/j' > i pfilULY BiVision of Mollusks S^tional Librcfry SUPPLEMENT TO THE APPENDIX OF CAPTAIN PARRY’S FIRST VOYAGE. Ts \\' A SUPPLEMENT THE APPENDIX OF CAPTAIN PARRY’S VOYAGE FOR THE DISCOVERY OF A NORTH-WEST PASSAGE, IN THE YEARS 1819—20. CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE SUBJECTS OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bhton of Ssctional LibrcoY LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE- STREET^ MDCCCXXIV. * LONDON: PRINTED BV W. CLOWES, N orthumberland-Court. t/BRftBl tA o . G (p5q iSil c. V eS^m ADVERTISEMENT. On returning from the late Expedition to the Polar Seas, I much regretted to find that the account of the Natural Productions collected on the former voyage had not yet been completed. Of the cause of the delay I need not here speak, as it has, in some measure, been explained in the course of the following pages. It is only necessary for me, therefore, to repeat my acknowledgments to the respective Writers of the following Notices, for the trouble they have kindly taken in drawing them up. W, E. PARRY. London, December, 18S3. ■ V ' . .Ti ■''imro’l' ^rlt- ff.> fwto-flfoo orti iivifai voaB orit Wit ..-,a4,.U j Jnofia cmrl loft Fwfi I. /obb ydt 3ti> 'YO ' ji'fW)' Ny,- yliio.-.f .'I ■ih rfi. :•;>,! , rtiR'^tifTC li aulh'^N' 37itiK‘;Wi mIi, oi THf Jfi'K'f'T': O' vrobjuclt , rfij in’ cf3>fjo; Yjijin4 -i.rjad Tirll ■ial • ' ■ . ■ ’ , . ■ ' . ■ . . I'l .!■ ' ■ •• CONTENTS. Mammalia, by Captain Edward Sabine Birds, by Captain Edward Sabine Fish, by Captain Edward Sabine . . . Land Invertebrate Animals, by the Rev. William Kirby . Marine Invertebrate Animals, by Captain Edward Sabine Shells, by John Edward Gray, Esq Botany, by Robert Brown, Esq. . . . • . Rock Specimens, by Charles Konig, Esq. Page . clxxxiii . cxciii . ccxi . cexiv . ccxix . ccxl celix ccxlvi e ERRATUM. Page ccxix, for Inverfebrate Animals read Marine Invertebrate Animals. APPENDIX X. NATURAL HISTORY .'f«' "■v'"sv fcit' m ■ ■ .'<■ . . V ' ■'’.' '^4; ''^i ■»/ I '' .4 4,^ .<' ■; A' 4 \ ♦,. ! '■ n M * ' ( l'> .'I'll'M! 4, ' 1 : < .Ir ■’^m Vf «/?,'.'( ;»',3Ui‘.v'-. /. I'l' .iwli ■,;!) ni ^'•<>i’Y'■■> Tti-Tui * ^ . t • ' .■-''.»i‘jr'M(‘^ ir .von^Mi '7' j^Xl jr - '••I :nr>) r «i%U‘ i 1. 4 'ii '.'t/ '■■ '.( ■*.||7>l ;rM{iirtC^; 7 (K«t<>iv^3 f<] ')' ‘'■W'i ' . \’v»-''4r.';>'"4ri:V ' ;■■• .7mU \v.v ‘\ :, i/ hu i ,l '. . ' ■ , 4 -^ V:'-; 'Jih IK) Jurjnj'vfn’j ’.iii-tn!* '‘’loKfin iiil uo OBf?? '.'ti-riu inti v/}flt nod^ hmt :•{'<•; .<>i ; oftt y^l’ ,, ', ' • ''!>+j:(‘iil#W IVHl Kfjilfe ruit lO- . ■t'»4*w <,'/;•«[ J'lfl'ux). ; :'7lj;.:,)r'. '>*uj fK»o} fi.fiii*') /jr.'t !5J. ' <;’<.) !ii ■<.<■;, •;' ■ iliviri//. Ifi ('3‘Mr!s;njvl:jioltU>2-'j/.4'l ?Jlft Ibiflv^ rii- w|P|wn, • ■ ' • , . i\iU'W4Vlf(A-4^!'i'nj/A ,■)/!? ny^ ' ,i;#^;^^i:')bi-ft; N“ X. ZOOLOGY. The following account is limited to a notice of the animals which were met with during the period in which the Expedition remained within the Arctic Circle ; it comprises an enumeration of the well-knoAvn species, ac- companied by occasional remarks, and a more extended description of such as are considered to be previously undescribed. MAMMALIA. 1. Ursus Maritimus. Polar Bear. Seen occasionally during the voyage ; frequent on the west coast of Davis’ Strait, where they are more numerous than on the eastern side, being less disturbed by the whalers ; but more rarely met with after the entrance of the ships into the Polar Sea, where seals and walruses which are their favourite food are scarce ; only two bears were seen during the many months in which the Expedition remained at Melville Island, one in October and the other in the August following. clxxxiv APPENDIX. It is mentioned by several authors, but apparently without authority, that the white bear sleeps during the winter in caverns in the ice. Fabricius expressly states the contrary on his own knowledge. The bears which were seen in Melville Island may have passed the winter in the neighbourhood of Barrow’s Straits, where it is probable open water may be found in the greater part, if not during the whole, of the year. The weight of this species varies exceedingly according to the condition of the individual ; one killed in the former Expedition weighed above 1,100 pounds ; whereas another which was obtained in the present Voyage, and which was somewhat larger in all its measurements, weighed not quite 900 pounds. The canine teeth are solitary in the upper, and approximate to the fore teeth in the under jaw. On the return of the ships through Barrow’s Strait, a bear was met with swimming in the water about mid-way between the shores which were about forty miles apart; no ice was in sight except a small quantity near the land ; on the approach of the ships, he appeared alarmed and dived, but rose again speedily ; a circumstance which may seem to confirm the remark of Fabricius, that Avell as the Polar bear sAvims, it is not able to remain long under Avater. 2. Gulo Luscus. Woolverene. The skull of a Avoolverene Avithout the lower jaw Avas picked up in Melville Island, but the living animal was not met with. Since the return of the Expedition, the skull has been identified with one Avhich is in the museum of the College of Surgeons, marked by the late Mr. John Hunter, as belonging to a woolverene from Labrador ; it has also been identified with the skull of a woolverene in the collection of Joshua Brookes, esq., Avhich he was so obliging as to cause to be taken out of the skin for the purpose of com- parison. This animal is therefore enumerated Avith confidence amongst the quadrupeds of the North Georgian Islands, although it is probably of rare "6 ZOOLOGY. clxxxv occurrence. Mr. Brookes’s specimen agrees very well with the description in Pennant's History of Quadrupeds ; but in the plate the face is scarcely suffi- ciently sharp, or pointed, 3. Mustela Erminea. Ermine. This species was shot at Possession Bay on the former Expedition, and was seen in the present voyage, on the continuation^ of the same coast, further to the southward. It probably does not inhabit the opposite side of Davis’ Strait, as it is not noticed among the Greenland quadrupeds by Fabricius. 4. Canis Lupus. Wolf. Inhabit the North Georgian Islands, and were seen almost daily during tlie winter, but would not suffer themselves to be approached within gunshot ; they were of a very light colour, and of the full size of a setter dog. Those naturalists, who believe that no animal, in a perfectly natural and wild state, will connect itself with one of a different species, will consider the long-agitated question, of the specific identity of the wolf and dog, as determined by a circumstance of frequent occurrence at Melville Island ; in Decembier and January, which are the months in which wolves are in season, a female paid almost daily visits to the neighbourhood of the ships, and remained until she was joined by a setter dog belonging to one of tlie officers ; they were usually together from two to three hours, and as they did not go far away unless an endeavour was made to approach them, repeated and decided evidence was obtained of the purpose for which they were thus associated ; as they became more familiar, the absences of the dog were of longer continuance, until at length he did not return, having pro- bably fallen a sacrifice in an encounter with a male wolf ; the female, however, continued to visit the ships as before, and enticed a second dog in the same manner, which, after several meetings, returned so severely bitten, as to be disabled for many days. It is believed, that this is the first authenticated instance of an undomes- clxxxvi APPENDIX. ticated wolf having intercourse with a dog; when tamed, it is well known that they will readily breed together. Whatever doubts may have once prevailed, it is now ascertained by the observations of modern naturalists, that neither in conformation, nor in the period of gestation, does any such difference exist between the wolf and dog, as will warrant a specific distinction. The manner of carrying the tail has been considered a difference ; but amongst the Esquimaux dogs which have fallen under the notice of the late and the present expedition, there have been indivi- duals who constantly carried their tails in the manner which was supposed to be peculiar to the wolf ; these dogs approach nearer to the wolf in its wild state, than any of the other domesticated varieties ; a young female was pro- cured from the Esquimaux who were communicated with in Davis’ Strait on the 7th of September, in the hope that by her means the perfect breed might be kept up in this country for the satisfaction of naturalists, a male which was brought to England by the former expedition being still alive; but she unfortunately disappeared from the Hecla during the detention of the ship in Leith roads to refit, and from subsequent inquiry, it is feared that she has ceased to exist as a living specimen. The only female which was brought home by the former expedition was presented to the Royal Menagerie at Paris, and has furnished the subject of an article in the splendid work of Messrs. Saint Hilaire and Frederic Cuvier, L'Histoire Naturdle des Mammiferes; from whence the following passage has been extracted, for the purpose of no- ticing an erroneous supposition which it contains, and into which these eminent naturalists have been accidentally misled: — “ Nous devons ces pr^cieux Ani- “ maux a M. le docteur Leach, qui, en ayant obtenu une femelle pleine, au “ retour de l’exp6dition du Capitaine Ross, a bien voulu nous I’envoy^r. Cette “ femelle a mis bas trois petits, un male et deux femelles, qui suffiront sans “ doute pour nous conserver une race dont I’intelligence et la force, appliquees “ a nos besoins domestiques, pourront nous rendre d’utiles services. Aucune de “ nos races de Chiens, qui se rapportent a celle-ci, ne sont aussi belles et aussi “ fortes.” By an omission, doubtless of inadvertency, the keepers of the mena- ZOOLOGY. clxxxvii gerie were not apprized that the female in question was with young by a Newfoundland dog, belonging to an officer of the Isabella ; and it has unfor- tunately happened, that the plate of the “ Chien des Esquimaux de la Baie de Baffin,” as well as the minute measurements and description in the letter- press, are taken, not from the mother, but from one of the young after it had attained its full growth ; and it is not, therefore, a representation of a genuine Esquimaux dog as the authors designed. It is probable, however, that the mixed breed may possess the qualities which are ascribed to it by Messrs. Saint Hilaire and Cuvier, of strength and intelligence applicable to our domestic purposes, to as great an extent as the pure Esquimaux breed ; and, judging from the plate, it is certainly not inferior in beauty. 5. Canis Lagopus. Arctic Fox. Inhabits all the countries which were visited by the expedition, and remains in the North Georgian Islands throughout the year, several having been caught in the winter : they differed in no respect from the descriptions of authors ; the flesh is white, and without the rank smell of the common fox. 6. Lepus Glacialis. Polar Hare. L. albus, auribus apice nigris capite longioribus, caud^ abbreviate, unguibus validis latis depressis. Inhabits Greenland, the southern coast of Barrow’s Strait, and the North Georgian Islands where they are very abundant. Considerable numbers were killed in the summer as a supply of provision for the ships’ companies ; they were usually shot whilst feeding in ravines, and near the bottom of steep cliffs by the sea-side, which they ascend with great agility on being alarmed, and secure themselves in their holes amongst the loose stones near the top of the cliffs. None were seen during the winter, but it does not seem probable that they had quitted the island. clxxxviii APPENDIX. This species is larger than the L. Variabilis ; the average weight being about 8 lbs. ; the ears are longer in proportion to the head than those of the common hare, (L. Timidus,) and much longer than those of the L. Variabilis ; the ears of the common hare are usually considered one-tenth longer than the head, those of the present species are from one-fifth to one-seventh ; the fore teeth are curves of a much larger circle, and the orbits of the eye project much more than those of either of the other species; the toes are five before and four behind, the fifth toe of the fore foot being very small, scarcely indeed more than a claw, and situated close to the knee ; the claws are broad, depressed, and strong : those of the L, Timidus and Variabilis being, on the contrary, compressed and weak : the hind leg is shorter in proportion to the size of the animal, than in the Variabilis. The fur is exceedingly thick and woolly, of the purest white in spring and autumn, excepting a tuft of long black hair at the tips of the ears, which is reddish brown at the base : the whiskers are also black at the base for half their length. In some of the full grown specimens killed in the height of summer, the hair of the back and sides was a greyish brown towards the points, but the mass, of fur beneath still remained white; the face and the front of the ears were a deeper grey. The fur is interspersed with long solitary hairs which, in many individuals were banded with brown and white in the middle of summer. The hares which Mr. Hearne describes in his northern voyage to inhabit the continent of America as high as the 72° of lati- tude, are stated to weigh 14 or 15 lbs., when full grown, and in good con- dition: the largest hare which was killed at Melville Island, did not amount to 9 lbs. Were it not for this difference in size, they might be supposed, from other parts of the description, to be the same species. 7. Lemmus Hudsonius. Hudson's Bay Lemming. Are abundant in the country on the west side of Davis’ . Strait, and in the islands of the Polar Sea, but are probably unknown in Greenland, as they ZOOLOGY. clxxxix are not mentioned by Fabricius. They live in summer in burrows, and in winter in nests of moss on the surface of the ground beneath the snow, rarely going abroad during the severity of winter. This species is distin- guished by the prolongation of the two middle toes of the fore feet into a pointed callus beneath the claw, making the toes appear double clawed : the same peculiarity is observable in the outer toes, but in a much less degree, and it is altogether less marked in the female and young, than in the male. The tail is not quite half an inch in length, terminating with long stiff hairs, which alone appear beyond the fur ; it is erroneously stated in the Rhgne Animale to be without a tail. The length of a full grown male specimen is less than six inches, the females are not so large. The fur is soft and long, deep gray at the base, and white at the points in winter ; the white being mottled in summer with black and reddish brown on the back, and with reddish brown on the under parts. The fore-feet have four toes with claws, and the rudiment of a fifth toe without a claw, at the hinder part of the fore foot. 8. Bos Moscatus. Musk Ox. This species of ox inhabits the North Georgian Islands in the summer months, but being less numerous than the rein-deer, and more difficult to approach, three individuals only were killed, all of which were bulls. They arrived in Melville Island in the middle of May, crossing the ice from the southward, and quitted it on their return towards the end of September. The musk ox may be further stated, on Esquimaux information, to inhabit the country on the west of Davis’ Strait, and on the north of Baffin’s Bay : as a head and horns and a drawing of a bull being shewn to the Esquimaux of the west coast of Davis’ Strait who were communicated with on the 7th of September, were immediately recognised, and the animal called by the name of Umingmack ; this is evidently the same with the Umimak of the Esquimaux of Wolstenholme Sound, who were visited by the former expedition, and of which nothing more could be learnt at the time from their description than that it was a Sag cxc APPENDIX. large horned animal inhabiting the land, and certainly not a rein-deer. It is probable that the individuals which extend their summer migration to the north-east of Baffin’s Bay, retire during the winter to the continent of America, or to its neighbourhood, as the species is unknown in South Green- land. There can be no doubt that it was the head of an animal of the present species which is described in the Faum Groenlandica to have been conveyed on , a piece of ice to the shores of Greenland and which is there erroneously con- jectured to have belonged to the Bos Grunniens. It is a curious fact, however, that although none of the Greenlanders had ever seen the animal to which the head belonged, they should have given it the same name of Umimak, as is mentioned by O. Fabricius ; this fact may seem to justify an inference that the animal itself was known to them by tradition ; and may thus, in some measure, corroborate the general belief that their ancestors came from a country to the north and west of the one which they now inhabit. The flesh of the bulls which were killed by the expedition was generally liked, although tasting strongly of musk. The weight of each individual exceeded 700 lbs., yielding about 400 lbs. of meat ; the head and skin weighed 130 lbs. ; they stood 10| hands high at the withers. A very correct repre- sentation of the bull is given in a plate, from a drawing of Lieutenant Beechey’s. The projection of the orbits of the eyes in this species is very remarkable, when compared with others of the same genus ; it is probably a provision to carry the eye clear of the great quantity of hair which the severity of the cold renders necessary in such high latitudes. 9. Cervus Tarandus. Rein-deer. Inhabit the North Georgian Islands in summer in considerable numbers, arriving towards the middle of May, and retiring to the south before the first week in October. In the course of the season 24 were killed, and afforded an agreeable supply of fresh provision to the ship s companies. The species is too well known to require any further remark. ZOOLOGY. GXCl 10. Phoca Vitulina. Common Seal. A seal was killed in Baffin’s Bay whilst sleeping on a fragment of ice, which agreed in all respects with the description of the P. Vitulina in the Fauna Groenlandica, so far as it goes, the relative proportion of the toes not being noticed in that work. In this individual the middle toe of the fore flipper was the longest, the others on each side decreasing in length, so that the two exterior were half an inch shorter than the middle one. This forma- tion does not agree with the general accounts of authors of the P. Vitulina, but is equally inapplicable to any other described species ; it does not indeed accord with the generic character of the Phoca in the Regne Animate. In the hind flipper the exterior toes were the longest, and were connected by a thick membrane, containing three other slender and shorter toes. A young seal, which was given by the master of a whaler to the officers of the Alexander, one of the ships on the former voyage, became so entirely domesticated and attached to the ship, that it was frequently put into the sea, and suffered to swim at perfect liberty, and when tired would return of itself to the boat’s side to be taken in. Seals were very abundant whilst the ships remained in Davis’ Strait and Baffin’s Bay ; amongst them the P. Barbata and P. Groenlandica were believed to be recognised, but were not killed. Very few were seen after the entrance of the Expedition into the Polar Sea, in consequence of there being so little open water. 11. Trichecus Rosmarus. Walrus. A young male not full grown was killed in Davis’ Strait, being in length, from the nose to the extremity of the hind flipper, ten feet three inches, and weighing 1,384 Ihs. Thfs animaFfs so well known that a particular description is unnecessary. The number of grinders were five on each side in CXCll APPENDIX. the upper jaw, and four in the lower, O. Fabricius and Cuvier describe only four in either jaw ; but Muller (Prodromus) mentions having seen a Green- land specimen with five in the upper. The eyes are prominent, rather than sunken, as stated by Pennant. It might also be erroneously inferred that the walrus has a tail, from an expression in the Arctic Zoology, “ body very thick in the middle, lessening gradually towards the tail." 12. Monodon Monoceros. Narwhal. An individual of this species was killed in Prince Regent’s Inlet; the horn was unfortunately not perfect, a piece having been broken off the end by some accident ; the part which remained was above four feet in length externally, the diameter at the insertion an inch and six-tenths, and at the broken end eight-tenths of an inch ; the length of the animal from the insertion of the horn to the fork of the tail, thirteen feet five inches and a half; the spiracle at the summit of the head, fourteen inches and a half from the extremity of the snout, two inches eight-tenths in diameter, having a membrane in the interior, dividing it into two parts ; the fins were two feet four inches and a half from the insertion of the horn, six inches and a half broad at the base, seven inches and a half in the middle which is the broadest part, and fifteen inches long; the skin half an inch thick, marbled black and white in the back, beneath white ; the fins black. Besides the twelve species of Mammalia which have been thus described, the Balaena Mysticetus, B. Physalus, and the Delphinus Albicans, were fre- j quently seen, but no individual of either species was killed. ZOOLOGY. CXClll BIRDS. On the return of the Expedition of 1818, an account of the various species of birds which had been seen during that voyage, was presented to the ’Linnean Society by Captain Sabine, and has been published in the 12th volume of their Transactions, being entitled, “ A Memoir on the Birds of Greenland.” Many of the species seen in the present voyage having been already noticed therein, it has been considered preferable to refer to the Memoir in such cases, rather than to repeat the accounts which it contained ; the reference being considered to imply the confirmation of subsequent expe- rience ; the new matter which this voyage has furnished, is given in the present account. The species which were not seen in the first voyage are described here on the same plan as on the former occasion, and the same authors are referred to. Since the publication of the Memoir, Mr. Temminck has printed a second edition of his excellent Avork, the Manuel d'Ornithologie de I'Europe, much improved and extended. This edition has been consulted on the present occasion, and references to it are added in all cases. 1. Strix Nyctea. Snowy Owl. Gmel. i. 291. Lath. Ind. i. 57. Syyi. i, 132. Arct. Zool. no. 121. Wil. Am. Orn. iv. 53. Fabr. no. 36. Faun. Suec. 73. Temm. 82, Several pairs of this species were seen during the summer months on the islands in the Polar Sea ; but being very wary, and the country affording little shelter to the sportsman, only a single individual was killed. It may be remarked, generally, of, all the birds which frequent these islands in the breeding season, that they arrive in May, and depart with their young CXCIV APPENDIX. broods in October, and that not a single species remains during the dreary season of winter. An instance did indeed occur in February, of a bird being said to be seen by a sailor of the Hecla, who was walking on Melville Island at no great distance from the ships. He described it as a large white bird flying very near the ground. If it were indeed a bird, it was most probably a strix nyctea ; but as neither this, nor any other individual were observed before or afterwards, until the general arrival in May, and as scarcely a day passed afterwards in which birds of this species were not seen, it seems reasonable to conclude that this solitary, and somewhat uncertain, instance does not justify an exception to the above general remark. 2. CoRvus CoRAX. Raven. Greenl. Birds, no. 3. Temm. 107. Several pairs were seen at Melville Island ; the individuals which were killed differed in no respect from the European specimens. \ 3. Emberiza Nivalis. Snow Bunting. Greenl. Birds, no. 5. Temm. 319. Very numerous in the North Georgian Islands, where they are amongst the earliest arrivals ; attempts were made to keep them on board in cages through the winter, but were unsuccessful ; they soon became apparently reconciled to the confinement, but did not long survive the loss of liberty. 4. Caprimulgus Americanus. Musqueto Hawk. Wil. Am. Orn. v. 65. Arct. Zool. no, 337. A female of this species was found on Melville Island, lyiug dead on the ground about a quarter of a mile from the sea. These birds are known to ZOOLOGY. CXCV breed and inhabit as far north as Hudson’s Bay ; but as they live principally in woods, and feed on mosquitoes and other winged insects, which are very rare in the North Georgian Islands, it is more than probable that the present individual was an accidental visitor, and had died from the want of food. It was extremely thin, but otherwise the plumage was in good preservation. Wilson’s Plate and description of this species is most accurate ; Fabricius does not mention it as known in Greenland. 5. Tetrao Rupestris. Rock Grous. GmeL 751. Lath. Ind, ii. 640. no. 11. — T. Lagopus. Greenl. Birds, no. 4. Temm.^Q^ ? — Rock Grous, Arct. Zool. no. 184. Lath. Syn. Supp. i. 217. In the description in the Memoir on the Greenland Birds, of the Grous killed at Hare Island, it was observed that their plumage was in some respects different from the Scotch Ptarmigan, but the difference was considered as the effect of climate operating on one and the same species ; the circumstance, however, of birds exactly similar to the Scotch Ptarmigan having been killed on the opposite coast of Davis’ Strait, during the present voyage, has induced a closer investigation, and has led to the belief that two distinct species were confounded on the former occasion ; the Scotch Ptarmi- gan and the birds which correspond in every respect with them and which inhabit the country on the south-west side of Baffin’s Bay, being the Tetrao Lagopus of Gmelin ; whilst the species found at Hare Island, and subsequently in great abundance in the North Georgian Islands is the Tetrao Rupestris of the same author, and the Rock Grous of the Arctic Zoology, and is the subject of the present article. This species undergoes the same changes from season as the T. Lagopus ; in winter both sexes are white, with the exception ' of the tail feathers, and of a black bar from the bill through the eye, peculiar to the male. In this state, they arrived at Melville Island on the 12th of May ; on the 31st, a female was killed, of which a great part of the white feathers of the head, neck, and back had moulted, and were replacing by coloured feathers, being CXCVl APPENDIX. the first bird which was observed in change ; by the end of the first week in June the summer plumage of the females was generally complete, and a change had commenced in a few of the males ; some of the latter were however killed, as late as the middle of June, in which no alteration of their winter plumage had taken place. The distribution of the coloured plumage of summer corresponds both in the male and female with the Ptarmigan, the same parts of both species remaining white ; but there is much difference in the colour itself ; the upper plumage of the Ptarmigan is cinereous, with undulating and narrow black lines and minute spots, whereas in the Rock Grous each feather is black, cut by transverse broad lines or bars of a reddish yellow, which do not reach on either side so far as the shaft, and have spaces of black between them, broader than the bars themselves ; the feathers are tipt with a light colour in the male, approaching to white in the female. The tail consists of fourteen feathers, which do not undergo changes from season. In the greater number of individuals, the whole fourteen are black with white tips, but in occasional specimens, the two middle ones are entirely white, and in others partly black, and partly white ; and this has been found to be the case in individuals of a pack, others of which had not the same peculiarities. It is, doubtless, in consequence of this accidental variation that “ rectricibus atris apice albis, intermediis totis albis” forms erroneously a part of the specific character of the T. Rupestris in Gmelin. The superior and inferior tail coverts are very long, exceeding occasionally the length of the tail itself; these feathers change from white in winter to the same colour as the upper plumage in summer. The average length of the male specimens is 13| inches ; of females 12| ; both sexes are inferior in size to the Lagopus ; the two species resemble each other in the formation and colour of the claws and bill, and in the naked space above the eye, terminated by a dentated membrane, larger and more conspicuous in the male than in the female. The ground colour of the egg of the Rock Grous, is a pale reddish brown, irregularly blotched and spotted with darker brown. ZOOLOGY. CXCVIl The young in autumn resemble the summer plumage of the parents ; but are not quite so regularly marked. These birds are easily killed, especially in the breeding season, when the female will suffer herself to be taken on the nest. When in pairs the male will not quit the female on her being shot. They were killed in con- siderable numbers in Melville Island, as a supply of provision to the ships’ companies. This species is not found in the British Islands. 6. Tetrao Lagopus. Ptarmigan. Gmel. 749. Lath. Ind. ii. 639. no. 9. Fabr. 80. — Ptarmigan. Arct. Zool. p. 315. Mont. Orn.Dict. Lath. Srjn. iv. 741. Inhabits the country South of Barrow’s Strait and East of Regent’s Inlet, but was not met with in the North Georgian Islands. It is the ptarmigan of Scotland. The specific character of the T. Lagopus of Gmelin, commencing with “ Cinereus'’ marks it as referable to the present species, the coloured plumage of which in the summer season is cinereous, with minute black lines and spots, excepting in the head and neck, where it is rightly charac- terized by the same author, as marked with “ broad bands of black, ferruginous, and white the white prevails in the throat, and the black and ferruginous in the crown and hind head. This species has also fourteen black feathers with white tips, which undergo no change from season ; it has also two additional middle in- cumbent feathers, which the preceding species has not. These feathers are very variable in colour: in some specimens, both of summer and winter birds, they are white ; in others, also of both seasons, they approach to black, with broad white tips ; and in occasional summer specimens they are of the same colour as the upper plumage ; these two feathers are exclusive of six long feathers of the superior (coverts, the outer ones being shorter than the others,) which are white in winter, and cinereous, waved with minute bars of black, in the summer. 3 b ‘2 CXCVlll APPENDIX. This description includes all the specimens which have been examined, of both Scotch and Arctic birds ; it agrees also with the account in Montagu of the individuals which had come under his notice from Norway and Scot- land ; but it does not agree with the specific character of the Lagopus given by Temminck “ dix-huit pennes d la queue/’ of which the two middlemost are de- scribed as changing from season ; nor does it precisely with Fabricius’ descrip- tion of his Greenland Lagopus in the Faun. Green. No. 80,, where the interme- diate and incumbent feathers are to be stated four instead of two ; the number of the true tail feathers, however, corresponding with the present description. After a very careful examination of the accounts which these authors have given of the birds which they have respectively designated as T. Lagopus, it appears by no means decided to which species they refer, whether to the present or to the preceding ; the “ dorsum et uropygium nigro cinerascentique undulata,” would seem to refer Fabricius’ to the present species ; whereas the description of both sexes in the summer plumage in Temminck’s second edition very nearly accords with the birds which were obtained in Melville Island, and which are here considered the Rupestris ; this opinion is consi- derably strengthened by the comparison of a specimen recently received from Mr, Temminck, as his European T, Lagopus, with the Melville Island birds, wherein no other dilference is perceptible, than that the reddish- yellow markings are rather more vivid and predominant in the European specimen. The males average fifteen inches, the females fourteen inches in length. The Tetrao Salicetti of Temminck (Albus of Gmelin and other authors) is distinguishable from either of the species which have been now described, 1st. by its superiority in size ; 2d, by the shape of the bill and claws, and by the colour of the latter, which is white in the Salicetti, and dark, approaching to black, in the Lagopus and Rupestris ; 3dly, by the absence of the black line through the eye in the male ; 4thly, by the general colour of the summer’s plumage, which is deep orange in the Salicetti^ crossed by narrow and waving black bars and spots on the back, and pure on the breast. ZOOLOGY. CXCIX 7. Calidris Arenaria. Sanderling. Temm. 524. Winter. Tringa Arenaria. Gmel. i. 680. Wil. Am. Orn. vii. 68. Sanderling. Arct. Zool. no. 403. Lhili. Syn. v. 197. Mont. Orn. Diet. Supp. Summer. Charadrius Rubidus. Gmel. i. 688. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 740. Wil. Am. Orn. vii. 129. — Ruddy Plover. Arct. Zool. no. 404. Lath. Syn. v. 195. Mont. Orn. Diet. ^ Supp. Young. Charadrius Calidris. Gmel. i. 689. Lath. Ind. ii. 741. — Sanderling. Lath. Syn. V. 197. 4" Supp. 253. Breed in considerable numbers on the North Georgian Islands: several pairs were killed at different periods of the breeding season, the males and females of which were invariably found to differ in their plumage ; the general colour of the female being lighter, and having more cinereous and less of black and reddish marking than that of the male : this is especially the case in the chin, throat, and fore part of the neck ; which may be described in the female as white, with a very slight sprinkling of dark spots, and scarcely any appearance of red ; whereas, in the males, the dark colours greatly predominate. The quill feathers of both sexes, and of all the speci- mens, were reddish-brown in those parts of the birds, which are usually described by some authors as being black. 8. Charadrius Pluvialis. Golden Plover. Temm. 535. Winter. Gmel. i. p. 688. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 740. Syn. v. 193. Arct. Zool. no. 399- Wil. Am. Orn. vii. 71. Faun. Suec. no. 190. Summer. C. Apricarius. Gmel. i. 687. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 742. Fahr. no. 79. Wil. Am. Orn. vii. 41. Faun. Suec. no. 189. — Alwargrira Plover. Lath. Syn. v. 198. 4" Supp. i. 252. Arct. Zool. no. 398. ^ Stepp. 69. Breeds in the swampy parts of the North Georgian Islands in considerable abundance. In the young birds, killed in the latter part of August and in September, the colours of the head and upper plumage were scarcely less vivid than in their parents ; the neck and breast being an obscure but pale cinereous brown, on which the future spotting was just discefnible ; the cc APPENDIX. whole inferior plumage was a very faint brown, without the mixture or appearance of black feathers in a single instance. 9. Charadrius Hiaticula. Ring Plover. Greenl. Birds, no. 10. Temm. 539. Abundant on the shores of Possession Bay and of Regent’s Inlet. The indivi- duals which were killed corresponded to the description of Temminck, except that the colour of the tail feathers was pale-brown at the base, differing in shade into almost black ; the outer feather on each side, both shaft and web, being a pure white, as well as the tips of the whole twelve. 10. Strepsilas Collaris, Turnstone. Temm. 553. — Tringa Interpres. Gmel. i. 671. Lath. Ind. ii. 738. Wil. Am. Orn. vii. 32. Fab. no. 74. Faun. Suec. 178. Briin. 175.— Turnstone. Lath. Syn. v. 188. — Hebridal Sandpiper. Arct. Zool. 382. Young. Tringa Morinella. GmeZ. i. 571. Lath. Syn. y. \S9. Varieties of the Turnstone. Breeds in the North Georgian Islands. The specimens which were killed agreed in all respects with the description of the full-plumaged bird in Tem- minck and in Wilson. The peculiarity in the hind toe of this species seems to have escaped the observation of the generality of authors ; Wilson being the only one, amongst those who are referred to above, who has noticed it. It turns inwards, instead of taking as is usual, a straight direction backwards. The legs are deep orange-red during the height of the breeding season. 11. Tringa Variabilis. Dunlin. Temm. 612. — Tringa Alpina. Greenl, Birds, no, 9, i' Rare on the coast ofiDavis’ Strait and of Baffin’s Bay, and in the islands of the Polar Sea. The specific name of Alpina, by which this species was distin- guished in the Memoir on the Greenland Birds, has been changed to Variabilis, ZOOLOGY. CCl which is a more appropriate name, and is adopted by Mr. Temminck in his second edition, where the history o^f its various states of plumage is correctly given, and the errors pointed out into which preceding naturalists, with the exception of Montagu and Wilson, had fallen. 12. Tringa Cineria. Knot. Greenl. Birds, 7io. 8. Temm. 627. Breeds in great abundance on the North Georgian Islands. In the indivi- duals killed in the height of the season the red of the breast was fully as deep as in the plate in Wilson’s Am. Orn., and extended invariably to the under tail coverts, being very sparingly marked with white on the abdomen, and with a few longitudinal black streaks. The hind toe of the Knot is directed in- wards, as is that of the Turnstone. 13. Tringa Maritima. Purple Sandpiper. Greenl. Birds, no. 7. Temm. 619. Abundant on the coast of Davis’ Strait and of Baffin’s Bay, where it breeds ; but was not met with in the islands of the Polar Sea. The history of its dif- ferent states of plumage is correctly given in the second edition of the Manuel d'Ornithologie. It may be stated, in addition, that the young birds which were killed shortly after they quitted the nest, had the feathers of the back and scapulars edged with white, changing gradually as the season advanced into an approximation to the clear red, which is described as the marking of the bird of the first year. The change takes place in the scapulars earlier than in the feathers of the back. 14^. Phalaropus Platyrvnchos. Flat billed Phalarope. GreenL Birds, no, 12. Temm, 712. r. . Abundant during the summer months on the North Georgian Islands : the cell APPENDIX. difference in the size of the sexes, and of their plumage in the breeding season, appears to have been hitherto unnoticed ; Ins. Ins. Oz. The males average in length 7.6, in extent 16.2, and in weight If. The females 8.4, 17 2. The breeding plumage of the male corresponds minutely with the descrip- tion which Temminck has assigned to both sexes : the female has the fore- head, crown, and hind-head a uniform deep sooty black, without intermixture of orange or red : the band which passes through the eye is a pure white, and is larger and better defined than in the male, including more space above and in front of the eye ; the black predominates in the back and scapulars, the orange bordering of the feathers being smaller and much lighter than in the male ; the under plumage is of a deeper and richer brick-red colour, and is unmixed with white feathers for a much longer portion of the season : the female bird attains her perfect plumage earlier in the year, and retains it longer than the male, which is also the case with several other of the northern birds. 15. Sterna Arctica. Arctic Tern. Temm. 742. — Sterna Hirundo. Greenl. Birds, no. 17 In the Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, it was remarked that a difference existed between the Terns of that country, and those of the European coasts, in the bill and legs ; the bills of the former being one-third shorter, and their tarsi only half the length of those of Europe. Although this difference was considered sufficient to have justified a specific distinction, the name of Sterna Hirundo was still retained in the memoir, from the conviction that the errors which arise from a hesitation to create new species, are less injurious to natural history, than those which result from the opposite practice. Mr. Temminck, however, , whose very extensive experience gives confidence to his decisions, has treated them as distinct species, in his second edition ; and in reliance on his authority, the name of Sterna Arctica has been adopted ZOOLOGY. CClll for the northern species. Two immature specimens of the S. Arctica were killed on the 8th of July from amongst a large flock of full-plumaged birds, and may supply a description of a bird of the first year; bill black, the lower mandible having a reddish tinge, especially near the edges, and at the base ; forehead, throat, neck, and inferior plumage, white, very slightly tinged on the breast and belly with a faint ash-colour. The cap mottled black and white, the upper plumage ash-colour, the wing coverts indistinctly mot- tled with brown, the outer web of the first primary quill feather velvet black at the base, shading into ash-colour towards the point, a portion of the inner webs near the shaft is of a deeper shade than the remainder ; the outer feathers of the tail exceed the middle ones in length three inches ; the scapu- lars and secondaries tipped white ; the colour of the legs in process of change from black to red. The middle claw of this species, as well as of the S. Hirundo, is much longer than the other claws, and is curved laterally outwards. 16. Larus Glaucus. Qlaucus Gull. Greenl. Birds, no. \ 9. Temm. 757. This fine species of gull is as numerous in the Polar Sea, as in Baffin’s Bay and Davis’ Strait, occupying with their nests the pinnacles of rocks and the pro- jecting ledges of cliffs on the sea-shore. In the Memoir on the Greenland Birds, it is stated to be somewhat inferior in size to the L. Marinus, whereas in Temminck’s second edition, the Glaucus is called the largest of known gulls. In comparing the size of many specimens of both species, the average is in favour of the Marinus ; but by far the largest individual of either is a Glaucus killed on the north shore of Barrow’s Strait, being in length 32 inches, in ex- tent 65 inches, and weighing 4 lbs. 3 ozs. The tarsus was 3.4 inches, and the bill exceeded 4 inches, prodigiously strong and arched ; the upper man- dible overhooking the lower more than is customary. It was a male bird. CCIV APPENDIX. There appears a considerable variation in the size of individuals, in all the larger species of gulls. 17. Larus Argentatus. Silvery Gull. Greenl. Birds, no. 20. Temm. 764. In the Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, the species described under this name was identified on the authority of Mr. Temminck with the common her- ring gull of our coasts ; the absence of the black markings of the primary quill feathers, which alone constitutes the distinction between them, being consi- dered by that eminent naturalist as a variation of plumage occasioned by climate : thus the Larus Argentatus was made to comprise two varieties, one peculiar to the Greenland seas, having the quill feathers a very faint ash-colour, with the ends and under parts white, without the admixture of black ; and the other the common herring gull. The present Expedition has furnished an instance which may be considered to confirm Mr. Tem- minck’s decision ; amongst a number of. the Greenland variety which had their nests on a cliff on one of the North Georgian Islands, one individual was observed to have black markings on the wings, and was fortunately, se- cured : on comparing this specimen with birds which have been killed on our own coasts, the black, markings of the quill feathers are found to corre- spond precisely in shape and situation ; the only perceptible difference being A that the, dark colour is not quite so deep in shade in the ''Polar as in the' European specimens, 18. Larus Eburneus. Ivory GulL Greenl. Birds, no. 21. Temm. 769. A fine specimen of a bird of the first year Was killed in Davis’ Strait oh the 14th of September, having all the immature markings of ’ the ' individual described i by Temminck as shot in Switzerland in March, with^ the ad- dition of numerous spots on (the shoulders* and sptiridus wings; this species ) ZOOLOGY. CCV which is so common in Davis’ Strait and Baffin’s Bay, was rarely seen in the Polar Sea, on account, probably, of there being less open water, and conse- quently greater; difficulty in obtaining a supply of food. 19. Larus Tridactylus. Kittiwake Gull. Greenl. Birds, no. 22, Temm. 774. These, like the preceding species, were very rarely seen in the Polar Sea ; so late in the season as the 17th of July, an immature bird was killed in Davis’ Strait, having very slight remains of the circle round the neck, and of the mottled head, but retaining the markings of immaturity on the coverts of the wings, and at the tips of the tail feathers, as decidedly as in winter specimens. Adult specimens had been killed on the eighth of July, in the perfect plumage of'summer. 90. Larus Sab ini. Fork -tailed Gull. Greenl. Birds, no. 23. One of these gulls was seen on the wing in Prince Regent’s Inlet in August, and was pursued, but without success ; it was, however, identified with certainty by the persons who had been present on the former Voyage, when they were first met with. The history of this species presents a remarkable instance of confined locality ; in the account which is referred to, it is stated to have been found on three small islands in Baffin’s Bay in latitude 75|°, breeding in great numbers in company with terns, and to have been previously unknown to Saccheus,' the Esquimaux} interpreter, who* was well acquainted with the birds' of his native coiintry,; namelyi, of Greenland south of Disco, where it is therefore pre- sumed ito be unknown ; there-are few- parts, of the coastst of Baffin’s Bay or of Davis’ Strait, which have not been visited by either the present or the former Expedition, but in, ne instauee haYeo these bird^^ been ^ met?with before or since, with the exception of the one individual in Prince Regent’s Inlet ; their 2 c 2 CCYl APPENDIX. winter residence is entirely unknown, nor can any of the descriptions of new or doubtful species of gulls which have been killed on passage in America, be considered to belong to the present species in any possible variation of its plumage ; the characteristic marks are peculiar and distinctive. Besides the specimens which were brought to England in 1818, one only is known to exist in any collection ; namely, the one which on Mr. Tem- minck’s information has been stated to have been presented to the Museum at Vienna by Sir Charles Giesecke, but of which no account has hitherto been published ; it is not known, therefore, from whence this specimen was ob- tained, especially as the existence of an undescribed species of gull is not noticed in Giesecke’s enumeration of the birds of Greenland published in Brewster’s Cyclopcedia, nor in his MSS. list in the possession of Mr. Bullock. The three islands above-mentioned, are therefore as yet the only land which these birds are known to inhabit. 21. Lestris Parasiticus. Arctic Lestris. Greenl. Birds, no. 24. Temm. 796. Is equally abundant in the islands of the Polar Sea as in Baffin’s Bay ; and is frequently met with inland, seeking its food along the water-courses which occupy the bottom of ravines ; differing in this respect from the next species which is more exclusively a sea bird. 22. Lestris Pomarinus. Pomarine Lestris. Temm. 793. Several individuals, corresponding in all respects with the description referred to, were killed in Prince Regent’s Inlet ; both species of Lestris were also seen at Melville Island, but the Pomarinus more rarely than the Parasiticus. 23. Procellaria Glacialis. Fulmar Petrel. Greenl. Birds, no. 25. Temm. 803. ZOOLOGY. CCVll 24. Anas Cygnus, Wild Swan. Gmel. i. 501. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 833. Temm. 829. Faun. Suec. 107. Briln. no. 44. — Wild Swan, Syn. vi. 433. ^ Supp. i. 272. A?rc. ZooZ. no. 469. ^ Supp. 75. Breeds in the North Georgian Islands, but is by no means numerous, and a single specimen only was obtained ; this individual corresponds with the accounts of authors, excepting that the white plumage of the breast and thighs is intermixed with the same yellow feathers as on the crown and hind head, though not quite so deep in colour. Those of the crown are rather golden than yellowish as they are usually described. 25. Anas Bernicla. Brent Goose. Gmel. i. 513. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 844. Wil. An. Orn. viii. 131. Fahr. 41. Faun. Suec. 115. Br'dn. 52. Temm. 824. — Brent Goose. Syn. vi. 467. Arc. Zool. no. 478. Breed in great numbers on the islands in the Polar Sea. The plumage of the female is less vivid during the height of the season than that of the male ; she is also rather smaller, the average difference in their length exceeding an inch. 26. Anas Spectabilis. King Duck. Greenl. Birds, no. 26. Temm. S51. This species as well as the preceding are very abundant in the North Georgian Islands, having their nests on the ground in the neighbourhood of fresh water-ponds, and feeding on the aquatic vegetation. The egg is shorter than that of the Eider Duck, rather broader across in the widest part, and more tapering ; of a cinereous olive colour, not whitish, as stated erroneously by Montague, but less green than the egg of the Eider. Mr. Temminck’s description of the male bird is generally correct ; but he has omitted to notice the peculiarity of the tertial feathers of the wing, which curve outwards in a remarkable manner over the primaries ; nor can the colour of the wings be called a deep black, being ferruginous, especially in the inner webs. ccviii APPENDIX. The plumage of the female very much resembles that of the female Eider, but the two species may be always distinguished by the bill, the gibbous part of which is arched on the top in the King, and flattened in the Eider. The bill of the latter is also longer, and the feathers on the side of the upper mandible extend as low down as they do on the lower mandible, which is }itj: not the case in the King Duck. The colours of the plumage of the head and ' i'' ^ ’ neck of the Eider nearly correspond with those of the body, whereas in the King they are much lighter. Some of the f^niale Kings which were killed had the whole of their under parts an uniform dark brown, whilst others had more or less of dark markings on a lighter ground. The hind toeg in both sexes are smaller than those of the Eider. A young male was killed, towards the end of- September, which bore the same resemblance to the female as the young male Eider does to the fenjalo of its own species. 27. Anas Mollissima. Eider Duck. Greenl. Birds, no. 27. Temm. 848. Is abundant on the shores of Davis’ Strait and Baffin’s Bay ; but, deriving its food principally from the sea, was not met with after the entrance of the ships into the Polar Ocean, where so little open water is found. The females were without the white bands on the wings, which are described by authors. 28. Anas Glacialis. Long-tailed Duck. Greenl. Birds, no. 28. Temm. 860. Breeds in the North Georgian Islands^ but is not commo^n ,the_i:e,. A male bird was obtained in June, corresponding precisely wi^h^the individual^killed in Baffin’s Bay in the summer of 1818, which furnished the description of^tke full-breeding plumage in the JVlewiozV o/" the Greenland Birds^.^ An,j apeount oP this state of plumage is yet wanting to complete the histo^ry of this spepip^ in Mr. Temminck’s second edition. The plumage of a young . male, killed ZOOLOGY. CCIX on the 22d of June, corresponds precisely with Mr. Temminck’s male of one or two years old. ... • 29. CoLYMBUS Septentrionalis. Red-throated Diver. Greeni Blinds, no. 16'. Temm. 916. Breeds in the neighbourhood of fresh water-ponds on the shores of Baffin’s Bay and Davis’ Strait. The young birds, killed in September, were in i, -V,. i V...i ' * >• ■ ‘ the plumage in which they have been called C. Stellatus. But when nest- lings, the feathers of the back, scapulars, and wing coverts were margined with white. 30. URia BRunnichii. Briinnich’s Guillemot. GreenV. Birds, no. \4i. Temm. 924. In the account of this species in* the Memoir of the Greenland Birds, an inference was dratvn* that' it undergoes the' same changes of plumage from season ‘as 'the U'. Troile. This inference has been subsequently confirmed ; the specimens which were killed early in June having the throat and neck white, unmixed with black. Towards the end of June the change was in pro- gress ; and, by the second week in July, as many were found in perfect summer plumage, with black throats and necks, as were still in change. In Temminck’s second edition he has omitted to notice the yellow margin of the upper mandible of the bill, a peculiarity which serves well to distin- guish this species from the U. Troile. In the living bird, and in the height of the summer season, the' colour is a deep yellow ; though iii preserved specimens it ' appears mhch fainter, and approaching to horn. Both the Uria Troile and Briinnichii are found on the shores of the northern seas of Europe ; but the Troile is not known to inhabit those of* North "America. 31, Uria GRylle. Black Guillemot. Greenl. Birds, no. 15, Temm. 925. These birds, which are so numerous in Davis’ Strait and Baffin’s Bay, were rarely seen in the Polar Sea. ccx APPENDIX. 32. Uria Alle, Little Auk. Temm. 928. — Alca Alle. Greenl. Birds, no. 13. The reasoning on which Temminck has been induced to alter the generic name of this species is satisfactory ; the bird does not, indeed, wholly accord with the characters either of the Alca or Uria, being intermediate between them ; but it appears preferable that it should be ranged under the latter. This species, as well as the preceding, is not common in the Polar Sea ; its great breeding station is in the northern part of Baffin’s Bay. These thirty-two species comprise the whole of the birds which were seen within the Arctic circle under circumstances which admitted of their being identified ; and are exclusive of a species of Numenius, three individuals of which flew past one of the ships’ boats in Prince Regent’s Inlet; and a species of Hirundo, (possibly Riparia,) which the Serjeant of Artillery, who had a good knowledge of birds, stated that he saw on two occasionsdn the excursion across Melville Island, in June, 1820. In the Memoir on the Greenland Birds, fifty-four species were enumerated, as comprehending the whole of those which have been described by authors to inhabit Greenland and its coasts ; the present voyage has added one species to this list, the Falco Tinnunculus, an individual of which flew off to the ship, when passing Cape Farewell on the passage home, and was killed. The Procellaria Puffinus, which had escaped notice on the first voyage, was also seen in great abundance off Cape Farewell ; it is the bird which is called by the Whalers the Cape Hen ; these two species are not included in the present account, which is limited to birds seen Avithin the Arctic circle. ccxi FISH. Salmo ? Two individuals of a species of salmon were brought from a lake, supposed to be about 20 miles distant from the sea, by the party who lost their way, • and were absent four days on an excursion in Melville Island in September, 1819; they described the lake as abounding in similar fish, of the same size as the specimens, which were three inches in length ; the situation of the lake, and its direction from the ships were unfortunately so uncertain as to defeat all subsequent research. The specimens, having been several hours in the pocket of one of the party, who were unprovided with conveniences for their better conveyance, were not in a state to justify the assignment of a spe- cific name or character. The colour appeared to have been a silvery white, pure beneath and marbled above the lateral line by very minute dark spots arranged in clusters, very thick around the eyes, and on the points of the upper and lower jaw ; the nose rounded and blunt, the upper jaw rather ex- ceeding the lower ; gill covers in two pieces, membrane eight rayed ; the ventral fin opposite to the midille of the first dorsal ; the tail tolerably forked. P. 13. V. 9. A. 10. D. 11. C. more than 30. The species seems to be nearly allied to the char (S. Alpinus); but the nose is more obtuse, and the tail more forked. Merlangus Carbonarius. Coal Fish. Taken by the trawl on the west coast of Davis’ Strait ; specimens from four to five inches long. Merlangus Polaris. Caught in a net whilst swimming on the surface amongst ice in Baffin’s Bay ; CCXll APPENDIX. in length between five and six inches : it is the same fish, of which an individual was brought home by the former Expedition, and was named by Dr. Leach. This species is very nearly allied to the Gadus Virens of authors, from which, however, it may be distinguished by the third dorsal fin being larger than the two anterior, whereas in the Virens the middle one is the largest : the lower jaw also rather exceeds the upper; the tail is slightly forked. — D. 14*, 16, 19. P. 18. V. 6. A. 17,22. C. 42. Merlangus ? Three individuals, fifteen inches in length, of a species of Merlangus, were found in the ice which covered the harbour in which the ships wintered ; they were frozen in the ice near its surface, and it was supposed must have been dead on the water when the frost set in ; they were so much decayed that it was not possible to identify the species. The lower jaw was ob- served to exceed the upper a very little ; both jaws were armed with teeth, the hinder ones of the lower jaw being tricuspidate ; it could not be de- termined whether the species is cirrated. — P. 18. V. 6. D. 13, 19, 20. A. 20. 20. C. 40. Liparis Communis. Several individuals were taken in the trawl on the west coast of Davis’ Strait, in latitude 70 degrees. They differed in no respect from the unctuous Sucker of our coasts. Blennius Polaris. B. imberbis, pinnis anali, caudali, dorsalique, unitis. The individual here described was found on the shore of North Georgia, ' where it had been left by the ebb tide, in September 1819, It bears a very near resemblance to the description and figure of the B. Viviparus, in Muller's ZOOLOGY. CCXlll Zool. Dan. v. 2, p. 22, pi. 57, but differs in the following particulars : the dorsal fin is united to the anal and caudal ; the pectoral fin is not orbicular, as its length exceeds twice its breadth; the number of rays 15. The teeth, though small, are sufficiently conspicuous to the naked eye ; the colour a yellowish ground, lighter under the belly, having eleven large saddle-shaped brown markings across the back ; the middle of these markings being much lighter than their edges, the whole back and sides have a marbled appearance ; the yellowish ground, when viewed in a microscope, is thickly sprinkled with minute black spots. No scales were detected by the microscope, but they may possibly have been removed with the sand which had adhered to the mucous coating of the skin, and which was washed off. Length seven inches. The upper jaw projects rather more than the plate of the B. Viviparus in the Zool. Dan. Ventral fins of two spines enclosed in a lax skin. This species is distinguished from the B. Lumpenus, by the union of the dorsal and caudal fins, and by the upper jaw being considerably longer than the lower ; and from the B. Ocellatus, Mem. de Peters, t. 3, pi, 8, f. 2, by the ventral fins which are wanting in the Ocellatus, as well as by the absence of the spots on the dorsal fin of the latter. CoTTus Quadricornis. Two individuals of this species, from five to six inches long, were the only produce of the seine at Melville Island. They agreed in all respects with the description and plate of the C. Quadricornis in the Ichthyology of Block, vol. 3, page 146, plate 108. CoTTUs Polaris. C. imberbis, capite spinis duabus, operculis spinis quatuor, armatis, A species of Cottus, similar in its habits to the C. Gobio, was very abundant on the shores of North Georgia, inhabiting the pools of water left by the ebbing of the tide, and the mouths of the small rivulets by which the snow on melting found its way to the sea ; the largest individual did not equal 2 d 2 CCXIV APPENDIX. two inches in length ; the head is more compressed, and not so much flattened as in the preceding well-known species, and is armed with two strong spines directed backwards, placed before and between the eyes : the gill covers are also each armed with four strong spines ; the pectoral fins are larger in pro- portion than those of the Gobio, and the upper jaw rather exceeds the lower ; the lateral lines are furnished with a series of small tubercles directed backwards; colour light, with clusters of minute dusky spots. D. 6, 13. P. 15. V. 5. A. 14. C. 14. SPECIMENS of the very few insects which were seen by the Expedition whilst within the Arctic Circle, having been sent to the Rev. William Kirby, of Barham, Suffolk, the following account and description of them have been received from that gentleman ; “ Otho Fabricius, in his Fauna Groenlandica (if we exclude the Crustacea,) has described only 79 species of insects and Arachnidce, and of insects proper only 63, which he collected during a residence of six years in West Green- land ; and Professor Hooker speaks of those of Iceland as being very few in number (^); it was therefore to be expected that in a station more than ten degrees to the northward of the theatre of their researches, the numbers of the insect world would be very greatly reduced ; and it will not excite much surprise, that only six species should have been collected in that high lati- tude, from the beginning of September to the beginning of August, the period during which the Expedition remained in Winter Harbour. It is pro- bable, however, that some may have escaped observation, and others might possibly make both their annual appearance and retreat during the month of August. The birds also that frequent the island have, doubtless, their (“) Recollections of Iceland, 1st edit. 272. ZOOLOGY. CCXV parasites, and the rein-deer would be annoyed, it is not unlikely, by its pecu- liar winged pest, (Estrus Tarandi. “ In Greenland, every order of insects has its representatives, except Ortho- ptera and Hemiptera ; but in Melville Island, besides these, no Coleopterous or Neuropterous species was observed, and even the mosquito (Cw/ea:, Linn.) the torment of the Laplander and Greenlander, as well as of the native of tro- pical regions, appears not to have extended there its annoying reign. Order LEPIDOPTERA. Genus Bombyx. Fab. “ Sabini, B. cinereous, wings incumbent, antennas of the male setaceous, bipectinate at the base, with short rays. Expansion of the wings one inch. “ Descr. Male. The whole body of this insect is of a uniform cinereous or fusco-cinereous colour, except that the under side of the wings is rather paler than the upper. Tongue rather long, like that of a Noctuaov Phalcena. Feelers recurved, very hairy, consisting of two joints? Antennas setaceous bipectinate for abouthalf their length, with a single pair of short rays emerging from each of the branching joints, the otherjoints are hairy underneath. Wings incumbent, rather longer than wide, fringed at the end. Tibias armed in the middle with a long spur. Abdomen thickish, tufted at the end. Anal forceps, consisting of two horny concavo-convex reddish pieces, dilated at the top, and rounded. “ According to the modern system, this species might probably be regarded as belonging to a new genus, but the specimens are too much injured to ena- ble me to get a clear idea of the Palpi — if admitted as such, it might be named Psychophora, From the length of the tongue it seems to come between the other Bombycidce and Noctua, though in habit and stature it approximates to Phaloena, Fab, It was found in a swampy part of Melville Island. " Two or three specimens of a caterpillar were obtained in Melville Island, one of which • was brought to England ; — They were found wandering CCXVl APPENDIX. in the neighbourhood of Salix arctica and Saxifraga oppositifolia ; it does not appear to belong to the moth just described, being, apparently, too large. It is of that tribe of caterpillars which Reaumur calls Chenilles d brasses, the perfect insects of which constitute the genus Laria of Schranck, for in- stance, Bombyx fascelina. Fab., &c. It has six true legs, and ten spurious or membranaceous ones, {Propedes, Kirby and Spence.) The body is thickly covered with very long hairs of a dirty tawny colour ; in the middle of the back are three small pale orange brushes, just before which is a long black one, or rather three confluent black ones, and another of the same colour at the tail, all forming pencils of longer converging hairs. It appears not to have arrived at its full size. Order HYMENOPTERA. Genus Bombus. Latr. Fab. Jurine, Apis. * * e. 2. Kirby.) “ Arcticus. B. black, with the base and apex of the thorax and the anterior half of the abdomen pale yellow. Length of the body, '^^}j\Unes. Synonym. Apis alpina, O. Fabr. Fn. Grceriland. 155. “ Descr. Female. Body covered with long black hairs, but those that clothe the base and apex of the thorax, and the anterior half of the upper side of the abdomen, are of a pale yellow. Some black hairs are visible at the base of the last yellow segment of this part of the body. The antennae are as long as the head. The wings are a little tinged with brown, and their nervures are black. The tarsi are covered with short reddish hairs, “ Male much smaller than the female. The hairs of the whole trunk, or intermediate segment of the body, are pale yellow intermixed with some black ones. The legs, also, particularly the anterior pair, are clothed with long yellowish hairs. The antennae, which have a joint more than those of the female, and are considerably longer than the head, and the smaller mandibulae ZOOLOGY. CCXVll prove this specimen to be a male, but the posterior tibiae are without hairs upon their surface, and are fringed with long ones, forming what Reaumur calls the Corbeille, (Corbicula, Kirby,) usually peculiar to the females, in which they carry the masses of pollen-paste, which is the reverse of what is observed in other male humble bees. “ The insect before us differs so slightly from the description which O. Fabricius has given of that which he mistook ^ov the Apis alpina of Linne, that there can be little or no doubt of their identity. He confesses that his speci- mens (and this bee appears to have abounded in West Greenland, as it was also observed to do in Melville Island, and wherever the Expedition landed within the Arctic Circle) did not in all things agree with the characters assigned to that species. But he states, that as Linnfe had seen only a single specimen, he did not think himself at liberty to make a new species on account of an insig- nificant difference. Although, however, Linn6 had seen this bee only once, it has since been more frequently taken, and having received specimens of it from Sweden, through the kindness of Major Gyllenhal, which agree with the Linnean description in every point but size, (a circumstance easily explained by supposing the original specimen a queen, and those sent to me neuters,) can venture to assert that the two insects are perfectly distinct. Bombus alpi- ms is entirely black, with the upper side of the abdomen, all but the base covered with orange-coloured or ferruginous hairs. The antennae, also of the female or neuter (an important distinction in a genus, the species of which are usually only distinguished by the colour of their hirsuties) are proportionally shorter, and the short hairs that cover the tarsi are black. “ Scarcely any genus of the insect creation has so large a range as this of Bombus. It is found in the old world and in the new, and from the limits of phaenogamous vegetation to the equator, but its metropolis appears to be within the temperate zone. The range of the species in question seems limited by the Arctic Circle, and to go from Greenland only westward, for it does not ap- pear to have been seen in Lapland or Iceland (’*), or other eastern parts of that circle. (“) ttookQx's B.ecollections of Iceland. 1st Edit. 34. CCXVlll APPENDIX. Order DIPTERA. Genus Ctenophora, Meigen. “ Parrii. Ct. black, wings brownish, with a white marginal spot towards the apex, surmounted by a black one, tip of the margin of the abdominal segment pale. Length of the body, 5| hines. “ Descr. Female. Body blackish, with a tinge of slate colour, with the ab- dominal segments tipped with pale. Antennae shorter than the thorax, subse- taceous, serrated. Wings brownish towards their apex, at the exterior margin is a white spot crowned by a black one. Legs long and slender. The male of this species has probably bipectinate antennae. Tipula pecti- nicornis, Linn, is congenerous with it. This insect abounded about pools of fresh water. Genus Chironomus. Meigen. “ Polaris. Ch. black, abdomen hairy, wings lacteous. Length of the body, 4 Lines. “ Descr. Male. Body of a deep black, somewhat hairy. Antennae plumose. Wings a little shorter than the body, of a milky hue, but reflecting the pris- matic colours, with the marginal nervures black, abdomen slender and more hairy than the rest of the body. This species is nearly related to the Tipula slercoraria of De Geer, but is more than twice its size. “ The two insects last described seem to replace the hosts of gnats, (Culex) that are so troublesome, even in high latitudes, to navigators. The species of the Chironomus genus, in particular, in this country, often appear dancing in the sun-beams in the depth of winter, when the Culex is torpid; it was therefore to be expected that their range would approach nearer to the poles than that of Culex. The species here described is larger than most of the southern ones that I have seen. ZOOLOGY. CCXIX “ Besides the above insects, a very minute spider was seen in abundance, running over the plants, and on the ground, and leaping when alarmed. I have seen only a single specimen, which was so much injured that I cannot be positive as to the genus, but from its jumping, it most probably is a spe- cies of Salticus, Lath. (Attus, Walck.) I, at first, took it for a variety of Aranea rufipes, (O. Fabr. 206) ; but as ihe characters glaberrima, pedibus testaceis, do not agree with it, it may be considered as a new species. Melvillensis. S. black ; legs piceous, hairy ; abdomen hairy. Length of the body about If lines. This was the only species which Captain Sabine observed on the island.” INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS. The Genera, into which the several species of invertebrate animals have been distributed, are those of the system of the Chevalier de Lamarck, Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Verthbres. The object which has been chiefly attempted in the present account has been to identify those species which have been previously described, and to compare the individuals with the descriptions of original observers, refer- ring to the works in which they are noticed, and marking any differences which may have appeared in the comparison ; and to furnish descriptions of the previously unknown species, sufficiently extended to enable the several systematic writers to arrange them in Genera according to their respective views and systems. ccxx APPENDIX. Beroe Ovum, Faun. Green. No. 355. Baffin’s Bay ; not unfrequent, but very delicate in texture, and difficult to procure for examination without injury. This species is easily distinguishable from others, as well by its very long cirri, as by the inequality of its ribs and their included sides ; the body being laterally compressed, and the ribs on the compressed sides (two in each) smaller than the others, and ending before they reach the terminal apertures ; whereas the four ribs between which the uncompressed sides are included, have no termination, but run into each other, completing the circumference ; the openings into the central internal cavity are between the latter. In a note in the Rhgnt Animal, 4, 59, it is supposed that the Beroe Ovum of O, Fabricius, and the Medusa Pileus of Gmelin, are the same species ; but the above-mentioned particulars (which are also noticed by Fabricius,) distinguish them apart, and place the B. Ovum in a different subgenus of the Regne Animal, viz., the Callianire of Pdron. Beroe Cucumis. Fau7i. Green. No. 353. Common in Baffin’s Bay, and on the coast of New Georgia ; agreeing in all respects with the description in the Faim. Green., except that Fabricius has omitted to mention the lateral openings of the ovaries. This species is well distinguished from others by the absence of cirri, by its red colour, caused by innumerable minute red spots on the surface of the internal cavity seen through its transparent body ; and by the ribs, as well as the sides between them, being similar and equal, the former running into and ending in the terminal apertures. ZOOLOGY. CCXXl Beroe Pileus. . Faun. Green. No. 354. '‘t Beroe Globuleux. Enci/cl. Meth. PI. xc. f. 3, 4. In Davis’ Strait and Baffin’s Bay ; frequently rising to the surface amongst ice, having eight ciliate ribs most beautifully resplendent with green and red. Dian.®a Glacialis. Plate 1, fig. 1. D. campanulata, pistillo ore quadrangulare, costis quatuor cirri-productis. In Baffin’s Bay and the adjacent seas, but rare ; body hyaline, campanulate, the margin not ciliate ; length usually under half an inch, and the diameter under a quarter of an inch ; peduncle tubular, flesh-coloured, capable of ex- tension to more than twice the length of the body, enlarged and quadrangular near the mouth, which distends to receive its prey ; from the base of the peduncle proceed four delicate blood-red costee, terminating at the margin in soft granular cirri, which can be extended at pleasure to more than an inch in length, or contracted to less than a quarter. This species is allied to the Dianaea digitala (Medusa Digitale, Faun. Green. No. 361,) and still nearer to the D. Papillata, (Medusa Papillata, Zool. Dan. 4. 24. tab. 140.) but the margin is without the ciliae of the former, or the globes of the latter. It falls under the Genus Geryonia of P6ron, Ann. du Museum Cyanea Arctica. Lam. V. 2. p. 519. Medusa capillata, Faun. Green. No. 358. Is frequent in Barrow’s Strait and in the Polar Sea, varying considerably in size, being usually from seven to nine inches in diameter ; a small space of open water being made by the removal of the ice in Winter Harbour in the month of May, several individuals rose immediately to the surface, which were CCXXll APPENDIX. observed to differ from each other in the number of compartments into which the disc is divided, without relation to the size of the animal, the compartments being never less than seven, or more than eleven, and similar ; all are composed of two rays formed by longitudinal fibres with a deep middle furr(^. The pel- lucid, membranaceous process to which the central appendages and tentaculae are attached, was connected with the undersurface of the disc in three nearly equidistant places in the greater number of individuals, leaving three inter- mediate openings into the central cavity of the body ; but in a few it was cru- ciform and connected in four places, making four entrances instead of three ; in all other respects the several specimens agreed with each other. Ophiura Texturata. Lam. V. ‘2, p. 542. No. 1.— Stella lacertosa, Link, tab. ii. f. 4. Taken very abundantly in the trawl in Davis’ Strait. Ophiura Fragilis. Lam. V. 2. p. 546. No. 12.— Asterias fragilis, Zool. Dan. v. 3. p. 28. tab. 98. Taken in the trawl with the preceding species. Asterias Papposa. Faun. Green. No. 364. Several individuals with twelve rays, and one with eleven, were taken in the trawl on the west coast of Davis’ Strait, corresponding, in all respects, with the minute description referred to. This species is justly remarked by Fabricius to appear radiate when viewed from above, and stellate, when turned on its back. ZOOLOGY. CCXXllI Asterias Rubens. Faun. Green. No. 362. A single specimen was taken at the same time as the preceding species. Asterias Violacea. Zool. Dan. tab. 46. Two specimens were taken in the trawl in from twelve to eighteen fathoms’ water on the western coast of Davis’ Strait, in lat. 70° ; they were both six- rayed, a variety which does not appear to have fallen under the notice of Muller, who mentions from one to five rays only. The specific name of Violacea seems particularly inappropriate to a species which varies so much in colour as the present ; individuals being found occasionally red, blue, grey, and even black ; those under description were rather red than violet. Asterias Polaris. A. pentagona, pagina superiore tesselato-grenulata, margine articulato spinoso. Plate 1, fig. 2, 3. I A single specimen was taken by a drag-net on the coast of Melville Island ; body plane, pentagonal, the sides lunate ; margin obtuse, articulated, and fur- nished with a double row of small spines ; the articulations in number 150 are continued on the inferior surface to the grooves of the feet, the grooves being broad, with fleshy pectinate feet ; mouth central, simple ; back tes- selated with hexagonal superficial granulations, having in the centre a fleshy papilla, capable of being protruded more than three-tenths of an inch, but when retracted, appearing only as a central spot ; when viewed by a micro- scope, the papilla is seen to be furnished with minute and delicate vesicles. CCXXIV APPENDIX. Nais Ciliata. N. proboscide cylindrico aculeis minutis reflexis hispido, margins antico ciliato. Nereis ciliata, MiiZZ. Zool. Dan., v, 3.p. 14. tab. 89. f. 1~4. Several individuals, corresponding to the description and plate of Muller’s Nereis Ciliata, were taken in a drag-net off one of the North Georgian Islands: they were observed to have the power of exerting or of retracting the seta? of the tail at pleasure, which may explain the circumstance mentioned by Muller, of a specimen having been received from the Feroe Islands, in which the setae appeared to be deficient. Ascidia Globifera. A. pedunculo longo, scabro ; corpore subreniformi ; aperturis distantibus quadrifidis. Lara. V. 3. p. 127. — Ascidia Clavata, Faun. Green. No. 323. Several individuals were taken by the trawl on the west coast of Davis’ Strait, in lat. 70°. This species is described in the Faun. Grosn. under the specific name of Clavata, which name has been applied, with more propriety, to the Ascidia figured by Pallas, Zool.,\0. p.25.t. l.f. 16, which is distinguished by the two apertures being approximate, and terminal instead of lateral ; the shape of the body of the present species is well characterized by Pabricius as ovatum, subreniforme,” (preferable to the corpore subgloboso of Lamarck ;) and the apertures as “ lateribus rugosis eminentibus, altera versus apicem sursum, altera versus basin deorsum tendente.” The mouth of both aper- tures is in the figure of a cross, in which respect it differs from the A. Pedun- culata, Brugiere Diet. No. 12, Encycl. Meth. pi. 6. f. l^, quoted by Lamarck as a synonym of the present species, but in which only the superior aperture is so distinguished, and the inferior is expressly described as simple: the peduncle is rough and hairy. ZOOLOGY. CCXXV Nymphum Grossipes. Pycnogonum Grossipes Faun, Green. No. 310. Zool. Dan. v. 3. p. 67. t. 119? Abundant at ebb tide on the shores of the North Georgian Islands, agree- ing in all respects with the minute description of O. Fabricius, 1. c., except in the palpi, (described as antennae,) which in these specimens were of five instead of four articulations, the first being very short and tubular ; Fabricius has also omitted to notice that the tarsi are jointed; the first joint is shorter than the second. The account annexed to the figure of the P. Grossipes in the Zool. Dan., refers to this description of Fabricius as being a most perfect one; but on comparing the figure with the description, and both with the .specimens under notice, the following differences are observable ; the middle and longest joint of the haunch appears short in the figure ; the first joint of the tarsus is longer than the second ; the fingers of the mandibles are not of equal length, and the palpi are proportionably shorter in comparison with the rostrum. It may be inferred from these differences that the P. Grossipes figured in the Zool. Dan., is neither the P. Grossipes of Fabricius, nor the present species. There are three essential points in which the species under description differs from the N. Gracile and N. Femoratum of Dr. Leach, Zool. Misc. vol. i. t. 19 ; in the fingers of the mandibles, which curve in a contrary direction to each other, and meet only at the point instead of along their whole inner edge; in the palpi being of five instead of six joints ; and in the first joint of the tarsi being shorter than the second. These points are not indeed expressly men- tioned in the specific description of the N. gracile and femoratum, but they are inferred, as forming a part of the prefixed character of Dr. Leach’s Genus Nymphum; the thighs of the present species being compressed, (more in some individuals than in others,) give it in other respects a near resemblance to the Femoratum. CCXXVl APPENDIX. Nymphum Hirsutus. N. pedibus longissimis hirsutis, mandibularum digitis inequalibus per totam longitudinem conni- ventibus. Nymphum Hirtum, Fabr. Syst. Ent. v. 4. p. 417? A second species of Nymphum was found associated with the preceding, which it resembles in general conformation and size, but differs in the follow- ing particulars : the legs, mandibles, and palpi, are thickly set with hair ; the curved fingers of the mandibles are not of equal length, and meet along their whole inner edge ; the thighs are cylindrical, and not compressed in any individual ; the first joint of the tarsus is extremely short; and the rostrum does not narrow towards its termination, as does that of the N, Grossipes. Phoxichilus Proboscideus. Ph. proboscide corpore duplo longiore, mandibulis nullis, palpis inungulatis. One perfect, and several imperfect, individuals of an undescribed species of the class Pycnogonides, were found at ebb tide on the shores of the North Georgian Islands. In the arrangement of Lamarck, this species is compre- hended in the genus Phoxichilus, and establishes a sub-division of the genus which had been anticipated, characterized by “ palpi without mandibles.’’ Body ovate, of four segments with lateral tubercles for the articulation of the legs, convex on the back, one segment only, the anterior, being marked by a transverse line : proboscis more than twice the length of the body, being one inch eight-tenths, and the body three-quarters of an inch long. This huge proboscis is nearly cylindrical, the extremity obtuse, with a triangular perforation, which influences in some measure the external shape. The dia- meter of the proboscis at the insertion and for a quarter of its length two- tenths of an inch, widening suddenly to thirty-five hundredths, and gradually to above four-tenths at the end. The anterior segment furnishes the palpi, and in the female the spurious legs ; and has on the back a conical tubercle, on which two eyes only were distinguishable in the most perfect specimen, when it was ZOOLOGV. CCXXYll first brought on board the Hecla, at which time it had been dead for some days ; the number of eyes are, however, most probably four, as is the case in its con- geners. The palpi are longer than the proboscis, tubular, rather compressed and tapering, without claw or nail, of ten articulations, whereof the two first are nodular, the 3d half the length of the proboscis, 4th very short, 5th bend- ing downwards, half the length of the 3d, and the remainder, short, bending upwards, the 7th being rather the longest. The spurious feet are also tubular, ten articulate exclusive of a tubercle, the three first short nodular, 4th and 6th longer than the body, 5th short, the others still shorter, bristled beneath and terminated by a sharp nail. Legs eight, similar, cylindrical, nearly equal in length which is six inches; haunches three-jointed, equal, short, nodular ; thighs rather shorter than the proboscis ; tibiae of two joints, equal, each two-thirds the length of the thigh. Tarsi also of two joints, the first being the longest, terminated by a strong and simple nail ; posterior extremity of the body straight, tubular, with an opening at the end. Idotea Entomon. Entomon Pyramidale, Klein. Dub. 38. Fig. 1 & 2. — Oniscus Entomon, Pall, Spicil Zool. fasc. ix. p. 64. Tab. 5. f. 1—6. A fine specimen above three inches in length was found at ebb tide on the beach of Melville Island, being the same animal which is represented by Klein, under the name of Entomon Pyramidale, and referred to by Linnasus in the 10th edition of the Syst. Nat., as his Oniscus Entomon ; as such it was again figured and described by Pallas, with whose minute description the present individual corresponded in all respects; the O. Entomon of British writers, espe- cially of Pennant, Brit. Zool. v. iv. p. 38. pi. 19. f. 5. is a distinct species, never attaining the size of the present, and differing in the conformation of the anterior legs, and of the tail ; the Idotea Entomon of Dr. Leach, Lin. Tr. vol.xi. p. 364 (cauda apice tridmtatd) is the Oniscus Entomon of Pennant, but not of LinnaBus, both of which are referred to as synonyms by Dr. Leach ; the specific character of the Entomon of Linnaeus (cauda subulatd) marking the distinction. CCXXVlll APPENDIX. Idotea Baffin!. I. linearis, antennis externis corpore longioribus dorso spinoso, caudse segmento ultimo elongate, apice subulate. Plate 1, fig. 4 — 6. Brought up by the trawl in considerable numbers from twenty fathoms depth, coarse sandy bottom, on the west coast of Baffin’s Bay, in latitude 71°. Exterior antennae usually about one-sixth longer than the body, of four tubular, cylindrical articulations, exclusive of a peduncle ; the second and third equal, and longer than the terminal, which is annulate. Inner antennae not larger than the peduncles of the exterior pair, of three filiform articulations on a compressed fleshy peduncle, (fig, 6 magnified.) Eyes reniform ; body linear, subcylindrical, of six segments exclusive of the head and tail, which last consists of two segments besides the terminal ; the third segment of the body is equal in size to the two on either side. Legs fourteen, five jointed ; first pair short, soft, compressed, ciliate beneath ; second, third, and fourth pairs similar, laterally compressed, with long ciliaB on the anterior edge, directed forward and increasing successively in size ; the second joint of these legs is much shorter than the others ; fifth, sixth, and seventh pairs similar, decreasing in size, stout, tubular, and cylindrical, terminated by a strong curved nail. Abdomen with a four-valved receptacle. Branchiae five pair, fleshy and ciliae, the two first with long peduncles ; covered by a strong and single plate, acuminate at the termination, and shut in by two longi- tudinal plates beneath ; these are channelled down the middle, attached by the exterior side, and unfold from their junction in the middle. The back is armed with a double row of strong spines, two on each segment, which are strongest towards the tail ; the back, tail, antennae and legs hirsute ; the females were observed to have their young attached to the exterior antennae. ZOOLOGY. CCXXIX Gammarus Nugax. Cancer Nugax, Phipps’ Voyage, 1. 12, f. 3. Abundant on the shores of the Polar Sea at ebb tide. Gammarus Ampulla. Cancer Ampulla, Phipps, t. 12, f. 2. Several specimens were taken by the trawl in the Polar Sea and in Davis’ Strait. Gammarus Boreus. G. caudee dorso spinoso, oculis lunatis, pedibus quatuor anticis chelatis, pari septimo praecedentibus longiore. Squilla Pulex. Degeer Ins., v. 7, p. 525, t. 33, f. 1. and 2. Abundant in pools of water left by the ebb tide on the shores of the Polar Sea. This species so much resembles in general appearance others which are found in similar situations, that a more detailed description than usual is required, for the purpose of discrimination. Individuals vary in size from half an inch to an inch and a half.' Body convex, laterally compressed, of seven smooth imbricate segments, prolonged in lateral lobes which increase successively in size to the fourth, the fifth, sixth and seventh being longer and narrower, detached from the segments, and attached to the thighs ; tail of six segments, the three first produced in lobes larger than those of the body, and acuminating to a sharp point, directed backwards ; the fourth, fifth, and sixth segments are less than the preceding, slightly tricarinate on the back, and spinous; the uppor antennae rather the longest, being equal in length to the head and four first segments ; both pairs are composed of a three- jointed peduncle, terminated by a setaceous member, flexible by annular ar- ticulations ; the third joint of the peduncle of the upper pair, and the first of the lower, short, the latter with a small spine at the base ; the last joint of the upper antennae is much longer than that of the lower, and has a small 2 f 2 ccxxx APPENDIX. seta at the base. Head rounded, obtuse, without a rostrum ; eyes black, lunate, at the base of the upper attennas ; legs fourteen ; the two first pair with a strong compressed hand, monodactyle ; the hand of the second pair broadest ; third and fourth pairs, alike and similar in size, directed forward, slim, and compressed, five-articulate (the second joint being very short), and ending in a curved nail ; similar to these are the fifth, sixth, and seventh pairs, but directed backwards, the nails curving forward ; these three last pairs are unequal in size, increasing successively from the fifth to the seventh, the sixth pair being considerably the smallest. The less are setose, especially at the joints. Swimmers three pair, being each a fleshy peduncle, with two plume-shaped branchial terminations ; the fourth and fifth caudal segments are furnished with a pair of lateral bifurcate style processes, the outer style of the second pair being shorter than the inner ; the sixth caudal segment terminates in a pair of small lanceolate plates, bristled at the apex, beneath which are inserted two peduncles, each bifurcating into oblong, stiff, and narrow plates, the outer of which are larger than the inner ; colour usually pale, with a small red spot on each of the lateral lobes of the three first caudal segments. This description applies strictly to the many specimens which have passed under examination. The Squilla Pulex figured by Degeer, 1. c., differing in no respect from the above description, is considered to have been an individual of the same species, and it is therefore believed to be common to the northern shores of Europe and America ; the Squilla Pulex has been considered a synonym of the Gammarus Pulex of modern authors, but erroneously, as may be seen by comparing the figure in Degeer with that of the Gammarellus Pulex, Herbst., vol. ii., 130, tab. 36, fig. 4 and 5, which is the Gammarus Pulex of J. C. Fabricius, Ent. Syst., and of Latreille, Encycl. Meth. pi. 328, fig. 11-15 ; the species are very distinct, differing in the lateral lobes, in the mucronate production of the caudal segments, in the absence of the carinae and spines on the three posterior segments of the latter, and in the shape of the eyes: the Gammarus Pulex of Montagu, Lin7i. Tr. ix. t. 4, f. 2, ZOOLOGY. CCXXXl is a third species, differing not merely in appearance, but in its habits, being found only in fresh water. The Oniscus Pulex of Otho Fabricius, Faun. Green., No. 231, differs from the present species in the relative proportions of the . three posterior pair of legs, the last pair being described by Fabricius as less than the two preceding, whereas in the Boreus the seventh are longer than the fifth and sixth pairs. The Oniscus Cancellus of Pallas, Spicil. Zool. ix. p. 53, tab. 3, f. 18, is distinguished by the lateral scales on the seg- ments of the body, but in other respects is not very dissimilar to the animal under description : it may not be amiss to notice incidentally that an error has crept into the specific character of the Cancellus in the writings of modern authors, commencing it is believed with J. C. Fabricius, of describing it with sixteen legs, instead of fourteen, which is the usual number in the genus; in the original account of the Cancellus, Spicil. Zool.l.c. the number of legs is fourteen, both in the description and figure. Gammarus Lorictaus. G. Rostro corniformi deflexo, dorso carinato, segmentis postice et acute productis. Plate 1. fig, 7. This species was found associated with the preceding, and of the same size, but less abundant ; body laterally compressed, especially the posterior segments ; shell smooth, and much harder than in its congeners, resembling a coat of mail, whence the specific name ; back carinate, the segments in- creasing in length from the first to the tenth, from whence they decrease ; and beginning with the third or fourth, are produced in sharp and strong points directed backward ; lateral lobes oblong, enlarging from the first to the fourth segment, and decreasing to the seventh ; those of the three first caudal segments are larger than those of the body, and are acuminate ; head produced into a strong, arched, carinate, and sharp-pointed rostrum, curving down between the antennae ; eyes large, black, lateral, prominent and reni- form ; beneath the eyes is a small lateral lobe ; antennae four-articulate, the CCXXXll APPENDIX. upper pair having a small seta at the base of the fourth articulation ; legs fourteen, two first pair with a large compressed monodactyle hand, those of the anterior pair being smaller than the others ; third and fourth pairs of the same length as the preceding, slender, terminating in a nail ; the three posterior pair directed backward, similar in formation, but differing in size, the middle and longest pair being as long as the body, and the seventh pair shorter than the fifth, all terminating in a nail; colour in some individuals pale, in others varied red and white. This species differs from the Oniscus Serratus of Fabricius, Faun. Green. No. 237, in the length and relative proportion of the legs, the three posterior pairs of the Serratus being described as shorter than the third and fourth pairs, whereas those of the Loricatus are much longer, the sixth pair are indeed more than twice as long as either the third or fourth pairs : it also differs in many essential respects from the Gammarus Carinatus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. 2, 515, (Atylus Carinatus, Leech, Zool. Misc. ii, t. 69.) as may be seen on com- paring it with the figure of the Carinatus in the Zool. Misc,; (the latter is stated by Dr. Leach to have been taken from the identical specimens to which Fabricius attached the name of Carinatus ;) the upper antennae of the Carinatus are shorter than the lower, which, in the arrangement of La- marck, is not merely a specific but a generic difference. The present species is sufficiently distinguished by the rostrum from the Gammarellus Pulex,. Herbst. 230, t. 36. fig. 4* and 5. Gammarus Sabini. Leach in Ross’s Voyage, Ed. 8vo., Vol. 2, page 178. G. segmentis dorsalibus postice falcato productis, capite inter antennas acumine minuto. Plate I, fig. 8 — 11- On the shores of Baffin’s Bay, but not met with in the Polar Sea : the head of this species which terminates in a point between the antennae, instead ZOOLOGY. ccxxxiii of being produced in a rostrum, readily distinguishes it from the pre- ceding species, and has been added to the specific character assigned by Dr. Leach, in whose arrangement it was unnecessary, the formation of the head making part of the character of the genus. Talitrus Edvardsii. T. Rostro corniformi, antennis, subeequalibus, corporo ovato depresso, cauda cotnpressa tricarinata spinosa. Plate 2, fig. 1 — 4. Brought up in the trawl on the western coast of Davis’ Strait ; head produced in an acute depressed rostrum, slightly curving downwards. Body ovate, depressed, of seven imbricate segments, (the posterior being much larger than the others,) with small lateral lobes ; tail laterally compressed, the three anterior segments with large lateral lobes ; the caudal segments, and the sixth and seventh of the body tricarinate and spinous, each segment being posteriorly produced on each carina into a strong spine ; those of the tail being also furnished with an intermediate smaller spine on the middle carinae ; fourth and fifth caudal segments small, each furnished with a double style process ; the middle plate of the tail lanceolate, acute, bifid at the extremity, covering two style processes similar to the preceding ; eyes large, prominent, black, situated at the base of the superior antennae, having a small spine on the head between them ; legs fourteen, the four anterior with a compressed monodactyle hand; the four next similar and equal, four-articulate, terminated by a curved nail and directed forward ; the three posterior pair similar, directed backward, the first and second pair being equal, and less than the third pair ; colour white, with deep red spots. In conformity with the arrangement which is followed in the present account, this species has been considered a Talitrus, as the inferior antennae are somewhat longer than the superior ; this character is, however, by no CCXXXIV APPENDIX. means remarkable either in this species, or in some others, which are dis- tributed by it into the respective genera of Talitrus and Gammarus ; if a sub- division be desirable in the well-defined and natural genus comprehending all these animals which so nearly resemble each other in general appearance and habits, the prolongation of the anterior part of the head into a rostrum, would seem preferable to a distinction founded on the relative length of the antennae, which in many of the species are so nearly the same ; or, the genus I Talitrus might be limited to those species in which the superior antennae are very short, not exceeding the length of the two first articulations of the in- ferior pair. This species has been named in compliment to John Edwards, Esq., surgeon of the Hecla. Talitrus Cyane^. T. capite obtusissimo, antennis subsequalibus, corpore latiore, pedibus quatuor anticis inunguiculatis. Plate 1, fig. 12 — 18. Parasitic on the Cyanea Arctica, the individuals varying in length from two to eight-tenths of an inch ; colour pale yellowish red, sprinkled with innu- merable minute spots of deeper red ; in about half the specimens, the num- ber of which was considerable, the antennae were equal in length to the five first segments of the body ; in the others, they were scarcely one-fifth as long, but otherwise similar ; there was no other perceptible difference in the spe- cimens. The two pair of antennae are so very nearly of the same length, that it has been by no means easy to decide whether the species should be con- sidered a Gammarus or a Talitrus ; those of an individual, however, in which the greatest disproportion existed, have been figured (fig. 14, 15, and 16,) for the purpose of justifying the ultimate decision; the remarkable conformation of the head will, doubtless, be considered by many naturalists as a peculiarity requiring the establishment of a new genus. Head rounded, and very obtuse ; eyes extremely large, lunate, of a brown- ZOOLOGY. CCXXXV ish red colour; antennae four-articulate, the second and third members very small, and the terminal setaceous, flexible by annular articulations ; the last joint of the superior pair is thick and fleshy at the base ; body of seven seg- ments, broader and less compressed than is usual in its congeners ; caudal segments four exclusive of the tail itself, more attenuated than those of the body, but larger; legs fourteen, the four anterior equal and similar, five- jointed, being a long compressed thigh with four much shorter articulations, hirsute, and unarmed; the ten posterior legs similar and equal in size, five- jointed, the thigh being long and much compressed, followed by three short fleshy joints, (the first of which is the shortest,) and by a long and curved member, terminated by a nail ; the six posterior legs are directed backward ; the three anterior caudal segments with each a pair of swimmers; the fourth caudal segment has on each side a pair of foliaceous styles borne on a two' jointed cylindrical foot-stalk ; the tail consists of two foliaceous plates, each terminated by two smaller ones, strongly pointed and articulated to the larger ; and is also furnished with a second pair of lateral style processes. This description differs from that of the Cancer Medusarum, Otho Fabri- cius. Faun, Gran., No. 232, in the number of joints of the legs, and in the four anterior being unarmed; the conformation of these legs distinguishes it also from the Gammarus Medusarum of J. C. Fabricius, of which a part of the specific character is “ manibus quatuor monodactylis.” Crangon Boreas. Cancer Boreas, Phipps’s Voy. App, 190, t. 12, f. 1. Several individuals were taken in the trawl on the west coast of Davis’ Strait, and in a dredge at Melville Island ; in the minute, and otherwise very exact account which has been given of this species in the Appendix to Captain Phipps’s voyage, four strong spines were omitted to be noticed, situated beneath the thorax, one between each pair of legs, directed forward ; the anterior is the strongest, and they decrease successively in CCXXXVl APPENDIX. size ; each segment of the body is also armed beneath with a spine of less strength than those which have been just described ; the rostrum has a strong tooth beneath, which does not appear in the figure in Phipps’s voyage. Crangon Septemcarinatus. C. thorace septem-carinato ; cariiiis serratis ; pedibus secundi paris brevissimis inunguiculatis. Plate II, fig. 11 — 13. Several specimens of this undescribed species were taken in the trawl on the west coast of Davis’ Strait. Length four inches ; colour varied red and white above, white beneath. Thorax seven-carinate, the three lateral carinae on each side serrate, the middle one with strong spines ; rostrum short, curving down between the eyes, grooved in the centre ; the five upper carinae carried on in very faint rudiments along the back ; the terminal setae of the superior antennae inserted nearly in the same horizontal line ; the interior one being the longest ; the first joint of the inferior antennae scarcely produced beyond the middle of the squama ; a strong spine on the abdomen directed forward between the chelate legs; the last joint of the pediform palpi sub-acuminate, rather longer than the preceding ; second pair of legs slender, very short, bristled and unarmed, (mag?iijied in Jig. 13,) in which last essential point it differs from the Pontophilus Spinosus of Dr. Leach, Mai. Pod. Brit., t. 37, to which in other respects this species bears a near resemblance. It is proper to notice, that a rigid application of every part of the character of the genus Crangon of Lamarck would exclude the Septemcarinatus, by reason of the second pair of legs being unarmed, and would render necessary the establishment of a new genus, of which it would be the only known species, and might possibly be the only existing one ; it may, however, be questioned whether the pursuit of natural history be either forwarded, or rendered more attractive by the multiplication of genera, which is a consequence of the extent and precision which have been introduced into the characters of some ZOOLOGY. CCXXXVll of the modern genera ; as the object of the present account is limited to describing the new species in such manner, that systematic writers may be at no loss in disposing them according to their respective arrangements, the present species has been continued with the Crangons, Vulgaris, Bo- reas, and Spinosus, with which it accords so strikingly in general appear- ance, as well as in the leading and most essential characteristics ; with the reservation,- however, of a notice, that it forms an exception to the “ pedes decern unguiculati” of the other Crangons. Alpheus Aculeatus. A, thoracis carina dentlbus quatuor, margine antico trispinoso, segmentis utrinque aculeatis, palpis pediformibus apice spinulosis. Cancer Aculeatus O. Fabr., Faun. Green., No. 217. Astacus Grosnlandicus, J. C. Fabr. Ent. Syst., Vol. 2. P. 484? Plate II, fig. 9, 10. Several individuals were obtained at Melville Island, which being com- pared with the minute description of the Cancer Aculeatus of O. Fabricius, - are believed to be the species described under that name : it is observable of this, as of other species of this genus, that the rostrum is found to vary so much in different specimens, in length and shape, as well as in the number of teeth above and below, as to make it no proper ground of specific distinction. It is probable that the Astacus Groenlandicus of J. C. Fabricius should also be referred to this species ; as, excepting the rostrum, the descriptions are sufficiently conformable, and the “ abdominis segmenta terminanter utrinque spina,’’ of the Groenlandicus is strictly descriptive of the peculiar character-' istic of the Aculeatus. It is possible also that the Astacus Histrio * of the same author, Ent. Syst., p. 482, may have been a young individual of the present species, since it appears to differ in colour only. * In the specific character of the Astacus Histrio. J. C. Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 2, p. 482, the margin of the thorax is said to be furnished with two teeth, whilst in the description which is added, the number of teeth are stated to be three ; the former is presumed to be the error. ccxxxvm APPENDIX. The middle lamella of the tail has seven spines on each side in the spe- cimen vs^hich has been figured ; but others had a greater or less proportion : the exterior antennae are verrucose on the inner side. Alpheus Polaris. Thoracis dimidio posteriore Icevi, anteriore carinato serrate ; chelis et unguibus apice nigris. Plate II. fig. 5 — 8. Fig. 8 is the rostrum of a second specimen. Several individuals were brought up in the same drag-net, from fifty fathoms’ depth, on the coast of Melville Island, all of which agreed in the pecu- liarities included in the specific character, but no two in the number of the teeth or in the shape of the rostrum, the former varying from three to six above, and from two to six below ; length usually from one and a half to three quarters of an inch ; colour pale, with red spots and mark- ings ; thorax armed on each side on the anterior margin with three spines, situated above and below the eye and at the junction of the lateral margin ; these spines vary in strength in different individuals, the first espe- cially being occasionally very strong : anterior half of the thorax carinate on the back, and serrate ; posterior half smooth, without carina or teeth ; the upper seta of the superior antennsB hollowed beneath, ciliate at the sides ; both pairs spinous at the joints ; pedipalpi, three-articulate, the last joint above three times the length of the second, much depressed, hirsute, and ter- minated by from four to six stiff black bristles ; the fingers of the four anterior legs and the nails of the others black at the points ; the nails are spinulose within ; the first pair of swimmers smaller than the others, bifid and pointed ; the hinder part of the third segment of the body is curved towards the tail, and the lateral lobes of the two next segments are produced in sharp points directed backwards ; tail with two strong spines at the last joint ; the middle lamella with ten spines above, five on each side ; terminated by two strong black bristles. ZOOLOGY. CCXXXIX POLYNOE CiRRATA. Aphrodita cirrata, Faun.Groin., No. 290. Two specimens were taken on the shore of Melville Island in September. PoLYNOE ScABRA. Aphrodita scabra, Faun. Green. No. 292. A single specimen was taken on the shore of Melville Island in the same month as the preceding. Loligo Sepiola. t An individual of this species was brought up in the trawl on the west coast of Davis’ Strait, in lat. 70°. It agreed with the general description of au- thors, and with the figure in Rondelet, 519. Clio Borealis. ■ ttti - \ This well-known species was found in great abundance in all parts of Baffin’s Bay, and Davis’ Strait, in the neighbourhood of ice. Limacina Arctica. Abundant in the same localities as the preceding; both species were very rarely met with in the Polar Sea ; and as they constitute the principal tbod of the black whale, their absence will explain why not more than two or three whales were seen during the whole period in which the Expedition remained in that sea. I ccxl SHELLS. The following notice of the Shells collected by the Expedition, has been furnished by John Edward Gray, Esq. Sub Kingdom, Mollusca. Class. — Gasteropodophora. Order. — Ctenobranchia. Fam. — Muricid^. 3 Genus. — Buccinum. Lime. * Cmial none, aperture base-cut. Species — B. glaciate, Donovan Brit. Shells, t. 154*. Tritonium glaciale, O. Fabr. Faun. Groenl, 397. ** Canal short, open, bent to the left. Species — B. Sabinii. Testa oblonga, ventricosa, alba ; anfractibus quinque, convexis, longitiidi- iialiter costastis ; apertura ovata ; canali brevi. Buccinum Sabinii ; Gray Syst. Moll. Ineditum. Shell oblong, ventricose, white ; whorls five, convex, slightly longitudi- nally rib-striated, finely transversely wrinkled ; epidermis thin, pale ; aper- ture ovate, half the length of the shell, ending in a short open canal ; colu- mella smooth, outer lip thin, inside slightly crenated ; axis three-fourths of an inch, diameter three-eighths. Tt differs from Bwccmwm cor7ieum, (Murex corneus, Lz?l) by not being so ZOOLOGY. ccxli long and slender, and the whorls more convex ; the aperture ovate instead of roundish-ovate. The specimen brought home appears to be young . Class. — CONCHOPHORA. Order. — Pachypoda. Fam. — Myade^. Genus. — Mya. Lin. Species. — Mi/a truncata. List. Conch, t. 428, f. 269. Order. — Leptopoda. Fam . — Nuculid.® . Genus. — Nucula, Lamarck. '** Shell behind slightly produced, gaping ; edge entire. Species. — N. arctica. Testa ovali-elliptica, laevis, tenuis, fragilis, flavescens ; latere antico lato, rotundato, postico brevi, oblique truncato. Nucula arctica, Gray ut supra. Shell oval-elliptical, smooth, very slightly concentrically wrinkled; epidermis yellowish-green, glossy ; umbones rather acute, nearly central ; broad rounded, rather narrowed, obliquely truncated behind ; inside glossy-white, edge plain in front ; length (from front to back) half an inch ; depth (from umbones to the opposite edge) a quarter; breadth (from the outside of one valve to the outside of the other, in the most convex part) one-sixth. *** Shell behind much produced, gaping, above depressed. Species. — N.rostrata, Lamarck Hist., vi., 58. Area minuta, O. Fabr., Faun. Groenl., young ? Area rostrata, CAem. Conch., vij. 106. t.55. f. 550. 551. — not, Mont; Shell, length 7-8ths, depth 3-8ths, breadth 2-8ths, of an inch. Animal, Mantle-lobes, separate from one another ; foot compressed, sub- quadrate, front rent; gills attached to the hinder part of the mantle, as in the Pholades and Myae, , Order. — Phyllopoda. F am. — Hyatellad^. ccxlil APPENDIX. Genus. — Hyatella. Daudin. Species. — H. Arctica. Lamarck, Hist. vj. My a arctica. O. Fabricius, Faun. Grcenl., 407. Animal, Mantle-lobes, united together, except leaving a small ovate aper- ture for the passage of the foot, on the lower side, near the front. Tubes 2 distinct. Genus. — Saxicava. Lamarck. Species. — S. pholadis. Lam. Hist., v. 502. Mya byssifera. O. Fab., Faun. Green., 4^08. Mya pholadis. Limi. Shell differs from S. rugosa by its larger size, and being more produced and acute in front, and in having deeper concentric furrows ; length 1 inch and 3-4ths, depth 3-4ths, breadth l-4th. Animal, like that of Hyatella arctica. Family. — Solenid.®. Genus. — Glycimeris. Lamarck. Species. — G. siliqua. Lam. Hist., v. 458. Solen siliqua. Chemn. Conch., xi, 192. t. 196. f. 1934. Fam. — Venerid^e. Genus. — Nicania. Leach. * Margin of the valves even. 1. N. striata. Leach. Ross's Voyage. Shell, length 3-4ths of an inch, depth one-half, breadth 3-4ths. (Nicania Banksii of Dr. Leach belongs to this section.) ** Margin of the valves crenated. 2. N. crenata. Testa ovali-elliptica, virescens, concentrice sulcata; lunula oblongo-lan- ceolata impressa ; margine crenulato. Nicania crenata. Gray ut supra. Shell oval, elliptical, regularly concentrically furrowed ; epidermis pale yellowish green ; umbones nearly central, front, with an oblong lanceolate ZOOLOGY. ccxUii depression ; hinge of the right valve with one deep two-cut tooth and two lateral holes ; of the left, with two single teeth, and a central hole, for the reception of the tooth of the other valve ; lateral laminae, two in each valve, very small, only rudimentary ; margin of the valves crenated. In one specimen the teeth were reversed, for the right valve had two teeth, and the left but one uncut, but it differed in no other point as I could observe. ' Animal, mantle lobes separate, foot compressed flat, quadrangular. Tubes, none. Genus. — Crassina. Lamarck. Species 1. — C. Semisidcala. Leach. Ross's Voyage. , 4 Species 2. — C. Arctica. Testa subrotundo-ovata, convexa, nigra, concentric^ striolata ; umbones siibsulcatae ; lunula impressa oblongo-ovata; margine integerrimo. Crassina Arctica. Gray, ut supra. Shell roundish ovate, convex, white ; epidermis black, shining, finely concentrically striated ; umbones, rather prominent, very slightly concentri- cally furrowed; impression before the umbo, oblong ovate, deep, behind lanceolate ; hinge, right valve, with one strong single tooth, with a hollow on each side ; left, with Gvo diverging teeth and a hollow in the centre ; lateral lamina, two in each valve, front strong near to the hinge, hinder remote, small ; edge even ; length one and half, depth one and quarter, breadth 3-4th of an inch. It differs from crassina semisulcata, by being rounder, more convex, and not so much sulcated. F amily, — Cardi ad^. Genus. — Cardium. / **** Shell obsoletely radiately ribbed, edge even. ccxliv APPENDIX. Species. — -C. Radiatum. Cardium edentulum. Mont. Supple., 29. Mactra radiata. Don., t. 161, Family. — Arcade. Genus. — Arca. Lam. ' Species. — A. glacialis Testa, ovali-elliptica, tenui, villosa, alba, concentrice et transversim striata ; postice rotundata ; iimbonibus approximatis ; dentibus sub-obsoletis ; margine integerrimo. Arca glacialis. Grai/, lit supra. Shell, thin, oval, elliptical, rounded before and behind, regularly, finely concentrically, and transversely striated; epidermis, silky; umbones, to- wards the joint, incurved, nearly close ; intermediate space, lanceolate, ventricose ; margin, even, thin ; hinge-teeth very small, indistinct in the middle, rather larger at each end ; length 3-4ths of an inch, depth 3-8ths, breadth d'-Sths. Animal, mantle lobes separate ; foot flat, compressed, subquadrate, front two cut, with one or two fibres from the lower edge : trachea none. Family. — MvTiLiDiE. . Genus. — Modiola. Lamarck. Shell longitudinally obliquely striated. (Modiola Arctica, of Dr. Leach, in Ross’s Voyage, is Mytilus Fabr., 0. Rob., Fauna Grcenlandica, 419. , — Chemnitz, viij., 184. t. 85. f. 761.) Shell, middle smooth, sinuated, before and behind, generally striated. Species 1.— Modiola nigra. Modiola discrepans. Leach. Ross’s Voyage, not of Lamarck* Mytilus discrepans. Mont. Rrit, Shells, t. 26. f, 4, Species 2. — Alodiola laevigata. ZOOLOGY. CCxlv Testa ovali-elliptica, convexa, virescens, antice obsolete costostriata, pos- tic^ rotundata laevigata. Mytilus discors. Chemn., viij. 193. t. 86. f. 764. a. b. Modiola laevigata. Grai/, ut supra. Shell, oval, elliptical, convex, ventricose, front with a few obsolete ribbed- striae; middle and hinder part smooth, end rounded; epidermis, brownish or yellowish green ; length one inch, depth 3-8ths, breadtli one half of an inch. Variety 3. — Subsiriata, shell more oblong, hinder portion very closely obsoletely striated. Two odd worn valves of this variety, which, on further examination, may probably be considered as a distinct species, were brought home by this expedition. Order. — Micropoda. Family. — Pectenida;. Genus. — Pecten. Lam. Species. — P. ritreus. Testa orbicularis, tenuis, hyalina, planulatalaevissima, lucida, subequivalvis ; auriculis subequalibus laevibus. Pecten vitreus. Gray, ut supra. Shell, orbicular, thin, hyaline, quite smooth, glossy; valves, right, flattish, ears, front slightly dilated, rounded, tender, obliquely truncated ; left, rather convex; ears equal, obliquely truncated; margin even; length and depth one inch, breadth l-4th. Animal, mantle lobes, separate ; edge, fringed ; foot, ovate, thick. Tracheae none. Class. — Spirobrachiophora. Family. — Terebratulid^. Genus. — Terebratula. Lam. Species — T. psittacea. Lin. List. Conch., t. 211., f. 46. ♦ 2 h 2 ccxlvi APPENDIX. Sub Kingdom. — Annulosa. Class. CiRRIPEDES. Order. — Acamptosomata. Family. — Balanid^. Genus. — Balanus. Leach. Species. — Balanus glacialis. Testa subcylindrica, obliqua, albida, obsolete transversim striata ; operculo antic^ prcfunde transversim sulcato, postic^ irregulariter striato ; apice acuto inflexo. Shell, nearly cylindrical, oblique, aggregate ; valves, slightly irregularly transversely striated ; operculum, forepart deeply tranversely furrowed ; hind part irregularly striated ; apex acute, bent forwards. Class. — ChjEtipoda. Order. — Sedentaria. Fam. — Serpuladas. Genus. — Spirorbis. Lamarck. Species 1. — S. nautiloides. Lam. Hist., v. 359. Serpula spirorbis. LimiL 0. Fab. 1. c. 377. Species 2. — S. spirillum. Lam. 1. c. 359. Serpula spirillum. Linne. 0. Fab. 1. c. 376. Sub Kingdom, Radi at a. Class. — Echinodermata. Order. — Spha^roida. Fam. — EcHiNiDiE, Genus. — Echinus. Lam. Species. — E. saxatilis. Linne. 0. Fabricius, 1. c. 373? Class. — Zoophyte. Order. — Cellepora. Fam. 1. — Fi.ustrad^. Genus. — Flustra. Linn. Species. — F. angustiloba. Lam. Hist., ij. 158. ccxlvii j ROCK SPECIMENS. The following Observations on the Rock Specimens, collected by the Expedition, has been furnished by Charles Konig, Esq., F.R.S,, &c. We may conclude, from the nature of the rock specimens collected on the former voyage for discovering the North-West Passage, that both the east and west coast of Davis’ Strait and Baffin’s Bay are composed of primi- tive formations, in connexion with others of a more recent date, which for the greatest part belong to several members of Werners trap formation. It would appear, however, from the paucity of specimens decidedly referable to trap rocks among those brought from Baffin’s Bay by the late Expedition to the Arctic Seas, that the same formation is less prevalent on the western coast. While on the west coast of Greenland it exists in all its different gradations, but more particularly in the form of amygclaloidal transition trap, with many of those minerals which are usually found nidulating in it, such as calcedony, agate, jasper, green earth, &c., no traces of any of these sub- stances are seen among the specimens collected by the Expedition in its progress down the western coast of Baffin’s Bay, where the principal rocks . are gneiss and micaceous quartz-rock, with some ambiguous granitic com- pound, in which hornblende seems to enter as a subordinate ingredient. In the latitude of the entrance into Sir James Lancaster’s Sound, the specimens, which I had an opportunity of seeing, begin to indicate the ccxlviii APPENDIX. predominance of older traps, with other concomitant transition rocks. Among them the more prominent are fragments (many indeed only detached from boulders,) of well-defined syenite, with red, and others with greenish- grey feldspar, the latter approaching to compact in its texture. Epidote, which is frequently seen in this syenite, has in some specimens the appear- ance of being one of the constituent ingredients of the rock. Other masses from Possession Bay are hornblende rock, with disseminated garnets ; green- stone, apparently primitive, and a greenish-grey sandstone more or less impregnated with oxide of iron. There are a few other varieties of sand- stone, one of which, more or less streaked with reddish-brown, has all the characters of and may possibly belong to the bunt-sandstein of Werner; espe- cially as there are accompanying specimens of fibrous and fletz-gypsum, which formation is generally found with and resting upon the second or variegated sandstone, and is often overlaid by shell limestone. Of this last- mentioned variety of fletz limestone, there is a specimen among those col- lected in the valley of Possession Bay, by Mr. Fisher. This gentleman, it is observed, found that valley to consist partly of basalt ; but I have not seen any specimens of this rock among the fragments obtained in that place. The other rocks from that quarter which have fallen under my observation, are chiefly primitive, viz., granite, gneiss, and some mica slate, with horn- blende and quartz rock. They exhibit nothing new or remarkable in their oryctognostic character. The several varieties of granite differ from each other only in the varying proportion of the usual component parts, in their grain and colour. Both the gneiss and mica slate contain small imbedded garnets, and to the latter of these may be referred a micaceous mass, enclosing grains and amorphous masses of noble garnet, intermixed with a yellowish- white substance, which seems to be compact feldspar. Another substance from Possession Bay which deserves to be noticed, is a variety of fibrous limestone, not inferior in lustre, when polished, to the satin spar of Cumberland. Compared with these rock specimens from the western coast of Baffin’s ROCK SPECIMENS. ccxlix Bay, those gathered on the coasts where Captain Parry’s discoveries com- menced, seem to indicate a considerable difference in the respective geolo- gical features of those tracts. The north coast of Barrow’s Strait, as far westward as the Polar Sea, and part of the eastern coast of Prince Regent’s Inlet, appear to exhibit a character belonging to those more recent forma- tions which are known to proceed from the primitive mountains of Scandi- navia, and other explored tracts of high northern latitudes. Among them a variety of limestone seems to prevail, which is very like the Alpine or mountain limestone. It is compact, of yellowish and greyish colour, and contains, among other remains of zoophytes and shells, abundance of the same species of Terebratula, which are characteristic of that rock in various alpine tracts in Europe. A greyish-brown fetid variety of limestone, from the north side of Barrow’s Strait, bears great resemblance to the mountain limestone as it occurs in Derbyshire ; it contains parts of corallines, which are, however, too imperfect to be determined. The chert, or hornstone, of which likewise specimens were found in those parts, may, perhaps, occur as subordinate beds in this transition limestone. Among the specimens from Riley Cape is a fragment of white granular marble passing into compact. Not less indicative of the formation to which the above-mentioned varie- ties of limestone belong, is a calcareous mass, which, it would seem, abounds in various parts of the north coast of Barrow’s Strait, on the eastern coast of Prince Regent’s Inlet, and which also occurs on the South coast of North Georgia. This limestone, which bears some resemblance to that of Goth- land, in which parts of the stems of Encrini are found, is yet sufficiently distinct from this, and all other varieties I am acquainted with, to deserve being briefly noticed in this place. , It is of a yellowish white colour, and, in most hand specimens, exhibits a uniform coarse-granular structure ; it is friable, and the grains are indeter- minately angular, more or less shining, and sometimes intermixed with, or cemented by, calcareous matter of a deeper yellow. Reduced to powder, it emits a yellow phosphorescent light when strewed on a heated iron. This ccl APPENDIX. calcareous rock, in some specimens from Prince Regent’s Inlet, abounds with parts of the jointed stem and single joints of a zoophyte belonging to the natural order of Encrini ; other specimens appear to be entirely without these bodies : but on subjecting the different varieties ofaggregation to a closer examination, it will be found that those which contain no remains mani- festly belonging to the just mentioned organized fossil bodies, are, never- theless, entirely composed of their detritus. This encrinitic mass, in 'single specimens, might readily be mistaken for a friable variety of common granular limestone, did not a comparison of a series of specimens prove that appear- ance to be produced by the extreme comminution of the substance of those fossil zoophytes, each particle of which still exhibits planes of cleavage parallel to the primitive rhombohedron. The joints of the stem and branches of the zoophyte which appears to have thus largely contributed to the formation of this mass, are mostly cylin- drical ; their thickness is in an inverted ratio with that of the column of which they form parts ; those near the body being the largest and thinnest. Cylin- drical portions of the stem, formed by these thinner vertebrae, exhibit on their surface hemispheric concavities, some of them large enough to occupy from four to six of the thin joints or vertebrae, the lines of separation of which are seen to traverse the cavities in a horizontal direction. They are the sockets of articulation, in which the branches of the stem were inserted. The casts produced from these concavities in the surrounding mass, might, when seen without their moulds, be easily mistaken for distinct organic remains. There is little doubt that this zoophyte is related to some of those encrinites of which parts of the stem and branches so frequently occur in the transition limestone of Gothland. It seems to me also probable that many of the screw stones (Epitonium, L.) owe their origin to the decompo- sition of the stems of species belonging to this genus. Another species of a genus of zoophytes, peculiar to the transition limestone, was found by Captain Parry, in Prince Regent’s Inlet, at the foot of a high hill. It is a fine Catenipora, which appears to be quite dis- ROCK SPECIMENS. CcU tinct from the commo chain coral of Gothland, and other countries. Lamarck has two species of this genus, namely, the common one, which is (rather unaptly) called by him C. escharoides ; and another, which he distin- guishes by the name of C. axillaris, though it appears from his reference to a figure in the Amoenitates Academiccd, that he is speaking of Tubipora serpens, L., which is not a congener of, and can indeed scarcely be considered as belonging to, the same natural order with Catenipora. We may, therefore, look upon this arctic species as an undescribed and anonymous one. I call it Catenipora Pam7; tubulis crassiusculis, compressis, collectis in laminas sinuatas varie inter sese coalitas, tubuloruinorificiis ovatis saepe confluentibus: dissepimentis confcrtissimis. The space between the laminae is filled up by a yellowish calcareous mass ; the tubes themselves are converted into carbonate of lime, internally drused with minute crystals of the same substance. Very little can be inferred from the specimens of primitive rocks, gathered both in Prince Regent’s Inlet and Barrow’s Strait : they are, for the most part, fragments from rolled pieces, and consist chiefly of granite, mica slate, and quartz rock. There are, nevertheless, some among them, especially among those from the first-mentioned tract, which distinctly indicate primitive trap formation, such as granular and slaty hornblende rock, together with several varieties of syenite, and similar rocks, in which hornblende and feldspar form the predominating ingredients ; some of them enclosing massive and indistinctly crystallized epidote of either a yellowish or grass-green colour. Among some specimens found at Port Bowen, on the eastern coast of Prince Regent’s Inlet, may be specified a rolled piece of a mass, composed of flesh-red feldspar, greyish-white quartz, ^nd a substance which is distinct from epidote, though it might easily be mistaken for it. According to an analysis, with which I have been favoured by J. G. Children, Esq., it is composed of silica 59.89, alumina 22.45, soda 6.81, lime 4.85, oxide of iron 4.0, magnesia 0.67, oxide of manganese 0.16 ; cclii APPENDIX. — loss 1.14. Its specific gravity Mr. Children found to he 2.67. Before the blow-pipe it melts into a milk-white enamel. Its colour is a dirty yellowish green, passing into brownish. It is scratched by the knife ; streak white. Fracture uneven, dull, approaching to resinous ; here and there with small planes of cleavage, which are shining, and even splendent. It is rather easily frangible ; the fragments are indeterminately angular, and translucent at the edges. This substance, which I suppose constitutes a distinct species among the silicates of sodium, appears to be one of those which enter the composition of the rock called Gabbro by Mr. Von Buch, As probably connected with this formation we may consider the magnetic iron-stone, of which some specimens were gathered in lat. 72° 4S', long. 90° west ; it is of a very fine grain, and occurs also disseminated in, and alter- . Dating with, granular quartz, exhibiting white and grey stripes. Some specimens also of jaspery ironstone, mixed with particles of quartz, were found on the eastern coast of Prince Regent’s Inlet. Nor is the presence of iron less observable in specimens referable to more recent formations of trap from the same quarter, such as various kinds of clay ironstone, and ferru- ginous sandstone. Of the latter of these a greenish-grey variety appears to be of particularly frequent occurrence in those parts ; if we are allowed to judge from the many, especially tabular, fragments brought from thence, which are all, more or less, impregnated with brown hydrous oxyde of iron, some being so completely penetrated by it that they may be considered as tolerably rich ores of this metal. As it is sufficiently difficult to judge of the relative antiquity of depositions of sandstone, when observed in situ, it would, of course, be altogether una- vailing to indulge in conjectures respecting the formations to which the fragments and rolled pieces may have belonged which were picked up in various parts of the north coast of Barrow’s Strait, and Prince Regent’s Inlet. The most abundant among them is a red sandstone, and a variegated one with brownish-red stripes. These varieties are seen to pass into one another: they are composed of small grains, united by a quartzy cement# ROCK SPECIMENS. ccliii and frequently confluent, so as to form a nearly compact, liorn-stone-like mass, similar to the variety of hard sandstone from Egypt, which has been often employed in that country for purposes of statuary and architecture. In external characters it agrees exactly with one of the oldest formations of fletz sandstone, the hmt-sandstein of Werner; and the slaty grey sandstone, of which specimens were found, may possibly be the sandstein-schiefer of the same geologist, which is said to be a characteristic concomitant of this second sandstone. There is nothing particularly remarkable in the specimens from Byam Martin’s Island : they are few in number, consisting of two varieties of granite, both with bright-red feldspar, red close-grained sandstone passing into com- pact, and a ferruginous sandstone, together with small fragments of flint slate. The rock specimens from Melville Island, though little can be said respecting the relative situation of most of them (they being chiefly rolled pieces, or casual fragments,) yet form a more complete series than the others, and some of them are by no means uninteresting. There are two or three varieties of granite, gneiss, and syenite ; the latter (from Winter Harbour, and the north shore of the island,) of a larger grain and with red feldspar, contains much green epidote, and is very like that which occurs in several parts of the island of Jersey In another variety from Winter Harbour, which contains some disseminated iron pyrites, the hornblende appears in a more compact state, and in the shape of irregular veins and threads. Another variety from the same place is rather remarkable from its exhibiting here and there small cavities, drused by minute quartz crystals, and coated by scaly red ironstone. In another specimen, small grains of ironstone, attracted by the magnet, were seen, and, upon examination, found to be titaniferous. The few pieces of hornblende rock from this island, seem to be detached from boulders found in Winter Harbour ; among them is also a specimen of a slaty compound of hornblende, mica, and red feldspar. * See my description of it in Plees’s Account of Jersey, p. 233. 2 i 2 ccliv APPENDIX. The principal formation of the island appears to be the fletz sandstone, with the subordinate one of coal and ironstone. The structure of the cliffs along a considerable extent of the northern shore of Barrow’s Strait, ex- hibiting, beside horizontal stratification, numerous buttress-like projections and mural precipices, is not of uncommon occurrence in the formations of the transition and older fletz limestone ; but still more striking in this respect is the appearance of the sandstone formations, especially those of more ancient date. Having undergone a peculiar disintegration which acts in a direction nearly perpendicular to the horizontal stratification, they exhibit the repre- sentations of ruined towers, buttresses, pillars, and similar works raised by the hand of men. This structure, so strikingly expressed in the sandstone formation of Bohemia, Saxony, and other parts of Germany, at the Cape of Good Hope, and particularly in several mountainous tracts of China, appears no less characteristic of the sandstone of some parts of the coast of Melville Island, especially at Cape Dundas, the westernmost point to which the investigation of Captain Parry extended, and the general features of which have been so ably described by him in his Journal. This sandstone is composed of very fine, flat, confluent grains, with here and there the appearance of minute silvery scales, which, when more or less aggregate, communicate to the mass a perfectly micaceous appearance. It occurs both of a uniform greyish-white colour, and more or less marked throughout by small brown ochry spots, which sometimes are confluent into large patches. It generally separates into tabular pieces, and is sometimes invested on the rifts with thin plates of white carbonate of lime. Some of its varieties are not unlike grauwacke slate. It contains secondary fossils. Of the specimens which I had an opportunity of examining, two bore the impressions of a Trilobite, but too indistinct to admit of being determined with precision*. * I have since determined it to belong to Brongnart’s genus of Asaphus lately published ; but ■whether or not it be one of the species described by him. and Wahlenberg, cannot be ascertained from the specimen alluded to. ROCK SPECIMENS. cclv In another variety of sandstone, of a grey colour, found in the neighbour- hood of Table-hill, I observed some disk-shaped bodies of about half an inch in diameter, exhibiting concentric circles, with creiiulated rays proceeding from the centre, which is in the form of a small knob : they are, no doubt, trochi or joints of the stem of an Encrinus ; but this is all that can be said of them. The two specimens of sandstone containing the above-mentioned secondary fossils, are pretty similar in appearance to those others brought from Melville island, which abound with the vegetable remains characteristic of the coal sandstone. These are most of them merely impressions and filmy carbo- naceous remnants of leaves (or fronds with ovate-lanceolate leaflets,) and stems, which by their regularly placed oval marks, indicate that the proto- t37>es belonged to the arborescent ferns which we observe in such great abundance in the coal sandstone of more southern latitudes ; a proof that the inhospitable hyperborean region where they occur, at one time displayed the noble scene of a luxuriant and stately vegetation. There is also among the specimens of sandstone from the same place, one bearing the impression of a thin, longitudinally-striated stem, not unlike that of some reed. The coal itself is of a more or less slaty structure, and approaches, in some specimens, to the nature of brown coal ; its colour is of a brownish black : it is easily cleft, and the planes of separation, which are without lustre, exhibit here and there black shining spots, and lines apparently of a bituminous nature. It emits no unpleasant smell when burning, and leaves copious greyish-white ashes. This coal is not the same with that of Disco Island, which contains the amber ; it differs from it both in colour and structure. There is a piece of fine pitch coal or jet among the objects picked up in the neighbourhood of Cape Hearne. Part of the specimens of argillaceous and brown ironstone, found in Melville Island, evidently belong to the same formation as the sandstone so abundant in these parts, and are alike concomitants of the coal. They consist chiefly of rounded pieces, and likewise of geodes : the former appear cclvi APPENDIX. also to exist here in the shape of a conglomerate. Some specimens from Table-hill and its neighbourhood, as also from Liddon’s Gulf, are marked with the impressions of bivalves, particularly of a small, flat, ovate cuneiform species of Avicula, of which a figure will be given elsewhere under the name of A. Melvilliana. One of the fragments of compact brown ironstone exhibits a glossy surface and fracture, approaching to fibrous. There are also specimens of sandstone which exhibit a transition into a kind of brown ironstone : in this state it is generally seen as tabular pieces, similar to that which in some parts of Norway, 8^c., is deposited in beds of a few inches’ thickness in sandstone, into which it passes. In the same manner the hydrous oxyde of iron is seen to penetrate clay which here and there slightly effervesces with acids, and is therefore a ferru- ginous marl. There are a few varieties of slate-clay, such as might be expected to occur with coal and sand-stone formations : they are very soft, of ash-grey, and greenish-grey colour, and were found overlaid by sandstone at the bottom of ravines. The limestone from Melville Island, especially that from Table-hill, bears the character belonging to that of the oldest fletz or transition formation. The secondary fossils which it contains are chiefly bivalve shells and coral- lines. None of these, however, are perfect enough to admit of the deter- mination of the genera to Avhicli they respectively belong, except a small species of Terebratula of that division which comprehends the Petunculi of earlier writers on petrifactions, and a species of Favosites, which does not appear to differ from F. Gothlandicus. There are a few specimens among those from Winter Harbour and Table- hill, w'hich appear to bespeak the presence of fletz trap-rocks in Melville Island ; but being found as rolled stones, they do not allow any judgment being formed of the relation in which they stand to the other formations. I have seen from those parts a few small fragments of calcedony, Avith opaque ROCK SPECIMENS. cclvii stripes like the onyx from Iceland and Ferroc ; fragments of red jasper, and of a jaspery breccia ; a piece of a compact hornstone-like mass of greenish colour mixed with reddish, and small rolled pieces of basalt. There is also among them a specimen of wood-hornstone of greyish-brown colour, with concentric yellowish-white rings. Nor should I omit mentioning a similar specimen of woodstone from Byam Martin’s Island, with numerous close con- centric rings, the curve of which indicates its being a fragment of the stem of a petrified dicotyledonous tree. It is susceptible of taking a beautiful polish. :,,V ..^v, .r'S rnr mi , .' >•, .■, ■/' ■ ,. ' . j^V' ' ' '’ ' ' , < . ' •''••‘•*, ■ . r ^ i: tV. 0'Vll}> ij.. , ■ , '..v' -i' ’ « :■« ..V„ .,-.r -r-ic/i, ■a'- ■:■■ • * v'*' . ',,V i'l'it iifoii/fa’ Iwa Biiji: : iftofeslt.!,' ' ■ ■ ''1^.^' • ■^ru't ahtifCi’f ' ',1. '• . ■. . , ",;■ :/. t;. .■v^?5;i "v’\ j»--' ' ' '- ■ , ' : ■ ... ^.,' ...S :.v.' ■■■.(;'. .', P'-. I , U'’jfc'ia'Aa,t^A, ■,^i'‘ (■ !'■ BJ .1 , ".1^/ ''-y'- ••'...' '' ■ - ’ • v.u ■ ' \*‘i isV'.i' •c, ■' * ,' (!;> .' . -' :''■" - .' ;,.';:'^vr, ':!,y'''i.ii.>'. V !'•• - '! V' ' ■'.'uy. Ml.'. 5v Ul 'tl V , • J ' ‘ ’ ■ ') f’-/' ' )i A',-' XA' .J'v' . & Iwt-ft- ' V, ; '4'' '.m • MM' a;!, ^ ,•■ '‘.y ^ ' ^-vv^- • m "'W /A ■ ■1 Mi: ' ■'< • ' .!>l’^.'':'i r\ APPENDIX XI BOTANY B ,- ,'c ■1 V :i‘ ,‘ '■>' ‘Vu,' J. > ’ ' ''■\: 5^1 ?J'V' fe j^taV. ^'' ■ !■ ,f'- ^V ^!;!i.’ - ! '• 4';, '„,( .. d/, ,1- . , ,-i,'-.4, r-fV';**'.' '., '.. ' ■ ' -i- : " .'■ ■■■'^' ' ' ■ ' V.‘i''^v,:» j:»'. - 'i '.' «W*- ?■>•.,' '■■ .,;. * ' ■ 'l (l”’ ^' ' ' ' yrK -Si'.’ ' ^'•... vX xO,.;.. '...- ';ir Smi’ . V‘ j ■,■9 ^^^ * - ''S VV^ ". '>s‘ \ »' * ' V ■ '■ ■ • . ,■'■■, .xr(f A ' ' \'90. >K.' V/'-.K’ ^v'‘ 'H)K:' >< ^ v ' • ■ 'iV . . BF. ' ' ' V4lb*i^ k 4> ’^■4* ' '.x' ■•' .Jikr.-I iMiiiM - ■.'if - 1 ,, :.iiiigp' )*'« S'..’ . ' . / ' > '» '• . '■: - 4''. .')lJV*’,tV\V' '■ '' '• I , ' • ^^.V ' ' iV '■' I ■< . i ]',j M.VMt'iHI 'Hnf ■ .-A-fiiifci.tf \yljr '.4^^ . ■ I'' ■* I -'f'i'<‘.- •SiIt »•'•'>■•— '■■'■ ^.^-•■! ■ :,A A • V ,_,V^ -iV ;t>;: ' ■ ■/ ' \::i, ■':*•^4 t ‘" ',(4? ;•,• ^y'v,* i.,;.-'; .•.''■1-4 'j i .I*,;'-"* ■■-■■»< If I ..: |.^ '.^f r/*'< ’* .iy ‘‘t /'S>|| , \ . I' ;f aiiKai'P XiisU? ',,. ,/ , r;;' ”' • ' ' ''yyy' ■ r N®- XI. A LIST OF PLANTS, COLLECTED lU MELVILLE ISLAND, BY THE OFEICERS OF THE EXPEDITION; WITH CHARACTERS|AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE NEW SPECIES. BY ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S. and L.S. THE following list of the Plants observed in Melville Island, chiefly in the vicinity of Winter Harbour, is drawn up from the Herbaria of Captain Sabine, Mr. Edwards, Mr. James Ross, Captain Parry, Mr. Fisher, and Mr. Beverley, whose names are liere given in the order of the extent of their collections. To Captain Parry, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Fisher, and Mr. Ross, I am indebted for complete series of specimens of their respective collections ; and I have to offer my acknowledgments to Captain Sabine for having allowed me freely to examine his more extensive herbarium, and to retain it until he was about to leave England, in October, 1821, when the whole, in compliance with his request, was returned to him. The delay that has taken place in the publication of the present account has been, in part, owing to the state of my health during a considerable portion of the time that has elapsed since the collections were placed in my hands. I have also experienced much greater difficulty than I had anticipated in determining many of the species ; arising either from their extremely vaiiable nature, from the incomplete state of the specimens 2 k 2 cclxii PREFATORY REMARKS. contained in the collections, or from the want of authentic specimens of other countries, Avith which it was necessary to compare them. I may notice, likeAvise, as a third cause of the delay, the greater extent of my original plan, Avhich included remarks on the state and relative proportions of the primary divisions and natural ox'ders contained in the list ; a comparison Avith the vegetation of regions of nearly similar climates ; and observations on the range of those species common to Melville Island and other parts of the Avorld. ToAvards the completion of this plan I had made considerable progress. But to have satisfactorily treated some of the subjects referred to Avould have required more time than I have had it in my power to devote to them, and in several cases better materials than I have hitherto been able to obtain. I have consequently found it necessary to relinquish, for the present, this part of my plan*, and to confine myself to a systematic list, adding only characters and descriptions * I shall here offer a single remark on the relative proportions of the two primary divisions of Phmnogamous Plants. In my earliest observations on this subject I had come to the conclusion that from 45® as far as 60° or perhaps 65° of North Latitude, the proportion of Dicotyledonous to iSIonocotyledonous plants gradually diminished. (^Flinders' voy. 2. p. 538.) But from a subsequent examination of the list of Greenland plants, given by Professor Giesecke, (Art. Greenland, in Brewster’s Edinburgh Encyclopedia) as well as from what I had been able to collect respecting the vegetation of alpine regions, I had supposed it not improbable that in still higher latitudes, and at corresponding heights above the level of the sea, the relative numbers of these two divisions were again inverted; {Tuckey’s Congo, p. 423.) in the list of Greenland plants referred to, Dicotyledones being to Monocotyledones as four to one, or in nearly the equinoctial ratio ; and in the vegetation of Spitzbergen, as Avell as it could be judged of from the materials hitherto collected, the proportion of Dicotyledones appearing to be still further increased. This inversion in the cases now mentioned was found to depend at least as much on the reduction of the proportion of Gramineas, as on the increase of certain Dicotyledonous families, especially Saxifrageso and Cruciferae. The Flora of Melville Island, however, which, as far as relates to the two primary divisions of Phsenogamous plants, is probably as much to be depended on as any local catalogue hitherto published, leads to very different conclusions; Dicotyledones being in the present list to ^lono- cotyledones as five to two, or in as low a ratio as has been any where yet observed ; while the proportion of Grasses, instead of being reduced, is nearly double Avhat has been found in any other part of the world; (see Humboldt, in Diet, des Sciences Nat., tom. 18, table at p. 416.) this family forming one-fifth of the whole Phaenogamous vegetation. PREFATORY REMARKS. cclxiii of the new or imperfectly known genera and species ; the only indication left of my intention to treat any of the subjects alluded to being a greater number of references to authors than is absolutely necessary for the present list, though essential to my original design. Witli this more limited plan, and with its execution, as far at least as regards the deter- mination of several of the species, I am so little satisfied, that had the publication depended entirely on myself, and related solely to the present essay, I should have deferred it stUl longer, probably until the return of Captain Parry from the arduous enterprise in which he is now embarked. I have, however, to expi'ess my regret for the delay that has already taken place, as it has prevented the appearance of the valuable memoirs in other departments of Natural History, which have been long ready for publication ; and also as it has till now deprived Botanists of the excellent figures so admirably Illustrating the structure of the plants selected for engraving, and for Avhlch it is hardly necessary to add that I am indebted to the friendship of Mr. Bauer. cclxiv APPENDIX. DICOTYLEDONES. RANUNCULACEiE. 1. Ranunculus nivalis, foliis radicalibus elongato-petiolatis dilatatis lobatis: lobis subovatis ; caulinis subsessilibus palmatis, caule erecto subunifloro, petalis obovatis integer- rimis longioribus calyce hirsutissimo, stylis rectiuscidis ovaria glabra asquantibus. Ranunculus nivalis, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 156. Schlechtcnd. ranuncul. sect. post. p. 14. /3. folia radicalia basi cuneata vix ad medium lobata, lobo medio semiovato basi latiore, petala orbiculato-obovata calyce hirsutissimo sesquilongiora. Ranunculus nivalis. /3. Wahlenb. lapp. p. . (exclus. syn. Martens spitzb.) Ranunculus sulphureus. Soland. in Phipps'' voy. p. 202, (fide speciminis unici biflori absque foliis radicalibus, in Herb. Banks.) DeCand. syst. nat. p. 274, (exclus. syn. Martens spitzl)., Laxmanni, Willdenovii et Smithii.) Br. spitzb. pi. in Scoresby'‘s arct. reg. 1. append, p. 75. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 742. y. folia radicalia ba.si subcuneata v. transversa alte lobata, lobo medio cuneato-obovato basi angustiore. Obs. Varietas y. cujus exemplaria duo tantum a nobis visa proxime accedit a. qua?, in Insula Melville baud observata, sequentibus notis distinguenda. a. folia radicalia I’eniformia alte lobata, lobo medio cuneato-obovato basi angustiore. Ranunculus nivalis. DeCand. sys. nat. 1. p. ^TiQ, exclus. cit. ad Sw. in act. holm. 1789. p. 47. quae R. pygmaeus, et syn. Martens spitzb. ad var /3. pertinente. A. R. nivali diftert R. frigidus Willden. foliis radicalibus minus alte incisis lobulis pluribus, petalis obcordatis venis anastomozantibus, quae in R. nivali distinctae, et -statura paulo majore. 2. Ranunculus Sabinii, foliis radicalibus elongato-petiolatis tripartitis: lobis ellipticis : lateralibus semibifidis ; caulinis sessilibus tripartitis linearibus, calycibus hirsutis petala retusa subaequantibus. Obs. Planta inter R. nivalem et pygmaeam media in Herb. D. Sabine exstat, ulterius examinanda, forsan baud distincta a R. nivali cujus cfr. ic. Flor. Dan. 1699, ubi petala retusa et folium radicale pinnatifidum. 3. Ranunculus hypeiibokeus, foliis petiolatis trifidis : lobis divaricatis obtusis : lateral- ibus subbifidis medio integerrimo, cavde repente, acbeniis laevibus stigmate sessili apiculatis. Ranunculus byperboreus. Rottb. in act. Hafn. 10. p. 458. t. 4. n. 16. Flor. Dan. 331. Zceg. flor. island, in Olafs. reise. 2. p. 237. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 1322. Pers. syn. 2. j). 104. Wahlenh. lapp.p. 158. De Cand. syst. nat. 1. p. 272. Schlechtend. ranuncul. sect. post. p. 12. BOTANY. cclxv Ranunculus foliis subrotundis trilobis integerrimis, caule repente. Gmel. Sib. 4. p. 204. 1. 8S. b. Desc. Herba pusilla glabra. Folia elongato-petiolata, alte trifida, lobo medio ovali saepis- sime indiviso, lateralibus saepius bifidis lobulo exteriore minore, nunc indivlsis, rarissime tri- fidis. Petioli filiform es basi vaginantes. Pedunculi oppositifolii, petiolum subinquantes, saepius pilis sparsis adpressis. Calyx tetraphyllus nunc tripliyUus, (an unquam 5-pliyllus ?) foliolis concavis pilosiusculis. Petala 5, calyce manifeste longipra, lamina obovata, intus nitenti trinervi, ungue lineari, apice foveola angusta marginata. Stamina 15 — 18, petalis breviora, filamentis inaequalibus, antheris ovalibus. Achenia (30 circiter) in capitulum ovatum congesta, stigmate brevi mucronulata. 4. Ranunculus aefinis, foliis radicalibus pedato-multifidis petiolatis; caulinis subsessilibus digitatis ; lobis omnium linearibus, caule erecto 1-2-floro cum calycibus ovariisque pubes- centibus, fructibus oblongo-cybndi’aceis, acheniis rostro recurvo. Obs. R. auricomo proxima species. 5. Caltha akctica, caule repente, foliis reniformibus crenato-repandis obtusis, foUiculis (12 — 16) imbricatis, stigmate persistente adnato apice recurvo, antheris linearibus viginti pluribus. Obs. Affinitate C. radicanti accedit; figura foliorum et caule repente convenit cum C. natante, qu^ facile distinguenda pistiUis stamina longitudine et numero superantibus, in capitulum sph^ricum dense congestis, stigmatibus rectis siraplicibus subsessilibus, antheris ovalibus, floribus albis foliisque aliquoties minoribus, et facie diversissima. PAPAVERACEdE. 6. Pap AVER nudicaule. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 725. Flor. Dan. 41. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 1145. Pers. syn. 2. p. 62. Br. in Ross’’ voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 193. Hooker in Scoresby''s Greenl. p. 413. Papaver nudicaule y. radicatum. De Cand. syst. nat. 2. p. 70. Papaver radicatum. Rottb. in act. Hafn. 10. p. 455. t. 8. p. 24. Br. spitzb. pi. in Scoresby’'s arct. reg. 1. append, p. 75. ■i . . . . ' * _ CRUCIFERS. 7. Deaba alpina. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 1. pi 642. ed. 2. p. 896. Willden. sp. pi. 3, p. 425. Pers. syn. 2. p. 190. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 173. De Cand. syst. nat. 2. p. 338. a. siliculse glabrae. Draba alpina Herb. Linn. /3. siliculas pilose. Draba alpina. Br. spitzb. pi. in Scorcsby's arct. reg. 1. append, p. 75, cclxvi APPENDIX, 8. Draba pauciflora, scapis aphyllis pedicellisque pilosis, foliis lanceolatis integer- rimis pilis furcatis simplicibusque, petalis (flavis) spathulatis calycem hirsutum vix superau- tibus, ovariis glabris. Obs. Dubia species, alpinae proxima, cujus exemplar unicum in Herb. D. Sabine vidi. 9. Draba lapponioa. De Cand. syst. nat, 2. p. 344, Draba androsacea. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 174. 1. 11. f. 5. exclus. syn. Desc. Radix fusiformis, fibris nonnullis longis simplicibus, multiceps, Caules breves, divisi, basi reliquiis petiolorum emarcidis albis squamati, partiales semiinciales, dense foliati. Folia lanceolata v. oblongo-lanceolata aciitiuscula, plana, integerrima, venis alte immersis anastomozantibus, marginibus ciliatis pilis patentibus simplicibus paucissimisque furcatis, paginis adultorum glabris, novellorum pube brevi ramosa substellata conspersis. Scapi unciales — sesquiunciales, saepissime aphylli, nunc folio unico lanceolato-lineari instructi, gla- berrimi, Irnves. Corymbi 5-6-flori pedicellis glaberrimis patentibus, inferioribus flore ssepe longioribus. Calyx : foliolis concavis, ovalibus, extus vel pilis nonnullis simplicibus con- spersis vel saspius glaberrimis. Petala alba, calyce duplo longiora, ungite brevi, lamina obovata venosa. Stamina tetradynama, calyce longiora, petalis breviora,y!'7ame7^^^.y edentulis, aviheris uniformibus, subrotundis ocliroleucis. Ovarium sessile ovatum glabrum. Stylus brevissimus. Stigma capitato-bilobum, stylo manifesto latius. Silicultx racemoso-corymbosae, lanceolato-ovatae, glabrae, stigmate subsessili apiculatm, pedicellis patentibus paulo longiores polyspermae. Semina biseriata, immarglnata. 10. CocHLEARiA FENESTRATA, siliculis elliptlcis ovallbusve, valvis subaveniis, dissepl- mento elliptico-lanceolato axl saepius fenestrato, foliis radicalibus cordatis integerrimis ; cau- llnls spathulato oblongis subdentatis. Cochlearia fenestrata. Br, in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 193. De Cand. syst. nat. 2. p. 367. Desc. Species poly morpba. radicalla reniformi-cordata, cito decidua ; caullna sessllla, Integra vel paucidentata. Calyx saepe purpurascens. Petala alba, obovata, calyce longiora. Antherce subrotundae. Stylus brevis. Stigma capitatum. Silicula obtusa stylo brevi cum stigmate apiculata. Valva ventricosae, venis alte immersis. Dissepimentum mine ellipticum, nunc oblongum v. angustato-oblongum, e lamellis duabus tenuissimis facile separandis ; loculi polyspermi. Funiculi umbilicales baslbus connexis ope membranae angustae dissepimento parallelae. Semina contraria, h. e. cruribus embryonis Invicem septoque parallelis, ovata, reticulata, immarglnata. Obs. In exemplar! unico Siliculas passim triloculares trivalves dissepimento pariter fenes- trato observavi. PLATYPETALUM. Char. Gen. Silicula ovalis polyspenna, valvis convexis. Cotyledones incumbentes. Stylus brevissimus. Calyx subpatens. Petalorum lamina? dilatatae. BOTANY. cclxvii Habitus fere Brayge quacum structura Jioris coiyledonibusque incumbentibus convenit ; satis diversum pericarpii forma. Affne quoque Subularije esse videtur, quce ob coty- ledones angustas bicrures, in, embryone tantum bicruri ab eadem tribu minime remo- venda. Notis fructificationis pluribus accedit etiam Stenopetalo nob. quod calyce clauso., petalis subulatis ! glandulis receptaculi et habitu diversissimum,, nee revera affine. 11. Platypetalum purpurascens, stigmate bilobo patenti, stylo manifesto, scapis nudis unifoliisque pubescentibus, siliculis glabriusculis. Desc. Radix perennis, fusiformis saepe multicaulis. Cauleshve\e%, indivisi, basi denudati, supra dense foliati. Folia lanceolata, obtusiuscula, integerrinia, rarius dente uno alterove in- structa, crassa, avenia, laete-viridia, apice pilis nonnullis albis acutis simplicibus rariiisve furcatis plerumque obsita; petioliha'Si. dilatati membranacei pallidi. Scapi terminales, saepius aphylli, vix uuciales, basi nunc glabrati. Corymbits 4-6-florus, ebracteatus. Calyx modice patens, sepalis ovatis concavis subaequalibus, extus fusco-purpureis, limbo angusto albo, apice saepe pilosiusculis quandoque glaberrimis, tardius decidiiis. Petala alba, purpureo dilute tincta, unguiculata, laminis dilatatis, latioribus quam longioribus, integris, obtusissimis, ungues llneares superantibus. Glandulee. receptaculi quatuor, per paria approximatae, latera lilamentorum breviorum stipantes. Stamina tetradynama, filamentis edentulis distinctis ; antheris uni- formilms subrotundis ocliroleucis. Ovarium sessile, ovale, pubescens pilis acutis simpli- cibus numerosis albis. Stylus brevissimus, tamen manifestus. Stigma : lobis patentibus, obtusis, papulosis. Siliculce corymbosae, ovales, stylo brevissimo cum stigmate patenti apiculatae, biloculares, polyspermae, valvis modice concavis, dissepimento completo. Semina immarginata, fusca. 12. Platypetalum dubium, stigmate indiviso subsessili, siliculis scapisque pubescentibus. Obs. Floribus ignotis dubiae generis planta cujus exemplaria tria in Herb. D. Sabine exstant. Cotyledones certe incumbentes et lineares, basibus tamen crus radiculare embryonis vix occupantibus. EUTREMA. Siliqua (abbreviata) anceps, valvis carinatis, dissepimento incomplete ! Cotyledones In- cumbentes. Herba habitu omnino Brayag et Platypetali, quibus maxime affine genus, distinguendum tamen facile siliqua ancipiti, dissepimento incompleto, et seminum funiculis. 13. EUTREMA EDWARDSII— Tab. A. Desc. Herba perennis, glabra, 2-3-unclalis. Radix fusiformis, crassa, biuncialis, striis transversis tenuibus saepe subannulata, fibrillas numerosas exserens, multicaulis. Caules sim- plicissimi, erecti, paucifolii. Folia radicalia elongato-petiolata, ovato-lanceolata, integerrima tarissime paucidentata, crassiuscula, plana, uninervia, venis alte immersis crebre anastomo- cclxviii appendix. zantibus inconspicuis, glaberrima : petiolis folio 4-5-ies longiorlbus, linearibus membranaceis^ albicantibus, adversus lucem trinerviis ; caulina radicalibus conformia, inferiora brevi pe- tiolata, superiora subsessilia. Corymbi 7-10-flori, densi, folio florali sessili saepe subtensi, cse- terum ebracteati. Calyx glaber, sepalis jEqualibus, ovatis, obtusis, modice concavis, trinerviis, extra medium purpurascentibus, insertione parum inasqualibus. Petala alba, calyce sesquilon- giora, ungues breves, lamince obovatae, (vel ex ovali obovat^) obtusae, integerrim®, plana?, obsolete uninervise, vix manifeste venosae. Glandules receptaculi quatuor, per paria approxi- matae, latera filamentorum breviorum stipantes, parvje. Stamina tetradynama. Filamenta subulata, glabra, edentula, duo lateralia paulo breviora basi aversa (acie nec superficie plana ovarium spectanti.) Anther (R unifornies, ovato-subrotundae, incumbentes, infra medium affixae, loculis parallelo-contiguis, longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Pollen flavum, sphaericum, simplex quantum observare potui per lentem centies augentem. Ovarium sessile, glabrum oblongo- ovatum, uniloculare, placentis duabus parietalibus polyspermis. Stylus brevissimis vix mani- festus. Stigma capitatum, indivisum v. semibilobum, stylo vix amplius. Siliqux (siliculosa?) racemoste, erecta?, lineari-lanceolatae, ancipites, giaberrimae, vix trUineares, stigmate obtuso indiviso subsessili apiculatae. Valvce carinatae, carina manifesta, venis immersis, cortice demum ad margines solubili, in disco arctius adherenti ; replum cortice pariter separabdi. Dissepi- mentum, praeter basin apicemque ubi saepius completum, plerumque margo perangustus ad utrumque latus cujus processus membranaceus angustior e quo funiculi umbdicales brevissimi obtusi crassi papdlaeformes orti. Semina immarginata, fusca, lasvia. Cotyledones incum- bentes, lineari-oblongae, plano-convexiusculae, basi attenuata brevi in crure radiculari sita. Ous. This species is named in honour of Mr. Edwards, Surgeon of the Hecla, from whose extensive and well-preserved hei’barium I have derived great assistance in drawing up the present list, and in which only perfect specimens with ripe sdiquae of Eutrema Edwardsii were found. EXPLICATIO TABULdS— A. Eutrema Edwardsii. — 1. Planta florida, et 17. fructifera ; utraque magnitudine natu- rali. Sequentes magnitudine auct^ ; 2. flos integer ; 3. petalum ; 4. flos petalis orbatus ; 5, sepalum (foliolum calycis) ; 6. stamina et pistillum integumentis floralibus avulsis; 7. stamen longius ; 8. stamen brevius ; 9- pollen ad augmentum 200 ; 10. pistillum receptaculo insidens a facie visum ; 11. idem duplo auctius ; 12, ejusdem portio transverse secta ; 13. idem valvis avulsis; 14. pistillum a latere visum; 15. idem valvis avulsis; 16. placentie parietalis portio cum ovulis ; 18. siliqua matura dehiscens a facie visa; 19. siliqua matura clausa a latere visa ; 20. eadem valvis orbata; 21. eadem duplo auctius; 22. semen; 23. idem transverse sectum ; 24. idem longitudinaliter sectum ; 25. embryo. PARllYA. Chau. Gen. Siliqua lato-linearis, valvis venosis, Semina biseriata, testae epidermide BOTANY. cclxix laxo, corrugate. Cotyledoncs accuiiibentes. StigMCctci approxmiata basibus counatis in stj- lum (brevissimum) decurrentibus. Filamenta edentula. Herbse persnnes, glabra, subacaules. Folia radicalia mtegerrima v. dentata, crassiuscula, opaca, venis immersis inconspicuis, petioloruTii basibus dilatatis scariosis semivaginantibus. Scapi radicales, aphylli, ebracteati. Flores purpurei. Calyx subpatens. Glandulse hypogynas 4, filamenta longiora extus stipantes. Obs. Affinitate proximum genus Arabidi, diversum siliquaruni figura, structui'a seminum et stigmatis, et denique habitu. This Genus is named in honour of Captain Pahry, the distinguished commander of the Expedition in which it was discovered, and whose herbarium contained very complete specimens of the species here described. 14. PARRYA ARCTTCA— Tab. B. Parrya, siliquis lineaii-oblongis, antheris ovalibus, foliis (fere omnibus) Integerrimis, pedunculis glaberrimis. Desc. Herba humilis, perennls, glaberrima. Radix perpendicularis, crassa, sublignea, strils transversis tenuibus notata, sagpe multiceps. Caules brevissimi, dense foliati. Folia petiolata, lanceolata passlmve spathulato-lanceolata, integerrima, nonnulla rarlssime pauci- dentata, crassiuscula, opaca, immerse uninervia, venis alte immersis Inconspicuis. Petioli dimldio superiore angusto lineari textura laminte, inferiore dilatato seralvagfnanti scarioso albicanti. Scapus caulem abbreviatum terminans vel seepe axillaris, aphyllus, ebracteatus, glaberrimus, florifer foliis ssepe duplo fructifer trlplo — quadruplove longior. Flores corym- bosi, pedunculis patentlbus glaberrimis. Calyx glaber, modice patens, deciduus : sepala, ovalia, obtusa, concava, insertione parum insequalla, immerse nervosa, nervis passim oblique connexis. Petala quatuor, sequalia, unguiculata, purpurea, rarlus alba, calyce duplo longiora ; ungues lineares; lamina Coos&Xse, uninerviae, venosfe venis apice dichotomls. Stamina B, tetradynama. Filamenta edentula ; 4 longiora latlora, altero latere extra medium paulo an- gustiora. Anthera uniformes, infra medium affixa?, oblongo-ovales, ochroleucge, basi cordata iobulis approximato-parallelis, connectivo perangusto. Pollen sphaericum, simplex (nec compositum quantum observare llcuit per lentem 114-ies augentem.) Glandula hypogyna quatuor, filamenta longiora extus stipantes. Ovarium sessile, glabrum, biloculare, polysper- inum, ovulis numerosis. Stylus brevissimus. Stigma bipartitum, lobis placentis oppositis, obtusls, mutuo s^pius appressis, basibus confluentibus et quasi in latera styli decurren- tibus. Siliqua racemosa?, erectae, nonnullae quandoque pendulae, pedicellis paten tibus, intra cicatrices floris sessiles, lineari-oblongae, passim siliculiformes, utrinque obtusae. Valva planae, uninerviae, venosas. Dissepimentum completum (rarissime fenestratum foramine magno v. parvo) arachnoideo-areolatum, axi quandoque opaciori paulo incrassato, lineisve duabus opacioribus axi approximatis. Funiculi icmbilicales marginati, latiusculi, dimidio inferior! septo cohaerentes. Semina 6-8 in singulo loculo, saspiusque biseriata, epidermis testae laxus, tenuissimus, albus, ultra ipsam testam in limbum latiusculum extensus, supra nucleum rugosus, testa ipsa, dempto epiderraide, crasso-membranacea e duabus lamellis 2 1 2 cclxx APPENDIX. invicem arete cohterentibus conflata, membrana interna nulla nisi lamella Interior testa?. Embryo curvatus, plumbeus. Cotyledones ovali-obovatfe, planiuscula?, accumbentes, aveniae, Radicula teres, acuta. Obs. Parrya? altera species est P. Macrocarpa, siliquis lanceolato-linearibus utrinque acutis inter seniina scepe constrictis, antlieris linearibus, pediceUis floriferis hispldiusculis, foliis incisis dentatisque ; quas Cardamine nudicaulis, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 1, p. 654, fide speciminis unici fructiferi absque floribus dlius herbaril. Cardamine, &c. Gmel. sib. 3. p. 273. n. 43. Cardamine articulata, Pursh. am. 2. p. 439. De Cand. syst. 2. p. 268. Arabis nudicaulis, De Cand. syst. 2. p. 240. EXPLICATIO TABUL/E— B. Parrya arctica. — 1, 2, et 3. Planta? flovidae et 21 planta fructifera; omnes magnitudine naturali. Sequentes magnitudine auetje, 4. flos integer, 5. petalum, 6. flos petalis orbatus, 7. sepalum, 8. genitalia integumentis floralibus avulsis, 9. stamen longius antlce, 10. idem postice visum, 11. stamen brevius, 12. pollen 200-ies auctum, 13. pistlllum receptaculo insldens a facie visum, 14. idem duplo auctlus, 15. idem valvis avulsis, 16. ejusdem (14) sectlo trans- versalis, 17. pistlllum a latere visum, 18. idem valvis avulsis ovula exhibens loculi alterius, 19. ejusdem (17) sectlo transversa, 20. placentae portio cum ovulis et funiculis suis, 22. siliqua matura deblscens a facie visa, 23. siliqua matura clausa a latere visa, 24. eadem valvis orbata exhibens dissejilmentum et semina loculi alterius, 25. placentm portio cum semlnibus duobus ejildermide laxo rugoso arilliformi tectis, 26. seniinis maturi integumentis ambobus instruct! sectio transversa, 27. semen epidermide arilliformi orbatum, 28. ejusdem sectio longi- tudinalis, 29. cmb)-yo situ naturali, 30. idem cotyledonibus arte expansis, 31. semen abor- tlvum. 15. Cardamine bellidifolia. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 913. Flor. Dan. t. 20. Wahlenb. lapp. p. '179. De Cand. syst. nat. 2. p. 249. Br. in Scoresby'’s arct. reg. 1. append, p. 75. Cardamine foliis simplicibus ovatis petiolis longissimis. Linn. lapp. p. 214. 7i. 260. (cum figura respectu habitus bona, quoad flores pessima, tab. 9, f- 2.) exclus. syn. Clusil et Gerardi, ad Arabidem bellldlfoliam pertinentibus, monente D. Smith, in Flor. lapp. ed. 2. CARYOPHYLLE^. 16. Lychnis apetala. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 626. Flor. Dan. 806. Willden, sp. pi. 2. p. 810. Pers. syn. 1. p. 520. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 135. t. 7. Br. in Ross‘‘ voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 192. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 738. Cucubalus caule simpliclssimo unlfloro corolla inclusa. Linn. lapp. 143. w. 181. t. 12. /. L 17. Cerastium alfinum. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 628. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 814. BOTANY. cclxxi Pers. syn. 1. p. 521. Smith brit. 2. p. 500. Engl. bot. 472. Hooker scot. p. 144 et 280 Soland. in Phipps'" voy. p. 202. Br. in Ross' voy. ed. % vol. 2. p. 102. Spitz, pi. in Scores- by's arct. reg. 1. append, p. 75. Hooker in Scoresby greenl. p. 413. Cerastium latifolium. Light f. scot. 1. p. 242. 1. 10. Obs. Species polymorpha cujus tres varietates sequentes in Insula Melville obsei'vatse. a. folia oblonga rariusve breve ovalia, pedunculi dichotoini rarius uniflori, pili pedun- culorum plerique glaiaduloso-capitati, capsulse oblongae calyce duplo fere longiores. /3. folia late ovata, pedunculi dichotomi pilis plerisque acutis, calycis foliola interiora glabriuscula. y. hirsuta, folia elliptica v. lanceolata, pedunculi divisi et solitarii, pilis plerisque acutis, capsulfe calyce paulo longiores. 18. Stellaria Edwarusii, folds ovato-lanceolatis integerrimis enerviis nitidis, pedun- culis terminallbus imifloris trifidisve, petalis blpartitis calyce immerse trinervi longioribus, antheris purpureis. Obs. Duplex varietas. • In a. (cujus exemplaria plurima in Melville Island, et allqua anno 1792, ad Chester- field Inlet lecta vidi) folia ovata acuta v. ovato-lanceolata, pedunculi solitarii v. trifidi, lateralibus seepissime unifloris altero nunc abortiente, dum solitarii ebracteati, dum divisi bibracteati, bracteis semifoliaceis marglne membranaceo ciliato, pedicellis lateralibus pariter bibracteatis. Caulis et folia saepius glaberrima, caulls nunc villosiusculus et folia basi ciliata villis tenuibus laxls. /3. (cujus exemplaria duo, quorum alterum multicaule,) folia ovato-lanceolata apice subatte- nuata nitidissima, pedunculi saepius uniflori. Caules et folia glaberrima. In utraque fructus desideratur, qui exstat in S. Edwardsii, Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 738. In hac vero, quae forsan distincta species, antberae ochroleucae minimae et polline desti- tute, styli elongati et stigmata manifestiora, caules et folia glaberrima, capsida erecta calyce fere duplo longior semisexvalvis, semina reniformia levia fusca. De Stellaria nltida Hooker in Scoresby greenl. p. 411. cui secundum auctorem folia lan- ceolata siccitate subtrinervia, flores subpaniculati et an there flave, incertus sum. 19. Arenaria quadrivalvis, foliis subulatls acutis glaberrimis trinerviis, pcdunculls uniriorls elongatis pubescentibus, calycibus acutlssimls trinerviis petala elliptica superantibus capsula quadrivalvi (nune 3 — 5-valvi) sepius brevioribus. Alsine rubella, Wahlenb. lapp. 128, t. 6, forsan baud distincta; sed secundum auctorem capsula 3-valvis petala rubella et in icone subspathulata basi valde attenuata. Desc. Herba 1-2-uncialis. Radix perennis, descendens. Caulis a basi ramosissimus cespitem densum efformans, infra vaginis petiolaribus emarcidis nervisque foliorum denudatis obsitus, supra dense foliatus. Folia opposita basi connata, subulata, acuta, mutica, super concaviuscula, subter convexa, trinervia, marginibus nudis. Pedunculi terminales solitarii. cclxxii APPENDIX. uniflori, prope basin bibracteati, bracteis lanceolatis, semlfollacels margine membranaceo, pubescentes pllis brevibus, porrectis, glanduloso-capitatis, numerosis. Calyx 5-partitus, sepalis lanceolatis, acutissimis, vix acuminatis, concaviusculis, trinerviis, viridibus nunc fusco-purpureo tinctis mai’gine albo membranaceo, extus pilis nonnuUis brevissimis minute capitatis conspersis, persistens, Petala 5, integerrima, alba, calyce paulo breviora, ovali- oblonga v. elliptica, integerrima, basi parum attenuata, persistentia. Stamina decern, margini disci brevissimi subcarnosi, dubise originis, perigyni potius quam hypogyni, inserta. Filamenta subulato-filiformia, glabra. Anthera ochroleucse, subrotundse, loculls approximatis, appositis, longitudinaliter deliisceritibus. Ovarium sessile, ovatum, glabrum, uniloculare, poly- spermum. Stigmata quatuor (passim 3 et 5) filiformia, alba intus longitudinaliter hispidula. Capsula calyce persistent! appresso sa?pius paulo longior, nunc eundem subsequans, qua- drivalvis, passim 3 et 5-valvis, valvis vix omnino ad basin distinctis. Receptaculum seminum centrale, longitudine fere capsulse, cum apice cavitatis primo connexum mox solutum. Semina, reniformia, laevia, fusca, funiculis umbilicalibus cum receptaculo communi persistentibus. 20. Arenaria Rossii, glaberrima, foliis triquetro subulatis obtusiusculis muticis enerviis florem vix asquantibus, pedunculis unifloris elongatis, petalis oblongis calyces obsolete triner- vios paulo superantibus. Desc. Herba pusilla, glaberrima. Caules ramosissimi, csespitosi, dense foliati. Folia oppositabasibus connatis, carinata. Pedunculi foliis aliquoties longiores. Calyx 5-partitus, purpurascens; sepala asqualia, ovata, acutiuscula, modice concava, obsoletissime trinervia, mar- ginibus membranaceis nudis. Petala 5, angusto-oblonga, obtusa, integra, alba, calyce paululum longiora. Stamina 10. Filamenta disco scutelliformi subcarnoso potius perigyno quam liypogyno inserta, e latiore basi filiformia, glabra, alba. Anthers ovales, ochroleucae. Ovarium, ovatum, sessile, uniloculare, glabrum, polyspermum. Stigmata 3, filiformia. Obs. Arenaria Rossii, Richardson in Franklin! s journ, p. 738, paido dlversa est statura majore, foliis calycem longitudine superantibus, minus crassis nec adeo obtusls, internodio saepius brevioribus, calycis foliolis duobus exterioribus parum brevioribus, nervis lateralibus omnium manifestioribus, petalis longitudine calycis. In hac capsula trivalvis calycem aequat. Alsine stricta Wahlenb. lapp. p. 127. ab Arenaria Rossii Richards. 1. differt statura duplo majore, foliis longioribus acutis aliisque notis. SAXIFRAGEiE. sAxiFRAGA. Linn. Char. Gen. Stamina 10, antheris didymis. Petala Indlvlsa. Styli 2. Capsula (v. adhaerens v. libera,) bilocularis, birostris v. biloba, foramine inter rostra ipsisve lobis intus longitudinaliter dehiscens, polysperma. Semina : testa nucleo subconformi. Obs. Characterem in paucis mutatum structuram antherarum et seminum respicientem BOTANY. cclxxiii proposui ob genus maxime affine (Leptaeehena nob. quae Saxifraga amplexifolia, Sternb. saxifr. suppl. p. 2. t. 2. Saxifraga pyrolifolia, Don in Linn. soc. trans. 13. p. 389.) cui antherse uniloculares bivalves septo incomplete parallelo, et seniina (capsulae alte bilobae) sco- biformia, testa utrinque ultra nucleuin ovalem elongata, subulata ! 21. Saxifeaga oppositifolia. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 575. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 648. «, S?nitk Brit. 2. p. 450. Engl. bot. t. 19. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 113. Carpal, p. 118. Soland. in Phipps' voy. p. 202. Br. in Ross'' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 192. Spitz, pi. in Scoresby'’s arct. reg. 1. append, p. 75. Don. in Linn. soc. trans. v. 13. p. 400, 22. Saxifeaga hieculus. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 576. /3. Petala obovata, ungue nudo : caulis uniflorus. Saxifraga propinqua. Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 192. Hirculus propinquus. Haw. Saxif. enum. p. 41. Obs. Petala quandoque, ssepius forsan, appendiculata et calyces ciliati ; ideoque a S. Hirculo vix differ! nisi petalis plerumque obovatis ungue nudo nec ciliato, caule fere semper unifloro et statui’a minore. Haec varietas solum in Insula Melville observata fuit. 23. Saxifeaga flagellaeis, flageUis filiformibus, caule erecto simplici 1-3-floro calycibusque glanduloso-pubescentibus, foliis radicalibus caulinisque inferioribus obovato- spathulatis ediatis ; superioribus villosiusculis, petalis persistentibus capsula semisupera longioribus. Saxifraga flageUaris. Sternb. saxifr. p. 25 et 58. t. 6. Steven in Mem. soc. not. cur. mosq. 4. p. 79. Marschall flor. taur-caucas. 3. p. 291. Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 192. Don. in Linn. soc. trans. 13. p. 373. Saxifraga setigera. Pursh. am. 1. p. 31.2. Desc: Radix perpendicularis, fibras longas subsimplices dimittens, elevans Caulem unicum, simplicissimum, 2-4-uncialem, foliatum, pubescentem, pilis brevibus strictis pur- pureo-capitatis, sursum crebrioribus, basi demum glabratum. Folia indivisa, radicalia et caulina inferiora confertissima, patentia, superiora sparsa: radicalia cuneato-obovata et subspathulata, acutiuscula, plana, basi angustata in petiolum brevem latiusculum, immerse nervosa, nervis lateralibus dichotomis ramis interioribus in extimum margini folii approximatum desinentibus, apicibus mox infra apicem folii confluentibus, ibique caUo subovali in pagina superiore parum elevate aucta, marginibus longitudinaliter ciliatis, pilis subulatis strictis rigidulis brevibus albicantibus, capitulo glanduloso purpurascente de- mum deciduo apiculatis, terminali dilatato pariter apiculato; caulina inferiora conferta, radicalibus subsimilia figura, ciliis marginalibus et paginis glabris ; superiora sparsa, paulo minora, oblonga, acutiuscula, basi vix attenuata, subsessilia utraque pagina margini- busque pilis brevibus glanduloso-capitatis iisque calycis et caulis simUibus. Flagella ex alis foliorum radicalium et inferiorum caulis solitaria, ffiiformia, 3 — 5-uncias longa, angulata v. anguste marginata, arcuato-deflexa, pilis glandulosis rarisshnis conspersa, aphylla, apice sobo- cclxxiv APPENDIX. Jifera : gemmula parva, turbinata, e foliolis nanis numerosis conniventibus, arete imbricatis, obovatib aciitiusculis, immerse nervosls, glabris, marginibus ciliis nonnuUis brevibus ornatis ; et In ipsa basi radiculis 2 — 3 simplicibus singulis e vagina (coleorhiza) membranacea, primo clausa dein lacerata erumpentibus. Flores 1 — 3, pedunculati, erecti, medius praecocior, ebracteatus, laterales braetea imica nunc duabus alternis lato-linearibus sessilibus foliaceis. Calyx basi adhmrcns, dimidio libero 5-partito, laciniis ovatis, obtusiusculis extus pube glan- dulosa foliorum instar conspersis, intus glaberrimis, nervis alte immersis. Petala 5, aurea calyce duplo longiora, uvgue brevissimo, lamina obovata, 5 — 7-nervi, ssepissime inappen- diculata, quandoque squamula obsoleta extra nei’vos extimos. Stamina decern, calyce parum longiora, petalis breviora. Filamenta subulata, subaeqiialia. Antherce uniformes, cordatae, flavae, loculis contiguis medio (margine) longitudinaliter debiscentibus. Pollen flavum. Ovarium basi l)reve turbinata adherenti, dimidio libero bifido ; biloculare, polyspermum. Styli vix ulli. Stigmata suborbiculata, depressa, papulosa, nec omnino glabra. Capsula plus- quam semisupera, bilocularis, biloba, calycis laciniis erectis cincta, et petalis persistentibus (vix emarcidls) longioribus occultata, lobis brevibus crassiusculis longitudinaliter, fere ad stig- mata persistentia usque, debiscentibus. Semina in caAntate bilocular! indivisa solum, lobis vacuis, minuta, laevia, cylindraceo-oblonga, castanea : testa membranacea. Albumen semini conforme, album, faiinoso-carnosum. Embryo rectus, axilis, teres, longitudine fere dimidii albuminis. Cotyledones radicula breviores. 24. Saxifraga tricuspidata. Rottb. in act. Hafn. 10. p. 446, t. 6. n. 21. Gunn, norv. 2. p. 135. n. 1046. FI or. Dan. 976. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 657. Pers. syn. 1. p. 490. Sternb. saxifr. p. 54. Pursh. am. 1. p. 312. Giesecke Grreenl. in Edin. Encyclop. Br. in Ross’’ voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 192. Don in Linn. soc. tram. 13. p. 440. Richardson in Franklin’s jour. p. 737. Obs. In planta Insulae Melville, quge statura humilior, folia radicalia passim et caulina omnia indivisa. 25. Saxifraga hpperborea, fobis glaberrimis: radicalibus palmatis elongato-petiolatls, caule lanato subbifloro, bracteis oblongo-linearibus sessilibus, petalis uninerviis, capsulis semiinferis. Obs. Proxime accedit S. rivulari Linn, et ejusdem forsan A^arletas. S. rlvularis autem dlffert bracteis ambabus saepius, inferioribus semper subpetiolatis obovatis, caule inferne minus lanato. Ab utraque distincta est S. petiolaris {Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. v. 2. p. 192.) foliis omnibus glandubs subsessilibus conspersis : radicalibus scapum aequantibus v. superantibus, folio florali lobato, petalis trinerviis. 26. Saxifraga uniflora, foliis radicalibus aggregatis trifidis ; caullnis linearlbus in- dlvisis distantibus, caule unifloro ovarioque infero viscido : pube glandulosa brevissima, caly- cibus obtusis, petalis obovato-oblongis. Saxifraga caespitosa, Br, in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 192. •■'va: BOTANY. cclxxv Saxifraga venosa, Haworth enum. saxifr. p. 28? Obs. Nimis affinis S. caespitosse, Linn. ; vix distincta species. 27. Saxifraga nivalis, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 573. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 645. Pers syn. 1. p. 488. Smith brit. 2. p. 449. Engl. 440. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 113. a. corymbus multiflorus tliyrsoideus, pedunculis inferioribus trlfloris. /3. corymbus simplicissimus pauciflorus. Linn. lapp. t. 2. f. 5. Obs. varietas /S, dimidio minor, pube caulis et pedicellorum parciore breviore stricta (nec, ut in a. laxa decumbente lanam brevem referente) ; in utraque petala persistentia. Saxifraga longiscapa, Don. in Linn. soc. transact. 13. p. 388. a varietate /3. vix differt nisi scapo longiore. 28. Saxifraga foliolosa, foliis radicalibus cuneatis subdentatis, scapis divisis ; ramis apice nnifloris infra tectis foliolis nanis fasciculatis, calycibus inferis obovatis, petalorum laminis cordato-lanceolatis. Saxifragag stellaris var. Linn. Saxifraga caule undo simplici foliis dentatis coma foliolosa Linn. lapp. p. 137. y. tab. 2. f. 3. Saxifraga stellaris /3. comosa. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 644. Obs. Distincta videtur a S. stellari, Linn, (quae in Insula Melville baud observata fuit) scapo dense foliolato florlbus paucissimis (v. nullis) calycibus obovatis, et praesertim petalorum aequalium laminis basi cordatis. , 29. Saxifraga cernua, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 577. Jior. lapp. n. 172. t. 2. f. 4. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 652. Pers. syn. 1. p. 489. Smith brit. 2. p. 453, Engl. hot. t. 664. Flor. Dan.9.9,. Wahlenb. lapp.'^p.WQ. Hooker, scot. p. 130. Gmel. sib. 4. p. 162. n. 74. Sternb. saxifr. p. 18. t. 12. f. 2. Soland. in Phipps’' voy. p. 202. Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 192. Spitz, pi. in Scoresby''s arct. reg. 1. app. p. 75. Don in Linn, soc. trans. 13. p. 364. Richard-poT},-in Frankliris journ. p. 737. Obs. Variat rarius caule ramosq, unifloris, quae S. cernua, Gunn. nor. n. 528. t. 8.f. 2. et Saxifraga bulbifera? Flor. Dan. 39.Q. Zoega pi. island, in Olafs. reise 2. p. 236. 30. Chrysosplenium alternifolium, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 569. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 637. Pers. syn. 1. p. ^81 . Smith brit. 2. p. 453. Engl. bot. 54. Hooker scot, p. 128. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 111. .^^4ppat. p. 116. Marschall caucas, 1. p. 313. Richard- son in Franklin's journ. p. 737. bp !. ' r ’ ROSACE JH. 31. Dryas integrifolia, foliis ;|ategerrimis passimque infra medium Inciso-crenatis ; venis subtus inconspicuis ; novellis sem^iccatisque marginibus revolutis. Dryas integrifolia, Vahl in act. soc. faUffiat. hafn. vol. 4. par. 2. p. 171. Flor. Dan. 2 m cclxxvi APPENDIX. 1216. Pers. syn. 2. y. 57. Br. in Ross' voy. ed.% vol. 2. p. 193. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 740. Dryas tenella, Banks' mss. (fid. specim. a Terra Nova, ubi primum an. 1766, a D. Banks detecta) Pursh. am. 1. p. S50. Obs. Nimls affinis D. octopetalse, quae dlfFert statura sa-pisslme majore, foliis semper lon- gitudinaliter inciso-crenatis, subtus costatis venis prominulis. SIEVERSIA. SiEVEusiA, Wilhlen. hi Mag. der gesell. naturf. fr. zu Berlin' 5. jahrg. (1811.) p>. 397. cliaractere emendato. Chau. Gen. Calyx decemfidus, lacinils alternis accessoriis. Petala 5. Stamina inde- finite numerosa. Ovaria indefinita, ovulo adscendente. Styli terminales, continui. Ache- nium stylo toto persistenti aristatum. Embryo erectus. Habitus nec omnino, Gei, quod differt genicidatis articulo superiors dissimili scepiusque deciduo. Ab utroque genere distinguendum Geum potentilloides (Coluria nob.) ob Stylum basi cum apice ovarii articulatum deciduum, et Achenia (glandulosa) tubo elongato turbinato calycis inclusa. Sieversiae species sunt Geum montanum et reptans Linn, radiatum Michaux, Peckii et triflorum Pursh, glaciale Adams, humilis, congesta et dilatata nob. et Geum anemonoides Willden. sp.pl. quae Dryas pentapetala Z/Zww., cui certe styli terminales nec laterales ut per- hibet Willdenow in charactere generis Sieversi^, pro hac specie solum ab illo instituti. 32. SiEVERSii Rossii, aristis nudis, foliis radicalibus interrupte pinnatis glabrls: plnnls trilobis ; accessoriis imisque nanis indivisis, caule unifloro subdiphyllo, petalorum venis omni- bus distinctls. Desc. Herba perennls, 2 — 6-uncialls, glabra. Caudex demersus, radlclformls, squamis scariosis fuscis (petiolorum reliquiis) tectus, infra medietatem fibras descendentes simplices fibrillosas crassiusculas proferens. Folia radicalia numerosa (4 — 7,) glabriuscula, petiolata, interrupte pinnata, exstlpvdata, plnnis circumscriptlone ovatis cuneatisve, trifidls vel bifidis (lobo superlore lateralium deficiente) basi inaequall, inferne in rachin decurrenti, superloribus approximatis, nanis indivisis interpositis inter medias ; Imis Ipsis minimis integeriimis. Petioli infra medium dilatati ibique scariosi, pallide fusci. Scapi ex alis foliorum radicalium vel squamarum superiorum caudicis demersi, infra nudi, extra medium foliis s^pius duobus, alternis, sessilibus, pinnatifidis, exstipulatis, in statu florescentias (cum scapi foba radicalia vlx sequant) invlcem apicique scapi approximatis, in fructiferis folia radicalia aliquoties superan- tibus, ab invicem et ab apice smpe distantibus ; teretes, pubescentes, pube descendendo sensim parciore. Flos solitarius, erectus, ebracteatus. Calyx extus pubescens, decemfidus, tubo brevi turbinato, laciniis 5 majorlbus interioribus, late semiovatis, acutiusculls, quinque alternis dimidio mlnoribus, ovabbus, petabs oppositis. Petala 5, obovata, integerrima, venosa, aurea, BOTANY. cclxxvii slnubus laclniarvim majorum calycis inserta iisque sesquilongiora. Stamina fauci calycis inserta, indefinita, 80 plura. Filamenta subulata, glabra. Antherce. ovate, flavse, basi semi- bifidee, loculis parallelo-approximatis, longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Pollen globosum, simplex. Ovaria indefinite niimerosa, receptaculo subcylindraceo imbricato inserta, breve pedicellata, ab apice pedicellorum solubilia, liirsuta, pilis acutis strictis, monosperma, ovulo adscendente. Styli terminales, filiformes, subulati, glabri, stricti. Stigmata dilatata, obliqua, retusa, papulosa. Obs. This species is named in honour of Lieutenant James Ross, in whose well-presei*ved herbarium several plants were found not contained in the other collections. EXPLICATIO TAB. C. SiEVEUSiA Rossii. 1, 2. Planta florida, magnitudine naturali. Sequentes aucte. 3 et 4, flos antice et postice visus. 5. flos petalis et staminibus orbatus. 6. petalum. 7. portio calycis cum staminibus respondentlbus ejusdem basi ihsertis. 8, 9. stamen aritlce et postice visum. 10. poUen 200-ies auctum. 11. pistillum. 12. id. longitudinaliter sectum. 13. pistilla receptaculo insldentia. 14. receptaculum commune pistillorum cum pedicellis. lo. achenium fere maturum. 16. id. longitudinaliter sectum. 17. id. transverse sectum. 18. semen. 19. embryo. ' ■ 83. PoTE^^TiLLA PULCHELLA, foliis pinnatls bijugis super vlllosls subter sericels, follolls pinnatifidis pari inferior! mlnore : lobis omnium lanceolato-linearibus, caulibus pauclfloris (uniflorisve), stylo basi glanduloso-dilatata. PotentiUa pulchella, Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 193. Potentilla sericea.^ Greville in Mem. Wern. soc. 3. p. 430. fide speciminis in herb, groen- landico D. Jameson. Obs. P. sericea Linn, facile distinguitur foliis 3 — 5-jugis, et lana elongata receptaculi, quod in P. pulchella pube brevi ovaria vix sequante instructum. Nostra planta affinitate propius accedit P. niveae, baud obstante hujus divisione ternata foliorum, quae nunc, rarissime quamvis, addito foholorum pari nano similiter plnnata evadunt. 34. Potentilla nivea. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 715. Rottb. in act. Hafn. 10. p. 451, t. 7. 71. 22. optima fig. var. a. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 1109. Pers. syn. 2. p. 56. JVahlenb. lapp.p. 146. Nestle?' potent, p. 73. Lehman potent, p. 184. a. folia super villosluscula viridia, subter niveo-tomentosa. folia utrinque villosluscula, paginis concoloribus. Potentilla nivea /3. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 147. Potentilla Groenlandica, Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 193. Potentilla frigida.? Greville in Mem. Wern. soc. 3. 430. see exempl. in herbario D. Jameson. Potentilla verna, Hooker in Scoresby’s greenl. p. 413. 2 m 2 cclxxviii APPENDIX. Obs. Polymorpha species, cui nimis affinis est Potentilla Vahliana p. 17J2, quae P. hirsuta Flor. Dan. f. 1390, secundum exemplar Groenlandium a D. Giesecke; et P, Jamesonlana Greville in Mem. Wern. soc. 3. p. 417. t. 20. fide exempl. a D. Jameson; nec di versa videtur P. macrantha Ledeb. secundum specimen ex Oonalaska a D. Fischer. PAPILIONACE^. 35. Astragalus alpinus, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 1070. Flor. lapp. p. 218. n. 267. t. 9- /i 1. Flor. Dan. 51. Gmel. sib. 4. p. 45. n. 59. Pall, astrag. p. 41. t. 32. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p. 1297. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 190. 1. 12./. 5. (fruct.) Helv. 131. Carpal. 223. Pursh. am. 2. p. 472. Phaca astragallna, De Cand. Astrag. p. .52. Pers. syn. 2. p. 331. Richardson in Frank- lin's journ. p. 745. 36. OxYTROPis arctica, subacaulls sericea, stlpulis petlolaribus, foliolis oppositis alter- nisque ovali-oblongis, capitulo subumbellato paucifloro, leguminibus erectis oblongis acu- minatis calycibusque nigro-pubescentibus. Desc. Radix lignea, pei'pendicularis, longissima, crassa, subramosa, multiceps. Caules bi •evissimi, dense foliati et basi stipulis vlllosisslmls persistentibus imbricatis tecti. Folia con- ferta, foliola 11 — 17, novella utrinque villosa sericea, adulta super glabriuscula, ovalia v. oblonga, saepius obtusa raro acutiuscula. Stlpulae membranacese, infra petiolo adnatae, apicibus solutis semllanceolatis, acutlssimis. Scajn follis longiores, teretes, villosi, villis albo-clnei’eis, nunc clnereis nigrisque intermixtis, nunc omnino nigris. Flores majusculi. Capitulum 3 — 5-florum, pedicellis brevissimis. Bractex- llneares, acuta?, patulae, calyce breviores, extus pube nlgricante. Calyx villis nigris subadpressis copiosis tectus, dentibus erectis brevibus. Corolla ca?ruleo-vlolacea, calyce duplo longlor (9 — 10-lin. aequans.) V exillum obcordatum lateribus reflexis, lamina basi attenuata absque callls auriculisve. Alee vexillo breviores, obtusissimae, apice dilatato oblique retuso, prope basin lateris auriculati Intus plica sallente, bine auriculo mediocri. Carina alls paulo brevior, obtusa cum mucrone brevi acutiusculo. Stamina inclusa 1 — 9-fid. antheris unlformibus. Legumen erectum, calyce bine longitudinaliter fisso infra auctum, oblongum, acuminatum, sutura superiore intruso intusque septifero, septo incompleto bipartlblli, funlculis adnatis parallelo-striato. Semina reniformia, in singulo loculo 7 — 9, funlculis apice solutis e margine dissepimento quasi ortis. Obs. Species proxima O. uralensi qua? diversa floribus legumlnibusque spicatis, foliolis numerosioribus et semper acutlssimis, calycibus legumlnibusque cinereis pilis nonnullis atrls pluribus albis. COMPOSITdE. 37. Leontodon palustre, Smith brit. 2. p. 823. Engl. bot. 553. Pers. syn. 2. p. 367. Hooker scot. p. 227. Flor. Dan. 1708. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 746. BOTANY. cclxxix Leontodon lividus, Waldst. et Kitaib. pL rar. hung. 2. p. 120. t. 115. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p. 1545. Marsch. taur-caucas. % p. 246. voL 3. p. 531. Leontodon taraxacum.?’ Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2. vol.2. p. 194. Leontodon taraxacum /3. Wahlenb. carpat. 238. Upsal. p. 257. Obs. Nimis affinis L. Taraxaco L. videtur. 38, Arnica Montana Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 1245. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p. 2106. Pers.syn. 2. p. 453. Wahlenb. lapp. 210. Arnica angustifolia, Vahl in Flor. Dan. 1524. fide exempl. Greenland, a D. Giesecke. Doronicum foliis lanceolatis, Linn. lapp. 241. n. 305. Obs. Planta nostra Groenlandica ssepius humillor (2 — 4-unciaIis) cum exemplarlbus non- nuUis a D. Richardson prope littora maris arctici quadrans vix specie distinguenda ah Arnica montana cujus insuper varietates sunt Arnica plantaginea et fulgens, Pursh. am. 39- Cineraria congesta, capitulo lanato, foliis lineari-lingulatis imdulatis, caule sim- plicissimo. Desc. Herba 3 — 4-uncialis lanata. Radix fasciculato-fibrosa. Folia radicalia et ima caulina numerosa indivisa, lingulata, obtusa, undulata, demum glabriuscula, viridia ; caulina superiora 2 — 3, alterna, lana decumbente. Caulis erectus, simplicissimus, lana implexa tardius decidua tectus. Anthodia in capitulum terminale subsphaericum ebracteatum dense congesta, lana copiosa semi-involuta, radiata. Involucrum (calyx communis) simplici serie polypliyllum, lana decumbent! copiosa, e villis longis implexis articulatis, dense tectum. Ligxdae numerosse, feminem, lamina oblongo-lineari, integra, 2 — 3-nervi. Flosculi hennaphroditi perfect!. Tubus gracilis. Limbus infundibuliformis semiquinquifidus, decemnervis, laciniis semilan- ceolatis trinerviis nervis axilibus tenuioribus. Antherce semi-exsertm basibus muticis, appen- dicibus apicis linearibus acutis. Ovaria glabra, subcylindracea. Stigmata intus canaliculata apice subtruncata. P appus sessilis, filiformis, albus, radiis numerosis longitudinaliter den- ticulatis. Obs, Distincta species videtur, attamen non longe distat a C. palustri statura et inflorescentia insigniter variabili. 40. Tussilago corymbosa, .corymbo femineo laxo paucifloro : corollulis ligularibus nervosis ; mascuio congesto, foliis cordatis sinuatis inaequaliter dentatis subtus tomentosis. Desc. Radix repens. Folia radicalia longius petiolata, cordata, nunc sagittato-cordata, sinuata, sspius ad -^nunc ad | fere radii, lobis inaequaliter dentatis, dentibus mucronulo eglan- duloso terminatis, adulta super glabra cum tomento aliquo in nervis venisque primariis, sub- ter lana brevi alba implexa, diametro sesquiunciali usque 2h uncias gequanti. Scapi 4 — 8-un- ciales, adult! tomento parco obsiti, bracteis (petiolis dilatatis) amplexicaulibus, saepius foliolo nano dentato terminatis. Anthodia polygamo-dioica. Mas. Corymbus coarctatus pauciflorus : anthodiis radiatis : ligulis femineis, lamina oblonga : Jlosculis hermaphrodito-masculis, in- I cclxxx APPENDI X. fundibiillformibus, stigmatibus hispidis, incrassatis, exsertls. Fem. Corymbus simplex, 5 — 8- florus : pedunculi involucro longiores, bracteis nonnullis linearibus acuminatis pilis articulatis pubescentes. Involucrum (calyx comiminis) simplici serie polyphyllum, foliolis acutis, extus pubescentibus, pilis articulatis brevibus. Corollula omnes ligulatm, feminem, prmter 2 — 3 centrales, hermaphrodito-masculas. Feminece. involucro longiores, Bgula 2 — 3-nervi indivisse, stigmatibus patulis, stylis extra tubum bispidulis. Obs. Proxima species T. frigidse, quae difFert prassertim thyrso femineo multifloro congesto demum fastigiato, masculo laxiore, foliis minus alte sinuatis. 41. Antenxaeia alpixa, Fr. in Linn. soc. transact. 12, p. 123. Gnaphalium alpinum. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 1199. lapp. n. 301. Willden sp. pi. 3. p. 1883. Pers. syn. 2. p. 421. Wahlenb. lapp. 202. Helv. p. 149. Carpal, in obs. ad. p. 258. Pursh. am. 2. p. 525. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 747. Obs. Planta ferainea tantuni in Melville Island lecta ; mascula a nobis nondum visa (nisi hujus forsan varietas pusilla ab Oonalaska,) et nuUibi, quantum scio, observata ! CAMPANULACE^. 42. Campantjla uxieloua, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 231. flor. lapp. n. 85. t. 9. f. 5. 6. Rottb. in act. hafn. 10. p. 432. t. 6. n. 19. Willden. sp. pi. 1. p. 890. Pe7's. syn. 1. p. 188. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 63. Flor. Dan. 1512. Svensk bot. 526. Richardson in FranklirCs journ. p. 733. ERICIN.E. 43. Andromeda teteagona, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 563. lapp. n. 166. t. 1. f. 4. Willden. sp. pi. 2. ja.607. Pers. syn. 1. p. 480. Flor. Dan. 1030. Pall. ross. 2. p. 56, t. 73. f. 4. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 200. Br. spitzb. pi. in Scoresby's arct. reg. 1. append, p. 75. Ross' voy. ed. 2. v. 2. p. 192. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 737. SCROPHULARINiE. 44. Pedicularis arctica, caule simplici lanato, foliis pinnatifidis lobis sub-ovatis dentato-incisis : adultis glabris ; cavdinis petiolo dilatato, calycibus quinquifidis lanatis, galea obtusa truncata bidentata, filamentis longioribus hirsutis. Desc. Radix fasciculata, fibris crassis carnosis. Caulis sunplex, foliatus, 2-3-uncialis, lana alba implexa tardius nec omnino decidua. Folia circumscriptione linearia, pinnatifida ; lobis saepius approximatis, dentatis, primo lanata, adulta glabriuscula ; petioli omnium, radi- calium prsecipue, lanati. Spica multiflora, densa, florida sesquiuncialis, fructifera 2-3- uncialis : bractecc foliaceae, pinnatifidse. Calyx lanatus, lana, copiosa, alba, implexa, persis- BOTANY. cclxxxi tenti, semlqulnquifidus, lacinlis Inaequalibus, semllanceolatis, integenimls, vel obsoletlssime dentatis. Corolla purpurea, glaberrima : galea leviter falcata, obtusa, antice apice oblique truncata et ad truncaturaj basin utrinque dente unico acuto brevi quandoque brevissimo. Stamina inclusa : Filamenta duo longiora extra medium hirsuta, duo breviora longitudinaliter glabra: Anther CB uniformes, imberbes, basi bifidae. Stigma subcapitatum, s^pius exsertum. Capsula calyce persistent! duplo longior, ovata, acuminata, inaequilatera, margine inferiore rectiusculo superiore modice arcuato, bdocularis, bivalvis, valvis medio septigeris, septi dimidio inferior! placentifero. Semina oblonga, teretiuscula, altero latere margine perangusto aucta, utraque extremitate areola nigricanti notata. Obs. Species proxima P. sudetic^e Willden.3. p. pi. 3. p. 209. quae dilfert statura majore, caule glabro, foliorum lobis linearibus inciso-pinnatifidis ; caulinis petiolo baud dilatato, corollas labio inferiore manifeste dentato. P. sudetica Richardson in Franklin's jour. p. 742. a sudetica vera vix diversa est nisi coroUee labio superiore breviore, denticulo longiore, caule sub- unifolio nec species distincta videtur. POLYGONE^. 45. Polygonum vivipaeum, Linn, sp.pl. ed. 2.p. 516. Jl. lapp. n. 152. Gmel. sib. 2. p. 44. n. 34. t. 7.f. 2. Willden. sp.pl. 2.p. 441. Pers. syn. 1. p. 439. Smith brit. 1. p. 428. Engl. bot. 669. FI. Lond. new ser. 1. 1. 81. Wahlenb. lapp. 99. Flor. Dan. 13. Svensk. bot. 336. Marsch. taur-caucas. 1. p. 301. Pursh. am. 1. p. 271. Giesecke Greenl. in Edin. encyclop. Hooker in Scoresby's greenl. p. 410. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 737. Natter Wurtz, Marten's Spitzb. lib. 3. cap. 7. 1. 1, a. OXYRIA. OxYKiA, Hill. veg. syst. lO.jo. 24. (genus omnino artificiale, Hill 1. c.) DeCand.fl. franc. 3. p. 379. (Rumicis subgenus). Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 192. (genus dis- tinctum). Campdera rumex^ p. 153. Hooker Scot. p. 99. Char. Gen. Perianthium tetrapbyllum (duplici serie.) Stamina 6. Styli 2. Stigmata penicillata. Achenium lenticulare, membranaceum, utrinque alatum, perianthio infra cinc- txun. Embryo centralis. Obs. Genus propius accedens Rheo quam Rumici, ab utroque satis distinctum. A Rheo differt numero binario perianthii et stylorum, stigmatibus peniciUatis, (quos in Rheo capitata sublobata,) et textura achenii : convenit numero proportional! et situ staminum (quae geminatim nempe foholis exterioribus et solitarie interioribus perianthii opposita) peri- carpio semidenudato alato, et embryone central!. Rumex ab Oxyria diversus est numero ternario omnium partium floris, situ staminum, quas sex tantum et geminatim foliolis exterioribus perianthii opposita, fructu nucamentaceo aptero, fo- liolis interioribus mutatis perianthii tecto, embryone lateral! : convenit fere stigmatum divisione. Ovul) insertionem et Radiculse embryoms situm inter notas genericas baud introduxi : cclxxxii APPENDIX. Semen enim erectum cum Embryone inverso uti character totlus ordinis, (incluso certe Calli- gono contra assertionem Campderae 1. c.) eundem a Chenopodeis optime distinguens in frodr. Jlor. nov. holl. p. 419. primus proposui. Inter ordines apetalos similem structuram seminis in Urticeis et Piperaceis, aliis notis distinguendis, obtinet : dum Embryo inversus cum ovulo pen- dulo characterem essentialem Chloranthearum {Br. in Bot. magaz. 2190. nov. 1820.) eftbrmat. 46. OxYRiA RENiFORMis, Hookcr scot. j). 111. Scoresby’s greenl. p. 410. Oxyria digyna, Campd. rumex, p. 155. Rheum digynum. Wahlenb. lapp. 101. tab. fructus. Helv. p. 74. Carpal. 114. llumex digynus, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 480. fl.. lapp. n. 132. obs. /3. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 258. Pers. syn. \ .p. 395. Smith brit. l.p. 395. Eng. bot. 910. Flor. Dan. 14. 47. Sat.ix arctica, ovariis subsessilibus tomentosis, stigmati quadrifido stylum sub- a*quantc, squaniis orbiculato-obovatis, foliis integerrimis ovalibus obovatisve : adultis super glabris subter villosiusculis. Salix arctica, Br. in Boss' voy. ed. 2. v. 2. p. 194. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 752. Salix n. 37. Hooker in Scoresby's greenl. p.^\‘^.'^ secundum specim. a D. Scoresby. Salix, Greville in Mem. Wern. soc. Q.p. 432. fide specim. in herb, groenl. D. Jameson. Desc. Frutex depressus ; radice lignea crassa longa. Rami decumbentes, floriferi omnes et sterilium nonnulli adscendentes, adulti glabri. Folia sparsa, petiolata, elliptico-obovata, V. obovata, integerrima, obtusa, quandoque retusa, noA'ella super glabra, subter vilJis longis laxis decumbentibus, adulta utrinque glabra, venis subter paulo eminentibus venulis anastomo- zantibus. Amenta utriusque sexus ramos breves villosos foliatos terminantes. Squama, orbi- culato-obovata? saepe retusae, fusco-nigricantes, villosac. Masc. 8-10-lin. longa, densa. Sta- mina 2-3, forsan saspius 3, filamentis distinctis. Squamula (Nect.) duae, interiore paulo ma- jore, utraque apice incrassato. Fern. Squamula unica, interior. Ovarium brevissime pedi- cellatum, pedicello diametrum transversum capsulas vix aequante, dense tomentosum, cinereum. Stylus longitudine varians nunc stigmata aequans, nunc fere dimidio brevior. MONOCOTYLEDONES. JUNCEiE. 48. JuNcus BiGLUMis. Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 467. Montin in Aman. acad. 9,.p. 266. t. 3. f. 3. Flor. Dan. 120. Zoeg. pi. island, in Olafs. reise 2. p. 235. Vahl in act. soc. hist. nat. hafn. 2. par. 1. pi. 38. Willden. sp.pl. %p. 216. Pers. syn. 1. p. 385. Smith brit. \ .p. 382 Engl. bot. 898. Bicheno in Linn. soc. transact. 12. y?. 320. Hooker scot.p. 106. BOTANY. clxxxiii 49. Luzula hypeuborea, spiels multifloi’is subumbellatis pedunculatis sessllibusque (nunc omnibus sessilibus), bractea umbellas folia cea; partialibus omnibus bmbriatis, capsulis obtusis perianthia acuta subaequantibus, caruncula basllari seminls obsoleta, foliis planis. Luzula campestris, Br. spitzb.pl. in Scoresby's arct. reg. 1. append, p. 75. Juncus arcuatus, Hooker in Scoresby'’s greenl. p. 410. secund exempl. a D. Scoresby. Juncus campestris, Soland. in Bhippi voy. p. 201. fide exempl. in Herb. Banks. Obs. Vlx dlstincta species, et potius ad L. campestreni mire variantem, quam ad L. arcuatam referenda ; preesertim ob bracteam umbellae saepisslme, non vero semper, follaceain, et folia plana. L. arcuatae /3. {Wahlenb.lapp. p. 88. cujus fig. in Flor. Dan. 1386. sed exel. syn. Villars,) tamen accedlt, inflorescentla, spicis multiflorls, longius pedunculatis, quan- doque etiam arcuato-recurvis, bractea umbellae nunc, rarisslme quamvls, squamacea, par- tialibus omnibus fimbriatis, et caruncula seminls obsoleta. Hoec autem forsan distlncta a L. arcuata «. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 87. t. 4. Hooker fior. lond. 7i. ser. 1. 151. cui .spicae longius pedunculatae pauclflorac, et semina ni fallor absque caruncula. In Luzulis omnibus, quas examlni subjeci, excepta L. pilosa, observavi funlculum um- bilicalem e fills spirallbus (decompositlone partial! funicidi denudatis ?) compositum. CYPEBACEyE. 50. Carex misandra, spicis (4 — 6) pedunculatis ovallbus pendulis : termlnali basi mas- cula; reliquls femineis, fructlbus lanceolatis acuminatis bidentatis margine denticulatis squama ovali longloribus, stigmatibus 2-3. Desc. (exemplarlum quatuor incompletorum cum spiels fructlferis et portione culmi, in her- bario D. Ross.) Folium supi'emum breve, lineare, marglnlbus longltudinaliter denticulatis. Spicez V. umbellatae, v. alternae, fructlferae ovales v. oblongee pendulce, pedunculis viridibus, laxls, angulatls, spica longloribus. Bractea umbellae communis vaginans, basi atro-fusca, supra viridis in folium breve subulato-lineare, planum, marglnlbus denticulato-asperis producta, includens nonnullas partiales, quarum ima communl subsimilis, foliolo breviore termlnata, nunc exserta. Squama; ovales, obtusiusculee, laeves, glabrae, nigro-fuscee apice limbo angusto albo. Fructus circumscrlptione lanceolatus, acumlnatus, basi attenuata, fusco-ater, ore ipso albicanti emarginato, marglnlbus acuminis et dlmldii superiorls denticulatis, caeterum la;vis. Ache- nium intra cupulam breve pedicellatum, obovatum, ventre piano, dorso dum stigmata duo -modice convexo dum tria angulato. Obs. Nlmis affinis C. fuliginosa; Ster7ib. et Hoppe in act. soc. bot. Ratisb. 1. p. 159. t. 3. vix dlstincta species. 51. Carex concolor, spiels sexu dlstinctls: mascula unlca ; femineis 2-3 erectis sub- sessilibus, squamls omnibus obtusis axl subconcolori, bracteis basi auriculatis, capsulis Isevibus ovalibus mucronulo brevissimo integerrimo, stigmatibus 2, culmls laevibus. clxxxiv APPENDIX. Obs. C. caespitosse proxima et vix difFert nisi statura mindri (3-4 unciali) squamis' (nigro- spadiceis) axi saapius marginibus semper concoloribus, foliis utrinque viridibus et culmis laevibus. An revera distincta species ? 52. EuioPHoauM capitatuji, Host gram, aiistr. 1. p. 30. t. 38. Schrad. germ. 1. p. 151. Wahlenh. lapp. p. 18. Smith comp. ed. 2. p, 11, Engl. hot. 2387. Hooker scot. p. 20. 53. Eriophorum angustifoliu.m, Willden. sp. pi 1. p. 313. Smith Irit. 1. p. 59. Engl. hot. 564. Schrad. germ. 1. p. 153. Hooker scot. p. 21. Erlophorum polystachion, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 18. Obs. Plantse nostrse, quasi mediae inter E. angustifolium et polystacbyon forsan ab utroque distinctae, duae varietates adsunt. a. pedunculis laevibus. i3. pedunculis scabris, denticulis crebris minutis. Haec ab E. gracile, Roth catalect. 2. add. et Wahlenb. lapp. p. 19. fid. exempl. ab ipsis auctoribus in Herb. Banks., certe diversa, statura humiliori, foliis latioribus, squamis enerviis omnino nigricantibus acutioribus, et acbeniis oblongo-obovatis. GRAMINE^. 54. Alopecurus alpinus, spica ovata, arista perianthii glumam sericeam lateribus villo- sissimis subaequante, vagina suprema ventricosa folio suo piano lanceolato triplo longiore. Alopecurus alpinus, Smith brit. 3. p. 1386. Engl. hot. 1126 .Hooker scot. p. 22. Roem. et Schul. syst. 2. p. 272. Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. v. 2. p. 191. Hooker in Scoresby's greenl. 410. Richardson in FranklirHs journ. p. 731. Alopecurus ovatus, Knapp gram. brit. 15. Elornem. in Flor. Dan. 1565. Alopecurus antarcticus, Giesecke greenl. in Brewster's edin. encyclop. Obs. Species (quam primus in Scotiae monte Loch ny Gaar anno 1794 legi) vaiiat culmo, qui s^pius adscendens, erecto, spica oblongo-cylindracea, arista nunc gluma duplo longiore, rarius nulla. A. antarcticus, V ahl symb. 2. p. 18. Willde7i. sp. pi. \.p. 357. ab A. alpino dilfert spica s^pius cylindracea, arista glumam bis superante,' folio supremo lineari apice attenuato vagi- nain suam superante v. aequante. A. pratensis L. distinguitur spica cylindracea, glumis acutis latere tantum villosiusculis, arista glumis duplo longiore, vagina suprema laxiuscule cylindracea folium suura lineare multoties superante. BOTANY. clxxxv PHIPPSTA. Phippsia (svibgenus Vilfae) Trinius inSpreng. neue entdeck. %p. 37. Char. Gen. Gluma imiflora, abbreviata, inasquivalvis. Perianthium mviticum, obtiisum, imberbe ; valvula superiore nervls sursum divergentibus. Lodiculcc 2. Siam. 1-3. Stig- mata % sessilia. Caryopsis libera, teres, exsulca. Gramen pusillum, aquaticum v. in inundatis nascens. Culmi basi divisi. Folia plana ; vagina integra, ipso apice tantum fisso. Panicula coarctata, ramis semiverticillatis. Glumze enerv es^ inferior e minori. Stamina 1-3. persistentia. Obs. E graminibus unifloris proxime accedit Vilfae et Colpodio, affinitatem habet etiam quandam cum Scbmidtia Trattin, (Coleanthus Roem. et Sch. syst. 9,. p. 11.) cui certe gluma nulla, et perianthium bivalve, probante valvula superlore dlnervi. Inter genera locustis bifloris Phippsia affinis est Catabrosae, conveniens glumis abbreviatis, perlanthlis obtusis concavis et foliorum vaginis apice tantum fisso : dilFert locustis unifloris, caryopside tereti, nec lateraliter compressa. 55. PHIPPSIA ALGIDA. Agrostis algida, Soland. in Phipps' voy. p. 200. cum descriptione accurata. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 25. t. 1. ubi perianthium pro gluma, omnino praetervisa, depictum, et lodicula, per- peram indivisa et aucta, pro perlanthio univalvi. Flor. Dan. 1505. structuram eandem ex- hibens ac in Wahlenb. 1. c. Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. v. 9. p. 191. (Gramen sui generis.) Trichodium algidum, Svensk bot. 545. f. 2. ab in. Wahlenb. mutuata. Roem. et Sch. syst. 2. p. 283, Desc. Gramen biunciale, glaberrimum, caespitosum. Culmi ipsa basi divisi ibique va- ginis scariosis tecti. Folia lineaila, obtusiuscula, laevia ; ligula brevis, obtusissmia, Indlvisa : vagina laxiuscula, integra, ipso apice tantum fisso. Panicula coarctata, ramis semiverticillatis, paucifloris, laevibus. Locustce uniflorae. Gluma nana, bivalvis, inaequalis, valvulee mutlcae, obtusiusculae, concavae, baud carinatae, integrae, membranaceae ; inferior minor, enervis ; supe- rior plus duplo major, ipso perianthio triple circiter brevior, obsolete uninervis ; ambae saepis- sime post lapsum perianthii cum rachide persistentes, inferiore quandoque decidua. Perian- thium intra glumam brevissime pedicellatum : valvula inferior concava, ovato-lanceolata, tri- nervis, nervorum dimidio mferiore hispidulo ; superior ejusdem fere longltudlnis et latitudinis sed diversae figurae, obtusa, 3-4-dentata, dinervis, nervls hispidulis a basi sursum paulo diver- gentibus, ipsa basi sub-approximatis. Lodiculcc 2, subovatae, membranaceae, indivisae, glabrae. Stamina 1-3. Stigmata 2, sessilia, longa, hyalina, ramulis simplicibus. Caryopsis ovali- oblonga, teres, exsulca, stigmatibus emarcidis diu coronata. Embryo caryopside quadi’uplo brevior. 2 n 2 clxxxvi .APPENDIX. Obs. Hoec e speciminibus a Melville Islj^nd ; species autem variat perianthli nervls leevibus, staminibus 2, et quancloque unico, nervo alter! valvulse superiorls perianthii opposite. In Terra Tschutski a Dav. Nelson, in tertio it. Cook lecta fuit varietas (?) insignis, duplo major, culmls ramosis foliis laxioribus aliisque notis diversa : vix species distincta. COLPODIUM. Colpodium. Trin. agrost. p. 119- /. 7. Subgenus Vilfm Trin. in Spreng. neue entdeck. ^.p. 37. Char. Gen. Gluma uniflora, subaequlvalvis, mutlca. Perianthium gluma longlus, submuti- cum, obtusum, apice scarloso ; valvulis subeequalibus, integerrlmls, superiore exserta, dlnervi, laterlbus parallelis. Lodicula 2. 8tyli 2. Stigmata plumosa. Caryopsis. Gramen glabrum. Culmi erecti v. adscendentes. Folia plana, ligula indivisa imberbi folio latiore, vagina longitudinaliter fissa. Panicula coarctaia, ramis semiverticillatis. Lo- custse oblonga, glabriusculce cum v. absque rudimento, sepius setuliformi, flosculi secundi. Obs. Gramen bocce habitu fere pecullari, prime Intuitu Pom proplus accedit quam Agrostidl s. Vilfae, relationem quodammodo etiam cum Dupontia et Deschampsia habere videtur. Caryopside ignota autem genus baud stabilitum, et de ejusdem aflinitate cum Colpodii spe- ciebus Trinii, preesertim C. Steveni et compresso, incertus sum. 56*. Colpodium laxifolium, panicula coarctata lanceolata, foliis planls lato-linearibus. Agrostis jiaradoxa, Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. v. 2. p. 192. Desc. Gramen robustum, spitbameum^ — pedale, glabrum. Culmus e basi decumbent! V. radicantl adscendens, nunc erectus, teres, Irnvis, follatus, basi vaglnls scariosis tectus. Polia plana, lineari-lanceata, acuta, stricta, utrinque marglnibusque retrorsum scabris : vagina sca- briuscula?, ad basin usque fissrn, suprema folio proprio longioi-: ligula obtusa, imberbis, erosa, denticulata, folio latior. Panicula coarctata, angusto-lanceolata, fusco-purpurea, perianthi- orum apicibus albis, sesquluncialls — bluncialis, ramis brevibus, semiverticillatis, appressis, inferloribus demuiu modice paten tibus, pedunculis pedicellisque pauci-denticulatis, strictis, apice vix dilatato cum locusta continue. Gluma uniflora, bivalvls, mutica, herbaceo-membra- nacea, glabra, valvulis suboppositis, concavls vix carinatis, obtusiusculis v. acutis, integris semitrinerviis, inferiore paulo breviore, nervis lateralibus brevissimis, superiore acutiore, nervls lateralibus magis manlfestis sed longe infra apicem evanescentlbus. Perianthium intra glumam, qua baud duplo longlus, brevisslme pedicellatum, cum pedicello crasso articulatum, basi obliqua, berbaceo-membranaceum, texturafere glumm, muticum, per lentem pube brevis- sima conspersum, intra glumam e majore parte viride, supra eandem fusco-purpureum, apice scarioso alblcanti. V alvula concavae, textura omnino similes, longitudlne subasquales, nervo central! manifesto saepius apicem muticum attingenti, nunc in setulam dorsalem brevis- BOTANY. clxxxvii simam altitudinem valvulae subaequantem desinente, lateralibus utrinque duobus obsoletis, infra apicem prorsus evanescentibus ; superior obtusior, integerrima, dorso angusto planiusculo vel levlter convexo, linear!, dinervi, nervis parallelis, tenuibus, nudis, lateribus dorso aliquoties latioribus, parallelis, marginibus nudis. Lodiculcn duae, subcoUaterales, membranacese, se- mibifidae, dentibus acutis, imberbes, longitudine ovarii. Stamina 3, filamentis capilla- ribus, antheris fusco-stramineis, utrinque bifidis. Ovarium ovatum, acutum, glabrum, ex- sulcum. Styli brevissimi, approximati, vix manifesti. Stigmata hyalina, dense plumosa, apicibus acutis. Obs. In exemplaribus plerisque nullum certe rudimentum flosculi secundi, quod tamen in nonnullis a Melville Island atque in exemplar! a Possession Bay adest, setuliforme, hispidulum ; et in specimine unico a Melville Island locustas nonnullas bifloras flosculo secundo pedicellato perfecto observavi. 57. POA ANGUSTATA, panicula simplici coarctata lineari-laneenlata, locustis 4-5-floris, gluma inferiore dimidio minore, perianthiis apice erosis ; valvula inferiore basi elanata lateri- bus glabriusculis, foliis angusto-linearibus. Desc. Gramen 4-6-unciale, glabr-um, erectum ; radice fibrosa. Culmi foliati, basi quan- doque divisi, laeves. Folia angusto-linearia, plana, acuta, glabra, lasvia ; vaginae subcylin- draceae, laeves, suprema folio proprio longior, omnes ipsa basi integra ; ligula subquadrata tarn lata quam longa, apice dentato dente medio paulo longiore. Panicula erecta, angustata, cir- cumscriptione lineari-lanceolata, ramis paucifloris, pedicellis denticulatis, strictis, viridibus, apice paulo dilatato, cum locusta baud omnino continuo. Locustcc oblongae, coloratae, saepius quadriflorae. Gluma, hyalinae, glaberrimae, uninerviae, cum pedicellis persistentes, valvula inferiore fere dimidio minore ; superiore duplo latiore et fere duplo longiore, obtusiore, peri- anthio dimidio circiter breviore, nervis lateralibus obsoletis. Perianthia separatim decidentia, rachi locustae glabra ; valvula inferior oblonga, concava, acutiuscula, apice scarioso eroso- denticulato, quinquinervis, lateribus infra medium pube rara in nervis extimis crebriore in- structis, ipsa basi absque lana implexa ; superior paulo brevior, dinervis, nervis viridibus, den- ticulatis, lateribus complicatis. Lodicula 2, hyalinae, imberbes, semibifidae. Stamina 3. 58. PoA AnniiEVTATA, panicnlfi. simplinissimfi. rnarptafa. snbnvafa, Ineiistis 4-,'i-floris, glumae valviilis subaequalibus acutissimis perianthia basi lanata lateribus pubescentia aequanti- bus, foliis involuto-setaceis. Desc. Gramen 3-4-unciale. Culmi foliati, basi saepe divisi, la;ves. Folia involuta, subsetacea, retrorsum scabra, vagina fere ad basin usque fissae, cylindracese. Panicula vix semuncialis, ramis alternis, subbifloris, strictis, laevibus, vix denticulatis. Locusta oblongae, coloratae. Gluma acutissimae, valvulis longitudine subaequalibus, carinatis, glaberrimis, infe- riore manifeste angustiore, paululum breviore, uninervi ; superiore basi trinervi. Perianthia glumas paulo superantia ; valvula inferior ipsa basi lana implexa parca instructa, carina a basi ad duas tertias partes longitudinis sericea, linea pariter sericea utrique margini approximata. clxxxviii APPENDIX. a basi ad eandem fere altitudinem attingenti, intersticiis pubescentibus subsericeis ; superior diuervis, nervis pectlnatim denticulatis, lateribus induplicatis latiusculis. Lodiculcs Stamina 3, antheris stramineis. Ovarium imberbe. Stigmata 2, subsessilia, plumosa, hyalina. 59. PoA AECTiCA, panicula effusa : ramis paucifloris capillaribus laevibus locustisque colo- ratis ovatis 3-4-floris, glumis subaequalibus, periantbii valvula inferiore basi lanata carina lineaque submarginali sericeis : intersticiis pubescentibus, foliis linearibus : ligula subquadi’ata erosa. Poa laxa, Br. in Ross"' voy. ed. 2. v. 2. 192.. Hooker in Score$by''s greenl. pj. 410, non Willdenovii. Desc. Gramen 5-8-pollicare. Gulmi erecti v. adscendentes, basi quandoque divisi, gra- ciles, Iseves, foliati. Folia radicalia angusto-linearla, canaliculata, culmo aliquoties breviora ; culmea paulo latiora, plana,, mavginibus laevibus, denticulis obsoletissimis ; vaginae strictee, striatos, laeves, iio.sa basi Integra ; hgnla subquadi’ata, nunc paulo longior quam lata, apice eroso-inciso. Panicida ssepius effusa, nunc rara, nunc minus effusa, rarissime sub- coarctata, radii ramisque fuscis, ramis 3-4, semiverticillatis, 1-2-floris, capillaribus, laevibus. Locustce ovatae v. oblongo-ovatae, fusco-purpureae, apicibus valvularum strami- neo-fuscis ipsoque margine albo, 3-4-florEe, cum ruclimento minuto scarioso longius pediceUato quarti v. quinti ; racbi articulatim solubili, per lentem scabriuscula. Glumce subaequivalves, ca- rinatse, acutse, fusco-purpurem, glaberrimae, carina extra medium obsoletissime denticulata ; inferiore angustiore, nervis lateralibus obsoletioribus, altero obsoletissimo ; superiors vix Ion- giore, nervis lateralibus manifestiorilius. Perianthii valvula inferior oblonga, subcarinata, ipsa basi v. potius ex apice articuli racheos lana longa contortuplicata flosculos subnectenti, carina a basi ad duas tertias partes longitudinis sericea, viUis brevibus, supra obsoletissime denticulata, lateralibus a basi ad eandem circiter altitudinem ac portio sericea carinse pubescen- tibus, linea intramarginali sericea : valvula superior inferiore paulo brevior, dinervis, nervis viridibus, pectinato-ciliatis pilis brevibus, lateribus induplicatis axin fere attingentibus. Lodiculce 2, cuneiformes, semibifidse dentibus acutis, hyalin®, imberbes, ovario breviores. Stamina 3, antlieris stramineis. Ovarium oblongum, imberbe. Styli 2, brevissimi, Stig~ ma.ta byalin.a, la,xe plurnnsa vamis dpiitioT-ilntis;. Obs. Exemplaria nonnulla statura majore, locustis acutioribus, glumis acuminatis perianthia inferiora sub®quantibus, foliis latioribus. Poa laxa Willden. sp. yl. 1. p. 386., quam ex eodem monte Silesi® ubi a b. Haenke detecta fuit babeo a D. Trevirano communicatam, differ! statui’a minore, panicula coarctata, radii ramisque panicul® et glumis infra medium viridibus, periantliiis acutioribus lana baseos parclore ; locust® radii l®vi. Poa flexuosa Host gram, austr. 4. p. 15 .t. 26. qu® similis videtur P. arctic® panicula effusa et locust® colore figura et pubescentia, differ! panicul® radii ramisque viridibus magis divisis scabris, glumarum carinis longitudinaliter denticulatis. BOTANY. clxxxix 60. Festuca beevifolia, racemo subsimplici erecto, flosculis teretlbus supra scabrlusculis arista duplo longiorlbus, foliis setaceis vagiaisque Isevibus : culmeo supremo multoties breviore vagina sua laxiuscula. Obs. Facies et statura fere F. ovinse inter quam et F. Halleri media; priori forsan nimis affinis. 61. Festuca vivipaea. Obs. NuUam observationem habeo de exemplari unico Festuca cujusdam viviparse olim viso in herbario D. Sabine, ulterius examinando. PLEUROPOGON. Chae. Gen. Locustcs multiflorse, cylindraceas. Gluma abbreviata, insequivalvis, mutica. Perianthii valvula inferior mutica, obtusa, concava, nervosa, apice scarioso : su-perior nervo utroque lateraliter biseto ! Lodiculce distinct®. Styli 2. Stigmata plumosa. Caryopsis libera, laterlbns compressis. Gramen elegans. Foba plana, angusta, vagina integra, ipso apice tantum- fisso. Ra- cemus simplex, locustis cernuis, purpureis, nitentibus. Gluma valvula inferior e acuta, superiore latiore obtusa. Perianthia distincta, valvula inferiore 5-1-nervi, superiore lanceolata emarginata, pari superiore setarum brevissimo. Obs. Genus Glycerise proximum, quacum locustis teretibus, perianthiis obtusissimis et vaginis foliorum integris convenit ; differt prsesertim setis lateralibus nervorum valvulfe supe- rioris perianthii, lodiculis distinctis, stigmatibus baud decompositis, caryopside lateraliter compressa et inflorescentia. Character fere essentialis in nervis valvulse superioris perianthii latere setigeris ; analoga structura enim vix, quantum scio, in ullo alio gramine obtinet nisi in Uniola latifolia Mick, am., ubi equidem nuUis ahis differentiis comitata pro charactere specifico tantum habenda. 62. PLEUROPOGON SABINII— Tab. D. Desc. Gramen 3-unciale usque spithameum, glabrum. Culmi erecti, foliati, striati, laeves, simplices. Folia radicalia angustiora, longiora ; cuhnea linearia, plana, brevia, laevia : va- ginae paulo compress®, striat®, glabr®, l®ves, fere ad apicem integr®, ipso apice fisso, mar- ginibus scariosis, suprema folio proprio longior : ligula brevissima, rotundata, emarginata. Spica racemosa, simplicissima, radii striato-angulata, l®vi, viridi, pedunculis lateralibus giu- mam vix superantibus, recurvis, l®vibus, indivisis, altevnis, distantibus. LocustcB subcylin- drace®, cernu® v. pendul®, semunciales, purpure®, nitid®, per lentem tenuissime pubescentes. Gluma bivalvis, nana, in®quahs, membranacea, purpurea, mutica; valvula inferiore ovata, cxc APPENDIX. acuta ; superiore obovata, obtusissiraa, inferiore duplo latiore, paulo longiore, Pei'ianthia aiterna, distincta. Valvula inferior obovato-oblonga, obtusissima, concava, quinquinervis, extus pube brevissima appressa conspersa, apice marginibusque ab apice ad medium albls, scariosis, nervis omnibus infra apicem desinentibus, medio in mucronulum brevissimum, mar- ginem valvulae vix attingentem producto. Valvula superior longitudine fere inferioris, ma- nifeste angustioi’, elliptico-lanceolata, apice profunde emarginato, lateribus induplicatis, dinervis, nervis brevissime ciliatis, singulis bisetis, setis lateralibus, per paria oppositis, du(Z inferiores infra medium valvulte ortce, subulato-filifoianes, strictae, modice patentes, den- ticulatce, longitudine circiter dimidii totius valvulae ; du(z superiores paulo supra medium valvulae ortum ducehtes, brevissimae, denticulatae, mucroniformes, altera quandoque obsoleta. hodiculce 2, collaterales, approximates, brevissimae, truncatee, basi leviter cohserentes, sed absque leesione separandee. Stamina 3, filamentis capillaribus, antheris linearibus utrinque semibifidis. Ovarium ovatum, imberbe. Styli 2, glabri. Stigmata laxe plumosa, hyalina, ramis denticulatis, superioribus vix brevioribus. Caryopsis libera, lateraliter compressa, ventre angusto-linearr, leviter canaliculato, axi longitudinaliter saturatiore. Embryo cary- opside triplo brevior. Obs. Duplex varietas. a. elatior, subspitbamea, antheris stramineis. Tab. D. f. 1 — 7. (3. 3-4<-uncialis, antheris purpureis. Tab. D. f. 8 — 10. The specific name is given in honour of Captain Edward Sabine, in whose herbarium, the most extensive formed in the voyage, numerous specimens were found of both varieties of this remarkable grass. EXPLICATIO Tabul.e D. Pleuropogon Sabinii. 1. Varietatis a. planta magnitudine natural!. 2. ejusd. locusta cum pedunculo et portione racheos magis aucta. 3. perianthium clausum articulo racheos insidens, auctius. 4. id. expansum, pariter auctum. 5. valvula superior perianth!! facie visa ad id. augment. 6. pollen. 7. flcsculus perianthio orbatus exhibens stamina pistillum et lodiculas auct. uti 4 et 5. 8. Var. /3. planta mag. natur. 9- ejusd. locusta cum pedunculo ad augm. id. ac 2. 10. perianthium expansum genitalia et lodicularum alter exhibens ad augm. n. 4. DUPONTIA. Chae. Gen. Gluma subeequivalvis, scariosa, concava, mutica, locustam 2-3-floram sub- aequans. Pei'ianthia mutica, scariosa, (basi barbata,) altero pedicellato ; valvulis integris, inferiore concava. Lodicula 2. Ovarium imberbe. Stigmata subsessilia. Caryopsis Gramen glabrum, erectum. Folia linearia, plana, vaginis semifissis, basi integra. Panicula simplex, coarctata, fusco et purpurascenti varia, pedicelhs cum locustis continuis, perianthiis separatim solubilibus. BOTANY. • CXCl Obs. Ad Deschampsiam proxime accedit hocce genus ; dlstlnguitur perianthiis muticis, val- vulis integris nec dentatis. Cum Catabrosa, facie diversissima, convenit pluribus notis, diffei’t glumis locustam subsequantibus, perianthiis basi breve barbatis. A Poa diversum locustis baud compressis, glumis perianthiisque concavis nec carinatis. Ad confirmandum genus caryopsis desideratur. This genus is named in honour of Monsieur Dupont, of Paris, author of a valuable essay on the Sheath of the leaves of Grasses, and of observations on tlie genus Atriplex. 63. Dupontia Fisheki. Desc. Gramen 6-1 0-unciale, erectum. Cuhni simplices, foliati, laeves, glaberrimi. Folia radicalia et inferiora culmi canaliculata, angusto-linearia, acuta, laevia, 2-3-uncialia, vaginis strictis, scariosis, vix ad medium fissis ; culmea 1-2-superiora breviora, plana, laevia, vaginis propriis laxiusculis foliaceis ultra medium fissis longiora : ligula mediocris, obtusa, subtrun- cata, imberbis. Panicula coarctata, spiciformis, basi quandoque interrupta, purpureo-fusca, nitens, sesquiunciali-s — biuncialis, ramis subgeminatis, paucifloris, pedicellisque laevibus cum locusta continuis. LocustcB ovatse, biflorae, cum rudimento clavato setuliformi tertii flosculi, nunc triflorse flore tertio complete, nunc biflorae absque tertii rudimento. Gluma bivalvls, subaequalis, mutica, glaberrima, purpurascens, subnltens, margine pallido scaiioso, longitudine locustae. Valvulce concavm nec carlnatse, oblongo-lanceolatee, inferior paulo angustlor, acu- minata V. acutissima, unlnervis ; swperior semi-trinervis, medio paulo infra apicem lateralibus longe intra marginem evanescentibus. Perianthia subconformia ; inferius intra glumam sub- sessile, a pedicello brevissimo separabile ; superius cum apice paulo dilatato pedicelli brevis articulatum, facile solubile ; utriusque valvula inferior ovata mutica obtusa, vix unquam acuta, integTa, concava, ipsa basi pills brevibus strictis albis barbata, et a basi fere ad medium pilis brevioribus strictis subadpressis svd)sericea, trinervis, nervis lateralibus intra marginem eva- nescentibus, medio paulo infra apicem desinente : superior longitudine inferioris, manifeste angustior, lineari-oblonga, glaberrima, dlnervis, nervis brevibus, intersticio linear! concavi- usculo. LodiculcB duse, distlnctse, collaterales, membranaceee, hyalinse, subovata^, v. cuneatse, apice eroso-dentato, ovario longiores. Stamina 3, filamentis dlstinctis, capillaribus, antheris fusco-purpureis, linearibus utrinque bifidis. Ovarium ovale, glabrum. Stigmata 2, subses- sllia, hyalina, dense plumosa, ramis apicem versus brevioribus. Obs. The .specific name is that of Mr. Fisher, whose herbarium contained the most com- plete series of specimens of this grass, 64. Deschampsia brevifolia, panicula coarctata lanceolata : pedicellis laevlbus, locustis 2-3-floris, arista stricta valvulam subeequante, foliis involutis : caulinls abbreviatis. Desc. Gramen 3-5-unciale, glabrum. Culmi simplices, erecti, foliati. Folia Inferiora involuto-subulata, stricta, uncialia — sesquiuncialia ; vaginis strictis, folio brevioribus, ipsa basi Integra: ligula oblonga, lacinulata; supremum brevisslmum, vagina elongata, laxluscula, ligula breviore. Panicula coarctata, lanceolata v. oblonga, fusco-purpurascens, scariosa, ramis semiverticillatis. Locusts, biflorae, raro trifloree, semper cum rudimento, pediceUiformi CXCll APPENDIX. flosculi alterius. Glumci svibJfiquivalvis, mutica, acuta, -valvulis lanceolatls, concavis, acutis- simis, scariosis, disco purpurascenti, limbo pallido, uniner\dis, locusta paulo brevioribus. Pe~ rianthia subunifoi*mia, scarioso-membranacea, separatim solubilia, inferius sessile ; valvula in- ferior ipsa basi barbata, pilis brevibus, strictis, albis, caeterum glabra, concava, subquin- quinervis, nervis omnibus laevibus, lateralibus obsoletis, apice eroso-multidentato, dorso saepius infra medium aristata, arista setacea, recta, denticulata, valvulam ipsam vix vel paulo supe- ranti: ■SMpm'or longitudme inferioris, angnstior, dinervis, apice bidentato, quandoque semi- bifido. Lodiculce 2, collaterales, hyalinae, imberbes, acutse, ovario longiores. Stamina 3, antheris purpureis, utvinque bifidis. Ovarium glabrum. Stigmata 2, sessilia, hyalina, dense et breve plumosa. Flosculus superior pedicello barbato quocum articulatus insidens, paulo minor, arista valvulae inferioris medio vel supra medium dorsi inserta. Rudimcntum flosculi tertii setula est extus longitudinaliter barbata, clavida scariosa minutissima terminata. /3. Perianthia mutica. Hujus quatuor exemplaria tantiun visa a varietati a. facie paulo diversa folio supremo longiori. TRISETUM. Triseti species Palis, agrost. p. 88. charactere reformato. Char. Gen. Locusta S-S-floree, ancipites. Gluma carinata, membranacea, subsequival- vis. Perianthii valvula inferior carinata apice bidentata v. biseta, dorso (supra medium) aristata. Caryopsis libera, exsvdca, lateraliter compressa. Gramina caspitosa ; vaginis longitudincditer fissis. Panicula sape coarctata, aristis arcuato-patulis. Obs. A Deschampsia differt locustis ancipitibus, glumis carinatis, perianthii valvula infe- riore carinata apice attenuate bidentato v. biseto, caryopside lateraliter compressa. Ab Avenis plerisque glumis perianthiisque carinatis ; ab omnibus caryopside exsulca et lateribus compressis. 65. Trisetum subspicatum, Palis, agrostr. p. 88. Trisetum airoides, Roem. et Sch. syst. 2. p. 666. exclus. syn. Wulfen et Host. Richardson in Frankliris journ. p. 731. Aira spicata, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 95. fl. lapp. n. 47. Flor. Dan. t. 228. mala. Gunn, norv. n. 422. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 33. Aira subspicata, Linn. syst. nat. ed. 12. v. 2. p. 91. Willden sp. pi. 1. p.377. Pers. syn. 1. p. 77. Zag. pi. island, in Olafs. reise 2. p. 234. Giesecke greenl. in Brew- sters Edin. encyclop. HIEROCHLOE. Hierocbloe Gmel. sib. 1. p. 100. Br. prodr. flor. ncv, holl, p, 208. Trin, agrost, p, 130. Hierochloa et Toresia, Palis agrost, p.Q% et 63. BOTANY. cxciii Chae. Gen. Gluma subaequivalvis, locustam trifloram aequans. Perianthia bivalvia, latei'alia mascula, triandra ; terminate bermaphroditum, diandrum. Obs. Relationem veram Anthoxanthi ad Hierochloem, in prodr. flor. nov. hoU. p. 209, pri- mum indicatam, optime confirmat planta Javanica intermedia structure a D. Horsfield detecta; in hac enim perianthium lateralium inferius masculum bivalve, su'perius univalve, neutrum : terminate bermaphroditum. Hujus novi generis (Ataxia) habitus potius est Anthoxanthi, quocum etiam gluma inoequivalvi quadrat. Cum Hierochloe characteribus nonnullls convenit Arthrochloa (Holcus Pa/zV. Trinii, et Wahtenb. non Linneei gen. et sp. pt. ed. prima, nec Schreberi nec G&rtneri ;) qum tamen facile distinguitur ab hoc genere uti et ab Aira et Arhenathero, gluma cum apice pedicelli ai’ticulata et una cum locusta decidua. 66. Hierochloe alpina, Poem, et Sch. syst. 2. p)- Ross' voy. ed. 2. vot. 2. p. 194. Richardson in FranktirCs journ. p. 731. Holcus alpinus, Swartz in Schrad. neue journ. 2. si. 2. p. 45. t. 3. Wahtenb. lapp. p. 31. t. 2. Svensk bot. 438. Ftor. Dan. 1508. Giesecke greenl. in Brewster's Edin. encyctop. 67. Hierochloe pauciflora, racemo simplici, flosculo masculo superiore brevissime se- tigero, foliis culmi brevissimis ; radicalibus involutis. Desc. Gramen 3-5-unciale. Radix repens. Cutmi erecti, infra foliati supra nudi, striati. Fotia radicatia subulata, marginibus involutis, culmo aliquoties breviora; cutmea, abbreviata, late subulata, marginibus inflexis, vaglnis suis laxiusculis multotles breviora. Ra^ cemus erectus, simplex vel subsimplex, pauciflorus, pedlcellis Imvibus. Locustw ovatse, acutse, trlflorm. GtumcB bivalves, scariosso, ovatie, concavm, acutiusculae, glaberrlmae, locustam sub- mquantes, yalvula inferiore manifeste minore. Ftoscuti tolerates masculi, triandri, bivalves, chartacei, vatvuta inferior ovata, concava, marginibus infra medium nudlusculis supra omnino nudis, flosculi superioris mox sub apice emarginato setigera, seta brevissima stricta valvulam vix superante ; flosculi inferioris mutica v. per-obsolete setigera ; utriusque valvula superior angustior, linearis, dinervis, semibifida. Floscutus terminatis hermaphroditus, diander, mu- ticus : vatvuta inferior concava, quinqulnervis, extra medium dorso lateribusque pilosius- culis, chartacea, fusca, apice scarioso ; superior linearis, hyalina, glabra, acuta, indivisa, uni- nervis. Lodicutce 2, collaterales, lanceolatse, acuminatse, hyalina^, ovario longiores. Ovarium glabrum. Styti 2. Stigmata alba, dense plumosa. 2 0 2 CXCIV APPENDIX. AGOTYLEDONES. MUSCI. 68. PoLYTKiCHUJi PROPiNQUUM, caule siipplici elongate, foliis margine serrulatis clorso laevibus. Obs. Species, absque fructificatione baud determinanda, a Polytricho communi satis diversa videtur. 69. PoLYTUiCHUji HYPERBOREUM, caule I'amoso, foliis piliferis marginibus induplicatis dis- cum (totum lamelliferum) operientibus, eapsula tetragona apophysata. Desc. Caules saspius ramosi ramis fastigiatis, nunc simpliciores innovatione una alterave divisi. Folia e dilatata semivaginanti basi subulata, madore patula, siccitate appressa, disco toto lamellifevo ; marginibus latis, induplicatis, integerrimis, luembranaceis a basi dilatata usque ad apicem altero alterum equitante ; 'pilus apicis hyalinus folio aliquoties (2-3-plo) brevior, per lentem deuticulatus, strictus. Masculi flores disciformes, in distincto individuo saepe minore. Seta nitens caulibus procerioribus (biuncialibus) subsimplicibus brevior, fas- tigiato-ramosos superans v. aequans. Capsula erecta v. inclinans tetragona, angulis in aciem attenuatis ; apophysis angulata angustior. Operculum hemisphmricum cum mucronulo brevi. Peristomium dentibus 64. Epiphragma demum separabile. Calyptra exterior e villis dense implexis. Obs. Duplex varietas. a. caulibus fastigiato-ramosis setam vix aequantibus. caulibus innovando subramosis seta longioribus. Hasc P. pilifero proxima ab eodem differt caulibus elongatis innovando ramosls, pilis folio aliquoties brevioribus. 70. PoLYTRiCHUM BREviFOLiUM, caule ranioso, foliis serrulatis muticis madore erectis sic- citate appressis, eapsula inclinata obovata exapophysata. Desc. Muscus sesquiuncialis. divisi, ramis fastigiatis. Folia ebasi dilatata semi- membranacea subulata, extra medium serrulata, acuta, mutica, disco toto lamellifero, dorso Icevi. Seta lasvis, pallida. Capsula leevis, cernua, inaequUatera. Operculum conico-hemisphee- ricum, rostro subulate recurve diametrum baseos vix aequante. Peristomii dentes 40, eequi- distantes, intersticiis angustiores. Epiphragma crassiusculum. Calyptra exterior e villis arete implexis. Obs. Muscus, cujus tria tantum exemplaria a nobis visa in herbario D. Ross, nimis forsan affinis P. alpino L. BOTANY. cxcv 71. PoLYTEicHUM SETTER TRioNALE, Sw. in act. holm. 1795. p. 270. Musc.suec, p. 107. t. 9-/. 18. Menzies in Linn. soc. transact. 4. p. 82. t, 7./. 5. Obs. In herbario D. Fisher absque fructificatione visum, ideoque dubium. . 72. PoLYTKicHUM L.EVIGATUM, Wahlcnb. lapp.p, 349. t. 22. Hooker muse. exot. t. 81. Catharinea laevigata, Bridel mant. p. 202. Catharinea glabrata, Hooker isl. 2, p. 340. et\. p. 24. Ohs. Peristomii dentes saepius quanttim determinare potui 16, quandoque 32, lineares, acutiusculi, hyalini, per lentem longitiidinaliter striati, striis sa;pius paulo flexuosis, in liemis- ph^rium conniventeS"; dum 16 approximati intersticiis angustissimis, parum insequales, la- tioribus nunc bidentatis ; dum 32 aequales, intersticiis manifestis. Epiphragma hyalinum, di- ametro longitudinem dentis vix aequante. Membrana interior capsules exteriori approximata, intus laevis absque processubus plicisve. Columella libera, angulata, longitudine fere capsulte. Capsula per lentem modice augentem manifeste areolata. 73. Hypnum nitens, Hedw. sp. muse. p. 255. Smith brit. 3. p. 1316. Engl. bot. 1646. Muse. brit. p. 100. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 381. 74. Hypnum cordifolium, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 4. p. 97. t. 37. Sp. muse. p. 254. Smith brit. 3. p. 1318. Engl. bot. 1447. Muse. brit. p. 107. 75. Hypnum aduncum, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 1592. Smith brit. 3. p. 1327. Hedw. stirp. crypt. 4. p. 62, t. 24. Sp. muse. p. 295. 76. Leskia rufescens, Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. post. p. 178. t. 86. Hypnum rufescens, Dicks, crypt, fasc. 3. p. 9. t. 8. f. 4. Smith brit. 3. p. 1316. Engl, lot. 2296. Muse. brit. p. 99- 77. Mnium TURGiDUM, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 351. t. 23. Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. post, p. 123. t. 77. Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 194. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 756. 78. Timmia megapolixana, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 1. p. 83. t. 31. Sp. muse. p. 176. Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. post. p. 84. Richardson in Franklin's journ. 756. Timmia cu- cuLlata, Michaux am. 2. p. 304. 79. Bryum rostratum, Schrad. spicil. p. 72. Smith brit. 3. p. 1369. Engl. bot. 1745. Muse. brit. p. 126. t. 30. Mnium rostratum, Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. post. p. 136, t. 79. Obs, Muscus hicce, necnon sex proxime prsecedentes absque fructificatione tantura visi. CXCVl APPENDIX. SO. Bryum calophyllum, foliis ovatis obtusis concavis : marginibus simplicibus integer- rimis, capsulis obovatis pendulis. Desc. Ccespites densi. Caules innovationibus contlnuis divisi, 2-5-uniciales, vetusti to- mento radicali copioso et foliis emarcidis tecti. Rami annotini fastigiati, basi tantum tomento radicali parciore instructi, supra glabri. Folia uniformia, sparsa, approximata, ovata v. sub- ovalia, modice concava, obtusa, mutica, marginibus simplicibus nec recurvis nec incrassatis, areolis subrotundis, uniformibus, nervo valido, apicem folii attingenti absque mucronulo ex- currenti, saspius purpurea, quandoque viridia, madore patenti-erecta, siccitate appressa et paulo undulata. Seta t.erminalis, ramos annotinos superans, castanea, laevis, apice arcuato- recurvo. Capsula obovata, basi acntiuscula, vix attenuata, losvis. Operculum concolor, hemispheericum, papilla minuta. Peristomium duplex, exterius dentibus 16, rufescentibus acuminepallidiore, tranversum striatis; album, e membrana lata leviter carinata, termi- nata ciliis 16, imperforatis, cum dentibus exterioris alternantibus, intersticiis subdenticulatis. Obs. Peristomii structura Pohlise accedit. 81. PoHLiA BRYOiDES, foliis ovato-lauceolatis acuminatis integerrimis margine recurvis, capsulis pyriformi-oblongis, operculo conico, floribus masculis capitato-discoideis. Desc. Ccespites densi. Caules innovatione continuo ramosi, infra tomento radicali castanec- rufo reliquiisque foliorum tecti. Folia leete viridia, ovato-lanceolata, acuminata, nervo valido, in acumen excurrenti, marginibus integerrimis augustissime recurvis, areolis parvis oblongo-trapezoideis, Masculi Flores monoici, ramos annotinos terminantes, gemmaceo- discoidei, foliis perigonialibus exterioribus erectis, intimis nanis. Antherce numerosm, cylin- dracese, brevissime pedicellatas. Paraphyses filiformes, articulatae. Feminei Flores termi- iiales ; vaginula capsulae maturm pistillis abortivis numerosis parapbysibusque fere ad apicem truncatum stipata. Seta mediocris, Ifevis, fusca, apice arcuato. Capsula pendula, fusca, Isevis, oblongo-pyriformis, basi attenuata in apopbysim obconicam ipsa theca breviorem. Operculum bemisphserico-conicum, capsula quandoque paulo saturatius. Annulus latiusculus, striatus. Peristomium duplex : exterius dentibus 16, acuminatis, integerrimis, transversim striatis, fusco-rufescentibus, acumine pallido ; interioris inembrana vix carinata, ciliis 16 cum den- tibus exterioris alternantibus, absque intermediis minoribus, cum exteriore diu cohserens sed demum liberum. 82. PoHLiA ARCTIC A, foliis (viridibus) ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis : marginibus inte- gerrimis recurvis, capsulis pyriformi-oblongis, operculo hemisphaerico, floribus herma- phroditis. Obs. Muscus per singula fere puncta praecedenti simillimus, praeter flores hermaphroditos et operculum hemisphaericum : ambo forsan ad unam eandemque speciem polygamam per- tinentes. Flores gemmacei, terminales, foliis perichaetialibus interioribus nanis. Antherce nu- merosae, cum pistillis vix paucioribus intermistae, et cum horum abortientibus parapbysibusque filiformibus vaginula capsulae maturae fere ad ejusdem apicem insidentes. Pei'istomium inte- BOTANY. CXCVll rius stmctura prsecedentls pariterque cum exteriori diu cohjerens, demum vero liberum et in omni statu separabile. Huic et prsecedenti valde alRnis videtur Ptychostomum compactum Hornschuch, et Schwaegr. suppl. 2. sect. 1. p.56. #.115., cui peristomium interius cum exteriore arctius coh^ret. Hujus generis ? alteram speciem arcticam babeo, Ptychostomum pulchellum, capsula sphgerico-obovata, operculo hemispharico mutico, dentibus peristomii ex- terioris apice liberis basi mediante membrana (peristomio interiore) cohaerentibus, foliis ovato- lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis. 83. PoHLiA PUEPURASCENS, follis (purpui’ascentibus) ovato-lanceolatis acutissimis : mar- ginibus integerrimis recurvis, capsulis pyriformi-oblongis, operculo hemisphoerico obtuso, flori- bus hermaphroditis. ^ Obs. Praecedentis forsan varietas, vix distingueiida nisi notis supra dads. Propter peristomii interni structuram lianc cum duabus prascedentibus ad Pohliam I'etuli, facies tamen potius Bryi est, et omnes B. c^spiticio quam maxime affines. 84. Teichostomum lanugixosum, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 3. p. 3. t. 2. Sp. muse. p. 109- Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. 1. p. 149. Smith brit. 3. p. 1240. Engl. bot. 1348. Turner muse, hibern. p. 38. Muse. brit. p. 60. t. 19. Hooker scot. par. 2. p. 134. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 329. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 755. Racomitrium lanuginosum, Brid. mant. p. 79. Obs. Specimina pauca et absque fructificatione. 85. Dxdymodon capillaceum, Schrad. spicil. p. 64. Sw. in act. holm. 1795, p. 237. Muse. suec. p. 28. Roth. germ. 3. p. 199. IVeb. et Mohr, tasch. p. 155. Schkuhr deut. moos. p. 66. t. 29. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 314. Carpat. p. 336. Voit muse, herbip. p. 34. Muse. brit. p. 67. t. 20. Brid. mant. pi. 100. Hooker, scot. par. 2. p. 136. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 755. Swartzia capillacea, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 2. p. 72. t. 26. Cynontodium capillaceum, Hedw. sp. muse. p. 57. Schumach. sodland. 2. p. 40. Cynodontium capillaceum, Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. 1. p. 114. Trichostomum capillaceum. Smith brit. 3. p. 1236. Engl bot. 1152. Turner muse, hibern. p. 35. Bryum capillaceum, Dicks, crypt, fasc. 1. p. 4. #. 1. /. 6. Bryum tenuifolium, Villars dauph. 4. p. 868. Bryum n. 1806. Hall. hist. 3. p. 44. t. 45. p. 1. Obs. Duas varietates a Melville Island babeo, quarum a. statura et foliis laxiusculis cum D. capillaceo europaso convenit, paululum differt cap- sulis ovalibus nec oblongis. /3. statura humiliore, foliis strictioribus et brevioribus; media quasi inter D. capilla^ ceum vulgare et D. subulatum Schkuhr deut. moos. p. 65. t. 28., quod ad eandem spe- ciem pertinere videtur. CXCVlll APPENDIX. Ill utraque varietate atque in D. capillaceo Richardson, 1. c. flores monoicos, masculis geuimiformibus alaribus prope aplcem ejusdem rami cum femineo gemmiformi, necnon annulum manifestum, in D. capillaceo, jamj am a Voitio 1. c. notatum, et dentes peristomii 16 bipartitos cruribus transversim connexis observavi. 86. Baubula leucostoma, caule subsimplici, foliis ovato-lanceolatis mucronulatis in- tegerrimis, capsula cylindracea erecta, operculo conico, peristomii dentibus obliquis apice tortis. Desc. Muscus ciespltosus, semunclalis. Cauleshveve?,, dense foliati, stepius Indivisi, quan- doque parum ramosi. Folia mucrone brevisslmo, minute areolata, marginibus anguste revolutis, nervo valido, slccitate adpressa et parum torta. Seta caule longlor, laevis, fusca. Capsula lasvis, sequilatera. conicum, acutum, ^aulo inclinans, capsula dimidio brevius, te- nuissime spiraliter striatum. P eristomiuni album, dentibus 32, filiformibus, per parla ap- proximatis, dimldioque Inferlore trabeculls connexis, supra distinctis, apicibus parum tortis. Calyptra lasvis. Obs. Inter Barbulam et Didymodon media. 87. Syntrichia rubalis, Web. et Mohr tasch. p. 215. V oit mus . herbip. p. 52. Brid. mant. p. 98. Tortilla ruralis. Smith brit. 3. p. 1254. Engl. bot. 2070. Turner muse, hibern. p. 50. Sw. muse. suec. p. 39- Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. 1. p. 137. Wahlenb. carpat. p. 338. Muse. brit. p. 01. 1. 12. Hookei' scot. par. 2. p. 127. Richardson in FranldirHs j own. p. 755. Barbula ruralis, Hedw. sp. muse. p. 121. Wahlenb. lapp. 318. Obs. Specimina duo tantum et sine fructlficatione. 88. Syntrichia MUCRONIFOI.IA, caule ramoso, foliis ovato-oblongis siccitate adpressis : pilo integerrlmo latitudine folii breviore, capsula cylindracea inaequilatera erecta duplo longiore operculo subulato-conico. Tortula mucronifolia, Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. 1. p. 136. t. 35? Wahlenb. lapp. p. 317.^ Desc. Muscus v. caespitosus v. aliis intermistus. Caules erecti, breves, semper ramosi, ramis fastigiatis, dense foliati. Folia concava, marginibus integerrimls, infra medium leviter recurvis, minute areolatis, areolis baseos paulo laxioribus, nervo valido in pilum inte- gerrimum excurrpnte, madore erecto-patentlbus, siccitate Imbricatls adpressis nec contortis, pilo parum flexo. Seta capsula baud duplo longior, concolor, siccitate tortilis. Capsula saturate castanea, lasvis. Operculum badium, per lentem pluries augentem spiraliter striatum, dimidium capsulae vix lequans. Peristomii membrana alba, pulchre reticulata, longior cillis contortis. Calyptra novella tantum visa, laevis. Obs. Syntrichia subgenus tantum esse videtur Barbulae (s. Tortulae), cujus dentes e mem- brana angusta ortum ducunt ; et in speciebus omnibus utriusque quas investigavi operculum sjiiraliter striatum est. BOTANY. CCXCIX De synonymis supra citatis S. mucronifolice baud omniuo certus sum, figura tamen Scliwaegrichenii bene I’espondet, et descriptio Wahlenbergii in omnibus convenit nisi longitu- dine cupidis foliorum inferiorum. 89. Encalypta ciliata, Hedw. sp. muse. p. 61 ? Sekwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. 1. p. 59? Smithbrit. 3. p. 1181 ? Engl. bot. 1418? Wahlenb. lapp. 311 ? Muse. brit. «. p. 35. 1. 13 ? Leersia ciliata, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 1. p. 49. t. 19? Obs. Exemplaria nonnulla Encalyptse speciei in herb. D. Sabine olim visa ad banc, ni fallor, pertinent ; posthac determinanda. 90. Gymnostomum obtusifolium, foliis oblongo-ovatis obtusis integerrimis, capsula oblonga duplo longiore operculo conico columellje adnato. Desc. Caules ramosi, dense foliati. Folia concava, infra laxiuscule supra medium minute reticulata, marginibus planis, nervo vix apicem attingenti, madore erecto-patula, sic- citate appressa et parum flexa. Seta fusca, Imvis, caule longior. Capsula erecta, Isevis, fusca, reticulata. Operculum breve conicum, cum columella cylindracea din cohaerens. APLODON. Chae. Gen. Peristomium simplex : dentibus 16, a;quldistantibus, indivlsis, reflexUibus. Capsula apophysata, erecta. Calyptra laevis. Flores terminales : masculi discoideo-capi- tuliformes. Obs. Subgenus Splacbni, a 'quo differt solummodo dentibus 16 scquidistantlbus, et forsan columella capsulag maturse inclusa. Sed quoniam axis pellucidus dentis cujusvis compo- sitionem ejusdem indicat, ad Systylium (quod Splacbni alteram subgenus,) dentibus 16, aequidistantibus, blpartitis, plane accedit ; in hoc enim cohasrentia operculi cum columella, ex analogla cum Gymnostomis quibusdam, pro charactere specific! tantum valoris habenda sit ; et ad eandem structuram approximatio Indicata est in Splachno tenue et longicollo qulbus co- bimella tota aplce subulato persistit, quamvis ab operculo clto soluta est. Tz’ansitus ab Aplo- donte ad Splachnum facllis est per S. longlcollum {Dicks, crypt, fasc. 4. p. 4. t. 10. 9. Amerlcae occidental! nec Scotise indigenum,) cui dentes vix manlfeste per paria approximati, qua nota differt a S. tenue valde affine sed dentibus geminatis reflexilibus instructo. Ad Aplodontem proxime accedit Weissia Splachnoides Sekwaegr. (Cyetodon nob., alterura subgenus Splacbni quasi constituens,) diversa praesertim dentibus erectis apicibus incurvis, Ideoque S. Frselichiano dentibus erectis sed geminatis affinis. 91. ApLODON WOEMSKIOLDIt. Splachnum Wormskioldii, Hornem. in Flor. Dan. 1659. Sekwaegr. suppl. 2. sect. 1. p. 27. 1. 108. ccc appendix. a. Folia acuminata. Desc. Muscus IfEte virens, dense caespitosus. Caules 1-3-unciales, innovationibus repetitis ramosi, infra tomento radicali castaneo foliisque emarcidis tecti ; ramis annotinis herbaceis, viridibus, foliatis. Folia alterna, descendendo remotiora, l^te viridia, ovato-lanceolata, acu- minata, integerrima, laxe reticulata, nervo tenui, ad ortum acuminis concoloris, diametrum transversum folii vix aequantis, desinenti. Masculus Flos discoideo-capituliformis, ramum paucifolium ejusdem cum feiuineo vel distincti caulis terminans ; foliis peri gonialibus caulinis subconformibus, infra conniventibus coloratis, apicibus patulis viridibus. Antherce nume- rosae, brevissime pedicellatae, cylindracea?. Paraphyses plures, lutescentes, articulis sursum crassioribus brevioribusque, idtimo obtuso. Pistilla mdla. Femineus Flos terminalis, mas- culo angustior, foliis perichcetialibus rameis conformibus et concoloribus. Pistilla 3-5 ; paraphysibus paucissimis ; antheris nuUis. Seta ramum fructiferum subaequans, herbacea, saepissime viridis, etiam post lapsum opercidi, quandoque demum pallide fusca. V aginula laxiuscula, dilute fusca, ore nigro-castaneo, quandoque inaequali, basi pistiUis abortientibus stipata. Calyptra glabra, Ijevis, subcampanulata, sed altero latere fere ad apicem usque fissa, capsula adulta brevier. Apophysis obovata, basi vix attenuata, capsulam crassitie subaequans, nunc paulo amplior, concolor, demum paUida et alte corrugata. Capsula erecta, cylindraceo-obovata, laevis, castanea, stomate baud coarctato et quandoque dentibus de- ciduis nudo, deoperculata apopbysi brevier. Peristomium simplex, dentibus 16, aequi- distantibus, lato-subulatis, indivisis, axi longitudinali semipellucido, transversim striatis, sic- citate arete reflexis, madore conniventibus, semisiccatis patulis. Columella capsula matura brevior, apice simplici. Operculum depresso-hemisphaericum, obtusissimum, altero latere stomate diutius adhasrens. /3. Folia acutiusCula. Obs. Ab a. dilfert, praster folia absque acumine et quandoque obtusiuscula, caulibus bre- vioribus vix uncialibus, stomate patentiore. Planta groenlandica inter has duas varietates quasi media, cum a. foliis acuminatis con- veniens ; ad /3. habitu propius accedens. SPALCHNUM. Linn. Hedw. Char. Gen. Peristomium simplex: dentibus (reflexilibus) v. 8, geminatis (coalitione nunc indivisis) : v. 4, quaternatis. Capsula erecta, apophysata. Calyptra glabra, laevis. Flores terminales : masculi (cum v. absque pistillls sterillbus,) discoideo-capltuliformes. Obs. In S. octoblepharo Insulje Diemeni et magellanico peristomium octodentatum, sed dentium striae longltudinales semlpellucidae eorundem compositionem indicant. In S. angustatOy arctico et propinquo peristomii dentes quaternatim approximati et basi coadunati. Dum BOTANY. CCCl «S’. Frcdichianum^ et forsan Wulfenianum, capsula inclinata et dentibus erectis a Splachnis genuinis distinguitur et subgenus efFormat. 92. Splachnum vasculosum, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 1572. exclus. syn. Buxb. Hedw. stirp. crypt. 2. p. 44. t. 15. optime, Sp. muse. p. 53. Schkuhr deut. moos. p. 41. t. 17. icone a supra citata Hedwigil mutuata. Schwaegr. suppl. 1. sect. 1. y. 51. Wahhnb. lapp. p. 308. Muse. brit. p. 21. t. 31. bene. Hooker scot. par. 1. p. 125. Desc. Caules innovando subramosi, unciales, laxe foliati, inferne fibras purpureas ramosas supra-axillares nonnullas exserentes. Folia alterna, orbiculato-obovata, obtusissima, parum concava, basi angustata, semiamplexicaulia, marginibus integerrimis planis, nervo mox infra apicem evanescenti ; perichcctialia similia, intimis 2-3 exceptis minoribus ovatis acutiusculis. Seta caulem subaequans, castanea, laevis. Vaginula basi stipata pistillis pluribus abortivis. Apophysis subsphaerica vel obovata, capsula duplo amplior, semisiccata rugosa, nigro-fusca. Capsula cylindracea, laevis, minute reticulata, fusca. Feristomium dentibus 16, per paria approximatis, saepiusque ad medium, quandoque fere ad apicem, connatis, singuli axi pellu- centiori tenuissimo, omnes e basi angusta annidari orti, arete reflexiles dorso capsulae appressi. Columella cylindracea, longitudine thec«, apice ddatato, plano-depresso. Masculi Flores caulem distinctum paucifolium ejusdera caespitis terminantes, capital o-discoidei ; foliis perigonialibus extimis obtusiusculis, interioribus longioribus, e basi latiore lutescenti conni- venti patulis, lanceolatis apice angustatis, integerrimis. Anihertr. numerosae, viginti plures. Paraphyses numerosissimae, antheris longiores, subclavatae, articulis superioribus crassioribus brevioribusque. Pistilla nulla. Obs. Ab exemplaribus in Scotiae montibus a D. Hooker lectis hoc paulo tantum differt foliis remotioribus et seta longiore. 93. Splachnum arcticum, peristomii dentibus quaternatim approximatis, apophysi ob- conica capsula clausa angustiore deoperculata latiore, opei’culo conico-haemisphaerico, floribus masculis sessilibus, seta perichcetium bis superante, foliis ovato-lanceolatis concavis cuspi- datis integerrimis. Desc. Muscus dense caespitosus. Caules innovationibus ramosi, sesquiunciales, infra foliis vetustis emarcidis tomentoque radiculoso copioso tecti. Rami annotini laete virides, foliati, basin versus foliis rarioribus et brevioribus. Folia lanceolata-ovata, concava, integerrima, cuspidata, cuspide concolori fere -i longitudine laminae, laxe reticulata, laete viridia. Femi- neus Flos gemmiformis, angustus. Pistilla 3-5, fills succulentis, paucis, hyallnis ; staminibus nullis. Seta longitudine fere rami annotini, parum angulata, laevis, castanea, capsula tota, apophysi simul sumpta, duplo longior. Capsula vera cylindracea, laevis, nigro-castanea, ore dilatato, patulo. Apophysis obconica basi attenuata, capsula paulo longior. Operculum ma- dore conlcum, siccitate conico-hasmisphasricum mucronulo manifesto. Feristomium intra marginem membranae exterioris, ubi desinet interior, ortum : dentibus 16, quaternatim ad me- dium usque connatis, singulis absque stria longitudinali manifesta. Masculus Flos cum fe- mineo coUateralis, ramum terminans, discoideo-capituliformis, semper sessilis, etiam dum femi- 2 p 2 CCCll APPENDIX. neus, primo pariter sessilis, florescentia peracta ramulo suo proprlo elongate insidet. Folia perigonialia e basi lanceolata erecta in cuspidem basi longiorem, subulatum producta. Anther ce numerosae viginti circiter, levlssime arcuatae, brevissime pedicellataa. Paraphyses stramineae, sursum incrassatae articulis breviorlbus crassioribusque. Pistil la nulla. Obs. Facies omnino S. mnioidis, quocum pluribus notis convenit, satis diversum dentium dispositione. 94. Splachnum PKOPixauuM, peristomii dentibus basi quaternatim coh^rentibus, apo- physi obconica capsula operculata paulo latiore, operculo siccitate depresso mutico, floribus masculis brev^ pedunculatis, seta perichaetium vix superante, foliis ovatis concavis cuspidatis integerrimis. Desc. CcBspites densi. Caules innovando divisi, unciales. Folia viridissima, acumine subulato-setaceo, concolori, longitudine folii. Seta foliis floralibus paulo longior, angulata, laevis, capsulam cum apophysi suinptam vix superans. Capsula cylindracea, brevis, ore di- latato. Apophysis primo viridis, mox fusca, capsula ante lapsum operculi paulo tantum cras- sior, demum nigricans, pyriformis, capsula deoperculata concolori fere duplo amplior. Oper- culum conico-hemisphasricum, muticum, siccitate planiusculo-depressum. Peristomii dentes 16, quaternatim approximati et ad medium usque cohmrentes, singuli absque stria longitu- dinali manifesta. Columella crasso-C3dindracea, pulposa, apice hemisphaerico cavitatem oper- culi replenti. Masculus Flos capitato-discoideus, ramulum brevem, femineo collateralem, ter- minans, antlieris paraphysibusque numerosis, pistillis certe null is. Obs. Proximum S. arctico, an ejusdem varietas ? 95. Splachnum exsertum, capsula interiore soluta siccitate semiexserta ; exteriore ore dilatato, apophysi obconica capsula (concolori) angustiore, foliis lanceolato-ovatis acuminatis integerrimis. Desc. Caules annotino-ramosi ; Folia omnino S. arctici et propinqui. Masculus Flos ca- pitato-discoideus, ramulum distinctum, femineo breviorem, foliatum, ejusdem caulis terminans, foliis perigonialibus basi lutescentibus, acumine brevi viridi. Anthem paucae, cylindraceoe, leviter arcuatm : paraphysibus numerosis sursum crassioribus : pistillis nuUis. Seta terminalis, perichaetium vix superans, dilute fusca, laevis. Capsula cum apophysi sumpta tui'binata ; theca exterior obovata ; interior pedicello insidens libera, demum exsiccatione exterioris ex- serta. Peristomium : dentes 16, mox intra marginem capsulae exterioris orti, primo quater- natim basi cohaerentes, demum quaternatim vel quandoque geminatim reflexi. Obs. Muscus valde affinis hinc S. arctico et propinquo inde paradoxo ; et hi omnes adeo approximati pr^sertim figura et textura foliorum ut varietates unius ejusdemque speciei forsan considerari possunt. 96. Splachnum paradoxuji, capsula adulta absque sutura operculi (demum separabilis ?) ; interiore pedicellata, apophysi attenuata capsula angustiore, foliis lanceolato-ovatis acumi- natis integerrimis. BOTANY. CCClll Desc. Caules vix semunciales, innovationibus ramosi. Folia ovato-lanceolata, concavius- cula, carinata, laxe reticulata, integerrima, acumine subulate diametrum transversum folii sub- sequanti, demum decolori pilum referenti. Masculi Flores discoideo-capitullformes, termi- nantes ramos proprios pedunculiformes, pauclfolios, foliolis nanis alternis : folia perigonialia lanceolata, basi conniventia, apicibus patulis acuminatis. Anther (Z numerosse, cylindraceje, levissime incurvse. Paraphyses numerosse, subclavatas. Flos femineus terminalis. Seta fusca, Isevls, caule longior. Capsula erecta, oblongo-obovata, basi in apophysin obconicam seipsa angustiorem et breviorem attenuata, Isevis, per lentem pluries augentem punctis minutis longitudinaliter seriatis, depressis, adversus lucem semipellucidis tenuissime quasi striata, absque operculo ejusve ulla indicatione, aj)iculo obtuso paulo constricto. Theca vera di- midiam superiorem tantum capsulse exterioris occupans, pedicello cylindraceo, ex apice apo- ph^’sis derivato, insidens, libera, ad ortum dentium desinens ibique cum capsula exteriore con- fluens. Dentes 16, quaternatim ad medium cohaerentes, subulati, pallide fusci, apicem cavitatis capsula; attingentes. Semina minutissima, in cumulo olivaceo-viridia, seorsim hyalina, Isevia. Obs. Hsec omnia e specimine unico cum capsulis 8 maturis plenis et duabus vetustis vacuis pariter clausis, varietatem nanam S. arctici referente, desumpta sunt. Exemplaria deinplura varietatis, ut videtur, ejusdem Musci, in herbario D. Richardson, inter Fort Enterprise et mare arcticum lecta, et cum S. rnmoidii Schwaegr . in Franklin' s j own. p. 755 (non Hedwigii,) intermista inveni : horum capsulas adultas numerosse cinnamomeo-fuscse, clausse et absque su- tura vel ulla alia operculi indicatione. In hac varietate 12., quse statura major et calyptra dimidiata donata, seta longior quam in a. dentesque 16 subsequidistantes et fere ad basin distincti. E duplicis varietatis hisce speciminibus diu in animo fuit proponere novum genus sub nomine Cryptodontis, ob capsulam operculo destitutam dentibus verb inclusis instruc- tam : sed omnibus iterum examini subjectis capsulam unam alteramve vetustam operculo delapso et peristomio dentato, in eodem ca?spite cum clausis, et quantum determinare licuit ad eandem speciem pertinentem, observavi, ideoque ad Splachnum, baud tamen absque dubita- tione, museum paradoxum demum retuli. In Splachneis autem, prseter annuli defectum in tota tribu, approximaitiones nonnullse ad capsulam clausam occurrunt, scilicet in Aplodonte ubi operculum cum altero latere stomatls diutius cohseret, et in Systylio in quo cum columella cohaerens persistit : nec transitus difficilis a Splachneis ad Voitiam habitu et statione iisdem bene convenientem. VOITIA. Hornschuch comment, de voit et syst. p. 5. Hooker muse. exot. 97. Nees v. Esenb. et Hornsch. bryol. germ. 1. p. 79. Schwaegr. suppl. 2. sect. p. % Greville et Arnott in fVern. soc. transact. 4. Char. Gex. Capsula clausa, (absque operculo dentibusve inclusis,) rostrata. Calyptra dimidiata, capsula adulta longior, tardius decidua. Flores terminales : masculua femineo col- laterali subconformis. ccciv APPENDIX. Obs. Genus a Pliasco asgre distinguendum, habitu quamvis necnon statione valde diversum, et ad Splachneas mediante S. paradoxo, (s. Cryptodonti) accedens. Calyftra multo amplior equidem et diutius remanens quam in Phasco, sed demum decidua, nec persistens. Vaginula in V. hyperborea certe indivisa, nec eandem bivalvem neque flssam in exemplaribus paucis V. niva- lis a nobis investigatis observare licuit. In utraque specie ejusdem margo manifeste insequalis et sublacera, sed eandem fere structuram in Phascis quibusdam, prsesertim in P. bryoidi et curvicollo, observavimus. Caysula cum seta sua elongata saepe decidua sed quandoque nec raro vel cum eadem persistens, vel a seta persistenti decidens : et seta minime post lapsum capsulae in Phascis omnibus persistit. Membrana interna libera, cum processu subulato, rostrum cap- sulae penetranti, in P. bryoidi et curvicoUo pari ter exstat: et florum dispositio subsimilis in Phascis nonnullis obtinet. Semina minutissima affinitatem Voitiae cum Cryptodonti potius quam Phasco indicant. Voitia vogesiana Nestl. dubia hujus generis species mihi videtur, et habitu Phascis non- nullis, praesertim P. flexuoso Schwaegr. suppl. % sect. 1. jo. 1. t. 101. convenit; a Voitia diversa floribus saepe dioicis, masculorum forma, capsulis basi in apophysin angustiorem at- tenuatis, seminibus majusculis, et forsan magnitudine proportionali calyptroB a me nondum visae. 97. Voitia hypeuboeea, capsula gioboso-ovata basi subtruncata, fohis dilatato-ovatis acu- minatis. Voitia hyperborea, Greville et Arnott in Wern. soc. mem. 4. tab. l.f. 19. capsula, et 21. folium. Desc. Muscus caespites densos saepius efformat, raro aliis, Splachnis praesertim, intermixtus. Caules 6-9-lineas longi, tomento radicali inferne arete cohaerentes, innovationibus subramosi, basi foliis vetustis tomentoque radicali rufo-castaneo copioso tecti ; ramis annotinis dense foliatis eradiculosis. Folia late ovata, modice concava, integerrima, acumine e nervo valido producto formato, -j longitudinis folii jEquante, sed concolori nec nisi vetustate canescenti pilumque refe- renti, laxiuscule reticulata, areolis rectangulis, invicem inaequalibus sed per tptam folii longitu- dinem uniformibus, marginalibus vix majoribus, madore erecta, siccitate subappressa. Peri- chmtialia paulo majora, acumine proportionatim longiore. Vaginula cylindracea, basi pislillis paucis abortivis stipata, indivisa, nec fissa nec bivalvis, apice membranaceo ineequali lacero. Seta elongata, caulem totum eequans v. parum superans, laevis, castanea, siccitate tortuosa. Capsula erecta, castanea, leevis, dilatato-ovata, basi transversa subtruncata, rostro apicis inclinato longitudine dimidii capsulae, absque operculo ejusve omni vestigio : exterior coriacea, minute reticulata, areohs quadratis ; interior ab exteriore libera, centro baseos umbiheatse affixa, apice clause processu subulato longitudine rostri exterioris, pallida, tenue membranacea, utrinque Isevis nec intus septis processubusveinaequalis. Columella angulata subtetragona, longitudine capsul2e interioris. Semina minutissima, Phasci bryoidis decies fere minora, in cumulo viridia, separatim hyalina, subglobosa, per lentem centles augentem striis nonnullis insignlta, sed sim- pheia nec dlvisibilia. Masculus Flos ramulum proprium, brevissimum, femineo collateralem hoc vero post fsecundationem elongate demum quasi lateralem terminans, discoideo-gemmiformis. BOTANY. CCCV femineo subsimilis, foliis perigonialibus perichaetialibus conformibus. Anthers numerosas, cylin- draceae, leviter arcuatge. Paraphyses copiosee, articulls superioribus sensim crassioribus et brevioribus. Obs. Valde affinis VoitijB nivali quae difFert capsula oblongo-ovata basi acuta, foliis elongato- ovatis laxioribus, statura majori. HEPATICiE. 98. JuNGEEMANNiA MiNUTA, Sckrob. in Crantz grbnl. forts, p. 285. Dicks, fasc. 2. p. 13. Wahlenb. lapp.p. 393. Hooker brit. junger, t. 44. Engl. bot. 2231. Jungermannia bicornis, Flor. Dan. 888. f. a.. Schwaegr. prodr. hepat. p. 27. Ri- chardson in FranklirCs journ. p. 757. Obs. Planta nostra, cujus exemplaria perpauca et fructificatione destituta tantum visa, media quasi inter I. minutam et ventricosam, ab utraque foliis explanatis, nec margine inferiore indupbcatis, dilfert. 99. Maechantia polymoepha, Linn, sp.pl. ed. %p. 1603, Flor. lapp. n. 422. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 397. Schmid, ic. p. 106. t. 29. Engl. bot. 210. Hooker scot. par. 2. p. 119. Mich. am. 2. p. 277. Br. in Flind. voy. 2. p. 593. Richardson in FranklirHs journ. p. 757. LICHENOSJE. 100. Gyeophoea feoboscidea, Achar. syn. p. 64. Engl. bot. 2484. Hooker scot, par. 2. p. 41. Gyrophora proboscidea jS. Richardson in FranklirCs journ. p. 758. tab. 30. f. 4. Gyromium proboscideum, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 483. Obs. In nostra planta pagina inferior, quae semper lasvis fibrillisque destituta, saepius ci- nerea, nunc tota atra; quandoque thallo ad ambitum cribroso G. erosse accedit. 101. Lecanoea elegans, Achar. syn. p. 182. Hooker scot. par. 2. p. 50. Richard- son in FranklirCs journ. p. 760. Lichen elegans, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 417. Carpal, p. 373. Engl. bot. 2181. 102. Boeeeea ? AUEAKTiACA, thallo adscendenti aurantiaco tereti-compresso nudo sub- cbchotomo basi pallido : ramulis ultimis brevissimis obtusis. Obs. Affinis B. flavicanti 1. c., utraque thallo teretiusculo fruticuloso a reliquis di- versa. In hac Apothecia ignota ideoque dubii generis est. 103. Ceteaeia junipeeina, Achar. syn. p. 226. CCCVl APPENDIX. Obs. Vix omnino cum C. junlperina quadi’ant specimina nostra quibus lacinise crenatsenec erosae, margines pulvere destitutee, discus lasvis vix manifeste lacunosus, et paginae, qua; citrinae, concolores. 104. Cetharia nxvalvis, Achar. syn. p. 228. Hooker scot. par. 2. p. 57. Br. in Ross’’ voy. 9.. ed. v.9. p. 195. Spitz, pi. in Scoresby’'s arct. append. ^.76. Richardso7i in Franklin's journ. p. 761. Lichen nivalis, Linn. lapp. n. 446. t. 11. f. 1, Soland. %n Phipps'' voy. p. 203. fVahlenb. lapp. j)- 433. Carpat. p. 379. Engl. bot. 1994. Svensk bot. 384. 105. Cetraria cucullata, Achar. syn. p. 228. Richardson in Franklirds journ. p. 761. Lichen cucullatus, Smith in Linn. soc. transact. 1. p. 84. t. 4. f. 7. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 433. Upsal. p. 413, Carpat. p. 379. 106. Cetraria islaxdica, Achar. syn. p. 229. Hooker scot. par. 2. p. 58. Br. in Ross' voy. ed. 2. vol. 2. p. 195. Richardson in FranklirCs journ. p. 761. Lichen islandicus, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 1611. Flor. Dan. 155. Engl. bot. 1330. Svensk. bot. 34. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 434. Carpat. p. 379- Upsal. p. 413. Solayid. in Phipps’’ voy. p. 203. Physcia islandica, Mich. am. 2, p. 326. 107. Cetraria odontella, Achar. syn. p. 230. Lichen odontellus, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 434. 108. Peltidea aphthosa, Achar. syn. p. 238. Wahlenb. lapp, p. 446. Carpat. p. 380, Svensk bot. 318. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 60. Richardson in Franklin's jow'n. p. 761. Lichen aphthosus, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 1616. Engl. bot. 1119. Wulfen in Jacqu. coll. 4. p. 266. t. 17. f 109. CoRxicuLARiA ocHROLEucA, Achar. syn. p. 301. Hooker scot. par. 2. p. 69. Richardson in Franklm's journ. p. 762. Usnea ochroleuca, Hoffm. pi. lichen. 2. p. 7. t. 26. f. 2. Lichen ochroleucus, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 438. Cai'pat. 382. Engl. bot. 2374. 110. CoRNicuLARiA LANATA, Achar. syn. JO. 302. Hookei' scot. par. 2. p. 69. Lichen lanatus, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. p. 1623. Engl. bot. 846. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 440. Carpat. p. 383. Lichen nonnoricus, Gunn. no7'v. par. 2. p. 123. t. 2. f. 9 — 14. BOTANY. CCCVll 111. Ceeania veemiculaeis, Achar. syn. p. 278. Cenomyce ? vermicxilaris, Hooker scot. par. 2. p. 65. Richardson in Franklin^ s journ. p. 762. Br. in Flinders’ voy. 2. p. 594. Boeomyces vermicularis, Wahlenb. lapp, p. 458. Cladonia subuliformis, Ho^m. pi. lichen. 2. p. 15. t. 29. f. 1 — 3. Lichen vermicularis, Dicks, crypt, fasc. 2. p. 23. t. 6. f. 10. Engl. bot. 2029. Obs. Apothecia (?) lateralia, sparsa, atra, thallo innata coque submarginata, apotheciis Roccellae aliquo modo accedentia, in exemplaribus nonnullis a D. Fisher lectis observavi. \ 112. Cenomyce pyxidata, Achar. syn. p. 252. 113. Steeeocaulon paschale, Achar. syn. p. 284. Mich. am. 2. p. 331. Br. in Flinders’’ voy. 2. p. 594. Spitz, pi. in Scoresby's arct. 1. append, p. 76. Giesecke Ch'eenl. in Edin. encyclop. Hooker scot. par. 2. p. 66. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 762, Bceomyces paschalis, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 450. Carpat. p. 386. Lichen paschalis, Linn. sp. pi. ed. 2. v. 2. p. 1621. Soland. in Phipps' voy. p. 204. Lichen ramulosus, Sw. fl. ind. occid. 3. p. 1917. 114. Usnea sphacelata, thallo erectiusculo fruticuliformi, ramis primariis ochroleucis nigro-vittatis laevibus, ultimis attenuatis nigris : sorediis confertis concoloribus ochroleucisve. Usnea? prope melaxantham, Br. spitz, pi. in Scoresby's arct. 1. append, p. 76. Obs. Proxima U. melaxanthae Ach. syn. p. 303., dilFert statura ahquoties minore, ramis primariis laevibus, sorediorum praesentia. Apothecia nondrnn visa. Eandem speciem, so- rediis pariter instructam apotheciisque destitutam, in summitate Montis Tabularis Insulae Van Diemen, anno 1804, legi. FUNGI. 115. Canthaeellus lobatus. Fries sy St. my colog. 1. p. 323. Helvella membranacea, Flor. Dan. 1077. f. 1. 116. Lycopeedon peatense, Pers. syn. fung. p. 142. Praeter plantas supra enumeratas, species nonnullae in herbariis citatis exstant, scilicet Muscorum quinque, Lecideae v. Leprariae unica, et Agarici tres: has vero e speciminibus vel fructificatione destitutis vel male exsiccatis baud determinate potui. Algae submersae prorsus nuUae reportatae fuere. CCCVlll APPENDIX. Species quae Floruit Melvillianas adhucdum propriae remanent sequentes sunt. Ranunculus Sabinii, qui nivali nimis affinis. Ranunculus affinis, proximus auricomo. Draba fauciflora, valde dubia species. Platypetalum dubium, cujus flores ignoti. Sieversii Rossii, proxima S. humili Oonalashkae indigena. Tussilago ccrymbosa, valde affinis T. frigidce. Pedicularis arctica, prope P. sudeticam et Langsdorjii. Dupontia Fisheri, gramini nulli cognito affinis. Barbula leucostoma, quae species distincta videtur. Gymnostomum obtusifolium, species insignis, sed non satis cognita. Splachnum arcticum, proximum S. mnioidi. Borrera aurantiaca, Lichenosa distincta, sed dubii generis. Genus itaque Insulas Melville peculiare nullum restat nisi Dupontia, si hoc equidem ser- vari meretur. Aliquas observationes, species nonnuUas Florulas Melvillianas illustrantes, derivatas ex herbarii inspectione ad litora orientalia Americae arcticae, inter grad. 66. et 70. lat., in novissima navigatione duce D. Parry, formati a D. Ross, cujus amicitiae specimina totius coUectionis debeo, hie subjungere licet; ordine Florulas servato numerisque specierum praefixis. 11. Platypetalum pukpurascens. Siliculcz V. ovali-oblongae v. oblongae, glabrae v. pilis raris brevibus simplicibus bifidisque conspersae, stigmate quandoque capitato emarginato, nec semper bilobo lobis patentibus, coronatae ; valvulis aveniis, ecarinatis, planiusculis ; dessepimento rarius fenestrato. Semina biseriata. Cotyledones incumbentes, angusto-oblongae, rectae nec basibus crus radiculare embryonis occupantibus. Platypetalum itaque hinc SubularicB affine inde Eudema, base vero differt stylo elongato, dissepiniento semper fenestrato, et forsan aliis notis e floris examini accuratiore derivandis. 13. Euteema Edwardsii. Herba quandoque 4-6-uncialis. 18. Stellaria Edwardsii. Exemplaria omnia ad var. a. pertinent, foliis ovatis acutis caulibusque glaberrimis, pedun- culis unifloris, antheris purpureis, capsulis erectis semisexvalvibus calycem vix superantibus, seminibus Imvibus fuscis. Species forsan polygama, ad quam referenda S. Edwardsii Richardson 1. c. .? et S. nitida Hooker ? BOTANY. CCCIX 26. Saxifeaga unifloea. Exemplaria omnia stature majoris sunt, et pleraque caulibus 2-3-floris donata ; ideoque haec, quffi potius pro varietate insigni quam distincta specie supra proposita fuit, ad S. caes- pitosam absque dubio reducenda. 36. OXYTEOPIS AECTICA. Hujus varietas notabilis, vix enim distincta videtur species, statura minor, scapo saepe unifloro passimque umbella biflora, dentibus calycis respectu tubi paulo longioribus, foliolis saepius 7, quandoque 9, villis persistentibus utrinque argenteo-sericeis. 39- CiNEEAEIA CONGESTA. Herba quandoque spithamea, folia saepius sinuato-dentata, nunc alte sinuata, passim indivisa ; haec exemplaria itaque propius C. palmtri accedunt, inflorescentia densiore, lana magis copiosa et longiore prsesertim distinguenda. 60. Caeex misandea. Hujus exemplaria aliqua completa, 6-9-uncialia, foliis linearibus apice attenuato, mar- ginibus deorsim scabris, culmo laevi, spicis 3-4, alternis, raro subumbellatis, terminali basi solum rariusve tota mascula, stigmatibus saepissime tribus. Hinc ad C. fuliginosam Sternb. 1. c. procul dubio referenda. 51. Caeex concoloe. Specimina proceriora, spicis femineis longioribus, axi squamarum pallido, ad C. cjEspi- tosam propius accedunt, et culmo laevi praecipue distingui possunt. 56. CoLPODIUM LATIFOLIUM. In exemplaribus plerisque rudimentum breve setuliforme flosculi secundi adest ; necnon valvulffi inferioris perianthii setula denticulata dorsalis, 1-5 circiter ab ejusdem apice, nervum centralem terminans, altitudinem valvulae vix aequans. Aliqua autem omnino mutica sicut pleraque ab Insula Melville. 57. PoA ANGUSTATA. Hujus, ni faUor, varietas nana (2-3-uncialis), perianthiis glaberrimis, locustis viridibus apicibus purpureis valvulae inferioris perianthiorum solum exceptis. 58. POA ABBEEVIATA. Specimina pleraque vix triuncialia. 60. Festuca beevifolia. Triviale nomen his exemplaribus vix convenit, quibus folia radicalia dimidium et ultra culmi aequant, et culmea vaginis suis proportionatim longiora sunt. cccx APPENDIX. 62. Pleueopogon Sabinii. Exemplar unicum caespitosum, in palude a D. Ross lectum, ad var. 0 pertinet, culmis partialibus quadriuncialibus, antheris purpureis. 91- Aplodon woemskioldii. Exemplaria nonnulla varietatis a supra enumeratis diversae, cujus folia acutiuscula absque acumine, apophysis ovato-globosa, nec basi attenuata, pallide straminea, cava, axi solido, cap- sula castanea amplior. 97. VoiTIA HYPEEBOEEA. Saspius aliis Muscis, Splachnis praesertim, intermista crescit. FINIS. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES, Northumberland court. •J Curtis (1 d. nut. del. ct sculp. J Ciirtis cid.ruit.del.et sadp. Wr vV*. r A I- ! i>^'. 9 it .'■* . “• ^ohn Ciitiis saiJp, FuhUshed h\' John J/uTvm', Ijonddh.Marc?i diSzi. ■tV. ■■ W* ' '4.- ’Mi'r ■‘'<4 y* i-i M '■■■ 1 .. >.!;i'‘'. » ,f. ; . «!»■ , - '>.\.4^ ■ ■» ■^■ m- . «l''. !2¥W-;;'''- .ifv -' 4^-. '• ■' it - i , » sf!. f.‘ *■ 0 m v4' * * 0 .iy ■ k * i.l'' fsv " *' Jfe • , ■ ' •• ■•'*■-."• . ’» • ’ ■ -^' Ti ' a s^vi> i .‘o. ' ■# ’ ■1:; r- \ ^-' 'n? ’^V ^ V' H •■'' '••^ . V^' ' ■ • m . ■t^- v * u‘f! ■ "* ' # nr . • ''1.^ i- 'tf %= jy ® # ' '■*6 -.M j0l Ml#. • . ’, vv; / ,4; M' »*' .^‘ ' ■ - r " » ' ' ".'.V ' r' .■'■ " V ^ m % - , 4 : ’•_' - «. iK^- J0-r - ', ^ ::•<»> St' j#- ^'3 *i- .jF- -" f. ■■* ’ % «►- 4 '• ', **' Iranz. Bauer dd.