THE GIFT OF FLORENCE V. V. DICKEY TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE DONALD R. DICKEY LIBRARY OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY A STUDY OF THE INCUBATION PERIODS OF BIRDS WHAT DETERMINES THEIR LENGTHS? BY W. H. BERGTOLD, M. D., M. Sc. Member of the American Ornithologists' Union THE KENDRICK-BELLAMY CO. DENVER. COLORADO 1917 Copyright, 1917 By W. H. BERGTOLD PRESS OF CARSON-HARPER Co. 2019 Stout St DENVER, COLO. (2>9 % PREFACE In the course of certain studies in ornithology, more particularly avian physiology, undertaken by the author several years ago, it early became apparent that the factors fixing or determining the length of the incubation period with different birds was largely, if not wholly, unknown. The following pages give the results of a prolonged and detailed study of this phase of bird physiology. The author regards all zoologic classification as a means, not an end; the classification adopted in this work is merely a means of facilitating the handling of a mass of data full of contradictions and uncertainties, and the selection of this particular bird classification was governed by a question of expediency only; obviously the author in no way wishes to be understood as believing this classification to be the best, or the only one. The author believes, however, that this classification is an up-to-date reflection of our present knowledge of the relation of various birds to each other. It is inevitable that mistakes of various sorts will be found in this book ; in extenuation of such errors the author trusts that his critics will recall that the labor involved in the investigations reviewed in the following pages was one of love, and carried on in the spare moments of a fairly busy professional life. A brief resume of pages 43 to 76 of this book was read before the Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union at Philadelphia, November 15, 1916. It is a keen pleasure here to acknowledge, with many thanks, my obligations to the following friends, who have generously placed at my disposal incubation data, and cog- nate information, all of which has been invaluable in the preparation and prosecution of this study: C. W. Beebe, B. Rhett Chamberlain, L. J. Cole, E. W. Collins, L. S. Cran- dall, Louis Fuertes, J. D. Figgins, W. F. Kendrick, F. H. Knowlton, D. E. Lantz, F. C. Lincoln, W. DeW. Miller, R. C. Murphy, J. T. Nichols, R. J. Niedrach, Clyde Phillips, W. S. Pickrell, Robert Ridgway, A. A. Saunders, Suther- land Simpson, Witmer Stone, F. M. Watson, C. A. Watts and A. P. Wilbur. THE AUTHOR. Denver, Colo., June 15, 1917. 49G542 SYNOPSIS 1 — Introduction: The Problem. 2 — Definitions ; Length of Incubation — * How measured. ** Difficulties of fixing beginning and end. * True or specific length of incubation. **** False or apparent length of incubation. Types of hatching — * Successive. ** Simultaneous. 3— The Data— * The amount. * The sources. '* Explanations of conflicts in. **** Obvious errors in. 4 — Influences actually or seemingly altering the specific length of incubation — * Causing real variability. ** Causing apparent variability. 5 — What determines the true or specific length of incuba- tion— * Past Theories : A — The parent, or the bird itself — (a) Its size or weight. (b) The age of the female. (c) Condition of the parents. (d) Faithfulness of the parents while incubating. (e) Longevity of the parents. (f ) Condition of young at hatching. * Precocious. ** Altricial. *** Completeness of development at hatching. B— The Egg— (a) Its size or weight. (b) Its age or viability. (c) Its shell. (d) Its yolk size. C — Telluric Conditions — (a) Zone. (b) Climate. (c) Weather. (d) Geographical location of species. (e) Site of nest. >*New Theories: A — Body-weight : Egg- weight Index. B — Temperature and Ascent Theory. * Bird temperature. ** Rapidity of metabolism or "swiftness of life." ***Temperatures, incubation lengths, and taxo- nomic position. **** Collateral evidence. 6 — Present data and this new theory. 7 — Usefulness of new theory. 8 — Does correlation of temperature and incubation length benefit species? 9 — Data need for further study of this problem. 10 — Conclusions — A — Minor. B — Major. 11 — List of incubation periods. 12 — Bibliography. A STUDY OF THE INCUBATION PERIODS OF BIRDS What controls the length of incubation with birds? It is the purpose of this study to find, if possible, a correct answer to this question. Introduction The processes going on within an egg during incubation are of fundamental and paramount importance to the species and race, in no way less than the process of fertilization; fertilization and incubation are co-equal and interdependent, and through them the time space between generations is bridged and the race perpetuated. Fertilization is governed by definite limitations and conditions. Does it seem reason- able to believe that the length of the equally important period of time necessary to complete the marvelous steps of development following fertilization is a matter of chance, a "hit or miss" duration? It is inconceivable that such can be true ; one arises from a study of the embryology of the "chick" in amazement that the wonderful and complex changes in an egg from a single cell to a peeping chicken can be brought about in a brief three weeks. Such perfection of detail, with all its potential specific and racial conditions unfolded, must surely require a fixed and definite period of time for its completion. Does it not seem more reasonable that this period of time must be relatively fixed for each species, and be controlled by factors or conditions which collectively might be called a law? I believe that a knowledge of such factors, or such a law, is not merely academic, but, on the contrary, is of de- cided importance, and constitutes a block to be fitted in the mosaic being slowly put together by ornithologists, each in his day. Moreover, the writer has discovered, through his study of the question, that it is fraught with fascinating interest, and, too, opens up unexpected and wide fields for original research. The Problem The problem in hand is to answer the question, Why does a house finch's egg take fourteen days to hatch, an ostrich's forty-two days, an emu's fifty-six days, or a hum- mingbird's fourteen days? It is the work of this study to analyze the published data concerning incubation periods, and to examine the explanations heretofore given, as to what governs the length of incubation, and to determine if there be a law which controls the length of incubation, or at least to detect indications of such a law, or to point out lines of investigation which give promise of being helpful in reaching a final solution of the problem. Definitions In this discussion the term incubation is held to mean the period of time during which heat is applied more or less continuously to a set of eggs, a period varying within a wide range according to the species; by "incubation period" is meant the whole time so involved, regardless of its duration; and by "length of incubation" is meant the number of days or weeks necessary to completely hatch the young. The records of incubation as given in the literature on the subject embrace two varieties of lengths: (A) — the true length (or specific length), and (B) — the false length (or apparent length) ; the first, or true length, being the mini- mum number of days, under opti?num conditions, necessary to hatch a normal bird, while the second is the true length, plus or minus the time added to, or subtracted from, it by errors in observation, or through errors caused by the dif- ferent types of hatching, types to be defined later on, or plus the time added to it by such conditions as retard or temporarily suspend embryonic development. With birds which lay a considerable number of eggs in each set, and only begin to incubate when the set is completed, it is not difficult to fix the beginning of the incubation period, as with eiders (137) ; when, however, several eggs are laid in a set, and the female warms the first eggs more or less while the other eggs of the set are being laid, it is impossible to say exactly when the period of incubation begins, and the incubation duration has to be determined for each egg by marking it when laid. It is almost impossible at times to decide when the parent actually begins steadily to apply the heat necessary to successful hatching. It is also extremely difficult to esti- mate how much heating the first eggs receive while a whole set is being laid, a fact necessitating one's defining the dif- ferent types of hatching, so as to keep in mind the effects of a parent's partially heating the first laid eggs. It has been shown (92) that the domesticated pigeon's average in- cubation period is seventeen days, the eggs (two in a set) being laid on alternate days; the second egg usually hatches in (almost) exactly seventeen days, while the first takes eighteen and one-half days, measured from the day it is laid. If it be assumed that the real incubation begins with the laying of the second egg, it becomes manifest that the first egg receives the equivalent of one-half a day incuba- tion while the set of eggs is being laid. That this is true cannot be questioned, since it has been found (92) by "candling" pigeons' eggs that the first egg shows indubitable evidences of beginning embryonic development by the time the second egg is laid. It is also wise here to recall that all eggs respond developmentally to lower degrees of tempera- ture in the early parts of incubation than they do in the later or last portions. Hence, from the foregoing, it is evident that the diffi- culty of fixing the real beginning of incubation must con- tribute not a little to conflicts in the data on incubation length, and has led to honest differences in the records made on a given species by different observers. The correct and exact method of measuring the length of incubation is to mark each egg as laid and watch it daily until hatched. This is often impossible because of psychic reasons, since a bird may abandon a nest if too closely watched, or because of physical reasons, as with birds nesting in holes. Some errors have also been caused by lack of agreement as to when the incubation terminates; thus some reports seem to indicate that the observers date the end of incubation when the egg is merely "pipped," while others fix the end when the "chick" is completely hatched. In cases where several eggs make a set for a single hatching, all the eggs may hatch at the same (relatively) time, in which event I propose to name it a "simultaneous hatching," as is seen with the domestic hen, and when the eggs hatch one after another at intervals of "a day or two, a "successive hatching." The effects of these two types of hatching on the estimation of incubation length will be considered later on. Conditions Necessary for Successful Incubation The growth of a new bird individual really begins directly after fertilization, which may occur a considerable time before the egg is completed and extruded ; consequently, the incubation period embraces only part of a bird's em- brjTonic development, which part is, however, by far the largest portion of the process of development. Successful incubation depends on "keeping a fertile egg * * for a sufficient period of time under certain con- ditions of heat, moisture and position" (33)*. This combination of heat, moisture and position is achieved through the brooding of the parent (real or foster), or by a mass of decaying vegetable matter, or by hot springs, or through the care of the parents plus the sun's heat. It may begin at once, after the first egg is laid, or after part •Numbers in parentheses correspond to the number of the authority quoted, and as listed in the bibliography. See Table No. 2. of a full set of eggs is laid, or only after all of a full set is laid. I believe that the evidence permits one to hold that the true length of incubation varies little, if at all, with the species, however widely separated geographically, a view substantiated by the Old and New World cuckoos, and the small finches of the Northern Hemisphere and Australia. However, the work of Cole and Kirkpatrick (92) seems to show that at least with pigeons there may be a distinct, though small, true variability in the length of incubation of these birds. Whether this be a true variability, or one due to retardation of development, is unknown to me ; an answer to this point must probably be reserved until further light is shed by future studies on the true lengths of incubation in other species, and the possibility of such lengths being really variable. The length of the incubation period must be measured from the time the parent (or its substitute) begins the steady application of heat to the eggs until the young bird is fully released from its shell. The Data This study is based largely on the list of incubation period lengths incorporated in this book. See Table No. 1, which is made chiefly from lists published previously by Evans (1 and 2) and by Burns (3), together with records published singly by many others, plus those determined and given to the writer by obliging friends. The incubation length data include records from 625 species and sub-species, scattered amongst 84 families, and representing every order of existing bird. The writer has tried to give each record in the words of the original con- tributor or compiler*, and a list of all reference is given in the. bibliography. It is necessary here to note that some, perhaps many, of these records may be duplicates, an unfortunate state of affairs, but unavoidable, because some of the previous papers on the subject of this study have had no bibliographies. It were better, I believe, to include some duplicates than to exclude some original, unduplicated records, in an effort to sort out and eliminate reduplications. The present list pre- sented now by the writer probably contains records of in- cubation periods of more different birds than have been gathered together in any single previous publication, a com- parative wealth of material giving the writer an excuse for 'Inasmuch as a great deal of the literature used in this study was wholly inaccessible to the writer and had to be copied for him, he fears that some errors incidental to such transcribing will have crept in, for which he expresses his regret, however unavoidable on his part these errors may have been. 10 trying to solve the riddle of the cause beneath the varying lengths of incubation amongst birds. Any attempt to draw conclusions from lists of incuba- tion periods heretofore published seems, on preliminary examination, to be hopeless; the evidence in places is highly conflicting and inconsistent, so much so that one is at once tempted to believe the length of the incubation period is a matter of more or less chance, and controlled by no particu- lar condition or set of conditions. Fortunately, however, years of observations on domesticated birds and a vast experience in the use of artificial incubators show that this conception cannot be true, and also show that there is an actual, or a relative, fixity of the length of incubation with such species as have been so domesticated. Furthermore, the evidence seems to show that there is no inherent or known reason why a similar specific fixity should not apply to all avian species. It is regretted that the writer did not have personal access to a larger mass of literature, for such would probably have yielded many more records of incubation, additions which would have greatly enhanced the value of these pres- ent data, and would also have saved future students of the same problem much drudgery in a search for such data. Of the nineteen thousand or more (138) species and subspecies of birds now known to ornithologists, the six hundred and twenty-five species and subspecies given in this study form but a small per cent., which may in fact be too small on which to safely base final conclusions. A future larger and more comprehensive study of the question will alone decide this. The conclusions in this study are based on the assump- tion that artificial incubator records, and such other records as show a substantial concordance, are correct, and hence justifiably available as fundamental data. Conflicts in the Data It seems appropriate here to consider the fact that there are many conflicts in the published records of incubation lengths, and when I have been unable to examine the orig- inal record, it has been accepted as quoted. When a record has been secured by me from an original source, it has been copied verbatim,, excepting in a few instances where it was perfectly obvious from the context that the period had been incorrectly estimated because of errors induced by "succes- sive hatching,'' and in such a case the writer has tried, care- fully and impartially, to make corrections for such errors, and has listed the record as so corrected. The conflicts in the records given for a single species are often numerous, and are accountable, many times, by errors brought about by the difficulty of measuring the in- cubation length because of "successive hatching." With sets of eggs with which the successive hatching type prevails, it is impossible to determine how long it takes to hatch each egg in such a set unless the eggs be marked. Let us see what can (and evidently does) happen in determining the length of incubation with the robin, a species which lays one egg each succeeding day until four or six are in the nest. Occasionally the parents do not incubate steadily until all their eggs are laid, in which case it is found that all the eggs take almost exactly fourteen days to hatch, counting from the laying of the^last egg. If,' however, the period be dated as beginning with the laying of the first egg, it would have to be estimated as being eighteen days, a pal- pable error of four^days. It is more common for this species to have a set of eggs hatch irregularly ; it may be one on the first day, two on the second day, and one on the third day (of the hatching period), in which case no accurate knowledge of the length of incubation could be gathered without having marked the eggs for identification and in- dividual study. Under these circumstances the first laid eggs are partially incubated by the time the last ones are deposited, causing the irregular hatching; and if the period were counted as extending from the laying of the last egg to the hour of the first hatching, the time elapsing would probably be ten or eleven days, an estimate three or four days too brief. I am convinced that many surprisingly short incubation periods (as recorded in literature) are much too brief, due to errors induced in the manner just outlined. I am confident that the length of incubation of the house finch is almost exactty fourteen days, but it could be variously estimated as ten or eighteen days with different sets of eggs if care were not taken to mark and carefully identify the eggs as they are laid and hatched. Under such conditions the larger the set of eggs, the longer or shorter in days of error may be the estimate of the length of incu- bation, errors (plus or minus) corresponding in- days to the number of eggs in the set, or to the number of days between the laying of the eggs. The effect of partial incubation when a set of eggs is being deposited results in mixed types of hatching, an added source of conflict in the incubation length data. On the other hand, it appears that some sets, embracing several eggs, as with the flicker (69-70), may have all the eggs hatch at once (relatively), even though the early eggs are apparently subjected to partial incubation. This may be due to the possibility that the fresher eggs (later ones laid) develop comparatively more swiftly (at the normal rate) than do the older eggs (those laid first), resulting in all breaking out at nearly the same time. The possibilities of observation error are much smaller with eggs hatching simultaneously. The eider (137) lays six to ten eggs before starting its incubating, and all hatch on the same day ; yet, if it were not known that the steady application of heat to the eggs does not begin with this duck until all the eggs are laid, six to ten days could be erroneously added to the period of incubation. Another fruitful source of error in computing the days of incubation is brought about by influences which retard or temporarily suspend the embryonic development, i. e., cooling or neglecting the eggs after they have been incubated for a while, a combination often adding several days to the true length of incubation, exemplified by the records of the ostrich and the albatross. It is also to be noted that many observers seem to date the end of incubation when the eggs are "pipped," while others report it as ended when the bird is fully hatched. Many periods are given approximately only, indicating, perhaps, that" the observer was unable to keep daily watch of the nest, or did not deem it necessary or important to determine the length of the period with exactitude, this latter possibility being the source of much discord in the records, and giving birth to such statements as "about seventeen days" or "twenty to twenty-eight days" or "after a few weeks the young are hatched" (64). The evidence, it seems to me, points very strongly to the existence of a true (or specific) incubation period, which under optimum conditions varies little with each species or subspecies; hence, if there be marked discrepancies or dif- ferences in the records of such species and subspecies, it seems reasonable to believe that the records (at least in part) in such cases are inaccurate. The records of hum- mingbirds and wrens are good examples of conflicts, prob- ably to be explained on the score of inaccuracy, or error in estimating the start of incubation, for it seems highly im- probable that there is a difference of four days in the period of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird and the Black-throated Hummingbird, even though they are specifically distinct, while it is more improbable that there is a difference of two days in the incubation of the Carolina and the Florida Wrens, which are but geographical races of the same species, and these remarks apply equally well to the case of the Loggerhead and Migrant Shrikes, and the Western and Eastern Meadowlarks. The Cedar Bird is a good example of how wide a difference can be found in the incubation records of a given species; the internal evidence in this instance convinces me that sixteen days is probably correct. There are clear indications that other errors or conflicts have crept in because of typographical (or clerical) mis- 13 takes, as, for example, when it is recorded by one writer that the Hummingbird's incubation period is "eighty days." There is a singular disagreement in the recorded lengths of incubation of species which might be called semi-domesti- cated, as the white stork, a lack of agreement inexplicable to the writer, unless it be due to faulty observation. It is necessary, when analyzing these data, to remember that an agreement in the records quoted by two or more different authorities does not thereby mean that the records are conclusively correct because of such agreement, for one writer may have (and evidently has) copied from another without indicating or crediting such fact. Conflicts and lack of consonance in the records of the length of incubation, and inconsistencies of testimony on the same, are not surprising; the writer's slight personal experience in trying to determine accurately the incubation period of a few species has shown him the many difficulties to be encountered and overcome in such a line of work. Many birds abandon a nest (and its eggs) if it be too closely watched, or if the nest be disturbed in the least; and to overcome this difficulty calls for limitless care and patience while observing the nest. It is a time-robbing task to visit a nest daily, it may be hourly, to ascertain when the eggs are laid, to mark them as laid, and to watch when they hatch, all of which must be done with some species if one is to succeed in making an accurate determination. Newton (25) long ago deplored the scantiness and inaccuracy of the then existing data on incubation, because (he said) correct data were greatly needed to check up and compare the em- bryology of different bird species at relatively the same- stages, as an aid to put taxonomy on a sound basis. It is obvious that every ornithologist will concur in this, and the writer hopes to show later on that a more extensive and accurate knowledge of the true length of incubation of dif- ferent species may help the taxonomer otherwise than through embryology. In justice to the multitude of bird students who have contributed indirectly and directly to the present list of incubation periods, one must recall that here- tofore there has been no apparent indication of a need for exactitude in measuring the length of this period. Notwith- standing the unavoidable errors and discrepancies probably embodied in this list, it is a splendid commentary on the enthusiasm, care, patience and self-denial of ornithologists the world over that so many records have been made, many of which are patently of great, accuracy. From this brief survey of the conflicts in the data, it is evident that this list of incubation periods is made up of both true and apparent lengths of incubation, the latter probably being in the majority, and that it needs more 14 time and extended observations, with the idea of learning the true period of incubation, to successfully sift apart these two kinds of records. Influence Altering the Incubation Length In this study it is assumed that the true length of incu- bation is a blastogenic characteristic, fixed for, and as such inherited by, each species; that it is comparatively inelastic, and yields exceedingly slowly to change; that with each species it embraces, under optimum conditions of "tempera- ture, moisture and position," a fixed minimum number of days, just sufficient (and no more) to bring about the com- plete development and hatching of a normal bird. A strik- ing proof of its inelasticity and prepotent inheritability is seen with domesticated birds, more particularly pigeons and chickens ; for were this period plastic, under man's selection, as are the tissues, functions and habits of these birds, one would expect to find such plasticity showing itself in a patent variation of the incubation period of such domesti- cated birds. Man can, and has been able to cause, or fix, most extraordinary changes in his domesticated birds ; with pigeons, not only an increase in the number of tail feathers, but even a lessening of the number of ribs (138), and with chickens, not only the almost unbelievable alteration in sizes from that of a bantam to a huge Cochin-China, but also an increase in the number of toes (the five-toed Dork- ings). Man has domesticated many other birds, and if with them the period of incubation were not fixed, it seems rea- sonable to believe that it should have exhibited variations comparable to those variations of body, etc., mentioned above, in pigeons and chickens. Yet, if I read aright, there is not the slightest indication of any alteration in the incu- bation period of any of man's domesticated birds; on the contrary, all seem to adhere rightly to the ancestral char- acteristic as shown in congeners still wild, or in wild species most closely related. It has been definitely determined from the experience of hundreds of poultry raisers, in natural and artificial incubation, that the incubation period of the domestic hen is almost exactly and almost invariably twenty-one days: it matters not what breed, bantam or brahma, nor however remote from, or near to, the ancestral jungle fowl, the period of incubation remains the same as that of the jungle fowl, viz., twenty-one days. The same may be said, in effect, of the turkey, quail, pheasant, canary, pigeon, duck, goose and, so far as the writer can learn, all other domesticated birds. Furthermore, birds belonging to families having a fairly similar incubation period, i. e., finches, all exhibit this uniformity, even though separated by large geographic 15 spaces, and even possibly by geologic time-spaces; thus, the swallow and the finches of Australia still cleave to the an- cestral period of their cousins of the North, and the English and New Zealand gannets have identical incubation periods. Certainly the incubation length seems far more change- less, persistent and deep-rooted in nature than are other characteristics of birds, as, for example, the proventriculus mucosa of a gull (25). Furthermore, as has been suggested. it is not subject to selection by man, as are other character- istics, for while he has, in effect, changed a jungle fowl into a five-toed dorking, and a rock-pigeon into a fan-tail, still both of these species have retained their original lengths of incubation. If the structure of the egg shell persistently tend to be characteristic, and remain the same with groups of birds, or with the species (110), why should not the far more im- portant process of embryonic development, and its length, do likewise? While the immediately foregoing would seem to show the length of the period of incubation as a fixed characteristic, yet a superficial examination of a list of such periods leads one to believe that there is, in fact, considerable variability in the length of incubation of a given species, and unless one can learn if this be true or false, it were absolutely useless to attempt to draw conclusions from the facts published on incubation lengths, because, viewing these facts as evidence, they are in many parts hopelessly con- flicting. I am convinced that most of such conflicts are to be explained by a careful study of the influences apparently affecting the true length of incubation, i. e., influences caus- ing apparent variability in the true length of incubation. Variability in the length of incubation may be true, that is, permanently lengthening, or actually shortening, the minimum number of days for successful hatching under optimum conditions, and apparent, shortening or lengthen- ing by slowing of the embryonic development by errors of faulty time measurements. True variability — The writer questions very much whether there be any decided ti"ue variability, i. e., a vari- ability occurring when all necessary conditions are optimum. There is a small amount of experimental evidence at hand which shows conclusively that with the domestic hen it is possible, by suitable regulation of temperature conditions in an artificial incubator (33), to shorten the length of in- cubation a few hours only. This is well known to poultry raisers, who know also that the dividing line between suc- cessfully shortening the period and killing the embryo is exceedingly difficult to maintain, even impossible at times. All secondary influences which tend to induce this subtle influence of temperature increase, especially towards the 1C end of incubation, may be considered as coming under this caption. Such conditions as are quoted in nearly every poultry raiser's manual can be mentioned here ; an attentive, faithful setting hen may bring out a hatching of chicks in twenty days (33), and favorable weather and a suitable nest site (104) also tend to maintain optimum temperature con- ditions, with possibly a true, but very slight, shortening of the incubation period. This true variability towards the side of shortening the period of incubation is probably in progress now, the world over, with many different species, especially the higher birds, and it will be taken up in greater detail later on. Apparent variability — By apparent variability I would have understood all lengthening of the specific incubation period which is merely an addition to it of days of pro- longed and retarded embryonic development caused by the various factors mentioned in this discussion, or seeming shortening or lengthening due to error of determination. Apparent or false variability is, in the greatest number of cases, merely the result of cooling the egg during incu- bation, which slows down the developmental pace, or it may actually suspend it for a while; in fact, the developmental process "can be suspended and held in check for several days without destruction of the germ" (33). There can be no question as to the effect of cooling the eggs while they are being incubated, because it has been proven many times (by accident or design) with the domestic hen (33) that its period of incubation can, by such cooling, be extended to twenty-three or even twenty-four days. It is probable that eggs of the lower birds can be chilled a much longer period than can those of the higher species, without killing the embryo, a fact which probably helps to explain the seem- ingly great variability shown in the incubation records of, for example, the emu. There are many ways by which this qooling action occurs : a restless, inattentive hen, a cold site for a nest, con- ditions preventing the eggs from receiving the necessary heat properly, as too thick shells, or which permit too rapid radiation, as too thin shells, or a poorly constructed nest; eggs which are too small radiate their lieat too quickly, on exposure, since they are relatively of larger surface area than are larger eggs; parents in ill health or badly nour- ished will not produce optimum temperature conditions. It appears to me that all of the conditions which are outlined in this study, which apparently modify the true or specific length of incubation, should be taken into account in the future in all field, incubator and zoologic park work, in order that their effects may be eliminated in an endeavor to determine with the greatest possible accuracy the true 17 incubation period of our living bird species, especially since the opportunities for such study will grow, as time passes, fewer and fewer before the devastating onrush of civil- ization. Some of these conditions as outlined above may never occur in nature, yet it is wise to bear them in mind, and to eliminate their effects when engaged in studying the incu- bation of any bird. It seems clear that a definite and correct explanation of the factor or condition which determine the true length of incubation would long since have been reached, had the data been more abundant and more amenable to study and analysis. Because of the several distorting influences outlined above, there have arisen a number of explanations as to what determines or fixes the length of the incubation period, explanations which are now in order for detailed considera- tion. Size of Bird Before reviewing the information bearing on this ex- planation of the controlling factor of incubation duration, it becomes necessary to define "size of bird." An examina- tion of the different uses of this expression by various authors sheds no light on exactly what it means with them, and also gives no indication that all such writers mean by it the same thing. One finds the following expressions in current use: "(length of incubation) in a general way is proportionate to the bird's size" (15) ; "(length of incuba- tion) varies with the size and vitality of the bird" (12) : "duration of incubation in general depends on height* of bird" (38) ; "according to the size of the bird the incuba- tion period varies, short or long, with hummingbirds ten days, with ostrich fifty days" (9). "Size of bird" may mean its dimensions, or its bulk, or, by implication, its weight. It does not seem possible that past writers on this subject could have meant size as indicated by the usual linear meas- urements given in describing a bird, for these would lead into a maze of characters, i. e., length of neck, total length, length of bill, tail, legs or body, or the standing height, which are extremely plastic and subject to such wide varia- tion as to make it inconceivable that such shifting characters could directly influence so deep-rooted and inelastic a char- acter as the duration of incubation; in other words, that these variable characters could be paralleled by variations in the almost changeless true length of incubation. As for bulk in a bird, one must first recall that it and the usual measurements do not necessarily go hand in hand. "Meaning its stature. 18 A good example that measurements are not of necessity in- dices of bulk is given by a comparison between the black vulture and the turkey buzzard, for the latter's measure- ments are greater than the former's, yet its bulk is less (100). This point is mentioned as illustrating again how con- fusing would be bulk or measurements if considered as in- timately related to, or strongly influencing, the length of incubation. It seems to the writer that bodily bulk must have been meant when the expression "size of bird" was used; bodily bulk and weight are closely related, but both vary more or less according to the bird's age, the sex, the season of the year and the abundance of food, etc., etc. The sequence of the steps of development in bird em- bryos being practically the same in all birds, it would seem reasonable to believe that the larger the bulk to be grown, the longer it should take to complete its evolution. How- ever, it is not alone the differing bulk to be produced which may help to bring about varying incubation periods, but also the fact that many of these steps of development in different species are greatly abbreviated or jumped almost completely; hence, one can say that it is the speed and duration of the different steps in embryonic development which produces differences in the lengths of incubation. It is quite patent that, in a general way, there is a rela- tion between the size (or bulk) of a bird and the duration of its incubation period, yet there are so many striking ex- ceptions that one, at best, must hold it to be only a loose and rather indefinite correlation, and probably not a rela- tion of cause and effect, but rather an example of two effects influenced by a single underlying cause, a suggestion to be more fully elaborated later on. Using the words "size of bird" in the rather indefinite way found in most writings, one finds some interesting con- ditions in its relation to the length of incubation, having in mind the prevailing notion that the larger is the bird, the longer is its period of incubation. Notice the difference in the sizes (or bulks) of the fol- lowing pairs of species, each pair being recorded as having similar incubation periods: great-tailed grackle and tree creeper, chipping sparrow and evening grosbeak, golden eagle and puffin, ostrich and kiwi. If bulk or size alone counted with these species as the controlling factor deter- mining the length of incubation, there should be noticeable differences in the incubation periods of these birds, rather than a definite similarity, as is the case. On the other hand, it is not uncommon to find a decidedly smaller bird having a longer incubation than is found with a decidedly larger it) bird, as, for example, is found with the lapwing and the domestic hen, or the killdeer and the hen. If size or bulk controlled the length of incubation, the hen should have a much longer period of incubation than that of the lapwing or killdeer, which, however, is not the case. The domestic hen is much larger than any of the fol- lowing species, lorikeet, pied-billed grebe and common tern, yet all have almost identical incubation periods. Many birds are quite alike in size, yet exhibit marked differences in their respective incubation lengths, i. e., meadowlark and upland plover, kiwi and domestic hen. The swift and the raven are recorded as having practically the same incubation period, yet how great is the disparity of their sizes ! This loose relation of size of bird and length of incubation is more noticeable within the confines of natural groups (families), the Buteonidae for example, a fact which was pointed out by H. Milne-Edwards (38) as long ago as 1863, and recently Cole and Kirkpatrick (92) intimated their belief in such a relation in the pigeon family. While it is true that this connection between bulk and incubation length is strikingly evident in some families, the contrary obtains in many others, so that one can hardly con- sider it a law. The lapwing is smaller than the wood-cock, but has a longer incubation period, and with the Laridae it is found that the sooty tern and the herring gull have similar incubation periods, yet are markedly different in size. The body of at least one species of the Megapodidae is about the size of a domestic hen, yet this species' incubation period is twice as long as that of the hen. What shall one say of the several races of song sparrows, with their marked variations in size, and the incubation period of this species (including the subspecies) ? It is highly improbable that the differences in these sizes are paralleled by differences in the incubation lengths. It is impossible to explain or understand the situation which arises in considering the record of the lammergeier, the incubation period of which is given as twenty days ; this species is larger than the golden eagle (159), and its short incubation period (as recorded) is inexplicable under any given theory (past or present) , and the writer believes the record is incorrect. It would seem from the above examples that there is too much lack of concordance between the bird's bulk and its incubation period to admit a controlling relation of the first over the second, even admitting that there is a loose relation between the two. If now one assumes that by size of bird is meant weight, one has a more stable standard to go by, especially if one assume certain criteria as necessary in taking the weight. First, shall it be the male's or the female's weight? This is decidedly important, for there is a great difference in the weights of the two sexes with many birds — it may be 20% in the ostrich, and the male prairie falcon's weight is but 331-3% as much as its mate; and the female European sparrow hawk (Accipiter nisus) is said to weigh, at times, twice as much as its mate (181). Secondly, it is necessary to take a season which may possibly have the greatest in- fluence, if any, over the length of incubation, i. e., the breed- ing season, for it will probably be found that a bird's weight follows most closely a normal at this time of the bird's physiological year, and hence be less fluctuating and more influential. If now one tries to study a comparison between birds' weights and the duration of their incubation periods, there arises at once an awkward obstacle, namely, a ridiculous paucity of data on bird weights. The following list gives all the records of bird weights which have come to light in the prosecution of this study, plus those determined by the writer. TABLE NO. 3 Weights of Birds in Ounces Avoirdupois Weight Authority Ostrich 9 avg. 4000.00 141 Kiwi 64.00 42 " 60.00 168 Emperor Penguin 1440.00 20 Adelie Penguin 42.50 20 Albatross 224-288.00 185 Yellow-billed Tropic Bird 14.00 26 Pelican (Pelicanus mitratus) 512.00 181 White Pelican $ , Juv. October 240.00 78 Great Blue Heron 96-128 180 Heron (Ardea cinerea) 64.00 181 Wood Ibis 144-192 180 Domestic Duck (Rouen) 9 128.00 34 Shoveller Duck— $ —May 11 17.25 78 Grey Wild Geese 9 160.00 34 Greater Snow Goose 80-104.00 180 Canada Goose 128-224.00 180 Brant • 64.00 180 Whistling Swan 192-304 180 California Vulture avg. 320.00 100 Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticola gyrfalco) 84.00 180 Prairie Falcon 9 72.00 145 " " $ Dec. 3 -22.30 78 « " $ 24.00 145 Western Sparrow Hawk 9 July 4.76 78 21 Weight Authority European Sparrow Hawk 5.00-6.00 181 Eastern Sparrow Hawk 4.00 180 Honey Eater (Parnis apivorus) 32.00 181 American Goshawk 47.00 157 Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) 12.00-13.00 181 Western Eed-tail Hawk 5 64.00 145 " " " $ 48.00 145 Buzzard (Buteo asiaticus) 32.00-40.00 181 Western Red-tail Hawk, June 39.50 78 Red-shouldered Hawk 32-48.00 180 Swainson's Hawk 9 56.00 145 " " 25.90-56.00 180 " $ 40.00 145 " 9 April. 39.00 78 American Rough-leg Hawk, Jan 30.37 175 " " " Dec 33.65 78 Golden Eagle 184.00 60 " " 160-192.00 180 Bald Eagle 184.00 60 " " 128-192.00 180 Globose Currasow 9 Feb 114.00 169 Bobwhite 5.50-6.50 46 Scaled Quail 9 Jan 7.00 78 " $ "....: 7.50 78 Grey Partridge 12.00-13.00 46 Capercaille $ 184.00 135 Dusky Grouse 40.00-56.00 48 Ruffed Grouse 30.00-40.00 46 " " (Bonasa umbellus umbellus) 18.00-24.00 180 Sage Grouse $ 128.00 48 Wild Turkey 9 avg. 160.00 78 • " 160.00-288.00 49 Guinea Fowl 9 avg. 56.00 78 Ring-neck Pheasant 9 avg. 3. 36.00 108 Golden Pheasant 9 20.00-24.00 108 Domestic Hen (mixed breed) 64.00-80.00 78 American Coot (Fulica americana) . . . 16.00-20.00 180 Great Bustard 480.00 10 Wilson Phalarope 9 May 11 avg. 3, 2.34 78 European Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) 9 8.00-27.00 181 American Woodcock 6.00 95 " " $ 5.00-6.00 180 " " 9 6.00-9.00 180 Wilson's Snipe 4.00-5.00 180 Common Snipe (Gallinago caelestis) 3.00-8.00 181 Solitary Snipe (Gallinago solitaria) ... . 7.50-10.00 181 Weight Authority Swinhoe's Snipe (Gallinago megala) 6.00-8.00 181 Jack Snipe (Gallinago gallinula) 2.00 181 Greater Yellow-legs 6.00-10.00 180 Lesser " " 3.50-5.00 180 Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia) 9 May.. 1.53 78 Curlew (Numenius lineatus) 12.00-14.00 181 Killdeer 9 July 3.10 78 Kumlien Gull '(Larus kumlieni) 21.00 180 Lesser Tern (Sterna minuta) 2.00 181 Band-tail Pigeon avg. 12.00 127 Domestic Pigeon 10.00 78 Passenger " (Estopistis migratorius) . . . 12.00 180 Mourning Dove avg. 4.50 78 " " 5.00-6.00 180 Roadrimner $ in October 11.00 78 Cockatoo Parakeet 2.88 152 White Cockatoo 21.25 152 Great Sulphur Crested Cockatoo 26.62-43.62 152 Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo 12.25 152 Bare-eyed Cockatoo (Cocatua gymnopis) . . . 19.25 152 Molucca Cockatoo 34.12 152 Leadbeater's Cockatoo 14.50 152 Rose-breasted Cockatoo 18.75 152 Blue and Yellow Macaw '. 37.00 152 Great Blue and Yellow Macaw 51.75 152 Midget Macaw (Ara severa) 10.12 152 Elegant Grass Parrakeet 3.62 152 Alexandrine Parrakeet (Paliornis torquata) . . 8.50 152 Belted Kingfisher 5.00-6.00 180 Long-eared Owl, April 11.28 78 Barred Owl 20.00-32.00 180 Screech Owl (Otus asio asio) 4.00-6.00 180 Eagle Owl (Bubo maximus) 112.00 181 Great Horned Owl 56.00 145 " (Bubo virginianus virginianus) 48.00-72.00 180 Burrowing Owl, May 5.84 78 Western Night-hawk $ June 2.75 78 Sennett's Nighthawk 9 2.25-3.35 177 Pacific Nighthawk 9 4.00 177 Broad-tailed Hummingbird $ July 10 78 Rocky Mountain Hairy Woodpecker $ 2.25 78 Hairy Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus villosus) 3.00 180 Downey Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens medianus) 1.50 180 Williamson's Sapsucker 9 April 8th 1.62 78 Red-headed Woodpecker 9 July 2.80 78 23 Weight Authority Ant-eating Woodpecker $ in October 2.75 78 Lewis Woodpecker $ Aug 3.81 78 Western Flicker $ Aug 4.30 78 Kingbird $ July 1.60 78 Arkansas Kingbird 9 July 1.60 78 Say's Phoebe $ June ". 91 78 Hammond's Flycatcher $ July 40 78 Horned Lark (Desert) , Nov 1.18 78 Townsand's Solitaire, July 1.40 78 Western Robin 9 June 3.35 78 Catbird 9 July 1.40 78 Water Ousle, July 2.30 78 Bohemian Waxwing 9 avg. 11, Feb 2.21 175 $ avg. 11, Feb 2.22 175 Rock Wren $ May 60 78 Western House Wren 9 June 50 78 White-rumped Shrike $ June 2.03 78 Cassin's Vireo, July 60 78 Warbling Vireo, July 46 78 Rocky Mountain Nuthatch 9 Aug 65 78 Pigmy Nuthatch 9 Aug 38 78 Long-tailed Ch'ickadee $ July 40 78 Magpie, May 5.34 78 Long-crested Jay, July 4.00 78 Rocky Mountain Creeper 9 July 20 78 Orange-crowned Warbler $ May 37 182 Yellow Warbler $ May 35 '78 Myrtle Warbler $ May 50 182 " " $ May 42 182 Audubon's Warbler $ May 40 182 Macgillivary's Warbler $ July 40 78 Western Tanager $ July 1.10 78 Red-winged Blackbird 9 (Thick-bill), June. . 1.60 78 Red-wing Blackbird (Agelaius phoaniceus phoeniceus) 2.50-3.00 180 Meadow Lark (Sturnella magna magna) 4.00-5.00 180 " (Western) (Sturnella neglecta), June 3.97 78 Rusty Blackbird 2.00-2.50 180 Brewer's Blackbird 9 June 2.60 78 Bronzed Grackle, May 10 3.87 182 House Finch 9 May 66 78 Arkansas Goldfinch 9 July 47 78 Pine Siskin $ July 43 78 English Sparrow 9 avg. 1.05 78 Western Vesper Sparrow $ Oct 85 78 " $ Apr. 24 1.00 78 Lark Sparrow 9 95 78 24 Weight Authority Red-backed Junco $ July 70 78 Cassin's Sparrow $ July .70 78 Western Song Sparrow $ Feb. 28 88 175 " Tree " 9 avg. 2, Feb. 28 65 175 $ avg. 3, Feb. 28.... .71 175 Spurred Towhee 9 June 1.50 78 Black-headed Grosbeak $ June 1.30 78 Lark Bunting $ June 1.50 78 It will be necessary here to consider but a few compari- sons of different species and their weights and lengths of incubation; the ostrich, kiwi and emperor penguin have identical incubation periods, yet their weights are two hun- dred fifty, four, and ninety pounds, respectively; the do- mestic goose and the sparrow hawk have nearly similar in- cubation lengths, yet the first weighs ten pounds, while the second but five (more or less) ounces; the ruby -throated hummingbird and Cassin's vireo incubate their eggs almost exactly the same length of time, yet one weighs one-tenth of an ounce and the other six-tenths of an ounce. These examples form comparisons between species of different families, where one can expect such lack of parallelism be- tween weights and incubation periods. With species within the confines of a single family, however, equally sharp lack of correlation of weights and incubation lengths occur; the bobwhite and the grey partridge have similar incubation periods, yet their weights are as five and one-half is to twelve, and there are several species in Fringilline birds which have identical incubation lengths, but differ markedly in weight. While the available data on bird weights is, deplorably insignificant, when the species involved are compared to the total number of known birds, yet it would seem reason- able to expect more indications of a relation of weight to incubation length, if the weight fixed this length, than one finds in the data at hand. I feel that whatever relationship appears in these curves of weight is not one of cause and effect, but, as has been said before, a correlation of two effects to a third factor as an underlying single cause. The singu- lar and suggestive fact in this phase of our question is that with man's domesticated birds with which one can see a variation of. at times, several hundred per cent, in weight, there should be no corresponding change in incubation. It is highly desirable to have more recorded weights of birds, especially of the breeding female, since biologic char- acters of birds will be more and more called upon to aid in the future in solving many riddles in avian physiology. Until a much larger mass of data along these particular 25 lines has been accumulated, one must suspend final judgment on the question of how much does a bird's weight or size influence its incubation length. Age of Female It is well known that pullets of our barnyard fowl lay eggs averaging smaller in size than does the mature hen, and this condition also holds good with pheasant pullets; poultry men know that eggs of mean size and weight from each race of our domestic hen hatch more successfully than do too large or too small eggs, whence it might be held that the age of the female may affect the length of incubation, since it has been shown that the mature hen is apt to lay eggs near the normal for her race, which are more uniformly successful in hatching. Whether or not the larger or the smaller than normal eggs really hatch later or earlier than the average I do not know; in the absence of definite data in answer to this, the question must be left open and un- decided. Possibly the age of the female really affects the fertility or viability of the egg, and not the incubation length. It is also possible that very old females may exhibit a tendency to a slowing of metabolic intensity, which would unfavorably affect the incubating temperature. Condition of Parents It is not possible to say, owing to the lack of exact in- formation, if the physical condition of the male has any influence on the length of incubation with the species with which the female does all of the incubating; nevertheless, it is conceivable that old, or immature, or weak males may give the new individual in the egg a poor start, entailing perhaps a slower rate of development, resulting in a longer period of incubation. There is no doubt in my mind but that poor health in either parent (when both incubate) would result in what amounts to a cooling of the eggs during incubation, and a resulting apparent lengthening of this period, through slug- gish embryonic development, all because of the setting bird's temperature being lower than normal. While several writers mention the physical condition of the parents as being a factor in affecting the length of incubation, none has given any data, experimental or otherwise, in support of the sug- gestion. It must be left open and undecided. Conduct of Parents The assiduity (or neglect) of the incubating parents in covering theip eggs unquestionably results in the eggs being hatched "on time," or "late," or "not at all." In other words, the length of incubation is unquestionably affected by the incubating bird being frightened from its nest too frequently, or kept from its nest too long, or through the parent birds being inattentive. This effect on incubation has long been known to poul- try raisers; it is, however, an effect not altering the true length of incubation, but merely one of cooling and retarda- tion of embryonic development. Such conduct of parents does not affect the true or specific incubation length. Longevity In a valuable paper on longevity in birds, Gurney (132) suggested that there might be some relation between bird longevity and the length of incubation. It is nearly impossible to reach any definite conclusion on this suggestion since veiy little is known on that variety of longevity which is most likely the only one which affects the fluctuations of bird population and their correlated biologic results. There are nearly a hundred records relat- ing to the ages to which various species of birds live in captivity or when domesticated, but this is potential longevity. What is lacking, however, is information on the mean or average longevity, the length of life which birds attain in nature, under normal conditions of life's pressure for and against them. Brehm (132) thought that longevity was more or less correlated with size, and there are some indications that within the Class this is true, but it fails to hold good when comparing species of differing Classes. A curve was plotted from the longevity data given by Gurnej7 and gathered by the writer from other sources and placed in juxtaposition with the curve of incubation lengths of the same species; it showed no correlation between the two. It is safe, from the present data, to hold that length of incubation and longevity have no relation in fact, a con- clusion which H. Milne-Edwards (133) reached many year» ago. State of Young at Hatching Precocious, Altricial, Completeness of development. In these three conditions, given as determining factors affecting the length of incubation, there are more or .less confused, it seems to me, two distinct ideas; the first is that of precocity in its usual sense, i. e., the state of self -helpful activity and semi-independence of young birds at hatching ; and the second is that of the condition of the young being well on towards completeness of development at hatching. The first conception may or may not include the second, while the second always includes the first — a newly hatched duckling is typical of the first, while a newly hatched mega- pod bird is typical of the second. In considering precocity 27 it is easiest to handle the idea at the same time with altricial conditions of the young. Precocity and altricial characters are antipodal, and if precocity confers (or engenders) a long incubation period, it seems reasonable to expect that an altricial species should have a short period. This expectation is realized in a num- ber of instances, the ostrich and the English sparrow being good examples. There are, however, many striking excep- tions; the domestic hen and many parrots have identical incubation periods ; one is typically precocious and the other is highly altricial; and yet under this explanation the first should have a long period and the second a shorter one. Most, if not all, of the Charadriidae are precocious, which ought to bring about with these species uniformly long incu- bation periods, yet the records clearly show a great variety of lengths of incubation with this family, just about as one would find it in any other fairly large and diversified natural group, i. e., from sixteen to thirty days. Burns (3) justly calls attention to the lack of definite relation between precocity and long incubations, and altricial characters and short incubations, comparing with this in mind, ducks and large hawks, chats and sandpipers, tropic birds and gulls, all examples which in his belief disprove the correctness of the suggestion of a causal relation between precocious and altricial characters and the duration of incubation. If precociousness engendered long incubation periods, a majority of the so-called precoces should have this type of incubation length. Now, if one examine the records of the lengths of incubation amongst the pre- cocious Katitae, Crypturidae, Phasianidae, Anatidae and others, one finds the incubation length varying from fourteen to fifty-eight days. In other words, with the so- called precoces one finds a wide range of variation in the length of incubation, just as one would find with almost any other group of orders and families indiscriminately mixed together. The supposed correlation of precocity and long incubation may have arisen through a belief that the pre- cocious birds laid large eggs, and that large eggs presuppose long incubations, but large eggs are by no means the rule with the prococes, as is witnessed with the quail, hen, grouse, etc. Furthermore, this does not help this assumed explanation since, it will be shown later, the length of in- cubation is not closely correlated to the size of the egg. More or less relevant to this phase of our problem is Gadow's (150) belief that there is a direct relation between the length of incubation and the nesting period. He assumes that the developmental period is made of two portions, embryonic and post-embryonic, and that the nest period covers the post-embryonic developmental stage, which is by no means a safe assumption, since many altricial birds, and practically all the prococes, continue post-embryonic de- velopment for a good while after leaving the nest. Gadow's conclusion is that a long nest period is pre- ceded by a short incubation period and (inferentially) vice versa. While the incubation and nesting periods of some birds support this view, there is also much evidence against it. The screamer and the noddy tern do not bear support to the idea. The secretary bird is reported to incubate forty- two daysr yet its young do not leave the nest for six months after hatching (138), and the condor incubates fifty-six days, while its young are reported to live seven months in the nest after being hatched (154). This question can be examined in another way by making a ratio of incubation length and nest life, counting the latter with precocious birds as zero. The following list gives this ratio with a few species : Domestic hen, 21 ;0 ; house-finch, 14 ;14 ; sparrow hawk, 29 ;29 ; golden eagle, 30 ;35 ; yellow-headed tropic bird, 28 ;62. It seems to me that while there is much color of truth in this suggestion made by Gadow, whose eminence in zoo- logic work compels attention to his ideas, there is so much against the theory that judgment must still be withheld on its finality. Under the second way of putting the explanation comes Arrigoni's (12) statement, which voices also that of Newton (25), Evans (1-2), and Claus (10). Arrigoni writes: "The period of incubation varies, and is in relation with the state of perfection in which the young are born." It is true that the young of the precoces are physiologically more perfect than are the young of altricial birds, but both are far from being morphologically perfect, and all have a long way to go before becoming so. An English sparrow's nestling is typically the opposite of precocious, yet it hatches out in fourteen days, and spends but fourteen days in the nest. I doubt if a young killdeer reaches an equal level of development in fourteen days after hatching. As a matter of fact, it takes three weeks (after hatching) for young kill- deers to reach a stage of growth permitting them to follow the parents on the wing; it is ten days (after hatching) before they are able to lift their bodies off the ground with their wings alone (183). The only birds known to the writer whose young are hatched in a condition approaching "perfection" are the megapodes, and, the writer hopes to show later on, the length of incubation with these birds is not correlated with the state of perfection at hatching alone, but rather with quite an- other characteristic. Precocity seems to me to be an acquired character of expediency, found in a heterogeneous mixture of species. To many, precocity is synonymous with "lowness," and is said to be a retained reptilian characteristic, the nearer a bird to its proto-reptilian ancestor, the greater its precocity. By this token the low birds should have both long incuba- tion periods and noticeable precocity. However, there are quite a few "low" birds which are the reverse of precocious ; they are definitely altricial, e. g., pelicans, water turkeys and cormorants (65). Pycraft (115) puts the facts much more clearly, and with greater truth, when he says, "When the nestling is active from the moment of hatching, the eggs have a relatively longer incubation period than in cases where the nestlings are for a long time helpless." The writer feels justified in holding with Burns (3) that the possession of precocious or altricial characters does not confer thereby long or short incubation periods, and that they are not correlated to the length of incubation as causes to effects. Size of Egg Glaus (10), Fiirbinger (102), and Chapman (65) all state that the incubation period varies with the size of the egg. Burns (3) says it "seems to depend almost altogether on mere size or bulk" of egg, while Evans (2) in his second conclusion feels willing to hold "that within each group, the larger the egg, the longer the period." What is meant by "size of egg" ? It does not seem pos- sible that these (and other) writers mean mere size as ex- pressed by length and breadth, for these two dimensions cannot possibly account for, and produce, the endless varia- tions in the shape of eggs, variations of shape which produce corresponding differences in bulk, nor does it seem possible that they believe the infinity of bulks produced by these dif- ferences in shape would be paralleled by corresponding alterations in the incubation period. If there be any rela- tion between the size of the egg and the duration of its incubation, the writer feels that the term "size" should be taken to mean weight, for after all is said, these differences in measurements and shape result in corresponding varia- tions in egg weight. If all birds' eggs were of the same specific gravity, and if there were a fixed relation between the length-breadth index and the weight, one could easily ascertain the weights of a large number of different birds' eggs, since there is an enormous accumulation of length- breadth measurements at hand, collected with infinite care, toil and patience for years by ornithologists all over the world. Unfortunately I was able to find no data available from which one can learn if all birds' eggs have similar specific gravities, though Spohn and Riddle (173) make 30 statements which seem to indicate that the specific gravities of eggs from differing species are dissimilar; and unfortu- nately, also, the length-breadth index bears no relation to the egg weight (140). The writer studied this question for some time, seeking to evolve a formula whence one could get the egg weight from its length-breadth index, but found it impossible of achievement, in which finding he is supported by Curtis (140), who says, "The shape of the egg (hen's), as measured by the length-breadth index, is negatively cor- related with the weight of the egg and with the weight of each of the egg parts." It therefore seems to me that the only datum to be used in considering this phase of the problem in hand is, perforce, the weight of the fresh egg. and the relation of the egg weight to the length of incubation will be taken up a little later on in this section, while it will be expedient now to consider, more or less carefully, the relation of mere bigness to the incubation length. It is quite apparent, after a careful review of the facts, that there is a loose relation between the size of the bird and its egg; the smaller the bird, the smaller the egBurns (3) ). 106. Thompson— Bird-Lore, Vol. V, p. 80. 107. Beebe— Zoologica, Vol. I, p. 242. 108. Kendrick, W. F. — Personal communication. 109. Kendrick, W. F., and Bergtold, W. H.— Personal ob- servation. 110. Ingersoll— Harper's Monthly, Vol. XCVE, p. 40. 111. Rubincam, H. C. — Personal' communication. 112. Sutherland— Proc. Zool. Soc., London, 1899, p. 787. 113. Collins, E. W., and Bergtold, W. H.— Personal ob- servation. 114. Beebe— Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., July, 1904, p. 166. 115. Pycraft— Encyclop. Brit., Edit. XI, Vol. 9, p. 14. 116. Page — Aviaries and Aviary Life. 117. Renshaw— Aviculture Mag., Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 82. 118. Heilmann-Dansk Ornith. Forening. Tidesk., March, 1915, p. 147. 119. Hornaday — American Natural History. 120. Pycraft — Infancy of Animals. 121. Denby— -Nature, "Vol. LIX, p. 340. 122. California Alligator Farm, Los Angeles — Personal communication. 107 123. Detmers— Keptile Book. 124. Detmers— Zoologica, Vol. I, p. 237. 125. Detmers— Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., July, 1904, p. 158. 126. Hawes and Swinnerton — Trans. Zool. Soc., London, Feb., 1901. 127. Jewett— Condor, March, 1916, p. 75. 128. Newberry— Condor, March, 1916, p. 65. 129. Skinner— Condor, March, 1916, p. 64. 130. Whitaker— Ibis, 1899, p. 502. 131. Le Souef— Ibis, 1899, p. 9. 132. Gurney— Ibis, 1899, p. 19. 133. Oustalet— La Nature, 1900, p. 378. 134. Murphy, R. C. — Personal communication. 135. Beebe— Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc.. Jan., 1906, p. 258. 136. La Nature, July 6, 1912. 137. Beetz and Townsand— Auk, July, 1916, p. 287. 138. Pycraft^-History of Birds, 1914. 139. Mills— Animal Physiology, p. 402. 140. Curtis — Maine Agric. Exp. Station, Bull. No. 228, June, 1914. 141. Pickerell, Arizona Ostrich Farm — Personal communi- cation. 142. Bellchambers — So. Australian Ornithologist, April, 1916 (vide Auk, July, 1916). 143. Menegaux — Revue Francais d'Ornith., Oct., 1915 (vide Auk, Jan., 1916). 144. Internat. Encyclop., Vol. VIII, p. 660. 145. Ridgway — Man. No. Am. Birds, 4th Edition. 146. Macdonald— Auk, Oct., 1916, p. 435. 147. Smith, R. W. — Physiology of Domestic Animals. 148. Howell— Text Book of Physiology, 1915. 149. Bates— Wilson Bull., No. 96, p. 151. 150. Gadow— Bonn's Tier. Reich, Vogel, VI. 4, p. 698. 151. International Encyclop., Vol. I, p. 518. 152. Phillips, Clyde and Bergtold, W. H.— Personal ob- servation. 153. Morgan — So. Australian Ornithologist, July, 1916. 154. Beebe— Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., Oct., 1908, p. 459. 155. Encyclop. Britt,, Edit. IX, Vol. XX, p. 411. 156. Pombery — Schafer's Physiology, Vol. I, p. 785. 157. Fuertes, Louis — Personal communication. 158. Mousley— Auk, July, 1916, p. 281. 159. Beebe— Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., Jan., 1908, p. 397. 160. Pickerell— U. S. Dept, Agric. Yearbook, 1905, p. 401. 161. Hatch — Birds of Minnesota, ,p. 73. 162. Heinroth— Zool. Beobachter, Vol. XLIX, No. 1, p. 14. 163. Blaauw— Avicult. Mag., Vol. VII, No. X, 1916. 164. Simpson— Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. XL VII, part 1, No. 5, p. 607. 108 165. Simpson— Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. XXXII, part 1, No. 5, p. 19. 166. Simpson— Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh,, Vol. XXXII, gart 1, No. 11, p. 10. impson and Galbraith — Jour. Physiology, Vol. 33, p. 225. 168. Crisp, E.— Proc. Brit. Soc. Adv. Sci., 1864 and 1865, p. 92. 169. Wilbur, A. P., and Watts, E. A. — Personal communi- cation. 170. Post, K. C.— Wilson Bull., Dec., 1916. p. 178. 171. Wetmore, Alex.— U. S. Dept. Agric. Farmers Bull., No. 770, p. 16. 172. Sherman, A. R.— Wilson Bull., Dec.. 1916, p. 196. 173. Spohn and Riddle— Am. Jour. Physiology, Vol. XLI, No. 3, p. 408. 174. Buchanan — Jour. Physiology (Cambridge), Vol. XXXVIII, 1909, p. 62-66. 175. Colo. Mus. Nat. Hist., F. C. Lincoln — Personal com- munication. 176. Evans— Birds, 1898. 177. Oberholser— U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 86. 178. Meyer— Auk, 1916, p. 82. 179. Hitchcock— Bird-Lore, March-April, 1917, p. 79. 180. Eaton— Birds of New York. 181. Lanning— Wild Life in China, 1911. 182. Colo. Mus. Nat. Hist, R. J. Niedrach— Personal com- munication. 183. Wilbur— Youth's Companion, Feb. 22, 1917, p. 111. 184. Day— Bird-Lore. June, 1899, p. 78. 185. Lucas— Auk, Vol. IV, p. 2. 186. Campbell— Bird-Lore, Jan.-Feb., 1903, p. 5. 187. Seton and Chapman— Bird-Lore, Jan.-Feb., 1904, p. 1. 188. Lemmon— Bird-Lore, May- June, 1901, p. 108. 189. • Whitten— Bird-Lore, May- June, 1902, p. 95. 190. Lemmon— Bird-Lore, May-June, 1904, p. 89. 191. Campbell— Bird-Lore, Jan.-Feb., 1903, p. 5. 192. Jackson— Bird-Lore, Nov.-Dec., 1903, p. 184. 193. Moore— Bird-Lore, Sept-Oct., 1902, p. 162. 194. Hegner— Bird-Lore, Sept.-Oct., 1906, p. 154. 195. Shufeldt— Auk, July, 1893, p. 304. 196. Heil— Bird-Lore, May-June, 1908, p. 101. 197. Heil— Bird-Lore, July-Aug., 1909, p. 158. ERRATA— Pages 52 to 57, inclusive— Read "Temperature" for "Weight" at heads of second columns. Page 100, line 9— Read"Falcunculus" for "Falcumculus." 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