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NW Alewtiaa | | ) WwW Taponie z i i | f robraitius _.} | | worrdie a . hes | : 3 po mw sf : oS RE | ; Osprjee monet wig fas ue Gilkivr aia Ae Mrripihdbola. re Oo Pome unatra, “ig! | Pop ea Tomperutor, ah oses Fimoctopus Tor ebat Purell | sy t fi} hae me sTRUCTUR AL v.t Mth. SYSTEMATIC CONCHOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE MOLLUSCA. Vi OME i: BwGHORGE Wo TRYON, Je CONSERVATOR OF THE CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL ScIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Academy of Natural Sciences, Cor. 19th & Race Sts. 1882. Copyright, 1882, by George W. Tryon, Jr, Hach shell, each crawling insect holds a rank Important in the plan of Him who framed This scale of beings; holds a rank, which lost, Would break the chain, and leave behind a gap Which Nature’s self would rue. —STILLINGFLEET. leew ley del Oey TE admirable ‘ Manual of the Mollusca,” of the late S. P. Woodward, forms the basis of the present work; and in incor- porating with it the numerous important acquisitions made by conchological science during the past twenty years, care has been taken to preserve its conservative spirit, as far as practicable. The ‘Genera of Recent Mollusca,’ published by Messrs. Henry and Arthur Adams, in 1853-1858, introduced a large “number of new generic and subgeneric groups, which experience has proved to be founded on unimportant or mutable characters. This work also, under the plea of priority of date of publication, substituted the vaguely-defined groups of obscure earlier writers for the more accurately described genera of Lamarck and his successors. The “ Genera” certainly inaugurated the modern progressive era of systematic conchology; but, unfortunately, its vicious antiquarianism and free multiplication of genera revealed tempting opportunities to those desirous of obtaining the cheap distinction of naming new groups, or of overthrowing the names of old ones; so that for awhile the aim of many writers appeared to be scientific reputation, rather than the advance of knowledge. During the same period appeared Woodward’s “‘ Manual of the Mollusca ;” and, probably, to that work, more than to any other influence, is due the gradual reaction towards a more stable classification. An immense amount of reliable information is contained in the single 18mo volume of 486 pages, forming the first edition of Woodward (1851-1856); still, as the work was intended to (ill) / 1v PREFACE. be more rudimentary in scope than that of the Messrs. Adams, many of the less important groups were insufficiently charac- terized or omitted. The Supplement published by Prof. Ralph Tate with the edition of 1870, included many additional genera, but scarcely represented the progress of the science to that date. Subsequent editions present no new features or additions. Practically, more than twenty years have thus elapsed since the publication of an English text-book upon conchology; and for an almost similar period no treatise on the subject has appeared in any other country; yet these years have unques- tionably been the most active in research and discovery of any in the history of the science. Dr. Kobelt,in Germany, Dr. Paul Fischer, in Paris, and myself, appear to have nearly simulta- neously conceived the idea of supplying the want thus indicated. Of Dr. Kobelt’s work, now completed, it suffices to say that its elementary character makes it an introduction to, rather than a text-book of conchology. Dr. Fischer and myself have recognized the superiority of Woodward’s Manual over every similar work heretofore published; and we have not only adhered generally to its plan, but largely copied from its pages. Dr. Fischer’s ‘‘ Manuel de Conchyliologie,” is in every respect an excellent work, well planned and abounding in original obser- vations; and it promises, when completed, to become a worthy successor of ‘‘ Woodward.” Higher commendation could not be bestowed upon it. The first number of Dr. Fischer’s ‘ Manuel” appeared before I had definitely arranged the scope of my own similar undertaking; and at first I thought of abandoning the latter, 10 issue in its stead a translation of Fischer, with notes. But I had contemplated a work which, conservative as to genera, should nevertheless include, in a subordinate rank, the names and diagnoses of the numerous less well-marked or critical groups of modern authors; that is, these groups were to be included in more comprehensive ones, yet not extinguished. PREFACE. Vv Besides this, it had occurred to me that no conchological text- book, except translations of elementary works, had been published in this country; and that a work in which especial prominence ~ should be given to the description and illustration of American genera would be found very useful by our students, as well as by many conchologists in other countries who are interested in American mollusks. These designs I have decided to carry out in the present volumes. I have also aimed at more abundant illustration than is contained in the text-books referred to. The plates of this work will embrace nearly three thousand figures, mostly of good size, and sufficiently well-done to insure the recognition of the species. This feature has considerably increased the cost of the book, but will, I believe, fully recompense the purchaser for its necessarily increased price. Besides Woodward, I have availed myself fully of the large amount of valuable original material contained in the first parts of Dr. Fischer’s “ Manuel.” My own time has been so engrossed by the study of systematic conchology, that the structural portion of my book is peculiarly indebted to Dr. Fischer; who, although an accomplished syste- matist, has mainly and very successfully occupied himself with anatomical investigations. These general acknowledgments made, I have not deemed it necessary to designate by quotation-marks in the text all the paragraphs for which I am indebted to Messrs. Woodward and Fischer; but the authorities for numerous otherwise-derived statements and quotations are carefully recorded. The whole body of notes and references collated for my ‘‘ Manual of Con- chology,” now in course of publication, has been examined for material. The “ Structural and Systematic Conchology ” may be considered an introduction and companion to that work. Constant and important aid in the preparation of the fossil genera has been rendered by my able colleague, Prof. Angelo vi PREFACE. Heilprin, in charge of the invertebrate paleontological collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Having made such large acknowledgments, it is proper to acknowledge further that I cannot, on this occasion, properly claim the title of author; because there is very little herein con- tained originating with myself. The work is mainly a compilation ; yet the selection and arrangement of material have been guided by experience, and if it should fail to realize reasonable expec- tations the responsibility for such failure must rest with GEO. W. TRYON, Jr. AcaDEMY OF Nat. SCIENCES, PHILADA., December, 1882. * a | CON TEN LS PRIMARY DIVISIONS oF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, CLASSES OF THE MAnAcozoa, ANATOMY OF THE MoLLusca :— EXTERNAL FEATURES, THE SKIN, THE SHELL, THE OPERCULUM, . , ; CARTILAGES, . : 4 Muscries, ARMS AND FINS IN THE CEPHALOPODA, ORGANS OF MOVEMENT IN THE GASTROPODA, ETC., . ORGANS OF MOVEMENT IN THE PELECYPODA, Nervous SystEm, . : : 5 ORGANS OF SENSE, . RESPIRATION, CIRCULATION, AQUIFEROUS SYSTEM, DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ORGANS OF SECRETION, . : ; é SEXUAL ORGANS, . Sean ‘ DEVELOPMENT, ; j 4 REPRODUCTION OF DESTROYED ORGANS, Hapits AND Economy oF THE MoLtusca, (vii) 106 110 125 133 134 Vili CONTENTS. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSCA, MARINE PROVINCES, BATHYMETRICAL DIstRIBUTION Or MarInE MOLLUSKS, LAND REcIons, HYPSOMETRICAL DISTRIBUTION OF LAND AND FRESH- WATER MOoLLusKs, List of WorkKS ON GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, PrincipaL IconocrapHic Works oN GENERAL Con- CHOLOGY, CoNCHOLOGICAL PERIODICALS, SysTEMATIC WORKS, DISTRIBUTION OF THE MoLLusca IN TIME, TABLE OF SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS, Foss MoLiusks oF THE PALZOZOIC PERIOD, Fossit Monuusks or Mesozoic TIME, Nerozoric Fosstz Mouiusks, TERRESTRIAL AND FLUVIATILE Fosstn MoLuusks, . TABLE OF CHARACTERISTIC GENERA, RANGE OF GENERA IN TIME, RANGE OF FAMILIES IN TIME, NOMENCLATURE, CLASSIFICATION, . : ARRANGEMENT OF FAMILIES: BY THEODORE GILL, . On CoLiEctTING SHELLS, 270 STRUCTURAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CONCHOLOGY. PRIMARY DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Every known animal appears to belong to one of eight principal types of structure, each of which is designated a subkingdom. I. Vertebrata. The main mass of the nervous system is dorsal, protected and separated from the alimentary canal by a number of bony partitions, arranged consecutively in a single series and known as vertebre.* From these vertebrae proceed ventral appendages termed ribs, enclosing the cavity of the body. The animal is bilaterally symmetrical, in its highest development provided with two pairs of limbs, anterior and posterior. The sexes are distinct. Hach individual is developed from a single egg. Blood red. | II. Malacozoa. The nautilus, the common garden-snail, and the oyster, representatives of the three principal subdivisions of the mollusca proper, are familiar examples of this subkingdom. They are soft, fleshy animals, usually constructed with reference | to the support of an external, hard, more or less enveloping shell, composed of carbonate of lime. Sometimes, in the cepha- lous mollusks, the shell is internal: that is, situated under the ‘dorsal skin of the animal, and in such cases it is usually more simple in form, blade-like, or even reduced to a few calcareous granules. The internal shell, called “pen” of the squids certainly acts as a support to the animal in the same manner that the vertebral column does to man, but then it is not divided into segments, nor is it pierced by a spinal cord. Some cephalous mollusks are entirely without vestige of shell, either external or internal: in others the shell is horny instead of calcareous. The nervous system in the malacozoa consists of three or four pairs of ganglia, united by cords or commissures. The alimentary canal is encircled below the mouth by some of these ganglia and * The “‘ back-bone”’ is sometimes cartilaginous, and not divided into vertebre. In Amphioxus, the most degraded of the vertebrate type, the circulation resembles that of the worms, the heart is wanting, the blood is colorless, there are no limbs: it appears to be a connecting link with the invertebrata—as all the succeeding subkingdoms are collectively designated. (1) 2 PRIMARY DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. their connectives, forming the cesophageal ring, whence proceed the principal cephalic nerves. Reproduction is oviparous usually, sometimes ovoviviparous. In the Brachiopoda, the Tunicata and the Bryozoa the nervous system is more simple. These animals have usually been con- sidered mollusks, but the two latter are now definitely excluded from the mollusea proper, whilst the former, despite structural and physiological affinities with the others, still receives the attention of Conchologists, mainly on account of its protecting bivalve shell. They together constitute a subdivision Mollus- coida. III... Articulata... Crabs, spiders and insects. The outer integument of the body is horny,composed of segments, bearing articulated locomotive members. The nervous system consists of pairs of ganglia arranged in the middle line of the body. IV. Vermes. The body of worms is composed of segments, sometimes bearing non-articulated appendages. The nervous system varies; in the worms proper it is as complicated and similarly arranged to that of the articulates; in other forms it is reduced to a simpler structure. ‘The digestive canal also varies: it has two orifices in the worms proper, the anus is wanting in the Planarians, and in the Cestoides and Acantho- cephala there,is no specialized alimentary tube. ) V. Echinodermata. Star-fishes, sea-urchins, etc., sometimes called Radiata from their radiated ‘structure, The animal is pro- tected by an external shell or covering, sometimes calcareous. ‘The nervous system consists of several trunks, which unite to form a ring around the mouth. The digestive tube is distinct from the visceral cayity: there is also a closed circulatory system. VI. Coelenterata... Coral animals, Actinie, Hydra, ete. In these the digestive apparatus is not specialized as in the Echino- derms but communicates or is confounded with the general cavity of the body. There is no closed circulatory system, and no nervous system has been detected except in some of the medusz, where it is quite rudimentary. VII. Spongifera or Porifera. The body-cavity is lined with vibratile cilia, which aid in expelling through its orifice the digestive products and eggs; this central cavity communicates through a system of afferent canals with the exterior, their outer openings representing multiple mouths. VIII. Protozoa. Microscopic gelatinous animalcules, appar- ently without distinctive organs. The above classification is modified from a well-known one of Prof. Huxley (though not his latest effort in this direction), and in the first subkingdoms agrees with the more ancient system of Cuvier. It is principally the Radiata of the distinguished o PRIMARY DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 3) French naturalist that has been dismembered into distinct groups in consequence of our rapidly increasing knowledge of the diverse structure of these simpler forms of life. A comparison of the views of the most recent authorities, however, shows considerable divergence in their estimates of the systematic importance of structural peculiarities. Ray Lankester, for instance, admits no less than ten primary groups or subking- doms below the mollusca. It matters little to the conchological student, however, whether some of the vermes be considered independent subkingdoms or not. Classification is necessarily based upon half-truths, because the values of structural differ- ences are not demonstrably equivalent throughout, and because lines of affiliation co-exist with those of differentiation in most cases. Nature can only be artificially forced into the systematic relations of class, order, family, genus, etc. Still, these divisions have a conventional value, constantly varying according to the mental standpoint from which they are studied. The Tunicata have been thought to form a connective link with the vertebrates through their most degraded member, Amphioxus, and Gegenbauer * makes them an independent “phylum” between Mollusca and Vertebrata; whilst EH. Ray Lankester actually unites them with the latter group. The want of co-ordination of structural peculiarities in the so-called types of animals is, of course, considered important evidence for the development or derivative theory, and it has become fashionable to construct ancestral trees, bearing branches and leaves representative of the several animal types and their derivative relationships. As an example, Gegenbauer places Protozoa at the root of his tree, whence ascends a. lateral, limbless trunk, terminating in Ceelenterata, whilst the main trunk rises vertically to Vermes, where it divides into branches bearing consecutively (from left to right),.Mollusca, Vertebrata, Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Echinodermata. Tunicata is a branchlet, proceeding from Vertebrata, and leaning towards Mollusca. The author of this structure speaks thus of his work: ‘These divisions represent in’a general way separate branches of the pedigree of animals, and each of them contains higher and lower forms in various proportion. But the degree and extent to which their organization is developed is different in each of them. The divergence of organization expressed in each division is indicated by their relations to one another, and it shows us how the lower forms of the higher phyla may have started from the lower phyla.” + It is sufficient, perhaps, to say here that the consanguinity indicated by the common characters of existing primary types, has not been in any * Elements of Comparative Anatomy. + Gegenbauer, Anat., 70. 4 CLASSES OF THE MALACOZOA—-ENCEPHALA. appreciable degree strengthened by geological research; the earliest fossil vertebrate, mollusk or radiate being as clearly characteristic of its type as is its modern representative. It is only in the subordinate groups that we know differential charac- ters to have developed from a common ancestral form. The Vertebrates are usually spoken of as the highest form of animal existence, the Protozoa as the lowest; but it must be borne in mind that the one is as well fitted as the other to subserve the purposes of its life, that each in its organization is equally perfect. These terms, then, indicate complex and simple rather than perfect and imperfect organization. CLASSES OF THE MALACOZOA. True mollusks are broadly divided into two great groups by important external characteristics : 1. HEncephala. The animal possesses a head, and is usually pro- tected by a spiral shell. Hxample, the snail. 2. Acephala. The animal is without a head, and is always protected by a shell consisting of two pieces applied to its sides, and connected at the back by a ligament or hinge. Hxample, the oyster. To these two divisions are also familiarly applied names describing the nature of their shelly coverings; the first being known as univalves, the last as bivalves. These designations are partially incorrect and insufficient, as we shall soon see; but as the collection, preservation and study of shells is made with facility, whilst the animals or soft parts are more difficult to obtain and preserve, the former have imposed upon us a designation which may be well enough understood but is scarcely correct ; it would be preferable to call our science Malacology, the study of molluscous or soft animals, yet it is almost uni- versally known as Conchology, the Science of Shells. I. ENCEPHALA. Herein are included more than three-fourths of the whole number of molluscous animals including four out of the five classes into which the mollusca proper are divided. These classes take their names from and are primarily founded upon their respective locomotive organs. Class 1. Cephalopoda. Cuttle-fish, argonauts, and their allies, so called from the circle of feet, or more properly arm-like limbs enclosing the mouth and arising from the top of the head (PI. XXI11). Class II. Pteropoda. Animals inhabiting the high seas, swim- ming by means of a pair of wings, extending laterally from the back of the head. Clio, Hyalea, etc. (Pl. xlii). ACEPHALA. 5 Class III. Gastropoda or snails. The under side of the body forms a muscular foot, suitable for gliding (Pl. xviii, f. 16). Class IV. Scaphopoda. Headrudimentary. Foot vermiform, furnished with lobes, A degraded form of the encephala having relationships with Vermes, one of the most obvious of which is its shell, a hollow cylinder open at both ends, the spiral shell of the gastropod unrolled into a tube, reduced to the last degree of simplicity in form. The shell, when present in the Encephala, is usually external and spiral, as in the helix, the whelk, nautilus, etc., but there are notable exceptions in all the classes : In the Cephalopoda a whole order (Octopoda) is mostly without any shell, whilst another order (Decapoda) is mostly furnished with a simple shell called a pen, developed beneath the dorsal skin. Very few species of recent cephalopods have an external spiral shell, but during the earlier geological periods thousands of species of such animals existed. In the pteropods (sometimes considered an order of Gastro- poda) the shell is glassy; globular, conical, cylindrical or spiral, but is often wanting. In the Gastropoda the shell is usually external and spiral, but sometimes tubular or even reduced to a low cone, the point of which is the beginning of its growth, the large end the mouth or aperture. Sometimes the shell is internal; occasionally internal and rudimentary, consisting of an irregular caleareous plate or several grains, and frequently altogether absent. Portions of this class are terrestrial or fluviatile, but most of its species are marine: the other classes of encephalaare strictly marine animals. The Chiton or coat-of-mail shells form an aberrant group, the shell consisting of eight distinct calcareous plates, usually over- lapping, and lodged in a coriaceous skin or mantle. In the Scaphopoda or Solenoconcha (dentalia or tooth shells) the shell is external and tubular. All the Encephala are provided with a tongue or lingual ribbon, the superior surface of which usually bears rows of teeth used in rasping their food; many have also plates, called jaws, lodged within the mouth, and aiding in comminuting food. The cepha- lopods have external horny beaks, suitable for cutting or tearing. None of these organs are found in the Acephala. Il. ACEPHALA. This term is frequently used as synonymous with the single class which it contains. Class V. Pelecypoda, Lamellibranchiata or Conchifera (P1. iii). The bivalve mollusca are familiarly represented by the oyster, clam, mussel, etc. The name Lamellibranchiata is more 6 CLASSES OF THE MALACOZOA. usually applied to these mollusks and refers to the breathing organs, consisting of a pair of flat, membranous gills attached to the mantle. Pelecypoda is a preferable designation for the sake of uniformity with the class names in the Encephala and inas- much as, in the cephalopods and gastropods, the next subsidiary division into Orders is distinguished by names indicating differ- ences in the breathing organs. Both the breathing and locomotive organs (the latter rudimentary ) restrict this class to an aqueous life: they are marine and fluviatile in distribution. The shell is generally in two pieces symmetrically applied to the sides of the animal, but there are, in one of the orders, small accessory pieces, plates or valves applied upon or on the sides of the hinge line. Anciently shells were grouped into univalves, bivalves and multivalves, and the latter included the chitons (gastropods) the pholades (pelecypods), as well as certain lepades (ernstaceans), ete. The Molluscoida include the Brachiopoda, Tunicata and Bryozoa. The reciprocal relations of these groups scarcely justify their union as classes under this head, whilst on the other hand their individual characteristics are not sufficiently important to give them each the same systematic value as mollusca. Class 1. Brachiopoda are covered with a bivalve shell, the valves of which are placed dorsally and ventrally instead of being applied to the sides of the animal, as in Pelecypoda. The name is derived from two long ciliated organs developed from the sides of the mouth, which were originally termed arms—whence the term arm-footed ; they are, however, breathing organs, and Brachionobranchia has been proposed as a more correct desig- nation, but will scarcely obtain the preference over the shorter name so long in use. Class II. Tunicata. Instead of a shell the tunicates are pro- tected by an elastic integument, formed of cellulose, and having two orifices—mouth and anus. An inner sack with numerous openings forms the breathing organ, and the nervous system consists of a single ganglion placed near the mouth. Class III. Bryozoa or Polyzoa, are microscopic animals, each protected by a calcareous or chitinous shell: they live in colonies, attached, and their aggregated shells form coralline incrustations upon the surface of molluscous shells or other marine or fluviatile objects. Only one of the classes of Molluscoida will be included in this work. The brachiopods have so long been considered true mollusea, their shells are so similar to those of the Pelecypoda, they occur together, and have so occurred from an early geo- logical period, so that practically they continue to be as much MALACOZOA. 7 the objects of the Conchologist’s investigation as they were before their somewhat diverse nature was ascertained.* The Tunicata and Bryozoa, on the contrary, have never received much attention from Conchologists, the first because they could only be preserved in spirits and thus were. inaccessible to most students, the last because their microscopic size and their aggre- gation into encrusting colonies caused them at first to be con- sidered of much simpler organization than modern investigation has proven to be the case. The classes of the malacozoa may be tabulated as follows : MALACOZOA. A, “Monuusca. a. Encephata. Class 1. Cephalopoda. Class 2. Pteropoda. Class 3. Gastropoda. Class 4. Scaphopoda. b. Acephatla. Class 5. Pelecypoda. B. Mowwuscorpa. Class 1. Brachiopoda. Class 2.. Tunicata. Class 3. Bryozoa. The systematic arrangement of natural objects, says Wood- ward, ought not to be guided by convenience, nor framed merely for the purposes of easy remembrance and communication. The true method must be suggested by the objects themselves, by their qualities and relations ;—it may not be easy to learn, it may require perpetual modification and adjustment—but inas- much as it represents the existing state of knowledge, it will aid in the understanding of the subject, whereas a dead and arbitrary arrangement is a perpetual bar to advancement, containing in itself no principle of progression. * The acceptance of the view originally propounded by Steenstrup and so ably urged by Professor Morse, respecting the affinities of the brach- iopods with the worms (Proc. Bost. Soc, Nat. Hist., 1873), does not to my mind weaken the opinion I have always held as to their affinities with the Polyzoa (Bryozoa). on the one hand, and with the higher mol- lusca on the other.” —Hualey, Anat. of Invert, An., 468. ie.2) EXTERNAL FEATURES. ANATOMY OF THE MOLLUSCA. EXTERNAL FEATURES, The CEPHALOPODA are immediately distinguished from all other classes of the mollusca by the circle of acetabula or arms (xxiii), which surrounds the head; these were formerly regarded as homologous with the foot of the gastropods, with its margins produced into the eight or ten processes which are indifferently designated as arms, acetabula or brachia, but the siphon (xxiii, 9), is more largely used as an organ of locomotion than are the arms, and its ventral position, as well as the distribution of the nerves, indicate that it, rather than the arms, is the homologue of the foot of the gastropod. The mouth is supplied with a pair of calcareous or horny jaws, resembling in form the beaks of a parrot (ix, 93, 95). The arms proper, in the naked cephalopods, are eight in number, and are distinctively called sessile arms, to distinguish them from the tentacular arms or tentacles, much longer, and capable of retraction within pouches, which are additionally possessed by those species which have an internal shell or cuttle-bone. The sessile arms are provided with suckers (xxiii, 4), or hooks for prehension, covering their internal surface, whilst the tentacles are expanded into club-shaped terminations similarly armed (xxv, 20). In the Nautilus, sole living representative of an exceedingly numerous extinct order, the arms degenerate into numerous tentacles (iv, 62, 63), unarmed, which are retractile into eight sheaths, morphologically representing the typical eight arms. In this animal only, the body is contained within, and protected by, an external shell, which compensates to it the loss of the offensive and locomotive powers possessed by its more highly organized allies. Behind the arms, the circle of which may constitute its crown, that major portion of the head is situated which is usually distinctively so designated ; its dorsal aspect exhibits on either side an eye. The head may be joined to the body by a more or less constricted neck, or is frequently sessile upon the latter, without intervening constriction. The body, or mantle, is dorsally more or less continuous with the head, but ventrally forms a sack anteriorly open, and from which emerges the funnel or siphon. The sack or body is, ina small portion of the octopod and in the decapod species,expanded into postero-lateral membranes, possessing the power of undulatory motion, and which may be considered as the equivalent of fins, in function, though not in appearance. The body in the Gastropopa presents the following more or less differentiated portions : EXTERNAL FEATURES. 9 1. Head. This is sometimes partially separated from the body by an intervening constriction or neck, but is very frequently only indicated by the possession of a mouth on its ventral and of a pair of tentacles on its dorsal surface. From the latter sometimes proceed pedicels bearing the eyes. 2. Mantle. This covers the posterior portion of the dorsal surface of the body. 3. Foot. The ventral surface of the body, or a specialized por- tion of it. The mouth may be either simple, in the plane of the head, or it may be produced at the end of a contractile rostrum, or of a retractile proboscis (xvi, 91). Behind the head and on the under side of what may be called the neck is attached the foot, and behind the neck begins the posterior portion of the body covered by the mantle; this part of the animal is very long, usually, and as the shell is moulded upon it, it assumes a similar form— generally spiral. However, in Patella and similar limpet-like shells, the body is short and straight. The mantle encircles the body like a collar below, but above it is much produced over the back of the animal, and the respiratory cavity forms a sinus of its margin. The foot consists of the attachment to the neck, which is usually narrow, and an expanded portion, sole, or creeping disk. Such is its typical form, but in Patella, etc., the foot includes the entire ventral surface of the animal. It isa muscular process of the body, and the only locomotive organ possessed by gastropods. Viewed externally, gastropods, as well as the mollusca in general, must be regarded as bilaterally symmetrical; a view which is strengthened by the position of the nervous system, and the developmental history of the intestines: though their actual position, as well as that of the sexual organs, does not correspond with this symmetry. Thus we find that at first the anus is at the posterior end of the body, but gradually it approaches nearer and nearer to the anterior end until finally it opens on the back or right side near the mouth. In its early stages the shell and mantle only occupy the extreme posterior end of the body, but in their growth they cover more and more of the latter, gradually pushing the anus forward. An external shell, usually sufficiently large to contain the entire animal, is common to most Gastropoda. It is a secretion of the mantle, and conforms to its shape; and the hardness which it assumes by the addition of carbonate of lime, renders it an efficient protection to the animal, whilst the faithfulness with which it reproduces the external features of the latter renders it extremely useful in classifying the mollusca. The spiral growth of shells is as nearly of true mathematical regularity as is possible in an organic body; forming the loga- 10 EXTERNAL FEATURES. rithmic spirals of Moseley, or conchospiral of Naumann. Cor- responding to the shell, which is produced by the mantle, and borne by the posterior portion of the body, the posterior dorsal part of the foot bears an operculum, secreted by an expansion of its skin called the opercular mantle. Typically, the operculum is a spiral also, but in the same plane; yet in many cases its erowth is annular. Usually horny, it is sometimes entirely or partially calcareous, and on the retirement of the animal within the shell it is brought into the aperture of the latter, which it more or less compietely closes. Like the shell itself, it may be considered a protective organ, and when in apposition with the former suggests the two enclosing relies of the lamellibranchiate or bivalve mollusks. Notwithstanding the large portion of the animal which is always within the. shell, even when the head and foot are extruded, the latter is only attached to the former at one point, on the columella, and by means of a columellar muscle, which, passing, through ‘the foot, is attached at, its other end to the operculum (when the latter is developed, which is not always the case), Although there is only this single actual bond of connection between shell and animal, the contact of the body serves to maintain the vitality of the shell, which soon bleaches, and finally decays when separated from its architect and inhab-, itant. The Pelecypoda (xxii) differ from the preceding two great classes of the Mollusca in having no specialized head, though provided with a mouth, organs of sight, etc. The footisa fleshy process adapted by its form to digging rather than to locomotion. The gills, arranged on either side the body, the enclosing valyes of the testaceous covering, which are united by a hinge dorsally. or at their initial point, the arrangement of those organs which are not paired in the median plane of the body—all show that the bivalve mollusk is symmetrical ; although in certain attached genera the intestines are crowded into the lower side or valve, the cavity of the valve uppermost in position being usually very shallow. The security against many enemies which their completely enveloping bivalve shell affords the pelecypoda, and. the great proportionate weight of this testaceous covering have tended to produce in these animals a much less active existence than that of the encephala; their movements are slow usually, and the adults of the attached families, such as Spondylus, Ostreea, etc., remain for life in one position ‘without possessing the power of changing their residence. ‘The food of the pelecypoda ‘cannot be said to be sought for, but is simply selected from. such vegetable and minute animal organisms as the water may float within reach of their mouths. These generally sluggish habits, THE SKIN. Jat with the absence of externally apparent differentiation of parts, organs, or members, has caused the expression “ Stupid as an oyster” to be applied to them—an undeserved imputation, as we shall find even the attached oyster, one of the simplest organized of the bivalve mollusea, is well furnished with organs suitable not only for the support, but even for the enjoyment of its placid life—hid though most of these are beneath its envel- oping skin or mantle. THE SKIN. The epithelium in the dibranchiate cephalopods, is composed of flask-like or rounded grain-like cells; they are cylindrical in Nautilus. Under this lies a thin fibrous layer, which again covers that containing the chromatophores. The skin of the cephalopod, particularly its dorsal surface, is covered with apparently minute specks. of a dark reddish color; these are pigment cells or chromatophores (iv, 60, 61), each provided with radiating muscles, by which, at the will of the animal, the little sacks are greatly dilated, and the color becomes intensified. The rapid chameleon-like changes of color peculiar to the ceph- alopoda among mollusea, are thus produced; whilst the accom- panying opal-like and. silvery appearance exhibited by the cuttle-fishes,is due to a thin layer underlying the pigment layer, and reflecting through it. Inthe tentacles of Nautilus are found epithelial pigment cells, which, according to Rumphius, are used similarly to the chromatophores. The outer skin, in many of the genera, is furnished with contractile tubercular elevations or beards, which are raised when the animal is irritated, and give it a rather ferocious appearance. These beards are disposed in symmetrical patterns, upon the dorsal surface, and particularly around the eyes, and their number and position form distinctive characters of the species. It will be readily understood, from the above, that color is scarcely characteristic of species in the Cephalopoda. The littoral species of Octopus, ete., which ordinarily await their prey, instead of pursuing it like the finned pelagic species, seem to possess and exercise to some extent through their chromat- ophores, a power of color mimicry. The body in the Gastropoda is also completely enveloped by an external more or less elastic skin (iii, 44). Its epithelial layer is formed of quadrangular or prismatic cells, which have a distinct nucleus, and occasionally, when long-cylindrical in form, they have a taillike end beneath, penetrating the cutis. (Possibly these last are epithelial terminations of nerves—hence sense organs.) Externally the epithelium sometimes supports cilia upon the exposed portions of the body. 12 THE SKIN. The cutis consists essentially of fine interlacing muscular fibres with interposed cells; often attaining a perceptible thickness. The subcutaneous muscular layers of the body are immediately continuous with those of the cutis: the fibres of which they are formed may be clearly distinguished as an outer longitudinal and inner circular layer. These fibres are (as in mollusks gen- erally) compressed and band-like, with pointed ends and central oval nucleus. In Doris (iii, 39) and some other opisthobranchiates the skin is consolidated and rendered rigid by a number of calcareous spicule, which have a somewhat definite arrangement and form a sort of internal skeleton. In Paludina these spicules are replaced by globulous calcareous concretions, in Pholas by sil- iceous granules. Chalky scales from the cephalopod Sceurgus titanops are represented, greatly magnified, by fig. 59, PL. iv. The skin forms a fold above and surrounding the foot, and this portion is technically termed the mantle; it surrounds the body, behind the cephalic portion like a collar, and thence spreads dorsally over the posterior part of the animal. In the terminal, thickened border of the mantle, the cutis becomes of greater thickness ; its upper stratum containing very numerous glands, furnishing the mucus and colors which are here mingled with the secreted shell-material. Similar glands, furnishing a copious supply of mucus, are found also in the cephalic portion of the’ body as well as in the foot, and especially in the sole; but no cells are found in that part of the animal permanently covered by the shell. Frequently, the external skin is colored by a granular pigment, which either is contained in cells, lying between or enveloping the glands, or else sometimes appears to lie free under the epithelium. The mantle border is the principal agent in the secretion of the shell; it is thrown out by the epithelial layer as a sort of cuticular development. With the organic basis of this secretion is mingled carbonate of lime, originating in the epithelial cells, where it may be separated from the blood; in hardening, the exuded material becomes half crystalline or laminated. Usually the external layer of the shell is a transparent or translucent skin, the epidermis; having no lime in its composition. It is often colored by pigments lying in the outermost border of the mantle. Whilst the growth of the shell is thus provided for by addi- tions to the aperture margin from the mantle border, the whole mantle is equally capable of producing shelly substance; and not only are shells thus thickened from within by the mantle surface, but breaks are repaired with new material by a similar provision : such repaired and interior portions are devoid of epidermis and of color, the pigments being found only in the free border of the THE SKIN. 13 mantle. Mollusks are even able to secrete shelly matter to provide against threatening dangers from the boring of other animals into their shell. A curious example of shell secretion by the visceral mantle occurs in a cone belonging to the cabinet of the late Dr. Gray. A section of this shell has been made, showing holes bored into the spire end by lithodomi and the repeated walls erected by the animal across the ends of the whorls to protect itself against the ravages of its insidious enemies (i, 8). The mantle border by means of its sphincter muscles embraces the body closely, thus closing the mantle cavity except at one point, where a small opening allows the ingress and egress of water for respiration. This respiratory opening is a semicircular notch, formed by muscles, and is sometimes prolonged on its dorsal wall into a half-closed tube or respiratory siphon (xvi, 89), which, when present, assists by the phases of its development in the classification of the mollusca. This siphon usually forms an anterior notch in the shell near the margin of the columella and the existence of the latter thus predicates that of the former. The siphonal tube is sometimes greatly prolonged, and is then frequently covered for most or all its length by a prolongation of the aperture, which is technically known as the canal of the shell. The canal in Murex and Fusus is extremely long, at least in the typical species. Mollusks of which the shells are furnished with a canal or anterior notch are called stphonostomata, the first great division of the prosobranchiate gastropods. The siphon is principally confined to predatory or carnivorous mollusks. In the second great division, termed holostomata, the shells have rounded apertures; consequently no siphon but simply an opening for respiration. They are vegetable feeders usually (Natica is a remarkable exception), and close the aperture of the shell com- pletely by an operculum. At the posterior left border of the mantle, behind the branchiez, is sometimes an opening from which a small siphon extends back- wards, and when it is present, it forms a notch in the posterior part of the shell,as in Cypreea and Conus, or a canal as in Ovula, (ixi), or frequently it only forms a callosity on the upper part of the columella, close to its junction with the posterior part of the aperture margin. This siphonal opening serves for the exit of the water that has entered by the branchial opening. The mantle border can usually be freely withdrawn within the whorl, as it is not united to the shell at any point. It is fre- quently prolonged into digitations, or exhibits prominences or invaginations, all of which develop similar features on the shell ; thus giving rise to the fingers of Pteroceras, the spines of Murex, ete. Occasionally, however, processes of the mantle do not secrete shelly coverings (ili, 45). Cerithium and the oriental 14 THE SHELL. Melanians, for instance, have delicately digitated mantle margins, these digitations forming no secretion, and sometimes thrown back over the shell. The mantle is occasionally largely developed into side lobes which in Marginella and Cypreea are so extended as to be habit- ually thrown up over the external surface of the shell, nearly or completely covering it: in such shells an epidermis is not present. The mantle lobes of Cyprea are beset with numerous papille, which seem to partake the function of tentacles as tactile organs (Ixi, 99). Im other genera, as in Oliva, the mantle is prolonged into filiform processes before and behind (iii, 46). The female Vermetus has the mantle cleft in the middle, according to Lacaze-Duthiers, although there is no corre- sponding cleft in the shell, and in Haliotis a similar mantle cleft impresses a groove in the shell, in which are situated the row of holes characteristic of the genus. The shell of Pleuro- toma also has a sinus corresponding to a cleft mantle. The cause of the sutural sinus of the shell of the American fresh- water genus Schizostoma is as yet unknown; it may be due to a similar cause or it may be sexual. As the genus is restricted to the Coosa River and its neighborhood, I am inclined to think that it is a local disturbance of growth, especially as most of the species could not be distinguished from corresponding forms of Goniobasis except by the lip notch or slit. The velum or natatory organ is a temporary lobe of the skin, developed in the larval forms of certain gastropods as well as in pelecypods (xx, 52). The skin in the latter class is usually smooth, except that the foot in certain boring species develops siliceous granules. The double siphons are parallel prolongations of the mantle margin in certain bivalve mollusks, the superior siphon being excretory, and the inferior one for inspiration (iii, 50). | THE SHELL. The relation of the shell to the breathing organ is very inti- mate: indeed, it may be regarded as a pneumo-skeleton, being essentially a calcified portion of the mantle, of which the breathing organ is at most a specialized part. In its most reduced form it is only a hollow cone, or plate, protecting the breathing organ and heart, as in Limax, Testacella, Carinaria. Its peculiar features always relate to the condition of the breathing organ ; and in Terebratula and Pelonaia it becomes identified with the gill. In the nudibranchs the vascular mantle performs wholly or in part the respiratory office. In the cephalopods the shell becomes complicated by the addition of a distinct, internal, THE SHELL. 15 chambered portion (phragmocone), which is properly a visceral skeleton ; in Spirula the shell is reduced to this part. The shell is so characteristic of the mollusca that they have been commonly called “testacea” (from testa, “a shell”) in scientific books; and the popular name of “ shell-fish,” though not quite accurate, cannot be replaced by any other epithet in common use. In one whole class, however, and in several families, there is nothing that would be popularly recognized as a shell. The study of the shell is of great zoological importance, as its form and composition vary characteristically in the different genera; and it becomes still more important geologically, inas- much as it is almost the only portion of the vast number of fossil species which has been preserved to us; and by the study of it in comparison with recent species, we are enabled not only to distinguish the species and genera of these extinct forms, but even to predicate the external appearance, the anatomy, the physiology of the animals, with nearly the accuracy with which the vertebrate paleontologist reconstructs a mammal or a reptile from its osseous fragments. Shells are said to be external when the animal is contained in them, and internal when they are concealed in the mantle; the latter, as well as the shell-less species, being called naked mollusks. Three-fourths of the mollusca are univalve, or have but one shell; the others are mostly bivalve, or have two shells; the Pholads have accessory plates, and the shell of Chiton consists of eight pieces. Most of the multivalves of old ‘authors were articulate animals (cirripedes), erroneously included with the mollusca, which they resemble only in outward appearance. All, except the Argonaut, acquire a rudimental shell before they are hatched, which becomes the nucleus of the adult shell ; it is often differently shaped and colored from the rest of the shell, and hence the fry are apt to be mistaken for distinct species from their parents. In Cymba (i, 15), the nucleus is large and irregular; in Fusus antiquus it is cylindrical; in the Pyramidellide it is oblique; and it is spiral in Carinaria, Atlanta; and many limpets, which are symmetrical when adult. The rudimentary shell of the nudibranchs is shed at an early age, and never replaced. In this respect the molluscan shell differs entirely from the shell of the crab and other articulate animals, which is periodically cast off and renewed. In the bivalves the embryonic shell forms the wmbo of each valve (ii, 31); it is often very unlike the after-crowth, as in Unio, Cyclas, and Hinnites. In attached shells, like the oyster and 16 THE SHELL. Anomia, the umbo frequently presents an exact imitation of the surface to which the young shell originally adhered. Shells are composed of carbonate of lime, with a small pro- portion of animal matter. The source of this lime is to be looked for in their food. Modern inquiries into organic chemistry have shown that vegetables derive their elements from the mineral kingdom (air, water, and the soil), and animals theirs from the vegetable. The sea-weed filters the salt water, and separates lime as well as organic elements; and lime is one of the most abundant mineral matters in land plants. From this source the mollusea obtain lime in abundance, and, indeed, we find frequent instances of shells becoming unnaturally thickened through the superabundance of this earth in their systems. On the other hand, instances occur of thin and delicate-shelled varieties in still, deep water, or on clay bottoms; whilst in those districts which are wholly destitute of lime, there are no mollusca. Helices sometimes form cavities in limestone rocks, and M. Bouchard- Chantereaux supposes the foot of the animal to exude an acid solvent which. effects the excavation; but Dr. Fischer shows that the jaw and tongue only are probably employed for this purpose, and that the material excavated is used in the formation of shell by the animal. So imperious is the necessity for this material, that Limneans brought up in captivity, devour the shells of their companions in order to obtain it. M. Gassies, who has raised many terrestrial mollusks, never fails to place pieces of limestone in their cages, and these are eroded more or less rapidly by the needs of the growing Helices. Omitting to provide the limestone, the growth of the shell is retarded or arrested. The texture of shells is various and characteristic. Some, when broken, present a dull lustre like marble or china, and are termed porcellanous; others are pearly or nacreous; some have a fibrous structure; some are horny, and others glassy and translucent (i, 1). The nacreous shells are formed by alternate layers of very thin membrane and carbonate of lime, but this alone does not give the pearly lustre, which appears to depend on minute undu- lations of the layers (i, 2). This lustre has been successfully imitated on engraved steel buttons. Nacreous shells, when polished, form ‘“‘ mother-of-pearl ;” when digested in weak acid they leave a membranous residue which retains the original form of the shell. This is the most easily destructible of shell- textures, and in some geological formations we find only casts of the nacreous shells, whilst those of fibrous texture are com- pletely preserved. Pearls are produced by many bivalves, especially by the Oriental pearl-mussel Avicula margaritifera (i, 9), and one of ¥ THE SHELL. iY the common river mussels (Margaritana margaritifera). They are also found occasionally in the common oyster, in Anodonta, Unio, Pinna nobilis, Mytilus edulis, or common mussel, and in Spondylus gederopus. In these they are generally of a green or rose color. The pearls found in Arca Nox are violet, and in Anomia cepa purple. They are similar in structure to the shell, and, like it, consist of three layers; but what is the innermost layer in the shell is placed on the outside in the pearl. The iridescence is due to light falling upon the out-cropping edges of partially transparent corrugated plates. The thinner and more transparent the plates the more beautiful is the iridescent lustre; and thisis said to be the reason why sea pearls excel those obtained from fresh-water mollusks. Besides the furrows formed by the corrugated surface there are a number of fine dark lines (75, inch apart), which may add to the lustrous effect. In some pearls these lines run from pole to pole like the longitudes on the globe; in others they run in various directions; and in a few the lines on the same pearl have different directions, so that they cross each other. The nucleus frequently consists of a fragment of a brownish-yellow organic substance, which behaves in the same way as epidermis when treated with certain chemical reagents. Sand is generally said to be the nucleus; but this is simply a conjecture which has gradually become regarded as a fact; it is quite the exception for sand to be the nucleus; as a general rule it is some organic substance. In some districts one kind of nucleus seems to be more common than another; at least, this is how the different results obtained by observers in different localities may be explained. Filippi (Sul’ origine delle Perle, translated in Muller’s Archiv, 1856) found the parasitic helminth Distoma to be the nucleus in many Anodontas; Kuchenmeister found that the pearls were most abundant in the mollusks living in the still parts of the River Elster, where the water-mites (Limnochares anodontx) existed most numerously. The most generally prevalent nucleus appears to be the bodies or eggs of minute internal parasites, such as Filaria, Distoma, Buchephalus, etc. Completely spherical pearls can only be formed loose in the muscles or other soft parts of the animal. The Chinese obtain them artificially by introducing into the living mussel foreion substances, such as pieces of mother-of-pearl fixed to wires, which thus become coated with a more brilliant material. The relief figures of idols in pearl which ornament the interior of Chinese species of Dipsas (i, 10) are a deposit of nacreous material made upon metal forms introduced between the shell and mantle; they are produced inabout a year. The manufacture of pearls is a large industry in China; the process was discovered by a native of Hutchefu in the thirteenth century. Huropean ie: 18 THE SHELL. attempts to procure pearls in this manner have not been finan- cially successful. Similar prominences and concretions—pearls which are not pearly—are formed inside porcellaneous shells; these are as variable in color as the surfaces on which they are formed. The fibrous shells consist of successive layers of prismatic cells containing translucent carbonate of lime; and the cells of each successive layer correspond, so that the shell, especially _ when very thick (as in the fossil Inoceramus and Trichites), will break up vertically into fragments, exhibiting on their edges a structure like arragonite, or satin-spar. Horizontal sections exhibit a cellular network, with here and there a dark cell, which is empty (1, 3). The oyster has a laminated structure, owing to the irregular accumulation of the cells in its successive layers, and breaks up into horizontal plates. In the boring-shells (Pholadide) the carbonate of lime has an atomic arrangement like arragonite, which is considerably harder than calcareous spar; in other cases the difference in hardness depends on the proportion of animal matter and the manner in which the layers are aggregated. In many bivalve shells there occurs a minute tubular struc- ture, which is very conspicuous in some sections of Pinna and oyster-shell. This tubular structure is frequently occasioned by the growth of a confervoid sponge, hence great care is required in determining whether the perforations are an essential part of the shell. The Brachiopoda exhibit a characteristic structure by which the smallest fragment of their shells may be determined ; it con- sists of elongated and curved cells matted together, and often perforated by circular holes, arranged in quincunx order (i, 5). But the most complex shell-structure is presented by the porcellanous Gastropoda. These consist of three strata which readily separate in fossil shells, on account of the removal of their animal cement (i, 6, 7). Hach of these three strata is composed of very numerous vertical plates, like cards placed on edge; and the direction of the plates is sometimes transverse in the central stratum, and lengthwise in the outer and inner (as in Cyprea, Cassis, Ampullaria, and Bulimus), or longitudinal in the middle layer and transverse in the others (e. g. Conus, Pyrula, Oliva, and Voluta). Hach plate, too, is composed ‘of a series of prismatic cells, arranged obliquely (45°), and their direction being changed in the successive plates, they cross each other at right-angles. Tertiary fossils best exhibit this structure, either at their broken edge, or in polished sections. The argonaut-shell and the bone of the cuttle-fish have a THE SHELL. 19 peculiar structure; and the Hippurite is distinguished by a eancellated texture, unlike any other shell, except perhaps some of the Cardiaceze and Chamacez. Epidermis. All shells have an outer coat of animal matter ealled the “ epidermis ” (or periostracum), sometimes thin and transparent, at others thick and opaque. It is thick and olive- colored in all fresh-water shells and in many Arctic sea-shells (e. g. Cyprina and Astarte); the colors of the land-shells often depend on it; sometimes it is silky as in Helix sericea, or fringed with hairs as in Trichotropis; in the whelk and some species of Triton and Conus it is thick and rough, like coarse eloth, and in some Modiolas it is drawn out into long beard-like filaments. In the cowry and other mollusks with large mantle lobes the epidermis is more or less covered up by an additional layer of shell deposited externally. The epidermis has life, but not sensation, like the human searf-skin ; and it protects the shell against the influence of the weather and chemical agents ; it soon fades or is destroyed after the death of the animal in situations where, whilst living, it would have undergone no change. In the bivalves it is organi- cally connected with the margin of the mantle. It is most developed in shells which frequent damp situations, amongst decaying leaves, and in fresh-water shells. All fresh waters are more or less saturated with carbonic acid gas, and in limestone countries hold so much lime in solution as to deposit it in the form of tufa on the mussels and other shells. But in the absence of lime to neutralize the acid the water acts on the shells, and would dissolve them entirely if it were not for their protecting epidermis. As it is, we can often recognize fresh- water shells by the erosion of those parts where the epidermis was thinnest, namely, the points of the spiral shells and the umbones of the bivalves, those being also the parts longest exposed. Specimens of Melanopsis and Bithynia become trun- cated again and again in the course of their growth, until the adults are sometimes only half the length they should be, and the discoidal Planorbis sometimes becomes perforated by the removal of its inner whorls; in these cases the animal closes the break in its shell with new layers. Some of the Unios thicken their umbones enormously, and form a layer of animal matter with each new layer of shell, so that the river action is arrested at a succession of steps.* But the action of an acid is certainly not the only cause of erosion; it is assisted by the ravages of various boring animals in some cases, and is frequently largely * On erosion of fluviatile shells, see Dr. James Lewis, Bost. Soc. Proc., vi, 149. 20 THE SHELL. caused by the wants of the mollusks themselves, which in waters not sufliciently charged with lime are compelled to devour the unoccupied and unprotected parts of their neighbors’ houses to obtain material for the enlargement of their own. * Formation and Growth of the Shell. The shell, as before stated, is formed by the mantle; indeed, each layer of it was once a portion of the mantle, either in the form of a simple membrane or as a layer of cells; and each layer was successively calcified (or hardened with carbonate of lime) and thrown off by the mantle to unite with those previously formed. Being extravas- cular it has no inherent power of repair. The epidermis and cellular structures are formed by the margin (or collar) of the mantle; the membranous and nacreous layers, by the thin and transparent portion which contains the viscera; hence we find the pearly texture only as a lining inside the shell, as in the Nautilus, and all the Aviculide and Turbinide. If the margin of a shell is fractured during the lifetime of the animal, the injury will be completely repaired by the reproduction both of the epidermis and of the outer layer of shell with its proper color. But if the apex is destroyed, or a hole made at a distance from the aperture, it will merely be closed with the material secreted by the visceral mantle. Such inroads are often made by boring worms and shell, and even by a sponge (Cliona), which completely mines the most solid shells. Lines of Growth. So long as the animal continues growing, each new layer of shell extends beyond the one formed before it; and, in consequence, the external surface becomes marked with lines of growth. During winter, or the season of rest which corresponds to it, shells cease to grow; and these periodic resting- places are often indicated by interruptions of the otherwise regular lines of growth and color, or by still more obvious signs, It is probable that this pause, or cessation from growth, extends into the breeding season; otherwise there would be two periods of growth and two of rest in each year. In many shells the erowth is uniform; but in others each stage is finished by the development of a fringe, or ridge, varix (xlvi, 54, 55), or of a row of spines, as in Tridacna and Murex. Adult Characters. The attainment of the full growth proper to each species is usually marked by changes in the shell. Some bivalves, like the oyster and Gryphea, continue to increase in thickness long after they have ceased to grow out- wards ; the greatest addition is made to the lower valve, especially near the umbo; and in the Spondylus some parts of the mantle * Fischer, Actes Linn. Soc. Bord., xviii. THE SHELL. 1 secrete more than others, so that cavities, filled with fluid, are left in the substance of the shell. At maturity the Teredo and Fistulana close the extremity of their caleareous tubes completely, whilst the Aspergillum closes its tube with its characteristic porous or sieve-like disk. The genera of Jonannetine, near allies of the above remarkable bivalves, have in youth a largely developed foot, but at maturity this organ undergoes a retrogressive metamorphosis, becomes atrophied, and is closed in by a calcareous deposit which connects the originally gaping shelly valves into a closed club- shaped tube. Other bivalves, as the symphynote Unios and Pinna, solder their dorsal line or a portion of it so that continued motion of the valves would be impossible, only that in the first a rupture of one of the soldered wings takes place near its base, so that one of the valves carries both wings whilst the adductors have recovered their power. In Pinna the elasticity of the shell allows some action to the adductor, notwithstanding the sym- phynote hinge-line. Mulleria, which is dimyary and locomotive when young, becomes fixed and monomyary when adult, and it solders both the young valves to the beak of the fixed valve whilst the other is free and subject to the action of the adductor. A condition similar to the Pholades occurs in the adult Rhizochilus (xliv, 33). Dr. Gray remarks of this singular genus that ‘‘the shell, while the animal is growing, is free; but when the animals have arrived at their full development, two or more congregate together in groups, each animal forming a more or less irregular, opaque, white, solid shelly extension of the outer and inner lip clasping the axis of the coral, Antipathes ericoides, or the neighboring shells, or both,and at length entirely closing the mouth of the shell, and firmly attaching the shells to the coral, or to one another, in such a manner that the animal is completely surrounded by a solid shelly case, having no com- munication with the outer world but through the case of the anterior siphon of the mantle, which, by the contraction of the mouth of the shell, has been converted into a shelly tube. This selfimmurement of the animal within its shell has not been described in any other mollusk, and one is led to inquire if by so doing the animal commits voluntary suicide or has a prolonged existence; if the latter, one should expect that it must be of a very torpid or lingering description, as the animal is entirely precluded from procuring its usual or indeed any other food for its subsistence, and the supply of water for respiration which can enter by the single siphon must be of a very limited quantity, there being only one aperture for its entrance and exit. Many of the lung-breathing mollusca cover the mouth of their shell after the animal is withdrawn during very dry weather with a membranaceous or calcareous epiphragm, the animal during 22 THE SHELL. the time sinking into a torpid condition; but these animals have the power, at the first recurrence of damp weather, to remove this cover, which is not the case with the hard shelly secretions which cover up the mouth of the shell of Rhizochilus.””* Notwithstanding the decided opinion given by Dr. Gray that the selfimmurement of the Rhizochilus is permanent, I cannot help thinking that it only continues during a period of hiberna- tion, and as many mollusks have the power of absorbing away partitions in their shells, as well as parts of the columella and the interior thickening of the outer lip, it appears to me that his argument that the hardness and thickness of the prison-walls would prevent escape, can scarcely be sustained. In certain species of Calyptreea and in Hipponix the foot is atrophied. The mantle secretes not only the shell which covers the animal, but also, from its ventral face a calcareous base attached to some foreign body, and to this the mollusk adheres by a horseshoe-shaped muscle. Magilus (xlv, 52) resembles the Teredos in constructing a tube,and for the same purpose. In Magilus the tubular growth is, however, a continuation of the growth of the shell margin, but changed in form, and in this respect it is more like the Aspergillum, which builds out a tube from the valves which lay open near the end and form part of its circumference. A more or less irregular unrollment of the spiral takes place in Vermetus (Ixvii, 68) and its allies, and to a less degree in certain Cuban Cylindrelle and some other terrestrial mollusks. In the terrestrial genera Hypselostoma, Tomigerus and Anos- toma, the adult character is proclaimed by a very curious change in the progression of the spiral by which the mouth of the shell is turned upwards to its superior or spire face: so in certain South American Bulimi the saccate body-whorl of the adult is deflected from the axis of the spire-whorls. Sculptured shells, particularly Ammonites, and species of Rostellaria and Fusus, often become plain in the last part of their growth. But the most characteristic change is the thick- ening and contraction of the aperture in the univalves. The young cowry has a thin, sharp lip (xi, 97), which becomes curled inwards, and enormously thickened and toothed in the adult; the Pteroceras (lix, 63) develops its scorpion-like claws only when full-grown; and the land snails form a thickened lip, or narrow their aperture with projecting processes, so that it is a marvel how they pass in and out, and how they can exclude their eggs. Yet at this time they would seem to require more space and accommodation in their houses than before, and there are several * Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., vii, 477, 1851. THH SHELL. 23 curious ways in which this is sometimes obtained. The Neritide, Helicinide and Auriculide (1, 14) dissolve all the internal spiral column of their shells; the cone (i, 8) removes all but a paper- like portion of its inner whorls; the cowry goes still further, and continues removing the internal layers of its shell-wall, and depositing new layers externally with its overlapping mantle (ixi, 99), until, in some eases, all resemblance to the young shell is lost in the adult. The power which mollusks possess of dissolving portions of their own shells is also exhibited by the Murices in removing those spines from their whorls which interfere with their growth ; and by the Purpura and others in wearing away the inner wall of their aperture. Decollated Shells. It frequently happens that as spiral shells become adult they cease to occupy the upper part of their cavity; the space thus vacated is sometimes filled with solid shell, as in Magilus; or it is: partitioned off, as in Vermetus, Euomphalus, Turritella, Triton or Ceecum (i,11). The deserted apex is sometimes very thin, and becoming dead and brittle, it breaks away, leaving the shell truncated or decollated. This happens constantly with the Truncatelle, Cylindrelle (i, 12, 13), and Bulimus decollatus; amongst the fresh-water shells it depends upon local circumstances, but is very common with Pirena and Cerithidea. Decollated shells usually have the whorls of the spire closely wound and not increasing much in diameter. Before the trun- cation takes place the partition or septum is formed which is intended to close the new summit. A number of tropical and subtropical terrestrial species, particularly of America, uniformly truncate their shells, the portion closed off from contact with the mollusk becoming dead and fragile so as to break away readily. M. Gassies has, however, observed Rumina decollata strike with the summit of its shell, with the evident purpose of fracturing it. In Czcum also (i, 11), which commences growth as a spiral shell, a septum is formed soon after the close spire has been exchanged for a simply curved tube, and then the spire is detached. As the shell progresses in its growth another septum is formed and again it suffers truncation at its initial end, so that the adult Ceecum is a simple curved tube, differing from the Scaphopoda or Dentalium shells in the small end being closed instead of open, as in the “tooth shells.” In the latter the posterior opening is for the extrusion of the eggs—which in these only, among encephalous mollusca, are accommodated with a separate aperture in the shell for their passage. Forms of Shells. These will be described particularly here- after ; enough has been said to show that in the molluscan shell (as in the vertebrate skeleton) indications are afforded of many 4 THE SHELL. of the leading affinities and structural peculiarities of the animal. It may sometimes be difficult to determine the genus of a shell, especially when its form is very simple; but this results more from the imperfection of our technicalities and systems than from any want of co-ordination in the animal and its shell. Monstrosities. The whorls of spiral shells are sometimes separated by the interference of foreign substances, which adhere to them whilst young; the garden-snail has been found in this condition, and less complete instances are common amongst sea shells. Discoidal shells occasionally become spiral [as in Planorbis (i, 18)], or irregular in their growth, owing to an unhealthy condition. The discoidal Ammonites sometimes show a slight tendency to become spiral, and more rarely become unsymmetrical, and have the keel on one side instead of in the middle. Helices occasionally occur with tilted whorls, or even more or less unwound and scalariform (i, 16, 17). All attached shells are liable to interference in their growth, and malformations consequent on their situation in cavities, or from coming in contact with rocks. The Dreissena polymorpha distorts the other fresh-water mussels by fastening their valves with its byssus; and balani sometimes produce strange protu- berances on the back of the cowry, to which they have attached themselves when young. In the British Museum there is a Helix terrestris (Chemn.) with a small stick passing through it, and projecting from the apex and umbilicus. Mr. Pickering has, in his collection, a Helix hortensis which got entangled in a nut-shell when young, and growing too large to escape, had to endure the incubus to the end of its days. Fischer speaks of a Helix aspersa, which has entangled in its aperture a younger shell of the same species, which it has soldered fast, thus bearing two shells. Cailliaud has produced monsters by bringing dead shells in contact with growing ones. In the miocene tertiaries of Asia Minor, Professor Forbes discovered whole races of Neritina, Paludina, and Melanopsis, with whorls ribbed or keeled, as if through the unhealthy influence of brackish water. The fossil periwinkles of the Norwich Crag are similarly distorted, probably by the access of fresh water; parallel cases occur at the present day in the Baltic. Reversed Shells. Left-handed or reversed varieties of spiral shells have been met with in some of the very common species, like the whelk and garden-snail, and in some localities tend to become hereditary. Bulimus citrinus is as often sinistral as dextral; and a reversed variety of Musus antiquus was more common than the normal form in the pliocene sea. Other shells are normally sinistral,as in many species of Pupa,and the entire genera Clausilia, Physa, and Triforis. Bivalves less distinctly exhibit variations of this kind ; but the attached valve of Chama THE SHELL. 25 has its umbo turned to the right or left indifferently ; and of two specimens of Lucina Childreni in the British Museum, one has the right, the other the left valve flat. Colors of Shells. These are usually confined to the surface beneath the epidermis, and are secreted by the border of the mantle, which often exhibits similar tints and patterns (e. g Voluta undulata, liii, 14). Occasionally the inner strata of porcellanous shells are differently colored from the exterior, and the makers of shell-cameos avail themselves of this difference to produce white or rose-colored figures on a dark ground. Cameos carved on the shell of Cassis cornuta, are white on an orange ground; on C. tuberosa, and Madagascariensis (1xii, 22), white upon dark claret-color; on C. rufa, pale salmon-color on orange ; and on Strombus gigas (lix,57), yellow on pink. By filing some of the olives (e. g. Oliva utriculus) they may be made into very different colored shells. The secretion of color by the mantle depends peril, on the action of light; shallow-water shells are, as a class, warmer and brighter-colored than those from deep water ; and bivalves which are habitually fixed or stationary (like Spondylus and Pecten pleuronectes) have the upper valve richly tinted, whilst the lower one is colorless. The backs of most spiral shells are darker than the under sides; but in Ianthina the base of the shell is habitually turned upwards, and is deeply dyed with violet. Some colors are more permanent than others; the red spots on the Naticas and Nerites are commonly preserved in tertiary and oolitic fossils, and even in one example (of N. subcostata, Schl.) from Devonian limestone. Terebratula hastata,and some Pectens of the Carboniferous period, retain their markings; the Ortho- ceras anguliferus of the Devonian beds has zigzag bands of color; and a Terebratula of the same age, from Arctic North America, is ornamented with several rows of dark red spots. The Operculum. Most spiral shells have an operculum, or lid, with which to close the aperture when they withdraw for shelter (xliii, 7). It is developed on a particular lobe at the posterior part of the foot, and consists of horny layers, sometimes hardened with shelly matter. It has been considered by Adanson, and more recently by Dr. Gray, as the equivalent of the dextral valve of the conchifera ; but however similar in appearance, its anatomical relations are altogether different. In position it represents the byssus of the bivalves; and in function it is like the plug with which unat- tached specimens of Byssoarca close their aperture. Homologies of the Shell. The shell is so simple a structure that its modifications present few points for comparison; but even these: are not wholly understood, or free from doubt. The bivalve shell may be compared to the outer tunic of the ascidian, 26 THE SHELL. cut open and converted into separable valves. In the Conchifera this division of the mantle is vertical, and the valves are right and left. In the Brachiopoda the separation is horizontal, and the valves are dorsal and ventral. The monomyarian bivalves lie habitually on one side (like the Pleuronectidz among fishes) ; and their shells, though really right and left, are termed “‘ upper ”’ and “lower” valves. The univalve shell is the equivalent of both valves of the bivalve. In the Pteropoda it consists of dorsal and ventral plates, comparable with the valves of Tere- bratula. In the Gastropoda it is equivalent to both valves of the Conchifera united above. The nautilus shell corresponds to that of the gastropod; but whilst its chambers are shadowed forth in many spiral shells, the siphuncle is something additional; and the entire shell of the cuttle-fish and argonaut have no known equivalent or parallel in the other molluscous classes. The student might imagine a resemblance in the shell of the Ortho- ceras to a back-bone. The phragmocone is the representative of the calcareous axis (or splanchno-skeleton) of a coral, such as Amplexus or Siphonophyllia. Spines and Sculpture. It remains to speak of the sculpture and particularly of the spinous processes which adorn the shells of many univalves, as well as the valves of Unio spinosus, Dione lupinaria, etc. It is difficult in some cases to imagine the part which these play in the molluscan economy, unless it be to prevent greedy enemies from masticating them without exceeding discomfort. The formation of the spines depends upon folds of the mantle-margin, and regular as is the row of the long needle- like projections which ornament the lateral slope of Dione, they have nevertheless been formed one at a time on either valve at its margin: thus they indicate the periodicity of growth. In most cases marginal characters are absorbed away by the animal before commencing a new growth of its shell, but sometimes they persist both externally and internally—thus the varices of Murex are simply the thickened lips of former mouths, the recurring internal projections in the whorls of Segmentina, Helix interna, etc., are the marks of former rest-periods in their growth. Another class of external markings found only upon attached shells, such as Crepidula, Anomia, Myochama, ete., have no connection with the animal which forms them, but result’ merely from the plasticity of the newly formed shelly exudation, when brought into contact with the surface to which they are attached. Thus it is not unusual to find an Anomia covered with ribs crossing its surface at right-angles, or laterally to its axis of growth in consequence of having been in close contact with a Pecten. A numerous class of deviations from the normal spiral is found in certain limpet-like mollusks as well as in Haliotis (Ixxxiil). In these the spire has been reduced to a simple cone, or to a very See THE SHELL. OT small size compared to the enormously large aperture, which hugs close to rocks, etc., to which the animal attaches itself by its much expanded sole almost as tightly as though it were a specialized sucker. The branchial cavity is placed in communi- cation with the surrounding water in these genera by a special notch in Haliotis (Ixxxiii, 10-13), which, by the progressive erowth of the shell forms a series of dorsal apertures ; the earlier ones finally becoming filled again with shell, but several always remaining open. In Fissurella (Ixxxiii, 15), a similar but single aperture exists at the apex of the shell, and in several allied genera a similar provision is made only differing in form and position. A large volume might readily be filled with interesting partic- ulars concerning the shells of mollusca, but our space will only allow the above rapid resumé of the more important aspects of the subject. It remains to detail briefly the special relations of the shell to each class of mollusks, together with the nomen- clature which has been adopted for the ready classification of its diverse forms. Cephalopoda. An internal shell is found only in the dibran- chiate cephalopods, and amongst them only fully developed in the decapod division, 7. e., among the pelagic species, whose quick movements require the support to the body which the form and position of the shell affords; nevertheless it is prefig- ured in the cartilaginous blades lodged in the back of the octopods (iv, 56), and is more fully developed in the single octopod genus, Cirroteuthis (iv, 58), which possesses the means of more rapid motion in its largely webbed arms. The internal shell is simple usually, in form, being a blade or pen lodged in a pouch or slit in the back of the mantle, with an anterior, more or less specialized, prolongation of its rhachis or quill. The internal shell is either horny or chitinous and transparent as in Loligo (xxv, 21), or a spongy, chalky mass, as in Sepia (xxvii, 49), or calcareous, as in the fossil Belemnites (ii, 19, 21), or mother-of-pearl, as in Spirula (xxvii, 52); in the latter, only, taking the spiral form of the external shells of the tetrabranchiate cephalopods. The feather-shaped horny shell of the Loligo resembles, and is called, a pen, and its rhachis, prolonged in front like a quill, completes the resemblance. This rhachis is on the ventral side, when the pen is lodged in the mantle, the wing end being posterior, the quill anterior. The wings, or lateral projections are, commonly, broader in the female than in the male individuals. When the shell is both corneous and testaceous, as in Sepia, among recent genera and in several fossil forms, it consists of a thin, horny blade, laying beneath the entire dorsal surface of the 28 THE SHELL. mantle, with an underlying spongy caleareous mass attached. In Sepia we find always, the so-called aerial chambers obliquely placed and not connected by a siphon, and sometimes terminated by a sharp rostrum, whilst in fossil genera, as Beloptera, these chambers are arranged in a single line, or in Spirulirostra (xxix, 81), they become a spiral series, connected by a siphon and analogous to the shell of the Spirula (xxvi, 53), which latter lies free in the mantle, without the envelopment of a spongy mass. In another group of fossil forms, the long shell is composed of a narrow or broad anterior corneous portion, and a posterior calcareous part containing the aerial chambers, placed one upon another and siphunculated. These chambers are only covered with shell in Conoteuthis; but they are protected in the Belem- nites by a testaceous rostrum (ii, 19); sometimes very long, which, absolutely identical with that of Sepia, is composed of successive very compact radiating layers. The internal shell, in relation to the animal economy, demands some further consideration. These functions, by reason of modifications of structure, are threefold : 1. If it is a corneous blade, it becomes simply a support to the flesh, fulfilling that office of the skeleton in mammals. 2. When it is corneous or testaceous, and containing parts filled with air, as in the alveola of the Belemnites, it, perhaps, additionally represents among mollusks the swimming-bladder of fishes. These air-chambers may consist, as we have seen, of an oblique series, separated in their interior by a crowd of small diaphragms, filled with air, and attached to the under side of the blade or cuttle-bone,as in Sepia; or even of a series of chambers taking a definite spiral form, as in Spirula. D’Orbigny shows that shells of this second division, when parted from their animals, are sufticiently light to float upon the surface of the waves, and that there is a constant coincidence of the progres- Sive augmentation of the number of air-chambers with the growth of the animal, in order to maintain an equilibrium. The lightness of the shell of the Sepia appears to be partly due to a contained gas, which Dr. Paul Bert has succeeded in obtaining in small quantities, by opening the sack of the animal under water. In effect, the Sepia and the Spirula, animals of massive proportions, have need of this aid in swimming; and it is more plentifully supplied to the round-bodied Spirula, than to the Conoteuthis, for example, the form of which denotes an animal infinitely more agile. In the Belemnites the aerial chambers doubtless compensated the enormous weight of the calcareous rostrum, which would otherwise have compelled the animal to maintain a vertical position in the water, or prevented horizontal movement, except at great disadvantage to its strength. (In the chamber ed external shells of the tetrabranchiates , represented THE SHELL. 29 amongst the extinct genera by the spirally-coiled Ammonites, and other genera, and largely developed in species, but of which the Nautilus is the sole recent example, the air-chambers may possibly compensate the weight of superincumbent water, and facilitate its crawling movements, if, as is now generally sup- posed, the Nautilus is not a swimming animal, and does not voluntarily leave its ocean-bed. The immense size and weight of the Nautilus shell, capable of containing the entire animal within its last chamber, the absence of long arms, or web or fins, all seem to favor this supposition as to its habits.) 3. Owing to their narrow posterior and massive anterior form, as well as to the normal direction of the siphon and the frequent use of the webbed arms in swimming, the cephalopods are able to progress through the water more rapidly in retrograde than in forward motion; and this swimming is a succession of darts made with great velocity. Here the calcareous rostrum, as in the Sepia, and which is so largely developed in Belemnites and other fossil genera, comes into use as a body-protector, in receiving and withstanding the shocks of accidental collisions. It is only among the swimming species that this protection is needed, and it is most required, and consequently most devel- oped, in those which inhabit the vicinity of the coasts, like the Sepia. Internal shells, having no aerial chambers, show no nucleus, and do not change their forms at different periods of their growth; but in most of those furnished with the air-chambers, a distinct nucleus is observed, indicated by the more globose first chamber, as in Spirula and Belemnites. Amongst these latter shells we find considerable modifications arising from age, sex or pathological causes. The changes resulting from age are, above all, visible in the rostra of the Belemnites, which, ordinarily slender when young, are thickened and shortened with advancing age. In exceptional cases, these rostra, when their growth is completed, present, at their extremity, very remarkable tubular prolongations. Modifications due to sex, are shown in the difference in width of the shell in Loligo, in the more or less elongated rostrum of Belemnites, perhaps, or in the prolongations of which we have just spoken. Pathological modifications are very numerous, above all in Belemnites. They may change entirely the form of the rostrum, by rendering it obtuse, or even cause those strange mutilations upon which the genus Actinocamax is founded. The Spirula is peculiar in being formed exclusively of pearl (the Nautilus has an internal pearly layer); it hangs free in the hinder end of the body, held in place solely by lateral thin lappets of skin proceeding from either side of the mantle, and connate below the whorls, with a prehensile prominence or 30 THE SHELL. sucker at their junction. A small portion of the intestinal sack occupies the last chamber of the shell, and a prolongation of it connects the chambers by passing through the siphonal tubes which penetrate the septa towards their inner margin (instead of in the middle, as in Nautilus). In the fossil Belemnites, the siphunculated, chambered portion of the shell has been called the phragmoconus, by Owen; the horny or chalky blade is termed, by Huxley, the pro-ostracum, and the rostrum of the latter author corresponds with the similar term heretofore used by us (ji, 19-21). Analysis shows the horny shell to be principally composed of chitin. The Sepia officinalis, according to J. F. John, yields of Carbonate of Lime, with a trace of Phosphate, 85°; Water, 4° ; Organic matter, 4°; Residuum, Magnesia, etc., 7°. M. Munier-Chalmas has recently endeavored to prove that the Ammonites are not tetrabranchiate Cephalopoda, allied to the Nautili, but dibranchiate decapods, having the greatest affinity to the Spirule. As early as 1867, Barrande had shown the small resemblance that exists between the Goniatites and the Nautilide, during the first period of their development. The initial chamber of the phragmostracum in the Nautilide, does not sensibly differ, in its general organization, from the other primary chambers which are developed a little later; whereas the initial shell of the Goniatites appears in the form of an egg, isolated from the first air-chamber by a distinct constriction. ‘This initial chamber or ovisac, of the Goniatites,so different from those which imme- diately succeed it, is met with at the origin of the phragmos- tracum of all the dibranchiate mollusca that M. Munier-Chalmas has been able to study. Mr. Alpheus Hyatt’s very interesting investigations upon the embryogeny of the phragmostracum of Nautilus Pompilius, Deroceras planicosta, and the Goniatites, come in support of these observations. Mr. Hyatt, however, preoccupied by his theoretical ideas upon the evolution of living creatures, in order to establish the affiliation of the Ammonites and Nautili, supposes that the latter lost their ovisac by trunca- tion. ‘To support this supposition, he adduces the transverse external cicatrix which he observed on the initial chamber of Nautilus Pompilius. The comparative examination which M. Munier-Chalmas has made of the ovisacs of Spirula Peroni and of Ammonites Parkinsoni, and other species, has shown that in these mollusks the siphon originates in the ovisac a little before the appearance of the first septum. It commences by a cecal inflation, which bears the prosiphon in its prolongation. The new organ, to which he gives the name of prosiphon, must take the place of the siphon during the embryonic period. It originates in the ovisac, opposite the siphonal inflation, upon which it terminates, but without having any internal communi- THE SHELL. Bil cation therewith. It is very variable in its general form, and may present strongly marked examples of dimorphism in the same species of Ammonite. It is formed by a membrane, which is sometimes simply spread out as in Spirula Peronii, or which may forma more or less circular tube. It also presents two, three, or four small subdivisions at its point of insertion upon the inner wall. The presence of an ovisac has been ascertained by M. Chalmas in a number of fossil cephalopods, Belemnites, Ammonites, Cera- tites, etc. It is generally spheroidal when the turns of the spire are free, and ovoid when they are contiguous. But in the living tetrabranchiate Cephalopoda, as well as in the remains of the many extinct species, the presence of an ovisac has never been detected. In Nautilus and Aturia, the siphon originates upon the inner walls of the first chamber. It is completely closed at its posterior extremity, by a part of the calcareous prolongation of the septum, which assists in its formation. The external transverse cicatrix observed by Mr. Hyatt, can never have been in communication with the siphon; its purpose is still completely unknown. It has been indicated, by Mr. Barrande, upon a great number of Silurian tetrabranchiata. Thus it results, from these observations, that at the Silurian epoch the tetrabranchiate Cephalopoda were as clearlyeseparated from the dibranchiates, as at the present day. The only modi- fications that we can recognize are of generic rank; in fact, the Ammonites, which, when young, have septa like those of Dero- ceras and Goniatites, appear to be derived from one of those types.—Ann. Mag. N. Hist., 4th ser., xiii, 184, 1874 (from Comptes Rendus, 1873). External Shell in the Cephalopoda. Regarding the testaceous nest of the female Argonaut as a shell, it is the only cephalopod genus which is unilocular; in all others the cavity of the external shells is divided by partitions into chambers, connected by a siphon. The Argonaut shell (xxiv, 19), of a peculiar fibrous, corneo-calcareous texture, is distinguished by the want of a distinct nucleus in its infancy, and by its composition of two layers, one placed upon the other. It is secreted by the palmate arms of the female, which are constantly applied to its sides and envelop them (xxiv, 20). In the male Argonaut, always much smaller, there are no palmated arms (xvi, 84, 85), and consequently, no shell. The shell itself appears to be useful only as a portable cradle for the development of the eggs (xviii, 15), and the animal which forms it does not appear to differ greatly from the shell-less Octopus. The question of the parasitism of the animal of the Argonaut in its shell, originally assumed by distinguished naturalists, has been so long debated, that quite a literature upon the subject has 32 THE SHELL. accumulated. The want of attachment of the animal by adductor muscles, and the fact that the shell itself is not moulded on the animal’s body, and does not correspond to its shape were con- sidered such strong evidence of parasitism, that the animal itself was described as Ocythoé, and the shell as Argonauta. The observations of Madame Jeanette Power first set this vexed question at rest, by showing that the animal builds its shell by the exudation of material from the expanded or velamentous arms of the female, instead of from the mantle, as in true shells. The Argonaut shell, or egg-nest, is structurally composed of small plates or prisms; its earlier portion is covered with a chagrined cuticle, and its toothed periphery is stained with brown. On either side the velamentous dorsal arms are applied to its external surface, and not only do they add to the margin when growth takes place, but they suffice also to renew any broken portion of the already existing walls. In a specimen of Argonauta argo, which forms a part of the collection of Amherst College, a portion has been broken out near the middle of the left side, and not far from the sinus of the aperture. A new deposit of testaceous substance, together with a broken fragment, has closed the opening in the rude manner common in the shells of the mollusca. But the most extraor- dinary ciréumstance is that a fragment which was broken out in the accident which befell the animal, now constitutes two-thirds of the repaired portion, and that the original inner surface is now the outer surface, as is evident from its concavity, style of undulation, and texture. It is also nearly at right-angles to its original position. These facts show that the piece was totally detached from the shell by the accident. The vela of the Argo- naut, by clasping and enveloping the shell, had evidently prevented the loss of this fragment. It is obvious, also, that the new deposit of testaceous matter was secreted from the part of the animal within the shell, and not from the vela, since the edges of the original shell around the fracture appear exclusively on the outside.—C. B. ApAms, Am. Jour. Sci., 2 ser., vi, 138, 1848. Madame Power has seen the fractured shell of an Argonaut partially repaired by membrane in less than six hours. The subjoined notes of an accurate modern naturalist afford conclusive evidence of the non-parasitism of the Argonaut. On our passage home across the South Atlantic, I enjoyed numerous opportunities of observing the animals of Argonauta argo and gondola in the living state, specimens having been eaptured by us in large numbers by means of a trawl, as they eame to the surface of the water at the decline of day in calm weather, in company with Carinaria, Hyaleea, Firola and Cleo- THE SHELL. 33 dora. My observations all tend to prove, as might have been expected, the accuracy of Madame Power’s observations on the cephalopodie origin of the shell, and the fanciful nature of the statements of Pliny, Poli, and the poets. It is quite true that the female Argonaut can readily disengage herself from the shell, when the velamentous arms become collapsed, and float apparently useless on each side of the animal; and it is equally certain that she has not the power, or, more properly, the sagacity to re-enter her nest and resume the guardianship of her eggs. On the contrary, she herself, if kept in confinement, after darting and wounding herself against the sides of the vessel in which she is confined, soon becomes languid, exhausted, and very shortly dies. Numbers of male Argonauts were taken by us, at the same time, without any shells, and this being the season of ovoposition may account for the females, in such a number of instances, being found embracing their calcareous shell-nests, which, so ingeniously formed by the instinct of the mother for the protection of her eggs from injury, resemble, in some measure, those nidimental capsules secreted by many marine gastropods for the preservation of the immature embryo.—ArtrHuR ADAmMs, Zool. Voy. Samarang, 5, 1850: The multilocular external shells, Nautilus, Ammonites, ete. (iv, 63), distinguish an order of cephalopods breathing by four instead of two branchie,and with the arms much reduced in size and subdivided into tentacles. The shells are capable of contain- ing the entire animal in the cavity above the last aerial chamber, to the wall of which it adheres by two strong muscles. These shells are composed of two layers, the external or porcellanous containing the colors, and the internal, which is’ pearly, and which includes the partitions or septa. These septa, which are straight or arcuated in Nautilus, in Orthoceratites, ete., are angulated at the suture in Goniatites, and with infinitely ramified lobes in Ammonites (xxxiv, 52), Hamites, Turrilites, and other fossil genera. The inner pearly layer of the shell, as well as of the septa, is formed by the body of the animal, whilst the outer porcellanous layer is constructed by the mantle-margin. There is additionally deposited, on the spire side of the Nautilus shell, a third thin, black, grainy layer, which can be readily scraped off. This substance can be detected also in many fossil tetrabranchiates. Sandberger finds the hardness of the porcellanous layer of Nautilus, 4°5 to 5°0; the nacreous layer, 3°5 to 4:0; whilst the specific gravity of the former is 2°565, and of the latter, 1-596. The structure of the shells of existing testaceous cephalopods is, on the whole, more analogous to that of bivalves than to that of the gastropods, the three layers of perpendicular lamine, so @) 3) 34 THE SHELL. characteristic of the latter, being here quite indistinguishable. The shell of Nautilus is the only one in which the presence of two layers is obvious, from their difference of texture. * “UONTLUNLB "99SoUa4) ase,I0g) . ‘Sunureyy ) sunuey) TIPIs189 a) Col -OUI] UleyUNOT “YIIS VUOIST[LN ‘SsoIMSVdy [VOD ‘sdnois yooy1opury FY u0pSUT] -Ing‘ ynyoo y ‘stnory 49 ‘194s0y (‘snodleyrmoqavoqng ) | -apueseyqjoy| F S ‘SUXO [,—UIStq |[vjUuOU “Lopotyosiojdn yy E. “WUOD TOfTezUL oy} Jo BIBIIg "U10}SYO07, 5 “syood “syood ‘swhuouhg ‘spag ‘suhuouhg ‘spag 01d ‘NVAAOUN “NVOIUGW VY (228) H “UBITOIN ‘pudusuoy puv qoopivy, “UBIAOUO | “UBIPDSULT “UBIOOPBULOL J, *)) vovq— epuBlivg JO vuNney [vIpPIowi4tg) ‘SIUeLW “UsBI[Lopuel’y "(B[Bq) UBLDOpBIED “UBIIOAOPUL]'T Ca dovIY—opuBlIvg JO vuney pZ) THe Avy “UBISOOTUO ‘UvIAOpI'T CH pur ) ‘a ‘a s00v4{—opuviivg Jo vunvy pg) —'Q) 1oMo'T —'y wodd gq “UBLIQUIBO “UBLIQUIBD —'TIG laMmory — Ts odd 9 —]Ig LoMory “UBLINTIS — TIS teddy | | “UBIPVo VP ‘QUOJSpuUBS WIBpPS}JOg "SNOLOJIO[VO ‘goTVys ooqont) > “ooqenty ‘ouoysounly AzByO \ » oe 8, pare », LOALY YOvlg_ > “wojJuery, “9U0} SOUL] uoqwazy, ) ‘soqBys BO) ) = 1yBU ‘IOATY WOSpnyyT ) -ulo uly ‘(BUIpaTT PUB UOJUTTD) vVIVSVIN ‘(VsBpuoUY ) BUT[TeS “‘SLIGA1Op]OF{ LoMO'T “AUBYSIIO (229) ° “ASojoyuowyed puv ASopfoos ul YyIM your Ayjensn sourvu oy} [TY epnpour 07 sv [fo sv ‘atqissod sv Ayavou sBv spoq uvodorngy pus UVolMoUTY oY} 0}¥[oII00 07 sured a[qvIoprsuoo 4v MEG SvY OM ‘ULIdTeF] OCfesuy Jorg 07 peyqopul youu we { ‘ytom siqy toy Ay[vroodso porvdoad ‘vze.148 snotesT[Issoy JO a[qB} eAOq’ OY} LOY ‘\10Z00 NT 10 olozouIvy — Areusozenty pus ArvyI9], OWL, ‘JIOZOUIVY SB sdoyyo Aq ‘orozOSeT S¥ otOS Aq possv]o ST oLUIBIvT OTL], ‘(,, Avepuodes ,, P[O) IOZOSOP = OAISNIOUI SNOddeJOID OF OISSVILT, OUT, ‘(,, Areutad ,, plo) olozoeped — SAISNOU! UBIULIog 0} UBIIQUIBD oq], ‘OIOZOW, IO UVATOIV poulto} ATaAtqQo0[[09 o18 UBIUOINA, pu’ UvVIZUOINVT] oO [;— “970Ny i © = ‘sslous uvindo1lof{ @ ba io) ¢ =) sstousuvlog ,,‘ssloucry) ,, ES ‘SsToUs [vJUOUVpUn = i ‘swhuouhg ‘spag "Sporlad ‘syood ‘La ‘NVAdOUN “synod ‘uBIquoIneT ‘TT 10 ‘uvlog “UBIZUIINGT] OTPpl UBIZUIING'T “ 10 ‘UBIION ‘swhuouhy ‘spog ‘NVOIUAN V (230: x ) DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSGA IN 'TIME. 231 Fossil Mollusks of the Paleozoic Period. “The study of the earliest manifestations of life upon the surface of the globe will always have great attraction for naturalists. In 1868, Bigsby prepared the following table of the primordial or Cambrian fauna, which includes 972 species. Plante, 22 Asteridea, 1 Brachiopoda, 116 Amorphozoa,27 Annelida, 29 lLamellibranchiata, 12 Celenterata, 6 Trilobita, 417 Pteropoda, 5T Crinoidea, 1 Entomostraca, 25 Gastropoda, 115 Cystidea, 2... Polyzoa, 77 Cephalopoda, 65 “Consequently, from the beginning the principal types of mollusca are represented ; the gastropods are as well developed as the brachiopods, and the cephalopods surpass in number the pteropods, which are, nevertheless, inferior in organization. In the middle and upper beds of the Silurian, the brachiopods make an enormous increase; the cephalopods arrive at their apogee ; then come, according to their importance, the gastropods, the lamellibranchs, and finally the heteropods and pteropods. “Tn the Devonian and Carboniferous periods, the brachiopods sensibly diminish, and lose the first place, which is occupied by the lamellibranchs; the gastropods become more numerous than the cephalopods. Silurian. Devonian. Carbonif. Total. Brachiopods, species, 1650 695 875 3220 Lamellibranchs, species, C09 920 124 2800 Gastropods, species, 895 . 621 674 2190 Pteropods and Heteropods, species, 338 138 108 604 Cephalopods, species, 1454 558 410 2494 ““ Consequently, in paleeozoic periods the classes of Malacozoa occupy the following order according to the number of their species: 1, Brachiopods; 2, Lamellibranchiates; 3, Cephalo- pods ; 4, Gastropods; 5, Pteropods and Heteropods. “We can then characterize the paleozoic epoch as the age of brachiopods. “We have no table of mollusks of the Permian, but it is ' scarcely probable that the fossils of this formation would modify the preceding conclusions. “The Nautilidz, among the cephalopods, shone with all their lustre during the Silurian ; it is then that their genera presented the most varied forms. Orthoceras was multiplied to a degree unheard of, since in the single basin of Bohemia, Barrande has been able to distinguish 554 species. ‘There lived in the Silurian seas at the same time some pelagic mollusks (pteropods and heteropods), belonging to the genera Bellerophon, Conularia, Maclurea. The gastropods were nearly all holostomate: Acroculia, Huomphalus. Loxonéma, Murchi- sonia, Pleurotomaria, Platyostoma. The principal lamellibran- 232 DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSCA IN TIME. ; ‘ chiates were Ambonychia, Pterinea, Avicula, Cardiola, Conocar- dium, Ctenodonta, Grammysia, Orthonota, Tellinomya, etc. — “The Devonian genera differ but little from those of the Silurian, but we must mention, among the cephalopods, Bactrites, Clymenia, Goniatites, Gyroceras; among the heteropods, Por- cellia; among the gastropods, Scoliostoma, Loxonema, Turbo, Euomphalus, etc.; among the lamellibranchiates, Megalodon, Schizodus, Solenopsis, Aviculopecten, Stenopistha, ete. “The Carboniferous is richer in species than the Devonian. The cephalopods are Goniatites, Nautilus of particular types, Orthoceras ; the most common gastropods belonged to the genera Chiton, Euomphalus, Loxonema, Macrocheilus, Murchisonia, Pleurotomaria, Turbo; the pteropods and heteropods are generically similar to those of the Devonian; among the lamellibranchiates we cite the genera Aviculopecten, Allorisma, Solenomya, Astartella, Anthracosia, Cardiomorpha, Ctenodonta, Edmondia, Myalina, Schizodus, ete. “« The Permian fauna, very poor in mollusks, contains few generic types which are wanting to the Carboniferous. The important genera are: Nautilus,among the cephalopods ; Chiton, Rissoa, Turbo, Natica, Macrocheilus, Pleurotomaria, Huom- phalus, among the gastropods; Pecten, Lima, Monotis, Mytilus, Edmondia, Cardiomorpha, Bakewellia, Byssoarea, Pleurophorus, Schizodus, Astarte, Allorisma, Solemya, Eumicrotis, Myalina, among the lamellibranchs. ‘““Nevertheless this geological period presents to us a very important feature, the appearance of Ammonites properly so-called, represented by several species of Sageceras and Arcestes, which become important in the Trias. At the same time, the Goniatites became extinguished or transformed into Ammonites, which extend through the entire series of secondary TOCKS!9\.) ‘A certain number of living genera have been indicated as paleeozoic : “Brachiopods.—Discina, Lingula, Rhynchonella, Terebratula. ‘“‘Lamellibranchs.—Avicula, Anomia, Pinna, Lima, Pecten, Ostrea, Plicatula, Amphidesma, Anatina, Anodonta, Arca, Astarte, Axinus, Cardium, Corbis, Crenella, Cucullea, Donax, Dreissensia, Isocardia, Lithodomus, Lucina, Lutraria, Mactra, Lyonsia, Panopea, Pandora, Pholadomya, Pullastra, Solemya, Solen, Yoldia, Teredo, Unio, Venerupis, Venus. 4 Gastropods.—Aclis, Chiton, Kulima, Elenchus, Emarginula, Lacuna, Fusus, Helcion, Littorina, Natica, Narica, Paludina, Pyrula, Scalaria, Trochus, Turbo, Siphonaria, Tornatella, Turri- tella, Calyptrea, Capulus, Phasianella, Vermetus. i Pteropods. —Cleodora. ‘ Cephalopods.—Nautilus, Spirula. “But many paleontologists consider these identifications DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSCA IN TIME. Y33 erroneous, believing that the paleozoic forms, have only a superficial resemblance to living forms in their testaceous envelope. They can well suppose that animals essentially differ- ent were able to live in shells of the same form, since in our days we see analogous facts. For examples,may be cited the genera Carelia, Glandina, Halia, Ferussacia, which were considered as Achatina, until their anatomy became known.’’* Fossil Mollusks of Mesozoic time. ‘‘ During the three principal formations of the mesozoic period (Triassic, J urassic,Cretaceous’, cephalopods of the family Ammonitide took an extraordinary development, and although the number of species was inferior to that of the lamellibranchs, or even of the gastropods, they nevertheless characterize the most of the stratified beds. Indi- vidually,they were as abundant relatively as were the brachiopods of paleeozoie seas. “The following table is prepared from the numbers furnished by Bronn in 1855, Triassic. Jurassic. C etaceous Total. Brachiopods, species, 34 120 217 371 Lamellibranchs, ‘ 245 1048 1590 2878 Gastropods, i 393 497 446 1336 Cephalopods, if 106 547 509 1162 “According to the number of their species the mesozoic Mala- cozoa may be thus elassed: 1, Lamellibranchs; 2, Gastropods ; 8, Cephalopods; 4, Brachiopods; 5, Pteropods and Heteropods —scearcely any. The mesozoic epoch may consequently be justly styled that of lamellibranchs. The predominance of this class of mollusks is nearly constant. “Tf we follow ina determined geographical region, the regular succession of the beds, we will generally find the same relative proportions of the various mollusks. Thus the Liassic deposits of the basin of the Rhone, studied by Dumortier, give us these results : *T do not think that Fischer could have selected more unfortunate examples in illustration of this argument. These genera are all readily distinguishable by the shell alone, and Halia was known to be a marine shell long befere we knew anything ofthe animal. To adduce the errors of naturalists, which have arisen solely from carelessness in not noticing manifest characters as a proof that these characters cannot be depended on in fossil genera, when they are the only characters by which we shall ever be able to distinguish them is to change natural history from a science of observation to a speculative science. Fischer could scarcely have stated more plainly the developmentalist position, than he has done in the above paragraph, the meaning of which is: Since development is true, these ancient appearances of so many modern genera must be deceptive, however plausible. For myself, I prefer fact to theory, and until I can distinguish different generig characters in a paleozoic Pholadomya, I shall not doubt that it 73 a Pholadomya. 234 DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSCA IN TIME. Infra Lias Lower Lias. Middle Lias. Upper Lias. Total. Brachiopods, 2 18 44 20 84 Lamellibranchs, 111 78 115 82 386 Gastropods, 14 36 78 66 254 Cephalopd6ds, 9 63 65 lll 248 “Tt is only in the Upper Lias that the cephalopods surpass the lamellibranchs. “The type Nautilus, so rich and varied during paleozoic times, declines more and more through the Mesozoic beds. The last of the Orthoceras became finally extinguished in the Trias. In the Lias appeared Belemnites, which was perpetuated to the end of the Cretaceous period, and the abundance of which in those seas is aS remarkable as that of Orthoceras in paleozoic seas. “The Trias is characterized by a great number of the subdivisions of Ammonites. Thus, we are acquainted, in this formation, with 130 species of Arcestes, and with numerous Didymites, Lobites, Tropites, Clydonites, Ceratites, Trachy- ceras, Pinacoceras, Sageceras. Among the uncoiled Ammonites may be cited Cochloceras and Rhabdoceras. The gastropods are very numerous; the limited fauna having been studied with care at Saint-Cassian ; they are: Chemnitzia, Loxonema, Rissoa, Kulima, Trochus, Turbo, Pleurotomaria, Cerithium, Helcion, ete. The lamellibranchs belonged to the genera Myophoria, Cardium, Leda, Nucula, Arca, Myoconcha, Mytilus, Avicula, Posidon- omya, Pecten, Ostrea, Dicerocardium, Halobia, ete. “The Jurassic contains some peculiar types of Ammonites: Arietites, Agoceras, Harpoceras, Oppelia, Stephanoceras, Peltoceras, etc.; some Ammonites with uncoiled whorls: Toxo- ceras, Ancyloceras ; numerous species of Belemnites, and several other cephalopods approaching the Calamaries: Palzeoteuthis, Leptoteuthis, Acanthoteuthis, etc. The characteristic gastropods belonged to the genera Bourguetia (Phasianella), Pleurotomaria, Trochotoma, Pileolus, Rimula, Straparollus, Chemnitzia, Kucycelus, Nerinza, Alaria, Spinigera, Purpuroidea, Cylindrites, Acteonina. We cite among the lamellibranchs, the genera Panopea, Pholadomya, Astarte, Opis, Hippopodium, Ceromya, Cardinia, Trigonia, Unicardium, Lima, Pecten, Ostrea, Gryphea, Gervillia, Pernostrea, Plicatula, Sowerbya, Cyprina, Isocardia, Pinnigera, Diceras, Hypotrema, ete. “In the Cretaceous appeared the sections of Ammonites for which have been proposed the genera Sphenodiscus, Schloen- bachia, Hoplites, Acanthoceras, Stoliczkaia; Ammonites with uncoiled whorls became very numerous: Crioceras, Ancyloceras, Baculites, Baculina, Ptychoceras, Hamulina, Scaphites, Toxo- ceras, Heteroceras, Helicoceras, Turrilites. The exaggerated mutations of this type announce its, near extinction. The Belemnites in the lower Cretaceous take forms not less unusual (B. polygonalis, Emerict, dilatatus); the genus Belemnitella DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSCA IN TIME. 235 appears in the Cenomanian, and its existence is short, The eretaceous gastropods are relatively rare and belong to the genera Scalaria, Turritella, Chemnitzia, Nerinza, Avellana, Globiconcha, Varigera, Pterodonta, Natica, Trochus, Turbo, Pleurotomaria, Chenopus, Anchura, Voluta, Fusus, Mitra, Columbellina, Pleurotoma, Pyrula; consequently the Siphon- ostomata commenced to develop.* The lamellibranchiates approached closely to living types; but several forms are lost; Inoceramus, Myoconcha, Isoarca, Opis, Thetis, and the entire series of the Rudistes (Caprina, Caprinella, Caprotina, Radio- lites, Hippurites), which expired with the chalk, and the different horizons of which are so important to geologists. Neozoic Fossil Mollusks. “ Tertiary fossils nearly all belong to living types. The Ammonites, Belemnites, Nerinzeas, and Rudistes have become extinct. “In 1855, Bronn knew more than 8000 species of tertiary mollusks, thus distributed :— Brachiopods,. . . 52 Heteropods, Pteropods, 25 Lamellibranchs,. 2445 Cephalopods ere wai Gastropods, . . 5310 “The gastropods are dominant, then come the lamellibranchs. The cephalopods are completely in decadence and numerically inferior to the brachiopods. Consequently, the tertiary period was the period of gastropods, a domination which continues to the present time. “In fact, if we compare the tertiary fauna of the Paris basin with the living fauna of the French coast we find the following confirmatory figures :— Basin of Paris Coast of France (Deshayes). (Fischer). Braehwopodsi spy ihaceeacerco 2 15 Lamellibranchs, sp., . . . . 1026 176 Gastropodss Spe hai tilies Sareea! L8oOy ly) 364 Cephalopods, sp.,° 2 de igist 14 21 “The relative importance of the types of Malacozoa in the three great periods may be thus represented :— Paleozoic. Mesozoic. Neozoie. Brachiopodsique 2a, Ts, eeo, 1 4 himellibranchsy) Os BONAR BIOL 1 2 Gastropods, 20 mr tevorrolt . 4 2 1 Wephalopodsyia wai 4 eon 3 3 4 “Thus the brachiopods and cephalopods are to-day plainly in * Dillwyn has observed that the shells of carnivorous gastropods were almost or entirely wanting in the paleozoic and secondary strata ; but they were then replaced, in the economy of nature, by the now almost extinct order of tetrabranchiate cephalopods—of which several thousand species have been described. 236 DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSCA IN TIME. decadence; the gastropods progressing, the lamellibranchs stationary. “The peculiarly tertiary genera are pretty numerous. Among the cephalopods we cite: Spirulirostra, Seaptorrhynchus, Belop- tera, Belosepia, Vasseuria, Aturia; among the gastropods: Bifrontia, Borsonia, Cordieria, Volvaria, Deshayesia, Diastoma, _ Proto, Velainella, Pereirzea, Lesperonia, Velates, etc.; among the lamellibranchs: Teredina, Anisodonta, Psathura, Grateloupia, Lutetia, Pleurodesma, Pecchiola, Carolia, Tindaria, ete. “Tt is needless to add that the proportion of these lost genera diminishes as we ascend the series of stratified rocks, and that the number of modern types in the same degree increases. “Tt is in accordance with this law, that Deshayes has been able to attempt a first classification of tertiary beds. He called Inferior Tertiary, those which contain but 2 per cent. of living species; Middle Tertiary, those which contain about 18 per cent. of them; and Superior or Upper Tertiary, those having a pro- portion of about 50 per cent. Lyell created the new names: eocene, miocene and pliocene for the divisions of Deshayes. More recently stratigraphy has permitted a rigorous establish- ment of their reciprocal relations, and the confirmation of the purely paleontological classification proposed by Deshayes. Terrestrialand Fluviatile Fossil Mollusks. ‘“ The distribution in time of these mollusks is very interesting. They are wanting or extremely rare in the ancient beds and do not assume any importance before the tertiary period. According to Bronn, the principal changes in the exterior conditions of existence, con- sisted in the progressive development of the terrestrial surface, in the subdivision of the primordial universal ocean into the Mediterranean and Caspian Seas, in the elevation of plateaus and of mountain chains. A corresponding change was mani- fested in the organic world. With the first exclusively pelagic and swimming population, became associated a marine population, a littoral and finally a terrestrial one. “The first terrestrial mollusks have been discovered in the Carboniferous and singularly resemble living forms. Authors have described a great number of Carboniferous terrestrial and fluviatile shells, but it appears that the supposed Unios are Anthracosia; the Tichogonia, Avicula; the (Kuropean) Planorbis, Serpula, etc. In America, however, we have undoubted ter- restrial genera in the Carboniferous: Pupa, Strophites (allied to Strophia), Zonites, Dawsonella. ‘Tn the continental (European) Jurassic formations are cited several Cyrena, Neritina, Planorbis, Melania, Hydrobia. The fauna of the superior lacustrine beds of the Jurassie (Pur- beckian) and of the lower Cretaceous (Wealdian) is relatively rather rich. The principal genera are Cyrena, Unio, Melania, Valvata, Hydrobia, Neritina, Planorbis, Physa, Limnea, Auri- DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSCA IN TIME. 237 eula, Carychium. In the lower chalk of Europe many forms have been discovered which resemble living American types: Pleuro- cera, Lioplax, Goniobasis; in the middle and upper chalk, Cyrena, Melanopsis, Paludomus, Paludina, Melania, Glandina, Bulimus, Physa, Cyclotus, Cyclophorus (?), and Leptopoma (?) abound, mixed with extinct genera: Dejanira, Anastomopsis, Lychnus. The genera of the chalk period which still exist have in great part a quite different modern distribution. ““Tn the eocene of France, have been discovered Amphidromus, Glandina, Cylindrella, Columna, Megaspira, Cyclophorus, Cras- pedopoma, associated with Melanopsis, Melania, Pirena, gigantic Physas, Cyrena, Unio, ete. The miocene and pliocene are characterized by numerous species of Helix, Pupa, Glandina, Cyclostoma, Megalomastoma, Strophostoma, colossal Clausiliz, Testacella, Parmacella, Valenciennesia, Pyrgula, Fossarulus, Lithoglyphus, Paludina, Unio, Dreissensia, Dreissenomya, etc. The abundance of species and their variability was remarkable during the deposit of the Paludina-beds.”’ In America numerous land and fresh-water shells are found in the strata ranging from the Cretaceous to Eocene, which can not only be referred positively to existing genera, but even to smaller groups now existing; for instance, there are 5 groups of Helix, Planorbis 3 gr., Limnza 3, Physa 2, Pupa 2, Succinea and Unio. We cannot better conclude this short notice of fossil land and fresh-water shells, than by a reference to the remarkable tertiary deposits of Steinheim, which have caused much discussion among paleontologists. At Steinheim, in Wurtemburg, in what was once the bed of an ancient lake, pits have been dug, revealing a succession of tertiary strata of clay, shell-sand and limestone, and, commencing with several forms of one species of Planorbis, or with related species, it matters little which view is adopted, the superimposed strata show a gradual divergence from the primal types until in the latest deposits some of these have become so altered as to have more resemblance to turbinate Valvate than to Planorbis. That the extraordinary changes here produced were the result of extraordinary conditions, can scarcely be doubted, but it cannot be denied that here the gradual change wrought in specific characters has received an important practical demonstra- tion. The latest forms are proved to have been evolved from the earliest, for the whole history of the evolution is laid bare in the series of strata through which the innumerable specimens of these Planorbes are disseminated. It is believed that,in this case, the deposition of the strata was rather rapid, and therefore no great amount of time was required to make the transitions of form.* # The Genesis of the Tertiary Species of Planorbis at Steinheim (W iirt- emburg). By Alpheus Hyatt. Anniversary Memoirs of the Boston Soc. of Nat. History, 1880. 238 DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSCA IN TIME. EH atension of Species, Genera and Families.—‘ The distribution of species in the fossiliferous beds is comparable to that of living species in space. In fact, we find a bed where each species has its maximum of numbers; above and below this bed, it is only represented by less numerous individuals, or has disappeared. If the locality where the first individuals of the species appeared is very distant from that in which the last of them occur, one can thus appreciate their geographical migrations during the interval. ‘““The study of the distribution of fossil genera, compared to that of the same genera living, will give interesting results and reveal considerable modifications in the condition of ancient seas and continents, ‘We are led to believe that each genus has had a centre of creation or of diffusion ;* or that (according to the development theory), each genus has become constituted within a determined region. The enormous geographical extension of several fossil genera, has supported the supposition that there existed many centres of creation, but the diffusion of embryonic marine Malacozoa is so easy, that it appears useless to have recourse to this hypothesis. “All the genera of mollusks are not equally plastic, nor modified by time. Nautilus, Natica, Arca, Nucula, Chiton, Lingula, Terebratula, Rhynchonella, etc., have .had a much greater longevity than the others, and more or less resemble living forms. Terrestrial and fluviatile mollusks are relatively less changed than marine mollusks; Melanopsis, Planorbis, Pupa of the ancient beds, scarcely differ at all from living forms. “This resistance of certain mollusks to modification, contrasts with the extreme plasticity of types of echinoderms, reptiles and mammals, by which the thinnest stratigraphical horizons can be characterized. “The cause of the persistence of these types is unknown. To say that with them the law of heredity is stronger than the law of variability, is not an explanation. Then again, many genera of mollusks, after enduring through several geological periods, suddenly become extinct. Others have made but an appearance, so to say, upon the surface of the globe. These * L. Agassiz and Prof. E. Forbes have represented diagrammatically, the distribution of genera in time, as well as their duration, by means of a horizontal line crossing perpendicular columns representing the forma- tions ; its left extremity touches where the genus first occurs, its right extremity where it became extinct; the line is swelled or thickened according to the amount of development of the species in the various strata. For example, a line thus ~@® indicates that the genus has become extinct, and that it hecame most largely developed at the middle period of its duration; a line <@ indicates that the genus has been developing to the present moment, which is, so far, its maximum. TABLE OF CHARACTERISTIC GENERA. 239 last are the most precious for geologists, because they become characteristic.” TABLE OF CHARACTERISTIC GENERA. | SYSTEMS. GENERA AND SUB-GENERA. Or . CAMBRIAN, or 5 ISIS Rae soance . CARBONIFEROUS... Lower Silurian... DEVONIAN.......0-. PERMIAN.. eecceccoe ( Cameroceras, Endoceras, Gonioceras, Pterotheca, | Maclurea, Raphistoma, Holopea, Platyceras. | Orthisina, Platystrophia, Porambonites, Pseudo-crauia. | Ambonychia, Modiolopsis, Lyrodesma. Actinoceras, Phragmoceras, Trochoceras, Ascoceras. Theca, Holopella, Murchisonia, Atrypa, Retzia. Cardiola, Clidophorus, Goniophorus, Grammysia. Bactrites, Gyroceras, Clymenia, Apioceras, Serpularia. | Spier Uncites, Merista, Davidsonia, Calceola. Stringocephalus, Megalodon, Urthonota, Pterinea. Nautiloceras, Discites, Goniatites, Porcellia. Naticopsis, Platychisma, Metoptoma, Productus. Aviculo-pecten, Anthracosia, Conocardium, Sedgwickia. ( Camarophoria, Aulosteges, Strophalosia. | Myalina, Bakewellia, Axinus, Edmoniia. Cot | ize) 10. L. JURASSIC....... U. JURASSIC....... | } L. CRETACEOUS.... U. CRETACEOUS... { Ceratites, Naticella, Platystoma, Koninckia, Cyrtia. \ Monotis, Myophoria, Pleurophorus, Opis. Belemnites, Beloteuthis, Geoteuthis, Ammonites. | Alaria, Trochotoma, Rimula, Pileolus, Cylindrites. Waldheimia, Thecidiwm, Spiriferina, Ceromya. Grypheea, Hippopodium, Cardinia, Myoconcha. { Coccoteuthbis, Leptoteuthis, Nautilus. | Spinigera, Purpurina, Nerina, Neritoma. | Pteroperna, Trichites, Hypotrema, Diceras. sieceia, Pachyrisma, Sowerbia, Tancredia. { Crioceras, Toxoceras, Hamulina, Baculina. \ Requienia, Caprinella, Sphera, Thetis. { Belemnitella, Conoteuthis, Turrilites, Ptychoceras. } Hamites, Scaphites, Pterodonta, Cinulia, Tylostoma. | Acteonella, Globiconcha, Trigonosemus, Magas, Lyra. | Neithea, Inoceramus, Hippurites, Caprina, Caprotina. Tbe 12% 13. MIOCENE..:......... IPTTOCENIE Me eeeeeeee [ Beloptera, Lychnus, Megaspira, Glandina, Typhis. | Volutilithes, Clavella, Pseudoliva, Seraphs, Rimella. } Conorbis, Strepsidura, Globulus, Phorus, Velates. Chilostoma, Volvaria, Lithocardium, Teredina. | Hin, Pi, Aturia, Vaginella, Ferussina. Halia, Proto, Deshayesia, Miso, Cassidaria, Carolia. Gratelioupia, Artemis, Tapes, Jowannetia. { Argonauta, Strombus, Purpura, Trophon. \ Yoldia, Tridacna, Circe, Verticordia. In the above table will be found the list of 13 geological systems, each having a certain number of special genera. Some of the genera cited, for example, Belemnites, have a greater extension, but are mentioned by reason of their abundance in a particular system. Names in italics are those of living genera. ‘The following table contains some of the larger genera arranged in the order of their appearance. 240 RANGE OF GENERA IN TIME. RANGE OF GENERA IN TIME. Genera, arranged in their Order of Appearance. Lituites , Raphistoma, Obolus, . Camaroceras, Atrypa, Pterinea, . Gomphoceras, Bellerophon, Penta- INST eee rekales eye shenereits Orthis, Conularia, Murchisonia, . Spirifera, Athyris, Posidonomya, ISOCAM erie reno hd BONE Conocardium, Megalodon, Chon- OLE SM tits meee Viomtsibens 15522 5 BS tonaile Cardiomorpha, SRAREEI GEN 3 toe Orthoceras, Loxonema, Cyrtia, Mg Pleurotomari ia, Porcellia, . Bcc itge Productus, Macrochilus, Strepto- rhynehus, . SALAD orate aig ta Goniatites, Pleurophorus, . Bee ‘Edmondia, MEV aula ple. ener Acteonina,. Ecapewoinstbe hee (eRe cde Terebratula, Pinna ,Cyprina,.... lima Oo, 2 een Gervillia, Myoconcha, Seach Sie Ammonites, Naticella, Opis, Trigonia, Tsocardia, Thecidium, Cerithium, Plicatula, Cardita, . Trochotoma, Tancredia ,Gryphea, Ancyloceras, Inoceramus, Unicar- COLIN fs ta a a ka Bene Astarte, Pholadomya, Corbis, . Nerinea, Goniomya, Exogyra, . . ai Terebratella, Limopsis, Nezra,| LAND BRNO OVS 08s AN ES a Baculites, Cinulia, Radiolites, .. . Physa, Paludina, Unio , Cyrena, . Aporrhais, Tornatella, Pyrula, Ny Pectunculus, Thetis, Crassatella, . Crenella Oe 0 RS Voluta, Conus, Mitra, Haliotis, etc. Aturia, m LeHSNeR OPEL ce taetiennl ices netiote'es Helix, ‘Auricula, Cyclostoma,... Pseudoliva, Rostellaria, Seraphs, Purpura, StrOmbuUs) pee wen oe Argonauta, Tridacna, ......... SID iors arcana P Gs} Sem a Lg! ORS o oO Bia a a 6 Sh ery | mh = 2a 8 8 gals Blk ee els SSE a Fig hboc|e 3.s oT CO Et PEC REO nD! cel (=) pleat) ee} OMADAIBHD AS as a F | RANGE OF FAMILIES IN TIME. 241 “The same method of tabulation applied to families, that is, to groups formed of related genera, shows that the extinct families are relatively few in number. Among the reptiles, on the contrary, a large number of families and even several orders no longer exist (Dicynodonts, Labyrinthodonts, Enalliosaurians, Dinosaurians, etc.). The invertebrata, consequently, have varied less than the vertebrata. “Woodward, who has prepared the following table, indicates only seven extinct families: Belemnitidze, Ammonitide, Ortho- ceratidze, Spiriferidz, Orthiside, Productide, Hippuritide. It is evident that this list might be lengthened, ‘put it can be said in general that the important fossil ty pes of mollusks which no longer exist are relatively few in number. { | | | | RANGE OF FAMILIES IN TIME. Heb a el eos), Prt Systems } ee eee Ss eae cee 2 of Strata. ; ieee Sie Sas 3 2S wba [SRASTIBH Dab la eae Pv OOTUATL GI Ceo ommrenae ies oe le Its | ——— Teuthide—Sepiade, . . . . ; I AIL ee Belemmnitide. 2 Bes a Mamita, eae eo, | pu tact 8: Wb a ary ata bnigie) ac a Ammonitide, ciate Be i Lgl coke go Orihoaceratidcrmyeee ey hth a) Laie ye lets —_—— | | Avlentidice=—Hyaleides, (hatin lle Bite ie cee et gs std Strombide—Buccinide,. . . . ~j}---- Conide—Volutades 0), 0. | ran fay sey Tne Naticide—Calyptreide, . . ,| cn ad eae at ae ed Latoya Pyramidellide,. . . VOUT Ait toe aay PDs yey dP cae ok ee Cerithiade—Littorinide, SA TEM MWA MAM hau tes Ba Ranga Murbinidse=lanthinids 2!) 11), (| Hose j= = aM yet Fissurellidze—Tornatellide, . . aia fee oe TiN ge Neritide—Patellide,. . . .'.! iss, ane egy) ne Dh erntallin dl ce, are ae hs kead airs Be eats Oi Sa eg | cH Si Ay ae Mio cot

32 Elis (Carboniferous ..' 79 11] 26,19; 23 835 | 30 oe (Hermitian eye): 66 6] 24/16) 20 74 | 30 Pa linicceasepe yo 819) 25 esl) | mlsaalas < |, {L.Jurassic..... 107/12 '35 12| 48 1502 | 42 = (U. Jurassic . 103 13 360,90) 6G aeons ai 5S | g {L. Cretaceous ..123 20 41) 9! 53, 784 | 52 m | (U.Cretaceous ..148 16) 59. 14|59| 2147 | 56 Z| (Eocene ....... 172), 4,85) 11 72) 2636, | 60 =< | 7 4 Miocene....... 178) 3 97/11) 76] 9242 |60l,, = (Pliocene, 2.2... Loe Ly LOO To 43% | 62 fm Recentarma: a3ia5 5 400 21 251/13 115) 16,000 | 78 Recent and Fossil, 520 56 280 34/150) 30,000 | 8 now existing, will close this portion of our work. the existing fauna of Australia. fact, Didelphians ; gonia still exists in Australian seas. A few words as to certain relations of fossil faunas with those Phillips has said that the Jurassic period has its parallel in The Jurassic mammals are, in and among Jurassic marine mollusks, Tri- 244 DEVELOPMENT OF FAMILIES, ETC., IN TIME. ‘Forbes found the chalk deposits similar to those at the bottom of the Algean Sea. Recently, Wyville Thompson has developed this hy pothesis, after the study of the bottom of the Atlantic, and he believes the cretaceous period to have continued to the present time in the abyssal zone; where are living genera of echinoderms, sponges and crustaceans, similar to those of the white chalk. Unfortunately the conchological fauna only fur- nishes negative arguments; the relations of these mollusks being only with those of the pliocene and post-pliocene beds. ‘The eocene fossils of the basin of Paris belong to genera now confined to tropical seas: Rostellaria, Oliva, Ancillaria, Voluta, Mitra, Pyrula, Xenophora, Typhis, Pseudoliva, Fusus, Vulsella, Crassatella, Cardilia, Corbis, Pholadomya, Perna, Nautilus, ete. The terrestrial genera of this basin : Gyclophorus, Cyclotus, Megaspira, Cylindrella, are now distributed through the inter- tropical regions of America. The eocene fauna of “Europe thus has a more tropical character than its living fauna. “The miocene genera of the basins of Bordeaux, Touraine, and Vienna are to-day distributed in the Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa and Antilles: Ancillaria, Oliva, Eburna, Terebra, Cyllene, Strombus, Rostellaria, Ficula, Melongena, Fasciolaria, Turbinella, Sigaretus, Tugonia, Perna, Ungulina, ete. “During the pliocene the Astrea polyps disappeared from the Mediterranean, the waters became colder, the great Pleurotomas became extinct, and the fauna took the characters of that which is now existing. A considerable cooling permitted the glacial species which existed in the Crag to penetrate to the Mediter- ranean. ‘‘ Finally, the quaternary period is that, for which great oscil- lations of the earth, cataclysms, displacements of currents, are invoked to explain certain geological and paleontological facts. The axis of rotation of the earth itself has been displaced by certain theorists. The explanation of these hypotheses would take us too long. Suffice it to say that in our quaternary beds are found Alpine terrestrial shells mixed with those now living upon the plains, and with exotic types (Corbicula) ; just as they contain mammoths, reindeer, hippopotami and lions—an assem- blage which now appears to us paradoxical. This last period, so close to us is thus the most obscure. It renders palpable the inanity of our science in presence of the great geological and paleontological problems which still remain unsolved. What, then, is it which has chiefiv determined the character of the present zoological provinces? What law, more powerful than climate, more ‘influential than soil, and food, and shelter ; nay, often seemingly producing results opposed to a priori proba- bility, and at variance with the suitableness of conditions ? DEVELOPMENT OF FAMILIES, BTC., IN TIME. 945 “The answer is, that each fauna bears, above all things, the impress of the age to which it belongs. Each has undergone a series of vicissitudes up to the time when its barriers became fixed, and after its isolation it has known no further change, but decline.” The number of living and fossil species of each genus of mollusea will be stated in the following pages, so far as they can be ascertained. The following table of the relative numerical development of the orders and families, is taken from Wood- ward and shows the extent of conchological knowledge twenty- five years ago :— Recent. Fossil. Recent. Fossil. CEepHALopopA. Dibranchiata. Patellide,. . . 368 104 Argonautide, . 4 2| Dentaliadze, - -24500,,-, 120 Octopodide, . . 63 ==eOhitomide. japiiyazod 37 Teuthide,. . . 104 dl —_— —-—— Belemnitide,. . — 140 8465 5819 epladee, ic) Gy. rs0 16 Pulmonifera. Spirulide,. . . 3 i welelicidess ). We jemslo0 weno 6 —_—_| Limacide,. . .. /93 4 204, 189, Limneide, . . 332 185 Tetrabranchiata. (Mamine) 00 eave os 37 Nautilide,. . . 6s Hoo uo. (Ditto, shell-less), 136 — ; - 593 Orthoceratide, . — —— Ammonitide, nl (.() 5404 542 a Operculated Pulmonifera. 6 21938 Cyclostomide, . 903 45 Gasrropopa. Prosobranchiata. Aciculidgeys 28 1 Strombidee, ate.) 181.1393 —_—— Miinicidce sa see woo il Oe 931 46 Buccinide, . . 1144 352 Tectibranchiata. Conidee, gee Soot. 462 yy Dornatellidaes. 07362) Jl6G Nolutidzey es se osoia ©2100 Bullliides 02 wee LOS 88 Cypraeide, . . 227 971) Aplysiade, 2. 084. 4 Naticide, . . . 268 340 Pleurobranchide, 28 9) Pyramidellide, . 216 394 Phyllidiade,. . 14 == Cerithiade eee h92e0 610! Melaniade, . . 424 50 356 ©6268 Turritellide, . . 329 290 Nudibranchiata. iiictoninids ea AnON in 220m Doridse ii). Mh60 — Paludinide, . . 217 110 Tritoniade, . . 38 — @alypirceidceniree 60m Ob Acolidgat 8 3:7, MhO — hurbinidzes. 2 Soaee 906s) Bhyllirhoidee, \ 6 — Haliotide,. 2 2) 104 136) Hlysiade,. . . 13 — Fissurellide, . . 201 76 —— Neritide, . . . 428 108 318 Fossil. C 1 159) 160 ONCHIFERA. Ostreide, . Aviculide, Mytilide, . Arcade, Trigoniadee, Unionidee, . Chamide, . Hippuritide, . Tridacnide, Cardiade, . Lucinide, . Cycladide, Cyprinide, Veneride, . Mactride, . Tellinide, . Solenide, . Myacide, . Anatinide, Gastrochenide, . Pholadide, GENERAL SUMMARY. Recent. Nucleobranchiata. Firolide, 33 Atlantide, 22 55 PTEROPODA. Hyaleide, . 52 Limacinide, 19 Clionide, . 14 85 BRACHIOPODA. Terebratulide, 67 Spiriferide, 5 os Rhynchonellide, 4 Orthide, Ranges Productide, -. Craniade,.-. °. 6 Wisemmudce:. 9°. oh 10 LLINMG UNC eo he) ALG 102 Recent. Dibranchiata, . 204 Tetrabranchiata, . 6 Prosobranchiata, . 8465 Inoperculated Pul- monifera, . . 5404 Operculated Pul- monifera, . 931 Tectibranchiata, . 356 Fossil. 189 Nudibranchiata, . 2193 Nucleobranchiata, 5819 Pteropoda, . Brachiopoda, 542 Conchifera, . | 46 263 DEVELOPMENT OF FAMILIES, ETC., IN TIME. Recent. Fossil. 426 1362 94 688 217 3al 360 1142 3 139 549 58 50 62 a NOR Rif} 3 200 360 178 446 176 144 76 > 956 600 329 147 58 560 388 63 81 121 304 246 400 40 39 81 a0 4995 7419 Recent. Fossil. 318 — 55 160 85 95 102 1842 . 4295 7419 20,502 18,568 NOMENCLATURE. 247 NOMENCLATURE. Itis a reproach to natural science, and to no department thereof more than to conchology , that most of its votaries consider the determination of species and genera its legitimate end; that is, that they are more actuated by the selfish ambition of acquiring reputation than by the love of knowledge. As the builder finds it convenient to express the kinds of instruments used in his labor, by technical names, so do naturalists find necessary a succinct designation of the subjects of their studies; and the naming and technical description of species, in the same manner distinguishes for us the implements which we should use in our investigation of nature—implements by which the Great Builder has worked, in which He has expressed His thought. The proper acquisition of a language requires the preliminary knowledge of its grammar, the knowledge of letters precedes reading : even so, the simple name of a species, then of a genus, and its recognition when met with or referred to, forms the mere alphabet of science, from which we proceed oradually to the consideration of individual properties, then to intimate and to wider relationships, until we are fortified with sufficient knowledge to generalize. In these latter days generalizations are numerous ‘enough, but unfortunately they are usually the product of minds not furnished with the requisite intimate knowledge of the factors upon which they build their generali- zations. Prior to the works of Linnzeus binomial nomenclature was employed in natural history descriptions by several authors, and notably by Tournefort in botany; yet Linnzus was the first to use it throughout the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and he has accordingly been considered the founder of a system which he only extended and perfected. His principal rules still form the foundation of modern nomenclature. They are as at present generally. accepted, these: Every name applied to a natural object should consist of a generic followed by a specific name, each consisting of a single word. These names should be of Latin or Greek derivation, or Latinized if otherwise derived. The generic name is always with a capital initial letter, the specific name with a small initial, with the exception of personal, including mythological names, and of those which denote localities. With regard to these exceptions the practive is far from uniform; some strict Latinists writing all specific names with a small initial, whilst the most of authors give the capital initial to personal, and a-respectable minority of them to geographical names. The former receive a genitive, the latter an adjective form Originally names were “supposed to express qualities of the 248 NOMENCLATURE. objects to which they were applied, but the vast multiplication of descriptions of natural objects has caused some doubt as to the propriety of using such names, especially for species: thus, Paludina wiridis, meaning the green paludina, a good-enough designation at one time, becomes confusing when fifty other equally green species of the same genus have become known to us, and so on, of other qualities, and especially of those desig- nated comparatively—as small, smallest, largest, etc. A specific name which expresses no quality of the species and thus only becomes associated with the latter arbitrarily is decidedly favored by many modern students. Genera are usually printed in caps, Species in small caps, synonyms (of which more hereafter) in italics ; but when these names occur in the body of a text they are indifferently printed in italics. All names, generic or specific, are followed by the full or con- tracted name of the author thereof. Apart from the personal considerations causing the adoption of this practice, there are others of purely scientific importance. The principal of these is, that owing to the insufficiency of a description or the stupidity of those who fail to understand a sufficient diagnosis, the name originally applied by one author to some object, comes to be applhed by another and subsequent author to another object, usually more or less related to the first ; or an original description may prove to cover two or more distinct species, and then one of these must be selected by a subsequent author to retain the original name, whilst the others receive new ones. In such, and other similar cases, the addition of the author’s name informs us that the species referred to is, for instance, that named by Linneeus, and not the different object similarly named in error by Lamarck. The love of scientific reputation, haste, the want of the pains- taking and discriminating qualities which should distinguish a naturalist, above all the practice of working in localities where reference to the many thousands of publications on natural history is inconvenient or impossible, have led to a deplorable duplication of generic and (principally) specific names .and diagnoses. It has been universally agreed to prefer in all such cases the name first published with a sufficient diagnosis, the other or subsequently printed names becoming synonyms. It is also generally agreed by conchologists to accept no specific names dated earlier than 1758, when Linneeus published the 10th edition of his Systema Nature. The exceptions are mainly generic names, some of the great Swede’s predecessors far sur- passing him in their appreciation of generic characters. For many of the older and generally less accurately described objects the synonymy has become prodigious, and even at the present day, some of the reasons given above are so active in the pro- NOMENCLATURE. 249 duction of synonyms that these form an immense annual crop, the extirpation of which occupies most of the time of those engaged in systematic work. I give examples of the synonymy of four common Huropean species from Fischer :— SCROBICULARIA PIPERATA, Gimelin, sp. Calicinelle, Adanson. Mactra piperata, Gmelin. Mactra Listeri, Gmelin. Venus gibbula, Gmelin. Trigonella plana, Da Costa. Mya Hispanica, Chemnitz. Venus borealis, Pennant. Mya Gaditana, Gmelin. Serobicula arenaria, Schu- macher. Mactra compressa, Pulteney. AXKERA BULLATA, Miller. Bulla akera, Gmelin. Bulla soluta, Salis. Bulla Norwegica, Bruguiere. Bulla resiliens, Donovan. Bulla fragilis, Lamarck. Akera flexilis, Brown. Akera Hanleyi, Adams. Eucampe Donovani, Leach. Bulla elastica, Sandri. SAXICAVA ARCTICA, Linné, sp. Mya arctica, Linné. Solen minutus, Linné. Donax rhomboidea, Poli. Donax iris, Olivi. Didonta bicarinata, Schumacher. Biapholus spinosus, Leach. Pholobia precisa, Brown. Rhomboides rugosus, Blainville. Hiatella monoperta, Bose. Mya elongata, Brocchi. NASSA COSTULATA, Renieri, sp. Buecinum costulatum, Renieri. Buccinum Cuvieri, Payraudeau. Buccinum Ferussaci, Payrau- deau. Planaxis lineolata, Risso. Planaxis riparia, Risso. Buccinum flexuosum, Costa. Buccinum elegans, Costa. Buccinum variabile, Philippi. Buccinum tessellatum, Scacchi. Buccinum unifasciatum, Kiener. “The multiplication of synonyms having made it desirable (as we have shown) to place the authority after each name, another source of evil has arisen ; for several naturalists (fancy- ing that the genus-maker, and not the specves-maker, should enjoy this privilege) have altered or divided almost every genus, and placed their signatures as authorities for names given half a century or a century before by Linneeus or Bruguiere. The majority of naturalists have disowned this practice, and agreed to distinguish by the addition of ‘sp.’ the authorities for those specific names of which the generic appellations have been altered. The type of a genus should be the species which best exhibits the characters of the group, but it is not always easy to follow out this rule: and consequently the first on the list is often put forward as the type.” — WooDwarb. Latin was formerly the universal language of learning, and so became for a long period the only recognized language of science; in many cases descriptions not written in Latin were entirely ignored, Habit, and the authority of several scientific bodies 250 NOMENCLATURE. still cause it to be employed in most cases for a short character- istic description ; but the numerous minor points —especially comparative characters now constituting the really essential portions of the description, are usually given in the vernacular of the author. Latin is not well adapted to the refinements of modern species-making and its final disuse is probably not far distant. Meantime the student is subjected to much inconve- nience, unless his preparation embraces a useful knowledge of at least the Latin, English, German, French and Italian languages. The Latin diagnosis, as now written, is usually worthless for the purpose of identification. It is simply a ceremonial thr ough which the author becomes invested with the title to a specific name ; it does not and cannot, and is not ordinarily intended to define his property with sufficient accuracy to prevent tres- pass on his rights by others; therefore it becomes a trap for the unwary and ambitious. On the other hand, the indefiniteness of the usual diagnosis permits its author the greatest latitude in shifting its object from species to species; or, if he is enterpris- ing, in capturing some of the species diagnosed at a later date by his brother conchologists. It remains to define the meaning of the words species, variety, genus, family, ete. All the specimens or individuals, which are so much alike that we may reasonably believe them to have descended from a common stock, constitute a species. A species, therefore, must be capable of reproducing its like, subject to no other variations than those occasioned by the slow operation of changes of environment, food, etc. For the old idea of the immutability of species, each specially created in its present form, must be substituted that of practical immutability at a given period. Whilst some species have preserved their characters intact since the tertiary epoch, others show a gradual evolution of characters, distinguishing them from their common progenitor. Forms differing from specific types in an inferior degree may fall within the range of individual variation, and their characters, individual only, return to the parent stock; or, the combined operation of the laws of heredity, of selection, of environment may perpet- uate in their descendants the differential characters and so, according to the degree of development of these characters we have varieties or new species. In fact varieties, conchologically understood; that is, possessing transmissable characters of sufficient importance to require naming and description are incipient species. Form, coloration and sculpture furnish the principal characters of species, whilst genera are collections of species possessing some more important character in common, whether derived from the animal or shell. Subgenera possess the essential generic character and in addition some character of NOMENCLATURE. 251 inferior importance peculiar to the subgeneric group. Sub- genera may thus be regarded as incipient genera. Families are eroups of allied genera possessing in common some char- acter (generally structural) ; and subfamilies are distinguished by somewhat inferior but peculiar characteristics from the families. Families usually receive the name of the principal genus with the termination de. Thus the genus Helix belongs to the family Helicide. Subfamilies take the termination inex with the name of the principal genus: thus we have the family Muricide, with the subfamilies Muricine and Purpurine for the groups of genera typified by Murex and Purpura. Sub- orders, orders. subclasses and classes are assemblages similarly constituted ; only in each step made, the characters pervade a larger group of species, etc., and thus become more and more important in the structure and economy of the animal. In an ideal classification each group of similar systematic value would possess structural characters of equal importance. If such military order and subordination existed in nature, it might readily be perverted by our want of perception and jude- ment; but many naturalists have become satisfied that the same laws which have produced variation in the individual, work to produce variation in every characteristic, be it of minor or major importance, and therefore the sharp lines of demarkation, indicated by the systematic scheme do not exist in nature , they are fictions necessary in classification, for the purpose of indi- cating certain agreed-upon stages of a continuous chain of differentiation. Sufticient evidence has accumulated from the study of paleontology, embryology and comparative anatomy to fully sustain this evolutionary idea of nature, as to most of the inferior systematic divisions, but the evidence is still insufficient to show conclusively the evolution of orders and classes within the subkingdom Mollusca, or of that subkingdom with the others from some common ancestral type. The classes and principal orders of the mollusca exhibit their structural charac- teristics (so far as these can be indicated by the shell and other preserved portions of the animal) from their first geological appearance. It may be added that certain genera have main- tained these original characters from the older fossiliferous deposits to the present time. “ Great difficulty has always been found in placing groups according to their aflinities. This cannot be effected in—the way in which we are compelled to describe them—a single series; for each group is related to ali the rest; and if we extend the representation of the affinities to very small groups, any arrangement on a plane surface would fail, for the affinities radiate in all directions, and the ‘network’ to which Fabricius likened them, is as insufficient a comparison as the ‘chain’ of older writers.” —W oovwaprp. 252 CLASSIFICATION. CLASSIFICATION. A detailed history of the progress of the science of conchology from the most ancient period to the present time, would be both interesting and instructive : want of space prevents the insertion of such an account here. The following rapid sketch of the history of the modern classification of mollusks and exposition of'a system, based principally on the lingual armature of the gastropods, is trans- lated and condensed from .a paper by the elle pat Moreh, published in the Journal de Conchyliologie (xv, 232, 1867). Ancient authors classified shells according to ecole) forms, from which they derived generic names. Linneeus was the first to introduce characters independent of the form of the shell; as the teeth and ligament in bivalves, plications and sulcations in univalves. By these characters Voluta and Turbinella were separated from Murex, Buccinum, ete. Linneus classed the species of each genus, according to the height of the spire, in analogous sections, of which the most were adopted by Bruguiére as distinct genera. Thus the following genera were terminated by asection “turrita,” Bulla by Achatina; Buecinum by Terebra; Strombus by Potamides and Pirena : Murex by the spiny Cerithie ; Trochus by Telescopium and Pyramidella; Turbo by Turritella; Helix by Melania and Limneea. Linneus was the first to take the form of the animal into consideration as a generic character ; but he indicated only five different types of animals, namely; Doris, Limax, Tethys, Sepia, and Ascidia. Thus the animal of Chiton is a Doris, that of Argonauta a Sepia; bivalves with simple mantle are Ascidise (Solen, Mya, Pholas), and those with fringed mantle Tethys. Nearly all the univalves are called Limax. Adanson must be regarded as the founder of Malacology, but the number of mollusca known in his time was too few to permit the elimination of the principal systematic divisions. He was also the first to take into consideration the operculum and the shell structure as characters, and to divide the bivalves according to the number of muscular impressions. The system of Cuvier, based on the respiratory organs, induced a great reform in Conchology. The shells of pulmonate mollusks, heretofore dispersed by all authors, with the exception of Adanson, among the pectinibranchs, were assembled in one eroup, which still remains intact. Although it may be difficult to indicate by a description the difference which exists between the shell of a pulmonate and that of a branchiate mollusk, there are, nevertheless, few collectors who will not recognize it at CLASSIFICATION. 253 sight. Ancient authors, like Lister, Muller, Chemnitz and Schriter, who have treated upon the terrestrial and fluviatile mollusks specially, have rarely mistaken these shells; and a mistake of this nature is very rare among modern authors, although a few instances might be cited. One can say only that the shells of terrestrial pulmonates are inoperculate, with entire apertures (holostomate), never nacreous, rarely spirally striated ; but one cannot give a single character expressible by words, notwithstanding that all who have seen a certain number of species can disting uish them with facility. The fluviatile mollusks, nearly alw: ays unicolored, although they may resemble marine groups as to form, can also be readily separated at a glance. Ferussac and several modern authors have thought that all mollusks inhabiting dry land respire by the aid of a pulmonary sack, but nothing is less certain. Among branchiferous genera the Littorinas and many trophical Neritine, live a long while out of water. The larve of Auricula swim in the sea, and consequently possess a branchial respiration during this period of their life. According to Semper, Ampullaria has an accessory pulmonary sack. If the inoperculate pulmonates are considered, with so much reason, as an incontestable group, it is because, apart from their pulmonary sack, they possess other collateral characters of equal importance, as for example, the position of the eyes, the organization of the mouth and of the sexual organs. The rest of the gastropods, after the exclusion of the pulmo- nates, were divided by Cuvier into several very natural groups, accor ding to the form and position of the br anchiee (nudibranchs, heteropods, tectibranchs, scutibranchs, cyclobranchs’. The magnificent work of Quoy and Gaimard is full of precious material for the amelioration of the great group of pectinibranchiates. The Trochide are here shown to be inseparable by their characters,as much external as internal, from Haliotis and other scutibranchs, notwithstanding the presence of an operculum and an elevated spire in the former. At the same time the great systematic value of the nacre was proved. Stomatella, with an animal similar to the Trochidz, has a nacreous interior, whilst Sigaretus, with a non-nacreous shell, has an animal like Natica. The relations between the enamel of the shell of Cyprea, Oliva and Natica, and the structure of the animal were shown for the first time by the same work. As it has become evident to me - that the presence of an operculum and the height of the spire, considered heretofore as prime characters, have, in reality, little value in distinguishing the families, I have e sought to divine the natural affinities of mollusks according to the sculpture and structure of their shells. {n 1847, Lovén published four plates of lingual dentition, repre- 254 CLASSIFICATION. senting 94 species of cephalous mollusks. The first glance at these plates suffices to show clearly that the lingual ‘armature confirms the most of the ancient divisions. Thus, the Cephalo- pods, Pteropods, Heteropods, Scutibranchs (in the sense of Quoy and Gaimard, including the Trochide), are also distinguished by the teeth. The conchological analogy between Pleurotoma and Conus had already been shown by Sowerby. ‘There existed, nevertheless, certain anomalies until then inexplicable, on account of the small number of observations made, as for example, the analogy between Philine and Scaphander and the Gymnobranchs. The want of teeth must not be considered as fatal to the systematic value of characters found in these organs. The teeth accepted as an exclusive -character have, doubtless, inconveniences, as in the whole animal kingdom, but it cannot be denied that all other organs taken as exclusive characters offer still greater inconveniences. ‘Thus the shell may be wanting in very similar animals (for example, Notarchus, Aplysia; Pterotrachea, Cardiopoda; Limax,Tebennophorus’. The oper- culum is often wanting in the adult, although the young may have it. There are even operculated and inoperculated species in the same genus, as understood by many modern authors (for example, Pleurotoma and Bela, Oliva and Olivella, Yetus, Voluta and Lyria, Spirialis and Limacina, Proserpina and Helicina). The organs of respiration and locomotion may be entirely wanting in closely related species (Firoloidea and Phyllirhoé). Lovén has characterized the families according to the teeth, and has given Latin diagnoses. In 1848, Troschel ( Handbook of Zoology) mentions the teeth as characters of all his suborders, and introduces into the nomenclature, for the first time, several new names taken from the form of the teeth. Thus the section H. of Loven is called Rhipidoglossa, including the Scutibranchs, that is to say, Neritide, Trochide, Haliotide and Fissurellide. For the section L. of Lovén he proposed the term Toxoglossa. Teenioglossa corresponds to the Ctenobranchous Gastropods, having seven rows of teeth (3. 1. 3.), excepting the operculate pulmonates, although they may have the same form of teeth. Thus Cyclostoma is placed in another suborder from Valvata and Paludina. The Heteropods, which have the same general disposition of the teeth as Tzenioglossa, are regarded as an order, with the same value as the Gastropods—an opinion still main- tained by this author. In 1853, Dr. Gray (Proc. Zool. Soc.,32), in adopting the names Oily LOE Troschel, proposed several new groups, according to the form of the teeth. 1. Hamiglossa. Three ranges of teeth (1. 1.1 ), the lateral versatile. This last character appears to Prof. Morch to be CLASSIFICATION. 255 consequent upon the rupture of the tissues ; it is observed above all when there is abundance of water under the compressor, 2. Odontoglossa. Including only Fasciolaria, Mitra and Turbinella, which have the same form of teeth, but of which the laterals are not versatile. 3. Rachiglossa. A single row of teeth (0. 1. 0.); the laterals having disappeared. 4, Dactyloglossa. Only differing from Tzenioglossa by their lateral teeth, which are wider, with very profound comb-like incisions. 5. Ptenoglossa. Teeth nearly subulate, in numerous longitu- dinal rows; Secalaria, Acteon. 6. Gymnoglossa. No teeth : Architectonid, Acusidz, Cancel- lariade, Py ramidellide. But teeth have been since diceomened in the three first families. There are, doubtless, many genera indubitably deprived of teeth, without, for that reason, forming separate groups. Gray has regarded these different groups as having a systematic value inferior to that of the form of the proboscis. Thus he divides the Ctenobranchiates into two suborders: the Probos- cidifera, which he believes zoophagous, furnished with an entirely retractile trunk, and the Rostrifera, having a contractile, but not retractile, trunk,and sometimes very long, as in Struthiolaria, which he supposes phytophagous. The author has thus placed the sections of Toxoglossa, Gym- noglossa, Ptenoglossa and Tzenioglossa in these two suborders. The small value of the retractile trunk as an ordinal character is proved for example in the Bullide (Bulla vexillum possessing a very long retractile trunk). Odostomia has also a very long retractile trunk; and the rather short trunk of Janthina is very often retracted into the head. In his Guide to the British Museum, 1857, Dr. Gray has reunited all the Toxoglosse in a single division Toxifera, still retaining for the other divisions the separation into two widely removed sections. The name of Ctenoglossa is changed to Ptenoglossa ; the name Trapezodonta is proposed for the Corio- celle, the teeth of which do not appear to Prof. Morch to differ from the Tzenioglosse except in the want of the two internal teeth on each side (1. 0. 0. 1. 0.0. 1.). Heteroglossa is proposed for the Cyclobranchiates. In 1854, Morch divided the cephalophora into five great groups, namely: I. Rhipidoglossata (including the Cyclobranchs) ; Ptenoglossata (Pulmonata, Tectibranchiata, Janthinidee) ; III. Teenioglossata (including Pneumonopoma and Heteropoda) ; 5 IV. Hamiglossata (Pfoboscidea of Troschel, Odontoglossa and Rachiglossa of Gray); V. Toxoglossata (including Pleurotoma 256 CLASSIFICATION, and Terebra’. In 1857, Mirch reduced the five principal divisions to three, namely : I. Musivoglossata (corresponding to the Ptenoglossata of 1856, but thus modified because this name has been used by M. Troschel to characterize the group of Janthinz and Scalariz), Pulmonata and Vectibranchia. Il. Arthioglossata, including; 1. Teenioglossata; 2. Ancis- troglossata; 3. Toxoglossata. III. Rhipidoglossata, with the section Orthodonta (Cyclo- branchiates). In 1861-2, circumstances having induced Prof, Morch to study the Planarians, he was struck with their great affinity with the Pellibranchs, above all in the generative organs; this caused him to make a comparative revision of the genital organs of mollusks. He then ascertained that those belonging to his first division were androgynous and furnished with a retractile male organ; whilst those of the second section were dicecious, with a non-retractile male organ ; and those of the third section differed from the others by the want of a copulative organ. In other words, he had thus arrived, independently, at the three groups proposed in accordance with the sexual organs by Blainville and Latreille. In 1859, Morch perceived that Moliusks were divided into two great groups, according to the construction of the heart and that these groups accorded also with those furnished by the sexual organs. Thus the Phanerogama, Latr., with a retractile or non-retractile copulative organ, have a heart with a single auricle (Monotocardia, Morch), whilst the Agama, Latr., which have no copulative organ, have a heart with two auricles (Diotocardia, Mirch). It appears, doubtless, rather strange that the acephala should form a group with a considerable portion of the gastropods (Rhipidoglossa and Heteroglossa), but there exists a similar division among the vertebrates, namely: the cold-blooded vertebrates, where the fishes are united with rep- tiles, the latter provided with well-developed locomotive organs analogous to those of the mammalia. Stimpson proposed (Am. Jour. Sci., 2 ser. 87, p. 47, 1864), to form a group Anandria, characterized by the want of a male copulative organ. This group includes the Melanians of North America, the Vermetide and Turritellide and certain Cerithie. M. Riippel, however, has figured a male organ in Vermetus inopertus, and M. Lacaze-Duthiers has found a single male individual which circumstances did not permit him to examine sufficiently, As to the Melanians, they qay want an external conical male organ, but the sexual character is with them repre- sented by a groove. -In the Agama of Latreille there is not the least external sexual difference. CLASSIFICATION. 257 Mr. Morch believes that naturalists of the most opposite schools could agree to a scheme of classification which he submits, as follows: Sub-Kingdom 3.—MOLLUSCA. Supra-class 1. PHANEROGAMA Latr. (Monotocardia, Mérch), Class 1. ANDROGYNA (Hermaphrodita, Latr... Order 1. GeropHina, Fer (Stylommatophora, A. Schmidt . Phyllovora with jaw. Agnatha without jaw. Order 2. HyGropuita; eyes at the interior base of the tentacles. Planorbis, Physa, Limnza, Siphonaria, Ancylus, Auricula. Order 3. TxcTipRANCHIA (Pomatobranchia), Pyramidella (connecting with the preceding genus), Obeliscus, Odos- tomia, Chemnitzia, Actzon, Bulla, Aplysia, Notarchus. Gasteropteron connecting with the Pteropods. Order 4. PrERopopDa. 1. Gymnosomata. Clione, Pneumodermon. 2. Thecosomata. Clio, Hyalea, Limacina, Heterofusus. Order 5. GYMNOBRANCHIA. 1. Pygobranchia. Doris, ete.; branchiee near the anus. 2. Pleurognatha.* Pleurophyllidia, Dendronotus, Tritonia, Bornella, Aolis, Glaucus, Phyllirhe. Order 6. Prvimrancura. Tethys, Chiorea, Hermea, Elysia, Limapontia, Pelta. All these mollusks are placed at the head of the gastropods by Cuvier. Messrs. Troschel and Gray arrange them between the Acephala and Patella, considering androgynism as probably a character of absolute inferiority; but the Acephala have generally separated sexes. Class II. DIOICA, Latr. (Exophallia, Mirch). Order 1. Tantociossata, Troschel. This is the only division where the family groups and their reciprocal relations do not appear to Mérch to be perfectly clear. In any case, it appears incontestable that all mollusks having seven ranges of teeth form a characteristic group. Recently, Troschel has divided the Tienioglossata into three groups according to the trunk : 1. Trunk not retractile. 2. Trunk retractile only by the end. 3. Trunk retractile from the base. These differences appear to originate solely in the different length of the trunk. The old divisions Holostomata and Ento- stomata are not very faulty. * Dr. Mobius has recently shown that the Doride have also lateral juws, although very little developed. 17 258 CLASSIFICATION. Troschel’s first section commences with the Pulmonates, but Morch considers very doubtful their having a true pulmonary sack closed by a contractile opening. Gray calls these respira- tory organs of the Cyclostome ‘“‘ gills vascular, branched,” and ‘“‘oills indistinct in the form of series of vessels on the inner surface of the mantle.” “ Sect. 1. Fam. 1, Aciculacea; 2. Pomatiacea; 3. Cyclotacea ; 4. Cyclostomacea. Sect. 2. Respiring by branchie and lungs; Ampullariacea. Sect. 8. Branchiferous Holostomata. Fam. 1. Valvatee; 2. Hydrobie (Lithoglyphus); 3. Littorinide; 4. Rissoide; 5. Paludinide ; 6. Melaniide; 7. Potamide; 8. Cerithiidee (Plan- axis). The Aporrhaide form a passage between the Cerithiidz and Strombide. Crepidula and Capulus belong with Hipponyx ina group, notwithstanding differences in the labial palpi. Onustide connects the Crepidulide with the Heteropods. Ovulide (including Pedicularia), generally placed close to Cyprea, is strongly distinguished from the latter by its non- retractile proboscis. Notwithstanding this character, Moreh considers it intermediate between Cassis and Cyprea. The 3d section of Troschel (trunk retractile from the base) contains the genera which Morch united in 1852 in the family Tritonid, namely: Cassis, Dolium, Pyrula, Triton, Ranella. Onchidiopsis, Velutina, Marsenia, Tylodina, form, probably, a very natural division, notwithstanding the want of the two lateral teeth in Marsenia. The family Naticide stands next in relationship. It is in the Tenioglossata that the greatest incertitude relative to a natural grouping of the families exists; in the orders which follow, these relationships are more positively defined. Order 2. Ruacuiciossata, ‘lroschel. Never more than three rows of teeth. All mollusks having coriaceous ovisacs, hereto- fore known, belong to this order. Sect. 1. Marginella, Voluta, Volutilithes, connecting with Cryptochorda and Harpa; Oliva, Ancillaria, Bullia, Nassa, Mitra, Columbella. Sect. 2. Buccinum, Fusus, Fasciolaria, Turbinella, Purpura, Murex, Magilus. Order 38. ToxocLossata. Two rows of teeth. Stimpson has recently discovered a median tooth in Clionella sinuata, Born. Conus, (Borsonia?), Pleurotoma, Clionella, Terebra, Cancellaria, Halia, Lachesis? Supra-class II. Agama, Latr. (Diotocardia, Mérch). Mollusks without copulative organ. Heart with two auricles, placed nearly always around the intestine. oe iG of te ie ' CLASSIFICATION. 259 Class 1. EXOCEPHALA, Latr. (Pseudophallia, Mérch). Order 1. Rurprpoatossa, Troschel.~ Proserpina, Helicina, Hydrocena, with sessile eyes. Gray, in figuring the teeth of Proserpina (Ceres), formed for this mollusk a distinct suborder, alongside of the Neritinze, which he called Pseudobranchia. In the same year (1857) "Mirch placed Helicine in.the Rhipidoglossates, with Neritina, notwith- standing the want of an operculum in Proserpina, an example followed by Troschel with some hesitation. Eyes sessile. Shell not nacreous. Neritina, Nerita. Shell nacreous. Phasianella, Turbo, Trochus, Margarita, Stomatia, Haliotis. Eyes not petiolate. Shell not nacreous. ?Scissurella, Emar- ginula, Fissurella, the affinity of which with Haliotis, is incon- testable. Order 2. HeTEROGLosSATA, Gray. (Orthodanta, Moreh, Doco- glossa, Troschel. Patella, Tectura, Pilidium, ete., Chiton. Class 2. ACEPHALA, Cuvier. (Endocephala, Latreille ; Dithyra, Anst.) Dimyaria (Plagymiona, Latr.). Heteromyaria (Mytilacea). Monomyaria (Mesomyona, Latr.). Notwithstanding that the systematic value given above to these different groups varies from that of other authors, their order of succession differs but little from Cuvier. The separa- tion of the Rhipidoglossata (Pectinibranchiates ) and Scutibran- chiates, is the principal change. The arrangements of Gray and Troschel differ still more, above all in the Androgyna, which are placed between the Heteroglossa and Acephala, probably because androgynism is considered as a character of inferiority ; notwith- standing that the Acephala, which are inferior, have the sexes separate, with some exceptions. The little division, Ptenoglossa, including only Janthina, Scalaria, Solarium, is placed in the system of Troschel, between the Rhachiglossa and Rhipidoglossa. If we admit a special concordance between the teeth of these three groups, Morch still does not consider the difference sufti- cient to justify a separation from the Androgyna. Janthina’ appears to him more close to the Pteropods by its lateral wings, and Scalaria, notwithstanding the position of the eyes,approaches Chemnitzia. As in the entire animal kingdom, the greatest difference exists amongst authors relative to the ae of the swimming organs. Latreille has united the Cephalopods and Pteropods in a single division Pterygia, to which he attributes the same value as to his Apterygia, comprehending all other mollusks. Gegenbauer 260 CLASSIFICATION. and Huxley have demonstrated that the Pteropods are veritable Gastropods furnished with a pair of accessory swimming organs. Already the discovery of Gasteropteron has shown the little value of the Pteropods as a division equivalent to the Gastropods. The Heteropods merit still less to be considered as a division of equal value. The late Prof. O. A. L. Mérch, although attaching as much systematic value tothe lingual dentition as any other conchologist, acknowledged that no single organ could be used in classification unless its differential characters accorded with differences of other portions of the animal and shell; but he endeavored to show that conchologists have erred in estimating too highly for systematic purposes the form of the shell, whilst neglecting other external characters, such as sculpture, str ucture (nacreous, porcellanous, etc.) and color. ‘‘ According to my views, one must consider shells, so to say, from a mineralogical point of view.” Having thus chosen conchological characters heretofore neglected, in grouping the genera and families, the discrepancies between a natural classification of the shells and one founded on dentition, according to Prof. Morch, will disappear. ‘I have united in the family Tritonidee, according to the sculpture, Ranella, Triton, Pyrula (Ficus). Dolium, Cassidaria and Cassis, placing them near to Cyprea.” This is in accord with the character of their dentition, which widely removes Triton and Ranella from the Muricide, close to which they have heretofore been placed, upon conchological characters—principally the form of the shell, the presence of varices, the operculum, and also a decided resemblance of the animals. I have carefully re-examined these genera and their relation- ships with others, in the point of view taken by Prof. Morch, and the result of this examination is to convince me that he has selected in the sculpture a character that is of generic importance only in the single genus Dolium—that is to say, its species happen to possess revolving ribs; and even in sculpture the relationship of Triton and snvallln with Murex is exceedingly close, whilst they have little or no affinity with Dolium, Cassis, ete. In fact, it is precisely because Prof. Mérch has regarded ‘lingual denti- tion @ priori as an “infallible criterion” that he has been enabled to detect supporting resemblances in the shells. It is easy to show in many other instances, as in the group under discussion, how heterogeneous is the assemblage united by means of the “infallible criterion.” There is, besides, a growing conviction, that there are no sharply-defined groups in nature; that a generic character, for example, cannot be made to cover all its species ; that upon its borders occur forms which partake of the char- acters of other so-called genera, and that families, orders, etc., CLASSLEICATION. 261 similarly coalesce upon their confines. We may anticipate a period when our larger collections, together with our better knowledge of external influences and of the power of adaptation to them of these creatures, shall reveal to us a series of recent and fossil forms having relationships so intimate, that our present system of classification and resulting nomenclature shall become utterly valueless. In this point of view classification is essentially arbitrary and we can only help ourselves by choosing that which does least violence to natural affinities. The value of a classification founded on a single organ (the lingual ribbon), which does violence to other apparent affinities, whilst at the same time it fails of signification even in one of the most important functions with which it is connected, in that it does not enable us to certainly separate the phytophag ous from the zoophagous animals, may be seriously questioned. We have many most important characters of the mollusks which impress themselves upon their shells, so that they are in accord and enable us to predicate reciprocally their relationships; and such characters appear to me to be much more useful for classification. Mr. Wm. G. Binney, who has devoted a number of years to the study of the dentition and anatomy of terrestrial mollusks, has recently given the following guarded opinion upon the value of the j jaw and lingual membrane for the purpose of classification. ‘Tt is conceded by all recent students of land shells that for the larger divisions the presence or absence of a jaw and the aculeate or quadrate form of marginal teeth are reliable characters. “The characters of the jaw and separate teeth of the lingual membrane have also been used in various ways for grouping the genera into families, etc.,and even of grouping species into genera. I refrain from any discussion of their value for such purposes, simply because I believe our material is far too limited. It seems as if I can better employ my time in patiently accumu- lating new facts. I can, however, venture to say that the character of the jaw and teeth seems to be more constant in some genera than in others. It appears, for instance, that in some genera the presence or absence of lateral teeth is not a generic character, though in others it is. The same may be said of the presence or absence of side-cutting points to the centrals and laterals, and the greater or less development of their side cusps; also in the bifurcation or non-bifureation of the cutting point of aculeate marginal teeth; also as to the presence or absence of ribs on the jaw. “Tt will, I believe, be proved that certain genera are constantly characterized by a peculiar form of teeth, while others have a considerable range of variation. I might, perhaps, add that when the genus is numerous in species, there is a much greater 262 CLASSIFICATION. chance of finding a varying dentition. If this latter proves true, we shall be obliged to concede that there are certain types of teeth which may be found among the species of some of the larger genera, though some of the smaller genera are much LOS. if not absolutely restricted to one single type of dentition.” If it be proposed that a single arbitrary standard shall be used because it 7s arbitrary and hence will remove all doubt as to the position of a given species, then the standard selected should be the most universal and the most apparent—namely, the shell. But if a natural arrangement be attempted, still less can we make account of any character which is not in accord with the assem- blage of characters. A natural sequence can only result from ‘an accordance of most of the organs and functions. That denti- tion in the mollusks is a character worthy of study, that it will throw light on many doubtful points, that it will correct many errors is not to be disputed; but the claims made for it are preposterous ;—for whilst a few hundred species only have had their tongues examined, described and figured, many thousands have been arbitrarily placed and displaced in consequence. Stimpson has examined the tongue of Ranella caudata and finds it to be that of a Murex; accordingly he separates from Ranella a few other species because their shells resemble the shell of Ranella caudata and unites them also with Muricide and this is practically the course (and necessarily so) pursued by all these dentition systematists. If conchological characters may be used to support the fabric reared upon the knowledge (I had almost written the want of knowledge) of a single structural character, why may they not be equally used against it. Is it not imperti- nent to make use of a few hundred observations of an organ which only pervades a portion of the mollusca, to establish a classification which is frequently in violent contrast with natural affinities ascertained by long examination of all the species, recent and fossil? If the exo-skeleton or shell carries the impress of its animal, its right appreciation will afford us the only possible classification. It is not partial, but pervades nearly the whole mollusca—as well those which have no lingual ribbon; its universality is the proof of its higher systematic importance; its relationships are not single, it is the epitome of the modifications of molluscan structure. Supposing the dentition of all living forms to be examined (an impossibility), we are still confronted by the fossil shells, which absolutely refuse to be classified by any other than conchological characters. What shall we do with them? Shall we use for these 380,000 species obvious external, universal characters, yet discard these in the recent mollusca for the modifications of a partial character, the very slight observation of which has sufficed to show that it may not be predicated with ARRANGEMENT OF FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS. 263 certainty from either the shell, operculum, external features, or anatomy of the animal? Whilst I shall continue to find in the shell the usual characters for the discrimination of genera and families, I shall not refuse all the aid which I can obtain from the study of lingual dentition as well as from all other sources which may enable me to more rightly appreciate natural relationships, to correct error, to avoid it. For the present, I prefer to treat Triton and Ranella as transitional genera having many relationships with the Murices, but partaking in their dentition and in some other structural details in the characters of Cassis, Dolium, ete. Prof. Theodore Gill published in 1871, under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution an ‘Arrangement of the families of Mollusks,” largely founded on their lingual dentition. Whilst this classification presents many features as novel as praise- worthy, reflecting the highest credit on the philosophical views and critical acumen of its author, it is, I think, equally unac- ceptable with those classifications heretofore proposed by European authors in which this character has been used as an exclusive guide. I reproduce Prof. Gill’s arrangement :— Arrangement of Families of Mollusks. BY PROF. THEODORE GILL. (The figures in brackets refer to the illustrations of lingual dentition in this work.) Cuass. A. CHEPHALOPODA. OrvER 1. DIBRANCHIATA. Suborder Octopodia. (O. littorales.) 1. Cirrhoteuthide. 2. Octopodidee (x, 1). (O. pelagict ) 3. Philonexide. 4, Argonautide. Suborder Sepiophora. ( Oigopside.) Cranchiide (including Loligopside). 6. Chiroteuthide. . Onychoteuthide. 8. Ommastrephide. ( Myopside.) 9. Loliginide (x, 2). 10. Sepiolide. 1k. Sepiide. 12. Belosepiide. 13. Spirulide. 14. Belopteride. 15. Belemnitide. rai 264 io ARRANGEMENT OF FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS. ORDER II. TETRABRANCHIATA. 5 ( Nautiloidea.) . Nothoceratidee. 17. Bathmoceratidee. . Trochoceratide. 19. Nautilidee (x, 5, 4). . Hercoceratide. ' 21. Gyroceratide. . Lituitide. 23. Phragmoceratide. . Gomphoceratide. 25. Cyrtoceratide. . Orthoceratidee. 27. Ascoceratide. f ( Goniatitoidea.) . Clymeniide. 29. Coniatitide. 380. Bactritide. (Ammonitoidea. ) . Turrilitide. 32. Ceratitidee. 33. Ammonitide. . Scaphitide. 35. Cryoceratide. 36. Ancyloceratide . Hamitide. 38. Ptychoceratide. 39. Hamulinide. . Toxoceratide. 41. Baculitide. 42. Baculinidee. Cuass B. GASTROPODA. Subclass Diecia. OrveER III. PECTINIBRANCHIATA. Suborder Toxoglossa. . Conidz (x,5). 44. Pleurotomide. 45. Melatomide. Haliidee. 47. Terebride. 48. Cancellariide. 49, Admetide. Suborder Rhachiglossa. . Cystiscide. 51. Marginellide (x, 6). 52. Volutide x, 7). ( Odontoglossa. ) . Fasciolaride (x, 8). 54. Mitridee (x, 9). (Duplohamata. ) . Melongenide (x, 18). 56. Buccinide (x, 11, 12). . Nassidee (x, 18). 58. Cynodontide (x, 10). . Turbinellidee (x, 14). (Hamiglossa.) . Turridee. 61. Olividee (x, 15). . Harpide (x, 16). 63. Ptychatractide. Muricide (x, 17, 19). 65. Columbellide (x, 20). Suborder Teenioglossa. (Group Rostrifera. ) Pomatiide. 67. Cyclostomidze (xi, 21). . Cyclophoridee. 69. Pupinidee. . Aciculidee. Tl. Truncatellidee. . Ampullaridee (xi, 22,23).73. Valvatidee (xi, 24.) ARRANGEMENT OF FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS. 265 74. Viviparidee (xi, 25). 15. Assiminiide. 16. Rissoellide. 17. Pomatiopside. 78. Rissoide. 19. Skeneide. 80. Bythiniide. 81. Fossaride. 82. Littorinide (xi, 26). 83. Pyramidellide. 84. Eulimide. 85. Styliferide. 86. Ceriphasiide (Strepomatide, xi, 27). 87. Melanopidee. 88. Melaniidee. 89. Cerithiopside. 90. Cerithiidee. 91. Planaxide. 92. Ceecide. 93. Vermetide. 94. Tenagodide. 95. Turritellide. 96. Trichotropide. 97. Hipponicide. 98. Capulide. 99. Calyptreeide. 100. Neritopside. 101. Onustide. 102. Strombidee (xi, 28). 108. Aporrhaide. (Digitiglossa..) 104. Pedicularide (xi, 29). 105. Amphiperaside. fostrum with invertible tip. 106. Cypreeidee (xi, 30). 107. Triviidee (including Eratoinz). 108. Marseniide. 109. Velutinide. 110. Naticide (xi, 31). Group Proboscidifera. 111. Pyrulide. 112. Doliidz (xi, 32). 113. Cassididee. 114. Ranellidee. 115. Tritonide (xi, 33). Suborder Ptenoglossa. 116. Ianthinidee (xi, 35). 117. Solariidee (xii, 39, 40). 118. Scalariide (xi, 36-38). OrpDeR TV. HETEROPODA. 119. Atlantide (xii, 41). 120. Carinariidee (xii, 42.) 121. Pterotracheide. OrpER V. RHIPHIDOGLOSSA. Suborder Podophthalma. 122. Hydrocenide. 123. Stoastomide. 124. Helicinide (xii, 43). 125. Proserpinide. 126. Neritide (xii, 44, 45.) 127. Rotellide. . Turbinidee (xii, 47.) 129. Liotiidee. . Trochide (xii, 46.) 131. Stomatellide. . Pleurotomariide. 133: Scissurellide. . Haliotide. 135. Maclureide. Suborder Dicranobranchia. . Fissurellide. 137. Emarginulide (xii, 50). . Bellerophontide. 266 ARRANGEMENT OF FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS, OrpeR VI. Docoauossa. Suborder Proteobranchia. 139. Acmeide. 140. Patellidee (xii, 51.) Suborder Abranchia. 141. Lepetide. OrpDER VII. PoLypLacoPHorRa. 142. Chitonidee (xii, 52). 143. Chitonellide. Subclass Pulmonifera. OrpEeR VIII. Puumonara. Suborder Geophila. (Oculiferous tentacles invertible.) (Agnatha.) 144. Oleacinidee (xiii, 56). 145. Streptaxidee. 146. Testacellide. ( Goniognatha.) 147. Orthalicidee (xiii, 58). ( Holognatha.) 148. Cylindrellide. 149. Pupide. 150. Helicidee (xiii, 59). 151. Vitrinide. ( Togata. ) 152. Philomycide. (Subnuda.) 153. Cryptellide. 154. Parmacellide. 155. Limacide (xiii, 61). 156. Arionide. (Hlasmognatha. ) 157. Succinide (xiii, 63). 158. Janellide. (Oculiferous tentacles simply contractile.) 159. Vaginulidee. 160. Onchidiide. Suborder Basommatophora. (Limnophala. ) 161. Chilinidee. 162. Physide. 163. Ancylide. 164. Limneeidee (xiii, 64-65). 165. Otinide. 166. Auriculidz (xiii, 67). ( Petrophila.) 167. Siphonariide. 168. Gadiniide. ( Thalassophila.) 169. Amphibolide. 170. 172. 174. 176. aS: 180. 182. 184. 186. ARRANGEMENT OF FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS. 267 Subclass Opisthobranchiata. OrpDER LX. TECTIBRANCHIATA. Philinide. 171. Amphyspiridx. Ringiculide. 173. Actonide. Actzeonellide (xiii, 68). 175. Cylichnide. Bullide. 177. Aplustride. Lophocercide. 179. Aplysiide. Runcinide (xiii, 70). 181. Tylodinide. Umbrellide. 183. Pleurobranchide. OrperR X. NUDIBRANCHIATA. Suborder Pygobranchia. Doridopside. 185. Doridide (xiii, 69). Onchidoridide. 187. Goniodoridide. . Polyceride. 189. Triopide. . Ceratosomide. Suborder Polybranchia. ; (Inferobranchia.) . Phyllidiide. 192. Diphyllidiide. (Polybranchia.) 3. Tritonidee. 194. Scyleide. ( Ceratobranchia.) . Dendronotide. 196. Heroide. . Tethyide. 198. Dotoide. . Protonoctide. 200. Glaucide. . Holidide. 202. Fionide. . Hermeide. Suborder Pellibranchiata. . Elysiide. 205. Limapontiide. 206. Phyllirrhoide. Suborder Entoconchacea. . Entoconchide. Subclass Pteropoda. OrpDER XI. THECOSOMATA. . Limacinide. 209. Hyalidee (xii, 55). . Cymbuliide. 211. Conulariide. . Hyolithide. OrpeR XII. GyMNOSOMATA. . Clionidee. 215, Pneumodermonide (xu, . Cymodoceide. 53-54). ARRANGEMENT OF FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS. Subclass Prosopocephala. Orper XIII. SoLENOcoNcHA. . Dentaliide. Crass C. CONCHIFERA. OrpER XIV. DrimMyartia. 18. Aspergillide. 220. Teredinide. 221. Pholadide. (Solenacea. ) 222. Solenidee. 223. Solecurtide. ( Myacea.) 224. Saxicavide. 225. Myidee. 226. Corbulide. 227. Pandoride. 228. Anatinidee. 229. Myochamide. 230. *Pholadomyide. ( Veneracea.) 231. Mactride. 232. Mesodesmide. 233. Amphidesmidee. 234. Tellinidee. 235. Psammobiide. 236. Donacide. 237. Petricolide. 238. Veneride. 239. Glauconomide. ( Corbiculacea.) 240. Cyrenide. 241. Pisidiidee. 242. Cyrenoidide. (Dreissenacea. ) 243. Dreissenide. ( Cardiacea. ) 244. Veniliidee. 245. Glosside. 246. Cardiide. 247. Adacnide. ( Chamacea.) 248. Chamidee. ( Luctnacea. ) 249. Lucinidee. 250. Ungulinide. 251. Hrycinide. 252. Cyamiidee. 253. Leptonide. 254. Galeommide. (Solemyacea. ) 255. Solemyide. ( Carditacea.) 256. Crassatellide. 257. Carditide. (Naiades. ) 258. Unionide. 259. Iridinide. 260. Mycetopodide. (Muelleracea.) 261. Adtheriide. 262. Muelleriide. (Pholadacea.) 219. Gastrocheenide. ae ARRANGEMENT OF FAMILIES OF MOLLUSKS. 269 ( Trigoniacea. ) 263. Trigonidee. ( Arcacea. | 264. Nuculide. 265. Ledide. 266. Arcidee. OrpeR XV. METrARRHIPTA. 267. Tridacnide. OrpER XVI. HETEROMYARIA. 268. Mytilidee. Orper XVII. Monomyaria. (Aviculacea. ) 269. Pinnidee. 270. Pteriide. 271. Vulsellide. (Pectinacea.) 272. Spondylide. 273. Limide. 274. Pectinide. (Anomiacea. ) 275. Placunide. 276. Anomiide. ( Ostracea.) 277. Ostreidee. 278. Hligmide. Orper XVIII. Rupista. 279. Hippuritide. 280. Radiolitide. 281. Caprinellide. 282. Caprinidee. 283. Caprotinide. Subbranch Molluscoidea. Ciass D. TUNICATA. (Families 284 to 298 inclusive. ) Crass E. BRACHIOPODA. OrpeR XXIII. ARrrHRopomaTa. ( Ancylopoda.) 299. Terebratulide. 300. Thecidiide. ( Helictopoda.) 301. Spiriferide. 302. Atrypide. 303. Koninckinide. _ 304. Rhynchonellide. 305. Strophomenide. 306. Productide. Orper XXIV. Lyopomara. 307. Craniide. 308. Discinidee. 309. Lingulide. Crass F. POLYZOA. (Families 310 to 356 inclusive. ), 270 ON COLLECTING SHELLS. J propose to follow in this work a classification which does not differ very essentially from that most approved before the advent of the lingual system, but with certain ameliorations which the latter has enabled us to perceive for the first time. It is not denied that this arrangement is exceedingly ar are so; but it is believed to be the most obvious, therefore, the easiest. It may again be remarked here, that one of the inherent difficulties of arrangement in a lineal line is caused by inter-rela- tionships; thus, I have chosen to proceed from Murex to Pupura, then to Fusus and to Buccinum; yet the two latter groups are equally related to Murex and with one another, and the passage from one group to another is so gradual that the assignment of some of the out-lying forms to a genus is very difficult. ON COLLECTING SHELLS. Search for living mollusks is based upon knowledge of the habits of these animals. We call stations the particular circum- stances surrounding the specimens collected, whilst habitat com- prehends the geographical distribution of each Species. Marine Mollusks. ‘“ When the tide is at the lowest, the col- lector should wade among the rocks and pools near the shore, and search under overhanging ledges of rock as far as his arms canreach. Anironrake, with ‘long ‘close- set teeth, will be a useful implement on such occasions. He should turn over all loose stones and growing sea-weeds, taking care to protect his hands with gloves, and his feet with shoes and stockings, against the sharp spines of Hechini, the back-fins of sting-fishes, and the stings of Medusz. In detaching chitons and limpets, which are all to be sought for on rocky coasts, the spatula or case-knife will prove a valuable assistant. Those who have paid particular attention to preserving chitons have found it necessary to suffer them to die under pressure between two boards. Ormers (Halio- tides) may be removed from the rocks to which they adhere by throwing a little warm water over them, and then giving them a sharp push with the foot sideways, when mere violence would be of no avail without injuring the shell. Rolled madrepores and loose fragments of rock should be turned over; cowries and other shell-fish frequently harbor under them. "Numbers of shell-fish are generally to be found about coral-reefs.””—( BRODERIP. ) In coral regions the services of natives should be obtained, as they may render much assistance by diving or wading. Advantage may be taken of spring-tides, especially at the equinoxes, to examine lower tracts of sea-shore than are ordi- narily accessible. After severe storms the shores and beaches are frequently covered with species of mollusks and other marine ON COLLECTING SHELLS. 271 animals , seldom obtained at other periods except by the dredge. Many bivalves bur y in sand and mud at extreme low-water, and may ‘be obtained alive by digging with a spade or fork; others may be found boring in piles and rocks, and require the hammer and chisel for their extraction. Bivalves may be boiled, and their soft parts removed when the shells gape. Care should be taken not to injure the ligament, or hinge, especially in the genera (like the Anatinide) provided with an ossicle. Mr. Joshua Alder remarks that “in collecting among rocks the principal thing is to look close, particularly in crevices and under stones. Minute species inhabiting sea-weed are best obtained by gathering the weed and immersing it for some time ina basin of sea-water, when the little mollusks will generally neal out. If the shells only are wanted, the surer and more eady way is to plunge the weed into fresh-water, when the ee immediately fall to the bottom.” Sea-fishes and fowl purchased for the table should be carefully examined when opened for cleaning ; ; shells are frequently obtained in this way :—which has furnished conchologists with many fine specimens. The floating mollusea of the open sea, especially in tropical latitudes, are comparatively little known. Good drawings, and descriptions made from the life, are most valuable. ‘“ Of the animal of the Spirula, entire specimens are still gre eatly wanted. If captured alive its movements should be watched in a vessel of sea-water, to see whether it has the power of rising and sinking at will; its mode of swimming, and position during these move- ments, and when at rest. The chambered shell should be opened under water, to ascertain if it contain a gas, the nature of which should, if possible, be made out. The pearly nautilus requires the same observations, which would be attended with more precision and facility from its larger size.”—(OWEN.) The towing-net used by Mr. McGillivray “ consisted of a bag of bunting (used for flags) 2 feet deep, the mouth of which was sewn round a wooden hoop 14 inches in diameter; three pieces of cord, 14 foot long, were secured to the hoop at equal intervals and had their ends tied togevher- When in use, the net was towed astern, clear of the ship’s wake, by a stout cord secured to one of the quarter-boats, or held in the hand. The scope of the line required was regulated by the speed of the vessel at the time, and the amount of strain caused by the partially submerged net.”— Voy. RATTLESNAKE. A trawl-net for use on sea-bottoms is thus constructed: The side frames are of iron, the upper beam of wood, and the lower edge of the net is kept down to the ground by means of a chain, which is wolded or wrapped round with old rope. The beam is generally from 40 to 50 feet in length, and about 8 inches square. The net is about 30 yards in depth, and has a couple of pockets 212 ON COLLECTING SHELLS. inside. The end is untied when the net is hauled on board for the purpose of taking the fish out. ‘These nets can only be worked where the bottom of the sea is free from rocks. They are used by boats of 85 to 60 tons, manned by crews of from four to six men and two to three or four boys. In the vicinity of Scarborough, England, they fish with these nets between the shore-reefs and the off rock, which is 4 to 10 miles from land; the bottom is sand or clay, with 4 to 15 fathoms water on the land side, and 17 to 25 fathoms on the off side. Immense quantities of crustacea and shell-fish are taken with the trawl, as well as ground-fish. Kettle-nets. On the flat, sandy coast of Kent and Sussex, England, mackerel-fishery is pursued by setting up stakes 10 or 15 feet high, at distances of 10 feet apart, in lines running out- wards from the shore at high-water, to low-water neap tides, where they are turned in the direction of the tide. To these stakes nets are attached, and leaded, which remain as long as the fish are on the coast. Cuttle-fish are frequently taken in these nets. Deep-sea Fishery. In North Britain an extensive ground- fishery is conducted by means of long lines—often a mile in length—with hooks and baits every few yards. These lines are laid out at night near the coast, and taken up the next morning. When used out at sea, the boats lay by for a few hours, and then take up the lines. The carnivorous whelks adhere to the baits (which have not been seized by fishes), and sometimes a bushel of them are taken in this way from a single line. Ahynchonella psittacea, Panopxa Norvegica, Velutinz and some of the scarce Fusi, have been obtained from these lines, the bivalves having been entangled accidentally by the hooks. For trapping whelks on rocky ground a net may be made such as is used for crabs and lobsters, by attaching a loose bag to an iron ring of a yard across. This is fastened to a rope by three equal strings, baited with dead fish, and let down from a vessel at anchor, or, still better, from a buoy. It is put down over night, and hauled up gently in the morning. Carnivorous mollusks are often found in lobster-pots, which they enter to feed upon the bait. Dredging. ‘ Up tothe middle of last century the little that was known of the inhabitants of the bottom of the sea beyond low-water mark, seems to have been gathered almost entirely from the few objects found thrown upon the beach from time to time after storms, and from chance captures on lead-lines, and by fishermen on their long-lines and in trawls and oyster and clam dredges. “The naturalist’s dredge does not appear to have been sys- tematically used for investigating the fauna of the bottom of ON COLLECTING SHELLS. a the sea, until it was employed by O. F. Muller in the researches which afforded material for the publication in 1799, of his admirable ‘ Descriptions and History of the Rarer and Less- known Animals of Denmark and Norway.’ In the preface of the first volume Miller gives a quaint account of his machinery and mode of working which it is pleasant to read. “Phe instrument usually employed for dredging oysters and clams is a light frame of iron about five feet long, by a foot or so in width at the mouth, with a scraper like a narrow hoe on one side, and a suspending apparatus of thin iron bars which meet in an iron ring for the attachment of the dredge rope on the other. From the frame is suspended a bag about two feet in depth, iron chain netting, or of wide-meshed hempen cord netting, or of a mixture of both. “ Naturalist dredgers first used the oyster dredge, and all the different dredges now in use are modifications of it in one direction or another; for in its simplicity it is not suitable for scientific purposes. The oyster dredge has a scraper only on one side. In the skilled hands of the fishermen this is no dis- advantage, for it is always sent down in such a way that it falls face foremost; but philosophers using it in deep water very generally found that whether from clumsiness or from want of sufficient practice, they had got the dredge down on its back and of course it came up empty. Again oyster dredgers are only allowed to take oysters of a certain size, and the meshing of the commercial dredge is so contrived as to allow all bodies under a certain cénsiderable size to pass through. This defeats the object of the naturalist, for some of the prizes to which he attaches the highest value are mites of things scarcely visible to the unaided eye. “The remedy for these defects is to have a scraper on each side, with the arms attached in such a way that one or the other of the scrapers must reach the ground in whatever position the dredge may fall; and to have the bag deeper in proportion to the size of the frame, and of a material which is only sufliciently open to allow the water to pass freely through, with the openings so distributed as to leave a part of the bag close enough to bring up the finest mud. “The late Dr. Robert Ball, of Dublin, devised the modification which has since been used almost universally by naturalists under the name of “ Ball’s Dredge.” The dredges on this pattern used in Great Britain for ten years after their first intro- duction about the year 1838, were usually small and rather heavy—not more than from twelve to fifteen inches in length by four to five and a half inches in width at the mouth. There were two scrapers the length of the dredge-frame and an inch and a half or two inches wide, set at about an angle of 110° to 18 274 ON COLLECTING SHELLS. the plane of the dredge’s mouth, so that when the dredge was gently hauled along it took hold of the ground and secured anything loose on the surface. I have seen Dr. Ball scatter pence on the drawing-room floor and pick them up quite dexter- ously with the dredge drawn along in the ordinary dredging position. ‘ Latterly Ball’s dredges of considerably larger size have been used. Perhaps the most convenient form and size for dredging from a row-boat or a yawl at depths under a hundred fathoms, has a frame eighteen inches long, and its width is five inches. The scrapers are three inches wide, and they are so set that the distance between their scraping edges is seven inches and a half. The ends of the frame connecting the scrapers are round bars of iron five-eighths of an inch in diameter, and from these two curved arms. of round iron of the same thickness, dividing beneath into two branches which are attached to the ends of the cross-bars by eyes, allowing the arms to fold down over the dredge-mouth, meet in two heavy eyes at a point eighteen inches above the centre of the frame. The total weight of the dredge frame and arms is twenty pounds. It ought to be of the best Lowmoor or Swedish wrought-iron. I have seen a stout dredge frame of Lowmoor iron twisted like a bit of wax in extricating it from a jam between two stones, and, singularly enough, the dredge which came up in that condition contained the unique example of an echinoderm never found before or since. ‘“‘ The thick inner edges of the scrapers are perforated by round holes at distances of about an inch, and through these strong iron rings about an inch in diameter are passed, and two or three like rings run.on the short rods which form the ends of the dredge frame. A light iron rod bent in the form of the dredge. opening usually runs through these rings, and to this rod and to the rings the mouth of the dredge securely attached by a stout cord or strong copper wire. ‘In the dredge now before me, which has worked well and seen good service, the bag is two feet in depth, and is of hand- made net of very strong twine, the meshes half an inch to the side. So open a network would let many of the smaller things through, and to avoid this the bottom of the bag, to the height of about nine inches, is lined with “bread bag,” a light open kind of canvas. ‘‘ Many other materials have been used for dredge bags: one which I have used frequently is made of sail-cloth, with a window of strong brass-wire gauze let in on either side. Nothing, how- ever, seems to me so good as strong cord netting. The water passes easily through and carries with it a large part of the fine mud, while enough mud is retained by the bread-bag lining in the bottom to give a fair example of its contents. It may be ON COLLECTING SHELLS. 278 said that many small valuable objects may be washed through the meshes of the upper part of the dredge along with the mud, and thus lost; but on the other hand, if the bag be very close it is apt to oet filled up with mud at once, and to collect nothing more. “Tt is always well when dredging, at whatever depth, to ascer- tain the approximate depth with the lead before casting the dredge; and the lead ought always to be accompanied by a protected thermometer; for the subsequent haul will gain greatly in value as an observation in geographical distribution if it be accompanied by an accurate note of the bottom temperature. “ For depths under a hundred fathoms the amount of rope paid out should be at least double the depth. Under thirty fathoms, where one generally works more rapidly, it should be more nearly three times. This gives a good deal of slack before the dredge if the boat be moving very slowly, and keeps the lip of the dredge well down; and if the boat be moving too quickly through the water, by far the most common error in amateur dredging, from the low angle at which the line is lying in the water, the dredge has its best chance of getting an occasional scrape. It is bad economy to use too lightarope. Foradredge such as that described, and for work round the coasts, at a depth attainable from a row-boat or yawl, I would recommend bolt- rope of the best Russian hemp, not less than one and a half inches in circumference, which should contain from eighteen to twenty yarns in three strands. Each yarn should bear nearly a hundred-weight, so that the breaking strain of such a rope ought to be upwardsofaton. Ofcourse it is never voluntarily exposed to such a strain, but in shallow water the dredge is often caught among rocks or coral, and the rope ought to be strong enough in such a case to bring up the boat, even if there were some little way on. “Dredging in sand or mud, the dredge rope may simply be passed through the double eye formed by the extremities of the two arms of the dredge; but in rocky or unknown ground it is better to fasten the rope to one of the eyes only, and to tie the two eyes together with about three or four turns of rope yarn. This breaks much more easily than the dredge rope, so that if the dredge gets caught it is the first thing to give way under a strain, and in doing so it very often so alters the position and form of the dredge as to allow of its extrication. “The dredge is slipped gently over the side or stern—in a small boat more generally the latter—while there is a little way on, and the direction which the rope takes indicates roughly | whether the dredge is going down properly... When it reaches the ground and begins to scrape, an experienced hand upon the rope can usually at once detect a tremor given to the dredge 276 / ON COLLECTING SHELLS. by the scraper’ passing over the irregularities of the bottom. The due amount of rope is then paid out, and the rope hitched to a bench or pollock-pin. “When there is anything of a current, from whatever cause, it is usually convenient to attach a weight varying from fourteen pounds to half a hundred-weight, to the rope three or four fathoms in front of the dredge; this prevents, in some degree, the lifting of the mouth of the dredge. If the weight be attached nearer the dredge, it is apt to injure the delicate objects passing in. “The boat should move very slowly, probably not faster than amilean hour. In still water, or with a very slight current, the dredge of course anchors the boat, and oars or sails are necessary ; _but if the boat be moving at all it is all that is required. I like best to dredge with a close-reefed sail before a light wind, with weights, against a very slight tide or current; but these are conditions which cannot always be commanded. The dredge may remain down from a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes, by which time, if all things go well, it ought to be fairly filled. fon dredging froma small boat the simplest plan is for two or three men to haul i in, hand over hand and coil in the bottom of the boat. Fora large yawl or yacht, and for depths beyond fifty fathoms, a winch is a great assistance. The rope takes a couple of turns round the winch, which is worked by two men, whilea third takes it from the winch and coils it. ‘Dredging in deep water—that is, at depths beyond 200 fathoms—is a matter of some difficulty, and ean scarcely be compassed with the ordinary machinery at the disposal of amateurs. Deep-sea dredging can no doubt be carried on from a good-sized steam yacht, , but the appliances are so numerous and so bulky, and the work is so really hard, that it is scarcely compatible with pleasure-seeking. »_WYVILLE Tuomson, ‘‘ The Depths of the Sea.” In the valuable and interesting work above quoted (p. 246), may be found a’ full description, with figures, of the apparatus used in deep-sea dredging by the Porcupine. That vessel, on July 20th, 1870, dredged no less than 186 species of mollusks at a single haul, off the coast of Portugal, and from the great depth of 994 fathoms. Nearly forty per cent. of these were of undescribed species! “This remarkable collection,” says Wyville Thomson, “ of which not much more than one-half is known’ to conchologists, notwithstanding their assiduous labors, teaches us how much remains to be done before we can assume that the _ record of marine zoology is complete. Let us compare the vast expanse of the sea-bed in the North Atlantic with that small fringe of the coast on both sides of it which has yet been partially explored, and consider with reference to the dredging last- ON COLLECTING SHELLS. 277 mentioned whatare the prospects of our ever becoming acquainted with all the inhabitants of the deep throughout the globe!” Equally important results, have attended the more recent dredging operations of the United States Fish Commission’s Fish Hawk, southeast of Rhode. Island, adding several hundred species to our fauna. The reader of these pages, if possessed of a salt-water aqua- rium, is earnestly recommended to study marine mollusks in the living state. A judicious observer will not only derive much pleasure thereby, but may also contribute to our knowledge of the habits of these interesting animals. But few of the species have been intelligently studied in this manner, and it is almost certain that yery much isto be learned by the use of this method of investigation. Land and Fresh-water Shells. The following directions for collecting and preserving these, are principally compiled from papers by Prof. A. G. Wetherby (Jour. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist.), and Dr. James Lewis (Smithsonian Report, 1866). Before the collector can enter the field with much certainty as to the anticipated result of his labors, it may be necessary for him to satisfy himself that there are in the district about him shells enough to offerencouragement. It will be found generally, that those sections of the country that have a dry sandy soil are unfavorable to the production of mollusks. Regions in which pines abound are proverbially of this character, and here the efforts of the collector are usually but indifferently rewarded. In the moist alluvial soil of limestone formations are found the most favorable conditions for the production of mollusks. This is more notably true with regard to land shells; aquatie species are also affected similarly, but less conspicuously, by the character of the soil. But it will almost invariably be observed that waters deficient in lime do not produce shells as perfect nor in as great numbers as waters charged with that earth. Land Shells. With a few exceptions, relating to some of the smaller species and also a few species of semiaquatic habits, the land shells of this country are found most abundantly in the wooded alluvial regions, especially upon hill-sides having a northern exposure; where, during the day they are concealed under fragments of fallen trees, bits of bark, chips, etc., some- times under leaves or in the tufts of rank growths of moss. Some species will be occasionally found in the moist debris of shaly rocks in ravines. Species peculiar to the Southern States are sometimes met with on shrubs and trees. Some species of semiaquatic habits, though occasionally seen on the rank vege- tation along rivers (sometimes several feet from the ground), are more frequently observed under bits of wood, leaves, etc., near the muddy slopes of streams or ponds, or in the vicinity of 278 ON COLLECTING SHELLS. water, where they may find concealment either in grass or under the shade of aquatic plants. - Among our most minute species are those that delight in wet grass lands, or in localities that are usually moist during a very considerable portion of the year. They are sometimes found in such localities congregated in hundreds under stray fragments of boards, bits of wood, ete. As different sections of the country offer constantly varying conditions affecting the habits of land shells, it may be expected that some species that usually are found in such stations as have just been indicated may in exceptional instances be found under circumstances where the collector might least hope to discover them. It accordingly becomes the collector to be at all times on the alert, and to inspect every kind of station. By doing so, he will often unexpectedly discover desirable species and acquire information respecting their habits, of more value to him than any suggestions that might be conveyed to him by a volume of printed instructions. As examples it may be stated that in and around dilapidated buildings, where fragments of brick and mortar cover the ground, large numbers of the smaller species of Helix, Pupa, Carychium, etc., will be found. They adhere to the under surface of a piece of porous brick in preference to a fragment of gneiss, limestone or other rock. Also the cavity of a decayed tree or stump, when examined in the early days of spring, will reward the searcher abundantly. Rich harvest may also be frequently gathered by laying boards upon the grass or ground, wetting them previously unless immediately after a rain. In taking them up after a night’s exposure large numbers of shells will often be attached to the under surface. Fresh-water Shells. While searching for those species of land shells that are found usually near water, the collector will often have his attention drawn to air-breathing mollusks that are properly designated aquatic mollusca. The habits of some species of this class are such that by one unacquainted with them they might be confounded with land-shells. Many of these species have a habit of crawling out of the water, remaining on the moist mud without any inconvenience. They will also some- times be found on the stems and leaves of aquatic plants, or on other projecting substances several inches from the surface of the water. In their habits as a class they are adapted to a wide range of conditions, so that they will be found in lakes, ponds, rivers, canals, ditches, stagnant pools, swamps, and small rivulets, though some species appear to be adapted to a narrow range of conditions ; the class. however, has its representatives over the whole continent. Though by far the greater number of species of mollusca belonging to this class prefer shallow water, feeding ON COLLECTING SHELLS. 279 on the vegetation that abounds in such stations, there are a few exceptions, in which species are found adapted to deep water, in which it is improbable that they can reach the surfase and respire the air. The collector will find many species accessible to him along the margins of water. Others will require the aid of a boat, especially such as are found feeding on the weeds in lakes and rivers. To discover some of the minute species found under such circumstances, it may sometimes be advantageous to gather handsful of the weed and gently lift them out of the water. If the operation be rudely performed, the mollusks may be disturbed so as to detach themselves. Many species will be found adhering to the grass-like plants that grow in streams. Others adhere to the stems of flags and bullrushes, and may be discovered very readily by pulling up the plants by the roots, taking care to perform the operation gently and deliberately. Of analogous habits with some of the above are certain small species found concealed under stones just below low-water mark in rivers. They are sometimes also found adhering to larger shells. This elass embraces only small cup-like shells— fresh-water limpets ”’ or Ancylus. Aside from the air-breathing aquatic mollusca, we have others whose respiration is strictly aquatic; the necessities of these restrict them to a narrower range. Hence they are not usually found in stagnant waters, certainly not in waters of limited area, where impurities are generated by decomposing substances. The largest shells of this class are found in the swamps along the rivers of some of the Southern States, and are objects of interest on account of their habits as well as of their value in the cabinet. In their season of active life they are found feeding on aquatic plants. Inhabiting localities subject to drying, they burrow in the mud as the water diminishes. The collector will for conve- nience seek them when they are active. Another class (Vivipar- idz), smaller than that just mentioned, but affording a greater number of varieties and species, is more widely distributed, being found not only in the waters of the various States, but also in Canada. They inhabit rivers, lakes, ponds and canals, and when circumstances favor their habits they will be found most abundantly burrowing just beneath the surface of the soft mud near the shores: where undoubtedly they are attracted by more abundant supplies of food, and perhaps also by a more agreeable temperature. They will often be found in the muddy banks of rivers in great numbers, congregated at the margin of the water. In canals where conditions of food and temperature are very favorable, they attain a more luxuriant growth than in neighbor- ingrivers. Some localities are remarkable for affording varieties and monstrosities. Next to this class in size is one that embraces a large number of species included in several genera and sub- 280 ON COLLECTING SHELLS. genera (Strepomatide). The shells vary from a turrited to a globular form, variously colored and sometimes curiously ornamented with tubercles, ridges and carinations. With a few exceptions these interesting shells are found only in rivers or perennial streams. The different genera of this class seem to be adapted to certain modifications of conditions. Some of these mollusks prefer muddy sloping river-banks, where they crawl in the comparatively still water on the surface of the mud. Others prefer the rapid current among the rocky portions of streams, where they are found adhering to the surfaces of the rocks. The habits of nearly all the mollusca of this class are such as bring them to the shallower portions of the water they inhabit. They can often be reached from the shore by the hand. By gradual transitions these genera, with their numerous species, are followed by other and smaller genera (Amnicolide, etc.), some of which are of comparatively limited range ; others are widely distributed over the whole country. Nearly all of them have habits in some respects similar to the preceding class, and will be found on the muddy bottom portions of rivers, lakes, etc., or feeding on aquatic plants. The small size of many of these shells renders them somewhat difficult to discover, unless the collector has expedients for securing them with ease and certainty. Bivalve Shells. These next claim our attention, and for convenience they will be considered under two classes, though embracing several distinct generaand species. A class of shells, none of which ever attain dimensions much exceeding half an inch (Cyclades), inhabit nearly every perrennial stream having a muddy bottom; found also in stagnant waters, lakes, ponds, canals, and, indeed, in every station fitted for molluscan life. Some species inhabit stations subject to drying during a portion of the year, and careless observers have been deceived on finding them alive in their dried habitat, and have inferred they were bivalve land shells! All the shells of this class burrow just beneath the surface of the mud, and are usually found in greatest abundance near the margin of the water or where there is but little depth. This class embraces some species remarkable for their fragility, others equally remarkable for their minuteness. They are distributed over all the explored portions of the country. Fresh-water mussels (Unionide.) This class of shells em- braces several genera, which, on account of the great number of species contained in them will eventually be more minutely classified in subgenera. No country in the world has produced as great a variety of forms of Unionide as the United States. In the northeastern portion the number of species is compara- tively small, but in the South and West the number of species ON COLLECLING SHELLS. 281 becomes great, and the variety and beauty discoverable in the almost endless varieties make this class one of great interest to the collector. These mollusks inhabit lakes, rivers and canals. Stagnant water is unfavorable to them. They afford abundant food for muskrat and mink, who collect piles of shells on the shore where they bring the “mollusks to feed upon them. The shells left by the muskrat sometimes’ serve as a resort for the collector who is not critical to have the best of specimens, while they should serve to point out to him that there are good spee- imens, alive, not far distant. Except in shallow portions of rivers it is sometimes difficult, however, to find mussels; but where the water is not so deep but that a person may wade in it with security, it is comparatively easy to discover them. They will usually be found partly buried in the mud or gravel, only enough of the shell projecting to enable the mollusk to extend the siphons of his breathing apparatus into the water above him. A little practice will enable the collector to detect the projecting shell. In lakes and ponds, where the water is not too deep, the collector may readily discover the objects of his search from a boat. Having thus in general terms given such suggestions as will enable the collector to seek shells understandingly, it will now be proper to speak more particularly of collecting. It may be doubted whether there is really such a thing as a “ rare” species. The fable continually disappears in reference to forms once so considered. Hence intelligence and good judgment will usually enable a persevering collector to obtain a reasonable number of examples of any object to be found in his region, belonging to recent fauna and flora. The following rules of action are essential :— 1. Never rest satisfied until you have found the best examples ofa species which your time and opportunities will allow. 2. Never collect ‘imperfect or immature specimens, unless they exhibit some character making such a step desirable. 3. Having found astation which produces the finest specimens, study it carefully, that you may the more easily recognize such surroundings again. 4, If specimens are abundant collect plenty, and the work on that species will be done at once, save as you meet with desirable varieties. 5. Remember that if your specimens are good and clean, it will always give you an advantage in exchanges as soon as cor- respondents begin to recognize this fact. Never pick up a poor specimen with the remark, ‘“ this will do for exchange,” if a good one can possibly be had. Land Shells. The only apparatus needed in the field is the following :—One or two small bottles, 1 oz. and 2 oz., half filled 282 ON COLLECTING SHELLS. with a mixture, two-thirds best alcohol and one-third water and well corked. If these bottles are flattened oval, they may be carried in waistcoat-pockets, and will always be convenient of access. A pair of dissecting forceps, of medium size. These will be found useful in picking up loose small shells, in taking them from crevices in bark, old logs, etc. The point of a pen-knife answers equally well if skilfully handled. This is a “knack” to be acquired by practice. Two or three flattish boxes, of different sizes, that will readily slip in and out of the coat-pockets. A rake made as follows: Having a head made of good oak or hickory, about nine inches long, and one inch by one and a half inches. In the centre make an oval hole for the handle, one inch long and one-half an inch or more wide. Put two blunt teeth, each two and a half inches long, exclusive of the part in the head, on each side of the handle, so placing the holes bored to receive them as to make the space between the teeth equal. Make the teeth of the toughest seasoned hickory. Make of the same material, a smooth, straight handle, twenty inches long, with one end exactly fitted to the hole in the head. This end should project through the head at least three-fourths of an inch. It should be bound by a narrow ferrule, so set into the wood as to permit the handle to shp into the head readily. A hole fora small steel spring-key should be made between the ferrule and the rake-head, and so close to each that the key, when in place, shall rest against the ferrule on one side and the rake-head on the other. When not in use the rake can be taken apart by withdrawing the key, and the whole implement can be carried in the coat-pockets. This instrument is indispensable; with it a hill-side may be rapidly raked over, or any other ground inhabited by land-shells, and, if the hands are covered by buck-skin gloves, briar-patches and other forbidding localities may be explored, and they are often very productive. As much surface can be worked over, with this implement, in half an hour, with perfect comfort and clean- liness, and without injury to the hands, as in half a day using the fingers only, and regions can be examined that it would be impossible to explore without it. A small tool, made like a hatchet, with a narrow blade at one end, and somewhat hooked and pointed at the other, after the fashion of a geologist’s pick, is very convenient for picking and hacking in pieces old logs, cutting away brush, pulling over stones, etc. No other tools are necessary or even desirable. Being provided with these implements, you have only to sally forth, and with perseverance you will succeed in finding whatever a given locality is likely to produce. Having found the speci- mens, transfer all the smaller ones to the alcohol. Shells of ON COLLECTING SHELLS. 983 Stenotrema can be cleaned by removing the animal, but these and all shells below them in size, except the Succineas, should be dropped into the alcohol. Naked mollusks (snails or slugs) should be placed in a separate collecting bottle of alcohol, because of the mucus which they so plentifully shed. After death, when they have become somewhat stiffened, this mucus may be readily removed from their bodies with clean water. They are most conveniently preserved in alcohol. The larger species of land shells may be dropped, promiscuously, into the collecting boxes mentioned above. When a sufficient number of specimens has been secured, they must be cleaned and prepared for the cabinet. The following tools are necessary: A few hooks of annealed wire, of different sizes and lengths, Take any piece of such wire, put a short, pine handle of suitable size on one end, and file the other to a somewhat slender point. These are used for drawing the snails out of their shells. They will hold better if you bend the point into a small hook. Two or three brushes of different sizes. A test-tube, five or six inches long, and half an inch in diameter, and a pint of perfectly clean white sand. A syringe; a rubber one, an inch diameter in the barrel, and six inches long, with a small nozzle aperture, is the best. A small strainer, such as is used for tea or coffee; and a shallow pan, say two inches deep, and six inches in diameter. Let us begin with the larger snails and wash every one clean. Have your pan of hot water on the stove, your unclean shells and implements all handy on a low table near by. Put two or three or half a dozen if you are tolerably sure of success, into your strainer. to which a wooden handle has been fixed. Set it with the shells into the hot water, and allow it to remain for a minute or less. Life is out, and taking one of the specimens in your left hand, between the thumb and fore-finger, hook one of your wire implements into the animal, making a gentle effort to with- draw it. If it comes out readily, draw out the others and throw them into a dish of clean, tepid water. Ifthe animals cannot be withdrawn readily, scald them again tor a short time. They will usually come out easily enough, but certain species cannot be withdrawn if scalded too much. These are matters of expe- rience and will be learned by perseverance. Shells that you cannot at first succeed with, on account of irregularities in the aperture, small size, etc., will be mastered after awhile. Having withdrawn the animals wash the shells again thoroughly on the outside, and syringe them thoroughly inside, shake out the water and lay them on a newspaper to dry, mouth downward. The specimens thus prepared will be perfect, clean, and a delight either for study or exchange. The small shells remain to be looked after. If they are clean, leave them in the alcohol for a 284 ON COLLECILING SHELLS. day or two, then take them out, dry and assort them, and put them in their proper receptacles. But Pupas, Vertigos, and the small Helices, are generally dirty. They may be perfectly cleaned in the following simple manner : Put all you have of one Species into the test tube. Put in with them a small quantity of the clean sand; say one-fourth or one-fifth what the tube will contain. Fill it with water, and shake very gently. As the sand removes the dirt, turn out the dirty water and fill with clean. Ina few moments judicious care will clean such shells perfectly, and not damage them in the least. When clean, turn water, sand and all into a saucer, put in a little more water, shake all gently, and the sand will go to the bottom, while the little concentric wavelets will gather all the shells into a small space in the centre, whence they may. be removed with a spoon or any convenient instrument. Pour off the water,dry your sand and put it away for future use. Never use any acid or oil about land shells, unless the tiniest amount of the latter on the too often eroded apices of burrowing species. Remember this caution, and always act upon it. Hach species when cleaned and thoroughly dried should be accurately labeled. with name, author, locality, and date of capture—if the locality is one seldom visited. The little boxes or tubes containing the smaller species should be kept in a larger box, the Pupas together, Vertigos together, etc. This will reduce the labor of selecting exchanges more than one-half. Fresh-water Shells. The following implements are needed: Brushes, as before, but one or two larger and stiffer ones for the Unionide. A scoop made of wire gauze, fine enough to hold the smallest shells, with a socket for the handle. This scoop should be hemi- spherical, eight inches in diameter, with the rim made of good, tough hoop iron, to which the socket is attached. The handle may be used for a walking-stick, and the scoop can be carried in your basket. Both socket and handle must have a hole for the spring-key. A quart or two of saturated solution of oxalic acid. A small quantity of nitric acid. OS OM6S Conchyolin, . - . . . 40 Forms of Shells, B33) B38) 2483 Copulation, . 112, 118, 122 Forms of the Operculum, Papo Coralline Zone, . . 176, Fossil Terr. and Fluv. Mol- Crops: ee 93 00) eelusks, ; . 236 Cuming’s Collection, 150, 151° Funnel, 62 Cups, Mee 63 Gastropoda, 5 Cuvier’s Sy stem, we o252.0258) Genus, . 250 Cyclobranchiata, 82 Geographical Distribution, 152 Dactyloglossa, . 255 Geophila, 257 Dantics ee Geille. 83 Decollated Shells, 23 Gill’s Classification, 263 Deep-Sea Zone, Jeli Gigzard., , 101 Destroyed Organs, . 133 Gray’s Groups, 254 Development, . 125 Growth of Shells, 20 294 INDEX. PAGE. | PAGE Gustatory Organs, 81! Length, 45, 56 Gymnoglossa, . . 255 Ligament, 59, OT Gymnosomata, _ 104 Lines of Growth, 20 Habits, . . 134, Lingual Dentition, 253 Hamiglossa, 254, 255| Lingual Ribbon, 93 Hardness, 33, 41} Lingual Sheath, . 94 Haustellum, 9 /O4 abips) ; 46, 91, 92. Head, 8) Littoral Zone, 176 Hearing, . 78' Liver, 93, ea 105, 106 Heart, 88} Lobe, 34 Heat, 85) Lung, . 83 Hectocotyle, . 112} Lunule, ; 56 Heisht. 4. 45, 56 Lusitanian Province, 159 Hepatic Duct, 93, 100) Magellanic Province, rl Heteroglossata, - . 259) Malacozoa, : 1a Hibernation, 86 Malgachian Region, ‘ 190 Hinge, : 55 | Mandueation, =) ti oll Hinge Line, 58, Mantle, 4 8, 9, 12 Holostomata, 13, Margin of Aperture, . 46 Homologies of the Shell, 25 Marine Provinces, 156 JLOXOXC hy aa) SU a 38,65' Marsupium, 131 Hyg rophila, . 257 Means of De fense, | 148 Hypsometrical Distribution, : 206 Mediterranean Region, 184 Iconographic Works, 214 Mesopodium, a 65 Imperforate, 44) Mesozoic Mollusks, 233 Indian Region, 191) Metamorphosis, 150 Indo-Chinese Region, 192) Metapodium, 65 Indo-Malaysian Region, 193| Mexican Region, 200 Indo-Pacific Province, 163; Mimicry, 41, 144 Inequilateral, . 57) Mollusca, sent Inferobranchiata, 82, 86| Molluscoida, 2, 6 Ink-bag, : . 106; Moneecious, 111 Intestine, . 92 ‘101 105, Monomyaria, 68 Japanese Region, . 187; Monotocardia, 256 Japonic Province, . 166;| Monotremata, Gk Jaw, . 93, 94 Monstrosities, : 24, 144 Kidney, cian 103, 105) Morch’s Classification, . 255 Kleeburg’s Sinus, 80) Mouth, iy), 0, 91, 93, 105 Labial Palpi, 105) Mucus: Gland, S20) Labium, 46! Multilocular, 33, 36 Labrum, Bi 46! Multivalve, Ae Le) Lamellibranchiata, 5,83, Muscles, : ‘ 62 Laminarian Zone, 176| Muscular Impressions, 59 Land Regions, 178} Musivoglossata, 256 Larval Form, 128) Myopside, 15 Lateral Teeth, 59} Nacre, 16 INDEX. 295 PAGE. Naked Mollusks, . Natatory Lobes, Natatory Organ, AIST EN Neck, :: ER hia) Nozoic Mollusks, rege bel. 3.5) Nervous System, 70 New Zealand Region, 196 Nidimental Capsules, 114, 119 Nidimental Glands, LILI Nomenclature, (1.0110. 2247 Nucleo branchiata, CLARE TSI) Nucleus, ey 15, 45 Wudibranchiata, : . . 1/82 Odontoglossa, . .'.. « 255 Odontophore, 94, 95, 97 (Esophagus, . 93, 100 Oigopside, Ay Pe a OE ATTA) Ohactory, Organ, 2)... 719 Ommatophore, 76 Opercular Mantle, ood Operculum,. . toa Opisthobranchiata, ATA ERE RS 2 Order, s/s, cbt AEC ERE Organs of Sense, ., Kal Otocyst, 78 Otolite, 18 Ovisae 30 Paleontological Distrib., 216 Paleozoic Mollusks, Wai Pallial Line, 56, 68 Pallial Sinus, 68 Palliobranchiata, oS Palpi, 75, 105 Panamic Province, . 169 Pancreas, 93 Parasites, 140 Parasitism, 135 Parietal Wall, 46 Patagonian Province, 172 Patagonian Region, 197 Pearl, 16 Pectinibr anchiata, HERR 2 eleey poday ies) Vi kee Remo 3% Alita, ONT Perfor ated, . 44 Periostracum, 19 PAGE, Periphery, 45 Peristome, 46 Peritreme, : 46 Peruvian Province, 170 Peruvian Region, . 198 Philippine Region, 193 Phlebenterata, . 103 Phosphorescence, . 13 Phragmocone, 15, 30 Phragmostracum, . shape ow Phy llovora, : eels: Bee eon | Pleur, nee ahh (EKG) Plug, . : 68, 110 Polynesian Region, SHLD OLY WORE Wo, tice Rae ep Ane gaeO Porifera,. . Jin es) ght Preconchy han Gland, 132 Prices of Shells, 151 Proboscis, 9, 93 Pro-ostracum, 30 Propodium, . 65 Protective Coloration, 141 TOLOZ ORs: eer) Lihey tea Provinces, 154 Ptenoglossa, 255 Pteropoda, 4,5 Pulmonifera, 82 Purple Gland, 107 Rachidian Teeth, . 96 Rachiglossa, 255, 258 Radula, : 95 Range of F amilies i in Time, 241 Range of Genera in Time, 240 Renal Organ, 103 Respiration, 81 Respiratory Cavity, . 84 Rest-period 42 Reversed Shells, . a ' 24 Revolving, . A AgT 'Rhinophore, 15, 79 Rhipidoglossata, . 259 Rhizochilus, . . . 21 Rostrum, 9, 28, 29, 30, 93 Saddle; .): 34 Salivary Glands, "92, 101, 105 Scaphopoda, 5 296 PAGE. Sculpture, 26, 43, 47 Scutibranchiata, 82 Sepia, . . 107 Septa, . 33 Septentrional Region, 182 Sexual Organs, 110, Sheath, 65! Shells): 14 Shell ‘Collecting, 150 Shell-opal, . . 149 Shells as Money, . : 149 SHUG eee ec ay oy ay SAL Siphon, eo 6 Oo G5 Vy GA, 37 Siphonostomata, ea el Siphuncele, 30, 31, 35 SRILA Gt a oan RE TEA eh GL Smell,. : 0 Solenoconcha, . 5 South African Province, . 162 South African Region, 190 Species, ‘ 250 Specific Areas, . 154 Specific Centres, . 154 Specific Gravity, 33, 36 Spermatophores, . ay Lalu Spermatozoa, lel Spines, 26, 42 Spire, . 45 Spongifera,. . 2 Stomach, 92, 100, 103, 105, 106 Structure, 16, 33 Stylet, 106 Subfamily, . 250 Subgenus, 250 Suckers, 8 Sucking Disks, Bo) Suture, ; . . 3838, 34, 45 Symmetr ical Shells, ; . 44 Symphynote, 21 Synonym, 248 Systematic Works, 215 Table of Recent and Fossil Species, =. . . 245 Table of Sedimentary De- posits, . my he hoa 8 INDEX. PaGk Teenioglossata, 255, 257 Taste, . Be el Tectibranchiata, 82, 86 Teeth, . 55, 59 Temperature, . 147 Tenacity of Life,. . . . 144 | Tentacles, ;).,2-f1. 4/2.) Sexo ona Tentacular Arms, . MG hc) Testacea,. 15 Tetrabranchiata, 82 _Thecosomata, 105 Tongue, 92 Touch, 74 Toxoglossata, 255, 258 Transatlantic Province, . 173 Tropical Shells, 156 -Tubulibranchiata, 82 Tunicata, 3, 6 _Unnbilicated, . 44 Umbo, 15, 55 Uncini, ais “ape Uninusculose, . 132 Univalve, . 15 Univalve 'Shells, 14 'Valve,. 59 Varices, 145 Variety, . 250 Varix, 20, 42 Vein, ; 3 188 Velamentous Arms, ‘ 32 Velumn, 14, 128 Vena Cava, 88 Ventricle, 88 Viermes. . ..isrpieiy Gh ae iene Mertebratas 00.05) panel Vision, sie 15 Web, : 64 West African Provinee, 162 West African Region, 189 West American Provinces, 167 Wihorl ee 45 Wrelten Bodies, 131 Works on Distribution, 209 Zoosperm, 117 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES: VOL. I. PLATE 1. FIGURE. PAGE. 1. Structure of shell of Cyprea Mauritiana, 255 diam. (Keferstein), . 16 2. Polished surface of pearly layer of Pinna nigrina, 85 diam. (Keferstein ), : 16 3. Section of Pinna nigrina ae rhombohedral crystals. (Keferstein), : 16,18 4. Aragonite crystals on the inner side of pearly layer of Pinna nigrina, 360 diam., : ‘ : 5 : 16 5. Terebratula. Section. . ‘ } : 5 18 6, 7. Sections of Conus ponderosus, Brug. Miocene of Touraine; a, outer layer; 6, middle; ¢, inner layer: def lines of growth. (Woodward), : : ‘ 18 8. Section of Conus perforated by Lithodomi. (Wood- ward), . 5 : 4 : 13 9. Meleagrina mar varitifera, Linn. _ with pearls. (Chenu’s Manuel), . 16 10. Dipsas plicata, Leach, “interior surface, showing artifi- cially produced pearls, simulating oods. Specimen. 17 11. Czecum, showing stages of growth. (Fischer.) a, spiral embryonal shell; 0, c, first and second partitions; d, aperture, . : : , ; ; 23 12, 13. Eucalodium Liebmanni, Pfr. (Fischer.) a, adult truncated shell; b, the deciduous spiral earlier shell, 23 14. Auricula Jude, Linn, Section showing the absorption of the interior walls of the volutions. (Fischer’s Manuel) e321) en. 23 15. Cymba proboscidalis, Lam, Showi ing the irregular large callous nucleus, 4 ; 15 16. Helix carocolla, Linn, Scalariform. ‘Specimen, : 24 17. Helix aspera, Muller. Scalariform, . : A : 24 18. Planorbis marginatus, Linn. Scalariform, : ‘ 24 PLATE 2 19. Section of shell of Belemnites. Showing the pro- ostracum, rostrum and phragmocone, . 28, 30 20. Pro- ostracum of Belemnites Puzosianus, . : : 30 21. Pro-ostracum or anterior shell of Belemnites, Sho la 30 22. Pro-ostracum of B. hastatus, : 2 : : ; 30 (297) 298 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE, PAGE, 23. Nautilus Pompilius, Linn. Septum with central si- phuncle, . : : 5 : R 34 24. Clymenia striata, Miinster. With internal siphuncle, 34 25. Hamites cylindraceus, Defrance. With external si- phunele, . : : : 34 26. Goniatites sphericus, Sowb. Section. Carb. limestone, Bolland. a, aperture ; b, body-whorl; c, suture, . 24 27. Ammonites obtusus ,Sby. Lias , Lyme Regis. a,aperture; b, body-whorl; c¢, suture, ‘ 34 28, 29. Ammonite, showing the position ‘of the lobes and saddles. D, exterior lobe; Z,superior lateral lobes ; L’, inferior lateral lobes; V, interior lobe and its arms a, auxiliary lobes; d, exterior saddle; J, lateral saddles ; v, interior saddle, ; ‘ : ‘ 34 30. Univalve spiral shell, with the parts named, ; 5 44 31. Left valve of Cytherea chione, Linn. h, ligament ; U beak; 7, lunule; c, cardinal tooth : uy t” , lateral teeth ; a, anterior adductor impression; a’, posterior adductor; p, pallial impression ; s, sinus of retractor muscle of siphon, . ay) 32. Pecten varius, Linn. a, adductor impression ; m, pallial nes 1, ligamental margin ; c, cartilage ; e, anterior 2b. byssal sinus, “ 4 ; : ‘ : 56 33. ees with apty chus, ‘ 38 34 to 38. Forms of opercula ; 34, claw- shaped ; 35, lamellar ; 36, multispiral; 37, paucispiral ; 38, articulated, ‘ 51 PLATE 3. 39 Spicules in the integument of Doris pilosa, Linn., . 12 40. Mytilus edulis, Linn. Showing the foot, byssus, and attachment, and branchiz. (Meyer and Mobius), 67, 110 41. Dreissena polymorpha, Pallas. f, foot; 6, byssus, 67, 110 42. Clausilia Macarana, Ziegler, magnified, and broken to show the clausilium, ¢, and the columellar axis, a. (Fischer), : s : : adh A : 67 43. Dentalium Tarentinum, Lam., animal, with the shell removed. J, foot; d, anterior mantle opening; a, posterior opening ; r, kidney ; ty liv ae g, genital gland. (Lacaze- Duthiers), : ; 66, 105 44. Tegumenta of Tebennophorus. J, mucous lamina; 2, ahtserlen lamina; 3, peritoneum ; 4, visceral cavity ; 5, pulmonary chamber; 6, interval between the two eels Tayerss aii. : : : : : 11 45. Phasianella bulimoides, Lam., : 14 46. Oliva maura, Lam. gz, filiform appendages ‘of the mantle; s, siphon. (Keferstein), ; : 13, 74 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 299 FIGURE, PAGE. 47. Sepia officinalis, Linn. d, dorsal cartilage; pn, fin cartilage ; d’, posterior extension of dorsal carte ch, shell. (Keferstein), . : 27 48. Sepia Mauritiana, Quoy, oral aspect. Showing the beak, surrounded by the lip and buccal membrane. (Fer. et d’Orb), é : ; 91 49. Strombus Isabella, Lam., male. a, anus; p, penis ; ap thread-like posterior filament of mantle. (Keter- stein), - . 65 50. Mya arenaria, L. “The left valve, mantle lobe and half the siphons removed. a, a’, adductor muscles; b, body; c, cloaca; f, foot; g, branchie ; h, heart; Mm, eut edge of the mantle; 0, mouth; s, s’, siphons; t, labial tentacles; v, vent. The arrows indicate the direction of the currents; the four rows of dots at the base of the gills are the orifices of the branchial tubes, opening into the dorsal channels, ; “67, 105 51. Muscles of Modiola. (Woodward.) aa, anterior, a’/a’, posterior adductors ; wu and p’p’, pedal muscles ; pp, byssal muscles; /, foot; b, byssus; m, pallial line, 68 52. Unio pictorum, L., with the right valve and mantle lobe removed. a, a, adductor muscles; p, p, pedal muscles; x, accessory pedal muscle; u, umbo; J, ligament; 6, branchial orifice; v, anal opening; /, foot; 0, mouth; ¢, palpi, . i - i 67, 68, 105 53. Psammobia vespertina, Chemn. rs, respiratory mete : es, efferent siphon; /, foot. (Poli, : ; 87 54. Mya arenaria, Linn. Showing the ‘siphon and “foot. (Woodward Ne t : : ; ! f f oS PLATE 4. 55. Cephalic cartilage of Sepia officinalis. (Keferstein), . 27 56. Neck cartilage of Loligo vulgaris. Dorsal face. (Kefer- stein), » : é : ; ‘ : k A OAT 57. Sepioteuthis Blainvillianus. a, subocular fold; /J/, siphon; chs, cartilaginous button ; nch, neck plate; chi, anterior end of pen. (Keferstein), . . ah Onl 58. Cartilaginous shell of Cirroteuthis Mulleri. ee stein), : Zit Ove 59. Chalky scales ‘from the skin of ‘Sexurgus titanops, oreatly magnified. (Troschel), . oe pall 60. Chromatophore from the skin of Sepia officinalis. (Kefer- stein), . : : s : : , Saget 61. The same contracted, : : Mahl : , sa) Jal 300 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 62. Digestive organs, ete., of Nautilus Pompilius. (After Owen, Memoir on Pearly Nautilus,t. 4.) a, The hood or upper part of the oral sheath longitudinally divided. b, Posterior lobes or angles of the hood. c, Posterior concavity of the hood. d, The ridge in the same. e, The cut-surface of the above parts. /, Internal sur- face of the oral sheath. g, External labial processes. h, External labial tentacles. 7¢, Internal labial pro- cesses. k, Internal labial tentacles. J, Olfactory lamine. m, The circular fringed lp, longitudinally divided. n,Superior mandible 0, Inferior mandible. p, Muscular attachment of mandibles. gq, The superior pair of muscles which retract the jaws. 7, The semi- circular muscle which protrudes the jaws, divided longitudinally. s, The esophagus. ¢, The crop. uw, The narrow canal leading to v, The gizzard. w,'The intestine. w’, The terminal fold of intestine drawn out of its situation. a, The anus. y, The laminated pancreatic bag. z, The liver. 15, A branch of the anterior aorta, which ramifies in the membrane con- necting the two portions of the terminal fold of the intestine. 19. Continuation of the posterior aorta along the dorsal aspect of the crop. 20. Its bifurca- tion at the cesophagus, to form a vascular circle cor- responding to the nervous circle round that tube. 21, 22, Arteries, of the crop, gizzard, ete. , 63, 65 ‘ 63. Nautilus Pompilius, in its shell, the latter a section to show the interior. a, The mantle. 6, Its dorsal fold. é, Nidamental line: g, Shell muscle. 71 z, Siphon. k, Funnel. »,Hood. oo 0, Exterior digitations. p, Tentacles. s, Hye. 2,2, Septa. z, Last chamber, 33,37 PLATE 5. 64. Triton variegatum, Brug. pr, proboscis; 0’, oral mass ; oc, eye; S, respiratory siphon ; 67, branchig ; c¢, heart Rn linjeniwt: Sesintolle | g, cerebral ganglion ® g/, pedal ganglion; g’’, visceral ganglion ; Z, intestine ; ud, vas deferens ; a, anus ; 3 Oa |oeuoulish : “panel 65. Nervous system of Ommastrephes todarus. Ventral face (Hancock). gv, Visceral ganglion. o p, Optic ° nerve. gp, Pedal ganglion. gbs, gbi, Superior and inferior buccal ganglia. 6, Arm nerves. 7 v, Visceral nerves. gs ¢, Ganglion stellatum. 7 HOnon Fin ner ves, MnGe (Esophageal nerves. g vé, Splanchnic ganglion, g x, Ganglion on the vena cava, g b r, Branchial ganglion. 67, Branchial nerves. 7 y, Nerves of the ink-bag and rectum. . : : : : : Bate 100) EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE. 66. CHsophageal ring of Sepia officinalis from the back. (Milne Edwards.) gbi, gbs, inferior and superior buceal ganglia; b, arm nerves; op, optic nerve; oe, gullet; g v, visceral o ganglion; g c, cerebral oanglion, 67. Schematic figure of the nervous centres of a eeophilous pulmonate. a, cerebral ganglia; b, pedal ganglia; ce, visceral ganglia; d, stomato-gastric ganglia; /, con- nectives uniting the subwsophageal to the visceral ganglia; A, connectives uniting the subcesophageal 70 to the stomato-gastric ganglia; 0, otocysts, . 1, 72 68. Schematic figure ‘of the nervous system of Chiton cinereus, Linn. a, anterior curve formed by the com- missures of the pedal and branchial trunks ; 6, antero- superior pharyngeal ganglia ; c, small postero-superior pharyngeal ganglia; d, antero-inferior pharyngeal ganglia; e, vascular ganglia; m, branchial nerves; p, nerves of the pedal disk with their transverse com- missures, . F : : : : 69. Nervous sy ‘stem of Anodonta. a, buceal ganglia; b, pedal; c, branchial ganglia (Fischer), PLATE 6. 70. Section of eye of Sepia officinalis. (After Hensen.) &, Cephalic cartilage. ’, Hyelid cartilage. wk, White bodies. ¢. Cornea. ZL, Lens. A 7, Argentea interna. A e, Argentea externa. &, Hye cartilage with the thick equatorial cartilage. 7 k, Iris cartilage. g, Optic ganglion. # e, Retina externa. & 7, Retina interna. p, paemnent h y, Hyaloidea. c, Ciliary bodies. j : : : E 71. Eye and olfactory organ of Sepia. (Zernoff.) a, Olfac- tory organ. n, olfactory nerve. 6, eyeball. ec, optic ganglion. d ef, principal ganglia of the brain. g. anterior nerve of siphon. h, nerves of the mantle ganglion. k,sympathethic nerve. J/, nerves leading to the cephalic ganglion and arms. m, nerve of the 15 eye. n, olfactory nerve. 0, eye cavity. p,skin, 175,78 72. Head of Glandina fusiformis, Pfeiffer. a,eyes; b, inferior tentacles; c, labial palpi; d, buccal orifice, BE (5, (00, 73, 74. Schematic figures of the eye of Helix pomatia, show- ing the mode of retraction within the tentacles. a, external wall of the tentacle; b, crystalline lens; d, retractor of the lens; /, ocular neebee J; retina: k, retractor muscle of the ocular globe ; p, optic gan- glion ; 0, optic nerve, : at 302 80. 81. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FiGUEE. PAGE. 75. Pecten varius, Linn. m, fringed mantle borders; br, branchize, . : 78, 105 76. Lepton squamosum, Mont. Showins the mantle fringes, 78 TT. Pedal ganglia of Helix pulchella, Mill. a, oanglia ; 0, otocysts ; 6, profile view of an otocyst; Cr otolites. (Leidy, Binney’ si Derr Molise ! Bn) lle ai 78. Otocyst of Cyclas. 0, single otolite ; c, ciliated epithelial cellules (Leydig), : 79 79. Lamellar tentacle (rhinophore) ‘of Holis cor onata, Forbes (Alder and Hancock), : : : ee Tonntg PLATE 7 Circulating and respiratory organs of Nautilus Pompi- lius. (After Owen.) 1. The great vein. 1’. The orifices by which it communicates with the abdominal cavity. 2. The venous sinus. 3. Splanchnic veins from the liver, ovary, gizzard, ete. 4. Origins ne the branchial arteries. 5. Branchial arteries. 6. The follicles ap- pended to the branchial arteries. : Orifices by which they communicate with the branchial arteries, ex- posed on the left side (the parts being seen from the dorsal aspect). 8. The valve at the entry of the branchial artery into the gill, exposed in the right anterior vessel. 9. Cavity of the same artery, where it is imbedded in r, the muscular stem of the gill laid open. p. The larger branchia of the right side, showing the venous surface. p’. The same of the left side, showing the venous surface. gq. The smaller branchia of the right side, showing the arterial sur- face, with r, the fleshy skin entire, the dotted line indicating the passage of the branchial artery into it. q’. The smaller branchia of the left side. s. The common stem of the branchiz, by which they adhere to the inner surface of the mantle. 10. The branchial veins. 11. The valves placed at their terminations in the ventricle. ¢. The ventricle or systemic heart, laid open. 12. The origin of the lesser aorta. 13. The artery of the glandular ovarian apparatus. 14. The siphonic artery. 15. The artery of the intestine. 16. The larger aorta. 16’. Its muscular origin or the continuation of the ventricle. 17. The valve at the extremity of this part, 4 : 83, 88 Branchie of Octopus. (Cuvier, Mém. Moll. Céph.) mbr. Branchialmuscle. vbr. Branchial vein. nor. Arterial nerve. ue. Venacava. co6r. Branchial heart. abr. Branchial artery, “ : . : 83 FIGURE 82. 86. 87. 88. oe SPs EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. A lamina of the larger branchia of Nautilus Pompilius, magnified ; showing its subdivision into the smaller lamine. 9. Cavity of the branchial artery. 10. Branchial vein. 7. Flesh skin of the branchia. (Owen. ) . Heart of Octopus vulgaris. Cut open. (Cuvier.) a. Aorta. b. Auricle. ec. Valve. d. Network of muscle, . Circulatory system of Mytilus edulis, Linn. (Polli.) a. Ventricle; b. Auricle; c. Branchial vein; d. Pedal artery, . Pyrula tuba, Lam. Male. aq. Aqueous pore; p. Penis; r. Kidney; S. Respiratory siphon; P. Foot; br. Branchie. (Keferstein), ; : : 66, Vertical section of foot of Mactra, showing the aqui- ferous system. (Delle-Chiaje), PLATE 8. Venous system of Sepia officinalis. (After Delle-Chiaje.) ve. Vena cava; r. Renal organ; cv. Venous hearts. Arterial system of Sepia officinalis. (After Delle-Chiaje. ) c, heart; c’, auricle; br, branchie: ao, great aorta. . Section of Anodonta, exposing the heart. (After Huxley.) a, mantle; b, foot; c, rectum; /, ventricle; g, auricles; p, pericardium; o’, organ of Bojanus; q, genital gland; h,7, internal and external branchiz, . 8 cerebral ganglia; gp, pedal ganglia; ot,ear; op, oper- culum; 7, kidney; wut, uterus; ov, ovary; br, bran- chiee ; OC, eye: Gs heart, : 83, Circulation of Haliotis tuberculata. (After Milne Ea- wards.) br, branchiz; c, heart; a, anus; 0, oral mass; ao, aorta, : ; : 83, Branchie of Doris. a, tentacles; b, branchie ; c, heart. (Fischer), PLATE 9. 93. Digestive system of Octopus octopodia. (Keferstein.) mb, buccal mass; gb, lower buccal ganglion; 3’, posterior salivary glands; h, liver; oe, alimentary eanal; dh, biliary duct; 7, intestine; a, anus; D7, ink-bag; 9 8p, Splanchnic ganglion; v, stomach; v’ blindsack, : 3 , 4 ul ‘ 91, 6, 90 . Circulation of Paludina vivipara. (After Leydig.) gc, 106 304 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE. , PAGE. 94. Medial section of the buccal mass of Sepia officinalis. (Keferstein.). mb6c, Buccal membrane; mJ, lip; mas, upper jaw; mat, under jaw; x,so-called organ of taste; oe, opening of alimentary canal; rd, radula; z,tongue sheath; s’, salivary gland; gl, superior buccal ganglion; gb, lower buccal ganglion, 91 95. Beaks of Sepia officinalis, surrounded by the lip, . 92 96: Dolium’ galea, Ti.) Kf jaws; 0 lip’ z. toneue sch. Chiagian organ; ch’, blind sack of the esophagus ; pv, crop; s, salivary gland. (Keferstein’, 93, 100, 101 97. Bueccinum undatum, L. Proboscis half protruded. (Cuvier.) a, Invagination of proboscis; 6, pro- boscis; ¢, mouth; d, contractile muscles; e, muscular ring, : : : : . 93 98. Tongue of Argonauta Argo, ‘enlarged. (Fer. and d’ Orb.) B, the tongue viewed dorsally ; a, the teeth, in’seven Lows ; 6, the outer rows of plates, : 92 99. Pharyngeal bulb ‘of Polycera ocellata, Alder and Han- cock, from the Bay of Kiel. (Meyer and Mobius.) a, buccal orifice; 6, jaw; c, lingual plate; d, cesoph- agus; é, lingual muscle; /, radular bundles, : 62 100. Buccal opening and lips of Hinnites pusio, Donovan. (After Fischer), . 4 : 4 : : = ll OS Puate 10. LTingual Dentition. 1. Octopus octopodia, Linn. Face view of tongue. (D’Orb. Moll. Viv.), : ; : : : : ; . 263 2. Loligo pallida, Verrill. (Am. Jour. Science), . . 2638 3. Nautilus pomauaie, Linn. Keferstein, t, 115, f£.3,,. . 264 4. Section of radula, . . 264 5. cathe Hebreeus, Linn. Troschel, ii, t. 1, f. 8, . 148,264 6. Marginella elegans, Gmelin. Troschel, ii, t.5,f.6, . 264 1. Melo nautica, Lam. Troschel, ii, t. 5, f. 2 a, : . 264 8. Fasciolaria tulipa, Linn. Troschel, ii, t. 5, f. 12, . 264 9. Mitra adusta, Mart. Troschel, ii, t. 6,f. 7, . q . 264 10. Imbriearia conica, Lam. Troschel, ii, t. 8,f. 6, . 264 11. Buccinum undatum, lingual ribbon. a. anterior, p. pos- teriorend, . i ) ; 4 ! . 98, 96, 264 12. Buecinum undatum. a rachidian, /, laterals. (Wood- ward), . : . 96, 264 13. Nassa obsoleta, Say. Troschel, ii. t. 8, f 22, . 264 14. Turbinella cornigera, Lam. Troschel, Hi bos ste 5, . 264 15. Oliva reticularis, Lam. Troschel, ii, 10, f 12, . 264 16. Harpa conoidalis, Lam. Troschel, ii, i 10, Pole . 264 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 305 FIGURE. PAGE, Wj; Murex ramosus, Linn., Troschel. i,,t..11, f.,.3,,. . 264 18. Melongena melongena, Linn. Troschel, ii, (Het plas 264 19. Ricinula digitata, “Lam. Troschel, ii, t. WE, f. i. ; . 264 20. Columbella. Troschel,ii,t.9, . 3 . 264 PuATE 11, Lingual Dentition. 21. Cyclostoma elegans, Mull. Troschel, i, t. 4, f 8, . 264 22. Ampullaria urceus, Mull. Troschel. 1, t. 3. fi4,. 95, 264 23. af globosa, Swains. Troschel, i iy a, 1 By, BIBL 24. Valvata tricarinata, Say. Troschel, i, t. 6, f. 14, . 264 25. Vivipara ( (Paludina) subcarinata, Say. Trosehel, iy tie (0 OOH & : . 265 26. Littorina irrorata, Say. " Troschel, ieyibp ‘10, f. Msc 26D 27. Anculosa dissimilis woay. “Lroschell art: 8, te One 22/69 28. Strombus pugilis, Linn. Troschel, i! Ue Gp 12, 26a 29. Pedicularia Sicula, Sw. Troschel,i,t.16,f.6, . ae 00) 30. Cyprea exanthema, Linn. Troschel, i, t. 17, f. 7, 265 31. Natica duplicata, Say. Troschel,i,t.15,f9, . . 265 32. Dolium perdix, Linn. Troschel, i, t. 19, f. 3, : 5h) PANS 33. Triton cutaceum, Linn. Troschel,t.19,f10, . . 265 34. Triton, jaw. (Fischer.) ; : : : oe Blais, PAGS) 35. Janthina fibula, Reeve. Troschel, ii, t. 14, f. 5, . oe PAOD) 36. Scalaria sp., jaw. Troschel, ii, t,15,f.1, - a HON 965 37. 7 Spiny process of the. same, oreatly a roschel in toatl ; - 265 38. communis, ‘Lam. Troschel, nents 15, fea Bf PAOD) PLATE 12. Lingual Dentition. 39. Solarium perspectivum, Lam. ‘Troschel, ii, t. 15, f. 4 a, 265 40. sf Samet cae Troschel, Ge Lee Ate = 268 4], Atlanta Keraudrenii, Rang. “'Troschel, i,t Top f. 2, Sy AOD 42. Pterotrachea carinata, Forsk. Troschel, i i, t. a dln Glas LD) 43. Helicina submarginata, Gray. Troschel, Leb oty LO 265 44. Neritina reclivata, Say. Trosehel, ii, t. 16, f 10, . 265 45. Nerita planospira, Anton. Troschel, iipeC ‘TT, 120. eos 46. Trochus (Pachypoma) celata, Linn. ‘Troschel, ii, t. 2 Ont 20 a: ; : ; : , ; 265 47. Phasianella pulla, Linn. Troschel, ii, t. 18, f. 10, - 265 48. Crepidula fornicata, Say. Troschel, 1, t. is te 9, - 265 49 "s part of jaw. Proschel it. 13, f. 8, 265 50. Emarginula crassa,Sowb. Keferstein, t. 74,f,17. . 265 20 306 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 51. Patella vulgata, Linn. Keferstein, t. 74,f.21. . . 266 52. Chiton Stelleri, Midd. Keferstein, t. 74, f23, . . 266 53. Pneumodermon violaceum, d’Orb. Troschel, i, t.3,f 11. Blind sack opened, showing the stylet, . 267 54. Pneumodermon Peronii, Lam. Section of ‘stylet. Mroschelepiestas. i. 15. i : 2) 220m 55. Hyalea tridentata, Gmelin. Troschel, i t. 2, f. 11, AST PLATE 13. Lingual Dentition. 56. Glandina truncata, Say. Binney L. & F. W. Shells, Bee er... : é 266 57. Glandina truncata, tongue. Binney, if ‘A, : : . 266 58. Orthalicus zebra, Mill, jaw. Binney, f, BLOM AN 8) alkb4 PAOLO 59. Helix appressa, Say. Binney, f. PAB) 266 60. Bulimus cantagallanus, Rang., jaw. ’ Fischer’s Manuel, Teo A 4 ; é f : : 94, 266 61. Limax flay us, Linn, Binney, tf) 105... : x . 266 62. ie "jaw. Binney, f. 103, ; : . 266 63. Suecinea ovalis, Gould., jaw. Binney, f. 451, : 266 64. Limneea stagnalis, Linn, Binney, L. & F. W. Shells, Tih, 2 tly As ; i 266 65. Limneea columella, Say. Binney, L. & F. W. Shells, Rt te 26: : . 5 : ‘ ; . 266 66. Limneea stagnalis, Linn. a,superior jaw; 0, lateral jaws. (Fischer), . i 5 : : : : 266 67. Alexia myosotis, Drap. Binney, L. & F. W. Shells, TPG De silos The 266 68. Tornatella “fasciata, ‘Lam. Troschel, 10. t. 14, f, 12. gO AGY 69. Doris obvelata, Mill. Keferstein, t. 50, 16 = eZOl 70. Runeina Hancocki, Forbes. Keferstein, ti: HDg i nee 267 Puate 14. Tl. Digestive tube of Dentalium Tarentinum, Lam. (After 12. 73. Lacaze-Duthiers.) ab, buccal pouches ; b, labial palpi ; 1, lingual pouch; e, stomach ; fs liver; 2, intestine ; Te rectum ; an, anus, . : : ; . 105 Digestive tube of Eolis papillosa. (After Alder and Hancock.) a, lingual bulb; 6, stomach; v,anus; d,d, hepatic czeca,. .. ; : : : . 93, 103 Gizzard of Bulla lignaria. (After Woodward.) Face and profile views, from a half-grown specimen ; the anterior part is towards the base; in the front view the plates are in contact. The cardiac orifice is in the centre, in front; the pyloric orifice is upon the posterior dorsal side, near the small transverse plate, 101 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE. 74. Littorina littoralis ©: (after Souleyet). Animal removed 75. 76. Te 78. io: 80. 81. from its shell, branchial cavity and back laid open. r, rostrum or muzzle; &%, buccal mass; g, nervous ganglia (reproductive orifice, on the right side); s, salivary gland; @, cwsophagus; J, lingual coil; m, shell-muscle ; 6, branchia or gill; c, heart; n, aorta; e, stomach; f/f, liver; h, biliary canal; 2, intestine ; a,anus; 0, ovary; d, oviduct; wu, uterus; 0’, ovarian orifice ; x, renal organ; y, mucus gland, : ; Digestive tube of Mactra stultorum, Linn. A schematic view (after Garner), 6, mouth; c¢, the stylet; e, stomach; 7, intestine; 7, rectum; v, ventricle of the heart; 0, " auricles, : : : Section of stomach of Pyrula tuba, '(Keferstein.) ce, ali- mentary canal; 7, intestine; v, stomach; h, liver. 93, Kidney ofa Pulmonate. (Fischer.) a, kidney ; 6, ureter ; c, rectum ; d, mantle ; e, pulmonary chamber ; /, great branchial vein; g, g, branches of the aorta; 7, heart ; 1, pericardium opened, PLATE 15. Anatomy of Helix albolabris, Say. (Leidy.) J. Buccal body; 2, its retractor; 5, cesophagus; 4, stomach ; 5, intestine; 6, rectum; 7, anus; 8, salivary glands; 9, liver; 10, testicle; 11, epididymis; 1/2, prostate ; 13, penis; 14, its retractor; 15, ovary; 16, oviduct ; 17, genital bladder; 18, pulmonary chamber; 79, pulmonary vein; 20, heart; 21, renal organ; 22, its duct; 23, anus; 24, cephalic branch of aorta; 29, supra-cesophageal ganglia, Purpura lapillus, Linn. Respiratory siphon opened to show vg, vagina; a, anus; gp, purple gland; dr, branchie ; 7’, opgamg of the kidney. (Keferstein, t, SiGaelenl é Conus tulipa, Lam. Male. (After Quoy and ‘Gaimard.) h, hepatic lobes; r, kidney; ¢, testicle; vd, vas deferens ; p, penis ; a, Anus ; 0, mouth: 0’, oral Mass ; g, cerebral ganglion; s, salivary gland; Z, tongue sheath, ‘ : i Digestivesystem of Patella. (After Cuvier.) a,mouth; b, oral mass; d, stomach; e, intestine, 5 t 93, . Digestive tract of Voluta undulata, Lam. (Keferstein. ) 0, mouth; o’, oral mass; s, salivary glands ; g, cerebral ganglion; ch, esophageal appendage; pv, crop; v, stomach; a, anus, : : L 100, 307 PAGE. 93 . 105 100 . 108 93 107 02 101 101 308 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 83. Section of oral mass of Triton nodiferum, Lam. (Kefer- stein.) o, mouth; rd, radula; K/, jaw; y, opening of the esophagus ; pp, tongue papillee; oe, esophagus ; sch, tongue sheath ; /n, tongue cartilage, : Puate 16. 84, 85. Male of Argonauta Argo, Linn. (After Muller.) In 85 the hectocotylized arm is enveloped in the sack, and in 84 it is developed. Haein magnified about three times, 5 Jaros eee 86. Female organs of Sepia officinalis. (Milne- Edwards, in Cuvier’s Régne Anim.) a, anus; 7, intestine; ‘0v, ovary ; od’, oviducal aperture ; od, oviducal oland : gn, nidimental gland; gn’, accessory glands, . 111 87. Female organs of Eledone moschata. " (Keferstein, ) od, oviducal apertures ; x, oviducal cana ov, ovary, Ill 88. Acinus of the hermaphrodite gland of Cymbulia Peroni, Cuvier. (After Gegenbauer.) 0, ovules placed at the periphery ; s, spermatic elements, : gL 89. Pyrula tuba, Lam. Female. Proboscis withdrawn. a, anus; v, vagina; y, mucous gland; v, stomach; intestine; od, oviduct; h, liver; ov, ovary ; oe, ae tary canal; mc, columellar muscle; br, branchie; 7, kidney; s, respiratory siphon. (Keferstein. ane 5 1s 90. Male organs of Sepia officinalis. (After Duvernoy.) ¢, testis; vd, vas deferens; vs, vesicula seminalis; pr, prostate; bsp, spermatophore reservoir; p, penis and genital aperture, : : . : : 20 91. Pyrula tuba, Lam. Male. Proboscis extruded. pr, proboscis; vd, vas deferens; vd’, sperm grove; f, testicle; p, penis; s,respiratory siphon; 67, branchie ; a, anus; y, mucous gland; 7, kidney; 7, intestine; 0, heart. (Keferstein ), , . 116 92. Anterior end of spermatophore of Sepia officinalis, Linn. Greatly magnified. (Keferstein), : : . se alell PLATE 17. 93. Hgg-capsules of Murex pomum, Gmel. Original, 5 JUL 94. A capsule of Purpura lapillus, L. (After Keferstein.) . 119 95. Nidus of Natica, reduced one-half. Original, . . 124 96. Capsules of Littorina littorea, with developed young, . 119 97. Nidimentary ribbon of Doris Johnstoni, Alder and Hancock, . : . 123 98. Group of capsules of Purpura lapillus, Linn. (After Keferstein), ‘ EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE. 99. Janthina. (After Quoy and Gaimard.) a, float; 5 egos; c, branchie ; d, tentacles, 100. Ege of Bulimus OV atus, Mill. Brazil, ; Capsules of Fulgur carica (Am. Marine Conch. it. 5, f. SO) eis]. : Capsules of Sy cotypus canaliculatus. (Ibid. if 27), Kees of Ranella ventricosa, Brod. (After d’Orbigny), . Ova capsules of Buccinum undatum, Linn. (Woodward), . Egg capsule of Neptunea cae Chemn. (After Howse), . Capsules of Urosalpinx cinerea, Say. (After Stimpson), . Capsules of Fasciolaria tulipa, “Linn. Original, — . on OD BO -I o> PLATE 18. 8. Genitalia of Helix albolabris, Say. (Leidy, in Binney’s Perr: ‘Moll: i, t:6, 1.3). +2, Testicle 2° epididymis 2*,vas deferens; 2**, its dilated commencement ; 3, accessory gland of epididymis; 4, prostate; 5, penis; 6, prepuce; 7, retractor muscle; 8, ovary; 9, oviduct ; 10, genital bladder; 17, muscular organ on its duct ; 12 "cloaca, 9. Dart ‘of Helix vermiculata, 1 Miill, oreatly magnified. (After Weigmann.) The cross-section b, is taken from the point marked a, é : : ; j 10. Dart of Helix intertexta, Binney. (Leidy, Binney’s Terr. Moll) ¢.°12)'T. 3 11. Branchial uterus of Unio ochraceus, Say. (Lea’ S Observ., ii, t. 15, f. 44), : : 24, 12. Hgg-cases ‘of Loligo punctata, Les. Original, : 13, 14. Ege-cases of Sepia officinalis. (Fer. et d’Orb. yx é 15. Shellnidus and egos. of Te eae Argo.’ (Fer. ‘et de Orbs) ae s 31, 16. Paludina ‘vivipara, Linn. " (Fischer.) The internal organs are seen through the shell, the distended ovary full of eggs and embryos, the branchia, and between these two organs, the termination of the alimentary canal, 17. Sexual organs, ete, of Pecten elaber. (Lacaze- Duthiers. ) 0,p (male), p’ (female) genitalia; r, r’, genital canal and its opening ; ft, wu, Bojanus organ, ‘and opening ; 7, adductor muscle; /, rectum and anus; b, branchiz ; a’’, eyes; 1, foot, ‘ 119 We) 119 131 114 113 144 127 310 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. Puate 19. Development of cephalopoda (Sepia officinalis). Keferstein, l. c., t. 123. Explanation of reference letters and figures: D. Outer yolk sack. o. Mouth. m 6b. Buccal mass. v. Stomach. 67. Branchie. 67. Ink-bag. ch. Shell. J. Siphon. mc. Musculus collaris. ch. Button cartilage. nch. Neck plate. C’ C’’. Under and upper head flaps. oc. Eyes. 1, 2,3,4,5. Arms. 18. Three stages of the ‘“foldings” of Killiker, oe to oviposition, 5 : : 19. An egg, somewhat magnified, 5 f 20-22. Hges showing stages of segmentation, 23,24. Hees with the capsules cut open, enone the embryos, 25-30. Progressive stages of segmentation, 4 31,32. Front and side view of Kolliker’s fourth stage ‘of development, A i : } é : 33. Embryo in sixth stage, 34-36. Embryo i in seventh stage, . 37. Embryo in eighth stage, from the back, 38. Section of an advanced embryo. iL represents the cephalic and 3 the abdominal portion of the inner yolk-sack, PLATE 20. 39. Embryo of Sepia officinalis, three or four times smaller than its yolk-sack. ee Bobwick un seeg chloe der Cephalopoden, t. 4, f. 38), , 40. Side view of the same. os siphon, : ‘ 41, Dorsal view of a more developed CRE ESe: oc, eyes; D, yolk sack, 42. A young Sepia ‘officinalis, ventral view, the mantle cut open. (Cuvier, Nouv. ‘Ann. du Mus ) o. Mouth. 7. Tentacles. J. Siphon. ch. Button-like cartilage. br. Branchie. 67. Ink-bag. 1 to 5. Arms, ; 43. Embryo of Purpura lapillus, Linn. (After Koren and Danielssen.) 0 e, esophagus; ch, shell; P, foot; g, ganglia, of, otolite; s, salivary gland, . é . 44. Macgillivraya pelagica. (After Macdonald), . 12%, 45. Larva of Kolis. (After Alder and Hancock.) 0, oper- culum. The larva is not larger than the letter o, 127, 49. Dentition of BESCeHLAY EAN? pelagica. (After Mac- donald), . Hy MOTs 47. Sinusigera cancellata, Orb. - (After H. and A. Adams’ Genera), : eayt leans 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 311 FIGURE. PAGE, 48. Sinusigera cancellata, dentition, . Ae allie GbBY) 49,50. Echinospira diaphana, Kr. Within the temporary shell, in fig. 49, is seen the permanent shell (Marsenia). (Kr ohn), ‘ A 3 ‘ : F Se ele Calearolla spinosa, Souleyet, a 1237) 52. Larva of Rissoa costata. (After Lovén.) | The velum has not yet disappeared, although the foot is developed, : j 127, 14 53. Embryo of Pneumodermon violaceum, vOrb. (Gegen- bauer.) The otocysts are seen by transparence, ae ssl 54. Embryo of Dentalium Tarentirum, Lam. (Lacaze- Duthiers.) &, flagellum; /, velum; m, posterior mantle-opening; ¢, primitive shell formed of two parts, : : A ar cedleaill 55. The same, prior to the formation of the shell. l, crown of cilize ; k, flagellum ; m, posterior mantle opening, 131 PLATE 21. 56,57. Embryo shell of Margaritana rugosa. (Lea, Obser- vations, vi, t.5,f. 26, 26a), . 5 i BLS 183) 58. Very young embryo of Modiolaria marmorata, Forbes, ereatly magnified. (After Lovén.) d, disk, with ciliated border ; ; f, flagellum ; v v, valves ; . m ciliated mantle, . 131 59. Young of My tilus edulis, Linn. (After Lovén.) ey eye; e auditive capsule ; i labial tentacles ; s s, stomach ; b, branchie; h, heart ; GL, Awowiss YE liver : T renal organ; a, anterior adductor; a’, posterior adductor ; f, foot. The arrows indicate the afferent and efferent openings ; between them the mantle leaves are united in the young, . : . . : : : 3) BIL . Embryo Oyster. m, mouth, communicating with a ciliated digestive cavity; e c, ectoderm; a, anal papilla; v, vellum. (Brooks), : Seale ts ses . Embryo Oyster, more advanced, with valves ey r s,ls, right and left valves of the shell; an, anus; a, anal papilla; ma, mantle; v, velum; b, Bouyer st, stomach. (Brooks), : 3 =) yl SS, Dorsal view of an embryo oyster s Six days old , swimming by the cilia of its velum. (Brooks), . ote 32 . Right side of an embryo oyster six days old. m u, muscles; J, liver; v, velum; 6, body-cavity; m, mouth ; an, anus; st, stomach; s, shell. (Brooks), . 131, 132 6 oo lor) — lor) bo ler) SS) 12 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. We FIGURE, PAGE. PLATE 22. 64. Generative organs of the American oyster. P, labial palpi; H, heart; Mus,adductor muscle; Mt, mantle; G, branchis; Gen, generative organs; ov, oviduct. (Ryder), . : : ; : 5 : : . 124 65. Anatomy of the American oyster. H, hinge; lig, liga- ment; A, lower margin of shell; G, gills; Cl, cloaca; V, vent; Mus, adductor muscle; J, 7, I1/, its areas; 6b to c, upper side of the animal; c to a, lower side; Mi, mantle ; tent, tentacles; P, palpi; P, sp, palpal space; J, cav, gill cavity; e, gill membrane; mes, mesosoma, or lower middle portion of the body; Uc, upper gill cavity ; 17, mouth; st, stomach; @, cesoph- agus; L, liver; C st, crystalline stylet ; /nt, intestine ; Per, pericardium; /, flds, double fold of intestinal cavity; ve, ventricle; aw, auricle; a 0, a 0’, aorte; be, branchio-cardiac vessels. (Ryder), : 4 86, 105 ei UC mU RAM AND SYSTEMATIC CONCHOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE MOLLUSCA. VOM. TL. JEN? (GE ORGale Wy Wig SCOUN, ii. CONSERVATOR OF THE CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, ; Academy of Natural Sciences, Cor. 19th & Race Sta. 1883. Copyright, 1883, by George W. Tryon, Jr, Wm..P. KILDARE, PRINTER, 734 & 736 SANSOM STREET; PHILADELPHIA, PA. CONTENTS ORO. Te ' Crass CEPHALOPODA, OrnpER DIBRANCHIATA, SuBORDER OcToPoDA, : : Famity OCTOPODIDA, . ; Famity TREMOCTOPID A, Famity ARGONAUTIDA, SUBORDER DECAPODA, Famity LOLIGINIDA, Famity SEPIOLIDA, Famity CRANCHIID #, Famity CHIROTEUTHID &, : Famity THYSANOTEUTHIDA, . : Famity ONYCHOTEUTHID#, . . Famity OMMATOSTREPHID 4, Famity SEPIIDA, : . g Famity BELOSEPIIDA, . : : , Famity BELEMNITID A, Famity SPIRULIDA, : é : OrnveR THTRABRANCHIATA, Famity NAUTILID A, Famity AMMONITIDA, Cuass PTEROPODA, Ornver THE COSOMATA, Famiry HYALEID#, Famity CYMBULIID A, Famity LIMACINID.A, (3) 4 CONTENTS OF VOL. II. Onper GV IENOSOMATA 7) 4.5.) eet see) ene Famity CLIID A, ‘ : k ; : é ee le Famity EURYBIID A, : : : : ; anos Ciass GASTROPODA, . : BOS) Suspctass PROSOBRANCHIATA. . 5 8) OnpeR PECTINIBRANCHIATA, . : : ; . 1038 Famity MURICIDA, : é ; : : s LOS SupraMity MURICINA, ; 39 aie : - 104 SupramMity PURPURINA, . : : : . 108 Famity TRITONID A, : ‘ ‘ : “ spy 2d Famity FUSID A, : ; : : ! : . 126 SupraMity FUSINA, . EOC : : a 2h SupraMity FASCIOLARIINA, . : : . 130 SupraMity PT YCHATRACTINA, ; 5 ies SupramMity PHERISTERNIINA, . 4 ; + 132 Famity BUCCINID A, : ; f : : 7 i338 SupraMity MELONGENINA, . : 3 i 134 SupraAMity NEPTUNIINA, . § t : . 136 SupraMity PISA NIINAS, J 4 . : . 142 SupraMity BUCCININA, . ; é . . 144 - SuspraMity HBURNINA, h : i ‘ Li Leak SuBFAMILy PHOTINA, . : : : 2 A loz Famity NASSIDA, . : . é : F . 154 Famity TURBINELLIDA, } : : : . 160 Famity VOLUTID A, ; : : i t . 162 Famity MITRIDA, . ; : : . : SOMGT Famiry MARGINELLIDA, . ; ; : be G2 Faminy OLIVIDA, . 5 5 ’ l ¢ foyling SUBFAMILY OLIVINA, . x : , : eb! SuBFAMILY ANCILLARIINA, ; . , A ALU AG SupraMiILty HARPINA, . ‘ : : i By en Famitry COLUMBELLIDA, . 4 f F A AUS Famity CANCELLARIIDA, . : ; : fo IeK) CONTENTS OF VOL. II. Famity TEREBRID 4, Famity PLEUROTOMID #, Faminty CONIDA, Famity STROMBID 4, Famity CYPRAIDA, Famity CASSIDID 4, Famity DOLIIDA, FAMILY MACGILLIVRAYIDA (2), Famity NATICIDA, Famity CALYPTRAIDA, Famity ONUSTID A, . Famity SOLARIID #, Famity SCALARID#&, Famity JANTHINID A, Famiry TRICHOTROPID &, Famity TURRITELLIDA, Famity VERMETID &, Famity CECID 4, Faminty EULIMID#,. Famiry TURBONILLIDA, Famity PYRAMIDELLIDA, Famity LITTORINID #, Famity PLANAXIDA, Famity CERITHIIDA, Famity MELANIIDA, Famity STREPOMATID A, Famity RISSOELLID &, Famity RISSOID &, SupraMity BYTHININA, SupraMity SKE NEINA, _ Supramity RISSOININA, Supramity RISSOINA, . SusraMity HYDROBIINA, CONTENTS OF VOL. II. Supramity LITHOGLYPHINZ®, . SuBFAMILY POMATIOPSINZ, Famity ASSIMINIID &, FamIy VALVATIDA, Famity PALUDINIDA, Famity AMPULLARIIDA, Famity TRUNCATELLIDA, Famity CYCLOSTOMID #, SupraMity POMATIASIN Z, SuspraMity PUPINEA, SuspramMity CYCLOSTOMEA, SupramMity CYCLOPHOREA, SupramMity CYCLOTEA, Famity HELICINID A, Orpen SCUTIBRANCHIATA, SUBORDER PoDOPTHALMA, Famity NERITIDA, . Famity LIOTIID A, Famity ROTELLIDA, Famity PHASIANELLID &, Famity TURBINIDA, Famity TROCHID A, Famity STOMATELLID#, Famity PLEUROTOMARIID &, Famity BELLEROPHONTIDA, Famity MACLUREID 4%, Famity HALIOTID #, SUBORDER EHDRIOPTHALMA, Famity FISSURELLID &, Famity PATELLIDA, | SupramMity LHPE TINA, SuBFaAMILy ACM HINA, SUBFAMILY PA TELLINEA, CONTENTS OF VOL. IT. Orprr POLYPLACOPHORA, Faminy CHITONIDA, Famiry NEOMENITID &#, OrpeR NUCLEOBRANCHIATA, Famity FIROLIDA, . Famity CARINARIIDA, Famity ATLANTIDA, SUBCLASS OPISTHOBRANCHIATA, Ornver. TECTIBRANCHIATA, Famity PHILINIDA, Famity TORNATELLID A, SupramMity TORNATELLINA, SupraMity RINGICULINZA, Famity CYLICHNIDA, Famity BULLIDA, Famity APLUSTRIDA, Famity LOPHOCERCIDA, Famity APLYSIIDA, : Famity PLEUROBRANCHID A, Famity UMBRELLIDA, OrpER NUDIBRANCHIATA,. SUBORDER ANTHOBRANCHIATA, . Famity DORIDIDA, . Famity DORIDOPSIDA, Famity POLYCERIDA, SUBORDER AIOLOBRANCHIATA, Famity TRITONIADZ, SupraMity PROCTONOTINA, SupramMity DOTONINZ, Famity MOLIDA, SusraMity GLAUCINZ, SupraAMity HOLINZ, SupraMity HHRMAINA, CONTENTS OF VOL. II. Famity ELYSIIDA, . Supramity HLYSIINA, 5 SupraMity PLACOBRANCHIN ZA, SupramMity LIMAPONTIINA, Famity PHYLULIDIIDA, . Suspramity PHYLLIDIINA, Supraminy PLEUROPHYLLIDIINZ, SupraMity PLHUROLEURINZ,. 392 392 393 SYSTEMATIC ORO Ma Om gS). O es Se Crass CHPHALOPODA. Head large, connected with the body by a neck, and furnished with complex, sessile or pedunculated eyes; mouth with a pair of mandibles or beaks, resembling those of a parrot, edged with fleshy lips, and surrounded by a circle of arms. As pointed out in the structural portion of this work, the Cephalopoda are related to the vertebrata in several particulars: in the mode of segmentation of the vitellus, in their internal carti- laginous support—a simplified skeleton ; in their circulation fur- nished with true capillaries, their blood corpuscles, their more highly developed eyes, mandibles, etc. Differing from other mollusks by their symmetry as well as in the above details, they nevertheless present, with more or less modification, the main distinctive features common to other classes of the subkingdom Mollusca. The Cephalopoda are essentially carnivorous; their nourish- ment is derived from fish, the migrations of which they follow, and from pteropod mollusca. Certain sedentary species eat crustaceans, nudibranchiate and bivalve mollusks and bryozoa. After their exclusion, the young prey upon polyps, notably on those of the family Gorgonide, so common on the Algerine coast, and some of which, perhaps, furnish the material necessary for the growth or solidification of the cuttle-bone.