:iit|Bi Mg;i V SULPHUR BACTERIA BY THE SAME AUTHOR PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY FOR CHEMICAL STUDENTS With 55 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 45. bd. net BY PROFESSOR D. ELLIS, D.Sc, F.R.S.E., AND D. CAMPBELL SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF CONFECTIONERY With 7 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 5s. SULPHUR BACTERIA A MONOGRAPH BY DAVID ELLIS D.Sc. (LOND.), Ph.D. (Marburg), F.R.S.E. PROFESSOR OF BACTERIOLOGY, THE ROYAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE, GLASGOW WITH ILL USTRA TIONS LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. LONDON ♦ NEW YORK ♦ TORONTO 1932 LONGMANS. GREEN AND CO. Ltd. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, E.G. 4 6 OLD COURT HOUSE STREET, CALCUTTA 53 NICOL ROAD, BOMBAY 36A MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. 55 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 221 EAST 20TH STREET, CHICAGO 88 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON 128-132 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, TORONTO Made in Great Britam PREFACE. In the last two decades considerable progress has been made in every branch of Bacteriology ; and of the different branches, that dealing with the sulphur bacteria has received much attention from foreign investigators. An attempt is here made to present to English readers the present position of our knowledge of the sulphur bacteria. The researches on these organisms are spread over a wide field of investigators, and are described in divers languages. As for the most part such studies have been confined to partial aspects of the subject, there should be room for a book such as the present, which aims at summing up the whole position. l^J^e only section which is scantily treated is that of Ecology, and the reason for this is that this subject is very adequately dealt with in Bavendamm's Die farblosen und roten Schwefel- bakteriek^ The study of the sulphur bacteria supplies matters of interest not only to the bacteriologist and the botanist, but also to the chemist who is interested in the analysis of water, in the preservation of the purity of water reservoirs, and in the chemical changes which take place in sewage-laden waters. These bacteria form a group of peculiar interest to the botanist because of the possible relationship of many of their species to the animal kingdom. Their study throws con- siderable light on the structure, methods of reproduction, and physiological activities of organisms that stand on the border- line between plants and animals ; and this work has been vi PREFACE primarily written as a contribution to botanical literature. The author's claim to make the effort rests on a study of the sulphur bacteria over a period of fourteen years. Some of the work has already appeared in various scientific periodicals, but a large portion is here published for the first time. On the morphological side of the subject all the known forms are sketched and described with sufiicient fullness to secure identification. A scheme of classification is drawn up which avoids the defects of its predecessors. Numerous schemes of classification of the sulphur bacteria have appeared, but, with one or two exceptions, these are parts of a general scheme embracing the whole of the bacteria, and have not followed a special study of the sulphur bacteria. As a consequence the later schemes have merely perpetuated the defects of the older classifications. There are many gaps in our knowledge of the physiology of the sulphur bacteria which cannot be adequately filled by the biologist, and which await the attention of the biochemist. It is hoped that the present work will form a basis for investiga- tions on biochemical lines. I desire to acknowledge my especial indebtedness to my colleagues, Mr. W. G. Burrell, M.A., Dr. J. A. Cranston, Mr. J. Muil Leitch, B.Sc, and Dr. Blodwen Lloyd, for their assistance in the preparation of the manuscript and in the revision of the proofs ; and to Mr. Leitch for the preparation of the Indices. DAVID ELLIS. Department of Bacteriology, The Royai- Technical College, Glasgow. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Introduction .......... i Connotation of the term " Sulphur Bacteria " ; geographical distribution ; the sulphur cycle in nature ; methods of investi- gation ; pleomorphism ; evidence of occurrence of pleomor- phism in the sulphur bacteria. CHAPTER II. The Production of Sulphuretted Hydrogen and its Assimila- tion BY THE Sulphur Bacteria ...... 20 Natural sources of sulphuretted hydrogen ; the limans ; investiga- tion of the black sand on the Clyde ; the equilibrium of hydrogen sulphide in water. CHAPTER III. The Metabolism of the Sulphur Bacteria .... 34 Food requirements and sources of energy; metabolism, fermenta- tion and respiration ; sulphuretted hydrogen ; organic matter ; carbon supply ; oxygen ; mineral matters ; hydrogen-ion concentration ; biological explanation of the assimilation of sulphuretted hydrogen ; the denitrifying sulphur bacteria ; physico-chemical speculations. CHAPTER IV. The Culture of the Sulphur Bacteria . . . . -55 Methods of culture ; methods of Winogradsky, Molisch, Keil, Jegunow, Skene, Bavendamm, and Ellis. CHAPTER V. The Principles of Classification and their Application to the Sulphur Bacteria . ....... 67 The principles of a natural classification ; review of attributes used in the subdivision of the sulphur bacteria ; review of previous classifications : by Winogradsky, by Molisch, bv Orla Jensen, by Buchanan ; Ellis's classification. 4 2939 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER VT. PAGE The Leuco-thiobacteria (Colourless Sulphur Bacteria) . . 92 BeggiatoacecB : Beggiatoa ; Beggiatoa alba, sheath formation, growth, autolysis, methods of reproduction ; other species of Beggiatoa ; pleomorphism of Beggiatoa ; Beggiatoa niirabilis ; Beggiatoa arachnoidea ; Beggiatoa leptomitifovmis. Thiothrix ; Thiothrix nivea / Thiothrix tenuis and tenuissima ; Thiothrix annulata ; Thiothrix marina ; Thiothrix violacea. Thioploca ; Thioploca Schmidlei ; Thioploca ingrica ; Thioploca minima and mixta. CHAPTER VH. The Leuco-thiobacteria (continued) . . . . . .116 Achromatiacecs : Achromatium ; Achromatium oxaliferum [Modderula Hartwigi and Hillhousia niirabilis), cell contents, growth, reproduction, and habitat. Achromatium mobile; Microspira vacillans. Thiophysa ; Thiophysa volutans ; Thiophysa macrophysa. Thiosphcsrella amylifera. Thiovulum Miilleri. Thiospirillacecs : Thiospirillum Winogradskii ; Thiospirillum grannlatum ; Thiospirillum bipnnctatum ; Thiospirillum agilissimum ; Thiospirillum agilis ; Thiospirillum elongata. ThiobacillacecD : Thiobacillits Bovistus ; Thiobacillus thiogenus. Thiopseudomonas ; Pseudomonas bipunctata and hyalina. CHAPTER VIII. Rhodo-thiobacteria (Coloured Sulphur Bacteria) . . -134 Lankesteracsce : Lankesteron ; Lankesteron rubescens ; Lankesteron sulfuratum ; Lankesteron roseo-persicina. ChromatacecB : Chromatium ; Chromatium Okenii ; variant forms of Chr. Okenii (Chr. Weissii, Chr. minus, Chr. minutissimum, Chr. gracile) ; Chromatium Warmingii ; Chromatium Linsbaueri ; Chromatium violascens ; Chromatium cuculliferum; Rhabdomonas and Rhabdochromatium ; Rhabdochromatium roseum, minus, and gracile ; Rhabdochromatium Linsbaueri. Thioporphyra volutans, reproduction, bud formation, regional rejuvenescence, ciliation and movement. CHAPTER IX. Rhodo-thiobacteria (continued) ...... 160 Rhodothiospirillacece : the terms Thiospirillum, Rhodothiospirillum, and Ophidomonas ; Rhodothiospirillum jenense. Rhodocapsacea : Rhodocapsa suspensa ; Rhodothece pendens ; Rhodothiosarcina rosea. ThiocapsacecB : the terms Micrococcus, Streptococcus, Sarcina ; Thiocapsa roseo-persicina ; Thiocystis violacea ; Thio- cystis rufa ; Thiosphcerion violacea ; Thiosphcera gelatinosa. Amoebobacteriacecs Amasbobacter : roseiis, bacillosus, granula ; Thiodictyon elegans ; the terms Thiothece and Thiopoly coccus Thiothece gelatinosa and Thiopoly coccus ruber. Thiopediacecs Thiopedia rosea. Lamprocystis roseo-persicina, violacea, gela- tinosa, rubra, and rosea. CONTENTS IX CHAPTER X. PAGE The Intimate Structure of the Cell . . . . .176 Introduction ; Beggiaioa alba ; Thioporphyra volutans ; Thiophysa volutans ; Beggiatoa mirabilis ; Chromatium Okenii ; Achroma- tiuni oxaliferum [Hillhousia mirabilis, Modderida Hartwigi) ; Achromatium mobile ; Thiovulum Mulleri ; Thiovulum majus ; Chromatium Linsbaiteri ; summary and conclusions. CHAPTER XL Irritability ; Influence of Light ; Chemiotactic Phenomena . 193 Irritability : introduction ; methods of investigation ; influence of light on the sulphur bacteria ; Engelmann's investigations ; photokinetic after-effect ; shock movements ; valve action of shock movements ; Molisch on shock movements. Distribution of purple bacteria in the various colours of the spectrum ; effect of colour on the absorption of light ; liberation of oxygen by the purple bacteria ; effect of light on the growth of the purple bacteria ; the function of light, photosynthesis ; the directive effect of light ; summary. Miyoshi's experiments ; Bengt Lidforss's work ; Molisch's experiments ; irritability and environment. Buder's researches : ciliary movements, reac- tion to light, shock movements, localization of area of sensitiveness, interpretation of results, CHAPTER XII. The Mechanics of Ciliary Movement. The Thionic Acid Bacteria. The Phylogeny of the Sulphur Bacteria . 216 The mechanics of ciliary movement. Thionic acid bacteria ; intro- duction, methods of culture; Thiobacillus thiopants ; Thio- bacillus denitrificans : Thiobacillus thiooxidans ; organisms isolated by Issatchenko and Salismowskaja, Thiobacilhis B., Bacillus crystalliferitm. Bacterium retiformans, Pseudomonas bipunctatum, Pseudomonas hyalina. Nomenclature of the thionic acid bacteria. The phylogeny of the sulphur bacteria; factors concerned in the evolution of the group ; summary. CHAPTER XIII. The Colouring Matter of the Sulphur Bacteria . . . 232 Introduction ; historical ; investigations of Lankester, Biitschli, Molisch ; methods ' of investigation ; absorption spectra ; colouring matter of Thioporphyra volutans; spectroscopic analysis of colouring matter of Thioporphyra volutans: spectro-photometric method of examination ; summary Bibliography ........ Index of Author's Names Index of Organisms General Index 243 255 257 259 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION— GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION— THE SULPHUR CYCLE IN NATURE— METHODS OF INVESTIGATION— PLEOMORPHISAl. Introduction. The term Sulphur Bacteria is usually applied to the members of the group which have sulphur globules in their cells. As a result of their activities compounds of the highest importance to the higher green plants are formed ; in fact these organisms constitute a cog in the machinery of life, a breakdown in which would sooner or later result in the elimination of mankind and the higher animals. It is inevitable that a great diversity of form should characterize a division of plants the members of which owe their grouping to a physiological trait that does not neces- sarily connote the possession of any other character, either mor- phological or physiological. An examination of the sulphur bacteria supplies sufficient evidence of the unsuitability of physiological classifications to express phylogenetic relation- ships. The sulphur bacteria include almost every variety of size and form that is to be found among the bacteria and allied organisms. Thus there are representatives of the bacillus, the coccus and the spirillum ; and in addition there are ovoid, filamentous and other shaped forms in the group. The size varies from one that is barely visible under the microscope to one that is large enough to permit of micro- tome sections. If the bacteria as a group were eliminated from our classifications and a distribution of the sulphur bacteria among the other classes became necessary, some would be added to I 2 SULPHUR BACTERIA the list of Alga?, others to the lower fungal groups, whilst a number would find a place among classes of the animal king- dom. If one compares, for example, the diversity of form and mode of life of Chromatium, Thiobacillus, Thiospirillum, and Beggiatoa, the phylogenetic unsoundness of the grouping becomes manifest. In the present stage of our knowledge, however, the grouping must remain in spite of this defect on account of its convenience for the further investigation of these interesting organisms. It is doubtful whether any group of plants excels the sulphur bacteria in the numerous aspects of biological interest that they show. We have in them the best examples of pleomor- phism shown by any group of organisms ; some of the mem- bers hold the first place in their sensitiveness to light. The sulphur metabolism is a subject of transcending interest. In addition, the sulphur bacteria show a great variety in form, in internal structure, and in the different phases of their development. If we regard these plants from the point of view of their more immediate utilitarian aspect there is much that calls for attention. In the first place, as the substance consumed by them is the foul-smelHng sulphuretted hydrogen, and as the chief end product in their metabolism is the com- pound, namely the sulphate, which is absorbed by the higher green plants, their place in the economy of nature is obvious. The higher green plants, from which, either directly or in- directly, all human beings draw their food, are suppHed with a necessary food material. Whilst the ultimate result of their activities is productive of great benefit to mankind their more immediate effects may be highly inconvenient, for when growth takes place in water conduits or in stagnant pools, a large volume of sohd organic matter is formed which chokes up the conduit pipes, and renders the water unfit for human consumption. Also, instances are known in which water thus affected has been rendered unfit for use in various industries. Indirectly the operations of the sulphur bacteria influence the play of other forces of great economic importance. The role of bacteria in the transformation of muds, sands, and other INTRODUCTION ■ 3 accumulations that contain organic matter, is one that is important, and is in some instances considerably influenced by the activities of the sulphur bacteria. The stench of black muds on the foreshore and the pollution which attends the heaping together of mud, sand, and organic matter on our shores cannot be neglected. Among the factors which must be reckoned with are the activities of the sulphur bacteria. Again, some of these organisms develop freely in sewage- contaminated water, and may be utilized in the detection of sewage contamination in water supposed to be sewage free. The sulphur bacteria abound in sulphur wells, and although they do not produce the salts which give such wells their real or alleged healing qualities, inasmuch as they multiply freely in such waters, the nature of the products of their metabolism is of interest to those who consume the water. Connotation of the Term " Sulphur Bacteria." The list of bacteria that effect changes in sulphur com- pounds is a fairly comprehensive one. The changes include oxidation processes as well as reduction processes. We may represent the nature of the changes as follows : — Sulphide ^ Sulphur ^ Sulphate. Thus complete oxidation as w^ell as complete reduction of the sulphur element may be effected. The term sulphur bacteria embraces only those organisms which oxidize the HgS to S, store the latter temporarily in their bodies, and then oxidize it to SO4. The term is thus used in a restricted sense, for there are other bacteria which bring about chemical changes in sulphur compounds. Thus we have : — • 1. Thionic Acid Bacteria or Thiosiilphate Bacteria, which oxidize thiosulphates to tetrathiosulphates and sulphates in accordance with the equations SNa^SaOa + 50= aNa^SO^ + Na^S^Oe, NagSgOa + 0 = Na2S04 + S. 2. Denitrifying Thiosiilphate Bacteria, which effect the oxidation of sulphites, thiosulphates, sulphuretted hydrogen, 4 SULPHUR BACTERIA or sulphur to sulphates, the necessary oxygen being obtained by the reduction of nitrates. 3. Siilphale-redncing Bacteria, which effect the reduction of sulphates, sulphites, and thiosulphates to sulphuretted hydrogen. 4. Saprophytic Bacteria, which by their activities liberate sulphuretted hydrogen from the organic molecule. Although these four classes of bacteria are concerned with the sulphur metabolism, they are not termed sulphur bacteria. Subdivision of the Sulphur Bacteria. — The first division is based on the presence or absence of colour. 1. Colourless sulphur bacteria. 2. Coloured sulphur bacteria. The colouring matter is composite in structure, and the sum total of the ingredients imparts to the organism a purple colour. The purple colouring matter is also found in bacteria other than the sulphur bacteria. Whilst it has not yet been proved that the association of this colouring matter with the sulphur metabolism is other than accidental, it is a note- worthy fact that all the coloured sulphur bacteria are coloured with the same group of pigments. Although there are con- siderable differences in the tints of the various growths of sulphur bacteria, they differ only in degree, not in kind. The differences are due to variations in the proportions in which the constituent colouring substances are present. Geographical Distribution of the Sulphur Bacteria. If we consider the conditions which favour the multiplica- tion of the sulphur bacteria, it is not surprising that their distribution is universal. They thrive equally well in salt water and fresh water. They occur wherever saprophytic decomposition results in the production of sulphuretted hydro- gen, and wherever, in addition, the water is shallow, the supply of oxygen not abundant, and the temperature suitable. As these conditions are obtainable in all parts of the world, with the exception of certain areas with special conditions (polar regions, deserts, etc.), the sulphur bacteria are universally INTRODUCTION 5 distributed. They are noticeable in the pools among the rocks on the shore where seaweed is undergoing decomposition, in shallow pools polluted with sewage, at the mouths of sulphur wells, and in many shallow waters, both marine and fresh, in which organic matter is present in solution, and in which the conditions as to oxygen, hydrogen sulphide, etc., are suitable. If various putrescent organic masses (remains of animals and plants) be enclosed in bottles, covered with water, and stoppered up, and if these be left exposed to light, the development of purple sulphur bacteria may almost with certainty be observed in some of them after a few weeks. Their development on a large scale is seen in shallow land- locked bays in which seaweeds and other plant debris are in a state of putrefaction. Near Copenhagen, where such con- ditions prevail, and where some of the bays on their shore side are filled with decomposing material, the purple sulphur bacteria impart their colour to the whole of the water occupied by the decomposing material. The same phenomenon has been observed in various bays in Jamaica, where broad stretches of water off certain of the shores are tinted purple from the same cause. Isolated patches of purple arc comparatively common on most shores on which seaweed is undergoing decomposition. It is not surprising that observations of the occurrence of the coloured sulphur bacteria should date from early times, or that they have been recorded from many sources, for their appearance in mass is sufficiently distinctive to draw the attention of even the least observant. The record of the occurrence of the colour- less sulphur bacteria is not so extensive, owing to the drabness of the colour of their mass cultures. These usually assume a grey felted appearance. Thienemann records that Aristotle remarked on the white patches in certain rivers, and that Pliny called attention to the blood-red colour of the " Vul- sinischen " Sea * in the year 208 B.C. It is doubtful, however, whether the sulphur bacteria were responsible in these cases, * Now called Lago di Bolsena, in Etruria, Italy. 6 SULPHUR BACTERIA for the white patches in rivers are almost certainly the result of the multiplication of those species designated somewhat loosely as sewage-fungi ; and the blood-red water could not have been tinted by the sulphur bacteria, for these are found only in shallow waters. The observations on coloured sulphur bacteria are numer- ous. The following recorders among others may be noted : — {a) Egypt, Arabia, Siberia. — Ehrenberg, Chr. G. (1830) ; Hirsch, B. (1874). [b) Germany. — Ehrenberg, Chr. G. (1830) ; Corda, A. J. C. (1835) ; Cohn, F. (1875) ; Zopf, W. (1882) ; Engler, A. (1882) ; Winogradsky, S. (1887) ; Zacharias, O. (1903) ; Kolkwitz, R. (1914) ; Duggeli, M. (1917) ; Buder, J. (1919) ; Gicklhorn, J. (1921). (c) Great Britain. — Lankester, Ray (1873) ; Klein, E. (1875); Ewart, A. J. (1897); Skene, Macgregor (1914) ; Ellis, D. (1924-30) (d) France.- — Fontan, A., and Joly, N. (1844) ; Gerardin (1873). [e) Russia.- — Weisse, J. F. (1845) ; Winogradsky, S. (1884) ; Jegunow, M. (1898) ; Nadson, G. A. (1903) ; Omclianski, W. (1904) ; Arzichowsky, W. (1902) ; Elenkin, A. A. (1914) ; Issatchenko, B. L. (1913-14). (/) Italy. — Trevisan, V. (1842) ; Hinze, G. (l 914- 1 5). (g) Denmark. — Warming, E. (1875). (h) yapan.—Miyoshi, M. (1897). [i] Holland. — Beijerinck, M. W. (1904). (7) Ceylon. — Crow, W. B. (1923). (k) United States of America. — Waksman, S. A. (1922) ; Baas-Becking, L. G. M. (1924). [l] Sweden. — Gertz, 0., and Naumann, E. (191 6). (m) Poland. — Szafer, W. (1910) ; vStrzeszcwski, B. (191 3). [n) Pyrenees. — Joly, N. (1882). It will be evident from this list that the countries represented in it are those that contain investigators, and that absence of representation is due to the lack of investigators, not to the absence of the sulphur bacteria. Strzeszevvski (i) has made a study of the plant associations INTRODUCTION 7 in the flora of three sulphur wells in West Galicia. In these the following grouping prevails : — 1. First Zone.— Rich in HgS ; yellow-green Cyanophycece and purple bacteria, particularly in the case of the latter, the more motile forms. Absence of Beggiatoa, Diatomacece, and Chlorophycece. 2. Second Zone. — Less rich in H2S (0-4 gram per 10 kilogram H2O). Fewer of Cyanophycece, a few Diatomacece, and no Beggiatoa. 3. Third Zone. — Very small amount of HgS. Rich in Diatomacecs, BeggiatoacecE, Chlorophycece and non-thermoph- ilous Cyanophycece. Complete absence of purple bacteria. The Sulphur Cycle in Nature. Plant and animal remains are attacked by hordes of saprophytic bacteria, and, after death, the protoplasmic molecule undergoes a number of transformations. Such a molecule may be compared to an accumulator as a storehouse of energy. The bacteria which nature uses as scavengers liberate some of the stored up energy in the molecule, and at the same time obtain material for their sustenance. In essentials the protoplasmic molecule is composed of a complex of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and phos- phorus atoms. With each transformation the level of energy is brought lower, and the molecule becomes less complex in structure. The final stage is reached when the original component atoms of the protoplasmic molecule have become changed to carbon dioxide, water, nitrates, sulphates, and phosphates. After complete oxidation the protoplasmic molecule has descended to its nadir position as a source of energy. Sulphur is liberated as a constituent of the amino-acids cystine and the associated cysteine, and sulphuretted hydrogen is formed, either directly or indirectly, from one or other of these compounds. This sulphide is then absorbed by the sulphur bacteria, and the sulphur ultimately appears in the surrounding water in the form of sulphates. The develop- ment of sulphates is not, however, a simple progression, for 8 SULPHUR BACTERIA usually there are many kinds of different bacteria in competition and some of them effect oxidation, whilst others effect the reduction of the sulphur element. Also the environmental conditions are continually changing, so that at every change the organisms which for the moment had gained the upper hand in the decomposition of the protoplasmic molecule now find themselves supplanted by other microbes which in their turn must give way to others with fresh changes in the environment. The sulphate may be reduced to elementary sulphur if the supply of oxygen be scanty, or possibly even to sulphuretted hydrogen if there be no oxygen present. The elementary sulphur may unite with iron or other metals to form sulphides. Again, the sulphide may be replaced by carbonic acid to form carbonates. Some bacteria oxidize thiosulphates to thio- persulphates. Ultirfiately, however, all the sulphur is com- bined in the form of sulphates, in which condition it cannot be further exploited as a source of energy by bacteria. To return to our metaphor, in the condition of sulphate the accumulator is discharged, and must be connected up with some source of energy if the sulphur is to be made once more available to build up the protoplasmic molecule. This is supplied by the sun through the medium of green plants. The sulphates are absorbed by the roots of green plants, and enter into combination with the carbohydrates built up by the carbon-assimilation of the plants. Eventually the sulphur which has been caught in this stream becomes a part of the protoplasmic molecule once more, and the cycle is complete. As the energy of the universe is derived from green plants (and a small number of minute animals), and as all animals arc, directly or indirectly, nourished by green plants, the sulphur in the protoplasmic molecule of such plants may pass into and become incorporated with the protoplasmic molecule of various animals. In such cases the sulphur-containing pro- teins of the plants enter into the composition of the proto- plasmic molecule of the animal. When the animal dies, the fate of the sulphur element, speaking generally, is the same INTRODUCTION 9 as that of the same element in the protoplasmic molecule of the vegetable. The changes to which we have referred are concerned only with the relationships of bacteria and similar micro- organisms to the protoplasmic molecule in the economy of nature. Sulphur may of course be removed from the bowels of the earth, and may be taken up as a sulphate or a sulphide into the cycle governed by the activities of microorganisms. Or again, the sulphur may lie dormant in such substances as coal, and, after a rest of some millions of years in that form, be once more taken up into the stream of that cycle. When coal is burnt sulphur compounds are liberated into the air, or spread over the surface of the earth. The converse must also follow^, namely, the removal from the cycle of sulphur compounds which may lie dormant for seons before being brought back into circulation. Speaking generally, all microorganismal and all combustion processes either directly or indirectly bring about the complete oxidation of the of the sulphur atom, and the reactions which bring about this condition are exothermic. The sulphur bacteria are thus like all plants and animals in that they require sources of energy to make possible the various manifestations associated with life. These manifesta- tions are necessarily in their totality exothermic processes. As will be shown in the following pages, however, it is probable that the purple sulphur bacteria are able to do constructive work in virtue of their ability to absorb energy from the sun's rays. In this they resemble the plants and animals that pos- sess chlorophyll, and as in the case of green plants such energy is directed to the building up from simpler compounds of more complex substances which thus become storehouses of potential energy. The conversion of stored energy to what may be named " vital " energy takes place when the more complex substances revert to simpler forms, thereby liberating some of their energy. The same laws regulate the changes of energy in the animate as in the inanimate world. SULPHUR BACTERIA Methods of Investigation. Our knowledge of the sulphur bacteria has been built up by the application of three methods of examination, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. 1. Direct Observation under Natural Conditions. — This is the best method of observing the developmental life-his- tory of these bacteria, provided that the organisms can be recognized with certainty, and readily distinguished from all other organisms occupying the same field. The sulphur bacteria are then observed in the normal course of their development under natural conditions, and in competition w^ith other organisms of the same class. The sulphur in- clusions and the purple colour are noticeable features which make their identification easy, and facilitate the identification of the passage of an organism from one phase of development to another. When observations of the same mass-cultures are conducted at periodical intervals throughout the whole year, the course of the life-history of an organism is sometimes easy to follow. Also, in such cases it is often possible to observe in organic connection two different forms of growth which, without the observation of such connection, would be regarded as specifically distinct. The valuable observations of Zopf on both the coloured and colourless sulphur 'bacteria were obtained by this method, and the same applies to the published observations of the majority of the other mor- phologists who have studied these bacteria. This method is particularly valuable when the organism under observation is present in very large numbers, as is usually the case in mass- cultures of the sulphur bacteria. 2. Glass Slide and Coverslip Observations. — This method was favoured by Winogradsky (1-3), and is described in Chap. IV. In essentials it consists in placing material on a glass slide and observing it at periodic intervals, so that the same individuals are viewed after sufficient time has elapsed to enable them^ to advance in growth. This method is valuable when it supplies positive results, but no deductions are permissible from the negative results obtained by its use. If negative results are INTRODUCTION ii obtained by this method it does not follow that the results will be invariably negative under all conditions of growth. The sulphur bacteria are exceedingly plastic, and it is not to be expected that all their capabilities will be manifested under the artificial conditions of the glass slide and coverslip ob- servations. Under the stress of competition with other organ- isms in nature they sometimes exhibit a variety of forms that do not appear when they are cultivated under cloistered conditions. Hence if a certain phase of development is observed under natural conditions the value of the discovery is not nullified if the same development cannot be produced under certain other artificial conditions. With such plastic organisms special circumstances bring out special reactions. Special emphasis is laid on this point because in the observa- tions of some of the investigators, and notably of Winogradsky, it seems to be assumed that that which does not appear under artificial conditions cannot appear under natural conditions under any circumstances whatsoever. 3. Method of Pure Culture. — Pure cultures of the sulphur bacteria have been obtained by Keil for the colourless, and by Bavendamm for the coloured, bacteria. This is the most valuable method of observation in the investigation of physiological problems, many of which cannot be determined in any other way. The same defect is, however, inherent in this as in the previous method, for the course of the life- history of bacteria is seldom the same under the artificial conditions under which the cultivation must necessarily be conducted, as it is under natural conditions. Hence whilst the positive results obtained by this method are invaluable, and particularly in physiological investigations, judgment must be deferred if the results are negative, especially if such results are in contradiction to the positive results obtained by other methods. All three methods have contributed their share to the building up of the present body of our knowledge of the sulphur bacteria. 12 SULPHUR BACTERIA Pleomorphism. By pleomorphism is meant the capacity of an organism to assume diverse forms. A culture of bacteria may contain several variant forms simultaneously, or these may be formed in succession. Bacteria in general are noteworthy for the ease with which changes in form occur in them. The ease with which certain physiological changes bring about changes in the external appearance of bacterial cells is a matter of common knowledge. Probably no other organisms possess greater plasticity in this respect. Unless, for example, a wide range is given to the dimensions of a bacillus, a state- ment of its length or its thickness has little value for purposes of identification. It is a matter of common ob- servation, too, that, under certain circumstances the rate of growth in size and the rate of division of bacteria do not run parallel. The rate of each is dependent on circumstances of which at present we have very little knowledge. If the rate of division is accelerated the individuals of successive generations become progressively smaller. Under certain cir- cumstances the rate of division of Crenothrix polyspora, one of the iron bacteria, may so far exceed the rate of its growth that the individuals may be so reduced in size that they are barely visible with the highest powers of the microscope. Again, the change that takes place in the size of the individuals of a bacterial culture after frequent subculture is well known. Further, every living bacterial cell is at all times covered by a delicate covering of slime formed by transformation of the outermost layer of the membrane. Given certain conditions, this slime formation increases in intensity, and the motility of the cell is retarded, and may even cease altogether. Conversely, by the elimination of excessive slime formation non-motile forms may be made to assume motility.* Other instances could be adduced in illustration of the morphological plas- ticity of bacteria. Over 2000 species of the genus bacillus * By subculturing at the very earliest sign of growth on the surface of agar-slope cultures, the motility of organisms may be considerably en- hanced, and even forms regarded as non-motile may be made to assume motility (Ellis (2-3)). INTRODUCTION 13 alone have been described, and, in all probability, with greater knowledge of the capacity of bacteria to accomplish morpho- logical changes it should be possible to reduce this number considerably. Organisms like Bacillus subiilis, for example, must have been described under numerous names, for the aggregate of its characters is never exactly the same from one generation to another. The difference between these slight changes in the form of bacterial organisms and pleomorphism is one of degree not of kind. The change of form in pleomorphism is more pronounced and probably more sudden in its appearance. The sulphur bacteria are at a stage in which, compared with the lower bacteria, a slight advance in evolutionary progress has taken place. Developments that are mere tendencies in the lower bacteria have become more or less crystallized in them. In some the filamentous condition is normal for the species, slime formation is a characteristic feature of develop- ment, and the zoogloea condition with its enclosed mass of bacteria makes its appearance. Such developments have not, however, resulted in the stabilization of any one of the forms of growth, and so in the life-history of some of the species it is possible to find forms of growth of different morphological features. The changes in form may take place in successive generations or the differences may all appear in the same generation. Or again, the culture may be unimorphic for several generations and then, under the influence of certain (at present unknown) changes, become pleomorphic. It is evident that the proof of the existence of pleomorphism can be obtained only by chance, or by the long-continued in- vestigation of an organism, when at length some proof may be expected. It cannot be demonstrated with regularity, because the conditions w^hich bring about its manifestation are at present unknown. The evidence for the existence of pleomorphism in the sulphur bacteria may now be set forth. 14 SULPHUR BACTERIA Evidence of the Occurrence of Pleomorphism in the Sulphur Bacteria. Lankester (i) and (2) found a "peach-coloured bac- terium " on decomposing animal remains (caddis worms) in an Oxford laboratory. This organism [Bacterium ruhescens) assumed a bewildering variety of forms, all tinted with a purple colouring matter which Lankester named Bacterio- purpurin, and all contained inclusions which we now know to be sulphur granules. In this case we have either to assume that a dozen or more different species of the comparatively rare sulphur-containing purple bacteria had all settled simul- taneously on the caddis worms, or that all were pleomorphic variations of one or at most two or three species. Lankester chose to make the latter assumption, and gave one name to all the variants, namely, Bacterium rubescens. Warming examined the purple covering on the surface of decomposing vegetable remains on the Danish coast, and there found an organism of a similar protean habit. He regarded it as another species of the same genus as that described by Lankester, and named it Bacterium sulfuratiim. At the time (1876) the number of bacteria of all kinds which had been described was very small, and both Lankester and Warming considered that the total number of species was very hmited. Indeed, Warming deduced from his experience of Bacterium sulfiiratum that all bacteria had an unlimited capacity for changes of form, and could all with propriety be brought within the compass of a single genus. Warming was the first to make a clear pronouncement on the existence of pleomorphism, although with the hmited knowledge that was then at his disposal he overstated the case. The most important part of Warming's contribution was his discovery of intermediate forms. He figures two or three hundred varieties all found in the same medium and linking up by innumerable inter- mediate forms the most diversely shaped varieties. Recently Bavendamm has recorded the appearance in his artificial cultures of an organism which he considers as identical with Bacterium sulfiiratum. This was a dull red irregular rod- INTRODUCTION 15 shaped organism of sizes varying from 3/x to I2/^, although some extended to 58/x. As Bavendanim regards Warming's Bacterium sulfuratum as a composite species he was not able to place the organism, and hazarded the conjecture that it was a Rhahdochromatium. Zopf, in 1882, made a distinct advance in our knowledge. He also had found an extremely variable purple-coloured microbe, which he named Beggiatoa roseo-persicina. Up to Zopf's time the evidence of pleomorphism had been of a purely circumstantial nature, as is, indeed, the greater part of biological evidence. He considerably strengthened the case for pleomorphism by observing the actual transition of one type of structure into another. Thus in his Spaltpflanzen, Tafel 15, Figs. 3a, 3^, and 4 obviously show a stage in the transition from the filamentous to the coccus form. He thus observed the development of one fundamental form from the other. Then again, he traced the passing of coccus forms into the zoogloea condition. Zopf witnessed the actual liberation of the end portion of a thread of Beggiatoa alba and its conversion into a spiral structure, which on liberation was observed to swim away ; in that form it was indistinguish- able from a typical spirillum of the lower bacteria. If seen apart, such an organism would indubitably have been assigned to the genus spirillum. It is evident from Zopf's work that the filamentous form, the short rod, the coccus, and the spirillum may be combined in one species. In 1888 appeared Winogradsky's Beitrdge ziir Morphologie iind Physiologie der Bacterien, which has greatly influenced subsequent investigations. In this work a completely different view is presented. He starts with de Bary's dictum that a species is not determinable until its developmental history is known. The soundness of this axiom cannot of course be questioned, but there are objections to the interpretations that are given to it by Winogradsky. The implication is made in his writings that, if an organism is put under observation under a given set of circumstances all the possible, developmental phases of which it is capable will be exhibited during that period. Winogradsky's method i6 , SULPHUR BACTERIA of observation is described on page 53. The organism under observation is confined between glass slide and coverslip, and treated with HgS at appropriate intervals (he held that the introduction of organic matter was not necessary). When under these artificial conditions the one phase of growth under observation did not develop into some diflferent develop- mental phase, he concluded in efi^ect that the transformation was not possible under any combination of circumstances under natural conditions. He held that two phases of growth belonged to one and the same species, provided that it was possible by a continuous-observation experiment to effect the transformation of the one into the other. When he failed to accomplish this, the different phases of growth were to be adjudged as belonging to different species. On the strength of the negative results obtained in this way Winogradsky discounted the positive information obtained by the earlier investigators ; and he felt justified in consequence in launching a number of new genera and species, as each phase of growth observed by him was regarded as a separate organism. Of the numerous genera and species which are recorded by him we know practically nothing of the developmental history. As we know also practically nothing of their internal struc- ture, or their methods of reproduction, it must be held that Winogradsky's contributions have added somewhat to the difficulties of subsequent investigations into the morphology of the sulphur bacteria. It was inevitable that the attention given to Winogradsky's investigations should have obscured the evidence for pleo- morphism obtained by the earlier writers ; for the greater part new organisms have been described after observation under only one set of circumstances, and their pleomorphic possibilities have seldom been considered. It has inevitably followed that comparatively large numbers of new organisms have appeared, and have been labelled without adequate study of their structure, their developmental history, or their methods of reproduction. The consequences which have followed this attitude when applied to the classification of the sulphur bacteria have been unfortunate, and will be described in later pages. INTRODUCTION 17 It is of interest here to note one definite positive result in favour of pleomorphism which was obtained by Wino- gradsky himself. He records the growth of cells inside the slimy covering of an organism which he has named Thiocystis violacea. The cells which were at first globular were observed to change shape and become elliptical until the length was double the thickness. Then he observed the escape of these altered cells from their slimy covering. The slime lost its firm consistency, became swollen, and finally disappeared, thus freeing the enclosed cells, which then disappeared from the field of view in aggregated masses of varying sizes. The removal was effected by their own organs of motility which were probably cilia. An interesting piece of evidence in favour of pleomorphism is supplied to us by Bavendamm in his study of Chromatium Warmingii forma minus. Although this organism has been studied by previous investigators the variation in question was not observed until Bavendamm cultivated it under new conditions, namely, the conditions of pure culture. The result was the development of buds on the cells, somewhat similar to the buds which normally appear on yeast cells. Also the buds of different cells appeared to be able to effect fusion as though preparatory to sexual reproduction. Al- though this must not be regarded as a definite example of pleomorphism, it does show that when the normal conditions of growth are altered the organisms readily respond by chang- ing their structure and normal habits. The Author's Investigations. The detailed life-history of the organism Thioporphyra volutans is given in Chap. VIII. We may here, however, call attention to the evidence in favour of pleomorphism which was obtained by the investigation of this organism. The species is normally a large uni- or diplo-coccus of a purple colour, and with sulphur inclusions (Figs. 33-35). Under certain cir- cumstances buds are formed on the cocci in great profusion, and result in the culture fluid assuming a deep purple tint. 2 i8 SULPHUR BACTERIA The buds, when quite small, are abstricted from the parent organism, each usually containing a single sulphur granule (Fig. 35). They are found in the surrounding medium in aggregated masses, and are devoid of movement. Without the proof supplied by the organic connection of the buds with the parent organism they would ordinarily have been regarded as a species of Lamprocystis. Although pure cultures of Thioporphyra volutans have not yet been obtained it is possible to intensify its growth in an artificial medium (see p. 62), which in consequence of its growth becomes tinted purple. The individuals, however, are much smaller in size. They vary from cocci of lO/x in diameter (the normal size) to small globules that are only if/i, in diameter. With sufficient assiduity it would have been possible to arrange the cocci in a descending series in which any particular form was a fraction of a /a smaller than the preceding unit, until the minimum of if /a had been reached. A further proof of pleomorphism was supplied by Chro- •niatium Linsbaueri, which was found in a small pool of water in the Epping Forest, near London. The normal form of the organism is ovoid, and it was this type of structure that was presented in all but one of the samples that were periodically sent to the writer. In the exceptional sample, however, it was found that about 10 per cent, of the individuals were spiral-shaped. As the general structure and colour of this organism are of a very distinctive nature, and as the two forms were absolutely alike in every other respect except that of shape, there was every reason for the conclusion that both were variants of the same organism (see Fig. 30 C). Although the organism Cladothrix dichotoma is not one of the sulphur bacteria, it is sufiiciently closely related to regard evidence of pleomorphism in it as contributary evidence of pleomorphism in the sulphur bacteria. The threads of Cladothrix dichotoma were observed in a particular solid medium culture to be violently agitated, and to break up into spirally wound fragments of short lengths, each of which developed polar cilia. Intercalary fragments were observed to " sidestep " from the threads, assume a spiral form, and INTRODUCTION 19 rapidly separate themselves from the parent threads (see Ellis (5)). Another form of pleomorphism is observed in Crenothrix polyspora, another of the iron bacteria. There are occasions when this organism departs from its normal structure. The cells inside the sheath which envelops them break loose and divide up into minute round fragments, and in that state con- tinue an existence which is totally different from that normal to this organism, so much so that seen separately the two forms would not be assigned to the same species. The evidence points to the occurrence of pleomorphism, not as a normal, or perhaps even a frequent phenomenon in the life-histories of the sulphur bacteria, but rather as one likely to occur with great frequency if certain conditions pre- vail, or arise with any degree of frequency. If they do not arise then it is probable that the organism remains unimorphic indefinitely. The possibility, however, of its appearance must be taken into account in framing a system of classification of the sulphur bacteria. CHAPTER II. THE PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN AND ITS ASSIMILATION BY THE SULPHUR BACTERIA. Natural Sources of Sulphuretted Hydrogen. I. Decomposition of Albuminous Substances. — Animal and plant remains furnish the most important material from which sulphuretted hydrogen is formed. These are attacked by saprophytic microorganisms, and in the resulting decompo- sition sulphuretted hydrogen is liberated. The majority of the forty or fifty natural proteins which occur in plants and animals contain sulphur, and probably about 90 per cent, of the saprophytic organisms in the soil are able to effect the liberation of sulphuretted hydrogen from albuminous material (see p. 26). Emil Fischer and his pupils have shown that the protein molecule is built up of amino-acids, so that the liberation of sulphuretted hydrogen will follow from the degradation of amino-acids which contain sulphur. The sole representatives of such acids are cystine, the associated cysteine, and glutathione, which has recently been shown by Nicolet, and Kendall and his co-workers, to be a tripeptide y-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine bearing the structure H,N . CH(COOH) . CH, . CH, . CO i NH . CH(CH,SH) . CO ; NH . CH.COOH [H^N . CH(COOH)CH, . CH,, . COOH] [H,N . CH(CH,SH)COOH] [H^N . CH^ . COOH] Glutamic acid. Cysteine. Glycine. Cystine is COOH . CH(NH2)CHo . S . S . CH^ . CHINH^) . COOH. Cysteine can be converted to cystine by oxidation. rCHo— S— H CH2— S— S— CH2 I II 2]CH.NH2 +0 >CH.NH2 CH . NH^ + H^O I II ICOOH COOH COOH THE PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN 21 The formation of sulphuretted hydrogen from cysteine is given in the following equation : — CH2— S— H CH3 CH . NH2 + H., — > CH . NH2 + H2S 1 I COOH COOH or it may be indirectly formed through such intermediate compounds as a-Thiolactic acid (CH3 . CH . SH . COOH), ThioglycoUic acid (CH^ . SH . COOH), and Methyl mercaptan (CH3 . SH). The presence of sulphuretted hydrogen in tube cultures is easily demonstrated by means of filter paper, which has been previously soaked in lead acetate solution. The paper thus treated is placed inside a tube containing a growing culture, and turns black from the formation of lead sulphide if sulphuretted hydrogen be given off. Or, the gas may be re- cognized by the formation of the black ferrous sulphide in the presence of iron salts. The sulphur, when dissolved by aceto-carmine, crystallizes outside the cells, where it forms typical fiat octohedra (see Fig. 34^), or the globules may be treated with hot potassium cyanide and ferric chloride, when they turn a blood-red colour from the formation of ferric thiocyanate Fe(CNS)3. The chemical tests, however, are nor- mally not necessary because the appearance of the sulphur globules in these cells is so characteristic that they can be identified from their general appearance. There are means of effecting the liberation of hydrogen sulphide other than from an amino-acid split off from a protein molecule. Thus the decomposition of protein matter by some of the saprophytic bacteria is attended by the formation of a scum of sulphur on the surface of the culture fluid. Such sulphur must have been derived from albuminous matter. Its union with hydrogen to form sulphuretted hydrogen is described later. 22 SULPHUR BACTERIA Selinsky and Brussilowsky succeeded in effecting the decomposition of a substance in which the S was combined with two carbon atoms, and such being the case, they con- cluded that the formation of hydrogen sulphide could have resulted only after an antecedent liberation of free sulphur ; and that the hydrogen sulphide resulted from its subsequent union with hydrogen. It must be noted that this implies the union of hydrogen with sulphur at ordinary temperature. As ferments, however, cause reactions within the living body at ordinary temperatures, which, when carried out by acids, demand heat, there should be no difficulty in accepting the possibility of the union of hydrogen and sulphur at the ordinary temperature when the reaction is controlled by vital forces. 2. Reduction of Inorganic Compounds containing Sulphur. [a) Reduction of Sulphates. — Beijerinck (2) found that some bacteria, cultivated under anaerobic conditions, effected the reduction of sulphates to hydrogen sulphide. Again the pro- duction of the sulphide is a common occurrence in muds and other sediments in which the supply of oxygen is small and the supply of organic matter large. One organism of this kind which w^as isolated was named Bacterium hydro- sulfureum. It is pointed out by Nadson that the ability to reduce sulphate is characteristic of a large number of organisms, given suitable conditions, and that many of such bacteria, for example Proteus vulgaris and Bacillus vulgaris, are not anaerobes, so that the reduction of sulphur may take place in the presence of an abundant supply of oxygen. Beijerinck has studied the chemistry of this reduction and states that in black mud the following changes take place: — (1) SO4-- > H,S. (2) H2S + Fe++ > FeS. (3) H2S + Fe+++ — > FeS + S. (4) FeS + H2CO3 — ^ FeCOg + H.S. (5) H^S — ^ S. (6) S > SO4- -. (7) S > Hp. (Quoted from Baas-Becking (i).) THE PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN 23 Hence the sulphur atom in black mud runs the gamut of changes from complete oxidation to the form of sulphate to complete reduction to the form of the sulphide. His conclu- sions are generally accepted although Baas-Becking points out that in the case of one of the reactions, namely, No. (4), the change is carried out in alkaline water with a considerable buffer value, for the amount of COg must be considerable, which first lowers the alkalinity and then effects the change indicated in the reaction. He argues that to effect this reaction in the mud the concentration of CO2 in the bottom of the sea over- lying the black mud of the Black Sea must be at least sixty times greater than the concentration known to exist at the surface, and concludes that in such places this particular change is not possible unless there is present another source of acidity in addition to the carbon dioxide. It is highly probable that the supply of carbon dioxide is supplemented under these conditions, for such black sand contains not only acid-producing organisms but also the organic material which makes possible their multiplication. [h) Reduction of Thio sulphates. — Holschewnikoff found that the two organisms Vibrio hydrosulfureiis and Bacterium hydrosulfuricum ponticum, which he had isolated from mud at Wiesbaden, effected the change of sodium thiosulphate (NagSaOg) to hydrogen sulphide when cultivated in appropriate media. (c) Reduction of Sulphites. — Beijerinck showed that the yeast plant under appropriate conditions reduces oxy-sulphur compounds to hydrogen sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide is thus a direct or an indirect deriva- tive of the decomposition of organic matter under the agency of various saprophytic microorganisms. Under aerobic con- ditions it is broken off directly from a constituent of the protein molecule. Under anaerobic or micro-aerobic conditions its formation is more indirect and is bound up with a reduction process. 3. By Direct Union of Hydrogen and Sulphur. — The direct union of hydrogen and sulphur may be effected by the vital activity of microorganisms. Some writers have claimed that 24 SULPHUR BACTERIA a definite principle, a ferment, or something of a similar nature, is secreted by certain microorganisms, and that this principle effects the union of these elements. Miquel named it a ferment sulf-hydrique. The use of the word ' ferment,' to denote the agent of an endothermic reaction of this nature, is contrary to the usually accepted meaning of that term. Duclaux considered that hydrogen was liberated by the organism, and that the union with sulphur took place outside the cells in the surrounding medium, not inside them, as claimed by Miquel. Beijerinck has confirmed this statement, and has cited the following experiment in justification of his view. Two flasks are filled, one with fresh water, ferrolactate, flowers of sulphur, and ditch water, and the other with the first, second, and fourth only, of these ingredients. Both are allowed to decompose by the activity of the microorganisms contained in the ditch water. It is found that ferrous sulphide is formed in both flasks. As the sulphide is formed in the second flask which contained no added sulphur, he concludes that in all probability the sulphide in the first flask was also formed independently of the sulphur added to it ; and hence that the union of hydrogen and sulphur is in both cases a secondary reaction which takes place outside the cell. It has been claimed by Rey-Pailhade that the synthesis of hydrogen and sulphur is effected by certain yeasts, and that a specific substance which he named Philothion is secreted by the plant to effect the union. No experimental evidence for the existence of this ferment has been supplied. The Production of Hydrogen Sulphide under Marine Conditions. The deeper layers of marine waters containing hydrogen sulphide are completely devoid of the fauna and flora which occupy the upper layers. The Black Sea, which was investi- gated by the Russian Deep Sea Expedition of 1891, is a case in point. The water was found to contain the sulphide at all depths, and below 200 — 400 metres macroscopic organisms were completely absent. The following table gives the amount of hydrogen sulphide at the various depths : — THE PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN 25 Depth in Metres. Vol. H2S in c.c. per Litre of Water. 213 427 2026 2528 0-33 2-22 5-55 6-55 The water at the sea bottom contained twenty times as much hydrogen sulphide as the surface layers.* This seems to indicate that the sulphide in the lower layers originates from the sea bottom as a result of the active decomposition of organic matter under anaerobic or micro-aerobic conditions, for it would be difiticult otherwise to account for the presence of the sulphide. The Limans. This name is given to the shallow salt marshes at the mouths of the Dnieper which open into the Black Sea at Odessa. The bed of these marshes is composed of black mud which reeks of hydrogen sulphide, and is alkaline in reaction. On exposure to air it turns a grey colour, but be- comes black once more when covered with water. Anaerobic bacteria liberating hydrogen sulphide have been isolated from this mud, and one has been identified as the Vibrio hydro- sulfureiis to which reference has already been made. It is claimed that this organism is responsible for the reduction of oxy-sulphur compounds to the substance which imparts the black colour to the mud. This is a hydrate of sulphur and iron, and forms a black colloidal covering to the other con- stituents of the marsh bed. The Author's Investigation of the Black Sand of the Clyde Estuary. In various localities on the Clyde, the sand of the shore is deep black in colour, and its formation is intimately associated with the multiplication of bacteria which produce hydrogen sulphide (see Ellis (8)). The blackness disappears *The adjacent Sea of Marmora and the other neighbouring seas are normal in respect to their content of hydrogen sulphide. 26 SULPHUR BACTERIA when the sand is allowed to dry ; it then assumes a grey or sometimes a golden-brown colour, similar to the normal sand in the same neighbourhood. When it is again wetted the black colour returns. The following facts have been determined : — (i) Number of Bacteria. — The following figures give the " total count " of bacteria in sand selected from different parts of the Clyde : — - No. of Sample. I 120,000 per gram^ 2 100,000 ,, 3 10,000 , 4 ■ 2,916,000 , 5 1,000,000 , 6 3,000,000 , 7 40,000 , 8 400,000 , 9 2,000,000 , 10 30,000 , II 600,000 , 12 100,000 , Calculated on sand with- >. out freeing it of its water content. It was found that at least nine-tenths of these bacteria liberated hydrogen sulphide under appropriate conditions of cultivation. (2) Organic Matter, Total Iron, and Moisture. — The amounts of these constituents are given as percentages in the following table : — No. of Sample. HoO. Fe. Organic Matter. I 19-0 0-53 2-2 2 25-6 0-56 3-0 3 29-0 0-36 1-2 4 20-4 0-43 07 Two other samples examined independently by workers in the author's laboratory gave 0-187 pcr cent, and 0*189 per cent, respectively for the total iron content. * Subsequent counts on other samples from the same district gave the figures 600,000, 650,000, 400,000. THE PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN 27 The sand consists of clay, fine particles of silica, and organic debris, interspersed with black particles which in most cases form a covering to the particles of silica. (3) The Rocks in the Clyde Drainage Area. — To the North are the Campsie and Kilpatrick Hills, which consist almost entirely of basaltic lavas rich in magnetite, with an iron con- tent amounting to lO — 15 per cent, or more. On the South the drainage area includes the hills that extend through Renfrewshire and Lanarkshire, which are basaltic lavas. Along the course of the River Clyde the rocks are mostly Carboniferous, and include the Carboniferous Limestone Series containing coal and ironstones, and the Coal Measures in which these are also abundant. These ironstones contain FeCOg, but the carboniferous coal and shale beds also contain large quantities of FeS. Finally, in the upper reaches of the Clyde, and also on the lower reaches on the north side we find the Old Red Sandstone Series, the rocks of which are composed of a sandstone with an iron oxide matrix. It is therefore natural to find a fair quantity of iron in the com- position of the sands on the shore of the Clyde. (4) Formation of Ferrous Sulphide (FeS). — The statements detailed above show that the conditions are favourable for the formation of ferrous sulphide. The amount of organic matter is large enough to provide ample food for the nourish- ment of saprophytes ; there is ample moisture to permit of their development ; those organisms are present in abundance which are capable of bringing about the production of hydrogen sulphide ; and in addition the sand is rich in iron. It was not found possible by a simple chemical analysis to make a direct quantitative estimation of the amount of ferrous sulphide in the sand. From work done in the author's laboratory it was concluded that the black colour was entirely due to ferrous sulphide, because when the iron was extracted, and the residue, suspended in water, treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, no black colour was produced. On the other hand, a sample from which the iron had not been extracted but which had lost its black colour by drying regained its colour when sulphuretted hydrogen was passed over it. 28 SULPHUR BACTERIA These facts are in accord with the conclusions of Doss, who states that black muds containing abundant organic material and impregnated with colloidal hydrous ferrous sulphide occur in many localities, both in enclosed seas and in gulfs and bays connected with the open ocean. He instances the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Caspian Sea, and the Dead Sea. Similar muds occur around Oesel Island in the Gulf of Riga, and around the mouths of the Elbe and Weser. According to Andrussow (3) the mud from the bottom of the Black Sea contains an abundance of ferrous sulphide, and this compound occurs generally in the black shore muds and sands of the Limans that border the Black Sea. Omelianski (i) states that this mud when exposed to air becomes oxidized to a grey colour. Harder regarded the black mud found on Russian coasts as ferrous sulphide, and the lighter mud as a mixture of ferrous and ferric sulphides. He did not, however, advance any proof in support of this statement. Neither was it possible to con- firm his statement that the ferrous sulphide existed in a colloidal state. Even when the sand is wet and black, the black particles are large enough to be easily distinguished from the particles of silica. (5) Cause of Disappearance of Black Colour on Exposure to the Atmosphere. — It is generally held that the change in colour is due to the oxidation on exposure to air of black ferrous sulphide to oxy-sulphur compounds of iron which are not black in colour. It is also believed that the iron is dissolved out of iron-bearing minerals, and is removed as ferrous carbonate, and that it is later deposited and converted into ferrous sulphide by bacteria. The author considers that the reaction between FeCOg and HgS is reversible, and that the light or black condition is determined by whichever of the two compounds FeCOg or FeS preponderates. The reaction is as follows : — ■ FeCOg + H2S ^ FeS + HoCOg. Here we have a delicately balanced state of equilibrium. With the production of HgS under moist conditions ferrous THE PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN 29 sulphide is formed, and the sand is black. With dehydration the reaction is reversed and more FeCOg than FeS is produced ; and it is this condition that results in a lightened colour. The Equilibrium of Hydrogen Sulphide in Water. Sulphur bacteria grow as readily in sea water as in fresh water, since they are not affected by the degree of salinity of the water. When, however, they multiply in sea water, the multiplication takes place in a hard water in which the concentration of the hydrogen ions is low owing to the high buffer value of calcium and magnesium salts. The equilibrium of the sulphide in such a medium has been studied by Baas- Becking (i). The H2S will first be dissociated into hydrosulphide ions and hydrogen ions. Ki[H3S] = [H^[HS-]. First dissociation constant, Kj = 0-91 X io~' at 18° C. In the second dissociation we have K,[HS-] - [H+][S--]. Second dissociation constant, K., = 10 ~^^ at laboratory tem- perature, also Ka>= [H^-j[OH-] = 10- 1*. Hence, as the sum of the positive charges is equal to the sum of the negative charges, [H+] = [HS-] + [S--] + [0H-] _KJH2S] KJHS-] Kg. [H+] ^ [H^-] ^[H+] _ K,[H,S] KiK,[H,S] Ko^ ^ J [H+] ^ [H+j^ "^ [H-*-] [U^Y = K/[H-^][H,S] + KiK,[H,S] + Ka>[H+]. . .(i) [H+]3 - Ka>[H+] and [H2S] = K,[H-*-] +K,K2* * Baas-Becking's paper shows 2KjK, in place of KjKj, but this does not affect the conclusions. 30 SULPHUR BACTERIA Noting that the solubiUty of HaS = 0-102 when [H+] is about I0~^, then, in equation (i), the first term is of the order I0~' X 10"^ X 10"^ = I0~i* ,, second ,, ,, ,, lO"' X lO'^^ X IQ-^ = lO^^s ,, third „ ,, ,, lO-i* X 10-^ = IO-20 The second and third terms are therefore neghgible in comparison with the first, .-. [H^]3=Ki[H,S][H+] [WY= Ki[H2S] = 0-93 X io~^ .-. [H+] = 0-96 X lo-^ Baas-Becking obtains the value H"*" = y-d) X lO"^ by using a method of solution which he names the " Cardanus method " (unknown to the author) ; and he has drawn up the following table on the assumption that the metal ions are present in very low concentration (B"*" = lO"^) : — H+. H2S. HS-. s--. 10-5 10-^ 10-' 10-* 10-9 Z-Z X IO-* 1-2 X IO-* I-I X 10-5 I X lo-"* 2-2 X IO-* 2 X 10-5 I-I X IO-* 1 X 10-^ g-i X 10-^ 2 X IO-* 2 X lO-l^ I-I X lo-i* 1 X IO-" 9-1 X lo-i^ 2 X lO-l* The assumption that all the sulphide ions are in attachment to the H-ion seems arbitrary, and from observations of natural waters there appears no warrant for such an assumption. In order to present these figures graphically he calculates the logarithm of the concentrations Cg, Ch^s; C^s-, Cg — , and, changing the sign throughout, plots the latter three against the first, which is, of course, the^H of the solution : — Ch. Ch2S- Chs-- Cs". -5 — 2-66 -4-79 - 14-70 — 6 — 3-92 - 4-96 — 13-96 - 7 - 4-96 — 5-00 — 13-00 - 8 — 6-00 - 5-04 — 12-04 - 9 - 7-66 - 5-70 — 11-70 These results may be presented graphically (Fig. i] THE PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN 31 With these data it is possible to ascertain the conditions of equiUbrium in sulphur waters in which, according to Baas- Becking the^H value varies from 7-6 to 8-6. At^H 7-6 the differ- ence in the logarithms of the concentrations of HS~ and HgS is 0-55, as indicated in the graph. Hence the actual ratio of HS~ n ^^ . concentration ^^rrr = lo"-*"' =? 3-5. H,S TTC- At pH 8-6 this ratio ^v^ = 35- Hence in sulphur waters the HS concentration is 3-5 — 35 times as high as the H2S concentration. 16 - 14 ~ " — ■ — ^-— -> --^_^£S 12 - — -^ 10 - 8 6 ;3HS p3^^ -— 4 2 - 0 1 \ 1 1 7 ■pW Fig. I. (After Baas-Becking.) (Baas-Becking appears to obtain 50 — 100 for the same range of pW values, but this difference does not affect the main argument.) Again, at pH ^'6, and at^H 8-6, HS- S HS - = 2-5 X 10' S~ 2-35 X 10^ It therefore follows that the concentration of HS" between pH 7-6 and pH 8-6 is somewhat greater than the concentra- tion of HgS, and far greater than the concentration of [S ]. From the above facts he makes the assumption that the 32 SULPHUR BACTERIA sulphur bacteria absorb not the HgS, but the hydrosulphide. He is supported in this assumption by the fact that the change from HgS to S is from a lower to a higher level of energy. Interesting figures bearing on this matter have been published by Lewis and Randall : — HS~ = S~~ + H+ — 20,470 calories. H2S(aq) - HS- + H+ - 9470 H + S(rh) = H2S(aq) + 6490 S(rh) + 2O2 = S04~ + 176,500 Baas-Becking has utilized these or similar figures to indicate the free energy levels of these compounds in the form of a scale (see Fig. 2). It would thus appear that the sulphur 199,950^5 bacteria must expend rather than derive energy from the conversion of HgS to S. For this reason it is concluded that the necessary energy is obtained by the dehydrogenation of the HS~ according to the following equation : — ■ HS- = H+ + S— . The HS~ is obtained presumably not from HgS but in other ways, as for example by the reduction of oxy-sulphur compounds through the agency of other bacteria. Following the scheme of oxidation suggested by Wieland and by Hopkins as taking place in yeast in the absence of oxygen, Baas-Becking suggests that the following represents the reaction by which sulphur develops in the cells of the sulphur bacteria : — CH, - S - H 179,480- -HS" 176,500- -S 170,010- -HzS 0- FlG so;- 2. (i)^ CH., - S - S - CH, + 2HS- = 2CH . NH„ + 2SA + 2E I " I " I " CH . NH2 CH . NH2 C = O I I I c=o c=o R R Glutathione (contains cystine and glucosamin) . _ E stands for electron R Compound containing cysteine. * Refer to p. 20 for the most recent constitution assigned to glutathione. THE PRODUCTION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN ^^ Thus sulphur is produced and energy hberatcd. The following reactions then take place : — (11) CH„ . S . H CH, - S . S . - CH., I " I " I " 2CH . NH, + H2CO3 = CH . NH„ CH . NH., + H . CHO + H„0, I 1 " I " c=o c=o c=o I I I R R R (III) H2O, = H20+i02 Thus oxygen is developed inside the cell, which is utilized to oxidize the sulphur to the sulphate, S— + 20^= SO4— . The conclusions of this worker cannot be taken as final, for all the pieces do not " fit." Thus sulphuretted hydrogen is more soluble in an alkaline than in an acid medium, and yet in the table given above an increasing alkalinity (H"^ from I0~^ to I0~^) is associated with a decrease in the amount of HgS in solution (from 2-2 X lO"^ to 2-2 X lO"^). Again, Baas-Becking insists on the absence of organic matter from the beds in which the sulphur bacteria are developing, and the use- lessness of such matter in the metabolism of these organisms. Under natural conditions the reactions which according to him take place in the sulphur metabolism could not occur except in the presence of an ample supply of organic matter : for all of them are the direct results of the decomposition of organic matter through the agency of saprophytic and other microorganisms. Finally, the beneficial effect of supplying the sulphur bacteria with a fluid containing sulphuretted hydro- gen in solution is well established, and it is proved that the organisms assimilate this substance directly in their metabol- ism ; and this in spite of the fact that the energy level of hydrogen sulphide is below that of sulphur. The sulphur appears to be excreted and oxidized to sulphate outside the cell. There is no reason to suppose that the sulphur takes further part in metabolism any more than it does in the metabolism of the thionic acid bacteria which deposit the sulphur outside, instead of inside the cell. 3 CHAPTER III. THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA. The Food Requirements and Sources of Energy of the Sulphur Bacteria. General Considerations. — The physiological status of any microbe is determined when its nitrogen and its carbon sources of supply are known. The protoplasm of the sulphur bacteria, hke that of all other organisms, is built up of the elements C, H, O, N, S, P, and of these, definite provision must be made in all preparations of bacterial cultures for the supply of nitro- gen and carbon. Of the other elements, hydrogen and oxygen are present in water as well as in other substances in the nutrient media, and the remainder are required in such small quantities that definite provision for their supply is not necessary. In addition, of course, the supply of mineral salts must be taken into consideration, but as the differences among bacteria in this respect are very small they play no part in making physiological distinctions. The sources of energy of an organism are also a matter for consideration. Autotrophic organisms like the green plants must build up the complex protoplasmic molecule from such simple substances as carbon dioxide, mineral salts and water ; and the necessary energy is obtained from the light of the sun. The presence of chlorophyll in green plants enables them to " capture " the energy contained in light, and to utilize it for their metabolic purposes. Thus carbon- assimilation takes place and carbohydrates are built up from the carbon dioxide and water of the atmosphere. So far as is known, the energy of the sun is not directly responsible for the further building up of carbohydrates into the still more complex proteins, the 34 THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA i5 formation of which precedes the building up of the most complex molecule of all, namely, that of living matter. As however, there is no primary source of energy other than that of the sun, it must be presumed that more carbohydrate is formed by the green plant than is required for its immediate purposes, so that a secondary source of energy is available to effect the further synthesis of the carbohydrate into pro- teins by a dissociation of a part of the surplus carbohydrate into simpler substances. Heterotrophic plants have the ad- vantage of being able to assimilate substances that already contain a potential source of energy, which may be utiHzed for the building up of protoplasm and also for the carrying out of such vital processes as reproduction, cell division, motility, etc. All processes which originate from the vital activity of an organism are classed as metabolic. If they are such as result in the production of more complex substances, they are termed anabolic ; if they result in the breaking down of substances, they are termed katabolic. All the vital processes in a living organism are thus to be regarded as consisting of two main streams, one leading upwards and culminating in the formation of protoplasm; and the other leading downwards and cul- minating in the formation of completely oxidized substances, such as nitrates, sulphates, phosphates, etc. A closer examination of the various katabolic processes shows that the relationship of the reaction to the protoplasmic molecule is not of the same intimate nature in all cases. Three kinds of katabolic processes may be distinguished : 1. Processes that result from the direct operation of the protoplasmic molecule itself, that is, those in which there are no special secretions for the purpose. 2. Processes that are activated by the agency of a special secretion of the protoplasm ; here the secreted material is in such intimate relationship to the protoplasm that injury to the latter results in the destruction of the former. 3. Processes that are activated by a special secretion which, unlike that of the second class, can be retained in an active condition after the organism is killed. 3 * 36 SULPHUR BACTERIA It is not always possible to draw sharp lines of distinction between these three classes of reactions. Fermentation.^ The history of the terms Ferment and Fermentation will give some explanation of the slight confusion that exists in the use of these words. The word ferment comes from the Latin fervere, to boil, and referred originally to the apparent " boihng " that took place when yeast in fermenta- tion gave off copious bubbles of carbon dioxide. At f^rst the liquid in which this bubbling took place was named the ferment, and is so named by bakers to the present day. With greater knowledge the term was restricted to the organism that caused this bubbling. With a still further advance in our knowledge the term fermentation was applied to other processes in which a medium was chemically affected by the activities of microorganisms even although there was no obvious gas production ; such, for example, as the production of lactic acid in the souring of milk. Then it was ascertained that in many cases the actual chemical work was done, not by the organism directly, but by a secretion formed from it, which in some instances could operate after the organism itself was dead. Thus arose the distinction between an organized ferment and an unorganized ferment, the former referring to the cases in which the protoplasm itself accomplished the work, and the latter to those cases in which the secretion was recognizable apart from the protoplasm producing it. The special secretion then became known as the unorganized ferment, or more simply as the ferment. The organized ferments fall into the first of the three classes of katabolic processes cited above, and the unorganized fer- ments into the third. Metabolism and Fermentation. The view is adopted in this work that all fermentative processes are of a katabohc nature. Katabolic processes as a whole all come under one of two categories :— I. Reactions which convert food substances to a form more readily assimilable by the organism. THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERLi 37 2. Reactions whicli place at the disposal of the plant (or animal) a supply of energy to carry on various vital activities. It is impossible to select a single feature which will enable us to make a distinction between the fermentative and the katabolic processes. Indeed all katabolic processes associated with vital activities may thus w^ith propriety be named fermen- tative. In actual practice one of two procedures is followed in attempting a distinction : — 1. The limits are not specifically defined and only those processes are named fermentative that bear some resemblance to typical reactions such as, for example, the fermentation of sugar into alcohol by the yeast plant. 2, The term fermentation is restricted to the disruption of easily decomposable carbohydrates and similar substances where the biological significance of the process is the gain of energy to the organism. Metabolism, Fermentation, and Respiration in the Sulphur Bacteria. The outstanding feature in the physiology of the sulphur bacteria is the large absorption of sulphuretted hydrogen ; and the significance of this absorption is the keynote to an understanding of their physiology. The gain to the bacteria must be in terms of energy or of food. The importance of sulphur as an article of food can be dismissed, for the amount of sulphur which is absorbed is several hundreds of times greater than the amount of that substance required for the building up of the protoplasmic molecule. In this respect the sulphur bacteria do not require any more sulphur than any other bacterial organisms. Again, it has been shown that the energy level of sulphuretted hydrogen in solution is lower than that of the sulphur into which it is transformed. It is, therefore, clear that the gain to the organisms cannot be a direct one, and that the sulphuretted hydrogen must there- fore participate in some larger operation which is beneficial, 38 SULPHUR BACTERIA and for the execution of which sulphuretted hydrogen is neces- sary. The sahent facts may now be considered. 1. Sulphuretted Hydrogen. — The proof of the absorption of this substance is well established. Provided that it is not presented in too concentrated a form, large quantities are absorbed, and the optimum estimated by Bavendamm for Lamprocystis, namely, a 'concentration equal to 25 mm. pressure of Hg is probably the optimum also for the majority of the sulphur bacteria, if not for all of them. It is also established that these organisms effect within their cells the transformation of the sulphide into elementary sulphur, for the latter is found in quantity inside the cells. The agency of the bacteria in effecting the oxidation of the element to the sulphate is more open to question. It is true that sulphate accumulates in the neighbourhood of the cells, but more definite proof is required of bacterial agency since the oxida- tion of the sulphur to sulphate in an aqueous medium also takes place in the complete absence of organisms. As the sulphate in cultures of the sulphur bacteria is not found within the cells, its formation may well be due to non-vital agencies. 2. Organic Matter. — Winogradsky (i) and (2) came to the conclusion that the sulphur bacteria do not assimilate organic matter, and, further, that their development was hindered, if not stopped, by the presence of organic matter in more than the very smallest quantities. The second observation is obviously incorrect, since under natural conditions these forms flourish in waters which often contain very large quantities of organic matter. It is a matter of common observation that Beggiatoa alba, to take a prominent example, flourishes most abundantly in water contaminated with sewage matter. The present writer has found this organism in waters con- taining sufficient organic matter for the support of hundreds of thousands of bacteria per cubic centimetre. Again, Thio- porphyra voliitans flourishes in pools that contain in many cases saprophytic bacteria to the order of millions per cubic centimentre. It is very seldom indeed that the sulphur bacteria, under natural conditions, are found except in the presence of organic matter in quantity. THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 39 The assimilation, as distinct from the toleration of, organic matter is more of a disputed matter. Nadson inferred the assimilation of organic matter because he was able to keep sulphur bacteria in a living condition for a long time in the absence of sulphuretted hydrogen. It is difficult to see the validity of the inference. Molisch (4) showed that Chroma- tium Okenii thrives particularly well in a medium contain- ing I per cent, peptone and i per cent, dextrin. Skene emphasizes the unimportance of organic matter, and regards it as a negligible factor in the metabolism of the sulphur bacteria. This writer does not do full justice to the facts which were discovered by him, for whilst the best growth was obtained when ammonium sulphate was the source of nitrogen he obtained appreciable growths when such sources of nitrogen as peptone, asparagin, urea, glycocoll, ammonium nitrate or calcium nitrate were used. He, however, appears to have placed a doubtful construction on these facts. Growth in presence of organic matter was regarded as due to ammon- ium sulphate, produced by the decomposition of these sub- stances by saprophytic bacteria. The cultures (which were raw) were found at the close of the experiment to give almost as strong a reaction with Nessler's reagent as am- monium sulphate itself. It must be pointed out, however, that ammonium sulphate is not invariably produced by the saprophytic decomposition of these organic substances. The two investigators who succeeded in obtaining pure cultures of the sulphur bacteria, namely, Keil (the colourless bacteria) and Bavendamm (the coloured bacteria), regarded organic matter as unessential to their development. Both considered the sulphur bacteria to be obligate autotrophs, that is, that under no circumstances is organic matter used as a source of nitrogen. The following facts, however, show that organic matter may be occasionally assimilated, that is, that the organisms Site facultative not obligate autotrophs : — (i) Skene's results are not consistent with his interpreta- tion of them, since the organic substances that were found to favour growth do not all produce ammonium sulphate 40 SULPHUR BACTERIA when decomposed. This apphes in particular to urea and glycocoH. (2) Undoubted increase of growth has been observed after addition of organic matter (Mohsch, Nadson, Skene). (3) Undoubted use is made of organic matter by the closely related non-sulphur purple bacteria (Molisch). (4) Ammonium sulphate can be replaced by calcium nitrate (Nadson, Ellis), suggesting the absence of specificity. (5) In Bavendamm's cultures the individuals did not show the same healthy growths which characterize the cultures in nature, suggesting that the growth was weak from the lack of certain ingredients which are supplied cither directly or in- directly by organic matter. (6) The same lack of robustness characterized the present writer's cultures of Thioporphyra volutans in a medium from which organic matter was excluded (calcium nitrate being used as the source of nitrogen). Whilst individually each of these points is inconclusive, collectively they appear to justify the conclusion that the sulphur bacteria satisfy their nitrogen requirements in more ways than one, and that organic matter plays a subordinate role as a source of nitrogen. This is rendered all the more probable because (1) They grow best in waters containing an abundant supply of organic matter. (2) Their artificial cultures from which organic matter was excluded do not show the same robust growths which characterize their development under natural con- ditions. (3) The maintenance of growth is dependent on substances that are derived from organic matter. 3. The Source of Carbon. — Particular attention has been paid to this aspect of nutrition by Skene and by Bavendamm. Using ammonium sulphate as the source of nitrogen, and introducing small amounts of various organic compounds, Skene failed to obtain growth with any of the carbon com- pounds with which he experimented. He concluded that they THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERL4 41 hindered rather than aided growtli. Bavendamm obtained the same negative results in his experiments with pure cultures, and considered that the sulphur bacteria derived their carbon from the carbonic acid of the atmosphere. He observed that the addition of carbon compounds made no difference to the growth of Chroniatiiim Wanningii and of Lamprocystis. The question cannot, however, be held to be completely settled by the negative results of these two investigators. They have conclusively proved that the CO2 of the atmosphere com- pletely suffices for the carbon requirements of the sulphur bacteria, but it has still to be proved that under other circum- stances these organisms are not able to make use of carbon in any other combination. 4. Oxygen. — The influence of oxygen on the sulphur bacteria may be considered under three heads : — (1) The directive influence of oxygen as a chemiotactic agency in effecting the attraction or repulsion of bacteria. (2) The possibility of this gas being given off by the purple sulphur bacteria in the same manner as green plants. (3) The possible necessity of oxygen to the bacteria during the process of respiration. The first and second of these questions are treated in Chap. XI. The third may now be considered. Respiration is a function which is common to all organisms. The majority of organisms require oxygen to effect the de- composition of highly complex substances in order that the plant may benefit by the energy which is thereby liberated. Such plants constitute the majority of the members of the vegetable world, and there are only a few that respire in a different way. The two classes of plants are known respec- tively as aerobes and anaerobes. The anaerobes are confined to a few organisms among the bacteria and some closely related organisms. Winogradsky was the first to call attention to the reaction of the sulphur bacteria to oxygen. He had noted that in his mixed cultures the bacteria invariably retreated from the surface of growth if oxygen were present in the same 42 SULPHUR BACTERIA concentration as in the atmosphere, and that they throve abundantly in a medium if it was almost devoid of oxygen. When cultivated in drop cultures the bacteria retreated to the centre of the drop, and remained there so long as the oxygen pressure was not changed. Winogradsky ascer- tained that while oxygen at ordinary pressure was actually harmful, it was necessary in very small amounts. He did not experiment with organisms growing in media completely free from oxygen. Nadson advanced the opinion that sulphuretted hydrogen was assimilated for protection against the poisonous effects of oxygen rather than for purposes of nourishment. He regarded the sulphur bacteria as obligate anaerobes. Molisch and Skene, like Winogradsky, considered that a small amount of oxygen was necessary, and maintained that without it the bacteria could not oxidize sulphuretted hydrogen first to sulphur and then to the sulphate. Winogradsky and Skene thought that they had found sufficient of this gas to satisfy the needs of the sulphur bacteria in the carbon assimilation of small green organisms that were always found in natural waters in the neighbourhood of the sulphur bacteria. This idea is not convincing, for the sulphur bacteria are fre- quently found in natural waters in which the supply of green organisms is either non-existent or is inadequate for such a purpose. Bavendamm, working with pure cultures, found that Lamprocystis and Chromatiiim throve well in a medium com- pletely devoid of oxygen, but that both these organisms developed at their best when supplied with oxygen at a pressure of 5 -2 mm. of mercury. The conclusions of Bavendamm may be taken as final for the coloured sulphur bacteria, which resemble nearly all, if not all, so-called obligate anaerobes in that, whilst they are able to grow in a medium completely devoid of oxygen, yet assimilate this gas if it be presented to them in a sufficiently dilute form. The above remarks apply only to the relationship of the coloured forms to oxygen. Although the colourless THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERL4 43 organisms Thiothrix and Beggiatoa were isolated by Keil in 191 2 their oxygen requirements were not ascertained in pure culture experiments. They are, however, niicro- aerophilic, as are the coloured forms, so far as may be judged from the manner of their growth and their physio- logical requirements. Observations on Thioporphyra volutans. — No specific ex- periments have been made to determine the physiological requirements of this organism, but it was observed that its growth in various mixed cultures invariably reached its optimum when the supply of oxygen had been nearlv ex- hausted by the multiplication of the saprophytic bacteria. It thus thrives best under micro-aerophilic conditions. On one occasion, however, it was found to be growing in abundance on wooden piles only some six inches or so below the sur- face in the open water of the Clyde. Hence one member of the coloured sulphur bacteria at any rate is not hindered in its growth by the presence of an abundant supply of oxygen. It may thus be concluded that the majority of the sulphur bacteria, both coloured and colourless, are micro-aerophilic, but that one at least [Thioporphyra volutans), and probably more, thrive in highly oxygenated waters ; and it is highly improbable that these do not absorb oxygen in quantity. A diversity in the oxygen requirement is to be expected of organisms that thrive under such diverse conditions as the various members of the sulphur bacteria. 5. Mineral Matters. — In all plants the presence of extremely small quantities of various elements, over and above those that enter into the constitution of the protoplasmic molecule, is necessary for healthy growth. Some may be required in fairly large quantities, as, for example, calcium when used to combine with the oxalic acid formed in the leaf during meta- bolism. In cultivating bacteria it is usually found advantageous to add to the culture, not pure water, but a solution containing various inorganic salts in solution. The mixture which has hitherto been used with the greatest success for the sulphur 1-50 gram. 0-05 ) I 0-05 ) > 0-05 ) ? o-oi ) ) 10-00 grams, 1000 c.c. 44 SULPHUR BACTERIA bacteria is that used by Licskc in his investigation of the iron- bacteria. This is made up as follows : — Ammonium sulphate ((NH4)oS04) Potassium chloride (KCl) Magnesium sulphate (MgS04) Mono-hydric-potassium phosphate (K2HPO4) Calcium nitrate (Ca(N03)2) Calcium carbonate (CaCOg) Distilled water ..... The use of the comparatively large quantities of ammonium sulphate and particularly of calcium carbonate in this mineral solution is due to the circumstance that the nitrogen in the sulphate is required for the building up of the protoplasm ; whilst the carbonate is required for purposes of neutralization. These organisms are indifferent to common salt (NaCl). Issatchenko (4) gives a list of sulphur bacteria that were found by him in solutions containing either NaCl or Na2S04 in proportions varying from I to 23 per cent. 6. Hydrogeii-ioii Concentration. — The range in the pW values within which growth takes place must be somewhat circumscribed, for whilst the medium of growth must be alkaline the two substances that are required in greatest amounts in the metabolism of these organisms, namely, sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid, are of an acid character. Hence growth is inhibited by the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen in quantity. Baas-Becking found that the optimum for the waters containing sulphur bacteria near Stanford University was 7-6 — 8-6 ; his figures agree with those determined by Atkins. Under natural conditions when active growth is in progress the pW is progressively decreased by the acid substances liberated by the saprophytic bacteria (CO2, H2S, organic acids, etc.). When a certain degree of acidity is reached the growth of the sulphur bacteria will cease altogether, and will recommence only when the surplus acids have once more been used up by saprophytic and other organisms. THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 45 Baas-Becking makes the erroneous statement that the sulphur bacteria occur only in hard waters, and that a high alkalinity is maintained in such waters by the large amount of calcium and magnesium present. Organisms like Beggiatoa alba are found in soft and hard, as well as in marine and fresh waters. Some of these bacteria thrive in waters in which the alkalinity is not maintained by the presence of carbonates and bicarbonates. The factors determining the pH of sulphur waters generally appear to have been determiined by this writer solely from local conditions. In soft waters, under normal con- ditions, the pH of the water is kept within a certain range by the opposing nature of two classes of bacteria. On the one hand, the saprophytic and other bacteria are constantly pro- ducing acid, whilst on the other the sulphur bacteria are using up sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid. Between the two opposing forces a balance is maintained which, if it is upset, results in the disappearance of the sulphur bacteria. The same conditions hold in essentials both in hard and in soft waters, the differences in respect to the growth of bacteria being one of degree, not one of kind. In artificial cultures the maintenance of an alkaline medium is often guaranteed by the addition of chalk. Experiment with Thioporphyra volutans. It was found by chemical tests that the calcium and mag- nesium content of pools containing a mixture of saprophytic and sulphur bacteria did not appreciably change during a period of several weeks in which active growth of both classes of bacteria was in progress. Hence it was concluded that any changes that took place in the pH value of the water were due to changes in the concentration of sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid. The following results were obtained : — Time in \\'eeks. ^H. 0 7-2 3 7-3 6 7-1 8 7-6 10 7-4 46 SULPHUR BACTERIA Although some saprophytes, as, for example, the marine denitrifying saprophyte examined by Cranston and Lloyd, maintain an alkaline reaction, the growth of a mixed group of saprophytes is practically always accompanied by a progressive development of acid. We may attribute the sharp rise in the p\l value between the sixth and the eighth week to the consumption of the sulphuretted hydrogen (liberated by the saprophytes) by Thioporphyra, which during this period was observed to grow luxuriantly. The subsequent lowering after the eighth week was found to be concurrent with a revival in the growth in numbers of the saprophytes which had suffered a slight eclipse by the previous growth of the sulphur bacteria. The most vigorous growth of Thioporphyra occurred on the eighth week when the pH value was 7-6, a figure which is within the range set by Baas-Becking for the optimum growth of the sulphur bacteria. The Biological Explanation of the Assimilation of Hydrogen Sulphide. It has been shown that sulphuretted hydrogen does not enter the cell in the form of food, and that the change from the sulphide to sulphur does not result in a liberation of energy. It has also been shown that an undoubted gain to the bacteria follows from the assimilation of the sul- phide. Hence the advantage cannot be a direct one, and must follow because the hydrogen sulphide is a factor in a wider scale of operations than its simple decomposition. It is suggested that this substance enters the cells as an adjunct in the respiratory process. After absorption the sulphuretted hydrogen is chemically transformed in such a manner that hydrosulphide ions are placed at the disposal of the bacteria. As this is an endothermic process the necessary energy must be supplied from the general resources of the organism, derived from other metabolic changes. Then union of the sulphide with the sulphur amino-acids takes place, resulting in the production of free sulphur and the liberation of energy. The probable changes that would then take place have been THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 47 indicated by Baas-Becking. This view implies that the hydro- gen sulphide is a part of the machinery that transfers energy from what is presumably the less available to the more avail- able condition. The decomposition of the hydrosulphide is to be regarded as a respiratory process comparable in its effect to the changes that follow the absorption of oxygen in aerobic plants. It is also consistent with the fact that the absorption of hydrogen sulphide is not absolutely necessary, since this substance is not the source of either the food or the energy of the sulphur bacteria. In spite of the statements of Winogradsky, Skene and Bavendamm, that the addition of sulphuretted hydrogen is indispensable to the growth of the sulphur bacteria examined by them, there are facts to show that growth may take place in the absence of this gas. Thus Molisch (3) has found that Chromatiwn Okenii may develop in a raw medium completely devoid of sulphuretted hydrogen, and Ellis (11) has shown that Chromatiimi Linsbaiieri multi- plies in a culture containing no trace of this substance. The sulphur bacteria are therefore able to take advantage of more than one mode of metabolism. Not only do they change their form (pleomorphism), they also change their function. The word pleoenergism may be coined to express this capacity for adaptation to more than one mode of life. Pleoenergism of the Sulphur Bacteria. There are in this group at least four different modes of obtaining food and energy. (i) The most important is that which may be regarded as the' normal mode of existence. The interaction of sulphuretted hydrogen with the products from the first stages in the decomposition of organic remains (sulphur amino-acids) supplies the energy, whilst the nitrogen and carbon are obtained from non- organic sources (ammonium compounds and carbon dioxide, respectively). (2) Organic remains, or the products of their initial decomposition (peptones, etc.) in association with 48 SULPHUR BACTERIA sulphuretted hydrogen appear in certain cases to be able to supply both food and energy. (3) Growth and multiplication may take place under the same conditions as the preceding, but without the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen. (4) Under special cases both food and energy may be obtained without either organic matter or sulphur- etted hydrogen. In all these modes, except the fourth, the presence of organic remains is necessary, and they may be directly utilized, or they may be used after the saprophytic bacteria have effected the first stage in their decomposition, with the pro- duction of peptones, ammonium compounds, etc. In the fourth mode, the conditions are probably unnatural, and the organism does not produce normal structures. In nature the sulphur bacteria are always associated with organic matter, and whilst normally the energy of the organism is never derived directly from the organic remains before these have suffered decompo- sition, they probably draw their nitrogen from the decomposing remains at several stages in their decomposition of such remains (peptones, ammonium compounds, nitrates, etc.). It is also not improbable that in nature the assimilation of several kinds of nitrogenous food takes place simultaneously. There is no reason to suppose that the sulphur bacteria are wanting in adaptability, and certainly the facts do not warrant this supposition. In this respect the sulphur bacteria are not different from the majority of other bacteria. Monocnergic bacteria are probably not common, and the sulphur bacteria behave as do the majority. The Denitrifying Sulphur Bacteria. — A study of the small organism* isolated by Lieske is instructive because the sulphur metabolism is combined with a process of denitrification. This organism derives its carbon from CO2 in the form of either carbonates or bicarbonates. According to Lieske it assimi- * This organism is not, strictly speaking, one of the sulphur bacteria because it does not store sulphur in its cells, but the general course of the metabolism is similar to that of these organisms and may appropriately be considered in this work. THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERL4 49 lates nitrates but not nitrites, and reduces them to free nitro- gen. In its sulphur metabohsm hydrogen sulphide, sodium thiosulphate (NagSaOg), and the sodium salt of dithionic acid (NagSaOg) are utilized as sources of energy and changed into the sulphate. The metabolism of this organism is interesting because it presents certain peculiar features. It is unable to utilize the energy of the sun as do the chlorophyll plants, and it has no ready-formed stores of supply as have the parasites and saprophytes. But energy must be obtained by it to build up the protoplasmic molecule from simple substances like carbon dioxide, and to carry out all the processes associated with life, namely, movement, reproduction, etc. Finally, the organism is one of the so-called obligate anaerobes, and cannot utilize oxygen when supplied to it at the normal pressure. The place of the oxygen of the atmosphere used by aerobic plants is taken by the oxygen liberated by the reduction of the nitrate to free nitrogen. We may follow the energy changes which take place in the metabolism. The reduction of the nitrate to the nitrite, according to figures supplied by Waksman, demands an expenditure of energy equal to ^6-6 calories. 2HNO3 = 2HNO2 + 0., (- 26-6 calories). But oxygen is produced, and if utilized to break down a fermentable carbohydrate liberates II2 calories per molecule. The whole process will result in a gain on balance of 112 — 36-6 = 75-4 calories. According to the same worker the change from the nitrite to free nitrogen is an exothermic process and therefore gives a further gain of energy : — 2HNO2 = N2 + i|0, + H2O (+ 6-8 calories). Further the i-| molecules of oxygen can be utilized by the organism with a gain of II2 calories per molecule. Hence 4 50 SULPHUR BACTERIA in the change from the nitrate to free nitrogen there is a total gain in energy of 74-6 + (i| X 112) + 6-8 == 249-4 calories. The sulphur denitrifying bacteria are peculiar in that they utilize the oxygen derived from the nitrate reduction to oxidize sulphur compounds in place of the carbohydrate oxidized by the ordinary denitrifying bacteria. The sulphur compounds (sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphur, etc.) must be regarded as fermentable substances and their oxidation as exothermic processes (or fermentation processes), which have as their biological purpose the supply of energy to the organisms. The sulphur compounds must thus be regarded not as them- selves the suppliers of energy but rather as the vehicles that arc made use of in the transformation of energy. As in the true sulphur bacteria they are parts of the respiratory machinery of these bacteria. It is interesting to note that Cranston and Lloyd find that the denitrifying organism examined by them often converted 100 per cent, of the nitrate supplied to it into free nitrogen, and that if this is universally true for such organisms the whole of the nitrate is used for respiratory purposes and none is used to build up the protein molecule. Physico-chemical Speculations in regard to Organic Matter in Sulphur Waters. There are both biological and chemical methods for the direct estimation of organic matter in water. Indirect methods must therefore be regarded as of subsidiary importance. Consideration is given to the following speculative treatment of the subject by Baas-Becking, on account of its interesting physico-chemical deductions. He attempted to prove the smallness of the organic content of the sulphur waters, rich in sulphur organisms, which are found in the neighbourhood of Stanford University, California. He bases his deductions upon the facts that the CO2 of the atmosphere is in equilibrium with the CO2 in the water and that the pW value of sulphur waters varies from pW 7-6 to pH 8-6. THE METABOLISM OF THE SULPHUR BACTERL4 51 The carbonic acid is dissociated in two stages : — K,{H,CO,) = [U^][HCO,-], . . (I) Ki = 3-4 X 10-'^. K.fHCOa) = (hn(C03--), . . (2) Ko == 4-6 X 10-11. Taking into consideration the ionic product of water, we have K^=(H-^)(OH-), . . . (3) K„ = 8 X lo-i^ If we indicate the total base as (B^) and note that the sum of the positive ions must equal the sum of the negative ions, we have (B-^) + (H+) = (0H-) + (HCO3-) + (CO3-).* . (4) If we assume (B^) = o and consider only the carbonate relationship, we have (HCO3- 3-4 X I0-' X (HgCO (CO3-) (HCO3-) (C0.~) _ 4-6 X io-ii(HC03) = 2-2 X IQI" X H"^. Hence in a solution of known pH value we can calculate the relative proportion of bicarbonate ion and carbonate ion. Baas-Becking argues that if putrefactive bacteria were present in sulphur water the HCOs" would increase at the expense of the CO3 , and so alter the value of H"^. But as the pH value is always 7-6 — 8-6 this change does not take place ; hence there are no putrefactive bacteria, and in consequence there is no organic matter, or not enough to make any material difference in the equilibrium of the water. It is surprising that the simple test of ascertaining directly the organic content of the water by estimating the number of saprophytic bacteria in it was not resorted to, in order to prove this conclusion. As to the actual number of bacteria that may be found in such * Baas-Becking has inserted 2(C03~) here, which is not correct, but this does not materially affect the equation. 4* 52 SULPHUR BACTERIA waters, the reader is referred to page 64, in which the numbers found in waters containing growths of Thioporphyra vohitans are given. Some sulphur waters contain saprophytic bacteria to the order of milhons per cubic centimetre, whilst the majority of such waters contain either tens or hundreds of tliousands per cubic centimetre. It is exceptional to find that the num- bers are only in the order of hundreds per cubic centimetre. Even if it is held that the sulphur bacteria do not directly assimilate organic matter, it is the case nevertheless, that they must of necessity find nourishment in the products of the decomposition of organic matter, and these will be found, under natural conditions, only in waters containing organic matter. It is also remarkable that in Baas-Becking's explana- tion of the metabolism of the sulphur bacteria, an important role is ascribed to the sulphur amino-acids, and yet it is claimed that organic matter plays no part in the metabolism of the sulphur bacteria. ' CHAPTER IV. THE CULTURE OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA. Methods of Culture. General Considerations. — It is desirable to cultivate the sulphur bacteria in a medium which does not contain any other microorganisms : and this is particularly the case in the investigations of physiological problems. If other organisms are present it becomes very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to estimate the exact contribution of the sulphur bacteria to the production of any particular phenomenon which may be under investigation. At the same time it is also advan- tageous to study the sulphur bacteria in a mixed field, for a truer presentment of their normal state is thereby given : it is very seldom that bacteria grow and multiply in nature uninfluenced by other organisms. The best conditions for the morphological study of these, as well as of other bacteria, obtain when the organism under investigation is present in its natural habitat, and is easily recognizable. Under artificial conditions, as for example in pure cultures, they are apt to depart from the normal, both in their habits and in their life histories. We must therefore accept with caution the dis- counting of certain positive results obtained from the study of the organisms under one set of conditions, on the strength of negative results obtained from their investigation under totally different conditions. Winogradsky's Methods. — To Winogradsky must be given the credit for the pioneer work on methods of culture. {a) Rhizomes of Water-plants {Butomiis, etc.) with adhering mud were placed in a deep vessel, and water and gypsum added. The vessel, covered with a glass plate, was then placed in a 53 54 SULPHUR BACTERIA dark warm room. After some time a smell of HgS was noticed, and a thick scum collected on the surface. The scum contained Beggiatoa alba and other colourless bacteria. Gypsum was added periodically to increase the growth. This method has been tried by Molisch, by Bavendamm, and by the pres- ent writer, but without suc- cess. (b) Macerated Hay and Gyp- sum supplied another medium. The hay was placed in water for ten days and then boiled. The water was then decanted, a fresh supply added, and this again boiled. This process was repeated several times and the Fig. 3. (a) Floor covered with damp paper on which the glass slide rests between observations. {b) Small dish containing water to which I gram calcium sulphide hay allowed to decompose in has been added. water (c) Wide tube for occasional addi- tion of a few drops of weak hydrochloric acid. (d) Small tube to facilitate the addi- tion of liquids down tube c. Winogradsky regarded the sul- phur bacteria as almost com- pletely autotrophic* Reused Beggiatoa alba appeared early. (c) Glass Slide Preparations. — The material was placed under a coverslip, prevented Strassburg tap water to which from drying up, and supplied 0005 — o-oio per cent, calcium . . periodically with Hgo. ihe butyrate, or sodium acetate, had been added, or water from a sulphur well to which small amounts of HjS had been added. Since he considered the sulphur bacteria to be almost completely autotrophic, he added only min- ute quantities of organic matter. He found the organisms to live up to nineteen days if ad- equately supplied with sulphur- etted hydrogen, bnt only eight or nine days in its absence. apparatus is shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 3). (d) Large scale experiments carried out by method [c] were also successful. His conclusions are as fol- lows : — 1. Sulphuretted hydrogen is absorbed, oxidized first to sulphur and then to sulphate. 2. The bacteria die if cultivated without sulphuretted hydrogen. * An aulotrophic organism is one which is independent of organic matter in its nutrition. THE CULTURE OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 55 3. The coloured sulphur bacteria require more sulphuretted hydrogen than the colourless forms. 4. Only a trace of organic matter is tolerated. Relatively large amounts are toxic, e.g. O-l per cent, peptone was found to be injurious. 5. The oxygen requirement is very small. 6. Exposure to light is necessary for the growth of the purple sulphur bacteria. These conclusions are of special interest because they have formed the starting-point of later researches. Although Winogradsky states that only small quantities of organic matter are tolerated it is noteworthy that in all the experi- ments given above, with the exception of {c), the fluid in which the bacteria multiplied must have contained soluble organic matter in quantity. The next important investigation is that of Molisch (3), who cultivated both fresh- water and marine forms. For fresh- water forms his general procedure was as follows. The material was covered with water from the river Moldau, at Prague, and included such substances as hay, boiled egg, bones, earth- worms, snails, and peptone water. It was left to decompose and examined periodically for its bacterial content. For marine species such substances as Zostera (sea-wrack), a bit of crab, or lish, or some other remains, were placed in sea- water which had been brought from Trieste. In some of his cultures a layer of oil was spread over the surface to limit the supply of oxygen. Molisch obtained an abundant supply of both colourless and coloured sulphur bacteria, as well as purple coloured sulphurless bacteria. He was successful in obtaining pure cultures of the last named,* but not with the sulphur organisms. Contrary to Winogradsky, he considered that a larger amount of organic matter was necessary for the growth of these organisms. He confirmed, however, Winogradsky's conclusions that oxygen can be utilized only at diminished pressure, and that exposure to light is necessary for the coloured * The cultivation of the sulphurless purple bacteria was first ac- complished by Esmarch when he isolated Spirillum rubvum. 56 SULPHUR BACTERIA forms. For pure cultures obtained from the raw cultures mentioned above, he used the following medium : — River water or sea water . . looo c.c. Peptone . . . . .5 grams. Dextrin or glycerine . . • 5 ,, Agar 18 grams or gelatine lOO grams. Colonies were obtained by plating from this medium. He also obtained colonies by plating a drop of the inoculated melted nutrient medium under a coverslip on a glass slide and ringing the coverslip to exclude atmospheric oxygen. Molisch's results are noteworthy in that they showed that the purple sulphurless bacteria, which are genetically allied to the purple sulphur bacteria, grow abundantly when supplied with organic matter, and in that they showed that a greater intensity could be secured in the growth of the coloured sulphur organism Chromaiium in a medium containing organic matter but no H2S. A very important advance was made by Keil when he succeeded in preparing pure cultures of the colourless sulphur bacteria, Beggiatoa and Thiothrix. This investigator assumed that the following factors were necessary : sulphuretted hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and some source of nitro- gen supply, and then proceeded to show that the influences which favourably affected growth were favourable only within certain limits. The upper limit of oxygen pressure was 20 mm. Hg, the lower limit 10 mm. Hg, and the optimum 15 mm. Hg. Using a fixed oxygen supply of 15 mm. Hg pressure he determined experimentally that the optimum concentration of sulphuretted hydrogen was exerted at a pressure of 0-8 mm. Hg (about 5 c.c. HoS in a vessel of 4500 c.c. capacity). The lower limit of carbon dioxide was 0-5 mm. Hg, approximately the amount normally present in the atmosphere. The upper limit was 360 mm. Hg, and the optimum 25 mm. Hg. Keil then made use of these three substances in appro- priate amounts to obtain pure cultures. Pure Cultures. — [a] Thiothrix. — A clump of material made up almost wholly of Thiothrix threads was washed and THE CULTURE OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 57 placed in sterilized fresh water, or a solution made up as follows : — • Percentage. Percentage. CaH,(C03)2 • 0-34 Ca3(P04)2 0-02 MgH^iCOs)^ . 0-27 KCl o-oi CaSO^ • 0-31 K2S O-OI MgSO^ . • 0-51 FeS O-OI Na2S04 . 0-2I CaS O-OI A small quantity of ammonium sulphate was added, and the three gases O2, H2S, and CO2 introduced. In the second week, the threads of Thiothrix had begun to liberate segments from their free ends. The culture was periodically washed with sterile water. It was maintained by Keil that by this method his cultures were free from im- purities because the subsequent addition to them of O-l — 0-2 per cent, of sterile peptone did not result in a development of saprophytic bacteria. [h) Beggiatoa. — Pure cultures of Beggiatoa were obtained, but with greater difficulty, due to the threads being free. The purity of the cultures was tested in the same way. Keil's conclusions were : — 1. The best source of nitrogen is ammonium sulphate. 2. Organic matter, although not harmful, cannot be used as a source of N. (Contrast the conclusions of Wino- gradsky and Molisch.) 3. Nitrate cannot be used as a source of nitrogen. 4. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and sulphuretted hydrogen are necessary for development, but their amounts must be within the limits given above. 5. A carbonate of one of the alkaline earths is necessary. Either the calcium or magnesium salt may be used. 6. The organism is indifferent to the salts of the alkalis. 7. A chloride furthers growth, and the culture fluid must contain phosphorus. 8. Growth increases with rise of temperatures up to 30° C. The threads rapidly degenerate above 35° C. Beggi- atoa is somewhat more resistant than Thiothrix. Thermal death point : Thiothrix, 37° — 38° C. Beggiatoa, 45° C. 9. The colourless sulphur bacteria are indifferent to light. 58 SULPHUR BACTERIA Jegunow (i — 5) cultivated sulphur bacteria in a flat glass vessel about the length and width of an ordinary glass slide, and of a depth about a sixth of the width. Some slimy m.ud from the bed of one of the limans near Odessa was placed in the vessel, together with water from the same source. The vessel was exposed to air in an upright position. As oxygen was supplied from above, and hydrogen sulphide from below, : the organisms took up some intermediate position, where they could obtain access to both. At the selected level they formed what Jegunow names a Bacterial Plate, the shape of Fig. 4. which is shown in Fig. 4 (I) at a and on a larger scale at Fig. 4 (II). By altering the content of hydrogen sulphide he was able at will to raise or lower the level of the bacterial plate. The chief peculiarity of this plate is the series of downward directed projections which are formed by it. The movement of the bacteria composing each projection resembles that of water in a spring. They travel down the projection, and on reaching the bottom turn round and travel up again until the top of the plate is reached. When viewed through a low- powered microscope, when the bacteria are viewed in the mass, the general appearance of a fountain is presented, which made THE CULTURE OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 59 Jegunow bestow a second name to the aggregated bacteria, namely Fountain Plate. By letting down into the fluid a very line and weighted thread which had first been treated with very dilute ferric chloride, and then with ammonia, so that tlic thread was coloured a faint bluish-yellow, he was able to show some inter- esting relationships between the organism and the medium. Below the plate the thread turned black, following the for- mation of ferrous sulphide. This demonstrated the presence of hydrogen sulphide below the plate : — FeClg + 3NH4OH = Fe(0H)3 + 3NH4CI, Fe(0H)3 + H2S = Fe^Ss + 6H,0. In the plate itself the bacteria were filled with globules of sulpfhur, whilst above the plate the colour was taken out of the thread by the action of the sulphate formed by the bacteria. It must be stated that the phenomena described above are not of frequent occurrence, and their incidence is probably due to physical causes, in this case probably the presence of slime. Macgregor Skene, working with raw cultures of purple sulphur bacteria, concluded that when more favourable results were obtained by the addition of certain organic compounds, this was to be attributed not directly to the organic compounds but to the ammonium sulphate liberated from these com- pounds by saprophytic bacteria. The most vigorous develop- t tooK place m the lollc )wmg medmm : — Ammonium sulphate 0-75 gm. Magnesium sulphate 0-05 „ Potassium dihydric phosphate . 0-05 „ Potassium chloride 0-05 „ Calcium nitrate o-oi ,, Sodium chloride 27-00 gms Calcium carbonate . 10-00 ,, Distilled water 1000 c.c. 6o « SULPHUR BACTERIA A small conical flask (50—100 c.c.) containing a depth of I — 1-| cms. of this solution was infected with sulphur bacteria, and exposed to an atmosphere of sulphuretted hydrogen. In 10 — 30 days a vigorous development of bacteria took place, and a rich red-purple zoogloea covered the chalk sediment. Source of Nitrogen. — The most satisfactory of the nitro- genous compounds experimentally added was found to be ammonium sulphate, only slightly less satisfactory album.en, peptone, and asparagin. As already stated these organic compounds are not regarded by Skene as being directly assimi- lated. The most suitable concentration of ammonium sulphate was found to be O-i per cent. Sources of Carbon. — Using ammonium sulphate as the source of nitrogen he next determined the source of carbon. A large number of organic substances were put under requisition, but Macgregor Skene came to the conclusion that not one of them was assimilated by the sulphur bacteria. Since vigorous growth occurred in the second and third generations in the mineral solution given above, he concluded that the carbon constituents necessary for the building up of bacterial cells could not have been contained in the original infecting material, and such being the case the carbon could have no origin other than the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere. Without pure cultures he was not able to confirm this statement. A series of experiments is recorded by this investigator to determine w^hether the sulphur bacteria obtained COg from the atmosphere directly or through the medium of an autotrophic bacillus which constantly appeared in his cultures and which was easily isolated. Eight flasks were infected with a pure culture of the bacillus and set aside for twelve days. Four were then sterilized, and to the collection four uninoculated flasks were added. Of the twelve flasks three from each series were infected with purple sulphur bacteria, so that the following experimental conditions could be obtained : — THE CULTURE OF THE SULPHUR BACTERLi 51 3 flasks containing live autotrophic bacillus + CO^ from atmosphere + sulphur bacteria. 3 flasks containing dead autotrophic bacillus + CO, from atmosphere + sulphur bacteria. 3 flasks containing 0 autotrophic bacillus — CO, from atmosphere + sulphur bacteria. I flask containing live autotrophic bacillus + CO, from atmosphere — sulphur bacteria. I flask containing dead autotrophic bacillus -)- CO, from atmosphere — sulphur bacteria. 1 flask containing 0 autotrophic bacillus — COj from atmosphere — sulphur bacteria. The results were inconclusive, the first nine flasks showing equal growth, and the last three, of course, none. I'ests to ascertain if H.jS is necessary to purple sulphur bacteria. — Flasks infected with sulphur bacteria were treated as follows : — Results. 1. Placed in air ........ 0 2. Placed in HjS gas ....... Strong growth 3. Usual salts added, 0-5 per cent, sodium thiosulphate + air + light 0 4. Usual salts added, 0-5 per cent, sodium thiosulphate + air -light .0 5. Usual salts added, 0-5 per cent, sodium thiosulphate — air + hght 0 6. Usual salts added, 0-5 per cent, sodium thiosulphate — air - light 0 7 . Sodium bisulphate, sodium sulphide, sodium thiosulphate, potassium sulphide, calcium sulphide, iron sulphide, each used in turn in place of HgS gas . . . all 0 Hence he concluded that HgS gas is a necessary addition. Tests to ascertain the necessity of light to the purple sulphur bacteria : — 1. Lieske's solution (see p. 44) .... 2. ,, ,, + dextrose, 0-15 per cent. . 3. ,, ,, + calcium lactate, 0-15 per cent. . 4. ,, ,, + pot. formate, o' 1 5 per cent. 5. Ammonium sulphate, 0'075 per cent. ; + dextrose, o'lj percent. . 6. ,, ,, 00-75 per cent. ; + calc. lactate, o"i5 per cent. 7. ,, ,, 0-075 per cent. ; + pot. formate, o"i5 per cent. From which he concludes that hght is necessary Results Light. Dark + 0 recorded 0 ,, 0 " 0 .. 0 .' 0 iry. 0 62 SULPHUR BACTERIA He found further that [a) The purple bacteria grow better in dayhght than in red light. [b) The same bacteria grow better in red than in blue light. Bavendamm repeated the cultural methods of Skene for. the coloured, and of Keil for the colourless, sulphur bacteria. He also used successfully Lieske's mineral solution for the cultivation of the iron bacteria. All the culture fluids received an abundant supply of pure "calcium prascipitatum." In one instance he found that the growth of a raw culture of Lamprocystis obtained from a mass of decomposing Chara was so abundant that colonies of the organism rose to the surface in large numbers. By an ingenious arrangement, for details of which the reader is referred to his book, he was able to regulate the supply of oxygen and of sulphuretted hydrogen. He obtained the following results : — 1. HgS optimum supply 25 m.m. Hg pressure. 2. O2 „ ,, 26 „ Hydrogen was added to raise the pressure to that of the normal atmosphere. His raw cultures were disturbed by the appearance on the surface of a thin whitish-yellow layer of sulphur in which were embedded numbers of a small colourless bacillus. By subculturing he finally obtained a growth of Lamprocystis which did not form a surface layer of sulphur. He satisfied himself that the culture was now pure by trans- ferring some of it to sterile bouillon, a procedure which did not result in bacterial growth taking place in this fluid. Experiments with Thioporphyra volutans. — A few tentative experiments have been made with this organism by the author. In nature it flourishes only in sea water containing organic matter resulting from the decomposition of seaweed, or from the presence of sewage. Both in nature and in artificial cultures active growth results only if the supplv of oxygen is limited. In nature this is secured by the rapid con- sumption of the dissolved oxygen by the numerous aerobic saprophytic bacteria that are also present. In the laboratory THE CULTURE OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 63 the vessels containing decomposing seaweed show a much stronger growth of the purple organism when stoppered. The growth of the organism is hkewise m.uch better in pools or in cultures in w hich the sulphuretted hydrogen is enough to cause a perceptible smell. Finally, active growth follows ex- posure to subdued light, but does not take place in the dark or when exposed to bright light. Dr. Blodwen Lloyd, in the author's laboratory, has succeeded in cultivating Thioporphyra in a medium made up of potassium nitrate 0-5 gram, sodium dihydric phosphate 0-25 gram, calcium malate 5 grams, and sea water lOOO cc. The nitrogen in this culture was thus obtained from the nitrate, and the carbon almost certainly from the CO2 of the atmosphere. On further cultivation, however, the size of the organism rapidly diminished in this artificial medium, probably because the nitrate was not the best source of nitrogen. So far as the investigation has pro- ceeded, the results confirm those obtained by Keil, Skene, and Bavendamm, but it is not yet known whether under natural conditions nitrogen is derived, as Molisch believes, from organic matter, or, as Skene thinks, from products resulting from the decomposition of organic matter. Changes Effected in the Constitution of the Water BY Thioporphyra volutans The chemical changes which take place in a marine pool during the growth of Thioporphyra volutans have been investi- gated (Ellis and Stoddart). An analysis of the water of a neighbouring marine pool in which there was no decomposing matter is given for comparison in the following table : — H2S. Oxygen. Ca. Mg. so.,". PH. Grams per Litre. cc. per Litre. Grams per Litre. CO. per Litre. Grams per Litre. Grams per Litre. Grams per Litre. 0-00032 0-2I 0-013 S-89 0-20 0-315 0-408 8-1 A pool containing decomposing matter was kept under observation for ten weeks during the summer, and samples of 64 SULPHUR BACTERIA water from it were periodically analysed. During this period the pool, which also contained putrescent seaweed, became coloured a deep purple owing to the growth of Thioporphyra. Whilst the chemical changes cannot all be ascribed to Thio- porphyra volutans, the fact that this organism during the period of investigation was far more numerous than any other indi- cates that it was responsible for a very large percentage of the chemical changes that took place. This applies particularly to hydrogen sulphide and the sulphates, which are respectively assimilated and secreted by this organism. The following table gives the results of the chemical analyses : — HoS. Oxygen. Ca. Mg. SO4". pn. Grams c.c. Grams c.c. Grams Grams Grams per per per per per per per Litre. Litre. Litre. Litre. Litre. Litre. Litre. At commencement of investigation •00022 •15 •015 IO-5 ■20 •315 •690 7-2 After 3 weeks •00071 •465 •016 II-4 •25 •317 •672 7-3 ,. 6 ,, •03 19-71 •003 2-1 •126 •16 •368 7-1 ,, 8 ,, •0072 47 •0028 1-96 •33t> •49 I-I9 7-6 ,. lo •0045 3-0 •001 s 1-26 •18 •235 •588 7-4 The results are represented graphically in Fig. 5. In addition, a total count was made of the saprophytic bacteria, with the followingf results : — Time in Weeks. No. of Saprophytes per c.c. (approx.). Sulphur Bacteria. 0 3 6 8 10 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 Few : objects in water not purple. Objects in water slightly purple, deep These tables show that for six weeks the content of hydro- gen sulphide and the number of saprophytic bacteria had steadily increased, the increase in the former obviously result- ing from the increase in the latter. During this period the THE CULTURE OF THE SULPHUR BACTERL4 65 sulphur bacteria had also increased, and at its close had im- parted a tinge of their colour to the various objects in the pool. H2S in soluh'c Oxygen >• » A \ 16 12 8 / / \ r— - — / / s V !) Y N»-. — < *—— . "^1 i 6 Time in weeks 4 6 Time in weeks. 76 1 74 X 0- 7-2 7n / ^ ^ ^ ^■'''><~. / / ^-H / 4 6 Time in weeks. Fig. s. 10 The rise in the .hydrogen sulphide content is an indication that the supply by the saprophytes was greater than the 5 66 SULPHUR BACTERIA demand for it by the sulphur bacteria. After the sixth week, although there was a marked increase in the number of saprophytes, the sulphur bacteria had increased at a far greater rate, until the demand for hydrogen sulphide was greater than the supply. The gradient downwards in the sulphide graph is very steep between the sixth and the tenth weeks. On the other hand, the downward decline of the oxygen curve is steady during the whole of the period of investi- gation, an indication that both the saprophytes and the sulphur bacteria were using up this element in respiration. Whilst the graphs for hydrogen sulphide and for oxygen can be interpreted in terms of the vital activity of the sulphur bacteria, the same cannot be said of the SO4" graph. The in- determinate character, of this graph indicates that, like the Ca and the Mg, which have similar graphs, its rise or fall does not coincide with the rise or fall in the numbers of the sulphur bacteria. This fact is consistent with the supposition that the change from S to the sulphate is not directly dependent on the vital activities of the sulphur bacteria. The smiall fluctuations in the pW values reflect the small changes that follow the absorption of hydrogen sulphide by the sulphur bacteria, the production of other acids by the saprophytic bacteria, the partial neutralization of these acids by the calcium and other compounds, and the changes caused by evaporation or by rainfall. The results in general confirm those obtained by other investigators for other sulphur bac- teria, but cannot be regarded as conclusive, because the con- tribution of other organisms which were necessarily present in the pool under observation could not be exactly estimated. The growth of Thioporphyra reached its zenith in a medium containing enough organic matter to support 5,000,000 bacteria per cubic centimetre. Winogradsky's conclusion that the sul- phur bacteria tolerate only minute quantities of organic matter is not justified. Without pure cultures it was not possible to ascertain if Thioporphyra assimilates organic matter directly. CHAPTER V. THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION AND THEIR APPLICATION TO 1TIE SULPHUR BACTERIA. The Principles of a Natural Classification, and their Application to the Grouping of the Sulphur Bacteria. All bacteria are usually assigned to the plant kingdom, mainly because the genus Bacillus, which includes most bacteria, is, in its structure and life-history, of a distinctive plant nature. This cannot, however, be said of some of the other genera in this group. Some, as for example. Spirillum, are more allied to animals that to plants. In the classification of more highly evolved organisms the ditihculty would be a serious one, but bacteria are at a stage of development where the distinction between a plant and an animal is not so well defined as in higher organisms. They are in fact not sufiiciently far removed from ultramicroscopic organisms that cannot be assigned exclusively to either the plant or to the animal kingdom. All those bacteria which contain sulphur inclusions are grouped under the name sulphur bacteria. These organisms are morphologically very varied but physiologically similar. Physiological similarity does not, however, necessarily imply genetic affinity, and the systematist is therefore confronted with a difficulty. Fie must effect the grouping of a large number of species on the basis of a common physiological attribute, when some of the constituent units can be assigned to the plant kingdom, whilst others readily find a place in the animal kingdom. A grouping on physiological lines is unsatisfactory, for, with increasing knowledge, it is becoming more evident that the mode of metabolism of an individual bacterium is not fixed and unalterable. As a class bacteria 67 5* 68 SULPHUR BACTERIA are very adaptable. For example, certain bacteria lead both a saprophytic and a parasitic existence according to the nature of the habitat ; and there are denitrifying bacteria that undergo the sulphur metabolism. The insufiticiency of a physiological grouping is apparent in the sulphur bacteria, for whilst the group includes almost every known variety of form and structure, the possession of sulphur inclusions does not connote any other distinction common to the whole group ; and this is the surest indication that the classification on the basis of a common physiological trait is not genetically sound. But it is nevertheless adopted in this book on account of its con- venience in limiting the area of investigation. The further subdivision of the group is followed on morphological lines. All existent classifications have the defects of the classifi- cations of higher plants in the days of Linnaeus. These were based on artificial distinctions rather than on natural afiinities, and to a certain extent the difficulty will always remain in the classification of lowly forms with the high degree of plasticity possessed by bacteria. Of the earlier attempts the best is that by Migula (i — 3), which is based on morphological characters. This classification would have been completely successful were it not for the fact that the distinguishing features selected by him were in several instances transient and not permanent attributes. In the classifications of Engler (1912) and of Meyer (1912), the sulphur bacteria are incorporated in a general scheme in which a few changes are made in the division of the sulphur bacteria to bring them into conformity with the general scheme adopted by the authors. There had not been during the period (1909-12) any investigations which threw any further light on the afitinitics of the sulphur bacteria. One addition had been made to their number, namely, Hillhousia, dis- covered by West and Griffiths in 1909. Of the recent classifications those of the American Society of Bacteriologists are not completely satisfactory. They violate the first essential of any logical system of grouping which demands that it should not be possible to fit any organism into more than one group. Inclusion in one group THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 69 should necessarily spell exclusion from any other group, and this is not the case in the American classifications. In the lengthy and elaborate schemes that have appeared from America there has been no attempt to question the validity of the characteristics used for the groupings. All the attributes used in earlier groupings have been taken at their face value. Those parts of Buchanan's scheme that deal with the sulphur bacteria will be here noted. Review of the Aitributes used in the Subdivision of THE Sulphur Bacteria. The chief difficulty in grouping these forms arises from the fact that hitherto so little has been done to distinguish transient from permanent characters. If the former arc used for the diagnosis of bacteria, confusion inevitably follows the effort to establish the genus and species of any particular unknown organism on the basis of its morphological distinctions. The range of constant attributes among bacteria is very limited. The author has recorded (Ellis (i — 3)) the results of the ex- amination of the more important morphological characters generally used in the classification of bacteria. These are given below : — (i) Division in one, two, or three planes. — It was found experimentally that a Sarcina which normally divides in three dimensions of space, could be made to break up into smaller units of one, two, three, or four cells. An observer remarking the cells in this last condition, would not be able to allocate them to the genus Sarcina, for they would not show the characteristic cell-arrangement in three dimensions of space. In the same way species of the genus Micrococcus, which is distinguished by the divisions of its cells in two dimensions, were induced to break up into smaller groups varying from one to four or a small number of cells. On the other hand, the Streptococci, which divide in only one dimension, do not, in the author's experience, depart from that method of division. Hence it follows that an organism showing globular cells in a culture may be a Sarcina, or Micro- coccus, or a Streptococcus. It is possible only by an extended 70 SULPHUR BACTERIA investigation to ascertain to which of these genera any particular organism belongs. The author is of the opinion that no difference exists between the genera Sarcina and Micro- coccus. An organism is generally ascribed to Sarcina if observed dividing in three dimensions, and to Micrococcus if in two dimensions, but it has been shown that the same organism may use both methods of division. It is an easy matter, by subculture, to effect the transformation of a Sarcina into a typical Micrococcus. Hence the number of planes of division is not constant, and is therefore not a suitable criterion for the classification of bacteria. (2) Motility. — In Migula's system a distinction is made between a Sarcina and a Planosarcina, the former being non- motile, and the latter motile. A similar distinction is drawn between Micrococcus and Planococcus. Twenty-four species of Sarcina, Micrococcus and Streptococcus were cultivated by the author in such a way that the cells were as short a time as possible in the presence of their excretions. The result of such cultivation was invariably the same. The aggregated cells were found to break up into uni-, diplo-, tri-, and tetra- cocci, and at the same time motility was developed. Con- versely, the aggregated stage was found to be a non-motile one ; this loss of motility was correlated with an increased slime-production. It was found possible by frequent sub- culturing to reduce the slime formation and so to induce motility in sixteen species of Sarcina, five species of Micro- coccus, three species of Streptococcus, and five species of Bacterium, all usually described as non-motile. The bacteria investigated were the following : — ■ Sarcina piilmo)ium, auresce^is, flavescens, rosea, flava, mo- hilis, fimentaria, gasoformans, striata, vermiformis , oleus, ventriculi, fuscescens, marginata, and two unidentified species. Micrococcus helvolus, citreiis, grossus, and two unidentified species. Streptococcus tyrogenus, pallidus, and pyogenes. Bacterium hirtum, tomentosum, filamentosum, rugosum. and cerinum (Ellis (i — 3)). THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 71 It is therefore highly probable that the capacity of movement is a distinctive feature of all bacteria under certain, at present incompletely known, conditions. It is well to bear in mind that motility is one of the fundamental properties of protoplasm, and is more readily manifested in unicellular aqueous organisms because of the obvious advantage which they obtain by its occurrence. At any rate it is certain that the fact of motility in an organism can only have a restricted use in a natural system of classification. (3) The Size of the Cells. — This is an unreliable criterion for classification, as may be demonstrated by the cultivation of any one species of bacteria for an extended period, and under difi^erent conditions of growth. The production of long or short rods is often dependent upon variable external conditions, whose effect upon the organism cannot be predicted before- hand. The tendency of a normal bacillus to form long filaments under certain conditions is well known. Even the thickness of any particular species of bacteria varies. At the same time a large organism, e.g. Bacillus megatherium, is always large when cultivated under normal circumstances ; and others, as for example some of the nitrate bacteria, are always very small. It is therefore possible to assert that an organism is large or that it is small, but unless the given range of its measurements is a wide one, any statement of the size of an organism cannot be relied upon as a help in its identification. Some of the sulphur bacteria show an extraordinary variation in size. This applies not only to differences in different generations, but frequently to differences in the same generation. Bacterium sulfuratum may show hundreds of different sizes in the same field. It is a sound rule, and one followed in this book, to ascribe to the same species all those organisms that are similar except as to size, and in which the sizes are so graded that the individuals form a series separated only by minute dimensional differences. This attitude is justified by the frequent occurrence of pleomorphism (see pp. 14 et seq.) in the sulphur bacteria. In the cultivation of some of the sulphur bacteria a very small change in the environ- mental conditions sometimes results in the production of indivi- 72 SULPHUR BACTERIA duals of varied size, a fact which makes it practically impossible to fix upon a certain defmite size as being an attribute of any particular organism. The method adopted by Winogradsky in his study of Beggiatoa alba is not one which is justified in the subdivision of bacteria. When lie found various sizes of that organism in the same field connected together by numerous gradations, he arbitrarily selected a particular range, and bestowed upon the individuals within that range a specific name. In this way several " species " of the genus Beggiatoa were established by him. Such " species " are not of the nature of " microspecies " or " elementary species " or " pure lines." The variations in size appear to be the ordinary manifestation of every culture of Beggiatoa; it is an aspect in the pleomorphic tendency of this species, and no more significance is to be attached to tlie variation than to the variation in the number of sulphur granules in the different individuals. W inogradsky established the following " species " : — Threads up to i/x thick, Beggiatoa minima. 1— 2-5/A ,, ,, media. 2-5— 4/x ,, ,, alba. 4—5-5/^ :, ,, major. The figures were arbitrarily chosen by him and he admits that any others would have done " weil sie nur auf Convention beruht." In other words, they are intended merely as catalogue names, and in that case it is not correct to label them as "species." Suppose a culture of this genus in, say America, shows sizes of filaments varying in thickness from, let us suppose, i/Lt to 6jLt, and a culture of the same genus, in say Germany, gives a crop of threads of thicknesses varying from ■|/i, to 5/x. According to this " Convention " all the threads in both cultures between ijx and 2-5jLt must be labelled Beggiatoa media. Whilst there is still some ambiguity in the meaning of the term species all must agree that it connotes a unit that is sharply separated from other units, whether the bond of union is known or unknown. It is more reasonable to fix the name Beggiatoa alba (chosen for priority) for all thicknesses THE PRINCIPLES OE CLASSIFICATION 73 of this organism, until there is evidence that there are other distinctive differences between the different classes of threads. (4) Cilia Insertion : Presence or Absence of Cilia. — An investigation was instituted (Ellis (2 — 3)) on the mode of inser- tion of the cilia to ascertain its constancy in the life-history of a species. A culture of a species of Bacillus was kept for several months, under different conditions. At frequent intervals cilia preparations were made, and it was found that under all conditions the peritrich ciliation was main- tained. l"he same procedure was followed with a culture of Pseiidomonas, with the same result, namely, that the polar ciliation characteristic of this genus was also a constant feature. So far as it was possible to conclude from the limited scope of these experiments the mode of ciliation may be used for purposes of classification. A distinction must also be made between organisms pro- pelled by cilia, and others, like Beggiatoa alba, that are motile, but which are apparently without cilia. Even if later re- searches show that Beggiatoa and similar organisms do possess cilia, these are almost certain to be of a different character from the cilia of the bacterial organisms known at present to possess them. Hence it may be possible with further knowledge to make use of this fundamental difference in the mode of ciliation. Migula in his classification made use of the number of cilia. In the author's experience the number of cilia has been found to vary in the same species. The cilia of Spirillum voliitans were found to vary from one or two up to thirty and even a greater number. The number of cilia seems to have some relationship to the amount of slime formation, and this in its turn depends on the nature of the external cultural conditions, and the other factors which promote or retard growth. Hence the mode of insertion of cilia may be used for classification, but not tlieir number. (5) Pleomorphism. — In Chapter I. it has been shown that some of the sulphur bacteria are pleomorphic; for example, that the organism known as Lam.procystis is a form that occurs in the life-history of at least three organisms, namely Bacterium 74 SULPHUR BACTERIA siilfiiratiim, Beggiatoa roseo-persicina, and Thioporphyra volu- tans ; and probabh^ of other sulphur bacteria not yet fully in- vestigated. It has also been shown that the zoogloea condition is frequently found in some of the sulphur bacteria ; that in some species almost every shape known in the sulphur bacteria may be found ; that in some cases the actual transition from one form to another has been directly observed ; and that two organisms, apparently specifically distinct, have been observed in organic connection. Hence pleomorphism may be a useful aid in the separation of species, if it can be shown that in certain species its appearance is a regular occurrence. (6) Mode of Geyniination of the Spore. — The germination of the spore in the genus Bacillus is not uniform in all species of that genus. As, however, spore formation, with one or two exceptions, is confined to that genus, this feature cannot be used in the classification of the sulphur bacteria. ij) Method of Cell Division. — With greater knowledge it may be possible to utilize the undoubted differences that exist in the method of division of the cells. In the genus Bacillus cell division is preceded by the formation of a plasma-derived wall cutting across the cell. This wall then undergoes longitudinal division, the process resembling in all essentials the method of cell division which is followed in the higher plants. On the other hand, in the genus Spirillum, the cell contents withdraw from a certain area, separating the two daughter cells which even at this stage are organically separated; and are kept in place only by a connecting bridge of slime. Complete separation follows the disappearance of the slime (see Ellis (i)). lliis method occurs where a definite cell membrane is not formed, and it is general among animal cells. With one or two exceptions, e.g. Beggiatoa mirabilis, the cells of the sulphur bacteria divide by the second method. This difference in the mode of division could be used with advantage in the classification of the sulphur bacteria were it not that the number in which the first method prevails is so small that its use would not have much value, and that there are too many organisms among the sulphur bacteria of which the exact method of cell division is unknown. THE PRTXCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 75 (8) Intimate Structure of the Cell. — The structure of the cell is simple and no nucleus is differentiated. In addition, the membrane in the majority of the sulphur bacteria is not well marked (see Chap. X.). So far as is known at present, the presence of sulphur inclusions in the cell does not imply the constant presence of any other solid substance in the cell. The intimate structure of the cell is too uniform in the sulphur bacteria to permit of use being made of it in classification. (9) Colour. — The primary division in all classifications of the sulphur bacteria is based on the presence or absence of colour. The distinction of colour is most useful from the practical point of view, and it is probable also that the differences between the coloured and the uncoloured sulphur bacteria are deep seated. The coloured forms probably utilize the energy of light, as is done by green plants ; and if this be the case their metabolism is essentially different from that of the uncoloured forms. To some extent the distinctive features of the coloured and the uncoloured forms are different, but they are not sufficiently well marked to justify their use as definite connotative marks to distinguish one kind from the other. The terms Leuco and Rhodo are already in use as prefixes for the colourless and the coloured forms respectively, and it is proposed to retain them, so that the first division in the author's revised system will be 1. Leuco-thiohacteria. 2. Rhodo-thiohacteria. A difficulty has arisen in taking this step. The name Thiospirilhmi was originally used by Omelianski for all sul- phur spirilla, both coloured and uncoloured. If this primary division on the basis of colour is to be retained, it will be necessary to make a distinction between the coloured and the uncoloured spirilla. To preserve uniformity of nomenclature it is proposed to make the following distinction : — Thiospirilhmi— \Jnco\oured sulphur spirilla. Rhodothiospir ilium — Coloured ,, ,, 76 SULPHUR BACTERIA Another difficulty arose in the nomenclature of Thiothrix. The author has found a coloured Thiothrix, which appears to differ in no single particular from the normal uncoloured species, except in colour. Its genetic connection with Thiothrix is so patent that it must be retained in that genus in spite of its possession of colour. (lO) Diversity of Habit. — Several attempts have been made, notably by Bcijerinck and by Orla-Jensen, to frame classifications based on differences in the mode of life of different bacteria. Such attempts would have much to recommend them, were it not that the majority of bacterial organisms could be included not in one but in several groups. It has already been pointed out that many para- sites, like Bacillus cholercE for instance, lead a saprophytic life when living cells are not available. Many other instances may be cited in support, and it may be stated of bacteria in general that the more that is known of their metabolism the greater the conviction of the diversity of their habits. All physiological systems fail to satisfy the first requisite of a logical classification, namely, that it should not be possible to place an organism in more than one group. 7he sulphur bacteria are not cultivable on ordinary media, so it is not possible to use such cultural characteristics as gelatine lique- faction, or sugar reactions, for the diagnosis of species. The reaction of the sulphur bacteria to the Gram stain has not yet been investigated, so that its use is problematical. Summary. The foregoing remarks may now be summarized as follows : (i) Spatial Division of the Cells. — Of limited application. (2) Motility. — A positive result is valuable, but a negative one is not. Absence of movement may be due to an abnormal development of slime, with a consequent restriction of cilium development. Caution must therefore be exercised. The sulphur bacteria may be divided into three groups on the basis of motility : (i) Motile with cilia ; (ii) Motile without cilia ; (iii) Motility unknown. THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 77 (3) Size of Cells. — Of limited application, on account of the variations both in length and in thickness. Certain ranges of dimensions may be given, if they are not regarded as having an absolute value. (4) Ciliation. — 1 he mode of distribution of cilia is constant. Bacteria may be divided into three classes on this basis : (i) With peritrich ciliation ; (ii) with polar ciliation ; (iii) with no cilia. The number of cilia is not constant, except where an organism has not more than one cilium. (5) Pleomorphism constitutes a factor which may be used in the grouping of the sulphur bacteria. Our knowledge of this phenomenon in the sulphur bacteria is at present too scanty to make much use of it. (6) Mode of Germination. — Not applicable. (7) Method of Cell Division. — Two methods are known : (i) with formation of transverse wall in the plasma ; (ii) without such a formation. The value of this difference is considerably lessened because practically the whole of the sulphur bacteria belong to the second class. (8) Intimate Structure of the Cell. — The differences are not sufficiently marked to give them value for grouping purposes. (9) Colour. — The presence or absence of colour is the most important distinction that is found in the sulphur bacteria. (10) Diversity of Habit. — As many, perhaps all, bacteria do not follow only one mode of life, a grouping based on the mode of life of the sulphur bacteria can have very little value for the major partitions, although there is a possibility of its use in the minor divisions. There are thus many difficulties to encounter in the classification of the sulphur bacteria. The confused state of the classifications of the present day arises from the bestow- ing of names on what appear to be new species, after only an inadequate investigation. Genera have been founded on characters whose constancy is open to question ; and very little pains have been taken to ascertain whether the life- history of the organism under investigation is limited to the one phase that is presented to the observer. Probably more classifications of bacteria have been issued 78 SULPHUR BACTERIA within the last thirty years than of any other class of plants ; and yet there has been practically no critical examination of the soundness of the characters that have been used to effect the division of these organisms. The classification sponsored by the American Society of Bacteriologists is no exception, at any rate in that part of it which relates to the sulphur bacteria. It is proposed in the present work to attempt a remedy in the limited field of the sulphur bacteria, and to modify Buchanan's classification after elimination from it of what is regarded as of dubious value. Review of Previous Classifications. Winogradsky's Classification of the Sulphur Bacteria. The predecessors of this grouping may be left out of account, as they were based on very scanty and inaccurate knowledge. Winogradsky, 1888, distinguished fourteen genera, in- cluding the genera of previous investigators : — I. Colourless Bacteria. (i) Beggiatoa. — Threads equally thick, freely motile, and not forming gonidia. (2) Thiothrix. — Threads unequally thick, attached, and forming motile gonidia. II. Coloured Bacteria. (A) Cells united in families.* a. Division in three directions of space. (3) Thiocystis. — Single or several families of small cells, surrounded by a slime cyst, and capable of movement. (4) Thiocapsa. — Several families of round cells, loosely embedded in a common envelope of slime. Not motile. (5) Thiosarcina. — Families in packets. b. Division at first in three, later in two directions of space. * The term family is used here in the sense of a cluster or an aggregate of similar cells. THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 79 (6) Lamprocystis.— -Fami\\es at first forming a solid mass, later forming a reticulated hollow sphere. c. Division in two directions of space. (7) Thiopedia. — Families in plates, cells arranged sym- metrically in fours, and capable of motion. d. Division of cells in one direction of space. (8) Amoshobacter. — Families amoeboid and motile. Cells connected by plasma threads. (9) Thiothece. — Families with thick slime cysts. Cells motile and loosely enclosed in a common envelope of slime. (10) Thiodictyon. — Families made up of rods arranged net- wise. (11) Thiopolycoccus. — Families compact. Cells non-motile, small and closely pressed together. (B) Cells free, and capable of movement. (12) Chromatinm. — Cells cylindrical-elliptical. (13) Rhabdochromatium. — Cells rod- or spindle-shaped. (14) Thiospirillum. — Cells spirally twisted. Remarks on Winogradsky's Classification. The attributes selected for the grouping are simple, and for the most part easily ascertainable. The most serious fault of this system lies in the inconstancy of the characters used in the grouping, and this applies in particular to the partition of these organisms according to the number of dimensions in space in which they divide. Motility or its absence is also an uncertain factor. The following features in the species are constant : — • [a) The division into coloured and uncoloured forms. [b) The division into free cells and aggregates of cells (families). [c) The shape of the cell (rod, globular, etc.) As Winogradsky discounted the facts of pleomorphism, and in consequence magnified the importance of variants into species and even into genera, the value of his system is 8o SULPHUR BACTERIA considerably impaired. Of the fourteen genera the generic names Lamprocystis, Thio splicer ion, and Thiopolycoccus have been discontinued for reasons given later. The remaining eleven genera are retained with modifications. Since the publication of Winogradsky's system a comparatively large number of new genera have been added. Both the defects of Winogradsky's scheme and the discovery of new genera which do not readily fit into his scheme, make it necessary to modify the bases of grouping used by him. This classification is, however, one of great importance since it has formed the pivot about which have turned the majority of subsequent systems. The genera established by Winogradsky have been incorporated into the general schemes of classifications of bacteria. They appear with a few modifica- tions in the elaborate classifications of De Toni and Trevisan (1889), Hansgirg (1888), Cornil-Babes (1890), Migula (1890 and 1894), Ludwig (1892), Sternberg (1892), Fischer (1895), Lehmann and Neumann (1896), Chester (1897), Kendall (1902), and Molisch (1907). During the period 1888-1907 there were no investigations to determine the validity of the features selected by Winogradsky for the grouping of the sulphur bacteria. Their diagnostic value had not been challenged, and in all, the facts of pleomorphism were either unknown, or if known, disregarded. The most noteworthy contribution to our knowledge of the sulphur bacteria dur- ing this period was Molisch's Die Purpurhakterien, and in the system established by him notable changes were intro- duced. During the period 1888- 1907 a new genus of colourless sulphur bacteria was discovered by Hinze (1903), and named Thiophysa voliitans. No consideration, however, was given to this organism by Molisch because this writer dealt only with the coloured sulphur bacteria. Molisch's Classification of the Sulphur Bacteria. Order RJiodohacteria. Bacteria coloured red, rose, violet, or carmine, by the presence of bacteriopurpurin. THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 8i 1. Cells contain free sulphur. Family (i) Thiorhodacece. [a) Cells united into families. Sub-family a. Thiocapsacece. — Division of cells in three directions of space. Sub-family h. LamprocystacecE. — Division of cells first in three, then in two directions of space. Sub-family c. Thiopediacece. — Division of cells in two directions of space. Sub-family d. Amcehobacteriacece. — Division of cells in one direction of space. ib) Cells always swarming. Sub-family^. ChromatiacecE. — Not capsulated. Sub-family /. Rhodocapsacece. — Capsulated. 2. Cells do not contain free sulphur. Family (2) Athiorhodacecs. [a) Cells united into families. Genus a. Rhodocystis. — Cells rod-shaped, many being embedded together in a common capsule. Genus b. Rhodonostoc. — Cells spherical or short rods in chains, each chain enclosed in a capsule. [b] Cells free. Genus a. Rhodococcus. — Cells spherical, non-motile. Genus b. Rhodobacterium. — Cells straight rods and non-motile. Genus c. Rhodobacillus. — Cells, motile rods. Genus d. Rhodovibrio. — Cells, short, bean, or comma shaped ; monotrichous, actively motile. Genus e. Rho do spirillum. —Cells, spiral ; actively motile ; polar ciliation. Remarks on Molisch's Classification. Molisch did not investigate the colourless sulphur bac- teria, and in the present work we are not dealing specifically with the sulphurless purple bacteria. His classification has 6 82 SULPHUR BACTERIA therefore only a partial application. He divides the coloured sulphur bacteria into six groups, the first four of which are divided according to the number of directions in space in which the cell divides, and the last two are separated from the rest by being free instead of forming families. I'his classification, in one respect, is not an advance on that of Winogradsky, for in it also the number of dimensions in space in which an organism divides is made the basis of the primary grouping. Molisch reduced Winogradsky's fourteen groups to six, as he omitted the following : Thiocystis, Thiosarcina, Thiothece, Thiodictyon, Thiopolycoccus, Rhabdochromatium, and Thio- spirillmn. No reasons are given except that the classification is made " auf Grund meiner Erfahrung." As Molisch's re- searches did not deal, except incidentally, with the grouping of the sulphur bacteria, his classification of these forms is necessarily incomplete. He, however, added two genera to the sulphur bacteria, namely Rhodocapsa and Rhodothece. Both are sharply marked off from all the genera hitherto included in the sulphur bacteria. In his own classification they are included presumably in Rhodocapsaccce, although he does not specify the genera of this sub-family in his scheduled classification. A notable departure in the method of classification of bacteria was made by Orla Jensen (1909). In the interval the list of sulphur bacteria had been supplemented by the discovery of the genus Thioploca by Lauterborn (1907). Orla Jensen introduced entirely new factors in his classifica- tion. Whilst using morphological characters for the main groupings, the families and genera are separated on the basis of physiological difterences. Orla Jensen's Classification. Two Orders are distinguished. I. Cephalotrichince. — Cells spherical, rod-shaped, or spiral. Endospores formed only in a few sulphur-free spirilla. When motile, mono- or lopho-trichous. Typically water bacteria. Energy almost exclusively by oxidation processes. THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 83 2. Peritrichime. — ^Cells spherical, or rod-shaped, never spiral. Either peritrichous or non-motile. Not typically water bacteria. Energy not by oxidation processes. Seven families are included in the first order : — Oxydobacteriacece. Luminibacteriacece. Reducibacteriacece . * Thiobacteriacece. — Containing sulphur but no bacterio- purpurin. * Rhodobacteriacec?. — Containing sulphur and bacteriopur- purin. Actino)}Lyces. * Triihobacteriacere. — Water forms. Absence of mycelium. Filamentous. Four families are included in the second order : — Acidobacteriacece. Alkalibacteriacece. BntyribacteriacecE. Putribacteriacecs. All the sulphur bacteria then known were placed in one or other of the three families marked with an asterisk. Family Thiobacteriacece : 1. Cells not spiral. A. Cells rod-shaped or not spherical. * Snlphomonas. — Autotrophic, rod shaped. Thionionas. — heterotrophic, oval. B. Cells spherical. Thiococcus. — Cells spherical. 2. Cells spiral. Thiospirillum. Family Rhodobacteriacece : Rhodoinoiias [Chromatium). Rhabdotnonas [Rhabdochromatium) . * Sulphomonas is not rightly included in ThiobacteriacecB as the cells do not store sulphur. 6* 84 SULPHUR BACTERIA Rhododiclyon ( Th iodictyoii). Aynoebomonas [Amcebobacter). Rhodothece [Thiothece). Rhodopoly coccus {Thiopoly coccus) . Rhodococcns ( Thiopedia). Lamprocyslis. Rhodocystis (Thiocystis). Rhodocapsa ( Th iocapsa ) . Rhodosarciva {Thiosarcina). Rhodospirilhun [Thiospirillum). Family Trichobacteriacece : 1. Not containing sulphur granules. 2. Containing sulphur granules. a. Beggiaioa. Threads not attached. Motile. b. Thiothrix. Threads attached. Remarks on Orla Jensen's Classification. All the fourteen genera introduced by Winogradsky were accepted, but their names were changed. In addition four new genera were added. The first of these calls for particular attention, because it is a genus composed of cells in which sulphur is not stored. This is Siilphomonas , the name in this system for the thionic acid bacteria, which by this time had been discovered by Nathansohn. Thiophysa volutans appears under the name Thiomonas. The third and fourth genera, namely Thiococciis and Thiospirillum, were added as logical sequences to the insertion of, rod-shaped genera in the family Thiobacteriacecp. The teriri Thiospirillum was not well chosen, as it had already been used by Winogradsky with a different meaning. It has already been affirmed that all classifications with pliysiological attributes as the main basis of the grouping cannot be regarded as satisfactory, because bacteria are not confined to only one mode of life. THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 83 Buchanan's Classification (1917). He distinguishes six orders of the class Schizomycetes. Order i. — Enhacteriales. Order 2. — Chlamydohacteriales . Order 3. — Actinomycetales. Order 4. — Thiobacteriales. Order 5. — Myxobacteriales. Order 6. — Spirochcetales. He gives the following key to the families of the order Thiobacteriales, which includes all the sulphur bacteria. Family (i) Achromatiacece. — With sulphur, but no pur- purin. Unicellular : not motile, and not filamentous. Genus i. Achromatiiim. — Cells ellipsoidal, containing calcium oxalate, and perhaps sulphur. Genus 2. Thiophysa. — Spherical cells, with sulphur granules in a central vacuole. Genus 3. Hillhoiisia. — Cells longer, and very large (42 — 86/a), with peritrichous cilia. Family (2) Beggiatoacece. — Like family (i), but filamentous. Genus I. Thiothrix. — Non-motile filaments, thread un- equally thick ; attached. Genus 2. 5^^^w/oa.— Filaments, motile, not attached, thread cylindrical ; filaments not in bundles, nor surrounded by a gelatinous sheath. Genus 3. Thioploca. — As Genus 2, but filaments in bundles surrounded by a gelatinous sheath. Family (3) RJwdobacteriacece. — Containing bacteriopur- purin, and with or without sulphur granules. These he divides into two sub-families : — Chromatioidece. — Containing sulphur granules. Rhodobacterioidece. — Without sulphur granules. Chromatioidece. — Divided into five tribes as follows : — ThiocapsecE. — Cells in families : division in three directions of space. 86 SULPHUR BACTERIA Lamprocystecc. — Cells in families : division first in three, then in two directions of space. ThiopediecE. — Cells in families : division in two planes, forming plates of cells. Amoehohacteriacecc. — Cells in families : division in one plane. ChromatiecE. — Cells free, capable of swarming. (It is not necessary to consider the Rhodobaclerioidece in this work, as they are not sulphur bacteria.) Key to the Thiocapsecc : Genus i. Thiocysiis. — -Motile : families small, compact, . enclosed singly or several, in a cyst. Genus 2. Thiosphcera. — Motile : cells large (7 — 8/x), loosely bound by gelatine into loose families. Genus 3. Thiosphcerion. — Motile : cells small, united to form solid, spherical families. Genus 4. Thiocapsa. — Non-motile : cells spread out in flat families, loosely enveloped in a common gelatine. Genus 5. Thiosarcina. — Non-motile : cells in regular packets. Key to the Lamprocystecc : One genus Lamprocyslis. As for family. Key to the ThiopediecB : Genus i. Lampropedia. — Cells arranged regularly in fours. Genus 2. Thioderma. — Cells in a film, or membrane, not regularly disposed in tetrads. Key to the Amoehobacteriece : Genus i. Aniabohacter. — Cells connected by plasma threads : families amoeboid, and motile. Genus 2. Thiodictyon. — Cells arranged in a net by their ends. Genus 3. Thiothece. — Cells not arranged in a net, and loosely aggregated in gelatine : motile. Genus 4. Thiopolycoccus. — Same as the preceding, only cells are not motile, and closely appressed into a colony. THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 87 Key to the Chroniatiecs : Genus i. Chroniatium. — Cells motile, with polar cilia and cylindrical. Genus 2. Rhabdomonas. — Same as preceding, only cells have a tendency to a spindle shape. Genus 3. Thiospirillum. — Same as above, only cells are spiral. Genus 4. Rhodocapsa. — Cells spherical, or nearly so, and non-motile, not capsulatcd. Genus 5. Rhodothece. — Same as preceding, only cells capsulated, and in pairs. Remarks on Buchanan's Scheme of Classification. In the above scheme only that part which deals with the sulphur bacteria is here considered. All the niemxbers of this group are included in the order Thiohacteriales, which is one of the six into which the Schizomycetes are divided. There are twenty-two genera in this order, but no new species of sulphur bacteria. The different genera of the sulphur bacteria arc all included in the one order. It is evident that the classification of the sulphur bacteria has been drawn up without specific investiga- tion of these organisms, and without discrimination between the values of various attributes. The characters chosen for effecting the grouping are merely mixtures of the characters used in previous classifications. The result is naturally the perpetuation of all the errors that are found in the previous schemes. Whilst Buchanan's scheme appears to be more complete than older classifications, it is nof, so far as the sulphur bacteria are concerned, and in essentials is no advance on Winogradsky's plan. In the scheme drawn up under the aegis of the American Society of Bacteriologists, the grouping of the sulphur bacteria follows very closely the plan laid down by Buchanan. New generic and specific names appear, but as these did not appear as the result of independent investigations, the scheme is cumbersome without compensating advantages. 88 SULPHUR BACTERIA A committee of the Society of American Bacteriologists (Bergey, Breed, Hammer, Harrison, and Hunton) prepared a Manual of Determinative Bacteriology in 1923, and in the classification of the sulphur bacteria they have adopted Buchanan's scheme without change. The same applies to Pribram's classification which appeared in 1929. Ellis's Classification of the Sulphur Bacteria. Buchanan's classification has the merit that it takes cognizance of all the sulphur bacteria that have been dis- covered in recent years. The present writer's scheme has been drawn up after an inspection of the stability of the attributes used in the classification of bacteria in general, and of the sulphur bacteria in particular. Also the life-histories of these bacteria have been studied, and observations have been made on the majority of the organisms included in this group. In this way the defects of the earlier systems have been made manifest, and so far as has been possible, they have been avoided. As a quarter of a century has elapsed since a scheme of classi- fication of the sulphur bacteria has been drawn up after a special investigation of the group, there is much to rectify. The acceptance of pleomorphism is a fact of great importance in framing a scheme of division. The instability of dimensional division in space is also a fact that strikes at the roots of former classifications, because of the im.portance attached to it. The genus Lankesteron has been created because it was felt that the organisms examined respectively by Lankester, Warming and Zopf were different species of a highly pleomorphic genus of the sulphur bacteria. Within the last twenty-five years, since the last classification was made after a detailed study of the group, several additions have been made to the group, and the author has added still another genus, namely, Thio- porphyra. In addition a slight change has been made for the ake of preserving uniformity of nomenclature. The Spirilla genera of the sulphur bacteria have been divided into two, namely, Thiospirilliim (colourless), and Rhodo-thiospirillum (coloured). The term Thio-pseudomonas was also introduced THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION 89 for purposes of uniformity. It has been found necessary to discard some hitherto famihar names. The best known of these is Lamprocystis. It has been shown already (p. 18) that the organisms known by this name are forms of growth of one or other of several organisms, and not independent species. It is considered that the attributes by which this genus is known, namely, that division is at first in " three directions of space " and subsequently in " two directions of space," is a fugitive character, and due in all probability to some change in the constitution of the sHme which envelops the cells. The validity of this alleged distinctive feature of Lamprocystis has never been confirmed by any subsequent writer. The following genera are discarded for reasons given be- low : — Thiosphcera, Thiosphcerion, Thiothece, Thiopoly coccus, and Hillhousia. Of these the first four are discarded because it is considered that they represent merely phases in the life- histories of various pleomorphic bacteria. Zoogloea struc- tures, when they occur in organisms other than the sulphur bacteria, have not been regarded as other than forms of growth, not as separate organisms. There is still some doubt whether the genus Hillhousia is specifically distinct from Achromatium. The balance of evidence supports the view that they are identical. Ellis's Classification. The sulphur bacteria arc divided into two groups : — A. Leuco-Thiobacteria. — Colourless sulphur bacteria. B. Rhodo-Thiohacteria. — Coloured sulphur bacteria. A. Leuco-Thiobacteria. — Four families. Family i. Beggiatoacece. — Normally straight filaments, but may show spiral or globular forms ; normally motile ; occasionally enters zoogloea condition. Genus i. Beggiatoa. — Normally straight, motile, filaments. Genus 2. Thiothrix. — Filaments attached, and often enclosed in sheath of hardened slime. Genus 3. Thioploca. — Aggregates of threads in har- dened slime. go SULPHUR BACTERIA Family 2. AchromatiacecE. — Free, motile, cells normally spherical or spheroidal in form : reproduction by fission and by zoospores. Genus i , Achromatium. — Cylindrical, ellipsoidal, cells ; reproduction by fission and by zoospores ; move- ment chiefly of translation and slow. Genus 2. Thiophysa. Cells globular, or ovoid, uni- and diplo-cocci common ; movements by trans- lation and rotation ; reproduction by fission. Genus 3. Thiosphccrella. — Ellipsoidal cells ; thick membrane surrounded by slime ; movement slow ; reproduction by fission. Genus 4. Thioviduin. — Oblate spheroid or this figure with one end slightly elongated ; reproduction by fission and division at right angles to long axis. Family 3. Thiospirillacece. — Free, spiral, cells ; polar cilia. Genus i. Thiospirillum.—Free, motile, spiral, cells; division by fission. . Family 4. Thiohacillacecc. — Short rods ; division by fission. Genus l. Thiobacillus. — Peritrich ciliation. Genus 2. Thiopseudomonas. — Polar ciliation. B. Rhodo-Thiobacteria. — Seven families. Family i. LankesteracecB. — Normally filamentous ; highly pleomorphic, with rod, spiral, and coccal, forms ; occasionally forms zoogloea?. Genus i. Laiikesieron. — As for family. Family 2. Chromaiacece. — Spherical, or ellipsoidal, free cells ; one polar (probably compound) cilium. Genus I. Chromatimn. — Rose-pink colour; uni-cocci ; reproduction by fission, and probably also by sexual cells. Genus 2. Thioporphyra. — Purple colour ; uni-, diplo-, and tri-cocci ; reproduction by fission, by budding, and probably by endospores. THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION gi Family 3. Rhodothiospirillacece. — Free, spiral, cells ; polar ciliation. Genus i. Rhodothiospirilhim, as for family. Family 4. Rhodocapsacece. — Free cells each surrounded by slime ; motile. Genus l. Rhodocapsa. — Uni- or diplo-cocci, or short chains. Genus 2. Rhodothece. — Rod cells ; contain aerosomes. Genus 3. Rhodosarcina. — Cocci arranged in packet form. Family 5. Thiocapsacece. — Globular cells, forming clusters enclosed in slime. Genus I. Thiocapsa. — Cells non-motile on escape from slime. Genus 2. Thiocystis. — Cells motile on escape from slime. Genus 3. Thiospharion. — Violet colour ; slime colonies of globular form ; cells motile on escape from slime. Family 6. Amahobacteriacece. — Rods or spherical cells en- closed in slime ; cells connected by plasma threads. Genus i. Amcehobacter. — Sphaeroidal cells in slime which move in unison when they separate or close in. Genus 2. Thiodictyon. — Rod cells united like a Hydro- dictyon net. Family 7. ThiopediacecE. — Globular cells in slime arranged in regular formation. Genus i. Thiopedia. — As for family. CHAPTER VI. LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA (COLOURLESS SULPHUR BACTERIA). Family i. Beggiatoacecs. Genus i. Beggiatoa ; Genus 2. Thiothrix ; Genus 3. Thioploca. The Leuco-Thiohacteria. — This group includes all the colourless sulphur bacteria. Family i. Beggiatoace^. Straight filaments sometimes spiral or rounded. The fila- ments are unicellular, and either homogeneous or divided into sections by the formation of thin transverse bands of hyaline slime at more or less regular intervals. Slime is formed outside the membrane. In Beggiatoa slime formation is scanty ; in Thiothrix the slime hardens and forms a cylindrical sheath with transverse bands ; in Thioploca numerous filaments are enclosed in a well-developed mass of slime. The filaments are motile, the degree of motility being determined chiefly by the amount of slime formation. Reproduction is by fission, and in one genus (Beggiatoa) also probably by asexual spores. Genera — 1. Beggiatoa. 2. Thiothrix. 3. Thioploca. Genus I. Beggiatoa (Trevisan), 1842. Colourless threads, non-septate, and typically motile. One species {B. alba) shows high degree of pleomorphism. The varieties of form include filaments, large and small cocci, short rods, and ovoid structures. These may be motile or 92 THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 93 non-motile, and may be either free or enclosed in slime (zoogloea condition). The developmental life-history and methods of reproduction are fully known only in B. alba. In this species reproduction is by fission, and probably also by formation of endospores. Raw cultures in nature form a white slimy or felted cover on the surface of various objects undergoing decomposition ; or if the organism is growing in sewage-laden water, on the bed of the stream. Beggiatoa alba (Voucher), Trevisan (i), 1842. Synonyms. — Oscillaria alba (Vaucher) ; Hygrocrocis Van- dellii (Meneghini) ; Beggiatoa punctata (Trevisan) Beggiatoa media, and Beggiatoa minima (Winogradsky) Literature. — Vaucher, 1803; Meneghini (1833-36); Tre visan (1842) ; Cohn (10), 1875 ; Warming, 1875 Zopf (i), 1882; Winogradsky (2), 1888; Butschli (i) 1890; Fischer (i), 1891 ; (3), 1897; Mitrophanow 1893; Corsini, 1905; Keil, 1912 ; Ellis (1924, 1927) Bergey, 1924 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Description. — In mass cultures Beggiatoa alba typically forms a dark grey, loosely textured, felted shroud, covering the surface of its host : or if the water is sewage-contaminated a covering on the bed of the stagnant or slow-moving water. Beggiatoa is typically made up of long threads of cylindrical form with rounded ends, and unless very long these are of uni- form thickness, 2 — 6/x. The movement is normally slow and without undulation. Lengths of even a centimetre and more have been observed.* Long threads do not move forward but exhibit a slow swinging jerky movement at the ends, resembling that of Oscillatoria. The average length is 50 — lOOju.. The cells contain, under favourable conditions, an abundance of sulphur globules. Motile, colourless threads, with oil-like contents, in a water containing organic matter in sohitioii, may with certainty be referred to Beggiatoa alba. * A filament of this length is on the same scale as an inch-thick rope about 140 yards long ; a remarkable instance of cohesion in a substance of such soft matter. 94 SULPHUR BACTERIA Sheath Formation, The existence of a sheath-covering in Beggiaioa was re- corded as early as 1884 by Winter, in Rabenhorst's Krypto- gamen Flora; and in more recent work it is mentioned by Selk, 1907, and by Keil, 191 2. Further, Koppe, 1923, has recently shown that Beggiatoa arachnoidea occasionally be- comes attached to objects in the water by the development of cushions of slime at one end of the thread. The occurrence of slime formation, however, as a normal feature in the life- history of Beggiatoa alba has not hitherto been recognized. Sheath formation is characteristic of all conditions of the Beggiatoa cell, but in motile threads its amount is too slight to be perceptible without special treatment. A similar formation is found in the iron bacteria, e.g. Crenothrix poly- spora, but whereas in these the sheath formation is a normal occurrence of healthy cells, in Beggiatoa alba, as in yeast, active slime formation is abnormal. The autolysis of the cells is always accompanied by excessive slime formation (see below). The thread appears to be divided transversely by walls such as are normally formed in the division of cells of the higher plants. In this case, however, they are merely transverse bands of hardened slime. Their mode of formation is described below. Growth. Under favourable conditions a thread grows to double its length in twenty-four hours, and during this time undergoes one division. According to Winogradsky, this rate of growth continues as long as the thread receives an adequate supply of sulphuretted hydrogen. The amount of this substance daily absorbed by a normal thread is substantially greater than the amount of protoplast in that thread. Growth is intercalary. Autolysis.* Mass cultures of Beggiatoa alba in nature usually disappear completely with the advent of unfavourable circumstances. * Autolysis refers to a process initiated inside the cell which results in the disappearance of the organism by self-liqueiaction. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 95 Tlie filaments frequently suffer dissolution with dramatic suddenness, for the whole procedure which is detailed below may occupy not more than a few minutes. The procedure in autolysis follows one of two courses. First Method. — After coming to rest the filament breaks into fragments, as shown in Fig. 6c. The sheath at this stage can be made visible by treatment with iodine. Between the short lengths into which the thread has divided (Fig. 6d) transverse sheaths of slime are formed. Then, beginning with one of the cells at or near the middle, each swells in turn (Fig. 6e). The order of swelling seems to be strictly maintained. By the time the fourth or fifth has begun to swell, the starting cell has completely disappeared. The process continues until the last cell has dissolved. Second Method. — When autolysis takes place in a filament in which a well-developed and hardened sheath has already been formed, a change in some of the details of the process is observed. As before, the thread breaks up into a number of short lengths, but the fragmentation is accomplished inside the hardened sheath (Fig. 6h) ; and it is within the sheath that the dissolution of the cells is effected. In Fig. 6h is shown an example in which all except three cells have disappeared. In this figure a septum of slime is also shown. Cause of Autolysis. — Winogradsky (2) states that autolysis takes place as a result of the depri\-ation of sulphuretted hydro- gen, but he did not advance any proof in support of this state- ment. Actually, it takes place when inimical conditions of growth reach a certain stage of intensity, and this may result not only from the dearth of sulphuretted hydrogen but also from an insufficiency or an excess of oxygen, or from other causes. When the conditions of growth are not satisfied the filaments disappear, so that in most cases not one but several factors are concerned. It has been suggested that the process is furthered by the secretion of a specific ferment, but no proof of the existence of such a ferment has been advanced. It is very unlikely that a process which is accompanied by a series of remarkable morphological changes originates or is furthered by a ferment. It must be borne in mind that the 96 SULPHUR BACTERIA Fig. 6. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 97 protoplast segments into a number of equal or approximately equal lengths, and that the morphological changes outlined above take place in a regular sequence. Autolysis must be regarded as a vital phenomenon, as much so as the capacity of a plant to respond to such outside influences as light, gravity, etc. In the course of this response ferments may or Fig. 6. — Beggiatoa alba (Vaucher). Trevisan (i), 1842. a. — Photomicrograph (shghtly touched up) of a short filament containing a few granules of sulphur. x 1200. b.- — Fragment of thread undergomg autolysis. Transverse walls are clearly visible. At one point the protoplast has receded from both sides of the transverse band of sheath (at b) leaving a clear space. This manner of separation is characteristic of the process. X 1500. c. — Shows the first stage in autolysis. The thread has broken up into fragments of approximately equal lengths. x 1500. d. — Second stage in autolysis. Transverse bands of hardened slime are seen between the segments. x 2000. e. — Third and final stage in autolysis. Nine segments are shown, of which three are in process of swelling, preparatory to dissolution, x 1500. (For further explanation see text.) /. — Short filament with four endospores. x 1500. e — Endospore. s — Sulphur globule, somewhat contracted, lying in its vacuole. g. — Semi-diagrammatic representation of a portion of thread to show alveolar arrangement of the plasma. x 4500. V — Vacuole, s — Sulphur globules. g — Minute granules in plasma. h. — Filament in last stage of autolysis. Whilst the sheath has remained comparatively unchanged, its contents have almost disappeared. X 1500. (For further information see text.) c — Rerhains of the disappearing segments. sh — Sheath. b — Transverse band of sheath-material. d — Debris left after disappearance of another portion of the filament. may not be developed, but if formed they are to be regarded as concurrent, not as causative agents in the production of the phenomenon, and their presence as an incidental, not as a necessary feature. The mechanism of the process is a physical one. All living cells contain osmotically active substances, and normally, equilibrium is maintained because the outward pressure is 7 98 SULPHUR BACTERIA balanced by the resistance of the somewhat hardened and chemically changed outermost layers of the protoplast. The balance is evidently a very delicate one, and one which is easily destroyed by a further change in the constitution of the resisting outer layers when these are transformed into slime. This causes the outwardly directed pressure to over- come the resistance of the outer layers, with the results described above. It is as though the leather casing of an inflated foot- ball were gradually changed into a softer material. Expansion would occur and ultim.ately there would be a complete dis- appearance of the ball. A hypothetical ferment may be pre- dicated to bring about the transformation of the outermost layers, but there is no necessity to assume its existence to explain what in the last resource is a vital phenomenon, which does not necessarily demand the existence of a ferment for its manifestation. Methods of Reproduction. (A) Fission.~T\\e normal method of reproduction is by fission. At first the two daughter cells are attached by a band of slime continuous with the surface slime. This is made clearer on staining the slime with iodine or carbol-fuchsin. Later the daughter cells gradually draw apart, but the contin- uity of the slime is maintained until the cells are about their own length apart. Zopf (2) states that the separation is facilitated in station- ary threads by the swinging movements of the free end, and Winogradsky (2) affirms that a break usually occurs at a place on the thread where a large vacuole is found. (B) Endospores. — Structures similar to endospores were observed on one occasion inside the threads of a Beggiatoa growing in a pool on the rocks near the Millport Marine Bio- logical Station, Scotland. The following reasons suggest that these structures were spores : — [a) Constancy of size and shape (4/Lt long and 3-5/x broad). [h) Difiiculty of staining. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 99 (c) The approximation of the size to that of the normal bacterial endospore in the genus bacillus. Their germination has not been observed. Sexual reproduction apparently does not occur. Species of the Genus Beggiatoa. When many individuals of Beggiatoa are observed in the same microscope-field, threads varying in thickness from i^ and less to approxim.ately 3/x are found, and a similar variation is to be found in the lengths of the cells in the threads. Winogradsky (2) has arbitrarily fixed on certain ranges of size in such a mixture and given a specific name to each selected range. He distinguishes different species in accordance with the dimensions griven in the following: table :• — - Thickness in /u.. Length of Cells in /ix. Beggiatoa alba media „ minima* 4—5-5 i-o — 2-5 Up to i/x 2-9— 5-8 4-0-S-5 A criticism of this procedure is given on page 72. Pleomorphism of Beggiatoa alba. Zopf (l) has found this organism to be highly pleomorphic: it can exist in a motile free state, or in a non-motile attached form. The long threads show a differentiation of base and apex. The filament breaks up under certain conditions and forms a mass of cocci. f In Fig. ja is shown a filament which has * The name Beggiatoa minima has been apphed to two different organisms, this name being given by Winogradsky to one organism, and hy Warming to another. That described by Warming has since been taken away from the Bacteria by Lauterborn, and placed in another group under the name Spirophis minima. t Zopf uses the term coccus, not to designate an individual belonging to the group CoccacecB, but to indicate a small rounded mass of plasma. In the accepted use of this term nowadays, a coccus is a spherical mass of plasma surrounded by a definite cell membrane. 7* TOO SULPHUR BACTERIA already assumed an irregular form preparatory to breaking up, and which is already showing at its basal end small independent masses of plasma, each containing a few grains / Fig. 7. — Pleomorphism of Beggialoa alba. At a is shown a filament breaking up into separate clumps of plasma, each including a number of sulphur granules. In the lower part of the figure, four of these clumps are shown. In b the formation of these clumps is shown completed, although the alignment of the filament is still maintained. In c, d, e are shown the different forms into which the members of the clumps develop, namely, free cocci, short rods, or zoogloea masses. Either cocci or short rods may be found in the zoogloea masses. At / is shown a rigid spiral cell formed by separation from the filament. of sulphur. In the next state (Fig. yb) the filament has given place to a number of separate clumps of plasma. Next, the clumps break up into micrococci which may become motile in. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA loi that form, or after they have developed further to the rod form (Fig. Jc). Or the cocci may multiply and enter into the zoo- gloea condition (Fig. Je). The last-named condition may be brought about by inoculating material rich in Beggiatoa into a fluid made up of a mass of Spirogyra and Cladophora in a partial state of putrefaction in water. Also Zopf observed a fragment of a filament being cut off from the end, when it assumed a twisted form and swam away (Fig. 7/). He states that he made a direct observation of this occurrence : " Ich beobachtete diesen Faden zufallig einige Zeit, und sah nun wie das spiralige Stiick in ein Hin- und Her-schwanken- gerieth um schliesslich abzubrechen und als starre Spiralige hinweg zu schwimmen." This fact has been doubted, but the author has observed (Ellis (5)) an intercalary cell being detached from a thread of Cladothrix dichotoma, when it swam away in precisely the same manner as the detached fragment of Beggiatoa^ alba observed by Zopf. Finally, Zopf relates that the elongation of cocci and short rods into short filaments is sometimes followed by the assumption of the spiral shape. Beggiatoa alba may therefore exist in the coccus, the bacillus, and the spirillum shapes ; and each one of these may enter the zoogloea condition. Further, each kind may be motile or non-motile. The later development of these different forms is unknown, but there is no reason to doubt that, given the proper conditions, they develop once more into the filamentous condition. Other Species of Beggiatoa. Our knowledge of other species of this genus is somewhat scanty, and even their title to be included in the genus is doubtful. Beggiatoa mirabilis (Cohn), 1865. Literature. — Cohn (5), 1865 ; Warming, 1875 ; Engler, 1883; Butschli (i), 1890 ; Kolkwitz (i), 1897; Flinze (i), 1901, and (2), 1902 ; Kolkwitz (10) 1918 ; Zuelzer, 1924 ; Bavendamm, 1924. SULPHUR BACTERIA 5Jr-> . '^ .• .- • ■ '; I v" -■n'» - ■}'gTO"'"»''...'T.i:?3grr> Fig. 8. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 103 Description. — This remarkable organism is composed of threads varying in thickness from 15 to 45/.t. In spite of its large size it has the same simple structure of cell as Beggiatoa alba. It differs, however, from that species in possessing a sharplv defined external membrane and transverse walls similar to those of the genus Bacillus. Cohn depicts transverse walls and their existence has been confirmed by Hinze, who has de- scribed their structure in detail. Warming, however, depicts a Fig. S. — Beggiatoa mirahilis (Cohn), 1865, and Beggiatoa mirabilis (Warming). a and b show parts of filaments of the organism which Warming described under this name. Transverse walls are not formed, x 500. c-f show parts of filaments of the Beggiatoa mirahilis as figured by Cohn and Hinze. c. — Shows the outer walls, the transverse membranes, the vacuoles and the sulphur globules, x 1200. d (after Hinze) . — Two cells separated by a delicate transverse wall : sulphur globules and bodies alleged by Hinze to be chromatin (see p. 182^. X 1200. e (after Hinze) . — The first phase in the development of the transverse wall : formation of an annular ring. Seen in section at a^. X 1200. /. — Diagrammatic representation of the annular ring, shown in section in the preceding diagram. g.- — Photomicrograph of Beggiatoa mirahilis as described by Warming. From material from the South of England. X 500. h. — Beggiatoa mirahilis of Warming.— K diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of a thread preserved in formalin. The plasma appears as an irregularly reticulate knotted mass. The nucleus is absent, and there are no transverse walls. At the time of writing living threads have not been obtainable, but there seems little doubt that in the living condition the structure of the plasma conforms to that shown in Fig. 6b. x 1200. species by the name of Beggiatoa mirahilis (Fig. 8 a and h) which is essentially different from the organism figured by Cohn, in the complete absence of transverse w'alls. The thread appears to be roughly segmented, but this is not really the case, the fictitious appearance being caused by the occurrence of trans- verse bands of plasma at more or less regular intervals. In Fig. 8g is shown a photomicrograph of an organism found in the South of England (in material kindly sent to the author by Miss Nellie Carter) which corresponds in all essentials to the organism described by Warming. Viewed with a low I04 SULPHUR BACTERIA magnification the thread appears to be segmented, but with a higher magnification no signs of segmentation are seen. The disposition of the plasma is seen in Fig. 8A. Small pro- jections of plasmatic material appear to jut out from the sides. The projections take the form of very irregular-shaped rods and point in all directions. There thus appears to be a single continuous vacuole along the whole length of the thread, occupying the space not filled up with the plasma. It is possible that transverse walls may be a feature in the further development of the threads, but such w^ere not observed. Opportunities for studying the life-history of this organism have not yet occurred, but it is unlikely that it is identical with the Beggiatoa mirabilis of Cohn and of Hinze. In Hinze's account of Beggiatoa mirabilis the appearance and development of the transverse walls are given. Its development begins with the formation of a ring-shaped flat projection round the inside of the cell (Fig. 8^). This is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 8/. This annular plate is pushed during development farther and farther inwards until the growing wall stretches across the whole cell. By inter- calary growth the dividing cells attain the size of the mature cells. According to Hinze some of the cells die oft and sepa- ration takes place at these points. Each of the separated threads then elongates afresh. They are naturally straight and of a somewhat stift' consistency, but become somewhat wavy from the unequal distribution of the numerous particles of dirt and other debris w^hich settle on their surface. Beggiatoa arachnoidea (Agardh), Rabenhorst (2), 1865. Literature. — Agardh (2), 1827; Corda (l), 1835, (2), 1836; Kutzing (2), 1843 ; Cohn (5), 1865 ; Warming, 1875 and 1876; Engler, 1883; Koppe, 1923; Bavendamm, 1924. Description. — This organism was first mentioned by Agardh under the name Oscillatoria arachnoidea. Since that time several changes in nomenclature have occurred, and in 1865 Cohn transferred it to the genus in which it is now placed. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 105 The threads are 5/x — 6/x thick, and are divided into cellular segments by transverse bands of clear protoplasm placed at regular intervals. They form in the mass, thin, chalky-white slimy layers, of the texture of a spider's web. The segments are either as broad as they are long, or half as long as they are broad. Habitat. — Found originally in the sulphur springs at Karlsbad. It occurs in waters, both fresh and salt, containing mud rich in HgS. Beggiatoa leptomitiformis (Meneghini), Trevisan (i), 1842. Literature. — Meneghini (2), 1844 ; Massart, 1902. Description. — This species is found in great numbers in various sulphur springs. The threads are not segmented. They measure i-8 — 2-5/n in thickness and form a chalky- white covering to the objects on which they settle. Habitat. — Sulphur springs. Genus 2. — Thiothrix (Winogradsky), 188S. Founded by Winogradsky to designate a group of organisms very similar to, and frequently in association with, Beggiatoa. The genus differs from Beggiatoa in the following respects : — 1. Absence of free miovement. 2. Presence of an anchoring slimy organ of attachment. 3. Development of a slime sheath. 4. Formation of " conidia " at the free end of the threads. These are thrust out of the sheath, and after a slow, creeping, independent movement, attach themselves to objects in the water, w^here they form new threads. It is not always possible to distinguish these two general for Beggiatoa alba sometimes develops excessive slime, when it becomes stationary, and resembles Thiothrix. Again, another species, Beggiatoa arachnoidea, possesses an anchoring organ of attachment, and thus also resembles Thiothrix. But slime development resulting in an enveloping hollow sheath is a normal feature in the life-history of Thiothrix. This sheath io6 SULPHUR BACTERIA hardens and becomes detached from the remainder of the organism, forming a covering which encloses the Hving part of the cell. Finally, although short lengths of Beggiatoa do not show any diflerence in thickness at different parts of the thread, longer filaments show differences which may be pronounced. In Thiothrix the presence of a fixed hardened slime sheath has some influence in determining the thickness, since normally the apex, where the slime is softer, is thicker than the base, where the slime is firmer. 'X M H a t> c Fig. g. — Thiothvix Rod-Gonidia X looo. a. — Young thread before active slime formation. b. — Slightly older thread, in which slime formation has commenced. Slime shown at x. c. — Later stage. Slime has hardened into a sheath. Rod-Gonidia (d) are in process of expiilsion from open apex of sheath. Description. — Colourless sulphur-containing threads, non- motile in mature form, and surrounded by an enveloping sheath of hardened slime. Usually attached by a slimy anchoring organ to various objects in the water. Distinction between base and apex much more marked than in Beggiatoa, and the middle portion may occasionally be thicker than THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 107 either the base or the apex. The thread readily breaks up into more or less equal segments which for a time are held together by connecting bands of slime. The whole surface of the cells is covered by a layer of slime which subsequently hardens, and forms round the cells an enveloping hollow tubular sheath. With further growth the apex of the line of cells inside the tubular sheath is pushed out. Then each cell as it wins clear of the top of the sheath becomes separated and moves away. There is thus a steady emergence of cells from the sheath, pushed from behind by the pressure of growth. In some cases the liberated cells develop motility and swim slowly away. The name rod-gonidlwn is usually given to a cell of this kind. After swimming for a short time it comes to rest on some object and forms a new thread (Fig. 9). Note on the Terms "Conidium" and " Rod-Gonidium." The use of these terms is incorrect in the sense in which they are employed above, as it implies that they are special organs of asexual re- production. The method of reproduction in Thiothvix is one of simple fission, but it is complicated by the circumstance of the fission taking place inside a sheath of slime. In essentials it consists merely in fragments of a thread being successively detached from the apex. Thiothrix nivea (Rabenhorst), Winogradsky, 1888. Literature. — Pollini, 1817; Oerstedt (2), 1844; Kiitzing (2), 1843; Rabenhorst (2), 1865; Corsini, 1905; Swellen- grebel, 1909; Keil, 1912; Bavendamm, 1924. Synonyms. — Conferva alba (Pollini) ; Leptomitus (x^Vgardh) ; Leucothrix Mucor (Oerstedt) ; Hygrocrocis nivea (Kiitzing) ; Beggiatoa nivea (Rabenhorst) ; Thiothrix tenuis and Thiothrix tenuissima (Winogradsky, Migula, Buchanan, and Bavendamm). Description. — Bavendamm suggests that this species was described as far back as 1817 by Pollini under the name Con- ferva alba, and at various times, as is shown by the literature quoted, attention has been called to it by various investigators. Rabenhorst in 1865 gave to it the name Beggiatoa nivea, which w^as subsequently (1S89) changed by Winogradsky to Thiothrix io8 SULPHUR BACTERIA nivea. The last-named investigator divided one species into three on the sole basis of differences in the thickness of the threads. As all these different forms were found in the same medium, and as numerous intermediates were also present, the subdivision of the species is not warranted. Fig. io. — Thiothrix nivea. X looo. a, b, c- — Thiothrix nivea. Shows young filaments with slime cushions at the base of each. d. — Thiothrix tenuis. Filament from the free end of which " conidia" are in process of liberation. Four of these are shown at point of separation from the parent filament. Note on the Variant forms of Thiothrix nivea. The following figures are supplied by Winogradsky as the distinguishing marks of the three " species " mentioned by him : — THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 109 Thiothrix nivea „ tenuis tenuissima Apex. 2— 2-5/x I-7M 1-4— I-5M All threads of uniform thickness and — i — i-i/x All threads of uniform thickness and = 0-3 — 0-5^ As all these forms may be found in the same microscope- field, the inference that may be drawn is that threads of Thio- thrix are of uniform thickness when very young, and that they show inequality of thickness when they further develop. It appears as though Winogradsky had assigned different specific names to different stages in the development of one organism. Habitat of Thiothrix nivea. — Found in sulphur springs and in waters, both fresh and salt, which contain sulphuretted hydrogen in solution. Thiothrix ANNULATA (Molisch). Literature. — (Molisch (5).) Description. — The threads are attached by a well-developed slime anchor (about 3*5/x in thickness). The young colonies are composed of short, sulphur- filled threads, all in attachment to the same slime anchor (Fig. \ia). After further growth a long thread is formed which is at first unicellular, but later is segmented by transverse septa. In Fig. 11& is shown a still older thread in which the upper part is septate, but free from sulphur. Very old threads may attain a thickness of 7/A, and exhibit knotty thickenings separated by ring-like, constricted, sulphur-free areas (Fig. lie). Fragments break off at the constricted parts and a portion of such a fragment Fig. II. — Thiothrix marina (Molisch, 1907). no SULPHUR BACTERIA is shown in Fig. lid. The threads, except in very young stages, are not uniformly thick. The following measurements were obtained from a typical example : base 2/x, middle 3 — 4/x, and apex i-8/i. The septa were I/a apart. Habitat.— Found by Molisch in sea-water from Trieste containing decomposing Algse ; and by Bavendamm in similar material from the neighbourhood of Berlin, and from the briny wells of Sperenberg (Brandenburg, Prussia). Thiothrix marina (Molisch), 1907. Literature. — Molisch (5), 1907 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Description .^This species forms a white pellicle on the same material as that on which 77?. aniiuJata thrives. Bavendamm considers it to be identical with Th. tenuis^ that is, Th. nivea. The threads are relatively long and thin, being 0-8 — i'3ju, thick and 130 — 300/x, sometimes up to 500/i., long. Thiothrix violacea (Ellis). In all systems of classification of the sulphur bacteria, the first division is based on the presence or absence of colour. This procedure is satisfactory in the majority of cases, as the distinction is felt to be a natural one, and its utility is obvious. The author has, however, found in Fossil Marsh, near Glasgow, a coloured Thiothrix. A difficulty in the allocation of this species thus arises. In its structure and life-history it is a typical Thiothrix, and yet being coloured, it should find a place in the Rhodo-thiohacteria. It is proposed to place this organism provisionally in the genus Thiothrix, on account of its obvious relationship. Description. — ^Violet coloured, uniformly thick filaments, showing sheath-formation. Reproduction by fission, and possibly by cndospores. The threads are approximately 3^ thick and are found attached basally to various objects in the bed of a stream containing domestic sewage. There is no special anchoring cushion of slime. Transverse walls (of slime) are not visible in young threads, but they appear in old threads, and also in threads that have lost their THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA iii sulphur contents (Fig. I2a). In older threads a sheath of slime is formed from the outermost layers of the cells, which n\ 9^ o abed Fig. 12. — Thiothrix violacea (Ellis). X 1200. a. — Fragment of old thread made up of the hardened slime sheath, the transverse bands of slime, and unidentified particles. b. — Fragment of old thread containing seven round bodies, possibly endo- spores. Previously formed transverse bands of slime have been swept away by growth in the cells within the hardened sheath. c. — Fragment of a thread with an open end and transverse bands of slime. d. — Thread showing so-called " conidia " formation. The " conidium " is attached to the parent thread by a band of slime, which can be seen by treatment with carbol-fuchsin. subsequently hardens and forms a hollow tube containing the cells in single row formation. In Fig. 12 h and c, are shown 112 SULPHUR BACTERIA two old threads, of which & is a hollow sheath of hardened slime and containing seven of the objects which may be endospores ; whilst c is a similar thread, but in this the trans- verse bands of hardened slime are also present. It also con- tains one of the objects that may be endospores. The plasma is homogeneous, with the sulphur globules and pigment uniformly distributed. In older threads from which the sulphur globules have disappeared a large number of sm^all granules are seen. The nature of these has not been determined. Methods of Reproduction. (A) Reproduction by fission is the common method. It may take place terminally, or it may be intercalary. Inter- calary grov/th is found only in young threads. In older threads only the tip goes on dividing, and short lengths of the filament arc successively broken off. These are often named " conidia " or " rod-gonidia," which are misnomers, for the difference between such reproduction and fission is one of degree not of kind (see also note on p. 107). In Fig. I2d is shown a young thread in process of liberating a short length from its tip. Connection with the parent thread is still maintained by a band of slime. The same process is in force even when the filament is enveloped by a sheath, for the top of the sheath is open, and the cells are pushed out of the opening by pressure from behind. (B) Endospores. — In older filaments a number of bodies are occasionally seen which may be endospores (Fig. 12 h and c). They are roughly cylindrical-elliptical, and approximately of equal size (about 3/^). They were found in old threads of which nothing remained except the sheath. For lack of opportunity, the germination of these structures was not followed so that their spore nature has still to be proved. Habitat. — Found in a running stream containing domestic sewage, near Glasgow. Note. — The investigation of this organism was unfor- tunately cut short by its disappearance following the intro- duction of sanitary measures, which diverted the course of the sewage. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 113 Genus 3. — Thioploca (Lauterborn), 1907. Literature. — Lauterborn (5), 1907; Wislouch (i), 1912; Koppe, 1923 ; Bavendanim, 1924. A well-defined genus living in the calcareous mud of shallow marine waters. a - KM- b Fig. 13. — Thioploca Schmidlei (Lauterborn). x 5000. Description of genus. — Colonial motile threads of the Igiatoa type bound together in a com.mon envelope of slimy matter. Each colony has the appearance of a rope of slime, but the individual movements of the contained threads do not result in their separation from the colony. The outer surface of the slime rope is covered with particles of mud and gritty matter, and is constricted at regular intervals (Fig. 13&), 8 114 SULPHUR BACTERIA each constriction being ring-shaped and transverse. The threads are septate, and their ends often pointed. Wislouch states that the members of this genus are shghtly blue in colour, due to the presence of phycocyan and chlorophyll. It is probably physiologically intermediate between the Cyanophycece and the Leuco-thiohacteria, but it is included in this group for the sake of completeness. Thioploca Schmidlei (Lauterborn), 1907. Literature. — Lauterborn (5), 1907 ; Koppe, 1923. Description. — Each "rope" may extend to 3 — 4 centi- metres, and may itself be one of a number of strands forming a thicker rope. The thickness of such a " rope " is 50 — 60)u-, and within it the closely adpressed threads at its centre exhibit gentle gliding movements passing over one another, but they do not leave the " rope " in their movements. Also there appears to be some directive force in the community as a whole, for the movements of two neighbourhood threads are always in opposite directions. Sculpturing effects are produced on the surface of the " ropes " owing to the incrustation of mineral matter from the surrounding water. At certain periods, or under certain conditions, the slime opens out and from it emerge threads, which swim away and doubtless form the nucleus of new colonies, although their development has not been investigated. Reproduction is by fission. Lauterborn also observed the intertwining, after separation, of the two sections of a dividing thread. The threads are septate, the length of each segment being i-| times its breadth. The threads in a young colony, accord- ing to Lauterborn's figures, do not show septation. The sulphur granules are so numerous and small that the threads appear black under the microscope. Habitat. — Found in calcareous mud below 15 — 20 metres depth either in marine, or brackish, or fresh water. Recorded from Ermatingen ; from the neighbourhood of Solingen, in a bay of the Rhine ; from near Strassburg; from the Neva; and from the neighbourhood of Konigsberg. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 115 Thioploca ingrica (Wislouch), 1912. Literature. — Wislouch (i), 191 2 ; Kolkwitz (7), 1912 ; Koppe, 1923 ; Bavendanim, 1924. Description. — The rope-Uke masses which constitute this species are white in colour, are about i centimetre long, and are composed of threads rich in sulphur. The threads creep along both directions of the longitudinal axis. Each rope contains from ten to twenty threads, some with blunt, others with pointed ends. Habitat. — Same as preceding species. Has been found in Leningrad, in a harbour in the Gulf of Dantzig (Frisches Haff), and in the Boden See (Switzerland). The differences between the two species of this genus may be tabulated as follows : — Th. Schmidlei. Th. ingrica. Lengths of slimy masses Thickness of sHme envelope Thickness of thread Length of cells A few cms. 50— 60/X 5— 9M 5—14/^ Up to I cm. Up to 80^ 2—4-5/^ 1-3— 8m Recently two species of this genus have been described by Koppe, and named respectively Thioploca minima and Thioploca mixta. As the distinction between them and the two preceding species is confined to a difference in dimensions only, and as they are found mixed with Thioploca ingrica, and as in Thioploca mixta different thicknesses of thread are found in the same colonies, we are entitled to conclude that these latest additions are merely variant forms of Thioploca ingrica. 8* CHAPTER VII. LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA (COLOURLESS SULPHUR BACTERL\). Family 2. AchromatiacecB. Genus i. Achromatium ; Genus 2. Thiophysa : Genus 3. ThiosphcBrella ; Genus 4. Thiovulum. Family 3. Thiospirillacecs. Genus i. Thiospirillum. Family 4. Thiobacillacecs. Genus i. Thiobacillus ; Genus 2. Thio- pseudonionas. Family 2. — Achromatiacem. Free, motile, and usually spherical or globoid. In one genus [Thiovuhmi) cilia have been demonstrated. Reproduc- tion by fission ; and in one genus by zoospores. Genus i. — Achromatium (Schewiakoff), 1893. Literature. — Warming, 1876; Schewiakoff, 1893; Frenzel, 1897; Lauterborn (i), 1898, and (6), 1913; Massart, 1902 ; Zacharias (2), 1903 ; "West and Griffiths (i), 1912, and (2), 1913 ; Kolkwitz (3), 1909 ; Virieux (i), 1912, and (2), 1913. Free, motile, and spherical, or spheroidal or cylindrical- elliptical. Reproduction by fission and by zoospores. Achromatium oxaliferum (Schewiakoff), 1893. Literature. — See above. Habitat. — Widely distributed in most European countries, and probably outside Europe. Description. — The cell is ellipsoidal and normally appears full of dark spherical bodies, as shown in Fig. 14A. The movement is very slow, and consists, usually, of a forward or 116 THE LEUCO^THIOBACTERIA 117 backward motion with an occasional rotation on its longi- tudinal axis. No organs of movement have been found, although Zacharias states that young individuals possess a clearly visible cilium as long as the organism itself. This has not been confirmed. Although probably first mentioned by Warming in 1875, the fi.rst descriptive account of the organism was given by Schewiakoff in 1893. He described and named Achromatiiim oxaliferum, which is considered to be identical with the organism subsequently described by Frenzel (1897) under the name of Modderula Hartwigi, and by West and Griffiths (1909) under the name of Hillhoiisia mirahilis. In the works of the earlier writers (Schewiakoff, Frenzel, Lauterborn) an attempt is made to distinguish between the peripheral layer (Rinden- schicht) and the central body (Centralkorper), obviously under the influence of Biitschli's now discredited view of the structure of the bacterial cell, and so the plasma is described as being com- posed of two layers, a central with larger, and a peripheral with smaller, meshes. This marked distinction between the size of the meshes has not been observed by later writers as Virieux, and West and Griffiths, who have examined the structure of the cells w4th greater accuracy. Dr. B. M. Griffiths regards Hillhousia as specifically distinct from Schewiakoff's Achroma- tiiim oxaliferum and Frenzel's Modderula Hartwigi, because in it there is no distinction between a peripheral and a central plasma. This distinction, however, does not occur in any mem- ber of the sulphur bacteria nor in any one of their immediate allies. The distinction apparently did not exist in the organism examined by Schewiakoff and by Frenzel. It is noteworthy that, although the organism named Modderula was stated to be quite common, no organism of the bacterial group containing a differentiated plasma has since been found. If, therefore, we take the view that Modderula (including Achromatium) does not possess a differentiated plasma, the sole distinction between Hillhousia and this organism vanishes, anrl on the groimd of priority the name Achromatium oxa- liferum must be held to cover all three generic namics (see Fig. 51 a and b, and pp. 182-4). ii8 SULPHUR BACTERIA THE LEUCO^THIOBACTERIA 119 Marked differences in size are noted in this organism : — Schewiakoff . . . I5/^ X 9 — •22/x. Frenzel .... 9 — ■I5ju, X 6 — -33ju.. West and Griffiths . . 40 — 60ju X 20 — ^},yL.. Nadson .... Up to I02/Lt in length. The smallest appears to have been that recorded by Baven- damm, which was only 3/x in length. Achronialiuni supplies another illustration of the fact that all widely distributed bacteria exhibit a wide range of dimensions, and that within the extremes of this ran^e are Fig. 14. — HiUhousia. (West and Griffiths.) A. — Normal aspect of living specimen of HiUhousia niirahilis. X 500. The cell is filled with globules of calcium carbonate. B. — H. mirabilis after removal of calcium carbonate by dilute acetic acid. The conspicuous granules are grains of sulphur, x 850. c. — Rhombic crystals of calcite, obtained by allowing the organism to dry, and then irrigating with distilled water. X 850. D. — After treatment for 15 minutes with 5 per cent, phenol. Shows lamel- lose cell wall. E. — Diagrammatic representation of two stages in the division of H. mirabilis. F. — Cell after removal of cell contents. G. — Photomicrograph of H. mirabilis from material kindly sent to the author by Dr. B. M. Griffiths. X 450. a-f are taken from West and Griffiths' paper (see Bibliography). a multitude of intermediate forms. Hence one specific name should cover all that fall within the range. A new specific name is called for on the score of differences in size only when a distinct gap occurs in the grading. In plastic organisms like the sulphur bacteria, a variation in the size of the different individuals in a culture has no more genetic significance than the variation of the number of sulphur globules in the cells. Methods of Reproduction. (A) Fission. — Two stages in division arc shown diagram- matically in Fig. 14E. This process has not been followed in detail. I20 SULPHUR BACTERIA Virieux claims that nuclear material is present as chromatin granules. If so, their disposition during cell division should be a matter of interest. The method of division is that which is common to the great majority of the sulphur bacteria. The plasma separates without the previous formation in it of a definite cell wall. (B) Zoospores. — The cell gradually expands, finally bursting its membrane, and liberating a number of zoospores that, during this period of expansion, have formed inside. Each zoospore resembles the adult in structure, and differs only in Fig. 15. — Achromatium oxalijermn. (After Virieux.) a. — Zoospores. They show the diversity of form and characteristic alveolar structure of this organism, x 1500. h. — Liberation of zoospores from the nivother cell. X 1000. (For further explanation see text.) showing some diversity in shape (Fig. 15). It measures 4 — 6/x. in length, although some reach 10 — liju. It exhibits the alveolar structure characteristic of the adult, and in each are 2 — 3 granules and a few corpuscles (see p. 184). Cilia are not developed. The zoospores on liberation increase without any further change to the size of the adult cell. Habitat. — Present in water, both fresh and salt, in which H2S is present as the result of vegetable decomposition, and in which also calcium salts are abundant. The organism has been found in various places in Germany (Lauterborn, Frenzel, Bavendamm, etc.) ; in Belgium (Massart) ; in England (West THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 121 and Griffiths) ; Austria and Czecho-Slovakia (Molisch). It has also been recorded from Ireland, Denmark, Russia, and South Africa. Its presence has been frequently noted in lake deposits of vegetable debris and diatomaceous muds ; and in vegetable debris in marshes. Distribution is probably world- wide. AcHROMATiUM MOBILE (Lauterborn), 1915. Syn. Microspira vacillans (Gicklhorn). Literature. — Lauterborn (7), 1915 ; Gicklhorn (i), 1920 ; Bersa (i), 1920 ; Utermohl, 1923 ; Koppe, 1923. Description. — The general appearance of this organism is Lauterborn placed it in the genus Achro- later writers shown in Fig. 16 matium, but have consideredits differences sufficiently marked to merit the formation of a new genus, Utermohl, and Koppc gave it the generic name of Macromonas, and what is apparently the same organ- ism is described by Gickl- horn (i) under the name of Microspira vacillans. Pend- ing a more comprehensive Fig. 16. — Microspira vacillans. X 700. investigation the organism is best retained in the genus in which it was placed by Lauterborn. Microspira vacillans {as described by Gicklhorn).* The organism is a single ellipsoidal cell, som^ewhat bent in the middle (Fig. 16), measuring 12 — 30^^ X 8 — 14/x. It con- tains numerous globules of sulphur, and in addition two or three large bodies showing a bluish tinge. These, according * This writer's work was not available, and the statement about the composition of these bodies is made on the strength of the title of Bersa's work Uber das Vorkommen von kohlensaurem Kalk in einer Gnippe von Schwefelbakterien. 122 SULPHUR BACTERIA to Bersa, are composed of calcium carbonate. There is a single large polar cilium, which is plainly visible without special preparation, and which is as long as, or even longer, than the cell. Cell-division takes place by simple fission following upon a slight elongation of the cell, which during the process does not come to rest. The stages in division are the same as in Achromatium oxaliferum. After fission has taken place the two daughter cells are connected for a period by a trans- verse band of liyalinc material. The cells gradually draw apart, and complete separation is efl'ected. The number of sm.all globules of sulphur is increased when sulphuretted hydro- gen is added to the medium. Habitat. — Found in foul mud samples from the University garden in Graz (Austria). Genus 2. — Thiophysa (Hinze). Literature. — Hinze (3), 1903 ; Nadson (5), 1914. A genus of two species. The cells are globular or ovoid, colourless, and motile. The movement, which is slow, is one of translation and of rotation. Cilia have not been found. The cells contain a peripherally placed plasma, and a large central vacuole. Division takes place l)y fission, following a slight preparatory elongation. Both uni- and diplo-cocci are conmion. Thiophysa volutans (Hinze). Literature. — Hinze (3), 1903 ; Nadson (5), 1914 ; Kolkwitz (10). 1918. Description. — This species was found in a sulphur spring in the Gulf of Naples, near Castellamare. The floor containing the organism was made up of fine calcareous sand, and smelt strongly of H2S. The calcium does not appear to penetrate the cell membrane. Diameter of cells, 7 — i8/a; maximum = 28-9)U, long, and i7-9/i, broad (Fig. 17). It has also been found in the brine ditches at Artern (Saxony), and at the sea-bottom near Hapsalu in Esthonia. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 123 Thiophysa macrophysa (Nadson). Literature. — Nadson (5) 1914. Description. — This species is distinguished from the preceding by its larger average size. The diameter of cell is 21 — 40jU.. It is, therefore, a much larger organism than the preceding, and, in addition, there is a physiological distinction, for whilst the Th. voliitans is confined to marine waters, this species flourishes only in a medium containing much less sodium chloride, namely \ per cent. b c Fig. 17. — Thiophysa voliitans. X 500. Genus 3. — Thiosph^rella (Nadson). Literature. — Nadson (5), 1914 ; Bavendamm, 1924. One species, Thiospha;rella amylifera. The following de- scription is translated from Bavendamm's work, as Nadson's work was not available. Cells round, often ellipsoidal, 6^ long, and 4-8)U, broad. The membrane is relatively thick, dense, and highly refractive, and surrounding it is a colourless slime layer. The protoplasm is normally not quite colour- less, but has a steel-grey tint. In the plasma are sulphur globules of various sizes, and, in addition, a substance of a starchy nature, which colours a dark red or violet when treated with iodine. The cells possess a slow movement, similar to that of Achromatium. Reproduction is by fission (Fig. 17 a and b). Genus 4. — Thiovulum (Hinze). Literature. — Warming, 1876 ; Migula (3), 1900 ; Molisch (5), 1912 ; Hinze (6), Lautcrborn (7), 191 5 ; Baven- damm, 1924. 124 SULPHUR BACTERIA Description. — The cells are ellipsoidal, sometimes pointed, or considerably flattened. The membrane is sharply defined, and the plasma is made up of delicate strings which traverse the whole cell. In some the plasma may be massed all at one end, leaving a large vacuole in the remainder of the cell. The sulphur globules are soluble in 90 per cent, alcohol, and insoluble in hydrochloric, nitric, and acetic acids. Also, the peripheral plasma contains dull green, round, or oval, or some- times angular, plates of varying sizes. The poorer the cells become in their content of sulphur, the more numerous are these plates. They are regarded as some form of reserve material. The cilia are numerous, and peritrich, each about a third of the length of the cell, and o-Jix in thickness. Re- production is by transverse fission. Hinze distinguishes two species : — Thiovuhtm majus, between 1 1 X 9fx and 18 X iJix. ,, minus ,, g-6 x 7-2/x and 11 x gfji. Thiovulum Mulleri (Warming). Literature. — Warming, 1876 ; Migula (3), 1900 ; Molisch (5), 1912 ; Hinze (6), 1913 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Description. — In 1876 Warming described and depicted an organism, which he named Monas MiiUeri, that belongs indubitably to the same group as Thiovulum. Thus the generic name Monas * has prior claim, but as this name is already applied to a genus of one of the Flagellate groups, it may conveniently be ignored. The cells are ellipsoidal or globular (Fig. 18). Tire size varies from 6'3ju. to i2-8ju. in length, and from 5-6/x to 15/x in breadth. Hinze has recommended that the species Thiovulum MiiUeri be limited to such members as are within the dimensions 4*9 — I2ju,in length. The suggestion is not to be recommended, for there is obviously no specific distinction between the micm- bers of these dimensions and those immediately shorter or * Monas. — The term is applied to a division of Flagellates, a group which is divided according to the number and position of the flagella or cilia. The genus Monas is distinguished by the possession of one flagellum. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 125 longer, and there is more to be lost than gained by unnecessarily- adding to the number of species. The cells show quick, agile movements and appear to be devoid of cilia. Reproduction is by longitudinal fission. The intimate structure of the cell is given on page 185. Hinze Fig. 18. — Thioviilum Miilleri. X 2000. claims that a certain organ in the cell which is colourless, but which possesses a centrum that can be stained with Delafield's hiematoxylin, is a nucleus, and that cell division is accompanied by the division of this organ (see Fig. 19). He also states that when the HgS supply is scarce, starch or an amyloid compound is stored in the cell, probably as a food reserve. An interesting feature in Hinze's work is his observa- tion that the cells are still in possession of a large number of sulphur granules when, after an active life, they have come to rest and apparently died. Thus there are other determin- ants besides sulphur in the metabolism of this organism. Habitat. — Found on the Danish coast, in various parts of Germany, in Austria, and in the Gulf of Naples. It is probably an organism of universal distribution. It lives in water above mud rich in sulphuretted hydrogen, and thrives particularly well in salt water, although it is also found in fresh waters. Fig. 19. -Thiovulum Miilleri. X 1500. 126 SULPHUR BACTERIA Note oil Thiovuhmi.— -The discussion of this organism should more appropriately appear in a work on the Flagellates, but place is given to it in this work because the limits of the group are defined by a physiological trait, namely the sulphur metabolism. It is obvious, however, that the sulphur-organ- isms are polyphyletic and that whilst the majority belong to the Schizophytes, some, like Thiovulum, cannot be classed as Bacteria. Family 3. — Thiospirilla cem. Free motile, colourless cells, containing sulphur. Division by transverse fission. As the spiral sulphur bacteria differ from the Spirillacece of the Eiibacteria only in the inclusion of sulphur granules, the term Thiospirillum used by Omelianski is preferable to the term Thiospira used by Wislouch. The former has also a claim on the ground of priority. Following the nomenclature adopted in this book the following generic terms may be distinguished : — Spirillum. — Colourless spiral bacteria : sulphur absent. Thiospirillum. — Colourless spiral bacteria, containing sulphur. Rhodothiospirillum. — Coloured spiral bacteria, containing sulphur. Rhode spirillum. — Coloured spiral bacteria ; sulphur ab- sent. The prefix " Rhodo " was first used by Molisch in his Purpurbakterien to designate purple coloured bacteria, and included the sulphur-containing and the sulphur-free forms. Genus i. — Thiospirillum (Omelianski). Literature. — Omelianski (2), 1905 ; Molisch (2), 1912 ; Wislouch (2), 1914; Perliljeff, 1923; Bavendamm, 1924. Colourless, spirally wound, with polar cilia. Division by transverse fission, as in all Spirilla. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 127 Thiospirillum Winogradskii (Omelianski). Literature. — Omelianski (2), 1905 ; Molisch (5), 1912. Ihis species was found in 1903 at the bottom of a high glass vessel which had been filled with mud and water, from the limans near Odessa, and to which some lime had been added. It is a large, motile, colourless, or almost colourless, spirillum, about 40/x long and 3-5/z thick, as sketched by Omelianski (Fig. 20). The normal form has one spiral turn but some show two such turns. The single cilium, /<0- which is probably compound, is polar. A^^'Qi Habitat.— Yownd in Russia (Omelianski) ; Austria (Molisch) ; and Germany (Kolkwitz). It is common in water, both fresh and salt, containing hydrogen sulphide. Thiospirillum granulatum (Molisch). Literature. — Molisch (2), 191 2. An organism found in an artificial culture containing fresh w-ater, mud, gypsum, and roots of Elodea. This is a doubtful species, as it was found in the same medium which contained Beggiatoa alba and Cladothrix, both of which are pleomorphic, and in some stages have a spiral form. It is provisionally in- cluded here. The length is given as 21 — 40/x and its thickness 2 — 3"5/i.. ^• ^m Fig. 20. — Thiospirillum Wiyiogradskii (Omelianski) . X 2500. Thiospirillum bipunctatum (Molisch). Literature. — Molisch (2), 1912 ; Wislouch (2), 1914. A marine organism showing a half, or a complete turn, with a clear zone in the middle. The sulphur granules are located in this middle portion. There is one cilium at each pole. Volutin is present. Length of thread, 6-6 — lO/x, and thickness 1-9— 2-4/x (Fig. 21). 128 SULPHUR BACTERIA Habitat. — Found in mud from Trieste, in which hydrogen sulphide was present. Also in mud from the harbour of Reval (Esthonia). Thiospirillum agilissimum (Gicklhorn), Ellis. Literature. — Gicklhorn (i), 1920 ; Bavendamm, 1924. The generic name Spirillum was given to this organism by Gicklhorn, and, following Wislouch, changed by Bavendamm to Thiospira. A small S-shaped, or comma-shaped, spirillum, found in mud samples from a pond at Graz (Poland). It measures lOjx in length and about i-S — 2-C)/,i in thickness. Gicklhorn Fig. 21. — Thiospirillum hipunctatum (Molisch). Fig. 22. — Thiospirillum agilissimum (Gicklhorn), Ellis. X 3000. describes it as one of the smallest forms of sulphur-spirilla. Its motility is very great. The sulphur droplets are pressed close together, and number 4 to 1 2 in each cell. The membrane is very delicate (Fig. 22). The introduction of hydrogen sulphide into the medium containing the organism liad no apparent effect in promoting growth. Thiospirillum agilis (Kolkwitz), Ellis. Literature. — Kolkwitz (3), 1909 ; Lauterborn (7), 191 5 ; Koppe, 1923 ; Bavendapim, 1924. This organism was found in mud rich in hydrogen sulphide. Its characteristics are given as follows : Thickness i/i, one THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 129 or two windings, widtli of winding 6/i., sulphur globules disposed in a single line. Habitat. — Found in various parts of Germany. Note. — It is doubtful whether this organism is sufficiently defined from^ the above description to justify giving it a specific name, Thiospirillum ELONGAiA. — Perfiljeff, 1923. Literature. — Perfiljeff, 1923 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Bavendamm gives the following description. Slender cells with steep windings, and pointed ends. Dimensions 1-2 — I-5/X thick (in the middle) and 12 — 28ju long. The ends are filled with volutin granules. Two polar cilia. Membrane with spiral thickening. Habitat. — Found in fresh water overlying mud rich in hydrogen sulphide, near Leningrad. Note on the Sulphur spirilla. — It is unfortunate that practically nothing is known of the life-histories of these interesting forms, and specific namics have been given almost entirely from the appearance presented by the adult organisms. Family 4. — Thiob.a cilla ce.e. Free, colourless, motile or non-motile cells. Division by transverse fission. The term Bacillus in Migula's classification is used to designate motile, rod-shaped cells, and the term Bacterium is used for similar cells that are non-motile. It is doubtful, however, whether the distinction can be maintained. Five species of the genus Bacterium were chosen at random, and in all it was found possible to induce movement (see Ellis (3)). It is, therefore, extremely probable that the motility or non-motility of these organisms is conditioned by the nature of the environment, and that the two terms apply to the same organisms. In this work the term Bacterium is not used with generic significance, and the term Bacillus is used for both the motile and the non-motile rod-shaped organisms. There is another reason for discarding the word Bacterium. Its proper use in the English language is obviously as the singular of the word Bacteria^ and it would therefore be better to restrict its 9 i3o SULPHUR BACTERIA use to designate a single member of the group of Bacteria. The word Bacterie which often appears in German hterature as the singular of Bacterien (or Bakterien) is not so suitable. The following terms are used in this work :- — Thiobacilhis. Short rods, colourless, and with sulphur contents. Rhodobacillns. ,, coloured, and no ,, ,, Rhodothiohacillus. ,, coloured, and with ,, ,, If the ciliation is polar instead of peritrich the term Pseudomonas miust replace th.at of Bacillus, with the same meaning as in Migula's classification. Thus there are theo- retically six genera, four coloured and two colourless. In this section only the genera Thiobacilhis and Thiopseudo- monas are considered. Both Thiobacillus and Rhodobacilhis are already in current use, with the same meaning as is given to them in this work. The former word, however, is frequently used loosely to indicate certain thionic acid bacteria, and in particular Thiobacillus thiooxidans which in the strict sense is not one of the sulphur bacteria. Up to the present the term Thiobacillus has been used in the publications of American writers as a convenient catalogue name, devoid of any phyletic significance. Genus i. — Thiobacillus (Ellis).* Colourless, motile, or non-niotile, rod-shaped bacteria. Cilia presumed peritrich. Thiobacillus Bovistus (Molisch), Ellis. Syn. Bacterium Bovisia (Molisch). Literature. — Molisch (5). Description. — A marine organism living a colonial life en- closed in bladder-like slimy colonies measuring up to 4 mm. in thickness. The outer surface of the bladder is made up of *It has been shown (Ellis (i)) that the mode of insertion of the ciha in bacteria is a constant feature. An organism with peritrich cilia is always peritrich, and in the same way an organism with polar ciliation is constant to that mode of insertion. This is important for systematic purposes. As the majority of the rod bacteria have peritrich cilia it is advisable to assume that an organism of this class has peritrich cilia when the ciliation is unknown and, pending further investigation, to place it in the genus Thiobacillus. THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 131 a denser material which functions as a protective covering, and in its substance are short uncoloured rods, containing sulphur globules each about i|/x in thickness and about 2-5jLt in length. The bacteria are confined to the surface layers and in the centre the material is more fluid (Fig. 23 a and b). &\ . •^. a V. Fig. 23. a. Thiobacillus Bovistus. x 5. c. Pseitdomonas bipunctatus. X 1500. b. Thiobacillus Bovistus. d. Pseudoinonas retijornians. The slimy globules are white in reflected, and dark or blue- black in refracted light. Under certain conditions the slime disappears and the bacteria are set free. We must regard this organism as one in which the zoogloea condition is permanent, that condition being probably best adapted to its mode of life. The slight differentiation in the 9* 132 SULPHUR BACTERIA composition of the slime seems to indicate the first step in the evolution of the group towards a miore complicated organization. Habitat. — Marine. Thiobacillus thiogenus (Molisch), Ellis. Syn. Bacillus thiogenus (Molisch). A marine bacillus. It is described as being 0"9 — i-3/x thick and 2-6/x long. Habitat. — Marine. Description. — The two organisms Bacterium crystalliferimi (Gicklhorn) and Bacterium reliformans (Gicklhorn) do not store sulphur ill the cells but deposit it outside. Accordingly they cannot be included in the sulphur bacteria. Bavendamm suggests that their place is probably in the group of thionic acid bacteria. Genus 2. — Thiopseudomonas (Ellis). Description.- — Colourless, rod-shaped, motile or non-motile cells. Cilia polar. The introduction of this genus is necessary although so far no definite species can be assigned to it. The two terms Thiobacillus and Thiopseudomonas must necessarily go together, for in most cases all motile rod-shaped forms are assigned to the genus Bacillus, before it is known whether the cilia are peritrich or polar. In most cases the difficulty of staining the cilia accounts for the want of knowledge as to the dis- position of the cilia. The two organisms Pseudomonas bipnnctatiis (Gicklhorn) and Pseudomonas hyalina (Gicklhorn) have been erroneously jjlaced in the genus Pseudomonas by their discoverer. In their general character they have no resemblance to the organisms placed in this genus. They are described here because they have been labelled as sulphur bacteria on the strength of their habitat, namely, water containing hydrogen sulphide in solution. Also, they do not store sulphur in their cells. Pseudomonas bipuncta tus. Colourless transparent cylin- drical cells, 8 — I2/X long and 3 — 5/a broad. The single polar THE LEUCO-THIOBACTERIA 133 ciliuni is invariably behind, and about I2ya in length. The cell moves very slowly, covering about 6oo/x per minute, and the movement consists of a slow forward rotation about the longitudinal axis. The cell contains two, sometimes three, highly refractive drops of calcium carbonate. Multiplication is by simple fission, the cell becoming more and more con- stricted in the middle until separation takes place. The daughter cells remain pear-shaped for some time after separa- tion (Fig 236^). PsEUDOMONAS HYALINA . This species differs from the pre- ceding ill being only 4 — 6/x long and 2 — 2'5/x broad. Gicklhorn considered them to be distinct species from his failure to find intermediate forms. The organisms P. hipunctatus and P. hyalina, members of the thionic acid bacteria, are further treated in Chap. XII. CHAPTER VIII. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA (COLOURED SULPHUR BACTERIA). Family i. Lankesteracecs. Genus i. Lankesteron. Family 2. Chromatiacece. Genus i. Chromalium; Genus 2. Thioporphyra. Family i. — Lankesterace^e. Literature. — Lankcster (i), 1873, and (2) 1876; Warming 1876 ; Zopf (l), 1882 ; Ellis (ll), 1929. A family of highly pleomorphic species which may be filamentous, globular, ellipsoidal-cylindrical, or spiral. The organisms enter the zoogloea condition in any of these phases. May be motile or non-motile. One genus, Lankesteron. Proof of the occurrence of pleomorphism in the sulphur bacteria was submitted in Chap. L If the facts there given are accepted, the three organisms, Bacterium ruhescens de- scribed by Ray Lankester, Bacterium sidfuratiim described by Warming, and Beggiatoa roseo-persicina described by Zopf, must be accepted as highly pleomorphic species. Hitherto each has been regarded as a mixture of species, and so has not found a place in existing classifications. The three organisms show a sufficient resemblance to justify their inclusion in the same genus. The names Bacterium and Beggiatoa are obviously un- suitable. The former has already two meanings in bacterio- logical literature, and the term Beggiatoa is already in use to indicate a genus in which Beggiatoa roseo-persicina would be unsuitably placed. The term Lankesteron is suggested as a generic name for the inclusion of these species, and from it we derive the family name of Lankester acece. 134 RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 135 Genus i. — Lankesteron (Ellis). Literature. — Lankester (i), 1873, and (2), 1876 ; Warming, 1876; Zopf (i), 1882, (2), 1885, and (3), 1895; Winogradsky (i), 1887, and (2), 1888 ; Migula (i), 1887, and (5), 1904 ; Bergey, 1923 ; Bavendamm, 1924; Buchanan, 1925, and Ellis (11), 1929. A widely distributed genus, found in marine and fresh waters containing plant and animal remains. Characteristics as for the family Lankesteracece. Lankesteron rubescens (Lankester), Ellis. Syn. Bacterium rubescens (Lankester). For the description of this species see page 137, Fig. 24. Lankesteron sulfuratum (Warming), Ellis. Syn. Bacterium sulfuratum (Warming). See page 138, Fig. 25. Warming mentions Monas vinosa (Ehrenberg), Monas erubescens (Ehrenberg), Monas Warmingii (Cohn), and Rhabdomonas rosea (Cohn) as synonyms. Lankesteron roseo-persicina (Zopf), Ellis. Syn. Beggiatoa roseo-persicina [Zopi). There are numerous phases in the life-history of this organism, and numerous synonyms for these phases, as for example, Lamprocystis roseo-persicina ; Protococcus roseo-persicina ; Pleurococcus roseo- persicina ; Clathrocystis roseo-persicina ; Cohnia roseo-persicina ; Thioroseo-persicina. A description of this organism is given on pages 140-141, Fig. 26. Family 2. — Chromatace/E. Free, motile, cells, normally of a cyhndrical-elliptical shape. One polar cilium. Reproduction by transverse fission. Genus i. — Chromatium (Perty). Literature. — Ehrenberg (i), 1838 ; Weisse, 1845 ; Perty, 1852 ; Cohn (i), 1875 ; Warming, 1875 ; Zopf (l), 1882 ; Winogradsky (i), 1887, and (2), 1888 ; Engelmann (3), 1888 ; Butschli (i), 1890, and (3), 1896; Zettnow (i), 1891, and (2), 1897; 136 SULPHUR BACTERIA P^P~-i I g- Fig. 24. RHODO^THIOBACTERIA 137 Forster, 1892 ; Beijerinck (i), 1893 ; Mitrophanow, 1893 ; Migula (2), 1895 ; Zopf (3), 1895 ; Ewart, 1897; Fischer (3), 1897; Butschli (4), 1902; Nadson (2), 1903 ; Russel, 1909 ; Dangeard (i), 1909 ; Strzeszewski (i), and (2), 191 3 ; Issatchenko (2), 1914 ; Buder (2), 1915 ; Lauterborn (7), 1915 ; Metzner, 1920; Potthoff (i), 1921, and (2), 1922; Gicklhorn (2), 1921 ; Bergey, 1923 ; Bavendamm, 1924 ; Scourfield, 1925-26 ; Buchanan, 1925 ; Elhs (II), 1929. Fig. 24. — Lankesleron riibescens (Lankester), Ellis. Syn. Bacterium riibescens (Lankester). Some of the forms of this organism as found on decomposing caddis worms (after Lankester) : — a. — A " sphaerous combination of cells forming a dark-coloured irregular zoogloea mass." (So described by Lankester.) b. — Acicular and sphaerous forms in attachment to another organism. The extremities of the acicular forms showed oscillatory movements. c. — Chains of cocci in filamentous formation. (Zopf records a similar forma- tion resulting from the break-up of a filament into cocci.) This " catenular aggregation," as named by Lankester, probably arose in a similar way. d. — Biscuit forms. Described as " loose and gloeoginous." e. — Biscuit forms. ,''. — A globose aggregate of spherical units. g. — Irregular forms. h. — Reticulate aggregation of ellipsoidal cells. These recall the " Amoebo- bacter " of Winogradsky (see p. 170). i. — " Multilocular filament." The dense cell contents in such cases were probably disposed so as to give the impression of a cell divided into several compartments. The bright colour imparted to the water in which Chroma- Hum Okenii develops, and the interesting organism itself have long made it a favourite object of study. It is the first to be noticed in a group of different microorganisms on account of its comparative largeness, its motility, and its bright colour. The genus was established by Perty in 1852, although the type organism Chromatiiim Okenii was recorded by Ehrenberg as early as 1838, and named Monas Okenii, under the impression that it belonged to the Monas group of Flagellates. Later, other species were added, differences in size being the chief 138 SULPHUR BACTERIA feature selected as a basis for division. At first three species were distinguished and named as follows : — Monas Okenii, 7-5 — 15/x X 5/x. Monas vinosa, 2'^ijl long. Monas Warniingii, somewhat longer than the first. The genus was removed from the Flagellates, renamed Chromalutm by Perty, and placed among the Bacteria. Perty Fig. 25.^ — Lankesteron sulfuratum (Warming), Ellis. Syn. Bacterlxtm sulfuratum (Warming). Some of the hundreds of the different forms figured by Warming as pleomorphic forms of this organism. The figure marked a is the Rhahdomonas of later writers. added to the genus two other species, which he named Chromatium Weissii and Chroinathini violascens. Later the number was added to by Winogradsky, who named Chro- matium minus and Cliromaiium minutissimum ; and within recent years Chr. Linsbaueri was added by Gicklhorn, Chr. gracile by Strzeszewski, and Chr. Gobie by Issatchenko. Description. — Coloured, free, motile cells, normally of ellip- soidal-cylindrical form, but subject to considerable variations RHODO'THIOBACTERIA 139 in shape, ranging from a very much elongated form to one that is completely spherical. Multiplication is by simple fission, the cell usually dividing at the middle. In one species a process has been observed which may be sexual. Chromatium Okenii (Ehrenberg), Perty. Literature, — As for genus. Description. — It is somewhat doubtful whether all the forms described under the name of Chromatiimi Okeniihy different in- vestigators are the same species. It is typically a free, wine- red, coloured, motile organism, of an elliptical-cylindrical shape. Motility appears to be due to the lashing of a single large wavy cilium, which is readily made visible by staining with carbol- fuchsin (Fig. 2'jh). However, it has been shown by Kolkwitz that the apparently single cilium is compound and that it may be composed of as many as forty cilia. He found that when the slime which covers the cilia was removed, the individual cilia came apart. When completely separated from the slime they appear as very fine, wavy, filaments, that are on the margin of visibility. Even in healthy cultures, some forms may be observed which are strikingly different from the normal shape. Thus bean-shaped or club-shaped individuals are not uncommon in such cultures ; and there is often a noticeable variation in their size. Scarcely two observers agree on the range of its dimensions. The average is 7-5— iS^a X 5-0— 6-3/x. Another range that has been given is 16/i, X 6-0 — 6-3/i. Buder (i) has given lOyi as an extreme length for normal specimens. Warming has shown that Chromatium Okenii may exhibit a large range of pleomorphic forms ; and Zopf (i) has come to the conclusion that so many intermediates may be found between Chr. Okenii and Beggiatoa roseo-persicina that these two apparently widely different organisms may be regarded as the same species. The point cannot be settled without further research. 140 SULPHUR BACTERIA RHODO-THIOBA CTERIA 141 HA 3-5- 6. 7- 8-9. 10. II. 12. 13- 14-15 Fig. 26. — Lankestei'on roseo-persicina. (Diagrams after Zopf.) Thread-form of this organism, x 300. Small thread in undivided condition. X 300. Thread fragments in process of transformation into cocci, x 900. Large, branched and folded colony of cocci. X 500. Net-form colony of cocci. X 250. Various shapes and sizes of cocci. X 250. Zoogloea of one coccus and three rod forms. X 900. Zoogloea of large thick rods or short filaments. X 900. Rod forms in massed formation, x 900. Zoogloea of large cocci, x 900. Various other forms assumed by this organism, x 900. 142 SULPHUR BACTERIA P '^f •s:% ..vi #. .J*' -^^ b Fig. 27. — Chvomatium Okenii (Ehrenberg). «.— Photomicrograph of Chv. Okenii, showing the inchisions of sulphur grains, x 200. 6.— Another photomicrograph, one organism, showing the single large compound cilium. x 500. c— Diagrammatic representation of one of the cells, showing sulphur granules, each showing as a thick black ring with a clear centre. X 1 6,000. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 143 Variant forms of Chromatiitm Okenii. — The tendency of this species to vary both in size and in shape has been sufficiently emphasized. The following organisms are, in the author's opinion, merely variants of the highly pleomorphic Chromatium Okenii. (a) Chromatium Okenii forma Weissii. Syn. Chromatium Weissii (Perty). Literature. — Perty, 1852 ; Winogradsky (2), 1888 ; Miyoshi, 1897; Strzeszewski (2), 1913; Lauterborn (7), 1915 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Elongated form about ii-5ju. long and about 4-2/x thick. Connected by transitional forms with the normal type of Chromatium Okenii. o o 0 O o o Fig. 28. — Chromatium Weissii, Chromatium minus, Chvomatium viriosum, Chromatium minutissimum (arranged in order from left to right) . [b] Chromatium Okenii forma minus. Syn. Chromatium minus (Winogradsky). Literature. — Winogradsky (2), 1888 ; Migula (3), 1897 ; Strzeszewski (i), 1913 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Described by Strzeszewski as an organism with numerous intermediates bridging it to Chromatium Okenii forma Weissii. [c] Chromatium Okenii forma minutissimum Syn. Chromatium minutissimum (Winogradsky). Literature. — Winogradsky (2), 1888. Cells spherical or ellipsoidal, i — r2/x, in diameter. Indi- vidual cells are colourless, but when seen in masses are of a peach-fiower colour. Issatchenko (4) records that this organism can be made to grow in a test-tube filled with mud and water, forming a rose- coloured film on the surface, which is identical with a similar 144 SULPHUR BACTERIA formation that he observed at a depth of 13 metres in Lake Mohilni. He adduces this fact, together with the fact that sulphur bacteria collect round an algal filament which is liberating oxygen, in proof of his contention that the genus Chromatium is aerobic and not anaerobic, as reported by Bredemann. [d) Chromatium Okenii forma gracile. Syn. Chromatium gracile (Strzeszewski). Literature. — Strzeszewski (i), 191 3. Ellipsoidal cells 2 — 6ft X I — 1*3/^. Single cells appear colourless, but in masses, red. Habitat. — Sulphur springs in Krakau (Poland). Chromatium Warmingi (Cohn), Migula. Literature. — Cohn (10), 1875 ; Warming, 1875 ; Engel- mann (10), 1888 ; Ewart, 1897 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Description.— This is a doubtful species. The name is usually given to a Chromatium with the measurements 15 — 20/x, X 8)u.. The shape is thus slightly different from that of the normal Chromatium Okenii. Cohn named it after Warming, but Warming himself sketches it as one of the many forms assumed by Bacterium sulfuratiim. It is also claimed that its motility is greater than that of Chromatium Okenii. Each individual has a single large polar cilium, which is probably compound. Bavendamm states that sulphur globules collect in the cells only during division, when they increase in numbers, and travel to the opposite ends of the dividing cells. Baven- damm succeeded in obtaining pure cultures of this organism, and as the cells in such cultures differed in size from the normal, he named this variant Chromatium W armingii forma minus. The same investigator also observed the development of buds which in some cases had extended their lengths, and become attached to similar buds from neighbouring cells. The pro- cess is regarded by this writer as being possibly the first phase of a sexual method of reproduction (see Fig. 29). The probability is greater that the formation of the buds is a new RHODO-THIOBA CTERIA 145 form of vegetative development that has come into being as a result of new and unaccustomed conditions of growth, and that the fusion is due to contact irritability. The new condi- tions of growth are certainly responsible for the marked change observed in the size of the cells. The buds are more likely to be comparable to the " clamp connections " that are found in some of the Fungi, and are, therefore, more of the nature of simple vegetative fusions or mixing of plasma from different Fig. 29. — Chromatium Warmingii forma minus (after Bavendamm), show- ing the development of buds in artificial cultures of this organism. The buds of different individuals are observed to be united. For purposes of comparison of size a cell of the normal Chy. Okenii is shown at circa X 2000. sources. The unions observed in Bavendamm's cultures appear to be similar to the H-connection in the Fungi and some of the Floridese, which are not sexual. Chromatium Linsbaueri (Gicklhorn). Literature. — Gicklhorn (i), 1921 ; Bavendamm, 1924 ; Scourfield, 1925 ; ElHs (11), 1929. Description. — This species is distinguished from Chr. Okenii by its Hme content, and more particularly by its peculiar 10 146 SULPHUR BACTERIA D Fig. 30. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 147 disposition of slime in the cell. A thin layer is formed immediately inside the membrane (Fig. 30A), and, in addition, there are one or two round patches of the same material, either together, or separate. These patches may be situated in any part of the cell (Fig. 31). This organism was found in a pool in Epping Forest, the water of which is periodically coloured a blood-red by it. Usually the red colour appears in autumn, and lasts for a few weeks when the pool again becomes clear and remains so until the f oUowingautumn. The Epping Forest overlies a bed of chalk, so the water is rich in lime. The other microorganisms in the same pond, however, did not appear to have absorbed the lime in any quantity. The richness in the content of lime makes it probable that the organism exercises a selective action in the Fig. 30. — Chromatium Linsbaueyi (Gicklhorn). A. Appearance of cell in certain conditions after treatment with carbol- fuchsin. Immediately behind the membrane is a thin layer of slime which extends round the whole cell inside this membrane. The coloured globules are probably nitrogenous reserve material, and the uncoloured ones lime corpuscles, x 5000. B. The same cell unstained and observed " end on." The centre is occupied by a large vacuole. All the globules are situated in the peripheral plasma. The globules which appear to occupy the vacuole in this diagram are in reality placed in the plasma on the far side of the cell, which is here viewed " end-on ". x 6000. C. The normal [b), and the pleomorphic type (a) of Chromatimn Linsbaueri. D. Shows the stages in fission of this species. absorption of this substance, but whether it is utilized in its metabolism is not yet ascertained. The cells are ellipsoidal- cylindrical, and measure up to 15/Lt in length and about 6 — 8/x in breadth (Fig. 30). In the natural state, with one exception, no marked deviation from the normal shape was observed. This exception was a spiral form which appeared in some cultures, and was in every other respect similar to the normal organism. This is obviously a pleomorphic form. The dimensions of the " Spirillum " were constant so far as this could be determined from the small number of crude cultures in which it appeared ; and there appeared in this case to be no intermediate forms. The sudden appearance of this pleo- morphic form was not a frequent phenomenon. Sometimes 10 * 148 SULPHUR BACTERIA the cell is filled with the lime and the stainable granules, at other times the cell is filled with sulphur globules (Fig. 30c). f4>- - ° r; ^f% ' ^ % sik^^^ '^\ <^ liH^ "mm ^t • «. Fig. 31. — Photomicrograph of Chromatiiini Linsbaueri (Gicklhorn). x 960. (Photograph taken by Mr. H. W. Thorp, B.Sc.) The cells are almost com- pletely filled with sulphur globules. The intimate structure of the cell is described on pages 186 et seq. Gicklhorn, who was the first to describe this species. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 149 regarded its capacity for storing lime as an outstanding feature, and considered it to be the first of a new class of bacteria, which he named lime bacteria, because the globules are composed of calcium carbonate. It must at present remain doubtful whether lime takes an active part in the metabolism of this organism, for its appearance seemed to be only occasional, and to accompany the formation of the stainable globules which arc evidently reserve material. It is possible that it may be a waste product in the process which results in the formation of the nitrogenous reserve material (the stainable globules). The matter must await further investigation. The cell contents vary somewhat, the cell being sometimes full of sulphur granules, and at other times of lime granules and the stainable corpuscles already mentioned. Nothing is at present known of the conditions determining these differences, but they are probably due to environmental changes. (Compare Fig. 30A and Fig. 31.) Chromatium violascens (Perty). Literature. — Perty, 1852. The violet colour is the distinctive feature of this organism. It was found on the wall of a glass vessel containing decompos- ing Chara. The cells are described as spherical or ellipsoidal, 2 — 3jL(- long, and very variable in size and shape. Chromatium cuculliferum (Gicklhorn). Description. — The cell is globular or slightly ovoid, and measures 6 X 4jm. According to Gicklhorn its very small size distinguishes the species from others of the same genus. It possesses a single cilium, and rotates very slowly about its longitudinal axis. Description. — The sulphur globules are congregated at one end, whilst the cilium is invariably attached to the other end (Fig. 32). The cells are colourless, and the size constant. Habitat. — -In water containing decomposing Algee, taken from Botanic Gardens, Graz. The absence of colour is a feature which makes ques- tionable its inclusion in the genus Chromatium. Baven- damm, however, identifies it with Chromatium Warmiiwii I50 SULPHUR BACTERIA forma minus, chiefly on account of the characteristic massing of the sulphur globules at one of the poles. He therefore regards this organism as one potentially capable of developing colouring matter, for Chromatium Warmingii forma minus is the organism which was artificially cultivated by Baven- damm, and in such cultures the colouring matter was richly developed. Fig. 32. — Chromaiiitm cuculliferum. X Oooo. Rhabdomonas and Rhabdochromatium. Literature. — Cohn (10), 1875 ; Warming, 1875 ; Zopf (l), 1882 ; Mitrophanow, 1893 ; Zopf (3), 1895 ; Biitschli (4), 1902 ; Nadson (2), 1903 ; Kolkwitz (3), 1909; Lauterborn (7), 1915 ; Gicklhorn (2), 1921 ; Bergcy, 1923 ; Bavcndamm, 1924. The term Rhahdomonas is of early origin, and was employed by Cohn to designate those members of the Chromatium. group which arc rod- or spindle-shaped. Rhahdomonas resembles Chromatium in every respect except in shape. When the genus Chromatium was transferred from the Flagellates to the Bacteria, necessitating the discarding of the name Monas, the name was changed to Rhabdochromatium. This term is now in general use, although Bergey in his classification reverts to the older name Rhahdomonas. As has already been shown (see pages 138-139) this peculiar shape of organism is linked up with the normal Chromalimn by a very large number of transitional forms, and so it cannot be regarded as a distinct species. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 151 Within recent years Bavendamm has succeeded in making artificial cultures of a species of " RJiabdochroniathim.'" If the spindle shape which is the distinguishing feature of this organism were maintained in an artificial culture, a very important fact would have been established, and the difference of form, if permanent, would have sufficed to give this type of organism generic rank. But Bavendamm describes the organisms cultivated by him as made up of dull red rods of irregular shape and of varying dimensions. The length varied from short rods to lengths of 58/x. The spindle shape is only one of numerous other forms. It seems probable, judging from Bavendamm's figures and description, that he had under observation an organism probably of the type of Beggiatoa roseo-persicina that reacts to artificial conditions by the production of a large number of pleomorphic forms. Or, alternatively, they may have been variant forms such as are commonly seen in the cultivation of the acetic acid bacteria, such as, for example, Bacillus aceti. The terms Rhahdomonas and Rhabdochromatiiini may have their uses for descriptive purposes, but we are not justified in using them with generic or even specific rank. In the following descrip- tion the terms are retained merely as labels. They designate organisms that in all probability are phases in the life-histories of pleomorphic species, that have been described under other names ; our knowledge is not yet sufficiently advanced to determine the identity of the organisms of which they are the phases. Rhabdochromatium koseum (Cohn), Winogradsky. Literature. — Cohn (10), 1875 ; Warming, 1875 ; Zopf (i), 1882, and (3), 1895 ; Winogradsky (2), 1888 ; Mitro- phanow, 1893; Migula, 1894, 1895, 1900; Butschli (4), 1902 ; Nadson (2), 1903 ; Kolkwitz (3), 1909 ; Lauterborn (7), 1915; Bergey, 1923. Description. — ^This is the Rhahdomonas rosea of Cohn and of Bergey. It is composed of spindle or rod forms, of unequal thick- ness. Average thickness, 3 — 5jLt. Some attain the length of 35/i. 152 SULPHUR BACTERIA Found in marine and fresh waters containing sulphuretted hydrogen in solution. Rhabdochromatium minus (Winogradsky). Literature. — Winogradsky (2), 1888. A smaller variety than the preceding, which it otherwise resembles. Length, 5 — lO/x; maximum thickness, 2 — 9/m. Colour, rose-red. Rhabdochromatium gracile (Warming), Migula. Literature. — Warming, 1875 ; Migula (3), 1900 ; Baven- damm, 1924. This is the Monas gracile of Warming, which was changed to its present name by Migula. Rod-shaped cells, in which one -end is frequently thicker than the other. Length, up to 6o/x. Colour, rose-red. Found in a fresh-water pond near Copenhagen. Rhabdochromatium linsbaueri (Gicklhorn). Literature. — Gicklhorn (2), 1921 ; Bavendamm (i), 1924. This species differs from Chromatium Linsbaueri in being spindle-shaped, and in being destitute of the slime patches which are characteristic of that organism. As in other respects the two forms agree, and as the marks of difference are probably of a fugitive and unstable character it is highly probable that the two organisms are both varieties of the same species. This variety is described as being 30yu, long and 3 — 4/x broad ; it is propelled by a cilium 20 — 30/x long. The colour is wine-red. The cell contains calcium carbonate as well as sulphur granules. Habitat. — Found in a small pool near Graz (Austria). Genus 2. — Thioporphyra (Ellis). Literature. — Ellis (9), 1926. Genus with one species. Cells spherical, or ovoid, motile. Movement by one large cilium which is probably compound. Colour from violet to mauve. Reproduction by transverse fission, by budding, and possibly by endospores. RHODO-THIOBA CTERIA 153 Thioporphyra volutans (Ellis). Literature. — Ellis (9), 1926. Description. — Mass cultures are usually found as a purple mantle covering seaweed decomposing in shallow pools. Under the microscope the large purple cells, of an ovoid or spherical form, which are in active movement, are striking objects. In addition, the cells contain numerous sulphur inclusions. The organism is normally either a large unicoccus (Fig. 34a) or a large diplococcus (Fig. 34^). Under certain conditions, Fig. 33. — Thioporphyra volutans (Ellis). a. — Tricoccus in triangular formation. x 3000. b. — A tricoccus in linear formation. This form of tricoccus is exceptional. X 3000. c. — A diplococcus showing three of the structures which maj' be endospores. In the cell a single sulphur globule, with its characteristic thick, black, peripheral ring is shown, x 5000. connected with reproduction, tricocci may be formed (Fig. 33 a and b). The plasma may occupy only the peripheral portion of the cell, leaving a large vacuole in the centre (Fig. 34^^) ; or it may be reticulate (Fig. 34^^), or peripherally placed but with uneven distribution, the bulk of it being concentrated at one end if the cell is ovoid (Fig. 34c). The average thickness of the cells is 7ju,. The purple colouring matter is diffused throughout the plasma. The cytoplasm is slightly granular, and is readily stained by iodine, methylene blue and similar reagents. It is bounded on the outside by a readily distinguishable 154 SULPHUR BACTERIA Fig. 34. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 155 membrane. The colour varies from a deep violet to mauve. Sometimes it is perceptible in single cells, but usually only when they appear in groups. The separation of the cytoplasm from the membrane can readily be brought about by the use of concentrated reagents. The sulphur granules may be few in number, or they may completely fill the cell ; they may even be altogether absent, even in specimens that appear to be perfectly healthy. Fig. 34. — Thioporpliyra voliitans (Ellis). a. — Spherical cell with reticulate plasma (diagrammatic), showing uniform distribution of vacuoles. X 6000. b. — Ovoid organism in process of division. Cell is constricted in the middle preparatory to division. In the cell are four sulphur globules and two globules from which the peripherally placed sulphur has been removed by reagents. This core is organic. X 4000. ' c. — An ovoid cell in which the plasma is almost entirely disposed in the form of a cap covering about three-quarters of the periphery of the cell inside the membrane. Extensions from this cap to cover the rest of the membrane on its inner side with an extremely delicate lining may be demonstrated by special staining. The centre of the cell is occupied by a large vacuole and at one end a large number of sulphur granules are congregated. X 4000. d. — An ovoid cell showing a third mode of distribution of plasma. The centre of the cell is occupied by a large vacuole. The plasma is more or less evenly distributed between the vacuole and the membrane. X 6000. e. — Sulphur crystals obtained by dissolving the sulphur globules with aceto-carmine when they leave the cell and crystallize in the surround- ing medium. /.• — Cell showing its single long and wavy ciliimi. g. — After treatment with aceto-carmine. Some of the sulphur globules remain unaffected, in others the sulphur has disappeared, leaving a coloured centrum. One sulphur crystal is shown, x 1000. The membrane is readily seen without the use of stains. As with all bacterial cells a layer of slime covers the membrane at all times. Under some conditions the layer is too slight to be perceptible without very careful staining. Under other conditions slime formation is extensive and a thick layer covers the membrane. The cytology of the cell is treated with greater detail in Chap. X. 156 SULPHUR BACTERIA Methods of Reproduction. (A) Fission. — The normal method of division is by simple fission. In normal cultures uni- and diplo-cocci preponderate, Fig. 35. — Thioporphyya volutans (El'is). Stages in bud development — ■ a. — First stage. Formation of a peripherally placed clear region from which the bud develops. b. — Second stage. Protrusion of the bud. c. — Third stage. Still further protrusion of the bud. Each contains a single sulphur globule. The bud has no external covering, and assumes a wavy outline when treated at this stage with staining reagents. d. — Fourth stage. Separation of the bud from the parent cell. Still shows a wavy outline when stained. e. — Fifth stage. The completed bud. Remains spherical when stained so that probably a resistant covering is formed at this stage. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 157 the latter being evidently deri\-ed from tlie former. In division, the coccus elongates slightly, and becomes constricted in the middle (Fig. 34^ and Fig. 33tj. In many cells the process of constriction does not proceed any further, and the cell con- tinues its existence as a diplococcus. In others, the constric- tion continues until complete separation of the two daughter cells takes place. Whilst division is in process, the cells are also increasing in size so that when separation take place, the daugliter cells are as large as the parent coccus before division. More rarely tricocci are formed (Fig. ^2)^ and h ; Fig. 2^6 at a). The three units in a tricoccus are usually arranged in triangu- lar formation (Fig. 33a; Fig. 36 at a) ; more seldom the linear arrangement holds (Fig. 33^). It is probable that the formation of a tricoccus from a diplococcus results from a process similar to that by which a diploccocus is formed from a unicoccus. (B) Budding. — This method of reproduction, normal to the yeast plant, has not hitherto been recorded for bacteria. Under natural conditions, the organism occasionally shows a 'very marked increase in reproductive activity, which is marked macroscopically by an intense deepening of the purple colour. During this period more individuals are formed in a few days than are normally formed in several weeks. On the occasion of such a marked increase, it was found that the normal method of reproduction had been superseded by a method of bud production. The buds are considerably smaller than the normal form, and much more numerous. If seen apart, and in aggregated masses, they would have been denominated as a species of Lamprocystis. Compare Fig. 36 (i) with Fig. 36 (2). Stages in Bud Formation. (i) A more or less rounded space near the surface, marked off from the rest of the cell by a difference in colour, is the first indication that budding has commenced. This space is clearer than the rest, and shows a greater resistance to the penetration of stains (Fig. 35fl). We may apply the name of Regional Rejuvenescence to this differentiation of the plasma, • 158 SULPHUR BACTERIA T* • " V..' •' • V * Fig. 36. — Thioporphyra volutans (Ellis). Photomicrographs taken under the same magnification ( ■: 500) of the normal and the pleomorphic varieties of this organism. The change of form follows the change from reproduction by fission to reproduction by budding. (i) Normal form. The majority of the individuals are unicocci. At b . is shown a diplococcus, and at a n tricoccus. (2) Pleomorphic variety. Large masses of small globules de^'eloped from the normal form by budding. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 159 which is characteristic of Thioporphyra voliitans, for as far as can be ascertained the bud is formed entirely from the material in this differentiated region. (2j A protuberance appears opposite the clear space (Fig. 35^), and a bud emerges which is devoid of a definite membrane, and which is irregularly contoured. It was not possible to ascertain whether the membrane burst to admit of the pro- trusion of the bud, or whether the bud was abstricted. Usually at this stage it contains one sulphur globule. (3) Beyond this point the development does not follow a uniform course. It may continue its growth but remain in attachment to the parent cell, in which case a bud is not formed but a unicoccus becomes a diplococcus, and a diplococcus a tricoccus. Or the bud may separate early from the parent, in which case the growth medium is occupied by a mass of small non-motile globules, each containing a sulphur globule (Fig. 35 d and e). The cells formed by budding are of uniform size and shape within certain limits. In addition to the above, structures have been found in Thioporphyra vohUans which may be endospores similar to those formed in the genus Bacillus, but no opportunities have occurred to study them more closely (Fig. zy)- ClLIATION AND MOVEMENT. The movement is one of rapid translation and rotation, by a long single cilium. The pleomorphism of this organism has been considered in Chap. I., and the intimate structure of the cell will be dis- cussed in Chap. X. CHAPTER IX. RHODO-THIOBACTERIA (COLOURED SULPHUR BACTERIA). Family 3. RhodothiospirillacecB. Genus i. Riiodothiospivillum. Family 4. RhodocapsacecB. Genus i. Rhodocapsa ; Genus 2. Rhodothece ; Genus 3. Rhodothiosarcina. Family 5. ThiocapsacecB. Genus i. Thiocapsa ; Genus 2. Thiocystis ; Genus 3. ThiosphcBrion. Family 6. AmcebobacteriacecB. Genus i. Amcebobacter ; Genus 2. Thio- dictyon. Family 7. Thiopediacece. Genus i. Thiopedia. Family 3. — Rhodothiospirillace.e. - Spirally wound, motile, coloured organisms. Ciliation polar. Genus i.—Rhodothiospirillum (Ellis). Literature. — Ehrenberg (2), 1838 ; Cohn (7), 1872 ; Wino- gradsky (2), 1888; Butschli (i), 1890 ; Zettnow (2), 1897; Migula (3), 1900 ; Buder (2), 1915; Metzner, 1920. Winogradsky's term Thiospirillum was designed to include all spirilla with sulphur contents. The occurrence of these organisms in sulphur waters has been known for nearly a hundred years. Early descriptions of spiral sulphur bacteria 37. — Ophidonionas sanguinea. are incomplete since no distinction was made between fat globules, volutin, and sulphur globules. In Winogradsky's genus, both coloured and uncoloured spirilla were included, so that a change of nomenclature is 160 RHODO-THIOBA CTERIA i6i necessary to conform to the system which has been adopted in this book. Hence the term Thiospirillum is restricted to uncoloured organisms, whilst the term Rhodothiospirilhim is reserved for the coloured ones. Winogradsky's genus includes the spirilla described by Perty, 1852, and by Warming, 1875 ; and also Ehrenberg's two species Ophido7nonas jenensis and Ophidomonas sangidnea (1838) (Fig. 37). Rhodothiospirillum jenense (Ehrenberg), Ellis. Literature. — Ehrenberg (2), 1838; Cohn (7), 1872; Biitschli (i), 1890, and (4), 1892; Zettnow (2), 1897; Zopf (2), 1885; Migula (3), 1900; Buder (2), 1915; Metzner, 1920 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Description. — Ehrenberg gave the name Ophidomonas jenense to this organism, but it was changed by Winogradsky to Thiospirillum jenense, and for the reasons which are given above it is now again changed to Rhodothiospiril- lum. Possibly some, if not all, of the coloured spirilla may be phases in the life- history of some pleomorphic organismlike Beggiatoa roseo- persicina, for practically all the spirilla have been named from observations of the adult specimens, without reference to their life- history. Fig. 38. — Rhodothiospiyillum jenense. Family 4. — Rhodocaps.acem. Free cells, spiral, rod-shaped, or globular, surrounded by a capsule of slime. On Hberation from slime the cells may become motile. One genus with aerosomes. H i62 - SULPHUR BACTERIA Genus i. — Rhodocapsa (Molisch). Literature. — Molisch (3), 1907 ; Bergey, 1923 ; Baven- damm, 1924 ; One species found in Trieste marine water, containing de- composing Zostera, to which it imparted a rose or peach-flower colour. The organism is a rod-shaped, or sausage-shaped, coloured bacillus. A shme capsule envelops each individual, although during division there are temporarily several in- dividuals in the same capsule (Fig. 39). The cells contain peculiar structures called aerosomes, strongly refractive, irregularly shaped, reddish bodies, the function of which, it is claimed, is to keep the cell in suspension in the water. They are also found in the Cyanophyceae. The cells also contain sulphur granules. On liberation from the capsule, the cells become motile, the movement being either a rapid rotation, complete or partial, round a longitudinal axis, or rapid oscillation of one of its ends. 7 Fig. 39. — Rhodocapsa suspensa. X 15. Fig. 40. — Rhodothece pendens. Rhodocapsa suspensa (Mohsch). Rod- or sausage-shaped, 3-5 — 180/A in length and 1-8 — 3-5/a in thickness. Average length, 10 — 20fi. Genus 2. — Rhodothece (Molisch), 1906. Literature. — Molisch (3), 1907. A genus of one species, which was found in a crude culture prepared from decaying animal remains, and sea-water, from Heligoland. The organism coloured the water as though with rose-red milk of sulphur. Like the preceding genus the cells RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 163 are enveloped in slime (Fig. 40), but they differ in being globular in shape. They are arranged either as diplococci or as short chains. Each cell measures 1-8 — 2-3/x in diameter, and its slimy envelope 3 — 14/x.. Single cells do not show colour. The colouring matter is stated to be a mixture of bacteriopurpurin and bacteriochlorin (see Chap. XIII.). The cells are non- motile. One species is known, Rhodothece pendens. Genus 3. — Rhodothiosarcjna (Ellis). Literature.- — Winogradsky (2), 1888 ; Schroeter (i), 1889 ; Migula (3), 1897; Issatchenko (2), 1914; Bergey, 1923 ; Bavendamm, 1924. One species in the genus. It corresponds to the Sarcina of the Euhacteriacece, but differs from that genus in being coloured, and in containing sulphur. The formation of packets of cocci, resembling bales of cotton, is a distinctive feature. So far as is known the organisms which are made up of packets of cocci in regular formation do not exhibit pleomorphic variations. Rhodothiosarcina rosea (Schroeter), Ellis. Described under the name of Sarcina rosea by Schroeter. Cells 2 — 2"5jU. in diameter. Bright rose-red in colour. Habitat. — In water containing H2S in solution. Family 5. — Thiocapsacem (Winogradsky). Literature. — Winogradsky (2), 1888. Coloured sulphur bacteria, each being a community of independent cocci enclosed in a common envelope of slime. The members of this group are perhaps phases in the life- histories of other organisms. Remarks on the Division of Cocci. It has been shown in Chap. VI. that organisms which normally form clusters of globular cells, and apparently divide in three planes, may under certain circumstances appear as uni- and diplo-cocci, when the number of planes in which division occurs is impossible to determine. Among the Euhacteriacece an organism made up of cocci disposed in i64 SULPHUR BACTERIA clusters, regular or otherwise, would be placed in the genus Sarcina, but under different conditions the same organism may be found as uni- and diplo-cocci, when it could equally find a place in the genera Micrococcus or Streptococcus. Hence among the Coccacece an organism made up of groups of very small denomination cannot be placed until it is determined whether its division walls are found in three planes. In some cocci this is undoubtedly the case, for the writer has observed in some, three division walls, mutually perpendicular, to be sinmltaneously present in the same coccus. It is felt, however, that in the vast majority of cases, organisms have been allocated to the genus Sarcina without ascertaining whether division took place in three planes. It has been assumed that because the organism was found in clusters it underwent this form of division. No investigation of the number of planes of division of any bacterial organism has been made to determine the constancy of the number, and yet differences in the number of planes of division have taken an important place in the classification of bacteria. The irregular arrangement of the globular cells of the sulphur bacteria embedded in slime suggests the possibility that these organisms may be classed as Sarcina, but since no investigation of the number of planes of division has been made, this is a mere speculation. Genus i. — Thiocapsa (Winogradsky). Literature. — Winogradsky (2), 1888 ; Migula (3), 1897 ; Bergey, 1923 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Description. — One species only, namely Thiocapsa roseo- persicina. The cocci which make up the organism are en- closed in slime and are about 2-8/x in diameter. The slime ultimately liquefies and the enclosed individuals escape. They are non-motile, and each settles down and forms a fresh envelope of slime. Multiplication is by fission. The colour is intense rose-red, and the cells are rich in sulphur inclusions. Winogradsky observed the development of a zoogloea for a period of six months, and found no change in its condition. RHODO-THIOBA CTERIA 165 The growth of the zoogloea sometimes resulted in masses being formed which w^ere several hundred microns in diameter. The cells are presumed to divide in three planes by analogy with the comparable genus Aphanocapsa (one of the Chroococ- cacece) which was stated by Nageh to undergo " division alternately in all directions of space, in the successive genera- tions." 9^ Fig. 41. — Thiocapsa roseo-persicina. X 2000. Genus 2. — Thiocystis (Winogradsky), Literature.— Wmogradsky (2), 1888 ; Migula (3), 1897 ; Bergey, 1923 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Families of small cocci enclosed in slime. When the slime disappears the cocci assume motility, and either separate and swim away, or enter once more into the zoogloea condition. In the former case, only a portion of the slime is liquefied, sufficiently to permit the cocci to escape. Fig. 42. — Thiocystis violacea. X 500. Thiocystis violacea (Winogradsky). Cells round, 27 — S-lfi in diameter, light rose-red or violet in colour. Slime thick (Fig. 42). Thiocystis rufa (Winogradsky). Cells round, not greater than Ifx. Thick slime covering ; cells deep violet-red, and occasionally black with sulphur grains. 1 66 SULPHUR BACTERIA Both these species have a strong resemblance to some of the phases of Beggiatoa roseo-persichia which were regarded by Zopf as " one of the many kinds of the zoogloea forms of Beggiatoa roseo-persicina.'" Hence this genus is only pro- visionally given a place in this classification. a Fig. 43. — (a) Thiosphcsrion violacea. (b) Species of ThiosphcBvion (unnamed). In Fig. 43& is shown an organism in the zoogloea condition, which appears to belong to the genus Thiosphcurioji. It is made up of globular masses arranged in an irregular fashion, the whole being slightly tinged with red. Each globular mass is about 15/x in diameter, and is composed of a large RHODO-THIOBACTERIA 167 number of small cocci, each containing one sulphur granule. The coccus is roughly spherical (about l\yL in diameter) and is devoid of a membrane. An opportunity has not arisen to follow the life-history of this interesting species. Genus 3. — Thiosph.^rion (Miyoshi). Literature. — Miyoshi, 1897 ; Migula (3), 1897 ; Bergey, 1923 ; Bavendamm, 1924. Description. — The outstanding feature of this genus of only one species is the exactly spherical shape of the colonies, and their violet colour. Migula and Bavendamm included the genus in the Lamprocystece. Bergey removed it from this group, and once more gave it generic status. The exactly spherical solid masses of slime of a violet colour, arranged in little groups in attachment to objects in the water, appear to offer a sufficient distinction to merit generic rank. Thiosph.erion viol ace a (Miyoshi). Cells are spherical-ellipsoidal, 2-5 — i*8jLt, and violet in colour. Sulphur inclusions are somewhat angular (Fig. 43a). Habitat. — Sulphur springs in Japan. Found on threads of Thiothrix. Note on the Organism Thiosphjera gelatinosa (Miyoshi). Literature. — Miyoshi, 1897; Migula (3), 1900 ; Bergey, 1923 ; Bavendamm, 1924. All that is known of this organism is that it is made up of ovoid cells (7/x X 5ju,) enveloped in a loose jgr-^i^jr*^-^ gelatinous envelope. Migula and Baven- ^ -n damm placed it in the Lamprocystece, l' ®®®^ ® \ whilst Bergey gave it generic rank. As \- '^ (^ ^ ® '\ so little is known, and what is known is %. ®®(^^ ^| a condition that may be a phase in %l:? '^■'^- -.J^ the life cycle of one of several organisms, •^■i^? -'5^i* / '^■^k\:yA Fig. 52. THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF THE CELL 189 An example after this treatment is shown in Fig. 526". Some- times this can be accompHshed merely by pressing the cover- slip laterally downwards, sufficiently firmly to cause the cell to become somewhat flattened out. The effect of iodine on the cell is most marked, for it causes the outer plasma and its attached cilium to swell up in a very irregular fashion, and if the reagent be removed before it has affected the inner plasma it is possible to distinguish between the inner and the outer plasma with great clearness (Fig. 52 b and/). By allowing the cells to remain in picric acid for two weeks and then staining with dilute methylene blue the separation of the tw^o plasmas may be made complete as is shown in Fig. 52t/. In this in- FiG. 52. — Chromatium Linsbatieri (Gicklhorn). x 1000. a. — Unstained individual showing a single siime area at one of the ends. b. — Cell treated with picric acid for two weeks, and then stained with dilute methylene blue. The outer plasma is shown with the cilium in attachment and the widely separated inner plasma has contracted and resumed the rounded form natural to the organism. c. — Cell which has been treated to make a part of the inner plasma project through the slime areas. d. — Cell treated with iodine, which causes irregular swelling of the outer protoplast. The irregularity in the swelling is noticeable even in the cilium. e.— Normal organism showing its single polar cilium and one slime area. /. — Cell in which the treatment with iodine has been advanced a step further than is shown in [d). The inner plasma has begun to disin- tegrate. The large irregular empty space marks the position of a slime area. stance the outer plasma with its attached cilium has evidently been destroyed by the acid, but the inner plasma, protected probably by the slime layer, has not succumbed but has con- tracted and rounded itself within the destroyed outer plasma. It is noteworthy that when this takes place the contracted inner plasma appears to be bounded by a cell membrane. This effect is an optical one, as can be seen when the cell is pressed flat. It is highly probable that the inner and outer protoplasts are connected by plasma strands, otherwise the organism could not function as a physiological unit. It is possible, however, that the slime layer may in reality be a somewhat tenuous igo SULPHUR BACTERIA plasma, in which case it is not necessary to postulate the existence of connecting plasma threads. The inner proto- plast is about 4ju- in thickness, whilst the centre is occupied by a large vacuole. The inner protoplast is not reticulated, and frequently contains a large number of small round globules of calcium carbonate (see Fig. 30 a and b). When the organism is slowly rotating it can be seen that these bodies are confined entirely to the inner protoplast. As already stated, Gicklhorn suggests that this is an example of a new class of organisms which he proposes to name lime bacteria. All the round globules are not composed of lime, for whilst some (the lime globules) do not stain with methylene blue, others do take up the stain. The globules that take up the colour arc probably reserve material. This is supported by the fact that their number fluctuates, suggesting that they are first stored, and then used up during metabolic processes. There are also very small granules distributed in the cytoplasm but their nature is unknown. The sulphur globules are distributed in the plasma and when present their number varies considerably. The colouring matter is pinkish-purple in tint and diffused uniformly throughout the plasma, a detailed account of the pigment is given in Chap. XIII, Summary and Conclusions. The intimate structure of the cell in the sulphur bacteria shows the same primitiveness as the rest of the Schizophyta. There is less differentiation than is found in the cells of the higher Fungi, or of the Algas. With one exception [Beggiatoa mirabilis), the outer envelope or "membrane" is plasmatic, and distinguished from the inner plasma only by its greater density. It takes up the same stains, and in the one species tested, namely, Chromaiium Linsbaueri, is the base to which the cilia are attached. Division throughout the group is by the simple fission characteristic of the Schizophyta. The cells when divided maintain connection for a period by a bridge of slime, but THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF THE CELL 191 later draw away, and effect complete separation. The trans- verse walls that are seen in such organisms as Beggiatoa alba and Thiothrix are not plasma-derived. They are transverse bands of slime that have formed between the dividing cells, and owe their origin to the transformation of the outermost layers of the cell into slime. Slime Formation. — This is well developed in many of the sulphur bacteria, although when the organisms arc actively motile its amount is very small. The slime, when formed, covers the whole organism with a closely folded mantle, which subsequently hardens. In Thiothrix the slime hardens early and forms a permanent sheath enfolding the inner cells, which continue to grow, and to be successively thrust out of the sheath. In Beggiatoa alba excessive sheath formation seems to occur only under unfavourable conditions. The production of slime by a mass of clustered cocci leads to the zoogloea condition, and when the cocci multiply inside the slime an appearance is presented of a totally different organism from that from which the cocci were derived. This has led, in the author's opinion, to the erroneous formation of new species, and even of new genera. Slime formation in some cases has become fixed to the extent that the cells of an organism pass their whole existence inside a slime covering. This is the condition of such bacteria as Thioploca, Thiopedia, and Thiodictyon. It may be presumed that a continuance of this colonial habit would in time lead to the differentiation of the cells, and the evolution of a multi- cellular organism. Such an advance, however, has not been accomplished by any of the sulphur bacteria. The Question of the Nucleus. — There is no readily demon- strable nucleus in any member of the sulphur bacteria. Two claims have been made, both of which need confirmation. It will not be possible to prove or disprove Virieux's claim until the behaviour of the small bodies, alleged to be the nucleus, is observed during cell division. Hinze's claim that a nucleus is present in Monas Miilleri rests on a somewhat sounder foundation, and if it can be confirmed that the body that he regards as the nucleolus breaks up into fragments during cell 192 SULPHUR BACTERIA division, and that such fragmentation is associated with cell division, his view would be considerably strengthened. This organism, however, is far from being a typical sulpliur microbe, and in all probability should find a place among the Flagellates. It is noteworthy that even in such large cells as Beggiatoa mirabilis, in which, if present, the typical nucleus would be a prominent object, there is no trace of it. The cytoplasm does not call for special mention, except to stress the fact that in no single instance is there a differentiation between a peripheral and a central cytoplasm based on a marked difference in the size of the vacuolar meshes. Cell Inclusions. — Sulphur appears to be the inclusion which is common to all these organisms. As they flourish under marine, brackish, and fresh water conditions, it is probable that the total number of metabolic products is very large, and that the different organisms show considerable variety in this respect. The chemical analysis of the sulphur bacteria on a large scale has yet to be made. Interesting inclusions are the lime granules of Chromaiium Lmshaiieri. In this organism also are small round bodies which may be stained with methylene blue, and which are probably protein reserve products. The minute granules that are found in Beggiatoa mirabilis, Beggiatoa alba, and Thiovulum majiis, are probably of the same nature. The core to the sulphur granules which was found in Thioporphyra volutans appears to be the same as the " sulphur builders " which Hinze found in Thiophysa volutans. It is probable that in all sulphur bacteria the sulphur globule has an organic core, and that it plays an important role in the meta- bolism of the sulphur bacteria. The apparent secretion of the sulphur globule into a vacuole recalls the mode of formation of the spore in the genus Bacillus ; see A. Meyer, and Ellis (i), and the formation of the spore in the genus Sarcina (Ellis (i)). CHAPTER XI. IRRITABILITY; INFLUENCE OF LIGHT; CHEMIOTACTIC PHENOMENA. Irritability. hitrodiiction. — Irritability, or the response of a living organism to external influences, is characterized by a move- ment of an organism as a whole, or in part, either towards or away from the source of influence. Capacity for move- ment is one of the properties of protoplasm, and is as general among the lower plants as the lower animals. The higher plants are rooted by their habit to the soil, and so are bound by their physical conditions, but even they make a partial response to external influences. For example, when young cress seedlings are made to grow at the dark side of a room their stems assume a horizontal position in their endeavour to reach the light. Movements either of attraction or of repulsion may be caused by light, gravity, water, injury, and various chemical substances. The movement is usually, but not invariably, one that is distinctly beneficial to the plant. As an exception may be mentioned the movement of certain bacteria towards corrosive sublimate which is toxic to them. Much has yet to be learnt about the response of the sulphur bacteria to external influences, but there are considerable data on the effect of light and of various chemicals in inducing movements. Some of the coloured bacteria of this group are probably the m.ost sensitive of all organisms to light, and the response both of coloured and of uncoloured sulphur bacteria to certain chemical compounds is very marked. 193 13 194 SULPHUR BACTERIA Methods of Investigation. Light. — The procedure in determining the influence of light is simple. The organisms are exposed to light of varying intensity and direction. By projecting a spectrum on to the organisms their movements through the different colours may be noted. In various simple ways it is also possible to expand or contract the length of the component colours of the spectrum, and to alter their intensity. In the examination of the effect of colour elaborate apparatus has been used which will be explained later. Chemicals. — Pfeffer's Capillary Tube Method is used for the determination of the effect of chemicals on the sulphur bacteria. A piece of capillary tube of approximately 0-05 mm. bore by I cm. long is sealed at one end, filled with the salt solution under investigation, and completely immersed in the fluid containing the bacteria. If sensitive, the organisms move either towards the open end of the tube, or away from it. Some of the movement is due to diffusion between the two fluids, but its extent can be estimated by control experiments. The move- ments usually occupy one to several days before they are completed, and by a system of controls it is possible to allow for all other influences except that due to the fluid under investigation. By using a fluid which does not contain nutrient matter multiplication of the bacteria is avoided. The entrance of the bacteria into the capillary tube can be easily followed when viewed under the microscope. Influence of Light on the Coloured Sulphur Bacteria. The colourless sulphur bacteria are indiftcrent to light, whether they are cultivated in the dark or in the light. On the other hand, the coloured sulphur bacteria are extremely sensitive. Light affects plants in various ways. A distinction must be made between the tonic, the directive, and the photo- synthetic effect of light. An organism like Volvox, for example, is influenced by light in three different ways. Light is necessary for its continued health, and so exerts a tonic influence ; its direction of movement is determined by the line of incidence IRRITABILITY ; IXFLUEXCE OF LIGHT 195 of the light ; and, finally, light supplies the energy for_ the carbon-assimilation which is characteristic of Volvox as of all green plants. The photosynthetic effect of light is not a phenomenon of irritability, and is discussed on page 204. There have been no specific investigations into the tonic eftect of light on the sulphur bacteria, but it may be presumed that it operates in producing a state of well-being in the coloured sulphur bacteria, for, so far as is known, no multiplication and no pigment formation take place in the dark. It is impossible to separate altogether the tonic from the photosynthetic effect of light. The absence of colouring matter in the sulphur bacteria from which light has been withheld may be the cause of their lack of tone. It is responsible for their failure to multiply, and so it is impossible in many cases to state whether there is a tonic effect of light on these bacteria apart from the deleterious efiect produced by the absence or loss of pig- ment formation. In some cases, however, a distinct tonic action of light may be noted. Thus it is shown in Engel- mann's investigation that when motile coloured sulphur bacteria lose their motility through the withdrawal of light, they do not assume motility when they are once more exposed to light if they have been kept too long in the dark. This failure is to be attributed to the loss of tone by the withdrawal of light, and to the same cause must be attributed the fact that exposure to constant light intensity is injurious, for motile organisms stop moving altogether unless slight changes are made in the intensity of the light. The most notable investigation on the reaction of the sulphur bacteria to light-intensity and colour is that of Engel- mann (3). Engelmann's Investigation : Effects of Changes in the Intensity of Light. Engelmann used for his experiments a number of species which cannot now be identified. Among these was the very sensitive Bac. photometricum (Engelmann), which was possibly a pleomorphic form of Lankesteron. 13 * ig6 SULPHUR BACTERIA The following is a summary of his conclusions : — 1. Within certain limits, a direct correlation exists between the velocity of the organism and the intensity of light. The dependence of one factor on the other is more marked at low oxygen pressures. 2. The movement completely stops when the organism is left in the dark beyond a certain period, and if kept in the dark beyond a further period it will not resume movement when again exposed to light. 3. Different species show responses which differ both in kind and in degree. An increase of intensity produces different rates of increase of velocity in different species. In some species an increase of intensity may even result in a decrease of velocity. 4. The change of velocity is influenced by the amount of HgS present. 5. Exposure to light of constant intensity ultimately effects a stoppage of movement. When a quiescent organism, kept in the dark, is exposed anew to light, movement does not begin until a certain interval elapses. Engelmann called this delay in response Photokinetic Induction. The converse pro- cess, namely, the cessation of movement as a result of the removal of light also takes place after a slight time interval. This was named Photokinetic After-effect. These delays in response to a given stimulus are comparable to the " presentation time " which elapses in roots of higher plants before geotropic curvature takes place. Shock Movements (Schrenk Bewegungen). The curious effect was observed in many of the sulphur bacteria that the sudden removal of light resulted in first a stoppage, then a slight backward movement, and finally a forward movement once more, but with diminished velocity. The organisms react as though they had received a slight shock from the sudden change. The shock becomes weaker on repe- tition, and is much less pronounced when it takes place in a medium rich in oxygen. The extent of the reaction differed IRRITABILITY : INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 197 according to the suddenness of the change from Hght to dark- ness. Again all the individuals were not affected to the same extent, and some failed to respond altogether. Similar effects were obtained by causing the organism to traverse from one colour to another. If the intensity of light in the spectrum is great, the organism travels from one end of the spectrum to the other with undiminished vigour, but if the slit be made very narrow, shock movements are observed in passing from one colour to another. They were observed in the passage from beyond infra-red to infra-red ; from infra-red to red ; from yellow to red ; from yellow to green ; from green to blue ; from blue to violet. With one exception the reactions occurred when the organisms passed from a colour of greater to one of lesser wave- length. Engelmann did not apparently observe the effect of a passage from a colour at one end of the spectrum direct to one at the opposite end, but he noted that shocks were observed in passing from any colour to the dark, and that the shock was not so pronounced when the organism entered the dark from either extremity of the spectrum. Shock Movements a form of Preservation : Valve Action. Engelmann maintained that the shock movements exercised a self-preserving effect on the organisms, as their tendency was to prevent their passage into the dark. Thus an individual moving in the dark along the line ah (see Fig. 53) experiences no shock on reaching the light, but when it crosses the area of light and enters the dark zone on the other side a shock movement occurs which brings the individual back once more to the pj^ _^ lighted region. The influence of light will now operate to prevent it once more taking up the path ah which would lead it into the dark. If the Hght is strong enough the reversed movement caused by the igS SULPHUR BACTERIA shock can be maintained and the individual remains in the hght. When next it crosses the hghted area and once more reaches the dark zone on the other side a similar shock causes it to reverse again, thereby preventing its passage into the dark zone. The effect of the operation of these factors may be observed by covering a microscope field containing motile purple bacteria with a disc which darkens the whole field except for a restricted region. The organisms tend to collect in this region to the exclusion of the rest of the field. Engclmann compared these shock movements to the action of a valve, presumably because they exercise a certain measure of control on the direction of movement. The analogy is not a happy one, for the essence of valvular action is regulation, and there is no question of regulation of move- ments in the shock phenomena. It is doubtful whether the incidence of these movements is a factor of sufficient importance to affect materially the natural striving of the organism to- wards the light when it is about to pass from the light into the dark. MoLiscH ON Shock Movements. Molisch experimented with Rhodospirillum photomelricum* an organism so sensitive that the effect of passing the hand between the light and the mirror produced a shock movement. Molisch was convinced that the colouring matter was closely concerned in the production of these movements, and that in a field of various microorganisms, including the purple bacteria, these could be recognized by their shock movements, even although the colouring matter was not present in sufficient quantity to be perceptible. He confirmed Engelmann's statement that shock movements are more pronounced in an atmosphere containing only a very small quantity of oxygen. Distribution of the Purple Bacteria in the various Colours of the Spectrum. Engelmann found that when a spectrum was projected on to the microscope field, the purple bacteria in that field * This organism was probably some pleomorphic form of one of the better-known sulphur bacteria. IRRITABILITY : INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 199 arranged themselves in greatest concentration in the infra-red (between hnes * 80 and 90). There was a distinct but smaller concentration in the orange-red (between lines 54 — 64), and a still smaller gathering in the green (between lines 52 — 55), whilst a few also collected in the hlue-violet. The organisms avoided the other colours. It is shown below (p. 200) that the region of maximum concentration of these bacteria, namely the infra- red, is also the region of maximum absorption of energy. Engel- mann considered that the correspondence was significant, and that oxygen was liberated in that zone because photo- synthesis was carried on by the purple bacteria. Here, however, different wave-lengths were utilized for the absorption of light energy. The significance of these results will be dis- cussed later. Effect of Colour on the Absorption of Light. In order to examine the absorption spectrum of the pigment found in purple bacteria, it is necessary either to prepare an emulsion of the organisms in water, or to extract the colouring matter with a suitable solvent. An extract with chloroform or carbon bisulphide is purple in colour ; with ether or alcohol it is yellow or yellowish-green. Engelmann used an aqueous suspension of Bac. photo- metricum and determined the exact amount of absorption at different wave-lengths by the use of Langley's Bolometer.f Figures on the following page show the results obtained by him. A gives the wave-length of the different colours. E gives the percentage of energy that is transmitted after the light has traversed the coloured fluid. * See page 200, footnote. t The Bolometer is an instrument used for estimating the total energy contained in any part of the spectrum. As it travels along the spectrum it picks up the energy, with the result that it causes an alteration in the resistance of an electrical wire with which it is in attachment. The amount of alteration in the resistance is measured by a galvanometer. SULPHUR BACTERIA infra-red - A. E, I -bo* 94-4 1-40 Q4-8 I-OO 78-3 •95 69-5 •qo 44-2 •^5 2-91 -^ ist max. •So 30 •70 69 •68 77 •66 80 •64 84 •62 77 •60 40 •59 27 > 2nd max •5« 28 •57 28 •55 18 •53 9-5 •5^ 40-5 •50 Q-O •48 IO-5 •46 I2-0 •44 17-0 Thus the point of maximum absorption is at wave-length 85 in the infra-red, which is beyond the end of the visible 100 90^- 80 GO 50- 40|- 30 20 10 . I I I I [1 Y" HO 130 110 100 90 m >A 70 60 50 40 Fig. 54. (A.fter Engelmann.) spectrum. A second maximum, and a third, appear at 59 and at 50 — 52, in the orange and green-blue, respectively. In the accompanying graph (Fig. 54) the ordinate gives the energy absorbed (E'), In Engelmann's table the figures give the proportions transmitted (E). *The figure i-6o = i-6 x 10,000 Angstrom units. A = 16,000 x io~^ cm. IRRITABILITY : INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 201 Liberation of Oxygen by the Purple Bacteria on Exposure to Light. Whilst direct proof of the Hberation of oxygen is still not available, strong presumptive evidence of its liberation is supplied by the following facts, which were elicited by Engelmann. I. A colony of sulphur bacteria in the zoogloea condition was introduced, together with a strongly aerobic spirillum, into a drop of water. The spirilla collected round the colony if the drop was poor in oxygen, but did not do so if the drop was well aerated. If the space surrounding the drop was filled with hydrogen the spirilla showed a greater tendency to collect around the zoogloea. Fig. 55. 2. Variations in the pressure of oxygen were correlated with variations in the activity with which the movement of the spirilla towards the zoogloea took place. 3. In one observation of a drop of water which had been kept for some time in the dark and then brought into the light, a number of spirilla were observed in position round the circumference of an air bubble, and near the bubble there was also a purple organism [Monas vinosa) (marked a in diagram). When the drop was rich in oxygen the purple organism had no particular attraction for the spirilla (Fig. 5 5 A), but when it was poor in oxygen they distributed themselves as shown in the B position. 4. Many of the actively motile sulphur bacteria are attracted by oxygen. If a drop of water containing 202 SULPHUR BACTERIA the bacteria is placed under a coverslip and left in the dark, the organisms take up a position varying from \ mm. to 2 mm. from the edge. If the drop is now exposed to the light, the bacteria scatter in all directions. This is consistent with the explanation that they had produced oxygen in the light, so that their movements were less restricted. 5. A fluid containing purple bacteria was placed in a glass tube 5 cms. high, and exposed in a vertical position. After five months the fluid was colourless except at the bottom, where there was a layer of the bacteria 2 mm. high. By attaching the tube to a hydrogen- generating apparatus the pressure of oxygen was diminished. If this apparatus was now placed in the dark the organisms scattered throughout the field, but if in the light they collected at the bottom. In this case the inference is that in the light so much oxygen is developed that its concentration is greater than the optimum for these bacteria, and so they move as far as possible from the surface. The effect in this experiment of introducing oxygen is to cause repulsion of the bacteria, a result which is the opposite of that obtained in the previous experiment. It must, however, be borne in mind that the sulphur bacteria are attracted to oxygen up to a certain concentration, and therefore it must be presumed that in the previous experiment the concentration of oxygen was below the optimum, whilst in the present experiment that point had been passed. The facts, however, have been challenged by subsequent investigators. Molisch (3), working with pure cultures of purple bacteria found that oxygen was not liberated in sufficient quantity to collect in fermentation tubes. Further, he found that the purple bacteria had no noticeable effect on motile bacteria sensitive to the presence of oxygen, when such bacteria were cultivated in association with purple bacteria. He also stated that the oxygen which is necessary for the manifestation of phosphorescence by phosphorescent bacteria IRRITABILITY : INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 203 cannot be supplied by growing the purple bacteria along with these organisms. Both Molisch and Winogradsky have concluded that the oxygen in Engelmann's experiments was derived from green organisms accidentally present in the medium. It is evident that the whole subject must be reinvestigated, before Engel- mann's observations can be accepted. In his favour it may be mentioned that Molisch's results were all negative, whilst those of Engelmann were positive. In one experiment at least the effect of contamination with green alga; can have no part ; in the third experiment mentioned the bacteria are shown clustered round a single individual of the purple bacteria, and here there can be no question of the interference of green organisms. Relationship of Light to the Growth of the Purple Bacteria. Engelmann sought to establish a relationship between growth and light from the following experiment. When tubes containing sea-wrack infected with purple bacteria are left in the dark they remain colourless. When other tubes of a similar kind are exposed to light the colour deepens. When now the first set is exposed to the light the colour develops after only a few days, and if the second set is now placed in the dark the colour disappears. It is possible to put another interpretation upon these results, for the mass of individuals of the purple bacteria may remain stationary in point of numbers, and develop or lose colour according to whether they are placed in the light or the dark. Thus proof is supplied of the dependence of colour on light but not neces- sarily of the measurement of growth by colour. However, Winogradsky (i), Molisch (3), and Skene have shown con-- clusively on other grounds that the growth of these organisms is dependent on light. The dependence is established by the fact that the spread of the purple colour to cover fresh material readily takes place in the light but not in the dark. Skene cultivated purple bacteria in different coloured lights and 204 SULPHUR BACTERIA showed that the relative efficacy of daylight, red and blue light was about as 6 : 3 : i respectively. The Function of Light : Photosynthesis. It is universally agreed that light is essential to the sulphur bacteria, but there is considerable diversity of opinion as to its precise function. It has been maintained by Engelmann and others that light is a source of energy for an anabolic process comparable to the photosynthesis of green plants. It will be recollected that the chlorophyllous plant tissues utilize solar energy for the synthesis of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. During the process oxygen is liberated as a waste product. Now Engelmann has demonstrated that the purple bacteria liberate oxygen in the light, and it is from this that he deduces that a similar photosynthetic process takes place in them. Both Engelmann and Molisch have made the liberation of oxygen the test of photosynthesis, whereas the essential proof is the demonstration of the synthesis of more complex from less complex compounds. Engelmann proclaimed the occurrence of photosynthesis chiefly because of the liberation of oxygen, whilst Molisch denied its occurrence because he considered oxygen was not liberated. It is possible to imagine a photo- synthetic process in which oxygen is not liberated.* Hence as neither advanced proof of synthesis the question must still be regarded as an open one. Subsequent opinions on the occurrence of photosynthesis have mainly centred on the question whether oxygen is liberated, and are therefore not relevant. Whilst definite proof of photosynthesis is not available the following facts form strong indirect evidence of its occurrence in the purple bacteria. * As an analogous case may be mentioned the fact that respiration is in essentials the katabolism of complex compounds, and not only may the process be imagined without the intake of oxygen, but there are actually organisms (the anaerobic bacteria) in the respiration of which oxygen is not taken in. IRRITABILITY : INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 205 1. The indispensability of light for the growth of the purple bacteria, and for the development of the colouring matter. 2. The fact that carbon dioxide is the source of carbon of these organisms. 3. The fact that the part of the spectrum which absorbs the greatest amount of energy is also the part at which it is highly probable oxygen is evolved. 4. The known use of the light in this manner in green plants. Molisch (3) has advanced the opinion that light is used to break up the organic matter which he claims is absorbed by the purple bacteria. He brought no experimental evidence in support, and the opinion is evidently unsound, for the purple bacteria do thrive in the complete absence of organic matter, as has been shown by the investigations of Skene, Bavendamm, and others, and the necessity of light is as great in the absence as in the presence of organic matter. If photosynthesis does occur in the purple bacteria it is of special interest, for whilst in the green plants the red and the green constituents of light are the most effective, in these bacteria the most active rays are in the infra-red. It is of interest that di|Terent organisms use light of different wave- lengths and suggests that light of other wave-lengths may be utilized by other organisms of whose physiology we have at present little knowledge. The Directive Effect of Light. Engelmann stated that light exerted no directive influence on the purple bacteria, but Winogradsky maintained that there was such an influence, because the purple bacteria collected on the side of the culture vessel which was turned towards the light. This statement is, however, incomplete, for it is a matter of common observation that in intense light they collect with equal readiness on the side removed from the direction of light. Also it may be pointed out that the appearance of colour does not alone indicate movement, for it may appear as a result of the development of pigment 2o6 SULPHUR BACTERIA in organisms that were hitherto colourless or in which the colour was feebly developed. In such a case there would be a development of colour without mass movements of the organism in any particular direction. Hence colour may develop on the side of the culture vessel towards the light because the individuals on that side have been stimulated by the light to develop the pigment to a stronger degree. Winogradsky also attributed the shock movements to the directive effects of light, but the statement was made from general observation, and the experimental data given above do not support this view. Beijerinck investigated a species of Chromatiuni and found that it swam towards the point of maximum light intensity. This observation is not correct, for, as already stated, in bright light the bacteria collect on the side of the culture vessel which is away from the light. Beijerinck's statement would be true only if he experimented in light of low intensity. Molisch (3) came to the conclusion that light exercised no directive influence on the purple bacteria. The whole subject needs reinvestigation. Summary of the Effects of Light on the Purple Bacteria. The ionic effect is indicated by the necessity of light for the development of colour, and for the growth of the bacteria, and by the fact that the resumption of movement in the light is not possible if the organisms are previously kept too long in the dark. Also, the need of a slight change in the intensity of light to keep the bacteria at their highest speed is indicative of this tonic effect. The directive or phototactic eft'ect of light on organisms in general is of two kinds. There is a directive effect which makes the organisms change the inclinations of their direc- tions so as to bring them either nearer or farther away from the source of light. There is no evidence that the purple bacteria respond in this way. On the other hand, there is ample evidence that changes in the intensity or in the colour of light produce the second effect, namely, a complete IRRITABILITY ; INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 207 reversal in the direction of movement. The conditions deter- mining such reversals have been described above. The photo synthetic effect of light has not been proved. Reasons have been given for , the conclusion that in all probability some form of synthesis does take place through the agency of light. The Effect of Chemical Substances in Changing the Direction of Movement. Aliyoshi's Experiments. — The table on next page gives the results of this investigator with Pfeffer's Capillary Tube Method. The absence of controls in these experiments somewhat impairs the value of these results, but there is no doubt of the sensitiveness of the bacteria to peptone and flesh extract with which the most marked results were obtained. Bengt Lidforss found that even very minute quantities of ethyl alcohol attractecj certain bacteria. He also found that a colourless sulphur spirillum was attracted by a dilute solution of sulphuretted hydrogen, but that this compound was poisonous in concentrated solutions. It is inferred that the organism was presumably repelled by more concentrated solutions. A substance may, however, be poisonous to bac- teria and yet exercise attraction for bacteria, as for example corrosive sublimate. Sodium thiosulphatc was also found to attract bacteria in dilute solution. Molisdi's Experiments. — The results obtained by Molisch gain an added value from his rigorous use of conti'ols. The methods of experimentation were the same as those used by Miyoshi. He estabhshed the important point that ditierent purple bacteria may react differently to the same reagent. Thus Rhodospirillum giganteiim is attracted by weak hydrochloric acid, whilst Rhodospirillum photometricum and Chromatium are repelled. Again, Rhodospirillum gigan- teiim is sensitive to carbon dioxide, hydrochloric acid, dextrin, sucrose, and peptone, whilst Chromatium is in- 2o8 SULPHUR BACTERIA MIYOSHI'S TABLE. Concentration of Name. Solution per cent. Result. Remarks. Sulphuretted Weak Indefinite hydrogen Strong + Results sometimes negat- ive : must be regarded as inconclusive. Pot. nitrate 0-3 + Slow entrance : crowded Other strengths Indefinite mass of bacteria moved slowly inwards at rate of 1-5 mm. per hour. Am. tartrate 0-5 + Bacteria appeared at mouth, then moved slow- ly inwards. Many re- mained outside. After a month in the dark inside the tube, the bacteria mo^•ed still farther up when exposed to the light. Pot. dihydrogen phosphate 0-3 + + + (KH.POJ 0-8 Doubtful Sod. chloride 0-3 o-S 0-3 + Am. chloride + 0-3 — Am. sulphate 0-3 + Mg. sulphate 0-3 — Peptone 0-5 + + Fle.sh extract 0-5 + + + Sucrose 0-5 + + Glucose 0-5 + + Asparagin 0-5 + + Glycerine 0-5 + + Baking soda 0-3 — Pot. chlorate 0-3 _ Alum 0-3 — Acetic acid + + Lactic acid + + Mono-, di-, and tri- hydric alcohols of fatty series + + Aldehydes + + Ketones + + Tri-hydric alcohols Tetra- and Penta- hydric alcohols O The -\- sign indicates a movement towards, the — sign a movement away from, the source of stimulus. different to all these substances. Further, Rhodospirillum giganteum is attracted, but Chromatium repelled, by sulphur- etted hydrogen (concentration not stated). He also established the important fact that for every reacting substance there is a IRRITABILITY IXFLUEXCE OF LIGHT log particular range of concentration within ivhich the organism is sensitive. Above this range the fluid may injure, or even destroy, the organism, whilst below this range there is no reaction. These observations are in general agreement with the results of similar tests on the effect of chemical substances on spermatozoids, and small organisms. Molisch's results are tabulated below. The organism used for experimentation was Rho do spirillum giganteum. In the third column the signs +, — , and O, have been inserted from Molisch's descrip- tion, and were not so set down by the investigator himself. .\ame. Percentage Strength of Solution. Reaction. Remarks. Carbon dioxide + + + The bacteria stream in and remain inside for some hours, after which they stream out again until the distribution is uni- form throughout. Hydrochloric a.cid 0-005 o-oi + +1 + 4- Rhodosp. photometricum is O* I 1 1 L negative at concentra- Greater concentrations . tions of O-OI — o-ooi per cent. Sulphuric acid 0-005 + =: Rhodosp. photometricum is 0-0025 H- >• indiflerent at all con- o-oi 0 centrations. Nitric acid 001 + Acetic acid o-i O-OI + "1 Reactions variable, some- 0-005 _u / times caused repulsion. Caustic potash O-I — Same result with Chrom- atium. Potassium I -00 + Chromatium weakly posi- chloride tive. Dextrin I-O + + + + Chromatium weakly posi- tive. Cane sugar I-O + + + Chromatium indifferent. Peptone 10 + + + Chromatium indifferent. Sulphuretted not given + + + Chromatium (marine hydrogen species) indifferent. Irrit.ability and Environment. It was maintained by Kniep, who experimented with a colourless sulphur organism and with Spirillum rubriini, that the reaction of an organism to a particular salt is in- fluenced by the presence of other salts. Thus Spirilhim 14 2IO SULPHUR BACTERIA riibruni is sensitive to sodium chloride, and also to ammonium chloride. But if, in Pfeffcr's experiment, the water in the capillary tube contains both i/iOO sodium chloride and l/iOO ammonium chloride, and if the bacterial suspension outside the capillary tube contains l/iOO sodium chloride, there is no attraction. The presence of sodium chloride has destroyed the efficacy of ammonium chloride. Similarly ammonium chloride neutralizes the efficacy of sodium chloride. The same held true for other combinations of salts, for example, potassium sulphate and ammonium sulphate. Buder's Researches. [a] Ciliary Movements of the Sulphur Bacteria. — -Very interesting results were obtained by this investigator in Fig. 56. — Positions of the cilium of a spirillum moving forward with the ciliiim attached behind. For explanation see text. his examination of the cilia and the movements of Thio- spirilhmi jenense (see p. 161), and a species of Chromatium. Buder found that the single cilium shows a rotary movement. The positions of the cilium when the organism is moving forward with the cilium behind are shown in Fig. 56. The shaded parts show a section of the space enclosed during the revolution of the cilium. It will be seen from the diagram (Fig. 56) that the shape of this space is, during move- ment, continuously undergoing alteration, and that the alteration takes place in a definite order. In No. 4 of the series the cilium is rotating almost at right angles to the spirillum. This is the position which it assumes prior to that indicated in IRRITABILITY : INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 211 Fig. 57- The cilium then revolves round the hinder part of the body and propels the spirillum in the reverse direction. [b) Reaction to Light.- — The reaction following the exposure of an organism to light of a given intensity depends on the in- tensity of the light to which the organism was previously ex- posed. There may be, for example, a reaction when the liglit intensity is increased from 18 units to 20 units (units arbitrarily chosen), but not from 40 to 42, although the difference in inten- sity, namely, 2 units, is the same. Before a reaction due to a change of intensity occurs, the new intensity must be a certain percentage greater than the original intensity, and so the greater the original intensity the greater the number of units which nfiust be added to raise the percentage to the required point. The susceptibility of the human eye to a change in the intensity of Fig. 57. light is formulated in Weber's Law, which states that before the eye can appreciate a change in the intensity, the increment of light units must bear a certain ratio to the original intensity, and this ratio is independent of the value of the intensity. Weber's Law does not hold for the reactions of Thiospirillimi jenense to light, for whilst in some cases an increase of 10 per cent, on the original intensity was required to produce the effect, in other cases as much as 25 per cent, was necessary. Again, according to Buder, the changes in the direction of move- ment in response to changes in the intensity of light are not invariably as sudden as was claimed by Engelmann. The length of time required for the completion of the reaction depended on the velocity of the organism at the moment, the length of time taken by the light to change its intensity, and on other factors, so that under some conditions quite an 14 * 212 SULPHUR BACTERIA appreciable interval of time elapses before the reaction is completed.* [c] Experiment on Shock Movements.- — -An interesting con- tribution to our knowledge of shock movements was made by Buder by an experiment which is illustrated in Fig. 58. In No. I a spirillum with a single polar cilium is shown moving towards a dark patch. Nos. 2, 3, and 4 show its further progress. At No. 4 three-quarters of the organism, but not the sensitive region, which is at the base of the cilium, is inside the dark patch. In Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8, the dark patch is made to move in the ^^ 9 10 11 ' ! ) Fig. 58. same direction as the spirillum, to prevent the sensitive zone from entering the dark patch. No shock movement occurs, because the sensitive zone is still outside the dark patch. At No. 9, however, the sensitive zone is shown for the first time inside the dark patch. The result is shown in No. 10, a shock move- ment having caused a strong recoil into the light. Whilst the spirillum! is recoiling the dark patch is made to follow at a greater rate than the spirillum, and thus to overtake the organism. This phase is shown in Nos. 11-15. At No. 15 the dark patch overtakes the sensitive zone. The result here was that the organism executed another shock movement, which caused it to move forward again even although by so doing it moved still farther into the darkness. Hence shock * The author considers that only failure will result from the attempt to express vital phenomena in terms of a strict mathematical law. IRRITABILITY : INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 213 movements do not invariably have the effect of preventing the organism from moving into the dark. {d) Localization of Area of Sensitiveness. — Buder has deter- mined the part of the organism which is sensitive to Hght by the following experiment. A microscope field containing Thiospirillum jenense was completely darkened except for a small rectangular area. By an ingenious arrangement this patch of light could be set in any part of the field, and made to move in any part of it. In the illustration two spirilla (A and B) are shown (see Fig. 59). In B the cilium is in front, in A it is behind. In one experiment the lighted patch was made to move to the left at a greater speed than that of the spirilla mov- ing in the same direction, with the result that the line CD overtakes the spirilla from behind. When this line over- takes an organism like A with the cilium behind, the response is sooner than when it over- takes one like B with its cilium in front. But in both cases the response, which in this case is a faster movement in the same direction, follows the passing of the line CD over the base of the cilium. Buder thus demonstrated that the base of the cilium is the seat of sensitiveness to changes in light intensity. Interpretation of Results. The experiments which are illustrated in Figs. 58 and 59 show that under normal circumstances shock movements are such as bring the organism back into the light when it enters the dark, or when a dark patch passes over it. The circumstances were exceptional in the experiment illustrated in Fig. 58, and Fig. 59. 214 SULPHUR BACTERIA cannot therefore be regarded as typical, for here a second shock movement was superimposed upon the organism before it had recovered from the effects of the first shock movement. Buder's own explanation is probably correct. When an organism passes into the dark it recoils in order to get back into the light, the mechanism of the process, for Thiospir ilium, being the rotation of the cilium round the hinder part of the organism. It considers, as it were, the end in view, and if this can be attained without a shock movement, then such a movement does not take place. Buder thus regards the laws of shock movements as aspects of a wider biological law, operating to preserve the organism from destruction. Whilst in agreement with the general view, it must be added that all the details of his experiments do not lend support. Thus in the experiment illustrated in Fig. 58 the second shock move- ment which propelled the organism farther into the darkness should, according to Buder's view, not have taken place, for it was one which was injurious to the microbe. As this particular movement, however, was made under abnormal circumstances, its significance cannot be unduly stretched, particularly as there are other determinants of movement besides these shocks. Proof is still wanting, however, of the withholding of a shock movement when the withholding would be advantageous to the organism. It would, however, be difficult to stage the conditions for such an occurrence. Another detail which lacks conformity with Buder's view is the fact that all the individuals did not exhibit the movement when they passed from the light into the dark, a fact which seems to diminish their importance as vital factors in the life of the organisms. Here again it would be easy to imagine the prevention of the movement by the intervention of other factors. The conditions of movement are similar to the con- ditions determining any other physiological function. It takes place when several contributory factors are working in unison. A general review of the facts leads to the conclusion that shock movements are broadly of a protective nature, but that as movements are conditioned by several factors, the incidence of a shock does not invariably produce a protective IRRITABILITY : INFLUENCE OF LIGHT 215 movement because of the contrary influence of other factors under abnormal circumstances. Jennings in his description of the movements of the Flagel- lates states that these organisms have two movements, one the normal, and the other, which is brought into play only when the organism is abnormally placed. The idea seems fanciful. CHAPTER XII. THE MECHANICS OF CILIARY MOVEMENT. ACID BACTERIA. THE PHYLOGENY SULPHUR BACTERIA. THIONIC OF THE The Mechanics of Ciliary Movement. Spirilla exhibit both rotatory and translatory movements. These result from the movements of the cihum which in the spiral sulphur bacteria assumes the helicoid form. It is possible by a mathematical treatment of the forces which come into action when this kind of cilium is set in motion, to show that the organism must necessarily exhibit translatory and rotatory movements. Axis of rotation Fig. 6o. In Fig. 60 is shown a helically wound cilium rotating in a clockwise direction. The cilium, by its whipping action, leads to a forward force on the spirillum, which may be considered the resultant of a tluid pressure. The forces on each point on the cilium system can be analysed. Suppose D' to be any point in the systemu Let 2T6 THE MECHANICS OF CILIARY MOVEMENT 217 a'D' represent tlic force on D' due to the reaction of the hquid to the motion of the cihum. This force is normal to the axis of the ciUum and tangential to the cyHnder of rotation, and may be divided into two components, one h'D' along the axis of rotation, the other 6-'D' in a direction perpendicular to the plane of this axis and O'D'. Similarly at any other point D" the force may be split into the two components, b"Yy" and c"D". The sum of the component forces ^'D', b"T)" , etc., for every point on the cilium may be represented as BD, such that LbVi - BD. Similarly, the sum of the tangential components c'D', c"D", etc., for every point on the cihum may be represented as CD, such that UcD -- CD. The latter forces have a moment about the axis of rotation which tends to produce rotation of the body about this axis. Their summation gives a re- sultant couple F X MN (Fig. 61), such that 6-D X OD -^ F X MN. Consider the effect of these two systems of forces on the body of the spirillum (Fig. 62). Fig. 61. Fig. 62. The resultant OB represents the total effective force act- ing upon the body from the water, probably through slight pressures established by the motion given to the water as a result of the whipping action of the cilium. The motion 2l8 SULPHUR BACTERIA gives rise to liead resistance and frictional forces, p, the magni- tude of which are dependent upon the speed of the body through the hquid. These tend to resist the motion and act in the opposite direction. Then QB = M/ + kv, where M -- mass of body, /= acceleration, /c = a constant, V =^ velocity. The above equation shows that any increase in the velocity will produce a corresponding increase in the resistance. Movement will be uniform after a balance has been attained between the applied force and the opposing frictional force. OB- W where V is the ultimate velocity. Let us now consider the condi- tions determining the rotational equilibrium (Fig. 63). The couple F X MN tends to turn the body of the organism in the direction opposite to that in which the helix is turning. The body will set itself to counteract this force, and in consequence a redistribution of forces from the water will follow until the couple is balanced. This presumably cannot be accomplished in a straight cylindrical body with very soft membranous outer layers without altering its shape, and so if tiic spirillum is at rest it will at once assume the spiral form on the resumption of movement. The forces which here come into play may be illustrated by the following example. If the elbow is placed on a table while a long stick is held between the fingers and set into a whipping action, it will be found necessary to counteract the resulting torque reaction by offsetting the elbow to some extent in relation to the shoulder. Any increase in the force of the whipping, or in the addition of more weight to the stick will result in a corre- THE MECHANICS OF CILIARY MOVEMENT 219 spending increase in the offset of the elbow. This gives us a possible explanation of the observed behaviour of the spirillum when in motion. This force is not exerted when the spirillum is at rest. The natural condition of a spirillum at rest is the straight rod shape, and many are observed to have this shape ; but we may suppose that the continuous assumption of the spiral shape when in motion, accompanied probably by a very slight increase in the outer membranous layers, has made most of the organisms retain the spiral form permanently. When the ciliary impulse has been communicated to the body of the organism, and the latter has assumed the spiral form, there will be a similar torque between the body of the organism and the surrounding liquid medium, and the extent of this reaction will probably control the degree of spiral for- mation. As the body of the spirillum moves through the medium the reaction pressures of the liquid upon the organism will have a resultant which will be tangential to the body, and so a rotatory movement will be imparted to the body in addition to its translatory motion. It is clear from the above dynamical treatment of the subject that a helicoid movement of the cilium ought to produce translatory and rotatory movements in the spirillum. As such movements do, in fact, take place in the spirilla, the observations of the helicoid whiplike action of the cilium described by Buder (p. 2io) are supported. The following hypothesis is suggested in explanation of the ciliary movement. The impulse, a vital action, comes in the first case from the end of the body to which the cilium is attached, and is similar in its nature to the elbow action in the above experiment. The vital action is communicated to the cilium, which then takes up the rotating helicoid form, thereby giving to the organism a rotational and translatory movement. The following facts lend support to this hypothesis : — 1. The cilium is not an independent unit, but is in pro- toplasmic union with the cell. 2. It has been proved that the sensitive seat of the organism regulating movements in response to changes in the intensity of light lies at the end of the body to which the cilium is attached. 220 SULPHUR BACTERIA 3. It is frequently observed that spirilla at rest are straight, and assume the helicoid form only after the organism has begun to move. It is not possible at present to state whether the vital action which brings the cilium into the helicoid form is preceded by a circular movement of the end of the body which ex hypothesi is the seat of movement. The Thionic Acid Bacteria. Introduction : Methods of Culture. The thionic acid bacteria, like the sulphur bacteria in general, oxidize sulphur compounds, but they differ from the sulphur bacteria in that they do not store sulphur in their cells. Strictly speaking, therefore, they are not sulphur bacteria, but it is appropriate to consider them briefly here. These organisms oxidize thiosulphates to tetrathionic and sulphuric acids. They were first isolated by Nathansohn from a crude culture of organic debris and calcium sulphide in sea-water, prepared for the investigation of sulphur bacteria. Nathansohn isolated instead small actively motile thionic acid bacteria, which were readily found in the white sulphur surface scum. He recommended the following medium for their culture : — NaCl, 3-0 per cent. MgCl,, 0-25 KNO3, o-io NagHPOj, 0-50 MgCOa, Excess. When this mixture was inoculated with mud containing these organisms a white scum appeared on the surface after a few days. This consisted of oily amorphous sulphur in the substance of which various bacteria were found. Among them were the thionic acid bacteria, which were isolated without difficulty. According to Nathansohn the reaction which takes place is as follows : — 3Na2S203 +50 = Na2S406 + 2Na2S04. THE TH IONIC ACID BACTERIA 221 Their development is possible only when the CO2 of the atmosphere is freely admitted ; or, failing this, a free supply of carbonates. Nathansohn considered that they were not able to utilize the carbon of organic matter. These organisms were also isolated by Beijerinck (5) from material taken from the sea on the Dutch coast, and cultivated in fresh water. The medium used by him was made up as follows : — NaaSgOg . 5H2O, 0-5 per cent. NaHCOg, o-i K2HPO4, 0-02 „ NH4CI, o-oi ,, MgClg, o-oi ,, A culture made up of these ingredients, and inoculated with the appropriate material, became covered with a film of sulphur in which were swarms of bacteria, including the thionic acid bacteria. These were isolated and grown in pure culture. The chemical reaction was stated to be as follows : — NaaSgOg + O = NagSOj + S. The sulphur was not deposited inside the cell, but in the surrounding medium. In a similar fashion, though with greater difficulty, it was found possible to oxidize tetra- thionic acid with these organisms, according to the following reaction : — Na2S406 + NaaCOa + 0 = 2Na2S04 + CO2 + 2S. Pure cultures were obtained by adding the appropriate amount of agar-agar to the fluid culture, and plating in the usual manner. The colonies which form on the plates are distin- guished by the large amount of sulphur which collects on their surfaces. The thionic acid bacteria have been placed by Beijerinck in one genus, which he names Thiohacillus* One of them, Thiobacilliis thioparus, is made up of small thin rods, 0-3 — 0-5/Lt in length, and is very motile. It is non-sporing. Another somewhat similar form has been named Thiobacilliis denit- rificans. * See page 226. 222 SULPHUR BACTERIA When first investigated, the thionic acid bacteria were believed to be obligate autotrophs, obtaining their carbon from the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, and their nitrogen from nitrates or ammonium compounds. It was emphasized that the source of their energy was the oxidation of thiosul- phatc to the normal sulphate. Later investigations have not borne out these statements. Thus Issatchenko and Salis- mowskaja found that not only inorganic salts like ammonium chloride, ammonium phosphate, and potassium nitrate, but also organic compounds like asparagin and peptone could be utilized as sources of nitrogen. It has also been necessary to revise the opinions that were at first held regarding the secretion of sulphur. The last-named investigators, working with material from the salt marshes of the Crimea, from the neighbourhood of Odessa, and from the Black Sea, found that the secretion of sulphur was not a necessary accompani- ment of the activities of these bacteria. This was con- firmed by Trautwein who divided them into two classes according to their capacity or incapacity for secreting free sulphur.* Probably the chemical activities of these bacteria are not as simple as they are represented in the equations formulated by Beijerinck, and this is particularly true of those members that do not secrete sulphur. Trautwein has shown that they are capable of considerable adaptation, for he has isolated an organism of this class with denitrifying powers. It reduces nitrates to nitrites and nitro- gen. Further, the ferments trypsin, lipase, catalase, diastase and oxidase have been identified in its cultures. With ex- tended investigations the number of bacteria belonging to this group has been increased. In addition to the two already mentioned three species were isolated by Issatchenko and Salismowskaja, and were named Thionsdure-hacteriimi Beijerinckii, ,, Nathansohnii, ,, Beijerinckii f. Jacobsenii. *See page 226 on the nomenclature of these bacteria. THE TH IONIC ACID BACTERIA 223 These are regarded as related to, but not identical with, Thiohacillus ihioparus. Another is that isolated by Waksman and Joffe and named Thiohacillus thiooxidans. This organ- ism has the following characters : It is rod-shaped and very small, being less than i^ long and about 0-5/x in thickness, non- motile, Gram positive, aerobic. It grows readily on solid media, and oxidizes sulphur to sulphates. Carbon is obtained from the CO2 of the atmosphere, whilst nitrogen is best supplied by ammonium compounds. Growth is stimulated by the addition of such organic compounds as glycerol, alcohol, mannitol, and glucose, and certain inorganic compounds like thallium nitrate, aluminium sulphate and manganese sulphate. The optimum temperature is 28°-30°C. The culture medium is acidified by its development, and the amount of thiosulphate increases steadily with the growth of this species. It is stated that this organism does not cease its development until the acidity reaches the low value of pYi 0-6 — ro. This is probably the most acid condition under which any microorganism has been known to exist. H. D. Brown has obtained from sewage and activated sludge an organism which appears to be identical with Thio- bacillus thiooxidans, and Waksman has recommended a med- ium in which its cultivation may be best secured: — Na^S.Oa, 5 gra KH2PO4. NH4CI, . I , MgCl^, I , CaCla, Agar, 25 , 20 , Distilled water, 1000 c.c. The physiology of this organism has been investigated by Starkey, who finds that a parallel may be drawn between the rapidity of growth and the extent to which sulphur oxidation has been accomplished. He therefore argues that the oxi- dation of sulphur is an essential process in the metabolism of Thiohacillus thiooxidans. Starkey also found that whilst 224 SULPHUR BACTERIA the addition of 3 per cent. NagSgOg induces vigorous growth, 10 per cent, of this substance in a culture medium is inhibitory. Still another member has been isolated which is closely associ- ated with alkali deposits, and which is particularly abundant in the sandy loam soils of the "black" type. This has been provisionally named Thiohacillus B. It oxidizes the thiosul- phate with liberation of sulphur, and the latter is then oxidized to the sulphate. Its growth is best in a medium with a pW value of 6 — 10. The activity of the thionic acid bacteria in furthering changes of economic and biological importance in the soil is considerable. It was estimated by Ames that 50 per cent, of the sulphur combined in soil to the extent of 0-5 gram sulphur per 500 grams of soil was changed into the sulphate when the soil was inoculated with these organisms, and that even as much as 70 per cent, was possible if the amount of sulphur was present to the extent of 2-0 grams per 500 grams of soil. As the higher green plants assimilate sulphur in the form of sulphates, the agricultural importance of these organisms is obvious. They are also important in another aspect, for the greater acidity in the soil which follows their multiplication enables the higher green plants to absorb a larger amount of the sulphate, and a greater variety of soil constituents, than is possible in a less acid medium. Many salts which would otherwise be insoluble are thus made available to crop plants. There is, however, a limit to the acidity beyond which harm rather than good would be achieved. The two organisms Bacterium crystalliferwn (Gicklhorn) and Bacterium retifor^nans (Gicklhorn) must also be assigned to this group. They were isolated from garden soil that had been covered with water containing potassium sulphide in solution. After three weeks the surface of the water was covered with snow-white points, each being a colony of one or other of these organisms. Between the individual colonies were numerous minute particles of sulphur, evidently derived from the sulphide by oxidation. Bacterium crystalliferum is i — 2/i long and 0-3 — 0-5/^ broad, and is non-motile. The individuals are closely pressed to- THE THIONIC ACID BACTERIA 225 gether and covered with a very thin layer of sHme. Pure cultures were not obtained. Bacterium retiformans is 2 — 4'5/x long and 0-5 — i-o^ broad. It develops as zoogloea colonies adhering to the walls of the culture flask. It is doubtful whether these two organisms belong to the genus Bacillus (or Bacterium). Pseudomoiias bipunctatiis (Gicklhorn) is provisionally placed in this group, but it is doubtful whether this organism should be classed in the group of Bacteria. Its characteristics are rather those of the simpler Flagellates. Furthermore, its physiology differs somewhat from that of the thionic acid bacteria. It is composed of a single colourless transparent cell, which becomes ovoid during division. Its length is 8 — I2/X and breadth 3 — 5jLt. It possesses a single, delicate polar cilium, about I2ju. long, which propels the organism from behind at the rate of 600/L1 per minute. Each cell contains two, sometimes three, highly refractive drops. These resemble the large drops found in Microspira vacillans. Their com- position has not yet been ascertained. They are not composed of sulphur, and the sole justification for the inclusion of the organism in the sulphur bacteria rests on the fact that the organisms show a preference for sulphuretted hydrogen. After division, many of the daughter cells are temporarily pear shaped, and sometimes even show pointed ends (Fig. 23c). Pure cultures have not been obtained. Habitat. — Found in foul mud from the Botanic Gardens of Graz. Pseudomonas hyalina (Gicklhorn) resembles the preceding in general form and ciliation, but is smaller, measuring 4 — 6jain length and 2 — 2-5^ in breadth. The reason for its separation from the preceding species lay in the absence of intermediate sizes. As both were found in the same medium, and at the same time, the probabilities are in favour of the two organisms being the same species. Habitat. — As the preceding species. 15 226 SULPHUR BACTERIA Nomenclature of the Thionic Acid Bacteria. All the members of this group are rod-shaped, and therefore may be included either in the genus Bacillus, or the genus Pseudomonas. It is unfortunate that Beijerinck should have used the term Thiohacilliis to designate these organisms, for the prefix thio in all morphological classifications is used to designate the bacteria with sulphur contents, and the thionic acid bacteria either do not secrete sulphur, or if they do it is eliminated from the cell. The cumbrous name Thionsdure- hakteriiim (Eng. Thionic acid bacterium) has been suggested and used as a generic title by Issatchenko ; and lastly the name Sulfonionas has been proposed. In both these changes it would appear as if each innovator had held in view only the needs of his own particular branch of research without reference to the effect which the innovations would have on the efforts of the systematists who have to pass in review all the groups of bacteria. The generic terms Bacillus and Pseudomonas are sufficiently clearly defined to be used without fear of confusion, and all the known thionic acid bacteria can readily be included in one or other of them. A loose nomen- clature based on unstable physiological functions can only lead to ultimate confusion. The Phylogeny of the Sulphur Bacteria. The most primitive members of the group are contained in the genus Lankesteron, and of these Lankesteron roseo-persicina is probably the most primitive. The majority of the sulphur bacteria are probably derived from some such form. This species reproduces by simple fission, and has not an external plasmatic membrane differentiated from the rest of the cell, and in addition it is highly pleomorphic. The more various the number of pleomorphic phases in an organism, the greater its chances of success in a changing environment. Probably the first stage in the advance of such an organism would be the assumption of a stable form under a new set of conditions. If the new conditions persisted for a sufficiently lengthened period a morpliologically stable organism could evolve, which THE PHYLOGENY OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 227 in its turn could serve as a starting-point for a further advance. From the ease with which it is possible to effect slight morphological and physiological changes in bacterial species it may be argued that the rate of advance of bacterial organisms, and probably of all lowly organisms, is greater than in more complicated forms. Indeed, it is not beyond possibility that some of the organisms described in the early days of Bacteri- ology may have completely disappeared, and their places taken by species that were not in existence at that time. The following factors appear to be those most concerned in the evolution of the group : — ■ A. Slime Formation. — In varying degree all the sulphur bacteria form slime from the outermost layers of the cell. In Beggiatoa alba, even in motile individuals, a thin layer of slime is always present. Under unfavourable conditions of growth its amount may be considerable. In Thiothrix, on the other hand, slime development is normal, and begins at an early stage in its growth. As the slime subsequently hardens, and as the cells enclosed by it continue their growth before the slime has completely har- dened, the structure peculiar to this organism is developed. The filament continues to grow inside a hollow sheath, and its fission is limited to the apical parts that have emerged from the sheath. The fissured fragments when short may be regarded as the precursors of the conidia of more highly developed plants. It is of interest to note that a similar line of development appears to have been followed in the related Iron Bacteria in such organisms as Cladothrix dichotonia and Crenothrix polyspora. The zoogloea condition is also in some phases a characteristic of Lankesteron roseo-persicina. If this condition is one that is peculiarly favourable to a new environment, a condition temporary under normal conditions may well have become permanent. This probably occurred in the evolution of such organisms as Thiocystis violacea in which the cocci are em- bedded in a mass of slime of a permanent character. The cocci escape in this organism at a definite point in the slime. 15* 228 SULPHUR BACTERIA In Thiobacillns Bovistus a further step is marked by a slightly greater interdependence of the enclosed cells. In Thiohacillus thiogenus the advance has taken the form of a more complex covering of slime, an inner and an outer layer being distin- guishable, the outer with an obviously protective function. An interesting extension of this line of development is that shown in Thioploca, for here the movements of the filaments inside the slimy colony are not unrelated, showing that the units have already lost their independent character. This is the last stage in the evolutionary series along this line. B. Enlargement of the Coccus. — Large cocci are occasionally formed as pleomorphic phases of Lankesteron roseo-persicina, and it is possible that the evolution of such organisms as Chromatium, Achromatium, and Thioporphyra may have re- sulted from the stabilization of similar large forms. Under unfavourable conditions both Chromatiinn and Thioporphyra tend to revert to smaller cocci. C. Shortening of the Filament. — The greater freedom of movement possible to short rods in which cilia have developed indicates another line of development. The filaments of such primitive forms as Lankesteron roseo-persicina readily break up into shorter lengths ; these are probably the precursors of such bacteria as Thiobacillus and Thiopseudomonas. Thio- hacillus Bovistus appears to be an intermediate species in this line of development, for in it there is considerable slime for- mation, whilst the cells on the other hand have attained a certain freedom of movement. D. Colonial Habit. — In Thiopedia the cocci, although somewhat loosely arranged, develop symmetrically. In Rhodolhiosarcina a further advance is noted, as the cocci are closely associated in regular formation, and whilst in Thio- pedia slime formation is regular, in the other it has become entirely suppressed. The ease with which the disruption of the units of a Sarcina can be brought about so that they exist as uni- and diplo-cocci shows that the grouping of the cells to form colonies is not a racial habit of long duration as time is reckoned in evolution. THE PHYLOGENY OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 229 E. Colour. — The following facts are important in esti- mating the phylogenetic importance of colour : — (i) There is little, if any, to choose in point of morphological complexity between the coloured and the uncoloured sulphur bacteria. (2) The occurrence of colour is not correlated with the possession of any other feature either in structure or in life- history. (3) There is no distinction in the quality of the pigment between the most primitive and the more highly developed members of the group. It may be concluded from the third statement that the coloured sulphur bacteria were just as highly coloured on their emergence from still more primitive conditions. Hence we must conclude either that the uncoloured forms were once coloured, and have lost their pigments, or that the sulphur bacteria are of polyphyletic origin. As there are very strong grounds for the belief that photosynthesis occurs in the col- oured sulphur bacteria a polyphyletic origin is very probable. There is nothing in common between the two groups apart from what is common to all the microorganisms classed under the Schizophytes, except a common facility for oxidizing hydrogen sulphide to elementary sulphur. In view of the advantage which would be derived from photosynthesis, it is not probable that organisms that flourish in the full light of day, as do the uncoloured sulphur bacteria, would abandon such an obvious advantage. It is much more probable that their ways have lain apart from very early beginnings, and that the uncoloured sulphur bacteria have been derived from still more primitive uncoloured forms. Issatchenko (4), who accepts the photosynthetic view of the coloured sulphur bacteria, in consequence regards the origin of the group as polyphyletic. He states that coloured bacteria like Lampro- cystis roseo-persicina thrive in a purely mineral solution, drawing their carbon from the carbon dioxide of the atmo- sphere, and considers that this is possible only to organisms that are capable of photosynthesis. When the mode of life and the general structure of ►30 SULPHUR BACTERIA Laniprocystis is compared with those of an organism such as Beggiatoa alba, which hves in a medium rich in organic matter, the contrast is so great that it is scarcely possible to imagine two organisms at this phase of existence that are so diamet- rically opposed. The general conclusion is drawn that the coloured and the uncoloured forms began their present stage of existence as coloured, and as uncoloured organisms, respectively, and that in their further development colour has played no part. F. Reproduction. — In all the sulphur bacteria which have been investigated the prevailing method of reproduction is a Thiovulum Thiophysa Chrotnatium Thioporphyra ^ Achromatium Thiospirillum -«— (Rhodo-thiospirillum) Thiopedia -*- I Thiosarcina (Rhodo-thiosarcina) Primitive highly pleomorphic org-anism Filament Coccus Rod form - — Spiral form Filament in zoog-loea condition _ Coccus in zoogloea condition Rods in zoog-loea condition Fig. 64. ^Beggiatoa alba Thiothrix ■^^»-Thiobacillus ^Thiopseudomonas ^_^ Thioploca -^Rhodocapseae — -^Th iocap s e ae ^^Thiosphaerion Thiobacillus Bovistus simple fission followed by the growth of the separated portions. This method is followed even in such organisms as Beggiatoa alba, in which the cell has a slightly differentiated peripheral layer. In Beggiatoa mirabilis the formation of a new cell is preceded by the development of a transverse cell membrane as in the higher plants. This, however, is not associated with any other complexity in Beggiatoa mirabilis, notwithstanding its relatively gigantic size. The occurrence of structures that may be endospores in Beggiatoa alba and in Thioporphyra vohitans is at present too problematical for discussion. THE PHYLOGENY OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA 231 The bud formation of Thioporphyra volutans appears to be not an advance in methods of reproduction, but rather the recurrence of what is probably a more primitive method of reproduction, for the products of multipHcation are of a lower type. Support is given to this view by the fact that it occurs under unfavourable circumstances. The formation of zoo- spores in Achroniatimn oxaliferutn marks a decided advance, but much stress cannot be laid on the fact because it is found only in one organism, and this, one which in its general structure is widely different from the other sulphur bacteria. These suggested lines of development are schematically represented (Fig. 64). Summary. The coloured sulphur bacteria have probably all arisen from the development along several lines of one (or a few) highly pleomorphic primitive organism of a type which is represented among modern forms by such organisms as Lankesteron roseo-persicina. It is conjectured that with changes of environment certain pleomorphic forms became stabilized on account of their greater fitness for the changed environ- ment. The uncoloured sulphur bacteria have probably sprung from similar types that had no colouring matter. The sulphur bacteria as a whole are polyphyletic in origin. The following lines are suggested as having resulted in the modern forms : — 1. Development of hardened slime at an early stage in development, resulting in a hardened sheath surrounding the organism. 2. Fixation of the zoogloea condition with the consequent retention of the units within the slime. 3. The enlargement of the coccus with freedom from excessive slime formation, and greater freedom of action. 4. The contraction of the filament to a length suitable for free and active movement. CHAPTER XIII. THE COLOURING MATTER OF THE SULPHUR BACTERIA. Introduction. All the chromoparous sulphur bacteria arc purple, and range from the pink-purple colour of Chromatium to the plum- purple colour of well-developed cultures of Thioporphyra voliitans. The same culture does not invariably retain the same shade of colour, but frequently passes from one extreme of purple to the other. These shades are due to varying proportions of a purple pigment, named hacteriopurpurin, and a yellow-green pigment, bacteriochlorin. Again, these two pigments are compound, not simple substances. Their chemical composition has not yet been determined. Historical. Ray Lankester (i — 2) was the first to investigate the colour- ing matter of the purple bacteria, which he named bacteriopiir- piirin. This substance was stated to be insoluble in water, alcohol, ammonia, acetic acid, and sulphuric acid. In one place the pigment is said to be insoluble in chloroform, and in another that this reagent changes it to an orange-brown colour, which gradually dissolves. In point of fact the pigment is soluble in chloroform in the dry state, insoluble in the wet state. It is also soluble in alcohol. Ray Lankester records the following results of his spectroscopic analysis : — 1. End absorption in violet. 2. Two absorption bands, one near the D line, and the other near the E line (see Fig. 65, I). Interest in the subject was quickened by Engelmann's 232 COLOURING MATTER OF SULPHUR BACTERL4 233 discovery that certain purple bacteria, particularly Bacterium photometriciim, when exposed to light congregated more densely at tliat part of the spectrum where the absorption of light was greatest (see Chap. XI). He recorded two absorption bands : — - I. 61A — 57A (orange to green) ; sharply defined) . 2- 55A— 52A (green) ; less well defined J &• 5, A darkening was observed in the violet end, beginning near 50A, and a slight darkening in certain other parts of the spectrum. The maximum light intensity lay in the red at 62A — 63A. It is thus seen that this pigment differs spectro- scopically from the chlorophylls and the carotinoids of higher plants. Biitschli first observed that there were two pigments, one soluble in alcohol, and the other only slightly so. The former, which imparted a purple colour to the alcohol, formed crystals which turned blue with sulphuric acid, and blue-green with iodine. This occurs also with the colouring matter of Eugenia sanguinea. He therefore regarded the colouring matter of both of these organisms as being a form of carotin. Arzichowsky claimed to have discovered two red colouring matters, which he named hacieriopiirpurin and bacterio- erythrin respectively. Unfortunately the first of these names had been used in a different sense by Ray Lankester. His claim for the presence of two colours rested on the fact that a wet filter-paper dipped in the purple extract first took up a rose- red colour, which was a different tint from that left behind. Further, the separation could be eft'ected by shaking the extract with carbon bisulphide when the bacterioerythrin separates from the alcohol, imparting a raspberry colour to the solvent. Molisch (3) experimented with pure cultures of Rhodobacilliis palustris. He also found two colouring matters : — 1. A green colour which he named bacteriochlorin. 2. A red colour which he named bacteriopurpitrin. The name bacteriopurpitrin is used here by Molisch with still another meaning. Bacteriochlorin is soluble in benzene, olive oil, turpentine oil, and chloroform. Fig. 65. Absorption Spectra of the Sulphur Bacteria. I. The bacteriopurpurin of Ray Lankester. II. Absorption Bands (after Engelmann). III. Bactenochlorin in absolute alcohol (after Molisch). IV. Bacteriopurpurin a. in chloroform (after Molisch). V. Chlorophyll. VI. -VIII. Thioporphyra volutans. — Three spectra obtained on different days from the same carbon bisulphide extract. IX. Thioporphyra volutans. — Spectrum of coloured extract, taken from culture on cardboard. X. Phycoerythriu. COLOURING MATTER OF SULPHUR BACTERL4 235 Spectra. Bacteriochlorin. — Solution in absolute alcohol : ^^^. , , 1 n • 1 rAbsorption at red end from 65A. With coloured fluid . , . ... J ,, ., violet ,, 52'5A. 4 mm. thick U 1 , , ; , ^ ^ I Dark band, 61A-57A. Absorption at red end^ With coloured fluid i 10 mm. thick from 65A Absorption at violet end from 5 3 -5 A Dark band 6r5A-56"5A big- 65, III. Bacteriopurpurin. — Molisch distinguishes two purple pig- ments : Bacteriopurpurin a. — Solution in chloroform : With coloured fluid fBand I. 56A-SSA 1 t^. ^ ttt \ J JO \Y\g. 6s IV. 10 mm. thick iBand II. 52A-48-5AJ " Bacteriopurpurin. ^. — Solution in carbon bisulphide : With coloured fluid (Band I. 56A-53-5A. 8 mm. thick iBand II. 51A-49A. Solution in chloroform : With coloured fluid fBand I. 53A-51A. 2 mm. thick iBand If. 50A-48A. With concentrated solutions Molisch found what appeared to be a third band, but he was not certain of the fact. He obtained crystals of bacteriopurpurin with the following properties : — 1. Insoluble in water and in glycerine. 2. Slightly soluble in cold absolute alcohol. 3. Insoluble in cold, soluble in hot, glacial acetic acid. 4. Blue to violet colour in pure sulphuric acid. 5. Blue in concentrated nitric acid. 6. Dirty green in iodine and potassium iodide solution. 7. First blue then colourless in strong bromine water. From these facts he concludes that bacteriopurpurin, as defined by him, is identical with carotin, using this term in a general sense to cover all the carotinoid pigments. 236 SULPHUR BACTERIA Methods of Investigation. 1. A sample of pond water containing purple bacteria in sufficient numbers to colour the water may be used. Light is passed through a thin layer of fluid, and examined in the spectroscope. This was the method of the earlier investigators, for example, Lankester and Engelmann. The obvious dis- advantage of the method consists in the impurity of the fluid. Green Algae are frequently present and even mere traces of chlorophyll affect absorption spectra. 2. The colouring matter may be extracted by solvents, and the absorption spectra of the coloured fluids examined. This method has the same disadvantage as the first. 3. The most reliable results are obtained when the colouring matter is extracted from pure cultures of the organisms. Only absorption bands of the non-sulphur purple bacteria have liitherto been examined by the third method, because until quite recently pure cultures of the sulphur bacteria have not been obtained. This method, however, is not free from objections, which are those that are inherent in all spectro- scopic methods of examination. The chief objection is the extreme unreliability of the evidence obtained in this way when applied to the investigation of complex organic matters. Such evidence must be limited to very wide generalisation, for the following reasons : — ■ (i) Increase in the concentration of a fluid giving absorption bands leads to a widening of the bands, not to an intensification of their opacity. The range of wave-lengths occupied by the bands of strong solutions may be considerably greater than those occupied by the bands of weaker solutions, and may extend to several colours of the spectrum. The difference in the range may be so great that whilst four or five dift'erent colours are affected by the bands of strong solutions, only two, or at most three, are affected by those of the weaker solutions. It is therefore not possible to fix a definite range of wave-length as characteristic of the bands of any particular coloured fluid. (ii) This difficulty would not be so great if it were always COLOURING MATTER OF SULPHUR BACTERIA 237 possible to fix the same middle point for the bands both of weak and of strong solutions of the same fluid. This is, however, not the case, for the absorption bands change their position even with changes in the specific gravity of the solvent, as was pointed out by Kraus. (iii) The number and intensity of the bands vary with the solvent. The Colouring Matter of Thioporphyra volutans. The cultures vary from a pinkish-purple to a deep violet- purple. The same culture frequently shows a variation of colour during its periods of active multiplication. Like other coloured sulphur bacteria it is aftected by the intensity of the light to which it is exposed. Bright light is deleterious to its pigment as it is to chlorophyll. On the other hand, during periods when the intensity of daylight is low, as in the winter season in north temperate climates, the colour is not developed. It begins to form in the early summer and persists until late autumn. This seasonal appearance is doubtless correlated with such factors as temperature, presence of dissolved organic matter, etc., which determine the growth of the organism. The absence of colour is not due to the absence of colouring matter, but to the absence of the organism in an active state of multi- plication. Spectroscopic Examination of the Colouring Matter OF Thioporphyra volutans. By the use of different solvents two coloured substances were separated :— 1. A purple colouring matter, soluble in chloroform and in carbon bisulphide. 2. A brown or greenish-brown colouring matter, insoluble in chloroform and in carbon bisulphide, but soluble in alcohol and readily soluble in petroleum ether. The purple colouring matter is unstable, and oxidizes in a few clays to a brownish-purple colour. When the alcohol extract is shaken with petroleum ether a yellowish substance separates from the alcohol, and tinges 238 SULPHUR BACTERIA the ether with a yellow colour. Hence the alcohol extract contains a component which is more soluble in petroleum ether than in alcohol. The following experiment shows that the bacteriopurpurin obtained by Molisch from the non- sulphur purple bacteria is identical with the purple colouring matter of the sulphur bacteria. When the purple chloroform extract of Thioporphyra volutans was filtered and evaporated, coloured crystals and an oily substance separated out. The crystals were then ex- tracted with cold water, filtered and again evaporated. The residue was a thin brown skin which formed an intense reddish- brown solution with carbon bisulphide. The crystals were similar to those obtained by Molisch. The experiment also showed that in the plant the purple colouring matter is in all probability dissolved in the oil, from which it cannot be extracted by water, but that with the removal of the oil they can be taken up by water. The spectroscopic examination of coloured extracts from material growing on seaweed was unsatisfactory, for the disintegrated Fucus cells were a source of chlorophylls and carotinoid pigments. The spectrum of the purple fluid exhibited the characteristic bands of chlorophyll ; and this occurred even when, owing to careful scraping, at least 90 per cent, of the colour was derived from the microbe. The organisms were then grown on cardboard in culture pools and the coloured material was collected from the deposit which formed thereon. The absorption spectrum showed a complete absence of absorption bands and localized darkened areas, and the same results were obtained with both the purple and the brown-green fluids. The complete absence of chloro- phyll was shown by the absence of the very distinctive dark band in the red between B and C (see Fig. 65, V). There was a certain amount of end-absorption, particularly on the violet side, when the purple fluids were used, and the extent of the end-absorption was dependent on the thickness of the fluid. This unexpected result appears to place the colouring matter of Thioporphyra volutans in a different category from those of the other sulpliur bacteria, but it is considered that in COLOURING MATTER OF SULPHUR BACTERIA 239 spite of these spectroscopic differences the colouring matter of this microbe is not essentially different from that of the other sulphur bacteria. Its similarity is shown by its behaviour to the various solvents, and by the shape and colour of the crystals formed from the purple extract. To the doubts that have been cast on the value of absorption spectra as a mode of investigation, the following must be added. When the same purple fluid, containing a preponderating percentage of colouring matter from Thioporphyra, was daily examined, the spectrum gradually changed, so much so, that quite a different spectrum was presented at the end of a week. This might be attributed to chemical changes during the period, although such were not apparent, but when the same prepara- tion was again made from the same material and using the same solvents there was frequently no similarity in the ab- sorption spectra. (Compare VI, VH, VIII, Fig. 65.) When cultivated on cardboard the absorption spectrum shown in Fig. 65, IX, was obtained. In this there is nothing to observe except a general darkening on both sides, which is more pronounced on the violet end. The spectra obtained by cultivation on cardboard differed from those obtained by cultivation on Fucus. These spectra, however, showed that in the colouring matter of Thioporphyra vohitans both chlorphyll and phycoerythrin (Fig. 65, X) are absent. Spectro-photometric Method of Examination. By the use of the apparatus described below it is possible to measure the amount of light absorbed at any desired wave- length. Two spectra, one above the other, are viewed at the same time by an arrangement which may be understood by reference to the accompanying diagram (Fig. 66). The light in one passes through the solution, in the other it does not. By means of a cap the whole light can be cut off except for that which comes through a small vertical slit with which the cap is fitted, and which exposes a small area of each spectrum. As the cap can be made to travel over the whole length of the spectrum a comparison can be made of the intensity of the light from the two spectra at any selected point. The light from Li passes through a glass screen (AJ, the 240 SULPHUR BACTERIA prism (R), the collimator (C), and the prism (P), by which it is refracted and passes into the telescope (T). It enters the lower part of the slit at S and forms the upper spectrum. The light from L2 passing through a glass screen at Ag is reflected by the prism R and enters the upper part of the slit and forms the lower spectrum. In comparison with the refracted light the reflected light loses 8 per cent, of its intensity, which must be allowed for in the calculation. In order to produce spectra of the same intensity, the light Lj is kept fixed and the light Li moved backwards or forwards until both spectra appear to be precisely similar. nd ti position^ HL " 'jst position Fig. 66. Let Ij and l^ be the respective intensities of L^ and L2. Then if d^ and d^ be their respective distances when similar spectra are produced, we have idy- [d^ ■ 100- • • • ^^> The coloured fluid is now placed in position (F), and reduces the intensity of the lower spectrum. Next the light Lj is moved backwards to some position at a distance D^ at which the two spectra are once more of the same intensity. The insertion of the coloured fluid alters the intensity of the light from Lg. Let its new value be Ig'. . I2' 92 Ii • {d^Y ' 100 (D,)^ (2) COLOURING MATTER OF SULPHUR BACTERIA 241 From equations (i) and (2) we get Hence I2 (Di)^- •I'-i- ^ (3) Or the fraction of the Hght absorbed by the coloured fluid is thus Thus the effect of the insertion of the coloured fluid on the intensity of the light can be accurately calculated for each part of the spectrum. Results with Thioporphyra volutans. Confirmation was obtained of the absence of definite absorption bands and localized darkened areas in the ab- sorption spectra of this organism. Summary. 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G., 6, 135, 137, 139, 142, 160, 161. Elenkin, A. A., 6. Ellis, D., 6, 1719, 25-29, 40, 47, 62, 63-66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 88 91, 93, loi, 110-112, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134, 135. 137. 138, 143. 145. 152-159. 160, 161, 163, 178, 179, 191, 192, 237-241, Engelmann, T. W,, 135, 144, 173, 195-206, 211, 232-235, 236. Engler, A., 6, 68, loi, 104, 181. Ewart, A. J., 6, 137, 144. Fischer, A., So, 93, 137, Fleischer, 173. Fontan, A., 6. Forster, F., 135. Frenzel, J., 116, 117, 119, 120, 182. Gerardin, 6. Gertz, O., 6. Gicklhorn, J., 6, 121, 128, 132-133, 137, 138, 145, 14S-149, 150, 152, 185, i85, 189, 190, 224-225. Griffiths, B. M., 68, 116, 117, iig, 121, 182-184. Hammer, 88. Hansgirg, A., 80. Harder, E. C, 28. Harrison, 88. Hinze, G., 6, 8r, loi, 103, 104, 122, 123, 124, 125, 180-181, 182, 185-186, 191, 192. Hirsch, B., 6. Holschewnikoff, 23. Hopkins, F. G., 32. Hunton, 88. ISSATCHENKO, B. L., 6, 44, I37, I38, 143, 163, 222, 226, 229. Jegunow, M., 6, 58-59. Jennings, 215. Jensen, O,, 76, 83-85. Joffe, 223. Joly, N., e. 255 256 SULPHUR BACTERIA Keil, F., II, 39, 43, 56-57, 62, 63, 93, 94. 107. Kendall, E. C, 20. Kendall, 80. Klein, E., 6. Kniep, 209. Kolkwitz, R., 6, loi, 115, 116, 122, 127, 128, 139, 150, 151, 169, 172. Koppe, P., 94, 104, 113, 114, 115, 121, 128. Kraus, 236. Kiitzing, F., 104, 107, 173. Lankester, R., 6, 14, 88, 134, 135, 137, i6g, 232, 233, 236. Lauterborn, R., 83, 99, 113, 114, 116, 117, 120, 121, 123, 128, 137, 143, 150, 151, 168, 169, 185. Lehmann, 80. Lewis, G. N., 32. Lidforss, B., 207. Lieske, R., 44, 48, 62. Lloyd, B., 46, 50, 63. Ludwig, 80. Massart, J., 105, 116, 120. Meneghini, 93, 105. Metzner, P., 137, 160, 161. Meyer, A., 68, 178, 192. Migula, W., 68, 70, 73, 80, 107, 123, 124, 129, 130, 135, 137, 143, 144, 151, 152, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169, 1/2, 173, 174, 175. Miquel, 24. Mitrophanovv, P., 93, 137, 150, 151. Miyoshi, M., 6, 143, 167, 173, 174, 175, 207-208. Molisch, H., 39, 40, 42, 47, 55-56,63, 80-82, 109, no, 121, C23, 124, 126, 127, 130, 132, 162, 198, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207-209, 233-235, 238. Nadson, G. a., 6, 22, 39, 40, 42, 119, 122, 123, 137, 150, 151. Nageli, 165. Nathansohn, A., 84, 220-221. Naumann, E., 6. Neumann, 80. Nicolet, B. H., 20. Oerstedt, 107, 172. Omelianski, W,, 6, 28, 76, 126, 127. Perfiljeff, 126, 129. Perty, 135, 137, 138, 139, I43> I49. 161. Pfeffer, L., 194, 207, 210. Pollini, 107. Potthoff, H., 137. Pribram, E., 88. Rabenhorst, L., 94, 104, 107, 172, 173. Randall, M., 32. Rey-Pailhade, J. De, 24. Russell, W., 137. Salismoskaja, 222, Schewiakoff, W., 116, 117, 119, 182- 183. Schroeter, 163. Scourfield, D, J., 137, 145. Selinsky, 22. Selk, 94. Skene, M., 6, 39, 40, 42, 47, 59-62, 168, 169, 203, 205. Starkey, R. L., 223. Sternberg, 80. Stoddart, J. H., 63-66. Strzeszewski, B., 6, 137, 138, 143, 144. Swellengrebel, 107. Szafer, W., 6. Thienemann, 5. Thorp, H. W., 148, Trautwein, K., 222. Trevisan, V., 6, 80, 92-93, 105, 177. Utermohl, H., 121, 172. Vaucher, J. P., 93. Virieux, J., 116, 117, 120, 183-184, igr. Waksman, S. A., 6, 49, 223. Warming, E., 6, 14-15, 88, 93, 99, roi, 103, 104, 116, 117, 123, 124, 134, 135, 138, 139, 144, 150. 151, 152, 161, 172, 173, 181, 182, 185. Weisse, J. F., 6, 135. West, G. S., 68, 116, 117, 119, 120, 182-184. Wieland, H., 32. Winogradsky, S., 6, lo-ii, 15-17, 38, 41-42, 47, 53-55, 66, 72, 78-80, 82, 84, 85, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 105, 107, 108-109, 135, 137, 138, 143, 151, 152, 160-161, 163, 164, 165, 168, 169, 170, 171-172, 173, 203, 205-206. Winter, 94, 173, Wislouch, S. M., 113, 114, 115, 126, 127, 128. Zacharias, O., 6, 116, 117. Zettnow, E., 135, 160, 161. Zopf, W., 6, 15, 89, 93, 98, 99, loi, 134. 135. 137. 139. 141. 150. 151. 161, 165, 173. Zuelzer, M., loi. INDEX OF ORGANISMS. Pact's in clan'iuloii denote an illustration. Achroinatium mobile, 121, 185. — oxalifernin, 116-121, I20, 122, 184, 183,231. Amoebobacter bacillosus, i6g. — graniila, 169. — roseiis, 168-169, 169. Bacillus aceti, 151. — cholera, 76. — megatherium, 71. — subtilis, 13. — thiogcnns, 132. — vulgaris, 22. Bacterium Bovista, 130. — cerinum, 70. — crystalUferum, 132, 224. — filamentosum, 70. — hirtum, 70. — hydi'osulfurcum, 22. — hydrosulfuricum ponticum, 23. — photometricum, 195, 199, 233. — • retiformans, 132, 224, 225. — rogusum, 70. — rubescens, 14, 134, 135, 1 36, 169, — sulfuratum, 14-15, 71, 74, I34( 138, 144, 172. — tomentosum, 70. Beggiatoa alba, 15, 38, 45, 54, 72 93, 94-99, 96, 100, loi, 103, 127, 177-179, 182, 186, 191, 227, 230. — arachnoidea, 94, 104-105. — leptomitiformis, 105. — major, 72. — media, 72, 93, 99. — minima, 72, 93, 99. — mirabilis, 75, 101-104, I02, iSi 190, 192, 230. — nivea, 107. — punctata, 93. — rosco-persicina, 15, 74, 134, 135, 151, 161, 166, 171. Chromatium cucullifcrum, 149, 150. — Gobie, 138. — gracile, 138, 144. — Linsbaueri, 18, 47, 138, 145-149, 148, 152, 182, 186-190, 189. — minus, 138, 143. 182- 171. 135, , 73, 105, 192, 182, 139, 146, Cliromatinm minntissimum , 138, 143. — Okenii, 39, 47, 137, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145, 182, 184. — — forma grcuile, 144. — — — minus, 143. — — — minutissum, 143. Weissii, 143. — violascens, 138, 149. — Warmingii, 41, 144. forma minus, 17, 144, 145, 149, 150. — Weissii, 138, 143. Cladothrix dicholoma, 18, loi, 127, 177, 227. Clathrocystis rosco-persicina, 135. Cohnia rosco-persicina, 135. Conferva alba, 107. Crenothrix polyspora, 12, 19, 94, 177, 227. Erythroconis littoralis, 172. Eugenia sanguinea, 233. Hillhousia mirabilis, 117, I18, 182. Hygrocrocis nivea, 107. — Vandellii, 93. Lamprocystis gclatinosa, 174. — rosea, 175. — roseo-persicina, 135, 173, 1 74, 229. — rubra, 174. — violacea, 173, 174, 175. Lankesteron roseo-persicina, 135, 1 40 = 141, 226, 227, 228, 231. — ■ rubescens, 135, 1 36. — sidfiiratum, 135, 136. Leptomitus, 107. Leucothrix Mncor, 107. Merismopedia littoralis, 172. Micrococcus citreus, 70. — grossus, 70. — helvolus, 70. Microspira vacillans, 121, 185, 225. Modderula Hartwigi, 117, 182. Monas erubescens, 135. — gracile, 152. — Miilleri, 124, 186, 191. — Okenii, 137, 138. — vinosa, 135, 138, 201. — Warmingii, 135, 13S. 257 17 258 SULPHUR BACTERIA Ophidomonas jenensis, i6i. — sanguinctmi, l6o, i6i. Oscillaria alba, 93. Oscillatoria arachnoidca, 104. Pleurococcis roseo-persicina, 135. Proteus vulgaris, 22. ProtococcHs rosco-pcrskina, 135. Pscudoiiionas bifuncfatus, 131, 132-133, 225. — hyaluia, 132, 133, 225. — retijorriiaiis, 1 31. Rhabdochvomatium gracilc, 152. — Linsbaucri, 152. — • minus, 152. — roseum, 151. Rhahdomonas rosea, 135, 151. Rhodobacillns palustris, 233. Rhodocapsa suspensa, 1 62, Rhoduipi rill inn gigantenm, 207-209. — photoinctricuni, igS, 207. Rhodothece pendens, 162, 163. Rliodothiosarcina rosea, 163. Rhodothiospirillum jenense, 161, 210, 211, 213, 214. Sarcina aurescens, 70, — • fimentaria, 70. ■ — Jlava, 70. — jlavescens, 70. — fusccscens, 70. — gasoforntans, 70. — marginata, 70. — tnobiUs, 70. — olens, 70. — pulmonuin, 70. — 7'0S(:fl, 70, 163. — striata, 70. — ventriculin, 70. — vcrmiforniis, 70. Spirillum rnbrum, 55, 209. — volntans, 73. Spirophis minima, 99. Streptococcus pallidus, 70. — pyogenes, 70. — tyrogeims, 70. Thio bacillus B., 224. — Bovistus, 130, 131,228. Thiobacillus denitrificans, 221. • — thiogencs, 132, 228. — thionxidans, 130, 223. — thiopants, 221, 223. Thiocapsa roseo-persicina, 164, 1 65. Thiocystis riifa, 165. — ■ violacca, 17, 1 65, 227. Thiodcrnia gclatinosa, 174. — roseum, 175. — rubra, 174. Thiodictyon clegans, 170. Thionsdure bacterium Beijerinckii, 222. — • — Beijerinckii f. Jacobsenii, 222. — — Nat/iansohnii, 222. Thiopcdin rosea, 172, 173. Thiopliysa macrophysa, 123, — volutans, 81, 84, 122, 123, 180, i85, 192. Thioploca ingrica, 115. — mininia, 115. — mixta, 115. — Schmidlei, 113, 114, 115. Thiopolycoccns ruber, 172. Thioporphyra volutans, 17-18, 38, 40, 43, 45, 52, 62, 63, 64, 74, 153-159. 153-158, 178, 179-180, 181, 192, 230, 231, 232, 237-239, 241. Thioroseo-persicina, 135. ThiosphcEra gclatinosa, 1 67. Thiospliarella amylifera, 123. ThiosphcErioH violacca, 166, 167. — violaceum, 173. Thiospirillum agilis, 128. — agilissimum, 128. — ■ bipHiictatum, 127, 1 28. — clongata, 129. — granulatum, 127. — Winogradskii, 1 27. Thiothece gclatinosa, 171. Thiothrix annulata, 109, no. — • marina, 109, no. — nivea, 107-109, 108, no. — tenuis, 107, 109, no. — tenuissinia, 107, 109. — violacca, 110-112, III. Thiovolum majus, 124, 186, 192. — minus, 124. — Miillerii, 124,' 1 25, 185-186. Vibrio hydrosnlfurcus, 23, 25. GENERAL INDEX. Absorption spectra, 236 et seq. Aerosomes, 162. Albuminous substances, decomposition of, 20. Arabia, 6. Assimilation of hydrogen sulphide, 46-47. Autolysis, 94-98. Bacterial plate, 58. Bacteriochlorin, 232, 233. Bacterioerythrin, 233. Bacteriopurpurin, 232, 233, 235. — a, 235. - i3, 235. Black sand of Clyde estuary, 25-29. Bud formation, stages in, 157-159. Budding, 157. Carbon, the source of, 40-60. Cell division, 69, 74, 77. — inclusions, 192. — intimate structure of the, 75, 77, 176-192. — nucleus, 186. — size, 71, 77. — wall, 183. Ceylon, 6. Cilia insertion, 73, 77, 159. Ciliary movement, mechanics of, 216-220. — — of the sulphur bacteria, 210. " Clamp connections," 145. Classification of the sulphur bacteria, 67-91. — — — attributes used in, 6978. — Buchanan's, 69, 85-8S. Ellis', 88-91. — — ■ — Engler's, 68. ■ Jensen's, 83-85. Meyer's, 68. Migula's, 68. — — — Molisch's, 81-83. • Winogradsky's, 78-81 — principles of a natural, 67. Classifications, review of previous, 78-8S. Colonial habit, 228. Colour, 75, 77, 229. Colouring matter of T. voliitaus, 237 ct seq. Conidium, 107. Copenhagen, 5. Culture methods, Jegunow's, 58. Keil's, 55. • Molisch's, 55. Skene's, 59. Winogradsky's, 53-55. — of the sulphur bacteria, 53-63. Cysteine, 7, 20, 32. Cystine, 7, 20. Cytoplasm, 179, 192. Denitrifying sulphur bacteria, the, 48. — thiosulphate bacteria, 3. Denmark, 6. Egypt, 6. Endospores, 98-99, 102, 159. Fermentation, 36. Ferment snlf-Jiydriqtie, 24. Ferrous sulphide, formation of, 27, 59. Fission, 98, 112, 119, 156. Food requirements of the sulphur bacteria, 3-1-36. Fountain plate, 59. France, 6. Geographical distribution of the sulphur bacteria, 4-7. Germany, 6. Glutathione, 20, 32. Great Britain, 6. Growth, 94. — relationship of light to, 203. Habif, diversity of, 76, 78. Holland, 6. 259 17 26o SULPHUR BACTERIA Hydrogen-ion concentration, 44-46. Hydrogen sulphide, assimilation of, 46-47. — — equilibiium in water of, 29-33. Inorganic sulphur compounds, reduc- tion of, 22-23. Intimate structure of the cell, 176-192. Irritability, 193-205. — and en\'ironment, 209. Italy, 6. Jamaica, 5. Japan, 6. Light absorption, effect of colour on, 199. • — directive effect of, 194, 205-206. — Engelmann's investigations, 195-196, 198-202. — function of, 204. — influence on coloured sulphur bacteria of, 194. — photosynthetic effect of, 194, 207. — phototactic, effect of, 206. ■ — tonic effect of, 194. Limans, the, 25, 58. Lime-bacteria, T49. Metabolism of the sulphur bacteria, 34-46- Methods of investigation, lo-ii. Mineral matters, 43-44. Motility, 12, 70, 77, 159, 178, 179. Movement, effect of chemicals on direction of, 207-209. Natural classification, principles of a, 67-69. Nitrogen, source of, 60. Nucleus, rgi. Organic matter, 38. — — in sulphur waters, 50-52. Oxygen, 41. — liberation from purple bacteria on exposure to light, 201, 203. Pffffer's capillary tube method, 194. Phi lot/lion, 24. Photokinetic after-effect, 196. — induction, 196. Photosynthesis, 204. Phylogeny ot the sulphur bacteria, 226-231. Physico-chemical speculations, 50-52. Pleoenergism of the sulphur bacteria, 47- Pieomorphism, 12-19, 74, 77, 99, i47- — author's investigations. 17-19- — evidence of occurrence, 14-19- Poland, 5. Pure cultures, 11, 14. — — of Beggiatoa, 57. — • — — Thioihrix, 56. Purple bacteria, effect of light on, 206. — — liberation of oxygen on exposure to light, 201-203. — — relationship of light to growth, 203. — sulphur bacteria, necessity of HoS to, 61. — ■ — • — light to, 6 1. Pyrenees, 6. Reduction of inorganic sulphur com- pounds. 22-23. — — sulphates, 22. sulphites, 23. — — thiosulphates, 23. Regional rcjuvc7iesccnce, 157. Reproduction, methods of, 98-99, 112, 119, 156, 230. Respiration in the sulphur bacteria, 37, 41-43- Rod-Gonidium, 107, 112. Russia, 6. Saprophytic bacteria, 4. Sheath formation, 94, 177. Shock movements, 196-198. Buder's researches, 212. — — Molisch on, ig8. Siberia, 6. Slime formation, 12, 13, igr, 227. Spectra, absorption, 236 ct seq. Spectro-photometric method of examina- tion, 239-241. Spectroscopic examination of the colour- ing matter, 237. Spore germination, T^-TJ. Sulphate-reducing bacteria, 4. Sulphates, reduction of, 22. Sulphites, reduction of, 23. Sulphur, tests for, 21, 178. — bacteria, area of sensitiveness, 213. — — attributes used in the classifica- tion of, 69-78. — — ciliary movements, 210. — — classification of the, 67-91. — — colouring matter of the, 232-241. — — connotation of the term, 3. — — culture of the, 53-63. — — denitrifying, 48. — — distribution in spectrum colours, 198. — — food requirements of the, 34-36. — — geographical distribution of the, 4-7. — — intimate cell structure, 176-192. — — metabolism of the, 34-46. phylogeny of the, 226-231. — — pleoenergism of the, 47. — — reaction to light of the, 211. — — respiration in the, 37-43. GENERAL INDEX 261 Sulphur cycle in nature, the, 7-10. — waters, organic matters in, 50-52. Sulphuretted hydrogen, 38. natural sources of, 20-29. production of, 20-29. — under marine conditions, 24-29. Sweden, 6. Thionic acid bacteria, the, 3, 220-226. nomenclature of the, 226. Thiosulphate bacteria, 3. Thiosulphate bacteria, denitrifying, 3. Thiosulphates, reduction of, 23. United States of America, 6. Water, changes effected by T. volnians, 63- West Galicia, 7. ZooGLOEA condition, 13, 15, Zoospores, 120. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, ABERDEEN