Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/structurelifeofbhead THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS THE STRUCTURE LIFE OF BIRDS BY F. W. HEADLEY, M.A., F.Z.S. ASSISTANT MASTER AT HAILEYBURY COLLEGE (yw) Human Heart, opened to show Valves 73 22. (a) and (d) Red and White Corpuscles of Man, (c) AND {d) Red Corpuscles of Humming Bird and Ostrich, {e) Amceb.^ 75 23. Air-sacks — Diagram 80 24. Section of (a) Femur of Ostrich, (i) of Skull of Carinate Bird 82 25 Diaphragm of Duck 85 26. Diagram illustrating Process of Breathing .... 87 27. Do. do. do. .... 91 28. Humerus of {o) Skua, (3) Hornbill, {c) Eagle .... 11 1 29. Two Cubes 113 30. Brain of Bird 118 31. Eye of (a) Man, {d) Typical Bird, (c) Owl 122 32. Section of Retina of Bird 125 33. {a) Human Ear, (6) Ear of Owl, (c) of Thrush . . . 132 34. Syrinx of Raven 137 35. Convolutions of Crane's Trachea 140 36. Striated and Unstriated Muscle 142 37. {a) Feather carrying Nestling Down-feather, (d) Nestling "Down" of Thrush, (c) of Pigeon, (d) Thread Feather 145 38. Contour Feathers, (a) Plumelike, {d) Flight-Feather 147 39. Barbules and Barbicels to illustrate interlock- ing ijl8 40. Cassowary's Feather 150 41. Illustration of Development of Feather 151 42. Beak of (i) Falcon, (2) Duck 162 43. Foot of (i) Woodpecker, (2) Grebe . . . . • .... 165 44. Flexor Tendons of Toes of (a) Fowl, (d) Passerine Bird 167 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xix FIG. PAGE 45. Ambiens Muscle 169 46. Diagram illustrating the Velocity of the Wing's Descent . '. 177 47. Diagram illustrating Combined Action of Wings . iSo 48. Parallelogram of Forces 181 49. Boat sailing at an Angle to the Wind— Diagram . 182 50. Diagram illustrating the Action of the Air upon the \Ving 1S3 51. Diagram explanatory of the Amount of Support afforded by the Air to a Bird in MotiOxN . . . 187 52. Birds Gliding : (a) Tern with Wings partly flexed ; id) Gull with Wings outstretched 191 53. A Paper Toy illustrative of Gliding Flight . ,. . 192 54. Wing, showing Elastic Ligaments and the Muscle that rotates the Secondary Feathers 199 55. Primary Wing-feather of Heron, showing Narrow Outer Web 203 56. Humerus, showing Attachment of Important Flight- muscles 204 57. Gulls Fly'ing, showing various Positions of Wing 218 58. Do. do. do. 21S 59. Gulls Flying 219 60. Figure described by Tip of Crow's Wing 221 61. Gull Flying — to illustrate the Question of Tra- jectory 224 62. Breastbone of (a) Frigate Bird, {d) Duck 225 63. Flight in Troops ■ 230 64. Diagram to illustrate Flight at Right Angles to the Wind ^ 241 65. Pigeons Flying — to show the Use of the Bastard Wing 254 66. An Egg and its Contents 277 67. Embryo Chick, Sixty-eight Hours Old ....... 2S0 XX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 68. {a) Transverse Section through Embryo during Third Day, (d) Diagram of the Circulation of THE Yolk-sack 281 69. Hyoid Bone of Crow 282 70. Diagrams of Aortic Arches (a) on Third Day, {6) on Fifth or Sixth Day 283 71. Diagram showing Aortic Arches in {a) Lizard, {i>) Bird, ( i-i 'P, rt ^ > rt *-* TS ^ < P. o ii. .. -g > 3 ■a oj ^ _>. C u >r rf c 3 > s P. D," M rt 3 u: _>> .» rt C 3 a THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. Fig. 2. — Skeleton of Fowl (after Marshall and Hurst). A, acetabulum ; at, atlas vertebra ; ax, axis vertebra ; cl, clavicle ; cm, carpo- metacarpus ; co, coracoid ; CR, cervical rib ; n i, 2, 3, 4, digits ; dh, dorsal rib; FE, femur; hu, humenis ; HV, hyoid bone that supports the tongue; IL, ilium ; IS, ischium; K, keel of sternum ; MC, i, 2, 3, metacarpals; mt, first metatarsal; PB, pubis ; py, pygostyle ; r, radius ; rc, radial carpal ; sc, scapula ; sp, spine ; sr, sternal piece of rib; tm, tarso-metatarsus ; tt, tibio-tarsus ; u, ulna; uc, ulnar carpal ; up, uncinate processes. SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE undergo, bones remain, relatively to each other, in the same position. Hence it often happens that to observe carefully the position of a bone is the best way to discover what bone it is. The wrist now follows, con- sisting of two rows of bones called Carpals (C, fig. 4a), with a central one (CE) wedged in between the two, after these the five Metacarpals, the bones of the hand (MC). Next to them come the finger bones, each division being called a Phalanx (D i, 2, 3, 4, S)- The thumb has two' phalanges, the second digit three, the third four, the fourth five, and the fifth three. And at the end of each digit is a claw. Apart from its being featherless, nothing less suited for flying can be imagined. If we turn now to the bird we shall find that the Hu- merus (HU, fig. 2) has broad- ened, especially at the nearer end, and is covered with great protuberances, good evidence that powerful muscles spring from it and are attached to it. Till we come to the fingers, there will be a striking increase in the length of the various bones. A bird's wing would be an outrageously long leg for a lizard of equal weight and bulk. When the long radius and ulna are ex- tended, the elbow-joint allows of no turning motion. As is essential for flight, they are held stiff whatever Fig. 3. — Tibia and Fibula of Fowl. F, fibula ; T, tibia. lo THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP. strain is put upon them. The Radius is a very slender bone, the Ulna much thicker, with small but well-marked projections at the points where the great feathers grow. Of the nearer row of carpal bones there are only two (RC and UC), whereas there are three found in the lizard ; in the bird the small inter- mediate one has disappeared, and also the central bone Fig. 4.— Hand of (a) Hatteria Lizard ; {b) Chick, ci, near row of carpals ; C2, farther row of carpals ; CE, central bones — there are often two ; D i, 2, 3, 4, 5, digits ; MC, metacarpals ; P, pisiform bone, originally a tendon ; R, radius ; u, ulna. beyond it. Of the more distant row there is not a sign in the mature bird, but, if we examine the skeleton of an embryo, it may be made out. In a young chick there are still two free bones to represent it (C 2, fig. 4). In the adult these have been fused with the Meta- carpals beyond. The tendency to fusion, or, as it is technically called, ankylosis, is found in many parts of II SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE ii the bird's skeleton, and may be regarded as a most marked characteristic. The bone formed by the fusion of the farther row of carpals with the metacarpals forms a broad slab on which rest many of the most powerful feathers of the wing. Its compound nature is described by its name of Carpo-metacarpus, or wrist-hand bone (CM fig. 2). Of the five metacarpals only three remain, and these three are fused together at their bases. Farther on they separate and can be easily distinguished. The first is only a slight pro- jection from which the thumb ^ springs, the second is long, strong, and nearly straight, the third after de- scribing a curve fuses again with the second at its farther end. The very short thumb consists of two phalanges only, the last being very small. It fre- quently has attached to it a claw suggestive of reptilian ancestry. The second and third digits are far away at the ends of their long metacarpals, attached firmly one to the other so that neither can move separately. The second is formed of three phalanges, of which the first is broad and plate-like, the last very minute ; the third digit is insignificant, with only a single phalanx. In digits I and II the final phalanx is often missing. The two united fingers have some slight 'power of movement, which many birds turn to account ; but in no part of the hand is there what can in any ordinary sense be called a joint. The wrist-joint, also, has much changed its character. It allows the hand to move freely towards the place where the fifth digit (or 1 I am taking it for granted for the Dresent that this digit corresponds to our thumb. See p. 42. 12 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. " little finger ") should be. The up-and-down move- ment that the lizard has, and that we have in our wrists, has almost disappeared : when the wing is extended, it does not exist at all ; when it is flexed, some movement of the kind becomes possible. The fusion of one row of carpal bones with the meta- carpals has no doubt helped towards this rigidity which is so important to the wing. At the shoulder- joint there is always the utmost free play, A bird's bones combine in a most remarkable way lightness and strength. It is popularly supposed that all birds, or at any rate those which fly much, have all their chief bones hollow and marrowless. This is, however, a fallacy ; some of the best flyers — e.g., the Swallow — having even the Humerus solid. But whether pneumatic or not, the bones are always fine in the grain and strong. The chief results of the changes that the fore limb has undergone may now be summed up. ( i ) It is of most re- markable length. (2) It is at one time rigid, at another flexible, according as rigidity or flexibility is required. Contrast with a bird's hand a lizard's with its waggly fingers. And how neatly and comfortably the wing folds, when it is to be put to rest upon the body, in the form of a 2- (s) There are broad surfaces of bone to support the feathers. (4) Strength is combined with lightness. (5) The loss of two metacarpal bones and two fingers has been a gain, since the present hand formed of three united metacarpals and two united fingers (I am disregarding the insignificant " thumb ") is more efficient for purposes of flight than a hand with five fingers could well be. SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE 13 The Breastbone and the Bones that meet at the shoulder- joint. A powerful wing would be of no use without powerful machinery for moving it, and a lizard with a bird's wings would be no more able to fly than any Fig. 5. — {a) Sternum of Iguana, with interdavicle, coracoid, precoracoid, and clavicle. CL, clavicle ; co, coracoid ; icl, interdavicle ; pco, precoracoid ; st, sternum ; (V) Coracoid, scapula, and clavicle of fowl. CO, coracoid ; sc, scapula ; cl, clavicle. ordinary lizard. In the bird's skeleton the enormous breastbone suggests a great deal. They must be strong muscles which have so strong and big a bone to which to attach themselves. No two things can be more unlike than the breastbones of the bird and the lizard, and the same may be said of the associated bones. In the lizard the whole apparatus is flat and 14 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. weak. Its chief component, the Sternum (ST, fig. 5 a) or breastbone, is a level expanse with ribs attached to its margin. Down the middle may be seen running a thicker and stronger bone, which throws out a branch on either side, so that the whole makes something of a X shape. This bone is called the Inter-, clavicle (ICL), and it will be seen that the Clavicles (CL) or collar-bones converge upon it.. This inter- clavicle was formerly thought to correspond to the keel, the high, projecting ridge upon a bird's breast. But this is not the case, for the interclavicle is a membrane bone — i.e., a hardened ossified membrane — while the keel of a bird's breastbone originates from cartilage or gristle. There is also a bone called the Coracoid (CO) running from the shoulder-joint to the fore part of the sternum, and this bone in the lizard divides into two, the fore part being called the Pre- coracoid (PCO). Both parts are thin and weak. At the shoulder-joint the Coracoid and Clavicle are met by another bone, the Scapula (SC) or shoulder-blade,, which with the Coracoid forms the socket. The Scapula is a thin expanse of bone approaching close to the back-bone, to which it is attached by muscles. The upper part, the Supra-scapula, consists of gristle or cartilage not completely ossified. In the bird all this has been metamorphosed, though the materials are in the main the same. There is the sternum with a high ridge added which ossifies — i.e., becomes bone — from a different centre. In the young bird the keel is at first mere gristle, which at a certain point begins to ossify, and the process continues till the bone of the keel meets and joins the bone of the sternum proper. II SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE 15 The Coracoids have become much stronger, while the Precoracoids and the Interclavicle have disappeared. The Scapula is formed of sound bone from end to end. In shape it has grown long and blade-like — in the chapter on Flight I shall explain what advantage has thus been gained — and it is fastened to the back-bone by muscles firmly, but in a way that allows a great deal of free play. And while maintaining their posi- tions relatively to one another the various bones have much changed their attitudes. If we look upon the shoulder-joint as the fixed point, the sternum begins farther back, and, consequently, the Coracoids slope forwards instead of backwards, in order, with their other ends, to reach the joint, towards the formation of which they contribute so much. And the bird is much deeper-chested than the lizard : therefore they must slope not only forwards but upwards. With all these changes they retain their slope outward. Sca- pula and Coracoid form an acute angle, opening towards the tail, whereas, in the lizard, the angle formed opens towards the head, or, sometimes, one bone continues the line of the other. The clavicles, moreover, have not the slope backward towards the shoulder-joint that is so marked in many lizards ; they point upward and outward. The most im- portant result of all these changes is that a firm pivot has been found on which the wing can turn — a firm pivot (i) because of the great strength of the Coracoid ; (2) because both it and the Clavicle have a marked outward slope ; and (3) because they buttress each other. i6 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. TJie Ribs. The ribs have very remarkable cross-pieces, called Uncinate — i.e., hooked — processes (UP, fig. 2) that spring fro.m about the middle of their upper part and slope backwards and upwards. These uncinate pro- cesses, no doubt, serve to strengthen the chest, and, apart from this, they possess a singular interest. They are common to all birds, but absent in nearly all reptiles. In a very few lizards they are found — e.g., in the Hatteria, a native of some of the islands of the New Zealand group, and now so rare that it may be in danger of extermination (fig. i). It will be seen that each rib has a joint at a point considerably nearer to the sternum than to the backbone, the two parts being spoken of as the dorsal ribs (Latin dorsum, the back) and the sternal pieces respectively. The Hind Limb. In naming the bones of the leg, the genius of the older anatomists for seeing resemblances where it is difficult for us to see any has run riot. The larger of the two leg bones is the Tibia or flute, the smaller one is the Fibula or brooch (F, fig. i, 3). The Acetabulum, as they called the socket of the thigh-bone, is a happier name. Strictly the word means a vinegar-pot, and it is used of any cup-shaped vessel. A bird's Ace- tabulum (A, fig. 8) is remarkable. If you look at a skeleton in a museum you will see that the cup has no bottom to it. The bottom was formed of membrane, SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE 17 not, as in mammals and most reptiles, entirely of bone, and it has vanished. But ankylosis or fusion is perhaps the most marked characteristic of a bird's leg. There are the same bones as in the lizard's leg, if we could only see them — viz. : Femur (FE, fig. 2) or thigh-bone. Tibia (T), Fibula (F), two rows of Tarsals or ankle-bones (TA), four of the lizard's five Metatarsals (MT), though of one of the four only the farther end (MT^ fig. 2) remains, and four of his five Fig. 6. — Hatteria Lizard's left hind foot. D I, 2, 3, 4, s, digits ; F, fibula; mt, metatarsals ; T, tibia ; taj, two bones fixed, represents near row of tarsals ; TA2, distant row. digits. The Femur has not undergone so much change, but the Tibia and Fibula (fig. 3) are very different from the corresponding bones in reptiles. The latter has nearly vanished ; it is a slender, almost needle-like bone, attached to the side of the Tibia and not reaching to its farther end. In many mammals too the Fibula is but a remnant. The way to make certain, in the skeleton of any animal whatever, which bone is the Tibia and which the Fibula, is to imagine the limb extended, as it is in the lizard, outwards from the body ; then the Tibia is praeaxial and the Fibula C i8 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. postaxial. But if we look for the bird's tarsals they are not to be seen. The disappearance of the nearer, row is to be accounted for in this way : the bone we have just called the Tibia is really the Tibia plus the nearer row of tarsals which have been fused with it, and its proper name is Tibio-tarsus (TT, fig. 2). This has been made out clearly in the leg of the embryo bird. The farther row of tarsals has also no separate ex- istence. They have been fused with the Metatarsals. In the young chick each row of tarsals has one large separate bone to represent it. In the mature bird, directly below the Tibio-tarsus comes another long compound bone, the Tarso-metatarsus. At the farther end of this, deep grooves show that it is made up of thrc3 bones — the second, third, and fourth metatarsals. Of the first metatarsal there is only the afore-mentioned remnant (MTi). All these things are very difficult to remember. One plan is to go over them again and again till in time they become familiar. A better plan is to remember the names Tibio-tarsus and Tarso- metatarsus, which explain the most difficult points. The four digits or toes possessed by most birds are the first, second, third, and fourth. The " great toe " is dwarfed by the others, and has only two phalanges ; the second has three, the third four, the fourth five. Thus the numbers run in regular progression — 2, 3, 4, 5. In lizards the five toes, each attached to its independent metatarsal, are always present, and they have respectively 2, 3, 4, 5, 3 or 4 phalanges. The correspondence in numbers is very curious. No bird has a fifth toe. Domestic fowls, Dorkings especially, often have a supernumerary " toe," which is really a II SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE 19 skin formation, and no more a toe than a caterpillar's hind " leg " is a leg. The whole limb is very different from a lizard's ; it is longer and stronger and fitted for an upright car- riage. The strong Tibia is well able to do its own work as well as that of the Fibula, which has almost disappeared. The bird stands on his toes, which are strong and springy, and jumps lightly into the air in order to start his flight. Length of leg is to many species of vital importance, and the elongation has been to a great extent effected by the large development of the metatarsals. The fusion of the two rows of ankle-bones with the longer bones above and below was, I think, necessary for the effective working of the machinery by which a bird is enabled, even during sleep, to grip his perch firmly (see p. 166). Moreover, without all this fusion of bones, would the luxury of standing on one leg be a possibility for him .'' The horse's leg presents remarkable points of resemblance to the bird's. In both, the Tibia relieves the Fibula of all its work. In both the Femur is short, so that the knee-joint is high and easily remains unnoticed ; in the bird it is hidden among the feathers. In both the ankle-joint is raised high above the ground. The Skull. In a way, the skull is the most bird-like part of the whole skeleton. It is light, not only because of the thinness of its walls, but because of its many air- cavities. Even birds which have their long bones solid have the skull pneumatic. Lightness is of the C 2 20 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. utmost importance. Otherwise, how could the head be supported at the end of so long a neck ? But muscles get tired with prolonged exertion, however slight the exertion may be, and to provide against this there are, between the spines of the vertebrae of the neck (SP, fig. 2), elastic ligaments similar to that which is so enormously developed in the horse's neck to support his ponderous head. These ligaments hold the neck in position when it forms an S- In the Swan they are but slightly developed, hence perhaps the ease with which he erects his neck straight as a flag- staff. Even when there are ligaments to relieve the muscles, the skull is the place where aeration of bones is desirable if anywhere. Its great size compared with that of the lizard, and, consequently, the great size of the brain, I have already pointed out. The skull, too, illustrates better than any other part of the skeleton the tendency to ankylosis, or fusion of bones. Even in a very young bird this has already proceeded a long way. The skull seems to be made up of a shell of bone almost without suture. It is really composed of scores of different bones, the boundary lines between which may be seen in the embryo. And how are these to be studied .'' It is possible to go through them and learn them up as one does for an examination. But for such studies it is usually the imminence of the examination, not the interest of the subject, which supplies the stimulus. Without this stimulus, to a mind that has not as yet the patience wanted for scientific investigation — the patience to collect facts^ even if the clue to them and the interest of them may not be found till years after — there is something barren II SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE 21 and unsatisfying in, for instance, the isolated fact that a certain bone in a certain part of the skull is called the Squamosal (SQ, fig. 10). Something is wanted to give point and interest to such dry fragments of ana- tomical knowledge, some strange variation in the bone in question in different classes of animals, or a theory as to the origin of the skull, so that the memory may not have to deal with what abhors it more than anything else — viz., isolated meaningless facts. There is much pleasure to be got by putting the wing of a bird and the fore leg of a lizard side by side, and observing the changes that have made a fuller and more vigorous life possible to the bird. The same kind of interest may be found in a general comparison of the skulls. But since it is difficult for human weakness to main- tain this during the slow groping progress through the labyrinth of bones, I shall pass over this part of the subject without going into any detail. There is, however, something of a clue to the labyrinth. Gothe discovered one which will lead us some way, though not nearly so far as he imagined. The skull, according to him, was simply an expanded vertebral column, all its chief bones being vertebrae, the name given to the series of bones which combine to form the neck, backbone, and the bony skeleton of the tail, all included in the term vertebral column. This is one of the great ideas which advance science. Even if it had turned out entirely unfounded, still something would have been learnt in the process of testing it. But this theory has not proved to be with- out foundation. There is no doubt that the skull is made up partly of vertebrae. But, so far, the difficul- 22 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. ties have been insurmountable when it has been attempted to show how many vertebrae go to the skull, or to find in a bone of the skull parts that correspond to the easily distinguishable parts of a vertebra. The skull as yet presents many unsolved problems. For the present we must make a guarded statement that vertebrae to some extent enter into the formation of it. The bones of the jaw and those con- nected with them present problems of hardly inferior interest. But it will be time to give some account of them when we come to the subject of the embryo bird. The articulation of the skull with the neck will be described in the next chapter. The Vertebral Column. The bird's neck bends with greater ease and freedom than the lizard's. Indeed it outdoes even the supple- ness of the snake. If you hold up a snake by his tail, he tries to get at your hand, with a view to biting you if he is of a poisonous kind, by bending upward sideways. He has not much power of hollowing his back, so as to rise without a curve to the side. True, some snakes have much more supple- ness in an upward and downward direction than others. If the Hooded Snake is irritated, he raises the fore part of his body so that it forms a double curve or S shape. But even he cannot make by a long way so decided an 3 as a long-necked bird, and the reason is that in the bird the bones which form the neck articulate with each other differently, by a joint which is a marked improvement on the reptile's joint. The SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE 23 latter is a ball-and-socket. At the hinder end of each vertebra there is a protuberance, rounded on its upper side but nearly flat below, which fits into a hollow in the vertebra behind. The fact that the protuberance is Fig. 7.— {A) Two vertebras of Snake. (5) Two neck vertebra of Eagle. I. Anterior end. II. Posterior. B, ball; CR, cervical rib; sd, "saddle"; sk, socket; sp, spine ; va, tunnel through which vertebral artery passes. not a perfect ball but has its underside flattened limits the freedom of movement, and, in addition to this, each vertebra bears a spine (SP, fig. i) upon the top, the spine of one being very near to that of the next, and thus a further limit is put to movement up and down. The 24 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. joints in a bird's neck resemble two saddles laid crosswise one upon the other, so that the pommels of one face at right angles to those of the other, the upper saddle being, of course, upside down. In the bird's neck the " saddles " are so arranged that at the hinder end of each vertebra the pommels are at the top and bottom, while at the front end they are at the sides. Thus the two vertebrae will slide over one another sideways, or up and down, in the same way that two saddles will slide when they are laid upon one another in the way which I have described. And the upright spines in a bird's neck are small and far from one another, so that they do not hinder the movement (SP, fig. 2). The backbone of the bird has been so much modified for purposes of flying and walking that it presents a difficult study. The vertebral columns of reptiles and mammals are divided into well-defined regions — the regions of the neck, breast, loins, pelvis, and tail. In the bird, fusion or ankylosis has gone on to such an extent, and the pelvis has extended so far backwards and forwards, that it is a most perplexing problem how to map out thQ backbone. I shall not attempt this here. The subject does not seem to be of first-rate importance; in studying the views held by various great authorities, not very much of the principles of anatomy would be learnt, since it is admitted that there is no essential, no morphological difference, to use the technical term, be- tween a neck vertebra and a thoracic or breast vertebra. They are corresponding organs, in slightly different places and slightly modified, a breast vertebra being defined as one which has attached to it a rib that 11 SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE 25 unites with the sternum, and as the neck vertebrae bear small undeveloped ribs this is not an important distinction. These neck ribs, short thin straight bones pointing backward, can be seen in fig. 2 (CR, cervical ribs) ; the two bases of each are fused with the verte- bra, and between them runs a tunnel through which the vertebral artery passes. Besides this, the fore limb has in some cases, very possibly, moved back- ward, since the neck varies very greatly, far more than the backbone, in the number of vertebrae that compose it.^ Where, then, is our fixed point .'' I have already described the way in which the neck vertebrae articulate. The next point to notice is their large number, sixteen or seventeen being not un- commonly found ; the Ostrich and the Swan having considerably more : even small song-birds have not less than ten. With mammals seven is the almost invariable number, the neck of a Giraffe and of a Hippopotamus being alike in this. A bird's neck, to be supple and more than snake-like, must clearly have a great many vertebrae. In the lizard eight is the normal number. Byfarthemost noticeable feature about th£ remainder of a bird's vertebral column is its stiffness, due to the fact that the vertebrae have become ankylosed together. But it is quite erroneous to describe the bird's back- bone as being throughout its length a rigid rod. In all the specimens I have examined it bends, at a point just in front of the pelvis, with some freedom to either 1 The question is discussed by Max Fiirbringer in his Morphologic und Systematik der Vogel^ of which there is a good summary in Nature, 1888-89. 26 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. side, and in all there is some flexibility upwards and downwards. But the amount varies much in different species. The tail vertebrae are very different, and, in the freedom with which they move upon one another, approximate to those of the neck. Were it not so, birds could not do what they may easily be seen to do while flying — move their tails for purposes of steering or to check themselves suddenly. The Pygostyle, the large bone which supports the tail, consists of a number of vertebrae fused together (PY, fig. 2). The Pelvis. The bird's Pelvis, at its anterior end, roofs over the backbone. It is formed of three bones, which in different classes of animals assume forms so different that they are often difficult to recognise. The difficulty, however, will be got over, if we bear in mind what I have already explained, that bones, however much they may change their form, yet keep the same position relatively to each other. One of these bones, the Ilium (IL, fig. 8) attaches to the back- bone, and by that it may be recognised. Its peculiar- ity in the bird is that it unites with so many vertebrae both before and behind the hip-joint, fusing with them and making this part of the backbone absolutely rigid. The two remaining bones assist the Ilium to form the socket of the hip-joint, and they must be distinguished by their positions relatively to it. The Pubis forms the lower front of the socket (PB), the Ischium (IS) the hinder part. The former projects a SKELETONS OF BIRD AND REPTILE 27 very little way forward and a long way backward, a slender bar of bone, united for part of its length with the Ischium. To discuss here whether this is all Fio. 8.— Left side of Pelvis {a) of Lizard ; (/-) of Bird. A, acetabulum ; u,, ilium ; is, ischium ; pb, pubis ; v, vertebrfe fused.' In (a) the ischium and pubis slope inwards to meet their fellows from the opposite side. In {b) all three bones are fused where they meet. The ilium extends forwards as well as backwards from the acetabulum. Pubis proper, or whether a pubic " process " has been added, would be out of place. The term process, meaning an out-growth, is a favourite one with anatomists, and is often useful as a name, though, it must .be owned, it does not explain much. 28 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CH. ll Its remarkable form of pelvis is of great advantage to the bird. It has helped in the stiffening of the backbone ; it gives room for the attachment of the large muscles necessary now the quadruped has be- come a biped ; its backward extension is useful for the attachment of the muscles that move the tail. The lizard's pelvis, hanging downward from the backbone, looks like a different organ. The bones, however, are the same. The Ilium attaches to the vertebral column, and the other two can be made out by their position relatively to it and to each other ; the Ischium forming the hinder part of the socket in which the thigh-bone moves, the Pubis the anterior part. Some Books on the Subject. Marshall and Hurst's Practical Zoology. Parker's Zootomy. Huxley's Vertebrate Anatomy. Gegenbaur's Comparative A^iatomy. Alix's Essai siir Vappareil locomoteur des Oiseat/x. CHAPTER III EVIDENCE OF RELATIONSHIP TO REPTILES After all that has been said about the great differ- ences between birds and reptiles, the reader may begin to think that the points of resemblance are few and small, and that the relationship after all may be only a distant one. In reality the evidence of a compar- atively near relationship is convincing. But it must not be expected that the resemblances should be as striking as the differences. The latter are due mainly, perhaps entirely, to natural selection working during long ages and gradually suiting the bird's structure to new conditions of life and changing habits. The metamorphosis produced is so great that to the untrained eye the bird has been altered almost beyond recognition. The points of resemblance are ancestral peculiarities that have survived all changes of habit. Not being connected, as a rule, with the new and more brilliant life of the ennobled race, it is only to be expected that they should be comparatively incon- spicuous or of the nature of mere rudiments. Before mentioning these marks of reptilian origin it will be 30 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. well first to explain what is meant by the anatomical terms rudiment, and homology and analogy. A rudiment is an organ which survives, though it has become wholly or almost functionless. Often it is much reduced in size. The Python has hind legs, the claws of which are sometimes just perceptible through the skin. Men have a muscle for moving the ear forward, but very few are able to use it. The Sea-lion has claws at the end of his toes, but the skin projects far beyond them, so that the claws are absolutely useless. Crabs which live in caves to which no light penetrates have eye-stalks with no eyes on the top of them. Perhaps the most startling rudiment of all is the Pineal body found in lizards, birds, and mammals, and believed to represent a central eye. Two organs are said to be analogous when their functions are the same ; they are homologous when they are the same in nature and origifL The wing of a bird and the wing of an insect are analogous to one another because they do the same work. The origin of an insect's wing is not known for certain, but there is no doubt that it is not a fore- limb. The relationship, therefore, is one of analogy only. The wing of a bat is only analogous to the wing of a bird ; it is not homologousTTor, besides the fact that all five fingers are found in it, it is supported by the leg as well as the arm. There is a small fish called Periophthalmus Kolreuteri, which suns itself upon rocks with only its tail in the water.^ ^ See Professor Haddon's paper, Nature^ January 17, 1889. The fish soon died when its caudal fin was coated over with gold- size. See also Professor Hickson's Naturalist in Celebes, p. 30. Ill RELATIONSHIP TO REPTILES 31 The organ of respiration it then uses is in the tail, and cannot, of course, be a gill, though it is doing the work of one. In one and the same animal we some- times have analogous organs. For instance, a cater- pillar has only three pairs of legs properly so called. The hind " legs " before mentioned are only growths of the skin, and do not survive beyond the caterpillar stage. On the other hand the tails of all vertebrates are homologous, however different the purposes for which they are used : the new-world monkey's for climbing, the porpoise's for swimming, the kangaroo's as a leg, the giraffe's and many others as fly-flappers, the bird's for guiding his flight. Many fish have a swim-bladder, which is filled with air and gives them buoyancy. This organ was thought by Darwin to be the game organ as the lungs of mammals. If so, it would have been a paragon example of homology. Unfortunately, it is an outgrowth from the back of the alimentary canal, whereas the opening to the lungs is from the front. By an extension two organs in the same animal are said to be homologous ; for instance, the Humerus is homologous to the Femur, the corresponding bone in the hind limb. To prove relationship we must look for true homologies, as mere analogies prove nothing. Here are some of the most striking features common to birds and reptiles. (i) A single condyle or rounded projection in the skull fits into a cup-like hollow in the centrum or thickened base of the first or Atlas vertebra, which is so short as to be hardly more than a ring of bone. At one point in the rim of the cup there is a notch, and 32 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. this is filled by a projecting tongue from the second or Axis vertebra, called the odontoid process, which thus completes the cup. All mammals have two condyles. The great freedom with which a bird moves its head is due to the way in which, by its single condyle, it articulates with the vertebra. Fig. 9. — Skull of bird (Rhea) viewed from below, c, condyle ; sp.c, entrance of spinal cord. (2) The lower jaw articulates with a bone called the Quadrate, which may be easily recognised. It roughly resembles a St. Andrew's cross. To the two lower and shorter arms the lower jaw is hinged. To the outside corner of the outer of these is attached a long thin bone, which connects with the upper jaw. The outer of the two upper arms fits into a hollow in the bone called the Squamosal. In mammals the quadrate is represented by an insignificant bone, the Annulus of the ear (fig. 10, see p. 135). (3) In mammals the centra, the strong bases from which spring the arches of the vertebrae, have between them plates of bone, called Epiphyses, which are Ill RELATIONSHIP TO REPTILES easily distinguishable. These are absent both in birds and reptiles (fig. ii). Fig. io. — Side view of head of Rhea. Q, quadrate ; QJ, quadrato-jugal, hindmost component of bone connecting with upper jaw ; SQ, squamosal. (4) The coracoid bone is present. In man there is only a small remnant of its upper end. It is well Fig. II. — Part of vertical column of Rabbit. E, Epiph3'ses, applied to anterior and posterior end of centrum of each vertebra. developed in the Duck-billed Platypus, the lowest of mammals, with a. decidedly reptilian anatomy. D 34 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. ,SC PCO (5) Birds have a single coracoid ; in reptiles it is divided into two, the coracoid proper and precoracoid. But in the Rhea we find a very conspicuous, though rudimentary, survival of the latter, and in the Ostrich the bone is complete. (6) The bird's feather corresponds to the horny coating of the reptile's scale. The snake moults, when, as we say, he " sheds his skin." In 1 86 1 there was found in the Lithographic Stone at Solenhofen in Bavaria the form of an animal very different from any that had ever been seen either alive or as fossils. This stone be- longs to the Jurassic sys- tem and, consequently, was deposited in the Secondary or Mesozoic period, and long, too, before that period was concluded. Here was a feathered creature pre- served in the form of a bas-relief, with the detail standing out so distinct and clear, that something even of the minute structure of the feathers might be seen. As Sir Richard Owen showed, it was a bird of a very primitive form. The CO- Fig. 12. — Coracoid of Rhea. CO, coracoid ; pco, precoracoid ; sc, capula. Ill RELATIONSHIP TO REPTILES 35 fossil is now at South Kensington. In 1877 a more perfect example of a bird of the same species was found and is to be seen at Berlin. ■ Fig. 13. — Head of Archaeopteryx. This ancient bird was about the size of a rook. His tail was long, consisting of twenty vertebrse, at least the twelve hindmost bearing a pair of well-developed Fig. 14. — Part of wing of Archaeopteryx. c, carpal bone ; d, i, 2, 3, digits ; m, metacarpal ; k, radius ; u, ulna. feathers. His breast-bone seems to have been keeled. His wing was strong and well-developed, the humerus remarkably big at the near end, the bones of the fore- D 3 36 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap 1 // / ^ /; /' / mm Fig. 15.— Tail of Archaeoptcryx. (All three figures after Dames.) Ill RELATIONSHIP TO REPTILES 37 arm were long and strong, the hand had three fingers, each bearing a large claw, and it and the ulna sup- ported a number of large feathers, which seem well suited for flight. The bill was short. The jaws were furnished with teeth, the upper one with many, the lower one with three on each side. Our first thoughts on looking at this creature might well be, " It must be a feathered lizard." The long tail and the teeth at once suggest this. But there are many things which prove it to be a bird. ( i ) The three- fingered hand.^ True, the three metacarpals have not become fused, and the second and third digits are separate. Besides this, each of the fingers bears a big; claw. But in many existing birds a claw is found on No. I, in a fair number on No. 2 as well, in the young Ostrich on all three. The third digit has not been reduced to a single phalanx. But this is no great barrier. In birds of our own day the final phalanx is often lost on digit i. (2) The length and strength of the humerus and forearm remind one much of existing birds. (3) The acetabulum or socket of the thigh joint, seems to have been closed only with membrane. (4) Scales, not feathers, are found on all known lizards. There are some interesting points which, if rep- tilian, are also avian. The vertebrae seem to have 1 Dr. Hurst {Natural Science, October, 1893) has boldly tried to show that archseopteryx had really more than three fingers, and that one or two with larger stronger bones have left no impression on the stone. But when even the delicate forms of the feathers are preserved, it is wonderful that there should be no trace of these bones either in the Berlin Arch^opteryx, or in the one at the British Museum, 38 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. been bi-concave, i.e., the centra presented hollows at either end. This is a form of vertebra found in very primitive reptiles, e.g., in the Hatteria lizard. It is also found in Ichthyornis, a fossil bird of more recent date than Archaeopteryx. And what is far more strange, the Gull, a highly special- ised, a thoroughly modernised bird, has some of its dorsal vertebrae con- cave behind, thus conforming to an old reptilian type, and one almost Fig. i6.— Vertebra of bi-concave, which thus carries us back Hatteria Lizard. , ... /- , . , , ... . . to reptiles ot a still more primitive C, centrum ; it is am- ^ ^ p^''=°^'7^' '^''- '=^"- form.i In teeth, as I hope to show cave at each end. ' J^ presently, there is nothing unavian. It would be very interesting to know how this bird lived. Of one thing we may be certain — he was a poor flyer. With its three long unconnected fingers the wing must have been a weak one. Prob- ably he fluttered, rather than flew, from bough to bough, his long tail serving as a parachute, and his claws may have been used when he was young, as Mr. Pycraft has suggested, and also when he was moulting, to aid him in climbing, as the young Hoatzin uses his now. Since the discovery of Archaeopteryx the fossil bones of many birds of far later date have been found in the cretaceous rocks, and also in the rocks of the most recent geological periods, the Tertiary and 1 Sec VV. K. Parker on Opisthocomus Cristalus, Proc. Zool. Society, vol. xiii. part 2. Ill RELATIONSHIP TO REPTILES 39 Quaternary. Some of these were of gigantic size, larger even than the Ostrich. Like Archaeopteryx. they had teeth. In Hesperornis, to take one example, these are very reptilian, in the way they are set in a long hollow in the jaw, in the absence of root and of cement on the neck of the tooth, in the way they were changed, a young tooth being formed on the inner side of the base of the old one. But by this time birds had lost their great length of tail. Here it will be instructive to mention the discovery in existing birds of what were supposed to be the rudiments of teeth. If you take the beak of a Parrot | and macerate it well, you can separate the horny beak from the bone beneath. The horn is only a form of epidermis and, therefore, we should expect to find skin underneath. Skin is found and on it papillae, small pimple-like elevations, similar to those found beneath a horse's hoof. They nourish the growing and quickly wasting beak. And these were the " rudimentary teeth " which so much interested the zoological world. But here, as often, a false theory by stimulating investigation has led the way to the true one.^ There are some very remarkable points of agreement between crocodiles and birds. The ordinary reptile has only three chambers to his heart. The crocodile's heart, though still a very imperfect organ, has four see p. 284). He has a gizzard and habitually swallows stones to"aM in digestion. His lungs are far more elaborate structures than those of a lizard. ^ See Bronn's TMer- Reich, vol. " Aves," p. 501. 40 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS en. ill The socket of his thigh-joint is not completely closed with bone : in the skeleton of the crocodile as in that of the bird, the cup of the socket has a hole at the bottom, the membrane which was there during life having disappeared. Several of the ribs have uncinate processes. These resemblances, to which others might be added, do not prove that the crocodile is the ancestor of the bird. The heart and the gizzard were probably developed independently after birds and crocodiles had arisen from some common and more primitive stock. It would be unwise to say that birds are descended from any existing class of reptiles. But the facts justify us in drawing the inference that birds and reptiles are related ; that they had common ancestors with less of specialiseH charactei* than either of themselves, and that from these ancestors each class has developed in accordance with its own mode of life. In the same way Englishmen and Chinamen come from the same stock ; neither race is descended from the other. The Darwinian theory of the descent of man is that if you trace upward the pedigrees of men and monkeys, the lines will meet, not that men are descended from monkeys. Books on the Subject. See at the end of Chapter II. Also Newton's Dictionary of Birds, " Fossil Birds " ; Pycraft, Nat. Science, November and December, 1894, " Archaeopteryx " ; Owen, Philosophical Transactions, 1863, "Archaeopteryx." CHAPTER IV CONNECTING LINKS The supply of connecting links can never equal the demand. The discovery of the Ornithorhyncus brought to light a connecting link between mammals on the one side and birds and reptiles on the other. It lays i eggs ; it has a beak like a bird's ; its anatomy is highly reptilian, and it suckles its young. Geology shows us i an animal, evidently akin to the Horse, with four toes, and thus we are able to put the Horse down as a near relation of the Rhinoceros and the Tapir. But the mending of one gap does not prevent the existence of others. It often seems even to call attention to them. Remains of extinct animals have been found which certainly to some extent bridge the gulf between birds and reptiles. Such evidence of relationship is very valuable, but it is easy to mistake its nature. These fossil reptiles, in so many ways birdlike, must not be looked upon as the ancestors of birds. Nor do they, like the Ornithorhyncus, carry us back to a low unspecialised type. They are only con- necting links in this sense, that they show that some undoubted reptiles much resemble birds, that reptiles 42 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. may develop into very birdlike creatures, and so, that birds themselves may have had a reptilian origin. In the Secondary or Mesozoic period, there were upon the earth Pterodactyls or wing-fingered animals, also known by tEe name oT^^Ormthosauriaiisjor^Bird- lizards! ST5TTIe"very peTfect specimens of these have ""Been found in the lithographic-stone at Solenhofen in Bavaria. England and America have produced pterodactyl bones and almost complete skeletons, the latter country some of enormous size, and thanks to the labours of great anatomists — among them Pro- fessors Huxley and H. G. Seeley and Sir Richard Owen — we now understand a great deal about these flying reptiles, and can form a fair notion of how they lived. On looking at a restoration of one of these ptero- ,s dactyls, one's first thought is, that it is their wings I which prove them to be nearly related to birds. This requires to be closely looked into, and what was said above about analogy and homology must be borne in mind. |The wings of birds and pterodactyls are similar ^in funcuion, but in their structure they are very different. [They are analogous but not homologous. I A bird's wing contains three fingers. The first is very small, the second is far the biggest and strongest, and to it the third is immovably attached. Dr. Hurst ^ has tried to show from the evidence of the Berlin Archaeopteryx that these three digits are not the first three, but that the two united ones are the fourth and fifth. For this view, as far as I can see, no evidence is to be found in the Berlin Archaeopteryx or anywhere else.] But when he maintains that the generally accepted view, that the 1 Natural Scicjice^ October, 1893. / IV CONNECTING LINKS 43 little digit is the thumb, and that the other two are Nos. 2 and 3 respectively, is unsupported by evidence, he seems to me to be stating what is undeniable. When he goes further and argues that they are Nos. 3, 4, 5, he is flying in the face of facts. In the embryos of the Swift and Tern several good observers have seen a fourth unmistakable metacarpal on the ulnar side {i.e. the side on which in our hand the little finger is) and in the embryo of that extraordinary South American bird, the Hoatzin, there is a remnant on the same side of a fourth finger though the meta- carpal has disappeared. There are, then, only two alternatives : the surviving digits are either i, 2, 3, or 2, 3, 4. Now the Emeu has only one, the central one of the three, and all analogy would lead us to believe that this is the third of the original five and not the second, since, when reduction proceeds very far with the digits of birds' feet, or with those of the fore or hind feet of mammals, they are lost, as far as can be, symmetrically, not in lopsided fashion. And since it is the ulnar side of the wing on which mainly the strain falls in flight, it is not likely that all the weak- ening would go on on this side and all the strength- ening on the other. Moreover, in the embryo Hoatzin there has been found beyond the so-called " thumb," besides vaguely suggestive cartilage, a bone, small yet solid and well defined, that may be a trace of the true thumb that has disappeared.^ In any case, the bird's ^ See Leighton, Tuffs College Studies III., on " The Develop- ment of the Wing of Sterna Wilsonii," and W. K. Parker, Trans. Zool. Soc, Part 2, April, 1891, on "The Morphology of Opisthocomus Cristatus." 44 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. wing is very different frorrLthe^^^gterodactyrs. To the support of the latter only one finger, often called the ulnar finger since it articulates with the postaxial side ^^'^f^^'^ Fig. 17. — (i) Pterodactylus Spectabilis, from lithographic-stone, Bavaria. ' of the arm, contributes, and this one may be either No. 4 or No. 5. The settlement of the question depends upon the nature of the small bone which can be seen CONNECTING LINKS 45 Q-xi o rt 6-1 eg 46 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. projecting from the wrist, and which may be a remnant of the first metacarpal or only a sesamoid bone [see Fig. 17 (i)]. /The wing is a great sheet of membrane sup- ' , ported by this ulnar finger, which was of enormous length, and also by the leg and tail. Thus, whereas two fingers united help in the formation of the bird's wing, only one forms part of the pterodactyl's, jfor the other three are little clawed appendages of no use in flight, y Whether these fingers in the bird be Nos. 3 and 4, or 2 and 3 makes little difference. There are two, not one only, and there is no sign that the smaller one is likely to disappear, and the larger one being No. 2 or 3 does not correspond to the pterodactyl's ulnar finger which is No. 4 or 5. / The two together form a short stout bone that contrasts forcibly with the ptero- dactyl's finger of which the one striking characteristic is its length. Besides the question of fingers the whole | build of the pterodactyl's wing is different. It gets j its expanse from its great membrane. The bird ob- ' tains from its feathers its spread of canvas, while the pterodactyl has no feathers at all. Its wing, formed by a membrane stretched from the arm to the leg and to the tail, was more like a bat's wing than a bird's. But here again there is an important difference. All the bat's digits except the thumb help to support the wing, in the pterodactyl only this one ulnar finger. \ We must, therefore, look for other evidence of the kinship of pterodactyls to birds. Take the head first. The pterodactyl had a large brain- case and, for a reptile, an extraordinarily high forehead. The orbits of his eyes were large. The bones of his skull were ' light and became fused together at an early age. IV CONNECTING LINKS 47 His teeth, as I have explained above, do not separate him from the bird. In fact, it is far more a bird's head than a reptile's. Proceeding now to the long bones we find that many of them have a very remarkable feature ; they have undoubted air cavities. These two points — the birdlike character of the skull, and the aeration of the bones — are, I think, the most important of all. When they are combined with power of flight we can infer from them other characters of Fig. 18. — Pterodactyl, Rhamphorhyncus phyllurus restored (after Marsh), which no direct evidence is obtainable, and principally this — the pterodactyl must have been a warm-blooded animal. Flight requires great vigour such as is not found in any cold-blooded creature. Flying-fish can hardly be said to fly, nor can the so-called Flying Dragon. Its wings are merely parachutes. Moreover no animal that we know of combines a highly-developed brain with cold blood. Among existing animals, birds, who on the average have a decidedly higher tem- perature than mammals, have, very many of them, pneumatic bones. It is true that the same tendency to pneumaticity is found in the bones of the Dinosaurs 48 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. of which I shall speak soon. But these also may have been to some extent warm-blooded. The fact that existing reptiles are cold-blooded, while birds have high temperatures, is really no barrier between the two classes. There was once a Python at the Zoological Gardens which laid eggs, and for six weeks sat upon them, at the end of which time they were addled, or, at any rate, the young snakes in them were dead.^ But the python had not " sat " in vain, for every day her temperature was taken by experts, and also that of a male python hard by who was subjected to the same conditions. The female had an average temperature of 89"07° F., the male of 86'03° F. The maximum temperatures were for the female 92-8° F., for the male 89-8°. But the great difference between warm and cold-blooded animals is that the former do not change their temperature as that of the air changes. The female python was once 167° warmer than the surrounding air, the male never more than 1 1 '6°. In a similar case observed in the Jardin des Plantes in 1861 the female's temperature | once rose 387° F. above that of her surroundings. She- pythons, therefore, when incubating are not altogether the sport of atmospheric changes. Even in mammals temperature varies very much, the small ones having I as a rule the hottest blood. Those of large bulk j range between 97^° and 98^°. The sheep is said to have a temperature of 104°. The Echidna sends the thermometer only to 82f°, and the Ornithorhyncus^ only to 761°. In birds the range is considerable, 1 Proceedings of tlie Zoological Society^ i88i,"The Incubating Python," by W. A. Forbes. IV CONNECTING LINKS 49 from slightly over ioo° F. to 1 12°, This highest figure is attained by some Passerine birds : Hawks and their allies are never much above 109°, and Gulls rise only a little above 104°. Whether these recorded temperatures are in every case quite exact may be doubted. When the subject is a wild animal, the use of a clinical thermometer is difficult. In the case of the python the results are quite dependable, though the thermometer, laid between the folds, no doubt registered a lower temperature than it would have in the mouth. With other animals fresh experiments are needed. But even as it is we may be quite certain that the figures given are nearly right, though there may be an error of a half or even a whole degree. The conclusions we arrive at, then, are — (i) that there is no hard and fast line to be drawn between warm and cold-blooded animals, and, consequently, our warm-blooded birds may be related to our cold-blooded reptiles ; (2) that pterodactyls, in respect of their temperature, were birdlike rather than reptilian. Before leaving this subject, an objection raised by Sir Richard Owen must be met. He maintained that pterodactyls must have been cold-blooded since they had no feathers to prevent the escape of heat from their bodies. But the temperature of the body has comparatively little to do with external coverings, and depends mainly upon its power of generating heat and upon the regulating apparatus by which it adapts itself to changing conditions. We will now go on to other points which prove the re- lationship of pterodactyls to birds, or prove, at any rate, that they have developed separately on very similar lines E 50 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. (i) The head of a pterodactyl is put on at right angles to its. neck like a bird's. The head in most reptiles continues the line of the neck. (2) The sternum or breastbone is broad and has a crest in the middle. This is just what might be expected where great strength is required in the fore limbs and the parts connected. The mole also shows a great development of breastbone : for bur- rowing this is as necessary as it is for flight, r, (3) The scapula is thin and blade-like, and the angle it makes with the coracoid is less than a right angle. (4) The ilium, the bone of the pelvis that unites with the backbone, is produced both ways, in front of and behind the thigh-joint. This is eminently characteristic of birds. Altogether the pterodactyl is so near to being a bird that we must, before leaving the -subject, briefly show why he is after all a reptile. (i)vThe hand has at least four fingers, all but the last of these bear- ing claws; (2)* there are no feathers ; (3)^'the ischium and pubis are at right angles to the ilium, instead of running parallel as in birds ; (4) 'the pelvis is weak, so that it is extremely unlikely that he could walk upright. In spite of their presumable intelligence and high temperature, in spite of, their power of flight, pterodactyls were still reptiles. Many species of them, some not larger than sparrows, others with a span of twenty-five feet from wing tip to wing tip, lived and throve when reptiles were the dominant class upon the earth, and, no doubt, they preyed upon lizards, birds, and mammals. IV CONNECTING LINKS 51 At the same time there were Dinosaurs, or, as Professor Huxley has called them, Ornithoscelidje — i.e., bird-legged animals. ' With wonderful enterprise and zeal, skeletons of these enormous animals, weighing Fig. 19. —Dinosaur, Iguanodon i\rantelli(from a photograph by D jUo of the specimen in the Brussels Museum). tons, have been collected by Professor Marsh and his assistants in North America. Almost certainly they had the power of walking upon their hind legs, their tails helping to support them. In some species, the nearer row of tarsals or ankle bones is E 2 52 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS ch. iv fused with the tibia, the stronger of the two leg bones. All species seem to have been tending towards this birdlike fusion. The pelvis is very like that of birds in its form and in its strength. The ilium extends far in front of and behind the thigh joint, and the two other pelvic bones, the ischium and pubis, extend downwards and backwards. If the pelvis of a dino- saur and an emeu be put side by side, the resemblance is most striking. Had the pterodactyl had the legs and hind-quarters of the dinosaur, it would have been still more birdlike than it is. Some of the Literature of the Subject, Besides books mentioned at the end of Chapter II. a number of papers by Professor H. G. Seeley, Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, and Huxley's Vertebrate Anatomy. CHAPTER V THE PROCESS OF CHANGE FROM A REPTILE TO A BIRD We have now decided that birds have sprung from ; some reptilian stock, though not from any existing | order of reptiles, and unless we are prepared to differ | from the great majority of biologists, we must hold that | this has been brought about mainly by the struggle for '. existence. All animals multiply rapidly, and, if there | were no check, this would continue in geometrical j ratio, till there would be enough of a single species to people all the earth. Thus, if one pair left two pairs of young, these two would leave four pairs, and those four eight, and so forth. Linnaeus calculated that an annual plant producing two seeds in a year would after twenty years have a million descendants. And as every plant produces many more than two seeds — a horse-chestnut tree, for instance, many thou- sands— every real instance would be far more telling than this imaginary one. The elephant has very few young. Darwin's estimate allows it six in all, born while it is between the ages of thirty and ninety, 54 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. its term of life being estimated at one hundred years. Yet with these data he calculates that " after a period of from 740 to 750 years there would be nearly 19,000,000 elephants alive, descended from the first pair." This marvellously rapid increase of all species was one of the two cardinal facts on which his theory of the origin of species was based. The other was the constant tendency to variation. The progeny are very like, but never exactly like their" parents. He took his instances mainly from the domesticated animals, because sufficient evidence had not then been collected from wild nature. All the domestic pigeons — the Fantail, the Pouter, the Dragon, the Carrier, the Homer, the Runt, etc. — had been derived from one wild stock, the Rock Dove. The breeder had per- formed equal wonders with cattle and horses, and during the many thousands of years that the world had been peopled with animals and plants, nature had been doing what the breeder had begun to do only some centuries asfo. She had been constantly weeding out those that were less fitted ~to live. The rocks bear Tecords of fEousaiids of extinct species that have made room for others. D-arwin, as I have said, assumed that variation occurred in wild species as among domestic animals. But until this assumption had been proved true, clearly the theory rested upon an insecure foundation. Many observations have now been made, and any one who wishes for a detailed account of them may find it in Dr. Russel Wallace's Darivinism. He shows conclusively that in wild species there are two principles working side by side : the principles of V CHANGE FROM A REPTII^E TO A BIRD 55 heredity and variation. In form and character the off- spring take after their parents, but in almost every case there is some shght discernible difference. The in- dividuals that have variations that fit them better for life survive, those that have injurious, or, in some cases, those that have only_useless variations oi^none at all, perish. Thus are produced new species, one useful variation after another being accumulated by Natural Selection. The sickly and those who are unsuited to their surroundings have no chance, for the law is mercifully ruthless. The facts that I have stated seem to prove much. The struggle for existence is indisputable, and evolu- \ tion through Natural Selection seems almost beyond j dispute. But when we come to investigate more in detail how it has acted, we are met with great diffi- culties. A living man of science has said that for the explanation of the brilliant colours of the butterfly Darwin's theory is but a barren formula. It may be that only his own imagination is barren. Later on, in a chapter on colour and song, I hope to show that colour is, at any rate, connected with Natural Selection. The particular difficulty that confronts us when we try to trace the evolution of ; birds is_that the d.£v:ekipm£nt of wings would have I been useless, and worse than usejc^s^ unless^ accom- I pahied by other changes. And just as he who builds | a Latin verse conceives a master stroke and puts into / his line, that before was tame and commonplace, a / piirpiireus pannus, then suddenly, to his dismay, finds j that his brilliant emendation has ruined the grammar and the sense, so we may imagine a reptile, that 56 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. hitherto had passed muster in a mediocre world, ruined by the splendid acquirement of flight, unaccompanied by the other variations without which it would be indubitably fatal. What if wings had been fully developed so that the fore limbs could no longer be used in walking, while, as yet, the hind limbs ' had not grown strong so as to make the quadruped a biped ? What if the long legs, so necessary to ' many wading birds, had not been matched by the; length of the neck ? How would such a Tantalus on stilts have reached to the ground to get his food ? What would the large expanse of wings have availed, if the muscles to work the wings had not been de- veloped in a corresponding degree ? How would even the fully developed muscles have been equal to a strain so hard, and often so prolonged, had not the heart ' been so improved that the arterial and venous blood, the fresh and the exhausted, could be kept separate? And what would have been the use of a first-rate heart without first-rate lungs to aerate the blood that was to feed the whole body .-* And without an excellent digestive apparatus how could any other part of the system be vigorous .'' And without the power of sitting firmly on an elevated perch when asleep, the newly-gained power of flight, the dismay of all enemies during the day, might only have put off the hour of capture and destruction till the night. This is one of the greatest difficulties which the theory of evolution presents, but it is not insurmountable. To begin with, variations are almost always small. We must not > imagine the sudden development of a perfect wing. Moreover, slight variations are perpetually occurring ; V CHANGE FROM A REPTILE TO A BIRD 57 it cannot be too strongly insisted upon that they are not occasional but unceasing, so that it is highly probable that two, that would be useless unless they appeared simultaneously, might occur together in the same individual. It is only reasonable to suppose that some of the reptiles from which our birds have sprung were born not only with a fore limb that, fringed with scale -like feathers, might act as a make- shift for a wing, but also, by a happy coincidence, with hind legs stronger than those of their contemporaries. Quite apart from such coincidences, a very slight power of flight, due to a modification of the fore limb not sufficient to incapacitate it for w^alking, would be highly advantageous to the birdlike reptile, or reptile- like bird. When menaced by a snake as he sat upon a tree, he would flutter to another tree, perhaps feebly, descending much as he went, his wings acting as a clumsy parachute. Still, he would save his life. Here, then, is a stage in advance accomplished. Why not after this a development of the hind limbs, making an upright posture possible } And when this was attained, why not a further development of wings .-' And why should not an improvement in the internal organs follow closely upon the visible changes .-* The fact is that in this case it does not seem necessary to assume an absolute simultaneity of variations. But supposing it is held by any one that modifica- tions arising singly could not have advanced the reptile to a bird, and that for simultaneous variations we must not trust to mere coincidence, we must appeal to what is called correlated variation. Many instances of this are given by Darwin, Cats, which are entirely 58 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHA white and have blue eyes, are generally deaf. Pigeons with short beaks have small feet, and those with long beaks large feet. In wild animals the right and left sides always vary very nearly in the same way. The front and hind limbs often vary together, and even the jaws and limbs. He maintains that parts which are homologous — for instance, arms and legs — often show similar tendencies. Length of arm in men generally goes with height, and if a child has long hands, people infer that it will be tall. Possibly, then, through corre- lation the lengthening and strengthening of the fore limb might be accompanied by a lengthening and strengthen- ing of the hind limb. Of course, it cannot be looked upon as an invariable law that variation follows the lines of homology. The fore legs of a giraffe have altogether dwarfed the hind legs. The tendency of such varia- tion has been to lift the giraffe's head higher, so that in times of drought, when other cattle were dying of hunger, he might browse on the higher branches of the trees. A corresponding growth of the hind legs would have been waste of material, and possibly this may have caused the weeding out of those whose hind legs developed J>ari passu with their fore legs. The difficulty of tracing back the course of develop- ment is undeniably great in the case of any animal, and he who attempts it is apt to lay himself open to ridi- cule. The cautious exponent of evolution takes refuge in generalities. It is more ingenuous, and in everyway better, to face the difficulties, while at the same time confessing that much more evidence is \vanted from fossil remains before we can fill in the blanks. At present the position of the evolutionist is somewhat. V CHANGE FROM A REPTILE TO A BIRD 59 but by no means entirely, like that of a man who, know- ing nothing of the facts of English history, should attempt to infer them from the character and peculiar- ities of our existing institutions. Many and ludicrous would be his errors. The evolutionist is saved from many mistakes by the geological record, which, how- ever fragmentary, is a safe guide as far as it goes. And if Sir Richard Owen, when presented with a single bone from New Zealand, was able to some extent to describe the giant bird of which it had once formed part, is it not possible that, by the help of animals, fossil or still existing, evolutionists have drawn a picture of the primitive ancestors of our present species that is at any rate not far removed from the truth ? Books on the Subject. Darwin's Origin of Species. Wallace's Darwinism. Weissmann's Essays on Heredity, and Romanes Lecture. Miss Buckley's Winners in Lifers Race. (The literature of the subject is endless.) CHAPTER VI FORM AND FUNCTION Digestive Apparatus What is the cause of the wonderful vitality of birds ? How is it that the Golden-crested Wren, apparently so weak and helpless, can fly all across the North Sea from Norway ? What are the pro- cesses of life that go on within the bird and make it so different from its lethargic reptilian ancestors ? To these questions I hope to give some answer in the present chapter. To begin with, a bird has a very large appetite, and a reptile a very small one. I have found twenty-two acorns in the crop of an unusually small wood-pigeon, and this was probably quite an ordinary meal to him. ^ They had not made him torpid, like a boa-constrictor after his weekly rabbit. He was flying with all his usual vigour when the shot brought him down. To speak of an animal as an engine, the supplies of fuel ^ As many as sixty-three have been found. See Badminton Library, Shooiing^ p. 229. CH. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 6i must be large and pretty constant if much work is to be done. Little appetite, little energy, is a rule that holds throughout nature. In his book on the Crayfish, Professor Huxley has a very instructive illustration of what life is. He compares a living creature to a wave in a river which remains always in the same place, being caused by a rock, or something of the kind, near the surface. A still more striking illustration of the same thing is a jet of water in a cataract which, except for slight variations, always keeps the same shape. The wave and the jet of water are at no two moments that you look at them made up of the same materials. Every moment a fresh supply of water as it reaches the same point assumes the same shape and appearance. So it is with the living creature : he may look the same from year to year, but the atoms of which he is built up are not the same. And if he is to be vigorous, an animal must change his constituent atoms rapidly. The large appetite, therefore, of a bird is to be looked upon as a proof of strength and energy. Of course, the appetite alone, without pro- portionate digestive power, would be worse than useless. The apparatus of digestion must be first-rate, and to the investigation of this apparatus we must now proceed. In man the saliva plays an important part. In birds, however, the glands which secrete it are small, and the secretion from them, probably, has but little chemical effect upon the food, only helping to soften it. Though the small development of the saliva glands is their chief feature, they vary in size in different birds, those of the Woodpecker being 62 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. comparatively big.^ In all birds the gullet or oesophagus is large. In many, especially in seed- eaters, it opens out into a great expansion, with thickened walls, called the crop, which reaches a high development in the pigeon. In this bird it is marked by irregular ridges, and in the breeding season the cells of the mucous membrane that line it give off the peculiar cheesy substance known as " pigeon's milk," with which the young are fed. The crop secretes no special digestive fluid : it is mainly a storehouse in which the food is kept till the stomach is ready to deal with it. The glands found there are only the ordinary glands of the mucous membrane. Still it must not be supposed that the food which passes from the crop is in the same condition as that which enters it. During its stay there it is acted on by what saliva has been shot upon it, by water, by the watery secretion of the mucous membrane, and by the warmth of the body. Though the crop is not nearly so much developed in birds of prey, yet in some of them it has been found equal to hard work. In owls, for instance, the contraction of the walls strips the skin off their prey after the under-skin has been weakened by the secretions, and then the well-known pellets consisting of hair, feathers, and bones are thrown up.^ The South American bird, the Hoatzin, so remarkable for the two claws on each of its wings and for having the ^ His tongue, which he can shoot out ahiiost as far as a chameleon shoots his, is armed with backward-pointing bristles, and the sticky saliva poured upon it adapts it still further for fishing out insects from under bark. 2 See Bronn's Thier-Reich^ vol. Aves^ p, 672. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 63 keel developed only on the hinder part of its breast- bone, is remarkable also for its highly muscular crop with furrows and ridges, by means of which it squeezes out the juices of leaves. In some birds the crop is altogether wanting. In Cormorants, Flamingoes, and Pelicans only a very small expansion, that might easily escape notice, has been found. In all fish- eaters it is either, as in those just mentioned, very slightly developed or non-existent. The two most striking points about a Cormorant's gullet are its great size and its elasticity. Just below the mouth it opens out to form a spacious pouch with very thin walls. Below that it narrows but very slightly before there comes the very small expansion representing the crop, and its walls are there just a trifle thicker. When the bird is lucky enough to secure a long and thick fish this great tube of nearly uniform size is ready to receive it. There is no contraction at any point sufficient to hinder its downward progress. A crop narrowing down at its lower end to a small tube formed of strong walls would be out of the question in a fish-eater. In diving-birds, fish have been found with their heads partly digested, while upon their bodies, which had not yet reached the stomach, the process had not yet begun. This must inevitably be so, since nothing is more remarkable than the narrow- ness of the band within the area of which lie the digestive glands : a fish of any length cannot possibly come under the influence of the juices all at once. Nearly all the stowage room for the cormorant's large meals is in the ample gullet, and great demands are made upon it. One of these huge feeders was 64 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. once watched by an apparently trustworthy observer, at a repast which lasted for an hour and a half. Each time that the bird rose after diving, he saw the flash of a small fish and the jerk of the neck with which it was swallowed. And the total number of fish dis- posed of he estimated at one hundred and eighty. However small they may have been, it must have required a very large gullet to accommodate them. The stomach has two compartments, very different in their structure and function. There is the fore part, or Proventriculus, which is highly glandular, and the hinder part, which has no glands, and to which, when it is very muscular, as it is in many birds, the name of gizzard is given. The proventriculus secretes strong acid juices from its glands, and some kinds of food, such as meat, may, certainly in mamrnals) probably in birds, be partly absorbed here, the peptone, as it is called, that is formed from them, passing into the blood vessels that are separated only by a very thin membrane from the cavity of the stomach. It has been thought that the process is that called Osmosis, which is as easy to illustrate as it is difficult to explain. If a bladder containing peptone be held under water, a large quantity of the peptone will make its way out into the water, while the bladder will be distended by the water which has made its way in. Peptone is quite exceptional among solu- tions of organic matter in the readiness with which it passes through the walls of a bladder. White of egg, for instance, has been tried in the same way, and hardly any of it has escaped. The absorption of food into the blood-vessels is a VI FORM AND FUNCTION 65 process quite different from Osmosis. The living membrane has a power of selection : it is like a sieve which can let big molecules pass, while it can reject smaller ones. Each cell seems, like an Amoeba (of which more presently), to have the power of choosing out and swallowing what it wants. In the same way plants select their food from the ground. Much of the everyday work of nature is too subtle for science to explain. When the food has penetrated into the blood-vessels it is no longer a foreign substance, but having been thoroughly assimilated has become part of the bird itself As a rule, however, the process of assimilation is not completed in the proventriculus. The food passes on to the second compartment of the stomach, the walls of which, in seed-eating birds especially, are very thick and strong, being formed of muscular fibres which radiate out from two tendons running down the centre of each side. No less powerful mill would be equal to the grinding of acorns, and even this would be insufficient did not the bird swallow stones which, like molar teeth, break up the food as the muscles contract and relax. So necessary are such molars, that where no stones are to be had birds have been known to swallow hard stonelike seeds, for instance those of the wild prairie rose (Rosa Blanda) which fulfil the same purpose. I have seen stones of porten- tous size which had been taken from the gizzard of an Emeu. In birds which live on flesh the walls of the stomach are very weak, so that it does not deserve the name of a gizzard and, moreover, no stones are swallowed, nothing of the nature of teeth being F 66 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. necessary. Every one is familiar with the toughness and soHdity. of a chicken's gizzard. When the stomach of a Hawk or Cormorant is set beside it, the contrast is very striking. In some birds, all of them fish-eaters, the stomach has a small third compartment posterior to the gizzard. The entrance to it is guarded by a flap of skin or, in the case of the Darter, it is furnished with thick hairlike formations which at the entrance are especially long. The purpose both of the flap of skin and of the hairlike growths seems to be to shut out all food that has not become thoroughly fluid.^ On leaving the second compartment of the stomach, or the third compartment if there is one, the food passes into the smaller intestine, where the process of digestion is completed. The duodenum, the first part of the smaller intestine, is a U-shaped loop, and in it lies a great whitish gland called the Pancreas. The liver is a much greater gland within the two lobes of which lie the hinder part of the proventriculus and the fore part of the gizzard. The liver and the pancreas both pour upon the food in the duodenum the juices of digestion. The work of the pancreatic juice is, mainly, to break up starch and convert it into sugar, since starch as long as it remains starch is of no use to the body as food, and to emulsify fat, i.e. to dissolve it into fine globules. The bile — the juice secreted by the liver — is slightly alkaline and extremely bitter. It is im- possible here to describe its exact working. When the bile and the pancreatic juice have together done their 1 See Bronn's Thiej'- Reich., vol. " Aves," p. 609. There Dr. Gadow speaks of it as the Pylorus Magen VI FORM AND FUNCTION 67 work, the process of digestion is complete, and the food goes to build up the living animal. The wonder- ful process mentioned above is in full swing here ; the chyle, that part of the food which consists of emulsified fats, passes into the lacteals (to be described later on) through the villi, small creases in the coat of the intestine, the rest into the blood-vessels, and so, in either case, on to the heart. All refuse is carried into the large intestine, any return from which is prevented by a valve. Before leaving the subject of digestion, I wish to show how important an organ the liver is to birds. For purposes of flight their weight is reduced as much as possible, but in some good flyers the liver is ex- traordinarily heavy. In the Tern it is ^\ of that of the whole bird, in the Swallow yV> ^^ Vanellus Cristatus, a kind of Lapwing, y^ in the Smew Jy. In all these it forms a far larger fraction of the whole than in man. And how account for the great differ- ences .'' The Smew is mainly a fish-eater and also the Tern. But in the fish-eating Heron the liver is said to be remarkably small. In the commoti Fowl it contributes rather less than o-V of the total weight, suggesting that seed-eaters depend comparatively little on the liver and more upon the gizzard. But in corn-eating pigeons we find both large gizzards and large livers. And the liver of the flesh-eating gizzard- less Kestrel is lighter than that of the Fowl, only ^^, in fact, of his total weight, while in the Tawny Owl it is less than ^^. These facts are very perplexing. Dr. Gadow in quoting them remarks that they are un- trustworthy, since -they must be affected by the con- F 2 68 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. dition and recent diet of the bird. But, even when we allow for inaccuracies due to this, the differences are- startling.^ The Heart and Circulation. Every part of the body is nourished by the blood. Only through the agency of the blood can food and air make good what is lost by wear and tear. The heart is a force-pump which drives the blood to all parts of the body, and, when it returns impure and loaded with used-up material, sends it to the lungs to be purified, after which it is despatched all over the body again. On the voyage much of it passes through the kidneys, which help the lungs to purge it of the waste of the tissues. The essentials of an efficient heart are that it should be strong, and that it should keep the pure blood separate from the impure. These two essentials are found combined in the hearts of mammals and birds. They are strong muscles : that part at least of them which forces the blood through the arteries is remarkable for its strong thick walls. And, thanks to the perfection of the machinery, the blood which has been purified in the lungs is never mixed with the impure blood which is coming from the body. The heart is divided into right and left chambers by a division through which there are no doorways. The right and left chambers are each divided into two, ^ See Bronn's Thier-Reich, vol. "Aves," p. 68i. The figures, as I have quoted them, are very nearly exact. For simplicity I have disres^arded small fractions. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 69 but there are openings from the upper into the lower which may be closed by valves. The two lower chambers are called ventricles and the two upper ones auricles. Before explaining the working of the valves, I shall trace the circulation of the blood. The left ventricle, which is the strongest and most muscular part of the heart, opens into the aorta, the largest of all the arteries. Thence it is distributed into branch arteries and from these into smaller branches : these, in turn, lead into smaller channels called capillaries, varying in diameter, in man, from 20110 to y-gVo of an inch. It is when it reaches these extremely minute vessels that the blood does its work of nourishing all the tissues of the body. The capillaries unite to form larger vessels called veins, and these finally form two great trunk veins which carry the blood into the right auricle. From the right auricle it passes to the right ventricle. Thence it is driven into the lungs, from the lungs it passes into the left auricle, and thence into the left ventricle where the same process begins again. Thus the blood in , the right chambers of the heart can reach the left only through the lungs : that in the left can find its way to the right only through the arteries and veins of the body. The pure arterial blood is all on the left side, the impure venous blood on the right. The former may be known by its bright red colour, the latter is blue-black. The following diagram will make clear the course of circulation. When the blood has passed through the arteries into the capillaries and from them into the veins, it finds a new contrivance to assist in driving it on. In 70 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. o a jj -§ >> > to Si "^ i^: u "ri'3"~ rt " 3-a = ^ •- ■" — Si f- c ' "■ - bo 1- a> rti3 c to -.^'r^ f^-^.t; ;; ^ 6 - « ^ o - ^ •^^ C 2-g 3 J! ^ f/- • -- o ^ 0.2.S c > 2 5- OJ OJ 4-. c rt o 5 g •■ != ii 1. jj j: „ o > o "^ u '-' D'c tt: K u ^ _ ^ ^: 3 j^-^ 0.0 J; "-; "^ d t» C itl.S^ 4J-- "U ■n c ^ H o • - c I ■£ i! P.2 Ji S -^ 2 ■^' r, rt^ y "■2-- (u " ,; ^ C^ i-S s I d VI FORM AND FUNCTION 71 the veins of the Hmbs are valves which prevent any- backward flow. Every movement must tend by pressure to move the blood forward or backward, and it will be urged forward since no other course is open. The places where these valves are in the human arm or hand can be seen if a finger be pressed upon a vein and then passed downwards along it in the direction of the capillaries, thus tending to cause a backward current. Little knots will be seen at intervals, marking the places where the passage of the blood is checked by the pouchlike valves. Birds have fewer of these valves than mammals, but more than reptiles. Besides the veins there are other channels in all parts of the body along which a current is setting towards the heart. These are the lymphatics, so called because they contain a pale watery fluid. They differ from veins (i) in that the capillaries from which they spring end blindly, i.e. do not connect with arteries, (2) in having in their course numbers of glands through which their contents must pass. Their main function seems to be to assist the veins in carrying on the drainage of the body. Some of the lymphatics, however, have a special function and a special name. They are called lacteals from the milky nature of their contents, due to food containing fat, and their duty is to carry the chyle to the heart from the smaller intestine round which their capillaries form a network. Like the veins they are provided with frequent valves preventing any backward flow> and eventually they pour their contents, in birds, into the two trunk veins which bring the blood from the 72 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP. right and left sides of the head, in man into that from the left side only. The great difference (its significance will be made clear in chap, viii.) between the circulatory systems of birds and mammals is this — in mammals the aorta arches over to the left, in birds to the right. TJie Valves of the Heart. When the black blood is discharged into the heart, it has to be sent to the lungs to be purified and to be recharged w^ith oxygen, and the heart by contracting drives it into the pulmonary artery, i.e. the artery which leads to the lungs. But unless there is some means of preventing it, obviously the blood will be driven not only to the lungs, but back into the vein which has just carried it to the heart. The right side of the heart, therefore, is divided into two chambers, the passage between them being guarded by a valve which allows the blood to pass from the upper chamber to the lower, but not from the lower to the upper. In the bird this valve is simply a flap of muscle which projects into the ventricle, and which closes the aperture when it is lifted by a rush of blood upwards. In man and other mammals the valve is formed of thin membrane instead of muscle, and consists of three flaps connected with one another and fastened by strings of tendon to the walls of the heart below. This is called the tricuspid valve. It is very curious that the bird's heart should be in most respects so similar to that of man, in this respect so different. These valves remain to show that the two hisfhest VI FORM AND FUNCTION 73 classes of animals, mammals and birds, have each separately developed a perfect type of heart from some lower form which allowed the pure and impure blood to mix. On the left side of the heart also the passage between the upper and lower cavities is guarded by a valve. Both in birds and mammals it is formed of two membranous flaps fastened to the walls below by strong cords of the nature of tendons. --— w-RY Fig. 21. — (a) Bird's heart showing valve between right auricle and right ventricle. (i) — modified from Quain — Man's heart showing the same. LV, wall of left ventricle ; RV, right ventricle ; TV, tricuspid valve ; v, valve. In the human heart it is called the mitral valve from its fancied resemblance to a bishop's mitre. There are other valves as well without which the heart would be very imperfect. There must be some means of pre- venting the blood when it is driven into the two great arteries, the aorta and the pulmonary, from returning to the heart. The entrance to each, therefore, is guarded by three "semilunar valves," little pockets which look outwards, away from the heart, and, con- 74 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. sequently, close against an inrush of blood, but allow an outrush to pass. In a bird of any size they are easy to see. Some account of a reptile's heart will be found in the chapter on " The Bird within the Egg." The Blood. Cut off the supply of blood from a limb, and all its power goes. The muscles lose their sensitiveness to stimulus, and eventually rigor mortis, the stiffness of death, sets in. The life of the whole organism and of each of its parts depends upon the blood. The Jew, who will not eat blood " because it is the life," has dimly seen an important physiological fact. Blood consists of corpuscles of two kinds, the red and the colourless, commonly called white, and the liquid plasma in which these float. The corpuscles are very minute. It is said that 10,000,000 of the red ones will lie on a space of one square inch. Among birds the Cassowary has the largest, the Humming Bird the smallest. The colourless ones also are always ex- tremely small, though they vary much in size. In shape the red ones, seen under the microscope, are, in birds and reptiles, oval ; in man, round. And the shape is not the only difference. In birds, reptiles, and fishes there is a nucleus, a small roundish body in the middle. In mammals, except in the case of em- bryos, no sign of this is, as a rule, to be found. Why this nucleus has disappeared, no one has. been able to show. It certainly cannot be maintained that there is any superior vitality which we can associate with its VI FORM AND FUNCTION 75 disappearance. It is easy to connect the reptile's low temperature with his poverty in corpuscles. The white blood corpuscle is an object of extreme interest. It is simply a cell of granular appearance with a nucleus. In shape it is roundish, but when alive it is a perfect Proteus. If a drop of blood be Fig. 22. — (a) and (i) White and red corpuscles of man from Quain after Schafer ; (c) and (d) red corpuscles of Humming Bird and Ostrich after Gulliver; («) Amoeba after Aloore. All to same scale. taken from the finger and put under the microscope the white corpuscles are easy to make out, scattered in comparatively small numbers among the red, but, unfortunately, they have ceased to move, the change of temperature, and conditions generally, having killed them. But there are one-celled creatures to be found in stagnant water which closely resemble 76 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. them. These are called Amoebae from their incessant restlessness. At one moment they may be round, the next they throw out a limb on one side, the next that limb is withdrawn and another thrown out else- where. Wherever food comes in contact with them they make a mouth and swallow it. The colourless corpuscle is one of these simplest of creatures, lead- ing a life of its own within the blood-vessels, but dependent on the body for the conditions which make life possible to it. There are several forms of them, and some, it is believed, do us the priceless service of swallowing the germs of diseases that find their way into the blood. The bacillus that has survived immersion in the strong acid juices of the stomach is killed, so it is believed, by these small and half independent organisms. Whether this is so or not, it is certain that when the blood is thick with corpuscles, red and white, there is less liability to disease. The red corpuscles carry a great deal of oxygen, and thus they are able to oxidise the tissues, i.e. burn them, for ordinary burning is only a rapid process of oxidation. If the supply of oxygen is cut off from it, a fire at once goes out. The oxygen in the blood keeps up the warmth of the body by slowly burning it. And in birds, with their very high temperature, the process is more rapid than in other warm-blooded animals. The redness of arterial blood is due entirely to the pigment haemoglobin in the red corpuscles. When they lose their oxygen it can be proved by experiment that they become black, the colour of venous blood. VI FORM AND FUNCTION ^^ The duty, almost the sole duty, of the red corpuscles, is to carry oxygen. It is the work of the colourless plasma to bring food to each part and to carry off the used-up material. The carbonic acid, which is pro- duced by the burning of the tissues, is probably removed, not by the corpuscles, but by the fluid in which they float. At the same time the plasma is busy with other work which falls mainly upon it, the work of carrying in all directions the food-materials which have entered the body, and thus what has been destroyed is rebuilt. It is probable that the various components of the blood divide their functions in the way I have described, but it is quite possible that further investigation may show that the foregoing account requires some modification. In what part of the body do the corpuscles originate .'' In the lymphatic glands corpuscles very similar to, if not identical with, ordinary white corpuscles have been found in process of dividing into two. And it is thought that it is in these glands that the white or colourless kind are produced. In embryos, and, on occasion, in adults, the spleen, a small red body which can be found in birds attached to the right side of the fore-stomach (Proventriculus) certainly gives birth to many red corpuscles. In the marrow of human bones corpuscles are found inter- mediate in character between the white and the red, like the former possessing a nucleus, but like the latter having a little, of the red haemoglobin, and these it seems are somehow transformed into ordinary red corpuscles. THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. Breathing Apparatus and Pneiunatic Bones. A bird's breathing apparatus is of the first order. When a lark is rising, his wings are beating at the rate of quite two hundred strokes per minute, probably much faster. And yet all the while he sings as if he were making no great muscular effort. I recommend any one who does not appreciate the marvel of this to try to run up hill and sing or shout at the same time. Of all those who make this experiment we may quote what Vergil says of the Greek ghosts in Hades, who try to raise their war-cry when ^Eneas appears : — Inceptus clamor frustratur hiantes. On the floor of the mouth just behind the tongue is the glottis or opening into the trachea or windpipe, a tube formed of rings of bone and gristle which runs along the neck to its base, where it divides into two bronchi, which lead, one to the right, the other to the left lung. The epiglottis, which springs from the anterior end of the glottis, and the function of which in mammals is to close the opening during the process of swallowing, is very little, if at all, developed in birds. Apparently the edges of the larynx, the name given to the upper end of the trachea, meet so exactly that no epiglottis or lid to the glottis is necessary. The larynx has no vocal chords as in mammals, hence it cannot produce voice, but only raise or lower a note by bringing together or separating the stiff margins of the glottis. The organ of voice is the lower larynx or syrinx, an organ found in no other class of animals, VI FORM AND FUNCTION 79 situated where the trachea divides to form the bronchi. I shall describe it later on. Though a bird has such a splendid "Wind," his lungs are small. They will be found lying close against the back, and, if the body is laid down breast uppermost, under the heart and liver. They extend from the first rib to where the kidneys begin, and may easily be known by their sponginess and their scarlet colour. It is difficult to measure them exactly, but these are the measurements as nearly as I could take them in a common domestic pigeon: length if inch, depth f inch, breadth h inch. This gives for cubic content ^ inch, for the two lungs together | inch. There is no reason to suppose that in a Homer pigeon the dimensions are appreciably larger. These small lungs are a wonderful feature in a bird, to whom, under favourable .conditions, a flight of fifty miles in an hour is no great exertion. In all birds we find the same striking conti'ast between the excellence and the small size of the lungs. Though they are spongy, they have but little elasticity. When a man expands his chest, the lungs are distended and the air rushes in to fill the vacuum caused. A bird's lungs vary little in size. They are prolonged into spacious air-sacks, the most characteristic part of the breath- ing apparatus, which renders elasticity of lungs unnecessary. These air-sacks are extensions of the membrane which forms the walls of the bronchi. The two bronchi we have already described as leading to the lungs. They run through the lungs dividing as they go, and end in these great ex- pansions by the help of which a bird is able to get 8o THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. more work, in proportion to the size of his body, out of his exceedingly small and light lungs than a man can out of his far heavier apparatus. Any one who Fig. 23 — Diagram after Heider. Air-sacks excepting the cervical. The lungs are shaded dark. Abs, abdominal .sack ; as, anterior thoracic ; B, entrance of bronchial membrane ; H, humerus ; ics, interclavicular sack, surrounding trachea ; and 1, 2, 3, 4, its e.xtensions ; 2 opens between the pectoral muscles ; ps, posterior thoracic sack ; t, trachea. See Fig. 25. wishes to see the air-sacks — and to see them is much better than only to read of them — should take some bird of moderate size, such as a pigeon, cut through the windpipe somewhere in the neck, insert a blowing- VI FORM AND FUNCTION 8i tube and tie the windpipe round it with a piece of fine string or cotton, then inflate them. The whole breast and abdomen will be seen to rise and expand. The windpipe should then be tied up and the air- sacks left in a state of inflation. Next the central part of the sternum must be got out of the way. Cut it longitudinally on either side of the keel from the hinder almost to the anterior end. After that remove the viscera very carefully, when the extremely delicate membrane which forms the sacks may be seen, and also the scarlet sponge of the lungs at the bottom of them (the bird lying on its back), and the openings of the bronchi into the sacks. There are nine sacks in all, four on each side, and another pair which have run into one. The hindmost or abdominal pair are very large, and, when the bird is placed upon its back, lie over the kidneys and under the intestines, extending far back behind the lungs. In front of them are the posterior thoracic, and next to them the anterior thoracic, sacks. Then comes the interclavicular sack formed of two which have coa- lesced. The middle part of this can easily be seen in the angle between the clavicles or wishbones, but it also runs out on either side to the shoulder bones (Fig. 23). The cervical sacks are very small and lie at the base of the neck. As yet I have only described the minimum of air sacks common to all birds : in many species there are air cavities in the bones, sometimes extending even to the very extremities of the limbs : in some they are found under the skin also, and even in some of the feathers and between the muscles. In a young bird Q 82 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. the bones are always filled with marrow, but often as it grows to maturity the marrow is absorbed, leaving only a thin dry-looking lining, and the delicate mem- brane of the air-sacks extends into the cavity. Thus Fig. 24. — Section of (/^) femur of Ostrich ; (i) skull of Carinate Bird, e, external opening to ear. The bronchial membrane lines all the small cavities in the bones. whenever a bone is hollow (if we except certain parts of the skull), the cavity connects with the lungs and is lined with the bronchial membrane. When the cavity in the bone is large, thin plates separate from VI FORM AND FUNCTION 83 the inner coat and act as buttresses. Sometimes these buttresses are bound together and a strong network is formed. It is a network hke this which supports the beak. In the skull the plates take the form of arches. In all birds without exception, I believe, some of the bones of the skull are aerated, the air being derived mainly from the nostrils and ears. But the beak and some of the bones connected with it are aerated from the lungs. Thither runs from each cervical air-sack a small tube of membrane which lies in an incomplete bony canal under the vertebrse by the side of the vertebral artery. On its way to the beak it throws off branches to the vertebrae of the neck. Every aerated bone has a foramen or aperture through which the bag of membrane finds its way. In the humerus it is easy to find at the end near the body on what is properly the upper side of the bone, but which in the bird's wing, when it is folded, looks backward. The interclavicular sack opens into it. Of all the long bones the humerus is most commonly pneumatic. An easy and interest- ing experiment is to tie up the windpipe of a dead bird, then break the humerus and blow down it through a blowing tube, when the sacks will at once inflate. Indeed wounded birds when their windpipes have been choked with blood have been known to breathe through a broken humerus that has pierced the skin. Other bones that are frequently aerated are the breast- bones, the coracoid, the vertebrae, less frequently the thighbone, shoulder-blade and merrythought. But a good many birds are, as I have said, pneumatic to the very extremities, the Hornbills and the Screamers to the ends of the fingers and toes. The Gannet has G 2 84 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. large air chambers under the skin, and when these are filled it floats like a bladder on the surface. The problems connected with the lungs and their extensions are many and difficult, and I shall devote to them a separate division of this chapter (see p. 105). Tlie Process of BreatJiing. It will be well first to say something about the mechanism of breathing in man, and then show how different it is in birds. A man creates the vacuum within him which the air rushes in to fill partly by means of the diaphragm, partly by means of the ribs. The diaphragm is a partition which separates the cavity which contains the heart and lungs from that v/hich contains the intestines. Muscles descend from it to the ribs and stronger ones to the spinal column. When these muscles contract, the lung chamber is enlarged, a vacuum is created, the air rushes in and dis- tends the lungs. Diaphragmal breathing is impossible to a bird since it has no fully developed diaphragm. Indeed the oblique septum, to which the name of diaphragm is often given is apparently so different in its nature and situation that it has been doubted whether we can regard it as the same organ as the diaphragm of mammals. Its arrangement is very complicated. One part lies on the under surface of the lungs and under the cervical air-sacks which, thus, are in a chamber by themselves. The other, the entirely membranous and oblique part, at its anterior end connects with the former along the line of the backbone ; further back it springs from the pelvis. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 85 Fig. 25. — Diaphragm of Duck (diagram after Strasser). The sternum has been removed. Abs, abdominal sack ; it runs back under the viscera and opens into the hmg ; sometimes penetrates the pelvis and femur : as, anterior thoracic sack ; Axs, axillary sack, a pouch of the interclavicular ; cs, cervical sack ; D, diaphragm ; G, gizzard ; GP, great pectoral muscle turned back; H, heart; i, intestine; ics, interclavicular sack, often pTn^trates keej ; Lg, lung ; Lg', line to which the lungs reach ; l1 and Lr, left and right lobes of liver ; PS, posterior thoracic sack ; T, trachea. 86 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. It forms on either side a sheet which slopes outwards and fastens to the sternum near to its junction with the ribs. Cross-partitions divide the chambers formed between it and the body wall : into these compartments the air-sacks enter, their walls being so thin that it is difficult to separate them from those of the chambers which they line. The diaphragm does not, as in mam- mals, separate the heart from the intestines. The dia- gram on page 85 will help to make this description clear. Obviously a membranous partition like this cannot do the work of the diaphragm of mammals, but that it is homologous to it, i.e., the same in origin, may well be maintained. The difference of position does not disprove this, for it is well known that a muscle may shift its point of attachment so that upon such a question as the nearness of the relationship of reptiles to birds the evidence of muscles does not count for much. Nor is the fact that the diaphragm is muscular in mammals and membranous in birds in any way conclusive. In the apteryx it is strong and fibrous. In a puffin Mr. Beddard found it muscular, and I myself found it very highly so in another bird of the same species. Tendon in fact often replaces muscle. It is certainly possible, on the whole it seems probable, that the diaphragm in mammals and birds may be the same in origin though different in function.^ It is in- teresting to find that crocodiles that come near to birds in so many points, are like them also in having an oblique septum. 1 See Huxley on " Breathing Apparatus of Apteryx," Proc. Zool. Soc, 1882: article on the "Diaphragm" in Newton's Dictionary of Birds. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 87 To return to the subject of breathing, a man breathes not only by means of the diaphragm, but by raising the ribs. This is effected by means of muscles called the external intercostals, which pass downwards and outwards from each rib to the one below it. The contraction of these muscles will raise both ribs, as may be shown by an easy experiment. Take two thin rods of deal and screw them on to a third piece, nail a fourth piece to their other ends to keep them parallel. Join them by an india-rubber band, sloping Fig. 26. R, R represent ribs ; S the backbone ; 5" the breastbone ; E is the india-rubber band representing the external intercostal muscle. downwards and outwards and too short to reach without stretching. This will raise the two ribs. There are muscles fastened to the inside of the ribs and from that called the Internal Intercostals which slope downwards and inwards towards the backbone, and therefore act just in the opposite way — i.e., they lower the ribs. When a bird is standing or walking, the breast rises and falls in breathing much in the same way as it does in man, though the great weight of the 88 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. breast muscles must make it move less easily. Owing to the thicker coating of feathers it is difficult to see the movements clearly. When a large bird, a goose or a crane, utters a loud cry, is the best opportunity. Then, if he is standing, his breast may easily be seen to move forward and upward. When the muscles relax, the breast will sink and the air will be expelled, but the latter process will be greatly assisted by the contraction of other muscles — viz., those that lie over the abdomen and connect the pelvis and the breast. The action of these will be to drive the air out of the great hinder air-sacks. The chest is loosely hinged on to the back by muscles near the shoulder joint, so that very little exertion on the part of the abdominal muscles will be required. Take a dead bird and see how easily the hinder end of the breast works up and down. Thus the abdominal muscles in a bird play a most important part in breathing, in a man they play a very small one. But most birds breathe most actively during flight, and then a different system must be adopted. John Hunter, the celebrated anatomist, held that birds did not inhale and exhale during flight, but merely used the air which they had stored in their air-sacks. This view appears absurd in the face of the fact that they will sometimes fly hundreds of miles without alighting. But he was led to adopt it by what is a very real difficulty — namely, that the movement of the breast in breathing would seriously derange the machinery of flight. The socket in which the wing works is formed mainly by the coracoid, which is buttressed by the clavicle. Both bones are almost rigidly fixed to the VI FORM AND FUNCTION . 89 breastbone, from which spring the great muscles which lower and raise the wing. If the breast were perpetually moving up and down, a strong stroke, such as flight requires,- would be impossible. M. Edmond Alix gives what I believe is the right explanation — viz., that a bird breathes during flight, by moving not its breast, but its backbone. But he does not explain how this is effected. After some investigation I have come to the conclusion that the muscular movements necessary to flight themselves lend material assistance in the process of breathing. I have here, therefore, to anticipate some important points which properly belong to the chapter on flight. There is a very broad sheet of muscle, called the Latissimus Dorsi, which arises from the vertebra; just behind the neck and also from vertebrae further back, sometimes even from the pelvis. It attaches to the shoulder bone. When the wing is lowered in flight, this muscle contracts and hauls upon the wings, which resist its action since stronger muscles are pulling them in a different direction. Since the wings will not give, the body is lifted towards them, attaining nearly to a horizontal position.. Were it not for this muscle, it would hang nearly straight down, as you may see by taking a dead bird and holding it by its outstretched wings. The Latissimus Dorsi not only keeps the body nearly horizontal, but expands the air-sacks. For when the back is raised, the weight of the breast muscles and the intestines hanging on the ribs will straighten them out, and so the sacks which lie close under the back will be distended. This may easily be seen if you grip the backbone-of a dead bird with a pair of pincers, 90 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP. when the dead weight hanging on the ribs produces the resuh described. And the movement of the shoulder blades during flight will help to produce the same effect. In the down stroke the rotating or twisting of the wing, by which its front margin is lowered and its under surface made to look backward, causes a very slight lowering of the anterior end of the shoulder blade, and this necessitates a considerable upward swing of the hinder end, a point that can be best made out by moving the wing of a dead bird as it moves in flight. This raising of the shoulder blade acts upon the ribs since they are connected with it by muscle. They straighten out, chiefly at the joint which each of them has in its lower half, and so tend to raise the backbone. And not only this, but, being pliable, they bend outwards, and so broaden the roof of the cage which they form.^ Thus in birds, as in the lobster and crayfish, progression itself aids greatly the process of breathing. The external intercostals, which we saw moved the breastbone forward when the bird was standing or walking, now play a different role. During flight the bird's breast is practically immovable. The entire weight of the body is hang- ing on the wings and the wings are pressing inwards upon the coracoid bones and clavicles which are firmly fixed to the breastbone. The dead weight and the pressure inwards do not allow the breast to move. Let us see then what will happen when the external intercostals contract. It must be remembered that the action of a muscle is to shorten the distance between its two ends, and that of the two bones which it ^ See Fig. 2 on p. 8. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 91 connects that one will move which yields most easily. Let the accompanying diagram represent two ribs, the left-hand one being the anterior of the two. The contraction of the muscle will raise the hinder one, because that will yield the more easily, the muscular hinges at the shoulder joints allowing the hinder part of the back to rise. Moreover the backbone of most birds that I have ex- amined bends downwards easily, and through a con- siderable arc just in front of the pelvis. The raising of the hindmost ribs which unite with the backbone behind the point where the bend takes place, will aid the vertebral muscles in straightening the back.^ Wishing to test these conclu- sions by experiment, I suspended a freshly-killed pigeon by its wings, and inflated the air-sacks by means of a blowing-tube. The backbone a little in front of the ^ Other muscles assist. The levatores costarum, which I have found highly developed in the domestic pigeon, arising from the vertebrte, then passing backwards and attaching to the ribs some way down, tend to make the upper part of the rib horizontal, thus broadening the chamber beneath. The triangularis sterni, which arises from the inside of the sternum, from its anterior lateral end, attaches to the sternal rib-pieces, and tends to make them perpendicular. • Fig. 27. — B = backbone ; E.I., ext. intercostal; piece ; ST, sternum. D, dorsal rib ; S, sternal rib- 92 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP. thigh-joint moved rather more than half an inch, the movement of the sternum being ahnost too sHght to . measure. I do not wish to represent this experiment as one of much value. However, the conditions of flight were so far reproduced that the weight of the body was hanging upon the wings and so hindering the movement of the breast while leaving the back free ; it is true, there was none of the pressure — which during flight must be very great — of the wings upon the coracoids and clavicles. But would not the only effect of this pressure be to render the breastbone and the bones united with it still less ready to move .'' When a bird flies with his body sloping upward, as he always does when he wishes to rise, I believe the process of breathing will be the same, with the difference that the Latissimus Dorsi will not contract sufficiently to raise the back nearly to the horizontal. There is yet another posture which birds commonly adopt, and in which the problem of breathing does not seem altogether a simple one. A chicken sleeps with its breast resting on its perch. And gulls, geese, ducks, and other birds will often lie with their breasts on the ground. In this case the movement of the breast is out of the question, and sometimes ocular evidence may be obtained that it is the back that moves. I have spent a considerable time in watching a Chinese goose at the Zoological Gardens, while it lay on its breast and uttered loud and uncouth noises. The hinder part of the back rose visibly. And this was not surprising, for there was no weight upon the legs, and it is this of course which makes back-breathing impossible when the bird is in a standing posture. VI FORM AND FUNCTION ' 93 But what muscles are brought into play ? The muscle that connects the wing with the back- bone will not help us now. We have to depend on the external intercostals, the action of which I have already explained (p. 91) for raising the back. Besides there are fairly strong muscles running along the vertebral column, and these will straighten the back at the point just in front of the pelvis, where, as I have said, there is a joint which allows a considerable rise or fall. The machinery of breathing, then, in birds is very different from ours. Let us compare the results, remembering that the object of breathing is to oxidise the blood. In all lungs the blood is separated from the air by a very thin membrane which allows the passage-out of carbonic acid gas and the passage-in of oxygen. An experiment will illustrate this. If black venous blood is placed in a bladder and the bladder placed in oxygen gas, the oxygen will find its way into the bladder, and the blood will be arterialised. In fact gases mechanically held in a fluid tend to diffuse into any atmosphere to which they are exposed — e.g. the carbonic acid gas in soda waterman d gases separated by a dry porous partition diffuse into one another. But the oxidation of the blood is a very complicated process.^ Here it is enough to say that when air as it comes from the lungs is compared with fresh air, it is found to have gained about 5 per cent, of carbonic acid and to have lost about 5 per cent, of oxygen. This is proof positive of the interchange of gases. Moreover it is 1 See Huxley's Elernentmy Physiology, Lesson IV- 94 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. beyond dispute that the more rapid and complete the change of air in the lungs, the more rapid and thorough will' be the oxidation of the blood. It is easy to increase the warmth of the body by taking long and rapid breaths for a minute or two, and the increase in temperature is due to the fact that the blood, carrying more oxygen, burns the tissues more rapidly. The lungs proper are never penetrated by fresh air. There is an amount of air in them which by no effort can be exhaled. This is called residual air, and in man averages from 75 to 100 cubic inches. There is about an equal quantity which may be driven out with effort, but which remains after an ordinary expiration. This is called supplemental air. Only the tidal air (20 — 30 cubic inches) passes in and out in ordinary breathing. Thus, taking the largest estimates — residual air 100, supplemental 100, tidal 30 — rather less than -l- of the air is changed when an ordinary breath is taken, and the fresh air penetrates only the trachea and bronchi, and not the minute air-cells which open from them. The stationary air, residual and supplemental, carries on respiration. It receives the carbonic acid from the blood and gives it up to the tidal air, since it is a law of nature that gases, when in contact, diffuse into one another. Increase the volume of the tidal air, and the more rapid will be the interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid gas be- tween it and the stationary air. If the inspired air is very poor in oxygen or meagre in amount the process will be much slower and the whole vitality will be lowered. In fact the refreshing effect of exercise is due VI FORM AND FUNCTION 95 mainly to the more rapid breathing caused, and the consequent more' rapid oxidation of the blood. Now, we have seen that in birds the air rushes in through the lungs into the air-sacks behind, and that the latter have a capacity many times as great as that of the lungs. Not only, therefore, does the fresh air pene- trate all the bronchial passages on its way to the air- sacks, but expiration also will bring to the lungs a supply of air only slightly vitiated, since it will drive into them the as yet unused air in the sacks. This fact must be viewed in connection with the known rapidity of a bird's breathing. According to M. Milne Edwards big birds, when inactive, breathe 20 — 30 times a minute, small birds 30 — 60 times. ^ The thick coating of feathers makes it difficult to count a bird's respirations. In ducks, which I have watched closely, they have been from 18 to 22. Even this lower estimate makes a bird breathe more rapidly than we do ourselves, for an adult man, when sitting still, averages only 13 — 15 respirations per minute. In the case of a young horse, according to M. Milne Edwards, the average is 10 — 12 per minute, of an adult horse 9 — 10. In comparing a bird's rate of breathing with that of other animals, we must bear in mind the fact, that exhalation brings air that is practically fresh to the lungs, so that a duck's 18 breaths per minute, taking the lowest estimate, ought to be counted as nearly 36. It is possible to obtain more accurate evidence of an animal's respiratory activity by measuring the amount of carbonic acid gas given off, for this is, roughly 1 Physiologie et^ Anatomie comparee^ vol. ii., p. 487. 96 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAR speaking, equal to the amount of oxygen absorbed. M. Milne Edwards records some experiments of this nature, the results of which are very striking.^ The' amount of carbonic acid gas exhaled by various animals during a given time was exactly measured, and then equated to one standard, so that the different sizes of the subjects of the experiments might cause no confusion. Thus, the figures that follow enable us to compare animals of the most widely separated classes, in respect of the amount of carbonic acid which they breathe out ; and since, as I have said, this roughly corresponds to the amount of oxygen absorbed, it is a measure of the excellence, or the reverse, of their breathing apparatus. The slug ... 2 The snail ... 4 or 5 The toad 5 or 6 The frog ... 7 or 8 The guinea-pig ... ... 14 or 15 The pigeon 20 The pigeon is a good deal ahead of the guinea-pig, the only other warm-blooded animal in the list. The cold-blooded creatures are far behind the guinea-pig. To sum up, then, a bird's respiratory system is, as far as we know, much more active than that of any mammal. As evidence of this we have — (i) the greater amount of carbonic acid given off; (2) the more rapid breathing, the effect of which is much increased by the air-sacks ; (3) high temperature, which could not exist without thorough oxidation of the blood. 1 Physiologie et Anatoviie coniparee^ vol. ii., p. 534. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 97 Lungs of Lower Vertebrate Animals. In comparing reptiles and birds in a previous chapter, I said nothing about the kuigs, because I thought it would be more intelligible after some account of the machinery of breathing and its working had been given. If birds really had reptilian ancestors, it would be very odd if existing reptiles had no trace of any development similar to the air-sacks that in birds are so characteristic a feature. There is one reptile that has unmistakable air-sacks — the Chameleon. They are small, it is true, but in their nature the same as the bird's. The snake's one fully developed lung (the other has shrunk to insignificance) is suggestive of a bird's ; it is a bag the walls of the front part of which arc full of blood vessels. The hinder part is simply a reservoir of air. The same is the case with the lizard's lungs. In crocodiles, they are more com- plicated, not at all like mere bags as they are in snakes and lizards. In this point, too, crocodiles come nearer to birds than other reptiles. It is curious that the swim-bladder of fishes, like lungs, an outgrowth from the alimentary canal, but, unlike lungs, an out- growth from its dorsal (or hinder) wall, often has its anterior half covered with blood vessels, while the hinder part is simply a membranous bag. The lepido- sirens are fish, which, if left in the mud when their river dries up, become air-breathers ; they have true lungs, pouches opening from the ventral (or front) wall of the gullet, and these are furnished with extensions which have no blqod vessels. H 98 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. Thus, air-sacks are not peculiar to birds, though they have turned them to account in a way that is quite unique. How important a part they pla)^ in respiration I have ah'eady described. But they are far larger than is necessary for this, and we shall now have to consider what other purposes they serve. Regulation of Tcviperatiire. Our investigations have already made it clear why a bird is warm-blooded. Thorough oxidation of the blood and a rapid circulation bring about the burning of the tissues which is the cause of animal warmth. It must not be imagined that high temperature can be due to a thick coating of feathers. They no doubt help to retain heat, but they cannot produce it. Wrap a lizard up in blankets, and he will still remain cold- blooded. He has not the digestion, the heart, or the lungs that mark the warm-blooded vigorous animal. We must now try to understand by what means warm-blooded creatures in general, and birds in par- ticular, regulate their temperature. This power is one of the most wonderful things in the constitution of the higher animals. In Parry's Polar Expedition, a wolf was shot, and its temperature was found to be 104° F., while the thermometer was nearly 33° below zero. The greater the cold to which the body is exposed, the more rapid the combustion that is always going on within it, so that its temperature does not rise and fall with the thermometer. But it must always be remembered that extremes, whether of cold or heat, must reduce the vigour of the body by obliging it to VI FORM AND FUNCTION 99 make an effort to resist them. In man the ordinary temperature is 98° and a fraction ; a sHght rise above this indicates fever, and a slight decHne below it shows a failing of the bodily powers. When in health, the body can be exposed to enormous heat without itself growing appreciably warmer. The sensation of heat comes when great effort is required to keep the normal temperature. In the hottest room in Turkish baths the thermometer sometimes rises to 230° F., and some bathers remain there as long as 20 minutes. But this is far below the record. Doctors Fordyceand Blayden , were able to remain some time in a chamber heated to 260° F. I have been told that a man who earned his living by feats of this kind, found himself compelled to rush precipitately from a heated oven because some one, whowasmore scientific thankind,had placed a can of hot water in one corner. Every one knows how oppressive the heat of a hothouse is. The heat of the vapour baths in Russia is said sometimes to rise to 116° F., but between this and 260° there is a great gulf We have in this a hint as to one method of keeping down temperature — viz., by evaporation. Perspiration, or rather the evaporation, to which it gives rise, lowers the temperature of the body. When the air around is so damp that evaporation is slow, even moderate heat is oppressive. When through long exposure to a burn- ing sun, all the available moisture in the body has been exhausted, there results a feverish heat and an uncon- trollable thirst. Under these circumstances, a private soldier will not stop to use his pocket-filter, if he happens to have been supplied with one, but will gulp down the most poisonous filth, though he knows it to H 2 loo THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. be poison. And yet a bird does not perspire at all, and is perfectly at ease when flying under a hot sun. A man, if he is to endure heat, must resemble one of the porous earthenware pots used in India for cooling water. Put them in wind which, however hot, is dry, and, the evaporation increasing, the water cools all the more rapidly, and the sahib's bath will be ready all the sooner. A man's skin is highly porous, being covered with sweat glands, little tubes leading into the skin and communicating with the capillar}^ blood vessels, from which the moisture permeates to the tube and so to the surface. Even when perspiration is imperceptible, a great deal is given off in the course of the day. A bird, on the contrary, has no sweat glands; it must therefore, have some other means of keeping down its temperature. True, some evaporation will go on though there are no pores, for if a bladder full of water be hung up in the air, the water will ooze through. Still, the process is a very slow one, and such evaporation cannot be of much service to a bird. It is now time to investigate more exactly the various means by which the body rids itself of superfluous heat. The processes at work are evaporation, con- duction, radiation. The chilling effect of evapora- tion, every one is familar with. We are conscious of loss of heat by conduction when we touch cold iron. But the same cause is always at work. By con- duction, the air that is next to the body is warmed — i.e., the body gives off heat to the air. Clothes, according to the material of which they are made, vary very much in their power to lessen conduction ; they can never arrest it altogether. Radiation takes VI FORM AND FUNCTION loi place when heat passes out into the surrounding atmosphere, not into the particular molecules in contact with the body, just as the earth radiates out its heat on a clear starlight night. In man the skin does most of this work, a much less but still a con- siderable amount being done by the lungs. Estimates by different authorities vary considerably, some credit- ing the lungs with 20 per cent., others with as little as g} In birds, the skin undertakes comparatively little of the work, the lungs and air-sacks far the greater share. Conduction is much checked by the feathers, though the bare tracts, called apteria, make the coating much less impervious than might be supposed. It must also be borne in mind that owing to the high temperature of the bird's body, the air will be colder to him than to ourselves, and, so far, the conditions for loss of heat by conduction are more favourable. Making all allowances, the heat given off in this way cannot be very great ; and, as I have said, owing to the absence of sweat glands, there is no appreciable amount of evap- oration. The work is, therefore, of necessity, thrown upon the lungs and air-sacks. It is these organs that by means of evaporation and conduction regulate the temperature of the bird's body. It must be re- membered that, however hot or however cold the air inhaled, by the time it emerges from the lungs it has 1 Dr. Michael Foster {Textbook of Physiology, p. 464, 1883 ed.) writes : " It has been calculated that the relative amounts of the losses by these several channels are as follows : in warm- ing the urine and faeces about 3, or according to others, 6 per cent. ; by respiration about 20, or according to others, about 9 only per cent., leaving ']'], or, alternatively, 85 per cent., for con- duction and radiation and evaporation from the skin." I02 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. very nearly the same temperature as the body, and all the heat . communicated to the air is withdrawn from the bird. The rapid breathing, therefore, that is natural in flight, will of itself counteract the heating effect of violent exercise. In the same way, since they perspire only through the tongue and feet, dogs maintain an equable temperature when running fast, by means of quickened respiration. It is, probably, as regulators of temperature that the air-sacks have been developed till their cubic capacity surpasses that of the lungs many times : how many, it is difficult to estimate; probably ten times at least. They cannot, as some writers have supposed, do the work of lungs, since the blood vessels in them are so minute as to be of little use, whereas, by exposing their very large surfaces constantly to fresh indraughts of air, they cause a large withdrawal of heat from the body, and for this no other effectual machinery exists. It would be very interesting to discover exactly what amount of aqueous vapour is given off by a bird in breathing, so that we might know whether, in pro- portion to the size of body, it is more than it is in man. Among other reasons for regarding this as probable, is the fact that a bird's kidneys secrete little or no water, so that of the three organs which get rid of the waste products of the body — the skin, the lungs, and the kidneys — the lungs alone are available for dis- posing of any great amount of what is fluid. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give any exact figures. As far as I am aware, no evidence on this point has been obtained by experiment. Books on comparative anatomy are common, and VI FORM AND FUNCTION 103 the smallest points have been investigated and re- investigated. But comparative physiology is a less common study. The physiologists, except when wish- ing to throw light upon human life, have, as a rule, neglected the life of other animals. In default of such experiments we must point to the enormous size of the air-sacks, far greater than is needed for mere breathing, and also to the rate of respiration, which, as I have said above, is much greater in a bird, even when at rest, than in a man. We have not yet done with the machinery by which temperature is regulated. There are nerves which can cause increased warmth in any organ or part of an organ which requires it, and which also exercise a general control. If a small artery be watched, it will be seen to vary in width without any apparent change taking place in the heart's beat. To sec this, cut a hole in a thin piece of deal, put a frog's foot over it, and tie the toes so that it cannot move them. The frog will suffer some discomfort but no actual pain. If now the foot be examined under the microscope, the blood will be seen circulating, as the skin is quite transparent, and the widening and narrowing of the small arteries may be made out. The same thing may be seen in a small artery in the rabbit's ear. When little blood is wanted in a particular part, the artery which supplies it is constricted or tightened. When much is wanted, it is dilated. This is effected by the vaso-motor nerves — i.e. the nerves which act upon the blood vessels — and the centre from which they act is believed to be the part of tlie brain which is called the medulla oblongata 104 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. But they do not all centre in this, and the exact part of the brain from which some of them come has yet to be discovered. The vaso-motor nerves not only have local power, but by combined action can affect the temperatui'e of the body generally. They lower it by sending a large flow of blood to the surface ; more heat will then be lost through radiation and con- duction, and in man by evaporation. Thus exercise at once raises and keeps down temperature — raises it by muscular activity which always generates heat, keeps it down by bringing blood to the surface. In exposure to cold, the blood withdraws from the surface, and protects the vital organs from chill. It is supposed by high authorities that there are yet other nerves or nerve-fibres, which have more complete power over temperature in that they control directly the amount of oxidation. When a warm-blooded animal is dosed with the drug urari, it behaves like a cold-blooded creature. If the nerves that arise from the medulla oblongata are severed, the results are the same in kind, though not so striking. This cannot be due to the vaso-motor nerves, which only regulate the amount of blood sent along the arteries. The subject will be more intelligible, when I have made clear what is meant by " behaving like a cold- blooded animal." For purposes of distilling, a chemist puts various substances in a retort and exposes them to heat, and the greater the heat applied the faster the process goes on. A cold-blooded animal has been well compared to such a mixture of dead substances in a chemist's retort. Heat increases and VI FORM AND FUNCTION 105 cold diminishes its activity ; when the thermometer goes down a few degrees below freezing, it torpifies. The warm-blooded animal generates heat within him- self, and, in a certain measure, is superior to external conditions. The cold-blooded animal is their slave. It might be thought that fish live through great cold in hard winters. But since water is densest and heaviest when it is at a temperature of 39° F., ponds and pools in rivers are not so cold some way below the ice as might be thought. It is true that when fish die during a frost, it is usually from want of oxygen, the ice not having been broken to allow oxidation of the water at the surface. There is no reason, however, to suppose that fish can stand very great cold any more than other cold-blooded animals It is true of them as a class that they are at the mercy of their surroundings. It is impossible here to spend more space on so ab- struse a subject. I would refer the reader to Dr. Michael Foster's Textbook of Physiology, where the subject is admirably handled. He is not there speak- ing of birds ; but, in this respect, what is true of one warm-blooded animal is probably true, roughly speak- ing, of all. Problems connected luith the Hollozu Bones of Birds. Not long ago the problems connected with this subject were settled in a very offhand way. The heated air in the air-sacks and bones being lighter than the surrounding atmosphere made the bird a balloon, and so flight was easy. This theory has withered io6 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. beneath the cruel hght of fact. A bird can carry only a very small amount of air in its sacks and bones, and the difference in weight between a few cubic inches of heated or cold air is too infinitesimal to be worth considering. The fact that an eagle may sometimes be seen carrying off a lamb ought to convince any one that the saving of the tiniest fraction of an ounce of weight would make practically no difference. True, air within the bird, whether heated or not, will expand its volume, and lessen its specific gravity,^ but it could not help it to rise, and this is the real difficulty. Moreover, many birds which fly to perfection, for instance the swallow, have all their large bones solid. If by any means a bird attained the lightness of aballoon,he could not fly. A balloon drifts with every gust ; steering is impossible ; the wind chooses its course. A machine which is light as air can have no strength to gain a velocity other than that of the air-current in which it moves. The bird-balloon, as light as the wind and as strong as iron, is a figment of the imagination. What, then, is the true explanation of the aeration or pneumaticity of birds' bones .'' It is impossible that it can be of use in the regulation of temperature, since the air cannot be expelled from them at will. But the 1 It may be well to explain what is meant by specific gravity. The weight of water is taken as the unit. When it is said that the specific gravity of gold is 19, it is meant that a cubic foot of gold weighs 19 times as much as a cubic foot of water. Thus, when a bird inflates his sacks with air, his weight increases by the weight of the air breathed in, but his specific gravity is lessened. An average cubic inch of him does not now weigh so much ; his weight in proportion to his bulk has gone down. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 107 capillaries in the great expanse of bronchial membrane must help a little to aerate the blood. With a view to discovering the main purpose of pneumaticity, I will briefly set down the chief facts. (i) Many small birds that are first-rate flyers have either marrow in all their larger bones, or else in all except the upper-arm bone ; the Swift in all with this exception, the Swallow in all. (2) Most of the big strong-flying birds have a great deal of aeration. (3) The Hornbills, which according to good ob- servers are very poor flyers, are as pneumatic as any birds or, perhaps, more so than any. (4) The Apteryx, the wingless bird of New Zealand, has only part of its skull, and no other bones, aerated. On the other hand the Ostrich, Emeu, Rhea, and Cassowary have great hollows in the thigh bones, the vertebrae, the ribs, the breast bone, and the coracoids. (5) Birds which dive have solid bones, or only the shoulder bone aerated. (6) Birds which spend much of their tim_e in the water without diving have, at least in all the species of which I have been able to obtain specimens, nearly all the bones solid. The Gulls are the most striking example of this, even the humerus in the Black- headed Gull being solid. (7) There are great differences between nearly related species — e.g. the Gannet has an extraordinary amount of aeration, while its near ally, the Cormorant, has only the humerus pneumatic. The Hornbill is not very distantly related to the Swift, which has singularly little aeration. io8 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. (8) The bones of birds that are highly pneumatic are, relatively to their length, larger in girth than those of birds in which the aeration is but slight. (9) All young birds have solid bones. As they grow to maturity, if pneumaticity is characteristic of the species, the marrow dries up and the bronchial mem- brane extends into the hollow. These facts look tangled and perplexing, but I believe it is possible to some extent to unravel them. I will begin by considering the case of the diving birds. Much aeration of the bones would be an inconvenience to them ; as it is, they can regulate the amount of the body that appears above the water, sometimes sinking till no more than the head is visible. Very often it is impossible to see a Red-throated Diver swimming in a mountain tarn. Only his neck stands out above the water, and you cannot distinguish it among the reeds. The Cormorant uses the same device, but he is not equal to the Red-throated Diver in making himself heavy or cork-like at pleasure. This power to vary their specific gravity resides, no doubt, in the air-sacks, which they can at will empty or inflate. Sometimes they help diving birds, it is thought, in another way : those which lie under the skin about the neck and breast of the Gannet may serve as air-cushions to break his fall when he dashes into the sea from a height of over lOO feet.^ Aerated bones, on the other hand, would be a hindrance and not a help to a diver, for they would make it harder for him to swim under water. Probably, too, the marrow in the bones serves 1 See on tliis point a paper by Mr. F. A. Lucas in Natural Science, January, 1894. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 109 a very important physiological purpose.^ Divers are frequently exposed to great cold when in the water. They are protected against this by a peculiarly thick coat of feathers, and by a deep layer of fat beneath the skin ; and I cannot help thinking that the marrow also helps to maintain their warmth. In other animals it is held to be the birthplace of a large proportion of the red blood-corpuscles, and unless they are very thick in the blood, a high temperature cannot be maintained. But if the marrow is a factory of red corpuscles, what substitute for this have birds whose chief bones have only a thin lining of marrow from which the output must be small ? Though, as a rule, exposed to less cold than diving-birds, they show in severe weather a very great power of generating heat. Birds as a class have more red corpuscles than any other animal. Is the spleen, which in emergencies {e.g. when much blood is lost) is a great red corpuscle factory, more developed in birds which have little or no marrow .'' The vital organs are sometimes strangely versatile. When an animal's spleen is removed, its work is done somewhere else in the body and no ill effects are felt. Putting physiology out of sight, I am going now to consider why it is that among birds of powerful flight we find differences so great in the amount of aeration, and why such a poor flyer as the Hornbill is, in respect of bones, so well equipped for aerial navi- gation. To put physiology aside, is to assume that if 1 Physiology is the science which aims at explaining the work done by the different organs of the body. It deals with all the processes which maintain life. no THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chak hollow bones are advantageous to a bird, natural selection can bring it about that they become hollow and that somehow the bird is able to dispense with the marrow. This would be a bold assumption, did we not know it to be an accomplished fact. The bones are hollow, and there is no want of life in the birds. We shall find that pneumaticity in a bone implies greater girth in proportion to its length, and conse- quently greater strength ; and that a decrease of weight has accompanied the increase of strength, mainly through the drying up of the marrow, but partly through a reduction, if we allow for the increased size of the bones, in the thickness of the hard osseous shell. I shall give first a few measurements to show that in the case of birds whose skeletons have little or no aeration, the girth of the bones is, relatively to the bulk and weight of the body, considerably less. Bones highly pneumatic. Girth of humerus. ins. Screamer li Rhinoceros Hornbill . . . i^- Golden Eagle i| Vulture Monachus 2\ Marabou Stork 2]4 Bones very little or not at .nil aerated. Girth of humerus. ins. Logger-headed Uuck . . . . i^^ Scoter Duck }|; Nestor Parrot 4 Red-throated Diver . . . . i Spur-winged Goose .... 1,^5 These measurements speak for themselves, even without any exact statement of the weights of the birds ; but the following illustration will do more to explain the problem of hollow bones. The shoulder bones of a Skua Gull, which has scarcely any aeration, of a vociferous Sea Eagle, and a Hornbill, both of which arc highly pneumatic, arc placed side by side. The VI FORM AND FUNCTION in greater girth of the hollow bones in proportion to their length is at once obvious. But to bring this out still more clearly, I have taken the wing bones of the Skua Humerus of Pomatorhine Skua ((?) ; Rhinoceros Honibill (i) ; and Vociferous Sea Eagle (c). Drawn to scale. as the standard, and calculated what would have been the length of the same bones and of the whole wing in the Sea Eagle and the Hornbill, if they had been built upon the same lines ; 112 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. Girth of Humerus. Humerus. ' Aggregate Length of Wing Bones. Skua Sea Eagle . . . Rhinoceros Hornbill Actual Length. 1 Length pro- , , , I'^"f ^ P;;"" uortionate Actual portionate i to Girth. Length. to Girth of : 1 ; Humerus. |4 inches 1 4I inches if „ '4-1 ., 4i inches: 13^ I3i ' 7^ ,, 1 20-,"^ 22^ 7A „ \ I5i 23i| Thus, if in the Sea Eagle's humerus length were proportioned to girth, the bone would be more than half an inch longer ; on the same principle the aggre- gate length of the wing bones would be greater by more than one and a half inch ; the Hornbill's wing would be lengthened by more than eight inches, its humerus by more than three ! If now we take a fine saw and cut the humeri of the Skua and the Sea Eagle from end to end, we shall find that the walls of the latter are not thicker in proportion to the greater girth of the bone. The larger bone, compared with the small one, has a girth two thirds as great again, a thickness of wall only one third as great again. ^ We can now see why small birds have so little aeration. In their case, there would be no great reduction of weight since the exterior shell of the bones forms a great part of their bulk. In the case of a larger bird, with bones many times multiplied in si/x, but the thickness of the walls increased comparatively little, the removal of the ^ The girths are in the ratio of 25 142 ; while 3 -.4 represents the ratio of the thickness of the walls, the measurements being ,H,. and ,,■<„ of an inch. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 113 marrow will be a great advantage. This will be clear if we take two cubes, a side of one of which is twice the length of a side of the other. Then the face is four times as large and the cubic contents eight times as large. This will be true of other figures besides cubes, so that if the average girth of one bone be double that of another, and if the length also be double, its cubic contents will be approximately eight Fig. 2g. — Cubes. times as great ; and as the walls do not thicken in pro- portion to the increased girth, nearly all the enlarged interior can be filled with air. Clearly, then, a large bird has much more to gain by dispensing with marrow than a small one. Thus the Eagle has gained in point of lightness. It must also have gained in point of strength, for in- creased length of wing means an altogether dispro- portionate increase of work. The longer the wing, I 114 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. the greater the pace at which its extremity will move ; if the velocity is doubled, it is well known that the re- sistance of the air is far more than doubled, so that an increase of strength is required that is altogether out of proportion to the increase of length. This will be made clearer, when we come to the subject of flight (see p. 175). The Hornbills are a puzzle. The extreme short- ness of the hand bones, a ridiculous anticlimax follow- ing upon so grand an ulna and so portentous a humerus, might suggest that they were once better flyers, and that the wing is slowly undergoing reduc- tion. But the mountainous beak seems to show that colossal bones are an ancient heritage of the family, that even feeble flight might have been difficult had they not become hollow, and that existing Hornbills fly quite as well as their ancestors. In either case they have been great gainers by aeration.' The Ostrich and its allies present another difficulty. But here too it may be said that by means of pncu- maticity great strength has been combined with lightness in a way that with solid bones would have been impossible. Any one who wishes to realise the relation, in birds' bones, of slimness to solidity, and of large girth to aeration, should inspect collections such as those at the Royal College of Surgeons, or at the Natural History Museum at South Kensington, where a large number representing different families may be seen side by side. It is easy then to sec that big long-winged birds have wing bones thicker in proportion to their length in order U) bear the far greater strain upon tliem. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 115 while the aeration of the bones has obviated the natural increase of weight wJiich would have been a serious hindrance. But there remains the perplexing physio- logical problem : what organ of the body does the work that, in mammals, and, presumably, in birds that have solid bones, is done by the marrow ? ^ • The Kidneys. In man, as remarked above, three organs — the skin, the lungs, and the kidneys — divide between them the work of eliminating waste products from the body. The skin disposes of a great deal of water and a little carbonic acid ; the lungs of carbonic acid and water, but water to a much less extent than the skin ; the kidneys of urea, uric acid (much nitrogen in both, the debris of the tissues) and water. As these three are allied organs, doing work that is similar, to some extent actually the same, it might be expected that in birds, since their skin is not an excretory organ, the other two would be unusually active. With the lungs we have seen that this is the case. And the kidneys are very large ; they will be found lying behind the lungs against the pelvis — long dark bodies. Yet they do not undertake all the work that they do in mammals. They are very active in excreting urea and uric acid ; but, as is the case with snakes, it is in a nearly solid form, the product of their activity being easily dis- 1 On "Aeration of Bones" see Fiirbringer, Morphologie and Systematik der Vbgel., especially pp. 47 and 133 ; Strasser, Morphologisches Jahrbuch (Leipzig, 1877) ; Dr. Crisp, Proc. Zoo I. Society, i857- I 2 ii6 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP. tingiiishable by its whiteness. Upon the lungs alone must fall the duty of getting rid of superfluous water in any large quantity. TJie Nerves. About the nerves it is unnecessary to say much> since they do not differ very materially from those of mammals. The spinal cord is the great trunk nerve which sends out branches on either side between the vertebra;. It broadens out and forms part of the back of the brain. There is also another system of nerves called the Sympathetic, which lies in front of the verte- bral column, and which acts mainly on the intestines and blood vessels, not on the voluntary muscles. It is connected with the spinal cord and so with the brain. Nerves are called afferent and efferent. When any part of the body comes into contact with anything that necessitates prompt action — for instance, red-hot iron — the afferent nerve carries the news to the spinal cord, and so to the brain. The efferent nerve causes the re- quisite muscular movements. In every warm-blooded animal the nerves are highly developed. Otherwise a highly-organised brain would be of little use. The keenness of sight and hearing for which birds are remarkable shows the perfection of their nervous system. Great strength may co-exist with sluggish nerves, as in a crocodile. But when a Swallow catches sight of a gnat, and in less than a second has taken all the necessary steps — eye communicating with brain, brain directing the proper adjustment VI FORM AND FUNCTION 117 of the muscles of wings, tail, neck, and beak — for an unerring dart and snap at the victim, he has proved that he possesses nerves of the first order.^ The Brain. The subject is a very difficult one. It is impossible as yet to impart interest to it by allotting to each part of the brain its special function. Some progress is being made in this by methods of study that are scientific and dependable, but, at the same time, slow and laborious. It is hardl}' necessary to say that phrenology which mapped out the skull into pro- vinces, like an old and well-known country, not like a half-explored continent, has gone to the limbo where all systems founded on mere guesswork must go. If a bird's fragile skull be removed carefully, so as to leave the brain uninjured, the posterior part, the cerebellum [cb, Fig. 30), will be easily dis- tinguished ; in contact with it at their hinder ends are two large bodies that make up nearly the whole of the top of the brain. These are the cerebral hemispheres, the larger development of which makes a bird's brain so different from a reptile's {cJi). In them all the higher faculties reside. If they are severely injured or re- moved, there is no more intelligence, memory, or voluntary movement. There is only what is called reflex action such as is called forth in a hydra or a coral animal when food touches its tentacles ; they close upon it without consciousness or intention on the ^ See Coues' Field and General Ornithology, p. 257 and onward. ii8 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap animal's part. In the same \va\' when the ej-es wink at a sudden flash of light, we call the action reflex. The P'rog, whose cerebral hemispheres are no longer in their place, will move its foot when it is irritated : of thus much, lower parts of the brain are capable. fjn- Fk;. 30. — Ura'n of Pigeon (.Tfter P.irker) ; A from above ; K from lielow ; (: from left side (.V2); cl) cereljellum; c.h. cerel)ral lieniisyjlieri's; m.o. Medulla( )l)lungata; II roots of ceretiral nerves ; o.l. optic lobes ; olf olfactor)- lobes ; pn pineal body. If the whole brain is removed and only the spinal cord is left, even breathing will not continue. When there is much intellectual power, as in man^ the hemispheres are highly convoluted — i.e., they are a mass of folds and wrinkles. When the bird's skull is VI FORM AND FUNCTION 119 removed, one is struck with the smoothness of the brain. The olfactory lobes (olf ), in which lies the sense of smell, are small cone-shaped objects which project from underneath the front end of the hemispheres, their smallness suggesting that birds depend little on this sense. Formerly it was thought that vultures " scented the carrion from afar," but Darwin showed by experiment that this was not the case. He wrapped some meat in paper, and put it near some condors that were tethered in a garden. When it was only a yard off him, an old cock bird " looked at it for a moment with attention, but then regarded it no morc."^ It was pushed closer and closer till at last it touched his beak, when the paper was " torn off with fury." The optic lobes (o.l.) are many times larger — two rather egg-shaped bodies at the sides of the brain, partly below the hemispheres. Their size suggests, what is really the case, that the vulture finds his food by sight. His eyes sweep the whole country round as he flies, and when he swoops down upon a carcass he is seen by numbers of others who quickly follow. Towards the back of the brain between and under the hemispheres lies a small oval object called the pineal gland or body (pn.). What may now be its function, if it has any, is unknown. Formerly it is believed to have been a central eye. In the bird's skull, in which the fusion of bones is so marked a characteristic, we should not expect to find any external evidence of this rudimentary organ. But in lizards a hole in the ^ Darwin^?, Journal of Researches^ chap. ix. (p. 133, Minerva ed.). ■ I20 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. front central part of the skull bears witness to its existence. In the Hatteria, the now rare New Zealand lizard, this hole is very large. As long ago as 1829 it was noticed that in the Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) one of the scales at this point was quite unlike the rest. In 1884 it was first suggested that the pineal body was a rudimentary eye — i.e., an eye that had become functionless. It has now been examined in various reptiles ; and partly in one, parti}' in another, the lens, the retina, and the nerves, all the chief characters of an eye, have been identified. But in one important point, which I shall explain when I come to what are commonly known as eyes, it is the eye of an invertebrate, not of a vertebrate animal. We must go to insects or to crustaceans to find its fellow. In birds it has lost all resemblance to an eye, and it has been covered by the hemispheres which extend over and in front of it. In man it is also present, and Descartes suggested that this mysterious object, about the size of a hazel-nut, might be the seat of the soul. If the question be asked what any animal wants with two different kinds of eyes, it is not easy to answer positively. We can say that many insects have compound eyes with hundreds of facets as well as simple eyes (ocelli), the latter hav-ing, probably, very defective sight, extending only to the very nearest objects. The lower crustaceans have eyes and a central ocellus ; but in the higher members of the class, such as the crayfish, the ocellus has been lost. Possibly in vertebrates, before the two eyes as we know them had attained to their present perfection VI FORM AND FUNCTION 121 in focussing, a central eye with a very near range may have saved its owner occasional hard knocks against objects close at hand when its superior organs of vision were gazing upon some more distant scene.^ Of the lower parts of the brain, I do not intend to say much. The medulla oblongata, however (m.o. in Fig. 30), must not be passed over. It forms the lowest part of the brain, being, really a continuation of the spinal cord. We have already seen that in it mainly centre the vaso-motor nerves, which govern the arteries and so regulate the flow of blood. And through it pass all of the twelve pairs of nerves which proceed from the brain, except two, the optic and olfactory ; and these two are not, strictly speaking, nerves, but prolongations of the brain. The muscles that move the eyes, the muscles of the face, the tongue, the larynx, the lungs, the liver, and stomach work at the bidding of nerves that arise from the medulla oblonsrata. TJie Eye. In most essentials the bird's eye is formed on the same plan as our own. It is a camera at the back of which is a nerve which expands into what is called the retina ; the retina is sensitive to light, and the image formed upon it is conveyed by the nerve to the brain, where the impulse given to the nerve becomes sensation — where, that is, sight actually takes place. Before describing the eye more particularly, I wish ^ For a description of the pineal body see Lubbock's Se?ises pf Animals 122 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OP^ BIRDS chap. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 123 to distinguish sight from mere sensitiveness to light. Thus much even an earthworm possesses, for when at night the hght of a lantern is thrown upon him he hurries into his hole. This is quite different from seeing a definite image of things. With our e}'es shut, we can tell whether we are in a bright light or in the dark, and the earthworm has no power beyond this. An insect's compound eye, again, is formed on quite a different principle from the eyes of vertebrate animals. It has a number of tiny facets beneath which are sensitive cells, so that a mosaic picture is formed. There can be no doubt that eyes of this description are very inferior to our own. Among their great defects is this, that they have no power of adjusting themselves to different distances. To return to the vertebrate eye. It is a camera with a biconvex lens in front — i.e., a lens rounded outwards on both sides. If a lens of this kind (a common magni- fying glass will do well) be taken and a candle be held in front of it, an inverted image of the flame will be thrown upon the wall. The room must be darkened except for the candle, and you must be careful to get the right focus — i.e., to hold the lens at such a distance from the wall, and the candle at such a distance from the lens, that the image is clear. The less convex the lens, the further away you must hold the candle, and vice versa. Here, then we have one means of focussing objects at different distances ; we use lenses of various degrees of convexit}^ If the lens is to form a really clear image the light must fall upon it only from in front ; rays from the 124 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. sides must be carefully screened off, and of course the box of the camera must be impervious to light. The remaining essential is a sensitive plate at the back of the camera on which the image is formed. All these parts are represented in the eye. The eyeball is the box of the camera ; it is tough and un- transparent, and is called the Sclerotic (SC, aKXrjpb'i = hard), only in front it becomes transparent, and is known as the Cornea (C). Side rays are shut out by a circular curtain, the Iris (I), with a hole in the middle, the Pupil, which can be seen opening and contracting to regulate the amount of light admitted. There is a crystalline lens (L) of great elasticit}% which by the action of the muscles which suspend it is made more or less convex so as to focus for objects at different distances. In front, between the cornea and the lens, is a fluid called the aqueous humour (AH), and behind the lens is the less fluid vitreous humour (VH). The rays of light that fall upon the eyes are refracted or bent by the curved surface of the cornea, then by the anterior surface of the lens, and again when they pass from the lens into the vitreous humour. The cornea, the aqueous humour, the crystalline lens, and the vitreous humour may be, therefore, looked upon as making one compound lens. But of the component parts the crystalline lens is far the most important, since it alone has the power of accommodation — i.e., of adjusting itself to different distances. The sensitive plate at the back of this living camera is called, as I have said, the retina (R). Though thinner than tissue paper, it is made up of nine distinct layers, and it is the hindmost of these on which is formed VI FORM AND FUNCTION 125 the picture of the world without. It is made up of very delicate rods and cones — 30,000,000 of the former and 3,000,000 of the latter in the human eye, at the lowest estimate. On these millions of sensitive points the image is formed. They extend over the back of the eyeball, but there is a central mark, called the Macula Lutea (ML) or yellow spot, which is the region of clearest vision. The entrance of the nerve is rather towards the nose (ON), and at this point the eye is blind, as a simple experiment will show (BL). Hold the book at arm's length, close the left eye, and fix the right upon the cross mark, the image of which will fall upon the Macula Lutea. The dot will be also visible. Now move the book slowly towards you, and the image of the dot must at length fall upon the point where the nerve enters the eye. At this moment the + dot will disappear, then again at a nearer distance come again into view, as the image of it gets once more clear of the blind spot. The rods and cones cover the whole of the back of the eye, except this one point. Another experiment shows that it is the hind- most layer of the retina that is sensitive. Let a candle Fi(i. 32. — Stction of Retina of duck (after Cajal) ; C, Cone ; R, Rod ; S, cells of supporting tissues. 126 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. be the only light in the room. Get some one to hold it by the side o£ your eye, and with the help of a lens to focus the rays upon it. Look at the wall, which must be uniformly coloured. The shadows of the blood vessels which ramify in the retina in front of the rods and cones will be distinctly visible. Not only is it the hindmost layer on which light makes itself felt, but the rods and cones look backward. In the invertebrate eye the retina looks forward, and its front surface is the sensitive one. In this important point the pineal body is the eye of an invertebrate.^ Behind the retina is a deep layer of dark pigment, called the Choroid (CH) ; in this the rays after passing the sensitive cells are absorbed. Were they reflected from one part of the retina to another, any clearness of vision would be impossible. But it would be rash to say that the pigment exists for the sole purpose of preventing reflection. This coloured layer is continued in front, and forms the round curtain called the Iris, and, besides this, where the sclerotic or white of the eye passes into the transparent cornea, it sends out a number of muscular frills, which lie behind the iris and which are separate from it except that they spring from the same point ; for the Iris, like these frills or, as they are called, ciliary processes (CP), arises, as I have said, from the choroid and is attached to the sclerotic at its margin close to the cornea. It is these ciliary processes, consisting of striated or voluntary muscle, which enable the eye to ' -Sec (ircnachcr's Se/ior<^iin dcr Arlliropodcn. Sir John Lubbock, by an oversight, has stated in his Senses of Aniinab that the pi.yment lies in front of the sensitive cells (retina) in the eyes of vertebrates. This of course cannot be so. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 127 focus. When they contract the choroid is drawn forward, the strain upon the lens is reduced, and, con- sequently, its surface becomes more rounded. This is the process that takes place when the sight is adjusted for near objects. At the same time the Iris contracts and lessens the amount of light admitted. This wonderful curtain adapts itself to all circumstances : involuntarily, by a reflex action we reduce the size of the pupil when a strong light falls upon the eye ; voluntarily, though habit makes the action unconscious, and by calling into play a different set of nerves, we contract it, when we cast our eyes upon a near object. It is now time to mention some of the peculiarities of the bird's eye. The eyeball is not so globular as in man ; in front it is much contracted, behind it opens out like a decanter ; the cornea is highly curved. In birds of prey, which see great distances, the front surface of the lens is nearly flat ; in owls, on the con- trary, it is much rounded, and at the same time the pupil is very large to admit as much moonlight as possible. At the back of the eye, springing from the entrance of the nerve, is a peculiar fanlike object, the Pecten, which projects into the eyeball (P). It is full of blood vessels, and is deeply pigmented, like the choroid to which it is akin in structure. It is thought to nourish the vitreous humour ; certainly it does not push the lens forward for focussing purposes as some writers have maintained. Any one who examines it, not in a diagram, but in the eye itself, will find that it is far too limp to produce 128 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP, any such effect. It is wanting, so far as is known, in only one bird — the New Zealand Apteryx. It is found in some reptiles, but always less developed than in birds. It is odd that it does not interfere seriously with the access of light to the retina. Besides the central " yellow spot," which however is not absolutely Central, birds have a second similar spot more towards the outer side of the eye. It has been thought that, of the four spots thus possessed by the two eyes, two are used together for binocular, and two separately for monocular vision. The retina of a bird or a reptile contrasts with that of a man in another point : the cones exceed the rods in number.^ The nictitating membrane most people have heard of ; but it is often imagined that it is the privilege of the eagle alone to possess it, and that its object is to enable him to gaze at the sun. As a fact, it is found in all birds and reptiles. Watch the eye of any bird, and before long you will see a film pass over it and in a moment vanish. This is the nictitating membrane, which lies in the front angle of the eye, and can be found without much difficulty when the bird is dead. Some birds seem to have great power of moving the Iris, a movement that in most human beings is always involuntary, though sometimes it is caused by nerves which, except for the force of habit, are believed to be subject to our will. If a Parrot's eye be watched, the pupil may be seen to contract till it is quite small, though the light remains as it was, and though the bird, apparently, continues to ' Sec Fiirljringer'b Alorpholoi^ie unci Systemaiik dcr Vbgel^ p. 1069. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 129 look at the same object. Moreover it is maintained ^ that the muscles of the Iris in the Falcon may be seen to contract without any alteration in the size of the pupil ensuing, the outer ring seeming to work separately from the inner ; it is suggested that the work of this outer ring is to aid in focussing the eye. I have watched the eyes of Falcons, Eagles, and other birds of prey long and carefully, and I do not feel certain that I have seen this. But an eagle in a cage has very little need of sudden change of focus. It is far different when he swoops from a great height upon his prey, and, no doubt, keeps him clearly in view as he falls like a thunderbolt upon him. It is certain that the Iris in birds is highly muscular ; and, moreover, both in birds and in reptiles the muscle is striated, not smooth as in mammals. This is evidence that its action is voluntary, and, perhaps, that it is more powerful. A natural result of the tightening of the belt of muscle round the lens would be to round it outwards — i.e., focus the eye for near objects. On the whole it seems prob- able that the Iris in birds is not only a curtain to regulate the amount of light admitted, but that it aids the ciliary muscles in the work of focussing. The size of the eye varies very much in different species, and, as a rule, the power of sight seems to vary in proportion. Here are some figures which bring this out clearly.2 In the Owl, the two eyes cleared of muscle weigh ^ of the whole body, in the Falcon •gV, in the Woodpecker ^V) i^^ the Peacock -^\-^, in the Goose 5 \^. In the Apteryx, a night feeder like the Owl, • ^ See Bronn's Thier-Reich, vol. " Aves," p. 434. 2 Ibid, p. 425. K I30 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. the eyes are very small, but the Apteryx is the one bird in which .the nostrils open at the end of the beak : it trusts more to scent and touch than to sight. Birds' keenness of sight is most remarkable. Vul- tures, as I have already mentioned, descry their prey from enormous distances. A Gannet, flying lOO feet or more above the sea, will distinguish a fish near the surface from the surrounding water which it so nearly resembles, and pounce upon it. It is a common amusement on a steamer to feed the gulls that follow the boat with small pieces of biscuit, which, when thrown, float, often invisible to the human eye, in the wilderness of foam which covers all the wake of the ship. The gulls, flying some thirty or forty feet above the water, will swoop down upon them with un- erring aim. Often, when you think they have missed a small fragment, they will at last find it far in the rear of the vessel. The colours of birds' eyes are very various. In the Shag the Iris is emerald green ; in the green-billed Toucan, light green of the same shade as the beak ; in the Ariel Toucan, like the tip of the beak, pale blue ; in the Black Stork deep red ; in the Eagle Owl red- orange ; in the Javan Fish Owl light yellow ; in the Indian Kite nearly white. The following examples would seem to show that dark plumage implies a dark shade of colour in the Iris, and vice versa. Plumage. Iris. Angolan Vulture Wing coverts white Pale almost to whiteness. A Cockatoo Dark blue Dark brow;i, ■ Ditto Light blue Nearly white. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 131- Plumage. Iris. Red-backed Buzzard ..To a great extent light brown ..Light brown. Cinereous Vulture Dusky Dark brown. Foster's Mil vago Mainly black Very dark. Shag Dark with green gloss Emerald green. Indian Kite A good many whitish feathers.. Nearly white. Indian Owl Much of it black Dark brown . Flamingo Light pink Light yellow. Javan Fish Owl Some light brown on nearly all its feathers Bright light yellow. But the eye is not always light or dark according to the shade of the plumage. The Crowned Pigeon, whose plumage is a light blue-gray, has eyes of a rich scarlet, just the colour of holly-berries. For the first few months of his life, the Gannet's eyes are almost black, but they soon turn to a pale, almost white, hue, long before he has exchanged the dusky-gray attire of his youth for the snow-white of his maturity. As a rule the Iris is brown in young birds. The brighter tints come with adult years, and in some species they are limited to the male.^ TJie Ear. I shall first briefly describe the main features of the human ear, then point out the chief differences between it and the same organ in birds. The essential part is in the sidewall of the skull ; and here there is a bony " labyrinth " consisting of three winding tubes of bone, which are filled with fluid (L, in fig. 33). There is ^ Dr. Gadow (Newton's Diet, of Birds, -vol. i., p. 230) refers to a paper on this subject by Th. A. Bruhin in Zool. Garten, 1870, pp. 290-295, which I have not read. K 2 132 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. L Fig. 33. (a) Human ear-- diagrammatic ; (/') ear of Owl, after (ladow ; {c) of Thrush, after Retzius. c, (Jolumella ; cch. Cochlea; K, I'',ustachian tube; i'.x, outer opening of Kar ; L, Labyrinth; Lg, Lagena ; m, Membrane, closing the drum ; N, entrance of auditory nerve ; nn. Nerve endings; o 1, z, 3, the three Ossicles, Stapes, Incus, Malleus; I't, Pterygoid bone. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 133 also a great extension, called, because it is shaped like a spiral shell, the cochlea, and into this too the fluid extends. A membranous bag, also filled with fluid, extends throughout the ramifications of the cochlea and the labyrinth. On the inside of the membranous bag within the labyrinth, at certain points where it is attached to the bony wall, are hairs which are believed to communicate with the nerve of hearing. So far, 1 have been describing the ear proper. The rest of the machinery has for its object the communication of the vibrations of sound to the fluid in the bony labyrinth, from which they pass to that in the membranous bag which lies in it, from that to the hairs which connect with the nerve. The apparatus for conveying sound vibrations to the laby- rinth is rather complicated. There is, to begin with, a membrane which stretches across the external aperture of the ear. When a sound sets the air moving in waves, which we speak of as vibrations, they strike against the membrane. To this membrane and the chamber behind is given the name of the drum of the ear, and on the further side of the drum is the labyrinth described above. Three bones united together have their one end resting against the outer membrane just mentioned, the other against another membrane that at one point takes the place of bone in the bony labyrinth. Thus, the vibrations of the outer membrane are transmitted by the united three bones to the window of membrane in the bony wall of the labyrinth, from there to the fluid in the labyrinth, next to the fluid within the membranous bag, and lastly to the hairs within- the bag- that connect with the nerve. 134 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. A few more points must be mentioned. The bony labyrinth has a second window of membrane, and this, yielding, allows greater vibrations to be imparted to the fluid. In the cochlea, are very peculiar cells, called the rods or pillars of Corti, forming two rows all along the spiral, in all from four to six thousand of them. They lie upon the inside of the membranous bag, following the line along which it comes into contact with the wall of bone. They stand leaning on one another, and rather remind one of the keys of a piano. There are delicate hairs at their ends. It is possible that each of these rods vibrates to a certain note and no other. If you put on a table several tuning forks which have different pitches, and if you set vibrating another, then if one of those on the table is of the same pitch, it also will vibrate. The rest will be motionless and silent. So these rods of Corti have been thought to respond each to a certain note. In the labyrinth there are no similar cells, and it has been suggested that the membrane there is sensitive only to noise as distinguished from music. It is not known exactly to what part of the brain the nerve of hearing leads — i.e. where we have con- sciousness of sound. The ear has two openings, the external one with which every one is familiar, and another through what is called the Eustachian tube to the mouth (E). The two tubes from cither car unite and open into the roof of the mouth just behind the two openings from the nasal passages. I must now describe the main differences between the human car and the bird's. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 135 (i) No species of bird has what can properly be called an external ear. The Owl has a flap of skin, forming a kind of valve, by which it is said that it can close the ear at pleasure. Certainly it possesses muscles for this purpose. Often the ear valve is larger on one side than the other, the whole skull being at the same time- lopsided. During the breeding season, the cock Capercailzie has moments of complete deafness, owing to a fold of skin which becomes swollen with blood and closes the opening of the ear. In other species the flap of skin is very little developed. (2) The three small bones which in the human ear convey the vibrations of sound from the membrane which forms the outer wall of the drum of the ear to the inner membrane that forms a window in the bony labyrinth are represented in birds by one bone, the columella (C). But it is almost certain that this is formed by a fusion of three, corresponding to those which we find in mammals. It was usual, till recently, to see in the quadrate bone, to which the lower jaw of birds and reptiles is hinged, one of the three bones of the mammalian ear. If these three are combined in the columella, where are we to look for the quadrate in man and other mammals .-' The best authorities are of opinion that it is represented only by an insig- nificant ring of bone, called the annulus, which forms a frame for the membrane of the drum of the ear. (3) In place of the spiral cochlea birds have a slightly curved bone to which the name of the lagena has been given (Lg). It is similar in reptiles. (4) The absence of the organ of Corti in the bird's ear is a remarkable fact. It is true there is a very 136 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. delicate membrane, no doubt sensitive to sound, in the corresponding place. But the distinctive pillars or rods, leaning upon one another and forming arches, are not there. It has been held, as I have said above, that in those cells lies the power of distinguishing nice differences of tone ; in fact, that when we say of some one that he has " an ear for music," we speak of what is supposed to depend on a high development of the organ of Corti. And yet we cannot imagine that birds can be such good singers without having " good ears." Power of appreciation must accompany power of song. The fact is that the ear, whether in mammals or in birds, is an extremely complicated organ about which there is much to learn, and the absence of the pillars of Corti in birds is unexplained. There can be no two opinions about the acuteness of birds' sense of hearing. It is fine to see an old Heron, put on the alert, at the slightest sound of a human foot, by his wary ears, turn in the direction whence the sound comes his equally wary eye. The Curlew is all ears. The Thrush hears the worm moving beneath the ground and waits for his appearance above the surface. TJie Organ of Voice. As I have said above, a bird's upper larynx at the top of the trachea or windpipe has no vocal chords, and is, therefore, incapable of producing sound though tone may be raised or lowered by it. There is a lower larynx, to which the name of .syrinx is commonly given, the mechanism of which is, in all VI FORM AND FUNCTION ^2,7 important respects, the same as that of the human larynx. There are two membranes corresponding to those called in man the vocal chords, which can be stretched tight, and made parallel to one another. When thus stretched, they are set vibrating by the passage of the air between them, and a note is pro- duced. The syrinx is in principle a reed instrument, M.S Fig. 34. — Syrinx. Raven, a with bronchi ; a, b, c, half-rings ; where the two bronchi face each other there is nothing but membrane. B, side view ; the outer part of the lower end of the trachea and of the nearer bronchus being cut away; m, Membranous inner wall of bronchus; M.s, Membrana semilunaris; p, Pessulus ; c, Muscles of Syrinx; mu, Muscles (after Owen). though, in the relative position of the vibrating mem- branes thus set edge to edge, it is, as far as I know, unlike every instrument commonly used. There are three varieties of syrinx, distinguished by their different positions in the trachea or bronchi, but I shall describe only the one which is, by far the most common. Near to the point where the windpipe divides to form 138 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. the two bronchi leading to either hmg, a bony enlarge- ment-is found, formed partly from the lower rings of the windpipe, partly from the upper ones of the bronchi. The latter on the inner side are of membrane only. A bar of bone, the pessulus (P in fig. 34 B), formed where the sides of the two bronchi meet, passes across the syrinx from front to back. From this bar a membrane, scalloped like a half-moon on its outer edge, the membrana semilunaris (M.S. in fig. 34 B), extends some way across the mouth of the bronchus. Opposite to it from the outer wall of the syrinx projects another membrane. On the other side of the pessulus is a similar crescent-shaped mem- brane with another facing it. Thus, there are two pairs of membranes, and there are muscles which can tighten each pair and make the edges parallel. Many birds have only two pairs of muscles for this purpose, one pair passing to the trachea from the clavicles, the other from the breastbone. But the majority of them have at least one additional pair of syrinx muscles, some as many as seven pairs, all having both points of attachment on the trachea. Long vocal chords make a low voice, short ones a high voice. Hence treble notes are characteristic of most birds and other small creatures. By tightening the chords the tone is raised, by relaxing them it is lowered. The fact that birds have so little range of voice seems to show that the tension docs not vary very much. The harsh, gruff note of the Nightingale, and the abortive attempts of the Cuckoo, when their vocal time is past, may be due to the relaxation of the chords. The chief difference between the syrinx of a songster VI . FORM AND FUNCTION 139 and that of an unmusical bird is that the muscles of the former are, in most cases, more numerous and stronger. The syrinx of the Skylark is almost a ball of muscle, whereas the Pigeon's has but very little to show. But it is very remarkable how muscular a syrinx some few non-singers have. Among these are the Crow and the Raven. Perhaps a more striking instance is that of the Bullfinch who sings very feebly in the wild state. The hen-bird also, who, I believe, is almost voiceless, has highly developed voice muscles. In the cock-bird they have clearly not lost their power, for in captivity he becomes a splendid vocalist. However first-rate the syrinx and its muscles may be, it is wonderful that so small a creature as, for instance, a Nightingale, can produce such an amount of voice. Even the Wren sends out a flood of powerful notes. The ' Thrush's song is wonderful as a tour de force. If the bird were nothing but a musical instrument, the volume of sound sent forth would be astonishing ; and when we consider the variety of functions which its small body has to perform its musical powers supply far greater reason for wonder. The air-sacks, no doubt, are a great assistance. Those great reservoirs of air must make it easier for the bird to avoid the awkward crises that come to the untrained human vocalist when he finds, at the moment his grandest notes are expected of him, that his voice is becoming thin and feeble for want of breath. The trachea sometimes takes strange forms which might be thought to influ- ence the voice. In the Drake, just in front of the syrinx, it has a big box-like appendage, which looks as if it might be intended to give the voice greater resonance. I40 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP. This great air-chamber is entirely wanting in the Duck. Yet the quack of the Duck is loud and sonorous, that of the Drake is thin and without any body in it. In some species of Crane, the trachea winds round about within the keel of the breastbone, which is Fig. 35, showing convolutions of Trachea of Mantchurian Crane. I', Network of bones ; b7; Trachea dividing into two bronchi; cl, Clavicle; co, Cora- coid ; sc. Scapula ; t}-, I'rachca at en'.rance into keel. formed of two thin sheets with, in places, a light bony network in between : after all these windings it at length divides and enters the lungs. Cranes have a loud and striking crow, but it is not nearly so striking as the crow of the barndoor Cock, whose windpipe takes tlic shortest course to the lungs. The whistling vi FORM AND FUNCTION 141 Swan shows convolutions of the trachea very similar to those of the Crane. Whatever other purpose it may serve, the long coiled windpipe ensures the thorough warming of the air before it reaches the lungs. Muscles and Tendons. To muscles all movement in the body is due. When acted on by the motor nerves they contract and become shorter, with the result that the bone or other organ connected with them is moved. The nerve, in reality, gives a series of small shocks which owing to the elasticity of the muscle, result in one movement. The diminution in length of the con- tracting muscle is balanced by an increase in breadth and thickness. Great as its force is, it is not a perfect machine. Like a steam-engine it only converts a fraction of its total energy into work, the rest taking the form of heat. In a steam-engine the work done is rarely more than one-tenth of the total energy. In a muscle, as far as we know at present, it varies from one fourth to one twenty-fourth. There are two kinds of muscles: (i) striated or striped ; (2) unstriated or smooth. All muscles which we move voluntarily are striated, and it is these which move most quickly. The unstriated muscles, on the other hand, which aid in carrying on the processes of' life in the body, move slowly and are subject to the sympathetic system of nerves which are not under the control of the will. The muscle of the Iris in man is altogether exceptional ; it is unstriated ; its action is in some cases voluntary, in others involuntary, according i42 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. as its activity is due to one or another set of nerves ; it moves with great rapidity, instantaneously enlarg- ing" or reducing the size of the pupil.^ The muscles of the heart, too, are peculiar. Though involuntary, they are striated, and yet unlike other striated muscles. The amount of contraction possible to a muscle Varies with its length ; its strength depends upon its mnii 1 am 1 miiiii! maiii ° miMu .^miiim iiiiini ^■imm mm •# mimii \ Mm // ^' .■^^l/iffli/li ! !«i/W .# •.■^ Hiiiiiiiii 1 *///// %'4 *■ Mk , mm "■iiimi mum Fig. 36 (after Hu.\ley). A, Striated muscle of frog ; B, of mammal, " teased out " ; c, non-striated muscle. thickness. Thus a short thick muscle will have strength, but no great range ; a long thin muscle, great range, but little strength. It has been found that a muscle 'Cannot contract more than one-third of its length. It will be important to bear in mind this principle, when we come to consider the varying lengths of the breastbone and, consequently, of the muscles arising from it, in birds with different methods of flight. 1 Sec p. 127. VI FORM AND FUNCTION 143 Muscle is related to another kind of tissue which yet in its function is very different. Tendons have no power of contraction. They are merely cords by which, in many cases, the ends of muscles are fastened to the bones. In youth there is compara- tively little tendon in the body, nearly all is muscle, and to this is due the springiness of the limbs. In age one of two things happens : either the muscle undergoes a kind of degeneration, fat making its way in among the tissue, as we often see it, in small streaks and flecks, in beef; or else the tendon by which the muscle is attached grows longer, while the muscle grows shorter, an increasing stiffness being the inevit- able result. Long tendons, for quite different reasons, to be explained soon (see p. 208), are characteristic of birds. When, as they move, they have to rub against hard Surfaces of bone, tendons are protected by little bags filled with moisture ; sometimes they are com- pletely sheathed at these points. Sometimes their working makes grooves in the bones. This can be well seen at the ankle-joint of birds or where the toes spring from the metatarsals. Tendons themselves, in some cases, change their nature, and become sesamoid bones as they are called. Such bones are, for instance, the knee-cap, the pisiform bone, a small bone that can be felt on the outer side 'of the wrist, and the marsupial bones of the kangaroo. Bones. Much has been said on this subject in the opening chapters (see especially Chapter II.), and in the 144 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. present one under the head of " Hollow Bones." For what remains the reader is referred to the re- marks on " Passive Machinery " in the next chapter. Lignvie?its. Ligaments are like tendons in having no power of contraction, but, unlike tendons, they are not con- nected with muscles. Their usual function is to fasten two bones together at the joint, and to limit the amount of freedom with which one turns upon the other. When a skeleton is obtained by macera- tion— i.e., by leaving the carcase in water till the flesh is easily removable, many of the ligaments still re- main and keep the bones in their proper connection. There are some which answer very different purposes. The horse's head is supported by a strong elastic liga- ment attached to the upright spines of the vertebrae. The bird, as I shall show in the article on " Passive Machinery" in the next chapter, has several which are remarkable for their elasticity, some, if not all, of these having been originally tendons. FeafJiers — Striictiire and Development. A feather is a very elaborate appendage. When we are told that a Peacock's or an Ostrich's plume, or the wing-feather of an Albatross is an " epidermic growth," part, that is, of the horny outer skin, we seem to hear words that explain nothing. There is another " epidermic growth," the nature of which it is perhaps hardly less difficult to realise — the horn of a VI FORM AND FUNCTION 145 rhinoceros. But even with feathers, if we begin with the simplest instead of the most elaborate, the diffi- culty will appear much less, though it may not entirely vanish. A still better plan will be to begin with the scale of a reptile, and show how it corresponds to a bird's feather. The scale proper is formed frorn the Fig. 37- (a) Feather, of Duck, carrying nestling down feather ; (I/) Nestling down of Thrush; (c) of Pigeon ; (d) Thread feather of Goose ; (i), (c), and (d) after Gadow ; F, Feather proper ; n, Nestling down. skin, its horny coating from the epidermis. Where a feather is to grow, there is a little skin papilla or pimple, which corresponds to the scale proper ; the actual feather is formed from the epidermis that covers the papilla, and corresponds to the horny covering of the scale. On the wings of the Penguin, or on the legs of 'birds of the Ostrich kind— ^.^., the L 146 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. Rhea — may be found primitive feathers that are not very different from the scales on the bird's own legs or on a lizard. Birds in general have down feathers among the large ones, and these down feathers are often merely a little fluff at the top of a quill, though sometimes they are almost perfect miniatures of a typical feather. Besides these there are thread- feathers, filoplumes, always growing close to the base of one of the large feathers. Sometimes, like hair, the thread-feathers are perfectly simple and un- branched ; the branches are never more than a very few. The Nightjar has, bordering the mouth, a number of bristles that look like filoplumes, but are really ordinary feathers of which only the shaft remains. There are also found on some birds, notably on some Parrots and on the Heron, powder-down feathers, so called because they shed a fine powder. They continue to grow, and the ends of their branches give off a whitish dust which is at once greasy and dry. What purpose they may serve is quite uncertain. By the help of these simpler specimens we must try to realise that the most elaborate feather is only a much-divided scale. Such a feather I must now describe, and then try to show how it has grown from a skin papilla. Take a large one from the wing or tail of any common bird. The semi-transparent base is the quill (0, fig. 38) ; it has two small apertures, one at the bottom, the other at the top, where the branches begin, on the under-surface (U i and 2). At the lower one the papilla entered to give the need- ful nourishment, and if a young feather be taken, the quill will be found full of blood (P). VI FORM AND FUNCTION 147 When the quill is dry and hollow, the feather is in most ways a dead thing, but the fact that in some birds there is a change of colour without a moult, and without the loss of any part of the feather, shows that it has not entirely lost life. The stiff rod above the quill is the rachis or shaft (S). It is grooved Fig 38. — Contour Feathers of Heron. (rt) plume-like feather with little or no interlocking. (/') pennaceous or perfect flight feather. B, Barb ; d, Downy ends of the lower barbs ; p, dried remains of Pulp ; Q, Quill ; S, Shaft or rachis ; s 2, After-shaft ; v, Vane formed of the two webs on either side ; V I, Inferior umbilicus ; u 2, Superior umbilicus. down the under-surface. The branches on either side are called barbs (B), and the barbs to right and left together form the vane of the feather. The barbs give rise to barbules— z>., little barbs on either side. The barbules end in barbicels — i.e., still more diminu- tive barbs. The barbicels belonging to the barbules on the side of the barb that is nearer to the quill L 2 I4S THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap- are smooth and hairlike, with only an occasional im- perfect hook near the edge of the vane. Those on the further barbules end, many of them, in perfect little hooklets. By means of these the barbules of two neicrhbourino- barbs are locked together. Fig. 39 (after Pycraft). To show method of interlocking. A and B, Barbicels running in grooves ; c, Barbule on near side of harb ; D, Barlmle on further side. If you look at a feather under the microscope, iisinir a not very high power, you will see that the barbules on the distant side of the barb are not only hooked but waved, and the smooth hairlike endings of the opposite set that meet them are neatly tucked under- neath into the hollow of the wave. It is not the ca.se, VI FORM AND FUNCTION 149 as is sometimes stated, that the barbules themselves interlock. It is the booklets that fasten one barbule to another, and this they do in such a way that, while keeping a firm grip, they increase the elasticity natural to the material of which the feather is made (Fig. 39A). The edges of the barbules, that have to be laid hold of by the booklets of those opposite to them, are folded over. Below this folded edge is a channel between the two adjacent barbules that lie parallel to one another. The booklet keeps hold of the edge, and at the same time is able to move up and down in the channel. Hence the wonderful play of the vane of a wing or tail feather when pressure is applied to it. In the softer, partly plume-like feathers the mechanism is not so perfect ; in some cases the booklets do not exist. Such feathers are not imper- vious to air, and they are much less strong and much less elastic. All feathers, it will be noticed, are con- cave underneath, a form that adapts them for resisting pressure from below and not from above. In nearly every case there is a small after-shaft (S 2, fig. 38) arising just below the small pit at the top of the quill. Generally it is insignificant and escapes notice, unless attention is specially called to it. In the Pigeon it is minute ; in the Cassowary, on the contrary, it is as large as the main shaft. It is curious that in the embryo feathers of this bird there is no after-shaft at all. In no bird except the Emeu does it appear till the feather proper grows, and this has been thought to show that in primitive birds after-shafts were not found. The development of the feather now demands our I50 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. l"'iG. 40. — Cassowary': feather. attention. Most birds, before they are fledged, have upon them em- bryo or nestb"ng feathers, which are very similar to the " downs " of mature birds described above. Be- ginning the history of one of these from its earliest days, we find first a papilla upon the skin. From the epidermic covering of this springs the nestling feather with a number of thread-like branches, all starting from the same point, so that it is, in fact, a feather with the rachis left out. We may look upon it as a quill split uniformly the whole way round into numbers of narrow pieces ; it does not, like the later feather, face one particular way. Preparatory to this splitting, the epidermic cells over the papilla group themselves round the centre, and their little elevations are in- dications of the barbs that are soon to appear. When the time comes, the feather proper drives out the nestling feather, and carries it on its tip. The two are not really distinct, but parts of one and the same growth, the real feather with the nestling on the top having been formed even in the egg. The (juill docs not dry up, so that the VI FORM AND FUNCTION 151 pulp, as it is called, is the same in the nestling down and the more lasting and stronger formation that follows it. The change, therefore, bears no resem- blance to the shedding of milk teeth and their re- placement by permanent ones. The early tooth is driven out by the later one ; the two are not in any way connected. After the first moult, the feathers develop without any nestling " downs " as precursors. Otherwise the process is not, in essential points, different. The cells of AS Fig. 41. — (After Gadow). Showing rievelopment of feather, AS, cells forming after shaft ; B, cells forming barbs ; MS, cells forming main shaft ; SH, horny sheath surrounding whole feather. the papilla, or rather of the epidermis over it, arrange themselves starwise. Two of the columns of cells which cause this starlike formation grow broader and longer than the rest, and go to make the rachis of the feather. Two on the opposite side form a secondary shaft, of which, as I have said, most feathers retain some trace. At the same time there is a growth inwards, so that in some cases the bone is reached. On the ulna the marks of the great wing feathers are easily discernible. The cap found on the top of young feathers is formed from the outermost cells of the epidermis, the 152 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. horny tube that overlies the papilla. Of this tube one side only, as a rule, is much developed, the other, that forms the after-shaft, being stunted. The little pit at the top. of the quill is the remains of the aperture through which the pulp once forced its way, extending even to the top of the rachis (U2, fig. 38). The pulp retires when the feather is complete, leaving only a few white flakes in the quill to mark its former presence (P). When the feather is to be moulted the papilla revives. Varieties of Contour Feathers. Contour feathers is a general name for the feathers which are visible on the surface and which shape the bird, to distinguish them from " downs,'' " thread- feathers," and " powder-downs." The name plumes is generally reserved for feathers which are merely ornamental or a protection against cold. They have not that perfect system of inter- locking that makes the wing and tail feathers air- proof. To the great wing feathers, the name remiges — i.e. rowers — is given. Some spring from the hand and are called primaries. The Pigeon has eleven such feathers, six of them attached to the second meta- carpal bone, the rest to the bones of second and third digits. If, as often happens (in the Starling, for in- stance), the outermost is very short, it is called a bastard primary. The " thumb " carries no primary feathers.'^ The rest of the remiges, called secondaries and inner- ' See p. 42 on Uie qucstiun wlicthcr this is really the thumb. VI FOR^I AND FUNCTION 153 most secondaries, spring from the ulna or the humerus, The name tertiaries for the latter has no\v been disused. The total number of the remiges varies very much, the Humming-bird having only sixteen, and the x^lbatross up to fifty, the variation being found in the secondaries much more than in the primaries. Covering the bases of the remiges are the wing-coverts. The great flight- feathers are not originally the hindmost ; by their enormous development, they push the two rearmost rows to the lower face of the wing, where, to show their origin, they still carry the after-shaft undermost. The large tail feathers are called rectrices or steerers. They alwaj's make an even number, but may be as few as eight, or, it is said, as many as twenty-four. Some- where about twelve is the normal. Sometimes they are useful in distinguishing species. Thus the Common Cormorant has fourteen, the Shag only twelve. Shielding the bases of the tail feathers are the tail-coverts. In the same way we speak of neck-coverts and ear- coverts. Though feathers are to a great extent dead things, they are in connection with the living parts of the body and, so, are frequently moved. Pelicans may be seen raising their feathers to dry them after a swim. An old Hen with chickens raises them in anger. The Long-eared Owl lifts his great " ears " to inspire terror ; the Cockatoo raises his top-knot to add to his dignity; the Peacock in pride of heart spreads his plumes or rattles his quills. The behaviour of the Turkey- cock is easy to interpret. To make these movements, there are distributed generally muscles which move the skin and with it 154 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. the feathers. By far the most remarkable of such movements are connected with flight. It is interesting to put side by side some of the most wonderful forms of feathers, bearing in mind the like origin of all : for instance, an Ostrich's plume, a Penguin's tiny scale-like wing-feather, one of an Albatross's mighty remiges, a Cassowary's plume with its equal shafts, a hackle from the neck of a Barndoor cock, a plume from a Bird of Paradise, a Lyre-bird's tail feather, a spur from a Cassowary's wing (a great wing; feather that has lost its barbs so that the shaft alone is left), one of the Motmot's two extraordinary tail feathers, one of the grandest from a Peacock's train, and, to complete the collection, one of the stumpy business-like set with which a Woodpecker props himself as he climbs. Feather Tracts. Except in the Penguin the feathers do not cover the whole of the body, but only certain feather tracts. The bare regions are called Apteria, and are some- times devoid even of down — for instance, in the Wood- pecker and the Sparrow-hawk. Our common birds have most of them a bare tract down the breast, which is very convenient when you wish to skin them. In most sea-birds you have to work through a thick, almost impervious, mass of feathers before you can begin operations. Feather tracts, especially down the neck and back, have been found very useful for purposes of classification. VI FORM AND FUNCTION Moulting. Moulting, as I have already said, is a reptilian characteristic, and corresponds to the shedding of the horny covering of the scales. It is due to the papilla which once more extends into the quill and causes the feather to fall off. In the Cassowary and Emeu the tip of the new feather extends into the base of the old one, which it carries for a time, but the two are only connected mechanically. They do not, like the nestling down and the feather that follows it, make up one organ. Most birds moult completely in the summer or autumn. Many have a partial moult, at which only small feathers are shed, in spring. It is sometimes stated that migratory birds have two complete moults, one before each migration, but it is probable that none of them shed their great quill feathers more than once. The Cuckoo's main moult is believed to be in spring : sometimes he has arrived in England before its comple- tion. In autumn, after he has left us, the smaller feathers are once more changed. Swifts also, it is supposed, moult in early spring long before they come to us, a slighter moult taking place after their departure. Swallows and Martins moult only once — in very early spring or even in winter — being distinguished by this from the Swifts, which moult twice. With most migrants, as with other birds, autumn is the great season for donning new feathers. Spring is the time when the wedding plumage is put on, and the Ruffs, the Goldeh Plovers, the Dunlins, the Linnets, 156 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. and a host of others come out like different birds. Ducks and their alHes are quite unHke most species- in this respect. The Mallard, the male of the Wild Duck, to take an example, gets his fine feathers in autumn and is in full splendour by October. He is still wearing these same plumes when the pairing time comes round. While the eggs are being laid and sat upon, his plumage is fading, and before long a moult begins. In June or about that time his faded finery is shed and replaced by a dull garb very similar to that of the Duck. Even earlier, towards the end of May, he drops his big wing feathers, and, since they all go nearly at the same time, he is incapable of flight. Till then, he has been a most dutiful partner, watching over his mate upon the nest, and warning her if there happens to be danger when she is leaving it to refresh herself with a bath and food. When his moulting begins she is left to herself, and often has, unaided, to take her young ones to the water and educate them. By the end of July the Mallard is again possessed of fully grown remiges, but his dull plumes are still upon him, and it is not till October that he sheds these, and once more looks his best. The Duck does not moult till her young ones are off her hands. Geese, like Ducks, shed their quill feathers all at once, and, standing, tumbled and helpless, pre- sent a truly pitiful sight. It is only some water-birds who moult in such haste. When the time comes for it, they are very careful to be on or near the water so that in case of danger, they may make use of what is now their only means of escape, their power of swimming. Mr. Seebohm describes a great procession VI FORM AND FUNCTION 157 of Bfean Geese that he saw in the north of Russia, making for the water when their moult was imminent.^ By the time the young can fly, the old birds have renewed their quills, and they start for the south together. Any land bird with such a system of moulting would be reduced to a sad plight. He would be worse off than the Crayfish, who has cast his shell and, cowering in a hole, waits for the new one to form and harden. As far as is known, all birds who are not at home upon the water, shed their large feathers at intervals, a pair at a time, one feather from each side. In Hawks and other birds of prey, the intervals are very long, and the process continues nearly the whole year. In Homing Pigeons — the breed now in use for " carrying " — and, I believe, in other pigeons also, the moult lasts nearly half the year. About May the tenth of the eleven primaries counting from the outermost is lost. A month later the ninth goes. By that time the tenth has grown nearly to its full size ; when the ninth is about half its proper length, the eighth falls ; the others follow at intervals of from eight to fifteen days. In the tail, which has twelve feathers, the two which are fifth from the sides fall first. When the new ones are grown to three quarters of their full length, the two central ones are shed ; the remainder fall in this order : the fourth, the third, the outermost, the second. The Pigeon suffers much as the moult approaches its conclusion. He flies with difficulty, and is liable to arthritis, commonly known among Belgian fanciers as La Maladie des ailes. Badly fed birds have a defective moult. If Pigeons ^ See his Siberia in Europe, p. 287. 158 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. after being fed daily are left to pick up their ownMbod, the moult is arrested. Bird fanciers hasten the moult by putting their victims in a dark and rather cold place. Pigeons, which do not pair, put off their moult, and so are in splendid condition for flying. By some process at present not understood in Europe, the Japanese check the shedding of the tail feathers of Cock Chickens, and so produce the enormous growths (ten or twelve feet long) with which we are familiar. The Ptarmigan moults no less than three times in the year. After the nesting season he sheds many of his smaller feathers and becomes gray ; in autumn he moults again, and in winter is arrayed in white, with feathers on his legs supposed to be intended to prevent him from sinking into the snow. A partial moult in spring arrays him in his breeding plumage of black and gray-brown and white. The big wing- feathers are white at all seasons. The claws are shed in July and August, and have grown to their full length again before the bird puts on his winter dress. The moulting of birds in their first year presents great varieties. In most songsters it begins thirty or forty days after they have left the nest. Hawks and their allies keep their first plumage till next summer. Young Ducks first appear in the same dress as their parents in late autumn. Geese have only down feathers till six weeks old; after that appear feathers proper, which they shed between September and December. In their second autumn, like mature geese, they moult completely in the space of four weeks. A young bird of aquatic habits can afford to be content with a covering of down for a long time after his birth. A VI FORM AND FUNCTION 159 young Partridge has quill feathers big enough to enable him to fly, to some extent, very soon after leaving the egg. These are shed and replaced several times during his first summer and autumn, thus keep- ing pace with his rapid growth. Thrushes, Blackbirds, and Fieldfares have one complete moult in their first autumn. Change of Colour without Moulting. In spring the cock Gray Linnet becomes the " Red Linnet," and appears with a crown and breast of crimson in place of the dull gray of winter, and yet it is certain that no feathers are shed. In cap- tivity he gradually loses his crimson splendours, which fade to ochre-yellow. After the first moult he assumes and retains the dull plumage of the hen. The fore- head of the Redpoll becomes blood-red and his throat and breast carmine, equally without the shedding of a feather. The nape and back of the Brambling turn from reddish-brown striped with black to pure glossy blue-black without any moult ; and, to take one more instance, the Blackheaded Gull, in the course of a fortnight, dyes the white plumage of his head black, or, more strictly speaking, a very dark brown. In some cases the explanation is perfectly simple ; the crown and breast feathers of the Linnet have wide gray borders which in spring break off and let the crimson that was before covered up become visible. The same is the case with the Redpoll, Brambling, the Snow Bunting, whose back plumage becomes black in spring, and the Blue Throat. In some of these cases Gatke i6o THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. attributes the change not to a breaking off of the edges, but to a peeling of the barbules. However this, may be, he must surely be right when he maintains that in spring there is a rounding off of the ragged edges of feathers. The Linnet's nuptial plumage would be but a sorry garb if the dropping away of the edges left what remained all ragged. A far more remarkable cause of change of colour is the entrance of fresh colouring matter into the feather, which can- not therefore be an entirely dead thing. This is what takes place when the Blackheaded Gull puts on his spring head-dress, the colour, according to Gatke, appearing first at the edges of the feathers and gradually extending till the whole is dyed. In winter the breast of the Dunlin is almost white, in spring it becomes black, the pigment working its way to every part of the feathers through channels as yet un- discovered. By a similar process the head of the Little Gull changes in spring from white with a dash of ashen-gray to black. As in the Linnet in captivity, so in the Herring Gull there takes place a withdrawal of pigment, for the head having been gray in winter becomes snow-white in spring. In these cases no indication of moulting, such as half-grown feathers, is ever found. The plumage of the Wood-sandpiper is an interesting study, since it supplies an example of the influx of fresh colour into the feathers and also of the rounding off of ragged edges. Birds in captivity sometimes show these changes well. This year the Knots at the Zoological Gardens appeared . with the chestnut-coloured breasts proper to them in spring, but whether the change in their case is due to the dull VI FORM -AND FUNCTION i6i margins of feathers being shed or to the influx of fresh pigment, I do not know.^ Spurs. Spurs are outgroAvths of bone covered by a horny sheath formed from the epidermis, and, thus, they re- semble the horns of oxen and antelopes. The cock's spur is familiar to every one. Some birds, for instance the Double Spurred Peacock, have two on each foot. Spurs are also found upon the wings, for example in the Crested Screamer of South America which is now to be seen at the Zoological Gardens. The Cassowary's spurs, which are really feathers, I have already de- scribed. These are found in both sexes, as ordinary wing-spurs sometimes are. All spurs are used in fighting, and well-developed leg-spurs are the privilege of cock birds. We should expect, therefore, to see them, as we do, mainly in those species which are polygamous, and which consequently have an excess of males among whom there is constant war in spring- time. It is with his spur that the game-cock slays his rival. The Beak. In the beak the horny covering which overlies the bone is a growth of the epidermis just as spurs are. ^ On moulting see especially (i) Bronn's T/iier-Reich, vol. "Aves," pp. 538-542; (2) S&ebohm's Brit. Birds, ^diSSim ; (3) Gatke, Z?/^ Vogelwarte Helgoland, ■^'^. 156-166; (4) Le Pigeo7i Voyageur, by F. Chapuis, pp. 103-111. I am indebted to Mr. C. M. Adamson's book So7ne more Scraps about Bi?'ds, printed for private circulation M 162 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. In all birds the upper beak moves slightly, in parrots freely. It is. always growing, but constant friction against hard substances and of the upper against the lower beak prevents this from being apparent. The duck's beak acts as a strainer: the whale, in the so- called whalebone, has a similar instrument which lets the water pass away while retaining the food. The .-f^-' \ Fig. 42. (i). Beak of Falcon showing toothed edge ; (2), of Duck showing strainer. beaks of Humming-birds are bent or otherwise shaped so as to suit the forms of particular flowers down the corollas of which they dive for the honey. Falcons and other birds of prey have their upper beaks 'cut into teeth, an assistance in tearing their food. And in con- nection with this, it must be remembered that flesh- eating birds have nothing worthy of the name of a gizzard. Hence some tearing of the food is desirable. VI FOR^I AND FUNCTION 163 Mr. Beddard mentions that the Great Spotted Wood- pecker ate the caterpillar of the Buff-tip moths partially after much pecking.^ Was this because the conspicuous colours frightened him or because the skin was over- tough ? A Magpie rubbed the hairs off a caterpillar before eating it. On the other hand a Gannet swallows a mackerel whole. A Cormorant is only troubled by a whole fish if he happens to swallow him headforemost and so get the fins the wrong way. He has been known to swallow a Starling with beak and feet and everything appertaining to him, and to attempt to swallow a young kitten.""^ The parrot gnaws his food carefully like a dyspeptic. The great freedom with which his upper beak works enables him to put its long curved point to the front margin of the lower beak when occasion requires. With this long point he scoops out a Brazil nut when he has cracked the shell like a piece of shortbread. The beak aided by the long and supple neck takes the place of a hand. When the forelimbs became wings and the former reptile, now a bird, stood comparatively erect on two legs, some form of hand was clearly necessary. The parrot uses his feet to lift food to his mouth, but most birds know no hand but their beak. It is also a weapon of offence, many birds being able to give a powerful stroke not unlike that of a snake, and far mort promptly administered. When some members of the Challenger expedition visited Penguin " rookeries " they found they must wear thick gaiters 1 Animal Coloration, by F. E. Beddard, p. 155. ■^ See The Home of a Naturalist, by the Rev. B. Edmondston, p- n- M 2 i64 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP. to protect their legs from the formidable beaks among which they had to run the gauntlet. The Woodpecker pecks a hole in a tree in which to make his nest. His beak is the hammer with which the Nuthatch, swing- ing at the hips, cracks his nut. A Thrush may be seen picking up a snail and dashing it on a stone to break the shell. The beak is also used to preen the feathers, even a short-necked bird being able to bring it to bear on almost any part of his plumage. When there is an oil-gland at the root of the tail, the bird with his bill presses the oil from it and distributes it over his feathers. The Tailor Bird uses it as a needle, and partly to its skill are due the beautiful nests of many of our small birds. The Foot. It will be enough to mention a few types to .show how the anatomy has adapted itself to different modes of life. The normal number of toes is four, the fifth or " little toe" having been lost. The first, as a rule, points backward. The Emeu, the Rhea, and the Cassowary have only three, having lost the first as well. The Ostrich has only two, the third and fourth, and the latter of these two is small and bears no nail. As in the horse, it is the middle toe which carries all the weight. Among English birds the most striking difference is between the webbed feet of the swimmers and the separate-toed feet of the perchers, climbers, waders, and runners. The Gannet, the Cormorant, and their allies have all four digits connected by the web ; in most swimming birds the first is free. There are VI FORM AND FUNCTION 165 various intermediate stages before we arrive at separate- toed feet. In the Dabchick and the other Grebes, the toes are not connected, but there is on either side of each a broad expansion of skin. In the Kingfisher the second, third, and fourth toes arc fastened together Fig. 43- Foot of (i), Woodpecker ; (2), Grebe. for most of their extent. The Woodpeckers, Cuckoos, and Toucans have a most curious form of foot called zygodactyle or yoke-toed, the first and fourth toes pointing backward, the other two forward — a foot specially adapted for climbing. In the Swift all the i66 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. toes turn forwards. The number of Phalanges or segments in each varies very much in different species. Usually the first toe has 2 ; the second, 3 ; the third, 4 ; the fourth, 5. The Swift has in the respective toes only 2, 3, 3, 3. This and the 'extreme shortness of his legs must account for his inability (if the inability, as is popularly supposed, exists) to rise from the ground. Mr. Howard Saunders denies the correctness of the popular belief, but I am not sure that the bird is not in difficulties when he finds himself among grass of any length. Perching. Most of our common birds would soon fall victims to some nocturnal beast of prey, if they had not the power of maintaining themselves on a bough during sleep. To sec the machinery by which this is effected, take a bird of some size and cut through the skin at the back of the ankle-joint. We find there, first, two tendons belonging to muscles which have nothing to do with the toes, one of which attaches a little above the foot, the other just below the ankle-joint. As they pass this joint, these tendons spread out and form a sheath in which run several of the tendons that bend the toes, and which are bound together by connective tissue but easily dissected apart. Cutting down deeper we come to other tendons passing to the toes, making the number in all up to seven. Of these the Hallux or first digit (our great toe) has i ; the second and third, each, 2 ; the fourth, I : while another tendon divides into 3, the branches going to toes 2, 3, 4 respectively. This VI FORM AND FUNCTION 167 branching tendon is the one to which most interest attaches, and it is easily distinguished from the others : it hes the most deeply imbedded of all at the ankle- joint, in a cartilaginous or bony tunnel. In a great many birds it connects with the tendon that bends the Hallux, and the absence of connection or the form of Fig. 44. Flexor tendons of toes in (a) Fowl ; (^)— after Gadow — Passerine Bird, (i) deep, divided tendon ; (2) the tendon that bends the hallux or first toe. In Passerine Birds they remain unconnected. connection have been found very useful in classifica- tion.i Tracing the tendons upwards we shall find them passing into muscles that arise partly from the ^ Some of the chief varieties are well shown in specimens at the British Museum, S. Kensington, but it is much the best plan to dissect therti out. i68 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CH\P. top of the Tibiotarsus (drumstick) partly from the lower end of. the Femur or thigh-bone. When the leg bends at the ankle, there is a pull upon the tendons, the muscles are stretched, the toes are bent and grasp the perch on which the bird sits. Thus he is maintained in position by his own weight, which bends the leg and so causes the toes to grip. The strain on the muscles is, probably, not great. Chickens and, I believe, other birds rest their breast- bone upon the perch, and so get support nearly in the vertical line in which lies the centre of gravity. The grip of the toes, therefore, is wanted only to steady them. This bending of the toes, as a necessary consequence of bending the leg at the ankle-joint, is not altogether peculiar to birds. A squirrel's toes will open or close ac- cording as his leg is straightened or bent. In birds what M^as once, probably, a trifling or useless feature has been developed in order to supply a vital need. Birds, such as Gulls, which do not sleep upon a perch and are rather ill at ease upon one, have this toe-grip only in a most rudimentary form. I have seen the Black-headed Gull alight on railings, and at the Zoological Gardens, when in a small aviary where they have not much ground to wander over, Gulls will remain perched for some time, though apparently uncomfortable, on the thin bar allotted them. This is no proof, however, that they could sleep upon a perch. Others, which are not ordinarily perchers, are quite capable of adopting arboreal habits. The annual flooding of great tracts of country in Siberia has brought this about in the case of the Snipc.^ 1 Vide Seeljohm's Sibct'i'a in Europe, p. 147 Yl FORM AND FUNCTION 169 There is connected with this subject another strange phenomenon. In many birds a thin muscle, called Ambiens, arises from the Pelvis just under the thigh- joint and passes forward on the inner side of the leg to the knee, before reaching which it becomes a tendon : it curves round the knee in a little tendinous tunnel occupied by itself alone, then doubles back on the outside of the leg and passes into one of the muscles which bend the toes as described above. It is very characteristic of birds that a muscle should, by means Fig. 45. — Leg of chicken, the side next the body. A, ambiens muscle ; k, knee-joint. of a long tendon, do its work at such a distance : but, curiously, it is not found in by any means all the perching birds. And, besides, this the same muscle is to be found in crocodiles.^ This must not, how- ever, be taken to prove any very close relationship with jDirds. The fact that it is found in two families of birds may help to prove that they are closely allied, but such evidence is less dependable when we are dealing, not ^ Refer to Appareil Locoitioieur des Oiseaux (M. Edmond Mix), p. 443, I70 THE STRUCTURE ^AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. with the relationship between famiHes within the same class, but with the relationship between two classes. In the crocodile the muscle in question appears either not to connect with the toe-flexor muscles or else to be altogether functionless, for when I have bent the ankle-joint of a young American alligator, most pro- bably resembling a crocodile in this point of anatomy, no effect at all has been produced upon the toes. The habit of standing on one leg is common to many birds. The Heron is well known for it. '■' Nigh upon that hour When the lone hern forgets his melancholy, Lets down his other leg and, stretching, dreams Of goodly supper in the distant pool." Flamingoes, Storks, and Cranes can frequently be seen in this posture at the Zoological Gardens. It is said to be a restful one, and it must have merits or they would not adopt it. But if the leg be watched it will be seen to be perpetually swaying to and fro. In fact the balance is only maintained by the help of perpetual small muscular adjustments, of which, no doubt, the bird is capable while asleep^ some lower part of the brain working when the cere- bral hemispheres, the scat of conscious life, are at rest. Sztiniming. People maintain that they have seen from a boat a Shag " flying under water," swimming, that is, by means of his wings. Among the diving birds at the Zoological Gardens there is frequently a Shag, and as VI FORM AND FUNCTION . 171 he chases the fish in the tank, he holds his wings motionless, just slightly lifted from the body. It is the same with the Indian Darter— he strikes with his legs only. The Penguin, on the other hand, swims almost entirely with his wings. For him swimming is flight under water, the only flight possible to him ; his legs are used only for steering, or for an occasional upward kick to force him downward. The Rough- faced Shag strikes with both feet simultaneously, the Indian Darter's is an alternate stroke, and the same is the case with the Gull. The Swan and the Duck take almost simultaneous strokes with both feet, yet one is always just a little behind the other. I have already mentioned how various diving birds by driving most of the air out of their air-sacks cause only a small part of their body, or nothing but the neck, to appear above water. Some birds dive to great depths. The Shag begins by jumping up in the water and taking a header, then he strikes hard upward. One was caught once in a crab-pot twenty fathoms below the surface. There is one kind of Penguin which is said to swallow stones for ballast and vomit them up again at the mouth of his burrow on returning.^ It would be worth while watching long to prove this true or untrue. Certainly a diving bird is in a dilemma if he wishes to descend to a great depth and stop there long. He must take in an abundant supply of air, but this will make him over-buoyant. Birds which sleep floating upon ponds or tarns ^ Sphenisais Magellanicus ; see Report of " Challenge}' " Ex- pedHion, vol. ii., p. vi'j. 172 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CH. vi are in danger of drifting to the bank and falling victims to any beast of prey. To prevent this ducks and others have the habit of sleeping with one leg tucked under the wing, while with the other they keep gently paddling so that they revolve in a circle. In summer time, when they have had a long day, they will begin this early when there is still some light, and then is the time to watch them. This remarkable habit is a kind of sleep-walking turned to good account, and is, no doubt, perfectly compatible with complete unconsciousness.^ Some of the best Books on the Subject. (i) Bronn's Thter- Reich, vol. "Aves." (2) Milne-Edwards' Phy.siologie et Anatoinie comparee. (3) Max Fiirbringer's Morphologie und Systejuatik der Vogel. (4) Various articles by Dr. Gadow in Newton's Dictioiiary of Birds. (5) W\c\\2it\Yo's,\.tx's Text-book of Physiology. (6) Huxley's Elementary Physiology. (7) Coues' Field a7id General Ornithology. « [See references given in footnotes.] 1 My attention was first called to this interesting point by Mr. Thompson, head keeper at the Zoological Gardens. CHAPTER VII FLIGHT TJie Wings as Levers, the A ir as Fulcrum Archimedes was prepared to move the world if he could find a fulcrum for his lever. The problem of flight seems almost equally difficult : the body must be liftied by levers, and the fixed points on which they are to work must be found in the air. But before I show how the bird surmounts this great difficulty, a word about levers is necessary. Levers are rigid rods resting on a fulcrum or fixed point ; at another point in the rod is the weight to be moved, and at a third point the power is applied. There are three kinds of levers, the difference lying in the relative position of the three points mentioned. In the first the fulcrum is in the middle, in the second the weight, in the third the power. Of the first we have an example when a poker, rested on the bar of the grate, raises the coal. An oar is an instance of the second ; the boat is the weight, the fulcrum is the water upon which the oar works. And this makes clear an im- portant fact, viz.. that the fulcrum is not always an 1/4 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. absolutely fixed point, though, of course, the lever would be improved if it could be made so. The third kind of lever in which the power is applied at a point betsveen the weight and the fulcrum is not often used, because it does not economise labour. We have an instance of it in the treadle of a sewing-machine, where the force required is so slight, that economy is unimportant. Wasteful as it seems to be, this third kind of lever is the common one in the bodies of animals. All three classes are represented, but ex- amples of the first and second are comparatively rare. Consequently there have been people who have main- tained that the human body is a clumsy machine made on antiquated and unscientific principles. Such an idea shows the danger of a little knowledge. When we use a lever, we wish to move a weight with compara- tively little effort, however much we may lose in the speed and amount of the movement. In the levers of the body rapidity is a great object. The arm is a series of levers of the third order, and by their help it can be drawn in quickly, then shot out again to deal a sudden blow. If we try to hold out a weight at arm's length, we then find the weak point of levers of this order. To economise effort with them you must apply the power near to the weight. In the case of the arm, we should require a biceps, springing, as now, from near the shoulder but attaching near the wrist, and this, besides other inconveniences, would entail great slowness of movement. In a bird's wing the leverage which aims at moving a weight with great rapidity is to be seen in its greatest perfection. Very powerful muscles arc required, but the muscles are there. vii FLIGHT 175 The wing-lever must find its fulcrum in the air. A strong breeze, or, better, a hurricane may give us a notion how this is done. The air, which, when still, seemed to offer no opposition to our progress, becomes, when moving at a great pace, an obstacle through which we must shove our way with effort. It makes no difference whether it is an actual wind that opposes us, or whether it is one existing only relatively to ourselves, being produced by our own rapid travelling. A bicyclist if he rides fast on a calm day is retarded by a breeze due to his own velocity. If there is a light breeze ahead, this may be doubled by the pace at which he rides, so that what to a pedestrian is hardly a breath of air is magnified by the bicyclist into a wind. The resistance of the air, then, increases if we move through it more quickly. But this is only a very vague statement, that gives but little idea of the facts. Some experi- ments were made by Newton showing that in many cases the resistance of the air increases as the square of the velocity. These experiments depend on the fact that a body, when let fall, gains in velocity for some time, after which it maintains a uniform pace. Nothing but the resistance of the air can check a progressive increase in velocity, and when the pace becomes uniform it is clear that the resistance of the air is exactly equal to the weight of the body falling. Newton took glass globes of equal size, but unequal weights, corresponding to the figures i, 4, 9, 16. These he let fall from a height, and measured their velocities when each had settled down to its uniform pace. The velocities were in proportion to the 176 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. numbers i, 2, 3, 4, but the resistance of the air was, as we have seen, equal to the weights of the globes which were as 1,4, 9, 16, the squares of the numbers' which represent the velocities. Experiments at once more elaborate and more accurate have been made since. Professor Marey concludes from many made by himself, that the resistance increases in a less proportion for velocities between o and 10 metres per second ; when 10 metres per second is exceeded, then the rule of the square of the velocity under-represents the rate of increase of the air's resistance. When the speed attained is very great, in the case of a bullet for instance, Newton's law does not hold at all: the rate of increase of resistance altogether outpaces the square of the velocity. The rate of movement of a wing is comparatively moderate, so that here it might seem that we should be safe in applying Newton's law. There is liability to error, however from another cause. A wing is very different from the glass globes with which he experimented — it presents a concave and irregular surface with rough edges. Such an object passing through the air, which is not a perfect fluid, but viscous, must, like an oar forced through the water, produce eddies, and this complicates the problem so much that our greatest authorities confess that we know very little of the resistance to a surface like that of a wing. It is necessary to say this, since the rule " resistance of air increases as the square of the velocity " is often quoted as if it held true of all surfaces and all velocities. Nevertheless it comes near enough to the facts to be of great value, and probably when we VII FLIGHT 177 apply it to a bird's wing we understate the rate of increase of the air's resistance. It will now be well to take a particular instance. Let W A and W B represent the same wing in different postures, a and b the same point in it. Let a bho. one inch in length, and A B three times as long. When the wing descends, a passes through one inch of air, A through three inches. But the resistance of the air will be, at the lowest estimate, as the squares of I and 3 — that is, at A it will be nine times as great as it is at a. It is by rapid movement of its wings, Fig, 46. then, that the bird obtains a fulcrum on wliich they can work as levers. However large an expanse a wing might offer it would be useless, unless it were driven through the air at a great speed ; it could not possibly obtain the comparatively fixed point that every lever must have. Though there is still much to be said about the shape of the wing and the way in which the air acts upon it, we have advanced far enough to understand the system of leverage. The weight to be raised is the body of the bird, the power lies in the breast muscles and is applied not far N 178 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. out upon the wing, the fulcrum is at a point not far from the tip.. As a fact, of course, the fulcrum is dis- tributed over the whole wing, but since, owing to its more rapid motion, the end meets with far more resistance than the base, we may consider it to be not far from the tip. Here it will be well to mention something that often makes living machinery puzzling. The different parts are not distinct. For instance, when a man breathes, his chest is a suction pump. But there is no separate piston. The walls of the chest, that is, the walls of the pump itself, expand and so cause a vacuum. In the same Avay we have been speaking of the bird's body as the weight to be raised, of the wings as levers, and of the power as residing in certain muscles. But the muscles in question forfti part of the body, and they and also the wings go to make up the weight. Nor have we yet done with the complications in which we get involved when we study the wing as a lever. When it is being moved rapidly through the air in order to gain a fulcrum, by the help of which to move the body, the weight is, at first, at the extremity in the shape of the resistance of the air that has to be overcome, while the fulcrum is at the shoulder-joint. When the fixed point has been gained, then the end of the wing becomes the fulcrum, and the body is the weight. But it is only in imagina- tion that we can divide the down-stroke into two such periods. During the whole of it we have at the near end both a weight and a fulcrum, during the whole of it both a weight and a fulcrum at the further end. The body is always suspended from the wings, the ends of the wings never cease to move as they strive, VII FLIGHT 179 each, for their fixed point. The fact is that the dis- tinction between the fulcrum and the weight is an artificial one. The power applied acts on both ends at once, and if only one moves, or if one moves more than the other, we speak of the weight as being at that end. A weight at the other end which does not give, or gives less, we call the fulcrum. In a bird's wing both ends move, but since the object is to obtain for the extremity as fixed a point as possible and to raise the body, the term fulcrum is reserved for the air. The bald statement, " The air is the fulcrum," is not incorrect, but it leaves out of sight a most interesting process. It is the rapid motion of the wing that wins for it a comparatively fixed point, and throughout the process the air is being moved by a lever that has for its fulcrum the, shoulder-joint. The oar, though a lever of the second order, presents the same difficulty, but in a less puzzling form. People who have never thought of the subject are apt if asked what is the fulcrum on which an oar works, to reply " the rowlock." This is as much as to say that it is the aim of the oarsman to displace as much water as possible. It is only, however, by making the displacement of water a preliminary object, that he gains a fulcrum by which to move his boat. We must now consider the working of both wings at once. In order to understand this we may imagine a boat rowed by oars employed as levers of the same order as a bird's wings. The rowlocks would be in the middle of the boat, and the oarsman would sit on either side holding the oars between rowlock and blade. They would have to face the bows, and this, N 3 i8o THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. perhaps, would be the only advantage. But it is quite possible to propel a boat in this way, and such a system of rowing would illustrate what takes place in flight. True, the blades of a bird's " oars " face differently, so that, while they propel him, they at the same time raise or maintain him in the air. But the system of leverage is the same. This diagram is a further illustration. Fig. 47. A' and Z are rigid rods representing the bird's wings hinged at I" to YV the bird's body ; ab and c h are the muscles which lower the wings. The shortening oi a h and c b will cause Y J" to rise, since the air resists the descent of X and Z. After Alix, A/>/>a}-eil LocoJiwteiir ictionary of Birds. CHAPTER XIII INSTINCT AND REASON If a frog's spinal cord be divided at the neck and a drop of strong acid be placed on his thigh he will bend his leg and rub it off with his foot. The brain can gi\'e him no help, for the connection has been severed. Only some lower nerve centre is called into play, and there is no consciousness. It is such action that we call reflex. If we accidentally touch hot em- bers, then suddenly draw back, the action of drawing back is as reflex as the frog's movement of his leg. So far all is easy. But no one can approach the subject of instinct and reason without feeling that it is an extremely difficult one. An instinctive action is different from a merely reflex one in this, that it originates with the brain, and is probably accom- panied by consciousness, though there is no conscious working towards an object in view. When a hungry- Blackbird sees a worm he at once proceeds to eat it without going through a process of reasoning. But he is probably conscious, all the while, what he is doing. It is, therefore, an instinctive and not a 328 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRTXS chap. reflex action. Next let ii.s look for some examples of rea.soning- power or intelligence in birds. If they learn b)' experience that men in their neighbourhood do not shoot on Sunda)', and if, in consequence, the}' are much less cautious on that da}- than on week- da}'s, the}' are showing intelligence. In the same \va}- Pheasants learn b}- experience to distinguish a rifle from a shot-gun. The former has no terrors for them, and the}^ will feed quietly while the bullets pass over them. I have seen the same complete indifference to the noise of rifle-shooting in the Great Spotted Woodpecker. To learn wisdom b}- individual experience is of the very essence of reason. Without intelligence or reasoning power of a kind, a Redpoll could hardly learn to pull up his bucket of water when he is thirst}'. Probabl}' he does not consciousl}-- connect the means and the end. He is like the man who puts a penn}' in the slot and takes his piece of chocolate without any knowledge of the machinery, the working of which has given him what he wanted. He connects the penn}- and the chocolate, but does not know by what process the one produces the other. There is no doubt that some actions are purcl}- instinctive, but it is comparatively seldom that a " little dose " of reason is absent. Intelligence often modifies instinct. A caterpillar who weaves a small web of silk from which to suspend his chr}'salis will, if he flnds himself in a box with a muslin lid, economise in silk and hang his chrysalis from the muslin. A bird will modif}- the form of his nest to suit chani'ed circumstances, instinct is in fact XIII INSTINCT AND REASON 329 plastic. A particular action may be partly instinctive and partly intelligent. Professor Lloyd Morgan has contributed a good deal to the understanding of the question.^ He took some eggs from under a sitting hen and put them in an incubator, and when the chicks emerged from the eggs, he experimented on them. They pecked at almost everything, no doubt by instinct. But they had to learn to peck straight, and to learn to judge distance, so as to know whether a piece of food was within range of their beaks. Experience taught them that burning cigarette-ends were not good for food. When pieces of dark crimson worsted-wool were first substituted for the worms they had so much enjoyed, they were swallowed greedily, but afterwards they were view^ed with much distrust and generally rejected. All his life long a bird is learning. An old Heron is far more knowing than a young one. The young Curlew has to learn much from his seniors and by experience before he attains to the proper Curlew standard of wariness. On the other hand, the Cuckoo is to a great extent able to dispense with experience and instruction. For it can hardly be supposed that an old bird takes a young bird in hand and teaches her what to do with her egg, or that the young bird goes through a process of learning to find a nest and entrust her egg to a foster-mother. Birds which are hatched from the egg by the sun, must be born with some ready-made knowledge of the world. Even teaching and experience can only awaken powers that are born in the bird. We often find him at the 1 See his article' in the Fortnightly Review for August, 1893, 330 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. end of his tether. In South America there is a Httle bird {Finiian'us cuniailarins) wliich makes its nest in a horizontal burrow in the ground, said to be often nearly six feet long. The.se birds have been known to burrow again and again into a mud wall with a view to nesting there, and were no doubt surprised when they came to daylight on the other side. Yet they had flown over the wall, and had had many opportunities of seeing its small thickness before they set to work.^ In the same way with a stupid persistence one of Mrs. Brightwen's pet starlings continued to search for grubs in ever}' corner of the drawing-room. The intelligence, however, comes oftener to our notice than the stupidity. Song. Daines Barrington took three Linnets, when quite young, from the nest, and put them with different foster-mothers, selecting three with easil)- recognis- able notes — the Skylark, theWoodlark, and Titlark or Meadow Pipit — and each, he maintained, learnt and adhered to the song which it heard in the days of its early youth. The Linnet educated by the Titlark was afterwards put with other Linnets, but it never unlearnt the Titlark song. Daines Barrington was one of the correspondents of Gilbert White, of Selborne, and the.se experiments were made in the latter lialf of the last centur}'. More recent investigators ha\-e not, as a rule, been led to the same conclusion. Mr. ' See Darwin's Jouiiuil of Rcscmrlics (Minerva Library odilion), )). 69. xiii INSTINCT AND REASON 331 A. G. Butler ^ took a Skylark from the nest which " sang its own wild song, but introduced into it the song of the Persian Bulbul." " Chaffinches," he says, " unless absolutely isolated, readily pick up the wild song, but if kept in the same room with Canaries, their song is lengthened (and thus improved), though not altered in character." A Missel Thrush which he reared sang only two notes. A Blackbird sang the first line of " Villikins and his Dinah, and another the first line of a Psalm tune." A Cock Starling " sang a jumble of sounds mixed with the guttural call-note of the Missel Thrush." In fact a bird, if isolated, sings his own song, if any ; as a rule the power that is in him requires awakening. If he hears one of his own species carolling, he is very soon able to imitate it.^ If he hears only other birds, he no doubt learns to imitate them, but the process is a comparatively long one, and often the foreign notes are only an addition to his own proper song, which can still be clearly made out. Many of the tame Thrushes in bird-fanciers' shops ha\'e been taken early from the nest, and they sing the Thrush's song. Sometimes they may have heard no bird sing, in which case their music must be due to pure instinct, or they may have heard the songs of many birds and singled out that of their own species. The Cuckoo is not taught by his sire. If instinct does not teach him, how does he know the one cry amid ^ " The Songs of Birds reared from the Nest " in the Zoologist for 1892, p. 30. ^ Romanes {Meittal Evolntioit in Animals^ p. 227} says, " The singing of tiirds is certainly instinctive." 332 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. all the chorus of the woods that he is to pick out and imitate? Mr. Witchell, who has written much upon the subject, liolds that all birds learn their songs from their parents or from other birds. Ever}' one of them, according" to him, is a mimic, and is constantl)' imitating others. We are thus reduced to hopeless confusion. In an elaborate song we have to pick out the bird's ancestral music from all the superadded variations. This is easy with a caged bird, because we can learn his proper song from his kinsmen in the woods. But if there is no limit to imitation among \\ild birds, chaos must result, and it would be far more difficult to learn the distinctive song of each species than it is. Confronted with the fact that nearly related birds living widel}' separated often have a similar song, Mr. Witchell is able still to cling to his theory. But if birds have to learn their notes by imitation, surel)' the American Ferruginous Thrush would by this time have picked up a different song from our common Thrush ; the Shore Lark of America would not sing like our Skylark, and the American Snipe would have a different cr}- from ours.^ It is a remarkable fact that many birds that are good mimics have little song of their own. This is the case with Parrots, Jays, Jackdaws, Starlings, and Ikill finches. It would seem as if it were an advantage to the mimic to have no old famil}' music for the acquired song to drive out or modify, and this tells strongly against the notion that singing ' .Sec '■ ijircl .Soiif; and its Scientific Teacliing,' by C. A. Witcliell, in tlie /';vr. Collesivold Naturalists' Field Cliib^ vol. x., ])nrl iii., p. 238. XIII INSTINCT AND REASON 333 is taught by each pair to their offspring. But it must be owned that there are exceptions. The White-banded Mocking-bird of Patagonia not only imitates every other bird, but has a glorious song of his own that surpasses all that he mimics. I have already mentioned the remarkable fact that some birds that have little or no song in the wild state have highly developed song-muscles which they can turn to account when subjected to instruction in captivity. The Bullfinch, is perhaps, the most remarkable example of this. His finely equipped organ of voice suggests that Bullfinches were once great songsters, but that they have lost the art of singing. If this is so, the theory that song is instinc- tive is not affected, since it is quite possible that in a musical species individuals might be born who had no impulse to sing ; and if the species did not suffer through this, there is no reason why the song should not have become obsolete, while the organ of voice, being so small as to draw but slightly on the bird's vital energy, might remain. The conclusions, then, that we come to are — (i) That song is instinctive. (2) That in many birds it requires to be awakened : they must hear their parents sing, but they pick up the song so quickly that to speak of their learning it by instruction is absurd. (3) That when a good singer learns another bird's song his own is generally traceable still. The several songs of Daines Barrington's Linnets may have been Linnets' songs with variations, 334 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. A^cst-biiilding. Nest-building is generally held to be entirely the work of instinct. But Dr. Wallace has tried to show that this too is an acquired accomplishment.^ He was at first inclined to believe that the young birds when still in the nest learnt the principles of architecture. This is as if an infant in arms on seeing a steam-engine should at once understand how it is made. Giving up this theory he suggests other possibilities — that, when they first have to build they see another pair at work and so learn, or that a young bird always pairs with an old one. These views will hardly bear examination. If we wish to get at the true explanation, we must realise that instinct is plastic and can be modified by reason. Birds frequently, as Dr. Wallace says, show, when they are building their nests, that they are not mere machines. They adapt themselves to new situations. The Swallow and the House-Martin have availed themselves of barns and houses. The I'alm Swift in Jamaica till 1854 always built in palms. But in Spanish Town when two cocoanut palms were blown down, the\' drove out the Swallows from the Piazza of the House of Assembly and built between the angles formed by the beams and joists. In America the Tailor-bird now uses tliread and worsted for its nest instead of wool and horsehair, and wool and hor.sehair may originally have been substitutes for vege- table fibres and grasses. In Calcutta an unconven- ' Sec Dr. Wallace's Conlribittions to the Theory of Nat tirdl Selection, p. 211. XIII INSTINCT AND REASON 335 tional Crow once made its nest of soda-water bottle wires, which it picked up in a backyard. In districts liable to floods, Moorhens often build in trees. In New Zealand the " Paradise Ducks," which usually build on the ground near rivers, have been known when disturbed to build on the tops of high trees, and to bring down their young on their backs to the water. But all this does not show that birds have not an instinctive knowledge how to build. It only shows that their instinct can be modified by reason and experience. Many nests are works of very great skill. In Eng- land we have the Long-tailed Tit's nest, wonderful for its neatness and its beauty. Some of the commonest nests, such as the Chaffinch's, are works of art. The Magpie's, if not beautiful, is a formidable fortress. Among foreign birds there are marvellous builders, such as the Tailor, Weaver, and Oven birds. For fine architecture the feet must have a power of grasp. No web-footed bird builds a really clever nest. But a long fine beak is not, as Dr. Wallace maintains, necessary. Of the four commonest Tits, the Long- tailed is by far the best builder, and his beak is remarkably short, much shorter than that of the other three. The Chaffinch, too, has a short bill and makes a good nest. Some birds — e.g.^ Ducks — have beaks that could never turn out very good work ; but, speaking generally, skill is more important than a beak of a particular" form. And to say that a bird learns how to build a nest from the casual sight of another pair at work is almost as much as to say that she already knov/s how to do it. The power must 336 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF I'.IRDS chap. be inborn, only requiring to be awakened, or, as Professor Morgan says, requiriiig " only the touch of the trigger to fire off the complicated train of activities, the ability to perform which is innate." The Razor- bill affords a good illustration ; he is a born diver, and \'et cries plaintively when his mother coaxes him to take the first plunge. The principle will become clear if we imagine an attempt to teach a bird to build anything but its own particular nest, to imitate the Bower Bird, for instance, and construct an elaborate arbour, or an attempt to teach the Chaffinch to build a domed nest like the Long-tailed Tit's, or a House- Sparrow or a Wood-pigeon to build a neat nest of any kind. If it were ever successful it would at any rate require much time, whereas just a hint, if even that is required, is enough to set a bird off building as its parents have built before it. Any one who has taught boys must have noticed what is not very dissimilar. A boy — some vara avis — will perhaps master Euclid as if geometry w.ere born in him. In classics much teaching, and much work on his part may produce very little result. In short, all faculties are innate, and, supposing them to exist, the only question is, whether it requires any teaching or practice, and if so, how much, to awaken them. Birds have, compared with man, very few and very limited powers, and they differ from us, besides, in this, that it requires comparatively very little stimulus to bring their faculties into full working order. A few suggestions from an oUler bird on a particular subject, and a )'(junger one at once advances the greater part of the way towards tlie furthest pfjint to which his xiii INSTINCT AND REASON 337 tether will allow him to go. But within his narrow limits he still continues to gain by experience. It is generally said that one bird builds a nest just as another of the same species does, hence intelligence cannot come into play at all. It is probable, though, that there are differences which escape our notice ; at an}' rate, as I have shown, individuals are capable of adapting themselves to new circumstances, and some authorities hold that a bird's first nest is decidedly inferior to her later ones. We conclude, then, that nest building is instinctive but that intelligence to some extent works up- on and modifies the instinct. It is no argument against this that birds in captivity often build a very poor nest or are incapable of building one at all. Among domesticated animals instincts arc apt to go wrong. There is a breed of hens that never sit upon their eggs. Among the lowest class in our big towns unnatural conditions of life not unfrequently lead to the decay of an instinct on which the continuance of the race depends, the affection of mother for child, an instinct which is never deficient in savage races. The Cuckoo Instinct. The habits of the Cuckoo are so marvellous that if we were to come fresh to the subject, we should be lost in astonishment at them. But, as Lucretius says, even the sun ceases in time to be an object of wonder. The Cuckoo lays many eggs, and we can hardly be wrong in seeing a connection between this fact and the parasitic habit. They are laid, some ornithologists Z 33^ T?IE STRITCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. believe, at intervals of several days, so that if she were herself to undertake the incubation, she would have to leave one for some time unsat upon, or else ha\'c eggs and young in the nest together at the same time. A German naturalist, Karl Eimer, gives a rather different account ; the Cuckoo laj-s two eggs in a clutch ; that is, if she made a nest herself, she would la}- onl}- two eggs in it. And as she gencrall}- migrates before August, she would not, if she herself nested, get many young ones reared in the course of the summer. In favour of the former view it may be urged that the American Cuckoo, who almost alwaj's builds a nest for herself, does have }'oung birds and eggs in process of hatching in the nest at the same time. In any case we must look to the bird's great laying powers for the explanation of the cuckoo instinct. The egg of the Cuckoo is wonderfully small considering the size of the bird. It is less than an inch long, and f inch broad. A Hedge Sparrow's egg is about 4 inch long and a little more than h inch broad. Thus there is no very great difference in bulk. But the Cuckoo is 12 inches long and the Hedge Sparrow only 5A, a monstrous disparity even when we allow for the length of the Cuckoo's tail. The dimin- utive size of the interloper's egg no doubt deceives the loster mother, and is necessary if it is to hatch as early as those of the rightful owner. Moreover, if it were not so small, how would the bird after laying it be able to take it in her beak and deposit it in the nest where it is to be left .'' The egg sometimes varies, approaching in colour those in the particular nest chosen, sn that it is bluish when laid in a Hedge XIII INSTINCT AND REASON 339 Sparrow's nest. Many suggestions have been made to account for this fact, the best, perhaps, being that there are varieties of Cuckoo, each of which has its favourite nest for la3'ing in. When hatched, the young Cuckoo has not a vestige of down, and is perfectly bhnd. His back from the shoulder blades downward is very broad, and has a depression across the middle which fills up after the twelfth day of life. This remarkable form of back is very useful to the still blind young bird. Using it as a shovel, he ousts the other fledglings or an unhatched egg from the nest sometimes before he has completed his second day, when his victims may be picked up round the ne.st. When once you have seen this blind young demon with his shovel-like back to help him in his murderous career, you can never forget him. The foster-mother devotes all her energy to the murderer of her young. Only one egg (rarely two) is laid in each nest, so that the young bird may get plenty of food. The instinct of the Cuckoo and all the accompany- ing modifications have been brought to perfection — the diminutive size of the egg, only one egg (or at most two) in each nest, and laid, moreover, before incubation has begun, the occasional approximation of the egg in point of colour to that of the foster-mother chosen, the hollow back, and the self-asserting disposition of the young bird. It is only in the system of migration that we find imperfection. The old birds, most of them, leave by August ; the young ones sometimes remain as late as October, and have to find their waj- to Africa, even to South Africa, alone. The cuckoo or parasitic habit is not limited to one z 2 340 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS ciiAi'. order of birds ; it is found in \'arious stages of de\'eli^p- mcnt in the different speciesof the American Molothrus, a bird allied to our Starlins^s. One South American species {HI . I^oiinriensis) al\va\'s lay their eg<;s in other birds' nests, and never sit upon them themselves, but the number of eggs laid in one nest is ?o great that it is impossible all can be hatched. They sometimes la\' in old forsaken nests, or in a nest of the }'car where in- cubation has already begun, or before the building is finished, so that their eggs arc covered by the thick lining and never hatch. Man}- are dropped upon the ground. The parents, too, will often peck holes in numbers of their own eggs. Sometimes several together .set to work to build a nest for themselves, but it is clumsily constructed, and, as far as is known, is never made use of. Another species {MolotJtrus riifoaxillaris) is also parasitic and apparently not so foolish as the last mentioned, though not so accom- plished a parasite as the Cuckoo. Another South American species {JMolothrns badius) is probabl}- ne\'er parasitic. But they sometimes go to the length of seizing another bird's nest and building their own upon the top of it. All these interesting facts wc owe to Mr. Hudson, who has carefullj^ observed the two South American birds that have the cuckoo habit. In North America there is a Molothrus which never la)'s more than one c^g^ in one nest. In this genus, then, we see the instinct in its various stages of de\-clopmcnt. JMolotJirus badius is a pirate and not a parasite. M. botiariciisis is foolishly prodi- gal of its eggs. M. riifoaxilbyris shows a greater Xlli INSTINCT AND REASON 341 spirit of economy. The North American species lays only one egg in one nest. Our Cuck(jo in the perfec- tion of the adaptation of its structure and habits seems to surpass them all. Piracy. The White-headed Eagle watches the Osprey, and, when the latter has secured a fish, pursues and threatens him till he drops his prey, which, making a swoop downward, he catches as it falls. The Robber Tern lives wholly by the plunder of other birds. The British Avifauna boasts four pirates, two that breed here, besides two that visit us. All these are Skua Gulls, and by far the commonest is the Arctic or Richardson's Skua, intermediate in size between a Kittiwake and a Herring Gull. The Great Skua, which breeds in two islands of the Shetland group and nowhere else in the British Isles, is a much larger bird. When a Gull or a Tern has secured a fish, the Arctic Skua will pursue him with a velocity that makes escape impossible. When he has overtaken the fugitive, he flies over and under him with a menacing air. It is evident that he will brook no refusal, and his victim drops the fish or allows it to be taken from his beak, sometimes crying plaintively the while. Whether the Skua ever finds it necessary to resort to actual violence, I do not know. As far as I have been able to see, threats arc sufficient, but the whole scene passes with such rapidity that it is difficult to make out the details of the action. It is certainly probable that he uses his beak with effect, since he is known to 54^ THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. prey on wounded birds. He will condescend, too, to pick up worms and molluscs, but I do not know that he ever catches fish for himself. The Great Skua I have never seen upon the warpath. Besides robbing Gulls of their fish, he is known to attack and eat Kittiwakes and even Gulls of larger size. When it is migrating southward, the Arctic Skua ma}^ often be seen upon our coasts. But it is worth while going to Shetland to see both kinds in their breeding haunts. A great part of the day is devoted to gyrations in the air, the smaller bird often accom- panying its movements with its peculiarly rasping twangy note, the greater one croaking less harshly. The Great Skua is a bird of majestic flight, ascending high, when there is an upward wind off the cliffs, in easy spirals without a motion of the wings. Though both birds have a grim look and though they live by plundering the weak, a gull who has not just caught a fish shows no fear, at any rate of the Arctic Skua. There is no panic when he appears, as there is among small birds in the presence of a Hawk. Nesting Habits of the Rhea. The nesting habits of this bird arc so remarkable that it is difficult to pass them over. The hen lays a great number of eggs, so that if she were to leave tiK.'in till slic herself could sit u[)on them, many would bec(jnie addled. Several, therefore, lay in one nest, and wlicn a good many have accumulated, a cock bird comes and undertakx-s the incubation, and not only that, Ijut cares for the young when they are hatched. XIII INSTINCT AND REASON 343 But the system has not been brought to perfection, for a number of eggs are dropped anywhere about the country. It is believed that Ostriches, too, make a nest that is common to several hen birds.^ Certainly the cock bird sits on the eggs and tends the young, and this is also true of the Emeu and the Cassowary. The New Zealand Apteryx, however, lays only one egg and sits upon it herself'^ The Death-feigning Instinct. The death-feigning or wound-feigning instinct is very well developed in some birds. The Canadian Ruffed Grouse rises with a loud whirr, then tumbles in front of the pursuing dog, who never thinks of the young and goes after the mother whom he imagines wounded. If the Willow Ptarmigan be approached she crouches to the ground among her brood, and if she sees that she cannot escape notice, she rolls and tumbles along as though mortally injured.^ The Spotted Tinnamou, or common Partridge of the Pampas, when captured, after a few violent struggles to escape, drops his head, gasps two or three times, and to all appearance dies.'^ The Corncrake is very good at the art. He has sometimes been put in a sports- man's pocket, apparently quite dead, and when his ^ See 'D-Axw'vci's Journal of Researches^ chap. v. '^ See a paper by Mr. P. L. Sclater, F.R.S., in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society., June 9th, 1863. ■^ See an article by Mr. John Worth in the Nineteenth Century.^ April 1893. ^ See Hudson's, Naturalist in La Plata., p. 204. 344 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAP. chance has come, has run away and escaped.^ Mr. Hudson in his Birds in a Village tells of a Reed Bunting, which, in alarm for the safety of its young in the nest, flew out on his approach, " but only to drop to the ground, to beat the turf with its wings, then to lie gasping for breath, then to flutter on a little further, until at last it rose up and flew to a bush." A good naturalist has just been describing to me very similar behaviour on the part of a Whitethroat. The Opossum and the Fox excel in the art of "shamming dead." Among beetles and spiders the instinct is more com- monly found than among mammals or birds. We must not put this behaviour down entirely to good acting. The animal is actually afraid, often even paralysed by fear. In time it recovers itself, and seizes any opportunity of escape that offers. But the natural stunning effects of fear have been turned to account, and the temporary paralysis caused originally by a violent shock to the nerves has by long ages of natural selection been developed and improved so that now we may look upon it as due to a valuable pro- tective instinct, though helped in most, if not in all, cases, by actual alarm. It is very remarkable that this instinct should be found in creatures so remotely connected as Spiders, Beetles, Birds, and Mammals, and among birds in species belonging to widely separated families, e.g. in the Reed Bunting and the Canadian Ruffed Grouse. ^ Sec Romanes' Menial Evolution in Anbnab., p. 305. XIII INSTINCT AND REASON 345 Origin of Instincts. It is natural to think of instincts as habits that have been handed down from generation to generation till at last they have become petrified. It is impos- sible, in spite of the dearth of direct evidence, to deny that acquired habits may be transmitted, but it is not difficult to show that instincts sometimes have a quite different origin. In a beehive it is the worker bees alone that make the hexagonal cells, shaping them with almost mathematical exactness, and fitting them together in a way that involves the least possible expenditure of wax. These workers are undeveloped females and leave no descendants, the eggs from which the young bees are born being all laid by the queen bee, whose sole duty is to lay eggs and who never helps in the work of cell-building. Any habit, then, that is formed by the workers cannot possibly be handed down to the next generation. We must, therefore, look elsewhere for the origin of the instincts of the hive bee. The explanation which Darwin gave was the very simple one that communities of bees which had these three classes, the drones or males, the queens, and the neuter females or workers, throve greatly and multiplied rapidly, whereas in hives in which all the females were both egg-layers and workers, the population gradually dwindled, so that at last the race became extinct. This idea might seem far-fetched had not gardeners produced a similar result with stocks. These flowers are generally double and produce no seed, but among them there is 346 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CH. xiii occasionally a single-flowered plant. The seed from this produces plants, most of which bear double, but a few of them single flowers. The barren double' flowers correspond to the neuter bees or workers, the single ones to the queen. Some of the Literature of the Subject. The chapter on " Instinct"' in Darwin's Origin of Species. Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals and Animal Intcl- ligejice. Wallaces Contributiotis to the Theory of Natural Selection. Sclater and Hudson's Argentine Ornithology (on " Parasitic Birds.") Various books and papers to which references have been given in the course of this chapter ; see footnotes. CHAPTER XIV MIGRATION For ages past the mysterious going and coming of birds has excited the notice and wonder of mankind. The familiar proverb " One Swallow does not make a summer" is quoted by Aristotle. The noisy march of the Trojans is compared by Homer to the clamorous flight of a flock of Cranes migrating southward. " The Trojans marched with clamour and with shouting like unto birds, even as when there goeth up before heaven a clamour of cranes which flee from the coming of winter and sudden rain, and fly with clamour towards the streams of ocean." ^ In a book of still more ancient date, the Book of Job, we read of the southward flight of the Hawk.- Till comparatively recent times, however, men were content to let the mystery remain a mystery. Gilbert White of Sel- borne puzzled and puzzled over the problem of migration. He knew that most of the Swallows flew far southward for the winter, but he could not entirely ^ Iliad., iii. 1. 2, Lang, Leaf, and Myers' translation - Chap, xxxix. 26. 34S THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. rid himself of the then popular notion, that they hibernated in holes, or mud or water. Even now some people are credulous enough to hold this belief, though the fresh evidence adduced diminishes to the vanishing" point when subjected to investigation, and the evi- dence from past times is valueless, since it is as strong for the hibernation of Swallows in water, which is clearly impossible, as it is for their hiberna- tion in holes. But Gilbert White's book should be studied as the work of a man who took care to see with his own eyes what he chronicled, instead of repeating the myths that are handed down from writer to writer. And his remarks on migration are a first- rate landmark that shows how our knowledge of the subject has advanced. Even now, however, there is an atmosphere of mystery about it, which can only be dissipated, if it ever is, by the co-operation of hosts of patient investigators. When the necessary facts have been thus accumulated, keen penetration will be necessary in dealing with them if the meaning is to be discerned. The progress already made is, indeed, very great. Modern facilities of travel have helped forward our knowledge. The nesting places of all the British migrants except one, the Curlew Sandpiper, have been found, thanks chiefly to the energy of English ornithologists. Our summer visitors have been seen and recognised in their South African winter resorts by English travellers. ]kit when we think of bird nn'gration, the mind more naturally turns to Heligoland than to any other one spot upon the globe. There, in his tiny rock' island, hardly over a hundred acres in extent, Ilcrr Giitke has been busy for XIV MIGRATION 349 fifty years watching the mighty stream of migrants that passes to and fro. All the Heligolanders have helped him, bringing every specimen they could obtain that was rare enough to be worth looking at. And every one in the island turns out for the battue, with a far too slaughterous zeal, when the flocks of migrants descend upon it. Sometimes such clouds of birds appear that they cover every square foot of ground upon the island. The most striking of the recorded flights took place in October 1882, when for three successive nights there were thick masses of migrating Goldcrests, beating thick as snowflakes against the lighthouse. But these represented only a small frac. tion of their numbers, for the front of the advancing host extended from the Shetlands to Guernsey, and probably even further south. Living thus on his islet, the ways of migrants as familiar to him as the beat of the waves, Herr Gatke has been able to give a life and interest to his book that no writer on the subject who has gained his knowledge only by reading, or who has caught only occasional glimpses of the great movement, can possibly rival. And though he has seen so much, he has never failed to realise the fact that what he has seen is much less than what has passed beyond his ken, or been only dimly descried, that the birds which have flown over Heligoland, often far too high for the reach of the human eye, are far more numerous than those which stress of weather, or whatever circumstance, has led to settle on the island. Unfortunately Herr Gatke's work has not been trans- lated into English, but it should be read by every lover of birds who is tolerably familiar with German, 350 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS riiAP. The occasional occurrence of a rather wild theorj- does not much detract from the merit of the book. In 1880 the British Association appointed a com- mittee to investigate the migration of birds, and with the help of the keepers of lighthouses, against which the migrants often dash themselves, the committee have accumulated a vast body of facts, some of which have already been published. But the work of analysing the facts has not yet been completed. When it is, our knowledge of the subject will, probably, be much advanced. Even then it must be very defec- tive, if only for this reason, that nearly all the observations are made in the northern hemisphere. Observers are wanted in North and South Africa, and owing to the absence, or the great paucity, of them, it is probable that there will long be a great blank in our knowledge of migration. Ordinary people, who have no special opportunities, who do not live in Heligoland, or Malta, or the Ber- mudas, or keep a lighthouse, and who cannot travel to particularly favoured spots, can yet see a good deal of migrant birds. They can watch for the coming of the Swallow, the Nightingale, the Cuckoo, the Chiffchaff, and a host of others in spring. When the woods have long been almost silent save for the song of the Thrush and the Robin, there comes a chorus of voices resounding on all sides and most of the singers are migratory birds. It is difficult to see their coming, for it is usually at night. You get up in the morning and you find the Swallow comfortably catching the flies of his northern home and the l^lackcap pro- claiming his arrival in his favourite covert. In autumn XIV MIGRATION 351 the Swallows will collect together and suddenly vanish, leaving behind them one or two of their number, who may or may not find their way to the far south where their winter should be passed. Even the caged bird, if a migrant, catches the fever and frets impatiently in his prison. It is said that a Brent Goose confined in a yard and longing for his arctic haunts, has been known in spring to migrate from the southern to the northern side of his narrow confines. Winter brings with it the Snipe, the Woodcock, the Fieldfare, Redwing, and many others that come from the north to spend the cold season in our comparatively genial clime. All this is evidence, if we only think of it, of the most marvellous facts. That a Chiffchafif, whose daily occupation for months has been to pick grubs from the trees, and who has never left his favourite wood, should suddenly, some evening, be seized with an uncontrollable impulse to start for North Africa, is surely matter for wonder. Still more astounding is it that the young birds, with defective strength and no experience, should start on the great pilgrimage alone instead of waiting for the old birds to guide them. And in spring, too, when you see the first swallow, it is a startling thought that the small bird whom you see practising his short swallow-flights, per- haps only some ten days before, started on his north- ward voyage from Natal. It is one and the same migration of which we catch a glimpse when we see these visitors to our shores, whether it be summer or winter. All alike travel northward in spring and southward in autumn. But the British Isles form part of the northern region 353 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. for some species, of the southern region for others. There is also an east and west migration of which I shall speak soon. It is vain to search the animal kingdom for other migrations on so great a scale as those of birds. The movements of fish afford the nearest parallel, for the)- occur annually at regular seasons and are connected with reproduction. At a certain season every )'ear the salmon betakes him to his river, and the herring and the mackerel move towards the coast. These, though far less wonderful than the regularly recurring movements of birds, are true migrations. But when the monkeys in the Himalayas ascend to a height of 10,000 feet or more in summer, or when the lemmings in Norway, at long and irregular intervals, sweep like a great flood towards the sea, they do not, in the strict sense, migrate. The Distances Covered. The Sanderling nests in Iceland or on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, and in winter it has been seen as far south as Cape Colony. The nestlings of the Knot have been found in Grinnell Land in lat. 82° 33' N, and the bird is known to winter as far south as Australia and New Zealand. The Turnstone is a great traveller, nesting in Greenland or the coasts of Scandinavia, and wintering in Australia, New Zealand, South America, or Africa. The distances travelled amount sf)metimes to over 7,000 miles. ^ The dim- inutive si/c of a bird is no evidence at all that he is ' Mr. .Sccljolun puis llic Icnj^csl at 10,000 miles. XIV MIGRATION 353 incapable of flying great distances. Indeed there is little, if any, foundation for the old idea that the big birds carried the small, though it is imaginable that a tired Goldcrest might alight upon a Goose's back as he does upon a ship. The Sanderling, a frequenter of our sandy shores in autumn, is only eight inches in length. The Knot, a common bird on the estuaries and mud- flats of our east coast, measures ten inches. The Turnstone, which may be seen feeding among the seaweed in May, on its way north, and in August or September on its way south, is only a little larger than the Sanderling. The Nightingale is not so great a traveller, but he is known to go as far south as Abyssinia. The Blackcap often nests as far north as lat. 66° in Scandinavia, and winters down in Abyssinia or Gambia. In the great north and south migration it will be seen that some birds merely rest upon our shores as they pass from one of their residences to the other. The Little Stint, besides the three just mentioned, the Sanderling, the Knot, and the Turnstone, is one of those which use the British Isles merely as a hostelry. The Whimbrel, often known as the Maybird, because of its punctual appearance in that month, might almost be put in the same class. But though its travels are never ended till it has passed Great Britain and Ireland, its nest may sometimes be found in the Orkneys or Shetlands. A A 354 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. T]ie East and West Migration. There is not only a migration from north to south, but from the far east of Asia to the west of Europe. Richard's Pipit, a bird which occasionally reaches England, nests on the steppes of Eastern Turkestan and east of Lake Baikal. In winter considerable numbers are found in the south of France and in Spain. The Little Bunting's summer quarters are in Russia and never further west than Lake Onega, whence its range extends eastward to the Pacific coast. In the south-east of France it occurs almost every autumn. Five years ago more than thirty specimens had been obtained in Heligoland. The Royston Crows, that breed in the far east of Siberia, migrate westward in winter. Many come to the east coast of England, but, before they have crossed our island, turn southward and, probably, make for France. Migrants from the east on reach- ing the west coast of France or Spain turn southwards and steer for Africa. There is no corresponding migration from west to cast ; no birds from western Europe go to Russia or China for the winter. In the cold season they seek a more genial clime, and a bird in Siberia can find this equally by flying west or south. TJic Return Route. The route for the journey home is not always the same as for the journey out. According to Herr G.'itke, those that in autumn travel from the east XIV MIGRATION 355 westwards, touching often at Heligoland, and after- wards bend their course to the south, in spring, having a more definite object before them, take the shortest route home to their nesting-place, so that they do not pass Heligoland. In the autumn journey they travel along two sides of a triangle, first to the west, then to the south ; in the spring they steer north-east, direct to their homes. But this change of route seems to be a more common and better established phenomenon in the New World than in the Old. To take one instance, the American Golden Plovers in spring fly northward through the States ; in autumn a great host fly southward over sea, past the Bermudas, while a weaker band, most of them young birds in immature plumage, journey overland by the route by which they or their parents came. On August 31st, in the island of St. Croix, Professor Newton found that all the Golden Plover had some traces of breed- ing plumage, a sure sign that the young birds had gone homeward by a different road. In this case, the autumn journey from Nova Scotia or further north to South America seems to be the more rapid. This is certainly exceptional, and I do not know that any satisfactory explanation has been suggested. It may be that in spring it is easier to find food upon the mainland, in autumn upon the West India islands, where they pause to rest after their long flight over sea. Return to the Same Spot. Every one who has been a birds'-nestcr knows how year after year a'particular nest appears in a particular A A 2 356 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. spot. Gilbert White wondered at the annual return of the same number of Swifts each year (exactly eight pairs) to Selborne. And now it has been put be}'ond a doubt that many migrants return to their old nesting-place. When a Nightingale in Abyssinia is seized with the migratory impulse, his heart is filled, not with a vague yearning for the north, but with a yearning for one familiar spot. TJie Time Occupied in Migration. The flight in spring is generally, as I have said, more rapid than in autumn. In spring the birds have a definite purpose before them. They wish to set about their nest building, and they grudge every hour of delay. In autumn they pause and loiter in Central and even in Northern Germany, It is difficult to estimate the exact time occupied by the spring flighty but some evidence is obtainable. That particular form of Bluethroat that has a red spot in the centre of the blue, winters in Egypt, often in the regions of the Upper Nile. It occurs frequently in Heligoland, whereas in Germany only the form that has a white spot is found. Since, then, according to the evidence, Heligoland is the first place at which it stops as it travels to its breeding stations in Northern Scandi- navia and Russia, it would seem that it covers the whole distance from Egypt to Heligoland — over 1,500 miles — in a single flight. This is very difficult to believe, and to follow Ilcrr Gatke when he maintains that the flight is accomplished in a single night is still more difficult. As evidence, he mentions the interesting XIV MIGRATION ^i,'^ fact that the Bluethroat ahvays arrives at dawn and not during the dark at the Hghthouses. But though this may show that its flight has been a long one, it tells us nothing definite about the time and place of starting. The non-occurrence of this particular Bluethroat in Germany may be due to defective observation. Professor Newton gives an instance of a bird making a flight of extraordinary length. A kind of Cuckoo {Endynainis Taitensis) that is found almost throughout Polynesia, every year makes a voyage to New Zealand to breed. A glance at the map will show that it must pass great tracts of sea. . Still there are small islets, such as Norfolk Island and the Lord Howe Islands, which it may possibly use as resting places. Occasionally representatives of American species are found in Europe and undoubtedly they have crossed the Atlantic, which has a breadth of over 2,000 miles at its narrowest point. They cannot have crossed the Behring Strait and flown over Asia to Europe, since they are hardly ever found in Germany. But they may have either rested on a ship on their way, or been borne along involuntarily by violent gales. Such performances cannot well be ranked with long flights voluntarily and habitually undertaken. Setting such exceptional phenomena aside, perhaps the longest known flight is one which I have already mentioned. The Ameri- can Golden Plovers breed in Arctic regions, from Alaska to Greenland, above the limits of forest growth, and when autumn comes they pass through Nova Scotia, strike boldly out to sea, and, generally leaving the B.ermudas well to the west, sail on over 35S THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. the ocean till they reach the West Indies. Even then, it is said, they will sometimes pass the first islands they reach and press on to more distant ones. From Nova Scotia to Hayti, the nearest West India Island available, is over 1,700 miles. Either, then, they fly at an almost incredible pace, or else they remain upon the wing an almost incredible time. But though it is easy to say that such a feat is incredible, it is very difficult to get over the evidence. One witness after another declares that he has seen flocks of them flying southward, several hundreds of miles to the east of the Bermudas, on which islands they alight only if the weather is unfavourable.^ The Beant-iuiiid Theory. Several very good observers, among them Herr Gatke himself, are of opinion that migratory birds dislike flying with a tail wind, i.e. with the wind directly behind them, and that what they prefer is a beam wind, i.e. a wind striking them upon the shoulder. A comical explanation of this supposed fact used to be given — that a wind from behind ruffled up the bird's feathers. But as he is moving with the wind, and necessarily at a greater pace, since in addition to that of the wind he has the velocity due to his own efforts, this explanation will not hold. Besides this, keepers of Homer Pigeons seem all to agree that their birds make much better times when ^ See The Naturalist in Bermuda., by H. M. Jones, p. 72; and North American Birds, hy Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, vol. i. p. 140. XIV MIGRATION 359 they fly with a tail wind. And a saving of time is a saving of effort. The best evidence in favour of the beam-wind theory is of the kind given by Herr Gatke, who says that he has seen birds heading, not towards their destination, but in a different direction.^ But how is it possible to know exactly for what point they wish to steer ? And how can we penetrate to their motives .'' Birds have been seen zigzagging as they flew down an estuary, and this, it is said, had for its object the avoidance of a tail wind. Before such evidence can be accepted, we want careful observations as to the direction of the wind, and then we must consider whether there is not some other perfectly simple explanation of their zigzag course. As a rule it seems that weather does not greatly affect migration. A great storm will, no doubt, sometimes prevent the progress of birds altogether. But the Puffin arrives here punctual almost to the day, and many other birds vary but little in the time of their coming, so that it is clear that they do not wait for some particular wind. Wings shaped for Long Flight— From far South to far North. Migrants whose two homes are widely separated have wings long and pointed as the necessary equipment for their arduous flights. Mr. Seebohm has taken our Great Reedwarbler and other birds of the same genus and shown how the form of the wing varies with the extent of the migration.^ 1 Die Vogelwarte Helgoland^ p. 27. ^ Siberia in Eio-ope., p. 245. 36o THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. Acrocephalus turdoides, our Great Rcedwarbler, is found in summer as far north as the south of Sweden. Its winter mi- gration takes it to the Transvaal and even further south. A. oricn talis differs little except in having a slightly less pointed wing. It migrates from Japan to Borneo. A. stent onus. Wing much more rounded. It migrates only from Turkestan to India. A. syrinx has the i^oundest wing of all. It does not migrate, but is resident in the Island of Ponapc. It is highly probable that among individuals of the same species similar differences exist, that those which travel furthest on migration are better fitted by the shape of their wings for long voyages than those which have a less extended range. This has actually been observed, it is said, in the case of the Wheatear and the Willow Wren. It is very natural that such variation should be found if there is truth in the theory that among the birds of a particular species those that winter furthest south pass the summer furthest north. Mr. Seebohm gives strong evidence of this. The Swallows at Natal start for the north the last week of March, only those that were hatched the previous spring setting out later, in the first half of April. But the swallow returns to southern Europe by the end of January, and in Spain Mr. Howard Saunders found many broods hatched by April 1 6th. It .seems clear, then, that the Natal Swallows do not stop till they have made their way further north, and that our own, which arrive in the first half of April, when those which stop in Spain are well on with their nesting, have come from the far south. A priori, too, it is probable that birds which spend their summer in the cool northern climes XIV MIGRATION 361 would avoid the great heat of equatorial regions and seek further south a milder chmate more similar to that to which they have become accustomed. But though this seems likely, and though in the case of some species definite evidence has been obtained, it is unsafe to represent it as universally true. The Height at zvJiich Migrants Fly. — Their Cries. There is no doubt that birds usually mount to a great height when about to start on a long voyage. Homer Pigeons, when liberated, circle upward, in order, apparently, to survey the country and take their bearings. But exact information as to the altitude reached is very difficult to obtain, since it is impossible to take trigonometrical observations of a passing object. The best evidence available has been procured through the ingenuity of some American ob- servers. They have watched birds through telescopes focussed upon the moon and have calculated the height at which they were flying. One of these observers, Mr. F. M. Chapman, proceeded on the assumption that the least distance at which a bird could be seen was one mile (nearer than which it would not be in focus), and the greatest, five miles. The apparent altitude of the moon was calculated at ten minute intervals, in order to discover the angle formed by the telescope with the horizon. When these two facts had been ascertained — (i) the distance, within certain limits, of the bird from* the observatory, (2) the angle at which the tele- scope inclined upwards— it was easy to calculate 362 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. the altitude at which the bird was flying. Eleven birds were seen shortly before eleven o'clock and for these the lower limit was 3,000 feet above the' earth's surface, and the higher 15,100 — i.e. only just short of three miles. If they were one mile distant, they were flying at the lower altitude mentioned, if five miles, at the higher. It is probable that some of them were near the higher limit, since they passed far more slowly across the field of the telescope than others. So clear a view was obtained that Mr. Chapman confidently affirms that he recognised a Carolina Rail and a Snipe by their flight.^ Herr Gatke strenuously maintains that birds fly to enormous heights. He quotes Humboldt who,- when himself 15,578 feet above the sea level, saw a Condor so high overhead that it looked like a small speck. Migratory birds often pass at so great a height that they altogether escape notice. When a Crane with a wing expanse of seven to eight feet rises so high that a good eye can hardly see it, the elevation attained must be, he calculates, not less than 15,000 to 20,000 feet, and though such unassisted observations cannot claim to be exact, yet they help us to the rough conclusion that the altitudes reached are very great. Nearly all migrants are high flyers, coming down only when compelled by the weather. Crows, Star- lings, and Larks are exceptions and habitually fly low, only a few hundred feet above the sea. It is usually on dark misty nights that the cries of migratory birds arc heard. It is then that they ' Sec The Auk, 1888, p. 38; the NuUall Ornithological Bulletin., vi., p. 97 ; and NewUMi's Dictionary of l>ii-ds, p. 563. XIV MIGRATION 363 are most necessary, in order to keep the troop together, or, possibly, in clear weather the flight may be at too high a level for us to hear them. Around lighthouses, sometimes over inland towns, there is a perfect babel of sounds, among which a practised ornithologist can generally distinguish the notes of particular species. Superstition sometimes finds in the cry of the Wild Goose an omen of death. Order of Departure. In autumn the young birds, of many species at any rate, start first ; then after an interval, sometimes extending to a month or two, follow the old birds, and after them some irregular flights, probably consisting mainl}^ of cripples and ^.young birds hatched late. Swallows often pass Heligoland in November, and in England stray specimens may be seen as late as that. About the same time as the great flights of )'Oung birds, often a little before them, there come to Heligoland a few old ones, still generally in their wedding plumage, which looks a trifle worn. These old birds, it is believed, are those who have not found mates and who, having no family ties to detain them, hurry to their winter homes. Every autumn there arrive there some Golden Plover (representatives of the bachelor birds just mentioned) still wearing the black breast plumage that is donned in spring ; then, more than a month after, come flocks of young birds. The same order of departure is observed among Starlings. The young birds begin to arrive in Heligoland in the latter half of June, the old birds 364 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. not appearing till the latter half of September. A few unmated old birds precede the young ones by two or three weeks. It is strange that the young and inex- perienced should start, apparently, so much sooner than is necessary. Possibly, however, they have it strongly hinted to them by their elders that their room is wanted, since the supply of food is limited and the young second broods are voracious. There is a very remarkable exception to the general order of departure. The old Cuckoos are in the same position as the unmated birds of other species. They have no responsibilities to keep them in the north, and they go^ leaving their young to find their way south as best they can. These curious phenomena show how intimately migration is connected with nesting. Many birds who have paired stay late in order to bring up their young. Yet every year it happens that some Swallows and Housemartins start for the south, leaving their young to die in the nest. This seems unnatural ; still, parental affection keeps them in England longer than the\' would remain but for that. We may imagine a struggle within them between the love for their young and the migratory impulse, and the latter at last becomes overpowering and swamps the former. The unmated cock birds, in whom no such struggle between opposing motives goes on, have started long before. Many who have no young brood to tend are delayed by their moulting. It is possible that the unpaired migrants, like unpaired pigeons, have their moult delayed, and that their early departure southward takes place before it begins. This question XIV MIGRATION 365 affects only one migration, either that of spring or autumn, since the large quills are shed only once in the year. The Swallow having his one moult in early spring is detained in England by family cares only. The Swift leaves us much earlier, and as he rears only one brood, and as his main moult takes place in spring he is free to go. The old Cuckoos go, as a rule, before August ; like the Swift they moult chiefly in spring, and their young are in the charge of others. The majority of our migrants shed their wing feathers in autumn, and, if it were not for that, would, probably, start southwards earlier. In spring the order of departure is reversed. First come the old cock birds, the finest of all it is said leading the van ; then old hen birds ; then old hen birds and young birds mixed ; then young birds alone ; and, lastly, cripples in every stage of dilapidation. In some cases it may be that two sets start together, but that the stronger birds outstrip the weaker and hence the different dates of arrival for the different sexes and ages. But Mr. Seebohm speaks of the young Swallows at Natal being later with their moult- ing than the old birds, and this necessitates a later start. Besides, if it were a race for which all started level, probably some of the hen birds would arrive with the first detachment, and this does not seem to happen. Partial Migrants. This name has been given to species some indi- viduals of which migrate, while others remain resident throughout the. year. In England the old Robins 366 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. drive awa}- the young ones, in order, it is believed, to avert the evils of over-population. If hard weather, comes, the old birds also move southwards, till only those that are fed by their human friends remain. On the Continent almost all migrate, travelling as far south as the Sahara or as far east as Turkestan. Thus species which are resident in one country may be migratory in another. In this respect England with its mild winters is most fortunate, for the proportion of residents is with us much greater than it is in other countries where the cold is sharper. According to Dr. Wallace, in Massachusetts less than one-third of the birds are resident, in England more than two- thirds. Among our partial migrants is the Thrush. Every autumn our native Thrushes are joined by large numbers from the north, which soon however pass on further south and take many of the British- born birds with them, leaving the species almost un- represented in some parts of the country. In Germany not one is left, but all go south. Our Blackbirds too are perhaps partial migrants. Large flocks visit us in autumn and it is probable that some of our native birds leave our islands in winter. Starlings also come to us in large numbers as autumn visitors and, as a rule, continue westwards, leaving some parts of the country untenanted, while the south of Ireland is thickly peopled with them. The Wild Duck, the Common Snipe, the Woodcock represent species that are mainly migratory with us, only a (ew re- maining to nest in Britain. Some birds which we do not think of as travellers, such as the Moorhen, move from the colder northern districts towards the south. XIV MIGRATION 367 Woodpigeons come to us in thousands, attracted by our green crops or by the large supplies of acorns to be found in our woods. No one who in winter sees the clouds of them in the sky can doubt that our native birds have been reinforced from abroad. Hertford- shire in the winter of 1893 ^^^-S literally invaded by Woodpigeons, and the acorns almost always to be found in their crops showed what the attraction had been. It will be seen from what has been said that migra- tion is far more general than is usually supposed, and it is certain that even now ornithologists have not succeeded in observing all the smaller movements which change of season causes among our resident species. The Nesting-places of Migrants. All migrants without exception nest in the coldest part of their range. They pass the summer in the north and the winter in the south. Birds that breed in the tropics are resident there with the exception of some that nest at great elevations among mountains. It is quite possible that there is a migration to the Antarctic regions and in this case too the breeding- place is in the colder, though in the southern, part of the range.^ It has been thought that our birds on reaching Africa nested a second time. When our Swallows arrive at Natal, the resident birds are beginning to build, for their summer is beginning. But it is almost certainly untrue that the birds from J See Hudson's JVcittiralist in La Plata, 368 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. the north follow their example. In the Transvaal are many resident Rcedwarblers, and mingled with them during the southern summer are some of our Reedwarblers that nest in the north. How wonderful it is that these near relations should have formed habits so different and that those who have departed from the ancient traditions of the Reedwarblers (supposing it to be the migrants who are the inno- vators) should be present to watch the others main- taining the primitive customs of the race ! TJie Cause of Migration. Two of the problems of migration rank in import- ance above the many others that meet us. These are (i) why birds migrate, (2) how they are able to find their way. The former of these two problems, though the easier of the two, is a difficult one. The Swallow would seem to be well enough off in South Africa. Why, then, start on a voyage which must be perilous even for an old and experienced traveller } Why adopt a plan of life which must mean frightful mor- tality among the young } For of the many Swallows hatched only a small proportion return, and the numbers washed up by the sea after a storm show what has become of them. The.se arguments sound forcible, but they will not stand investigation. Swal- lows and other migratory species maintain their numbers quite as well as those that arc resident. Among all birds, whatever their habits, the death-rate is very high. It is true that migration has to answer for the deaths of a very large percentage, but there is XIV MIGRATION 369 a counterbalancing gain. The perilous flight over, they are in a genial climate with plenty of food. To say that Africa could support all the Swallows that come to us in spring is to speak positively on a sub- ject of which we know very little. There may seem to be abundance of flies for all comers, but the large flocks of birds that fly northward, each with a voracious appetite requiring many hundreds of gnats or other small insects to satisfy its daily wants, might well get to the end of the supply. Over bird-population is certainly a possibility. Eagles will not allow their own young ones to stay within what they have marked out as their own domain. The same jealousy is found not only in other birds of prey, but in Robins, and probably other species. The Nightingales of the Jordan Valley seem to be in excess of what the country can support, for some remain there to nest while others fly northward. It has been well urged, too, that in the tropics in the height of summer the country becomes parched, whereas in the north there are hosts of succulent caterpillars and other grubs. Mr. Seebohm found abundance of insect life in the valleys of Asia Minor in May and June. But would the case have been the same a month or two months later.'* Flies would, of course, be there in plenty, but there might well be a dearth of juicy larvae. And the mass of grub-eating migrants, it must be remembered, come from the parched regions near the equator. We have some direct evidence that food is the magnet that attracts. The Rice-bunting or Bobolink, an American bird which winters in Central and Southern America, is enlarging its northern range as the growing of rice B B 370 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. and wheat is extended to new territories. Birds come wherever there is food for them. Mr. Seebohm men- tions that when there has been a grass fire in South' Africa, the scene is visited by Lapwings, Coursers, and Pratincoles eager to pick up tlie burnt grass- hoppers. The Woodpigeon, as ah'eady mentioned, is attracted b}' the acorns and turnips of England. These opportunist, gipsy migrations may supply a clue to enable us to find the cause of the grand mi- grations that admit of ho irregularity. Where food is, there are animals to eat it. On mountains above the level at which grass or flowers grow, the scanty lichens upon the rocks support small wingless insects. On glaciers, if you lift a stone, you will often find upon the ice below numbers of " glacier fleas," ^ which seem to have nothing but the lichen on the stones on which they can live. Stagnant ponds teem with Hydras Rotifers, Amoebae, Vorticellae. The lowest depths of the Atlantic, where there is no kind of vegetable growth, are peopled with fish and crustaceans, supported directly or indirectly by the debris of animal life that descends from the surface waters. What wonder, then, that birds in spring arc found hard at work upon the cranberries and crow- berries that in Arctic regions have remained frozen during the winter, or that insect-eaters are attracted by the countless mosquitoes ? If there had been all this enormous supply of food and no demand, there would then have been a far more difficult problem. Climate may, no doubt, have been the cause in some cases. But, often, this must have acted only indirectly by ^ Isoionia SuUmis^ an apterous insect. XIV MIGRATION 371 cutting off the food supply. Birds are capable of standing a great deal of cold if only they are well fed. When v/e see them in winter apparently pinched by the frost, the real reason of their distress is generally that they cannot get worms or grubs from the frozen ground. It is unnecessary, I think, to call in the assistance of the often-invoked glacial period. Though brief, geologically speaking, this period wrought enormous changes in- the zoological world. It has the credit or discredit of having driven from Europe the gigantic animals that formerly peopled it. It may, possibly, be in part the cause of the migration of birds. Some theorists have gone back to pre-eocene times when according to geologists the climate in the north was mild, but for two or three months in the year the sun did not rise above the horizon. And this long Arctic night taught birds to go south. Theories of this kind have an interest, but they are impossible either to prove or disprove. Without attempting to see so far back into the history of birds, we may argue that the desire for food and a more genial climate can account for the phenomena. But, while refusing to invoke causes from the remote past, we must recognize the fact that birds are wonderfully conservative ; a habit once formed may be maintained for ages, though it may have ceased to be useful. Such an explanation, at any rate, seems best to account for the choice of a winter resort made by some migrants. I quote an instance from Mr. Seebohm.^ The Petchora Pipit and the Arctic Willow Wren both winter in the Malay Archipelago. ^ Distribution of the Charadriidce^ p 49. B B 2 372 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. The}' have extended their brcedhig-grounds from Siberia to eastern Europe. But though they have moved their summer residence so far west, in winter they still return to their old haunts in the Malay Archipelago, though Africa is more accessible and, we might imagine, equally suitable. When we descend to the details of this part of the subject, it is easy to ask questions which it is impos- sible to answer. For instance, why does the Common Snipe frequently remain to nest in Britain, the Jack Snipe never .■* Why do Fieldfares never make our island their nesting-place, while their near relatives the Thrush and the Blackbird are mainly resident here ? The Gray Plover and the Golden Plover present us with a similar problem. In thinking of these diffi- culties we must always bear in mind that there is still much to learn about the lives even of those birds with which vv'e are most familiar Hoiv migrants find their ivay. In the whole subject of migration, in many ways so mysterious, there is no such mystery as this. Formerly it was supposed that the old birds guided the young, but it is now known that the young birds start on their adventurous voyage alone, their parents following after an interval.^ The bachelor birds that migrate early cannot act as guides, since, though they set out about the same time as the young birds, they ^ old licrniclc (Jccse, however, have been seen guiding parties of young on leavin^^ the Hebrides. Gray's Birds oj W, Scotland, p. 349. XIV MIGRATION 373 do not as a rule come actually with them. We seem, therefore, forced to assume that there is some inborn faculty — ^whether we call it instinct or not, matters little — which guides them. The sense of direction varies infinitely among men. One man, to use an Americanism, is very easily " turned round," another never gets confused about the points of the compass and can always find his way home. Most civilized races have to a great extent lost this power, but the Swiss guide has it in a high degree. In savages it is often developed to a wonderful extent, and in some animals it is still more remarkable. A dog, when he is taken far from home, though he is shut up so that he cannot see where he is going, will often find his way back. A Homer Pigeon is put in a basket and without a chance of using his eyes is whirled along in the train to some distant place. When set free, he flies aloft, takes his bearings and sets off homeward. I cannot understand why Professor Newton has given up the opinion he had once formed, that we have in the " homing " faculty of Pigeons a hint as to the power by which a migratory bird finds his way. It is true, as he says, that the Pigeon depends largely upon sight to find the exact spot where his home lies. But those which flew from Rome to England cannot have depended upon the sense of sight alone. The cir- cumstances of the Pigeon and the young migrant are not the same. The former is a trained specialist and finds his way to a place he is familiar with, the latter is young and inexperienced and has to steer for a place he has never seen. Still each" depends, not on land- marks, but on s,ome inborn faculty or instinct, to teach 374 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. him the general direction in which he is to travel. This instinct is, no doubt, helped by the eyes, for in- stance in choosing the narrowest passage when a' voyage o\-er sea has to be made. Flying at a great height a Swift will be able on a clear night to see the striking features of the country from a long way off, and this will help him to keep his course. But the eye cannot do more than assist and correct the instinct. The migrant's faculty differs from that of the Pigeon, in that it directs him to a place with which, not he, but his parents, are familiar. Marvellous as this no doubt is, we must be very careful not to exaggerate the miracle. The young Swallow has only to make for the south, not to find any exact spot. When he returns in spring, he often steers for the particular barn or chimney where his earliest days were passed. Moreover, though the young birds arc the first to start, it is believed that there is much loitering on the autumn migration, and it is possible that they may be overtaken by the old birds and attach them- selves to them. Whatever may be the power by which they guide themselves, in many of them it is im- perfectly developed and fails them in their need. On no other supposition can we account for the fact that so small a percentage ever return. Though we decide that they find their way by in- stinct, we have not advanced far towards the under- standing^ of the problem. An instinct is an inborn faculty, distinct from reason, though reason may act upon it and modify it, and this particular instinct we cannot understand, because we have something only very remotely similar to it in ourselves. In attempt- XIV MIGRATION 375 ing to understand it, we are like a colour-blind man who tries to see a colour to which his eye is not sensi- tive. But this is not the only fact in zoology that is beyond our comprehension. How do certain wasps know the exact point at which to sting a spider, whom they wish to paralyse without killing, so that he may not decay before their larvae emerge hungry from the egg? There has been great dispute as to the routes followed by migrants, some authorities maintaining that in almost all cases sea-coasts or river valleys form the lines along which they steer. This view may possibly have arisen from the fact that so much of our knowledge of migration has been obtained from lighthouses, and from the fact that waterbirds often make for river valleys because they can find food there. Herr Gatke thinks that a great deal too much has been made of migration routes, and he very per- tinently quotes the case of Richard's Pipit, which in its journey westward from Lake Baikal crosses a number of streams flowing north and south, and the Ural Mountains into the bargain ! ^ On the other hand the flocks of birds that alight on Heligoland seem to show that that small island comes in a well-defined migration track. And if there are tracks over sea, they may well exist over land. On this subject we must wait for further knowledge. ^ The most elaborate attempt to trace the routes followed is to be found in Palmen's Zngstrassen der Vogel. 376 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. Exceptional M ignitions. The Nutcracker, the Waxwing, the Shorelark, Pallas's Sandgrouse occasionally invade Western Europe. The Nutcracker is fond of pine forests, nests in Scandinavia, in the Black Forest and the Alps, and is not as a rule given to wandering. The Waxwing breeds in Arctic regions, and has a way of suddenly, for unknown reasons, forsaking a favourite breeding- ground and moving to another district. Five times during this century, in winter time, it has appeared in Britain in considerable numbers. The Shorelark's summer home is in Northern Scandinavia, Russia and Siberia. In its irregular migrations it sometimes reaches our east coast. Pallas's Sandgrouse lives in summer between the Caspian and Lake Baikal, in winter moves to Northern China, and there has been much speculation as to what caused large hordes to sweep westward in 1863 and 1888. The onward roll of the living wave from place to place on the Conti- nent till at last it reached England excited the curiosity of people for whom, as a rule, the doings of birds have no interest. But in the absence of any facts to help us to explain these weird phenomena, it is well to let the reader's reason or fancy have free play without attempting to guide him. Stray Wanderers, American birds, as I have said, occasionally visit England, but no return visits arc paid by I'Jiglish birds to America. Most of those that come to us are XIV MIGRATION 377 shore or marsh birds, a fact which suggests that they have been carried away involuntarily by storms. I have already (see p. 357) given reasons for believing that these birds travel over the Atlantic, not over Asia, to our shores. This being so, it is odd that the east of Great Britain claims most of the specimens obtained, the district of the Land's End ranking next, while Ireland has few to show. It has been suggested that they are first carried past the north of our islands to Norway, where observers are few and far between, and return thence with the stream of migrants to England. The subject has been fully discussed by Professor Newton.^ Some of the Literature of the Subject. (i) Giitke's Die Vogelwartc Helgoland. (2) Newton's article on " Migration," Dictio7iary of Birds, vol. ii., pp. 547-572. (3) Wallace's Geographical Distribution of Animals. (4) Seebohm's Geographical Distribittion of the CharadriidcE. (5) Seebohm's Siberia in Europe. (6) Palmen's Zugstrassen der Vogel. (7) Articles and letters va. Nature and the Ibis ; also papers referred to in footnotes in the course of this chapter. (8) Howard Saunders' M anneal of British Birds. A NOTE ON GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Though birds are such travellers, yet different parts of the globe have their characteristic Avifauna. Mr. Sclater's division of the world into six ornithological regions has guided Dr. Wallace in his great work on the Geographical Distribution of Animals and Plants. ^ Dictionary of Birds .^ vol. ii., p. 548, 378 THE STRl^CTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CH. xiv It is vci'}' remarkable that the study of birds, of all animals the greatest wanderers, should have laid the foundation of animal geography. Though the subject ' of the geographical distribution of birds is one of great interest, a detailed account of it is beyond the scope of this book. It is only necessary to make it clear that it must be carefully distinguished from migration. The reader is referred to the article in Professor Newton's Dictionary of Birds. CHAPTER XV CLASSIFICATION Strictly speaking, classification is not part of the subject of this book. But since it is based on structure, it cannot be entirely passed over. And, in fact, it cannot be properly studied without a great deal being learnt beyond the distinguishing marks of species, genera, and families. The aim of the classifier is to discover the relation- ship of bird to bird and arrange them in natural groups. If the system be one that enables the learner easily to identify a specimen, so much the better, but that is not the object in view. The term relationship has gained a far more definite meaning, since the theory of evolution has been generally adopted. If two animals are described as related to one another, the meaning is that they are descended from the same ancestors. If taken in the broadest sense, this is a mere truism, since it is held that all species have been developed from one. It must be understood to mean that, if the two lines of descent be followed upward. 3So THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CHAr. the mcctino--point will be, geologicalh' speaking, soon reached. In the animal kingdom birds constitute what is called a class, while reptiles form another. A smaller division is called a sub-class, and below that, dividing and subdividing, we have orders and sub-orders, families and sub-families, genera, species, varieties and sub- varieties. The last two are different in kind from all the other divisions. The differences which mark off one variety from another are considered not to be constant : a few generations hence its representa- tives may have lost their distinguishing characters. Any species may vary, but one that is worthy of the name has its characteristic features so far fixed, that it is not likely at any near date to change in a way that might be inconvenient to our systems of classifica- tion. These divisions and subdivisions appear, at first sight, like complications. They are really a great assistance. Without them the field of ornithology, extending, as it does, over eleven thousand known species and some still unknown, would be a realm of chaos. The classification of birds ' has presented greater difficulties than that of any other class of animals. When the first attempts were made, wrong principles were adopted ; more importance was attributed to habits than to structure. And thus such names as " Scratchers," " Cooers," " Waders " " Swimmers," were given to various groups. Even now, in accordance with this wrong principle, the Swallow is sometimes put down as a near ally of the the Swift. In every case the aim should be to dis- XV CLASSIFICATION 381 tingulsh real marks of relationship from what is due merely to similarity of life and circumstances, or, to put it technically, to depend upon homologies and not upon mere analogies. The application of the true principles has caused the Horned Screamer, in spite of his arboreal habits, to be put near the Goose. In spite of his way of life and his long legs, which suggest that we should class him with wading birds, the •Flamingo is allied to the Duck, as his webbed feet and his beak proclaim. Not only must structural and not functional characters, or mere habits, be studied for purposes of classification, but the concurrent testimony of a number of characters must in every case decide to which family a bird belongs. In botanical classification Linnaeus made the mistake of taking into consideration nothing but the number of stamens. According to his system a wall-flower and a lily, a campanula and a dandelion, a buttercup and a rose, would belong to the same orders. The natural system produces results which may seem strange {e.g. the buttercup is put in the same order as the Traveller's Joy), but which will bear investiga- tion. And in the same way the scientific classification of birds, startling as its results may often appear, yet gains more and more adherents as true principles come to be recognised. But, though the right method has now been adopted, the difficulties have not vanished. Many systems have recently appeared which differ in very important particulars, though the constant tendency is towards the narrowing of the divergencies. In Mr. Howard Saunders' Manual of British Birds the orders are not in all cases the 3S2 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. same as in ]\Ir. Mivart's Elements of OrniiJiology : in the one the owls form a separate order, in the other they are a sub-order of the Raptores. Botanists are in a very different position : the battles of their rival classifiers are fought over far more minute points. Ought a certain form of briar, willow, or rose to be counted as a species or a variety.'' The question whether a particular genus shall be included among the rushes or the lilies is one that exceeds the ordinary- magnitude of the problems that beset the classification of British flowers. Reptiles also, from a classifier's point of view, present a striking contrast to birds. They are divided into great and unmistakable orders. There are the Tortoises, the Lizards, the Crocodiles, the Snakes. With birds, though the number of species is very great, the differ- ences are very small ; it is only by a minute study of many, often obscure, anatomical points that a sound system of classification has been arrived at. Unfor- tunately a system founded on such a basis, however true it maybe, must always have this drawback — that an amateur must accept a great deal of it on trust. I shall try to make clear a few of the chief points on which the best and more recent systems depend. And these few will be selected not only for their importance but because they may be understood without much technical knowledge. If they seem insufficient, it must be remembered that there is a great array of equally telling, but less easily appreciable, facts in reserve. There are, as I have said, eleven thousand known birds. The first step is easy : ihcy can be divided CLASSIFICATION 583 into two sub-classes. One is made up of those which have keels to their breastbones, the other of those which have a rounded breastbone with no keel. The former are called Carinatae {carina = a keel) ; the latter, Ratits gratis = a keelless boat). This separates off the Apteryx, and the Ostrich with its kin the Fig. 75. — Sternum of Ostrich. Rhea, the Emeu and the Cassowary. Thus some ten species out of the eleven thousand are disposed of. I must now mention a few of the points that are most useful for deciding to which order one of the Carinatae belongs. Very important are the following questions : the presence or absence of the first toe, and the arrangement of the four toes when all are 384 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. present ; the relation of the branched tendon that flexes the toes to that which flexes the hallux (see p. 167) ; the presence or absence of the ambiens muscle (see p. 169) which passes from the pelvis to the toes ; the distribution of the feathers on the neck and back — whether there is a clearly defined tract of feathers on the neck with bare spaces or apteria on either side, and whether this tract forks, an apterion dividing it Fig. 76.— (a)--aftcr Nitzsch--Sn!pe, spinal feallier tiact divided ; {l>) black- bird, tract undivided. into two arms, when it reaches the back ; whether there is an oil gland at the root of the tail, and whether this, if present, is bare or tufted with feathers ; whether the >'oung are helpless when born, whether they are born naked or covered with down, and, if naked, whether they pass through a down-stage before their feathers grow ; whether the hinder part of the ster- num is etitire or has notches or apertures ; what is the number of feathers in the tail. XV CLASSIFICATION 385 The few species, the Ratitae, which we have separated off from the rest, are held to have in them less of what constitutes a bird than any other. We will now go to the other end of the scale, the most highly specialized of the Carinatae. These are the Passeriformes or sparrowlike birds, the largest order of all. Of the 367 birds which Mr. Howard Saunders counts as British, 125 belong to this order. This leaves 242 for the other sixteen. The Passeri- formes may be known by these marks : (i) Their hallux or first toe is always turned backwards and is furnished with a larger claw than any of the other three ; (2) there is no connection between the branched tendon and that which bends the hallux ; (3) there is no ambiens ; it is very curious that this muscle, whose duty is to help the toes to grip, should be absent in these perchers ; (4) there is a well marked feather tract on the neck ; (5) the young are born helpless, and hardly ever pass through a down-stage ; (6) the oil gland is present and is naked ; (7) they are without exception perchers. This last point is not, of course, a structural char- acter, and is introduced only as supporting the others. To this order belong most of the very commonest of our birds ; among them are none of much size except the Magpie, the Raven, the Crow, and the Rook. The Swallow is a Passerine, whereas the Swift belongs to a quite different order, what Mr. Mivart calls the Coraciiformes or crowlike birds. In this order the young are born with a little down upon them, the toes are united for some distance, and the first toe has not a larger claw than the others. C C 386 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. Among its representatives are the Kingfishers and the Nightjars, which thus are near relations of the Swifts. The Humming-birds are often put by them- seh^es as a separate Passerine sub-order ; but they are still a bone of contention, and it will probably be long before they are allowed to settle in a comfortable corner. As affording a typical instance of difficulty, I mention two families, the Piciformes and Coccyges, to many representatives of both of which what is, perhaps, their most striking characteristic is com- mon ; they have zygodactyle or yoketoed feet.^ How are they to be distinguished .'' The Piciformes — i.e. the Woodpeckers and their allies-^have a well- marked feather tract on the neck with bare spaces on either side, while in our Cuckoo, who represents the Coccyges in Britain, the neck is all thickly covered with feathers. Mr. Mivart's order, the Limicoliformes, illustrates well the difference between the older systems and the new. Most of the birds included were formerly put down as Waders because of their mode of life. These Waders are now grouped with a number of other species which do not wade. Their relationship is shown by the fact that they are born with down on them and are able almost at once to run ; that they have a divided fcathcr-tract on the forepart of the back ; that they have an oil gland tufted with feathers. These and other characters cause the in- clusion of the Gulls and Terns within the same order as the Waders. ' See p. 165. XV CLASSIFICATION 387 I will now, taking a few typical cases, give the reasons why some birds which have a superficial resemblance should be separated from one another, and why others which at first sight are very unlike must be counted as near relations. What reason is there for putting Fowls and Pigeons in different orders,' or at any rate in different sub-orders ? The young Pigeon is born blind and is helpless for about nine days ;^ the young Chicken is able to run at once. In the Pigeon the tail has only twelve feathers, in the Chicken, eighteen. How is a Penguin to be distinguished from an Auk, a Puffin, or a Razorbill .'' The Penguin has no apteria, or featherless spaces, a unique, or almost unique, characteristic. The Heron, the Stork, and the Adjutant are born helpless, then pass through a down stage, and are, therefore, to be distinguished from the Crane, which is born with down upon it, and runs a few hours after birth. The Petrel is related to the gigantic Albatross ; in each the nostrils may be seen as raised tunnels running for some distance along the top of the beak, and, hence, they are called Tubinares. The Water-ouzel is not distantly related to the Thrushes ; like them he has the first or outermost primary wing-feather very short, and the second shorter than the third or fourth. And yet he has the habits and look of a water-bird ; he dives and holds on to stones at the ^ Mr. Seebohm and Mr. Mivart are in error when they state that no pigeons pass through a down stage. I have seen the down upon a young Stock dove, and also upon the young of Columba Bolli. See also Bronn's Thter-Rezch, vol. "Aves," where Dr. Gadow figures the nestling down feather of a Pigeon. C C 2 388 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CIIAP. bottom of streams as he searches for caddis-worms or insects, and his breast feathers are dense and impervious to water. The Rook ma}- be known from the Crow b}' the absence of feathers on the beak ; they are worn awa)' through his habit of digging in the ground for food. In the young bird they are still there, and to make sure whether you have a Rook or a Crow you have to look at the inside of the mouth ; in the Rook, it is deep flesh- colour, in the Crow, much paler. Though some of these distinctions may appear trifling and insignificant, yet it is impossible to study classification without learning a great deal that is of real interest. There emerges, for instance, the very interesting fact that most birds, which for their size, lay large eggs, lay them on the ground, and that their young when hatched are covered with down, able to run at once or in a few hours, and, before long, to fend for themselves. There seems at the same time to be another principle at work side by side with that just explained — namely, that the eggs of a bird which lays a great number must be small, in order that she may be able to cover them. Certainly many of those whose eggs are largest lay only one, or at any rate very few, and their young are highly precocious.^ No infant creature is more inde- pendent than the Maleo, a bird about the size of a small Turkey, native in the Island of Celebes. The mother buries her wonderful egg (weighing 8^ to 9J ounces — !.c , about }.\.h of the weight of a mature ' See tlic article on "Eggs" in Newton's Dictiottary of Birds. XV CLASSIFICATION 389 Maleo) in the sand, leaves the sun to hatch it, and, apparently, takes no care of her child.^ The Crane lays her eggs upon marshland, and very soon after birth her young are running about ; the common Stork, which is about the same size, builds on house- tops, and her young for many days are helpless. The eggs of the latter measure only 24 by 2^-^ inches, those of the former 3|- by 2f inches. The Apteryx, of course, lays upon the ground, and her eggs are of astounding size. The Snipe's eggs are a great deal larger than the Blackbird's, though the two birds are about the same weight. The Curlew's egg is three times as big as that of the Raven, who equals her in bulk. It is very curious that some birds, which make their nests upon the narrow ledges of cliffs, in respect of the size of their eggs and the early activity of their young, resemble those which lay upon the level. Among them are the Gulls, the Razorbills, and Guillemots. Within a few hours from the time they emerge from the shell, these birds are able to run about, a serious danger one would have thought on a narrow ledge on which they must spend many days till at last they are able to fly, or in a burrow whose threshold overlooks a precipice. The Partridge's eggs are no larger than the Snipe's, and the nests of both birds are on the ground. Probably we have here an illustration of the second principle mentioned above — viz., that if the number laid be large, the size of the individual egg must of necessity be small, ^ See Dr. F. 'H. Guillemard's Cruise of the Marchesa, p. 319- 390 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CH. xv The Partridge lays at least twelve eggs — sometimes over twenty— the Snipe only four. This chapter which, as I have said, is only intended to give some idea of the general principles of classi- fication, must now come to an end. Those who wish to make a study of the subject are referred to the books that deal specially with it. Some of the Literature of the Subject. Elements of Ornithology. St. George Mivart. [The best book for beginners.] Classification of Birds. Henry Seebohm. Bronn's Thier-Reich,\o\. "Aves." Dr. Gadow. Verteb7'ate Anatomy. Professor Huxley. CHAPTER XVI THE HISTORY OF THE OSTRICH Were the ancestors of the Ostrich able to fly, and is the Ostrich, as we know him, an instance of " degradation " ? Have his wings, after being large and strong enough for flight, been reduced till they are useless except to give some slight help in running ? There are many examples of such degra- dation. Some moths, for instance the female Oak- egger, have lost the power of flight. In the vegetable kingdom wheat is a good instance. It has three rudimentary calyx leaves and remnants of a corolla, which seem to show that it was once a perfect flower with its parts in threes like a lily. This is a clear case, for the corolla in its present form is useless, and " degradation " is the only principle on which we can account for its existence. But in many cases we cannot tell whether an organ is progressing towards a more perfect, or reverting to a less perfect, state. Those who maintain that the Ostrich and its allies are very far removed from the Carinatse, or birds with keeled breastbones, and that their ancestors, like 39:^ THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. themselves, were incapable of flight, rely mainly on the following arguments : — (i) The breastbone has no keel. There is no sign of one even in the cmbr}-o Ostrich. (2) The clavicle is only rudimentary: in the Casso- wary it almost vanishes as the bird grows to maturity ; in the Emeu it persists in a much reduced state. (3) The coracoid and scapula make a much larger angle than in birds that fly (pp. 13 and 34). (4) The pelvis is very different from that of the Carinatje. Except in the Rhea and the Cassowary, the ilium and ischium do not unite behind the thigh joint. (5) The seams between the different bones of the skull persist much longer. (6) Most of the feathers have no barbicels or booklets. This really tells the other way, as I hope to show. (7) There are, as it is maintained, no apteria or featherless tracts. On the other side we have these arguments : (i) In some of the Carinatae, for instance in the Rails, the keel is much reduced, apparently reverting to a less developed state. The protuberance of the Rhea's rounded breastbone is not unlike a rudi- mentary keel. (2) The clavicles are much reduced in some of the Carinatae — e.g. in some Woodpeckers. In some of the Parrots the two bones do not even meet. (3) The angle made by the coracoid and scapula varies very much in different species of the keel-less birds. Hence this point docs not count for much. XVI HISTORY OF THE OSTRICH 393 (4) Rudimentary booklets or barbicels have been found in the wing-feathers of the Rhea and some of the alh'ed birds. This is a most important fact. If they did not help in flight, by making the feathers im- pervious to air, it is difficult to imagine what purpose they can have served. (5) The fusion of the hand-bones in the Ostrich shows that the wing-feathers were once stronger and that the wing had work to do. (6) Definite apteria have been found in some birds of the Ostrich kind. Even if this were not the case, we might urge that the point is one of little importance, since the Penguin has none. On the whole the arguments seem to show that the progenitors of the Ostrich were birds of flight. But the question is a difficult one.^ ^ The whole question is discussed in Fiirbringer's Untersicch- ungeii ziir Morphologie und Systeiiiatik der Vogel^ p. 1481. See also Bronn's Thier-Reich^ vol. " Aves." CHAPTER XVII OUTDOOR AND INDOOR ORNITHOLOGY The amateur ornithologist should study birds in every way that is open to him. A specialist whose life is devoted to classification and who takes notice only of the points that are important for this purpose, is doing work that must be done, and which requires a good man to do it. But after a time a bird may no longer be to him a living creature with wonderful powers and habits and character. He may come to look upon it as existing only to be put in its exact place in a system of classification. The outdoor ornithologist who knows nothing about birds but what he can learn by observation in the open, though he is, perhaps, the most to be envied of all specialists, yet has missed a great deal. He may not know that the most active and ethereal of all vertebrate animals is nearly related to a lizard. How the reptilian bones have been adapted to purposes of flight, how a cold-blooded torpid creature has become warm-blooded and full of life, is altogether out of the field of his observation. To another man CH.xvii OUTDOOR AND INDOOR ORNITHOLOGY 395 a bird is only a flying machine illustrating profound mathematical principles. There is no reason why an amateur should be in bonds to any extreme form of specialisation. The amateur ornithologist should attack all parts of his subject in succession, or two or three parts at once, and he is certain to find that he is not losing so much in depth as he is gaining in breadth. All that he learns of one part of his subject is sure to throw light upon another. Out of Doors. It is best to begin with outdoor work. It is much more likely to generate a love of the subject than the alternative method. Instead of learning at the outset by dissection that a Wood Pigeon has a very strong gizzard and a Hawk nothing worthy of the name, it is much better first to gain the knowledge that a Hawk has only to digest flesh, while the pigeon has to grind acorns, and afterwards, when you can see the meaning of it, learn the difference in anatomy. But when a good start has been made, the two methods may well go hand-in-hand. A very good plan is to take a field-glass and look carefully at every bird that will submit to be looked at and not mistake it for a double-barrelled gun. The habit of observation wants cultivating. From our early years we are taught to acquire knowledge almost exclu- sively from books and lessons and lectures, so that, dulled by much reading and passive listening, we are slow in picking up facts direct from nature. Especially in- a naturalist is power of observation 396 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. wanted. The older writers put down much that had httle foundation, beheving a thing simply because it was wonderful on the principle of credo quia im- possibilc. And some of these old stories are still repeated and believed, while the real wonders of nature, as startling, if not as grotesque, as anything that can be invented, often remain unnoticed. Examine every ird, then, with a field-glass or a binocular telescope, and get to know the song that each sings and, on getting home, take a good book on birds and try to identify any you were not certain of The songs of birds are beautiful in themselves, and it is, no doubt, delightful to listen to them with- out knowing in the least what birds are singing, or, perhaps, even without distinguishing one song from another. But it adds to the pleasure if the song tells you of the bird and the bird of the song. When you first learn to distinguish a Thrush's note from a Blackbird's, and still more when you acquire the rare accomplishment of knowing a Blackcap's song from a Garden Warbler's, the delight in the song may, no doubt, be at times alloyed with a certain baser feeling of pride. But the baser feeling does not exclude the higher, and it is difficult to be fond of a particular song without wishing to know the songster. And you come to like the Thrush's song all the better when you find that he sometimes goes on for a quarter of an hour without ever repeating himself exactly. You become a parti.san of particular birds, and, perhaps, hold that the Thrush is a better singer than the Nightingale, or the Blackbird than cither. And you learn to take pleasure in such minor things as call or alarm notes. XVII OUTDOOR AND INDOOR ORNITHOLOGY 397 A good deal about flight may be learnt with a field-glass. When Gulls are playing in the air, or when a Lark is rising, or when a Swallow is dashing to and fro, you can often make out by the help of it the movements of the head and tail. Sometimes, though, the naked eye is better, as it takes time to aim with the glass, and the bird may be gone before you have a good view of him. A great many birds may be know^n by their flight. The Duck with its outstretched neck, rapid wing pulsation, and lumber- ing velocity, the slow and heavy stroke of the Heron, the light easy beat of the Gull's finely-pointed wings, the hovering of the Hawk, the sudden dashes and acrobatic turns of the Swift or the Swallow are things easy to remember. A man who is much in the open air, and brings an eye for what he sees, notices many more varieties than these. Most boys go through a birds'-nesting stage, and to some of them it brings a good deal of valuable knowledge. At the same time they may get a liking for birds that will introduce a spirit of humanity into their birds'-nesting, and lead them to a study of the lives and habits of creatures who have become their friends but were formerly their victims. But with many it is, no doubt, only a form of greed and rapacity, not so bad as that of the miser, since they will probably either outgrow it or transform it to something better, but, for all that, similar in its nature. Collecting anything, whether birds, eggs, or postage stamps, or autographs, merely for the sake of amassing, is a worse than barren emplo5^ment. But if a birds'-nester makes a point of observing the 398 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. structure of each unfamiliar nest he finds and writing a description of it, of waiting about to see the old birds and Hstening to the song of the cock, if he does sing, and of verifying on getting home the one egg he has possessed himself of, by referring to books for an account of the eggs, nest, and bird ; he is a rational being and little in danger of developing the greed that is the vice of the collector. Certainly he will never be guilty of the folly, that should be criminal, of buying rare eggs, and so raising their market value to the imminent danger of exterminating the species. If you wish to look upon a scene of beauty, vigorous life and jostling sociability, you should go to some out-of-the-way cliff or island where seabirds nest — pay a visit to a colony of Puffins, most naive, most comic of birds, sitting at the thresholds of their crowded nestholes — see the Guillemots lining long ledges that are perilously narrow for their eggs — see the Razorbills, the Oystercatchers, the flocks of Kitti- wakes and all the other winged things of loveliness. But, perhaps, nothing of the kind that Great Britain can show can equal the scene on some island in the Pacific, where acres of land are clothed with grave Albatrosses too busy with their eggs and their young to think of flying away from men and cameras. Much may be learnt by shooting specimens, and if you either skin every bird you shoot, or pay for the skinning, you are likely to avoid indiscriminate slaughter. Many people are not content with a field- glass ; they want more tangible results than it gives them. And some birds will not stop to be looked at. XVII OUTDOOR AND INDOOR ORNITHOLOGY 399 400 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. The gun must play an important part in ornithology till the world is far more depopulated of birds than it is at present, though no reasonable ornithologist will shoot a bird of a species that can with difficulty maintain itself and is in danger of extinction. More- over, rarity does not in itself add to the interest of a bird. Great Auks, when plentiful, were just as interesting as at the present day when there are only a few dead specimens in museums. When shooting, }'OU learn things that are not likely to come to your notice otherwise. You see how vigorous a bird is after his wing is broken ; a Cormorant, thus wounded, will dive and swim with undiminished activity. If you swim after a bird you think you have hopelessly crippled, he may lead you a terrible dance. There is no truth in the notion that a wounded bird never recovers. Brehm ^ says that he has often shot birds whose wing bones had evidently been previously shattered by a gunshot. You cannot help, while shooting, picking up a great deal of miscellaneous information as to the favourite haunts of particular species, their feeding times, their comparative shyness, their flight, their various notes, and many other things. Every ornithologist, who can, should travel. Even if birds on their migration come to us, there is no reason why we should not travel in search of them. Those who have seen the nests of our Geese, Gray Plovers, Little Stints, Sanderlings, and Knots in the far north, arc much to be envied. And the tropical ' See lUi'd /Jfc, by Dr. A. E. Ijrcliin, ICnglish translation, p. 89. XVII OUTDOOR AND INDOOR ORNITHOLOGY 401 birds ought to be seen in their own countries. A Humming-bird in a museum is a piece of wonderful colour ; in his own country he is something so won- derful that no one has 'ever yet described him. And there are certain favoured islands to which it is worth while to go and stop for a good long time, where you may be able to realise the reign of system in the great migrant world. Wherever you go, long and patient observation is what is wanted. The proverb " Everything comes to those that wait " is one for all naturalists to bear in mind. Indoors. Though a live specimen, if you can see it well, is worth twenty dead ones, it is seldom you can watch a live bird near at hand for long together and make out minute points. Museums, therefore, are wanted, not only large ones in great towns, but smaller ones scattered about the country. You often cannot get to the large ones when you want. When you are there, the amount of objects is distracting, and it is difficult to concentrate your attention on one ; and you want specimens that you can handle, a skin that you can take up and examine closely, count the wing or tail feathers, measure the various parts, bare the apteria, &c., &c. Even mounted specimens, unless they are set up in costly style with elaborate surroundings, it is well to have in cases that will open, so that you can take them out and look at them all round. Specimens of the common birds and of the rarer ones are wanted ; of the common D D 402 THE STRUCTUPE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. ones because you have seen them aHve and want to make out all the details of their plumage, of the rarer ones because you, perhaps, have not seen them. But, of the two, the common ones are the more im- portant ; great rarities may well be dispensed with. Museums, therefore, need not be such exterminators as private slaughterers who often prize a specimen for its rarity and nothing else. An ornithologist should understand the art of bird- skinning. Bird-stuffers, it is true, are many, and there is nearly always one not very far off, but good stuffers are rare. It is highly desirable, therefore, to be able to make a good skin that can be mounted, if you prefer it, afterwards. If he is travelling in an un- civilised country, the ornithologist must, of necessity, be a bird-skinner, if he wants to bring home any specimens. You pick up a good deal in the process of skinning besides learning patience. Patience is highly necessary, since if you hurry too much or lose your temper, there will soon be a rent that may be difficult to conceal. You notice, as you go, the bare patches or apteria which are so important in classifi- cation. You discover the powderdowns of the Heron. You get a look at the wing muscles and notice the depth of the breast. You appreciate the paper-like thinness of the skull. You discover and wonder at the extent of the air-cavities under the skin of the Gannct. The Starling's skin, you find, is as to-ugh as leather, the Blackbird's delicate and easily torn. You make a point of opening the gizzard to see what the bird has been feeding on. The very useful art C'f skinning can be learnt by means of a xvii OUTDOOR AND INDOOR ORNITHOLOGY 403 lesson or two from some one who has mastered it, and a good deal of practice. Pace, which must be carefully distinguished frQm hurry, is a great desideratum. If you return in the evening with six birds that you wish to skin, you have some work before you. The keeping of birds as pets ought only to be undertaken by people like Mrs. Brightwen, who are prepared to devote a great deal of care to them. And there are some that under the most favourable circumstances are always unhappy in confinement. A Robin Redbreast in a cage Puts all heaven in a rage. Water birds with clipped wings if they have a pond and a moderate run are not unhappy. The Gulls at the Zoo evidently take the keenest pleasure in their morning wash. Some people regret that such a bird as an Eagle is ever cabined in an aviary. I think a zoological society may fairly do what an individual may not, for the animals which it keeps in captivity afford instruction to large numbers of people. In the same way with stuffed specimens, it is the private collectors upon whom a check should be placed, rather than upon public museums. More- over it is comparatively inexpensive to build a large aviary in which birds may live happily, whereas boa-constrictors require much initial outlay of capital to build them a. house, and considerable current expenditure to keep them warm. Much as we should like to dispense with books and learn everything from nature, it is clear that on D D 2 404 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS chap. this system the field of our knowledge would be veiy limited. By our own observation we lay hold of isolated pieces of information, which, unaided, we' should never be able to put in their proper setting. When we see a Golden Plover in autumn we want to know whence and whither he is travelling. When we find that the Gray Crow visits the realms of the Black Crow, but does not stay to nest there, we want a map to show us how these two, so alike that they may, perhaps, be considered to form one species, have divided the greater part of the Old World between them. When we see how our Cuckoos have perfected the parasitic habit, we, naturally, wish to know of other birds which are advancing towards or have attained the same unamiable perfection. Not only does the reading of books on natural history enable us to connect isolated observations and vastly extend the range of our knowledge ; it enables us also to observe more. Our power of seeing grows with our knowledge, if we only keep it alive and do not deaden it through want of exercise. When you travel in a country for the first time, if you have some previous knowledge of it gained from other travellers or from books, you will see far more than if you come to it quite raw. If the study of birds is to have a solid foundation it must include some study of their anatomy. This, though we speak of it metaphorically as the founda- tion, need not necessarily come at the beginning. The point to be insisted on is, that to leave it out is to leave out what is indispensable. Flight is, in any case, a very difficult subject ; it is more difficult if XVII OUTDOOR AND INDOOR ORNITHOLOGY 405 you have no knowledge of a bird's anatomy. To know that a bird never tumbles off his perch during sleep is something ; it is well to go on to a know- ledge of the machinery which keeps him, there. When you see that a bird's neck is more supple than a snake, you wish to see the joint which allows such free play in all directions. An understanding of the problems of classification is impossible to an ornithologist who has not penetrated beyond the outside. The bird's whole life depends upon his anatomy, and to try to study the former without the latter is somewhat like attempting the study of a people's history without the study of the people themselves. It will not do to stop short at the skeleton. You must get dead specimens and dissect them ; see the enormous size of the great pectoral muscles ; inflate the air-sacks and see how spacious they are and how small in comparison are the lungs ; how the heart is far superior to a reptile's, different also from a man's, and yet equally efficient ; how the head is almost a feather-weight, and how the gizzard has taken the place of the grinders that would have burdened it ; see what a complexity of muscles serves to bring about the perfect adjustment of the wing to every need. These and hundreds of things besides can only be realised by the aid of dissection. You can only half understand what you read on a subject such as this. When you have seen a good deal with your own eyes, you can realise not that only, but more of the same nature that you learn from books. But to trust entirely to the eyes of others for your knowledge of anatomy is as foolish as it is to 4o6 THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE OF BIRDS CH. xvil derive from books your knowledge of the Alps instead of soins: there to see them. Some Books that are of Service to the Practical Ornithologist. Manual of British Birds. Howard Saunders. British Birds. Seebohm. Wild Nature ivon by Kindness. Mrs. Brightwen. Practical Taxidermy. Montagu Browne. Practical Zoology. Marshall and Hurst. Bronn's Thier-Rcich., vol. " Aves." Gadow. Dictionary of Birds. Newton. Field and General Ornithology. Elliott Cowes. Summer Studies of Birds and Becks. '\ ,,^ , _ , A Year with the Birds. \ ^arde Fowler. -INDEX The references in some cases are collected under heads, e.g. " Bones," "Muscles," ^'Authors quoted." Heavy type denotes that the reference is co}7iparatively important. The Index includes the names of some only of the birds mentioned. Acetabulum, i6 Adjutant bird, 197, 243, 387 Age, 292 Air, resistance of, 175, 184 Movements of wing partly due to, 212 Air-sacks, 79-86, 101, 102 Albatross, 197, 241, 387, 399 Allantois, 281 Amnion, 281 Amoebce, 75, 76 Analogy, 30 Ankylosis, 10, 17, 20 Antics, 305 Aorta, 69, 72, 279, 284- Aortic arches, 282-284 Apteria, 101, 154, 384, 393 Apteryx, 107, 129 Archseopteryx, 34-38 Argus pheasant, 302, 312 Auricle of heart, 69 . Authors quoted — Adamson, 161 Alix, 28, 89, 169, 274 Audubon, 313 Avanzini, 190 Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, 358 Beddard, 86, 163, 298, 318 Borelli, 259 Brehm, 400 Brightwen, 406 Browne, Montagu^, 406 Authors quoted — continned Bruhin, 131 Buckley, 59 Butler, 331 Cayley, Sir George, 85 Chapman, 361 Chapuis, 161 Coues, 172 Crisp, 115 Darwin, 53, 119, 293, 310, 320, 343, 346 de Lucy, 262 D'Esterno, 230 Duval, 285 Edmondston, 163 Forbes, W. A., 48 Foster, Michael, loi, 105, 172 Foster and Balfour, 285 Fowler, Warde, 406 Furbringer, 25, 115, 128, 172, 197 Gadow (Bronn's Th ier- Reich , vol. "Aves," &c.), 39, 62, 66, 67, 68, 285, 320 Gatke, 159, 161, 349, 355, 359 Geddes, 317, 320 Gegenbaur, 28 Gray, 372 . Grenacher, 126 Guillemard, 312, 389 Haddon, 30 Harting, Pieter, 261 Helmholtz, 266 4o8 INDEX Authors quoted — continued Hickson, 2t'^ Hudson, 296, 306, 320, 343 Hume and Marshall, 312 Hunter, SS Iluist, 37, 42 Hutchinson, 52 Huxley, 2S, 42, 51, 52, S6, 93, 390' Jones, H. M., 358 Lancaster, C, 271 Langley, 236 Legal and Reichel, 265 Leighton, 43 Lilienthal, 1S8, 238 Linnaeus, 53 Lloyd Morgan, 329 Lubbock, 121. Marey, 176,. 189, 203, 216, 221, 259, 264' Marshall and Hurst, 28 Milne-Edwards 95, 96, 172 , Mivart, 390 Mouillard, 262 Muybridge, 254 Newton, Sir Isaac, 175 Xewton, Prof. 42, 326, 373, 377 Owen, 34, 40, 42, 49 Palmen, 375 Parker, T. J- , 28 Parker, W. K. , 38, 43 293 Payne-Gallwey, 271 Peal, 242 Pettigrew, 183, 190, 221, 274 Pliny, 269 Pycraft, 40, 148, 289, 293 Quelch, 293 Rayleigh, 245 Romanes, 331, 344 Roy (Newton's Dictionary of Birds), 186, 192, 202 Saunders, Howard, 261, 377 Sclater, 343 Sclater and Hudson, 34(3 Scebohm, 156, 161, 352, 359, 371, 377, 390 Seeley, H. G., 42, 52 Shufeldt, 288 Stol/iiiann, 318, 320 Strasser, 115 Authors quoted — continued Wallace, 54, 59, 315, 320,326, 334, 377 Weissmann, 59, 293 White, Gilbert, 347 Witchell, 332 W^orth, 308, 343 Balloon, 105 Barbicels, 147, 392 Barbs, 147 Barbules, 147 Bastard wing, 42, 43, 209, 252 Birds'-nesting, 397 Blood, 74-77, 109 Bluethroat, 356 Bone, membrane, 14, Sesamoid ( = bone originating from tendon), 10, 46, 143 Bones, pneumatic, 81-84, 105-115 Bones — Annulus, 135 Atlas vertebra, 31 Axis vertebra, 32 Backbone, see Vertebral column Breastbone, see Sternum Carpals, 9 Carpo-metacarpus, 8, 1 1 Centrale, 9, 10 Clavicle, 14, 15, 196, 392 Coracoid, 14, 15, TiI^i S3, 196, 197 Femur, 7, 8, 17, 19, 83 Fibula, 7, 9, 16, 17 Humerus, 6, 9, 83, 204 207 Ilyoid, 282 Ilium, 26, 27, 50 Inter-clavicle, 14 Ischium, 26 Merrythought, see Clavicle Metacarpals, 9-1 1 Odontoid jMocess, 32 Pelvis, 26-28, 50 Pessulus, 138 Phalanges, 9 Pisiform, lO Precoracoid, 14 Pubis, 26, 27 Pygostyle, 26 Quadrate, 7, 32, 135 Kndius, 6, 7, 8, 10 INDEX 409 Bones — continued Ribs, 16, 25 Scapula, 14, 50, 83, 197 Shoulder-blade, see Scapula Skull, 19-22 Squamosal, 33 Sternum, 13, 14, 50 Supra-scapula, 14 Tarso-metatarsus, 18 Thigh-bone, see Femur Tibia, 7, 9, 16, 17 Tibio-tarsus, 18 Ulna, 6, 7, 8, lO Uncinate processes, 16, 40 Upper-arm bone, see Humerus. Vertebree, 21, 23, 32, 38, 83 Vertebral column, 22-26, 251, 255 Brain, 117-121, 280 "Breathing, 78-96 Bronchi, 78 Bullfinch, 139, 333 Capillaries, 69 Carinatffi, 383, 391 Cartilage, l/| Cassowary, 74, 149, 161, 302 Cerebellum, 1 18, 280 Cerebral hemispheres, 117, 280 Chalazae, 276 Choroid, 126 Chyle, 71 Circulation, 68-72 of fish, 278 Classification, 379-390 Claws, 37, 50 Cochlea, 133 Cold-blooded animals, 48, 96, 104, 105 Coloration, 297-320 of eggs, 321 of eye, 130 Patterns, 302 Protective, 304, 315 Sexual, 305 Variety, 297-301 Colour, change of, without moult- ing. 159 Colours, objective and subjective, 298 Condor, 119, 239 Conduction, 100, loi Condyle, 31 Connecting links 41 Cormorant 63, 66, 107, 164, 171, 227, 307, 400 Cornea, 124 Corpuscles, see Blood Correlated variation, 57, 314 Corti, organ of, 134, 343 Crocodile, 39, 86, 170, 284 Crop, 62, 63, 287 Crow, 404 Cuckoo, 155, 165, 329, 337, 386 Darter, 66, 171 Death-feigning, 343 Diaphragm, 84-86 Digestive apparatus, 60-68 Digits, 9, 18, 42-46, 50 Dinosaurs, 47, 51 Divers, 107, 108, 239 Duck, 156, 162, 225, 366 Duodenum, 66 Eagle, hi, 197, 292 Ear, 131-136 Egg, 277 Eggs, coloration of, 321 of guillemot, 325 Egg-tooth, 278 Embryo, 77, 275-285 Emeu, 43, 149, 343 Epiglottis, 78 Epiphyses, 32 Eustachian tubes, 134 Evaporation, 99-301 Eye, 119, 121-131 Feathers, 144-154 Contour, 152 " Downs," 146 Elasticity of, 202 Filoplumes, 146 Plackles, 314 Nestling " downs," 150 Powder-down, 146 Rectrices, 153, 214 Remiges, 152, 202 Flight, 173-274 Force exerted in, 259 4IO INDEX Flight— C(V!fi;!i/ed Gliding, 190-193 Horizontal, iSo, 224 Long distance, 224 Soaring, 242 Steering, 248 Stopping, 20S, 252 in troops, 230 Upward, 226, 239 Varieties of, 397 Velocity, 268 in wake of ship, 245 Wind and flight (see Wind) 232 -248 Flying machines, 267 Foot, 164-166 Force exerted by bird, 259 Frigate bird, 225 Ganxet, 83, 107, 131, 163, 164, 202, 225, 291 Geographical distribution, 377 Gill-arches, 279-2S4 Gizzard, 39, 64 Glottis, 78 Goose, 156, 158, 197 Gravity, centre of, 224, 254- Specific, 106 Gullet, 62, 63 Gulls, 49, 107, 241, 244, 386 Black-headed, 160 H.'EMOGLOBIN, 76 Hallux, 166 Hatleria lizard, 7, 16, 17 Hawk, 66 Heart, 68-74, 282-285 of crocodile, 285 offish, 278 Heligoland, 348 Hibernation, 348 Hoatzin, 43, 62, 286-290 Homing faculty, 373 Homology, 30 Hornbill, 83, 107, 109, iii, 114 Humming bird, 74, 162 Instinct, 327 {sec Table of Con- tents, p. xv) Iris, 12.1, 127, 129, 130 Joints, ii, 22, 23, 194-196 Kidneys, 102, lis Kite, the bird a, 233 Knot, 160, 352 Lacteals, 67 Larynx, 78 Lens, 124 Lepidosiren, 97 Levers, 173, 174 Ligaments, 144 Elastic, 19S, 199, 213 Linnet, 159, 160 Liver, 66, 67 Lizard, 6-28, 37 Lungs, 79, 80, 93, 94, 97 Lymphatics, 71, 77 1^LVCULA LUTEA, 1 25, 1 28 Marrow, 77, 82, 105-115 Medulla oblongata, 103, 121 Membrana semilunaris, 138 Migrants and residents, 366 Migration, 339, 348-378 [see Table of Contents, p. xv) Offish, 352 Unpaired birds, 363 Moulting, 34, 155-160, 307, 364 Muscle, 141-143, 247 Muscles, anibiens, 169 Finger, 209 Flexor carpi ulnaris, 199, 201 Intercostal, 87, 90, 91, 93 Latissimus dorsi, 89, 90, 92, 257 Pectoral, elevator, 206, 208 Great (or depressor), 205, 206, 211 Third, 204, 207 Pectorals, weight of, 211, 265 Triceps, 200, 209 Museums, 401 Neck, 25 Nerves, 116 Optic, 125 Sympathetic, n6 . Vasomotor, 103, 104 Nest-building, 334-337 Nesting-places, 355, 367 INDEX 411 Nightingale, 306, 353, 369 Nostrils, 130 Noto-chord, 2S0 Nucleated corpuscles, 74, 77 CESOPHAGUS, 62, 63, Oil gland, 384 Olfactory lobes, 119 Optic lobes, 119 Ornithology, 394 Ornithorhyncus, 33, 41, 48 Ornithosaurians, 42-47 Ornitho-scelidss, see Dinosaurs Osmosis, 64 Ostrich, 25, 34, 37, 107, 114, 164, 311, 383, 391 Owl, 62, 127, 135, 324 Oxidation, 93 Painted snipe, 290, 311 Pallas's sandgrouse, 376 Pancreas, 66 Parallelogram of forces, 1 81 Parrot, 128, 146, 163, 197 Passerine birds (Passeriformes), 49, 385 Peacock, 312 Pecten, 127 Penguin, 145, 171 Peptone, 64 Perching, 166 Physiology, 109 Pigeon, 54, 152, 157, 248, 253, 296, 322, 373 Pineal Body, 119 Piracy, 341 Platypus, see Ornithorhyncus Plover, American golden, 357 Population, Bird, 294, 365 Postaxial, 6 Prreaxial, 6 Pronation, 195 Proventriculus, 64 Ptarmigan, 158 Pterodactyls, 42-47, 50 Puffin, 86, 215 Pylorus-magen, 66 Python, incubating, 48 Ratit.-e, 383, 391 Reason, 327 Reflex action, 117, 327 Reptiles, 74 Respiration, 78-96 Retina, 124, 126 Rhea, 34, 107, 342, 392 Robin, 365 Rudiments, 30 Ruffs, 310 Saliva, 61 Scales, 34 Sclerotic, 124 Screamer, 83, 161, 306, 381 Selection, natural, 53-59 Sexual, 310-314 Sight {see Eye), 130 Skeletons of bird and lizard, 6-28 Skin, 99-101 Skua, III, 341 Smell, sense of, 119, 130 Snake, 22, 23 Snipe, 168, 309, 366, 372, 384 Song [see Syrinx), 305, 317, 396 Spinal cord, 1 16 Spine of vertebra, 7, 8, 23 Spleen, 77, 109 Spurs, 154, 161 Stomach, 64 Stroke, phases of, 218 Rate of, 214 Short, 226 Upstroke, 217 Struthious birds (= the ostrich and its kin), see Ratitae, Ostrich, &c. Supination, 195 Swallow,. 155, 248, 269, 334, 348, 364, 365, 385 Swan, 25 Sweat-glands, 100 Swift, 107, 155, 165, 225, 248 385 Swim-bladder, 31, 97 Swimming, 170 Syrinx, 78, 136-141 Tail, 213, 248 Teeth, 35, 39 Temperature, 48 regulation of, 98-105 Tendons, 141-143, 166 Trachea, 78, 140 Trajectory of bird, 223 412 INDEX Trajectory of wing, 218-223 Turnstone, 352 Valves of heart, 72, 73 of veins, 71 Veins, 70, 7^ Ventricle of heart, 69 Waders, 386 Warblers, 359 \Varm-blooded animals, 4-8, 96, 104, 105 Water-ouzel, 387 Weight and wing area, 261 Wind {see Flight), 231, 234-, 235, 237 Windpipe, see Trachea Wing, area of, 261 Digits of, 209, 210 as lever, 173-1 So IMenibranes of, 201 Narrow, 190 Trajectory of, 218-223 Wings, move unequally (?), 250 Woodpecker, 62, 154, 163-165, 214, 386 Wren, Golden-crested, 226, 295, 349 Yoi.K, 277 ^'olk-sack, 281 Young birds, 108, 286 THE END 4 RICHARn CI.AV AND SONS, t.IMITFO, LONDON AND nUNGAV. 7S97 15 BOSTON COLLEGE ._ ■it, 3 9031 031 06683' 6