* —_ a 4a . ~ is . Pied 27|28|29|30 | 26|27|29/29|30|31 I} 2 In May,} 4] 5] 6| 7] 8| o|xo|Nov.! 2) 3] 4} 5} 6 7] 8 TIj12/13|L4/15j16|17 Q\TojII}r2i13\14|15 18|r9|20|21|22,23124 16)17/18|1Q|20|21|22 25| 6!27\28129/30] 31 23124|25(26/27/28|29 30 6 1} 2} al al si of 7(DOCr | xl 2 3| 4| 5123 June 8} g Lolt1/T2/T3\14 7| 8| olIo|i1|12\20 15|16)1£7|18| tg|20\21 14}15|16|17\18|19|27 22|23|24125|26127\28 27 22/23|24|25|26 29|30 | 28|29|30|31 Copyright N°___ —_—— COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT: = = A ha zx TWyirZz 13|T4|15|16)17|18}19 20|21)22}23'24|25126 Sh pa ‘Olrofir] 12)13}r4\15 Ee 18 TQ/20}21|22)23/24|25 Twe > s MeverveD MAY. 3 1902 Voou.2b-!F of Gi.rnos A/ rr. Y/[ tk ty | oOhe Stockman’s Brand Book 4 KEYA PARA COUNTY W802... ; o >> SI , »8 2 © 90 ro) Ge yes me re tect ) > : Sa» | ) ; oy > 99>) D2 a 39>) ; ) = > 5 > ) 5] » ) ) ue : aD. >2 ) ) ) > ) ve 5 as 3 3 ? >?Py 9 9 e s £ ct 9279 > By OTTO MUTZ. Copyright, 1901, by Otto Mutz. LOW. = GEORGE BROS Caaval GE NOND PRINTERS LINCOLN NEB. ~ i Preface. 1)\ THE STOCKMAN’S BRAND BOOK is dedicated | to the Stockmen of the Northwest. The livestock interests of this section have attracted to it much Capital, and many of the brightest and most energetic men of the country. | Identity of interests has called into existence many organizations for the better protection of owners against loss by theft and straying. In response to their demands the State Legislature passed a State Brand Law in 1899 the object of which is to prevent conflictions in brands be- tween the distinctly stock-raising counties, but at this time only a small per cent of the stock owners have.procured a brand under the state _ . law. “Many are using brands granted under | the old..county law, while many have never been recorded anywhere. Under the state law, there is no means of knowing the brands of your county with- out consulting the records at the State Capitol. The estray laws of the state are slow in re- turning to owners of estrays evidence of their | whereabouts: These facts are responsible for | calling into exfStence this little brand book. Wethethe Brand ,Book .n your. pocket, you may khow 41 atatifute any brandéd-estray, and a pestalcardewilf seve days ofsrxdiing and many times a valuable animal. Pheecafilesthie®, must find it ‘hagdzdous to verftuik throvaltvecotntry, swith “stolen cattle or horses, when the evidence of his guilt is in every man’s pocket, I make no apology for imperfections. I have earnestly endeavored to get every brand in the county, and to get it recorded accurately. The work has been done under many difficul- ties. When the book has shown its value as a Stock-hunter, it is hoped that a more complete edition will be possible. THE AUTHOR. “Oey Some Nebraska Laws Relating to \ Animals. © The following laws relating to stock are ~ selected and prepared in a condensed form: sty with the greatest care. I have endeavored to * insert those most needed by men engaged in S cattle raising. 7 ae | Marks and Brands 4 Chap. 51. Sec. 1, Compiled Statutes igo! provides: “Any person having cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, mules or asses shall have the right to adopt a brand or mark for the use of which he shall have the exclusive right in this state, after recording such brand or mark with the Secretary of State. Sec. . The fee for recording such brand is one dollar and fifty cents. Sec: 4. No person shall have or adopt a brand or mark previously recorded under this act to another person if used on the same side. Neither shall the Secretary of State record the same brand or mark to more than one person, unless for opposite sides. Sec. 5. ee for State brand. See County Clerk. pect Conflicting brands. The authority of deciding all questions of confliction rests. with the Secretary of State. “No brand described as being on either side of the animal shall be accepted.” “A brand described as being on both sides ' may be accepted.”’ Sec. 7. Provides for examination of evidence of confliction by Secretary of State, and notifi- cation of parties using conflicting brands. -Sec. 8. Provides: That parties bringing in- to any county, stock for grazing purposes, shall 4 brand them with a brand that shall be a full and distinguishing mark from all other brands then recorded. Failure to comply with this section lays party liable for all resulting . damages. . _ Sec. 9. Brands rejected. All brands shall be rejected that in addition to a brand recorded has any of the following: a straight bar, a quarter, half, or entire circle, or diamond, either upright or inverted, whether placed across, above, below, at either side, or encircling the main brand. All repetitions of letters, numbers and figures on the same side of the animal previously re- corded shall be rejected. All brands known as solid brands shall be rejected. Combinations of letters, numbers or figures may be permitted, although the same may have been recorded single or together if in the judgment of the Secretary of State said combination is so different from any prev- ous record as to constitute anew brand with no danger of infringement. — Sec. 10. In all suits at law or in equity or in any criminal proceedings, the brand shall be prima-facia evidence of ownership. Provided: That such brand shall be duly recorded as pro- vided by law. . Sec: 11. Violation of act. Any person or persons who shall violate or fail to obey the provisions of this act, or shall continue the use of a brand or mark after it has been rejected by said Secretary of State, or shall continue the use of any brand or mark after said Secretary of State shall have decided that the same con- flicts with a previously recorded brand or mark shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding one thousand dollars, ($1000.00) or imprisonment in the County Jail for a term not exceeding one year or both in the discre- tion of the court, | La ee ee eee —_— -_ eo ‘ 4 S > . f vo Estray Law. Any person holding land in this State, by deed, title bond or lease for one or more years and being in possesion thereof, may take up | any estray found within his enclosed premises at any season of the year. | He may take up any estray found around his premises between the 2oth day of October and the first day of April. : : Any person at any time, may take up any horse, mule orass with any portion of harness attached to them or any oxen with yoke that are believed to have estrayed. Record of Description. Party taking up an estray shall send a des- cription of the same to a Justice of the Peace in the precinct within forty-eight hours and said Justice of the Peace shall record the same in a book kept by him for that purpose. If estray is not claimed within ten days thereafter party shall file the description with the County Clerk of the County. In twenty days thereafter the description shall be pub- lished in a newspaper, published within the county for five consecutive weeks. Publication fee is three dollars. If the number advertised at one time exceeds three, publisher may re- ceive one dollar for each estray above that number. © : Owner may reclaim at any time before the sale by proving property and paying costs. Disposition. If a sheep, swine or calf under the age of one year has not been reclaimed within six ‘months after advertising it becomes the prop- erty of the taker-up without further proceed- ings. 3 If the estray be a horse, mule, ass, bull, cow or steer over the age of two years it must be reclaimed within six months after the time it 6 was first advertised. If the estray is an animal over the age of one year and not over the age of two years, it must be reclaimed within six months from the time it was first advertised. Estrays included in the two named classes not reclaimed within the specified times, taker- up shall notify the Justice of the Peace who Shall appoint two disinterested appraisers, who shall appraise the stock at its true value under oath and make return of the same to said Justice. | Justice shall then appoint a time and place of sale and publish the same in a newspaper printed in the county for five weeks, and post written or printed notices in three public places in the precinct where the estray is to be sold. If no newspaper is printed in the county, three additional notices shall be posted at the County Seat. : On the day of sale Justice shall sell to the highest bidder in cash. The proceeds after . deducting costs and expenses shall be paid to the County Treasurer within ten days after sale to be placed to the credit of the General School Fund of the County, if not claimed with- in one year from day of sale. Sale shall take place at the residence of taker-up. Estray mnst bring at least two-thirds of appraised value, or be reappraised and again offered one week later without further notice. If appraisers think the animal will not bring more than enough to pay the expenses of sale and advertisement, sale shall be dispensed with and taker-up shall upon payment of expenses be the owner. Fee'm Appraisers a ee eee $f 5o Fee of Justiceigcce) i vote 2 iheelaed I 50 Sec. 14. The advertisement, the apprais- ment, and the service of the Justice of the Peace shall be paid by the person taking up the estray and he shal] receive the same with fifty lard per cent additional from the proceeds of the sale of the estray. Parties taking np estrays are not liaole for death unless it was the result of mistreatment or neglect. Herd Law. eae 2 Art. 3... Sec: 2, Compiled Statute IgoI, Provides: That all damages to property by stock shall be paid by the owner. Taker-up has a len upon animals for damages and costs. Sec. 3. Provides for giving notice to owner of stock impounded. When owner is known the following notice should be given by leaving at his usual place of residence, with some members of his family over the age of fourteen or by posting a copy on the door of owner’s residence. NOTICE SALE. Be 2 eas 1 hea ee 1 ciiMow sare «hereby Memeo sat On fis. nes Ee se day ee eee Tao. ....1ii . Wour «stock of which I now have in my possession (here describe animals), did trespass upon my land and damage the same to the amount of $...... You are requested to pay the above charges within forty-eight hours from the delivery of this notice or the aforesaid stock will be sold according to law. I have appointed Mr............. ADS Te ee ee oe to act as arbitrator should you not feel satisfied with the amount of damages claimed in the within notice. Signed. No claim for damages can he natnrgnea unless notice has been given. _ Ifowner refuses to appoint an arbitrator and does not pay damages within forty-eight hours after having been notified in writing, taker-up should file with any Justice of the Peace said amount of damages and costs, and the animals shall be sold prein execution as ae. by law. 8 Sec. 2. “In case the parties cannot agree as to the amount of damages and cost sustained, each party may choose a man, and in case the two cannot agree they should choose a third man, who after being duly sworn for the pur- pose herein named, they shall proceed to assess the damages possessing for that purpose the general powers of arbitrators.” Sec. 6. The award shall be made in writing. If the award is not paid in five days it may be filed with any Justice of the Peace in the county, and shall operate as a judgment, which judgment shall act asa lien upon the stock taken up. Execution may issue upon said stock for the-collection of said damages and costs. Either party may appeal. Arbitrators fees are two dollars each. Tender by owner before trial of an amount equal to award by arbitrators and costs, will not release him from payment of costs. Sec. 7. In case the owner is not known, taker-up shall proceed as provided by iaw re- garding estrays. Sec. 8. ‘That cultivated lands within the meaning of this act; shall include all forest trees, fruit trees and hedge rows planted on said lands, also all lands surrounded by a plow- ed strip not less than one rod in width, which strip shall be plowed at least once a year. Hide Registry Law. Sec. 13, Chap. 51, Compiled Statutes, Igot, page 789. Butcher's Record. "very butcher shall keep a record of all animals slaughtered, giving age, sex, marks and brands, of whom purchased. and date of purchase, and said record shall at all times be open for public inspection at his place of business. Hides Exhibited. \t is unlawful for persons who slaughter cattle for beef and offer for sale a —a_ nia Teer Gee, Si i - > { ie said beef without exhibiting the hide at the time and place said beef is offered, and the brands must not be changed, mutilated or des- troyed. Parties slaughtering beef for home consump- tion shall keep the hide of the slaughtered animal not less than three days subject to in- spection by any person or persons.. fiide Purchaser's Record. A\\ purchasers of hides of cattle shall keep a record of all hides purchased, which shall state the name of the person from whom purchased, residence, date of purchase, and marks and brands on said hides which shall atall times be open to in- spection of stock growers, Violation , Penalty, Wilful violation or neg- lect to comply with the provisions of this act is a misdemeanor. Penalty. Imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding three months or pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Criminal Code Relating to Animals. Altering ear marks or brands. Chap. 10, Sec. 63. Criminal Code Igot!. If any person shall wilfully and maliciously alter or deface any artificial ear mark or brand upon any horse, mare, foal, filly, mule or ass, sheep, goat or swine, cow, ox, steer, bull or heifer, the property of another every person so offending shall be fined in any sum not exceed- ing fifty dollars, and be lable in ple damages to the party injured. Sec. 64. HH any person shall unlawfully and maliciously kill or destroy an animal of the value of thirty-five dollars or more the property of another, he shall be imprisonedin the peni- tentiary not more than three years nor less than one year. Sec. 65. If the value is less than thirty-five dollars, the fine shall be not less than five 10 dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or Imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding three months. | The statutes also make it a criminal offense To poison animals. To inhumanly beat animals. To over-drive, torture, torment, over-load or over-work. To starve. To impound for any purpose and neglect to feed or water. To abandom sick animals to die. To run horse races in the public road. To sell or let diseased animals run at large. Lo allow diseased animals to come in con- tact with others. To disturb or set at liberty animals impound- ed in a lawful manner. Prairie Fires. Sec, 62. Criminal. code “makesat 2a demeanor to wilfully and intentionally or neg- ligently and carelessly set on fire any woods, prairies or other grounds in any part of Ne- braska. The fine for such an offense is not less than five dollarsnor more than one hundred dollars and by imprisonment in the county jail not less than one month and not more than six months. Party may set fire between the first day of March and the last ‘day “or “Novemper, on land adjoining his own farm for necessary preservation there of from accident by giving his neighbors two days notice of such intention. Party is liable in a civil action for any dam- ages done in consequence. , Nebraska Statute of Weights : and Measures. ol ar cl Ee RE ee 48 lbs. Dede, (Wile), 5... Fea hy st Ree Re Ge Ss JO 8 22) a ear a. ail eR 3 MPP MNERICED ls os see we a BE St Wieee Aer 1ON). 252... . ..-.- Bicep aa Jo) aa LD ETES J. G1 Ua Se Rr ota eae aoe mmc ameter f+ eats Poreees (itis). aS OO ** eames (Sweety! oe. ee OU Semey MOU OPASR) Oo. se ee 14 PM et oe ees eet. OU i TENS Ste SOR cS Peeve |S i i Millet..... Roe icy Bi trae la tw ces. aa Gd ets Sorghum...... van hes Dee eel tks Ci TEE ge Metis 2 2 So, eg ee. meas! ee at elegans tee eR aR Ot ee Pe een a ee Gi COUNTING TABLE, MONTH | Gows Fine pen ab Heiters|Calves| died |bought| sold |stray JANUARY:...| 1 14 21 FEBRUARY 1 MARCH |... I ral | | | | "| lo. Na 3s No | No. RO eee Ne ne es oe tal otal All Agens : COUNTING TABLE. ser een ee MAY.. Pgh UNE ahee | No. Cows No. 1 year Steers No. 2 year steers No. Heifers No. No. Calves} died No. bought) No. sold j|stray’d No. .| Total All Ages a = se < . © Z lI a Z ~ Q 0 AUGUST | 1 ‘|SEPTEMBER 1 No. Cows ‘ | | No. No. 1 year | 2 year Steers | steers No. No. No. No. No. No. Heiters|Calves} died |bought} sold |stray 4 Total All Ages ‘, | Nox |. NG; ‘ Sige IS Now ad en hee WN ON No. No. No. No. No. ANAS . ine MONTH | | Cows Stocrs ® Year /Heiters Calves; died |bought! sold |stray’d Toved AL Ages OCTOBER.....| 1 ‘ 7 = \4 4 H weed | 6 | NOVEMBER! 1 | Z, : - J | | saa ( ES \ Z, 14 2) 21 Ble is DECEMBER.) 1 rn I4 ‘ 16 Rules for measuring Hay in Stack. We give below some rules for measuring hay in the stack. The rules are in common use but the conditions of hay are so different and the shape of stacks so varied that no rule can- q be relied upon as perfectly accurate. In well settled hay 343 cu. feet will make a ton. / Prairie hay in stack is generaly bought and sold when settled 425 cu. feet per ton. Un- settled prairie hay 512 cu. feet per ton. Rule I. Divide the sum of the distance over the stack and the width by 4. Multiply this result by itself and that product by the length. and divide by 348 or 425. The result is in tons and cu. feet. Rule II. Multiply the product of the length by the breadth by #4 the distance over the stack and divide by 3438 or 425. | Rule III. To measure round stacks. Di- vide the distance around the stack by 4 and the distance over by 3. This gives the square at base and height which multiplied together gives the cu. feet. Divide by 348 or 425, yy Rules for measuring Ear @orn in the Crib. To get the number of cu. feet. Multiply the length by the breadth and that product by the. height. Rule I. Multiply the cu. ft. by 4 and divide by 9, the result is in bushels. Rule II. Multiply the cu. ft. by 44 and cut off the right hand figure, the result is in bus. Tio measure wheat, shelled’ corn or oats in a wagon box or bin. Multiply the cu. ft. by 8 and for greater accuracy add 4 bu. for every 100 cu. ft. - 4 ,' . State Farmers” Mutual Insurance Company. South Omaha, - Nebraska, A purely Farmers Mutual Company. Insures only farm property against Fire, Lightning and Tornadoes, for one percent, and $2.00 Membership Fee. (Perpetual Policy) subject to Assessment. Has over $13,500,000 insurance in force. Live Stock Insur- ance, a special feature. We pay in case of loss, just what you are in- sured for. If you insure your herd for one half its value, we pay one=- half the loss. If three-fourths of its value, we pay three-fourths of the loss. We want agents where not repre=- sented. Reference, the Banks of this City. T. B. HOLMAN, Pres. B. R. STOUFFER, Sec’y, South Omaha, Neb. CnsymeD: fone ate mi ss janisan “Wisqetg met He eae Fe not asoben Tat been ents vila iaotie wk 70% fi ¥sq oe: arenes enh ors wow isiw genl eee hish moy sivent woe Woe “HO YEG ow Dandie ant Te: ania heap ee M ease sae, hoi Pecan snes * “ng Ay # at aa! taal | ale Te a ee 17 Burton Precinct. {@-‘‘Animals belonging to members of the Keya Paha River Stock Growers’ As- sociation are branded as in W. C. Brown’s record on this page. The brand isread 7 U S&S. Members of the Association are designated in the book by the word ‘‘ASSOCIATION.’’ ‘The words ‘Durham,’ ‘Hereford’ and ‘Mixed’ as used inthe following pages are to designate the breed of stock raised by each in- dividual.”’ Bammerlin, Adam Springview. Range, Dutch Flat Read, X Size 4x4 Individual. Durham. WBE Bickner, E. P. Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read,) Read, DK Hockler, J. M. Springview. Range, Springview Table. Size 5x7 State. Mixed. Johnson, John Springview. — Range, Prosser Creek Read, JJ — Size 6x6 - Individual. Hereford. Monroe, Ed. Springview. Range, 6 miles south of Springview and Reservation. Read, 2 V Size 8x8 State. Hereford. , Jaques, T. V. _ Springview. Range, Springview Table. Read, bow and arrow Size 8x4 County. Short Horn. McLain, Springview. Range, Good rich Creek Read, Me Size 3x4 Individual. Short Horn. a ee .Range, Skinner Creek 4] Painter, B. A. Springview. Range, 3 miles south- west Springview Read, LP Size 5x8 Individual. Durham. Skinner, F.W. Springview. Range, Cub Creek Read, TUF — Size 6x6 State. Association. Durham. Horses same brand on right shoulder Skinner, Thos. Springview. Read, circle TS Size 8x7 Individual. Hereford. Skinner, Albert Springview. Range, Dry Creek Read, cross S Size 34x3 Individual. Durham. Van Houten, @. J. se Springview. Range, Hassett Creek Read, H Size 4x3 Hereford. Horses on left shoulder Van Winkle, John Springview. Range, 1 mile west of McLean bridge Read, V Size 3x3 - Individual. Mixed. Wolfe, @. N. Springview. Range, Keya Paha river Read, RF Size 54x12 Individual. White & Sons Springview. . Range, Iowa Settle- ment — | Read, NT Size4x4 Individual. Mixed. Same position on horses : ow - Bars . i eae 43 Walls, M. G. Springview. Range, Bear Creek Read, Hat Size 6x6 State. Durham. Right shoulder for ‘ horses and mules Williams, E. H. Springview. Range, lowa Settle- ment Read, Horse Track Size 6x5 Association. Durham. Right shoulder on horses Thompson, H. E. Springview. Read, T Individual. Polled Angus. Garfield Precinct. bod — Blake, Wm. Springview. Range, between Cub and Rock Creeks Read, WB connected State. _ Horses right shoulder 44 Barton, R. A. Springview. Range, near the mouth of Rock Creek Read, 7HL connected Size 4x7 County. Hereford. Conway,W. K. _ Springview. Range, Niobrara river Read, box D Size 4x4 County. Mixed. Dawson, H. M. Springview. Range, Chimney creek and Niobrara river Read, quarter circle D Size 6x6 Individual. Hereford. ~ Durham. Dawson, John I. Norden. Range, Chimney creek Read, bar D_ Size 4x7 Individual. Hereford. 45 Foster, Josephine Springview. Range, Jewett Creek Read, JJ Size 4x4 Durham. Fessant, Geo. Springview. Range, Rock Creek Read, ‘‘and”’ Size 6x6 County. Hereford. Greenough, G. F. Springview. Range, Rock Creek Read, C F Large Mixed. - Gilbert, A. N s cea s Springview. Range, Dry Valley Read, HS _ Size 4x4 Polled Angus. Horses & mules same on left shoulder 46 Henneman Bros. Springview. Range, Jewett Creek Read, H M connected a ae | Size Axi =. D wy ising : | x State. Durham. Herron, F. J. Springview. Range, Rock Creek Read, W H connected County. Durham. Horse brand = on left shoulder. ° Huddle, @. S. : Springview. Range, Cub Creek Read, C H Size 3x6 County. Mixed. Same brand on horses right shoulder. Herron, Mary K. Springview. Range, Rock Creek Read,M H Small County. Mixed... Lampitt, Wm. Springview. Range, Jewett Creek Read, WL _Size5x8 Individual. Hereford. McConnell, Cc. W. Springview. Range, Head of Cub Creek Read, C Size 4x2 Individual. Durham. McConnell, Chas. 2 Springview. Range, Head of Cub | Creek Read, C Size 4x2 Individual. — Mixed. . Overstreet, C. E. Mills. Range, Cub Creek Read, C Size 2x2 Individual. Durham. 48 Overstreet, T. J. Mills. Range, Cub Creek Read, C Size 2x2 Individ ual Durham. Pfaff, D. W. Springview. Range, Jewett Creek Read, circle dot Size 5x5 Individual. Durham. Smoot, Robt. Springview. Range, Head of Jewett Creek. Read, 46 Size 5x10 Right Side Individual. _ Mixed. . Sprague, Wm. Springview. Range, Head of Cub Creek ESSER” XeZZ, ry 7 Read, OT Size 4x6 Individual. Mixed. 49 Schrautz, J. S. Springview.. Range, West Holt Creek Read, JT Size Ax Individual. Hereford - Durham Tisue, Otto Springview. Range, Cub Creek Read, O T Size 3x5 Durham. Tisue, EB. H. Springview. Range, Cub Creek Read, ET connected Size 4x4 Individual. Durham. Holt Precinet. Akers, J. W. . Springview. Range, Holt Creek : fea 86 Read, W bar Size 8x8 aes on either side SAAT ANNI? Individual. Durham. Austin, W. A. Springview. Range, Head of Tim- ber Creek | Read, S open AL Size 6 in. Horses, inverted 9 on left thigh. State. Association. PRE AN URRRRE S Bingham, J. S. Springview. Range, Holt Valley Read, J SB Size 4 in. Individual. Hereford: Ballard, Mary Ballard, Geo. E. _Springview. Range, West Holt Read, M Size 5x5 County. Hereford. Booth, J. G. Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read WL inverted Size 5x6 Individual. Durham. Booth, @. A. Springview. Range, HoJt Creek Read, 7 B Size 5x6 Durham. Clark, Jos. Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read, J C bar Size 12x18 #55 Individual. Hereford. Carlson, Alfred Marlbank. Range, Cottonwood Read, AC Size 4x6 County. 1 Sareea” Durham. ; Herefords. Clopton, M. A. Springview. . Range, Holt Creek Read, T Size 4x4 Individual. Hereford. oo) | bo Clopton, I. M. Springview. Range, South Cotton-. wood Head, -C.- Size 8x5 Individual. Red Polled. Hereford. Dixon, H. J. 3 Marlbank. Range, Cottonwood Read, 91 bar Size 5x6 Dixon, Frank Marlbank. Range, Cottonwood Read, 91 Size 5x5 Association. Durham. Eberhart, W. B. Marlbank: Range, Cottonwood Read, WB connected Size 4x6 State. Durham. viet — Fink Bros. Springview. Range, Head of Cot- tonwood Read, X 7 Size 4x5 State. Hereford. Short Horn. Gireau, Paul Springview. Range,South of Turtle Buttes Read, G U Size 6x8 Association. State. G left shoulder horses Huston, Ejilert Norden. Range; between Cot- tonwood & Lost Creeks Read, 110 Size 3 in. County. Mixed. Hastings, W. J. Springview. Range, West Holt Creek Read, MT Size 4x6 State. Hereford. Hamilton, L. L. _Springview. -Range, Holt Creek Read, L H_ Size 4x5 Individual. Durham. Heineman, Ed Marlbank. Rahee Head of Cot- tonwood Read, IVI Size 4x7 County. Hereford. Hamilton, @. A. Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read, LH Size 4x5 Durham. Jewett, Stephen Enterprise. Range, Chimney creek Read, Open box bar Individual. Mixed: «40 hel ra Kurzenberger, William Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read, Scissors Size 6x5 Kurzenberger, Godfrey Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read, Scissors County. Short Horn. Kuhl, Henry Springview. Range, West Holt Read, Half Leg & eee, Se ee | Individual. Short Horn. Kenaston, San : Springview. Range, State line 12 miles north Spring- view. Read, K bar Size 8x6 Individual. Durham. / Kenaston, W. A. Springview. Range, State line 12. miles north Spring- view Read, Two-thirds Size 12x8. State. Association. Dulap mark on all. Old brand K bar on right hip. Lear, @. E. Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read, Maltese Cross Size 6x6 Association. Durham. Lear, Wm. Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read, WL connected i on Left Side ue aiere ores Size 5x6. Ass'n. Short Horn. , Loughran, T. F. Marlbank. Range, Cottonwood Valley Read, OL Size 5x7 County. Mixed. Mock, John Marlbank. Range, 4 miles north Norden. Read, I V Bar Size 5x7 Mixed. Neihus, Claus -Marlbank. Range, Cottonwood Read, CN = Size 5x7 State. Mock, Mrs. F. Marlbank. Range, Cottonwood Read, I V Size 5x7 Mixed. Niehus, Frank Springview. Range, West Holt Creek Read, 5 N Size 4x4 State. Ass’n. Durham. . Pense, A. Springview. Range, West Holt Creek Read, PW Size 34 in. each County. Hereford. Durham. Porter, H. S. Norden. Range, East Holt Creek Read, HS connected Size 4x4 County. Mixed. I. uther, Jos. Springview. Range, West Holt Read, JR — Size 4x8 County. Red Polled. Roby, D. K. Springview. Range, Cottonwood Creek Read, D bar R | Size 5x17 Ass’n. ‘Durham. a9 Snyder, E. L. Springview. Range, West Holt Read,58S Size 5x10 State. Durham. Horse brand ZZ on left thigh Read, double 7 Z Snyder, H. Springview. Range, Holt Creek Read, Pipe back of left shoulder Size 2x7 County. Durham. Shattuck, L. H. Marlbank. Range, Cottonwood - Read, S Size 3x4 ~ ° Pee eee COZ Individual. — Mixed. Smeliser,B.F. | Enterprise. Range, 12 miles north of Springview Read, curling iron or wrench Size 6x12 State. Hereford. Short Horn. Thomas, W..F. Springview. Range, West Holt Creek - Read, lazy H T Size 10x5 Short Horns. Titus, A. H. : Springview. Range, West Holt Read, AT Size 4x6 County. , Vifquain, E. T. Springview. Range, West Holt Read, 8 Size 4x4 Ae As y eenngus KOR, oe County. ; Durham. Weston, W. L. Marlbank. Range, Cottonwood hy ety Creek é WD irsityisinrzzees 7 : Read, W aa f Individual. Durham. 61 Woeppel, Gus Springview. Range, Timber Creek Read, GU S bar Size 6 in. each State. Hereford. Niehus,. Frank ' Springview. Range, Holt Creek eee _. Horse Brand. Read, Quarter Circle on left front leg Keya Paha Precinct. Adkins, R. M. Brocksburg. | Range, Spotted Tail Creek Read, A4 Size 5x6 State. Mixed. 62 Baker, A. J. Brocksburg. © Range, Northeast of Mills Read, carpenter’s Square , Size 3x5. County. em Mixed. | & Horses side. of neck © Baker, J. H. Brocksburg. Range, Northeast of Mills i Read, carpenter’s square. 3 Size 3x5. County. Mixed. Horse same on left side of neck. Bauld, John Brocksburg. Range, Coon Creek Read Bd Size 5x6 Ass’ n. _ State. Hereford. Briscoe, Jos. : Brocksburg. Range. betw’n Brocks- burg and Ponca Read, JB connected County. Association. Collins, W. M. Brocksburg. Range, Wolf Creek Read, YC Hereford. Old brand pad lock Ditto, Clark N. Brocksburg. Range, Keya Paha River Read, CL Size 4x8 Individual. Short Horn. Hereford. Doyle, John Brocksburg. Range, Wolf Creek -Read, J D Size 5x4 Individual. Mixed. Hutzel, R. L. Brocksburg. Range, East End of County Read, K3 Size 5 in. State. Mixed. 64 Hudson, W.N. Brocksburg. Range, Oak Creek Read, S 8 Size 6x7 State. Ass’n. Hereford. Horse brand H bar on left shoulder Doyle, Edward Brocksburg. Range, Oak Creek Read, D Size 3x3 Individual. Mixed. Fickweiler, Willy Brocksburg. Range, Keya Paha river Read, Six Shooter Size 13 in. long State. Mixed. Irish, Frank Brocksburg. Range, Spotted Tail Creek | Read, F Y Size 5x10 State. Mixed. 65 Jeffords, Mary A. Brocksburg. Range, Wolf Creek Read, Anchor Individual. Short Horn. Knapp, L. A. Brocksburg. Range. between Coon and Oak Creeks Read, U 5 Size 4x6 State. Hereford. Durham. Lusk, W. K. Brocksburg. Read, 3 X bar Size 4x4 County. Mixed. Same brand for horses © Munt, Frank Brocksburg. Range, Oak Creek Read, C C reversed Size 4x4 Individual. Mixed. | 66 Payn, John Brocksburg. Range, Wolf Creek Read, P A Size 5 in. P on Left Shoulder, A on Left Thigh Association. Mixed. Rhodes, J. G. Brocksburg. Range, Spotted Tail Creek Read, WE Size 6x6 State. Association. Hereford. Swetiand, Henry Brocksburg. Range, Keya Paha river Read, VS Size 5x6 Horses on left shoulder Association. State. Hereford. Old brand HS Hp Satterlee, F. E. and G. Z. Brocksburg. Range, Keya Paha river near Brocksburg Read FZ Size 4 in. State: Durham. Polled Angus. _. 67 Stewart, Jack Mills. Range, Wolf Creek Read, S on forehead Size 44x3 Individual. Sullivan, Arthur. Brocksburg. Range, Oak Creek Read, 58 State. Hereford. Thompson, John Brocksburg. ‘Range, Keya Paya river Read, J T bar Size 4x6 County. Mixed. Vosburg, E. Brocksburg. Range, Keya Paha Read, V Size 44x44 Individual. Durham. Wales, H. E. Naper. Range, Northeast Keya Paha County Read, Necktie and Pa, Breeching Size 9 in. a oe State. : Durham. Wisemiller, Fred Brocksburg. Range, Spotted Tail ' Creek Read, E 4 Size 6x7 Association. State. Hereford. Williams, M. T. -- Broeksburg. Range, Brocksburg Read, Seven W Bar Size 6x10 ‘ Association. State. Horse brand X on left shoulder, Wilsons©lmstead Brocksburg. Range, Oak Creek Read, Seven L Bar Size 2x38 — State. Ass’n. Horse L on left jaw left shoulder Wales, E. E. Naper. Range, Spotted Tail Creek aw Read, E Size 7 in. Se eee ee County. 5 Durham. White Faces. Milis Precinct. Anderson, H. D. Mills. Range, Keya Paha river ees. Read, UV Size 5x7 State. Association. Billings, Alonzo Mills. Range, Pasture Read, ZB hae y) TA We uae, “State. Hereford. Durham. — Bassett, RS. Robinson, S. A. ee ee Mills. Range, Near Mills * Read, diamond B and diamond 7 Size 7 in. State. . Polled Angus. me Chapin, W. &. Mills. Range, Coon Creek Read, U C right side es £2 tae pize Oxd ws wan State. :) Durham. Donason, J. Mills. Range, Keya Paha * -naney Read, Z4 bar Size 5x5 Association. Hereford. Durham. Same brand on horses 2x2 on left shoulder Knight, W. M. Mills. Range, 14 miles west of Mills Read, WK connected Size 3x5 Hereford Durham. Libolt, Chas. M. Mills. Range, Keya Paha is Tiver Read, M L bar Size 5x10 Individual. Ass’n. Mixed. Horse brand Jewsharp Pratt, M. E. Mills. Range, Indian Creek Read, ‘‘Hat brand”’ on both hips State. Association. Horses & mules same brand near shouider. Rowan, John M. Brocksburg. Range, Coon Creek Read, V 4 Size 5x7 State. Mixed, Same on horses. Rowan, Thos. Mills. Range, N. E. Keya Paya county Read, Flying V and a V Size 6x7 Association. State. Mixed. Rowan, Wm. 8S. Mills. Range, Coon Creek Read, R 8 on right hip ee ame Z bar on right hip Be ey Ui Association brand on a left jaw on cattle over pied 1 year old’ R88 Ass’n. Sess on calves of 1901. State. Association. Mixed. Sylvester, Arthur Mills. Range, 4 miles west of: Mills © , Read; MA connected ‘Size 4x6- Gonnty.« _. Mixed. Strain,A.F.cW.S. Mills. Read, beer botite bar and beer bottle Size 6x4 Individual. Mixed. Stroltenberg, A. Mills. Range, between Coon and Spring Creeks Read, Apple § and Ox Yoke Size 4x5 State. Abss’b. Sylvester, Cass. Mills. Range, 24 miles west of Mills Read, Flaring E- Size 4x6 Individual. Smothers, Wm. Mills. ‘Range, Dry Creek Read, bar YS Size 8x7 State. Short Horn. Tuton, Nels. Mills. Range, Keya Paha - river. Read, You N Size 4x5 Individual. Common. Wilkinson,Geo.W Mills. Range, Mills Precinct Read, W bar right hip Individual. Wyatt, John Mills. Range, Spring Creek Read, W Y_ Size 6x4 Individual. Durham. 74 McGuire Precinct. Allen, M. M. Norden. Range, Middle Creek and Niobrara River Read, 3A Size 4x4 Durham. - State. Polled Angus. Bassett, W. E. Norden. Range, 14 miles south Norden Read, TJ Individual. Mixed. Campbell, J. S. Norden. Range, 2 miles west of Norden Read, JS Size 4x4 Individual. Durham. Evans, T. R. Norden. Range, 3 miles south- east of Norden Read, bar Heart Individual. ~ Common Native. Eglehoff, Fred Norden. Range, west end of County Read, R E Size 4x5 Individual. Mixed. Fisher, F. P. Norden Range, Pasture Read, F back of hip on right side Size 5x2 Individual. Mixed. Hutchinson, E..L. i Penbrook. Range, Niobrara river southwest of Norden Read, H on neck right side Size 2x3 Individual. - Durham. Hockler, D. M. Norden. Range, Turkey Creek Read, DK connected Size 4x4 State. Durham. Kuhre, Frank Norden. Range, Niobrara river south of Norden A = | : ‘Di yi y iI Fish spite L. Read, TK = Size 5x5 | US een State. Hereford. Logan, H. W. Norden. Range, Shadley Creek Read, K P ‘ “Sige 5x5 County. | Durham. Langer, Joseph Norden. Range, 3 miles south- west of Norden Read, S U Size 4x6 County. Mixed. Langer, Louisa Norden. Range, 3 miles south- west of Norden Read, S U_ inverted Size 4x6 — County. Mixed. Laird, Thos... Norden. Range, Lost Creek Read, T laxy L con- nected Size 4x4 County. Short Horn. Horse brand 7 on left jaw. McGuire, M.W. M. M. Allen, Agent. Norden. Range, Middle Creek and Niobrara river Read, 14 Size 4x4 County. Mixed. Morrison, F. N. Norden. Range, west of Norden Read, O bar T Size 3x7 Individual. Mixed. Poitevin, Ant. Norden. Range, west end of County Read, lazy S 4 circle State. Mixed. Old brand bar Heart on either hip. Porter, J. J. Norden. Range, Norden Read, JP J. Size 5x7 County. c Durham. Smalley, E. Norden. Range, East of Norden : Read, ES Size 3x6 Individual. Mixed. Thompson, John Norden. Range, Niobrara south of Norden Read, TK Size 5x5 State. Hereford. Thompson, Jean Norden. Range, 14 miles south of Norden Bead f d 4 Saeed Individual. Mixed. Wells, J. B.. Norden. Read, J Star Size 4x7 State. Mixed. Young, Eddie Norden. Range, Norden Bead, Y Size 4x4 Individual. Norden Precinct. Brewster, F. L. Norden. > Range, Head of Mule’ Shoe Creek Read, F B connected Size 5x5 on Calves - State. Durham. Short Horn. Billings, ©. P. Norden. Range, Lost Creek Read, lazy UB con- nected Size 4x4 Individual. Mixed. 80 Billings, ©. P. Jr. Norden. Range, Lost Creek Read, B bar Size 6x20 : ae ivi Dwyviiiaziamnzze” Individual. Short Horn. Chambers, J. M. Norden Range, Lost Creek | Read, Circle bar 4 in. circle, 6 in. bar Individual. Durham. Chambers, B. P. Norden. Range, Head of Lost Creek Read, | XL Size 4x7 County. Mixed. Same brand on horses. Frauen, M. Norden. Range, Chattle Creek Read, MF connected Kither hip Size 6x6 County. Mixed. 8] Ganow, Lewis | Norden. Range, 34 miles north of Norden. Read, Circle bar and 7HO Size 6x6 Individual. Durham. Graddy, B. L. Norden. Range, 6 miles west of Norden. Read, BL_ Size 3 in. Individual. Mixed. Left sheulder on horses Kirk, Jos. S. Norden. Range, Shadley Creek Read, H J Size 6x6 Ps Fie sd Pee Diosma County. Mixed. Kearville, Wm. : Butte. Range, Lost Creek _ Read, box bar Size 3x4 State. Hereford. Durham. Polled Angus. Lawrence, A. Butte. Range, North of Norden ee a “Ne nh Wi : wry i rms Size 7x5 <2 Dwiysijuicwmt Any part of body. County. Mixed. Luton, A. Norden. Range, East Lost Creek Read, JA connected Size 4x4 Individual. Mixed. Koplan, J. V. Norden. Range, West of Lost Creek. Read, 101 = Size 4 in. Individual. Short Horn. Luton, J. W. -~=-Norden. Range, Lost Creek Read, J A Size 4x4 Individual. Mixed. . 83 Moore, John S. Norden. Range, Lost Creek Read, seven up, seven > down under quarter circle. Size 3x3 County. Short Horn. Horse brand 7 on right zZ = jaw, bar on right jaw, lazy 7 on left shoulder. Powell, E. H. Norden. Range, Cottonwood Creek _ Read, P Size 5xd Mixed. Payne, Pearl Sparks. Range, Shadley Creek Read, P Size 4 in. Individual. Holstein. Short Horn. Polled Angus. Sharp, J. D. Sparks. Range, west of Shadley Read, JH connected Size 4x6 Individual. Hereford. Durham. Smith, John Norden. Range, Shadley Creek Read, M on either hip Also lazy 4 on left hip Mixed. Schifferns,Wm.H. Norden. Range, Shadley Creek Right hip Size 8x6 Individual. Siefken, Geo. Norden. Range, Lost Creek Read, H R connected Size 5x5 State. Starkjohann, Jno. : Norden. Range, Rose Valiey Read, quarter circle S On Right Ribs - ‘ Size 2x4 Individual. “ Mixed. - ~ Holstein Pasian . THE | DAIRY COW FOR THE WEST. | Breed the Best. “3 _ Registered Stock at Moderate _ Prices. Correspondence : Solicited. HENRY 6. GLISSMAN Station 8" B.D. GEORGE BROTHERS PRINTING 4 ; We can Print your ‘Stationery and “put Your Brand on the Animal, BP SO ARE Sa Ae ee URED eh? th Ty ae es Fraternity Building. us _ NEBRASKA, 86 Amspoker, Fred 'Springview. Range, Burton Creek Read, RV _ Size 4x9 _ State. As3'n. Amspoker, Frank Springview. Range, Burton Creek Read, OA _ Size 7x3 Association. County. Brede, Arthur Carns. Range, near Carns Read, bar B and TB Size 6 in. long Oniy one brand on an animal Individual. Bahr, Peter Pine Camp. Range, Wyman Creek Read, PB Size 4x6 State. Hereford. Same brand for horses PDWSiniazi Cowger, J. T. Springview. Range, Spring Creek Read, JC Size 5x6 County. Red Polled. Forgey, Wm. Springview. Range, Head of Spring Creek Read, I half circle Size 6x4 Individual. Mixed. Gipson, Peter Pine Camp. Range, Pine Camp Read, P Gand TC Size 24x3 County. Mixed. Koenig, Joe Carns. Range, Wyman Creek Read, JK Size 5x5 Horses left front leg Size 2x2 Individual. Mixed. 88 Lowe, Chas. _ Pine Camp. Range, Spring Creek to Simpson Read, 2 Size 4x4 County. Mixed. Lowe, A. Carns. Range, Spring Creek Read, Half Circle Size of each 4 in. Individual. Hereford. oD McCracken, R. Pine Camp. Range, Spring Creek Read, Heart Size 3x4 Th Blt gees Dy Wiiiiwwr lah ‘ x Individual. Hereford. Osborn, W. L. Springview. Range, Wilkins Creek Read, WO Size 5x10 Individual. Durham. 89 Oamek, Frank : Carns. Range, 3 miles west Carns Read, FO Size 6x6 Tes Oe eee : a Dip ssaisines Individual. Mixed. Prescott, Chas. Sanit Carns. Range, north of Carns Read, C P Size 4x6 Individual. Mixed. Paris, E. B. and Elsie B. ; Carns. Range, 14 miles south- east of Pine Camp Read, P Size 5x3 Individual. ‘Hereford. © Durham. Paris, R. B. Carns. Range, Pine Camp Read, P Size 4 in. Left thigh and back of shoulder Individual. Mixed. ; Peet, M. D. Springview. ~ | Range, Burton Creek Read, Shoe’ Size 5x5 Individual. Durham. Rickman, A. L. Springview. Range, Niobrara river Read, A L R Size Sin. A on shoulder, Lon side, R on hip “State. -° : Durham. Riley, E. 7 7 ’ Carns.” Range, Niobrara three _ miles west of Carns Read, 7] Size 4x4 Individual. Durham. Polled Angus. Koe Bros. ~ Carns. Range, Niobrara river ~ west of Carns Read, SZ Size 5x6 State. Association. Mixed. Stewart, E. H. Carns. Range, Northwest of Carns. Read, HS connected Size 5x5 ~ . Individual. Hereford. ola Mrs. A. G. Carns. Range, Wyman’s Creek : Read, Four cornered SbaE 4 County. < Hereford. Stewart, F. M. : Carns. Range, Northwest of Carns Read, 5 _ Size 5x8 Individual. Durham. Hereford. Seiga, Wm. Carns. -Range, 24 miles north- west “of Carns Read, JF Size 4x6 Also WS on right hip County. Hereford. Shepherd, Geo. M. ‘Springview. Range, Burton Creek Read, B 7 Size 5x6 County. Hereford. Sofer, H. K. Springview. Range, Burton Creek & Keya Paha River. Read, half moon Size 10x24 State. Durham. Polled Angus. Same brand on right shoulder of horses single Wentworth, A. A. Pine Camp. Range, Niobrara river 6 miles west of Carns Read, AW Size 3x4 State. Mixed. Wilcutts, N. : Springview. Se Range, West Holt WH xiii wr anny State. : Hereford. 93 Simpson Precinct. Brown, Solon Simpson. Range, Southwest of King Hill Read, JA B connected Size 5x5 . Horses left shoulder Individual. Durham. Brown, Herbert Simpson. Range, Runon Creek Read, JAB connected Size 5x5 Horses same brand on left shoulder Individual. Durham. Connell, W. A. Simpson. Range, near Simpson on Bunyon Creek Read, 2 Size 4x4 Individual. Hereford. Durham. Dyer, John M. Carns. Range, 5 miles below Carns. Read, Tuyer Iron Size 6x6 County. Short Horn. _ Also brisket wattle mark. O4 Elen, @. J. Mills. Range, 6 miles south of Mills Read, E diamond Size 10x8 State. Mixed. Genung, L. T. and Sons : Carns. Range, N. E. of Carns Read, LT Size 6x6 State. Mixed. Harvey, W. H. and Sons | Mills. Range, Kinney Creek 5 miles N. E. Carns Read, Cross Size 4x4 Individual. Herefords. Hougen, P. Simpson. Range, about Simpson Read, 96 Association. State. Mixed. 7 » sins 95 Koburg, Fred M. Simpson. Range, 2 miles west of Simpson. Read, K on right hip. Size 4x3 Individual. Ass'n. Mixed. Swaffer, ©. J. Simpson. Range, Pleasant Valley Read, Double Wrench Size 12 in. long State. Association. Hereford. Durham. Turney, B.S. _Simpson. Range, 1 mile west of Simpson Read, TB Size 5x5 ‘Individual. Hereford. Thorndyke, A. P. Simpson. Range,Simpson Prec’t Read, T Size 6x6 Individual. Mixed. _~ — ~ 98 99 L. ef C. 101 105 peer mere sae Dent bt a Pi.) ou xz P i 106 een: INDEX. PAGE Preface.. a Ss eng yd 5 San SE gh li ae 2 Marks and. Bonds. C9 Sa > WOE Nae ENS Sy ok 3 NN tet SC en sn ead po aie 5 CII cor a S92? gh) ee oe Peer ae Hide Registry .. eek Oca gee Criminal Law Relating to Animals Yat ape the RA OPED Jima Prairie Fires... eee big 5 ey Ua iieetere aegaee | Weights and Mencires:.:.). (tes ee 11 Herd Dae ore 2 See ree 12, 13, 14 and 15 weet weenie a Theide, Fred, Enterprise.......... 32 Tiffany, [s..Bis ee ga aes 4.32 Tuton, N. B., Miils.. mye Be Verrell, Dix, Enterpri iS@ .....csck0)) 2 32 Wiley, Ea, Lutes.. oil ee Wiley. Outarbine, Lutes../. 4/08 fe. 33 Wiley, Wm., Laites. «.....o.. 4) PR ee .33 Wiley, James, Lutes....... 2.22... ieee oe 33 Warner, W. W., Enterprise............ eee gh eee 34 Woolhiser, Milton, Mills... .... 0.222.083. See Webster, Chas., Enterprise? ...) 3. 7).i.8 aan eee 34 Webster, C. O., Enterprise. ..50)) )3.22260..0 eee 34 Woolhiser, A., Mills .........i2.5. eee Shee 35 Wood, Ff. B., Enterprise... 3... :.55 eee oe 3D Wood, M. M.. Enterprise......:.2:... ee 30 Wilcutts, FE. M., Spring view ..... 27) Beare Prorat ss So . Wood, John P., Lutes..... a . Bb Custer Precinct Brands. Numerals--37, 40. Single Letters--42, 43. Double Letters, separate—37, or i 40, 41, 42. Double Letters, connected--a9, 42, 43. Sign Brands--40. Triple Letters, connected or ea oa: 41. Bar, with letters or signs—37, 3 Allen, §. S., Springview.... oe DUS a cee os Suet eae al Brant Bros.; Spring view .... 2. ..-..6.. ee pei Ballard, George, Spring views... :. ....25=500.ae eee 37 Carr, L. B., Spring view .. ...)..7-2 2 eee Ra Carnahan, J. 5., Springview ... 2...) 72 eee 33 a ee ae te Pa Pa ali Sore EE ey we Cederberg, Peter, Springview... ... .....5. .+-+++: Bere WW. SPPINe VIEW... . 2 -- e en gig ones Pence; John WM, Spring view... -............. Carr, John F., Springview See tePANE., POTINSVIEW...... -- sneacces-s seo en teen Haliock, Ellen F., SUE TIEN Wee Hackler, J. M, Springview.. Johnson, John, Springview. Jaques, T. V., Springview.. Monroe, E., Springview. erence ee McLain, Frank, Springview .. Painter, B. A., Springview.... Skinner, F. W., Springview peer, Phomss, Sprinisview. --- a. nn-- a2: - fn. oct CF 7 Poitevin, Aut, Norden.... AT eee) oh: INOPOCIK ; 2. ...o.. 2 eee Ee Senet By NOPFGOMN > 2. 5 oc...3 sth ee a8 Thompson, John, Norden...... .78 Thompson, Jean, Norden...... 78 Bilis. 3.6, ae ee 79 Young, Eddie, Worden ..usic aa 79 Mills Precinct Brands. Numerals--69, 70, 71. Single Letters--71, ie. Double Letters, separate--69, 70. 73. Double Letters, connected--70, 72, 73. Sign Brands--69, higole: Triple Letters, connected or separate. Bar, with letters or signus--69, 70, 71, 72, 73. mnaerson, H. D., Mills 4 oc. 2... 3169: - e Billings, Alonzo, Mills ....2..0..4 2 See Bassett, K.S., Mills. ...: 2.082)... ee eee Bobinson, 8. A., Mills.. 2.222.403.0203 3 eee ee Chapin, W...A., Mills .0 00.0. Chie ae Donason, J... Mills.c. os c2i.ctase ous ae Knight, W..M., Mills.. 02... cee aes eee 70 Libolt, Charles, Mills... ...<..22 203022 ee ee Pratt, M. E., Mills... 00.2. .c 2 bse 71 Rowan, John M., Brocksburg: ::. 5:2. ).072 cee eee Rowan, Thomas, Mills :... 62.42 ..520) 2a ee 71 Rowan, Wim. §S.. Mills. sic9.0. eo eee 71 Sylvester, Arthur, Mills. . Me re Strain, A. F. & W.S., Mills.. os be anes Leet. eee a2 Stoltenberg, A., Mills. . ob ai 62 ols, 6 QR) Lae Sylvester, Cass, Mills: : 455.8 S10 ee ieee ae Smothers. Wm., Mills.. wie Tuton, Nels, Mills .. wc on gg Gie vss ae Wilkinson, George Wa Mills. ova ae les ghtR Set Wyatt. John, Mills... bec eA ee ck eee .W3 Norden Precinct t Brande: Numerals--81, 82, 83. Single Letters— 83, 84. Double Letter S, separates: Si, 85. Double Letters, connected--79, 80, 81, 82, 883, 84, 85. Sign Brands--84. Triple Letters, connected or separate-—-&0. Bar, with letters or signs--80, 81, 82, 84. Brewster, F. L., Norden. «. 2.9. 0..02.. 0: 37 ee Billings, O..P., Norden .......°. 38 20) 79 Billings, -O..P.:Jr., Norden: 2.3533 .. 80 Chambers, J. M., Norden..4 201200.) «20 ee 80 Chambers, B. P., Norden......5:. 25.0 //).ee eee Frauen, M., Norden... ........:0d2 g2ubs Jeon tee Ganow, Lewis, Norden... .. 002... 202.50 tho oe Graddy, B. L., Norden...8..0207....0.4. 2 eee 81 Kirk, Joseph §., Norden ......0(00.255 4. oat 81 Kearville, Wm., Norden ........)0/.0i45 43 ae 81 Lawrence, A., NOrden. «ie.00<.i2.1 ys ee Tuuton, A.,. Norden ....cd.0.< 000.0 b)e ee 82 Kaplan; J. V., Nordete..:.. vi aioe . 82 Luton, J: W.. Norden... s. 5. :f2:\0 ae Moore, John &., he renenk wei Sila bce EO SRE ene ee 83 Powell, E. H., Norden . .. 83 Payne, Pearl, Sparks.. a4 oe eS ipekeeee ae Sharp, J. D., Sparks mm sme 83 Smith, John, Norden 2. ...0. 0s. cic 84 Schifferns, Wm. H., Norden.......... .. 84 Siefken, George, NorGetiiiii. 0.4. ee eee Starkjohann John, Norden .......... sta Cth tee eee 84 Tschauner, Henry, Norden. ...:)-3))3, 425 eee eee Zirnig, Frank: Norden). 20.2.2 Jee Numerals--88. Single Letters--89, 90. Pine Precinct Brands. Double Letters, separate—85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. Double Letters, connected—86, 87, 89. Sign Brands—88, 90, 87. Triple Letters, connected-or separate—90. Bar, with letters or signs--86. Amspoker, age Springview eet, , . oa eat oe Amspoker, §., Springview .....-..-.----- Be eee Amspoker, Fred, Springview 1 SP 2 SI net ae aE Amspoker, Frank, SOrins VIEW 2. peeaes 25. Aloe dieains MN GREET COA PTIS o.oo) 5 on oan swine v eek ities see ore ase Bahr, Peter, Pine Camp..........-..--+.+e02 sees teers Cowger, John, Springview..........-...+.-+e. eee eee Forgey, Waren eo VIEW ...) acs oie ieee ides + ee Gipson, Peter, Pine Camp.. Koenig, Joe, Carns . ah Wee MMA tian Se aad Sw idee ad Lowe, ‘Charles, Pine Camp. 5 it RAG Me as «eed oad a aie Sas TO eerie ee ce ee nee MecCrocken, K., Pine Camp.............+.-5--62-:-55- Osborne, W. L., PRE IEe -; Oamek, Frank, Caraos.. Prescott, Charles, Carns.. Paris, E. B. & Elsie B, Carns.. Paris, R. B.. Carns.. Peet, M. D.., Springview.. Ne, REMAN es nn tN Slee ae - Rickman, A. Lis, Spring view. Fee aR) ES Ce Fee Ree Riley. E., Carns.. ee SF Roe Bros., Carns. . Simpson Precinct Brands. Numerals—93, 94. Single Letters—94, 95. Double Letters, separate--94. Double Letters, connected—%. Sign Brands—93, 94, 95. Triple Letters, connected or separate--93. Bar, with letters or signs. Brown, Herbert, Simpson.. Connell, W. A., 3 sae : Dyer, yaar ot 2 pale Seen, C.J ., ete os 7, toa et ee Genung, E T - Sons, Cans Stee os Sa Harvey, W. H. & Sons, Mills..........-.. Hougen, P., Simpson... A epee Kkobarg, Fred M., Simpson.. Swaffer, C. J., Simpson. Thorndyke. A. F.. Simpson. SED Leith Ree «ny ot an Turney, B.8., Simpson RE ek. SNe leer © es MAY * 1902 85 BGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS5SS5955 | ¢ RRRREISS SISIKRR C'S Ei lj 4 3 | 1| 2| 3] 4 6} 7| 8} Qo uly 6} 7} 8| oltojrz 11}. 2|13/64) 5/16/17 12|/13/14)15|16/17|18 18} Q|20|21\22|23/24 1gj20|21|22|23/24\25 25|26|27/28 79/30|31 26|27|28|29|30|31 { I | x] 2} 3} 4! 5] 6 7|Amg,) 2) 3} 4) 5} 6 7| 8 8] g\rojrI\12|13}14 g|Lo|1I}12/13| 14/15 ~ {I5|16|17|18|19|20\21 16|17|18/19|20/21|22 24|25|26|27/28 23|24|25|26|27|28|29 | 3] 4) 5| 6 7] 8.9 |Nov.) x} 2} 3) 4] 5] 6 7 8) giTolx1|r2|13|14 3) 415 Me} 7) 8! ojrojr1/r2\13)] = | 6] 7} 8) oltojr1\r2 |r4iI5}16|17|t8]/r9]20 || — |13)14/15|/16}1 7/18} 19 ‘|21)}22\23|24|25|26|27 ‘|20]21}22\23/24/25|26 [28/29/30 i} & l27|28\29]30131 a. ‘6 =a 3 > : ; BBS SSS DSSS SSS oo i oO 6 tal aa al N i (53) =) > OV “I ©o ie) Tv {e) Lal Ll =) N 3GGSSSISSSIGSSSSSSSSSSESSSSISGSSSSSSSSSSS 7a + UUM