US ESS, Qo Gs ; t ei | - Fo-h 0 sea emee, at TECHNICAL REPORT CERC-90-10 US Army Corps of Engineers SUPERDUCK SURF ZONE SAND TRANSPORT EXPERIMENT by Julie Dean Rosati, Kathryn J. Gingerich, Nicholas C. Kraus Coastal Engineering Research Center DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-6199 LIBRAR Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution o July 1990 Final Report Approved For Public Release; Distribution Unlimited Prepared for DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000 Under Surf Zone Sediment Transport Processes Work Unit 34321 Destroy this report when no longer needed. Do not return it to the originator. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. Unclassified a oth oe tes SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE A 3. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF REPORT 2b. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) Technical Report CERC-90-10 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION USAEWES, .Coastal Engineering Research Center 6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 3909 Halls Ferry Road Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL (If applicable) 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 8a. NAME OF FUNDING/ SPONSORING ORGANIZATION S Army Corps of Engineers 8c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 8b. OFFICE SYMBOL (If applicable) 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM PROJECT TASK NO. NO. Julie Dean; Gingerich, Kathryn J. ELEMENT NO. 5; Kraus, Nicholas C. 13a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 15. PAGE COUNT Final report FROM TO July 1990 76 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Field experiment SUPERDUCK experiment, Duck, NC = aad een | ee] Longshore sand transport Surf zone eereeoe [ene liens Tap wp Streamer ierap 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) WORK UNIT ACCESSION NO. 34321 ashington, DC 20314-1000 11. TITLE (Include Security Classification) 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) The procedures and results of an experiment performed to measure the longshore sand transport rate in the surf zone as part of the SUPERDUCK field data collection project are described in this report. Cross-shore distributions of the longshore sand transport rate, as well as its variation at a point in the surf zone through time, were measured with portable sand traps. Comparison of measurements made with two closely spaced traps indicates: trap reliability and consistency. The longshore sand transport rate measured at SUPERDUCK was found to be closely related to the product of wave height and longshore current speed, consistent with previously derived theoretical models of transport. The correlation was considerably improved, however, by including corrections due to energy dissipation intro- duced by breaking waves and the variation in the longshore current speed, A complete listing of the sand transport rate, wave height, longshore current, and sand grain size data is given. 20. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION FOLUNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED [J] sAME AS RPT. (CJortic users | Unclassified 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) | 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL DD Form 1473, JUN 86 Previous editions are obsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified ONO HAH 0 0301 O091e71 3 5 TED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE a SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE PREFACE The investigation described in this report was authorized as part of the Civil Works Research and Development Program by Headquarters, US Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE). This study was conducted under the Shore Protection and Restoration Program, Surf Zone Sediment Transport Processes Work Unit 34321, at the Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). Messrs. John H. Lockhart, Jxr., and John G. Housley were HQUSACE Technical Monitors. The study was performed by CERC in two phases: a field experiment planned and conducted from 1 June 1986 through 30 September 1986, and subse- quent analysis of the data conducted from 1 October 1986 to 30 September 1989. Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus, Senior Scientist, Research Division (RD), CERC, was Principal Investigator (PI) of Work Unit 34321 during the first phase of the study; Ms. Kathryn J. Gingerich, Coastal Processes Branch (CPB), RD, was PI during the second phase of the study; and Ms. Julie Dean Rosati, CPB, was PI during preparation of this report. Key members who assisted in the data collection, their affiliations at the time of the project, and their major function during data collection were Dr. Lindsay Nakashima, Louisiana Geological Survey, sediment processing, surveying, and experiment design; Messrs. Gary L. Howell and C. Ray Townsend, Prototype Measurement and Analysis Branch, CERC, current meter setup and current measurement; Ms. Jane M. Smith, Oceanography Branch (OB), RD, current data collection and trap operator; Ms. Mary A. Cialone, CPB, surveying, sediment processing, and trap operator; Dr. Shintaro Hotta, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan, photopole wave measurement team leader; Mr. Bruce A. Ebersole, CPB, and Dr. Steven A. Hughes, OB, photopole camera operators and trap operators. Field assistants were Drs. Hans Hanson and Magnus Larson, University of Lund, Sweden; Mr. Jack Kooistra, Queens University, Canada; Mr. Pascal Collotte, France; Ms. Tamsen S. Dozier, Estuarine Engineering Branch, Hydraulics Laboratory, WES; Messrs. Paul Bowen, Myles Pocta, and Jerry Swean, US Army Engineer (USAE) District, Norfolk; Mr. Ted Bales and Ms. Trill Rulison, USAE District, Alaska; Messrs. Rick Champion and John Miller, USAE District, Mobile; Ms. Lynn Koeth Bocamazo and Mr. Joe Vietri, USAE District, iL New York; Messrs. Dave Harris and Ted Hauser, USAE District, Charleston; Messrs. Bill Dennis and Lynn Jack, USAE District, Wilmington; Messrs. Mark Dettle and Tom Kendell, USAE District, San Francisco; Mr. Mike Mohr, USAE District, Buffalo; Mr. Charles Thompson, USAE District, Detroit; Mr. Steve Chesser, USAE District, Portland; Mr. Wes Coleman, USAE District, Baltimore; Mr. Ron Gisondo, USAE District, Los Angeles; Mr. Terry Fox, USAE District, Philadelphia; Mr. Andy Roealiides. USAE Division, North Atlantic; and Ms. Pam Rubinoff, USAE Division, New England. Support personnel at the CERC Field Research Facility were Messrs. Curt Mason, Chief; William A. Birkemeier; Peter Howd; Carl Miller; and Ms. Harriet M. Klein. This report was reviewed by Dr. Kevin R. Bodge, Senior Engineer, Olsen and Associates, Inc; Dr. Mark R. Byrnes, CPB; and Mr. David P. Simpson, CPB. Ms. Carolyn J. Dickson, CPB, prepared many of the computer-generated figures. This report was edited by Ms. Lee T. Byrne of the Information Technology Laboratory, WES. The study was performed under the general administrative supervision of Dr. James R. Houston, Chief, CERC; Mr. Charles C. Calhoun, Jr., Assistant Chief, CERC; Dr. Charles L. Vincent, Program Manager, Shore Protection and Restoration Program, CERC; and Mr. H. Lee Butler, Chief, RD, CERC. COL Larry B. Fulton, EN, was Commander and Director of WES. Dr. Robert W. Whalin was Technical Director. CONTENTS PREFACE . LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES PART I: INTRODUCTION . Purpose and Scope of Report Background Sand Transport Veacuimenent ‘Vetieds: SUPERDUCK Field Data Collection Project Report Contents Raptcti a? Wak Rosia gl PART II: BACKGROUND OF THE EXPERIMENT Experiment Site Experiment iyseemmorenie aml enswcomens Tadinigues Transport Rate Analysis PART III: RESULTS Orientation to the Measurement Runs Currents 5 Waves and Water Lévellis Sand Transport PART IV: CONCLUDING DISCUSSION . REFERENCES APPENDIX A: DATA . APPENDIX B: NOTATION . ar) E D ONIN HN F fF fF 10 LIST OF TABLES Summary of Wind and Wave Conditions E Summary of Surf Zone Sand Trap Data and Tide Gondor : Times and Locations of Trap and Current Meter Deployments Surf Zone Current Measurements Summary of Wave Parameters Summary of Regression Results Bore Poneshorel cond TeeinS ONE Rate Density Equation Sand Wet Weights ! Streamer Elevations from Local Gan Bocce Water Levels : Horizontal Coordimaces a PHocepotles Grain Size Statistics LIST OF FIGURES Location map for the FRF WS LAP Base camp and typical data Boliee cron ssememigemente sik nsige ate ON Wave height H,, and period T, measured at FRF gage 191, and water level recorded at the Soernerd end of the pier . Photopole line spanning the surf zone Current meter mount with meter installed Streamer traps used at SUPERDUCK Schematic of the streamer trap rack . SUPERDUCK streamer nozzle Streamer traps deployed in a TSM run Traps being removed from the surf zone Consistency run 8609160922 Consistency run 8609160945 Consistency run 8609201500-1 Consistency run 8609201500-2 Consistency run 8609211046 Consistency run 8609211345-1 Consistency run 8609211345-2 Longshore sand transport rate demeiley = versus Hey Longshore sand transport rate density versus H,,,.V(1 + “eli ED Longshore sand transport rate density versus HymgsV(1 + adH,,,/dx + Bo,/V) SUPERDUCK SURF ZONE SAND TRANSPORT EXPERIMENT PART I: INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope of Report 1. This report describes procedures and results of field data collec- tion projects performed to measure the longshore sand transport rate in the surf zone as a part of the SUPERDUCK field data collection project. The experiments described herein were conducted from 11 to 23 September 1986. Certain introductory sections of this report have been taken directly from a companion report by Kraus, Gingerich, and Rosati (1989), who describe the DUCK85 field data collection project. The objective of these sand transport experiments was to measure synoptically the longshore sand transport rate together with the physical factors that produce and control the sand movement, including local waves, longshore current, water level, and nearshore bathy- metry. A range of wave and current conditions occurred during the SUPERDUCK data collection, resulting in an extensive data set on temporal variations in the longshore sand transport rate at points in the surf zone and vertical distributions through the water column. 2. This report is intended to provide complete documentation of the SUPERDUCK surf zone sand transport experiment, including a compilation of the data. Information is given on experiment equipment and methodology to allow critical examination of techniques used. Data given include transport rates, current speeds, wave heights and periods, grain size distributions, water levels, and arrangement of the experiments. Supplementary data on meteorology and offshore wave conditions are given, and reference is made to sources of more complete information. Background 3. Estimates of the longshore sand transport rate are required in a multitude of projects involving shore protection, beach nourishment, and harbor and navigation channel maintenance. In addition, during the past decade considerable progress has been made in numerical modeling of nearshore 5 waves, currents, and beach change. Beach morphology response models are moving from the research level to the practical level as engineering design tools. A requirement in making this transition is improved capability for predicting the longshore sand transport rate, not only the total longshore transport rate but also its distribution across the surf zone, through the water column and its variation with time. For example, these distributions are needed for estimating bypassing around, over, and through groins and jetties and behind detached breakwaters. 4. Presently available predictive formulas for the longshore sand transport rate are generally acknowledged as providing only a rough approxima- tion of the actual rate. The number of accepted field measurements comprising the data base is surprisingly small considering the importance of the problem, and scatter in the data is great, reflecting randomness in the physical processes, limitations in measurement techniques, and simplifications in predictive expressions used to describe fluid and sand motion. Presently employed predictive formulas for the transport rate do not incorporate dependencies on grain size, breaking wave type or wave-induced turbulence, properties of the waves or longshore current beyond mean values, or influence of the local bottom shape. The transport rate is expected to greatly depend on location in the surf zone, and its dependency on local conditions must be known to calculate cross-shore and vertical distributions. 5. Recognizing the need for point measurements of the longshore sand transport rate to obtain cross-shore and vertical distributions, the Surf Zone Sediment Transport Processes Research Work Unit was begun in 1985. This work unit, under the Shore Protection and Restoration Program at the Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experi- ment Station, initiated a series of field experiments aimed at collecting comprehensive data sets on sand transport and processes responsible for the sand movement. Field data collection was planned for beaches composed of different materials ranging from fine sand to gravel and for wave climates ranging from small to large wave steepness. This report describes the results of the SUPERDUCK experiment, the second field data collection project in the planned series. Sand Transport Measurement Methods 6. In preparation for the first field data collection project, DUCK85, Kraus (1987) surveyed available sand transport measurement methods (tracer, impoundment, and traps) and concluded that traps offered the best means to obtain transport rate data compatible with the accuracy and detail required by existing numerical models which simulate beach evolution. Traps were also determined to be the least expensive of the three methods. 7. Portable traps allow measurement of the vertical distribution of the transport rate (transport at the bed and through the water column), and simul- taneous deployment of traps at intervals across the surf zone enables measure- ment of the cross-shore distribution of the longshore transport rate. Traps can also be repeatedly deployed at one or two points in the surf zone to obtain temporal variations of the sand transport rate. Traps measure the sand flux, a quantity directly related to the transport rate, and not simply a sediment concentration. As in concentration measurements, transported par- ticles are automatically retained by the traps and made available for analy- sis. Traps collect the material that actually moves, including sand, shell fragments, and other particles of size nominally larger than the trap mesh, and no assumptions need be made about grain size, as required in tracer studies. Mean wave and current conditions in the surf zone typically change on the order of minutes, and traps are well suited to such a sampling interval as opposed to tracer and impoundment methods. Traps are also inexpensive to construct and maintain, and only a minimum amount of training is necessary to use them. Disadvantages of traps include the potential for scour and, in surf zones, restriction to use with significant breaking wave heights on the order of 1m or less. SUPERDUCK Field Data Collection Project 8. During September and October 1986, CERC hosted and participated in a major multidisciplinary and multi-institutional nearshore processes field data collection project called SUPERDUCK. The name SUPERDUCK derives from the location of CERC’s Field Research Facility (FRF), the site of the experiment, which is located near the village of Duck, North Carolina, on the Outer Banks 7 barrier islands (Figure 1). More than 50 researchers from CERC, other Govern- ment agencies, universities, and organizations from overseas participated in SUPERDUCK to conduct a wide variety of nearshore process investigations. 9. Patterned after the DUCK85 experiment, the SUPERDUCK project consisted of two parts: a September phase that took advantage of relatively low wave heights to perform labor-intensive experiments in the surf zone and an October phase that used primarily electronic instrumentation and remote sensing to measure storm-related nearshore processes. The surf zone sand transport data collection was performed in September as a self-contained program by CERC researchers with interest in measuring surf zone waves, currents, and sand transport. ATLANTIC VIRGINIA N FIELD RESEARCH FACILITY BN Duck ALBEMARLE SOUND ¥ \Kitty Hawk tJ Cape Hatteras Figure 1. Location map for the FRF 10. The CERC surf zone data collection effort benefitted from the extended coverage provided by experiments performed concurrently by other research teams, yielding data on beach profiles, offshore waves and currents, and wind. Reports describing results of SUPERDUCK experiments related to the work discussed here include: Birkemeier et al. (1989), a report describing instruments used and data collected at the FRF during both the September and October phases of the SUPERDUCK data collection project; Crowson et al. (1988), a summary report of the 30 different experiments conducted during both phases of SUPERDUCK; Ebersole and Hughes (in preparation), a companion data report describing the surf zone wave measurement method and results, conducted during the September phase; Stauble et al. (in preparation), a report discuss- ing beach foreshore sediment and dynamics during the October phase of SUPER- DUCK; Byrnes (1989), a data summary report of sediment characteristics during the October phase of SUPERDUCK; and Kraus, Gingerich, and Rosati (1988), revised values of the DUCK85 total transport rates and discussion of results from SUPERDUCK. Additional data are compiled in an FRF summary data report for September 1986 (FRF 1986). A video documenting the SUPERDUCK experiments was also produced (Hughes, Kraus, and Richardson 1987). Report Contents 11. An orientation to the study site and description of the experiment equipment, methodology, and analysis procedures are given in Part II. Selected results and characteristics of the data are presented in Part III, and a general evaluation of the field project is given in Part IV. Appendix A contains a listing of the data and explanatory discussion, and Appendix B lists the notation used in this report. PART II: BACKGROUND OF THE EXPERIMENT Experiment Site 12. Data collection activities were coordinated from a base camp estab- lished on the beach near the north property line of the FRF. Figure 2 provides a plan-view sketch of the base camp, FRF coordinate system, and the general physical arrangement of a typical data collection run (bathymetry measured on 23 September 1986). The area near the north property line was selected to avoid possible interference of waves, currents, and nearshore topography in the vicinity of the experiments with the 600-m-long FRF pier located approximately 950 m to the south. An air-conditioned trailer located behind the duneline provided a protected environment for data recorders and other sensitive instruments. ! — ——. - 2.500 ° P22 p—__—__» 9 gg a le 1 ee eons o-- 8 => ee , BREAKER LINE 200 & Uo Pi EE a Beaks ee A a eee eee x (a pecs occ eee —2.00 seamed BER We w | (oe) Zz | fo) Sal 150 — SI $+ [ 12,74,76,78 -1.50 rd ee RE a oe £ o Davy Ie Wileues -1.00 125 ¢ a ik c “BEAC ul ro OO SCAFFOLD Z zi BASE CAMP CAMERAS 75 i ra e o DUNELINE z 50 £& INSTRUMENT ~~ my TRAILER NN x ie Z Depth in meters y ba 1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825 800 775 750 DISTANCE ALONGSHORE, m (FRF COORD SYSTEM) Figure 2. Base camp and typical data collection arrangement 10 13. The surf zone data collection group consisted of approximately 15 members, and work was divided into four functional areas: sand trapping, measuring currents, measuring waves, and beach profile surveying. These labor-intensive experiments were performed under a range of wind sea and swell conditions with moderate wave heights. Figure 3 shows the energy-based significant wave height H,. and spectral peak period T, for 11 to 23 September measured at FRF pressure gage 191. Gage 191 is located at FRF longshore coordinate 990.4 m and cross-shore coordinate 914.4 m, at a depth of -7.77 m relative to National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), which at the FRF is related to the mean sea level (MSL) datum by MSL(m) = NGVD(m) + 0.067. Tide elevation as recorded on a gage located at the end of the pier is also shown in Figure 3. During the 13 days of intensive data collection (11 to 23 September), H,, ranged from approximately 0.03 to 1.6 m, and T, ranged from approximately 3 to 14 sec. During most of the project, waves were observed to arrive from slightly out of the southern quadrant, producing a longshore current moving to the north with a magnitude in the range of 0.1 to 0.7 m/sec. Table 1 summarizes the wind and offshore wave regime during the sand-trapping data collection period. 14. A small rip current is frequently located just north of the FRF property line. The data collection arrangement was designed to use the southern longshore feeder current of the rip as a dependable source of a steady and unidirectional longshore current when the direction of the current generated by oblique wave incidence became confused. The longshore sand transport rates and the current moving the sand were produced by combined oblique wave incidence and the rip feeder current. In comparisons made to theoretical expressions, it would be invalid to use predictive formulas for either the longshore current or the longshore sand transport rate that are solely functions of parameters related to obliquely incident waves. “ For convenience, symbols and abbreviations are listed in the Notation (Appendix B). 11 TIDE ELEVATION, (M) Hmo(m) Tp(sec) 14 _—s 0.27 —©— wave height —t period 2 Ho Pf Ce GB GB Ww GH fH A @ 2s September 1986 a. Wave height H,, and period T, 1.0 —1.0 —0.6 -0.2 0.2 0.6 SEPTEMBER 1986 b. Water level Figure 3. Wave height H,, and period T, measured at FRF gage 191, and water level recorded at the seaward end of the pier (NGVD datum) lez, 24 Table 1 Waves at Gage 191 ooo ooo°o oy TS) SrOtOorS oS) ©& [> [> eFo°oo qT, SEC 11 September 7.47 9) 563) 9.54 12 September 9.24 8.84 8.44 8.83 13 September 13.47 4.62 5.49 5) 6 3X8) 14 September 183 10.24 9.99 9.26 15 September 10.12 10.84 2) OY 10.20 16 September 10.67 10.44 10.84 6.58 17 September Yous 7 Atal (Continued) Speed m/sec Wo ~I OV OV ep) =) Anwu op) > W OM WwW Re $ Summary of Wind and Wave Conditions Wind Direction ae deg, IN a ——=>BD * EDST = Eastern Daylight Savings Time. ** TN = True North (shoreline orientation N20°W). 13 Table 1 (Concluded) Waves at Gage 191 Wind Time no T Speed Direction EDST™ m sec m/sec deg, TN** 1200 1.24 7.16 8.61 14 1800 m7) Toi 6.91 58 18 September 0000 0.99 7.36 2.44 81 0600 1.05 9.34 4.23 64 1200 0.92 9.21 3.60 97 1800 0.90 9.48 5.41 142 19 September 0000 0.75 9.41 4.07 201 0600 0.71 10.70 3.55 219 1200 0.61 11.56 5.23 244 1800 0.62 11.47 2.33 205 20 September 0000 0.62 11.38 1.89 250 0600 0.63 11.18 1.90 258 1200 0.65 10.98 5.14 94 1800 0.66 11.13 3.64 120 21 September 0000 0.63 10.67 3.51 113 0600 0.58 11.08 2.99 124 1200 0.61 12.39 2.79 115 1800 0.56 12.19 75 Sil 78 22 September 0000 0.52 12.19 5.57 51 0600 0.90 4.31 7.48 51 1200 0.86 5.57 4.84 55 1800 0.78 6.57 3.80 89 Experiment Arrangement and Measurement Techniques Surf zone waves and water level 15. The wave height distribution across the surf zone was measured by filming the water surface elevation at 22 target poles made of steel pipe (numbered Pl to P22 in Figure 2) jetted into the sea bottom on a line crossing the surf zone. The poles were spaced at nominal 6-m intervals and painted 14 black to contrast with the white foam on the water surface when reading the films. These poles, called "photopoles," each had two short rods placed horizontally near their top ends and were separated by a known distance (typically, 1 m) to calibrate the wave height measurement. Figure 4 shows the photopole line during SUPERDUCK. Pairs of photopoles were filmed with six synchronized 16-mm professional-grade movie cameras mounted on a 4.5-m-high scaffold located on the beach about 125 m south of the photopole line. The cameras were run in the pulse mode at 5 Hz for a nominal duration of 12.5 min which included a sand trap run. Ebersole and Hughes (in preparation) describe the SUPERDUCK photopole experiments and results. 16. The bottom profile along the photopole line was surveyed each day by means of an infrared beam total survey station housed at the main building of the FRF. These surveys were supplemented by standard transit surveys per- formed from the base camp and by wide-area surveys taken by the CERC Coastal Research Amphibious Buggy (CRAB). Ebersole and Hughes (in preparation) and FRF (1986) present wide-area bathymetry data. Initially, the nearshore bathymetry in the vicinity of the base camp consisted of an alongshore trough Figure 4. Photopole line spanning the surf zone 5 and bar form, with a shallower area existing south of the photopole line and a deeper region just north of the photopoles. Spilling breakers mainly predomi- nated in the south region, while plunging breakers occurred to the north. The bathymetry became smoother during the course of the data collection period, making the breaking wave conditions more uniform from north to south. The surf zone bottom consisted of a fine-grained sand substrate with a median grain size of 0.17 mn. 17. The mean water level referenced to NGVD was obtained at 6-min intervals from a tide gage located at the seaward end of the FRF pier (Appen- dix A, Table A3). The maximum tidal variation observed during the project was approximately 1.4 m (Figure 3). Local mean water levels across the surf zone are tabulated in Ebersole and Hughes (in preparation) for individual data collection runs. Surf zone currents 18. Water flow was measured with two 2-component Model 551 Marsh- McBirney electromagnetic current meters. The meters were mounted on tripods and connected to shore by cable to recorders located in the instrument trailer. The tripods (Figure 5) were made of 1.9-cm stainless steel rods and stood approximately 1.5 m high. The lower ends of the tripod legs were sunk into the bed to a depth of about 10 cm by shaking the tripod back and forth and applying downward pressure. A tripod with current meter attached was easily moved by two individuals, permitting its rapid relocation in the surf zone in response to varying tide level, wave conditions, and current charac- teristics. An adjustable collar on the tripod held the metal cylinder housing the meter electronics and preamplifier, allowing vertical adjustment of the current meter sensor. The flow meter sensor was placed 20 to 30 cm above the bed in all deployments. The horizontal axis of the current meter was aligned with its y-component parallel to the trend of the shoreline. The current meters sampled at 5 Hz onl recorded for a 10- to 84-min period, depending on the length of the sand-trapping run. Data collection procedure 19. Longshore sand transport rates were measured by means of portable traps such as shown in Figure 6. A schematic of the trap is given in Figure 7 with only two streamers shown for clarity. The sand collection element of the trap consisted of a metal frame or nozzle to which a cylindrical bag of 16 Figure 5. Current meter mount with meter installed Figure 6. Streamer traps used at SUPERDUCK 17 Figure 7. Schematic of the streamer trap rack flexible filter cloth called a "streamer" was attached. Typically, seven to nine streamers were mounted vertically on stainless steel racks and pointed in the direction of flow. The polyester monofilament cloth allowed water to pass through but retained sediment of nominal diameter greater than the 0.105-mm mesh, which encompasses sand in the fine grain size region and greater. Orifices of the nozzles were located upcurrent of the racks and any sediment clouds due to scour produced by the rack and trap operator. Observation during operation indicated that scoured sediment at the rack did not move upstream and into the streamers. Data collection was always performed in a unidirectional current so that the streamer never reversed direction, a situation which might cause collected sand to be lost. The concept of the streamer-type trapping device for use in the nearshore was introduced by 18 Katori (1982, 1983). Development of the trap has continued at CERC, including mounting of the streamers on various types of racks (Kraus 1987) and optimi- zation of the trap nozzle geometry (Rosati and Kraus 1988, 1989). Although the wide-base SUPERDUCK racks shown in Figures 6 and 7 were stable under rela- tively high waves, trap operators preferred the less awkward rectangular racks used at DUCK85 (see Kraus, Gingerich, and Rosati 1989). 20. The nozzles on the traps used at SUPERDUCK had a width of 15 cm and a height of 2.5 cm, with a 9.5-mm-thick stainless steel "hood" 5.1 cm in length (Figure 8). Nozzles were attached to the trap racks by 6.4-mm stain- less steel mounting bars welded to the nozzles that were positioned in circular fasteners on the trap frame and secured in place with duct tape (Figure 7). 21. During the DUCK85 data collection project (Kraus, Gingerich, and Rosati 1989), highly favorable sea conditions characterized by "clean" swell with moderate wave heights facilitated extensive measurements of the variation of the longshore sand transport rate through the surf zone. Traps were posi- tioned from near the shoreline to the breaker line, with two current meters located at representative locations in the surf zone, and sand transport was measured for 5- and 10-min periods. These measurements resulted in a high- quality data set on the cross-shore distribution of the longshore sand trans- port rate, which could be integrated to obtain the total transport rate as a function of representative wave and current conditions. This method of measuring sand transport, in which traps are positioned across the surf zone, is referred to as the Spatial Sampling Method (SSM). 15 cm 5.1 cm Figure 8. SUPERDUCK streamer nozzle 19 22. Recognizing a need for more accurate prediction of sand transport at a point as a function of waves and currents at that position, a Temporal Sampling Method (TSM) was used during the SUPERDUCK experiment. In the TSM, one or two traps were repeatedly deployed at one or two points in the surf zone, with corresponding wave and current measurements made in the same region. If two traps were deployed in close proximity (about 1 m apart), an indication of reliability between two traps under similar hydrodynamic conditions was obtained, termed a "consistency test." The TSM runs resulted in high-quality measurements of the sand transport rate as a function of local waves and currents through time, at 5-min intervals for as long as an 84-min data collection period. 23. To measure the transport rate during a typical TSM run, two traps (denoted by symbols Tl and T2 in Figure 2) were carried to predetermined positions located updrift of current meters (denoted by symbols CM1 and CM2 in Figure 2), and referenced to the photopole line. Usually one person carried and operated one trap; however, two operators were necessary if surf zone conditions were rough or if the traps were positioned at the breaker line. At a signal, the racks were simultaneously thrust into the bed with the nozzles oriented into the longshore current. Horizontal bars along the bottom of two sides of the rack could be stepped on to bury the 40-cm-long legs. At complete burial of the rack legs, the horizontal bars prevented further penetration of the legs and kept the lowermost streamer nozzle at the bed. During the course of a trap deployment (typically of 5- to 10-min duration), the trap operator would periodically step on the horizontal bars to keep the trap legs fully buried and to counter wave and current action, which would tend to tilt the trap shoreward and downstream, respectively. In weak long- shore currents, the streamers would wrap around the vertical bars of the rack with passage of waves, requiring the trap operator to untangle them. In moderate to strong currents (greater than approximately 20 cm/sec), the streamers would fully extend in the flow and require little attention from the trap operator. Figure 9 shows the traps being deployed in a TSM run. 24. At the end of the first sampling period, a signal was given from the beach, and the two traps were pulled from the bed as the second set (denoted by the symbols T3 and T4 in Figure 2) was deployed at approximately the same locations in the surf zone. The first two traps were lifted above 20 Figure 9. Streamer traps deployed in a TSM run the water and brought to shore (Figure 10), and collected sand was washed from the streamers with seawater into small patches of filter cloth. The sand sample and cloth (of known weight when wet) were weighed in the drip-free condition (Kraus and Nakashima 1986). Samples from all traps from one run per day were retained for drying and grain size analysis in the laboratory. The dry weights obtained allowed calibration of the drip-free to dry weight conversion factor. Deployment of trap pairs continued (denoted by the symbols T5 through T8 in Figure 2) for data collection periods from 23 to 84 min in length. 25. Between experiment runs, the trapped sand weights were plotted to understand qualitative aspects of the transport conditions and to design the next series of runs, such as positioning of traps and length of temporal sampling. For example, from inspection of the transport rate distribution through the water column, a supporting cross-bar on the trap frame was found to partially block sand transport into the second streamer above the bed. During succeeding data collection, the second streamer was positioned away from the cross-bar, eliminating the problem. The capability to analyze the 21 Figure 10. Traps being removed from the surf zone transport rate data onsite is considered one of the important advantages of using traps, enabling a quality control check on trap operation and early interpretation of results for adjustment of experimental design. Transport Rate Analysis 26. Procedures for calculating transport rates from the raw data are described in this section. The streamers measure a sand flux, i.e., the weight of sand passing through the nozzle of a certain cross-sectional area during the sampling interval. If sampling is performed in a unidirectional flow, as was the case in these experiments, no sand coarser than 0.105 mm is lost once it has entered the streamer, and the flux can be directly associated with the current to develop predictive empirical relations. The raw data of sand weight collected in the streamers are listed in Table Al of Appendix A. 22 27. The flux of sand F at streamer k is given by _ S8Ue) il EAS) = AhAwAt ee in which F = sand flux, kg/(m?-sec) k = streamer number, increasing in order from the bottom (k = 1) to the last streamer (k = N) S = dry weight of sand, kg (force) Ah = height of streamer nozzle (0.025 m for SUPERDUCK) Aw = width of streamer nozzle (0.15 m for SUPERDUCK) At = sampling time interval, sec The flux between adjacent streamers FE(k) can be estimated by linear interpolation using adjacent measured values FE(k) = 0.5[F(k) + F(k+1)] @) 28. The total transport rate per unit width i at a particular trap is calculated by using the determined fluxes and distances Aa(k) between nozzles, N N i=AhY Fk) + YD Aa(k) FE(K) (3) k=1 k=1 in which WN is the total number of streamers on the trap. The first summa- tion term represents the actual measured fluxes, and the second summation term represents the interpolated fluxes between nozzles. If traps were placed on a line across the surf zone (SSM), transport rates per unit width were calcu- lated with Equation 3, and the trapezoid rule was used to compute the total longshore sand transport rate across the surf zone. Elevations of the streamers above the bed are listed in Table A2 of Appendix A. 29. Sand-trapping efficiency tests in uniform flow were performed in a series of experiments (Rosati and Kraus 1989) for nozzle configurations which had near-optimal hydraulic efficiencies (Rosati and Kraus 1988), including the DUCK85 and SUPERDUCK nozzles. It was found that the SUPERDUCK nozzle had a 2S sand-trapping efficiency near unity (1.02 + 0.03) for suspended sand, but a lower efficiency for a nozzle resting on the bed (0.68 +.0.31). Sand fluxes presented herein have been corrected for bottom nozzle efficiency by dividing the quantity of sand obtained by the bed-load trapping efficiency. Sand fluxes were not modified for the suspended nozzles, as the efficiency value for these nozzles is nearly unity. 30. The lower value (0.68 + 0.31) of the bed-load trapping efficiency (which includes suspended load within 2.5 cm of the bottom) is caused by scour and the scour hole created under the nozzle that was occasionally observed to occur during portions of the testing period. The actual efficiency of the streamer trap in intersecting oscillatory and quasi-steady uniform flow in the surf zone is not known, but qualitative evaluation using field observations indicates that efficiencies in the surf zone are similar to those determined in the uniform flow tank under sheet flow conditions. 24 PART III: RESULTS 31. This chapter lists and explains the principal data on transport rates, currents, and waves obtained in the September phase surf zone experi- ments at SUPERDUCK. Selected results are also presented to introduce the characteristics and potential uses of the data set. Orientation to the Measurement Runs 32. Four types of sand transport rate data collection runs were per- formed using the traps: a. Measurement of the temporal distribution of the longshore sand transport rate at one or two points in the surf zone (TSM run). In Measurement of the cross-shore distribution of the longshore sand transport rate (SSM run). c. Measurement of transport rates at neighboring locations (typically 1 m apart) (consistency test). d. Measurement of the transport rate in a rip current. Seven to nine streamers mounted on the racks provided the vertical distribu- tion of the sand flux. 33. Data collection runs documented in this report are listed in Table 2. Each run is assigned a number, as shown in the first column, which uniquely identifies it by the date and time the sampling was conducted. The concatenation of numbers comprising a run identification (ID) gives the year (86), month (9), day (11 to 23), and start time of the run in EDST as hours and minutes on a 24-hr clock. Current velocity and wave measurement (photo- pole) ID numbers are similarly defined. Current meters and movie cameras were often started a minute or two before the corresponding sand trap run began. Trap and current meter deployment intervals and locations in the surf zone relative to the photopole line are given in Table 3, and locations of the photopoles in the FRF coordinate system are presented in Table A4. 25 Table 2 Summary of Surf Zone Sand Trap Data and Tide Condition Run ID No. Time, EDST Data Collection No. Traps Tide 8609111745" 1745-1755 SSM 6 Falling 8609121037 1037-1047 Rip Current 6 Low 8609151345" 1345-1408 TSM 3 pairs Rising 8609151630" 1630-1654 TSM 3 Rising 8609160922 0922-0932 Consistency 1 pair Falling 8609160945* 0945-0955 Consistency 1 pair Falling 8609161116" 1116-1126 SSM 10 Falling 8609181225" 1225-1249 TSM 4 pairs Falling 8609181453" 1453-1524 TSM 5 pairs Falling 8609191016" 1016-1026 SSM 6 High 8609191230 1230-1254 TSM 4 pairs Falling 8609201045* 1045-1133 TSM 8 High 8609201500* 1500-1548 TSM (incl 2 10 Low consistency) 8609211046 1046-1056 Consistency 1 pair High 8609211345 1345-1509 TSM (incl 2 16 Falling consistency) 8609220730 0730-0810 TSM 8 Rising 8609221600 1600-1625 TSM 5 pairs Rising 8609221750 1750-1756 SSM 10 Low 8609231035 1035-1100 TSM 5 Rising Complete or partial wave data set presently available (presented herein or by Ebersole and Hughes (in preparation)). 26 Run ID No. 8609111745 8609121037 8609151345 8609151630 8609160922 8609160945 * Table 3 Times and Locations of Trap and Current Meter Deployments Trap/Current Meter Number poles P4 and P5. Time EDST 1745-1755 1037-1047 1345-1352 1345-1352 1352-1400 1352-1400 1400-1408 1400-1408 1345-1408 1345-1408 1630-1638 1638-1646 1646-1654 1630-1654 1630-1654 0922-0932 0922-0932 0922-0932 0945-0955 0945-0955 0945-0955 (Continued) 27 Approximate Location Relative to Photopoles P4-P5*, north of photopoles P7-P8, north of photopoles P8-P9, north of photopoles P9-P10, north of photopoles P11-P12, north of photopoles P13-P14, north of photopoles 45 m offshore, rip throat 30 m offshore, rip throat 23 m offshore, rip throat 5 m offshore, north feeder 15 m offshore, rip throat 9 m offshore, south feeder P6-P7, south of photopoles P6-P/7, north of photopoles P6-P/7, south of photopoles P6-P/7, north of photopoles P6-P/7, south of photopoles P6-P7, north of photopoles P6-P/7, south of photopoles P6-P/7, north of photopoles P3-P4, south of photopoles P3-P4, south of photopoles P3-P4, south of photopoles P4, south of photopoles P4, north of photopoles P7-P8, south of photopoles P7-P8, south of photopoles P7, south of photopoles P8-P9, south of photopoles P8-P9, south of photopoles P8, south of photopoles The notation P4-P5 indicates that trap was located midway between photo- (Sheet 1 of 5) Run ID No. 8609161116 8609181225 8609181453 8609191016 Trap/Current Meter Number Table 3 (Continued) Time EDST 1116-1126 U2 e1L2S)IL 1225-1231 1231-1237 1231-1237 1237-1243 1237-1243 1243-1249 1243-1249 1225-1249 1225-1249 1453-1459 1453-1459 1459-1505 1459-1505 1505-1511 1505-1511 1511-1518 1511-1518 1518-1524 1518-1524 1453-1524 1453-1524 1016-1026 (Continued) 28 Approximate Location Relative to Photopoles P6-P7, north of photopoles P7-P8, north of photopoles P8-P9, north of photopoles P9-P10, north of photopoles P10-P11, north of photopoles P11-P12, PAPAS P13-P14, P14-P15, P15-P16, north of photopoles north of photopoles north of photopoles north of photopoles north of photopoles P9, south of photopoles P12, south of photopoles P6, south P8, south P6, south P8, south P6, south P8, south P6, south P8, south P6, south P8, south P7, south P9, south P7, south P9, south P7, south P9, south P7, south P9, south P7, south P9, south P7, south P9, south of of of of of of of of P4-P5, south P1-P2, south P2-P3, south P3-P4, south photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles photopoles of photopoles of photopoles of photopoles of photopoles (Sheet 2 of 5) Table 3 (Continued) Trap/Current Time Approximate Location Run ID No. Meter Number EDST Relative to Photopoles 8609191016 T9 1016-1026 P5-P6, south of photopoles T1O P6-P7, south of photopoles CM1 P5, south of photopoles cM2 P7, south of photopoles 8609191230 Teil 1230-1236 P6, south of photopoles Fly? 1230-1236 P7-P8, south of photopoles a3} 1236-1242 P6, south of photopoles T4 1236-1242 P7-P8, south of photopoles T5 1242-1248 P6, south of photopoles T6 1242-1248 P7-P8, south of photopoles i7/ 1248-1254 P6, south of photopoles T8 1248-1254 P7-P8, south of photopoles CM1 1243-1254 P6, south of photopoles CM2 1243-1254 P7-P8, south of photopoles 8609201045 itil 1045-1051 P5-P6, south of photopoles T2 1051-1057 T3 1057-1103 T4 1103-1109 T5 1109-1115 T6 1115-1121 T7 1121-1127 T8 1127-1133 CM1 1045-1133 CM2 1045-1133 8609201500 pelt 1500-1506 P8-P9, south of photopoles WP 1506-1512 13} 1512-1518 T4 1518-1524 T5 1524-1530 T6 1530-1536 T7 1536-1542 T8 1536-1542 T9 1542-1548 T10 1542-1548 CM1 1500-1548 P8, south of photopoles CM2 1500-1548 P9, south of photopoles (Continued) (Sheet 3 of 5) 29 Table 3 (Continued) Trap/Current Time Approximate Location Run_ ID No. Meter Number EDST Relative to Photopoles 8609211046 Tl 1046-1056 P6, south of photopoles T2 P6, south of photopoles CM1 P5-P6, south of photopoles CM2 P5-P6, south of photopoles 8609211345 Tl 1345-1351 P8-P9, south of photopoles T2 1351-1357 T3 1357-1403 T4 1403-1409 T5 1403-1409 T6 1409-1415 T7 1415-1421 T8 1415-1421 T9 1421-1427 T1O 1427-1433 T1l 1433-1439 T12 1439-1445 T13 1445-1451 T14 1451-1457 TL5 1457-1503 T16 1503-1509 CM1 1345-1509 P8, south of photopoles CM2 1345-1509 P9, south of photopoles 8609220730 Tl 0730-0735 P7, south of photopoles T2 0735-0740 P9, south of photopoles T3 0740-0745 P7, south of photopoles T4 0745-0750 P9, south of photopoles T5 0750-0755 P7, south of photopoles T6 0755-0800 P9, south of photopoles T7 0800-0805 P7, south of photopoles T8 0805-0810 P9, south of photopoles CM1 0730-0810 P7, south of photopoles CM2 0730-0810 P9, south of photopoles 8609221600 Tl 1600-1605 P5-P6, south of photopoles TZ. 1600-1605 T3 1605-1610 T4 1605-1610 T5 1610-1615 T6 1610-1615 T7 1615-1620 (Continued) (Sheet 4 of 5) 30 Table 3 (Concluded) Trap/Current Time Approximate Location Run _ ID No. Meter Number EDST Relative to Photopoles 8609221600 T8 1615-1620 P5-P6, south of photopoles T9 1620-1625 P5-P6, south of photopoles T1O 1620-1625 P5-P6, south of photopoles CM1 1600-1625 P5, south of photopoles CM2 1600-1625 P6, south of photopoles 8609221750 dil 1750-1756 P5, south of photopoles we P6, south of photopoles 1b3} P7, south of photopoles T4 P8, south of photopoles T5 P9, south of photopoles T6 P10, south of photopoles 17 P11, south of photopoles T8 P12, south of photopoles T9 P13, south of photopoles T10 P14, south of photopoles CM1 P7, south of photopoles CM2 P9, south of photopoles 8609231035 aed! 1035-1040 P4-P5, south of photopoles T2 1040-1045 13} 1045-1050 T4 1050-1055 IES) 1055-1100 CM1 1035-1100 P4, south of photopoles CM2 1035-1100 P5, south of photopoles (Sheet 5 of 5) Temporal Sampling Method (TSM) 34. Emphasis was placed on measurement of the temporal distribution of the longshore transport rate at one or two points in the surf zone during SUPERDUCK. In measuring the temporal behavior of the transport rate, the vertical distribution of the sand flux was obtained at each trap. Eleven TSM runs were conducted. Complete wave and current data are presently available for six runs conducted on 15, 18, and 20 September. Cross-shore measurement (SSM) 35. Four runs were conducted to measure the cross-shore distribution of the longshore sand transport rate, three with a northerly directed longshore sil current and one with a southerly directed current. Complete photopole and current data sets are available for two runs (only photopole data are avail- able for Run 8609111745). Consistency tests 36. Consistency tests were performed to compare collected quantities of sand from traps placed in close proximity to each other. These tests were used as an indicator of trap reproducibility and reliability in the field. In the consistency tests, two traps were placed in the surf zone approximately 1m apart. The seaward trap was located a distance sufficiently downdrift of the shoreward trap (typically, about 1 m) so that sand scoured from the seaward trap and transported shoreward with the incoming waves would not be collected by the shoreward trap. Consistency testing was conducted as a part of several TSM runs by deploying trap pairs. Waves and currents were measured during consistency tests, and all current meter data have been analyzed; however, wave data sets are only available for TSM Run 8609201500 (includes two consistency tests) and Consistency Run 8609160945 (partial wave data set) (see Ebersole and Hughes, in preparation). Rip current measurement 37. An experiment was performed on 12 September with the objective of measuring sand transport in the rip current located near the north FRF property line. Two traps were placed in the south longshore feeder current of the rip, one trap in the north feeder current, and three traps in the throat of the rip. Streamers on traps placed in the strong offshore current flow in the rip throat extended seaward, directly against the incident waves. Neither current nor wave data are available for the rip current run. Currents 38. The two current meters bracketed the deployed traps, and were placed slightly down-current. The meters were moved as necessary as trap deployment location changed with the tide. The basic processed current speed data (mean and standard deviation) are given in Table 4 for 17 runs. Columns in Table 4 represent x- and y-components of the current in the experiment coordinate system, for the meters 1 and 2. The x-axis points offshore 32 Time EDST 1345-1352 1353-1400 1401-1408 1630-1638 1639-1646 1647-1654 0922-0932 0945-0955 1116-1126 1225-1231 1232-1237 1238-1243 1244-1249 1453-1459 1500-1505 1506-1511 1512-1518 1519-1524 1016-1026 1230-1236 1237-1242 Table 4 Surf Zone Current Measurements Current Speed, m/sec ooo ooo oo°oc°o ooo0c°o cY1 Sour MIXES o /) .187 .194 CX1 Mean Run_ 8609151345 -0.019 0.429 -0.033 0.506 -0.061 0.468 Run_ 8609151630 -0.242 0.707 -0.259 0.764 =0. 273 0.767 Run_ 8609160922 -0.047 0.351 Run_ 8609160945 0.071 0.379 Run_ 8609161116 0.073 0.373 Run_ 8609181225 = Op 2s 0.510 -0.203 0.561 -0.192 0.588 -0.180 0.537 Run_8609181453 -0.073 0.417 -0.051 0.449 -0.109 0.506 -0.088 0.434 -0.089 0.430 Run 8609191016 -0.073 Run_ 8609191230 Oy ORS pe2. (Continued) 33 oo0o°o SrOCORORS) (Sheet 1 oo0°0 Soe So © $ je) ron 0.444 of 3) Table 4 (Continued) Time EDST 1243-1248 1249-1254 1045-1051 1052-1057 1058-1103 1104-1109 1110-1115 1116-1121 1122-1127 1128-1133 1500-1506 1507-1512 1513-1518 1519-1524 1525-1530 1531-1536 1537-1542 1543-1548 1046-1056 1345-1351 1352-1357 1358-1403 1404-1409 1410-1415 1416-1421 1422-1427 1428-1433 1434-1439 1440-1445 1446-1451 1452-1457 Current Speed, m/sec oooooocoo lo) ooooocoo°o ooooooocoooo°0oo .247 .596 .5959 -472 .550 449 . 564 .357 .319 . 149 .185 sent . 266 BAS .247 Sil! .293 439 391 -419 29 .460 fo) SrOrOlOrOLrO LOLOL OrOrorS SQQ7a7eeoe©2 CGrOLOTOTO TOrOrO . 186 o LY) 024 .022 . 134 .214 .147 .147 . 146 .169 142 .149 .161 pleat .137 39 . 162 CX1 Mean Oy -0.146 0.213 -0.085 0.461 Run 8609201045 -0.114 0.562 -0.115 0.556 -0.115 0.520 -0.041 0.472 -0.146 0.563 -0.216 0.549 -0.154 0.508 -0.184 0.519 Run 8609201500 0.018 0.389 0.044 0.356 0.017 0.350 0.036 0.337 0.032 0.362 0.022 0.367 0.032 0.379 0.011 0.388 Run 8609211046 -0.093 0.435 Run 8609211345 -0.019 0.365 -0.083 0.435 -0.049 0.418 -0.001 0.436 -0.055 0.434 -0.044 0.453 -0.039 0.437 -0.057 0.422 -0.017 0.425 -0.028 0.397 -0.077 0.431 -0.009 0.420 (Continued) 34 SOO OC CC © SEOROOtOROTONS) Soe oQoqoeooq0o © . 236 .603 .511 .554 .344 . 138 .199 . 163 5 OI jo) ooooocoo0c°o SOoe © © SC © SQoQoQgqqooqeg Qqoc 2S -0.068 -0.070 -0.056 -0.054 -0.094 -0.034 -0.033 -0.077 -0.050 -0.037 -0.035 -0.010 -0.020 -0.028 0.000 SOQ O00 © © fo) AQOQOQo co ©) ooooooqooqooqooo°co .409 .394 . 363 .371 .371 .383 .387 . 369 -400 -417 5339) .374 . 360 .365 . 383 386 .387 .376 . 349 .342 .379 .358 (Sheet 2 of 3) Table 4 (Concluded) Current Speed, m/sec Tine cY1 CX1 cY2 CX2 EDST Mean Oy Mean Oy Mean Oy Mean Oy 1458-1503 0.487 0.204 -0.050 0.454 0.345 0.166 -0.017 0.397 1504-1509 0.494 0.161 -0.052 0.422 0.369 OF 27 ORnO2> OF359 Run_ 8609220730 0730-0735 -0.541 0.268 -0.249 0.443 -0.422 0.232 -0.102 0.464 0736-0740 -0.549 0.295 -0.251 0.426 -0.481 0.215 -0.097 0.464 0741-0745 -0.657 OF2Z90 0295) 0.433 -0.573 0.214 -0.128 0.472 0746-0750 -0.533 0.287 -0.202 0.453 -0.473 0.223 -0.106 0.459 0751-0755 -0.597 0.290 -0.083 0.486 -0.465 0.245 -0.105 0.479 0756-0800 -0.690 0.263 -0.124 0.224 -0.515 0.212 -0.140 0.469 0801-0805 -0.607 0.262 -0.119 0.469 -0.492 02209) -0F 113; 0.466 0806-0810 -0.512 0.264 -0.151 0.457 -0.399 OF25) 25 OR 26 0.456 Run_ 8609221600 1600-1605 -0.522 0.243 -0.187 0.359 -0.537 0.172 -0.031 0.336 1606-1610 -0.489 0.247 -0.148 0.361 -0.508 0.179 0.010 0.350 1611-1615 -0.356 0.247 -0.177 0.385 -0.367 0.185 -0.098 0.369 1616-1620 -0.378 02253) | ORs 2 0.382 -0.369 0.171 -0.082 0.366 1621-1625 -0.357 0.231 -0.156 0.369 -0.384 0.159 -0.052 0.345 Run_ 8609221750 1750-1756 -0.372 0.226 -0.154 0.382 -0.396 0.176 0.057 0.341 Run_8609231035 1035-1040 0.043 0.201 -0.201 0.544 -0.025 0.166 -0.077 0.494 1041-1045 0.042 0.166 -0.203 0.533 -0.020 0.141 -0.131 0.468 1046-1050 0.004 0.184 -0.189 0.522 0.007 0.140 -0.084 0.508 1051-1055 0.075 UE) (0), MALS) 0.556 -0.003 0.118 -0.066 0.533 1056-1100 -0.026 0.154 -0.071 0.502 0.015 0.122 -0.037 0.451 (Sheet 3 of 3) (positive x-component indicates seaward-directed flow), and the y-axis points north. Current meter 1 was located shoreward of current meter 2. 39. The mean current speed and standard deviation were calculated for the indicated trap sampling interval. Most x-components of the mean current are negative, indicating that the flow was primarily directed onshore at an elevation of approximately 20 cm from the bed where the current meter sensors were located. The y-components of the mean current are positive, except for 35 runs conducted on 22 and 23 September, indicating that the longshore current flowed from south to north (toward the rip current) on the majority of experiment days. The streamers were observed to reverse direction only during one TSM run on 23 September. As expected, the mean longshore current (y-component) is larger than the mean cross-shore current (x-component). The standard deviation of the cross-shore component (a, of x-component) is larger than the standard deviation of the longshore component (a, of y-component), because of the oscillatory motion of incident waves. Waves and Water Levels 40. The analysis procedure for obtaining wave and water level para- meters from the photopole record is described in detail by Ebersole and Hughes (in preparation). In summary, the digitized time series was cleaned through visual inspection and then filtered to remove long-period wave motions. The filter eliminated oscillations with periods greater than 30 sec and preserved oscillations with periods less than 16 sec; waves with periods between 16 and 30 sec were partially retained (Ebersole and Hughes, in preparation). Table 5 presents various statistical properties of the filtered record corresponding to each trap deployment interval (6, 7, or 8 min) in the six TSM runs for which photopole data were analyzed. Listed wave properties were calculated through an individual wave zero-down crossing method. Sand Transport Consistency runs 41. Seven consistency tests were conducted during SUPERDUCK, and vertical distributions of the fluxes measured with the two closely spaced traps, designated by "shoreward" and "seaward" locations, have been plotted to the same scales for comparison (Figures 11 through 17). Four of the consis- tency comparisons were conducted as a part of TSM runs 8609201500 and 8609211345 (Figure 13, 14, 16, and 17) and are differentiated with the notation "-1" and "-2" at the end of the run number. The shape of the vertical distributions of sand flux measured during SUPERDUCK varied more between the shoreward and seaward traps than those measured during DUCK85 (see 36 (g 40 | 3804S) “spolsjad aAem yjuUa}-au0 ysayBiy jo aBesaay = OL1 ‘spotsad aden P4tyz-2uU0 YsayBiy a4}, yO abesaay = Sj ‘potsad arem auenbs-uesw-Jooy = SWI, /S}4Blay aAeM Yy3Ua}-aU0 YsaYyBiy ayy Jo aBesary = OLH /S3z4yBiay adem p4iyy-auo ysaybiy $0 aBesaay = SH *3461ay aAeM auenbs-ueaw-}OOY = SWI “PolJed aAeM WNWLULW = ULW) ‘polsed aAem wnwixeW = XW, ‘UeSW 02 9AL}@]204 Polsad aAem yo Sisoqny = (1)34Ny Suga OJ 2AL}@]94 Potted aAemM yo SSauMaxS = (1)MAxS :polsed aAem UL UOLJeLAaP Pyepueys = (1)S ‘ueAa 0} aAI}e)au POltad avem UL aoUeLIeA = (1)4JeA Jpoluad aAeN ueaW = 1 23468194 SAeM WNWLULW = ULWH “346Lay aAeM wnWIxeW = XeWH sUBAW 02 BAL3Je)34 SUOLJeAa}a YYBLay aaem JO SLSOJINY = (H)I4NY JugaW 03 9A1}e]a4 SUOLeAa]a 2YyBLay aAeM 4O SSeUMaxS = (H)MAxS “34HLay aAem UL UOLJeLASp PyepueIS = (H)S ‘UBaW 02 AAL}e)a4 JYBLay aAem UL |dUeLVeA = (H)JEA /34BLay aAeM UeaW = H * (panut3u09) 2672 LS°OL 25°42 20°L 68°0 79°0 O02 OO'SL 79°2 2270 £0°E 61°6 68°9 ILO ¥2°L 2671 OL'0 82°70 22070 95°0 8 692L-£42h O£°EL 92°0L O22 68°0 18°70 19°0 O2°€ O9'SL OO'S 89°0 S92 YO°2 42°2 BLO 16°0 26°L 4LL*O- O2°0 6£0°0 95°0 8 £21 -2E21 OL*yL SO"LL 8£°S 86°0 SB°0 99°0 O¥'f O8'YL Bf°2 79°0 By ILL2h 9°2 22°70 LLL Sh°2 90°0- 1270 94070 £9°0 8 2E21-LEZb O9EL 22°LL 22°8 16°70 8°0 29°0 O2°E O2SL Sy°2 40 YL'S 98°6 1L9°L OL70 S6°0 O06°L 92°0- 42°0 950°0 9S°0 g LE2b-S22l 0°SL 49°6 0279 SO"L 080 09°70 2's O2SL O24 JEL B82 26°8 90°9 OL'0 Syl 49'S 20°L 92°70 S90°0 Ss‘O 2 692L-£921 Sy°SL Z2O"LL 26°2 EL 96°0 O2°0 02°F 09°6L 96°F EL SE EG"LL %L°Z O270 E571 bL°y 66°0 O£°0 060°0 4970 A €42L-2E2k S6°SbL L2°bL 92°8 86°0 68°0 69°0 OE O2°SL £4°2 t$°0 VLE 98°6 S9°L 8L°O LOvL Lek en cm Oey SOU SI a0) Z 2e2t-bLe2t SB°ZL ZOOL SL°2Z £0°L 88°70 S9°0 O2°E OBL 92°2 080 26°2 O88 25°9 BL°0 BLL Z2L°2 12°0 42°70 8S0°0 09°0 A Le2b-Sz22b 96°1L 92°6 62°9 92°L 68°0 99°0 O2°£ OO'EL O'S BBO E52 6£°9 16°9 80°0 Zyl Ol'y %2°0 LEO 460°0 8S°0 9 692b-£92L O9°SL 9O"LL 28°2 BLL 88°0 99°0 O27 OO'ZL SI°E 06°70 O02 Sz2OL SL°2 1L°O S9°L 28°S O21 82°70 62070 09°0 9 €2L-Z2E2L S6"7L S@"LL S28 06°0 8°0 99°0 O¥E OO'9L 772 92°0 O9'E £6°2L 4y°L 60°0 26°0 1t2°2 18°0- 22°0 640°0 29°0 9 2g2b-LE2k SB°LL 89°6 S6°9 €0°L 28°0 %9°0 O2€ OO'2L 2272 29°70 99°2 B0°2 44°9 SLO ONL bb72 OL". 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OLH SH H Ulu. xews (os (sen 4 UlWH | XeuWH (HS (HI4eA =H -030Ud awl S Semnree = ai Tete ee ee ee ee a ee (panut3u03) ¢ 21421 38 (g 40 ¢ 3994S) Pal ee ee eee ee SS°st 7O'LL 80°8 16°0 22°0 26°0 02° O9' HL 6£°2 8770 OOS 10°6 eS'2 14L'0 66°0 90°2 90°0 22°70 0S0°0 2S°0 6 89SL-27S1 O9°9L SL°EL 2b°OL 26°0 £8°0 99°0 O2°& O2°SL OL? 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Consistency run 8609160922 DIST FROM SEABED TO MID-STREAMER (cm) 100F fe) | 1 ape nee ee | ) 0.5 1 1.5 NOZZLE FLUX (g/cm2/min) —— SHOREWARD TRAP ~—*— SEAWARD TRAP Figure 12. Consistency run 8609160945 40 DIST FROM SEABED TO MID-STREAMER (cm) 100 (0) ! ! =o || 0 0.5 1 1.5 NOZZLE FLUX (g/cm2/min) —— SHOREWARD TRAP —*— SEAWARD TRAP Figure 13. Consistency run 8609201500-1 DIST FROM SEABED TO MID-STREAMER (cm) fo) ie —=I ! 0 0.5 1 1.5 NOZZLE FLUX (g/cm2/min) —— SHOREWARD TRAP ~—*— SEAWARD TRAP Figure 14. Consistency run 8609201500-2 41 DIST FROM SEABED TO MID-STREAMER (cm) ial 805 (0) 1 ! ! fo) 0.5 1 1.5 NOZZLE FLUX (g/cm2/min) —~— SHOREWARD TRAP —*— SEAWARD TRAP Figure 15. Consistency run 8609211046 DIST FROM SEABED TO MID-STREAMER (cm) 100 80 60 40 20 fe) | i (0) 0.5 1 1.5 NOZZLE FLUX (g/cm2/min) —— SHOREWARD TRAP —*— SEAWARD TRAP Figure 16. Consistency run 8609211345-1 42 DIST FROM SEABED TO MID-STREAMER (cm) 0) 100 fe) iE ——| —e | 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 NOZZLE FLUX (g/cm2/min) —— SHOREWARD TRAP —*— SEAWARD TRAP Figure 17. Consistency run 8609211345-2 Kraus, Gingerich, and Rosati 1989). However, wave conditions were different, with clean swell occurring during DUCK85 and more choppy wind waves during SUPERDUCK. The greatest discrepancy in fluxes in Figures 11 through 17 occurred at the bottom streamer and was probably a result of small differences in the angle of alignment or elevation, which would cause sediment to pass under the lower lip of the streamer nozzle. 42. Rosati and Kraus (1989) evaluated trap consistency by comparing the transport rate density and the shape of the vertical flux distribution measured with the shoreward and seaward traps. The longshore transport rate density i is defined as the total immersed weight of transported material crossing a unit length of a shore-normal line per unit time. Consistency ratios, calculated by dividing the lower value of the transport rate density for a particular run (seaward or shoreward trap) by the higher value for a particular run (seaward or shoreward trap) and then multiplying by 100, ranged from 50 to 100 percent for the SUPERDUCK consistency runs. The vertical distributions of sand flux for the consistency data sets were fit with linear, 43 exponential, and power-law equations. Of the 14 pairs of vertical consistency test sand flux distributions, 10 had the highest squared correlation coeffi- cients with a power-law fit, three were best fit with an exponential relation- ship, and one was best described linearly. The majority (5 out of 7) of the shoreward and seaward consistency test data sets had similar coefficients and were described by the same type of equation. These favorable comparisons between the transport rate densities and the form of the vertical flux distributions between two closely spaced traps suggests that the streamer trap and nozzles are consistent and provide reproducible time-integrated measure- ments of the transport rate. Temporal Sampling Method (TSM) -runs 43. Thirty-nine transport rate densities measured in six SUPERDUCK TSM runs for which wave data were available (see Table 2) were used to obtain a relationship for the transport rate density é dH. o i=«lpg H,,, V (1+ an + —~) + const.] (4) where = empirical coefficient = density of seawater = acceleration due to gravity mean longshore current = empirical coefficient > Rk JS Dd ll = empirical coefficient dH, s/dX = local cross-shore gradient of wave height Root-mean-square (rms) wave height was used because correlations were always slightly higher with rms wave height than with significant wave height. 44. Standard formulas for the transport rate density i derived from either a bottom shear stress approach (e.g., Komar 1971) or a wave energetics approach (e.g., Inman and Bagnold 1963) reduce to a leading dependence on the product of wave height and longshore current speed if linear shallow-water wave theory is employed. Thus, as a first step, Kraus, Gingerich, and Rosati (1988) plotted measured transport rate densities with respect to the quantity pgl.,»sV . The result is shown in Figure 18, in which the straight line is a 44 1.0 LEGEND + 8609151345 © 8609181453 7 * 8609151630 © 8609201045 0.8 o 8609181225 x 8609201500 (N/m-—sec) N = pHs (1000 N/m-sec) Figure 18. Longshore sand transport rate density versus H,,,.V best fit from linear regression analysis. Values of the determined regression equation coefficients and the correlation coefficient squared (x?) are listed in Table 6. Figure 18 shows that the measured transport rate densities are fairly well described by a purely linear function of 4H,,,V . However, scatter is relatively great, suggesting that the transport rate densities may have a power-law dependence on H,,,V , based on the trend of the data. 45. Qualitative observations made during DUCK85 indicated that the trapped amount of sand depended on the intensity of water agitation occurring at or immediately seaward of a trap. For example, the transport rate appeared to increase in turbulent white water as compared with calmer green water for traps located at approximately the same depth. The white, agitated water was produced by waves breaking at the trap or convected to the trap by waves breaking immediately seaward. The local gradient of the wave height dH,,/dx was identified as a readily evaluated measure of water agitation, and the SUPERDUCK TSM runs were configured to provide this quantity. The gradient of wave height was calculated from the nearest two photopoles (i.e., over a 6-m interval). The gradient was usually positive, indicating a decrease in wave 45 Table 6 Summary of Regression Results for Longshore Sand Transport Rate Density Equation Const. Expression kK _(10*) a_ i. N/(m_-_ sec) re HV 1.8 0 0 -1.2(103) 0.45 HenaV 2.5 0 0 -9.9(102) 0.51 HenaV(1 + OdHyp,/dx) 2.0 20 0 -7.7(102) 0.66 HymsV(1 + adHi >/dx + Bo,/V) lS 20 1.8 -2.4(10°) O77 height or energy dissipation as the waves moved toward shore. However, in some cases the gradient was negative, indicating that broken waves were reforming. 46. Kraus, Gingerich, and Rosati (1988) introduced the gradient of wave height as a correction to the quantity 4H,,,.V in the form of HymsV(1 + a dH,,,/dx) in which the value of the empirical coefficient a was determined by iteration to provide the best linear least squares fit. The resultant plot and regression line are given in Figure 19. Visual agreement and the correlation coefficient are considerably improved over Figure 18, which involved only the product H,,.V . 47. The longshore current speed used in the analysis is the average of a time-varying flow. The sand transport rate should depend on the range of current speed as well as the average. As a measure of the range, Kraus, Gingerich, and Rosati (1988) chose the coefficient of variation of the current speed o,/V , in which o, is the standard deviation of the speed during the averaging interval. The coefficient of variation was conceptualized as providing a correction to the leading term 4H,,,.V , and the quantity HrmsV(1 + @ dH,,;/dx + 8B o,/V) was used for regression. The result is shown in Figure 20, and associated values of determined coefficients are given in Table 6. Grouping of the data points about the regression line is improved over previous plots, and the apparent necessity of using a nonlinear or power law function of H,,,V , as was suggested by Figure 18, is eliminated. 46 (N/m-—sec) (N/m-—sec) 18 LEGEND + 8609151545 © 8609181453 0.8 * 8609151630 @ 8609201045 : o 8609181225 x 8609201500 0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 poVHrms(1 + 20 arms ) (1000 N/m-sec) dx Figure 19. Longshore sand transport density versus HymsV(1+ @ dH o/dx) re LEGEND + 8609151345 @ 8609181453 o8 » 8609151630 © 8609201045 2 ; om 8609181225 x 8609201500 to) 2 4 6 8 10 12 pVHrms (1 + 2094rms + 1.8 fy ) (1000 N/m-sec) dx v Figure 20. Longshore sand transport rate density versus HymsV(1 + @ dH,,,/dx + 8 o,/V) 47 48. The correlation lines in Figures 18, 19, and 20 all intercept the positive x-axis (the term "const." in Equation 4). The value of the intercept is partially an artifact of the use of a straight-line regression analysis. However, the intercept may be interpreted as an effective cutoff for transport of significance in engineering applications, since transport rates lying below this value evidently have a much weaker dependence on the quantity H,,,V than the plotted measured values. 49. Stepwise correlation analysis indicated that there was no relation between the quantities 4H,,, , GdH,,,/dx , V , and o, . Ina situation where the longshore current is produced by obliquely incident waves, the magnitude of the current speed is proportional to the square root of the wave height. In the present case, V and H,,, were not related because the experiments were performed in or near the feeder current of a rip current. Caution should be taken in general use of the correction term proportional to @a@ , as most TSM measurements were performed on a plateau with a very mild slope. Values of dH,,,/dx ranged from -0.035 to 0.037 and values of o,/V ranged from 0.07 to 2.03. Use of the relationship with the two correction terms requires detailed knowledge of wave height and current characteristics, and may be applicable only if these data are available. 48 PART IV: CONCLUDING DISCUSSION 50. Previous field data collection efforts aimed at making direct point measurements of longshore sand transport in the surf zone have either measured the suspended sand concentration, from which a rate must be inferred by taking the product with a longshore current speed, or have used traps to measure only bed-load transport. Neither of these two methods taken individually provides the total transport rate. The SUPERDUCK surf zone experiment described in this report successfully measured the longshore sand flux through the water column as it varied with time at one or two points in the surf zone. 51. The portable streamer traps developed in this project were found to give reliable and consistent results by comparison of sand fluxes obtained with traps placed close to each other. The consistency ratio, calculated by dividing the lower value of the transport rate density for a particular run by the higher value for that run and multiplying by 100, ranged from 50 to 100 percent for the SUPERDUCK consistency tests. Of the 14 vertical distributions of sand flux, the majority of the shoreward and seaward consistency test data sets had similar coefficients and were described by a power-law equation. These favorable comparisons between magnitudes of the transport rate densities and the shape of the vertical flux distributions obtained at two closely spaced traps indicate that the streamer trap and nozzles are indeed consistent and provide reproducible measurements of the transport rate. 52. The transport rate density measured at SUPERDUCK was found to be closely related to the product of wave height and longshore current speed, consistent with previously derived theoretical models of transport. The correlation was considerably improved, however, by including corrections due to energy dissipation introduced by breaking waves and the variation in the longshore current speed. 49 REFERENCES Birkemeier, W. A., Baron, C. F., Leffler, M. A., Hathaway, K. K., Miller, H. C., and Strider, J. B. 1989. "SUPERDUCK Nearshore Processes Experiment Data Summary CERC Field Research Facility," Miscellaneous Paper CERC-89-16, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS. Byrnes, M. R. 1989. "“SUPERDUCK Beach Sediment Sampling Experiment, Report 1: Data Summary and Initial Observations," Miscellaneous Paper CERC-89-18, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS. Crowson, R. A., Birkemeier, W. A., Klein, H. M., and Miller, H. C. 1988. "SUPERDUCK Nearshore Processes Experiment: Summary of Studies, CERC Field Research Facility," Technical Report CERC-88-12, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS. Ebersole, B. A., and Hughes, S. A. "SUPERDUCK Photopole Experiment," Miscel— laneous Paper in preparation, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS. Field Research Facility. 1986 (Sep). "Preliminary Data Summary," Monthly Series, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS. Friedman, G. M., and Johnson, K. G. 1982. Exercises in Sedimentology, Wiley, New York. Hughes, S. A., Kraus, N. C., and Richardson, T. W. 1987. "SUPERDUCK — A Nearshore Process Field Experiment," (video), CERC File No. 87057B, 21Jul187, Log #6209, 24 min. Inman, D. L., and Bagnold, R. A. 1963. "Littoral Processes," In: M. N. Hill, Ed., The Sea, Interscience, New York, pp 529-533. Katori, S. 1982. "Measurement of Sediment Transport by Streamer Trap," Report of the 6th Cooperative Field Investigation, Report No. 16, TR-81-2, Nearshore Environment Research Center, Tokyo, Japan, pp 138-141. (in Japan— ese) 1983. "Measurement of Sediment Transport by Streamer Trap," Report of the 7th Cooperative Field Investigation, Report No. 17, TR-82-2, Nearshore Environment Research Center, Tokyo, Japan, pp 110-117. (in Japan— ese) Komar, P. D. 1971. "The Mechanics of Sand Transport on Beaches," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 76, No. 3, pp 713-721. 50 Kraus, N. C. 1987. "Application of Portable Traps for Obtaining Point Measurements of Sediment Transport Rates in the Surf Zone," Journal of Coastal Research, Vol 2, No. 2, pp 139-152. Kraus, N. C., Gingerich, K. J., and Rosati, J. D. 1988. "Toward an Improved Empirical Formula for Longshore Sand Transport," Proceedings, 21st Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp 1182-1196. 1989. "DUCK85 Surf Zone Sand Transport Experiment," Technical Report CERC—89-5, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS. Kraus, N. C., and Nakashima, L. 1986. "Field Method for Determining Rapidly the Dry Weight of Wet Sand Samples," Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol 56, No. 4, pp 550-551. Rosati, J. D., and Kraus, N. C. 1988. "Hydraulic Calibration of the Streamer Trap," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol 114, No. 12, pp 1527-1532. 1989. "Development of a Portable Sand Trap for Use in the Nearshore," Technical Report CERC—89-11, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS. Stauble, D. K., Holem, G. W., Byrnes, M. R., Anders, F., and Meisburger, E. P. "SUPERDUCK Beach Sediment Sampling Experiment, Report 2: Beach Profile Change and Sediment Dynamics," Miscellaneous Paper in preparation, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS. Sil i ge fh i? ant af) a: Jj ‘init . Seu 2 , BLN yin Li rr i Ay si) an | AEE sae MD Le atayl & i he ay 1 ey Rageninihiins rose ‘A eee babe wlaginle Me bin ey neti? 8 op Tada oan oy PADIR anaes CONEY re , Wem avd a Ls nie . ae | Rona ve Ny ik eet by naan NPE ee Sites sre7R. howe owes tee hace, Aen) aie RADE: aM PON RMN SR AE iriy | hide. ® wear Wyte kw sy Renae} Maney haat Liat An? Bhat oi in i i tiew T OS ewe ot qibkgnd gi iiletcw) i 50% hey wat taper yee: ot “had tulotalt tek Sbeodeln We Ohare dale. Nisei iy Mey, meee sant, My Pod Wena, PAE | Rar » ra a oa a ie Me ae: ‘i : e *aFy o¢ ir f. b thie Pay) ] TORT Bway & har dein: He: : bu'ha' “04 it! ‘ * el natieas ei) t, a aces 4 { F cyan tle ant Ave kd RIAL dh AG PN on AL oe Mi } CPI Ei we i hd at Al ry fey ‘eucagan asi rane ty i eri. teh e a ae ve ROP Ths rere fi eS 1 chy hn tke EY J or Mrsmehd Dea Hh mbaceavenhes it spat rd o A ideoe AY hi ale HAaeee DATS son tne tates FE ' ; ; " | a ms NPL OPEL’ ar : fet: fp riel .e ey a at ‘hon ; fail : Jeena ee!) Po ~ 4 f 3 f an i. He. Ae i, : aoe » neo any : Aspens me RI yah, ¥ (aah) SO, |, Sem ee: pila p aie’ & ry ye it Chapa Wont inna wires, ate seeet ha SRC 1G nee t HRA, Ms pedieiwel ohana. aed ott ih: F195 Mh ee p i i ‘ j ; 4 x vy i ton i : , h ’ } , : J i f I . : ot ay A | wat a4 . , : ? y an f2 ) I } { } \, . ; . ‘ : y iu i , ‘ { ay f 4 ry = wy x i 8 APPENDIX A: DATA 1. This appendix contains a listing of the basic data collected during the SUPERDUCK surf zone sand transport experiments. Data are given for the following quantities: a. Wet weight of collected sand (Table Al). b. Elevations of individual trap streamers (Table A2). lo Water levels during the experiments (Table A3). IS Horizontal coordinates of the photopoles (Field Research Facility (FRF) coordinate system) (Table A4). e. Grain size data (Table A5). 2. Table Al gives the weight of the sand collected in the streamers as recorded in the field logbooks, without adjustments for trap efficiency. A value of 0.0 indicates that no sand was collected in the streamer, and blank spaces denote no streamer at that elevation. The wet sand was weighed in a drip-free state in small patches of sieve cloth, and the weight of the sieve cloth was subtracted to arrive at the values given in Table Al. The drip-free wet weight (WW) and the dry weight (DW) of samples consisting primarily of sand are linearly related (Kraus and Nakashima 1986") for a wide range of common grain sizes and sample weights as DW = c WW (Al) for which the empirical coefficient c must be determined through calibration for the particular field operation and weighing procedure, since judgment of the drip-free state is somewhat subjective. The value c ranged from 0.72 to 0.81 for the SUPERDUCK experiments; an average value obtained from samples analyzed during one run per day was used to convert wet weights to dry weights for samples collected during that day’s runs. 3. Table A2 gives the elevation of each streamer on each trap deployed for a particular run. Elevations are given as distances from the bed to the * References cited in Appendix A can be found in the list of references at the end of the main text. Al center of the streamer nozzle. 4. Table A3 lists water levels relative to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) recorded at a tide gage located at the end of the FRF pier during the times of six Temporal Sampling Method (TSM) experiment runs. The NGVD is related to Mean Sea Level (MSL) at the FRF by the relation MSL(m) = NGVD(m) + 0.067. 5. Table A4 gives the horizontal coordinates of the photopoles in the FRF coordinate system. 6. Table A5 summarizes grain size statistics (calculated using Moment and Folk methods (Friedman and Johnson 1982)) for samples retained from 37 traps representing 11 experiment runs. A2 Table Al Sand Wet Weights, ¢ Trap Streamer Number Number il 2 3 4 5 6 Z 8 9 Run _ 8609111745 1 5s oy ato <1 Sr Sa hc he An’ Wo k= no SO Wis J SS Yo] oS) 28.1 2 PAL. il 84.8 33.1 26.2 32 38 25.9 18.3 3 1Q)S},2 52.6 36.7 24.8 IL7/ oil 14.7 Sip ab 4 216.9 D268 25) 3) 20.2 26.1 15.6 10.8 3. iL 5 63.6 45.0 43.8 37.6 25.6 BY of 13.3 6.7 6 2) ital oil 6.6 6.3 Ges 5.0 5.4 iL, JL Run 8609121037 iL 125.8 28.8 76.3 50.6 54.0 37.4 24.1 2 481.5 GO O22 3}. 5) 53} 70) 3} 20.6 3 CSV WAD.S 62.7 29.6 14.6 9.9) 4.6 4 378.4 5O0R3 37 59) 32,0 33.8 19.5 1.0 42 5 94.0 65.9 68.8 50.4 33), 8) 3365 18.8 8.8 6 I@2.8) 130) 93) 17.3 38.1 Pe A 7 .& 9.7 8.7 Run 8609151345 iL 51.0 PAS} «AL Db. 2 22.2 14.1 4.6 4.6 2 28.7 16.9 U6, 7/ E7750) 17.9 1.5) 19) .5) 3 177.5 103.4 88.1 139.3 76.0 1A, . AL 1.8 4 41.8 40.2 DP th 9) 2 24.5 1253) 15},i 8.5 5 884.9 360.1 303 7/ 227.3 124.9 48.2 Use) 4.0 6 5)5), IL 31.3 27.8 20.9 29.3 Doo lt 7 eal 14.2 Run 8609151630 iL 1655.5 391.5 447.7 269.7 101.8 18.1 308 2 nS. 3 eo ee ZU .© 353.2 316.9 2D) 21.2 9.8 3 Aghil,s} (L762 608.9 457.9 374.2 236.8 69.6 18.6 Run 8609160922 1 148.5 563} 94.0 67.1 81.6 a a | 2A) 2 89.1 58.7 70.6 68.5 60.5 48.5 26.3 Run_ 8609160945 iL 88.5 53.3 43e5 37.4 38.4 28.9 2 127.9 68.6 60.9 54.6 44.8 38.9 (Continued) (Sheet 1 of 5) A3 Trap Number FPOmANaAUFWNHE ONADAUFWNE FOONHDUFWNHE DOWN E fy ONFFWNHEHEWOC OeoeMmouoNOoOnd Ff FNUDMNWON NW OD FHAHAOON ANWoOrRORYO PNOWUDOOD DA WUDRPFAONMNNN FS ODOAN SO Table Al (Continued) Streamer Number 3 4 5 Run_ 8609161116 246.1 93.0 25 73.9 43.3 17 Slee) 38.1 21 86.5 63.5 58 105.3 94.7 55 345.0 308.9 250 1054.7 805.2 929 1267.7 1023.4 773 22rd. 10.0 16 16.3 16.8 8 Run_ 8609181225 187.5 149.4 113 63.9 46.7 48 154.9 U2) 2 74 76.2 Db Y/ 55 151.8 114.1 95 98.8 88.2 81 212.1 160.4 125 U2T o dk 103.7 92 Run_ 8609181453 86.7 VU od 65 TRS) 5) 26.1 23 82.4 69.6 44 Jo 8 2D) 5 28 287.4 DES 5 198 84.6 85/55 87 98.8 84.8 62 43.1 34.8 32 148.8 124.7 97 45.4 36.7 24 Run_ 8609191016 13.1 0.0 114.1 SONS 36.6 43.2 42. LOS 17.4 70. 16.7 15.4 132.5 86.7 136. (Continued) A4S NRFPPN WOO WWE rPwoodrdaohr NUNwWOfFHFrUND 0. 0. 6. FODOWW ADOUOA WH WON C NOorowWVoFfnd NRPWNDAWHO FO GONrFUWMN NDPBRUNERERORB NUwWURWEREPUDMO MOwWWOON AD UF N wor oaonavwu of FANOF Nw Pe WNP NRPwWwWN EF NNN DD OD 18. 0.0 DNWOrFW Idk (Sheet 2 of 5) Trap Number ANYNADUNFWNHE ANYNADUFWNHE- FPoOOaANaAUFWNHEH or Table Al (Continued) Streamer Number PwowWwan fr oON Dd 1 2 3 4 5 Run_ 8609191230 51, / 233.6 230.0 U)5).. 9) 166 119.7) 41.4 45.6 35.7 33 GO2 RI 23452 245.2 173 0 109 ST 2 67.5 41.3 36.3 29 1186.8 93.1 227.3 164.2 129 156.1 63.9 43.1 42.9 35 339.0 W752 NZD «AL 176.6 151 54.0 32.5 31.0 24.0 19 Run_8609201045 Wes) Ils 7 95.4 80.7 80 116.5 25) 8) 58.6 49.2 14 183.3 iL 63} 58.0 39.3 32 65.0 36.8 39 55) 38.3 25 28.3 27.8 28.9 20.5 18 36.7 38.4 16.3 30.0 23} 34.5 19.6 24.0 NY) 22 iLY) 52.0 25) oe) 55.0 47.8 42 Run_8609201500 322252) 269%2 166.3 114.0 81 “HOO ot) NAA 8) 103.5 715.4 64 1003.7 84.1 V2 oi 40.1 22 1076.6 210.1 84.6 63.6 34 368.6 75.0 73.8 50.8 34 OSS o Ik IL 74s, IL 84.3 82.5 43 369.2 22.6 33), 7 33.4 28 62.4 44.8 728) Ah 24.9 17 203.1 66.0 50.7 34.1 17 DAD 3) 50.7 30.8 33.1 15 Run 8609211046 Doll 10.6 5) A 5.6 5). 8.8 9.1 13.4 8.6 2h (Continued) A5 ONMONN AN FW rForrNwWoWON bh h Fr CO Fr CO CO W CO Fr DWNHNM NH CO DF NODRPNNFHrFPOW fon) HOUWOALFAN KE owned UN © WwW WODMNMN UNA WO DC io) 14. Nh OD ON kh oO CO F a -NN PwWNnFt wo rfnNr (Sheet 3 of 5) Table Al (Continued) pene ee i nen ae tees ter ent a nt sew ae aa SS il Streamer Number ONHDUFWNHE FPoOmMmANaAUFWNFE OUP ODMONNOMWRPWAAHANO A FOrPNMF OW WwW WrRMOONnNwWwowunr PUPaAWONWAFHFUODOFRUE DA Fr oOWWNH ON COUN WOOHFNUY 3 4 5 Run 8609211345 7.8 4.1 4.4 9F3) 15.6 7 oak 14.2 9.4 10.4 9.8 U2 52 4.6 8.8 8.2 8.1 16.4 15.2 15.3 6.5 9.3 U o@ 16.4 11.6 doll 23.9 17.2 13.3 18.1 14.8 11.0 SS 12.5 139) 12.6 9.9 2, a 34.1 22.8 16.7 47.2 33.2 18.7 Seal! Dds 22.8 28.7 28.6 29.2 Run_ 8609220730 430.9 388.8 357.6 364.6 348.5 322.8 682.1 595.4 359.5 477.5 485.4 349.3 510.0 O28) 405.3 308.4 283.0 255.3 419.6 396.1 373.3 344.5 333.7 294.4 Run 8609221600 151.5 142.1 134.8 44.1 48.5 40.0 108.1 89.1 65.5 41.4 41.5 28.7 82.4 65.3 61.1 27.6 24.0 BI) 8 102.6 357 Sil @) 36.1 28.5 24.6 45.6 38.4 30.5 32.59) Ope st) Do2 sO (Continued) A6 6 OND RF UOCONE UWS NFRPWONUOE POOR DWAHAWNH WwW 7 14. rw DrP@AOWNNFWUDOUNA Ff ONNMNNNONADAAOANWOOW NO OF OmMawWwWNwoonns NDNOrRPWNH WOO CO ee eS eS 8 9 DEAF ooo Mone i i) is J 28.4 f N FoOw Co ray Nn rP Ow wo (Sheet 4 of 5) Table Al (Concluded) Trap Streamer Number Number il 2 3 4 5 6 Run _ 8609221750 1 508e2. 56359) 43059 199.8 61.8 6.0 2 1505.8 Wass D/A). WOyrye2 SY), 7/ 269.8 3 3639 HAT si 281.7 2338) « {8} 177.0 80.5 4 111.6 Silo 7 40.3 33.4 23.9) 20.8 5 WD .2 29) .'7/ 24.3 DP oi Zale 22.2 6 A530) 1) 5) 20.7 28.0 24.4 20.4 7/ I @ 27.7 29.4 24.5 7] 52 22.3 8 33.9 Oro ll 29.0 D233) Ik 7 17.0 9 57/5) 34.8 40.0 37.4 38.4 28.2 10 44.6 44.0 3555) 36.6 3535p) DBO 22 Run_ 8609231035 il 60.3 44.4 tO),3} 356 14.6 13 72 2) 55) 22 oT Uo2 10.4 6.9 8.9 3 30.0 12.6 1355 16.0 15.0 Boll 4 30.6 38.4 UG). 7/ 10.2 9.6 12.3 5 70.2 10.2 10.3 3.4 10.3 8.8 A7 Nh ro UW OD W OC NS! CO OV —NI CO NM NH CO br OO PN COWr (Sheet 5 of 5) DUfFwWNE DUOFwWwner DAUNFWNeE Seago e (2) (Ss) ©) S)) SQoQgoee© ooo .014 ooo oooo0co oooo°c°o oooocoo°o: .108 .121 pli .086 .089 .118 .099 Table A2 Streamer Number 3 4 5 Run 8609111745 0.210 0.321 0.410 0.091 0.308 0.403 0.210 0.305 0.426 0.206 0.318 0.394 0.200 0.324 0.426 0.203 0.305 0.397 Run_ 8609121037 0.219 0.340 0.451 0.197 0.311 0.403 0.197 0.292 0.407 0.200 0.321 0.429 0.203 0.318 0.426 0.187 0.286 0.394 Run _ 8609151345 0.194 0.301 0.400 0.187 0.298 0.400 0.194 0.292 0.410 0.219 0.340 0.419 0.206 0.324 0.432 0.210 0.308 0.435 Run 8609151630 0.213 0.314 0.435 0.210 0.321 0.403 0.238 0.330 0.422 Run_ 8609160922 0.187 0.301 0.400 0.168 0.270 0.400 Run 8609160945 0.235 0.359 0.476 0.200 0.315 0.429 (Continued) A8 oooo9cjo OQOQoeo oe SVO Foto tOn@ 6 .524 Streamer Elevations from Local Sea Bottom, m ©) (2) (=) (=) (=) ©) oooo0c°o QE QOoQo°e Qe © .978 .968 .943 ooo .981 .016 . 984 SiS 0.965 .022 0.797 ay 0.908 0.860 (Sheet 1 of 5) Table A2 (Continued) Trap Streamer Number Number il 2 3 4 5 6 Z 8 9 Run_ 8609161116 1 0.014 0.095 0.200 0.283 0.384 0.546 0.753 2 0.014 0.092 0.203 0.314 0.406 0.565 0.753 3 OROTAS ORO 2 0.203 0.305 0.422 0.600 0.746 4 QOle OW Ogvaibs} 0.330 0.410 0.540 0.759 0.911 5) 0.014 #40.118 0.206 0.334 0.429 0.556 0.711 0.864 6 0.014 0.095 0.194 0.314 0.403 0.527 0.686 0.838 1.057 7 0.014 0.111 0.210 0.334 0.441 40.546 0.705 0.861 1.073 8 0.014 0.089 0.197 0.305 0.400 0.530 0.762 0.978 9 0.014 10.105 0.206 0.327 0.445 0.540 0.768 10 OROTASS OPass 0.226 0.330 0.435 0.537 0.734 Run 8609181225 1 0.014 0.092 0.197 0.312 0.403 0.572 0.776 2 0.014 40.088 0.200 0.310 0.402 0.561 0.752 3 0.014 0.096 0.195 0.295 0.410 0.579 0.789 4 0.014 #£40.118 OR219 0.326 0.402 0.536 0.746 0.955 5 0.014 ©0.115 0.204 0.321 0.426 0.601 0.801 1.007 6 0.014 0.099 0.191 0.295 0.422 0.549 0.759 0.958 7 0.014 0.099 0.198 0.315 0.426 0.585 0.792 0.994 8 0.014 0.092 0.207 0.298 0.403 0.559 0.769 0.978 1.120 Run 8609181453 1 0.014 0.108 0.209 0.284 0.395 0.557 0.735 2 0.014 40.083 0.169 0.251 0.359 0.556 0.744 3 0.014 40.105 M210 @.3l4 @.Hil7 0.844 1.181 4 0.014 0.118 0.223 0.340 0.413 0.547 0.763 1.080 5 0.014 #4=0.115 0.204 0.321 0.426 0.607 0.810 1.012 6 0.014 0.099 QoMIl Osi O.SlA O64 O.854 W053 Ib, 2S 7 Q.Ol4e O12 0.220 Oo343) 0.512 OQ fii O98) I, tao) 8 0.014 40.088 0.210 0.336 0.447 0.562 0.772 0.981 9 0.014 0.099 0.210 0.324 0.432 0.642 0.855 10 0.014 0.092 O03 O50 OoAvE 0.625 0.822 Run 8609191016 1 0.014 0.067 0.153 0.279 0.397 0.578 OFS EsOGS 2 OO Oil @, i197 0.311 0.467 0.648 0.845 1.051 3 OF01A On078 0.143 0.257 0.368 0.587 0.810 1.019 4 0.014 40.079 0.185 0.346 0.546 0.838 1.146 5 0.014 0.083 QA O.333 0) 540 @.7/50 0,960) 6 0.014 0.096 ), ZAI Q.37L O.504 0.737 0.928 (Continued) (Sheet 2 of 5) AY Table A2 (Continued) Trap Number MONAHAN FWwWNE ANADUNFWNHE FPoOMm~NaAUFWNFE br Streamer Number i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Run_8609191230 0.014 0.064 0.144 0.261 0.360 0.544 0.747 0.014 0.070 0.153 0.263 0.371 0.562 0.756 1.076 0.014 0.080 0.207 0.359 0.543 0.740 0.950 0.014 0.064 0.172 #+0.311 £0.486 0.731 1.042 0.014 0.089 O.232 @,393 0.565 0.788 0.982 1.150 0.014 0.057 0.149 0.256 0.396 0.555 0.711 0.860 1.051 0.014 0.080 0.157 0.267 0.382 0.551 0.748 1.008 0.014 0.048 0.140 0.241 0.362 0.626 0.807 0.943 Run_ 8609201045 0.014 0.069 0.178 0.285 0.409 0.578 0.785 0.014 0.067 0.175 0.295 0.403 0.565 0.753 0.971 0.014 0.080 0.182 0.302 0.496 0.626 0.833 0.014 0.080 0.179 0.305 0.404 0.633 0.843 0.014 0.092 0.200 0.298 0.428 0.574 0.781 0.987 0.014 0.092 0.245 0.403 0.600 0.781 O99 el 0.014 0.080 0.172 0.317 0.425 0.555 0.752 0.958 0.014 0.064 0.179 0.299 0.401 0.554 0.764 0.970 Run_ 8609201500 0.014 0.071 0.186 0.284 0.424 0.605 0.819 0.014 0.086 0.187 0.308 0.451 0.626 0.867 1.070 0.014 0.095 0.203 0.330 0.540 0.743 0.953 0.014 0.108 0.222 0.400 0.661 0.857 1.067 0.014 0.099 0.232 0.375 0.565 0.702 0.854 1.010 0.014 0.114 40.229 0.362 0.572 0.727 0.918 1.089 0.014 0.079 0.168 0.295 0.435 0.645 0.838 1.042 0.014 0.060 0.168 0.265 OS/0> O255 OWo//3 OVS 0.014 0.102 0.210 0.324 0.534 0.743 0.953 0.014 0.102 0.219 0.324 0.537 0.740 0.949 Run_ 8609211046 0.014 0.086 MC OSI). SMeh7/ 0.540 0.743 0.946 0.014 0.080 0.182 0.289 OFS 945 08556 0.763 (Continued) (Sheet 3 of 5) A10 Table A2 (Continued) Trap Streamer Number Number il 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Run_8609211345 il 0.014 0.089 0.159 0.261 0.394 0.565 £0.765 2 0.014 0.092 0.187 0.314 0.422 0.664 0.867 1.070 3} 0.014 0.089 0.175 0.302 0.534 0.767 #420.940 4 0.014 0.108 0.219 0.330 0.432 0.648 0.959 5 0.014 0.095 0.197 0.292 0.422 0.594 0.753 0.937 6 0.014 0.064 0.162 0.270 0.384 0.581 0.765 0.969 1.153 7 OR Oivs Ool0y O570) @Oo327/ Osa Os59i Wo/e W997 8 0.014 0.089 0.181 0.276 0.387 40.556 0.673 0.873 9 0.014 0.102 0.210 0.324 0.537 0.743 0.956 10 0.014 0.095 0.210 0.318 0.527 0.737 0.940 11 0.014 0.089 0.191 0.302 0.384 0.635 0.838 12 0.014 0.105 0.213 0.324 0.438 0.594 0.803 1.105 13 0.014 0.092 0.175 0.308 0.524 0.788 1.029 14 0.014 0.099 0.200 0.318 0.470 O.711 #£40.950 15) 0.014 0.099 0.187 0.308 0.410 0.676 0.904 1.114 16 0.014 0.076 O.178 O.257 0.346 0.530 0.689 0.845 1.007 Run_860922073 1 0.014 0.095 0.184 0.299 0.407 0.629 0.896 2 0.014 0.076 0.153 0.245 0.397 0.638 0.842 1.045 3 0.014 0.086 0.178 0.308 0.521 0.724 0.927 4 0.014 0.092 0.162 0.305 0.416 0.629 0.838 5 0.014 0.073 0.206 0.324 0.400 0.562 0.765 1.019 6 OCA O00 ONGD O.275 O39 O.537 O./03 O.85% iLO} 7 0.014 0.105 O.181 O.283 0.429 0.740 0.943 1.121 8 0.014 0.076 O.191 O.305 0.451 0.648 0.861 1.067 Run_ 8609221600 1 0.014 0.095 0.203 0.283 0.397 0.575 0.816 22 0.014 0.070 0.172 0.286 0.403 0.549 0.759 0.965 3 0.014 0.083 0.191 O.311 0.470 0.632 0.943 4 0.014 0.095 0.194 0.321 0.400 0.534 0.743 5 0.014 0.095 0.203 0.305 0.419 0.584 0.784 0.988 6 0.014 0.060 0.200 0.318 0.378 0.524 0.702 0.899 1.165 7 0.014 0.089 0.197 0.330 0.457 0.613 0.759 0.965 8 Qs O07 Osi65 O.260% O39 O.537 W756 O.962 9 0.014 0.102 0.213 0.327 0.537 0.743 0.940 10 OF O14) OF 089) SORTS SOF 308) OF 524 5 08 78455102930 (Continued) (Sheet 4 of 5) All Table A2 (Concluded) i Streamer Number FPoOmANaAUFWNHE coooooooo0oo js) paar aS 014 .014 ONEwWwnr ooo0co°o io) ear - .014 SIOIOLOLCOFOLOrOVORO) ooo0c°o 2, .089 . 108 .099 Soo ©e © oooooooo°0o°o 3 4 5 Run_ 8609221750 194 0.289 0.394 187 0.302 0.419 191 0.368 0.534 194 0.318 0.451 219 0.337 0.438 191 0.305 0.397 216 0.337 0.448 203 0.299 0.422 216 0.330 0.543 oaks} | Oo S105) 0.524 Run_ 8609231035 sik) 0.327 0.391 . 156 0.266 0.406 .207 0.365 0.543 5204, 08324 (7 0R48 2 ZO ORS 245 OR a9 ooooooooo°o Qo oC © 6 .737 .594 .655 ooooooordcjoe Qo oo 7 .934 882 .855 .070 .067 .972 .965 1.181 .077 rPOOrRF 0.964 eee Al2 (Sheet 5 of 5) Table A3 Water Levels Time Water Level EDST m, NGVD Run 8609151345 1342 -0.25 1348 -0.22 1354 -0.20 1400 -0.17 1406 -0.17 1412 -0.14 Run 8609151630 1630 0.52 1636 0.53 1642 0.55 1648 0.58 1654 0.60 Run _ 8609181225 1224 -0.14 1230 -0.16 1236 -0.20 1242 -0.23 1248 -0.27 1254 -0.29 Run 8609181453 1448 -0.49 1454 -0.49 1500 -0.45 1506 -0.44 1512 -0.46 1518 -0.45 1524 -0.44 (Continued) A13 Table A3 (Concluded) Water Levels Time Water Level EDST m, NGVD Run 8609201045 1042 0.63 1048 0.64 1054 0.63 1100 0.62 1106 0.59 1112 0.56 1118 0.57 1124 0.52 1130 0.50 1136 0.48 Run _ 8609201500 1500 -0.40 1506 -0.41 1512 -0.41 1518 -0.43 1524 -0.46 1530 -0.49 1536 -0.45 1542 -0.47 1548 -0.41 Al4 Table A4 Horizontal Coordinates of the Photopoles* Offshore Coordinate Longshore Coordinate Pole No. Distance, m Distance, m 1 101.3 941.6 2 107.3 941.6 3 112.8 Qik, Y) 4 118.5 941.8 5 125.0 941.7 6 USS 941.5 7 137.4 941.5 8 143.3 941.8 9 148.8 941.6 10 155.0 941.9 11 160.2 942.0 12 166.4 941.8 ILS) 172.0 941.9 14 178.1 941.8 115} 184.4 941.8 16 190.0 942.0 iL7/ 196.0 942.2 18 202.8 942.4 19 208.0 942.4 20 DAS) 6 T/ 942.4 21 219.0 943.0 22 225.5 943.1 From Ebersole and Hughes (in preparation). A15 Run ID and Trap No. 8609111745 1 3 4 5 8609121037 1 8609151345 3 Streamer No. DAufFwne PRPRPPR FUONP OfFwnder uUrwoNnr Table A5 Grain Size Statistics Moment Statistics First Second PHI PHI NNNNN NNNN NNNNND NNNNN ND NNN NNNNPF NN NNNN NNNNNN oooo oooo ooooo oooooc;o ooooo .80 -41 -56 - 46 -43 -49 48 .38 42 41 74 -52 oD) -46 -42 -48 -48 48 -41 -61 34 -36 - 36 46 -49 -49 68 -35 .29 .27 41 .38 -61 .23 «44 -43 .52 41 -64 .78 Third Fourth .00 -07 -67 -01 ~44 -40 64 .73 .62 .87 .66 .08 .33 .67 . 86 -41 .03 -01 .37 .11 . 88 . 88 -92 259 .99 .29 41 44 .32 .78 04 .87 14 .39 -26 . 83 31 -76 -65 75 6.00 13.19 15.56 14.13 11.52 15.30 18.31 4.21 25.35 4.83 7.44 6.26 15.39 8.85 4.42 11.28 14.01 14.31 3.41 18.12 5.56 11.16 12.13 14.01 37.43 42.08 C)eiak 16.15 10.63 5.32 19.75 32.35 15.43 3.72 16.55 11.73 21.57 20.24 21.82 18.66 (Continued) A16 Folk Inclusive Graphic Statistics Median PHI NNN NNNN NNNNN WN NNNNN NNNNWN NNNN NNNNNN NNNNNN N NNNNN ND NNNNN NN NNNN NNNNDN NNNN Mean PHI 32 -60 -62 68 .53 -62 -90 -62 -61 -65 .13 39 -54 -66 ovat 31 -42 47 59 49 71 74 .76 .73 .77 o/s) -68 .79 -82 .80 .70 .70 75 75 peal -40 .53 53 -60 71 ooo°o Oo oooooo ooooo oo oooor oooo°o oooooo°o Soe && Standard Deviation PHI -22 -10 -32 .12 - 06 .16 .12 o abit .11 .20 .17 .09 .13 -42 -41 .03 .03 02 -11 .14 BCal -32 -23 . 36 12 .35 50 33 .33 22 .12 0.05 .39 .70 .04 .07 -06 -03 -18 .25 Skewness Kurtosis .38 -04 oV/al -99 CORR 00 -98 00 -90 88 - 86 ooooo0°co .23 .95 .87 -82 -81 oooc;cr 02 -O1 97 83 coorPR .04 .85 - 82 59/9) -00 rPoOoOoOrF -96 84 -76 -93 .76 - 83 oooro;9o o - 96 -07 .35 rP oO -63 -05 .10 .07 14 PRPPPP Pr -24 .32 RP (Sheet 1 of 4) Run ID and Trap No. 8609161116 1 Streamer No. DnUFWNEP FWONrRPFLWNEH fFwWNre UrwoNnNnr NOuf wonder Auf wnNre NOUS WNPH First Second PHI PHI NNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNN NNNNNDN ND - 66 74 -74 78 60 - 82 85 - 80 -68 .76 .76 -67 29 -68 o al -76 6 7k -74 59 -65 71 -73 71 59 -60 -60 -60 -68 -69 - 46 334 46 53 aei7/ -57 66 -40 -46 -46 -48 .93 53 -60 Table A5 (Continued) Moment Statistics oooo oooooo0oo0oo ooooo°c;o oooooco ooooco ooooo0ocoo coooocccoco Third Fourth (Continued) Al7 Folk Inclusive Graphic Statistics Median PHI NNNNNDNN NNNNN ND NNNN NWN NNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNN NNNNNNN -75 76 75 03 -64 -05 .07 . 84 -76 . 80 79 81 -41 70 -74 -81 .78 -84 -60 -71 -76 77 78 -62 64 -62 -62 oil 73 41 53 -49 -36 .60 62 .70 -47 5ey pail -54 -56 -56 -65 Mean PHI -72 athe) 75 7) NNNN 64 -O1 -05 - 82 .73 77 .76 -76 NNNNNNNN =44 -70 72 -76 74 oe) NNNNNN -61 68 .73 74 75 NNNN WN -61 63 -62 -62 -68 -70 NNNNNND -47 54 -48 -56 -59 61 .67 NNNNNNN 244 -48 49 54 56 -56 63 NNNNNDND NW Standard Deviation PHI oooo oooo0°co ooooo oooooo ooooo0ocoo0o9o ooooocjoco ooooo;cjcoco -24 -13 .13 .24 -13 -31 -33 .22 -23 -16 .25 .39 -37 - 06 oil7/ .30 -29 32 .03 -22 .21 -28 -25 -11 .13 -07 -04 paby/ .20 .00 .07 08 - 12 .13 .15 15 .20 .10 .16 o abil .10 -00 0 Al7/ Skewness Kurtosis ooor @ @ rPOoOCOCOOrRAO ie} NS rPOOOON foe} N oooocor foe} iS) oooooo SCCOORRRF N N OrPrPrPRPPP — o (Sheet 2 of 4) Run ID and Trap No. 8609181453 5 8609191230 7 8609201045 1 Streamer No. DnuOrFwnd ee NOUS WN EE NOUS WN PE for Au fwr UrFwNnr First Second PHI PHI NNNNNNND NNNNDN ND 60 -64 - 68 - 66 -68 74 71 49 -55 62 65 -62 68 52 -50 46 52 .52 38 -40 .53 68e) .60 30 .55 -59 -45 54 .57 -62 -67 -60 -58 .59 -62 .69 .58 .67 -62 -68 Table A5 (Continued) Moment Statistics oooooo0oo ooooo0co Third Fourth =) .56 .57 ~45 -61 .37 . 83 - 46 .09 -49 - 80 -64 .35 .57 .30 .81 .70 .34 32 - 36 54 .05 HS) 71 -69 -43 -31 -51 -73 .04 -94 .87 .28 -91 .25 .70 .70 72 -65 .92 -69 (Continued) A18 Folk Inclusive Graphic Statistics Median PHI NN ND NNNNNNND NNNNNN NNNNNNNDN NNNNN NNN NNNNNNDND NNNNNND NNNNNNN NNNNND Mean PHI oooooo0o;o ooo ooooo°o oooooo0oo ooooo oo ooo Standard Deviation PHI ooooo0oo .16 .06 .09 o1 -05 27 24 .15 .14 .13 -11 .05 01 15 -05 -11 .07 .02 -40 -42 .02 -10 .15 .31 -11 -01 24 -15 .15 .17 .19 -31 -32 .20 .16 .23 .10 a ye) 22 -16 oo oooorr morons NPRPOPPP (Sheet Skewness Kurtosis 94 97 -10 94 88 -03 -03 15 -04 -93 -92 -96 -00 02 o ail .27 91 -121 ~54 01 -96 96 -99 .67 .99 -93 14 -03 .99 .30 -98 -21 o abst -02 -O1 -94 -02 -96 -02 .93 3 of 4) Run ID and Trap No. 8609201045 8 8609201500 9 10 8609211345 15 16 8609221600 1 8609231035 2 Streamer No. fFWNP FwWNP AulfrwNnNnr Or NOUS WNEH uUSwnre OnNaAU LS WNPR First Second PHI PHI NN NNNN NNNNNN NNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN NNNNNNNND -45 Table A5 (Concluded) Moment Statistics oo ooooo0o°o oooco oooo ooooo°o ooooo0ooo -51 Third Fourth =) “3. Sole =()5 Ol ={) 5 -98 18. 72 Al19 Folk Inclusive Graphic Statistics Median PHI NNNNNDN NN NNNNNNNN NNNWN NNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN -61 -36 -65 -73 75 -78 55 75 -84 89 67 ade 295 87 -69 -92 -65 85 . 89 89 -93 75 572 .70 74 -61 .73 78 -01 altjal - 86 -87 .87 -98 .97 95 -50 Mean PHI NNNNNDN N ray NS NNNN NNNND a N N Pr 5 a NO fos} oo NNNNN N Ne) NNNNNNN N NS NNNNNNDNND fo.) feat Standard Deviation PHI ooooo0o°o oo ooooocoo ooooo oooooo0oco oooo oooo .30 -28 ~34 31 -30 . 30 -52 35 -34 33 31 -23 -21 33 61 2 le) -49 -32 32 - 36 -22 -26 -27 -28 -21 -37 -27 -26 .21 26 .21 .18 19 .19 -22 -65 .36 -09 Skewness Kurtosis -10 .20 12 -02 98 -00 PORPPRPPRP 14 -00 of 03 rPORPPR oth -93 . 30 .20 rPrRoOOo ray 77 -17 BR 11 -05 25 -32 23 PRPPPP -00 06 -91 92 94 -03 -80 ooooo0o9o 95 14 97 . 88 -00 26 .39 .18 NPRPRPOORO (Sheet 4 of 4) ater’ aameritt |. Oia Re be , justia buen la masemeryaiaaiep ay rekyeamn cena vs 4 sic betne! abesinaat. lohan Sy —- di dhehsans ch Cit Valin ag a0 RS i OR, bX ie, o nh eg 7 by yt & - 9 - &} f 4 ey Pty ‘ ; j Tt poe i “ee RE ry x On % , ier fy , 1 y ADE * it e » Tete { 4 AY Shien ho: me et, SA “ ng va zt A i * pot ; ant x, PAR SOE ik. aa wr an to ee y Nae G 2 dt, See is A? » 7 ; So _ % mb 26.8 ie fas { ma mig 195 2 ae wT é y ote On oy 2h8 6 2) a Opi 3 et 4 heaps A wy iu J bi af ; » al 4 : ‘ Ahur é 722 1 i bt 6.5 ee Biv? ape Le bh ce ae f a t oe | A he e ee t Ain : ty hi 6 “iw : ‘ “om e Q i } ¥ y, wb bbe ’ sh ei Ta ee } i) er! a i f om oe er = s 7 / 4 ron ¥ g } { : { 5 ‘ Of a> 4) ‘ e ny t ‘ a \p Bye 5 ies A a ui a t ; # an ' i Bvt inf ob iy" ae i i Pps (tenth $, mre maT. i * mn 5s " Am raaneuene 1468 der year vend Wl 8.1 Aperrer rym tameageto in iat % , i Via WTA eee | e) ; if f i ewe f APPENDIX B: NOTATION Empirical coefficient B Empirical coefficient c Empirical coefficient to convert wet weight to dry weight dH,»