DOCUMENT ~*~ LIBRARY Woods iio.e Oceanographic In3...Guton T @b9bf00 TOEO oO WMAP IOHM/ UNO TaN WAR DEPARTMENT CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY A STUDY OF PROGRESSIVE OSCILLATORY WAVES IN WATER TECHNICAL REPORT No. 1 BEACH EROSION BOARD OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS RE a HT I IE TTT BI FV ED PTE ETE I YS ST A SE EE SE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE - - WASHINGTON : 1941 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. - - Price 10 cents (paper) WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, May 19, 1941. Approved for publication. By authority of the Secretary of War: J. L. SCHLEY, Major General, Chief of Engineers. (11) WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS BEACH EROSION BOARD The Beach Erosion Board of the War Department was established by Section 2 of the River and Harbor Act approved July 3, 1930 (Public, 520, 71st Cong.), to cause investigations and studies to be made in cooperation with the appropriate agencies of various States on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts, and on the Great Lakes, and the Territories, with a view to devising effective means of preventing erosion of the shores of coastal and lake waters by waves and currents. The act approved June 26, 1936 (Public, 834, 74th Cong.), authorized the board to make investigations with a view to determining the most suitable method of beach protection and restoration of beaches in different localities; to advise the States, counties, municipalities, or individuals of the appropriate locations for recreational facilities; and to publish from time to time such useful data and mformation con- cerning the protection of the beaches as the board may deem to be of value to the people of the United States. As of September 1940, the membership of the Beach Erosion Board is: Col. Jarvis J. Bain, C. E., senior member; Lt. Col. John F. Conklin, C. E.; Lt. Col. Charles H. Cunningham, C. E.; Maj. A. C. Lieber, jr., C. E., resident member; Dean Thorndike Saville, College of Engineer- ing, New York University; Gen. Richard K. Hale, Director, Division of Waterways, Department of Public Works, Boston, Mass.; and Prof. Morrough P. O’Brien, University of California; 1st Lt. Wiliam C. Hall is recorder of the board. (TIL) TECHNICAL REPORTS Technical Report No. 1—A Study of Progressive Oscillatory Waves in Water. Technical Report No. 2—A Summary of the Theory of Oscillatory Waves (in preparation). The authority for publication of this report was granted by an act for the improvement and protection of the beaches along the shores of the United States, Public, 834, 74th Congress, approved June 26, 1936. This paper reports the results of the first of a series of experiments adopted by the board in 1939. It deals with the basic characteristics of oscillatory wave motion in water. The experimental work was under the direction of Lt. William C. Hall, C. E., and the report was prepared by Dr. Martin A. Mason, Chief of the Research Section, Beach Erosion Board. A. C. Lirper, Jr., Major, Corps of Engineers, Resident Member. (Iv) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page AIS tROlE SATO lS er eene ee earns ets eh es ee NNN 9 (et CT ee sat Vv BUD) FL it eT CON hep ca ce eee pa a pe as eS IL ener VI SECTIONS TL, » JUS eS ROS NBN AON a Rea pe ORL ee AP ar 1 am EAUIT]D OSC meena nen apie ae eae ak I Sel ee eee TE Se ee 2 Sem ELCOCE CHUITC ae ey ay pmeieret a AR phy ape as ep CGD Nee tah ag SIE be Is a 3 ZC pIMent yan da Methodse ssa. see as Sek Ee ae 3 SED) COPANO LET RNA ViCS ene ene eer wee ies Bele hae et PE tes oe ee 6 Gmmolallow-a Water Wiaviess sense see Ue LS Ne es ee oe Sao an Soe eee 18 Chey LESCAUT USSH OY Ds ep Ie ge RS ns AA ly ha ag eA 28 Sum CONC SIONS tye eta me Rea ree RSL U RT Renee eo Aes eRe eae ee 30 Appendix I, Previous Investigations Relative to the Verification of Wave Theory. Appendix IT.—Bibliography. LIST OF SYMBOLS a=A function of the wave amplitude or height (feet). a=ch/L C=The velocity of wave propagation (feet per second) d=Still water depth (feet). e= Base of natural logarithms. g=Acceleration of gravity (feet per second per second). h=Wave amplitude or height (feet). h' =Depth below still water level (feet). k=onr/L L=Wave length (feet). T= Wave period (seconds). U=Velocity of mass transport (feet per second). x=The horizontal semi-axis of a wave orbit (feet). X = Horizontal axis of reference. z= The vertical semi-axis of the wave orbit (feet). Z= Vertical axis of reference. SUBSCRIPTS ave= Indicates an average value. m= Indicates a measured value. s=Indicates a value at the water surface. t= Indicates a theoretical value. z=Indicates a value at depth z. (Vv) DEFINITIONS PROGRESSIVE OscILLATORY WavE—A periodic wave motion of finite amplitude advancing over a water surface without change of type; the length of wave is large compared to the wave height. DrEp-wATER Wave—A wave traveling in a depth of water greater than half the wave length. This definition, and that following, are used for purposes of classification, and do not denote a distinct physical separation of character- istics. SHALLOW-WATER WavEe—A wave traveling in a depth of water less than half the wave length. Sritt WaTEeR LEveL—The level at which water would stand if wave action ceased. Wave Lenata—The horizontal distance from crest to crest of the wave under discussion. Wave Preriop—The time interval between consecutive similar phases of a wave motion. Wave Hercut—The vertical distance from top of wave crest to the bottom of the wave trough. Wave VeLociry—The rate of advance of the wave crest relative to a fixed point. Orpit Raprus—(Orbit Semi-axes)—The radius of the circle, or the semi-axes of the ellipse, which a water particle describes during the passage of an oscillatory wave. Mass TrAansport—The translatory movement of a water particle induced by the passage of an oscillatory wave in deep water. (VI) A STUDY OF PROGRESSIVE OSCILLATORY WAVES IN WATER 1. INTRODUCTION Present knowledge of the motion of oscillatory waves in water con- sists almost wholly of theoretical studies made by mathematicians seeking either a solution of the classical hydrodynamical equations for an incompressible heavy liquid, which satisfies certain conditions dictated in part by logic and in part by experience, or a solution by geometrical methods based on observation of natural phenomena. Certain well-determined rigorous solutions of the problem, as posed, differing chiefly in their definition of the motion of the water particles involved have been obtained. Gerstner’s theory,! which was the first solution obtained, is based on geometrical considerations, and states that the wave surface is a trochoid, the paths of the water particles being circles. The diam- eters of these circles, or particle orbits, decrease with increasing depth below the surface according to an exponential law. The motion of the wave is rotational. The Gerstner solution rigorously satisfies the equations of motion and limiting conditions of the problem regardless of wave height. Stokes criticized Gerstner’s solution for requiring a rotation, since Lagrange had shown that the motions of liquids generated from rest under the influence of impulsive forces are necessarily irrotational; but did not otherwise question the exactness of the Gerstner solution. This criticism led Stokes and others to search for a solution to the problem of surface waves, which would satisfy all the limiting condi- tions and be such that the eddy vector, or rotation, would everywhere be zero. Approximate solutions through a fifth approximation were obtained by Stokes, who failed, however, to prove the convergency of the series used in the approximations and consequently the exactness of his solution. Levi-Civita, following Stokes’ work, succeeded in showing the series to be convergent and obtained a rigorous solution of the wave problem for the condition of infinite depth identical to that of Stokes. In these latter solutions it is found that the particle orbits are not closed paths but open, indicating a current (defined as ‘‘mass trans- port”) in the direction of wave propagation. Also, the velocity of propagation of the wave is dependent upon its height; whereas Gerst- ner’s solution indicates independence from the wave height. 1 References to all works cited will be found in appendix II, Bibliography. (1) 2 There exist, therefore, two rigorous mathematical solutions of the wave problem for water of infinite depth: that of Gerstner (rotational, closed particle orbits, velocity of wave independent of height); and that of Stokes-Levi-Civita (irrotational, open particle orbits, velocity of wave dependent on wave height). The validity of the solutions discussed is limited by the condition of infinite water depth. For the case of finite depth of water, in which we may consider the depth to be of an order of magnitude less than the wave length, the solution of the problem is much more difficult. Laplace, and later Airy, found a rigorous solution of the problem which is comparable to the solution of Gerstner for infinite depth. The Laplace-Airy solution defines the surface as an elliptic trochoid, the particle orbits as closed ellipses, the motion as rotational, and the wave velocity as independent of the wave height. Stokes investigated this problem and arrived at a solution to a third approximation; the particle orbits are open, and the motion is irrotational. This solution is not, however, rigorous, and it remained for Struik, using the methods of Levi-Civita, to first find a rigorous solution of the problem of an irrotational wave in finite depths. Struik’s solution is similar to Stokes’ third approximation, and shows that the velocity of propagation depends on the wave height, the particle orbits are open ellipses, and the motion is irrotational. The present status of oscillatory wave theory may be summarized, then, as follows: Rigorous solutions for infinite water depths; solutions of Gerstner and of Stokes-Levi-Civita (similar to those of Rayleigh); rigorous solutions for finite water depths; solutions of Laplace-Airy and of Stokes-Struik. As noted by Favre, experimental confirmation of none of these theoretical solutions has been obtained. Observations of wave motion in the sea are very difficult to obtain with a high degree of accuracy and while laboratory studies may be made with facility and high accuracy, there is no confirmation that the waves studied are true counterparts of ocean waves. Observations of wave phenomena in nature are essential; but laboratory studies leading to the evaluation of existing theories may be invaluable as a guide to field observation programs and technique. 2. PURPOSE It is the purpose of this study to seek in the laboratory experimental confirmation of the theories outlined above, by comparison of experi- mental and theoretical values of various wave characteristics. The experimental data were obtained with the equipment described im section 4, and are valid only for the case of uniform water depth. A short summary of previous experimental work will be found in appendix I. 3 3. PROCEDURE The study was divided into separate consideration of deep-water and shallow-water waves, with the distinction between wave types made on the basis of the commonly employed criterion cited by Gaillard; deep-water waves are those propagated in depths greater than half the wave length, shallow-water waves are those propagated in depths less than half the wave length. It may be noted that while this division of wave types is arbitrary, it is sufficient for the purpose of this study. Twelve deep-water and twenty shallow-water waves, covering the available range of wave characteristics were studied. 4, EQUIPMENT AND METHODS The wave tank.—The concrete wave tank is 85 by 14 feet with a depth of 4 feet. One side is fitted with six glass windows each 24 by 40 inches. Hach window has etched scales graduated to hundredths of a foot. The .wave generator.—The wave generator is a counter-weighted wooden plunger with the forward face set at 51° with the vertical. It is driven by a variable speed, three horsepower direct current motor. Wave heights are varied by setting eccentrics, adjustable by quarter- inch increments to 7% inches, and plunger connecting arms, adjustable in 14-imch increments. Wave absorber—A 6-inch layer of \% to #4 inch commercial gravel placed at an angle of 12° with the horizontal is constructed in the end of the tank opposite the wave generator to serve as a wave absorber. A screen consisting of one thickness of number 16 screen wire laced to a thickness of 44-inch wire mesh is stretched four inches above and parallel to the top of the gravel slope. -A wave absorber of similar design but of greater slope is placed behind the plunger. Wave height measurement.—Three sets of point and hook gages were used to determine still water levels and to measure wave heights. A point gage was adjusted to the top of the wave crests and a hook gage to the bottom of the troughs; the wave height being the distance measured between point and hook. Wave length measurement.—Each of two point gages, one fixed and the other movable horizontally, were connected in an electrical circuit with a neon bulb and ground in the tank. The gages were adjusted to just touch the wave crests, the passage of a crest com- pleting the electrical circuit, and causing a short flash of the neon bulb. Adjustment of the movable gage, to secure synchronous flashing of the neon bulbs, indicated that the points were set on a wave length or its multiple. 408321—41—2 4 Wave velocity measurement.—Wave velocity was measured by timing the passage of a wave crest over a measured baseline. Float-operated mercury switches in electrical circuits flashed neon bulbs on a panel to trace the progress of wave crests. A two-way switch and a key permitted selection of a wave crest for measurement. A solenoid in the electrical system automatically started and stopped a stop-watch and the wave crest closed the circuit at the beginning and ending of the course. Photographs.—A Retina II-f2 camera and a 16 mm. Eastman Ciné Special motion picture camera comprised the photographic equipment. Profiles against a 6-inch grid on the wall of the tank were photo- graphed with both cameras. Particle motion shown by injecting drops of a fluid mixture having the same specific gravity as water was photographed at the window at the center of the tank. Still exposures and motion pictures were made. The fluid used was a mixture of xylol and butyl phthalate colored with zine oxide. Injection was made with a glass tube having a small orifice at one end and a rubber bulb at the other. A scale on the tank window served for the measurement of orbit dimensions. Wave period.—The wave period was computed from the average period of several trains of waves. Measured wave length—The movable point gage was adjusted to obtain synchronous flashes for an even multiple of wave length. The number of waves measured was noted by visual observation, and the average length of wave thus measured was recorded as the wave length. Measured wave velocity —The wave travel was timed over a 30-foot course. The velocity in feet per second was obtained by dividing the length in feet by the time of travel in seconds. Measured wave height—Three combination hook and point gages were set at 12, 24, and 37 feet from the wave generator. In general, each point and hook was read to still water level before the beginning and after the end of the run. During each run, five readings were made. The average was taken for each gage, and the wave height recorded was the average for the three positions. Readings are to thousandths of a foot. Wave profile—The wave profile against the measured grid on the tank wall was scaled from the enlarged photograph of the wave. The ordinates were measured at the tenth points of the wave length and at additional points a twentieth and a fortieth of the length each side of the wave crest. Orbit radius.—The measured value of the orbit radius was taken as one-fourth the sum of the horizontal and vertical diameters of the particle orbits obtained as described under ‘‘Photographs.’”’ The diameters were measured between vertical and horizontal tangents 5 to the photographed curves. When the particle, because of mass transport or specific gravity effects, did not traverse a closed curve, the diameter was computed as shown on the curve, Figure 1. It is assumed that the velocity due to mass transportation or differences in specific gravity were uniform over the period during which the orbit trace was obtained. Then the true diameter is the mean of the distance between the tangents at points 3-1 and 3-5. DIRECTION OF WAVE TRAVEL STILL WATER LEVEL ORBITAL MOTION Ficure 1. The same reasoning is followed for the determination of the vertical diameters. The depth of the orbit center below still water level is considered to be the depth of the mid point of the vertical diameter as determined above. Mass transport—The particle orbits were used to determine the existence and magnitude of mass transport. Referring to the figure of the preceding section, when a curve was open on the horizontal diameter, the amount by which it failed to close was considered as 6 being due solely to mass transport. This distance (1—5 in the figure), in true magnitude, was divided by the wave period to obtain the velocity of mass transport. The direction of mass transport was determined by reference to the direction of travel of the wave, trans- port in the direction of wave travel being designated as positive. Surface mass transport—The existence and magnitude of surface mass transport was determined by a floating cork ball 1% inches in diameter. The time for travel of the ball over a measured course of ten feet was observed and the velocity of surface mass transport 10 btained as —. obtained as —, Percentage of wave height above still water level —Measured values of the proportion of wave height above the still water level were ob- tained from wave profile photographs. The proportion is expressed as the ratio of the height of the wave crest above the still water level to the wave height. For each characteristic wave the percentage wave height above still water level was measured at three positions in the wave tank, 12, 24, and 37 feet from the wave generator. 5. DEEP-WATER WAVES The basic data for the deep-water waves studied are given in table 1. The ratio h/Z is employed as a criterion of wave type—ratios greater than about 0.03 corresponding to storm waves—and as a parameter in the computation of wave characteristics by the Stokes- Levi-Civita equations. d x. TABLE 1.—Basic data—Deep-water waves (F>05) 1 2 3 4 5 6 U 8 9 10 Co Tm-Lm Run Rave T'm Cm Lm d d/Im have/Lm CaT mn Sa Feet Sec. | F.p.s.| Feet Feet Feet Percent ioe sate) oe eee 0. 276 0. 850 4,39 3. 89 3 0.771 0.0707 3. 73 —4.4 7 EE 237 1.003 5.10 5.14 3 . 584 . 0460 5.17 —0.5 (See eee 230 | 0.860 4.40 3. 83 2.5 . 653 . 0600 3. 79 —1.0 |e ee 206 985 5.00 4, 87 2.5 513 . 0423 4,93 +1.2 ge ee eee . 242 848 4,42 3.79 3 792 . 0638 3. 76 —1.1 1h Sek Se at 4 219 969 4.89 4.76 3 630 . 0460 4.74 —0.4 1 eee Se 189 966 4.81 4.75 2.5 527 - 0398 4.65 —2.1 if ee eee ee . 252 847 4, 23 3. 57 2.5 706 .0705 3. 58 +0.3 LOSS ks ee .196 842 4,31 3. 55 3 845 . 0552 3. 63 +2.2 ee Nee ae eee eS 161 996 5.07 5.02 3 598 - 0321 5.05 +0. 6 DOT ES eee ae ae 167 843 4, 33 3. 60 2.5 695 . 0464 3.65 +1.4 pe aay et Soe In? ES . 296 988 5.05 4, 92 2.5 509 .0601 4,99 +1.4 A:verdgess=2\|2 2 uses | Soe | et Se Et A a RT| SE een AT Mi ee ee —0. 20 The values listed in column 10, table 1, are of interest as showing the accuracy of measurement. For any type of wave motion the product of wave velocity and wave period is equal to the wave length. a This law is fundamental and any deviation therefrom may be con- sidered as the result of errors in observation or measurement. In the present study the maximum deviation is of the order of 4 percent; the average error being 0.2 percent. In the evaluation of the data presented hereafter the accuracy of the test as indicated by column 10 should be considered. The measured values of wave velocity and wave length, for each wave studied, are compared to the corresponding values computed from theory, in table 2. Columns 2 and 3 list the wave velocity and wave length as computed by the Gerstner (trochoidal) theory, where: C.=5_ (1) EHO Py tnt (eS: (2) T,, is the measured period which is assumed to have been correctly determined. Columns 4 and 5 list the percentage differences between measured and theoretical values. The averages given should be considered only in conjunction with similar averages; the comparisons for each test, when considered in company with values in column 10, table 1, giving a more accurate picture of the relation. Note, for example, Run 1, the accuracy of measurement is —4.4 percent, the comparison of measured and theoretical velocity is +0.7 percent. Inspection of the sign of the differences shows that if the measured velocity was 4.4 percent too small, then the value in column 4, table 2, when C,, is corrected by increasing it 4.4 percent, is of the order of +5.0 percent. It will be noted that the agreement between the average measured values and the average theoretical values derived from Gerstner’s formulae is of the order of 0.5 to 1.0 percent. The theoretical values for wave velocity and wave length computed by the formulae of the Stokes-Levi-Civita theory where Shes 2h? Apa or S214 +o --—--) (3) Ga —— Oe are given in columns 6 and 7. Again comparing average measured and theoretical values as above, it is found that the agreement is of the order of 2.5 to 3.0 percent. Since this theory requires the existence of mass transport, i. e., a trans- port of water in the direction of wave travel, then in a closed tank (or any finite body of water) there must be a return flow of water counter to the direction of wave travel. It is assumed that this flow is uni- form over the tank transverse cross-section, and reduction of the theo- retical values by the velocity of the return flow has been made. 8 TABLE 2.—Deep-water waves (> 0.5) comparison of measured to theoretical _ velocity and length 2 | Sur 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Gerstner Cr Cn Bear Levi-Civita C= Cy |e eames tear lc Ct Ly te ta dal eee ee Cc; L': (Ff In Ch Lit F. p. 8. Feet Percent | Percent | F.p.s. Feet Percent | Percent Ee = ae ee seer 4. 36 3. 71 0.7 +4.9 4.39 3.75 0 +3.7 J NE pe pgs ea 5. 14 5.15 —0.8 —0.2 5.14 5.18 -—0.8 —0.8 RSE EAS eiradie wi Sas 4.41 3. 79 —0.2 +1.1 4.42 3. 82 —0.5 +0.3 ee a a ee oe 5.05 4.97 —1.0 —2.0 5.05 4.99 —0.0 —2.4 1G Ye een hee ee Se Ee 4. 35 3. 68 +1.6 +3.0 4. 37 3.72 +1.1 +1.9 144252 path eae eae 4.97 4.81 -1.6 —1.0 4.98 4. 84 —1.8 -1.7 Ny ee ae ee ee ee 4.95 4.78 —2.8 —0.6 4.95 4. 80 —2.8 —1.0 Td age ere PS Ee 4.34 3. 68 —2.8 —3.0 4.37 3.72 —3.2 —4.0 11G eet SE ons ANS ee Pe 4. 32 3. 63 —0.2 —2.2 4. 33 3.65 —0.5 —2.7 QO ees 5. 10 5.08 —0.6 —1.2 5.10 5.09 —0.6 —1.4 7 as ee cp 4, 32 3. 64 +0. 2 —1.1 4.33 3. 66 0 -1.6 Oe eee 5. 06 5.00 —0.2 —1.2 5.08 5. 04 —0.6 —2.4 (A VOTap vera =8 |e eee oe ee Se —0.85 = 07202. ose Fee ee —0.9 —1.0 The measured values for the percentage of wave height above still water level are tabulated in table 3. The results are presented graphically in Figure 2, where the solid line represents the theoretical values derived from Gaillard’s (trochoidal theory) formula: Zee: rh z= 0.54 AL (4) and the dotted line, the values derived from Levi-Civita’s formula: Zig t oes te GENET On d TABLE 3.—Percentage of wave height above still water level—deep-water waves( ¢>0.5) Wave Wave Aver- | height Percent Aver- | height Percent Run | os) age | above ebaxe Run | Posi h age | above above tion i; wave still Sehgal tion is wave still water height woier level height water level eve eve Is psec se 1 | 0.0756 | 0.293 0. 159 B4s.30)| |i se ee 1 | 0.0392 | 0.186 0. 094 50. 6 1 A Sareea 2] .0666 . 259 . 156 GO 25 plete 2} .0400 . 190 . 098 51.6 1 again mee 3 . 0717 . 279 . 153 54.8 1 eee 3 . 0404 . 192 . 106 55.1 2h ee 1 . 0483 . 248 . 144 58. 1 182eee 1 . 0762 . 272 . 159 58.5 Y esis 2 . 0471 . 242 . 130 53. 8 1S eee 2 . 0698 . 249 . 142 57.0 ae we 3 . 0428 . 220 .124 56. 3 18222 52 3 . 0661 . 236 . 144 61.0 Lee 1 . 0611 . 234 . 130 55. 6 ik? ol Se 1 . 0569 . 203 . 120 58.9 A eae 2 . 0582 2220 . 122 D487 || Oa ae 2 . 0552 . 196 . 106 54.1 cea 3} .0608 . 233 135 BO | LO sent 3 | .0541 . 192 . 104 54. 2 jeaseue 1 . 0425 P21 .116 ba700||||s20eoe a= 1 . 0293 . 147 . 076 61.7 L eee eS 2) .0425 . 207 . 108 EYP FI NPs eee 2 | 20321 . 161 . 085 52.8 be eee 3 . 0400 . 195 . 106 645301) 202222 =" 3 . 0351 .176 . 096 54. 6 ik hese 1 . 0697 . 264 . 161 BLO) 22225252 1 . 0486 .178 . 096 53.9 IR ea oead 2 . 0594 «225 . 132 Stet meee 2 . 0472 .170 . 090 53. 0 13h ss 2 3 . 0622 . 236 . 126 32.05 I )220 25 85— 3 . 0431 - 155 . 086 55. 5 La sheny 1 . 0450 . 214 . 109 G09) ||haoneea as 1 . 0620 . 305 .179 58.7 are Re 2) .0475 . 226 .110 ABET ede a2 oa 2) .0602 . 296 . 169 bi1 14cei eS 3 | .0458 . 218 . 120 A) {| Pah 3 | .0583 . 287 . 155 54.0 _ NotE.—Position 1 is 12 feet from wave generator. Position 2 is 24 feet from wave generator. Position 3 is 37 feet from wave generator. 9 The results of this comparison are not conclusive. For values of $< ~0.05 the measured values agree fairly well with the values required by either theory. PERCENTAGE OF WAVE HEIGHT ABOVE STILL WATER DEEP-WATER WAVES (GAILLARD) h nests ty (LEVI-civiTA) PERCENTAGE ABOVE STILL WATER LEVEL Figure 2. The measured wave profiles are shown in non-dimensional form on Figures 3 to 5. Plotted on the same graphs are the wave forms given by Gerstner’s theory: X,—R6—,r sin 0 (6) Z,=R-—,r cos 6 and by Levi-Civita’s theory: i WE an OLY Z;=4 Cos Sal k+54@ k ) cos 2k.X,+ +(30 ash? + eek’) 18 BkX,— 30° og Ae (7) + gt cos 5kX, : 584 eel ele 23 4h5 where a=5 pak h T2988" h 10 Re PAE ETE CAE N JN \ N PSU ee ae 4 ie WAVE PROFILES DEEP WATER WAVES 4 5 re ra) ‘ 5 iu = : un w x 2 6 a wW rs a rd WwW oO | | ——--— OBSERVED FicureE 3. 11 WAVE PROFILES DEEP WATER WAVES STOKES-LEVI- CIVITA ~---OSSERVED —-—GERSTNER Figure 4. 408321—41——3 12 STOKES-LEVI- CIVITA ---- OBSERVED —-— GERSTNER 2) re) = ie oO oO ae ud > < = DEEP WATER WAVES Figure 5, 13 The actual wave profiles do not agree with either theoretical profile. The irregular profile of these waves is believed to be due to phenomena of reflection at the wave absorber, and to certain mechanical defici- encies in the wave generator. The elimination of the irregularities will require further study; the purposes of this investigation are not believed to require their elimination, though desirable. The dimensions of the paths described by individual water particles are given in table 4. The theoretical values of the orbit radii are the same for the Gerstner and Stokes-Levi-Civita theories, their value being given by R,=ae—™ (8) where #,=theoretical orbit radius at depth h’ below still water level. The last column of Table 4 lists the percentage differences between measured and theoretical values, the positive sign indicating that the measured value is larger than the theoretical. The data are presented graphically in Figures 6 and 7. The comparison of measured and theoretical values of surface mass transport is shown in table 5. The theoretical values are given by the formula: : U,, =e AE (9) derived by Stokes. It will be recalled that Gerstner’s theory does not admit the existence of mass transport. ORBIT RADII— DEEP-WATER == 8) Ol, saree 4 K =1334 NI Hid3d Oo m v + = al z n m m 4 al 5 I Y H MEASURED ASURED VALUES=©0 THEORETICAL " EORETICAL “ =— -l RADI! IN FEET Figure 6. 14 ORBIT RADII— DEEP-WATER RUN {7 4 =1334 NI H1id30 _¢*1334 NI Hid30 ’ H MEASURED VALUES= ® THEORETICAL = =—— .t RADII IN FEET FIGURE 7. TaBLe 4.—Orbit radii—Deep-water waves (E> 0.5) Measured - ; cahtorletily wien emeneenaht =e witty Theoretica gh Point Depth radius ie Horizontal} Vertical Radius Ri Rr diameter diameter Ru 0. 69 0. 080 0.078 0.0397 0.0454 —12.5 0. 96 055 - 055 . 0275 0292 -5.7 aaa 047 . 047 - 0235 0226 —4.0 SONS 028 . 032 . 0150 0168 —10.7 1.50 025 .025 -0125 -0125 0 0. 357 146 . 146 -073 0773 —5.6 0. 600 097 .099 049 . 0520 —5.8 0. 820 067 . 068 . 034 . 0366 -—7.1 1.10 049 049 . 0245 . 0232 +5.6 1PSH 033 037 . 0180 . 0164 4+9.7 1.78 020) flees ce eee - 0100 - 0077 +30.0 0. 47 106 117 - 0557 - 0544 +2.4 (UC) gl ek een See 077 0385 0438 -—1.2 (et) i | ae ee eee 048 - 024 0263 -0.9 1.15 037 032 .0172 0177 —2.8 0. 51 105° jest SS 5e ase 0525 0561 —6.4 0. 64 (18 en | eee eee, ee 0462 0473 —2.3 0.90 06553) 25s eee 0327 0335 —2.4 1.10 O45 Sits 2 222 See 0225 0258 -128 1.40 O35) ae ee 0175 0182 —3.8 0.18 159 . 150 077 0749 +2.8 0. 365 .121 115 -059 . 0587 —0.5 0.415 Siti .107 -055 -0549 +0.2 0. 56 - 090 - 085 043 0453 -5.1 0.7 063 060 031 . 0333 —6.9 1.05 048 045 023 0237 —2.9 1.19 041 -039 020 0198 +1.0 1. 26 038 . 034 .018 0180 0 0. 20 163 aes) 079 .073 +8.2 0. 49 114 110 056 0497 12.7 0.79 070 . 063 - 0332 - 0335 —0.9 15 TaBLE 4.—Orbit radii—Deep-water waves (E> 0.5) —Continued Measured Theoretical} pop ' Point Depth radius —_- Horizontal! Vertical Radius Ri Rs diameter | diameter Ru 0. 98 0. 053 0.052 0. 0262 0.0261 +0.6 1.19 039 039 0195 0198 —1.6 1.42 029 024 0142 0145 —2.1 0.16 163 151 0785 - 0769 +2.1 0. 29 135 126 -065 . 0647 +0.4 0. 79 070 064 .0335 . 0336 —0.3 0.98 053 046 . 0247 0261 —5.4 1.23 035 033 0170 0187 —9.1 0.48 118 090 0480 0541 -—11.3 0. 70 063 056 0297 0368 —19.4 0. 87 042 043 0215 0273 —21.3 0. 96 038 041 0195 0232 —16.0 1.00 035 035 0175 0216 —18.6 0. 29 116 120 .0590 0602 —2.0 0. 36 100 106 0515 0534 —3.5 0. 55 068 074 .0355 0388 —8.5 0. 79 048 058 0265 0242 +9.5 0. 89 036 046 -0205 0203 +1.0 0.39 090 114 0510 0494 +3.2 0. 49 082 104 047 0483 +8.5 0. 84 060 078 0345 0290 +19.0 1.09 036 038 -0185 0204 —9.3 0. 61 062 068 0325 0287 +13.2 0. 80 046 048 0235 0205 +14.6 1.05 030 . 030 -0150 0133 +12.8 0.115 237 . 228 -116 128 —9.4 0.217 198 . 199 099 112 —11.6 0. 346 174 173 - 087 0950 —8.4 0. 428 152 155 077 0856 —10.3 0. 460 142 139 -070 0823 —14.6 0. 560 128 129 . 064 0708 —9.6 0. 596 115 115 -057 0691 —17.4 0. 669 114 113 . 056 0629 —11.1 0. 766 097 099 049 0573 —14.0 0. 870 088 085 - 043 0486 —11.5 0. 929 081 082 041 0451 —9.1 RN Sasa Ie are ek ate aE eRe siRegeetne |. 22 8y eee SIS = Ce SNS 2 Se Sue —2. 96 TaBLE 5.—Surface values— Mass transport Measured Theoretical | Um—Us Run Averees Bae transport d transport Ui Un U; percent eee ARMs Shoe eRe occ L SiS 37.7 10 0. 265 3 0.175 +51. 4 RE a ee ENS Soe Se SoS 63.9 10 156 3 117 +33. 4 CO ci OS Ta Re ANP Te 52.0 10 . 192 255) lle +12.3 Die ea ee eee So SS 102.8 10 097 2.5 087 +11.5 1b Se a ee one eee 40.1 10 249 3 169 +47.4 1 ae Tame rapes eae Ae 66.3 10 5 3 . 093 +62. 4 (2 RE SP a Se oe eee 115. 2 10 - O87 2.5 - 083 +4.6 1 ee ee ee 64.4 10 . 155 2.5 - 167 —7.2 sO Oe ee ee ae 106. 4 10 094 3 Sables —16.2 OO ee ee Ene cokers SO Sk aioe! 341.8 10 . 029 3 044 —34.1 ap TRE Sea es eS eer ree 22183 10 044 2.5 - 083 —47.0 Op ie Te ae he 105.8 10 094 2.5 . 158 —40.5 16 TaBLE 6.— Mass transport picasuted = = : ranspor ‘m A Point Depth | per period | (ft./sec.) a (tt./sec.) | Um-Us (feet) 0. 69 0.0 0.0 3 +0. 0008 —0. 0008 0. 96 —.010 —.0118 3 —. 0126 +. 0008 1.11 —.017 —.020 3 —. 0163 —.0037 1, 25 —.021 —. 0248 3 —. 0184 —. 0064 1.50 —.019 —.0224 3 —. 0205 —.0019 0. 357 +. 053 +. 0624 3 +. 0457 -+. 0167 0.60 +. 039 +. 0459 3 +. 0089 +. 0370 0. 82 —.018 —.0212 3 —.0070 —. 0142 1.10 —.019 —. 0224 3 —.0161 —. 0063 1.31 0 0 3 —.0191 +. 0191 1.78 —.019 —. 0224 3 —.0215 —.0009 0. 47 +. 0204 +. 024 3 -+.0195 +. 0045 0. 62 +. 0076 +. 009 3 +. 0048 +. 0042 0. 91 —.0051 —.006 3 —.0090 +. 003 1.15 0 0 3 —.0137 +. 0137 1.78 —. 0136 —.016 3 —.0171 +. 0011 1.93 —.015 —.0172 3 —.0173 +. 0001 1.61 —.011 —.0130 3 —. 0168 +. 0038 1.33 —.0053 —. 0063 3 —. 0154 +. 0091 2n15 —.006 —.0071 3 —.0137 +. 0066 1.60 —.0141 —.0146 3 —.0115 —.0031 1.65 —.0130 —. 0134 3 —.0117 —.0017 1525 —.021 —.0217 3 —. 0092 —.0125 1. 44 —.008 —. 0083 3 —. 0103 +. 0020 0.99 +. 0125 +. 0129 3 —.0055 +. 0184 1.14 —.0041 —.0042 3 —.0080 +. 0038 0. 65 +. 006 +. 0062 3 +. 0055 +. 0007 0.82 +. 0016 +. 0017 3 —.0012 +. 0029 0. 180 +. 037 +. 0383 2.5 +. 0288 +. 0095 0.315 +. 0120 +. 0124 2.5 +. 0125 —.0001 0. 415 +. 0120 +. 0124 2.5 +. 0052 +. 0072 0. 560 0 0 2.5 —.0015 +. 0015 0.79 0 0 2.5 —.0071 +. 0071 1.05 —. 0050 —. 0052 2.5 —. 0097 +. 0045 1.19 —. 0099 —.0103 2.5 —.0105 +. 0002 1. 26 —.0170 —.0176 2.5 —.0107 —. 0069 1.18 +. 001 +. 001 2.5 —.0105 +. 0115 0. 95 —.003 —.003 2.5 —.0091 +. 0061 0.65 +. 024 +. 025 2.5 —.0045 +. 0295 0.69 +. 018 +.019 2.5 —. 0054 +. 0244 1.30 —.0173 —.0204 2.5 —.0215 +. 0011 1.14 —.0213 —.0252 2.5 —.0199 —.0053 1.02 —.0087 —.0103 2.5 —.0178 +.0075 0. 86 —.0053 —. 0063 2.5 —.0135 +.007. . 82 —.0093 —.0110 2.5 —.0120 +.0010 71 —.0077 —.0091 2.5 —.0066 —.0025 56 +.0107 +. 0126 2.5 +. 0053 +.0073 60 +.0227 -+.0268 2.5 +.0120 +.0148 40 +.0170 +.0201 2.5 +.0269 —.0068 27 +.0500 +.0591 2.5 +.0565 +. 0026 16 +.053 +. 063 3 +. 0629 +.0001 68 —.017 —.0202 3 —. 0006 —.0196 86 —.0073 —.0086 3 —.0063 —.0023 77 —.0077 —.0091 3 —.0038 —.0053 91 —.006 —.0071 3 —.0070 —.0001 92 —.001 —.001 3 —.0017 +.0007 83 +.001 +.001 3 —.0004 +.0014 .70 —.0007 —.0007 3 +.0021 —.0028 . 63 —.013 —.013 3 +. 0037 —.0167 52 0 3 +.0071 —.0071 46 ++. 0027 +. 0027 3 +. 0094 —.0067 38 +. 0077 +.0077 3 +.0130 —.0053 30 +.0027 +. 0027 3 -+.0173 —.0146 17 +.023 +.0273 2.5 +. 0398 —.0125 22 +. 021 +.0249 2.5 +.0316 —.0067 30 +.017 +.0201 2.5 +.0218 —.0017 39 +. 0007 +. 0008 2.5 +.0129 —.0121 48 +. 0013 +.0015 2.5 +.0068 —.0053 68 —.0011 —.0013 2.5 —.002 +.0007 77 —.005 —.0059 2.5 —.0042 —.0017 . 78 —.015 —.0178 2.5 —.0044 —.0134 . 86 —.0076 —.0090 2.5 —.0059 —.0031 1.03 0 0 2.5 —.0079 +.0079 1.09 0 0 2.5 —.0084 +. 0084 0.15 +.029 +. 0293 2.5 +.1038 —.0745 0. 24 +. 033 +. 0334 2.5 +.0697 —.0363 0. 44 —.0057 —.0058 2.5 +.0305 —.0363 0. 55 —.0013 —.0013 2.5 —.0160 +. 0147 0. 82 —. 0063 —.0064 2.6 —.0058 —.0006 17 TABLE 6.— Mass transport—Continued wessured 7 Oo ny ranspor ‘m $ Point Depth | per period | (ft./sec.) d (ft/sec.) | Um—Us (feet) Dba Ob en oe ete coe 0. 76 —0.0020 —0.0020 2.5 —0. 0022 +0. 0002 Dba pee east ee Sok oe . 89 —.0010 —.0010 2.5 —.00 +. 0086 OPS a a a ee See 1.12 -. —.0051 2.5 —.0179 +.0128 2a 0 meen re owe Pee SS 0.115 +. 028 +. 0282 2.5 -+. 1062 —.0780 25-10 een ees eee oe eee 217 +.012 +. 0121 2.5 -+.0750 —.0629 Pees oe eS eee eee 346 +. 020 +. 0203 2.5 +. 0465 —.0262 ORS Be Se ee ee eee 428 +. 009 +. 0091 2.5 +. 0323 —.0232 alee nes oo NR Se Boa ae 460 +.014 +. 0142 2.5 +.0274 —.0132 PRICE oe SL ee ee eee eee 560 —.010 —.0101 2.5 +. 0148 —.0249 PASI Ufa os Se ee ees 596 +. 011 +.0111 2.5 +.0112 —.0001 Dam G Meee ee pas eh SE EEE 669 - 000 000 2.5 +. 0044 —.0044 Domi peer ne eee 2 766 +.005 +.051 2.5 —.0026 +. 0536 2a — lS eeene See See Se Se 870 +.012 +.0121 2.5 —.0086 ++. 0207 ORS ee ee ee 929 +. 006 +.0061 2.5 —.0113 +.0174 PAW OTA OIC IMOTON CO seas ee eer oe Dl ee cee ee Pe Se Set Poe —0.0021 Table 6 lists comparative values of mass transport at various depths for each of the waves studied. The measured values were obtained as described in section 4. The theoretical values are given by Stokes’ theory as: ka?C U=h’av’Ce*’ — re (10) Since mass transport in a closed tank is modified by a return flow which results in zero and negative measured values of mass transport in the bottom section of the tank, percentage comparisons are not feasible. The data are presented graphically in Figures 8 and 9. MASS TRANSPORT =b2qzeer2kh’_ kate U=k?atce == ° g g uv u a 4 x x= z Le 5 a a m m mn =) 4 |_| | |) MEASURED VALUES | | THEORETICAL aia iP ° +.05 +.10 IS . Be (o) +.05 +10 VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECCND VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND =0| 1 | MEASURED VA = THEORETICAL FIGURE 8. 18 MASS TRANSPORT 1333 Ni Hid3za = BESS RR aReR AON M fel shat ohh _| | MEASURED VAL’ MEASURED VALUES = THEORETICAL " = THEORETICAL " = ; ; J : t | | +.05 +.10 +15 VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND +++ | i Jaa! Te FIGURE 9. 6. SHALLOW-WATER WAVES The basic data for the shallow-water waves studied are given in table 7. TaBLe 7.—Basic data—shallow-water waves ($<05) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il Run Rave T'm Cm Lm d ft ze hare b./as CmT'm ce = == ft. sec. | ft./sec. ft. The Te ft percent 1. 220 6. 25 7. 52 3 0. 399 0.0242 | 0.987 7.62 +1.3 1. 205 6.05 6. 97 2.5 - 359 . 0221 - 980 7.29 +4.3 1. 432 6.08 8. 97 2 . 223 0177 . 886 8.71 —3.1 1. 196 5.62 6.81 2 294 . 0313 952 6. 72 +1.3 0. 987 4.97 4.89 2 - 409 . 0573 988 4.91 +0. 4 1. 436 6. 20 9.15 2 .219 0265 880 8. 90 —2.7 1. 231 5.77 7. 24 2 276 . 0340 940 7.10 -1.9 1.003 4.84 5.08 2 393 . 0419 986 4.86 —4.3 1. 200 5.78 7. 20 3 417 . 0356 989 6. 94 —3.6 1. 188 5. 56 6. 96 2.5 ~ 309 . 0333 980 6.61 —5.0 1, 232 6. 10 7.64 3 - 393 . 0406 986 7. 51 -1.3 1. 251 6. 15 7.65 2.5 327 - 0329 969 7.69 +0.5 0. 990 4.95 4.83 2 .414 - 0325 - 989 4.90 +1.4 1. 222 5.79 (En 2 . 281 . 0353 . 944 7.08 —0.6 1. 496 6. 51 9. 53 2 210 . 0245 866 9.73 +2.1 1. 496 5. 90 8.77 1.5 171 . 0192 772 8.82 +0.6 1. 468 5.77 8. 62 1.5 .174 . 0281 800 8. 47 —1.7 1.911 6. 49 12. 11 1.5 .124 . 0119 654 12. 40 +2.4 2. 080 5. 37 11.09 1.0 - 090 . 0080 . 512 11.16 +0.6 1. 506 5.09 7.86 1.0 .127 - 0228 - 665 7.66 —2.5 The ratio b,/a, column 9, is the ratio of the vertical to horizontal amplitude of motion of the water particles in the wave surface. 19 The remarks previously made concerning the accuracy of measure- ment are applicable also to these shallow-water wave tests. The measured values of wave velocity and wave length, for each wave studied, are compared to the corresponding values computed from theory in table 8. Columns 2 and 3 list the wave velocity and wave length as computed by the Laplace-Airy (trochoidal) theory, where: —oo senilh = (11) and: L tae (OF I; m T,, is the measured period which is assumed to have been correctly determined. Columns 4 and 5 list the percentage differences between measured and theoretical values. It will be noted that the agreement between the measured values and the theoretical values derived from the Laplace-Airy formulae is not as close as for the deep-water waves, varying as much as about 6.5 percent. TaBLe 8.—Shallow-water waves G <0.5 )—comparison of measured to theoretical velocity and length 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 w 8 9 Gerstner Cm—C: | Lm—Lt Stokes-Struik Cm—C’: | Lm—L's Run Pee EL Se REE Sop jer 8 |e enn L's Ct In Cc’, L’; ft./sec. ft. percent | percent | ft./sec. ft. percent | percent 6. 16 7. 53 +1.5 —0.1 6.19 7. 56 +1.0 —0.5 6. 04 7. 29 +0.6 —4.1 6. 06 7.31 —0.2 —4.7 6. 49 9. 30 —6.3 —3.5 6. 51 9. 34 —6.6 —4.0 5. 81 6. 96 —3.3 —2.2 5. 87 7. 04 —4.3 —3.3 4. 97 4.93 0 —0.8 5.14 5.10 —3.3 —4.1 6. 45 9. 29 —3.9 —1.5 6. 51 9. 38 —4.8 —2.5 5.91 7.30 =—2.4 —0.8 5. 99 7.40 —3.7 —2.2 5.05 5. 09 —3.8 —0.2 5.13 5.17 —5.7 —1.7 6. 06 7. 30 —4.6 —1.4 6. 14 7.39 —5.9 —2.6 5.95 7.09 —6.5 —1.8 6. 00 7.15 —7.3 —2.7 6.19 7. 56 —1.4 +1.0 6. 30 7.79 —3.2 —1.9 6.19 7.77 —0.6 —1.5 6. 25 7. 84 —1.6 —2.4 5. 01 4.97 —1.2 —2.8 5.06 5. 02 —2.2 —3.8 5. 94 7. 28 —2.5 —2.2 5.97 7. 32 —3.0 =2:7 6.61 gon —1.5 —3.8 6.68 | 10.02 —2.5 4.9 6. 05 9. 06 —2.5 —3.2 6. 10 9. 14 —3.3 —3.0 5. 98 8.81 —3.5 —2.1 6.09 8.97 —5.3 —3.9 6.39 | 12.22 +1.5 —0.9 6.41 | 12.27 +1.2 —1.3 6.44 | 11.35 —1.3 —2.3 6.50 | 11.46 —2.4 —3.2 6.11 7.71 —0.4 +2.0 5. 10 7.73 —0.2 +1.7 BEE ae ee eee ee Pe SS —2.1 fa ee ae) Poe re —3.2 —2.7 The theoretical values for wave velocity and wave length computed by the formulae of the Stokes-Struik theory, where 2nd 2rd 8ad 8rd 4nd 4nd pee Cl ie tamen Ls elte L {8 see T) +12 522 C eioma riper dict a anata Oe ABE | 2) ppt i aah and: JOY sO" Il, are given in columns 6 and 7. 20 TABLE 9.—Percentage of wave height above still water level, shallow-water waves (2<05) Wave height | _ Percent ses Average : wave height Run Position 4 wave height aboversty above still water level 1 pe ee ee eee ee eee a 1 0. 0250 0. 188 0.101 53.7 OS a eee ae ee ee 2 0246 - 185 . 098 53.0 pees 5 ee een eee eee 3 0217 . 163 088 54.0 (ee ee ee en tee PS 2 1 0229 . 160 086 53.7 (RAS ee ee eae ee ee 2 0221 . 154 082 53. 2 Geese ea oe eee eee 3 - 0221 . 154 076 49.4 seo Se ee ASSES Se eB NBS FOS 1 0191 -171 088 51.5 1 Oe eee ee es Ee eee ee eA 2 0175 . 157 083 52.9 ( (SS OES ess 3 Saree Oey ee ae ae 3 0167 . 150 081 54.0 Gees ates 8 ae Be ee ee ee 1 0331 . 225 118 52.4 8 eae 2 03808 .210 113 53.8 8 = 3 0301 . 205 118 57.7 9 33 1 0593 . 290 . 169 58.3 9 Bt 2 0568 . 278 165 59.3 9 == 3 0556 . 272 157 57.8 10_ ee 1 0275 RY ty} 131 52.0 10_ ne 2 0262 . 240 125 52.1 10_ ae 3 0258 . 236 .129 54.7 ib wel 1 0363 . 263 142 54.0 Pi 2a 2 0334 - 242 136 56. 1 Te = 3 0320 . 232 - 132 56.9 ibe = 1 0431 . 219 - 108 49.3 12. 5 2 0439 . 223 124 55.6 12_ Sa 3 0392 . 199 102 51.2 byes ae ee ses a = 1 0368 . 265 131 49.4 1s SPE a SP as os ag ek yg ret Er! 2 0357 . 257 - 132 61.3 1 Ue eee Ee ee eee ee 3 0342 . 246 BP ( 51.7 1A eR ES She Eee ee. Beas See oe ee it 0358 . 249 125 50. 2 NG See oe ee ee ee 2 0332 .2ol 123 53. 2 Ge ee ae 3 0339 . 236 144 51.2 Ea ee ee ee Ae et 1 0412 .315 170 53.9 Pee So OS Be Se ae oe et 2 0397 . 303 155 51.2 3 Na eater? Mireceine |, Senald ae Se ee ee 3 0406 . 310 168 54. 2 0 ee a ee Se ee eee 1 0329 - 202 137 54.4 i, [os ge ea Sok rk ee St Pe Pe Se ee ea 2 0328 . 251 131 52.2 Oa es fla ne ee 2 Se ee Sk 3 0328 . 251 144 57.4 7) eRe ee en ee a ee 1 0338 . 163 090 55. 2 ee ee eee Sere eee 2 0331 - 160 084 52.5 it ears ee Se ee 3 0313 151 078 51.7 26h en oo 3 eh Be eS a A 1 0367 . 261 149 56.9 OG kta. 2 ee ee ee 2 0355 . 253 134 53.0 Lee ee ee EN ES Ses ee YS eee ee 3 0337 . 240 133 55.4 Deen a a SE SE 1 0237 . 226 133 58.8 De Se ee ee 2 0236 225 124 55.1 Be ee ee a 3 0255 . 243 132 64.3 43 a ee ee eee oe <3 Se tees 1 0191 . 167 084 50.3 og ee es eee 2 Ne 2 0173 . 152 076 50.0 Woe ccc sah She 2 kN co oss 3 0226 . 198 093 47.0 DOE Se Lae Se Ree OM oe Ed 1 0315 . 272 151 55.5 31 lige Pea Sas, SR OT Seip pot 3 Dew Se ee 2 0289 . 249 124 49.8 OU ae SIS aed oS eee ee 2 3 0238 . 205 110 53.6 DOS Ses 2 ee Ns 2 eR 1 0101 . 123 062 50.4 eee eS Se PE) ee eee 2 0115 . 139 088 63.3 Reece 5) Se ae ee ee ee 3 0147 .178 110 61.8 Le 8 ee ae os ee A bh ee 1 0081 . 090 059 65.5 Le earn et a Be Ee a eee 2 ee 2 0073 . 081 052 64.2 eee eee a eae ee 3 0084 . 093 060 64.5 DoE Se Mg on TS at ee 1 0262 . 206 111 53.9 an eat ee eed Se 2 0214 - 168 . 085 50.6 7 ee ae ae Sen pa ee 3 0209 164 .101 61.6 Again comparing measured and theoretical values as above, it is found that the agreement is on the whole good though individual comparisons show differences amounting to about 4.5 percent. The measured values for percentage of wave height above still water level are tabulated in table 9. The results are presented graphically in Figure 10. The theoretical values are derived from the 21 Laplace-Airy formula, similar to that of the Gerstner theory (Kq. 4), and the Stokes-Struik formula: 4nd 4nd 4nd 4nd 40.544 baa) at alts: a i) (13) eure E With few exceptions the measured percentage of wave height above still water level is several percent higher than that indicated by either the Laplace-Airy or Stokes-Struik theories; agreeing most nearly with the former theory. brates! THEORETICAL LAPLACE- AIRY STOKES -STRUIK ll AIRY |STOKES *. s f a ul a x « = p=) < 2 w w = = 50 60 50 60 THEORETICAL THEORETICAL PERCENTAGE WAVE HEIGHT ABOVE STILL WATER LEVEL SHALLOW-WATER WAVES Ficure 10. Some of the measured wave profiles are shown in nondimensional form on Figures 11 and 12. Plotted on the same graphs are the wave forms given by the Laplace-Airy theory: X,—R6—x sin 0 Z,=2 COs 0 (14) and by the Stokes-Struik theory: 2rd. 2nd 4rd 4nd a Z,=«a cos kX,— (Gated Ga ene cos 2k.X,+ (15) el~e L ce ved — Und See isd tea —‘s eb en TTY wal LAPLACE - AIRY —-— STOKES- STRUIK ---- OBSERVED fi 22 ~--, eS eae) a = ee Pe Fieure 11. WAVE PROFILES SHALLOW-WATER WAVES h 3 Where a=s— sa (e*) z 0.38 LAPLACE- AIRY WAVE PROFILES —-— STOKES- STRUIK P, 2 SS Gai SHALLOW-WATER WAVES Figure 12. The relation between the measured and theoretical average semi- axes of the paths described by individual water particles are given in table 10. The theoretical values of the orbit radii are the same for the Laplace-Airy and Stokes-Struik theories, their values being given by d ee cosh *(d—h’) horizontal semi-axis: =z,=a——3,7—_ (16) sinh ? Rete be sinh= (d—h’) vertical semi-axis: = 2,=a———,,7— sinh where x, and z,—theoretical orbit sem-iaxis at depth h’ below still water. The positive sign indicates that the measured value is larger than the theoretical. Some of the representative data are presented graphically in Figure 13. 24 d TABLE 10.—Average orbit semi-azes, shallow-water waves ( #<0.5) Average Average d Run ‘Z | Horizontal | Vertical sok Z | Horizontal | Vertical Xm—X: Zm—Zt Xm—Xt Zm—Ze Xt Zt Xt Zt 6} See eases 0. 090 —10.7 Ss dit fl Pb Se 0. 327 —1.1 —3.4 hi ee ees . 124 —8.7 = 6287 | |" 6x sees zee sess 359 —10.3 —34.4 32. meee eee wee ee . 127 —3. 3 +13. 5 16 { . 359 —1. 7 +3. V6 7. es meee -171 —16.4 Cy fc Te | tea tat nr . 359 —3.2 +8.9 pak eee Somer .174 —0.6 Cant el | fe) eee Ses, Se . 393 —7.6 —1.9 fee Be - 210 +1.0 re eet |e) a . 393 —6.3 —5.6 1 (ee Sees - 219 +17 Se) Ha al | Hat ee - 409 —3.8 —5.1 | Poe ee ae - 223 176 = 25.6) || 202225222 oe .414 +2.7 +1.8 ib ee Seer - 276 —Te2 SOR hbase eee .417 +1.3 —0.6 (iene eee . 281 +2.0 +1.7 m==measured horizontal semi-axis X.=theoretical horizontal semi-axis. 7m=Ineasured vertical semi-axis. Z,.=theoretical vertical semi-axis. d TaBLeE 11.—Mass transport, shallow-water waves L< 0.5 Point Depth feet | dfeet | Urft./sec. | Um ft./sec. | Um-Us dae ee Sil ete Bee 7 a eee se Saas eee ape er EEE EE SCE 0.016 3 +0. 077 +0. 040 —0.037 Pe eae ae ee - 138 |- = +. 062 —.002 —.064 Be a eR see ee a ee - 106 +. 064 +. 002 —.062 a a . 278 +. 045 +.003 —.042 a - 408 +. 031 +. 009 —.022 Ue Bee eee ae eee Sas sete Ree eases - 689 +. 012 —.015 —.027 Wan nnn nn enna nnn nnn nnn n= - 495 +. 023 +. 002 —.621 (ee Se ee ee ee . 672 +. 013 . 000 — 019 a ee - 876 +. 003 —.018 —,.021 eee eae ee ee erence 1.089 —.004 +. 008 +.012 ee En eee = —.006 +. 012 +.018 EN ee 0. 190 2.5 +. 033 +. 005 —.028 , UW) eee eae +. 035 +. 022 —.013 8. 2-2-2 -2---- 2 -- == === == === === === === = TGs | acess +. 029 +.013 —.016 ee eo ee seo 2 po soceed ceeceeeseesaces Nl |e res +.018 —.014 —.032 [oe so eee (iM | Bee Spee +. 008 -+.002 —.006 Goan oc eee deere soca secs a seceses ASHi ee ean esas +. 014 +. 006 —.008 Uf Bae = ee re ee Si Oa | eee eel +. 001 —.008 —.009 Se a ee Pa 20 eae —. 006 +.007 +.001 Dosen ctenssee dtee seco sacen es eeeaases 2A a ee —. 004 +.014 +.018 7: one Savane Sele ee anon Oe ee Sm oes 0. 146 2.0 +. 027 +..009 —.018 He poe cee a oeeinc eines Sea eee tec Sssesseeseess= 74435 eee +.018 +.009 —.009 Be 32 ee eee Se ae ae ae eee i ee +.013 —.006 —.019 ee CE eee ee +. 007 +.014 +.007 Got ssa se ee en oe eee A386) 22-5358 +.009 —.003 —.012 Use ea RES eee See es Se Senses OS5it22-5-sesee +. 002 . 000 —.002 Wea 18) | peceecosae —.001 +.004 +.005 eee 1 O18} Se =e —.004 +.003 +. 007 a a a ee 0.035 2.0 +. 049 —.005 —.054 Fe Ree ae Een ae Rn Se OST ECS ERS PON | een +. 029 —.011 —.040 be ee Se ee ee CC pea ee +.015 - 000 —.015 Choc Sono e eons eee ee a ee Seema 4 +. 006 —.002 —.008 Dewon ens scones a reece es ea ea Serer Seses aes tii) Eee —.002 +.002 +. 004 (ee ee aie eS ee S25) Soce ae —.004 +. 007 +.011 ] See ee ee oe 660) |2- 52522224 +. 007 —.005 —.012 Deedes Gora e ee eeen een eon eee eee LI 1S eee —.012 +.002 +.014 MH ese sereossess seat asos scceesteesassess 0.030 2.0 +. 026 +.003 —.023 , ye) +. 022 +.012 —.010 Oo ee ea a ae oe aan amen 1 a eee +.018 +.017 —.001 Se Stee ae nas aoe ee eee eee aS S19) eeaacoes +. 013 +. 031 +. 018 Davo nssstaseselel se sas sananecenaoSsessssns 5 ay a eee eae +.012 . 000 —.012 Gb so 326s sso a as ee ese eee B74; ee Soe +. 008 . 000 —. 008 ( ee nen ee eee ee bO8 |-=----2528 +. 005 —.004 —.009 Steet so s5tth ee eee eee. il eee —.002 +. 005 +. 007 ee HG YES eee ee —.006 +. 008 +.014 Ue a ees ae See aa Sean 1,208 [oe —. 005 —.015 —.010 205 TABLE 11.—Mass transport, shallow-water waves G < 0.5 )—Continued Un- U: Point Depth feet | d feet U; ft./sec. | Um ft./sec. ft/sec The comparison of measured and theoretical values of mass trans- port, at various depths below the water surface, is shown for several representative waves in table 11. Asin the case of deep-water waves, the trochoidal theory does not admit the existence of mass transport; the theoretical value a by the Stokes-Struik theory is: U,=Ka?0* 2nd 7 Sven Mn Daca, (17) - oe = ee tanh-7 The data are presented graphically on Figure 14. 26 SHALLOW WATER WAVES 7) ul x < we = uJ 7) = a o fe) FicureE 13. 27 15 -0.04 fe) +0.05 +010 FEET PER SECOND RUN 3} ie} to) +0.05 FEET PER SECOND Lo 3.0 -0.04 ° +0.05 +0.10 -0.04 C) +005 +010 ; FEET PER SECOND FEET PER SECOND RUN 24 RUN 32 ° 0 2.0 “0, +0.05 +0.10 =0.04 ° +005 FEET PER SECOND FEET PER SECOND RUN 28 i) Bk © WW 25 - 0.04 i) +0.05 FEET PER SECOND RUN 25 1°) te) +0.05 FEET PER SECOND RUN 29 5 +0.05 -0.04 1°) +0.05 FEET PER SECOND FEET PER SECOND MASS TRANSPORT SHALLOW WATER WAVES Figure 14. 28 7. DISCUSSION Previous to any discussion of the results obtained in this study certain remarks should be made concerning their limitations. Primarily, it should be noted that the generated wave requires a certain distance of travel after its generation to reach a stable form. It was noted during the course of the experiments that the measured values of wave velocity, wave length, and wave height, changed with time and position in the tank. For example, an average decrease in wave height of 0.011 foot was noted over a space of 12 feet immediately preceding the center observation window of the wave tank; while over the succeeding 13 feet the average decrease was only of the order of 0.001 foot. Further observations indicated that at a distance of 2 feet from the plunger, the shape of the particle orbits was essentially as indicated by theory, but that the forward travel of the water particles was small and practically constant from surface to bottom. In the generation of the wave it seems reasonable to assume that since the water is not displaced according to the laws governing the particle motions then a certain number of cycles, or oscillations, of the water surface will be required after displacement of the water by the generating plunger, before the water particles take on the more or less stable movement indicated by both theory and observation. The variation of wave height should be a sufficient criterion as to the attainment of a stable form by the generated wave. Observations of many waves indicate that in the present wave tank and with the present method of generation, a distance equivalent to about 6 to 10 wave lengths is required for the assumption of a stable form by the wave. These experiments were by no means definitive and the results cited must be regarded as merely indicative of a condition, rather than as quantitative values accurately defining the condition. The distance from the wave generator to the section of the wave tank selected for making the observations for this study is about 24 feet. It follows from the above discussion that insofar as this effect is concerned the most accurate results are those for waves whose lengths were in the neighborhood of 4 feet or less. It is believed that the magnitude of the error resulting from observa- tion of the wave characteristics before a stable form is attained is, in general, small. However, for the determination of mass transport, which is a secondary effect, the error introduced by this condition may be appreciable. The quantitative determinations of mass transport reported herein therefore may not be the true magnitudes of the effect. 7 ‘ a ‘a tA ly x uC ee ¢ P ‘ nl ye ; ; . isis PO ELON oat rare THPIRG Ahk ny ehe fea eet an ee Ue ts Nae Ue Sh Ng i] ' m haicawiity, ° a vy (i + c r y ; ; ae el) PLEAS | Me ‘ : ' P 4 ee most) Seater tye) * ' hi PSi4 if Lares by (Ms ye 4 ' ‘ ; ghie 5 5 le fainted A want . 130 ss O = F , Ye ' oo agt! set wet hn