TN 295 U4 No. 9157 a! IC 9157 Bureau of Mines Information Circular/1987 Suggested Minimum Performance Specifications for Underground Coal Mine Environmental Monitoring Systems By J. H. Welsh, A. F. Cohen, and J. E. Chilton UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Information Circular 9157 \\ Suggested Minimum Performance Specifications for Underground Coal Mine Environmental Monitoring Systems By J. H. Welsh, A. F. Cohen, and J. E. Chilton UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES David S. Brown, Acting Director OCT 07 1987 COPY ——— cIP Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Welsh, Jeffrey H. Suggested minimum performance specifications for underground coal mine environmental monitoring systems. (Information circular / United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines ; 9157) Bibliography: p. 27—28. Supt. of Docs. no.: 128.27:9157. 1. Coal mines and mining—Environmental aspects. 2. Environmental monitoring. I. Cohen, A. F. II. Chilton, J.E. III. Title. IV. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 9157. -EN295-U4- [TN803] 622'.42 87-600230 CONTENTS INDSCEACBO OOOO OOD DODO OOO OOO OO OCOO DODO ODO DOOD OU DDOOU OOO OODOOUDOOOUC OD OO OOOO OOOO ODO oD INNER OCMCED@MNs 6450565560060055080606000 6005550050555 5505 O00 SOD DODO DOU OOOO OOUOO OUD Deseription of Mine MoONIEOTING SYSEEMS «> «20.0 cc wcrc cccrccccccccscccccrccecsccce MSHA minewide monitoring SySteM PrOgramMe cecocccceccccccccccccccvecscccccccccccce Current status of monitoring in the United States.....ccssccccccsccccccccccccece Potential uses of environmental mine monitoring SySteMS..eccececrcccecccccvcces System Sie ay getetekel Kolctalotel=iatel-latelelololelelcolelclolelel silelolelelclistele clei elle a!ieiciel oleic! olelsle)eliclelcleliclclele/+/e/cle Redundant INlabrad Wialiselewel neve teveretonenctorelclcnclclelsie cielo teisiiole lsneievche) creel eierels cle oe @ sielie se slelsie es eieee 6 Secure (Clalttavenevetolotonotonelstotovetclclclctovonsvereliciictcioiercl/eiloliclie/oioleivetorel evelolfoieseneiieieileievevey'erevererevelioney evel eel stiene Reliable IOWA A6 OC OO OODOOOGOOOOOOU COD OO OO ODO OOD ODD OD FOOD DIN SOOO oe Coo oo DCoaC Accurate S@ENSOTSecceccceccvcccccscccccvccscscccc ccc esc ecs ccc cc ceec cece cece eo ee eos eeececce OCT ACO Silalotclolstsielalotolel siete =i sieistalelel sy ole) lel oielelolel sie) sliclsiols/ielcliol eleleielsloieisielsie)eleysie/ elie) «eo BEE HOLMaAnce Specit i Cat OMS c)clscle\o\clele ole! cls o)cls clele clciclslelsiscicle occ clccclcleccccc sc cece CEIMETAIL SERIEM@MN6 co0Od C0 00D DOD DdDD DODD CD DOO ODD DDD DDO D0 KODDDDDDD0OK0O 0000000000 Telemetry SYSteMececcccccccccccccccccccccccccecccccccccccccsccccccccccccscece Sensocseand senede ipiliaiCement cle le els\<1s11s ee) slole ele olec)s\clele)s\elc sole clele c's o «101s vie elele cisielec MOEMAMAs. coDOOCCODD DOOD DDD DOD DD DDO ODODDD DOD DD OOD OOD OD 00 DODDS OD ODDO O65 OOD 00Db00000 Carbon MOMOSaLd@d50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000050000006 Air WiEMIO EH EY/clelel ele} e)<)s)elele)e)eellelcle! c/s e)ele) © <<) 0)0/0/e/© 0) << cles)<) «0 0) 101s 6\0) 10 «) 4/616 6 4) 0) 6100) olsjele oe SUMMA 6 Ono COO6 6500500500000 0006 JUD Ob DE DOU O00 4000 DOOKU JUDD ODO OD DUO NOU OOO OUOUd RGHTOIFEINCE Sicletercloloiolelelcieleveloroverolcraierstenelelicne)clere:cver clei evereiclere wiesielciey ore elierellelejeverels/ sieves ave osvelieleene Appendix A.--Sensing techniques of environmental SeNSOrSeccccccccccccsccccccces Appendix B.--Manufacturers of monitoring systems evaluated under the MSHA mine- Wide monitoring SySteM PLOPraMeccoeeececccccccccccsccscccsccsccscscccscccceses Appendix C.--Conditions for petitioning for modification of application of SMC am ets ZO etetatelalafolotolclcioleteloVetataialeleieta! cle) otele/olelele! elelela<1<\'e) ols] ele} ole! ole) «lle! e\c «isle 61s (a) se)010 2) <6 Appendix D.--Potential locations for fixed-point sensors based on 30 CFR Part PCC Uae mC INS retels aleleieielelelelereelelerciclelclelclels\eleloisyiele\ere)e/c\elie eile) ole © clei! slele|e(6-s/e1c\eiele sic ole ole Appendix E.--Carbon monoxide sensor spacing criteria as defined by Factory Mutual Research Corpececcccccccccccccccccccccccccvevccccccccccccccccccccccccces ILLUSTRATIONS Configuration of monitoring System COMPONENtESc.ceccccccccccccccccccccceccs Carbon monoxide transducer module... ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccsccccccce TABLES MSHA letter classification for sensors and barriers.....-cccccccccccccccs Central station design, installation, operation, and maintenance......... Telemetry system design, installation, operation, and maintenance......e.- Performance specifications for carbon monoxide transducer modules........ Performance specifications for methane transducer moduleS.ccccccsccccceccs Performance specifications for air velocity SeNnSOrSecccessccsccsccccvcocs Potential locations for fixed-point SeNSOrSeccccccccccccccccccccccccssces Typical conditions in a conveyor belt haulagewaye..cccccccccccccscsccccccsee Equivalency for fire Spacing criteria for Spacing criteria for Spacing criteria for detectors for beltway firesecccccccccscccccscccccces carbon monoxide sensors for beltway firese-..ecccccoe carbon monoxide sensors for coal wall fires......... carbon monoxide sensors for wood wall fires...eccoee ing) ied) 0) OD WOONNUNWNN HS UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ampere mg degree Celsius cubic foot per minute degree Fahrenheit foot per minute foot gram hour hertz inch inch per hour meter millifarad microfarad milligram milligram per cubic meter millihenry microhenry minute mile per hour part per million pound per square inch second volt volume percent week year SUGGESTED MINIMUM PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR UNDERGROUND COAL MINE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEMS By J. H. Welsh,’ A. E. Cohen,? and J. E. Chilton® ABSTRACT This Bureau of Mines report presents guidelines to be considered in the design, installation, and operation of environmental mine monitoring systems in underground coal mines so as' to enhance safety in the U.S. mining industry. A review of the current status of mine monitoring in the United States is also provided. Tsupervisory physical scientist. 2Physicist. 3Research chemist. Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. INTRODUCTION monitoring had its States in the Computerized mine beginning in the United early 1970's. Since then, systems have evolved and been improved toa _ point where equipment is available commercially that can monitor the environment and equipment in underground mines. At the same time, computerized monitoring has become accepted by the mining industry as a means for increasing safety and produc— tion. Today, more than 50 U.S. under- ground mines have monitoring systems in- stalled, and interest has been generated at many other operations. Many of the mines that have installed monitoring sys-— tems depend on them to provide miner safety. For example, a large number of systems monitor for fire along the belt conveyor entry with carbon monoxide sen- sors so that the belt entry can be used as an intake aircourse. As more interest is generated in moni- toring, and as mining operations become more dependent on monitoring systems to provide miner safety, there is an even greater need to ensure that these systems safely. In have reliably and several questions operate ticular, raised: par- been 1. What design guidelines should be followed by system manufacturers to en- sure software and hardware reliability? 2. Where should environmental sensors be placed in the mine to accurately de- pict the actual mine environment? 3. What maintenance procedures should be followed to keep monitoring systems in good operating condition? This report addresses these questions by providing performance specifications and guidelines for environmental mine monitoring systems. It also covers the current status of mine monitoring in the United States, potential uses of environ- mental monitoring systems, and monitoring system safety. Even though computerized monitoring systems are capable of gather- ing information from equipment as well as from the environment, only environmental monitoring is addressed in this report. DESCRIPTION OF MINE MONITORING SYSTEMS Mine monitoring systems are electro- mechanical systems that remotely sense various environmental and operational { e ° ° parameters ina mine and transmit’ the data to a central location where they are analyzed and displayed. On the basis of this definition, a monitoring system can be discussed in terms of three basic functions: sensing, data transmission (or telemetry), and data analysis and display. In the case of monitoring and control systems, such as systems’ that automatically and remotely deenergize face equipment when the methane content at a specified location reaches a pre- determined level, the control operation represents a fourth function. Sensing can be divided into two general categories: environmental and production sensing. Environmental sensors are de- signed to measure various aspects of a mine's environment to assist in maintain- ing safe conditions for underground personnel. The parameters that are of concern are carbon monoxide, methane, and air velocity. These sensors are used to detect and locate potentially hazardous conditions such as fires, methane build- ups, and ventilation failures’ so that appropriate measures can be taken. Pro- duction sensors are used to monitor the operating status of various pieces of underground equipment to detect produc-— tion bottlenecks, equipment failures, and maintenance requirements. Examples in- clude conveyor belt, pump, and face equipment operation. This report only addresses environmental monitoring for carbon monoxide, methane, and air velocity. The sensor output can be a simple status indication, called a binary, con- tact closure, or status output (high-low, open-closed), or it can be a continuously variable function of time, called analog output (air velocity, methane concentra- tion, etc.). While the continuously var- iable data can provide significantly more information than the simple status data, how much more depends on the accuracy of the measurements. The sensing or mea- surement techniques for carbon monoxide, methane, and air velocity sensors are discussed in appendix A. Telemetry is the process of transmit- ting data output from the sensors to the central station on the surfacee Since it is generally not feasible to run a sepa-— rate conductor or conductor pair to each sensor, telemetry systems typically use several remote stations or "“outstations," each accepting and encoding the output of a number of sensors and transmitting the encoded data along a common cable to the central station. The two most common en- coding techniques are (1) frequency do- main multiplexing and (2) time domain multiplexing. Frequency domain multi- plexing has the advantage that data from all monitoring points are received at all times, although the number of monitoring points is limited by the overall band- width of the system. Time domain multi- plexing can be expanded to accommodate as Many monitoring points as desired; how- ever, each point is sampled only inter- mittently since the system interrogates the monitoring points sequentially. The cycle time, or the time between succes-— sive samplings of the same point, is the time the system requires to interrogate all the monitoring points. Time-multiplexed systems often transmit data in digital format, i,e., a series of high-low state indications is transmitted that represents the monitoring point sta- tuse A common technique to accomplish this transmission is to use frequency shift key (FSK) encoding. This encoding process uses two different frequencies to represent the high and low states, rather than high- and low-level signals of the same frequency. The FSK encoded data are less affected by noise on the trans-— mission line than data in simple high-low digital format. In addition, current signal detection techniques make it very easy to detect dual-frequency signals in the presence of noise. The third basic function of a monitor- ing system is analysis and display of the measured data. These operations are nor- mally accomplished by a computer in an aboveground central location. Most sys- tems have the ability to trigger audio- visual alarms if a sensor detects’ that its predetermined threshold has been exceeded. In addition, most systems provide hard copy documentation of the alarms and display the actual values de- tected by the sensors on video display terminals (VDT). Color graphics are usu- ally available to enhance the interface with the user. These computer-based sys-— tems can have the added capability of data storage for trend analysis, record keeping, and reporting. MSHA MINEWIDE MONITORING SYSTEM PROGRAM In June 1982, the Health Administration cepting applications for minewide moni- toring system (MWMS) evaluations, and sensor and barrier classifications. This established a means for manufacturers to have their monitoring equipment evaluated for use in both fresh and return air. Before that time, it was not possible to obtain general MSHA approval for oper- ating a computerized mine monitoring sys- tem underground in return air because MSHA had no schedule under which it could approve the systems. Systems installed in U.S. underground coal mines_ before Mine Safety and (MSHA) began ac— 1982 were installed on an individual ba- sis with the approval of the MSHA dis- trict manager, and only in fresh air up to the last open crosscut. The MWMS program evaluates mine moni- toring systems for electrical and intrin- sic safety; performance of the system is not considered. Intrinsic-safety re- quirements are only applied to equipment interfacing with, and located in, gassy areas. Equipment located in fresh air must only meet general electrical safety requirements. Figure 1 shows of mine possible configurations monitoring system components. 480 Vac Control Red center outstation Fresh @ cig G ee Return KEY air Output limit circuit Power circuit barrier Shielded cable MSHA classified sensors MSHA classified barrier GQ A GH ~ Power A center 3 Blue D outstation Tt CD dy CD FIGURE 1.—Configuration of monitoring system components. Outstations must be located in fresh air, since they are not considered intrinsi- cally safe, and they must’ be either red or blue in color.e All sensor circuits djrectly connected to red outstations must be located in fresh air, while sen- sor circuits connected to blue outsta- tions may be located in gassy areas or may be connected to high-voltage devices. Barrier devices are used to isolate power circuits and to provide instrinsi- cally safe circuits. Two types of bar- riers are included in the MWMS program-— power circuit barriers and letter class barriers. Power circuit barriers allow connection of a blue outstation to cir- cuits whose voltage may exceed the maxi- mum allowable input of the letter class barriers. Letter class barriers allow connection of a blue outstation to cir- cuits located in gassy areas. Letter class barriers are classified according to their output voltage and current. Both types of barriers are located in blue outstations. 120 Vac 3 Explosion-proof enclosure Sensors located in gassy areas must also be classified by a letter classifi- cation according to their effect on in- trinsic safety, considering the maximum barrier energy output with safety factors applied. Intrinsic safety of sensors and sensor cabling located in gassy areas is assured when a_ sensor circuit is con- nected to a barrier of the same class. Table 1 (1)4 shows MSHA sensor and bar- rier classifications. MSHA-certified explosion-proof enclo- sures must be used to include circuits and components in the system that are not intrinsically safe yet are located in gassy arease A letter class barrier, of the same classification as the letter class barrier at the blue outstation, must be used to protect the wiring con- necting the circuits within the enclo- sure with the rest of the system. Letter 4underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references preceding the appendixes. TABLE 1. Class Acccccccee Beccecoces Cocccccces Deceocecoee Eeccccceee Bescgc0dd0 Geececccee He ecccccee Leccccccee Jeccccceee Ke ccccccee Ibo 5c00000C TPS a to. 5s lReserved for class barriers are also used to interface with classified sensors located outside the enclosuree A power circuit barrier must be used when circuits within the enclosure are monitored, controlled, or used to supply power to the system. Data transmission lines that connect outstations andthe central station are not accepted by MSHA as intrinsically safe and are considered trical shock hazard. The normal operat-— ing voltage of data transmission lines must not exceed 60 V_ per conductor to ground. a possible elec— nonelectrically operated —- MSHA letter classification for sensors and barriers Barrier values Nominal output | Maximum output Maximum voltage, V current, A capacitance Sensor values Maximum inductance 100 wH 1 mH 100 wH 1 mH 100 wH 1 mH 300 uH 1 mH 800 wH 10 mH 15 mH 1 mH Uo mee Wr We e e OrwWrenNNOWDWDAOCOO thermo- couples, resistance temperature devices, etc.e, and may be connected to any MSHA letter class barrier. switch contacts, If batteries are used underground to provide continued system operation in the event of loss of mine power, the battery source must be disconnected and electri- cally isolated upon loss of mine ventila- tione This can be done automatically by ventilation sensing or manually from the central station. Manufacturers of monitoring systems that have been evaluated under the MSHA Minewide Monitoring System Program are listed in appendix B. Foose (1) gives further information on the require- ments of the Minewide Monitoring System Program. CURRENT STATUS OF MONITORING IN THE UNITED STATES Mine monitoring systems installed in the United States vary in their use and in their capabilities. Some systems mon- itor several points; others monitor and control whole mine complexes involving over 1,000 points. Likewise, the systems vary from personal-computer based devices with a monochrome video display terminal (VDT), no data storage, and the ability to support a limited number of outsta- tions and sensors, to 16-bit computers with sophisticated color graphics, long- term data storage, analysis and trending, and the ability to support tions and sensors. The majority of the over 50 systems in- stalled in U.S. underground mines moni- tor at least 1 environmental parameter. Environmental parameters being moni- tored include carbon monoxide, methane, air velocity, temperature, humidity, ab- solute pressure, and smoke; carbon monox- ide is the most common. A number of mine operators have been granted a variance from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)‘ mandatory standard, 30 CFR (2), many outsta-— Part 75.326, Aircourses and Belt Haulage Entries, resulting in widespread use of carbon monoxide sensing- This was also a major reason for the rapid growth of mine monitoring in the 1980's. The mandatory safety standard states that the air coursed through belt haulage entries must be limited to the amount necessary to provide adequate oxygen and to ensure the air contains less than 14 methane; and that such air cannot be used to ventilate active working places. Un- der certain circumstances, on a case-by- case basis, MSHA has allowed mine opera- tors to use the belt haulage entry as an intake aircourse to ventilate active working places, with certain restric— tions, provided carbon monoxide is moni- tored continuously along the belt haulage entry with a computerized monitoring sys- tem to provide rapid fire detection. Specific guidelines for the use of the belt haulage entry for intake air are listed in appendix C. As of mid-—-1986, 40 mines (3) had received a variance of 30 CFR 75.326 based on the use of a car- bon monoxide mine monitoring system. Besides carbon monoxide monitoring, the use of other environmental sensors in the United States has been limited because mine operators have not been able to receive a direct monetary benefit from their installation, since in most cases MSHA has not allowed a tradeoff for a re- quirement in a mandatory standard. This may change in the future depending on the outcome of the current rewrite of 30 CFR mandatory standards for the ventilation areae (See the next section of this re- port.) A mine operator should, however, benefit from environmental monitoring through increased safety, provided the system is maintained in an operational condition. Other variances of mandatory standards based on the installation of a mine monitoring system have been filed and granted. A petition for a variance can be considered if an alternative method of achieving the result of the standard ex- ists that will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded by the standard. Other regula- tions besides 75.326, in which a petition has been filed to use a mine monitoring system, are listed below. 75.305 Weekly examination for hazard- ous conditions.--This section requires weekly inspections of at least one entry of each intake and return aircourse in its entirety, both for methane and for compliance with the mandatory health and safety standards. Typical petitions State that because of poor roof condi- tions it is not possible to travel the aircourses in their entirety, and offer checkpoint measurements as an alterna- tive. Continuous methane measurements (75.305) could be made with a monitoring system at these checkpoints. Airflow measurements required by 75.306 could also be made with the same system. 75.312 Air passing through abandoned, inaccessible, or robbed area.e--This sec-— tion requires that air that has passed through an abandoned area or an area that is inaccessible or unsafe for inspection not be used to ventilate any working place in the mine. The petitioner pro- poses to monitor the air passing through these areas with an envitronmental moni- toring system in order to use the air to ventilate active working areas. 75-1103-4(a) Automatic fire sensor and warning device systems; installation; minimum requirements.--This section re- quires that automatic fire sensor and warning device systems provide identifi- cation of fire within each belt flight. A petition proposes to use a carbon mon- oxide monitoring system for the fire de- tection system. 75.1105 Housing of underground trans-— former stations, battery-charging sta- tions, substations, compressor stations, shops, and permanent pumps.—-This section requires that aircurrents used to venti- late structures or areas enclosing elec— trical installations be coursed directly to the return. Petitions requested to use the air ventilating transformer sta- tions to ventilate active working areas. They proposed monitoring for carbon mon- oxide in order to do so. POTENTIAL USES. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MINE MONITORING SYSTEMS A number of potential uses for environ- mental mine monitoring systems may pro- vide increased mine safety. Some of these have been identified ina draft, standard for ventilation coal mines that has been public comment (4). They revised safety in underground circulated for include-- 1. Monitoring mine ventilating pres- sure for each surface mine fan. 2. Monitoring carbon monoxide derground electrical installations. 3. Monitoring carbon monoxide where intake air is being heated by liquefied fuel systems. 4. Monitoring carbon monoxide in belt entries so those entries can be used as intakes (75.326 variance). 5. Monitoring carbon monoxide and methane in belt entries used as returns. at un- 6. Monitoring carbon monoxide, meth- ane, and air velocity in any mine in which the methane concentration in air in any given main or submain return air- course exceeds 1%. 7. Monitoring methane during each shift that coal is produced and at inter- vals not to exceed 4 h at locations spec- ified for the on-shift examination for hazards. 8. Monitoring methane and air velocity at locations specified for the weekly examination. 9. Monitoring carbon monoxide, meth- ane, and air velocity for evaluation of return aircourses developed before 1970. There are other mine scenarios in which continuous environmental monitoring may impact mine safety. One is for mines that use two-entry longwall mining. Under adverse geologic conditions, the two-entry technique has reduced the occurrence of pressure bumps, roof falls, and other ground control problems dur- ing mining operations. However, in emer- gency situations, evacuation of miners is limited, and substantial measures, such as environmental monitoring, are needed. Recommendations by the MSHA Task Force on longwall mining (5) for monitoring for this scenario include-- 1. Install an environmental monitoring system inthe intake escapeway of all longwall developments and longwall panels when both designated escapeways are ven- tilated by one continuous split of air. The sensing devices in this monitoring system will be low-level carbon monoxide monitors or sensors for another product of combustion that are no less effective. 2. Install an environmental monitoring system in the belt haulage entry whenever belt air is used to ventilate active working places or the belt entry is used as a return aircourse. The system would utilize low-level carbon monoxide moni- tors or sensors for another product of combustion that are no less effective. When the belt entry is used as a return aircourse, methane monitors would be used. 3. Methane monitoring and deenergization of electric must be used when conditions methane gas could be take entries to location of equipment. automatic equipment exist where backed up the in- points beyond the normal nonpermissible electrical In the future, as mines become deeper and more complex, environmental monitor- ing will be a necessity to provide a safe and healthy workplace for miners. SYSTEM SAFETY The question of "How safe is safe?" has perplexed people for many years. This question must not be taken lightly since a system must monitor methane, with the possibility of an explosion if high con- centrations are not detected, and must detect a fire and alarm fast enough to alert miners to evacuate a mine. For environmental mine monitoring systems to provide mine safety, they must be de- signed with reliability and safety in mind and must be adequately tested and properly installed, operated, and main- tained. If there are shortcomings in any of these areas, on the part of either the manufacturer or the mine operator, the potential exists for serious safety con- sequences, especially when miner safety depends on the monitoring system. The Bureau of Mines has investigated monitoring system safety through in-house and contract researche Some of the find- ings are presented here. REDUNDANT HARDWARE The reliable operation of mine monitor- ing system hardware was investigated through an interagency agreement with Rome Air Development Center, Reliability and Maintainability Engineering Section (6), and through a contract with West Virginia University (WVU) (7). Based on this research, it was concluded that com- plete duplication or even triplication of the entire monitoring system should be given serious consideration. Duplication would have to be done with great care when interconnecting the duplicates to ensure that one failure does not cause the entire system to fail. Duplication would be expensive but would provide more insurance that no alarms pass undetected because of system hardware or software parts failure. The central processor unit (CPU) should be at least duplicated with output com- parators to detect system disagreements. This increases the safety of the system by not allowing hardware errors to go un- detected. However, reliability is not increased, and the system would probably be out of service more than a single CPU system. A fault-tolerant CPU system would increase the reliability of the monitoring system as well as_ provide the system checks for operating safety. A CPU such as this would actually be com- posed of three CPU's with voting outputs. If two of the three CPU's (each running independent versions of the software) provided a common output, that majority output would be the command of record, and the odd command would be flagged as an error. WVU also recommends that underground sensors should be duplicated, if the loss of data from one location could immedi- ately kill people.e The recommendation for duplicate sensors, of course, depends on the type of sensor, the spacing be- tween sensors, andthe velocity of air movement. The communication system should be du- plicated. That is, independent cabling for the dual sensors should be used, pre- ferably in different paths. These paths should be separated completely, even to the point of running one underground and the other onthe surfacee This would prevent a complete communication failure if one cable is damaged by accident, roof fall, or fire. SECURE DATA Another problem is data security, the error rate for information transmissions. Most errors are caused by electromagnetic noise, which is quite severe in a mining environment. The problem is not so much that an error is transmitted, but that an error in transmission goes undetected be- cause of the noise on the transmission line. The sensitivity to erroneous data transmission depends on factors’ such as the cable used, local noise field, length of cable run, and data formatting. Bu- reau research indicates that the maximum transmission distance for one undetected random error per year ranges from 1.3 to 6.8 miles in an average noise field, and from 0.1 to 0.6 mile in an estimated maximum noise fielde Since cable runs are frequently several miles, one can ex- pect occasional undetected transmission errors. Communication protocols should be such that when a message is transmitted from a CPU-based devise to a sensor, the sen- sor should always echo what it received (its address, data received, or command received) in order for the transmitting device to verify that the command was received. This should not be a user- implemented option, but should be auto- matic. Techniques for detecting errone- ous data transmission have been devised, principally by computer manufacturers. IBM's? synchronous data link control (SDLC) and Digital Equipment Corp.'s dig- ital data communication message proto- col (DDCMP) have been identified by the University of Oklahoma (8) as promising for mining environment use. The use of shielded cable also provides increased data security from electromagnetic noise. RELIABLE SOFTWARE Proper software design is difficult to ensure. It is difficult to be certain that all bugs have been detected and re- moved from the software. Manufacturer testing of software typically does not test all possible scenarios that may be encountered in the field. An example would be how the software responds during an emergency when multiple alarms are oc-— curring simultaneously. Probably the best indication of whether the bugs have been worked out of the software is how long the manufacturer has had its software in the field. The longer the software has been in use, the greater the probability the bugs have been worked out. Optimally, to reduce the chance of software errors, software should be de- veloped by two independent programmers who develop independent versions of soft- ware to do the same jobe A coal operator would then purchase two processors, each running a different version of the soft- ware with comparison of results. To meet the need for a_ method of test- ing monitoring system software without actual installation in an underground coal mine, or to accelerate this testing, a monitoring system-software test appara- tus was developed by WVU under a Bureau contract (9). The objective of this con- tract was to develop a monitoring system testing tool that would both test exist- ing monitoring systems for use in under- ground coal mines, and also be flexible enough to test systems that will be available in the future. Reference not imply Mines. to specific products endorsement by the does Bureau of The test apparatus provides the capa- bility of performing evaluation of moni- toring systems such as' the communication saturation point, which is extremely im-— portant especially during emergency con- ditions, to evaluate delay time from alarm condition to alarm annunciation. All of the software in the monitoring system can be exercised, including soft- ware modules normally executed only during emergency situations. The test apparatus also provides for consistent testing of different monitoring systems, by allowing strict control of the test procedure and mine parameters. The MSHA Approval and Certification Center has expressed interest in this apparatus. ACCURATE SENSORS Sensors are a critical element in mine monitoring systems since they provide the input data. If the input data are not correct or not representative of the re- quired measurement, the entire monitoring process is meaningless. One problem with sensors is that their output represents the response of the sensor to a number of parameters, in addition to the one that is to be measured. Examples are the re- sponse of the sensor to changes in tem- perature, the poisoning of sensors. by other gases in the mine, or the situation when carbon monoxide sensors’ respond to fire, blasting, and diesel emissions. The critical problem relates to the abil- ity of the sensor to actually measure the parameter of interest. In particular, ventilation monitoring systems use point air velocity measurements to represent the total airflow at a cross section in the mine. The total airflow is deter- mined either from an empirically derived factor and the point measurement, or from actual calibration of the cross section. The problem is further complicated be- cause the only safe location for the sensor, to prevent damage from mining operations, is on the rib or roof in the low-flow boundary layer. It is possible to have large changes in the overall air- flow with little or no change velocities in the boundary layer consequently, in the sensor output. in the and, 10 sensor loca- and has devel- The Bureau has conducted tion strategy experiments oped guidelines for sensor placement. These are discussed in the section en- titled "Sensors and Their Placement." OTHER FACTORS Other factors affecting system safety are the manufacturer's quality con- trol procedures; what are the inspection and/or quality assurance policies? Also, are the manufacturers aware of, and do they use, components and assembly prac-— tices suitable for the mine environment, such as MIL-SPEC electronic components, NEMA 4 enclosures, conformal coating of circuit boards, etc.? A mine operator should only consider reputable companies when choosing a monitoring system supplier. Previous ex- perience and references should be consid- ered, and other mine operators who have a system should be asked if they are satis— fied with the system and service. Appen- dix B lists monitoring system manufactur- ers who have had their system evaluated by MSHA under the MWMS Program. This list is a good place to start when look- ing for a system supplier. If all the recommendations for system safety discussed inthis section were followed, the resultant system would be too costly. Therefore, a mine operator must weigh the costs and benefits of the various alternatives. Minimum perfor- mance specifications and guidelines for monitoring system implementation and safety are listed below. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Minimum performance specifications and guidelines for design, installation, and operation of mine monitoring systems are provided in this section to (1) help mine operators in selecting a monitoring sys- tem for their mine, (2) minimize the ap- plication of poorly designed monitoring systems in mines, and (3) provide assis-— tance in the installation and operation of mine monitoring systems. For this discussion, the components of a mine monitoring system are divided into three areas: central station, telemetry, and sensore Within each component area, design, installation, and operation of the equipment are discussed. The perfor- mance specifications have been devel- oped from Bureau field and _ laboratory research. References 6-13 contain addi- tional information. CENTRAL STATION is typically lo- and consists of a video display and print-— The central station cated on the surface computer(s) with software, terminal(s) with keyboard, er(s). This equipment gathers data from underground sensors, analyzes them, and displays them to an operatore Table 2 lists central station design, installation, operation, and maintenance specifications. TELEMETRY SYSTEM The telemetry system consists of the cable connecting each outstation to the central station, the other outstations, and the communication protocol. The majority of this equipment is located in the mine and, therefore, should be suited for the mine environment. Table 3 lists telemetry system design, installa- tion, operation, and maintenance specifications. SENSORS AND THEIR PLACEMENT Sensors are a critical element in mine monitoring systems since they provide the input data, while being physically lo- cated in the harsh mine environment. For environmental monitoring, three sensor types are of main concern: carbon mon- oxide, methane, and air velocity. In ta- bles 4, 5, and 6, measurement require- ments, environmental requirements, and maintenance and other requirements for the performance specifications of each of the three sensor types are discussed. 1p *sqayo0s °0q QPNoITO peqeisequy Jou ‘suoyzj.euUuOD Jeptos asp °0q 0999900000900000000000000000000000 000900 09 FIG TiAl °0q 0000000009000000000000000 088 OTA) eATIVe JT IOWA *AVTTEqQetTea oSeoIOUT OL DO OCD DODODD 000000900 00000000 OO\R IGE AGAl oq PrTnoys *oin[ Tey weqsks OTYydorAsejed JuoaADId OF | ceoeeseereererseeeeeeercartes_TTey oq plnoys weysks *19AOYDI FAS *SUTIOJTUOM snonuytjUOD epTAoid oF DFJeMo4Ne YyATAM AqpueqAs joy e oq PTNoOYsS osr9Uy *sosueyo suTw se wo 3sAks ojepdn ued Touuosied ou Tul OS eee coccccccccsccccseovescccccccocoeK{TDUoTIy TOS) *SSODDB YSTP JUeISUOD PTOAR OF | eeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeKZOUSU 9JEIS PT[OS UT psei0qs sasuodsei weqsks ptdei eptaoid of | ee*eeseeeeeeKqTOeded USTSep JOJ uTW T ueYy. ssoay *qJUaAS JUOMNDOP OF | ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeoeezaquTiId uO pepioOdseI swIeTy *2OUSTUDAUOY | °***a0eFINS dy UO paeystTqeyse squTOd jos wielTy *peqieTe St 10}3e19d0 sinsuse of | ********sureTe [TeNSTA pue oTqTpne yI0q sepTAoIg *sqqTun 3uTiseutTsue *1loqje19d0 Aq JOA1a pfoAe oF piepuejs ut pokeTdstp sisjoueied peinseow [Ty NOISHC aTeuoT ey uoTIeOTJ Foods soUuPMIOJIOg DOOD DOD OOD OF ODDS UKE) Sjusuodwmod dTUuOITIDeTY ***ezossa00id [e1iqUs) DOO DOOD GOO 00 Oe iets eeeoutq aToAo BUTTTOg DODO OOOO 000000 OFT eocccccccseeoeef{eTdstg DIF Asfsreqoeseyy) soueUusjUTeU pue ‘uoTjZeiado ‘uoftje{[[eqsuT ‘usTsep uoTqAeAs [eIlqUeD - °*7 AIAVI 12 *punoisiepun oie Touuosied useym souwt3 T1Te 3e Jueseid aq p[noys 10}3e19d0 pajedtpep y SONVNALNIVW GNV NOTLVYadO *pospeTmouyoe o1e swaeTe einsue oF cooeeessuotTqeiedg ednyoeq A193 7eq U-» pue JeUuoTITpuOD suTT yatmM ATddns Jemod eTqtjdnizequtun ue Aq payoeq 10ssea00I1g suaqysks ay UO sasejNO pue suOotzeNnQ -—ON[TJ Jomod suyTW JO YdazJo VONpPeI oF coeceeeerro0InNOS T9MOg *o9injzeiodmaj [ood 31ins —Uod pue ‘*‘4Ssnp 3TUT,T ‘S‘uotT}zei1edo iaqjnd -wWOD JO} JUSsWUCITAUS poos aptaoid oj “uoTIeAAT TS ije pue ‘SmopuTM peTess ‘SB8uTUOTITpUOD ite “ssoo00e poqTWTT YyITM ‘WOOT pejeoTpep ut peqes07q NOILVTIVISNI *suoT}OUNJ [O1}UOD pue ‘sqyndqno ‘sjndut *uoT}e1ado ‘siosues [Te eSTo1exa 02 S}Saq VdUeRd|aDDe 9|RTS JO o[qedeod st waqsks aje1jsuowsap oF euTW pue A10ZDeF YIOG YONpuod p[Noys AOpuay | *****sqS0q sdUeQdSD_.V *°uoT eS [eIqUAaD *UOTIETTIUSA JO SSOT JO JUsAdD 9Yy UT Juaudtnba *uoTso,Tdxe JusAoid of punoisiepun 10zJ SJZOIUUODSTp aTqeqtIns sAeYy Asnp | ***°******sqooUuUODSTG *SsquoWeITNbed [eOTIETSO WHSW 1e8eYUIO JoOOW *meis0l1g Wa *squsweitnber Ajeyes OTSuUTIWUT Joow OF | -Skg BUTIOJTUOW APTM SUTW WHSW Jepun poe enter | °***squemertnber VHSW *9eTJ—-OINT Tey Y HZ ASeT YITM ‘soinjzersadusay *AQTLIQET[O1 aseeiduT oy | 8UTTOAD pue AQTptwny peqeAdte je y (QOL ABEL ay ||) COCOFOOOpfoyes ial THESIS AKey penuy iu0DO--NOISad UOTIBITJTOedS soUeUIOJIOg aT euctTyzeYy DTASsTAsaqoeIeY) Peanut UuoH--soueusjuTeW pue “uoTJe1edo ‘uOTJeTTeISUT ‘USTSep uoTjIeIS TeIIUaD - *7 YTGVL 13 °0q *AQVILIGeT [el aeseeiout of *siOiie uotTSstTUsUeI} eB jep peqoejyepun jo Jequnu ay eonpel oF *ainqnj 9y7 UT oTqQeo BuTSutTIAS ptoAe oF *uOTSSTUSUeIA eJep poos aptaoid of *peaids sity JUaAdId OF °0q °0q °0q *AVITTGeF[el aseoiout o7 aT euoT ey adueUeIUTeM pue SucoTAetodo ‘uotjeT[TeIsuT ‘ustsep wejysks AAjoWeTeT - °¢ *sjayo0sS QyNoI~O pezeiZequtT jou ‘suotTZOeUUOD Japjtos asp 9909000009000000000000000000000000000000 OMA QT *JUsMUOATTAUS BSUTUTW IOJ popucu —WOdJ01 JUaTeAtTnbe Jo [oov0j}0I1d 97qSs c°senbtuyos UOTIIIIIOO-UOF}IOJap AOIZ9 DTAeWO Ne sAeY pPTNoYs *suotTsuedxs pouuetd IOJ S1OZONpuod oseds quaeToOTJyJns saey prnoys *queTeAtnbe 30 77-qq °vedS (VaU) UOTFIeAWSTUTUpy UOTIeOTJTAIIETY Teany jo eTqeo JOJONpuooTA[NU se0ezJANS OF UOTIeASANO IOg *oTqeo JUeMNISUT PEePTeTYys epeis—ysty :uotT,eISzNO OF AOSUSS 10g **squowiei~nbed voueySTSel sITJ WHSW 390 pTnoys *dINSOTIUS 9Yyj BuyIeqUe SeITM [Te 1Oj spueTsS yITM peqaTF ‘(QuUeISTSeI—UOTSOIIOD ‘-jsnp ‘-TTO ‘-iejem) xy adh WWHN ©q PTNoYS SEG OOS O10 08) Oe: elereceieverece-e- "iD OVE OO Tew1z0Juoo oq Prnoys Fee eee OO OO SS 81900 00) 08818 SOO ACP. 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IedSuUT °(Z° 7, Weary) Aoeandove vag °( suo} 3 Fpuos a[nejz) aAzzeredouy ATIAeeTo ST 1Josuas ssatun ‘ym Z Jed souUO0 uey e10W OU UOFJDedSUT voUPMIOJIAg °3sS09 a.UeUdaAUTeM MOT SeiTtnbe1 ArQsnpuy eoccccccccecvecveceocecrs » uot IadSUuy (®) ;aoUBUaIUTe_ SINIWAYINOAY UFHLO GNV AONVNALNIVW 0°€ *suoyqetedo suyTW [euWIOU “UOT IEBT_ISIAUT @AFAINS Jsny °ATo_enbepe 10} ;UONW Jopun ATJUeTIND Sf 399FS UsATS We 03 seoetd ajefadoidde uf ouyw ut Jazonpsueiq jo juowsoe,d perjojyoig pejioddns ao B3uny eq 02 eTqGe oq ASnW | ccseeeeeeeeee****SuUOTIOFIWSeI pue usTsag | 6°Z *poiztnbe1 aie JYySstom pue ozyts unuyurW Saoueusjquyzem Asea pue ‘i0suas jo uoyzje,[eyasuy Asea ‘AQTT}FqQe *JUQMUOTFAUS oUTU -}121 weq3sks oinsua Oo; *aTqTssod aInpus 03 ssoupsssn1i JquezFoFsJgns yITMm Slojienb ssoTo. uz aseuep [eoptshug quajystsuod eztTs pue 4ystom wnuzuTW | cceeeseeeeseeeeeequstom pue fadeys ‘azqts | g°z °(3sng peoy euoztiy wo1rjz Pots -—?Tsse[oO 4Asnp 43Seq AVIUBZOTO Ife) wdj 1 OSL‘T [o}n | dn S8TIPIOTSA Ye ASnp gl oA) Z°LZ WAd O€ /3u OI 3e [euoT.e1sdo aq Asnu aosuss eoceccccececoecseosesseeceoecco eo snp pue pues LIZ 26 monitoring system to be useful, represent environmen- tal conditions ina mine.e Not only must the sensors function properly, but they must also be placed at strategic loca- tions. If a mine had an unlimited budget for sensors, it could hang sensors every- where, but this would then create mainte- Mance problems. A mine must, therefore, optimize sensor placement for the partic-— ular intention of the application. Sen- sor placement must be considered not only on a minewide scale, but also on a local scale, such as the location within a par- ticular cross section. Below are some general guidelines for sensor placement developed from in-mine sensor location strategy experiments (12-13, 17). For a it must accurately Methane 1. Placement of methane sensors should follow CFR requirements for handheld in- struments. Appendix D gives the loca- tions of examinations in 30 CFR Part 75. 2. Because methane comes from the coal itself, and because it is lighter than air, the highest concentrations are ex- pected near the roof. The detector part of the sensor (catalytic bead) should be no closer than 12 in from roof or rib, as required in 30 CFR Part 75. Carbon Monoxide Bureau contract (18), has developed spac-— ing guidelines for three scenarios: Cl) Pe belltway fire. (2) icoaliwalll) firensand (3) wood wall fire. The spacing criteria also take into account ventilation rates, hazard time, and safety factor. For ex- ample, for a mine with a ventilation rate of 50 fpm in a belt entry, an entry width of 18 ft, “asseam height) Jot 6 ft.) sanded safety factor of 0.5 (the safety factor ranges between O and 1, with the larger the value, the more time available for response to the fire after detection), the recommended detector spacing would be 827 ft. Under the same conditions except with a ventilation rate of 100 fpm, the recommended spacing would be 1,462 ft. A further description of the procedure for determining carbon monoxide sensor spac— ing is contained in appendix E. Recom- mendations for carbon monoxide sensor spacing along the beltway as required by MSHA for a variance of 30 CFR 75.326 are contained in appendix C. Ait Nello city, 1. Placement of air velocity sensors should follow CFR requirements for hand- held instruments. Appendix D gives the locations of examinations required in 30 GERS Parte/ 5) 2. The geometric center of the airway cross section is the best place, prefer- ably hung by suspension (e.g., guy wire). 1. For carbon monoxide sensors’ used 3. Sensor placements at abrupt changes for early fire detection, horizontal in the flow of air, such as at a bend, placement should be in the middle of the intersection, or obstruction, can cause airway. Vertical placement should be sensors to indicate erroneous values. close to but at least 4 in down from the The influence of these abrupt changes roof. in flow of air--often extends 3 to 5 2. Maximum spacing between sensors airway widths upstream and 10 or more varies depending upon the application. widths downstream. These regions should Factory Mutual Research Corp-, under be avoided. SUMMARY Computerized mine monitoring systems placed carbon monoxide sensors along belt can provide a safer and more’ productive entries in order to use those entries as work environment for underground coal intake airways. In the future, as mines mines. Many mines are currently using become deeper and more complex and as them to provide miner safety, as evi- mining rates increase, environmental mon- denced by the number of mines that have itoring systems will play a greater role in providing mine safety. Even though mine monitoring can increase safety, this can only happen when both monitoring sys- tem manufacturers and mine operators keep safety in mind. Manufacturers must de- sign systems for reliability and safety, and make sure these systems are installed properly and that the system operators are adequately trained in their operation before the manufacturer leaves the mine site. On the other hand, the mine oper- ater must dedicate time and labor to the system in order to maintain it in good 27 operating condition essary people to and provide the nec-— operate it properly. Any failure on the part of the manufac-— turer or the mine operator can lead to serious consequences. This report provides guidelines to the mining industry for the design, installa- tion, and operation of environmental mon- itoring systems to provide miner safety. By following these guidelines, the poten- tial for monitoring system failure can be reduced. REFERENCES 1. Foose, H. Ej. System Evaluation and Barrier and Sensor Classification Under the Mine Safety and Health Administra- tion Mine-Wide Monitoring System Program (Pres. at 14th Ann. Int. Symp. of the ISA, Mining and Metallurgy Division, Den- ver, CO, Apr. 29-May 2, 1986). Instru- mentation in the Mining and Metallurgy Industry, ve 13, 1986, pp. 47-50. 2. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 30--Mineral Resources; Chapter I-- Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor; Subchapters A-P, PaGesmUntonlo9s July, LISS, 732 pp. See SEL cK lan, o> Go Environmental Monitoring in Coal Mines. Paper in Pro- ceedings of the 1/th Annual Institute on Coal Mining Health, Safety, and Research (Blacksburg, VA, Aug. WOW, NEES) 6 19665 pp. 73-83. 4. U.S. Mine Safety and Health Admini- stration. Preproposal Draft Rule To Re- vise Existing Safety Standards for Venti- lation in Underground Coal Mines, 30 CFR Part 75. Nov. 1985; for further informa- tion, contact Patricia W. Silvey, Direc-— tor, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, MSHA, Arlington, VA (703) 2 Os 5. Bureau of National Affairs, Technical Recommendations Mining by MSHA Task Force on Longwall Mining. Mine Safety and Health Reporter, June 26, 1985, pp. 34-36. 6. Younglove, Ae, A. P. Macdiarmid, ability Mines Mine Inc. on Two-Entry Pettinato, and S. Stagnitta. Reli- Analysis of U.S. Bureau of Monitoring Systems (contract H0O111838, Rome Air Development Center). BuMines OFR 33-83, 1983, 49 pp. Jo IWeeeer, Ro Gog Wo- So Sutin, Wo Re Vowlitszi P. Klinkhachorn, and Do Ws Tuthill. Methodology Development for Mine Life Safety System Evaluation (con- tract JO100057, WV Univ.). BuMines OFR /OH35, WS25 SAF jyooS WHS 13 CM 27/G5)5 Sa bredeson,. JeuGe. aH. Hashemi. wand K. Sneedhar. Data Security for In-Mine Transmission (contract J0308024, Univ. OK). BuMines OFR 88-84, 1982, 76 pp.; NTIS PB 84-185081. Jo Iimecer, Re Song I> So Gheyonein, A. M. Kissel, C. A. Winkelmann, and W. R. Voltz. Control Underground Mine Monitoring and Testing Criteria (contract J0113057, WV Univ.). BuMines OFR 51-85, 1984, 155 pp.; NTIS PB 85-228864. 10. Trelewicz, K. Environmental Test Criteria for the Acceptability of Mine Instrumentation (contract J0100040, Day- ton T. Brown, Inc.). BuMines OFR 1-82, UGK, UST joo ge INBEIES Wy (71 3)3)5)5 i ersher ele and Mo Uhiler. — Re- search To Develop an Intrinsically Safe Monitoring System for Coal Mines. Paper in Proceedings of the Fifth WVU Con- ference on Coal Mine Electrotechnology, Julyes0 sl Aucust ol. 980) (contract J0100049, WV Univ.). BuMines OFR 82-81, NOK. jay6 ZO {ey AV I(a 12. Cohen, A. F. Choosing Fixed-Point Mine Monitoring Air Velocity Sensor Sites (In-Mine Experiments) (Pres. at IJ4th Ann. Int. Symp. of the ISA, Mining and Metallurgy Division, Denver, CO, April 29-May 2, 1986). Instrumentation in the 28 Mining and Metallurgy Industry, v. 13, 1986, Pppe 19-36. 13.) Cohen, A. Fo; YT. J. Fisher, Re. As Watson, and J. lL. Kohler. Location Strategy for Methane, Air Velocity, and Carbon Monoxide Fixed-Point Mine Moni- toring Transducers. Paper in Proceedings of the 7th WVU Mining Electrotechnology Conference (Morgantown, WV, July 24-27, 1984). WV Univ., 1984, pp. 180-193. W4c0 > Miser.) Eee. sels) Menehurcilne. and J. L. Banfield. Equivalency Tests of Fire Detection Systems for Underground Coal Mines Using Low Level Carbon Monox- ide Monitors. Paper in Proceedings 2nd International Mine Ventilation Congress (Reno, NV, Nov. 4-8, 1979), AIME, 1980, y)G Bal fe) 727/—3)6 15. American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard Specifications for Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere, D-11 Committee, Sampling and Analysis of At- mospheres.e Philadelphia, PA, 1978, 4 pp. 16. National Fire Protection Associa- tion. MIntrinsically Safe Apparatus for Use in Division 1 Hazardous Locations. NFPA Bull. 493, 1978, 55 pp. 17. Litton, C. D. Guidelines for Sit— ing Product-of-Combustion Fire Sensors in Underground Mines. BuMines IC 8919, LISS Sep ple l8. Newman, “J. S25 and) Mo Mo ekhane Standard Test Criteria for Evaluation of Underground Fire Detection Systems—-Final Report (contract HO0O113017, Factory Mu- tual Research Corp.). BuMines OFR 54-85, 1984, 217 pp.; NTIS PB 85-204170. 29 APPENDIX A.--SENSING TECHNIQUES OF ENVIRONMENTAL SENSORS A number of commercially available en- vironmental sensors are suitable for use with computerized monitoring systems. During the last 10 yr, improvements in circuit design and construction have re- sulted in sensors that can be used in the mine environment. In selecting a sensor, attention should be paid to its reliabil- ity and the specificity and accuracy of the reading. In this appendix, the mea-— surement techniques for carbon monoxide, methane, and air velocity sensors are discussed. METHANE SENSORS There are two primary techniques for detecting and measuring methane concen- tration that are suitable for mine moni- toring use: Heat of combustion and in- frared absorption. Heat-of-combustion or catalytic combustion sensors are the most common in the United States. These sen- sors detect the presence and concentra- tion of methane by measuring the temper- ature rise of a catalytic element that oxidizes the methane at very low temper- atures without a flame. The temperature rise in the catalyst is proportional to the methane content of the air surround- ing the sensor. There is some difference in the tech- nique by which the sensors expose _ the catalyst to the gas mixture to be mea- sured. Some devices rely on diffusion of the gas mixture through a porous metal flame arrestor screen. These are called diffusion-head type sensors. Others use mechanical pumps to draw air samples across the catalyst. Another method al- ternately draws the sample in and then exhales prior to the next sample. While the diffusion devices have a_ slower re- sponse time, they are simpler and do not rely on mechanical pumps’ that may be af- fected by dust and moisture. Although catalytic combustion sensors are rela- tively rugged and simple in operation, they have a disadvantage in terms of specificity. The catalyst temperature will rise in the presence of any combus-— tion gas, not just methane. This is not always a problem, and can be reduced by operating at a specified temper- ature or selecting a catalyst that favors a methane-oriented chemical reaction. Another disadvantage is that catalytic sensors are not generally suitable for measuring methane concentrations above Dyan The second methane-sensing technique is based on the absorption by different gases of different amounts of infrared radiation. Typically, infrared energy is cell that has absorb in the infra- red band. The sensor is either equipped with a reference cell or calibrated by purging the sample cell with nitrogen prior to making measurements. An infra- red detector located on the opposite side of the cell produces an electrical signal proportional to the difference between the reference and the sample, which is proportional to the methane concentra- tion. Infrared sensors can be used to measure methane concentrations in the en- tire range between 0% and 100%. While infrared sensors are relatively sensitive and specific, they are typically more complex and expensive than catalytic sensors. passed through a sample windows that do not AIR VELOCITY SENSORS Two types of air velocity sensors are applicable to underground mining, rotat- ing-vane anemometers and acoustic vortex- shedding anemometers. Rotating-vane anemometers are mechani- cal devices with vanes or impellars that are rotated or turned by the air flowing through the anemometer. The better in- struments use ball bearings that reduce the turning friction of the main shaft on which the vanes are mounted to improve the accuracy at _ low air velocities. While this device is simple in operation, its susceptibility to excessive dirt and moisture is a disadvantage. The second type of anemometer, acoustic vortex shedding, measures air velocity by sensing the frequency at which vor- tices‘are shed from a rod placed in the 30 The vortices in the airstream are sensed by the effect they have on an acoustic (ultrasonic) pulse transmitted through them. Since vortex-shedding ane- mometers have no moving parts, they are well suited for underground mines.» They are also typically more expensive than mechanical anemometers. airstream. CARBON MONOXIDE SENSORS Carbon monoxide is produced by the thermal oxidation of materials containing carbone For wood or coal, carbon monox- ide is the major gas evolved at 50° to 150° C. The presence of carbon monoxide in the mine atmosphere can be used as a warning of incipient fire. Since carbon monoxide is also produced from diesel ex- haust or explosive products (shot fir- ing), if gases from these products come in contact with carbon monoxide sensors, the sensor also reacts. Therefore, the warning system must be able to differen- tiate the source of the carbon monoxide. Most carbon monoxide sensors’ used in this country are the electrochemical am- perometric type, in which carbon monoxide is electrocatalytically oxidized to form carbon dioxide. From this oxidation pro- cess a current is produced that is pro- portional to the carbon monoxide concen- tration. The air to be sampled either is allowed to diffuse into the sensor or is drawn in by a mechanical pump- This type of sensor is stable, lasting up to 2 yr in a mine environment, is inexpensive (original cost of the sensor is under $100), and is sensitive to low concen- trations of carbon monoxide (~10 ppm). Other gases that are electrochemically oxidizable will also produce a current at the electrode, acting as if they were carbon monoxide. They include hydrogen, acetylene, ethylene, nitric oxide, nitro- gen dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur dioxide. Gas-interferent filters may be used with the sensor to remove the active hydrocarbons, nitrogen, and sulfur gases, but these filters must be replaced regu- larly to be effective. There are other techniques for measur- ing carbon monoxide at the 10-ppm con- centration at fixed locations. In one, carbon monoxide is measured from the heat produced by catalytic oxidation over a Hopcalite catalyst. The resulting tem- perature rise in the catalyst is propor- tional to the gas concentration. Here, the basic technique is nonspecific, and carbon monoxide-specific catalysts and appropriate filament temperatures are re- quired to reduce the interference of other combustible gases. Another technique is absorption of in- frared energy. This is similar to that described for methane detection. The sensor is made selective for carbon mon- oxide by modifying the methane receiver transducer to detect changes in the in- frared wavelengths that are absorbed by carbon monoxide molecules. For nondis-— persive systems, the absorption filters must be changed, and for dispersive sys- tems, the refraction grating must be changed. Carbon monoxide may also be measured by the conductivity change in metal-oxide semiconductor sensors, such as tin oxide and zine oxide solid state sensors. These solid state sensors are sensitive to a large number of gases and are used in British coal mines for monitoring to- tal fire products. Figure A-l is a diagram of the carbon monoxide transducer module. Sil Mine atmosphere CO or To outstation or ; : sensor calibration surface computer Battery backup gas 0-50 or 0-25 ppm CO Analog-to- digital converter |-2'- telemetry link Calibration | _OF_ Automatic voltage signal calibration | Enclosure 4-to 20-mA current loop FIGURE A-1.—Carbon monoxide transducer module. 32 APPENDIX B.—--MANUFACTURERS OF MONITORING SYSTEMS EVALUATED UNDER THE MSHA MINEWIDE MONITORING SYSTEM PROGRAM MSHA Date Model Company and address evaluation WIS SNAOR 5666666 | UY CASA | WYKG SOOO Sartagesos6s || Weamsmleeom lines 1101 Parkway View Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15205 (412) 787-3383 MWIS=2—05 Go0d500 OSW/WA/83 || POOX2s oGocadcoc0c00cs || Gianearil® Sejdlemeltiiec 2500 Baldwick Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15205 (412) 922-8850 MMS=3—O07e cere eee) Ol 22)/ 835ml eMUN= SB > 4epeteie ciclo stelelslsle) | MuUniddox nContEolowstemsam lnc. 5495 Marion St. Denver, CO 80216 (303) 296-1790 MMS=4—057) < ccinee | 09/15/63) Sentunion) 200m eee) Conspecs since. 1701 McFarland Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 (412) 563-6060 MMS-5-0......-.~ | 10/03/83 | D€S—1000/430...-..... | Appalachian Electronic Inst., Inc. 810 West Monroe Ave. Ronceverte, WV 24970 (304) 647-5855 MMS=6—-0. ....--- 01/26/84 | KDS........22222---- | Kidde Automated Systems, Inc. 725 G County Line Road Deerfield, IL 60015 (312) 272-8012 MMS-7-0....---- | 03/13/84 | DAN-6000............ | Mine Safety Appliances Co. Instrument Div. P.O. Box 427 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 (412) 776-8600 MMS =V/(-olteworarereienele 12/19/84 DAN EOOWD6 66600060000 Do. APPENDIX B.--MANUFACTURERS OF MONITORING SYSTEMS EVALUATED UNDER THE MSHA MINEWIDE MONITORING SYSTEM PROGRAM--Continued MSHA evaluation MMS=—8=0.......0. MMS—-9-0. -cccces MMS—9=1l..cccccce MMS-12-0.....0. Date Model Ob /O2/SA || WYAVNULINKS s6 665500000 OD/OO/E || SASOOIs coocaoc000000 L2/OS/ RE || SESSIONS oc osccoeno0D[ EZ-1000 Company and address 33 Hawker-Siddeley Dynamics Engineering Bridge Road East Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire England AL7 I1LR Welwyn Garden (07073) 31299 OR Ohio Brass Co. (U.S. representatives ) 380 North Main St. Mansfield, OH 44903 CANO) S22 =I Femco Div., Gulton Industries P.O. Box 33 2000 Bethel Dr. High Point, NC 27261 (919) 887-2611 OR National Mine Service (sales) 600 North Bell Ave. Bille 2, Swalee WO Carnegie, PA 15106 (412) 429-0800 Femco Div., Gulton Industries (Address given above. ) Rel Tek Corp. 616 Beatty Rd. Monroeville, PA 15146 (412) 373-6700 34 APPENDIX C.--CONDITIONS FOR PETITIONING FOR MODIFICATION OF APPLICATION OF 30 CFR 75.326 This section contains conditions’ that must be met by a mine operator consider- ings ase LONG Spetsitts ono fies Os CHRaiy/5.19)2 Oe Aircourse and Belt Haulage Entries, to use the belt haulage entry as an intake aircourse.e. They have been set’ by MSHA, but all variances are granted on a case- by-case basis, and meeting the following criteria does not automatically qualify the use of the belt entry as an intake aircourse. 1. A fire detection shall be installed as follows: system (a) Low-level CO monitoring devices shall be installed in all belt entries utilized as intake aircourses. (b) The CO monitoring devices shall be located so that the air is monitored at each belt drive, tailpiece, and other locations as may be required by the MSHA District Manager to insure the safety of miners. (c) The CO monitoring devices shall be capable of giving a warning automat— ically when the level of CO of any lo- cation specified above exceeds 5 ppm above the ambient level of the mine. (d) The CO monitoring devices shall be capable of providing both visual and audible alarm signals. (e) The monitoring system shall have the capability of identifying any activated sensor within the belt haul- age entry. This system shall also have a map or schematic which will identify all monitor and flight locations. (f) The monitoring devices shall initiate fire alarm signals at a manned location on the surface where personnel on duty have two-way communications with all persons who may be endangered. Such signals shall be activated when the level of CO exceeds 10 ppm above the ambient level of the mine. (g) The person at the manned loca- tion on the surface shall be trained in the operation of the CO monitoring sys- tem and inthe proper procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. 2. At any time the CO monitor has been deenergized, for reasons such as_ power outages or routine maintenance, the belt conveyor may continue to operate. The belt entry shall be continuously pa- trolled and physically monitored by a qualified person with CO detector tubes or equivalent means until the monitor returns to normal operation. 3. The CO monitor and sensor shall be visually examined at least once every 24 hours to insure proper functioning. The unit shall be inspected by a qualified person for such work not less than every 7 days.e The inspection shall insure the monitor is operating properly and _ that the required maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer is performed. The monitor shall be calibrated with known quantities of CO and air mixtures at least every 30 calendar days. An in- spection record shall be maintained on the surface and made available to all in- terested persons. The inspection record shall show the date and time of each weekly inspection and calibration of the monitor, and all maintenance performed, whether at the time of the weekly inspec— tion or otherwise. 4. The details for the fire detection system including, but not limited to, type of monitor, sensor location, alarm systen, maintenance, and calibration schedule shall be included as a part of the Ventilation System and Methane and Dust Control Plan required by 30 CFR 75.316. The District Manager may require additional CO monitors to be installed as part of said plan to insure the safety of the miners. - 5. The velocity of the air current in the belt entry shall not exceed 300 fpm. 6. The concentrations of respirable dust in the intake air passing over the belt conveyor shall be within the re- quirements of 30 CFR 70.100(b). 7. The petitioner comply with all mandatory health standards at this mine specifically modified by this and Order. continue to safety and except as Decision must Other guidelines are taken from "Equiv- alency Tests of Fire Detection Systems 35) for Underground Coal Mines Using Low Lev- el Carbon Monoxide Monitors" (14). They include-- 1. For contaminant travel velocities 200 fpm or less, the CO monitors should not be spaced in excess of 2,000 ft, and not in excess of 3,000 ft when contami- nant travel velocities exceed 200 fpm. 2. In conveyor belt entries where the air velocity is less than 50 fpm or the air stream does not have a definite and distinct direction, CO monitors may not be appropriate. 36 APPENDIX D.--POTENTIAL LOCATIONS FOR FIXED-POINT SENSORS BASED ON 30 CFR PART 75 REQUIREMENTS CFR Part 75--Underground Coal Mine CFR for environmental hazards may also be Standards were reviewed to determine lo- appropriate for fixed-point monitoring. cations where manual examinations of the For the examinations currently required, mine environment are required to provide this section reviews the location, the a healthy and safe workplace. When a measurand, the regulation number, and the mine installs a computerized monitoring frequency of examination as a possibility system to monitor the environment, the for fixed-point monitoring. locations required to be examined by 30 TABLE D-l. - Potential locations for fixed-point sensors merece Toe eg] eee ae a a OI Main fans....... 75.300 Continuously. All active = >60 <5 5) = = Wo 30M Periodic. workings. Inby end of >3,000 = = <1 = UDo SOM, brattice face. 35 307 Prior to ma- Last open cross-— | >9,000 = = <1 = TD 30l, chine start— cut face. YUDo SOY up; every 20 min during mining. Intake end--pil- | >9,000 = = <1 = 7/35 SOM. lar line. UD SO Intake end-- >9,000 = = <1 = Ido 30k, longwall face. Des Oi Auxiliary fans.. = o = <1 = Yo D0 Continuously. Working sections Yes Yes = Yes = 75.303 Preshift. Dovatelehorctelolokoroxcns Yes Yes = Yes = 155 304 Onslube (Cl per shift). Each return split at main Yes Yes = Yes = P5305 Weekly. return. 1Q = quantity of air, cfm. CH, = methane, vol %. V = velocity of air, fpm. CO = carbon monoxide, vol %. CO» = carbon dioxide. vol &%. - indicates the item is inapplicable. 3Y TABLE D-l. -— Potential locations for fixed-point sensors--Continued Location Regulation Frequency see NRA FOR FCOgN| CI CH Ter pecon Pillar falls and Yes Yes = seals at main return. l entry of each Do. intake and re- turn aircourse, in its entirity. Idle workings.... Do. Abandoned area... If entered ID0 30D, Weekly, with- PD o SNE iin 2) IM Oie entry. Main intakes and 75.306 Weekly. returns. Working sections. 75.306 Do. Return air split 750 30D 4-h interval from working during section. shift. Belt entries..... Under 75.326 Periodic. variance Track entries.... <1 1305 320 Do. In intake between SWOZD Wie eer) alee Preshift. abandoned area used to IS INZ and working ventilate place. 1q = quantity of air, cfm. CH, = methane, vol %. V = velocity of air, fpm. CO = carbon monoxide, vol 4%. CO» = carbon dioxide, vol %. - indicates the item is inapplicable. 38 APPENDIX E.--CARBON MONOXIDE SENSOR SPACING CRITERIA AS DEFINED BY FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORP. Fire sensor spacing criteria were de- veloped by Factory Mutual Research Corp. (FMRC) (18) based ona universal set of detection criteria defined relative to the application of fire detectors in un- derground mines. This required a time relationship to be established to detect a fire; the time to effectively respond after detecting a fire; and the time af- ter the initiation of a fire to reacha defined hazard, ty, the hazard time, such as a fire that becomes’ seriously life threatening. Three main fire scenarios were considered by FMRC: (1) a coal fire in a conveyor belt haulageway that served as the ignition source for the belting, (2) a coal wall fire, and ©) a wood wall fire. For the beltway fire (scenario 1), both equivalent spacing prescribed by 30 CFR and generalized spacing for fire detec- tors were determined. Since equivalent spacing is a function of the mine geome- try and ambient conditions, a "typical" beltway configuration was assumed as given in table E-l. Table E-2 gives TABLE E-l. - Typical conditions in a conveyor belt haulageway Ambient temperature.........0. Fe. 65 Ventilation rate............-cfme.- 4,000 Ceiling height...c.ccccecsscccceftee 5) Emem ya wacditiiereislelelelolelclerois ielolelerheratsele 16 Cross-sectional area.........ft.. 80 Ambient velocity.-.-e.cccoeceeofpmee 50 TABLE E-2. Detector (1) detector type, (2) alarm and/or alert level, (3) equivalent spacing, (4) safety parameter, X, and (5) the corresponding spacing for each detector at X > 0.50, for each detector tested by FMRC. The safety parameter, X, is the time avail- able for response to the fire after de- tection and is a fraction of the hazard time. The larger the value of X, the more time is available. Equivalent spac-— ing was assessed using X, such that the Spacing for a nonheat detector was deter- mined at the minimum safety parameter given by a mine-permissible heat detec-— [EOieg slLo@on = 0.45. The recommended maximum spacing for each detector is given for X > 0.50 and ranges from 10 ft for the slowest heat detector to 1,000 ft for the fastest product-of-combustion detector. Tables E-3, E-4, and E-5 give the gen- eralized spacing criteria for each fire scenario considered. In each table the spacing criteria (S) are listed versus V (the ventilation rate in 1,000 cfm) and X (the safety parameter). The procedure for determining the sensor spacing dis-— tance follows: 1. Select values of X and V. 2. Read the corresponding value of S in the table for the scenario of interest. 3. Calculate the spacing distance from spacing distance (ft) = (V(S-43))/60. - Equivalency for fire detectors for beltway fires IBEILGO OSG 0000000 i, BYP GCso000000090005000 Thermotech....e- by BS" Coogo9000000000000 WSS 006060000600 IS 39" GCasodooc000d000000 150 Pyott—Boone. ee. I BY! Cooobo0000000b0000 10 Ecolyzerececceee AVON ppm/S.eppmacemeneeret 870 WIS 6500000000000 MLO jy) (pM o00000000 870 SNEIMEBLIEGO 5000000 A 200 ppm/100 ppm*...... 310 LOCO 0505000000 0505 m4 5025 im o5006 1,000 “Suggested levels. 39) The value 43 in the equation is a typical Further information on the FMRC work CO sensor response time (in seconds) as can be obtained from the final report determined through FMRC testing. (18). TABLE E-3. - Spacing criteria (S) for carbon monoxide sensors for beltway fires! Velocity, Velocity, factor 1,000 cfm 1,000 cfm X=0.75 AROSOM Ns 50 7 330 1,890 300 len = 27100 se TABLESES +. a sOpAcimneleriterra (5) for carbon monoxide sensors for coal wall fires Velocity, Safety factor 1,000 cfm 0 0 1 1,500 280 2D De MANO 390 3 72.515) 3)) 480 4 2 BSQ) 550 5 3,340 610 6 3,660 670 Hf 3,950 730 8 4,230 780 9 4,490 830 10 L730 870 4,960 5,180 TABLE SESS. opacing, criterra ((S)) for carbon monoxide sensors for wood wall fires Velocity, 1,000 cfm Safety factor 0 0 180 70 s X=0.75 0 290 400 490 570 640 700 750 810 860 900 950 990 S j=) ONDU KWH re Soto SOOO OOO ES 4388 93 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1987 - 605-017/60071 INT.-BU.OF MINES,PGH. ,PA. 28569 cy =i} U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Mines—Prod. and Distr. Cochrans Mill Road P.O. Box 18070 Pittsburgh, Pa. 15236 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 [_] Do not wish to receive this material, please remove from your mailing liste [_] Address change. Please correct as indicated. 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