 in COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .a a i .13 a g o CO CD 0 CI > O o .a 1 o 2 4 a g o 1 .3 CI o t> O 1 > o o 3 1 > o <6 1 .9 n 1 o e2 o a « O LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; liglit hair. . 30 822 5,412 4,307 0, .'i71 18 407 2,211 1,306 3,942 7 103 450 268 839 31, 996 Katio per 1,000 .iccepted .157 1. 312 398 28.391 2,864 22.595 55. 456 .094 2.135 11. 599 6. 851 20. 680 | .037 . 567 2. 392 ^l .406 ' .401 494 167. 851 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or bazel eyes ; dark hair. 9 2,426 5,697 13 237 1,263 755 2,268 2 72 251 169 15, 735 Katio per 1,000 accepted .047 2.068 15. 025 12.727 29.887 .068 1.243 G. 626 3.961 11.898 .010 .378 1.317 .887 2.592 82.546 Total 39 1,220 6.400 8,276 6,733 16, 268 3i 644 3,474 2,061 6,210 9 180 707 437 1,333 47, 731 Katio per 1,000 accepted .205 43. 416 35. 321 85. 342 .163 3.378 18.225 10.812 32.578 .047 .944 3.709 2.293 6.993 2.i0. 397 AGE. Under 20 23 259 1,681 1,224 3,186 4 72 347 176 599 14 33 14 61 14, 571 Katio per 1,000 accepted .115 5 1.359 360 8.819 0. 421 16. 714 .021 .378 1.820 .923 3.142 .073 .173 .073 .320 76.440 20 and under 25 2,469 2,032 4,866 4 151 874 538 1,567 3 34 123 78 238 13, 155 Katio per 1,000 accepted .026 1.889 12. 952 10. 660 25.527 .021 .792 4.585 2.822 8.231 .016 . 178 1 . 645 . 409 1.249 69.011 25 and under 30 3 180 1,491 1,300 2,980 11 108 738 426 1,283 3 38 111 77 229 7,274 Katio per 1,000 accepted .016 .976 7.822 6.820 15. 033 .058 .507 3.872 2.235 6.731 .016 .199 .582 .404 1. 201 33. 159 30 and under 35 1 156 989 913 2,059 5 119 542 321 987 1 33 144 79 257 4, 990 Katio per 1,000 accepted .005 .818 5.183 4.790 10. 802 .026 .624 2.843 1.684 5.178 1 .005 .173 .755 .414 1.348 26. 178 35 aud under 40 5 143 930 723 1,801 o 107 525 319 953 1 30 148 93 272 4,343 Katio per 1,000 accepted .... .026 .750 116 4.879 3.793 9.448 .010 .561 1 2. 754 448 1.673 281 4.999 1 .005 . 157 . 776 .488 1. 427 24 783 40 and over 3 716 541 1,376 5 87 821 1 31 143 96 276 3,398 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .016 .609 3.756 2.838 7.219 .026 .456 2.350 1.474 4.307 1 .005 .163 i .770 ,504 437 1.443 1,33S 17.826 Total 39 1,220 8,276 6,733 10,268 31 644 3,474 2,061 0,210 9 180 707 47. 731 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . .205 6.400 43.416 35.321 85.342 .163 a 378 18.225 10. 812 32.578 .047 .944 3.709 1 2.293 6.993 2,-|0. 397 208 Tai!LE No. 4—Slwitiiig Ihc riliiiion of liiiijht, (jirth of chtxt and cx}>ansiou of client, to complexion and age, and to HEIGHT 07 A^O) UNDER 69 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXriRATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o •s a ■3 a 1 <0 a .a .3 CI u o % a n h a u O 1 a s 1 CI > o DD V Si b. o 5 ■3 i O a .a o u o o o u > O T. O o a CJ O LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair 1 c 33 93 133 13 115 959 1,501 2,048 03 091 4, 741 5,98C 11,481 Ratio perl.COO accepted . 00.") .031 .173 .488 .098 .OGS .G03 5.031 8.189 13. 891 .330 3. Ci") 24. 871 31.403 60.229 DAEK COMPLEXION. 11 SG 37 2 28 393 G15 1,043 18 244 9,127 2,833 5 0.-M .058 .136 .194 .010 .147 2.088 3.226 5.472 .094 L280 11.153 14.662 97 395 Total 1 C 44 119 170 15 143 1,357 2, 17G 3,691 81 935 6,668 8,819 16 703 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .005 .031 .231 .624 .892 .079 .750 7.119 11.415 19. 363 .425 4.905 36. 030 46.2C5 87. 624 AGE. 1 4 19 CG 90 13 07 6C4 1,050 1,794 51 316 2,178 2,785 5,330 r^atio per 1.000 accepted .005 .091 .100 .34G .472 .COS .351 3.483 5.508 9.411 .268 1.058 11. 426 14. 010 27. 961 2 15 33 50 1 38 353 013 1,C05 15 976 2,057 2,794 5,142 .010 .079 .173 .262 .005 .199 1.852 3.21G .5. 272 .079 1.448 10. 791 14.057 26. 975 0 9 15 14 136 223 373 5 123 1,012 1,313 2,453 Eatio per 1 000 accepted . 031 . 047 .079 .073 .713 1.170 1.957 .020 .045 5.309 1 0.8S8 12.808 30 and under 35 1 5 C , 11 80 190 218 G 87 609 863 1,625 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .005 . 036 .031 .005 .058 .451 .630 1.144 .031 .456 3.510 4.527 8.525 35 and under 40 :j 1 C 6 75 110 191 1 ^„ 565 057 1 300 , .010 .010 .031 .031 .393 .577 1. 002 .005 .404 2.964 1 3.447 6.820 40 and over 3 3 7 43 60 110 3 50 387 407 653 .016 .016 1 .037 .230 .315 .577 .010 .994 2.030 2.135 4.475 Total 1 a 44 119 170 15 143 1,357 2, 176 3, 691 81 935 6,868 8,819 16, 703 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .005 .031 .231 .024 .892 .079 .750 -.119 11.415 19.303 .425 4.905 30.030 40.2G5 87.024 209 each other ; anbradiuj the siatisiical results of the examiiiaiioH of 190,021 Jmerlcan-horn white men, iS'c-— Contiuiied. HEIGHT G7 AND imDEE 69 INCHES— Continued. s 4) GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIBATIOX. •3 33 and under 33 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. C3 S COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. I.S S ■3 .a 1 •-* > O A □ 6 i •s a en p 6 1 o 1 s O > o CI p 6 Over 3 inches. 2 .a .a .a r.4 p 5 m .a CI 6 in o •3 a O a 3 o i LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes; light hair. - 47 1,035 7,299 6,630 15,011 32 660 4, 1152 2,712 7,456 5 228 1,050 594 1,877 38,606 Katio per 1,000 accepted .247 5.430 38. 291 34. 781 78. 748 .168 3.462 21.257 14.227 39. 114 .026 1.190 5.508 3.11G 9.847 202. 323 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair 22 469 3, 778 3,594 7,8^3 17 3S5 2,448 1,576 4,426 3 139 640 349 1,131 19, 742 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .115 2.565 19. 819 ia854 41. 334 .089 2. 020 12. 842 8.268 23.219 .016 .729 3.357 1.831 5.933 103. 567 Total 60 1,524 11,077 10,324 22,804 49 1,045 0,500 4,288 11,882 8 367 1,690 943 3,003 56, 348 Ratio per 1.000 accepted .363 7.995 58. 110 53.635 120.102 .257 5.482 34.099 22. 495 62. 333 .042 1.925 8.866 4.947 15. 780 306. 094 AGE. Under 20 26 260 1,943 1,591 3, 8-20 6 100 606 33G 1,04S 1 24 56 38 119 12 ^01 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .136 1.364 10. 193 8.346 20.040 .031 .525 3.179 1.763 5.498 .005 .120 .294 .199 .624 64.007 20 and under 25 18 444 3,219 3,308 6,989 12 249 1,643 1,140 3,050 4 62 326 174 560 16 802 Katio per 1.000 accepted .094 2.329 16.887 17.354 36. 664 .063 1.306 8.619 C.012 16.000 .021 .325 1.710 .913 2.969 88.143 7 273 2, 032 2, 002 4,311 II 2:)5 1,314 892 2, 485 76 356 179 612 10,252 Kalio per 1,000 accepted .037 I. 432 10. GliO 10.503 23. 631 .073 1.233 7.051 4.679 13. 036 .005 .399 1.86S .939 3.211 53. 782 225 1,554 1,376 3,162 4 157 1,052 726 1,939 56 296 168 520 7,470 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .037 1.180 8.152 7.219 16.588 .031 .824 5.519 3.809 10. 172 .294 1. 553 .881 2.728 39.188 :!.^i ;ilid under .10 5 179 1,301 1,137 2, 622 169 1,006 656 1,833 1 70 331 191 593 6,550 Katiu ]ier 1,000 accepted .026 .939 6.823 5. 905 13. 755 .037 .887 5.277 3.441 9. 642 .005 .367 1.73C 1 1.002 3.111 34. 361 G 143 1,028 810 1.987 G 135 649 532 1, 522 1 79 325 193 598 5,073 Ratio iK-r 1,000 accepted . o:)i .750 .'.. 393 4, 249 10. 424 .031 .708 4. 454 2. 791 7.981 .005 .114 1. 705 1. 012 3.137 26.613 Total 69 1,524 11.077 10,224 22,894 49 1,045 6,500 4,238 11, 882 8 367 1,690 943 3,008 58,348 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .362 7. 995 58. 110 .53. 635 120 102 .257 ,1. 482 34.099 22.495 62.333 .042 1.925 8.86G 4.947 15.780 306. 094 210 Table No. i—Shotving the rclalion of height, girlh of chcul, and cx}>aniiiou of chest, to conqjlcxion and age, and to HEIGHT 69 A^'D UNDER 71 INCHES. GIUTII OF CHEST AT EXriHATION. TTutlcr 29 incbcs. 29 and nndcr 31 inclics. 31 and under 33 Indies. COMPLEXIONS AND AGUS. Ex pansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 a o t 1 > o 03 .8 n I- o c H C u O .1 U > O i 1 g O o H o: a 1 O s U a ci O H O ^ LlGUT COMPLEXION. 15 20 33 i! 35 304 503 904 36 265 2.057 3, 130 5, 4f8 1 Katio per 1 ,000 accopteil .070 .105 .184 .010 .184 .593 2. S54 1.742 .189 .390 10. 791 10. 420 28. 790 UAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark )i,air 5 0 11 2 9 115 224 350 9 100 924 1,478 2,511 .026 .031 .058 .010 .047 .603 1.175 1.836 .047 .525 4.847 7.754 13. 173 ■jotal - i 20 20 46 4 44 419 787 1,834 45 365 2,981 4,608 7,999 .105 .136 .241 .021 .231 2.198 4.129 6.578 .230 1.915 15. 038 24. 174 41. 963 AGE. 10 13 23 4 15 143 303 465 28 99 726 1,146 1,999 .052 .008 .121 .021 .079 .750 1.590 2.439 .147 .519 3.809 6.012 10. 487 5 7 12 10 132 239 381 4 92 926 1,586 2,608 Katio Der 1 000 accented .020 .037 .063 .052 .092 1.254 1.999 .021 .483 4.858 8.3211 13. 682 2 o 4 8 58 98 164 4 01 481 727 1,273 .010 .010 .021 .042 .304 .514 .860 .021 .320 2.523 3.814 6.678 1 3 4 9 46 75 130 3 37 359 499 898 Batiopor 1,000 accepted .005 .010 .021 .047 .241 .393 .682 .010 .194 1.883 2.618 4.711 1 1 2 o 22 48 72 3 50 290 393 730 Katio per 1,000 accepted .005 .005 .010 .010 .115 .252 .378 .010 .262 1.521 2.062 3.801 40 and ovor 1 1 18 24 42 3 26 199 257 485 .005 .005 .094 .126 .220 .016 .136 1.044 1.348 2.544 Total . 20 20 46 4 44 419 787 1,254 45 305 2,981 4,608 7,999 Ratio per 1,000 accopted . .105 .136 .241 .021 .231 2,198 4.129 6.573 .230 1.915 15. 633 24. 174 41.963 1 211 each other ; mhrcuivg the statistical results of the examinaiion of 19(^21 Americati-lom white men 4-c.- -Continued . TTF.TGHT 69 AND TJNDEE 71 INCHES— Continned. 5 GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPmATION. 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMTLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ^.2 - 1 4 i o i a g O « > O 1 o 1 4 > O o a at 5 n s > o •3 1 CO s o 1 J3 o S u CJ O ,178 a n > O "a a 2 LIGHT C03HPLEXI0X. 31 616 4,508 4,999 1 0,154 16 583 3,502 2,589 6,689 8 219 1 730 2,133 25, 405 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .163 3 20 .232 2 330 3.649 2 2,429 G.225 5 3.268 5,500 .084 3 9 .053 1 320 8.373 1 2,003 3.583 3 1,593 3.091 3,925 .042 1 7 .149 G 130 .ISO 3.830 11.200 I 699 397 1,233 33. 275 DAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 2,715 13, 530 Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total .105 .763 2.743 4.243 ■ A 853 .047 1.679 10. 508 8.357 ■ .0.591 .037 .682 3.667 1 ioe3 6.463 70. 979 51 952 6,937 7,714 15, 654 23 902 5,505 4, 183 10, 614 15 349 1,877 1,127 3,363 38, 935 Ratio per 1,000 accepted AGE. .268 4.994 36. 392 40.468 62.121 .131 4.732 2a 879 21. 939 55.681 .079 1.831 9.847 5.913 17.669 204.353 23 143 1,033 1,071 2,274 2 84 482 295 863 8 76 30 114 5,738 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .115 . 750 5. 445 5.618 11. 929 .010 .441 2.529 1.543 4.527 .042 .399 .157 .593 30. 103 15 265 2,012 2,433 4,725 11 233 1,368 1,070 2,682 2 64 362 220 643 11,056 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .079 1.390 10. 555 12. 764 24. 787 .058 1.223 7.177 5.613 14. 070 .010 .336 1.899 1.154 3.399 58.000 7 196 1,342 1,012 3,157 0 153 1,115 908 2,183 3 60 375 227 665 7,445 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .037 1.028 7.040 a 457 16. 502 .031 .803 5.849 4.763 11. 447 .016 .315 1.967 1.191 3.489 39. 057 128 982 1,103 2,213 3 149 907 703 1,767 1 77 309 9 232 6)9 5,631 .671 5.152 5.78G 11. 609 .010 .782 4.753 3.714 9.270 .005 .404 1.621 1.217 3.247 35 and under 40 5 123 865 919 1,933 1 165 941 607 1,804 5 .026 66 .316 367 1.925 205 1.075 643 3.373 5,189 37.222 Ratio per 1,000 accepted . .026 2 .645 97 4.643 678 4.821 570 10. 135 1,353 .00.1 118 693 504 1,316 4 74 3S3 213 679 3,876 20.334 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . .010 .509 3.557 3.022 7.098 .010 .619 3,630 2.644 6.904 10, 614 .021 .388 2. 035 1.117 952 6,937 36. 39-- 7,714 15,654 25 .131 902 4.73J 5,505 38.875 4,182 15 349 1,677 1, 127 3,368 38,935 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . . .268 4.994 40.468 82.121 21. 933 55.68 .075 1.831 9.84- 5.912 17.G6C 204.2.53 212 Table No. 4 — Showing Ihc rclalion of hcUj^t, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, and to HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES. GIETU OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 20 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COilPLEXIOXS AXD AGES. Expansion . Expans on. Expaus on. i u o .a 1 .3 i o GO o 3 o i Si a n O "a o 1 it O 1 ■3 a 1 5 .a .2 U o > O V S3 V CO P 5 o •3 u o 6 CD CI 511 n 5 cd 1 LIGHT CO-Ml'LEXIOX. 7 „ 1 10 53 y4 178 13 81 812 1,417 1 .037 .037 .005 .052 .278 .598 .934 .063 .425 2.681 4.260 7.434 1 DAEK COMPLEXION. 2 2 4 4 36 4G 86 5 39 243 394 081 .010 .010 .021 .021 .189 .241 .451 .026 .203 1.275 2.C67 3.573 2 D 11 1 14 89 160 264 18 120 734 1,206 2,093 .010 .047 .058 .005 .073 .407 .839 1.385 .094 .630 3.955 6.327 11. 006 AGE. 3 3 3 30 50 S3 11 24 123 243 403 .OIG .010 .OIG .137 .262 .435 .038 .120 .645 1.283 2 114 4 4 1 4 25 53 83 4 30 217 413 094 .021 .021 .005 .021 .131 .278 .435 .021 .157 1.296 2.167 3 641 25 and under 30 1 1 „ 10 27 39 2 29 129 217 377 .005 .003 .010 .052 .142 .205 .010 .152 .677 1.138 1.97S 2 1 3 1 C 9 Ifi 1 20 100 150 271 Katio per 1,000 accepted .010 .003 .010 .005 .031 .047 .084 .005 .105 .325 .787 1 422 35 and under -lU 2 10 14 20 . 10 68 109 207 Jlaiio per 1,000 accepted .010 .052 .073 .136 .052 .462 .572 1 086 40 and over 2 8 7 17 7 07 72 Itatio per 1 ,000 accrpted .010 .043 .037 .089 .037 • .351 .378 .766 Total ., U 11 1 14 tD IGO 264 13 ISO 754 1,206 2,093 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .058 .003 .073 .407 .839 1.395 .094 .030 3.935 a 327 11.006 213 f(i(7i oflii'r • cmlimi'tfiy the slulinfieal rcaidlK nf llic ixaminuiUm «/ r,(0,()-il Jiniriruii-liuni irliilr miii, <^<'. — Cniitiiiiiccl. ITEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES— Continued. u GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIR.VTION. ■3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COilPLEXIONS AKD AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o 4 .5 o 1 C) > O a O c H .3 u z o S •§ > O c en s 5 o u O 1 6 A CI g O crj 2 o H 1 1 LIGnX COMPLEXION. Blue or ^ny oj'cs ; lifflit liair.. 13 194 1,492 1,821 3,520 7 215 1,599 1.383 i,204 5 124 711 470 ,316 9,642 Katio [ler 1,000 accepted .008 1.018 7.827 9.553 18. 460 .037 1.123 3.383 7.255 16.803 .026 .031 3.730 2.497 3.904 50.582 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair 4 91 773 1,003 1,871 4 127 881 760 1,772 6 96 390 310 809 5,216 Katio per 1,000 accepted . — .021 .477 4.055 5.262 9.815 .021 .666 4.G22 3.937 9.296 .031 .504 3.046 1.626 4.207 27.363 Total 17 235 2,265 2,824 5,391 11 342 2,480 2,143 4,976 11 220 1,101 786 2,118 14, 838 Kalin per 1,000 accepted .089 L495 32 11.682 202 14.815 331 28.281 032 .058 1.7D4 23 13.010 178 11.242 26.104 .058 1.154 5.776 4.123 11.111 77. 945 AGE. Under 20 7 119 322 I 7 38 23 69 1,512 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .037 .108 1.374 1.736 3.315 .010 1 .121 .934 .624 1.689 1 .005 .037 .199 .121 .362 7.932 20 and under 25 4 88 698 924 1,714 ^ 80 617 581 1,286 5 32 215 1C8 420 4,201 Katio per 1,000 accepted .021 .462 3.602 4.847 8. 992 1 . 010 .451 3.237 3. 048 6. 746 .026 .168 1.128 .881 3. 203 93. 038 25 and under 30 4G 447 543 1,036 o 58 539 475 1,074 46 211 130 387 2,914 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .241 2.345 2.849 5.435 .010 .304 2.828 9. 492 j5. 034 .241 1.107 .082 2. 033 15.987 30 and under 35 4 45 337 425 811 1 73 433 355 862 1 36 929 141 407 9,370 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .021 1 .236 1.708 2.230 1 4.235 .005 .383 2.272 1.862 4.522 .003 .189 1.201 .740 2.135 12.433 35 and under 40 51 286 370 707 4 59 418 348 829 2 43 214 196 460 2,229 Katio per 1,000 accepted .2G8 1.500 1.941 3. 7C9 1 . C21 .310 2.193 1.826 4.349 .010 .252 1.123 1.028 2.413 11. 093 40 and over o 23 235 231 491 43 295 265 003 9 51 194 198 375 1,632 Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . . . 010 1 . 121 1.233 1.219 2.576 .226 1.548 1.390 3.163 .010 .268 220 1.018 .671 1.967 a 561 Total 17 285 2,205 2,824 5,391 11 342 2, 480 2,143 4,976 11 1, 101 780 2,113 14,858 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted .089 1.495 11. 882 14. 815 23.981 .038 1.794 13.010 11.242 26.104 .058 1.154 5.776 4.123 11.111 77. 945 214 T.Mii.i; No. 4 !^lioiriiiij tin nlutiov o w O) •g •S CO 6 H o o a .a J <1» o •a 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 3 10 17 30 5 ■ 15 82 110 212 .005 .005 .016 .052 .069 .157 .020 .079 .430 .377 1.112 DARK COMPLEXION. 1 10 11 1 5 36 56 98 .005 .052 .058 .005 .036 .189 .294 . .514 1 1 3 11 27 41 6 20 118 1C6 310 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted . 00.5 .005 .016 .058 .142 .215 .031 .105 .019 .871 1.626 AGE. Under 20 . . 1 1 3 4 7 3 5 21 35 64 .005 .003 .016 .021 .037 .016 .026 .110 .184 .330 1 5 9 15 1 4 30 46 87 Ratio per 1,000 accoptod .005 .026 .047 .079 .005 .031 .189 .241 .456 3 6 9 6 29 34 6!) Ratio per 1,000 accepted .010 .031 .047 .031 . 152 .178 .363 30 and uudcr 35 ' J. 5 ^ 11 24 37 Ratio Tior 1,000 accepted .026 .020 .010 .038 .126 . 194 3r. iiiid mitlc'.r40 it 2 2 2 11 19 34 i::ili(i per I IIIIO a<-< rplrd .010 .010 .010 .010 .058 .100 .178 40 and over a 1 3 1 10 8 19 KaUopor 1,000 accepted .010 .005 .016 .005 .032 .042 11)0 Total 1 1 3 11 27 41 6 20 118 166 310 Ratio per 1 ,000 accrptod .005 .005 .010 .038 .142 .215 .031 .105 .019 .871 1. 036 215 other; emhradng the slatistical yrsMs of the examinatio,, of 190,621 Amencan-lorn white men, JfC.-Continued. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES LIGHT COMPLEXION Blue or gray ej-ea; light liair.. Katio per 1,000 accepted DAEK COMPLEXIOX. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted AGE. Under 20 Eatio per 1,000 aeeepted 20 and under 23 Eatio per 1,000 accei)tea 25 and under 30 Eatio per 1,000 accepted T^BLE jNO. 5, SHOWING THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GIRTH OF CHEST. EXPANSION OF CHEST AGE AMERICAN-BOKN COLORED* MEN ACCEPTED. * Wholly or in part of negro blood. 28 218 Table No. ^—Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to age and to each other; HEIOeX UNDER 61 INCHES. . GIRTH OF CIIF-ST AT RXPIUATION. TJiidor an inclies. 29 aufl under 31 inclics. 31 and nudcr 33 inches. AGES. Expansion. Exi)ansion. Espansinu. CD •g a .a 5 1 a CI u 1 ■s a CO u o > "3 o H i -a u a .5 > o o o o5 a o 1 J3 .2 i o a CI u o i ■3 n 5 3 o s 10 6 21 3 46 ID 59 13 29 9 51 .258 .516 .310 1.084 .153 2.374 .510 3.045 .671 1.496 .464 2.C32 3 3 1 3 5 9 o 12 6 20 .155 .155 .052 .155 .253 .404 .103 .619 .310 1.032 3 3 5 1 6 .155 .135 .258 .052 .310 1 1 2 5 3 .032 .032 .103 .258 .258 1 1 1 1 2 .052 .052 .032 .052 .103 . 2 1 3 .103 .052 .155 Total 5 16 6 27 5 50 16 71 15 54 18 87 .238 .826 .310 1.393 .258 2.5S0 .820 3.664 .774 2.787 .929 4.489 HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 03 INCHES. 5inTii OF CUES r AT E.\I •UtATIOX ' Under 29 inches. 29 aud under 31 inches. 31 .and under 33 inches. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. u o ■§ -2 ■i a > O o .a o a o o H TJniler 20 3 32 20 55 2 31 135 69 257 1 34 147 42 S24 .155 1.C51 1.032 2.838 .103 1.600 7.998 3.501 13. 262 .032 1.754 7.586 2.107 11.539 1 4 5 7 20 18 43 10 80 33 131 Ilatio perl, COO accepted .052 .200 .2,18 .301 1.032 .929 2. 322 .510 4. 433 • 1.800 6.700 25 aud uiidiT 30 i 7 11 22 5 31 18 54 — ... Itatiii per 1,000 accepted .200 .361 .508 1.133 .238 1.600 .929 2.787 30 and uild O 1 .2 o .a -a o _a a > O oi CI •3 CI t 5 i a > O 1 ,13 .a 4 .a 1 .a CI > O o 1 6 3 o H t4 ■a 5 2 3 5 n o 4 140 .103 .155 .258 .103 .103 .206 7.234 4 6 2 12 1 2 1 4 1 1 49 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .206 .310 .103 .019 .052 .103 .052 .206 .053 . 053 2. 539 1 5 2 8 1 3 1 5 22 Katio per 1,000 accepted .052 .258 .103 .413 .052 .155 .052 .258 1.135 1 1 1 1 9 Itatio per 1,000 accepted .053 .052 .052 .052 .404 35 ami under 40 3 3 1 1 7 Itatio jier 1,000 accepted .155 .155 .052 .052 .30.1 40 and over 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 9 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 7 .155 20 .155 4 31 1 .052 G 8 .052 .103 .052 .052 .404 Total o 17 2 1 3 236 .301 1.032 .206 1.600 .052 .310 .413 .103 .877 .103 .052 .155 12. 17Q HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 63 INCHES— Continued. s u r.ntTii OF CHEST at exi'Ikatiox. 3 P ■3 33 and under 35 iucbes. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches aud over. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expausion. || '3 ■3 a 5 m a CI 5 a n 6 H i o V .a o .3 c» 5 £ ■i .2 CO g o 3 o H '3 i 1 1 .a Cl p 5 03 U .9 > o o H 1 TJuderaO 17 50 9 83 6 7 1 14 1 3 1 5 037 liatio per 1,000 accepted .877 2.690 .464 4.231 .310 .361 .052 .722 .052 .155 .052 .238 33. 871 20 and under i.') 1 17 02 20 100 1 7 23 6 30 1 3 4 7 524 liatio per l.OOa accepted .053 1 .677 3. 191) 1.033 .5. 100 .301 1.187 1 .310 1.858 1 .155 .206 .301 10. 719 25 and uudcr 30 10 27 11 48 3 12 1 4 19 |.-.. 2 3 1 5 148 Hal iii per 1,000 accepted 1 .516 1.393 .608 2.477 .155 . 019 1 . 206 .980 1 .103 .155 258 7.637 .'JO and under 35 3 18 8 29 6 11 4 1 cn„ 21 1 3 .155 3 .155 93 4.799 Ivatiopcr 1 ,000 accepted 35 and under 40 .155 1 5 .929 8 .413 3 1.496 10 2 10 1 2 14 1 1 1 63 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 .258 .413 . 155 .826 19 .103 .516 1 .103 .722 .052 1 .052 r 05"* 3.251 52 2.0S3 40 and over 1 5 7 7 2 3| 3 8 Katio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 .258 1 57 .301 178 .301 58 .980 294 .103 26 .155 . 155 CO 1 20 112 6 15 1 aF I,31T Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 052 j2. Oil 9.185 2.993 15. 171 1.342 3.406 1 1.033 5.779 .310 .774 .052 1.135 07.960 Those wholly or in part of negro blood. 220 Table No. 5 — Showing the relation <>/ hrif/ht, fiirlh nf clnsl mid c.rjxnisloii of rlicsl, la iii/i- iind in emit nllur: imhradng ITEIGHT G3 AND XJNDEU 65 INCHES. ciu-ra OF CHEST AT EXPIUATIOX. Under 29 inches. 39 anrt under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. a 4 a O .a o s •g a n s o ■3 o •3 .9 4 a S-i t o 1 CI 'I o n u 1 ■3 1 o a 6 n CI u a O CO C A a u o 1 4 25 15 45 5 41 220 109 375 6 63 357 104 590 lialio por 1 ,000 accepted .052 .200 1.290 .774 2.322 .258 2.110 11. 352 5.025 19. 351 .310 3.251 18. 422 8.403 30. 445 2 7 9 11 83 57 151 o 38 230 100 360 Eatio per 1 000 accepted . .103 .301 .464 .508 4 ^^63 O QJ1 7.792 .103 1.445 11.809 5.100 18.577 1 o 16 11 30 17 69 46 132 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted .052 .103 .826 .508 1.548 .877 3.561 2.374 6 811 1 1 7 3 10 1 7 41 27 Katio per 1,000 accepted .052 .052 .361 .155 .510 .052 .361 2. 116 1.393 3 922 35 and under 40 2 6 3 11 5 42 26 73 .103 .310 .155 .508 .258 2.167 1.343 1 1 1 6 C 13 4 30 25 05 Katio per 1,000 accepted .052 .052 .052 .310 .310 .671 .206 1.858 1.250 3.354 Total 1 5 28 32 56 6 57 338 189 590 9 124 775 388 1,290 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .052 .258 1.445 1.135 2. 890 .310 2.941 17. 442 9.753 30. 445 .404 0.390 39. 992 20. 022 66.877 HEIGHT 65 AND UNHER G7 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. O .S 1 o 1 CI O •i .2 n s o *« g .9 a CI O o a > O 1 i .3 a > O s' .a u a CI > O .a a n > o H Under 20 12 11 33 1 37 124 91 253 6 09 302 167 544 Katio per 1,000 accepted .010 .508 1.187 .052 1.909 6.399 4.096 13. 055 .310 3. 561 15. 584 8.018 28.072 1 7 8 1 8 62 55 120 5 26 290 163 489 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .052 .361 .413 .052 .413 3.1DD a. 838 6.502 .258 1.342 15. 274 8.360 25.234 25 and under 30 1 21 7 28 1 10 98 54 163 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1.084 .301 1. 445 .052 .516 5.057 2.787 8.411 1 1 1| 2 11 7 20 8 57 37 102 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .053 .053 j .103 .508 .301 1. 032 .413 S.941 1.909 5.203 35 and under 40 1 1 5 3 8 8 49 25 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .052 1 .052 1 2 .258 .155 .413 .413 3.529 1.290 4.231 40 and over 0 8 16 7 47 27 81 Ratio por 1 ,000 accept cd .052 15 18 . o,-.a .34 o .103 49 .310 .413 .820 .361 2.425 1.393 4.180 1 Total 229 171 451 13 ice 849 472 1,401 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .052 .774 .029 1.754 .103 2.529 11. 817 8.824 23.273 .019 0.605 43.810 24.356 75.391 I 221 the stalislkal rcsuUs of the examination of 19,378 Ammcan-iorn colored men found fit for militarii service — Coutinucd. HEIGHT 03 AND TJXDEE G5 INCHES— Continued. u OlUXa OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 1 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 11 1 t-l .2 > O CO » •3 .3 u O O ■i ■ -2 n 1 "5 o .2 o o .3 > O 1 o a G1 i-t t o 1 u o 6 H o .a •3 .5 g O s a CI u > O £ .3 CO u 'o 3 <2 e O 4 58 178 61 301 18 53 8 79 1 12 3 16 1,406 Katio per 1,000 accepted .206 >. 993 jo. 185 3.143 15. 532 929 2.735 .413 4.077 .052 1 .619 . 155 .826 72. 553 1 41 248 99 389 28 118 24 170 1 • 5 1 20 5 31 1,110 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .052 2.116 12 797 5.109 20. 073 .445 6.089 1.238 8.772 .052 .253 1 1.032 .258 1. 600 57. 278 2 27 1 IOC 53 188 7 75 25 107 o| 15 2 1 23 480 Katio per 1,000 accepted .103 1.393 5.470 2.735 9.701 .301 3.870 1.290 5. 521 . 510 . 774 . 103 1.187 24. 769 30 and under 35 I 9 65 25 100 8 34 19 61 4 9 3 16 264 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .052 .464 3.354 1.290 5. ICO .413 1.754 .980 3.148 .206 .404 .155 .826 13.623 35 and under 40 2 12 1 75 36 125 16 30 13 59 2 12 6 20 283 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .103 . 619 3. 870 1.858 0. 450 .826 1.548 .671 3.045 .103 .619 .310 1.032 14.861 40 and over 1 27 1 48 35 111 17 36 14 67 4 16 1 21 278 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .052 1.393 2.477 l.SOC 5.728 .877 1.858 .723 3.457 .206 .KG .052 1.084 14.345 Total 11 174 720 309 1,2)4 94 346 103 543 1 , 0.2 84 20 127 3,826 Ealio per 1,000 accepted ..%8 8.979 37.154 13. 945 03. 645 4.851 17.854 5.315 2a020 .052 1.135 4.333 1.032 0.553 197.430 HEIGHT 65 AND UNDEE 67 INCHES-Continued. 2. a 3 GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. ■a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. J.5 ^5 i o ■§ .9 /a 1 u o > O 1 o > O ■§ a n u o 6 o a 1-i .2 i o S > O 2 "o a n > O 3 g u o ■3 1 > O 1 CI I n % ' o a > o 3 B 1 2 o Under 20 5 83 250 1C9 447 3 35 93 a? 159 10 15 7 32 1,458 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .258 4.283 12. Ml |5.C25 23.066 .1.55 1.806 4.799 1.445 8.205 .516 .774 .361 1.651 75.236 20 and under 25 6 8G 403 1 211 70G 1 56 232 78 307 20 55 22 97 1 1,793 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .310 4.438 20.7EG jlO.feS 36. 431 .052 2. 890 11.972 4.023 4G 18. 938 1 1.032 14 2.838 42 1.135 5.005 1 92.523 23 and under 30 3 44 205 1 93 350 1 46 145 238 14 71 1 830 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .... .155 2.270 jlO.578 5.057 18. 061 199 .052 2.374 15 7.482 2.374 12. 281 .052 .722 15 2.167 .722 23 1 9 3.604 47 43.862 30 and under 35 24 1 114 1 01 1 71 27 114 Eatio per 1,000 accejrtcd 1 1.238 15 1 5.883 13.118 10. 269 174 .032 1 .774 27 1. 664 1.393 5.883 .774 1.187 1 .464 2.425 24.924 35 and under 40 9£ .W 77 35 140 13 23| 9 45 4r.o Eatio per 1,000 accepted .052 .774 5. lot jxois "1 *^ R979 .053 1.393 3.973 1.806 7. -iii .671 1.187 1 .464 2.322 2a221 178 21 85 1 1 6 29 1 15 51 470 40 and over 29 10< 37 143 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.490 5.307 2.322 9.165 |1.084 1 4.380 1.909 7. 879 .052 .310 1.496 .774 76 2.032 343 24.2J3 Total 15 281 1, 175 583 2,054 1 7 1 200 1 703 1 251 | 1. 101 3 78 187 5,504 Eatio i>er 1,000 accepted .|..4 14.500 CO. 03 i 30.081 103.991 .361 10.320 36.270 12.953 159.910 .103 4.025 9.650 .3.922 17.700 364.019 222 Tablk No. 5— Showing the rcUdion of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to age and to each other; cmhraciug HEIGHT 67 AND TINDER 69 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIKATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and ondor 33 inches. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 3 > O to s -a o .S > o 1 a? s u o ■g .a i 0? > O o a s C U o •s ■i g o 60 a 01 U o > O ■s a n 1 1 3 4 8 5 47 32 84 3 35 156 93 287 Ealio iicr 1,000 accoptoil .052 .155 .206 .413 .258 2.435 1.051 4.335 .155 1.806 8.050 4.799 14. 810 1 1 2 34 20 56 '2 24 103 135 324 .052 .052 .103 1.754 1.032 2.890 .103 1.238 8.411 6. 960 10. 719 3 6 7 10 10 62 56 128 Kat io per 1 ,000 accepted .155 .310 .361 .820 .516 3.199 2.890 a 605 1 6 7 3 32 33 68 .052 7 .310 5 .361 12 .105 1.651 1.703 3.509 === 5 25 29 59 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .361 .258 .619 .258 1.290 1.496 3.045 1 1 2 4 7 4 32 26 62 Ratio per 1,000 accepted , . 1 .052 .103 .206 .361 .206 1.651 1.342 3. 199 1 4| 4 9 11 97 74 182 5 81 470 372 928 Katie per 1 000 accepted .052 .206 .206 .464 .563 5.005 3.819 9.392 .258 4.180 24.253 19. 190 47.887 HEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and tinder 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. AGES. Eiqiansion. Expansion. Expansion. a o > O CO ■g a at O a > o ■i I i o a H .a o a t» O IO .9 CI > ■ o •3 .B o 1 i u o J3 u .a s > o 00 .a u > o .a 1 u l> O o H 1 n 7 19 2 8 57 34 101 Rat in per 1 ,000 accepted .052 .568 .361 .980 .103 .413 2.941 1.7.54 5. 212 20 and under 25 1 15 " 27 8 65 03 136 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .052 .774 .568 1.393 .413 3.354 3. 251 7.018 4| 3 7 6 30 39 75 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .206 1 .155 .361 .310 1.548 a 012 3.870 . ^1 1 3 5 20 IS 37 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .103 .052 .155 .258 1.032 .619 1.909 35 and under 40 3 1 4 7 1 9 12 22 .155 .206 .361 .052 .464 .619 1.135 40 and over 1 1 2 1 2 2 1. 909 1. 1. 445 3. 457 1 . 103 1.600 9. 959 8.927 20.589 223 the ulalMkiil results of the eMtnination of 19,378 American-lorn colored men found fit for militarii grrnre— Coiitinncd. HEIGHT G7 AND UNDER 69 INCHES— Continued. g GIIITII OF CHEST AT EXTIRATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. il AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1.3 > O o3 at o > ■ O a > O 3 o H 1 o ,a o a > •i CI 6 3 »-4 o u p O 1 a CI > O ■g a n > O H Unilev ao 3 54 ISO 106 343 37 86 34 157 12 21 12 45 924 Ilatio jicr 1,000 accepted . 155 J. 787 9. 288 5.470 17. 700 .909 4.438 1.754 8. 102 .019 .064 .019 2.3-22 135 47. 680 20 ana under 25 a 57 315 202 576 2 56 246 S2 396 ■ 30 86 19 1,488 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .103 2.941 16.255 10. 424 29.723 .103 2.890 12. 694 4.747 20. 434 1.548 1.438 .980 6.966 76. 784 25 and under 30 5 26 195 131 357 1 30 182 67 280 1 16 07 17 103 884 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .258 1.342 0.062 6.760 18. 422 .052 1.548 9.392 3.457 14. 449 .052 .929 12 3.457 .877 5.315 45. 616 30 and under 35 18 106 54 178 1 31 94 50 176 32 14 58 487 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .929 5.470 2.787 9.185 .052 1.600 4.851 2.580 9. 082 .619 1. 651 .722 2.993 25.130 35 and under 40 14 109 69 192 21 94 35 150 12 47 18 77 490 Katio per 1,000 accepted .722 5.625 3.561 9.908 1.084 4.851 1.606 7.740 .619 2. 425 .929 13 3.973 25.285 40 and over 1 21 111 46 179 2 30 93 38 163 2 16 40 71 462 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .052 1.084 5.728 1,016 2.374 608 9.237 .103 1.548 4.795 1.961 8.411 .103 .826 ■2.064 .671 3.664 24. 872 Total 11 190 1,625 6 205 795 316 1,322 3 100 293 93 489 4,755 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .568 9.604 52.428 31. 374 94.174 .310 10.578 41. 024 16. 306 68.218 ;i55 5.160 15.119 4.799 25.234 245.369 HEIGHT 60 AND TTNDEE 71 rS-CHES— Continued. S GlETH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. •3 g 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 Inches. 37 inches and over. II AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o ■s .s u > O S c» o > O to o .a a n u o t> O 3 o •3 .a > o o ■3 u o > o o •s a n O 1 1 o a > o O n CI & O 1 .a n 5 3 1 s ■3 a 2 o TTnderao 2 18 63 50 138 11 39 25 75 3 22 5 30 363 Katio per 1,000 accepted .103 .929 3.509 2.560 7.121 .568 2.012 1.290 3.870 .155 1.135 1 .258 1.548 18.733 22 165 128 315 2 39 173 73 287 12 71 16 99 864 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.135 8.514 6.605 16.255 .103 2.012 8.927 3.767 14.8)0 .619 3.664 1 .826 5.109 44. 584 25 and under 30 3 15 75 75 168 22 108 54 184 13 64 1 23 100 534 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 30 and under 35 .155 .774 3.870 3.870 8.669 1.135 5.573 2.787 9. 495 .671 3.303 [l.l67 5.160 27.556 B 44 50 100 11 45 33 69 6 45 1 15 66 295 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 35 and under 40 .310 5 2.270 62 2.560 5.160 .568 2.322 1.703 4.593 .310 6. 322 j . 774 3.406 51 15.223 45 112 2 11 53 37 103 2 9 28 12 295 .258 3. 199 2. 322 5.779 .103 1 .568 11 2.735 1.909 5.315 . 103 1 . 464 1.445 1 .619 2.632 100 1 12 28 22 63 289 40 and over 13 51 29 93 64 1 a4 .671 79 2.032 465 1.496 4.799 .052 .568 3.303 1.238 5.160 . 052 1 . 619 1. 445 1. 135 3.251 Total 5 377 926 5 105 482 1 246 838 3 1 55 258 93 409 Ratio per 1,000 accepted . .258 4.077 33.995 19. 454 47.784 .258 5.418 24.872 12. 094 4.3. 243 .155 2.838 13.313 11.799 21. 105 224 Tabu-; No. 5 — Showiiiff the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to age and to each other; embracing HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES. Ginxn OF CHEST AT EXPIRATIOX. Under 29 inches. 39 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES. jGxpansion. E^ansion. Expansion. S3 o s a 4 a > o m •s .3 o 1 o a CO > O "a o H 05 ■3 n .3 g o oi O CD c ■3 B n > O "a o H 3 3 1 18 5 24 .155 ... .155 .052 .929 .358 1.238 1 2 2 1 5 4 18 10 32 .103 . 103 1 . 052 .258 .206 .929 .516 1.031 4 4 1 6 5 .200 .206 .053 .310 1 .333 619 .. 1 2 5 1 Katio per 1 COO accepted .052 .103 .258 1 413 1 1 4 6 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted j .052 .206 .310 568 1 40 and over 1 1 1 1 5 1 7 .052 1 .052 .032 . 233 . 052 === 2 Total G 1 5 13 1 10 56 27 Katio per 1,000 accepted 103 .310 .258 .671 .053 .516 2.890 1.393 4 851 HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXT IRATIOS Under 29 inches. 20 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 > o g O EC a CO o t- O p S t-t O 1 CI o .a a n g o s o H 1 .5 1 o p o n u o O o H Under 20 1 2 3 2 o 2 4 o g Katio per 1,000 accepted .058 .103 .155 .103 .103 1 .103 .200 .103 .413 20 auA uiidcr 25 1 o 3 1 1 2 1 5 2 7 llaiio per 1,000 accepted .053 .103 1 .155 L .052 1 .052 1 .103 3 . .258 1 .103 2 25 and under 30 1 4 Katio per 1,000 accepted .052 .053 .052 .052 .103 .052 .033 .103 ^06 30 and under 35 1 1 1 1 2 Katio per 1,000 accepted. .•. .052 .052 .053 .053 .10:( — . X» and iindrr 10 1 1 1 1 o Katio per 1,000 accepted .052 .052 .052 .053 .103 40 and over 1 1 1 2 3 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 .052 5 4 .052 0 .052 .103 -15'i .1 7 Total o 3 is" 10 '^G ' lidtio per 1,000 accepts ... .103 ot;a .361 .238 .206 .464 .155 .671 .516 1. 3-12 225 the slaiUikal results of the cjamhiation of 19,378 American-horn colored men found fU for mililanj service — Coutiiiuod. □EIGHT 71 AND UNDEE 73 niCHES— ConUnncd. 1.. o a CmXII OF CHEST AT EXPIR.VTION-. 33 and nnder 35 inches. 33 and under 37 inches. 37 inches anil over. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. II s o •s ,3 o a > o g o ■3 « o 3 s i ■S .9 m o •3 .a g O a u & 6 o a u CI 00 o ■g p CI o •s n 5 o a s o Under 20 5 20 17 42 1 15 5 27 3 12 4 19 115 Eatio per 1,000 acccptctl 258 11,032 .877 2.107 .361 .774 .258 1. 393 .153 .619 .200 .980 5.934 20 and under 25 1 G 49 37 93 14 38 39 91 T 22 12 41 2G2 Katio per l.OCO accepted .052 .310 |2.529 1.909 4.799 .722 1.961 2.012 4.G96 .361 1.133 .619 2.116 13.520 25 and under 30 3 28 27 58 2 6 30 26 64 1 3 21 15 40 178 Hatio per 1,000 accepted 155 1.445 1.393 2.993 .103 .310 1.548 1. 342 3.303 .052 .153 1.084 .774 2.004 9.183 30 and under 35 1 3| 18 14 35 1 36 18 55 6 16 8 30 128 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .153 i .920 .722 1 1.8CG .052 1.858 .929 2. 838 .310 .826 .413 1.343 6.605 35 and under 40 a 2 1 14 19 37 5 18 15 38 1 14 9 24 110 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 103 1 . 103 i . 722 .980 1.909 . .258 . 929 .774 1.961 .0.12 .722 .464 1.238 5.670 handover 1 2| 8 4 14 8 15 8 31 2 13 9 24 77 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .103 1 .413 .200 .722 . .413 .774 .413 l.GOO .103 .671 .464 57 1.238 3.973 Total 3 21 137 118 1 279 3 1 40 1 153 111 300 1 22 98 178 670 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .155 I1.0B4 7.070 1 i G.08D 14.397 .153 2.0G4 7.844 5.728 15. 700 .052 1. 135 5. 057 2.941 9.185 44.894 HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OTEE— Continued. > o i CO u •s a '3 a % o 'd O GIRTH OF CHEST AT F.XPIRATIOX. 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 1 o ■g .9 c o § .9 « o > O 1 u t- O 1 o t4 o ■3 > O A o .a □ .a a n > O 1 o O .s o > O 1 c» g o 1 n > O 1 o a a O Under 20 3 3 4 i 8 s 3 5 29 5.072 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 20 and nnder 23 1 2 .155 10 . 155 19 .206 5 .206 10 9 .413 24 ^„ 1 10 4 1 15 70 5,960 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .103 .510 .3G1 .980 .258 .316 .464 1.238 t .053 1 .516 7 .206 j .774 3. C12 307. 5 19 51 25 and under 30 1 1 8 10 3 11 5 19 1 1 ' '■> 3, 14i Eatio per 1,000 accepted .032 .413 .301 .826 .155 .508 .258 .980 .052 .361 .052 .464 2. 632 162. 392 30 and under 35 1 3 4 1 6 o 9 7 2 9 23 1,784 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 .052 .155 .206 .052 .310 .103 .464 .301 G .103 .464 1.290 92.053 35 and under 40 • 2 5 3 10 1 4 3 8 1 1 ' 38 1.413 1,731 83.323 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over .103 1 .258 i 2 .155 1 .510 4 .052 .206 7 5 12 1 6 1 1 ^ 28 1,"685 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 052 1 . 103 .032 .200 .361 .238 .619 . .052 3 .310 .052 .413 1.445 Total 6 1 29 1 "' 56 14 42 24 80 33 12 53 an 19, 379 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 310 1. 496 1 1.084 2. 890 .722 2. 167 1.238 4.123 . .153 l.OGl .619 2.735 11.520 1,000 29 i T^BLE NO. 6, THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GIM OF CHEST. AND EXPANSION OF CHEST, COMPLEXION AND AGE. BRITISH-AMERICANS ACCEPTED. 228 Table No. O—Showhiq the rcUttion ofhihjht, ijirth of chcsl and rxpaiinion of chest, to complexio)) and arji\ and to each other; cm- HEIGHT UNDER 01 INCHES, • (UUTII OK CIinST AT EXPlItATlON. TJndor 29 inches. 'S) and under 31 inchoa. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 1 1-1 ■g 5 i CI a 6 1 s o H i .a ■3 .9 1 05 4J .13 V .9 n u 5 o H u a a > O to OJ A o CI u a; O 1 .a I o -A LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 . 1 9 3 13 1 12 1 14 ,070 .070 .139 .070 1 .637 .509 .905 10 .070 1 .835 5 .070 4 .975 DARK COMPLEXION. 10 .070 .487 .139 .690 .0".0 .348 .278 .006 Total 1 1 2 2 16 5 23 2 17 5 24 .070 .070 .139 .139 1.114 .348 l.COl .139 I.IS) .348 1.671 AGE. TTnder 20 1 1 1 13 4 18 1 5 C .070 .070 .070 .905 .278 1. 253 .070 .348 .418 20 and under 25 I 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 .,, 13 .070 .070 .070 .209 .070 .348 .070 .487 .348 .905 n 2 .139 .139 30 and under 35 1 1 K.itio i)er 1,000 accepted .070 .070 ;J5 an O 3 OS u o a J3 .= i o .a a CI s o t .a ■S « g O 1 1 i a r-t <3 > o 1 1 o p « o 1 3 a LIGHT COMPLEXION. 5 5 34 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .348 .348 2.3C7 DAPvK COMPLEXIOiT. Black or liazcl oyes; dark hair. 2 ~ 4 1 1 o 1 1 27 .139 .139 .278 .070 .070 .139 .070 .070 1.880 Total 2 7 9 1 1 2 1 1 61 .139 .487 .627 .070 .070 .139 .070 .070 4.246 AGE. 1 1 '>6 1 .070 .070 1 3 4 23 Katio per 1,000 accepted .070 .209 .278 1.601 1 1 . 2 1 1 1 1 6 Katio per 1,000 accepted .070 .070 .139 .070 .070 .070 .070 .418 1 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .070 1 1 2 Katio per 1,000 accepted .070 1 .070 .139 40 and over 2 2 3 .139 .139 .209 1 .070 1 .070 2 .139 1 .070 1 Total 2 7 9 .627 61 — ; Katio per 1,000 accepted .139 .487 ,070 4.246 230 Table No. 6 — Shomng the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, and HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 63 INCHES. GIRTn OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION Under 29 inches. 29 and nndcr 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. J O .a iH 1 u > O s .9 i .5 n g o o a .a .g o S a u p O o g O •3 1 o 1 ■3 .a u « O 1 .a c» CI t- O ID •D ■s .a n ki o > O LIGHT COMPLEXION. 2 15 17 7 GO 37 104 15 09 50 .139 1.044 1. 1S3 .487 4.177 2.576 7.240 1.044 4.803 3.481 9 328 BAKK COMPLEXION. 1 3 1 5 9 23 19 44 13 29 30 .070 .209 .070 .348 .139 1.601 1.323 3.003 .903 2.019 2.083 5 012 Total 1 5 16 22 9 83 56 148 28 98 80 206 Ratio per 1 000 accepted .070 .348 1.114 1.532 .627 5.778 3.898 10. 303 1.949 6.822 5.569 14. 340 AGE. Uiulor 20 1 5 14 1 20 5 64 33 102 12 38 34 84 .070 .348 .973 1.392 .348 4.455 2.297 7.101 .835 2.645 2.367 5.848 20 ard uuder 25 2 2 4 9 15 28 12 42 27 81 .139 .139 .278 .627 1.044 1.949 .835 2. 924 1.880 5.639 25 and under 30 3 4 7 3 9 12 24 Hatio per 1,000 accepted .209 .278 .487 .209 .637 .835 1.071 30 and under 35 5 2 7 4 5 9 .348 .139 .487 .978 .348 .627 65 and under -lO 2 o 4 1 4 2 7 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted .139 .139 .278 .070 .278 .139 .487 40 and over 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .070 .070 Total 1 5 10 22 9 83 56 148 28 98 80 "06 Hallo per 1,000 accejited .070 ..148 I.IH 1.532 .627 5.778 3.898 10. 303 1.949 6.822 5.56!) 14 340 io each other; emhradng ihc 231 staiUtieal rc*,.?te of the emmnatim of 14,365 BritUli Armricans, #c.-Contmuea. 232 Table No. G — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of clicst, to eomplexion and age, and nEIGUT 03 AND UNDER G5 INCUES. CIKTII OF CHEST AT EXTIUATIOX. Undo ' S9 iuclics. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inr.lies. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i ■s a ■i .S > o o a 1 .9 g o 3 o H •s B 4 a 9 6 i a > O •3 a O i .a .3 ■3 > o S •g -S CI > o ■i V .a 1 > O LIGHT COMPLEXION. 12 13 25 13 139 135 287 31 ORri 270 567 •"- 1 .835 .905 1.740 .905 9. 670 9.398 19. 979 2.158 j 18.517 1 18.796 39. 471 DARK COMPLEXION. 3 5 8 3 64 50 117 28 142 121 291 .209 .348 .557 .209 4.435 3.481 8.145 1.949 9.885 8.423 20. 253 15 18 33 16 203 185 404 S9 408 391 858 1. 014 1.253 2.297 1.114 14. 132 12. 879 2R124 4.107 2a 402 27.219 59.729 AGE. Under 20 12 14 26 6 123 105 239 oo ir,q 13G 327 .835 .975 1.810 .418 8.911 7.309 1C.638 1.532 11. 705 9.407 22. 704 „ 3 5 3 51 61 115 23 150 177 352 .139 .209 .348 .209 3.550 4.240 8.00G 1.740 10. 442 12. 322 24. 504 25 antl under 30 1 1 4 12 11 27 4 40 38 88 Katio por 1,000 accepted .070 .070 .278 .835 .766 1.880 .278 3.202 2.045 6.126 1 1 „ G 3 11 2 16 23 40 llatiopcr 1,000 acceplrd .070 .070 .139 .418 .209 .766 139 1.114 1.532 2.785 30 and uudur 40 -. 1 3 4 8 4 19 11 34 Ratio per 1,000 accc])ted .070 .209 .278 .557 .278 1 1.323 .7GG 2.367 40 and over 3 1 4 „ 8 7 17 Katio per 1,000 accepted .209 .070 .278 .139 .557 .487 1.183 Total ! 15 18 33 IG 203 185 404 59 408 391 858 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.0-14 1.253 2.297 1.114 14. 132 12. 879 28. 124 4.107 28.402 27. 219 59 729 i 233 lo each other; embraciiii/ the staiislicnl rcxutls of the examination of 14,3CD Bnlish Amerieans o -a •g a 6 ■g m .a O .a .a .9 in « o o i ■s a n > O o H LIGHT COllI'LEXION. D 19 28 1 12 139 177 329 39 435 504 078 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .027 1. 3-23 1.949 .070 .835 D.07G 12. 322 23. 003 2. 715 30. 282 35. 085 68.082 DAKK COMPLEXION. 4 4 8 2 5 56 01 134 30 183 223 436 .278 .278 .557 . 139 .348 3.898 4.210 8.032 3.088 12. 739 15. 524 30.352 Total 13 23 3G 3 17 195 238 453 09 018 727 1,414 .905 l.COl 2.506 .209 1.183 13. 575 10.508 31. 535 4.803 43. 021 50. 009 98. 434 AGE. 5 14 19 1 7 95 117 220 24 186 195 405 Eatio uer 1 000 accented .348 .075 1.333 .070 .487 0.013 8.145 15. 315 1.071 12.948 13. 575 28. 194 „ 7 14 o n 75 93 170 20 270 337 633 .487 .487 I .975 1 . 139 . 418 5.221 15 0.474 15 12. 252 33 1.810 7 18. 796 93 23. 460 110 44.065 3 210 Katio per 1,000 accepiod .070 .070 .209 1.044 1. 044 2.297 .487 G.474 7.058 14.619 1 1 4 7 11 0 30 36 72 llatio per l.OUO accepted .070 .070 .378 .487 .706 .418 2.088 2.506 5.012 35 aud under 40 ' 1 1 5 4 9 3 30 35 68 Katio pc^r 1,000 accepted .070 .070 .348 .278 .627 .209 3.088 2.430 4.734 40 iind over 1 1 ^^ 4 3 9 14 20 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .070 .070 .139 .278 .209 .037 .975 1.810 Total 13 23 30 3 17 195 2.38 453 69 618 727 1,414 Batio per 1,000 accepted .005 l.COl ■2. 500 .209 1. 183 13. 575 10. 008 31 535 4.803 43. 021 50. 009 98. 434 235 fo each other; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 14,365 British Americans, ice. — Continued. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 67 INCHES— Continued. f 1 GIRTH OP CHEST AT EXPIKATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s si COMPLEXIONS AKD AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Exii.insion. 5?S o 4 > O o 1 .3 n s > o 1 u o a a u O 1 a t> O 1 .9 CO s 1 1 a .a .3 o o a & 0) .3 n 1 5 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Bluo or gray oyea ; light hair. . 3 59 470 380 912 ^ 44 207 154 407 2. 7 37 19 65 2,719 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .200 4.107 32.718 26. 453 63. 488 .139 3.003 14. 410 10. 721 28. 333 .139 .487 10 2.576 41 1.323 4.525 189.279 DAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. ^ 40 260 199 501 1 32 143 92 268 12 63 1,400 Katio per 1,000 accepted .130 2.785 18. 100 13. 853 34.876 .070 2.238 9.955 6.404 18. 650 .696 2.854 .835 4.386 97. 459 Total 5 90 730 579 1,413 3 70 350 246 675 2 17 78 31 123 4,119 Katio per 1,000 accepted .348 6.892 50. 818 40. 306 98. 364 .209 5.291 24. 365 17. 125 46. 989 .139 1.183 5.430 2.158 8.911 286.739 AGE. 1 15 130 77 293 5 30 22 63 o 5 1 8 938 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .070 1.044 9.050 344 5.360 270 15. 524 668 1 .348 2.506 1.532 4.380 .139 10 .348 26 .070 12 .557 48 65.298 20 and under 25 4 50 36 129 100 266 1,805 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .278 3.481 23. 947 18. 796 46. 502 .070 2.506 8.980 6.961 18. 517 .090 1.810 .835 3.341 125.653 25 and under 30 13 139 118 270 1 19 83 61 164 2 14 13 29 707 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .005 9.676 8.214 18. 796 .070 1.323 5.778 4.246 11. 417 .139 .975 .905 2.019 49.217 30 and under 35 6 54 59 119 1 4 41 24 70 4 9 3 16 289 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .418 3.759 4.107 8.284 .070 .278 2.854 1.671 4.873 .278 .627 .209 1.114 20. 118 35 and undei 40 11 36 39 86 9 36 20 65 1 14 1 16 245 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .766 2.506 2.715 5.987 .627 2.506 1.392 4. 525 .070 .975 .070 1.114 17.055 40 and over 4 27 16 47 3 25 19 47 10 I 11 .766 135 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .278 1.880 1.114 3.272 .209 1.740 1.323 3.272 .696 .070 9.398 Total 5 99 730 579 1,413 3 76 350 246 675 2 17 78 31 128 4,119 Ratio per 1,000 accepted — .348 6.892 50. 818 40. .300 98. 364 .209 5.291 24.365 17.125 46. 989 .139 1.183 5.430 S.158 a 911 286.739 236 Table No. 0 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and c^ansion of ehtst, to complexion and age, and HEIGHT 07 AND TTXDER G9 INCHES. GIUTII OF CHEST ,Vr EXl'IRATIOX. Under 29 iochcs. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COiirLEXIOXS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 .=3 a 4 .2 o > O o 1 CI a & C m 6 "5 o H O .a « a 4 .2 1 s •s a 6 a u o O ■ 1 S o 9 .a a o ci o .a a c» O > o 1 a n > o 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 3 4 7 5 42 122 109 1 24 238 432 745 Katio per 1,000 accepted .209 .278' .487 .348 2.934 8.493 11.765 .070 1.671 20.049 30. 073 51.862 DAKK COMPLEXION. 4 4 2 22 32 56 1 14 122 212 349 .278 .278 .139 1.532 2.228 3.898 .070 .975 8.493 14. 758 24.295 Total 3 8 11 7 04 154 225 2 38 410 644 1,094 liatio per 1 000 iicccpted .209 .557 .760 .487 4.455 10.721 15. 663 .139 2. C45 28.542 44.831 76. 157 AGE. Under 20 5 7 4 31 48 83 1 13 102 141 237 .139 .348 .487 .278 2.158 3.341 5.778 .070 .905 7.101 9.816 17.891 20 and under 2j 1 2 3 3 20 74 97 1 19 202 321 543 .070 .139 .209 .209 1.392 5. 151 0.753 .070 1.323 14.062 22. 346 37.800 1 1 7 m 26 4 55 96 155 Eat io per 1 ,000 accepted .070 .070 .487 1.323 1.810 .278 3.829 6.633 10.790 3 8 H 29 44 73 Katio per 1,000 accepted .209 .557 .760 2.019 3.063 5.082 35 and under '10 1 3 4 ,-, 12 26 40 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .070 .209 .278 .139 .835 1.810 2.785 40 and over ^ ^ 4 10 IG 20 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .139 .139 .278 .696 1.114 1.810 Tota] 3 .209 8 .557 11 .766 7 .487 64 4.455 154 10.721 225 15.663 .139 33 2.645 410 644 1, 0U4 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2a 543 44.831 76 157 237 to each other; embracing tltc statistical results of the examination of 14,3G5 British Americans, ^Jc — Continuod. HEIGHT G7 AND UNDER CO INCHES— Continued. 1 1 1 GIRTH OF CHEST AT KXnU.VTIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 Inches. 37 inches and over. o *9 CO sa coiirLEXioNS a:md ages. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 4 i o a o i .a a s 5 o i o •§ .9 .a a 7-* ti g O CI 1 o n 3 o H S '^ o .3 a 4 a 5 1 a 5 .a a n 5 1 =3 3 s •3 LIGHT COMPLESaON. Blue or gray cyea ; light hair. . 4 62 513 561 1,145 1 43 312 S19 575 . 18 103 44 165 2,806 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .278 |4.31C 36.060 ^39.053 79. 708 .070 3.993 21.719 15.245 40.028 1 1 1.253 7.170 3.003 11.486 ! 195. 336 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or bazc-1 eyes ; dark hair. 1 33 303 272 609 o 38 163 109 312 10 45 27 82 1,412 Katio per 1,000 accepted .070 2.297 21.093 18. 9.35 42.395 .139 2.645 11.347 7.588 21.719 .696 3. 13:l 1. 880 1 5. 708 98.294 Total 5 • 95 821 833 1,754 3 81 475 328 887 28 148 71 247 4,218 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .348 (i.G13 57.153 57.988 122.102 .209 5.639 33.066 22.833 61.747 1.949 10.303 4.943 17.195 293.630 AGE. tTuder 20 14 130 110 256 5 39 23 67 o 4 1 6 676 Katio per l.COO accepted . 130 1 . 975 9.050 372 7.658 17.821 .348 2.715 1. 601 4. 664 .139 10 .278 55 1 .418 47.059 20 and under 25 3 50 404 829 . 1 32 193 132 358 27 92 1,9-22 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 209 j3. 481 25.896 23. 124 57. 710 .07.0 2. 228 13. 435 1 9. 189 24. 922 .696 3.839 1.880 1 6.404 133. 797 25 and under 30 13 160 171 344 1 11 101 79 192 6 38 19 63 781 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .905 11. 138 11.904 23.947 .070 .766 7.031 1 5.499 13. 3G6 418 2. 64.-) 1.3'23 ] 4.386 54. 36.S 30 and under 35 6 72 72 150 1 20 64 36 121 " 17 10 31 336 Eatio per 1,(00 accepted 1 .418 5.012 5. 012 10. 442 .070 1.392 4.455 1 2.506 8.4-23 ] .278 1.183 . 696 1 2. 158 26.871 35 and nnder 40 6 63 50 119 6 48 38 92 4 19 10 33 288 .418 6 4.386 3.481 26 8.284 56 .418 7 3.311 30 2.645 20 C. 404 1 .278 1 1.323 .696 1 2.297 20.0-19 57 15 r 23 40 and over 24 165 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .418 1.671 1 1.810 3.893 .487 2.088 1 1.392 3.968 1 .139 1.044 .348 1.532 11.486 Total 5 95 821 a33 1,754 3 81 475 328 887 23 148 71 247 4,218 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . . .348 G.613 57.153 ,57. 988 122.102 .209 5. 639 33.066 22.833 61.747 1.949 10.303 4.943 17. 195 i 293.630 238 Taim.k No. (j — Showiny the relation of luiijltt, ijirth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and aye, and HEIGHT 69 AKD UNDER 71 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPHUTION. Under 20 inches. 29 and imder 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .9 -a o 1 o •§ « u •a t> O 3 1 o S3 V a .3 .a 1 o a n > O 3 o S a .a .3 i o .9 a ID > o oi o .a n 6 H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 1 18 42 61 1 18 122 191 332 .070 .070 .070 1.253 2.924 4.246 .070 1.253 8.493 13.296 23.113 DAEK COMPLEXION. 2 o 11 14 25 8 66 87 101 .139 .139 .766 .975 1.740 .557 4.595 6.056 11.208 Total 1 2 3 1 29 56 • 86 1 26 188 278 493 .070 .139 .209 .070 2.019 3.898 5.987 .070 L810 13. 087 19.3i3 34.320 AGE. 1 1 9 12 21 1 7 38 50 96 .070 .070 .627 .835 1.462 .070 .487 2.645 3.481 0.683 1 1 1 10 34 45 n 96 140 247 .070 .070 .070 .690 2.367 3.333 .766 6.683 9.746 17. 195 5 4 9 2 28 51 81 Katio per 1,000 accepted .348 .278 .627 .139 1.949 3.SS0 5. 639 30 aud under 35 1 1 o 1 3 o 17 16 35 .070 .070 .139 .070 3 .209 6 .139 2 1.183 5 1.114 14 2.430 Xt and nndor 40 21 Eatio por 1 ,000 accepted .209 .209 2 .418 3 .139 2 .348 4 .975 7 1.462 40 and over 13 Ratio per 1,000 accoptod .139 .139 .139 .278 .487 .905 Total 1 2 3 1 29 56 86 1 26 188 278 493 Italic per 1,000 accepted .070 .139 .209 .070 2.019 3.898 5.987 .070 1.810 13.087 19.353 34.320 239 to each other ; emhraciiig tlw statistical results of the examination of 14,365 British Americans, ^c. — ContuiUfd. HEIGHT C9 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. GIEXn OF CHEST AT EXPIIUTIOX. ■a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. -s t COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. °.a CD 1 U ■3 .3 CI > O i .a o g 5 3 S _3 a % o i .a o .9 g o i 1 5 i o •§ i a to .a a 11 I o .a CO <5 i o LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light liair . . 13 232 354 599 23 198 187 408 13 74 53 145 1,546 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .905 I 6.150 ; >4. 643 11. 699 .601 13.784 13.018 23.402 .905 5.151 1 .038 19 0.094 07.623 DAIiK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 13 129 144 2S6 15 115 79 209 1 16 35 71 754 .905 a 980 361 25. 131 10.024 19.910 1.044 38 8.006 313 5.499 266 18.517 14. 549 617 .070 1 1.114 29 2.019 2. 436 1. 323 | 4. 943 5i 489 498 34. 663 885 61.608 109 = 26 1.810 77 216 15. 037 2,300 ' == Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.645 21. (69 42. 952 .070 7.588 5.300 160. Ill AGE, 56 98 3 9R i« 45 3.133 3 .209 1 4 265 TJnderaO 1 .070 1 .278 13. 443 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 20 and under 25 10 102 242 414 21 125 106 252 9 36 30 75 1,034 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .696 11.277 16.847 2&820 | 1.462 8.702 7.379 17.543 .627 2.506 2.0S8 1 5.221 71. 931 25 and under 30 4 82 98 184 6 82 70 158 8 27 21 56 483 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .278 5.708 C.82i 12.809 1 .418 1 5.708 1 4 873 10. 999 .557 1.880 ;i.462 3.898 33.971 30 and under 35 3 30 39 78 4 29 30 63 3 14 11 23 208 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .209 2.506 1 2.715 5.430 .278 2.019 2.088 4.386 .209 .975 .766 1.949 35 and under 40 3 27 41 71 •2 37 28 67 1 2 17 5 25 190 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .209 1.880 2.854 1 4.943 .139 2.576 1.949 4.664 .070 .139 1.163 .348 1 1.740 40 and over 1 17 22 40 2 14 16 32 7 IS 9 23 115 8.006 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . .070 1.183 1.532 2.785 .139 .975 1.114 2.223 .487 .835 .627 1 1.94>J Total 26 361 498 885 = ^ 38 313 266 617 1 29 109 77 210 2,300 Eatio por 1 ,000 accepted . 1.810 25.131 34.668 61.003 . 2.645 21.769 ia517 42.952 .070 2. 019 7.588 5.360 15. 037 ICO. Ill 240 Taiu.v. N o 1 a n O o H u o 4 .9 .a B > o- .9 U 1 u O •s a 7-, .3 U G u 5 i CJ > O s .a u H U c 6 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 2 3 4 7 1 p 25 44 75 .070 .070 .139 .200 .278 .487 .070 .348 1.740 3.003 5.221 DArjC COMPLEXION. 531ack or hazel eyes ; dark liair. . . 1 „ 3 C 1 18 23 43 .070 .130 .209 .418 .070 1.253 l.GOl 2.924 Total 1 1 n 1 5 „ 13 1 G 43 07 117 .070 .070 .130 .070 .348 .487 .905 .070 .418 2.993 4. 604 8.145 AGE. 1 1 3 1 4 3 7 s 18 .070 .070 . 309 1 . 070 .278 .209 .487 .5.57 1. 2.">:i • 5 5 1 3 23 35 02 .348 .348 .070 .209 l.COl 2.43B 4.316 1 1 5 10 15 .070 .070 .348 .696 1.044 30 audnndcrSS 1 1 1 1 2 5 7 1 ... .070 .070 .070 .070 .139 .348 .487 35 and under 40 o 2 4 6 10 Katio per 1,000 accepted .139 .139 .278 .418 .696 40 and over 2 3 5 Katio pev 1,000 accepted .139 .209 .348 Total 1 1 2 1 5 7 13 1 G 43 07 117 Katio per 1,000 accepted .070 .070 .139 .070 .348 .487 .905 .070 .418 2. 993 4.604 8. 145 241 to each olhcr ; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 14,365 British Americans, o •s a n > O •a 3 o t LIGHT COMPLEXION. 3 53 121 177 7 90 90 187 .0 28 31 65 513 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .209 3. 690 8. 423 12. 322 .487 6.265 6.265 13. 018 .418 1.949 2.158 4.525 35.712 DAEK COMPLEXIOX. Black or liazel eyes ; dark hair. G 32 44 82 5 38 36 79 6 15 17 38 247 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .418 2.228 3. 003 5.708 .348 2.045 2.506 5.499 .418 1.044 1.183 2.645 17. 195 Total 9 85 1G5 259 12 128 126 266 12 • 43 43 103 7C0 Katio per 1,000 accepted .0-27 5.917 11.486 18. 030 .835 8.911 a 771 18. 517 .835 2.993 3.341 7.170 52.906 AGE. 1 5 15 21 1 7 6 14 2 3 5 63 Ratio per 1,000 accepteil .070 .348 1.044 1.462 .070 .487 .418 .975 .139 .209 .348 4.386 * 39 84 127 3 43 54 105 4 14 17 35 334 Katio per 1,000 accepted .278 2.715 5.848 8.841 .209 3.341 3.759 7.309 .278 .975 1.183 2.436 23.231 25 and under 30 2 16 31 49 2 25 29 56 4 12 13 29 150 Katio per 1,000 accepted .1.39 1.114 2.158 3.411 .139 1.740 2.019 3.898 .278 .835 .905 1 2.019 10. 442 30 and nnder 35 1 13 18 32 2 21 15 38 7 7 14 93 Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . . .070 .905 1.253 2.S28 .139 1. 462 1.044 2.643 .487 4 .487 1 .975 6.474 o -|-= 35 and under 40 1 8 . 12 21 3 13 16 33 6 12 77 Katio per 1,000 accej)ted .070 .557 .835 1.462 .209 .905 LU4 2.228 .139 .278 .418 .835 5.300 40 and over 4 S 9 1 14 6 21 2 4 o 8 43 Katio per 1,000 accepted .278 .348 .627 .070 .975 128 .418 126 1. 462 .139 12 .273 43 .139 1 .557 2.993 Total 9 85 165 239 12 26C 43 103 760 .627 5.917 11.486 18.030 .835 8.911 8.771 18. 517 .835 »— 2.993 3.341 7.170 52.900 31 242 Table No. G — Showing the relation of heiyht, giitli of chmt and cj:2)aiiniuii of chest, to complexion aud age, and HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER. Giurii OF ciiEsr .vr exi-iuatio.\. Under 29 inches. 2U ;iud under 31 iuulics. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIO^-S AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o 4 .a > o ■§ a a > O o •s .g n t o 3 u o ■s .a O ■3 CI if 6 o a n o o H o .a a > O a> .a CI C O O t .5 n LIGHT COMPLEXION. 4 3 .278 .209 487 DARK COMPLEXION. 1 1 3 2 .070 .070 .209 .139 • 1 1 7 5 .070 .070 .4§7 .34ti 833 AGE. 1 1 1 1 o .070 .070 .070 .070 20 and under 25 3 1 4 E.ltio per 1,01)0 .iccepted .209 .070 .278 25 and under 30 3 2 5 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted " .209 .139 3-18 30 and under 35 . 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .070 070 35 and under 40 Katio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over Katio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 1 7 S 12 Ratio per 1,000 .iccoiitoil .070 .070 .487 .348 835 243 to cack otUr; mlraciug il,e statistical results of tU examination of 14,365 BritUn Arnericans, ^c.-ContinneA. HEIGHT 73 INCHE.R AND OVEE— Continued. s g rS Glimi OF CHEST AT EXPIIiATIOX. i 33 and onder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. j,^p ansion. Expansion. Expansion. r hcigl ate. 1 inch or loss. Over 1 inch. Over a incnes. Over 3 inches. Total. 1 inch or less. Over 1 inch. Over 2 inches. Over 3 inches. Total. 1 inch or less. Over 1 inch. Over 2 inches. Over 3 inches Total. Grand total fo Grand aggreg LIGHT COilPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair 1 13 14 28 16 2i 41 . 7 9 •2.854 487 ■0-'' 10 92 9,50G 1.114 C.404 GC1.747 Ratio per 1,000 accepted ■^"''^ J. BAKK COMPLEXION. 905 .975 1.949 1 9 12 1 10 7 18 8 4 12 48 4, 859 T»atin nor 1 000 accepted ■''*^ 070 .637 .835 070 .696 .48 7 1.253 557 .278 .835 3.341 338. 2j3 1 14 23 40 1 20 3 , 59 . 15 13 28 1 140 14,365 3 — ' ■ .975 1.601 2.785 .070 1.810 2.228 4.107 1-044 .90 5 1.949 9.746 1,000 AGE. Under 20 4 1 5 2 2 10 2,950 696 205.360 Katio per 1,000 accepted 20 and under 25 .278 .070 .348 7 14 21 11 12 23 5 !35 jl. 601 348 .4 6 11 59 0,231 18 .766 4.107 433.763 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 23audundcr30 | ^ .487 .975 1.4G2 1 5 8 5 6 11 ^ 418 .766 209 .2 4 7 31 2,504 78 .487 2158 174.313 Katio per 1,000 accepted 139 30 and under 35 .070 .348 .557 2 2 4 7 11 ^ • 487 766 209 .. ... 3 17 1,152 ... .209 1.183 80.195 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 139 .139 1 1 ■• - 1 0 . .070 .418 1 ■; JO 2 3 5 IS 901 3.1 and under 40 348 .835 139 . 209 .348 L253 66.899 P^atio per 1,000 accepted 40andover 1 1 3 .... 1 2 . ... .139 . 2 5 ■W7 139 1 .348 39.471 Eatio per 1,000 accepted •"'" ) 1 .070 .070 .209 .... 1 14 23 40 1 26 32 59 ::i:^_iL = 13 28 140 14,365 Total Katio per 1,000 .icceptcd 20 9 .975 1.601 2785 070 1.810 2.-223 4.107 l-O''* .905 1.949 9.746 1,000 I T^BLE NO. 7, THE RELATM OF HEIGHT, GlllTH OF CHEST, EXPANSION OF CHEST, COMPLEXION AND AGE. ENGLISHMEN ACCEPTED. 246 T.U)LE No. 7— Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat and expaneion of chest, to complexion and age, and to each other; HEIGHT TJNBEE 61 INCHES. GIRTn OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. TTuder 29 inches. 20 .iml undrr 31 inclics. 31 and nn o 1 o 1 U > O i t o •3 1 1 1 u o u o a o 6 m e .£3 o CI O 1 & o c LIGHT COMPLEXION. 4 4 1 10 11 2 11 7 20 .415 .415 .104 1.036 1.140 .207 1.140 .725 2.073 DARK COMPLEXION, 1 1 4 2 C 1 1 2 1 5 Batio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .415 .207 .692 .104 .104 .207 .104 .518 Total 4 1 5 1 14 2 17 1 3 13 s 25 .415 .104 .518 .104 1.451 .207 1.769 .104 .•311 1.347 .829 2.591 AGE. 3 1 4 5 1 6 1 3 2 6 Katio per 1,000 accepted .311 .104 .415 .518 .104 .629 .104 .311 .207 .622 20 and iiudor 25 1 4 5 5 7 .104 .415 .518 .518 .207 .725 1 1 2 2 „ t, 4 .104 .104 .S!07 .207 .207 .207 .415 1 o 1 4 .104 .207 .104 . 415 3 3 1 1 1 3 .311 .311 .104 .104 .104 .311 40 and over 1 1 1 1 .104 .104 .104 .104 Total 4 1 5 1 14 2 17 1 3 13 8 25 ICatio per 1,000 accepted..- .115 .104 .518 .104 1.451 .307 1.762 .104 .311 1.347 . 8J;i 2.591 247 enibraring the slatistical results of the examinaiim of 9,649 Englishmen found fit for serriec in the armies of the United States. HEIGHT UNDER 61 INCHES— Continued. CO 1; OIRTII OP CnEST AT EXriHATIOS. U 33 and under 3."i inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. a s COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. to 'S O 1 1 o s 1 (0 O 1 g 5 "3 1 o a .3 .5 > o i .a a 6 i n t 6 M 'S a .s > O 1 o V a n O "a ,o o 1 5 LIGHT COMT'LEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hnir. . 1 5 G 12 3 1 4 51 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 .518 .622 1.244 .311 .104 .415 5.286 DAItK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair. 1 1 2 14 Katio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .207 1.451 2 .207 5 .518 7 14 3 .311 1 .104 4 65 Total Ratio per 1,000 accepted .725 1.451 .415 6.736 AGE. UuderSO 1 1 17 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .104 .104 1.762 aoaod under 25 1 2 4 7 2 2 21 .104 .207 .415 .725 .207 .207 2 2.176 1 1 1 1 10 25andunder30 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .104 .104 .207 1.036 30 aud under 35 1 1 2 6 .622 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 35 and under 40 .104 1 .104 1 .207 2 8 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 . 104 .207 1 -■ 40 and over 1 3 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2 . .207 .104 5 .518 7 .725 .104 14 1.451 .^^ 3 . .311 4 1 .104 .^iiiii 65 Total . .415 . 6. 736 Ratio per 1,000 accepted - 248 Tablh No. 7 — Showing the rilulioit of hcUjhl, ijirlh of chesl and expansion of elicit, io complexion and ago HEIGHT Gl AND UNDER C3 INCHES. GIUTII OF CHEST AT E.XPIltATION. Under 29 incbcs. 29 aud uudor 31 inches. 31 and under 33 iuclies. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expanaion. Expansi )n. 1 •3 i i O V .a .1 o •3 .9 M U O O o ■s .a ■g .a o CI O .a a O 3 e o 1 .a o a i o 1 CI 00 1 .9 n u o t- O 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 3 3 G 7 51 30 97 o 13 02 75 152 .311 .311 .GS3 .725 5.286 4.042 10. 053 .207 1.347 0.42G 7.773 15. 753 DAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair... 1 1 3 IC 18 37 1 7 21 EC 51 .104 .104 .311 1.C58 1.865 3.835 .104 .725 2.176 2.280 5.280 Total 4 3 7 10 67 57 134 3 20 83 97 203 .415 .311 .725 1.036 0.944 5.907 13. 887 .311 2.073 8.602 10. 053 21.03S AGE. 3 1 4 4 32 22 58 1 2 19 11 .311 .104 .415 .415 3.316 2.280 6.011 .104 .207 1.969 1.140 1 2 3 3 .10 o 0 39 37 Eatio per 1 000 accepted .104 .207 .311 .311 2. 176 1 1. 658 4.140 .207 .022 4. 042 3.835 8 706 25 and iiudcr 30 1 6 10 17 3 4 13 20 .104 .622 1.030 1. 702 .311 .415 1.347 2.073 30 and under 35 1 7 3 11 S 12 17 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 .725 .311 1.140 .518 1.244 1. 763 35 and under 40 3 :i 0 10 24 1 J 1 Ratio per 1,000 acceptt-d 1 .311 .311 . 518 1 '. 933 1.036 2 487 40 and over 1 1 3 5 4 j 7 14 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .104 .104 .311 .518 .415 .725 1.451 •^ 50 L , _ Total 4 3 7 10 67 57 134 3 20 83 97 203 Rat to per 1 .000 accepted .311 .725 1.03G G.944 5.D07 13. 887 .311 2. 073 8.602 10. 053 21. Q-S3 I 249 and lo each other; cmhracinrj the statistical results of the examination of 9,649 Englishmen, ^c— Coutinucil. IIEIGHT 61 AND TTNDEE 03 INCHES— Continued. o a 0 GlETH OF CBEST AT EXPIEATIOX. a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. o COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Exx)ausion. Expansion. 1.5 1 r-4 .a .9 t-l g o s .a o .5 « 6 1 5 3 1 o a > o m A o _n CI s o ■3 1 .5 n 5 s CI o o HI c .a a O 3 o a 2 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light Lair. . 7 48 30 85 1 14 9 24 ^J 1 3 367 Kotio per 1,000 accepted } \ .725 4 .975 3.109 8.809 .104 1.451 .933 2.467 .207 .104 .311 38.035 DARK COMPLEXION. 6 21 9 36 1 9 4 14 2 1 3 142 Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. Eatio per 1,000 accepted .022 ' !.176 .933 3.731 .104 .933 .415 1.451 .207 .104 .311 14.717 Total 13 GO 39 121 1 1 23 13 38 4 2 G SCO Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.347 7.151 4.042 12.540 .104 .104 2.384 1.347 3.938 .415 .207 .632 52.752 AGE. 2 3 4 9 5 1 G 110 Unilt T 20 .207 .311 29 .415 14 .933 . 518 . 104 1 . 623 11.400 20 and uihUt 25 5 48 ,_ 4 1 1 2 181 Katio per 1,000 accepted .518 3.005 1.451 4.975 .207 .207 .415 .104 .104 .207 18.758 1 13 8 22 1 1 4 1 7 1 1 07 liatio per 1,000 accepted .104 1.347 .839 12.28-0 .104 .104 .415 .104 .725 .104 .104 6.944 HO and under 35 3 9 6 18 4 o G 1 1 53 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .311 .933 .OK 1.865 .415 .207 .622 9 .104 .104 5.493 35 and luider 40 ^ 10 5 17 4 1 .104 1 .104 54 5.590 Eatio pi'v 1,000 accepted 40 and over .207 1. 030 5 .518 1.7C2 7 4 2 G 1 1 44 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .518 .207 .725 .415 .207 .li23 .104 . . 104 4.560 . 13 . 1. 347 69 7.151 39 4. 012 121 1 1 23 13 38 4 .415 o 6 509 Total = =:: ■| 12. 540 .104 3. 3S4 1.347 .20- .622 50. 752 Ratio per 1,000 accepted. . . . 1 250 Tabms No. 7 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and erpansion of chest, to complexion and age, HEIGHT 63 AKD tTNDER 65 IXCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 .ind luidiT 31 inches. 31 and nndcr 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o 1 > o 9 1 1 DO o o n t 6 "a o H 1 9 > o to CI 6 u 5 1 o .a U 6 1 a O 5 00 n O 3 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 10 3 13 18 114 117 249 2 33 218 252 1.03C .311 1.347 1.805 11.815 12. 126 25. 80G .207 3. 420 22. 593 26. 117 52.337 DAr.K COMPLEXION. 1 s 2 5 4 30 45 80 10 83 86 185 .104 .207 .207 .518 .415 3.109 4.767 a 291 1. 658 &602 8.913 Total 1 12 5 18 22 144 163 329 2 49 301 338 690 Ttatio "Der 1 000 acccDtcd .104 1 04d .518 1.605 2.280 14.924 1C.P93 34. 097 .207 5.078 31. 195 35. 030 71 510 AGE- Under 20 9 o 11 9 55 59 123 1 7 63 44 115 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .933 .207 1.140 .933 5.700 6.115 13. 747 .104 .725 0.529 4.560 11.918 1 2 3 5 52 62 119 20 116 135 271 Eatio per 1,000 accept-ed . .104 .207 .311 .518 5.389 6. 426 12.333 2 073 12.022 13. 991 28.086 25 aud under 30 1 1 2 o 20 19 41 8 55 58 10| Katio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .207 .207 2.073 1.969 4.249 .829 5.700 6.011 JO 540 1 1 3 4 9 16 7 23 39 .104 .104 .311 .415 .933 1.658 .725 2.902 4.042 35 and under 40 3 9 8 20 1 4 22 37 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .311 .933 .829 2.073 .104 .415 2280 3.835 6 (>33 40 and over 1 1 4 6 10 3 17 25 •15 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .415 .622 1.036 .311 1.762 2,591 4. 6G4 Total 1 12 5 18 22 144 103 329 o 49 301 338 690 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .104 1.244 .518 1. 865 2.280 14. 934 10. 893 31. 097 .207 5.078 31. 195 35. 030 71. 510 251 and to each otTur; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 9,649 Englishmeti , Jf-c- — Continued. HEIGHT 63 AUD trNDER 65 INCHES— Continued. a OIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 1 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 Inches. 37 inches and over. s II AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1.2 •s i B £ a ct > O •s p n > o 3 o .a o a i o i .a u 01 ID O to o 2 H 09 i 3 1 > o i O a CI o t. O s •g a n g o 3 21 •3 s 1 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. Bine or gray eyes; light hair.. 31 231 166 428 20 67 49 13G 4 14 1,352 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2 .213 '. J. 940 1 94 7.204 ■! 82 4.357 190 2 .073 7 0.944 37 5.078 1 15 4.095 59 .415 1 .451 .311 2.176 140.118 DARK COMPLEXION. Black 01- hazel eyes; dark hair. 14 3 4 6 13 532 Katio per 1,000 accepted .451 9.742 8.498 19. 691 .725 3.835 1.555 6.115 .311 .415 .622 1.347 34 55.135 Total 45 325 248 618 27 104 64 195 7 18 9 1,884 Katie per 1,000 accepted 4.664 33.682 35.702 64. 048 2.798 10.778 6.633 20.209 .725 1.865 .933 3.524 195.253 AGE. 6 27 IT 50 1 3 1 5 304 UnderSO . Katio per 1,000 accepted .622 2.798 1.762 5.182 .104 .311 .104 .518 31.506 20 and nnder a') 18 119 89 226 11 27 23 61 3 4 7 687 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.865 12. 333 9.224 23. 422 1.140 2.798 2.384 6.322 .311 .415 .725 71. 199 6 65 52 123 7 16 11 34 4 2 6 327 25 and nnder 30 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .622 6.736 38 5.389 12. 747 .725 1. 6.58 1.140 3.524 .415 .207 .622 33.890 30 and under 35 9 31 78 4 18 5 27 1 6 4 11 207 Katio per 1,000 accepted .933 3.938 3.213 8.084 .415 1.865 .518 2.798 .104 .622 .415 1.140 21.453 5 45 31 81 1 28 13 42 2 2 1 5 212 Ratio per 1.000 accepted ' .518 1 4.6C4 31 3.213 8. 395 .104 2.902 1.347 4.353 .207 1 |.207 2 .104 2 .518 5 21. 971 40 and over 28 60 3 12 11 26 147 Katio per 1,000 accepted . .104 3.213 2.903 6. 218 . .311 1.244 1.140 2.695 . .104 .207 .207 9 .518 34 4 5 325 248 " 616 . 27 104 10.77E 64 6.63: 195 7 IS 1,884 Ratio per 1,000 accepted. . . . 4.66 I 33. 6K , 25. 7K , 64.04! i .2.79£ 20.20E . .725 1.865 .933 3.521 195.253 •J52 Tablk No. 7 — Shou'itig the nlalion of tieiyhl, ijirlh of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, HEIGHT G5 AOT) UNDER C7 INCHES. GIBTn OP CHEST AT EXTIKATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIOXS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. % 1 \ 6 o a ct U > O 1 CO > O 1. 3 .a a .g i o g ■3 .a 1 » o O a n u •a > O o H JO u 0 ■g ■g .a u 0 6 D CI 0 6 0 s 1 n 0 6 £3 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 2 C 8 10 100 144 254 1 49 330 338 718 .207 .022 .K>9 1.036 10. 3G4 14. 924 26. 324 .104 .".. 078 34.200 35. 030 74 41*' DAEK COMPLEXION. 1 3 4 3 31 43 79 16 142 176 Hatio i*er 1 000 accepted . . .104 .311 .415 .311 3.213 4.GG4 a 187 li fi^n 14. 717 18.240 34 615 Total 1 2 » 12 13 131 189 333 1 65 472 514 .104 .207 .033 1.244 1.347 13.577 19.588 34.511 .104 6.736 4a 917 53.270 AGE. Under 20 1 3 4 G 42 48 96 9 7G 70 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 .311 .415 .022 4.353 4.975 9.949 .933 7.876 7.255 16 064 20 and under 25 1 2 3 5 54 87 146 27 170 219 416 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .104 .207 .311 .518 5.596 9. 010 1.5. 131 2.798 17. 618 22.697 43. ll^ 25 and under 30 2 2 1 10 27 38 1 9 85 87 182 Katio per 1,000 accepted .207 .207 .104 1.03G 2.798 3.938 .104 .933 8.809 9.016 la 862 30 and under 35 14 13 26 7 66 62 135 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.451 1.244 2.695 .725 6.840 6.426 13. 991 35 and under 40 '. . . 2 1 6 G 13 8 39 45 92 Satio per 1,000 accepted .207 .207 .104 .OS! .022 1.347 .829 4.042 4.664 0.535 _^ 40 and over 1 1 5 9 14 5 36 31 72 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .104 .104 .518 .933 1.451 .518 3. 731 3.213 7.462 Total 1 .104 S .207 9 .033 12 1.244 IS 1.347 131 13. 577 18? 10.588 3:3 34.511 1 .101 05 6.730 472 48. 917 514 :,3. 270 1 05" Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 100.027 253 and to caili other ; cmhraciiui the slatistical results of the examination of 9,649 Englishmen, ^-c. — Coutinuud. HEIGHT 05 AND TJNDEU C7 INCHES-Continued. »4 1 GinXII OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. t3 n 1 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. in o COMPLEXIONS ANB AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. n i t-i o •g a ji .9 g o O 1 .2 n g o 'n 1 .9 .a 1 O o a 6 1 n u O 1 1 o ■§ a 1 1-1 1 1 .a n a" "a o a 2 O LIGHT COMPLEXION. 57 3CC 327 750 1 35 186 121 343 1 16 45 18 80 2,153 5.907 37. 931 33.890 n.728 .104 3 nn7 lin 377 1-T .';4n 1 35. 548 . 104 jl. 658 1.6G4 1.805 8.291 223.132 1 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or liazcl eyes ; dark hair. 1 25 1G3 155 344 15 80 63 158 3 13 8 24 943 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .104 a. 591 1G.893 16.064 35. 051 1.555 8.291 6.529 16.375 .311 1.347 .829 2.487 97.730 Total 1 82 529 482 1,094 1 50 260 184 501 1 19 58 26 104 3,090 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .104 8.498 54. 824 49. 953 113.380 .104 5.182 27. 508 19. 069 51. 922 .104 1.969 6.011 2.695 10. 773 320. 862 AGE. 8 45 28 81 1 2 4 7 1 1 344 .829 4.6G4 2.902 8.395 .104 .207 1 .415 .725 .104 .104 35. 051 27 189 216 4^0 1 14 47 137 3 10 3 16 1, 150 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.798 19. 588 22.380 44.771 .104 1.451 7.773 4.871 14.198 [ .311 1.03C .311 1.653 119. 183 10 104 90 210 10 54 46 110 1 C 18 32 574 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.030 10.778 9.949 21. 704 1.030 5.59B t 4.707 [ll.400 . 104 1 . 0-32 1. 8G5 . 725 3.316 59.488 30 and under 35 1 11 08 51 131 11 1 32 35 78 2 4 5 11 381 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .104 1.140 7.047 5.380 |l3. 577 1.140 3.316 3. 627 8.084 1 .207 .415 .518 1.140 39.486 35 and under 40 11 68 54 133 6 65 31 102 5 13 8 26 368 Eatio per 1,000 accepted — 1.140 7.047 5.596 ]13. 784 .OS 0.736 3.213 10. 571 j .518 1.347 .829 2.695 38. 139 40 and over I. 15 55 37 107 8 38 21 67 3 12 3 18 279 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.555 5.700 3.835 |11.089 .829 3.938 2.176 6.944 311 1.244 53 .311 26 1.865 104 28.915 1 82 529 482 1,094 1 50 206 184 501 1 19 3,096 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . .104 8.498 54.824 49. 953 113.380 .104 5.182 27. 568 19. 069 51.922 .104 1.96D 6.011 2.695 10. 778 320.862 254 Table No. 7 — Shoioiiig the relatum of height, girth of cheat and exjmntion of cheat, to compkxiov and age, HEIGHT C7 AND UNDER 69 INCHES. GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATIOM. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. • 31 and under 33 inr.Iies. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. EspanBiou. Expansion. Expansion. a, S a i 5 .9 g o .9 en 5 1 i 8 a 6 .a ? 5 H S o ■3 a u 6 .a s 6 •3 £ i o H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 2 1 3 1 1 47 C4 113 25 196 268 489 .207 .104 .311 .104 .104 4.871 6.633 1L711 36 2.591 20.313 27. 775 50. 679 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark bair. . . 2 1 3 1 11 24 1 5 ' 06 106 178 .207 .104 .311 .104 1.140 2.4S7 3.731 .104 .518 6. 840 10. 986 18.448 Total 4 2 0 X 3 58 88 149' 1 30 262 374 667 .415 .207 .622 .104 .207 6.011 9.120 15. 442 .104 3.109 27. 153 38.700 \ 69. 126 AGE. 1 Tudor "^O 16 18 34 1 3 39 48 91 " 1.058 1.865 3.524 . 104 .311 4. 042 4.975 175 9.431 1 . 1 1 25 42 68 11 100 286 .104 .104 1 .104 2.591 4.353 7.047 1.140 10. 364 18. 137 29. 640 2.'> and under 'iO 2 2 7 13 20 C .-■lO 74 130 .207 .207 .725 1. 347 2.073 .622 5.182 7.669 13. 473 1 1 1 4 8 13 5 28 34 67 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .104 . 415 .829 1.347 . .518 2.902 3.5J4 6. il44 :tr. and undor 40 1 3 5 9 3 23 29 K.-ilio i»>r 1,(11)0 acei'ptcd .104 .311 .518 .933 .311 2.384 3. 005 S. 700 •10 and over 2 2 3 2 r^ ■■"'-ii 2 22 14 38 JIatio per 1,00(1 jicccptod .207 .207 .311 .207 .518 .207 S. 280 1.451 3.938 Total 4 2 6 1 2 58 88 149 1 30 262 374 Ratio per 1.000 .accepted .415 .207 .022 .104 .207 6.011 9.120 15.442 .104 3. 109 27. l.^iS 38. 760 255 and to each other; cmbmciuy ■acVHi the statisticul result:, of the cxamiuation of i),i;4'J Englishmen, .jc.-Coutiuued. COilI'LEXlONS AND AGES. HEIGHT G7 AND OXDEE. CO INCHES— Continued. GIKTU OF CHEST AT EXl'IKATIOX. 33 and under 33 inches. Expansion. LIGHT COilPLEXIOX. Blue or gray eyes ; ligM bair. Katio per l.OOJ accepted DAEK COMPLEXION. Blaclt or hazel eyes; dark hair Katio per 1,000 accepted 48 37G 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. Expansion. 302 .207 '4.073 J38.96S ]37. 517 SI. (iOu Total. 158 14G Expansion. 1 35 173 a 384 16. 375 Katio per 1,000 accepted. AGE. Under 20 latio per 1,000 accepted. 7. 358 334 15. 131 33. 890 508 52. 648 5 35 . 104 b. 027 17. 929 1.865 1,115 115.556 20 and under 25 Katio per 1,000 accepted. 25 and under 30 ■ Katio per 1,000 accepted. .518 17 3.627 2.902 118 12.229 33.690 9. 224 8.084 .104 .5.493 262 1.347 2 H H I 5 196 512 27. 153 20. 313 173 i 195 .207 I1.702 18.448 !ao.2on 123 I 119 .104 .829 30 autl under 35 liatio per 1,UU0 accepted... .2.591 '13.266 12.3:3 128.189 10 .W 63 08 .,1.451 2.384 53. 002 107 11. 089 1.058 80 189. 346 782 5.493 81.045 2,609 2.798 8.291 00 6.218 1.347 5.493 10. 582 .207 , 104 2. 073 7.402 . . . 1. 038 1 0. Oil 35 and under 40 Katio per 1,000 accepted . 40 and over Katio per 1,0U0 accepted. . 0.529 i:i..577 \-G-i ILitio per 1,000 accepted. .829 (i. 187 6. 730 .622 38 102 5.804 534 3.938 10.571 5.280 14. 924 4. 146 1.6i8 23 270. 391 .415 9. 32' 38 22 .207 l7.33« 55.343 |52. 648 1 115.550 3.938 3.316 2.280 6.840 1.909 53 . 104 5. 493 27. 153 2.384 1.762 912 94. 518 4.560 63.426 .933 2.591 I 33.890 13 1.347 1.036 6.011 .1.244 20.313 53. 002 1.244 26 2.695 38 3.938 306 31. 713 100 243 25.184 2,609 16.582 270.391 256 Taw-K No. 7 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, UEIGUT C9 AND UNDER 71 INCnES. CIRXn OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMTLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. a 1 o OS g O CO .a .S CO 3 i 4 3 u & o .a s o n > o 1 o ■g a •3 a i 6 1 .a CI o 5 u B > O ■3 o H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 15 21 37 1 3 60 109 173 .104 1.655 2.176 3.8.35 .104 .311 6.218 11.297 DARK COMPLEXIOX. 1 1 2 3 5 7 24 29 .104 .104 .207 .311 .518 .725 2.487 3.005 a 218 Total 1 1 1 17 24 42 1 10 84 138 233 .104 .104 .104 1.762 2.487 4.353 .104 1.036 a 706 14.302 24.148 AGE. 1 1 3 2 5 1 5 19 K.atio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 . 311 . 207 .518 .104 .518 1.969 2 591 20 and under 25 1 8 12 21 1 1 36 09 107 .104 .829 1.244 2.176 .104 .104 3.731 7.151 25 .lud uuder 30 1 2 3 5 14 27 Ratio per 1.000 accepted .104 .207 .311 .518 1.451 2.793 4 767 30 and under 35 3 4 - t 13 12 25 llatio per 1,000 accepted .311 .415 .725 1.347 1.244 2 591 35 and undergo 1 o 3 2 12 5 Ratio per 1,000 .iccoptcd .104 .207 .311 .207 1.244 .518 40 and over 1 (, 3 1 4 6 Rjilio per 1,000 accepted .104 .207 .311 .104 .413 .622 1.140 Total 1 1 1 17 21 42 1 10 84 138 233 liatio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .104 1.702 2.487 4.353 .104 t.03G S.706 14.302 24. 143 257 and to each other; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 9,649 Englishmen, ^S'c— Contiuncd. HEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continuei GIBTH OP CHEST AT EXPIRATIOX. 1= a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 incliea. 37 inches and over. en j3 « COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. E-'jpansion. Expansion. Expansion. MS i a o a i o 2 a o O a .9 n > O 1 ■s .9 4 .9 i o .9 Gi 1 1 .9 n I 1 H i (-1 o o a 4 a o O "3 a" o a LIGHT COMPLEXION. 16 134 147 297 13 no 93 225 6 46 27 811 I. 058 13. 887 15. 235 30. 780 1.347 12. 333 9.638 23.318 .622 4.767 3.798 8.187 84. 050 DARK COMPLEXION. Uiack or hazel ej-es ; dark bair. 11 73 59 143 13 48 36 97 5 21 18 44 350 1.140 7.5CG 6.115 14. 820 1,347 4.975 3.731 10. 053 .518 2.170 1.665 4.560 27 207 206 440 26 167 129 322 11 67 45 123 1,161 2.798 21. 453 21. 349 45. 601 2. 695 17. 307 13. 309 33. 371 1.140 6.944 4.664 12.747 120. 333 AGE. 1 14 13 28 7 3 10 1 1 1 3 72 .104 1.451 1.347 2.902 .723 .311 1. 036 .104 .104 .104 .311 7. 463 8 74 CO 151 5 50 38 93 3 m 5 27 399 .829 7.GG9 7.151 15. 649 .518 5.182 3. 938 9.638 65 .311 1.969 .518 2.798 26 41. .351 25 and nnder 30 _ 35 55 97 5 33 27 1 13 12 237 Ratio per 1,000 aeceptcd .735 3. 627 5.700 10. 053 .518 3.420 2.798 6.736 .104 1.347 1. 244 2. (195 24. 562 30 and under 35 3 29 29 61 9 34 23 66 ,., . 13 9 24 183 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .311 3.005 39 3.005 28 6. 322 .933 3.524 23 2.384 34 6.840 .207 1.347 .933 2.487 IP.96G 35 and under 10 4 71 4 61 3 14 8 25 109 .415 4.042 2.902 7.358 .415 2.384 2.487 5. 286 .311 1.451 .829 2.591 1 17.515 1^ 40 and over 4 16 12 32 3 20 14 37 1 7 10 18 101 I!atio per 1,000 accepted .415 1.658 l.'a44 3.316 .311 2.073 1.451 3.835 .104 . 725 1.036 1.8G5 10. 467 Total 27 207 206 440 1 26 167 129 322 ii 67 45 123 1.161 2. 798 21. 453 2L349 45. 601 2.695 17.307 13. 369 33. 371 1.140 6.944 4.664 12. 747 120. .323 1 33 258 Table No. 7 — Shomng the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, HEIGHT 7 1 AND TTNDEE 73 INCHES. GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches . COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Espansion. u a 1 1 s u OQ 1 « o > O i i o a i o o o .£3 .5 n u « > m oa a i o s o O .a a n 6 i LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 2 4 7 3 21 10 .104 .807 .415 .725 .311 2.176 1.969 4 436 DAEK COMPLEXION. 1 1 1 3 5 . 12 Hatio per 1 000 accepted .104 .104 .104 .311 .518 .723 1 244 Total 2 3 5 10 3 86 26 55 .207 .311 .518 1.036 .311 2.693 2.695 5 700 AGE. UDdei"20 - 1 2 3 5 5 .104 .207 .311 .518 .518 1 .^ 3 C 1" 10 24 1 Hatio per 1 ,000 accepted .104 .207 .311 . 022 .207 1.244 1.036 2.487 25 and under 30 1 5 4 10 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .104 .518 .415 1. 030 30 and under 35 1 1 4 4 8 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .415 .415 .829 35 and under 40 1 „ Patio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 .104 .207 .311 40 and over 4 1 " Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 .415 .104 .518 Total 2 3 5 10 3 26 26 55 Tl.itio per 1,000 accepted. .207 .311 .518 1.036 .311 2.695 2.695 5 "00 259 and to each other; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 9,649 Englishmen, 4'C. — Coutiuiicd. HEIGHT 71 AND TJNDEK 73 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OP CHEST AT EXriRATIOX. rs a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. if'g .§.5 COMPLEXIONS AOT> AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 4 .5 rH U O 6 s .9 g o 1 a n o O 1 S i 4 a i o .a o □ CO y a n o o S > o ■g a CI g o a n 1 1 S. 1 •a S LIGHT COMPLEXION. 5 32 38 75 1 31 27 59 1 6 10 17 201 Katio per l.OCO accepted .518 3.316 3.938 7.773 .104 3.213 2.798 C.115 104 .622 1.036 1. 763 20.831 DAEK COMPLESIOX. 15 17 33 1 9 4 14 2 3 3 8 09 1.555 47 1. 762 55 3.31G 107 .104 2 .933 40 4.146 .415 31 1.451 73 .237 .311 9 .311 13 .829 7.151 Total 5 3 25 270 llatio per 1,000 accepted .518 4.871 5.700 11. 089 .207 3. 213 7.560 .311 .933 1.347 2.591 27.982 AGE. Dnder 20 3 o 5 1 1 14 .311 .207 .518 .104 .104 1 1.451 20 and under 25 17 62 39 10 9 19 1 2 3 91 P.atio per 1,000 accepted 1.762 2.280 4.043 1.030 .933 1.969 .104 .207 .311 9.431 25 and under 30 13 15 28 7 11 13 2 3 5 Gl Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.347 1.555 2.902 .725 1.140 1.865 .207 .311 .518 6.322 30 and under 35 4 7 7 18 14 2 16 3 2 5 48 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .415 1 .725 .725 1.865 11 2 1.451 3 .207 4 9 2 1 5 8 35 and under JO 5 5 31 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .104 .518 .518 1.140 .207 .311 .415 .933 .207 .104 j .518 .620 3.213 40 and over 3 4 0 5 5 10 3 1 4 25 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .207 .415 .622 .518 .518 1.036 .311 9 .933 .104 13 1.347 .415 25 2.591 2.591 Total S 47 55 107 2 40 31 73 3 .511 270 Batio per 1,000 accepted .518 4.871 5.700 11.089 .207 4.146 3.213 7.560 1 27.982 260 Table No. 7 — Shoioing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER. GIBTH OF CHEST AT EXPIUATIOX. Under 29 inches. S9 and uudcr 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o .a a 4 a u > O s •§ .9 o s ■s .a n £ o 1 .3 4 a o 1 o .9 n s 1 i .a .a 4 a t-i 1 .a « > o V .a u n g O 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. o 2 5 4 .207 .207 .518 .415 933 DARK COMPLEXION. 1 1 o Itatio i)er 1 000 accepted .104 .104 '"'07 Tot-al 2 2 6 5 Katio per 1,000 .iccepted .207 .207 .622 .518 1 140 AGE. Uiiilcr 20 1 1 .104 20 and under 25 2 2 4 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .207 .207 .415 S.") and under HO 1 1 o 2 — Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .104 .104 .207 .207 30 and under 35 2 1 3 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .207 .104 .311 •Tt and under 40 1 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .104 .104 handover Ratio per 1,000 accepted . . Total 2 2 6 " 5 11 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .207 .207 . 622 .518 1.140 261 ai:a lo cacu other; enibracing the statistical results of the examination of 9,649 Englishmen, »fc. — Continued. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continned. u o s 3 ej CO to o .2 i .a to .a ■3 1 'a a a O GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXFIRATIOX. 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 6 CO J o a 4 .g > o m ■§ .9 O > o ■i a 1 g S •3 .a g o e> .a .a n (S > O ■i 1 1 % .a a o ■§ .9 > o 1 a n H bo a 2 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 7 5 13 4 3 7 2 4 5 11 42 6,804 .104 .725 .518 1.347 .415 .311 .725 .207 .415 .518 1. 1411 4.353 705. 151 DAKK COMPLEXION. ElMk or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 2 2 4 3 2 5 1 1 2 13 2,845 .207 .207 .415 .311 .207 .518 .104 .104 .207 1.347 294. 849 Total 1 .104 9 .933 7 .725 17 1.762 7 .725 5 .518 12 1.244 2 .207 5 .518 G .622 13 1.347 55 9,649 Ilatio per 1,000 acct-ptcd 5.700 1.000 AGE. 1 1 1 1 3 1,073 Eatio per 1.000 accepted .104 ■104 1 1 .104 1 .104 2 .311 15 111.203 1 1 2 4 2 3 5 1 3,436 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .104 .104 .207 .415 .207 .311 .518 .104 .104 .207 1.555 338. 172 23 and under :iO 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 11 1,899 .311 .311 .207 1 207 .104 .104 .104 .311 1.140 190.808 L .10 and uuilcr 35 2 3 5 1 1 2 2 1 3 13 1,218 Katio per 1,000 acceiital .207 .311 .518 .104 .104 .207 .207 .104 .311 1.347 126.231 Xt and under -10 o 1 1 1 I 1 3 8 J, 156 Itatio per 1,000 accepted .207 .207 1 .104 .104 .104 .104 .101 .311 .829 119.80.-. 40 and over 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 847 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .207 .207 .807 1 ■ .207 .104 .104 .518 87.781 Total 1 9 7 17 7 5 12 „ 5 6 13 55 9,649 1 .104 .933 . TK I. 762 .725 .518 1.244 .207 .518 .022 1.347 5.700 1,000 I TA^BT.E NO. 8, THE RELATKffl OF HEIGHT, GIM OF CHEST, EXPANSION OF CHEST, COMPLEXION AND AGE. IRISHMEN ACCEPTED 264 Table No. 8 — Sliowiiig the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, and to each other; HEIGHT UNDEE 61 INCHES. GIRXn OF CUKST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 an \ under 33 inches COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expans on. s i •s a g o 1 a o ID 1 « o 5 1 o EH i i 1 .a 00 .a 1 s ■3 .S CO g O o o •S 4 .9 i o 1 a > o 1 .a n ;* O 3 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 3 3 4 9 5 18 3 19 17 39 .103 .103 .138 .310 .172 .621 .103 . 6I-.5 .586 DARJC COMPLEXION. a 2 2 1 3 2 5 4 .01)9 .069 .069 .034 .103 .069 .172 .138 379 Xotal n 3 5 4 11 0 21 3 24 21 50 "Ratio T>er 1 000 accented .069 .103 .172 .138 .379 .207 .724 .172 .828 .724 1.724 AGE. 2 a 4 1 5 2 8 2 3 2 7 .069 .069 .138 .034 .172 .069 .276 .069 .103 .069 .241 1 1 1 3 3 7 5 7 12 .034 .034 .034 .103 .103 .241 .172 .241 .414 2 1 3 1 4 5 10 Katio per 1,000 accepted .069 .034 .103 .034 .138 .172 .345 1 1 2 5 3 8 Katio por 1 ,000 accepted .034 .0.14 .069 .172 .103 .276 ;tr) iiad uuder 40 1 1 3 (J 5 Eatio por 1 ,000 accepted .034 .034 .103 .069 .172 40 and over 2 4 2 B -, — Eatio per 1,000 accepted .009 .138 .069 .270 Total ■ 2 3 5 4 11 6 21 5 24 21 50 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .069 .103 .173 .138 .379 .207 .734 .172 .828 .724 1. 7:4 265 embracing the statistical results of tlie examination of 28,995 Irishmen found fit for seiTicc in the armies of the United States. HEIGHT UNDEK 01 INCHES— Continued. <0 o GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. o 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. •1 COSIPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. g .2 u o •g .g .a o a > o .=3 O CI g o i O n u g O o i .2 e. o A o a -S t-l .a o a ■§ .2 n s S 1 o H CO .2 o ■3 5 o •3 i ■3 CO O 1 1 es S g LIGHT COMPLEXION. 5 18 7 30 2 6 5 13 . 1 o 1 4 107 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .172 .621 .241 1.035 . 069 . 207 .172 .448 .034 .069 .034 . 138 ; 3. 690 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 1 7 3 11 1 3 4 1 1 39 Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .241 25 .862 .103 .379 .034 .103 .138 .034 .034 1 1.104 Total G .207 10 41 3 9 5 17 1 2 2 5 139 .345 1.414 .103 .310 .172 .566 .034 .069 .069 .172 4.794 AGE. Under 20 ■ o 1 1 22 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .069 .069 .034 .034 .759 SO and under 25 2 9 3 14 1 1 1 1 36 Katio per 1,000 accepted .069 .310 .103 .483 .034 .034 .034 .034 1.242 25 and nndor 30 6 3 9 6 1 7 1 1 30 Katio per 1.000 accepted .207 .103 .310 .207 .034 .241 .034 .034 1.035 30 and under 3# 1 4 2 7 n 4 21 .034 .138 .069 .241 .069 .069 .138 .724 3d anil under 40 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 12 414 Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . . 40 and over .034 2 .034 3 .034 1 .103 6 .069 1 1 1 2 3 18 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .06!) .lOi .034 .207 .034 .034 .034 .069 .103| .621 Total 6 2.'; 10 41 3 9 5 17 1 2 2 5 139 .207 .862 . .345 1.414 .103 .310 .173 .586 .034 .069 .009 .172 4.794 34 266 Tadi.ic No. 8 — Showiinj the relation of licirjht, girili of chest and ixpaiishn of chest-, to conqtlc-iioii and age, HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 03 INCHES. cmTii DP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 aiul under 31 iuches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMl'I.EXlONb AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. CO •s a ft •3 f- 1 5 U > 05 O a o o H 1 •3 5 CO ■§ c CI 6 ID 1 n u 5 3 o i u o "o a i 6 a a CI o O Over 3 inches. I.ICIIT COMPLEXION. IJluo ur ^ray eyes ; light liair 5 G 11 18 97 71 188 41 178 145 364 Katio per l.COO aceepled .17-2 .207 .379 .009 .021 3.345 2. 419 6.484 1.414 6.139 5.001 12.554 BAllK COMl'LEXION Black or Uazel eyes ; dark hair. . . 4 4 1 10 33 50 11 74 GO 145 .138 .138 .034 .552 1.138 1.724 .379 2.552 2.069 5.001 Total 9 6 15 2 19 113 104 238 52 253 205 509 Katio ner 1 000 arcei)ted .310 .207 .517 .009 .C55 3.897 3.587 8.208 1.793 8.691 7.070 17 555 AGE. 9 5 14 1 12 C2 37 112 11 59 39 109 Ratio pi'i- 1.000 aecoptfd .310 .172 .483 .034 .414 2.138 1.27G 3.8C3 .379 2.035 1.345 3.759 1 1 4 33 48 84 17 100 86 203 .034 .034 .138 1.104 1.055 2.897 .580 3.449 2.966 7 001 25 ami uutlur 30 1 10 9 20 11 36 35 82 .034 .345 .310 .090 .379 1.242 1.207 2.828 1 4 3 8 5 20 " 12 37 .034 . 138 .103 .270 .172 .690 .414 1.270 4 G 10 ^ 20 23 48 llatio HIT 1 000 arrcoictl .138 .207 .345 .172 .690 .793 1.655 40 ami over 1 1 1 1 4 3 17 10 Kalio per 1,000 uccuptud .034 .034 .034 .034 .138 .103 .586 .345 1 035 Total 9 G 15 2 19 113 104 233 52 252 205 7.070 509 .310 .207 .517 .069 .055 3.897 3.587 8.208 1.793 8.691 17. 555 267 and to each other ; embracing the statistical results of the examination oj 23,995 Irishmen, .fc. — Coutiiiucil. HEIGHT 61 AKD TJNDEE 03 IXCHES— Continued. u GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIUATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COill'LKXlOXS AXD AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 11 ^3 S o 1 i a o 6 .a u a CI u g O .2 n > o 3 o H i .a .5 g O •s .2 g o ■ o a n u g o 4 a O O a > o a g o •3 1 o a 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; ligbt hair. . 1 27 140 85 253 9 46 18 73 1 - -I 6 4 13 902 Eatio jier 1,000 accepted .034 .931 ] 4.828 1 2. 932 8.726 .310 1.586 .021 2.513 .034 .069 .207 .138 .448 31. 109 DAEK COMPLEXION. Blacl£ or hazel eyes; darkbair. 16 74 34 124 11 20 18 49 2 1 3 375 " 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .552 2.552 1.173 4.277 .379 .690 .621 1.690 .069 .034 .103 12.933 Total 1 43 214 119 377 20 66 36 122 1 o 8 5 16 1.277 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 1.483 7.381 15 4.104 8 13.002 20 .690 2.276 1.242 4.208 .034 .069 .276 .172 .552 1 44.042 AGE. Under 20 3 4 1 266 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .103 .517 .276 .897 .069 .069 .138 45 .034 .034 3 9.174 20 and under 25 11 80 39 130 10 21 14 2 1 466 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .379 2.759 1.345 24 4.484 82 .345 .724 .483 1.552 .069 .034 .103 16. 072 So and under 30 11 4- 2 20 4 26 1 1 2 212 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .379 1. 021 .623 2.828 .069 .090 .138 .897 .034 .034 . 009 1 7. 312 1 8 22 13 44 4 12 3 19 1 1 2 110 ao and under 35 Eatio ner 1,000 accepted .034 .276 .759 .448 1.518 .138 .414 .103 .655 .034 .034 .069 3.794 35 and under 40 5 29 16 50 o 4 9 15 1 1 1 ■i 126 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .172 1.000 .552 1.724 .069 .138 .310 .517 .034 .034 .034 .103 4. 340 40 and over S 21 19 45 3 7 4 U 3 2 5 97 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .172 .724 .055 1.552 .069 .241 .138 .448 .103 .009 .172 3.345 Total 1 43 214 119 377 20 66 36 123 1 2 8 5 16 1,277 Eatio per 1,000 accepted — .034 1.463 7.381 4.104 13.002 .690 2.276 1.242 4.203 .034 .069 .270 .172 .552 44.043 268 Taui.k No. 8 — Showing the relation of lirighf, gii-tli of ckesi and cj;2Jansion of clwsl, to complexion and agv, HEIGHT C3 AND UNDER 65 INCHES. Ginxn OF CHEST AT EXTIUATIOX. Under 20 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .a .9 1 .9 o -S n > o •3 1 1 J2 .3 1 w Q « o t ■s o o (J .g .a o > O (6 1 at o o a n £ o 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 15 14 29 1 36 231 24G 534 . 93 610 555 1,260 .51- .483 1.000 .034 1.242 8.637 8.484 18.417 .069 :;. 207 21. 038 19. 141 43. 456 DAItK COMPLEXION. 1 2 3 12 67 93 172 1 35 208 216 460 .O.W .069 .103 .414 2.311 3.207 5.932 .034 1.207 7.174 7.450 15.865 Total IG 16 32 1 48 318 339 700 3 128 818 771 1, 720 Katio per 1,000 uccepttd .552 .552 1.104 .034 1.655 10.967 11.692 24. 349 .103 4.415 28. 212 26. 591 59. 321 AGE. Under 20 15 11 26 20 101 134 315 30 190 132 353 Hatio per 1,000 accepted .517 .379 .897 .690 5.553 4.621 10. 864 1.035 6.760 4. 553 12. 347 20 and nnder 25 1 3 4 1 21 110 148 280 1 52 354 354 761 .034 .103 .138 .034 .724 3. 794 5.104 9.637 .034 1.793 12. 209 12. 209 25 and under 30 1 1 1 26 31 58 21 108 145 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .034 .897 1.009 2.000 .724 3.725 5.001 9 459 30 and nnder 35 2 • 11 8 21 6 47 51 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .069 .370 .270 .724 .207 1. 621 1.759 3.587 35 and under 40 \ 3 7 11 21 11 66 .M Eatio per 1,000 accepted .103 .241 . 379 .734 .379 2.276 1. 7!i3 4 449 40 and over 1 1 1 3 7 11 o 8 47 37 94 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .034 .103 .241 .379 .069 .276 1. 621 1.276 3. 242 Total 16 16 32 1 48 318 339 706 3 128 818 771 1,720 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted . .552 .552 1.104 .034 1.655 10. 967 11.692 24.340 .103 4.415 2a sua 26. 591 59. 321 I 269 ayid to each other; embracing the statistical results of tlie examination of 23,995 Irishmen, ^c. — Coutimied. . HEIGHT 63 AND. UNDEE 63 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXI'IR.VTIOX. -3 (3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. n o COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expan.sion. Expansion. Expansion. i •s a i 1 o .a .1 d > o s - •g .a CO O 3 o i O a g o o .£3 n 1 O 1 ■3 4 a % > O 1 a CI Li Q 6 1 .s g o 3 o & Is o t LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light Iiair. 3 122 683 423 1,2.31 63 281 126 470 18 52 23 93 3.017 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .103 !4.20d 123.556 4.589 12. 456 2.173 1 9.691 4.346 |l0.210 .621 .793 . 793 1 3. 207 124. 746 DAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair 1 40 308 218 567 23 144 86 253 2 5 13 14 36 1,491 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 1.380 10.623 7. 519 19. 555 .793 4.966 2.966 8. 726 .069 . 172 . 517 . 483 1 1. 242 [ 31. 423 4 162 991 641 1,798 86 423 212 723 2 23 67 37 129 5,108 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .138 5.387 31.178 21 107 62. Oil 2.966 14.653 7.312 24. 935 .069 .793 2.311 1.276 4.449 176.168 AGE. Under 20 8 91 52 ■151 7 21 7 33 1 1 886 Eatio per 1,C00 accepted .276 3.138 1.793 5.208 .241 .724 .241 1.207 .034 .034 1 30.557 £0 and under 25 3 49 368 250 670 19 108 73 200 7 10 7 24 1,939 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .103 1.090 12.692 8. 622 23. 107 .655 3.725 •2.518 6.898 .241 .345 .241 .les 66.874 2.1 and nnderSO 39 210 147 396 22 120 47 lfc9 6 9 8 23 941 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.345 7.243 5.070 113.658 .759 4. 139 j 1. 621 6.518 1 .207 3 .310 17 .276 . 79S 32. 454 30 and nndcr35 1 24 128 64 217 20 69 28 117 11 32 491 Eatio per l.COO accepted . . . .034 .828 ID 4.415 104 2.207 74 7.484 197 .690 11 2.380 .966 4.035 .034 .103 .586 . 379 [ 1. 104 10. 934 35 and under 40 55 30 96 5 13 5 23 466 Katio per 1,000 accepted .055 3.587 2.552 6.794 .379 1.897 1.035 27 3.311 .172 .448 17 . 172 I . 793 10. 072 40 and over 23 90 54 167 7 52 86 1 o 6 26 383 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 793 1 3. 104 1.862 5.760 .241 1.793 .931 2. 966 .034 .069 .586 .207 1 .897 13. 178 Tola! 4 162 991 641 1,798 86 2.966 1 425 212 723 2 23 0? • 37 129 5,108 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . . . .138 5.."i87 34.178 22.107 62. Oil 11. 638 7. 312 '24.935 1 .069 .793 2.311 1.276 4.449 176. 168 270 Tablk No. 8 — Shoifing the relntion of height, girth of chest and exjyansion of chest, to complexion and age. HEIGHT (55 AND UNDER C7 INCHES. GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Uuder 29 in ches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIOJJS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i .g .a a > O 1 ^a > O 1 U > O 3 ■3 a a I 0 a > 0 to 0 ■§ CO 0 0 H a 4 .a u 0 t> 0 CO M p CI > 0 00 .a U 0 'a 0 H LIGHT COMPLEXION. Bine 01- giay eyes ; light hair 1 5 17 23 21 205 313 539 10 117 841 995 1,963 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 .172 .586 .793 .724 7.070 10. 795 18. 589 .345 4.035 29. 005 34.316 07. 701 DARK COMPLEXION. C C 12 t c 53 105 161 49 312 428 789 .'J07 .207 .414 .034 .069 1.828 3. 621 5.553 1.690 10. 760 14.7G1 27. 213 Total 1 11 23 35 1 23 258 418 700 10 166 1,153 1,4-23 2,752 .034 .370 .793 1.207 .034 .793 8.898 14.416 24. 142 .345 5.725 39. 765 49. 077 94. 913 AGE. Under 20 6 IG 22 9 104 138 251 5 38 21a 253 503 .207 . .552 .759 .310 3.587 4.759 8.657 .172 1.311 7. 312 8.726 17. 520 1 4 4 9 8 108 210 320 2 69 548 699 1,318 .034 .138 .133 .310 .276 3.735 7.243 11.243 .069 2. 380 18. 900 24. 108 45.456 1 1 3 21 42 66 23 171 234 423 .034 .034 .103 .724 1.449 2.276 .793 5.898 8.070 14. 7C1 • 1 1 1 1 10 13 25 18 94 112 224 Hatio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .034 .034 .345 .448 .862 .621 3.242 3.863 7.725 35 and under 40 '. 1 1 10 9 19 3 9 80 85 177 .034 .034 .345 .310 .655 .103 .310 2.759 2.932 C.105 1 1 .3 5 C 13 9 48 40 97 Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .069 .172 .207 .448 310 1.655 1.380 3.345 ToUl 1 11 23 35 1 23 358 418 700 10 166 1,153 1,423 49. 077 2 752 Ratio per 1,000 accepted ... 034 .379 .793 1.207 .034 .793 8.898 14. 416 24. 142 .345 5.725 39. 765 94 913 271 and to each other ; emhracbuj the statistical results of the examination o/28,995 Iriahmen, ^c. — Continued. HEIGHT Go AND UNDER 07 INCHES— Continued. GIRTH OF CHKST AT EXPIRATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS A2n) AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. "■5 1 o ,a o a Cl g O 1 a o 1 i c 1 u 5 •3 a CI u o o H CO n g O 1 u o ■§ .9 1 5 s •3 a g o £ ■g a n O 3 o a u a LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blae or gray ej-es ; light liair . . G 180 1,291 1,047 2,524 5 142 702 351 1,200 1 41 187 08 297 e,540 Katdo per 1,000 accepted .207 6.208 44.525 |3C. llO 87. 04'J | .172 1.697 24.211 ;12.10G 41.33G | .034 | . 414 jG. 449 [2. 345 10. 24S 325. 763 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 5 SO 5G1 481 , 1, 127 CO 327 211 G07 18 83 41 142 2,838 Katie per 1,000 accepted . 172 2. 759 j ID. 348 1G.5S9 |38.E69 2.380 1 11. 278 7.277 20.935 .621 2.803 1.414 4.897 1 97.879 Total 11 2G0 1,852 1, 528 3, 651 5 211 1,029 562 1,807 1 59 270 109 3.759 439 9,384 Katio per 1,000 accepted .370 8.967 63. 873 1 52.699 |125.918 .172 7.277 35.489 19.383 62.321 .034 2.035 9.312 15. 141 323. 642 AGE. 1 12 39 1 21 7-'' 5 2 7 1,138 Under 20 111 -'° 1 .034 .090 5.035 1 3.828 i 9.5S8 | .414 ! 1.345 1 .724 | 2.483 .172 .069 1 .24r 39. 248 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 20 and under 25 5 102 756 669 1,532 1 71 ! 300 183 560 14 04 27 105 3,850 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .172 3.518 2C.073 23.073 ;5a837 .034 2.449 10.347 | 6.484 19.314 .483 2.207 1 .931 3.U21 132. 782 25 and under 3D o 55 370 ^ 339 766 3 39 222 1 151 i 415 11 60 24 95 1,771 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .069 |l.e97 12.7C1 11.692 20. 418 .103 1 1.345 1 7.C56 | 5.203 14.313 .379 |2.069 ! .828 1 3.270 61.079 30 and uudi-r 35 36 201 162 399 37 177 66 230 14 58 16 88 1,017 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.243 0.932 5.587 ,13.761 1.276 6.105 2.276 1 9.657 .483 2.000 1 . 552 ; 3. 035 35.075 35 and under 40 2 27 213 149 391 24 155 77 256 12 43 25 80 924 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .069 .931 7.346 5. 139 |13. 485 . 828 5. 346 2. 656 1 8. 829 .414 1.483 .862 1 2.759 31. 868 40 and over 1 20 100 93 285 1 28 136 59 224 1 8 40 15 C4 G84 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 . G90 5. 725 i 3. 380 . 9.829 .034 .966 1 4.690 2.035 j 7.725 .034 .276 1.380 i .517 2. 207 1 Si. 590 5 1 .034 59 270 1 1 109 j 439 Total 11 260 1, 852 1,528 3,651 211 1,029 562 1,807 9,334 Batio per 1,000 accepted . .379 8.967 03.873 5-2.699 125.918 .172 7.277 35.489 1 19.383 62.321 2.035 9.312 3.759 15.141 323.642 272 Table N<>. 8 — Slioicing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of cheet, to eomj)lexion and agt, HEIGHT 67 AND TINDER 69 INCHES. GIKTH OF CIIE8T AT EXPIBATIOX. Tinder 29 inclies. 29 and uuder 31 inches. 31 and nndor 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i 3 B o •§ a CI u o > O .a CO s o ■3 o H 00 .2 s ■g a i .S 5 i o .a CI ■1 s ■3 .3 n •a > 0 3 H so i 1-* g i 0 i B, 0 3 0 H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 9 11 1 11 97 160 OfiO 4 60 573 'TTK 1,412 . 0C9 1 . 310 .379 .034 .379 3.345 5. 518 t 9. 277 .138 2.069 19. 762 26. 729 48.098 DARK COMPLEXION. 3 1 4 4 34 * 1 18 192 329 540 .103 .034 .138 .138 1.173 1.414 1 2.725 .034 .621 g goo 1 1 1 'iAn 18. 624 "■•"* Total 5 10 15 1 15 131 201 348 5 78 765 1,104 1,952 .172 .345 .517 .034 .517 4.518 6.932 12. 002 .172 2.690 07.332 AGE. Under 20 . . 2 5 7 1 5 31 54 91 3 11 116 147 277 iRatio per 1,000 accepted .069 .172 .241 .034 .172 1.069 1. 862 3.138 .103 ..379 4.001 5.010 9.553 20 and under 25 1 4 5 8 05 « lib 39 388 590 1,017 1 .034 .138 .172 .276 2.242 4.001 6.518 1 345 13. 382 20. 348 35. 075 1 1 1 13 17 31 10 113 183 306 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .034 .448 .586 1.069 .345 3.897 6.311 10. 554 30 and under 35 1 1 1 9 4 14 2 4 60 86 1.52 Kalio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .034 .310 .138 .483 .069 .138 5.242 "• *'"" 35 and under 40 .- 9 3 12 7 45 66 ll.S Ratio per 1,000 accepted ..310 4 .103 7 .414 11 .241 7 4.070 43 32 40 and over 1 1 8''' Katio per 1,0(10 accepted .034 .034 .138 .241 .379 .241 1. 483 1.104 0 g.2g Total 5 .172 10 .345 13 1 15 131 201 348 5 78 765 1,104 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .517 .034 .517 '4. 518 6.932 12. 002 .172 2.690 20. 334 38. 076 273 and to each other; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 28,995 Irishmen, ansiou. Exp.ansion. Expansion. MS . •g .a Q a u o > a 5 s a ft o 5 1 o ■§ a •g .a g o •3 .2 « o 1 a n g o 3 o i Si i a 4 a 5 a s o ED O a o 6 3 "a o a 2 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair. . 1 IGl 1,120 989 2,271 C 112 773 517 1, 433 49 251 111 413 5,814 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 5.553 38. 627 14. 109 78. .324 .207 4.897 20.660 17.831 49.595 .009 1.690 8.657 3.828 14.244 200. 517 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel oyes; O o ■s 01 > o i n o > 9 1 BD s o ■s .5 a p 6 i p c* 6 s 1 5 o a 6 C 6 a , n o 5 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 2 1 3 1 25 49 75 1 17 172 263 458 .069 .034 .103 .0.34 .863 1.690 2. 587 . 034 .586 5.932 9.243 15. 796 dai:k complexion. 1 7 12 20 1 9 57 107 174 .034 .241 .414 .690 .034 .310 1.966 3.690 6.001 2 1 3 2 32 61 95 2 26 229 375 632 .069 .034 .103 .069 1.104 2.104 3.27G .069 .897 7.898 12.933 21. 797 AGE. 1 1 8 12 20 3 38 51 92 .034 .034 .276 .414 .690 .103 1.311 1.759 3.173 1 1 1 13 33 47 2 12 95 196 305 .034 .034 .034 .448 1.138 1.621 .069 .414 3.276 6.760 10.519 0 6 12 3 42 S5 100 .207 .207 .414 .103 1.449 1.897 3.449 1 1 4 5 U 5 18 40 63 Hiilio perl, COO accqttcil .034 .034 .138 .173 .310 .172 .621 1.380 20 2 173 1 2 3 3 25 48 Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .069 .103 .103 .863 .690 1.655 40 and over 1 3 4 11 13 24 Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .103 .138 .379 .448 .828 Total o 1 3 2 32 Gl 95 2 36 229 375 632 Ratio ppi-I.OflO accepted .069 .0.34 .103 .069 1. 104 2.101 3.276 .069 .897 7.898 12.933 21.797 275 and to each other ; emhracing the statistical results of the examination of 28,995 Irishmen, ^c. — Continued. HEIGHT CO AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. 1 GIRTII OF CHEST AT EXPIR.VTIOX. 3 C3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches .and over. S Si Ma COMPLEXIONS AJTD AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 1 i u □ I M a n i 3 o H 1 o i O 1 a 5 a n O 1 t4 o ■3 1 o 09 U •s a a u o > O o o a > o 1 i LIGHT COMPLEXION. 52 435 481 908 2 44 439 321 799 2 .35 192 105 334 2,037 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.793 15.003 1 16. .589 33.385 .069 11.518 14.899 11.071 27.556 .Wi9 1.207 6. 622 |3. 621 11.519 90. 947 DAKK COMPLEXION. 18 174 213 405 S 24 161 154 343 15 75 50 140 1,081 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .621 6.001 7.346 13.968 .103 .828 5. 553 5. 311 11. 795 .517 2.587 1. 724 4.828 37.282 Total 70 609 694 1, 373 5 08 593 475 1,141 2 50 267 155 474 3,718 Eatio per 1,000 .iccopted 2.414 21. 004 23.935 47. 353 .172 2.345 20. 452 16.382 39. 352 .069 1. 724 9.208 5.346 16.348 12a 229 AGE. Under -20 5 48 43 96 4 25 12 41 1 4 3 8 258 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .172 1.655 1. 483 1 3. 311 .138 .862 .414 1.414 1 .034 .138 .103 .276 8.898 20 and under 25 26 253 336 615 1 20 188 188 397 14 73 38 125 1,490 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .897 j 8.726 11.588 21.211 .034. . 690 1 6. 484 6. 484 13. 692 1 .483 2.518 1.311 4.311 51.388 25 and under 30 15 122 149 286 2 16 154 114 286 1 15 74 45 135 819 Katio per 1,000 accepted .517 4. 208 j 5. 139 1 9. 864 .069 . 552 1 5. 311 1 3. 932 9.804 .034 .517 2.5.^.2 1.552 4.056 28.240 30 and under 35 10 66 64 140 10 08 61 139 1 7 38 20 72 424 Eatio i)er 1,000 accepted .345 2. 27G i 2. 207 1 4. ffiS ..345 2.345 2. 104 1 4. 794 .034 1 .241 1.311 .897 2.483 14. 023 35 and uuder 40 10 6- 1 62 1 139 12 88 01 101 i 7 41 28 70 427 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .345 2.311 2. 138 ; 4. 794 .414 3.035 2. 104 5. 553 241 1.414 . 966 1 2. 621 14, 727 40 and over 4 53 40 97 2 6 70 39 117 6 37 15 58 300 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 138 1 1. 628 1. 380 [ 3. 345 . 069 1 . 207 1 2. 414 1.345 1 4.035 207 1.276 .517 2.000 10. 347 Total 70 609 694 1,373 5 68 593 475 1,141 2 50 S67 155 474 3,718 2.414 21.004 23.935 47.353 .172 2.345 20. 4.")2 16.382 39. 352 .069 1.724 9. 208 5.340 10. 348 128. 223 1 1 276 TAur.E No. 8 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and expamion of chest, to cowi^j'cjtioH and age, HEIGHT 71 AITD UNDER 73 INCHES. GIUTII OF CHEST AT EXriR-VTIOX. Uudcr 2i> iuclics. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inolics. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Espausion. Expansion. Expaus on. .9 Co o 5 1 a O .a a n u o > O .3 a 5 a •3 a CI 5 oi a) a n 5 1 o ■g .5 •3 .9 o 6 1 a o 3 5 1 LIGHT COMPLEXIOX. 1 1 1 3 4 8 1 3 26 57 87 .034 .034 .034 .103 .138 .276 .034 .103 .897 1.960 3.001 DAKK COilPLEXIOX. 1 1 2 f, 7 14 23 .034 .034 .009 .069 .241 .483 .793 Total 1 1 1 4 5 10 1 5 33 71 110 Katio jier 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .034 .133 .173 .345 .034 .172 1.138 2.449 3.794 AGE. Uudcr 20 2 1 2 14 17 .069 .069 .034 .069 .4Si 586 1 1 4 3 _ 3 17 34 54 .034 .034 .138 .103 .241 .103 .586 1.173 0 1.862 25 and under 30 1 1 1 8 18 .034 .034 .034 .276 .310 .621 30 anil under 35 o 6 8 .069 .207 .276 ::."» and iindor -10 4 ]0 llatio per 1,000 accepted .138 .207 40 and over 1 o 3 Katio pL-rl.COO accepted ." 1 mi .069 .103 , . Total 1 1 1 4 .138 5 . 175 10 .345 1 5 33 71 2.449 110 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .034 .034. .172 1.138 3.791 277 and to each otlicr : cmlmriiig the statistical results of the examination of 213,995 Irishmen, O 1 a CI > o <6 a a- n u "a o i % •3 a o -9 o m a g 5 a .a o a n s > o *« 1 S "s 1 i 3 1 o CD .a o « s •3 a n > m O 3 o O LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gi"ay eyes; liglit liair.. 1 20 69 138 238 11 128 99 238 11 63 30 104 070 Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .G90 3.069 4.415 8.203 379 1 4.415 3.414 8. 208 . 379 2. 173 |l .035 3.587 23.314 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or bazel eyes; dark liair. 1 49 40 90 8 54 31 93 7 28 12 47 255 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 1 l.GDO 1.380 3.104 .270 1.862 1.009 3.207 1 .241 .966 .414 1. 021 8.795 Total 1 21 138 168 ■ 328 19 182 130 331 18 91 42 151 931 Katiii per 1,000 accepted .034 .724 4.759 5.794 11. 312 .655 6.277 4.484 11. 416 .621 3.138 L449 5.308 32.109 AGE. Under 20 o IG 12 30 1 1 4 6 55 ILitio per l,OuO accepted .069 .552 .414 1.035 .034 .0.14 .138 .207 ....... 1.897 20 and under 2o 1 10 55 74 140 6 61 51 118 3 24 8 35 353 Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .345 1.897 2 552 4.828 .207 2.104 1.759 4.070 .103 .828 .276 1.207 12. 243 25 and under 30 1 26 46 73 2 45 41 88 3 25 12 40 220 Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .897 1.586 2.518 .069 1. 552 1.414 3.035 103 .863 .414 1.380 7.538 30 and under 35 • 4 18 15 37 5 35 13 53 2 11 8 21 119 .138 .621 12 ,517 12 1.270 .172 3 1.207 .448 1.838 .069 .379 .270 .724 4.104 36 39 2 21 10 33 35 and under 40 2 23 13 103 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .069 .414 .414 .897 1 .103 .793 17 .448 8 1.345 .069 8 .724 .345 1.138 3.725 40 and over 2 U 9 22 2 27 10 4 22 74 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .000 1 .379 .310 .759 .069 .586 .276 .931 .276 .345 .138 .759 2.552 Total 1 21 138 168 328 . 19 182 130 331 18 01 42 151 931 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . . .034 .724 4.759 5.794 11. 319 . .655 6.277 4.484 11. 416 . .621 3.138 1.449 5.208 32. 109 •278 Table No. 8 — Showing the relation of htiijhl, yirth of vhuel and expansion of chest, to complexion and age. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND UVEU. GIKTII OF CHEST AT EXPIUATIO-V. Under 29 inches. 2U ami under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIOXS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 00 s O -9 i 5 a 5 m u a n > O 1 i •s .5 a o X O 1 1 CO 1 i 3 O 6 s; a « 1- o o a n ;- O O LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 o 1 3 .034 .034 .069 .034 103 DARK COMPLEXIOK 3 3 "Rat irt Tier 1 000 acceoted .103 .103 "X'otal 1 1 2 4 G .034 .034 .069 .133 .207 AGE. UiulcrSO Ka tio per 1 000 accepted .... ..A 20 and under 25 1 1 .034 1 .034 1 .034 .034 Katiu per 1,000 accepted 35 :iiid under 40 ■ ' 1 1 2 'i Kiiliopcr 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .069 "* * ' ■]0 anil tiver 1 1 > 2 o iCalioixT 1,0UU accepted .C34 .034 .060 .0^9 Total 1 1 a 4 6 JIaI'ui per 1,000 nccept4>d .034 . o:M . (ii!:i . i:iB "07 279 and to each other; anbradng the atatistiml results of the exambialiou of 28,995 Irishme,,, .fc.-Contiuued. _ HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continued. o s eo u a o GIliTH OF CHEST AT EXPmATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o 1 .a « a .s > o .a o a > O V ,a s n bi O 1 1 o •s .9 .S3 .9 rH a 5 .a .9 « 1 .a n o 1 b, o a > o 1 p 5 1 O ■a I & a 2 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes; light hair. . Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 9 7 17 o 14 20 36 3 9 10 22 79 30, 378 .... .034 .310 .241 . 53G .069 .483 .600 .342 .103 .310 .345 .759 2.725 703. 811 DAKK COMPLEXION. 1 4 6 11 1 15 8 3 10 .19 8, 017 Black or hazel eyes; dark hah". J " 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 3 .138 13 .207 13 .448 .379 28 .034 3 .103 .310 33 .172 .517 3 .370 17 .069 .345 1 1.345 397. 189 1 12 32 118 Total 25 51 38,995 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .069 .448 .966 .793 .862 1.759 .103 .580 .414 1.104 -i.070 1,000 AGE. Under 20 1 ' 1 1 o 3,322 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 20 and under 25 .034 4 C .034 10 1 .034 9 7 .034 "T 3 5 33 11,620 Ratio per 1 000 accepted .138 .207 .345 .034 .310 1 .241 .586 .009 .103 .172 1.138 400. 759 1 4 3 8 I 1 4 7 11 1 6 6 13 33 5,694 Ratio per 1 000 accepted .034 .138 .103 .276 138 I..241 .379 034 .207 .307 1 .448 1.138 190. 379 30 and under 35 1 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 11 379 3, 152 108. 708 Ratio iJiT 1,000 accepted 35 and iiudur 40 1 .034 .069 2 .103 3 i 1 .069 4 .069 .138 12 3 6 9 26 3,031 .034 . 009 . 103 .034 1 .138 3 "1 .341 3 .414 6 .103 .307 .310 1 034 1 .034 13 .448 40 and over 3 3 2,176 75. 047 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 3 .103 .103 28 . 034 1 . lUJ 25 51 3 17 12 32 118 Total 1 13 1 13 3 23 28,995 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . . . "\ . .oca .44t .446 .906 . .103 . 793 . 802 1.750 . .103 . .580 .414 1.104 4. 071 1,000 i i T^BLE NO. 9, THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GIFJH OF CHEST, EXPANSION OF CHEST, COMPLEXION AND AGE. GERMANS ACCEPTED 30 282 Table No. 9 — Slioiring the rclaiion of heiyhl, girth of chest a)id fX2)aiision of chest, to compUiion and age, and to each other; HEIGHT UNDEK Gl INCHES. GIltTII OF C1IE.ST AT EXI'IK.VIION. Under 20 inches. 20 and under 31 inches. 31 am 1 uiulcr 33 iiii'hus COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. • Expjinsion. 1 1 > o S a 1 o n 3 6 •3 1 1 ■3 "3 a 6 1 .5 CI p 5 i u a o .6 o H .a .a a 6 i ■3 a CI 6 1 1 ■i LIGHT COMPLEXIOX. 8 8 IG „ "' "r. :/.) J „ 48 24 80 .270 .270 .541 .23G .912 . 845 1.9i)3 .034 .236 1.622 .811 2.703 DAEK COMPLEXION. 1 1 o 1 10 7 18 4 20 14 :i8 .034 1 .034 .068 .034 .338 .236 .608 . 135 .676 .473 1.SS4 Total 9 9 18 e 37 32 77 1 11 68 38 118 Katio Tier 1 000 acceiited .304 .304 .608 .270 1.250 1.061 2.601 .034 .372 2.297 1.284 a 986 AGE. Under 20 8 8 16 5 12 11 28 1 5 5 11 . 270 . 270 .541 .169 . 40 5 1 . 372 .",46 .034 .109 10 .169 13 .372 1 10 4 15 3 25 Hatio per 1 000 accepted . . . .C34 .338 .135 .507 .101 .338 .405 .ms 2.5 and under 30 1 1 3 5 8 3 11 4 18 Ilatiij per 1,000 accepted .034 .084 .101 .169 .270 .101 .373 . 135 .008 30 and under 35 3 ^ n , 3 12 3 1!) 1 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 .accepted .034 .101 .068 .203 .034 .101 .405 .101 . 642 3r>andunder40 1 I 5 , 7 1 16 5 22 1 liatio per 1,000 aei'epted .034 .034 . 1119 .068 .236 .034 .541 .169 .743 40 and over - 1 4 8 13 14 9 23 i;ati(iper 1,000 ;icceptcd .135 .270 .439 .473 3U4 .777 9 9 18 8 .37 32 77 1 11 CB 38 118 Itatin per 1,000 accepted .304 .304 .608 .270 1.251 1.081 2.601 .034 .372 3.297 1.2;'4 3. 080 283 embracing the slatistkul results of the examiiudUm of -J'J.OUU Curmaus found Jit Jor service in the annies of the United Slates. HEIGUT TJNDEK 01 INCHES-Contiuuod. oomjihiiou and age, HEIGHT 61 AND U^^)ER 1)3 INCHES. GIUTH OF CUEST AT EXPinATION. Under 29 iuches. 29 and tmUer 31 iacbcs. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Erpansion. .a a .a a a o > O .3 O a O V •3 a n 6 5 o H i o a 1-1 ■5 H U 5 s •3 o CI u 5 u t O 3 o H 1 u o ■3 -9 a 5 m •3 a c» o ■§ a n o •a LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 11 n 2!) 22 93 90 311 38 239 203 480 Ratio ner 1 000 nccented .034 .372 .574 .980 .743 3.142 3.243 7.128 1.284 8.074 6.858 16. 210 DAKK COMPLEXION. 2 1 3 6 38 41 85 22 117 90 229 .068 .034 .101 .203 1.284 1.385 2.872 .743 3.953 3.041 7. 730 Total 1 13 18 32 23 131 137 296 00 356 293 709 .034 1 .439 .608 1.081 .946 4.426 4. 628 10. 000 2.027 12.027 9.899 2.3.953 AGE. DmlorSO 9 15 25 8 61 39 108 11 50 34 95 llatio J) cr 1,000 accepted .034 .304 .507 .845 .270 2.001 1.318 3.649 .372 1.689 1.149 3.209 1 1 2 4 29 29 62 8 99 80 187 .034 .034 .068 .1.35 .980 .980 2.095 .270 3.345 2.703 6.318 25 aud nudcr 30 1 1 3 11 18 33 8 49 50 107 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .101 .372 .608 1.081 .270 1.655 1.689 3.615 30 and under 35 1 1 „ 8 15 30 10 52 48 110 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .230 .370 .507 1.014 .338 1.757 1.623 3.716 ,-, O 4 13 .lo 39 15 03 46 123 .068 .068 .135 .439 .743 14 1.318 25 .507 2.095 1.554 1 1 (, 9 8 44 35 JUilio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .008 .304 .473 .845 .270 1.486 1. 183 Total 1 13 18 32 38 131 137 296 60 356 293 709 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .034 .439 .608 1.081 .946 4.42G 4.628 10. 003 2.027 12.027 9.899 23.953 285 and to each other; embracing the utatistical results of the examination of 2'J,(M0 Germans, ansiaD. 1.2 1 .a o o u .a 1-1 g o CO % a 5 1 a n u 5 o .a C O 03 a 6 0! .a a o o o a 1-t .a a % > o n o •3 a (» I 5 1 _p n > O o H O LIGHT COMl'LEXIOX. Wuo or gray eyes ; light hair. . n 35 107 113 347 1 18 67 38 124 1 3 14 10 28 1,219 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .068 1.182 6.655 3.818 11. 723 .034 .008 2.264 1.284 4.189 .034 .101 .473 .338 .940 41. 182 DARK COMPLEXION, lilack or haEcl eyes ; dark hair. 2 13 90 57 167 5 38 11 54 o 4 3 9 547 llatio per 1,000 accepted .068 .608 3.041 1.926 5.642 .169 1.284 .372 1 1.824 .068 .135 .101 .304 18. 480 Total 4 53 287 170 514 1 33 105 49 178 6.014 1 .034 5 .169 18 .608 13 37 1,766 Katio per 1,000 accepted .135 1. 791 D.696 5.743 17. 365 .034 .777 3.547 1.655 .439 1.250 59.662 AGE. Under 20 3 18 6 27 1 o 1 1 259 - 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .101 .608 .203 .912 .034 .068 .101 .034 .034 1 8 37 36 82 7 30 1 1 ^ * 367 Ilatin per 1,000 accepted .034 .270 1.250 1.216 2.770 .236 .507 .270 1.014 .034 .034 .068 .135 12.399 3 57 33 99 o 10 15 "7 2 2 3 7 Katio per 1,000 accepted ..''04 1.926 1.115 3. 345 .068 .338 .507 .912 .068 .068 .101 .230 9. 223 10 40 25 61 1 ,^ 20 7 36 1 4 „ 7 Katio per 1,000 accepted .338 1.554 .845 2.736 .034 .068 .878 .230 1.21G .034 .135 .068 .236 8.953 1 11 68 44 124 " 31 7 45 2 6 5 13 346 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 .372 2. 297 1.486 4.189 .236 1.047 .230 1.520 .068 .203 .169 .439 11. 089 tO.ind over 13 61 20 101 5 22 10 37 4 1 5 256 Katio per 1,000 accepted .068 .405 2.061 .878 3.412 .169 .743 .338 1.250 .135 .034 .169 8.649 Total 4 53 2S7 170 514 1 23 105 49 178 1 5 18 13 37 1,706 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .135 1.791 9.696 5.743 17. 365 .034 .777 3.547 1.655 6.014 .034 .169 .COS .439 1.230 59. 662 286 TAIiLE No. 0— Showing the relation of height, yirth of elie-it and expunnion of ehest, to eomjih-xion and age. HEIGHT G3 AND UNDER C5 INCHES. ' r.tnTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 2D inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. ExpaDsion. Expansion. E]q)ansion. ■s a .s CI 6 1 a n > O t o S .a a 1 i 5 1 6 1 .a n 5 -4 « CD 00 U .a u _a a 5 .3 a Cl o 5 1 n 6 0 E-i LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 10 14 25 1 20 ir.2 249 432 9 101 003 6.'>6 1,309 1 Batio per 1,000 accepted .034 .338 .473 .845 .034 .676 5.473 8. 412 14.595 .304 3.412 20. 372 22. 162 46.250 DARK COMPLEXION. 2 7 9 9 57 74 140 3 41 276 2S3 003 Katio per 1,000 .nccepted .068 .236 .304 .304 1. 926 2.500 4.730 .101 1.385 9.324 9.561 20. 372 Tot-d 1 12 21 34 1 29 219 323 572 12 142 879 939 1,97S .034 .405 .700 L149 .034 .980 7.399 10. 912 19. 324 .405 4.797 29.696 31.723 66.632 AGE. 13 20 7 77 93 177 4 16 154 117 291 .236 .439 5 .670 .236 2.001 3.142 5.980 .135 . .541 5. 203 3.953 9.831 20 and under 25 ... 5 6 67 88 161 2 31 212 258 503 .169 .109 .203 2.264 2.973 5.439 .008 1.047 7. 162 8.716 16.993 1 1 2 0 17 41 64 3 21 144 168 330 Katio nor 1 000 ueCfptcd . 034 1 . 034 .066 1 .203 4 . 574 1. 385 2.102 .101 2 .709 27 4.865 114 5.070 124 11.351 19 37 30 and uiider 35 CI 307 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 .034 .135 . 643 1 1. 250 2.061 .008 .912 3.851 4. 18:> 9. 020 1 2 3 4 22 37 63 26 131 142 299 .034 .068 .101 .135 .743 1. 2.'iO 2.128 .878 1 4.430 4.797 130 10. 101 124 2 „ 4 2 17 o- 46 1 21 2m .063 .068 .135 .068 .574 .912 1.S54 .034 .709 4.189 4.392 9. 324 ToUl 1 12 21 34 I .034 29 .980 219 7.399 323 10.913 572 19. 324 12 .405 142 4.797 879 29.690 9.19 1, 972 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .034 .405 709 1.1.19 31. 723 60. 032 287 a,nl to each other; mh-acing the statistical results of the examination of 29,600 Germa„s, «f..-Continned. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. HEIGHT fi3 Al^D UXDEU C3 IXCHES— Continneil. GIRTH OF CHEST AT KXriKATIOX. 33 and under 35 inclios. Expansion. LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; ligbt hair Katio per 1,000 accepted -Of^S DAKK COMPLEXION. Mack or liazel eyes ; dark hair. 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 515 35 and under 37 inclus. Expansion. 37 inches and over. E-xpansion. 1,414 3.480 Total. Katio per 1.000 accepted.. AGE. 26. 9'J6 65 2.196 364 17.297 47.770 .068 C92 12.297 168 .101 5.676 ■nnder20 Katio per 1,000 accepted. 20 and nnder25 Ratio per 1,000 accepted. 8.851 174 12 SO 33 125 4, 019 5.878 22.095 98 2,106 39.223 26. 149 .076 6.824 3.311 2.770 -' 61 2.061 1.554 209 25 and under 30 Katio per 1,000 accepted. 30 and under 35 Ratiii per 1,000 accepted. 164 20. 878 372 321 2. 703 1.115 4.223 135. 77 9.199 16 5. .-,4 1 13.412 35 and inider 40 Ratio per 1,000 accepted.. .034 912 37 6.655 196 5. 000 .034 .541 008 .270 1.149 .608 3.851 .304 18 2.601 1.385 12. 736 344 4.088 1. 250 9. 392 40 and over Ratio per 1,000 accepted. Total. Katio per 1,000 accepted. .034 1. 318 1,161 5.676 16 520 .473 3.547 56 .878 62 1, 827 2. 095 I 61. 723 187 5,S46 1.723 129 1 4. 358 . 034 180 6.081 .034 . 109 o 37 161 .068 12. 905 9,106 39.223 . 912 5. 439 1.089 6.2.50 .372 rl. 149 .101 82 2.770 272 20.878 6.318 '197.500 2 033 .068 i 21.385 28 ,223 .946 1 41.318 26 985 . 541 . 169 .068 975 9. 189 32. 939 034 ,845 26 .878 . 878 I 33. 277 41 .473 30 .203 1.014 .270 1.3« i 30.338 40 1. 149 1.351 I 38.818 .068 .676 3. 851 50 I 958 I.C89"i 32.365 1.723 5,846 6.318 197.500 288 TAbLi; No. 9 — Sliowiiig the rclalioii uf height, yirlh of chest and crpmision of chest, to complexion and age, HEIGHT Go AND UNDER 07 INCHES. Ginxn OF CHEST AT EXPIKATIOX Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and nndcr 33 incbcs. coiirLExioj;s and ages. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o •3 •3 .2 g o 2 1 S > o DC u O o o 1 •3 u > O s •g a a o > O a n s 6 "3 1 S u i 1 g 0 s •3 a > 0 •3 1 LIGHT COMPLEXIOX. 2 13 15 20 130 040 400 5 97 712 890 1,704 .008 .439 .5J7 .008 . G7fi 4.595 8. 170 1 13. 514 .109 3.277 24. 054 30. 008 5T.508 DAKJC COMPLEXION. 4 3 7 4 52 SO 130 1 34 307 327 009 1 .135 G .101 .236 |.135 1.757 2.703 322 4.595 530 .034 6 1.149 131 10.372 1,019 11.047 1,217 S2.601 16 22 24 188 2,373 .203 .541 .743 .008 .811 C.351 10.878 18. 108 .203 4.426 34.426 41.115 £0. 109 ' AGE. 4 8 12 1 •i 43 85 132 19 133 157 309 .135 1 .270 .405 .034 .101 1.453 2.873 4.459 .642 1 4.493 a 304 10.439 5 0 8 00 80 148 0 32 230 332 002 Katio per 1 000 accepted .034 .109 .303 .270 2.027 2.703 5.000 .008 1.031 7.973 11.210 20.333 25 and tmder 30 1 2 3 1 3 24 41 09 1 25 147 213 385 Katio per 1,000 accepted. . .034 .008 .101 .034 .101 .811 23 1.385 36 2.331 CI .034 1 .845 15 4. 900 1 7. 102 13. 0 17 o 162 185 303 .068 .777 1.216 2.001 .034 .507 5.473 6.250 12. 204 1 3o aiul iiudcr AO 1 7 25 45 77 ^ 20 175 204 407 .034 .230 .845 1. 520 2.001 .008 .878 5. 912 0.892 13.750 40 and over \ 1 13 35 49 14 106 127 307 Itatin iHir 1,000 accepted 034 .439 1.182 1. 0,5.-1 .473 5. 038 4.291 10 372 . _„ „ " Total 6 IG 22 2 24 188 322 530 6 131 1,019 1,217 *> 373 Katio per I.OOO accojitwl . S03 .Ml . 713 .008 .811 0.351 10.878 18. 108 .203 4. 426 34. 420 41.115 80. 109 289 and to each other; emhracing ike atafistical results of the examination of 29,600 Germans, 4'C. — Continued. HEIGHT 65 AND TTNDEE 67 INCHES— Continued. 5 a GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXPIUATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 3 COilPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 00 o a i o 1 .9 > O CD O a « o 3 o i s ■s .9 .a a U 03 a u ra •g .2 «* 1 O 3 •g a i a 0 0 1 1 0 <6 V n u 10 6 i 3 s 1 0 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair. 3 183 1,335 1,047 2,563 5 132 859 457 1^453' 4 36 901 107 348 6,488 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .101 6.182 |45. 101 135.372 !86.757 | . 169 4. 439 !■; 9. 020 13. 439 |49. 038 | .135 1 .216 6.791 |3.615 11.757 ^219.189 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair 3 82 573 505 1,163 4 55 392 918 669 16 88 45 149 2,793 Eatio per l.OOU accepted .101 2.770 19. 358 7.061 i9. 291 .135 9 1.858 3.243 7.365 ■ >2. 601 .541 2.973 1 .520 1 5.034 1 94. 338 Total 6 265 1,908 1,552 3,731 187 1,251 675 2,122 4 52 289 152 497 9.981 Katio per 1,000 accepted .203 8.953 64. 439 52. 432 126.047 .304 0.318 42.204 2!. 804 71. 689 .135 1.7.57 9.764 5.135 16. 791 313 547 AGE. 98 89 198 1 QO 15 57 1 1 709 Under 20 Eatio per l.COJ accepted 372 3.311 3.007 6.689 .034 .101 1.&J4 i .507 1 1.920 .034 ! .034 23.953 £0 and under 25 2 26 ■ 330 358 716 o 27 182 113 324 3 36 IB 57 1,851 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .068 .878 11. 149 12. 093 24. 189 703 .068 .912 6.149 3.818 10. 946 .101 1.216 . 608 j 1. 926 62. 601 25 .ind under 30 1 65 340 29! 31 205 137 373 8 56 44 108 1,641 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 j2. 190 11. 6S9 9. 831 23. 7.'i0 1.047 6. 926 4.628 141 12. 601 .270 10 1. 692 63 1.486 3.649 5.5. 439 30 and under 35 1 48 374 300 723 - 44 228 413 29 102 1. 662 Eatio per l.tOO accepted . . . .034 1. 622 12. 633 10. 135 24. 426 1.486 7.703 1 4.764 il3.953 i .333 9.1-23 .980 1 3. 446 50. 149 35 and under 40 1 53 441 293 788 5 44 339 155 543 2 12 82 32 128 1,944 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .034 1.791 14. 899 9.899 20. 622 .169 1.4S6 11. 453 5.236 18.345 .068 .405 2.770 1.081 4.324 65. 676 40 and over 1 62 319 221 603 1 38 259 114 412 2 19 51 29 101 1.472 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . .034 2.095 10. 777 1,90S 7.460 20. 372 .034 1.284 187 8. 730 I 3. 831 13. 919 .068 1 .642 1.723 .980 1 3.412 49. 730 Total f 265 1,552 3,731 9 1,251 675 2,122 4 52 989 152 497 9.281 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . . .203 8.95L 64. 45E i 52. 43: 1 126.04 7 .30^ 1 6.31S 42.264 22.804 71.68! 1 .13: 1.75' 9.764 5.135 10.791 313.347 37 290 Tabie No. 9— Showing the rdntion of lieight, girlh of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, HEIGHT C7 AND irNDER 69 INCHES. GinXII OF CUEST AT EXriKATION. Under 29 inches. 2D ami under 31 inchea. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 8 1 i a > 1 o o O "3 o H .a '3 .9 o CO o 1 CI o s •g .9 n o t- O o OS i .a o a .£3 o S .a a Gt 9 O I I O "3 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 8 8 1 13 54 136 204 2 44 425 040 1,111 Eatio per l.COO accepted .2-0 .270 1 .034 .439 1.824 4.595 0.892 .068 1.480 14.358 21. 022 37.534 DARK COMPLEXION. 1 2 27 39 68 1 11 183 220 415 .034 .034 .068 .912 1.318 2.297 .034 .372 6. 182 7. 432 14.020 Total 1 8 9 1 15 81 175 272 3 55 603 660 1,526 .034 .270 .304 .034 .507 2.736 5. 912 9.189 .101 1.858 20.541 29.054 51. 554 AGE. 4 4 1 6 IC 37 60 6 68 90 164 .135 .135 .034 .203 .541 1.250 2.027 .203 2.297 3.041 5.541 3 3 3 23 50 82 1 12 148 230 417 .101 .101 .101 .777 1.892 2.770 .034 .405 5.000 a 649 14.088 25 au(l under 30 1 11 22 34 1 2 97 156 250 .034 .372 .743 1.149 . 034 1 . 063 3.277 5.270 8.049 30 anil under 35 1 9 20 30 15 109 117 241 1 .034 .304 .676 1.014 .507 3.682 3.953 8.142 1 1 2 3 13 21 39 1 9 113 148 Batlo per 1,000 accepted 03-1 .034 .008 .101 .507 .709 1.318 .034 .304 3.885 5.000 93 9 223 40 aud over 1 7 19 27 11 71 173 Kutiu per 1,000 accepted .034 .236 81 .642 .912 .372 2.399 3.143 5 912 Total 1 8 9 1 15 175 272 3 55 60S 8G0 29. 054 1,526 .034 .270 .304 .034 .507 2.736 5. 913 9.189 .101 1.858 20.541 51. 554 291 and to each other; emlracing the ataiistical results of the examinaiion of 29,600 Germans, O t •§ a 1 1 a n g 6 i o — u o •g a 4 .3 > o i 1 o a n i O i o H i .a a a u ID > o 1 g o .5 1 o 1 LIGHT COJIPLEXION. 1 1 5 22 38 65 1 20 121 231 373 .034 .034 .169 .743 1.284 2.190 .034 .676 4.088 7. fin4 DAPvK COMPLEXION. 1 7 8 16 5 47 75 127 .034 .236 .270 .541 .169 1.588 2.534 4.291 Total 1 1 6 29 46 81 1 25 168 306 500 .034 .034 .203 .980 1.554 2.736 .034 .845 5.676 10. 3.38 AGE. Under 20 1 1 2 4 10 16 . 17 33 50 ' Eatio per 1 000 accepted .034 .034 .008 .135 .338 .541 .068 .574 1.115 1 757 11 10 21 5 45 83 133 Ratio per 1,000 accepted . . . .3Ti .338 .709 .169 1. 520 2.804 4 493 25 and under 30 2 4 10 16 7 31 62 100 Katio per 1,000 accepted .068 .135 .338 .541 .2.36 1.047 2.095 2 1 7 10 5 32 43 79 .068 .034 .236 ..338 .169 1.081 1.419 2 5 7 I 5 26 60 92 Batio per 1,000 accepted .068 .169 .230 .034 .169 .878 2.027 3 lOS 40 and over 7 4 11 1 17 26 44 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .236 .135 .372 .034 ..574 .878 1 486 Total 1 , 1 C • 29 46 81 1 25 168 306 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .203 .980 1.554 2.736 .034 .845 1 293 and to each other ; emhracing the statistical results of the examination o/29,600 Germans, ,fc.— Contiuiud. HEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. 1 GIRTH OF CHKST AT EXPIRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i ■g a 4 a > o 1 a CI p 5 IS 1 n u 6 c H .a a fH •g i o 09 O ■3 .9 u O s ■s .a CO « 5 "3 o u o •s .9 ■g a 1 (a •§ a > o s .a a n 'a o H c a g LIGHT COMPLEXION. Line or gray eyes ; light hair . . 4 55 430 438 927 O 52 396 311 761 nn 194 119 335 2,462 Ratio per 1,000 accepted . la.') t.838 14. 527 4.797 51.318 .068 .737 ,13.378 0.507 25.709 .743 6.554 |4.020 [11.318 83.176 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 2 26 194 186 408 31 197 153 381 9 83 47 139 1,071 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .068 . 878 6. 554 1 6.284 13.784 .047 6.655 5.109 112.872 .304 2.804 1.588 4.696 36. 182 Total 6 81 624 624 1,335 S 83 2.804 593 20. 034 464 15. 676 1,142 31 277 9.358 166 474 3,533 Ratio r<'r 1 ,000 accepted .203 2.736 21. 081 21. 081 45. 101 .068 38. 581 1.047 5.608 16. 014 119.3.18 AGE. Under 20 2 33 30 65 2 18 17 37 4 3 7 178 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .008 1.115 1.014 2.196 .068 .608 .574 1.250 .135 .101 .236 6.014 20 and under 25 2 17 134 159 312 1 8 106 92 207 4 33 29 68 741 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .068 .574 4.527 5.372 10. 541 .034 .270 3.581 3.108 6.993 .135 1.W2 .980 2.297 25.034 S.'i and under 30 18 110 142 270 10 129 116 255 3 59 35 97 738 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .608 3.716 4.797 9. 122 .338 4.358 3.919 8.615 .101 1.993 |1. 182 3.277 24. 932 30 and undi-r 35 1 12 99 127 239 1 23 118 80 222 10 43 41 94 644 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .034 .405 3.345 4.291 8. 074 .034 .777 3.986 2.703 1 7.500 .338 1.453 1.385 3.176 21. 737 3.'i and under iO o 24 138 106 270 o.> 112 90 224 7 79 34 120 713 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .068 .811 4.662 3. 581 1 9. 122 .743 1 3.784 3.041 1 7.568 .236 2.669 1.149 4.054 24. 088 40 and over 1 8 110 60 179 IS 110 69 197 7 57 24 88 519 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .034 1 .270 3.716 2. 027 6. 047 .608 3.716 1 2.331 6.655 .236 1.926 .811 2. 973 17.534 Total 6 81 624 • 624 1,335 2 .068 2.804 593 464 1,142 31 277 166 474 16. 014 3,533 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted . .203 2.736 21. 081 i 21. 081 43. 101 2a 034 13. 676 38.531 . 1.047 9.358 5.608 119.338 294 Tabus No. 9 — Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion and age, HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES. GIKTII OF CHEST AT EXTIEATION. T7n O *« § S t-l o •3 4 a rH > O o 1 3 CI > O 1 n 1 o 1 u o a 4 a u 6 o « O p > o 1 00 V o 1 4 o g3 1 a o 1 n 3 o "3 o i LIGHT COMPLEXION. 11 76 91 178 15 127 99 341 9 ou 41 in; 614 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .372 2.508 3.074 6.014 .507 4.291 3.345 8.142 .304 3.230 1.385 3.919 20.743 DARK COilPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair. 4 45 40 69 6 56 43 105 3 27 25 55 276 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .135 1.520 1.351 3.007 .203 1.892 1.453 3.547 .101 .912 .845 1.858 9.324 Total 15 121 131 267 21 183 142 340 12 93 66 171 890 .507 4.088 8 4.426 12 9.020 20 .709 0.182 4.797 11.689 .405 3. 142 3 2.230 5.777 30. 008 AGE. Under 20 1 1 '-J 3 .30 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .270 .405 .676 .034 .034 .068 .101 1 .101 L216 20 and tinder 25 2 21 36 59 4 36 35 75 2 19 9 30 200 Satio per 1,000 accepted — .063 .709 1.216 1.993 .135 1.210 1.182 2.534 .068 .642 .304 1.014 6.757 25 and nnde'r 30 3 27 32 62 2 49 39 90 1 17 11 29 199 Katio per 1,000 accepted .101 .912 1.081 2.095 40 .068 1.655 1.313 3.041 .034 .574 .372 .980 6.723 30 and under 35 5 17 18 4 28 24 56 4 15 13 37 149 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .169 .574 .608 1.351 .135 .946 .811 1.892 * .135 .507 .603 1.250 5.034 35 and under 40 3 32 26 ni 3 40 28 71 3 29 19 51 193 .101 1.081 .678 2.061 .101 1.351 .946 2.399 1 . 101 1 . 960 .642 1.723 21 6.089 40 and over o 16 7 25 8 29 15 52 „ 10 9 108 .068 .541 .236 .845 .270 .980 .507 1.757 .068 .333 .304 .709 171 5.777 3.649 Total 15 121 131 267 21 183 142 346 12 93 66 ,2.230 890 .507 4.083 4.426 9.020 .709 6.182 4.797 11.689 1 .405 3. 142 30.0Gd 1 296 Table No. O—Shmciug the relation of height, girth of cheat and expansion of chest, to complexion and ago. HEIGHT 73 INCHES ANTJ OVER. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 iocbea. COMPLEXIONS AND AGES. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 '5 ■g .a to > O OS lU •3 a t-t O > O •g .5 m u © > O 1 i o o > O ■§ .9 CO o 6 1 i o .9 o a 5 a o rt I LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 1 1 6 8 .034 .034 .034 .034 .203 .210 DAKK COMPLEXION. 1 1 1 o 3 .034 .034 .034 .068 .101 . 1 1 o 2 3 6 11 .034 .034 .068 .068 .101 .203 .372 AGE. 2 o .068 .068 2 1 1 4 .068 .034 .034 .135 1 1 . .034 1 .034 1 Katio per 1 000 accepted .034 .034 1 1 o .034 .034 .068 1 2 3 Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .068 .101 Total 1 1 2 2 3 8 U Katio per 1,000 accepted .034 .034 .068 .068 .101 .203 .372 297 and io cack o,l,er; nniracing tkc staUstical results of iU e^r^inaiion of 29,600 Ge,-ma«a, .Jc-Contiuned. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continned. OIETH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATIOS. COilPLEXIONS AND AGES. 33 and xmder 35 inches. Expansion. LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair Eatio per 1,000 accepted . . . DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair- llatio per 1.000 accepted 35 and under 37 inches. Expansion. .034 Total. Katio per 1,000 accepted AGE. 37 inches and over. Expansion. .101 .034 Under 20 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .574 .034 16 15 541 I .507 20 and nnder 25 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . .034 25 and nnder 30 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. .068 .068 ,135 .270 24 .473 .068 .811 .676 1.622 ,169 30 an«l nuder 35 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1-- 35 and under 40 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. ,034 .372 .068 .135 203 .338 20, 559 . 236 . 507 .034 10 .101 .203 .338 40 and over Katio per 1,000 accepted. . 203 . 405 .135 Total. Katio per 1,000 accepted. .169 .236 .574 .574 49 694. 561 9,041 1.655 I 305.439 1.284 .034 .034 .405 .236 ■ .270 .034 I .101 I . 034 . 574 .777 .034 .169 ,203 .034 034 29,600 4.730 1,000 .109 24 2,343 6,032 203. 784 .405 1.149 .034 .135 I .101 .270 .270 20 48 1.622 . 135 . 101 .034 .063 .912 161. 892 5,126 173. 176 .236 .169 .574 .912 6,115 206. 588 ■1,600 . 743 155. 405 1,000 38 1 T^BLE NO. lO, SHOWING THE RELATKl OF HEIGHT, Gimi OF CHEST. EXPANSION OF CHEST TO COMPLEXION, AGE, AND WEIGHT. AMEEIOA]^-BOEN WHITE MEN ACCEPTED. .".00 Taulk No. lO—Shoirimi the nhiiioii of luiglit, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to comjyJexion, c.;/e,an(l weight, and to eaih HEIGHT UNDEE 61 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION'. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS. AGES, AND WEIGHLS. ExiKinsion. Expansion. Expans on. .3 a 5 1 o u > O 1 fl n u & > O o S o •3 .a 1 o .a > o 1 U o 1 o H 1 o .5 .s 6 Over 2 inches. oi ID .a u a n > O 73 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 2 2 1 4 5 .157 .157 .315 .315 .157 .029 .786 « DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; davli hair. . - 1 1 ■••«■■ liatio per 1 000 accepted .157 .157 Total 1 1 1 2 3 1 4 5 Katio per 1 000 accopted .157 .157 .157 .315 .472 .157 .629 .786 AGE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 a iiatio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 .157 .157 .157 .157 .315 20 and under 25 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 1 1 1 J Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 . l.J7 30 and under 35 1 -.1 .. . Eatiii per 1,000 accepted 1 1 35 and under 40 > 1 .157 .157 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .157 .157 .157 .157 Total __ 1 I I 2 3 1 4 5 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 157 .157 .157 .315 .472 .157 .629 .786 WEIGHT. Under 100 1 1 1 1 " ' 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 .157 .157 1 1 « 100 .ind under l-M 1 1 2 (> P.atio per 1,000 accepted . l.'')7 .157 .315 1 .315 .315 ' 120 and under 140 1 1 2 3 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .157 .315 .472 140 and under ICO 1 "1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 100 and under 180 - 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 . ...1 IfeO and over 1 i 1 1 Eatio per 1 .000 accepted 1 1 _ 1 — 1 === 3 1 * Total 1 1 5 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .i;7 •-i 1 •"' .315 .472 .157 1 . 62D .7r:6 301 other; emlracbig the statistical results of the examination 0/6,359 Avierican-lvrn u-hilc men found fit for military service. HEIGHT TJNDER 61 INCHES-Continned. » 9 GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. CO COMPLEXTOXS, AGES, A2sD WEIGHTS. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and nnder 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 3 Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o 1 .5 o a 1 a n & 1 % ■s a 1 > o w i a n o > O u o •g a g ■§ a G* g o i a n O z 1 LIGHT COMPLEXTOX. Blue or {irav eyes ; li<;lit hair. . 1 •l 9 1 Ratio per 1,000 accopt'Cd .157 1 .157 1 , 1 1.415 1 DARK COMPLESIOX. ISIack or hazel eyes ; dark hair 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 .... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. . .157 ' ' 1 Total J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 I .157 .157 1 1 1 j 1.5T3 .... AGE. Under 20 4 1 Ratio per 1 000 accepted 1 1 1 L... 1 . 1 .629 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1... 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... 1 157 25 and under 30 . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 and under 35 1 1 1 1 |......| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.. 1 . . ■ 1 1 1 1 1 . i 2 1 1 ■' 1 .157 .157 1 ! 1 1 .315 1 1. 1 1 j 1 1 .... 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 |. . 1 .315 1 Totil 1 1 1 1 1 1 L. .. 10 1 1 .157 .157 1 1 1 : I- 1 1.513 1 1 1 WEIGHT. Under 100 2 1 1 1 i 1 .315 1 1 1 4 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 .629 12.T and nndpr IJft 1 1 - 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 .472 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 .157 .157 ; .157 1 1 ___J___..i 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 r ii 1 ■ 1 10 157 .157 1 • 1.573 1 1 302 Tabus No. 10 — Shewing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, and HPJGHT 61 AND UNDER 63 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION'. » Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AITO WEIGHTS. Expansion. ExpaESion. Expansion. i 1 1 1^ a 1 .2 1 o o ■s a o a o <5 OS 1 .s CI g o 1 n o 3 o i ■s a 4 a u •s g o 1 a n 6 1 LIGHT COMPLEXJON. 1 10 11 i' 12 15 28 1 13 15 29 .157 1.573 1.730 .157 1.887 2.359 4.403 .157 2.044 2.359 4.560 DAEK COMPLEXION. 7 7 o 15 17 34 1 9 17 27 1.101 1.101 .315 2.359 2.673 5.347 .157 1.415 2.673 4.246 1 17 18 3 27 32 62 2 22 32 56 .157 2.673 2. 831 .472 4.246 5.032 9.750 .315 3.460 5.033 asoG AGE. 14 14 1 7 17 25 1 5 - 2. 202 2. 203 .157 1.101 2.673 3.931 .157 .786 1.101 o 2 1 10 8 19 1 0 10 .315 .315 .157 1.573 1.258 2.988 .157 .944 1.573 1 1 G 4 10 4- 7 11 .157 .157 .944 .629 1.573 .029 1.101 1 730 1 1 2 3 5 3 3 "Ratio Tter 1 000 accented .157 .157 .315 .472 .780 .472 .472 944 1 1 •2 1 5 .157 .157 .315 .157 .786 1 1 3 3 TLatio Tier 1 000 accoDted .157 .157 .472 472 Total 1 17 18 3 27 32 62 o 22 32 56 Hatio per 1 000 accepted .157 2.C73 2.831 .472 4.246 5. 032 9.750 .315 3.460 5.032 8 806 WEIGHT. Under 100 1 1 2 o 2 .157 .157 .313 .315 .315 15 15 3 24 24 51 9 11 20 2.359 2.359 .472 3. 774 3.774 8.020 1.415 1.730 3.145 120 and under 140 1 1 3 3 C 2 12 20 34 Hatio per 1 ,000 accepted .157 .157 .472 .473 .944 1 .315 1.887 3.145 5.347 1-10 and iinilt-r 100 3 3 1 1 1 o ' ** Ratio per 1,000 accepted .472 .472 .157 .157 .315 Batio per 1,000 accepted 1 • Ratio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 17 18 3 27 32 62 1 2 22 33 56 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 157 f> R*^ 2. 831 .472 4.246 5. C32 9.750 .315 3. 460 5. 032 8 8C6 303 to each other; emlracing the statistical results of the &ainunation of 6,359 American-horn white men, 4'C. — Continued. HEIGHT CI AND UNDER G3 INCHES— Continued. GlETH OF CHEST AT EXPIBATIO;;. a . 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. u II COMPLESIOXS, AGES, " AND WEIGnTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. to u o .a 1 1 > o 1 5 i -S > o 1 00 1 > o OD o ■ •§ .9 u o 5 1 a n I o i so 00 O .d .1 a > o 1 1 u 1 M 5 3 ■3 s LIGHT COMPLEXION. 5 4 0 5 1 G 83 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .786 .620 1.415 . 786 . 157 .944 13. 052 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair. 1 2 o" 5 1 1 2 75 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 157 1 .315 1 .315 .766 .157 G .157 2 .315 8 11.794 Total 1 7 6 14 158 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .157 1.101 .944 2.20a .944 .315 1.258 24. 847 AGE. Under 20 1 2 3 55 . 157 . 315 .472 8.649 20 and under 2.'> 2 2 2 2 j 42 .315 .315 .315 .315 G.605 25 and under 30 1 1 1 24 .157 .157 .157 .157 3.774 ... 30 and under 35 1 3 . 3 2 1 3 18 .472 .472 .315 .157 .472 2.831 ^^=^:^ 3.T and under 40 1 2 3 1 1 12 Eatio per 1,000 accepted •15V1 .315 .472 .157 .157 1. 887 40 and over 1 2 2 1 1 7 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 .315 .315 .157 .157 1. 101 Total M ■< 6 14 6 2 8 158 Eatio per 1,000 accepted WEIGHT. Under 100 .157 1 1.101 .944 2.202 .944 .315 1.258 4 G29 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 2 1 3 === 89 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 120 and under 140 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 140 and under 160 1 1 .315 1 1 " 1 |-«29 r H 1 . 157 . 472 3 7 . 472 1. 101 1 3 E: 4 .629 2 2 4 .629 4 13.996 52 8.177 19 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 160 and under 180 Eatio per 1,000 accepted ISO and over Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted .|.157 1 -1 .1 ■1 1 . .157 |.157 7 'l.lOl 1 .157 1 .157 6 .944 .472 1 .157 14 a 202 = .315 "1 *" . .944 .315 2 .315 .629 8 1.258 ,:iui ..•-. 1 1 1- 1.887 1 .157 158 . 24.847 304 Taislk No. lU — Shotciiig the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and xceight, and HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER 65 INCHES. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. COMPLEXTOXS, ARES, AXi> WEIGUTS. Under 29 inches. 29 and nnder 31 Inches. 31 and under 33 inches. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o ■g ■i .9 1 .a o .s u 9 O m o 1 m u a; > O 13 1 i a .a a 6 DO V C '^- 5 s o c a; E- o 3 o 00 s o o a .a o a O .£3 a > O 1 n o 3 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 4 20 30 1 47 146 194 3 59 127 189 .620 4.(80 4.718 .157 7.391 22. 960 30. 508 .472 9. 278 19. 972 101 29. 722 DAEK COMPLEXION. 3 25 9R 1 25 116 142 2 45 148 .472 3.931 ,4. 403 .137 3.931 18. 242 22. 331 .315 7.077 15. 883 23.274 Total 7 51 58 2 72 262 1 336 5 104 228 337 1.101 8. 020 |9. 121 .315 11.333 41.201 1 52.838 .786 16. 355 35.855 70 52. 996 AGE. 5 40 45 1 46 132 179 2 43 115 Katio per 1,000 accepted .780 6.290 |7, 077 .157 7.234 20. 758 28. 149 .315 6. 762 11.008 18. 085 1 7 j 8 10 67 1 83 2 29 C9 lOO .157 1.101 1.258 2.510 10.536 1 13.052 .315 4.560 10. 851 15. 720 3 1 3 1 1 28 30 17 39 56 . 473 1 . 472 .157 .157 4_4nS 1 4.718 2.673 6" 6. 133 "af 8.806 30 aD(l mider 35 1| 1 4 ] 15 1 19 27 .l.'>7 .157 .629 1 2.359 2.988 .944 3.302 4.240 1 13 13 7 IB 25 1 1 2.044 2.044 l.lOl 2 2.8)1 3.931 1 1 5 7 12 1 14 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .157 1 .157 .786 1.101 262" 1.887 336" .1.57 .315 1.730 2.202 ■ Total 7 51 1 58 t = 72 5 104 238 337 1.101 8.020 9.121 1 .315 11. 323 41.201 52.838 .786 10. 3.15 35. S55 52.996 WEIGHT, tluder 100 1 1 1 1 Katio perl, 000 accepted . 157 1 . 157 .157 .157 51 sT 100 aud under 120 7 40 1 47 1 58 165 2S4 2 104 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 6.290 |7.391 .157 9. 121 25. 047 35.226 .315 8.030 8. 030 16. 3.55 120 and under 140 9 1 9 1 12 95 108 3 51 ^2 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.415 1.415 .157 1. 887 1 14. 939 16. 984 .472 8. 020 26.419 34. 911 140 and under ICO 1 2 3 2 9 11 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 .3.5 .315 .315 1.415 1.730 ICO and under ItO M 1 1 :.. 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted. . ; . 157 1 . 157 .157 .157 IfO and over 1 I Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 . •' 104 228 Total 7 51 1 58 2 72 262 336 5 337 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 .315 11. 323 41.201 52. 838 .7f6 1 16. 35.". 35. 855 52. 990 305 to each other ; embracing the statislietil results of the examiHation of 6,359 American-born white men, 044 O H1I .157 . 315 . 472 56.613 12 ] 2-2 ] 34 2 2 2 2 229 1.887 1 3.460 1 5.347 .315 .315 .315 .315 36. 012 1 18 12 1 30 3 1 4 123 Uatio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.831 1 1.887 1 4.718 .472 .157 .629 19.343 6 I 10 { IG 1 3 2 5 /2 2 70 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 944 j 1..573 j 2.516 .472 .315 .786 .315 .315 11.008 4 1 6 10 4 1 5 1 1 2 65 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .029 1 .944 1.573 1 .829 .157 .786 .157 .157 .315 8.649 40 and over 4 1 11 15 1 1 1 1 1 o 3 46 Eatio per 1,000 .iccepted .629 1 1.730 2.359 1 .157 .157 .157 .315 .472 7.234 Total 49 1 74 j 123 1 14 6 20 6 3 9 esj. Eatio per 1,000 accepted 7.706 ill.637 [19.343 | 2.202 .944 3.145 .944 .472 1.415 138. 858 WEIGHT. Under 100 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .315 100 and nnder 120 5 1 5| 3 3 383 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .780 1 .780 1 .472 6 .472 60.230 flo and under 140 35 49 84 1 0 1 1 430 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 5.504 7.70C 13.210 1 .944 .944 .1.57 . 157 1 07. C21 140 .nnd under ICO 0 23 1 32 1 5 5 10 4 1 5| CO Eatio per 1,000 accepted. ... 1.415 ) 3.617 1 5.032 .786 .786 1.573 .629 .157 .786 1 9.435 ICO and under 180 2| 2| H" ^ 2 1 3| 8 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 180 and over 1 .315 1 .315 1 i i 1 .157 .157 .315 .157 .472| 1.258 1 „ Total ■ — S 49 1 1 1 1 74 123 14 0 20 6 3 1 9| 683 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . . . 1 1 7.706 ill. 637 1 19.313 1 2.202 .944 3. 145 . 944 1 . 472 1.415 |138.858 39 noG Tablk. Xo. 10 — Slwitiiig Ihc rduliu)! uf lidijhl. ijirth of chcxl ami txpaiisiaii of clicsf. to roniplex'wii, arjr, and irrujhi. and HEIGHT 05 AND UNDEE 67 INCHES. nlllTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRAllOS. Under 29 inches. 29 and iinder 31 inches. 31 and under 33 ini'hes. COMTLEXTONS, AGES, AND WEIGUTS. Expansion. E.Kpansion. Expansion. CO n .5 J o « u > CO M a M > o 1 1 J3 O a u o > O 5 a n u o O "3 H •§ a 1 o •g .3 (71 5 01 •§ a u > o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 35 36 1 65 243 309 4 113 333 450 . 157 J5. 504 5.661 .157 10.222 38. 214 43. 593 .629 17. 770 52.367 70. 766 DAEK COMPLEXION. 6 25 31 1 24 173 198 2 8« 219 306 .944 3.931 4.875 .157 3.774 27. 206 31. 137 .315 13.367 34. 439 48. lai Total . 7 CO 67 2 89 416 507 6 198 552 756 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 9.435 10.536 .315 13. 996 65. 419 79. 730 .944 31. 137 BC. 806 118.887 AGE. 6 35 41 1 44 203 248 1 62 162 225 Katio oer 1 000 accented .944 5.504 6.448 .157 6.919 31.923 39.000 .157 9.750 25.476 35.383 20 aiid nnder 95 18 18 24 106 130 o 67 188 257 2.831 2.831 3.774 16. 669 20. 443 .315 10.536 29.564 40. 415 7 7 1- 8 46 55 1 22 62 85 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 1.101 .157 1.258 7.234 8.649 .157 3.460 9.750 13.367 30 and nnder 35 5 29 34 1 18 .56 75 .786 4.560 5.347 .157 2.831 8.806 11.794 1 1 3 22 25 1 12 51 64 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .157 .157 .472 3.460 3.931 .157 1.887 8.020 10. 064 5 10 15 17 33 50 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .786 1.573 2.359 a. 673 5.189 7.863 Total 7 60 67 2 89 416 507 6 198 552 756 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 9.435 10.536 .315 13. 996 65.419 79. 730 .944 31. 137 86. 806 118.887 WEIGHT. UmlerlOU 1 1 1 , 2 o Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .157 .157 .1.57 .157 .315 . 315 100 and under 120 7 41 48 1 56 148 205 a 56 51 109 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 6.448 7.548 18 .157 1 8.806 30 23.274 257 32.238 288 .315 3 8.806 132 8.020 414 17. 141 120 and under 140 18 549 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.831 3.831 .157 4.718 40.415 4.'). 290 .472 20. 758 G.5, 105 86. 334 140 and under IGO 2 11 13 1 8 84 93 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .315 1.730 2.044 .157 1.258 13.210 14.625 100 and under 180 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 180 and over 2 2 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .315 .315 Total 7 60 67 2 89 416 507 6 198 552 «56 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 B.435 10.536 .315 13.996 CS. 419 79.730 .944 31.137 80. 806 118. 887 307 fo each other; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 6,359 American-torn white men, l(C. — Continued. HEIGHT 65 AN^D TTNDEE 67 INCHES— Continned. 1- GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPmATION. ■a § 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 incbca. 37 inches and over. 3 1-3 COltPLEXIONR, AGES, AND WJilGUTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. ID O 1 a g o t .a u p p 5 i 1 r> 9 o '3 o 1 o 1 1 o .a u a 5 o .3 CI o •s 3 CO O *« 1 o a 2 O LTGHT COMPLEXION. 1 231 . 1 30 20 51 . 8 4 12 1.089 •"■ 1 . ,, _ Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 1 2. 423 |23. 740 J3 6.326 . .157 4.718 3.145 8.020 . .....1.258 1 .629 1.887 171.253 DAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 1 60 123 184 1 21 23 45 7 3 10 774 1 IJatio per 1,000 accepted .157 9.435 1 9.343 S S8.935 .157 3.302 1 3.617 7.077 1 1. 101 1 . 4T2 1. 573 |121. 717 Total 2 139 274 415 2 51 1 43 90 15 7 22 1 1, 863 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .315 ; L859 - 3.089 f 5. 262 .315 8. oao 6. 762 5.097 2.359 .101 3.460 292.971 AGE. Uu.lcr20 23 39 02 3 2 5 1 1 582 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 3.017 6.133 9.750 1 .472 .315 .786 .157 .157 1 91.524 20 and under 25 46 99 j 145 1 1 12 12 24 1 1 2 1 576 Katio per 1,000 accepted 7. 234 15. 568 | n. 802 1.887 1.887 3.774 .157 .157 . 315 1 90. 580 25 and under 30 1 23 39 .63 1 13 9 23 5 1 6 1 239 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 3.017 6.133 9.507 .157 2.044 1.415 3.617 .786 .157 . 944 1 37. 585 30 and nnder 35 20 28 48 1 5 8 14 3 1 4 175 Katio per 1,000 accepted 3.145 4.403 7.548 . 157 1 . 786 1.258 2. 202 .472 .157 .629 27.520 35 and nnder 40 10 37 47 8 5 13 2 2 ^ 154 24. 218 137 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.573 5.819 7.391 1.258 .780 2.044 .315 .315 .629 40 and over 1 17 32 50 10 7 17 3 2 5 * .157 2 2.673 5.032 139 274 7.863 415 1.573 51 1.101 2.673 96 .472 .315 .786 21.544 2 43 15 7 22 1 1, 863 Total _ 1 .315 21. 859 43. 089 C5. 262 .315 8.020 6.762 15.097 2.359 1.101 3.46 292.971 Katio per 1,000 accepted WEIGHT. Under 100 4 Katio per 1 000 accepted.... .029 100 and nnder 120 7 2 9 ■ 1 1 i 372 1.101 88 .315 112 1.415 .157 .157 1 58.500 120 and under 140 200 1 22 6 29 2 1 3 1,087 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 13. 839 17. 013 151 31.451 .157 3.400 .944 4.560 . .315 4 . l.-)7 .472 170.939 140 and under ICO 2 43 196 24 32 56 2 6 364 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 160 and under 180 . .315 6.762 1 23.746 9 30.822 10 1 157 . 3.774 5 786 5.032 3 472 8.806 9 1 41E . .629 7 . 1. 101 .315 1 .157 .944 1 57.242 8; 28 1.258] 4.403 Eati" per 1,000 accepted 180 and over S . .31c r .31. > iiLi: . .3U .315 4 .629 i « 1.258 1,863 |29a971 Total , 13£ 274 4K > '. 51 4: 9 1 U ■1 22 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .... . .31. ) 21.85! > 43.08! ) 65. 2C ! .... . .31. ) 8.02 ) 0.76' ! 15.09 ? .... . 2. 35' ) 1.101 3.460 308 Table No. lO—Shoioing the relation of height, girth of dust and expansion of cliest, to complexion, age, and iceight, and HEIGHT 07 A^T) UXDER 69 IXCHES. GIRTII OF CHEST AT EXPIllATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and nndcr 33 inches. COMPLEXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o .9 ■g a o O 1 a CI 1 s 1 n g o •3 1 1 -a a o 5 c C( 5 1 n o o H 1 o .a o a .2 o s •g a at o O .a a u o ■3 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 14 15 28 153 181 5 81 342 423 .157 3.208 a 359 4.403 21.000 28.464 .786 12. 738 53.783 DAEK COMPLEXION. 5 5 15 117 132 1 75 297 373 .786 .786 2.359 18. 399 20. 758 .157 11.794 46.705 1 19 20 43 270 313 0 156 639 801 .157 2. 988 3.145 0.762 42.400 49. as .944 24.532 100. 487 125.963 AGE. 1 8 9 15 100 121 o 46 179 227 .157 1.258 1.415 2.359 10. 609 19.028 .315 7.234 28.149 35. 697 9 » 18 90 108 1 47 215 263 1.415 1 1.415 1 2.831 14. 153 16.984 .157 7.391 33.810 41 3.59 3 33 36 34 92 12G .157 .157 .472 5.189 5.061 5.347 14. 468 19. 814 1 1 1 14 15 ^ " 57 69 .157 .157 .157 2.202 2.359 .157 1.730 8.964 10.851 3 20 23 9 60 70 .472 3.145 3.617 .157 1.415 9.435 11.008 3 7 10. 9 3G 46 Katio per 1 000 accepted .472 1. 101 1.573 .157 1.415 5.661 7.234 Total 1 19 20 43 270 313 0 150 639 801 .157 2.988 3.145 6.702 42. 400 49. 232 .941 24. 532 100. 487 125.963 ■WEIGHT. TJndor 100 1 1 1 1 .157 .157 .157 .157 1 7 8 10 49 65 16 19 35 Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 1.101 1.258 2.510 7.706 10. 222 2.516 2.988 5.504 120 and under 140 12 12 27 200 233 0 123 403 532 liatio per 1,000 accepted 1.887 1.887 4. 240 32. 395 36.641 .944 19. 343 63.375 83.661 MO and xmilv.v U;o 14 14 16 210 226 llutio JUT 1,00*.) accepted 2.202 2.202 2.516 33.024 35.S40 IGU anil under ISO 7 7 Jlatio per 1. 000 aeci-pti-d 1.101 1.101 ISO and over Katio per 1.000 accepted __ Totnl 1 19 20 43 270 313 6 156 639 801 liatJo per 1,000 accepted .157 2.988 3.145 0. 76-2 42. 460 49.222 .944 24.532 100.437 125.963 309 to each other ; cmhmcing the statistieal irsidls of the examiiiation of 0,359 Amei-icaii-horii white men, O i 1 ,-1 .5 u 0 > 0 a> a ^ 0 03 .5 n u 0 3 H 0 ■3 .9 V a 1 0 .a .3 CI S 5 s •3 a n u > 0 0 H 0 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 4 04 24G 314 1 49 58 108 1 15 3 19 1,065 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .629 0.0C4 J8.685 ' 9.379 .157 7.706 9.121 6.984 .157 2.359 .472 2.988 167. 479 DAEK COMPLEXION. Bl.ick (irli:izi-l eyes; iLiikhair. 3 88 228 319 1 28 50 79 1 6 1 8 916 Katio per 1,000 accepted .472 13.839 152 15.855 50. 165 .157 4.403 7.863 108 12. 423 157 1 .944 .157 1.258 144. 043 Total 7 474 033 2 77 187 2 21 4 27 1,981 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 a. 903 74. 540 99.544 .315 12. 109 1C.984 29.407 .315 3,302 ,C29 4.240 311.527 AGE. UinlcrSO o 14 49 05 1 4 C 11 433 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .315 2.2-2 7.700 10.222 157 .629 .944 1.730 08. 092 20 and under 2,5 2 .315 53 8.335 170 20, 734 225 35. 383 1 .157 5.032 3.617 8.800 1:1— 103.947 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 25aiKl\indcr 30 1 25 90 lie 13 27 40 5 1 « 325 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .157 2 3.931 20 14. 153 18. 242 2.044 4.246 6.290 .786 .157 .944 51. 109 30 and under 35 56 87 5 21 26 1 5 6 204 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .315 4. .560 8.800 13. 681 .760 3. 302 4.089 .157 .786 3 \ .944 4 32. 081 192 35 and under 40 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 14 2. 203 52 8.177 06 10. 379 1.887 2.673 4.560 .472 .157 .629 30. 193 40 and over 17 57 74 U 14 25 1 8 2 11 106 2.073 8. 964 11.637 1.730 2.202 108 3.931 187 157 2 1.258 21 .315 4 1.730 27 26.105 Total 7 152 474 633 2 77 1,981 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.101 23. 903 74. 540 99. 544 .315 12. 109 10.984 29, 407 .315 3.302 .629 4.246 311.527 ■WEIGHT. Under 100 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 I'lll. 3 ,1:11:^ 3 ■Jill. ._^ 2 0 1 1 114 Eatio per 1,000 accepted — 120 and under 140 5 .472 80 129 .472 214 1 22 14 37 1,028 161. 661 140 and under 100 ■Jill. .780 o 12. 581 68 20.286 313 33. 653 '~383 48 59 107 1 7 8 738 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .315 10. 094 1 49.222 60.230 7.548 9.278 29 16. 827 .157 1.101 1.258 lie. 050 ICO and under ISO 31 32 1 7 37 8 3 U 87 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 157 4. 875 1 5.032 .157 1.101 4.560 5.819 4 1,258 6 .472 1 1.730 7 13.681 1 4 13 .| .157 j 474 .157 ~ 2 77 . . 029 108 .629 187 2 .944 .157 4 1.101 1.887 Total 7 152 633 21 27 1. 981 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 1. 101 23.903 74. 540 99. 544 , .315 12. 109 16. 984 29. 407 . .315 3. 302 .629 4,246 311. 527 olO Ttr.l.i: No. 10— .S7ioiriH(/ //"• nlalioii of hriijht, girth of clusl und tj-paiisioii of chtsl, to lomphxiou. aye, and weirjht, and HEIGHT 09 AND UNDER 71 INCHES. GIUTll OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION". Under 29 inclns. 29 and under 31 iuclies. 31 and under :« inclie.H. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. V i •3 .3 j i 5 go o « 1 u > O "3 o 1 i o CI 1 o 6 1 i n .3 1 u > O « > o to A 3 5 H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 3 53 56 1 22 200 223 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 .472 a 333 8.806 .157 3.460 31. 451 35.068 DARK COMPLEXION. 3 3 ■ C 29 35 1 23 139 163 .47-2 .472 .944 4. SCO 5.504 .157 3.617 2L859 25.633 1 ■' 4 9 82 91 2 45 339 386 .157 .472 .029 1.415 12.895 14. 310 .315 7.077 5a 310 60. 701 AGE. Under 20 3 24 27 7 06 73 Katio per 1 000 accepted . . .472 3.774 4.246 1.101 10.379 11 480 1 1 2 4 26 30 13 130 143 . 157 . 157 .315 .029 4.089 4.718 2.044 20.443 1 11 12 1 10 58 Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 1.730 1.887 .157 1.573 9.121 10 831 30 and under 35 2 2 1 11 12 3 30 35 Katio per 1,000 accepted .315 .315 .137 1.730 1.887 .786 4.718 5 504 35anduDder40 7 7 7 30 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.101 1.101 1.101 4.718 5 819 40 and over 3 3 1 3 23 Batio per 1,000 accepted .472 .472 .157 .472 3.931 4 560 9 Total 1 1 3 4 82 91 2 45 339 366 Batio per 1,000 accepted . 157 1 . 472 .629 1.415 ia893 14. 310 .315 7. 077 53.310 "" ■WEIGHT. Under 100 Ratio jier 1,000 accepted 1 100 and under 120 M ' 2 4 9 13 3 8 11 Ratio per 1.000 accepted .157 1 .157 .313 o .629 4 1. 415 2.044 .472 1.258 140 1.730 — ■ ~r lao and nndcr 140 2 57 01 31 172 ILitiopcr 1,000 accepted 1 .315 .313 .629 1 8.964 14 9.593 15 .157 1 4.873 22. 010 27.043 140 and under IGO 9 179 189 liatio per 1,000 .iccoptod .157 2.202 a 3.19 .157 1.413 2a 149 29.722 li;o nnd under lf« ^=^ Ratio per 1,C00 accepted 190 and over .... ^— 1 .315 .315 .315 1.887 2.202 Itatloiwr 1,000 accepted Total 1 1 3 4 9 82 91 2 45 339 386 Ratio per 1,000 accoptcd .157 1. 472 .nia 1.415 laeos 14.310 .315 7.077 53. 3!0 GO. 701 311 to each other; embracing the statistical results of the examiualion of G,359 American-horn white men, ifc. — Contiuned. HEIGHT GO AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. u GIKTU OF CHEST AT EXriRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 2 COiirLEXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .£.'■3 .§•2 o •g .3 .H i o .1 > O o .a o a m u 6 o o 3 a 5 CI 6 m 1 n u 6 i 1 o 1 .9 c* u g o a CO 1 o a 2 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair. . 1 1 50 103 215 1 21 57 79 9 16 25 599 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 7.803 25.633 33. 810 .157 3.302 8.964 12. 423 1.415 2.516 : 1.931 94. 197 UAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes r dark hair 3 34 151 188 28 49 77 9 11 20 486 Puitio per l.OOiJ accepted .472 5.347 23. 740 29. 564 4.403 7.706 12. 109 1.415 1. 730 3. 145 76. 437 , 1 4 84 314 403 1 49 106 150 18 27 45 1,085 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .157 .629 13.210 .157 7.706 16. 669 24. 532 2.831 4.240 7.077 170. 624 ■ AGE. 1 8 28 37 0 4 10 147 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 1.258 4.403 5.819 .944 .629 1.573 23. 117 1 34 100 141 11 37 48 3 1 4 368 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 5.347 16. 669 22. 173 1.730 5.819 7.548 .472 .157 .629 57. 871 85 and under 30 1 12 48 61 1 13 25 39 4 6 10 191 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 1.887 7.548 9.593 .157 2.044 3.931 6.133 .629 .944 1.573 30. 036 30 aud under ^r» 15 44 59 4 14 18 1 7 8 134 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.359 0.919 9. 278 .629 2.202 2.831 .157 1.101 1. 2.';8 21. 072 35 and xinder 40 2 9 50 61 11 19 30 4 5 9 144 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .315 1.415 7.803 9.593 1.730 2.988 4.718 .629 .780 1.415 22. 645 40 and over 6 38 44 4 7 11 6 8 14 101 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .944 5.976 6.919 .629 1.101 1.730 .944 1.258 2.202 15.883 Total Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 . 157 4 .620 .84 13. 210 314 1 403 40.379 63.375 1 .157 49 7.700 106 16. 609 150 24.532 2. ail 4. 240 7.077 no. 024 WEIGHTS. Rjitio per 1,000 accepted 1 100 and under 120 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 .157 1 .157 .315 2 .315 4.560 120 and under MO 3 22 .54 78 3 7 10 1 1 321 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .315 3.400 8.492 12.200 .472 1.101 1. 573 . 1."j7 .157 50. 951 140 and under 100 1 2 50 194 247 1 36 42 79 4 4 8 538 Ratio per 1,000 accepted J60 and under 180 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 .315 1 7. 8C3 - 11 1.730 30. 508 64 10. 064 38. 84 ) 75 11.794 ji:^ . 157 .5. oei 10 1.573 0. G0.-> 47 7.391 12. 42.1 57 8.964 == . 629 11 1.730 .623 15 2.359 1.2.'-;8 20 4.089 84.004 174 27.363 180 and over Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 4 84 2 .315 314 2 .315 403 1 49 8 1. 2,'i8 lOG 8 1.258 158 2 .315 18 8 1.258 27 10 1.573 45 20 3. 145 1,085 Ratio pur 1,000 accepted .157 .1129 13. 210 49. 379 G3. 375 .157 7.706 16. 069 24. 532 2. 831 4. 246 7.077 1-0.624 312 TAiti.i: X". 10— .S//oi( •;»!/ the nlation of hfifiht, ijirth of vlicst and expansion of clicst, to complexion, age, and iceight, and HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIKATIOX. ruder 29 iuclics. 29 and under SI iuclies. 3t aud under 33 incliea COM PLKX IONS, AGES, AMI) WKIOHT.S. Expausio u. Expansion. Expansion. ,2 g •3 a •g a > o o 3 CI u 9 O 1 n u > O 1 "3 t4 ■3 c Gl if 5 ^^ o O 1 i 5 o a c1 6 n 5 "3 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 9 9 0 33 39 1.415 1.415 .944 5.189 6.133 DAEE COill'LEXION. 1 1 7 7 6 35 41 .157 .157 1.101 1.101 .944 5.504 6.448 1 1 IG 10 12 08 80 .157 .157 2.51G 2.516 1.887 ID. 694 12.581 AGE. 4 4 3 18 21 .629 .629 .472 2.831 3.302 1 1 1 *■' 9 3 24 27 "I Itatio per I 000 accepted . .157 .157 1 1.415 1.415 .472 3.774 4.246 3 3 2 6 8 " Ratio per 1,000 accepted .472 .472 .315 .944 1.258 1 1 1 7 8 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 .157 1.101 1 258 1 1 2 8 10 1 1 .315 1.258 1.573 \" 1 1 5 6 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 .157 .786 .944 Total 1 1 1 16 16 12 68 80 Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 2.516 2.516 1.887 10. 694 12.581 ...... •WEIGOT. UudcilOO 1 i 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 100 and nuder 120 , J ] Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 ... . li!0 aiul under HO 1 1 11 11 6 11 17 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 1.730 1.730 .944 1.730 2.673 140 and under ICO r, 5 6 47 53 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .786 .786 .944 7.391 a 335 lG0an4 nndcr 180 .-•.... 1 8 8 Ratio per 1,OCO accepted 1 1.258 1.S58 180 and over ^=^ 1 2 2 ]!atlo per 1,000 accepted .315 .315 Total Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 .157 .157 16 2.510 lb 2. 516 1 1 IS 1 OB 12. 581 — i 1 91 O 0 each other; emhmeUirj (he .ihilisiical rcsiilts of the examliiatlou of G,359 American -horn ivhiie men, tfc — Coutuiucil. HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES— Continued. GinTtI OF CHEST AT EXriRATIOX. •3 33 and under 35 iuclies. 33 and under 37 inclies. 37 inches and over. \i COMPLESTOKS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. a p 6 1 a CI > O a n > O 1 a a 1 5 t a U O a n g 5 "3 CO a o •3 .a > o m 1 .s CI g o 1 .g > o 3 o r3 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. Bluo 01- gray oycs ; liglit liair. . - 1 13 56 72 3 24 27 4 6 10 1,57 Katio iicr l.OCO accepted . 157 |2. 359 8. S06 11. 323 1 .472 3.774 4. 240 .029 .944 1.573 S4.689 DARK COIIPLEXIOX. 7 58 C5 9 23 32 3 7 10 l.'iG Black or bazcl eyes; ilarlt hair. 1 .101 £2 9.121 10. 223 .415 r .617 : 47 .032 59 .472 3 7 .101 1.573 13 20 24.532 Total TTTT r 114 ]37~ T.T. 12 313 1" ).4C0 17. 027 21. 544 1.887 7.391 9.278 2 2 .101 J.044 3.143 49.222 AGE. Under 20 3 16 19 40 Katio per 1,000 accepteil . 472 2. 516 12 40 2.988 52 4 . 315 . 315 13 17 1 2 3 7.934 1.9 20 and under *25 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.887 6.290 8.177 .0-29 2 2.044 a 073 11 13 .157 .315 .472 17. 141 25 aDd under 30 1 16 17 1 1 1 43 Katio per 1.000 accepted . 157 2. 510 2. 073 1 .315 L730 2.044 .157 .157 6. 603 — ^ 1 20 "-'1 2 7 9 3 2 5 43 Katin per 1,000 accepted .157 3.143 3.302 .315 1.101 1.413 .472 1 .315 .786 6 1 7 6.762 38 35 and under 40 Katio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over .157 2 .315 3 1.730 1 2.202 I 11 14 .157 3 .944 8 1.101 11 .157 1 157 .944 3 .472 1.101 4 .629 5.976 35 5.504 Katio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 .157 .472 32 3.4C0 1.730 114 17. 927 1 2. 202 137 21. 544 \ 13 1.887 47 7.391 59 9.278 7 1.101 13 2.044 20 3.143 313 49. 2-32 "WEIGHT. Under 100 Katio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 Katio per 1,000 accepted 120 and under 140 3 G 9 _ - — i 1 157 1 .157 39 6.133 Katio per 1,000 accepted 140 and nndcr 100 Ratio per 1,000 accepted ICO and under 180 1 .472 12 . 1. 887 7 .944 59 9.278 48 1.415 71 11. 105 56 6 . .944 6 •17 2.673 27 23 3.617 33 5 169 2 . .315 4 . .029 1 .157 3 .472 3 .472 7 1.101 155 24. 373 104 10. 353 r>atio per 1 000 accepted ISO and over Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . Total Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . . .157 1 . .15- 1.101 2C 3.46( 7.548 1 . .15- ll^i ) 17. 92- 8. eof 1 .15- 13- r 21. 54 1 -| i L... i::z. . 1.88- 3 . .472 4" 7.391 .47-; 5< 9.27 ) J .... ^_^ 7 . 1. 101 9 . 1.415 13 2.044 ) 1.4U 2( 3.14 15 2.359 313 , 49.222 40 314 Tahle No. 10—Shotoiiig the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, and HEIGHT 73 INCKES AND OVER. GIUTH OF CUEST AT EXPIBATION. Under SO inches. 29 aud uuder 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. C05IPLKXI0NS, AGES, AND WEltiHXS. Expansion. Expausiou. Expansion. S e .5 .5 a O s C n ^^ V 6 1 i 1 a o IE .a u a 6 Si a n > o o H S i a % O 1 a o t > o "3 1 LIGHT COilPLEXION. 1 1 2 6 G Katio per l.COO accepted .157 .157 .315 .944 .944 VAltK COMPLEXION o 2 .315 .313 . 1 1 o 8 8 .157 .157 .315 1.258 1.253 AGE. TJiuUr 20 1 1 2 2 .157 .157 .315 .315 1 1 3 3 .157 .157 .472 .472 25 ami under 30 2 o Katio per 1,000 at:copted .315 .315 Katio per 1,000 accepted 40 aud over 1 I Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 Total 1 1 2 8 8 Batio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 .315 1.258 1 258 ..... WEIGHT. Under 100 Katio per 1,000 accepted 100 and iiudor 120 Riitio per 1,000 accepted 120 and under 140 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 no and under ICO 1 1 2 4 4 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .157 .157 .315 .029 .029 100 and under ISO 3 3 Katio per 1,000 accepted .472 180 aud over liatio per 1,000 accepted — Total - Katio per 1,000 accepted .U7 .157 .315 1.258 1.258 1 1 315 to each other;»3 the slatistieal rcsuUs of the examination of G,359 America n-lorn jehite men, O o H S u O ■s .9 •g a o > O X .2 n i- 1 3 O 05 O .2 a

o 1 n u o 6 "c m a u .9 > o o P 0* u g o ■g .2 CO 1 3 o AGE. Under 20 1. 1 1 2.653 Katio per 1,000 accepted 20 and under 25 i : — -- — = == = = = = 3 7.958 Katio per 1,000 accepted 25 and under 30 1 c 1- 1- 1- --' '" = = 1 1 Eatin per 1,000 accepted 30 and under 35 1 -A^-- 1 s:iii 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1; 1 1 .....J _^-^j^^ 35 .and under 40 Katio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over lllll. 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted Total = 1 4 10.610 Katio per 1,000 accepted "WEIGHT. Under 100 Katio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 = =^ 5.305 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted. . . . I------ .| 5. 305 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted ... 140 and under 100 in::: ::^^EE Katio per 1,000 accepted 160 and under 180 Katio per t ,000 accepted . . . ..iLi - == iim: 1 ^.^^ -'zz— ...lllilL 180 and over Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . Total Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . = ^ iiiii. ^_^ '-'.IZ. =;^ =;^ ^-^■^ :I = — .... = '=^ — ■■ — 4 . . 10. 610 i- — Wholly or in part of negro blood. 320 Table No. 11 — Showing the relation of height, girth of cheat and expansion of chest, to age and weight, and to each HEIGHT 61 A2W tTNDEE 03 INCHES. CUITII or CIIKST AT EXl IBATIO.V. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 incbcs. 31 aud under 33 inclics. AGES AND WEIGHTS. Bxpausiou. Expansion. Expansion. i u o 1 t O 1 •s □ > o 1 00 i 1 o 1 s CI > O (-1 u o o i o •3 B .S u o t- O •3 a c» > o 1 n > o s AGE. TTnilfiP 20 1 1 3 3 3 1 4 2.653 2.653 7.953 7.058 7. 958 2. 053 10 GIO 1 1 2 1 j 2. 053 5.305 1 1 2 3 1 2.653 5.305 7.958 2.C53 1 2 3 2.C53 5.305 1 IJatio per 1,000 accepted 2.053 2 653 40 and over 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 2. 053 . Total 1 1 1 6 7 5 7 12 Itatio per 1,000 accepted ■2. CSi 2.653 2.C53 15. 913 18. 568 13. 203 IR 508 WEIGHT. Under 100 I^tio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 1 1 3 4 2 s I^atio per l,(i00 acceptod 2. U5:i a. 653 2.653 7.958 10. 610 5.305 5.305 120 and under MO 2 2 4 4 8 Katio per 1,030 accepted 5.305 5.305 10. 010 10. 610 21 220 140 and under IGO 1 1 1 1 Itatio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 2.653 2.053 2 053 IGO and under ISO llatio per 1,000 accepted 180 aud over 1 1 ! i Itatio per 1,000 accepted 2.053 2. 053 Total 1 1 1 6 7 5 7 12 Ilatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 :iC53ii853 2. Gr.3 1.-). 915 18.568 13.263 18.508 31. 830 1 321 oilier- rmhrac'iiKj the Kfathlical remits of the examination of 377 American-horn colored men, ^-c. — Contiimetl. HEIGHT ei AND ITNDEE 63 INCHES— Continued. 'a GlETEI OF CBKST AT EXPIRATION'. i 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. o li AGES AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1.2 •s a o -S s, o6 1 O. 05 © .£3 a CO O J3 O P « O TO a> V s n o t* O 3 ■a 1 1 AGE. 1 1 9 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2. 653 2.653 23.873 20 and under 2."i 4 4 7 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 10.610 10.610 18.568 1 1 5 1 2.653 2.653 13. 263 1 — ■ 30 and tinder 35 1 1 4 2.653 2.653 10. 610 1 2.653 1 1 2 2. 653 2.053 5.305 Total 6 6 2 o 28 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 15. 915 15.915 ■-*•-- 5.305 5.305 74.271 WEIGHT. Under 100 Eatio perl,C00accepted ' 100 and under 120 ll^lll. 1 Eatio per 1,(100 accepted 3 3 1 1 — ^ 120 and uuder 140 14 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 7.958 7.958 2. 653 2.653 37.135 140 and under 160 3 3 5 13. 263 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 100 and under 180 7.958 7.958 1 1 z ■" 1 2.653 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 180 and over .lull = = ^ — 2.653 2. 6a3 1 2.653 Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total iiri: .—-'- 0 6 = ^i^ = == == 2 ; = — . ■= 28 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . 15.915 15. 915 .5.305 .'1.305 74.271 41 322 Tablk No. 11— Sliowing the relation of height, girth of ehest and expansion of chest, to age and weight, and to each HEIGHT 63 AND TJNDEE 65 INCHES. CIUTII OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 iDches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. Si ■s a 1 o CD 1 .5 « i o 00 o .a .2 n g O "3 o H s a 4 a o 00 1 i o s 1 n o > O 1 m m ■3 .9 H rH 1 1 a O > O t •3 a n > O 3 S AGE. 3 3 ' 3 10 13 1 c 7 7. !I33 7.958 7.958 26. 525 34. 483 2.C33 15. 915 18.568 1 1 G 6 4 4 8 2.633 I'T CXt 15. 915 15.915 10. 610 10. 610 21 ""O 1 1 7 9 1 Katio per 1 000 accepted 2.653 2.653 ia568 23 873 30 and under 35 6 G 15. 915 15. 915 ^.T :niil miller jn 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.65;t 2.053 2. 653 40 and over 2 1 3 3 3 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 5.305 2.633 7.958 7.938 7.958 Total 4 A 6 17 23 1 0 27 34 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 10.610. 10.010 15.915 45. 093 61. 008 2.653 15. 915 71.618 WEIGHT. Under 100 Eatio per 1,000 examined 100 and under 120 3 3 2 6 8 2 2 Katio per 1,000 accepted 7.058 7. 958 5.305 15.915 21. 220 5.305 5.305 120 and under 140 1 1 4 9 13 6 20 26 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 2.653 10. 610 23.873 34.483 15. 915 53. 050 68.966 140 and under 160 2 2 1 5 6 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 5.305 5.305 2.653 13. 263 15. 915 IGOand under 180 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 180 and over Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total 4 4 6 17 23 1 6 27 34 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 10.610 10.610 15.915 45. 093 61. 003 2.653 15.915 71.018 90. 186 323 other; embracing the statistical results of the examination of 377 Avierican-born colored men, ^-c— Continued. HEIGHT 63 AND UNDEE 65 INCHES— Continued. a GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. i 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s AGES AND WEIGHTS. Espansion. Expansion. Expansion. MS 1 c .9 1 o > O •§ a 1 .s n s 1 00 S 1 .9 o 1 1 DO a a 6 1 £ i 1 o a 1 .3 n 1 "3 o H 1 AGE. TJnder 20 1 2 3 G 29 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2. 653 5.305 7.958 1.5. 915 70.923 1 10 11 1 1 -' 2.653 26. 525 29. 178 2.653 2.653 71.618 1 6 7 16 2.653 15. 915 18.568 1 4 5 1 1 Eatio pLT 1,000 accepted 2.653 10. 610 13.263 2. 653 2.653 31 830 35 and undtT -10 2 1 3 5 1 5.305 2. 053 7.958 1 1 2 2 2 2 Katio per 1,000 accepted . . 5.305 5.305 1. 5.305 5.305 26 525 \ Total 1 7 26 34 1 3 4 99 ■2. C53 18.568 68. 966 90. ISQ 1 2.653 7.953 10. 010 362. 599 1 "WEIGHT. Under 100 13 34.483 120 and under l-IO 1 4 19 24 64 ... |.-- Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.053 10. 610 50. 398 63. 660 169. 761 3 7 10 1 3 4 wt Eatio per 1,000 accepted 7.958 18. 568 26. 525 2.653 7.958 10. 610 58.355 180 and over Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 rZTT Total 1 7 26 34 1 3 4 99 68. 900 90. 186 2.653 7.958 10. 610 202.599 324 Table No. 11— Shoioing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to age and weight, and to each HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 67 INCHES. GIRTn OF CUEST AT EXTIKATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 1 ■3 .3 o •3 .S O o G n I 3 o H .9 .a O 0) o .a 1 O 1 o H CI i 1 .9 1 o a « 1 .a g o 1 AGE. 1 1 1 5 6 4 G 2.C53 2.653 2.653 13.263 15.915 5.305 10. 610 15 D15 1 1 2 9 11 4 G 10 2. 053 2.653 5.305 23.873 29. 178 10. CIO 15. 915 1 1 2 3 3 2.653 2. 653 5.305 7.9.58 7.958 3 1 1 2 3 Ratio per 1 000 accepted 2.653 2.653 5.305 7.958 7.958 15 915 35 and under 40 2 3 5 5.305 7. 958 1 40 and over 1 1 1 2.653 2.653 2.653 TotaJ 2 2 5 17 22 14 20 Batio per 1,000 accepted 5.305 5.3:5 13.263 45.093 58. 355 ,37. 135 53. 050 90. 186 WEIGHT. Under 100 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 Ritioper 1,000 accepted S.C53 2. 053 2. 0.53 5.305 7.958 2. C53 2.053 5.305 120 and under IJO .■ 1 1 4 14 18 8 11 19 Ratio per 1,000 aecepted 2. 653 2.653 10. 010 37. 135 47. 745 2i.220 29. 178 50.398 HO and under IGO 1 1 5 8 13 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2. 653 2.653 13.263 21.220 34.483 ICO and under 160 R;i(ioper 1 ,000 accepted 180 and over Ratio per 1,000 accepted Total 9 2 5 17 22 14 20 34 Ratio per 1 ,000 accopU'd 5.305 5.305 13. 263 45. 093 58.355 37. 135 53. 030 90. ISO 1 325 other; emhracing the statistical results of the eMminatioii o/ 377 American-lorn colored men, .|-f.— Contiuuea. ^ HEIGHT 65 AND UNDEE 67 INCHES— Continued. 9 GIETH OF CHEST AT EXPIKATION. a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. -J AGES AKD WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1-9 CO s •§ 1 o GO « .9 1 o .a o 3 5 3 o to 1 .9 C» (-> > O 1 n O 1 .a .g •3 a I 1 i •S a n u o > O •a 1 o a AGE. 1 1 14 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 2. 653 37. 135 3 9 12 1 1 35 R-itio Tier 1 000 accented 7.958 23.873 31.830 2.653 2.653 92.838 1 4 5 1 1 14 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 2.653 10.610 |13.263 2.623 2.653 == 37. 133 30 under 35 1 3 4 2 2 14 37. 135 liutio per 1 ,000 iicccpted 3.'i and under 40 2.653 2 7.958 4 10. 010 6 1 2. 6,53 1 2.653 12 31.830 Katio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over 5.305 2 2 4 10 610 Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total 8 20 1 28 1 5.305 5 13 ^^63 5.305 6 15 915 1 2. 6.53 1 2.653 93 246.064 Katio per 1,000 accepted WEIGHT. Under 100 21.220 53.050 "■ "■ 11. an 1 Katio per l,OOO.acccpted lOOandxmder liO 1 t 1 6 15. 915 Eatio per 1,000 .accepted laO and under 140 3 5 1 8 \ : 1 46 122. 016 Eatio Rer 1,000 accepted MO and under 100 7.958 5 13. 263 10 ,21.220 15 1 3 4 .1 33 87.533 Eiitio per 1,001) accepted im and under 180 13.263 26. 525 5 39. 788 5 2.653 2 2 .1 7 18. 5I» iiatio per 1,000 accepted 1^0 and over 13. 263 13. 263 1 .2.653 1 i 2. 653 1 2.653 Ealici prr 1,000 accepted . .- Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted . . . . - — 8 .21.220 20 J53. 050 -1 23 74 271 1 . 2.653 5 13. 203 6 13. 913 1 1 .'2. 6,^3 1 2.653 1 93 340. 684 326 Table No. 11— Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of cheat, to age and weight, and to each HEIGHT 67 AOTD ITNTJEK 69 INCHES. GIRTH OF CIIEST AT EXPmATlOS. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 s •3 a i o 1 a > O 1 o a .a > o CD .2 u > O S ■i .9 > o ■g a i 5 i •§ a « > O ■3 a n u o 5 ■a 1 AGE. \ 1 1 2 2 5 3 8 2.653 2.653 5. 305 5. 305 13. 263 7.958 21.220 1 1 2 2 5 5 2.G53 2.653 5.305 5.305 1 13.263 G 13.263 1 7 1 2.653 15.915 ia568 i 1 1 5 5 2.653 2.653 13. 263 13. 263 1 1 2 1 3 2.653 2.653 5. 305 j 2. 653 7.958 3 3 1 . .1 7.958 7.958 1 Total 2 2 3 3 6 8 23 31 Initio per 1,000 accepted 5. 305 s anii 7.958 7.958 15. 915 21.220 61.008 82.238 ■WEIGHT. TJiulir 100 1 ; 1 j 1 100 and under 120 1 1 i 1 2.653 2.653 1 120 aud under 110 2 2 2 2 4 4 13 10 £atio per 1,000 accepted 5.305 5.305 5.305 5.305 10. 610 10. 010 31.830 42. 440 110 and under leo 1 1 2 •t 10 It Eatiopcr 1,000 accepted 2.053 2.653 5.305 10. CIO 26.525 37. 135 100 and under 180 1 1 Eatio jier 1,000 accepted .. 1 1 1 180 and over 1 — ^ ISatio per 1,000 accepted 1 8 23 Total 2 2 3 3 0 :;i Batio per l.OCO accepted 5.305 5.305 7.958 7.958 15.915 21.920 61.008 82.228 327 other • emlracing the statistical results of the examination of 377 American-born colored men, ^c. — Continued. HEIGHT 67 AND UifDEE 69 INCHES— Continncd. u o a GIRTH OP CHEST AT EXPIUATIOK. -3 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s si AGES A^'D WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o 6 O 1 >■ o 1 i o .a o .23 O a 5 1 .g O 1 "a o B i a .3 > O s •§ a « o 00 1 n > o 1 c ■3 q 2 AGE. Under 20 2 3 s 1 3 4 20 Katio per 1,000 accepted ] 5.305 7.958 13.263 2.6.-53 7.958 0.610 1 53.050 20 and nnder 25 3 14 17 2 2 1 1 28 7.958 J7. 135 4 45. 093 4 5.305 5.305 2.653 1 2.653 74.271 23 and nnder 30 ' 1 1 12 Eatio per 1,000 accepted | 10. CIO 10. 610 2.653 2.653 31.830 30 and under 35 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 11 E.itio per 1,000 accepted 33 .and luider 40 2. 63:i 5.305 1 7.958 2.653 o 2.653 2.653 2.653 1 29.178 2 2 4 G 1 1 i:; Eatio per 1,000 accepted ' 5.305 1 5.305 10. 610 5.305 15.915 2.653 2 653 1 34.463 1 j 1 3 3 7 Eatio per 1,000 accepted |-- 2. 053 1 2. 633 7.958 7.958 1 1 18.563 Total ' 1 5 26 32 « 11 17 2 1 3 91 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 3. 653 13. 263 68. 966 ;84. 881 15.915 29. 178 45. 093 5.305 2.653 7.958 241. 379 WEIGHT. Under 100 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 100 and nnder 120 i = 1 2.653 E.itio per 1,000 accepted 120 and nnder 14U 1 1 1 1 5i 0 1 1 2 30 79. 576 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 140 and under ICO t 2.C53 5 13.263 17 22 3 6 9 47 124. 668 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 13.263 45. 093 4 |58.355 4 7.958 2 15. 915 4 G 2 1 3 13 Eatio per 1.000 accepted -1 10.610 10.610 5.305 10. 610 15.915 5.305 2.653 7. 91)8 34. 483 ISO and over i Eatio per 1,000 accepted J 1 20 32 _^ 0 17 2 1 3 '-'- 11 Total 1 5 91 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 .2.653 13. 203 - .15.915 29.178 43. 093 . 5. 305 2. 653 7.938 241. 379 1 1 328 Table No. 11 Shamiig the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to age, and weight, and to each HEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES. GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXriEATIOX. Under 20 incliea. 29 and uador 31 inches. 31 aud under 33 inches. AGES AND WEIGnXS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. - i •g a 4 a > o w J o .a o 03 .a B o .a R Sri g o .9- 6 3 o H 1 o •s .9 .-1 1 o a a O 1 .a g O ■a 1 AGE. 2 9 5.305 1 1 2 2.653 2 653 5 305 25 and under 30 1 1 2 „ " 8.653 2.653 5.3U5 5 305 2 2 Hatio per 1,000 accepted 5.305 5 305 3.'» and under 40 2 2 5. 305 5.305 . Total ' 1 1 1 9 10 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 2.053 •2.653 23.873 26.525 WEIGHT. Ratio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 — =— R.-itio per 1,000 accepted == == 120 and under 140 .-... 2 2 Ratio per 1 ,000 a<.ccptcd 5 305 5 305 110 and under ICO 1 6 7 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 15.915 18. 563 ICO and under 180 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted a 653 2.653 180 aud over - 1 I Hatio per 1 ,000 .accepted 2.653 2. 653 Total 1 1 1 9 10 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.6i3 2.653 ia.653 23.873 20.585 -— ___ 329 other; embracing the statMical reeults of the examination of 377 American-born colored men, ii'c.— Continued. HEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Continued. GIUTII OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. r3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 2 AGES AND ^VEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. ^E!xpansion. g a to u o 1 a (-1 > O CO u ct o o n <5 3 a H g i o o .g o i .3 t o .a o a n ^^ o H t.1 o o •g .3 > O i •§ a en u 1 o H 1 AGE. 1 1 3 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 2.653 2.653 7.958 20 and under 25 4 4 1 3 4 10 10.610 10. 610 2.653 7.958 10. 610 26.525 8 8 3 2 5 16 21.230 21.220 7.958 5.305 13.263 42.440 30 and under 35 2 ■1 3 1 I 1 1 7 5.305 2.633 7.958 2.653 2.653 2.653 2.653 18. 508 1 1 3 2.053 2.033 1 1 1 1 1 I a 653 •2.653 2.653 Total 3 14 17 5 6 IJ 1 I 40 7.958 37. 133 45. 0R3 13.263 15. 915 29. 178 2.653 2.653 Il06. 101 "WEIGHT. • o 1 3 5 Kalio per 1,000 accepted 5.305 2.653 7.958 13.263 1 0 7 1 2 3 17 2.653 15. 913 ia568 2.653 ."1.305 7.958 I 45. 093 100 .and under ISO 7 7 « 4 4 8 1 1 17 liatio per 1,000 accepted 18.568 18. 568 10. 610 10. 610 21. 220 2.053 2. 653 ! 45. 093 180 auil ove» 1 Ratio iier 1,000 accepted 1 2.C53 Total 3 14 17 5 6 11 1 1 1 40 7 958 37 135 43. 093 I3.2C3 1 15. 915 29. 178 2.C53 2. 653 100. 101 1 42 330 Table No. 11— Shmving the relation of ImgU, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to age and weight, and to each HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIKATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES AKD WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. % .2 ■3 H Ci o a 5 00 1 o 3 o H o ,3 a u 6 C( S-i 6 o a n (-< 1 i .a .1 .a 5 s a CI o i 3 CO u o 5 2 o H AGE. 1 2 3 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 5.305 7.958 * Total 1 2 3 Katio per 1,000 accepted . 1 2.653 5.305 7.958 WEIGHT. Under 100 100 aurt under 120 Itatio per 1,000 accepted ... 1 . ^ 120 and xiudor 140 .- Katio per t.OOO accepted 1 140 and undir IGO 1 1 a Itatio per 1,000 accepted 2.053 2.053 5.305 IGO and under 180 > 1 1 Italio per 1,000 accepted 2.053 a. 653 ==rr= ■- 180 and over Ital in prr 1 ,000 :icc<'pted 1 1 2 Tulal 1 3 ""' ■ Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 5.305 7 958 331 other; embracing the statislical rcsulls of the. examination o/ 377 Amei-iean-born colored men, 4'C- — Coutinued. HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES— Continued. u a GinTH OF CHEST AT EXTIIlAnON. a a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inclies. 37 inches and over. AGES AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1.2 i u o .a a 7-* a o O in u a 1 1 > O 3 o H 1 o 1 U O .S w .9 cl u > o .a a u > o a} •3 .3 u a 1 i •g a O .a o 1 H 3 o a 1 AGE. Under 20 1 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.053 2.653 2. 653 20 and under 25 2 2 5 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 5.305 5.305 13.263 25 and under 30 7.Z • 1 1 o 1 1 2 1 1 5 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.G53 2. 653 5. 305 2.653 2.653 5.305 2.633 2.653 13. 263 1 1 1 1 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 2.653 2.653 2.633 5.303 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 Eatio per 1,000 accepted — 5.303 5.305 j 5.305 3.305 2 633 2.653 13. 263 40 ami over 1 1 1 Eiltio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.653 2.633 2.653 Total 4 5 n 1 4 5 2 2 19 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted |l0.610 13.263 23.873 2.653 10. 010 13. 263 5.305 5.303 50.398 WEIGHT. Under 100 r.alio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 130 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 120 and under 140 llllL 1 i 1 - 1 Ealio per 1,000 .icceptcd 2.653 2.653 1 2.653 140 and under 100 2 3 5 " 7 18. 568 Kaliii per 1,000 accepted 100 and under ISO 5.305 1 7.038 1 13.263 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 6 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 180 and over ^'-^ 1 2. 653 2. 653 1 5.305 1 1 1 5.305 2 1 5.305 3 1 1 5 13. 263 Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted 4 10. 610 2.653 5 13.263 2.053 9 23. 873 1 2.633 1 2.633 5. 305 1 7. 958 4 5 10.610 |13.203 2 5.305 2 5.305 19 50. 398 332 Table No. 11— Showiixj the nlalioii of IwUjlit, tjii-lli of cheal and expansion of chest, to age and toeigU, and to each HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER. CIBTn OF CHEST AT EXnilATlON. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. AGES AND WEIGHTS. Expausion. Expansion. Expansion. i S 1 4 a a 1 CO > O 1 o .a .1 .3 1-H > o .a > o -a o a n o > O o H — o o r=3 a > O oi o ■3 P CI g o o a n s- o ■a AGE. Under 20 1 1 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 2. 053 2.653 Katio per 1,000 accepted Total ' ' 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.653 2.653 WEIGHT. Under 100 100 .md under 120 r.atio per 1,000 accepted I'JO .md uiidci' MO ; Katio por 1 ,000 accepted 140 and under lUO Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 100 and undir Ifrn 1 1 Ital io ptr 1,000 accepted 8.653 ■ •* 180 and (tviT • Italiu pir 1 ,000 accepted Total 1 Itatio i)er 1,000 accepted 2.053 2. (;.".3 333 olhcr; cmhracniy the ulathlica! resulln of llie eraminalion of 377 Americati-lorn colored men, .fr.— Continued. • HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVERr-Continued. i i □9 o o •§ .9 n u « ■3 1 1 1 > o s •g 0 CI g o ■§ •9 n o & •3 1 la .a 1 o i ■3 .5 « > o o o •S n ID o 3 AGE. Under 20 1 78 a. 053 206.897 • 115 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1 000 accepted 2.653 2. 6.-)3 a. 653 135 279 1 1 1 id a. 053 a. 653 2.653 106.101 * Ratio per 1 000 accepted 06. 313 Total 1 1 1 1 3 377 - a. 053 3.053 2.MJ33 ■■• O-t:! 7.938 l.COO WEIGHT. Under 100 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 29 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 76.923 102 429. 708 1 131 1 Ratio per 1.000 accepted 1 1 347. 480 ICO and under 180 1 1 1 1 3 47 Ratio per 1,000 accepted a. 053 2.C53 1 a. 053 2.053 7.958 124. 063 180 and over 8 1 1 21,220 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I i 3 Total 377 2.G53 'n fif;3 2.053 7.958 1,000 1 "" 1 TA.BLE ISIO. 12, THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GIRTH OF CHEST, EXPANSION OF CHEST, COMPLEXION, AGE, AND WEIGHT. BRITISH -AMERICANS ACCEPTED. 336 Tablf, No. V2—ShoKing Iherelalion of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, and to each other; HEIGHT UNDEK 61 IXCHES. GIBTII OF CHEST AT E.XPIBATIOS. Under 20 inches. S9 anil under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPI.KXTONS, AGES, AXl) WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i i "3 .5 o a > o t C O 1 6 i O a a 1 o o •§ .5 CI s o c o a i o 1 t-, o •3 R £3 g > o 1 t-, O •§ a CO u o > O t S LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 1.698 1.698 DAEK COMPLEXIOK. }^tio per 1 000 accepted . . Total 1 1 1 .. .. 1 1.698 1.698 ' *■ AGE. ITnder SO I 1 1.698 1.698 20 and under 25 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 25 and under 30 j 1 K.-itio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 - ■ ' 1 30 and under 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 35 and under 40 1 ■ ; 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 ■10 and over 1 1 ] 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 — ' — 1 Total 1 1 Batio per 1,000 accepted 1 1.698 1.698 WEIGHT. Under 100 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1- 100 and under 120 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.603 1.698 120 and under 140 ■ Eatio per 1,000 accepted 140 and under ICO "... Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 ! Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 ! 180 and or^ 1 1 • 1 Ratio per Vooo accepted 1 1 j 1 : T«tal..\ .j 1 1 ii 1 1 1 Eatio per l,0o\acccpted 1 1 1 COS 1 ' * '^^^ jrr\ 1 i i 337 cmhmclnij tlu slatisiical results of the examinatioH o/589 British Americans f omul fit Jor service in the armies of the Viiitcd Slates. HEIGHT UNDER 01 INCHES— Continucil. 1 GIIITII OF CHEST AT EXriliATIOX. a 3 33 aiul nudcr 35 incbcs. 35 ana under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 1 COMI'I.EXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansioii. Expansion. ExpausioD. •a 1 i i ■S a 1 o S •3 .a > o 1 rt o H -a o a 6 OS 1 B c» > O 1 n u 1 3 o 1 i a 1 s a w 1 1 n t- o 6 o a O LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 " "1 1 1 1 - -.1 1 .1 1 1 1 69ti DAllK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; darU hair 1 1 1 ' 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.G98 AGK. TTiuh-r '^0 1 1 1 1 .. 1 1.G98 20 aud umler 23 1 ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 .. . 1 .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 . ...1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 j 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1- 1 1 i Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.C98 ■* ■WEIGHT. 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.C98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ...1 1 1 . .1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 r--i 1 ^^ 1 1 1 1 1 1.69a 1 I 1 43 388 Taiii.k N". l-i—Slioirifiij the relalioii of Iwiijlil, girlli of ilusi and expansion of chest, to cmnplexion, age,attd iceight, HEIGHT 01 AND UNDER 03 INCHES. OIRTII OF CHEST AT EXnit,\TIOX. Under 29 incbca. 29 and under 31 inclie.s. 31 anil under 33 incbes. COMPLEXIONS, ACES, A.NU WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 09 QD i ■3 a t- > O 1 1 O s n o 1 m a: it i 1 i a i o j '6 i .a o a n s > o 1 X •3 u o .a o 6 a n z 6 3 LIGHT COMPLEXIOX. 1 5 6 1 2 3 1.C98 8.489 10. 187 1.698 3.396 DARK COMPLEXION". 4 4 * 4 0.791 6.791 0.791 D.7D1 1 9 10 1 6 Hatio per 1 000 accoptod 1.698 15.280 16. 978 1.098 10. 187 11 885 AGE. Uuder SO 1 2 3 1 I 1.698 3.396 5.093 1. 698 G 6 1 2 3 " 10. 187 10. 187 1.698 3.396 25 and undev 30 1 1 3 3 liatio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.098 1.698 5.093 5 01)3 liatio per 1,000 accepted .. . 35 and under 40 . Ratio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over Itatio per 1,000 accepted • Total 1 9 10 1 6 Katiii per 1 ,000 accepted i.eup 15.280 10. 978 I.6U8 10. 187 11.&S5 WEIGUT. UmU-r 100 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 100 and under 125 .' 5 5 1 2 liatio per 1,000 accepted 8. 483 8.489 1.698 3.396 ISO anil under 140 1 4 5 4 JIaliu pur 1,000 accepted 1.098 G.791 8.489 6. 7!tl 0.701 140 and under IGO lialio per 1,00;) accepted ICO and under ISO Ilatio per 1.000 accepted — = Ifc'O and over ... — Itjitio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 Toua 1 9 10 1 6 T lialio jicr 1,000 accepted 1.C98 15.280 16. 978 1.G98 10. If^ 11 iSo 339 ami to each olhtr ; embntdiig Hit slatislical resulla of the cxammatioii of 589 British Americam, 4'C. — Continued. HEIGHT CI a:ND UNDER C3 INCHES— Continaed. GIUTU OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. a 33 aud under 35 iuches. 35 and uudor 37 inclies. 37 inches and over. rOlICLKXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Espansiou. o 3 O .£ 1-1 U o > O 5 2 p en g O 3 1 n .a a i- v 6 i .a 1 > o t a CO o O "3 o H o o ■§ •§ i o 1 9 6 1 o a 1 o s o p o LIliHT COMI'LEXIOX. 9 llatio jKT 1,0 0 acceiitcd 15.2S0 DARK COMPLEXION. Black (jr liazel eyes; dark liair. 1 1 2 10 1 Katio pL-r 1,000 accepted . 698 1. 093 1 3. 396 1 1 16.978 Total = =: 1 1 2 19 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 3.396 32.238 AGE. Under 20 4 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 6.791 ■- f r 10 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 16. 978 25 aBd under 30 4 6.791 30 and under 35 =~= ^ 1 1 == 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 1. 698 1.698 27^ and under 4!) Ratio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over -■-— Ratio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 1 o 19 Ratio per l.OOJ accepted 1.698 i.6r8 3.390 32.238 WEIGHT. Undir 100 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 1 8 Ritio per 1,000 accepted 120 and under 140 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1.698 1 1 1.098 1 13.5S2 10 10. 978 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . . 160 and uudcr ISO Katio per 1,000 accepted IbOausl over Katio per 1,000 accepted Total Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 . 1. 698 1.698 1 1.698 1.698 2 3.3% = .:z:i ^_^ -.=^^^^ 1.698 19 . 32.258 340 r.Mil.i- N". ViShoiriHij llir irlnlion of hUjUl, i/iilli of (7(is( ami txpansion of clirsl, to completion, aijc, and weighty- HEIGHT 03 AKD UNDER 65 INCHES. GIUTII OF CHEST AT F.XPIR.4TI0X. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND wEicnxs. Expansion. Expansion. Sxpansion. i -a .5 1 .a u a CI u o > O 1 a n « o o i o .2 1 o o CI > a, o a n O "3 o S i 1 1 6 ct ? 5 00 1 6 "3 1 LIGHT COMPLEXIOX. 2 16 18 2 15 17 3.396 27.1C5 30.560 3.396 25.407 28.862 DARK COMPLEXION Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. . . o o 7 7 8 15 23 3.390 3. 39C 11.885 11.885 13.582 25.467 39 049 Total 2 2 2 23 25 10 30 40 3.39C 3.3% 3.396 39. 049 41 445 10.978 50.934 07. 912 AGE. 8 8 2 5 7 13.582 13. 582 3.396 8.489 11.885 1 1 1 12 13 6 11 17 1.C98 1. C98 1.698 20.374 22.071 10. 187 18. 670 28.862 . £5 ami under 30 1 1 1 2 3 1 8 9 1.C98 1.098 1.698 •A H'lfi 5.093 1.698 13.582 13.280 30 and nndor 35 1 5 6 Ratio per 1,COO accepted 1. 698 8.489 10.187 35 and nnder 40 1 1 1 1 1.C98 1.098 1.098 1.698 Ratio per 1,000 accepted . TotiU 2 2 2 1 23 25 10 30 40 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 3.390 3.390 3. -396 1 .39. 049 42. 445 16. 978 50.934 07. 912 . _ _ ■WEIGHT. Under 100 2 2 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 _ 3.396 3.390 , 100 and nnder 120 1 1 1 7 8 3 G 9 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.098 l.COS 1.698 11.885 13. 583 5.093 10. 187 15.280 120 and under 140 1 1 1 1 11 12 7 21 28 liatio per 1,000 accepted 1.C98 1.608 1.698 18.676 20. 374 11.8«5 35.054 47.538 HO and nnder ICO 2 i~ 3 3 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 3.396 3.390 5.093 5.093 ICO and under 180 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted ^^^j^j--_ — 1.698 1.698 Ratio per 1,000 accepted Total 3 S 2 23 25 10 30 4C Ratio per 1,000 accepted ... 3.39G 3. 390 3.396 39.049 42.445 16.978 50.934 67 91^ 341 and to each oilier; cmhracing the statistical results of the cxamiiuition of 580 British Amcrieaiis, 4c. — Coutinucd. HEIGHT 03 AND UNDEE 05 INCHES— Continued. c- CIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIUATION. •3 a 33 and under 35 inclics. 35 and under 37 inclics. 37 inches and over. s ■^ as COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. II S3 3D i •3 1 P 5 m a o a n O 5 o t4 o .a a 1 > o V a ct (- 5 o p £ i o 1 i 6 0) o .a > O .2 n o o H O a n 6 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 4 4 0 , . 1 44 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 0.791 C.701 13.582 1.098 1.698 14. 70:j DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or bazel eyes ; dark hair. 3 G 9 1 1 4-2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 5.093 10.187 15.280 1.C98 1.698 71.307 Total 7 10 17 2 2 86 Eatio per 1,000 accepted AGE. Under 20 11. 885 1 16. 978 1 2a 862 2 ~~^ 17 Eatio per 1,000 accepted l.'C98 1.098 3.390 28.862 20 and under 25 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 4 e.791 5 8.489 9 15.280 2 3.396 3.39G 71.307 25 and under 30 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 30 and under 35 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 35 and under 40 ^^^^ 1 1.698 1 1 1.098 2 3.390 1 mini 22.071 8 13.582 3 5 093 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 40 and over Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted ■WEIGHT. Under 100 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. .'. . . 120 and under 140 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 140 and underlCO Eatio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 180 Eatio per 1,000 .accepted 180 and over Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.098 7 11.885 G 10. 187 1 1.098 7 11. 885 3 3.093 10 10. 978 4 6.791 6 10. 187 1 10 16. 978 1.698 3 5.093 17 28. 863 10 16. 978 7 11.885 17 28.862 2 3.396 1 1.C98 1 1.698 2 3.396 2 3. 390 1 1.G98 1 1.698 o 3. 396 — 3 5.093 8G 14G. 010 2 .3.396 18 30. 500 52 83.285 13 22.071 1 1.698 86 HG. 010 342 Tai;I-I': No. 1-'— S/'Oiriiip lliv nialioii of hdijhi. ijirth of thmt and crpatmoii of chest, to covt])lexion, age, avd uiUiht, HIIIGHT G 5 AND UNDER 07 INCHES. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. IJnder 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AKD WElGUlS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. J .5 1 •=1 u i- 5 o o 1 1 s o i c .3 £ M 5 1 1 3 .a o 5 OS 5 n 5 LISHT COMPLEXION. ■i 3 5 15 SO 8 24 .■xoga 5.093 8.489 25.467 33. 950 13. 582 40. 747 54 329 DAEK COMPLEXION. a 15 17 11 27 3.396 25.467 28.862 18. 676 45. 840 64 516 3 3 7 30 37 19 51 70 5.093 5.093 11.885 50. 934 62.818 33.258 86.587 AGE. TTndor 20 1 1 1 10 11 3 5 g 1.698 1.698 1.698 10. 978 18. 676 5.093 8.489 13.582 o 2 6 14 20 14 27 Ivatio iier 1,000 accepted 3.396 3.396 10. 187 23.769 33.956 23. 7C9 45. 840 69 610 25 aod under 30 3 3 1 9 10 ,. . . 5.093 5.093 1.698 15.280 16. 978 30 aod under 35 2 2 6 6 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 3.396 3.396 10. 187 10 187 35 and under 40 1 1 2 ., . 1.698 1.698 1 1 3 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 5.093 5.093 Total 3 3 7 30 37 19 51 70 llatin per 1,000 accepted 5.093 5.093 11. 8.85 50. 934 62.818 32.258 86.587 WEIGUT. Under 100 Ratio inT 1,000 accepted 1 100 and under 120 1 1 2 3 5 a _ - Itatio per 1 ,1100 accepted 1.698 1.698 3.396 5.093 8.489 3.396 3.396 120 and under 140 ~ 2 2 5 25 30 15 41 lUtiii per l,OaO accepted 3.390 J. 390 8.469 42. 445 50. 934 25.467 69. 610 140 and under IGO 2 2 1 10 Kalio i)er 1,0110 acceptwl 3.396 3.396 1.698 16.978 18. 076 ICO and under 180 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accoptod 1.698 1.693 — . - — E.ati" pi'r 1,000 .iccepted 3 3 7 30 37 19 1 51 70 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted is. 093 1 5.093 11.885 50. 934 62. 818 32.258 86. 587 lia 846 1 1 343 and to each othei'; embracing the ulatistical resultg of the examination of 589 British Americans, ^c. — Continued. HEIGHT 65 ANT> UNDER 67 INCHES— Continued. IS i a GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. in COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expan.sion. 1.3 i-t to CI 1 55 ■U > o 1 O .2 f O en CI o 2 a n u o O -J a o H 1 D .3 '•J 6 .a CI 5 5 1 2 a LIGHT COMPLEXION. 13 20 33 2 3 5 - 1 1 2 95 22.071 33.9;« 56. 027 3.396 5.093 8.489 1.698 1.698 3.396 161. 200 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes j dark hair . 9 17 26 2 2 4 1 1 2 87 15. 2S0 28. 862 44. 143 3.396 3.396 6.791 1.698 1.698 3.396 147. 708 22 37 59 4 5 9 2 2 4 182 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 37. 351 62. 818 io;j.i70 6.791 8.489 15. 380 3.390 3.396 6.791 308. 998 AGE. 5 2 7 1 1 28 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 8.489 3.396 11. 8e5 1 1.698 1.098 47.538 7 21 28- 2 1 3 94 . . . _ Ratio per 1,000 accepted 11. 885 35. 654 47. 538 1 3.396 1.698 5.093 159. 593 25 and under 30 7 6 13 2 2 23 Etitin per 1,000 accepted 11.885 10. 187 22.1.71 1 3. .396 3.396 ...*.. 47.538 30 and under 35 2 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 18 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 3.396 10. 187 13. 582 1 1 1.698 1.698 1.698 1.698 30.560 1 2 3 2 1 3 8 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 3. 3911 5. 093 3.396 1.698 5.093 13.582 40 ami over 1 2 2 6 3.396 5 3.396 9 10. 187 2 2 4 Total 22 37 59 1 4 182 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 37. 351 62. 818 100.170 6.791 8.489 15.280 3.396 3.396 0. 791 .308. 998 WEIGHT. Under 100 100 and under 123 1 1 a Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 1. 698 1.698 15.280 120 and under 140 14 IG 30 1 1 1 1 120 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 23.769 27. 165 50. 934 1.698 1.698 1.698 1.698 203. 735 140 and under ICO 0 20 26 3 4 7 2 2 4S Eatio per 1,000 accepted 160 and under 180 10. 187 1 33. 9.56 1 44. 143 2 5.093 0.791 1 11.885 1 3.396 ,3. 396 81. 494 4 6.791 Eatio per 1,000 accepted ISO and over Eatio per 1,000 accepted ■^^^ 1.698 1.698 1 1.698 1 1.698 4 1 1.698 182 Total 37. 351 37 62. 818 50 100.170 6.791 8.489 15.280 3.390 3.396 6.791 308. 998 Entio per 1,000 accepted 344 Taiilk No. 12— Showing the relation of height, girth of chcM and crpanmon of rhcst, to complexion, age, and weight, HEIGHT 07 AND CNDEE CO IXCHES. GIRTH OF CIIEST AT EXPIRATIO.N. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXION'S, AGES, AHD WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. S o a 4 I 1 CJ - O V .3 CO o 1 i .9 .a o a u 6 s ■3 a CI 5 •s a 6 ■3 i .a a O 1 a t-, g o •§ a CO u o > o C3 O H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 12 13 7 29 36 1.C98 20. 374 22.071 11.885 49.236 01. 121 DAr.K COMPLEXION. 1 1 1 12 13 3 3.) :;(j 1.C98 1.098 J1.G98 20. 374 22. 071 5.093 56. 027 61 121 1 1 1 1 1 24 20 10 G2 1 72 l^tio per 1 000 accepted 1.698 1.698 1.698 1.698 40. 747 44. 143 10. 978 105 2G3 j 122 241 AGE. 1 7 8 2 10 12 1.698 11. 885 13. 582 3.396 16.978 20 and under 25 , 1 12 13 7 33 40 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.008 20.374 22.071 11. 885 50. 027 67 912 1 1 5 5 10 Batio per 1,000 accepted ...t .- 1.698 1.698 8.489 8.489 10. 078 10 978 30 and under 35 ■ 1 0 7 Itatio per 1,000 accepted 1. G98 10. 187 ' ' 35 and nnder 40 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.098 40 and over 2 Eatio per 1,080 accepted 3.396 1 1 Total 1 1 24 2G 10 02 72 ' Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.G98 1.G98 1.698 1.698 40. 747 44. 143 16. 978 105. 203 1 122. 241 •WEIGHT. Under 100 Katio per 1 ,C00 examined ■ 100 and imder 120 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.098 1.G89 120 and under 110 1 1 1 21 22 8 31 39 Itatio per 1,000 ■icccj)tcd I. 088 1.098 1.698 35. 054 37. 351 1 13. 082 52. 032 00.214 140 and under IGO 3 3 1 o 29 31 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 5.093 5. 093 I 3.396 49.230 2 5i 032 IfiOand under ISO 2 Eatio per 1,000 accei>tcd 1 1 1 3.396 3.39G 160 and over ^= 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 Entio per 1,000 accepted 1 1.698 1 1.698 1 1.098 1 1.698 24 40. 747 26 44. in 10 IC. 978 02 105. 203 72 123.241 345 and to each other; embracing the statistical results of the eiaminalioit of 589 British Americans, .Jr. — Continued. HEIGHT 07 AND UNDEE 69 INCHES— Continued. 1 s r3 a a GIRTH OF CHKST AT EXMllATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 3 5 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 0 COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o .9 a u g o Gt > o s .5 CO 5 1 a '0 .9 u > 0 1 .3 g 0 0 0 i SI u 0 5 00 1 .2 n > 0 ■a a 1 3 ■a 0 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 9 0-. 3-3 9 10 19 1 1 101 1 -- 1 ' 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted •>-l»J 39. 049 54. 329 | 1 15.2P0 10.97S L 2.258 .6!)8 1.698 171.477 DARK COMRLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair. 5 25 30 2 5 7 0 2 89 Ratio perl,000 accepted 8.489 42. 445 |. )0. 934 3.396 8.489 |ll.885 3. 39G 1 3. 390 51. 104 14 48 62 11 15 1 26 1 2| 3 190 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 33.709 81.494 1 05.263 18. 670 J25. 407 | 14. 143 1.689 3.396 5.093 322 581 AGE. 1 C 7 1 0 3 30 Ratio per 1,C00 acn-ptetl 1.C98 10.187 |1 1.885 1 1 1.C98 3.396 5.093 1 50. 934 G 17 1 23 1 2 8 10 1 86 1 1 Ratio per 1.000 accepted 10.187 28.802 39.049 1 1 3.30G |l.X582 IC. 978 .1 140.010 5 1 20 1 25 1 6 1 3 9 M 1 1 51 liatio per 1 ,0C0 accepted 8.489 1 33.950 |42. 445. 1 [10. 187 1 5. 093 1 M ' 15. 280 2 ■ 1.098 j 1 1.098 86.587 ■A 1 4 1 r 1 1 1 14 1 , _ 1 1 Pv.itio per 1,000 acceptcil 1 l.CilB 5.C93 1 0.791 1 1 1.098 1 1-098 3.350 1.698 j 1.058 23. 769 1 1 1 1| 2 1 1 1 1 M > 5 I!at io per 1,000 accepted t 1.C98 1. C98 1 3. 390 ; 1 1 1 1.C98 1.098 il.098 1 1.698 8.489 ■ID and over -- 1 1 ! 1 M 1 --! 1 4 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.098 1 1.098 1 1 1.698 1 1.0U8 1 1 0.791 1 1 3 Total 14 48 1 02 1 1 " 1 '5 26 i| 2 190 Katio per 1,0C0 accepted 23. 769 81. 494 105.203 1 |18.C7G 25.407 44. 143 1.698 3.396 5.093 322. 581 WEIGHT. TJuder 100 Entio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 ! 100 and under 120 71 1 1 1 1 '. 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . . . 1 20 J 1 1 ! 1 1.098 120 and under 140 I) 28 I..--1 • 2| 1 3 1 1 91 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 10. 187 8 |33. S5G 1 23' 44. 143 1 1 . 3. 390 1 1. C'.)8 5.0D3 1 1 154. 4S9 140 and under 100 31 .1 9 10 19 1 1 1 1 i 2 ?6 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .| 13. 582 |39.049 52. 033 1 .j |15.280 jlO.978 32.253 Il69S 1.698 3.396 1 ' 1 III 1 140.010 11 ICO and under 180 Eatio per 1.000 accepted U'O and over 1 " .| 1 (i.791 -1 1 1 4 6.791 1 I-- •' 1 1 < .| 1 1 6.791 -1 1 1 6.791 -^^^ 1 1 '1 . ......11.698 1 1.098 1 i 1 1 ID. 070 1 1 698 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . .. Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted ■1 .| 1.C98 14 1 48 L693 62 105.26 J-- -1 1 •1 1 •1 " 1 13 |18 670 Is.'.. 467 20 44. 143 1 ' . 1 ! . 91 3 . 1. 698 |3. 396 i 5. 093 190 322. 531 1 1 1 1 1 44 316 Taiii.k No. V2—Sliowinii the relation of height, flirth of eheKt and expansion of clicat, to complexion, age, and weight, HEIGHT 09 AND UNDER 71 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHKST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMI'I.KXIOXS, ACES, AND WJilGUTS. Expansion. Expanftion. Expansion. i i 1 .a u B o 1 C( s o g •§ a i 1 o u a .a O a O 1 G n c rt ^ o •g i a o > O S a Gl 1 s •g .5 n g o •a LIGHT COMPLEXION. 8 8 s 11 16 Itat io per 1,000 accepted 13.582 13.582 a 489 ia676 27.165 DAKK COMPLEXION. 1 1 2 2 11 13 Ratio jwr 1,000 accepted 1.689 1.689 3.396 a 396 1 18.076 22.071 1 9 10 7 22 29 Ratio pel- 1,000 accepted 1.698 15.280 10. 978 11. 885 j 37. 331 49.236 AGE. Uiidfir 20 5 5 o 2 8.489 8.489 3.396 1 3.396 3 3 5 1 13 18 Itutiu per 1 ,000 accepted 5.093 5.093 8.489 1 ^.071 30. 500 1 1 5 5 1.098 J. 698 1 8.489 8.4S9 1 1 4 4 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.098 1.093 ) 6.791 6.791 -j^-r^ 1 1 1 i i 1. Katio per 1.000 accepted 1 • Total 1 9 10 1 7 22 29 . .. [ Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 15.280 16. 978 11. 885 37. 351 49. 236 WKIGHT. UuderiOu llatio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 100 and under 120 .- 1 1 1 i Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.698 1.098 1 1-20 and under 140 1 6 7 1 5 12 17 1 Ratio p/ hiifjlit, girth of and exjyansiou of cliiitt, to complexion, age, and weiglit, HEIGHT 71 AND TTNDEE 73 INCHES. GIRTH OF CUEST AT E.'tPIRATIOX. tTuder 29 inclies. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPI.EXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Exi)ansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 o S •3 a « 5 CO « o > O 1 o 1 ■3 i o ^1 o5 2 .2 o O 1 i t-, c a 1 1 o a 1 .2 n 5 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. » . 1 4 5 1 1.698 0.791 1 8.489 DAKK COMPLEXION. 4 4 0.791 G. 791 Total 1 8 9 1.098 13.5S2 15.280 AGE. TluderSO — 1 4 h Ivutio per 1,000 accepted 1. C98 0.791 b 469 23 and under 30 . .3 3 5.093 5.C93 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.C98 1 698 35 and under 40 Katio per 1,000 accepted Eatio per 1,000 accoptid Total 1 8 9 Kalio per 1,000 accepted 1.098 13. 582 13.280 •WEIGHT. Under 100 [ Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 100 .-lud under 120 ,.. = 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 120 and under 140 ■ M 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.C98 140 and under ICO • 1 ^ Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 11. 885 11. 885 100 and under 180 1 1 1 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 1 1.C98 1.698 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1... 1 1 1 Total 1 :== :-. ::ii— 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 1.69S 1 13.582 1.S.280 1 1 i 349 mid to each otlur ; emhrmhig the slalMicul irsitll^ of the ej-amiiialion of hf'i) Drilixh Jmcricans, 4c.— Confmuvd. HEIGHT Tl AND UNDER 73 rNCHES-Coutiiiucd. 3 n GlRTIt OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. f'0^fPT.FTTO'VR AOKS 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 anil under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. ti * AKD WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 1 t 6 to 1 n o o 3 o H o 1 o a u o o •g .9 CI tl 9 O a n ? O •3 1 i "3 .5 i- 9 6 O .5 u 5 o O a O LIGHT COMPLEXION. ■ 0 6 2 2 1 14 Katio per 1,000 accepted 10. 187 1 10. 187 3. 30{i 1. 390 1.698 1.698 23.769 DAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. Uatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1.698 1 1.C98 2 3. 390 1 1-f.Ort 1 1. 698 7 Total i 1 7 8 3 3 1 1 21 Hatio per 1,000 accepted 1.C98 11. 885 13.583 5.093 5.093 -. 1.698 1.698 AGE. TTmler20 Katio per 1,000 accepted- ... 1 1 1 20 and imclev STi 1 3 4 3 3 1 1 13 1.698 5.093 6.791 ...'-■:. 5.093 1.C9S 1.098 22. 071 25 and under 30 1 1 1 1 4 t Eatioperl,OGO accepted 1 1.698 1.698 1 6.791 1 50 and under 35 1 2 o l. 3 1 "" Katio per 1.000 accepted 1 3.390 3.396 1 5.092 = 35 and under 40 1 1 1 - Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 40 and over 1 1 ■. 1 1 i 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted ... 1 1.698 1.698 1 698 Total 1 7 8 3 3 1 1 o^ Katio per 1,000 acceptfd 1.698 11. 885 13. 582 5.093 5.093 1.G98 1.698 35 6 "14 ■WEIGHT. Under 100 1 00 and under 120 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 120 and under 140 1 1 2 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 3.396 140 and under IGO 3 3 10 Katio per 1,000 accepted 5. 093 5. 093 16. 978 .. IGO and under 180 1 3 4 3 3 8 i.ces 5. 093 6. 791 5.093 5.093 1 13.582 180 and over... 1 1 1 ' 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1.698 1 1.698 1.698 1 Total 1 7 8 3 3 1 1 ' 21 1 1.698 11.885 13.582 5.093 5.093 1.698 1.698 33.654 350 TaW-E No. 12— Showing the relation of height, girth of niiil exjiiuisiuii ofehest, to eomplejcion, age, aud uright, HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER. GUCTH OF CHEST AT E.'CFIUATION. Under 29 inches. 29 aud under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. cS to S o ■3 a a i o « o a: a n u t o 1 1 O 1 .d 1 1-1 o i a « u 5 i .9 cz u o & ■3 .£ ■a u .9 6 o 5 ;:: s 6 o H LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair 1 1 Katio per 1,000 acceptoil 1. rm 1 1. COS DARK COMPLEXION. — — ^=— 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 AGE. Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 ^ 1.698 1.698 Ratio oer 1 000 acceotod . Katio per 1,000 aecepted Total - 1 1 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 WKIGHT. Unilcr 100 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 acccptcil 100 and umlor 120 .'... Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 120 mi\ under HO Ratio per 1,000 accepted = 1 HO and under ICO 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 .iecei)tcd 1.698 1 698 100 and under 180 Ratio pir 1,000 accepted IHO and over - ^=. Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted T.ilal 1 Ratio i)er 1,00;) iicceptod 1. 6!»9 1 n9>s 351 and to each other; emhracmg the slatistical resvlls of the examination of 589 British Americans, ^c. — Continued. HEIGHT 13 INCHES AND OVEE-Continued. 1 o •§ a m % o 1 i © a •3 .S o •g .a O W o ,S o .9 O > o 1 o a u o i CO a 3 a a a a LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 1 1 3 1.698 1.698 1.698 1.698 5. 093 538 200 DAIIK COMPLEXION. 272 461. 800 1 1 1 1 3 589 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 1.698 1.698 5.093 1,000 AGE. 93 157. 895 1 1 1 1 2 287 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.098 1.698 3.396 487.267 1 1 , .. 1 120 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 1.698 203. 735 1 52 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 88.285 1 20 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 33.956 40 and over 17 1 28.862 1 1 3 Total 1 1 sea Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.698 1.698 1.698 1.698 ->. 093 1,000 WEIGHT. Under 100 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 3.396 100 and under 120 38 Katio per 1,000 accepted -L_ —-= 64. 516 120 and under HO Eatio per 1,000 accepted . . . '-^^ 1 516. 129 140 aud under IGO , 1 1 198 ~r 1 1.698 336. 163 IGOaud under 180 Eatio per 1,000 accepted mil I 1.698 r 1.698 1 1.698 1 1.698 2 3.396 41 69. 610 ISO aud over Eatio per 1,000 accepted 6 10.187 Total 1 1.698 1 1.698 1 1.698 1 1.698 5.093 1,000 1 T^BLE NO. 13, THE RELATION OF HEIGHT, GIRTH OF CHEST. EXPANSION OF CHEST, COMPLEXION, AGE, AND WEIGHT. I, ^iV^l^, ENGLISflMEN ACCEPTED. 45 354 T.M'.i.K Ni>. r.\—Slioniii{i the rdalioii of hight, giiih uf dust and ci})aiisioii vf chest, to complexion, age, aud might, uiid to each HEIGHT UNDER 61 INCHES. GIKTII OF CHEST AT EXTIBATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and nnder 33 inches. COMPI.KXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Espausion. Expans ion. S o 1 l-t 1 t4 o 1 CI 6 i -S p o i 6 CJ .a c .5 u o 6 -a .2 6 o % a "3 o > O i .s CI DC p O LIGUT COJIPLEXIOX. 1 1 o 1 1 a 203 2.203 4. AQTi dai:k complexion. 1 ' 1 1 o Katio nor 1 000 acceotetl 2. 203 2. 203 4.4Qj AGE. 1 1 Si I^tio ner 1 000 accented 2.203 2.203 4 403 1 . 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted. 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 35 and nnder 40 Satio per 1,000 accepted Hatio per 1,000 accepted = Total 1 1 ' Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 2.203 4. 405 WEIGHT. Under 100 < Katio per 1 .000 accepted 1 1 100 and under 120 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 ""■ — 120 and under 140 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.203 2.203 140 and under ICO 1 — 1 1 ; Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 ICO and under 180 llatio per l,0:o accepted 1 1 1 ........ ■ : ■ 1 liatio iM>r 1,000 accepted 1 ♦- Tutivl 1 1 r..iliei iiir 1,000 accepted 2.203 2. '-03 355 otha-; cmlracing the stalisllcal results of the amnimil'mi o/4l.4 Enijlhhmai found fU for sarke in the armies of ihcUnited Stuics. HEIGHT UNDER 61 INCHES— Continued. i GIliTII or CHEST AT EXPIKATIOX. a 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 1 O 00 a Over 3 inolies. Total. i i a 1 -S > o i a n o 1 1 .a u a 1 .a a* 1 a n a a o a 1 UGHT COMPLEXION. ■Rlne or erav eves : li;;lit bair. - ...... .. -5,. a' li.itio per 1,000 accepted !. 1 1 1 1 1 4.405 DAEK COMPLEXION. 1 I Itatio per 1,000 accoptotl 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 ■ ■ t ! 1 1 1 1 2 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 4.405 AGE. 1 ! ! I 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 j 4. 405 1 ! ! 1 1 i 1 1 .1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 2j and iiuder 'SO i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 ruvtio per 1,000 accepted ^tOand under 35 1 1 1 ' ' i 1 ■ .^^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 35 and under 40 1 ' 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ^^---^^ i 1 1 1 II II Katio per 1,000 accepted 40 .ind over Katio per 1,000 accepted ■ 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 : -:-| ! i 1 ! ! 1 1 Total 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' ! 1 1 4.405 ATEIGHT. UiiderlOO P^tio per 1,000 accepted. . . . 100 .and under 120 lUatio per 1,000 accepted.:.- laOaud under IJO Eatio per 1,000 accepted 140 and under 100 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 180 Eatio per 1,000 accepted ItO and over Eatio per 1.000 accepted. . . Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . i ■! 1 1 .J 1 1 I iimi 1 1 1 __j 1 1 1 1 1 ' ; 1 1 1 ......1 1 1 1 1 1-- 1 1 1 i ■ 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 ! -i -1 J 'i 1 ■| -! 1 1 1 .! 2.203 ■1 1 .[ 2.203 "1 •1 ■1 ■1 -1 -i -1 2 4. 405 35G Tuii.i; X<>. l■^—Sholnllg Ihe t\hilhi) of hihjhl. yirlh »f and cjcpamioii nf chest, to complexion, age, and weight. HEIGHT CI AND UNDER 63 INCHES. GIIITH OF CHEST AT EXl'IU.VMOX. Under 29 inclies. 29 and under 31 iaches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AXD WEIGHTS. ^Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i ■g .9 u 5 1 .5 u o 1 00 i 1-« "3 i 5 V « o > O 1 .2 rs S-i o ■3 . 1 CD a ■3 a Eh 1 1 CI O CO V n n 'I o •3 LIGHT COMPLEXIOy. 1 o 1 3 o 4 G Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 1 2.203 4.405 2.203 0.008 4.405 8.811 13. aiii DAKK COMPLEXION. 1 1 3 4 2 1 :t llalio per 1,000 accepteil 2.203 2.203 2. £03 1 6. C0;j 8.811 4.4Ci 1 2.203 0.608 Total 1 '-^ 2 3| 4 7 4 5 9 I^alin per 1,000 accepted 14.403 ]4.403 0. 608 1 8. 811 1.5. 419 1 a 811 11.013 19. 8-24 AGE. 1 1 1 1 1 liatio per 1,000 accepted '-2.203 2.203 2,203 2.203 2.203 2.203 _ 1 1 1 3 o 5 1 3 4 Il;aio per 1,000 accepted - 12.203 2.203 0.603 4.405 11.013 2.203 0.608 8.811 1 1 1 .-> 1 1 2.S03 1 2. 203 r 4.405 1 I. . 2 Eatio per l.COO accepted I 2. 203 2. 203 4.405 1 r 1 1 liatio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.203 2.203 1 i . 1 1 ^ 2 3 4 7 4 5 9 '4. 405 4.403 6.608 S. .111 13.419 8.811 11.013 19.824 AVXIGHT. TTnder 10.) 1 1 1 ' 1 3 4 1 1 1 Ivutio per 1,000 accepted '2.203 2.203 2.203 1 C.C08 8.811 a. 203 2. 203 120 and under 140 1 1 1 2| 1 3 3 5 8 Katio per 1,000 accepted io on:i |.) .in;i 4. 405 1 2. 203 6.608 a COS 11.013 17.021 » l-IO and under ICO 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1.000 accepted !..___ 1 1 1 100 and under 180 1 . 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted ....1 ISO and over ■ ' 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1. ■1 = 2 3 4| 7 1 1 * 5 9 1 1 Kati(» por 1 ,000 accepted .1 1. .'4.405 1 4.405 G 608 1 8.811 15t419 t 1 a 811 11.013 l'.i. iai 1 1 1 357 „„. . ... on,er; .n...,,, Mc ..IsUcal rcs.Us of .,. c.a^.a.o,, of^^^^I^^^ HEIGET 01 AND TJXDEK 03 INCHES-Continucd COMl'I.lCXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. LIGHT COilPLESION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair Eatio per 1,000 acceiited. . - DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or liazel eyes ; dark hair.j Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted Z^__ AGE. Under 20 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 20 and under 25 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2j and under 30 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 30 and under 35 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 3'! anduuder40 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .... 40 and over Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . . Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . WEIGHT. Under 100 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted .... ICO and under 120 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted. . . . 120 and under 1-10 Eatio per 1,000 accepted.. HO and under ICO Eatio per 1,000 accepted |--- — ICO and under ISO r^itio per 1,000 accepted. . - I£0 and over Ualioper 1.000 accepted... Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted 358 Tabij: No. 13— .SAoiPins lite relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and iceiyhl, HEIGHT 03 AND UNDER 65 INCITES. GIRTH OF CURST AT KXPIBATION. . tTudor20 inclics. 29 aud HBdor 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPF.KXIOXS, AOKS, AXI) WKHillTS. Expansion. Exp.Tnslon. Expiinsion. o a a o > 1 i i-, 1 o i 5 tn Ci 5 3 o H so J 5 .9 •s a o 1 S o 1 > O a o EH LIGHT COMPLEXIOX. 1 1 1 2 10 13 1 8 91 30 a. 203 '2.203 2.203 4.403 22.026 2a 034 2.203 17. 621 40.250 66. 079 DAKK COMPLEXION. 1 6 7 3 13 16 2.203 13. 216 15. 419 6.608 2a 034 35 242 Total 1 1 1 3 16 20 1 11 34 46 2.203 2.203 2.203 6.008 35. 242 44.053 2.203 24.229 74.890 101. 322 AGE. 1 1 1 1 2 S 7 2.203 9.203 2.203 2.203 4.405 11.013 IS 419 2 10 12 1 3 17 21 4.405 22. 020 20. 432 2.203 6.608 37. 445 1 2 3 1 4 Ratio per 1 000 accepted 2.203 4.405 6.608 2.203 8. 811 11 OIJ 30 nod under 35 1 1 1 2 2 6 g 1 3.203 2.203 4.405 4.405 13.216 3 3 2 1 4.405 4.105 4.405 2.203 1 40 ilikI over 1 1 o Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 9.203 2.203 1 Total 1| 1 1 3 16 20 1 11 34 46 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 ;2.203 2.203 O.C08 35.242 44.053 2.203 24.999 74.890 101.322 ■WEIGHT. Under 100 liatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 lOOaiid under 120 2 8 11 1 5 10 IB Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2 203 2.203 2 203 4.405 n. 021 24.929 2.203 11.013 29 020 3.1. 242 120 and under HO 1 7 8 6 23 99 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 15.419 17. 021 13.216 50.061 6aS77 140 and under IfiO 1 1 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 9.203 3.203 Eatio per 1,000 acccpt«a ISO and ovor Katio per 1,000 accepted *•• ToUU 1 1 1 3 16 20 1 11 34 46 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 2.203 2.203 2.203 6.608 35. 2« 44.053 2.903 24.229 74. ano 101. 323 359 nticl to each oilier; embracing the atatistical results of the examination of 454 Englishmen, &■<;.— Continued. HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER 63 INCHES— Continued. Si GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPIIiATION. a .13 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMrLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Espanslon. Espanaion. Expansion. is 1 •g a .a u CI p 5 .a U '6 o H > 0 A .a 0 g U 0 0 > 0 H i ,a B p 0 1 0 .5 n 0 0 'a 0 a g 0 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 14 11 25 1 1 2 71 1 10.837 ' !4.229 & 066 2.203 2.203 1 4.405 2 .50.388 DAEK COMPLEXION. 2 4 6 1 31 Black or hazel eyes i ilavkhair 1 .^^._ :^::rl 8.811 13.21G 2.203 1 2.203 2 4.405 68.282 Katio per 1,000 accepted Total 10 15 31 1 4 103 1 35. 242 i303 2.20J 4.405 8.811 224.670 Eatjo per 1,000 accepted AGE. TJuderao .: 1 2.203 1 2. 203 3 4.405 1 U 24.229 20 .and under 25 G 13. 210 0 13. 210 3 G.G08 \ 13 2&. 432 0 13. 216 2 1 2.203 1 2.203 ._^ 1 1 ..) 46 101. 3i2 25 and under 30 Katio per 1,000 accepted 3 G.GOS 1 2.203 15 3a 040 12 Puitio per 1,000 accepted 35 and under 40 Katio per 1,000 accepted ^^^ 2.203 2 4.4U5 3 2.203 2 4.405 2 4.405 4 8.811, 5 _^ 1 2.203 1 1 2.203 1 _1111_ 26.432 10 22.020 8 Katio per 1,000 accepted Total C.G08 IS 4.405 15 11.013 31 1 1 2.203 2.203 4 17.621 102 Katio per 1.000 accepted 35.242 33.040 OS. 283 2.203 2. 303 4.405 8.811 224. C70 WEIGHT. Under 100 Kalio per 1,000 .accepted 100 and under 120 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 ^....^ 05 — 1 ._^ 1 •-IHI- 23 61. 074 63 120 and under 140 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 140 and uudcr ICO Eatio per 1,000 accepted IGO and under 180 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 180 and over Eatio per 1,000 accepted 33. 040 1 2.203 22. 026 5 11.013 55. OOG 6 13.21G 2.203 1 2.203 1 2. 203 1 2.203 2. 203 2 4.405 1 2.203 = 1 1 1 1 1 -— - 138.767 10 23.036 i 2.203 Total Eatio per 1,000 accepted .:_::_ 16 35.242 15 33. 040 31 6a282 1 .2.203 1 2.203 2 4.405 4 8.811 224.670 360 Table No. IS—Shotrwg the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion, of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, HEIGHT 05 AND UXDEIt 67 INCHES. OinTU OF CUEST AT EXPIBATIOX. Under 29 inches. 20 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COill'LEXIONS, AGKS, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 ■s •3 i o 00 •§ .2 & <5 a 5 o H > o a at t. 5 »> 1 S a n O o E-l o i-i u O t o 5 _a n u o o LUIHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 2 4 13 19 15 17 32 Katio per l.OCO accepted 2.203 3.203 4.405 8.811 28.634 41.650 33. 040 37. 445 70.485 DAKJC COMPLEXION. 1 1 4 6 ID 7 19 26 1203 3.203 8.811 13.216 1 22.026 15. 419 41.850 57.209 Total 2 2| 2 8 19 1 29 23 3C 58 4.405 ^•«5| 4. 405 17. 021 41. 850 1 63. 877 48. 453 79.295 127. 753 AGE. 2 2 1 .'i (i 2 ■ 2 4 11.013 4.405 4.405 2.203 13-216 4. 405 4. 405 8.811 .. 1 3 C 1 9 9 13 22 1 Katio per 1 000 accepted 1 G. 608 13. 216 1 in. 834 19. 824 28.634 48.458 1 . . 1 1 3 2| 0 5 8 13 1 2.203 6. COS 4.405 1 13.216 11.013 17. 621 28.034 i ! 1 2 3 3 4 7 l%atio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.203 4.405 1 6.G08 6.608 8.811 15u419 3j aiul under -10 1 ■' 3 2 5 7 liatio per 1 ,000 accepted 6. 608 0.608 4.405 11.013 15 419 1 1 o 1 4 5 J-atio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.203 2.203 4.405 2.203 8.811 11 013 Total 2 3 2 8 19 29 22 36 58 Katio per 1,000 accepted 4.405 4.405 \ 4. 405 17.0-31 41.850 63.877 48.458 1 79.295 127. 753 -imi'—i-i-:!^ 1 1 i ■ "WEIGHT. Under 100 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted I. 1 ^ 1 100 and under 120 1 1 1 3 6 10 2 2 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 3.203 1 12.303 0.608 13.216 9.^ n>'>fi 4.405 4.405 „ 120 and under 140 1 1 1 4 12 17 21 25 46 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 2.203 1 2.203 8.811 20. 4o2 37. 445 40.256 S5.06G 101. 333 1 1 1 2 1 9 10 En tio per 1 ,000 accepted --■1 2.203 2.203 4.405 2.203 III. 824 22.026 100 and nnder 180 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 160 and over 1 Ealiopcrl.OOO accepted 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 8 19 29 SS 1 36 1 58 ISalio per 1 ,0C0 accepted 1 \a.405 1.405 1 4. 405 17. 021 41.850 03. in 48. 4.i8 79. 2{>r) 127. 753 1 1 361 and to each other; embracing the staiislkal refills of the cxandnation of 454 Englishmen, ijc— Coutiuuod. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDEE 07 INCHES— Continued. GIKTII OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. a C3 33 ami under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inclies. 37 inches and over. 3S COMPI.EXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGUTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 o & m .5 a G 6 t n p 6 o i .a o a "3 u 6 6 01 © O O 1 3 3 5 OD U o a n g o 1 3 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair. . G 21 27 2 5 3 10 1 1 90 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 13.210 [40. 250 59.471 j |4. 405 | 1.013 6. 608 !22. 020 12.203 1 2.203 198.238 DAEK COMPLEXION. 8 12 20 3 o 5 2 o 64 '" 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted jH.Cai |2G.432 '44.053 [ 6.008 4.405 jll.013 1 1 1 |4.405 1 4.405 140. 969 Total " 3-M ^'i 2 8 5 1 15 1 1 1 sj 3 154 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 30. 837 72.087 |103.524j 4.405 17.021 11.013 {33.040 1 1 !0-608| 6.608 339.207 AGE. Under 20 1 1 ^ 14 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 j 2.203 | 4.405 | 30.837 54 118.943 31 5 1 15 1 20 1 1 1 2 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. |ll.013 33.010 44.053 1 2.203 2.203 4.405 2.203 2.203 2oaiid under 30 1 4| '1 "! 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 8.811 ;ij.410 ;24.229 | 2.203 1 2.203 1 2 68. 2S2 19 30 aud uuder 35 i| o| 7! 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 !l3.216 J15.419 |. ...... 2.203 2.203 1 4.405 1 41.850 35 and under 40 2 3 1 5 1 1 4 2 7 1 1 1 23 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 4.405 1 6.C08 ;il.0l3 j....... 2.203 8.811 4.405 115.419 2.203 2.203 1 50.601 40 and over M i| 2| ^ 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 13 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 1 2.203 | 4.405 | 2.203 4.405 1 6.608 1 2.203 2. 203 1 28. 634 1 14 1 33 1 47 1 2 8 5 1 15 3 3 1 154 |339.207 Eatio per 1,000 accepted '30.837 \T2.6if7 103.524 4.405 17.621 1 11. 013 33.040 :fi. G08 6. COS WEIGHT. Under 100 Eatio per 1,000 accepted ! 1 1 ! 1 1 100 and under liO Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 i| M -1 1 2.203 1 2.203 | 4.405 | Ei::|5r 1 1 ** .| 33.040 .1 8 10 1 24 1 1 3 5 1 9 -1 9' 1 Kilt io per 1, COO accepted 2.203 0.608 U 013 llf> R-^J .|213.650 I"-"™ 1 1 .1 a 1 ^ 1 1.1 1 la 1 ._._ 1 5 1 2 2 38 1 "I — 1 - 1 .jll.013 '28.034 39.648 | 2.203 11.013 13.21G 4.405 4. 405 83. 700 1 1 »! ^ ) I 1 1 1 4 — - - . j . 1 .| 6.603 1 0.G0 i 1 1 .2.203 2.203 1 8.611 1 180 and over 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 3 Total . ...,..| 14 1 33 1 47 1 j 2 8 5 1 15 154 Ian. S37 17" fi87 1103.524 1. ... . 4. 405 17. 021 11.013 33.04C .6.608 1 6.00 i 339.207 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 i6 362 TA11I.1-. No. Vi—SIioiciiifi llw rclatim of htifjhl, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and tceight, HEIGHT 67 AND UNDER GO INCHES GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIRATIOS. Under 20 inches. 39 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inclii's. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AUU WEIGUTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 4 a 1 i 1 o H o .9 a u g o c CI U > O > O n o H -a .3 5 to 1 ^. 9 5 s .a u c-s ? 5 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 3 8 11 o 20 22 C.C08 17. 021 24.229 4.403 44.033 48.458 DARK COMPLEXIOlSr. 5 5 1 13 14 IJatio per 1,000 accepted 11.013 11.013 2.203 2a 034 30. 8:f7 3 13 16 3 33 36 6. 008 28.834 3D. 242 3 6.608 72. 687 1 79. 295 AGE. -' 1 C.C08 6. 008 2.203 2. 203 2 0 8 2 24 26 4.405 13.210 17. 021 4.405 .-■.2. 863 57.269 1 2 3 1 3 4 2.203 4.405 6.608 2.203 0.608 a 811 1 1 3 3 2.203 2.203 0.608 6.608 1 1 1 1 liatio i>or 1,000 accepted 2.203 2.2U3 2.203 2.203 1 1 8.203 33 2.203 Total 3 13 10 3 36 Katio per 1,000 acoeiited ecus 28. 034 35. 242 6.008 73. 687 79. 295 WEIGHT. Under 100 Butio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 •. 1 3 3 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 4.405 6.008 120 and under MO o 8 10 1 24 25 4.405 17. 021 22. OiU 2.203 59. 803 55. 066 140 and under lUO 3 3 2 8 10 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 6.608 6.608 4. 405 17. 621 22. 026 160 and under 180 1 I Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 2.803 180 and over , ="= ==== Ratio per 1,000 accepted Total 3 13 IG 3 33 36 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 0. no8 28. 034 35. 242 ...... 6.608 72. 087 79 295 363 ami to each other; cmhracinij the statistical results of the acamination of 454 Englishnev, #c.-Continned. HEIGHT 67 AND UNDER 69 INCHES— Continued. GlRTn OF CHEST AT EXTIRATION. C3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. s COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AUD WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. I.H S i a i o > O g o o a n o o H O a o c > o i 9 C» > o TO s 5 1 i .a 1 1 eo A O § a o > O o 5 IIGHT COMPLEXION. 9 26 35 5 5 2 2 75 Il.atio per 1 000 accepted ] 9.824 ; 7.269 ■ 7.093 11. 013 11.013 1 4.403 4.405 163. 198 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair. „ 16 18 3 5 8 1 1 46 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 4.405 i5. 242 19. 648 6.608 U.013 17. 621 2.203 2.203 101.322 Total 11 42 53 8 5 13 1 2 3 121 24.229 ]92. 511 J116.740 17. 621 11. 013 2S.634 1203 4.403 6.608 266. 520 Katio per 1,000 accepted AGE. UDdcraO Ratio per 1,000 accepted 3 6.608 3 6.608 7 15. 419 20 and uudcr 25 6 13.216 3 17 37. 445 7 23 ">0. 661 10 1 2.203 2 4.403 2 3 6.608 2 ^.„ 1 60 132. 159 1 20 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 6.608 15. 419 22. 026 7 4- 4.405 1 4.403 5 2.203 2.203 44.053 IG Ratio per 1,000 accepted 13. 419 15. 419 8.811 2 2.203 11.013 2 1 1 35. 242 7 7 12 15.419 1 15. 419 3 4.40i 4.405 2.203 2.203 26. 432 2 1 1 1 1 6 40 and over Ratio per 1,000 accepted 4.405 2.203 6.608 2.203 2.203 2.203 \ o 2.203 3 13 216 121 Total Ratio per 1 000 accepted 11 24.229 42 92. 511 53 116.740 17. 621 11.013 28.634 2.203 4.403 6.608 266. 520 WEIGHT. Uudcr 100 lluliii per 1,000 accepted 1 1 ■-:_ 4 Rati.i per 1,000 accepted.... 120 and under 140 7 15.419 2.203 13 28. Ii34 2.203 20 44. 053 1 2.203 1 2.2;)3 a 811 56 123. 348 Ratio per 1,000 accepted - — 1 51 140 and under IGJ Ratio per 1,000 accepted 4 8.811 23 53. 066 63. 877 .-Ill 13.216 4.405 17. 621 .2.203 3.203 112. 335 IGO and under 160 3 3 2 2 4 1 1 9 Ratio per 1,000 accepted . G.608 6.608 = — - . 4.405 4.403 8.811 . 2.203 1 1 1 . 2. 203 2.203 2.203 Total 11 42 .53 8 5 13 1 2 2 1-21 O4_oof) 92 511 116.74 ) . 17. 621 11.013 28.634 .2.203 4.405 6. 60S 266. 520 1 ' 1 364 Table No. 13— S7ioii»iH<7 the relation of hciylit, girth of chest mid cjtpansioii of rhexl, to conqihxioii, aijr,nnd might, HEIGHT G9 AKD UNDEE 71 INCHES. GinTII OF CHEST AT EXTIUATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i p 4 .2 1 u V O S a p O ■s "i •3 .g •a t o o o 5 o •3 5 c H i o 3 5 to o o .a a n i o a "o LIGHT COMPLEXIOX. 1 1 3 3 1 11 12 2.203 2.203 0.608 G.C08 2.203 24.22:1 ^0.432 DAItK UOiIl'LEXIO^'^. 1 1 4 \ 2.203 2.203 8.811 8 8U 1 1 4 4 1 15 IG 2.203 2.203 8.811 8.811 2.203 33.040 3 AGE. 1 1 3 2.203 2.203 O.GOS n. G08 1 1 1 5 G Katio per 1,000 accppt^d 2.203 2.203 2.20J 11.013 13 21C 25 and uBder 30 1 1 2 2 2.203 4.405 4 405 1 1 4 liatio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 2.203 1 8.811 8 81 L 1 55 and under 40 1 \ 2.203 lOandorer 1 1 I^tio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 O 0;3 Total 1 1 4 4 1 1 15 IG ■■| Hatio per 1,000 accepted 2.203 2.203 ■ 8.811 a 811 1 2.203 33.040 3j 242 1 1 "WEIGHT. Under 100 1 liatio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under lai 1 1 _ Katiu per 1,000 accepted 2. 203 2.203 ISO and under 110 1 1 1 G G 1 lialio Iter 1,000 ;m filled 2.2C3 2.203 1 13.2IG 13.210 110 and under IGO 3 3 7 7 Katio per 1,000 accepted fi.COB G.C08 15.419 2 l."). 4 ID ICO and under 180 1 3 llatio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.203 4.405 0.60:3 180 and over 1 liatio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 i Total 1 1 4 4 1 15 1 '« 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2. 203 2.203 &R11 8.811 2.203 33.040 35. 242 3G5 to each other; cmhmcUirj the staiixUca! rcniiUs of the cmml luilhn nf 454 EiigVshmo), if c— Continued. HEIGHT CO AND UNDER 71 INCHES-Continued. n 3 CIBTII OF CHEST AT EXPIIiATIOS. 1 33 and under 35 iuclics. 35 and under 37 incbos. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGnTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o 1 i .s O 1 .9 ei > O 1 .g CO O o H i .a « a •3 u > O a o 3 ■s a CO h g o o H o .a a > O O •3 P « o i o o 5 o H ■a 1 ■3 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; liylit liair.. - 3 0 12 . 1 O03 3 6 G08 4 - 8 811 . 2 1 .203 2 .203 - 33 2. 087 Uatio per 1,0:0 acccptcil DAKK COMPLEXION, mack or lia/.el eyes ; (lark hair =='L 003 1 .203 1 O 1 n s 6 15 a) o 3 j3 a O o a 9 6 p O LKJIIT COMPLEXION. 1 3 4 . 2.203 0.008 DAKK COMI'LEXIOX. I!l;ick 111- hazil eyes ; il:uU hair. . . I 1 ' 2.203 Xol;il 1 4 - , Katio per 1 000 accepted 2.203 8.811 11 on AGE. 1 1 2 2.203 2,203 20 ami uuder 2j 2 a " 4.405 lialio iwr 1,000 accented 30 aud mider 35 1 I 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 35 aud uudor -10 1 1 E;itio per 1,000 accepted 2. SOS 3.203 40 and over ■ Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 4 5 Eatio per 1,000 accei)ted 2.203 8.811 11.013 "WEIGHT, tinder 100 4 1 ■ " Ratio per 1,000 accepted 100 .and under 120 ■ = Hallo per 1,000 accepted l.-Oand iindel 110 1 1 1 a Italioper 1,000 accepted 2.203 2.203 4.405 110 and uuder ICQ 3 3 Ilatio per 1,000 accepted G.C08 a 608 IGO and under ItO ~ Jim Kjitio per 1,000 accepted 1 :zii^ j 180 Rud over 1 ]!;ilio per 1,000 accepted 1 Total 1.. : I£alio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 ^^-^ .im 1 1 3.2J3 j a 811 5 11. 013 1 1 1 .... i a,nl to each othcy; c,nhrad„.j the .tatMcal ns»H« of the cxa,nuu,t.oa of 404 Enyli.hma,, #c.-Contiuued. HEIGHT 71 AND UNDEK 73 INCHES-Coutinued. \ CIKTII OF CHEST AT EXPIItATION. '3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 iucUea. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expanaion. Expansion. Expansion. Is 1" o 0 i .9 9 O t "a a t o S n O 2 c .a a 6 s ■§ .2 6 3 i ■« 1 .9 6 .a o p o O o 1 LIGHT C0MPLEXI03S'. Bine or sray eyes ; light hair. 4 Katio per 1,000 accopttil DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or liazol eyes ; dark Uair . Ilatio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.203 1 2.203 .^^^. 2 4.405 C Total PLatio per 1,000 accepted AGE. Under 20 Katio per 1,000 accepted 20 ;uul under '-."» Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.203 1 2. 203 13.216 2 4.405 2 4.405 iiati.) per 1,000 accepted 30 aud under 3j Katio per 1 ,000 accepted ?,:■> and under 40 Katio piM- 1,000 accepted 1 2. 203 1 2.203 — '-^^^ .^^._^ 1 2.203 1 2.203 L'llll 40 and over Katio per 1,000 accepted -» G Kalio per 1,000 accepted. . . . WEIGHT. 2. SOT 2.203 _.^ 13. 21G Katio per 1,C00 accepted 100 and under 1-0 Katio per 1,000 accepted — -^=^^^ = --— island niHlerlln Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . . 140 and under 100 liatio per 1,000 accepted. . . ^11111 '-'^■^ . :::-^ 4. 405 3 6.608 ICO aiul under ISO Ratio per 1,000 accepted. . - 180 and over i::::: i'^m 1 . -2.202 2.20 .... i .... 1—^ ^.^^ — = = ~ == = =^=^ 1 2.203 Total Katio per 1,000 accepted. . . -rrr _:::i . 2. 20 I J 2.aO rrrrr ) .... ^_^ ■ ■-*• -'.m iim ^1111 llllL llll-l 6 .. 13.216 3G8 Taiii.k No. l.i—Sliotriiiti Ihr rclalio)! of liiiyht, ti'iith of chest and expiiiisioii of chest, to complej-io», age, and uriyhl, HEIGHT ri INCHES AND OVEE. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXPIIIATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 aud uuder 31 iuchcs. 31 and under 33 inclica . COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND AVEIGHTS. Exjiassion. Expansion. Expansion. i i a o a > O 1 U o > O a e3 u > O 3 o i 3 a a i 6 ■3 6 of o n > O -a 1 u o •3 .5 .3 > o to « 9 O O a n o O "3 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. DAEK COMPLEXION. 1 1 AGE. Tndcr "0 Eatio per 1 000 accepted Kntio per 1,000 accepted 35 and under 40 • ... Katio per 1,000 accepted Total Unlin per 1,000 accepted , WEIGHT. Under 100 — - -r ■ Katio per 1,000 accepted 100 and nndor 120 ]!.itio rcr 1,000 accepted. ISO and nndcr MO llatio per 1,000 accepted 140 and nndcr 160 Eatio per 1,000 accepted *. ICO and under 160 Batio per 1,000 accepted — leo and over Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 ■ : 1 1 Eatio per 1,003 accepted 1 and to cadi other; eiiibi-aciiiij the utatlstlcal if.iiiltfi of the examination of 454 Eiiglislunai, cfc— Cimtiuued. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVER— Continued. g a s o n i U •s la o a g GIUTU OF CUEST AT ESPIKATIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, " AND WEIGHTS- Expansion. Exiiansion. Expansion. 6 o -9 ■3 P S- > O 00 o o a or o ■§ a o O *« 1 en O •J .9 o .3 > o .g O GO o a « o 3 o H i 8 .9 J3 o a s- o O o .9 C( O an ■s .5 n i- o 1 a 2 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 1 289 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.20.1 2.203 2. 203 03G 5G4 DARK COMPLEXION. ICI 363. 436 == 1 1 1 1 4.54 2.203 2.203 2. 203 1,000 AGE. 1 4(5 1 _ . 1 101. 323 1 1 187 ...1 1 411. 8.242 I 1 1 128 ■3. 203 2.203 2.203 281. 938 ICO and under 180 1 25 1 i 55. 0G6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4. 405 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.-.4 1 1 2. 203 i 1 2. 203 1,C()0 1 1 1 47 TA.BLE NO. 14, THE RELATKffl OF HEIGHT, GIRTH OF CHEST, EXPANSION OF CHEST, COMPLEXION, AGE, AND WEIGHT. IRISHMEN ACCEPTED. 372 Tadijj No. U—Shoirinij Ihc rtlalion of hiUjM, girth of <*es« and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and ireight, and to each HEIGHT UNDER 01 INCHES. GIRTH OF CHEST AT RXPIRATIOS. tTnder 29 incbcs. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COlin.EXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGUTS. Espansion. Expansion. Espansion. i i •S a .g a u <5 i •g .9 > o S i .9 o a o .9 t-l g o (0 1 .9 n u 5 •3 .9 a i o 1 .g 5 O ■§ a CO > o 1 LIGHT COTlIPLEXION. 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 .706 .706 .706 .706 DARK COMPLEXION. 2 2 1 1 1.4U 1.411 .706 .706 1.411 ■ 3 3 2 1 3 2. 117 2. 117 1.411 .706 2. 117 AGE. ) 1 1 ... 1 1 1 3 1 3 ... 1 1 2.117 1 3.117 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . ..1 1 1 1 1 Hatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 . ... 1 1 1 .706 706 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... 1 1 - . .700 .706 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Katio ptT 1,000 accepted 1 1 .700 705 40 aDd over 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 — 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 ... 2.117 2.117 1 1.411 .706 2 IIV WEIGHT. Under 100 lUitioperl ,000 accepted 100 and under 120 3 1 "^ " Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.117 2.117 120 and under 140 1 2 1 3 1 liatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1.411 .706 2.117 140 and under ICO K.itio per 1,000 accepted 1 ICO and under 160 1- liatio jper 1,000 accepted 1 ^== 1 1 .... . liatio per 1,000 accepted 1 — 1 Total 3 3 1 2 1 3 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.117 2.117 1.411 .706 2. 117 1 1 oilier; aiihnxcini] Ihcxtadslical rcsulln of Ihecjcainhialioii of 1,417 Irishmen found fit for sirrirv in llic armies of IheUnited Slates. HEIGHT UNDER CI INCHES-Umitinued. GIKTH OF CHEST AT EXl'IKATION. .9 33 and iiuder 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inclies. 37 incliea and over. o § COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. E xpansiou. Expansion. E xpansion. to 1 1 c o o a o 1 n 1 1 CD o H 1 o •g .2 .9 i o i ■§ a U 1 1 en 1 1 o 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 2 Katio per 1,000 .accepted .... 1 1 1.411 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark bail-. 1 1 5 .700 , .700 1 3.529 1 1 1 1 1 7 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 .706 1 .706 --I 4.9-10 AGE. .. . - 1 1 ...1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 .706 1 .7^0 1 2.823 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 .706 ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .70(i 1 1 1 1 ( 1 i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I I 1 1 .706 V 1 III 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 [ 1 1 ! 1 Total li 1 |. 7 1 1 .706 1 .706 1 1 4.940 WEIGHT. i 1 Ivatio per 1,000 accijitril 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 Ii;itio per 1,000 acci-pted . . .700 1 .700 1 1 1 2.K!;) = 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 l:atio"pcr 1,000 accepted 1 2.117 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 - r>;ltici j)cr 1 ,000 acci-pttd 1 Eatio per 1.000 accepted 1 1 1 Total 1 I 1 ' 1 1 7 ]:.-itin per 1 OfiO .acci-plcd ."" .■;uii 1 4.940 i i r'-""" 374 T.U)LE No. li—Shming the relation of height, ijirth of chest and expanaiun of chest, to complexion, age, and n-eighf, HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 03 INCHES. GIIITII OK CHEST AT EXTIKArlOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 iuclios. 31 and under 33 implies. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND TVEIGHTS. Eipausion. Expansion. Expansion. i o •s .5 4 .9 > o s 1 !-• O 5 8 •3 .9 n > O 1 8 O .a o o 1 « o 1 n if O 15 1 a 1 CI 5 s ■g .2 n g O 3 LIGHT COIIPLEXION. ' „ o 1 1 9 11 1 7 2U SB Uatio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 1.411 .700 .700 6.351 7.763 .700 4. 940 1 14. 114 19.760 DAIIK COMPLEXION. 1 3 4 4 9 13 .708 2.117 2.823 2.823 1 0.351 9.174 Total 2 2 2 1 12 15 1 11 i 29 41 1.411 1.411 1.411 .706 8.459 10. 586 .706 7.763 20. 406 28.934 AGE. 5 5 1 1 3.539 3.529 .706 .706 2 2 1 1 2 4 7 10 1.411 1.411 .700 .700 1.411 2.823 4.940 1 7.057 11 997 4 4 1 2 1 14 17 2.823 2.823 .706 1.411 1 9.880 11. 997 2 1 2 4 1.411 1 1.411 2.823 1 1 2 2 .706 .706 1.411 1.411 1 1 1 1 .706 .706 1 2 2 2 1 12 15 1 11 29 41 Ratio per 1.000 accepted 1.411 1.411 1.411 1 .708 8.409 10. 536 1 .706 7.763 20. 400 28. 934 WEIGUT. Under 10:i'. Eatio per 1,000 accepted .706 .706 .706 706 3 2 1 8 9 1 3 - 14 18 Kiitio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 1.411 .706 5.046 0.351 .706 2.117 9.880 12. 703 120 and under HO 1 4 5 8 1 12 Kiitio per 1 ,000 accepted .706 2.823 3.529 5. 640 1 8. 469 14. 114 HOaud under 11)0 ^ 2 Itatio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 L411 ICO and under 180 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 180 and over 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 1 Total 2 2 2 1 12 15 1 11 1 29 41 1.411 1.411 1.4U .700 8.469 10. 586 .706 7.763 20. 460 28.034 375 and to each other; cnibracing the statistical results of the examination of 1,417 Irishmen, if-c. — Continued. HEIGHT 01 ANB UNDEE 63 INCHES— ContinnecL P. GIRTH OP CHEST AT EXPIBATIOX. 33 and nnder 35 inches. 35 and iindor 37 inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o o .3 1 > O s ■s p c* > O £ .a o _H n > o 1 1 1 O > O i a CI u p 6 % .1 CO > o o H 1 o .9 u o 5 OS ■3 u I i 1 U p O Is I 1 % 2 LIGHT COMPLEXIOX. 3 0 9 2 2 52 Eatio per 1,00!) accepted 2.117 4.231 6.351 1 1.411 1.411 30. 697 DAEK COHPLEXIOX. Black or hazel eyes j dark hair. 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 23 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.117 .700 2.823 .706 .706 .706 .706 16.231 6 7 13 1 2 3 1 1 75 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 4.234 4. 940 9. 174 .706 1.411 2.117 .706 .706 52.929 AGE. 1 1 7 ■Ratio per 1,000 accepted .706 .706 4.940 2 1 3 20 Ratio per 1.000 accepted 1.411 .706 2.117 18. 349 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 27 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 1.411 2.823 .706 .706 .706 .706 19. 034 1 1 2 6 .700 1 .706 1 1.411 4.234 1 1 2 G Ratio per 1,000 accepted .706 .700 1.411 .706 .706 4.234 1 1 1 1 3 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .706 .706 .706 .706 2117 Total 0 7 13 1 2 3 1 1 75 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 4.234 4.040 9.174 706 1.411 2. 117 .706 .706 52. 929 WEIGHT. Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 2 3 5 34 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.411 2.117 3.520 23.994 4 3 7 33 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.823 2.117 4.940 22. 583 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 7 Ratio per 1,"000 accepted .706 .706 .706 1.411 2.117 .706 .706 4.940 Eatio per 1 .000 accepted 180 and over _. , , Eatio per 1,000 accepted G 7 13 1 2 3 1 1 75 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 4.234 4.940 9.174 .706 1.411 2.117 .706 .706 52.929 37^> Tabu-: No. 14 Showing the relation of height, girth of chest and expatwion of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER 65 INCHES. GIKXri OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 incbes. 31 and under 33 inches. COXIPLEXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o u a o a 1 s 1 CI s o a n O a o .a 5 .5 g 5 a n > o 3 o i o .a o .g i o o .3 p 6 CO u p O o H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 4 4 6 19 25 1 10 50 61 3.823 2.823 4.234 13. 409 17. 643 .706 7. 0.57 35. 280 43. 049 DAEK COMPLEXION. 2 21 23 1 7 30 38 !Ratio ner 1 000 accented 1.411 1-1. 820 18.231 .706 4.940 21. 171 26.817 Total 4 4 2 6 40 I 48 2 17 80 99 a 823 2.823 I. 411 4.234 28.229 33. 874 1.411 11. 997 50. 457 69. 8G6 AGE. 1 1 5 IB 23 3 8 11 Ilalio per 1 000 accepted .700 .700 3.329 12.703 j 16.231 2.117 5.646 7.763 2 3 1 1 13 1 14 2 12 44 58 1.411 1.411 706 .706 8.4C9 1 9.880 1.411 8.469 31. 032 40. 932 1 1 1 6 (1 1 13 14 1 Ratio per 1 .000 accepted .706 .706 1 4. 234 1 4. 234 .706 9.174 9 880 j ;iO and uikUt 35 1 1| ' 1 G 7 1 . 1 .700 1 7nr. .706 4.234 4.940 H 1 G G - 1 Ilatio per 1 ,000 accepted .706 1.411 2.117 4.234 4 234. 40 and over 1 1| 1 3 3 1 Ilatio per 1,000 accepted .706 1 .706 . 2.117 2.117 — Total 4 4 2 6 40 1 48 2 17 80 99 2.823 2.823 1.411 4.234 28. 229 .13. 874 1.411 1L997 .50. 437 WKIGIIT. Under 100 1 1 Itatio per 1,000 accepted. . .• .706 .700 100 aiid under 120 2 2 1 C 22 1 29 1 2 11 14 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.411 2 1.411 S .706 4.234 15. 526 1 20. 466 18 I 18 .706 1.411 15 7.7G3 57 9.880 liiOand under 140 1 1 73 " 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 1.411 12.703 12.703 .700 10. 5fG 40. 226 51 517 1 1-fOund nudcr IGO 1 1 11 1 1 Ratio ix'.r 1,000 accepted 1 7.763 7. 703 ICO and under 180 1 j Ral lo pLT 1,000 accepted 1 .706 .706 160 and o\'or ■ 1 1 liatio pfi- 1,000 accepted 1 Total - 2 0 40 1 48 2 17 80 99 Ratio p.T 1 onn arreptod ■2. B23 a. F23 1.411 4.234 28. 229 33. !-71 1.411 11.997 56. 457 09.860 377 and to each otha;- cmliracnig Iho slalislical rmills of Ike examination of 1,417 Trixhmni, i,-e.— Coutiiiued. HEIGHT 63 AND UNDEE 65 INCHES— Continued. a 0 GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXriKATIOS. 13 3 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches ant' over. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. "^3 O .a 4 a p 6 0) a P 6 1 a n o 1 o ro ID .a .a i .a o a i •s a u > O C3 O H S o .a •3 i o « > O O 3 c H 3 o 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blno or gray eyes ; light hair . - 23 31 53 8 3 11 154 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 15. 526 21. 877 37. 403 5.646 2.117 7.703 108. 680 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 20 20 40 4 6 10 1 1 113 Ratio per 1,000 accepted — 14.114 14. 114 28.239 2.823 4.234 7.057 .706 .706 79. 040 Total 43 51 93 12 9 21 1 1 ^l'>C Katio per 1,000 accepted 29. C40 35.992 Gd. 032 8.469 C.331 14. BSO .706 .706 187 721 AGE. TTuilerSO 1 0 7 1 1 43 Katio per 1,000 accepted .706 4.234 4.940 , .700 .700 30. 346 20 and under 25 ^iT 12 27" 1 4 5 1 1 107 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 10. 580 8.400 19. 034 .706 2.823 3. 520 .706 .706 75. 513 2o and under 30 10 19 29' 4 2 6 56 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 7.057 13. 409 20. 466 2. 8-23 1.411 4. 234 4 39. 520 30 and under 35 4 7 11 2 o 23 ^ 2.823 4.940 7.763 1.411 1.411 2.823 10. 231 33 and under 40 3 2 5 1 3 1 4 18 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.117 9 1.411 3. 539 2.117 .700 2.823 12. 703 40 and over 5 14 1 1 19 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 6.351 3. 529 9.880 .706 .706 13. 409 Total 42 51 93 12 !) 21 1 1 260 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 29.010 35. 992 05. G32 8.4C9 0. 351 14. 820 .706 .700 187 721 1. . WEIGHT. 1 UD.lcrlOO 1 Eatio per 1,0011 accepted i .700 100 and under 120 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 .706 6 4.234 7 4.940 .706 .700 37. 403 I'JO and \luder 140 Eatio per 1,000 accepted ... 34 23. 994 34 21. 1194 C8 47. 989 8 5.646 4 2.823 12 8.409 122. 089 MO and under IGO 7 n 18 4 3 7 1 1 37 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 4.940 7.703 12. 703 2.823 2.117 4.940 .700 .700 20. 112 100 and under ISO 1 1 2 .700 .700 1.411 IdO and over ■ = == Eatio per 1.000 accepted Total 42 51 93 = — 1 1'^ 9 21 = — '. 1 1 206 29.C40 35. 992 65.032 8.4C9 6.351 14.850 . .700 . .706 18T 721 48 378 Table No. 14— S7«)ieJM<7 the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 67 INCHES. GIRTH DF CHEST AT EXTIK.tTION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inclics. COirPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i •g 6 t •3 CI o o .a .5 n O O H o a V 6 a) .a c» 5 a. n o O o H o R .a u a o I' o O ■3 1 i o .a 3 a O 0 n at 6 .a 0 3 0 CO .a a .a a 00 1 a CI g 0 s a M 0 •3 1 -a a 2 C5 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or Riaj- eyes ; ligbt bair. . 30 51 81 IG 20 3G 1 3 4 7 264 Eatio per l.COO accepted 21.171 35.993 57.1G3 ] 11. 291 14. 114 J25. 40G 1 .706 .411 [2.823 4.940 186.301) DARK COMPLEXION. Black or liazel eyes ; dark hair . 2 27 40 ' 69 19 10 29 1 6 7 214 liatio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 2 19. 054 '28. 239 'AS. G94 13. 409 7.057 20. 406 .706 4.234 4.940 151.023 Total =:= 57 I 91 1 150 35~ 30 65 1 3 10 14 478 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 40.226 G 1.230 |105.857 34. 700 21. 171 45. 872 .700 2.117 |7.057 9.880 337.332 AGE. Under 20 5 3 8 1 1 59 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 3.529 1 2.117 1 5.C4G .706 .706 41. 637 20 and under 25 1 2G 1 45 1 71 11 9 20 1 2 3 204 Eatio per 1,000 accepted |l8.349 |31.757 J50. lOG 7.763 G.351 14.114 .706 J1.4U 2.117 143. 966 25 and under 30 1 1 5 1 21 1 27 8 12 1 20 1 1 2 3 92 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 700 1 3.530 [14.820 ^19.054 5.64G 8.4G9 14.114 .706 |l.411 2.117 64.936 30 .and under 35 1 ■' 14 1 21 3 4| 7 Ij 3 4 55 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 4.940 9.880 14.820 2.117 2.823 1 4.940 .706 2.117 2.823 38. 814 35 and under 40 1| 1' 7 1 19 5 0 7 1 2 3 1 44 . 70C 1 7. 703 4.940 ;13.409 3. 529 1.411 3 4.940 11 .700 1.411 2.117 1 31. 052 [ 40 and over 1 3 1 1| 4 8 1 1 24 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 2.117 1 .70G 2.823 5. 646 2.117 7.763 1 1 10.937 Total 2 1 57 1 91 1 150 35 30 65 1 3 1 10 14 478 1.411 40.22G JC4.220 |l05.857 24. 700 21. 171 45. 872 .706 2.117 7.057 9.880 J337.33J WEIGHT. Under 100 Eatio per 1,000 accepted j 1 1 1 1 ion and under 120 1 8| 3| 111 1 1 2 1 2 3| 55 1 5. G46 1 2. 117 7. 7G3 1 .700 .706 1.411 .700 |l.411 1 2.117 1 38.814 1 290 120 and under 140 2 33 1 49 1 64 10 12 28 I 6 6 1.411 2X280 34.r.80 1 59. 280 | 11. 291 8.469 19. 7C0 4. 234 4.234 I204.G58 1 140 and under ICO 1 15 1 37 1 52 1 17 17 34 1 1 125 Eatio per 1,000 accepted |l0.58G :2C.112 |30.G97 1 11. 997 11.997 23.894 .706 1 1 .706 1 88.315 100 and under 180 1 M 2| 3| 1 1 2 6 Eatio per 1,000 accepted..-. 1 .700 1.4U 1 2.117 1 .706 .700 .706 .706 1.411 1 4.234 1 ^ " 1 1 j 1 1 1 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 . 70G .700 1.411 1 1.411 Total 2 1 57 1 91 1 150 1 35 30 05 1 3 10 14 1 478 ■337.332 1: 411 '-I0.22G 'G4-220 Il05.857 I I34.7OO 21. 171 45.872 . .700 2. 117 7.057 9.88C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 380 T viii.i; Ni). \l—Slwuiiiij lite rclaHoii of hciylil, gii-lh of chcal anil expansion of, to complexion, age, and wcii/lif, HEIGHT 07 AND UNDER CO INCHES. Ginra OF CHEST AT E.XnilATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and uuder 31 inclies. 31 and under 33 inclies. CONri'LEXIOXS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. o .a o i c u g o i •§ u > O ■i I m Si i ■3 a 5 GO •3 H CI u 5 W o U 3 n (-■ g o s o H .a .a 4 .5 O > O 1 O o .a u .5 n u > O 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 2 2 2 24 26 12 55 67 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 {1.411 1 L411 16.937 ia349 8.469 38.814 47.283 DAEK COMPLEXION. 7 7 8 43 51 4.910 4.940 5.646 30. 346 35. 992 Total 2 2 2 31 33 20 98 118 1.411 1.411 1.411 21. 877 23.289 14.114 69. 100 83.273 AGE. 8 8 12 12 i 5.64(i 3.64G 8.469 a 463 20 and under 25 I. 2 9 2 19 1 21 14 48 62 i 1.411 1.411 1.411 13.400 14.820 9.880 33.874 43. 754 4| 4 3 16 19 Batio per 1,000 accepted 2. 823 1 2. 823 2.117 11.291 13.409 1 3 13 IG 1 . 1 . 2.117 9.174 11.231 1 1 5 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 3. 529 3.520 40 and over 1 4 4 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 2.823 2.823 1 Total 2 2 2 31 33 20 98 lis Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 1.41) 1.411 21. 877 23.289 14. 114 69. 100 83.273 WEIGHT. UmluilOO ... .... Katio per 1,C00 exaniiiied 100 .ina uiirtci- 120 2 2 1 3 4 R.-»tio per 1,000 accepti'd 1.411 24 L411 26 .700 2.117 2.H23 120 and under 140 2 2 2 12^ 56 68 .. liatii) per 1,000 accepted 1.411 1.411 1 1.411 16. 937 1&349 8.409 39.520 47.989 140 and uuder 1(30 5 5 1 7 38 1 ^^ "■■ 1 1 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted ... 1 3.529 3.529 4.940 26. 817 1 31. 757 ICOaud under 180 == = ^ 1 "1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted l&O and over ^^ -i:!. .700 1 .706 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 !-■■ Total o 1 =:= — ^-- 1 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 1.411 1.411 1 1 1.411 21. 077 23.289 1 14.114 69. ICO SI. 273 1 ■■" i 381 and to each other ; cmhratiiin the stutixlival resitlts of the cxaniiiintion of 1,417 Irishmen, iV-c.^Coiitiuued. HEIGHT 67 AND UNDER 69 INCHES— Continued. -a g GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXPinATIOX. •3 a 33 and under 3.") inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 5 COMPLEXIONS. AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1.9 m u O ■3 4 5 o .a o CI o a n O o o a 4 o 1 .9 u 5 i .a s CO u o 5 c i u o •3 .9 i o .3 CI > z •3 .a > o o <2 -a i o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 28 59 88 1 16 9fi 43 3 5 8 5>34 Katio per 1 000 accepted .706 19. 760 41.637 62. 103 .706 11. 291 18.349 30.346 2. 117 3.529 5.646 165. 138 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair. 1 12 46 59 2 10 15 27 1 1 2 146 Katio per 1,000 accepted .106 8.4G9 32.463 41. 637 1.411 7.057 10. 586 19. 054 .706 .706 1.411 103 035 Total 2 40 105 147 3 20 41 70 4 6 10 380 Katio per 1 000 accepted 1.411 23. 229 74. 100 103.740 2. 117 18. 349 28. 934 40. 400 2.823 4.234 7.057 263. 172 AGE. 3 11 14 1 1. o 36 Katio "ner 1 000 accented 2.117 7.763 9.880 .706 .706 1.411 25.406 20 and under 25 14 31 45 10 13 23 1 2 3 156 Katio ner 1 000 accented 9 880 51 ft~T 31.757 7.057 9.174 16.231 .706 1.411 2.117 110. 092 1 9 28 38 2 4 13 19 2 2 82 Katio per 1 000 accepted .706 6.351 19. 760 2C.817 1.411 a 823 9.174 13. 409 1. Ill 1 1.411 57. S09 30 and under 35 4 15 lU 1 5 7 13 1 1 1 49 Katio Dcr 1,000 accepted 2.823 10. 586 13. 409 .706 3.529 4.940 9.174 .706 1 ■«>« 34 .'■)83 5 11 16 5 6 11 2 2 4 36 Katio per 1,000 accepted 3.529 7.763 11.291 3.529 4.234 7.763 1.411 1.411 1 2 823 25.406 1 5 9 15 1 1 2 1 21 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .-. .IOC, 3.529 6.351 10.586 .706 ..706 1.411 1 14.820 1 Total 2 40 105 147 3 26 41 70 4 6 10 380 Katio per 1.000 accepted 74. 100 103.740 2.117 18. 349 28. 934 49. 400 2.823 4.234 7.057 268. 173 " \p:eight. Under 100 1 2- 2 8 1.411 1.411 5. 646 2 20 33 55 2 11 4 17 1 1 1 169 1.411 14. 114 23.289 38.814 1.411 ,7.763 2.823 11. 997 .706 1 .70S 119. '_'GG 20 60 80 1 14 20 41 2 3 1 5 1 176 1 1 14. 114 43. 343 56.457 .706 9.880 ia349 23.934 1.411 2.117 1 3.529 1 124. 23:; IGO and under ISO 10 10 1 9 10 1 3 1 4 1 25 Katio per 1,000 accepted 7.057 7.057 .706 6.351 7.057 .706 2. 117 1 2. 823 17. 643 2 o 1 .'> Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 1.411 1 1.411 Total 2 40 105 147 3 26 41 70 4 6 1 10 380 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.4)1 2a 229 74.100 103.740 2.117 18. 349 2a 934 49. 400 2.823 4.234 1 7.057 26a 172 382 Table No. li— Showing the relation of height, giilh of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, HEIGHT CD AND UNDER 71 INCHES. GIBTH OF CEEST AT EXPIKATION. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i .9 ■§ a H 6 i 1 1 1 a CO > O i S o o .9 a t-i O 1 a n O o H i .2 r-l o .9 s o .9 at u o 5 a > 3 o H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 11 11 a 32 34 7.7G3 7.763 1.411 22.583 23.994 DAPJC COMPLEXION. 4 4 o 10 12 2.823 2.823 1.411 7.057 a 469 Tnfal 15 15 4 42 46 10.580 10. 586 2.823 2'J. G40 7 32. 463 AGE. 3 3 1 8 a. 117 2.117 .706 4.040 5.64S 8 8 3 22 25 5.G46 5. C4G 2.117 15.52G 17. 043 3 3 6 G 2.117 2.117 4.234 4 234 1 I 4 4 .700 TOO 2.823 2.823 • 3 2 1.411 1 411 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .706 .706 . Total 15 15 4 42 46 10. 580 10. 586 2.823 29. 040 32. 463 TVTJIGHT. Under 100 ' IZatio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 2 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .... 1.411 1.411 120 and under HO 10 10 4 19 23 Ilatio per 1,000 accepted --■■ 7.057 7.057 2.823 13. 409 16.231 140 and under l(iO 3 3 23 23 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2. 117 2. 117 16.231 16.231 100 and under 180 Katio per 1,000 accoitteil 160 and over Katio per 1,000 accepted Total 15 15 4 42 46 Eatio per 1 ,000 accepted 10. 580 10. 586 2.833 29. 040 32.463 383 and to each other; cnibracing flic statistical results of the examination of 1,417 Irishmen, WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. txfo |.g tn u o ■3 a t-i o O .9 u 1 1 a n u p 5 o H o 1 > o 1 O •3 3 n g O •3 1 4 a ID > o o .a s > o o ■§ .g n u © > O 3 o H & la o a 2 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. „ 8 22 32 4 17 21 2 2 4 102 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 5.646 15. 520 22. 5S3 2.823 11. 997 14.820 1.411 1.411 2.823 71.983 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; darkliair. 1 5 23 29 4 8 12 1 1 2 59 .706 3.529 10.231 20. 466 2.823 5.046 8.409 .706 .706 1.411 41. 637 3 13 45 01 j 8 25 33 3 3 0 101 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.117 9.174 31.757 43.049 1 5.046 17. 643 23. 289 2.117 2.117 4.234 113. 620 AGE. 1 1 1 1 13 .700 1 .700 .700 .706 9.174 1 1 5 15 1 21 8 8 1 1 2 64 Kaf io per 1,000 accepted .706 3.529 10.586 |l4.820 5.646 5.646 .706 .706 1 1.411 45. 166 1 2 15 1 18 1| 7 8 1 1 ' 36 .706 1.411 10.586 12.703 .706 1 4.940 5.646 .706 .;....| .706 25. 400 2 4 6 3 1 3 6 2 1 2 19 9 San 1 4_''14 2. 117 1 2. 117 4.234 1.411 j 1.411 13. 409 1 6 ] 7 3 4 7 j 16 1 .706 4.234 1 4.940 2.117 2.853 4.940 1 11.291 1 3 4 { 8 1 2 3 1 1 1 13 Katio per 1,000 accepted .700 2.117 2. 823 1 5. 646 706 1.411 2.117 .706 1 .706 9.174 3 13 45 01 1 8 25 33 3 3| 6 161 2.117 9.174 31. 757 {43. 049 1 5.640 17. 643 23.289 2.117 2. 117 1 4. 234 113. 620 1 WEIGHT. 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 .706 .706 I 2.117 1 1 1 5 10 1 10 2 2 j 51 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .700 3.529 1 7.057 11.291 1.411 1.411 1 35. 992 2 7 24 33 7 12 19 2 1 2 80 1.411 4.940 16.937 |23.289 4.940 8.469 13. 409 1.411 1.411 50. 457 1 11 1 12 1 9 10 2 1 3 25 Ratio T)er 1 000 accented .706 7.763 j 8.469 .706 6.351 7.057 1.411 .706 1 2.117 17. 643 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Ratio perl.OOO accepted 1 1 1-- 706 .706 .706 j .706 1.411 Total 3 13 45 01 . ..1 8 25 33 3 3 6 161 Ratio Tier 1 000 acceoted 2.117 9.174 31. 757 43.049 5. 646 17. 043 23.289 2.117 2.117 4.234 113. 620 1 384 TA1U.F. No. 14— Shoinmi llw yihilUm of luUjht, yirllt of cheM and expansion of vlmt, to complexion, age, and xvciijht, HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES. GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXIMRATION. Under 29 inches. 20 and under 31 inches. 31 aud under 33 inclics. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, ANU WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. ExpaasioD. • U O •3 .3 o O as .a a 17* 6 a n ^- o 5 1 a 6 ■3 6 .a 6 H. — o ■3 a .5 o 2 'o a CI g o 2 n g o 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 3 1 7 8 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .7..G .700 1.411 .700 4.940 S.04G DARK COMPLEXION. 1 1 3 3 Katio per 1,000 accepted .700 .700 2.117 2.117 1 2 3 1 10 11 .700 1.411 2.117 .700 7.057 7.703 AGE. 1 1 2 2 .700 .700 1.4U 1.411 1 1 2 4 4 .700 .706 1.411 3.823 2. 823 .. . ---- == 1 1 3 .700 .700 1.411 2 3 -— 1.411 1.411 35 and under 40 1 liatio per 1 000 accepted 1 ^ 1 ) 1 1 1 .700 .706 1 Total 1 1 2 3 1 10 11 1 1 .7CG 1.411 2.117 .700 7.057 7.703 "WEIOnT. Under 100 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted |, - 100 and under 120 : 1 ..... 1 1 llatio per 1,000 accepted .7i;g .708 1-20 and under HO 1 1 2 2 3 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted .700 .700 1.411 1.411 1. 4U 1 10 and under ICO ~ 1 8 9 Katio p(T 1,000 accepted .700 S.C4G 6.351 IGOand under 180 1 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 160 and over 1 1 ■ 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 10 Total 1 2 3 u Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 706 1 1 411 2.117 70,'i 7. 0,'i7 7 703 : ^____ 1 1 385 niul lu each ollur; cmhnw'nui the .tlali.-ilicnl rtsult.i of Ihc ixnmimiliuii of 1,417 Trl-^hmat, .f-c— Coutiuued. HEIGHT 71 .AND UNDEE 73 INCHES— Continued. 3 GIUTH OF CHEST AT EXriRATIOX. 1 33 and under 33 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. ."•3 COMPLEXIONS, AGES, " AND WHIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. S ■ o 4 rH O •1 a ct o -e o a CO a; > 1 i o .5 a O ■§ a O A o a tn t O o 1 % A o > O a a 9 6 n o O o <2 5 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 0 10 3 7 10 1 1 o 32 ■ 1 Eatio per l.OCO .icceptcil .700 6.351 7.057 J.U7 4.940 7.057 .706 .706 1.411 33. 583 DARK COMPLEXION. Bl:ick or hazel eyes; (lark hair. 1 3 4 2 1 1 16 ... ■' ■ 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .700 2.117 1 2.823 L411 3. 539 4.940 ! .706 1 .700 11.291 2 12 14 5 12 17 1 2 3 48 liatio per 1,000 accepted 1.4. * a 409 9. 880 i 529 8.469 11. 997 .71i6 L4U 2.117 33. 874 AGE. 3 3 1 1 7 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2.117 2.117 .700 .706 4.940 2 5 7~ 2 \ 3 1 1 17 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 3. 5-JSI 4. 940 1.411 .700 2.117 .706 .706 11. 997 25 .and under 30 2 2 4 4 1 1 9 Itatio per 1,000 accepted — L4U L411 2.823 2.8;i3 .70tl .700 6.351 ==■--= 1 1 3 4 7 10 Italio per 1,000 accepted .706 .700 2. 117 2. 82;) 4.940 2 7.057 1 1 2 1 1 4 Ilatio per 1,000 accepted .706 .706 1.411 1.411 .700 .706 2.K>3 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .706 Total 2 12 14 5 12 17 1 2 3 48 Katlo per 1,000 accepted 1.411 8.469 9.880 3.529 8.469 11. 997 .706 1.411 2.117 33. 874 WEIGHT. - 1 \" ' 1 100 and under 120 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .706 1 1 1 1 6 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .706 .706 .706 .700 4.234 ~ ■j=^r:=: 1 6 7 2 4 0 1 1 23 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .706 4.234 4.940 1.411 2 2.823 6 4.234 8 .706 .706 jlO. 231 100 and under 180 6 6 1 1 2 16 Ejitio per 1,000 accepted 4.234 4.234 1.4U 4.234 5.646 .706 .706 1.411 11.291 o 2 9 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.411 12 1.411 17 . 1.411 Total 2 12 14 5 ~ 1 2 3 43 . 1.411 8.469 9.880 1 . 3. 529 8 469 11.997 . .7^6 1.411 I2. 117 33. 874 1 i J J 49 386 Table No. U— Showing the rclalion of heUjU, ansion. Expansion. ■ 00 O o o a ■§ a 1 •3 .9 i 6 a: O .a u JS n t^ o > O i o .9 a > O 1 .g a t o .a n O 2 O H CO o K -3 a S > o CO 1 CI O 1 o u n t- O a H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 IJatio pov 1 ,000 accpptod .vac .706 DAEK COMPLEXION. Kaiio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .706 .706 AGE. =7= 1 1 .700 .706 ^= z=^=: 3^iio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 1 Eatio poi- 1 ,000 accepted .706 .706 WEIGHT. UuderlOO ""*■*"• Hatio per 1,000 accepted 100 and uudor 120 ^ Eatio per 1,000 accepted 120 and under 140 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 140 and undci- 100 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . , .706 .706 IGOand under 180 == Eatio per 1,000 accepted It'O :u\(l over :^i= ==^ -; ■ Ealio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 occepted .700 387 and to each other; cmhrac'uiij the slalislical rcxulls of the exaiiiinntioii of 1,417 IiiKhmeii, .f-c. — Continued. HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVEE^Contiaucd. 1 a a 00 1 a "3 1 a 2 o GIltTlI OF CUCST AT EXPIIUTIOX. 33 and under 35 inclics. 35 and under 37 iucbcs. i 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIOXS. AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. s o 4 a o o .5 1 1 a n 5 t & i .a 1 a o CQ .9 o 03 ■§ n > O 1 i 1 1 I o ai CI 1 2 n t-, P 6 a 1 a a g LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 841 1 .700 59-3. 507 DAKK COilPLEXION. 1 1 1 ■ .706 1 .700 1 .700 40G 493 I 1 i 1 i 1 2 1,417 i 1 .700 1 .700 i 1 l.-lll 1 000 1 1 AGE. TTinlor '"^0 165 1 1 1 1 1 Hi. 443 1 1 1 1 578 1 1 ! i i 1 1 407. f 04 1 1 ! i 1 . I 1 1 1 i ! j 1.... 1 304 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 .700 214. 533 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. ... 1 1 1 103 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 115.032 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 125 1 ■ 1 1 8a 215 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 82 1 1 j .700 I--" , 1 .7C0 57. 869 t 1 1 1 . ...1 . .. 1,417 1 1 . 1 .700 700 1 . - 1.411 1,000 1 WEIGHT. Uuder 100 — - -,. i.-->.. 3 1 1 2.117 1 1 158 1 Katio per 1 000 accepted 1 1 111. 503 1 1 1 1 1 724 - -1 - . 1 1 510. 939 1 1 ' 140 mill nndi^r IHD 1 1 1 2 450 .7C6 TOR 1 1.411 317. 572 ... 1 74 1 1 1 1 .52.223 1 ' j 8 1 1 5.c-;g : 1 Total 1 1 1 1 2 1,417 1 1 I^atio per I 000 accepted .700 .700 1 1.411 1,000 T^BLE NO. 15, THE mmm of height, girth of chest, EXPANSION OF CHEST, COMPLEXION, AGE, AND WEIGHT. GERMANS ACCEPTED. 390 Tabij: No. 15 — Shoicing Ihc nhidoii of height, girth of chest uml cTpausioit of chest, to complexion, age, ami tecight, aiid to each HEIGHT UNDEU CI INCHES. GIKTII OP CHEST AT EXPIIIATIOS. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 and under .33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. E.\pansion. Expansion. ■3 a O •§ a 6 i ■s a n o > O '3 0 H i Si i "3 5 a « 5 .a 0 a 0 0 B 0 a .5 01 s- > 0 w 0 c u g 0 •3 1 LIGHT COllPLEXIOX. 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 . K'ltio per 1 000 accf'ptoci .745 . 745 1. 48D .745 1.489 2.234 1.469 1 .745 0 " 2;M DAKK COilPLEXION. 1 3 4 1 .745 2.234 2.978 .745 L489 a. 234 ' Total 1 1 2 2 5 7 S 3 6 Batio per 1,000 accepted 745 .745 1.480 1.48!) 3.723 5.212 1 2.234 2.234 4 4Gd 1 AGE. Under 20 1 1 ' Katio per 1,000 accepted ! . 745 1 . 745 ilO ami muler 25 1 0 2 1 t ' Hat io per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1.489 1.489 . 745 .745 2r> and under 30 1 ! i! 1 1 1 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 1 ! 1.469 1 1.4^ 30 and under ;i5 1 1 1 1 M ' Katio per 1.000 accepted 1 .745 .745 .745 745 ' 1 3r» and under -10 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ' 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 .745 .745 1.489 1.4t<9 40 and over 1 1 1 3 3 Ratio per I.OOO accepted 1 .745 745 2.2;I4 2.234 Total 1 1| 2 2 5" ' 1 3 3 C i i Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 1 .745 jl.489 1.489 3.723 5.212 2.234 2.234 4.4C8 WEIGHT. Under 100 1 ,T Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.745 .745 !l. 4.09 1 ' ' 1 100 and under 120 1 2 5 ■> 1 3 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1.489 3.723 5.212 .745 2.2.34 2.978 120 and under 110 1 1 3 it Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 L489 1.48.0 HO and under 160 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 Katio iicr 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 ^^^^ lt.iti<> iicr 1,000 accepted Totil I-- ..•-.- llLIZl. -11.:::: Katio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1 - 1.489 2 1.489 5 3.723 7 5.212 1 => 3 2.234 6 4. 4G3 . 391 other; embracing the statistical results of the examination 0/ 1,343 Germans found fit for service in the annics of theUnited States. HEIGHT UNDEE 01 INCHES— Continued. O o ■3 a 2 LIGHT COMPLKXION. 8 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.957 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair. 1 2 3 1 1 11 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 .745 11.489 1 2.234 1 .745 1 .745 1 1 8.191 Total 1 1 M 2| 3 1 1 1 1 19 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 ! .715 ,1.469 1 2.234 .745 1 .745 1 1 14. 147 AGE. TTndcr 20 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 ; j 1 ! !■-:- -^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 •■- 1 1 " 1 1 1 .745 .745 1 1 1 1 j 2.978 25 and iinder 30 1 1 1 I..--- 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted . ..1 1 .745 1 i .745 1 1 \ 2.234 1 1 [ 1 ^=- — 1 1 =^=: — —i^^ 30 and ander 35 1 1 1 1 1 2.234 1 j -45 1 .745 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Eatio per 1,000 accepted ! 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 S.234 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 .745 .745 1 1 3.723 Total 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 19 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 .745 1.489 1 2.234 .745 .745 1 14.147 WEIGHT. Under 100 1 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 100 ar.d under 1'20 1 1 = — — 1 TTT. i 11 Eatio per 1 000 accepted .1 1 1 1 8.191 liOand Tiiicler 140 1 2| 3 1 1 1 1 5 Ratio per 1.000 accepted 1 1 .745 L4SD i 2.234 J 1 1 1 3.723 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ .745 .745 I 1 1 1 .745 160 and under ISO 1 1--- 1 1 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 I -. : 11:11 ~ .- 1 1 Eatio per 1.000 accepted 1 1 1 ' 1 ia Total 1 1 2 1 3 .^^^ . .^^ iJ^ll 1 . .745 J t .745 -llllJ . _^ •| 1 14.147 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . "i ) 1 -^-M* 1 1" 1 392 Tablb No. 15 Shou-iiig Ihc rdation <>/ UcUjht. ijirlli of chrM and irpaitxinii offhcit, to comphs'mii, aijc, and ivtiyht, HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 63 INCHES. GlltXn OP CHEST AT EXPIKArlOM. Under 29 inches. 29 and under 31 inches. 31 .and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS. AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o 1 1 S .a V a u o S ,a o CO o > O •i i o •s o a r-l > O .2 O > O CO g o o B i a .a a n V ■s .a « > o .3 O a n ? O 3 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 5 5 9 19 28 Entio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1 3.723 3.723 6.701 14. 147 20. 849 DAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; daik hair . . 13 13 4 18 9.680 9.680 2.978 13. 403 16. 381 Tntol 1 I 18 18 13 37 SO .745 .745 - 13. 403 13. 403 9.680 27. 550 AGE. 1 1 1 1 2 2 .745 .745 .745 745 1.489 1 489 4 4 5 7 12 1 . .. 2.978 2.978 3.723 5.212 8.935 1 1." 3 3 3 7 10 1 _ ___l 2.234 2.234 2.234 5.212 ___ 1 1 3 8 11 ! . i ! I .745 .745 2.234 5.957 8. 191 1 9 9 1 7 s 1 Ratio pf'i' 1 000 accepted 1 1 --- 1 (i. 701 0.701 .745 .5. 212 5.957 ..... 1 1 1 6 7 1 1 .745 4.468 3. 212 1 1 1 18 18 13 37 50 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 .745 .745 13. 403 13. 403 9.080 27. 550 37 230 WKIUirr. Under 1011 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 '. .. 1 1 11 11 3 16 19 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 8.191 M91 2.234 11.914 14. 147 120 and under 140 7 7 10 iF 28 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 5.212 5.212 7.446 13. 403 20. 849 HO and under ICO 3 3 Ratio per 1. 000 accepted 2.234 2.234 liil) iuid undi-i- l;-il : — =^^= = 1 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1 180 and over — - 1 1 Ratio iier 1,000 accepted 1 Total I 1 iF 18 1 13 37 1 SO 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 t 1 .745 13. 403 13. 403 9.080 27.550 1 37. 230 _ 393 ami to each nlliir; rmbraciiig the slaihikal rcsulttt of Ihc esamiiiation of 1,343 Grniiaii.% .fr.— CoiitiniiiHl. HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 63 INCHES— Continued. a GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXTIR.ITIOX. 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 Inches. 37 inches and over. COMPLEXIONS. AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i •a a 5 © o tn u •§ S n u o 6 ■i o H o .a .a .s i o 5 o 1 1 © •g r-1 R i o i .a a (0 •s .2 n > o 'a 1 s a 2 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; light hair. - 1 3 12 16 5 1 6 1 1 57 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 2.234 8.935 11.914 3.723 .745 4.468 .745 .745 42. 442 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair 4 7 11 1 1 2 2 2 50 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.978 5.212 8.191 .745 .745 2 1.489 8 1.489 2 1 1.4S9 37.230 Total 1 7 19 27 6 3 107 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 5.212 14. 147 20. 104 4.468 1.489 5.957 1.489 .745 2.234 79.672 AGE. 4 773 2.978 20 and under 2."" 1 1 4 6 1 1 2 24 .745 .745 2.978 4.468 .745 .745 1.489 4 17.870 1 1 i 25 and under ao 1 2 3 3 1 22 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 1.489 2.234 2.234 .745 2.978 .745 .745 1.489 10. 381 30 and under 35 1 5 6 1 1 1 1 20 .745 3 3.723 7 4.468 10 .745 1 .745 1 .745 .745 14. f 92 35 and under 40 28 2.234 5.212 7.446 2 .745 .745 20.840 1 9 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1.4S9 ■ ~ ~ 6.701 Total 1 7 nr 27 6 2 8 2 1 3 107 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted .745 5.212 14. 147 20. 104 4.468 1.489 5. 9.57 1.489 .745 1 2.234 70. 672 WEIGHT. Under 100 • Ratio ner 1 OOO accented 1 100 and under 120 i 3 5 36 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 1.489 2.234 3.7-23 1 26.800 120 and under 140 1 5 13 19 3 1 4 1 1 1 59 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .... .745 3.723 9.680 14. 147 3 2.234 3 .745 1 2.978 4 .745 1 .745 43. 931 140 and under 160 3 11 Ratio per 1,000 accepted --= == 2.234 2.234 2.234 .745 2.978 .745 1 .745 8.191 100 and under IM 1 1 1 1 Ratio per l.OOU accepted . . . .745 1 .745 1 .745 ..1 1 80 and over Ratio per 1,000 accepted mi— 1 .7:.. Total 1 7 19 27 6| 2 8 j 2 1 1 3 1 107 .745 .1.212 14. 147 20. 104 4.468 11.489 f>. 9.S7 1.489 .745 2.2. o o .9 o •3 6 i •3 a CI p 5 en a n o 5 o H 1 u O .a a O a. .a y Q m p 5 "si H LIGHT COMPLEXION. o 2 4 33 37 17 CO 77 KatiniH'V 1,000 accented == 1.489 1. 4cl9 2. 978 24.572 27.550 12. 658 44. 076 57 334 DAUK COMPLEXIOX. 3 3 8 12 20 10 63 73 3.234 2.234 5.957 8.935 14. 893 7.446 46.910 54. 356 5 5 12 45 57 27 123 150 3.723 3 723 8.935 33. 507 42. 442 20. 104 91. 586 111.690 AGE. 3 7 10 4 11 15 Eiitio i)iT 1,000 accBptetl 2.234 5. 212 7.440 2. 978 8. 191 11 169 o 2 2 21 23 3 28 31 1.489 1.489 1.489 15. 637 17. 120 2.234 20. 849 23.083 ^z= 1 1 3 9 12 4 46 50 .745 .715 2.234 6.701 8.935 2. 978 1 34. 252 37. 230 2 2 8 1 9 17 1.489 1.489 5. 957 1 6. 701 12. 658 1 1 2 5 7 2 20 22 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1.489 3. 723 5.212 1.489 14. 892 9 16. 381 40 and over 1 1 2 1 3 6 15 Katio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1.489 .745 2.234 4.468 6.701 11. 169 Total 5 5 12 45 57 27 123 150 llatio pir 1,000 accepted 3.72:! 3.723 8.935 33. 507 42. 442 20. 104 91. 586 111. 690 WEIGHT. Under 100 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 100 and tnider 120 .• 3 3 7 25 32 3 23 26 Ilitioper 1,000 accepted 2.234 2.234 5.212 18.615 23. 827 2.234 17.126 19. 360 120 and '.ind(M- MO 1 2 a 4 19 23 22 1 88 110 Katio ]«■!■ 1,000 aiceptecl 1.489 1.489 2 978 14. 147 17. 126 16. 381 05.525 81. 906 140 and nndiTl60 1 1 2 2 1 '•' 14 Katin per 1,000 accepted 1 .745 1 .745 1.489 1.489 1 8. 935 10. 424 KM ;iiid under ISO 1 [ 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 |.. ...... le'O and over 1 lUtio jier 1 ,000 acci-pted 1 Total - 5 5 12 45 57 27 1 ,23 150 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 3.723 3.723 8 935 ' '*'' '^'*"' 42. 442 OQ 104 ' **' ''•^'^ 111 G90 1 1 1 3H5 and to each other; cmhracing the statistical results of the examination of 1,343 Germans, cj-c— Continued. HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER 65 INCHES— Continncd. 1 GIRTH OF CHEST AT EXriU.VTIO-X. 1 33 and under 33 inches. 33 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 5 COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. ExpausioD. Ejcpansioii. -.2 5 o n O 1 i u o 1 .3 .a s o i .a a Cl u o > O a n 9 5 a o H t4 o o 5 a: .5 u o o O o S o LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray ej-e-s ; light bair. . 1 in ;!7 57 3 8 o 13 3 2 5 191 Katio per 1,00'J accepted .743 14. 147 27. 530 42. 442 i-^'' 5.957 1.489 9. 680 3.234 1.489 3.723 142. 219 DAEK COMPLEXION. Black or liazclcycsi cLirk li,air. 1 21 22 44 1 0 3 9 1 1 150 1 T^tio per 1,000 accepted .743 13.637 lIG.3ei a. 763 ! 4.468 2.234 6.701 .745 .745 111.690 Total 1 1 40 .'.9 101 1 => 14 5 22 4 3 6 341 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 39. 7S4 43. 931 7.->. 205 12.234 10. 424 3.7-23 16.381 2.978 1.489 4.468 253. 009 AGE. Under 20 3 3 23 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 2.234 2.234 20.649 20 and under 23 7 12 19 4 1 1 8J Ratio per 1,000 accepted 5.212 8.935 14. 147 2.978 2.978 .745 .745 59.568 25 and under 30 6 16 22 3 4 89 E.itin per 1,000 accepted 4.408 11.914 16. 381 .745 2.234 2. 978 66. 270 7 U 18 1 3 2 40 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 5. 212 8.191 13.403 .745 .745 1.489 1.489 29. 784 35 and under 40 1 1 10 13 23 3 3 1 7 62 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 7.440 9. 680 18.613 3.234 2.234 .745 5. 212 40. 165 40 and over 10 4 14 5 1 6 3 3 42 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 7.446 2.978 10. 424 3.723 .743 4. 408 2.234 2. 234 31. 273 Total 1 1 40 59 101 3 14 5 22 4 2 6 341 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 43. 931 75.205 2.234 10. 424 3.723 16.381 2. 978 1.489 4.4C8 253. 909 WEIGHT. Under 100 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 12D 5 1 G 1 1 6S Katie per 1 ,000 accepted 3.733 .745 4. 4C8 .745 .745 50.633 120 and under 140 I 25 46 72 1 6 1 8 1 1 2 217 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 18.013 34.252 53.611 .745 4.408 .715 5.957 .745 .745 1.481) 161.579 140 and under 160 1 10 11 22 S 7 4 13 1 1 2 53 Eatio per 1,000 accepted. . . . .745 7.440 8. 191 16. 381 1.489 5. 212 1 2.073 9.680 1 .745 .745 1.489 39. 464 160 and under ISO 1 1 % 1 1 3 Ratio per 1.000 accepted .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 2.2.34 ISO and over Eatio per 1,000 accepted Total 1 1 40 59 101 3 14 5 22 ~r 4 2 C 341 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .745 .743 2D. 784 43. 931 73. 205 2.234 10. 424 3.723 2. 978 1.489 4.468 1253.909 1 1 39G T.Mii-i; No. ir>— .S/ioiciii.'/ Ilif rilalioii of licii/Iil, 'I'lrth of chest and cxpannion of cliixt, lo complexion, aye, and weight. HEIGHT C.) AND UNDER 07 INCHES. cmXII OF CHEST AT EXTinATIOS. Under 29 inclies. 29 and under 31 Indies. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIOXS, AGES, AXl) WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. 1 u .5 i o to ■g CI u o 1 CO g o •3 i 1 1 1 a CI u 5 .a « u 1 1 s u a i a u 1 1 a 1 s o o H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 3 3 c 22 28 1 10 R\ 78 2.234 2.234 4.408 10. 381 20. 849 .745 11.914 45.421 5a070 DAEK COMPLEXION. o 11 13 9 ea 78 1 -' 1 1. 489 8.191 9.680 C.701 51.378 58.079 Total • 3| 3 8 33 41 1 25 130 156 2.231 2.234 5.957 24. .^.72 30. 529 .745 18. 015 90. 798 116 158 AGE. 1 1 4 4 8 3 10 13 l^atio p6r 1,000 accepted .745 .743 2.978 2.978 5. 057 a. 234 7_ 44r, 9 680 20 O "3 so 0) o ■s p •S t o i ■g a (S '6 a M > o o B S .2 o •s a 4 O .a « .9 CI u 1 ■g a CO s '3 o B "a o i a LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 26 74 101 13 20 33 5 4 n .7-15 19. 360 |55. 101 75.205 9.680 |14.892 24. 572 3.723 2.978 6.701 187 64'J DAKK COilPLEXION. Black or Lazel eyes ; dark hair 1 18 51 70 3 9 12 3 3 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .745 l:i.403 37. 975 52. 122 1 2.234 1 6.701 8.935 2.234 I 2 234 Il31 050 2 44 125 171 16 j 29 45 S 7 1 12 1 428 1.4S9 32.762 93. 075 127.327 11.914 21.593 33. 007 3.723 5.212 1 8 935 318 690 AGE. 1 1 7 9 31 . 745 . 745 5.212 C.701 1 23.083 6 33 39 1 4 1 10 14 1 1 1 118 4.468 24. 572 29. 039 2.978 1 7.446 in. J34 . 745 1 . 745 87. 8C3 .' 12 32 44 1 4| 5 9 1 1 1 2 1 89 66 97(1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 8.935 23.827 .1" 7f.o 2.978 1 3.723 0.701 .745 .745 1 1.489 24 7 31 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 3 1 71 5.212 17. 870 |23. 083 .. ! .745 1 2.978 3.723 .745 .745 j 1.489 1 52.667 •5 20 1 25 ! 4| 4 8 2 2 1 4 I 65 i 3.723 14.892 ;18.615 ' 1 2.978 i 2.978 5.957 1.489 1. 489 j 2. 978 1 4a 399 1 13 9 1 S3 1 3 1 6 9 1 2 1 3 1 54 i .745 9.680 6.701 1 17. 126 2.234 1 4.468 6.701 .745 1.489 2 2.34 | 40. £03 2 44 125 1 171 j 16 1 29 45 5 ■ 7 1 13 1 428 1.4S9 32.762 93. 075 1127.327 1 11.914 21.593 33. 507 [ 3.723 5. 212 1 8. 935 j318. 690 WEIGHT. ■Pndpr inn i [ '" Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 1 2 5 8 1 1 38 ' Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 1.489 3.723 5.957 .. . 1 1 28.295 27 53 80 2| 4 6 1 1| 2 230 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 20. 104 ]39. 4i;4 M. 568 1. 489 1 2. 978 4.468 .745 1 .745 j 1.489 171.258 1 15 1 6U 76 1 10 1 13 28 2 3 1 5 136 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 11.169 44.670 |56.590 1 7.440 13.403 20. 849 1. 489 |2. 234 | 3. 723 101. 206 7 1 7 ...i 4 1 7 11 2 2 4 23 5. 212 1 5. 212 1 2. 973 t 5. 212 8.191 1. 489 1.489 1 2.978 17. 126 . ..1 ! 1 1 1| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 t 1 .745 1 .745 .745 =^= 1 1 2 44 1 135 1 171 1 16 1 29 45 5 7 1 12 428 1.4S9 32.762 fl.3 07.'i 127.327 11.914 21. ."193 33. 507 3.723 5.212 8.935 318. 6S0 1 398 Table No. 15 Shoiring the relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to cmnplcxion, age, and weight, HEIGHT 67 AND UNDEU C9 INCHES. CIUTII OF CIlESr AT EXI'IUATIOX. Under 29 inches. 29 and uuiUt 'i\ iuclics. 31 and under 33 iuehes. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AXD WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansiou. Exx)au8ion. 1^ o ■§ a 4 a 1-* u Hi > O a t 6 1 G CO u o o H i I' o ■3 5 U t o CO O o H i o u □ o to .5 CI o CO 1 1 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 1 3 IG 19 ■ 4 7 59 70 .743 .745 2.234 11.914 14. 147 2. 978 5. 212 43. 931 M 123 UAKK COMPLEXION. 14 10 5 33 38 1.439 10. 434 11 914 3.723 24. .572 Xotal 1 1 5 30 35 4 12 92 108 .745 .745 3.723 22. 333 26.061 2.978 8.933 3 68. 503 SO. 417 AGE. TJmler 20 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 liatio per 1 000 acccptcil .745 .745 .745 .743 1.489 2.234 1.489 3 723 IC 10 3 33 36 11.914 11.914 2.234 24. 573 25 aiul ntulcr 30 o 2 1 1 20 no *"" Hatio per 1,000 accepted 1.489 1.489 .745 .745 14.832 2 4 6 3 11 Ratio per l.COO accepted 1.469 2.978 4.4C3 2. 234 8. 191 35 aud under 40 1 0 7 1 17 18 Katio per 1,000 accepted .745 4.46S 5. 212 . 743 1 li 058 13 403 40 and over 1 1 1 2 4 { 9 1 Hatio per 1,000 accepted 1 .743 .745 1.489 2.978 1 G.701 9 G8D Total V 1 1 S 30 35 4 12 1 92 Katio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 3.723 22. 338 26. 001 2.978 8.935 68. 503 80.417 "WEIGHT. TTnaer 100 i 1 IlatioiKT 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 , 1 4 5 3 liatio perl, COO accepted .743 2.978 3.723 . 743 1. 489 2.234 120 and under 1-lU 1 1 : — — 4 22 2C 4 G 50 Katiii jier I,0::0 accepted .745 .745 2.978 lli.SSl 19.300 1 2. 978 4.4C8 37.230 44 67C 110 and under ICO 2 2 1 1 5 1 38 43 liatio per l,0:iO accepted 1.489 1.489 1 3.723 28.293 32.013 IGO and under ItO 2 2| 1 2 3 lijitio per 1,000 accepted 1.469 1.489 1 1 1.469 1.489 180 and over 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 1 1 — ' 1 1 5 30 35 1 4 12 1 92 loa liatio per 1,000 accepted .743 .743 3. 723 22. 338 1 2.978 8.935 68. 503 80.417 399 and to each oilier; cmbrueiiuj He slalislical remtlls of the exainiiialioii of 1,343 Oeniinii^, Ife. — CniitinutMl. HEIGHT 07 AND UNDEll G9 INCHES— Continued. u g GIUTIl OF CHEST AT EXPIRATION. s 33 and under 35 inches. 35 and under 37 inches. 37 inches and over. 0 COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. .S.2 1 a 4 .a % > o s .a c a at g O § n p 6 1 o5 c *2 O > O 1 .a C 1 1 0 2 p 0 n 5 3 0 t 0 LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 22 51 74 14 17 31 4 2 6 **01 Ratio per 1 ,000 acceptt'd .745 10. 381 37. 975 55. 101 10.421 12. 658 33. 083 i978 1.489 4.463 149.665 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; dark hair 1 8 38 47 0 11 17 1 2 3 121 .745 5.957 38.295 34. 990 4.468 8.191 12. 058 .745 1.489 Total 2 'An 89 121 20 2.i 48 5 4 9 1 3''-'' 1.480 23.338 GO. 270 90. 097 14. 892 20. 849 35.741 3.733 2. 978 G 701 '^'1') 7fiO AGE. TTnder ''0 1 3 4 12 .745 2.234 2.978 8.935 10 21 31 1 G 7 2 Ttatio T>pi' 1 000 accented 7.440 15. 037 23.083 . 745 4. 408 5. 213 1.489 1 480 1 fift "im 1 5 14 20 0 10 16 1 .745 3.723 10 424 14 899 4.408 7.446 11.914 .745 .745 45 421 2 14 10 5 3 8 1 1 2 1.489 10. 424 11.914 3. 723 2.234 5.957 . 745 .745 1.489 34 252 0 24 30 5 0 11 2 2 4. 403 17. 870 22.338 3.723 4.468 8.191 1.489 1.489 1 G 13 20 3 3 6 2 2 1 43 Ualio Tier 1 000 accented .745 4.408 9.CS0 14. 892 2.234 2.2.34 4.468 1.489 1.489 1 3" 018 Total a 30 89 121 20 28 48 5 4 9 1 322 1.489 22. 338 00. 270 90. 097 14. 893 20.840 I3.5. 741 3 723 13- 978 0. 701 'it') 7fi.:). 1 •WEIGHT. Under 100 1 1 1 r i"2 3 1 4 2.234 .745 2.9-H 8.935 1 13 28 42 5 3 8 1 1 1 138 .745 9.CS0 20. 849 31.273 3.723 2.234 5.957 .745 . 745 102 755 1 11 45 57 12 15 27 3 2 5 1 134 .745 8.191 33. 507 42. 442 8.935 11.109 20. 104 2.234 1.489 3.723 1 99.777 IGO and iindcr 180 3 15 18 3 10 13 2 1 3 I 38 2.234 11. 109 13. 403 2.234 7.440 9.680 1.489 .745 2.234 j 23.295 180 and over .... 1 1 1 Total 2 30 89 121 20 28 43 5 4 9 1 322 Eatioper 1,000 accepted.- . 1.489 22. 338 06. 270 90. 097 14. 892 20. 849 35. 741 3.723 2.978 0.701 1239.762 400 Taiilh No. ICt—Slwwiiiij the relation of hciyht, yirth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, aye, and weight, HEIGHT 09 AND UNDER 71 INCHES. GIItTH OK CHEST AT EXPIRATION. Under 29 jncliea. 39 and under 31 iDcbes. 31 and under 33 inches. COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AUi) WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. i o ■g a .5 1 6 s ■g n o > O o H s o -S O o a ct 6 00 o n CO CJ 5 n 1 IS — 3 « .a a O EO c C( o 6 o n > O 3 o H LIGHT COMPLEXION. 5 5 1 10 11 Katio per 1,000 accepted 3. 723 3.723 .745 7.440 8.191 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or tazel eyes; darkbair .. CJ o 10 10 1.489 1.489 7.446 7.446 1 7 7 1 20 21 Patio per 1,000 accepted . 5.212 5. 212 .745 14.892 1.5. 637 AGE. 1 1 2 2 . 745 . 74.1 1.489 1.489 3 3 1 6 7 2.234 1 2.234 1 .745 4. 408 5. 212 — 7 R-itio per 1 000 accepted .743 1 .743 1 5.212 5. 212 2 2 .743 .745 1.489 1.489 35 and uuder 40 - . . - ' 2. 2 . .. 1.489 1.489 40 and over 1 1 1 1 Hatio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 .745 .745 1 Total 7 7 1 20 21 liatio per l.COO accepted 5. 212 .-5.212 .745 14. 802 15.037 WEIGIIT. ruder 100 Katio per 1,000 accepted 100 and under 120 Itatio per 1,000 accepted 120 and under 140 5 5 1 11 12 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 3.723 3. 723 .745 8.101 a 935 =^^ — i. 140 and under ICO 2 2 7 7 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1.489 1.489 5. 212 5. 212 =^= 100 and under IfO 1 1 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .745 1 .745 180 and over ■=== I liatio per 1,000 accepted . 745 .745 Total 7 7 1 20 21 Eatio per 1,000 accepted 1 5. 212 5.212 .745 1 14.892 J 5. (;;i7 401 and to each other; cmhraciny the statistical results of the examination of 1,343 Germans, Jj-c. — Continued. HEIGHT 09 AND UNDEE 71 INCHES-Coatinued. o a GIRTH OP CHEST AT EXPIRATION. 3 33 and under 3,i inches. 35 and under 37 inclicB. 37 inclies and over. S COMPLEXIONS, AGES, AND WEIGHTS. Expansion. Expansion. Expansion. la i •3 IS ■3 p n 5 "a o u o .a a .a u > o o5 1 > o en .a .9 « o 3 3 i .5 .9 5 to .a N M o m •§ a I 3 o LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 18 19 1 3 7 11 o 1 49 . 745 13. 403 14. 147 .745 2.234 5.212 8.191 . 489 . 745 2.234 30 485 DARK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes ; davlv liair. C 20 20 1 8 9 2 3 5 52 Ratio per 1,000 accepted 4.468 14. 892 19. 300 .745 5.957 0.701 .489 2.234 3.723 38 719 Total 7 38 45 1 4 15 20 4 4 8 101 f). 212 28.295 33.507 .745 2.978 11. 169 14. 892 >.978 2.978 5.957 75 205 AGE. 1 1 .745 .745 2 978 11 U 4 4 2 o 8.191 8.191 2.978 2.978 1.489 1.469 20 104 3 7 0 2 0 8 1 1 26 1.489 5.212 0.701 1.489 4.408 5.957 745 .745 19. 360 2 0 B 3 3 14 1.489 4.4i;8 5.957 2.234 2. 234 10 424 3 9 12 1 1 2 1 3 4 20 ' 2.234 0.701 8.935 ■ .745 .745 1.489 .745 2.234 2.978 14. 892 .. 4 4 2 1 3 1 1 10 2.978 2.978 1.489 .745 2.234 .745 .745 7. 440 Total 7 38 45 1 4 15 20 4 4 8 101 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted 5. sia 28.295 33. 507 .745 2.978 11.169 14. 892 2. 978 2.978 3. 9.i7 75. 205 WEIGHT. 1 1 1 .745 .745 1 .745 1 1 1 1 2 .745 .745 .745 .745 1.489 • 1 0 7 1 24 1 .745 4.408 5.212 1 17. 670 1 140 and under 1G9 6 SO 26 1 0 7 42 4.468 14. 692 19. 300 .745 4.468 5.212 31. 273 IGO and under ISO 10 10 1 3 7 11 4 3 7 29 1 7.440 7.440 .745 2.234 5.212 8.191 2.978 2.234 5.212 21. 593 1 1 1 1 3 .745 .745 .745 .745 2.234 Total 7 38 45 1 4 15 20 4 4 8 101 Hatio per 1,000 accepted 5.212 28.295 33.507 .745 2.978 11. 169 14. 892 2.978 2.978 5.957 75. 203 61 402 Tahi.k X(i. I'y—ShowiiKj the rdaiioii of Jicight, giilh of diesl and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, HEIGHT 71 AND UNDER 73 INCHES. GIKTII OF CHEST AT E.\PIBATION. TJudor 29 inches. 20 and under 31 inches. 31 and under 33 iucUcs. COMPLEXIONS. AGES, AXU WEIGHTS. Expnnsion. Expansion. Expansion. CO u .3 > o .a a a 6 £ CO 9 5 1 i u o 1 ■ZJ 6 o 6 !0 a n 5 1 S i a .a •S t Q _P CI u o ■i .5 « o 5 & LIGHT COMPLEXION. 1 2 .745 1.489 2.234 DAKK COMPLEXION. o 2 1 1 1.489 1.489 .745 .745 Total 2 2 2 3 1.480 1.489 1.489 2.234 AGE. Under 20 1 1 .74J .745 1 1 *■> Katio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1 4H0 1 1 .745 .745 . . . 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .743 .745 35 and under 40 1 1 .745 40 aud over Katio per 1,000 accepted Total 2 2 2 3 „ liat io per 1 ,000 accepted 1.489 1.489 1.489 2.934 3 723 wp:igiit. Under 100 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted lUO and under 120 .■ 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted , .745 .745 120 and under 140 Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted 1 10 and under ICO I 1 1 2 3 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted .745 .745 .745 1.489 2.234 100 and under 180 1 1 2 Katio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1 489 ■ Katio per 1 ,000 aocopted o 2 2 3 5 Ealiopcr 1,000 accepted 1. 489 1.489 1.489 2 234 3. 723 * 403 ml U) each otiur; cmhraciiiij ike stalhVwal results of Ike emmination of 1,343 Germans, o o H 7i .9 6 t .5 u 5 i a o 5 13 o H 2 LIGHT COMPLEXION. Blue or gray eyes ; liglit hair. . 1 2 4 7 2 2 4 1 •■ 1 15 Eatio per 1,0C0 accepted .743 L489 2.978 5 5.212 1.489 1.489 2.978 .745 .743 11. 169 DAKK COMPLEXION. Black or hazel eyes; dark hair. 5 9 Eatio pi'r 1,(100 accepted im-^ 1 2 3.733 9 3.723 6.701 Total 12 3 2 4 1 1 24 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .745 1.48D e. 701 8.935 1.489 1.489 2.978 .745 .745 17. 870 AGE. Under iiO 1 1 2 Eatio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1.489 =z= 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 9 llatio jKT 1,000 accepted 2.978 2.978 .743 .743 1.489 .743 .745 6.701 - 1 1 1 1 4 Katio pur 1,000 accepted .745 .745 .743 .745 2.978 1 1 2 ■ - ■ 3 liatio pLT 1,000 accepted .745 .745 1.489 2.234 3 3 1 1 5 ... Katio per l,U00 accepted 2.234 2.234 .745 .743 3.723 1 1 1 Katin pel- I,UUO accepted .745 .745 1 .745 =^= 1| 2 9 12 2 2 4 1 1 24 Katio per 1,00 i accepted . 745 |l. 489 0.701 8.935 1.489 1.489 2.978 .745 .745 17. 870 ■WEIGHT. Katin ijcr 1,000 accepted 1 E.llir) pel- 1,1)11(1 acfcptod .745 1-JiJ ^iiiil luiilir 110 1 1 1 1 2 Eali— Showing tin- relation of height, girth of chest and expansion of chest, to complexion, age, and weight, HEIGHT 73 INCHES AND OVEK. GIKTH OF CHEST AT E-KTIltATION. Uudor 29 iuchcs. 39 and under 31 inches. 31 and imdei- 33 inches. COiU'LKXIONS, AUES, AND -tt'EiaUTS. E;cpan8ion. Expansion. Expansion. s o a a O •g a CI O a 5 1 w S o 1 .a a 5 i o V .a o a n ? 6 1 c ,a .5 1 it p O 1 a u s o M o a n 6 a 1 LIGHT COMPLEXIOJ!. DARK COMPLEXIOX. Total AGE. Under 20 Katio per 1 000 accepted 2ri ami uudiT 30 "" Katio per 1,000 accepted 35 and under -lO \ 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 40 and over - l;at io per 1 ,000 accepted . Total liat io per 1 .000 accepted - WEIGHT. Under 100 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted .. .. 100 and umler 1-40 : Katio per 1,000 accepted . 1-20 and under 110 Kat io per 1,000 accepted 1 10 and under ICO ]!atio per 1 ,000 accepted 1110 and under 180 ■ Katio per 1,000 accepted ISO and over _____ ==- =^= Ratio per 1 ,000 accepted Total Ivatio per 1,003 accepted ' 405 ami to each other; cmhraciiiy the sfatistieal results of the examination of 1,343 Germans, o i "a a > O a 1 n u > O 1 .a u o & i a CO o > O o H 1 > O o y .3 > o 1 H * CO o 5 "a 1 a a O LIGHT COMPLEXION. Katio per 1,000 accepted 575 577 -DARK COMPLEXION. 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .7-15 .745 .745 404 4-23 Total 1 1 1 1 343 .745 .745 .745 AGE. Under 20 go 20 and under 25 354 Katio per 1,000 accepted 263. 580 25 and under 30 204 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 I 1 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 .743 147 431 Katio per 1,000 accepted " 1 86 895 40 and over 1 164 i 1 1 Total 1 i 1 ■ 1 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 .743 1 000 ■WEIGHT. Under 100 3 Katio per 1,000 accepted 2 234 100 and under 120 1C3 Katio per 1,000 accepted j 125.003 = == 1 12:) and undrr l-IO r 675 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 502 606 140 and under ICO 389 ...... Katio per 1 , 000 accepted 289. 650 160 and under 180 1 1 1 104 Katio per 1 ,000 accepted .745 .745 .745 77. 439 180 and over 4 1 Katio per 1,000 accepted 1 2 978 Total 1 1 1 I 1 343 1 Ratio per 1,000 accepted .745 .745 .745 1,000 T^BLE NO. 16, THE RELATION OF HEIGHT GIRTH OF CHEST Number examined, - - - - 501,068. Number rejected, - - - - 162,820. 409 Table No. IG—Shoif exam the VJ uu IjUOO recru u, an t)smui cs, ar ^Jted %ncl enn >Ued men, of various nativities. HEIGHT UNDER Bl INCHES. HEIGHT 61 AND U.YDER 03 INCHES. Nnmber examined, 3,747. Number examined, 20,838. Girth of chest at expiration— Girth of chest at expiration— " DISEASES. CO a> i 1 a s .a u a n u « -a a i 8 S ■g a § £ .3 i IS g OJ a 1 S i 1 .2 1 i u a s a [3 s u 1 a a 0 u a i 5 09 a 1 a P R a s a s ea i a s •g a TXJTTRrES OF THE ^'OSE. 1 1 .267 1 1 .048 ^ 2 1 3 .144 Grand total 1 1 .267 2 1 1 4 192 DISEASES OF THE CIKCU- LATOET SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HE^VRT AXD ITS SIESIBRAXES. 1 6 1 8 1 12 3 35 .801 9.341 "35' 1 40 6 62 3 39 1 9 1 6 12 191 7 1 1 9 1G6 Total . 7 9 13 7 1 1 38 10. 141 35 41 68 42 10 7 203 9 74'^ DISEASES OP THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Duieases of the Arteries. 1 1 .048 Diseases of the Veins. Varicose veins 2 2 6 11 4 1 26 6.939 1 15 49 61 32 14 172 8 254 Total 2 2 6 11 4 1 26 6.939 1 15 50 61 32 14 173 8_3Qo Grand total 9 11 19 18 5 2 64 17. 080 36 56 118 103 42 21 376 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLAiTDS. DISEASES OF THE THTKOED GLASD. Goitre 1 1 .367 2 2 4 ..... Grand total 1 1 .267 2 2 4 .192 DISEASES OF THE RESPIKA- TORT SYSTEM. DISEASES OF TIIE LAliYSX. Fistula of IftrjTix FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OP THE LABTKX. Los« of voice DISEASES OP THE TRACHEA AND BBOXCUI. BroDchitia 1 1 .267 2 8 8 9 2 29 1.3^ Fistola of the trachea Total 1 1 .267 2 8 8 9 2 29 1 '192 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acote disease of lung 3 27 3 37 6 108 .288 Chronic disease of luog 3 2 4 3 1 13 3.469 19 13 12 5.183 Total 3 2 4 1 3 1 13 3.469 19 30 40 13 12 114 5.4-1 DISEASES OP THE PLEURA. Chronic pleurisy 1 .267 1 3 0 1 6 238 Gnud total 3 3 5 3 1 15 4.003 21 39 51 24 14 149 7.150 -Ill Table No. 16— Showing the mlalion of height and girth of eliest at expiration to disease, ifo.— Continued. HEIGHT UNDER 61 INCHES— Continued. HEIGHT 61 AND UNDER 63 INCHES— Cont'd. Number examined, 3,747. Number examined 20,838 Girth of cheat at cxpiratioi - Girth of chest at expiratioi - DISEASES. • CD 1 a « a n -a a p 1 a n '3 1 1 a •a i s ■s .5 r- o rz a 1 in n u I i a S p ^2; c p. 0 CO .P o i O P 0 1 a « ■§ 3 a =) s 0) .P o a n n 1 1 .p « c n 1 p 3 ■3 g © u p s ■s p p rS p eg in Si o i ■§ _p r- n i 1 •1 si Pi DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JAW. 1 1 1 .207 .267 "i 1 2 1 5 .oso Disease or deformity of jaw 1 1 1 .240 Total 1 1 2 .534 1 3 1 1 1 7 .336 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. 2 8 19 22 6 3 60 16. 013 23 50 124 87 37 13 334 16.028 DISEASES AND mjUBIES OF THE TONGUE. 12 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate 2 2 .534 1 3 5 c, 1 .570 DISEASES OFTHE SALIVARY GLANDS. Salivary fistula DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 2 2 1 4 6 .192 1 1 .267 2 1 .288 Total 1 1 .267 4 3 2 1 10 .460 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. 1 7 8 2 32 12 5 1 o 2 9 7 5 58 33 8 5 o 7 14 15 8 169 98 26 6 3 1 11 11 9 137 81 28 2 4 11 48 44 27 442 252 75 10 13 .528 1 1 2 1 1 2 25 12 4 1 4 2 14 9 1 2 4 8 G 68 37 10 3 1.068 2.135 1.601 18. 148 9.875 2.669 .801 5 2 3 32 24 7 2 2 2 1 "ii' 4 1 2.303 "2" 12 4 1 1 ...... "i' 2.112 1.296 Hcruia, right inguinal 5 3 2 11 9 1 1 21,211 12. 093 3.599 .768 .624 Total 11 25 45 33 19 3 136 5 13 1 36.296 1.334 3.469 .207 70 1 129 2 8 346 20 3 284 7 22 a 77 1 5 1 22 1 2 928 18 62 7 44. 534 DISEASES OF THE EECTUM AND ANUS. 2 7 1 1 1 1 .864 1 2 2.975 .336 Total . . 1 2 9 3 2 2 19 5.071 6 10 30 31 7 3 87 4.175 DISl^ASES OP THE LIVER. Chrouic disease of Uver 2 2 .534 2 2 C 4 14 .672 Total 2 2 .534 2 2 6 4 14 .672 DISF-VSES OP THE SPLEEN. Chronic disease of spleen 1 1 .048 Total 1 1 .048 Grand total 15 35 77 60 27 8 222 59. 247 103 201 516 411 123 39 1, 393 60. 849 412 Taiii.k No. IG— Showing the relation of height and ijirih of cheat at expiration to diJicasc, «fc.— Continued. HEIGHT UNDER 0 INCH ES— Continued . HEIGHT CI AND UNDER 03 INCHES- Cont'd. Number examined 3,747. Number examined 30,838. Girtli of chest at expiration— ( rill-ll ( f chest at expiratio a — DISEASES. S a m a n o rs a C .3 « n 1 n n 1 .3 a a 1 n B 1 9 § in n C 1 CO -a .9 o 1 1 o A O -.3 1 a 1 a ■§ a n a 1 01 CO . 338 2.930 10 13 12 28 13 35 43 20 23 31 12 11 9 3 3 7 1 96 131 S5 4. Gt.7 fi, 287 2. 039 Clironicdise.iae of .joints a a Total 4 e 19 U 5 2 0 49 13. 077 23 53 104 68 23 11 282 13. 532 DISEASES OF THE sriNK. Cuivatuio of spiiio G 13 23 S3 10 79 21.084 16 33 45 63 93 6 184 8.1II3O 413 Table No. Kj — Sliowiii;/ the nhilinii of hciijht and girth of chest at expiralwn to disease, n o CJ a s 1 g a C3 n i .s in rs 1 a n a cS 23- CO 0 .a s 0 ■3 3 5 a 8 0 0 a a 0 'S u M a d s 3 .2 « OlSIi.lsnS OFTUE MfSCULAKSTSTESI. Diseases of Muscle. Alrojihy of limb 4 2 G 7 1 20 5.338 5 12 25 8 73 3 503 Diseases of Tendon. 1 1 •2 1 3 3 G .801 1.601 ...... 1 1 6 1 17 2 5 11 2 1 0 1 2 8 39 6 .384 1. 872 .288 1 Total 1 3 4 1 9 a 402 2 7 20 18 4 2 53 2.543 Grand total 18 28 60 46 17 11 180 48. 038 52 123 219 184 63 20 COO 31 G73 DISEASES OF. THE CELLU- LAK TISSUE. 1 1 3 .207 .801 1 1 2 .096 .33G Obesity . . . 2 1 3 4 1 3 1 4 1.068 1 1 3 4 9 .432 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. 3 1 3 4 1 1 5 6 1 1 5 14 10 1.334 3.736 2.069 0 7 0 6 25 13 6 27 16 10 20 14 4 5 8 3 0 32 87 59 1.536 4 17i Disease of skin 3 2.g31 Graud total 3 7 5 • 12 2 29 7.740 19 44 49 44 17 5 fta 8 542 CONDITIONS ynV XECESSA- rJLV ASSOCIATJ-:!) WITH GENERAL UU LOCAL DIS- EASE. 305 4 3U 52 5 34 4 3 37 321 21 124 85. 669 5.604 33. 093 1, 284 13 110 528 19 156 17 525 238 30 18 190 '"'59' 204 175 10 67 3 58 29 33 13 1 22 '5 9 1 3 6 ...... 7 4 1,845 74 544 6 169 1, 269 737 4 12 4 5 1 3 551 Pcimain-ut physical debility 2G. lOG Over a^o 2 126 237 4 73 154 8 39 139 8 4 52 1 ll 1 1 1 24 245 594 6.405 65. 386 158. 527 6 499 278 8 110 Uuiler age GO 898 Graud total 070 322 2.30 80 23 4 1,329 354. 684 2,190 1,435 076 208 57 28 4, 044 o.-w gQ-2 LOCAL mjUHIES. LOCALITV OF INJURY NOT SPECIFIED. 4 8 13 5 2 2 34 9.074 3 23 1 24 41 2 65 52 2 51 20 1 21 5 "'3' 144 0 172 Lot^sofliaib 238 Wouiida 1 2 U 11 1 2 28 7.473 8 8 234 Total 5 10 24 s"= 3 4 62 16. 547 11 48 108 105 42 6 322 15 453 INJURIES AND 5IALF0RSIATI0NS OF UrrEIt EXTKliMITIES. Defects or deformities of baud 4 3 1 1 4 4 16 1 4. 270 .207 1 21 32 4 28 4 10 1 1 99 12 4.751 .57C Total 4 3 2 4 4 17 4.537 8 23 36 32 11 1 111 5,327 INJURIE.S AND SIALFOKMATIONS OF LOWER KXTRE3IIT1ES. Defects or dt-formiUes of foot Loss of f^ejit too . 4 8 n 1 7 3 1 1 29 7.740 .534 8 23 1 51 5 42 8 2 3 135 iO G. 479 480 4 8 7 7 4 1 31 i'. 273 8 24 50 44 10 3 14.) 6 958 13 21 33 27 11 5 110 29. 357 27 95 200 181 60 12 578 27. 738 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal or^'ans. . 1 1 2 1 1 0 .288 Grand total for all diseases.. 756 483 507 293 104 36 2,179 381. 532 2,546 2, 291 2, 333 1,454 476 149 9, 249 443. 853 414 TaI!1.i: No. lf>— Showing the relation of height and girth of chest at expiration to disease, ^-c— Coiitiuued. HEIGHT CJ AlffD UJJDER 65 INCHES. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 67 INCHES. Isumber examinetl 71,038. 'Number examined. 132,087. Girth of cheat at expiration— Girth of chest at expiration— DISEASES. 1 .2 a n 1 •3 g i a n g a a a « o ■§ S 1 •a a rt t ■§ a g a 1 1 O ■3 9 t 1 § i 0 1 g ■g P i g g ■§ a CO a g CO 1 m 1 § -a a a in n g 1 CO o P3 0 s 'A 0 s t 0 n GEXEKAL DISEASES. 4 G 1 1 16 .070 .225 ... ^. 1 3 12 3 17 5 4 1 2 13 43 .098 2 2 5 .320 Xota.1 2 2 5 10 2 21 .296 1 8 15 20 9 3 56 .424 1 21 .T 1 91 4 27 3 82 20 1 244 24 71 152 3 C4 la 2 184 20 47 106 .1 .33 11 2 5 4 11 215 54 4 601 .59 182 428 .155 3.027 .760 .056 8.460 .KU 2 5G2 G. 025 ""h 2 2 ■£ 1 28 92 4 20 9 5 134 22 9 204 39 4 374 52 107 257 2 83 29 2 isii 31 4U 62 "25" 17 "ao" 7 9 16 20 477 118 8 1, 124 136 393 1,083 .151 10 o 18 57 3.011 . H93 Scurvy Svnhilis .1161 51 9 13 17 6 ...... 4 142 7 45 203 390 38 1.58 453 8. 510 Non-malignant tumors 1.03(1 2. 975 8. 199 Total 114 242 597 438 136 27 1,554 21. 870 109 436 1,200 1,046 408 100 3,359 23. 430 IIU 244 002 448 138 27 1, 575 5 22. 171 170 444 1,215 IjOGG 417 103 3, 415 25. 854 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISE^\SES OF THE lUtAIX AND 1T3 WKMIJUANKS. 4 1 .070 1 3 3 2 1 4 5 o 7 7 8 .053 . 0.53 1 1 1 3 .0^2 1 .001 Total 1 1 4 2 8 .113 1 8 10 3 O.") .167 DISEASES OF TIIK NEUVES. 1 10 17 18 8 3 57 .802 6 13 38 51 23 6 137 1.037 rUNCTIONAI. DISEASliS OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. ('horca 1 28 1 13 5 81 2 32 3 95 4 14 9 252 9 • 71 .127 3.547 .127 .«99 2 15 ""a 1 49 4 14 6 1G4 G 41 9 188 7 61 4 100 5 22 2 19 1 4 24 535 23 i.-,n .182 lU 32 1 8 6 1 4. 050 . 174 4 1. 136 Total 14 43 120 116 41 7 341 4.800 25 68 217 205 131 20 j 732 5. 542 DISOItDEKS OF THE INTELLECT. Cbronic nlc^^liolism Iinboci U ty 2 10 a 1 7 37 y 38 74 2. 24 46 21 2 5 14 S 3 1 1 79 182 59 3 1. 112 2. 562 .831 .042 i) 2 7 33 10 01 124 29 1 GO 99 3C 23 28 16 2 6 155 299 93 1 I. 173 2. 264 Solitary vice .OOJ 1 Total 15 53 133 93 24 5 323 4. 7:'il 13 50 215 195 67 8 1 548 4. 1 19 Grantl tutal 31 107 274 £29 73 15 729 10. 202 44 132 478 521 224 40 jl, 439 10.89-1 DISEASES AND INMUIIIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AM) INJUUIES OF THE EYE. Cataract of right t-vo 2 12 32 2 106 21 135 110 . 26 1 97 10 l.'iO 124 10 1 296 54 417 359 1.168 .042 4. 107 .760 5.870 S.054 1 10 43 4 208 29 274 219 54 4 240 31 285 234 27 "ho' IG 116 117 7 0 23 4 32 17 142 10 G.'iO 96 829 650 1.075 . o;o Loss of crvst.'itline'lona, right oyo. . 11 3 IS 13 27 8 75 G4 46 6 40 40 9 '"'"2 8 6 1 29 10 39 15 93 53 4. 900 a 27G 4. 921 Loss of si^ht. left t-yo Partial loss of sight, both eyes Discasca of the t-yes Total ^. ... 44 ISO 400 414 142 20 1,212 17.061 47 210 777 848 416 85 2,383 iao4i DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Discnaes of tho eyelids 1 5 20 21 7 1 .55 .774 3 - 31 34 12 4 91 .089 Uianil total. . . 45 191 421) 435 149 21 1,267 17.836 50 S17 808 882 428 89 |2, 474 18. 7.30 415 Taulu No. 1G — Sliowiiifi the relation of height and girth of chest at oj^iration to disease, tjf. — Coutiiiiicd. HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER 65 INCHES— Cont'd. HEIGHT 65 AND TmDEE 67 mCHES— Cont'd. Number examined, 71,038. Nnmber examined, 132,087. Girth of chest at expiration— Girth of chest at exi iration — DISEASES. 1 a CI o '^ a 0 n o g i o s o § 1 i i a a n n m o ■g s a a e3 CO » o .5 i 1 1 o" S o Ci a P o 1 n o s s Ci CI <0 o 1 n CO 1 a s 1 CO o c S o § V P o 1 _ •g p « p. e s §■ o o p. ^C DISEASES OF THE EAK. Chronic pnralent otorrlicea 11 14 40 33 8 1 107 1.506 4 19 75 148 87 3 179 25 7 217 4 473 1.643 .030 9 15 81 75 33 1 214 3.012 5 35 81 25 3.581 Grand total 20 29 121 108 41 2 321 4.519 9 54 224 269 106 32 694 5.254 DISEASES AND INJTTKIES OF THE NOSE. 1 1 6 1 2 1 15 .028 .014 .211 5 1 5 2 1 10 2 1 6 9 3 25 .068 .023 1 2 4 2 1 3 .189 1 2 8 5 2 18 .253 1 3 11 13 9 37 .280 DISEASES OF THE CIRCU- LATOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND ITS MEMBKANES. 3 i-9 4 141 4 287 194 0 44 "'"ic" 24 771 .338 10. 853 3 136 8 225 22 611 19 494 6 154 5 44 63 1,664 .477 12. 598 92 145 291 201 50 16 795 11. 191 139 233 633 513 160 49 1,727 13. 075 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. JHacases of the Arteries. 2 Cf .028 1 o 8 14 682 5 134 30 .227 Diseases of the Veins. 17 52 233 264 129 24 719 10. 121 15 65 416 404 1,710 12. 991 Total 17 52 235 264 129 24 721 10. 149 16 67 424 696 409 134 1,746 13. 219 Grand total 109 197 526 465 179 40 1,516 21.341 155 300 1,057 1,209 569 183 3,473 26.293 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THYROID GLAND. 4 5 o 13 .183 3 10 11 4 3 31 .233 4 5 2 2 13 .183 3 10 1 11 1 4 3 31 2 .235 DISEASES OF THE RESPIKA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASF^ OF THE LAltrNX. .015 FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE L.Vltl'NX. 1 3 1 1 0 .084 1 10 7 18 .136 8 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND BRONCHI. 15 19 43 37 4 o 120 1.6(i9 7 31 91 74 20 231 1.749 Total 15 19 43 37 4 2 120 1.689 7 31 91 74 20 8 231 1.749 DISEJiSES OP THE LUNG. 2 33 5 07 135 8 99 22 373 .310 5.237 1 .54 5 131 23 295 15 200 4 69 1 34 49 789 .371 25 13 5. 973 Total 35 72 142 107 25 13 304 5.546 55 130 318 16 221 73 35 838 6.344 DISEASES OF TlIE PLEURA. 3 1 5 3 15 .211 3 5 10 12 46 .348 50 95 192 150 33 15 535 7.531 65 173 436 313 105 43 1,135 8.593 416 Taiu.k No. la—Showhifi the relation of height and girth of chest at cxjnration to disease, ^-c— Continued. HKIGHT C3 AND UNDER C5 INCHES- Cont'd. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 07 INCHES— Confd. Number examined 71,038. Number examined, 132,087. Girth of chest at expiration— Girth of chest at expiration— DISEASES. 1 § a 0 m a n 1 a i .a c i a s r3 a e3 n 09 t» .a y □ n 1 p S 09 1 S 1 n P ■3 CO O o 1 1 a i g o_ bl o p. o 1 1 CI Of .=3 a n u n a 3 '3 Ci 09 .a s 1 a es i c % p a _p s u a P a OS o ■? ~z s p DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AKD INJUKIES OF THE JAW. ^ 2 1 1 8 4 1 2 12 17 .169 .239 4 16 4 10 3 2 ...„. 11 ■35 .OSl Disease or deformity of jaw 4 .265 Total 4 50 3 182 9 494 10 40G 3 29 .408 4 20 14 5 3 46 .348 DISEASES, SIAI.FOItMATIOSS, AND IN- JUKIES OF THE TEKTII, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. 186 27 1,334 18. 779 83 260 980 1,060 471 121 2,981 22. 568 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. " DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. 7 15 12 3 37 .521 1 8 22 27 8 3 09 .522 DISEASES OFTIIE SALIVARY CLANDS. 2 2 .015 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acute disease of fitoinacli 1 I 3 0 U e 4 1 1 '"' 19 15 .207 .211 3 3 15 2 24 13 IG 6 5 1 2 1 05 26 .493 Chrouic disease of stomach .197 Total 2 5 12 12 2 1 34 .479 6 17 37 23 G 3 91 .089 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. 4 4 11 5 la g 0 172 le 4 r> 1 14 4.-) 27 IG 513 335 75 23 G 2 15 31 20 20 476 311 77 13 4 3 5 21 4 11 179 107 35 1 1 1 1 34 19 7 1 44 115 79 .-54 1,441 M3 21G 44 IS 7 .019 1.G19 1. 112 .7G0 20. '2K, 12..'.:! 3.041 .619 . 253 .099 8 6 1 71 45 4 3 20 18 10 7 194 157 34 7 1 53 73 20 21 941 581 119 29 7 51 95 51 41 1,103 646 172 45 13 4 12 41 21 25 570 341 H5 22 3 o 0 8 9 136 72 2:1 1 146 239 129 105 3, 015 1,842 437 107 29 10 1 105 Hernia 1 809 .908 705 Hernia, ventral Heruia, rifiht inguinal-. .. 08 11 1 22 8-^6 Hernia, double inguinal. - 3 308 Hernia, left femoral 'WIQ i ■ Total ISS 319 1,055 97C 366 67 2,911 40. 978 140 449 1,855 2,221 1, 127 258 6,050 4.-1. 833 DISEASES OK THE UECTUM AND ANUS. 4 !) b 29 1 24 104 9 1 23 8G 18 C h 3 H 68 209 47 . 9.')7 3. 646 . Gia .028 1 !) 5 7 62 13 38 167 53 1 52 193 40 28 93 16 P 17 4 131 511 131 1 1.014 4, roiG .992 008 Ha'niorrhoids rrnhipauH aui Stricture of rectum Total 13 40 138 •127 42 16 376 5.293 15 82 259 285 137 29 801 0.110 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Acute disease of liver 2 5 1 22 2 12 .51 .070 .718 2 69 3 59 5 190 Clirouic dLicaso of liver 3 7 2 8 18 34 2 1.438 Total 3 7 23 14 7 1 1 2 ...... 56 1 9 .788 .014 .127 8 18 71 62 34 2 195 1.470 DISEASES OP THE SPLEEN. Acute disease of splccu Cbroiiic disease of spleen. . . 1 1 1 4 2 G 5 o 15 .114 Total 1 1 1 4 2 1 10 .141 2 0 5 2 15 .114 Grand total UIO 1 .'illl l.r.di 591 114 J, 787 07.386 253 846 3,250 3,696 1,792 419 10,256 77. C4fl 417 Table No. 16 — Showing the relation of height and girth of chest at expiration to disease, Sfc. — Continued. HEIGHT 63 AND UNDER 65 INCHES— Cont'd. HEIGHT 65 AND UNDER 67 INCHES— Cont'd. Number examiued, 71,038. Number exauiiDed, 132,087. Girth of chest at esjiiratiou — Girth of chest at expiration — DISEASES. .2 o 1 CO O .= n s g a GO O o n i a _p i -a a a « n n .d i; a o a a O n o 1 so ■s .9 s '6 a "S s XI a 0, o s p. o ■s •§ a o CI a p i 3 i a 0 i t ■3 a IBK.1NES. Acute disease of brain 1 1 2 3 5 ""5 '"'2' 2 '""'i 9 4 11 .002 .028 .076 3 1 1 3 0 2 .008 .023 . 030 1 3 SuD stroke 1 ..... I „ Total 1 6 10 4 3 24 .ICO 1 4 5 3 i 13 .140 DISEASES OF THE NERVES. Paralysis 4 10 29 60 38 lo 156 1.078 1 5 34 46 . 45 14 145 1.033 FUXCnOXAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. 2 29 2 20 8 173 10 11 264 13 6 147 2 33 2 39 5 7 29 658 32 193 .200 4.549 .221 1.334 6 87 2 23 0 140 13 4 113 1 28 2 41 ...... 18 412 17 112 6 6 1 19 ■'2' 4.040 111 Xenral"ia Stammeriu'* 5 49 1 79 1 261 Total 11 53 240 367 188 53 912 6.305 7 21 123 218 146 47 1 559 0 ''96 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism . 1 6 1 23 7 37 86 14 3 82 98 49 26 42 17 5 9 4 154 264 92 3 1. 005 1. 823 .636 .021 ...... 1 .4 2 12 37 16 33 59 32 0 18 31 15 5 5 6 69 137 71 2 Insanity ". . .800 023 Solit.ary vice Total 8 33 140 229 85 18 513 3.545 1 7 65 126 64 16 1 279 Grand total 24 96 415 666 315 89 1,605 11. 096 9 33 220 304 260 80 1 990 11 ''n DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AXD IXJUEIES OF THE EYE. 2 I 4 3 14 7 "39' 2 64 34 41 2 200 25 212 196 70 3 328 28 304 295 41 12 173 6 824 79 825 703 1.196 .041 5.697 .5-35 5. 703 4.800 3 12 1 83 14 90 73 33 2 193 12 153 163 ^ n 1* 62! ll 4( lOt 35 113 36 1 97 6 515 43 410 396 1.092 .068 Loss of crystalline'lens, riglit eye. . Loss of sifibt, rifiht eye 191 17 190 129 62 41 42 4 ...... 3 13 2 18 8 5 800 .484 Partial Joss of sight, both eyes Diseases of the eyes 4.618 4.403 Total 31 146 676 1,028 568 158 2,607 18.023 8 44 275 563 . fi ' DISEASES OP THE EYELIDS. 2 . 6 26 54 25 3 116 .802 1 1 5 24 8 6 45 33 152 702 I1 row 593 161 2,723 18.825 9 45 280 587 430 1 _1 420 Tauli! No. 16— Sloiriiifi the relation of height and girth of chest at expiration to disease, <{••■.— C'outiuncrt. > HEIGHT 07 AND UNDER 09 INCHES— Cont'd. HEIGHT 59 AND UNDER 71 INCHES-Confd. Number examined 144,650. Nnmher examined, 88,792. Girth of chest at expiration— Girth of chest at expiration— DISEASES. •0 0 •g .g s 1 n 0 s ■§ a n u ■s a s •3 4) u .s s a a « 1 .3 PS (O a p § n a 1 i a 1 0 s. 0 M 1 a p s .a 0 .9 n 1 a 1= 'C c C3 1 S S s. 1 a 0 s 1 p. 0 a M DISEASES OF THE EAR. Clirouic puruleut otorrhcea 7 16 74 3 129 87 "isi' 49 1 125 12 1 41 243 5 513 1. 694 .033 3.546 2 8 41 2 60 58 121 33 1 92 6 '"'is' 148 5 299 1.667 . 0.36 7 27 1 7 3. 367 Grand total 14 43 206 271 175 54 763 5.275 3 15 103 181 126 24 432 5.091 DISEASES AND INJURIES OP THE NOSE. 6 10 15 0 2 7 ' i 4 18 5 40 .124 .035 .277 3 3 3 1 3 11 1 27 .124 .011 1 3 10 2 5 11 6 .304 Grand total 1 3 16 27 11 5 63 .436 2 8 14 9 6 39 .439 DISEASES OF THE CIKCU- LATOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND ITS MEMDltAXES. Acute of luMrt 2 87 10 210 34 735 21 736 27^ 4 73 79 2,117 .546 14. 635 '46' 5 100 12 397 23 528 11 274 3 71 54 1.410 .60S 15. 880 Total 89 220 769 757 284 77 2, 190 15. 181 40 105 409 551 285 74 1,464 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Dueases of tlie Arteries. 2 14 6 1 J 24 .166 2 7 5 3 17 JOiseates of the Veins. 11 62 471 905 6.'>4 267 2,370 16, 384 7 25 248 574 531 258 1,643 Total 11 64 485 911 055 208 2,394 16. 550 7 25 250 581 536 261 1,660 Grand total 100 284 1,254 1,668 10 939 345 4,590 29 31. 732 47 130 659 1, 132 821 335 J, 1S4 35 183 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE TirVROID '-LAND. GoJtro 1 12 6 .200 1 4 4 7 1 17 .191 Graud total 1 12 10 6 29 .200 1 4 4 7 1 17 .191 DISEASES OF TH H RESPIKA- TOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. Fistula of larynx ; 1 3 1 13 .007 .090 1 3 1 1 15 .011 3 4 2 1 2 9 FUXC-nOSAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LABYNX. L08.S of voico ^>.. . 1 ' Tn^ DISEASES OF TUB 'I'- ■ lEA AND BBOXt •■■ Bronchitia 'i Elrttula of the trachc^. ....... 9 15 105 1 118 46 14 307 1 2.122 .007 4 13 56 86 34 14 207 2.331 Total. ...^ 9 15 106 118 46 14 308 2.129 4 13 56 86 34 14 207 2.331 DISEASEci OF Tie luno. Acute disease of l^g 0 37 0 lai 26 351 17 328 7 143 "'39' 54 1,020 .373 7.052 "'io' 0 43 10 179 9 239 8 120 1 36 30 627 .338 7.061 Olirouic disoa^ le of anc \ ^ Total... I 39 124 377 345 l.-iO 39 1,074 7.425 .373 10 45 1 189 248 .128 37 657 7.399 DISEASES (V THE FLEtniA. Clirouio plciirisT 1 4 16 28 3 a 54 6 12 5 24 .270 Grand total 50 143 503 493 201 56 1,450 10. 024 14 .59 253 355 171 52 904 10. 181 421 Table No. 16 — Slwwhig the nlalion of height and girth of cliest at expiration to dineaac, Sfc. — Coutiimed. HEIGHT C7 AND UNDEE 69 IXCIEES— Jont'd. HEIGHT 69 AND HXDEE 71 INCHES— Cont'd. Number examined. 144,650. Number examined, 88,792. Girth of chest at expiration— Girtb of chest at expiration— DISEASES. 1 s a P s •3 S n u 1 s ■3 § C( ID .5 ?! 1 a s 1 n o o a i -a a i ?3 i n u <9 a i i o ■3 a BS a a n •3 1 1 o s o i a o CI i 0 X t> .3 a n u 0) -=; a s 1 o .a p s (D •3 a -a a n •§ a 5 'a a p ■3 a eS n n •3 a a m > o •3 § GO a r- n S .a a s t- o 1 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF TUE JAW. I 1 3 14 2 16 3 7 2 1 U 39 .076 .270 6 6 3 7 10 1 1 12 25 .135 1 Total 2 17 18 10 3 50 .346 I 12 10 12 2 37 .417 DISEASES, »L\LFORStATIONS, AND IN- JUKIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOU, 68 228 1,131 1,561 799 206 3,993 27.605 26 102 686 1, 1.53 693 252 2.912 32.796 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF TUE TONGUE. 1 1 .007 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate . 2 26 31 12 4 75 .518 1 1 10 13 14 3 42 .473 DISEASES OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS. 1 1 .007 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acnt« disease of stomach 2 3 8 3 30 15 37 20 13 7 4 2 94 50 .650 .346 1 7 4 12 10 36 11 7 5 4 07 30 755 Chronic disease of stomach .338 5 11 45 57 20 6 144 .996 1 11 22 47 12 4 97 DISEASES OF THE DTTESTLNES. 4 1 o 1 24 17 6 11 11 3 1 125 121 24 li 48 70 23 20 POG 530 104 23 9 3 6G 100 35 51 1,255 855 171 48 13 3 16 56 25 39 870 516 101 31 14 3 5 20 9 22 231 163 49 6 4 150 276 97 134 3,311 2,203 455 114 40 10 1.037 1.908 .671 .926 22. 890 15. 223 3.146 .788 .277 .069 3 ""V 13 7 15 1 1 1 60 46 7 3 39 28 6 10 324 271 40 6 5 44 58 15 24 752 523 92 •23 10 1 2! 29 15 27 594 399 78 10 12 3 3 16 5 16 216 150 36 9 5 127 134 42 79 1.959 1,401 2.55 51 34 4 1 4'JO 1. 5o;i 890 llcruia, ri;;lit inguinal 22. 0fi3 Hernia, right lVnK>ral 574 Hernia, left femoral 3&( Hernia, double femoral 1 045 Total '. , 55 303 1, 645 2,606 1,671 509 6,789 46. 934 28 136 729 1,547 i, 190 456 4,086 46 Old DISEASES OF THE BECTUJI AND ANUS. Fistula in ano 13 3 11 33 IG 171 41 76 2:15 63 45 l.iO 27 1 20 49 11 192 650 161 1 1.327 4.494 1. 113 .007 3 4 15 4 23 87 27 1 35 149 41 ll." 2-.- i 17 1 120 426 101 3 1 419 1 I'M Total 17 60 250 374 223 80 l,t04 6.941 7 21 438 225 168 ^17 656 7 383 DISEASES OF THE LIVEK. 1 14 73 1 91 3 ';4i .021 1.666 h 1 12 "46' 3 55 4 165 .045 CIu"ouic disease of liver 6 44 8 34 13 1.858 Total 6 15 79 92 44 8 S44 1.687 5 13 46 58 34 13 169 3 14 1 903 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Actite disease of spleen 1 6 2 6 1 1 4 18 .028 .124 o 1 1 5 .034 Clirouie disease of spleen 5 1 1 5 1 158 Total 1 5 7 8 2 22 .152 1 1 3 6 5 1 17 . 1*1 1 151 U2I 3,198 4,748 2,767 B18 12,323 8il92 69 286 1,646 3,059 2,148 90. 078 422 Table No. 16— Showing the relation of height and girth of cliest at expiration to disease, S'c— Continued. HEIGHT G7 AND UNDER GO INCHES— Cont'd. HEIGHT 69 AND UNDEK 71 INCHES— Confil. Number examined, 144,050. Number cxaminod, 88,792. Girth of chest at expiration — Girth of chest at expiration— DISEASES. CO 1 i 1 s .a 1 a c r3 a C3 8 g ■s a n n t- 13 P P rs P cs ?3 to V « .2 V 13 P P 'd s OS p s a D ■3 § o c CO o fl 1- P7 '6 o ;5 d u 1 .a i P i ■§ » fp p P g 1 a n n u o p 0 ■3 a n CJ 1 1 g J a S .9 1 1 ■3 § o t P 1 s •3 s u 'c? (- 1 0 s DISEASES OF THE UEINAEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 5 6 9 43 20 55 14 30 5 59 141 .316 .973 " 1 1 7 9 27 13 34 7 28 1 3 31 103 .:mo 2 1. Ml) Total 2 U 52 75 44 7 191 1.320 1 8 36 47 35 0 133 1.496 DISEASES OF THE BLAI>DER. 1 8 5 o 8 5 5 10 5 C 4 3 4 2 1 3 1 Is 18 20 . l.'>2 .104 .121 .138 1 1 5 1 0 4 2 1 13 14 Ij 13 -.146 . 1 J8 11 ■ 3 . IG'.I 2 1 3 6 3 . 140 Total 3 23 23 17 7 75 .SIB 3 9 28 12 3 53 1 .019 DISEASES OF TUE URETHRA. 3 13 1 28 1 10 3 57 0 .394 .014 1 1 5 I n 9 12 1 1 1 30 0 .Z3S nc.^ - Total : .i 14 29 10 3 59 .408 1 2 6 1 13 1 13 2 36 Orandtotal 2 n 89 129 71 17 325 2.247 1 1 13 51 88 GO 11 224 2 523 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OR- (JAKS OF GENERATION. Diseases of Peyiis. Epiepadiii 2 3 35 1 11 54 2 2 2 23 5 1 5 18 131 8 .035 .124 .906 .033 1 ■2 22 2 3 3 15 ■■4 4 5 32 4 045 Ilypu.spadia 1 12 O'lG 11 2 Loss of penis 045 '* Total 1 13 40 C8 32 8 162 1.120 14 26 21 4 65 T3^ Diseases of Tunica Vaoinalis. Ilydrocolo 2 8 19 25 40 99 41 09 114 19 45 63 8 15 21 97 179 318 ..G71 1.237 2.198 1 1 o 1 9 9 23 40 28 51 63 21 31 59 9 16 19 69 123 211 111 Total G 20 1G4 224 127 44 594 4.100 o 19 72 102 111 44 403 4. 5:J'J Diseases of Testis-, Acute disoaso of ttf^8ticl.-i 1 8 9 8 38 18 13 83 19 10 33 10 13 4 34 175 61 .235 1.210 .422 1 4 4 34 13 4 50 15 5 34 9 5 18 4 19 140 43 .214 1. 577 .484 Chronic disease o'. tos^'do 1 1 Total /.... .. 2 18 C4 114 53 19 270 1.8G7 7 69 48 27 202 _ a CO 208 406 212 71 1,026 7.093 2 19 137 257 180 75 670 7.546 DISEASES 0**' f.iGANS OF LOCOI^IOION. DISEASES 'C3;-' ItONKS. Chronic disease ot bones c 37 103 208 137 51 C62 4.577 C IG 79 IDO 140 5G 487 5.485 DISEASES AND IN. URIES OF THE -JOINTS. Aiiliylnsis of joints Chronic disirase of joints G 5 32 37 21 210 214 134 348 350 239 230 195 110 70 74 37 893 876 r)76 0.187 6. O.'iG 3. 982 1 7 10 16 10 108 112 70 228 218 no 188 174 118 90 60 42 631 587 418 7.106 6.611 Total 10 go 30 538 130 937 179 503 110 181 38 2,347 48 290 616 480 ,„„ . -,J4jJjB VSES OF THE SPIXE. Cun*aturc» "'' f'pinc 13 SCO 3.438 2 11 03 107 55 33 273 3.073 'i 423 Table No. 16 — Showing the relation of height and gir th of chest at expiration to disease, ^ c. — Continued. HEIGHT 67 AND imDEE 69 INCHES-Cont'd HEIGHT 69 AND UNDER 71 INCHES— Contd. Number examined, 144,050. Number examined, 88,792. Girth of chest at expiration— Girth of chest at expiration- DISEASES. <6 o 1 S 1 1 .a a s a § n o CO 1 a 5 .a o a '^ a a a a n n © a i .a a t t .a 1 to .a o (?» o £ 3 .a a n a § o Oi u a n 1 a d n i i a t i 0 a s -§ a a a a in u a 1 f s g 1 .2 1 lIlbBASESOKTIiE MUSCULAR SVSTEM. Diseases of Musde, Atrophy of limb 15 2 5 23 153 221 119 31 501 3.878 13 92 119 107 30 8 18 304 40 95 9 Diseases of Tmdon. Muscular contractions. .. 4.090 4 9 2 28 47 5 29 79 5 24 61 2 7 15 94 210 14 .050 1.403 .097 2 2 1 7 17 3 18 31 4 9 25 1 Club loot. .518 Wry-neck 1.070 .101 7 15 80 113 87 22 334 2.340 4 5 27 1 53 35 20 1:0 1.089 57 194 1,090 1,718 1,018 323 4,400 30. 418 1 25 93 553 1,085 817 337 2,910 33.773 DISEASES OF THE CELLTT- LAK TISSUE. Abscess 3 o 13 2 13 1 7 6 1 72 39 81 .270 .500 1 , 2 4 1 9 5 13 4 3 60 33 76 Obesity .360 .856 Grand total 3 2 15 14 13 73 130 .830 1 2 5 14 17 09 108 1.216 DISEASES OP THE CUTA- KEOCS SYSTEM. 8 10 19 37 25 74 139 143 131 159 269 75 93 306 18 28 66 333 463 710 2.236 3.201 4.971 6 33 57 B7 71 110 6* 70 17 23 84 188 2(3 GoT Disease of skin 2.117 Ij leers 3 9 3 7 3.003 241 179 6.769 COXDITIONS NOT NECESSA- PJLT ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest... -li 81 350 509 373 113 1,504 10. 398 6 22 176 423 311 124 1,001 11.949 396 17 178 Si 10 73 20 216 37 353 3 41 127 19 12 97 813 27 183 142 17 7 74 688 13 351 64 3 1 39 236 It 257 17 1 1 14 53 4 95 4 1 633 278 2,320 00 937 427 61 4.376 1.932 16. 039 .415 6.478 2.952 .422 104 4 70 72 24 177 3 63 453 5 79 35 2 1 70 435 5 233 "23 1 2 38 203 7 201 8 1 1 10 70 3 63 2 183 200 1,413 20 586 103 10 2.051 Permanent physical debility 2.354 15. 914 225 Under ago '. 3 15 5 19 19 1 0.000 Under size 1. 149 .113 Grandtotal 696 796 1,291 1,200 562 171 4,716 32.003 201 312 650 747 459 154 3,523 23. 415 LOCAL INJUEIES. LOCALITl- OF INJUHY KOT SPECIFIED. Loss of limb Wounds 8 1 12 51 3 72 SS!) 24 451 494 39 830 32G 27 443 115 7 163 1,233 101 1,975 8.870 .698 13. 654 7 20 3 34 143 9 260 200 2d 530 210 21 403 104 11 150 783 1,380 8.818 .845 15. 010 21 126 764 1,369 795 284 3,359 23.232 10 57 418 848 643 205 |3,244 1 25.273 EiJUniES AXD JIALFORMATIOXS OF UPPEU E.\TREM1TIES. Defects or deformities of band . . Loss of thumb 7 34 240 23 374 50 350 18 40 11 900 106 6. 037 . 7.13 6 1 13 113 10 23.3 27 185 20 56 U 509 71 6.746 ' .800 8 38 268 434 268 60 1,006 7.370 7 14 132 255 283 44 205 20-1 43 67 100 670 1 7. 546 INJURIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER E.XTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot 4 39 5 208 37 440 05 287 44 94 U ,073 163 7.411 1.120 5 18 1 103 27 723 8.14) 5 120 1 1. 351 4 44 245 505 331 105 ,334 8.531 5 19 135 336 247 111 1 843 9.494 33 208 11 ,277 ; 20 ,298 15 ,394 7 449 . 1 ),059 54 39. 123 .373 22 90 3 675 10 ,439 9 ,098 443 1:1,757 i 43.312 UXCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs 9 3 1 40 1 - 323 L .451 Grand total for all diseases. . 1 ,113 1,959 1 6,742 £ ,341 ■; ,937 < 5,404 2 13. 889 403 ,317 I ,173 0,752 ■ ,433 ■- ,861 20,017 j 3C€.^ 424 Table No. IG—Skowiiig the rilation of height and girth of chest at expiration to disease, fl . 058 5. .art .603 .5. (H4 Loss of crystalline lens, right eye Loss of Higlil, ri;ibt eve Loss of sight, left eye ' " Partial loss of sight, both eyes '5 "s 2 15 a 17 i 1 1 4.766 DISEASES OP THE EVELIDS. Diseases of t ho eyelids 94 3 193 6 181 8 80 1 564 20 17.454 .619 1 18 27 3 36 3 22 104 « 13. 679 .789 8,776 360 17. 515 .718 I Gnod total 97 199 1--3 81 584 18.07.1 1 1;1 30 33 22 110 14. 4U,'< 9,136 ia233 425 Table No. 1G — Showing the relation of hviijht and girth of chest at expiration to disease, ^-c— CoutiuiiuJ. HEIGHT 71 AND TJXDEK 73 INCHES— Cont'd. HEIGHT 73 INX'HES AND OVER— Continued. Number examined, 32,313. Number examined 7,603 examined, 501,008. Girth of cliest at expiration — Girth of chest at expiration— DISEASES. i 1 o 'V a 0 00 o a « O 3 3 1 •3 a a n u a CO 3 •a a a n n .a n 1 a a g o •a 00 a s S S 1 a 0 s 0 1 09 i a p i .9 n a 3 q a CI 0 .5 n n 1-. a 3 C3 GO « .3 a © Q 3 i CO CO « .a u .a a □ 3 ^3 n c3 CO i % i CO CJ a t- ro g 0 s ,0 "3 s 0 •3 0 0 § a, 1 DISEASES OF THE EAE. 1 9 21 22 16 8 1 11 56 112 1.733 .062 3.466 4 3 3 10 1.315 809 17 1, 725 1.615 .034 1 2 39 33 G 6 7 4 23 3.025 3.443 Grand total 1 3 31 61 54 20 170 5.261 0 10 10 7 33 4.340 2, 551 5.091 DISEASES AXD IN.ITTRIES OF THE KOSE. 2 1 2 2 7 .217 49 10 126 .098 .020 1 4 8 1 14 .433 1 1 2 .263 .251 3 5 10 3 21 .650 1 1 2 .263 185 .369 DISEASES OF THE CIRCU- LATOPvY SYSTEM. DISliASES OF THE HEART AXD ITS JLEMIIRANES. 2 5 ai G 146 4 218 4 122 "39 16 551 .495 17. 052 I 21 3 52 3 44 1 11 8 131 1. 052 17. 230 259 6.870 .517 2 1 13. 711 7 21 152 222 126 39 567 17. 547 2 1 22 55 47 12 139 18. 232 7,129 14.223 DISEASES OK THE BLOOU- VESSELS- JHseascs of the Arteries. 1 2 5 3 3 14 .433 1 52 1 .132 89 .173 1 12 82 63 JOiscascs of the Veins. I 7 77 2.15 279 129 728 22.530 210 27. C21 7,584 15. 136 Total 2 7 79 240 282 132 742 2a 963 1 12 53 82 63 211 27. 752 7, G7:; 15. 313 9 28 231 462 408 171 1,309 40. 510 2 2 34 I08 129 75 350 46. 034 14, 8S2 29.541 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THYROID GLAXD. 1 1 3 .093 98 .196 1 1 1 3 .003 1 98 4 .196 DISEASES OF THE KESPIRA- TOEY SYSTEM. UlSEASES OF THE LAUVNX. .008 laJNCTlOXAL AFFECTIOXS OF THE LARYNX. 1 2 1 4 .124 56 992 1 .112 . DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND JJKOXCHI. 2 4 SO 25 21 6 78 2.414 1 5 9 1 3 19 2.499 1.930 .002 Total 2 4 SO 25 :i so 21 2 58 6 78 2.414 1 5 9 1 3 19 1 2.499 903 1.982 1 20 10 2ti4 .309 S. 170 i 1 4 "10 2 24 1 10 5 4 63 1 . 526 8.2S6 DISEASES or THE l.UXO. 1 G9 175 3, 256 .349 •2 19 6.493 Total 2 19 73 99 GO 21 274 8.480 1 5 VJ 26 11 5 67 8. 812 3,431 6.847 DISEASES OF THE I'LEUKA. 3 3 .J 8 .248 1 I 0 .263 1,-6 .311 Grand total 4 21 90 129 83 23 364 11.260 0 r. 2.1 3-< 12 a 1 88 11.574 4,640 9. 260 64 426 Tabuj No. 1G— Showing tJte relation of height and giiih of chest at expiration to disease, Jrc— Coutiuucd. HEIGHT7.A2a.T™DEE73DCCHE^ontd. H^'GHT 73 INCHES AND OVER- Nn*^ibcr examine:!. 32,313. Number examined, 7,603, oxamiiicil, S01,CG8. Girtli of cbest at cspiralion— Girth of chest at oxpiratioii— DISEASES. V •2 a es CI o 0 a 1 B C X n s 1 n i rs n n • 1 r- 1 a a a s o a a £ a s S a a 'A § u X a o p ,3 1 u a t o a a n CO ac a s u a 8 2 O o M 3 3 'A g 1 Pi es O ■3 S o S o is o p< DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE srsTEM. DISEASES AXI> IXJURIFS OK TUE JAW. 2 1 1 1 3 9 .093 .279 53 134 .104 5 2 1 1 1 3 .395 .207 " Total 3 5 2 2 12 .371 1 1 1 3 .395 186 .371 DISEASES, MALFOnMATlOXS, AXD IX- JUP.ILS OF THE TEETH, GUMS, -IX'D ALVF.OU. 8 30 304 398 321 135 1,03G 33.918 1 2:i 81 91 60 25G 33.671 12,966 25.877 UISEASES AXT> INJURIES OF THE TOSCUE. 1 .003 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES ASD PALATF- Cleft paliiti? . 1 1 3 5 2 12 .371 1 1 3 5 .G58 254 .507 DISEASES OF THE SAUVABT GLAXI>S. 3 .006 DISE.tSES OF THE STOUACU. a a 10 7 9 3 G 7 3 4 30 23 .928 .712 1 5 1 1 4 2 9 5 1.184 .658 288 156 .575 .311 Xotal 4 17 12 13 7 53 62 47 Id 24 771 526 !09 31 15 o 1.G40 1 C 5 3 4 1 2 14 1.841 4i4 PAT, DISEASES OF THE KTESTDiES. Chronic diarrhoea ~ 1 2 5 1 15 15 5 3 109 es IG 4 20 14 3 7 269 1S7 29 8 4 14 10 G 7 257 148 39 8 5 7 5 4 G IS 79 25 1 6 2 1.919 1.435 .557 .743 23. SCO 16.278 3.371 .650 .404 .062 3 1 8 3 1 1 2 15 10 2 1.973 1.315 .2G3 5.55 873 410 429 11,161 7,299 1,570 353 151 34 1.108 .... 1 .818 IIerui:», ventral 1 13 23 .856 Hernia, riuht iupiinal llerni.i, Ull Hernia, itonble inguinal o 1 1 14 18 3 49 46 4 52 46 5 2 38 34 1 .... 1 154 146 13 2 1 20.255 19.203 1.710 .263 .203 .132 22.274 14.567 3. i;o Hernia, riaht femural .714 Hernia, left femoral " 1 .301 Hernia, double femoral .CG8 Total 6 42 255 541 494 257 1,595 49.3G1 4 39 107 116 79 345 45.377 1 22,840 45.583 DISEASES OF THE KECTUM AXD ASUS. FiRtnla in nno 1 3 3 8 SO 10 20 48 12 11 54 11 S 28 2 45 153 38 1.393 4.735 1.176 1 G 1 4 10 11 21 3 5 11 3 21 49 0 2.762 G.445 1.184 GOO 495 7 1.215 4.297 .988 .014 Hiemorrboids .... 1 Prolapsus ani Stricture of rectum ' * *' . . . . Total 7 38 80 7G 35 23G 7.304 1 8 16 35 ID 79 10.391 3,264 C.514 DISEASES OF TUE LIVEIL Acute disease of liver I 9 1 29 1 IC "g' 3 G3 .093 1.950 20 740 040 Chrouic disease of liver 1 2 o 7 3 o 14 1.841 1.477 — Total 1 2 10 30 17 G 66 2.043 2 7 3 "" 14 1.841 = 1 '■■"' DISEASES OF THE EPLEE-N. Aeuto disease nf spleen 8 CI .OK .1J6 Chronic dis^'ase ol spleen — -■- 1 3 1 4 .124 1 1 2 .2C3 Total 1 1 1 1 - 1 4 .134 1 1 2 .263 1 71 1 .142 15 ..- — Grand total 1 7 eo 219 249 IC3 718 i 94. 43C I 4D, 783 81. 404 1 1 '■'" I--- 427 Table No. IG— Showing the relation of height and girth of chest at expiration to disease, 5fc.— Coutiniicd. i HEIGnT7lANDUNDEK73EsCHE^C„ntU ^^^^'^ "^ S^i^fed^'*^ ''^''- Number examined, 32,313. Number examined, 7,603. csamiucd, .""101,068. Girth of cliest at cxpiraliou— Girth of chest at expiration— DISEASES. v a a n 5 o .=] a S 1 a a « G9 .5 s u a 2 "s 1 a 3 § u o s 1 l- n t a 0 s £ 0 .3 .a a CO 3 a •3 a rt Ci CI o a n ?3 o a i a a '3 a a 0 a 1 a 3 CO 0 a a 0 0 it a a 'A g 1. 0 '3 0 0 0 0 ri DISEASES OF THE UEINAKX SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KID.NEV. Acute disease of kidney Chronic disease of liidney U 3 23 3 17 2 4 8 60 .248 1.857 i i 3' 1 6 "i 1 15 .132 1.973 462 .253 .933 Total 14 28 20 6 68 2.104 1 m: 1 1 3 7 1 4 IG 2 2.104 .203 589 03 46 £6 67 1.175 DISEA.SES OF THE BLADDEK. o 2 3 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 2 .166 .124 .031 .062 .126 .093 .113 iDcontmencc of urino 2 1 1 .133 .134 Total — — 2 6 4 1 o 13 10 3 .402 1 1 1 1 1 3 .395 .26.1 232 175 20 .463 DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. 3 2 2 3 1 .309 .093 .349 IJriuary fistula .040 Total — 5 2 4 2 13 .402 .--. 1 1 2 .263 195 .389 21 36 28 9 94 2. 90D 1 3 4 8 5 21 2. 762 1,016 15 59 423 26 2.028 :: DISEASES OF THE GENEEA- TITE SYSTEM. DISEASES AXD IXJUBIES OF OR- GANS OF GENERATION. JHscases of Penis. .030 D\p';sn;i(lia 2 1 4 2 a 1 1 7 ..... 4 22 "1 .124 .681 .031 .118 1 1 1 3 .395 .844 Loss of penis .033 Total 2 5 11 8 1 27 .836 .... ....| 1 1 1 . 3 .393 533 1.044 Diseases of Tunica Vaginalis. 3 4 14 12 13 38 0 19 26 2 4 5 23 41 85 .712 1.269 2.631 2 4 5 "'4' 9 2 11 27 .203 1.447 3.551 344 5JJ 1,063 .687 1 2 1 3 4 2 10 1.063 Varicocele .... Total 3 21 63 51 11 149 4.011 12 11 13 40 5.261 1,938 3.868 Diseases of Testicle. 4 24 3 1 18 1 "2 2 5 52 13 . 135 1.609 .402 1 4 2 1 1 1 . 2 13 6 . 203 1.710 .789 95 641 274 .190 2 1 6 5 1 1 7 2 9 23 KeteutioD of testicle 1 .347 Total 1 3 11 31 20 4 70 2.166 7 7 18 3 1 21 2. 762 1,010 2.016 Grand total I 1 S o 37 105 79 16 246 160 237 198 196 7.613 4.953 7.953 6.128 6.0G6 17 1 64 8.418 3,471 0. 937 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BOXES. 19 56 49 33 iO 30 22 5 8 3 6 18 16 7 46 6.050 2,245 4.480 ' ' — : ■ DISEASES AND INJURIES OP THE JOINTS. G 1 2 .30 25 26 101 65 77 80 VI 69 23 14 9 4G 10 35 9 15 59 9 12 16 11 39 78 42 41 10. 239 5.524 5.393 2,951 2,943 1.955 5.839 Dislocation ot joints Total 9 81 243 220 98 631 20. 147 1" 161 1 21.176 7,849 13.66.") UISEASES OF THE SPIXE. Curvature of spine 1 4 22 31 28 14 100 3.095 3 4 26 a 420 2,066 4.123 428 Tablb No. lOShowiiiu the nhilioii of hcUjhl and (jirlh of ohimt at expiration to disease, IX- JLllIES OK THE TEETH, GUMS, AND AI.VF.OLI. Loss of teeth 10,043 31. 8-20 222 8.595 10,205 30. 052 2.10 10. 626 4 43. 956 DISEASES AXI) IXJUlilKS OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tongue 1 .046 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AXD I'ALATE. Cleft palate 180 .570 180 .527 4 .185 DISEASES OF THE SALIVAllV CLAXDS. Salivary fistula 3 .010 3 .009 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 224 124 .710 .393 2 .077 226 124 .662 . 363 8 3 .370 .139 Total 348 1.103 2 .077. 350 1.025 11 11 . 22 22 10 372 217 38 7 1 2 .508 DISEASES OF THE DiTESTDiES. Cbronic diarrlioea 452 458 125 2:i4 C, 362 4,387 712 189 85 14 1. 432 1.451 .396 .741 20. 157 13. 900 2. 256 .599 .269 .044 G 81 181 35 414 216 54 6 2 .232 3.136 7.008 1.355 16. 029 8. 363 2.091 .232 .077 458 539 306 269 6,776 4, 6;)3 766 195 87 14 1.341 1.578 .896 .788 19. 838 13. 476 2.241 .571 .255 .041 .508 1.016 1.016 .462 17. 166 10. 025 Heruia 8 87. 912 Hernia, left incruinai 1.756 .323 .046 . 092 Hernia, left femoral Total 13, 018 41.246 995 38.524 14, 013 41.025 702 32.432 8 87. 912 DISEASES OF THE UECTUM AND AXUS. 400 1,478 364 5 1.267 4.683 1.153 .016 21 31 5 .813 1.200 .194 421 1,509 369 5 1.233 4.418 1.080 .015 16 56 7 .739 2.587 .323 .040 Ha'.niorrhoida Prolap.sus ani Total 2,247 7.119 57 a 207 2,304 6.745 80 3. 696 DISEASES OF THE LIVEK. Acute disease of liver U 565 .035 1.790 11 571 .032 1.672 2 12 .092 .554 6 .232 Total 576 6 48 1.8* .019 .152 6 .232 582 1.704 14 .617 . DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. 49 .018 .143 1 .039 1 .046 Total 54 .171 1 . i;39 55 .161 1 .046 Grand total 2u, .•i93 84. 2.56 1,294 50. lOL 27,887 81.644 1,045 48. 279 12 131. 868 55 434 Table No. V— Showing the relation of nativity to disease, ^-c— Contiuiieil. NATIVITY— Continued. UNITED STATES. UniTISU AMERICA. MEXICO. DISEASES. No. White exam- ined, 315,620. No. Colored ex- amined, 25,828. No. Indians ex- amined, 121. Total No. exam- ined, 341,569. No. examined, 21,645. No. exaniinctl, 91. ■3 1 ? 1 a o '-5 s o S. u s i E 1 C c 1 £ s o 1 i 1 a 3 2 o 1 1 V 0; .a g i 1 DISEASES OF THE TJRINAEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 106 390 .3:i6 1.255 lOli 400 .310 1.171 3 11 .139 .508 4 .155 Total 502 1.591 4 .155 506 1.481 14 .647 DISEASES OF THE BLADDEK. 34 43 33 .163 .108 .136 .111 1 5 1 3 .039 .194 .039 .116 ■■ 53 39 44 38 .1.35 .114 .129 .111 1 3 .046 .139 Total 164 .520 10 .387 174 .509 4 .185 DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. 112 11 .353 .035 3 1 .116 .039 115 12 .337 .035 7 1 .323 .046 Total 123 .390 4 .133 127 .372 8 .370 789 2.500 18 .697 807 2.363 26 1.201 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. D18KASBS AXn INJLKIES OF OK- GANS OF GENEUATION. Diseases of Penis. Epispadia 9 30 149 10 .(.29 .095 .472 .032 2 4 33 .077 .1.35 1.278 11 34 182 10 .032 .100 .533 .029 o 35 .092 1.617 Gonorrbceii Loss of penis Total 198 .627 39 1.510 237 .694 .37 1.709 IHseases of Tunica VaginalU. Hydrocele 207 33.1 fiOO .056 l.OCl 2. 091 14 12 .019 . .342 .405 223 349 672 .653 1.022 1. 967 7 21 49 .323 .970 2.204 Sareoccle Varicocele Total 1,202 3.808 42 1. 620 1,244 3.642 77 3.557 1 Diseases of Testicle. Acnto disease of testicle 56 411 100 .177 1.302 ..307 4 18 11 .155 .697 .426 60 429 .176 1.2.36 .501 7 35 21 .323 1.617 .970 Chronic disease of testicle 1 1 10.989 Ketentioii of testicle 10. 989 Total 627 1.987 33 1.278 COO 1.932 63 2.911 2 21. 978 Grand total 2,027 6.422 114 4.414 2,141 6.268 177 57 8.177 2 2I.97H DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. r>I8EASE.S OF WONES. 1,437 4.553 55 2.129 1 8.204 1, 493 4.371 2.633 3 :H.967 DISEASES ANU INJl'llIES OP THE J0I.\T9. Ankylosis of joints (Chronic disease of joints 1,979 1,772 1,337 0.270 5.014 4.2.36 76 158 53 2.943 C.117 2.052 2,055 1, 930 i,3!i;) 6.016 .3.650 4.069 64 D4 33 2.957 4. 343 1. 525 Dislocation ot joints Total 5,088 16. 121 287 11.112 5,375 15. 736 191 8.824 DIbEASFJi OF THE SI'INE. Curvature of spine 1,223 3.875 52 2.013 1,275 3.733 61 2.818 435 Table No. 17— Showing the relation of nativity to disease, ITS MEMlSltAXES. 1 .062 1 .308 Chronic disease of brain 1 .020 Total 1 .002 1 .020 1 .308 DISEASES OF THE XEKVES. Paralysis 10 .617 4G .910 4 1.151 3 925 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE XERV- OUS SYSTEM. Chorea 5 1.T3 08 .099 2.032 .040 I. 340 1 13 308 Epilepsy 44 3 15 2.717 .165 .920 9 1 5 2.589 .288 1.438 4 3.623 Neuralgia Stammering 1 1.724 10 3.084 Total 1 1. 724 02 4.116 15 4.315 4 3.623 24 7.401 MSOIIDERS OF THE IXTELLECT. Clininic alcoholism 1 2 1.724 3.448 .18 14 2 2.340 .804 .123 101 08 30 3.779 1.340 .594 14 i 4.028 1.438 .288 8 4 5 2 467 Imbecility Insanity. 1. 542 1 ! Total ; 3 :>. 172 54 3.334 1 289 5. 719 20 5.754 17 5.242 GraniUotal 127 7.841 544 10. 704 39 11.220 4 3.023 45 13.876 . 1 DISEASES AXI) IX.JUniES OF THE E\E AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AXI) IXJL'lilES OF THE EYE. Cataract nf ri^Oit eye Loss of crysinlline lens, right eye. - 23 1 79 23 104 72 1.420 .002 4.878 1.420 10. 120 4. 140 57 328 45 4G5 285 1. 128 .020 C.40O .660 9.201 5. 039 0 1.72G 4 3.623 4 1.233 Loss of siglit, lefti-yo 2 3.448 13 2 30 18 3.740 .575 8.631 5.178 5 5 3 4. 529 4.529 2.717 0. 341 24 3 28 19 7.401 .925 8.034 Partial lo.'is of sight, both oycs... 4 4 C.8!)7 0.897 1 12. CSS 5.859 Xotal 1 12. 058 10 17.241 302 22. 351 1,181 23.369 09 19. 650 24 21.739 78 24. 052 DISEASES OF THE EVKLIll.s. Diseases of the eyelids 9 .,„ . 712 2 .575 1 .906 3 .925 ! 1 12.058 ID 17.S41 24. 081 71 22.045 81 2a. 907 1,2U 20. 426 1 '-^ 24.977 437 Table No. 17 — Shoiciinj the relation of natieili/ to disease, .fr. — Continued. NATIVITT-Continued. SOUTH AMERICA. WEST INDIES. EXGLANU. IRELAND. SCOTLAND. WALES. FKANCE. DISEASES. No. examined, 79. No.cxaniined 580. Ncexamiued, 1G,19C. No. esamined, 50,537. No.exaiiiiucil 3,470. N"o. examined, 1,104. No. examined, 3,243. 0 'a? 1 a 0 § 1 '6 (-• M a 'A g 0 ft M u 1 i 'A 0 0 P3 1 •E? i >5 -d 3 0 § S-l 0 1 0 V _! a 5 S .a a 'A g u ft DISEASES OF THE EAK. 1 1.724 19 1.173 4fi 1 112 .010 .020 2.216 2 .575 2 .617 2 3.448 40 2. 470 7 2.014 9 8.152 10 a 084 3 5. 172 59 3. 043 159 3. 14G 9 2.589 9 8.152 12 3.700 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. 1 1 4 .063 .062 .247 1 1 3 .020 .020 .059 1 .288 1 2 .308 2 .575 .617 C .370 5 .099 3 .863 3 .925 DISEASES OF THE CIRCULA- TOKY SY.STEM. DISEASKS OF THE HEART ASU ITS ME.MmtAXES. 0 208 . 5.-1G 12. 843 15 55!) .297 ll.OGl 4 30 1.151 10. 357 .2 16 1.812 14. 493 30 .308 3 UO. 31G 10 17. 241 9.251 Total 0 2j. 31G 10 17.241 217 13. 398 574 11.358 40 11.507 18 10.304 31 0.559 DISEASES OF THE BLOOU-VESSELS. IHseases of the Arteries. 1 .063 7 .139 1 .288 Diseases 0/ the Veins. 27G 17. 041 2,089 41. 330 89 25. 004 14 12.081 89 27. 444 Total 277 17. 103 2,090 41.475 ilO 25. 893 14 12. 681 89 27. 444 0 25. 310 10 17. 241 494 30. 501 2,670 52.833 130 37. 309 33 28. 986 120 37. 003 DISEASES OF- DUCTLESS GLANDS. 1 .002 2 .040 1 .900 3 .925 1 .062 2 .040 1 .900 3 .925 DISEASES OF THE KESPIEA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LAKVNX. . FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LAKYXX. 3 .059 2 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA ASD BRONCHI. 24 1.482 63 1.247 4 1.151 2 1.812 .617 Total 24 1.482 03 1.247 4 1.151 a 1.813 0 .617 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. 1 12.C53 7 81 .432 5.001 10 280 .198 5.659 1 « .006 5.435 1 1.724 14 4. 023 14 4.317 Total 1 12.C58 1 1.724 88 5.433 29C 5.857 14 4.028 7 6.341 14 1 4.317 DISEASES OF THE PLEURA. 1 1.724 3 .183 15 .297 .303 1 13. 659 0 3.448 115 7.101 377 7.460 18 5. 178 9 8.153 17 5.843 438 Table No. 17 — Shotcing the relation of tialivitij to dincnse, LACH. 5 3 .309 .185 9 12 .178 .237 1 1 .288 .288 o .617 1 .906 : Total B .494 21 .416 2 .575 1 .906 2 .617 DISEASES OP THE INTESTIXES. Chronic diarrhOBa 1 1.724 10 31 7 7 390 269 53 15 2 1 .988 1.914 .432 .432 24. 080 10. 009 3.581 .926 .123 .002 25 10.') 13 41 889 560 170 32 16 7 .495 2.078 .257 .811 17. 591 11.200 3.364 .633 .317 .139 1 7 1 2 49 44 11 1 3 1 .288 2.014 .288 .575 14. 097 12. 058 3.165 .288 .863 .288 1 o 2 2 30 18 2 1 1 .906 1. 812 1. 812 1.812 27. 174 16. 304 1.812 .906 .900 11 8 3 95 73 17 S 1 Hernia, umbilical 3 5.172 2 467 Heruia. ventral 925 Hernia, riglit iosainal 1 12.658 8 10 2 13. 793 17.241 3.448 og 294 Hernia, left inguinal 22.510 Hemia, double inguinal 1 12.658 5 242 Hernia, ripbt femoral 1. 542 Total 2 25.316 24 41.379 79G 49. 148 1,864 36 884 120 34.322 59 53. 442 213 65.080 DISEASES OP THE KECTUM A»D ANUS. Fistula in ano 1 2 1.724 3.448 14 85 17 .864 5. 248 1.050 74 240 43 1 1.464 4.749 .890 .020 0 17 1 1. 720 4.891 .288 5 1 .906 4. 529 .906 5 7 4 1.542 2.158 1.233 Haimorrhoidfl PntlajKsu.t ani Stricture of rectum Total 3 5. 172 lie 7.102 SOU 7.1-23 24 0.904 7 6.341 16 4.934 DISEASES OP THE LTVEK. Acute disease of liver 3 28 .059 .554 1 1 .303 Chronic disease of liver 1 12.658 17 1.050 3 .863 3 1.812 303 Total 1 13.658 17 1.050 31 .613 3 .863 2 1.812 o .617 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acntc of spleen 1 4 .020 .079 Chronic disease of spleen 1 .062 Total 1 .062 5 .099 Urand total 4 50. 033 30 51. 724 1 ' 218 62. 716 Q- 1 ... „„„ 312 96. 207 439 Table No. 17— Showing the relation of nativity to disease, Pi O o 3 o § I o DISEASES OF THE EAE. 80!1 17 1, 735 1. 615 .034 Deufuess 1 11.236 1 5.848 3.443 Grand total 1 11.236 1 5.848 2,551 5.091 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. 49 10 126 .098 .020 .251 Grand total 185 .3r.9 DISEASES OF THE CIKCU- LATOUY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AKD ITS MEMBRANES. 259 6,870 .517 Chronic 74| 12|i;J4.83li 17 | 99. 415 | 40,7^9 81. 404 449 Table No. 17 — Showhig the relation of nativity to disease, i^e. — Contiuued. NATIVITY— Continned. rOETUGAI.. ITALY. RUSSIA. IIUXGARY. POLAND. GL'and total ex- amined, 501,008. DISEASES No. examined, 81. No. examined, 33'.». No. examined, 122. No. examined, 69. No. examined, 171. 1 ■J? 1 a o s p. o 1 •a? e a o o_ u Pi o I a u Number rejected. 8 p. o s o f 1 2 s § o (- s. 6 u u a 1 i DISEASES OF THE UEINART SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 127 402 258 922 Total 589 1. 175 DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. 63 40 56 67 . 12B Chi'onic disease of bladder .Ki __. .112 ;::::;;::::;::. . 134 Total 232 .403 DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. 175 20 .349 Uiiuary iistulii .040 Total 195 .389 Grand total 1,G1C 2.028 ... ... DISEASES OF THE GENEIIA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OR- GANS OF GENERATION. Diseases of Penis. Epispadia 15 59 423 20 .030 . 118 Gonorihtca 1 12. 34G o 5.900 1 8.197 1 5.848 .844 .032 Total 1 12. 34G 2 5.900 1 8.197 1 5.848 523 1.044 Diseases of Tunica Vaginalis. 344 .'■.32 1, 002 .087 S:;rcooelc 1 3 2.950 8.600 1 002 1 5.848 2. 119 Total 4 11. 79D 1 5.848 1,933 3. 808 Diseases of Testicle. 95 641 274 Acnte disease of testicle 1 8.197 2 23. 472 1.270 .547 « Total 1 8.197 2 22. 472 1,010 2. OIC 1 12. 346 e 17. COD 2 IC. 393 2 22. 472 s U. C9G 3,471 6. 527 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BOXES. 1 5.848 2,245 4.480 UISEiSES AND INJURIES OF THE JOI.NTo. Aulivlosis of ioints 1 1 2 2.950 2.950 5.900 2, 951 2,943 1,953 5.889 1 8.197 5. 87J Dislocation ot joints 3.002 Total 4 11.793 1 8.197 7,849 15. GC5 DISEASES OF THE SPIKE. 1 8.197 1 U. 235 2.0CG 4. 123 ::---:-;--i 57 450 Table No. \7— Showing the rcltttiuii of natitily to disease, . 848 17.544 4, IS2 314 6,339 8.246 Loss of limb (j.vy Wounds 1 2.950 1 8.197 1 11.236 12.751 4 11.799 1 8.197 1 11.2.36 G 35. 08.-^ 10, 835 21. 624 l.VJUltlES AXl) M.VLFOKMATIDXS OF LITEU KXrUEMlTlES. Defects or deformities of hand 1 2.050 1 8.197 1 5.843 3,119 34,^ Loss ot thumb .095 Total 1 3 2.950 8.850 1 8.197 1 5.848 3,407 a 919 IXJUBIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWlIt EXTKEMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot 3 17. 544 3,043 434 Loss of great too .966 Total Grand total 8 23.599 2 16. 303 1 11.230 10 53. 430 18, 429 36.779 UXCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. 183 .365 18 222. as 101 278. 089 30 337. 079 iuT 38.-1. 905 Grand total for nil diseases. 297. 935 34 324. 946 T^BLE NO. 18, SHOWING THE RELATION OF COMPLEXION AND MARRIAGE DISEj^SE Number examined, - - - . 334,321. 453 T.MJLE No. 18 — Showing the relation of compUxion and marria;ic to disease; emhracinii the statistical results of the cxa;n- iiialion of 334,3'21 i-ccriiits, nubslitutcs, draftid and enrolled men, of r'uriuns iialivilies. COMPLEXION. MAEEIAGE. DAUK.* LlGHT.t TOTAL. UAKRIED. SINGLE. TOTAL. DISEASES. Ko. oxamiucd, 117,029. No. examined, 217,292. No. examined, 334,321. No. examined, 159,393. No. examined, 174,938. No. examined, 334,321. 1 t o g p. o a P4 1 a a o © ■2 1 s s g n ■d fa s 3 !2i 8 o a> '^ u u a 3 o o 1 GENERAL DISEASES. A. Erysipelas 12 43 .103 .367 27 62 .124 .283 39 105 .117 .314 17 41 .107 .270 22 61 .126 .349 39 105 .117 .314 Total 55 .470 89 .410 144 .431 61 .383 83 .474 144 .431 B. Cancer 19 570 101 10 865 141 312 1,070 .162 4.871 .803 .085 7.301 1.205 2. 606 9.143 34 l,Ol:i 186 13 1, 862 235 750 2,634 .156 4. 602 .856 .060 8.569 1.174 3.452 12. 214 53 1,583 287 23 2,727 396 1,002 3,724 .159 4. 7.35 .858 .069 8.157 1.184 3.177 11. 139 39 1,107 132 10 504 290 556 2,617 .245 7.510 .934 .003 3.162 1.619 3.483 10. 419 14 380 135 13 2,223 100 500 1,107 .080 2. 207 .772 .074 12. 708 .600 2.893 6.328 53 1,583 287 23 2, 727 390 1, 002 3, 724 .1,59 Chronic rheumatism 4. 733 .a')8 .069 Svphilis 8. 157 Non-malignant tumors 1. 184 3.177 11. 139 Total 3, 088 20. 387 6,767 31. 142 9,835 29. 478 5,365 33. 639 4,490 25. 668 9,855 29. 478 3,143 20.857 6,850 31. 552 9,999 29. 508 5,420 34. 042 4,573 20. 142 9,999 29. 908 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISKASES OF THK BKAIN ASD ITS MEMBKAXES. 5 1 4 .013 .000 .034 15 17 2ii .069 .078 .101 20 18 20 .060 .054 .078 14 12 22 .088 .075 .138 6 6 4 .034 .034 .023 20 18 20 .060 .03* SuDstroke .078 Total 10 .085 54 .249 64 .191 48 .301 16 .091 64 .191 DISEASES OF THE NERVES. 150 1.333 317 39 1,004 41 302 1. 459 .179 4.697 .189 1.390 473 66 1, 530 04 442 1.413 .197 4. .376 .191 1.322 337 42 1, 035 43 225 2.114 .263 6.493 .282 1. 412 1.36 24 493 19 217 .777 473 1. 415 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE SEItV- OUS SYSTEM. 27 4C(i 23 140 .231 3. 952 .197 1.190 .137 2.830 .109 1.241 66 1,530 04 442 .19'. 4. 570 Neuralgia , ., Stammering .191 1. 322 Total ftiC. 5.605 1,440 243 448 174 3 6.655 2,102 6.287 1. 347 8. 451 .841 1.223 .872 755 240 538 lis 3 4.316 2,102 6.2,87 DISOKDERS OK THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism 13.1 285 83 1. 154 2. 43.'-. . 709 1.128 2. 002 .801 .014 38-1 733 237 3 1.137 2. 193 .709 .009 134 195 139 1.400 3. 076 . 073 .017 380 733 257 3 1.137 2.193 .709 .009 Total 503 4.298 870 4.004 1,373 4.107 468 2.936 905 5. 174 1,373 4.107 Grand total 1,325 11.322 2,087 12.366 4, 012 417 20 I, 882 IHO 1,634 2,495 12. 000 2,200 13. 802 1,812 10. 359 4, 012 12. 000 DISEASES AND IN FURIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OK THE EYE. 147 8 571 51 495 778 1. 25lj .008 4.879 .436 4.230 6.648 270 12 1,311 129 1,159 1,717 1. 24:! .0.35 6.033 .594 5. 334 7.902 1. 247 .060 5. 629 .538 4. 9 17 7.463 273 13 1,279 88 743 1,444 1.713 .082 8. 0:14 . .552 4. 601 9.03? 24. 091 144 7 603 92 911 1,031 2,808 .823 .04 1 3.447 .526 5.208 6.008 417 20 1, 882 180 1, 6.54 2,495 1. 247 Loss of crvstalliuo lens, right eyo. Loss of siiilit, ri'^ht eye Loss of sight, If ft t'VL- Piirtial loss of sight, both eyes .060 5. 029 .3:18 4.947 7.403 Total 2.050 17. 517 4.598 21. 160 6,018 19.885 3,840 16.052 6,648 19. 883 DISEASES OP THE ErELIDS. 66 .5li4 107 .907 263 .787 1.56 .979 107 .612 263 .787 3,116 18. 081 4,795 22.007 6,911 20.672 3,996 25. 070 2, 915 IB. 664 6,911 20. 072 ' Hair dark ; ejes hazel or black. t Hair light ; eyes blue or gray. 454 Table No. 18 — Showing the relation of complexion and marriage to disease, «/-c. — Continued. COMPLEXION— Contii ued. :>IAKEIAGE— Continticd. DARK. LIGHT. TOTAL. HARRIED. SINGLE. TOTAL. DISEASES. No. examined, 117,029. No. examined, 217,292. No. examined, 334,321. No. examined, 159,393. No. examined, 174,928. No. examined, 334,321. f 1 8 a* .2 '6 O O a 3 |2i u 0 M 1 a 3 § 0 p, 0 « (A 1 1 a 3 0 0 1 i M 2 3 0 1 U ■ z a 3 i e DISEASES OF THE EAR. Chronic pnmlent otorrlicea 175 4 44IJ 1.495 .034 3.811 473 14 868 2.177 .064 3.995 048 18 1,314 1.938 .054 3.930 395 9 943 2.478 .056 5.916 253 9 371 1.446 .051 2. 131 648 18 1,314 1.938 .054 3.930 625 5.341 1,355 6.236 1,980 5.922 1,347 8.451 633 3.619 1,980 5.922 DISEASES AND IN JTIEIES OF THE NOSE. 4 3 35 .034 .026 .299 22 "7 C6 .101 .032 .304 26 10 101 .078 .030 .302 15 9 68 .094 .056 .427 11 1 33 .063 - .006 .189 26 10 101 .078 030 42 .359 95 .437 137 .410 93 .577 45 .257 137 DISEASES OF THE CIRCU- LATOET SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AXD ITS MEMBRAXES. Acnte disease of heart 79 1,696 .675 14. 492 183 3,758 .842 17. 295 262 5, 454 .784 16.314 103 3, 399 1. 023 21. 325 99 2, 055 .566 11.748 262 5,454 784 1,775 15. 167 3,941 18. 137 5,716 17. 097 3,562 22. 347 2,154 12. 314 5,716 17. 097 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Disecues of the Arteries. l:l .111 36 .166 49 .147 34 .213 15 .086 49 .147 Diseases of the Veins. . Varicose veins 1,836 15.603 3,979 18. 312 5,805 17. 364 3,942 24.731 1,863 10. 650 5,805 17. 364 Total 1,839 15. 714 4,015 18. 477 5,854 17.510 3, 976 24. 945 1,878 10. 736 5,854 17. 510 3,614 30. 881 7,956 36.614 11,570 34. 607 7,538 47.292 4, 033 23.049 11,570 34.607 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THYROID GLAND. Gottro 12 .103 54 .249 6G .197 40 .251 26 .149 66 .197 Grand total 12 1 .103 54 .249 66 .197 40 .251 26 .149 66 .197 DISEASES OF THE RESPIKA- TOllY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. Fistula of larvii x -. .009 3 .014 4 .012 3 .019 1 .006 4 .012 FUKCTIOXAL AFFECTIONS OP THE LARYNX. Loss of voice 13 2U .111 19 .087 32 .096 21 .132 11 .063 32 .096 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AM) IIRONCIII. BroDchitia 1. 829 511 2.352 725 2.169 447 2.804 278 1.589 725 2.169 Fistula nf tlie tracliea Total 214 1.829 511 2.352 725 2.169 447 2.804 278 1.589 725 DISEASES OF TIM: I.UXO. Acute diso.oso of Inns 32 780 .273 0.665 92 1, 604 .423 7.638 124 2,444 .371 7.310 76 1,633 .477 10. 245 43 811 .274 4.636 124 2,444 Chronic disease of hms Total 812 40 0.938 1,756 8.081 2,563 7.681 1,709 10. 722 859 4.911 2,568 7.681 DISE.V8E8 OF THE PLEURA. Chronic pleurisy .385 80 .368 155 ..374 69 .433 50 .320 125 .374 Grand total 1,0S5 9.271 2,369 10.002 3,454 10. 331 2,249 14. 110 1,205 6.889 3,454 ID. 331 455- Table No. 18— Shotvlng the relation of complexion and marriage to disease, ,/c.— Coutiuued. COMPLEXION —Continued. MAKRIAGE— Continued. DABK. LIGHT. TOTAL. MARRIED. SINGLE. TOTAL No. examined, 117,029. No. examined, 217,292. No. examined, 334,321. No. examined, 159,393. No. examined, 174,928. No. examined, 334,321. § 1 o u s. O o u o ¥ .a a a g o ■■S 1 •3 1 J a s o s s p. o « 1 M 1 o u p. o o u o U u s s s g 1 u J a s d 8. i .2 DloKASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEil. DISEASES A^^) IXJUKIES OF THE JAW. 14 18 .120 .1.54 28 51 .129 .235 42 69 .126 .206 27 43 .169 .270 15 26 .086 .149 42 69 .126 Disease or deformity of jaw .206 Total 32 .273 79 .364 111 .332 70 1 .439 41 .234 111 .333 DISEASES, MALFORJIATIOXS. AXD LV- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. 3,405 29.095 6,895 31.731 10,300 30. 809 -.989 50. 121 2,311 13.211 10, 300 30.809 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tongue * DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft T>alate GO .513 146 .672 206 .616 111 .696 95 .543 206 .616 DISEASES OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS. Salivary fistula 3 .014 3 .009 3 131 101 .019 3 .009 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. GO 43 .513 .367 103 97 .474 • .446 163 140 .488 .419 .822 .634 32 39 .183 .223 163 140 .488 Chronic disease of stomach .419 Total 103 .880 200 .920 303 .906 232 1.456 71 .400 .669 1.812 1.149 .497 17. 310 10. 656 1.692 .532 .223 .103 303 .906 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Gbroiiic diarrbcea 128 272 190 IIG 2,073 1,746 408 82 27 15 1.094 2.324 1.624 .991 92.840 14. 919 3.486 .701 .231 .128 267. 379 127 212 5,925 3,674 758 195 83 19 1.229 1.744 .584 .976 27. 267 16. 908 3.488 .897 .382 .087 395 651 317 328 8,598 5,420 1,166 277 no 34 1.181 1. 947 .948 .981 2.1.718 16. 212 3.488 .829 .329 .102 278 334 116 241 5,570 3, 556 810 184 71 10 1.744 2.095 .728 1. 512 34. 945 22. 310 5.458 1.154 .445 .100 117 317 201 87 3,028 1,864 296 93 39 18 395 651 317 323 8,598 .5, 420 1,166 iio 34 1.181 1.947 Hernia, umbilical .948 .981 Hernia', ripht inguinal Hoi-nia, Icit inguinal 16. 212 3.488 .629 Hernia, double femoral Total 5,657 43.338 11, 639 53.564 17,296 51. 735 11,236 70. 492 6,000 34.643 1 17,296 51. TJ5 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS. 1,57 552 130 1. 342 4. 717 1.111 309 948 237 4 1. 422 4.363 1.091 .018 460 1, 5110 367 4 1.394 4.487 1.098 .013 3:!5 1, \x 238 1 2. 102 7.253 1.807 .006 131 344 79 3 .749 1.967 .452 .017 460 1, .WO 367 4 1.394 stricture of rectum Xotal 839 7.169 ' 1,498 6.894 2,337 6.990 1,780 11. 167 557 3.184 2,337 6.990 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Acute disease of liver Chrouic disease of liver 11 173 .094 1.470 13 333 .060 1.533 24 505 .072 1.511 14 403 .088 2. 52B 10 102 . 057 24 .583 505 .072 1.5U Total 183 1.564 34G 1.593 529 1.582 417 2.61G 112 . 640 52D 1.583 DISF.ASES OF THE SPLEEN. 1 16 .009 .137 1 30 .005 .138 46 .00b .136 32 .013 .20) .006 Chronic disease of spleen 14 .080 46 .133 Total 17 .145 31 .143 48 1 . 144 1 34 .213 14 .080 1 48 .144 Grand toLil . 10,296 87. 978 20,837 95. 894 1 31, 133 | 93. 123 21, 872 137. ail 9,261 _ — 52. 942 1 31, 133 9J.123 • 456 Table No. 18— Showing the relation of complexion and marriage to diaeam, «/-c.— Continued. " COMPLEXION— Coutinned. MARUIAGE— Contiu led. HARK. I.IGUT. TOTAL. AIAURIGD. SING1.E. TOTAI,. DISEASES. No. exanunod, 117,029. No. rxaiuinod, 217,292. No. examined, 334,321. Xo. oxamined, 159,393. No. examined, 174.928. No. cxaniiue 107 0 .009 . l->8 .914 .017 8 26 216 12 .0.37 .120 .994 .055 9 41 323 14 .027 .123 .966 .042 3 20 44 5 .019 .125 .270 .031 0 21 279 9 .034 . 120 1.595 .051 9 41 3-23 14 .027 . 123 966 Hypospadia Ouuorrbcea Total 123 1.068 262 1.206 387 1.158 72 .4.52 315 1.801 .187 1.158 Diseases of TvAxica Vaginalis. 79 123 198 .675 1.051 1. 692 162 286 477 .746 1.316 2. 195 241 409 675 .721 1.223 2.019 l.W 219 296 .941 1. .502 1.857 91 100 379 . .520 .915 2.167 241 409 675 .721 1.223 2.019 Total 400 3.418 925 4.257 1,323 3.903 695 4.360 630 3.601 1,325 3.903 Vieeases 0/ Testicle. A en to disease of testicle 29 131 Ii3 .248 1. 119 .538 63 304 .290 1.399 .561 92 435 185 .273' 1. 301 .553 37 238 62 .232 1. 493 .389 55 197 123 .314 1. 120 .703 02 435 185 .275 1.301 .553 Kcleution of testicle ; . . , Total 223 1.006 489 2.250 712 2.130 337 2. 114 375 2.144 712 2.130 748 6.392 1,676 7.713 2, 424 7.2.-.1 1,104 0.926 1, 320 7.546 2, 424 7.251 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BOXES. Chronic disease of bonoa . . . 490 4.238 1, 2R'i 5.904 1,779 5.321 1, 102 7.290 C17 3.527 1,779 5. .321 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JOINTS. AnkylosiRof joints 720 720 514 6. 152 C. 152 4. 392 1, 512 1, 699 1,049 0.958 7.819 4. 828 2,232 2,419 1, 563 6.676 7. 236 4.675 1,550 1, 516 1, 088 9.724 9.511 0. 826 682 903 475 3.899 5.162 2. 715 2, 232 2,419 1, .503 6.670 7.230 4.075 Clirmiic diswisin of joints Dislocation ot joints Total 1,954 481 16. 697 4,200 19. 005 6,214 18. 587 4,154 26. 061 2,060 11. 776 0,214 DI8EASF,S OP THE SPINE. Curvature of spiuo 4.110 1, 0.-)9 4.874 1,540 4.606 901 5. 053 639 3.633 1, .540 457 Tahle No. 18 — Showing the rdalion vf complexion atid marriage to disease, ^c. — Coutinued. COMPLEXION— Contiaued. MAKRIAGE-Contin red. IIAIIK. LIGHT. TOTAL. MARRIED. SIN CLE. TOTAL. DISEASES. No. examined, 117,029. No. examined, 217,292. No. examined, 331,321. No. examined, 159,393. No. examined, 174,928. No. examined, 334,321. s 3 o g 1 13 B "A ft 1 o S a <5 o g u 1 r3 o V 'a? u u M a g a o 1 1 o 'S? S a g S. o K is -a 0 o g. o DISEASES OF THE MUerULAlt SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. 42(5 3.640 935 4.303 1,361 4.071 900 5.646 461 2.035 1,361 4.071 Diseases of Tendon. 49 132 12 .419 1. 198 .103 108 343 31 .773 1. 579 . 143 217 475 43 .049 1. 421 .129 149 2S0 25 .935 1.757 .157 68 195 IS .389 1.115 .103 217 475 43 .649 1. 421 .129 Club-foot Total 193 1.649 542 2.494 735 2.198 454 2.848 281 1.600 735 2.198 Grand total 3,550 30. 334 8,079 37. 180 11, 629 34. 784 7,571 47. 499 4,058 23. 198 11, 6Q9 34. 784 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. Abscess Oljesity 34 54 .291 .461 70 ICI .322 .741 104 215 .311 .643 49 160 .307 1.004 55 55 .314 .314 104 215 .311 .643 Grand total 88 .752 231 1.063 319 .954 209 1.311 110 .629 319 .954 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. 269 424 C09 2.299 3. 023 5.717 486 841 1,250 2.237 3.870 5. 753 755 1,265 1,919 2.258 3.784 5.740 350 470 1, 273 2.196 9. 949 7.987 405 795 646 2.315 4.545 3. 603 755 1, 265 1,919 2.258 3.784 5 740 Ulcers Grand total 1,3U2 11.638 2,577 11. 800 3, 939 11.782 2,093 13. 131 1,840 10. 553 3,939 11. 789 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest Di'formity ol chest I'cnnaneht, physical debility lielaxed inguinal rings 1,299 249 1,882 35 1,073 1,028 (i40 11.100 2. 128 10.081 .299 9.169 8.784 5.409 3,782 fi.'jl 4,050 114 1,134 9, 702 1, 585 17. 405 9.990 18. 039 .595 5. 919 12. 435 7. 294 5,081 900 5, 932 149 2, 207 3,730 2,225 15. 198 9. 099 17. 743 .440 6. 601 11.157 6. 655 215 429 3,210 46 1, 643 39 173 1.349 2. 091 20. 139 .289 10. 308 . 245 1.085 4.800 471 2,792 UI3 504 3, 091 2, 052 27. 817 2. (193 15.561 .589 3.994 21.100 11.731 5,081 900 5, 939 149 2,207 3, 730 2, HiS 1.5. 19s 2. 092 17. 743 .440 I'luler ago 1! 157 Grand total 0, 200 53. (130 14,018 64.512 20. 994 60. 493 5, 755 30. 106 14.612 .810 19. 248 14, 469 82. 714 20, 224 00. 493 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF INJURY NOT SPECIFIED. 996 70 8.511 . sns 2,197 149 3,324 10.111 .680 15. 297 3,193 919 4,847 9.551 .055 14. 498 2,329 130 3, 068 804 89 1,779 4.939 .599 10. 170 3,193 219 4.847 9 551 1,523 13.014 Total 2, 589 29. 123 5,670 26. (194 8, 259 9,192 304 94. 704 5, .527 34. 075 2, 732 15. 018 8,259 24. 704 INJURIES AND MAU'OKMATIONS OF UFriiK EXTKEMITIES. Defects or deformities of liantl 739 84 6.315 .718 1, 4.i3 220' 6.687 1.012 G. .557 .909 1, 384 207 8.683 1.299 808 97 4.619 .555 2,192 304 6. 5.57 909 Total 823 7. 032 1, 673 7.699 9,496 7.466 1,591 9. 989 905 5.174 2,490 INJURIES AND MALFORMATIONy OF LOWER EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot 896 111 7.656 .948 1,895 256 8. 721 1.178 2,791 307 8.348 1.098 1,747 235 10. 960 1.474 1,044 132 5.968 .755 2,791 307 6.348 1 093 1,007 8.605 2,151 9.899 3,158 9.446 1 982 12. 435 1,170 6. 723 3,158 9.446 Grand total 4,419 37. 760 9,494 43. 699 13,913 41.616 9,100 57. 099 4,813 27. 514 13, 913 41 616 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. . 05 .564 85 .391 151 .459 103 .646 48 .274 151 .452 Grand total for all diseases.. 33, 91G .333. 533 83,700 365. 196 122, 016 366. 7 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASICS AND INJUItlES OF OR- GAN'S OF GESERATIOX. Diseases of Fenis. 1 4 30 3 .017 .008 .509 .051 3 13 186 3 .038 .105 2 305 .038 1 10 01 .018 .170 1.070 2 7 10 3 .040 .139 .193 .059 2 6 4 .046 .040 .137 .091 41 323 14 5 30 1 .109 .655 .022 123 .960 Total 38 .645 205 2.607 72 1.270 36 .786 22 .436 14 .320 387 Diseaees of Tunica Voffinalis. Hvdrocele 17 27 104 .288 .458 1.7U4 32 70 178 .407 .890 2. 204 45 79 133 .793 1.393 2 328 32 63 89 .699 ).370 1.944 48 87 97 .951 1.724 1. 922 67 83 75 1.530 1.896 1.713 241 409 075 7"'*1 Sai'cocelo 1.223 2 019 Varicocele Total 143 2.511 2S0 3.501 250 4.514 164 4.019 .371 1.657 .437 232 4. 598 225 5.139 1,325 3. 063 Diseases of Testide. 4 24 44 .008 .407 .740 31 93 47 .394 1.183 .598 10 63 31 .282 1.404 .547 17 65 20 9 70 27 .173 1.387 .535 15 60 16 .343 1.827 .365 92 435 185 .275 1.301 .553 ('hioiiic disease ot" tt-sticlo Kotention of testicle . . . Total 72 1.221 . 171 2.174 130 2.292 122 2.005 100 2.101 111 2.535 712 2.130 Grand total 258 4.370 650 a 342 458 6.070 342 7.471 300 7.135 350 7.993 2, 424 7.251 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OP BOXES. Chronic disease of bones 79 1.340 312 3.907 312 5. .'J02 340 7.427 354 7.016 383 aT47 1,779 5.331 KISEASES AND IXJl'KIES OF THE JOI.STS. Ankvloftis of joints 5(i 158 58 .950 2.080 .584 307 433 232 4.007 5.500 2. 950 401 449 203 7.071 7.917 4.038 429 402 310 9.372 8.762 0. 7T3 473 515 353 9.375 10. 207 6.990 £00 462 347 11.550 10.551 7. 925 2,232 2,419 1,503 0.670 7.236 4.675 Chronic diseoau of )!tiutfl Dislocation of joints Total 272 4.014 1,032 13.133 1,113 19. 020 1,141 24. 925 1,341 20. 578 l',315 30. 032 0.214 18.587 DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Cun*fttme of spine 110 1,S66 235 2 988 256 4. 514 279 6.095 338 6.699 322 7.354 1,540 4.606 4GT) Table No. 19 — Showing the rclaUon of aije to disease, ijc. — Contiiuipd. AGE— Continued. Under 20. 20 and nnder 25. 25 and under 30. 30 and under 35. 35 and under 40. 40 and over. Total. DISEASES. No. examined, 58,952. ^o. examined, 78,039. No. examined, 50,711. ^0. examined. 45,777. No. examined, 50,456. No. examined, 43,780. No. examined, 334,321. • o ft) 3 B "A o s o o 1 I "A o o 1 O K 5 o a 'A o g u t © a •a g i p. o '6 o 1 • g t 3 "S 5 f5 o g. 6 Pi o o u M s a 'A § o o o 1 DISEASES OF THE MUSCUr.AU SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. 52 .882 220 2.798 277 4.884 255 5.570 290 5.748 207 6.098 1,301 4 071 I>iscascs of Tendon. G 35 4 .102 .594 .008 36 93 7 .458 1.183 .089 40 95 12 .705 1.075 .212 46 95 10 1.005 2.075 .218 46 89 4 .912 1.701 .079 43 63 6 .982 1.553 .137 217 475 43 .049 1.421 .129 Club-foot T()t:vl 45 .7C3 136 1.729 147 2. 592 151 3.239 139 2.755 117 2. 672 TJ5 2. 198 558 9. 405 .237 .017 1, C35 24.000 2,105 37. 118 ^,160 47. 310 i, 462 48. 795 2,403 54. 881 11,029 34. 784 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. 14 1 26 15 .331 .191 14 22 !383 15 38 • .328 .830 20 £0 .396 1.189 15 79 .343 1.804 104 215 .311 043 Obesity 15 .254 41 .521 30 .635 53 1.158 80 1.580 94 2.147 2.535 3. 420 10. 666 319 755 1, 265 1,919 .954 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- I4E0US SYSTEM. 75 237 105 1.272 4. 020 1. 7rl 175 359 303 2.225 4.565 3.8.53 159 212 280 2.804 3.738 4.937 122 148 316 2.665 3.233 6.903 113 159 448 2.240 3.151 8.879 111 150 467 Ulcers 5 740 417 7.074 837 10.044 651 11.479 580 12. 801 720 14. 270 728 10. 620 3,939 COXDITIONS NOT NECESSA- JtlLY ASSOCIATED WITH GKXEKAL or. LOCAL DIS- EASE. 4,208 179 988 11 72.398 3.036 10. 759 .187 480 1% 807 61 6. i(;4 2. 492 11.025 .770 134 128 805 28 2.363 2. 2.>7 14. 195 .494 85 118 837 16 l.£57 2.578 18. 284 . 3.")0 59 128 1, 140 13 1.109 2. 537 22. 713 .258 55 151 1,289 20 2,207 1. 2.-.6 3.419 29. 439 .457 50. 404 5,031 g.'iO 5,9a» 149 2,207 3,730 2, 225 15 193 ^ 092 IVrmaneut pbysical debility 17. 743 6 601 3,730 1 576 63.272 20. 734 .341 4.336 110 1.940 70 1.660 77 1.526 45 1.028 0 055 Grand total 10,752 182. 386 1, 945 24. 733 1, 205 21. 248 1,132 24. 729 1,423 28. 203 3,767 86. 032 20, 234 60.493 LOCAL ISJUFaES. LOCALITY or LNJUKY XOT SrEClFIED. Fractures 8G 2 23G 1.459 .0.-i4 4.003 425 35 967 5.404 .445 12. 297 551 49 929 9.716 .804 16. 381 595 52 883 12.998 1.130 19.289 775 40 894 15. 360 .912 17. 718 701 35 938 17. 380 .799 21. 422 3,193 219 4,847 9.551 .055 14 493 Total 324 5. 496 1, 427 407 48 18. 146 5.176 .610 1,529 26.961 7. 000 .952 1,530 33. 423 1,715 33.990 1,734 39. 602 8, 259 21. 704 CJJUBmS AND SULFORjrATIOXS OF OTPEU EXTKE5IIT1ES. Defects or deformities of hand 112 19 1.900 .322 397 54 402 68 8.782 1.485 448 57 8.879 1.130 420 58 9.729 1.325 2,192 304 6.557 .909 Total - 131 () oo-i 455 5.786 451 7.953 470 10. 207 505 10. 009 434 11.054 2,490 7.466 IXJURIES AND MALFOUMATIOXS OF LOWER EXTKEMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot 1C4 18 2.782 .305 479 03 c.oni .865 481 04 8.482 1. 120 480 60 10. 617 1.311 600 84 12.010 1.605 575 73 13. 132 1.007 2,791 3C7 8.348 1. 093 182 3.037 547 0.050 545 9.610 546 11. 927 690 13. 075 048 14. 799 3, 158 9. 445 C37 10. 805 2, 429 30. 888 2, 525 44. 524 2,540 55. 017 2, 910 57. 674 2,866 05. 455 13, 913 41.010 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. 5 .085 21 .267 21 .370 33 .721 35 .694 36 .822 151 , 452 Grand total for all 15,815 208. 269 19,305 245. 489 18,721 330.112 13,833 411. 407 23,349 462. 700 26, 593 007. 310 123,616 360. 761 59 T^BLE NO. 20, SHOWING THE RELATION OF OCCUPATION TO DISEASE. Number examined, - - - - 334,321. 4G9 Table No. 20 — Showing Ihc rclalion of occiqialion lo disseaise ; einhracliig the slatisUcal results of the cxam'ninlioii nf ;;;54,321 recruits, substitutes, drafted and enrolled men, of various nativities. OCCUPATION. AGUXTS. ABCIIITECTS. BAKERS. EAItnERS. BAU-KEErEKS. BLACKSMITHS. liOATMEX. DISEASES. !Co. examiDed, ■l.iO. No. cxamioed, 232.. No. examined, 1,973. No. examined, 944. No. examined, 1,373. No. examined, 0,105. No. examined, 4,009. 1 t a g .2 3 u e 'A g u c p. .2 1 u S p. o 1 3 g M S 1 a a § P. o s o P< 1 t u 1 d s p< GENERAL DISEASES. 1 .729 1 .104 Eover 1 1.059 1 214 Total 1 1.059 1 .729 1 .1G4 1 .214 1 37 11 .164 6.001 1. 802 1 7 3 1 133 4 8 18 .214 3 1 G.CG7 2.222 1 .500 2 2 2.119 2.119 11 2 8.017 1.438 1 499 .043 Scurvy .214 3 6.667 3 11.905 30 1 4 18 15. 190 .506 2.025 9.114 12 7 9 9 12. 712 7.415 9.534 9.534 41 3 G 17 20. 883 2.187 4.373 12. 391 43 7 12 43 7. 371 1.147 1. 9CG 7.043 28. 486 .857 1 14 2.222 31.111 3 11 11.905 43. 651 1.713 3.855 Total 22 4M.S89 17 67. 460 54 27. 342 .41 43. 433 80 58. 309 156 25. 5:-3 173 37. 481 22 48.889 17 67. 460 54 27. 342 42 44. 492 81 59.038 137 25. 717 17G 37. 695 DISEASES OF THE NEKVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF TUE BUAIN AND ITS MEMBItAXES. 1 2.222 1 Total 1 2.^2 1 DISEASES OF THE NERVES. 5 11. Ill 3 11.905 1 .506 1 1.059 3 2.187 12 1.966 FUXCTIOXAL IiISEASES OF THE KEUV- OUS SYSTESI. 3 C.e67 1 3.908 3 1.519 4 4.237 3 1 1 8.187 .7J9 .729 23 3.707 U 2. 33G 3 1.519 1 1.039 8 1.310 3 .643 Total 3 0.667 1 3.968 G 3.038 5 5.297 5 3.644 31 5.078 14 2.999 DISOBDERS OF THE INTELLECT. 1 1 2. 222 5! 444 2. 222 4 1 2. 025 .506 1 1.059 2 2 1 1.458 1.438 .729 10 7 0 2. 021 1.147 .983 9 2 1.928 .428 Total 4 8.889 5 2.533 1 1.059 5 3.644 29 4.750 U 1 2.330 1 5.354 13 28.889 4 15.-873 12 6.076 7 7.415 13 9.475 72 11.704 23 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EVE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. Cataract of ri"lit eye 1 .500 1 1.059 1 .729 12 1.96G 4 .857 3 6.667 • 10 o 21 18 .1.003 1.013 10. 033 9.114 2 1 8 4 2.119 1.059 8.475 4.237 13 1 13 20 9.475 .729 9.475 14. 577 37 3 25 34 6.061 .491 4.095 5.509 21 18 28 4.498 1 :! 1 3.968 11.903 3.n08 .428 Partial loss of siplit, both eyes 2 7 4.444 15. 536 3.853 5.997 Total 12 20. 667 5 19.841 52 26.329 16 16. 949 48 34.985 111 18. 182 73 15. 035 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of tlic eyelids 1 3.903 2 1.013 3 2.187 5 .819 3 .643 12 1 2(i-r>fi7 1 r. 23.810 54 27. 342 16 10. 949 51 37. 172 110 19. 001 76 10. 273 1 1 470 Table No. 20 — Showing the relation of occupation to disease, ^c. — Continued. OCCUPATION— Continued. AGENTS. ARCHITECTS. BAKEllS. BARBERS. BAR-KEEPERS. BLACKSMITHS. BOATME.X. DISEASES. No. examined, 450. No. examined, 252. No. exaroiued, 1,975. No. examined, 944. No. examined, 1,372. No. examined, 6,105. No. oxaminod, 4,009. .a g p. o 1 .2 8 1 .2 S Q O 1 t a § p. 1 O O o o •A g o -i 1 "a" 1 a 3 'A g u .2 1 6 o s. (-> % o 1 13 g 3 o g. T-T §. « DISEASES OF THE EAE. Chnmic purulent otorrhoea 1 2 OO-T 4 15. 873 s 1.013 2 2.119 3 2.187 8 1.310 1 1 14 .214 .214 4 8.889 3 11. 905 5 2.532 2 2.119 3 2.187 31 5.078 2.999 5 11.111 7 27. 778 7 3.544 4 4. 337 6 4.373 39 6.3S8 16 3. 427 DISEASES AND INJTJKIES OF THE XOSE. 1 .729 1 .164 1 2.222 1 .729 1 .164 1 2.222 a 1.458 2 .3-23 DISEASES OF THE CIRCULA- TOEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND ITS MEMBRANES. 3 14 0.667 31. Ill 1 21 1.059 22. 246 35 1.458 35. 510 5 73 .819 11. 957 4 49 .857 Chronic discaso of heart 8 31. 746 34 17. 215 10. 4D5 Total 17 37. 778 8 31.746 34 17. 215 22 23. 305 37 26. 968 78 12. 770 53 2 11 351 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. Aufi'urism 1 .506 1 .164 428 Diseases of the Trim. G 13. 333 5 19. 841 53 26. 835 10 10. 593 34 24.781 163 26. 699 32 Total 6 13.333 5 19. 841 54 27. 343 10 10. 593 34 24. 781 164 26. 863 34 7 282 Grand total 23 51.111 13 51. 5S7 88 44. 557 32 33. 898 71 51.749 242 39. 640 87 18 634 DISEASES OP DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THyEOID GLAXD. Goltro 1 . 161 1 Grant! total 1 .164 1 214 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. Fistula of laryux 1 .164 ■ LAUV.NX. Loss of voice 1 ^ a. 119 6 4.373 DISEASES OF THE TKACHEa AXU BRO.NCni. Bronchitis 2 4.441 10 1.638 U 2.356 Total 2 4.444 a 2.119 6 4.373 10 1.638 11 2. 350 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acuto disease of lung 1 10 2.222 22.222 2 12 1.013 6. 070 1 12 .729 8.746 o 39 .328 6.388 2 23 .428 4. 712 Chronic disease of lung 5 19. 841 13 13. 771 Total 11 24.444 5 19.841 14 7.089 13 13. 771 13 9.475 41 6.716 24 5.140 DISRAaEa OF THE PLEURA. Chronic pleurisy 1 .214 Grand total 13 28. 689 5 19.841 14 7.089 15 15. 890 19 13.848 58 8.518 37 7.925 471 Table No. 20 — Shoicing the relation of occupation to disease, cfc. — Continnod. OCCUPATION— Continned. AGENTS. AKCHITECIS. BAKERS. BARBERS. BAR-KEEPEBS. BLACKSMITHS. BOATMEN. DISEASES. No. examined 450. No. examined 252. No. examined 1,975. No. examined, 944. No. examined, 1,372. No. examined, 0,105. No. examined, 4,609. 1 1 B g P. o 1 1 o a § o o K 1 0) a g k< p. "el ■3 .2 o t^ u s 3 12! g o 1 a 3 s Pi 2 rt a g o « 1 -£■ u a 3 g o 1 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES ASD INJURIES OF THE JAW. 1 2 .104 .328 1 214 1 1.059 Total 1 1.059 3 .491 1 214 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. 41 01.111 10 63. 492 112 50. 709 27 28.002 44 32. 070 130 21. 294 73 15. 635 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Ck'ft palate 1 1.059 1 .729 4 .655 1 .214 DISEASES OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS. Salivary fistula DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 1 3.908 1 2 .164 .328 1 .506 Total 1 3.968 1 .506 3 .491 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Chronic diarrhoea . ... 1 1 2.-22a 3.223 3 9 3 1 84 55 17 4 2 1.519 4.557 1.519 .500 43. 533 27. e-is 8.008 2.025 1.013 1 9 o 53 34 12 3 1 2 .729 0.500 'i.458 38. 630 24. 7S1 8.740 2.187 .729 1.458 11 10 3 4 212 lO.i 20 5 3 1.803 3.031 .491 .055 34. 726 17. 199 4.259 .819 .491 1 10 4 o 70 51 13 1 1 .214 llcruia 1 3.908 4 4 2 40 17 7 1 4.237 4.237 2. 119 42. 373 13.008 7.415 1.039 3. 427 .857 llornia, ventral .428 Hernia, ri^lit inguinal Hernia, lett iucjninal 11 3 1 1 33.333 24. 444 (i.007 -2. 223 a 222 5 0 19. 841 23.810 10. 278 10. 993 2.784 Hernia, rii^lit fcmnr.'il .214 .214 1 Total 33 73.333 12 47. 619 178 90. 127 75 79. 449 117 85. 277 385 63. 003 165 35.339 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS. Fistula ill ano 1 4 3 a 859 (1.6(i7 1 1 1 3.908 3.908 3.908 1 1 1 .500 .500 .500 4 e 2 2. 915 4.373 1.458 7 29 11 1.147 4.750 1. 802 6 8 2 1.285 5 5.297 1.713 Prolapsus aiii Stricture of rectum .438 Total 8 17. 778 3 11.905 3 1.519 5 5.297 12 8.746 47 7. 699 16 3.427 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Acute disease of liver . 1 8 .729 5.831 1 8 .164 1.310 Chronic disease of liver 3 0.067 1 .500 1 1.059 1 .214 3 0.007 1 .506 1 1.059 9 0.560 9 1.474 1 .214 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Chronic disease of spleen Total Grand total 85 IPS. RR!I 3'J 126. 984 295 149. 367 110 110. 525 183 133.382 581 95. 163 257 55. 044 472 Tabu! No. 20— Shoiviiig the rclalioii of occupation to disease, ^c. — Continued. OCCUPATION— Continued. AGENTS. AltCHlTEOTS. BAELEES. BARBERS. BAR-KEEPERS. ELACKS.MITHS. EOATMEK. DISEASES. No. examined, 4S0. No. examined, 252. No. examined, 1,973. No. examined, 944. No. examined, 1,3'72. No. examined, 6,105. No. examined, 4,009. 1 1 3 g i ft o 1 1 u a 3 g i. o ■s K 1 ti u 5 g O . o 1 '2" 1 1^ § i o 1 S o o s 3 g. t-, o i 1 "S Si is 1 g o u IB Pi 1 .a a a •a o o K J s 3 o s. 1 p. o 1 GENERAL DISEASES. 1 2.309 1 4 .085 .341 1 1 1 .382 "12 Total . . 1 2.309 1 .382 5 .426 2 .423 B Cancer 2 60 10 89 13 35 133 .170 5.111 .853 .085 7.581 1.107 2. 981 11. 244 1 16 .1 1 65 4 12 41 oi.'> Clu'onlc rheumatism 1 2.770 2 12. C58 4 3 1. 537 1.145 6 4. 008 3 3-''^ .42.1 SCUITV " Svphitis 3 f.3l0 3 6.928 1 6.329 36 3 6 15 13. 740 1.145 2.290 5.725 4 1 7 37 2.712 .678 4.746 25.085 13. 762 ■ 7 a 19. 391 16. 620 1 2 2. 309 4.619 2.341 8.681 2 12. 658 Total .7 47. 091 6 13.857 5 31. 646 67 25. .'•)73 55 37.288 342 29. 131 142 ! 30. 066 Grand total .. 17 47. O'Jl 7 16. 166 5 31.646 68 25. 954 55 37.288 347 29. 557 144 30.489 DISEASES OF TBtE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BUAIX AXT) HS MEMBItANES. Acute disease of brain 2 .170 Sanstroko ...... .085 Total 3 .256 D)SE.\SES OF TUE NEUVES. P.iralysis I 2.770 1 2.309 4 1.52T 4 2.712 14 1.193 5 1.059 FL XC riOXAI. DISEASES OF THE NEKV- OUS SITSTEM. Cbore.1 Epile])3v 2 1 4.619 2.309 3 18. 987 H 1 3 5.344 .382 1. 145 5 3.390 61 2 18 5. 19C .170 1.533 20 1 7 4.235 21^ Ncumlt^ta Stammering 1.482 Total 3 B.928 3 18.987 18 G.870 5 3.390 81 C.899 28 5.928 DISOUDERS OF TUE INTELLECT. Chronic alculiolism 1 2.770 3 1 1.145 .382 .70^i 4 2 2 2.712 1.356 1.35fi 11 9 5 .937 .707 .426 7 5 2 1.482 1.039 .423 Imbecility Insiinity 1 2. 7T0 Solit.iry vico a 5.540 G 2.290 8 5.424 25 2.129 14 2.904 Grand total 3 8.310 4 9.238 3 18. 987 28 10. G87 17 11. 525 123 10. 477 47 DISEASES AND IN-JUErES OF TUE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AXl) IXJUKIE3 OF THE EVE. Cataract of right oyo Loss of ci-y.slalliue'loiis, right oyo! ! 3 1.143 1.356 18 1.533 4 .847 Loss <»t Might, right oyo Loss of sight, left oyo 4 1 3 4 11.080 2.770 8.310 ll.OSO 2 4.619 1 1 1 3 6. 329 6.329 6.339 18. 987 11 13 21 4.198 .763 4.962 8.015 4 1 6 9 2.712 .678 4.068 6.102 59 9 02 5.026 .767 4.429 5.231 30 I 19 47 6.352 .212 4.023 Partial ol sight, both oyos Diseases of tho eyes 2 4.G19 12 33.241 4 9.238 G 37.975 50 19. 034 22 14. 915 200 17.036 101 21.385 DISEASES OF TIIF. EVELIDS. Diseases of tho eyelids o .7G3 1 .678 4 .341 3 Grand total 12 33.241 4 9.288 6 37. 975 5S 15. 593 204 2J 17. 376 104 22.020 475 Table No. 20 — Showing the relation of occupation to disease, ^c. — Contiuued. OCCUPATION— Contiuued. BOOKBINDERS. BRICKMAKEBS. BROKERS. BUTCHERS. CABIKET-MAK- ERS. CAKPENTERB CARTERS AND DRFVERS. DISEASES. No. examined, 3G1. No. examined, 433. No. esamined, 158. No. examined, 2,620. No. examined, 1,475. Ko. examined, 11,740. No. examined, 4,723. S o B 1 ■S ri S O It o 1 3 15 § i 1 S s © a g o 1 ■a ■£" S-i M s o O s .a a 3 g o o o ■5? s 3 '3 o 1 g t DISEASES OF THE EAE. Clirnnic purulent otorrhoea 1 2.710 1 2.309 6 2.290 3 2.034 20 1.704 11 2.329 Deafuesa 1 2.770 2 13. 058 8 3.053 6 4.068 63 5.366 15 3 176 Grand total 2 5.540 1 2.309 2 12. G58 14 5.344 9 6. 102 83 7.070 26 5.505 DISEASES AND rN'.rtTEIES OP THE NOSE. 1 .212 1 .078 2 .170 1 .678 2 .170 1 .212 DISEASES OF THE CIECU- LAXORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AXD ITS MEJIBRAXES. 1 9 2.7-0 24. 931 2 5 4.619 11. 547 1 33 .678 25.763 8 244 .681 20. 784 1 106 212 9 56. 962 28 10. 687 23. 443 Total 10 27. 701 7 in. lOli 9 56. 962 28 10. 087 39 26. 441 252 21. 465 107 22.655 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS- Diseases of the Arteries. 1 .678 4 ..341 I>iseas€S of the Veins. 11 30. 471 11 25.404 4 2i. 316 63 24.040 49 33. 220 259 22. 061 100 21. 173 11 30. 471 11 25.404 4 25.310 63 24. 040 50 33. 898 263 23. 402 100 21. 173 21 58. 172 18 41. 570 13 82.273 91 34. 733 89 60.339 515 43. 867 207 43.823 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THTROID GLAXD. Goitre 1 6.329 1 .678 4 .341 Grind tntil 1 6.329 1 .678 4 .341 DISEASES OF THE EESPIEA- TOEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LARVXX. FUKCTIOSAL AFFECTIOKS OF THE LARYKX. 4 .341 DISEASES OK THE TEACHEA AXD BKOXCHI. 1 2.770 o 4.619 4 1.5Q7 1 .078 25 2.129 4 .847 1 2.770 2 4.019 4 L527 1 .678 25 2.129 4 1 .847 DISEASES OF THE LUSG. 1 3 2.770 8.310 1 15 .078 10. 169 94 .170 8.007 2 29 .4-23 3 C.928 1 6.329 15 5.725 0.140 Total 4 11.060 3 6.928 1 6.329 15 5.725 16 10. 847 96 6.177 31 6.564 DISEASES OF THE FLEimA. 1 2.309 2 .703 4 .341 2 .423 5 13. 850 0 13.857 1 6. 329 21 8.015 17 11.525 159 10. 988 37 7.834 476 Table No. 20— Showing tlw relation of occupation to disease, ^J-c— Coutiuued. OCCUPATION— ConUnued. BOOKDINDEUS. IIRICK-MAKERS. BROEEES. EUTCHEnS. CABIXET-MAK- Ens. CARFE.NTEBS. CARTERS AND DRIVERS. DISEASES. No. examined, 31)1. No. examined, 433. Xo. examined, 158. No. examined, 2,63). No. examined, 1,475. No. examined, 11,740. No. examined, 4,733. ri o 1 c? - s E s o o P. .2 1 o s ?! i S o o '5? i a >5 g P. U O .2 l-I •s 1 u M a g rs a 3 'A o s u a O 1 ^3 s V 'c? s 3 § O Pi « o a" •a 3 o s g p. 1 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES A^•D DJJURIES OF THE JAW. 1 1 .078 .078 1 .035 .170 1 2 .212 423 2 1.356 3 .250 3 .635 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS. AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETU, GUMS, AXD ALVEOLI. 9 24. 931 11 25. 404 12 75. 949 65 32,443 50 33.898 433 30. 031 131 27.737 DISEASES AKD IXJUKIES OF THE TOXGUE. DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate 1 2.309 4 1. 527 4 .341 6 1 270 DISEASES OFTUE SALIVAnY GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE STOMACU. Acnte disease of stom.ich .. 1 2.309 1 .078 1.350 9 6 .707 .511 o 4-'^3 Chronic disease of stomach 433 Total 1 2.309 3 2.034 13 1.278 4 .847 DISEASES OP THE IXTESTIXES. Chronic diarrhcea o 9 S 3 91 01 24 4 3 1 .703 3.435 .703 1.145 34. 733 23.232 9.100 1. .127 1.145 .382 3 3 2.034 2.034 30 20 0 8 360 216 59 9 2 3 2.555 2.215 .511 .031 30. 604 20. 951 5.o:c .767 .170 .170 4 7 5 2 112 79 20 5 1 1 2.770 2 4.G19 1.4S2 1 059 Hernia, umbilical Hernia, ventral 1 45 39 11 4 .078 30. 508 26.441 7.458 2.712 Hernia, rijrht ingninal Hernia, lelt in juiiKil 13 a 4 2 30.011 10. 020 ll.OSO 5.540 5 3 11.547 0.928 4.C19 5 3 31.640 ia937 18. 987 23.714 10. 727 4. 233 1 059 Hernia, risbl femoral Hernia, left Icmoral 1 2.309 "12 Hernia, doublo femoi-al Total 26 72. 022 13 30.023 11 69. 620 200 70. 330 100 71. 604 713 63.714 235 4'J. 757 DISEASES OF THE liEC'VUM AND ANUS. Fistula in ano 3 C.928 4. CI 9 1 3 1 0.329 IS. 987 6. 329 7 13 1 2.672 4. 902 .382 3 3 2.031 4.716 2.034 22 1*1 17 1.874 0. 899 1.443 8 30 3 1.694 6.352 .635 Hjrmorrhoids Prolapsus aui Stricture of rectum Total 5 11.547 5 31. 646 21 8.015 13 a 814 123 10. 221 41 8. 681 DISEASES OF THE UVEE. Acute disease of liver Chronic disease of liver 1 2.770 3 1.143 4 2.712 20 1.704 2 .43 Total 1 a 770 3 1.145 4 2.712 20 1.704 o .423 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acnto disease of spleen Chronic diseaso of spleen 1 .085 Total 1 .085 Grand total 3« - 99.723 31 71. 594 38 177.215 313 119. 406 178 lao. 678 1,334 113. 039 422 89.330 477 Table No. 20 — Showing the relation of occupation to disease, ijc. — Coutiuued. OCCDTATION-Continued. • nOOKBIXDERS. URICK'MAKERS. BEOKEBS. BHTCHEKS. CABI.\-ET-MAK- EKS. CAUPEX-rEKS. CvnTEnS AND DHIVERS. DISEASES Ko. examined, 301. No. examined, 433. S'o. examined, 158. Jfo. examined, 2,620. No. examined, 1,475. Xo. examined, 11,740. N'o. examined, 4,723. 1 I- 1 s s. o r3 CI u u o a o o C3 •a? u 1 t a S o 1 rS V o ¥ M 3 g i 1 1 a ;3 a rt 1 a g o ■St DISEASES OF THE UKINAFvY SYSTEil. DISEASLS OF THE KIDNEY. 1 3 .383 1.145 2 23 .170 1.959 1 4 4ft 212 2 12. 658 2 1.350 847 Total 2 12. 058 4 1.527 2 1. 356 23 2. 129 5 1.059 DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. 2 2 1 2 .170 .no .085 .170 1 1 212 1 0.329 1 1 .382 .382 212 2 .423 Total .. . . 1 6.9129 2 .763 7 .596 4 .847 DISEASES OF THE UBETHRA. 1 2.770 7 1 .596 .085 1 1 012 .212 Total 1 2.770 8 .681 2 .4-23 Grand total 1 2.770 3 18. 987 6 2.290 2 1.356 40 3.407 11 2 329 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEiT. DISEASES AXn IXJUUIKS OF OR- GAKS OF GENERATION. Discasc-i of Penis. Hypospadia 1 2 2.770 5.540 3 1 .703 1.145 .382 4 G .341 .511 1 3.309 n 1 1. 270 212 Total .-... 3 8.310 1 2.309 6 2.290 10 .852 7 1. 482 I>iseases of Tunica Vaginalis. o 12.658 1 5 8 .382 1.003 3.053 2 4 5 1.356 2.712 3.390 14 18 27 1. 19,1 1. 5i.) 2.309 4 7 0 .847 1 2.770 1 2.309 1.482 Varicocele 2 12. 658 1. 370 Total 1 2.770 1 2. 300 4 25. 316 14 5.344 11 7.458 59 5.026 17 3.599 Diseases of Testicle. 1 2.309 1 8 1 .382 3. 053 .382 1 10 10 . 035 1.30,1 . 852 6 2 . 42:i Chronic disease of testicle 1 G. 329 1 1 .078 .078 1. -'70 .4-23 Total 1 2.309 1 6. 329 10 3.817 2 1.356 27 2. 300 10 2.117 4 11.080 3 C.92S 5 31. C4G 30 11. 450 13 8.814 96 8.177 34 7.199 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BONES. 2 4.C19 12 4. 5S0 10 6. 7.-:0 57 4.855 30 0. 352 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JOINTS. 2 1 1 5. 540 2.770 S.770 G 3 3 13. 857 G.958 G. 928 1 1 0.329 6.329 8 21 6 3.053 8.015 2.290 7 15 5 4.740 10. 1C9 3.390 91 8S 44 7. 751 7.325 3.743 50 43 20 10. 586 9.104 4.235 Total 4 11. 080 12 27. 714 2 12. 658 35 13. 359 27 18. 305 221 18. 825 113 23. 925 DISEASES OF THE SPINE. 4 1.527 5 3.390 01 5. 19li £0 4.235 478 Table No. 20 — Showing the relation of occupation to disease, 4'c. — Continued. OCCUPATION— Continued. BOOKBINDERS. BBICEMAKERS. BROKERS. BUTCHBES. CABIXET-MAK- ERS. CARPENTERS. CARTERS ANn DRIVERS. DISEASES. No. examined, 361. No. esaramed, 433. No. examined, 1.58. No. eiamined, 2,620. No. examined, 1,475. No. examined, 11,740. No. cx.amined, 4,723. r3 1 a a •A t A. O 1^ 1 u u o a 3 d § %. o 1 '6 S. 1 a 1 s p. 1 1 § 1 a a •a o s it s. •1 rs o u a |Zi o o I S o o 1 ;2i §■ o_ ■3 1 o § I o DISEASES OFTHE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Mtisde. 1 2.770 1 6.329 9 3.435 5 3.390 39 3.322 17 Diseases of Tendon. 1 1 2.770 2.770 2 1 .763 .382 1 5 .678 3.390 2 14 .170 1.193 o 9 Ciab-foot 1 906 Total 2 5.540 3 1.145 6 4.068 16 1.363 11 2. 329 7 19. 391 14 33. 333 3 18. 987 63 24. 046 53 35.932 394 33.560 191 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. • 3 3 .256 .256 3 4 Obesity ^ .763 GrnT»(l tMal 2 .763 6 .511 7 1 482 " DISEASES OF THE CUTA- ifEOUS SYSTEM. 1 2 6 2.309 4.619 13. 857 1 6.329 6.329 12. 658 6 10 21 2.290 3.317 a 015 2 5 17 1.336 3.390 11. .525 23 37 69 1.959 3.152 5.877 12 16 32 2.541 3.388 6.775 Disease of skin 2 1 5.540 2.770 Ulcers 3 8.310 9 20. 735 4 25.316 37 14. 122 24 16. 271 129 10. 988 60 12. 704 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. 7 16. 620 2.770 19. 391 5 1 7 11,547 a. 309 10. 166 I 1 8 6.329 6.329 50. 633 24 4 28 1 13 14 19 9.160 1. 527 10. 687 .382 4.902 5.344 7.252 10 3 29 io 5 5 0.780 2. 034 19. 661 '6.780 3.390 3.390 59 32 184 5 81 46 33 5. 026 a. 726 15. 073 .4-26 6.899 3.918 2.811 79 10 67 3 32 90 46 16. 727 2.117 14. 186 .635 6.775 19.056 9.740 Deformity of chest Pcrraaueut physic^al debility Relaxed iDguiiial rings 10 8 5.540 27. 701 22.101 i 4 4.619 4.619 9.238 1 1 6.329 6.329 Under size Grand total 34 94. Id3 ai 48. 499 12 75. 949 103 39. 313 62 42. 034 440 37. 479 327 69. 236 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF INJUBY NOT SPECIFIED. Fractures 7 1 16. 166 2.309 6.928 7 1 6 44. 304 6.329 37. 975 23 8.779 10 C.780 139 8 2-26 11.840 .681 19. 250 45 9. .323 Loss of limb Wouuds 5 ■ - *■■ * ■--•-■"■ 17 11.525 73 ........ Total 5 13. 850 11 25.404 14 88.608 50 21. 374 27 18. 305 3rj 31. 772 118 KJUniES AND SULFORMATIONB OF UPPEIC EXTREMITIES. Defects or doformitieB of hand . . Loss of thumb 3 asio 5 11. 547 2 1 12. 058 6.329 13 2 4. 962 .763 13 8.814 121 17 10. 307 1.448 33 6 8.046 1.270 Total 3 a 310 5 11.547 3 18. 987 15 5.725 13 8.814 138 11. 755 44 9. 316 ISJUniES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER EXTKEjnTIES. Defects or deformities of foot. . . Loss of great too 3 8.310 3 1 6.928 2.309 •2 12. 058 20 9. 924 .763 12 1 a 136 .078 104 20 8. 839 1.704 34 7.199 Total 3 8.310 4 9.238 o 12.658 28 10. 687 13 8 814 124 lU. 502 34 7. 199 Grand total 11 30. 471 20 46. 189 19 120. 253 99 37. 786 53 35. 932 6.35 54. 039 106 41. 499 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. . 1 106 e.329 670. 886 2 599 1.356 406. 102 11 .937 2 .4-23 Gr.ind total for all diseases. . 156 482. 133 138 318. 707 927 353. 817 4,492 382. 624 1,816 384. 501 479 Table No. 20—Showiiiy the rclaliou vf occitjjatiim to disease, 4'C- — Coutiuueil. OCCUPATION. CLERGYMEN. CLERKS. CARRIAGE-MAK- ERS. COOKS. COPPERSMITHS. DENTISTS. DISTILLERS. No. examined, 712. ^0. examined, 8,939. No. examined, 1,770. No. examined, 775 No. exiimined, 61. ^0. examined, 215. No. examined, 465. ■a 1 .a o § Q O ■§ 1 a a 'A P. O I e o •a § •d 0) .a "A o o u o P4 o -d it ¥ g O 1 '6 8 M a 3 |2; 8 0 W ^6 S CD •a § GENEEAi DISEASES. 1 2 .112 .224 i!Over 2 1.130 3 .330 2 1.130 1 34 5 .112 3.804 . 559 2 8 2 1.130 4.520 1. 130 5 1 7.082 1.404 3 3.871 1 4.651 4 8. 602 5 2 7 17 7. 022 2. 609 9.831 23. 870 111 4 40 199 12.417 .447 5.140 22. 202 14 3 11 34 7.910 1.695 0.215 19. 209 32 4 3 3 41.290 5.161 3.871 3.871 1 4.651 7 15. 054 1 1 16. 393 16. 393 1 2 2.151 12 55. 814 4.301 ^'otal 37 51. 9GG 400 44. 748 74 41.808 45 58. 065 2 32. 787 14 6.5. 116 14 30. 108 Grand total .... 37 51. 960 403 45. 083 76 42. 938 45 58. 065 2 32. 787 14 05. 116 14 30. 108 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SrSXiiM. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND ITS MEMaHANES. 1 1 1.404 1.404 1 1 1 .112 .112 .112 Total o 2.809 3 .330 DISEASES OF THE NF.BVES. Paralysis 1 1.404 14 1.5C0 5 2.825 1 1.290 1 2. 151 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. 5 39 3 3 .559 4.303 .330 6 8.427 10 5.650 S 2.581 1 4.651 1 1.404 2 2.581 "■" 7 9.831 50 5.593 10 5.650 4 5.161 1 4.651 DISORDERS OV THE DSTELLECT. 10 4 1 1.119 .447 .112 1 1 .505 .505 1 1.290 1 16. 393 1 2.151 7.6-22' 5 1 2. 151 Total 5 7.022 15 1.078 2 1.130 1 1.290 1 16. 393 0 4.301 IS 21.007 82 9.173 17 9.605 6 7.742 1 10. 393 1 4.651 3 6.4.53 DISEASES AND IN.njRIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. 15 1.078 1 .505 * 2 4.301 Loss of crystalline 'lens, righteyo. 2 6 2.809 8.427 46 5 72 96 5.370 . 509 13 7.345 3 3.871 0 1 4 7 4. 301 2. 151 Purtial loss of sipbt, botli eyes. . . 9 11 12. C40 15. 449 8.055 10. 739 4 18 2.200 10. 109 0 7 7.742 9. 0.33 1 16. 393 ■""5' ■23.'256 8.602 15.054 Total 28 39. 320 236 20. 401 30 20. 339 16 20. 645 1 16. 393 5 23. 256 16 34.409 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. 2 2.809 2 is of joints 11 0 9 l.'i.449 12.040 12.040 04 72 33 7.160 8.055 3.692 12 19 14 6.780 10. 734 7.910 2 6 2 2.581 7. 742 2.581 3 3 13. 953 9. 302 13. 953 3 7 3 C.452 15.054 Chronic disease of joints. Dislocation of joints Total 29 40.730 169 18. 606 45 25. 424 10 la. 903 8 37.209 13 DISEASES OF THE 8PIXE. Corvature of splno e 11.236 33 3.692 9 S.08S 4 5.161 1 16. 393 2 483 Table No. 20— Showing Ihe relation of occupation to disease, 4'C- — Continued. OCCUPATION— Continued. CLEBGYMES. CLERKS. CABKIAGE-MAK- EBS. COOIiS. COlTEliSMlTIlS. DENTISTS. DISTILLERS. DISEASES. So. examined, 712. So. examined, 8,939. No. examined, No. examined, 1,770. 775. No. examined, 61. So. examined. No. examined, 215. 403. 1 ? 1 13.699 Total 11 17. C3j 3 41.096 5 30. 675 44 2 25. 307 71 23. 485 2,487 134 13. 097 .975 11 1 DISEASES OF THE li YELID3. Diseases of the eyelids 1 13.699 1.159 1.946 Grand total , 11 17.683 4 54. 795 5 30. 675 46 26. 667 71 25.485 2,621 19.072 12 2 J. 316 485 Table No. 20— Shoicing the relation of occupation to disease, ; 8 15. 5G4 29 46. 624 6 82.192 11 67.435 65 37. 681 97 1 34. 817 .339 3,941 26 28. 677 .189 14 27.237 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. Goitre 1 1.608 Grand total 1 1.608 1 .339 26 .189 DISEASES OF THE KESPIRA- TOllY SYSTEil. DISEASES OF THE LAIUXX. .015 FUKCTIOXAL AFFECTIOXS «V THE LAItVNX. Loss of voice 1 .359 2.154 19 315 .138 2.992 niSF.ASES OF THE TRACHEA AXD BKOXCIII. Fistula of the trachea 3 4.823 2 1.159 6 1 1.946 Total 3 4.853 2 1.159 6 2.154 315 2.292 1 1.946 DISEASES OF THE LUXG. • 1 1 13. 699 13. 699 "3 18.405 "9 '5.'2i7 1 18 .359 6.461 6>; 935 .451 6.804 2 3.891 Chronic diseasf of luDg 6 9.646 Total G 1 9.64« 1 2 27. 397 3 18. 405 9 1 5.217 19 6.820 .718 997 46 7.255 .335 2 E.891 • DISEASES OF THE PLEURA. Chronic pleurisy Grand total 9 i 14.469 2 27.397 3 18.403 11 6.377 28 10. OrO 1,379 10. 035 3 j 5.837 486 Tadle No. M—ShoKing the relation of occupation to diteoic, ^c— Continued. OCCUPATION— Continued. DRUGGISTS. EDITORS. ENGRAVERS. ENGLNEERS. FACTORIHANDS. FARMERS. FIREMEN. DISEASES. No. examined, 622. No. examined, 7J. No. examined, 163. No. ox.injined, 1,725. No. examined, 2,786. No. examined. ia7,4S3.. No. oiamined. 514. '6 f •c? s 3 §■ o_ u ID P< o 1 •a S o 'c? t-t 1 a o 1 1 t J? § o p« • o P4 ■3 ■1 g i 1 -d (a ■? f B a o o_ o 1 s o u a g S. .2 1 1 u i !5 i c 1 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JAW. 20 35 .140 .253 .... 1. 94f ^ Total 55 .400 1 1.940 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. 4G 73. 955 4 54. 795 9 55. 215 48 27. 820 61 21. 895 4.400 32. 017 7 13.019 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AKD PALATE. 3 1.077 93 S .713 .015 DISEASES OFTUE SAUVART GLANDS. Salivary fistala DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 1 13. 099 1 1- .359 91 74 .062 .533 CbroDic diaease of stomacli. . Total 1 13. 699 2 .718 165 1.201 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. 1 C.135 4 5 1 3.319 2.899 .580 1 1 1 .359 . ,1.-i9 .359 198 129 98 169 3, 4 13 2, 153 382 121 53 13 1.441 .939 .713 1.230 25. 054 13. 607 2. 780 . 8S0 .380 .095 Hernia 1 1 1.603 1.C08 1 1 940 Hernia, urabilical Hernia, right inguinal ir, n 5 1 a-i. iic 27.331 8.039 1.C08 1 5 1 13. 099 03. 403 13. 099 8 5 2 49.080 30. 075 12. 270 54 28 4 31.304 10.232 5. in 2.319 70 37 6 1 25. 120 13. 281 2. 154 .359 12 0 2t 346 Hernia, double in 5. 9:19 IJ 9 9 10, 810 8. 130 8. 130 3 1 4. 292 0.438 2.146 10 17 8 5. 247 8.919 4. 197 4 0 3, OOS C. 015 3.003 2 iT 4 2.801 15. 737 5. 723 n 3 3 5. r.X-' 2.828 2. 8ie Dislocation of joints Total 8 l.V 810 30 27. 100 6 12 876 35 ia363 8 12 030 17 24. 320 12 11.310 DISEASES OP THE 8PIXB. Cuivaturoof apiuo 1 1.97G 13 11.743 3 6.438 9 4.722 2 3 008 493 Table Ko. 20— Shotting the relation of occupation to diseast, <^c. — Continued. OCCTJPATIOX— Continued. FISHERMEN. GROCERS. GUS AXD LOCK SMITHS. HARNESS-MAK- ERS. HATTERS. DiXKEEPERS. IRON-WORKERS. DISEASES No. exiimined 506. No. examined 1,107. No. examined 466. No. examined 1,906. No. examined, 6C5. No. examined 699. No. examined, 1,061. '6 1 u o a § o .2 1 a 3 I .2 1 o 1 0 u 0 a 1 ? 1 S u 0 n 0 1 1 1 3 3 g % 0 1 •g 1 'S u CD a 3 .2 1 s '£" a a 0 g D P. 0 DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of MiLScle. 3 5.929 5 4.517 ^ 6.433 10 5.247 3 4.511 . 2. 861 1 943 Diseases of Tendon. 1 1 2.146 2.146 1 1 1 .525 .525 .525 2 3.008 1 4 1 3.013 .903 2 2.861 5 4.517 2 4.292 3 1.574 2 3.008 2 2.861 1 Grand total 19 37. 549 58 52. 394 18 38. 627 68 35. 677 19 28. 571 27 38. 627 20 18 850 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. 1 7 1.431 10.014 Obpsity 5 4.517 2 1.049 5 4.517 2 1.049 8 11. 445 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- J;E0US SYSTEM. rntaneous contractioDs 3 4 1 5. K3 7.905 1.976 3 1 18 2.710 .903 16 260 '""4 4 "8 584' 8.584 2 7 8 1.049 3.673 4.197 4 1 3 6.015 1.504 4.511 1 4 5 1. 431 5. 722 7.153 2 1.885 2 1.885 Grand total #. 8 15. 810 22 19. 874 8 17. 167 17 8.919 8 12. 030 10 14.306 4 3.770 COXDITIONS NOT NEGESSA- IlILY ASSOCIATED WITH GE^-ERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest 5 1 8 9.681 1.976 15. 810 4 3 18 3.613 2.710 16. 260 5 0 ■ 5 4 6 4 10. 730 4.292 10. 730 4.292 ■a 584 12. 876 8.584 28 5 4.-) C 6 22 17 14. 690 2. 6-23 2:1. 010 3 148 3.148 11.542 8 919 23 3 9 1 5 6 10 34. 586 4.511 13. 534 1. 504 7.519 9.023 15.038 2 3 17 2.861 4.292 94. 320 7 2 9 6.598 1. 885 rmuanent physical debility. Relaxed lu^uiual riu^s 8.483 5 8 1 9.881 15. blO 1.976 4 1 3.613 .903 2 1 1 2 801 1 4J1 1.431 1 3 .943 2.623 Under size 28 55.336 30 27. 100 28 60. 086 129 67. 681 57 85. 714 26 37. 196 21. 459 1.431 24. 320 22 6 20. 735 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITT OF LVJUUT XOT SPECIFIED. 3 3 13 5.939 5.929 23.715 13 3 IG 11. 743 2.710 14. 453 3 6.438 13 1 26 6.821 .525 13.641 9 1 7 13 534 1.504 10 5-26 15 1 17 5.055 "Wounds 6 12.876 9 8.483 Total 18 35. 5T3 32 28. 907 9 19. 313 40 20. 986 17 25. 564 33 47.210 15 14. 138 INJURIES AND MALFORM.\TIONS OF Ul'PEU EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of hand 3 5.929 12 1 10. 840 .903 2 4.292 6 3. 14B 3 4.511 8 1 11.443 1.431 4 3.770 Totul 3 5. 929 13 11. 743 2 4. 292 6 3.148 3 4.511 9 12.876 4 3.770 INJURIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER EXTEEMITIES. Defect-s or deformities of foot Loss of great too 5 9.881 3.953 13 3 11. 743 2. 710 6 12.876 19 1 9.969 .525 9 13.534 . 10.014 1 .943 Total 7 13.'ia4 16 14. 453 6 12.876 20 10. 493 9 13.534 7 10. 014 1 .943 28 55.336 01 55. 104 17 36. 431 66 34. 627 29 43. 609 49 70. 100 20 18. 850 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. 1 .903 1 .525 1 1.504 1 .943 Graud total for all diseases. . 190 375. 494 608 549. 232 198 4 i4. 893 697 365 687 £91 437. 594 405 579. 399 201 189. 444 494 Tabi^ No. 20 — Shotcing the reJalion of occupatUm to diseaee, ^-c. — Continncd. OCCTTPATION. je;telebs. LABORERS. LAWYERS. UQUORDEAL- . ERS. LUMDERMEK. MACHIXISTS. MASfFACTUKEES DISEASES. No. examined, 937. No. examined, 59,404. No. examined K2. Ko. examined 140. No. examined 885. No. examined, 3,338. No. examined, 803. -3 8 i a •A u wing the relation of occupation to disease, ^-c— Continued. OCCUPATION— Continued. JEWELERS. LABORERS. LAWYERS. LIQUOR-DEAL- ERS. LUMBEKMEX. MACHLSISTS. MASUFACTUIIER3 DISEASES. *Co. examined, 937. No examined, No. examined. No. examined. No. examined, No. examined, 59,404. 732. 140. 885. 3,338. No. examined, 803. 1 1 0 1 13 8 I s. 0 1^ ■3 CD g •s? 1 0 s 0 p- .2 1 § 1 0 s i p. 0 a s •5? u s S 'A p< .s M r3 1 1 g u p< 0 '6 1 1 3 s g p. 0 I DISEASES OF THE EAK. Chronic purulent otorrhoea 2 2.134 107 2 185 1.799 .034 3.111 3 4.098 4 4.520 8 2.397 2 2,491 Deafness 4 4.269 4 5.464 4 4.520 16 2.996 4 4.981 Grand total 6 e.403 894 4.944 7 9.563 8 9.040 18 ■"■'2' 5.392 "'.'599 6 7.472 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. Deformity of nose Loss of nose Ozsena 3 1 15 .oso .017 .252 '"'i' "i.'see' Gran38 246 4.137 2 2.732 G a 760 19 5.692 2 2.491 G3 41)8 Taulk No. -20— Showing the relation of occupation to disease, (J-c— Contiuued. OCCUPATION— Contiimod. JEWELEIIS. LAUOKERS. LAWVEHS. UQUOU-DEAL- EUS. LUMDERME.\-. MACHINISTS. MASUI'ACTUREBS DISKASES. No. examined 937. No. examined, 59,464. No. examined 732. No. examined 140. No. examined 885. No. examineil 3,338. No. examined, 803. 1 ? s d © 0 ■57 3 3 0 0 0 g 0 •6 S a a •A 1 1 r u B s •A 5 g s a 0 s C2 1 a; .0 3 3 d § p. c ■a '3 CJ 0 1 d g 0 P« DISEASES OFTIIK MlISrUr.AU SYSTKM. Diieascs 0/ Mmcle. Atrophy of limb 4 4. 269 189 3.178 4 5.464 1 7.143 7 7.910 14 4.104 4 4.981 XHseases 0/ Tendon. 46 78 4 .774 1. 312 .067 1 4 .300 1.198 1 1.245 CAnh.i'tint 2 2.260 Total 128 2.153 2 2.260 5 1.493 1 1.245 37 39. 488 1,872 27 19 31.481 .454 .320 40 54. 645 9 64. 286 41 1 1 46.328 1.130 1.130 97 29. 059 18 22.41G DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSDE. 1 1.067 5 6.831 1 .300 1 1.245 1 1.067 46 .774 5 0.831 2 2. 260 1 .300 1 1.245 DISEASES OF THE CCTA- NEODS SYSTEII. 4 2 3 4.209 2.134 3.202 157 300 2. G40 5.045 0 5 4 2. 732 6.831 5. 404 15 11 18 4.494 3.295 5.392 3 2.491 1 2 7.143 14.286 2.491 3.736 ' 9 9.605 809 14.614 11 13. 027 3 21. 429 44 13. 182 7 8.717 CONDITION'S NOT NECESSA- IMl.V ASSOCIATED WITH liE.NKKAL OK LOCAL DIS- EASE. 11 3 26 1 2 5 8 11.710 3. 202 27.748 1.067 2.134 5.330 8.038 1,220 123 !!04 30 631 1,174 786 20. 618 2.153 15. 2D2 .505 10. 611 19.743 13.218 5 3 36 2 3 6.831 4.098 49.180 2.732 2. 732 4.098 2 4 11 2 4 2.260 4.520 12 429 2.260 4.520 39 10 48 2 14 26 25 11.684 2.996 14. .380 .599 4.194 7.789 7.490 8 0 8 9. 9G3 Deformity c.f chest PcimaDout i)b\ sicnl debility 1 3 7.143 21. 429 2.491 9.963 1 3 4 1.215 Under ago 3.736 4.981 Grand total 50 59. 763 10. 672 1. 007 0.403 4,879 82.030 51 09. 072 4 28. 571 23 25. 989 164 49. 131 8.987 .300 13. 182 26 7 32.379 LOCAL INJITULES. LOCALITY OF INJUIIV KOT Sl'KCIl'IEIl. 10 1 G 513 24 769 RC27 .404 12. 932 13 2 14 17. 700 I'l iao 2 1 4 14. 286 7. 143 28. .571 12 1 39 13. 559 1.130 44.068 30 1 44 Loss of limb G Total 17 18. 143 1, 300 21. 963 29 39.017 7 50. 000 52 58. 757 75 22. 409 13 6 10 189 INJUIlII'a AND HAI.FOKMA'nONS OK Uri'EIt K.XTKKMlriKS. Defects or deformities of baud . . . 9 9. 005 370 60 6. 222 1.009 10 13. 661 1.366 4 .1 4. .320 2. 260 33 1 10. 485 .300 7.472 L08S0I tliumb... Total 9 9.605 430 7.231 11 15.027 0 C.780 36 10.785 6 7.472 INJURIES AND MAI.FOIlMATIO.\S OF LOWEIl I:.\TI1EMITIE8. Defects or deformities of foot 10 10. 672 511 51 8.593 .838 9 1 12. 295 1. 360 11 3 12. 429 3.390 21 3 0.291 .899 6 3 7. 4:3 Loss ol KToat too 3.73G Total 10 10. 672 562 9.431 10 13. 661 14 15. 819 24 7.190 9 Grand total 36 3a 420 2,298 11; 38. 045 50 68. 306 2. 732 ')43. 716 7 50. 000 72 81. 356 135 1 40. 443 .300 28 34. 869 UNCLASSII''IED. Orsaiiic di3ea.sii of iutirnal organs. . .269 2 1 7.143 413 140. 768 Oraud total for all dise/wi-s. . a, 315 158. 452 ^98 74 .528.571 339 195. 480 1,200 I 59. 497 289 3J9. 900 499 Table No. '20—Sliowing tlic } elation of ocnupation to disease, o 1 DISEASES OF THE EAK. Chnmic purulent otorrhoea ~ 2.(i74 22 1 57 2.111 .090 .5. 4B9 15 3.179 3 1.641 3 1.257 1 2.410 4 1 1 4. 657 15 5.730 42 8.903 6 3.282 10 4.191 1 2.410 1. 164 22 8.403 80 7.670 57 12. C81 9 4. 923 13 5.448 2 4.819 0 6.985 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE KOSE. 1 .382 1 .090 2 .704 1 .096 1 .212 2 1.094 1 .419 .1 1.14C 2 .192 1 .212 2 1.094 1 .419 DISEASES OP THE CIRCULA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE UEAUT AXU ITS MEMBIIAXES. A 49 1. 558 18.717 1 209 .096 20. 054 12 157 2.543 33. 277 1 27 .419 11.316 1 10 1.164 29 15. 804 2 4. 819 11.641 Total ... 53 20. 244 210 20. 150 169 35. 820 29 15. 864 28 11.735 2 4.819 11 V 806 DISEASES OF THE DLOOU-VESSELS. DUeases of (/le Arterial. 2 .764 1 .090 2 .424 1 .547 Diseases of the Veins. 69 26. 356 234 22. 453 111 23. 527 35 19. 147 37 15.507 10 24. 090 21 Tot.iI 71 27. 120 235 22.548 113 23.951 30 19. 694 37 15.507 10 24. 090 21 Grand total 124 47. 304 445 42.698 282 59.771 05 35. 558 65 27.242 13 28.910 32 37 253 DISEASES OP DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE TIIVnolD CLAXD. GoUro 1 .382 1 .090 3 .630 Grand total 1 .382 1 .096 3 .636 DISEASES OF THE RESPIEA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE I.AItY.NX, Fistula of larynx FUXCTIOSAI. AFFECTIOSS OF THE I.AltVXX. 1*088 of voice 1 .090 1 .212 DISEASES OF THE TUACUEA AND IlltOXCIII. 4 1. .VJ8 21 2.015 19 4.027 8 4.376 3 1.257 2 4.819 2 2.328 Fistula of tbe trachea Total 4 1.528 .382 8 403 21 3 2.015 .288 8.348 19 4.027 8 4.376 3 1.257 2 4.819 2 2.328 DISEASES OF THE LUNO, Acnto di.seasc of lung 1 22 1 83 . 212 17.593 1 12 .547 6.565 Cbronio rtiscaso of Inug 9 3.772 1 2.410 0 Total .^ S3 8.785 90 8.036 84 17.804 13 7.112 0 .1.772 1 2.410 6 6.985 DISEASES OF THE I'LEUKA. Chronic pleurisy 1 . 383 4 .384 3 .630 1 .547 Grand total 28 10.605 110 11. 130 107 23.679 22 12. 035 13 5.029 3 7.229 8 ' 9.313 501 Taui.e No. 20 — Showing llic relation of occupation to disease, ^c. — Continued. OCCUPATION— Continued. MASON'S. MECHAXICS. MEHCIIANTS. MILLERS. MIXERS. MUSICIANS. OSTLEBS. DISEASES. No. examined, 2,018. No. examined, 10,422. S'o. examined, 4,718. ^0. examined, 1,828. No. examined, 2,380. N'o. examined, 415. No. examined, 859. 1 o 1 o o o_ u o ft 1 u o a o o_ o o 1 a 0 0 ft 0 u .a 1 g i 0 1 s B 0 g u .2 ci ri 'S u .a a i ft 0 C3 K DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJUEIES OF THE JAW. 1 o .056 .192 1 1 .212 .212 1 .838 .419 1 .547 Total 3 .288 2 .424 1 .547 3 1.257 DISEASES, MALFOnMATlOXS, AND IN- JL'RIES OF THE TEETU, GUMS, AKD ALVEOU. DC 36. 669 271 20. 003 491 104. 070 115 62.910 51 21. 375 3 7.229 25 29. 104 DISEASES AKD INJUHIES OF THE TOXGUE. Less of tonsno ■ DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND I'ALATE. 3 1.140 3 .288 2 .424 1 .547 DISEASES OF THE BALIVAET GLANDS. 1 .096 DISEASES OF THE STOJIACH. 4 4 .394 .384 10 5 2.120 1.000 2 1.094 Total 8 .708 15 3.179 0 1.094 DISEASES OF THE niTESTDtES. I o 2 80 65 13 3 .382 2.292 .704 .764 30. 558 24. 828 4.960 1.140 23 8 9 3S7 230 48 12 4 1 .480 2.207 .768 .804 31.370 22. 009 4.600 1.151 .384 .090 9 15 5 G 184 123 39 1 5 1.908 3.179 1.060 1.272 39. 000 26. 070 8.266 .212 1.060 5 1 3 4 C9 40 8 0 1 1 2.735 .547 1.041 2. 188 37. 740 21. 882 4.370 1.094 .547 .547 1 i 2.410 12. 048 2. 410 1 45 31 4 1 .838 .419 .419 18.800 12.993 1.070 .838 .410 4 1 0 )0 20 3 4.657 1.164 2.328 11 4 2 26. 506 9.639 4.819 18. 626 2J. 283 3.492 1 2.410 Total 172 65. 699 607 18 40 9 03. 999 387 82. 026 «_ 134 0 14 5 1 73. 304 1.094 7.659 2.735 .547 87 1 9 3 30. 403 .419 3.772 1.257 25 1 2 00.241 2.410 4.819 40 53. 551 - DISEASES OF THE EECTUM AXD ANUS. 16 4 1.910 6.112 1.528 1.727 3.838 .804 14 09 24 1 2.067 14. 025 5.087 .212 ITiemoiTlioids Prolapsus aui 2 2.328 2. .323 Total 25 9.549 07 0.429 108 22.891 22 12. 035 13 5.448 3 7.229 4 4.657 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. 1 23 . 212 4! 875 Cbronic disease of Uvcr 3 1.146 18 1.727 3 1.041 1 2.410 2 2.328 Total 3 1.140 18 I. 727 24 5.087 3 1.041 1 2.410 2 2.328 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acute disease of spleen 1 419 Total 1 .212 1 .419 64. 982 Grand total 299 114.209 1,038 99. 597 1,030 218. 313 278 152. 079 155 32 77. 108 77 89. 639 502 Table No. W—Shoxving the rclatioti of occupation to disease, \~ P. 0 w DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Miisclc. Atmiiby of limb 13 4.584 41 3.934 34 7.206 .212 3.179 .434 11 1 1 6.018 .547 .547 7 1 1 2. 934 .419 .419 2 1 1.819 2.410 3 3.493 J>iscases of Tendon. 1 3 .382 1.143 i) 14 3 .864 1.343 .288 1 15 2 Wrv-neck 1 i.i64 Total 4 1.528 26 2.495 18 3.815 2 1. 094 3 .833 1 2.410 1 1.1C4 Grand total 101 38. 579 340 3 11 32.623 .288 1.055 259 8 54. 896 1.696 1.484 85 "■■'2 46. 499 "i.'om' 75 31. 433 1 1 28. 916 38 44.2.37 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. Abscess 1 .382 764 2.410 2.410 1 1. 164 3 5 2 17 1.146 1.910 .704 6.494 14 22 41 64 1.343 2.111 3.934 6.141 15 6 16 41 3.179 1. 272 3.391 8.690 4 6 15 1.094 2.188 3.382 8.206 2 "i 4.819 ■'iiio' 4.819 1 2 3 9 1.164 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. 3 13 19 1.257 5. 029 7. 903 2.328 10. 477 Ulcer? Grand total 24 9.167 127 12. 186 63 13.353 25 13. 676 34 14.250 3 7.229 14 16. 298 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. 12 1 50 3 34 8 7 4.584 .382 19. 099 1.146 12. 987 3. O.W 2.674 161 29 197 6 64 116 96 15. 448 2.783 18. 903 .576 6.141 11. 130 9.211 21 25 159 1 38 8 7 4.451 5.299 33. 701 .213 8.054 1.696 1.484 20 6 30 14 8 8 10.941 3.282 16.411 1.094 7.659 4.376 4.370 13 3 23 5.448 1.257 9. 220 14 33.725 15 3 14 1 2 23 6 17. 462 3. 492 6 14. 458 16. 298 1. 164 Poimanent physical debility Hclyxod iugninal rings 21 11 4 8.801 4.010 1.676 1 7 1 2.410 16. 867 2.410 3. 328 26. 775 6.985 Under size Grand total 115 43. 927 669 64. 191 259 54. 896 88 48. 140 74 31.014 29 69. 8S0 64 74. 505 LOCAL INJURIES. 27 3 30 10.313 1.140 11.4.59 78 8 143 7.484 .708 13. 721 77 8 86 16. 320 1.696 18. 238 25 2 43 13. 670 1.094 23. 523 33 3 30 15. 926 1.357 12. 573 1 '""i 2.410 19.' 277 7 15 8.149 Wounds 17. 462 Total 60 22.918 229 21. 973 171 36. 244 70 38. 293 71 39. 757 9 21. 687 4.619 22 6 25. 611 INJURIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF UPPER EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of hand 22 8. 40.T 1.146 61 7 5.853 .672 38 5 8.054 1.060 17 9.300 1.094 10 0 4.191 .838 2 6.985 Loss of thumb Total 25 9.549 68 6.525 43 9.114 19 10.394 13 5. 029 a 4.819 6 6.985 INJURIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER EXTREMITIES. 14 6 .1. 348 2. 292 92 10 8.827 .960 47 5 9. 963 1.060 14 3 7.659 1.641 13 5 17 5.029 2.096 7.125 10 11.641 Loss of great toe 10 '"Tl.641 Total Grand total 105 40. 107 399 38.284 266 .56. 380 .424 106 57.987 100 41.911 11 36. 506 38 44.237 UNCLASSIFIED. 1 .382 :■ .193 2 Organic disease of internal organs 839 268.231 143 344. 576 366 436.077 Grand total for all diseases. . 1,035 391. 520 4,101 393. 495 3, 842 602. 374 458. 97i: 640 504 Table No. 20— Showing the rclalion of occupation to disease, ^c— Continued. OCCUPATION. PAniTEBS. I'.M'ER StAKERS AND HANGERS. PEDDLERS. PUOTOGRAPH- EKS. PHYSICLVXa. PLASTERERS. PLUJIBERS. DISEASES. [fo. examined, 3,317. No. examined, 317. No. cx.iminod, 043. No. examined, 284. No. examined, 1,235. tfo. examined 619. No. examined, 44d. 1 o ^. c a a !2i o o u ft o 1 i o V f-l 1 s o s . p. o 1 '6 1 3 g u o p< n u o "c? 1 g .2 1 o o P4 3 1 ¥ .a a a t4 o p. O 1. 1 O u .a a a S u o GENERAL DISEASES. 1 3. 521 1 2.232 1 .301 Total 1 .301 1 3.521 1 2.232 1 o I.GIO 3.231 1.5 3 4.522 .904 1 3.155 2 3.110 5 17. 606 11 8.907 07 20. 199 12 37.655 4 0.221 9 1 5 49 7.287 .810 4.049 39. 070 3 4.847 9 20.089 G 53 1.809 15. 978 4 G 12. 018 18. 927 1 18 1.555 27.994 1 11 1.016 17. 771 1 2 2 232 4 14.085 4.404 Total 144 43. 413 23 72.555 25 38. 880 9 31. 090 75 00. 7J9 18 29. 079 12 211. 780 Grand total 143 43.714 23 72. 555 25 38.880 10 35.211 75 60. 729 18 29. 079 13 29. 018 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AXU ITS MEMBIiAXF.S. 1 .810 Total . 1 .810 DISEASES OF THE NERVES. G l..°09 4 G.SSl 9 7.287 1 1.010 2 4.404 FtWCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NEIIV- OUS SYSTEM. 1 1 1. 010 1.010 Epilepsy 17 1 3 5.125 .301 .904 5 7.77G 2 7.043 0 2 4.858 1.019 1 2. 232 1 3.155 1 2.232 Total. 21 C.331 1 3.155 5 7. 770 2 7.042 8 0.478 2 3.231 o 4.464 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism 3 3 .r:04 .003 1 3.155 4 3.239 "i 1 Imbecility 2.232 2 3.110 1 .810 2.232 Solitary vice Total r, 1.507 1 3.155 o 3.110 5 4.049 o 4.464 32 4 9.G47 1. 206 * C.309 11 1 17. 107 1.555 o 1 7.042 3.521 23 18.623 3 4.847 0 DISEASES AND TN.TnKIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OP TOE EVE. Cataract of ripbt ove Loss of crvfllallino lens, richteyo. Loss of Kipht, ligli t oyo 27 a 19 23 8.140 .G03 5.728 G.934 2 C.309 5 1 5 7 7.776 1.555 7.770 10.886 2 7.042 10 3 18 16 8.097 2. 429 14.575 12. 955 7 '11. 309 Loss of 8i;;ht, h-'ft cyo Partial loss of sipbt, both eyes. . . 1 4 3. 155 12.018 3 o 10. 503 7.042 5 4 11.161 0 9.093 8.929 Total 75 3 22.011 .904 7 22.082 19 29. 549 8 28. 109 47 33.057 13 21. 002 9 20. 039 DISEASES OP TlIE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 1 3.521 1 1.610 1 ^« 23.515 1 ■' 22.0S2 19 29.549 1 ^ 1 31. 090 47 38. 057 14 j 22.017 9 20.089 505 Table No. 20Shoioing the relation of occupation to disease, ^-c— Coutiiiued. OCCUPATION— Continued. PALNTEHS. I'ArEi; IIAKJJES AND HASGEGS. rKDDLEEB. PHOTOGKAPU- EliS. PHVSICI.VNS. rLASTEKEP.S. PLU5IBEUS. DISEASES. ^fo. examined, 3,317. No. examined, 317. tfo. examined, 643. No. examined, 284. No. examined, l,i35. No. examined, GI9. No. examined, 448. ri 8 o a o 8 Pi o 1 o o ■£? U a s 1 1 o o 1 M B 3 § o * 2 O d "S" s .a a 3 s ID "S? .a a 3 o u S u o ■a a S i. o 1 DISEASES OF THE EAK. Chronic purulent otorrhcca 8 2.412 1 3.155 3 2.429 1 1.016 * Deafness 13 3. 919 s 3.110 3 10. 503 11 a 907 4 G. 462 2 4.464 Grand total 21" 0.331 1 3.155 2 3.110 3 10.563 14 11. 330 5 a 078 2 4.464 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. 1 .301 OzfEDa 2 3.110 3 2.429 Grand total 1 .301 2 3.110 3 2.429 DISEASES OF THE CIECU- LATOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE IIEAKT AND ITS MEMBUAXES. 4 83 1.20G 25.023 1 13 1. 555 20. 218 3 79 2. 429 63. 9G8 1 10 1.G16 IC. 155 Chronic disease of heart 14 44. 164 13 45. 775 10 22.321 Total 87 20. 229 14 44. 164 14 21. 773 13 45.-75 82 66. 397 11 17.771 10 22. 32* DISEASES OF THE ELOOD-VESi~ELS. IHseascs of the Arteries. Ancuiism IHseasesQf the Veins, Varicose veins 53 l.'i. 978 G 18. 927 17 26. 439 4 14. 085 18 14.575 17 27. 464 5 11.161 Total 53 15. 978 6 IS. 927 17 26. 439 4 14.085 18 14. 575 " 27. 4G4 5 11.161 Grand total 140 42. 207 20 63.091 31 48. 212 17 59. K59 100 80. 972 as 45.234 15 33.482 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THTKOID GLAND. Goitro .003 1 1.610 Grand total 2 .003 1 1 1.G16 DISEASES OF THE EESPIKA- TOEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE L/Vr.YNX. Fistula of larynx FUKCTIOXAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LABTNX. • DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND Bronchitis Kstala of tho trachea 8 2.412 3 4.666 10 a 097 o 3.231 Total DISEASES OF THE I.UXG. 8 2.412 3 4.060 10 1 26 .810 21.053 ^ (Chronic disease of lung "27 ' "a iio 5 15. 773 9 13. so- 4 14. 085 9 14. 540 4 8.929 Total 27 8.140 5 15. 773 9 il 997 4 14.085 27 21. 862 9 14. 540 4 a 929 DISEASES OF THE PLEUllA. Chronic pleurisy 3 .904 2 1.619 1 2 232 Grand total 38 1 11.450 1 5 1 15. 773 12 la663 4 14.085 39 31. 579 11 17. 771 S 11.161 04 506 T.nii,E No. 20 — Showing tlw relation of occupation to diaeaae, ifc. — Continuol. OCCirPATIOX— Continued. PAINTEKS. PAl'EK MAKERS AND HANGERS. PEDDLERS. PHOTOGRAPH- ERS. PHYSICIANS. PLASTERERS. PLUMBERS. DISEASES. No. examined, 3,317. No. examined, 317. No. oxamineil. (.43. No. ex.aniincd, 264. No- examined 1,235. No. examined, 019. No. examined, 4)8 t3 s 'E 1 a a P. o 1 1 o g u 0 1 1 a § O P< O S. t 1 a o g M 13 1 u o .a a s •a a; p. o 1 s u a .a a u o 1 o 21 b4 c Pi DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. II1SEASE8 AND INJUIIIES OF THE JAW. 1 1 .301 .301 1 .810 Discaao ur delormity of jaw 2 .603 32. 500 1 .810 UlSEASRS, M.\LFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIKS OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AKD ALVEOLI. 108 16 50. 473 2G 40. 435 13 45. 775 119 96. 356 19 30.695 6 13. 393 DISEASES AND ra.ItmiES OF THE TONGUE. DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. (Moft n.ilate 4 I.20C 1 .810 1 1.616 1 2.232 DISEASES OP THE SAUVART GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE BT05LACH. 1 1 .301 .301 o 3.110 1 5 .810 4.049 1 3.155 Total 2 .603 1 3.155 2 3.110 6 4.858 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. 1 11 1 3 90 no 12 .301 3.316 .301 .904 27. 133 15. 074 3.61S 1 1. 5.55 1 1 3.521 3.521 11 4 1 8.907 3.23!) .810 1 2 1.616 3.231 Hernia 1 1 3.155 3.153 3 1 6.696 1 1.555 2.232 IlLTiiia, right iDgnioal 16 5 1 50. 473 15. 773 3.155 11 14 17. 107 21. 773 3 4 io. .503 14. 085 38 20 6 1 1 30. 769 16.191 4. 858 .810 .810 11 13 17. 771 21. 002 12 7 20. 786 15. 625 lleruia, ripht femoral 2 7. 042 1 .301 1 2.232 Total 160 50. 950 24 75. 710 27 41. 991 11 38. 732 68 66. 397 27 43.619 24 53.571 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS. Fistula in nno 24 5 .904 7.233 1.E07 1 4 1.555 6.221 2 3 7. 042 10. 563 14 24 1 11. 330 19. 433 .810 1 G 1. CIO 9.693 Haiinorrhoids 4 12. C18 2 4.464 Prolapsus ani Stricturo of rectum Total 32 9.647 4 12. 618 5 7.776 5 17. 600 39 31. 579 7 11. 309 2 ■ 4. 464 DISEASES OF THE LIVEll. Acuto disease of livor 1 7 .810 5.668 Chronic disease of liver 4 1.206 I 1.555 2 3.231 Total 4 1.200 1 1.555 8 6.478 2 3.231 DI8RA8ES OP THE SPLEEN. Acuto disease of spleen Chronic disease ol sploon 2 1.619 1 1.616 Total 2 1.619 1 1.616 Grand total 321 90. 774 45 141.956 61 94. 868 29 102. 113 258 20a 907 57 92.084 33 73.661 507 Table Nn. 20 — Shoichg (he relation of occupation to disease, cfc. — Coutinued. OCCUPATION— Continued. PACTEES. PAPER MAKERS AND HASGEES. PEDDLEBS. PHOTOOR.IPH- ERS. PHYSICIANS. PLASTERERS. PLUMBERS DISEASES. No. examined, 3,317. No. examined, 317. No. examined, 643. No. examined, 284. tfo. examined, 1,235. No. examined. 019. No. examined, 448. 1 t 1 o u •p U c a 'A o o I .2 •a 1 u M 3 a •a §' p. .2 1 t 1 o p. _o la o 0 P. 1 0 U .a a g i 0 1 •a 0 0 1 a s >5 0 0 u 0 & 0 0 DISEASES OF THE UEINAET STSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 2 4 1.019 3.239 3 .603 3 6.309 1 3.521 3 4.847 1 3.332 Total 2 .603 2 6.309 1 3.521 6 4.858 3 4.847 1 2.332 DISEASES OF THE BLADDEB. 1 3 .810 2.429 1 2. 333 IncoDtiucDcc of urine Total 4 3.239 1 2.232 DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. 2 .603 1 3.155 1 1.555 5 4.049 1 1.010 1 2. 233 Total 2 , .603 1 3.135 1 ^555 5 4.049 1 1.616 1 2.233 4 1.206 3 9.464 1 1.555 1 3.521 15 12. 146 4 1 1 6. 463 1.616 1.616 3 6.696 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AXD XSJUBIES OF OR- G,VXS OF GENEUATION. Diseases of Penis. '"■'e 1.809 1 3.155 1 3.531 1 2.232 Loss of penis Total 6 1.809 1 3.155 1 3.521 0 3.231 1 2.232 IHseases of Tunica YagiTialis. 4 1.206 1 3.155 1 .810 1 1.616 1 1 1.555 1.555 2 1 7.043 3.521 i 2.'232 Taricocclo 11 3.316 3 2. 439 2 3. 3.3 i Total 15 4. 523 1 3.155 2 3.110 3 10. .163 4 3.239 3 4.847 1 2.232 Diseases of Testicle. Acute disease rjf testicle Chronic disease of testicle iiio' i ' 3.155 2 3.110 ■'2 "i.'eig i "i.oie I 2.233 EoteDtiou of testicle Total 1 8 .301 2.412 1 3.155 2 3.110 0 1.619 1 1.016 1 2.233 Grand total 29 8.743 3 9.464 4 6.221 4 14.085 6 4.858 6 9.693 3 6.696 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BOXES. Chronic disease of bones 21 6.331 5 7.776 4 14.085 IC 12. 955 2 a 231 3 6.696 DISEASES AXD KJUEIES OF THE JOINTS. 18 21 14 5. 427 6.331 4. 2-21 3 2 1 9.464 6.309 3.155 1 3 7 1.555 4.660 10. 886 1 3 1 3. 521 10.563 3.521 17 16 10 13. 765 12. 95.'; 8.097 3 0 1 4.847 9.693 1.616 2 4.464 Chronic disease of joints Dislocation of joints Total 53 15. 978 6 18.927 11 17. 107 5 17. 606 43 34. 818 10 16.155 3 8 4.464 DISEASES OP THE SPDJE. Curvature of spine S3 6.934 1 3.155 5 7.776 1 3.521 11 a 907 3 3.231 4.464 508 Tadle No. 20 — Showing the relation of occupation to disease, ^-c. — Continued. OCCUPATIO:^ — Continued. PADCTEBS. PArEK MAKEKS AXD IIAXGERS. TEDllLERS. rHOTOCKAPIl- EIIS. ravsici.vxs. FLAETEREBS. . PLUMBER8. DISEASES. Vo. examined, 3.317. No. examineil, 317. No. examined, 643. No. cxaniined, 284. tfo. examined, La's. ^0. examined, 019. !fo. examined, 448. t u 0 o_ u 0 p< '6 0 u e s 'A p< 0 1 1 g 0 •6 0 8 1 a 0 u 0 p. d 1 s a 0 1 S u 'ft? s 0 0 1 5 a I DISEASES OFTHE JIUSOUL.IRSTSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. 14 4.221 6 18. 927 5 7.77C 9 7.287 3 4.647 1 2.232 Diseases 0/ Taidon. 1 3 .301 .C04 .603 1 3.135 1 1 1.619 .810 .810 1 1.616 1 2.232 Total 6 1.609 1 3. l.'iS 4 3.239 1 1.616 1 2.232 117 35.273 14 44. 164 26 40. 435 10 33.211 83 67.206 18 29. 079 9 20.089 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAK TISSDE. 0 1 1.019 .810 Oljesity 2 .603 1 1.555 4 14.083 2 .603 1 1.535 4 14. OSS 3 2.429 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. 10 15 17 3.015. 4. 5*2 5. 125 1 4 3.155 12. 618 3 0 H 4.666 3.110 7.770 1 1 1 3.521 3. 521 3.521 G 4 9 4.838 3. 239 7.287 1 5 2.232 1 1.016 11 161 2.232 Grand total 43 71 12 70 4 11 23 37 12. f C2 5 15. 773 10 i^i r.r.o 3 10.563 19 15. 385 1 1.616 7 15.G25 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OK LOCAL DIS- EASE. 21.403 3. 018 21. 103 1.206 3. 316 0.934 n.155 4 12. CIS 0 7. 776 6 21.127 5 9 41 4. 019 7.287 33. 198 3 4.847 12 Deformity of chest PcrmaDCiit physical debility 7 22.082 13 20.218 9 31.690 13 21.662 13 29.018 Over ago 5 6.309 C. 309 15. 773 5 4 5 7.776 6. 221 7.776 1 4 3. 521 14.085 14 5 11.336 4.049 1.019 2 1 2 3.231 1.616 3. 231 2 5 6 4 464 Under sizo 13 393 Grand total 228 68.737 20 63. 091 32 49. 767 20 70. 423 70 61. 538 21 33.926 38 84.821 LOCAL INJUTvIES. LOCALITY OF IXJUKY NOT SPECIFIED. 20 3 31 0. 030 .G04 9.310 1 3.155 9 3 9 13. 997 4.CC6 13. 997 3 1 10. 563 3. 521 7.042 21 4 19 17. 004 3. 239 15. 385 1 9 11.309 1. 016 14. 540 1 3 2.232 6.696 3 9.464 Total 54 1G.280 5.728 .301 4 12. CIS 6 '2 21. 127 7.042 44 5 1 35. 028 17 27. 4C4 4 5 2 8.929 DCJUBIF-S AND MALFOUilATIONS OF LITEU EXTREMITIES. Defects or dcfonnitio8 of hand 10 1 5 1 7.770 1 ^-.f^ 4.049 .810 5 RO-8 11 161 Loss of thumb 4 464 1 Total 20 6.030 6 9.331 2 7.042 6 4.858 5 8.078 7 15.625 LNJUniES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER EXTREitlTIES. Defects or deformities of foot 25 1 7.537 .301 3 9.464 G 9.331 4 14. 085 15 12. 146 7 11.309 3 6.696 26 7.838 3 9.464 6 9.331 4 14.085 15 12. 146 7 11.309 3 6.0% Grand total 100 30. 148 7 22.062 33 51. 322 12 4-2.254 05 0 828 52.C32 1.019 670. 445 29 46.850 14 31.250 UNCLASSn-TED. Organic disease of iiiterunl organs. 1 .301 1 217 1.616 350.565 Grand total fur :ill diseases. 1,301 392.222 155 488.959 270 419. 907 128 450. 704 157 350. 446 509 Tablf, No. 20 — Showinri the relation of ocr.iipalion to disease, ifc. — Coiitinuud. OCCUPATION. PORTERS. rUDiTERS. PUBLIC OFFICERS. RAILROAD-MES. SAIL-MAKEES. BAILOES. SERVANTS. DISEASES. ^0. exammed, 452. tfo. examinecl, 1,735. Ko. examined, 033. .No. examined. No. examined, No. examined, 1,438. 221. 9,219. Sfo. examined, 1,083. £ I s 3 g I-. o ■J a p. o o _o O a o O o u a a •a o i o C3 o tj s 3 'A o o O P. O 3 12! 8 ■§ 8 1 o g o o GENEEAL DISEASES. 1 4. 523 J. f>\ tr 1 1.5S0 5 .Mi Total 1 1.580 1 4.525 5 .542 1 22 13 2 274 5 28 48 .108 2.386 1.410 .217 29. 721 .542 3.037 5. 307 4 8.850 11 1 0.340 .570 0 9.479 8 1 3.503 .093 1 .923 0 13.274 27 1 10 28 15.562 .570 5. 704 10. 138 5 7.899 17 4 34 11.822 1.391 2. 782 23.044 12 1 54. 299 4. 523 30 3 5 10 27. 701 2.770 2 0 4.455 19.ill2 5 21 7.899 33. 175 4.617 0 27. 149 9.234 Tola] 21 40. 400 -a 44. 957 37 5A 432 00 4.5. 897 19 83. 973 393 42.629 49 45. 243 21 4u. 400 78 44. U57 38 60. 032 GO 43.ffl7 20 SO. 498 398 43. 172 49 45.245 DISEASES OF THE NEEVOtTS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE UltAIX AND ITS MEMBKAXES. 2 3.100 1 1.580 1 .108 3 4.739 1 .108 DISEASES OF THE NEUVES. 1 2.212 3 1.729 1 1.580 1 .093 5 .542 1 .923 FUNCTIOXAT, DISEASES OFTIIE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. o 5 3. ICO 7.899 1 2 .093 1.391 3 C.C37 4 2.303 21 2 G 2.278 .217 .631 2 1.847 2 1.153 1 .693 1 4. 525 5 4.617 1'otal 3 &G37 G 2 1 3.438 1.152 1.153 .570 7 11.038 4 2 2.782 1.391 1 4.525 29 28 8 a 3.140 3.037 .863 .217 7 0.404 DISOItDEUS OF TIIIC INTELLECT. 1 .923 3 1 0.G37 2.213 Totil 4 8. 850 5 2. 682 2 1.391 38 4.122 1 .923 8 17. 099 14 8. 009 11 17. 378 7 4.808 1 4.525 73 7.918 9 a 310 DISEASES AND INJURIES OE THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OFTIIE EYE. ■ 3 1.7-29 7 .759 6 1 5 8 13. 274 2. 212 11.002 17. 099 7 3 9 12 4.035 1.729 5.187 0.910 0 9.479 10 0.934 3 13. 575 30 8 50 47 3.234 .863 C.074 5.098 1 .923 Loss of si^bt, loft cyo Piirlial loss of sight, both eyes 3 4 4.739 0.319 2 5 1.391 3.477 1 2 4. £75 9.050 4 3 3. 693 2.770 1 Total 20 44.248 34 19. 597 13 20. 537 17 11. 822 0 27. 149 148 10. 054 8 7.387 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of tUo eyelids 1 1.580 2 1.391 3 .325 Graud total 20 44. 248 34 1 19.597 14 22. 117 19 13.213 0 27. 149 151 16. 379 8 7.387 51U Table No. 20 — Showhig !lic nlation of occupation lo dhiasc, .jc. — Coutiiiued. OCCUrATIOX— Coutiuued. POBTEKB. PRINTEH8. PUBLIC OFnOEKS BAILKOAD-MEN. SAIL-MAKERS. 6AIL0B8. 8EETANT8. DISEASES. No. oxamiiiod, 453. ^'0. examined, 1,735. No. exaiuined, 033. No. examined, 1,438. No. examined, 221. No. examined, 9,219. No. examined, 1.083. g u s 0. 0 1 rs 0 "c? .a B a 0 § P. 0 1 1 1 0 g i g c 1 'E u aiion to disease, ISEASr.S OF THE URETHRA. 1 .570 o 3.100 2 9.050 5 .542 1 0 .923 2 1.391 1.847 Total .... 1 .570 2 3.100 o 1.391 2 9.050 5 .542 3 2.770 Cmml total 5 2.882 3 4.739 10 a 934 o 9.050 19 2.001 5 4.017 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJUHIES OF OK- GAXS OF GENERATION. Diseases of Penh. 1 2 .095 1.391 1 0 923 o 1.153 29 1 3.140 .108 1 847 Tot.ll ■2 1.153 3 2.080 30 3.234 3 2.7*0 Diseases of Tunica Vaginalis. 1 1.1. ■i:! .570 2 5 1 3.100 7.89D 1. 5.-i0 7 .739 1 8 1 .923 Siircocelo 4 1 9.850 2. 212 4 "2.'782 12 54.299 7 387 Varicocele 14 1. 519 .923 Total 5 11.0C2 3 1 o 1. 72'J .570 1.153 8 1 1 1 12. 033 4 2.782 12 54. 299 21 2.278 10 9.234 Diseases of Testicle. Acute (liseasn of testicle 1.580 1. - 2.212 21 S 14. 004 3.477 2 1 9.050 4. .5-25 46 8 4.990 .863 4 1 3. 693 .923 Total 3 0.637 13 7.493 11 17.378 26 18.081 3 13. 575 54 5.837 5 4.617 INJURIES AND MALF0R5IATI0XS OF LOWER EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot 4 6.850 U 1 6.340 .576 9 1 11.218 1. .'>80 8 1 5.503 .695 46 4 4.990 .434 !l 8.310 Total 4 8.850 12 0. 1116 10 1.3. 798 9 6.259 1 50 5.424 9 8.310 Grand total 14 30. 973 58 33. 429 50 78.989 91 63.282 7 31. 674 288 31. 240 26 24. 007 TTNXLASSII'LED. Organic disease of internal organs. 1 2.212 1 .693 1 .103 Grand total for all diseases. . 219 484. 513 581 334. 870 397 627.172 528 307. 177 103 488. 688 2,687 -391. 463 390 360.111 03 514 TAWJi No. 20Shorfing the rctalwn of occupation io disease, cj-c— Contiuued. ' OCCUPATION. SHOEMAKERS. 60LDIEKS. STONE-CUTTERS. STUUENTS. TAILORS. TAXXERS AXD CUKBIEKS. TEACBERB. DISEASES. S^o. examined, No. examined, 2,494. No. examined, 927. No. examined, 1,062. No. examined, 2,787. No. examined 045. No. examined, 1,625. i © s g c .2 1 S o t to !5 o 8 u o a 'A g .2 1 t •A § P4 1 1 t a i 1 'd i 'a? H 0 8 P« 0 S a 0 s e P* .2 1 GENERAL DISEASES. 1 c .121 .■i24 1 .359 7 .844 1 ' .359 35 9 4.221 1.086 3 1.203 6 6.472 2 1.883 1.883 18 3 0.459 1.076 0 0 3. 692 1.231 32 1 1 5 .401 12. 831 .401 .401 2.005 70 14 22 130 8.443 1. 689 2.653. 15. 681) 11 1 2 14 11.866 1.0-9 2. 1.57 1.5. 102 7 2 16 6.591 ' 1.883' 15. 060 25 14 10 89 8.970 5.023 3.588 31. 934 6 1 9. 362 1.550 0 5 11 51 3.092 I^ou-malignant tumors Scrofula .3. 077 6. 7«9 9 13. 953 31.385 Total 2S0 33. 772 43 17. 241 34 36. 677 29 27. 307 159 57 051 16 24. 806 81 49. t'46 287 34.016 43 17. 241 34 36. 677 29 27. 307 160 57. 409 16 24. 806 81 40. 846 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASKB OF THE BRAIN AND ITS MEMBRAXES. Acnto disease of hrain 1 .359 1 1 .121 .121 1 .401 1 i.679 Total 2 .241 1 .401 1 1.079 1 .359 DISEASES OF THE NERVES. 10 1.206 2 2.157 3 1.076 1 1.550 8 4.923 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. Chorea 2 27 1 11 .241 3. 257 .121 1.327 3 1.203 4 4. 315 3 2. 825 18 0.459 9 5.538 1 .401 1 1.079 5 1.794 1 Total 41 4.945 4 1.004 5 5.394 3 2. 825 23 8.253 10 6 154 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism IS 7 3 2.292 "!k44 .362 4 1 1 1.604 .401 .401 1 1.079 1.079 10 4 3. 588 1.435 l.S.'iO 1. .550 1.550 Imbecility 1 1 .942 .942 1 1 .615 Insanity Total : 29 3. 498 C 2. 406 2 2. 157 2 1.883 14 5.023 4.651 2 1.231 Grand total 82 9.890 11 4.411 10 10.787 5 4.708 41 14.711 6. 20a 20 12.308 DISEASES AND IN-THRIES OP THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. Catnract of ricbt oyo 17 2.050 1 .401 1 1.079 3 2.825 4 1.435 1 .615 Eossot crystalline lens, riKhtoye.. Loss of sicht, liirht ryo Loss of Mi'.'hf. left cyo [ rartiiil I<»ss of ti'iiih't, both eyes DiscQHca of ihu t-yos ." 35 3 41 55 4.221 . 362 4.945 0. 6.i4 4 2 11 8 1.604 .80-; 4.411 3. 208 5 2 7 5.394 '2.157 7.551 5 0 10 4.708 '5.656 9.416 13 15 23 4. C65 '5.382 8.253 2 ""0 3 3.101 '".i.'ioi 4.051 10 "12' 14 6.154 '7.' 385 8.615 Total 151 IS. 213 26 10. 425 15 16. 181 24 22. 599 55 19. 734 7 10. 853 37 22. 769 DI8EA8K8 OF THE EYELIDS. Discafica of the eyelids 7 .844 3 1.203 4 1.435 1 .615 158 19. 057 29 11.628 15 16. 181 24 22. 599 59 21. 170 7 10.853 38 23.385 515 Table No. 20— Showing the relation of occupation to disease, cf c— Contiuued. OCCUPATION— Contiuued. SHOEMAKERS. SOLDIERS. STONE-CUTTERS. STUDENTS. TAILOllS. TANXEllS AND CURRIERS, TEACHERS. ] S"©. esainined, 8,391. No. examined, 2.494. No. examined, 927. No. examined, No. examined, 1,002. 2,787. tfo. examined, 045. So. examined, 1,625. 1 ■§■ t-, a 0 P5 1 0 a 1 § M s •a •6 1 « .a g 0 s .2 1 5 0 0 'E a 0 s. ■3 'E g 1 'A 0 s. 0 V ■E a "A 0 t P4 DISEASES OF THE EAE. Chronic purulent otorrhea Upaf-ilumbness 18 2.171 2 .802 1 1.079 9.709 2 1.883 3 "is 1.076 5.382 2 3.101 1 .615 ""a 462 Deafness Grand total 62 7.478 4 L604 10 10. 787 2 1.883 18 6.459 2 3.101 5 3.077 DISEASES AND IXJTirJES OF THE NOSE. 3 ■■■■3" .362 "'"."sea" Deformity of nose Loss of nose ...... "."359 "'i' ""'i.'23i Grand total 6 .724 1 .359 2 1.231 DISEASES OF TOE CIRCU- LATORY SYSTEM. DKEASES OF THE HEART AND ITS MEMBKAiES. 16 212 1.930 25.570 1 13 .401 5. 213 3 7 3.236 7.551 2 17 1.883 16. 008 1 75 .359 26.911 1 65 .615 3 4. 631 40. 000 Chronic disease of heart Total 228 27. 500 14 5.613 10 10. 737 19 17.891 76 27. 269 3 4.651 66 40. 615 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. JHneases of the Arteries. 2 44 .718 15. 788 Diseases of the Fet««. Varicose veins 98 11.820 33 12.831 44 47. 463 3 2.825 10 13.304 11 6.769 Total 98 11. 820 32 12. 831 44 47. 463 3 2 8-25 46 16.503 10 15. 504 11 6.769 Grand total 320 39. 320 4G 18. 444 54 58.252 22 20. 710 122 43. 775 13 30. 155 77 47. 383 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. 3 .362 1 .401 2 .718 1 .615 Grand total 3 .362 1 .401 2 .718 1 .615 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LABVNX. FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LABVNX. 1 .121 1 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AM) BBOXCHI. 14 1.689 0 .802 0 2.157 3 2.825 C 3.153 9 5.538 Fiatula ot" the trachea Total 14 1 1.C89 2 .802 2 2.157 3 2835 6 2.153 9 5.538 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. 2 51 .241 6.151 1 54 .359 19. 370 ""3 "i'osi 1 26 . 613 16. 000 Chronic disease of lung 8 3.208 10 10. 787 8 7.533 Total 53 5 6.392 .603 8 3.208 10 10. 737 8 7.533 55 19.734 3 4.651 27 1 ia615 DISEASES OF THE PLEURA. - 1 .615 Grand total 73 a 803 10 4.010 12 12. 945 11 1 10. 358 61 21.887 3 4.GS1 37 1 22.769 516 Table No. 20— Showing the relalioii of occupation to disease, -EES ANT) CURRIERS. TEACHERS. No. examined, ^o. examined, 8,291. 2,494. No. examined, 927. Ifo. examined, No. examined, JTo. examined, Xo. examined, 1,062. 2,787. 645. 1,625. 1 B 'A o s u o 1 .a 'A o s p. o 1 '6 'c? u 8 of limb 60 9 87 7.237 1.086 10. 493 4 1 34 1. 004 .401 13. 633 11 11. 866 6 3 3 5.650 2.825 2.825 24 2 28 8.611 .718 10. 047 1 L550 19 8 24 11. 692 4.933 14. 769 Wounds 24 23.890 6 9.303 Total 156 18.816 39 15. 638 35 37. 736 12 11.2.19 54 19. 376 7 10.853 51 31.385 IXJLltlES AND MALF0R.MAT;0.\S OF LPrElt EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of hand . Loss of thumb 40 4.8-2S .241 0 2 3.609 .802 4 1 4.315 1.079 2 T 1. .'!S3 .943 17 2 6.100 .718 4 6.202 13 1 8.000 Total 43 07 3 5.066 11 4.411 5 5.394 3 2.825 19 0.817 4 0.202 14 INJURIES A.\D MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER EXTREJIITIES. Defects or deformities of foot Loss of f;reat too 8. 0.31 .362 9 3.009 11 1 11.800 1.079 8 1 7.533 .942 33 2 11.841 .718 2 3.101 10 1 9.P40 .013 Total 70 a 443 9 3.C09 12 13. 943 35 12. 538 2 3. 101 17 9 8.475 1). 403 Grand total 968 32.314 59 23.657 52 56.095 24 22.599 108 38.751 13 30. 155 83 50.453 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. . 5 .003 1 .4.11 1 1.079 376.483 1 .943 0 2.1.53 1 .615 Grand total for all diseases. . 3,004 362. 321 458 183.641 349 349 :I28.625 1,319 471269 139 315.504 739 454. 769 519 Table No. 20 — Showing tlie relation of occupation to disease, ^c. — Continued. OCCUPATION^ n rELECRAPU- OPERATOKS. TINSMITHS. TOBACCONISTS. UPHOLSTERERS. WATCHMEN. OTHER OCCU- PATIONS. TOTAL. 1 ^0. examined, No. examined, 20B. 1,125. No. examined, 1,904. [fo. examined, No. examined. No. examined. No. examined, 183. 274. 1,617. 334,321. ^3 .s o a 3 u g. o 5 0 a; a 'A 0 '6 p •a g c 0 3 1 C u u a o 'A 8 o 1 1= 1 S. B s '3 M a 'A o s "J p. _o o o 'S u s a 3 'A o s u o GENERAL DISEASES. 39 105 .117 1 .509 .314 Total 1 .509 144 .431 53 1,583 287 23 2,727 390 1. 062 3, 724 .159 Chronic rheumatism 1 1 4.854 4. 854 3 2.667 4 1 2.037 .509 2 1 7.299 .3. 650 1 .618 4.735 .858 .069 Syphilis 1 4.S54 15 1 is. 333 .889 31 3 3 47 15. 784 1. 527 1.527 23. 931 i 5.464 7 25.547 12 4 4 29 7.421 2.474 2.474 17. 934 8.157 1.184 Scrofula 2 7 9.709 33. 9dl 2 1 im 3. 177 23 20. 444 2 10. 929 6 21. 898 11. 139 Total 13 58.952 44 35.111 89 45. 310 3 16. 393 16 58. 394 50 30. 921 9, 855 29. 478 Grand total 12 58. 252 44 3.5. Ill 90 45. 8-25 3 16. 393 16 58. 394 50 30. 921 9,999 39. 908 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE DKAIX AXU ITS MEMBRANES. 20 18 20 .060 Cliidliic disease of biaiii Siiustroke 2 i .618 .0.54 .078 Total 2 1.778 t:3 1 .018 04 . 191 DISEASES OF THE NEUVES. Paralysis 1 .889 1 .509 1 5.464 4 14. 599 6 3.711 473 1.415 FUXCTIOSAI. DISEASES OF TlIE XEUV- OUS SYSTEM. 1 7 .509 3.564 12 1.237 7. 421 60 1,530 64 442 .197 1 4.854 5 4.444 3 10. 949 4.576 .191 Stammering 1 .889 3 1. 527 1 3.650 2 1. 237 1. 322 Total 1 4.854 G 5.333 11 3 4 5.601 4 14. 599 10 9.895 2,102 6.287 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. 1. 527 2.037 6 21 3 3.711 12. 987 1.855 1 380 733 257 3 1.137 2. 193 Insanity Solitary vice 2 1.778 .761) .009 Total 9 1.778 7 3. 564 30 18. 553 1,373 4.107 Grand total 1 4.854 11 9.778 19 9.674 1 5.464 8 29. 197 53 32. 777 4,012 12,000 DISEASES AND INITTKIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AXU INJURIES OF THE EYE Cataract of riplit oyo 1 .889 2 1.018 1 5.464 1 3.050 1 .018 417 20 1,882 181 1,654 2,495 1. 247 .000 Loss of sisbt, risht eyo I,oss of siiht. left eyo Partial loss of sight, botli eyes Diseases of the eyes . ..... 1 o '4.' 8.14 4. 854 9.709 1 12 5. 333 .889 C. 222 10. 007 9 '""13 22 4. .582 6.619 11.202 1 1 1 .5. 464 5. 40 1 10. 929 5.404 2 "i 7.299 3.650 9 1 8 16 5. .560 .018 4.947 9. 895 5. 629 . 5;i8 4. 947 7.403 4 19.417 27 24.000 46 23. 422 G 32. 787 4 14. 599 35 21. 645 0,648 203 19. 885 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 1 .883 2 1.016 .787 Grand total 4 19.417 2a 24. 889 1 48 24. 440 6 32. 787 * U. 598 35 21. 643 6,911 20.672 }20 TAiii.K No. 20 — Shotting the relation of occupation to disease, cjc. — Coutiiuied. OCCUPATION— Continued. TELEGRAl'H- Ol'EK.VJORS. TINSMITHS. TOBACCONISTS. UPHOLSTERERS. WATCHMEN. OTHER OCCU- PATIONS. TOTAL. S'o. csamined, 206. No. examined, 1,125. No. examined, 1,904. No. examined, 183. No. cx,imined, 274. No. examined, 1,017. No. examined, 334,L';i. 1 .a § o U o 1 -3 I 0) .a 8 3 l2i 0 s S. "0* i-> u a 0 P. 8 S 1 0 Pi •2 S 'E 8 p< 0 1 S 'E t-i B in 1 1 1 'E 1 a a 8 0 0 DISEASES OF THE EAK. 7 3.564 5 3.092 648 18 1,314 1 O'JS 4 3.536 6 3.055 2 10. 929 2 7.299 1 .018 4 3.550 13 6.019 2 10. 929 3 7.299 6 3.711 1,980 5 922 niSEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. 26 10 101 1 5.464 010 UZSDna 30-"> 1 5.464 137 410 DISEASES OF THE CmCULA- TOr.Y SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE IIEAItT AXIl IT.S MEMBRANES. I 23 .8S9 20. 444 0 03 1.018 32. 077 262 5,454 1 a3. 981 9 49. leo 4 14. 599 22 13. 005 Total 7 33. 981 24 21. 333 0.'^ 33.096 9 49. 180 4 14. 599 22 13. 605 5,716 17 097 DISEASES OF THE BLOOU-VESSEI.S. Diseases of the Arteries. Aneurism 1 .509 1 .618 49 147 Diseases of the Veins. 1 4.854 18 10. 000 19 9.674 5 27. 322 17 63. 044 19 11. 750 5,805 Total 1 4.854 18 10. 000 20 10. 183 5 27. 322 17 62. 044 20 12. 369 5,854 17. 510 Grand total 8 38. 835 42 37. 333 85 43. 279 14 70. 503 21 76. 643 42 25. 074 11, 570 34. ti07 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THYROID GI.AXD. Goitre 66 197 Grand total 66 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. Fistula of larynx *. 4 010 I.AUY.NX. Loss of voico 32 .096 DlSEiVSES OP THF, TRACHEA AND BRONCHI. 2 9.709 2 1.778 ■1 2.037 1 3.050 5 3. C02 725 2. 109 Fistula of tbo trachea Total 2 9.709 2 1.778 4 2.037 1 .3. 050 5 3.092 725 124 2,444 2.1C9 DISEASES OK THE I.UNG. Acnto discaso of lung 1 9 .889 8.000 Uliionio discaso of lung 2 9.709 20 10. 183 2 10. 929 C 21.898 14 8.058 Total 2 9.709 10 8.889 20 10. 183 0 10. 929 6 21.898 14 8.658 9,568 7.681 DISEASES OF THE PLEURA. Chronic pleurisy 1 4. 854 2 1.018 1 3.650 1 .018 125 .374 Grand total 5 ..4 ..-[.j 1 ,„ 10. 667 26 ir,. 238 2 10.929 8 29. 197 SO 12. 369 3, 454 - 521 Table No. 20 — Showing the rrlalion of occupation to disease, 5 o 1 1 g E >5 o « •6 o 'E? i S 8 O u A o t3 .2 'E s .a a 3 s O 1 o o i^ a ,=1 a ;5 s o 1 o Hi C-i 1 3 12! % O « . M a 3 d g ii =3 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND IXJUltlES OF THE JAW. 1 .618 42 69 .126 .206 Total 1 .CIS 111 .33-2 DISEASES, MAI.FORM.\TIOXS. AND IN- JL'RIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AKD .U.VEOLI. Loss of teeth 4 19. 417 24 21.333 39 19.857 6 32.787 23 83. 942 48 29.685 10, 300 30. 809 DISEASES AXD IXJUEIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tongue DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AXD PALATE. Cleft palate 1 .689 1 3.«50 1 .618 206 .616 DISEASES OF THE SALIVARY GLAXDS. Salivary fistula 3 .009 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 1 2 .618 1.237 163 140 .468 1 .889 2 1.018 o 7.299 .419 Total 1 .889 2 1.018 2 7.299 3 1.855 303 .906 DISEASES OF THE KTESTDJES. 1 1 .889 .889 1 2 .509 1.018 1 3.650 395 651 317 323 8,598 5. 420 1,106 277 110 34 1.181 1 5.464 5 1 3.092 .618 1.947 2 3 10 9 2 7.299 10. 949 311. 496 32. 847 7.299 .943 1 6 3 5.464 38.251 32. 787 16. 393 .981 3 4 14.563 19. 417 40 25 7 1 35. 55G 22. 223 C.222 .889 35 27 4 17, 821 13. 747 2.037 32 27 19.790 10. 698 25. 718 Hernia, left inguiuul Hc-inia. dnnblo inf^uiiial 16. 212 3. 488 .829 1 .509 .329 .102 Total 7 33. 981 75 CC. G67 70 35. 642 18 98.361 27 98. 540 65 40. 108 17, 296 51.735 DISEASES OF TIIE RECTUM AND ASUS. 1 0 2 .889 5.333 1.778 i 10 2 .509 5.092 1.018 1 8 3.550 29.197 3 3 1 1 1.855 1.855 .018 .618 466 1,500 367 4 1.394 4.487 1.0U8 StrictTire of rectum .012 9 8.000 13 6.019 9 32. 847 8 4.947 2,337 24 505 0. U90 ," DISEASES OF THE LIVEU. 1 1 .889 .889 .072 Cbronic disease of liver 1 4.854 4 2.037 4 2.474 1.511 1 4.854 2 1.778 4 2.037 4 2.474 529 2 46 1.582 DISE.VSES OF TliE Sl'LEEX. .006 CUi'onic of spleen .133 Total 48 .144 Grand total 12 58.252 112 99.556 128 65.173 24 131. 148 62 226. 277 130 80.396 31, 133 93.123 GG 522 Table No. 20Showi»g the relalion of occupation to disease, Ueases of Muscle. 4 19.417 5 4.444 12 6. 110 1 5.404 3 10. 949 5 3.092 1,361 4.071 Disea&es of Tendon. 3 1 1.527 .509 1 1 .018 .618 217 475 43 .649 1.421 .120 Ciub-foot Total 4 2.037 2 1.237 735 2.198 . Grand total 9 43.689 36 32. 000 80 40. 7.33 8 43.716 19 69. 343 40 24. 737 11,629 34. 784 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. Absce33 1 4.854 1 5.454 " 7.299 104 215 .311 Obesil.y 2 1.778 Grand total 1 4.834 2 1.778 1 5.404 2 7.299 319 934 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. Cutaneous contractions 2 9.709 3 5 5 2. CG7 4.444 4.444 1 10 0 5.092 3.055 1 5.464 2 6 6 1.2.37 3.7U 3.711 755 1,263 1,919 2. ^^59 Disease of skin 3 784 UJcers i 5.464 2 7.299 5.740 Grand total 2 9.709 13 11. 536 17 8.050 2 lo.saa 2 7.299 14 8.658 , 3,939 11, 782 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of cheat 3 14.563 20 2 21 17. 778 1.778 18. 007 48 8 44 2 5 24 38 24. 440 4.073 23. 403 I.OIS 2.540 12. 220 19. 348 3 1 3 10. .193 ,5. 404 10. 393 1 8 3. 630 7. 299 29.197 17 0 25 2 8 21 17 10. 513 3.711 13.401 1. 237 4.947 12. 987 10. 513 5,081 900 5,932 149 2,207 3.730 2,225 15 108 Deformitv of chest ** 692 Pcrmauout physical debility B 38.833 17. 74J Overage 12 8 11 10. 067 7.111 9.778 1 1 5 5.404 5.404 27. 322 S ia248 6 601 Under ape 1 0 4.834 9.709 11 157 1 3.030 Grand total 14 67. 901 74 65. 778 169 80. 049 14 70.503 17 0-2. 044 90 39.309 20, 224 60 493 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF LXJUSY NOT SPECIFIED. Fiactnres 4 19.417 9 8.000 13 3 17 6.019 1. .327 8. C.16 1 5.464 5 5 7 18. 248 18.248 23. 547 10 2 12 6.184 1.237 7. 421 3.193 219 4,847 9 551 Loss of limb 9 43. 689 13 11. 556 3 16.393 14. 498 Total 13 63. 107 22 19. 556 33 10. 802 4 21.858 17 62.044 24 14. 842 8,259 ISJUKIES AND MALFOEilATIONS OF UFPEli EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of hand Loss of thumb 1 4.834 4 1 3.536 .889 6 2 3.033 1.018 2 0 10 929 10.929 7 1 23. 547 3.650 11 0.803 2, 192 304 6. 5.37 .909 Total 1 4. 834 5 4.444 8 4.073 4 21. 853 8 29. 197 11 6.803 2.496 7 406 INJUIUES AND MALFOItilATIONS OF LOWER EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot 2 9.709 12 1 10. 667 .889 10 5.092 1 5.464 , 3.650 5 3.092 2,791 307 8.349 1.098 Total 2 9. 709 13 11.550 10 5. 092 1 5.464 1 3.650 5 3. 092 3, 158 9.446 Grand total IG 77. 070 40 35.550 51 25.907 9 49. 180 20 94.891 40 24. 737 13. 913 41 616 TJKCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs 1 .509 2 1.237 151 .452 Grand total for all diseases. . 87 422.330 436 387.556 741 377.291 93 502.7^2 191 697.080 532 329. 004 122, 610 360.761 T^BLE ISJO. 21, THE PiELATM OF LOCALITY DISEASE. DRAFTED MEN. Number Examined, 501,002. Number Exempted, 141,697. 526 h sew a^ iit«l-.j«r« itA>- ,'i'i-,ui/->'f. 1< 1^ I lg UrntAtt inmtfi''^- '-uMi m.*mf*tA. J it1 % ♦ 1 II - ») UtI : 1 i «e> ll» 68 110 123 82 187 80 52 65 117 986 103 31 134 46 59 49 74 228 34 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 35 36 7 100 6 85, lU 50 2 34 6 80 40 638 37 34 112 71 25 41 60 45 105 60 HI 20 54 245 38 34 112 107 01 75 71 25 41 30 86 678 60 45 105 60 111 20 54 245 35 114 108 92 75 71 25 42 37 86 685 61 45 106 01 111 20 56 248 1 1 1 9 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 40 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 10 2 2 120 07 96 122 126 88 74 136 99 299 1,257 76 16 92 63 108 64 70 305 41 40 3 13 3 2 1 4 3 1 2 6 4'l 44 1 19 "i 1 15 - 2 1 4 5 62 ...... 2 3 4 1 1 2 5 45 9 1 4 5 2 3 46 20 1 16 4 2 5 9 1 4 5 07 4 2 6 1 2 3 1 7 :ri 3 15 11 1 i C3 1 ""■7 3 80 1 "ii 10 70 54 75 67 86 1 •2 1 1 1 98 3 1 10 7 90 io 2!" 29 735 6 17 117 87 2 10 2 2 65 36 101 89 72 55 1 60 1 282 2 47 48 1 27 18 ¥1 2 1 6 2 3 5 1 3 1 5 ■iO 2 ■il V> 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 •il "14 2 ST 63 77 103 122 57 83 75 92 125 161 978 63 36 101 91 70 57 67 2i)l (!7 530 Table No. 21 — Shomng, by States and Conijrcsaional Districts, the number exempted for eacli disease DISEASES. MAINE— Continued. NEW HAMPSHIKE— Continned. VERMONT-Contiu'd. COXGKESSIO.VAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESS'AL DISTRICTS. CONGRESS'AL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3- 4. s. Total. 1. 8. 3. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. 'a" 0 .22 Ed is 1 si t3 0 IS lis M s So So 0" BS s °ni i=s a (- Coo is Number exempted. Number exempted. Number exempted. "ifi DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Continned. DISEASES OP THE ttECTUM ASB ANUS. 4 19 1 1 3 32 i2 3 1 15 3 5 30 8 13 108 15 1 "■"s' 2 4 4 4 3 6 16 3 1 2 8 3 3 1 1 3 1 6 •>7 12 3 59 1 1 Total 25 35 15 10 43 137 9 6 11 26 10 G 6 1 22 DISEASES OF THE LIVEB. 60 20 6 26 60 10 5 15 17 8 21 14 6 1 7 Total.... 17 8 21 14 32 93 10 .^^^ 5 15 6 1 7 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. 62 3 3 1 1 Total 1 3 294 4 1,146 Grand total 254 201 183 214 162 186 209 557 126 237 132 495 DISEASES OF THE UEINAKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNXY. 64 29 10 4 0 49 28 5 0 7 nfi Chronic disease of kidney Total 17 8 5 8 2 15 30 16 17 e 6 77 5 3 7 5 8 2 15 DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. fi(! 5 14 3 1 0 3 23 3 2 3 4 1 5 67 68 Calculus 0 1 2 1 60 Incontinence of nrine 2 7 1 Total 15 2 3 3 3 31 4 1 3 8 DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. Stricture of urethra TO 1 3 1 1 1 0 71 Urinary fistula 1 Total 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 0 4 37 33 20 12 0 111 10 3 4 17 7 10 2 19 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OR- GANS OF GENERATION. Diseases 0/ Penis. Epispadia 72 73 Hyposp.ndia 74 Loss of penis Total • 75 Diseases of Tunica Taginatis. Ilvdrocolo 8 33 "'"3 14 19 7 10 29 70 1 3 1 1 8 32 10 36 ""■5 5 0 1 7 76 .Sarcocelo 8 77 Varicocele Total i 5 41 11 6 3 23 6 33 1 4 S3 le 108 50 18 4 2 40 46 5 11 8 Diseases of TeslicU. Chronic disease of testicle Jiutoution of testicle 78 79 10 5 4 19 5 3 8 Total ' 17 20 5 la 68 10 5 4 19 5 3 Grand total 8 13 SB 33 38 35 176 14 7 44 65 5 16 11 531- and disalnlity on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for military service — Continued. 1 MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. RHODE ISLAND — Coutiniiirtl. CONNECTICUT- -Continued. CONGRESSIONAL I/ISTHICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTKICTc. CONGnESSIOJAL D1STEICT3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total. 1. 2. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. Total. ■3 .59 •3 o ■5!5 r ■s ■Sffi P4 .go Eoo •3 r -3 no li- it .5 no M P4 if" T3 •52 Is! 5 ■i "b°- P4 Number exempted. Number exempted. Number exempted. 8 21 2 18 8 19 9 14 17 12 4 10 26 i 5 12 1 2 3 5 1 19 2 3 24 6 53 164 30 10 1 8 2 ""\' 1 12 0 5 4 4 G 17 5 2 15 2 3 4 1 16 40 10 2 1 1 3 30 21 36 47 37 18 8 5 22 33 257 11 4 15 13 28 19 8 68 4 8 8 3 8 8 5 27 3 74 2 2 2 1 9 12 * 8 8 3 8 8 5 27 3 74 2 2 2 1 9 12 3 3 6 3 3 0 264 207 2G1 300 236 203 171 234 280 500 2,662 158 58 216 173 215 144 139 691 1 6 1 173 ""5 0 2 5 47 2 19 19 24 7 6 30 13 8 12 10 9 39 47 2 19 19 24 7 6 7 30 13 174 5 2 7 8 12 10 9 39 3 5 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 3 2 2 11 27 1 7 1 2 1 2 2 I 1 2 1 5 3 2 7 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 5 1 2 1 1 5 10 » 1 7 4 4 7 5 3 2 46 3 G 9 1 4 3 3 11 3 o 2 7 9 1 2 1 2 6 1 33 3 2 1 3 . 5 2 7 0 1 2 1 2 7 36 2 1 3 ' 1 C2 7 27 33 20 13 14 12 35 22 356 8 8 16 9 18 14 12 53 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 6 1 .1 2 1 1 2 2 13 44 33 5 59 ""^■8 2 SI 3 23 9 5 10 4 18 25 348 2 2 8 4 8 3 5 1 12 4 34 3 14 13 46 35 64 58 4 3 83 1 26 3 9 13 2a 373 G8 27 2 10 12 8 3 14 13 33 G 14 8 5 2 19 1 8 3 6 3 10 2 4 14 2 1 5 5 2 1 1 9 7 .. - 13 '.!2 7 20 7 3 3 11 9 95 i 12 4 IC 2 10 3 I IG 23 69 44 86 65 87 29 9 26 31 474 : 13 15 — . ^^-^ 30 10 14 18 14 56 532 Vaui.h No. '2l—Slioiciiig, by Slates and Congnxuloual Districts, the iniiidier vsemptcd for cacli disease DISEASES. MAINE— Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. VEEMONT-Contin'd. CONntESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONGBESS'AL DISTRICTS. CONGRESS' AL DISTRICTS. 1. '2. 3. 4. s. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total 1. 2. 3. 1 Total.j '3 M '3" ■3 IS- •3 Examined, 20,479. .2" r T3" l=- '6 ■M at- M 5 si 1^ Number B-Kempted. Number exempted. Number exempted. 80 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. nSEASES OF BOXES. 47 39 22 43 32 180 16 7 24 47 11 18 18 47 DISEASES AND INJUKIES OF THE J01XT8. PI 3 184 8 5 53 11 4 9 78 23 101 4 20 19 45 61 306 146 16 47 4 51 27 44 189 7 46 1 15 3f 2 7 13 22 93 3 g.) Total 105 69 91 128 90 573 07 52 121 240 47 50 20 117 DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Curvature of spine DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SVSTEJI. Diseases of Muscle. 84 20 6 19 26 1 72 1 21 14 36 11 18 11 40 8*1 6 19 17 9 37 88 a 7 9 5 5 10 DUeases of Tendon. Pfi 20 11 13 7 18 16 2 3 54 33 5 5 68 8 i 81 8 "i' 3 5 2 5 5 10 1 H^ Wry-uei'k .. .... 2 22 24 '25 21 92 5 08 10 89 1 8 7 10 290 157 174 224 KO 1,005 89 150 182 421 70 99 61 •230 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAE TISSUE. Obesity . ... FO ' 11 2 5 22 3 2 2 7 1 2 2 5 4 11 2 5 22 3 2 2 7 1 2 2 5 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. Cutaneous contractions in C 5 13 20 23 8 2 11 U 0 10 1 34 58 39 1 2 0 ■■■4 11 12 8 3 13 14 20 '11 9 5 * 9 19 2 1 16 24 ,299 533 and disahillti/ on account of ivldch Drafted Men teere found unfit for military service — Continued. MASSACHUSETTS— Continned. RHODE ISLAND — Continued. OONNECTICUT-CoDtinued. CONGRESSIONAL DrSXaiCTS. CONGRESSIONAL UUTKICTS. CONGBESSIONAt DISTBICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. c. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total. 1. 3. f . Eft 14 Total 1. 8- 3. 4. Total. i •a ' .5"= r .So CO It il I. 1 . Is V c 1° Nnmber exempted. Numberexempted. Nnmber exempted. 19 26 10 10 17 29 4 22 9 14 55 50 229 13 7 20 32 25 8 14 79 54 1.55 16 80 29 87 10 9 64 3 18 61 4 15 71 22 6^ 3 S2 44 2 24 5 20 80 6 26 6a 10 189 621 51 8 20 2 11 10 19 36 2 "41 3 31 13 2 10 60 3 13 41 8 81 82 83 OU 126 76 83 86 93 66 31 106 98 861 36 21 57 44 46 73 62 225 29 29 18 18 30 22 18 8 19 25 216 11 3 14 9 12 12 8 41 84 18 2 6 6 a 9 21 9 10 78 6 13 19 6 3 2 8 19 85 1 12 7 23 1 18 4 1 27 7 2 1 2 8 1 6 2 8 4 7 20 84 87 3 6 8 4 1 10 9 3 5 1 2 1 4 2 3 11 11 2 86 87 88 13 31 23 12 34 3 11 8 12 27 174 14 5 19 9 4 (; 5 24 17j 196 134 144 163 149 104 82 201 210 1,558 80 49 129 100 2 90 3 101 97 1 388 1 15 4. 8 4 7 1 4 3 3 50 5 1 0 ■2 8 89 1 15 4 8 4 7 1 4 3 3 50 5 1 6 2 3 a 1 8 13 15 8 17 2 17 26 7 30 12 ■■■■-■ la 1 14 6 2 2 1 6 4 7. 9 16 17 25 26 135 130 1 3 10 3 5 12 4 16 40 90 13 5 4 6 17 11 5 9 3 9 91 9J 28 1 37 45 49 22 21 4 11 32 42 291 18 10 28 14 12 14 20 60 30 0 ICO 106 44 199 26 9 132 32 11 214. 10 16 213 158 116 23 9 160 104 17 172 115 7 163 33 3 209 637 132 l,7:n 69 13 103 185 ■ "2" 75 69 15 178 2 4 60 "93 10 10 79 1 1 113 13 15 345 373 93 94 95 1!>9 349 167 257 238 281 I'ti 293 285 245 2,506 77 262 66 93 99 115 31 1 21 25 4 42 31 13 58 36 4 88 8 17 24 60 2 11 58 10 ii 47 13 71 27 10 »8 233 64 464 21 11 19 7 12 9 ^28 23 28 20 2 34 22 2 49 23 5 28 17 4 18 82 13 129 224 96 53 71 102 128 25 84 71 21 131 75 701 SI 28 79 56 73 56 39 18 1 37 31 5 37 1 11 3 31 32 4 28 3 44 2 46 11 315 30 19 4 23 24 25 21 2 70 4 99 100 10 4 •9 37 ri6 38 14 43 43 31 81 4 36 16 31 7 2 46 57 345 23 24 27 23 74 41 a 52 36 2 52 2 20 49 2 397 15 18 8 ..':?. 8 1 19 19 13 1 59 2 101 102 43 33 ■18 54 85 j l(i 9 20 197 51 412 18 8 26 9 19 19 14 61 115 161 176 220 82 30 200 12:( 61 22 94 J 183 1.518 88 1 40 128 eo 92 10.2 76 359 123 11 45 70 3:i 39 42 ^1^478 48 46S ., 34 11 10 13 m 103 ;),4J3 1,509 r, 436 1,758 1,354 1,6J8 1, 075 1,750 14 ..Go i-97 4>3 1,320 798 851 818 760 3,25.1 534 Table No. 21 — Showing, ii/ States and Congressional Districts, the number exempted for each disease DISEASES. NEW YORK. COXGKESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. la. 13. 1' is 0 u r3 go .Srf ■2 1° ceo Hoi 13 Number exempted. GENERAL DISEASES. 1 '4 6 67 1 27 11 5 14 77 8 8 13' 6 2 32 8 3 10 10 39 15 8 18 85 23 a 3.5 1 4C 4 17 14 109 1 4 08 10 16 6 9 3 9 1 "as' 2 15 3" 128 ;j 4 1 11 G7 s 37 5 105 tj 107 91 146 73 103 77 125 51 148 135 35 65 165 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BKAIN AXD ITS MEJIBKA.NES. 7 2 1 1 1 3 1, 4 2 R Chronic disease of br.iiii Total 2 1 2 4 4 2 DISEASES OF THE KERVES. q 6 7 14 1 2 9 9 5 9 10 6 4 7 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OP THE NERV. OUS SYSTEM. Chorea in 1 30 1 10 1 3 6 1 10 7' 3 10 2 2 3 36 1 21 11 Epilepsy 22 3 5 16 5 1 1 13 3' 19 1 10 12 -.3 Stammering 6 1 4 2 4 Total 37 12 26 5 10 S SO 7 16 30 24 23 61 DISOKDEKS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism 14 1 6 2 3 8 9 if 2 34 4 1 15 G 8 4 4 1 2 3 2 1 12 0 16 Insanity 1 17 Solitary vice 1 Total 14 9 8 1 1 3 6 14 20 17 31 Grand total 59 28 48 7 13 15 34 12 35 58 50 46 99 DISEASES AND INJURIES OE THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AKD INJURIES OP THE EYE. Cataract of ripht eyo 18 3 4 3 5 5 1 4 5 7 3 4 19 Loss of crvstalliuolens, right oyo a) Lo.ssot sight, rigbt eyo ... 30 4 32 20 18 25 23 9 21 12 7 6 31 12 47 26 25 28 12 15 21 1 2 71 13 7 38 yi Partial loss of sight, both eyes Diseases of the eyes 74 5 34 37 40 Total 69 67 4 100 14 50 37 57 45 63 84 55 77 62 DISEASES OF TUF. EYELIDS. Dise.isesof the eyelids 23 2 2 2 0 3 2 1 Gnimltotal 69 71 102 4 10 1 50 37 57 45 65 86 58 70 63 DISEASES OF TilE EAR. Chronic purulent otori hooa Deaf -dumbness 84 S5 3 3 1 9 8 1 15 1 2 8 11 !ib Dealness Grand total 44 46 25 25 20 24 1 9 20 5 7 30 13 12 39 23 13 94 5 8 38 20 23 39 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. Deformity of iioso 27 1 U 4 28 29 Loss of noso Ozxna Grand total "2' i 2 S 1 2 1 G 2 4 535 and disabilii\j on accoutit ofwnich Drafted Men were found unfit for militanj service — Continued. KE-W TORE. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 14. 13. IG. 17. 18. 19. 20. 'il. 23. 23. 24. 25. 2G. 27. 2S. 39. 30. 31. Total. On IS glrf w 1 ■ aS .5 to g.f 'IS k 'ei "aS M .5 00 1- 13 S-rf Nnmber exemptotl "u 8 1 6 69 1 6 12 fi G 9 ...... 1 12 41 1 7 e 3 io' 1 6 1 1 5 4 """i;> 9 14 6 3 1 2 9 53 8 338 229 97 254 1,402 li 3 1 G Si 27 4 8 8 3G 1 7 2 3 3 u 8 2 16 3 4 :i 17 20 3 19 13 3 " "3 5 19 2 11 5 4 47 11 3 5 C 07 G 3 2 33 8 5 8 9 50 99 98 40 CO 27 8* 16 18 35 47 40 ;9 07 92 51 86 47 70 2,323 1 1 ..... 1 2 0 8 2 2 30 19 1 5 1 4 1 1 2 5 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 8 4 49 8 8 4 10 9 4 16 14 3 4 s 8 5 6 2 4 196 1 4'J 28 XT ■■■25' 1 17 42 1 49 1 19 1 47 3 10 '"'so' 5 6 1 37 3 29 4 24 3 22 3 45 1 7 1 35 1 7 1 23 3 10 1 32 12 8 1 17 1 23 37 768 39 202 12 3 fi 7 3 2 10 C 3 11 02 43 28 24 51 70 CI 41 41 34 38 31 56 44 37 53 21 35 1,040 1 14 4 1 2 8 4 8 ...... 2 23 G 6 14 10 2 7 7 ""e 3 1 12 1 3 7 3 9 6 '"io" 1 1 14 2 13 7 2 i 1 1 17 28 282 118 14 3 5 31 9 0 7 8 20 22 8 31 30 10 11 13 11 18 11 22 40 13 24 2 18 442 79 73 55 37 96 110 81 69 C8 49 61 45 86 93 G4 83 27 53 1,733 2 9 28 45 3 19 38 8 1 3 o 4 2 1 3 1 7 """36" 65 4 589 114 1,036 I 2 1 47 30 14 15 14 1 39 7 28 18 41 12 21 37 3 41 20 11 38 34 2 34 50 9 19 26 18 23 40 IG 24 13 35 28 fiC 32 38 51 82 G3 ca 48 1 46 45 56 47 53 83 69 71 87 49 1, 828 3 4 3 3 7 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 55 CO 35 42 54 85 70 (i5 49 47 4 1 11 4G 57 50 55 86 69 72 87 50 1,883 C 19 5 10 18 11 13 G 13 4 0 G 14 8 2 11 2 27 15 7 191 11 508 10 19 15 9 42 14 15 6 14 14 25 8 16 18 38 20 19 CO 25 28 21 16 10 10 20 39 21 29 23 " 710 1 1 1 1 4 1 M 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 24 1 2 2 i 4 2 1 4 1 1 1 38 53G Taiilk No. 21— Showing, hi/ Stales and Congrissioiiat Dislricln, Ihc number cxemjticd for each ilwea'C DISEASES. NEW YORK— Continued. CONGRESSION.\L DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. la. 13. ii Ii •a* .5" 13" - Is i 5-- •a e2 o Examined, 5,609. P4 o SK a' go Number exempted. 30 31 DISEASES OF THE CIRCU- LATORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OP THE llRAUl" AND ITS JIESIBUAXES. 15 75 8 25 1 25 152 37 9 D6 28 89 29 51 11 64 Total 152 37 90 9 96 28 89 29 51 33 26 11 64 J)I8EA6ES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. 32 8 1 1 2 1 1 Diseases of Uic Yeitis. 33 19 33 20 8 13 33 19 21 43 62 5 20 27 Total - .... 1» 32 28 9 14 33 21 21 45 62 6 21 27 171 69 118 18 110 61 110 50 96 95 32 32 91 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA. TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LAP.YNX. 34 1 1 FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OP THE LAKVXX. 35 1 1 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND UUOXCUI. DISEASES OF THE LUNG. 19 16 o 19 9 - 5 31 =^ 17 4 8 1 2 " "io 1 '{P 16 27 71 47 90 Total 16 27 12 3 19 35 1 21 3 36 71 47 90 90 Grand total DISEASES OF THE DIGEST. IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJUIUES OFTHE JAW. Ankylosis of jaw 16 27 14 4 19 35 2 21 9 36 71 47 31 2 1 40 1 2 1 Total 2 1 2 1 1 DISEASES, MALFORMATIOXS, AND IN- JUlilES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. Loss of teeth 41 141 29 47 3 24 20 15 8 26 104 04 71 149 DISEASES AND INJUUIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tongue , 42 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND rAL.VTE. Cleft palate 13 2 2 1 o 1 6 3 2 DISEASES OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS. Salivary fistula J4 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acule (liHeaue of stomach ..... 45 U 1 13 1 4li Chronic disease of stomach Total 1 5 1 1 4 1 7 5 1 1 4 14 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Hernia 47 55 47 82 2 30 63 72 08 48 85 53 57 1 9 80 4 e 8 7 156 2 .54 n 3 48 Hernia, umbilical 4!l Hernia, vinlral 5 20 11 1 17 13 5 37 25 50 Ilcniia, rii.^ht iii;;Miual o r.i llfiiiiji, Itil inguinal ... Ileruiji. lioiililf in;:uinal W 54 Hei-niM, ri/ilit Icunnal Hernia, lelt (etniirai 13 2 3 55 Hernia, double fenior.'kl Total 1 ni 7S ■80 3D 63 72 68 48 85 134 69 110 126 1 P37 and disabiliti) on account of ivhich Drafted Hen were found unfit for militari/ service — Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. COXGltKSSIOXAL DISTllICTS. 14. 15. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 39. 30. 31. Total. z ■3' Is M 0 S is "IS 1 3 5 u S-. 1 . Is 3 C CI CCJ 13 .Sod 1^ Xuniber exempted. 1 3 24 "48 1 6 8 58 0 43 3 14. 1 27 43 1,397 ■10 22 84 111 11 22 54 32 24 42 78 4 31 2:) 27 4S 7 j C6 1 84 111 11 22 54 32 34 42 47 17 78 4 28 1,440 1 20 1 18 1 25 3 2 2 3 27 :« 1 9 22 22 12 6 9 7 23 25 9 45 16 20 49 97 698 33 10 20 19 22 1 20 23 14 6 9 7 23 25 11 45 16 20 49 30 715 ■Xi 47 67 29 93 109 125 17 31 Gl 55 49 53 92 33 98 53 58 2,153 1 1 4 M 1 1 3 1 8 35 ■ . 36 59 1,476 9 33 49 2 10 0 120 158 2 1S7 7 62 2 68 1 5 1 55 37 4 147 49 40 4G 91 46 33 4 47 49 13 122 1.59 147 49 4G 4G 91 129 C9 70 6 56 4G 1,335 4 47 49 13 124 1G2 147 50 40 46 92 129 69 70 G 56 46 1,547 0 I 1 1 7 24 39 3 2 2 2 1 0 9 3 2 40 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 31 23 31 21 17 40 101 87 4G 52 103 107 171 129 198 73 126 128 91 9,257 41 42 .T 1 0 0 3 1 5 7 1 44 43 1 1 44 1 2 1 9 2 2:) 63 43 3 4 1 4 10 3 4| 2 3 46 3 3 10 4 1 4 10 3 8 4 0 3 88 80 62 49 loa 125 4 7 29 9 7 1 171 70 CG 107 114 75 121 109 1 100 84 203 6 116 2,612 J8 26 280 154 16 18 5 47 48 49 la 4 3 1 7 i 13 6 j 5 3 1 1 1 18 16 1 1 15 2 1 13 2 14 13 30 ri 3 ;.' 1 M 1 1 54 .1 b.! 103 C-2 Gj 58 in 182 190 1 70 B6 115 114 78 121 146 100 102 1 239 '« 3,129 m 538 Table No. 21 — Showing, ly States and Congressional Districts, the number exempted for each disease DISEASES. NEW YOEK— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DlSTRICXe. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. r u •Sg S" 35 m 13 U .9=; S3 m .So .5" g" Number exempted. llISEASES OF TUB DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Continued. UISEASKS 01' THE KECTUM AND ASUS. 5 23 13 18 7 31 1 (V 3 9 3 3 7 12 1 3 10 3 23 2 1 12 1 3 4 2 6 23 8 llicmori hoiils Total 41 20 39 8 14 8 20 13 29 15 9 37 DISEASES OF TUE Lr?ER. 6 1 1 i' 1 14 18 13 5 2 3 Total . 18 13 5 7 2 3 1 1 1 14 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acuto disease of spleen i Total 4 Grandtotal DISEASES OF THE UEINAEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 296 H8 181 35 95 126 08 77 130 270 159 194 342 2 2 o 5 1 3 Chronic disease of kidney Total 9 7 2 4 H 12 3 5 8 9 7 2 4 14 12 3 5 8 4 7 4 DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. Acute disease of bladder 1 1 o i' 1 3 3" 6 1 Chronic disease of bladder 2 1 1 1 Calculus Incontinence of urine 3 1 Total 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 10 D;SEASES OF THE URETHRA. Stricture of urethra 2 2 4 2 2 7 3 1 1 1 0 Urinary fistula Total 2 2 4 2 2 7 3 o 1 S Grand total 9 9 7 8 17 15 7 13 la 8 10 5 16 DISEASES OF THE GENEKA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OR- GANS OF GENERATION. Diseases of Penis. Episp.idia Hypospadi.a Loss ot penis 1 1 Total Diseases of Tunica Tagitialis. Uydrocclo 1 1 10 ■^■■^^ 1 4 1 14 8 10 2 3 1 22 e 19 Sarcocelo Varicocele - •■i 4 12 11 4 Total Diseases of Testicle. (Jhronic disease of testicle Ko tent ion of testicle 2 2 11 4 12 11 4 5 16 18 5 23 25 C 7 1 1 3 6 1 1 4 10 7 1 5 Tot.ll 0 7 1 5 3 7 1 4 17 0 Grandtotal 9 o 18 4 13 11 10 8 21 19 9 40 31 539 md disaiility on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for militarti service — Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. COXGREESIOSAL DISTUICTS. 14. 15. 16. ir. 18. 19. 80. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Total. St St 5 go. H all IS grcssional Districts, the number exempted for each disease 1 DISEASES. NEW TORK- Continued. CONGBESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. la ^6 o r 5 P4 D in r '6 ■A g.-. P4 -a r IS X P4 Number exempted. 80 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTIOX. DISEASES OF BONES. Chronic iliseuso of bones DISEASES AND DCJURIES OF THE JOIXTO. G 24 31 7 8 1 8 6 5 13 11 30 1 1 261 81 n 0") 9 13 6 12 14 32 5 7 3 3 14 44 4 26 7 J 19 1 2 0 5 2 76' IG 16 100 6 24 31 8 11 53 5 58 53 8 1 f» 1^ Total 91 31 51 13 62 34 22 9 92 122 63 69 119 I DISE.'VSES OP THF. SPIXE. Curvature of spine H4 8 9 11 2 5 10 8 2 7 6 14 23 DISEASE.^ OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle, Atrophy of limb ?■; 9 6 o 7 0 3 3 3 19 2 5 Diseases of Tendon. Muscular contractions 8R 4 13 4 32 7 1 2 G 5 1 5 2 4 1 7 4 1 16 12 3 13 3 24 6 R7 Clubfoot S8 Wrv-neck o - Total G 17 39 3 12 7 5 12 28 19 30 120 87 134 32 93 55 38 25 97 157 127 134 203 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. Obesity PS 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. 90 5 3 8 i 13 3 1 4 2 14 18 7 3 12 4 7 2 1 3 37 S)l 1 9 10 4 13 6 7 92 Ulcers ■. Grand total 8 5 16 14 11 5 17 13 5 34 22 13 41 1 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest 93 4 2 54 92 13 56 15 10 16 60 "5 49 47 '37 22 5 13 4 169 4 4 61 30 11 115 21 83 ' 100 94 Defonnily of chest Ui Permanent physical debility Grand total 168 4 44 166 60 161 4 59 86 54 84 40 173 69 156 149 LOCAL INJURIES. 1.0CAL1TV OF IXJUKV .SOT SPECIFIED. Fractures -. 90 11 5 16 49 2 14 S 6 4 3 3 1 10 3 11 18 9 11 25 s' 9 1 16 24 4 4 23 30' 20 3 18 97 Loss of limb 98 Wounds 14 2 Total 32 65 15 7 13 25 20 23 33 26 32 59 41 IKJUKIES AND MAI.FOKJIATIOXS OF UrrEU EXTUEJUTIES. Defects or deformities of hand . . . Loss of thumb 99 100 11 5 2 1 10 6 13 14 4 ""n 18 7 1 19 4 18 26 1 37 2 Total 16 21 3 16 13 18 2 18 8 23 18 27 39 DiJUBIES AND JIALFORMATIONS OF LOWEU EXTRESUTIES. Defects or deformities of foot . . . Loss of greai too -.01 102 5 26 1 5 5 35 1 9 se 1 23 3 31 4 57 1 Total 21 5 27 20 5 5 36 9 29 28 35 58 1 Grand totij 69 53 73 58 36 32 74 8 40 4 33 78 78 121 133! U^•CLASSU••rED. Organic disease of internal organs Total exempted for all diseases. 103 23 730 9 1.034 2 3 701 51 1,245 14 757 10 9TJ 50 1,209 229 G44 584 648 441 1,530 1 541 and cliaabiUtii on account ofioMch Drafted Men weie found wifitfor militarj service — Continued. NEW YORK— CoDtinued. COXGRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 14. W w 15. 16. ir. 6-. 18. 19. is 20. ai. 22. 23. 24. 23. 26. a a 27. 28. 29. 30. as 31. as 2" Total. Number exempted. 104 4 4 25 3 no 605 1,180 212 124 81 240 205 307 1C5 18 85 211 160 3, 553 74 1-26 394 9? 100 101 lOJ 10 8 125 10 113 9 140 36 30 10 137 28 100 I 165 23 2 6 137 724 1!)9 2,445 56 92 23 2:) 138 641 31 160 30 33 1, 19« 19 63 43 100 615 18 24 17 8 9 82 52 21 26 48 29 22 20 40 16 17 34 15 C43 33 18 25 18 8 9 82 :5 21 26 49 32 22 21 40 10 18 34 18 661 51 47 30 29 53 96 101 61 73 88 71 94 101 94 43 26 86 38 1,847 14 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 13 Tl 1 1 2 "B 1 14 15 14 2 27 13 6 1 2 2 97 2 23 4 21 5 32 3 1 122 1 74 17 2 37 1 64 82 983 17 39 55 62 38 4C 29 29 19 3 55 62 99 25 25 37 5 123 75 17 39 65 1,065 46 29 30 19 * 55 66 100 27 23 39 5 123 73 1^ 39 65 1,080 4 1 2 I 0 0 1 3 2 11 21 T) 3 1 1 a 2 in 3 I 1 5 2 3 4 4 2 2 1 32 82 32 15C 63 59 131 205 90 198 351 105 191 52 200 98 72 134 48 2,573 1 41 42 1 4 2 4 1 5 4 6 1 0 1 1 2 43 43 1 1 1 4 44 • I 1 2 i' 0 4 1 4 18 28 45 1 16 3 46 1 1 1 2 1 .7 5 16 3 ^ 46 89 119 71 111 2 91 113 90 73 68 103 1 1 90 34 2 83 79 97 1 3 34 23 4 124 3 3 54 36 1 53 91 79 59 2,183 11 27 601 425 44 24 21 7 47 48 1 3 2 1 8 9 1 97 61 4 2 1 0 79 62 10 1 2 3 1 "'25' 22 4 41 59 C 1 36' 26 4 4 1 14 10 22 11 4 10 8 3 1 36 37 0 ii 6 49 5 4 6 3 I To 4 50 51 52 3 53 1 5 2 54 4 ,W 101 123 91 124 127 279 851 70 120 235 194 151 167 225 78 149 159 76 3,343 69 546 Table No. ^1. — Slioiciny, bj H'atts and Voiigreasiunal Districts, the nunihir ixumptni for each disease DISEASES. NEW JERSEY— Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. coxgkessioxal districts. cosgressioxal DisTiucrs. 1. 3. 3. 4. S. Total. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. & 2 B.'f' 1=3 ■1- P4 Co "is Nnmber exempted Number exempted. *)(! DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM-Continiiod. DISEASES OF THE IlECTL'M AND ANL'S. 9 14 4 1 1 m 1 1 12 2 1 12 4 1 1 7 6 13 57 18 2 UO 6 11 3 27 3 10 5 3 5 23 7 1 4 5 10 4 •i? 59 Total 28 21 15 18 17 33 18 35 5 19 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. 15 til 3 4 5 5 Total 3 4 15 5 5 DISEASES OF THE SPLEES. fp fil ChroDic disease of spleen 1 Total I Grand total ICO 177 178 12li 196 837 ll.'i 160 232 223 177 195 DISEASES OF THE UKINARY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. r<4 2 5 r.'s Cljrouic disease of kidney 8 11 17 5 Total 8 11 17 5 7 DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. Acato disease of bladder (>f! 2 4 IG 67 2 1 liH Calculus 1 1 2 1 3 fil 6 a Total 1 1 2 2 1 '2 4 18 DISEASES OF THE UKETIIUA. Stricture of urethra 70 7 1 8 1 7 10 7 a 71 Urinary fistula 1 Total 7 1 1 9 7 10 7 2 Grand total .. .. 2 7 1 1 11 9 19 23 28 7 25 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OK- r.AXS OF oeseratio.n. Diseases 0/ Penis. Epispadia r?. 73 Ilvpo.spaiiia 1 74 Loss of penis 4 4 Total 4 4 1 Diseases of Tunica Yaijinalis. Hydrocele ■■ — " 7''. 2 5 4 3 G 2 2 7 I'J 3 19 I 1 5 •i 2 1 5 7fi 2 77 N'ancocelo Total 2 7 j 4 9 4 26 22 1 6 4 (i Diseases of Testicle. Chronic diacaao of testicle 78 5 13 r 10 2 1 7(1 Ketumion of testicle Total ! 5 13 S 10 3 Grand total ( 2 11 1 ■• 9 4 30 27 14 12 14 9 ^ 547 and disability on account of which Drafted Men u-ere found unfit for military service — Coutiniied. pex:n'stlvania — Contiuuetl. COXGRESSIO.NAL TJISTRICTS. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 13. 1 1 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Total. 5 II poo .5-<3 Ore m 5 X 0 is 5 .S " Er- 5 E^? (4 is % g,ri E° s is 0 P4 0 E = g„ 1» B X) dumber exenipted. 2 T 2 1 1 4 1 7 1 13 93 4 30 38 14 7 11 4 4 40 2 7 24 4 1 25 1 3 11 7 5 55 4 1 12 5 5 4 8 25 5 3 10 2 9!1 451 109 1 5 12 5 9 110 74 23 22 1 46 35 27 21 64 18 9 38 15 G60 I 2 5 G 10 "io 2 3 26 84 :) o 6 7 10 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 G 7 7 10 10 5 10 5 1 4 1 110 1 2 3 i 9 9 1 1 2 3 1 192 1 109 258 189 200 527 545 201 350 G59 353 387 251 505 195 250 341 147 6,821 1 2 5 119 7 2 3 2 8 14 * 1 7 6 1 7 2 5 4 '1 2 3 2 8 14 5 1 2 1 7 6 1 7 2 5 4 124 1 1 1 21 9 18 21 1 3 1 '.'.'.'.. 1 3 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 6 0 3 1 3 1 6'J ■ 1 1 3 2 4 3 « 4 2 5 2 2 3 64 1 1 3 2 4 3 G 4 2| 5 0 8 3 64 8 10 G 5 6 13 24 15 6 6 12 7 6 1 8 2 8 4 257 1 2 1 3 5 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 11 1 4 1 1 1 11 3 10 ■""'3 12 40 1 4 3 2 G 1 7 2 15 4 in 45 224 oo 8 8 1 13 22 1 ^1 S 5 2 28 18 13 3 5i 7 3 8 8| 1 13 17 14 209 3 •7 1 3 14 3 13 4 1 1 3 8 2 2 0 2 90 21 2 1 2 1 3 - 1 '"1 1 1 \ ' 17 1 14 5 2 1 ! 8 4 2 1 2 111 21 1 8 j ■ 18 1 n 3 2,-) 1 ~' 30 1 17 60 7 6 1 9 14 1 10 18 1 19 _i 1 17 391 63 54S I .viii.i; No. '21 — Showing, by Slates and Congressional Districts, the mnnler exempted for each disease DISEASES. NEW JERSEY— Continued. PENNSYLVANIA-Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. i g- P4 O li (4 -a So "a" o Examined, 3,406. g" (4 o is P4 •3- Number exempted. Number exempted. 90 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BOXES. 8 2 17 16 12 55 15 12 10 10 6 8 DISEASES ASD IKJUKIES OK THE JOISTS. M c i i G 11 7 17 4 15 6 J 44 53 22 19 7 10 20 23 5 19 .36 2 13 51 13 20 10 24 9 41 G H^i H'* Total - 1 42 1 24 27 25 119 36 48 57 77 34 5G DISEASES OF THE SPDfE. ^4 8 8 11 12 15 54 9 20 15 21 14 DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Miisclc. B'S 10 3 3 10 3 29 12 7 G 19 10 4 8 Diseases of Tendon, Rfi 4 2 1 1 o 1 1 7 9 1 15 2 7 19 1 1 5 1 3 12 2 m a Rrt Wryneck Total 3 6 1 4 3 17 19 18 27 7 3 14 Grand total 71 20 56 69 58 274 70 93 133 119 88 100 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. Obesity P9 6 3 1 2 1 G Grand total — 6 3 1 2 1 6 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. Cutaneous contractions 90 7 13 8' 3 3 10 10 15 50 3 8 13 ill io 5 9 4 12 1 11 9 21 2 21 14 19 Ulcers Grand total 27 8_ 16 10 14 75 16 12 30 24 23 21 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OH LOCAL DIS- EASE. DeBcient size of chest 9:1 55 3 52 is 110 8 70 41 2 24 3 1 46 94 Deiormity of chest 8 57 7 29 51 1 31 i5- 23.-I 1 60 95 Permanent physical debility Grand total 07 67 Co 36 51 32 251 61 110 123 78 67 SO LOCAL INJURIES. LOrAI.nV OF IXJUKV NOT SPECIFIED. Eractnrcs : Loss of limb 90 97 9 25 o 8 17 4 23 26 14' 14 5 5 97 13 59 5 4 7 21 21 12 38 27 9 39 3 4 47 23 3 18 Art Wounds Total 20 35 44 40 24 169 IG 32 71 75 54 43 IXJUKIF.S AKD StALI-OKMATIOXS OF uri'KK K,\Tni-;.\irnEs. Defects or deformities of band . Loss of thumb 9!) 100 14 3 3 S I.'. 3 III 1 48 8 7 2 20 3 39 6 22 3 21 5 22 1 Total 14 5 5 18 14 56 9 23 45 25 26 23 IXJUKIES AXD MALFORMAIIONS OP LOWKlt EXTliESIlTlES. Defects or deformities of foot Loss of ;;reat toe 101 18 3 18 in 12 o 14 78 8 37 12 32 3 12 .32 22 Grand total 21 18 17 14 IG en 37 12 35 12 32 23 61 58 66 72 54 311 62 «7 151 112 112 88 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. Total exempted fur all diseases. 103 110 69C 12 451 41 531 43 485 75 286 9 17 14 30 8 38 551 2,711 675 84. 1.333 1,111 735 944 54;) and disabililij on account of which Drafted Men uirc found unfit for military service — Continued. PENNSYLVANIA-ContiDued. COXGKESSIOXAL DISTrJCTS. r. S. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ■u 15. 16. ir. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Total. ■u. ■u •3 ■m E-. f an -0 -3' 0 IS •0 •0 in P4 "is g«- •a Ii 0 .5 = Is m Number exempted. 4 21 34 n 17 41 63 27 8 24 50 38 42 52 8 30 42 25 598 80 6 59 4 46 27 12 6 54 3 19 12 4 61 16 5 66 11 38 26 90 36 11 1 2G 72 6 57 47 62 50 19 35 33 62 17 110 9 36 57 47 26 11 2 7 30 31 22 26 4 20 9 750 7a8 386 81 82 83 C9 85 63 35 82 Hi 152 12 104 166 104 112 155 130 20 30 79 33 1,874 10 9 9 2G 15 2 6 24 9 11 4 30 13 10 17 5 279 84 1 SI 5 11 11 11 15 9 17 20 14 9 20 11 4 13 G 251 8S 12 3 2 2 2 C 1 17 3 1 4 1 9 10 1 20 14 4 4 8 16 3 1 44 « 3 3 1 20 4 29 17 2 25 i i 267 121 18 86 2 7 ...... 87 88 2 17 4 7 21 5 7 1 20 38 12 20 52 7 30 48 26 1 406 7fi 144 IIG 73 140 187 248 57 147 260 193 195 262 245 82 122 177 70 3,408 1 G 1 2 3 7 G 1 2 2 50 89 1 6 1 2 3 7 6 1 2 .1 50 2 ■■5 ...... 5 3 1 16 1 9 38 5 39 37 45 16 21 30 2 34 4 13 18 11 14 6 5 19 7 7 4 1 4 8 118 167 399 90 G 2 5 8 8 9 7 24 9 31 3 14 91 92 8 13 7 6 20 48 81 17 31 82 66 35 20 30 18 40 " 13 684 43 G 137 5 2 51 37 2 43 9 2 35 13 2 110 4 5 241 14 5 131 1 0 308 2 0 46 30 1 22 65 8 118 25 5 90 355 103 3,174 91 1 323 ii 72 15 449 4G4 9 86 95 7 346 ""'264' 94 95 324 83 186 58 82 46 125 250 150 311 50 353 204 53 191 120 3,634 3 1 1 34 Ifi 32 20 11 9 23 4 10 'I 6 Gl 2 10 67 3 90 58 2 7 17 G 13 29 3 50 CO 11 26 36 8 73 31 1 76 38 3 109 10 6 57 56 4 4 50 3 10 11 2 67 687 132 818 96 97 98 5 82 40 37 20 73 IfiO 67 36 82 87 117 108 152 73 64 63 80 1,637 21 8 7 1 25 5 28 38 10 50 5 28 34 G 50 1 37 3 40 4 35 9 50 10 31 2 21 1 23 3 18 5 677 91 99 100 27 8 8 30 28 48 55 28 40 51 40 44 44 GO 33 22 28 23 768 31 1 10 9 5 3 30 6 49 7 104 11 .'>0 23 1 77 8 45 7 43 07 12 99 13 G 5- 17 35 4 18 4 823 88 101 103 32 10 9 8 36 56 115 50 24 85 52 45 39 112 11 18 39 22 913 64 100 57 75 84 177 330 145 100 218 179 206 191 324 117 104 i:i0 125 3.318 34 10 29 2 21 4C 262 38 29 147 78 48 56 111 33 14 18 30 1,122 103 976 906 940 S8C 803 I, i-19 2,800 1,006 1,249 2, 338 1,534 1,647 1,215 2,143 1,051 814 1,238 823 29,237 550 Tabu; No. 21— Shouiiig, by Slates and Covgirssioiial Districls, the nuviber (xentpied for each disease 1 DISEASES. DELA'WARE. MARYLAND. DIST. COLUM- BIA. WEST VIEGmiA. COXG. DISTRICTS. COXGUESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICTS. 1. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. r3 a 1". •a •is •0 ■So £■6 (4 is .9 ■ X 5 ao .3 a . K No. exempted. N limber exempted. No. exempted. Niiniber exempted. 1 GENERAL DISEASES. 1 C7 1 13 ao 50 1 67 1 13 20 50 1 "27 10 23 IfO 1 17 3 6 3 40 3 19 ""io 159 5 CO 51 17 55 473 3 3 1 7 15 27 10 "13 79 20 30 0 19 63 20 30 2 19 63 1 ' 3 4 5 6 GvnhiMq Is uu-iualiguant tumors 2 2 1 1 158 158 29 J35 240 70 193 C07 139 139 3 1 4 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND ITS MEMBRANES. 7 8 a 2 2 2 1 1 a 2 2 1 3 DISEASES OF THE NERVES. 9 7 7 o 13 11 6 so 51 3 3 1 1 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. 10 11 1'2 13 o 31 2 31 1 8 5 29 1 32 7 123 1 48 30 1 3 24 41 41 7 7 li 13 1 10 10 24 12 12 1 1 Total 45 45 10 34 34 44 57 179 53 53 7 1 8 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. 1 40 1 1 4U 1 1 0 9 1 08 29 4 1 IB 23 10 17 9 18 3 18 3 2 1 1 IG Total 4-2 43 5 18 10 33 20 98 21 21 3 3 90 90 17 CO 02 83 103 331 77 77 10 2 12 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. Cataract of right evo IR 9 9 3 2 23 9 20 8 8 1 1 22 17 9 "3 90 51 70 5 1 49 4 39 5 1 49 4 39 I'l "0 Loss of si^lit, right cyo ao ao 19 20 20 19 0 "o' 21 5 35 18 20 6 1 2 1 1 •2 1 91 Partial loss of sij;ht,'both oyes ... o.> Total 74 74 15 50 09 52 1 50 2« 98 98 4 1 5 DISEASES OF TllK EYELIDS. Diseases of tho eyelids 83 4 4 3 7 3 14 78 13 1 23 78 15 59 70 53 53 250 98 98 4 1 5 DISEASES or THE EAR. Chronic pnruleut otorrhoea Dcai-tiumbneaa ai 13 1 23 "3 3 1 34 8 '"'25 2 1 37 7 "36 20 135 6 6 1 1 1 as 1 Sfi Dealucsa 26 20 G rand total 37 37 3 38 33 40 43 157 32 32 1 1 2 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE KOSE. Deformity of iioso 27 1 1 1 1 10 2 „ !« Lobs of noso au Ozaeuu 4 4 1 S 1 3 Graud total 4 4 1 5 2 1 3 12 2 2 551 atul disahilify oil account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for militarij serrice — Continued. KENTUCKY. MISSOURI. COXGKESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. CONGUESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. • 8. 9. Total. 13 li ■li y. a .58 Coo 0 CO e S '3 .5 a a 1 c ■ a- S3 .2-0 go, Number exempted. Number exempted. 1 10 14 "is 26 1 " "5 6 2 86 46 24 59 204 1 3 4 ■ "5 12 9 1 3 ""19" 11 4 ""2 1 8 6 2 3 32 18 6 6 19 53 22 8 10 11 49 5 3 3 1 6 9 13 10 13 134 6 5 2 ■3 43 11 1 i 2 9 38 19 13 26 218 T 1 2 4 4 2 22 2 11 4 5 6 4 24 32 18 51 64 102 100 18 12 421 179 59 36 4 8 IS 13 314 7 8 ........ 3 2 4 8 3 10 2 2 34 3 7 1 1 1 13 9 1 13 1 8 2 76 1 35 1 2 0 i 4 62 10 11 12 13 10 5 i 10 23 3 10 5 2 7 1 1 4 5 4 15 4 2 1 1 8 .... .... 11 5 5 18 15 27 9 3 93 40 12 6 2 8 3 3 74 14 2 3 5 3 1 3 11 6 4 4 13 5 1 2 1 0 "i 38 29 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 .-! 15 17 5 8 4 17 8 18 3 3 1 67 1 3 2 1 2 1 10 16 16 11 39 31 48 22 8 3 194 44 22 9 4 8 6 4 97 1 0 9 1 1 14 13 5 13 1 120 36 44 5 "'44 Q 43 16 9 13 11 20 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 29 11 69 27 73 13 1 5 10 2 10 11 2 15 7 9 17 7 l.i 27 24 2 9 9 4 1 5 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 "0 "1 f" 20 22 13 33 37 62 34 irt 5 244 1(,0 69 15 2 8 8 6 208 1 1 8 10 4 3 3 10 218 "3 20 22 14 34 :i7 70 34 18 5 2.'-.4 1 104 72 18 2 8 8 6 1 6 i 7 I 1 75 3 5 1 9 1 59 94 1 2 1 1 2' 25 1 8 4 5 19 17 19 23 23 8 2 26 1 8 5 5 19 23 ID 3 83 26 28 9 8 2 2 69 1 1 3 1 ?7 1 1 1 6 1 3 •?8 1 1 3 29 2 1 1 3 7 < I 5 1 552 Table No. 21— Showing, hy States and Congressional Districts, the numher exempted for each disease DISEASES. DELAWAEE— CoDtinned. MAETLAND— Continued. DIST. COLUM. BIA— Cont'd. WEST VIEGINIA— Continued. CONG. DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICTS. 1. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. IS fi 1^ P4 is Is IS P4 a . li 4) . B 's M 1^ a . ea M P4 No. exempted. Number exempted. No. exempted. Number exempted. 30 31 DISEASES OF THE CIECU- LATOKY SYSTEM. IIISEASES OF THE IlEAllT AND ITS MEUUlUXliS. o oii 08 17 47 04 90 90 Total 70 70 •IT 47 04 90 90 MSEASES OF Tllli BLOOIl-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. 32 2 2 3 3 2 8 Diseases of the Veins. 33 44 44 8 10 22 17 27 84 40 40 1 1 2 Total 40 1 46 8 13 25 19 27 92 40 40 1 1 2 lie 1 110 8 30 72 19 27 156 130 130 1 1 2 DISEASES OF THE EESPIEA- TOKT SYSTEM. 11ISEASE3 OF THE LAUVK;;. M 1 1 FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS 01*' TUB LAKVN.X. Loss of voice Ti 1 1 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND BUO.VCHI. Kstnla of the trachea 36 DISEASES OK THE LUNG. Acute disease of luiig ' 37 2 34 2 34 3 2 10 38 CbroDic disease of lung 7 19 19 Total 30 30 7 --i 12 19 19 Grand total DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OFTHE JAW. Ankylosis of jaw 30 { 30 7 7 14 19 19 39 1 1 1 2 4 40 Disease or dclorraity of jaw Total 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 ....... 0 1 1 a 2 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. 4t 43 42 11 38 57 143 CO 315 74 74 3 o 5 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tongue 42 43 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND I'ALATE. Cleft palate 3 1 1 1 2 2 7 1 1 1 1 DISEASES OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS. Salivary fistula 44 45 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Aculo disease of stom.ich 1 1 2 4(i Chronic disease ot stomach Total 3 3 47 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Hernia 40 1 40 1 "'i' GO " i 41 22 5 1 05 2 "'si' 30 2 61 44 3 32 1 7 57 41 12 1 163 4 10 2-i) 150 22 "3 1 127 0 t) 47 25 8 127 6 47 23 8 4H Hernia, uinhilical 49 Hernia, ventral 1)0 Hernia, ripht Inguinal 09 40 5 69 46 5 13 7 "i' ...... 0 1 1 9 7 r>i Hernia, lelt inguinal... . sa Heniia, double inguinal . . . 53 Hernia, right fenu.ral 55 1 Total 107 1G7 22 130 150 111 151 576 215 215 14 2 10 553 and disaiilitji on account of which Drafted Men u-cre found unfit for military service — Continued. JvENTUCKY-Continned. MISSOURI— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. i CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. ,. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. ■3 '3 a . P4 ■1 a,- IS 1" 2rf a 2 K - y. a . y. W ■~'S. a°- c — ■A V Examined, 2,348. Examined, 402. -3 ^ . a ■3 a . ffl a 1 s . 13 ii •s .s<= Number exempted. I Number exempted. 30 31 2 1 3 3 1 4 Ti i 11 c 10 13 39 14 8 1 106 67 33 e 1 5 7 4 123 33 4 11 6 10 15 1 40 1 14 8 1 109 70 33 7 1 5 7 4 127 4 11 G 10 15 40 14 8 1 109 70 33 7 1 5 7 4 127 1 1 34 1 1 1 3 3 3 35 36 37 38 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 2 3 2 G 3 4 1 1 4 7 m 1 2 1 1 40 1 1 2 5 1 8 7l 9 1 1 11 1 15 18 2 13 18 49 20 4 3 142 54 43 8 3 9 1 G 131 41 42 1 ^^ 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 7 43 1 44 1 45 46 1 I- 47 1 25 14 2 2 44 43 28 9 2 51 246 135 32 11 "vi 70 52 15 1 2 69 25 3 2 2 3 14 164 94 22 11 1 3 48 3 71 38 19 3 "32 21 1 10 9 2 5 49 24 10 ""l 19 10 2 8 5 6 4 1 1 1 1 7 5 5 .4 8 2 3 bO 51 52 4 1 8 53 54 3 55 1 33 1 31 1 14 44 125 137 57 26 8 477 149 105 13 8 1 13 9 1 15 312 70 554 Table No. 21— Showing, l»j Slates and Congressional Districts, the number exempted for each disease DISEASES. DELA\V.»EE— Continued. MARYLAND— Continued. DIST. COLUM- BIA—Cont'd. WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. COKG. DISTniCTS. CO.NGUESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DIRTKICTS. COXG. DISTRICTS. 1. Total. 1. a. 3. 4. s. Total. 1. Total. 1. a. 3. Totol. P4 '3 ■2 •in V. a-; 'is ■3 ■-S2 •3 a; Is So •3 ■u e a . No. exempted. Number exempted. No. exempted. Number exempted. 56 57 08 5'J DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Continued. DISEAbESOFTHE KKCTi™ AND AN US. 1-3 20 1 12 20 I 1 2 Ki 3 1 4 4ri 10 7 3 4 8 1 20 75 24 2 8 14 S 8 14 5 4 4 33 33 3 20 60 17 21 127 27 27 4 4 DISEASES OF THE LIVEU. 60 Gl 2 2 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 5 2 1 3 1 1 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. 03 1 1 Totil 1 1 Grand DISEASES OF THE TJKINAEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THK KIDNEY. •J53 2o3 38 208 276 275 240 1,037 319 319 24 4 28 fit 1 5 1 5 fn Chronic disease of kidney Total DISEASES OF TBE BLADDER. 2 2 4 4 3 3 6 6 2 2 3 3 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fu Cliionic disease of bladder 6R 2 4 6 m 1 i Total 4 ■» 4 1 4 9 1 1 d;seases of the ukethka. Stricture of urethra . 7n 1 1 3 10 1 4 17 1 2 2 t 71 Uriiiarj' listula Total 1 1 3 11 4 18 2 2 11 11 9 14 8 31 6 6 DISEA.SES OF THE GENEKA- TIVE SYSTEM. diseases AKI) IXJUKlr.S OF OR- GANS OF GENEUATIOS. Diseaecs of Penis. Epispadia Il.vpoNpadia Loss of penis 72 2 1 1 1 7;) 1 71 1 1 Tot.ll 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 Diseases of Tunica Taginalis. Hvdroeelo 75 5 25 5 25 1 ■7 1 9 1 13 i 3 30 4 4 4 4 1 3 1 3 7« Satcocolo 77 Varicocolo Total 30 4 30 4 ... 8 10 14 1 33 8 8 4 4 Diseases of Testicle. (ihronie dise.nso of testicle Kotentiiin of testicle 78 1 3 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 79 Total 4 4 1 G 7 4 4 Grand total 3G 36 0 16 15 1 43 13 13 4 4 555 and disahilitii on account of ivkich Drafted ifen trtrc found nnjitfor jnilitary seri'icf— Continued. KENTUCKT-Continned. MISSOURI— Continued. COXORESSIOXAI, DISTItlCIS. COXGUKSSIONAI, DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. r. 8. 9. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. — 1- Is ii Ii 0 0 .5,6 F4 s . p h it 1^ 3?: 0 r3 V .id 13" Ii •0 Ii M 3 . — to (=4 is Number exempted. Number exempted. 7 1 1 3 ' 'i' 2 1 9 IG 8 3 0 3 5 3 1 la i-_> "i 2 2 1 '2 45 41 15 3 104 13 27 4 2 20 2 1 1 IG GO 7 56 57 58 59 1 1 \ 12 9 4 3 ?3 5 18 25 5 2 44 24 2 1 1 5 12 89 60 61 62 63 1 1 Gl 54 21 9G 148 207 103 1 35 13 ■;3S 254 174 24 12 24 15 34 537 04 05 1 06 67 4 1 2 7 a 1 1 2 6 08 7 4 Ij 2 2 1 1 2 G 3 2 , 2 4 11 4 4 3 2 1 i 11 4 70 71 2 0 1 0 4 11 4 7 2 1 I 15 2 4 2 1 2 5 2 18 a 8 1 4 1 1 21 1 1 1 2 I 1 1 1 7.T 1 1 73 3 3 74 1 2 1 4 4 4 1 ""3 0 4 "2 3 1 10 10 1 8 """i 1 1 17 30 1 4 ■""9 4 2 1 1 9 15 75 76 77 ,. 1 3 6 2 4 10 1 10 9 1 2 47 5 9 4 2 1 3 24 1 7R ■m 3 6 3 4 10 12 9 2 2 51 5 13 4 3 1 3 28 556 Table No. 2l—Shotiing, by Stales and Congressional Districts, the nvmler exempted fm- each disease 1 1 DELAWAEE-! Continued. MARYLAND— Continued. DIST. COLUM. BLA— Cont'd. ■WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. DISEASES. CONG. DISTRICTS. CONGBESBIONAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICTS. 1. Total. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. •3 r" □ . 5 Q.. 0.-; is IS £ . ." no ■2 w No. exempted. Number exempted. No. exempted. Number exempted. £0 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF HONES. CbroDic disease of bones DISEASES AXD INJURIES OF THE JOINTS. Antyloais of joiuts 3(i 30 5 20 26 18 25 94 17 17 1 3 3 81 83 fir* AQ 5 .....^ 28 81 9 11 23 20 47 40 8 24 31 30 115 175 80 21 103 14 21 103 14 41 'II 30 30 1 1 Total 139 139 12 118 60 95 85 370 138 133 1 1 84 DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Curvature of spine 27 27 1 15 21 10 13 59 17 17 1 1 85 DISEASES OF THE MUSCUI.AK SYSTEM. Diseases of Mmclc. C C 6 19 13 7 43 2 2 4 4 Diseases of Tendon. fn 87 9 9 4 22 9 9 4 22 4 2 2 1 8 9 2 2 3 1 15 3 31 17 3 20 5 1 20 5 1 1 1 1 1 riiiii-i'oot 8H Wry-neck Total " 3 19 0 17 51 26 26 2 2 230 230 24 103 145 142 146 619 200 200 5 6 11 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAK TISSUE. Obesity 80 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 0 6 1 1 2 36 26 67 6 6 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. Cutaneous contractions 5 6 7 14 3 7 on 10 H 38 50 10 8 38 50 2 2 4 ...... 22 15 11 27 8 5 39 8 5 1 1 01 01 Ulcers 3 3 1 8 28 53 18 24 131 53 52 3 1 4 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- ];1LV ASSOCIATED WITH GKNEKAL OK LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest 03 4 8 202 4 8 202 04 3 54 4 100 28 121 "'gs' 3 GO 37 403 3 309 3 •209 95 Permanent pbysical debility rJrnTnl tnffil 9 3 12 214 214 57 104 149 68 62 440 212 212 9 3 13 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF INJURY NOT SPECIFIED. Fractures .' Loss of limb 90 07 53 12 127 .13 12 127 19 1 40 3 25 73 5 6 23 5 3 38 6 4 193 20 38 19 14 34 19 14 34 5 1 4 1 6 1 4 98 Wounds Total 192 192 20 68 84 31 48 251 07 67 10 1 1 11 INJUItlES AND MALFORMATIONS OF UPPER EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of band . . . Lobs of thumb 9£ 32 4 32 4 G 1 32 5 30 1 13 4 10 1 91 12 50 1 .16 1 1 1 1U< 1 Total 30 36 7 37 31 17 n 103 57 57 1 1 4 INJURIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot . . . I Loss of great too 10 lOS 50 "oT 56 5 61 10 1 38 5 33 I 16 2 7 3 106 12 37 37 2 3 1 Total 11 43 30 18 10 118 39 39 3 1 4 Grand total 289 289 38 148 151 CO 69 473 163 163 14 3 17 UNCLASSIFIED. 1 Orgauicdiseaseofiutiriiul orpins Total exempted for nil diseases 10. 117 1,734 117 1, 734 25 hi 141 71 138 432 39 39 11 S 13 SC3 1,000 1,440 921 1,110 4,800 1,513 1,513 89 2S 114 and (JisahiUly on arcount of ivhicli Ilrajlid Men were f(jnntl unfit for niiliturij scrrice — Cdutiiiui'd. KENTUCKT-Contiuued. MISSOURI— Continned. COXGUESSIOSAL DISTRICTS. CONGKESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. 6. r. S. 9. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ». Total. a:: ■a K 0 •2 2 1" So is" Ho m .3d IS a . is '3 (0 is p4 •a" .a-i 1 i P ■ 8 3 w a 2 a> ■2 .= ■0 as Number exempted. Namber exempted. 1 11 7 2 2 14 4 2 42 18 1 2 14 3 38 80 12 3 2 13 "23 11 7 4 35 18 0 12 19 1 27 19 19 15 8 3 24 4 7 139 40 116 42 14 26 25 4 8 8 1 4 5 0 3 1 62 26 41 81 82 83 2 2 17 30 22 44 36 47 53 S.l U 301 82 37 13 4 7 6 149 5 5 3 8 8 34 31 1 95 11 10 4 1 3 2 2 33 84 4 5 7 15 6 7 2 10 2 58 15 5 1 2 4 27 85 9 3 2 7 1 1 5 5 25 8 1 1 1 4 4 6 5 86 87 88 9 5 8 6 5 33 2 5 4 11 4Q 58 34 69 50 110 92 53 15 529 128 58 23 6 19 9 15 238 13 ■ 2 70 I 13 4 1 5 7 3 3 4 16 7 1 17 5 1 30 11 71 2 5 2 1 2 1 ........ 1 23 11 91 1 10 4 7 n 4 91 7 e i 0 9"^ 10 " 9 11 U 23 25 6 3 112 83 18 0 2 9 4 1 123 IT 7 22 2 18 8 16 7 91 23 56 8 57 11 19 3 97 1 6 69 382 7 58 7 38 14 134 m 12 1 12 3 10 95 29 20 24 98 78 05 30 io;i 7 431 65 43 12 1 12 3 10 148 14 3 10 10 ""4 24 2 2 * 28 3 2 54 "'39' 49 3 64 23 5 31 14 3 4 5 0 221 19 158 64 2 39 48 1 11 0 4 2 10 9 3 4 139 6 65 96 07 1 10 08 27 14 j 28 33 93 116 59 21 7 398 105 60 0 5 12 10 16 210 7 3 4 4 8 46 9 9 5 13 1 2 2 1 94 20 29 3 27 4 8 3 1 3 71 10 00 3 inn 10 4 4 8 55 14 ' 14 4 1 114 32 31 30 12 8 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 81 9 1 0 26 1 13 25 9 2 5 2 84 15 25 4 3 3 2 76 16 101 9 1 6 27 13 34 7 2 99 25 48 4 1 3 4 3 5 92 46 19 38 68 IGl 104 80 27 8 611 102 139 14 11 19 16 14 24 383 39 19 31 77 67 79 118 5 11 446 160 58 8 • 8 13 7 270 103 301 285 217 5G4 093 944 1 655 288 eo 4,027 1,292 731 171 53 1 Kij 98 124 2,004 F.r, 5f)8 Table No. 21 — Hhoiiiiig, hi/ Statin and Cotigrcasional Districts, the number exempted for each disease DISEASES. OHIO. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. S. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. f go 1"- P4 m M 4j o ii M rS 15 r3 o S5- f=5 « .5 2 c — ; 13" .So En Number exempted. GENERAL DISEASES. 2 10 2 1 3 1 " 3 40 1 12 "ii 4 10 '"'i' 2 3 5 18 1 3 1 " i 3 8 21 1 18 IOC 1 17 2 9 eo o 3 10 1 3 8 19 28 1 4 10 30 5 2 '"io 12 4 t 4 Non-iualiguaut tumora 2 3 13 ...... 9 "i 4 3 28 2 14 ti 1!J4 100 G 45 19 50 48 35 29 9 82 26 30 14 DISEASES OF THE NEIiVOUS Si'SXEil. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND ITS MEMIilUXEU. Acute dise.iso of br.iin ■ 7 R Totnl DISEASES OF THE NERVES. q 3 IG 2 5 3 4 2 1 3 4 5 2 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OP THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. Chnrca in 2 25 2 1 9 4 9 II IB 10 14 8 9 13 9 28 10 9 n Nuuijil^iii Vl stammering 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 11 Total 22 31 4 12 18 IC 9 9 15 10 31 15 9 DISOKIIERS OF THE INTELLECT. Cbrouit; .^lcoLolism 14 n Imbi'i-ility o 5 7 8 3 3 13 8 0 2 5 10 5 1 8 5 10 4 4, 8 2 IG Iijsunity Solitary' vice 17 Total 7 l.T 6 21 8 2 5 10 6 13 10 8 10 .la 63 G 23 39 27 15 10 20 19 48 30 21 19 DISE.\SES AND IN.IUKIES OF THE EVE AKD EYELIDS. DISEASES AND IXJUKIEh OF THE EYE. Cataract of rifrlit cyo 18 5 22 3 4 30 25 10 I 5 i 13 o' 1 i.3 12 4 1 « 1 17 11 3 o 3 1 1!) Loan of cry.stallino lens, right ej'o Lo3» of sight, right cyo . ., 'M n a 9 2 1 1 5 2 C 1 3 r 3 15 3 8 (i 1 "" 2 9 25 5 '"i4 5 12 15 6 15 19 5 8 14 17 130 20 4 9 27 5 229 1 15 1 5 13 17 8 lU 29 8 12 15 17 155 1 1 3 1 1 27 1 •a 1 1 1 1 4 29 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 fjfJO Taui.k No. '■2l.^SIiowhi(/, hi/ Statts attd Covgresaimtal Dislricis, the vumle-r exempted for each disease DISEASES. OHIO— Continued. COXGIiESSlON.U. DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. d. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. It- 12. 13. 14. s Co eS it. -a •Sg .5 CD 's ■-2 0 Number exempted. 30 31 DISEASES Of THE CIECU- LATOKY SrSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND ITS MEMBR,\NES. Total DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. 3J 1 2 1 2 3 Diseases of the Veins. 21 33 3 13 12 9 14 10 12 23 38 13 19 2 Total 21 21 33 4 15 12 0 15 10 14 23 38 16 19 2 Grand total. 33 4 15 12 9 15 10 14 23 38 10 19 2 DISEASES or THE RESPIRA- TOIIY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LAEl'iNX. 14 3 3 FUXCTIOSAL AFFECTIO.XS OF THE LAltVNX. 35 2 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AXD BltOXCHI. Fistula of the trachea 30 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acute disease of Iims 37 38 Total ^' Grand total 3 2 3 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SrSTEJI. I>1SEASES AND IXJUItlESOFTHE JAW. Ankylosis of jaw ....... 39 2 2 2 40 Disease or delormity of jaw Total 3 3 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 DISEASES, BALFOnMATIO^ S, AND IX- JUUIES OF THE TEETH. GfMS, .\XD ALVEOLI. Loa.s of teetli 41 24 29 4 18 12 20 30 14 20 8 65 11 33 20 DISEASES AKD INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tongue ' 42 43 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND FALATE. Cleft palate 1 2 1 1 2 44 DISEASES OF THE SALIVARI GLANDS. Salivary fistula 1 1 45 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acute disease of stomach 40 Chronic disease ot stomach Total DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Hernia Hernia, umbilical 47 2' 1 S5 5 4 4' !I4' 34 3 « 5 2' 3 27 24 1 1 3 1 23' 1 26 2 5 14 3 1 1 1 17 14 3 1 3 23 21 4 2 2 4 18 28 ...„. 1 54 8 1 .1 9 i 26 IS 3 16 19 2 "io" 11 1 50 SI Hernia, Irlt inguinal fii Hernia, doul)le iu;iuinal . 53 Hernia, ri;;hl fenjciial M Hernia, left femoral 1 1 6b Hernia, double femoral Total 107 1(13 5 48 57 30 25 37 57 52 78 45 41 22 5G1 and.disaiility on account of which Drafted Men tcei'e found unfit for militarii s^ti'cc— Continued. OHIO— Continued. INDIANA— Continued. COSGRESSIOXAL UISTBICTS. COSGRESSIONAL niSTltlCTS. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. r. 8. a. 10. 11. Total. X P4 3 X 'Tin X lo s .5 si I;;- £*^ X F4 1 . X (4 P4 X H li ■S3 11 Number exempted. Number exempted. 30 31 1 « 1 1 2 32 1 9 16 19 7 274 11 19 14 15 4 G 50 8 78 48 28 281 33 1 9 16 19 7 283 11 ; 19 14 15 5 7 SO 8 78 48 28 283 1 9 16 19 7 2S3 11 , 19 14 15 S 7 50 8 78 . 48 2H 283 3 G 1 1 1 34 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 35 1 1 ?G 77 38 1 1 I I 1 9 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 2 8 2 1 8 8 i 1 1 1 2 3 7 30 1 3 40 1 3 16 1 I 2 3 ^t 10 7 3.3 62 20 23 454 at 14 36 31 13 12 49 46 31 3G 18 309 41 40 2 1 1 11 1 1 2 1 1 i 3 3 2 14 43 o 44 45 46 14 5 12 440 35) 47 26 13 5 1 10 28 596 303 .■iO 31 S9 5 14 47 1 "19 21 G o 2 1 1 20 12 ■ 3 3 1 3 34 27 2 i 58 43 1 20 25 3 48 2 1 41 31 ""i ""66 20 4 10 7 1 7(i 60 15 1 51 48 20 9 6 51 47 9 49 8 3 3 48 43 7 1 1 23 20 1 28 l.T 4 3 28 18 4 1 7 1 .50 51 52 .■)3 1 54 1 4 .'.S IG 31 74 107 37 1, 052 100 1 44 53 1 54 33 CS 106 1 49 1C6 129 1 113 015 71 562 Tablk No. 21. — fihowiiig, hy States and Congressional Districts, the numbei- exempted for each disease DISEASES. OHIO— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. 3. u. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 13. 14. ij Co P4 fflr-T P4 is P4 •A 1' . li •A 5 w -3 .So Number exempted. DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEII-Cominued. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AJ.T) AKUS. 4 C 3 20 3 3 10 l' 1 1 3 1 2 ...... 2 1 9 1 6 7 9 1 4 0 n 2 2 ■■■■5' 1 57 58 Total 13 27 13 7 4 G 1 12 7 17 11 10 6 DISEASES OF TUE LIVER. Total DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. fio fi? Chronic disease of spleen Total 147 223 9 7D 78 5G C2 52 89 C8 163 71 8B 48 DISEASES OF THE DRINAET SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. M fi=i Total DISEASES OF THE BLADDEB. Acute disease of bladder r 36 10 15 1 1 1 9 4 4 1 ■1 6 1 35 2 4 5 13 3 14 20 4 13 8 ■io- 20 1 22 9 4 5 17 ""b 5 1 G 17 trt Wounds Total 55 07 3 17 5 42 11 30 37 18 43 18 25 1-J INJURIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF Ul'fER E.\TlIEMnTES. Defects or ilrformities of hand- . . Loss of tliumb 9!) lOU C 30 1 12 1 2 3 10 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 0 7 9 4 5 3 5 1 Total G 32 1 13 5 10 1 4 5 9 l.i K 0 l.VJUKIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWliU E.\TREMM1ES. Defects or dcloiniities of foot 101 15 17 78 48 SO 4 10 a 11 1 9 2 3 2 8 12 21 1 23 7 12 4 9 1 1 Total 4 n 12 11 5 H 12 22 35 10 11 2 149 8 42 22 03 17 42 54 4G 87 47 44 20 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs Total exemiited for all dise.aso8 103 08 810 217 1,337 9 74 3G 403 S3 307 17 42B 32 21 18 52 22 ~75r 35 10 9 24.1 294 1 44J 412 380 359 210 565 and ilisiibiViiii o» account of icliich Drafted Men ircre found unfit for miUtanj service — Coutiinied. OHIO— Continued. IXDIAX^ —Continued. COXORESSIOXAI. UISTIlICTe 1 CONfiUESSIOXAI, DISTRICTS 15. le. 17. IS. 19. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Total. 5 c: - i = s p 1 . Is r3 V '3 «— " IE 0 aS r CSV X 1° 0 13" .= = St. 11 ^3 1 = Kumber exempted. Number excmiitcd. 4 14 6 3 136 6 4 13 7 1 " a 3 49 80 2 3 16 IG 9 3 21 G 17 15 4 5 G 276 226 114 24 15 25 13 18 10 13 10 5 2 3 5 9 14 4 8 17 43 21 41 73 14 8 .10 1 29 2C6 71 110 81 82 83 7 14 7 13 41 30 39 IS 6:6 41 40 41 17 17 1 26 87 35 48 95 40 487 S 4 2 11 4 115 9 7 3 2 1 10 23 2 9 19 10 95 84 1 4 G 4 2 106 24 7 13 9 10 22 11 1 16 18 131 85 3 49 44 1 4 9 2 i' 4 5 11 5 1 i 22 37 86 87 88 2 6 1 "i 6 11 1 2 3 G 1 94 1 13 2 i| 9 10 2 6 11 61 IG 55 53 59 25 1,067 73 47 70 38 28 { 68 153 51 77 132 82 82.) 1 2 4 6 1 2 15 1 2 36 39 181 2 T 35 ■i 2 1 1 8 9 3 49 .3 9 20 3 48 2' 10 7 2 2 ."G 17 219 on 1 '""36 12 91 3 13 3 92 3 2 12 18 3 256 38 31) 14 15 5 1 10 54 12 71 12 11 272 9? 2 21 4 35 2 78 2 15C 3 49 52 1,.101 8 134 ""i:i6' 1 58 2 131 G 56 6 40 24 69 "iis 12 155 "169 5 140 64 1, Ml 114 95 23 39 80 158 53 1.353 142 mo 59 133 62 4G 93 113 167 109 143 1,205 o 7 11 47 5 20 4 ""a 228 84 200 16 1 35 18 2i 20 3 27 27 1 47 8 14 17 1 31 42 7 102 5 1 2 32 6 85 12 4 35 4 44 232 408 96 97 8 8 9 98 10 15 20 72 12 512 5a 39 50 73 49 131 8 123 10 83 6(18 s 1 5 6 2 15 1 129 22 6 2 G 12 3 3 1 2 3 4 8 8 2 15 4 11 4 13 87 26 99 inn 3 5 8 15 1 151 t 8 15 4 4 7 8 10 19 15 15 113 1 ...... 10 1 G 218 29 7 .1 7 .1 4 7 3 3 4 3 7 3 54 5 4 28 9 IS 3 17 5 151 41 101 102 1 1 10 11 7 247 9 9 11 6 7 10 54 9 37 21 22 195 14 21 38 98 SO 910 GO 56 70 85 33 6U 213 27 179 52 120 97G 12 41 15 62 33 737 3 39 49 513" G5 22 292" 27 43(1 56 12 112 87 29 501 103 ICi) 339 455 813 2G9 1 8,500 647 508 1,087 406 1, 172 800 809 7,306 566 Table No. '21— Showing, hy Stales and Congressional Districts, the number exempted for each diseast DISEASES. ILLINOIS. COXGIIESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 8. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. la. lU. Total. o IS i i . X 1 'So 1 • •A s 'ss 'a§ a . X h (4 Number exempted. GENERAL DISEASES. 2 51 1 20 1 9 2 3 21 48 4 132 IG 15 51 9 1 o i 1 ■" 'a' 1 21 8 5 4 44 3 1 1 4 34 5 o 1 5 18 5 0 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 Noc-iiialignaiit tumors 2 11 22 1 15 1 11 2 6 1 8 207 17 4 4 82 43 31 17 14 3 88 37 84 1 425 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AXD ITS MEMBRANES, . 7 8 . Total . DISEASES OF THE NERVES. 2 2 6 14 0 1 1 2 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. in 2 14 4 21 2 5 8 130 11 G 1 o 15 5 2 49 T" Neuralgia 11 1 1 1 3 1 3 10 Total 7 1 2 16 17 5 2 28 8 52 138 M50KDF.KS OF THE INTELLECT. 14 15 Imbecility 1 13 7 5 4 3 1 4 1 G 4 2 4 12 2 47 23 lli Insanity 1 17 Total 1 1 20 9 4 4 1 10 C 14 1 70 8 2 3 30 26 10 4 1 4 40 16 72 222 DISEASES AND IN.ITIRIES OF THE EYE AjMD EYELIDS. DISEASES AND IXJUKIES OF THE EYE. Cataract of ri^bt eve 18 3 '"'26' 11 20 4 1 14 0 2 1 1 5 2 28 33 2 2 7 4 12 34 o k5 73 25 50 7 160 142 75 li) Loss of crystallino "lens, ri^bt eye. 1 1 a '/n 3 1 C 8 1 4 ^ 9 1 7 5 2 2 1 21 Partial loss of sigbt.'both oycs ... Diseases of tbc eyes 22 2 Total 10 1 5 CO 30 14 G 11 14 68 25 187 3 434 20 BlSEASliS OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of tbc eyelids 23 2 2 1 3 o 10 12 1 5 60 32 15 9 11 14 G8 27 197 3 434 DISEASES OF THE EAE. Cbronic puruleut otorrlieca 24 1 1 1 2 2 1 20 ' 28 25 DealMliniibDcss 2fi Deafness G 15 3 5 2 4 25 5 10 1 7G G 1 15 4 G 4 4 27 G 30 1 104 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. ■Deformity of nose 27 2 2 'JS Lns.i 111 nose , . 2U Ozicua 1 o 3 Crnuil total 1 2 3 5 567 and diaabiliiij on account of ichich Drafted Men were found unfit for military service — Continued. IOWA. MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. 1 AflNNESOTA. ' GRAND TOTAL. COXGBESSKINAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICTS. 1. a. 1 3. 1 i J ii =3 1 4. 5. 1 HS 0. Total. IS 1 sS « 1 M i. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. Total. 1. 3. 3. 4. 3. fi. Ii Total. 1. 2. Total. ■is illi IS X at IS ■6 P 5 as 1 . II '6 1" gs; -a" 0 .2=0 IS 13' •ii H 1" Number exempted. Number exempted. Number exempted. Number exempted. 1 1 2G 1 38 "io 2.1 10 1 8 3 4 16 30 15 12 3 10 10 2 115 36 19 69 89 5 47 2 8 11 49 22 1 12 24 5 69 2 9 23 73 70 2,479 815 507 1,001 6,065 1 11 c 7 13 23 4 3 3 20 2 17 3 \ I 9 1 2 8 07 9 5 15 41 25 18 93 1 0 2 9 2 0 2 1 1 0 9 10 2 8 2 "i2" 3 15 71 .... 1 .... 1 2 1 4 4 3 22 14 10 2 11 5 0 5 1 30 ii; 23 17 17 lie 15 59 3 21 19 20 137 73 37 18 90 02 50 330 122 59 181 11, 543 1 1 1 .... 1 1 2 1 137 05 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 3 202 834 103 3,574 117 716 1 1 2 1 10 "2 3 "0 1 5 1 8 6 3 15 25 3 3 • 5 1 14 7 io 5 0 1 24 5 3 8 9 ' "i 1 30 '3 1 10 2 2 2 3 12 3 80 2 7 1 55 1 10 1 29 40 3 179 4 95 1 23 ""34' 1 57 in 1 13 11 41 11 I" 3 3 2 1 U .... 1 9 9 .... 0 0 1 3 3 7 10 13 1 IG 14 4 9 2 40 3 91 12 43 7 12 98 31 17 22 C7 31 43 211 27 41 68 4,570 00 1,733 084 33 14 3 1 6 1 2 1 i i 3 14 5 .... 10 8 8 1 3 0 3 2 3 1 27 18 12 4 2 5 I 0 1 1 93 12 10 3 8 0 64 27 3 4 7 6 4 13 15 10 17 4 7 3 19 1 5 1 13 3 19 18 0 9 5 4 45 18 0 8 35 13 14 94 11 6 17 2,516 I 0 j 24 « 73 3 40 21 53 17 19 0 159 50 29 37 5 108 5 50 7 58 332 43 50 93 8, 122 ' 1 4 2 2 3 1 13 3 3 2 3 1 14 3 14 34 5 2 93 18 16 1 1 31 17 10 6 3 54 35 20 569 .52 2,921 1,928 3,447 18 19 8 3 8 16 1 3 14 '"'i' 0 6 5 0 4 2 53 14 13 5 "o' 20 9 28 9 5 5 4 2 23 10 "8 10 9 10 70 18 91 9 20 10 10 1 28 13 3 90 45 70 18 "12" 17 15 94 112 115 106 20 21 22 20 20 24 2 20 2 18 3 14 1 8 9 13 07 14 CO 21 37 19 30 193 43 42 47 ISO 37 70 307 04 1 00 124 8,917 15 9 4 0 1 10 4 3 2 4 13 357 TO 15 1 17 1 13 0 112 14 1 0 2 75 12 1 7 25 1 39 20 3 30 4 1 13 2:19 45 46 3 47 0 129 39 74 380 04 CO 124 8,574 0 21 i 38 7 0 9 31 3 4 7 802 58 2,485 24 1 1 4 0 4 1 9 n 7 .5 21 2 7 7 22 8 6 3D 29 17 121 -27 31 53 26 7 27 5 20 3 7 10 18 C3 22 11 12 46 35 26 152 30 35 03 3,343 1 1 1 •1 1 3 5 1 >2 53 8 135 27 1 2 1 28 2 2 2 1 * 4 29 3 ■••I--- 3 1 0 3 \- 3 1 1 3 8 4 4 190 ■■■ I 5G8 TAliLH No. 21— SIiouUkj, hi) Slules and Coiijinnsioiial ItislriclK, (he iiiiiiiIk r rxcnijiftd for eacli dinc(vie DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE CIKCU- LATOEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE IlEAUT AND ITS AIEMBKANES. Acute disease of licirt Cliioiiic ilisease of heart Total DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. Aneurism Diseases of the Veins. Varicose veins Total. Grand total DISEASES OF THE EESPUiA- TOEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LAIiY.NX. Fistula of the larynx FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LAUVNX. Loss of voice DISEASES OF THE TRACUEA AND UaONCUI. Fistula of the trachea DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acute disease of lung . . . Chronic disease of lung . Total. Grand total. DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND IN.IUK1ES OF THE JAW. Anliylosis of jaw Disease or delorniity of jaw Total. DISEASES, malfohmatioxs, and in- JUKIES IIP THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. Lohs of teeth ILLINOIS— Coutinued. CONGKESSIONAL UISTEICTS. BH 2. 3. 4. 7. 10. 11. 13. 13. Total. Kamber exempted. DISEASES AND IX.IUKIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tODgUO '. D1SE.VSES OK THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate DI.SEASES OF THE SALIVARY GLANDb. Salivary listuta DISEASES UF THE STO.MACU. Aeul e ilisease of stoiuaeti Chronic disease of stomach Total. DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Hei-nia . 23 12 20 18 140 ; Hernia, umbilical Ileinia, ventral Ilei-nia, rt;;lit injxuinal . .. Hernia, h-lt iiixiiitial Hi riiia, diMihle inguinal . Hi'i liia, ritflit femoral U(-rui:i, lelt feuioral Hernia, diuible femoral . . i:'.,-; 71 •J I Total ; 31 I 40 243 3111 207 3!l '■ 'U I 10 I 1 I 6X I 569 aiul dhahiVtIij on arrouni of whi lU 29 1 4 l.Vi 9.> 2dl 4S 20 WISCONSIN— Continued. CONGRESSION.\L DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Total. Number exempted. 144 I 10 118 41 4 33 0 9 1 1 126 36 30 2d 12 59 20 40 19 2D 39 29 30 186 4 II 1|. 102 24 7 30 SO 104 MINNESOTA- Coutiimed. COXd. DISTRICTS. 1. 2. Total. 39 02 83 GRAND TOTAL. Number exempted. 23 107 299 4,322 95 4,145 4.240 8,861 61 21 2.14 iris 44 14 4 3 13 io;i 6G 11 1 1 3.->0 4,212 4,502 4,645 52 li:i 165 9,640 36 150 884 200 10 ft") 18:i 115 17 1 1 196 43 44 75 243 318 7,816 99 273 4,271 2, U40 418 201 99 27 15, 817 570 Table No. 21 — Shotvivg, iy States and Congressional Districts, the number exempted for each diseasa DISEASES. ttLINOIS— Continned. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. •i. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1 Total. £ IS Is r T3 IS 5 Q ■ 'p ii r3 IS -0 •3 M is- Number exempted. 'tli DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SrSTEil— Continued. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM ANU ASUS. 2 2 1 1 G 0 3 11 1 2 3 T i 2 2 2 53 2 1 3 7 I 8 20 30 115 7 1 57 5'J JlBCinoirhoids 1 Total 34 5 1 1 15 15 2 G 1 4 58 11 153 DISEASES 01' THE LIVER. rn DISEASES OF TBE SPLEEN. fi" fi'i Total Gramltotal DISEASES OF THE UEINARY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIU.NEY. Acute disease of Itidney . . . 51 7 ID 140 12^ CO 43 21 311 193 54 308 8 1,039 M fir. Chronic disease of kidney Total DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. Acate disease of bladder fifi m firt Calculus 1 1 2 fill 1 1 8 D SEASES OF THE URETHRA. Stricture of urethra 70 1 1 4 3 1 1 11 71 Urinary listula Total 1 1 4 3 1 1 11 Grand total 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 13 1 1 DISEASES OF THE GENEKA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AXD INJURIES OF OR- GANS OF GEXERATION. DUeases of Fenis. Epispadia 75 1 73 Ilyimspadia Loss ol penis 1 Total 1 1 2 75 Diseases of Tunica Vaginalis. Hydrocele 3 1 1 2 1 7 o 5 "i' 1 1 1 13 10 42 7« Sarcocelo Varicocele 12 1 Total Diseases of Testicle. (;hronic disease of testicle 1 4 3 8 7 1 1 14 12 1 52 78 7'J Ketcntiou of testicle Total "■■ 'l'." Grand total ".*"■•" ■1 3 1 8 8 1 1 1 M 1 1:! 1 54 571 and dixability on account of u-liich Drafted Men were found unfit for militaru service— Continued. IOWA— Continued. MICHIGAN— Continued. WISCONSIN— Continued. MINNESOTA— Continued. GIIAKD TOTAL. COXGliliSSIONAL DISTKICTS. COXOUESSIOSAL DISTRICTS. COXGRKSSIOXAL DISTKICTS. COXG. mSTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. 1. a. Total. -a" gs ■3 3~ -3" 3 ii 0 •i ..-5 is 1 . Is ■3 is -3" is s be 3' 3 ci IS h Ik -3' '3" S .2=' 0 -3' g=f 1 . Number exempted. Number exempted. Number exempted. Number exempted. 1 4 1 2 « 1 3 3S 8 '3 3 13 1 4 2 a 2 9 7 30 14 ll ■J 1 1 1 2 1 2 19 2 2 1 a 3 13 9 47 9 1 15 1 ...... 1 16 1 538 1,929 414 36 5fi 1 .1 14 1 9 1 2 2 3 7 2 57 58 VI u i a 3 15 10 4 47 3 17 3 9 8 11 51 15 3 3 23 5 IG C5 17 1 18 2,917 1 18 12 17 2 2 1 8 12 1 103 421 60 12 2 1 1 1 61 . 1 12 12 2 1 1 1 29 2 3 8 13 52G — 7 30 62 1 1 2 1 1 (if 1 1 2 1 1 37 29, 664 93 638 721 94 109 64 62 51 149 98 63 4S 4R 459 115 228 56 113 93 110 715 120 104 137 319 272 213 1,1G5 323 172 495 4 4 4 1 8 10 64 G 2 1 1 10 5 65 G 2 1 1 10 5 8 5 13 ''^ 1 1 8 2 4 8 1 "2 1 1 2 2 1 1 66 67 1 1 1 1 68 1 69 ... 1 1 1 1 2 1 ll 9 0 1 I 13 3 2 1 2 e 329 1 1 2 3 1 4 3 8 • 3 1 9 1 3 3 283 21 70 71 2 1 3 ....! 1 4 3 8 2 2 1 2 3 1 10 3 3 300 2 ^ 4 1 1 IG 2 3 4 5 31 10 1 2| 2 12 1 7 34 3 3 1,356 1 1 5 1 1 3 2 6 2 21 39 23 72 1 1 1'" ... 4 1 73 1 1 74 2 5 2 4 3 == * ' 4 1 1 j 0 1 C 2 1 1 1 7 1 5 3 G 8 1 1 83 1 5 IS \^ 14 1 1 1 2 4 5 1 4 14 28 2 22 "n 14 53 7 21 ""4 7 25 328 1,514 73 76 77 1,842 428 148 == 7 C 3 = 1 17 2 1 21 1 2 1 1 3 1 9 5 1 42 3 f* 12 3 1 8 24 13 9 G9 28 4 32 0 5 1 ... 2 4 "i' 2 5 12 78 i'" - 79 I i 3 I 2 1 ■J ! 10 7 3 1 4 1 2 17 570 !■•■ ; 1 7 1 ** 3 1 17 5 20 4 5 D 9 1 58 20 G ; 13 2G 20 9 94 29 4 1 33 !i 2, 501 572 Table No. 21— Sltovijig, hy States and Congressional Districts, the number exempted for each disease ' DISEASES. ILLINOIS— Continued. C0XGBE8SI0SAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. la. 13. Total. 1 £ Is '3" s 'is c — X s -a F 'A 1 . 5 £3. M §2- Number exempted. 80 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOAIOTIOX. DISEASES OF 1:0XES. Chronic (iise.lse uf huiics DISEASES AND IXJUIUES OF THE JOINTS. 5 14 4 4 5 1 2 3 7 45 PI 5 5 3 1 23 G 15 14 13 8 1 9 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 4 11 13 9 53 5 16 4 31 59 47 1 112 107 162 1 Total 13 7 2 1 2 48 32 4 6 18 4 4 5 1 '' 19 77 10 25 1 3 137 11 27 1 1 381 52 DISEASES OF THE Sl'lXE. F'l 10 7 1 1 DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Discaaes of Muticle. PS 4 1 11 65 IHteases of Tendon. fin 1 1 s 3 1 2 5 13 25 15 3 fi7 Clnb-ibot 8 1 i F>H 2 Total 8 2 5 3 1 1 1 7 15 43 33 2 3 7D 51 30 9 17 23 101 39 197 2 386 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. Obesity PI • DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. 9 1 7 29 22 226 so 1 2 9 1 "9 0 0 1 15 4 38 ill 2 7 12 133 92 1 13 1 4 9 1 1 13 1-: 10 4 2 4 57 17 147 277 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- raLY ASSOCIATED WITH GE.NEIiAL OK LOCAL DIS- EASE. Dclicicnt eizo of chest 93 94 Dulurmit v of chest 1 4 4 54 3 24 2 10 3 91 3 41 20 404 3 42 717 9j Pel maUL-ut physical debility Grauil total 32 4 10 21 13 3-J 4 5 58 27 12 18 21 13 94 44 430 3 759 LOCAL IN.JDEIES. LOCALITY OE IXJUUY .NOT SPECIFIED. Fractures : Loss of limb 9(i 97 6 4 1 1 2 19 5 9 15 5 11 7 1 a 11 3, 2 1 5 2 3 58 3 60 12 ii 87 20 30 1 3 1 228 41 139 98 Wounds 4 Total 10 4 4 33 31 11 4 14 1 5 10 121 23 137 5 408 I.NJUUIE.S AND MALFOUMATIOXS OF Uri'EK EXTKEMIillS. Defects or deformities of liand - . . Loss of tliumb 99 100 2 1 15 2 7 3 2 2 4 3 23 G 6 S 28 3 2 94 19 Total 2 1 17 10 5 1 3 29 8 31 2 113 INJUKIE3 AND MALFOU.ll.vriOXS OF LOWEIt EXTltEMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot . . . Loss of greul too 101 1 11 4 24 4 1 1 5 1 i 23 13 C 1 93 i 175 26 lu-j Total 1 15 28 5 1 fi 8 3C 7 95 1 20! Grand total 13 25 4 5 U.'i 07 21 lU 15 21 18C 38 263 H C 34 Hi 494 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of intemnl organs. io:i 2 2 84 aa 8 13 7 30 150 40 103 Total exempted for all diseases 214 31 SI 650 438 2-20 148 117 147 1,047 3J3 1,888 5,3J4 ■ 1 573 and disahilitii on acconnt oftchich Drafted Men trci-e found unfit for military serrice — Contimieil, 1 1 lOTTA— Continued. UIC DIG AX— Continued. WISCONSIN— Continued. MINXESOTA- Coutiuiled. GRAND TOTAL. ; COXGRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. COXGRESSIOXAL PISTRICIS. COXGRESSIOXAL PI6T1UCI8. COXG . DISTIUCXS. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. Total. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. 1. 8. & 4. s. 6. Total. i. «. Total. 1 3 5 S •si- ce •3 E = P4 1 71 _' ills 3 s Is - 0*" X 1 ii? P4 i Is' •a r •a So is 1 . "5 1* I3 if- 1^ Number cxenipttd. Number exempted. Number exempted. Number exempted. 4 ' 5 1 5 14 o 12 7 14 3 1 3 19 4 4 e 3 7 a 23 15 11 6 8 15 55 23 11 14 11 24 11 44 49 E4 175 S3 a S5 S,.177 BO 9 39 31 30 7 21 2 7 43 G 3 22 0 13 2 15 23 8 3 8 7 5 61 103 .37 91 14 22 13 11 47 29 10 9 5 IG 19 38 IS 129 113 74 13 14 15 36 2 10 49 10 as 3.145 4.494 1,755 81 83 U 6 1 23 8 7 2 2 17 5 1 2G 3 18 2 3 1 11 ll'.U 30 S 5G 31 C 30 3 34 7 30 201 B9 30 43 4G 8G 30 73 31G 42 48 j 90 9,394 84 SS 2 19 11 12 12 5 10 54 23 19 116 33 13 34 1.684 1 3 19 4 5 13 G 4 32 1 4 S3 61 19 120 18 4 32 1.345 10 4 1 i a 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 9 '2 la 2 '3' 2 9 6 1 3 6 "24 4 3 2 15 40 2 a 12 1 5 7 19 31 1 1,058 695 08 86 87 88 1 5 1 1 4 3 l.*) 1 G G G 13 2 34 3 11 7 9 24 9 03 15 24 1 39 1,821 lU 53 4 11 30 4 2 6 31 30 19 Its 33 02 59 58 08 41 351 80 84 78 210 187 139 790 120 90 1 210 10,821 '-^- 1 1 1 1 #'*'*' s as3 fX* 1 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 223 540 779 9, 9.3:1 3,578 G 12 30 7 11 13 1 "'s' 1 G 12 4 5 5 4 14 23 47 '3 14 0 4 7 2 14 "12 G 14 1 42 8 5 15 29 25 95 0 10 17 ...... 92 9 14 39 in o 3 3' 2 5 91 92 5 Ifi 12 5 3 7 43 7 4 2 30 31 9 19 14 4 84 17 G 23 18 57 23 149 30 20 m 1 37 ":i' 57 .5 13 268 3 20 77 100 31 11 14 11 100 ""s 72 ii 15.-. 17 53 48.i 2,049 1,010 1.3, G.:0 Ol 'is 18 = 4 5 37 42 19 o nii ee 12 1 4 10 H U 9 26 20 10 i 4 4U 44 l.'i 2i7 3 70 1 18 4 70 1 42 43 9 0 27 4 34 38 24 1 8 IGG 71 10 237 94 95 242 42 73 19 74 38 00 300 131 60 100 538 174 73 247 18,715 11 "9 67 1 29 30 "g' 17 G 93 4 4 7 11 4 14 14 8 IG 34 G 33 110 28 171 30 3 27 58 3 14 31 9 92 189 33 171 47 "54' 27 8 11 74 8 65 3,003 oe.i 4, 3.39 8, 043 98 97 1 3 98 5 1 13 2i 15 19 o 20 5 11 8 1 20 8 4 97 3!1 118 15 i9 25 2 38 15 1 10 3 309 02 29 2 3U 6 0 25 8 2 no 73 132 3S6 101 40 147, 39 G 7 17 2 8 1 88 9 12 2 8 10 19 8 82 20 10 5 3 ! 19 5 3. 003 413 99 100 15 25 o 2 20 1 7 2 9 4 12 45 7 19 » 27 10 19 97 31 8 10 14 18 27 108 at 3 21 1 3,4;8 4,040 43.1 10 8 79 7 28 4 9 3 6 4 13 1 11 3 07 15 30 7 1(1 15 41 4 23 W 09 4 194 28 58 ■ 7 32 1 80 8 101 103 ! '^ 27 21 9 4 12 to 4) 32 12 10 14 14 82 37 21 15 43 31 73 222 65 93 88 4,470 10, 599 19 10 24 42 12 33 15 228 24 17 200 44 6 2J1 225 109 30 00 C8 23 439 100 3G .;03" 468 130 3 07 41 50 39 55T 125 74 124 70 232 728 187 72 239 84 8 1X1 G r.s 290 110 349 97 29 120 0, OS! 141,097 103 ;iC8 1 47J 301 1,007 33:> 1,110 230 |0.i4 3,283 809 507 1,4J0 1,173 1, 101 5, 082 1,317 093 2,010 T^BLE No. 22, THE RELATION OF LOCALITY D I S E A. S E. DRAFTED MEN. Number Examined, 501,002. Number Rejected, 141,697. 576 Table No. 22—Shomng, hj Sta'ca and CoiirjreSHwnal Districts, the ratio exempted, per l.OOO cxnmived. for Total number examined 501,002. MAINE. NEW HAMPSHIKE. COXGRESSIOXAL DISTEICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. a. 3. Total. 1- lo- F4 15 w Co ■g=_ rt.1. Examined, 20,479. 13" Ci P4 C -" 5 E;vtio exempted pc r 1,000 examined. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. GENERAL DISEASES. .349 6.274 1. 040 1.743 2. 4 10 22. 307 .049 6. 7:19 1. 025 1.307 5.811 16. 407 12. 890 . 220 .079 10.410 2.-I. 34.-1 4.436 . 0.i4 1.207 .422 12. 252 5.468 .713 1.004 ll.(C:0 7.608 4.470 2.588 1.047 3.529 16. 467 12. 839 '"i.'l41 17. 404 4.565 . 320 .329 4. 036 5. 902 .100 .,599 7. 191 8.489 Nnii-malignantturaors Scrofula . .577 2.018 17. 584 1.310 2. 632 Pbtbisia piilmoDalis 49. 559 34. 15S 19.011 27. 104 29. 099 31.398 35. D49 4. 607 24. 214 22.371 DISEASES OF THE NJiBVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASKS OF THE Hn.\IN AKD ITS ME.M1IKANF.S. .905 .476 .233 .293 .049 .'285' .987 .300 .100 .905 .713 . 342 .285 .987 .399 DISEASKS OF THE XEKVES. 2.716 2.788 .634 1.189 1.882 1.758 1.141 3.620 9.594 .577 8.071 .805 3.171 2.397 FUXCTIONAL DISEASES OP THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. .226 10. 183 .211 5. 4U2 .476 7. 370 .713 2.140 .235 5.410 1.170 . 235 .244 7. 422 .391 1.901 .200 7.201 .709 2. 297 10. 580 .300 8.589 3.605 9.411 7. 133 1. 427 1. 141 6.581 Stammciing Total 4.300 1.394 I. 207 2. 6.!2 14. 709 10.8^5 6.971 10. 609 7.057 9.961 9.700 .285 7.418 4. 280 9.214 .329 8. 220 2.303 J 2. 684 .288 10. 089 4. 324 DISORDEUS OF THE INTELLECT. .349 7. 320 3.137 "'"s.'seo' 1. U90 "'"o.'csi" 1.427 .'700' 2.352 .049 4. 151 2.442 3.847 3.847 Total . 7.004 10. 805 5.070 8. Od4 3. 058 6 641 11 98J 10. 859 14. 7U2 li .584 20. 024 24. 309 12. 674 20. 6,S5 11.997 18.702 2!. 110 24. 679 29.980 2.5.906 DISEASES AND INJUKIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND IiNJURlES OF THE EVE. .679 .697 1.479 . 21 1 4.4;o 3. 501 .Hi .238 .941 .47(1 .941 .830 .14o 4. 340 3. 272 5.016 .329 2.306 .283 .2S8 .577 V^ 300 .899 . 100 3. 390 .200 1 1 7>^-, L<:sa of ciystalliue'lena, rijjhteyo. 3.394 10. i.:j 4. 300 8.714 1.743 9. 002 5.700 8.559 . 087 l*:atial l<».s^^ of tiijriit.'lwtli uyea. . - 11.883 4.234 9. 980 13. 102 Total DISKASKS OF TlIK EVEI.1D8. Diseases of tlio cyclitla 18. 5.56 .079 21.216 10. 139 .634 17.832 .713 6.587 14.210 18. 545 14. 478 15. 8.55 1 16 379 .349 1.882 .879 80^ •ifin Grninl total •""■ 1 1 19.235 2.037 . 453 5. 4.(1 20. 5i;5 10.773 18. 545 8.4(i9 15. 089 18. 545 14. 478 10.720 1 16.678 DISEASES OF THE EAR. Chrouic iiiirulcnt otorrhce.i l)i-afilniiil)iRss 4.183 "5.'577 2.112 "2.535 4. 012 ■""3.091 2. 352 . 235 2.82;) 2. 832 .140 3. 700 .571 ""h'.biii .087 .329 1.974 3.171 ""7.'78'l 1.598 .100 5. 593 l)ualut.>Bli Grand total DISEASES AND IX.rUEIESOF THE NOSE. Di'forniitv of noso 7.92. 0. 750 4.047 7.133 5.410 6. 7.:9 7.133 3. 291 10. 954 7. 201 .211 .470 .140 .285 .577 .300 [.OSS (it llOflO U;:;cua Graud total .713 .140 [ .329 .100 : 1 .211 .713 .470 .293 1 . 285 1 . 329 .577 1 399 377 lach disease and disaiilily on account of u-liich Drafitd Men were found unfit for military service. Total number exempted 141,683. VERMONT. MASSACHUSETTS. CONfiliESSlONAL DISrRICTS. CONOUESSIONAT. DISTRICTS. 1. 3. 3. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. fj. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total. 5 0 P4 -a a 0 •A 0 IS P4 5 ES .eg ■8 Sin Eoa 0" Co E^. Ratio exem'd per 1,000 exam'd. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. ' '4.'m3 13.7C5 4.389 1.007 .732 1. 629 .SCO 8.977 .449 1.795 7. Ir-I 22. SCO '5.' 5.37' . 554 .631' 4. 4.10 11.489 \ .289 3.311 .289 .578 2.889 12. 133 .316 2. .V20 1.579 .632 10. 736 .032 .195 6.040 4.300 1. 7.-)9 .783 2. .541 .189 7.708 3. 979 1. 137 4.108 9. 284 .338 15. 413 1. 4:;4 1. 792 5.370 11. Ill .345 20. 943 11.399 '9.326 18. 053 1.405 4.919 1.054 .275 7. 753 2.011 1. 1-27 .5. 140 9. 303 1 3.854 1. 130 .771 6. 166 40. 077 - 4.830 6.154 .0.17 1.061 3. 183 1. 061 2 3 2.841 11.304 10 511 1.405 5 6 2i 104 8. 413 41.293 22 84) 18. 492 IC. 419 10.324 90.523 33.484 66. 6(u 52. 02.1 8.784 29. 545 12. 097 26. 168 ■ 3. 518 .782 2.274 5.733 1.0-!0 1. 727 .771 ..351 .568 .212 1.512 .522 7 2.889 3 2.689 4.300 2.274 3.733 2.703 .771 .3.31 ..508 .212 2.034 1.7Cd .44-2 12. 378 •ios! 15. 473 .733 .732 6. 5,-'4 .306 2. 195 9.87C 1.346 6.' 732' ■1. 039 10.772 1.94G .415 8.444 .138 2. !;07 11.005 4.912 7. 512 .578 3. 467 .947 1.173 3. 221 2.509 .345 5.395 1.130 .849 2.007 q .033 6.947 "i.'.579 ■ '5. 082 1. 7.-i9 .782 .189 0.031 .758 1. 310 1.541 .'38.5 2.097 .852 8.5-23 .508 1. 130 .849 7.003 . 424 1.273 .3.93 6. 844 . CU3 1.594 10 12.903 aisi 7.254 .343 7.027 .:i5i 2. 108 11 12 n 11. .557 9. 1.57 7.02;! 9.094 13. 034 7.509 4. 024 9.487 11.080 9. 550 U. 428 .195 .977 .782 .379 .189 1.510 .771 8. 092 1.150 .137 4.460 2. 199 . 055 14 .5. 747 1. 3-;o 11. 339 .732 2.093 .898 0.921 .909 6.643 3.407 .289 7. 894 4. 421 11.111 8.151 1.030 4. 8 iO .345 5. 022 3.80D 7. 935 1.130 2. 1-33 .849 15 10 17 7.073 13. 070 3. 591 7.891 10. 402 1-2. 314 1. 955 2.084 13.262 0.218 10.1:19 9.487 9.091 2.971 C. 672 24. 315 22. 077 15. 709 21.041 29. 700 .289 22.419 15. 051 10. 673 1.137 36. 339 16. 926 SO. 803 19. 3-25 21. 873 13.582 20. .341 .449 .138 .947 .977 1.030 .345 5. .527 1. 0.36 23.143 .771 ""6.'936 "19.20? 2.108 ""4.'508' .351 3.805 .568 "i6."227 1.273 "0.791 2.129 8. 277 .933 .027 0. 4:i3 1.7.59 13. 8C0 IR 19 4.421 3.537 3.5:17 11.494 6. 9.-,0 SO. 4c'3 5. 380 1.340 0. 7;i2 13. 914 3. 045 0 645 5.814 15. 042 3.178 12. 424 5.779 9.473 .316 22. 103 4.300 .782 14.60.1 .758 ..379 16. 803 18.638 17.921 ■;o -:>i 9.091 32 21. 670 32.639 20. 719 19. 136 30. 559 31.(88 20. 973 10.892 19. 880 .852 18. 403 3.608 22. 980 1.292 .360 .449 .277 3.178 .310 .977 .189 1. 073 1.030 1.034 23 11.494 20. 849 14.363 13. 919 24.848 33. 154 21. 697 19. 320 37. 634 32. 124 26. 975 11. 947 20. 739 23.071 24. 272 1.768 1.829 1.346 1.661 5.201 4.105 ".195 8.014 1.895 .379 4. 926 2.151 5.735 1. 727 • .091 10.017 2.097 .771 9. 634 1.403 1.4-20 .568 3. 693 2.334 .424 3.008 2. 172 .302 6. 322 24 25 2. 053 6. 584 4.937 4. 845 8. 379 9.157 1. 7.37 26 4. 4-.;l 8.413 6. 284 0.506 13. 580 1:!. 202 8. 210 7.200 7. 883 12.435 13. 102 3.162 5.683 0. 367 8.7D0 1.579 .137 27 23 . 29 .391 1. 137 .284 . 424 ."03 1 1.579 .391 ._1!^ 1 .284 .424 .440 1 1 =1 73 578 Table No. 22 Showing, by States and Conyressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. MAINE— continued KEW HAMPSHIRE— Coutinuud. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1- n^ 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. a; w 5 0 — 1^ = .■> S Co ■:: 0 1'h 11 Katio exempted per 1,000 examined. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 30 31 DISEASES OF TOE dECU- LATOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF TIIK IIRAUT AND ITS JIKMDliANES. Acuto disease of Iioait .453 47. 009 1.040 30. 073 0.337 15. -120 10. 099 2.853 .700 8.469 4.053 20. 303 2.283 13. 407 .799 8.689 10. 859 Total DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. 47. 522 31.718 21. 757 13.5.-.2 9.174 24.415 17. 089 10. 859 9. 488 32 .470 .098 .658 .577 .399 Diseases of the Veins. 33 16. 740 17.428 14. 787 IG. 043 13. 879 15.773 12.839 5. 923 7.783 8.988 10.740 17. 4i8 14.787 10. 043 14. 350 15. 870 12. 839 0.581 8.3C0 9.388 04.208 49. 140 36. 544 30. 193 23. 524 40. 285 30. 528 17.440 8.360 18. 873 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA- TOllY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LAKV.NX. FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LAHYNX. ys .220 .349 .238 .146 DISEASES OF TUE TRACHEA AND BRONCHI. Fistula "ftbo trachea % DISK.4SES OF THE LUNG. 37 5.431 2.48D 1.743 21.202 ""is." 426' 3.500 21.874 1.170 20. 400 2.393 13. 821 4.2K0 23. 110 .329 .577 3.747 1.798 9.388 3R Total 7.920 23.005 1.5. 420 23. 440 21. 042 18. 214 27. 3p9 .329 4.324 11. 185 8.147 23. 333 15. 420 25. 078 21. 043 18. 300 27. 389 .329 4.324 11.185 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JAW. Ankylosis of jaw T> .238 .238 .233 . 233 .098 . 293 40 Disease ur deformity of jaw Total .453 .422 .285 .100 .453 .422 .470 .470 .391 .285 .100 21. 073 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. Loss of teeth 41 15. ;iS8 13.942 7.393 0.637 7.998 10.010 13. 980 .30. 273 20. 179 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of toiiguo 49 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palato 43 .079 .349 AlK, .713 .439 .285 .987 .863 .699 DISEASES OFTUE SALIVARY GLANDS. Salivary fistula DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acute (liscaso of stomach 44 .235 .049 .288 .409 1.198 45 1.743 1.882 .233 . 035 1.000 .571 3.424 .038 40 Chronic disease of stomach Total 1.584 3.802 1.002 1.584 25.571 1.743 3.802 1.902 2.117 2.295 22. 120 .049 .391 5. 127 3.027 .439 .195 3.994 .658 .288 1.698 23.769 DISEASES OF THE INTESTLNES. 47 34. 158 15.209 18. 069 .238 .713 7. 370 5. •!C8 I. Ie9 .2:18 22.113 19. 971 20. 324 25. 308 48 Hernia, umbilical 4U Uoinia, ventral Herniii, lisbt insuinal Helinia, left iu^uinal Hernia, dfiuble in;:uinal .220 3.108 .079 .220 . 42-2 1.901 1. O.-iO .470 11.291 4.705 .700 .470 .577 4. 324 2. 883 1.133 .200 1.997 1.398 .399 .200 51 52 53 54 1. 040 3.834 1.141 .571 .329 .058 Hernia, left Jcmoral .2ii .571 55 Hernia, doubiu femoral .235 .049 Total 29. 87 1 39. 038 18. 800 33. 386 39. 991 31. 398 22.254 27. 312 34. 304 27. 964 579 disease and dlsahiUti/ on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for militarij service — Continued. TKEilONT— Contianed. iXASSACHUSETTS— CoDtinuefl. COXCKESSIOSAL DISTRICTS. COXGBESSIOXAL DISTKICTS. 1. 3. 3. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 0. 10. Total. s li 1. 1 = 00 go '3 0 So 5 .5 ^ 1 0 Is Ratio eiem'd per 1,000 exam'd. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. 'ii.'494 0.950 14.2ti3 ii'gii 9.630 13.289 5.008 9.187 .345 50. 080 3.083 12.717 1.405 9.838 .652 ■ 11.043 1.237 14. 431 30 31 18.781 18. 781 12.940 9.0C3 15. 412 6.579 11. 494 21. 211 13.914 1 15.919 12. 940 14. 855 9. 063 15. 412 50.432 15.800 11.244 12. 500 0. 579 15.068 10.091 8.523 ..580 .358 .335 .984 212 . 192 32 6.059 12. 821 C. 218 9. 425 1 9. 275 13.642 13.620 14. 102 14.644 7.027 5.682 18. 039 11.242 33 li P21 0. 218 9.425 1 9.275 10. 091 8.525 C. 040 13. 042 13.978 14.102 15.029 7.027 .5. 906 18.251 11.435 £4.313 27. 432 23. a">!) 1 25. 194 29.471 21.471 21. 501 23. 304 29. 391 04. 594 30.829 1 18.271 18.406 24. 630 27. 103 - 34 .289 .632 .193 .189 .284 .192 .449 .138 .351 35 36 •■ 1.368 19.547 1.137 10. 105 6.810 20.072 1 .568 9.659 1.273 16. 978 1.100 17. 537 37 38 14. 147 20.483 7.181 14.390 9.824 35.365 24. 525 9.634 j 14.400 14. 147 20. 483 7.181 14.390 9.824 35. 305 20. 913 17. 241 20. 882 24. 525 9. 634 1 14.4S0 10.227 13. 251 18. 037 14. 147 20. 433 1 7. 630 14. 535 10. 113 35. 990 21.110 17. 431 26.882 24. 5-25 9.034 1 14.758 10.511 18.251 18. 829 .195 .195 .027 .247 39 40 .289 .310 .379 .345 .568 .212 1 .289 .316 .391 .379 .345 1 .568 .212 .275 ( 8.842 33. 285 17.056 20. 020 34. 672 30.028 ia705 23.115 45. 101 30. 397 28.510 47. 78G 28.125 63.455 34. 552 41 /\^ 1.346 .413 .807 .632 1.075 .984 .849 .357 44 .289 5.490 ".'316 .193 2.932 ".'758 .717 .345 1.382 .137 1.704 1.346 .415 3.408 .351 1.136 l.OGl 46 1.340 .415 5.779 .316 3. 127 .758 .717 1.727 3.468 .351 1.136 1.001 1.842 38. 462 49.378 31.418 40.421 15.025 19. 893 .310 ' '2.'2i6 .947 15. 037 .195 '2. 150 1.935 13.203 19.355 25. 907 25. 819 30. 218 .351 .703 .351 .351 .351 27.841 .832 .2i4 4. Mj 1.989 19. 100 90.201 .103 .407 3.216 2.391 . 0.55 .2;5 .035 . 0.53 47 4^ .442 "V8S4 .138 1. 5Si .909 .807 4.334 3.178 .289 .189 5.110 3.410 9. 122 6!l54 6.151 49 1.463 .306 3. 142 1.795 .717 .358 2.073 .091 1.150 1.927 50 51 .310 .193 1.137 .434 .212 51 .289 54 . 032 55 2:i. 982 39.783 51.207 1 36. 353 1 43. 051 24.313 20. 133 23. 115 £0.430 23.670 28.902 32. 326 33.311 34. 108 26.883 580 Table No. '22—Shmei)ig, hj States and Cougrcaaioiial DiatrictK, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 eramiiiaf, for each DISEASES. MAIXE- Continuet KEVV HAMPSHIRE— Continued. COXGRESSIOXAL DISTKICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. ]. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. 1^ Of a _; a/ Ho 'a Ratio exempted per 1,000 exainiucd. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 5(1 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Cnntinuwl. DISEASES OFTHE UECTUM AND AXUS. . no.-i 4. aco .8-30 1.046 11. 154 .338 3. .506 .713 1.170 7. 057 1.882 .635 5.274 .732 .049 . 6.'58 1.316 1. 1.53 1. 1.-.3 .803 . 599 1. .598 . 300 .100 2.597 1.498 '-,7 2.535 .034 2.282 'it .285 5. e,-i7 1-a. 1D9 3. 109 4.517 10. 115 0. 6!J0 2. 568 1. 974 3.171 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Acnte disease of liver fin 6.110 1.411 1. 270 3.223 2.853 1.441 fii Chrouic disease of liver 3.847 2.768 4.430 3.329 Total i 1.498 3. 817 3.768 4.430 3. 329 7. 528 4.492 2. 853 1.441 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acute disease of spleen - fio .700 .146 . 049 fin .211 Total .811 .706 .195 57. 470 70. 059 38. 057 50. 680 69. 100 53. 900 40. 2S0 01.204 60. 248 55. 028 .699 DISEASES OF THE URINAET SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. Acute disease of kidney Chronic disease of kidney Total (14 6. 5C:) . yjo 5.577 .941 .470 2.393 1. 307 1. 427 .6,58 C'l 3.591 1. 902 (i.7b9 5.577 3. 591 1.902 1.411 3. 700 1.427 . 058 .699 DISEASES OF THE DLADDEH. Acute disease of bladder 60 1.131 4.880 .238 .706 I. 123 . 140 . 098 .146 1.141 .329 .499 07 Clirnnic disease of bladder .634 OS C;;lculu8 .476 .577 .288 .200 . 1(10 09 lucoutinence of uriue .453 .349 Total 1.584 5. -228 .034 .713 .706 1.514 1.141 .329 .865 .'28a' .799 DISEASES OF THE UUETHUA. Stricture of urethra 70 .697 .238 .146 .285 .100 .100 .801 71 Urinary fistula Total .697 .238 .146 . 88.-i .288 Grand total 8.373 11.502 4. 225 2.833 2. 117 5.420 2.853 .987 1.153 1.693 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND rNJUItlES OF OIl- 0AN8 OF GENEKATION. IHscases of Penie. Epispadia 72 7a II .vptjs 1)11(1 ia 74 Loss of penis Total Dismses of Tunica Yaginalu. Hydrocele Sareocele Varicocelu 2.788 1 1. 502 75 " i.'sio 3. 329 4.517 1. on 3.764 1.416 3.858 .285 .830 .329 .329 2.306 9.225 .999 3.595 77 .634 Total i.eio 1.131 14. 291 .034 7.840 5.410 .5. 274 1.141 .058 1.645 11.531 1. 153 4. .594 1.898 Diseases of Testicle. Chronic disease of testicle Ueleut ion of testicle . , 7H 79 3.834 2.091 4. 858 1.207 .838 .951 2. 352 .470 2. 442 . 879 2.853 Total 1.131 X. 94J 5. 923 K. 120 1. 189 2. 8!3 3. 320 2.853 1. 045 1. 1."i3 1.898 0 492 Grand total 20.810 0.760 9.035 8.233 8. 594 3.994 2.301 12 Ot4 581 dlscau and disabUity on account of u-hich Drafted Moi uxtc found unfil fur miUlarij saTicc — Coutiiiucd. VEEMON^T— CoEtinued. MASSACHUSETTS— Coutinned. COXGItESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. COXGRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. Total. 1. a. 3. 4. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total. = 55 5 0 ■is 1 . H 0 5 1^ 0 .Sao 5 g« ■u r 1 So 0 g' (4 i 1^ Katio cxcmVl per 1,000 pxam'd. Batio exempted per 1,000 examined. .884 3.Ki7 1.037 l.OU? .419 .449 1.340 .449 .831 1.601 .415 .138 2.311 6.068 .632 5.064 1.564 3.714 1.759 2.653 3. -221 2.274 .758 3 584 9.319 '"'.'sm' 1.727 4.145 .345 .771 1.150 .284 5. 398 .568 .637 5.093 1. 273 1.437 4.508 .635 .275 "ifi 1. 7.57 .37 59 .289 .316 1. 1.36 59 4. 421 2. 193 2. 693 3.043 8.668 6.631 7.037 8. 905 I 13. 262 6.218 1 3.083 1.737 6.250 7.003 7. 004 1 60 2.633 . 449 .969 1.156 2. 526 1. 564 .568 9 867 2.763 i.927 7. 670 .637 2.034 1 61 - - 2. Ii.i3 .449 .969 1. 13C 2. 52B 1. .564 .568 ! 2.867 2.763 1 1.927 7.670 .637 2. 034 O-'' .867 1.075 1 .163 63 1 .867 1.075 i .165 So. 703 86.C86 59. 240 68. 522 76. 279 65. 362 51. 016 50. 840 ' 84. 588 70.121 1 05.890 82. 231 79. 545 107. 385 73 172 .037 4.755 .351 2.108 64 2.210 2, 926 .803 2.076 13. 3.-:0 .632 3.714 3. 600 8. 602 2.418 2.312 8.523 2.759 65 2. 210 2.926 .898 2.076 13. 5S0 j . 632 j 3. 714 3.6.^0 8.002 j 2.418 ; 2.313 2.460 8.533 2.759 t 4.783 .867 1. 443 .289 .289 .180 .947 -.717 .717 .351 1.054 .568 .424 .302 .742 .027 .192 66 .947 .691 2.697 67 68 .193 _1R9 .691 .331 .284 69 2.689 .867 .579 . 947 1 . 195 j 1. 326 | 1. 434 1.382 1 2.GD7 1.757 .853 .424 , 1.2 Ulcers Graud total 3.394 8.365 10.773 5.700 3.999 0.397 2.568 4.936 6.630 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- ItlLY AS.SOCIATED WITH OENEUAL Oil LOCAL DIS- EASE. 9.1 5.884 6.147 39. 063 3.486 6. 274 69. 23'J 0. .'■>48 2 535 33. 587 2.853 4.755 28.055 .235 4.470 54. 340 3.906 S. 127 50. 031 13. 124 1.997 36. 519 7.897 8.883 45. 081 6.991 3. 693 41.846 52.TJ1 1.093 .899 5.393 94 95 Delbnaity ol" clicst Permaui'iit physical debility Grand total LOCAL INJURIES. I.OC.VLITY OF IXJf RY NOI SI'ECIFIED Fractures 1.441 44. 393 73. 093 98. 989 42. 670 35. 663 59. 045 59.085 51. 641 61.862 45. 835 9(1 1.610 1.810 17. 198 6. 274 2. 091 1. 394 2.957 .845 1.056 1.902 .951 13. 790 1.647 2.686 1.074 16. 700 .285 2.282 7.133 4.612 .288 7. 207 97 9R 40. 813 1. 310 Total 20. 819 10. 662 1.584 9. ~:>3 4.858 16. 643 48. 4.->9 20. 460 9.700 10.556 2. 568 1.310 10. 839 .C38 12. 107 14. 702 7. 990 12. 084 1.298 13. 381 i.\jiim;s Axn malformations of lI'FElt E.\TREMITIES. Defects or delbriuitios of hand . . LosH of thuiub 99 100 10. 457 1. 743 n. 928 1.030 4. 042 1.004 1.882 7. 323 1. 172 Total 12.446 12. 199 10.984 5.706 1.882 8.497 13. 124 11.517 15.278 LNJL'RIES AND MAUOR.M.VTIONS OF LOWER EXTREMITIES. Defect 8 or dfforniitio.s of foot Loss of creat toe 101 lOi 20. 703 20. 565 12.866 1.690 15. 434 1.664 8. 233 .706 16. f.05 .879 13. 692 15.406 10. 9.i4 .863 13. 982 .300 14. 281 Total Graud total 26. 703 20. 565 14. 573 17. 118 8.939 17. 3i:4 15.692 .13.460 11.619 S9.S68 42.524 no. 418 25. 137 39. 467 59.280 40.340 38.516 28.299 2.962 277.723 39.204 35.634 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs Katio exempted for all diseases 103 18.783 9.739 37.328 17.878 2S.009 385. 419 9.700 324. 679 7.495 6.891 309. 298 404.811 478. 913 297. 000 364.717 3sa t;9 321. 416 583 disease and disniilUy on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for military service — Continued. VEEMOJT r— Continued. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. COXOBEfflOnXL DISTRICTS. CO.NOKESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 1. IS S. 3. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. e. 7. S. 9. 10. Total. Cod '3' is! r O -a' o .2t-' ss '3 o .5 = ceo 0 0 -S P So a". Katio esem'd per 1,000 esam'd. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 4. 803 6. 534 8.079 6.506 5.490 3.158 3.323 5.495 1.434 7.599 3.468 4.919 15.623 10.011 6.295 eo 20.330 .442 5.480 12. 070 732 3.142 5.835 3.045 13. 733 .415 7.512 17. 336 2.839 9.157 27.471 3.138 1.759 12. 510 .566 3. 410 11.557 .758 5.370 23.448 7.599 23. 489 1.036 a 478 16. 956 .703 a 433 1.757 5.082 23. 737 1.703 5.518 13. 158 2.122 .'-.. 195 17.1170 1. 403 81 83 20. 778 1 18. 28ti 8.977 16. 196 27. 738 a 379 39. 785 9.157 14. 855 15. 726 30. 624 33. 124 23.434 10. 892 30. 114 20. 798 23. 007 4.863 0.584 4.937 5.537 3.518 3.410 10.753 7.599 6.936 2.811 5.398 5. 300 3.937 84 1.829 2.244 1.384 5.201 .379 3.226 3.109 7.379 2.557 2.122 2.144 85 .442 1.097 1. 820 .898 2.244 .693 1.384 .138 .289 3.467 2.210 7. 262 .316 3.518 .782 .195 1.137 1.137 9.677 2. 509 .091 .345 .771 3.083 .385 2.108 .703 2.273 1.136 1.486 4.244 2.309 2. 391 .083 66 87 88 .442 2. 926 3. 143 3.213 3.756 9.788 4.496 2.274 12. 186 1.036 4. 239 2.611 3.409 5.730 4. 783 30. 946 30. 211 27. 379 31. 838 50. 563 61. 888 26. 192 27.283 5a 423 51. 468 40. 077 aa 812 57. 102 44. 567 42. 826 .442 .732 .898 .092 .283 4.736 .782 1.516 1.434 2.418 .385 1.403 .832 .637 1.374 89 .442 .732 .898 .692 .289 4.730 .782 1.516 1.434 2.418 .383 1.403 .852 .637 1.374 2.526 5.308 3.789 .391 3. 323 5.082 1.326 .^ 684 2.274 "3.' 584' 4.301 .345 4.836 2.073 .331 2.108 1. 405 1.989 2.537 4.345 .715 3.711 3.573 90 2.210 1.708 3.292 6.930 .898 .449 2.215 3. 322 3.756 4.334 .771 .771 3.008 5. 306 91 92 3.97D \ 303 3. 537 27. 409 1U.241 9.144 1.346 17. 036 5.537 10. 382 1.107 48. 805 a 090 11. 683 a 796 9.284 7.885 7.254 1.541 3.863 9.091 a 913 7.999 a 608 2.00a 46. 229 33. 470 13. 893 62. 833 5. 082 1. 7.i9 25.801 6.003 2.084 40. 546 3. 584 5. 735 73. 980 54. 577 2.418 40. 069 a 863 3.468 61.057 36. 343 5.973 60. 430 32. 070 1.989 40. 307 7. 003 .637 44. 3.-.5 17. 510 3.033 47. 740 93 14 72. 421 41.741 95 36.251 81. 565 58. 797 00. 354 57. 498 110. 199 32.643 4a 693 83. 303 97. 064 73.988 102. 952 60. 966 51.995 6a 864 6.405 1. 759 12. 754 .884 '"7.073 7. 938 4. £63 6. 950 2. 560 7.313 10. 823 a 047 4.0o9 .449 24. 237 2t;.725 11.221 4.153 1.107 12. 438 17. 719 a 029 a 957 289 6! 008 7.894 1.263 13. 262 6.059 3. 541 11. 3.37 6. 821 .758 10. 673 '2.867 0.093 a 290 .771 4. 23!l 22. 331 3.514 'a'sii.V 13. 352 3.693 20. 170 r,. 730 2. 122 8.065 96 07 20. 723 98 15. 313 22.419 19. 937 24. 252 a 961 29.010 27. 300 7.379 37. 210 1.5. 917 20. 918 5.201 .289 11. 083 6.059 .977 7.010 .189 3.943 1.075 10. 70S 12. 331 1.541 9.838 1. 054 12. 500 .508 9. 702 2. 334 8. 059 . 835 99 no 4.863 8.047 11.221 a 029 5.490 11.683 7.037 7.200 5.018 10. 708 13. 873 10.892 13. 008 12. 097 D.483 11.052 5. 8,52 2.195 4. 937 1.340 7.198 1.246 11.840 .578 16. 419 .316 7.037 .391 9. 852 .379 15. 412 27. 979 1. 362 0.166 2.460 .703 5.682 in. 399 .424 10.913 .413 01 OS 11.052 8.047 6. 2.^4 a 444 12. 424 16. 733 7. 428 10.231 15. 412 29. 361 0.100 3. 162 5. 682 10. 623 11. 325 23. 873 0. 7i7 263.042 32. 919 46. 230 34. 192 33. 227 50. 837 34. 402 41.082 29. 391 09. 083 47. 399 21. 434 53. 966 3a 837 41.726 2. 195 4.488 4.014 3ia 245 35. 539 3.473 a 796 13. 263 10. 753 13.126 15. 029 7.730 11.933 10.187 371.393 12. 804 394. 860 103 368. 325 312. 837 413. 753 476. 476 280.688 333. 081 185. 305 562. 349 414. 258 332. 045 419. 866 684 Table No. 22 — Showhi//, by Slateii and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. RHODE ISLAND. CONNECTICUT. COXOBESSIO.VAL DISTKICT8. COXGKESSIONAI. DISTRICTS. 1. 2. Total. 1. a. 3. 4. Total. 2° 1 . «=i Ratio exempted per 1.000 examined. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 1 GENEKAL DISEASES. .322 4. ini .907 1.2S9 2. 257 . 322 Oil o 3. 244 (i. ti4i) 2.311 2.047 4. CCf. .737 . 24li 4. 003 1.002 l.OOJ 2.125 3. 157 1. 3.5.! 1.804 4. 902 S2. 553 2. 430 .3.8 1.044 2. V-l 0. 9.j9 3.031 t .908 4 2.311 .770 1 271 «i 2.905 fi 0. 445 l.l.OM 5.333 8.595 .9. 349 8. 85;i 33. 829 13. 570 15 249 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS' SYSTEM. D1SEASK8 OF THE En.MN ASD ITS ilEMBKAXES. 7 1.442 3. 082 1.965 .322 1.612 2.125 .3j4 1.353 .002 .348 .348 .998 ft 817 Total 1. 44-2 3.082 1.965 1.934 2. 479 2, 255 .090 1 615 DISEASES OF THE NEKVES. Paralysis n Leo2 .770 1.473 2.257 .708 2.700 1.044 1 034 FUXCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NEKV- OUS SYSTEM. in .360 8. 052 .240 8.104 1.012 11.233 .322 .907 .451 10. 825 .348 7.307 .318 .090 11 Epilepsy G.034 10.260 0.891 1? Keuralgia 163 n Stammering i.eoa 1.541 1.719 .7t'8 1. 3.13 9U8 Total 10.815 8.475 10. 009 14. 184 10. 977 12. 6SU 8.009 DISOnDERS OF THE IXTELLECT. 14 1.081 7.031 2. 884 1.061 .770 13. mi 3. 0S2 .982 9. 833 2. 947 .737 .322 4. 513 3.224 1.771 1.410 .354 .545 l') Imbecility 7.217 2.255 4. 523 2.430 4.200 2.088 10 17 In.sauity Solitary vice Total 13. 978 17. 720 14.4.30 8.059 3. 541 9. 472 6.959 0.698 Graudtotal 27 037 30. 04U 27. me 20. 435 17. 705 27. 004 17. 397 21. COG DISEASES AND IN.TDKIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EVE. Cataract of right cyo Loss of cryslallioo lons^ri<;htevo Lo.s.s of sielit, liiilit (\V(' . . .' .'. . Pnrliul los« of aifrljt/botli oyes. . 18 10 1.034 . 35 1 .451 .726 !). 733 (1. 631 9.020 4.958 n. 472 6. 959 7.534 !« Diseases of tho eyes Total 12. 257 Id. 200 14. 489 7. 737 10. 209 23. 45b 8.351 11.709 31. 000 .300 10. 200 11. 120 .240 18. 008 15. 581 33. 378 15.310 10. 909 DISEASES OF THE EVELIllS. Diseases nf tlio eyelids w 2.700 Gianil total 3A 350 10. 200 21. 305 19. 342 1.012 5.158 15. 581 36. 085 15.310 20. 695 DISEASES OF THE EAR. Chronic piimlont otorrlirea Dr.-if-dumbueas Doa]h<'S8 Grand total DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. Dcforniity of nose 24 1.081 2.' 884' .770 .770 10. 7SS .982 .240 5. 403 4'.m3 C. 315 1. 3.-.3 5. 804 1.044 .348 3. 132 1.907 . 303 4.029 3. !Ni5 12. 327 0. 031 (i.770 4.003 13.532 4, .533 0. 989 a? ii!i Loss 111 HOMO . 322 . 322 .354 i.044 .091 .454 !fJ Oziciia (HillKltoLa . 045 .351 1.041 . :.4ft 585 disease and disaUIity on account of xckh-h Drafted Men wire found m,f,l for military servke-CouCmv^cA. DISEASES. EHODE ISLAND— Continued. coxaniissioxAL distkictb. 1. DISEASES OF THE CIKCU- LATORT SYSTEM. mSKASES OF THE IIEAUT AXD ITS Jir.MBK-VNES. Acnte (liscaBO of heart Clironic disease of heart 2. Total. COXXECTICUT— Continued. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. Total DISEASKS OP THE BLOOCVESSELS. Bitseases of tlie Arteries. Aneurism Diseases of the Veins. Varicose veins 35 36 Total. Gniiultotal DISEASES OF THE RESPIEA- TOIIY SYSTEM. mSKASES OF THE LAUTNX. Fistula of larynx FtnJCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LARYNX. Loss of voiee DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND BRONCHI. Fistulaof the trachea DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acute disease of Inns Chronic disease of lung 30. 281 8.475 30. S8l 6.P49 C.S49 37. 130 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. Or:! f4 4. a SI Total. c2 Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. 23. 330 15. 408 1.934 0.447 1.382 9. ,'i78 15. 408 23. 683 32. EOS 13. lOv 1.C44 10. OUO 12. C30 0.447 14. 829 .240 7.700 Total. Grand total DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JAW. AuUj losis of jaw _■. Disease, or delbrimly of 21.629 34.009 21. 629 34.069 25. 780 21. SSO 34. 060 Tot.-ll DISEASES, MAI.F0R!.1.\T10XS, AND IX- .IIIIMES OF THE TEETH, GUJIS, ANU ALVEOLI. Loss of teeth DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tongue DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate DISEASES OFTHE SALIVARY GLANDS, Salivary fistula DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Aciile disease of stomach Chronic disease of stomach 26. 031 27.397 12. 327 19. 342 .817 11.891 12. 708 8.009 22. 102 23. 748 39. 300 Total DISEASES OF THE UITESTINES. rierma - ncrnia, umbilical Hernia, ventral • Hcrui.T, riiht inguinal Hcmia, Icl t inguinal . - Hernia, double inguinal Hernia, right lemcral Hernia, left femoral Hcruia, double femoral 1. 442 I Total... 74: 23. 432 20. 309 39. 300 7.988 20. 695 .690 .272 9. 021 9. 021 .491 .982 1. 473 27. 735 24. 804 38.244 18. 789 18. 789 . 690 22. 238 22. 233 .182 28. 808 .322 28.691 24. 350 .690 .708 2.3. 433 ! 24.804 S9. 310 25.496 .354 1.002 1.333 1.333 34.808 . 451 .348 .348 22. 965 .348 27. 684 .54S 20. 912 .451 25. 710 .182 .434 ,035 25. 597 . 183 .091 .454 .091 20. 414 586 Table No. 22—Showino, by Stales and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted per 1,000 examitirdjor each DISEASES. EHODE ISLAND— Coutinnod. OONNECTICITT- -Continued. COXGKESSIOXAL DISTKICIB. CONOKESSIO.VAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. Tot.ll. J. 2. 3. 4. Total. Cot M o 3 5 IS S -J 1^ O = ,.- Examined, 11,017. Ejttio exempted per 1 ,000 examined. Eatio exe mpted per 1,000 examined. DI-.EASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Continued. DISEASns OFTIIB IlECTUMAXD ASUS. .3G0 2.S84 .721 . 246 2.047 .41)1 1.612 1.2S0 1. 280 2.125 6.020 1.771 .902 6.766 .902 1.044 1.392 .348 1 452 3.082 3.631 . 182 Total 3.903 3. 082 3.CS4 4. 191 9.915 8. 570 2.784 C. 172 D1SB.\SES OF TUE LIVEK. Acute (lise.iso of liver . . Chronic disease of liver .7:1 .491 .643 .431 3.132 1.080 Total .731 1 .491 .643 .431 3.132 1 069 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. ' Total 5(i. 037 44. C84 5S.045 55.770 70. 133 64.953 53.3-24 DISEASES OF THE UEINAET SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 1.541 .491 1.223 Chronic dLseaso of kidney Total 1. 802 2.579 4.249 4.511 3.132 3.540 1.802 1.541 1.719 2.579 4.249 4.511 3.132 3.540 DISEASES OF TIIE BLADDER. Acute dLscaso of bladder .SCO .721 .770 .401 .491 .451 .431 .091 Chronic disease of bladder Calculus .708 .690 4o4 3. 852 1.228 .322 .708 .451 .348 Total 1.081 4. 622 2.210 . 322 1.416 1.353 1.044 .998 DISE,VSES OP THE URETIinA. Stricture of urethra .708 .451 070 Urinary Ustula Total 1 .703 .451 0-0 Grand total 1 " 2.S84 e.163 3.929 2.901 6.374 6.315 4.175 4.811 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. . DISEASES AST) IXJURIES OF OK- CANS OF CESEUATIOi-l. Diseases of Penis. Epispadia .770 .246 Hypospadia I.ossofijeuis .360 .246 .354 .451 .182 Total .300 .770 .401 .354 .4.51 .182 Diseases of Tunica Yaginali». Uvdrocelo .721 l..'')41 C. 163 .982 1.9C5 .9C7 1.612 .848 ■i. 175 .363 3. O.SG Sarcocclo Varicocele 1. 0G2 6.315 Total 1 .721 7.704 2. 947 2. 570 1.062 6.315 4.523 3.449 Diseases of Testicle. Chronic disea.w of testicle Itotcntiou of testicle 3.C03 .721 3.082 3.438 .4tn .322 .322 1.771 1.771 .902 .451 .148 .817 .635 Total ■1. 3J0 3. (ie2 3.9i0 . 643 3. .'.41 1.333 .348 1. 432 Grand total 5.407 11.55G 7.307 3.224 4.958 8.119 4.&71 5.063 587 disease and disabilitii on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for mililari/ .scm'cc— Coutiuued. DISEASES. EHODE ISLAND- Continued. CONNECTICUT- -Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL UISTRICTS. 1. 2. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. Total. pi Examined, 1,208. 0) .S=i as a-* aS! is m o Is Examined, 11,017. Eatio exen ipted per 1,000 examined. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. 8n DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BOXES. Chronic disease of bone3 . . 4.686 5.393 4.012 10.310 13.217 .007 8.853 3. 603 4.871 4.523 14. 200 3.784 7.171 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JOINTS. Aulivlosi.s of ioints P1 2. 884 9. 373 .721 8.475 7.704 4. COO 8.841 .491 10. 977 4.003 .708 4.511 27. O04 1.353 4.902 14. 009 1. 4.-)3 82 R3 Chronic disease of joints Total 12. 073 10. 170 13. 998 14. 184 2.901 1. 034 10. 289 4.249 1.002 32. 927 5.413 .902 21. 573 2.784 2.784 20.423 DISEASES OF THE SPIXE. R4 3. 965 2.103 2.311 3.438 3.722 DISEASES OF THE 5IUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. W 10. 015 4,000 1.725 Diseases of Tendon. Pfi 2.163 2.884 3.082 .770 2.450 2.210 .907 1. 012 . 322 .354 .708 .334 1.804 .902 1.044 .090 .998 .998 .182 K7 CUibloot m Total 5.047 3.652 4.000 2.901 1.410 2.700 1.740 2. 178 Grand total 28. 839 37. 750 31. GSO 32. 237 31. 870 45. 557 33. 751 35.218 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAK TLSSDE. Oljesity m 1.802 .770 1.473 .643 1. 062 .902 .348 .726 Grand total 1.802 .770 1. 473 .045 1. 002 .902 .451 1.353 4.511 .348 1.044 1.740 4. 175 .720 DISEASES OP THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. nn .303 1. 452 3.031 91 <)■.> Disease of sliin Ulcers 4.0SG 1.802 3.082 4. 022 4.175 2.701 1.013 2.001 1. 062 3.187 Grand total 6.480 7.704 0.870 4.513 .045 1.289 19. 312 4.249 0.315 4.511 4.511 35. 634 0.939 5 440 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- lill.r ASSOCIATED WITH GEXEltAL Oli LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest Deformity of chest Permanent physical debility Grand total LOCAL IN.IUEIES. LOCALITY OF INJURY NOT srECIFIED. 01 24.874 4.080 37. 130 10.945 3. 084 43. 713 .348 .348 39. 318 1.180 1.302 31.315 "14 1.541 57.781 95 32. 032 1)0. 091 59. 322 04. 342 21. 277 32. 932 44. 055 40. 014 33. 857 nn 7.570 3.005 0.S40 5. 393 0. 245 6. 034 C.S70 5. 048 0.870 0.417 .045 10. 001 7.700 .708 17. 351 10.374 2. 255 12. 030 5.915 1. 392 0. 203 7.443 17 1 180 08 Wounds 1L709 Total 18. 385 21.572 10. 401 18. 053 25. 850 25. 259 13. 570 20. 332 IXJUKIES AND MALF0R5IATI0XS OF UrPEli EXTUE.MITIES. Defects or deformities of hand . . . 10 6.849 3.082 5. 648 7.737 11.276 .1102 7.307 .090 0 3-54 inn Total 1 6.849 3. 082 5.048 7.737 12. 179 8.003 0.717 INJURIES AND M.^LFORMATIONS OF LOWER E.VrEEMlTlES. Defects or deformities of foot 101 in=i 0.439 0.163 6.385 2.570 .322 0.728 8.570 4.523 .348 5.355 . 182 Total ... 1 0.489 6. 103 0.385 2.901 6.728 8.570 4.871 5. 537 31.723 30. 817 31. 434 28. 091 32. 578 46.008 26. 444 32. 580 UNCLASSIFIED. m 1.541 .491 10. 901 3.895 4.511 4.523 0.173 Eatio exempted for all diseases 323. 360 325. 880 324. 105 S57.253 301. 340 308. 967 273.480 295. C71 588 Tahlk No. 22 Skowiiiji, hij Slates and Connressioval Districia, the ratio cxcin2>ti<1, per 1,000 cxamhied, for (aeh DISEASE& NEW TOIIE. COXUUES&IONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. 9. 10. 11. la. 13. 14. f4 3 1 2-.= CSr.1 y. if e£ S In .5 a 'is St. 1 'gs £0 rS W .irf so Katio exeiupted per 1,000 oxamiucd. 1 GENERAL DISEASES. .481 2.407 1.920 .903 2.889 41. 887 .173 .560 8, rsi) 2.240 .840 2. 800 2. 800 4.457 1.103 10. 389 '.'207 2. Ii71 1.043 4.456 .524 3.070 . .'•.76 2. .04 0.771 6.771 3." 380 15. 658 2.680 4.020 2.233 40. 890 1.365 4. t96 .455 .827 6.201 i'.iib 4.814 2.831 i.:;oi 2.831 .691 2. 490 4. 600 13. 728 2. 123 7. 302 2.608 1.498 3. 370 15.915 1.084 .842 .281 1. 084 a2S5 T Syphilis 4 5 Scrofula 2. 132 12. 9S4 0 13. C54 .28. 571 i7.296 52.914 20.-30 27.011 38.270 42.051 50.554 32.580 55.62J 23.213 61. 182 34. OOS 12. 385 18. 197 30.893 27.7661 DISEASES OF THE NEETOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE B!!\I,\ AND ITS ME.MBKAXF,S. Acute of brain 7 8 .368 .423 .447 .417 • 1.240 .413 .713 .560 .281 .368 .423 .893 1. 654 .713 ..560 .281 DISEASES OF THE SEltVES. n 1.163 2.078 3.670 .576 .963 3.809 4.020 2.276 3.721 1.783 2.121 1.120 1.311 2.243 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. 10 1) .194 5.614 .297 2.908 .431 1.444 2.889 .354 5. 662 •i' 477 .840 4.479 . .500 .560 .502 6.740 . U:7 3.932 .281 13.T02 3.'30h' 5.767 1.728 2.116 7.146 2.276 . 4.55 .455 .5.374 i.246 3.387 .178 1.78J Stammering Total 1.1C3 . 217 1.048 1.153 1.787 7.171 3.5C2 0.815 2.680 4. 815 2. 110 8.933 3.180 0.614 5. 349 1 6. 493 0.439 11.421 17.401 1 DISOnDEttS OF THK INTELLECT. 14 .297 1.781 .594 1.062 2.831 3.185 j.7.59 .374 4.494 .749 .187 '.'842" 1.403 15 1. 1C3 1.550 1.048 1.048 .447 .893 1.240 .827 .413 2.139 .357 10 .576 17 .481 Total 2.713 2.071 2.097 .576 .481 1.340 1 2.480 1 2.4% 1 7.077 Grautl total mSEASES AND TXTFnTKS OF XUE EYE AKU EYELIDS. DISEASE3AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. Cataract of rij:ht eye Loss of cryaialliiu'. "lena, rij;hteyo. Loss of sifi;bt. li'^Ul oj'o.., .... r;irti:il nf 8i;rl)t, both eyes... Disca-scsof the eyes Total DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 11. 4;i4 8.311 12. 582 4. 032 6.259 6.343 15. 165 5.462 114.409 jlO. 341 ;,17. 693 12. 878 ia536 J2ii;2 18 19 . 581 1.187 .736 2.407 2.233 .455 1.654 .891 2.477 .840 .749 .561 20 21 22 5.814 . 775 C.202 .5. !)3G 5. 343 7.421 6. t29 19.397 5. 184 •i'880 10. Ill ii.'sss' 15.658 5.300 17.' 805 3.180 2. 7J1 14. 110 4.961 19.430' 4.635 4. 4,'.7 4. 992 4. 240 .5. 303 7. 431 .280 .560 19. 877 2. 434 1.311 7.115 8. 4:0 2.215 7. 297 13.3:2 19. f87 26.212 8. 005 {24. 073 15. 058 25. 45cl |20. 482 26.044 H.9T6 19.462 21.557 jll.608 18.524 S3 1.1 e7 ..524 1.152 g07 T\7 1 nfio .560 .187 Graud total DISEASES OF THE EAR. Chronic purulent otorrlioca Di-afilumbness DeiifiH'88 Graud total DISEASES AND IXJPIUESOF Till: XO.SE. Deformity of nose 13. 372 J21. 075 20. 737 9. 217 24.073 115.058 25. 453 20. 482 J26. 871 ,15. 333 20. 524 22.116 11.796 18.521 84 2o .388 8. .527 7.'42i' 1.048 5.242 0.291 . 570 '."576 1.444 '9.029 1.270 .4-23 3.809 3. .573 .417 6. 699 .413 .357 2.831 3.080 1.684 . .501 'M 2. 270 2.894 6.418 4.246 3.359 7. 302 2. 807 8. !1|5 7. 421 1. 1.-2 11.074 5. .'>01 |10.719 2.276 3.307 1 0.775 | 7.017 fi. 439 1 7. 302 5. 052 37 .413 1.120 as Loss of U080 ttJ Ozseua Gram! total .388 .297 .840 7ns 1 1 '■ ' 1 ■ ■-- .388 .297 .846 1 1 ■'■■' 1 ■■"■" 1 ■■"" 1 -1 J^ 589 disease and dhnbHil;/ on acennnf nf wliirh Drafted 2fen were fmind unfil for viiTitarij service — Continued. ■NEW YORK. CONGREdSIOSAL DISTUICTS. 15. 16. ir. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 23. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Total. 0/ r o r3 a 's? a*- g« 'a is rs ID Be: IS •3" Oi "^ . Coo 3=. g« a> P 0 1 = Eatio exemptefl per 1,000 examined. .533 3.S00 6. 400 3.200 3.200 4.800 1.638 .410 .819 4.914 16. T. 0 .304 2. 125 1.891 .911 'a'ose .449 2.693 .449 .449 2 244 1.795 .319 '".'037' 2.868 1.593 16. 890 .084 3.5S6 2. 396 1.015 2. 058 14.669 24. 3.58 .314 .199 .513 2.051 .387 8.035 .408 2.114 8,202 4.G;<7 .5-jG 3.ol,"i 40. 422 G. 433 . 9.W 1.96G 1.90G 8.578 .364 9.551 .729 1.093 1.093 3.2.'il 2. t90 .723 5.780 1.369 1. 826 1.3G9 7.759 9. 128 .944 5.980 .630 4. 092 .944 1.105 1.841 6. 990 .730 3.794 1.693 i."354 15.911 2.466 .079 1. 121 1.315 15. 019 2. 042 2.383 1.021 .681 11.9.32 2.G70 .1. 009 2. cro 3.0U4 18. 692 4.330 2. 598 4. 042 1. 732 .806 57.411 21. 333 94. 570 8.197 ^19.77G 5.831 8.079 12. C45 21.451 19.590 10. 677 22. 681 20. 623 17. 3.59 28. 705 13. 368 92. 307 1 172 .238 .449 .315 .448 .448 2.723 .608 .668 2.667 .410 1.214 .456 .368 1.172 2.667 .410 1.214 .238 .449 1 .456 .315 .368 .897 2.723 1. 335 4.(587 1.638 3.03C 2.144 1.458 7.181 5.058 1.369 1. 259 .736 9.708 1. 191 2. 042 .608 1.155 1. 172 16. 403 13.333 .410 G. 962 .607 12. 7.t0 .238 11.075 .238 4.527 .364 17. 128 1.093 3. 644 i.i.'4G5 2.244 2C93 .3G1 13. 367 1.369 13.936 1. 2.59 7.554 1. 105 8.100 1.016 15. 934 .339 9. 370 . 224 7! 846 . 224 l!569 .340 7. 828 1.021 3. 404 .334 10. 081 4.003 2. G70 .269 4.908 '".'860 .319 7.330 '3.' 505 C.444 1.600 2.457 2. 125 1. 084 .913 3. 148 2. 209 25. lao 14.933 y.8i8 15.483 10.679 22.230 18.402 14.812 15. 518 11. 961 U.414 18. S57 9.863 12. 594 17. 690 0.002 11. 154 10. !,44 .993 2. 951 1.235 . 140 4. 623 18. 1E2 .889 . 042 6. 163 1.103 10. t49 19. 126 1.0G7 4. 267 2. 133 4. 207 '3.976 .607 6. P82 1.821 1.430 3. 336 2.383 .729 9. 551 2.551 3.'59'l' 1.340 .361 4.335 .456 . . 944 1. X'J 2. 833 3. 195 1. 889 3." 682 .368 .339 4.739 2.370 .668 4.339 2.336 .Gu8 "".'289' .269 .319 5.417 8.202 2. 343 j-6 0.949 2.017 2.012 2.383 11.71G 11.733 3.27C 9. 411 7. 148 5.831 4. 937 ' 4. G97 5.021 1 5.666 4.050 7.443 8.967 4. 4J5 8.011 .577 3.730 42. 7G5 29. 333 15. 152 29. 144 26.2 9 29.519 '30.909 24.560 1 1 22.364 19.9J1 16. 5G8 29. 113 20. 847 21. 784 27. 704 7.794 10. 690 2.732 .449 .723 1.369 .630 1.354 .448 .334 .866 .319 .637 2.231 'id' 428 .715 1 2.915 .410 .819 .410 19. 247 1 9!i« 8.202- in.' 545 8.000 19.267" 8.500 13.' 661 4. 527 .477 9.054 5. 102 .304 14.213 3. 142 ii'ros 10.116 '5."7eb' 8.215 10.' 954 12. 905 '•i.'coi' 4.418 12.' 887 7. 109 9.'479' 8.294 .672 9.191 0.807 3.744 12. 934 11.348 .608 11.348 io. 166 2.598 5.485 18. 74(i 20. 207 20. 885 24. 894 15.C11 J29.595 21..')44 16.618 20.539 i 17. 097 17. 305 17. 942 18. 606 23. 485 23.698 25. 113 13.C15 1. 7.-,- 2.133 1.229 .911 1.668 1.093 .449 .361 .450 .315 1.105 .677 .672 .334 .319 .575 19. 702 1.698 . 1 15 5.315 20. 504 22. 400 22. 113 95. 804 10. 679 23. 688 91. r.93 ,16. 980 20.995 ;17.941 18. 409 18. 619 19.278 23.483 24. 032 25.113 15.934 2.231 3.187 11.131 2.067 8. OOO 4.095 3.' Geo .5. 464 12.'756 9. 621 3.336 4.738 5.' 466 2.693 .898 5. 835 1.445 .361 3. 974 1.259 .7.36 2.031 3.138 2.723 .681 3.744 "'.'g6S 9. 012 4.330 '2.369 11. 131 i.f89 5. 155 4.739 5.604 29. COl to. 007 7.781 18. 215 5.957 |10.204 9.4.a 1 5.780 1 3.148 5.691 0.770 8. 742 7. 148 1.301 9.089 ".'334 0.640 5.417 7. 429 .238 .364 .339 '.'339 .294 .269 "."siii .146 " .iii .580 .819 .238 1. 259 .586 1 .819 1 .477 .304 1 j j 1.959 1 .677 .224 1 1. 361 .334 .289 .319 .398 690 Table No. 2x1— S/iOHiHj, by fitatca and Congressional Distrlcls, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. NEW YORK— Continned. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. r. s. 9. 10. 11. la. 13. 14. ■?' li 1^ Examined, 3,3G9. 3 Li H'- r ■u 13 '§2 'i5 ■3" r 'IS 'ii Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. DISEASES OF THE CIECU- LATORT SYSTEM. DISKASES OF TUK IIIiAKT AXD ITS JIKJIDUiVAES. 3.932 19. 659 1.426 4.457 .354 8.846 1 .281 29. 457 10.983 5.184 40. 221 11.849 39. 750 13.200 21. 083 3.tS0 ii. 983 6.175 Total 39. 457 10. 982 23. 591 5.184 40.221 11.849 39. 750 13. 200 21. 083 5.883 9.200 3.080 11.983 ]li.455 32 DISEASES OF THE JJLOOD-VESSELS. 2>id-cascs of the Arteries. Aueurisra 2.097 .570 .481 .893 .354 .280 .281 Diseases of the Teins. 3.682 9.498 5.243 4.603 0.259 13. 965 8.486 9.558 18. 003 11.054 1.769 5.599 5. 055 '2. 526 Total 3, 082 9.498 7.339 5.184 0.740 13. 905 9.379 9. 5.'.8 18. 003 11.004 3. 123 5.879 5.055 2.807 33. 140 20.481 30. 931 10. 369 5^901 25. 815 49. 129 22. 758 39.080 10. 937 11.323 8.959 17.038 9.262 DISEASES OF THE KESPIKA- TOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LARVNX. .262 .576 FUNXTIOXAI, AFFECTIONS OF THE LARYNX. 35 .262 .447 DISEASES OF THE TIIACHEA AND liKONCHI. 36 1 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. 37 1.048 2.097 .570 1. 1.52 9.148 8.041 Ij. 771 .447 .910 8.618 3.' 721 .891 5.527 1 Ifl 3.101 8.014 25.124 13. 158 16. 851 |i. 123 Total 3.101 8.014 3.145 1. 738 9.148 14.812 .447 9.558 3.731 fi.418 25. 124 13. 158 16.851 ;i.l23 3.101 8.014 3.070 2.304 0.148 14.812 .893 9.558 3.721 6.418 25.124 13. 158 16.851 1.123 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE STSTEir. DISEASES AND INJUUIES OF THE J AW. T) .388 .570 40 Disease or dclbrmity of jaw .297 .524 .178 j 1 Total 1 1 .388 .297 .524 .576 .178 DISE.\SES, RIALFOUMATIOXS, AND IN- JUUIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AXD ALVEOLI. Loss of teeth DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. 41 27. 3-2G 8.008 12. 320 1.738 11.555 12.273 0.699 3.641 10. 748 18.542 22. 647 19.877 27. 897 C. 455 42 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND TALATE. Cleft palate 43 .388 .534 .570 .827 .178 2.123 .840 .374 .842 DISEASES OFTHE SALIVAUY GLANDS Salivary fistula 44 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Aciito disease of .itoniach 4.5 1.781 .297 2.434 4C Chronic disease of stomach Total .194 2.233 .455 .413 1.415 .187 .194 2.078 2. 233 1 . 455 .413 1 1.415 2.631 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. 47 10. 050 13. 951 21.494 .524 ".'524 17.281 30. 332 30. 470 3D.?71 21. 848 35. 138 9.449 20. 170 33. 390 1.120 1, 080 2. 240 1.900 '.'506 .840 10. 485 22.453 4S Hernia, umbilieal 4'.l .969 3.870 2. 132 .297 5. 046 3. 859 .891 6.597 4 457 3.' 185 .708 50 Hernia, right inguinal 10. 110 3 368 2.000 3.049 .562 51 Hernia, left inguinal llerniu, donhlo )ni;uinal Hernia, ri;;hl n-.i i'sis .178 54 Horuia, leit femoral 55 Hernia, double femoral Total 1 17.636 23.152 32. 543 17. 281 30. 3^,2 21. 848 35. 138 23.890 24.410 30. 795 23. 591 |29.4i0 i * 591 disease and disabilili) on account of which Drafted Men toere found unfit for viililarii service — Contiuucd. KEW YORK— Continued. COXORESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 13. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. as. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 31. Total. 5 C J,' B° Cm X 0 1" •ii 1"^ 0 •3 .5-0 Is Q 'So ■§§' is Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. 1.757 25."6;:6 .410 2.457 2. 429 17. 008 • .448 10. 087 1.021 4.705 .319 8. Ii04 .450 14.017 14. 06U 20.614 40.452 4.937 7.948 24.640 10.072 a 837 14.218 20.035 1.155 15. 817 25. 600 j 2. 807 J20. 030 20.014 |40.4.-.2 4.937 7.943 24.040 ,10.072 8.837 14.218 !l0.530 5.780 20. 035 1.155 8.923 15.067 .533 .304 .715 .729 .077 .956 .282 11.710 9.600 9.009 7.590 5.242 4.373 2.093 3.251 3.195 7.240 9.205 3.047 10.087 .5. 446 6. 670 14. 145 8.604 7.198 11.710 10. 133 9.009 7.893 5.957 5. 102 1 2. 093 3.251 3.195 1 7.240 9.205 3.724 10.087 5.446 1 6.670 14. 145 9.500 7.481 27. 334 35. 733 11.870 27.930 25.971 145.554 7.030 11.199 ;27.841 ,17.312 18.041 17.942 20.023 11. 232 1 32 710 15. 300 18.483 22 548 .304 .449 .043 .410 .304 .715 .315 .084 5. 274 20.133 . 819 . 007 4.095 30.430 .238 37. 040 .730 40. 700 2 370 20. 988 .448 15. 243 .340 .334 .017 15. 443 2a. 201 .13.571 21.993 16. 018 26. 995 '28. 043 1.702 18.338 14. 659 27. 534 i2C. 1.33 1 4. 914 |37. 037 37. 884 53.571 21.993 16. CIS 20. 995 i28. 043 47. 490 23.358 j 15. 092 2. 042 18. 092 14. 659 10. 061 27. 534 20. 133 5.324 |37.044 38. 599 53.571 22.442 10. 013 20. S95 ,28. 958 47. 490 23.338 15.092 2. 042 1 18. 692 14. 659 10. 1S6 .477 ■".■729 ".'698 ".'301 .450 .450 .340 .073 .251 1.757 1.007 .630 .077 .672 .577 1.757 1.067 .477 .729 .898 .361 .913 .030 .677 .672 .340 1 .577 .324 18. 101 11.200 6.962 12. 143 24. 065 31.700 ,20.040 18. 786 43.380 33.083 02. 900 43. 070 44. 385 24. 847 42 050 30.952 2a 999 23.615 .533 .619 .477 1.309 .308 1. 093 1.S69 .340 .460 .319 .010 .410 .819 .304 2.732 .448 1.345 .241 .680 1.757 .953 .304 1.820 3.148 1.010 1.301 .008 .950 1.757 1. 229 3.030 . 953 1 . 304 1.826 3. 143 1.010 1.793 1.301 .008 .956 .921 30. 321 33.067 20. 066 30. 965 29.783 953 02 318 31.418 23.^44 48. 830 35. 883 37. 614 40. 901 24. 434 .224 34. 037 28.037 58.603 1.732 30. 966 27. 329 . 188 .272 2.930 1.611 .107 .188 .052 1.003 0.910 2.144 1.008 .238 1.038 1.S29 .410 2. 125 .304 "".'364 4.738 2.187 2.282 1.309 .308 .308 .308 4.035 3.587 .224 .224 5.007 .003 .334 4.330 3. 753 .577 4.401 4.780 1.000 .410 1 36. 321 34.667 23.751 33.698 43.304 69.242 31.418 |23.844 52. 487 35.883 |2a719 40.961 32. 728 1 34. 037 34.045 j 68.995 40.208 32. 733 30 31 36 592 Tasle No. 22— 57ioi(!i«(7, iy States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for earh NEW TORK-Contiuned. CONGRESSIONAI, DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. s. c. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Vi. 13. Ji. li IS r 5<-" u a"' ss t3 ^3 V li ■=5 1" Ratio -exempted per 1,000 examined. 56 S7 5rt 53 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Contiliucil. UISEAKKS OF THE KECTUM AKD ANUS. .909 4. 4."i7 2. 51!l .594 5.343 1.835 8. 1--0 .202 1.270 3.809 .846 1.340 1.340 .693 3.180 5.402 .455 1.240 4 134 .533 4.101 .357 .178 .708 4. 246 .354 .840 1.120 .560 1.123 4. 300 1.498 .842 .281 .501 ntuiudirlioida Prolapsus ani 2.889 .963 Xotil 7.940 5.930 10.223 3.852 5. 925 3.573 9.103 3. 374 5. 170 5 308 2. 520 6.928 1.684 DISEASES OF TUE LIVER. 60 61 • 2.539 .423 .178 .354 .280 2.021 .561 Chronic disease of liver Total 3.488 3.650 1.311 .893 1.240 3.488 3.859 1.3U 2. 002 .893 1. 240 .178 .354 .230 2. 021 .561 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. C2 03 1. 693 Total 1 1.093 1 '>7 3C4 43.930 47.444 21. 101 '4.-1.7.10 53. 322 43. 770 33. 048 33. 74 1 48. 137 50.203 54.311 04. 033 39.012 DISEASES OF THE CEINART SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 64 .3.17 .708 1. 709 .187 .502 C5 Chronic diseaao of kidu'fcy Total i.744 2.078 .524 2. 304 0.740 5.078 1.340 2.270 3-307 .357 1.744 2.078 . 524 1 2. 304 0.740 5 078 1. 340 2. 270 3. 307 .713 2.477 j .749 DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. 6fi .202 .524 .423 .708 ■'.'354 .280 .840 fi7 .893 .455 .413 .178 ..503 1. 123 .187 firt Calculus 61 lucoDtiueuco of urine 1.444 .178 Total .780 1.444 .423 .893 . 455 .413 .337 1. 002 i 1. 120 1. 672 DISEASES OP THE URETHRA. •m .594 .524 2.304 .846 .893 3.186 1.240 .178 . 178 .280 .374 1\ Urinary listula Total .594 . 524 j 2. 304 .840 .893 3.186 1. 240 .357 .280 374 Grand total 1 1.744 j 2. 071 1. 835 1 4. 008 8.183 0.348 3. 120 5 917 4. 901 1.426 3. 539 j 1. 400 2 9% ' DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OK- CANS OF GEXEllATION. tUseaea of Penis. Epispadia 72 ■!3 Hypospadia .194 74 Loss of penis .447 Total .194 1 .447 [ IHmises of Tunica Yaginaliii. Hydrocele 7.i .202 2. 621 1.821 .453 .fW7 5.788 1.420 1.783 708 ofln I.IM 3.337 7(i 77 Sarcnoelo Varicocele .388 .594 2.304 5.778 4. 655 1.787 1.002 1 0.150 Total 1 .388 .594 2.883 2.304 5. 778 4. 01)3 1*787 2.276 0.014 3. 209 1.769 1 0.439 4.681 Diseases of Testicle. Chronic disease of testicle Roiention of testicle 78 79 1.163 1.835 .481 1.787 .447 1. 305 2.480 .413 .178 1.415 2.800 1. 960 .187 . 'I.'IO Total Grand total 1 1. 103 1 1. 8:I5 1 .481 1 2. 233 1. 3C-". 2. a'4 . 178 1.415 ; 4.739 1. 123 1 744 1 '-.n.i 1 4. 400 1 3.387 -, ^04 1 1 1 . „..-. *" "^ .!.--| iy.i,> Jiscase aud disabUili/ on account of n-hkh Drafted Men were found unfit fur militari/ serrice — Continued. NEW TOEK— Con tinned. CONGKESSIOXAL DISTBICTS. J 5. , 16. 1 17. IS. 19. 20. ai. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Total. o 1 S t^ .5 " So ^ <- 0 0 p •is r H 1^ E— ■ = ■-■ -3 s is .5 SB 1^ a 1^ IS h 5 . Batio exemptcil per 1,000 examined. .586 8.2 2 .586 1.600 3.200 1.0G7 .410 .607 7.286 ".'304 .953 5.718 1.668 i.'oM 1.795 .449 2.693 ..361 3.974 '2282 1.369 .944 3.148 1.259 i.'ios' .368 ..339 3.724 3. 724 .448 a 070 .897 .224 1.021 3. 003 .340 .3,34 2 670 .334 4.619 6.062 ' 'i'ees' .956 .931 3.871 .889 .031 50 37 59 9.373 1 3.867 2.457 8.197 e. 339 t 1. 093 4.937 4.333 3. 651 5.351 1.473 7.786 9.639 4.425 3.338 10. 081 3. 824 5.7-23 ■ 1.001 3.001 .319 .319 .120 1.530 00 9.929 2 867 1.518 2144 .304 2. 890 2 282 7.240 .730 3. 383 1.569 01 2.929 2. 867 1.318 2 144 1 . 304 2 890 2 282 7.240 .736 3.383 1.5U9 4.003 .637 1.703 .042 .103 .146 fi-'' 1.239 .339 1.669 63 1 1.259 339 1.609 1 70.299 33.333 38. 084 5a 591 79.819 103.499 57. 899 50. 217 110.908 87. 189 94.256 99. 526 92. 330 63.351 85. 781 117. 200 80. 943 63. 644 .209 2.270 a 7:i!i 2.244 1.-95 i.'084 3.195' 5.'C60 ii'523' .672 1.345 04 7. (BO i. 655 2. 048 a. 429 5. 242 1.093 2 042 2 670 .289 05 7.030 ! 5.333 a. 048 2.429 5, 242 1 1. 093 4.039 1.084 3.195 5.000 12. 325 2 017 2 042 2 070 .289 2.480 3.733 '".'533' 1.067 \4io 2.429 .304 .672 .241 .544 .094 .137 OR .380 .5P6 . 715 . 3G4 2 244 1.445 1.369 .944 .339 .681 3.338 1.273 67 1.214 .898 .340 .289 69 1.172 5.333 .410 3.947 .715 1 .304 3. 142 1.443 1.369 .944 .339 .672 1.021 3.338 .289 1.273 1.036 4.101 .533 1.518 . 238 9. 551 1.084 2 282 .944 .368 .368 .677 .339 .448 1.001 .037 .711 .031 70 71 4.101 .533 1.518 . 238 2 531 1.084 2 282 . 944 . 730 I.OIU •«M 1.001 037 .743 12.302 11-200 2.437 7.893 6. 195 1 4. 009 7.181 ■J. 613 6.846 7. 534 . 730 13. 879 3.138 3. 06 1 7.009 .5;7 1.912 4.258 .410 .304 .313 .630 .368 .339 .052 .034 .031 7-' .449 .361 .436 .681 73 .304 .339 . .410 .304 1 .304 .449 .361 .436 .944 .368 .077 .631 .107 1.067 7.467 .410 2.457 3.03G 12 750 .477 9.769 ".'■729 1.346 .898 2. 946 11. 046 .334 3.672 .860 3.170 .930 .956 .5J0 3.537 75 11. 716 7.387 1.574 3.362 1.021 76 . 1 11.716 a 533 2 867 15. 786 10. 245 1 . 729 2.244 7.587 1.374 13.991 3.362 1.021 4.003 4.042 1.912 4.134 5.272 .580 .533 .819 .410 1.518 .911 .238 .933 .729 1.438 2. 244 1.795 .723 1. 369 .913 4.721 3.314 2. 209 6.093 1.354 2 017 1.793 3.714 .681 .608 .334 1.155 1.593 .319 1.5-23 . 573 2.103 78 79 5.858 .533 1 2i9 a 4-i9 1. 191 1 2. 187 4. 039 . 723 2.282 4. 721 5.3-23 7.448 3.811 4.423 1.001 1.133 1. 912 17. 575 9.067 4.503 jiasig 11.437 1 3.280 6. 732 a 07 1 2 738 1 7. 240 19. 882 a 125 7.173 0. 127 5.007 5.196 3.824 0 424 tii TaIimc Ni>. 'J'i — Showing, by Slahn and Coiiiiirwional D'mtrk-I;, the ratio ixem2)teil, per 1,000 examined, for oitck DISEASES. NEW yOUK-Continued. COXOKESSIOXAL DISTIUCTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. ?. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. © s in ti Cm v; W -3 is s ceo 5 S?! ft) '11 W •li •-pi So £ ere X f 'is Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. to DISEASES OF OECtANS OF LOCOMOTION. IllSEASES OF IIOKES. 1.1G3 7.124 8.120 4. 032 3. 852 .423 3.573 2.731 2.007 2.318 3. 892 8.309 4.808 3.368 1)ISKASES AXU rX.IUUlIiS OF THE JOINTS. Anli.ylosisot'.ioiuts (^hro'iiit; disease of joints 1 81 83 3.295 li 507 1. "4-1 17. 63G 3. 8.59 1. 701 3. 502 3.070 8.388 1.311 4.032 1. 728 1.728 G.740 21. 184 1.926 11.003 2. 962 .423 8.486 .447 .893 .910 2. 276 .010 ii.'Vis 0.614 2. 8.53 17. 828 1.070 8.403 10. 970 2.831 3.080 14. 838 1.400 10.859 2.526 9. 923 ;8. 130 1. 408 ,3. 087 Total l>!Si; ASES OF THE SPLXE. 0.202 13. 308 7.438 29. 651 14. 388 9.820 4. 030 ;38. 032 21. 751 «. 293 19.317 22.280 13.752 R'l 1.550 2.671 a 883 1.152 2.407 4.232 3.573 .910 L24S 2.123 3.919 4.306 1.123 DISEASES OFTIIE MUSrULAaSYSTEM. Diseases of Mitsclc. Atropliy of limb Diseases of Tendon. 85 1.744 1.781 .524 4. 032 2.889 1.270 1.365 .535 0.723 .500 .936 2.807 f(< .775 3. 850 1.187 8.388 1.835 .570 1. 152 2.889 2.407 .481 2.116 .846 1.821 .455 L248 .713 .178 5. 662 4.246 .840 3. 030 .840 4.494 L123 2. 245 .842 M7 88 .388 281 1.103 :,. 040 10. 223 1. 728 5.778 2. 902 2.270 1 2.139 9.908 5.319 5.617 [3.368 Graud total DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAll TISSUE. 83. 250 25. 824 35. 125 18. 433 44. 776 23. 275 10. 972 11.379 4X090 27. 901 44. 940 37. 514 38.008 24.418 80 .594 .786 .576 .481 .455 .413 .178 .354 1.120 .749 .281 Grand total DISEASES OF THE CUTA- KEOnS SYSTEil. Cntiiiioona contractioua Discaso of skin Dlccra Giaml total .594 .780 .576 .481 . 4.55 1 .413 .178 .354 1. 120 . 74;l 1 . 231 on .900 ..581 1.550 ".'297' 3.850 .786 '2."697 .455 l.Sil .337 2. 490 3. 209 2.477 1. 052 4. 246 1. 120 1. 91)1) . .500 .187 .562 6.928 .842 .501 .281 01 2.880' .481 4.333 1. 003 5.501 2. 080 3 120 3.101 4.150 2.883 2. 880 4.815 7.194 5.800 2.276 1 6.062 7.785 3. 0311 7.676 1.084 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- IlILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL Oil LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient .size of chest Deformity of clieat .* Pci-njauciit iihysical debility Grand total LOCAL IN.IUEIES. I.OCAUTV OF IXJUllV NOT SPECIFIED. Fractures L^^s of limb '. 93 04 ■IzhiH 1.187 . 594 IC. 028 24. 115 3.408 M. 079 7. 222 4.232 0.771 25. 391 ''i'233 21. 885 21. 393 16.' Ml' 9.005 2.067 5.374 "."713' 30. 130 1.415 1.415 21. 585 8.399 3. OSO 32. 193 3. 932 5. 242 18. 723 1. 401 .231 8.701 95 2. 304 21.184 32. 558 17. 809 42. 202 2.304 28. 406 36. S94 |24. 118 [38.234 16. 5.16 30. 843 24.416 43. 073 27. 897 10.385 96 97 9R 2. 132 . noii 14. .544 . 504 4. 150 1.311 1.573 1.048 1.728 1. 728 . 570 4.815 1. 444 4.633 5.' 925 8.039 .893 4.096 1.305 5. 007 10. 335 3.' 307' 1. 605 .178 2. 853 8.403 1.415 1.415 0.439 16.' 078 3.745 3.0S7 ..■^02 1.433 3.370 2.245 Total 0.202 19. 294 3.932 4.032 7.488 8. 033 10.469 j 13. 042 4. 635 11.3-23 16.517 7. 076 jo. 730 IXJUIilKS AXU MALKOUMATlOXa OF LTI'EI! E.\TltIvMITlliS. I lefeets ^T deformities of hand . . . Lo.s.s of thumb Total 00 IIXI 2. 132 . 9!-.9 . 594 .297 2. 021 1.573 0.740 1.020 .840 8.039 3.186 .455 3.387 .713 0.369 7.270 .280 0. 928 .374 ->. 0.52 .842 .890 4.194 7.488 8.600 . 846 . 8. 039 3.041 ! 4. 101 0.309 7. 539 7. 302 3. 894 IXJUItlES AXI) MAI.FOIiMATlONS OF LOWEll EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformiliea of foot Loss of great too Total 101 m 4.070 1.484 0.815 .262 2.407 2.116 15. 032 .447 4.090 4.002 .178 8.040 1.002 8. 67!l 1. 120 10. 072 . 187 2. 520 1. 403 4.070 1.434 7.077 2.407 2.110 10.079 4.096 5. 170 9.008 9.798 10. 659 3. 929 Graud total 13. 372 21.008 15.203 |ll. .521 17. 333 13. 542 33. 050 18. 207 13. 042 13. yuo i~. GOl 33. 875 |23. 638 16.559 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic of internal organs Ratio exempted for all diseases m 10. 078 0. 827 2. 359 .846 .893 1.821 1.240 9.003 4.934 2.800 ll.f47 3.640 234.302 210.082 j2?1.035 J131.9J2 310.063 247.143 289.415 200.728 289.789 221.905 1207.870 272.396 280.403 jl79.905J 595 dhcase anil disahilili/ on account of which Drafted Men %cere found unfit for miUtartj service — Cuntiuued. KEW YORK— Continued. COXGRESSIOXAL DISTEIUTS. 13. £^. 16. 17. 18. E5i 19. E-. 20. 21. 33. 23. 24. 25 £■". S N es Co gc H 6. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Total. Ratio exempted j)er 1,000 examined. 1I.71G 5. 272 23. 1!I0 3.515 8.000 4.ni4 7.2f6 12.300 7.653 9. COO I 1.229 10.322 '10.007 10.569 3. 200 12. 09.') 9. 107 14. 0J8 j 5. 831 5.324 ' 2.123 1 3.097 I 4.009 C.732 10. .333 13. 2G0 1.793 6.864 8.309 3.419 1.443 1.369 2.738 32 7.35 1. 103 1.2:)9 42.710 1.239 ...... 7.240 9.205 15.2:14 5.380 6.277 1.693 19.727 9. 479 3. 3G2 1. 703 15. 657 13.351 l'). 020 13.017 2. 300 3. 824 2. 598 I . 637 24.249 1C.89J 1.732 6.110 6.330 12. 409 2. 532 80 12 600 19.247 21.534 27.162 20.408 £7.379 113.173 5.333 2.807 3.339 3.336 4. 488 3. 231 3.339 I 1.900 4.373 2. 667 I 8 190 4. 554 2. 607 3.0^6 .911 .410 3.574 l.SOG .729 1.438 5. 3::3 12. 2S5 I 5. 404 I 5. 480 I 2. 187 5. 833 I 9. 032 3.142 2.244 .449 2. 529 5. 780 .723 31.407 41. 7C9 ,40. Dc4 30.274 ,37.330 44.883 35.403 . 533 ; 1. 172 4. (i87 8. 202 1.007 4. 207 .819 2. 4.-.7 .819 14.060 3.333 I 4.093 10. 403 4. 087 73.228 467 4. 093 22. 4C6 4G. 274 29.807 50.369 21. 675 ..186 31. 034 12 888 . 586 2. 733 42. 502 1.067 30.' 400 6.552 .410 23. 342 31.407 30.303 8. 000 9. 828 1. GOO . 819 9. 600 10. 047 13.474 20.800 9.828 10.018 3. 733 2. 807 3. 043 13. 474 80. 844 05. COO 33.043 2.929 538.371 1.518 4. 837 . 715 1. 0B3 1. 906 2. 187 . 449 2. 168 1.795 4.488 1.800 4.007 2. 631 3. 280 6. 2S4 0. 503 12. 800 1.6GK .911 3.947 1.821 0.079 •2. 732 14.533 112 095 2 133 6. 002 334.133 2S9.5ir I 5.718 1.191 17. 033 .718 .477 0.195 0.071 .715 38. 122 8.382 1.430 10. 158 2.244 24. 2.37 2. 531 1. 4.58 1.093 8.746 1. 623 10. 5G9 .3. 400 2. 913 8. 382 ;4. 052 10. 838 3.974 32. 870 12. 039 3. 142 1.340 4.039 8.528 9. 423 .449 2. 915 J72.0S5 1.835 4.097 2. 108 0. 142 13. 006 11.922 1.443 4.108 33.253 43.814 3.738 4.103 3.402 .456 2. 738 3.143 2.203 10. 703 8. 215 2.738 9.123 16. 368 5.351 ..363 1. 473 4.760 11.171 5.416 2.031 37. 576 41.339 28. 580 17. 527 2.330 2.021 1.912 .1 G74 2.400 2.690 .224 4.084 1.301 .334 4.673 .008 1.443 "".577 5.440 5.074 2.121 .319 43. 8G3 23. 137 7-2. 430 36. 003 50. 331 1.333 3.537 3. 734 1. 345 1. 334 5. 004 2. 042 1.301 6.127 6. G27 5.073 9. 205 1.473 2. 940 47.844 13.033 .913 27.e'!l 0. 010 •2. 513 13. 905 11.807 1.309 10.497 14.479 1.836 12 323 14.479 33.902 34.313 .1. 800 272.J00 1.369 308.2;; 43.331 39.077 20. 000 0. 2.39 14. 339 2.703 2. 708 0. 735 2. 242 34. 037 .340 .30. 101 0.093 1. 334 18.019 10.140 1. 121 8.743 6.093 .077 5.078 10. 700 1.121 11.208 2 914 12 000 374.580 .081 2. 333 13. 330 12.934 12 934 3.212 1. 720 . 18S 5. 127 37. 104 .038 .033 .334 2. ,393 1.069 .866 5. 074 15. 3=9 7.077 19.053 .008 2. 003 45.723 .,577 3.753 9. 527 43.39s 13.857 19.033 14.333 27. 423 1. 1.35 8.001 33. 378 37. 240 13. 017 20. 848 2.003 2.309 13.0-20 29.157 24. .300 10.970 15.015 3. 338 2. 309 .319 .319 4.143 .774 1.313 4.122 13. 334 .319 19. 130 7.573 2. 032 25. 582 32.823 4.143 . 319 2 803 33.239 0. 433 1.030 8.013 7.330 8. 280 7. 531 . 930 . 838 27.704 I 13.279 70. 101 79. 677 9. 080 6. 062 7. 330 8. ^\>> .9.11 15. 015 9. 249 33. ISO .33. 125 455. 274 1347. 286 |308. 793 5.535 303. 594 99 ICO 01 102 133 5!)(; Tablk No. 2-i—Sliowin(i. by States and Coiifinsxiviial DMricts, tht ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each 91 DISEASES. NEW JERSEY. PENNSYLVANIA. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 8. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. r3 BCD f •is 1^ 1'- P4 f 5=5 IS S" N P4 an m 'is. t3" © m £0 Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. OENEEAL DISEASES. .710 2.840 2.130 1.420 3.500 13. 135 .531 .531 ".531 1. 062 4.246 .994 .746 .746 .994 4. 723 .404 .404 .404 1.213 1.617 4. 042 .239 1.671 .239 .4-7 8.592 .260 .975 1.105 .780 1.430 7.148 .3f0 4.941 .360 .760 3.041 ('Iiroiiic rhemnatisni 2.924 5.848 4.595 5.430 .387 1.468 .881 2.035 20. 846 2.386 1.391 2. 121 2. 631 42.418 8.185 3.387 3.931 5. 363 18. 064 5.109 "i.'333 .222 !444 3.708 1.370 2.741 14. 046 4 Non-nialignant tumors 6 Phthisis pulmonalia 33. 784 6.900 8.203 8.084 11.217 11. 697 18. 797 25.837 51. 166 38. 950 9.502 7.108 21.925 DISEASES OF THE ^^!RVOUS SYSTEM. DlSE.tSliS OF THE IIRAIN AND IT.S MEMBRANES. 7 ..330 .263 1.411 '".380 .444 .444 n Clironic of braiu .587 Total .587 .795 1.411 .380 .688 DISEASES OF THE NERVES. q .355 1.592 1.989 1.213 .477 1.105 2.089 2.035 1.591 1.129 1.520 .444 2.055 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. Chorea in .355 7.100 .065 5.329 .835 11.278 "'6.'i66' .795 9.279 .847 11.008 1.411 1.976 11 IG. 983 3.729 2. 829 1.909 9.502 "'i.'mo' 5.553 1.555 .666 a 398 "i.'o-js 12 n 1.775 1. 592 .994 .BOB .239 .975 1.253 .294 .795 Total 9.230 18. 577 4.723 3.638 2.148 6.369 13. 367 6.459 10.870 15.241 11.022 7.774 3. 426 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Clironic alcohoHsm 14 .587 .294 1.468 '2. 916 .530 .282 1.693 1. 129 .380 5.321 " '. 380 .222 4.220 1. 333 "3.426 .685 15 10 n Imbecility Insanity. Solitary vice 2.840 2.130 6.900 1. 062 2. 2:17 1.243 1.017 .808 1.671 .239 2.664 1.040 2.506 .418 Total 4.970 7.962 3.480 a. 425 1.909 3.704 2. 924 2. 349 3,440 3.105 6.081 5.773 4.111 Grand total. 14. 554 28. 132 10.191 7. 276 4.535 11. 178 18. 379 11. 45S 16. 702 20. 866 19. C04 14. 882 9.592 DISEASES AND IN.iniilES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF TI[E EVE. Cataract of ri^jlit eve 18 1.065 '2.840 2.130 a. 130 1. 002 1. 062 2.654 2.123 .808 .47r .583 .130 4.354 .910 1.430 .835 1.468 3. 977 .564 .222 19 T.088 of crvstalliaclens, rightpyo. Lo.'^a of sight, rifiht oyo •Jll 3. 480 .249 1.740 9.297 '2." 425' 4. 0.57 .710 .716 3.759 13.' 367 7.340 ' "9.' 395 11.400 5. 037 10. 604 .282 4.887 .222 9.773 3.083 5. 139 3. 139 'Jl I'ai lial loss of siphf," botli eyes. . . •J-J 18.911 18. 244 Total e.lG5 6. COO 5. 469 12.530 5.967 7.408 17. 962 18. 203 31.018 19. 737 18. 244 13. 104 13. 301 DISEASES OF TIIK EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids Grand total S3 1. 450 .497 .239 . 4.-,5 1.129 . 222 9.585 6.900 5. 966 12. 530 6.205 7.803 17. 962 18. 203 31.018 20. 686 18. 244 15.327 13. 361 '.'343 4. 7P6 DISEASES OF THE EAE. Chronic pnrulent otorrhoea Dcaf-dumbnesH 24 ".'355' 13. 135 '6.369 .994 .249 1.740 2.983 5. 255 .239 2.'i48 .325 .130 5. 069 .835 1. ,->91 4. 234 3.110 .2S2 5.331 Uli Deuluess 4.177 2. 642 4.772 5.927 9. 502 Grand total DISEASES AND IN.IURIESOF THE NOSE. Deformity of nose 13. 490 6.369 5. 255 2.387 5. 524 5.013 2.642 6.363 10. 161 9. 502 8.663 5. l;i9 27 .530 .282 . 222 'ii Loss ol noso •J!) Ozaiua Grand total 1.005 .404 .260 1.253 .587 .530 .282 .685 1.0U5 .404 .1:60 1.253 .587 1.060 .564 .iSi .685 .I'JJ^-. 1 597 disease and disahiUty on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for military service — Continued. PENNSYLVANIA. CO.NGUESSIOXAI, DI8TUICTS. 8. 9. 10. 11. la. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Total. Examined, 9,395. IS ■u. ii 5 Ii ■is 0 go £ 0 cOtp Ii ■is 0 II a) Ef- H 0 E c-. Ii 1^ Satio exempted per 1.000 examined. .418 .368 3.805 . 730 .491 .368 13. 378 10.914 1.079 .904 2. 324 15. 236 3.487 3.755 .268 7.511 17. 167 .403 3. 024 1.008 1.815 3. 024 3. 226 .398 6.371 .531 1.726 2 256 15. 795 6.905 .345 .345 3.798 97. 103 .309 4.252 1.270 1.559 1.9S4 4. 252 .240 7.935 .721 .481 4.809 6.492 .555 I. no .740 .935 1.293 1.110 .212 3 328 1.905 . 033 3.173 4. 868 .253 7.090 i. 521 3 788 4.033 .100 5. 007 1.171 1.145 2.813 10. 756 21.112 1.670 1.670 .418 1.G70 42. 589 4.206 2.103 .789 1.577 5.521 1.548 "'.'sio 4. 127 .516 .206 .200 .413 .306 7.638 5. 718 : 5. 470 . 927 . 400 . 404 . 608 2 318 i 1.217 1.391 ;11.965 a 3 4 5 6 48. 431 14. 196 6.706 8.671 19.146 37. 050 32. 189 12. 500 27.077 38.495 11. 127 ,19. 671 13. 324 20. 678 .5.736 13. 122 15.712 1.253 .2.58 .258 .212 .507 . 151 .124 .275 7 .206 .268 .962 H 1.253 .206 1 .516 .268 1 .962 .212 .507 2.505 .789 1. 032 1.652 1. 105 1.937 LOW 3.621 1.593 1.899 .773 .811 1.559 1.924 1.850 1.693 1.267 1.509 9 .263 8.938 .516 9.028 i6.'528' .491 3.805 1.201 10. 975 .805 8.315 .605 8.005 . 265 . 173 . 155 10. 354 .618 1.391 .203 7.706 1.217 .709 5.380 .507 1. 701 .635 4.233 .212 1.038 .507 4.815 '2.534 .408 7.445 .266 1.251 in 12.944 7.831 .531 1.195 5.524 .096 9.377 1. 203 1.443 1.850 '. 935 11 1? 1.070 1.577 .413 .859 2. 582 1.341 1.4U 13 14.614 10.778 9.543 10. 941 5.155 14.843 10. 401 10. 081 9. 822 6. 387 12. 517 9.126 8.303 12.022 8.776 6.138 7.850 9.371 .263 6.046 1.577 '8.'32i' .206 3.509 .619 ' 1.473 .129 2.453 2.841 .129 .268 4.024 .202 4.637 1.411 .202 518' 6. 769 3. 107 1. 195 . 863 .398 .518 .464 3.709 .464 .155 .185 1.850 ' '3 328 i.OH 4.815 .151 3.594 1.029 .098 14 10. 021 835 4.664 .811 .203 4.678 .435 5.290 3.126 15 10 17 10. 850 7.886 2. 321 4.335 1. 473 5. 552 4. 292 6.458 8. 362 5. 006 4.791 5. 678 5.103 8.415 2.036 3 323 .5. 829 4.873 29.228 19.453 12. 897 17. 135 7.732 2-i ai3 10. 094 19. 153 19.777 J13.292 IS. 081 15. 015 15. 025 2!. 3-33 0.002 10. 370 1.3. 459 10.027 1.670 .526 2.063 3.068 .516 1.210 .133 2 244 .173 7.941 1. 899 1. 208 .464 .850 1.924 5.!>22 .925 3 221 .555 3.880 1.481 3.' 175 .213 9.947 .507 .253 4. 503 .700 7.603 1.290 .002 5. 070 1.509 0. 029 18 19 21035 3.417 7.' 098' 3.611 .2.")8 1.548 5.101 1.032 2.477 6.027 1.350 1.904 4.777 4.048 2.970 4. 828 .805 10. 730 5.847 2 218 0.048 7.698 3.451 4.513 5.100 .404 7.573 5.273 1.022 3.448 6.378 1.270 4.394 4.809 .963 4.809 20 21 32 26.305 11.041 7.480 8.671 13.009 12 912 10. 363 15.323 15. 795 13.403 13.599 '10.343 12 899 12. 503 13. 509 14. 813 13. 683 14. 571 .418 .774 1. 105 . 775 .805 .403 .790 .345 .309 .203 .283 .240 .370 .212 .408 23 26.722 11.041 8.254 8.671 14.114 [13.086 17. 167 15. 726 10.591 ;13.810 13.908 j 10. 540 13. 182 12. 743 13. 879 15.026 13.685 14.980 3.758 1.840 .769 4.995 1.806 1.032 .859 6.714 2 146 ■.■463 4.839 2.250 . 205 3.849 1.030 2.935 1.854 2.473 1.217 4.064 1.701 1827 3.847 .210 3. 126 1.295 3110 1.267 1.979 .106 4.064 24 35 10.856 1.806 3.303 2 086 4.519 8.852 1.665 4.021 1.774 26 1.5. 449 7.624 3.611 4.335 2.940 11.233 10. 998 5.242 0. 371 3. 970 4.327 5.881 5.528 7.213 3.961 6.138 3.041 6.150 .258 .268 . __ _ . .155 .203 .143 .555 .185 .740 . 212 .134 .009 .390 27 28 .789 1.291 .805 .202 .796 .173 .203 .283 .700 29 .789 1 1 1.549 1.073 .202 . 7% 1 .173 .155 .406 .435 1.480 .312 .760 .524 598 Table No. 29 — Shotrhiri, fti/ States and Corigrcsgioiial Dis'lricls, the ratio exempted, pet- 1,000 examined, for each XEW JERSET-^Continned. PENNSTLVANIA— Continued. DISEASES. CONGIIESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 0 4. 5. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3 i F4 Srf 0" Is Is 0 Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. Ratio oxompted per 1,000 examined. 30 31 DISKASES OF TDE CIRCU- LATORY SY.STEM. 1hsk.\sf,s of the hkaut axu its memi;;;a.n1-s. .567 27. 598 .265 43. 743 .282 26. 531 9.512 .666 19. 709 ii.365 17. 962 Total 17. 902 28. 186 44. 008 26. 813 9.502 £0. 435 i 1.305 UISEASKS ok the blood- VES.SEI.S. Di-geascs qf the Arteries. 32 .355 1.617 .325 .294 Diseases of tlie Veins. 33 6.035 4.777 3.977 4.859 3.580 4.484 8. 772 11.450 5.832 6.774 8. 742 3.554 6.166 Total (>. 3no 4.777 3.977 0.467 3.560 4.809 8.772 11.744 .5. &32 6.774 8. 742 3.554 6. Il>6 C. 390 4.777 3. 977 6.467 3.583 4.809 26. 734 39. 930 49. 841 33. 587 18. 244 23.989 17. 472 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA. TORY SYSTEM. Dl-SEASES OF THE LABYSX. Fistula of laiynx ?t FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LAIIYNX. Loss of voice It .710 .241) .195 .282 09-T DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND BRONCHI. 3fi DISEASES OF THE LUK'G. === 1.693 6. 7.-,0 2i.285' 37 2.888 18. 214 4.796 10. 963 18 (;iironic disease of lung 37. 176 2.936 6, 628 Total 37. 176 2.936 6. 628 10.443 21. 2&5 21. 102 15. 759 Graud total .710 .249 .195 6.628 10. 725 21. 285 21. 324 15.7.')9 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OFTUE JAW. Ankylosis of jaw 3(1 4(J Disease or deformity of jaw Total .355 .531 .130 1.060 .922 " .355 .531 .130' 1.060 .222 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. Loss of teeth DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TBKOUE. Loss of tonguo 41 13. 845 47. 240 13. 071 18. 593 SI. 002 20. 600 16. 291 8.514 1.5. 376 10. 088 23. 945 12. 883 28.092 42 .294 , DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Oleft palate 43 .355 .497 .608 .239 .390 .418 .881 .265 .760 .444 DISEASES OFTHE SALIVAUY GLANDS. Salivary fistula 44 .531 .065 .2K> DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acute disease of stomach 45 .282 .760 1.140 .666 46 Clironic disease of stomach Total .282 1.900 .888 47 48 DISEASES OP THE INTESTINES. Hcniia IIiTuia, urahilical .'.'. '".'808 .404 9.297 4.850 2.021 4. 042 2.829 .'477 12. 888 8.353 1. 671 .239 '.'iso' .650 15. 792 7.213 1. 820 .075 .585 .195 22.974 27. 305 37. 646 1.000 32. 458 34. 588 20. 435 30. 490 50 51 Heinia, ventral Hernia, ri;;ht inguinal Hernia, left ing\iinal Hernia, double inguinal 1. 065 20. !)44 9.585 .355 ".'355 .531 27. 001 6.309 .746 13. 671 6.214 3.729 .994 .249 .746 ■ 'i.'ooo' .380 "2.22! .666 'i.'7i3 1. 370 54 Hernia, right, leiuoral Hernia, lelt fenir»ral .222 1.028 55 Hernia, double tumoral Total 32. 304 34. 001 20. 348 1 27. 359 22. 974 27. 305 38.706 32. 458 36.868 2,3. 545 34.001 599 disease and disahilili) on account of whicJi Drafted Men were found unfit for military service — Continued. rEX^JSYLVANIA— Continneil. CONGUESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. total. s Is V, Is 1 -3 .5 = Eg -3 ■is 'A 0 r •Is 0 •S '-'5 S ss Is Katio exempted per 1,000 examined. 9ri:i .258 5. ir/j .530 9.386 403 1.202 ' 'i.'486' .423 10. .'^.82 "5.068 10! 347 10. 625 ?0 9. If 6 ; 2. 692 9.496 1.718 5. 939 9.073 5.177 6. 732 11. 127 16. 224 7. 654 5.290 31 9.160 3.155 .■). 417 9.496 1.718 3.939 9.925 9.476 5. 177 1 6. 732 11. 127 16. 224 7.654 6.492 1.480 11.003 5.068 .418 .263 .387 .803 .133 .518 .203 .185 .760 .160 3^ 10. 021 4.469 2.063 1.858 10. 064 6.714 .5. 633 5. 342 0. 371 5.006 3.400 4.056 5. 670, 3. 847 3. 146 7.196 3.801 5.706 33 10. 438 4. 732 2.063 1 1.8.i8 10. 064 7. 101 1 6. 438 5. 242 [ 6. 504 | 5. 524 3.400 4. -259 5.670 3.847 3.331 7.196 4.562 5.866 19. 024 7.886 7.480 jll.354 W.l^ 13.041 16.363 14.718 ,11.680 1 12. 256 14.526 20. 483 13.324 10. 339 4,811 18. 201 9.630 16. 3'.U . :m .203 906 1.073 .202 .133 .309 .142 .115 .018 35 1 .133 .142 36 6.263 .526 7.098 3.353 1.548 .206 .413 .403 19. 556 .265 3.053 .690 3. 6-25 .773 4.945 1.614 .142 17. 293 .240 17. 793 .423 .253 16. 219 .728 8.723 37 5.846 7.101 16. 631 3. i46 1 7. 8.31 38 12. 109 1 7. 624 4.901 .619 7.101 J16.631 19.960 1 3.318 1 4.316 5.718 1.014 17. 434 18. 033 3.146 8.234 IB. 472 9.451 12. 109 7.886 4.901 .826 7.101 17. 704 20.161 j 3.584 1 4.316 6. 027 1.014 17.718 18. 033 3.146 8.254 16. 472 9, 384 .516 .129 .265 .133 .345 .343 .1.55 .464 .370 .098 .186 3q .789 .206 .123 .403 .283 40 .789 .206 .123 .646 .403 j .398 .690 .618 .283 .370 .284 13. 361 41.009 16. 766 12. 180 16. 078 26.46'J 24. 142 39.919 46.589 iai25 29. 516 10.546 28. 349 23.563 13.323 28.360 12. 164 22. 833 41 .009 42 .263 .826 .245 .516 .268 .664 .690 .927 .203 .283 .240 .185 .507 .382 43 .123 .133 .153 .035 44 .263 .202 .265 "."nV .309 .567 .142 1.014 .160 .248 45 .268 2.961 .635 46 .263 .268 .202 .265 .173 .309 .709 2.901 .635 1.014 .408 49. 687 18. 665 '.263' 2.103 2.366 ..••.26 28. 630 .316 'i."548' ;258 18. 786 13.868 11. 620 19.582 13. 710 13. 937 .133 .133 11. 946 4. .513 .265 14.328 12.208 19.671 .203 .608 6.895 5.678 .811 17. 576 .425 .425 7.654 5.103 .142 12.743 16. 839 16.720 14.952 19. 372 .098 .240 5. 3,)3 3.772 .390 .213 .186 .063 47 48 .418 1.253 .835 4." 542 2.064 .826 .123 11.905 7.480 .491 .245 .123 1. 162 10. 200 8.005 1.291 .139 .536 .803 .208 '5." 646' 4.435 .690 7.078 10. 185 1.036 '5.563 4.018 .618 .618 .309 .240 3.366 2.404 ' '4,' 071 2.036 .740 1.830 1.480 .555 .212 7.619 7.8:u .423 .423 .423 ' 'i'TOS' 1. 521 49 50 51 32 .173 M .258 1.008 54 • 1 .567 55 1 1 1 52. 192 23.922 31.983 26.218 34. 242 J32. 408 |21. 191 24.194 31. 192 |33. 489 23.335 33.867 31.892 18.755 27. 572 33.051 19. 260 29.067 GOO Table No. 22— Showing, by States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examinc(}, for each ~~~ DISEASES. NEW JERSEY'— Continned. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. COX(;P.ESSIOXAI. DISTRICTS. CO.NGKESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. 8. 3. 4. 5. 6. r. 838 BO K -a' So 1= o li Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. 5C 07 58 59 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM-Coutinued. DISEASES OF THE ItECTUM AKD ANUS. Fistula in nno 3.105 4.970 1. 4-20 .355 . .-,31 10. 085 .531 .249 2.983 .497 .404 4. 8S0 1.617 .404 .239 'i.'67i .845 3.704 1.170 .130 2. 500 4.593 .881 7. 027 .881 2. 631 1. 3J6 .795 1.411 6.492 1.970 .380 1. 520 1. Ill 2. 221 .888 .685 .343 .685 Total 9.940 11.146 3.729 7.276 1.909 5.849 7.101 9.689 4.772 9.879 1.900 4.220 1.713 60 61 DISEASES OF THE LIVEIt. 4.234 1.253 1.060 l.iiOO 1. Ill 1.028 Total 1.253 1.060 4.234 1.900 1.111 1.028 63 63 DISEASES OF THE SFLKEX. .::...: i .294 .343 .294 .343 Grand total DISEASES OF THE URINARY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 56.798 93. 949 44. 24G 50. 930 40.778 54. .193 48.037 46. 976 61.506 62. 941 67.275 43.314 65.776 ' '2.' 398 64 65 .444 1.111 2.349 2.916 4.798 1.900 Total 2.349 2.910 4.798 1.900 1.555 2.398 DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. fill . .530 1.060 3. 554 fi7 .833 .294 fiR Calculus .355 .404 .130 .28-2 .847 fit IncoDtiuencc ofuriue 1.591 .444 Total .355 .404 .130 .635 .294 3.181 1. 129 3.998 DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. Stricture of urethra .- 70 1.740 .239 .520 .005 2.924 2.036 1.976 .760 .343 71 Urinary fistula .355 Total Grand total .335 1.740 .239 .585 2.924 2.936 1.976 .760 .343 .710 1.740 .404 .239 .715 3.759 5.578 6.098 7.903 2.661 5.553 2.741 DISEASES OF TOE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES ASD IXJUniKS OF OK- GAN8 OF GENEUATIO.V. Viicaees of Penit. Epispadia 19. 73 Ilvpospudia .265 74 Loss of penis 2.123 .260 Total 2.123 .260 .265 Diaeaaea of Tunica TaginaXit. 75 1.0C2 2.654 .994 1. 213 2.425 .477 .477 .455 1.235 1.253 7.937 .294 .205 1.326 .564 .564 .222 1.111 '7.537 7fi .710 77 Varicocele Total .710 3.715 .994 3.638 .955 1.690 9.190 .294 1.591 1 1.3.13 7.537 Viaeatea of Testicle. Chronic disease of testicle 78 2.089 3.817 1.326 2.822 .444 .222 ■ '.'685 79 Kctoutiou of testicle Total 1 2.089 3.817 1.326 2.822 1 .666 .683 .710 5.839 .994 3.638 .955 1.950 11.278 4.110 3.181 1 1.999 a 22s 601 disease and disahUify on account of icliick Drafted Men were found unfit for military service — Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Con tinued. CONGUESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 8. 9. 10. 11. l!4. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Total. .2" p." i B ■2 . 1 .2° a A 2 IS m -a" 0) IS O a_; 'sS ■ii o E?-" It Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. '3.758 .835 .418 .CC3 i.OM' .206 1.445 .206 1.595 11.414 .491 .775 3.873 4.S06 .536 3.755 1.878 1.411 2.218 .806 .531 5.309 .205 1.208 4. 143 .690 .153 3.863 .155 .608 2.231 1.420 .709 7.796 .567 .240 2.885 1.202 .925 .740 1.693 5. 291 1.058 .760 2.534 .507 .879 4.002 .967 .009 56 57 58 59 5.010 1.314 1.858 13. 500 9. 555 0.170 4.435 0. ICC 6.042 4. 172 4.259 9.073 4.328 1.665 8. 042 3.801 5.857 .263 .4fc! 1.008 .796 1.327 'i.'726' .309 .464 .231 .745 60 61 .245 .775 1.878 2.028 .709 .185 .847 .253 .203 .245 .775 1.878 1.411 2. 124 1. 726 .773 2.028 .709 .185 .847 .253 .976 62 63 .123 .283 .635 .253 .080 .123 .283 .635 .253 .080 70. .'564 07.823 48.749 41.288 04. 678 70. 308 53.916 70. 565 87. 470 60. 936 59. 805 50.902 71.580 46.886 46.262 72. 169 37.253 00. 531 .202 .806 .265 .044 1. O.iC .526 .774 .413 .983 1.608 .173 1.082 1.217 .142 1.683 .370 1,058 1.014 65 .520 .774 .413 .982 1.808 1.008 .265 .173 1.082 1.217 .142 1. 683 . 370 1.058 1.014 1. 100 418 .155 .240 .180 .060 .160 .166 66 67 68 69 .123 .202 .605 .403 2 923 .263 .387 .129 .133 .133 .155 .155 .203 .418 .123 .425 3.758 .263 .245 .516 1. 210 .265 .464 .203 .425 .240 1 .. . .612 .418 .789 .516 .826 .368 .775 .806 .265 .863 .309 .283 .635 .568 70 1 :: .418 .789 .510 .826 .368 .775 .606 .265 .863 .309 .283 .035 .568 4.175 1.577 1. 290 1.239 1. 595 3.099 3. 024 .796 1.036 1. 854 1.420 .850 1.924 .370 1.693 1.014 2.281 .155 .283 .142 .027 .044 .037 .098 7' .133 .205 .240 .185 7t .253 .398 .155 .425 .240 .185 .253 2."io3' .258 1.032 .206 .206 .123 3.314 .904 1.420 .805 2.682 '.'eos" 1.593 5.309 .518 .690 .464 .406 1.217 .142 .992 .423 3 175 1.014 2.534 .399 1. 988 7', 3.340 .240 2.406 70 1 3.340 2.103 1.290 .413 3.436 1 2.324 3.487 .605 6.902 1.208 .464 1.622 1.134 .240 2.406 3.598 3.548 2.387 .789 1.840 .258 .367 3.755 .805 2.419 .403 .531 .133 '.'309 .203 .425 1.924 .370 .370 .423 .507 .799 .186 .985 3.470 78 .206 -9 - .. . . 1 2. 029 1 .258 .S06 1 .387 4.560 1 2.823 .064 .309 .203 .435 1. 924 1 . 740 .423 ..107 3.340 1 4.7S2 | 1.548 .619 3. 436 2. 711 8. 047 1 3. 427 7.964 1.208 1 .927 1 1.825 1 1.984 2.404 1 3.331 1 4.021 4.308 70 602 Table No. i2— Showing, b;/ States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. NEW JERSEY— Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. COXGBESSIOXAL DISTRICT'S. COXGRESSIOSAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. r. o a - r I- In "in 0 n is I" 0" "es 3 Eo fA Ratio oxeiui>tod per 1,000 examined. Ratio exempt ed per 1,000 examined. HI DISEASES OF OKGANS OF LOCOMOl'IOX. ni^F.ASES OF LOSES. 2.640 1.002 4. 226 6.467 2.864 3. .')74 6.206 3.523 2.651 2.822 2.281 1.777 1.370 WSKA6ES AND INJUUIES OF THE JOINTS. 81 82 63 2.130 11.300 1.420 .".'■31 1.491 2.734 1.740 6.871 1.017 2.4-25 3. .580 1.432 .955 2.859 3.444 1.430 7.937 2.924 ■4. 177 5. 872 6.753 1.403 5. 037 9.544 .531) 3. 009 14.395 3.009 7. 002 3.801 9.123 1.999 9.107 1.333 2.055 20. 213 1.370 Cbrouic disease of joints Dislocation ot joints Total 14.909 .531 5. QUO 10. 914 5.967 7.73J 15. 038 14. 093 2.042 15. HI 21. 733 20. 525 12. 439 23.038 DISEASES OF THE SPIXE. 84 2.840 4.246 2.734 4.850 3.580 3.509 5.302 4.234 7.982 3.110 DISEASES OFTnE MUSCULAK SYSTEM. Diseases of JUtisde. 85 3.550 1. 592 .740 4.042 .716 1.885 1.762 5.037 2.822 1.520 1.777 .343 I>iseases of Tejidon. EC 2.123 1.002 .249 .404 .608 .404 .239 .477 .455 .685 .065 5.013 2.924 4.404 .587 .294 1.856 5. 037 .205 .282 1.411 .283 1.140 2.665 .444 ""."685 1.005 8d Total 1.005 3. 1S5 .249 1.017 .710 1.105 7.937 5.285 7.158 1.976 1.140 3. 110 .085 2.">. S04 10.010 13. 9iO 27. 800 13. 842 17. 806 29. 240 27. 305 35.200 33. 587 33. 447 22. 213 20. 030 DISEASES OF THE CELLXT- LAll TISSUE. Obesity m 2.506 .881 .205 .504 S.'SO 1.333 .343 Grand total ' 2. SCO .881 .265 ..504 .380 1.333 .343 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- KEOUS SYSTEM. nn 2.485 2.485 4.015 4.'24G .740 .746 2.480 "4.'642' 'i.'i93' 2.148 .6.50 .975 3.249 .847 2.258 3.069 <)i 1.671 5,013 .294 3. 230 2.380 5.567 .760 7.982 1.535 3.110 2. 055 .685 q.i Dicers Graud total * 9. 565 4. 240 3.077 4. 042 3.341 4.874 6. 083 3. 523 7. 9.53 0.774 8.743 4.665 2.741 COMDniONS ^'()T NECESSA- KII.Y ASSurlATED WITH GEKKUAL UIl LOCAL DIS- EASE. q.i 16. 148 .881 15. 207 "3.446 29. 102 2.25S 'i9.'757 15. 583 .700 9. 122 .600 10! 218 "".■343' HO. 054 11 Delbrniitvot cliest 4.240 3 1. 255 1.740 7.209 26.'oi4' .239 7.399 1.040 15. 272 .418 25. 003 95 Pernianciit physical debility 23. 784 23.784 34. 501 8.949 20. Oi4^ 7.637 10.311 25.480 32.296 32.009 22. 015 25. 400 11. 100 110.997 LOCAL IN.JtTKIES. LOCALITY OF IKJt'UY ^OT SPECIFIED. Fractures ' 9G 17 5.325 .710 3. 1U5 13. 270 1. 002 4.240 4.220 .904 5.717 10. 509 3.341 1.193 1.193 0.304 .845 3.834 2.089 2.506 2. 089 1.174 2.055 6.100 5.507 3.181 .10.074. 7.021 2.540 11.008 1.140 1. 530 17. 604 4.887 .066 3. 998 1.C28 .343 .343 J on-malignant tumors 3.077 18. 698 2.773 44. 093 24. 839 24. 839 40. HI 31. 9.53 44.519 23.529 53. 522 39. 431 19.988 19. 968 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. P1SEASK3 OF THE 13K.\IN .\>"I> ITS JIEMUUAiES. 7 .314 .314 .473 .118 .059 ff .185 ) Total .314 .314 .473 .185 .177 BISE.\SES OF THE NEllVES. 1.100 1.100 2.766 2.840 2.040 2.017 5.546 3.014 .431 .431 FUNCTIONAL IlISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. 0 .314 4.873 .314 4.873 1.383 11.065 1.681 9.748 .277 8.874 .414 7.270 .059 2.837 I Epilepsy 7.101 .237 .710 4.452 . 5. 896 5.896 o Neuralgia •^ 1.686 1.886 1.383 1.855 3.361 6.650 1. 726 1.726 Total 7.074 7.074 13. Sil 8.047 6.307 14. 790 15. 807 10. 579 7. 623 7.6-32 DISOBDEBS OK THE INTELLECT. 4 .157 6.288 .157 .157 6.288 .157 .185 1.113 1.669 .059 4.019 1.714 s 5.533 1.383 4.260 7.731 3.361 4.714 2.496 2.588 .431 2.588 .431 f, 7 Total 6.603 6.603 C.916 4.260 2.968 11.092 7.210 5.792 3.020 .3.020 Grand total . 15. 003 1.415 15.092 1.415 23, 513 15. 621 11.501 27. 899 2a 564 19. 563 11. 073 11. 073 DISEASES AND IN.IURIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND IKJUBIES OF THE EVE. R 4.149 .473 .473 5.444 a. 130 4.734 1.484 2.689 .277 .277 6.101 4.714 2.496 1.300 .177 5.319 3.014 4.493 .719 .144 7.046 .575 5.608 .719 .144 7.046 .575 5.608 9 Loss of cn'stallino lens, righteyo. 0 1 Loss of sight, right eye Partial loss of sight, both eyes... Diseases of the eyes 4.087 3.144 a 987 4.087 3.144 2.987 8.299 3.895 .927 6.492 6.050 6.733 2.017 l-T 8.299 Total 11. 633 .629 11.033 20. 747 13.254 12.799 17. 479 13. 866 14. 303 14. 093 14. 093 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 3 .629 .710 1.298 .336 .832 .827 Grand total 12.2G2 12.262 SO. 747 13.964 14.098 17.815 14.608 15. 130 14.093 14. 093 DISEASES OF THE EAR. Chronic pnralent otorrhasa Deaf-dumbness 4 2.044 .157 3. cie 2.044 .157 3.616 .710 .237 8.047 1.484 .672 .336 12.437 1.941 1.189 .118 7.979 .863 .863 o 6 Deafness Orandtotal DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. Deformity of noso 4.149 4.037 9.983 3.739 3.739 5.817 5.817 4.149 8.994 6.121 13.445 11.925 9.279 4.602 4.602 7 .185 .185 .059 .059 .591 .268 .288 8 Loss of nose 1 Ozoina .629 .629 1.383 1.183 .336 .832 Grand total .629 .629 1.383 1.183 .371 ..336 .832 .709 .288 .288 G05 disease and disabilitji on account of whicli Drafted Men ucre found unfit for military scrfict— Coiitiimed. WEST VIKGINIA. KENTUCKY. C0XGKES3I0XAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 3. 3. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 0. 7. 8. 9. Total. 4 r3 C ■ n 1 '6 ■ji ii 'a o •§5 .So go .2" ¥ P4 .£2J IS- Katio exempted per 1,000 examined. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. .432 4.318 6.045 3. 789 ig.'gsg 22. 727 .123 5.3C6 2. 870 1.497 3.681 12. 728 1 1.524 1.309 1.997 9.663 7.807 .874 2.612 19.850 4.673 2.891 9.168 .723 1.084 11.565 3.416 1.139 1.139 3.606 10. 059 19.919 7.240 9.050 9.935 44. 344 6.211 3.727 3.737 1. 213 7.453 3 4 5 6 . 3.040 2.018 1.309 3.329 7.989 2.336 1.168 5.613 11.226 9.259 16. 608 4. .')73 9.259 5.236 15.979 27. 972 21.028 18. 432 27. 634 19. 359 90. 498 22. 360 43, 433 20. 207 8 9.259 1.309 2. 622 2.336 1.440 3. 454 .569 9.050 2.484 7.576 2 121 .125 4.743 9 .361 4.698 .905 7.240 10 10. 671 9. 102 0.658 4.371 4.673 4.318 4.365 3.727 JO 9. 2.'>9 1.309 .009 1.168 1.446 2.159 .759 .936 13 10. 071 9.259 10. 471 7.324 4.371 5.841 6.505 6.477 5. 124 8.145 3.727 5.802 14 3. 049 1. 524 2.018 1.309 1.332 1.997 4.371 2.622 1.168 3.505 3.975 2.108 1.727 1. 727 2.467 .949 .905 1.810 1. 242 2.484 "3.' 788' 2.371 1.609 16 17 4.180 4.573 3.927 3.329 6.993 4.673 6.144 3.454 3.416 2.715 3. 727 3.788 15. 244 18. .519 13. 707 10. 652 13. 980 12.850 14.095 13.385 9.110 19. 910 9.938 11. 364 13. 104 .666 .733 1.708 .905 .905 12. 070 11.765 4. 533 .811 .062 7.487 4.118 2.745 1R 19 1. 534 3. 049 1. 524 9.259 2.618 2.C18 1.309 8. 055 .TOO 3.320 8.741 1.748 8.741 12. 830 2.336 5.421 2.530 3.253 7.340 3. 022 5.013 5.124 4. 555 .380 11.180 11. ISO 15. 152 3.788 20 09 6.098 9. 259 0. 545 13. 316 19. 231 15. 187 11.920 13. 976 11.707 30. 769 23. 360 18. 939 15. 2M .624 1. 1C8 .361 1.518 93 6.098 9.259 0.545 13.316 19. 231 16. 355 12. 288 15. 976 13.285 30. 709 22. 300 18. 939 15. 847 1.524 1.309 1.309 1.108 1.139 .437 .063 4. 079 "4 9.239 i. 242 2.4S4 .666 6.993 4. 673 1.807 8.204 .1. 226 17. 195 Sfi 1 1. 524 9.2.-.9 2.618 .666 6.993 5.841 1.807 8.204 4.365 17. 193 3. 727 5.178 27 .874 .874 .063 .374 28 1.108 .361 2.715 2.') 1 1 748 1 lOr^ .361 2.715 .437 1 1 1 _ GOG Table No. 22 — Shoiciiig, hij States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DELAWARE— Continued. MARYLAND— Continued. DISTRICT OF CO- LUMBIA—Cont'd. CONG. DISTlilCT. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICT. 1. Total. 1. o_ 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. Total. s i en Is 1 5 is W CO is P •a' w Ratio exem'd per 1,000 cxam'd. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. Ratio cxemptetl per 1,000 examined. 30 31 DISEASES OF THE CIECU- LATORT SYSTEM. 1)ISE.\SES OF THE HEAKT AND ITS MEMHRANES. .314 10. 690 .314 10. 690 4. 024 8.718 3.783 •13. 805 13.805 11.003 11.005 4.024 8.718 3. 783 13. 805 13. 803 DISEASKS OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. 32 .314 .314 .710 .5.50 .672 .473 33 Diseases of the Veins. R. 917 6.917 11. C65 2.307 4.081 5.714 7.488 4.963 5.752 5.752 7. 233 7.232 11. 065 3.077 4.637 6. 387 7.488 5. 437 5. 752 5.752 lti.23G 18.236 11. C63 7.101 13. 356 6.387 7.488 9. 220 19.557 19.557 34 DISEASES OF THE RESPIEA- TOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LARTXX. .185 . FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LAUYNX. It .185 . 059 - ■ 111 DISEASES OF THE TKACHEA AKD DliOXClII. DISEASES OF THE LUSG. Acute discisoof llin*' 1 17 .314 5.345 .314 5.345 ..■171 .5..(i .118 .591 1R 1. 0.-)7 2. 732 2. 732 Total 5. G59 5. 059 1.657 .927 .709 2.732 2. 732 Grand total 5.659 5.659 1.657 1. 298 .827 .118 .236 2. 732 2. 732 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND IXJliKIES OF THE JAW. 31 1.3S3 .237 .237 40 Disease or deformity of jaw Total .314 .314 . 185 .672 .144 .141 .314 .314 1.383 .473 8.904 . 185 .672 . 3:.5 . 141 1 . 114 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. l!>. ^03 41 C.C03 6. 603 15.214 10. 573 48. 067 18.017 10-041 10.041 DISEASES AND IKJUlilES OF THE TONGUE. 42 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft i)alato .144 .144 43 .472 .472 1.383 .237 .165 .672 ..555 .414 IH.^EASKS OFTUE SALIVARY GLANDS Salivaiv fistula 41 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acute disease of stomach .C50 .118 45 .237 .473 4C (Jlirouic disease of stoiuacii Total 1 .710 .177 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Hernia 18.263 .f63 . 28S 6. 75'l 3.593 1.150 47 7.532 . .157 7.232 .157 15. G21 12. 057 .371 8.874 .277 1.941 15. 807 11.370 3. 328 . 277 9.634 .236 .591 13. 180 8.865 1.3C0 .177 .059 18.263 . 803 .288 0. 7.".9 3. 595 1.150 48 Hernia, ninbilical 1.383 49 Hernia, ventral .237 i). 7U4 5.207 I. 183 .237 .672 20. to 1 14.7'.0 1.008 50 51 Hernia, rijilit in^luinal Hernia, kit injiuinal Hernia, double ili; Hernia, ri;:lil fenuiral 10. 647 7.232 .78r 10. 847 7.232 .780 17. 981 9. 682 9.460 0.C78 .371 ra 1.383 54 Hernia, left feuioial .330 55 neruia, double femoral Total 20. 254 26. 254 30. 4iO 32. 189 29. 937 37.311 41.873 34. 043 30. 917 30. 917 607 disease and disahilitii on account of which Drafted Men we>-e found unfit for military service — Continued. WEST VIRGINIA— Contiuued. CONGRESSIONAL DTSTRICTS. Total. ag Hatio exeiupted per 1,000 examined. KENTUCKY— Continued. CONGRESSIO.S'AL DISTRICTS. 3. s. r £3 go" 7. s. 9. na Qi o CJ c ,-* 0'~l ^- M W W f^ Total. Batio exempted per 1,000 examined. . 8(;4 .ISO • 9. 259 2.618 2. 063 9.615 7.009 7. 402 12. 670 9.938 3.768 1.524 9. 259 .11^7 6. 613 0.801 0.801 .187 35 2.618 .606 4.573 1.1. 734 2. 336 .723 1.084 .374 U.3G4 8.859 .6GG .874 12.195 9.140 9.259 9. 259 11.7i;0 9. 102 15. 979 C.G58 18. 519 20. 942 1.108 10. 008 8.741 1.748 9.346 5.841 .301 9.035 5.0C0 .733 .723 .433 18. 908 18. 500 12. 0'.:o 3.860 .509 14.014 7.212 3.606 .569 2S. 959 19. 005 1.243 19. 876 11. ISO 7. 576 18. 939 3.620 51. 584 3.788 30. 303 . 125 3. 183 15.348 8 42J 1.997 .686 29. 760 GUS Tabu". No. Q2— Showing, hi/ SlaliH and Congrcsmonal Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. DELAWAKE— Continued. MARYLAND— Continued. DISTRICT OF CO- LUMBIA—Cont'd, CONG. DISTUIOT. CONGUESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICT. 1. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. 1. Total r3 Is '3 1" a—* eg w o So P4 Hi is S" is go H |i Ratio exem'dper 1,000 esam'd. Katio exempted per 1,000 examined. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. 26 57 58 59 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Coutinucil. DISEASES OFTUE KECTUM AXD ANl'S. 1.886 3.144 .157 1.886 3.144 .1.57 1.383 2.760 1.420 3.787 .710 .237 .712 8.533 1.655 2.353 2. 353 1.008 9.219 1.109 a. 219 .277 1.537 4.433 1.418 .118 1.150 2.013 .719 1.150 2. 013 .719 Total ... 5.188 5.188 4.149 6.154 11.130 5.714 5. 824 7.506 3.883 3.883 DISEASES OF THE I.IVEU. Acute disease of liver 60 .473 .118 .059 61 Chrouic disease of liver .780 .780 .185 .144 .144 Total .786 .780 .473 .185 .177 .144 .144 DISEASES OF XnE SFLEEX. Acute disease of spleen 6-' fit Chronic disease of spleeu .157 .157 Total .157 .157 Grand total 39 774 39. 774 52. 559 49. 231 51. 190 92. 437 66.556 01. 288 45. 873 45. 873 DISEASES OF THE DKINAEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. Acute disease of kidnev M .157 .780 . 157 1!.'. Chronic disease of kidney .780 .473 .371 .236 .431 .431 . 043 .157 . Kl . K,l . 1.07 .943 .157 . 157 .157 .157 .473 .371 .236 .431 .431 DISEASES OF THE ISLADDEK. Acute disease of bladder 60 .185 .059 , 07 Chronic disease of bladder Calculus 6R .473 473 1.100 ..355 .118 fi!) Incontinence of urine .144 .144 Total .030 .157 .029 .157 .947 .185 1.109 .533 .144 .144 DISEASES OF THE UUETIHiA. Stricture of urethra 70 .710 1.855 . 185 1.109 l.ro5 .050 .288 .288 71 Driuary fistula Total .157 .157 .710 2.040 I. 1U9 1.004 .283 .288 Grand total 1. 730 1.729 2. 130 2.597 .185 .185 2.219 1.832 .863 .803 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OU- CANS UK CEXEUATIO.V. Diseases of I'enis. Epispadia 72 .059 . 118 73 Hypospadia .314 .314 .330 74 Loss ol penis . 144 .144 Total .314 .780 3.930 .314 .371 .336 .177 .144 .144 IHseases of Tmiioa Yarrinalis. Hydrocele 75 .780 3.930 .237 1.057 .185 1.009 .336 4.370 .177 1.773 .575 .575 ..■175 .575 7(> Sarcocelc .'277 77 Varicocele Total 4. 710 4.716 1. 893 1.855 4.700 .277 1.95U 1.150 1.150 I>iteases of Testicle. Chronic disease of testicle Itetcution of testicle 78 79 .029 . 039 .237 .556 .230 .177 .431 144 .431 144 . 550 Grand total . 03'J .039 .237 1 1.113 1 .414 . 575 1 . 573 5.059 5.659 1 .277 2.541 1 1 :..■•■ t°"L\ 609 JisMse and disabilitii on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for military ao-oice — Contiuaed. ■WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. KEX TUCKT— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 3. £2 Total. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 5.236 5.23C a. 4. 5. as 5''= is Total. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 4.(iC0 .CCB .CCC a. 407 2.33G 1.108 3. SO.-) 3. 253 5.782 2.891 1.205 .804 1.70S .949 .5U9 .190 3.416 10. 860 10. 860 2.484 2. 484 1. 242 6.211 2.558 .936 .187 47. 203 24. 533 34. 695 93. 213 46. 044 3.497 2.336 .361 .864 3.020 .686 1.524 4.573 1.332 1.309 3.927 1.997 5.236 1.997 2.336 .686 .190 .190 .125 .063 .063 .360 1.748 3.497 1.C84 .361 1.898 .905 7.240 1. 242 3.788 3.788 1.061 1 872 6.098 2 277 8. 143 2. 484 7. 576 3. 182 77 GIO Table No. 22 Showixg, by States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for cnch KISEASKS. DELAWARE— Continued. MARYLAND — Continued. ' DLSTEICT OF CO- LUMBIA—Cont'd, CONG. DISTRICT. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. COXG. DISTRICT. 1. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. \ 1. Total. ■3 is '3 V is X is Is '5 •SB CO is r h is- £ 2 is Katio exem'dper 1,000 cxam'd. Katio exempted per 1,000 examined. Ealio exempted per 1,000 examined. 80 DISEASES OF OEGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF DOXES. 5.059 5.059 6.916 4.734 4.823 e.030 6.933 5.550 2.445 2.445 DISEASES AXU DCJUKIES OF THE JOISTS. 81 82 83 10. 090 G. 440 4.710 10. 0!'O 6.446 4.716 6.910 6.627 19. 172 2.130 2.040 4.266 4.623 15. 798 13. 445 2.069 6. 6.50 8.597 8.319 6.797 10. 343 4.728 3.020 14.812 2.013 3.020 14.612 2.013 9.682 21. 852 21. 852 16. 598 27.929 11.130 31. 933 23. 572 21.868 19. 845 19.843 DISFJSES OF THE SFIXE. 84 4.243 4.245 1.383 3.550 3.895 3.361 3.328 3.487 2.445 2.445 DISEASES OFTIIEMUSCULARSTSTEM. Diseases of Miiscle. 85 .94:) .943 1.420 3. 524 4.370 1.041 2.000 .288 .288 Diseases of Tendon, 86 1.415 1.415 .029 1.415 1.415 . 029 S.E.'B 2.706 .473 .237 1.484 1.069 .371 .672 1.008 .336 4.160 .555 1.832 1. 005 . 177 2.870 .719 .144 2. 870 .719 .144 88 Total 3. 459 3.459 8. 299 .710 3.524 2.017 4.714 3.014 3.739 3.739 36. 158 30. 158 33. 195 38.343 26. 807 47. 731 40. 468 36.584 £8.700 28. 700 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAE TISSCE. Obesity 8<) .472 .472 .237 .185 .118 .803 .863 nmnfl t"t?ll .473 .472 .237 .185 .118 .803 .863 DISEASES OF THE CTJTA. NEGUS ST.STEM. Cutaneous contractions . . in 1.572 1.25S 5.974 1. !)72 1.258 5.974 2.760 2.766 5.553 2.782 2.040 5.008 1.681 2.017 2.353 3.882 . 832 1.941 2.123 1. 055 3.060 1.150 .719 5.608 1. 150 .719 5.008 11 1. 420 5.207 q.i Ulcers Grand total 8.804 8. 804 11.005 0.627 9.831 0.050 6.656 7. 742 7.478 7.478 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- I;ILY ASSOCIATED WITH genei:ax Oil LOCAL dis- ease. Deficient size of cbest 11 .629 1.S58 31.750 .629 1. 258 31. 756 94 Deformity of chest Permanent pliysical debility Grand total 4. 149 74. 069 .947 23.609 5.194 22. 445 .535 16. 639 2.187 23.818 .431 30.055 .431 30. 055 95 22.857 33. 043 33. 043 78. 833 24. 015 £7. 639 22.ei7 17. 194 20. 005 30. 480 30. 486 LOCAL INJUEIES. LOCALITY OF INJURY XOT SPECIFIED. Fiacture 3 : Lo.«s of limb 96 17 8.332 1. 880 19. 905 8.332 1.680 19. 905 26.279 1.383 9.407 .710 5.917 13. 541 .9i7 1.113 7.731 l.OSl 1.008 10. 538 1.664 1. 100 11. 407 1. It2 2.240 2.732 2.013 4.t«9 2. 733 2.013 4.889 1R 1 Wounds Total 30. 1S4 30.184 27. 603 16. 095 15. 582 10. 420 13.311 14.835 9.635 9. 035 ISJLItIF.S AXD MALFORMATIONS OF t'lTKU EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of band . . . 99 inn .■;. 031 .029 5.031 .029 8.299 1.383 7.574 1.133 5. 505 .185 4.370 1.345 2.773 .277 5.378 .709 8. Ki3 .144 8. 053 .144 Total 5.059 8.604 .7S0 5.059 8.804 .786 9.082 8. 757 5.750 5.714 3.050 0.087 8.197 8.197 INJURIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER EXTRE5IITIES. Defcct.s or deformities of foot 101 in" 13. 831 1.383 8.094 1.183 0.492 .185 5.378 .672 1.941 .632 6.265 .709 5.321 .288 5.321 .288 Total 9.590 9.5S0 15. 214 10. 178 0.678 6.050 2.773 0. 974 5.608 5. 003 total UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. Itatio exempted for nil diseases 45.433 45. 433 52.559 35. 030 28.010 22. 185 19. 135 27.696 23. 440 23. 440 in 18. 393 272. 599 19. 393 34. 578 13. 491 26. 155 23.800 38.270 25. 532 5. 608 5.608 272.599 3ra.702 252.308 207.113 309. 580 307. 820 283. 688 217. 573 217.573 Gil disease and iliaaiiUly on account of tvhich Drafted Men were found unfit for mililari/ nerrice — Continued. WEST YIRGriSriA— Continued. coxci:essio.n,\l distkicts. SS es KENTUCKY— Coutinuod. COXCItESSIOSAL DISTRICT.S. B5 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. 9. Total. ^- r^ ^ r-' r£ ■d" r— ~ 'S CJ a • C i-j a ■ 2^ IS. es ei aS as 3§ B°. •■i' M n- W H ^ H « f^ W 1^ Ratio exempted per 1,000 cx.amined. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 1.524 1.524 1.524 18. 51!) 7.324 7.989 l.n07 1.332 1.309 2.603 1.309 1.309 5.992 6.119 11.304 so.'ios 2. 622 1.748 12, 850 8.178 4.C73 8.178 12. G49 .421 2. 591 5.161 2. 591 3. nor, .190 5.124 8. 920 6.453 1. 320 1.329 .190 17. 193 17. IPS 13. 575 47. 9G4 28. 034 1.810 .903 4.525 4.969 P. 930 3.727 29.814 43. 478 1.242 6.211 1.5. 152 2(!.515 8. f)72 2.870 7. 237 18. 780 5.927 3.619 1.560 .493 80 84 55. 55C 14. 3D8 30. 626 50. 099 .39. 720 24. 937 2.059 33. 005 89 4.573 9.259 5.230 2.663 .600 3.329 6.119 3.505 .361 3.614 1. 727 3. 022 .569 .739 3.037 6.335 .905 15.385 6.211 7.576 7.453 1.872 .686 4.430 6.988 7.622 1. 524 0. 098 13.5. 671 27. 778 4.060 14.647 1.748 15. 734 9. 346 18. 692 2.530 32. 888 9. 4;i9 24. 180 1.518 10.818 9.935 17. 195 3.727 3. •iSS ISO. 497 22. 727 4. 303 2:i. 833 13.707 19. 308 12. 336 124.224 26.31.'; 9.239 7.853 1.309 5. 236 9.321 1.997 C. 058 28. 037 2.33C 2.336 10. 119 1.084 .723 23.316 16. 839 9.300 . 5C9 12. 147 20.814 4. .323 28. 034 17. 391 3. 727 4.909 9.259 12. 238 32. 710 9.259 1.309 1.309 4. ceo 1.997 3.497 3.497 5. 230 5. 230 27. 778 30. 020 149.215 25. 965 200. 399 10.608 249. 126 7.009 7.009 253. 505 11.926 19. 862 3.880 1.708 .949 11.705 .905 2.484 2. 484 23.748 9.390 .361 28. 929 203.831 290.223 4.745 1.708 1.810 4.525 18. 939 13.788 1. 185 9. 858 2C. 515 24. 8 12 5. 863 99 1.243 100 5.241 101 .931 102 14.9D3 106.787 0. 333 ■. 4S4 6.177 33. 540 30. 303 i 38. 12 6. 211 41. 667 27. 820 10 179. 161 593. 760 337.704 303.030 i 251. 248 | G12 Tahle No. 2'J — Shoichi/j, by Slnien and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempicO, per 1,000 examined, for crck DISEASES. MISSOURI. OHIO. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. 1. 2. Ceo is m 'ii X a • 's •is n 1". i rS 2 • .So H ■3 IS ■5 = So goo II Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. Ratio excm'd per 1,000 exam'd. 1 GENEEAL DISEASES. 3 3 2. 2.55 3. 257 2. 50li 3. -JST 33. 5TG 2..'i55 2.129 .852 1.278 13.313 27. 363 2.488 2.066 5.618 10. 766 4.431 2.215 1. 510 3.032 25. 420 2. 842 7.460 .355 6.394 37. 655 .2-23 3.784 .445 2. 003 17. 805 Nou-maliguant tumors 2.006 4. 133 8. 204 4.975 M. 720 5.618 30. 899 4.785 25.157 44. 851 25. 128 89. 553 25.157 16. 539 4i 135 15. 550 36. 614 54. 707 24.260 DISEASES OF THE IsTSRVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASKS OF THE BRAIN AND ITS MEMBRANES. 7 8 Chronic disease of braiu Total 1 '" DISEASES OF THE NEltVES. 2.488 0 .752 2.981 6.289 2.809 1.516 1.066 "6.'394' 3.561 .445 5.564 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF TH E NERV- OUS SYSTE.M. in . 251 8.770 2.809 5.618 2.393 1.190 .466 7. 229 11 4.259 12. 438 12. 579 14. 463 V' Neuralgia n 1. 002 .852 2.488 2.066 .933 1.421 .890 Total 10. 033 5.111 14. 925 12. 579 16. 529 8. 427 3. 589 8.629 7.815 6.900 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. OliroDic alcoholism 14 IS Imbecility .251 1.378 2.4S8 2.488 6.289 2.809 2.809 "i.'ioo' .816 .350 .710 1.776 1.558 1.781 in Insanity 17 Solitary vice Total .251 1.278 4.975 6.289 5.618 1.196 1.166 2.487 3.339 Grand total 11.025 9.370 22. 388 25.157 16. 529 10. 854 4.785 11.311 11. 3Ca 13. 799 DISEASES AXD IN.IUEIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. Cataract of riprlit eye Lo.^s of crvstalline'lens, righteyo 18 1!) 1.253 6.814 3.833 5.537 4.C85 8.518 2.488 12. 579 4.132 4.132 2.066 2, 066 4.132 5.618 1.190 3. S,*^ 1.283 8. 016 3.148 8; 396 1. 776 ■i2.'43:J' 7.815 1.066 .690 .223 8.680 5.564 2. 220 «U Los.s ol siiilil, ri^ht eye 11.025 2.005 10. 774 12. 438 12. 438 9.950 8.127 5.618 2.809 3.589 "2.' 392' i!l 22 Partial loss of si<»lit, both eyes.. . Diseases of tlio eyes. ...*... .' Total DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 25. 050 29.387 37. 313 12. 579 16. 529 22. 472 7.1:7 24. 254 23. 091 17.583 23 1.002 1.278 7.463 1.166 2.487 3.116 Grand total 20 059 30. 664 2.129 "9.' 796' 44. 776 2.438 io.'ooo 12. 579 16. .529 23. 472 7.177 25. 420 25. 577 20. 690 DISEASES OF THE EAR. Chronic piinilont otorrhoja Dcaf-ilumbnesa .' Deafness Grand total DISEASES AND IN.IUEIES OF THE NOSE. Deformity of nose . 7.52 '5.763' C. 515 24 1.049 .117 6. 8S0 .710 'i'ios' .223 .445 7.790 25 26 "4.'i32 2.809 2. 809 '2.392 11.925 23. 388 4. 132 5.618 2. 392 8.040 7. 815 a 458 27 2.809 .117 . 117 tit) 29 Lo.S8 ot nose Ozffina .251 .752 Grand total 1.002 2.809 .583 — ■ ., . 613 disease and disabiUti/ on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for miliiarij service — Coutinued. OHIO. COXGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 7. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 13. 16. 17. 18. 19. Total. eS 3 a St- as .So .9§ .2d .2" Sin So Katio exempted per 1,000 examined. 1.396 3.587 13.029 .931 4.C53 .931 5.381 120.940 .972 6.603 8.937 .470 1.4U 3. 7C3 8.937 1.004 3. 012 1.004 3. 013 40. ICl 9. Ma 23.518 48.193 17. 821 .509 6.110 1.018 2.037 8.147 .558 1.115 1.673 2. 7S9 lo! 039 16. 174 .668 2. 0C3 .068 .068 2.003 10. 108 .361 1.444 6.859 10. 830 0.008 29. 603 1.914 .765 7.271 9.950 1.043 1.503 6.774 2.985 .746 6.716 10. 448 3.061 .510 1. 020 2.041 8.673 1,5. 306 4.138 2.759 2.069 13. 793 .411 9.453 1.233 .411 4.110 34. 114 49. 733 3.963 .001 1. 982 1.982 15. 853 24. 439 .159 4.032 1.512 .6™ 2. 407 14. 403 23. 263 2.327 .465 4.188 1.794 .931 5.584 2.003 8.032 4.5§2 10. 108 1.914 1.531 3.444 1.531 .823 1.618 5.211 .690 4.138 3.699 5.284 .212 5.438 .972 .608 .765 2.882 1.020 7. 526 9.036 4.5B2 5.732 6.716 3.699 6.472 1. 396 1.396 6.317 3.887 2. 822 ~9il 2.008 2.546 1.805 2.084 2.084 5.970 1.493 1.441 1.441 .510 .510 2.069 4. 932 1.233 3.303 1. 321 2. 785 1.191 2.792 10.204 3.703 2.008 2.540 4. 005 4. 093 3. 827 4. 109 7.403 1.020 5.361 10.703 .897 1.794 1.794 18.950 12.700 15.060 8.147 2. .137 4.188 2. 327 .931 .486 0.317 4.313 9.772 11.176 .465 .972 1.944 .470 6.115 5.644 .941 7.' 526 12.084 17.329 11.4S1 10.943 5. 020 1.004 I. 0o4 6. 024 6. 034 1.004 1.004 2.546 1.018 1.018 2.231 3.346 .558 1.073 3. 338 1.335 2.003 8. 366 7. 343 .668 !. Oil 8.678 .668 2.106 .361 6.137 3.971 1.08:i 13.718 .765 5.' 741 2.079 1.148 .383 .383 6.889 .383 7.205 10. 686 4.169 3.127 ..521 9.383 9.380 4.323 1. 493 1. 441 1.493 5. 732 4. 478 6. 774 4. 478 2.041 2.551 .510 2.041 ..510 8.270 8.270 6.207 9.042 7.809 .411 1. 982 1. 983 .902 .080 5. 076 3.660 1. 107 17. 263 17. 203 3.903 .661 3.303 3.303 11. 485 . 849 23 13.334 .477 , 24 . OSO 25 5. 517 I 26 . 027 27 .027 28 .060 29 . 133 I 614 Table No. 22— Showing, hy States and Congrcaeional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for eaoh DISEASES. MISSOUEI— Continnod. OHIO— Cont'd. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONG. llISiniCT^. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. 1. a. h IS o c • 5 Is a . r 11 •So Eatio axemptod per 1,000 examined. Katiocxem'dper 1,000 cxam'd. 30 31 DISEASES OF TOE CIRCU- LATOET SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE IIEAIIT AND ITS MEMBRANES. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. 32 .753 2. 488 H.925 .406 Diseases of the Veins. 7.400 33 1G.788 17. 53D 14.055 14. 055 6.289 10.331 19. 603 4.785 14. 342 7. 343 Total 17.413 6, 289 10. 331 19. 603 4.735 14. 809 7.460 7.460 7. 343 17. 533 14. 055 17. 413 C. 283 10. 331 10. 603 4.785 14. 809 7.345 DISEASES OF THE KESPIRA- TOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. 11 .426 .117 . 663 FUNCTIONAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LARYNX. 1.278 .350 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND BRONCHI. - 16 , DISEASES OF THE LUNG. === 37 rtR Total Grand total 1.704 .466 .668, DISEASES or THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JAW. Aukylosi.s of jaw 3!1 .752 1.002 .426 .426 .466 .816 ' "i.OGo' . 445 40 Diseaao or deformity of jaw Total 2.488 1.196 1.754 .852 2.488 1.196 1.383 1.060 .445 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. " " '* 41 13. 530 18.313 10. 900 13. 663 18.595 2.809 7.177 14. 459 8.526 6.454 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE TONGUE. Loss of tongue ^ 42 ^^^ — ^ DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cloft palate 43 2.066 .117 .233 .223 DISEASES OFTHE SALIVAItV GLANDS. Salivary fistula 44 • DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Aciilc^ of stomach ==:= ^=^= ==-3=: 43 4U Chronic di.seaso of stomach Total DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. nirnia 47 4S Ilcniia, nmbilical .426 .652 20. 387 10. 647 1.278 .853 2.392 ' '9.' 569' 2.392 3.589 .350 1. 632 19. 123 10. 961 2. 565 1.283 .117 .330 .711) .353 33. 743 1.770 1.421 . 890 "26, 921 ■ 7. 507 3.781 . (lliS 1. 335 1. 113 40 3.007 17. 53!) 13. 02!) 3.758 14.925 9. 950 2.488 2.488 2.483 'c.'sso 44. 025 io.'isi' ic.'529 i4. 045 11.236 50 SI 58 53 Kcniia, ri;:lil, iii;; Hernia, Iclt in^uin;il Hernia, doiihlc iii;:ninal Heniia, ri;;lit femoral Hernia, loft femoral b:> Hernia, double looioral 1. 278 Total 37.334 44.719 33.338 50. 314 17. 943 30.381 38.011 36. 279 25.281 615 disease and disability on account of uhich Drafted Men wei-e found nnfit for militarg service — Continued. OHIO— Continnoa. COSGRESSIOXAL DISTKICTS. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 13. 14. 15. 16. ir. 18 19. Total. SS H o p 'A ■A *6 .2° P4 if c a-; S •-2 0 it o .5° H h Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. 30 31 ■ 1 .897 .931 1.004 1.115 1.148 .239 32 2.691 6.019 5.831 4.233 14. 0.™ 5.092 6.693 15. 354 13.718 4. 975 9.901 1.493 1.441 4.592 11. 034 7.809 4. 624 7.268 7.507 33 3.5S- G. 950 5.831 4.233 15.000 1 5.0!J2 1 7.808 15. 354 13. 718 0.133 9.901 1.493 1.441 4.593 11. 034 7.809 4.624 3.5s7 6. 930 5.831 4.233 15. OCO 5. 092 1 7. 608 15. 354 13.718 6.123 9.001 1.493 1.441 4. 592 11.034 7.809 4. 624 7.507 1.083 .159 3( _ 1.115 .510 .080 :;5 36 37 38 ■ 1.115 1.083 ■ .510 .239 .972 .722 .822 .411 .212 .212 39 40 .668 .765 .510 .972 .668 .722 .705 .510 1.233 .424 12.043 . 3.587 8.376 5.831 9.407 30. 120 7.128 11.154 5.340 23.827 4.210 17. 196 14.925 10.086 16. 837 42. 759 8.220 15. 192 41 .941 1.004 .383 1.042 2.882 .690 .411 .292 43 .383 .053 46 .470 .027 .205 .743 1,5. 809 8.011 1.326 .822 .769 . 133 47 .972 1. 4.i8 13. 120 11. C62 .480 .486 .510 9.694 10. 714 3.061 1. 020 1.020 .661 .601 1.3.210 7. 926 "i.'osj' 4-' .897 2. C91 .697 10.' 703 10.237 .931 .405 9.'467 3.293 .941 5.020 14. 0.-.C 3.012 1.004 1. 004 . 1.004 1.018 8. C.iO 7. 123 1. 527 .509 1.673 13. .143 11.712 2.231 1.115 1.115 2.070 12. 010 18. 692 1.335 .361 19. 495 2.868 .361 1.805 3. 219 .383 9.950 6. 889 1.563 S.333 9.901 1. 042 7.403' 8.209 .746 2. 882 11. 527 4.323 4.323 .690 28.276 21. 379 ".'690 27.' £27' 8.220 1.044 4.1)0 2.877 40 50 51 52 .521 '<4 55 J 4.484 22.336 27. 097 14. Ill 25.100 18.839 31. 790 34. 713 ;23. 159 17.222 21.365 16.418 23.055 26.020 51.034 43.979 1 24.439 27. 905 G16 Table No. 22—Sho«;iiig, by States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. MISSOUEI— Continned. OHIO-Cont'd. CONGBESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DISTltlCTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. 1. a. IS a 1 M o Is is" o a • 1 1. 'A 1. as c 13 Examined, 4,493. Eatlo exempted per 1,000 examined. Katio cxein'd per 1,000 exam'd. 56 57 58 59 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Coutiuucd. DISEASES OF THE liECTUM AND ANUS. 3.257 6. 705 1.00:i .852 8.518 .852 2. 488 2.488 1.606 7. G96 .816 1. 421 2.131 1.066 .445 4. 451 .008 .445 6.389 2.066 11.236 2.609 14. 354 11.035 10.221 4.975 6.289 a. 066 14. 045 14. 354 10. 378 4.618 6.009 DISEASES OF THE LIVEK. 60 61 - Total DISEA&ES OF THE SFLEEX. 62 63 Total . 1 V" 03. 043 74. 106 59. 701 75. 472 49. 587 42. 135 40. 670 62. 617 5a 230 49.633 DISEASES OF THE DKINAET SYSTEM. DISEASES or THE KIDNEY. Acute disease of kidncv 64 65 Chronic disease of kidney . Total — DISEASES OF THE BLADDEE. 6n 67 Chronic disease of hladder 6R .501 .426 2.488 4.132 .700 .445 61 Total .501 .430 2.488 4. 132 .700 .445 DISEASES OF THE URETHRA. Stricture of urethra 7(1 1.002 1.704 1. 278 4. 133 2.609 "i.'ioe' 1.283 .406 .355 .445 71 Urinarj- fistula Total ' 1.102 2.981 4.132 2.809 1.196 1.749 .355 .445 Grand total 1.503 3.407 2.488 8.264 2. 809 1.196 2.449 .355 .890 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJUUIKS OF Oil- GAN8 OF GENEUATION. l>isetmes 0/ Penis. Epispadia 7-1 .426 .117 73 Ilvpoapartia .445 .223 .668 .33.3 74 Loss of penis 1.278 .350 Total 1.704 .466 1.066 3.908 7'> Diseases oj Tunica Vatjinalis. Hydrocele .251 1.002 "i'sjs' 9.950 12. 579 2.066 1.196 2. 392 1.049 1.749 76 Sarcocele 77 Varicocele Total 1.253 3.833 9.950 12. 579 2.060 3.589 2.799 4.973 .223 IHseases of Testicle. Chronic disease of testiclo 78 f 79 Kctontion ot testicle Total Grand total • . . . 1.253 5.537 9.950 12. 579 2.060 3.589 3.265 4.973 .890 617 disease and disahWitij on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for militarij service — Coutiuned. OHIO— Continned. CONGKESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 3<^ 5. 8. 9. as 10. rt-T 11. la. R »3 S3 M 13. So, 14. 9° s3 13. 16. ir. .3<= is IS. 19. Total. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 1.396 4. Coli .941 .470 .470 3.012 1.004 2.008 .509 1.115 .5158 5. 0-20 .608 4.005 2.527 3.249 .301 1. 531 2.296 .383 3.127 1. 042 1.042 3.731 .746 1.441 1.441 1. 020 7.143 .510 .510 1.379 &897 1.379 1.088 3.130 .603 . 106 1.987 .1 6.049 3.401 1.881 6.024 .509 6.693 4.673 6.137 1.882 9.184 9.655 7.398 20.341 02.249 |26. 477 58. 845 127. 172 44.815 35.821 38. 905 52. 551 104. 138 61.241 45. 703 .822 .941 1.115 1.113 1.003 .361 1.441 .510 2.055 .411 .061 .504 .037 3.288 .661 .061 1.004 .470 3.763 1.004 2.008 1.004 .106 .027 .133 2.231 3.346 .722 .722 .383 1.531 1.042 .510 5.612 2.069 .690 . 637 75 1. 098 70 77 3.257 .509 1.042 i a. 239 2. 882 897 3.257 .972 4.233 4.010 .509 1.914 1.042 I 2.239 4.323 6. 122 2. 759 2. 466 618 Table No. ^—Showing, by States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. MISSOURI— Continued. OHIO— Cont'd. COXGBESSIOSAL DISTKICTS CONG. DISTKICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total 1. 2. ■ii 1^ c • Is K 1^ a o a . si a H 5 |i SK o So (4 Ratio cicmpted per 1,000 examined. Ratio cxem'd per 1,000 oxam'd. 60 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOilOTION. DISE-\SES OF l:ONES. 4.510 .420 4.975 26. 926 3.589 4.431 4.2C3 5.342 DISEASES ASU INJURIES OF THE JOISTS. 81 62 63 10. 524 3.508 6.515 10. C47 1.704 3.407 19. 000 2.488 9.959 • 14. 043 5.618 2.392 3.589 1.196 9.5C2 3.032 4.781 3.908 0.039 2.131 S.226 16. 693 2. 448 12. r)79 12.579 20. .140 15. 758 32.338 25. 157 19. 663 7.177 17. 374 12.078 21. 367 DISEASES OF THE SPIXE. Corvatureof epine DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. 84 2.750 4.259 9.950 6.289 6.198 5.618 2.392 3.848 1.776 3.116 85 3.758 2.129 C.2S9 4.132 4.783 3.148 1.421 2.226 Difteases of Tendon. 66 H7 .251 .251 .42fi 1.704 9.930 .700 .583 7.615 8.171 1.335 .668 Clnbfoot P^ "Wry -neck Total .501 2.129 9.950 1.283 15. 986 2.003 32. 072 24. 702 57. 214 37. 730 39.25G 25. 281 17. 943 30.084 35. 524 34. 053 DISEASES OF THE CELLTJ- LAn TISSUE. Obesity 81 Graud total DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. in 3.257 .501 17. 539 .852 1.278 5.537 12. 579 10. 331 4. 132 4.132 2.609 5.GI8 2.809 "i.'ige' 2.682 L283 10. 611 2.131 .355 .223 2.671 8.012 91 4.975 9.950 q.> Ulcers Grancltotal 21.293 7. COO 14. 935 12. 579 18. 595 11. 236 1.196 14. 37G 2.487 10. 906 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest %\ 94 Deformity of chest 1.754 14.533 2.981 IG. 184 1. 032 13. 625 2.842 30. 551 1.335 43. 178 05 Permanent physical dehility Grandtotal LOCAL INJUEIES. LOCALITY OF IXJL UY NOT SPECIFIF.D. Fractures Lops of limb -. 29. 851 . 6.289 24. 793 8.427 11. 962 10.287 10. 1G3 29. 651 6.289 24. 793 8. 427 11. 962 17. 237 33. 393 3.532 14.210 1.776 44.514 ?.012 3.561 3.339 9C 97 IC. 03G . .lOl 9. ;;3 20.443 .42G 4.GB5 4.975 23. 157 4.132 28. 090 10. 766 3.589 4.7&5 16.208 .700 7.579 «IH Wonuds 6.289 20. GCl Total IXJUlilES AND MALFOKJf.VTIOXS OF Uri'EU E.\TRK.Mmi:s. Defects or deformities of hand . . . LosBof thumb 2G. 309 7.2GG . 7.-.2 25. 554 4.973 31. 447 24.793 2.1. 090 19. 139 24.437 19.538 14. 912 99 11. 499 1.704 19. 900 18.868 2.809 3.589 3.279 1. ICG 2.131 G.C77 .445 lUU 6.198 Total 8. OlS C.2G4 13. 203 15.332 5.111 19. 900 9.930 18. 868 6.198 2.809 3.589 9.445 2.131 7.123 INJOlllKS ANI) StALFOlLMATIOXS OF LOWEIi E.VrUF.MITlFS. Defects or deformities of foot Loss of RTClt too 101 102 18.8G8 " 4.132 4.132 a 427 3.589 2.392 8. 6G2 1.8G6 5.329 .710 10.683 .445 Total G. 2C4 40. 591 20. 443 9.950 18. 8GS 8.204 8. 427 5.931 10. 723 6.039 11.138 Grandtotal 59. 199 34. 626 69. 182 39. 236 39. 320 28. 708 44. 600 a7. 709 33. 163 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic discaso of internal or;;ana . Ratio exempted for all diseases. 103 40. 090 24.702 19.900 50.314 33.058 36.517 8.373 31. 433 j 24. 150 337. 744 I 43. 297 297. 574 323.728 311.329 423.373 33^). 3.13 1 278. 926 275.281 uTssT 3037638" 619 disease and disability on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for military service — Continued OHIO— Continned. COXGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 3. 4. 5. G. r. s. 9. .0. 11. 13. 13. 14. 15. 1«. 17. 18. 19. Totul. -3 ■3 ■-5 IS- 'd" y. a . — Cl •A 'd" y. H S 5 •is Id .5rf 1 y. .2 = Is M •3 O PS H Srf c CO y. 1 y." H Eatio cxeniptod per 1,000 examined. 1.794 3. 327 .941 9.036 3.055 11.712 5.340 .301 1.914 5.732 2.239 2.041 9.655 2.406 1.982 3.607 7.321 5.995 3. 024 10. 340 3. 050' 80 .S07 2. C91 1.794 20. 009 3. '.^37 .405 10. C90 .972 1.944 3.7G3 1.881 3.293 ii.'nii' 4.016 5.092 .509 4.073 12. 2T0 5. 577 2.769 5.340 0.008 3.338 25. C3f .361 2.888 6. .506 1.148 3.444 5.211 10. 943 3.127 .746 1.493 7.463 2.862 4. 323 10. 080 8.163 8. 163 4.592 2.069 14.483 4.138 6.987 6.165 2. 042 3. "03 3.903 ■81 82 83 5.381 123.732 13. 603 8.937 15. C60 9.074 20. 036 14. 686 28. 881 11.098 19. 281 9.701 liT. 291 20. 918 20. 690 13.153 9. 903 5.381 5.534 1.944 3.703 1.004 1.018 3.904 .668 7. 942 .705 4.169 2.882 2.041 1.379 4.521 2.642 84 3.723 .486 6.115 1.004 2.546 3.34G 4.003 3.610 4.975 4.690 2.239 1.441 2.041 4.138 1.C44 1.321 2.812 85 1.39G .405 .509 2.231 .722 3.062 . 765 2.069 1.300 1.107 .027 8C 87 83 2.691 1. 563 1.020 2.466 .661 1.441 2.G91 1.801 .509 2.231 . 722 3.827 1.503 1.441 1. 020 2.069 2.400 .661 2.493 28. 302 13. '247 37. 227 1G.033 19. 755 20. 104 10.803 41. 829 24. 700 41.510 22. 579 35. 435 14. 179 23.053 28. COl 37.931 24. 250 16. 513 .897 2.792 .931 6.980 iiosi 1.411 .470 3.293 3. 012 i.'ooi ..^09 1.018 2. 546 1.115 1.113 6.135 .663 1.335 8.078 1.083 .361 7.581 1.531 '1.148 3.444 .521 2.606 1. 042 1. 379 2. 759 4.138 .411 .822 6.163 .661 "i.32i .955 1.034 4.801 90 ".897 .746 5. 224 4.323 .510 .510 91 £2 1.794 10.703 12 C34 5.174 4. 016 4.073 8.360 10. 081 9. 023 0.123 4.169 5.070 4. 323 1.020 8.276 7.398 1. 982 0.790 93 .897 4. 4S4 '8.'37G' .972 •10. 330 44.' 683 2.008 4.010 2 037 20. 980 1.115 48. 522 2.670 73. 431 .723 38. 267 1.914 10.716 1.563 10. 154 'K.'iw 2.882 30.239 2.041 17. 857 1.379 53.793 .822 64. 118 1.982 32. 365 1.379 34.509 33. 889 6.043 2.223 5.305 13. 581 94 95 5.381 8.37G 41. 302 44. 663 0. 024 29. 022 49.C37 76.101 38. 989 12. 629 17.713 46. 269 33. 141 19. 898 53. 172 64. 940 34. 340 .897 .897 4.188 1.801 1.8G1 .486 1.944 2. 822 16. 463 2 008 4.010 S. 020 G.oin I..V2- 7.128 U. 1.54 2 231 7.230 5.340 6.676 7.220 . 301 7. 912 3.444 1.531 1.914 8.859 i'ira' 3.731 .746 4.478 3.882 3.571 7.536 19.318 2.055 8. 220 2.642 "5.' 284" 96 97 .897 11. 527 4.082 6.207 98 2. GUI 7. 911 2.430 19. 735 11.044 15. 275 20. 636 12.016 13. 523 6.889 13.023 8.955 14. 409 7.653 13. 793 29. 593 7.926 .897 5. 584 .465 .972 1.438 4.704 1. (104 1.627 .509 2.231 _ ."i.3R 3.338 .068 2.527 . 722 3. 414 1.531 2 606 1.563 3.731 .746 2 882 1.441 2.551 4.138 1. 379 6.165 .661 3.422 .584 99 inn .697 6.049 2. 430 4.704 1. 004 1 2. 037 2 789 4.003 3.249 4.975 4.169 4.478 4.3-23 a 551 5.517 6.897 6.165 .601 4.005 5. 782 .709 3.587 4.633 .031 5. 343 .4^6 4.233 .941 3. 012 2.008 4.073 6.693 14.019 .608 10. 108 3. 527 4.592 1.531 4.090 1. 042 .740 .740 1.441 '".510 4.110 .411 3.963 .601 101 101 3.5=7 j 5.584 5.831 5.174 5. 020 4.073 6.093 14. 686 12. 633 6.123 5. 732 1. 493 1.441 .510 6.897 4. 521 4. 624 6.533 7. 175 |19. 344 10.600 29.033 17.008 ,21.385 :iJ. 117 30. 703 31. 408 17. 987 22. 9i9 14. 925 20. 173 10.714 26. 207 40.279 13. 210 24. 138 6.073 lC.75-2 10. 090 7.990 200.3:6 32.129 ilO.Ciia 10. 039 34. 713 7.942 13. 395 8.338 6.716 17.291 20. 918 10. 345 33. 703 21.797 20. 080 103 6U.3C8 ilSI.529 1 178.328 243.970 j 149.693 246.514 275.033 271.480 1 147.723 167.077 101.194 157.001 17-'. 959 j313.793 1334.135 |l77.073 223. 023 G20 Table No. 22 — Showing, iy States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. INDIANA. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 10. 11. Total. So! Il r i P4 as .5=i f • •is li h g=' Ratio oxemptod per 1,000 examined. 1 GENERAL DISEASES. .38(1 3.0fC .772 .964 3.375 1.929 .550 1.100 1.100 1.649 .550 13. 194 .257 5.397 .514 1.028 5.654 10. 191 .882 9.110 'i.7C3 14. 399 14. 105 .273 4.713 .663 .654 4.030 13. 354 2. 324 .581 1.743 7.554 25.507 7.977 . 725 . 725 5.076 5.070 1.997 .444 .444 .444 5.104 "a 289 4.193 10.923 .575 .802 2.012 21. 558 2.346 1.340 1.005 .335 15. 080 3 4 5 6 Srnhilis .772 14.275 2.411 9.101 19. 290 17.840 IS. 142 37. 769 19. 579 8.433 29.041 10. 482 35. 930 20. 107 40.259 23.908 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BliAIN AND ITS MESIBl^AXES. 7 8 Total DISEASES OF THE NERVES. 9 .772 3.375 3.299 2.324 1.450 .666 1.285 1.398 1.725 .335 2.351 1.571 FUKCT10NAI.DISEA6ES OF THE KERV- OUS SYSTEM. Chorea 10 .550 10. 995 .771 6.108 1.398 2.795 .588 4.996 .273 6. 319 11 I" 3.472 11.090 13. 945 7.977 2.885 5.749 6.702 13 .380 .462 .550 .581 .444 1.398 .287 1.005 .410 Total .... 3.658 11.572 12. 095 14. 520 7.977 1 3.329 0.939 5. 590 6.030 7.708 5.583 7.002 DISORDERS OF THE DCTELLECT. Cbronic alcoholism 14 4.244 1. 929 .482 4.398 .550 2.324 3.480 6.520 2. 175 8.219 .666 i.542 1.285 6.289 2.096 4.599 .287 4.357 1.670 2.939 3.415 956 in 17 Solitary vice Total 4,244 2.4U 4.948 5.811 8.702 2.885 2. 827 8.386 4.680 6. 032 8 939 4. 372 e.873 17. .158 20. 341 K.001 18. 129 0.880 11.051 15. 374 12.047 14. 075 1 10. 873 12. 944 DISEASES AND rNITTRIES OF THE EXE AHO EYELIDS. DISE.VSES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. Cataract of right eye Loss ol" ervstailiuc lens, rl;:ht eye. Los.s of .'*iuht, riiibt eve 18 lil 1. M3 772 10.417 12.340 .380 .482 1.049 2.905 ]. 4.10 .888 . 222 alios 1.110 1 J4I .514 '3.85.5' .771 0-939 3.494 .099 7.687 1.39e 5.590 .575 "6.' 324' 5.174 .335 .335 6.712 7.373 .568 '4.ii4 4.114 1.059 . 171 0. 2.'-.0 3. iiUO 2.322 "n 13. 983 .904 .482 7.097 7.147 . 550 0.973 1.743 8.710 5.070 2.175 2.901 21 22 Partial loss of Bight, both eyes Diseases of the eyes -. Total 1 ■ " 15.911 17. 042 20. 337 11.C03 7.324 12. 079 18.808 12. (.72 14.745 8.810 13. 798 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 'n 1.543 2.749 .581 .222 4.309 2.018 .335 1.230 27. 000 15.911 19.791 20. 918 11. 603 7.545 16. 448 18.808 14.085 15. 028 DISEASES OF THE EAR. Chrniiic porulent otorrheea Dcaf-dunibueas 24 25 .386 .550 1.102 1.450 .222 2.570 2.096 1.150 .335 .854 20 Deafuess Grantl total 5.401 6.7S7 2.411 6.597 a 716 4.351 3.329 4.883 3.494 2.300 4.692 4.990 4.440 2.411 7.147 9.878 5.801 3.551 7.453 5.590 3.449 5. 027 4.9% 5.294 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. Doforniity of nose 27 .335 '"'.'335' ".'294' .034 .'137 its Los.Hot uose 07.a:na '"'."556" '.099' Graud total — .SSO —— 699 .070 .294 .171 fi21 disease and disahilitij on aecoiitif of which Drafted Men tvcre found unjil for mHilari/ aerrice — Continued. rLLmois. CONGKESSIONAL DISTHICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Total. ii Is r3 o '3 IS '3* O n rS a . li a . 5 li X 6°. go o . Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. .833 21. 241 .925 18.501 .199 1.793 .399 .598 4.187 9.571 "4.' 329' .221 7.282 .883 .838 2.814 11.420 0 731 1.704 3. 527 1.704 2.805 9.215 3. 510 2.194 1.755 19. 307 1.947 .049 .649 2.590 22. 004 4.188 1.075 .838 4.188 15. 075 9.303 8.119 1.100 1.100 1.106 .833 4.581 9.103 .925 'i3.87fl' 5.731 2.805 1.873 20. 599 2.706 8.119 5. 984 12. 715 7. 055 11.401 35. 981 27. 904 25. 963 31.835 18. 945 3.497 36. 651 34.228 10.750 4.329 23. 447 1.764 .838 2.331 .833 1.850 1.196 .772 .441 6.030 1. 298 9.085 1. 606 8.740 1.850 4.623 4.488 1.764 5.731 0.582 4.188 2.331 9.771 .748 .439 .049 1.249 .923 .598 .352 5.331) 1.704 5.731 7.021 11.032 4.188 2. 331 11. 062 7.401 10.369 ■^^■^ 7.013 .748 5.704 3. 072 3.243 S.596 2.313 .838 7.491 1.333 2.499 1.666 1.850 3.700 2. 393 .399 2.593 1.209 2.603 3.862 .748 2.805 8.770 5.840 3.350 7.491 1.333 4.105 5.550 2.792 5.984 3.527 8.590 15. 796 16. 872 8.375 7.491 1. 333 4. 662 10. 000 14. 801 14. 337 12. 248 1. 310 2. .SOO .049 9.083 5. 840 1. 298 .838 1.353 2. 082 .833 10. 839 13. 744 ■ .833 1.850 ■"o.iis' 3. 7U0 11. 101 6.780 .3il9 10. 508 14. 530 4.983 aess 4. 329 2.7.58 .386 8. 827 7.834 4.138 1.704 2.805 5.731 2.244 .748 4.488 11.409 4. 827 8.770 0.700 .838 3. 350 .5. 018 5.618 12. 179 1.353 8.159 5. 828 2.331 a. 731 7.479 1.704 14.327 20.327 19. 408 11.725 11.236 14.885 10. 317 28.322 23. 127 37.288 12.087 23.944 1.490 1.298 .838 ■ 5.618 1.850 1.994 1.103 8.975 1.704 14. 327 20. 327 20.760 12. 563 10. 854 14.885 16. 317 28.322 24. 977 39.282 12. 987 25. 047 1.7C4 .049 .838 3.745 .833 .925 3.988 1.545 4.488 0. 562 1.947 4.188 3. 743 4. C63 10.412 4.623 1.994 4.329 4.193 5.738 4.488 1.704 6. 5H3 2. 590 5. 023 7.491 4. 662 11.245 5. 550 5. 983 4. 329 .399 .110 1 873 .833 100 1 1.873 1 .833 .399 .276 24 25 20 27 28 29 G22 Table No. 'J2 — Shcncing, by States and Congressional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 examined, for each DISEASES. INDIANA— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. ]. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Total. 11 V is 5 'if; X .s<= 1 0 0 s 'is .5 ^ Is y. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. 30 31 DISEASES OF THECIECULA- TOEY SYSTEM. DISE.\SKS OF THE IIEAKT AND ITS MEMDRAXES. Total DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries, 32 .725 . 222 .068 Diseases of the Veins. 33 4.244 9.161 7.697 8.716 2.901 1.332 12. 850 5.590 22.420 16.086 a 228 9.597 Total 4.244 9. IGl 7.697 8.716 3.626 1.553 12.850 5.590 22. 420 16. 086 a 228 9. 066 Granil total DISEASES OF THE EESPIEA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE LASTXX. 4.244 9.161 7.697 a 710 3.626 1.553 12. 850 5.590 22. 420 10. 086 a 2-28 9.666 34 .550 .257 .699 .102 FUNCnOXAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LARYNX. 35 .386 .725 .287 .335 .137 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND BKOXCHI. Fistula of tbo trachea 30 .335 .034 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. ?ft Chronic disease of luug Total .380 .550 .725 .257 .699 .287 .670 .273 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AXD I.VJflllES OF THE JAW. Ankylosis of iaw T) - .482 '".'550 .581 .581 .287 .573 .102 .239 . 123 15. 818 19.286 82. 540 9.878 12, 328 5.770 22.359 24. 458 13. 797 31.826 11.754 10,633 UISEASES OF THE SPINE. 84 3.472 3.375 1.049 3.848 1.162 7.554 .725 2,219 .5.911 1.398 2.587 6. 367 2.939 3.245 IIISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. DUeases of Musck. 85 9.259 G. 526 2.219 5.654 7.087 .287 5. 3C2 5.269 4.474 Diseases of TendoTi. 86 87 88 2.199 4.948 1,163 "",'725 888 1.110 2.827 1.285 .699 'i,725 3.238 ,751 1,264 .068 Clubfoot .366 .386 7.147 1.163 .725 1.997 4.112 1.398 1,725 3. 233 2.083 28.935 22.662 3^483 22. 080 20. 305 15. 091 39 836 35.639 22.133 44, 236 24.090 2S. 109 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSDE. Obesity R") Grand total 1 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. .772 .386 U. 503 - .514 .771 12. 593 '2.696 6.289 5. 749 .662 13. 797 ".670 3.351 SO 1.1C2 1.450 .222 . 222 1.775 2.057 ,588 .588 1.230 .531 7.460 11 Disease of skiii i4.465 I.ICO 6.597 92 Ulcers 7.554 2,175 14. 6H0 14. 405 7. 697 1 8. 716 | 3. 626 2.219 13. 678 8.386 20. 408 4.021 3.2S2 9. 290 CONDITIONS NOT NECF.SSA- RILV .\SSOCIATEI) WITH GKXKKAL OR LULAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of cliest m 04 Deformity of chest 3. Of 6 51.698 65. 574 .550 31.686 1.1C2 76. 119 4.351 40, 009 1. 3.';2 8.877 6. 168 17. 733 '■78.' 966' 3, 449 44. 553 '30.' 528" I.469 41. 140 2.186 36. 970 95 Permanout physical debility Grand total 54.784 65. 574 32.435 77.281 44. COO 10.209 23. 901 78. 906 48, C03 36.528 42. eo9 41.156 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF LNJUttV SOf SPECIFIED Fractures 9fi 6.173 .380 13. 503 8.679 10.125 10. 995 1.649 14. 843 15. 689 ..iSl 27.310 5.801 io. isa 3.773 . 222 O'. 880 10. 794 1.799 26.214 3.494 .099 1.308 9.198 1.725 24. 4J2 4.021 1. 340 10. 285 1,175 12. 930 7. 924 .956 13.935 !I7 98 Loss of limb "Wounds Total IXJUItlES AND MALFOBMATIONS OF UrrEH E.\TIIF.M1TIE8. Defects or deformities of baud. . . 3 Lossofthumb 20. 062 18.604 27.488 43. 579 15. 954 10. 874 38. 808 5.590 35. 3::5 5. 362 24. 390 22. 815 99 101 2,315 .772 2.693 .964 6..M)7 1.649 1.743 .581 1.450 1.450 ,666 .888 2.056 5.590 1.398 4.318 I. l.SO 3.686 1.340 3.620 .588 2.971 .888 Total 1KJURIE8 AND MALFOUMATIONS OF LOWER EXTREMIT1F.8. , Defects or deformities of foot 2 Loss of great too 3.086 2.701 .772 3.857 3.375 .964 8^846 2.199 3.848 2.384 1.743 1.743 2. 901 2.901 2.175 1.553 2.056 6.988 5.461 5.027 4.408 3.659 10 in 1.553 ,666 13.878 3.494 2.795 8.048 2.587 6.032 1.005 4.996 1,469 5. 2f 0 1.400 ToUl Grand total UNCLASSIFIED. 1 Organic disease of internal organ Grand total for all diseases. 3. 472 4.339 6.047 3.486 5.076 2.219 13. 878 6.289 10. 635 7.038 6.465 6. 660 26. 620 i 1. 157 87. 001 18. 604 41.781 20. 938 49.390 37. 769 83.930 15.954 14,647 54. 742 18.868 51, 452 17. 426 35. 263 33. 334 17. Ill 10. 5.992 14.392 8.386 32,193 29. 155 8.522 ,849. 614 244.937 282.083 13.54.445 211, 748 101. 198 297. 363 283. 718 336. 878 270.107 237,731 249. 530 G-21 diiease and disability on account of irbich Drafted Men wire found unfit for military lervice — Continncd. ILLINOIS— Coutinnnl. CONGRESSIONAL niSTKICTS. ■l-.ii.-iL 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. ■ 7. 8. 9. 10. It. Vi. 1.-]. IS H o H 13" e a ^ is H M Qi a . H •9 M i M N 1^ •0 a •0 a . lis K h is" lUtio excmptiMl per 1,000 examined. 3.740 6.143 2.596 3.350 6.766 1.166 .833 2:775 1.396 2.483 80 3.740 3.740 2.J44 1.764 10. 970 2.633 6.5f>2 9.085 3.245 8.430 6.700 .838 7.538 1.873 1.873 S. 618 5.413 1. 3.-.3 l.:i5S 4.662 4.6G2 12 821 5.414 3.748 22.907 4.625 14. eoi 1700 6.181 11.765 9. 372 4.329 6.179 5. 903 a 937 HI 82 1.761 83 9.723 3.527 20.164 20.766 15. 075 9.363 8.119 22. 145 32.070 21127 27.318 4.329 21.020 5.236 2.865 4.388 2.596 1350 1.873 1.3.53 1. 166 4.165 .925 2.193 4.329 2.869 84 5.731 3. 072 3.894 3.350 5. 413 1.1C6 4.581 2.775 5.384 1586 85 _ .439 .439 3.245 5.618 1.353 1.850 4.625 2.592 1.379 .828 .166 86 5.984 1.166 87 .410 .399 68 5.984 .878 3. 245 5.618 1.353 1. IfiO .416 6. 47.^ 2.991 2.3-2 24.682 1527 8.596 34.664 33.095 25.126 16.854 23.004 26.607 42.066 .30. 078 39.283 a 653 32.339 61 1 2.865 1.298 .649 5.840 .838 "'3.' 745 3. 745 1.353 6.247 1.666 15.627 8.326 .925 6.475 1.600 1.2H 12. 4U0 "0 1.496 5.236 2.3^-3 2(i.9l9 91 1.7C4 5.704 7. .538 1.353 4.662 92 6.T31 1.764 2.665 5. 704 7.787 8.375 7.491 2.706 4.662 23.740 15.726 29.312 15.283 / 93 2. 865 11.461 1. 7.15 23.693 1.947 15. 0';4 1.675 8.375 1.249 37. 901 2.775 37.923 5.164 60.558 'i2.'987 21317 39.55C 04 23.934 7.005 29.963 2a 417 1.^ 152 !5 2.^934 7.055 14. 327 25.450 17. .'.21 10.050 29.963 28.417 15.152 39. 150 40.703 85.743 12.987 41.874 4.488 7.055 2.865 2 865 5.731 8.337 2194 3.949 9.734 3.245 7. 138 5.663 .8J8 2 513 20.599 2.706 1. Xii 2.7U6 5.858 2 3;« 1497 24. 157 1. 249 24. 990 11.101 1(1.176 17. 348 1988 5.962 4.329 12.937 4.329 12.579 2 203 7. 61W 96 97 2.992 5.618 '.18 7.479 7.055 11.401 14. 4e0 20. 117 9.213 20.217 6.706 11.655 50.396 21. 277 27.318 21.045 2i500 1.49G 2.865 6.582 .878 4.543 1.947 3.350 1.873 2.706 2.706 3.497 9.579 2.499 5.550 1.850' 5.583 .598 &659 5.186 1.048 rs 1(0 1.496 2.865 7.459 6.489 4. 188 1.873 5.413 6.7fi6 1.353 3.497 a 159 1.166 12.078 9.579 5.414 7.401 6.181 ia044 .399 a 658 6.234 .748 4.827 1.755 15. 574 1.298 3.350 .83S 1.873 5.550 .925 "4.329" 9. 6r.5 1.434 101 103 .748 6.583 16.872 4.188 1.873 8.119 9.324 14. 994 6.475 ia943 4.:i29 11.03.' 9.72;i 7.055 14.327 2R5ai 43.478 17.588 29.963 20.298 24. 476 77.468 33.153 52. 443 34.632 39.632 ia699 3.527 5.731 36.858 14.276 6.700 34.345 9.472 34.965 61307 37.003 20.538 25.974 27.254 103 160.060 54.6-4 146. 132 302. 764 284.231 184.255 273.403 158. 322 171.329 436.068 298. 797 372.084 147. 166 291722 G28 Tauub No. 22~SIiOui)ig, hij Slates and Congressional Jlkirieis, ihc ralio vsvmptech per 1,00(1 examine a, for eaeli ~~~ DISEASES. IOWA. MICHIGAN. CONGllESSIOXAL DISTItlCTS. COXGRKSSIOXAL DISTI:ICTS. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. G. Total. IS Bo li 'is ea Co 'aS 'IS s — CR. an W II 'is 1° goo t = 2' ■Ratio exemiitod per 1,000 exanained. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 1 2 3 * S GENERAL DISEASES. 1.170 2.339 .146 3.798 5.191 6.912 6.944 5. 724 7. 539 1.311 .983 .983 8. 522 1. 660 a 289 1.658 2.211 .553 3.870 2.211 3, 022 .558 i. iio 4. 464 5. 501 .739 .411 1. 2:i2 3.300 .756 4.5o5 0. 803 2.339 14.' 035' .43S 2. 191 10. 371 ".'446' .440 "."830' .4R8 .975 .488 Scrofula 1.480 5.044 l.4ir. 10. 382 3.456 18. 433 1.984 7.937 Grand total - 1 7.429 16. 98i) 12. 094 28. 802 16. B65 19. 883 16. 944 6. 605 19.338 2. 490 10.239 10. 503 11.161 11.249 7 DISEASES OF THE NEKVOUS SYSTEM. IJISEASES OF THE BKAIX AND ITS MEMBRANES. .328 .082 3 Total .328 .082 DISEASES OF THE NERVES. Paralj'sis q 1.486 .472 1.512 2.976 1.170 L169 1.967 .488 2.704 1.674 1.232 FUNCTIONAL DISEASES OF THE NEUV- OUS SYSTEM. in .750 7.559 .146 5.259 V.hhi .328 5.244 .656 . 6.i6 1.106 1.658 G.'eoii' .240 7.061 . 164 .575 11 Epilepsy 1.486 0.135 2.304 8.929 1.170 9. 129 19.990 1" Neuralgia n 1.416 2.268 2.304 1.170 1.315 .830 .975 1.106 Total L486 7.551 10.582 4.608 8. 929 2.339 6.719 1.321 6.883 9.959 20.963 3.870 6.696 a 047 DISORDEna OF THE INTELLECT. 14 15 4.458 1.48G 2.832 .472 1.512 .756 3.509 2.045 .730 3.278 2. (i22 6.639 .830 1.463 2. 925 1.658 1.106 1.674 .658 2. 217 1.478 in Inaanily L152 .992 17 Solitary vice Total 5.944 3.303 2.268 1. 152 .992 3.509 2. 775 5.900 7.469 4.388 2.764 2. 232 3. 093 Grand total a 915 U. 326 14.361 5. 7C0 12. 697 7.018 10.6G3 1.321 15. 077 17. 427 25. 841 9.397 10.603 13.055 DISEASES AND IN lUIilES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND 1NJI:1;1ES OF TlIK UVU. Cataract of i-iplit pyo Loss of cryatallini'lcns, right eyo Loss of sitbt. right eyo : Partial loss of sight, both eyes Diseases of tho eyes 18 10 20 21 22 1.4tiC ii'm 4. 4.'i8 11. 867 1.888 7.' 551' .472 1.416 1.512 10.' 562' .'i.'M-i 2.304 'o.'oii' 6. 912 2.976 4.'966 1.170 '7.'6i8' 4.678 2.339 L899 8." 634' 2.045 2.191 1.321 '2.' 262' '2.'042" .983 aix-j' 2. 950 9.177 1.660 '7.' 469 4. Mil 4.149 1.463 i.'gso' .975 13. 632 .553 '5.' 628' "i'422 1. 116 a'929 1.116 a 929 1. 150 5.748 1.4/8 7. 472 Total DISEASES OF TUK EVELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids SO. 718 11.326 13. 605 16. 129 7,937 15. 205 14. 169 6.165 21. 632 17. 427 la 040 10. 503 20.089 15.847 1 23 . 044 2.268 1. l.-|2 8. 929 S. 191 2. 950 3. 320 .975 .553 1.314 Grand total DISEASES OF THE EAR. Chronic purulent otorrhtt'a Deaf-dunihnesa ■J9.718 12.970 15. 873 17.281 16. 865 15. 205 10.360 C. 165 24. 582 20. 747 19. 015 11.056 20.089 17.161 24 25 2n .944 1.152 .992 2.339 .876 .440 .881 .881 3. 933 .3i8 2.294 .830 1.658 2.232 .558 7.234 1. 7..;4 .3'T8 3.120 i.48C i.888 3.023 1.152 5.952 5.848 3.067 1.660 3.413 3.870 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. Deformity of noso I^sflof noso Ozicua Grand total 1.48G 2.832 3.023 3.304 6.944 8.187 3.944 2.202 6. 555 2.490 3.413 5.528 10.045 5.173 27 28 29 1.48(1 2.972 4,45,S \ .146 .292 .850 'i.'iob .082 '.'iC4' .^- - -'-'ii. ^".111.1 C-J!) rfisKivf ami dhiibililij oti aaouiit of iiliiih lUiiJUd MiU uirr fuiiiid iiiifil fur mihtary KfrnVf— Conliinicil. WISCONSIN lUNNESOTA. ORAMI TOTAL. CONCRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. districts. 1. »», 3. 4. 5. 6. . Total. 1. 2. Total. ■5 (4 K = 3 r •0 ■if3 •11 Co 3° ss (4 — Ratio oxemi itcd per 1,000 examined. Hutio expmptcd ppr 1,000 cxamiDcd. .218 8.290 :.. 4.-i4 3.490 . 213 1.723 .646 .862 3.447 6.463 3.52.1 2. WO .703 2.330 2.350 .091 .■i. 240 1.640 .866 3.144 4.036 1.338 1 2. .174 .535 2. HO 2. 943 13. 109 7.'997' .;ir.4 4.302 8. 724 .771 10. 63:) .308 1.387 3. :a\ 11.2.-0 .152 4.948 1. 647 1.012 3. 196 12. 106 1 8.000 5.700 9.701 .422 2.0iS .074 .(.74 .074 2.022 2 3 4 4.480 5. 12J .644 4.639 5 6 2:1. SCO 15.005 C.065 19.634 13.356 11. 731 15.638 32.6:18 21.447 27.893 23.040 .422 .218 .091 .046 .273 .130 7 .320 R .320 .422 .218 .137 .403 21109 2.358 1.091 1.293 .235 1.094 1.333 1.091 1.233 1.063 9 .422 5.905 .844' .218 11.998 .2IH 2.1« .215 6. 2 17 .'iis .137 8.157 .182 1.139 .268 a 153 .154 a 784 i .323 7.134 .234 1.429 1 9.122 10 8.000 .%0 .%0 5.391 -ioii' 9.401 .703 1-2.359 11 .eo3 2.543 1.541 13 9.920 7.170 7.412 14. 61C 6.678 10.106 9.615 7.223 14.904 10.479 .132 a 459 i.:Ki3 . OOG 14 3.840 1.280 .040 2.109 .422 2.022 .337 .337 ion 2.618 2.154 .646 1.880 1.410 2.916 1.2:10 .137 1.070 1.873 .616 2.003 n 2.181 16 17 5.760 2.531 2. 6I15 7.633 2.801 3.290 4.2i53 2. 943 2.181 2.020 :,. 022 16.000 12.231 12.4G6 23.560 10.771 l:t.631 15.129 11.503 la 173 14.332 16.212 1.263 1.G85 1.091 1. .''1U8 3.290 1. 349 1.338 .5.35 6. \X\ 4. ti:. 4.280 .364 .:I64 11.269 0.180 3.6:15 .023 .462 P. 322 3. 394 4.007 1.136 .104 , 5. K!0 2.451 0.8i0 18 1! 2. f .-fO (1. 4U0 5. 120 4.218 .402 11.609 4.330 1.011 8.760 9.817 10. 579 3.878 3. 993 3. sr, 5.040 3. 104 3.240 4.830 •-0 21 2.585 22 14.400 17. 714 15.836 27.487 7.971 16. 431 16.724 17. 121 21.810 19.109 16. 401 1.687 .654 .431 .940 .502 .713 i3 14.400 19. 401 13.836 2a 141 a 402 17. 391 17.316 17. 121 21.810 19. 109 17.114 1.601 .110 1 4.960 1.265 2.022 1.527 1.293 2.113 1.413 .t^03 1.434 1.079 24 145 7.040 3.374 2.0-22 a5oe 6.247 a 993 5.514 7.223 11. 209 a 938 26 7.040 4.C39 4.043 10.035 7.540 a 110 6.926 a026 12.723 10.017 6.677 .422 .218 .703 .228 .046 .091 .106 .016 ! .2<;9 27 .337 28 .844 1.070 .616 Si 1.263 .337 .218 .703 .365 1.070 .616 .391 =r= = 1 630 Table No. 22 — Showing, by Stales and Congnmioual Dislririn, thi- ratio cxemj)tid, per l,UUl/ viaminitl, for each DISEASES. IOWA— Continued. MICHIGAX-Contiiiucd. COXGliESSIOXAL UISTKICTS. CONGRESSIOXAI. DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. S. 6. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. G. Total. 1 f •3 s Coo 11 X 5 |i y. 'is ■p- ■li M 1^ "So c - 3 IS p4 Katio exempted per 1,000 examined. Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. 10 DISEASES OE TDE CIRCU- LATORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE nE.\KT AND ITS MEM11RA.NES. .881 .440 18. 040 '7.' 739' .558 1.116 3.284 0. 815 31 19. 993 4.149 Total 1. 321 19. 993 4.149 18. 040 7.739 1.674 10.099 DISEASES OF THE HLOOD- VESSELS. DUeases of the Arteries. 38 .5.53 .082 Diseases of the Veins, 33 10.345 11. 326 2.208 11.. 121 4.960 10. 526 9.C06 12. 770 11. 472 4.149 12. 677 12. 101 14.509 11.742 Total 10.345 11. 3-26 2.268 11.521 4.960 10. 526 9.056 12. 770 11. 472 4.149 12. 077 12. 714 14.509 U.K24 10.345 11.326 2. SOB 11. 521 4.960 10. 5-26 9.056 14.091 31. 405 8.299 30. 717 20. 453 16.183 21.923 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF TUB LAIIY.NX. Fistula of larynx 34 .553 .082 FUNCTIOXAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LAIIVNX. Loss of voice . 35 .440 .830 .164 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND uno.NCHi. Fistula of the trachea 36 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acute disease of lung Chrouic disease of lung 37 38 '4.'844' 3.933 4. 201 '."830 14. 139 12. 077 'e.'sis' .558 5.023 3.449 6.240 Total .830 26.810 8.845 5.580 9.089 Grand total ' 5. 284 8. 194 1.600 26.810 9.397 5.580 9.935 39 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES A.ND INJ UUIES OF THE JAW. Aukylusia of jaw 1.486 .472 .992 .292 .140 ".'488' '.082 40 DisL-ase or deformity of jaw Total 1.436 .472 .982 .438 .488 .083 DISEASES, MAI.FOUMATIOXS, AND IN- JtJIllES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, A.NU AI.VKOI.I. Loss of teeth 41 10. 401 23.124 20. 408 2.3.041 U.944 17.544 18. 259 20.253 22.288 12.449 10.239 13. 820 10.741 16 832 DISEASES AXD IXJL'UIES OF THE TONGUE. Loisa of toii<;ue 42 43 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AXD I'ALATE. Cleft palate 1.486 . 7,-.0 .292 .328 .558 .164 44 Salivary fistula 1.486 .140 ^ 45 46 .'\riitf' of stomach Chronic di-sease of stomach.. . .... Total 3.'963' 1.311 2.'438 .328 1. leo 47 48 49 M 51 52 5.3 54 SS DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Hernia Hernia, nnihilical ......." Hernia, ventral " " Hernia, ri^ht insninal. ..".'.'.'.'.'.'" IIi>tl)ia, left inguinal IJeiuia, ilouhle inguinal. Hernia, ri^lit femoral "" Hernia, lert femoral •!!!!!!" Hernia, double femoral ..!*.!"!!! | 4.458' 35. 661 8.915 S.972 lo.'s'ii 20. 293 1.688 '.'472 29.' 478 18, 141 3. Oil 28.' 802 5.760 2. 304 1. 152 ".'692' a'!')2!)' 8.929 1.981 3.963 1.984 'i.'iw' 18.713 9. 357 4.678 ".'146 ..584 23.641 13. 877 2. 6-29 .730 .438 7.045 .881 7.045 4.403 .446' 13.766 .328 13.'438' 10. 488 2. 950 .328 19. 917 .830 3.' 3-26' 4. 979 .830 15. 602 i2.'677' a 289 19. 900 'aess' 3.870 'i.'ess' 20.089 7.' 81 3' 8. 929 .558 15.272 .328 '9.' 278 7. 226 .903 .411 .'<2.O06 42. 473 30.643 38.018 26. 780 33.918 41. 046 19. 815 J27. 532 29.876 36. 568 32.062 17.388 33.418 G31 Aistasc and disability oil account of which Drafted Men u-ere found unfit for military service — Continued. VriSCONSIN— Continued. C0NGRES8I0NAI. UISTniCrS. 3. ':Z '-a 4. is £0 b9 TuUL MIXXESOTA — Continued. CONRUESglONAI. DISTRICTS. 1. 2. Total CRAM) TOTAL. Katio exempted per 1,000 examinon. Itatio exempted per 1,000 examined. e.9co .3-JO 14. .too 23. Ge-O 12. 800 0. OrU 11.609 1.1. 075 4.043 .436 4.043 I 9.910 24.884 li 231 10. 783 1.348 6.-39 2.618 1.-45 4. .121 2.350 1.307 4.420 .046 14.719 5.405 5.405 j 14.764 7.756 I 20.551 1.739 1.645 2.552 4.739 18 8t0 .320 L3i0 IS. 231 2.952 .422 4.218 4.218 17.714 2.531 a 435 5. Olil .42i . 4.'2 . 4*J 35.006 8.086 .337 10.44S .674 11.456 6.402 2.023 .674 31.671 4.363 4. 524 .218 10.908 .873 .436 20.070 .873 1.1. 935 8. ,V)8 3. 054 I. .137 .436 9.048 15.080 .862 15.511 12.923 3. 2:11 .646 .215 1.643 .182 .046 9.166 .235 .940 11.046 1.410 1. 173 13. 936 a. 180 1.8rO .2:15 7. 929 .319 .091 .638 17.433 .273 .957 11.574 7.aon 2.00!! .638 .182 a 301 .268 1.07G 1.338 40.283 .803 3.478 28. o;o 17. 037 2.943 .268 .268 2.545 4. 302 28. 3.13 17. B13 2.181 16. 644 .154 .616 .306 55.253 1.541 3. 8.13 Sa 3t>3 17. 733 2.U30 . 1.14 .154 .597 8. 627 9.224 .190 R273 .699 a 407 35 36 .104 .236 .003 .391 .Qsa .150 .4ai .635 51.34G 15,601 .198 .545 a 523 5.3G9 .834 .407 .198 .(54 31.631 G32 T.Mil.K No. 2:2— Showing, hy Stales and Congresnional DisMcta, the ratio nmpteil, pei- 1,000 ciaminecl, for each — DISEASES. IOWA— Continued. MICHIGAN— Contiuned. rOXCRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. COXCnESSIONAL DISTRICTS. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. w i m ■A W rs o .Sri IS Sou •3 as m r 1 si 1" i go Boo M H N P4 5 •a Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. DC 07 D8 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM— Coiilinued. DISEASES OF THE ItECTUM AXD AXUS. 1.486 5.944 1.480 .944 2.832 .472 .438 'i.'32i' .983 4.261 .328 2.496 3.'4i3' .975 2.211 1.106 1.106 1.116 5.022 .575 2. 463 1. i.-,o niemonhoida .730 1.512 in. 139 1. 152 8.929 .992 2.339 2.339 0.259 1. 10!) _ 1 Total 1 8.915 4.247 2.268 17.281 9.921 4.678 6.865 1.321 5. 572 2.490 4.388 4.422 6.138 4.188 60 CI DISEASES OF THE Ln*EU. 3.933 .OR-. 1.390 5.284 1.000 .438 .553 .558 Total... 5. 284 3.933 1.660 .488 .553 .558 2.381 62 C3 DISEASES OF THE SPU2EX. .488 ,533 .164 I .488 .553 .164 75. 760 70.310 74. 074 78. 341 44. 643 50. 140 07. (146 50. 638 74. 730 40. 473 05. 003 51.410 61.384 58.708 DISEASES OF TOE UEINART SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. 64 6S » 1.967 1.600 .488 .558 .821 Total 1.967 1.060 .488 .558 .621 DISEAiiF.8 OF THE BLADDEK. m .440 .328 2.622 .075 .328 .037 .082 t»7 .472 .140 ""': .553 60 Total .472 .146 .440 2.950 .973 .558 1.007 DISEASES OF THE UltETimA. Stricture of urethra 10 .472 1.984 .438 .328 a 211 1.674 .057 71 Urinary fistula Total .472 1.964 .438 .328 S.2II 1.074 .037 Grand total .044 1.984 .584 .440 5.244 1.660 1.463 2.211 '9 '10 2.345 DISEASES OF TUE GEKEEA- TIVE SYSTEM. . DISEASES AXD IXJUnlKS OF OIl- RAXS OF OEXEKATIOX. Dincaees of Penis. Epispadia 7"^ .558 .082 .411 7;t Ilvpoapadia 1.311 .488 74 1.083 of penis Total 1.311 .488 .558 .493 1.150 2. 2r9 Diseatet of Tiinica Taginalis. Ilydrocelo 7S 944 1.512 3.023 3.456 1.170 .730 1.753 ".'esi' 2.294 4. 589 .830 .830 .468 .975 a. 211 2.764 .558 2.232 7C Sarcoccle 2. 360 77 Varicocele Total 3.303 4.S33 3.450 1.170 2.483 .881 6.883 1.060 1.463 4.975 2.790 3.449 Distaau of Tcatick. Chronic disease of testicle 78 .881 .440 .328 .830 .830 .488 1.674 .0.37 .104 7!) lii'l ention ol testicle Total 1.321 .323 1.060 .488 1.074 .821 Grand total 3.303 4.535 3.456 i , ,-n j 8. 5S2 3.320 2.438 4. 975 5.022 4. 763 1 ...,„ i "• ^"-' (J33 disease and iVimhllilij on acrniint o/ ichuh Drafliil M>ii irtrc found nnfil for miUlary nrrvice — Continnprl. WISCONSIN— Conttnnod. MINNESOTA -Continued. ! CRA.\n TOTiL. CONGIUI£SIONAI, DI8TBICT8. 1 CONGKESSIOXAI. DISTRICTS. 1. 8. 3. 4. S. 6. Total. 1. 2. Total P4 h CO •r" r s fi- gs 5 CI- Examined, 0,469. 1,i Ratio exeiu])tcMl per 1,000 examined. Hatio exempted per 1,000 ined. . 3J0 . 428 3. MO j . 4*2 .%0| .42-i .436 4.145 .436 .431 .215 .431 .705 3.055 .410 2.142 .410 .268 4.013 .268 .1.T4 2.466 .154 1.074 1850 .62U .072 .674 .337 .364 57 59 1 1 4.600 1 1.263 1.011 5.017 1.077 3.760 2.962 1 4.548 .364 2.774 5.822 U40 .674 337 1.745 1 .547 .046 .210 .840 60 61 .040 1 1.011 1.745 .592 1. O-iO I .014 .060 .074 i .2;i» .U4U ' 1 6'1 1 1 1 .235 .046 1 38.400 43. tea 46. 159 69.590 58.S95 50. 059 53. 067 86.41U 62.523 71263 59. 209 .873 .873 .940 .235 .365 .4.T6 .186 l.'ia 64 1. coo l.flOO 1.745 1.175 .820 1 1.439 ... .218 .235 .091 .091 .046 .046 .188 .218 .128 .124 66 G40 67 1 .233 68 .350 1 i .;:;;;■. ... ::::-: '-.-' 69 .960 .218 .470 .273 .657 . 640 i t-^ .674 .654 .215 410 .516 .803 .462 .569 .042 70 .4« -| . lUO j . fJ4 .074 .054 .215 .456 1 .603 .462 .611 .1.200 .844 .674 2.618 .215 1.645 1.549 .803 .462 2.707 .3M .337 .218 .646 .431 .273 .091 .042 .078 .046 7-' 73 1 .268 .154 74 .320 .337 .218 1.077 .363 1 .268 .154 .166 1.920 ftji .337 1 2.353 .436 4.799 .705 1.410 .638 2.506 1.873 5.618 1.079 X8.-.3 .655 3.022 7'i 1.9-20 1 .4.i-J 2.801 1.434 76 77 1 1 a840| 1.2(M 2.695 5.336 2.801 2.115 3.144 7.491 1.454 4.931 a 677 .640 1.600 .422 .431 .228 .547 1 , .854 .295 7R 1.348 .318 79 1 'J. i40 1.2fi.i 1.343 ! .218 1 .431 1 .775 1 1.150 1 6. 400 2. S3I 1 4.:«0 1 5.672 1 4.308 1 3.115 4.283 7.758 I 1.454 5.086 4.992 80 G34 Table No. 22—Siiowiii(j, by Stales and Cotigresaional Districts, the ratio exempted, per 1,000 cjcamined, for each DISKASES. IOWA— Continued. inCHIGAN-Continucd. CONGUESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. Total. J. •z. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. p. f=l •Is IS .3- V W 0 as K 5 is P4 0 CO is 1' 'as w 1 ate V. a?; P4 Is- liatio esempted per 1,(00 examined. Eatio exempted per 1,000 examined. BO DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTIOX. DISEASES OF BOXES. 5.944 2.360 5.291 1.152 3.968 2.339 3.360 4.916 9.129 2.925 4.423 8.371 4. 510 DISEASES AND IXJUKIES OF THE JOISTS. 81 6,607 .944 5.663 10. 582 '2268 3.456 21. 839 4.608 7. 937 2, 970 6.944 '2,339 10. 526 5. 697 4. 528 5.259 3. 082 9.217 .681 2,294 14, 094 1.967 2.490 18. 2,-.7 4.979 6. 338 . 973 7.314 12.714 4. 422 1.038 4.464 3,906 2.790 5.009 8.457 3.038 8i 83 Clirnnic disease of joints 7.429 1.4SU Total 8.915 13. 214 12. 850 29. 954 17. 857 12. 805 15. 483 13. 210 18 355 25. 726 14. 627 ia795 11.101 16.504 DISEASES OF THE SPKE. fi4 2- 972 8.915 3.775 3.779 1.984 J. 339 2.775 .881 3.605 4.979 1.463 3.870 2.381 DISEASES OFTUE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Miiscle. 8.5 3.303 3. 4,';6 1.9S4 1.170 2.773 1.311 4.149 6.338 3.317 2.232 2.627 XHseaaes o/ Tendon. Muscular couti'actious 8(! 1.486 .944 .944 .472 .756 1.152' 2.976 .992 3.509 1.461 .584 .146 '".'446' .036 1.311 2.400 2.490 1.463 .975 .488 aau 4.975 'i.'iie .985 1.642 .164 87 88 Wry-neck Total 1. 4cC 1 2. 300 .7,50 1. 152 3.903 3.509 2.191 .440 1. 967 4, 979 2.925 7.186 1.116 2. 792 Grand total DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAK TISSUE. Olicsity 28.23.! 25. 012 ■2a 676 3D. 714 29.762 22.222 26, 585 14.531 30,154 48.903 28, 279 37. 590 22.879 28.820 89 .328 .082 Grand total .328 .082 DISEASES OF TDK CUTA- XEOUS SYSTEM. CittaneoiLs contractions 90 1.48G 2. 972 .472 1.888 5.191 3.023 1.512 4.535 .876 1.753 4.382 .440 .440 2. 502 2.294 3. 005 .830 .48.'* 2, 925 5.851 2.211 2.764 2.764 '2,232 1. 1,50 1.888 3.859 91 2.304 3.456 '2.' 970' 2.339 5.848 9-J o 970 Grand totiil CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- KILT ASSOCIATED WITH GENEliAL OK LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest 7.429 7.551 9.070 5.760 2.970 8.187 7.011 3. OSS 10. 101 7.469 9.204 7. 7.39 2.232 6. .*97 93 1.701 .881 15. 852 .553 26.' 453' i.'c74 31. 80S .411 1.007 23.647 "J4 95 Delormity of clicst I'crraaueut pliysical debility Grand total LOCAL IN.IUItlES. I.OC.VLITV OF l.NJUUV SOT SPECIFIED. Fractures Lowgoflimb 26.740 2.360 17. 461 1.512 72. 562 4. (i03 11.521 25.794 4,078 46, 784 2.191 33. 158 .983 22, 943 .830 14.938 1. 9,-.0 34, 130 26. 740 19. 821 74. 074 10. 129 25. 794 51. 462 35. 349 18. 494 23. 927 15. 768 36. 080 21.006 33.482 25.125 96 97 5.944 8.966 9.070 .756 4. 535 12. 673 9.921 12.865 9.787 .146 4. 236 13. 210 2.042 5. 572 1.967 31. 137 3,320 3, 320 5.809 5,363 1.950 7.739 4.422 18.973 3. 348 18.415 9.032 2, 2!19 14041 UH 1.480 1.416 10. 309 .992 10. 526 Total IXJUmiiS AND MAI.I-OliMATIONS OF Ufl'Elt KXTnF.MITlES. Defects or di'forniities of hand .. Loss of thumb 6. 826 8. B4D 7. 429 10. 382 14.301 23.041 10. 913 23. 392 14.169 15. 852 38. 676 12. 448 14. 139 21.006 40. 737 25.372: 1 7.22OI .730 99 100 1.486 7.079 1.512 5.760 1. l.-,2 7.937 . 992 9, 357 4.678 5.697 .876 3.082 5. 572 .656 6.639 .830 12, 189 .975 8.292 . 533 8. 929 1.074 Total IS.IUI!lEa AND MAT.FOliMATIOSS OF LOWEK EXTUKMITIES. Defects or diforniities of foot Loss of ;;reat too 1. 486 7.079 1.512 0. 912 8. 929 14.035 6.573 3.032 0.227 7.409 13. 164 8.845 10. 003 7.963 101 lOJ 19.316 11.798 .944 15. 117 .756 R065 2.304 3.968 11.696 2.339 U ,540 1. 022 9,177 1.311 7,469 2, 490 2.925 1.950 7.186 .553 0.138 1.074 5. .TOl 1.232 Grand total UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs. Itntio exempted for all diseases 19. 316 12. 742 15, 673 10.369 3.968 14.035 12. 502 10. 488 9.959 4.876 7.739 7.813 6. 733 ati. 232 30. 203 31. 746 40. 323 23.810 51.462 33. 304 18.934 3.523 55. 392 29. 876 3i 179 37. 590 59. 152 40.009 JOL' 14.8i-.9 11.356 9.070 S72. 865 17.281 16. 865 7.018 12. 270 5ill4 4.979 28.279 1-1714 20. 039 23.811 — 249;0:9 2VJ.SI8 262. 67,j'204.365 258.480 242.039 147. 512 365.782 212.448 3¥9l78 242. 676 260.C9J 269.502 I 635 diaeaac and diaabilily on account of which Drafted Men were found unfit for militarii gerrice— ContiimeU. WISCOSSIJf— Continacd. MIX^^;SOTA— Coutiuuod. OUAXD TOTAL. COKGRESSIOXAL DISTUICTS. CO.XCltESSIONAL DIBTKICTB. 1. •i. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. 1. a. TotjJ. 5 'A 1 a ^ g=" 1 = ■:; 2 3 Erf 1^- i u Zi E'. H 1 Ratio exempted per 1,000 examined. Ealio exempted per 1,000 cxnm ncd. 7.3fi0 10. 122 3.700 9.599 10.556 S.640 7.974 6.153 -727 3.653 5.144 80 3.520 4.480 3.520 8.857 5. '.105 3. 374 7.412 4.380 3. 700 10.253 6. 320 2.182 1. 939 1.077 3.417 4.405 8. 931 4. 2:i0 5. 878 5.149 3. 372 3.478 3. 745 4.013 13.086 .7-27 3.035 7.551 2.406 :!.853 6.977 8. 970 3.503 18.750 3.361 81 82 83 11. .".20 18. loO 15.499 18 761 0. 4G3 17. U20 14. 400 11.-2:16 17. 448 ' 13. 870 3.840 2.109 3.3C9 11.780 4.955 S.820 5.286 .■i.886 4. 362 5.240 84 3.840 .422 1.348 5.017 13. 141 4.465 5.468 4.815 1.454 3.390 2.683 8.-! .844 3.790 2.022 .337 .654 1.309 .940 .705 .470 .634 2.096 .091 .535 3. 210 .268 1.818 0.907 1.079 4.777 .154 2.112 1.387 .136 86 87 88 .900 5.170 .%0 4.039 2.3.)8 1. U63 5.170 2.115 2.871 4.013 8. 7-24 6. 010 3.035 27. 520 35.428 20.280 47. 120 40 984 32. G07 35.999 3-2. 103 3-2. 715 3-2. 362 :i3. 573 .337 .915 .091 .445 j .445 89 .337 .215 .091 2.359 .u;4 4.717 a 016 . 215 9.048 1.880 1. 175 3.5-25 1.321 1. 139 4.3-29 2.408 2. 675 4. 548 1.387 2.157 6.010 1.090 1. :w5 4. 497 7. 142 90 91 92 .ano 4.480 .844 1.087 2.U18 1.309 1.454 7.997 5.440 2.531 7.749 3.927 12. 279 6.560 0.790 9.031 9.451 9.555 . nr.o C. 4i;U 24. wo a 0.54 9.400 2A 124 .775 9.506 22.146 4.090 1 2.0-28 31. -237 91 . 422 17.714 1.348 11.450 1.723 1.5. 511 2.585 36. 4-J8 2.140 44. 409 .7-27 2,5. 809 1.541 36. 52;) 94 95 32. 010 18. I3li 1 12. 80:1 28. 578 17. 934 1 39.013 •-■5 4-27 40. 549 •26. 536 38.064 37.355 !> 990 6.400 3. .120 3.790 .814 ll.:)88 a 086 .337 7.853 . 0.74 .5.890 12.495 .010 3. Olfi 7.2»fi ■i. 115 21. 0.>2 8. 612 1. 7*3 7. 792 1-2. .574 i).44('i 9. 815 2. 90rJ 3. 9'.ni 11. 404 1. •2i3 10.017 7.199 I.3(tl 8.701 96 97 9H 1'.). «43 a. 2 0 .11 0 IC.027 1 8. 423 1 14.398 10. 157 1.723 2.154 31. fi2i 18. 136 27.020 10. V21 •2-2.054 17. 2.55 2. .5",1 .814 2. 095 .1.74 I 3.618 .430 4. 465 1.8,-0 3.737 1. 185 i 4.280 I 1.338 1.091 2.9-28 .771 0. 11.-' .8-24 99 100 9.920 ii7l 1 3. 3C9 3.054 3.818 0. 345 4.921 , 5.018 l.OUl :i.699 ; 6. 942 9.60O 2..:4U C. 749 •2. Il>9 5.054 8. 944 .873 4.r55 1.72:1 16. 210 .940 8.840 1. -270 !.■>. 516 1. 873 7.997 .301 12.399 1.-233 1 ! a064 ■ .8711 101 ■Of 11.840 8.857 1 5. 054 9.817 a 078 ; 17. 15-; 10.116 17. 389 a 361 13. .501 8.934 4I.0O0 28.258 { 10.846 27.269 iO. 711 1 54. 524 31.174 50.027 96.172 ■iS. 914 3;i. 132 .900 17.292 13.140 l& 143 10.372 97. 262 15.903 23.950 10. .542 251. 908 19.417 309. 755 13.880 103 ssae80 ■..81.316 1 185.9J4 3051.773 25-2:693 1 27-2.855 258.9-20 1 35-2. 3-27 1 28-i8ar 1 T^13LE No. 23, SUOWING THE RELATION OF LOCALITY TO DISEASE. RECRUITS AND SUBSTITUTES. Number Examined, 305,608. Number Rejected, 69,965. 638 Taiii-e No. Q^— Showing, hy States and Congressional Districts, the mtmlHr rcjecteH, and tlic ratio rejected per 1,000 Total number examined 305,608. DISEASES. MAINE. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. Examined, 2,027. Examined, 1,515. Exarained, 905. Examined, 1,538. Examined, 1,131. Examined, 7,116. & o t s 0 o S .2 1 1 O s O 1 O a s s. •I si P4 £ .a B s •a S 1 a a "A o g u o o 1 s ? e s § s Eh GENERAL DISEASES. " 1 .650 1 .141 Total 1 .650 1 .141 T 4 3 1 1.980 .660 3 3.315 1 1 .650 .650 1 1 .884 .884 8 7 1. 124 .984 ■> Dropsy 4 1.973 6 7 14 2 6.907 .937 21 13.861 15 16. 675 13 8.453 17 15. 031 60 2 23 61 11.242 .281 3. 232 8. 572 R Non-malignant tumors Scrofula •) 7 24 4.620 15. 842 3 21 3.315 23. 204 11 4 7. 152 2.001 o 0 1.768 5. 305 in 0 2.!160 Total 20 12. 627 56 56 36. 964 42 40. 409 30 19. 506 27 23.673 181 25.436 Grand total 26 12. 627 36. 964 42 46. 409 31 30. 150 27 23.873 182 25.570 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AKD ITS MEMBRANES. Acnte disease of brain 11 }" i;t Sunstroke 2 2.210 2 .281 Total 2 2.210 2 .281 DISEASES OF THE NEUVES. Paralysis ....... 14 1 .493 1 .660 8 .281 GKSEIUL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTESI. Chorea 15 l(i Epilepsy 6 2.960 2 1. 320 2 2.210 4 2.601 4 3.537 18 2.530 17 Ncuraljiia Itl Stammeiiuf; 1 .493 1 .650 2 .281 Total - . 3.453 2 1.320 2 2.210 5 3.251 4 3.537 SO 2.811 DISORDERS OF THE INTELI^CT. Chronic alcoholism 19 1 5 .660 3.300 6 1 6.630 1.105 6 3 3.901 1.951 13 13 1.827 1.827 !!0 Imbccililv 4 1.973 •21 lUHanity !« Solitary vice Total 4 1.973 6 3.960 7 7.735 9 5. 852 26 3.654 12 5.920 9 5.941 11 12. 155 14 9.103 4 3.537 50 7.026 DISEASES AND 1N.TT7RTES OF THE EVE AND EYELIDS. DISBA8FJ* AND INJURIES OFTHE EYE. Cataract of rifjht eye Lo8H (if ei^iht, v'v^hi eve Lohsof sisbt. k-t't eyb 23 21 25 26 87 2 4 .987 1.973 1 6 .884 5.305 3 20 1 41 45 .422 2.811 .141 5. 762 6.324 4 2.640 4 4.420 1 16 8 1.300 .6.W 10. 403 5. 202 DisenscH of the eyes in 13 4.933 6.413 3 5 1.980 3.300 7 5 7. 735 5.525 5 14 4.421 12. 378 DISEASES OF THE ETELIDS. Diseases of Ibo eyelids 2D 14. 307 12 7.921 16 17.680 27 17. 555 20 22.989 110 15.458 S8 1 .493 -to 1 .650 1 .884 3 . 402 Grand total 30 14.800 12 7.921 16 17. 680 28 18.205 27 23.873 113 15.880 639 ctamined,J'or each distate and dhabilUi/ on account of rrhich Bccruilt and Subatitulet tcere found unfit /ormilUarii tertHee. Total iiuiubcr rejected 6S),965. NEW HAMPSHIRE. VERMONT. CONGBESSIDSAL DISTRICTS. CONUBESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Total. Exumhied, l.fT.i. Exiiminod, 1.989. Examined, 1,901. Examined, 5,704. Examined, 956. Examined, 1,440. Examined, 1,066. Examined, 3,402. 1 E s 1 !5 g p. i S t 1 § 2. c 1 u u if a 'A s •a .2 1 'A 8 S. .2 1 1 E 1 a i o 1 S a s •A 0 s u p* .2 1 1 ? u § 0 1 A 0 g 1 1 1 .534 o 1.006 3 .520 t 1 .534 2 1.006 3 .520 1 2 I.OCT 1.067 2 1.006 i 1 .526 .526 5 3 .867 .520 2 3.092 2 1.389 4 1 3. 752 .938 8 1 2.311 .289 4 ■i 6 39 4 8 1 20.811 2.134 4.S69 .534 83 41.730 63 33. 140 185 4 17 5 32.090 .694 2 949 .807 18 18.828 6 4.167 5 1 1 4. 6110 . 938 .938 1.670 29 1 3 3 8.377 .289 .867 7 R 3 1 1,508 .503 I a 156 1.578 o 2.092 <» 1 .694- 10 56 29.883 89 44. 74G 74 38. 027 210 37. 994 22 23.013 9 6.250 14 13. 133 45 1 12.998 57 30. 4IG 91 45. 752 74 38. 927 222 .33. 515 22 23. 1)13 9 6.250 14 13. 133 45 1 12. 998 11 1"? 1 1.046 1 .289 n 1 1.046 1 .289 14 1 3 .526 1.578 1 14 .173 2.429 Q 2.092 3' "2. 083' 5" ......... 15 1 .534 10 SlOSB 16 17 4 2.011 5 2. 6,30 9 1.561 1 .694 1 .938 2 .578 18 1 .534 14 7.039 9 4.734 24 4.164 3 2.092 4 2.778 1 .938 7 2. 022 7 o 3.735 1.067 2 12 1 1.006 .503 5 20 2 2.630 10. .'i21 1. 002 14 34 3 S.429 5. 609 . 520 « 2 1 ' 'a 092 1.046 7 S 4.861 3.472 2 3 I. 876 2.814 9 10 1 aooD 3 889 .289 19 20 91 22 . 9 4.803 15 7. .'■.41 27 14.203 51 a 848 3 3.138 12 8.333 5 4.690 20 5.777 10 5.330 29 14. 560 36 IS. 937 75 1 13.012 ; 6 a 276 16 11.111 6 5.029 28 8.088 1 11 ..'03 5.530 2 2 1. fl.W 1.052 3 14 .520 2. 429 1 1 1.046 1.046 1 1 .933 .938 0 9 ..■)78 a 000 ?3 1 .534 7 4.861 24 ai 1 3 .5.34 1.067 40 33 20.111 16.591 13 2 e.e.'s 1.052 54 37 9.3C8 6.419 1 1 1.046 1.046 1 6 .28.1 1.733 26 3 2.083 2 1.870 3.752 3; 4 2.134 85 42 735 19 9.995 108 18.737 4 4.184 10 6.944 4 18 5.199 3 1. .108 3 .520 2«l 4 2.134 88 44. 243 19 9.905 111 19.257 4 4.184 10 6.944 4 a 753 18 5.199 (ilO TAiii.ii No. ■4.i-Slioww(j, bj) States and Cciiinmoiial IJhIrkts, tiw number r5 P4 a 53 2 1 o .* a g Pi r3 S o ? u o .a a s 'A g I £ o v •£■ .= a 3 p. a DISEASES 01'' THE EAK. 13 a 453 3 2.053 10 1 3 2.248 .141 .422 1 1.105 3 1.980 3 1.980 1 1.105 13 8.453 3 2.653 20 2.811 DISEASES AND IN-JUKIES OF THE NO§E. V 1 1.105 2 1.300 3 2 .422 .281 Ti 2 1.320 2 1.320 1 1. lO.'J 2 1.300 5 .703 DISEASES OP THE CIEC0- LATOEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEAUT AND ITS MEMBRANES. Acute disease of heart M • 48 47 53. 039 51. 934 1 18 .650 11. 704 49 85 0.880 11.945 r. 5 5 2. 407 9 5. on 0 5.305 Total 2.407 9 5.941 95 104. 972 19 12. 354 6 5.305 134 18. 831 DISEASES OF THE EL00D-VESSEL6. jyucases of the Arteries. ADenrism 3fi Diseasts of the Veins. Varicose veins . 37 36 17.700 12 7.921 25 27. 624 28 18.205 10 S.842 111 15. 599 Total 30 17. 700 12 7. 921 2.) 27. 024 28 18.205 10 8.842 111 15. 599 41 20. 227 21 13.801 120 132.597 47 30. 559 10 14. 147 245 34. 429 DISEASES OP DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE TIITROm OI.AKD. Goitre 38 Graud total..- 39 DISEASES OF THE KKSPIEA- toi:y system. DISEASES OF THE LARV.SX. ristiila of the larynx FIIN-CTIO.NAL AFFECTIONS OP THE LARYNX. Loss of voice '• 40 41 DISEASES OP THE TRACDEA AXl) BKONCni. Bronchitis 4 1.973 13 8.581 33 o 4 36. 464 2. 210 4.420 3 1.951 53 7.448 DISEA6K8 OP THE LUXO. Acute discase^f lung 43 10 1.300 10. 403 1 0 .884 5.305 5 29 .703 4.075 43 Chronic diseas^of lung 2 .987 1 .000 Total V _. .987 1 .600 6 0.030 18 11. 704 7 6.189 34 4.778 DISEASES OF TIlflUM.EUllA. Cliroiiic ijlenrisy \ 44 Graud total .^. G 2.900 14 9.241 39 43. 094 21 13. 054 7 6.189 87 12.220 G41 J'or each rfArnso and dlsahilily on account of which Secruiln and Siihstitiitea were found unfit /or nii/iVari/sfrrico— Con I iiiiii'd. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Conliiiuc.l. VERMO.VT— Coutinnod. CONRItESSlONAL DISTIMCTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. ' 1. a. .1. 1 Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. Examined, 1.87-1. Ex»niiiicd, Exaniiucil, 1,'JOl. Exnniiued, 5,764. Exauiiucd, 956. Examined, 1,440. Exaniiucd, 1,066. Examiueil, 3.462. 1 9 I. o 1 1 'fe' 1 i c Pi u o S o 1 i e s e 3 s. 1 1 o b U % I 9i t 2. S c o 1 1 u 1 1 % .a s s g o 1 e 12 G.C33 12 2.oe2 1 1.046 1 .938 2 .578 2 1.0(i7 5 2.514 1 .526 8 1.388 1 1.046 2 1.389 4 3.752 7 2.022 2 i.nci 17 d547 1 .526 20 3.470 2 2.092 2 1.369 5 4.690 9 2.000 1 .503 1 1 .173 .173 1 .526 1 .503 1 .520 2 107 .347 .347 18. 563 1 74 .503 37.205 1 lU .520 8.417 1 2 .694 1 14 .289 4.044 17 9.n?2 5 5.230 1.389 7 0.567 17 9. 072 75 37. 707 17 8.943 109 19.910 5 5.230 3 2.U83 7 6.567 15 4.333 3i; If. 677 17 a 547 24 12.625 76 13. 185 G 6.276 12 8.333 9 8.443 27 7.799 35 18.077 17 8.547 24 1 12. G25 1 76 13.185 6 6. 276 12 8.333 9 8.443 27 7.799 52 27. 748 92 4fi.£5l 41 1 21.568 j 185 32.0'J6 1 11 11.506 15 10. 417 IG 15.009 42 12. 132 1 .503 1 .173 1 Ma 1 .173 * * . ..^ : 12 0.C33 1 .526 13 2.255 .347 5 725 6 5.629 6 1.733 1 i .534 l.fiOt 1 6 .520 3. ISA 9 33 24 12.066 n 2.092 2 1.389 4 3.752 8 2.311 4 2.134 24 12. OGU 7 3.682 35 6. U72 2 a 092 3 1.389 4 3.752 8 2.311 • 1 1 tllR 2 1.876 3 .867 1 4 2.134 3U 18.100 8 i-aas 43 a 328 1 3 1 a 138 a J. 389 .2 1L957 1 17 4.910 36 37 38 40 4« 81 642 Table Ko. 23— .SAoin'ni/, hy States and Congressional Districts, the nimler rejected, and the ratio rejeciedper 1,009 examined. DISEASES. MAINE— Coutinued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICIV. 1. a. 3. 4. 5 1 • 1 Total Examined, 2,027. Examined, 1,515. Examined, 90S. Examined, 1,538. Examined, 1,131. Examined, 7,116. o E s g o 1 'E a 0 I 1 £ & '6 S. Q J a s 8 t-, 0 1 i 1 'E .2 a s •a §■ .2 s 1 a 12! s, 0 1 45 46 DISEASES OF XHE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES ASD IXJl KIESOFTHE JAW. 1 .660 1 3 .141 .422 1 1.105 1 .050 1 .884 Tola] 1 .660 1 1. 105 1 .650 1 .884 4 .562 DISEASES, MALFOnMATIOXS, AND IS- JUniES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AXD ALVEOLI. Loss of teeth 47 11 5.427 4 2.640 C 6.G30 12 7.602 2 1.768 35 4.918 DISEASES OP THE FAUCES AKD PALATE. 4R 3 1.480 2 1.320 3 2.210 Q 1.300 1 .884 10 1.405 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 41 ■iO Chrooic disease of stomach Total DISEASES OF THE IXTESTIXES. Chronic diarrhoea 3 1 51 1.480 .493 1 i 1 30 2' "2 .660 .660 .660 19. 802 17. 822 1.320 6 2 5 1 11 6.630 3.210 5.525 1. 105 12. 155 2.210 1 1 .650 .050 11 5 8 3 112 67 2 1. 54C .703 1.124 .422 15. 739 9.415 .281 .W 1 0 1 10 10 .884 1.768 .684 8.842 8.842 S3 Hernia, umbilical 54 Hernia, ventral 22 10 u'soi' 6.502 55 39 18 19.240 8.880 5fi Heriiia, k'l't inguinal 57 lIiTni;i.(Ii.n\)le in<^uinal 5rt Ufinin, ri;:ht femoral 59 Hernia, left femoral CO Hernia, double femoral » Total 01 30.094 02 40.924 -XI 29.834 34 •j2. 107 24 21.220 208 29.230 DISEASES OF THE KECTUM AND ASUS. nritnla in aim CI 0 3 1.320 1.980 1 4 .884 3.537 3 9 .422 1.2C5 (i'J nicmurrhoida 1 .493 1 .650 03 Prolapsus ani U4 Stricture of rectum Total 1 .493 5 3.300 1 .650 5 4.421 12 1.680 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Acute disease of liver CS 1 1 .493 1 9 1.105 U.945 12 .281 1.086 bU Chrome disease of liver .493 1 .660 1 .684 Total 2 .987 1 .600 10 11.050 1 .884 14 1.967 DISEASES or THE SPLEEN. Acute disease of spleen 07 (id Chronic disease of spleen Total Grand tolal DISEASES OF THE TJRIXAKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDXET. Acute di.i( ase of Iddiiev 78 38.481 75 49. 505 4C 3 50. 829 50 32.510 34 30.002 283 39.770 09 70 3.315 3 0 .422 .843 0 1. 320 3 .884 1.951 ===== 0 1.320 3 ' 3. 315 3 1.951 1 1 ] .884 9 1. 205 643 for each disease and disability on account of u-hieh IlicrrAts and Substitutes tccrc found unfit for military semce— Coiitiinicd. NEW HAMPSniKE— Coutlnucd VERMOKT-Continued. CONGKESSIONAL DISTIilCTS. C0X011E8SI0NAL UlSTMCTS. 1. 2. 3. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. Kxfiiniiicd, 1,874. Kxamincd, 1,989. Examined, 1,901. Exaniint'd, 5,704. Esamiiiod, 950. Examiucd, 1,440. Examined, l,i:0(.. Examined, 3,408. 1 u "S* u u G 3 in 2 1 1 t a a s 1 u ^ - 3 3 o 8 U o 1 1 1 s o o u % .2 i u u i u 1 •a 8 ¥ u s B s o § o o 1 1 s a s %. .2 1 '6 V g o o_ O 1 13 fi. 937 19 9.553 23 12. 099 55 9.542 4 4.184 6 4.167 5 4.690 15 4.333 2 1.006 1 .526 3 .520 2 1 1.006 .503 2 1 .347 .173 .520 3 1.508 3 « 1 34 6 o 34 33 7 7 .503 17.094 3. 017 l.UOU 17. 094 10. 591 3. 519 3.519 1 9 .526 4.734 2 SO 7 4 88 57 11 7 .347 9.715 1.214 .694 15. 207 9.8^-9 1.908 1.214 5 1 1 5.230 1.046 1.046 3 2.814 8 3 6 2.311 .807 1.733 13 1 1 15 7 1 6.937 .534 . .134 8.004 3.735 .534 2 2 1.389 1.389 3 8.814 1 39 17 3 .520 20.510 8.943 1.578 15 8 1 13. 090 8.368 1.046 16 11 11.111 7.039 7 5 1 6.567 4.690 .938 38 24 o 10. 970 0.932 .578 2 1.389 9 .578 38 20.277 124 02. 343 70 36.823 232 40.250 31 32.427 33 22.917 19 17.824 S3 23.975 3 2 1.508 1.006 5 4 2.630 2.104 8 11 1.388 1.908 1 2 .034 1.389 1 2 .289 .578 5 2.608 2 1.067 o .347 7 3. 735 5 2.514 9 4.734 21 3. 043 1 3 2.083 3 .807 5 2.068 1 .503 1 .520 7 1.214 1 1.040 1 .289 5 2.008 1 .503 1 .520 7 1.214 1 1 1.046 1 .289 63 3.1. 6IH 154 77. 430 104 54.708 321 55.690 36 37. 657 1 42 29. 1S7 1 24 22. 514 102 29.463 i 3 a 138 3 .867 1 i ' a 138 3 .807 -- — = 1 1 . ^ - ■ ■ - 644 TA1SI.E No. 23—Slwu'ing, hy States and Congressional Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, 1 MAINE— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. DISEASES. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. Examined, 2,027. Esaniined, 1,5IS. Examined, 905. Examined, 1,538. Examined, 1,131. Examined, 7,116. 1 '6 o 1 a |25 o g c p. O 1 i s u P4 i .a a a 'A o g u o 1 u & 'A s o o 1 ^3 O 1 'E a O 1 S O O a g U CJ P4 o 1 71 DISEASES OF THE URINARY SYSTEM— CoDtinucd. DISEASES OF THE BLALIUUR. 1 .060 1 .141 74 1 1.105 1 .141 1 .660 1 1. 105 .1 .281 DISEASI!S OF THE UltETHliA. IS 7C. Uriuary listula Total Grand tot.ll 3 1.9S0 4 4.420 3 1.951 1 .884 11 1.546 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND IXJUltlES OP OR- GAXS OF GENERATION. DUcascs of Penis. 77 7^ H \'pospad-ia 7» 2 1.320 9 9.945 Ci 3.901 4 3.537 21 2.951 80 Loss of penis Total 2 1. 32,1 9 9.945 6 3. 901 4 3.537 21 2.951 Diseases of Tunica Yaginalis. llydrocclo Rl 1 4 13 .C50 2.601 8. 453 1 15 21 .141 2.108 2.951 Vi Sarcocele 6 2 2. ncio .987 5 2 3.300 1. 320 Kl 2 2.210 2 1.768 Total 8 3. 947 7 4.020 2 2.210 18 11. 704 2 1.7C8 37 5.200 Diseases of Testicle. Aciito (liseaso of tcsticlo 8) 2 9 2. 210 9. 945 2 32 1 .281 4. 497 . 141 BU Chronic! of ttsticlo Retention of testicle S 2.4ir7 3 1.980 4 1 2. IIOI .650 11 9.726 Total 5 2.4G7 3 1.980 11 12. 155 5 3.251 11 9.726 35 4.918 Grand total 13 G. 413 12 7.921 22 24. 309 29 18. 85G 4.551 17 4 15. 031 3.537 93 32 13. 069 4.497 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. EI.SEASE8 OF BOXES. Chronic disease of bones 87 9 4.440 11 7.2G1 1 2 2 1 1.105 7 DISEASES AND INJUltlES OF THE JOINTS. Ankylosis of >in ts 88 1 4 2 7 17 .403 1. 973 .987 24 3 15. 842 1.980 1. 320 2.210 2.21U 1.105 5 8 3.251 5.202 8 8 4 7.073 7. 073 3. 537 40 25 9 5. 021 3.513 1.265 fc'J Chronic diMoase of joints UU Dislocation of joints Total DISEASES OF THE SPINH. Cnrvaturo of spine DISEASES OF HIE MtlSClII.AU SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. Atrophy of limb 3.403 29 19. 142 5 5.525 13 8.453 20 17. 083 74 10. 399 91 8.387 24 15. 842 3 3.315 9 5.852 53 7.448 PS o .987 O 1.320 2 2.210 o 1.300 10 1.40S - 1.768 645 for tacli disease and disabiUly on account of ichich Itecrults and Substitutes were found unfit for militarii »eiTia— Continued. NEW HAMPSUIKE— Contioncd. VERMOKT— Con tinned. CONGHESSIOSAL DI8TSICTS. CONGIiKSSIUNAL DIBTBICT6. 1. a. 3. ToUl. 1. 2. 3. Total. Examined, 1,874. Examined, l,98U. Examined, l.UOl. Examined, 5,704. Examined, 950. Examined, 1,440. Examined, 1,000. Examined, 3,402. 1 r O a s !5 u p. o 1 i 1 E u M a 1 8 O 1 •3 i O 1 '6 2 8 M i p. 1 •2 1 a" 1 0 in s p. 1 1 1 P. o S 1 ? 1 o s p. 1 *6 1 % 1 i. o 1 71 72 73 1 .534 , 1 .173 74 1 .M4 1 .173 2 l.OOC 2 .347 1 .694 1 .289 •^ TO 2 1.000 2 .347 1 .094 1 .289 1 .534 2 1.C06 3 .520 3 3.138 1 .694 4 1.155 77 1 14 2 .534 7.471 1.067 1 10 4 .173 2.770 .694 7S 2 1 1.006 .503 79 1 .526 KO 17 9.072 3 1 r,na 1 .520 21 3.043 4 2.104 4 1 .004 1 1.040 o 1 5 1.389 .094 3.472 2 7 1.870 '"'e.'567 5 1 10 1.444 289 4. C22 81 1 .534 2. COS 82 .5 0 4.525 9 4.734 23 3.990 4 4.184 83 1 G a 202 0 4.525 I.t 6.839 28 4.858 5 5.230 1 8 5.550 9 8.443 22 6.355 1 84 4 2.134 8 4.022 7 3.082 19 3.296 1 .694 2 2 1.870 1.870 3 o .807 ..'.78 •« 80 4 1 2. 134 8 4.022 7 3.G82 19 1 a29C 1 .694 4 3.752 5 1.444 27 14. 408 .534 ao 10.055 21 11.047 08 1 11.797 5 5.230 ! 9 0.250 13 12. 195 27 7.799 1 0 3.017 » 4. 734 10 — 2.770 1 1. 046 o 1.389 3 2.814 0 l.7;o 87 o 2 I.0C7 2 608 1.007 3 25 3 1.508 12 M9 1.508 2 8 1 1. 052 4.'-'0£l 7 38 6 1.214 6.593 1.041 , 1.040 1.040 4 4 2.778 2.778 1 3 .n.if> 2811 B 1.733 2 311 88 89 no - 9 4.803 31 15.580 It 5.786 51 a 848 3 2.092 I 8 5.556 4 3.752 14 4.044 2 1.0C7 7 3.519 10 S.SCO 19 3.296 3 aiJ8| 1 .694 3 S.8I4 7 SlOS! 91 o 1.007 3 .347 ' .938 1 .289 93 1 1 646 Table No. ^—Sliowing, hy States and Congressional Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. MAINE- —Continued. ft- i CONGRESSIONAL UISTIIICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. Examined, 2,027. Examined, 1,515. Examined, 905. Examined, 1,538. Examined, 1,131. Examined, 7,116. M - .a 3 3 g 1 S 3 ^3 a O 1 ! s |2i o s p. o 0) 1 s o a 3 g Oh «. ExaniincMl. 1,440. Examined, 1,0GC. Examined, 3,462. e 1 1 s o 1 o 'E u o .a S s 'A § i o 1 1 o .a a s 'A ri 2 1 s. 1 i g a 5 a P* o 1 •a o o t hi ■a s 'A I o 1 1 s t-l M 3 p 1 0 3.017 1 .526 7 1.314 1 2 .694 1.389 1 5 1 .289 1.444 .289 93 3 1 3 814 .938 94 <)"• 1 6 3.017 1 . .'•.20 7 1.214 3 3.083 4 a 753 7 2.(fi2 14 7.471 .'.0 25.138 31 IB. 307 95 16.483 6 6.376 14 9.732 15 14.071 35 10. 110 1.608 3. 215 1.608 20 "'4' fi. 349 "i.'sio' 9 1 8 4.080 .453 .907 4 3.711 4 8.696 7 9.409 DISEASES AND IN.IHItlES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AXD INJURIES OFTHE EYE. CatRrnetnf riglil. oyo Loss of Mi:.']it. ri;rht eye Loss ui sij;ht. lelt eyb S3 1 3.540 24 1 2.174 4 5.376 '£> 2(1 Partial loss ol sisht. both eyes . . . 8 41 2.540 3 37 1.360 16. 772 1 6 2.174 13.043 0 9 2.Ci« 12. 097 ■/I Diseases of the oyos 0 ia293 12 11.132 1 3.546 Total 9 18. 293 6 9.646 53 16. 825 43 1 19.492 .4..3 12 11. 132 8 17. 391 2 7.092 15 20. 161 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Disoaaes of the cvcliils 38 n 18.293 0 n.646 53 10.825 44 1 1!».94G 13 11. 132 8 17. 391 2 7.092 15 20.161 649 fitr each disetue and dkabilili/ on account of which Bccruils and Sithatilutea were found unfit for mililari/ gerrice— C'oiitiiiiiid. 650 Table No. W—Shoiving, by States and Congressional Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, 1 MASSACHnSETTS— Continued. ] COXGRESSIOX.U, DISTKICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. e>. 6. 7. 8. DISEASES. Examined, 492. Examined, C22. Examined, 3,150. Examined, 2,200. Examined, 1,078. Examined, 460. Examined, 282. ExJimined, 744. 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 o Pt o a r3 8 § O t-i O 1 1 'E? U 1 s o 3 o K 1 % 3 3 'A o u a o P4 1 o a 1^ o s o P4 .2 •a 1 a s 'A o g 1 •i* S, a p 1^ 1 o 1 11 DISEASES OF THE EAK. Chrooic purulent otorrlicea 1 2.033 3 .952 5 2.267 7 2.222 5 2.267 2 1.855 2 4.348 1 3.540 Orand total 1 a 033 10 3.175 10 4.533 o 1.855 2 4.348 1 3.546 DISEASES AND INJ UKIES OF THE NOSE. 3*1 1 .317 2 .007 1 .317 2 o 15 .907 .907 C.800 1 5 .928 4.638 1 23 2.174 50. 000 1 I 3.546 3.546 14 DISEASES OF THE CDRCU- LATORY SYSIEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND ITS MEMBRASES. 1 1.C08 7 9 2. 222 ~i 857 'n 7 14.228 3 4.032 TotlU disejIses of the blood-vessels. Diseases of the Arteries. Anenrisni 7 14.228 1 1.C08 16 5. 079 17 7.700 G 5.566 24 52. 174 2 7.092 3 4. 032' M 1 .928 Diseases of the Veins. 8 .... 37 7 14.228 12. 8ft2 50 15. 873 93 42. 158 2 1.855 7 15. 217 S 7.092 0 12.097 Total 7 14 14.228 50 15. 873 93 42. 158 3 2.783 7 15.217 2 7. 092 9 12. 097 28. 455 9 ] 14.4G9 60 20.952 110 49. 604 9 8. 349 31 67.391 4 14. 184 12 10. 129 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. diseases of the TllVIiOin OLAXD. Goitre :« Grand total * DISEASES OF THE KESPIKA- TOEY SYSTEM.. DISEASES OF THE LAIiVKX. Fistula of thu larynx .... 3S) FU.NCTIO.NAI. AI'FF.CTIO.NS OF THE LAnvxx. Lo83 of voico 40 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND LKOXCIIL liroucbitis 1 .317 41 5 2.267 43 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acute (lisoasc of lunR 1 .1 1.608 4 4 1.813 1.813 Chronic disease of lung 3.215 a .635 1 .928 Total 3 1 4 ROil 2 3 .635 .952 8 13 3. 626 1 .928 DISEASES OF THE FLEIKA. Cbrouic i>leuri.Hy Grand total 1 44 .... • 3 4.823 5.893 1 .928 -^^^ .LLli:!, G51 for each disease and dinability on account of loliich liccruils and Substitutes tcere found unfit for military geiTice— Continued. MASSACnCSETTS-Contio'd. KHODE ISLAND— ContiDued. CONNECTICUT— Continued. eONGRESeiONAL DISTBICT8. 1 C0NGBES8I0XAL DISTRICTS. cokghesmon-al districts. 9. 10. Total. 1. 2. Total. 1. 3. 3. 4. Total. Examiii'd, E3 469. aminocl, Ml. Examined, 10,034. 1 ExamiDcd, 1,204. Exainiucd, 8G2. Ex.imined, 2,0(i0. Examined, 1,099. Examined, 2,543. Examined, 717. Examined, 2,455. Examined, 7,414. s "a B Katio iicr 1,000. Number rejected. n. 0 1 1 ■1 .a B 3 "A 1 ■5 1 1 s I 0 1 u a s 'A .2 1 1 V s 1 s %. 0 cs I •i 8 0 0 0 1 1 t « S u 0 1 1 t M 3 g. Q a ■ « 1 B i .£ 1 0 ;- 'A 1 i- c 1 9 .607 1 .831 G 6.961 7 3.388 1 1.395 1 .135 fl yt 17 1.094 2 l.CCl 2 2.320 4 1.936 3 1.180 3 1.2!S 0 .809 31 26 ■2.591 3 2.492 8 9.281 11 5.324 3 1.183 1 1.395 3 1.222 7I .944 ' 1 .589 1 I .135 .135 ^■? 3 .299 1 .407 3:1 3 .299 1 .589 1 13 08 .407 5.295 27.699 2 14 110 .970 1.868 11. 837 1 8 1 2. 132 . . 4. 20-1 S 10.949 14 71 1.395 7.375 ^ .831 0.645 3 17 3.480 19. 722 4 25 1.936 12. 101 1 6 .569 3.531 '<4 9 29 11.404 7 9.7G3 35 3 C.397 S Itf. 9J9 68 a 770 9 7. 475 20 23.202 29 14.037 7 4.120 29 11.404 7 9. 763 1 81 3^2 994 Ifi 10.725 > .100 Vi »^ 0 19. 190 ( i 11.299 193 19.235 14. 120 25 29.002 42 ■20.329 15 a8S9 39 15.336 12 i 10.730 ^ 26 11. 405 94 12.679 37 9 19. 190 3 11.299 194 19.334 17 14. 120 1 25 29.002 42 '20.3^2a 34.366 15 a 829 39 15.336 12 16.730 1 28 11. 405 94 19.079 12 SiScO 1 5 28.249 262 38.104 20 21. 595 1 45 52.904 1 71 22 12.949 08 26. 740 19 20.499 109 44.399 i'i 29.404 • 18 1 1 . . .. 1 .135 1 .407 39 " " 40 e .598 1 .831 1 .464 D 5.297 5 2.037 14 1.888 41 ■' a' i'7CJi . 5 12 .493 1.1% 1 9 . .589 5.297 1 74 .393 29.099 1 14 .407 5.-03 3 97 .455 laoso 43 i 1 2. 132 1 1 7 5.814 8 9.281 15 7. 260 43 1 2. 132 2 3. 700 17 1.C94 7 .i.814 8 9.281 15 7.200 10 .■•..860 75 29.493 15 1 I 0.110 |I00 13.468 .970 I 1.683 1 .100 . 1 .393 .407 - 44 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 2. l;i2 1 3 5.6.-1O 24 1 2.392 i ^ 6. 045 1 fl 1 E 1- P4 45 46 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SrSTEil. DISEASES Ai'D IXJUBIES OFTUE JAW. 1 .453 1 Total 1 .453 15. 217 4.348 11 1 14. 785 1.3ii i 47 DISEASES, MALFOItMATIOKS, AND IN- JUUIESOF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVKOLI. 5 10. 163 !) 14. 409 14 4. 444 20 11. 780 8 7. 431 7 1 1 3.540 3.546 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate 4H 1 .317 1 .4.'i3 2 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acute disease of stomach ^^^ 44 2 .635 no Chronic disease of stomach 1 .453 Total 2 .635 1 1 4 4 .453 .453 1.813 1.813 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Chronic diarrhoea 1 1 2.174 2.174 — SI 1 1.608 1 .317 S-J llurnia 3 10. 638 ' St HerDia, umbilical 1 .317 2 2.688 fp4 Heruia. ventral 5.-1 HiM-nia, ri>:ht inpuiual 7 14. «Qf^ 15 5 1 1 24. 116 8.039 1.608 1.608 40 32 1 12. 698 10.150 .317 18 22 3 2 1 8.160 9. 973 1.3C0 .907 .453 6 3 5. 506 2.783 6 5 13. 043 10. 870 13 6 17 473 ."in Heruia, It^lt inguinal 5 1 10. 163 2.033 8.065 57 Hcraia, doubh^ iiijiuinal 5S Ueruia.risUt icnmnil 1 1 1..144 1.344 5!) Hernia, left femoral (>U Hernia, double femoral Total 13 .... 20. 423 23 36. 977 75 23. 810 55 24.932 D 8.349 13 28.261 3 i 10. 638 '3.540 23 "i' 1 30. 914 i..)44 1.344 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS. Firttiila in ano liiemonboids Prolapsus ani , Gl ()-3 G:i C4 "aojii 1 15 .317 4. 702 1 5 .453 2.207 .... .928' .... Total , 1 i .453 2.033 16 5.079 7 3.173 1 .928 1 3.546 2 2.688 C5 DISEASES or THE LIVEK. Arulo iliscaao of liver = bb Cbruuiu disca^oot liver Total 1 1 2.033 2.033 1 1.608 ' .317 1 .453 1 1 l.COS 1 .317 1 .453 1 1 DISEASES OF THE SPL-EES. Acute disease of spleen — = — ^ 1 67 bd Cbrouiu disease ot spleen Total Grand total lo 40. CSO 33 53. 055 109 34. 603 92 41.704 Itt 16. 698 22 47. 836 6 21. 277 37 49. 731 DISEASES OK THE URINARY SYSTEM. DISEASES or THE KUIXEV. AtMite disease of kidney m JU Cbruuii- disease ol kidiiey ... 1 .317 ....... Total ■ 1 .317 1- = .!-•• 653 for each disease and disabillly on acmuul of which Recruits and Substitutes were found unfit for mi/ifarj/ «e»Ticc— Contiuufd. MASSACHUSETTS— Coutin'd. BBODE ISLAND— Continued. COKNECTICUT-Continncd. rON'RUKSSIONAL DISTRICTH. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONOUESSIONAL DISTKICTB. 9. 10. Total. 1. 2. Total. I. 2. 3. 4. Total. ExaniinVl, 4G9. Examined, 631. Exftiuinud, 10,034. Examined, l,2;i4. Examined, 802. Examined, 2,006. Examined, 1,699. Examined, 2,543. Examined, 717. Examined, 2,455. Examined, 7,414. '6 S u •? M a s ilk d .2 1 1 s S p >5 o § o P. 1 1 o c ? s u o 1 1 B s g, 1 •6 1 i § 0 1 a 1 '■3 t 1 a s 'A g 1 0 1 t-. .2 Pi -d 0 r u & B P. 1 a 9 !5 0 U 1 1 .407 1 3 1 1 . 135 1 1 .100 3 1.180 .405 1 1 1 .11:0 3 1.180 1 .407 4 .540 ' 10 30. 132 ■ 4 8. .V29 101 10. 0C6 29 24.086 7 8.121 36 17.425 14 a 240 18 7.078 4 5.579 17 0. 925 53 7.149 1 1. 843 7 .698 1 .831 2 2.320 3 1.432 1 .569 1 1.395 1 35 .407 .407 14.257 3 1 35 .403 .135 4. 721 2 1 .199 .100 3 .299 36 14. 664 36 4.836 1 1.883 5 8 8 .498 .797 .797 3 1 2.492 .831 3 2 1.432 ..908 1 42 3 .393 16. 510 1.180 1 1 1 3 0 5 4 1.395 1.395 1.305 4.184 a 308 0.974 5.579 2 94 14 3 04 44 20 1 1 .270 12. 079 1.888 .403 a o:t2 5.9.35 2. 098 .133 1 1.100 5 6 2.943 3.531 46 4 ia737 1.029 1 2.13-2 3 14.923 6.397 4 3 7. .133 S.CSO 110 84 G 4 2 11. .Wl 8. 372 . 5!I8 .399 .199 21 18 3 1 17. 442 14. 950 2.492 .831 14 15 3 10.211 17. 401 3.480 35 33 6 1 16.941 1.3. 973 2.904 .484 15 12 3 8.820 7.003 1.706 27 10 1 1 io. 617 0.292 .393 .393 1? 12 0.517 4.481 4.888 3&722 11 23. 434 8 15.0C0 233 23.221 47 3». 037 33 38.283 80 41 24.132 91 35.783 21 29.289 89 30. 233 242 7 9 1 32.041 .944 1.214 .135 1 3.132 3 24 1 1 .239 2. 392 .100 .100 1 3 1.100 3.480 1 10 .4rl4 4.840 2 4 1 1.177 2. 334 .589 3 3 I. 900 1.180 7 5.814 1 1.395 1 .407 1 2.132 2.132 29 2.890 7 Sw814 4 4.040 11 5.324 7 4.190 8 3.146 1 1.395 1 .407 .407 .407 17 1 2.993 1 1 4 .100 .309 1 1 . i;i3 1 1 .589 1 .393 3 .405 ... 1 2.132 == 5 .498 I .589 1 .303 2 .815 4 1 .540 1 .589 i .135 ' ■■■■| 1 63 .589 1 1 .135 1 17 30.247 25 47.081 379 37. 772 84 C9.7B7 1 46 1 53.304 130 62. 924 3a 258 121 47.582 27 37.657 147 59.87S |300 ; 46.557 '• 1 .100 1 2 .786 1 .407 3 .405 1 1 .100 1 . ... a .786 1 .407 1 3 1 .403 1 1 1 48 ()54 Table No. 2i—Sliowiiifi, hij Staka and Congressional Distrkis, the nnmbcr irjcdal, and the ratio rijecied per 1,000 cxamincu. DISEASES. MASSACHUSETTS — Continued. CONGKESSIONAL DISTniCTS. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. Examined. 492. Examined, C22. Examined, 3,150. Examined, 2,206. Examined, 1,078. Examined, 460. Examined, 282. Ex.-iuiined, 744. 1 1 s o i Pi a •a g p. o 5 1 ¥ a s o 1 ¥ 1 a s s u 1 1 f a o 1 "5 ¥ P. ■B 1 1 o 1 at ¥ 1 s c g O 71 72 73 74 DISEASES OF THE UKINARY SYSTEM— Continued. DISEASES OF THE BL.VDOEU. 1 .453 Total ; 1 .453 75 DISEASES OF THE UUETIIIIA. 1 2.033 Total 1 2.033 Grautl total DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES ASU INJURIES OF 011- GANS OF GENERATION. Diseases of Fenig. Epispadia 1 2.033 1 .317 1 .453 77 7fl T) 1 .928 1 2.174 Pft Loss ot" penis Total 1 .928 1 2.174 Dueases of Tunica Vaginalis. PI 1 .317 1 .928 ■ f>3 5 4 2.2C7 1.813 3 2 0.522 4.343 1 3 1.344 4. 032 m "Varicocele 1 2. 033 s 8.039 2 .635 3 2.763 3 10. 638 Total 1 2.033 5 8.039 3 5 3 .952 1.587 .952 9 4.080 4 3.711 5 10. 870 3 10. 638 4 5. 376 Diseases of Testicle. Acnto disease of tosticlo (U 3 1 1 1.360 .453 .453 85 Chronic disease of testicle Retention of testicle 1 2. 033 1 l.COB ea Total , 1 2. 033 1 1.C08 8 2.540 5 2.207 Grand+otal 2 2 4. 00.5 4.0G5 6 1 9.C40 11 3.492 14 3 0.340 1.300 5 4.038 0 13. 043 3 10. 038 4 5.370 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BONES. Chronic disease of hones 87 1.C08 3 .952 DISEASES AND INJUUIES OF THE JOINTS. Ankylosis of joints .... .... 2.688 13.441 8d 2 7 3.215 11.254 4 12 1.270 3.810 4 14 4 1.613 0.346 1.813 1 1 .928 .928 1 2.174 o 10 W Chronic disease cf ioiiits •lU Dislocation of juiut's Total 9 3 14. 469 4.823 10 5 4 5.079 X.587 3 9.973 1.300 2 3 1.855 1 2.174 12 1 10. 129 1.344 2.638 DISEASES OF THE Sl'INK. Curvature of spino 1 1 2.033 91 2.783 92 DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAU SYSTEM. THseases of Muscle. Atrophy of liuih 2.033 1. 270 1 .433 1 8.174 655 for each disease and disabilll;/ on account of lo/tic/i Jlea-uita and Substitutes tcere found unfit for military service — Continued. ilASSACnCSETTS— Conlin'il. RnODE ISLAND— Continaod. CONKECTICDT-Continned. CONGKESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. CONGUESSIONAL DISTniCTS. CONGBES£IONAL DISTBICT8. 9. 10. Total 1. a. Total 1. 2. 3. ! 4. 1 Total. ExamiM'il. ■109. 531. Examined, 10, EsamiDcd, 1,204. Exflmiued, mi. Ex.-imiiicd, 2,0liC. Examined, 1,699. Examined, 2,543. Examined. ' 717. Examined, 2,455. Examined, 7,414. •9 9 1 u M g o 1 r3 i 1 1 o u .a a a O 1 f hi 1 a •A 1 S. s t u i i o 1 g 1. 'A \ z S t t 1 3 u '6 2. 1 s u 1 1 u u -a g g. o .1 1 1. "A o 1 i ! 1 o .2 1 71 ... 7S "■* 1 .100 73 I .407 1 .135 74 1 .100 1 .407 1 .135; =^= 1 .393 1 .135 75 1 .100 76 1 .100 1 .393 1 .135 1 ■ 3 .2U9 3 1.180 2 .815 5 .674 '■ , 77 1 .407 1 7 3 .135 .944 .405 78 1 i.883 3 .299 2 l.CCi 3 1 3.460 1. ICO 5 1 2.420 .484 2 1 3 1.177 .589 4 1 1.573 .393 1 1.395 79 1 .407 80 1 1 1.883 3 .299 2 1.661 4 { 4.640 6 2.904 1.766 5 1.966 1 1.395 2 .815 11 1.484 2 9 24 .199 .897 2.392 1 .831 1 1 4 1.160 1.160 4.C40 2 1 6 .968 .484 2.904 1 .589 2 .786 1 .407 4 .540 .405 81 ... 3 2 4.184 2.789 3 f>« 1 1.883 2 3 1.661 2 1.177 5 1. 960 7 2.851 10 1 3 158 83 1 1.883 35 3.468 2.492 6 6.961 9 4.350 3 2 8 5 1.766 1.177 4.709 2.943 7 2.753 5 6.974 8 1 7 5 3. 259 1 23 3.102 1 8 8 I .797 .797 .100 1 1 2 1.100 I.IGO 2.3i0 1 3 2 .484 1. 452 .968 .407 2.851 3 037 3 30 12 .405 4.046 1.619 1 84 1 S.133 1 1.883 2 1.661 12 4.719 3 2 4.184 2.789 85 1 a 132 1 1.883 17 1.094 2 1.6C1 4 4.640 6 2.904 15 a 829 12 4.719 5 6.974 13 5.295 45 6.C70 1 2.1J2 3 1 5.650 55 5.481 7 5.814 14 2 10.241 21 10.105 21 12.300 24 9.438 11 13.342 23 9.369 79 10.656 2 4.364 1.883 12 1.196 2.320 2 .968 1 .589 9 3.539 1 1.395 4 1.629 15 3023 B7 14 58 5 1.395 5.760 .498 3 4 2.492 3.322 3 11 1 1.452 5.324 .484 5 19 2 2.943 11.183 1.177 18 29 3 7.078 11. 404 1.180 1 3 1.395 4.184 13 29 1 5.295 11.813 .407 37 80 6 4.991 10.790 .809 88 10 21.322 4 1 7.533 1.883 7 1 &131 1 160 89 90 1 " 10 21. 322 3 9. 416 77 7.674 7 5.814 3 9.281 15 7.260 15.303 SO 19.663 4 5.579 1 43 17. 315 jl23 ia590 2 3.760 18 1.794 2 1.661 3 a 480 5 3.420 3 1.766 3 1.180 4 .■;. 579 1 .407 11 1.484 91 J 2.133 10 .997 2 1.661 2 2.390 4 1.1,36 3 1.180 7 3 651 10 1.34» at 1 s^ 9!! ' 1 656 Table No. 2."? — Showing, hi/ States and Congressional Districts, the mnnVcr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. COXGBESSIONAL DISTKICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. Examined, 492. Examined, 622. Examined. 3,150. Examined, 2,206. Examined, 1,078. Examined, 460. Examined, 282. Examined, 744. o -» 'S? 1 S i o o u o ¥ a .a a 0 o 8 .2 1 1 g .=1 B 1 1 1 § a 1 '6 o u o s g o P« 1 1 5 U i. o t i 0 g p< 1 1 s .a a s !2i i ■s cs m DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION-Cimlinned. Diseases of the Muscular Sys- tem—Coutiuucd. Diseases of Tendon. 3 .952 1 .453 1 .928 1 2.174 .222 13 5.893 1 3.546 5 6. 7-in. ■ ! 1 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic diseast^ of internal organs. Grand total for all diseases.. 14. 238 11 17. 6tJ5 58 18.413 35 24. 932 7 6.494 4 8.696 4' 14.184 Ifi ; 21. 505, 111 m 4 a 431 8 9.540 240. 317 2 .907 1 2.174 ' nf — a)5.285 LW 249. 100 757 656 |297. 371 158.627 102 ssan.i IT 124: 113 205i 275. S3& Gf)? for each disease and disabUitij on accniait of which liccruils and SithsUttites were found unfit for militarij seiriee — Continiu-d. M A SS AC U USETTS— Coil tiu'd. nnODE ISLAND— Coatiuucd. CONNECTIC DT— Coiilinacd. CONOKEaSIOMAL D'STItlCTS. C0! Epilepsy 3 1.517 n Neuralgia 1 .887 18 Stammeriug 1 1.070 5 2.529 6 2. 028 1 1.279 1 , . 816 Total 1 1.070 8 4.047 9 3. 043 1 1.279 1 .887 1 .810 DISOia)EUS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcolioliam IB .5'^ lii 4 26. 302 8.093 2 023 o 8 . C-76 2. 705 3 1 3. f36 1. 279 16 3 14. 184 2.000 5 i 4. 082 .'sie' ?0 Imbecility : 21 Insanity SS! Solitary vico Total 72 .36.419 10 .3. 381 4 5.115 19 10. 844 G 4.898 1 1.070 83 41.983 21 7.099 5 G.394 20 17. 730 8 6.531 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJl'ttlKS OFTIIE EYK, Cataract of rifiht eye 23 1 13 1.070 13. 904 2 32 2 88 41 . 070 10.818 .(fiO 29.750 13. 861 1 1 1 3 6 1. 279 1. 279 1.279 3.836 7. 673 4 "3.' 546' 1 8 .816 n. .531 24 25 Loss of Might, right oyo Lo!*s of sijiht. lutt eye 20 5 33 ,5** 10.116 2. 530 16. 692 26. 302 2(1 27 Partial htss of sight, both oyea . .. 9 14 9. r,2G 14. 973 4 9 3. 546 7.979 10 17 8. 16i) 13. 878 Total 37 39. 572 110 5 5,5. C 10 2.539 105 55. 7?1 12 15.345 17 1.5. 071 36 29.388 DISEASES OK THE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyolida 28 1 .338 2 2.558 2 1.773 1 .810 Grand t^tal 37 39. 572 115 58. 109 1U6 56.119 14 17. 903 19 16. 844 37 30.!;04 1 \ G59 for each dincasc and diMhiliti/ on account of uhich Recruits and Substitutes tcrrc found unfit for mililari/ ««'i'ice— Continued. NEW TOIUC. CONGIIESSIOKAL DISTKICTS. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. IS. 13. 11. 1.5. 16. Examined, gffi!. Ex.ainincil, 1,117. Examined, 1,322. Examined, 3,112. Examined, 1,716. Exnmined, 1.876. Examined, 2,441. Examined, 3„'i3-l. Examined, 1,843. Examinetl, 1,708. -3 ■fc" M e a § o u a D 'A .2 1 if 1 1 s a !zi § p. 0 i £ a •a u 0 0 1 1 u u a s 8 0 a (A u a •A 0 § %. 0 Pi 1 a S 0 1 1 a 0 1 .1 u u s 0 8 0 C P4 1 .410 1 1 .321 1 .583 1 .281 1 ..543 n 1 .321 1 .583 1 .410 1 .281 1 .543 - 1 2 14 1 101 7 15 4 .321 .043 4.499 .321 32.455 2.249 4.820 1.285 3 17 3 9.907 1.748 1 1 .410 .410 4 1 1.125 .281 5 1 2.713 .543 4 2.342 4 5 I GG .750 49. 924 0 0 2 10.204 S.2li8 38 34.020 30 17.483 13 2 1 3 6.930 1.006 .533 1.599 43 5 10 24 17. 016 2.048 4. 097 9.832 12 isTC 12 C.5I1| 6 3.513 7 R C 4 5.372 3.581 3 48 2. 269 36.309 5 10 2.914 5.828 3 4 I.G28 2.170 <) 7 7.937 9 2.532 11 G. 440 10 18 20. 408 48 1 42. 972 118 89.259 145 4C. 594 05 37. 879 19 10.123 84 34.412 20 7.316 25 13. 565 21 12 295 18 20.408 48 42. 972 118 89.259 14C 40. 915 CO 38. 402 19 10.128 85 34. 822 27 7.597 26 14. 107 21 12 295 643 11 1'J 1 .583 13 ■ S .643 1 .583 1 .543 3 2.209 2 1.160 14 " ^^^^ 1 2 .321 .643 15 2.268 1 .750 1 .583 7 3.798 9 5.209 10 17 2 a26S 4 3. .-Wl 5 3.782 io 3.213 1 .583 3 1.599 5 2.048 3 .844 3 1.628 1 .585 18 4 4.5.15 4 3.581 6 4 539 13 4.177 2 1.160 3 1.599 5 2.048 3 .844 10 5.426 10 5.835 3 1 3.401 1.134 2 4 1.791 a 581 11 10 1 a 3-21 7. .'.64 .750 8 5 1 2.571 1. 607 .321 5 2 a 914 I.IGG 5 6 2.605 4.264 8 4 3.277 1. 639 8 6 1 2.251 1.688 .281 7 5 a 798 9.713 2 2 1.171 1.171 19 20 21 f-l 4 4.535 6 5.372 22 16.641 14 4. 499 7 4.079 13 a930 19 4.910 15 4.921 12 0.511 4 2.349 8 U.070 10 R953 31 2;t. 449 29 9.3lfl 12 6.993 16 8. .529 17 0.904 IR .5. 065 23 4 4 12 480 2 170 2.170 14 8.197 2 3 I 1 IC 2.2fi« 3. 401 1. 134 1. 134 18. 141 1 I 1 66 23 .895 .895 .895 .59.0X7 20. 591 3 3 1 4J 8 2. 260 2.269 . 7.-Ki 31.7711 G. 051 "21' 3 36 74 "C.748 . 964 11. .568 23. 779 2 20 1.160 11.655 2 11 1 28 36 .619 4.500 .410 11.471 14.748 1 3 1 34 16 .281 .844 281 9.507 4.502 93 12 4 7 8 0. 397 9.i:h 3. 731 4.204 "4 "5 13 19 7.576 11. 072 9 11 4.8S3 5.909 1 9 5.209 90 27 ffi) 26.077 92 82.363 57 43.11G 134 4.3. 059 54 31. 409 31 10. 523 78 31. 954 55 15. 476 28 15. 193 10 5.855 1 1. 134 1 .895 1 .756 8 2.571 2 I.ICG 1 .281 1 .543 14 8.197 ?R 24 1 27.211 93 83.930 58 43. gn 142 4S.G.-W 56 32.634 31 ia52S 78 31.954 SO 15l757 29 1.1.735 24 14.059 GGO Taule No. 23— 5/iotri«<7, hy States and Congregsimal Districts, the rtumhcr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. NEW YORK— Continued. CONGFlESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 3. 3. • 4. 5. 6. E.'iaraiued, 93.-.. Examined, 1,977. Examined, 2,958. Examined, 782. Examined, 1,128. Examined, 1,225. 1 1 5 o 1 s ■a? u s s s -A § I- .2 1 ■3 1 a o S. % s o 1 3 § a 1 1 D •A o 2D 30 DISEASES OP THE EAR. 1 .506 9 1 4 .670 .338 1. 352 1 .887 4 2, 023 3 3.836 5 2. 529 7 2.366 3 3.836 1 .887 DISEASES AND INJUEIES OF THE NOSE. 1 ?•* 1 1 .SOC 1 .887 2 1.012 1 .887 DISEASES OF THE CIECP- LATOET SYSTEM. DISEASES OP THE HEAKT AND ITS MEMBRANES. M 3 20 1. ."il- 10.110 1 3 .887 2.600 Ti Chrouic disease of lieart 3 3. SOD 19 0. 423 21 26. 8.i4 20 IC. 327 Total 3 3.209 23 11.034 19 0.423 21 20. 854 4 3.546 20 Ifi. 327 DISEASES OF THE I1LO0D-VE8SELS. Diseases of the Artcrks. no 1 .506 1 .887 Diseases o/ (Ac Veins. n n 18.182 99 50. 070 82 27. 721 36 40. o:!i; 40 35. 4C1 33 26. 0;i9 Total 17 18. 182 100 50. 582 82 27. 721 30 46. 03C 41 36. 348 33 2G. y3y 20 21. 390 123 02. 215 101 34. 145 57 72. 890 45 39. 894 53 AX 265 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THVllOll) fiLAND. Goitre 38 4 2.023 2 .070 1 1.279 Graud total 4 2.023 2 .676 1 1.279 39 DISEASES OF THE RESPIUA- TORY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF TUE LAIiVXX. Fistula of tho larynx 1 .506 FUNCTIONAL AFFF.CTIONS OF THE LARYNX. Loas of voice 40 41 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AND UliONCIII. Bronchitis 4 2.023 1 .338 2 2.558 1 .887 I 2 I1IREA.SE3 OP THE H:xa. Acutd lU.icasc of Inng 1 .3S8 Chronic (li! oi lung 3 3.200 5 2. 529 26 33. 248 Total 3 3.209 5 2.529 1 .338 26 33. 248 44 I)mi;ASE.S OF THE ruEUUA. Clirimic iilcurisy 2 1.012 1 .338 2 2.558 Oianiltuiul 3 3.200 1 12 0. 070 3 1.014 30 3a 303 1 .887 —z:. 661 for cock disease and diaabUUij on account of which Recruits and Substitutes were found unfit for military scmcc— Continued. NEW YOEK— Continued. CONOKESSIOKAL DISTUICTB. 7. 8. 9. 10. H. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Exaiuincd, 832, Examined, 1,117. Ex.imined, 1,322. Examined, 3,112. Examined, 1,716. Examined, 1,876. Examined, 2,441. ETamined, 3.554. Examined, 1,843. Examined, 1,708. '6 a 1 a o g i- o 1 1 a g g. o 1 1 i 1 g M a 9 1 1 a 1. o 1 o V 1 s g. i o es 1 o a a s u %. o es i 1 1 a g o_ u a P. '6 2 t B 125 g u 1 U S a o o 1 1 1.134 o 1.513 1 .583 1 .410 S9 30 31 1 1.134 2 1.791 3 2.269 10 3.213 2 .819 4 2.342 s 2.268 2 1.791 5 a 782 10 3.213 1 .583 3 1.229 4 1 2 2.342 1 .410 .585 1.171 32 3 .964 33 3 .964 1 .410 3 1.75C 4 4 1.125 1.125 1 1 .543 .543 34 It 12.472 39 34.915 22 16.641 13 4.177 14 81159 13 6.930 42 17.206 7 4.098 35 11 12 472 39 34.915 23 16.641 13 4.177 14 8.159 13 6.930 42 17. 206 1 8 2.251 2 1.085 ■• 4.098 1 .321 36 09 78.231 119 10G.S33 52 39.334 101 32.455 15 8.741 22 11.727 14 5.735 15 4.221 19 10.309 10 5.853 37 69 791231 119 106.535 32 39.334 102 32.776 15 8.741 22 11.727 14 5. 7J3 1 15 4.221 19 10.309 10 5.855 9.953 eo 90.703 138 141. 450 74 55.976 115 36.954 29 16.900 35 18 657 56 22.941 23 6.472 21 1 1. 394 17 1 1.134 o 1.513 8 2.571 I 1.134 2 1.513 8 8.571 .... n . 10 1 .895 5 3.782 , .321 1 .583 1 .410 41 2 1 .643 .321 G 5 a 497 2.914 n LOSS 4 2.312 42 o 2.2Ca 2 1.066 4 1.125 41 " 2.268 1 3 .964 11 6.410 2 1.066 4 1. 123 1 2 1.085 4 2.342 1 .583 1 .281 44 o 2.208 1 .893 5 1782 4 1.S35 13 7.570 2 l.OGC 1 .410 5 1 1. 407 1 2 1.085 4 2.342 G62 Table No. 23— S/ioioinj, by Stales and Congressional DislHcts, the numhcr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISKASKS. NEW YORK— Continned. CONGKESSIONAL DlSTlilCTS. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. 6. Examined, Examined, 1,977. Examined, 2,958. Examined, 783. Examined, 1,138. Examined, 1,235. ri o I o a 3 o s o o "I 1 a i .2 ■3 s a 3 s, 1 ■3 1 M a 3 Izi § %. o a ■g ¥ ® a 3 o O 1 •3 "S t hi o Si a S3 c o 1 45 4G DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SVSIEM. DISEASES ASD IKJUKmS OF THE JAW. 1 .338 1 .887 Total 1 .338 1 .887 UISEASES, MAIFORMATIOKS, AND IX- junu:s OF the teetu, glms, and ALVEOU. 47 4 4.278 59 29.843 09 33. 469 2 2.558 34 30. 143 17 IS. 878 UISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. AH 1 1.070 2 I. 012 4 1. 352 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acute disease of Stomach 41 sn 2 1.012 1 .338 Total .'. o 1.013 1 .338 DISEASES OP THE INTESTINES. SI 1 49 .338 16. 505 .676 s?. 4 3 4.278 3.209 9 72 41 3 4 3 4. 552 1.517 1.012 38. 443 30. 738 1.517 3. 023 1.517 3 2 3.830 2.558 1 .887 6 4.896 M Hernia, umbilicU S4 ■55 22 7 3 3.1. 539 7.487 2.139 53 25 9 17.918 8.452 3.043 15 10 19.182 12.788 24 20 1 3 3 21.277 17. 730 .887 1.773 3.060 34 19 12 27. 755 15.510 9.796 5fi Hernia, lelt io'iiinal 57 M Hernia, rijiht femor,il 59 Hernia, left femoral 1 .816 (iO Total 38 40.042 141 71.320 139 46.991 30 38. 303 51 45.313 72 58.770 DISEASES OF THE BECTUM AND ANUS. Fistula in ano CI 8 3 1 2139 3.209 1.070 1 18 .500 9.105 3 21 5 1.014 7.099 1.690 1 13 3 .887 10. 638 2.060 5 4 1 4.082 3.205 .816 (W H.'cinorrhoids 3 3.830 63 Prolapgusani 64 Slricluio of rectum 1 .506 Total '. 6 6.417 20 10.116 29 9.804 3 3.836 10 14.184 10 a 163 DISEASES OF THE LI\-En. Acnto disease of liver Chrouic disease of liver CS 1 3 .506 1. 517 1 .338 1 .887 Total 4 3.033 1 ;i33 1 .887 67 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acnto disease of spleen 1 1 . 500 .500 68 Chronic disease of eplcen Total 2 1.013 Grand total 40 52.406 230 116. 333 274 92. 630 35 44. 757 103 91. 312 99 80.810 DISEASES OP THE URINARY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. Acnte disease of kidney 69 VU Chrouic disease of kidney o 1.013 Total 2 1.012 663 for each dincaae and lihabiUty on account of whicli Itccruiiv and Substitutes tvcro found unfU for mililary service — Coiitiuued. KEW YORK— Continued. ■ CONGRESSIONAL UISTRICT8. 7. 8. 9. 10. H. IJ. 13. 14. 15. 16. Exaniiiicil, Examined, 1.117. Ex.inuncd, Examined, 3,112. Examined, 1,716. Examined, 1,876. . Examined, 2,441. Examined, 3,554. Examined, 1,843.- Examined, 1,708. 1 ■a S O 'E h 1 a § P* o 1 1 -E M a a § b. £. 1 s a 1 ¥ u a a o 1 e u •2" s .a a 0 >5 d s ll a P. o 1 £ o '£ 1 a 3 J5 c 1 a •a c 1 t a >5 • 1 •3 1 S 3 a i .2 1 f i a >5 i-T 1 .281 1 1.134 1 .695 2 1.513 2 .043 1 1.134 1 .895 2 1.513 2 .643 1 .281 53 CO. 091 35 31.334 24 18.154 182 58. 483 15 8.741 22 11. 727 65 26. 628 32 9.004 26 14. 107 10 5.855 47 1 1.134 1 .756 1 .410 2 .563 2 1.085 1 .«8S 4R •19 1 .585 ^ *" 1 .585 2 4 7 .643 1.285 2.249 4 4 7 2. :i:u . 2.331 4.079 1 55 .281 IS. 476 •tl 13 1 6.930 .533 1 1 .410 .410 5 2.713 2 i. 171 »;6 1 .895 2 2 41 19 7 1.SI3 1.513 31.014 14.372 5.295 1 24 8 •58.'. 14. 05-J 4.684 ^4 22 10 24. 943 11.338 2.SC8 34 18 4 21.480 le. lis 3.581 64 54 6 3 2 90.566 17.352 1.92S .964 .643 39 24 2 1 1 1 22.797 13. 080 1.166 .588 .583 18 13 1 2 9.595 6. MO .533 1.066 33 36 1 13. 519 14.748 .410 25 16 8 7.034 4..'«2 2.251 21 22 7 11.394 11.937 3.798 56 't'l 1 1.134 2 .819 so 60 a"! 39. (Kt 47 42.077 71 53.707 142 45.630 83 48. 303 48 25.586 74 30.315 105 39.544 55 29.843 :t5 20.492 3 3.401 3.401 6 G 4.S39 4.53J 4 78 1.285 25.064 3 6 1.329 2.458 61 3 3 2.060 12 6.993 4 1 1.12J .281 1 .543 2 1.171 6" 6'l 64 6 C.803 3 2.C86 12 9.077 82 26.350 12 6. 993 9 3.087 5 1.407 1 .543 2 1.171 Q 1.513 3 1.748 6"; 66 2 J. 513 3 1.748 =;-— 67 68 96 108. 844 80 70. 992 ua 84.720 408 131.105 113 65.831 70 37.313 149 61.041 145 40.799 84 45. 578 49 281689 on * 2 1. 513 1 .583 I .281 70 2 1.513 1 1 .583 1 .281 ■ ■ — GG4 Tablk No. 23— SAoifrin;/, bi/ Stales and Congressional Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, 1 NEW YORK— Continncd. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. DISEASES. 1. *>_ 3. 4. 5. 0. Examined, 935. Examined, 1,977. Examined, 2,958. Examined, 782. Examined, 1,128. Examined, 1,225. 1 i 1 S 1 a a 'A g p. o 1 o s 8 •a o 1 ■f i "A £1. O S o J 1 g u p< o 1 © ■f 1 •a s I o 1 ri f-i M a o s p. o 71 78 73 74 DISEASES OF THE UEINAKY S YSTE U— Continued. DISEASES 01' TUE BLADDER. 4 2.0-23 1 .338 Total 4 2.023 1 .338 75 DISEASES OF TUE URETHRA. 1 .338 70 Total 1 .338 C 3.035 2 .070 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OK OR- GANS Of GENERATION. XHsemei of Penis. 77 7fl 5 5 1 1.090 1.090 .338 71 1 1 1.070 1.070 1 2 .500 1.012 3 3.830 2 2 i.773 1. 773 3 2.449 sn \otal 2 2.13D 3 1.517 11 3.719 3 3.830 4 3.540 3 2.449 Diseases of Tunica Vaginalis. Hydrocele Rl 1 8 3 1.070 8.55C 3.209 3 2 25 1.517 1.012 12. 045 3 6 18 1.014 2. 0-38 0.085 5 4 4.433 3.546 (W 1 4 1.279 6.115 1 0 .810 4.808 m Varicocele Total 12 12.834 30 15. 175 27 9.128 5 0.394 9 7.979 7 S.714 Diseases of Testicle. M 4 3 4 1.352 1.014 1. 352 1 1.279 1 0 2 .887 5.319 1.773 85 Chronic disenso of testicle 2 1 1.012 .500 2 1.033 86 Kctcntion of testicle 1 1. 279 Total , 3 1.517 11 3.719 2 2.553 9 7.979 2 1.033 14 11.973 30 18.209 49 10. 505 10 13.788 22 19. 504 12 9.796 DISEASES OF OKOANS OF LOCOMOnOH. DISEASES OF BONES. Chronic disease of bones . 87 1 1.070 14 7.0S1 10 3.381 i 0.394 3 2.600 8 0.531 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JOINTS. Ank ylo8i.s of Join ts Chron ic diacaso of joints . , . 88 8!t 2 6 4 2.139 C.417 4. 278 8 15 5 4. 017 7.587 2.5E9 14 15 11 4.733 5.071 3.719 1 0 3 1.279 7.073 3.830 4 13 1 3.546 11.5S5 .887 4 3 " .3.265 2.449 90 Dislocation of joints Total 12 12.834 28 14. 163 40 13.523 10 12.788 18 15.937 7 5.714 DISEASES OF THE SPINE. 91 3 3.209 12 5 6.070 2.529 32 10. 818 9 11.509 4 3.546 4 3.263 DISEASES OF THE MUSCULAR STSTEM Diseases of Muscle. Atrophy of limb 92 4 1.352 4 5.115 3 2.600 G65 for each dUecue and disabilily on account of which Hcctuils and Substitutes were found unfit for military gem'ce^Coutinnod. NEW YORK— Continued. CONnilESSIONAI. DI6TIUCTS. 7. S. 9. 10. 11. lt2. 13. 14. 15. 16. Ex.iniiucd, 882. Ex-iiuinct], Examined, 1,117. 1,322. Examined, 3,112. Examined, 1,716. Examined, 1.870. Examined, 2,441. Examined, 3,554. Examined, 1,843. Examined, 1,703. 1 8 r 1 'A 1 -3 1 1 a •a .2 '3 2 f J 'A u .2 1 1 s .a a .2 1 8 '? 3 E a •a .2 I u w f u M a "A s o a a o 1 'E u B 9 'A o g c 1 i 8 ■? a 5 'A 1 I "A o 0. .2 P5 a o u M a c o 1 71 7" 73 1 .895 11 3.535 1 .410 1 .281 1 .543 74 1 .895 11 3. 535 1 .410 1 .281 1 .543 1 .321 T) 7fl 1 .321 1 .805 2 1.513 12 3. 856 1 .583 1 .410 2 .503 1 .543 77 3 15 13.4^ I 1 .756 1.513 .756 10 43 2 3. 213 13. 496 .643 2 1.166 78 2 2.868 5 2.048 1 .281 71 80 r 2 a.2G8 18 16. 115 4 3.020 54 17. 332 2 1.166 5 o njft 1 .281 1 4 2 .895 3.581 1.791 2 1.513 5 9 109 1.607 2.892 35. 026 2 1.166 1 3 7 .533 1.599 3.731 1 1 4 .410 .410 1.630 1 .281 2 1.085 o 1.171 81 89 10 11. 338 8 6.051 1 .583 1 .281 2 1.085 83 10 11.338 7 6.267 10 7.564 123 39. 524 3 1.748 H 5.864 G 2.458 2 .563 4 2.170 2 1.171 I .895 7 5.295 7 4 9 2.249 1.283 2.692 2 4 1.171 2.342 84 2 2.268 1.134 1 1 ..583 .583 1 .533 o' ".'819 ' 1 1 .281 .281 K< 1 fifi 3 3 401 ' ^ .695 7 5.295 20 6. 427 2 1. 106 1 1 .533 2 ! .819 2 .563 6 3.513 • . IS 17.007 2G 23.277 21 15.885 197 63.303 7 4.079 12 6.397 !3 5.320 5 1.407 4 2.170 8 4.084 « 7. 1112 9 6.S08 4 1.285 4.079 o i 2 3.731 1.066 .533 1.066 G 6 17 6 2.458 2.458 0.904 2. 4.18 2 10 10 3 ..563 a 814 2.814 .844 8 1 15 3 4.341 .543 a 139 l.tW8 3 14 5 3 1. 750 a 197 2.9S7 1.750 87 3 1 3.401 1.134 2 3 1.791 2.680 1 7 1 .750 5.295 .750 13 32 5 4.177 10.283 1.607 5 4 1 2.914 2.331 .583 83 89 90 4 4.535 5 4.476 9 6.808 50 16.067 10 5.M8 5 2.685 29 11.880 23 6. 472 19 10. 309 22 14 831 1 4.S35 2 1.791 5 3.7% 35 11.247 1 .563 1 1 3 .533 5 2.048 0 1.688 1.123 3 1 1.628 .543 8 1 4.684 91 \ 1 1 1 1 ,| 7 5.305 4 I.2S5 4 2.331 1.599 3 1 1.229 4 .585 92 1 1 84 GGG Table No. 2^—SIwwing, by Stales and Congnanioiial Dielrkts, ihc mmhcr rejected, and the raiio rejected per 1,000 exemiined, DISEASES. NEW TOEK— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Examined, 935. Examined, 1,977. Examined, 2,958. Examined, 782. Examined, 1,128. Examined, 1,225. 1 © s § u 1 o u p, Ph t 2 o g o ■6 hy8ical deljjlity Itolaxcd iu^niual rings 23 29. 412 10.. lOli Over ago Underage 2 42 4 2. 1.19 44. 990 4. 278 17 IS 71 5.747 6.085 24. 003 21 29 5 26. 854 37. 084 e.394 4 21 20 3. 546 18.617 17. 730 G 19 4 4.898 15. 510 3.265 1(17 Grand total 70 74.806 470 237. 734 317 107. 107 78 99. 744 127 112.589 74 CO. 408 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF IXJUIIY NOT SPECIFIED. Fractures lOH 1 8 1.070 8. 550 13 35 0. 576 17. 704 11 22 3.719 7.437 4 9 ,5.115 11.509 3 21 2.600 18. 617 1 3 .816 2.449 ifl: Total 3 9. 628 48 24. 279 33 11. 156 13 10. 624 24 21. 277 4 3.265 INJURIES AND MALF0KMATI0N8 OF UPl'Eli EXTIIEMITIES. I>efecl.'( or dcfcjrmities of hand, . . Loss of Ihuinb ii(j ill 7 7.487 33 4 10. 632 2. 023 "s 7. 437 1. 690 5 1 6. 394 1.279 10 8.805 5 4.082 • Total 7 17 2 7.487 18.182 2. 139 37 18. 715 27 9. 128 6 7.673 10 8.865 5 4.082 IKJUniES AND SIALFOUMATIONS OF LOWEll EXTUESIITIES. Defects or deformities of foot Loss of great too iia na 25 12. 645 1.012 41 2 13.801 .676 12 1 15. 345 1. 279 22 19. 504 3 3.449 Total 19 20. 321 27 13. 657 43 14.537 13 16. 624 22 19. 504 3 2.449 Un-ind total UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs Grand total for all diseases. . :i5 37. 433 112 56. 651 103 34. 821 32 40. 921 5U 49. 645 12 9.796 111 103 no. ICO 24 12. 140 51 17.241 20 25.575 C 5.319 10 8.103 399 420. 738 1, 422 719. 272 1, 312 443. 543 458 585.678 488 432.624 375 306. 122 667 for each disease and disabUUi/ on account of whicli Recruits and Substitutes were found unfit for military service — Continued. NEW TOKK— Continued. CO.SGREBSIO.NAL DIBTKICTS. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. Examined, Ex.imiDCd, Ex.imined, Ex.imined, Examined, Examined, Examined, Examined, Examined, Examiui'd, bii. 1,117. 1,322. 3,U2. 1,710. 1,870. ■2,441. 3,554. 1,843. 1,708. t '3 •3 -j •3 V ^ a o S a S ^ o 9 o o a o 2 1 § o 3 O s Si o a 3 O s ^ 3 U 3 V 3 g £ "5 .1 •e? f-» c? »-i •£> *- ■?? ^ ■7". ^ ■1> «-" £' V.4 V •-• ^■' "" h. u u u u U u a ft S. S & t4 s. u S. u h- s. & h, £ a. s A .3 •^ 1 o .a a .2 a o a _o ^ O a _o •a _o = ,2 B o in, i 3 'A £3 3 S 3 "A 1 -A a 'A ^ A i^ A a A ^ 1 1.134 1 .895 8 1.513 7 5 2.249 1.C07 o 1.106 .583 3 1 599 1 1.229 1 .543 9 1.171 91 1 1 .881 1 .585 94 95 3 37 1 1.134 1 .895 3 1.513 12 3.650 3 1.748 3 L599 3 1.229 1 .281 1 ..543 1.756 9 10.204 10 14. 324 32 1 24.200 105 33.740 25 14.569 19 10.128 46 1 3 18 845 .410 1.229 36 10.129 32 17.363 21.663 5 1 1.607 .321 1 .58-3 96 1 .756 97 ___ 1 .750 0 1.923 1 .583 4 1.039 3 4 1 3.401 4.535 1.134 7 0.207 0.207 3.581 34 12 32 10.925 1 .583 .583 4. 079 3 1.599 10 0. 555 6 1.688 2 1 1.085 1.628 9R 11 0.440 99 4 5 3. 782 10.283 7 6 3.198 21 8.003 4 1.125 5 2.713 1 .585 7.026 100 8 9.070 IS 10.115 9 6.808 78 25.064 9 5.245 15 7.990 48 19. 604 10 2.814 10 5.420 12 22.070 2.208 9.070 1 3 57 .895 2.080 51. 030 19 5 79 14.372 a 782 59.758 4 2 19 2.331 1. 100 11.072 4 2 9 1.125 .5ta 2.532 24 9 16 13.022 4.883 R681 84 26 10 49. 180 15. 222 5.855 101 13 100 4.177 32. 134 7 5:) 2.868 21.712 102 e 23 12.200 103 1 45 .750 34. 039 2 13 .043 4.177 4 .54 1.639 22. 122 104 1 1.134 H 7. 102 ■"■'e 3.497 3 1.599 52 14.631 .59 32.013 17 9.953 105 1 1. 134 o 1.791 81 01.271 139 44.000 25 14.509 1 .533 01 24. 990 135 37.985 in 63. 483 47 27. 518 106 6 0.603 13 11.038 5 3. 7f 2 95 30. 527 37 21. 502 20 13. 859 115 47. 112 4 1.125 03 34. 183 47 107 38 43.084 84 7.5. 201 235 177. 701 302 110.324 93 54.196 M 28.252 294 120. 442 200 57.963 288 156.207 |231 135.240 1 1.134 3 2.086 18 laoie 12 3.856 3 1.748 4 2.132 5 2.048 1 .281 7 3.798 2 1.171 108 3 3.401 9 8 057 12 9.077 14 4.499 12 0.993 7 3.-.U 21 8.003 8 2.251 14 7.596 4 2.342 3.513 109 4 4.535 12 10.743 30 22.093 26 8. .355 15 8.741 11 5.804 20 10. 051 9 2.532 21 11. 394 6 -1 12 13.005 11 9.848 11 a 321 33 10.004 14 RLig 6 3.198 18 7.374 9 2.5.12 5 2.713 8 4.681 110 1 1. 134 1 .895 3 .!Ki4 3 1.748 1 533 1 .281 1 .585 111 13 14.TJ9 12 10. 743 11 8. 321 36 11.568 17 9.907 7 3.731 18 7.374 10 2.814 5 2.713 9 5.309 7 T337 8 7.168 24 18154 03 2a 244 9 5.245 9 4.797 15 6.145 o .503 15 8139 IS 8.782 1112 1 1. r,)4 1 .7.'* 3 .964 1 .583 2 .819 1 .281 1 — 8 9.070 8 7.102 23 IS. 911 60 21. 20rt 10 5. 828 9 4.797 17 6.964 3 . . 844 15 41 S 8 139 82.246 1.085 16 31 13 9.368 25 28.345 32 28.048 06 49.924 128 41. 1.31 42 24. 476 27 103 14.392 86.887 61 5 24.990 2.048 ' 353. 134 22 246 toT 6.190 69.218 22.5.380 I&ISO 3 2.086 5 1.607 14 8.1.W 7.611 hi 320 309. 015 "~578 517. 457 1 ~1 583.207 l.75t) 564. 910 482 2t0.e86 402 246. 209 !lr62 563 305. 4C0 kod 274. 0^15 ! 668 Table No. 2'^— Showing, by States and Congressional Diatricta, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. 1 NEW YORK— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. ir. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Examined. 8,010. Examined, 2,111. Examined, 1,820. Ex.aminod, 980. Examined, 871. Examined, 1,650. 1 a? a >5 i .2 1 s i o 1 1 1 s. 1 o 'S? g p o s p. 1 1 0 P4 1 it u s B s i GENERAL DISEASES. Q 1 1 .498 Total .498 1 4 1 .549 2.198 .549 4 4 1 1.990 .498 2 2 .947 .947 1 1.020 1 1.148 2 1.081 «i Dropsy 7 Sypbili.s 2G 1 1 5 12. 316 .474 .474 2.369 1 1 15 3.846 .549 .549 6. 242 8 2.041 19 21. 814 7 a 784 H KoQ-nialignaBt tumors 2 10 .995 4.975 1 1 1. 148 1 1.020 1.148 5 2.703 Total 17 8.458 37 17. 527 30 10. 484 4 4.083 22 25. 258 14 7.568 Grand total 16 6.955 37 17. 527 30 IC. 484 4 4.082 22 25.258 14 7.568 DISEASES OF TUE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BKAIN A-ND ITS SIEMURAKES. Acute disease of brain n !« Chronic disease of brain i;t Sunstroke Total ' niSEASES OF THE KEKVES. Paralysis 14 5 2.488 2 .947 OEXERAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. Chorea 15 1 12 .549 6.593 k; 12 5. 970 10 4.737 1 1.020 1 1.148 5 2.703 17 Neuralgia 18 Stammering 1 .474 2 1.099 1 1.020 1 1.148 "■"""■"'1 Total 12 5.970 11 5.211 15 8. 242 2 2.041 3 2. 296 S 2.703 1 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism 10 o 5 ..995 2.488 2 2 .947 .947 1 3 .549 1.648 4 4.082 1 2 1 .541 1.081 .541 i2(J Imbecility 2 2. 296 yi Insanity 22 Solitary vice Total 7 3.483 4 1.895 4 2. 198 4 4. 082 0 2.296 4 2. 102 Grand total 24 11.940 17 8.053 19 10. 440 G 0.122 4 4.592 9 4.865 DISEASES AND INJITRIES OF TUE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EVE. Cataract of right eye 23 1 2 .498 .995 1 1 . 549 .540 LoSM of si;rht, right ovo Loss of ."ii^'ht. li-tt eye Partial lo5,s of sight, both eyes . . . 5 7 15 2.3C9 3. sic' 7. 106 1 i 3 1.020 1.026 3.061 7 2 1 3.784 '"'i.'osi' .541 SG i' 9 "i.'iis' 10. 333 Diseases ol tbocyes 12 5.970 4 2 198 Total 15 G 7.4C3 2.985 27 3 12. 790 1.421 0 3.297 5 5.102 10 11.481 10 5.405 DISEASES OF THE EYEUDS. Diseases of the eyelids S8 1 .549 3 3. 444 i Grand total 21 10. 448 :» 14.211 7 3. 816 5 5.102 13 14. 925 10 5. 405 ! 669 for each disease and disaMily on account of trhich Eccruils and •Subulitutes tecre found unfit for mililarij srrricf— Continued. NEW YOKE— CouUuued. CONGKESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 23. 24. 25. 26. Vt. 38. 29. 30. 31. Total. Examined, 3,560. Examineil, 2,450. Examined, 2,373. Examined, 1,392. Examined, 2,414. Examined, 2.90C. ExaminiMl, 2,221. Examined, 3,000. Examined, 1,916. Examined, 60,470. •3 1 U o P. o es 1 0 P< 0 1 .a S 1 1 1 'A i 5 i s s iZi •3 1 i i i g 1 s 2 I 0 P5 t t 1 s 15 i s 1 1 hi s •A 0 1 U s a 'A 8 1 2 11 .033 .182 1 1 .279 1 .450 1 .333 9 1 .279 1 .430 1 .333 13 .215 U 91 41 2 848 46 88 353 .182 1.505 .078 .033 14.023 .701 1.455 5.870 1 4 1.117 1.C7G 1 .407 1 .421 3 1.437 2 .688 1 .450 5 2 1.CG7 .667 1 1 .522 .522 4 G 1 6 fiG ia43G 1.397 .K9 49 19.951 3 7 1.264 2 950 3 1 1.487 .718 26 1 a 947 .344 23 2 4 14 10. 356 .900 1.801 0.303 00 3 20.000 ' i.'ooo' 28 1 2 18 14.614 .522 1.044 9.395 7 5 R 2 2 3 .814 .814 1 1 .414 .414 1 13 5.478 G 4.310 Ifl 83 2a 184 54 21.987 24 10.114 U 7.903 2 .829 29 9.979 44 19.811 70 23.333 51 26.018 1,482 24.500 84 23.464 54 21.987 24 10.114 11 7.903 2 .829 29 9.979 45 20.261 71 23.067 51 26. 018 1,495 24.721 3 .050 11 !•' 1 .017 ri 4 .066 1 .407 4 1.686 2 .667 25 .413 14 3 117 1 03 .050 1. 933 .017 1. 042 15 20 5.587 3 .814 0 .843 4 2.874 4 i.657 1 .344 3 1.351 10 3.333 3 1.S6G IG 17 1 .279 2 .814 1 .421 1 .450 1 .333 1 .522 IR 21 5.866 4 1.029 3 1.364 4 2.874 4 1.057 1 6 4 .344 3.065 1.376 4 1.801 11 3 5 3.067 1.000 1.667 4 2 088 184 a 043 ".'559' 1 .407 3 1 1.264 .421 100 107 9 2 040 1.769 .149 1<» 2 3 2.155 .414 3 1.044 ^K) •.M « 1"'" o .559 1 .407 4 ^ RPR 3 { 2.155 .414 10 3.441 8 2.667 2 1. 044 270 4.504 " 1 1 23 C.425 6 2.443 11 4.635 7 1 5.029 5 2 071 11 3.785 ' 4 1.801 31 7.000 6 3.132 489 a 086 .279 4.469 1.397 3. 031 3.073 '""e a. 443 1 .4:!1 1 4 1 .718 2.874 .718 3 3 .688 1.032 1 13 3 14 2 .450 5.S53 1 1 .333 .333 29 229 30 456 .4(0 3.787 'X\ 1 .414 13 1 4 6.785 . r.22 2.01'8 24 1.351 6 303 . 4% ' 23 13 8 7 3.257 a 830 4 24 I.C80 10.114 5 20 1. 721 6.883 n 4.3ra 2i333 7.540 20 11 3 3.155 2 .829 .900 67 11 ! 5.741 550 I 9.093 97 4A ia849 21 8.550 39 13.221 9 6.466 3 1.243 30 10.323 33 14.858 82 27.333 39 15.136 1,294 3L39T 3 1.3G4 3 1.351 3 .607 62 1.025 28 1 1 .... 47 13.128 21 1 8.550 32 13.485 9 6.466 3 1.343 30 1U.323 36 1&309 84 2a 000 39 15.136 1,336 22. 4S G70 Taiilk No. 'IS—Shoiiing, by States imd Congressianal Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, NEW YORK— CoDtinned. COXGIIESSION'.U. DISTltlCTS. DISEASES. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. Examined, 2,010. Examined, 2,111. Esamini'd, 1,820. Examined, 980. Examined, 871. Examined, 1,950. •6 1 1 a g S. o 1 1 'E a 1 'E s e 0 P. i 1 ■a p u 1 ■E 1 a 0 0 t4 ID p. « 1 ! 1 a p g (-• -2 20 30 31 DISEASES OF THE EAR. 4 1.893 2 .947 1 1.148 G 2. 842 1 1.148 DISEASES AND INJUEIES OF TIIE NOSE. 32 33 1 .549 1 .549 DISEASES OF THE CIECU- LATOIIY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEAKT AND ITS MEMBltANES. 0 I 2. 842 .474 1 4 .549 2. 198 2 6 2.041 0. 122 1 1 1.148 1. 148 35 ChroDic disease of heart 6 2.985 2 1.081 Total 6 2.085 7 3.316 5 2.747 8 8.103 2 2.296 2 1.081 DISEASES OF THE liLOOD-VESSELB. Diseases oftlic Arterks. 3li Disemes of the Veins. Varicoao veins 14 12.432 17 e.965 10 7.570 7 3.84C 3 3.061 0 6.889 23 Total 14 C.0C5 IC 7.579 7 3.840 3 3.061 G 0.889 23 12. 432 20 9.950 23 10. 895 12 6.593 11 11.234 8 9.185 25 13.514 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE TllYUOll) GLANll. Goitro 3R 2 .947 1 .549 1 1.020 1 1.148 Gniml total 2 .947 1 .549 1 1.020 1 1.148 DISEASES OF THE RE.SPIEA- TOKY SYSTEM, DISEASES OF TIIE LAltV.NX. Fistula of the larynx 30 FUXCTIOXAI. AFFEC-TIONS OF TIIE I.AUV.S.\. Los-s of v.ii(u> 40 DISEASES OP THE THACUEA AND DltONCHI. Bronchitis 4 ........ 41 1.990 1 .474 1 .541 43 DISEASES OF TUB LUNG. Acnto iliaoasc of liuiR Chronic disease oi lung Total 4 19 1.990 9. 4.-.3 i ".474' 2 "i.'699' 1 1.020 1 1.148 1 .541 23 11.443 1 .474 2 1.099 1 1.020 1 1. 148 1 .541 DISEA.SES OF THE I'I.EURA. Clircmlc j)Ii!urisy 41 1 .498 1 28 13. 930 2 .047 2 1.099 2 2.041 1 1.148 2 1.081 671 for each disease and disahilily on account of which Kecruits and Substitutes were found unfit for military service — Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. CONUHESSIONAL DI8TKICTS. 23. 24. 23. 26. 27. 2a 29. 30. 31. Total. Examined, ExnniiiH'd, 2,4:iii. Examined, 2,.373. Examined, 1,3'.I2. Kxumineil, 2,414. Exjimined, 3,900. Ex imincd. Examined, 3,000. Examined, 1,910. Ex.amincd, 00,476. 3,0B0. ,221. r3 o 1 1 o 1 i o •a rt M 1 s o P4 '6 a g i 1 13 u a •a g O o 1 1 u a 3 •a i s £ 1 a 8 i o 1" 'A g. P. i a 8 V P4 o 1 o t t. u .a a 3 i 3 1 1 B s >5 P. a 1 .279 „ 1.437 2 .829 1 .522 19 1 50 .314 .017 .827 ™) 10 G 1.G7C 1 .421 3 1.243 2 .688 1 .450 1 .333 31 7 1. 9» 1 .421 2 1.437 5 2.071 2 .688 1 .450 1 .333 1 .522 70 1.157 1 .279 1 .344 5 9 .083 .149 3-1 1 .718 Tt 1 .279 1 .718 1 .344 14 .231 4 1.117 a. 235 2 1 .814 .407 1 1 .414 .114 86 SCO .430 5.953 34 8 8 3.371 4 2.874 4 1. 370 11 4.953 35 11.607 16 a 351 35 12 :i.352 3 1.221 8 3.371 4 2.874 o .8-29 4 1.37G 11 4.953 35 I1.GG7 IG a 351 380 6.3K> 3 1.C33 .050 17. 081 36 2.48G 6 2.065 8 3.002 39 13.000 21 10. 900 9G 2C. 8IG 10 4.072 32 13. 483 3 2.155 0 37 90 2G.81G 10 4. 072 32 13.4(0 3 2.155 G 2. 480 G 2. 005 8 3. 002 39 13. 000 21 10. 900 1,030 17. 131 108 .10. 1G8 13 .5.293 40 IG. 850 7 5. 029 8 3.314 10 3.441 19 8.555 74 24. 007 37 4 19.311 1,422 23. 513 2. Ot-S 27 .440 .38 4 2.088 27 .446 1 .017 39 1 .522 1 .017 40 1 .279 1 .407 2 1.437 1 .344 28 .463 41 3.073 .838 ...... ' i.GM' 1 .421 1 .718 1 .450 1 1 .333 .333 35 88 .r.79 1.455 42 3 i.032 5 2.010 43 14 3.911 4 1.029 1 .421 i .718 3 1.032 1 .450 2 .067 5 2.610 123 a 034 1 .279 2 1.044 12 .198 44 4.469 S a. 036 1 .421 3 i.lS5 4 1.376 1 .450 8 .607 8 4.175 165 ura G72 Taklk No. 2'^—Sllml'ing, by Slalts and (?:ingrcssiotial Dislricls, the number njn-tal, and (he ratio rejected jm- 1,000 cxambitd. NEW YOEK— Coutiuued. DISEASES. CONGRESSIONAL DISTlilCTf. ir. IS. 19. ao. 21. 22. Esauiined, 2,010. Examined, 2,111. Examined, 1,830. Examined, 980. Examined, 871. Examined, 1,850. 1 ■1 s o •A s p. % "E 1 •A g O U O o 1 i 1 5 •a i 1 1 a •a I .2 1 U J a a "A 0 8 & 1 t S! .a a a •a s 0 u s, 0 1 DISEASES OF TUE DIGEST- IVE SrSTEM. mSEASES AND INJIHIIESOFTIIE J.WV. 1 1. 0-20 Total • 1 1.020 DISEASES, MALFOKMATIOXS, AND IX- JUKIES OF THE TEETU, OUMS, AKD ALVEOLI. 47 8 3.080 33 15. 632 17 9.341 12 12. 245 8 9.165 21 11.3.51 DISEASES OP TUE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palato •IR 2 .947 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acuto disease of stomach _ 49 1 .474 50 Total 1 .474 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Clirouic diairhcea .11 1 1 1 3 16 20 2 1 .549 . 549 . -A9 1. CIS 8.791 10. 989 1.09D .549 1 1 1.148 1.148 1 1 3 . .541 .541 1.022 5-1 Hernia 5 2.468 2 .947 i ' "1.026 .13 nevnia, umbilical .ll Hernia, ventral 1 49 24 9 I 1 .498 24.378 11. 940 4.478 .498 .498 r..! 30 17 2 17. 054 8.053 .947 14 9 14.2811 9.184 8 10 1 9.185 11.481 1.148 30 13 3 10. 210 7.027 1. 022 .ifi jj? llrllli;t, (loulilr iu-uinal .w lifinia, li'.'lit IV'iniiral fi'j Huruia, lelt IV.iooral Uernia, double fenior.-vl uu Total 90 44. 770 57 27. 001 45 24.725- 24 24.^90 21 24. 110 51 27. 508 DISEASES OF THE HECTUM AND ANUS. Fistula in ano Gl 1 3 .49,-^ 1 2 .549 1.099 (H llicuiDrrlioids 1.493 18 8.527 2 2.29U i>:i ric)laii.su8 aiii G4 Stricture of rectum Total 4 1.990 18 8. 527 3 1.048 2 2.29G €5 CC DISEASES OF TUE I.lVEIl. Acuto diseaiio of liver Clironio disease of liver 1 .498 1 .474 1 .549 Total 1 .498 1 .474 1 .549 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acnto disease of Hpleeu C7 OS Uhroniu disease ol spleen Total Grand tot,al 103 51.244 112 53. 055 60 30. 204 37 37. 755 31 35. 591 72 38. 919 DISEASES OP THE UEINAKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OP THE KIDNEY. Acuto disoasu of kidney Clirouic dise;i3C) of kidiiey 71) i .474 Total 1 .474 — L \:=:=:~ -I 673 for each disease and disahilitij on account of which Secruila and Substitutes were found unfit for military service — Contiiuied. NEW YORE— Continued. CONGBESSIONAL UISTIUCTB. 23. 24. 2S. •J6. 37. 2& 29. 30. 31. Totnl. Exaniinecl, Ex.imined, 2,3rj. £xan)iiic<], l,3Ji. Examined, 2,414. Exaniinc o.ti Examined, 3,000. Examined, 1,916. Examined, 60,476. *6 1 g o 1 i u ■? 1 a a g 1. o P4 1 c a 3 p< O 1 1 o 1 P. 1 1 B a 1 •3 S s o a 9 !2i O o 1 1 ■£■ s 9 Pi g i o •s 1 § 1 a 3 S O o 1 Ji s -E 1 a 3 1 i 1 ■e B 3 s i 1 • 1 .718 3 9 .050 .149 4^ 1 .421 46 * 1 .421 1 .718 12 .198 44 12.291 sc ia586 82 34.555 28 20.115 24 9.942 21 7.226 8 a 602 43 14.333 30 15.658 1,084 17.924 47 3 .838 2 1.437 1 .414 1 .450 3 1.000 27 .446 4f) 2 .550 3 4 .O.tO .006 it tO 2 .559 7 13 207 52 23 1,056 692 139 14 15 1 .116 .215 a 423 .860 .364 17.401 11. 443 2.298 .331 .248 .017 36.500 1 .279 1 2 .407 .814 • <;| O .843 25 3 1 8 8 17.9C0 3.165 .716 5.747 5.747 S 6 1 50 13 4 .688 3.065 .344 17.206 6.194 1.370 3 3 1.000 1.000 7 1 a653 .532 V> 5 o 47 21 G S.S.'il .900 21. 162 9.455 2.701 '>1 I.G-'3 22.0(r7 21.508 2.514 35 27 4 .407 14.251 10. 903 l.C-29 3 31 17 J .813 la 0m4 7.164 a 107 79 77 0 9 10 a7a8 4.143 81 64 26 37.000 31.333 8.667 28 l.'. 3 14.614 7.83!i 1.566 .55 56 57 ■ifl 1 .450 59 66 na 48.045 70 2&sa2 57 24.030 45 32.328 19 7.871 81 27.873 82 36.920 177 1 7 59.000 .333 a. 333 54 3 38.184 2,211 I .279 14.804 1 18 .407 7.3J9 1.566 30 2,=6 12 3 ..593 4.729 .198 .050 61 3 1.204 2 .688 3 .900 fi^ 1 .718 111 .279 1 .344 64 55 15.363 19 7.736 3 1.2(W 1 .7t'8 3 1.032 2 .900 6 3.667 3 1.566 337 5.573 2 .559 .279 9 10 .149 .105 65 1 i .407 I .718 ra .... 3 .838 1 .407 I .718 19 .314 ^^^ ' 1 1 .017 .017 67 6A ** — 1 ...1 1.... 2 .033 arj 77.933 IIG 47.231 143 60.261 78 56.034 44 1&227 105 36. 13J 93 41.S73 231 1 71.000 8: 45.407 3,099 1 61.105. .25U • 1 7 .017 .116 69 70 .279 8 .133 85 674 Table No. 2Z—Shouiiig, by Slates and Congressional Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. NEW YORK— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Examined, 2,010. Examined, 2,111. Examined, 1,820. Examined, 980. Examined, 871. Examined, 1,850. 1 f 1 O 1 1 B 1 i 8 a g o 1 1 o i o 1 1 a 3 o 1 1 ? s a a t4 71 DISEASES OF TEE UKINAET SYSTEM— Continued. DISEASES OF THE BLADDEE. 74 DI6EASE8 OF THE URETHRA. 71 Total 1 .474 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OR- OAKS OF GENERATION-. Diseases of Penis. Epispadia 77 78 7q Goiioriboea 8n Total Diseases of Tunica Vaginalis. 81 2 1 2 .905 .493 .995 2 1.081 82 Sarcocele 0 21 2. 842 11.309 2 6 1.099 3.297 m Varicocele i 1.148 Total 5 2.488 30 : 14_9I1 8 4.39S 1 1.148 2 1.081 Diseases of Testicle. Acute disease of testicle 84 3 1.421 1 1 1.148 1.14S 85 Chronic diaeaso of testicle 3 3 1.648 1.G4S 4 1 2.102 .541 m Rotentiou of testicle 4 1. 895 3 3.061 Total 7 3.31() 6 3.297 3 3.061 2. 290 5 2.703 Grand total 5 2.488 37 17. 527 14 4 7.6D2 3 3.061 3 3.444 1.148 7 0 3.784 a 243 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF HONES. 87 5 2.488 2 .947 2. 198 1 1. 020 DISEASES AND 1NJURH:s OF THE JOISTS. AnkyloHiB of joints. 88 1 11 .498 5.473 2 9 a .947 4. 2()3 .947 2 3 1.099 1.048 4 5 4.592 5.741 7 12 3.784 6.486 2 2.041 90 Dislocation of joints Total 12 5.970 13 G. 158 5 3.747 2 2.041 9 10.333 19 10. 270 DISEASES OF THE Sl'INE. Curvature of npino 91 1 .498 C 2.842 9 4.943 3 3.444 92 DISEASES OFTIIE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. Atrophy of limb 5 2.369 1 .549 1 1.030 1 1 1J8 i — , .' 675 fISTIUCTS. •23. 24. •Zi. KxaiiiiiuHl, 3,580. KxainineJ, ExaniiDcd, a,373. 2U. ar. Examiiieil, I, Mi. Exaiiiiiiod, i!,4l'l. 28. 29. Exitiiiiiied, ■J.UOO. 30. 31. Exaiiihicd, Exaiiiineil, :),uou. Exnuiinuil I.'JIO. Total. Exntiiilieil, (■0,470. .559 .333 .033 .331 .033 .017 1. m .333 .333 .Sfi3 ■I 2 .843 IC .H38 .279 .407 , 2. 036 1.029 I 38 10.013 .718 .718 .450 .333 .522 101 10 .364 1.070 .105 .:i33 5.028 1 1.U76 6.704 1.670 2.793 4.409 3.073 4.072 I 10. 013 .407 .407 .814 2.e.')0 5.293 .107 31 a 550 10 .421 2.050 : a 371 20.228 2.528 .431 1.686 2.107 3.793 .843 .718 .718 2.874 5.029 1.437 1.437 7.902 .718 .414 1.243 1.657 .688 " '.'344 1.032 .900 .450 1.333 1.351 30 57 290 .595 .943 4.795 .414 .414 .344 .344 1.376 .067 .333 .333 2.005 2.486 9 .480 1.243 3.097 2. 701 1.03S 3.785 4.818 4.818 .688 6 S.701 2.250 1.351 1.801 5.403 1.801 1.351 3. 000 5 2. 610 663 I 10. 963 .067 3.000 7.000 1.007 1.6«7 1.000 .522 1.044 .532 383 6.333 1. 566 147 2. 431 . ."162 1.108 .761 4. 175 1.044 a 010 1.044 .522 140 261 84 65 2.464 4.316 1.389 a 169 1.075 87 91 93 G7G Taiilk No. 23— Showing, hy States and Congressional Districts, the numhcr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. NEW TOEK— Contiuued. CONGRESSIO.VAL DISTRICTS. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Examined, 2,010. Esamined, 2,111. Examined, 1,820. E.xamined, 980. E samined, 871. Examined, 1,850. ri ID 1 s u p. O 1 •J? u £ o ci f4 i 1 u o 53 § u p. o i o S P. c 1 1 a a o g P< o 1 .2 O .a a a 'A o g %< O 9;i 95 DISEASES OF OErrA>'S OF LOCOMOTION— Coutiiiuod. Diseases of the Muscular Sys- tem—Coutiuned. Diseases of Tendon. 1 .474 4 1.990 1 1.148 3 1 1.022 .541 1 .474 4 1. 990 2 .947 1 1.148 4 2. 102 23 10. 940 28 13. 204 19 10.440 4 4.082 15 17. 222 29 15. 070 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAli, TISSUE. 1(1 17 3 1.493 2 1.099 2 1.081 3 3 1. 493 2 1.099 2 1.081 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. Ori 1. 4D3 3. 483 .995 3 6 6 1. 421 2. 842 2. 842 1 .549 i 1 "i.'oio 1.020 9 1 10. 333 1.148 2.296 3 5 4 1. 622 2. 703 2. IC2 00 inn Ulcers Grand total 12 5.970 15 7.106 1 .549 2 2.041 12 13. 777 12 6.486 CONDITIONS NOT NECEPSA- lilLY ASSOCIATED WITH GEICEEAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient ftize of chest ini 13 5 80 6.408 2.488 39. 801 39 14 22 29 39 98 18. 473 6. 632 10. 422 .474 13. 738 18. 475 46. 423 1 3 5 1.020 3. 001 5. H:2 o 5 21 1.081 2.703 1L351 1(19 Detbrmity ol' chest 1 10 .549 5.495 ion 1114 I'enuanunt i> debility 5 1 12 35 20 5.741 1.148 13. 777 40. 184 22. 962 lO'i Over n'sa 13 34 63 C. 468 111.91,1 31. 343 26 18 86 14. 286 9.890 47. £53 4 10 20 4, 082 16. 327 20. 408 28 28 70 1.5. 135 15. 135 37. 838 Kill Under age im UndiT size 208 103. 483 242 114. 638 141 77. 473 49 50. 000 73 83. 812 1.54 83.243 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF ISJUKY NOT BPECIFIED. Fractures , lOS 4 IG 1. 990 7. 9110 9 3 4. 203 1.421 8 4 4.396 2.198 1 1 1.020 1.020 4 6 2. 102 3. 243 1(1' Wounds 2 2.296 Total 30 9. 950 12 11 5.685 12 6.593 2 2.041 2 2.290 10 5.405 INJUlims AND MAI.KOUMATIOXS OF UrrEK E.\TKEM1T1ES. Defects or dt-forniities of hainl . _ Loss of lliuiub 110 111 .1 . 995 5.211 .947 6 3.297 1 1.030 5 1 .1.741 1.148 4 1 2. 102 .541 Total 2 .995 13 6.158 6 3.297 1 1. 020 0 6.8S9 5 2. 703 INJURIES ANU MALKOKMATIOXS OF LOVVKll EXTUEMIT1E8. Dofect.s or deformities of foot Loss of great too 11'. 7 3. 483 . 995 13 0.158 .474 6 3 3.297 1.048 5 .'•.. 102 5 5.741 7 0 3.784 3.243 Total 0 4.4-8 14 6. 032 9 4.945 5 5. 102 5 5.741 13 7.027 G rand total 31 15.423 39 18. 475 27 14. 835 8 8.103 13 14. 923 28 l,"). 135 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of interniil organs. Grnud total for all diseases. . 14 12 507 .■">. 970 252. 239 7 598 3.316 283. 273 4 2.198 2 2.041 4 4.592 2 L081 316 190. 110 134 136.735 201 233. 709 3se 197.838 077 for each disease and dlsabilUi/ on account of iciiich Jiccruits and Suistilutes were found unfit for militari/ Hcrricc — C'Duliinuil. KEW YOKK— Continued. CONGHESSIONAI. DISTIIICTR. 23. Exmninci}, a,5«o. 3 3 52 U. 525 55 70 138 .270 8.101 4.469 3.07a 15. G49 10.615 3.631 3.911 15. 303 22. 0fi7 3ci. J 17 I. 'j7(; 9.218 11 24. ExnniiDod, 2,456. so 8. 659 .<*38 .407 .814 13. 844 .814 1. 221 6.107 8. 143 0.922 3.664 10 179 21.173 .1. 700 47.231 94. 870 2. e.-,o 4.479 7.320 4. 072 .407 23. Ex.iiiiincd, 2.373. .843 .843 24 10.114 18 102 12 18 1.68G 1.264 '".843 2.107 2.528 42. 984 60.261 .843 7.585 3.371 .421 26. £xnmiiiod, 1,392. 1.437 5.747 9. .139 16. .523 48. 132 1.437 7.0O2 ar. Examined, 2,414. 35 1.243 2.900 .829 3.314 fi.214 .829 28. Exauiiuod, 2,900. .668 .688 11.700 .688 2.409 1.721 4.129 1.376 .088 1.5. 485 .344 10. 862 41. '.182 18. 238 94. 976 .032 I. 7.>l 29. Examined, 2,221. .450 .450 .900 . 4.")0 2. 2.11 .900 3.602 4. 052 .900 13. 057 17. 109 30. 020 21. 162 2.701 l.:i51 30. Exaniiued, 3,000. . (i07 1.667 .333 .067 .607 12 333 5.333 18.333 .333 2.667 15. 33:1 4. 607 1. 00(1 07. 067 4. 3.33 11.3:1:1 4. 3.33 .333 31. E-Kamined, 1,916. 16 . 022 . 522 3.653 61.005 Tolal. Kxainilled, 60,470. 994 105 185 200 556 .525 173 1,0:10 I U 3. 132 745 0.785 [1.402 8.873 ,1.681 I- . S3. 507 5,664 6. 263 5.S19 160 304 530 321 :t3 .073 . .59.'i .033 1. :iOO .231 . 513 2. 728 08 3. 0.")9 I M 3 400 100 9.194 8. 081 101 2.861 I10-2 17. o;« 103 .182 104 12.310 t05 24.671 106 27.912 :i07 9:1. 057 2.745 108 6.019 1109 a 764 .5. .3.77 . .M6 4.479 .344 3.602 3.911 1.955 6.107 1.221 .843 .843 3 1,1M .5. gfif. 7.320 1.686 2:874 26. 257 33 laooc .833 322.905 3 .814 329.^ in 4.SI4 519 aia 710 13 9.339 202. 586 .829 .414 3.441 1. 032 3. 602 .900 .5.333 1.333 3.65» 1.SC6 404 58 6.ft«n 112 .9.'.0 113 1. 243 4.502 6.067 5.219 402 afi03 2S.443 1,349 22.300 1.S43 53 438 44 15.141 .900 aoc 208.534 475 3IX8C8 3.GC7 32:1. 333 784 i34.342 118,826 1S.9C4 31T.297 114 (178 'r.vliLK No. S:i Shomxg, l>ji Stalt» and ConifnmoHal DMrictn, the Humbtr )'^ected, iiiitt titf nid'ii rcjrcliid per 1,000 eiamined, 1 PISKASKS. NEW JEKSEV. CONQKItiaiONAL UI8TKICT8. 1. 'J. .•1 . ■ . 3. T >ta<. SxamiuiMl, !I,WT, ExamiuiHl, 3,-J3a ExiUDilutl, 5,5J0. Kxaiuiticil, 2,443. Kxnuiiiiod, 4,IM5. Exnminod, 18,873. t 1 i 1 s a u t s « PS i 1 a B 'A 1 i V i" 1 s o s 1 1 B a d 1 o 1 w M B a 'A GKNKKAL DISKASKS. 4 1 .309 4 5 .312 .205 11 a .733 1 .181 1 .202 XoUl a .733 S 1.544 1 .181 1 .903 9 .477 I 5 .367 1.834 t. lOU 1 G a .181 1.087 .362 2 in 16 .106 .848 .848 4 1, a 1 .618 .309 1 3 .41U 1.929 7 .404 1 JIfi 6 1 4 W 14 9a086 1.467 4.400 S.134 i>i 1&839 ao3 1 91 10 36.77.-. .181 a804 1.812 12 47.093 1.229 2.867 4 914 lis : 21862 3 .607 1 .202 20 4 044 568 11 62 62 30.097 ^ Kon-uiaUguant tumors .583 ai 6 6.485 1.S53 3285 10 3 285 Total 0 iiuid tot»l 111) 40.;«7 91 as. IU4 044 44.203 141 57.740 151 1 30. 536 737 39.053 lU 1 41.071 96 29.648 a4o 44.384 141 57.740 152 30.738 746 39.529 DISKASKS OF THE NKRVOCS SYSTKM. nSKA8l»> OF THK BliAIN AXll ITS MKIIBKANK»^ AcMtc di!*i\iM' of bnitn It 14 li SuuMroko Tot»l 1>ISKASKS OF THK NKKVES. PanOysis ^ 14 1 .36? 1 .309 s .3ea 4 .809 8 .«M (iUBRAI. I>I$KX»ES OP THE NKKV- OlS S^fTKJC. Chotwi l.^ 1 10 .367 a 5 .819 a. 048 3 36 .159 It! 10 3.088 9 I.S» O .401 1.908 1 n ^onralfiia ^... IS ^taium^rtni; s .... 4 £(0 9 i.6» 4 1.638 3 .607 90 LOGO ' T»«al IJ 1 4.767 IJ , i706 IS aaei 11 4.50.T 5 1.011 59 ^la6 I>^1Rl» AXl> INJIKIESOF THS KTB. 4« 1 15.«& 3S 7. 103 1£4 24.275 17 6.963 S3 : 4651 239 12 664 1 » 1 1 1 n 1 4 7tr: 1 2 59 9 . l!?l 8.096 .362 ]0L6:S 1.(30 II a 4^ 4. SIB .4M 1.2S9 1.S9 14 117 7 •!• e» .7e 6.300 .311 7.471 1179 94 as ^ .,-^cjw... i a. 751 4 "iajs" U 3.706 33 6.471 « C2 iasw 21 , 4.651 Total SS{ 19^09 35; 7.3i 1 '" 3t S.^ 119 21.065 339 irssl DtSKASSS or THE KIXUIIS. I>iw*M«af tke eyelids 98 4 !.«: j 1 2 .404 C Cnrilatal t I ^" a.S58 «4 8Le2S 345 679 for tack dittaie and duabUUg on accmtHt of vciick Reenit» and Subttituta teere found un/U f-jT wuliUay FZBV8TLTA.HA. ) imjii— i Dwmcn. 1. Examined, 3. Exaained, Zxaaiatd, x;a68. EzamlBcd. xae. EXMBteOC, 3.968. 7. TTiiwIiii il ExamisMl, Zzaaiaedi, i,«e. 1.44:1. %84S. 1*. .%• ■8 I J a S I e M I a. •^ 1 .79 4.n: LS77 .TT7 14U LMI .en is.»e LMI 4K 21 la 453 S.3« { 1.74« » 1. 577 * lst; 7 3.sai X4t7 ".777 .•18 L»» IS i.n» 1 4.MS : 7 li T.383 S.l4i 14 Miaei 4!m4 30 9. Xc! 12 ' 6.3a 3S 85.237 13 I S.tt3l im : 4L017 40 12.344 49 32.71* 37 Sl«* M.m I 7 S.«K eO : A«6S 33 ; aE.«35 ■•3) 41.8% 40 12.240 » 33. 37^ 37 2S.CM 2> , M. 1S3 S.IK IIS J.IS5 •.7B 1.139 7 S.87I 4 I L4 8 : C3M 2.871 .07 7 17 2 &4M 1.5S4 2.VX I 1 i .JSi i7«* S.4r- 7.M4 LIM ' 17 I l.eK ; S 2.M* u.e •.4M e.«s LMI I .777 XMB » IL«S6 II 4. 274 xsp xSi *.094 3.434 2.>«> 1.I4* I Si LZB ( .fU , 4.471 I.33S S.'JR 1 i .'jr. 24rx .351 ' .. L7;7 1 B7 31 1 «7 at . Ki i L 714 S .SSI I 27 T" 3LMt M n.»i4 a i2L»l 21 10. 00(1 15 23 14.43.') 35 20. 373 44 34. 700 34 13. 209 54 22.149 5.272 15 12. S.-)3 12. 853 17. 995 29 14. 435 35 1 20. 373 44 31.700 34 13.209 1 54 22.149 U4 19. 5e4 23 1.1. 3,14 24 10.009 ! 15 5. 272 15 44 21. ftOl r.3 30. 071 58 45.741 43 10. 700 1 CO 27. 071 290 90. 575 23 15. 35 1 41 28. 374 23 8. 084 21 3 1.231 .092 3 1.231 1 .093 . " ' . 1 .<98 1 .789 3 1.714 * * * * 4 1.991 3 2 2.300 1.577 1 1 .389 .3.9 1 .410 4 1.224 1 .351 4 1.991 S 3.943 •2 .777 1 .410 4 1.224 1 .351 1 .498 7 2.142 1 .Cfi8 2. '.IS7 S 4.TJ2 2 .777 1 .410 11 3.300 I .fir.8 1 ..Yil 3 1.714 : :-: 37 38 39 40 86 G82 Tablk No. 23— Shotting, by Slulis and Congressional Vialricts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, ~ — DISEASES. NEW JERSEY— Continued. CONOBBSSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. i 3. 4. 3. Total. Examined, 2,727. Examined, 3,338. Esaniinctl, 5,520. Examined, 2,442. Exaiuiued, Examined, 18,872. 1 V .a 3 s g o 1 o o o s 3 i D o 1 1 a "A p. 1 C O 1 5 1 S 1 a a 'A O i- s, 1 45 4C DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND l.SJLmESOFTIlE JAW. 1 .367 1 t .053 . 0.-.3 1 .202 1 .367 1 .202 2 .106 1 DISEASES, MALFORMATIONS, AND IX- JUniES OF THK TEETH, GUMS, AXD ALVKOLI. 47 33 12.101 37 11. 427 85 15. 399 42 17. 199 104 21. 031 301 11 i 15. 950 .583 DISEASES OF TUE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate - 4R 3 I.ICO 3 .926 3 .543 1 .410 1 .202 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 49 50 Cfaronic disease of stomach Total 1 .367 1 .053 1 .367 1 .053 DISEASES OF THE ISTESTIXES. ■il 5 12 2 1 101 110 15 1 1 1.834 4.400 .733 .367 37. 037 40. 337 5. 51)1 .307 .367 3 9 2 2 77 47 20 16 10 11 .543 1.630 .362 .362 13. 949 8.514 3.623 2.899 1.812 1.993 2 84 4 .819 34.398 1.638 10 197 1 335 258 54 22 17 11 .530 10.439 1.096 .265 17. 751 13. 671 2.861 I.1S6 .901 .583 V Heroia 66 20.383 26 24 2 103 69 12 2 1 5. 258 4.853 .404 20. 829 13. 953 2.4E7 .404 .202 ■ST Heruia, utu bilical ■M 55 2:i 0 2 1 7.103 1.853 .018 .309 31 20 5 2 5 12. 61-5 10. 647 2.048 .810 2.048 5fi Hernia, lelt iofiuinal .57 5fl Hernia, ri^lit lemural 59 Hernia, left femoral no Hernia, double femoral Total 248 90. 942 98 30.266 197 35.688 159 05.111 239 48.332 941 49.802 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM ASD ANUS. (11 8 10 3 2.934 3.667 1.100 13 14 4.015 4. 324 12 20 1 2.174 3.623 .181 3 14 12 1.229 5.733 4.914 n 16 14 2.224 3.236 2.831 47 74 30 2.490 1921 1.590 n? 63 Prolapsus iini 64 Stricture of rectum Total DISEASES OF THE l.lVEIl. Acute disc*lso of liver 21 7.701 27 a 338 33 5.978 29 11. 870 41 a 291 151 a 001 65 4 .733 1.467 2 6 .106 .318 66 Chronic disease of liver 1 .181 1 .202 Total 6 2.200 1 .181 1 .202 8 .424 DISEASES OF THE SI'LEEN. Acute disease of spleen 67 6el Chronic disease of spleen Total Grand tot;il . . . . . 313 114. 778 105 50.957 319 57. 790 231 94. 595 387 7a 261 1,415 74. 979 DISEASES OF THE UKINAKV SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THK KIDNEY. Acute of kidney 69 • 70 Chronic disease of kidney ... .... Total 683 for rocA (Li»ea»t and disabilitji on account of tchich Eecruilt and Subglilutea were found unfit for military serficc— Continued. PENNSrLVANIA-Continued. CONGBB66I0KAL DISTKICTS. 1. 2. 3. 1. S. 0. r. 8. 9. 10. Examined. 2,00l 8 &108 18 2- 2 44 24 13 1 7.383 .820 .820 18 048 9.844 5.332 .410 8 5.340 13 4. 569 13 11. 140 52 2 1.384 .13 i 38 21 8 .389 14.703 8.159 3.108 6 51 44 5 1 2.109 17.920 15.400 1.757 .351 ii' 4 1 ■'9.420' 1428 .857 .M 34 aa a 16.924 10. 951 .996 SO 24 5 29.104 13.970 2.910 45 15 13 35.489 11.830 10.252 14 13 9.346 8.078 20 14 4 1 13.841 9.089 2.708 .092 56 .S7 4 1 2.070 .068 •W 1 .582 .lO 00 ■•■■| 1 66 32.852 84 4a 694 73 57.571 70 29.520 104 42.658 108 33.048 40 26.702 41 28.374 120 42.179 20 24.850 1 2 .582 1.164 3 3 2.366 2.300 1 IS .380 4.6C2 2 0 .820 2.401 1 1 .306 .306 61 u 0.471 1 .092 fH tn 64 13 6.471 3 1.746 6 4.733 13 5.0S1 8 3.281 2 .612 1 .693 . 1 1 1 1 .410 1 .306 .857 .857 65 66 1 .410 I .306 .... 3 1.714 67 68 ' ' "' 51 130 04.709 04 54.715 122 96.215 140 54.390 161 66.038 155 47.430 99 60.088 96 60.430 180 oaseo 41702 69 1 .410 70 1 1 1 .410 ]... I--I ... . =^=^= : == ■' G84 Taiii.k Ni). '2'i—Shoui>i(j, liy Sialis and Congrcsdonal Districts, the numhcr rejected, and the ratio rejected i>cr 1,000 examined, DISEASES. NEW JERSEY— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTUICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. Esaiuined, S,T27. Examined, 3,23d. Examined, 5,, ISO. Examined, 2,443. Examined, 4,945. Examined, 18,873. 5 s. E a g p. o 13 1 1 g u 1. 0 1 0 1 •0= i 1 g u 1 'd 0 0 '«? u a 0 g. •a P. 0 e U u s p 0 o_ u V p. ,0 « '3 s 0 0 1 :3 0 g. a p. 1 1 BISEASF.S OF THE UEINAEY SYSTE M— Con tiuued. DISEASES OF THE IlLADUEU.' 0 1 1 .181 .302 1 0 .053 .318 4 1 .410 3 .607 Total ... ... .! 3 .543 1 .410 3 .607 7 .371 DISEASES OF THE UliETHKA. Stricture of urethra ■) 2 .733 1 .181 3 .159 fi Urinary fistula - Total 2 .733 1 .181 3 .159 2 .TJ3 4 . 725 1 .410 3 .Ii07 10 .530 DISEASES Ol- THE CEXEEA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASF.S AND I.NJUKIES OF OK- GANS OF 6EKEKATI0X. Diseases of Penis. Episp.ailia n 1 .309 1 .053 8 1 2 2 .733 .733 I .3t9 81 1 14.074 .181 12 4.914 9 1. 820 105 3 5.564 .159 in Loss of peuis Tot.ll 4 1.407 2 .018 S2 14. 855 .181 .543 2.1:4 12 2 4.914 9 1.820 109 0.77G Diseases of Tunica Var/inalis. Hydrocele 1 3 4 .018 .920 1.235 1 3 12 .819 1 15 .202 .404 3.033 11 8 53 .518 .434 3.808 ■i Sarcocvlo Varicocele ii "4.034' ;t 11 4.503 Total 11 4.034 9 2.779 ..309 .309 10 5 1 2.699 13 5.334 18 3. 640 67 3.550 Diseases of Testick. Acute tliacaso of testicle Chrouic disease of tcslii^lo IletCQtion of testicle 1 3 t; 8 17 33 1.100 2.200 2.034 1 1 .302 .900 .181 1 10 .410 4.U93 0 .404 9 22 14 .477 1. 100 .743 5 1.011 Total 0.234 0 .CIS 8 1.449 11 4.S05 7 1.410 45 2.384 11. 73.5 13 5 4.015 100 19. 203 30 14. 742 34 6. 870 221 11.710 PISEASES OF Or.GAKS OF LOCOMOTION. ri.SBASKS OF no.vEs. Chrouic disease of bones DISEASES AND IN.IUlllES OF THE JOINTS. AirliylosiH of .joints Chionic (liscn.scof joiuls I>ihloc]ition oj" joiuta >7 .733 1. .144 9 1. 030 1.99a 3.899 .725 10 0 3 0 4.095 2.467 1.239 .619 10 - 15 19 1 2. 033 30 1.908 8 U 0 fi 11 2.300 4. 034 1.100 3 12 1 .926 3.706 .309 11 10 4 3. 033 3. 842 . 303 41 CI 11 2.173 3. 2.13 .583 TotiO DISEASES OF THE SPIKE. Curvature of 8])ino 20 7.334 IC 4,941 31 6.010 11 4.505 35 7. 078 113 5.988 1 9 3.300 10 3.0!J8 35 0.341 17 0.902 . 819 15 3.033 l.Oll 86 4.557 DlSEASESOFTIIKKLSCUI.Al! SYSTEM. Dineaset of Mv«ck. Atrophyol limb J 4. 'lOU .018 9 1.(130 s 31 1. 590 G85 , for each (Uncase and disabilil)/ on account of which Hccruils and Substitutes were found unfit for militari/ service — Coutinncil. PENUSTLVANIA-ContiDaed. CONGIIESSIONAL UISTIUCTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 0. 7. 8. 0. 10. ' Examined, a,009. Examined, 1,-18. Examined, 1,-266. Examined, 2,574. Examined, 2,438. Examined, 3,288. Exaniinod, 1,498. Examined, 1,445. Examined, 2,845. Examined, 1,107. 1 o a s !5 1 "3 2 U M 1 i I 1 1 i 1 1 s 2 s u 1 t 1 izi u s. 1 ri CI u 'E B s i 1 o u £■ s B 3 u 1 •6 1 M B 3 o 1 i 1 1 o 1 1 O B a O 1 2 .820 1 .351 2 .820 1 .351 1 .498 ■ 1 .306 1 .789 r " 1 1 .498 1 .789 1 .306 .498 1 .789 1 3 1.231 1 1 .306 1 .331 1 4 .306 1.224 1 1 .668 .668 a .996 1 .S8i 1 .389 » 1.231 3 1 4 .9% 1 .582 1 .389 3 1.231 5 1.530 2 1.335 .498 .498 .990 ~T.99I 1 .389 2 .620 1 .092 1 .857 o .612 1 .351 1 .789 4 I.S54 10 4. 102 2 1.333 5 3.460 1 .789 5 1.943 12 4.9iS 2 .612 2 1.335 6 4.153 1 .351 1 .857 1 I 2 .498 .49* .996 1 1 3 .389 .389 I.IUG 2 1.384 2 1 1.3,15 .008 1 1 .3.51 .Ml 1 .789 4 1 fAl 4 1.991 1 .789 5 1.943 4 i.r.41 3 2.003 2 1.384 2 .703 10 4. 978 1 .583 2 1.577 11 4.274 19 7.793 7 2.142 7 4.673 8 5.536 3 1.054 1 2 .857 3 1.493 3 2. 306 3 I.IGC 5 a. 031 2 .613 2 1.3S4 2 .703 1.714 1 4 C 1.991 2.987 .498 4 5 2.328 2.910 3 3 2 2.360 2.306 1.577 7 10 2 2.720 3.883 .777 10 9 3 4.102 3.092 1.231 2 18 .612 5.508 5 S 6 3.3.38 3.338 4.003 7 5 2 4. 8 14 1460 1.384 6 4 2.109 1.406 6 1 s.i4i ! .837 ' 1 11 5.473 0 5.239 U 0.309 19 7.383 aa 9.024 20 2 a 120 .012 '16 10.081 14 9.689 10 3.513 •7 a998 1 5 3.489 9 1.164 13 10.232 11 4.274 11 4. 513 4 2.708 3 1.054 5 4.284 i 1 .498 7 2.780 1 .410 1 .068 5 a 460 1 "■■■1 1 83 91 93 686 Tahle No. 23 — Shmrivg, by States and Congressional Districts, the nttmber rejected, and the ratio rejected pel- 1,000 examined, DISEASES. NEW JERSEY— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. •i. 5. Total. Examined, 2,727. Examined, 3,238. Examined, 5,520. Examined, 2,442. Examined, 4,945. Examined, 16,872. 1 i § o o a o 1 S 3 !2i o 8 a o M o S o .a o 8 . p. 1 t M a 1 1 a t .a a 0 !2i a K sce38 . 340 6 3 4. 152 1 .351 1.757 4 10 a 428 a 569 108 7 4.075 2.070 5 109 18 aofio 7 4.075 14 11.041 32 12. 432 29 11.695 3 .918 9 6.008 9 C.2558| 0 2.103 1.054 .351 14 11.997 21 1 10.453 .498 12 6.983 5 a 943 10 2 a 885 .777 18 7.383 3 1 2. 003 .668 4 2 1 1 2.708 ' 3 1.384 . 1 110 2 .012 111 22 10. 951 12 0.985 5 1 a943 12 4.662 18 7.383 2 7 1 .612 3.142 .306 4 2.67(1 6 8 4.152 5.536 4 1.406 a 428 .837 17 a462 5 2.910 9 1 7.098 .789 16 3 6.216 1.1C6 6 2 2.461 .820 6 4.003 14 I 4.921 .351 4 1 113 in 17 a46j 5 2 910 10 j 7. 886 19 7.382 8 a 381 8 2.448 6 4.005 8 5.536 ' 15 5.272 5 4.384 57 28.372 24 ia970 29 1 22. 871 63 24. 476 53 22.559 13 a 978 19 13 684 23 15.917 25 a 787 10 16.281 13 0.471 5 3.910 174.040 8 6.309 4 1.5M 11 4. 512 5 1.530 3 .703 9 7.713 176.521 114 ! 072 ■ 334. 493 299 430 339.117 316 200.466 801 32a 548 925 S8a048 471 314.419 1 396 274.048 461 163.039 206 G88 T.vr.i.i: No. 'XX—Shoiriiiy, hy Slalcn mid CovyriSKioiiaJ DMrictH, the niimhn- rrjccitH, and the ralio rejtcttd per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. CONGllESSIONAL DISTltlCTS. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. E.tauiined, 1,7S0. Examined, 1,558. Esamiiu'd, 883. Examined, S30. Examined, 532. Examined, 1,372. i 13 .2 O p I 0 g u •a P> 0 ca 1 u a 3 g s c Is 1 V B g P. 1 a S3 g P- (4 U e 1^5 r-T 1 0 ,=1 B 3 0 g. i 0 1 1 GENERAL DISEASES. o Total 1 4 Chronic rheumatism 1 o .562 1.124 1 .042 2 1 2.205 1.133 2 3. 759 1 2 .729 1.458 ■i r, Syphilis '2 2 13. 483 1. 124 1. 124 2 1.2.^4 31 1 3 3 35. 108 1.133 3.398 3.398 20 23. 923 4 7.519 H Non-malignant tumors Scrofula 5 4.404 12 13. 590 '"■i-'sso' "i.isi' 3. 398 5 5. 931 1 I. 880 5 3.644 DISEASES AND IN.IUIilES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJUKIES OF THE EVE. Cataract of right eye Liwsof sisht, ri''lit cvo I.oas of si^ht, left eye 23 24 25 3 3 "i'.iie' i.oan 4 i 3 3 1 2 1 ' '3." 589' 1.190 2. 392 1.190 2 1 1 3 "3.'7.-)9' 1.880 1. 8S0 5. 039 i' ■ ■.■72V1 2« 27 I'ailial loss of sisht, bolh eyes . .. of tho eyes Total DISEASES 01' THE EVELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 1)7 54. 404 r> 3.851 8 9. 000 ■J 8.373 7 1.3. 1,)8 1 . 729 28 1 1.880 Grandtotal _SI7 „ 3.851 1 B 9.060 8 13. 038 1 .729 7 8. 3/3 G89 for lach diacaee and disahiliti/ on account of iihiih Ilrcruils and Substitutes were found unfit for militari/ serricc—Cont\uuii\. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. CONCIIESSIONAL UISTIiiCTS. ir. IS. 19. 20. 31. 22. 23. 24. Total. Examined, 1,840. Examined, 1,915. Examined, 680. Examined, 712. Examined, 1,371. Examined, 909. . Examinoil, 1,832. Exauiiueil, 1,224. Examined, 37,674. 1 t rs S 8 M s p. o 1 u u .a a s a P- 1 1 O at 1 a i o 1 13 .a 1 a o 1 1 a 'A s c o 1 1 o o 'E 1 i s o ct 1 ■r* u J 1 1 1 U Q s s s -A 1 1 2 5 .053 .133 1 1 .543 1 l.IOO 1 .543 1 1.100 7 .186 1 3 1 .522 1.5G7 .522 1 .729 14 35 24 .372 .929 .637 1 1.087 0 6.601 ') fi 3 1.G30 11 5.744 2 1 2 941 1.471 3 1 2188 .729 6 1 6.601 1. 100 1 .817 317 27 38 105 a 414 .717 1.009 2 787 7 2 1.092 fl 1 .543 12.500 1 2 .817 1.034 n 23 2 1.044 1 .729 to 29 15. 761 18 9. 399 3 4.412 6 4.376 13 14. 301 2 1.092 4 3.268 560 14. 864 16.304 18 9.399 3 4.412 6 4.376 14 15. 402 2 1.092 4 3.268 507 15. 050 1 .027 )i i** i .817 1 o .027 .053 Vi 1 .817 .543 1 .729 1 1.100 15 .398 14 15 3 1.030 2 1.044 3 2188 1 .817 34 1 25 .902 .027 .664 16 17 3 1.507 3 4.412 1H 4 2.174 5 2.611 3 4.412 3 2.188 1 .817 60 1.593 o 1.087 2.174 1 1.471 2 1.034 35 53 8 .929 1.407 .212 14 V 3 1.567 1 1.404 2 1.459 1 1 1.100 1.100 VO 21 29 G 3. 261 3 1 1 ''.r.7 1 1.471 1 1.404 2 1.459 - 2.200 .) 1.634 90 2 548 n 5.978 8 4.178 4 5.882 1 1.404 6 4.376 3 3.300 4 3.268 173 4.592 1.G30 2.717 1 1 1 1 5 .729 .729 .7-29 .729 3.647 2 2.200 1 .546 1 3 .817 2.451 31 118 9 180 106 .823 a 132 .219 4.937 2 814 2:( 5 5 2.611 1 1.471 2 2.809 24 2.1 2 1.0S7 .543 2 2 I. 044 1.044 1 4 1. 171 5. 8c2 2 2.200 3 ann I .546 1 .817 26 1 ?7 11 5.978 U 1 4.700 .522 6 a 824 2 2.809 9 6.565 7 1 7. 701 •i 1. 092 5 4.085 450 11.945 1 1.100 10 .205 SA 11 1 5.97ri 10 5.222 6 a 824 2 2.809 9 6.565 8 a 801 2 1.092 5 4.085 400 1 12 210 87 6W Tvni.E No. 2^ Shoiriiiii, hij Statrs oiid Covgressiminl Dislricts, the iiumhcr rrjecUH, (mil Ihi' rutin yijrdal pir 1,000 cxaminid. DISEASES PENNSYLVANIA— Coutiuuea. CONGKESSION.\L DISTRICTS. 11. la. 13. 14. 15. 16. Examined, 1,7S0. Es.iinincd, 1,.55S. Examined, 883. Examined, 83G. Examined, 532. Extimineil, 1,3-2. 1 1 § p. 5 u 3 3 i 1 a o ■s M 1 o 1 a s !a §" .2 1 1 c o i .2 1 1 s 1 2!) 30 31 DISEASES OF THE EAE. Chronic luiriilont otorrhcDa G 3. 371 1 1.196 1 .563 2 2.265 1 1. 196 1 .729 7 3.933 i 2.265 2 2.392 1 .729 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. 32 1 .502 Grand total 1 .562 DISEASES OF '.HE CIKCtr- LATOEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OI' THE HEART ANU ITS MEMBRANES. 14 I 38 . 562 21. 343 0 3 4. 373 2.187 ■f) 0 0.795 1 1.880 Total 39 21. 911) G 6, 795 1 1.880 9 6.560 DISEASES OF THE ULOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. 3. Ex.iininod, am. Examined, 712. Exaininod, 1,371. Examined. 909. Examined, 1,832. Ex.iniined, 1,221. Examined, 37,074. 1 e s >5 g u p. 1 1 1 Km 1 f £ 3 9 >5 0 1 1 t -2 4 2. 567 4 4 4.785 4.785 6 1 4.307 .729 53 54 Hcruia, ventral 3 19 4 3.398 21.518 4.530 55 Hernia, ri^jht injiuinal 21 11 1 11. 798 6. ISO .563 5 2 5.135 3.209 1.284 11 4 1 13. 158 4.783 1.190 5 3 9.398 5.039 9 7 6.500 5.102 56 57 llcr)ii;t, iImuIpU' inmiinal 5S llcnii;), liizlil rrnmral 50 Hoi nia, l.It i'l-im.ral 60 Hurnia, double I'emoral Total 57 32.022 19 12. 195 28 31.710 24 28.708 8 15. 038 23 16.764 DISEASES OFTHE UECTL'M AND ANUS. Fistula in ano Gl 1 2 .642 1.284 1 1 .739 .729 (M 2 1.124 3 3.398 1 1. 190 1 1.880 C3 Prolapsus ani (i4 Stricture of rectum Total [ 2 ... 1. 124 3 1.926 3 3.398 1 1.190 1 1.880 2 1.4.i8 DISEASF.S OF THE UVElt. Acute (Useaso of liver 65 6(> Chronic disease of liver 1 .642 1 1.133 Total 1 .642 1 1.133 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acute disSease of spleen 67 oa Chronic disease of spleen Total Grand total 103 57. 805 29 18. 614 34 38.505 34 40. 670 9 10. 917 20 ia930 DISEASES OF THE UIlIXAnY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. Acute dim ;isi> of kidnev 70 Totiil :: 1:^:1. 693 for each ducase and disability on account of which Recruits and Substitutes were found unfit for military seruice— Continued. PEXXSTLVAJTIA— Continued. CONGRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. ir. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2t. \ Total. Examined, 1,»40. Examined, 1,915. Examined, 660. Examined, 712. Examined, 1,371. Examine u o .a S s 'A i 1 1 u M 1 a o 1 1 u a •a i a rs G a o u M a o s 1 o 1 •3 & o V 1 a s u 1 i i S 1 c 1 45 46 23 12.500 31 16.188' 4 5.8S3 6 8.427 9 6.565 1 1.100 3 1.638 2 1.634 571 15.156 47 2 1.044 1 1.100 7 .186 43 1 1 1.100 1.100 1 C .027 .159 1 .543 1 .SXt 50 1 .543 1 .322 2 2.200 7 .186 1 1.471 1 1 .729 .729 9 111 23 19 5.-13 300 08 •15 13 a .239 8.940 .fill .504 11. 079 7.963 1.805 .398 .345 .053 1 .543 1 .522 3 4.213 i 1 3 6 1.471 1 1 6 7 1.100 1.100 C.601 7.701 2 1.634 53 3 1.G30 11.413 10. 32fi 2.717 .543 1.087 1.471 4.413 8.824 1 20 7 1 .540 10.917 3.821 .546 31 19 5 21 l.-i 1 10.906 7.833 .522 6 5 &427 7.022 12 7 3 a 753 5.106 2.188 5 4 1 4.0S5 3.268 .817 r»5 56 1 6 8 2 B.60I a 801 2.200 'iR 2 1 .546 GO •" 52 2S.2CI ='1 19.843 12 17.647 14 19.663 24 17.505 31 34.103 30 16.376 12 9.804 1,1 ID 29.543 I .543 1 .522 .522 1 a 1 1.471 2.941 1.471 13 58 4 .345 1.540 .100 fit » 2.717 1 I 2 .729 1.459 1 1.100 1 .817 63 CtA 1 ] 1 0 aaei | 2 1.044 I 4 5.882 3 2.188 1 1.100 1 .817 75 1.991 3 7 .0«0 .180 4 5.882 Ml 4 5.882 10 .265 fi7 tM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 82 44. 5G5 "4 38.642 24 33.294 ao 2a 090 36 20.338 36 39.604 33 18.013 15 laasj 1,783 47.327 1 m 1 1 "- 2.941 1 1.100 4 .106 70 1 1 1 i 1 = 2.941 I 1 1.100 4 .106 1 1 ' G94 TaBLK No. 23 — Showing, bi/ Stalt'S and Congressional Districtn, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined. DISEASES. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Examined, l,7t-0. Examined, 1,558. Examined, 883. Examined, 836. Examined, 532. Examined, 1,372. o 1 3 g 1 '4? a S. 0 1 3 a 0 0 M (a a a 0 1 1 a 1 71 DISEASES OF THE UKINAEY SYSTEM— ContiuueU. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. 1" Tl 74 Iiicoutineuce of uriuo Total DISEASES OF THE UKETUKA. vr. 1 .729 7(i Total 1 .739 Grand total 1 .729 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OR- GANS OF GENERATION. Diseases of Penis. Epispadia 77 78 Hypospadia 7i) GoiiOiTboiii - 49 27.528 1 1.133 9 2.392 80 Loss of peuia ToUll 49 27. 528 1 1.133 2 2.392 Diseases of Tunica Yarjinalis. Hydrocole Rl 82 Sarcocele 1 a .642 1. 284 81) Varicooelo 4 2.247 1 1.196 2 1. 4.'i8 Total 4 2.S47 3 1.926 1 1.196 2 1.458 Diseases of Testicle. Acnte disease of te.sticle 84 1 .5ca l.Cio I. 124 1 1.196 8;. 86 Chronic disoaso of testicle Kotcntiou of testicle 0 2.265 2 1.458 Total ...; 6 3.371 0 2.265 1 1.196 2 1.458 (irand total ■' 59 33. 146 3 1. 9-20 3 3.398 4 4.785 4 2.915 DISEASES OF OKGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASF.S OF BOXES. Chionic disease of hones 87 3 2.809 4 2.915 DISEASES AND IN.IUKIES OF THE JOINTS. Ankylosis of joints 88 13 15 7.303 8.427 3 1-920 1 8 3 1.133 9.060 3.398 4 4.785 1 1.880 1 1 1 .729 .729 .729 89 Chronic disease of joints Dislocation of joints 1 .042 2 2.392 Total DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Cnrvaturo of spine 28 15. 730 4 2.567 12 13. 590 6 7.177 1 1.880 3 2.187 91 3 1.685 2 1.284 3 3.398 1 1.196 1 1.880 1 .729 msRASES OFTIIE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. Atrophy of limb oa 9 5.056 3 3.398 695 for each dinease and dimbilily on account of trhich HecntiUi and Subititatcs were found unfit for military atriict— ContiuuoU. PENNSTLVANIA-Contiimoil. CONOnESSIONAI. DISTRICTS. 17. 18. 19. 20. 31. aa. 23. •24. Total. Kx.iinin(9(l, l,H-IO. Exuinined, l/Jlj. Exnmiucd, 680. Examined, 712. Examined, l.:i71. Examined, 909. Exomined, ExnmiDed, Examined, 1,224. 37,674. t3 1 1 a 1 ■i i E u a 1 g 1 i 1 E 1 i i 1 (h a 9 'A 1 ■3 1 S a 3 in 1 'a" I .2 1 o t .2 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 a s s a • 71 72 73 74 3 .060 3 .080 1 .543 4 1 .106 .027 75 76 1 .M3 5 .133 1 .543 2 2. (Ml 1 1.100 18 .319 2 65 .053 1.725 78 79 1 .543 HO 1 .543 67 1.778 1 .543 1 .52i 8 7 39 .212 .186 1.035 f1 1 1.471 1 1.100 1 .588 1 1.404 3 8.188 1 .817 63 1 .543 a 1.044 1 1.471 1 1.404 3 8.168 1 1.100 1 .817 54 1.433 6 19 14 .159 .504 .372 3 1.5C7 1 1.471 1 1.404 1 .720 1 .817 85 BG 3 1. .'■>fi7 1 1.471 1 1.404 1 .729 1 1 .817 39 1.035 1 2 1.081 5 8. 611 8 a.'j4i 8 8.809 4 2.918 I 1. 100 2 1.G34 100 4.247 3 1.630 14 7.311 1.471 1 1.404 4 2.!ll8 2 " aon 3 £451 59 1.566 R7 - -- 9 3 4.891 1. KIO 1.087 6 4 3.133 a 089 I 1 5 1. 471 1.471 7.353 2 8.809 4 2.918 S I 5.5(11 1. lOO 3 1 1 1.638 .54C. .540 a 1.634 103 105 34 2.734 8.787 .902 88 H*1 1 1.404 1 .817 14 7.609 10 5.948 7 10. 894 3 4.213 4 S.918 6 C.G01 5 8.789 3 3.451 242 a 424 1 .543 3 1.507 1 1.471 1 1.404 9 9.901 88 S.177 ftl u :i.26l 7 3.655 1 1.404 1 .729 1 1 -2 1 n •»«> 1 .817 45 1.194 ^ . GOG Tablk No. 2:i—Shoiriiig, Inj States and Coiit/nnsioiiul Dwtrkts, the iiiimhcr rejected, and the ratio refected per 1,000 examined, ' ! PENNSYLVANIA— CoDtinned. DISEASES. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS, 11. 12. 13. 14. 1 15. 16. Examined, 1,780. Examined, l,5;i8. Examined, 883. Examined, 836. Examined, 532. Examined, 1,372. o ■s .2. t-i u g 5 !2; g u V a o S o 1 t a o g p< o ■§ M ■s Y •a 3 s '-A o © 1 8 1 % a 3 'A c "a 91! 95 DISEASES OF OEGAXS OF LOCOMOTION— Coutinued. Diseases of the Musculak Sys- tem— Uon tinned. Ducases o/ Tendon. 1 2 1.133 2 265 1 1.880 3 3.398 1 1.880 45 23.261 6 3.851 21 2.3.783 7 8.373 3 5.639 8 5.831 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. 06 2 i 1. 1-34 .M2 97 3 1.685 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. qa 1 10 3 .562 .■i. 618 1.685 1 9 3 1.133 10. 193 3.398 4 4 5 4.785 4.785 5.981 1 1.880 90 ino 2 1.284 2 1.458 14 7.865 2 1. -JSl 13 14.723 13 15. 550 1 1.880 2 1.458 COXDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. ini 10 3 13 5.618 1.685 7.303 1 .642 1 5 12 1 a 18 3 1.133 5. 663 1-3. 590 1 133 1 2 1 1.880 3.7.59 1.880 in-' Dfinrinitv of chest 2 3 2.392 3.589 1 10 .729 7.289 io:j 111) Pcmiaiieut physical debility Ilt'Iiixi'd iuguiual riDgs 25 16. 046 inr Over a^o 2 6 37 1.124 3.371 20. 787 2.265 20.335' 3.398 6 7 15 7.177 8.373 17. 943 1 1 52 .729 .7-29 37. 901 lOl L'udcragc 1 1 1.880 1.880 707 7 4.493 Graiiil total 71 39.888 33 21. 181 42 47. 565 33 39. 474 G 11.278 65 47. 376 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY 01' INJURY NOT SPECIFIED. Fractnreg lOf 1 10 .562 5.618 1 2 1.133 2.265 1 7 1. mo 8.373 1 1 1.880 1.880 nil 2 1.284 2 1.458 Total U U. 180 2 1.284 3 3.398 8 9.569 2 3.759 2 1.458 INJURIES AXl) BIALKOKMATIONS OF UrPEIt KXTKl-MlTllCS. Defects or ilcforniities of hand. . Loss of thumb IK 11 7 1 3.933 .562 1 .C4-2 1 1 1.133 1. 133 3 3.589 4 7.519 1 1 .7C9 .7-29 Total 8 28 4.494 15.730 1.124 1 2.265 3 3.589 4 7.519 o 1.458 INJURIK9 AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWEll EXTREMITIES. Defects or deforniitics of foot Loss of fn"cat too " 11'. 6 1 3.851 .642 G 1 C.795 1. 133 7 1 8.373 1. 190 4 1 2 915 . 7-29 Totol 30 16. 854 7 4.493 7 7.938 8 9.569 5 3.644 Grand total 49 27. 528 10 6.418 12 13. 590 19 22. 727 6 11.278 1 9 6.560 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal organs Grand total for all diseases. 114 o 1.124 1 .042 5 5. 663 3 3. 589 5 3.644 5S3 310. 074 99 G3.543 209 '330.693 154 184.211 47 8&34G 157 114. 431 697 for each dinease and dt«a2n7i(i/ on account of which Recruits and Substitutes were found unfit for military service — Continnod. — •- PENNSTLVAXIA-ConUoucd. CONCBESSIONAL III6TRICTS. ir. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Total. Exnmiiicd, l.g-IU. £x.iniincd, 1.915. Examined, 680. Examined, 712. ExamiDod, 1,371. Examined, 909. Examined, 1,832. Examined, 1,224. Examined, 37,674. 1 B 9 >5 s. o 1 S 9 g s. 1 1 "a? s o s 2 o o u o 1 1 V £" M a a -A u o a I" 1 a 'A 1 ■3 1 ? 1 3 3 c M ■ S Q Of ? 1 9 'A o '6 S § 1 1 'A o 1 1 1.100 1.100 14 5 3 .372 .133 .080 01 04 1 1.471 1 1.471 2 2.200 23 .584 n 13.043 34 17.755 10 14.700 6 8.427 0 6.565 31 23.102 5 2.729 7 5.719 450 11.945 1 1.471 10 7 .365 .186 00 1 .817 Vt 1 1.471 1 .817 17 .451 o 1.087 1.067 1.087 a c L044 3.133 3 S.Q4I 3 1 1.459 .729 1 4 iO 1.100 4.400 11.001 53 92 88 233 1.407 2.442 2.336 08 3 5 7.353 1 1. 471 1 1 .817 .817 99 •2 2 2.809 1 .546 100 « asoi 8 4.178 8 11.765 2 3.609 3 3.186 15 16.502 1 .540 2 1.634 6.185 3 14 6 4.413 20.588 8.824 1 2 5 .729 1.459 3.647 5 2 4 4.085 1.634 a 263 28 65 494 3 18(i 611 932 .743 1.725 laiia .OfO 4.937 16.218 2L739 101 1 27 .522 14.099 4 1 4.400 1.100 1 47 .546 23.655 10" 20 14.130 3 aeo9 103 104 12 C.522 1.630 4«.3;o 11 24 62 5.744 12.533 1 4 1.471 5.882 .■i. e»2 1 2 13 1.404 2.809 18.258 3 9 35 2.188 «.56.i 25.529 6 14 6.601 IS. 402 1.100 1 .546 24 17 .817 19. 608 13.889 105 106 f9 32. 376 4 130 70.652 125 65.274 33 47.059 18 25.381 55 40.117 30 28.603 49 26.747 53 43.301 2,319 61554 8 4.348 0.522 1 17 .532 8.877 1 1.404 1.404 1 6 .759 4.376 4 o 4.400 2.200 1 1.092 .546 1 5 .817 4. 0H5 65 170 1.725 4.512 108 12 4 5.882 109 30 10.870 18 9.399 4 5.883 8 2.809 7 5.100 n 0.601 3 1.638 6 4.902 235 &8J8 1 .543 1.087 1 1 ',- 1 .729 4 4.400 2 1.092 2 1.634 104 15 2.761 no o .522 .398 'in' i 2 3 1.630 2 1.044 1 .729 4 ! 4.400 1.092 2 1.034 119 3.159 7 3 i3fl4 6 3.133 4 5.883 4 5.018 o 1.459 5 5. ."iOl 1 .817 .817 IK 18 4.565 .478 113 2 1.0(j7 1 113 9 •!. 891 j C 3. i:0 ' < r. sua 4 5.618 3 1.459 S 5.501 2 1.634 190 5.043 ' 32 17. :m 26 13.577 8 1 11.765 6 a 427 10 7.394 15 16.S03 5 ■^729 10 8.170 544 14.440 5 2.717 1 .V29 3 2.200 81 a 150 114 i 378 jaOS. 435 i 323 169. 713 llCJn0.588J 59 e2.8r.3 161 117. 4.33 162 178.218 103 1 56. 323 t ■ in 97. 228 ' 7, 606 207. 199 88 698 Tablk No. ^—Showiiiij, by StaUi and Coiigrcsnionnl Dhfricis, the uumhr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,U0U examiiud, DISEASES. DELAWARE. MARYLAND. CONGKESSIONAL DISTRICT. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 1. 2. 3. Examined, :,4ai. Examined, 164. Examined, 1,265. Examined, 1,646. S u ? s a g o p. o Number rejected. o u f c a o o W r3 s I o a u 1:4 GENERAL DISEASES. 1 .608 " Total 1 .608 l\ 1 2 .690 1.398 4 3. 162 2 1.215 f; Scurvy 7 13 1 2 9. 08.1 .699 1. 398 35 3 9 18 27. 668 2.372 7.115 14. 229 28 4 26 17. Oil 1.215 2. 430 15. 796 8 1) Non-malignant tumors 10 Phthisis pulnionalis Total 19 13.277 69 54. 545 62 37. 667 1!) 13.277 69 54. 545 63 38. 275 DISEASES OF THE NEEVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OP THE BRAIN AND ITS MEMBRANES. 11 !■■> Chronic disease of brain i:i Sunstroke Total DISEASES OF THE NERVES. Paralysis 14 1 .791 2 1.215 GENERAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. Chorea ir. 1 2 .791 1.581 iii Epilepsy o 1 "15 17 Neuraljna IH Stammcriiig 1 .699 3 2.372 5 3 038 1 Total 1 .699 6 4.743 7 4.253 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism- 1!) 2 1.581 1.581 5 2 3.038 1.215 20 Imbecility Insanity 1 .699 '21 o»> Solitary vice ' Total 1 .699 4 3.102 7 4.253 Grand total 2 1. 398 11 8.696 10 9. 721 DISEASES AND IN.JTrRIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EVE. Cataract of right eyo ai 2 1 1.398 .699 3 4 2. 372 3. 162 1 10 .608 6.075 i!4 Loss ot sight, light eyo 1 1 0.098 6.098 25 Lossiif sight, left cyb 21) Partial ol sight, both eyes . . . 15 11.858 11 7 6. (i83 4. 253 27 Diseases oi the eyes Total 3 2. 096 2 12. 195 22 17. 391 29 17.618 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 28 1 .791 Grand total 2.096 2 12. 195 2:j 18. 182 29 17.618 699 for each disease and disahiliti/ on account of iihUh HirriiitK and Sub»a Ua-moi ihoids c:) IM-olajisus ani 04 Stricture of rectum Total ■ 13 10.277 12 7.290 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Acute disi^ase of liver... r..'i «; Chronic disease of liver i ."008" Total 1 .608 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acute disease of apleon fi7 1 .608 UH Chronic disease of spleen Total • 1 .608 Grand total 27 1 18. 868 5 30. 488 81 64. 032 164 99. 635 DISEASES OF THE URINARY SYSTliM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. Acute disease of kidiiev Chronic disease of kidney 70 .609 Total 1 .699 703 for each disease and disabilitt/ on account of which Recruits and Substitutes were found unfit for miUtary «enrioe— Continned. MAKrLAND— Continnod. COXGKKSSIONAI, DISTRICTS. Examined, 1,073. Examinod, (•^3. a e Tutiil. ExainiiifHl, S,U31. g DIST. COLDil- 15IA— Cont'd. COXG. DISTRICT. 1. Exnniinfid, 1,4)». WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. Examined, 1,082. a -i. Examined, 1,324. Examined, 4S3. 5 Total. ExamiDcd, 3,3.'>9. 3 .932 .932 .199 13. 048 30 a2.i;so 13.048 11.184 .93-2 10. 1»3 1.133 ». OGO 14.723 1.133 73 .398 .199 .795 .199 2.783 2. 584 4. .wa 19.280 IG. n»6 1.193 .817 19. 5-29 3.-J07 .673 8.081 2. (i94 3L030 8.918 2.378 .595 a2(>8 4.415 13. 24.'; 4.415 3.870 1.78G G.847 1.78fl .298 43 36.240 2.790 .932 2.265 1.133 3. 398 238 47.307 3fi.3(!4 32 .795 4.770 .795 4.714 30 G 4.902 .595 1.189 .199 4.714 . 6TJ .lf73 . 595 .595 43.802 G9.96C 33 •I--- - 10 22. 075 30.905 4.415 .298 .595 1&07C i()4 Table Nc>. 2'^—Siioi( imj, hy Slalm and Coiifivessiotial Districts, the number rejected, und the ratio rejected per 1,000 cxaminca, DELAWARE— Cont'd. MARYLAND— Continued. CO-N-GRF-SSIONAI, DISTRICT. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. DISEASES. 1. 1. tj_ 3. Examined, 1,431. Examined, 164. Exaroiuod, 1,205. Examined, 1,640. 1 a 3 Ratio per 1,000. NniiibcT rejected. o p. o 1 1 o 3 B g o o r6 O O a 3 Eafio per 1,000. 71 DISEASES OF THE UIUNARY SYSTEM— Contiuued. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. • 74 DISEASES OF TIIE URETHRA. 75 1 .6C8 76 Total 1 .608 , 1 .699 1 .608 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OR- GANS OF GENERATION. Diseases o/ Penis. Epispadia 77 78 U vposparlia V) 1 .699 1 0.098 12 9.486 4 2.430 80 Loss of penis Total 1 .699 1 6.098 12 9.436 4 2 430 Diseases of Tunica Vaginalis. ITvdrocele 81 fli Sarcocelo 1 12 .791 9.480 1 10 .608 6.075 83 Varicocele 25 17. 470 Total 23 17. 470 13 1 10.277 .791 11 6.683 Diseases of Testicle. Acute disease of testicle 84 5 3.494 H'o Chronic disease of testicle 10 6.075 t» Reteutiou of testicle Total I 5 3.494 4 3. 162 10 6. 07.-. 31 21. 663 1 6.098 29 22.923 25 15.188 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BONES. Chronic disease of lioncs 87 1 G.098 2 1.581 4 2.430 DISEASF-S AND INJURIES OF THE JOINTS. Ankylosis of joints 86 9 5 2 G.289 3. 494 1.398 • 8 2 1 fi. 324 l.Ssl .791 9 7 9 5. 468 4, 2.W 5. 468 fcll Chronic disease of joints UU Dislocation of joints 1 6.098 Total DISEASES OF THE SPINT!. Curvature of spino 16 11. 181 1 6. 098 11 8.696 25 15. 188 ill 8 5.590 4 3.162 19 1 1 11.543 DISEASES OF TIIE JIUSCULAli SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. Atrophy of I iiub 93 4 3. 162 4 3.430 705 for eacA A\»ea»e and disability on account of which Jtea-uits and Subalilutes tccrc found unfit for mililarji service — Coiit iiiuctl. MAETLAND— Continoed. DIST. COI.UM- BlA-CoDld. WEST VlRGINIA-ConUnucd. CONGRFSSIONAI. DISTRICTS. C0.\0. UISTIUCT. CONGHESflONAL DISTniCTS. 4. 3 Total. J. 1. a. 3. Tutal. Einmincd, i.orj. Examined, 883. Examined, S.03I. Examined, 1,485. Examined, 1,682. Examined, 1,224. Examined, 453. Examined, 3,3i9. '6 o 1 I s a o o 1 U o 1 s >5 g" I .£ 1 © 0 e n -A c 0 1 S. f u a 0 "A 0 g 0 1 i 1 1 u c "S 1^ 9 u V T* C 1 0 "A 1 6? 1 V 2. 1 J c 1 c u 1. 1 71 i .595 1 .298 7? 71 1 .595 1 .298 1 2 1.189 a .5;ts 1 .199 7S 76 1 .199 1 .199 2 1.189 2 4.415 4 1.191 77 1 .932 1 17 1 . 109 78 1379 .1<.9 1 .673 1 .595 1 .298 79 1 .932 M) 2 1.864 19 a 777 1 .673 1 .535 1 .298 2 1.664 2 5 37 .398 .994 7.354 S L347 1 .817 1 .298 81 3 1 3.398 1.133 W 14 13.048 e 5.387 3 1.784 3 .893 (n IG 14.911 4 4.5:10 44 8.746 10 6.734 3 1.784 1 .817 4 1.191 1 .933 .932 .932 2 IS 1 i982 .199 3 1.347 9A 1 I 1.133 m 1 86 3 2.796 1 1.133 18 3.578 0 1.347 21 19.571 5 5.663 81 16.100 13 a 734 4 2.378 1 .817 5 1.489 4 3.728 4 4.530 IS 2.988 I .595 1 .298 B7 3 S 3.398 5.663 20 19 12 3.975 3.777 2.385 6 6 2 4.040 4 040 1.347 1 1 1 .595 .595 .595 1 7 .817 5.719 2 8 2 .595 2.382 .595 88 5 4.660 .932 H9 1 1 2.206 no 6 5.592 8 9.060 51 10.137 14 9.428 3 1.784 8 6.5.-MS 1 2.208 12 a 572 1 1.133 24 4.770 4 1 2.694 91 3 3.398 11 2.186 .673 1 2.208 1 .29)< 92 89 TOG Table No. 23 — Shomng, l»j States and Congressional District."., the iiiimhcr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined. DELAWARE— Cont'd. MARYLAND— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. CONGRtS'dlONAL DISTRICTS. DISEASES. 1. 1. 2. 3. Examined, 1,431. Examined, 164. Examined, 1,265. Examined, 1,640. 'I* i Ratio per 1,000. i 1 a a g P. 1 % a 5 'A Ratio per 1,000. 1 u 3 0 "A o p< o O'i DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION— Continued. Diseases of the Muscular Sys- tem—Contiuned. I>iseas€s of Tendon. Muscular contractions 1 .008 *)') Total 1 1 .608 24 10.771 2 12. 195 21 10. 601 53 32. 199 DISEASES OF THE CEU-U- LAE TISSUE. Ifi 97 Obesity 1 .608 1 .608 DISEASES or THE CUTA- KEOUS SYSTEM. Cutaneous contractions 7 11 5 Ifl 4.892 7.667 3. 4',14 I 1 0.093 0.098 4 14 12 3. 102 11.0G7 9. 480 12 11 20 7. 290 6.083 12. 151 Ol lOO Ulcci s Grand total 23 16. 073 2 12. 195 30 23.715 43 20. 124 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- P.ILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OK LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of eiiest 101 1 5 SO .791 3.953 0.3. 241 ins Defoi-uiity of cbest 6 27 4.103 18. 868 15 113 9. 113 68. 651 io:< 104 Permanent physical debility llolaxed iiiguinal rings 1 C. 098 10") 1 11 1 .791 8. 096 .791 8 15 10 101 Under ago a 5 18. 293 30. 488 9 113 w~ 4 2.795 9.721 Grand total 37 25.850 8 54. 878 99 78. 201 ■167 101. 458 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF IXJUIIY NOT SPECIFIED. lYactures 108 8 14 5. 5110 0.783 9 10 7.113 7.903 29 4 17. G18 1 2.430 1U< Wounds ; Total 22 15. 374 19 15. 020 33 20.049 INJUlilES ANU MALFOltMATIOKS OF Ul'I'EH EXTIIEMITIES. Defects or deformities of hand .. Loss of thumb lie o 1.308 4 1 3. 162 .791 18 10. 930 111 Total 10. 930 2 33 1 1.398 5 3.933 18 INJL'BI]:S AND MALFOKMATIONS OF LOWEU EXTKEMITIE8. Defects or deformities of foot Loss of great too lis iia 23.061 .609 3 18. 293 15 11.858 21 3 12. T.'iS 1.823 Total 34 23. 700 3 18, 293 13 11.858 24 14. 581 Grand total 58 40.531 3 18.293 39 30. 8.',0 75 43. 505 UNCLASSIFIED. Orgaiiio discaso of internal organs Grand total for all diseases. IM 4 252 2. 793 170. 101 8 48. 780 1 .791 4 2.430 34 SOT. 317 483 331.818 794 482. 38J 707 for tach disease and dUabililij on account of which Eecruitt and Substilutes were found unfit for mUitarij service — Continued. MARYLAXD— Coutinucd. DIST. COLUM- BIA—Cont'd. WEST VIEGINLV— Continned. 1 COXGBESSIOXAL DISTKICTS. CONG. DISTRICT. CONGBF.SSIOXAL DISTUICTS. 4. 5. Total. X. 1. 2. 3. Total. Exatrined, :,U73. Examinetl, 883. Examined, 5,031. Examined, 1,485. Examined, 1,682. Examined, 1,224. Examined, 453. Examined, 3,359. •6 u s .a !25 d s O 5 .a a 0 i 5 0 ^- .a E 0 1 e s § u 0 .a a S 0 P. 0 1 0 0 s s. 0 1 ! a g i ■s OS (i 13 M a i .2 a 2 I.8C4 2 1 .398 .199 1 .673 IT 94 15 .1 1.684 3 .596 1 .073 4 12 11. 184 16 iai2o 104 20. 672 20 1.^ 468 2.378 8 6.536 2 4.415 14 4.168 1 .932 1 1 .199 .199 96 97 1 .932 2 .398 ■ ■ 1 .932 ".'932' 4 1 2 4 530 1.133 2. 265 22 27 35 4.373 5. 367 6. 9.'i7 13 1 0 8.754 .073 4.040 OS 1 1 .595 .595 1 3 .298 .893 99 2 1.634 100 1.864 7 7. 928 84 16. 690 20 13. 418 2 1.189 2 1.034 4 1.191 1 26 209 .199 5.168 41. 542 2 5 39 1.347 3.367 26.263 84 9 9 49.941 5.331 5.351 10 a 170 1 1 4 2.208 2.208 a 830 9*5 10 28 28.282 2.977 a 336 101 2.796 .932 3 14 3.398 15. 855 10? 1 15 12.255 103 104 7 18 la 6.524 IC. 775 16. 775 20 17 8 22. 650 19.253 9.0C0 36 64 43 7.156 la. 721 9.541 25 53 20 10.835 35.690 13. 4C8 6 4 13 3.567 2.378 7. 729 3 6 57 2. 451 4. 902 46. 509 9 18 88 2.679 5. 3.59 26. 198 lO'i 8 18 17. 660 39. 735 106 107 47 43.802 C2 70. 215 384 7C. 3S7 144 96. 970 125 74.310 91 74. 340 32 70. 040 248 73. 831 6 1 5.592 .932 SB 1 31. 710 1.133 72 16 14.311 3.180 14 9 9. Y<% 6.061 2 6 1.189 3.567 2 3 1. 634 2.451 4 11 1.191 3.275 109 2 4. 415 109 7 6.524 29 33. 843 88 17. 492 23 15.488 8 4.756 5 4.085 2 4.415 15 4.466 4 3.728 2 1 2.265 1.133 28 0 5.505 .398 10 1 6.734 .673 1 .595 4 a 830 5 1.489 110 111 3.728 3 3.398 30 5.963 11 7.407 1 .595 4 a 830 5 1.489 5.592 .932 45 4 8.945 .795 7 2 4.714 1.347 5 2.973 4 3.268 9 2.679 112 I 1 113 6. 524 49 9.740 9 6.061 1 5 2.973 4 3.208 9 2.679 18 16. 775 32 36.240 167 33. 194 43 2a 956 14 a 323 9 7.353 6 13.245 29 a 634 13 2.584 1 19 12.795 5 4.085 5 1.489 114 ........ 190 177.074 270 305.776 1,771 352. 017 465 313. 131 239 14a 093 161 131.536 69 152.318 469 139. 623 708 Taisli: No. 'a— Showing, by Slaks and Congressional Districts, llw number rcjccled, and the ratio rt-jietcd per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. KENTUCKY. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Examined, 760. Examined, 023. ExamiQed, C03. Examined, 790. Examined, 1,109. Ex.amined, 1,009. Examined, 505. Examined, 145. V Q •1 0 1 r6 'E u S § u 0 -3 — a) ? u i d g 0 c; ID 1 1 § 0. •1 d (y P< 0 1 u 1 d !2i 1 ■d 1 a 1 1 "37 a CD P4 .2 1 1 GENERAL DISEASES. 1 = ^ 3 4 5 G 7 1 1. 272 3 1 4.975 1.058' 1 1.250 1 .935 1 1.770 Svuhiiis 1 1 2 2 .803 .863 1.726 1.726 2 3 1 4 1.871 2.806 .935 3. 743 8 1 1.058 10 1 1.058 Total 1 1.272 6 9.950 1 1.256 6 5.177 11 10.290 1 1.770 1 1. 272 0 y. 950 1 1.250 0 5. 177 11 10.290 1 1.770 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND ITS UEUUUANES. Acute disease of brain 11 1"? VI SiinfttroVe . Total DISEASES OF THE NERVES. Paralysis :— = 14 GENERAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SYSTEM. Chorea * IS 111 17 Ifi Stammoring 3 4.975 1 1.256 Total 3 4.975 1 1.250 DISORDEltS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism 19 20 Imbecility 2 3.317 Ul Insanity 22 Solitary vice Tot^l ... 2 3.317 Grand total S 8.292 1 1.256 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND DiJURIRS OF TUB EYF.. Cataract of right eve 1 1 .935 1.871 .935 .... 23 24 Loss of sifiht, right eyo 2 3.317 2 3.540 2:. Loss of sight, let t eye 20 27 I*jirtial loss of sight, both eyes . . 1 I. G05 Diseases ol the eyes 1 1.250 1 . 935 Total 1 1.605 ^- 3.317 1 1.250 5 4.077 2 3.540 DISEASES OP Tim EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids = 28 1 Gramltotal 1 1 1.C05 2 3.317 1 1.250 5 4.677 2 3.540 1 = 1 709 for each disease and disaVililii on account nf which Eecruita and Suhstilutes were found unfit for miUtary Venice — Continncd. KENTUCKY. illSSOUKI. CONG. DISTRICTS. CONGUESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 9. Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. Examiii'd, ■lUJ. EsaminVl, 6,119. Examiii'd, 2,653. ExaminM, 2,102. Ss.innn'd, 22. Ssamin'd, 12. Examin'd, 30. Examin'd, 4. Examin'd, 860. ExaniiDcd, 317. Examined, So. Eiamined, 6,150. t3 o t s a s u §. o ■s a M 5 1 g o 1 u O S o s p. O 1 '6 S o o s B i o a 1 s e g p. rs S o ¥ M s g c u a g o P4 ¥ D i .2 "S f § B i o P4 13 to O O t 1 i S2| i o 1 -a u 4) U s C 12; g 1 f .. * 13 1 2 ^ = = 4.902 .377 .754 13 5 6 2114 .813 .976 3 6 2 .976 .325 1 3 .476 1.427 3 35.294 4 1 1.155 ■i 6 3 5 5 7 .488 .813 .813 1.138 62 1 1 9 23. 379 .377 .377 3.394 62 2 29.496 .951 1 11.111 1 1.155 a 6.309 128 3 1 18 20. 813 .488 .163 2.927 7 8 a 4.963 q 8 3.806 1 1.155 10 " O 4.963 C8 4.554 89 3.3. 500 76 36. 156 1 11.111 3 3.404 2 6. 3C9 3 35. 294 174 28.293 " o 4.D63 ■M 4.554 89 33. SCO 76 36. 156 > 11.111 3 3.464 2 6.309 3 35 294 174 28.293 11 1 45.455 1 .163 12 13 " 1 1"* 1 1 45. 455 ' 1 .163 " " 1 "' ^^^ 1 11.765 1 .163 14 ____ 1 15 • 1 .476 1 1.155 2 .325 16 ^ 17 ■■ 4 .651 1 .377 1 .163 18 4 .651 1 .377 1 .476 1 1 3 1.155 1.1.15 3.404 3 5 7 .488 .813 1.138 :=:: ■» 1 1 .377 .377 3 3 1.427 1. 427 19 1 3.481 3 .488 20 21 22 1 a 481 3 .488 2 .754 0 2.854 4 4 fiin 12 1.951 2.764 1 — 1 2.481 7 1.138 3 1.131 7 3.330 1 45. 435 5 5.774 1 11. 765 17 1 C 1 1 2 .163 .976 .163 .163 .325 6 10 2.262 3.771 2 8 .951 3.806 2 1 2.309 1.155 10 19 1.626 3.089 23 24 •.>;. 4 14 L.TOS 5.279 2 17 . g.-ii 8.088 ... 1 11.111 2 1 2.309 1.155 1 11. 765 10 32 1.620 5.203 2fi 27 ■* 11 1.789 34 12 821 29 13. 790 .. 1 1 11.111 6 6.928 ■-1 1 11.765 71 11.545 2 .951 2 .325 28 11 1.789 :34 12.821 31 |l4.718 '_:_ -1 1 11.111 |.. 6 6.928 ... 1 1 11.705 73 11.870 710 T.UiLE No. 23—Sliowiiiy, hij Slates and Congressional Districts, the number rijrcted, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, KENTUCKY— Continued. COXGBESSION.tL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DISEASES. Examined, 78C. Examined, 023. Examined, G03. Examined, 700. Eximiiiicd, J, 150. Exainnied, 1,009. Examinoil, 5GJ. ExnmiDcd, 145. i 1 1 s %. .2 1 M a § P. 1 a? 1 3 d s t s E 3 o s .2 s s d H. .2 1 i d § ft 1 .1 1 ft o 1 rs PALATE. Cleft palate 48 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acut 0 disease of .stomach 4i . 32.5 0. 342 2.114 .813 51 25 43 1 45 21 3 9.427 10.214 .377 10. 008 7.919 1.131 32 17 2 20 0 1.5. 224 8.088 . 9.-1 12. 309 2.954 1 11.705 58 61 3 75 27 5 9.431 9.919 .488 12. 195 4.390 .8)3 5'' 2.481 2.481 4.903 2.481 2.481 1 11. Ill 1 51 o 3 3.464 1 3. 15.5 55 1 50 2 2.309 58 50 ., 00 7 17. .170 08 11. 059 isgL'ig 03fi \t<\ 39. 480 1 11.111 5 5.774 1 3.155 1 11.705 221? 37. 230 ] ^^^^ ■ ~~ = 1 .103 e 5 2.2fi9 1. 885 6 .970 i.7ta 01 S 2. 378 1 11.705 0" 03 04 ' 1 .103 11 4.148 5 2.379 1 11.705 17 2.704 ^^^ 05 no "^ =^ = 07 68 22. 333 78 12. 085 190 55.180 1 11.111 5 5.774 1 3.155 4 47.059 317' 51.545 m 70 1 ■ =c= — 90 714 TABii-E No. 23— Showing, by States and Vongrcssioiial Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. KENTUCKY— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTUICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Examined, 76G. Examined, 623. Esaminotl, G03. Examined, 796. Examined, 1,15iseases of Testicle. Acato disease of testicle =^^ Chronic disease of testicle Eoteutiou of testicle 1 1.272 1 .935 ' Total 1 " ■ — 1.272 1 .935 Grand total 1 1.272 1 1.C05 2 1.720 0 8.419 1 1.770 DISEASES OF OEGANS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF liONES. Chronic disease of bones ■ DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE JODiTC. AnUylnais of joints 1 7 2 1.G58 11.009 3.317 (Jironic disease of Joints 1 .863 1 .935 1 'i.™ '" Disloaition of joiuts Total . . . . ' ■ ■ ■ 10 10. 584 1 .8G3 1 .935 1 1.770 DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Curvature of spino 1 .935 DISEASF.B OF THE SIUSCULAIl STSTEM. IHscases of Muscle. Atrophy of limb .... 1 1.6W 1 1.25S 1 .935 i [ . — . --"-■ — ■ -- ^= =^~== -^^= ' =^=: 715 for each dhcasc and disabillli) on account of ichich Eccntits and Substitutes were found unfit fur mililarij aerrice — Continued. KESTrCKY— Comiuued. MISSOUKI— Continued. COXG. DISTRICTS. COXGRIiSSIOXAL DISTltlCTS. 9. Total. 1. i>_ 3. 4. a. i 6. 7. 8. 9. Total. Exarain'tl, 403. Sx.imiu'il, 6,140. Examin'd, 2,052. Ssamin'd, 2,102. Sxamiu'd, 22. . Sxamin'd, 12. 90. Sxamiii'd. 4. <::£auiiu'd, 8G6. Exaiuiucd, 317. Examined, 83. Examined, 6,150. 13 8 M B C 1 JO 'c? o a § p. 1 s g o p. .2 13 u o a d 1 U s o s 2 1.072 1 .313 1 1.185 17 Ncxiralgia 18 Stammering 1 .509 1 .306 2 .800 1 .090 2 1. 072 3 .936 Total 3 2 2 1. 528 1.019 1.019 1 2 4 .300 .612 1.224 4 5 2 1. 720 2 1.379 4 2.144 4 1.248 1 1.185 DI60KDEES OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism in 2.151 .800 1 3 .312 .936 au Tmbocility 3 2. 009 2 1.072 i!l Insanity . . . . aa Solitary vice Total 4 2.038 G 1.835 7 3.011 3 2. 009 2 1.072 4 1.248 Grand total 9 9 8 1 1 11 4. 585 4. 585 4.075 .509 .509 5.C04 7 5 14 5 10 2.141 1.530 4. 283 .300 1.530 4.894 11 1 12 4.731 .430 5.1G1 5 6 3.448 "•i.'ise 7 3.731 1 .493 8 2.496 1 1.185 DISEASES AND IN.TUKIES OF TOE EYE AND EVELIDS. DIStASES AND I.N.ILIllES OF THE EVE. ("ataract of right eve Loss of sight, right cyo Loss of sight, Icit cyo =3 2) as ".536 '2' '".'985 4 1.248 .... "i.'ies a; I'artial loss of sight, both eyes . .. Diseases of the eyes 10 4 4.301 1.720 7 1 4.838 .090 1 3 .493 .985 5 5 1.500 1.560 . . . . 4 2.144 Total 30 1 1.5. 283 . 509 41 17 12. 542 5.200 27 11.613 14 1 9.655 .0110 5 2.680 5 2.463 14 4.308 1 1.185 DISEASES OP THE EVELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids 28 Grand 1 31 ,15. 792 58 17. 742 27 11.013 _1 10. 345 5 2.680 J, 2. 463 14 4. 368 1 1.183 719 for each disease and disaMliiy on account of uhicli Rccriiits and Suhstiiutes teere found unfit for miVitary service — Continued. OHIO. CONGBESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ir. 18. 19. Total. Examin'd, 1,975. Sxamiu'd, 1,928. Sxamin'd, 2,070. Ssannn'd, 2,075. Examin'd, 1,790. Examin'd, 933. Examin'd, 1,860. Examin'd, 1,720. Examin'd, 1,778. Examined, 2,440. Examined, 1,339. Examined, 36,878. 1 g 5 u it E o ID ■5 1 -a a S u p< 0 1 13 0 s § 0 u ID P. 1 0 G 0 g U a A 0 1 '£■ u .0 a 1 % % ? % .a a 0 8. i 0 1 'E .a a g © 1 5 0 0 'E u 3 3 g u P. 0 1 a 0 g i rz 'E .a i S5 0 1 1 CJ a s 0 p. 0 3 1 .081 .027 .108 1 1 .483 0 1 .482 4 ^= = = 1 1 .581 .581 1 2 .409 .818 3 33 15 .081 .895 .407 3 1 .519 2 .966 1 5 .482 2.410 4 4 2.227 2. 227 1 .536 1 .502 4 2.987 4 5 t; fi 3.038 2 1 013 1.037 2 '2 6 IS .960 '.'900" 2. 899 12 3 5.783 1.446 7 3.898 2 1.072 3 2 1 2 1.744 1.163 .581 1.163 9 5.062 29 11.856 3 1 2 8 2.240 .747 1.494 5.975 193 26 43 119 5.233 .705 1. 220 3.227 7 2 1 1 1 1.072 1. 072 1. 072 R g 4.051 7.089 3 5 1.670 2.784 2 5 1. 073 2.080 3 11 1. 087 0.187 2 12 .818 4.900 "1 14 5 2.593 13 0.265 10 30 15. 190 8 4.149 5.797 34 16. 386 S3 12.800 3 3.215 10 5.359 10 5.814 24 13. 498 46 18. 800 18 13. 443 434 11.709 11. 877 3D 15. 190 8 4.149 12 5.797 35 10. 607 23 12. 806 3 3.215 10 5.309 '1 5.814 24 13. 498 46 18. 800 18 13. 443 438 11 1" 13 1 .536 5 .130 14 — =^ = ^ '^^^ "~ 1 1 .409 .409 1 21 .027 .509 15 1 .519 2 .964 5 2.784 2 1.072 1 .747 Ifi 17 4 2.075 5 2.410 1 .5.57 20 .543 1.139 18 ... ... 5 2.593 7 3. 373 0 3.341 2 1.072 2 .818 1 .747 42 1 2 1 .500 1.013 .506 1 7 .482 3.373 1 2 . 5.'i7 1. 114 1 1.072 1 2 .562 1. 125 1 4 .409 1.635 10 40 1 .434 1.085 .027 19 2 1. 0.37 2 .966 1 .530 1 .581 1 .747 20 91 22 4 2.023 2 1.037 2 .966 8 3.855 3 1.070 1 I. 072 1 .536 1 .581 3 1.637 5 2.044 1 .747 57 1.546 a. 820 4 2. 025 7 3. 031 2 .966 15 7.229 9 5.011 1 1.072 4 2. 144 1 .581 3 1.087 7 2. 862 2 1.494 104 1 1 .500 .506 0 2 1.072 1.072 1 10 .409 4.088 '3 " '2.246 23 85 3 SO 07 .024 2.305 .081 1.519 i.ei7 23 3 1.550 4 1.932 7 1 3.373 .482 3 1.070 1 1.072 7 3.937 24 25 1 1 .519 .519 4 1.9J2 3 1 1.070 ..557 '2' 2.144 2 2 1.072 1.072 3 1.744 3 1 1.687 .502 s 10 3.271 4.088 3 1 2.240 .747 20 1 .500 5 2.410 27 3 1.519 5 2.593 8 3.865 13 0. SC5 7 3.898 3 3.215 8 4.287 3 1.744 11 0.187 29 11.850 7 5.228 234 0.345 .542 6.888 1 .536 20 23 3 1.519 5 2 593 8 1 3. 865 13 j 0.S65 7 3. 898 1 3 3.215 9 4.823 3 1.744 11 0.187 29 11.830 7 1 5.228 254 720 T.\Eu: No. 23— 5/ioiriH(7, 6^; Slates and Congressional Dtstriels, the number rejceiecl, and the ratio rijectcd pei- 1,000 examined. DISEASES. OHIO— Contiuned. CONGRKSSIO.N.VL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4 5. 0. ?• 8. Examined, 1,9C3. Examined, 3,209. Examined, 2,325. Ex.imined, 1,450. Examined, 1,666. Examined, 2,030. Examined, 3,205. Examined, 844. 1 •s? 1 'A S o i ■1 o .a S 3 § o u o Pt o 1 t •a a § \ o 1 V 1 ? % a s •a o 8 U i e o s u P< •1 o e •A 8 %. O 1 1 % g 8 P< 1 '6 •a 1 i s 9 P. o 1 20 30 31 DISEASES OE THE EAE. 1 .690 e 3.057 5 1.530 o .860 2 1. 072 1 .493 1 1.185 6 3.057 5 1.530 2 .860 1 .090 2 1.1.72 1 .493 1 1.185 DISEASES AND IN.TUEIES OF THE XOSE. 1 .430 1 .430 DISEASES OF THE CIECTJ- LATORT SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND ITS MEMB EASES. Acnto disease of heart 5 95 ?1 2. 547 48. 395 1 1 .493 .493 I .306 5 2.151 5 3.448 5 2.680 3 .936 5 5.924 Total 100 50. 942 1 .306 5 2.151 5 3.448 5 2.C80 2 .985 3 .936 5 5.924 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. Aneurism in Diseases of the Teins. Varicose veins •" n 35 17. 830 55 16.825 19 8. 172 17 11.724 0 3.215 5 2.463 44 13.729 9 10. 664 Total 35 17. 830 55 10. 825 19 8.172 17 11. 724 6 3.215 5 2. 463 44 13. 729 9 10. 664 Grand total 135 68.772 56 17. 131 24 10.323 22 15. 172 11 5.895 7 3.448 47 14.605 14 16. .ISS DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THYUOID GLAND. Goitre 3? 3 1.528 Grand total.. 3 1.528 DISEASES OF THE EESPIRA- TOKY SYSTEM., DISEASES OF THE LAKYSX. Fistula of the larynx 39 l-L-NCTIOXAL AFFECTION'S OF THE LAUV.VX. Loss of voice ^ 40 1 4 2 It .509 2.038 1.019 5.604 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA AXD URO.NCIII. Bronchitfs 7 2,141 "■ .... .. . — .... 41 1 .312 DISEASES OK THE LUNG. Acute disease of Iuu2 ... ... 42 1 . 4.30 o 2.370 4J Ckrouio disoaac of lung o .612 1 .690 DISEASES OF THE IM.EIMIA. CUronio pleurisy 13 6.623 2 .012 1 .430 1 .690 == = — 2 2.370 44 1 .312 Gniiid total 18 9.170 9 2.733 1 .430 1 .690 1 .493 2 .624 o 2. 370 721 /or cadi disease and disability on account of nhich Eccruits and Siihstiiiitcs war found unfit for militarij service— Contxnneii, OHIO— ContiDued. CONOEESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Total. Exaiuiu'd, 1,975. Examin'd, 1,928. Examiu'd, 2,070. Examiu'd, 2,075. E.xiirain'd, 1,796. Examin'd, 933. Examin'd, 1,806. E.xamiu'd, 1,720. Examin'd, 1,778. Examined, 2,416. Examined, 1,339. Examined, 36,878. i 1 a 3 >5 s p< o o o o 1 1 E M a o g o o t o .a E P o o t ■E u o a § o_ %. .2 1 S a s i .a a 3 s 1 1- i a 3 g a .2 1 1 M a g a 1 •6 1 i i 1. •3 S s 1 a o t3 O 1 t-l M a 3 d g. .2 1 3 1.556 1 .483 1 .557 1 .536 1 .562 8 .217 "t m 2 .966 1 .536 1 .581 1 .562 5 2.044 27 .732 •11 3 1.550 2 .906 1 .482 1 .557 2 1.072 1 .561 2 1.125 5 2 044 35 .949 .... 1 1 .557 .557 1 3 .027 .081 T> 1 .482 31 1 .482 2 1.114 4 .108 2 23 .964 n. 084 1 8 .747 5.975 9 209 .244 5.667 5.911 34 8 4.051 3 1.556 1 .483 11 6.125 2 2.144 7 3.751 O 1.163 4 2.250 20 8.177 35 8 4.051 3 1.556 1 .483 25 12. 048 U 6.125 2 2.144 7 3.751 2 1.163 4 2.250 20 8.177 9 6.721 218 .50G 1 9 .519 1 .536 3 294 .081 7.972 8.054 36 8 4.051 4.668 10 4.831 10 4.819 16 8.909 3 3.215 5 2.680 6 3.488 10 5.624 17 6.950 10 7.468 37 9 4.557 10 5.187 10 4.831 10 4.819 16 8.909 3 3.215 6 3.215 (> 3.483 10 5. 624 17 C.950 10 7.468 297 17 8. COS 1.013 13 6.743 11 5.314 35 16. 867 27 15. 033 5 5.359 13 0.967 8 4.651 14 7.874 37 15. 127 19 14. 190 515 6 13. 905 .163 o 1 .483 3R " 2 1.013 1 dR^ 1 6 .163 1 , ■•■1 1 .027 39 1 .519 * 1 .747 3 .081 40 4 1 3 4 2.227 .557 1.670 2 .818 18 .488 41 3 1.440 9 32 .244 .868 43 1 .483 1 .581 13 5.315 43 ... 1 .483 3 1.44C 2 227 ... 1 .581 13 5.315 41 1.112 1 .027 1. 735 44 1 .519 1 .483 3 1.446 8 4.454 =— == 1 .581 L— 15 6.132 1 .747 64 91 722 TaUI-K Nil. "Jl! Shiiifiiit/, hij Sidles iiiiil Cotitirinxiondl Districts, tin jiiimhcr rijiilfd, ami tin ratio rijiettd per 1,000 exaitiiiicd. DISEASES. • OHIO— Continued. CONGRF.SSIONAI. DlSTltlCTS. 1. 8. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Examined, 1,0G3. Examined, 3,209. Exaoiiucd, 2,325. Examined, 1,450. Examined, 1,866. Examiucd, 2,030. Examined, 3,205. Examiucd, 844. 1 ¥ 1 0 s c 1 1 s 0 g 0 1: 1 1 £ |2i § 0 s .a a g s. 0 I 1 g 0 1 i i t-. E la; s C ' i F' c s » t5 0 g. 0 .£ 1 1 •s? 1 1 1 1 0 :s « 45 DISEASES OF TDE DIGE.ST- IVE SYSTEM. riSF.A.SESANIlINJUniESOPTIIEJAW. 1 .509 Total 1 .509 DISEASES, MALVOUilATIOXS, AND Hi- JUBIES OK THE TEETH, GUMS. AND ALVEOLI. Loss of tetth • 7.954 20 11.183 47 23 11. 717 2C 8 5.517 22 11. 790 2 .985 40 12.480 3 3.555 mSEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palato 4R 1 .430 1 .493 1 .312 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Aciile disease of stomach 40 no 19 5.812 Total 19 5. 812 DISEASES OF THE IXTESTINES. Chronic diarrlicea , . . - SI 1 5 7 1 37 15 .509 a 547 3.500 .509 18. 849 7.041 0 12 1 .612 3.071 .:>00 v 2 ■ 13 2 1 -.860 1.290 .430 10. 3''J 5.591 .800 .430 3 1 ii: 23 0 2.009 1. 379 .OilO 12.414 i,\ ses 1.379 1 1 .536 . 5S6 7 3.448 0 .624 1 1. 185 KI Hernia, umbilical r.4 llciiiia, ventral 10 22 2 .312 4.992 6.864 .624 "4 4 "4.739 4.739 55 r>« f)7 Hernia, viijlit inguinal lleruia, Ii'tt inguinal Uomia, double inj^iiiniU 53 54 8 16. 213 16. 519 2.447 23 17 4 12.320 9. 110 2.144 .18 llerniu, ri i;ht femoral 1 1. 185 .w Hernia. lell lemnral no Hernia, ilonble femoral Total DI.SEASES OF THE KECTUM AND ANUS. Fistula in ano " CO 33. 022 130 3 13 39. 708 40 19.785 49 33. 7»3 40 24. 652 7 3.448 43 13.417 10 11.818 Gl .918 3.97V 1 4 1 .430 1.720 .430 1 0 .690 4.138 1 .312 tii namoi rhoids K) Prolapsus ani • (i'l Stricture of rectum ' "■ Total .• 10 4.894 6 2. .581 7 4.828 1 1 .312 DISEASES 01' THE I.mjll. Acute disease of liver (Jlirouic disease of liver "4 4 '2.038 cr. "i ^'".'360 iii> 1 .690 Total .... 2.038 1 .306 1 .690 .... .... R^ DISEASES OF THE Sl'LERN. Acute dis(!as(^ of 8()leen liH Clironic disease oi si>lecn Total "' Grandtotal DISEASES OF THE DEINAEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. Acute disease of kidney " 94 47. 886 192 58.734 79 33. 978 65 44, 828 68 36. 442 10 4. 926 85 26.521 13 15. 403 6!) VU C brouic disease ol k iduey 4 1.224 Total 1'""' ~ r^^ r^ -Himi IHI 11 — "" '" ...- 723 for end disease and disahilili/ on account of icliich necruits and StiJistilufes recre found tfnfil for mililanj service— Continued. OHIO— Continncd. CONOllRSSIOXAL IIISTJIICTS. 9. 10. n. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Total. Esamiii'il. 1,975. ExainiirtI, 1,923. Esaniiii'd, 2,070. Exaniin'il, 2,075. Bxamiu'il. 1,796. Examin'd, 933. Esaniiu'd, Exnmin'il, 1,800. 1,720. Exauiin'd, 1,778. Ex.inune(], 2,440. Examined, ..1,339. Examined, 30,878. 1 t 1 o s p. s a 1 o £ o .£ 1 O o a; •o- s § o P4 s 'c? 1 s o o_ o a. .2 I a s o s. K -3 1 B 3 g O a 1 .a s o 1 M B § i c 1 '6 .a S a •a § P4 c 1 u e P. "S s ¥ S o g. 0) 1 ¥ o E s !2i i 1 .531 1 .409 .409 3 2 .081 .054 45 46 1 .557 1 .357 1 .581 a .818 5 .136 7.674 . . .. 4 2.025 4 2.075 8 3.863 20 9.039 24 13. 363 4 4.2e7 15 8.039 7 1 4.070 ..581 12 6.749 2b 11. 447 7 5.228 283 47 1 .483 1 .557 2 1.072 1 .409 9 .244 48 1 2 .747 1.494 1 28 .027 .739 .786 .217 2. 169 .651 .407 9. 599 7.186 1.003 .407 .136 .027 49 50 1 .500 2 .904 1 .357 1 1.072 1 .381 1 .562 1 .506 2 .904 1 .557 1 1.072 1 .581 1 .562 3 2.240 29 2 4 2 1 37 12 3 .904 1. 928 .964 .482 17. 831 5.783 1.440 1 1 1.072 1.072 1 1 1 61 2.'> 0 5 .409 .818 .409 .409 24. 939 10. 221 2. 453 2.044 1 .747 8 80 24 15 334 203 37 15 5 1 51 52 53 .34 55 56 57 38 59 1 .506 15 7. 760 2 7 3 19 ■22 1 1.114 3.898 1.670 in. 579 12.249 . 557 13 6.967 9 5.233 1 .5C6 10. 127 10. 127 3.038 .506 2 5 5 1.037 2.593 2.593 3 15 14 1 i.6i7 8.436 7.874 .502 £0 20 2 3 1 4 3 .966 .966 .483 1. 932 1.449 1 1 1.072 1.072 5 5 2.680 2.680 3 4 1.744 2.326 11 7 1 1 8.215 5.228 .747 .747 1 2 1 1.163 1.163 .581 60 27 49 24. 810 14. 004 12 5.797 61 29. 398 54 3 5 30. 067 4 4.267 23 1 11 326 21 12.209 33 ia360 102 41. 701 21 15. 683 804 21. 802 1 .500 o 1. 037 1 1 .483 .483 1 .482 1.670 2.784 .536 1 3 .747 2.240 10 39 1 .434 1.038 .027 01 2 2.144 2 1. 163 3 1.226 6? .506 o 1. 037 o .966 1 .482 8 4.434 2 2. 144 1 I .530 2 1.163 3 1.226 4 2. 9a7 56 1.519 1 3 1.744 1 .747 4 9 .108 .244 n't 1 .506 1 .482 1 .557 66 .506 1 .482 1 .537 1 ...1 3 1.744 1 .747 13 .353 67 68 1 5G 28. 354 33 17. 110 22 10.628 86 41. 446 90 50.111 |ll ill. 790 41 |21.972 36 20. 930 40 23. 872 130 55.001 36 20.860 1,190 31313 Ot 1 .482 • 1 .747 6 .103 70 1 .482 L__l ...| 1 .747 G .163 -— — 1 724 Tabi.k No. 2^^—Shou•tng, hij Statcn and Congressional Disiricis, the imnxber rejected, an A the ratio rejected j)cr 1,000 examined, DISEASES, t OHIO— Continued. " CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1 i 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Examined, 1,963. Examined, 3,269. Examined, 2,325. Examined, 1,450. Examined, 1,860. Examined, 3,030. Examined, 3,205. Examined, 844. O e § a P< O 1 o 'E s CJ B 1 § o u M 2 8 Pi _o 1 1 a d s o 1 £ CJ s ;5 d p P< .2 1 •B o a. '£' o .=3 a 3 d s P« o '■§ s 1 o o .2 1 DISEASES OF THE UEINAEY SYSTEM— Continned. DISEASES OF THE BLADDEIl. Chronic diaoaso uf bladder Incoutinouce of urino 1 .509 Total 1 .509 DISEASES OP THE UKETHIiA. Stricture of urethra _ Urinary fistula Total 1 .509 4 1.224 DISEASES OF THE GENEKA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJUUIES OF OU- GANS OF GENERATION. Diseases of Penis. Epispadia Hypospadia 1 10 .300 3.059 1 .312 Gonorrhcea 28 14. S6i Loss of penis Total 28 14. 2C4 1.019 11 2 .'1. 365 .012 1 3 1 16 .313 Diseases of Tunica Vaginalis. Hydrocele I 1 9 .430 .430 3,871 4 2 2.144 1.072 2 2 "'.'98.5 .985 .930 .312 4.992 Sarcocelo 7 24 ' 4.' 828 10. 552 Varicocele 15 7. 641 17 5.200 3 3. i55 Total.. 17 2 G 8. COO 19 5. el2 11 4. 731 31 21. 379 « 3.215 4 1.970 20 0.240 3 3.555 Diseases of Testicle. Acute discasB of testicle 1.019 3.057 2 2 .800 .800 1 2 .090 1.379 ( 'hronic diseaso of testicle Koten tion of testicle 4 2 1.224 .012 1 1. 185 Total 8 4.0-5 0 1.835 4 1.720 3 2. 009 1 1. 11-5 Grand total 53 2 C G 8 2G. 999 1.019 3.057 3.057 4.075 30 G 11.013 1.835 15 3 G.452 1.290 34 23. 448 G 3.215 4 1.970 21 6.552 4 4.739 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOM0TI0>f. DISEASES OF U0NE8. Chronic disease of bones I^DISEASES AND INJUUIES OF THE JOLNTS. Ankylosis of joints 4 2.T59 3 1. 608 2 .985 2 .024 2 G 8 .012 1.835 2.447 4 7 1.720 3.011 1 9 1 .090 C,207 .690 i i 1 2.080 .536 .536 4 11 1.970 5.419 8 5 2 2,406 1. 510 .024 3 2. 370 3.555 Chronic disease of joints Dislocation of joints Total 20 10. 188 ii; 4.894 U 4.731 11 7. .586 7 o 1 3.751 1.072 13 7.389 15 4.OS0 5 5. 924 DISEASES OF THE SIMXE. Curvature of spine 3 1.52b 13 1 3.97- .200 5 1 2.151 .430 4 2 2.759 1.379 1 .493 G 1. 872 DISEASES OF HIE iMUSClJl.AU 8V6TEM. DiiroKes (1/ Muwle. Atrophy i,( limb .530 3 .93G = == 725 for cacli disease and disahUitii on account of which Recruits and Suisiitutes iccrc found unfit for military scrricc — Continncd. OmO— Continued. COXGRESSIOXAL UI8TBICTS. 9. 10. n. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ly. IS. 19. Total. Exainin'tl, 1,975. ] ^^xaminM,' 1,928. Ex.iniin'd, 2,070. Examin'd, 2,075. Exaniin'd. 1,796. Sxamin'd, 933. Esaniin'd, 1,866. Sxnmin'd. 1,720. Sxamin'd, 1,778. Examined, 2,440. Examined, 1,339. Examined, 36,878. s M a a o 1 i 1 t- 8 o_ P. 0 S 0 GJ i B p. JO 1 i a; 'E a a 0 0 E3 1 1 u g, .2 P4 'c? i e 'A I 1 1 g a s 0 0 a: 5 a i 1 0 1 E c 0 i •a 5 M C 0 1 1 § i. 1 '6 0 0 0 g 0 c c: Pi • 71 1 .562 1 .027 79 73 1 .027 74 1 .562 2 .054 • * 1 .557 1 .027 75 70 1 .557 1 .027 1 .482 1 .557 1 .502 1 .747 3 .244 1 .562 1 2 40 1 .027 .054 1.085 .027 77 78 1 .506 1 .557 79 ' 1 .747 80 1 .506 1 .557 1 .562 1 .747 44 1.193 3.038 ■3.' 038 2 2 1.037 1.037 I 1 5 .482 .492 2.410 1 .557 2 1.494 1.494 24 26 145 .651 .705 3.932 81 3 .966 2 4 1.103 2. 320 1 2 .562 1.125 3 20 1.220 8.177 R« G R 0.082 9 9 9.040 1 1 .536 m 12 fi. 076 4 2.075 2 .900 7 3.373 13 7.238 9.646 .536 6 3.488 3 1.687 23 9.403 4 2.987 195 5.288 1 3 .483 1.440 6 32 4 .163 .8«8 .108 84 4 2.025 3 2 1.670 1 114 2 1.163 1 .562 3 1.226 1 .747 85 8(1 1 4 a 025 4 1.928 5 2. 7e4 ...i 2 1.1B3 1 .502 3 1.226 1 .747 42 1.139 n 8. 608 1 4 2.075 2 .906 11 5.301 19 3 10. 579 9 9.046 1 .536 8 4.651 5 2.812 20 10. 630 6 4.481 281 7.620 2.025 3 1.550 9 4.337 1.670 2 1.072 2 1.103 2 1.125 4 1.635 1 .747 52 1.410 87 G 3.038 .506 .506 ■J 2 4 2.075 1.037 2.075 5 0 1 2.415 .960 .483 12 15 4 5. 783 7.229 1. 923 7 0 3.898 3.341 2 i 1 2. 144 1.072 1. 072 3 1.608 4 1 2.326 .581 2. a->6 4 4 2.250 S.250 4 8 1.635 3.271 9 9 6.721 0.731 1.494 92 97 .52 2. 495 2.630 1.410 83 89 1 9 4.823 99 1 8 4.051 10 5.187 8 3.665 31 14. 940 19 [10. 579 4 1 4.287 12 1 6.431 9 5.233 8 4.499 12 4.906 20 14.937 241 0.535 3 1.519 1 .483 2 0 .964 .904 4 1 2. 227 .557 9 4.833 1 1 .581 .581 5 2.044 3 2 2.240 S2 1.681 91 2 1.013 2 1.125 1.494 18 .488 93 726 Taui.k No. y;!- Sliuifing, by States and Cotiyixssional Dlslrkts, Ihc number rcjeeled, and the ratio rejected per l.l.UO examined, OHIO— Continued. COXGItESSlONAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DISEASES. Examined, 1,963. Examined, 3,269. Examined, 2,325. Es.linined, 1,450. Exaiuined, 1,866.^ Examined, 2,030. Examined, 3,205. Examined, 844. i, 1 1 1 o 1 S 8 ¥ o a d § o u p. o M ri 3 '5? u 1 s 3 'A o s p. o 1 ■3 I u a 9 •A u s. .2 1 1 1 i S. f { a a 'A § o 1 o "i .a a o •A o u o p< c 1 -d U % 1 o 9.1 94 DISEASES OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION— Contiuned. Diseases op the Muscui^vn Sys- tem—Continued. Diseases of Tendon. 1 .509 1 .300 1 .430 Chib-lbot 1 -090 1 .530 3 .936 95 Total 1 .509 1 .300 1 .430 1 .090 1 .530 3 .936 26 13. 245 37 11.318 21 9. 032 22 15. 173 14 7.503 18 8.867 29 9.048 5 .5. 924 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. 06 1 3 .509 1.528 97 5 1.530 4 12 n 5 2.038 6.113 8. 660 2.547 5 6 4 12 1.530 1. 833 1. 224 3. 071 DISEASES OP THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. 1.008 2. 144 2.144 2 6 0 .933 2. 930 'A 956 6.b97 T 7 .024 . 312 2. 184 1 1. 183 9R 1 8 1 .430 3.441 .430 4 3 11 2. 739 2. 069 7.586 3 4 4 99 inn 1 1.185 Grand total 34 17. 320 22 6.730 10 4.301 18 12.414 U 5.895 14 10 3. 120 3 2.370 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- RILY ASSOCIATED WITH GENERAL OR LOCAL DIS- EASE. 101 13 5 o 8.966 3.448 1.379 in-^ 3 21 1.528 10. 698 4 131 1.224 40. 073 11 .860 4.731 5 2 2. 080 . 1.072 6 5 2.956 S.403 8 29 2.496 9.048 4 7 4. 739 8. 294 103 104 Pcriuaneiit debility 105 11 21 49 105 3 8 5.604 10. 698 24. 962 53. 490 1.528 4. 075 32 49 54 9.789 14.969 10. 519 20 9 92 8.602 3.871 39. 570 9 24 123 0.207 16. 552 84. 828 17 13 107 9.110 6. 907 57. 342 15 61 20 4.660 19. 033 6.240 o 2 11 2.370 • 2.370 13. 033 inn 9 58 4.433 23. 571 101 Under size 270 6 35 82.594 1.8.3.T 10. 707 134 1 10 57. 034 .430 4.301 170 4 121. 379 2. 759 144 1 3 77. 170 . 330 1.608 78 38. 424 133 41.498 26 30. 806 LOCAL INJURIES. I.OCALITV OF INJURY NOT SPECIPIED. Fractures IOC 7 12 2.184 3.744 2 12 2. 370 14.218 10! Wouuds 0 2. 950 Total 11 7 5.604 41 12. 542 11 4.731 4 2. 759 4 •2. 144 6 2. 956 19 5.928 14 16. 586 1. 185 1.185 INJUltlKS AND MAI.rOltMATIONS OF fl-l'Klt ISXTUKMITIKS. Dffcct.i or deformities of liand . . . Loss of thumb 110 111 3.566 1.019 12 3 3.671 .918 5 2.151 2 2 1.379 1-379 3 4 1.608 2.144 1 .493 5 1 1.560 .312 1 1 Total 9 12 4.3S5 6. 113 1.019 15 31 9 4.589 9.483 2.753 5 9 1 2.151 3.871 .430 4 3 2.759 7 3.751 1 .493 6 1.872 2 a 370 injunif.s and malformations of lowek extkkmitius. Defects or doforniitics of foot - - - Loss of great too lis lis 2. 009 1.379 4 6 2.144 3.215 3 1 1.478 .493 13 4. 056 .024 1 1. 185 Total 14 7. 132 40 12. 236 10 4. .301 5 5.359 4 1.970 15 4. 6S0 1 1.185 Grand total UNCLASSIFIED. Organic dij^ease of internal organs. Grand total for all discases-- 34 8 633 17, 320 4.075 3aa.46(r 96 2 29. 367 .012 271.031 26 15 375 11.183 6.452 161.290 13 1 386" 8.900 .690 21 3 11. 254 1.608 11 4 5.419 1.970 40 12. 480 17 20. 142 114 266. 207 303 162. 379 1.39^ 78. 325 407 126.989 90 jl06.035 727 for each disease and disaiilitii on account of wlikli Itccruils and Substitutes ucre found unfit for militur!/ genicr — ContimiL-d. OmO— CuutiuueU. C0.\GRKt»10NAL DISTRICTS. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 13. 16. ir. IS. 19. Total. Examin'd, 1,975. EsaniinM. 1,928. Exaniin'd. 2,070. Examin'd, 2,075. Examin'd, 1,790. Exaiuin'd, 933. 1,866. Examin'd, 1,720. Examin'd, 1,778. E.xamiued, 2,440. Examined, 1,339. Examined, 36,878. i 5? & £ s g O u u u £ S •1 4 1 o ft. p. '6 z B f5 g o i- A O 1 '3 s g •S-- u M a g i .2 P4 1 .a 3 g O o 1 •3 1 s 1 s o 1. t i o 1 rs o 1 u 6 a a g o 1 1 f 1 e g i ■ 1 1 M a o o o « ■1 3 2 .964 1 .536 0 5 2 .103 .130 . 0.54 I .506 1 .483 95 1 .500 1 .483 2 .904 1 .536 13 .353 18 9.114 13 6.743 10 4.831 40 22. 109 27 15.033 4 4,287 24 12 802 13 7.558 12 0.749 21 8.585 26 19. 417 386 10. 467 1 .50ti 2 12 .0.54 .325 96 1 .482 2 1.072 1 .747 97 1 .506 1 .482 2 1.072 • 1 .747 14 .380 f 1.519 i.'sio' 2 3 7 1.037 1.556 3.631 1 15 6 .482 7.229 2.892 5 12 4 2.784 6. 082 2.287 1 2 1.072 2144 2 6 4 1.072 3.213 2.144 3 3 1 1.744 1.744 .581 3 6 3 1.087 3.375 1.087 51 98 87 1.383 2.057 2.3,59 OR a 1 o .483 .966 4 8 1.635 3.271 3 2 2.240 1.494 99 100 r, 3.03* 12 6.i>24 3 1.449 22 10.002 21 11. 093 3 3.215 12 0.431 7 4.070 12 6.749 12 4.906 5 3.734 230 0.399 o 1.013 1.013 16. 709 2 18 50 1.114 10.022 27. 840 20 7 4 11,240 3.937 2 250 34 4 16 13, 900 1. 033 0.541 35 22 "c 26. 139 16. 430 4.481 106 100 387 2 874 3. 712 10. 494 101 a 33 18 9.'330 ii 5.'3i4 7 22 3. 373 10.002 ':! i'ai.V 1 14 .536 7.503 2 2 1.103 1.103 102 103 104 3. 038 i; n7r. 14 7.261 11.411 26. 4.52 6 10 2. 899 i RItl 29 70 142 13. 976 33. 7.35 17 9. 405 n 1 Kin 4 4.287 17 10 122 9.110 5. 3.'S9 0,5. 380 4 115 40 2.250 04. 079 ■ii. 872 31 108 80 12 674 44. 154 35. 1.59 0 23 34 4.461 18, 671 25, 3112 240 .564 1,358 0, .508 15. 294 30, 824 74. 7O0 1. 70S 4.339 105 la- 1 70 .581 40. 698 106 's 3!1. 394 103|49. 758 68.434 '90 53.4.12 10 17. 149 107 133 07. 34-> |10:. 54. 461 130|62. 802 270 130.120 'ISO 103.563 23 24. 652 104 87. 889 75 43. 005 190 110.236 279 114. 064 128 93. 594 a 755 o 2 1. 013 1 1. 013 r, .519 2. 593 a .960 2 3 .964 1. 446 10 5.568 9. 405 2 2.144 8 12 4.287 6. 431 2 2 1.163 1.163 3 9 1.687 5. 002 5 15 a. 044 0.132 4 7 2 987 5.238 63 160 108 109 4 2.025 G 3.112 2 1 .960 .483 5 0 2 2 410 2,892 .964 27 18 15. 033 2 2 144 20 1 10. 718 4 1 2. 326 12 0. 749 1 20 8.177 11 8.^5 223 0.047 1 .506 10, 022 1,114 1 1. 072 0 3. 215 1.072 .-> 1. 163 4 2.250- . 5U Imbecility o 1. .110 S!l Insanity 83 Solitary vice..., Total 5 2.2GI 2 1.340 Grand total 7 3.100 3 1.449 3 2.011 23 DISEASE.S AND INJUKIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND ntJUMES OF THE EYE. Cataract of right eyo •M Loss of sight, right evo 2 .900 2 1.340 Loss of sight, left cyb Wi P.artial loss of eight, holh eyes . . . Diseases of thocycs 1 3 .452 1.357 4 1.931 1 .070 Total 4 1.809 6 2.897 3 2.011 DISEASES OF THE EVELIDS. Diseases of tho eyelids se 1 .483 Grand total • 4 1.809 7 3.380 3 2.011 729 for each disease and disahiliti/ on account of which Bccruils and SuhslHutes were found unfit for military serrice — Continued. INDIANA. CO.NGRESSIOSAL DISTniCTS. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Total. Exaniiued, 2,1S4. Examined, 3,077. Examined, 2,527. Examined, 3,677. Examined, 2,793. Examined. 2,217. Examined, 2,438. Examined, 27,269. 1 1 3 d u p< O 1 a 3 1 O u a 3 "A S & o 1 1 1 3 § u o O a 1 I u o .3 a p "A u o o '3 U 1. o ^ ■ -3 O a 3 55 g o .2 2 § o 3 3 'A d § p. H o o .544 .544 1 .279 3 .110 .073 1 9, 4 1.088 1 .272 5 .183 1 G 3 .410 2.461 1.231 1 29 14 .037 l.(iU3 .513 3 15 7.062 4 9 1.088 2.448 3 1.074 4 2 .544 5 6 . 4 1.883 .471 3.29C 29 2 4 10 7.887 .544 1.068 2.720 12 1 4 0 3.2G1 .27i 1. 088 1.032 7 2.506 3 1.353 2 .tao 64 4 29 32 2 347 .147 1. 003 1.173 7 1 R 7 2 .71G 9 11 3.G92 4.512 9 in 30 14 1*^4 58 15. 774 25 6.799 12 4.29G 3 1.353 32 13. 126 173 6.344 6.SS8 30 14. 124 G2 16. 862 20 7.071 12 4.29G 3 1. 353 32 13. 12G 178 11 V7I 13 • 1 .272 1 .272 4 .147 14 15 1 .471 3 .816 2 .902 1 .410 11 .403 16 17 .471 .942 1 .037 IR ' 2 3 .810 2 .902 1 .410 12 .440 2 3 .042 1.412 2 G 1 .544 1.0J2 .272 17 1 1 4.023 1.300 . 272 . 272 1 .358 23 23 3 1 .843 .843 .110 .037 1.834 10 1 1 .451 .451 o .820 "0 21 iS 5 2.354 9 1 2.443 24 6. 527 1 .358 " .902 2 .820 50 7 3.296 25 6.799 1 .358 4 1.804 3 1.231 CO 2.420 1 1 .471 .471 5 2 1.3C0 .544 G G 1.632 1.032 IS 19 .440 .097 93 •2 .710 1 .451 3 1.331 24 '& 1 10 .272 5. ir.7 13 4 3.535 1.068 3 1 1.074 .358 4 1.641 22 39 .807 1.430 2fi 7 3.296 27 9 4.237 27 7.343 29 7.887 6 1 2. 148 1 .451 7 9.871 92 3.374 1 .037 28 ... .. . . y 4.237 27 7. 343 29 7.887 6 a 148 1. .451 7 2.871 93 •a 410 Oli 730 Taiji.k No. 2'3—Slioiviiig, by Stales and Congressional iJislrkie, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. INDIANA— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. Examined, a.ill. Esarained, 2,071. Examined, 2,042. Examined, 1,4'J2. 1 'S 1 a s o 1 '6 '.J a e •6 3 o" s 1 s s DISEASES OF THE EAIt. in 11 DISEASES AND IXJUEIES OF THE NOSE. Deformity of nose V OT 3 1.440 Grand total 3 1. 419 DISEASES OF THE CIECU- LATOEI SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEAnX AND ITS MEMBRANES. 114 X> Chronic diseafie of heart 4 1.931 Total 4 1.931 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. Diseases of the Arteries. Aneurism 30 1 .483 Diseases of the Veins. Varicose veins 1 37 1 .452 7 3.380 0 4. 021 Total 1 .452 8 3. 8G3 6 4. 021 Grand total 1 .452 12 5.794 6 4.021 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THYKOID GLA.ND. Goitre 38 1 .483 Grand total I .483 39 DISEASES OF THE KESPIEA- TOEY SYSTEM. . DISF.ASF.S OF THE LAKYK.t. Fistula of tho larynx FUXCTIO.NAL AJFECTIOSS OF TUB LjVUYNX. Loss of voice 40 41 DISEASES OF THE TRACHEA A.\U BRONCHI. Bronchitis 4': DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acute disease of lung , 43 Chronic disease of lung Total 44 DISEASES OF THE PLEURA. Chronic plcnrisj- Grand total 731 fur each disease and disabiliii) on aecotuit of tvltich liceruits and Substitutes lecrc found unfit for miUtarij serrtce—CuuHmm^. INDIANA— Coiitinuea. COXGRESBIOXAL DISTRICtS. 3. Examined, a, 124. Ex.tinincd, 3,c:7. EsamiUL'd, ■-',5S7. 8. Examined, 3,C77. 0. Examined, a,79;j. 10. 11. Examined, e,ai7. Examined, 2,438. Total. Examined, 27,209. a 'A g o "A .942 1.360 .544 .330 .110 .110 .810 2.003 .110 .843 .471 .710 .902 26 30 4.895 5.729 0.153 1.825 50 15. 230 4.767 4.804 3.296 32 8.703 7.383 .073 .073 39 40 44 i.aoo 1.088 2.448 .272 .18.1 .307 .073 .000 732 Takle No. 23 — Shoioivg, by States and Congressional Dislricis, iltc number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined. DISEASES. INDIANA— Continued. CO.S'GUESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. Examined, 2,211. Examined, 2,071. Examined, 2,043. Examined, I,4U2. 0 r 3 g 1. .2 S i a 'A 0 1. 0 1 'c? u 1 0 Number rejected. g & 0 cs 45 46 DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AXDINJUBIESOFTIIE J.IW. 3 1.449 Total 3 1.449 DISEASES, MALFOIiMATIONS, AKE IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GtMS, AND ALVEOLI. 47 9 4.340 3 2.011 DKEA8F.S OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate Af\ DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Acute disease of stomach A1 "^ Total DISEASES OF THE I.STESTINES. Chronic diarrhoea ■il rrf Ilerni.a s:i r>4 sr. Hernia, ri^ht intjuinal 2 .905 7 2 3.380 .960 10 3 6.703 2.011 5(1 57 Hernia, double inguinal 58 Hernia, right femoral 511 Horaia, left femoral fiO Hernia, double femoral Total 2 .905 9 13 8.713 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM ASD ANUS. Fistula in ano ni 5 4 2.414 . 1.931 1 .070 (ij Uiemorrhoida 04 I'rolajisii.sani Stricture of rectum Total ; 1 .070 DISEASES OF THE LIVEU. Acute disease of liver (J5 uu Chronic disease of liver Total DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acute disease of spleen ■ 07 08 Chronic disease of spleen Total Grand total 2 .905 30 14.486 17 11.394 DISEASES OF THE URINARY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF TIIK KIDXEY. Acute disease of kidney 69 W Chronic disease of kidney T..I.-1I . ...... 733 for each disease and disabilili/ on account of which Recruits and Substitutes were found unfit for military gcn-icp— Continucil. INDIANA— Continued. CONGKESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Total. Examined, 2,124. Examined, 3,077. 1 Examined, 2,527. Examined, 3,677. Examined, 2,793. Examined, 2,217. Examined, 2,438. Examined, 27.209. O s o s p. •3 ■2 'c? a s 8 1 3 8 P. .2 « 'a o 1 f u a d s S u 1 s I o ■ 1 g o 1 C? ii 1 2 'A g r3 g (-< J s « 3 2 .110 .073 45 2 .942 2 .842 5 .163 3.300 12 5.650 6 1.632 48 13. 054 8 2.804 1 .451 3 1.231 90 47 1 .471 1 .272 1 .451 3 .110 4R 4") %n 2 iT 1 3 49 31 3 .544 2. 992 .272 '.m 13. 326 8.431 .810 1 4 .358 1.432 3 15 6 5 169 146 10 8 3 1 .110 .500 .220 .183 6.198 5. 354 .307 .293 . 110 .037 51 5" 4 1.8t<3 1 .272 2 21 35 .820 8.614 14. 356 54 22 15 10. 358 7. 002 .942 1.412 2 1 .791 .390 28 33 3 1 7.015 8. 975 .810 . 272 20 17 1 7.101 6.087 .358 8 9 1 3 3 1 3.608 4.060 .451 1.353 1.353 .451 .5.5 56 57 3 1 .410 58 59 60 4G 21. 657 100 27. 190 3 1.187 06 17. 949 43 15. 390 25 11.276 59 24. 200 366 13. 423 1 15 .471 7. 062 6 18 1.032 4.895 13 39 .477 1.430 01 1 .272 1 .358 6" 63 1 .272 1 .037 64 10 7.533 25 6.799 1 .272 1 .358 53 1.944 1 .396 1 .272 1 .358 3 .110 65 66 1 .396 1 .272 1 .358 3 .110 67 08 19.069 77 36.252 132 35. 899 4 1.583 116 31.547 53 ia976 27 12.179 62 25.431 520 1 .272 1 .272 2 2 .073 .073 69 2 .942 .042 70 1 .272 1 1 .272 1 4 .147 1 . 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 7;54 Table No. 23 Shoiiing, hy Stales and Congressional Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. INDIANA— Continued. COXGRESSIOXAL DI.STRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. Examined, 2,au. Examined, 2,071. ExamiDcd, 2,042. Examined, 1 o o o « 1 r 1 3 "A Eatio per 1,000. Number rejected. 5 1 c 1 Eatio per 1,000. DISEASES OF THE UEKAKT SrSIEM— CoDtinued. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. •;o TT I 1 Total DISEASES OF THE UBETHRA. 71 / 1 .670 7fi 1 .670 Grand total 1 1 .670 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND KJUEIES OF OK- CANS OF GESERATIOX. Diseases of Penis. 77 7H U vpospiidia 7!l Gonorrhcea 80 . 1 .670 Total 1 .670 Diseases 0/ Tunica Vaginalis. Ilydrocele fil M Sarcocclo K) Varicocele 1 .483 Total 1 .483 Diseases of Testicle. Acate disease of testicle 84 «.1 Chmnic disease of testicle BB Rctoution of testicle Total Grand total 1 .483 1 .670 DISEASES OF OHGAXS OF LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BOXES. Chronic disease of bones 87 3 1.340 DISEASES AND IXJUUIES OF THE JOIXIS. Anljylosis of joints 88 Hit Chronic disease of joints 1 .433 1 1 .4B3 .4S3 2 1.340 'M Dislocation of joints Total 1 .45a 2 .966 2 1.340 91 DISEASES OF THE SPIX-E. Carvature of spine DISEASES OF THE JILSdLAl! SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. Atrophy of limb 1 .483 1 .CTO 92 1 .670 — — = Tdfi for each disease and disahility on account of which Hccriiils and SnhstHutcs were found unfit for military service — Continued. INDIANA— Contimicil. CONr.liESSIONAI. DISTRICTS. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ii. Total. Examined, 2,124. Examined, 3,077. Examined, 2,527. Examined, 3,G77. Examined, 2,793. Examined, 2,217. Examined, 2,438. Examined, 27,209. '3 § © a '6 S o 2 3 o p. O 1 O O 'S I. o 1 § .2 •a 1 s d g 1 M B 3 o o_ QJ p. O K o c .a 0 3 d c p. n 5 ,3 d o o C XumVicr rejected. d g c M 71 72 73 74 1 .037 75 76 1 1 .037 2 .942 1 .272 1 .272 S .183 77 ... 2 .942 9 2.448 11 1 .403 .037 7** HO 2 .942 9 2.448 12 .440 .237 .237 .917 4 3 12 1.088 .810 3.204 1 .272 1 .358 1 4 1 .410 1.041 .410 7 7 25 81 f" 8 3. 700 2 .544 1 .451 83 8 3. 700 19 5.107 3 .810 1 .338 1 .451 C 2.401 39 1.430 ■ f'4 Q .042 .471 3 .81G 9 1 2.448 .272 14 2 .513 .073 8"; . 80 3 1.412 3 .81G 10 2.720 10 .587 13 (i. 121 31 G 8. 431 1.032 13 3.535 .544 4. .351 2. 992 2.170 1 1 0 8 1 .3.18. 1 .451 6 2.461 67 2. 437 o IG 11 e .358 2. M8 2 804 .358 11 30 38 32 .403 1. 100 1.394 1.173 87 r .802 .431 5 0 4 1.300 1.632 1.088 1 .410 5 2. 031 14 5. 742 83 •J 1.412 1.8l«t HI 4 90 7 3.290 15 4.079 35 9.519 15 5.371 3 i.35:j 20 8.203 100 3.607 .733 1 .471 11 2.992 0 1.632 20 91 G 1.G32 10 2.720 2 .716 1 .451 4 1.641 S4 .880 92 73G Tahle No. 23 — Shmiivg, Vij Stales (iiid Ctiiuprtixionnl Dialricts, the vtimher rejected, mid the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. INDIANA— Continued. C0NGRE.S.S10NAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. Examined, 2,211. Examined, 2,071. Examined, 2,042. Examined, 1,492. 'S t- M e g o o •1 ■ a a 0 S c 1 '6 O g t- p< o 1 S O u 'E ^< •V -a a "A g o_ u p« o K Epilepsv 1 .237 1 .264, 17 N euralgia 18 Stammering 2 .527 1 .229 2 .470 Total 1 .237 .237 .949 3 .791 1 . 229 2 .476 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism 19 1 4 3 0 1 .088 .439 .229 1 2 .238 .470 ao Imbecility til Insanity aa Solitary vice Total • 5 1.187 6 1.375 3 .714 Grand total n 1. 424 1 .526 1.052 2.104 S 1.318 7 1.604 5 1.190 DISEASES AND rN.IUKIES OF TUE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EVE. Cataract of right eye Loss of sight, right cvo Los.i of sight, lolt cyb an 1 :i a 1 20 .237 .712 .712 .2.37 0.170 4 3 3 .791 .791 5 7 1 23 i.iir. 1.004 .229 .229 5. 272 3 .714 .476 as 1 1 1 15 .405 .405 .405 0.073 aii a? Partial loss of sight, both eyes ... 8 "4.' 208' 3 7 .791 1.845 7 5 l.OOfi J. 190 Total 34 1 f.OOS 14 7.305 10 4.217 37 8.480 17 4.047 18 1 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Diseases of the eyelids ae .237 7 1.006 0 1 .810 Grand total .... 35 6.300 14 7.305 10 4.217 24 .■). 713 20 8.097 739 for each dheasv and dinahililii on acmiitil nf vltirh I!icndls and Snbslitutes ucrc found unfit far mUilari/ so-ritt— Coiitimied. ILLINOIS. CONGRESSIONAL DI6TUICTS. 7. S. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Total. Exaiuiued, 1,043. Examiued, 3,034. Examined, 1,952. Exaniiuud, 2,140. Examined, J, 958. Examined, 2,553. Examined, CSC. Examined, 33,509. a § o p. si 5 1 u O .a s d u c p. o « 1 a o 'A s u a o 1 1 o 'E? a a 'A s u p. 1 Si f 1 d g ft •1 K O .a a d g u ft .2 at t d s. Li Pi o o s p< c a 1 .512 ) 2 .028 .056 1 .275 1 .275 1 .512 3 .084 1 3:i 10 2 181 11 43 48 .028 .845 .282 .030 5.097 .310 1.211 1.352 1 .273 C 1 3.074 .518 4 2.043 1 .GOD 9 4 lb 2.477 1.101 1.370 8. 752 22 1 13 8 11.270 .512 6. CGO 4.098 2 1.021 1 .(i09 .600 2 1 1. 021 .511 1 1.458 1 \\ 1. 82G 29 7.980 51 20. 127 9 4.597 1 1.458 326 9.181 9.265 3 1.82C 30 8.235 52 20.039 9 4.597 1 1.458 329 3 .084 1.217 3 .826 1 .512 2 1.021 10 .282 1 .COO 1 .512 1 .511 8 .225 3 1. 826 3 1 .820 2 1.025 3 1.532 18 .507 1.217 1.820 1 4 .275 1.101 0 4 3.074 2.049 2 2 1.021 1.021 16 23 .451 .648 .0i8 2 2. 913 1.120 5 3.013 5 1.376 10 5.123 4 2.043 2 2.915 40 8 4.8C9 8 2. 201 12 6.148 7 3. 573 2 2.915 61 1.718 0 .550 1.051 3 8 1.537 4.098 1 .467 20 39 5 24 149 .563 1.093 .141 .676 4.19G o 1.217 3 1.532 " 2 2 .550 .530 5 21 2.561 10. 753 4 34 2.043 17. 365 7 4. SCO 1 1.43!^ a 5.478 12 3.302 37 18. 955 1 .407 41 20.940 1 1.438 237 0.074 3 1.S2S 1 .512 5 2.554 19 .535 ]0 7.304 12 3.302 38 19. 407 1 .467 46 23.493 1 1.458 256 7.209 740 Table No. 23 — Shotoing, hij States avd Congresaional Districts, the mmber rejected, and the ratio rejected jwr 1,000 examined, DISEASES ILLINOIS —Continued. COXGKESSIOSAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. e. Examined, 4,ai4. Examined, 1, 33 3 1.537 5 .141 1 8 .511 4.086 10 53 .282 1.493 11 2 1.217 2 1.025 "t'i 3 1.217 2 1.025 9 4.597 63 1.774 3fi 12 7.304 57 1.S_ Kfi.T 16 8.107 2 .935 11 5.618 1 1.458 278 7.829 7.829 9. 603 37 12 7.304 57 15.6S5 16 8.107 2 .935 11 5.618 1 1.458 278 14 8. 521 57 15. 683 18 9.221 2 .935 20 10.215 1 1.458 341 2 .056 3R 2 .056 1 .512 2 .036 39 1 .275 • 1 .028 40 2 1.025 1 .467 3 1.532 19 .535 41 r 19 19 .535 .5J5 42 1 .275 0 3.074 3 1.532 1 1.458 4,S 1 .275 6 1 3. 074 3 1.5.12 1 1.458 38 1.070 " 1 .038 1.718 44 o .550 9 4.611 1 .467 6 3.064 1 1.4J8 61 742 Tahli; Xo. 23 — Shouiiig, hi/ States and Coiigrcisionnl DialrUtx, the uiimhcr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined. ILLINOIS— Continued. DISEASES. CONGllESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Examined, 4,'21'l. E.'camincd, 1,901. Exaniiued, 3,194. Examined, 4,303. Examined, 4,201. Examined, 2,470. 1 a .2 1 u M a s -A 1 ft "3 U 'S? u a o § u £. c C5 1 u ¥ u a • a o g o .£ 1 ¥ O .a 5 1^ g o u D. o •2 ;5 g o o ft _o DISEASES OF THE DIGEST- IVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AXDIXJUKIESOFTBE JAW. 1 .229 Tot.ll 1 .229 DISEASES, MALFOiaiATIOSS.AXD IX- JUKIES OF TBK TEETH. GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. Loss of tectli 47 11.153 3 1.578 . 1.845 80 18. 336 38 9.045 30 12. 146 DISEASF.S OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palate 1 ■ .929 1 .238 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Chronic disease of stomach Total DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. ChroDic diarrhoea 1 .237 1 4 1 .405 1.619 .405 Heroia 3 1. 578 2 1 1 1.3 30 8 3 .527 .204 .204 16. 605 7.907 2.109 .791 2 .458 1 .238 Hernia, umbilical Hernia, ventral 54 31 5 4 12. 814 7.356 1.187 .949 23 14 12. 099 7.3G5 24 32 1 5.501 7.334 . 229 27 14 C.427 3.333 18 8 2 7.287 3.239 .810 Hernia, lelt inguinal Hernia, double inguinal Hernia, ri.uht femoral Hernia, left femoral 1 .238 Hernia, double femoral 1 .238 Total 95 22. 544 40 21.042 108 28. 466 59 13. 523 44 10. 474 34 13. 765 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS. Fistula in ano o 13 .4.58 2.980 1 4 .405 1.G19 Haemorrhoids G 1.424 10 2.63G 4 . 952 Prolapsus ani Stricture of rectum Total G 1. 424 10 2.656 15 3.436 4 .952 5 2.024 DISEASES OF THE LIVEIi. Acute disease of liver 1 .229 2 .810 Chronic disease of liver 1 .264 Total 1 1 .264 .229 2 .810 DISEASES OF THE Sl'LEEN. Acute disease of spleen Chronic disease ot spleou 2 .476 Total 2 .476 Gr.ind total 148 35. 121 43 22.G20 12G 33.210 157 33. 984 89 21. 185 71 28.745 DISEASES OF THE UlUNAEY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. Acute disease of kidney 1 .204 ....... Total 1 .2G4 743 for each disease and HisahUilij on iieeoitnl of rrliieh Hecniits and Sitbslitutes were found unfit for miVilartj soi'icc— Coutiuued. ILLINOIS-Continued i 1 CONGBfeeSIONAI. IIISTKICTS. | 7. S. 9. 10. H. la. 13. Total. • Examined, 1,643. Examined, 3,034. Examined, 1,953. Examined, 2,140. Examined, 1,958. Examined, 2,553. Examined, C86. Examined, 35,509. 1 'A o p. t3 8 c .a a s Ph .£ e 1 a t4 It P« o 1 13 t u o o 1 a g 1 o 1 •r o a; a o o Ph - Z 1 i. p. i 1 ■£? a i 1 .511 2 .056 1 .511 2 .056 2.433 17 4.078 10 5.123 » S 2. .')54 S41 6.787 .113 1 .CO'J 1 .511 4 1 .512 1 2 .028 .056 2 1 *'17 ■■:::::; :: 2 1.217 1 .512 3 .084 5 3 2 1 26 9 1 8 6 1.376 .826 .550 .273 7.155 2.477 .273 2.201 1.051 1 3 1 3 16 11 .511 1. 532 .511 1. 532 8.172 5.618 8 19 7 6 278 183 10 29 14 3 .225 .535 .197 .169 7.829 5.154 .535 .817 .394 .084 1 i 22 31 2 .512 2 2.915 .512 11.270 15.881 1.025 1 .609 .609 I .467 3 2 4.373 2.915 \ 7.304 4.809 1. 217 i .511 24 14. 007 61 16.766 57 29.201 1 .467 36 18. 386 7 10. 204 566 15. 940 1 3 .512 1.537 1 1 ..511 .511 5 48 .141 1. 352 .609 4 i.ini 2 .933 1 .609 4 1.101 4 2.049 o .935 2 1.021 53 1.493 1 2 .273 4 4 .113 .113 1 .512 3 .820 1 .512 8 .225 2 1. 025 1 1.458 5 .141 o 1.025 1 1.458 5 .141 32 19.477 85 23.390 75 38. 422 3 1. 402 43 22.983 8 11.662 882 24.839 • 1 2 .02.9 2 .550 .050 2 .550 3 .084 1 — — - = ~ 744 Table No. 23 — Shoudiig, hy Slates and Congressional Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. ILLINOIS-Continued. | CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Examined, 4,214. Examined, 1,901. Examined, 3,794. Examined, 4,363. Examined, 4,201. Examined, 2,470. 1 a a I o 1 ■ 1 O V 1 o o 1 0 0 V u a 0 U P. 1 CD 1 . § 0 1 1 a? s 1 0 o_ u p, 0 1 ■2 1 a . g u p, M 71 DISEASES OF THE UErNAEY SYSTEM— CoBtiDued. DISEASES OF THE BLADDEK. Acnto disease of bladder 7-' Tl 1 .264 74 Total 1 .264 DISEASES OP THE UBETHEA. Stricture of nretlira 7r> *r vn Total Grand total 2 .527 DISEASES OF THE GENEEA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OK- GAXS OF GEXEUATIOX. Diseases of Penis. Epispadia 77 1 r 1 .229 .458 .229 7fl Hj'posp.idia 79 GoDorrbcDa 2 1 .475 .237 1 .526 3 .714 80 Loss of penis Total 3 .712 1 .520 4 .917 3 .714 Diseases of Tunica Yaginalis. Hydrocele Rl 6 1.424 3 1.578 m 1 2 1 .405 .810 .405 H-J Sarcocclo 2 18 .458 4. 120 2 10 .470 3.809 Kt Varicocele 22 5.221 3 1.578 2 .527 Total 28 fi. fi45 G 3.150 2 .527 ■ 20 4.584 18 4.285 4 1.619 Diseases of Testicle. Acute disease of testicle 84 1 a' .520 "i.652 3 1 4 .791 .204 1.054 3 5 11 .088 1.140 2. 521 8.i Chronic disease of testicle Kctentiou of testicle 1 1 .237 .237 1 4 .238 .952 Hli 5 2.024 Total 2 33 .475 7.831 3 1.578 8 2.109 1!) 4.355 5 1.190 5 2. 024 Grand total 10 5. 200 .526 10 2.636 43 9.850 26 6.189 9 3.644 DISEASES OF OEGANS OP LOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF BONES. Chronic disease of lioncs 87 10 14 21 2.373 1 6 1.581 7 1.604 5 9.024 DISEASES AND IXJUUIES OF THE JOINTS. Aiilvyh)aia of joints, Chronic disease of joints 88 8!l 3. 322 4. 983 1.187 0 3.150 2 14 12 .597 3. ono 3.103 6 20 4 1. 375 5. l>.-,9 .917 4 6 . 9.''>2 1. 4-2H .238 5 S 6 2.024 3.289 2. 429 UU Dislocation of joints a 4.208 Total 40 9.492 14 7.365 28 7.380 36 8.251 11 2.618 19 7.092 DISEASES OF THE SI'INE. Curvature of spine 91 9 2. 13C 1 .526 12 2. 7.10 2 .476 9S IlISEAsra OFTHE MUSCULAR SY.STEM. Diseases of Muscle. Atrophy of limb 17 4.481 1 .229 2 .470 2 .810 ■■ — 745 for each disease and disaKUty on account of which Beeruiit and Suhstiiutes were found unfit for military service — CoutimieJ. ILLINOIS— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Total. Examined, 1,C4J. Examined, 3,634. Examined, 1,952. Examined, 2,140. Examined, 1,958. Examined, 2,553. Examined, 66G. Examined, 35,509. 13 O (1 u a a o u o a. 1 r3 o o o i § u o P4 o 1 S o (D ■a? 1- J § o 1 1 Pi a P' o 1 o i ^25 14 .2 M '6 ■g" u 1 p. i 13 o t 1 g P4 c ® o M B a g p. O 1 72 73 1 .038 74 1 .028 7'> 76 2 .550 4 .113 , • 1 3 7 1 .028 .0r^4 .107 .02!* 77 I .C09 7fl 70 HO » ' 1 .609 12 .338 1 .275 11 22 76 .310 .620 2.140 Rl 4 2.435 .60!/ 7 11 3.586 5.635 4 1 2.043 .511 1 1.458 RO 1 1 .275 83 1 5 3.043 2 .530 18 9.221 5 2.554 1 1.458 109 3.070 1 4 .275 1.101 o 13 0 1.023 6.C60 3.074 2 3 2 1.021 1.532 1.021 12 28 36 .338 .789 1.014 81 P'i 1 .609 Qfi .609 1 5 1.376 21 10. 758 7 3.575 76 2.140 7 4.260 7 1. 926 39 ID. 980 12 6.129 1 1.458 197 5.548 4 1.101 S 2.501 1 .511 39 1.098 87 ' 3 3 3 .MO .R2fi .826 2 I 3 1.021 .511 1. 532 42 97 60 i.iai 2. 732 1.690 88 t, 1.217 :i. 043 16 13 8.197 0.600 Ht 5 i cliest 2 35 33 2 7 .58 .475 8.30{i 7.504 .475 1. eei 13. 704 1 7 .204 1.845 io:i 101 Penu:iij( lit jili^sical debility Kciaxid injjuiiial rings Over age Uudei" age 7 3.083 lUJ inii 1 2 47 .520 1. 052 24. 724 30 24 lit; 7.007 0. 320 31.305 9 97 71 2.003 22. 232 10. 273 6 IS 110 1.428 3.571 26. 184 im Grand total 13G 32.273 57 29. 984 181 47. 707 207 47. 444 148 35. 230 .952 4.285 243 15 16 98. 381 6.073 6.478 LOCAL ENJUEIES. LOCALITY OF INJURY SOT SPECIFIED. lOR 14 0 3, 322 1.424 11 11 5.780 5.780 25 25 0.589 6.589 7 19 1.604 4.355 4 18 mo Wounds Total 20 4.-40 22 11. 573 .520 50 9 2 13. 179 2. 372 .527 20 H 1 5.959 1.834 .229 22 5.237 31 12. 551 INJURIES AND HALFOIIMATIONS OF Un'EIt KXTICEMITIES. Defects or deformities uf band. . . Loss of thumb no 111 7 1 a 11 1 i.aci .237 1 14 3.333 17 1 6. 883 .405 Totiil 1. 198 2. 130 .237 1 4 .520 1. 052 2. 104 11 2.899 9 2.003 14 3.333 18 7.287 I.VJURIES AND MALFORMATIONS OF LOWER EXTREMITIES. Defects or deformities of foot Loss of ;;reat too 112 Ji:! 10 1 2. 036 . 'J64 15 4 3. 438 .917 4 .952 14 1 5. 008 .405 Total 10 2.373 0 3.150 11 2.899 19 4.355 4 .952 15 6. 013 Grand total 38 9.018 29 15.255 72 18. 9i7 54 12. 377 40 9.522 04 25.911 UNCLASSIFIED. Organic disease of internal org.aus. Grand total for all diseases. . IM 12 576 2.848 130. 687 30 203 18. 937 138. 34H 3 552 .791 12 2.750 3 .714 12 4.858 145. 493 701 174. 421 447 106. 403 593 240.081 747 for each disease and disabiUly on aecount of which EecruiU and Siihstiiutes were found unfit for military semce — Coutinned. ILLINOIS-C ontiuned. COXGRESSIOXAL DISTUICTS. r. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Total. Exaraiucd, 1,043. Examined, 3,034. Examiucd, 1,952. EsamiDed, 2,140. Examined, 1,958. Examined, 2,553. Examined, 080. Examined, 35,609. 1 o t § U a c o B s o s i 5 ■c? u a 3 § p. 1 O ¥ 1 § .2 1 5 u o % o o_ p. 2 1 8 3 3 o 1 % s 3 Iz; d g i .2 1 1 .275 .275 1 .511 20 13 3 .563 .300 .084 1.014 01 3 1.620 3 1 1.537 .512 1 .407 91 3 1.820 2 .550 4 2.049 1 .407 1 .511 30 12 7.304 28 7.705 S3 27. 152 1 .407 11 5.018 353 9.941 2 12 .056 .338 90 3 1.537 07 3 2 15 5 1.537 14 .394 .873 1.602 2.901 .275 2.752 4.953 2 1.317 .009 1.217 1 10 18 1.025 7.084 2.501 5 0 11 2.554 3. 004 5.018 31 04 103 Ofl 1 OO 2 .935 1 1.458 100 5 3.043 29 7.980 22 11.270 2 .935 22 11.230 1 1.458 198 5.576 1 2 23 .275 .550 0. 329 1 1 7 .512 .512 3.580 13 32 192 34 88 279 933 .300 .901 5.407 .958 2.478 7.657 20. 331 44. 299 101 5 8 1 4 30 100 2.554 4.080 .511 2.043 15.352 51. 073 10" 30. 519 5 7.289 lO't 104 .009 1.217 0.738 48. 083 12 05 104 3.302 17.887 28.019 14 20 97 7.172 10.246 49. 093 105 2 TOO 10 10 4.073 12 17. 493 79 207 50. 902 140 71. 721 10 4.073 148 75.587 17 24. 761 1,573 OlO 1.217 0.080 5 9 1.376 2.477 13 19 0.000 9.734 1 1 .407 .407 1 10 .511 a 172 1 1 1.458 1.458 99 151 2.788 4.252 108 109 12 7.304 14 3.833 32 10. 393 2 .935 17 8.083 2 2.915 250 7.040 Q 1.217 0 1 1.051 .375 6 3.074 , .511 71 6 1.999 .169 iin 111 1.217 7 1.926 6 3.074 1 .511 77 2.108 1.217 .009 8 2 2.201 . .■|.)0 19 3 9.734 1. .WT 10 5.107 1 1.4S8 94 17 2.647 .479 11? 113 3 1.826 10 1 2.752 22 11.270 10 5.107 1 1.458 111 3.120 ' 17 10.347 31 8.531 00 0 30.738 2 .935 28 14. 300 3 4.373 438 12.335 1 4 1. 101 3.074 1 1.458 69 2.500 114 191 110.251 5((0 Ilia ijn 593 ~30£79r 22 10.280 389 198.672 38 55.394 4,873 137.233 1 __. 748 Table No. 23 — Shotcing, ly Stales and Congressional Districts, the numltr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined. DISEASES. IOWA. CONGRESSIO.NAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Examined, 542. Examined, 944. Examined, 850. Examined, 355. Examined, 334. o 8 s f-, B g t-, r3 V 'S? a s u o .2 a g u ■a 121 1 o o u a 3 o g o ft O « ■\ GENERAL DISEASES. Total B. — Cancer ^ i\ 1 1 2.817 2.817 1 2.994 «) 6 Scurvv 7 3 3.178 1 1.170 3 1 2 4 8.451 2.817 0.634 11.268 S q 10 2 2.119 Total 5 5.207 1 1.176 12 33. 803 1 2.994 Grand total 5 5. 207 1 1.176 12 33. 803 1 2.994 DISEASES OP THE NEKVOUS SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN ASD ITS MEMBBASES. Acute disease of brain 11 la Cbronic disease of brain i;i Sunstroke Total DISEASES OF THE NEEVES. Paralysis 14 GKNEEAL DISEASES OP THE NERV- OUS STSTEM. Chorea IS l(i Epilepsy ..... 17 Neuralgia 18 Stammering Total DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism 19 1 1.059 2.119 'JO Imbecility 1 1.170 1 2.994 ai Insanity i« Solitary vice Total 3 3.178 1 1.176 1 2. 994 Grand total 3 3.178 1 1. 176 1 2.994 DISEASES ANT) IN.TTTRIES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE EYE. Cataract of ripht eye 2.1 •ji LcisMiil »if;hl. li^bi ovo 1 1.845 1 1 1.176 1.176 4 1 ii."2n8' 2. 317 i 1 2.'994' 2.994 iii Lossol sicbt, li-lt eye 1 1.059 au Partial loss of sisht, both eyes . . . ii7 Diseases of the eyes ... . (i 11. 070 2 2.119 Total 7 12.015 3 3.178 2 2. 353 5 14. 083 2 5.988 DISEASES OF THE EYELIDS. Dieea.sesof the eyelids S8 Grand total 7 12. 015 3 3.178 s 2.353 5 14. 085 a 5.9=8 749 for each disease and disabiliti) on account of which Hecruits and Substitutes were found unfit for military senice — Continued. IOWA. , MICniGAN. CONGItESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. C0XGBES8I0.\AL DISTRICTS. 6. Total. 1. S. 3. 4. 3. 6. Total. Examined, 3-33. Examined, 3,34a. Ex.lmined, 2,018. Examined, 2,302. Examined, 3,163. Examined, 1,159. Examined, 1.809. Examined, 853. Examined, 11,904. S § 1 1 o o o p. .2 1 o 5 s a C 13 1 s 3 o S' 1 ¥ 3 8 a o "S 8 1 s p. C 1 1 1 s % o a i 8 g 1 i c 'd S o « i- 5 § c p. a 1 " 1 16 .316 5.058 1 39 .084 3.276 3 2 1 .597 .299 5 1.910 13 5. 017 2 1.726 3 3.517 4 5 6 7 1 2 6 2.091 .299 .597 1.792 8 4 1 1 3.056 1.528 .3S2 .382 31 13.467 6 1.897 6 3 1 3.317 1.658 .553 51 7 15 17 4.284 .588 1.260 1.428 7 *" 8 4 2 1. 738 .869 8 8 2..')29 2.529 1 6 .863 5.177 fl 10 19 5.675 19 7.257 50 21. 720 39 12.330 9 7.705 10 5.528 3 3.517 130 10. Oil 19 5.673 19 7.257 SO 21. 720 39 12. 330 9 7.765 10 5.528 3 3.517 130 10.921 11 1i> 13 ■ 2 .764 2 .632 4 .a% 14 l.'i 1 3.006 1 .299 3 1.146 2 .809 15 4.742 5 4.314 6 3.317 S 5.862 36 3.024 16 17 1" 3 1. 146 1 .434 1 .316 1 .t63 6 .504 IH 1 3.09fi 1 .299 6 2.292 3 1.303 16 .5.058 6 5. 177 6 3. 317 5 5.862 42 3.528 1 4 .299 1.193 2 '"'.'764 2 .869 .669 4 2 1.263 .632 1 1 .553 .533 1 1.172 8 8 .672 .672 19 1 .803 21 21 22 1 1 5 1.493 2 .764 4 1.738 6 1.897 1 1 .803 2 1.106 1 1. 172 16 1.344 1 1 3. 096 6 1.792 10 3.820 7 3.011 24 7. r88 7 6.040 8 4.422 6 7.034 62 5.203 1 1 5 .382 1.910 1 17 .084 1.428 23 2 2 5 12 .597 .597 1.493 3.584 3 1.303 4 1.265 2 1.726 3 3.517 24 25 17 15 6.494 5.730 7 9 .1.041 3.910 ii 6 3.478 1.897 3 5 1.638 2.764 2 2.345 40 41 3.300 a 444 26 6.192 6 5.177 V7 ■ 2 0.192 21 6. 272 33 14.515 19 ^234 21 |. 6.639 8 0. 903 1 8 4.422 5 5.862 99 8.317 28 2 6.192 21 6. 272 38 1 14.515 19 8.254 21 1 0.639 8 6.903 1 8 4. 422 5 5. 8C2 99 8.317 750 Taiii.i: No. 2'^—Shnu■il>g, hij States a)id Congressional Districts, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. IOWA— Continncd. CO.NGRESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. Examined, 542. Esaiuincd, 944. Exaniinod, 850. Examined, Examined, 334. o "S o •«? Ik E 0 'A o 1— ( o I g 8 g i 1 1 a 1 o § o 1 o c S •A t %. o 1 t B Eatio per 1,000. E9 30 31 DISEASES OF THE EAIi. 1 1.17G 1 2 2 2.817 5.634 5.634 1 1.845 0 8.475 1 1.176 1 a 994 1 1.845 8 8.475 2 2.353 5 14.035 1 2.994 DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE NOSE. 32 33 DISEASES OF TDE CIRCU- LATOKY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE HEAUT AND ITS MEMBRANES. 31 1 1.176 "1 Total 1 1.176 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. JHseasts of the Arteries. 1(i Diseases of the Yeiiis. Varicose veins 17 2 3.690 2 2.119 1 '1.176 2 5. £34 Total 2 3.690 2 2.119 1 1.176 2 5.G34 2 3.690 o 2.119 2 2.353 o 5.634 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE TIIVROIU GI.AXll. Goitro 3« DISEASES OF THE RESPIRA- TOUT SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE L.\KYXX. Fistula of the larynx 30 FU.SCTIOXAL AFFECTIONS OF THE LAUVXN. Loss of voice 40 DISEASES OF THE TUACHEA AXU iiuo.Ncm. Bronchitis 41 42 DISEASES OF THE LUNG. Acute ( of Inug 43 Chronic disease of luug 1 2.817 1 2.994 Total 1 1 2.817 1 2.994 I)1»1:ASES OF TIIK ri.ELRA. Chronic pleurisy ! 44 , Grnml total ' — '— 1 751 for each disease ami disaUUty on accoinit of xehich. Hecruils and Suhstilutes uere found unfit for military service— Continnnd. IOWA— Continued. MICHIGAN— Continued. COXGBEiSlONAL DISTRICTS. COXGKESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 6. Total. 1. •2. 3. 4. 3. G. Total. Examined, 3S3. Examined, 3,348. Exaniincd, 2,018. Examined, 2,302. Examined, 3.103. Examined, 1.159. Examined, 1,809. Examined, 853. Examined, 11,904. .a 1 .2 1 1 -1 P. o 1 1 u § o i i 1 E o a V o 1 f 1? o (A .1 ©' a s p. C3 o B a o 1 a P< .2 •6 S o 1 B s o § o 1 1 3.006 3 2 15 .896 . 5'.n 4.480 1 .382 10 4.344 2 .632 1 .553 14 1.176 29 30 2 C. 192 3 1.140 3 2.588 6 .504 3 9. 288 20 5.974 4 1.528 10 4.344 2 .632 3 2.588 1 .553 20 1.080 32 1 .316 1 .084 33 1 .316 1 .084 1 81) .434 34. 752 2 6 1.726 5.177 3 128 .252 10. 753 1 3.096 2 .597 10 3.820 15 4.742 15 8.292 3 2.345 35 1 3.096 2 .597 10 3. 820 81 35. 187 15 4.742 8 6.903 15 8.292 2 2.345 131 11.005 1 .316 1 .084 36 7 2.091 65 24. 828 11 4.778 25 7.904 0 5.177 17 9.397 3 3.517 127 10. 669 ■7 2.091 0.". 24. 828 11 4.778 26 8.220 0 5.177 17 9.397 3 3.517 128 10. 753 1 3.096 9 2.688 75 28. 048 92 1 39. 905 .434 41 12. 962 14 12.079 32 17. 689 5 5.862 259 21. 757 1 .084 Ifl 1 .434 1 .084 10 1 .310 1 .553 2 .168 40 • 2 .764 24 10. 426 3 .948 1 .863 5 2.764 1 1.172 36 a024 41 1 23 .310 7.272 1 r.8 .084 3. 192 49 1 3.090 3 .896 7 9.074 3 1.303 2 1. 726 2 1.100 I 1.172 43 1 3.096 3 .896 7 2.674 3 1.303 24 7.588 2 1.720 2 1.100 1 1.172 39 3.276 1 .310 1 .084 44 ' 3.096 3 .890 9 3. 438 1 27 11.729 1 29 j 9. 109 3 2.588 8 4.422 2 2.345 78 6.552 752 TAnLK No. 23 — Shoioiiig, hy States and Congressional Districts, the nvmhcr rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 cjcamined, DISEASES. IOWA— Continued. CONGUESSIOXAL DIST.tlCTS. 1. 8. 3. 4. 5. Examined, 542. Examined, 944. Exaioined, 850. Examined, 355. Examined, 334. 1 a u O © •d V e u B Ratio per 1,000. 1 t a § p. o 1 ,) lleru la, umbilical r,4 i 3 3 2. 817 8.451 8.451 IIiTiiia, ri^ht 4 7.380 7 e 1 8. 235 7. 059 1.176 r.o 2 1 7 4 2.119 1.059 7.415 4.237 2 5.988 57 Jlci-Dia, (loiil)h' iiimiiiial llci-nia, riuht l.-iiniial ,'>H r.i) Hcniia, left leiaoial Ileinia, douhle fenioral 8 14. 700 (iO Total DISEASES OF THE IlECTUM AND ANUS. Fistula in alio 10 •29. 520 29 30. 720 15 17. G47 7 19.718 3 8.983 ni (ij nicnion-hoitla 2 3.090 3 8.451 1 2.994 g:i ProlapHus aiii Hi Stricture of rectum Total •... 2 3.090 3 8.451 1 2.904 DISEASES OP THE LIVER. Aciiti! ili.Hea8eof liver 65 U(i Chronic liiscase of liver 1 1.059 1 1.176 1 2.817 Total ; 1 1.059 1 1.176 1 2.817 DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN. Acute disease of spleen 67 (i» Chronic disease ol spleen Total Grand total 21 38. 745 37 39. 195 23 27. 059 18 50. 704 5 14. 970 DISEASES OF THE UUINAET SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEV. Acute disease of kidney 6!) 70 Chronic disease of kiduoj- Total — ■^ 753 for each disease and disahility on account of which lieeruits and Subsliiutes lerre found unfit for military gcrricf— Continued. IOWA— Continued. MICHIGAN-Continucd. CO.VIKESSIONAI. DISTRICTS. CONCBF-SSIOXAL UIBTUICTS. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. ' S. 0. Total, 323. Examined, 3,348. Examined, 2,618. Examined, 2,302. Examined, 3,163. Examined, 1,159. E.xamined, 1,809. Examined, 653. Examined, 11,904. a* 1 o 1 1 1 p. O ■3 1 J a o s o i § © 1 •a .2 1 M e P< i 1 ? 1 P> -a V t 1 a !21 1 o 1 S f M B a o u o 1 1 .299 45 46 3 1.303 * 3 .252 1 .299 3 1. 303 3 .252 1 3.096 21 6.272 48 18.335 17 7.385 31 9.801 5 4.314 13 7.186 3 3.517 117 9.829 47 2 1.726 1 .553 1 1.172 4 .336 48 4 1.195 1 .434 2 .632 3 1 .252 .084 49 1 .553 50 4 1.195 1 .434 j 2 .632 1 .553 4 .330 8 7 1 3.475 3.041 .434 4 1.205 1 2 .863 1.726 1 o .553 1.106 4 1 4.689 1.172 18 34 3 4 128 119 17 3 1.512 2.856 .2.52 .336 10. 753 9.997 1.428 .252 51 I 3.090 21 1 1 14 14 3 7 12 6.272 .299 .299 4. 182 4.182 .896 2.091 3.584 22 1 8.403 .382 5*1 1 4 29 41 5 .316 1.265 9.169 12. 902 1.581 5;t 26 19 9.931 7.257 25 38 7 1 10.660 16. 507 3.041 .434 16 5 1 13.805 4.314 .863 23 10 2 1 12.714 5.528 1.106 .553 9 0 2 10. 5.51 7.034 2.345 55 1 1 3.096 3.096 56 57 1 .382 5S ^'t no 3 9.288 73 21. 804 69 26.350 87 37. 793 84 26. 557 25 21. 570 39 21.559 22 25.791 326 27. 380 2 9 .632 2.845 1 1.172 3 17 4 1 .2.52 1.428 .336 .084 61 6 1. 792 3 1.14G 2 .809 1 .863 1 1.106 .553 fio 3 3.517 03 1 .382 04 e 1.792 4 1.528 2 .869 11 3.478 1 .863 3 1.658 4 4.689 25 2.100 1 2 .434 .869 1 1.172 2 o .168 .163 Ol 3 .896 OR 1 1 3 .896 3 1.303 1 1.172 4 .336 1 fi7 1 .434 1 .084 OS 1 .434 1 .084 4 12. 384 108 32.258 121 46.218 114 49.522 128 40.468 33 2R473 57 31.509 31 36.312 484 40. 659 09 70 --- 1 95 754 TmsLic No. -S.i— Showing, by Slates and CoiigiTKniuiial Uislneta, the number njtded, and the ratio rejeeted per 1,U0U examined. IOWA— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 3. 3. 4. 3. DISEASKS. - Examined, :}4-2. Examined, 944. Examineil, 8,')0. Examined, 355. Examiut'd, 334. ZJ 9J '^ M a 1 § z o Pi o ID o 1 "S o o_ ■ a. o 1 1 o -^ "a? u t- Sarcocele 1 1.170 Rl Varicocele 1 1.845 2 2.119 Total 1 1.845 4 4.237 1- 1.176 Diseases of Testicle. Acute tlisf aso of tusiiclo M RT Chronic disease of test iclo Ruteution of testicle 2 y.690 2 2.119 Hti Total 2 3.690 2 ■2. 119 (Jijiiiil Iot;tl 3 5.535 7 7.415 1 r. 176 DISEASKS OF ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION'. DISEASES OF HONKS. Chioiiic disease of hoiu-s 87 • 1 2.817 jiisi:.\sKs AM> is.n;itiKs oi' jiii.; .101 NTH. AnkylortiH of joints 5.988 88 2 Kl Cbionic dincase of joints 1 1. 05U 1 1. I7C 3 1 e. 451 2.817 110 Dislocatiuu of joluta 1 O OOi Total , ■ 1 1 ; - 1 1 1 1 n-^n 1 1.170 4 11.268 3 B. flsa j DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Oui'vaturo of spiuo 01 1 2.817 2 5.988 DISEASES OFTIIE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Diseases of Muscle. Atrophy of limb ilii a :t ti'.io 1 1 059 • o 5.034 1 . — 755 for each disease and disahilUi/ on account of tchich Eea'uita and SiibstUutes tccre found unfit for milUari) service — Continued. IOWA— Continaed. * lIICHIGAIf— Continued. COXGi.ESSlONAL DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTUICTS. G.!, 1. 2. 3- 4. 5. 0. Examined, E.vamiuwl, 3,3-1^. Examined, 2,018. Examined, 2,302. Examined, 3,163. Examined, 1,159. Examined, 1,809. Examined, 853. Examined, 11,904. o 'E7 s u o 5 1 1 s. .2 a S o o 1 s o s o ■3 .8 § g p. o 1 1 u % % 'A 0 s c 0 1 5 1 1 g S •a 0 s i 1 1 u % a p. 1 8 % 5 a •A 3 p. 0 1 1 ¥ S .p s s "A g 1 71 T? T( 74 - 3.096 1 .299 1 1.172 1 .084 75 7B 3.0% 1 .299 1 1.172 1 .084 1 3. ODt; 1 .290 1 1. 172 1 .084 77 78 1 .299 _ 8 3.056 8 .072 79 80 i 1 .299 8 3.050 8 .672 2 1 3 .597 .299 .896 1 .434 1 .316 1 3 . 533 1.058 3 11 24 .252 .024 2.016 81 7 2 2.074 .704 1 1 .863 .863 82 0 2.000 14 4. 426 1 1 . 553 83 G 1.792 9 3.438 7 3.041 15 4. 742 2 1. 720 5 2.7'64 38 3.192 84 4 1.193 o 3 . 704 1.140 6 2.000 8 8 2. .529 2.529 1 .553 17 11 1. A» .924 2.332 83 86 4 1.195 5 1.910 6 2.006 10 5.038 1 .553 28 11 3.286 22 8. 403 " 31 9.801 2 1.726 6 3.317 74 0.216 1 .299 3 1.146 7 ""i 3.041 ".'434 13 4.110 1 .80:1 4 a. 211 3 .3. 517 31 2.C04 87 1 3.000 3 5 .896 1. 493 .597 1 29 .382 11.U77 3 7 1 .948 2.213 .310 2 1.726 9 4 4.973 2.211 1 4 1. 1-J 4.059 16 43 3 1. 344 3.780 .252 88 89 1 .803 !XI 1 3.090 10 2.987 31 11.841 1 .434 11 18 3.478 5.091 3 3 2. 588 13 1 7. 186 5 5.862 64 5.376 3 .896 3 1.146 3 1.303 .43^1 2.588 3 1.058 1 1.172 a. 345 31 7 2.604 .588 91 5 1.493 1 2 . 0.12 1 .803 1 .553 2 92 756 TabU! No. 23 — Shoiriiig, by Slalci and Congressional Disirids, the vumha- rejected, and llic ratio rejidid per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. ■ IOWA— Continued. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Examined, 542. Examined, 944. Examined, 850. Examined, 335. Ex.lniined, 334. f 1 3 s u o 1 ■3 1 u a s S p. o 1 ® M 1 o o u P4 O 1 -2 O ? 1 1 o u p. .£ 5 g c O'l DISEASES OF OKGAXS OF LOCOMOTIOX— Continued. Diseases of the Muscular Sys- tem—Continned. Diseases of Tendon. Muscular contractions ()4 Club-toot ... ... 1 1.170 <)i Tot.Tl 1 1.17G o 3. CDO o 2.119 Q 2.353 8 22. 535 5 14. 970 DISEASES OF THE CELLU- LAll TISSUE. 'Ifi 1 2.817 <)7 Obesity 1 2.817 DISEASES OF THE CUTA- NEOUS SYSTEM. Cntflneoua contractions 08 1 1.845 3 1 3 8. 451 2. 817 b. 451 no 3 1 3.178 1.059 1 1.176 1 2 2 994 5. 9,-'8 inn Ulcers ftrniul tnt.,nl 1 1.845 4 4.237 1 1.176 7 19. 718 3 8.962 CONDITIONS NOT NECESSA- KILT ASSOCIATED AVITH GENERAL OE LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of chest 101 1 1 8 1 o 5 20 2.817 2.817 22. .535 2. 817 5.634 14. 085 50. 338 1 9.994 102 Deformity of cbcst 1 10 1.059 10. 593 loa Permanent physical debility llelaxed jngainal rings 7 12. 915 2 2.353 1U4 lUi) Over ago 1 10 33 1.845 18. 450 60. 880 1 33 1.059 2.119 34. 958 3 4 14 3.529 • 4.706 16. 471 lOli 10 47. 904 5.988 in- Under size . 51 94. 090 47 49. 788 23 27.059 38 107. 042 19 56. 886 LOCAL INJURIES. LOCALITY OF IXJUllV SOT SPECIFIED. Fractures 108 1 3 1. 845 5. 535 1 4 1.0,i9 4.237 o 2.353 lo: Wounds 5 14.085 1 2.994 Total 4 7.380 5 5.297 o 2.353 5 14. 085 1 2.994 IXJUIilES AND MALFOKM.VnOXS OF Ul'l'EK E.VrKE.MlTlES. Defects or deformities of hand Loss of thumb no 111 1 1 2 -2 1.845 1.845 1 1. 059 „ 5.634 1 2.994 IHJUBIES AXD JULF0RMATI0N3 0F LOWEU EXTKEMITIES. Defects or deformities of loot Loss of great too 3.690 1 L059 2 5.634 1 2 994 112 113 3. 090 2 9.110 2 1 2.353 1.176 „ 5.634 o 1 5. 088 2.994 Total 2 3. CBO 1 2 I 2. 119 3 3. 529 2 5.634 3 8. 982 Gr.and total 8 7 103 14. 7C0 8 8. 475 5 5.882 9 25. 352 5 14. 970 UNCLASSIFIKU. Organic di.'casc of internal organs. Grand total for all disea-sos. . lU 12. 915 1 1.039 1 1.176 35 104. 790 — ICO. 037 127 134. 534 C4 73. £94 106 298. 592 78 233. 533 1 757 far each disease and disability on account of which Secniits and Substitutes were found unfit for military sccrice— Contiuued. IOWA— Contiuucd. IHCHIGAX— Continued. C0XG»ES.S10.VAI. UISTKICTS. CONGRCSSIO.N'AL DISTK1CT8. c. Total. 1. a. 3. 4. 5. 6. ToUl. Exnniiut'U, 333. Examined, 3,348. Examined, 2,618. Examined, 2,302. Examined, 3,163. Examined, 1,159. Examined, 1,801). Examined, 853. Examined, 11,904. .2 8 1 1 o 1 1 .a g § o 1 o s 1 § 1, o 1 M B 3 1 ^1 c5 o P4 ■d S o a 'S .a s s !i5 1 i o 1 -d M i 'A s o t-l o 1 a i o a K 1 .382 3 .948 4 4 .336 .336 93 94 95 1 .299 4 2.2)1 1 .299 1 .382 3 .948 4 2.211 8 .672 1 3.096 20 5.974 38 14. 515 12 5.213 47 14. 859 8 6.903 25 13.820 11 12.896 141 11.845 1 .299 90 97 1 .434 1 .316 2 .168 1 .299 1 .434 1 .316 2 .163 4 6 0 1.195 1. 792 1.792 8 15 11 3.056 5.730 4.202 2 7 1 .869 3.041 .434 10 18 15 3.162 5 691 4.742 4 3 2 2.211 1.058 1.106 24 47 39 2.016 3.948 3.276 98 90 3 3 2 588 4.314 1 5 1.172 5.802 100 * 10 4.779 34 12.987 10 4.344 43 13.595 8 6.903 9 4.975 0 7.034 110 9.241 2 2 27 1 7 39 106 .597 .597 8.065 .299 2.091 11.049 31. 661 3 1 31 .948 .316 9.801 11 10 13 1 6 0 123 0.081 5.528 7.186 .553 4.422 3.317 07. 993 14 21) 158 1 87 80 492 1.176 i.oeo 13.273 .084 7 308 6.720 41.331 101 3 19 1.140 7.257 5 67 2. 172 29.105 1 19 .863 16.393 102 9 10. 551 103 26 33 51 9.931 12. 005 19. 481 29 6 157 12.598 2.600 68. 202 10 9 117 3.162 2.845 36. 990 8 'I 0.903 14. 663 1.726 6 9 42 7.034 10. 551 49. 238 Kl'i 2 4 6.192 12.384 106 107 6 ia576 184 54.958 132 50.420 264 114.683 171 54.003 47 40.552 172 95. 080 66 77.374 832 71.573 4 15 1.195 4. 480 2. 18 8.021 0.875 5 33 2 172 14.335 10 12 3.1fi2 3.794 3 8 1.658 4.422 4 2 345 4.689 41 81 3.444 0.804 10. 249 infi a 0.192 0 5.177 109 2 6.192 19 5.675 39 14.897 38 16.507 22 6.955 6 5.177 11 0.081 6 7.034 122 5 1 t.493 .299 6 2.292 6 1 2.606 .434 13 4.110 1 .863 7 3.870 1 1.172 34 1 21856 .084 lift 111 6 1 1.792 6 2.292 7 3.041 13 4.110 1 .863 7 3.870 1 1.172 33 2 940 1 3.096 11 2 3.286 .597 23 5 8.783 1.910 6 2.606 .669 12 1 3.794 .310 6 1 5.177 .863 11 2 0.081 1.106 2 1 a 345 1. 172 60 12 5.040 1.008 112 113 1 3.096 13 1 3.883 28 10.695 8 3.475 13 1 4. 110 7 6.040 13 7.186 3 3.517 72 0.048 3 9.288 38 1 11.330 73 27.884 53 1 23. 023 48 15. 175 14 12. 079 31 17. 137 10 11.723 229 19. 237 2 6.192 46 13.740 30 11.459 38 10.507 22 6.933 8 0.003 3 1.658 1 1.172 102 8.509 114 25 77. 399 503 150. 239 605 231. 092 711 308.802 648 204.809 164 141. 501 370 204. .533 147 172.333 3,04.'i 222. 194 758 T,UJLE No. US—Shoiping, by States and Coiigresnional Districts, the numher rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined, DISEASES. WISCONSIN. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. Ex.amined, 1,927. E.^amincd, 717. Examined, am. Examined, 1,752. Examined, 710. Examined, 1,626. Examined, 7,391. .a 1 I u f 1 g w o 1 -3 s ® a o o 1 O -6 1 o B c5 o O 1 i s 1 § i ■$ 1 1 M a d o 1 rs o o '4? a s. 0 1 1 s Z p. 0 1 1 GENERAL DISEASES. 1 .615 1 1 .135 .135 1 .571 " Total . 1 .571 1 .615 2 .271 3 1 .519 1 11 1 1 11 6 6 5 .135 1.488 .135 . 135 1.488 .812 .8(2 .676 4 4 5.579 2 3.035 3 1.712 2 1.230 1 1.408 Q 1 1.395 8 4.152 1 1 1 1.517 1. .517 1.517 1 1 3 2 ..571 .571 1. 712 1.142 1 1.408 '2 'i.'236' 2 2.789 9 1 .519 1 1 1.408 1.408 2 2.789 Total 10 5.189 9 12. 552 5 7.587 10 5.708 4 5.034 4 2.460 42 ,5. C83 Grand total 10 5.189 9 12. 552 5 7.587 11 6.279 4 5.634 5 3.075 44 5.953 DISEASES OF THE NEKV0I7S SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE BKAIN AND ITS UEMDRANES. Acnto {li8e.ise of brain 11 1" ' If Sunstroke Total DISEASES OF THE NERVES. 14 1 .615 1 .135 GENERAL DISEASES OF THE NERV- OUS SVSTEM. Chorea IS in 1 1.395 1 l.?17 2 1.230 4 .541 17 IS Stammering 1 1.395 1 .135 Total 2 2.789 1 1.517 ^ 1.230 5 .076 DISORDERS OF THE INTELLECT. Chronic alcoholism ■ in 20 Trabecility 4 2.076 1 i. sn 5 .676 21 lusaiiitv 22 Solitary vicG Totivl 4 2. 076 1 1.517 5 .676 Grand 4 2.076 2 2.789 2 3.035 3 1.845 11 1.488 DISEASES AND IN.IITRTES OF THE EYE AND EYELIDS. DISEASES ANT) INJURIES OF THE EiT5. Cat.iract of right ovc 23 1 1 1 .615 0 7 1 14 22 .271 .947 .135 1. 894 2. 977 24 Uim (if siKlit, riftlit cvo 1 1 1 5 .519 .519 2.595 1. 395 1 1.517 4 2.283 25 Loss nl siflht, Iftt nyo 2« Partial loss of sight, both eyes . . . Diseases of tbeoyos 2 3 2.re9 4.184 11 6 6.279 3.425 27 1 1.517 7 4.305 Total 6 4.152 7 9.763 S 3.035 21 11.986 8 4.920 46 6.224 DISEASES OP THE EYELIDS. Diseases of tbo eyelids 28 3 4. 5.52 1 .571 4 .541 Grand total 8 4. 152 7 9.763 5 7. 587 22 12. 557 8 4.920 .:: 1 75'J for each disease and disahility on account of iiliieh Bccruits and Siilatitutee itere found unfit for miUtarij eenicc — Continued. MIXNESOTA. CALIFOllNIA. KANSAS. NEVADA. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. COSGRF.SSIOXAI. DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DI8T. GEAND TOTAL. 1. 2. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. 1. 2. Total. 1. Exaniiii'd, 1,060. Esamin'tl, 2,41U. Exnmin'd. 3,476. Exarain'd, 528. Bsamin'd, 645. Examin'd.i 1,270. 1 Examin'd, 2,443. Examiu'd, 734. Sxamin'd, 136. 870. 1 Examined, 37. Examined, 305,608. i I ■ s 1 !5 d u .2 t M B 3 d o 1 £ ?5 8 .2 '6 1 s o 1 5 1 g o u a d g ■h .a a a 1 t ■D B § O P. .2 1 5 o i. o O t & 3 s 1 s o t. aj P. ,o ® i g £. .2 P^ '6 V u u B d 8. V 20 45 .005 .147 1 .787 1 .409 2 1 .787 1 .409 65 .213 == = = ' ■ 49 385 163 T 3,208 175 4.'-.5 1,1100 .160 1.260 .533 .Oil 10. 497 . 57.-) 1. 4HI 3 **1" t 2 1.870 7 2.905 9 2.589 1 1.362 1 1.149 1 27.027 ■i 6 13 20.155 8 6.299 21 8.596 1 .938 1 2 12 .288 .575 3. 4."i2 H 2 .830 1 7.353 1 1.149 Chronic disease of lieart 3 1.557 4 5. 570 1 .615 Total 3 1.557 * 5.570 13 7.420 G 8.451 1 .615 27 3.153 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD -\-ES8ELS. Diseases of the Arteries. Anonrism :?(! Diseases of the Ycins. "Varicose veins H 14 37 7.265 13 18.131 i 6.0-0 31 1,.694 1 4.225 4 2.460 69 9.336 Total 7.265 13 18. 131 4 6.070 31 17. 694 3 4.2-25 4 2.460 69 9.336 Grand total. 17 8.!»2 17 23.710 4 e.070 44 25. 114 9 12.676 5 3.073 96 12. 989 DISEASES OF DUCTLESS GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE THXBOID GLAND. Goitre 38 o 1 14-^ 1 1.408 3 .406 Grand total 2 1. 142 1 1.408 3 .406 DISEASES OF THE RESPIEA- TORY SYSXESI. DISEASES OP THE LARYNX. Fistnla of the larynx 39 40 FONCnONAL AFFECTIOKS OP THE LAIITSX. Loss of voice _ 41 DISEASES OP THE TRACHEA AXD Bronchitis 1 .510 1 .135 DISEASES OF THE LUXG. A<:nte disease of hnif; 42 1 2 .571 1.142 1 8 . 13.-1 1.0S3 Clironio Uispasc of lung 1 1.395 3 4.552 o 2.817 Total 44 DISr.AgB8 OF THE rLEIIRA. Chronic pleurisy Grnnd total 1 .519 1 1.395 3 4.552 3 1.712 2 2.817 10 1.353 761 for each disease and disability on accouut of uhich Ileauits and Substitutes were found unfit for militari/ service — Continned. MINNESOTA— Continued. 1 CALIFOKNIA— Continnea. | KANSAS— Continued. ^^E7ADA- CoDtd. CItAXD TOTAL. COXGKESSIOKAL UISTIUCTS. 1 COXGIIESSIOXAL DISTKICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTKICTS. CONG. DIST. 1. 3. Total. 1. a. 3. Total. 1. •J. Total. 1. Esarain'd, l,OliG. iixamiii'd, 2,410. Sxamin'd, 3,476. I Examin'd, 528. Examin'd, C45. Examin'd. 1.270. Examin'd, 2,443. Esarain'd, 734. Examin'd, 136. 5xaniin'd, 870. Examined, 37. Examined, 305,608. 8 1 a s 'A O s g p. o V f-i a C5 s o 1 •6 S u o a i o 1 St o o 1 e D O s s o 1 13 ® s g o 1 1 o 1 s 0 o o 1 a o g P< .2 "S -3 s g i g o_ o O. .2 1 1 o 3 3 g. a o 1 1 .§ S 3 s £. O 1 S § 1 1 i. o 1 0 1 a 0 g. A 0 1 3 1.245 3 .863 105 4 294 .540 .013 .962 oq 30 3 1.245 3 .863 11 6 I 2.490 C 1.726 4C3 1.515 i 25 67 .082 .219 TO n 92 .301 243 1,977 .795 6.469 14 U 13. 133 9 3.734 23 6.017 ...1 T) 14 13. 133 _i 3.734 23 6.617 2,220 7.264 .052 11.547 1 .787 1 8 .409 16 3fi 14 Iji. 133 11 4.564 23 7. 192 1 1.550 7 5.512 3 Q?."! 1 27.027 3,529 17 1 ■ 14 jl3. 133 11 4.564 25 7. 192 1 1 1.550 8 0.299 9 3.684 1 1 27. 027 3, 545 11. 600 ■20 8.299 48 13. 809 1 1.530 8 0.S99 9 3.084 07 007 5,765 18.864 1 ... . 62 .20il 38 "\ ■ 62 .203 • 7 .023 3,9 " ' 11 .036 40 274 .897 41 1 8 .415 .3.320 1 14 .288 A noQ 1 128 ! 478 .419 1.564 42 G 5. 6M o 2.725 n n 5s'D IN- JURIES OF THE TEETH, GUMS, AND ALVEOLI. 47 14 7.265 3 4.184 6 9.105 12 6.849 11 6.705 46 0.224 DISEASES OF THE FAUCES AND PALATE. Cleft palato 4R DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. 41 1 1.395 1 .615 2 .271 ■in Total 1 1.395 1 .615 2 .271 .271 • . 541 .271 1.218 1(5. 824 0. 224 1.488 .271 .135 DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. Chronic diarrhoea SI 1 . 519 • 1 1 .615 .015 2 4 9 80 40 11 2 1 'i-> Hernia 1.038 1 1 5 10 13 1.395 1.395 0.974 13. 947 18. 131 53 1 1.408 'i4 Hernia, ventral o 13 8 5 1.038 0. 74G 4.152 2.595 1 29 20 4 .571 IC. 553 11.410 2.283 1 16 4 2 1 .615 9.840 2.40O 1.230 .015 I'i Hernia, right inguinal . . G 9.105 fi 1 8.451 1.408 5li .57 5H 1 1.408 .59 Hernia, k-li lemorai 1 .571 cn Hernia, doublo femoral .... Total 31 10.087 30 41.841 6 9.105 55 51. 393 9 12. 670 26 15. 990 157 21. 242 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS. Fistula in ano (11 02 Ha'iunrrh<»i(la 11 5. 708 1 1.305 1 .571 1 .015 14 1.894 ii:i I'lolap.'iUH aui -• 04 Stricture of rectum Total : 11 5.708 1 1.395 1 .571 1 .615 14 1.894 DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Acute fliseaso of liver C.'i 1 1. 517 1 1 . 1.-.5 .135 liO Chronic disease of liver 1 .571 ...... Total 1 1.517 1 .571 2 .271, DISEASES OF THE Sl'LEEN. Acute disease of spleen 67 08 Chronic disease ot spleen "" Total ' Grand total 50 29. 001 35 48. 810 13 19. 727 09 39. 384 9 12. 670 39 23.985 221 29. 901 DISEASES OF THE UKINARY SYSTEM. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY. Acute disease of kidney 69 70 Total i 1.517 2 1.230 3 .406 1 1. 517 2 1.230 3 .406 763 for each dieecne and disability on accouiii of uhich Eecruits and Substitutes were found unfit for military service — Continued. MnOJESOTA— Continued. COKGRESSIOSAL DISTIUCTS. CALIPOKNIA— ConUnncd. C0NGI1ES6I0XAL DISTRICTS. KANSAS— Coutinned. Total. CONGBESSIOXAL DISTRICTS. 1. a. Total. NEVAIIA- Cont'u. GRAM) TOTAI- | Examhrd, Kxaiuin'f], Examin'd, 1,060. 2,410. :t,476. 5.629 ID 1. R7(i 16^886 .M8 1752 .938 2.814 .938 29.876 10229.344 .9.18 I... 2.814 I 8 40.33b 93 .938 .415 1.945 12. 863 .415 .830 9. 129 4.564 .415 .415 Exaniin'd 5-28. Examiu'd, C45. Examin'd, Examin'd, 1,270. 2,443. Examin'd, Examin'd, !Examin'd, 734. 136. i 870. Examined, 37. Examined, 305,008. 4.603 1.438 14. 097 ..'i75 1.726 6.617 4. 028 .575 .288 3.320 3.320 13 .288 3. 165 .288 39. 125 .863 1..')50 7.874 4.651 3.101 1.550 .787 3. 150 5. 512 2.362 10. 833 8 12. 403 26 20. 472 .787 .813 4.093 3.684 1.637 ! 2 .409 4.087 2.725 8.174 9.537 2.725 27. 248 14.706 7.353 7. .133 0.897 8.046 22. 059 23 2& 437 I .046 .088 41 I 3,358 10. 661 95 .311 48 23 . 075 49 86 .281 50 112 1.02; 283 131 3,714 2,501 431 129 85 19 54.054 54.034 8, 427 169 701 .57 9 .366 I .51 3.344 ' 52 .926 .429 12. 153 8.184 1.410 .422 .278 .062 27. 575 2.294 .187 .029 3. 06.1 .108 .236 105 I 12 .013 .026 12,983! 42.48:1 8 43 .026 .141 764 Taiiie No. '23— Showing, by States and Congressional Districts, the numhei- rejected, and the ratio rejected ^fr 1,000 examined, DISEASES. WISCONSIN— Continued. CONGKE83IONAL DISTKICT6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total. Examined, 1,937. Examined, 717. Examined, 659. Examined, 1,752. Examined, 710. Examined, 1,626. Esaminod, 7,:)yi. ■6 a: tJ 1 a o 1 a 'c? a |2i i t 1 r3 S V s- 3 'A =5 s O 1 S 1 g I .2 M •6 -2 a? .a E s |Zi 0 s n. 0 1 0 0 1 P. 0 t !2i § u .2 ■3 pi DISEASES OK THE UrjNAEY SYSTEM— Continuwl. DISEASES OF THE BLAIJDER. Total DISEASES OF THE UKETHIIA. Total 1 1.517 0 1. 230 3 .400 DISEASES OF THE GENERA- TIVE SYSTEM. DISEASES AND INJURIES OF OU- GAXS OF GESEKATIOX. Diseases of Penis. llvpospartia Total Diseases of Ttinica Vaginalis. Hydrocele . 1 1 10 .571 .571 5.708 1 1 23 .135 .135 3.112 Sarcocele 3 1.557 3 4.184 5 7.587 1 1.408 1 . 615 Total 3 1.557 3 4.184 5 7.587 12 '6. 849 1 1.408 1 .015 25 3. 382 Diseases of Testicle. Acute disease of testicle Chvonic disease of testicle llctcmion of testicle 1 .519 1 1 1.395 1.395 1 1.517 1 .015 4 .,541 .271 1 .571 Total 1 .519 2 2.789 1 1.517 1 .571 1 .015 6 .812 Grand total DISEASES OF ORGANS OF EOCOMOTION. DISEASES OF HONES. Chronic disease of bones 4 2.070 5 1 C.974 1.395 0 9.105 13 7.4-20 1 1.408 2 1.230 31 4.194 1 1.517 2 1. 142 3 1.845 7 .947 1. 024 4.000 DISEASES AND I.NJUUIES OF THE JOINTS. Anltvlowis of joints 1 4 .519 2.070 2 1 2.789 1.395 8 21 4.566 11.986 1 5 .015 3. 0T5 12 34 Chronic disease of joints 3 4.559 Dislocation ot joints Total 5 2.595 3 4. 184 3 4. 552 29 10.553 6 3.690 40 0. 224 DISEASES OF TUB SPIKE. Cni-vaturoof spine 2 1.038 3 2.789 1 1.517 7 a 995 1 .615 13 1.759 DISH ASES OF THE JItlSCm.An SYSTEM. Dineascs of Muscle. Atrophy of limb 1 1. 517 1 .571 1 1.408 3 .400 765 for each disease and dlsuhiUty on account of which Recruits and Suhstituies were found unfit for military «cn*icc— Continued. MDTNESOTA— Continued. CALirOKNIA— Continued. KANSAS— Continued. NEVADA- Cont'd. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. COXGIIESSIONAI. DISTRICTS. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. CONG. DIST. CKAXllTOT.VL. 1. 3. Total. 1. 2. 3. Total. 1. 2. Total. 1. ExarainM, 1,066. Examio'd, 2,410. Exaniin'd. 3,470. Examin'd, 528. Esamin'd, 645. Exaniin'd, 1,270. Examiu'd, 2,443. Exaniin'd. 734. Examiu'd, 136. Exaniin'd. 870. Exarnincd, 37. Examined, 305,008. 1 o B 'A o 8 t-i g. 1 -3 2 O .a S c 125 8 o O P. O 1 f 1 E .2 1 1 s a D o § p< .2 5 o 8 i p. o (3 1 1 (.1 a 3 'A s i o 1 1 §■ a o f a s s. o 1 •6 o 1 c e. 1 -3 1 1 g i p< o •(I 1 1 E I .2 1 'E a -A g Zi o 1 1 3 U 35 .003 .010 .020 .115 71 72 73 74 1 .938 1 .288 1 .938 1 .288 45 .147 ^ ■== ^^^ 20 3 .065 .010 75 - 23 .075 a 1.870 2 .830 4 1.151 1 .787 1 .409 119 .389 - 4 32 444 25 .013 .105 1.453 77 78 79 60 ...1 1. .... \ 1 1 , 1 1 .. 1 1 5C5 1. 652 ■1 h- 5 2.073 S 1.438 130 183 869 .425 ..599 2.909 81 82 83 1 1.362 1 1.149 4 3.752 12 4.979 I(i 4. 603 -21 4 3.752 17 7. 054 n 041 I 1 1.302 1 1.149 1,202 3.933 =- 1 91 346 153 .298 1.132 .501 84 85 86 1 l.fi94 3 2. 302 4 i.637 1 .415 1 .288 1 .415 1 .288 1 1. tf9l 3 2. 362 4 1.637 590 1.931 4 3. 7,52 18 7.459 22 0.329 1 1.894 3 2.362 1 1.637 1 1.362 1 1.149 2,297 7.510 1 c .938 1 .415 S .575 1 .787 1 .409 .819 .819 .409 495 1.620 87 1 1.550 1 5.629 a 5 .830 a 075 8 5 2.301 1.438 1 .787 1.575 2 663 1.041 339 2.169 3.406 1. 109 2 2.723 1 7.353 3 3.448 f.'l 1 1.894 in 1 0 1 5. 6-20 2 2.D05 13 1 3.740 1 1.694 1 1.550 3 2.302 5 2.047 2 2. 725 1 I 7.353 3 3.448 2,043 0.685 2 1.876 .830 4 1.151 3 f>.3C2 3 1.228 2 2.725 L= 3 2.299 717 S.346 11 1 .■(38 1 .288 1 1.362 1 1.149 291 .952 <)o — 1 -^= ■"■1 — " ■ 1 766 TAr.LH No. 2'i—Shuiibifj, h\j States and Coiignsswiial Uinlricis, the number rejected, and the ratio rejected i)cr 1,000 examined, DISEASES WISCONSIN— Continued. CONGIIESSIONAL IHSTUICTS. 1. 2. 3. ■1. 5. Exai 1, ». Total. Examined, Ex:miiDC(l, 717. Exainiui'tl, C59. Exannncd, 1,752. Examined, 710. iiiiicd, J2r. ExamiiuMl, 7,391. 1 o f o .a a p § % .2 1 e p. .2 d 1 o 5 ¥' S3 .a a 8 .2 1 5 'l? o a 3 'A s 1. ■s a- o g o g p. 1 E D •a o s T-t o 95 DISEASES OF OEGAKS OF LOCOMOTION— Contiuued. Diseases of the Musculau Sys- tem— Contiiiued. Diseases of Tendon. 1 .519 3 4.552 4 4 .541 .541 3 1. 712 1 .615 'i'otal 1 .519 3 4.552 3 1.712 1 .615 8 1.082 8 4,152 c 8.368 9 13. 657 42 23. D73 1 1.408 11 6.705 77 10.418 DISEASES OF TBE CELLU- LAR TISSUE. 97 1 1.395 1 .571 o .271 1 1.395 1 .571 2 .271 diseases of the cuta- :neogs system. It " 2 1 1 2.817 1.408 1.408 0 1 3.090 1. 230 .015 8 13 10 1.082 1.739 1. 353 yi 4 2 2.070 1. 038 I 3 1.395 4.184 1 3 1. 517 4. 53-2 4 2.283 100 Ulcers Grand total e 3.114 A 5.579 4 0.U70 4 2.283 4 5.634 9 5.535 31 4.194 CONDITIOXS NOT NECESSA- KLLY ASSOCIATED WITH GK.NEKAL OK LOCAL DIS- EASE. Deficient size of cbcst ini 9 3 4 1 0 3 43 13. 057 4. 532 0.070 1. 517 9.105 4. .W2 05 250 4 4 15 1 4 2. 283 2.283 8. 502 .571 2. 283 1 4 0 1.408 5.034 8.451 14 17 56 ft 20 42 133 1.894 2. 300 7.577 .271 2.700 .'). 083 18.205 1(1-1 Dftbnnity of chest 1 10 .519 8.303 1 2 1.395 2.789 4 13 2.-4C0 7.995 1114 iV-rniaueiit physical debility lli'luxed inj^iiiual rings 111" 5 12 1-2 ■2. m& 0. 237 C. -227 3 17 5 4.184 23.710 0. 974 1 3 1.408 4.225 1 7 40 .015 4.303 24. 000 101 Under tige 107 35 19. 977 Grand total 4C 23. 871 28 39. 052 09 104.704 03 35. 939 13 21. 127 65 39. 973 2S6 38. 690 LOCAL mJUKIES. LOCALITY OF INJURY NOT SPECmiiD. Fractures Iflh 1 3 .."ilO 1. 557 5 3 0.974 4.184 1 2 1.517 3.033 7 13 3. 995 7. 4-20 ...... "i.'ibs' 20 1.230 15. 990 10 48 2.103 fi. 494 10' Wounds Total 4 2.070 8 11.158 3 4. 552 20 11.410 1 1.408 28 17. 2-20 04 8.039 INJUHIE8 AND MALFORMATIONS OF Uri'KK EXTKKMITIKS. Detects ei- di-ft)rniitie3 ol' hand . . . Loss of thumb lU 4 1 2.070 .519 1 1. 395 3 2 1. 712 1.142 0 3.090 14 3 l.l-'.M .400 - u Total IKJUUIKS AND MALFOItMATlUXS OF LOWEU EXTKKMlTlliS. D(ffect8 or deformities of foot . . . Loss of great loo 0 2 .WS 2. .TOS 1 5 1 1.395 0. 974 1. 393 5 2. 854 fi 3. 090 17 2. .300 111 5 4 1 G.070 1.517 8 4.500 6 3.690 28 2 3.788 . 271 11. Total 1- . 0 2.595 0 8.368 5 7.587 8 4.500 0 3. 000 30 4. O.V.) Grand total 14 1 J. 162 7.205 :t. 033 114.747 15 134 20. 921 8 12. 140 33 18. 830 1 1.408 40 24. 000 HI 13. 018 UNCLASSIFIED. Ort;anic disease of internal organs ! Grand total for all diseases. m 4 0.070 1 .571 1 .015 13 1.759 _ 180. 690 134 203. 338 317 180.9.30 47 00. 197 190 110.851 1,004 135.841 767 for each disease and disahilily on account of which Kccntits and Suistilutes were found unfU for military service — Continued. ATTXXESOTA— CoBtiDued. CALrFOEXIA—Coii tinned. KANSAS— Continued. XEVADA- Cont'd. CONGKESSIOSAL DISfRICTS COXGllESSIOXAL DISTUICII!. COXGKESSIONAL DiSTBICTS. COKC. DIST. 1 GKAM5 TOTAL. 1. a. Total. 1. 2. 3. ToUI. 1. 2. Total. 1. E^.aniiD'd, Examin'd, I.OGG. 1 2,4!0. Exanrin'il, 3.470. Examinil, sea Examin'd, 645. ixaroin'd, 1,U70. Sxamiu^d, 2,443. j Examined, 7:14. • Sx.iinin'd, 136. ^nmiu'd. 870. Examined, 37. Examined, 305X08. .%. "a? t £ o 1 § I s 3 >5 o o 5 O 1 1 o .3 E 1 . 1 1| 5 g U c ei K 1 1.362 1 1.149 162 109 16 .530 .357 .OS 01 2 .830 2 .575 1 1.550 1 .409 <)4 *n " 2 .830 2 .575 1 1. 5.'iO 1 .409 1 1.362 1 1.149 287 .939 == 10 9.381 12 4.079 22 G.329 1.694 2 1 3. ini 7 .■). 512 10 4.093 6 a 174 1 7.353 7 a 046 3,833 12.542 o 1 .830 .415 2 1 .575 •3RS 43 103 .147 .337 96 97 1 3 1.245 1 3 .663 148 .484 O 3 1 1.&7C 2.PI4 .938 3 1.245 5 3 2 1.438 .863 i 2 3.101 1 5 7 .787 a 937 5.512 1 6 9 .409 2.456 3.684 1 7.353 1 1.149 1 27.027 1 567 974 928 1.855 3.187 3 n:i7 98 90 1 .415 5 a 812 1 7.353 G 6.t97 II 10 0 5.Ci9 4 1.G60 10 2.877 3 4.C51 13 1U.23G il6 6.549 5 6.612 2 14.706 7 a 046 1 27.027 2,469 a 079 1 .415 12.863 23.237 1 32 02 .2*8 9.206 17. 837 1 1.550 1 1 15 .4'09 .409 6.140 i 'i.'362' 7.353 S 'a299 , 1,131 3.701 101 1 G 1 11 .787 a 661 912 2 9i*4 4,113 13.45S 91 .238 2, 232 7. 303 102 1 1.894 3 4.051 101 104 1 4 3 .938 3.752 3 3 1.245 1.245 7.4C9 4 7 1.151 2.014 3 5.682 1 1.550 4 1.637 103 ' .=1,285 17.293 24. .164 106 3 2.362 3 1.228 1 1.362 10 73. 529 11 12. 644 .7,507 107 13 46.473 4 7.576 5 1 7. 752 15 11.811 24 1 9. 824 2 2.725 U 80. 882 13 14.943 22,369 73.261 '* a 2 1.87r> 1.870 » 2. 490 3. T34 8 11 2 301 3.165 "i'i 1.550 I 2 .787 1.575 1 3 .409 1.228 1 1.SG2 i 7.33.V 1 1 1.149 1.149 .... 757 1,671 2.477 5.4G8 108 109 4 ■■ ', 6.224 19 5. 466 6 1. V2(i I .288 I... 1 1 1.550 1 j 1.5.T0 3 2.362 4 1 1.037 1 1.362 1 7.:«3 2 a 299 ^423 7.945 1 4 2 1 1. 87(1 ).6C0 1 1 .787 2 .819 1 . 1.3G2 I 1.149 1,007 121 3.295 .39i; no I ) 111 1 :i 2.S14 4 l.CCO 7 1 2.014 ~ 1 1 i.-ioo 1 .787 2 .819 1 1 1.302 1 1.149 j .1.128 3.691 8 3 4.564 .415 10 5.466 4 1. 15 1 .787 1 .409 5 6.812 S 1 i7«7 1.149 1.484 211 4.85C 112 •2. 814 1 1 1 1 3n2 ■■ .690 I|I3 1 G 10. 3111 12 1 4.07» 23 6. 017 11 1 1 .787 ; 1 1 .409 a 174 1 G 6.897 1.695 5.546 l|... 1 1 1 1 i ' 49 14.C97 1 o 3.101 5 1 3. 9-17 7 1 -^ Mf* ! fi in ]=,103 6.881 114 1 1 1 ICO 100.C94 130.004 49? 142.405 "is 24. 621 36 ,.''.5.814 10083.465 |IK6a447 54 |73.509 ,24 |l76.471 78 89.653 5 135. i:t5 |'C9.0C5 228. J37 ? 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