Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Ar Circular No. 23 (Revised Edition). j= United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF FORESTRY. SUGGESTIONS TO PROSPECTIVE FOREST STUDENTS. INTRODUCTION. The Bureau of Forestry receives a large and increasing number of / requests for information upon matters treated in this circular. The purpose of its publication is to supply this information fully and promptly. Inquiries from those who think of taking up forestry, which are not covered by this circular, will always be answered willingly. It will be understood, however, that, although the Bureau of Forestry stands ready, so far as it can, to assist and advise the forest student, it can reasonably go no further than to explain the situation and point out the means by which a man may prepare himself for it. It can no more assume the responsibility of deciding for the prospective forest student whether he will do well to take up forestry than it can predict to what position he will attain as a forester. POSITION OF STUDENT ASSISTANT. The only position in this Bureau open to those whose training in for- estry is incomplete or has not yet begun is that of Student Assistant. It has been created in order to afford young men who are thinking seriously of making forestry their profession, or who have already taken up its study, an opportunity to become familiar with the methods of this Bureau in the field and in the office. It must be clearly under- stood that work as a Student Assistant does not constitute in itself a stepping-stone to higher positions in the Bureau of Forestry, but forms a part only of the training useful in fitting a man for the profession of forestry. It is the policy of the Bureau to retain a man as Student _ Assistant only long enough for him to gain full advantage from the opportunities for field and office work which the position affords. He ' will then be expected to continue his training elsewhere. Student Assistants are, as a rule, appointed for the field season only. This varies from three to six months or more, according to the locality and the demands of the work.