..ailA 9o943 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS A STUDY OF USING VISUAL PRECIPITATION AND INFRARED OCCURRENCE SATELLITE DATA by Linda Sue Pau 1 December 19 83 The: sis Adv: Lsor : C. H. Wash Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 1Z15A67 UMCLASSIFIFn SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OP THIS PACE (Wttun Dmtm Bntwrtd) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and SuhtUlt) A Study of Precipitation Occurrence using Visual and Infrared Satellite Data 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Master's Thesis 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORCa; Linda Sue Paul 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERr*; 9. RERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANO ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 939^3 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA « WORK UNIT NUMBERS 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE December 1Q83 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 114 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME « ADDRESSC^/ (M//«ran( /rom Controtllnt OlUct) 15. SECURITY CLASS, (oi thiu report) IS«. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE IS. OlSTRItUTION STATEMENT (ol thi* Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 17. OISTRISUTION STATEMENT (et tli* mbttrmcl wtlMd In Block 30, II dlU»ttnt from Ruport) It. SUR)*LCMeNTARV NOTES It- KEY WORDS (Conllnuo on lovtao mido II nocoooarr and Idantlty by block numbor) Satellite Precipitation Specification Satellite Meteorology Bi-spectral Satellite Threshold Objective Forecasting 20. AMTRACT (Conllnua on rovoraa aid* II naeoaaarr and Idantlty by block numbar) Bi-spectral satellite thresholds for precipitation speci- fication are explored with visual and infrared satellite data collocated with Service-A hourly observations for 137 surface stations in the southeastern United States. The data span the month of August 1979 and total 70,623 observations, including 538 daylight precipitation observations. The distributional and statistical differences of four I satellite resolution .gizp.q r^ng-ing from 484 to POPS nmi^ ^re. \ DO , ;S"7, 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV «S IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102- LF- 014- 6601 mr,] ASSTFTFD SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Bntarma' UMCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whmn Dmtm Entaradf) (20. ABSTRACT continue) explored and determined to be significant in the representation of weather conditions. Precipitation and no-precipitation data can be statistically differentiated with the visual and infrared mean and standard deviation values. For overcast ceiling reports, a simple linear bi-spectral threshold based on a 50% probability of precipitation is defined as extending from albedo 1.00 to 0.60 with associated cloud top temperatures 290K and 210K, respectively. For overcast and bro- ken ceiling reports, an albedo greater than 0.80 specifies a 50% probability of precipitation. S'N 0102- LF- 014-6601 IINrT.ASSTFTFD SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(TWi«n Datm Bnfrmd) Approved for public release; distribation unlimitsd A Study of Precipitation Occurrence using Visual and Infrared Sazellite Data by Linda Sue Paul Lieutenant, United States Navy B. S., University Df Minnesota, 1977 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1983 '^•'^ :UATE SCHOOL ABSTRACT mo' .l.....,x . uij^iFORHiA 93943 Bi-spectral satellite thresholds for precipitation spec- ification are explored with visual and infrared satellite data collocated with Service-A hourly observations for 137 surface stations in the southeastern tJnited States. The data span the month of August 1979 and total 70,623 observa- tions, including 538 daylight precipitation observations. The distributional and statistical differences of four satellite resolution sizes ranging from 48U to 2025 nmis are explored and deteriined to be significant in the representa- tion of weather conditions. Precipitation and no-precipita- tion data can be statistically differentiated with the visual and infrared mean and standard deviation values. For overcast ceiling reports, a simpls linear bi-spec- tral threshold based on a 50% probability of precipitation is defined as extending from albedo 1.00 to 0.60 with asso- ciated cloud top temperatures 290K and 210K, respectively. For overcast and broken ceiling reports, an albedo greater than 0.80 specifies a 50% probability of precipitation. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTECDUCTICN 13 II. PRECIPITATION SPECIFICATION 18 A. INTRODUCTION 18 B. BI-SFECTRAL AND INFRARED THRESHOLD 18 • C. LIFE HISTORY 34 III. DATA PROCESSING H2 A. INTRODUCTION 42 B. CATA SORT 44 C. STATISTICAL TREATMENT 49 IV. RESULTS 51 A. INTBCDUCnON 51 B. RESOLUTION . , . , 51 1. Precipitaticn Data 52 a. Mean Statistics 52 t. Standard Deviation Statistics 52 c. Distribution Discussion 54 d. Summary 59 2. No-precipitation Overcast Data 61 a. Mean Statistics 61 b. Standard Deviation Statistics 62 c. Distribution Discussion 63 d. Summary 63 5 3. Precipitation and No-precipitation Comparison 66 C, FRECIFITATION SPECIFICATION ' . 68 1. Overcast Ceilings 69 a. Mean of the Means 69 b. Mean of the Standard Deviations .... 70 c. Standard Deviation of the Means .... 71 d. Standard Deviation of the Standard Deviations 71 e- Distribution Discussion 72 f. Precipitation Probabilities 74 g. Summary 78 2. Overcast and Broken Ceilings 80 a. Mean of the Means 80 b. Mean of the Standard Deviations .... 81 c. Standard Deviations of the Means ... 82 d. Standard Deviation of the Standard Deviations 82 e. Distribution Discussion ...;.... 83 f. Precipitation Probabilities 85 g. Summmary 36 D. CONVECTIVE VERSUS CONTINUOUS PRECIPITATION . . 88 1. Mean Statistics 88 2. Standard DeviatiDn Statistics 91 3. Distribution Discussion 91 4. Summary 92 E. INTENSITY 95 1. Statistical Discussion 95 2. Distribution Discussion 96 3. Summary 100 V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 101 A. DATA PROCESSING SUMMARY 101 B. STATISTICS SUMMARY 102 C. PRECIPITATION PFCBABILITY SUMMARY 104 D. DATA DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY 104 E. CONCLUSIONS 105 F. SUGGESTED FURTHER STUDY 105 APPENDIX A 107 LIST OF REFERENCES Ill INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 113 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. One- hour Rainfall 21 Figure 2. Probability of One-hour Rainfall 21 Figure 3. Probability of One-hour Rainfall 22 Figure 4. Two Dimension Decision Space for Typing Clouds 23 Figure 5. Precipitation Intensity Classification ... 26 Figure 6. Frequency Plot of Rain Distribution 28 Figure 7. Frequency Plot of No-rain Distribution ... 28 Figure 8. Geographical Locations of Service-A Station Report Data 43 Figure 9. Flow Chart of Cata Processing 45 Figure 10. Precipitation Data for 10 x 10 Array size . . 54 Figure 11. Precipitation Data for 8x8 Array Size ... 55 Figure 12. Precipitation Data for 6x6 Array Size ... 55 Figure 13. Precipitation Data for 4x4 Array Size ... 56 Figure 14. Precipitation Array Size Distributions Along Diagonal Line 58 Figure 15. Nc-Precipitation Overcast Data for 10 x 10 Array Size 64 Figure 16. No-Precipitation Overcast Data for 8x8 Array Size 64 Figure 17. No-Precipitation Overcast Data for 6x6 Array Size 65 Figure 18. No-Precipitation Overcast Data for 4x4 Array Size 65 Figure 19. Precipitation Overcast Data for the 10 x 10 Array Size 73 Figure 20. Precipitation Overcast Data for 4x4 Array Size 73 Figure 21. Precipitation Overcast Data Probability 10 X 10 Array Size 75 Figure 22. Precipitation Overcast Data Probability 4 X 4 Array Size 75 Figure 23. Precipitation Overcast and Broken Data for 10 X 10 Array 83 Figure 24. No-Precipitaticn Overcast and Broken for 10 X 10 Array 84 Figure 25. Precipitation Overcast and Broken Data for 4x4 Array 84 Figure 26. No-Precipitation Overcast and Broken for 4x4 Array 85 Figure 27. Precipitation Data Probability 10 x 10 Array Size 87 Figure 28. Precipitation Data Probability 4x4 Array Size . 87 Figure 29. Convective Precipitation Data for 10 x 10 Array Size 92 Figure 30. Continuous Precipitation Data for 10 x 10 Array Size 93 Figure 31. Convective Precipitation Data for 4x4 Array Size 93 Figure 32. Continuous Precipitation Data for 4x4 Array Size 94 Figure 33. Light Precipitation Data for 10 x 10 Array Size 97 Figure 34. Moderate/Heavy Precipitation Data for 10 X 10 Array Size 98 Figure 35. Light Precipitation Data for 4x4 Array size 98 Figure 36. Mcderate/Hea vy Precipitation Daxa for H x 4 Array Size 9 9 Figure 37. Normalized Cloud Reflectivity 110 10 LIST OF TABLES TABLE I. Summary of Bi-spectral and Infrared Threshold Values 19 TABLE II. Cloud Classification to be used with Fig. 1 2H TABLE III. Threshold Values Describing Precipitation Intensity Levels 25 TABLE IV. Statistical Comparison of Rain Area Mapping Techniques 31 TABLE V. Statistical Comparison of the Accuracy of Fain Areas 31 TABLE VI. Correlation Coefficients for Determination of Precipitation 35 TABLE VII. Summary of Life History Threshold Values . . 36 TABLE VIII. Classification of No-Precipitation Data Groups U7 TABLE IX. Classification of Precipitation Data Groups 48 TABLE X. Precipitation Data Statistics for Four Array Sizes 53 TABLE XI. No-Precipitation Data Statistics for Four Array Sizes 62 TABLE XII. Precipitation Specification Overcast Ceilings 70 TABLE XIII. Precipitation Specification Overcast and Broken Ceilings 81 TABLE XIV. Continuous versus Convective Precipitation Specification 89 TABLE XV. Light versus Moderate/Heavy Precipitation Specification 96 TABLE XVI. List of Symbols 108 11 TABLE XVII. Basic Geometric Satellite-Earth Relationships * 109 TABLE XVIII. Muench and Keegan Normalization Equations * 109 12 I- INTROpaCTION The determination of precipitation occurrence and amounts is an important factor in scientific, commercial, and operational endeavors. Scientific uses are concentrated in the fields cf meteorology, hydrology, and oceanography, where precipitation is essential in analysis, diagnosis, prediction, and verification. Within meteorology, precipi- tation serves as both a forcing and response element in the study of daily weather and climatology. Indeed, precipita- tion is a critical input for climate research and into gen- eral circulation aodels which promise to extend the time frame of skillful weather forecasts. Commercial uses encom- pass agriculi-ure, forestry, transportation, communications, wa^er resource management, and many othars. Despite the importance of precipitation data to a vari- ety of fields, there are serious shortcomings in current precipitation determination. These shortcomings are due to areal and economic limitations imposed upon the land-based rainfall monitoring systems. k possible solution is embod- ied in precipitation information extracted from satellite data. With the advent cf high resolution, multi-spectral channel satellites in the late 1970's, satellite derived 13 precipitation data are being studied as a viable method -o complement and supplement conventional rainfall data. The satellite image interpreter does a subjective analy- sis based on the gray shade variations, representing a range of digital counts, that appear in the satellite image. How- ever, satellite data contain more information within the digital values than can be resolved by the human eye in pho- tographic images. The satellite digital counts input into a computer allow use of the full range of the digital values. Until recently, computer processing of satellite data has been confined largely to research uses. Acquisition, storage, and processing of the huge volumes of digital sat- ellite data could not be handled operationally in real time. However, with the recent advent of more capable mini-com- puter systems, such as the United States Navy's Satellite Data Processing And Display System (SPADS) developed by the Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility (NEPRF) Monterey, California, real time quantitative use of digital satellite data has become a reality. With the operational availability of such systems as the SPADS unit, there is a need for numerical schemes to aid in the objective specification of current weather conditions. ia This thesis concentrates on the specification of visual and infrared satellite data thresholds in determining pre- cipitaxion occurrence and qualitative precipitation rates in a mid-latitude coastal environment. The data set used con- sists of collocated Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite--East (GOES-E) satellite data and hourly surface observations at East Coast and Gulf Coast Uni-ed States sta- tions, south of UO^'N, for the month of August 1979. The use of satellite data for precipitation specifica- tion is not new. There is the recognized limitation thar infrared and visual satellite sensors are measuring proper- ties associated with small cloud particles and not precipi- tation sized particles. Nonetheless, Muench and Keegan (1979) specified quantitative precipitation rates, Liijas (1981a, 1981b) specified qualitative precipitation rates, and Love joy and Austin (1979) delineated rain versus no-rain cases using visual and infrared satellite data. Del Beato (198 1) used cloud top temperatures within a restricted cloud case classificatiDn to derive qualitative precipitation rates. The currently available precipitation study results are based on data sets with region, season, and size 15 limitations. This research effort will use data from stations covering more than 42 0,000 sgaare nautical miles (nmi2) in the eastern and central United States with a total of 70,623 observations (538 precipitation observations) . In comparison, the relatively comprehensive precipitation study of Muench and Keegan (1979) was based on 552 cases (300 rainfall cases) from five stations in the northeastern United States for April through November 1977. The signifi- cantly larger size of the present sampls will allow better statistical determination of appropriate distributions and threshold value significance. The primary objective of this thesis is to investigate specification of precipitation versus no-precipitation from satellite visible and infrared digital counts. Addition- ally, in precipitation cases, the feasibility of qualitative specification cf light versus moderate/heavy precipitation and quantiative specification of convsctive versus continu- ous precipitation are investigated. The thesis is organized into five chapters. Chapter II reviews the satellite data based precipitation studies. Chapter III describes the data set, tha data processing and the testing program. Chapter IV describes the results. 16 Chapter V states the conclusions and suggests furthe: research. 17 II. PRECIPITATION SPECIFICATION A. INTRODUCTION The specification of precipitation and tha estimation of rainfall rates using satellite imagery have bean studied using a variety of methods over a wide spectrum of time scales. This review will concentrata on those methods developed for synoptic scale and mesoscale analysis of pre- cipitation on a diurnal or shorter time scale. The methods reviewed include bi-spectral and infrared threshold (Muench and Keagan, 1979; Liljas, 1981a, 1981b; Lovejoy and Aus- tin, 1979; Del Beato, 1981; Wylie, 1982) and lifa history (Scofiald, 1981; Griffith et al. , 1978; Stout et al. , 1979; Wylie, 1979; Negri and Adler, 1981). B. BI-SPECTRAL AND INFRARED THRESHOLD The bi-spectral threshold method, in which infrared and visual satellite data are used, involves mapping the extent and distribution of precipitation. Combining the visual and infrared data provides information on tha cloud temperatures (infrared data) and on the cloud thiclcnass (visual data) . Thus, while use of the visual or infrared data alone may 18 have limitations ia specifying precipitation, the combina- tion of both may sacceed at specifying precipitation. The multi-spectral satellite channels introdaced on satellites in the late 1970»s yielded the possibility of bi-spectral thresholds. Threshold values and study condition parameters of selected bi-spectral studies are summarized in Table I. TABLE I Summary of Bi-spectral and Infrared Threshold Values STUDY LOCATION CASES TIME OF YEAR THRESHOLD INFRARED VALUE VISUAL Huench and Keegan (1979) Northeastern United States 552 obser- vations April- November 1977 -12°C 0.60 Uljas (1981) Scandinavia - May 1979 August 1979 -12°C to -15<=C - Love joy and Austin (1979) Montreal 17 days June 1977 -21°C. -26°C. -41°C .80, .88 * Visual threshold based on normalized scale from 0-1 Muench and Keegan (1979) studied precipitation specifi- cation using GOES visual and infrared satellite data and hourly rainfall cli ma to logical data for five stations in the northeastern United States for the period April through November 1977. Their data set consisted of 552 19 observations, comprised of 300 rainfall observations and 252 cases of either nonprecipitating cloady or fair weather observations. The visual (1 km resolution) and infrared (7 km resolution) satellite data were area averaged over 7x7 square kilometers (km2) and 14 x 14 km^, respectively. A 65 point visual data array (8x8 plus the center point) and a 17 point infrared data array (4x4 plus the center point) were centered ever each station. The GOES visual data were normalized using reflection values from Liou (1976) with the modification of lower absorption and higher transmission to compensate for Liou's treatment of the complete solar spec- trum. The anisotropic radiation of clouds was corrected with functions calculated by Mue nch and Keegan (1979) from ground-based radiometers and satellite measurements. From these data, they determined probabilities for precipitation greater than .01 and .10 inches in one hour and the amount of precipitation for the hour following the satellite observation (see Figs. 1, 2, and 3). Muench and Keegan (1979) did not provide the standard deviations for the data in these figures. However, they stated there was "considerable uncertainty in the specifica- tion of rainfall amount." As an example, they stated that 20 IR Cloud Ttmp«ralurt (0«gC) Figure 1. One-hour Rainfall as a Function of Normalized Cloud Raflectivity and Infrared Cloud Temperature (from Muench and Keegan, 1979) 1.0 0.9 - i 0.8 0.71- 0.6 0.5 -SO 1 1 1 1 1 .70 1 / /" / / y / / - y 1 .30 •■ ^ / Probability 2 0.01 inch 1 1 ' )- 1 .40 -30 -20 IR Cloud Temptrotur* (OtgC) -10 Figure 2. Probability of One-hour Rainfall Greater than or Equal to 0.01 inches as a Function of Cloud Reflectivity and Infrared Cloud Temperature (from Muench and Keegan, 1979) 21 1.0 0.9 I 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Probobility > 0.10 inch ( Modtrot* or h«avy roin ) -SO -40 -30 -20 IR Cloud Tamptroturt (OtqC) -10 Figure 3. Probability of One-hour Rainfall Greater than 0. 10 Inches as a Function of Cloud Reflectivit and Infrared Cloud Temperaturs (from Muench an Keegan, 1979) using Fig. 3 "for a one-hcur rainfall spscif ication of 0.10, two-thirds of the values would fall between 0.25 and 0-04." Muench and Keegan stated that their figures emphasize the requirement for both visual and infrarsd data to specify precipitation amounts. Liljas (1981a, 1981b) developed a bi-spectral cloud classification based on visual and infrared data from the polar orbiting TIR0S--6 satellite (see Fig. 4 and Table II). The data set consisted of a limited number of daily observa- tions, chosen for their synoptic characteristics, in May and 22 VISUAL Figure 4. Two Dimension Decision Space for Typing Clouds frcm Visual and Infrared Digital Counts (Table II defines the symbols for the clouds) (from Liljas, 1981a) August 1979 over a region encompassing Norway, Sweden, Fin- land, and the Baltic Sea with weather charts providing the ground truth. Based upon the precipitation threshold rasults of Muench and Keegan (1979), Liljas chose a cloud 23 TABLE II Cloud Classification to be used with Fig. 4 (from Liljas, 1981a) Mala and Cloud Typei X, Cuauloalabus 2. Blaboscracufl 3* Cirroscracus 4« Cumtilus conges cus 3» Scracoctsnulus 6. Haze/Scracus 7. Land •l b b. 8. Vacer .'4 I •2 '2 h I 1 s 1 J k SeoTB cloud with high cop Squall cloud vich scaccered showers Large vertical thickness Sacher low topside Dense clrrostratus Cirrus Thin cirrus over water Dense altostracus Thla alcostratus over water Thin altostratus Dense altocumulus Large piled up cumulus Rather small and flat caiulus Dense stratocumulus Ordinary Slightly piled up cumulus with clear areas in between Very dense haze/stratus Dense haze/stratus Ordinary haze/stratus Cumulis humllls Hare over water Planting season spring or autumn Warm green season Cold Vara 2H top temperature threshold of -.120C to -IS^'C to classify cumulonimbus and nimbostratus clouds. Starting with this cloud classification and the assumprion that the highest and densest clouds produce the maximum precipitation amount, Liljas suggested a qualitative precipitation intensity scale based on the sum of the visual and infrared satellite digi- tal counts (see Table III). These sums represent the areas of the Liljas nimbostratus and cumuloniibus cloud types in his bi-spectral cloud classification (sae Fig. 5). TABLE III Threshold Values Describing Precipitation Intensity Levels as Applied in Fig. 5 (from Liljas, 1981a) Ik^ Sum of . Digital Le yels Ch 1 + Ch 4 391-310 light rain 31 1-330 331-350 351-370 371-390 390 very strong rain Lcvejoy and Austin (1979) studied rain mapping of cloud areas based on GOES visual and infrared satellite data over 25 Q a en < on z H Figure 5 VISUAL Precipitation Intensity Classification from Visual and Infrared Digital Counts. The Precipitation Area is Represented with the Dark Diaqonal Lines. (See Table III for the mathematical description of the intensity areas.) (from Liljas, 1981a) Montreal, Canada, and the tropical Atlantic (Global Atmos- pheric Research Program Atlantic Tropical Experiment, GATE, data) with radar data providing the ground truth. The Mont- real data set consisted of 17 observations over three days 26 during June 1977. Working with 4 x 4 Icm resolution satel- lite image. Love joy and Austin plotted two dimensional fre- quency grids for the radar-determined rain and no-rain points on a 25 X 25 array (see Figs. 6 and 7). The visual data were normalized by selecting the "brightest" and "dim- mest" values in each image and linearly interpolating the radiances between 0 and 1. Lovejoy and Austin (1979) state, with reference to the cumulus rain data distribution of Fig. 6 rhat, "The distri- bution was to a good approximation a two-dimensional Gaus- sian." They do not describe or provide the statistics to support, this assertion. The no-fain cumulus cases (Fig. 7) were described as a bimodal distribution with one peak near the low visual and low infrared values and the other peak near the rain peak but shifted slightly toward lower values. In most cases, the separation of the cumulus rain and no- rain cases was statistically significant with the probabil- ity ranging from ^Q% to 50% that rhe rain and no-rain samples came from the same population. The Lovejoy and Austin (1979) two dimensional frequency plots for non-cumulus storms were limited to one case. The significant differences between the cumulus and non-cumulus 27 a Pi D Eh < Pi U s w Eh 000000000 OOOOOtiOO 10 1 I 0 C 0 0 0 I 10)02000 ? 1 J » » > 0 1 I il>'12**l > ; « I 0 * « ! ( I ] 2 ; 0 4 4 « 1 I 1 2 ; I I « » ! 0 I • I 0 ) ) I • ?7?)00l«« 1 ♦ » » J 1 • * r 10 0 13 7 1*3 00?3«4*4* 1 1 > • t > • I? 22 2 ♦ 3 I 17 t2 20 22 21 0 0 I «1I2II2I220 9 0 0 I 1 4 It 2* )1 0000004311 oooocooos 000000000 900000000 000000000 2t 44 31 2) «a >» M 42 ■4 140 144 124 «0 4) 10) 104 \9 24 41 I oa BRIGHTNESS Figure 6. Frequency Plot of Rain Distribution for GATE day 248, 1300 GMT (from Lovejoy and Austin, 1979) Qi Eh W a Eh l» 17 10 ^» ?o i» i; 10 1^ 14 1* ?1 10 IS 1 11 6 « 10 ^ IT 11 1* n ?< <« 1 > c c 0 0 0 0 0 >4 It 20 4 2) II 14 10 10 H 1« BRIGHTNESS Figure 7, Frequency Plot of No-rain Distribution for GATE day 248, 1300 GMT (from Lovejoy and Austin, 1979) 28 data sets were that the non-cumulus no-rain plot lost its bimodal character, relative to the cumulus no-rain plot, and appeared as a broad two dimensional Gaussian distribution. The non-cumulus rain plot points fell within the no-rain distribution, but were shifted slightly higher in the vis- ual. The separation of the non-cumulus rain and no-rain cases was not statistically significant, with greater than a 50% probability of the rain and no-rain samples coming from the same population. Love joy and Austin ( 1 S79) attempted to further classify the cumulus rain and no-rain cases into no-rain, light rain, and heavy rain. Rainfall rates greater than 2 mm-h-i, as determined by radar, were defined as heavy rain. As expected, the mean of the heavy rain cases was shifted slightly towards higher visual and infrared values than the mean of the light rain cases. However, the shift was so small that there was at least an 80% probability of the light rain and heavy rain cases coming from the same popula- tion. Lovejoy and Austin (1979) concluded that "little if any rainfall-rate information is contained in a single (vis- ual and infrared) satellite image." 29 Lovejcy and Austin (1979) tested a spectral threshold technique for rain area mapping. Each satellite image of 400 X 400 km was divided into one hundred 40 x 40 km boxes. The 100 sutareas were each checked with radar to determine the total number zf rain areas. An equal total number of satellite subareas were classified as rain areas. The sat- ellite subareas with the highest visual and highest (cold) infrared values were classified as rain areas, until the total number of satellite rain areas equaled the total num- ber of radar determined rain areas. This spectral threshold technique was applied to three days accumulation of data and is shown in Tables IV and V. When compared with the success of the two dimensional frequency plot method, the visible and infrared thresholds averaged 45% and 58% worse, respec- tively. The accuracy of the visual threshold is limited by the extent of low, thick clouds and the infrared threshold is limited by the extent of the cirrus clouds in the satel- lite image. Lovejoy and Austin (1979) concluded that "the errors involved in using a 'best threshold' are very large indeed. " Del Beato (1981) studied correlations between cloud top temperatures (based on NOAA-5 satellite data) and rainfall 30 TABLE IV Staxistical Comparison of Rain Area Happing Techniques (R /R X 100 indicates "percentage of correct satellite rain") (from Lovejoy and Austin, 1979) Op(. 2-D BoiindwT IR Optimum ThrcshoM IK(K) {H,/lf) X 100 VMble Optimwn ThreshoM Area Rain CovcraceCO ToUlNo. of Potnu. Dajr (ScbI«: O-I) («W*)« 100 GATE 242. 24J. 24« 247. 249, 231 252. 261 Monirtal 132 in I3J 63 36 5« 33 <232 <232 <247 <254 33 20 S3 32 >0.69 >0.M >0.|I0 >O.SI 64 31 4S 4* IS.I ».7 24.0 13.9 47706 .40361 337JI 2233« TABLE V Statistical Comparison of the Accuracy of Rain Areas (from Lcvejcy and Austin, 19 79) Number of Images Error Technique Region or Sequences Bias Factor £km» 2-D Paltern Montreal 17 1.13 1.26 0.22 Matching 2-D Pattern Montreal 3 1.08 1.19 0.18 Matching Optimum IR Montreal 3 1.38 1.74 0.71 Threshold Optimum Visible Montreal 3 1.54 1.59 0.58 Threshold 2-D Pattern GATE 8 1.21 1.41 0.25 Matching totals for 30- and 60-min intervals over eastern Australia. The sa-ellite data had a 60 km2 maximum resolurion at subsa- tellite point and cloud top temperatures were area averaged for a resolution of 200 km2. The 21 data sets were first classified according to synoptic situation in a rough 31 attempt to group the data by cloud typa, droplet spectra, and air mass trajectory. The initial rasults suggested that the cloud top temperature determined an upper limit on rain- fall amount, with the maximum increasing as the cloud top temperature decreases. A linear correlation analysis to determine a quantitative relationship between rainfall amount and cloud top temperature gave indefinite results. Further study of surface and radiosonde observations indicated that classification by proportion of cumuliform cloud reports to all cloud reports and subcloud layer humid- ity might be mere appropriate (Del Beato, 1981). This clas- sification resulted in a correlation coefficient of 0.90, excluding cases with cumuliform portions less than 50% and dew-point depressions of greater than 6®C. Finally, a com- posite frequency distribution was calculated based on three cases, all southwesterly stream situations described as "post-frontal cellular convection cases in cyclonically curved flow." The fitted equation was; f = 0.C57 - 0.004CTT - 0.054R (1) where f is the rainfall frequency, R is the 30-min rain total (mm) , and CTT is the cloud top temperature (^C) . The 32 equation was fitted to 41 independent f values. This equa- tion is associated with a correlation coefficient of 0.79 at the 99% confidence level. Equation (1) indicates no rain from clouds warmer than ■••130C and a maximum 30-min rainfall of 2.5 mm for a cloud top temperature of -20<'C. In summary, Del Beato (1981) found that cloud top temp- eratures and 30- and 60-min rainfall totals indicated sta- tistically significant relationships for cloud systems with a high proportion of cumulus clouds and high subcloud humid- ity. Additionally, as cloud top temperatures decrease to at least -35°C, rainfall totals increase. Wylie (1982) attempted to correlate rainfall occurrence with radiosonde soundings, hourly Service-A observations, and visual and infrared satellite data. His data sample was restricted to "large-scale cloud cover" areas with wide- spread precipitation (rain gauge reports varied less than 20%) for the Great Plains States region for the period 27 February 1981 through 4 January 1982. From thirteen parame- ters derived from the three data sources (see Table VI) , the best linear regression equation for estimating rainfall ra te s wa s : 6-hour rain (in) = 1.0242 ♦ 0.380Pw - 0,0304Qc - 0.0047Ct (2) 33 where Pw is the vertically integrated precipitable water vapor (in) , Qc is the moisture convergence (g/kg/day) , and Ct is the cloud top temperature (Kelvins} . Equation (2) has a linear correlation coefficient of 0.60. Linear regression equations were also determined for the three parameters alone and for a combination of Pw and Qc to be used when not all three data types were available. The cloud temperature regression equation was: 6 hour rain (in) = 2.10 - O.OOSCt (3) The correlation coefficient was -0.35. Wylie (1982) stated that the synoptic scale data base measurements were best suited for estimating broad changes in rainfall rates asso- ciated with changes in air masses and not suited for esti- mating rainfall rates associated with small scale dynamic processes. C. LIFE HISTOEY The life history methods are empirically derived precip- itation estimation schemes based upon two assumptions, first, that significant rainfall comes from convective clouds, and second, that convective clouds can be identified and measured in satellite images. These methods involve manual analyses of convective cloud areas in a sequence of 34 TABLE VI Correlation Coefficients for Determination of Precipitation Based on the Three Data Types (from Wylie, 1982) CORRELATION MEASURED WITH 6 HOUR NUMBER PARAMETER PRECIP. REPORT OF CASES F Vertically integrated 0.48 196 58* precipitacle water vapor Cloud top brightness Cloud top height Moisture convergence Cloud top temperature Bubble model predicted cond. 500 mb vorticity advection Parcel lifted index 700 mb temperature advection Sfc temperature advection 850 mb temperature advection Wind convergence (sfc) Vertical wind shear * Significant correlation at the 99% level. visual, infrared, or both visual and infrared satellite images. Threshold values and study condition parameters -0.44 184 44* -0.40 190 36* 0.38 184 31* -0.35 199 27* 0.27 115 9 -0.21 173 8* -0.20 200 8* 0.20 173 7* 0.19 156 6 0.17 189 6 0.09 167 1 0.03 156 0 35 associated with pablished life history studies are summa- rized in Table VII. TABLE VII Summary of Life History Threshold Values STUDY LOCATION CASES TIME OF YEAR THRESHOLD INFRARED VALUE VISUAL Griffith. et al., (1978) Florida, Venezuela, Honduras, and hurricanes impacting East Coast United States 34 days summers 1969-1976 -20°C 80 counts* Stout, et al., (1979) tropical North Atlantic 57 obser- vations September 1974 -26°C 0.45 albedo (sun over- head) Wylie (1979) Montreal 6 days June 1977 September 1977 -16°C - Negri and Adler (1981) Oklahoma , Arkansas, Missouri 1 day (15 thunder- storms) April 24, ■ 1975 -27°C - • ATS-3 satellite The Scofield/Oliver (Scofield, 1981) analysis follows a decision tree procedure to estimate half-hourly rainfall for deep convective systems within tropical air masses, Osing enhanced infrared and high resolution visual satellite 36 images, the technique involves first identifying the active convective portion of the cloud, or cluster, from two con- secutive satellite images. Once the ac-ive portion is iden- tified, the half-hourly rainfall estimation is computed based on such factors as cloud top temperature, cloud growth, and departure of precipitable warer from a summer- time normal. The Grif fith/Woodley (Griffith et al. , 1978) technique is designed to estimate rainfall in the tropics, over large space and time scales, using geosynchronous visual or infra- red satellite imagery. This time-dependent technique was empirically derived as a relationship between cloud area, echo area, and rain rate for two areas in south Florida, with raingage-radar providing the ground truth, and was then tested in other tropical areas. This scheme was subse- quently tested further in extratropical areas (Griffith et al., 1980), with modifications to the rainfall amount predicted. The determination of a cloud area-rainfall relationship first required the specification of both a visual and an infrared threshold to define the cloud area. The visual brightness threshold, normalized for radiation geometry, was 37 80 counts for the third Application Technology Satellite (ATS-3) and the infrared threshold was 253K (-200C) . The Thresholds were based on a comparison of the clouds with a given maximum digital count and the radar echoes associated with these clouds. The empirical cloud area -rainfall relationship was derived as a two step process. First, a relationship between the cloud area and the radar echo area, normalized for the maximum area achieved by the cloud or cluster, was established for the visible and infrared satellite data. Second, the relationship between the echo area and rain vol- ume was determined and was of the form: Bv = I Ae - (5) where Rv is rain volume per hour (m^-h-i) , I is rain in units of (m3-km"'2-h-*) , and Ae is the echo area (kmS) defined by the 1 mm-h-i rain rate. Thus, given a zime sequence of con- vective clouds (or cluster areas) measured from visible or infrared satellite images, volumetric rain rate can be estimated. Stout €t al. (19 79) modified the Grif fith/Woodley tech- nique (Griffith et al., 1978) to estimate volumetric rain 38 rate directly from a cumulonimbas cloud area and area change according to the equation: E = a^A + a, dA/dt (6) where R is the volumetric rainfall of the cloud (m^-s-i), A is the cloud area (m2) , dA/dr is the change of cloud area over time (m2-s~i), and a^ and a, are constants with dimen- sions m-s-* and m, respectively. The two constants were calculated by a least squares fit of cloud area-rain rate pairs based on visible and infrared geosynchronous satellite data and 5.3 cm ship radar rain data collected during GATE. The cloud area and its change are defined by the threshold value. The visible threshold for cloud area calculations was 60 digital counxs on the ATS-3 (corresponding to an albedo of 0.45 with the sun overhead), or equivalently 172 digital counts on the first Geosynchronous Meteorological Satellite (SMS 1). The infrared threshold was 160 digital counts (-260C). The standard error between the estimated rainfall and the mean radar rainfall was 62% and 76% for the visual and infrared equations respectively. Wylie (1979) attempted to use the tropical convective rainfall techniques of Griffith et al. , (1978) and stout et 39 al.r (1979) for estimating precipitation in Montreal, Can- ada. Osing visual satellite data, corrected for the chang- ing sun angle (Mcsher, 1975), infrared satellite data, and 10.0 cm radar meaured rainfall rates, Wylie studied six days of precipitation, three days each in June and September 1977. Wylie concluded that because of air mass differences between Montreal and the tropics, the Griffith and Stout estimation techniques did poorly in Montreal, Canada. The singlemost important limitation with these two schemes was the difficulty of measuring cumulonimbus cloud area when the "anvils were often merged into large cloud masses and the extensive stratus cloud cover often obscured the pictures." Wylie also noted that the Griffith el. al. (1978) threshold of -260C had to be changed to -16°C for the summertime Mont- real, Canada, area. With the warmer cloud top temperatures the cloud areas were a larger, more appropriate size for tracking. Wylie (1979) then attempted to combine sounding data input into a one- dimensional model (Simpson and Wiggert, 1969) and satellite cloud cover measurements to estimate rainfall for Montreal. With the GATE measurements for rain rates associated with satellite- derived cloud areas and the UO model output, raiafall rates were estimated by multiplying the two values. The most accurate estimations were for the cumulus clouds in the warm air masses occurring in June, the cases the model was designed to handle. Wylie concluded that in order to estimate rainfall in all geographical areas and seasons a more sophisticated model would be needed. Negri and Adler (198 1) did one case study of fifteen thunderstorms in the Oklahcma, Arkansas, and Missouri area on 24 April 1975. They used radar data for ground truth and had special 5 minute GOES-E satellite passes over the area of interest. They were able to determine zhat the precipi- tation began falling, as indicated by radar data, for cloud rop temperatures ranging from 229K to 260K (-44oc to -13oc). The mean cloud tcp temperature value was 2U7K (-26<^C) . 41 III. CATA PROCESSING A. INTRODUCTICN The data set assembled for this study consists of collo- cated GOES-E satellite data and Service-A hourly surface observations for the southeastern United States during August 1979. The GOES-E data consists of 10 x 10 pixel matrices of visual and infrared satellite data centered over each of 137 surface stations (Fig. 8) all south of HO^m, The satellite data are measured with the Visual Infrared Spin Scanned Radiometer (VISSR) which have subsatellite point spatial resolutions of 1 and 7 km for the visual and infrared channels, respectively. The GOES-E navigation was completed by Man-computer Interactive Data Access System (McIEAS) at the University of Wisconsin using the full reso- lution visual data, with an accuracy of 1-2 pixels (1-2 km). The full resolution visual data were averaged to a 7 km res- olution, to equal the infrared data resolution. The visual and infrared digital counts range from values of 0-255. The 10 X 10 pixel GOES-E visual and infrared satellite data each cover an area 45 nmi x 45 nmi at SO^'N (50 nmi x 60 nmi at 42 U20N). The Service-A hourly repDrts total 70,623 observations. No Service-A specials or record-specials are included. Figure 8. Geographical Locations of Service-A Station Report Data The data are divided into two no-precipi-ation catego- ries (Table VIII) and seven precipitation categories (Table 43 IX) to investigate precipitation specification, convective versus continuous precipitation specification, and qualita- tive specification of light versus moderate/heavy precipita- tion. The pixel array size is also varied from the 10 x 10 array size to an 8 x 8, a 6 x 6, and a 4 x 4 array size to investigate the differences in the data resulting from vari- ous resolution sizes within a particular weather condition classification. B. CATA SORT For the combined visual and infrared threshold specifi- cation of precipitation, satellite data for 1200-2000 GMT, corresponding to 0800-1600 EDT, were sorted into precipita- tion and no-precipitation groups (Fig. 9). The 0800-1600 EDT interval was chosen to avoid distortion of the visual satellite data due to a low solar elevation angle. The vis- ual data were normalized and converted to albedos based on the work done by Muench and Keegan (1979). This scheme cor- rects for the varying zenith angle as well as adjusting the visual satellite data for anisotropic scattering as related to the zenith angle. (See Appendix A for further specific information concerning the Muench and Keegan normalization scheme.) 44 SURFACE DATA East Coast and Gulf Coast United States. August 1979. Service - A HOURLY observations (/O. 623) COLLOCATED SATELLITE DATA Visual 10 x 10 pixel size DAYLIGHT TIME CHECK (avoid low solar angle for VISUAL satellite DATA) Include 1200-2000 GMT (0800-1600 EDT) reports Isolate Applicable Weather AND Cloud Cases for Study (see Tables VIII and IX) Delete reports with any zero values in satellite visual and infrared data Normalize Visual Data CONVERT visual DIGITAL counts to ALBEDOS (MUENCH AND KEEGAN. 1979) Compute means and standard deviations of the albedos and cloud top temperatures FOR EACH 10 X 10. 8 X 8. 6 X 6. AND ^ X 4 PIXEL ARRAY SIZE Calculate mean and standard deviation of the means and standard deviations for each weather/cloud classification and pixel array size Infrared 10 x 10 PIXEL SIZE Figure 9. Flew Chart of Data Processing 45 While altedo values camiot exceed 1.00, the Muench and Kaegan (1979) scheme allows the values to overshoot 1.00, up to a value of 1.20. Therefore, the visual satellite values are not true albedos, but estimated albedos. The extended visual normalized data scale was used to facilitate compari- son of the results in this effort to the most extensive bi- spectral threshold precipitation specification of Muench and Keegan (1979). The Muench and Keegan (1979) normalization scheme specifies that any computed albedo greater than 1.20 be set equal to 1.20 to limit the unreasonably large values. Similiarly, the scheme specifies computed albedos less than 0.15 be interpreted as the ground or water surface reflec- tance and the value 0.00 be assigned. The infrared data were processed in digital coun-s and converted to cloud top temperatures prior to statistical computations and graphical displays. The no-precipitation data (Table VIII) are comprised of the digital visual and infrared 10 x 10 pixel arrays of those Service-A station reports not showing any "R" in the current weather group. Thus, the no-precipitation group includes stations reporting drizzle (weather codes L-, L, and L-«-) . 46 TABLE VIII Classification of Nc-Prscipitatioa Data Groups Servics- A Current Weather/ Category Name Cloud Grou^ Reports no "R'V 2A No-Precipitation, Cloud Groups 1976 Overcast Ceiling 300, 030, 003, 130, 230, 013, 023, 103, 203, 113, 123, 213, 223 no "R"/ 2B No-Precipitation, Cloud Groups 7358 Overcast and Broken (above groups) and 200^ 020, 120, 220, 002, 102, 202, 112, 122, 212, 222 The no-precipitation data are divided into two catego- ries, overcast ceiling (category 2A) and overcast and broken ceiling (category 2B) . Cloud cover is based on the three digit cloud group in the Service-A surface observation. The first digit indicates the amount of low clouds, where 0 is defined as clear, 1 is scattered (one-eighth to four- eighths cloud cover), 2 is broken (five-eighths to seven- eighths cloud cover) , and 3 is overcast (eight-eighths cloud cover) . The second and third digit indicate the amount of middle and high clouds, respectively. The same 0-3 values defined for the low clouds are used for middle and high cloud amount. 47 Ih9 precipitation data (Table IX) are comprised of the visual and infrared 10 x 10 pixel arrays of those Service-A station reports showing any '• R" in the current weather group. Two precipitation observations were excluded from the data set because each report also indicated clear skies. TABLE IX Classification of Precipitation Data Groups Service- A Category Name Current Weather Reports 1 Precipitation any "R" 538 1A Precipitation any "R" and overcast 329 - ^ -._.,..__ ceiling (as defined in Table vlll category 2A) IB Precipitation any "R" and overcast 534 Overcast and and broken ceiling (as Broken Ceiling defined in Table VIiI category 2B) 1C Continuous R-, a, R+ 112 Precipitation IB Convective RW-, RW, RW+,TRW-, 426 Precipitation TRW, TRW+, TR-, TR, TR IE Light R-, RW-, TRW-, TR- 464 Precipitation IF Moderate/Heavy R, R + , RW, RM-f, TRW, 74 Precipitation TRW+, TR, TR The general precipitation data (category 1) are divided into six groups: precipitation overcast ceiling (category 48 1A) , precipitation overcast and broksn ceiling (category IB), continuous (category 1 C) , convective (category ID), light (category IE), and moderate/heavy (category 1F) pre- cipitation. These seven precipitation groups ar9 used to investigate precipitation specification, convective versus continuous precipitation specification, and qualitative specification of light versus moderate/heavy precipitation. C. STATISTICAL TREATMENT The means and standard deviations of albedos and cloud top temperatures of each 10 x 10 pixel array for the weather types listed in Tables VIII and IX wera calculated. Means and standard deviations of albedos and cloud top tempera- tures were also calculated for the 8x8, 6x6, and 4x4 pixel arrays centered over the surface station. The 8x8, 6x6, and 4x4 pixel arrays are equal to 36 nmi x 36 nmi, 27 nmi x 27 nmi, and 22 nmi x 22 nmi at 30°N respectively. Variation of the digital satellite areal coverage is used to investigate the differences in the statistics due to the chosen resolution size. The data sets in Tables VIII and IX are represented, first, by the mean and standard deviation of the resolution cell means and standard deviations. Second, these data sets ( 49 are represented by the distributions of the mean cloud top temperatures and albedos where the mean cloud top tempera- tures are sorted into ten Kelvin (K) intervals and the mean albedos are sorted into 0.10 intervals. These representa- tive statisxics and distributions are calculated for the four pixel array sizes. The statistical and distribution results for differing resolution sizes, bi-spectral threshold specification of precipitation, and separation of light from moderate/heavy precipitation are discussed in Chapter IV. 50 I V . RESDLTS A. INTRODOCTION The figures presented in this chapter display the dis- tributions of the grand means of the resolution cell means of albedos and cloud top temperatures for the data sets listed in Tables VIII and IX for the four array sizes. The mean values are sorted into ten Kelvin intervals and 0.10 estimated albedo intervals. B. EESOLaTICN The effect of satellite resolution in representing gen- eral precipitation (category 1) and no-precipitation over- cast (category 2A) data are explored for four resolution sizes. The four sizes are 10 x 10, 8x8,6x6, and 4x4 and are approximately equal to areas of 2025 nmis, 1296 nmi2, 729 nmi2, and 484 nai^ at SO^N respectively. The general precipitation (category 1) and no-precipita- tion overcast (category 2A) data were chosen for study because, while they represent two different weather condi- tions, their albedo and cloud top temperature distributions have the largest amount of overlap when compared to any 51 other pair of prscipitation versus no-pracipitation data sets. The possibility arises that statistical differences in the four resolution sizes might be sufficient or comple- ment other information in delineating these two weather conditions, '^' Precipitation Data The general precipitation (category 1) data are com- prised of 329 overcast ceiling reporrs (61%), 205 broken ceiling reports (38%), and 4 scattered ceiling reports (1%). a. Mean Statistics The precipitation data (category 1) differences between the means of the cell means visual and infrared 10 x 10 and U X 4 array sizes are 0.035 and 2.2K, respectively (Table X) . The trend of the mean of the means is toward higher albedo values and colder cloud top temperatures with the decreasing area or array size. The standard deviations of the means similiarly show an increase in the albedo, 0.016, and cloud top temperature, 1.0K, from -he 10 x 10 array size to the 4x4 array size. b. Standard Deviation Statistics The standard deviation statistics display the opposite trend with decreasing area as the mean statistics. 52 TABLE X Precipitation Data Statistics for Four Array Sizes Overcast, Broken, and Scattered Ceilings Mean of (VIS) Means (IR) Standard (VIS) Deviations of Means (IR) 10. X 10 . 579 253. OK (-20OC) . 211 20. 7K 8x8 . 591 252. 2K (-2 10C) . 214 21. OK 6x6 603 .219 21 .3K U X U .614 251. 4K 250. 8K (-220C) (-220C) .227 21. 7K Mean of (VIS) Standard Deviations (IR) Standard Deviation (VIS) of the Standard Deviations (IR) . 173 . 161 . 144 . 124 10. 4K 9. IK 7.6K 5.6K .078 . 078 .075 .072 7. OK 6.7K 6. OK 4.9K The means and standard deviations of the standard deviations decrease in the visual and infrared values with decreasing area (Table X). The differences between the 10 x 10 and 4 x 4 array sizes visual and infrared means of the standard deviations are 0.049 and 4.8K, respectively, and the stan- dard deviations of the standard deviations are 0.006 and 2. IK, respectively. 53 c. Distribution Discussion Th€ distributions of the precipitation data are shown in Figs. 10, 11, 12, and 13. There is a discernible shift toward higher albedos and colder cloud top tempera- tures of the 2% and 3% frequency isopleth with decreasing array size. This upward shift is also reflected in the mean of the means (Table X). The appearance of the 5% frequency isopleth in the 6x6 and 4 x 4 array sizes at high albedos and cold cloud top temperatures highlights the shift. 1.20 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.10 ■ / 1 0 0 0 0 I I 1 1 0 0 / 1. 1.00 • / / 0 0 0 0 0 t* 0 3 5 /6 / 0 0.9 ■ ^""^ v\ 0 0 0 6 1 4 1 Azj ""^^^ 1)9 0 0.8 ■ ^-2%. /^ // 0 0 c 2 ax -^3 12 A25. /6 0 0.7 ■ 0 0 2 V ^ s45^» 23 C^ 4 2 0 0.6 - 0 0 3 / J'V ©y ^ 3 0 0 0 0.4- ^^ •y—— 0 2 10 s 9 3 0 0 0 0 0.3 • <^2%-*-^ c 5 /i/T/ iv/ 7 ^ 1 0 0 0 0 0.2 • / \ y 0 / 2^ ^i^ 5 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 y / 0.1 ■ / \0y 1 1 I 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.0 -+■ H 1 1 \ ■» ^ -H H H -H 1 — 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) Figure 10. Precipitation Data for 10 x 10 Array Size (The mean, .579 and 253. OK, interval is boxed. The 2% and 3% frequencies are for 11 and 16 occurrences, respectively.) 54 Figure 11. 300 290 250 240 230 220 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) Precipitation Data for 8x8 Array Size (The mean, .591 and 252. 2K, interval is boxed. The 2% and 3% frequencies are for 11 and 16 occurrences, respectively.) Figure 12. 1.20 • 0 0 0 0 o' 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.10 ■ y\ 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 / i' 1.00 • / y 0 0 0 2 1 4 1 6 -^ / 0 0.9 • ^ "^^^^s y^ ^ 0.8 ■ 0 0 0 5 0 4 ^^2% 3 > S S^5% >> ) 0 0 0 0 4 /ih 13 X^ ^7 f^ 0 0.7 • / ^•fc" / / / /^ 0.6 ■ 0 0 3 / "( |18J /22/ 20 ^ 1 0 0 0 4 /16 11 \ C^L/ •-n^* 14^ / 3 0 0 0.5 ■ / y 0 0 y 15 /H/ ^> ?« 5 4 3 0 0 0.4- / ^^*" \ '^ > X 0 2 iJ^ ^V I \iy 5 3 2 0 0 0 0.3 ■ / // X 0 .. 9 X 10 8 2 0 0 0.4 ■ 0.3 • 0 1 10 9 7 3 2 0 0 0 0 3 / e / 5 a 4 1 0 0 0 0 0.2 " / X 0 / 2 / 9 2 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0.1 ■ ■/ X 0.0 J^ 1 5 2 H ¥ 1 ^ 1 0 — t 0 -* 1 t — t- 0 -+ 0 1 — 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) Precipitation Data for 4x4 Array Size (The mean. .614 and 250. 8K, interval is boxed. The 2%., 6%, and 5^ frequencies are for 11, 16, and 27 occurrences, respectively.) The distributions of the 10 x 10 and 3x8 array sizes (Figs. 10 and 11) are unimodal while the 6x6 and 4 x 4 array sizes (Figs. 12 and 13) appear to be more bimodal. The four array sizes were tested for a Gaussian distribution with the Chi-sguare test and all failed az any confidence level. • Therefore, differences in the four resolutions can- not be adequately tested by well defined statistical methods based on an assumed normal distribution. The similiarities between ths 10 x 10 and 8x8 array sizes (Figs- 10 and 11) and the 6x6 and 4x4 array 56 sizes (Figs. 12 and 13) are further illustrated in Fig. 14. A diagonal cut is plotted for each of the four array sizes where the lines plotted are shown as a dashed boxed area in Figs. 10-13. The diagonal cut reveals the close agreement between the 6x6 and 4x4 array sizes along the line. The 10 X 10 and 8x8 array size lines follow the same general trend but do not coincide as closely as the 6x6 and 4x4 array size lines. The chosen diagonal line results in the 8 x 8 array size distribution appearing more smoothed than the 10 X 10 (Fig. 14), as there is no relative minima at the 4.0 interval for the 8x8 array size. The 10 x 10 array size, with the greater areal extent and therefore more averaging of differing clouds and clear areas, is expected to possess the "smoothest" appearance, the lowest number of relative maxima and nicima of the four array sizes. However, the 8 x 8 array size actually displays the fewest relative maxima and minima along the chosen diagonal line. The smoother 8 x 8 array size cannot be explained in terms of significant differences in the number of cases of different ceiling types or different precipitation types occurring in interval 4.0 between the four array sizes. Quite simply, the 57 smoother 8x8 array size apparently rssults from ths sort- ing intervals chosen for the distributions. CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE/ RLBEDO INTERVALS Figure 14. Precipitation Array Size Distributions Along Diagonal Line (The line rep;:esent3 the 10 x 10, dotted line the 8x8, dashed line the 6x6, and dash dot line the U x 4 array size.) The elongated shape of all four precipitation distribution array sizes (Figs. 10, 11, 12, and 13) reveal the variation in the areal amount of cloudiness and precipi- tation. The distributions range from high albedos and cold cloud top temperatures (indicative of satellite fields of 58 view filled with precipitating clouds) to low albedos and warm cloud top temperatures (indicative of satellite fields of view partially filled with precipitating clouds). The visual and infrared satellite data distributions in Figs. 10 r llf 12, and 13 agree with the elongated shapes of Piatt (1981) for his cloud classifications of cumulus, frontal, and Jetstream cirrus clcuds and agree with Coakley and Bretherton (1S82) for their general clouds present in a 1000 km2 Pacific Ocean area, d. Summary A sarellite field of view filled with a precipi- tating cloud is expected to have highsr albedo and colder cloud top temperature values than a partially filled field of view. Additionally, the filled field of view would have a more uniform texture, as reflected in variance or standard deviation values, than a partially filled field of view. The statistics discussed in this study confirm these expec- tations for this data set. As the array size or field of view is decreased, the mean statistics increase while the standard deviation statistics decrease (Table X). Fcr the precipitation data (category 1) , there are significant differences between the four resolution 59 sizes. These differences are reflected in the upward trend in albedos and colder cloud top temperatures of the mean and the standard deviation of the means with decreasing area or array size (Table X) . The reverse trend is found in the mean and standard deviation of the standard deviations. The distributions have significant differences also. The relatively coarse resolution 10 x 10 and 8x8 array sizes have a unimodal distribution while the rela- tively fine resolution 6x6 and 4x4 have a bimodal distribution. The four array sizes discussed vary in their statistics and distributions in representing the precipita- tion (category 1) data. The choice of satellite resolution for representation of the precipitation data will influence comparison of these data with other data. Therefore, for the remainder of this study the precipitation data for all classifications will be discussed using both the 10 x 10 and 4x4 array size. , One additional topic to explore is that a number of cases with albedos less than 0.40 appear in the precipi- tation data (category 1) in all four size distributions (Figs. 10, 11, 12, and 13). These low albedo values suggest 60 the possibility that there might be a consistent low bias in the normalization scheme. But a closer look at the individual reports with albedos less than 0.40 show no pattern involved with either the GMT hour or the longitude or latitude of these staticn reports. Further analysis of these low albedo precipitation reports are discussed in the light precipitation section (IV. E.). 2- No -precipitation Overcast Data a. Mean Statistics For the no-precipitation overcast cases (cat- egory 2A) , differences between the means of the means visual and infrared 10 x 10 and 4x4 array sizes are 0.011 and 0.3 K, respectively (Table XI). The 0.3K infrared difference is within the 0.5K noise level of the VIS3R infrared sensor. The trend of the visual mean of the means is upward with the decreasing array size. The standard deviations of the means show an increase in the albedo, 0.014, and cloud top temper- ature, 0.8K, from the 10 x 10 to 4 x 4 array sizes. Once again, both mean statistics have an upward trend with decreasing array size. 61 TABLE XI Nc-Precipitation Data Statistics for Four Array Sizes Overcast Ceiling 20x20 8x8 6x6 ixU Mean of (VIS) .101 .411 .415 .418 Means 272. 6K (-I^C) 272. 5K (-10C) 272. 4K (-10C) 272. 3K (-10C) . 205 . 208 .213 .219 17. 8 K 18. IK 18. 3K 18. 6K (IR) Standard (VIS) Deviations of Means (IR) Mean of (VIS) .122 .113 .102 .087 Standard Deviations (IR) 5.4K 4.7K 3.9K 2.9K Standard Deviation (VIS) .056 .054 .052 .049 of the Standard Deviations (IR) 4.8K 4.4K 3.9K 3. IK b. Standard Deviation Statistics Conversely, the standard deviation statistics have a downward trend with decreasing area size. The dif- ferences between the 10 x 10 and 4x4 array visual and infrared means of the standard deviations are 0.035 and 2.5K, respectively. The differences in the standard devia- tions of the standard deviations are 0.007 in the visual and 1.7K in the infrared values. 62 c. Distribution Discussion The distributions of the no-pracipitation over- cast data are shown in Figs. 15, 16, 17, and 18. These dis- tributions are quite different from the precipitation distributions (Figs. 10, 11, 12, and 13). As expected, the no-precipitaticn overcast data are clustered at the low albedo and warm cloud top temperature values. The 5% fre- quency isopleths in Figs. 15, 16, and 17 show a grouping of the data at albedos ranging from 0.30 to 0.50 and cloud top temperatures from 280K to 290K. A bimodal distribution appears in the finer resolution 8x8, 6x6, and 4x4 array sizes (Figs. 16, 17, and 18). This shifting of the no-precipitaticn overcast data into two relative maxima for the three smallest array sizes is the sole significant dif- ference in the four distributions. d. Summary The no-precipitation overcasr data display an upward trend in the two mean statistics with decreasing array size, although the 0. 3K mean of the means infrared difference is not significant. Conversely the two standard deviation statistics decrease with decreasing array size. These trends are consistent with the expected statistical 63 Figure 15. Figure 16. 290 280 i- 240 230 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) Nc-Precipitation Overcast Data for 10 x 10 Array Size (The mean, .407 and 272. 6K, interval is boxed. The 2^, 3%, 5% and 7% frequencies are for UO, 5 9. 99, and 138 occurrences, respectively. ) 300 290 270 260 250 240 230 220 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) No-Precipitation Overcast Data for 8x8 Array Size (The mean, .411 and 272. 5K, interval is boxed. The 2%, 3%, 5% and 7% frequencies are for 40, 59, 99, and 138 occurrences, respectively. ) 64 Figure 17. Figure 18. 310 -i 1 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) No-Precipitation Overcast D--=; for 6x5 Array Size (The mean, .UIS and 272. 4K, interval is boxed. The 29?, 3%, and 5% frequencies are for 40, 59, and 99 occurrences, respectively.) 310 300 270 260 250 240 230 220 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) 210 200 65 trends discussed in the precipitation section (IV.B.I.)* However, in these data, there is a greater similiarity in the statistics for the four sizes because the ceilings are all overcast reports. The distributions (Figs. 15, 16, 17, and 18) provide visual conf irmaticn of the similiarities between each of the four array sizes. With the exception of the second relative maxima at albedos of 0.30 zo 0.40 and cloud top temperatures of 260K tc 270K appearing in the 8x8, 6 x 6, and 4x4 array sizes (Figs. 16, 17, and 18), the four distributions are nearly identical. Because there are sta- tistical differences and distributional differences in the four array sizes, the 10 x 10 and 4x4 arrays sizes will be used to represent the two no-precipitation data categories. 3» Precipitation and No- precipitation Comparison The possibility arises that statistical differences in the four resolution sizes might be sufficient, or at least complement other information, in delineating the pre- cipitation frcm the nc- precipitation weather condition. The question then becomes, is there a sta-is-cic associated with variation of the array size within Tables X and XI which differentiates the precipitation reports from the no-precip- itation overcast reports? 66 If the satellite data procassor can vary the resolution size, as was dene in this study by simply averag- ing different pixel array sizes, a trend in the visual and infrared data might be used to differentiate these two weather conditions. The most significant trend difference in the precipitation data (Table X) and no-precipitation overcast data (Table XI) occurs in the mean of the means. Recall that the mean of the means precipitation visual dif- ference between the 10 x 10 and 4x4 array sizes was 0.035 while the no-precipitation overcast visual difference was 0.011. Similiarly the infrared differences were 2.2K and 0.3K for the precipitation and no-precipitation overcast, respectively. The precipitation data show a greater upward trend toward higher albedos and colder cloud top tempera- tures than the no-precipitation overcast with the finer sat- ellite resolution. Differentiation between these two data sets based on a compai^iscn of the trend in the mean of the means are sug- gested by Tables X and XI. It musx be emphasized that these tables are based on many reports and therefore reflect the most rypical values. Individual reports within a given interval should he studied to provide conclusive evidence as 67 to whether these statistics can be used on a few reports to differentiate precipitaticn from no-precipitation overcast reports. C. PRECIPITATICN SPECIFICATION An essential difference between this specification study and most of those in the literature is that the distribu- tions of the precipitation and no-precipitation data sets are examined in detail to extract information about the probability of correct classifications. Only Lovejoy and Austin (1979) present their data distributions. The bi- spectral and life history method thresholds (Tables I and VII) refer to the typical or most common threshold values for precipitation, which is assumed to be equivalent to the mean of the means in this study. Therefore, the mean of the means can be coipared to the threshold values in Tables I and VII. Additionally, a bi -spectral threshold can be pro- posed based on the distributions and with these distribu- tions the amount of overlap, or the percentage of correctly classified precipitation or no-precipitation cases, can be calculated. 68 ''• OUISlIl Ceilings Are the precipitation overcast (category 1A) and no-precipitation overcast (category 2A) data sets suffi- ciently separated to allow differentiation of the two popu- lations? If so, how much overlap is there between the two data sets? a. Mean of the Means The mean of the means statistics for the precip- itation overcast versus no-precipitation overcast data. Table XII, show there is a .2U2 and 24. 4K difference between the two populations for the 10 x 10 array size and a .254 and 25. 9K difference for the 4x4 array size. The respec- tive differences are greater than one standard deviation of the means of either of the two populations. If the two precipitation overcast array sizes are compared to the no- precipitation overcast array sizes, the stronger trend in the mean of the means (Table XII) is seen in the precipitation overcast data. While the precipi- tation visual and infrared values vary by 0.023 and 1.8K between the 10 x 10 and 4x4 array sizes, the no- precipita- tion visual and infrared values vary by 0.011 and 0.3K. Both the mean cf the means and their trends can be used to 69 TABLE XII Precipitation Specification Overcast Ceilings Mean of (VIS) Means (IR) Standard (VIS) Deviations of Means (IR) Precipi- No-Preci- Precipi- No-Preci- tation pitation tation pitation 10 X 10 10 X 10 .64 9 . 407 4x4 .672 4x4 .418 248. 2K (-250C) 272. 6K (-10C) 246. 4K (-270C) 272. 3K (-10C) . 186 .205 .201 .219 18. 9K 17. 8K 19. 8K 18. 6K Mean of (VIS) Standard Deviations (IR) Standard Deviation (VIS) of the Standard Deviations (IR) . 152 . 122 .108 .087 8.9K 5.4K 4.4K 2.9K .078 .056 .069 .049 6.3K 4.8K 4. OK 3. IK differentiate precipitation from no-pcecipiration for a large numter of reports in a region similiar to this summer- time convective shower dominated area. b. Mean of the Standard Deviations The visual and infrared means of the standard deviations vary by 0.030 and 3.5K for -che 10 x 10 array size and by 0.021 and 1.5K for the 4x4 array size. In the infrared values, the no -precipi tat ion mean of the standard deviations have a magnitude 60% of the precipitation values 70 and produce relatively large differences. In the visual values, the no-precip itaticn mean of the standard deviations have a magnitude 80% of the precipitation values. The rela- tively large differences (only the mean of the means have a larger difference) suggest the use of this statistic to dif- ferentiate precipitation overcast from no-precipitation overcast. c. Standard Deviation of the Means The differences in the standard deviations of the means (Table XII) are nearly equal when comparing the two 10 X 10 array sizes and the two U x U array sizes. The visual differences are 0.019 for the 10 x 10 and 0.018 for the 4x4 array size. Similiarly, the infrared differences are 1.1K for the 10 x 10 and 1 . 2K for the 4x4 array size. The differences in the 4x4 array size (0.018 and 1.2K) are comparable to the relatively significant differences in the means of the standard deviations (.021 and 1 . 5K) . However, the differences are not comparable in the 10 x 10 array size . d. Standard Deviation of the Standard Deviations The differences in the standard deviations of the standard deviations (Table XII) for the two array sizes 71 are approximately equal also. The visaal differences are 0.022 for the 10 x 10 and 0.020 for the 4x4 array size. The infrared differences are 1.5K for the 10 x 10 and 0.9K for the 4x4 array size. Once again the differences in the 4x4 array size (0.020 and 0.9K) are approximately equal to the differences in the means of the standard deviations (0.021 and 1.5K), particularly in the visual value, e. Distribution Discussion The distributions for the 10 x 10 array size precipitation overcast (Fig. 19) and no-precipitation over- cast (Fig. 15) and the 4x4 array size precipitation over- cast (Fig. 20) and no-precipitation overcasx ((Fig. 18) allow visual confirmation of the degree of separation of these two populations. These figures verify the separation between the the occurrence maxima of rhe -cwo populations while showing that there is overlap of some of the values in the two populations. The appearance of a bimodal distribution in the relatively fine resolution 4x4 array size precipitation overcast (ca-cegory 1A) and no-precipitation overcast (cat- egory 2A) in Figs. 20 and 18 cannot be explained in terms of the precipitation categories (Table IX) or ceiling cover. 72 Figure 19 Figure 20. H 1- 300 290 -t 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) 210 200 Precipitation Overcast Data for the 10 x 10 Array Size (The mean, .649 and 248. 2K, interv is boxed. The 2%, 3%, and 5% frequencies are for 7, 10, and 16 occurrences, respectively.) 1.20 •■ i.io -• 1.00 ■■ 0.9 •■ 0.8 -■ 0.7 •• 0.6 -■ 0.5 ■■ 0.4 -• 0.3 •• 0.2 -• 0.1 •• 0.0 ■+■ ■+■ 310 300 290 — t 1— 240 230 -H— 220 ■+■ -+- 210 200 280 270 260 250 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) Precipitation Overcast Data for 4x4 Array Size (The mean, ,672 and 246. 4K, interval is boxed. The 2^, 3^, 5% and 7% frequencies are for 7, 10, 16, ana 23 occurrences, respectively.) 73 An alternate explanation might be that these two maxima reflect different synoptic signatures. Four weak frontal systems impact this data set region during August 1979 and cause a change in the cloudiness and precipitation pattern which is normally produced by daytime heating. Recall that the Lovejoy and Austin (1979) data set also showed bimodal distributions for the cumulus no-rain reports. The bimodal distributions in this study may not be due to a synoptic signature. Nonetheless, this possibility should be investigated. f. Precipitation Probabilities Precipitation probabilities (Figs. 21 and 22) were computed from the precipitation overcast (category 1A) and the no-precipitation overcast (category 2A) data for the 10 X 10 (Figs. 19 and 15) and the 4x4 (Figs. 20 and 18) array sizes. Estimated albedos greater than 1.00 were not included in rhese prcbabilities as they accounted for only two and three no-precipitation overcast reports and four and five precipitation overcast reports in the 10 x 10 size and 4x4 array size, respectively. The two probability figures indicate that the 50% probability cf precipitation is not a simple function of mean albedo and mean cloud top temperature. 74 290 270 250 230 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) 210 Figure 21. Precipitation Overcast Data Probability 10 x 10 Array Size 1.00 • 0.27" ''^^'*"8x^2 0.64 0.68 0.80 ■ 0.0 0.07 0.2 8 N ) ° 0.9 • 0 0 0 4 2 3 6 ^ ^ '/^ f 2 0.8 ■ *«* i^£ >eo ^^ ^^ / / 0 0 1 9 ^ 12 i> ■^8 20A / 7 0 0.7 • ^ y ziT /r Q c 0 2 h U W\ 24 19 /A 2 0 Q 0.6 • . ^ .^—^, 7 CQ 0.5 ' 0 0 e / j'< a \ VI /^ Vii/ / 3 0 0 0 4 13 3 9 10 8 2 0 0 0.4 ■ V -a*- ^ 0 10 li s 7 3 2 0 0 0 0.3 ■ 0 8 . 5 e 4 1 0 0 0 0 0.2 - 0 s 2 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0.1 ■ 0.0 3 0 4 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 1 \ 230 220 210 200 CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE (K) Figure 25. Precipitation Overcast and Broken Data for 4x4 Array (The mean, .616 and 250. 6K, interval is boxed. The 2%, 3%, and 5% frequencies are for 11, 16, and 27 occurrences, respectively.) 84 1 1 13 10 33 15 35 32 26 15 12 25 37 79 64 63 2a 36 39 30 27 1^ 93 77 <*'* < Paul 207^26 Thesis P2713 Paul c.i A study precipitation occurrence using visual and infrared satellite data.