STATUS REVIEW UPDATE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF DEMOGRAPHIC MONITORING STUDIES; Penstemon lemhiensis U?(2^S(4£j/l 11ATU5 STATUS REVIEW UPDATE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF DEMOGRAPHIC MONITORING STUDIES: Penstemon lemhiensis Prepared for: U.S.D.A. FOREST SERVICE - REGION 1 BEAVERHEAD AND BITTERROOT NATIONAL FORESTS MONTANA Prepared by: J. Stephen Shelly, Botanist Montana Natural Heritage Progreua State Library Building 1515 E. 6th Avenue Helena, MT 59620 Challenge Cost-share Project January 19 90 583.81 NllPLSR 1990 1 a ^ftjCCbdt- ' Montana State Library mnmm 3 0864 1004 7163 3 ox aanssi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I . INTRODUCTION 1 II. SPECIES INFORMATION A. REVIEW OF PRESENT STATUS 1 B. UPDATE OF GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION (MONTANA) 2 C. POPULATION MONITORING AND DEMOGRAPHY STUDIES 2 III. ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS A. THREATS TO NEWLY LOCATED POPULATIONS 10 B. MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 11 C . PROPOSALS FOR FUTURE STUDIES 12 IV. LITERATURE CITED 13 V. ELEMENT OCCURRENCE PRINT-OUTS AND MAPS 14 VI. PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES OF MONITORING TRANSECTS 52 VII . APPENDIX 54 I . INTRODUCTION This report represents an update to the status review of Penstemon lemhiensis (Shelly 1987) , a sensitive plant species that occurs on the Beaverhead and Bitterroot National Forests in Montana. Additional field surveys were conducted during the summer of 1989, in areas on the Beaverhead National Forest that had not previously been studied. Also, surveys were conducted on the Bitterroot National Forest, to attempt relocation of two historical records in southern Ravalli County, and to survey for new populations in that region. These surveys resulted in the discovery of ten new P. lemhiensis populations in Beaverhead County (one wholly, and one partially, on Beaverhead National Forest lands) , and two new populations in Ravalli County (one wholly, and one partially, on Bitterroot National Forest lands) . In addition, it is believed that the two historical locations (originally documented in 1950 and 1952) were relocated during the surveys in Ravalli County; both of these sites are located on private lands. Additionally, permanent demographic monitoring transects were established in three locations on the Beaverhead National Forest. Two transects were installed in the French Creek drainage, and one near Badger Pass. The purpose of these studies will be to provide long-term data on the survival and fecundity of P. lemhiensis populations, and to allow assessment of natural and man-caused impacts on them. II. SPECIES INFORMATION A. REVIEW OF PRESENT STATUS 1, FEDERAL STATUS: Currently, P. lemhiensis is included in Category 2 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Notice of Review (U.S. Department of Interior 1985) , under consideration for federal listing as a threatened species. Category 2 taxa are those "... for which information now in possession of the Service indicates that proposing to list them as endangered or threatened species is possibly appropriate, but for which substantial data on biological vulnerability and threat (s) are not currently known or on file to support the immediate preparation of rules." In addition, P. lemhiensis is currently included on the U.S. Forest Service Region 1 sensitive species list (U.S. Department of Agriculture 1988; Reel et a^. 1989) . Sensitive species are "...those plant and animal species identified by the Regional Forester for which population viability is a concern, as evidenced by: a.) (s) ignif leant current or predicted downward trends in population numbers or density," and/or "b.) (s) ignif leant current or predicted downward trends in habitat capability that would reduce a species' existing distribution" (Reel et al . 1989) . Through its Inclusion on the Region 1 sensitive species list, P. lemhlensis has legal protection under U.S. Forest Service agency policies (W. Ruediger, pers. conun.). 2. STATE STATUS: In Montana, P. lemhlensis is currently ranked as S2 ("imperiled in state because of rarity") by the Montana Natural Heritage Program (Shelly 1989) . It was recommended for listing as "threatened" (any species that is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range in the state) by the Montana Rare Plant Project (Lesica et al . 1984) . These state rankings do not currently provide any direct legal protection for P. lemhlensis. B. UPDATE OF GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION (M0NT7VNA) 1. BEAVERHEAD COUNTY: Prior to 1989, Penstemon lemhlensis had been recently documented (1986- 1988) from 18 sites in Beaverhead County. During 1989, extensive surveys resulted in the discovery of 12 new populations. One recent report could not be verified as to Identification (Medicine Lodge Creek, 022) , and one historical collection (021: "West of Big Hole Battlefield," 1947, F.H. Rose (3502) . MONTU) has not been relocated. 2. RAVALLI COUNTY: Prior to 1989, two historical records were known from Ravalli County (1950 and 1952) . It is believed that the 1989 surveys resulted in the rediscovery of these populations. Also, two previously unrecorded populations were found. Thus, P. lemhlensis is now known from 34 locations in Montana (30 in Beaverhead County, 4 in Ravalli County) . Element occurrence print-outs for the rediscovered historical sites, as well as the newly documented populations, are provided in Section V, pp. 23-38. The locations for all of these sites are Indicated on the maps in Section V, pp. 39-51. C. POPULATION MONITORING AND DEMOGRAPHY STUDIES 1. KNOWN POPULATIONS RESURVEYED IN 1989: Eight previously documented populations (002, 003, 005, 009, 012, 014, 019, 020) were revisited in 1989; the element occurrence print-outs, containing revised location and population data, are included in Section V, pp. 15-22. Of these eight, drastic decreases in population size were noted in three of them (Badger Pass (005), Red Butte (012), Ermont Gulch (014)). At Badger Pass, 190 plants were counted in 1986, approximately 75 of which were within an exclosure constructed to protect part of the population. During 1989, however, only 5-10 plants were observed, most of them on a roadbank; none were found within the exclosure. Similarly, 142 plants were counted in the main subpopulation at Red Butte in 198 6; no plants were found there in 1988, and only ca. 12 plants were seen in 1989. Seventy-six plants were counted in the Ermont Gulch population in 1986, but only one plant was observed in 1989. The reasons for these declines are unknown; many of the plants may have been dormant in 1989, or they may have actually been extirpated. Monitoring of these sites should be continued, to determine whether these observed declines are permanent. An increase in population size was noted at the Dutch Creek (035) site; during 1987, only one plant was observed there, on an open roadbank; searches in undisturbed habitat on slopes above the road did not reveal any other plants. In 1989, approximately 28 plants were located in the same area. This information suggests that obseirved population size may fluctuate from year to year if the plants can in fact be periodically dormant. 2. NEW AND HISTORICAL POPULATIONS LOCATED IN 1989: Details regarding population size for the 14 newly discovered occurrences, and the two historical records believed to have been rediscovered, are summarized in Table 1. 3. DEMOGRAPHIC MONITORING TRANSECTS: During 1989, three permanent monitoring transects were established on the Beaverhead National Forest. The purpose of these transects is to provide more detailed data on the life history and population dynamics of P. lemhiensis. Data on survivorship and reproduction are important for understanding the biology of rare plant species, and undertaking measures to ensure their long-term preservation (Massey and Whitson 1980) . These data may also provide information pertaining to the small average population size of P. lemhiensis throughout its range in Montana, and the impacts that management activities (livestock grazing, mining, road maintenance) may be having on the TABLE 1. Size of Penstemon I emh i ens i s populations newly documented in 1989. BEAVERHEAD COUNTY: Occurrence number: 023 Site name: MINER CREEK Acreage: 10 Population size and condition: UNCOMMON, 17 PLANTS. Occurrence number: 024 Site name: FROG CREEK Acreage: 1 Population size and condition: 26 PLANTS. Occurrence number: 025 Site name: BRISTON LANE Acreage: 10 Population size and condition: 110 PLANTS. Occurrence number: 026 Site name: SWAMP CREEK Acreage: 3 Population size and condition: 23 PLANTS. Occurrence number: 027 Site name: HORSE PRAIRIE GUARD STATION Acreage: 1 Population size and condition: VERY SMALL POPULATION, ONLY 3 PLANTS. Occurrence number: 028 Site name: BLOODY DICK CREEK I Acreage: 2 Population size and condition: 34 PLANTS, FOUR SHALL SUBPOPULATIONS. Occurrence number: 029 Site name: BLOODY DICK CREEK II Acreage: 2 Population size and condition: 22 PLANTS, FOUR SMALL SUBPOPULATIONS. Occurrence number: 032 Site name: POLARIS Acreage: 1 Population size and condition: POPULATION OF 50+ PLANTS. Occurrence number: 033 Site name: SHALE CREEK Acreage: 1 Population size and condition: POPULATION OF ONLY 2 PLANTS. Occurrence number: 034 Site name: BLOODY DICK CREEK III Acreage: 15 Population size and condition: 74 PLANTS IN 3 SUBPOPULATIONS. Occurrence number: 035 Site name: DUTCH CREEK Acreage: 12 Population size and condition: CA. 30 PLANTS IN 2 SUBPOPULATIONS. Occurrence number: 036 Site name: BLANCHARD POND Acreage: 1 Population size and condition: 61 PLANTS COUNTED. RAVALLI COUNTY: Occurrence number: 004 Site name: NORTH FOR< RYE CREEK Acreage: 3 Population size and condition: TWO SUBPOPULATIONS; 72 PLANTS (SOUTH), WITH 65 ON SLOPE ABOVE ROADCUT; 11 PLANTS (NORTH), ALL ON ROADCUT; LARGEST POPULATION KNOWN IN RAVALLI COUNTY (PROBABLE RELOCATION OF 1952 HISTORICAL RECORD). Occurrence number: 007 Site name: MEDICINE TREE CREEK Acreage: 2 Population size and condition: 10 PLANTS OBSERVED, 7 ON ROADCUT, 3 ON SLOPES ABOVE (POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF 1950 HISTORICAL RECORD). Occurrence number: 030 Site name: SPRING GULCH Acreage: 1 Population size and condition: FOUR PLANTS OBSERVED; ONE FLOWERING, 3 STERILE ROSETTES. Occurrence number: 031 Site name: ROBBINS GULCH Acreage: 5 Population size and condition: U PLANTS OBSERVED, IN 5 SMALL COLONIES; 8 FLOWERING, 6 ROSETTES, ONE PLANT ON ROADSIDE. viability of those populations. a. STUDY SITES: The locations and geographic details for each of the three transect locations, all in Beaverhead County, are as follows: i« French Creek - Park Mine: French Creek drainage, on slope above west side of French Creek-Thief Creek Road (Beaverhead National Forest Rd. #606), 0.08 mi. south of junction with Trout Creek Road (Rd. #606-A) , uphill from junction of Rd. #606 and the spur road to Park Mine; T6S, RllW, Sec. 1, NEJjSWijSWJj ; elevation ca. 7,18 0 ft. 50° from start pin to junction of French Creek-Thief Creek and Trout Creek roads; 113° to junction of French Creek-Thief Creek Road and Park Mine spur road. Transect line bearing: 8° Slope: 22° Aspect: 105° Direction: Transect read south to north, on uphill side of tape. ii. French Creek - Discovery Mine: French Creek drainage, on slope above west side of French Creek-Thief Creek Road (Beaverhead National Forest Rd. #606) , 0.1 mi. south of Discovery Mine, 0.85 mi. north of Red Gulch, 1.6 mi. north of junction with Kelley Dam Road; T6S, RllW, Sec. li, SWitSEijNEJi; elevation ca. 6,940 ft. 74° from start pin to rock outcrop across drainage to the east; 132° to juniper ca. 3 m from start pin. Transect line bearing: 253° Slope: 38° Aspect: 54° Direction: Transect read from downhill to uphill, on south side of tape. iii. Badger Pass North: Southern Pioneer Mountains, 0.7 air mi. NNE. of Badger Pass, 0.6 air mi. east of Beaverhead National Forest Rd. #7467; T7S, RllW, Sec. 9, SEJjNE^NEij; elevation ca. 6,980 ft. 123 from start pin to short, triple-stemmed Douglas-fir; 14° to highest timbered knoll across valley to the northeast; 24 0° to limber pine ca. 4 m from start pin; start pin is at a bearing of 60° from top of knoll to the west. Transect line bearing: 31° Slope: 18° Aspect: 106° Direction: Transect read from west to east, on uphill side of tape. b. METHODS: The three permanent belt transects were established on 27-28 July 1989, following the methods outlined in Lesica (1987) . The two French Creek transects consist of 25 adjacent 1 m^ plots, and the Badger Pass North transect consists of 50 such plots. The start and end points of each transect were marked with steel rebar pins driven into the ground, and painted orange. Individuals were mapped on diagrams of each plot, and characterized using the following codes: S = seedling (cotyledons evident, or rosette less than 15 mm diameter) R = rosettes (basal tufts of leaves, on mature plants) I = inflorescences (flowering stems) F = fruits A = aborted flowers (no apparent formation of fruits) The total number per plant for each life history characteristic was also recorded (except for seedlings) ; thus, a plant with 5 basal rosettes, 2 inflorescences, 17 fruits, and 25 aborted flowers was recorded as R5l2F,7A25. At the Badger Pass North site, four individuals were recorded as "C" (established immature plants, with 4 or fewer leaves) ; 8 however, these were counted as R, individuals in the data analysis. At each of the three study sites, 25 fruits were collected from randomly selected individuals outside the transects. The fruits were dissected, and the number of viable-appearing seeds in each was recorded. C. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A summary of the population density and fecundity data collected in 1989 is presented in Table 2. In the three transects, a total of 240 plants were mapped and scored. The French Creek-Park Mine site had the highest recorded density, and the individuals at this site also had the highest percentage of fruiting plants. The lowest density, and the lowest average numbers of fruits per plant and per inflorescence, were recorded at the French Creek-Discovery Mine site. This site also had the highest percentage of browsed stems; it appeared that this browsing was by native species (probably deer) . Very few seedlings were observed in general, and none were found in the French Creek- Discovery Mine transect. Those observed (4 at French Creek-Park Mine, 13 at Badger Pass North) were very small, and it is possible that others within the transects were missed during the studies. Also, numerous seedlings may perish or become dormant earlier in the growing season, as the habitats become drier. Seedlings of Silene spaldingii, a rare perennial plant species occurring in northwestern Montana, become dormant during the summer months under greenhouse conditions (Lesica 1988) . 4. AREAS SURVEYED BUT SPECIES NOT LOCATED: The following areas were surveyed for Penstemon lemhiensis in 1989, but the species was not located within them. The actual areas surveyed are smaller than the portions of the sections indicated. OWNERSHIP Beaverhead County: T02S R17W Sec 34 UEh of SE^ USES T03S R16W Sec 07 SE^, of SWH Private TABLE 2. Population density and fecundity data for Penstemon lemhiensis in long-term monitoring transects, Beaverhead National Forest, 1989. TRANSECT Total # plots/transect Total # plants/transect 2 Density (plants/m ) Total # plants fruiting/transect Total # fruits/transect % plants fruiting Avg. tt fruits/fruiting plant Avg. # fruits/inflorescence % plants with one rosette* % plants with > one rosette % one-rosette plants with fruit % mul ti -rosette plants with fruit % flowering stems browsed % aborted flowers avg. # seeds/fruit (s.d.) Total tt seedlings/transect FRENCH CREEK- FRENCH CREEK- BADGER PASS PARK MINE DISCOVERY MINE NORTH 25 25 50 88 35 117 3.5 1.4 2.3 29 8 23 481 97 441 32.9 22.9 19.7 16.6 12,1 19.2 11.2 8.1 13.8 30.7 22.9 14.6 64.8 77.1 1 74.4 ' 11.1 0 11.8 45.6 29.6 24.1 23.2 47.8 3.0 N.R. N.R. 52.4 32.7 (11.2) 34.0 (10.3) 36.0 (12.1) 4 0 13 N.R. = not recorded in 1989. •Rosette = cluster of basal leaves of a mature plant. 10 T03S R17W Sec 13 SE^ of mih Private T03S R17W Sec 23 NW^, of NE'i Private T04S R16W Sec 17 SW^ of SW^, BLM ~T04S R16W Sec 29 SE^, of NW^ Private ^043 R16W Sec 29 NE^ of m\h Private TOSS R16W Sec 36 SEh of SEh State T06S R15W Sec 28 SW^, of SEh Private T06S R16W Sec 12 NW^, of NW^ USES T07S R15W Sec 04 NW^ of swh USES T09S R14W Sec 16 Eh of NW^, USES TIOS R15W Sec 09 SE^ of SE^ USES TllS R12W Sec 25 NE^4 of SW^ BLM TllS R14W Sec 23 SE^, of NE^i State TllS R14W Sec 26 NE^ of NW^ State T12S R12W Sec 02 SW^ of NW^4 Private\BLM T12S R12W Sec 22 SE^, of SE^ BLM T12S R14W Sec 03 SW^ of NE^ BLM T14S RlOW Sec 31 NE^ of SW^ BLM T14S RlOW Sec 33 SE^ of SW^ BLM T14S RllW Sec 05 NW^ of SMh BLM T14S RllW Sec 06 SEij of NE^ BLM T14S R12W Sec 13 Eh of SEh BLM T14S R12W Sec 24 HEh of NE^ BLM T15S RlOW Sec 07 SEh of VMh Private T15S RlOW Sec 21 SWi of V^Eh BLM T15S RlOW Sec 27 HEh of NW^ USES T15S RllW Sec 24 HEh of SW^ Private T16S RllW Sec 02 SEh of NW^ USES T16S RllW Sec 10 SW^ of NW^ USES (Ties RllW Sec 11 \^h of SE^ USES Lt16S RllW Sec 11 VJh of NE^ USPS T16S RllW Sec 14 NW^4 USPS Ravalli County: TIN R18W . Sec 5 NW^ USPS TIN R19W . 3ec 5 SW^,NE^,SEt,NWJi USPS TIN R19W . Sec 7 N^^SW h, ShU^h USPS TIN R20W Sec 1 E^^SE 1 USPS T2N R18W Sec 31 v^h USPS T2N R2 0W Sec 16 svihsvih State T2N R2 0W Sec 17 SE^SE^SE^, Private T2N R2 0W Sec 21 NW^NW^,NW!i Private T3N R19W Sec 30 s\^h, NW \-mh USPS T3N R2 0W Sec 24 E'iSW hfSEh.'mh USPS/Private NW^SW^ T3N R20W Sec 25 E^. USPS III. ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS A. THREATS TO NEWLY LOCATED POPULATIONS: The average population size for the 16 populations newly ciocumentecJ in 1989 was 35 indiviciuals; the populations ranged in size from 2 to 110 plants. The sparsely scattered 11 B. nature of the populations, and their intrinsically small size, may predispose many of them to extirpation. Of these 16 new populations, disturbed roadbanks (007, 02 034, 035, 036); the size of ranged from two to 74 plants indicate that P. lemhiensis colonize disturbed habitats, abundance in these unnatural roadside populations should ephemeral, as such habitats maintenance activities (road spraying, etc. ) . ten were found along 4, 027, 028, 029, 032, 033, these roadside populations Although these findings has some ability to it is never found in situations. These be considered very are subject to frequent grading, herbicide The six new populations that occur in native habitats (004, 023, 025, 026, 030, 031) range in size from four to 110 plants. Three of these six populations are in areas that have been seriously impacted by exotic weed invasion. The two native sites in Ravalli County have been especially impacted by Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed). In one case (Spring Gulch (030)), the population consisted of only four plants in 1989; it is possible that knapweed is causing the extirpation of this population. MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: Land ownership for the populations discovered in 1989 is as follows (BT=Bitterroot National Forest; BV=Beaverhead National Forest) . Print-outs providing details on these sites are provided on pp. 25-38. Population number USFS BLM Private 023 X (BV) 024 X X 025 X 026 X 027 X 028 X X 029 X X 030 X (BT) 031 X (BT) X 032 X 033 X 034 X 035 X (BV) X 036 X All appropriate Beaverhead and Bitterroot National Forest personnel should be notified of the populations currently found on U.S. Forest Service lands. This is especially important for personnel involved in road maintenance and weed control activities. 12 The French Creek population (009) is the largest one known in Montana (1,845 plants, 13 subpopulations) . The habitat is in an area of historic and recent mining activity. Because this is a substantial, viable population in mostly native habitat, all future management activities in the area should be assessed, to determine potential impacts on P. lemhiensis. Ongoing studies of P. lemhiensis continue to reveal that the species consists of small populations, many of which are vulnerable to management activities. In addition, drastic declines in population size appear to have occurred in several populations occupying natural or semi-natural habitats. These factors indicate that Penstemon lemhiensis should be retained on the U.S. Forest Service Region 1 sensitive species list. C. PROPOSALS FOR FUTURE STUDIES: The following recommendations are made regarding continuation of field and demographic monitoring studies of P. lemhiensis: 1. Monitoring of known populations, especially those that appear to have suffered serious declines over the last four years. 2. Continuation of the demographic monitoring studies in 1990, including rereading the transects established in 1989, and establishing three additional transects within suitable populations. 3. Field surveys for new populations in suitable potential habitat, as funding and project delimitation allow. 13 IV. LITERATURE CITED Lesica, P., G. Moore, K.M. Peterson, and J.H. Rumely. 1984. Vascular Plants of Limited Distribution in Montana. Monograph No. 2, Montana Academy of Sciences, Supplement to the Proceedings, Vol. 43. 61 pp. Lesica, P. 1987. A technique for monitoring nonrhizomatous, perennial plant species in peirmanent belt transects. Natural Areas Journal 7: 65-68. Lesica, P. 1988. Germination requirements and seedling biology of Spalding's catchfly (Silene spaldingii) . Unpublished report to The Nature Conservancy, Helena, Montana. 2 pp. Massey, J.R. , and P.D. Whitson. 1980. Species biology, the key to plant preservation. Rhodora 82: 97-103. Reel, S., L. Schassberger , and W. Ruediger. 1989. Caring for Our Natural Community: Region 1 - Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species Program. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Wildlife and Fisheries, Missoula, Montana. 309 pp., appendices. Shelly, J.S. 1987. Status review of Penstemon lemhiensis. U.S. Forest Service - Region 1, Beaverhead and Bitterroot National Forests, Montana. Unpublished report to U.S. Forest Service, Missoula, Montana. 72 pp. Shelly, J.S. 1989. Plant species of special concern. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 22 pp. (mimeo) . U.S. Department of Interior. 1985. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. Federal Register 50(188): 39526-39584. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1988. Sensitive Plant Field Guide, Region 1. U.S. Forest Service, Northern Region, Range, Air, Watershed, and Ecology Section, Missoula, Montana. 14 V. ELEMENT OCCURRENCE PRINT-OUTS AND MAPS 15 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 002 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: TRAIL CREEK County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: EVERSON CREEK LEMHI PASS Township-range: 010S014W Section: 18 Township-range comments: S2 , 17SW4, 19NW4 ;T10SR15W: 24NE4 Survey date: 1986-06-22 Elevation: 6520 First observation: 1970 Slope/aspect: Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 13 Location: TRAIL CREEK, ALONG ROAD TO LEMHI PASS (BEAVERHEAD N.F. RD. 3909.2), CA. 3.5-4.5 AIR MI. ESE. OF LEMHI PASS. Element occurrence data: 70-100 PLANTS, 6 SUBPOPULATIONS ; IN FULL FLOWER; MOST PLANTS OCCUR ALONG ROADSIDE. General site description: SANDY TO GRAVELLY LOAM SOILS, ON ALLUVIAL FAN AND ALONG ROAD; ARTEMISIA TRIDENT AT A/ POA SECUNDA, WITH BROMUS TECTORUM, SITANION HYSTRIX, CHRYSOTHAMNUS NAUSEOSUS AND ERIOGONUM OVALIFOLIUM VAR NEVADENSE. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments : VOUCHERS -WATSON, T.J. (1279), 1976, MONTU; STICKNEY, P.F. (2107), 1970, MONT; SCHASSBERGER, L.A. (299), 1989. Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1986. FIELD SURVEYS IN BEAVERHEAD COUNTY OF 18-22 JUNE; SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEY OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-30 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 16 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 003 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: LEMHI PASS County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: LEMHI PASS Township-range: 010S015W Section: 15 Township-range comments: SE4NW4 ,NE4SE4 , 14SW4 Survey date: 1986-06-22 Elevation: 6960 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 15 Location: NORTH SIDE OF LEMHI PASS ROAD (BEAVERHEAD N.F. RD. 3909.2), 1.0-1.6 AIR MILES SE. OF LEMHI PASS, CA. 1.4-2.0 MILES WEST OF SELWAY RANCH. Element occurrence data: 164 PLANTS COUNTED, 3 SUBPOPULATIONS ; CA. 90% OF THE PLANTS OCCUR ON NATIVE SAGEBRUSH SLOPES ABOVE THE ROAD; SPECIES OCCURS IN MORE OPEN, GRAVELLY AREAS. General site description: GRAVELLY LOAM SOILS, ON SW. TO SE. -FACING SLOPES; ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA/FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS, WITH PHACELIA HETEROPHYLLA, BROMUS TECTORUM, LUPINUS, PHLOX, POA, ACHILLEA, ROSA, MAHONIA REPENS, GERANIUM VISCOSISSIMUM, HELIANTHELLA UNI FLORA, ERIOGONUM UMBELLATUM VAR INTECTUM AND VAR SUBALPINUM. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1155) AND G.V. KING, 1986, MONTU; SCHASSBERGER, L.A. (302), 1989. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 2 6-3 0 JUNE (PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS) . Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 17 PENSTEMON LEMHI ENS IS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 005 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: BADGER PASS County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: BANNACK Township-range: 007S011W Section: 22 Township-range comments: N2NW4 Survey date: First observation: Last observation: 1986-06-20 1972 1989-06-14 Elevation: 7260 Slope/aspect: Size (acres) : 10 Location: 1.4 5 AIR MILES SSE. OF BADGER PASS, ADJACENT TO MICROWAVE TOWER ON GRAVEL ROAD 1.3 AIR MI. S. OF BIG HOLE ROAD (ST. HWY. 278), CA. 4.5 AIR MI. NNE. OF BANNACK. Element occurrence data: 1986: 190 PLANTS COUNTED; CA. 75 PLANTS ARE WITHIN A FENCE EXCLOSURE, WHICH WAS CONSTRUCTED TO PROTECT PART OF THE POPULATION. 1989: VERY FEW PLANTS OBSERVED, AND NONE FOUND INSIDE EXCLOSURE. General site description: GRAVELLY LOAM SOILS, E. TO NE . ASPECT; ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA/ PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII/FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS/AGROPYRON SPICATUM, LUPINUS LEUCOPHYLLUS, ANTENNARIA MICROPHYLLA, GEUM, SEDUM. Land owner/manager: BLM: DILLON RESOURCE AREA, BUTTE DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHERS-SHELLY, J.S. (1147) AND G.V. KING, 1986, MONTU; KOVALCHICK, B.L., 1972, MONTU. Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 198 6. FIELD SURVEYS IN BEAVERHEAD COUNTY OF 18-22 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 18 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0.009 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: FRENCH CREEK County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: ERMONT Township-range: 006S011W Section: 11 Township-range comments: E2 , 14NE4NW4 , 2SE4SE4 , 1W2SW4 Survey date: 1986-06-19 Elevation: 7000 First observation: 1986 Slope/aspect: Last observation: 1989-07-27 Size (acres) : 40 Location: PIONEER MOUNTAINS, SLOPES ALONG WEST SIDE OF FRENCH CREEK, ALONG THE FRENCH CREEK-THIEF CREEK ROAD (BEAVERHEAD N.F. RD. #606) 4 AIR MILES NW. OF ARGENTA; ALSO, MOUTH OF RED GULCH. Element occurrence data: 138 PLANTS COUNTED (CA. 150 TOTAL) IN MAIN POPULATION, WITH 22 PLANTS COUNTED IN SUBPOPULATION AT THE MOUTH OF RED GULCH (1986); 1845 PLANTS, IN 13 SUBPOPULATIONS , COUNTED IN 1988 (K. SCOW); AREA SUBJECT TO MINING DISTURBANCE; TWO MONITORING TRANSECTS ESTABLISHED IN 1989. General site description: STEEP, E. & SE. -FACING SLOPES, IN GRAVELLY LOAM SOILS; ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA/FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS/AGROPYRON SPICATUM, WITH JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM, PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII, ARTEMISIA FRIGIDA. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, DILLON RANGER DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1130) AND G.V. KING, 1986, MONTU. Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1986. FIELD SURVEYS IN BEAVERHEAD COUNTY OF 18-22 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 19 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 012 Global rank: G3 State rank: S2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST Survey site name: RED BUTTE County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: ERMONT Township-range: 006S011W Section: 15 Township-range comments: NE4,10S2 Survey date: First observation: Last observation: 1986-06-19 1986 1989-07-27 Elevation: 6800 Slope/aspect: Size (acres) : 20 Location: CA. 4.5 AIR MI. NW. OF ARGENTA, CENTERED 0.5 AIR MI. ESE. OF RED BUTTE, RATTLESNAKE CREEK DRAINAGE CA. 1 MI . SE. OF KELLY RESERVOIR, PIONEER MOUNTAINS. Element occurrence data: 142 PLANTS COUNTED IN MAIN SUBPOPULATION (CENTRUM) , 169 TOTAL, 3 SUBPOPULATIONS (1986) ; NO PLANTS OBSERVED IN MAIN SUBPOPULATION IN 1988 (K. SCOW) , AND ONLY CA. 12 IN 1989 (SHELLY) ; MAIN POPULATION NEAR, BUT NOT RIGHT ALONG, A LIGHTLY -USED GRAVEL ROAD. General site description: S. AND SW. -FACING SLOPES, LOAMY SOILS; ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA/ FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS/AGROPYRON SPICATUM, WITH SENECIO CANUS , PHACELIA LINEARIS, KOELERIA MACRANTHA, PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII, Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, DILLON RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1133) AND G.V. KING, 1986, MONTU. Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 198 6. FIELD SURVEYS IN BEAVERHEAD COUNTY OF 18-22 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon lemhiensis Montana Natural Heritage Program 20 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 014 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: ERMONT GULCH County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: ERMONT Township-range: 006S011W Section: 33 Township-range comments: NE4SE4,34W2 Survey date: 1986-06-20 Elevation: 6740 First observation: 1986 Slope/aspect: Last observation: 1989-07-27 Size (acres) : 5 Location: CA 4.3 AIR MI. WSW. OF ARGENTA, ALONG BEAVERHEAD N.F. RD. #7 4 67 AT HEAD OF ERMONT GULCH, CA. 2.2 AIR MI. N. OF BADGER PASS, PIONEER MOUNTAINS. Element occurrence data: 76 PLANTS COUNTED (1986); ONLY ONE PLANT SEEN IN 1989; AREA SUBJECT TO MODERATE TO HEAVY GRAZING. General site description: SE, -FACING SLOPE, LOAM SOILS; ARTEMISIA TRIDENT ATA/ FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS, ANTENNARIA MICROPHYLLA, KOELERIA MACRANTHA, COMANDRA UMBELLATA, ERIOGONUM. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, DILLON RANGER DISTRICT BLM: DILLON RESOURCE AREA, BUTTE DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1146) AND G.V. KING, 1986, MONTU Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1986. FIELD SURVEYS IN BEAVERHEAD COUNTY OF OF 18-22 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon lemhiensis Montana Natural Heritage Program 21 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 019 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: BADGER PASS NORTH County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: BANNACK Township-range: 007S011W Section: 09 Township-range comments: NE4NE4, 10NW4, 3SW4 Survey date: 1987-06-18 Elevation: 6980 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: Last observation: 1989-07-28 Size (acres) : 4 Location: SOUTHERN PIONEER MOUNTAINS, 0.7-1.2 AIR MILES NNE. OF BADGER PASS; ABOUT 15 AIR MILES WEST OF DILLON. Element occurrence data: ABOUT 2 00 PLANTS COUNTED, POPULATION = EST. 3 00+ PLANTS, 3 SUBPOPULATIONS OBSERVED; FLOWERING; NUMEROUS PLANTS GROWING THROUGH BRANCHES OF SAGEBRUSH SHRUBS; AREA IS LIGHTLY TO MODERATELY GRAZED; PERMANENT MONITORING TRANSECT ESTABLISHED IN 1989. General site description: BROWN LOAM SOILS; ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA/FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS, WITH PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII, BALSAMORHIZA SAGITTATA, LUPINUS SERICEUS, ANTENNARIA MICROPHYLLA, ASTER STENOMERES . Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, DILLON RANGER DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1343), 1987, MONTU. Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN BEAVERHEAD COUNTY OF 16-19 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I ewin i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 22 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 02 0 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: SELWAY CREEK County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: KITTY CREEK Township-range: 008S015W Section: 27 Township-range comments: SW4NE4 Survey date: 1987-06-19 Elevation: 7200 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 1 Location: BLOODY DICK CREEK DRAINAGE, SLOPES ABOVE SELWAY CREEK, ABOUT 2 MILES SOUTHEAST OF RESERVOIR LAKE; ABOUT 4 MILES EAST OF MONTANA-IDAHO STATE LINE. Element occurrence data: SIX PLANTS OBSERVED, IN 2 CLUMPS (1987); 10 PLANTS COUNTED IN 1989; PLANTS ASSOCIATED WITH STEEP ROCK OUTCROP AREAS, AND NOT OBSERVED IN DENSER SURROUNDING VEGETATION. General site description: ROCK OUTCROPS; ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA/FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS, WITH ERIOGONUM UMBELLATUM, PHACELIA FRANKLINII, SEDUM LANCEOLATUM, LUPINUS SERICEUS, PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII, PINUS CONTORTA. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, DILLON RANGER DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHER-SHELLY, J.S. (1344), 1987, MONTU. Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1987. FIELD SURVEYS IN BEAVERHEAD COUNTY OF 16-19 JUNE; SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEY OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-30 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 23 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 004 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: NORTH FORK RYE CREEK County: Ravalli USGS quadrangle: ROBBINS GULCH Township-range: 003N020W Section: 25 Township-range comments: NW4SW4 , SW4NW4 Survey date: 1989-06-26 Elevation: 4320 First observation: 1952 Slope/aspect: 35% / WEST Last observation: 1989-06-26 Size (acres) : 3 Location: WESTERN FOOTHILLS OF THE SAPPHIRE MOUNTAINS, NORTH FORK RYE CREEK DRAINAGE, EAST SIDE OF BITTERROOT N.F. RD. #321, 0.2 AND 0.35 MILES NORTH OF RYE CREEK RD. (#75), CA. 7.5 AIR MILES ESE OF DARBY. Element occurrence data: TWO SUBPOPULATIONS ; 72 PLANTS (SOUTH), WITH 65 ON SLOPE ABOVE ROADCUT; 11 PLANTS (NORTH) , ALL ON ROADCUT ; HABITAT HEAVILY INFESTED WITH WEEDS; LARGEST POPULATION KNOWN IN RAVALLI COUNTY. General site description: SANDY TO GRAVELLY GRANITIC SOILS, ON STEEP WEST-FACING SLOPES; PINUS PONDEROSA/PURSHIA TRIDENTATA HABITAT, WITH AGROPYRON SPICATUM, KOELERIA CRISTATA, PENSTEMON ALBERTINUS, BALSAMORHIZA SAGITTATA, PHACELIA LINEARIS, GERANIUM VISCOSISSIMUM, CENTAUREA MACULOSA, BROMUS TECTORUM, LITHOSPERMUM RUDERALE, MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments : VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1565) AND A. KRATZ , 1989; PROBABLE RELOCATION OF HISTORICAL RECORD: WRIGHT, J.C. (S.N.), 1952, MONT: "10 MILES E. OF DARBY, SAPPHIRE MTS . FOOTHILLS, SANDY GRANITIC SOIL, PONDEROSA PINE ZONE." Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS IN RAVALLI COUNTY, 2 6-2 9 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon lemhiensis Montana Natural Heritage Program 24 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 007 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: MEDICINE TREE CREEK County: Ravalli USGS quadrangle: ROBBINS GULCH Township-range: 0G2N020W Section: 21 Township-range comments: NE4SE4 ,SW4NE4 Survey date: 1989-06-29 Elevation: 4150 First observation: 1950 Slope/aspect: 8-35% / S,SW Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 2 Location: EAST FORK BITTERROOT RIVER DRAINAGE, NORTH SIDE OF U.S. HWY . 93, 0.1 MI. WEST OF MEDICINE TREE CREEK, AND 0.3 AIR MI. NORTHWEST OF HWY. BRIDGE OVER CREEK, CA. 2.5 MILES SOUTHEAST OF CONNER. Element occurrence data: 10 PLANTS OBSERVED, 7 ON ROADCUT, 3 ON SLOPES ABOVE. General site description: GRANITIC, GRAVELLY TO SANDY LOAM SOILS, ON ROADCUT AND WEEDY SLOPES; PINUS PONDEROSA/PURSHIA TRIDENTATA HABITAT, WITH CENTAUREA MACULOSA, BROMUS TECTORUM, KOELERIA CRISTATA, BALSAMORHIZA SAGITTATA, PHACELIA LINEARIS, P. HETEROPHYLLA, PHYSARIA GEYERI, ALYSSUM ALYSSOIDES, AGROPYRON SPICATUM, VERBASCUM THAPSUS , ARABIS HOLBOELLII. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments : VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1568) AND A. KRATZ, 1989; POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF HISTORICAL RECORD: MCCALL, T.G. & V.C. (352), 1950, MONTU (49394): "BETWEEN CONNER AND SULA, ON ROCKY HILLSIDE ABOVE RIVER." Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS IN RAVALLI COUNTY, 26-29 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Pensteinon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 25 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 02 3 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: MINER CREEK County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: MINER LAKE Township-range: 006S016W Section: 02 Township-range comments: SE4 Survey date: 1989-06-30 Elevation: 7080 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 3-15% / ESE Last observation: 1989-06-30 Size (acres) : 10 Location: BIGHOLE VALLEY, CA. 6 MILES SOUTHWEST OF JACKSON, NORTH OF F.S. ROAD 182. Element occurrence data: UNCOMMON, 17 PLANTS IN 1989. General site description: SAGEBRUSH GRASSLAND WITH SPERGULA ARVENSIS, ERIOGONUM UMBELLATUM, CAREX FILIFOLIA, LUPINUS SERICEUS. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, WISDOM RANGER DISTRICT Comments : VOUCHER - SCHASSBERGER, L.S. (311), 1989, (MONTU) . Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.S. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS IN SOUTHWEST MONTANA OF 26-30 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon [ emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 26 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 024 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: FROG CREEK County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: COYOTE CREEK Township-range: 009S014W Section: 21 Township-range comments: SW4 Survey date: 1989-06-29 Elevation: 7280 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 8-15% / EAST Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 1 Location: HORSE PRAIRIE, CA. 1 MILE NORTHWEST OF HORSE PRAIRIE GUARD STATION. Element occurrence data: 26 PLANTS IN 1989. General site description: ON ROADSIDE EMBANKMENT WITH BALSAMORHIZA SAGITTATA, ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA, CASTILLEJA PALLESCENS, FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS AND FRAGARIA VESCA. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) BLM: DILLON RESOURCE AREA, BUTTE DISTRICT Comments: POPULATION COULD BE ELIMINATED THROUGH ROAD MAINTENANCE. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-30 JUNE (PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS) . Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 025 27 Global rank: G3 State rank: S2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST Survey site name: BRISTON LANE County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: HIGHLAND RANCH Township-range: 003S016W Section: Township-range comments: NE4,S2 35 Survey date: 1989-06-30 First observation: 1989 Last observation: 1989-06-30 Elevation: 6260 Slope/aspect: 8-15% / EAST Size (acres) : 10 Location: CA. 5.5 MILES SSW OF WISDOM. CA. 3.5 MILES ALONG BRISTON LANE, JUST WEST OF THE ROAD. Element occurrence data: 110 PLANTS IN 1989. General site description: SITE WAS BURNED (SAGEBRUSH GONE) AND IS GRAZED. ASSOCIATED SPECIES INCLUDE AGROPYRON SPICATUM, STIPA COMATA, ERIOGONUM UMBELLATUM VAR SUBALPINUM, SEDUM LANCEOLATUM, GERANIUM VISCOSISSIMUM AND SPERGULA ARVENSIS. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments : BURNING AND GRAZING APPEARS TO HAVE IMPROVED THE HABITAT FOR P. LEMHIENSIS. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-3 0 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstcmon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 28 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 02 6 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: SWAMP CREEK County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: HIGHLAND RANCH Township-range: 003S016W Section: 04 Township-range comments: E2 Survey date: 1989-06-30 Elevation: 6260 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 0-3% / SE Last observation: 1989-06-30 Size (acres) : 3 Location: BIGHOLE VALLEY, CA. 5.2 MILES WEST OF WISDOM, ALONG SWAMP CREEK RD., SOUTH OF ROAD. Element occurrence data: 23 PLANTS IN 1989. General site description: IN OPEN ROCKY GROUND, WITH ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA, SEDUM LANCEOLATUM, ASTRAGALUS MISER, TARAXACUM OFFICINALE, STIPA COMATA AND POA SECUNDA. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments : CATTLE DISTURBANCE AROUND SALT LICK APPEARS TO HAVE ENHANCED HABITAT FOR THIS SPECIES. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS IN SOUTHWESTERN MONTANA OF 26-3 0 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon lemhiensis Montana Natural Heritage Program 29 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 027 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: HORSE PRAIRIE GUARD STATION County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: COYOTE CREEK Township-range: 009S014W Section: 27 Township-range comments: NW4SW4 Survey date: 1989-06-29 Elevation: 6690 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 3-8% / SOUTH Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 1 Location: HORSE PRAIRIE, CA. 0.5 MILES SE OF HORSE PRAIRIE GUARD STATION. Element occurrence data: VERY SMALL POPULATION, ONLY 3 PLANTS IN A ROADCUT. General site description: ON ROADSIDE, WITH ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA, BALSAMORHIZA SAGITTATA, CASTILLEJA PALLESCENS, FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS, AND FRAGARIA VESCA. Land owner/manager: BLM: DILLON RESOURCE AREA, BUTTE DISTRICT Comments : NONE. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEY OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-30 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Pcnstemon I etnh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 30 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 028 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: BLOODY DICK CREEK I County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: COYOTE CREEK Township-range: 009S014W Section: 31 Township-range comments: W2,SE4;T10SR14W:5NW4 Survey date: 1989-06-29 Elevation: 6600 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 0-3% / SW Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 2 Location: HORSE PRAIRIE, ALONG BLOODY DICK CREEK, CA. 7.1 MILES WEST OF RED BUTTE. Element occurrence data: 34 PLANTS, FOUR SMALL SUBPOPULATIONS (1989) . General site description: PLANTS ALONG ROADSIDE, WITH ARTEMISIA TRIPARTITA, FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS, AGROPYRON SPICATUM AND CASTILLEJA PALLESCENS. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) BLM: DILLON RESOURCE AREA, BUTTE DISTRICT Comments: AREAS WHICH HAD FEW OR NO PLANTS IN 1988, HAD AS MANY AS 10-15 PLANTS IN 1989. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEY OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-3 0 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstcmon lemhiensis Montana Natural Heritage Program 31 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 029 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: BLOODY DICK CREEK 2 County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: EVERSON CREEK Township-range: 010S014W Section: 05 Township-range comments: NW4;4N2 Survey date: 1989-06-29 Elevation: 4440 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 0-8% / SW Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 2 Location: HORSE PRAIRIE, CA. 5.1 MILES WEST OF RED BUTTE, ALONG BLOODY DICK CREEK ROAD. Element occurrence data: 22 PLANTS, FOUR SMALL SUBPOPULATIONS (1989). General site description: WITH ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA, CASTILLEJA PALLESCENS, ORTHOCARPUS LUTEUS AND AGROPYRON SPICATUM. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) BLM: DILLON RESOURCE AREA, BUTTE DISTRICT Comments : NONE. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-30 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - PenstenKin I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 32 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0 . 03 0 Global rank: G3 State rank: S2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST Survey site name: SPRING GULCH County: Ravalli USGS quadrangle: ROBBINS GULCH Township-range: 003N020W Section: 24 Township-range comments: SE4SE4 Survey date: First observation: Last observation: 1989-06-27 1989 1989-06-27 Elevation: 5200 Slope/aspect: 35%+ / SE Size (acres) : 1 Location: WESTERN FOOTHILLS OF SAPPHIRE MOUNTAINS, RYE CREEK DRAINAGE, SPRING GULCH, 1.15 AIR MILES NORTHEAST OF CONFLUENCE OF RYE CREEK AND NORTH FORK RYE CREEK, CA. 8 AIR MILES ESE OF DARBY . Element occurrence data: FOUR PLANTS OBSERVED; ONE FLOWERING, 3 STERILE ROSETTES; HABITAT SERIOUSLY IMPACTED BY KNAPWEED INVASION. General site description: GRANITIC GRAVELLY LOAM SOILS; PURSHIA TRIDENTATA/AGROPYRON SPICATUM HABITAT, WITH CENTAUREA MACULOSA, BALSAMORHIZA SAGITTATA, BROMUS TECTORUM, KOELERIA CRISTATA, POA SECUNDA, ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM, DESCURAINIA RICHARDSONII , PHACELIA LINEARIS, LOMATIUM DISSECTUM, TRAGOPOGON DUBIUS . Land owner/manager: BITTERROOT NATIONAL FOREST, DARBY RANGER DISTRICT Comments: SIGHT RECORD, NO VOUCHER SPECIMEN COLLECTED; SITE SURVEYED WITH A. KRATZ, BITTERROOT / LOLO N.F.S. Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS IN RAVALLI COUNTY, 26-29 JUNE. Elemont Occurrence Record - Penstemon [ emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 33 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 031 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: ROBBINS GULCH County: Ravalli USGS quadrangle: ROBBINS GULCH Township-range: 002N020W Section: 16 Township-range comments: N2NW4, 9SE4SW4 Survey date: 1989-06-29 Elevation: 4500 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 8-35% / SE Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 5 Location: WESTERN FOOTHILLS OF SAPPHIRE MOUNTAINS, EAST FORK BITTERROOT RIVER DRAINAGE, ROBBINS GULCH, NORTH OF BITTERROOT N.F. RD. #446, CA. 1 MILE NORTHEAST OF U.S. HWY . 93. Element occurrence data: 14 PLANTS OBSERVED, IN 5 SMALL COLONIES; 8 FLOWERING, 6 ROSETTES, ONE PLANT ON ROADSIDE. General site description: GRANITIC, SANDY TO GRAVELLY LOAM SOILS; PINUS PONDEROSA/PURSHIA TRIDENTATA HABITAT, WITH KOELERIA CRISTATA, CENTAUREA MACULOSA, AGROPYRON SPICATUM, BALSAMORHIZA SAGITTATA, PHACELIA LINEARIS, POA SECUNDA, ALYSSUM ALYSSOIDES, LITHOSPERMUM RUDERALE, PENSTEMON ALBERTINUS. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) BITTERROOT NATIONAL FOREST, DARBY RANGER DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHER - SHELLY, J.S. (1569) AND A. KRATZ , 1989. Information source: SHELLY, J.S. 1989. FIELD SURVEYS IN RAVALLI COUNTY, 2 6-29 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon lemhiensis Montana Natural Heritage Program 34 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0 . 032 Global rank; G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: POLARIS County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: POLARIS - 15' Township-range: 005S012W Section: 30 Township-range comments: NE4NE4 , 19SE4SE4 Survey date: Elevation: 6400 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 35 % / EAST Last observation: 1989-06-28 Size (acres) : 0 Location: GRASSHOPPER CREEK RD. , CA. 0.5 MILES NORTH OF POLARIS, CA. 0.1 MILE NORTH OF GRASSHOPPER CREEK CROSSING, IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF GRAVEL PIT. Element occurrence data: POPULATION OF 50+ PLANTS IN 1989. General site description: GROWING ON EAST-FACING ROADCUT IN ALLUVIUM WITH 50 PERCENT COARSE FRAGMENTS, WITH ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA, CHRYSOTHAMNUS NAUSEOSUS, AGROPYRON SPICATUM, AND BROMUS TECTORUM. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments: PLANTENBERG - "THE SITE WILL EVENTUALLY BE LOST TO KNAPWEED CONTROL - ACTIVE ROADCUT." Information source: PLANTENBERG, PATRICK L. DEPT. OF STATE LANDS, HARD ROCK BUREAU, RECLAMATION DIVISION, 1625 IITH AVE., HELENA, MT 59620. Element Occurrence Record - Pensteffion Lemhi ens is Montana Natural Heritage Program 35 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 033 Global rank: G3 State rank: S2 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST Survey site name: SHALE CREEK County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: POLARIS - 15' Township-range: 005S012W Section: Township-range comments: SW4SW4 08 Survey date: First observation: Last observation: 1989 1989-06-28 Elevation: 6560 Slope/aspect: 35% / EAST Size (acres) : 0 Location: GRASSHOPPER CREEK RD. CREST OF HILL. CA. 2.5 MILES NORTH OF POLARIS, ON Element occurrence data: POPULATION OF 2 PLANTS IN 1989. General site description: ON EAST FACING ROADCUT. IN DEEP LOAMY SOIL, WITH LESS THAN 5% COARSE FRAGMENTS, WITH ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA, GUTIERREZIA SAROTHRAE, AGROPYRON SPICATUM, AND BROMUS TECTORUM. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments: PLANTENBERG - "SITE WILL EVENTUALLY BE ELIMINATED BY KNAPWEED CONTROL - ACTIVE ROADCUT." Information source: PLANTENBERG, PATRICK L. DEPT. OF STATE LANDS, HARD ROCK BUREAU, RECLAMATION DIVISION, 1625 IITH AVE., HELENA, MT 59620. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 36 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 034 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: BLOODY DICK CREEK III County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: KITTY CREEK Township-range: 009S015W Section: 25 Township-range comments: SW4 Survey date: 1989-06-29 Elevation: 6600 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 0-30% / SW Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 15 Location: BLOODY DICK CREEK RD. , CA. 0.75 MILE SOUTH OF EAST PETERSON CK. Element occurrence data: 74 PLANTS IN 3 SUBPOPULATIONS IN 1989. General site description: SOUTHWEST SLOPE, WITH ARTEMISIA TRIPARTITA, FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS, AGROPYRON SPICATUM, AND CASTILLEJA PALLESCENS. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments: VOUCHER - SCHASSBERGER, L.A. (303), 1989. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989, FIELD SURVEY OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-30 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon I emh i ens i s Montana Natural Heritage Program 37 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 035 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: DUTCH CREEK County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: KITTY CREEK Township-range: 009S015W Section: 14 Township-range comments: SW4,23NE4 Survey date: 1989-06-29 Elevation: 6760 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 0-35% / SW Last observation: 1989-06-29 Size (acres) : 12 Location: BLOODY DICK CREEK RD. , CA. 0.25 MILE NORTH AND 0.3 MILE SOUTH OF DUTCH CREEK. Element occurrence data: CA. 30 PLANTS IN 2 SUBPOPULATIONS IN 1989. General site description: ROADSIDE POPULATIONS IN ROCKY LOAM SOILS, WITH ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA AND FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, DILLON RANGER DISTRICT BLM: DILLON RESOURCE AREA, BUTTE DISTRICT Comments: VOUCHER - SCHASSBERGER, L.A. (302), 1989. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEY OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-30 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - Penstemon lemhiensis Montana Natural Heritage Program 38 PENSTEMON LEMHIENSIS LEMHI BEARDTONGUE Element occurrence code: PDSCR1L3N0. 03 6 Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: SENSITIVE LIST State rank: S2 Survey site name: BLANCHARD POND County: Beaverhead USGS quadrangle: JACKSON Township-range: 006S015W Section: 33 Township-range comments: NE4SE4 Survey date: 1989-06-30 Elevation: 6880 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: 3-8% / EAST Last observation: 1989-06-30 Size (acres) : 1 Location: BIG HOLE RIVER DRAINAGE, SKINNER MEADOWS RD. , CA. 6.5 MILES SSW OF JACKSON. Element occurrence data: 61 PLANTS COUNTED. General site description: ON (ALLUVIAL) ROAD EMBANKMENT, WITH ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA, ERIOGONUM UMBELLATUM VARIETIES SUBALPINUM AND INTECTUM, AND ERIOPHYLLUM LANATUM. Land owner/manager: PRIVATELY OWNED LAND (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATE) Comments: VOUCHER - SCHASSBERGER, L.A. (309), 1989. POPULATION MAY BE DESTROYED THROUGH ROAD MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES. Information source: SCHASSBERGER, L.A. 1989. FIELD SURVEY OF SOUTHWEST MONTANA, 26-30 JUNE. Element Occurrence Record - PenstenKin lemhiensis Montana Natural Heritage Program 39 USGS Ermont Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 40 USGS Erxnont Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 41 USGS Miner Lake Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis A2 USGS Coyote Creek Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 43 USGS Highland Ranch Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 44 USGS Highland Ranch Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 45 DO — f=^ 13''22'30" ^'^ 1 1 000 000 FEET 1^4 ^CflJA/r )5,W( ^T^ M6' 20' USGS Coyote Creek Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 46 USGS Everson Creek Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 47 USGS Robbins Gulch Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 48 USGS Robbins Gulch Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 49 anch USGS Polaris Quadrangle (15') Penstemon lemhiensis 50 USGS Kitty Creek Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 51 f- D FEET i7'3a VA,V HOWtN LAKE f3 Ml ISBL WA Y MOUNT A/h) '10 USGS Jackson Quadrangle (7.5') Penstemon lemhiensis 52 VI. PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES OF MONITORING TRANSECTS C;H> '^//^y>' '^^^^9 c/HrVu-i^ 0 ^ .« ^^^ ^ o «>: ^ s^i 1 1 ^^ ^~i I^ V ■*- »l I *- ^HPfJ-U/ ^HIWj-iA/ c^HfVJ-W /^ clHr\/xi^ clHC^■i■l^ JHlVdiA/ 54 VII. APPENDIX. Performance of individual Penstemon lemhiensis plants in permanent monitoring transects. FRENCH CREEK - PARK MINE PLOT 1. a. R2 b. Rl c. Rl d. R3-I1-F7 2. NO PLANTS 3. a. Rl b. Rl c. S d. Rl e. Rl f . R1-I1-F2 g. Rl 4. a. S b. Rl c. R3 d. Rl e. R2 5. a. R2 b. Rl 6. a. R4 b. Rl c. S d. R1-I1-F2 7. a. Rl b. Rl c. Rl d. Rl 8. a. S b. R2 c. Rl 9. a. R3-I2-F5 b. R6 c. RlO-Il-Fll 10. a. R10-I4-F35-B1 b. R3-I1-F11 c. R3-I3-F13 d. R3 e. R2 55 f . Rl g- R5-I1-F6 h. Rl i. Rl J. R8-I2-F31 11. a. R6-I1-F5 b. R2 c. R6 d. R3 e. R8-I1-F20-B1 f . Rl g- R12-I1-F18 h. R4-I2-F19 12. a. R2-I2-F35 b. R4 c. R4-I2-F39 d. R5-I1-F13 e. R3-I1-F7 13. a. R7-I2-F17 14. a. R2 b. R5-I1-F12 15. a. R5 16. a. R7-I2-F22 17. a. Rl (dying) b. R3 c. R2-I1-F7 d. R5 18. a. R5-I1-F16 b. R7-I3-F29 c. R3 19. a. R7 b. R5 c. R4-I1-F21 d. R4 e. R10-I1-F13-B5 f. R8-I4-F61 20. a. R4-B1 21. NO PLANTS 22. a. R2 b. R4 23. a. Rl b. R6-B1-F1 56 24, 25, c. R1-I1-F3 d. Rl e. R3 f . R4-B1 g. R3 NO PLANTS a. Rl b. Rll c. R7-B1 d. R9-B2 e. R3 57 FRENCH CREEK - DISCO' PLOT 1. a. R4-B3 b. R3-B2 c. R3 d. R3 e. R2 f. R4-B1 g. R2 h. Rl i. R8-B2 J- Rl k. R2 1. Rl m. R4-B2- -F2 n. Rl o. R2 p. R4-B1 2. a. Rl b. R6-B4 c. R6-I1- -Fl 3. NO PLANTS 4. NO PLANTS 5. NO PLANTS 6. a. R4-B1 b. R4-I1- -F6 7. a. Rl b. R2-I1- -F20 c. Rl d. R5-B1- -Fl 8. NO PLANTS 9. a. R6-I4- -F7-B2 10. NO PLANTS 11. NO PLANTS 12. NO PLANTS 13. NO PLANTS 14. NO PLANTS 15. NO PLANTS 58 16. a. R4 b. R8-I4- •F29 17. NO PLANTS 18. NO PLANTS 19. NO PLANTS 20. NO PLANTS 21. NO PLANTS 22. NO PLANTS 23. a. R3-I1- -F31 23. a. R3-I1 24. a. R4 25. a. R2 b. R3 c. R5 d. • Rl e. R5-B1 59 BADGER PASS NORTH PLOT 1. a. R3 b. R6-I2-F17-A64 (unknown whether many of the 64 "aborted" fruits may in fact develop) c. Rl d. 9 seedlings (centered at 2.5/2.5) e. R3-I1-F11-A11 f . R3 g. R3 h. S i. R5 j. R6 2 . a. S b. S c. S d. R2 e. R5 f . R2 g. R2 h. R2 i. Rl j. R2 k. c 1. R2 m. C n. R8 3 . a . R2 b. R7 c. Rl d. R5-I1-F8-A19 e. R5-I2-F17-A25 PLOTS 4-27: NO PLANTS 28. a. R7-I3-F27-A15 b. R3 2 9. a. R2 30. a. R4-I1-F3-A23 b. R2 31. a. R3-I1-F8-A16 b. R7-I1-F23-A11 c. C d. R5-I1-F27-A10 32. NO PLANTS 33. a. R3-I1-F9-A6-B1 60 34. NO PLANTS 35. 36. 37 38 39 40, a. Rl b. R5 a. R8 b. R2 c. C d. R7 (taproot unearthed) a. R3 b. R3 c. R6 d. R3 e. R7 f . R3 g. R6 a. Rl b. R9 c. Rl d. R6 e. R4 f . R4 g. Rll h. R9-I1-F12-A12 a. R6 b. R2 c. Rl d. R2 e. R3 f . R3 g- R1-I1-F14-A22 h. R5+ i. R2 J. R5-I2-F16-A64 k. R1-I1-F13-A17 1. R7-I1-F29-A12 m. R6 n. R6 a. Rl b. R2-I1-F0-A34 c. R5-I1-F18-A15 d. R4 e. R5 f. R3 g- Rl h. R4-I2-F11-A15 i. R6-I2-F31-A16 J- R5 k. R13 1. R6 61 m. R2 n. R5 o. R5 p. R3 q. R2 41. a. R3 b. R4-I1-F25-A27 C. R4 d. R15+ e. R16 42. a. R4 b. R5-I2-F41-A20 43. a. R8 b. Rl C. R6-I1-F29-A3 d. R9-I2-F30-A18 e. R4 44. a. RIO b. R8 45. NO PLANTS 45. NO PLANTS 47. NO PLANTS 48. a. Rl b. R2 c. R8-I1-F22-A10 49. NO PLANTS 50. a. R4