SUPPLEMENT TO HARVESTING ANTS TEAP-DOOR SPIDERS. SUPPLEMENT HARVESTING ANTS TMP-DOOR SPIDERS. iiV J. TUAHERNE MOGGRIDGE, F.L.S., F.Z.S. WITH SPECIFIC DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPIDERS, BY THK REV. 0. PICKARD-CAM BRIDGE. LONDON : L. REEVE & CO., 5. HENRIETTA -STREET. COVExNT GARDEN. 1 .S7 i. LONDON : SAVILL, KDWAKnS AND CO., PRINTER^, CHANDOS STREET, COVENT OAUDEN. CONTENTS. PAQB SUPPLEMENT TO HARVESTING ANTS 157 SUPPLEMENT TO TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS 180 SPECIFIC DESCRIPTIONS OP SPIDERS 254 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate XIII., p. 183, fig. A. — Silk lining of tube of Atypuspiceus (Sulz.), taken at Troyes in Champagne, and communicated to me by M. E. Simon ; B, drawing of portion of nest of Cyrtaucheaius elowjatiis (Sim.) made after the description of the discoverer, and subject to his (M. E. Simon's) con-ections. This is the only illustration in the present work not taken from an actual specimen. These figures are of the natural size. Plate XIV., p. 193. — Diagrams of the known types of trap-door nest. Fig. A, nest of Atypus piceus (Sulz.) ; B, nest of cork type; B 1, the layers of silk with earth rims of which a cork door is composed ; C, single-door unbranched wafer type ; D, single-door branched wafer type; E double-door iinbranched wafer tyjje ; E 1, lower door of the same, of the natural size ; F, Hyeres double-door branched wafer tyjie ; F 1, lower door of the same, of the natural size ; G, and G 1, double-door branched cavity wafer type. At G 1 the perfect type is seen, while at G, the descending cavity, the outlines of which are indicated l)y dotted lines, has been filled up ; G 2, lower door of the same of the natural size. (Figs. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and G 1, diagrammatic represen- tations of nest on a reduced scale, Figs, B 1, E 1, F 1 and G 2, of the natural size). Plate XV., p. 198, fig. A. — Nest of Cteniza Calif ornlca (Gamb.) nearly entire, enclosed in the clayey earth of the bank from which the specimen was taken, the door being artificially represented as being partly open ; A 1, door of the same as seen when closed ; B, Cteniza Californica (Camb.) from a li^^ng specimen ; B 1, the same seen in spirits, the legs not represented; B 2, the same seen sideways; (figs. A, A I, B, B 1 and B 2, are of the natural size) ; B 3, the eyes, greatly magnified ; B 4, the three claws terminating the tarsal joint of the hindmost left leg; B 5, line representing the measured length of the spider excluding the falces and spinners, the iippermost division gives the length of the caput terminating at the half-moon-shaped fovea, the middle di\dsion that of the thorax, and the lowest that of the abdomen, while the transverse line gives the breadth of the cephalothorax ; B 6, eggs laid by the spider in captivity on the under side of the gauze which covered the box (the position is reversed here) of the natural size; B 7, the same magnified; B 8, another group of eggs, magnified; B 9, a portion of the same still more highly magnified; B 10, lines X EXPLANATION OF PLATES. showing measured lengths of legs of the 1st, 2ncl, 3rd, and 4th pairs, and of i)alpus, with those of the several joints. Plate XVI., p. 211, fig. A. — Partof thenestof A^cmesi'ai strudor or barhara ants, watching until some indi- vidual separated a little from the main body, when it would rush forward and make a snap at it, retiring again as quickly as it came. If the tiger-beetle fails to seize its prey exactly behind the head it will let it go again, and two or three ants are often thus cruelly mutilated before a single one is carried off. No doubt the beetle has learned that if once this ant clasps its mandibles upon either antennse or legs, nothing, not even death itself, will make it release its hold. It therefore tries to pin the ant in such a way that it cannot use its formidable jaws. Perhaps the habit of forming long compact trains may have been acquired by the ants partly with a view to guarding against attacks of this kind. The colonies of the little F. erratica, on the other hand, apparently have to trust to their habit of working under the covered ways which they con- struct, as well as to their activity and great numbers for their preservation. I had thought that the very powerful, and, to me, disagreeable, odour of these little ants might have rendered them distasteful to the tiger -beetle, but this is evidently not the case, I have said above that, as far as our present know- EA R VESTING A NTS. 165 ledge goes, only two out of tlie 104 species of Euro- pean ants are possessed of the habit of collecting and storing seed, and it may be reasonably asked how it can have come about, if this is the case, that the ancient authors were so well acquainted with the fact. The explanation is that these writers lived on the shores of the Mediterranean, where these two species — Affa harhara and structor — are extremely common objects, both on account of their abundance and their habits. The long trains of harvesters remain exposed to view for hours together, and structor seeks the neighbourhood or even the interior of towns, so that these ants arrest the attention even of the unobservant, and often become familiar as the sparrows. There can be little doubt that these two ants display the same habits throughout all the warmer districts which they inhabit, but whether they do so in Switzerland, Germany, Northern France, and the other colder portions of their range, remains one of the many interesting cjuestions which still await investigation. Mr. F. Smith has recorded the presence of Atta harbara in Palestine, and I have lately obtained some curious evidence which goes to show that harvesting ants not only carried on their operations in times past in that country, but that their seed-stores were on a much larger scale than any I have observed on the Itiviera. I am indebted to Dr. F. A. Pratt for the infor- mation that mention was made of ants and their stores in the Misna, that codification of the tradi- tionary and unwritten laws of the Jews, whicli was commenced after the birth of Christ under the presi- 166 SUPPLEMENT TO dency of Eillel, and winch lias at least the merit of serving as a record of a multitude of very ancient customs and observances which, but for it, would pro- bably have long ago been forgotten. Now it so happens that the very first section of the Misna is called Zcraiin, and has to do w^ith «eeds and crops, and I was thus enabled, without any very prolonged search, to light upon one of the passages in question.* It occurs in a chapter entitled De Aiigido in the Latin version, treating of the corner of the fields bearing crops w^hich should be set aside for the poor, and of the rights of the gleaners, and may be freely rendered as follows : " The granaries of ants [Formicarum cavernulce), which may be found in tlie midst of a growing crop of corn, shall belong to the owner of the crop ; but, if these granaries are found after the reapers have passed, the upper part (of each heap contained in these granaries) shall go to the poor and the lower to the proprietor." And then is added : " The Eabbi Meir is of opinion that the whole should go to the poor, because whenever any doubt arises about a question of gleaning the doubt is to be given in favour of the gleaner." The intention of this very quaint bit of legislation, or rather of the ancient custom which gave rise to it, appears to have been the following ; it was to settle once and for all a nice point of conscience with refe- * " Formicarum cavernulre in media segete propiietarii censentur ; pone messores superiore parte pauperum, inferiore proprietarii. E. Meir totura pauperum esse censet, quia quod dubium est in spicelegio, spicilegium est." And to this the following explanatoiy note is appended: "Formicarum cavernulae, Frumentum inibi repertura." Misna, Sect. I. Zeraim. Cap. IV. p. 25. Latiue vertit et comnientario illustravit Gulielmus Guisius. Accedit Mosis Maimonidis Prcefatio in Misram, Edo. Pocockio Jnterprete, Oxoniae A.D. 1600. HARVESTING A^NTS. 167 rence to the claims of the poor upon these ant stores. If the lieaps of grain were found among the standing corn before the reapers reached the spot or while they were still at work, the proprietor might claim them without any hesitation ; but, if they were dis- covered after the passing of the reapers, then it was conceivable that the ants, which during the whole time had never ceased their labours, might have collected some of the grain from the fallen ears of corn which lay upon the ground, and v/ere the property of the gleaners. These grains would be those which the ants had collected most recently, and would therefore lie on the surface of each granary heap. Thus it was settled that the upper portion of each heap should belong to the poor, and the lower, that collected from the standing crop, to the proprietor. We may perhaps laugh at the notion of critically discussing and legislating upon such a subject, and think that such a pitiful matter might have been allowed to pass among those minima about which even the Jewish law need not care. Be this as it may, it is interesting for us to learn that a custom of the kind had its place among the recognised traditions of the people, and that the harvesting ants of Syria had earned a place in these records by amassing stores of sufficient size, and so disposed as to make them worth collecting. Tliis reminds us of what M. Germain de St. Pierre has related {/ints and Spiders, p. 29) of the extent of the depredations made among the corn crops at Hyeres by these ants ; and doubtless other observ^ers who have opportunities for watching the ants 168 SUPPLEMENT TO during the summer months might supply further con- firmation. It would be of interest to learn the extent and manner of concealment of these large stores of grain, but, during the months from October to May, I have never seen corn in any quantity in the granaries, though there was frequent evidence of its late pre- sence in the dense masses of husks of oats and other large grain lying near the nests. In October, 1873, 1 found near the entrances to a nest of structor a circular mound formed of this refuse, twenty-seven inches in diameter, and averaging two inches in thickness, while near other nests I have found the chinks between the stones of the terrace-wall behind which the nest lay, literally stuffed with husks. It was plain that these grains of cereals and the larger grasses had been collected during the summer. The granaries in the winter and spring contain the grains of some few of the autumnal grasses, but are principally filled with seeds of the other more abundant autumn-fruiting plants belonging to the neighbourhood. I have now collected from the granaries of these ants the seeds or small dry fruits of fifty-four distinct species of wild plants, and on examination I find that during my stay in the south (from October to May) the seeds of the distinctively spring and sutnmer- flowering plants are either entirely absent or are very scarce, while the great bulk of the seeds belong to plants which ripen their fruits in the autumn. Thus the grains of oats, of the large fescue and brome grasses, of quaking grasses [Melica), and other kinds conmion near the nests in May, are conspicuously absent in the winter, as are the fruits of all the sedges HARVESTING ANTS. 169 but one, and this one {Car ex distatis) retains its fruits till late in the autumn. Among other spring-flowering plants common near the nests, the seeds of which are also absent, I may mention violets {Viola odorata), poppies, [Pajjaver), certain species of Veronica, Heliauthemum guttatum, Silene quinqiie-vidnera and Flanfago Bellardi. Here a curious question arises — viz., What becomes of the large stores of seeds which one may still find in the nests in May, when the ants are busy pouring fresh supplies into the nest ? The answer probably is, that, as the weather becomes warmer, ever-increasing calls are made by the larvse upon the food-resources of the nest, and that old and new seeds rapidly dis- appear together, and all the energy and activity of the colony is needed to meet the increased demand. Still, it would be interesting, if it were possible, to assure oneself whether this is the case ; that is to say, whether the residue of the winter stores is really consumed during the summer, or whether a portion of it remains in the granaries until the following autumn. One might perhaps learn something as to this if one had an opportunit}^ of opening a nest late in July, and before the charac- teristic autumn-fruiting plants had set their seed. If the granaries were then principally filled with seeds of spring-fruiting plants, and the winter seeds were almost or entirely absent, this would afibrd tolerably good negative evidence in favour of the latter having been eaten during the summer. One thing is certain, and that is, that these harvesting ants do not habitually abandon their nests every year. On the contrary, while many swarms leave the nests at different seasons, a portion of the original colony, or 170 SUPPLEMENT TO of its clescenclants, still remains in the old home, and very few out of the many nests which I have watched during the past three years, and of which I have noted and mapped the positions, have been deserted. On my return to Mentone in October, IS 73, I has- tened to examine the nests between which war had Ijeen carried on in the previous 3"ear {Ants and Spiders, p. 38), and found in one case that the vanquished nest was completely lifeless and abandoned, while the vic- torious colony was remarkably thriving, and its gra- naries teemed with seeds. The locality occupied by the other belligerent colonies had unfortunately been built over. I have often been asked whether I could give an approximate estimate of the quantity of seeds contained in a nest of average size, but I have hitherto felt imable to do this in a satisfactory manner. I am now in possession of more reliable data, and believe that the following calculation ma}'' be taken as a near approximation to the truth. During the spring of 1873 I removed with but very little loss the contents of two granaries from a very extensive nest of Affa .sirudor, consisting principally of seeds of clover, fumi- tor}^ and pellitory. These seeds, when perfectly clean and freed from earth, weighed in the one case 4 sc. 4 grs., and in the other 5 sc. 8 grs. Now there cannot have been less than eighty such gra- naries in this nest, so that, if Ave take five scruples as the average weight of the seeds in each granary, and this, allowing for loss in collection, which we may fairly do, we should have a total weight of more than sixteen ounces, or one pound avoirdupois weight of seeds con- tained in the nest. But, though this mass of seeds HA R VESTIXG A XTS. 171 represents the result of infinite labour on the part of the ants, each individual granary contains but an insignificant quantit}^ and the store-chambers often lie at great distances apart ; it is therefore impos- sible to believe that the stores alluded to in the Misna can have been as small and scattered as these were, and we must, on the contrarj', suppose them to have been both lars^er and more accessible.^' The means employed bj' the ants to prevent the germination of the seeds contained in their granaries still remain secret, and all the experiments and inves- tiirations which I have hitherto been able to make have failed to give me the clue. The problem to be solved is the following: Griven seeds, the readiness of which to germinate has been proved, to place them in damp soil at depths varying from half an inch to twenty inches below the surface in such a manner that they shall remain there dor- mant, neither germinating nor decaj'ing, for weeks and even months. These very seeds must be capable of germinating after the conclusion of the experiaient. This is what the ants do for millions of seeds, for the instances in which a few seeds appear to have sprouted within the nest in defiance of the ants, are very rare and wholly exceptional ; and when after prolonged wet v/eather germinated seeds are seen outside the nest, it will usually be found that these have the little root cut off, and ure eventually carried * Perhaps these heaps of corn may have been piled up at the entrance to the nest, as is sometimes the case wlien the workers, in their eagerness to secure as much as possible of a passing harvest, bring in the supplies too fast for their compani'.ns within the nest to be able to find room for and accommodate. When this hapi'er.s the seeds lie outside the nest until fresh chambers are prepared for their reception. 172 SUPPLEMENT TO back into the nest and used as food. By a fortunate chance I have been able to prove that the seeds will germinate in an undisturbed granary when the ants are prevented from obtaining access to it ; and this goes to show not only that the structure and nature of the granary chamber is not sufficient of itself to prevent germination, but also that the presence of the ants is essential to secure the dormant condition of the seeds. I discovered in two places portions of distinct nests of AUa sfructor which had been isolated owing to the destruction of the terrace- wall behind which they lay, and there the granaries were filled up and literally choked with growing seeds, though the earth in which they lay completely enclosed and concealed them, until by chance I laid them bare ! In one case I knew that the destruction of the wall had only taken place ten days before, so that the seeds had sprouted in this interval. My experiments also tend to confirm this, and to favour the belief that the non-germination of the seeds is due to some direct influence voluntarily exer- cised by the ants, and not merely to the conditions found in the nest, or to acid vapours which in certain cases are given off by the ants themselves. In order to put this latter point to the test of experiment, I confined about a hundred harvesting ants {A, structor), with their queen and several larvse, in a glass test-tube eight inches long and one inch in diameter, closed with a cork and filled up to within about an inch of the cork with damp sandy soil, most of which was taken from the ants' nest. I added six peas, six cress and six millet, and then HARVESTING ANTS. 173 kept the tube tiglitly corked for nine days, only once removing the cork for a few seconds in order to sprinkle a little water on the ants, which were evi- dently in need of it. On the ninth da}^ I turned out the contents of the tube and found that all the peas, millet and cress, had germinated and were growing strongly. One of the cress, however, had had its root, which lay across the gallery constructed by the ants, gnawed off; four clover seeds, which had come with the soil taken from the nest, and which had formed part of the ants' stores, had germinated also. Here the small quantity of air contained in the test-tube must certainly have become satu- rated with any vapour which the ants may be sup- posed to give off, and we cannot therefore accept this as the cause of the dormant condition of the granary seeds. I made other experiments in which harvesting ants were imprisoned along with various seeds in small, cylindrical, closed vessels containing a little damp sand. Here the vessels were frequently rolled from side to side or shaken, during the twenty-two hours for which the experiment lasted, so as to excite the ants and make them give off such odours as they possessed, but no trace of injurious influence was produced upon the seeds, which germinated and grew normally afterwards. At Mr. Darwin's suggestion I made a long series of experiments with formic acid, in which measured quantities, pure or diluted, were placed in a watch- glass on damp sand and surrounded by seeds, the whole being enclosed in a covered tumbler, so that the effects produced on the seeds by the vapour o 1 74 SUPPLEMENT TO rising from the acid might be noted. Similar seeds were sown at the same time and in the same way, but without the acid, so as to permit of comparison. These experiments have afforded some interesting results,* but do not supply any positive data which might help us to discover the secret of the ants. They narrow, indeed, the area in which search can profitably be made, indicating as they do that the vapour of formic acid is incapable of rendering the seeds dormant after the manner of the ants, and showing, on the contrary, that its influence is always injurious to the seeds, even when present only in excessively minute quantities. It appears to me now that the most promising field for experiments made with a view to clearing up this difficulty, is that afforded by the closer investi- gation of the phenomena of normal germination, and by a study of the conditions under which seeds remain dormant, as they are occasionally known to do, in situations which our general experience would have selected as favourable to germination. I have good hopes, also, that when we come to know more of the habits of harvesting ants in tropical countries, and when naturalists have exca- vated and described their subterranean stores — a thing which has not yet been done as far as I know — we may gather fresh indications to guide us in our search. I am puzzled to account for the fact, which I have seen stated by more than one observer in India, that * I hope shortly to offer these observations, together with another series of a similar nature in which my friend Mr. J. B. Andrews has taken part, to the Linnean Society. HARVESTING ANTS. 175 tlie ants there have a habit of bringing out large quantities of grain and seed and laying them in heaps outside their nests at the commencement of the wet season. Dr. King, the dire(^tor of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Calcutta, has told me that when in the Gvvalior territory during the beginning of the rainy season, he saw heaps of seeds, principally those of a leguminous plant {Al^ssocarjjus), piled up round the entrances to the ants' nests, and that it was precisely at that time that flocks of a rock-grouse {Pterocles exustus) first made their appearance. They fed freel}'' upon the seeds, and Dr. King found the crops of some of these birds, which he had shot, filled with them. It is difficult to imagine why these Indian ants should turn out from their nests the very seeds which it had cost them so much labour to collect, and the more so as we find that these seeds are devoured by bu'ds. It seems just possible, however, that the ants, remaining torpid during the rainy season, do not require the seeds, and know that, under these cir- cumstances, if left in the nest, they would sprout, and choke up the galleries and granaries. Perhaps also they may have learned that a certain number of the ejected seeds will spring up and aiFord future harvests within easy reach of the nest. All this, however, and especially the suggestion as to the dormant condition of the ants during the rainy season, might easily be proved or disproved by direct observation ; and at present we have nothing but mere speculation to go upon. It is curious to find that the native population in a certain part of India pay a kind of tribute to the o2 176 SUPPLEMENT TO ants, for Dr. King informs me that tlie Hindoos in Rajputana, a province in which the old traditions and superstitions retain especial hold, have a custom of scattering dry rice and sugar for the ants, and thus apparently recognise both their love of sweet things and their hahit of collecting seeds. It may be that this custom is now little more than a meaningless rite ; but in the past it probably had its origin, either in a wish to propitiate the good will and avert the destructive attacks of creatures which are the scourge and dread of entire districts, or in a sentiment of combined fear and admiration — fear of the power, and admiration of the energy, forethought, perseve- rance, and sense of duty to the community displayed by these marvellous insects. That the latter feeling may have had some share in prompting this act is sugo;ested by another custom which is stated* to prevail in Arabia, in accordance with which an ant is placed in the hand of a newly- born child, in order that its virtues may pass into and possess the infant. Among the many curious and obscure features in the economy of ants, one of the most interesting is the occasional presence in their nests of different creatures which live among and often in harmony with them, the nature of the relations between host and guest being for tlie most part quite unknown. When examining the contents of some granaries from an extensive nest of Atta stnidor at Mentone last spring (1874), I found large numbers of a * Freytag, paragraph under the Arahic word for Ant, in his Lexicon Arahico- Latinum, vol. iv. p. 339, where he quotes I'rom a local dictionary. HARVESTING ANTS. 177 minute, shining-brown beetle moving about among the seeds. These little creatures were themselves not unlike some very small seeds, and were of an elliptic form, measuring a trifle less than one line in length. They proved to belong to the scarce and very re- stricted genus Coluoccra.^ This species, named by Kraatz C. atfce, on account of its inhabiting the nests of ants belonging to the genus Atia, has been found in Greece. Mr. Bates,f in his most interesting account of his travels on the Amazons, remarks upon the singular fact, of which the above instance is an example : " that some of the most anomalous forms of Coleopte- rous insects are those which live solely in the nests of ants," and he then goes on to allude to the strange snake AmpJiisbana, a native of that region, which also lives in the nests of the Sauba ants {(Ecodoma cepha- lotes), observing how curious it is that an abnormal i'orm of snakes should be found in the society of these insects. He is of opinion, however, that the AmpJtis- hmna is not an inoffensive guest, but lives upon the ants whose nest it selects for its home. Another remarkable inhabitant of ants' nests is a minute cricket, of which I found a single example in the midst of a colony of black ants at Mentone in February, IS 74. This miniature cricket is scarcely as large as a grain of wheat, the body, excluding the antennse and other appendages, measuring only two lines in length. It has been described by Dr. Paolo * I am indebted to Mr. F. Smith of the British Museum for the name of this beetle and for the followng reference to its description ; Kraatz in Berliner Eiitomologiache ZeiUchrift for 1858-9, p. 140. + Naturalist on the Amazons, p. 61-2 (Ed. 2, 1864). 178 SIPPLEMENT TO Savi* under the name of Gryllus wyrmecopliilus. He detected it in the nests of several species of ants in Tuscany, where it lived on the best terms with its hosts, playing round their nests in warm, and retiring into them in stormy weather, while allowing the ants to carry it from place to place during their migrations. Gryllus myrmecophUus has also been observed in nests of the turf ant {Tetramor'mm caspitum) near Paris, f At Mentone I have never found more than this one specimen, and the ants among which it was domiciliated were of a species new to me {Camponotus {Formico) lateralis, Oliv.). This colony of ants was composed of many winged males and females, as well as workers, the last-named measuring from tv/o and a half to three lines in length, and black in colour. In other colonies I have found the workers black, with red head and thorax. Another ant, not enumerated in my list in Ants and Spiders, is Campwnolus {Formica) sylvatica, which I detected in March last under stones on Cap Martin, near Mentone. When disturbed, this ant runs along with its abdomen raised vertically in the air, much as the devil's coachhorse {Staphylinus) does. The same curious habit of erecting the abdomen is found in another ant, not uncommon in decaying wood in the South, Crematoyaster scitteUaris ; and probably all three insects adopt this threatening attitude, which is that of the scorpion preparing to strike and sting, in * Dr. P. Savi, Osservazione sopra la Blatta acervorum di Panzer in Bihliotheco Ttaliann, toiii. xv. p. 217. t Bullttia Soc. Entom. de France (1872), p. li. HARVESTING ANTS. 179 order to intimidate their enemies, tliongli Cremato- gaster is the only one which really possesses a sting. Camponotus sylvatica has tlie same long legs and slender body as Formica cursor, and is of about the same size ; the workers, which are of a dark brown colour, measuring about 3J lines in length. Perhaps it may be well, in concluding these re- marks on Harvesting Ants, to call attention to the principal questions which still await solution. The first is one which any observer who travels in Central Europe during the summer may help to solve. 1. Do any ants collect and store seed in Switzer- land, German}^ North France, England, or indeed in any of the colder parts of the world ? 2. What are the habits of Atta structor and A. harhara when living, as they are known to do, in {Switzerland, Germany, and Northern France ? 3. How do the ants contrive to preserve the seeds in their granaries free from germination and decay ? 4. How are the seed-stores of tropical ants dis- posed below ground, and of what do they consist ? 5. Do harvesting ants exist in the southern states of North America, in Australia, New Zealand, or at the Cape ? SUPPLEMENT TO TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. There would doubtless be a just feeling of pride and satisfaction in the heart of a naturalist who could say that he had made himself thoroughly acquainted with all the species of a particular group of animals, had learned their most secret habits, and mastered their several relations to the objects, animate and inani- mate, which surrounded them. But perhaps a still keener pleasure is enjoyed by one who carries about with him some problem of the kind but partially solved, and who, holding in his hand the cliie which shall guide him onwards, sees in each new place that he visits fresh opportunities of discovery. The latter is certainly the condition of those who take an interest in searching out the habits and characters of trap-door spiders ; for this subject, far from being exhausted, expands under the light of recently acquired facts, and invites research in many parts of Europe, north as well as south. We have only to compare the number of types of trap-door nest which were known before the publica- tion of A?its and Spiders, with those at present re- TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 181 corded, to see how fruitful this tield of inquiry has ah'eady proved. Before this little work was published, only one type of trap- door nest was known in Europe; two new types were described in its pages, and I have now the pleasure of being able to bring three more hitherto unknown European types before the notice of my readers, thus raising the number to six in all. I do not include in these six types the very curious, and still imperfectly-known nest of Atijpus f a spider which is a true representative of the trap-door group as far as its structural characters are concerned, but which, although it excavates a silk-lined burrow in the earth, does not appear to construct any kind of door at the mouth of its tube. Much uncertainty still hangs over the habits of this spider, as the facts hitherto recorded, though perfectly authentic, are difficult to piece together into a satisfactory whole. One thing, however, is clear, and that is, that tliCi nests and habits of the spiders of the genus Atypus (of which, as Mr. Pickard- Cambridge, informs me, two if not three distinct species inhabit England) merit attentive study, and would most certainly repay it. Hastings, Portland, the coast of Dorsetshire, and the neighbourhood of London and Exeter, are the habitats hitherto cited for this spider, but I cannot doubt its existence in many sheltered localities on the south coast of England. The most recent contribution to our knowledge of * See Ants and Spiders, page 78. ^'y^ws belongs to the sub-fomily Afypince, a division which does not include any of tiie Nemesias or Ctenizas, and of which indeed Atypus is the only European representative. 182 SUPPLEMENT TO this genus is contained in a paper by M. Eugene Simon,* who describes three species (two of which are new), as inhabiting France, and it remains to be ascertained whether our British Afi/pi agree in their characters with any of these. He describes (p. 113-4) the nest and mode of life of Afijpus jjiceus, Sulzer { = A. iStdzeri, Latr.),t the commonest of the three species, as follows : — " They (the spiders) seek dry and somewhat sandy slopes, sometimes also woods, chiefly plantations of ever- greens ; their retreat is always concealed either by stones, or in moss which one must remove carefully and in large masses {jjJdciues) in order to detect them." " This Atypus excavates an oblique hole of 15 to 20 centimetres deep, and of the size of its body ; it lines it with a rather narrow silken tube of a very close texture, the upper part of which, exceeding the sub- terranean portion in length, lies horizontally on the surface of the ground, and ends in an open tapering point. Near its lower extremity the tube is suddenly contracted, and then dilates into the form of a fairly spacious apartment, in which the spider lives ; the cocoon enclosing the eggs is suspended by a few threads at tlie contraction. I have frequently sur- prised Atyjms in the act of holding enrth-worms in their falces, and I think that these Annelids consti- tute the larger part of their food ; indeed, if one examines the lower portion of the silk chamber, one * Note sur les Espfeces franjaises du genre Atypus, Latr. ia Ann. Soc. Entomologique de France, 5'' ser. torn. ili. (1873), p. 109. t Thus named by M. Simon. ■-^^ /'/^^f x/// K/^ /,;/ I- \^ \\\ \ \s^ Aft l/V^ i'' * / I,.RerTe&f'''}'ii>ibGlicrj "^'Cf:;i!.t*'^oois Ja:r *» San imp TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 183 may remark a part where the tissue is thinner and more transparent. I have not been able to detect an opening, but it is probable that the Atfjpus can easily part the not very compact threads, and thus obtain for itself an easy prey, and dispense with the necessity of ascending to the surface of the ground. When taken out of its tube, Atypus does not even attempt to escape ; it is therefore plain that it is not organized for the pursuit of an active prey ; and, on the other hand, the upper extremity of the tube is ill-adapted for an ambuscade, being almost closed, and without support. This small opening would seem to be solely intended for the entrance and exit of the male (a very much smaller creature than the female) during the breeding season, which occurs in the month of October." M. Simon says that this 'species of Afyjons is common in all the centre, east and west of France, and that he has detected it in great abundance in the neighbourhood of Troyes, in Champagne, in the month of October, when the male was inhabiting the same tube with the female.* I am greatly indebted to M. Simon for having given me the specimen of a silk tube taken entire from a nest found in this locality, which I have figured in Plate XIII., fig. A. It will be seen that the tube has collapsed, but one may still trace the enlargement near the base which forms the chamber, the elbow where it is bent at the surface * M. Simon has discovered another species of Atypus at Digne in the Basses Alpes which constructs a similar nest to that descrihed above. This species was detected for the first time by M. Simon and described bj him under the name of Atypus bleodonticus. 184 SUPPLEMENT TO of the ground, the moss, scales, and fibres of plants which are woven into, and serve to conceal the aerial portion, and its termination in a twisted and appa- rently-closed mouth. Indeed, I believe that, in this specimen, the upper extremity of the tube is really closed, for, when I succeeded in inflating this aerial portion, the lips did not part, but remained drawn together. It seems very extraordinary that the mouth of the tube should be thus closed, so that the female spider becomes a prisoner, self-immured, and I can only suppose that this is a temporary condition, limited perhaps to the period during which she receives the visits of the male. At the very base of the tube I found a mass of earth, roots and vegetable fibres, and in this I hoped to have detected the debris of insects or other food, such as I sometimes find at the bottom of and below the tubes of the trap-door nests in the South, but of this there was no trace. It is difficult to me to imagine how the spider could contrive to live by the capture of worms, after the fashion suggested by M. Simon; for who does not know the speed with which, on the slightest alarm, worms draw back into their holes and escape pursuit, and the muscular power which they exert in resisting any attempts to drag them out of the earth ? M. Simon's account of the closed tube and capture of worms by this spider corresponds, however, with that given by Mr. Joshua Brown, the first discoverer of All/pus in England. This gentleman communicated his discovery to Mr. TRAP-DOOB. SPIDERS. 185 Edward Newman* in 1856, since wliieli time ('^ith the exception of M. Simon's paper qnoted above) little or nothing seems to have been done to clear up the points which remain doubtful in the history of these sinsrular creatures. Several nests of Afi/pus were discovered by Mr, Joshua Brown in the neig-hbourhood of HastiiiGTS, when traversing a lane bounded on either side by high and steep sand-banks, partially covered with grass and bushes, Plis attention was at first arrested by the sight of " something hanging down which looked like the cocoon of some moth ;" but, on closer examination, the silk case proved to be empty, and was continued as a tube into the ground to a depth of 9 inches, where he came upon the spider lying at the bottom. Further research revealed the existence of a numbrr of these nests in the same locality, but the length of the different tubes varied much ; they were usually about 9 inches long, but some were much longer, often baffiing his attempts to follow them ; the longest which he was able to secure entire measured 11 inches. All the nests w^ere, however, alike in having a tubular silk lining, about f of an inch in diameter, a part of which protruded from the ground for about 2 inches, and was pendent, inflated, and covered with particles of sand, assimilating it to the surrounding surface ; it was closed at the upper extremity, leaving no exit to the open air, Mr. Brown took home some of these tubes in a * Note on Atyptis Sulzeri of Latreille, by Mr. Edward Newman, read beTore tbe Linnean Society ; a report of this conimunicatioa is given in The Zoologist, vol. xiv. (1856j, p. 5021. 186 SUPPLEMENT TO collapsed state witli the spider at the bottom. In one case, on opening the box in which the nest was placed, he perceived a movement throughout the tube, as if it were being inflated; this however soon sub- sided, but the following morning he was surprised to see that the whole tube was inflated, especially at the end which had lain exposed on the bank. He failed to find any aperture by which the spider could enter or leave her nest, and his captives, though passing backwards and forwards in their tubes, never came out at either end. He never saw flies or any fragments of insects in the nests ; but, on drawing out one of the tubes, he observed a worm at the lower end, par- tially within it, partially outside, and he perceived that the spider had evidently been eating a consi- derable portion of its anterior extremity. It will readily be seen that there are some discre- pancies between the diff*erent accounts which have been given of the nests of Aiypus found in England and France,* and I think it quite probable that some at least of the nests described may really difi'er, and be the work of distinct species belonging to this genus. Mr. Brown describes his nests as having by far the greater part of their length under ground, while in those observed by M. Simon, as shown in my figure, Plate XIII. fig. A, the exposed portion of the tube equalled or exceeded the subterranean. An imperfect specimen at tlie British Museum, from some English station (exact habitat not given), appears to have the proportions described by Mr. Brown ; the length of the aerial portion of the tube A subject already alluded to in Anls and Sjjidtrs, at p. 78. TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 187 being less than one-fourth oftliat of the subterranean ; the upper end of the tube is however open, but I am doubtful whether this was originally so or not, for the silk is torn at this point, and the opening may be a rent caused by rough handling. After a comparison of the above description, it appears to me that the following are the principal points which remain to be cleared up : 1. What is the precise structure of the nests of Atypus, and are they alwa^'S uniform in character at all seasons of the year ? 2. AVhat is the use of the exposed aerial portion of the tube ? 3. Do the two British species make similar nests ? 4. What food, besides worms, does the female live upon, and how does she obtain it ? 5. Does she ever leave the nest? 6. What becomes of these spiders and their nests in the winter, and how long do they live ? 7. When do the young leave the nest ; and do they, like their relatives in the South, construct nests like those of their parents in miniature ? I would commend all these points to any lover of Nature who may seek the southern coasts of England during the autumn and winter months, and I think it more than likely that a careful search in the sandy banks near St. Leonards, the slopes under the fir-woods of Bournemouth, and the deep lanes in the neighbourhood of Torquay, would be rewarded with success. If the breeding season in England only commences in October, as appears to be the case in France, it would seem most probable that the spiders survive 188 SUPPLEMENT TO the winter. Very possibly these spiders and their nests might be transphmted and placed for observa- tion in a garden ; and if room were granted them in a greenhouse or Wardian case, or even in a large flower-pot in a living-room, it is not unlikely that the warmer temperature might waken them up to renewed activity. It seems clear that Atypus has to fear the insidious attacks of enemies ; for not only is the external portion of the tube closed or almost closed at certain seasons, but it is covered outside with such materials as may serve to make it resemble tlie surrounding surface of the ground. Thus Mr. Brown's nests, lying on a sandy bank, were covered with particles of sand, while my specimen from Troyes has moss and fibres of plants woven into its upper extremity. Indeed, all the European representatives of the sub- order Territelarifs which I have myself met with, conceal their nests with great care and skill. There appear to be others, however, which either make no nests at all but hide under stones, or only construct a simple silk tube, open at the mouth, and without any special contrivance for its dissimulation. Further observation of the habits and dwellings of these ap- parently unworthy members of the trap-door group is much to be desired. Mr. Bates,* in his work on the Amazons, describes Mijgale {Tltcrapliom) Blondii, a large and powerful spider of that region, as burrowing into the earth and " forming a broad slanting gallery about three feet long, the sides of which he lines beautifully with Bates, H. W., Naturalist on the Amazons, Ed. 2. (1864). TRAP -DOOR SPIDERS. 189 silk." This spider " is nocturnal in liis habits," and maybe seen "just before sunset keeping watch within the mouth of his tunnel, disappearing suddenly when he hears a heavy foot-tread near bis hiding place," This nest would therefore appear to have an open tube undefended by any door ; but in this case the great size of the spider and the depth of the burrow, which is more than twice as lonsf as that of the average European nests, may help to explain this apparent want of precaution. But, if we wish to learn with what different mate- rials and hj what varied means the same end of self- preservation can be attained, we have only to cast a glance at the sketch of a portion of a nest at fig. B, Plate XIII., p. 183, where it will be seen that the entrance to the nest, far from being concealed or obscured in any way, is rendered a most striking object, and one which appears devised for the very purpose of attracting attention. The nest to whicli I refer is the work of Cjjriauchenius elongatus, from Mo- rocco, and consists, according to the account given me by its discoverer, M. Simon, of a deep cylindrical burrow in the soil, the silk, lining of which is prolonged upwards for about three inches above the surface of the ground, and enlarged into a funnel shape, so that it becomes from two to three inches across at the orifice. This aerial portion being snow-white, at once attracts the eye even from a considerable distance, and the nests rising up amid the sparse grasses and other small plants which serve to support but not to conceal them, present the appearance of scattered white fungi. This is therefore quite a new type among the nests constructed by trap-door spiders, new in form and p 190 SUPPLEMENT TO probably in function also, and I would propose to distinguish it provisionally as ^ho, funnel tyjje. Now the female Cyrtaucheniits is, like its near rela- tives the Nemesias, a sluggish and rather helpless creature, and shows no apparent physical superiority which might countenance its dispensing with the methods of concealment which form the characteristic habit of the group. How then does this spider manage to escape its many enemies, especially the insidious attacks of the insects of the Sphex and Ichneumon families, which certainly abound in Morocco ? Mr. Wallace, to whom I put the question, suggested that this species may perhaps be chiefly nocturnal in its habits, and that, if this is the case, the bright M^hite and flower-like tube of the nest may possibly serve to attract night flying insects, which would thus become its prey. In any case, whether we can discover them or not, some curious points of difference must exist between this spider aud its allies, which secure to it a com- parative immunity. It appears to me that there are few questions which can be of greater interest to the naturalist than those which have to do with the conditions de- termining the existence of a given species in a given place. Of the questions, Who are your relatives ? Where do they live? and How are you able to live here? surely the last is not the least important. And, if we wish to try to answer this question, we must do all in our power to find out how the habits and conditions of life of the creature in question. TRAP -DOOR SPIDERS. 191 differ from those of its competitors ; for we may be quite certain that it does not exist where we see it by grace and favour, but by merit ; if it is neither stronger, cleverer nor more numerous than its neigh- bours, we may be sure that it has found some means of living which does not interfere fatally with their requirements. Hence the endless diversity of function and habits in all living creatures, which forms such a prolific and marvellous subject for our study and con- templation. I am indebted to M. Simon for permission to publish the details given above on C^rtni/.cJienius elongatus, and also for having given me such directions as enabled me to make the sketch from which the drawing at Plate XIII., fig. B, was copied. I must however state that this illustration is not taken from an actual specimen, but is prepared solely from his description ; so that it cannot pretend to complete accuracy of detail. M. Simon assured me nevertheless that it conveyed the general appearance of this remarkable nest with sufficient fidelity, and I have been induced to reproduce it here in the hope that it may serve to make my meaning plainer, and to suggest the kind of object which one should look for, if an opportunit}' ofiered. Another species of the same genus, Ci/rfauchenius Doleschallii, is known to inhabit Sicily, but the nest is undescribed. M. Lucas has described two species,* belonging to the closely-allied genus Cyrtocejjhalm, both of which appear to construct nests somewhat similar in form to that discovered by M. Simon. * Cyrtocepliolus Walclenaeri and terricola, Lucas (H.), Animaux artlcules de. VAlgerie (Paris, 1847-9), vol. i. p. 94-5. p 2 192 SUPPLEMENT TO * Whether these nests are equally showy we cannot tell, as the account is brief and few details are given ; but one, that of Ci/riocej)halus terricola, appears to differ in having threads stretched from the opening of its funnel, which serve to ensnare insects and to give notice of these captures. The great trap-door group therefore comprises spiders which differ widely in respect of their dwell- ing places. Some construct no nest at all or onl}^ an irregular web, and live under stones ; others, like Therapliosa Blondii, make a simple cylindrical tunnel, or, like those just described, a tube having a pro- longed, uncovered, funnel-shaped mouth : others again, belonging to the genus Aiyjms, form the curious and as yet imperfectly-understood nests with a silken tubular lining, part of which hangs down out- side ; while on the highest rung of the architectural ladder, stand the builders of the veritable trap- door nests. It seems quite possible that, when we know more of the structures made by Territelarice generally in various parts of the world, we shall find that nests of various degrees of complexity and perfection of structure exist, bridging over the gulf between the barbarous dwellers under stones and the highly civi- lized inhabitants of the branched wafer and cork nests. Indeed, thanks to recent discoveries, I am already able to do something of this kind for one small group of spiders, namely, for that of the European Nemesias havine: nests with wafer doors. I hope to make this plain by reference to the diagrams on Plate XIV., where the figures C, D, E, F, TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 193 and Gr represent on a reduced scale five types of wafer nest constructed by as many distinct spiders, and where a gradation may readily be traced between the simplest type at C and the most complicated at Gr; but we shall speak more fully of tliis matter by-and-by. In these diagrams I have placed that representing the nest of Atypits on the extreme left (A) ;^ next to this stands that of a nest of the cork type (B), a tj'pe which must be carefully distinguished from all the rest. It must not be supposed that the solid cork door (so called from its resemblance to a short cork closing the neck of a bottle), is nothing more than a thicker edition of the wafer door ; it is not so, but, on the contrary, possesses a very characteristic structure of its own, being composed of many layers of silk, each furnished with a sloping rim of earth, while the wafer door consists of but a single layer of silk. I have represented at B 1 the 14 layers of silk and earth which went to make a single cork door examined by me. It will be seen that the outermost of these layers is the largest, and the innermost the smallest, and I have already {Ants and Spiders, p. 150j shown reason for believing" that the latter constituted * These types may be briefly enumerated as follows : A, nest of Atijpus. B, cork nest, and B, 1, layers of silk and earth forming the door of the cork ne St. C, single-door, unbranched wafer nest. l->, single door, branched wafer nest. E, double-door, unbranched wafer nest, and E, 1, lower door of the same. F, the Hyeres double-door branched wafer nest, and F, 1, lower door of the same. Or, double-door branched cavity wafer nest, as seen in the oldest and largest specimens, and G, 1, the same in the younger specimens. G, 2, the lower door of this nest, being of the same form in yoang and old nests. 194 SUPPLEMENT TO the first door the spider ever made, and that the con- secutive layers mark successive stages in the enlarge- ment of tlie nest. There is therefore a broad distinction as to con- struction between cork nests and wafer nests ; more- over, while the former are, as far as we know at present, all of one type, and only differ in size or proportion, the latter appear under five distinct types. Thus, every known cork nest, wliether found in Europe, America, or the Antipodes, has the same solid door and simple tube; while of the wafer nests, some have branched and others simple tubes, and some again possess a lower door in addition to the upper or surface door. In the following pages I intend to treat of the trap-door spiders and their nests in the same order in which the latter are placed in the diagram, com- mencing with those of the cork type B, and then dealing successively with the several wafer nests from C to Gr. We have already spoken of A, the nest of AU/pus piceus, and seen that our present knowledge of this nest, of the habits of its occupant and of those of its relations, is still far from complete. The cork type is, as my readers will perhaps re- member, the great cosmopolitan type which ranges round the world, and which, curious to say, is built by many different spiders belonging to distinct genera. The idea of planning this very perfect bit of me- chanism appears to be the common inheritance of these several spiders, separated though they are by wide intervals of geographical space as well as ot structural divergence. TRAP-DOOn SPIDERS. 195 At Mentone two distinct spiders construct nests of the cork type, one of these being a Nemesia and the other a Cteniza. They are as unlike each other as they well can be, and it seems remarkably strange that their nest-building instinct should be so similar. The nest of the Cteniza is indeed shallower than that of the Nemesia, and a practised eye can usually trace a difference between the slightly less angular lower surface and more semicircular outline of tlie door of the former, and the more abruptly bevelled and more circular door of the latter. These spiders and their nests have been already described and figured in Atits and Spiders under the names of Ct.fodiens di,nA Nemesia ccementaria. Recent discoveries have however shown that these spiders possess distinctive characters of their own, and, though closely allied to the species indicated, should be sepa- rated from them. Last spring when pulling down an old terrace-wall (by permission) I had the good fortune to discover the very remarkable male Cteniza drawn at fig. A, PI. XX., p. 25-1. I found no trace of a nest or web of any kind, and the spider was merely hiding between the stones. There appears to be scarcely any doubt that this is the male of the female Mentonese Cteniza which has, up to this time, been called Ct.fodiens. A comparison with typical specimens of the true Ct. fodiens from Corsica, has however shown that the two are cer- tainly distinct, and Mr. Pickard-Cambridge* now Mr. Pickard-Cambriclgc has once more kindly undertaken the task of 196 SUPPLEMENT TO describes tlie Mentonese form under the name of Ct. The females of the true Cteniza fodiens 2iX^i2x\2iX^QY than those of our new Mentonese species, and con- struct their nests in dry and exposed places, instead of in the moist and shady ivy-covered hanks selected by the latter. I have found Cteuiza Mcggridgii at San Eemo and Mentone, and it will probably be also discovered at Nice, but I failed to detect it either at Cannes or Hyeres. The Corsican male at the first glance curiously re- sembles that found at Mentone, but differs essentially in details and especially in having the surface of the caput unbroken, whereas the caput of the latter presents a very peculiar character in an impressed line which runs across it from side to side (figs. A 1 and A 2). Both agree, however, in being strangely unlike their females. The other builder of a nest of the cork type at Mentone was, as has been already stated, described and figured in Ants a7id Sjndefs under the name of Nemesia camentaria. Now the true N. camentaria of Latreille is found at Montpellier, the classical habitat where the first discovery of trap-door spiders in Europe was made tov/ards the end of the last century, but its true characters have been hitherto but im- perfectly known. I have lately been able to secure several specimens at this place, and they certainly differed in their naming and describing my collections of trap-door spiders, and the results of his labours will be found at the end of the present work. * I take this opportunity of thanking him for the compliment. A descrip- tioa of this new species will he found at p. 254, below. TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 197 markiDgs from the so-called ccementaria of Mentone. M. Simon had previously informed me that he con- sidered our Mentonese spider distinct from the typical ccemeuiaria, and had kindly proposed to give my name to the Mentonese species ; and now Mr. Pickard- Cambridge, on the receipt of the specimens collected by me at Montpellier, coincides with M, Simon, and adopts his nomenclature, calling the Mentonese Nemesia N. Mof/f/rid^ii.^ I found but one nest of tlie cork type at Mont- pellier, where it was most abundant, and invariably inhabited by the same spider, so that there can be little doubt that this is the celebrated Nemesia camen- taria of Latreille, the nests of which were described by the Abbe Sauvages in 1763. When living, the pattern on the abdomen is far more distinct and is traced on a paler ground than in N. Moggridgii, and the patterns on the back of the caput, as seen in specimens preserved in spirits, and the relative sizes of the lateral eyes, as well as other details enumerated by Mr. Pickard-Cambridge, afford characters by which they may be known apart ; and it is probable that when the males, which are at present unknown, shall be discovered, they will be found to present other distinctive peculiarities. In the present instance we have the reverse of the case described above, in which two very distinct spiders constructed a similar nest, for here both spiders and nests are much alike. We have yet to learn what are the special advan- tages which each type of nest affords ; but it is plain * See below, p. 273. 198 SUPPLEMENT TO from the fact of the same type heing adopted in- differently by both nearly- and most distantly-related spiders, that the form of the nest is governed far more by the conditions which it is contrived to meet, than by the affinity or resemblance of the spiders which construct it. Ihave found N. Moggridgii at San Eemo, Mentone, Cannes, Hyeres, and Marseilles, but thus far, I only know of the true N. ccementaria at Montpellier. The latter spider is rather bolder than the former, and I frequently saw it at Montpellier watching at the slightly raised door, with the tips of the claws projecting from the nest, and it rarely failed to resist most vigorously any attempt of mine to force the door open. During the summer of 1873, I received two speci- mens of trap-door nests from California. Both of these nests were of the cork type and nearly entire, wanting only a small portion of the base of the tube ; they most closely resembled one another and were probably the work of the same spider. For one of these, coming from the San Joaquin valley, between the Calaveras and the Tejon, I have to thank M. J. C. Puis, a Belgian entomologist residing at Ghent ; and for the other, containing the spider which had constructed it alive ivithin its tube (!), I am indebted to Mr. G. H. Treadwellof San Francisco. The former nest is drawn at iig. A, Plate XV., and the spider"^ from the latter at fig. B of the same plate. Mr. Treadwell had carried this spider and its nest, * This s[)i(lcr, which proves to be a uew species, is described below (p. 2G0) aa Cteniza Callfornica. llauXV. ■ '^-^ B.S. T I ii in h ll^li n.i. '^'W^$^^0^^f B.4. B.o. f\ VinrmlBrooksDay&i^oB iL.. L.ReW'ic Z" r-,; TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 199 with the block of eartli in which it hiy, all the way from Visalia, a town about 350 miles south of San Francisco, where he had taken it ; the nest and spider travelled safe to London enclosed in an empty cocoa- tina tin, 4^ inches deep, and 2| across. The nest was then entire, for these spiders appear to make singularly shallow tubes ; and it might have remained so up to the present day had it not been for the rash curiosity of a chambermaid in the London hotel where Mr. Tread well was staying, who, smitten with a great desire to learn what the heavy little box which came from the land of gold might contain, proceeded to examine the earth, when the sudden appearance of the spider frightened her so much that box and nest and all were thrown with a crash upon the floor. Were it not for this unlucky incident I might have seen a complete specimen of this curious nest ; but as it was, though the spider miraculously escaped unin- jured, the bottom of the nest was pounded into dust, and onl}^ the upper portion remained intact. Both this nest and that sent to me by M. Puis, were of the true cork type, and presented a solid door with a bevelled edge, fitting into the correspondingly bevelled lip of the tube, and shutting flush with the surfiice of the ground. The lining of the tube was strong and thick, but soft and silky to the touch. The tube itself in Mr. Tread well's specimen, when intact, cannot have measured more than 3^ inches in length ; and we learn from Dr. Lanzwert, who col- lected the other specimen, that the average length of these nests does not exceed three inches. Dr. 200 SUPPLEMENT TO Lanzwert, writing in one of the local papers'^ of " The Mygales or Ground Spiders," says, "the poisonous 1)1 ack tarantulas, so well known to naturalists, are extremely common in California, but only in places upland, or lowland which are very hot and dry. Their principal haunts are the San Joaquin valle}'", between the Calaveras and the Tejon. A similar species from the coast is not only smaller than the in- terior variety, but the colours are much deeper. They both make a curious habitation under the ground, composed of a glutinized, web-worked purse, about three inches long, and which is furnished with a tightly-fitting lid which they can open or shut at pleasure, and which is as cunning a piece of insect architecture as is to be found in nature. These ugly loathsome Californian spiders are often mentioned by thoughtless scribes as carrying no more danger than a common wasp, like the species of Italy, but it is well known that several persons, young and old, have lost their lives in this State from the bite of such tarantulas as are met with in our coast and interior country. Their enemy m the Tulare valley is an immense shining black wasp,t fully an inch long, which will pounce upon them, and alter a short battle drag the tarantula along in the most valiant style of heroic conquest. These interior taran- * The Evening Bulletin for Oct. 25, 1866. + This insect was probably not a true wasp, though belonging to an allied family ; it may perhaps have been a Pepsis, certain species of which genus Mr. Bates informs me he has frequently seen near Santarem on the Amazon, hawking over the ground where the huge trap-door spiders lived, and suddenly pouncing down upon one of these creatures, often many times larger than tiiemselves, when, after paralysing their victim with their sting, they would deliberately saw off the legs before dragging away the bodies! TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 201 tulas are often seen measuring two inclies in the spread." Mr. Treadwell was quite as much impressed as Dr. Lanzwert with the heUef that the hite of these spiders is fatal, hut it does not appear that either of these gentlemen have obtained conclusive evidence in sup- port of this allegation. I have occasionally been bitten by the trap-door spiders in South France, but have never experienced the slightest subsequent inconvenience, nor was there any trace of inflammation or poisoning about the j)unctures which they made, Mr. Blackwall* has made a very careful set of observations on this head, and has caused some of the largest species of British spiders to bite his finger and wrist until the blood flowed, without the slightest ill effects. He also inoculated himself at the same time with the poisonous secretion of the spider and with that of the wasp ; when the latter wound became extremely painful, while the former Was not perceptibly aggravated. Mr. Black wall obtained the spiders' poison by causing a spider to seize a slip of clean glass with its mandibles, when a small quantity of a liquid showing a slightly acid reaction was deposited. Mr. Treadwell informed me that these Californian trap-door spiders leave their nests in the daytime, and may be seen walking by the roadside, though they are always prepared to hurry back to their nests on the approach of danger. I received the spider which I have represented at * Mr. J. "Rlackwall, Pieaearches in Zoologij, ed. 2, 1873 ; clvipter on '' The Poison of the AranciJea," pp. 240-266. 202 SUPPLEMENT TO fig. B, PL XV., p. 198 {Ctpniza Calif ormca)jYom this gentleman alive, and still within the remaining portion of her nest, on the 6th of July, 1873. She then had the legs and cephalothorax of a brownish-black, and the abdomen of a dull, uniform, dusky chocolate brown, but with an indistinct median line near the anterior end on the upper side, intersected at right angles by a shorter line. Mr. Treadwell said, however, that when captured, this spider was much darker, and of a pitchy black colour. The hairs all over the body were short, but especially so on the abdomen, which had the ap- pearance of cloth or felt. This creature in many ways recalls Cteniza fodiens of Corsica, and in a less degree the Cteniza of Mentone and San Eemo. We find not only the same general form of body, but also the same claws furnished with only one tooth, instead of many as in JS'emesia, and other distinctive features ; and it is interesting to observe in the nest that the more semicircular form of the door and the wider hinge also connect it rather with Cteniza than with Nemcsia. Here, as in all spiders yet observed in cork nests, we find the habit of resisting any attempt to open the door, and many a time when I have wished to raise the lid in order to drop in flies or other food, I have been obliged to desist because the bending blade of my penknife showed that I should injure the nest if I used greater force. No doubt the shallowness of the nest is an advan- tage to its occupant in one way — namely, that it enables the spider to start up at the shortest notice, and cling on to the door. TRAP- DOOR SPIDERS. 203 It is curious to find that, far as California is removed from the Eiviera, the same habits of construction and self-defence are common to the spiders of both coun- tries, and that the bond of kinship sets time and space at defiance. I kept this spider all through the summer and early autumn at Eichmond (Surrey), sprinkling the nest from time to time with water, and constantly sup- plying its inhabitant with flies, woodlice, grasshop- pers, earwigs, and other similar dainties. She did not, however, seem eager for food, and the insects pro- vided for her, and actually placed within the nest, were often turned out again almost untouched. When I placed living insects, such as grasshoppers, for example, within the nest over-night, she would often allow them to remain there unharmed, so that I found them ready to escape on opening the door the folio win o; morning^. I never saw her leave the nest of her own free will, and when I made her come out and set her to run in the garden, she began at once to seek for a place to hide in, hobbling along in an ungainly way and at a slow pace. She must, however, have left the nest on more than one occasion, unseen by me, for she deposited several clusters of eggs at various times upon the under-surface of the gauze net which was fastened over the mouth of the box in wdiich she was imprisoned. The first of these groups of eggs was laid during the night between the 12th and 13th of July, and formed a raspberry-shaped cluster attached to the gauze. T have represented this cluster of the natural size at fig. B, G, and magnified at fig. B, 7, on Plate XV., 204 SUTPLEMENT TO only in an inverted position, for tLey really hung downwards from the under side of the net. These eggs were gre\ash white or pale brown, and varied in shape from globose to oblong. All w^ere very small, the largest only measuring | line in its greatest length, but it is doubtful whether any of these eggs were fertile, and, though they appeared full and plump, man}'- presented an irregular and fissured surface. A fortnight later (July 27) another cluster of eggs was laid, and this time between the hours of five and eight P.M. When the lamp was brought in at the latter hour, I perceived what I took to be a drop of water hanging from the gauze cover above and rather in front of the spider's door, the very position oc- cupied by the cluster of eggs previously described. On closer inspection this proved to be a drop of a pellucid colourless liquid, in which some thirty eggs floated. One Qg^ was laid on the gauze at some distance from the main group, and several w^ere also attached to the inside of the tin box. At midnight I found that the drop had coagulated and contracted, and by the following morning the mass was quite dry and resembled the former group, only that it was not quite so convex. Some of the eggs forming this cluster w^re much larger than any in the preceding one, and one measured as much as a line in length b}" half a line in breadth. This group is shown magnified at fig. B, 8, Plate XV., and some of the separate eggs more highly magnified at fig. B, 9. Between this date and the end of November when the spicier died, eggs were laid on seven distinct occa- TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 205 sions — viz., on July 31, August 11, 15, 31 (when I again found the eggs floating in a drop of liquid, having been deposited on the gauze between two and half-past four o'clock in the afternoon) ; September 9 (23 eggs laid on the earth near the entrance to the nest) ; September 19 (about 30 eggs on the gauze), and November 4 (about 30 eggs on the gauze). Thus, between July 13 and November 4, this spider laid nine clusters of eggs, all but one of which were placed on the same part of the gauze cover, above and a little in front of the door, and the total number of eggs deposited cannot have been less than 250. It is difficult to understand why she should have laid these eggs outside the nest, unless indeed she knew them to be sterile, and so treated them as refuse. I can scarcely believe that such a procedure is in accordance with the ordinary habits of these spiders ; for, if the eggs and young are habitually exposed, then the perfect concealment of the nest would lose one of its most important uses. When we remember that there are minute hymenopterous insects which lay their eggs within the eggs of the spiders, we can see how important it may be that tlie entrance to a nest, which is at once nursery and stronghold, should be closed by a well-fitting door, and one which may exclude, not only the larger and more powerful enemies of the full-grown spiders, but also the tiny and almost imperceptible assailants of the eggs and young. This Californian spider was always careful to eject from the nest the remains of insects with which I had supplied her, and, as she did so deliberately and by day as well as by night, I had frequent opportu- Q 206 SUPPLEMENT TO nities of watcMng lier. Sometimes, if not alarmed by any sudden movement, she would remain for one or two minutes at the mouth of the nest with the door partly raised, and I was glad to seize these opportunities for making some experiments, with a view to learning whether she would prove as sensitive to sound as she did to other vibrations and to the sight of moving objects. Placing myself so that the partly-opened door screened me from her view, I was able to approach close to the nest without causing her alarm, and to make different sounds and noises at distances varying from three to fourteen inches. In no case, however, did she pay the slightest attention; and neither shrill and sudden whistling, deep chest and buzzing sounds, an octave of piercing notes struck upon brass bells, my best imitation of the whirring of the fern owl, or finally, the angry hum of a large humble-bee imprisoned in a paper box, and held within three inches of the door of the nest, appeared to produce any kind of effect. This surprised me, I confess, for, though I am aware that no auditory apparatus has as yet been discovered in spiders, I can scarcely believe that they stand at so great a disadvantage as creatures would seem to do which lack the power of hearing. These experiments must not, however, be taken for more than they are worth ; and the results obtained may have been due rather to apathy in the individual spider than to a want of perception in the race generally. In any case they suggest the need of further experiment and observation in this direction. TRAP -DOOR SPIDERS. 207 In October I carried this Californian spider out with me to Mentone, and she lived there and appeared plump and well until the end of the following month, when she suddenly died, having laid one more group of eggs in the interval. On examination, I found a dark brown spot on one side of the abdomen, and this, I think, probably indicates that her death was caused by some insect of the ichneumon family, which had laid its eggs within the spider's body, after having stabbed it at the place indicated by the discolouration. Not very long before this melancholy event oc- curred, I had put the spider to some inconvenience in order to secure her portrait from life, to effect which I took her from her nest and placed her in a deep china saucer. She exhibited the strongest dislike to exposure, and sought to hide herself even under a fold of blotting-paper which lay in the saucer with her. I also noted that she appeared quite incapable of walk- ing up the sides of the saucer, and it would therefore seem that she was destitute of the viscid hairs which enable some spiders to traverse glazed and polished surfaces. Seeing this anxiety on the part of the spider for concealment, it came into my mind that, perhaps, if she were placed on the surface of a pot full of garden mould she might excavate a tunnel in order to hide herself from view. This I accordingly did in tlie evenino^ of November 15, and on the followinir morn- ing 1 was delighted to find that she had commenced to dig and was still at work. In little more than an hour's time the hollow had Q 2 208 SUPPLEMENT TO become about the size of half a walnut, and resembled in its nearly semi-circular outline and size the surface of the door of her own nest. I was greatly pleased to be able to watch the creature at the work of exca- vation, a sight which I believe no naturalist has ever had before. The legs took no part in the digging, and tlie palpi were but little used, the mandibles and their fangs being the implements chiefly employed. As soon as a little earth had been loosened and gathered up, the spider walked up to the edge of her excavation and deposited there her mouthful of particles of earth, separating and working the mandibles up and down in the effort to part with the pellet, which had been carried between the fansrs and the mouth-oro-ans. Each pellet was very small, and the operation ap- peared to be excessively tedious and laljorious. I had expected to see the spider scrape out large quan- tities of earth at a time, and either drag it backwards or kick it out behind her as a terrier does when working at a rabbit-burrow ; but no, every little pellet removed was carried forwards, and deposited separately on the " tip." On the two following days, the 17th and 18th November, the spider remained almost inactive, and brooded over the cavity she had made, and which still remained too shallow to conceal or even contain ber. At 4 p.m. on the latter day I made a hole for her in the earth, and, after some indecision, she took possession of it. Next day, however, finding that she remtiined motionless in the hole which I had made, and displayed no apparent intention of either lining TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 209 it with silk or furnisliing it with a door, I replaced her in her own nest. Within a few days after this date I found her dead at the bottom of her tube, and at first I was inclined to fear that the treatment to which she had lately been subjected might have caused her end. When, however, I detected the brown spot on the side of the abdomen, described above, and which so strongly re- called the marks frequently observable in caterpillars attacked by ichneumons, I came to the conclusion that she had really died from the internal injuries caused by the gnawing of these cruel parasites ; and that the eggs, laid long before by one of these insects, had been hatched within her body and developed into larvae, which, living upon her tissues, had at length destroyed some vital part. It is surprising that a creature, carrying within itself such a fatal brood, should not only live, but be capable of under- going such adventures and misadventures as this travelled spider endured with seeming indifference ; but similar facts are familiar to all those who have attended to the rearing of caterpillars, and the frequent disappointment caused by the death of ap- parently sound specimens which have been attacked in this way is but too well known. It would appear that Cteniza Californica is pecu- liarly amenable to captivity, and indeed to captivity of the strictest kind. My specimen lived during all the time she was in my possession in a cocoatina tin, a cylindrical box 4i in. deep and 2| in. in diameter, which alwaj^s stood among the books and papers on my writing- 210 SUPPLEMENT TO table. It is probable that those trap-door spiders which inhabit nests with short tubes, and which tlierofore can be transported nest and all, would be less disconcerted by imprisonment than is the case Avith other kinds living at the bottom of a long burrow which it is almost impossible to carr^'- away entire. This is borne out by what has been related {Ants and jSjnders, p. 122) of the habits of Cfeniza ionica in captivity, which not only endured to have its nest set upside down in a flower-pot, but actually furnished the inverted base of the tube with a door appropriate to its new position. Canon Tristram (the well-known author and na- turalist) was so kind as to send me two trap-door nests from Palestine for inspection ; these were small cork nests, the doors of which resembled those of the Mentonese Cteniza {Ct. Moggridgli), but the tubes were exceedingly short, and that of the more perfect specimen, as I gather from Canon Tristram, measured only two inches and an eighth in length when entire. The nests of Cteniza ionica are but little longer, and that of the Mentonese Cteniza, though never so shallow as these, are far less deep than those of Nemesia ccementaria, the builder of the typical cork nest. And now we will leave the nests of the cork type and their inhabitants, and turn to the more intricate group of nests belonging to the wafer type. Follow- ing the order indicated in the diagrams, we will begin with the simplest type of all, fig. C, and afterwards take the remaining types one after the other, ad- vancing until we reach the most complex type, G, Plauie XVI. '' ? ^^' I \ •^ f&^^^''\:'i*M4r^' t It t "feicentBro olssDayX Soli Imp. L Reeve L C? Pnilisliers . TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 211 The nest represented diagramraatically at fig. C, in Plate XIV., is shown of the natural size in Plate XVI., with the spider {Nemesia Slmoni, Camb.) which con- structs it (fig. A 1). It belono-s to the sino-le-door unbranched wafer type, of which one example has already been described in the West Indian nest (see AnU and Spiders, p. 79, fig. B in woodcut) J for, though this latter has a shorter tube and a much stouter silk lining than is the case with its European representative, there does not appear to be sufficient difference to justify their sepa- ration as distinct types. This, which is the simplest known form of trap- door nest, is quite new to Europe, and the spider inhabiting it proves also to be one hitherto unde- scribed ; it has received from Mr. Pickard-Cambridge, the name of Nemesia Simoni* being so called in honour of M. E. Simon, the well-known arachnologist. During last May (1874) we spent a few days at Bordeaux on our homeward route. While there my sister was fortunate enough to discover a single nest of this type when we were out together on a spider- hunt near the little village of Lormont, which is situated on the opposite bank of the river to that on * Mr. Pickard-Cambridge describes N. Simoni at p. 297 below. This species is remarkably well characterized, an assertion rarely to be made in the case of those Nemesias of which, as in the present instance, the female only is known. The elevated, rounded, and glabrous caput at once distinguishes it, not to speak of other peculiarities. Mr. Pickard-Cambridge alludes to the presence, in the specimens forwarded to him in spirits, of two singular indenta- tions on either side of the caput (fig. A 3, Plate XVI.). I did not observe this when these spiders were alive, but I remember that the caput of one of these spiders which had been injured in capture contracted and expanded spas- modically, presenting a painful resemblance to laboured breathing. I have not observed this in other spiders. 212 SUPPLEMENT TO which the city stands. We subsequently found these nests in tolerable abundance in a deep shady lane near a restaurant called Mon E.epos, on the same side of the river, but rather farther up. Here the hedge banks were high, and the soil was composed of a fine even-grained loam of great depth, which permitted the spiders to carry their tubes very far down, some of them attaining a length of 15 inches. This made it very difficult to follow them through- out their whole course and so to assure oneself of the real structure of the nests, but I succeeded in doing this in twelve instances. In every one of these I found the tube cylindrical and unbranched throughout, and destitute of any trace of a lower door. This deficiency alone distinguishes the present type from that to which the nest of Nemesia Eleanora belongs ; the latter being of the double-door and the former of the single-door, unbranched wafer type. But perhaps it may be asked whether it is safe to assume that because twelve examples of this nest were found to correspond in structure, and were tenanted by the same occupant, that therefore all the Bordeaux nests in which this particular spider might be found would present similar peculiarities. I greatly hope that other naturalists will put this question to the test of actual investigation on the spot, but I do not hesitate to assert my conviction that this will prove to be the case. The result of my experience among the nests of the other Nemesias, scores of which I have carefully examined in many widely separated localities, shows TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 218 that a given spider is invariably associated with a fixed type of nest. Thus, Cannes is from fifty to sixty miles distant from San Remo, but the nests of N. ccBmentaria, N. Maudersfjerna, and N. Eleanor a show precisely the same characteristics in either place. Moreover, the twelve nests referred to were not all taken from one restricted locality at Bordeaux, but were found presenting the same characteristics and occupied by the same spider in three distinct habitats, distant some miles from one another. In two nests several young sj^iders were found with the mother, and, in one case where the family consisted of twenty- three young ones, I observed that they were not all equally small, and some had nearly attained one- third of their full size. This agreed with the fact that no very small nests were observed, and it seems probable that the young are not turned out of their nursery quite so early as some of their relations are at Mentone. This, how- ever, varies perhaps in accordance with changes of climate and local conditions. We failed to detect any other type of nest at Bordeaux than the one described above : and even the cork nests, which we had shortly before seen in such abundance at Montpellier, were apparently absent. Bordeaux is by far the north- westernmost point in Europe"^ at which any spider constructing a true trap-door nest has as yet been discovered ; and the fact that they exist in a climate so different from * Cork nests have however been mentioned as occurring in the neighbourhood of Lyons, which lies in nearly the same parallel of latitude with Bordeaux. 214 SUPPLEMENT TO that of the Eiviera and of the wliole Mediterranean region, leads me to hope that their range may in reality be much more widely extended than has hitherto been supposed to be the case. A glance at the vegetation of this district will suffice to show how little there is that betokens either a warm or dry winter climate ; for here the myrtles, oranges and olives are left far behind, and in their place we see tall hedgerow elms, and poplars bearing mistletoe on their branches. Here therefore we are met by the question. How do these Bordeaux spiders contrive to live under condi- tions so different from those to which their relations on the Eiviera have adapted themselves ? How do they bear the cold and damp of the long winter, and how is it that one frail upper door suffices to protect their nest from molestation ? The thick coating of dead leaves, which covered the banks even when we found them, no doubt aids largely in their concealment, and the colder climate probably diminishes the number of their enemies, but their means of subsistence are most likely also less abun- dant and their period of active life shorter. The next type we have to consider is a totally new one, and may be distinguished as the single-door branched loafer nest. I detected this nest at Montpellier but a few days before the visit to Bordeaux alluded to above. Circumstances unfortunately prevented me from following up my discovery as closely as I could have wished, and it appears moreover that this nest is far less common at Montpellier than the typical cork nest [Nemesia ccementaria). PUu xvfi. I w I 0 /:;:^; ]3i 1 Reeve & C? Rilisiers TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 215 I hope therefore that other naturalists will make further investigations, and especially that they will endeavour to secure the male. I obtained twelve spiders and thoroughly followed the course of ten nests; I opened thirteen more nests, but failed to trace their structure satisfactorily. The upper part of this nest is shown of the natural size in Plate XVII. with the spider [Nemesia suffusa, Camb."^) which constructs it. This is again a wafer nest without any lower door^ and this absence of a lower door alone distinguishes it as a type from the branched nest represented at F in the diagram, just as the same deficiency separated the Bordeaux type from that at fig. E. In this new single-door branched type, the branch makes a more or less acute angle with the main tube, and reaches the surface of the ground, but is there closed by a layer of particles of earth slightly bound together with silk, forming an immovable cover or thatch. This cover constitutes, however, but a slight obstruction and could easily be torn away by the spider if she needed to use this passage as a way of escape. These nests were tolerably plentiful at a place called Les Mourines, a short distance from Mont- pellier, where they were mixed with cork nests in the steep hedge banks. The nests were from 8 to 10 inches deep, and, as in all the trap-door nests which I * We have again in this instance an exemplification of the rule that a new type of nest indicates the presence of a new spider, and hitherto, this rule has proved without exception. Mr. Pickard-Cambridge's description of N. suffusa will be found at p. 295, below. Its slender proportions, cylindrico-ovate abdo- men, marked with narrow linear chevrons, and caput without, or almost without, any median line or marking, form some of its more striking characteristics. 216 SUPPLEMENT TO have examined, were tenanted by the female alone. It seems strange that this spider, building as she does a nest apparently but poorly furnished either for concealment or defence, should be able to enter into competition with N. camentaria, whose solid, closely- fitting door appears so perfectly contrived for both. It will probably be found, however, when we are better acquainted with their respective ways of life, that they are really more nearly on a footing than they seem to be at first sight. I detected the remains of ants and the elytra of a beetle in one of these branched single-door nests. Now these may also be found in cork nests, so that Nemesia suffiisa evidently competes with Cfsmentaria for its food, and this is of course the main cause of contention between all living creatures. It is possible, that, if we knew all the uses to which the branch is put by the spider which con- structs it, we should find that the advantages derived in the way of security from the existence of this second passage, counterbalance those possessed by the cork nest, which, though so perfectly closed, has only the one tube, and no other possible way of escape. It may perhaps be no more than a coincidence, but we can scarcely avoid commenting upon the fact, that, just as this Montpellier wafer nest is simpler in construction than any found along the liiviera, so in like manner is the Bordeaux nest simpler than that of Montpellier. It thus becomes tempting to ask whether, in the case of these wafer nests, we shall not discover that the colder and damper climates are the homes of the builders of the simpler types, while the warmer and drier ones, where more food, more TRAP- DOOR SPIDERS. 217 enemies and more competitors are found, are reserved for the architects of the more compHcated nests. Doubtless naturalists will soon discover wafer nests on the slopes of the Pyrenees, as for example at Pau and other winter stations in South-western France ; and perhaps the coast of the Bay of Biscay may also yield specimens, even to the north of Bordeaux. If so, this curious speculation as to whether there is any relation between simplicity of structure and warmth of climate, will be put on its trial. About the very time when I was engaged in digging out these new wafer nests at Montpellier, the celebrated arachnologist, Dr. L. Koch of Nuremberg, had just published* an account and figure of a very remarkable nest which he had received from Australia, and which, though differing both in form and proportions from the Montpellier nest, may nevertheless perhaps be referred to the present single-door branched wafer type. This Australian nest, the exact habitat of which is not mentioned, is constructed by a spider now de- scribed for the first time under the name of Idioctis helva. The nest has a wafer-door about the size of a sixpence, closing a vertical tube less than half an inch long, which meets and opens into a horizontal tube about three inches in length, and forms with it wliat may be roughly likened to the figure of a capital T inverted, thus, ±. The upstroke of the T is however, very short, and one of the arms is longer than the other, and curved downwards at its extremity. This is, as far as I know, the first recorded example of a wafer-nest from the * Dr. L. Koch, Arachniden Australieus, lOte. Lieferuug, Nuraberg, 1874, tab. xxxvii. fig. 3, p. 484. 218 SUPPLEMENT TO Antipodes, and it may be regarded as one of the first fruits of a harvest which lies ready for the reaping of any naturalist resident in those parts. Hitherto the only nests which I have seen or heard of from Australia were of the cork type {Ants and Spiders, p. 132). Next in order to the single-door branched wafer comes the double-door unhranched ivafer type, which is the simplest of all the nests possessing two doors. This habitation, the work of N. Eleanora, has been already described {Ants and Spiders, p. 106), and I have not much to add to the account there given. Perhaps some of my readers may remember that, while I was actually engaged on the proofs of Ants and Spiders I had one of these Eleanora spiders in captivity, and that I gave an account (p. 148) of her behaviour up to the latest moment possible. She had been captured on October 23, 1872, and placed, together with five young ones found with her in the nest, on the surface of some earth in a medium - sized flower-pot covered over with gauze. The young ones soon made nests for themselves in the earth, each furnished with its little door, but the mother roamed about on the surface of the soil, and it was not until she had been twenty-one days in captivity that she commenced spinning a silk cell. This cell in twelve days' time presented the form of a rude figure of 8, and had an aperture at either end ; it was just large enough to contain the spider when the legs were extended ; its upper surface was attached to the gauze covering of the pot, and its lower to the earth. It was at this stage that the record was broken off', and I will now relate the remainder of the history. TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 219 Four claj's before the cell was commenced, the spicier had covered the under surface of the gauze with a semi-transparent film of a substance resem- bling varnish, which formed a band about three inches long by half an inch wide, close to where the rim of the flower-pot threw the most shade. It was at one extremity of this band that the silk-cell was formed, but it is important to note that this band of varnish was longer than the cell, which only measured an inch and a quarter from end to end, for we shall see that the layer of varnish was apparently laid with a view to further operations. In four days after the completion of the cell its form was modified, and, during the next ten days (up to December 21st), the spider gradually thickened the walls, and made the form of the cell more and more cylindrical, sometimes closing and at other times opening the extremities. Between December 14th and 25th, she lengthened out the cell by spinning a cylindrical silk tube in pro- longation of one end, and this tube followed the course of the band of varnish, the whole measuring three-and-a-half inches in length by about half an inch in diameter. It would appear therefore from the correspondence in length between the band of varnish and this silk tube, that she had contemplated the construction of the latter when she first commenced her work on November 3rd. On January 19th the silk tube parted from the gauze, leaving only the enlarged end which formed the cell still adhering to it. On the following day I observed the very curious fact 220 SUPPLEMENT TO that when I sprinkled the nest with water, as it was my custom to do every morning, the tube, which had become somewhat flaccid since it had lost its attach- ment to the gauze, gradually recovered its perfect shape. This was repeated for eleven days, until on the morning of the twelfth day (January 31st), finding the tube completely collapsed, instead of merely sprinkling water over it, I drew a large camel-hair brush loaded with, water along its whole length, when the tube started up, and almost instantaneously re- gained its cylindrical form. This morning the spider had left her cell, and was roaming about the pot when I wetted the tube, thus proving that she was in no way concerned with its movements, whicli were no doubt due to hygrometric action. Between this time and February 25th, I constantly restored the tube to its shape by wetting it in the way above described, but on this day it remained very flaccid, and only expanded partially. For some days previous to this date, the spider had left the tube when it collapsed, and only returned to it again when it had resumed its shape. On the following day I found the entire silk tube and the cell again collapsed and lying flat upon the ground, and this time water failed to produce its previous effect. The spider then became very restless and excited, and I observed that the door of one of the little nests constructed by one of her five offspring which had been imprisoned in the same pot with her, had been torn oflT, and thrown on one side, and there could be little doubt but that the mother had been guilty of this very un-maternal action. By the evening she had TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 221 pulled up her collapsed tube from its attacliment to the earth, and had coiled it in a confused heap. Seeing this, and fearing that, in her distress and excitement, she might do further damage to the young spiders, which had up to that time thriven well, I made a cylindrical hole for her in the earth, supposing that she would at once take possession of it. On the following morning, however, the mother spider had advanced some vvay in building another figure-of-8 cell, using the shrivelled silk of her previous dwelling as a foundation. In twenty-four hours this second cell was complete, and closely resembled the former one, save that the smaller end of the 8 was turned in the opposite direction, but, on examining it, I found to my surprise that it was empty ! The spider had taken possession of the hole I had made for her, which she had at first refused to notice, and was busily employed in lininfj it with silk and furnishino^ it with a covering" composed of silk with earth and fragments of moss woven into the surface. By mid-day the aperture was completely closed, but there was no moveable door. From this time (February 28) up to April 12, the spider lived in this hole, which she eventually furnished with a distinct wafer-door, and, as I found on opening the nest, with a typical lower door also. This latter was not neatly made, but still it possessed all features the essential which characterize these lower doors in the nests of N. Eleavora. So this captive Nemesia Eleanora lived in a flower- pot in my bedroom for more than five months and a . half, during which time she absolutely refused to burrow or to attempt any kind of excavation, but R 222 SUPPLEMENT TO passed the greater part of that period on the surface of the earth in a silk tube ending in an oblong en- largement, utterly unlike her normal habitation. Finally, when I had done the digging for her, she furnished the cylindrical hole I had bored in the earth with a silk lining, and made it secure with her own two typical doors. The figure-of-S cell which she constructed at first, and subsequently modified until it became the oblong enlargement of the tube alluded to above, was totally unlike any form of trap-door spider's nest known to me; but in its ultimate shape (which resembled that of the glass part of a thermometer with an oblong bulb, save that it Avas curved and not straight), I think we may trace some resemblance to the silk tube which is made by Atijpus, and of wliich a figure is given at A, Plate XIII., p. 183 ; the mouth of the tube made by my captive was, however, open. It is curious, also, when we recall this resemblance, to note that Mr. Brown has recorded, in his observations alluded to above (p. 185), that the tube of one of the nests of Atypiis, which he brought home in a collapsed state, showed a somewhat similar tendency to become dis- tended. For, on opening the box in which they had been carried, he perceived a movement throughout the tube as if it were becoming inflated, and though this inflation appeared to subside shortly after, yet the following morning the tube had recovered its cylin- drical shape. I am tempted to believe, though this is mere conjecture, that the box in which these tubes were put contained moisture, and that their apparent inflation was due to the same hygrometric action TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 223 whicli was displayed in tlie tube of N. Eleanora. I regretted that I was unable to continue my obser- vations on this captive spider, as it would have been interesting to know how long she would have lived contentedly and in good health under the conditions described above, but I left Mentone at the end of April, and was unable to take her alive with me to England. When removed from her nest in the pot on April 12, she appeared in perfect condition, and I placed her in a hole which I made for her among some stones in a garden at the back of the house, hoping to find her again on my return to Mentone in the autumn ; this hope was, however, not destined to be realized. I shall, however, have occasion to speak again of the 3'oung captives of this species {N. Eleanora), in the concluding remarks which will follow these detailed accounts of the nests and their occupants, when the behaviour of captive trap-door spiders gene- rally will be treated of The next type of trap-door nest is one to which I have found it difficult to assign a descriptive name, and I am compelled for the present to speak of it as the Ilj/eres double-door branched loafer nest. One of its most distinctive features is found in the shape of the lower door, fig. F 1, Plate XIV., and figs. A 1, A 2, Plate XVIII., which may be said to be double, presenting two crowns, one of which fits into the main tube and the other into the branch, but I could not see my way to employing this character in naming the type. The nest is, however, quite distinct from all the others^ and is inhabited by a new species of 224 SUPPLEMENT TO trap-door spicier [N. congener, Camb.*). The cliarac- teristic portions of this nest are shown in Plate XVIII., and fig. A 3, in the same Phite, represents its occupant. The hedge-banks near Hyeres, and also about the railway station of the same name, which is some 4 miles from the town itself, are frequently tenanted by this spider. During a short stay there in May, 1873, I secured a large number of specimens, and verified the structure of the nest by a careful exami- nation of thirty-eight examples. The nest is in- variably branched and furni.<;lied with a lower door, but the branch is of variable length, usually short, and never, as far as I could detect, quite reaches the surface. In some cases this branch was so short that it could scarcely contain the spider, and, under these circumstances, it is not easy to conceive any other use for it than that of retaining the lower door when not in use. It may, however, enable the spider to take up a rather better position when engaged, as she frequently is if disturbed, in keeping the main tube closed by pressing the lower door upwards with her feet, for then her head points downwards, and her abdomen rests in the branch. I have seen her in this attitude on several occasions when I had cut out a block of earth similar to that figured in the plate. The lower door is quite unlike that of either of the other two double-door wafer nests, being wedge-shaped, tapering from below up- * Mr. Pickard-Cambridge's description will be found at p, 292, below. In its cbaracters this female spider (the male is unknown) most nearly resembles N. (■(emcntaria, but difiers, among otber points, in markings and in having one or more spines on tlie genual joint of leg, these spines being almost always absent in the same joint in ccementana. The nests of the two species are totally unlike. put&xvm ^^f'fe.; , y^'^ S \ "'e^'. V'^'y A /f %. A. 4. VmcentBrooks Dajfi oonlinp f L. Reeve & C?PuUishers- TRAP-JDOOn SPIDERS. 225 wards to tlie hinge, which is always placed afc the point of bifurcation of the tubes, and having two crowns separated from each other by the gusset-like web of silk which connects the door on either side with the lining of the main tube, one of these crowns fitting into and closing the main tube, while the other fits into the aperture of the branch. The wedge-shaped structure of the door is seen in its most exaggerated form in the nests of the younger spiders (figs. B, B 1, Plate XVIII.), and becomes less so in the older and larger ones (figs. Al, A2). I have even seen some of these lower doors, evidently made by old spiders, which were so much flattened as to bear a considerable resemblance to that of N. Eleanora. The main tube of the nest is from 10 to 12 inches long, and usually enters the earth almost horizontally, bending downwards from the point at which the branch joins it, and where the lower door is hung. This causes the lower door to lie nearly horizontally when not in use, and its lower crown probably serves, by fitting into the aperture of the branch, to sustain it in this position and prevent it from falling forward. The point of bifurcation is placed, as a rule, much nearer to the entrance of the nest, than it is in the two other branched nests, and occurs usually within two inches of the surface of the earth ; so close is it indeed that, on lifting the upper door and looking in, one may frequently see the lower door move across and close the passage down the main tube, pushed by the spider from below. This frequently enabled me to secure the spider without having to follow her to the bottom of the nest ; and, when fortune favoured me, I secured a block of earth by one rapid sweep of 226 SUPPLEMENT TO the knife (a common table-knife), wliicli furnished me at once with a good specimen of the nest and of its occupant. When the spider has once fairly determined upon resistance, it is scarcely possible to make her retreat without destroying the nest, and, in one case, when I tried to push the lower door down from above, while she was pressing it upwards from below, I found that, without crushing my opponent, I could not succeed. There were probably young in the nest on this occasion, for I have frequently found them in the nests with the mother at this season. In no case did I even catch a glimpse of the male, and this sex is at present unknown. The young spiders make their nests at an early age, and there can be no doul3t that N. congener enlarges its dv/elling from time to time as growth demands, just as the trap-door spiders at Mentone do. Indeed in one of these new Hyeres nests I found, outside the main tube and some way above the existing lower door, a former and disused lov^er door much smaller than the one then in use, and which had evidently belonged to the nest at a previous stage of its development. I have observed this before in the nests both of N. MandersfjerncB and N. Meanora. This new type is strictly intermediate between the double-door unbranclied wafer nest constructed by N. Eleanora, and the double-door branched wafer with the descending cavity whicli I am now about to describe. This latter nest, the work of N. ManderstjerncB, TRAP -DOOR SPIDERS. 227 Auss.* (formerly called N. meridionalis), has already been partially made known by the figures and descrip- tion given of it in Ants and Spiders (Plates IX., X., and XI., pp. 98, 100, and 104) ; but I have to confess, with crreat reo-ret, that when these illustrations and de- scriptions were published, I was not fully acquainted with the true structure of this nest, having overlooked the existence of a short descending cavity which leaves the main tube a little above and on the opposite side to the ascending branch. This cavity is always present, but the very largest and oldest spiders usuall}'- allow it to become filled up with remains of food and particles of earth, and sometimes even spin silk across its entrance, in which case it can only be traced on very close examination. It was from an old nest such as this, in which the descending cavity had been closed up, that the large drawing: at fig-. A on Plate IX. of Ants and Sjjiders was made, and this figure, therefore, still remains substantially correct. But in the case of the other illustrations — namely, fig. B, Plate IX., fig. A, Plate X., and figs. B and B 1, Plate XI., where nests of young spiders, or of spiders • This spider was described by Mr. Picka'-d-Cambridge at p. 101 in Ants and S])iders, under the name of N. meridionalis, Costa. This name has now to be abandoned for reasons given in full by Mr. Cambridge at p. 283, below. It would appear that a spider discovered by M. Simon in Corsica corresponds more closely with the N. meridionalis of Costa than our spider of the Eiviera does. Moreover, since Ants and Spiders was written I have had the good fortune to obtain at Mentone four male examples of our supposed meridionalis, and these prove to possess the same characters as those assigned by Prof. Ausserer to a male spider which was captured at Nice, and named by him N. Mandentjernce. This specimen is now in the possession of Dr. L. Koch, to whom 1 am much indebted for having kindly entrusted it to me for examination. This enabled Mr. Pickard-Cambridge to assure himself of the specific identity of his N. meridionalis with N. MandersljerniB, which latter name it must for the future bear. 228 SUPPLEMENT TO which, though adult, have not attained the maximum size, are represented, this descending cavity, though overlooked by me, should have been shown, for it must certainly have existed. Its presence was first observed by the Honourable L. G. Dillon, who detected it when tracing the course of the main tube upwards from below. I had always followed the tube from above downwards, and in so doing must have unwittingly filled up the descending cavity (the existence of which I was far from sus- pecting) with detached particles of earth. I will own that, when Mr, Dillon first showed me this new feature, I hoped that it might prove to be something accidental and exceptional ; and it was only after careful examination of a large series of nests of all sizes, that I gradually and almost un- willingly admitted that this descending cavity formed an important feature in the typical structure of the nests. I now see, however, that the presence of this cavity adds considerably to the interest of the structure as a whole, and places its architect quite at the head of all the builders of trap-door nests. This type should now be called, for the sake of distinction, the double- door, hranched, cavity, wafer nest, to avoid confusion with the Hyeres hranched nest. I am now about to endeavour to atone for my past oversight by giving new illustrations (Plate XIX., figs. A and B) and descriptions of this very remarkable nest ; while I would at the same time beg the indul- gence of my readers for past and present shortcomings, reminding them that the interest which attaches to structures of this kind is proportioned to the com- FlaifXJX. "feicenlBrnoissBay &.Soii,Inip. I Reeve SiC" Publishers. TRAP-BOOR SPIDERS. 229 plexity and subtlety of their contrivance, and, tliere- fore, to the difficulty we experience in properly under- standing- and describing them. It will be seen by a reference to Plate XIX.,* figs. A and A 1, that in addition to the cylindrical branch, which mounts upwards, there is a shorter branch which leaves the main tube on the opposite side (on the left as seen in the Plate), and takes a downward course. Xow this descending branch, which is barely more than an inch in length, is a cavity of variable form, being sometimes cylindrical, and sometimes egg^ or even watch-shaped, f but there is one particular in which it never varies, and that is the position of its elliptic orifice. This orifice is always situated on the opposite side of the main tube to that on which the ascending branch leaves this latter, so that the whole nest, when seen in section, presents the figure of a St. Andrew's cross, only with arms of unequal length. But the most remarkable point is that, when the lower door is pushed across so as to close the main tube (as shown in fig. A, Plate XIX.), it will in- variably be found to lie in such a position that its lower extremity exactly meets the lower lip of the orifice of the descending cavity, when it will be seen that the semi-cjdindrical surface of the lower door then coincides with, and appears to continue and form part of, the lower wall of the descending cavity * A nest of a scarcely half-grown spider is here represented in order tliat sufficient space might be gained to show the lower door in its two positions. The perfect cavity is still found in nests of much larger dimensions, and occa- sionally, indeed, in nests of almost the maximum size. + I take the liberty of coining a word to replace "lenticular," the form of a watch being more familiar than that of a lens. 230 SUPPLEMENT TO on the one side, and of the corresponding wall of the main tube on the other. When the upper portion of the main tube is thus united to the cavity the two combine to form what appears like a shorty inde- pendent unbranched nest. Now, if we fancy ourselves an insect entering the nest in search either of the spider, her eggs, or young, I think it is plain that^ when the lower door is in this position (fig. A), we should probably walk straight down to the bottom of the cavity, expecting to find our prey there, and should then return by the way we came, impressed with the belief that we had explored the whole nest, the secret of the lower door remaining undiscovered. Whether this imaginary case may, or may not, represent what really takes place, is of course mere conjecture ; but the constant occurrence of this beau- tiful adaptation of the various parts to one another, surel}^ 2^01^1^'' ^o the conclusion that this is no mere coincidence, but rather a subtle contrivance having some very definite use and meaning. We must admit, however, that it is difiicult to conceive why, if this structure is of such great utility, it should be abandoned by the oldest and largest spiders. Among the possible answers to this question I think that one of the more probable is that this arrangement may have been specially devised for protection against some enemy which the aged spiders have ceased to fear. Indeed it is not unlikely that these aged spiders may have come to a time of li(e when they no longer lay eggs, and so do not need to keep up all the TRAP -DOOR SPIDERS. 231 defences wliicb thej employed when they had families to protect. Since my attention was drawn to the existence of this cavity in the dwellings of N. ^Lander stjeriKP, I have never noted the presence of young in those nests in which the cavity was filled up and disused ; but then I have only exact records with reference to this point in the case of seven nests. In these seven nests, however, there was no free cavity, and there were no young spiders, though it was at the season when it was common to find young in the nests. The question, therefore, remains open, and further observations on this head would be very acceptable. I detected the cUhrh of insects, and especially the horny coats of ants, in the descending cavity, in many nests ; and in some of the oldest, where it had become completely blocked up, these remains still indicated its former outlines and position. The nests oi N.Mcuidersfjerjia at Cannes correspond both in respect of the cavity and of their other cha- racteristics with those at Mentone. N. Mandersfjernce occurs pretty abundantly at San Remo in the olive- grounds east of the Sanctuary, bub I can say nothing as to whether the nests there possessed the cavity or not, for, when I was there, I was not aware of its existence. I obtained a single example of N. Man- derstjernce and its nest at Hyeres, and this is the westernmost point at which this species has as yet been detected. We bave now passed in review all the seven known types of true trap-door nest, and have taken note also of the lower and more rudimentary forms of nest, 232 SUPPLEMENT TO sucli as that of Jtj/pus, and the funnel nest of Cyrtait' chefims elongatus, neither of which is furnished with a door. Among the true trap-door nests, those of the cork type stand in a measure alone, being distinguished from all the others by their solid surface doors, com- posed of many layers of silk and earth ; and we do not at present know of any intermediate forms linking the cork and wafer types together. But among the various nests which represent the wafer type the case is different, for here the types naturally fall into a progressive series, such as that represented in the diagrams (PI. XIY., p. 193). If we try to picture to ourselves the stages through which the most complicated wafer nest — namel}^ that of the double-door, branched, cavity type (Diagram G 1) may have passed in the course of its development from a simpler ancestral form, we should a priori expect to find precisely such structures as the Hyeres double-door branched nest (Diagram F), and the sinyle- door branched nest (Diagram D) forming successive halting-places in the advance from the primitive single-door, unbranched nest (Diagram C). The double-door unbranched type may in like manner find its prototype in the same original single -door un- branched nest (C), which we may look upon as the parent idea, from which all these structures have been derived. Bearing this in mind, and remembering that kin- ship between living creatures is not only revealed to us by likeness in structure and colour, but also by similarity in habits and instincts, it becomes of interest to trace any resemblance that may exist between TRAP- DOOR SPIDERS. 233 these wafer-nests and the dwellings constructed by Lycosa narbonensis, a species belonging to the allied family of Li/cosida, and wliicli closely resembles the true tar ant id a*^ of Southern Ital3^ I first made the acquaintance of Lycosa narbonensis near the glass-works west of Cannes, where this spider may not rarely be found living in tubular burrows in sandy clearings among the pine woods along the shore [Pinus pinea, the stone pine). I have already {Jnts and Spiders, p. 146), alluded to an account given bv M. Leon Dufour of his obser- vations on the nest and habits of the true tarantula {Lycosa tarentuJa), which he discovered in Spain. The nests of L. narbonensis at Cannes resembled those described b}^ M. Dufour, but the cylindrical, subterranean burrows were apparently shorter. It was extremely difficult to trace their course, on ac- count of the loose sand which poured into the tubes and choked them up, and I only su3ceeded in doing so completely in one case, when I stuffed the tube with cotton-wool before proceeding to dig. Here the open tube, which was quite simple, and about 1 inch in diameter, descended vertically for 3^ inches, and was then suddenly bent so as to become horizontal, terminating shortl}^ afterwards in a triangular chamber, the floor of which measured 2 inches across at the widest part, and was strewed with the remains of beetles and other insects. The nest was lined throughout with coarse silk, * In the United States, and indeed in the New World generally, it seems to be the custom to call all the larger " ground spiders," and especially the trap door spiders, Tarantulas, hut these, in fact, form a distinct group by themselves, belonging to the family Lycosidte. 234 SIPPLEMENT TO whicli had a blackisli liue, owing to tlie presence of the filaments of what I believe to have been some un- developed fungoid growth. The mouth of the tube was open, and frequently surmounted by a short tubular prolongation, commencing at the surface of the ground, which formed a sort of chimney about an inch high and from an inch to an inch and a quarter across ; this was composed of fibres of plants, pine- needles, and especially of a large branching lichen, very common in the neighbourhood of the nests, and all these materials were woven together and kept in place by a few threads of silk spun here and there. It was not every nest that was furnished with a chimney, nor were all the chimneys equally complete, for in some cases they consisted merely of a small rim or one-sided lip, while in others they resembled little birds' nests, and were sufiiciently firm and com- pact to permit of my carrying them away. It ap- peared to me that these chimneys served as screens to prevent the loose sand from being sw^pt into the burrows by the wdnds which rage over that open sea- shore plain, and that they w^ere more or less complete in proportion as the exposure was greater or less, and the sand looser or more bound together. I captured eight of these spiders, and here, as in the trap-door group, the female alone inhabited the nest. Besides this habit, they have other points in com- mon with trap-door spiders ; such, for example, as the resemblance which exists between this nest and that of Therapl/osa Bloudii from Brazil (see p. 188, above), and betw^een the chimney of this Tarantula TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 235 and the aerial prolongation of the tube sometimes found in nests of the wafer type. But perhaps the most suggestive point of re- semblance consists in the habit which this Tarantula possesses of covering and closing the aperture of the nest during the winter with a thin layer of materials, similar to those of which the chimney is composed, and, like them, bound together with silk. This is, in fact, an immovable wafer-door, and precisely re- sembles those which I have seen constructed by Nemcsia JSIaiiderstjeriKe, and N. Elecaiora, when captive and placed in an artificial hole in the earth. The tubes are, as has been already stated, open during the spring, and we may suppose that the spider, on the approach of warm weather, wakes up from her winter lethargy, and tears away this con- cealing thatch. But if one of these spiders should by chance happen to free this silk-woven thatch by cutting round some three-fourths of its circumference, so as to leave it still attached to the rim of the aperture of the nest by the remaining quarter, she would then have made for herself a veritable, though rather rude trap-door of the wafer kind. It is most likely, however, that the spider knows what she is about and that a door to her dwellino- would be the reverse of an advantasre to her, for she is more powerful and swifter than the generality of European trap-door spiders, and, as she probably lives by leaping out upon and hunting her prey, she no doubt needs to have the entrance to her nest free of all encumbrance. 1 am indebted to the Rev. W. G. Brackenridore for evidence of the very interesting fact that 236 SUPPLEMENT TO Lycosa narhonensis closes her nest at Cannes in the winter. I was aware that Latreille stated that the Tarantula possessed this habit,* and I was anxious to know whether the species which I had detected at Cannes, inhabiting as it did open nests in the month of May, would also exhibit this curious custom. Being unable to visit Cannes myself during the winter, I applied to Mr. Brackenridge, who, on the 28th of January last (1874), secured a very perfect specimen of the aerial portion or chimney of one of the nests having tlie orifice closed in the way above described, and most kindly transmitted it to me. I have, on a very few occasions, found the doors of a wafer or cork nest spun up during the winter at Mentorie, and on digging have discovered the spider alive, though partially torpid, inside ; but this is quite an exceptional event. I should much like to know, liowever, whether this becomes the rule in the case of the nests of those trap-door spiders which inhabit climates less favoured than that of Mentone. In m.y concluding remarks in Ants and Sjnchrs I called attention to the importance which attaches to a knowledge of the food and manner of feeding of any creature whose life-history we may wish to study, and I would now once more press the subject on the attention of my readers. For the range and dis- tribution of a species largely depends upon the nature of its food, and this will also be an indica- tion of the rivals with which it has to compete in * p. A. Latreille, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat., Paris (an. VII. de la Ecpublique), p. 124 : " L'araignee tarentule i'crnie son liabitation, mais cet opercule u'est pas mobile, et n'est construit que pour I'liiver." TRAP -DOOR SPIDERS. 237' the struggle for existence ; the times and seasons of its activity, and in many cases even the struc- ture and position of its dwelling-place will be governed by this same all-important question of food- supply. I have now detected the remains of insects, and of ants especially, in the nest of every species of trap- door spider which I have examined in situ ; very fre- quently, however, one may open several nests in succession without finding any of these dedris, and at other times they will only be detected beneath the existing bottom of the tube, layers of silk having been spun over successive layers of refuse. The horny coats of ants form by very far the largest proportion of these remains, and I have lately been much struck by the number of instances in which, while digging out ants' nests at Mentone, I have found trap-door nests (especially those of JV. Manderstjerna and N. Moggridgii) in their midst, the tubes often traversing the very heart of the ants' colony and coming into close contact with the galleries and chambers of the ants. The doors in these instances had almost always escaped my notice, and, indeed, they so closely resembled the surface of the ground that even when I knew, from having accidentally cut across the tube below ground, that one of these doors must lie near a given spot, 3^et I could only discover it by following the passage from below upwards. This perfect concealment is doubtless of essential importance to the spiders' success in life, for, if they once alarmed the whole colony of ants and let them know the exact whereabouts of their lurking-place, they would soon learn to avoid it. s 238 SUPPLEMENT TO But, as it is, the work of opening tlie door, snatching in an ant, and closing it again, is but the affair of a second or two, and before the companions of the victim have time to reahze the nature of the phenomenon, the gaping earth has closed again and become once more, to all appearance, part of the solid and trustworthy ground. I have seen N. MandersijerncB snatch at insects in this way during the daytime, and I well remember how I started on one occasion when, as I was looking fixedly at a small blue gnat which I had taken for a moth, I saw the earth suddenly open and one of these spiders partly emerge, make a swift stroke at the insect, and withdraw agaui as swiftly. I have found the remains of ants, of beetles of many species and different sizes, of wood-lice {0?iisciis), and of earwigs {Forjicula) in the nests of N. Eleanora and N. Manderstjernce, and the wings of a large green field-bug in the nest of the former. I have only once detected traces of food in the dwellings of Cteniza Mogyridgii, and these consisted of minute fragments of the integuments of insects, none of which were certainly recognisable, though I believe that they partly consisted of the coats of a small species of ant. The rarity or complete absence of the wings of insects which habitually ffy rather than crawl on the ground, and my inability to discover either snares or any evidence that these spiders ever leave the nest, lead me to believe that they live (at any rare from October to May) by dragging into their nests any insects which approach within reach. Ants, earwigs, beetles, and wood lice are precisely the very creatures which would fall a prey to the TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS. 239 spider without obliging her to leave her nest, and it is accordingly their remains that we find. On one occasion, however, at Montpellier, ray sister detected N. ccementaria in the act of devouring^ a fair- sized caterpillar; to obtain which there is some reason to think she must have left her nest. We were out together on the 8th of May last (1874), hunting for the new wafer nests of that district, under the kind guidance of M. Lichtenstein, when my sister called our attention to a caterpillar, the body of which partly projected from the tube of a cork nest (iV. camentaria), and prevented the lid from closing. , On closer examination we found that the spider was in the act of devouring the caterpillar, and had already sucked out the juices from the anterior por- tion, while the middle and posterior parts of the body still resisted, and the legs clung tenaciously to the lip of the nest. M. Lichtenstein told us that this larva, which when entire must have been rather more than an inch lon^, was that of the mullein moth {CucuUia verhasci). It was not full grown, and as there were no mullein plants within some two feet of the nest and this caterpillar will not leave the plant on which it feeds unless compelled, it would seem as if the spider must have gone afield in order to capture it. It is possible, nevertheless, that the caterpillar may have fallen within reach of the spider when blown off the mullein leaves by the wind. I have, unfortunately, but few details to give of the nocturnal habits of the trap-door spiders. It would appear, however, that they are more active by night than by day, and that it is more common to find s 2 40 SUPPLEMENT TO their doors ajar at night, with the spiders posted on the look-out at the narrow opening. This is borne out by my observations on captive spiders, to w^hich I shall allude shortly. When at Hyeres on the 11th of May, 1873, the evening being very warm and a bright moon shining, I went at 8.30 p.m. with my father and sister to see what the spiders would be doing on a hedge bank where we had previously marked five cork and eight wafer nests. The moonlight did not fall upon this spot, but I was provided with a lantern, and by its light the nests at first appeared to be tightly closed, but we soon perceived first one and then another with the door slightly raised, ready to close on the smallest alarm, whether from a footfall or from the flickering of the lamp. When the light of the lantern was steady it did not appear to frighten the spiders in the least, even when brought to within a few inches of the door,* and this enabled me to watch them very closely. On either side of the raised door of one of the wafer nests I could see the feet of the spider projecting, and just at that moment I caught sight of a beetle close at hand, feeding on the topmost spray of some small plant below. Using every precaution, I contrived to gather the spray without shaking off the beetle, and gradually pushed it nearer and nearer to the nest. When it almost touched the lip of the nest the door flew open, and the spider snatched at the beetle and dragged it down below. For a few seconds the door remained tightly closed, * TLis had been observed before both by my father aud Mr. Dillon wlien watching the trap-door spiders at night at Mentone. TRAP- DOOR SPIDERS. 241 and then, to our great surprise, was suddenly opened again, and the beetle was cast alive and unharmed out of the nest. I immediately secured the insect, which proved to be the common C/nysome/a Banlsii * I cannot doubt that this beetle was distasteful in some way to the spider, for it was neither so large nor so powerful as many beetles the remains of which I have found in the spiders' nests, and, besides, it did not escape from the nest, but was distinctly rejected by its captor. This shows that this spider does not know instinc- tively what insects to reject and what to take. This little episode was scarcely ended when I espied a wood-louse {Oiiiscus) walking down the bank, not far from another of these wafer nests. By a little guidance I managed so to turn its course that this unsuspicious crustacean went straight to the very point I wished, and made as if it would walk over the spider's door ; but no sooner was it well within reach than, quick as thought, the spider clutched it and dragged it in. No rejection followed on this capture, and, though 1 could not actually witness the conclu- sion of this adventure, I do not doubt that it ended in a tragedy and a supper. V />J)^tH ^ Xza>