re va. f: an werte eh inere, e Tuer Banseanre ce ANLER SE IE SE FTIR er Br Eee, denn ara. ee Er rtekun E22 Sun a ieh u nen A ern ar Par E ” \ KR x: Welke Net luiiar tet Au) A Bekaın ESP, hate te ehun EREOEEERTAN tn Werne Msn Ay arten RSS EIN RS en Er Run Tara za BER Sa RE ni hanaken er ES BEL PE FREE RER ara See Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Herausgegeben vom Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie), Nr. 25 LIBRARY Stuttgart 1977 APR 1 0 1978 The Braunjura (Brown Te ... Germany by Gerd Dietl, Ludwigsburg With 7 plates, 14 figures, and 1 table. 1. Introduction The Middle Jurassic in Southwest Germany is built up mainly by fine, sandy clays and intercalated limonitic, calcareous sandstones and ferrugineous »olites. Some rocks of this series are remarkably brown coloured and gave the whole sequence the name „Brauner Jura“ or „Braunjura“ („Brown Jurassic“). The layers of the Braunjura form especially the foot of the northern escarpment of the Swabian Alb. Ferrugineous oolitic limestones and marls of the middle Braunjura form steep escarpments in the region between the Donau and Balingen (Southwestern Alb). Similar escarpments are formed by the sandstones of the lower Braunjura in the region between Balingen and Geislingen (Middle Alb) and between Geislingen and Bopfingen (Eastern Alb). In the area of Tuttlingen a. d. Donau and in the Fils Valley near Geislingen a. d. Steige the layers of the Braunjura are opened by erosion far into the valleys of the Swabian Alb. Good exposures in the Braunjura are rare. Mostly the rocks of the Braunjura are not opened very well, because their outcrops are often covered by loams and screes. Only far in the southwest where the Wutach and their tributaries have cut very steep valleys by rapid erosion, the layers of the Lower and Middle Jurassic are opened very well. The average thickness of the Braunjura amounts to 150-280 meters along the Swabian Alb (150-200 meters along the Eastern Alb, 200-270 meters along the Middle Alb, and 200-260 meters along the Southwestern Alb). In the Franconian Alb the geological situation is similar. Only towards the edge of the Bohemian Massif the thickness of the Middle Jurassic decreases. About the Middle Jurassic of the Franconian Alb see Zeıss (1977). The Brauniura of the Upper Rhine Valley differs from the facies of the Swabian Braunjura mainly by its marine calcareous oolites in its middle part. It will not be treated in this paper. The Braunjura does not correspond exactly with the Middle Turassıc (Dogger) because it also includes the lower and some parts of the middle Oxfordian. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., Ser. B, Nr. 25 Stuttgart, 15. 7. 1977 2 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Waldshut — Fig. 1. Braunjura outcrops along the Swabian Alb, of the Wutach area, and of the Klettgau. 2. Subdivision sensu QUENSTEDT and its later usage 2. Swalbilem Alb and Wuraeh region QUENSTEDT (1843; 1858; 1886/87) was the first who studied the lithostrati- graphic sequence of the Braunjura of Württemberg in detail. He subdivided the Braunjura in six lithologic units characterized by fossils; for their designation he used the greek letters a to &. Only in the Middle Alb and in some parts of the South- western Alb these subdivisions are being used commonly. For the middle and the upper Braunjura of the Eastern Alb, the westernmost part of the Southwestern Alb, and the Wutach region they can be used only with difficulties. BrammjWee @ The Braunjura « is also called „Opalinus-Ton“ after its common, often still white-shelled fossil Leioceras opalinum. It is mainly built up by dark clays and shales. The base layer of the Opalinus-Ton is named „Torulosus-Schicht“ (Quen- STEDT 1843; 1858, p. 306; OPpEL 1856—58). The Opalinus-Ton is a very thick and with regard to petrography and pale- ontology a rather monotonous sequence, which contains scattered nodules of pyrite, of marly limestone, of clay ironstone, and thin calcareous layers with cone-in-cone DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY (896T NANNIMN 9 WIAIN wO1J pa3depy) ‘(qpy u1sIseg) usdugdog 03 vaıe wpeyny Ayp woız eınfuneig ayy Jo uordas ajyomg "7 'ät] wy0r uUlaJSPUDS J3UOPZUOg JUSJUN=SUN z0)JUay>SImZ S2J390= JZO uIaJSPUDS J3,J0PZUog 124390 =5I0 wor NPANDIG=NT uo/-snunDdo rss er.- > on "ylsg@üinjdinoz“ NDY-U2ONSO =4O 55 Yüpg-usuig YUDg-DADIUOI 1y21y9S-(UepbDJg=SIg en JÜDg-SISUgINDIS 100-1Xq1amos Y41]00-1UOSUIyIDJ=0&J es ; auo) -$ RIISFOREIBEEN N I TNTTZER Ula} SPUDSJaPaM voy-uenmuag=1q | En WNEQ-Wnunısaulydwng) y4N00-WNIDIINJgnS ZJSmie o era] SIG 000 0000000d00bo000000000 DUOJ-ILIOUY z0)4 saJaJuN UaY2IYIS-SUDIIDA ZOoyUaYIasImZ se4a}uN on .P220000e : ee = > 5° Yupg-SsDuabD7 Z0]4 saJ2gO EEEPSRETREREN 92 (OB 1 ee ee Seen sa 2 Be z piopıdsy Ra EEE & In =—o—- un O enDyds I019D0W Sean SEE y2N00-sdaauy | N ]a513WPUDS-}1UOYNDJO usBul,dog uoBUuN)sıag wıay]loM n uoyynen|- usßunyney usBuıy9oH usbunpg usBuiysınds yapınMy 4 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 structure. The lower part of the Opalinus-Ton, especially in the region of Göppin- gen, is very rich in fossils, e. g. in white-shelled, but mostly compressed ammonites and bivalves. In the upper part the Braunjura «@ becomes sandy more and more. 5o the upper part of the Opalinus-Ton is built up by sandy marl benches, the so- called „Wasserfallbänke“. The lithologic subdivision of the Opalinus-Ton in a Lower-, Middle- and Upper-«a (EnGEL 1908) is useless for stratigraphy (KoBLER 1972). The thickness of the Opalinus-Ton is fairly constant 85—120 meters. Braumjura Ö QUENSTEDT (1843; 1858) has never fixed an exact limit between the Braunjura a and the Braunjura $. He rather described a „Gränzregion «a/ß“ („Boundary Re- gion a/ß“) (QUENSTEDT 1858, p. 329) which corresponds with the Wasserfallbänke. In the region between Reutlingen and Gosheim above the Wasserfallbänke layers are found which contain remarkably numerous fragments of belemnites, called „Be- lemnitenbreccie“. According to LörcHER (1934; 1939) the „Belemnitenbreccie“ still belongs to the Braunjura «, and the Braunjura £ begins just above these layers. North of Reutlingen and south of Gosheim the Braunjura £ begins above the Wasser- fallbänke, because the „Belemnitenbreccie“ is absent there. In the region of the Wutach even the Wasserfallbänke are absent. This is the reason why there are difficulties in fixing the limit «/ß as given by QuensTepTt (1843; 1858). In the Eastern Alb the limit Braunjura «/ß is placed at the top of the Wasser- fallbänke. In the area of Aalen only one „Wasserfallbank“ is developed (WEBER 1964). The „Pholadomya triquetra-Bank“, choosen by ©. Fraas (1871) as the limit- bench between Braunjura «a and £ in the region of Aalen, was interpreted in different ways by later authors, because there are several benches with Pholadomya tri- quetra. This term should be used no longer (WEBER 1964, p. 18). Along the Swabian Alb the Braunjura # is separated into three regions of different facies. About the Braunjura £ in the area of Aalen (Eastern Alb) see WEBER (1964) and Diet & Erzoıo (1977). About the Braunjura £ in the region of Balingen-Rottweil (Southwestern Alb) and farther southwest in the region of the Wutach see RıeBer (1963; 1977). Braumjura % QuENSTEDT has never fixed an exact limit between Braunjura $ and y. Where the limit was drawn by later authors, is shown in a survey given by RıEBER (1963, table p. 18). According to this survey the so-called Sowerbyi-Oolith is considered as being the base of the Braunjura y by most of the authors. The „Sowerbyi-Oolith“ is a thin, partly iron-oolitic marly limestone horizon which is developed along the whole Swabian Alb. West of Balingen the Sowerbyi- Oolith is joined closely with the „Concava-Bank“. The intercalated layers, e. g. the „Gryphaeen-Bank“ of the Hechingen area, are absent there (see also RıeBER 1963, D. 17). The „Wedelsandstein“ follows above the Sowerbyi-Oolith along the whole Swabian Alb. This unit mainly consists of sandy marl and calcareous sandstone. The sandstone contains a characteristic trace fossil (Cancellophycus scoparius), whose shape („Wedel“) gave the name to this unit. DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY (E96T Lagary) 'qpy vergemg ayy Zuofe g eınfuneig ayy Jo suondag 'E 'S1] sısu9apuyas Inpys’w'g P/////, uebaj]JsoAa uayyuowiuy aujay Izya/ Sıq uauap sno''g Ss 'yaynw 'Mpn7'n Dapıossıp ynpysw'g INN YURgIIDJJISSON EnE (zı9loy yaınwF‘Jppsg) uaıbımpn7 Pun ynDjs InDis w'g IIND EIERLPLHTE JIRTITIE TR 7} EB | („g-10J9woJÖuoy“"=)DADIU0I Mpn7'w'g beoe] uayJD0Jd)doz | (100-MoS)saJlasıp MPpnT JIWw yuog | Pr] M "wn,dwo3'90187 'w'g E>B = sapıouı)Ddo 'n uouis ynp;s w'g aVaVı| m ıBnoy 'Mpn7 pun sapjounpdo 'uouis ynpys wg PA/NY, ıbnoy 'Mpn7 'w'g EIH 0 ES Prszen] B E = 5 == =KE re22| sı S wy0L 6a Bıaq Bıagq pIom 'quızM uaBun,]p RE) zu3Jr =jsing uaBßuızj2W =1390 6 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 In some regions clay horizons called „y-Tone“ (y-clays) are intercalated between Sowerbyi-Oolith and Wedelsandstein or/and Wedelsandstein and Blaukalk. Above the Wedelsandstein begins the „Blaukalk“, which is best developed in the region of Reutlingen (thickness 4 meters). It is absent in some regions, e.g. in the area of Aalen (pers. commun. A. Erzoıp, Freiburg). In the Eastern Alb the Braunjura y has a thickness between 3 and 15 meters, in the Middle Alb between 15 and 30 meters, and in the Southwestern Alb between 25 and 40 meters. Bramimjue © Mainly in the Middle Alb clays and marls are dominating in the whole Braun- jura ö. In the Southwestern Alb the lower part of the Braunjura ö is formed as a mainly ferrugineous oolitic, marly limestone horizon (= „Humphriesianum-Oolith‘“). In the Eastern Alb (e.g. area of Bopfingen) the whole Braunjura ö is only a few meters thick and built up only by ferrugineous oolitic, calcareous marls. Because the Braunjura ö shows a facies quite different from one region to the other in Swabia numerous designations of layers have been proposed and used [see the list of GEyER (in GEYER & GwinNER 1962)] which partly have only a local strati- graphic importance. Mainly for the Middle Alb Quenstept (1843; 1858; 1886/87) described the limits of the Braunjura ö and its sequence of layers. Because the facies of the Braun- jura ö is quite different in the Eastern and in the Southwestern Alb, it is very diffi- cult there to use the definition of the lower and the upper limit of the ö given by QuensTEDT. QuenstTept described the sequence of layers between the Blaukalk (Braunjura y) and the „Bifurcaten-Schicht“ (= „Subfurcatum-Oolith“) for the Middle Alb as follows: „Giganteus-Ton“ (including the „Abraumschicht“ at the base), „Ostreen- Kalke“, and „Coronaten-Schicht“. But even in the region of the Middle Alb this sequence of units has only a limited local stratigraphic value. Names as Giganteus-Ton and Östreen-Kalke characterize rather the facies of the rocks than their stratigraphic position. There- fore quite different horizons were identified with these units of QueEnstept. Guss- MANN (in ENGEL 1908, section p. 326) e.g. has described a clay horizon above the Coronaten-Schicht as Giganteus-Ton in the area of Eningen unter Achalm. According to KoERNER (in ETZOLD, HAHN & KoERNER 1975, p. 134), in the Zollern- alb region (near Balingen) the Giganteus-Ton follows above the Humphriesianum- Oolith, representing the base of the Braunjura ö in this region. Farther southwest, in the area of Gosheim, the Giganteus-Ton is overlain by a thick horizon of ferru- gineous oolites, the so-called Humphriesianum-Oolith (= „Humphriesi-Schichten“ sensu WEISERT 1932). WEISERT (1932, p. 185) equated his Humphriesi-Schichten with the Ostreen-Kalke. The layer between the Humphriesi-Schichten and the Sub- furcatum-Oolith is called „Blagdeni-Schicht“ by Weısert. This Blagdeni-Schicht shall be the equivalent horizon to the Coronaten-Schicht sensu QuEnsTEDT (WEISERT 1932, p. 185). The Subfurcatum-Oolith is well developed along the whole Swabian Alb. Only in the region between Glems and Reutlingen it is very thin (thickness about 20cm) and highly clayey. The ooids of the Subfurcatum-Oolith are much bigger than those of the „Parkinsoni-Oolith“ and the „Macrocephalus-Oolith“. DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 7 Glems Blumberg BVAEIY BEFALLEN 45 m ERUTARNEICENG Ober - Bajocium parkinsoni-Zone U3Jy9!YIS- USlLOSUIMJBI =I5 & Et ze ® S) 1 o' =) Fig. 4. Comparison of thicknesses of the Upper Bajocian between Glems (Middle Alb) and Blumberg (Wutach area). (HAHN, BUCK & SCHÄDEL 1966) The so-called „Hamiten-Tone“ above the Subfurcatum-Oolith in the Middle and in the Southwestern Alb are typical stillwater sediments contrary to the Sub- furcatum-Oolith. They are the best developed (thickness 12—20 m) in the area between Kirchheim and Reutlingen. In contrast to his earlier opinion (1843; 1858) QuensTepT (1886/87) placed the Hamiten-Ton into the Braunjura ö. Already in 1858 he described the ammonite fauna of the Hamiten-Ton in the chapter about the Braunjura ö. More about this problem is said in the following chapter („Braunjura &“). In the Wutach area it is impossible to fix the limit ö/e sensu QuensTeDT (1886/87), because the clayey „Parkinsonien-Schichten“ (Buck, HAHN & SCHÄDEL 1966, text- fig. 5) which are nearly 40 m thick are situated between the Subfurcatum-Oolith and the Parkinsoni-Oolith. These Parkinsonien-Schichten are no stratigraphic equi- valent of the Hamiten-Ton. In the Eastern Alb the Subfurcatum-Oolith passes over into the Parkinsoni-Oolith without any clear separation. Here it is also difficult to fix the limit ö/e. The aggregate thickness of the Braunjura ö (without the Parkinsoni-Oolith) is changing in the Swabian Alb from east to southwest as follows: Bopfingen 8 m, Stuifen 23 m, Reutlingen 44 m, Balingen 30 m. 8 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 UY1IOO SN -eyda9o.19eW wWINIAO]|EI -Js4UuN Oxycerites limosus Oecotraustes fuscus yueg -SnOsny 20 Asphinctites tenuiplicatus a: er Polysphinctites secundus Se een (SUoZans-snyesildinusa) wnIuoyyeg -JoyUuN 0 Fig. 5. Bathonian/Callovian boundary (Braunjura e) at the eastern slope of the Plettenberg near Dotternhausen (Southwestern Alb). (HAHN 1970) Braunjura & According to the definition given by Quensteot (1886/87) and taken over by EngeL (1908), the Braunjura e comprises two horizons of ferrugineous oolites: at the bottom the Parkinsoni-Oolith and at the top the Macrocephalus-Oolith. In the Wutach area it is difficult to define the base of the Braunjura &, because the Par- kinsoni-Oolith of this region is only partly equivalent to the Parkinsoni-Oolith of the Middle Alb. Clays and marls with a thickness of about 30 m are following in the Wutach area above the Parkinsoni-Oolith (Buck, HAHun & ScHÄDEL 1966). These clays and marls are subdivided into a lower part called „Württembergica-Schichten“, a middle one called „Knorri-Tone“, and an upper one called „Varians-Schichten“ which are already more calcareous. In the Wutach region two additional horizons are distinguished immediately below the Macrocephalus-Oolith: the „Aspidoides- Oolith“ and the „Lagenalis-Bank“. Between Balingen and Reutlingen the „Fuscus- Bank“ lays immediately below the Aspidoides-Oolith. This Fuscus-Bank cannot be equated with the Lagenalis-Bank of the Wutach area. In some regions the Aspidoides- Oolith is developed as a calcareous marl bed without any ooids and therefore called Aspidoides-Bank. In the Eastern Alb between Schwäb. Gmünd and Bopfingen the facies is quite different. There the whole sequence is reduced to 2—4 meters and built up only by ferrugineous oolites. The stratigraphy of the Braunjura e is full of problems. The great differences of facies from east to west make it more difficult to parallelize the different hori- zons which often have only a local stratigraphic importance. The differences in fixing the lower and the upper limit of the Braunjura & are the cause of further problems in the stratigraphy of this stage. The different ways of using the definitions of the limit ö/e and of the top of the Braunjura & given by QUENSTEDT (1843; 1858; 1886/87) shall be discussed in the following context: DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 9 WUINIAO|IEI-JaIUN 4990 WAL Ee user - aaauN 'n- Jay! N Fig. 6. Section of the Bathonian from the Ipf near Bopfingen (Eastern Alb). (HAHN 1968) 1. According to QUENSTEDT (1843) the Braunjura e begins with a sequence of clays, the „Parkinsoni-Tone“. The typical development of these layers is described by him especially for the Middle Alb. There these clays are limited at the top by the Macrocephalus-Oolith. According to QUENSTEDT, the Macrocephalus-Oolith still belongs to the Braunjura e. In contrast to QUENSTEDT, GEYER (in GEYER & GWINNER 1962) placed the Macrocephalus-Oolith into the Braunjura & to adjust the limit &/& to the limit Bathonian/Callovian. 2. QUENSTEDT (1858, table p. 555) subdivided his Parkinsoni-Tone into a lower part „Schwefel- kieston“ (= Hamiten-Ton) and into an upper part „Dentalien-Ton“. The separating horizon between both is the Parkinsoni-Oolith (QUENSTEDT 1858, p. 461). This subdivision is used for the region of the Middle Alb (especially the area of Reutlingen) until today. 3. QUENSTEDT (1886/87) changed his opinion about the lower limit of the Braunjura e. He placed the „Clavellaten-Schicht“ (first mentioned by QUENSTEDT 1886/87, p.523) which is the uppermost part of the Hamiten-Ton, into the Braunjura ö. [ENGEL (1883, p. 161) described Trigonia clavellata as the common fossil of the upper Hamiten-Ton.] ENGEL (1911) also placed the Hamiten- Ton in the Braunjura 6. According to the changed opinion of QUENSTEDT (1886/87), the Braun- jura &e begins with the Parkinsoni-Oolith. ENGEL (1908; 1911) and FISCHER (1913) e.g. use the new definition of the Braunjura &. Other authors (e.g. FRANK 1939, p. 369) continue the older definition of QUENSTEDT. FRANK (1945, p.3) shows the different stratigraphic positions of the Hamiten-Ton in a table, in which the Hamiten-Ton of the Kirchheim-Reutlingen area is placed into ö and the Hamiten-Ton between Balingen and Hechingen into e. Most recently GEYER (in GEYER & GWINNER 1962) places the Parkinsoni-Oolith into the Braun- jura ö to adjust the limit ö/e to the limit Bajocian/Bathonian. Braumjura The layers of the Braunjura £ are built up mainly by dark clays and shales. These layers are usually named „Ornaten-Ton“ because of the occurrence of Kosmoceras „ornatum“. But only the upper part of this series of clays should be Ser. B. Nr. 25 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE 10 (8961 NHYVH) '(q[y ul2Jseg) uaduydog pue nesyapy ayy usamyaq uoIsaı ayJ ur ueruoygeg ayg Jo sale} pue ssawpIy] "2'317 er ° EEE ee ZI SEELE RR SOLLE ELSE ERROR usayaıyas VESEELLETITTEI TE ee EEE RUSS EENERR] RREREEREEEEELEEEE ET RELEERT, | % RR RREERREREERRERKERLL RER Fa 1 RE EEE TEE RR RERRERLEERERREH NEE RER ro SE 88 EERSONNOOL LS ee a Re \ | E21) 8 SSROUASAUALWZIEI LESE EN SEE EN SELLER NIT RE ERRER] RER RERREREERTHER P3 RER REEL RR RERRERERETSTS \ SER ES 8 ELERÄONDE OEL LH % SL RER Uaayaluas RR L# ee Is Se NIIT 431100 -!uosuıyJed Krane e ES, 2 RR % {I D - [IN Kar rn BE RAR EEE OEEERE KRRE x ee gg rası BEER ARKKRÄKKRR VON IE RIIIEIIIIIIIL ER ENNIN az Eee 2 UNIOO -SapIopidse;. a ıD ured 3 0, Lo wunıno]je)y 421100 winınojleg w uaßbundog punwn uabuınay uaßuıypay uaduıeg Byaqwnig anySpIeM IN MS DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 11 called Ornaten-Ton, because Kosmoceras „ornatum“ can be found only in this level. The lower part of this series of clays contains ammonites of the genus Macro- cephalites and therefore better should be called Macrocephalen-Ton. In the upper Ornaten-Ton between Balingen and Spaichingen a very thin fer- rugineous oolite horizon is intercalated: the „Anceps-Oolith“. Perhaps this Anceps- Oolith is only a relic horizon of formerly thicker sediments in this level (Hann & KOoERNER 1971,p.132). Further southwest, in the Wutach region, the Braunjura © (if there still can be spoken of a Braunjura £ in the sense of QuENSTEDT) is very thin and mostly iron oolitic. A „Graublaues Erzlager“, a „Violettes Erzlager“, and the „Grenzkalk“ may be distinguished there above the Macrocephalus-Oolith, also called „Rotes Erzlager“ in this region (see also Zeıss 1955). At the top of the Ornaten-Ton a very thin layer of phosphatic concretions occurs which is enriched by processes of submarine erosions and condensation. This layer, also called „Lamberti-Knollenlage“, is widely distributed from the Wutach region to Bopfingen in the easternmost part of the Swabian Alb. According to ZAKRZEWSKI (1887) and Hann & KoernER (1971), the horizon of the Lamberti-Knollenlage mostly shows the presence of glauconite, at least in the region between Balingen and Hechingen. Above the Lamberti-Knollenlage a fine sandy sequence of clay marls (only a few meters thick) follows which is also characterized by the presence of glauconite. This sequence is limited by the first calcareous layer of the „Trans- versarium-Bänke“ (= „Grenzbank“: FraAas 1888) which is the beginning of the Weißjura « as used by Quensteprt (see also ZIEGLER 1977). The thickness of the Braunjura £ reaches its maximum in the region between Hechingen and Balingen (30-50 meters). To the southwest the layers are redgıced to about 5 meters near Blumberg. Towards the east they are also reduced to 20 meters between Boll and Gammelshausen, to 12 meters near Aalen, and to only about 3 meters near Bopfingen. 2 Klleweszean In the region of the Klettgau the layers of the lower and the middle Braunjura are formed in Swabian facies. They can be subdivided in the categories of Quen- STEDT. In contrast to this the upper layers of the Braunjura are quite different and partly developed in the so-called „Spatkalk“ facies. These Spatkalke, first named and described by MoszscH (1867), show their greatest distribution in the Argauer Jura (Switzerland). They are nearly free of pelecypods and built up by limestones, which are rich in remainders of echinoderms. Their thickness is about 3 meters near Dangstetten (Ldkr. Waldshut: Hann 1966, Abb. 1). The top layers of the Braun- jura (above the Spatkalke) are developed in the same facies (ferrugineous oolite) as described by Zeıss (1955) from Blumberg. 3. Biostratigraphy Among the fossils the ammonites are most suitable for the biostratigraphic sub- division of the Braunjura in Southwest Germany. Good index species are found in most of their genera. Other macrofossils, too, are used for biostratigraphy, but not 12 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Oxfordian Macrocephalus-Oolith Aspidoides-Oolith Bathonıan Spatkalk zigzag Zone parkınsonı Zone °_00 so2oo 0500 0990 0 SL 0000 ©0000 000 000 oo nd : [20° 000 000 /oo 000 009, o0o0|\2 0009]0 oo 0° is mh: Ill: >» Il: LEI Id Bajocıan Subfurcatum-Oolith NIE 100cm o ° Oo oo oJjoo o o 0 0 Fig. 8. Section of the middle and upper Dogger in the Berchenwald near Dangstetten (Klettgau). (Adapted from HAHN 1966) with great success in any case. The foraminifera and ostracodes of the Swabian Braunjura are partly studied, but only the ostracodes are of stratigraphic value. In contrast to the Weißjura (see ZIEGLER 1977, fig. 16—19) the vertical range of the most genera and species of ammonites is reduced in the Braunjura. 31. Swabian Alb and Wutach region Braun unaro In the Swabian Braunjura the base of the Braunjura «a is characterized by the occurrence of Lytoceras (Pachylytoceras) torulosum and therefore called Torulosum- Schicht. Beside Lytoceras (P.) torulosum also the first Leioceratids appear with two different species: Leioceras opalinum and Leioceras costosum. Both species persist throughout the whole Opalinus-Ton, and Leioceras opalinum is sometimes found even in the lowest part of the Braunjura $ (see WEBER 1964, section 62). In the region of Boll the very rare Tmetoceras scissum occurs in the upper part of the Opalinus-Ton for the first time. Only a few ammonites pass over the boundary Schwarzjura/Braunjura. These are some Hammatoceratids and Pleydellia fluitans which become extinct in the lowest part of the Opalinus-Ton. Other macrofossils also used as index fossils are: „Lucina“ plana („Lucinen- Bank“), Astarte („Astarten-Schichten“), Balanocrinus württembergicus („Penta- DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY Designation of layers Transversarium-Bänke Weißjura —-Lamberti-Knollen Ornaten-Ion —— Anceps-Oolith Dentalien-Ion Hamiten-Ton IP Hamiten-Bank Blagdeni-Schicht Giganteus-Ion —Abraumschicht Blaukalk (LT )__Aspidoides-Bank_______. Subfurcatum-Oolith_____ Subdivision sensu QUENSTEDIT (1886/87) € er au mdi ur & 60m Opalinus-Ion 40m Characteristic ammonites _ — - - - - -+ - — — — Peltoceras transversarıum Cardioceratids Quenstedtoceras lamberti Peltoceras trifidum Kosmoceras spınosum Reineckeia anceps Kosmoceras jason Choffatiae Macrocephalites macrocephalus Oecotraustes fuscus Zigzagiceras euryodos Parkınsonia württembergica Parkinsonia subarietis Pseudogarantiana dichotoma Spiroceras orbignyi Strenoceras subfurcatum Teloceras sparsinodum Teloceras multinodum Stephanoceras umbilicum Dorsetensia deltafalcata Otoites pauper Emileia polyschides Sonniniae Sonninia ovalıs _ Hyperlioceras discites Graphoceras concavum Ludwigia bradfordensis Staufenia staufensis Staufenia sinon Staufenıa opalınoıdes Leioceras opalinum Lytoceras torulosum Zones Stages —— plicatilis Zone cordatum Zone ‚lamberti Zone athleta Zone ?coronatum Zone jason Zone ?calloviense Zone macrocephalus Zone zigzag Zone Oxfordian Callovian Bathonian parkinsoni Zone subfurcatum Zone humphriesianum Zone| Bajocian sauzei Zone laeviuscula Zone discites Zone concavum Zone murchisonae Zone opalinum Zone Aalenian 13 S ° 2 Dizomemererr Fig. 9. Survey of the Braunjura and its characteristic ammonites of the Middle Alb. (Combined section adapted from RIEBER 1963, SCHOLZ 1966, and Haun, BUCK & SCHÄDEL 1966) 14 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 criniten-Platte“), and Trigonia navis („Schichten der Trigonia navis“). Their strati- graphic value is restricted upon small areas. The two ostracode species Aphelocythere kuhni and Aphelocythere ramosa occur at the boundary Schwarzjura/Braunjura (Fischer 1961). The microfossils (ostracodes, foraminifera) of the Opalinus-Ton have been studied by Kosıer (1972) who merely described their ecological importance. Braunjura f The biostratigraphy of the Braunjura £ will not be treated here because of its actual documentation by Rızser (1977) for the Southwestern Alb and DietL & ErzoLp (1977) for the region of Aalen. Braunjura y Different species of the genus Hyperlioceras occur at the boundary Braun- jura ß/y. Till now the occurrence of Hyperlioceras is only known from a few out- crops along the Swabian Alb. Its best investigated occurrence is the one in the Wutach Valley. There Bayer (1969) identified eight different species of this genus in a horizon called „Discites-Schichten“ with a thickness of less than one meter. These Discites-Schichten seem to be the lower part of the Sowerbyi-Oolith. In this level also the first Sonniniae appear (BAYER 1969, fig. 1). Sonniniae are found in the Sowerbyi-Oolith also in other regions along the Swabian Alb, but always as rarities. A famous locality of the Sowerbyi-Oolith, rich in fossils, is the area of Gingen an der Fils. Typical Sonniniae of the Sowerbyi-Oolith are the following: Sonninia ovalis, Euhoploceras polyacantha, Euhoploceras adicra. The Sonninia sowerbyi often men- tioned for the Sowerbyi-Oolith (see also OEcHsLe 1958) is unsuitable as an index fossil (Parsons 1974, p. 160—161). Sonninia sowerbyi, the type specimen of which is quite indeterminable, is probably an inner whorl of a Papilliceras of the mesa- cantha group, which came from a higher horizon (sauzei Zone) (PAarsons 1974, p. 160—161). In the Swabian Braunjura y also several species of the genus Witchellia can be found, but they are very rare and no more treated since Dorn (1935). Till now they have been never used as index fossils. The Wedelsandstein (middle y) contains ammonites only as rarities. In contrast to this sequence the Blaukalk, especially in the region between Beuren and Eningen (Middle Alb), is rich in ammonites. Among others can be found: Papilliceras mesa- cantha, „Sonninia“ patella, Kumatostephanus turgidulum, Otoites contractus, Otoites pauper, and Emileia polyschides. Up till now the ammonite fauna of the Blaukalk has not been investigated in its modern biostratigraphic aspects. In the Braunjura y of Southwest Germany, e.g. near Aalen-Attenhofen, very small reefs of corals occur for the first time in the Braunjura more frequently: Isa- straea, Thamnastraea. The corals of the Hohenzollern, described by QuenstepT out of the upper y, belong to the lower ö according to FrAnK (1945). The trace fossil Cancellophycus scoparius is a good facies indicator but useless for biostratigraphy. Braunjura ö In Swabia the beginning of the Braunjura ö is not well marked by ammonites. In the region of Hechingen the ö begins with the „Abraumschicht“ which is rich in DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 15 remainders of echinoderms and bivalves. The Giganteus-Ton, which follows above the Abraumschicht in this region, is named after the belemnite Megateuthis giganteus which is very common in this layer. But Megatenthis giganteus is no good index fossil, because occasionally it already occurs in the upper y and extends up into the e. Where the Giganteus-Ton contains nodular limestones and „Muschelknollen“ (nodules with bivalves), e.g. in the region of Hechingen, the first ammonites of the ö are found: Dorsetensia romani, Dorsetensia deltafalcata, Dorsetensia liostraca, and Epalxites, Germanites. The bivalves Lopha cristagalli and Ctenostreon pectiniforme are typical fossils of the Ostreen-Kalke. But both fossils are not very important for the biostrati- graphy, because they are typical facies fossils indicating deposits of shallow, wave- agitated water. The Ostreen-Kalke are best developed along the Middle Alb. The Humphriesianum-Oolith following above the Giganteus-Ton in the region of Gosheim was investigated by Weısert (1932) with regard to its biostratigraphy. According to WEISERT Stephanoceras nodosum, Stephanoceras macrum, and Stepha- noceras plicatum characterize the lower part of the Humphriesianum-Oolith. The characteristic ammonites of the upper part are Stephanoceras umbilicum and Ste- phanoceras rectecostatum. Other ammonites accompanying Stephanoceras are more Subfurcatum-Oolith Blagdeni-Schicht upper Humphriesi-Schichten (umbilicum-rectecostatum group) E53 163 BB ° I o | o o lo | folo I lo I Jelo o olo olofle lower Humphriesi-Schichten (nodosum-macrum-plicatum group) o|0|o EB S © T S I S 3 {7} Ki [= Q S I = Fig. 10. Section of the Braunjura middle-ö near Gosheim (Southwestern Alb). (Adapted from WEISERT 1932) 16 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 frequent only in the top layers of the Humphriesianum-Oolith. Mainly these are different species of the genera Normannites and Itinsaites (in part may be Stemmato- ceras), Dorsetensia, and Chondroceras. Perhaps still in the Humphriesianum-Oolith of the Gosheim region the first Teloceratids appear. These dominate in the following Blagdeni-Schicht: Teloceras sparsinodum, Teloceras multinodum, and Teloceras co- ronatum (WEISERT 1932). In the Subfurcatum-Oolith, following above the Blagdeni-Schicht (= Coronaten- Schicht), new groups of ammonites occur. In comparison with the lower ö the num- ber of genera and species has increased enormously. The following genera are found: Strenoceras, Garantiana, Oppelia, Bigotites, Leptosphinctes, Infraparkinsonia (in part may be Caumontisphinctes), Strigoceras, Lissoceras, Cadomites, Polyplectites, and very rarely Spiroceras. For the lower part of the Subfurcatum-Oolith Strenoceras subfurcatum, Garantiana baculata, and Infraparkinsonia (in part may be Caumonti- sphinctes) are good index fossils. For the upper part, which is an iron oolite also near Bopfingen (Eastern Alb), different species of the subgenus Subgarantiana as well as the species Garantiana (G.) dubia and Garantiana (Pseudogarantiana) dichotoma are characteristic. The Hamiten-Ton of the area of Reutlingen is the stratigraphic equi- valent deposit of nearly the whole Subfurcatum-Oolith of Bopfingen. Buck, HaHun & SCHÄDEL (1966) investigated the biostratigraphy of the Hamiten-Ton in this region (Glems, Eningen). They found a sequence of ammonites equal to that of the whole Subfurcatum-Oolith of Bopfingen. In the section of Glems Strenoceras subfurcatum extends far up into the Hamiten-Ton. This species is replaced by Garantiana (Pseudo- garantiana) dichotoma above the „Hamiten-Bank“ which is dividing the Hamiten-Ton in its middle part. The heteromorphs (Spiroceras) are typical ammonites of the Hamiten-Ton. The ostracodes of the Braunjura ö were studied recently by Buck (in Buck, HAHN & ScHÄDEL 1966). Procytheridea hoffmanni, Fuhrbergiella (F.) primitiva, and Fuhrbergiella (Praefuhrbergiella) horrida? horrida are typical ostracodes of the Humphriesianum-Oolith. The Blagdeni-Schicht is characterized by the genus Cytherella. Besides Pleurocythere regularis the ostracodes Glyptocythere regulari- formis and Fuhrbergiella (F.) projecta are typical index ostracodes of the Hamiten- Ton. Braunjura e With the Parkinsoni-Oolith or the clayey Parkinsonien-Schichten the first Par- kinsoniae appear. In these layers the most frequent Parkinsoniae are Parkinsonia (P.) acris and Parkinsonia (P.) subarietis. According to Bentz (1924), they mark the lower Parkinsonien-Schichten in Württemberg. The „younger“ Parkinsoniae of the subgenera Oraniceras and Gonolkites follow above the „older“ Parkinsoniae in the condensed profile of the region of Bopfingen, as well as in the Dentalien-Ton of the Middle Alb and in the Württembergica-Schichten of the southwesternmost Alb. They indicate the upper Parkinsonien-Schichten, first described by Werzer (1911) from Northwest Germany. Parkinsonia (Oraniceras) württembergica, Parkinsonia (Oraniceras) gyrumbilica, and Parkinsonia (Oraniceras) valida are especially common in the lower Braunjura & and good index fossils of the upper Parkinsonien-Schichten. In association with them Zigzagiceras euryodos and Morphoceras multiforme still occur. In the Württembergica-Schichten only a few meters above the first occurrence of the „younger“ Parkinsoniae the following characteristic ammonite genera appear: DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 17, SPIROCERAS Nördi. ® Material >| > 1000 |< 100 Exemplare <10 ER „Hamiten -Ton“ f 4 subfurcatum-Oolith \ } In 2 garantiana -Zone © Klettgau &Glems/Eningen @Blumberg DBalı &)Talheim Winzingen @Gosheim Oberdorf ©&Hechingen Fig. 11. Biotope dependence of the Dogger heteromorphs of the genus Spiroceras in the region of the Swabian Jurassic. (DIETL 1976) Oecotraustes, Oxycerites, Cadomites, Polyplectites, Ebrayiceras, Lissoceras, Siemi- radzkia, and Procerites. In the profile at the Eichberg near Blumberg (Wutach region) this ammonite association is replaced by other ammonites in the upper Württembergica-Schichten. Now the Oppeliae are dominating. The most common species of these is Oeco- traustes (Paroecotraustes) fuscus. The genera Parkinsonia, Zigzagiceras, Morpho- ceras, and Ebrayiceras have disappeared. The Fuscus-Bank of the region between Reutlingen and Spaichingen shows a similar ammonite fauna. The Knorri-Tone above the Württembergica-Schichten in the region of the Wutach, named after a small oister Catinula knorri, show a further change of the ammonite fauna. The Oppeliae are reduced to a lower frequency again. Besides Polysphinctites sp. the genus Asphinctites occurs for the first time here. In the Wutach region the Varians-Schichten, named after the brachiopod „Rhynchonella varians“ (= Rhynchonelloidea alemanica, occuring in crowds in these layers), follow above the Knorri-Tone. From these layers Hann (1968) noted some ammonites: 18 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 progracilis - Zone Parkinsonia gyrumbilica Parkinsonia wuerttembergica Parkinsonia teutoburgensis Morphoceras multiforme Morphoceras macrescens Ebrayıceras rursum Asphinctites patrulii Polysphinctites polysphinctus Asphinctites tenuiplicatus Polysphinctites secundus Mittel-Bathonium Ebrayiceras Sp. 2978 tenuiplicatus- Subzone yeovilensis- Subzone DD ee] SN nor) [") -#--- - - - -- 1615 (zigzag-Zone) macrescens- Subzone 1611 a 1609a 1608a 1607 a 16068 ----- - - --- - - - -- -- - ---- - - -- #0 UNTER-BATHONIUM - 44-- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --4 ne EETERSTSTE Fer parkinsoni Oolith Ober- Bajocium (parkinsoni-Zone) “- - - - -- ---- + --+ Fig. 12. Vertical distribution of the Parkinsoniidae and Morphoceratidae in the lower Bathonian of the western slope of the Eichberg near Blumberg (Wutach area). (HAHN 1970) Procerites imitator, Oecotraustes (Paroecotraustes) cf. splendens, Tulites modiolaris, Tulites subcontractus, and different species of Lycetticeras. The Lagenalis-Bank (named after the terebratulid Ornithella lagenalis), following above the Varians-Schichten in the region of the Wutach, mainly contains large- growing Proceritids and Wagnericeratids. The Macrocephalitidae of the Varians- Schichten are no longer present. Moreover, in the Lagenalis-Bank Oppeliae of the genera Oxycerites, Oecotraustes, and Prohecticoceras are found as great rarities. 19 DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY (TZ6T NHYH) ‘(IV U123se9) uasuydog pue nesyyapy ayy uaamyaq ueruoyyeg 1addp) pue ajppıw ay3 Jo suor9as Sıydeısıyens "EL 'S1J | | 8 Su0oz Doreen > ESS auoz -bezdilz ] 0 N ® so Q, I auoz OL SNPE3 San) = DL 6 % -sı28JB0Jd ‘ds sag nı = ds] = = Sl /J32N34 (SEJ391J0L) SBJU/nI= I] 5 & : 3 SIYBJOIPOW SaJI/NI- W ° -08 | 07 ‚ds SEJ321SIW Joy -dsSy ee | ge ISIIJIOW SEIFIISIII0Y = "WW b) 28 | og €8 p EWWOI (SY32III3IÄT) SEIAIISISIOY - DW ZEN, op | 0€ SNI2UNISXE SEJIWopPPI9- 99 ES w | ; ö J Fe: auoz se SN2E90/33294 SIYWOPEI- 39 N 98 SNI2@J2LOI9NS ds segıydsownejyng = ds’g man D sn2eng sayduouneyng- ‘98 ee Sna@y2us9aJe/ sayyydsowizeyng=- 19 & &6 ° =), c 3 a ES YUeg-SNISNL Berne em -8150902)\ JO uaryalyss - Suensen [__[yueg= SNEU2687 nl #3] A1I00- Sap/apıdse F: este Sant 431100 222 43100 -snjeydasossew -snreydasossew -Snjeydasosew usa ung wsBupuswwj Busaunig Buaqunjg usßunydog N US]j03Sa|Y wıeysog ‘a Bunuyog USSNEH-UayYaJıy a BusquD213 a Busauang uspaasßueg 20 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 In the Aspidoides-Oolith the most frequent and characteristic ammonite is Oxycerites aspidoides, accompanied for the first time by species of the genus Choffatia beside Prohecticoceras. From the top of the Aspidoides-Oolith two spe- cimens of Clydoniceras discus are known (OPppeL 1863; RıEBER 1961). The Macrocephalus-Oolith, the upper layer of the &, is very rich in fossils in contrast to the layers of the lower e, where ammonites are partly very rare. The genera Macrocephalites, Bullatimorphites, Cadoceras, Grossouvria, Choffatia, „Hecticoceras“, Kepplerites are particularly common. The ammonite fauna of the Macrocephalus-Oolith has been investigated no more since QuEnsTEpT (1886/87). In the profile of Glems near Reutlingen (Buck & Hann 1966) the ostracode Pleurocythere connexa appears for the first time in the Parkinsoni-Oolith. This common ostracode extends up to the base of the Aspidoides-Oolith. In the region of the Wutach (see also Buck & Hann 1966) Oligocythereis cf. fullonica occurs nearly in the middle of the Württembergica-Schichten, and Fissocythere variabilis a short distance higher in the stratigraphic column. In the Varians-Schichten Pleu- rocythere is dominating, and in the Aspidoides-Oolith Lophocythere plena is an index ostracode. With the beginning of the Macrocephalus-Oolith Lophocythere cruciata occurs (Buck & HAHN 1966). Bir asusms ua“ Along the Swabian Alb the Ornaten-Ton is the most conspicuous sequence of layers of the Braunjura £. Its biostratigraphy is investigated by means of modern methods only in parts, although the pyritic ammonites of these layers have been collected since generations. The reason for this may be that the pyrite ammonites are only the inner whorls of much larger individuals in most cases and thus often diffieult to determine. Haun & KoERNER (1971) tried to solve this problem. Unfortunately these investigations were interrupted by the sudden death of W. Hann in the year 1972. In the artificial outcrops of the Braunjura £, opened by tunneling in the region of the Zollernalb, HAun & KoErner (1971) found a very wide vertical distribution for the ammonite genus Macrocephalites. Kepplerites gowerianus extends only a few meters above the Macrocephalus-Oolith, but Macrocephalites extends into the Anceps-Oolith. The layers containing Macrocephalites are about 21 meters thick in the Zollernalb (Hann & KoERNER 1971). Along the Swabian Alb the Anceps-Oolith is a horizon of high condensation. In large parts of the Middle and the Eastern Alb this horizon does not exist. The sequence of the upper Ornaten-Ton following above the Anceps-Oolith is very rich in ammonites. The most frequent ammonites are Perisphinctids (Gros- souvria, Subgrossouvria) and Oppeliids (Distichoceras, Horrioceras, Proscaphites, Lorioliceras, Hecticoceras). Apart from the Kosmoceratids, the Peltoceratids, and the Reineckeiids are not rare in these layers. The upper part of these clays and shales is marked by Quenstedtoceras, which is particularly frequent in the layer of the Lamberti-Knollenlage, the top layer of this series. In the top layer of the Lamberti- Knollenlage the first ammonites of the genus Cardioceras occur. The glauconitic, sandy marls above also contain Cardioceratids. In the Zollernalb from the same horizon HAun & KoERNER (1971) noted Euaspidoceras perarmatum. The first DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 21 7, Glaukonit-Sandmergel Lamberti-Knollen N \ N \ \ \ N N pi \ le 3 o, ae) err : >) < M) a ea N ©. RN = aan ö °, © S cordatum Z. N & [@) =, \ N a LA ° NO a N NE Verrren n 2 = N N el N N ! \ — Anceps-Oolith N \ x N N ° N \ \ N N (e N N D NUN N fo) Jason Z. SS N SS \ 7 NS N \ os \ IN N SEN OS N macrocephalus Zone “oz N \ DSH Saal, SA Son, & N ?calloviense Z. >< < S N Grenzkalk an Violettes Erzlager Graublaues Erzlager er Rotes Erzlager — Fr Se 0 Seht, 7 1 == Ber al — — in > —. ——T =-o — = es = E9I@E) —— Macrocephalus-Oolith I Fig. 14. Comparison of thickness and stratigraphy of the upper Braunjura between Talheim (I) near Tübingen (Middle Alb) and Blumberg (II) (Wutach area). (Section I adapted from HAHN & KOERNER 1971; section II with the Grenzkalk in detail adapted from Zeiss 1955.) 22 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 calcareous layer of the Transversarium-Bänke which is following above the glauco- nitic, sandy marls is the beginning of the Weißjura. The ostracodes cited by MaAız (in Hann & KoErneErR 1971) for the Ornaten-Ton of the Zollernalb are no good index-fossils. Only the ostracodes Lophocythere flexicosta ssp. and Protocytheridea? gublerea are of stratigraphic value and charac- teristic of the higher part of the Ornaten-Ton. The condensed iron oolitic upper Braunjura of Blumberg (Wutach region) has been already investigated by Zeıss (1955; 1957). According to him, Proplanulites, Parapatoceras, and Kepplerites are the typical ammonites of the Graublaues Erz- lager. The characteristic ammonites of the Violettes Erzlager are the Reineckeiids. The thin layers above the Violettes Erzlager (the Grenzkalk) contain Erymnocera- tids, Peltoceratids, Quenstedtoceratids, and Cardioceratids and show a sequence of ammonites similar to that one of Herznach/Switzerland (JEANNET 1951). Specimens of Erymnoceras coronatum which are very rare in the Swabian Jurassic have been found also near Bopfingen (Eastern Alb) were the layers of the upper Braunjura are highly condensed, too. 3.2. Klettgau The succession of layers of the lower and middle Braunjura of the Klettgau has not been investigated recently. But it may be the same as in the Swabian Jurassic. Within the Spatkalke ammonites only occur in condensed layers as a rule (Hann 1966). Hanun described a sequence of ammonites similar to that of the Eichberg near Blumberg for the Spatkalke. Only some characteristic ammonites are absent documenting a hiatus during high condensation. As a result of this condensation e.g. the „older“ and the „younger“ Parkinsoniids do not occur in different layers, but side by side in the same horizon. The ammonite fauna of the uppermost part of the Braunjura seems to be the same as given by Zeıss (1955; 1957) from Blumberg. 4. Chronology In this chapter the local succession of the ammonite zones of the Swabian Braunjura will be compared with the international standard scheme. The basis is the scheme given by HALLaM (1975), which is not only based upon the conclusions and propositions of the two International Colloquiums on the Jurassic System in Luxem- bourg (1962; 1967), but includes also newest proposals as e.g. those of Parsons (1974) on the so-called „sowerbyi Zone“. Aalenian The Aalenian will not be treated here, because of its documentation by RıEBER (1977) for the Middle and the Southwestern Alb and by Diet & Erzoıp (1977) for the area of Aalen (Eastern Alb). Beasj/orca an The basal zone of the Bajocian, the discites Zone, has been identified by the oceurrence of Hyperlioceras discites at least in some parts of the Swabian Braun- jura. The ammonite fauna of this zone has been investigated in detail by BAvEr (1969) for the first time in the Wutach region. There, according to BAYER (1969, fig. 1), Hyper- lioceras discites first occurs in the upper part of the Discites-Schichten (in part may DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 23 be the Sowerbyi-Oolith). The genus Hyperlioceras begins already in the upper Aalenian (concavum Zone). Even before the appearance of Hyperlioceras discites the genus Sonninia occurs (BAYER 1969, fig. 1). The opinion of Parsons (1974, fig. 3 and p. 173) that the Sowerbyi-Oolith only represents the discites Zone in Swabia has to be doubted. According to OECHSLE (1958), Sonninia ovalis, the index fossil for the ovalis Subzone which is the basal subzone of the laeviuscula Zone‘), also appears in the Sowerbyi-Oolith. Therefore along the Swabian Alb the Sowerbyi-Oolith seems to comprise the discites Zone as well as sometimes still parts of the laeviuscula Zone. The Wedelsandstein is poor in ammonites. Parsons (1974, fig. 3) places it into the laeviuscula Sub- zone, but until now the index fossil has not been identified surely in the Swabian Braunjura. The specimens, figured as Witchellia laeviuscula by Dorn (1935, pl. 6, fig. 3, and pl. 14, fig. 2), have been determined wrongly. The correlation of the Blau- kalk with the sauzei Zone presents no problems (Parsons 1974, p. 172). But the index fossil for the sauzei Zone has not been identified with certainty in Swabia until now. Because the Abraumschicht still contains ammonites of the genus Emileia as a great rarity, the sauzei Zone still extends up into the lower Braunjura ö. There- fore the lower Bajocian is only approximately corresponding with the Braunjura y. In the Giganteus-Ton the humphriesianum Zone begins with the occurence of Germanites, Epalxites, and Dorsetensia romani (pinguis Subzone and romani Sub- zone). Ihe romani Subzone may be supposed also in the Ostreen-Kalke (=> Hum- phriesianum-Oolith), and the blagdeni Subzone may be restricted to the Coronaten- Schicht (= Blagdeni-Schicht). In the Swabian Jurassic the index species Stephano- ceras humphriesianum seems to be very rare or even absent. The specimen figured by Weısert (1932, pl. 17, fig. 5) as Stephanoceras humphriesianum seems to be no true humphriesianum, and the specimen figured by Weısert (1932, pl. 18, fig. 2) as Teloceras blagdeni seems to be no true blagdeni. The latter seems to be very rare. The Giganteus-Ton, the Ostreen-Kalke (= Humphriesianum-Oolith) and the Co- ronaten-Schicht (= Blagdeni-Schicht) are equal to the middle Bajocian because of their ammonite fauna. The upper Bajocian begins with the zone of Strenoceras subfurcatum in the Subfurcatum-Oolith along the whole Swabian Alb. The index species is very com- mon. The garantiana Zone following above is still placed in the Subfurcatum- Oolith in the Eastern Alb. In the Middle Alb (Kirchheim-Reutlingen area) the limit subfurcatum/garantiana Zone is situated nearly in the middle of the Hamiten-Ton (HAHun & ScHÄDEL 1966), above the Hamiten-Bank. In the Wutach area this limit is also placed in clayey layers, but these belong to the lower part of the Parkinsoni- Schichten (Hann & ScHÄpEL 1966). Ihe index species Garantiana (G.) garantiana, designated by ArkeıL (1956), seems to be absent in Swabia. The beginning of the garantiana Zone is marked by the occurrence of Garantiana (Pseudogarantiana) dichotoma, the index species for the dichotoma Subzone (WESTERMANN 1967, table 1). Between Bopfingen (Eastern Alb) and Gosheim (Southwestern Alb) the parkin- soni Zone is characterized by the frequent occurrence of Parkinsonia (P.) acris and Parkinsonia (P.) subarietis. Both are typical Parkinsoniae of the acris Subzone at 1) According to the proposition of PARsons (1974) the sowerbyi Zone is to be eliminated and must be replaced by the zone of Witchellia laeviuscula. The laeviuscula Zone comprises two sub- zones: the ovalis Subzone and the laeviuscula Subzone (PARSONS 1974). 24 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 the base of the parkinsoni Zone. In the Wutach area the parkinsoni Zone starts in the clayey Parkinsoni-Schichten with Parkinsonia (P.) neuffensis which occurs only in the upper part of the parkinsoni Zone. There the above following Parkinsoni- Oolith forms the top layer of the parkinsoni Zone! Bathonian The Bathonian begins with the zigzag Zone immediately above the Parkin- soni-Oolith in some regions, in others above the clayey Parkinsoni-Schichten. Accor- ding to Hann (1969 p. 36), Zigzagiceras zigzag is probably the junior synonym to Zigzagiceras euryodos. Zigzagiceras euryodos is very frequent in Swabia and documents the macrescens Subzone together with Morphoceras macrescens. In the Wutach area, where the Bathonian is best developed, Hann (1968) has distin- guished two additional subzones in the zigzag Zone: the yeovilensis Subzone (Oxy- cerites yeovilensis) and the tenuiplicatus Subzone (Asphinctites tenuiplicatus). The Fuscus-Bank from the area af Balingen is a horizon of condensation containing the ammonites of the yeovilensis Subzone as well as the ammonites of the tenuiplicatus Subzone. Consequently the Dentalien-Ton of the Middle Alb and the equivalent Württembergica-Schichten including the Knorri-Tone of the Southwestern Alb and of the Wutach area belong to the lower Bathonian. The middle Bathonian is only known from the Wutach region. There it exists in the Varians-Schichten (Hann 1968) and may be subdivided into the progracilis Zone, the subcontractus Zone, and the morrisi Zone. Their index species Procerites pro- gracilis, Tulites subcontractus, and Morrisiceras morrisi are very scarce. Only 2-3 specimens of each index fossil have been found in Southwest Germany. A few am- monites of the middle Bathonian have been found also in the condensed Braunjura of the Eastern Alb. There they appear together with ammonites of the lower Ba- thonian in a highly condensed layer. In contrast to the middle Bathonian the upper Bathonian is represented in the whole Swabian Alb. But only in the Wutach area a division into two parts is pos- sible. In this area Hann (1968) has distinguished a retrocostatum Zone in the Lagenalis-Bank and an aspidoides Zone in the Aspidoides-Oolith. The first mentioned zone is based on ammonites described by TorrEns (1965) in England and MAnGoLD (1967) in France from this zone. Only two specimens of the index species Pro- hecticoceras retrocostatum have been found until today in Southwest Germany, one in.the Upper Rhine Valley and the other one in the Aspidoides-Oolith (!) of the Wutach area. Two specimens of Clydoniceras discus, the index fossil of the upper- most zone of the Bathonian, were found by Oper (1857) and Rızser (1961) in the top of the Aspidoides-Oolith. These two specimens of the Swabian Braunjura are no sure indication that the discus Zone is always included in the Aspidoides-Oolith. Perhaps this zone is absent in most parts of the Swabian Jurassic. Callovian In whole Southwest Germany the lower Callovian begins with the Macrocephalus- Oolith following immediately above the Aspidoides-Oolith. The zone of Macro- cephalites macrocephalus is extremely thick (21 meters) in the region of the Zollern- alb and extends into the Anceps-Oolith (Hann & KoERNER 1971). The calloviense Zone, which — according to Mopeı (1935) — is believed to exist in the Ornaten-Ton DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 25 east of Reutlingen and to begin there only one meter above the upper limit of the Macrocephalus-Oolith, is absent in the region of the Zollernalb. Near Balingen and in the Wutach area the whole middle Callovian and some parts of the upper Callovian are included in the condensed Anceps-Oolith (see also Zeiss 1955). Hann & KoERNER (1971) did not find any ammonites of the middle Callovian in the region of the Zollernalb. Deposits of the jason Zone and the co- ronatum Zone seem to be condensed in the Anceps-Oolith and without any am- monites in this region. In other parts of the Swabian Alb at least Kosmoceras jason is very frequent. On the contrary Erymnoceras coronatum is always very rare. Near Blumberg an Erymnoceras-Bed is described by Zeıss (1955) within the Grenzkalk. The lower part of the upper Callovian, the zone of Peltoceras athleta, is rich in ammonites and well developed in the whole region of the Swabian Braunjura. But the index species Peltoceras athleta seems to be very rare or absent. Neither PrıEser (1937), Zeiss (1955), nor Hann & KoERNER (1971) mention Peltoceras athleta. On the contrary the index species of the lamberti Zone, Quenstedtoceras lamberti, is widely distributed in the Swabian Jurassic. In the Zolleralb area Quenstedtoceras lamberti occurs already 6 meters below the Lamberti-Knollenlage in the Ornaten- ton (HAHn & KoERNER 1971). Oxtkordian The first Oxfordian ammonites of the genus Cardioceras appear in the top horizon of the Lamberti-Knollenlage. These Cardioceratids are typical for the cordatum Zone. Ihe mariae Zone below seems to be absent in the Swabian Braunjura. In the glauconitic, sandy marls above the Lamberti-Knollenlage also Cardioceratids occur. Because of their bad preservation they do not give indications to which zone they belong. The Euaspidoceras perarmatum found by Hann & KoERNER (1971, 137) in this horizon indicates, that the Braunjura includes at least still parts of the plica- tilis Zone (middle Oxfordian). 4.2. Klettgau The chronology of the Middle Jurassic of the Klettgau is not treated here, be- cause it is similar to that one of the Wutach region. Literature BAYER, U. (1969): Die Gattung Hyperlioceras BuUCKMAN (Ammonoidea, Graphoceratidae) aus dem Unter-Bajocium (discites-Schichten), insbesondere vom Wutachtal (Südbaden). — Jber. u. Mitt. oberrh. geol. Ver., N.F. 51, 31—70, 12 figs., 4 pls.; Stuttgart. BENTZ, A. (1924): Die Garantienschichten von Norddeutschland mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Brauneisenoolithhorizontes von Harzburg. — Jb. Preuß. geol. Landesanst., 45, 119—193, pl. 4—9; Berlin. Buck, E., HAHn, W. & SCHÄDEL, K. (1966): Zur Stratigraphie des Bajocium und Bathonium (Dog- ger ö—e) der Schwäbischen Alb. — Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden-Württ., 8, 23—46, fig. 5—6, pl. 4-9; Freiburg i. Br. DiETL, G. (1976): Die heteromorphen Ammoniten des Dogger (Stratigraphie, Taxonomie, Phylogenie, Ökologie). — Thesis Univ. Tübingen. — [Mscr. in preparation for publication] DIETL, G.& ETZOLD, A. (1977): The Aalenian at the Type Locality. — Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., B, 30, 13 pp., 3 figs., 2 pls.; Stuttgart. 26 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Dorn, P. (1935): Die Hammatoceraten, Sonninien, Ludwigien, Dorsetensien und Witchellien des sürddeutschen, insbesondere fränkischen Doggers. — Palaeontographica, A, 82, 1—124, 145 figs., pl. 1—29; Stuttgart. Enger, TH. (1883): Geognostischer Wegweiser durch Württemberg. 1st edit., 326 pp., 29 figs. 6 pls., 1 map; Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart). — (1908): Geognostischer Wegweiser durch Württemberg. 3rd edit., 645 pp., 265 figs., 6 pls., 1 map, 5 suppls.; Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart). — (1911): Geologischer Exkursionsführer durch Württemberg. 182 pp., 82 figs.; Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart). ETzoıLd, A., HaAHn, W. & KOERNER, U. (1975): Keuper, Jura und Tertiär in Bohrungen der Pla- FISCHER, E. (1913): Geologische Untersuchung des Lochengebiets bei Balingen. — Geol. u. palaeont. nungsgemeinschaft BN-Stollen zwischen Bodensee und Neckar. — Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden- Abh., N.F. 11/4, 276-336, 2 figs., 7 pls., 1 map; Jena. FISCHER, W. (1961): Über die Lias/Dogger-Grenze in Süddeutschland. — N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh., 1961/8, 394—400, 1 fig. ; Stuttgart. FRAAS, ©. (1858): Geognostische Horizonte im weissen Jura. — Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württ., 14, 97—114; Stuttgart. Württ., 17, 89—255, 13 figs., 1 pl.; Freiburg i. Br. — (1871): Begleitworte zur geognostischen Spezialkarte von Württemberg. Atlasblatt Aalen mit den Umgebungen von Abtsgemünd, Heubach, Königsbronn und Wasseralfingen. 1st edit., 31 pp; Stuttgart (J. Kleeblatt & Cie.). FRANK, M. (1939): Fazies und Bildung des Braunen Jura e im Bereich der Schwäbischen Alb. — Mitt. geol.-miner. Inst. TH Stuttgart, 42, 367—414, 5 figs., 2 tabs.; Stuttgart. — (1945): Die Schichtenfolge des mittleren Braunen Jura (y/ö, Bajocien) in Württemberg. — Jber. u. Mitt. oberrh. geol. Ver., N.F. 31 (1942), 1—32, 7 figs., 3 tabs.; Stuttgart. GEYER, O. F. & GWINNER, M. P. (1968): Einführung in die Geologie von Baden-Württemberg. 2nd edit., 228 pp., 73 figs., 11 pls., 7 tabs.; Stuttgart. — (1962): Der Schwäbische Jura. — Samml. geol. Führer, 40, 452 pp., 46 figs., 4 suppls.; Berlin (Gebr. Borntraeger). Hann, W. (1966): Das Alter der „Spatkalke“ des oberen Doggers im Klettgau (Südwest-Deutsch- land). — N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh., 1966, 722—730, 3 figs.; Stuttgart. — (1968): Die Oppeliidae BONARELLI und Haploceratidae ZITTEL (Ammonoidea) des Batho- niums (Brauner Jura &) im südwestdeutschen Jura. — Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden- Wur 10, 7—72, 10 figs., 5 pls.; Freiburg i. Br. — (1969): Die Perisphinctidae STEINMANN (Ammonoidea) des Bathoniums (Brauner Jura e) im südwestdeutschen Jura. — Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden-Württ., 11, 29—86, 11 figs., 9 pls.; Freiburg i. Br. — (1970): Die Parkinsoniidae S. BUCKMAN and Morphoceratidae HyATT (Ammonoidea) des Bathoniums (Brauner Jura &) im südwestdeutschen Jura. — Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden-Württ., 12, 7—62, 8 figs., 8 pls.; Freiburg i. Br. — (1971): Die Tulitidae $S. BUCKMAN, Sphaeroceratidae $. BUCKMAN und Clydoniceratidae 5. BUCKMAN (Ammonoidea) des Bathoniums (Brauner Jura 'e) im südwestdeutschen Jura. — Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden-Württ., 13, 55—122, 13 figs., 9 pls.; Freiburg i. Br. Hann, W. & KOERNER, U. (1971): Die Aufschlüsse im oberen Dogger (Bathonium-Callovium) im Albstollen der Bodenseewasserversorgung unter der Zollernalb (SW-Deutschland). — Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden-Württ., 13, 123—144, 3 figs., pl. 10—12; Freiburg i. Br. HALLAM, A. (1975): Jurassic Environment. 269 pp., 71 figs., 9 tabs.; Cambridge (Cambridge Univ. Press). JEANNET, A. (1951): Die Eisen- und Manganerze der Schweiz: Stratigraphie und Palaeontologie des oolithischen Eisenerzlagers von Herznach und seiner Umgebung (1. Teil). — Beitr. Geol. Schweiz, Geotech. Ser., 13. Lieferg., 5, 240 pp., 545 figs., 107 pls.; Bern. KOBLER, H.-U. (1972): Geochemische, sedimentologische und ökologische Untersuchungen im Braunen Jura alpha (Opalinuston) der Schwäbischen Alb. — Arb. geol.-paläont. Inst. Univ. Stuttgart (TH), N.F. 66, 134 pp., 31 figs., 14 tabs., 11 pls.; Stuttgart. LÖRCHER, E. (1934): Stratigraphie und Paläogeographie von Braun-Jura (Dogger) Pß und Ober-a im südwestlichen Württemberg. — N.Jb. Miner. Geol. Paläont., Beil.-Bd., 72, 120—162, 1 fig., 1 suppl.; Stuttgart. — (1939): Die Stratigraphie von Braun-Jura (Dogger) ß und Ober-a im südwestlichen Württem- berg. — Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württ., 79, 145—230; Stuttgart. DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 27 MANGOLD, C. (1971): Stratigraphie des &tage Bathonien et Callovien du Jura Meridional. — Docum. Lab. Geol. Fac. Sci. Lyon, 41, fasc. 1, 376 pp., 119 figs.; Lyon. Monet, R. (1935): Zur Stratigraphie und Faunistik des schwäbischen Calloviums mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Franken. — Zbl. Mineral. etc. Abt. B., 1935/9, 337—345 ; Stuttgart. MoESscH, C. (1867): Der Aargauer-Jura und die nördlichen Gebiete des Kantons Zürich. — Beitr. geol. Karte d. Schweiz, 4, 319 pp., 10 pls.; Bern. ÖOECHSLE, E. (1958): Stratigraphie und Ammonitenfauna der Sonninien-Schichten des Filsgebiets unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sowerbyi-Zone (Mittlerer Dogger, Württemberg). — Palae- ontographica, A, 111, 47—129, 8 figs., 19 tabs., pl. 10-20; Stuttgart. OppeL, A. (1856-58): Die Juraformation Englands, Frankreichs und des südwestlichen Deutschlands. — Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württ.; 12 (1856), 121—556; 13 (1857), 141—396; 14 (1858), 129—291; 64 tabs., 1 map; Stuttgart. — (1862-63): Ueber jurassische Cephalopoden. — Palaeont. Mitt. Mus. bayer. Staates, 3, 127—266, pl. 4074; Stuttgart. PArsons, C. F. (1974): The sauzei and „so called“ sowerbyi Zones of the Lower Bajocian. — Newsl. Stratigr., 3/3, 153—180, 4 figs., 2 tabs.; Leiden. PRIESER, TH. (1937): Beitrag zur Systematik und Stammesgeschichte der Europäischen Peltoceraten. — Palaeontographica, A, 86, 1—144, 12 figs., 9 pls.; Stuttgart. QUENSTEDT, F. A. (1843): Das Flözgebirge Würtembergs. 1st- edit., 558 pp.; Tübingen (H. Laupp). — (1856-58): Der Jura. 842 pp., 3 tabs., 100 pls.; Tübingen (H. Laupp). — (1886-87): Die Ammoniten des schwäbischen Jura. II. Der Braune Jura. 441—815, pl. 55—90; Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart). RıEBER, H. (1961): Ein Clydoniceras discus (Sow.) aus der „Fuscus-Bank“ der Südwestalb. — N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh., 1961/2, 94—97, 2 figs.; Stuttgart. — (1963): Ammoniten und Stratigraphie des Braunjura $ der Schwäbischen Alb. — Palaeonto- graphica, A, 122, 1—89, 25 figs., 8 pls.; Stuttgart. — (1977): Remarks to the Aalenium of the Swabian Alb. — Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., B, 29, 5 pp.,2 tabs.; Stuttgart. TORRENS, H. 5. (1965): Revised zonal scheme for the Bathonian stage of Europe. — Rep. ma Balkan geol. Assoc., VII. Congr. P. II, 1, 47—55, 2 figs.; Sofia. WEBER, H.-S. (1964): Zur Stratigraphie und Ammonitenfauna des Braunjura (Dogger) ß der öst- lichen Schwäbischen Alb. — Arb. geol. paläont. Inst. TH Stuttgart, N. F. 44, 174 pp., 3 tabs., 3 pls.; Stuttgart. WEISERT, K. (1932): Stephanoceras im Schwäbischen Braunen Jura delta. — Palaeontographica, 76, 121—191, 44 figs., 10 tabs., pl. 15—19; Stuttgart. WESTERMANN, G.E.G. (1967): Jurassique moyen (Alpes excluses). In: Lexique stratigraphique in- ternational. 1, Europe, fasc. 5 (2), Allemagne. 189 pp., 11 tabs., 1 map; Paris (Centre natl. recherche scient.). WETZEL, W. (1911): Faunistische und stratigraphische Untersuchung der Parkinsonienschichten des Teutoburger Waldes bei Bielefeld. — Palaeontographica, 58, 139—277, 52 figs., pl. 11—20; Stuttgart. ZAKRZEWSKI, A.J. A. (1887): Die Grenzschichten des Braunen zum Weißen Jura in Schwaben. — Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württ., 43, 85—141, pl. 1—2; Stuttgart. Zeıss, A. (1955): Zur Stratigraphie des Callovien und Unter-Oxfordien bei Blumberg (Südbaden). — Jh. geol. Landesamt Baden-Württ., 1, 239—266, fig. 29—31, pl. 9—10; Freiburg i. Br. — (1957): Die ersten Cardioceraten-Faunen aus dem Oberen Unter-Oxfordien Süddeutschlands und einige Bemerkungen zur Dogger/Malm-Grenze. — Geol. Jb., 73, 183—204; Hannover. — (1977): Jurassic stratigraphy of Franconia. — Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., B, 26, (in press). ZIEGLER, B. (1977): The „White“ (Upper) Jurassic in Southern Germany. — Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., B, 26, (in press). Acknowledgments. For the assistance in different ways I am grateful to the following persons: Dr. G. BLoos, Ludwigsburg, H. HAEHL, Stuttgart, Dr. B. HERTING, Ludwigsburg, M. KAPITZkE, Lud- wigsburg, Prof. H. RıEBER, Zürich, Dipl.-Geol. R. SCHLATTER, Ludwigsburg, K.H. SpIETH, Stuttgart, Dr. J. THIERRY, Dijon, Prof. B. ZIEGLER, Stuttgard, and my wife. Adress of the author: Dr. Gerd Dietl, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart, Arsenal- platz 3, D-7140 Ludwigsburg. 28 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Plate 1 Lytoceras (Pachylytoceras) torulosum (ZIETEN). Braunjura a, lower „Opalinus-Ton“, opa- linum Zone; Ottenbach. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 21348. — x1. Leioceras opalinım (REINECKE). Braunjura a, „Opalinus-Ton“, opalinum Zone; Dürrwangen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23040. — x1. Tmetoceras scissum (BENECKE). Braunjura a, upper „Opalinus-Ton“, opalinum Zone; Grün- bach. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 18859. — x1. Leioceras comptum (REINECKE). Braunjura P, murchisonae Zone; Weilen u. d.R. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23045. — x1. Staufenia (Costileioceras) sinon (BAYLE). Braunjura ß, „Unteres Flöz“, murchisonae Zone; Aalen-Wasseralfingen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23044.— x 2/3. Staufenia (Staufenia) staufensis (OPPEr). Braunjura , murchisonae Zone; Achdorf/Wutach. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23042.— x 2/3. DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 29 30 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Plate 2 Ludwigia (Brasilia) bradfordensis (S. BuCKMAn). Braunjura ß, „Oberes Flöz“, murchisonae Zone; Aalen-Wasseralfingen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 20374. — x 2/3. Ludwigia (Ludwigia) murchisonae (SOWERBY). Braunjura ß, murchisonae Zone; Weilen u.d. R. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23043. — x1. Staufenia (Ancolioceras) opalinoides (MAYER). Braunjura ß, „Unteres Flöz“, murchisonae Zone; Aalen-Wasseralfingen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23140. — x1. Poecilomorphus boweri (BUCKMAN). Braunjura ß, concavum Zone; Balgheim. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23154. — x1. Graphoceras concavum (SOWERBY). Braunjura ß, concavum Zone; Metzingen. After RIEBER 1963, pl. 7, fig. 16, Geolog.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Tübingen, no. Ce 1211/60. — x1. DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 31 32 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. E1025% STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Plate 3 Hyperlioceras discites (WAAGEN) (inner worl). Braunjura ß/y, „Discites-Schichten“, discites Zone; Eschach/Wutach. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 20725. — x1. Sonninia („Fissilobiceras“) ovalis (QUENSTEDT). Braunjura y, „Sowerbyi-Oolith“, laevius- cula Zone; Staufeneck. Orig. DORN 1935: Dorsetensia liostraca (pl. 27, fig. 1). Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart. — x 1/2. „Sonninia“ patella (WAAGEn). Braunjura y, „Blaukalk“, sauzei Zone; Laufen a. d. Eyach. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 5864.— x 1/2. Emileia polyschides (WAAGEN). Braunjura Y, „Blaukalk“, sauzei Zone; Eningen unter Achalm. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 10028. — x 1/2. Otoites pauper (WESTERMANN). Braunjura y, „Blaukalk“, sauzei Zone; Balzholz. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 18976. — x1. DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 33 34 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 5% STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Plate 4 . Dorsetensia deltafalcata (QUENSTEDT). Braunjura 6, „Giganteus-Ton“, humphriesianum Zone; Oeschingen; Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23050. — x1. . Stephanoceras nodosum (QUENSTEDT). Braunjura Öö, „Humphriesianum-Oolith“, humphrie- sianum Zone; Lautlingen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 20695.— x 2/3. . Teloceras sparsinodum (QUENSTEDT). Braunjura ö, „Blagdeni-Schicht“, humphriesianum Zone; Beuren. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23049. — x 2/3. . Strenoceras subfurcatum (SCHLOTHEIM). Braunjura ö, „Subfurcatum-Oolith“, subfurcatum Zone; Hohenstaufen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23051.— x1. Spiroceras orbignyi (BAuc. & S.). Braunjura Öö, „Hamiten-Ton“, subfurcatum Zone; Eningen unter Achalm. Orig. QUENSTEDT 1856, pl. 55, fig. 3. Geolog.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Tübingen, no. Ce 4/55/3.— x1. . Garantiana (Pseudogarantiana) dichotoma BENTZ. Braunjura 6, „Subfurcatum-Oolith“, ga- rantiana Zone; Oberdorf a. Ipf. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23052. — x1. . Garantiana (Orthogarantiana) schroederi BENTZ. Braunjura ö, „Subfurcatum-Oolith“, sub- furcatum Zone; Streichen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23047.— x1. DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 35 36 STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Plate 5 Fig. 1. Parkinsonia (Parkinsonia) cf. parkinsoni (SOWERBY). Braunjura &, „Parkinsoni-Oolith“, parkinsoni Zone; Oberdorf a. Ipf. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 21801.— x 2/3. | Fig. 2. Zigzagiceras euryodos (F. A. SCHMIDT). Braunjura &, „Dentalien-Ton“, zigzag Zone; Beuren. Orig. HAHN 1969, pl. 2, fig. 4. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 21023.— x1. Fig. 3. Parkinsonia (Oraniceras) württembergica (OPPpEL). Braunjura &, „Württembergica-Schichten“, zigzag Zone; Pfeffingen. Orig. HAHN 1970, pl. 3, fig. 4. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 21036.— x1. Fig.4. Morphoceras macrescens (S. BUCKMAN). Braunjura &, „Württembergica-Schichten“, zigzag Zone; Lochen b. Balingen. Orig. HAHN 1970, pl.5, fig. 13. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 21054.— x1. Fig. 5. Oxycerites yeovilensis ROLLIER. Braunjura &, „Parkinsoni-Oolith“, zigzag Zone; Oberdorf a. Ipf. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 21793. — x1. Fig. 6. Asphinctites tenuiplicatus (BRAUNS). Braunjura &, „Parkinsoni-Oolith“, zigzag Zone; Ober- dorf a. Ipf. Orig. HAHN 1970, pl. 7, fig. 2. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 21050.— x1. 37 DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 38 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Plate 6 Oecotraustes (Paroecotraustes) fuscus (QUENSTEDT). Braunjura &, Lower Bathonian; Oberdorf. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23153. — x1. Wagnericeras suspensum (S.BUCKMAn). Braunjura &, Middle Bathonian; Oberdorf a. Ipf. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 15097.— x 2/3. Oxycerites aspidoides (OPPpEL). Braunjura &, „Aspidoides-Oolith“, aspidoides Zone; Blum- berg. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23054. — x 2/3. Bullatimorphites bullatus (D’ORBIGNY). Braunjura &, ?,„Aspidoides-Oolith“, Upper Batho- nian; Zollern. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23055. — x 2/3. Macrocephalites macrocephalus (SCHLOTHEIM). Braunjura &, „Macrocephalus-Oolith“, macro- cephalus Zone; Blumberg. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 22824. — x 1/2. 39 DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY 40 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. STUTTGARTER BEITRÄGE ZUR NATURKUNDE Ser. B. Nr. 25 Plate 7 . Homoeoplanulites (Homoeoplanulites) aff. balinensis (NEUMAYR). Braunjura &, „Macrocepha- lus-Oolith“, Lower Callovian; Pfeffingen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23057. — x 2/3. . Erymnoceras coronatum (D’ORBIGNY). Braunjura C, coronatum Zone; Bopfingen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 20709. — x1. . Reineckeia anceps (REINECKE) (inner worl). Braunjura &, „Ornaten-Ton“, Middle Callovian; Oberalfingen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23058. — x1. . Kosmoceras (Zugokosmoceras) jason (REINECKE) (inner worl). Braunjura ö, „Ornaten-Ton“, Middle Callovian; Boll. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23060. — x1. . Kosmoceras (Kosmoceras) spinosum (SOWERBY). Braunjura &, „Ornaten-Ton“, Upper Cal- lovian; Laufen a.d. Eyach. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23065. — x1. . Peltoceras trifidum (QUENSTEDT). Braunjura &, „Ornaten-Ton“, athleta Zone; Gammels- hausen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23062. — x1. . Peltoceras annulosum (QUENSTEDT). Braunjura &, „Ornaten-Ton“, Upper Callovian; Grui- bingen. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 23061. — x1. . Quenstedtoceras lamberti (SOWERBY). Braunjura &, „Lamberti-Knollen-Schicht“, lamberti | Zone; Eningen unter Achalm. Staatl. Mus. f. Naturk. Stuttgart, no. 20732.— x1. 41 DIETL, BRAUNJURA IN SW GERMANY N It 1 eask 5 SE WESErE 2 E E BBO-KEE zZ5AR Fi = B zes „os = 32 2302# SPS a Stages Zones “azcehe Sees a g2.2-.5 2233 = RESOHES 58 2082386 #86 BaE8 © 222 licatilis (3) Oxfordian De (cordarum) a) Iamberti ®| = fathlera) coromarum | obducrum Callovian jason enodarım calloviense) (calloviense) ‚koenigi kamptus macrocephalus macrocephalus ?discus (2) aspidoides aspidofdes paradoxus densecostatus (retrocostatum) Bathonian morrist subcontractus & (progracilis) “ tenwiplicatus = „zigzag” (4) yeovilensis E ler macrescens SS „frederici-augusti“ “ ee 3 (Bavazop) parkinsoni | » ll acris acris ala tetragona (garantlana) garantiana didioroma didiotoma schroederi Bajocian, subfurcatum baculata (*) subfurcatum ji mm | polygyralis (*) phaula (blagdent) blagdeni Immphriesianum (humphriesianum) al umbilicum pinguis fredhi (sauzei) Alaevi la) (laeviuscula) laeviuscula, s (laeviuscula) BENZENEBS ovalis sowerbyi discites discites concavum bradfordensis bradfordensis staufensis discoldea murdhisonae discoldea Aalenian sehndense sehndense sinon comptum comprum opalinum opalinum opallnum % beyrici Tab.1. Zones and subzones of the Braunjura in Southwest Germany (along the Swabian Alb, Wutach area, Klettgau). In brackets: the zone only based on the ammonite assemblage (the index species is rare or missing) Without bracets: the index species in wellknown in Southwest Germany (1): non-sequence representing the mariae Zone. (2): only two specimens are known of the index species but within the highly condensed Aspidoides-Oolith. (3): the Braunjura includes at least parts of the plicatilis Zone. (4): according to HAHN (1969) Zigzagiceras zigzag is the junior synonym to Z. euryodos, which is very frequent in the Swabian Braunjura. EEE a are eg ae r Eee SEREER Be re a BORD En FE EHINGEN ler leer Tertaemigin u as wen Weser 7% 2 4 5 a PLELPeRe EN Se TER Bra rang } S a en BEBEBERE 5 ins er aleen De Wweniyiar Besten ' whn ; ! j , Kansmuedn S Sarasin ee Werken N EN Line ana aka a0 \ i > | ; ; Fran SOLFAUHERS HT r N RE ERS TIRNENM U BES il TEL S LEVDISUR, AN 1 = SE Gere: Nas ie aa