U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY ATLANTIC COAST NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA C&GS PUBLICATION 31-1 - FIRST EDITION (1960) Coast and Geodetic Survey Publications on Sea Water Temperatures, C&GS C&GS C&GS C&GS C&GS C&GS Salinities, and Densities Publication 31-1, Surface Water Temperature and Salinity, Atlantic Coast, North and South America (First Edition) 1960. Special Publication No. 278, Surface Water Temperatures, At- lantic Coast, North and South America (1955). Superseded by C&GS Publication 31-1. Publication 31-2, Density of Sea Water, Atlantic Coast, North and South America (1957). Superseded by C&GS Publication 31-1. Special Publication No. 280, Surface Water Temperatures, Pacific Coast, North and South America and Pacific Ocean Islands (Fifth Edition) 1956. 45 cents. Publication 31-4, Density of Sea Water, Pacific Coast, North and South America and Pacific Ocean Islands (Fifth Edition) 1958. 45 cents. Special Publication No. 298, Sea Water Temperature and Density Reduction Tables, 1953. 20 cents. Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. AIAN 0 0301 0001314 1 MBL/WHOI Sty U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FREDERICK H. MUELLER, Secretary COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY H. ARNOLD KARO, Director C&GS PUBLICATION 31-1 FIRST EDITION SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY ATLANTIC COAST NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1960 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. - Price 50cents Contents Page Introduction---------------------------------------- i Index map---------- ----- 22 o-oo ee nn enn eee eee eee 2 List of stations------------------------------------ A Table 1. Surface water temperatures and salinities — monthly and yearly means and extremes----------- Table 2. Sea water temperatures from recording thermometers — monthly means and extremes--------- 66 Mean temperature and salinity curves---------------- 177 Table 3. Conversion of Fahrenheit to centigrade---- 76 III Introduction The summaries of sea water temperatures and salinities presented in this publication are based on observations made inAtlantic harbor and coastal waters through the year 1958. The sea water temperatures and salinities were obser-— ved primarily at tide stations which, in the United States,were maintained by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, often with the cooperation of other organizations. Final results for places in Venezuela were furnished by the Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Estados Unidos de Venezuela. For places inother countries, the Coast and Geodetic Survey derived the data from observations made by organizations in the particular country. iInLatin America, the observations were obtained through the cooperation of the Inter American Geodetic Survey. Table 1 presents monthly means and annual means and extremes of the sur-— face water temperatures and salinities for each year of observation after 1953. Earlier observations are combined in five-year groups. For each station at which the series of observations covered twoormore years, there are given the following monthly values for the series: the meanof the monthly means, the max-— imum observed, the mean of the monthly maxima, the mean of the monthly minima and the minimum observed. When an asterisk appears in either extreme temperature column in Table 1, itindicates that the extreme may have been exceeded if observations had _ been available for all months in which the maximum or minimum normally occurs. If observations are not available for any month in which the yearly maximum or minimum may have occured, the extreme has been omitted. For salinities, the yearly extremes are from the months of the year for which means are given. If they are from an incomplete year, they are followed by an asterisk. The temperature data given in degrees Fahrenheit are based on the thermom— eter readings made in a sample of water drawn by bucket from a foot or two be— low the surface. They can be converted to degrees centigrade by means of Table 3. The salinity of sea water, denoted by the symbol 0/00, is defined as the number of grams of salts contained in 1000 grams of sea water. Salinity canbe determined by several different methods, one of the simplest being based on the density of water as obtained by using a hydrometer. The salinity data in this publication were computed from hydrometer readings corrected to a standard tem-— perature of 59° F. The observations are usually made once each weekday at whatever time the observer attends the gage. At some stations situated within or near the en- trance of an estuary, the temperature or salinity varies withthe stage of tide or with the direction of the tidal current. It may be assumed that inthe course of a month or a year the distribution of observations is fairly uniform over all phases of the tide. For days when ice at some stations prevented the drawing of samples of sea water, the temperature of the normal freezing point of the sea water at the station has been used to permit the computing of monthly means. The monthly temperature summaries given in Table 2 are from records of re- cording thermometers. The thermometer bulb at each station was at a fixed po- Sition just below lowest observed lowwater, so that during a day it was cov— ered by varying amounts of tidal water. The instrument record is in the formof a continuous trace; the mean values are from hourly readings. When it could be done with reasonable certainty, warmest and coldest values are shown for months for which the record was only partially complete. The mean temperature and salinity curves are derived from the monthly means of Table 1 and show graphicallythe seasonal variations for many places. The unusual shape of the temperature curve for Daytona Beach and Canova Beach reflects the upwelling that occurs along this section of the coast during the summer months. This publication supersedes C&GS Special Publication No. 278, Surface Wa- ter Temperatures, Atlantic Coast, North and South America, 1955, and C&GS Pub-— _lication 31-2, Density of Sea Water, Atlantic Coast, North and South America, 195i 1 i i j y e GREENLAND 1 Carenero VENEZUELA COLOMBIA (/ Ivigtut Salvador Canavieiras NY. " «Cape Cod Canal.) . PA. [ CONN. Bh we Rio de Janeiro Imbituba - : witne tore } Plum Island Nantucket Shoals Sanoe Fort Hamilton @ Lightship Philadelphia. / Sandy Hook, eae 4 ‘Asbury Park tlantic City ‘Ss wily } Dre Richmond @_. i- Cape Charles ; ( eee @ Chesapeake Lightship VA. oint Comfort Kiptopeke Beach Diamond Shoal Lightship Charleston @e& Ashley River @ Fernandina Beach A TLA N T. IT C O CEA N Mayport Flagler Beach Career Ag A - = (5 s eee) Eugene Galveston sugene Qh nN, Cedar Keys i eZ Brazosport Grand Isle « Daytona Beach Rockport oy St. Petersburg Canova Beach | Port Aransas \ Port Isabel \ Brazos Santiago Miami Beach 2 (y om Key West @~ ay ¥ Habana 2 \ GULF |OF MEXICO @ San Salvador @, Tampico Los Arroyos Cc ? Ss Harbor Colombo e \ GR. e | oc5 Casilda Gibara ) Tuxpan f Progreso - ? Puerto . ‘ es “ Plata 20° Bo “Guantanamo <> . Veracruz Bay %, DOM. Alvarado = Carmen Port-au-Prince’ ) REP, Ciudad Trujillo FL) eo c \ pearl a Port Royal Barahona a oatzacoalcos LL alte JAMAICA Maguey Island z I Q]8 Co @ 2 Cortés . Puerto Castilla Puerto Cabezas CARIBBEAN SEA Sod Riohacha Amuay bh -- 7 Carenero Cartagena § 7 rae La Guaira 10° ) VEINEZUELA SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY INDEX MAP COLOMBIA —— ATLANTIC COAST STATIONS 1960 Bermuda @# | List of Stations Station [rat Alvarado, Mexico—----~~~~~~~~~-~--------~---~----~---~ 18 Amarracao, Brazil-—---------~-~---—~-~----------------- ay Amuay, Venezuel a——~—~~—-~~~--~-~~-~-~~-~---—-~~—~—--—--- rl Annapolis, Md, ~--~~--~~-~-----~~--------------------—-- 38 Asbury Park, N. J.-----------~---------------------- 40 Ashley River, Charleston, S, C--~--~--~--~-----~------- 32 Atlantic City, N. J.--------------~----------------- 39 Baltimore, Md, —----~----------~--~-------—~—----------- 39 Barahona, Dominican Republic—~~~~-~----~~-~------—- ES Bar Harbor, Me.—------------------------------------ AA Battery, The, New York, N. Y.-—--~------------------- 40 BearuMountaim, Hudson River) No ny 2222222 eee Al Belém, Brazi]——---~~-~--------~-~-~~~------~-~~-------- l Bermuda (Ferry Reach, St. Georges Island) —------~--- 32 Boston, Mass, ——------—- Jon ee ee ee AQ Brazosport, Freeport llarbor, Tex. -------~--~---~~-—- 28 Brazos Santiago, Texas—----~~~~-~~------~~~~--------- 26 Breakwater Harbor, Del. —----------------~-—~---------- 38 Cainhoy, Wando River, S. C.-~-------~--------------- 32 Cambridge, Md, ~-~--~-~---~-------------------------- 38 Canavieiras, Brazi]l=——-~—-——-—-----—---—--——~-——---—-——~-—— 15 Garowalbeacho i plat SS BST OS Cape Charles (town), Va. —-----~-----~----~----------- 37 Cape Cod Canal (east entrance), Mass.—~~-~----------— Al Cape Cod Canal (west entrance), Mass, ---~~----~~~~-~- Al Carenero, Venezuela—-—--—~~~-—-~-—~---——~--——---------- 10 Carmen, Mexico—--~~~-~-~~-~--~--~------- -------------- 18 Cartagena, Colombia-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~~------~~~------- 10 Carapano, Venezuel a—~-~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~-~--~--~--------- 10 Casilda, Cuba-----~~~~~-~-----~~~~-~--——---—-~--------- il Cedar Keys, Fla, —----~---~~--~~~--~--~---------------- 99 Charleston (Customhouse Wharf), S. C,—--~------------ 32 Charleston (Ashley River), S, C--------~-~----------- 32 Chesapeake ialenestarn Se 36 Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic—----~-~------~--~ 18 Coatzacoalcos (Puerto Mexico), Mexico—-—~----—------—— 18 Colombo, Isla de Pinos, Cuba-~~~~~~~-~-~~-~—-~------- 21 Cristobal, Canal Zone—----~~---~-------—-~------------ 9 Cumana, Venezuel a-——-----— -—----~~--~~~~-~---~~-~------- 10 Daytona Beach ene ere) os UPR ee 29 Daytona Beach (ocean), Fla,—-----~----------~--------—- 29 Diamond Shoal Lightship—~~~~-~-~-~--~--—----—---------- 35 Eastport, Me. ----~--~----~----—-~------------------- 44 Eugene Island, La. ---~~-------------~--------------- 29 Fernandina Beach, Fla. ——————————==—=—__ 30 Flagler Beach, ila weet ee ae ee 29 Fortaleza (Mucuripe), Brazi]—-~~~-~~-~---—~-~--~------~-- 3 Fort Hamilton, New Yor Nig ee ee 40 Fort Pulaski, Savannah River, Gages = geeb rete tS ES 32 Galveston oat ceee Chiannell)),) Weis 2——— ae eee 29 Galveston (Gulf Coast), Tex. ---------~--------~------ 99 Gibara, Cuba———--~--~---~~~~-~---~--~-~---—---------- 21 Gloucester Point, Va. —----------—--—~--~-~--------—------ 37 Grand Isle, 8 miles SE. Cee) A a ee See 99 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba---~~--~~-~-~-~~-~~~-~-~------------- 19 Habana, Cuba------~-~~-~~-~~--~~~--------------------- 23 Halifax River, Daytona Beach, Fla, -~~---------~------~ 29 Imbituba, Brazil-~-~------~-~------~~-~--~------—------- 28 Ivigtut, Greenl and~—-~~~-~~~—~-~~~-~-~~------~~---~---- 61 Jacksonville, Fla, --------------~--~----------------- 30 CO pr CO AYOAIWOO DIWMOMHM OD AOOH DAOOD AANAOAD HAAOAA AACWAA NOOND pA = CO pr NOADREP CROP BO UE PONMPO NOOWO WHORDNO CNOOHDO NANO P OWH AAD Pp MNOn COMONMF UNPrmOMNMw NON W wn co Pwr ARAM w 3 Ss ww ARAwN AA ATW Amn PPNLOP Whodhw nr Wwh w lon) NAN wn 7 Nun NP List of Stations -Continued Wovord sie onl Reva Meliss syeta ss ne tee ee ae Al Station Lat. 2) ' RGN? WIGS By LEE se a ee 24 33N. Ketpitopeke paeache Vas ee a ene 2 a oC a LOIN: MamGutaatran Venezuela s= === Se 10 36N. Itc Grecian ee ote ee a 36 55N. LOW IBIPEENOI Ny (ING WW) 5 Aa ee ee ee 40 18N. MoISmNGLOyOSre GUbaa ==" == ane re DD, D IN: Maguevelsland), Puerto Rico = 2--=- 1-222 _ o 17 58N. tlay@rt, bts aa ee eee 30 24N. Mataniaeleachy ati aga =e 25 46N Mommow stare leben i a eee ee Se ee eee et 6 20N. Mongaulkreavort bonidmbaysaala. le No Yi; —22a2 2 ee 41 03N. MipacllemcachiS: (C. ares 7s 2 eee 33 41N. Nantucletyshoalislaght'ship=-— =.-—- 22 40 37N. New ILonglons (Coil, =S= a ee AND ON! Newport, » So ----+------------------------ +--+ 41 30N. Newavorls (Kort: Hamil ton))),) N: Yrs — = Ai SUNG New York tae BENRBGIA 5 ING) Gy eee 40 A2N,. Newmoman@WiletsibPome) a Nov. = ee 40 48N. North Charleston Terminals, Coopers River, io. G, 22 -=— S22 o4Ne OlcgRomntmComtorth Vaso ee es 37 OON. eabliinels eva hime rial easy eae ened es a 26 4A3N. Rensmcolltaras titans a ee ee 30 24N. Elemtatdienltn vital byas aon cee eS ee 39 5S7N Panui les) lRananeicelin Ne Vee a 41 10N. PORE APA AS Se dN Ce ee a ee 27 AON. Romt au bainceri i aist yee Ne Se 18 33N. ovate lisiabieerhle xan ee ee 26 OAN. Romtlwancdber Meme aa an ee 43 AON. Rowton Wanalcaa=———— 2 2 i ee a 17 S6N. RONsE SMO Cine me N cet hl nee ee een 43 OSN. Ecopiges One xc Of as ere he ee eee QA NG RuertonCabezas.. Nicaracua————2——— ee 14 OLN. Ruenctom@astul lay alondumas=—————- = — 16 OON Rutextomtontesy slondurass --———— = oS Se 15 50N PMenmcomdeshwerro ws, Venezuelas— oo as LO SUNe RuemtomlerimoniysCostannl cas == 2 — = ee 10 OON. Puerto Mexico (Coatzacoalcos), :.Mexico————-——-—=—_____._ 18 OON. Ruertoenlata Dominican Republ1co-———=-2- 19 49N. EAU OME Mena Omyiee NM erp es ere ce ES 44 O9ON. erence mn Sizaizyig lee ee a ee ee i ee 8 03S. Ab, Glinrrare yee ye eons Rio de Janeiro (Fortaleza de Santa Cruz), Brazil---- 22 56S. Riohacharm Colombia seen eee ke ee eee ee 11°3 4N. Rolckpormtepmlex s =o seamen ee eee 28:0 1N. Step oucwaun(Casitiraes) abe Willa ee ee 14 OIN. Styeuuctan(Vaiecux short ri poWale see ea 13 44N. Sitrmietersbunc.ahlay =e oe ee 27 AGN. Salinépolis, Beagil a ee ee 0 37S. Sallivadorare Dina za lore oe ee ee ee 12 58S. pendy HH KS CO)L Ea] NE 25S ee er a or re ko a AQ 28N. Sangcalivadom, bananas, Db. Wil~soo ee 24 03N. OLOMONG, MiGls ee ee ee eee 38 19N. Sot np Ot ree News oe eer ee ee 33 SSN. hampiicomiHianbor. Mex comets 22 15N. irimidady(Carenarce) Bay). eB: Wad. aoe ee 10 AlN. Wao ENA» INOS os eg ee eee 90 S8N. VISTAS Uy Ze gal © XAG ees Pe SN 19 cliNe i ileis lneraatert © mene) Sage Cpe eens ae ere ne 38 52N. Witiike iiss Poamtrmes New avorkiw Ne oVen =o wt Ce ee 40 A8N. WwW ADAOD DOWDWOO ANINVON ONNWDO VY AQAQN ANAND AQ CODD DAUD -~y30c0 TINS ANwAP DOCRW NADWO OCNOCAN ANMYMAID D Ownp pepo @aHodw-~) BmwOO ure POND Ovupa NANNY O ONO AWA Dw COWN D AHA DOB PO mn now nN Of — OV w i) re Aw No KO pau ine) Brew NMA BENS MDTONAANO BAO) ON SCNyNEN WW CONN LPONMNY AtrPwWnr DwyoOownm ww uo NSIS) wanNnna ONS 44 44,74 58 ons hobo AA pS nip OV eine, WDNOD wmNno ~ 2BAe AANRAIANANUN PpuAajy-A7 ONO WWANMNOCLP PDH Opuwo an AQ Yarn Oe) Atte) P23 C2 LO 2 Years 1945-1948 1949-1952 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min. Minimum 1930-1933 193h-1938 1939=191,3 1944-1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 USB) 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1947-1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min, Minimum 1945-1946 1922-1923 1924-1928 1929-1933 January Temp. °F ONAanM e e e e e Se Oe een ee) ‘WW f= £ Wd WW _°@ e e ° O~YMOWN 2» ON Aor Sal. ho SEDI 33.3 33.5 26.8 34.5 32.1 29.7 iN) WW Wo Lo WwW WU MDH Hh ° e e ° e (oj d=2 (S) (09), (©) NOW WW Wo WW oO WWW dw RPWW ) Ie e e e e e e ° - NO HW ~ 0 RrNnNW e e SO nAW Table 1.- Surface Water Means and February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal ) %o ar Neo °F Ko °F So 2 %o °F Ne IVIGTUT, 32.3 34.0 - 32.0. 33.5 33.7 33.6 39.9 31.6 46.9 28.9 Goce 31.8 3327 32.5 33.6 3362 33.6 395k 31.5) 45.8 27.2) (eGsOue came 32.0 33.7 32.3 33.6 33.4 33.6 39.6 31.5 46.3 2708) enue 35 3509, 38 Spo) sive SOO Ne S03) 53) BPP Se 30.3 33.9 34.6 34.2 34.5 36.0 34.2 45.3) 34.0 50.40 3A hoe 30.0 30.6 29.9 29.9 21.6 32.7 34.9) 27.0 42.4 W2hne hence 29 237 229 Pali 6X0) 31.8 33 20.0) 39 1956 Jee 13.6 EASTPORT, 35.3 31.9 35.2 31.5 37.6 33.0. 4037 30.8 428s 3102 sol sme By5}55) 321.6 syne 31.5 36.7 31.0 40.5 5105 4/ Lhe7 31.1 48.8 31.5 33.5 31.9 33.1 31.9 35.6 31.2 39:2 31.1 43.4 Sie 3.6 32.3 3hs8 32.1 36.9 31.8 YOO 31.6> 4L50) SieSeeiceeeee 3706 3159 37.0 31.9 39.1 31.4 h2.2 316 46.2) SIR ORs aC a mmeeere 37.5 31.8 37.7 310k 39.5 31.0 42.7 31h 46:2 3200) Aes peeouam 37.0 32.7 36.8 32.1 38.8 31.9. 42.0 31.8 (45.4 32.0) 519s eee ee 35.8 32.9 34.7 32.4 36.6 32,3 38.9 32.1 43.0) 3215s 35.0 32.8 35.2: 3204) 37.1 32.3 4263) 32.1 ALS) 3230) eee cue 36.5 31.8 39.8 31.9 39.9 32.0 41.6 32.1 42.) 325.5 eee h2e fe2e 3c 4.83 2. ? 35.2 32.0 35.2 31.9 37.4 Bich 40.7 31.4 4h.6) 3. One o.oemeeee 1,0 Sisos) (hal oie DIA BZ eho Blok 510) 32-.95moD 3326 36.7 32ch “36.4 32.3) 3952 319! (1208093159) “L721 32. On ome 33.9 3105) 33°59 3162 35.9 3004 3857 30.6 k2525 31 One tonomeeremes 28 28.9 30 29.1 33 28.9 36 29.1 40 29.0 kk 30.6 BAR HARBOR, 30.2 32.5 32.9. 32.1 38.8 31.6 43.9 31.0 50.2 30.8 s5h05uugsm 32.8 31.8 35.4 .31.5 40.6 31.2 46.5 315) 52.7 Sie syecmeees 33.4 31.1 36.2 30.8 39.9 30.6 46.0 30.4 51.5 32500 S5eymeeasene 32.6 31.6 35.0 31.2 39.8 30.8 A464 32.0 52.1 30m S yee S62 31.9 B55} BS Bie, 30.6 42.7 31.0 494 31.1 5329 31.2 33.0 32.3 36.2 31.8 C.5 31.8 46.1 31.8 53.4 31. Ges OrGuesaee 33.1 31.1 36.6 31.2 4OL6 3057 A504 305k L955) 3008 sy Gum 32.7 31.8 35.3 3165 40.0 32101 45.7 3151 51.8 3625 Sonoma 39 33.5 2 323.1 48 BIO Y hb) B32) 59 32.3 64 3257 36.6 32.5 38.9 32.1 Abe2 31.9 50.3 31.9 55.9 3108) (6OlGweeeum 2963 30.6 31.4 30.3 35.5 29.7 41.8 29.9 4S. 3066) Seseeeeee 22 28.1 28 28.8 32 28.4 39 28.2 46 28.6 50 29.3 PULPIT HARBOR, 29.8 29.3 — — 40.5 28.2 46.9 27.6 53.2 29.5 59.9 304 PORTLAND, B1e5 30.7 33. 29.0) BE66 28.4 46.9) 2 207 2901 576 eGag 9. : 205 30.1 SeaiesOoe 7.0 32.07 60.3) esieo “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August September October N ovember December Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F eee °F ho °F %o °F eee °F One GREENLAND 45.2 21.4 40.8 26.8 36.6 29.9 3L4 By2e/n SIBig/h Boe eee OO 2365 soe. S063) 3360 13260) 32.6 320k Miesmicics hl <25o1 3663 30.1 34.0 32.7 33.0 32.8 Temp: Sai. Temp. Sal. °F ho °F Ro bi 30,0.) 429, sel De 3be 29 Vlhee 5h 28.9 48 3255. hy 32.8 39 34.8 136 35.4 5, 36.8 NEM OSeoe 526 2629 39.1 32h 36.2 33.7 35.2 . 34.0 INES Shek 20.2 3365 20.0 31.8 30.7 30.6. 31.2 L0 Nel 377, MUTE i Se 18.3 30 27.8 29 28.9 29 11.0 MAINE Bm 52.6 32.1 5163 32.0 705° 3169 42.2 32.0 14369 579 Boel a 32k 29 ek PleSeestes 52.0 3260 50.8 32.1 4756 32.1 k2c4 31.8 | 43.3 bi SAS) 28 28.9 BOmImeSe40 150.9 32.0 9h 32.39. h6c2 320° 41,0 320 |42.2 5 3302 30 2925 BieOneae ee 252.0) 33962 50.4 33.2 48.1 3258 43.3 32.k:| 43.6 56 3h.4 30 29.0 b3e0) 92.8 15367 32:8 52.3, 32.9 48.9 -32.7 45.2 32.1 145.5 56 33.7 3h 29.1 SNe o2e5) 5361: 32.7 52.0 32.7 48.9% 32.8 BAS 32.4 [45.4 5 33.2 36 28.9 52.3 32.4 52.3 32.8 51.5 33.3 48.1 33.3 40.9 33.3 | 44.6 53 33.8 35 30.8 BOs 13289) 150.9 32.9 50.3 33.2 46.0 33.1 43.4 32.7 | 43.0 52 Biel Shoes vel ieee 52.0772 32.07" 5063, 3269) So eh 6 32,0.| 53 33.6" 34 31.5% 51.6 32.8 51.3 32.7 50.5 32.4 48.6 32.0 41.8 31.9 | 4b.6 53 33-5. 37 \3lek Bi a2 6253 32,5 51.0 32,5 7.6 32.4. 42.9 32.1 |43.8 57 3307 56 Bheh 55 34.0 52 c[hpake 7K) 33.7 Dees -O 53.5 B269. 5262 33.1 A967 32.9 45.6 32.7 DOsOn 1.9) 51.3 3250 049.5 32.1 45.2) 31.9 39.6 31.6 57 Bhek Lg Silk 1 TAs Tas) 3 aay) 31.4 41 30.6 35 290k 28 28.9 MAINE 56.3 31.4 eee ONO S20 ese rseell 8962) Seek 163) 73352) 29 2968 YY Colne o2 le 52.3 52.5 Oh. 03265 VL057) 3169, OL 33 epee 2o Ono DOso ole wobe lL 51.5) 52.3 31.9) 46.8) 31.8 39.8. 31.2 Det Sle 5USO 3UL9 51.7 32.3 46.6 31.9 36.3 32.4 Doct se) 5363 31.5 5006\' 31.9 47.2 32.0 39.0 31.6 WoWeky 3168 55.4 32.0 52.1 32.8 4905 32.7 42.8 32.7 Pioeeleo) copes lee (5055-318 45.8. 31.8 35.1 31.4 Oh 333525 2129) Se P59) S5ekn BOL 2o5e, PieressnG ee) spbsil cdo wel BOMR2 6D 5 58.2 32,0 5 p) D SOG bok 32.0 5168 B32. 47.1 32.2 39,6. 32.0 64 32.9 63 Bilas) Gis SEIN? Weert 3357 ° 52 B52 1 64 33.07 GIOn 32531 56-6) 3257 55515 3258 52.4. 932.8 46.0 32.5 Sheon oO) 5169) 3162 48.2 3056 4168 8120 33.1) 32el Gal 29.8 49 29.3 46 2955) 37 29 ele 2929.9 28 27.5 PENOBSCOT BAY, MAINE MAINE SBee ee Gumee) B0ck 516. 30.3" 4420 93056. 38.0. 30.3 63 32.9 — 18.6 Da SOs oral SOL) 15169> 3056. 45.0) 30,3 3754 29.5 62. B32 a) GLO GOLF BI 6 = 59050 soi. 53.1) 30.2 45.1 130.1 37.2 29.8 Qe eh plo Years 1934-1938 1939-1943 1944-1945 1956 1957 1958 1944-1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1922-1923 1924-1928 1929-1933 1934-1938 1939-1943 1944-1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min, Minimum January Teme: ‘Sal. " We NOW e ~2 Oo Ww Oo» e Ww NONNNN WwW wn ° oe} to ° e mann oa wR DO OW Ww we) e = rPMoOWW : Mr rw foot IES XO. 10 Ww Ww e = »>M ND 0 SO \O \O e e ° WFO wm Ww = . w ie MN NM aorw ee ee ee -OW FO BO ol @ \O ~O ° e Cn es 16 MW wo WWWsv Ww WW Lo MONNMNN oO go Watsen ING: NONnNO ° Ne) BWwWwwaI7n e bal é 34.9 Le) 45 32.1 38.2 30.8 31.8 2hh 28" 12.6 February Temp. Sal. Vo %o WY as) ° Ne) wOW Ww WN e Oo NNNNND oOo WoO NM loko) e W Ww On de= e e ioe Oo BP MOWW nO Sw kr e e e e WoW fH — roownw mW e e ht is) ‘0 0.0 © e Wow hd wwe) WwW © NM wo N e yOoOwn Hagar WY fon e Oo NO NU MNNDN ND IN ao OS SIE NU SO)SO March Temp. °F Sal. he ine) NMwD nw eae ee Ww PW orH 31.8 2002 20.6 Veer FREE FES Eee ON ~\W NOH OO hMwwon7 ,ce on e e > > loey 58 49.6 40,6 32 NWN DM a omn7 ° ° e MMM NW PP WOM ND . ie oe nw e Ww 63 58.0 48.0 Ah *Oheervations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. od NO tw ~1 O& oe fe Ltt) NO MYW te OMWNNM ° onan (S) Oso OrnAW m.Oo MO~ e ° mwOoOanan7 GMM MW wwNeP ww 0 Oo onr7 ° e ° O:own DO Ow Oro oe Table 1.- Surface Water Means and July Temp. Sal. AAD ho PORTLAND, 60.2 30.3 59. 1 30.3 60.2 29.8 59. 9e Bina 58.0 29.5 59-3 30.6 66 34.0 62.1) 325@ 56.3 27.6 5315 fess “PORTSMOUTH, PY oe? 28.9 26.5 28.5 27.8 Bares 29.0 28.2 to MWD noon Ou. @ 2.6 aPrHL MN NY OO ~] \O ° 6 OW oOn~w ° ° . ° WwW hwo~2M OW NM DN lo t oO . ~o 59.1 29.1 60.4 30.7 8 29.5 6 30.4 7 30.4 6 32.0 5726 30.6 D905 3002 66 32.4 6h. 7, Sitele 53.1 28.5 50 24.6 BOSTON, 62.7 28.4 63.1 30.4 63.2 30.4 65.0 296k 63.9 65.9 67.1 W mw : See MIWnoO OO FUFOO ION (ons wv ww hSW Nh ND ND ~o Sc rON0 SO . * . . oa =< ° “N~ iss) ONE ° ° fon — s = BH MW Temperatures and Salinities g Extremes August September October November December Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal Temp. Sal. Temp. a Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. |Temp. Sal. | Temp. Sal. Temp. Sei. eke OR) Xe OF : : : ° F ° F ° F ree Vice oe F ° MAINE -continued : 61s 3051 57.8 30.7 52.2 30.7 46.2 30.2 36.9 29.3 | 46.5 29.21 66 34.0 — 1 59.8 30.4 56.8 30.7 50.8 30.8 43.5 30.4 35.8 30.8] 45.2 29.9 | 6773338 == 1725 Gieees0s6- 58.67 30.1 50.8 30.3 43.4 29.0 35.2° 29.31 45.8 29.1 | 662232535 262 17.9 = — 5163 3063 W701 3066 3904 302) — — | — 31.6% 36 27,28 COrGeralch 56.2 31.6 52.6 32.5 47.6 31.2 40.7 31.1 /.47.8 30.9 | 65 32.9 30 27.6 EONS) 30sh 57.0 30.6 51.6 30.4 46.2 30.2 36.6 30.7| 46.7 29.11 64 32.0 31 12.8 6052793056 57.8 30.7 51.8 30.6 44.9 30.2 37.0 29.91 46.1 29.8 67 34.2 65 Bec 59 32.9 52 32.3 45 32.7 67 34.2 6256169. 61.0 31.9 55.9 31.8 488 31.4 41.3 31.2 Sou 2erh “S5ic6 20064725 28:h “hOs2 28.1. 33.5 28.0 5h 24.8 50 22 ie 20.1 36 23.1 30 23.5 28 1258 N.H. Cl a7ies0.2 596k) 3006 52.4 31.0 46.9 30.7 .39.2 29.4 | 47.1 28.9] 66 34.1: 29 13.9 GisGp oie O. 56.0 3.1 52.7 31.4 46.9) 29.8 41.5 28.21 48.3 28.4 1 68 32.7. 30. 9.7 Sep mOeh ee ed) 2ue7 53ek 2604 LI 26.5 453 26.3 | 4769 26.71 66 31.86 32. 9.9 6lieG 3066 55.4 32.20 53.0 30.6 46.7 26.1 38.6 30.1|/47.9 26.51 68 32.0 32 20.8 COsZmmoiee 58.4 31.4 5222 31.1 47.9: 30.7 39.8 28.2) 47.2 2655) 6h 32k 3h 12.9 GONGis2507 57.6) 32.1 52.3 32.4 46.8 31.9 41.6 29.8: 48.3 30.3] 65 32.7. 32 23.7 GleBe 3057 58.2 30.6 52.6 31.1 “47.2 29.9 40.3 28:9 | 47.7 -28.6 68 3227 66 B2e oo Beals > B20). Lil 32.5 68 34.1 Cheol 6 6225 3168 55.4 31.9 50.3) 37.5. 4.0 31.5 Seon eoeh. 5360 29.0° 49.7 30.1 42.9 27.5 35.7 25.2 52 Deal 51 14.8 46 26.9 40 19.0 33 20.1 29 9:7, MASS. 6320 2Osen 615: 30el 54c8 3057 W6s2 30.6 39.1. -2928'| ASsh 29.3) 70° (31.9 © 29°-197.8 SoelesOna 6200.29.8 54.3 30< 46.9 30.4 36.2) 29.9:| 48.6. 29.7 1-71 32.1 29° 22.0 OOM O nO eifa0 50635569 301 eh 765) 29.9 238. 3. 93063) 4968. 29.5.) 707; 32.4 30) 16.3 Ciecmecoav@ olee) 2925 55.1 29.8 47.0 30.1 38.4 28.4.) 49.1 . 28.8 | 7331.6 29. 117.9 OG 305816363) Fle 56.1) 131.0) 46.8 30.6°°37.9 305k 12965 296k | 72-36 28 13869 One om eos rObets 2965) 57.6 30.6, 50.2) 2958 “2052. 28.9.) 5154. 28.7 1 75" 32.3) 28 1567 CTE SaOch Glen 30s 57e3° 30.60 496 2829 “A2ck 29.21 5222 28.4 | 723223 32, Gee 6LSONN2929 61.9, 22.6 58:1 28.0 48.8 26.3 4066 26.5 51.2 26.4 | 69 31.4 32 9.9 70.7 23.1 61.5 24.3 56.6 24.1 48.6 23.7 36.4 28.6] 51.4 26.1] 74 31.0 31 4.8 S6c0N 30.1622) 28.5 55.5 28.9 150.6 29.5 h2.3 27.1 | 50.3 26.7) 69 30.6 32 12.2 Cie es eOS Gn Sl sG. 50s030.3, 5084n 30. 24207) 29.51) 52.0) 29.1 : We 32.9 115.2 64.9 27.7 61.5 28.0 55.9 27.3 49.8 27.3 38.8 28.4.) 50.8 25.9} 69 31.6 30 12.6 65.8 30.1 63.2 29.8 56.0 30.1 48.1 29.7 39-4 29.3150.1 28.8 WSs 269 758 532.8) 6h 33625 58) 3159.50 | 32.0 | 75 34.6 COmoemole2s 676205311 60.6 31542) 52.5). 310° 44.0 30.8 C2e 26.9 5902.26.84 51327 Lac 2b6ch Bhek 2529 56 4.8 55 WSO edi27G 237. 162530. 1252 28 «4.8 10 Years 194 h—1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min, Minimum January Temp. =o Sal. %o Go Wo [1 e) WW WW Lo e |° e 8° ee Ow CINCO) 010 lo YH e February Temp. °E 35.0 3403 33-3 342 38 373 Salt 29 351 34.03 34.20 34.5 38 373 31.7 30 Seb) 36.8 3h 5 3567 ral 39.0 32.0 29 31.4 31.0 29.0 28.1 e O AO OD ~ WOaW On Pa _ — EFERGSG SE 2 Ww Onn e ° e im” (WS) Ne *Obeervations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Table 1.- Surface Water Means and June Temp. Sal. Te °F ho . 55.0 5728 53.1 5503 66 61.7 47.3 46 58.8 63.5 5765 59.9 7h 68.3 49e7 1.0 61.8 63.8 63.5 62.2 65a 60.0 62.7 68.5 5767 July F mp. Sal. ho CAPE COD CANAL 31.0 31.9 30.7 31.2 32.7 32.0 30.6 30.1 CAPE 31.1 32.3 303 Sila 34.2 32.4 30.3 2947 3203 3250 31.8 31.8 31.8 32.4 30.6 32.0 3he1 32.5 31.6 30.3 30.7 32.0 30.1 30.9 32.4 31.6 29.8 27.6 31.0 32.0 3LeZ 31.4 3204 32.0 30.7 29.8 CANAL 31.1 3265 31.1 31.6 3505 3302 31.0 30.1 HOLE, 32h 32.3 31.9 32.1 31.6 323 30.8 32.4 34.8 32.8 31.6 30.3 NEWPORT, 31.1 32 0h 31.1 31.5 33.8 32.5 30.6 29.8 Temperatures and Salinities 11 Extremes August | September October November December Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. |Temp. Sal. 19 Yo °F 7 °F °F Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. ho F So ho °F ho Seo °F %o a %o | | (east entrance), MASS. | | | Ode 30.8 61.0 30.77 53.9 32.2 7.7 30.8 37-4 31.0) = 72% 32.0% 30% 29.9% 62.2 31.1 59.8 31.2 55.7 31.4 50.1 31.5 43.7 31.2) 47.9 31.2] 74 32.8 32 29.8 62eeoln9! 59.1) 31.9 55.9 32.0 50.2 3126 (43.1 31.9 | 48.9 31.74 70 33.1) . 30, 30.2 SOROMeOlele 56080 31,2 53.9 31.4 48.6 | 31.6 37.4 31.8 | 47.0 31.2 4 69 33.6 29° 29.7 G2en eee) 5952 3.2 54.8 3165) A9.2 31k hOK 31.5 | 47.9 31.3 | 7h 33.6 68 33.1 64 SVs ee) 32.3 48 32.3 | 7h 33.6 WOsGh soe 00.5. 32.0, 59.8 32.1 53.0 31.9 45.5 ° 31.9 Sac 30s 53.2°30.7° 51.0 30.8 43.0 30.8 34.2 30.6 47 By) ES) 2929 49 BOn00N29 29.9 30 30.2 29 29.7 (west entrance), MASS. | | | POMS GIRO Gis 311095505 131.2 W729) 30.7 36.4 31.0.) — — | 75% 32.1% 30% 30.1% Gomee aie 6259 515k 5653° 31.4 50.6 31.6 43.0 31k) 49.7 31.21 72 3204 30 29.8 Cyplaeoeetenones 032.0 57.0) 3250) 50.3. 318 42.7 32597) 51.1. 31.8 Lebel) 30 30.1 63.0 31.4 61.4 BOs, 55eL ShOKY/ 48.9 30.8 Boer, sbaal 48.9 30.9 73 34.9 30 29.3 6658793955) 63-1 31.3 56.0 31.3. A9.K 31.2 39.7 314) 49.9 32.3 pe Ble) (O° 32.876, 9 32.8 58°, 32.7 hO 32.k 75 3565 WBeOn 32-9) 70.0 32.1 61.5 31.9" 54.8 32.0 AALS 31.9 Boob Oss 54.5 30-6 53.8 30.6 42.8 30.5 34.0 30.4 SL 30.2 520 2929 50 2969 39 2969 30 3001 30 29.3 MASS (an S20 68.1 3254, 59.7 32.4 50.9 32.0 40.2 32,0) 51.8 32.1] 76 35.5 27 7k (ai eee 68.3, 32.5. 6004 32-4 51.5 32.3 42.9 32.0 | 53.3 32.01 77 34.5 31 2he7 Gone) 2068) 65.1 31.8 61.5 31.6 51.4 31.5 40.8 31.0) 52.4 31.6) 74 33.2 33 30.6 (Bee 31.6 67.6 31.5 60.4 31.4 50.6 31.0 36.9 31.0/ 52.0 31.4) 76 32.8 30 30.6 HOnOrmar.0)) 66.5) 31.8 58.6 32.0 51.7 31.8 43.8 31.8) 52.0 31.5172 32h 30 30.6 (ime 66.9 32505927 32.3 52.2 32.0 43.4 (31.6) 5352. 31.9) 7h 33.1 30) 3026 7020 “30.8 66.2) 30.7 57.6 31.2 50.7 30.8 37.2 30.7)50.8 30.8] 73 31.9 28 30.1 71.2 32.0 67.8 32.1 59.9 32.1 51.3 32.0 41.2 31.8) 52.4 31.9 Gage 2559) 1 33-5 67. 1332660 3465 50° 3h. 2 77 3505 7368 32.5 7lel 32.5 64.3 32.7 56.2 32.5 45.9 32.3 68.9 31.0 63.8 31.6 55.4) 31.6 46.2 31.6 36.1 31.4 Come be 00" 930.3. 51, 1 3052) 42753054 30\- 30.3 27 17.4 Rl. 720k 2943 66.2 30.4 60.9 30.1 50.8 29.3 39.7 30.6) — — | 78% 31.6% 32% 19.6% 68.1 31.5 64.1 31.5 57.5 31.4 51.9 31.5 45.1 31.1) 51.4 30.7} 72 32.4 32 27.6 Ciel a Zenn Obs 32-5) 5900) 3204 52.9 932.1 kh 2 3.6) 53.0) 31.6) 73. 33.6. 30) 26.6 Cele 006) 03097 30.8 51-4 30.7 39.3 30.3 51.3. 130.4 I) 70, 32.1 29, 2765 6952 31.0 65.6 31.4 58.9 31.2 51.8 30.9 42.1 30.9 52.0 30.7 WSuer |3 362.73 BBe2 Olier ug 2e Gr i57. S265" YSN 3265 | 78 33.8 TOmoE oO a 7ON5 3201) O2e2 1 GIs9) 55.8 31.8 h7.2: 31.6 66u2)28e2 660.87 30.4 5362. 29.9" Lo.2 30.2 35.8 30.2 | 65 19.6 57 Asso) (He) PAE 1S} 27580 29 29.5 | 29 19.6 12 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. ok) ho sity So °F ho AD ho °F = So °F ho NANTUCKET SHOALS 1923-1925] 41.0 32.4 38.8 32.8 38.6 32.9 41.6 32.9 45.0 33.3 50.8 32.9 55.0 32.7 ’ ~NEW LONDON, 1947-1948 | 34.7 23.3 33.6 14.0 38.8 10.3 48.8 10.8 56.5 10.6 64.7 10.8 73.9 16.5 1949=1953 | 39.2 16.6 36.2 15.6 41.2 250 5050) 12.6 58.3. W.5 67.2% 1959 yop 1954 39.2 21.7 39.0 21.7 43.0 16.2 49.5 18.6 54.3° 16.2 6466) 2300moGeemeoee 1955 38.8 19.9 .37.3 1S.0 4O.5 TW.6 47.6 17.5 60.2: 16.2. 6hc9e 2255mc/seOnee ee 1956 37.4 20.4 37.4 16.2 3757 Ub wae G.h 55.5 13.55 68s5> 1p eOmeouee 1957 3650 1927 3805 16.9 41.3 16.6 50.4 Wek 59.0) 21.2 68.2 25297 Omeeoee 1958 3755 Wee 35.2 15.3 40.3 11.9 49.4 12.3 56.5 10.2 64.4 1956" 7Osouecoee Mean 38.1 16.4 3704 16.5 hOS7 14.0 49.1 13.3 57.5 14.6. 66.5. 19s9mee cues Maximum 45 28.4 43 Peis. 52 Alb. «(onl 21.68 66 hed He 29.8 79 30.6 Mean Max. | 2162’ 24.4 HO.5 23.0 45.9 21.2 54.66 19.6 63.5 20.3 72.6 25020) 7osOmeees Mean Min. || 3553 22.0 34.2 10.2 36.7 756 43.5 8.6 52.50 927 6007 19026 7eomeaee Minimum 31 Solo al T3008 is) «hak B29) “h9 B55) Ys 52 elk (sya) PLUM ISLAND, 1957 — -- == ee 50.3) 26.3) 58.3° 28.2) 165.0meeces 1958 HOGO- Pine “Sliow 2856) eG “2eae) Vhsa@: 27/65} MONTAUK, FORT POND 19471948) 3351 32.4 31.7 31.0 36.6 30.2 41.8 29.7 9.5 30.2 59:6 29.8NC7Romesomm TOL9—19530 39.9 300) 3768 30.1 3859 29.9 Hoek 29.0) 52.7 29.4 6252) 2959mmooeee Oe 1954 36.9 30.17 36.8 3058 40.1 20.2. 46.5 30.0 52.4: 29.1 61.7 2959 oon emesOees 1955 B70! 29.8 35.1) 3063 38.8 2957) 43.7. 29.4 53.3, 29.3 65 “30s, OoES meee 1956 Bee) 295 B52 2955') 356.8 29.5) Ala7) 29.3) 048.7) 29.0 GOs. 29 cdalogeameoe 1957 Bhe9 3054 36.4 30.03) 39.2 30.2 AAS 29.7 5328 29.9 6369 3009) 6o*4OmenOne 1958 Boece 9.9) Ble2. 29.9) 372 SON L255. 29ee —— —— 58.2 29.) 67h2eoes Mean B76? 30.4 36.0; 30.2 38.65 29.9 Ab 2923 52.1 29.4 61.5) 2958 cosommoues Maximum 4 Sisiga be fil 31.4 46 Ble 2 52 alah, (60) slabs (23 Cabal {fy 31.8 Mean Max. | 41.9 31.0 39.1 30.8 41.9 30.6 49.0 30.2. 57.6 30.2 68.0 30.2 72c7e oieu Mean Min. | 33.8 29°86 32.6 29.7 34.9 29.3 40.8 28.2 47.2 28.6 55.4 29.3 Giedeoes Minimum 29 28.5 29 28.8 30 28.4 38 Qosse lk Bupeisl. oy 2862) "60 27.5 NEW YORK 1932=1933'| 3905 25.9 36.4 25.9 36.0 26.0 43.7 2h.h 54.0 24.3 60.9: 256) GOusmeesee 19341935 | 35.1 25.4 31.9) 2329. 35. 24.3 42.3 2.3. 52.3) 24.63) Glee 25.0" 167eomeee ee 1939=1943| 34.7 2562 3209 25.2 36.2 2h.6 Ake 2358 5406 2359 63.9 262) voveomeeaee I9hL—IGLS | 3401 2504 33.4 25.6 38.4 24.6 5.8 2hel) 54.9 23.8 62.7 2hel ESeomeaseo LOLS=1953 739.0 25.1) 3721 24.68 3950) 24.8 U7 2367 55.0" 23 63.7 24.6 69h 25eu 1954 35.0 26.4 35.2 26.0 39.9 25.6 A7.0 25.0 55.7 23.5 62.7 2k 6Sevmeeoee 1955 36,0. 25.0 33.6 25.1. 36.4 23.9 45.5 2463 560 21.6) G34 25.) Onna 1956 Shel. 2hel, 35.0 2365 26.7 23.3. ble? 2252 50:8) 2267) "60<)) 2300) 1GSecumeraes 1957 Boek 825.0. 36.4 24.8 36.7. 26.7 W565: 24065565 25ed 63.1) 25.8 ches meee 1958 B7el 260 32.1 25.2 36.4 25.5 Lhe 2360 52.0 22.6 *60.6° 2367 Goo meee “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities 13 Extremes August September October November December = Maximum Minimum ets Sal. Temp. Sal. Tenp: Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Pemp Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ho TAD So °F %o : F o So 9 F %o eur stip BOn64 3905 58.5 3.0 56.60 32.9 52.0 32.4 1) 46.0 32.4 69 360.2. 36 shou CONN. Teale 50 69.6 2629 61.0 2855) 52.4 2262 143.2 23.3 VSS 5 ei BOi 32.40 30s 53 Toe Omee5 a9) 09.0. 27.8 O59 26.5 52.5 24.2 4368 18.7 20.31) 279) 31.4 ~ 3h 33.9 GOmstmeeonl 660% 17.3 63.0 22.0 52.1 1755 4l.O. 15.6 20, 30720286. Be 1068 Wowie 1926) 69.0 20.9 5923 11.9 48.7 9.4 39.0 17.7 7G 192900; 2 She es] Pele oyel 68.0-°27.2) 60.0 26.2 5304) 242 - 43.3) 19.7 TO SO W751 2965: 30, S65 Meee 3042! 170.3 30.2 61.3'-30.6 5366 27.52 43.9 19.6 23c Ne ie Bleb 337). 622 eoIeelOeG) OG.) 2inO. 5707. 19.2) 5103 17.7 37-9, 15.0 OSLO Tee oon ee Wes 25s2) 66.8 25.9. 61.1) 25.6 52.1 921.8 4255 19.0 19.9 80 21-2078 Splacs 4A0) R251). 160 30.3 50 29.3 80 32.1 WDOCMRCORSE 1355) 29.1. 66015) 29.1 57.3) 272.1 47-1. 25.4 COM MOMS e 6h? 2129) 5671 27.0: 16.4 Wh 37.5 12.3 68 leoq 62 7.5. 50 5.1 43 6.6 35 6.8 31° 23 68530e30.5 08.3) 31.0. 6104 31.0 53.6 30.6 45.5 29.0 ChaleeeGna 1O5.8 29.5, 56.3 .29.4 52.2 28.5 39.9 28.9 BAY, L.I., N.Y. TOROmma=mOG.7 302.9 61.2; 37.5 53.2 316k h4.8 30.8 76 Bpedsene Oe eo TOM MESORT MOTeO bled Ole6 31.59 5268 32.2 Bash 3028 76-3203 8 30r 2665 CoaleesBOse 6565) 30sh- 62.1 30.3 -52.3 30.6 42.0 29.8 73 ES asOnreoul T2noue OO e66.3 30.2 62.2 30.2 51.6 28:9 38.0 29.3 75 Sih 2025.6 CORON 3O87060.3— 31.0 59299-3161 52.2 30:8 45.3 30.8 The 359°. 322-2862: 69.4 31.5 68.2 31.8 — == 52.9 31.6 44.3 30.8 73 32.4% 30 29.0% 9a 30s) 105.6 130.3 58.6 30.2 50.7 .30.2 36.9, 30.1 73 30.8% 29 28.1% VOs2weBOsOnOfeor ol.0 (Olea 31s) 52.56 30.8, 43.2) 30.6 16 32.0 7h B2iole 167. 32.4 60 32.5 51 31.9 (On ma ook (Bao ee iedey BisO 6526. 31.56% 57.2) Ble5 79) Sled 6608 295, 63.4 30.2 56.6 30.4 46.8 30.2 36.5 29.8 63 Zo OmOl 2129530753 9 029.0) 43 2708 7304 72869 29 25.6 (Willets Point), N.Y. WOss 20s7, 68.6 26.4. 60.3 ° 25.9 “46.8 25.4 38.8 25.9 Si 29 1 32) 22-0 Osbr2OeliaOSeks 925.9.) 6067 | 25.2 50.6: 25.0) 39.1. 24.8 768 297.0. 29 2055 Ze guee5eGendOes1 126.0 -Ole6. 25.9) 50.8 25.8 0.8 26.0 TOS ehe 28 eek (2leeeo clipe sO Ge bed) 0269-12520. 5204) 20.) 40.8 25.2 BOB 55 29 21 W2cOne 2569) 17049. 26.1 - 63.6 26.3° 53:9 - 26.1 43.8 25.6 TO peeebie 82) 2029 Almost amOGeG 25.68) Gl. O1 toed w52e 72 5ed.. Gees 2h.8 TOE 2 Ts 30kKe 2256 (elaeeOn ieele5.0 164.5) 23.7) 516 2265.39.01, 23. TU 22. B01 69 70.0 25.4 68.6 25.6 60.0 25.8 53.2 25.2 Abeh 26.3 732 26.8)5 olan cOny TOL eee et Ole 9 neice 5267 Sled bee 2667 WOn2O 50 Oe eae, WOsO 2565 LCS. 26a 59.4. 250k 52.1 26.3 93950 25.5 72 26.9 30 21.2 14 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F %o °E So °F %o V5 %o °F %o °F So °F rae NEW YORK Mean 36.0° 25.4 3hel 25.1 37.3 24.7 4h.8 2359 54.1 23.9 62.7 “2h56 (GS sieeee Maximum 45 28.2 Al 28.0 49 28.0 56 2763 66 Poin P2 GP 28655 iin 28.8 Mean Max. | 39.3 26.0 37.3 25.6 41.8@ 25.8 50.6 25.1 60.4 24.8 67.7 2500 725 eee Mean Min, | 32.7 24.3 31.7 23.8 33.4 23.4 39.3 22.7 48.2 22.9 58.0 23.7 (Gle2002eem Minimum 28 21.6 28 20.4 30 2010825 20.4 43 2125 21.4 6 22.5 NEW YORK TOZZENO2S 35.7) e2Os6) 13569) L966) 385m lida See) Le.) Soe0r Ona: 62.6. 2050 7050) Weae 1929=1933 | 39.2 21.7 37.3) 22.0) 39.3) 19.9 H5.5 17.0 55.1) 19.9 Gh.S) 220k5 ees 1934-1938) 37.3 20.0 34.2 21.7 38.1. 19.2 45.3 18.0 55.0 20.9 65.0) .235, 7 2oeeeeeee 1939=19143| 36.5 27.0 34.9 21.0 37.7 16.0 Ah.G 15.2 55.8 16.2 66.5 2OSGNN7Osmeeeme VOAL-19L8 | 3601 2158 34.7 22.1 38.4 16.6 46.6 16.5 55.3 W602 OL los2e eee 1949-1953) 39.8 18.2 38.3 18.6 40.2 1757 47.3 Ws.8 56. 18.0 65.5 .20.9 7207 23e0 1954 Big) | 2PeIh Sse) SOK ThA alsROR [hegab aS Gyo) US: 65.2 19.6 7i.5 2h 1955 Suc» ALORS! SER2 22e2 Soe Wey, 8) He.) Als) Sone 20.8 65.0 22.7 “73.1e25e0 1956 325.4 22.5 37.0 20.8 37.9 17.8 43.1 12.9 52.9 16.7, 64.7 JO. Se 7Os@muecume 1957 36.4 21.4) 27.8 21.6 4O.3 2054 7.2 17.9 58.1 22.2 67.8 2h 20 70someaee 1958 38.6 20.5 -~ -- -- a -- -~ — -- 62.0 2152) 269s 23.3 >, )/ ep 2.82 Ly } 3.06 R99 a2/4Yy Mean 27-6. 20.9 36.0 21.0 38.9) 18.2 45.9 16.3 55.45 1e07 65.1) | 2a ees Maximum Lh 26.8 43 26.8 46 Boney Gh 2hek 65 Se 1h 2763.78 2102 Mean Max. | 40.5 24.2 38.1 24.2 42.0 22.9 50.4 20.6 60.6 22.) 69.9 2h. yee 5eee ee Mean Mins | 3466. 16.5" 33.7 16.2 36.0 12.2 41.8 11.5 49.9. 13.7 60.2 JZ aoceaeeoe Minimum 20 5.6 30 TOSS BC RISO) 2K53 5.6 h6 536 55 359% 268 Mala) BEAR MOUNTAIN, 1958 -- -- 32.0 OS27 BbieL OSOR Viz OSON 56s OsOn 6 5er, 0.0 " 7c One NEW YORK 1911-1913 | 36.7 22.7 3h.2 25.1 37.8 20.9 45.0 16.6 55.4 21.6 64.4 2.2 7OsG eee 19141918 | 35.2 22.2 33.1 22.5 34.0 2005 42.7 17.1 52.6 20.6 61.05 23535 Chase 1919-1920 | 34.8 23.0 33.6 24.6 37.2 19.2 42.6 16.0 52.0 19.6 63.4 22.9 67.6 2hel 1927=1928 | 36.7 23.1 36.8 23.0 39.3 20.4 5.4 20.5 53.4 21.2 62.1 22025) 7 Mean 3568 2267 Bhe2 2327 364 200) 43.7 7h 5363 20.9 6256 2353 Cone 26.7 he? 23.3 59.1 25.1 67.2 25.955 (oem o3 38.9 11.0 AS 15.8 57.8 1956) Goatescine 3 36 2alehG eT Si 14.9 62 16.3 Maximum Lh 3 Mean Max,|] 40.1 2 Mean Min, | 32.0 1 Minimum 28 al SANDY HOOK, 1887-1828 | 32.0 21.0 2 2 e0 20.6 68.7 24.3 73.9) 25e0 1S89—1693' 34.6. 21.7 3he2 22:7 3758 2157 A7L9. 212 SEG -22.7 69.0 b2lic3 Cenc 1944-1948 | 3401 23.9 3 3} 3363 24.4 41.0 20.4 ky NOLO SS ao glin wedigs Sear e060. Wiel eleOunn 09 20.9 73.2 2309 3° 23.3 "76. lee “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August September October Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F °F F ho i %o Se (Willets Point), N.Y. -continued TG 2559 70.0 25-9 62.1 25.8 81 29.0 &l 29.0 72 28.5 Wem 2oeS Thad 2637 Ofek 26.5 62500 2428-6423 25.1 56.3 24.8 64, 21.6 60 Ze 50 19.9 (The Battery), N.Y. (is2u2le7 68.6 (ecg 2kes) 1.0 Ween 20 70.0 Wed 2309 1065 Wels 220k 71.5 WesO n23e7 70.6 NONNND DY WrhoW SDAA SES) oo 18S) e e @ 71.2 76.5 2 67.9 2 Batts, 2 2 2 al 2 Deeley «2 sie lOOe9 2 2 y) 2 ©9501 <9'Wo OG ores Tels 1B) 73.3 2 79 2 et 2 Osa 92 66 HUDSON RIVER, N.Y. (Om Os tT oieekt = Les 62.0. 0.6 (Fort Hamilton), N.Y. (ene Zeal 68.0% 27.5 60.3) 25.6 lay 20.0) 6/04 26.1 58.2 Qhek COR eaeO O762 © 23.7 5967 23.0 TR OMMOSKB a 68.1 22.6. 62.0. 28.6 B73 2559056727 25.5 59.6 2h. SIG eRe Tye. 3L52 = 70 30.6 Micora 280 72a), 28.5 - 64.3). 27.8 O83ne2e5) 0257 21.6 5h.6 19.9 64 16.2 58 125977 50 4.4 C2e2u 2217) 6972329 Oleh 23.8 C2aaeecoas 62,4 22.9 62.6. 2/05 e e e e e NONHNNO NMWNNN IDV MWFOND NIOWNAW 64.5 23.9 plage ual 61.0 23.5 ise. 26.0) 61.2 °25.9 GBs00 2he2 50.5: 122.2 Web 2368 6201 23.5 y} ey 4H) 29s ie 28.0 ae (eo 20.0) 6659 26.0 OOO. 20.8 57.1 20.0 6,62 Deg ng 705 Temp. °F 41.0 52 46.8 35.3 30 43.0 42.5 2k 42.3 42.9 4he7 42.7 40.5 46.1 43.9 39.5 42.9 52 47.2 386 31 37.0 WRT UT TU WPF rworw NONNONNND ClO swore@ PIA OD WUNODOL FH ee e@ @ e e OnrD WF ORDO WUT ate e e e° e MMN ND WO. O'© 54.3 81 79 81 82 82 83 8h Temp. Sal. °F Yoo 29.1 29.8 4.8% 30.6 32.7 29.5 2903 3257 Temp. °F 28 30 31% 28 28 28 30 28 28 28 29 30 15 Maximum Minimum Sal. ho 19.9 SNS aoloss i825 Oe: RAORNL SE 0.0 UTS) 10.5 13.2 10.3 16 Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1948 1949-1953 1954 Be) Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1945-1947 1912-1913 1914-1918 1919-1923 1924-1928 1929-1933 1934-1938 1939=1943 194h—19LE 194,9=1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Vaximum Mean Max. Mean Min. “inimum leat YW LO W Lo On Own oO ° OntroaO January Temp. °F 37.8 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and February Sal. %o Bulge March Bile e e e ° Ow nro Po WW io Ww HOODOO DOO QE e pa AS ESA ss) e [= ‘0 SO H?~4 293 SOrPOON ° 50.0 QUST TW 1 ESS Ss Os ° e 1S, AS. Or a) ° e rE MO WrAaown . yA ° oD AO0 O 30.1 e Hon om rPEOOFr WWWW\o NEO June Temp. Sal. T °F Ko 69.1 68.8 69.8 71.4 64.9 68.4 81 76.7 60.8 Dh 63.0 64.5 62.9 61.0 63.7 7h 68.5 57.6 54 59.8 Oho 63.2 6567 63.5 64.0 65.1 65.5 65.0 65.4 64.2 63.7 64.2 67.3 61.5 64.6 76 71.5 5704 Sh July emp. Buy SANDY 23-5 75.0 25.9 77.6 2325 734 26.8 74.8 24.3 7h.3 23-5 The} 28.0 &h 26.1 79.2 20.9 69.7 13.6 66 Sal %o HOOK, 25.5 2 Tele 25.6 28.0 25.6 2504 29.1 27.2 23.1 17.9 LONG BRANCH, 67.6 69.6 67.0 68.5 68.9 Teo en 72.6 64.1 21.4 59 ASBURY 29.0 66.2 28.9 33.1 3402 33.3 32.7 3703 3565 29.8 2he7 PARK, 29.9 ATLANTIC CITY, 31.9 wo ono ° Ww = s WwW ann ~~ &® O-~] a1 SOR GT |=! J 4 s We NNOHNDO Or OO > no ne oO re) ° 61.2 ° ar-~A2O ~J Ww ° oO 32.4 31.4 31.4 32.1 3207 31.5 32.1 31.8 31.9 31.8 31.8 31.5 32.8 31.2 31.9 34.6 32.8 31.0 28.6 *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August September Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F Oe °F %o N.J. -continued 73.2 78.0 The 73.9 Thek 7h. 3 83 79.25 69.8 65 N.J. 69.9 70.4 65.7 Bort ~} oO e ~j NIwI~Y O ~Jn FP -SS8am FBS JY WOOP fo o-~) fo.s' oO 20s 2h.1 26.3 28.4 27.2 25.6 29.3 27.5 2365 14.5 29.4 S251 3565 32.4 Bo onl) 37.9 34.8 30.2 27.3 29.1 Boon 31.4 31.1 31.8 32.3 31.6 32.0 Bee 31.6 32.1 31.5 Bie2 3265 31.0 31.6 34.1 32.5 30.6 28.5 68.0 70.6 68.8 71.5 67.6 69.3 80 The9 62.9 56 68.0 66.2 63.4 70.4 66.6 (8 70.8 61.8 56 68.9 69.4 69.0 70.4 68.8 70.2 69.0 69.4 70.8 70.3 70.2 71.9 69.0 72.0 66.1 69.7 80 The 5 6401 58 25.05 24.3 26.4 28.8 2703 rates 31.2 27.7 23.4 19.7 30.2 33.8 34.5 35.0 33.6 B70 35.7 31.0 27.3 29.8 B21 31.5 salsa 31.4 32.4 31.0 31.9 31.5 31.9 31.4 31.0 31.4 32.4 SHlaal 31.6 3h el 32.4 30.7 28.1 October Temp. °F 64.0 61.5 593 59.0 56.9 58.6 72 65.6 Slee) Al S Seren e e e ° e e e On Ov Or oO Ow SSSF § Wr . & Nr Oo Wo? Ru nO oO re How WHO Ww ~I oO ° Sal. Ho 200 21.2 25.8 27.8 2504 2565 32.9 27.7 2360 12.8 30.3 32.0 33.6 3hek 32.3 26.0 34.0 29.9 28.8 30.3 B159 31.6 Ble B16 32.4 sibaal 2a 31.5 31.9 31.8 spleat 30.6 32.0 30.7 B16 34.0 32.4 30.7 27.7 November Temp. An 49.0 LO. 50.5 49.3 49.1 48.6 62 bdeol h1.7 32 Sal. ho Pagosa 20.4 25.0 2760 23.0 24.6 28.6 26.8 CA 17.4 31.8 32. h 31.8 31.9 34.8 333 30.3 29.9 31.1 B18 31.5 31.0 31.8 32.0 31.5 9201: 31.6 31.5 30.8 30.6 30.3 Bim 30.4 Bie 34.1 3204 30.6 28.0 17 December | Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. °F 39.6 3504 43.2 41.0 33.9 38.9 50 Ahe2 3209 28 48.2 42.1 41.3 42.9 42.8 51 4706 37.5 33 452 430k 40.1 43.3 LOo4 41.4 40.9 41.1 41.7 43.8 41.4 38.2 46.6 43.8 38.6 41.6 ap) 473 35.8 28 Sal. Yo 23.0 23.5 23.0 24.1 2357 23.7 31.1 26.5 20.3 14.6 Bik 30.8 31.0 spls Ei (/ S)Sinak 29.5 29-1 30.3 31.9 31.4 30.7 gi50 31.9 31.2 32.0 Biileab 31.4 30.4 30.3 30.6 31.4 30.2 31.4 33.6 Beau 30.3 28.0 Temp. °F Baas 553 Shed 554 52.6 54.2 53.6 51.4 D3 0h D304 5364 Sal. Yo 2h.1 23.3 23.7 25.6 2305 23.5 30.2 31.8 31.4 31.0 31.6 B21: 31.3 31.8 31.4 31.4 3125 Bile 30.8 B16 30.6 31.5 Temp. Sal. °F Yo 32.9 31.9% 3749 3767 3740 37.9 33.2 3323 33.3 Boer. 33.8 35.0 33.6 Ble2 34.5 33.8 33.8 sieay 32.4 333 B26: 35.0 Temp. Sal. °F 30 30 31 30 29 28 12% 33 33 32 32 By) 28 Yo 20.6 20.3 27.5 28.5 28.5 27.1 28.1 2727 2705 26.8 27.1 28.8 28.1 2706 28.8 27.6 26.8 18 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ° oF ho Si Soo =) 3; Soo 1 ho =A ho si a a0 BREAKWATER 1919-19231 37.5 26:5 26.2 28.4 Abs3 28.0 49.3 2765 5A69 28.4 68:0 2822 ‘7ausieauEe 1947-1948 | 33.4 28.1 33.3 2 1949-1953 | 42.9 27.8 41.9 2 1954 38.7 27.6 40.0 29.3 43.3 28.4 52.1 28.2 60:1 28.1 68.6 295) WeGumsuee 1955 38.0 28.0 26.4 28.9 43.5 28.6 51.4 28.4 59.9 28.8 - — he} 3058 1956 33.8 27.1 39.1 29.7 L1.3 27.6 6k 26.5 56.8 27.1 67.1) 27 One eee 1957 3801 27.2 39.0 27.2 42.7 27.5 50.6 2753 62.1. 29.1 69.7 300d" F2aoeeeee 1958 3703 27.67 33.1 28.4 39.3 27.2 50s 24.8 58.55 24.8 65.2) 2756) 7a 5 41.9 28.6 50.9 27.2 59.1 27.8 69.9 28.2) 7252.520em 7 Khhel 27.5 51.6 27.3 61.0 27.5. 69.2 27.0) (eee Mean 38.3 27.8 37.8 28.1 43.1) 2758 50.2 2762 59.5 27.7 68.5. 28s2 eee Maximum 50 SHILA) © [ied Bilao 31.4 60 32.5 68 30.8 83 31.4 86 32.8 Mean Max. | 42.5 29.9 41.6 29.9 48.8 29.7 55.6 29.7 65.4 29.3 7h.6 29.8 77.5 3008 Mean Min. | 24.2 25.0 33.9 25.6 38.0 24.3 43.8 24.4 53.4 25.4 62.6 2556 6956) )26umE Minimum 28 20.6 29 21.6 34 Pilon 36 20.6 50 20.8 60 20.0 66 2525 PHILADELPHIA, 1923 3465 O44 32.5 Of 36:7 0.6 49.6 0.6 -60.3° 0.6 7405 Jeo 1924-1928] 34.0 0.2 35.2 0.2 40.7 ©.0 49.9 0.3 60.4 0.7 70.59 O37) 76sSeeee 1929-1933 38.2 0.7 Silos} O54/ plea 0.8 50.3 0.8 62.8 Leal Wed beak 79.0 ie 193/)-1938| 3653 O.6 35.2 0.6 Al.6 O.7 5.2 O.8 64.9 2.1 7h.6 2505 7925 eeee 1939-1913 || 35.3 O.2 35.9 0.2 4O.7 ' 0.2 50.4 0.3. 64.6 O26 7h.6. (O27 08 7O eee 1944-1946] 35.7 0.0 37.3 OOPS CAO SS Osis Oltee OSG: Yaa Oni 1S Oss 1954 -- ae os -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- — 79.6 “Oss 1955 37-7 ©.0 37-4 ©O.0 43.5 0.0 Sh.4 0.0 66.4° O12 73.8 ‘OSG e Sept 1956 37.2 (0.0 3957 0.0 41.0 “O.0) 27.7 O40: 6139 ©.2) 7h.2-” Osea 1957 36.5 0.0 41.1 O10 45.4 0.0 50.2 0.2 68.6 Gch 77.7 £068 8&@ecue 1958 37.0 0.0 34.9 0.0: 4105 (0.0 51.0 0.3 59,0 027 “71.6 1279 some Mean 36.0 0.3 36.3 0.3 41.5.- 0.3 50.9: O.4 62.3 0:7 73.6 Oc: See7SSomnee Maximum 47 1.3 46 53) S37 i340 00 SG YAS Poa tshor 2508290 Zon Mean Max. | 39-6 0.7 39.5 0.7 AT7.4 O.7 58.4 0.9 69.5 1.3 78.7 JG) G25 Mean Min..|-33.3 0.0 33.7 0.0 36.4 0.0 i4.3 0.0 56:8- ©.2 67.9 0.3 75cOnmuee Minimum 30 0.0 30 0.0 33 0.0 26 0.0 4&7 (OH) eal 0.0 68 0.0 CHESAPEAKE 1952 Kala eS 43.9 — 43.1 — 7: — 60.0 -- (OA 77 5S 1953 46.3 — 45.0 -=— 48.0 — 50.9 — 63.8 — 68.7 — 76.9 — 1954 Koed — A435 — 46.2 -=- 53.1 =-— 60.5 = Fl = 75s 1955 43.9 —— 39.2 -— 45.2 -— 51.4 -- -- — 64.0 - 73.5 << 1956 38.3 —— 40.6 a 42.4 00 =e Lied -- Reni oS 68.8 —-—- 7225 -- 1957 -- moos) Te mt lies ae | 5069) moi 62R8U SSa ahh SS -- —_ 1958 Wek = 8936.9 = 39.3 —— 4730 -——= 5956 -—= 68:3 —= [oequeeee Mean 2.6 == ALLS == hed —<— 5004 <= 6055 =—— 6952) =) [i ee Maximum 49 — 46 — 52 — 2 w= 69 sae 79 Se On ee Mean Max. | 46.0 — 44.3 -- 47.3 == 57.6 == 66.5 == The6 == 78.5 == Mean Ming} 39s8 =< 39.4 — jWlg <<" AWG —— 55.0 <= 6he6 -<2) 600Cumeeee Mininum 36 -— 33 -- 38 -— 37 a= 50 OO So 6 oS *Obeervations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August September October Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F So oF: %o °F %o HARBOR, DEL. (eels Oek a (Os7, 3052 162.7) 30.4 73.6 29.3 71.8 29.3 62.2 28.9 oom egecr) Teo 30.1 63.1 30.7 (2-oeeles: 7.5 3057 65.1 31.0 Wiepereosl 72.7 26.4 65.2 26.4 meeOu2eoes, 70 29.5 61.5 29.3 Weel e2et 732. 2146 60.5 31.2 Weg) 28.5 69.6 29.0 59.9 29.1 W860.) 29.9) Tlek 29.9 62.6 29.8 83 3268, (61 32.3 72 3263 Te 3i0 76.7 31.0 68.7 30.8 OORSezesO 60.0 26.4 56.0 28.1 66 222 50 ABsihy TAO 23.0 PA. (ieOmr belt vue), O69. 63.0. (0.7 TOsomLOsh. Ost) O60 60.0, O54 78.5 1.2 The 3 WS 62.5 NAPs (sce Oseesl (led: 6159 °O<8 (Jeo Os iae0. Os7 62.8° 0.6 ec OsiMuiseG (066, 63.0 0,3 Moa ed ec: Osh, (69.8. 0.6 Von Ossi Whee 0.0 61.5 0,0 MeOmeOc: he3 Osh) 63.5 0.2 USotmuOsei Ose. 08> 062 0.8 _ Sori see) §Os8 | 62.3) 10.0 VoneMOscro Bel. Osi, 6265.) 006 86 PIAS dey Abs) Ue) 202 S2e cee ies). Leo O9se) led The5 0.2 67.9 0.2 55.8 0.0 67 0.0 59 0.0 46 0.0 LIGHTSHIP eT meee i = 7h.0 —- = > —— 7907 == The == em 75.0 — leh — 63.9 — 7h.0 a The al bra! 63.9 ee 75.0 crore GALS (s CI 63.3 ne 7509 == 72.9 -- 63.7 — 2a = el =. 70 Pee == 76-8 67.7 73.0 ba 67.2 roe, 59.0 <4 71 — 65 — 56 —_ November Temp. Sal. °F So ibsak son ab SE e WAS) 52.8 29.7 51.5 30.6 Deel a eile> 54k 28.6 5209) 063 5252 2856 5263 29. 5 61 3y2 a al Seine “SOs 7 LS Ome ae 40 2236 49.3 Od LSwOu Ose 50.0 Areal: 5 Orlin On, 49.8 O.4 5250) O63 SO 0.0 48.5 0.0 Hhoik (Onz 55.9 0.3 50.9 0.2 50.5 Ooh 6h, 17 56.8 0.8 43.6 0.0 36 0.0 58.0 —-=- 59.3 eae 57S ie S70. = 57.1 -— 56.8 -- 57.8 aoe 65 - 61.7 ted 54.0 — Dey 19 December Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. °F ho Ve? 29.50 43.0 28.9 4.6 28.9 42.1 29.0 38.8 2727 4765 28.6 hheh 29.9 Beeb: 2 mezoee e O9O99000 e ° ROFOO WWEFaAOFf e@ > WS) eo Ne} (SV{OL(@)KOHo) ° e Ww Ne) e ~“ [o) e Ww No e@ & O0O0Orf e © @ OOND W Ww do ° Js 1} Temp. Sal. | Temp. Sal. Temp. °F ho °F %o °F D504 29.0 2871 2565 29.5 28.2 29.5 27.7 28.7 86 90 81 81 78 82 78 79% 79 82 3205 3203 31.6 323 31. 5* 31.6 32.8 30.3 32.8 2.6 28 29 34 35 Bpl 31 SP: 29 28 Sal. ho 22.7 21.2 20.0 23.1 22, 2% 20.6 24.2 20.6 o e@ @® @ e @ ®e @ ©1o) © O' © geoeeoo0o ooo0co oOo0O000 0.0 20 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F So °F %o oa) So a) So iy wo °F So oF %o KIPTOPEKE 1951-1953] 43.3 25.9 425@ PL.3 4659 23:7 56s 2230 66.5 Al.L 7k.8 23.0 79egmeeeem 1954 LOG, 2654 43.5 2752 UAT 2he8 S766) 250k 6566) 23207- Wes 25ek. nee 1955 39.7 2852 7803) 27.7 4658 2457 5537 26.7 6522 25.8 7259 276 soe emus 1956 26.7 27e] ThI.3 25.2 45.7 2he7 U9se 22.7 Shi2 =<. 7752 2o.a eee 1957 BOmle Col. Bice. eons: “sCge e2o40N) c= =— 70.6 27.6 76.1 2722 sero eewem 1958 2802 2836 °35.7 25.8 "h2s8 2657 ‘5152: 235 Ga2- 2207) 7222) 255 eee Mean HOG 9659 “hah 92569) HOT 25.0 54.5 923.7 6425) 230.7 FG. 5G aoe Ome Maximum Le culate) al B25 e5i/ 35.5 69 20218 se) 30.6 8&2 20.2 29 32 ai Mean Max. | 41.7 30.8 945.9 30.4 S109). 20.0) 62.5 2855 FORO 22870) 80l3" 2oli=com meee Ween Wats || SliGil ES Sos R597 Baln¥e (PUR hei 20.1: 57.0 .1&.6 66:9 22. oeCmeaeee “ininum Bil 22 829. 20.6 39 eR Nhs 12.3 46 en OS VTi ae 19.3 CAPE CHARLES TOL(—IGLS || 3604 22.7 (3007 23.19 47.0 2259 56.7 21.7 65.0 20.0 93.9 Z2ZOs;Guu7G momma TGLG=VW952 | h5e2 268 W209 21.0 45.2 20.4 54.6 20.1, 64.4 20.2 75.0 2s 7eeOs Omens 6 Mean TAS) 2230) ihals4 alot hos) BOs) BS60) BOs) ls BOs Yay ile 79.8 223% Maximum 51 AE Sul 26.7 56 AO5 0) ei. Bia) 47) 25.0 8&6 26.9 8&6 Pay Al Mean Max, | 46.1 23.5 47.0 23.9 53.7 24.6 61.4 22.5 71.6 23.1 22,7 2359) Siem Mean Min. | 36.5 20.5 35.8 19.1 36.4 18.6 50.0 18:0 57.8 17.0 67.2 18:7 75.0neemee Minimum || 31 12.4 (30 17.3 36 17.3 45° 15.2 56° 1.2 46° (ges) ne LITTLE CREEK, 1954 R252 22 olk [hsigs) Z259) -- -- -- -- 65.8 22.0 75.2 22.5 . 79s 1955 BOROE Lar On iseeon Woo als WhO53° POG” 56.9) 2IMie Gi/elk, Die 2. 7) ee oe — — 1956 26) 22sh tbe Ze LW.C 2256 Gile®) CG 632.1. 26.5° 7301 2182 77a 1957 EOwk 21.2 305 W659 46.7 1537 5766 19.0 64.23 21.0. 75.0 220iRit7e eee 1958 2259 20.1 25.9 2051 4255 7th 53.0 BOs 6386 1669 72S On 7e eye eer Mean 3958 2158 ile 20.9 Och 19. 5SAS9 19.3 652 20.3 7h60 2188) 7c Vaximum L6 23.9 hé Phe 55 25.1 66 BBB (7G) PB omen Pell elk 26.4 Mean Max, ne PRedk Whos 2ralk FOLO) 2UGe 6852 Lk 710 22.1 7952 23.5° Se2eOemee Mean Min. | 34.2 S26 36.4 18.8 42.0 1.06 4S.O 1558 60.2 18.7 68.6 20. 2 76nOmeeeeo Minimun 20 16.1 30 i256) fkal 7.6 5 lo Sf eee 65 Loh. 45 19.5 OLD POINT 19h M1948 | 38.2 20.8 39.0 19.6 48.7 17.1 58.1 17.7 67.7 16.8 75.4 19.20) Voie V9L9=1953)|) ke? U8.3 A550 16053 47.9 16.2 56.3 16.1 67.0 16.7 75.2 1603) SSO eee 1954 WO 21.2 43.6 21.4 eo 16.2 59.1 19.7 65.5 19.6 7523 20.06 YouGeeeeee 1955 (U7 2023 396 21.3 50.0 16.3) 575k) 186 = =4 7321 20.0. ey AL 1450 ‘ 26,74 Mean lien L963 “h25 18.3 Hes Wo.7 5svee U7 67el INSS 8750, aS RO ec ROMS Maximum 53 Psyop) | © G{0) 5.6 58 22.5 69 Possoin, 0h E/ Bei teh 26.4 8&8 25.8 Mean Mase 4Ocl: s2leGeuosOe ele Shek “LOMO MOS. HeOROm FenG LOk7A eSOcOn oles 83.6 2207 Mean Min. | 29.2 G5 (Geen lie usw sem SecumiaG 61.5 2hb.8 6904 6s 76a eelsen Minimum aoe) eas. 30 8.6 2 el ean VA? 65.7059 Go 66%, Walaa 75 15.6 “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August September October Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F So °F ho ih} Soo BEACH, VA. figeOm COM Nhe? 2701) Oho 27-6 ieee 10.0 2767 = BOs 26.9) 75.0) 26.9 | 66.2 -26.5 Meneses. 70.3 27.8 65.2 28.0 SISO} 29.1 75.5 28.6 61.8 29.4 (eowe20.0) 73.9 27.7 63.60 27.8 MEsOeei6O) The 2765 6he3 27.7 85 — 32.4 8h SSiacey ete 32.5 S2561 0,60 180.2 31.1 71.7 31.0 (is 2he2 68.9 24.1 57.6 25.0 68 21.7 6h Para 8 SS) 23.7 (town), VA. Woelemeoei Ose 2hed 65.2 23.7 78.9 23.9 The7 2heh 66.2 2heh Hoeleacecce (562. 2he3 6568 2h.2 86 26.5 88 ples wh 28.4 Sie2ene5eer 63.0. .26.3 72.0 26.1 Wiesel 6626 22,0..59.1 22.4 73 20.6 62 20.6 52 2152 7G) 2569) 76.9 26.0, 68.9 27.3 C2 2389) 75.0) 20,1. 66. 22.7 Weg? 230i 71.9 2hek 65.6 - 23.3 WG 25a 75.2 25.2 60.8 23.8 7geO 2026! 75.0 22.9 65.1 23.0 (eo eases (ee 23.8 65.4 2h.1 85 Zio} ) 1210) ZHelinite 28.2 SZC me cOM Ges 256k 716k 2565 Wee ele (Occ, 22,0) 59.4 22.5 71 eoM OT 19.1 49 20.0 COMFORT, VA. eRe elem oeO, 263) Che2) 20.0 ei elke (heh 2.4 66.6 21.7 Uieor Woche (0.0) (2h.3. 67.7 24.8 19.1 21.6 751 2167 65.9 2106 85 26.1 84 PSO, 26.3 SBel2353) 60. 2367 72.9) 2364 Wek 19.6) 170.2) 19,0: 60.0: 19.6 16) W409 65 15.4 54 16.2 November Temp. °F 53.5 5209 53.3 53.1 52.8 5509 53.6 66 61.2 L6.9 40 Sal. o Temp. °F 46.7 42.2 40.8 49.6 47.1 43.0 453 2p) 50.4 38.9 35 Sal. ho 26.5 26.9 26.5 26.1 25.6 Teil 26.5 31.8 30.2 22.5 15.6 Temp. °F 60.8 5905 58.1 5728 59.8 ° Sal. ||Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. F Y °F Soo 88 8h, 85% 81 81 8h 85 88 3505 28.4 28.2% 26,1* 25.8 26.4 2509 28.2 20nu 2526 26.3 26.4% 26.4 29 30 3h, 30 30 Bi, 38 705 4.8 8.6 15.0 34% 11.5% 30 22 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F %o ON) Se °F ho oR %o °F eee °F ho °F %o RICHMOND, 1947-1948 | 36.4 0.0 38.8 0.0 46.9 0.0 58.8 0.0 68.2 0.2 76h (0:53) 8G3Siome 1949-1953 | 44.2 0.2 44.8 0.0 49.0 (OR(0) Grexa ab O33) 691 9 OE7 (77M Ons amcee 0.8 1954 40.5 OSO eb e2 O35) 48.2 023% 62% Gs2) (6707 O53) 7950) Calammuners C.3 1955 LOS 7an Obie ellis 1Os8 35256 0.6 60.9 ONGn 77, 0.6 75.8 0.2 824.5 0.3 1956 Sif/a8) O87) TES6 ON, WB ei7. Cs6) 55.2! WEE 7Ginfss Ga7 SOS7 Of95 Sie Oss 1957 40.9 (C55) 45.0 0.3 49.8 0.3 59. Ooi 73.9 O57 = —— a7 ———— 1958 B)SIL (CK ~ SH/69) O52 Th5e Os2° S5s6 O.4 65.2 O.4 76.4 Os8sssae8 0.8 Mean [PALSY O52 (B53) On2 VES 36 O52 Seo 5 C.3 69.3 OO, FHS 0.6 82.6 0.6 “aximum 52 Sal Gyh i lore 5, 10 is) teal 1.6 89 2.0 89 ee? Mean Max. | 46.0 O56) LSI6, (Oc "5529 0.6 67.8 OSS) “W5aZ idl ihe} W53}) E50: ere Mean Min. | 37.3 O20) 93876) 10.0) =2ge2 CoO Gilg” “ORO Cea OKO VALCO OKO) = 7/4/58) 0.0 Vinimm | 33 0.0 33 OO S55 OO Hy CHO Si 0.0 67) 86.2 0.0 48.8 O60) Giga 0.0 69.6 OSLO) Wee ORO) {1542 0.0 1956 34.8 0.6 39.7 ©.0 45.0 0.0 52.32 0.0) 66.7 O70 77.2 Oc2) teOuamee 1957 Bee C50) ThOLO 0.0 46.9 0.0 56.& 0.0 71.9 O60) 7957 Ov2) 620 RaGee 1958 35.0 OZOF Ble3 ORO TORS ORO Suveu7, OFO) OHSS 0.0 74.9 ORAZ fenlas 6.0 Mean 38.4 OFO Boe, CoO Eee 0.0 57.9 0.2 68.9 53) WHéale O.4 8352 570g Maximum 50 O.8 52 0.8 64 WLS YE When fey PSN | teste) 2.4 90 Lay. Mean Max. } 43.2 (O55) Jhingtes =“ loish Syke al (Ole) Yefoeal On6.) Fag 0.9 &4.1 lel 8659) [OES Mean Min. | 35.4 OKO eS DeH/ (OA(0)" yhal sat OO)" GHESO) OSOm 16159 0.0 70.6 0.0 79s5 Gee Minimum 33 ORO) 3s OFOR i 0.0 ik 0.0 58 0.0 66 OLOM aS 0.0 SOLOMONS, 1938 39.4 13.2 41.5 13.3 A6.6 12,0 56.2 10,7 66.4 11,8 7h.1 12.79 79a 1939-1943 | 37-4 15.3 36.6 15.3 41.9 12.7 50.5 11.1 64.6 10,6 75.7: 11.2” 795 1944-1948 | 37.0 15.3 36.5 15.4 43.9 13.5 54.1 11.2 64.8 10.8 73.9 9.8 [OLS dhe RG 19 53) | Wlel 1a. 0.6 Tia a6) 12.5 6 80.7 ie SSO ORS Olam 2 eve Titer alos *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities 23 Extremes August September October November December | Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. k | Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. ° ° °F oF oF F So F ° Soo So °F %o ea °F %o VA. SOnS Ons 7053 O52 6254 000 53.3. ©,0° 4253°°°-0,0 B72) 1327533) O30 SIRO BOLT 78.5: Oc6. 65.3.9. O63 51.4. O62) 4258 062 89\ 2077. 3h... 020 Sit O03) 7963 0.3 68.0 0.3 52.5 0.6 40.4 (0.3 STi eel ears 351. LOO 80.6 0.2 71563 0.3 C— oe Ba 0.3 39.3 O4 88 1.5% 35 0,0 83.3 0.9 76.0 0.8 64.9 O59) 52)40 Oni aves Od: 91 220 35°. 0,0 = = 78.4 meals 61.8 0.7 baa = 43.6 O.4 Sit 1. 7* 35 0.0 SONGHUOsG) 7O.2 (Ok 6467 Oh 55.8 «0.6. 39.2 0.3 86) 262° 1) Sle O20 SIe2e eOL6 7569026. 64.6. 0.2) 5253. O52 L204: 052 91 2.2 2&6 2.0 8h Use (643 AA Gyl acy 0.9 oy Paya) 86:6 152 82, TeataiecOw Os s60sk” 1 OsGu 5269) . Og? fOwenOsO) 66.6, (0.0: 57,5 °0.0° 4552 0.0. 37.7 0.0 72 0.0 62 0.0 52 0.0 40 020° 7°34 0.0 33. 0.0 POINT, VA SIesyZOson 7Oe7 (21.0) 167.0 21.27 55.7 2107 46.0) 20.6 GO 27a) S70 Oey: SON east 782392359 7006. 24.2 V5h56 23.9 43.7 2360 S57 2508" 385-1759 Saal eck 7Osek) 16.7 68.3. 19.7 55.0 19.9 41.7 19.7 88 23.4 33 8.8 Woe 2050 273.0 21.2, 65.0 20.4 55.0 18.0 19.2 19.2 STi 22elt sovoses Vee cee iles eee) 0267 205k" 54.0 2261 45.6 19.1 86) (2365%% $38) sl Tet 1963 The? 20.3 64.0 20.4. 56.3. 20.5 41.9 20.5 Ble 22s seals 30.6 20.6 MOS 2059) 0665) 92152 75553. 2062561 120.5 88 25.4 85 27.3 78 25.1 68 26.3 5h 23.9 90 27.3 SiG 22)5° 82.4 ©2226 72.8. 22.4 61.8 22.6 50.8 21.8 WosGulesom 70.8 19.5 6056 20.1 49.2 19.5 39.3 18.4 7h 8.8 6h U.2 56 18.0 46 15.8 33 14.8 32 8.8 D.C. S2225 01026) 78.0) Os 6haS O62: 5562) 0.0) F138 0.0 OsZ2 | "9Oe72200 2), 3250.0 S2E 20 On 76S) Osk OO.2 1 Oc 52.6. Ooh 262° 053 Ossie GOw 2 eae 3310.0 SOLE 0225-77-20. 0.2) 66.7 020. 49.2" 0.0) 38.9 0.0 OSOn SG. esl OO SOn7 me OLOn Taso, 0,0) 65.2. -.:0.0' 50.3) -0.0 36.8 .'-0.0 O.O:f "S88. 05404 33! 2.0.0 TIS Ose: 7560) OsOr 16320: 10,0". 52.9" °0.0) 4.0. 0.0 OsOall 850 (Os 234001020 ee Oee iso 1 10.0) 61.6) ©,0). 5129: “0,0 4105.. 0.0 OsOule 7. 056-5 34712020 SO059i 050 17428 50.0 6462 0.0) 54.4. 2050) 37.2 0,0 O.0 1) Bw O84 1327020 SiG Ost 7Os0 O.3 65.0) 30,2 53.1... Os2 22) 020 02 90 250) 88 2.0.78 1s 7.69 0.9 52 0.9 SO 2s 86,2 ey S269 n Osi Goce 0,7. 61 O54 46.8 0.3 Wee OcOM 69e7) O20). “58s8) OLOs: 4567. O20 3529. O00 73 0.0 63 OsO 752 OsOre 42 OSOM iSi3 0.0 32. °° 6.0 MD. SQeO me ae 722 Oia Veh) cOlet P52) 56.5 - 2750 ESesi L5S2 Soe? 3On Oek SOQ i a7 5G SO OS. 28 aleOn. 5386) VOsGe bSiea 1660 S72 Osh © Dol, SOM wllG. 75. Ouse 5 Ob Ay Sa 5556 1602 643030 15..3 86-5 1888 1430) 72652 SOn5 1269 e753 lee OOel deo 53.9 16.6 43.8: 115.3 SSL On Soe ans 24 Years 1945-1948 1949-1953 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min. Minimum 1947-1948 1949-1953 1954, 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min. Minimum 1914-1918 1919-1923 1924-1928 1929-1933 1934-1938 1939-1943 1944-1948 1949-1953 January 35.0 36.0 35.1 3904 37.8 36.6 38.7 41.3 he BobES o@ eee @ reer) Por aw Ow = fo) eo e rPOOH ~ VohF February Temp. Sal. °F ° B96 5 %H7 35.6 16.2 38.8 14.9 39.0 11.6 3467 1k.6 38.0) Tyo 46 ee hV.8 15.3 S5I0Q) NAG 7/ 30 8.1 36.3 9.3 Hass} (35k: 39.4 9.0 48 13.2 L5ol 1005 Biel) ee 30 3.4 Bue! LZ BO eo mnie f 38.4 12.9 34.6 12.9 Siitsy dusiqat 38.2 9.0 Saas}. Isls) 37.5 10.2 > re J oey eel med WIRES UI 0 0 34.9 8. 36.2 10. slop al oe 38.4 11. Boa 198 Sept el. 3723 10 40.5 6 e e Wronww oe SHO FUNK EGER BHHOS NNWO March Sal. ho SEBES = i) ° Cee) SIWUWI O ~ RaANOrH ok loceNe) e OO 1-0 Faro fo) WhMoWPr7I Wivo “RE e e — OW Rw ° April Temp. Sal. °F So isa ala ee: 10.5 aa PS 10.1 Own e Oo YI IO & O et or OH e ° e WnNaQO oO ONMW OO Wwf e ee 6 -OnNO Wawa NWO Oo Cee Ox 63.3 61.9 64.5 64.3 64.5 65.4 65.0 “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Nr OW ~ WmoOownrF Oo fe ee Wunb wD FaARON aw WUT UT ON °° . SBnrWa WNaROO FO nw s s . Sal. ho oo Ris baits UNORE oO re rraw [o) OFfFwor nr jo e =) WwW OWM lh ° . ° . ° e WN aw WI WW ~ 0.0 Mw Wu Os Os Onn ° ° ° e Orff rwunowg Table 1.- Surface Water Means and July Temp. Sal. °F ho SOLOMONS, 79.2 We 82.4 15.4 80.2 11.8 80.1 14.2 80.1 9.9 80.0 12,3 88 16.3 84.1 13.5 76.0) “1is2 70 7.7 CAMBRIDGE, 79.6 Wao 81.6 8.9 80.8 8.4 90 11.0 85.8 92 70.4. ates 72 Sek ANNAPOLIS, 19.2) “Tou Slt Sel 78.8 ll A 82.8 12.3 78.7 81 79.2 Tie 80.3 8.9 89 12.9 83.7 99 76.5 8.0 7h 4e7 BALTIMORE, 78.5 5.8 79.1. Gee 78.9 ‘Sac 90 ae ~) 80.7 7.3 7903 Te 80.3 5.6 80.6 6.2 oOo Temperatures and Salinities 25 Extremes | August September October November December } Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. | Temp. Sal. || Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ho Oy ho °F ho °F ho ah oo °F Soo °F ho °F So MD. -continued TORORMS SGI 7760! Lee) 7OcO- (18.2> "5302 1759. LEs2- 1852:|-59.8 B2u 1858) 1351983 Giese sO 75.9 Wo22 66.7 14.6 53.6 13.2 40.6. 12.6 )|-5951 2 S6n Avedees Bae Oss TEOMA aD TWiel Wye) 6400 14.6" 55.9. 15.2 46.9° 15.2 58.7 She LOSS ooh ow Ged TOROV 5.60 70.5. 16.9) 62.2 17.8 53:8 18.8 45.0 18,.0'| 59.6 ; Bho TOSS iu 35. ATs TIEGET Men. ips) 1326) 6305 hse | 56.0 15.2 10.6" 1 1622:'| 57.8 Bh 6 eT Bl 1559 SOsspiee es) 75eh 266) 6563 15.8 54.6 16.5" 43.3 15.6") 59.2 87 eke C3 18.4 78 LO E7566 19.6 54 20.4 88 20.4 Sloe WiomreO.3: U5c7. 71.3 16.7 60.8. 17.4 4Se7 16.7 VO On (69.6) 1356 59.9 1i.S: 47.9 15.3 3828 W.1 72 8.2 65 Te Omes5 IDEAS iyi 11.8 35 8.9 30> sel; MD. VOM CRRTEC I aTiehe 1963: 62.8 10,8 -54.0' 11.5) L065 1063 86) TWh 3022139 TONG mOnoOu Toco 10.8. 63-8 12.0 51.0 1207) 41.0). 12.6 Col Oye SIU Nas pau pa aD TOROWM OE LO UO O30 19.5:°52.5 12.0 10.8 11.0 86 156 85 1259973 W567, AWAY Gy} 14.6 90 14.8 SION a7 Bl 2 e271 268 “6h 12.9) 48.8 1266 WO isa 0065 S60. 576k 10.2 LAO 9.8 34.2 9.2 72 163) GO 6.8 50 7.9 10 76 3a 4.8 30 21.9 MD. SOROMEORSe eos L107 G46) 12.8 52.7) Ikea 42.0 12.9 BOW ANG 5 toe tee Conc oeo e565 U5e2, 6763" 15.3. 51.0; 15.2 39.9 15.0 Cleo. 5envoe 560 See ers 5) 652.9 1. S51. 962 8756" 969 isyoyauin Vipin lng ic Pee os b Te eSe Ou 73.7 1Oes, 63.0). 1253 52.5. 1207 Lhe6 10.7 S2 Ady 32) ule Wise IBe2 aa oely L662 OVO) 1532) 52.01 16.5.) B15) Taek Ch Mes Sis See hf, bo on Ct — ood Ct ——, Bee 9.8 Co 14.5% 30 1.6% TSO HOR Om TheO! Alieh 64635 12.9 5256 1367 “Al 12.0 86 15.0 84 IWS YAS 16.5 66 aly Jen WC | W763 89 17.3 Sr. Olemalc2 60.5 12.6 7005 - 1h.2 59.6 14.8 46.9 13.7 HOseeraoee O76 10.) 958.7 12.6" 45.5 12.2 36.6 9 8.2 7h, 5.8 62 6.8 54 8.1 42 8.4 32 1.6 30 «2106 MD. (sO Oso idee) 8.0) 6326 968 52.1. 10.3) 40.7) 11.2 ToD), 85) 15.372 31" 206 MESO) (0-21) 75.01) 8.5) 66.0 957 53.4 1063 13.2 95k Ton N63) 2s Bis 031205 oe sOs ae Sc5) HO4e3 8.6). 52-9) Soh h2.0... 8.2 LEZ Wier a seOnn nade i260 (oe des 7025) 10.2) sO5ee(( 1ish 53.5 1220) 4255; 2159 Copy ay Heyy ee Ra pur pital yore 8009) 8.0) 74.5 9.4 65.0, 11.0 53.9 10.6 42.2 10.3 SiH BGs 1352) sla 19 (Oe Oe eee let w 6560 (il 263) 5228) 26) 43630 141.8 9.51 6 17.5 29 2.6 SOssmueOeet. (Oe «6s 5900053) 10,6. 5606 1160) 2456, -.10.6 8.2: 6.11625. 928 255 SOs2e Ose Del Oe OOo lee S5eou dco) 250. (Ooh AME le tsken a cu Ay Meets eae BAC 26 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal °F ho or oo “F Yoo °F ho oF Soo os Soo aS Ko BALTIMORE, 1954 39-4 10.5 40.5 10.3 45.4 81 57.7 6.6 — —- 7h.3 7.7 784 10.5 1955 39.0 1126 37.1 1100 ALS7 «469°'7.2° 52:9. 6.9 6h.6 ‘Sh Tae (956) Spagna 1956 37. 12.2 39.2 1068 43.2 6.8 49.9’ 5.6 62:9 4.5 73:8 5:0 -7eesueeeee 1957 38.7 8.6 HOB °7.7 45.0 8.9 5k. 6.4 67.0 6.3 76.9 659) (BOp2mueeee 1958 37-9 1166 3h.7 1250 39.9 Geh 5354 5.0 64.4 3.0 71.9) B59) opie Mean 3766. 967 37.1 Geh 4206 8.1 52.7 559 6hel 5.56 74:0 —529) SOs0uemoem Maximum 47 Tobe Why, 18.0 61 1653/68 650" 77. 12.3 84 11.8 86 11.4 Mean Max. | 40.3 12.4 40.4 1.2 48.7 10.5 59.6 7.7 70.6 6.8 7992 Tel S275 yey Mean Min. | 34.6 7.9 34.3 705 37-7 5:8 46.8 4.2 57.3 4.3 68.5 he? (7529) ee Minimum 29 SG as) 209 32 200 k2 Te9) 52 Zon 69 Lo) ee 2.0 DIAMOND SHOAL 1923-1928 | 61.8 35.3 60.0 35.3 58.6 34.5 62.1 34.8 70.0 35.5 76.0 3557 7Oelusees Mean 61.8 35.3 60.0 35.3 58.6 34.5 62.1 34.8 70.0 35.5 76.0 35.7 79oduogee Maximum 7h 36on 473 38.0) 75 B70) 15 37.7 81 39.4 83 38.9 85 38.1 Mean’ Max, | 72.4. 37.6 71.8 37.3 72.2 37.1 72.4 3755" 77.2 38:1 S204 3769s eaea eee Mean Min, L6.4 31.4 46.0 31.6 44.0 30.7 49.2 30.4 59.8 S2 0k 68.6 32.0 70.8 32.0 Minimum 39 30.3 43 30.1 39 29.1 46 2801" 55 30215 763 Py Pen) 27eT SOUTHPORT, 1946-1948 | 50.6 17.0 48.0 16.2 54.4 16.6 64.5 16.9 73.5 21.2 79.3 23.3 81.7 2iee 1949-1953)| 5204 22.7 53.6 19.9 56.0 17.9 63.3 21.3 73.0° 22.0 79.4 26.5 8226neenem 1954 50.1 182k 52.4 20.5° 56.6 17.8 66.2 16.0 70.8 24.4 79.5 28:9" S2e5ueseem Mean 5Ie7 20.8 51.6 19.1 5555 75h 64.0 19.2 72.9 22.0 79.4 25.6 Geet Maximum | 60 33.6 63 3he4 66 34.5 7h 32 Mean Max. | 56.5 32.4 5763 31.1 61.7 31.8 70.3 30 Mean’ Min. | 46.3 962 46.6 752 49.5 7.L 57.1 7. Minimum | 40 3.2 39 0.0 43 50) 52 2 1 80 Sytem tiff 34.0 91 34.9 el 78.0 31.4 84.9 32.3 8651) Sine VY 67.8 1105 72.8 1606) "7e cee 2 66 45 69 he3 7h 1.2 MYRTLE BEACH, 1954 K9eh = = 5163 — 56.2 -— 65.7 -— 71.5 — 78.5 — 83.1 — 1955 50.0 —s 50.0 coer 59.3 <> 67.3 a Theh — 7923 en 85.8 -— 1956 48.0 = 53.2 —— 57.7 = 65.1 —— 72.2 ~w— M8 =< 83 — 1957 5062 — 5405 -— 58.6 — 65.2 -—- 73.8 -— 80.1 34.0 83.4 35.3 1958 46.3 3365 Lhe wee Bile 33.1 60.2 31.6 TZ el 31.5 772 32.4 794 3he4 Mean 49.0 33.5 51.0 == 56.5° 33.1 63.9 31.6 72.2 31,5 79.1 3352 S3.Geee Maximum 54 34.6 57 -—- 64 36.6 73 spib tee 33oL. 64 35.3 8 36.0 Mean Max. 52.0 a 54.7 —— 60.7 a 69.6 —S 78.1 —— 82.9 a 86.0 —— Mean Min, | 45.6 —— 47.3 == 52.6 -—- 59.6 — 66.6 -—— 75.1 -= 80.1 <= Minimum Lh 32.3 40 -- 47 3168 55 28.9 63 28.1 7h 30.4 77 3264 “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities 27 Extremes August September October November December | Means | Maximum Minimum | Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. |Temp. Sal. || Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ho °F %eo Le ho EF %o ok ho °F ho ay ho °F ho MD. -continued ORM 1D 0} 7On2a 12.2) SB: 1362) Shh 12s) a) ne 8215.0" 937) h.3% SIMS e TOs) C490 167.9 -8s6 54.7). 7.3 kOs5. 8.8] 59.8 - 8.9))- 86 Wes) 330 463 POeOME OOM O20) 9ehe 160.1 TOSS 5655 1053) L757 (923 5922. 8.2 83° 1356 35° 1352 TERCEEIORGEE7OoO) /llO) 6362" 12.7 53.6 Wied 13862) 11.61559.8 “Olh By ye §36 72.9 TemsmemonG) The? 8.8 Ghok “Goh 549° 12.4 40.2. 10.8) 57.8 © 8.2.82 TWA.5 32 . 205 TOMOW Tat (5el. 9o3. 65ch 10.6 53.8 10.8 42:9 10.5) 5867 8.4 86 12.9 8h 4.6 76 17.8 68 18.3 54 7a 86 18.3 632081190) 79.8 1016 71.3 11.8 59.8. 12.0 49.7 11.8 OmlemnOsis. 70.45 -7.9 59.2 9.2 47.5° 926 38.0 8.6 72 2EOe (63 hel 50 hed 42 4.5 32 1.6 29 eS LIGHTSHIP COsmaopa (oes SheO. 73.7 25.0) 66.8 34.8 64.4 34.9 | 69.3 35.11 86. 39.4. 39 (2752 SOs oa S63) 3h.0. 73.7 35.0) 66.8 3408 Ghok 3h.9)) 69.3 35.1 SOlemsges 65 36.5 82, 38.2 77 38.6 76 38a 86 3904 84.8 38.1 83.4 37.3 80.4 37.7 76.6 38.0 73.4 37.1 (eacmmaeaiinn7 2.0) 31.8 65.8 31.1 59.2 32.0 52.4 32.k Cbmmmmeor9 O98. 1 3061 63). 27.0 54° 295k LF 31.2 39) 270% S25Omie2e Ome Sel 23619-09.9 22.2 6326 .20.1 5459 19.2] 66.7 2050) 87° 35.0 39 ~ EL S2eU2569 7728 25.9 70.5 28.8 ele afeON 260i 2560s 0069) 25591) Gl SOcONs O50 Sxeors2ep (998 33.7 =< — _ _ -- _ -- -- 87 36.4% 146% 5.6% E2esiee oe (Sel, 25.9 Ose 2604 Ol.k 24.7 53.1, 22.7 | 66.9 22.8 Sige lekioo 3507 78 36.0, 76 3he5 6h 3hek 91 36.4 Cpe sel S303 3368 7505 33.8 70.0 33.6 59.1 32.9 (Sep iteoe let 17.5 Ghe5 1365 5254 -14.5 46.4. 12,2 73 3.8 67 3.8 59 0.0 Ak BO) hak 262 39 «60.0 82.1 — 78.9 aot 69.8 Ce? 59.9 poiaad 50.5 =o 66.4 — 85 Te 16 — Sh Olmee— S0.7 == 72.8 § ==) 61.6 =< 51.7 —= | 6852 — 89 = 45 =— C9 5 Tih Oy es. (eae ay B76), Sat AO dene Shee coe 81.5 35k 80.9 Sigal 68.2 34.0 59.7 34.8 52.9 34.1 67.4 karts 80.8 35.9 79.1 35.65 70.0 34.5 62.6 Bye 50.1 3365 64.5 a | S.C 80.9 -— 4HlO3} -= 68.9 — 58.7 = Sales} - 65.8 = 88 — 45 ~~ | 82.0 35.6 78.6 3503 69.8 3he2 60.3 3ke6 51.9 33.8| 66h — C9 50501 80,8 3053179 9 35e1,..69\ 95.3 6l. 35.53 89 36.6 85.6 es 82.9 ated 75.0 ea 65.1 betel 56.1 ss epi nwimmt TOsOl Mae th Oleg My om 55g Se PES) om 3 34.6 72 B35,( 1100 8228/52 3265) 140 31.0 LO 28.2 28 Years 1922-1923 1924-1928 1929-1933 1934-1938 1939-1941 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1942-1913 1944-1948 1949-1953 1954, 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1951-1952 1951-1952 1951-1952 1940-1943 1944-1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 January Temp. a) 51.2 49.7 533 53.5 50.1 51.8 66 5507 47.9 e RW AHN oOo nf 54.5 56.8 Ww = oo e FOoOWNnNFL ano Sal. Wo 29.9 29.5 30.2 30.8 32.7 30.4 Bhd 32.3 28.8 20.6 HHH Sea NONMDN EF BE VON Lae) rFanaOanw U1 0 0 =) foe) e 17.3 4e5 20.6 February Temp. Sal. °F Soo 52.2 533 54.3 50.6 51.1 520k 63 56.6 48,2 55.0 D504 29.5 27.6 28.5 29.4 31.8 29.1 33.8 31.2 26.7 18.0 3-3 15.7 BEGG Ee Baw da anor 599 oo Wr es s mMWOFrrF ON oO NO ve) s e WWW oO OW Ww ° Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. AS oe F e ON ON ON apn Leg Oy Os Os OX En Gr e AO IM ® ~I~NI 1 MPIWW OW O FoF PRR HRP OIG Ow Table 1.- Surface Water Means and May June July So oo 2 ho CHARLESTON (Customhouse Th 29.0 80.8 28.2 83322927 72.9 29.7 81.0 3161 (8325= 3022 eS 30.6 79.6 31.0 83:9" 3026 7309 30.3. 80.5 36) S258e3ieg 72o3 31.8 Sl.l 3156) 8353) 2e5e 73-7 30.3 80.5 31.0 835k 3056 82 34.5 87 34.4 88 34.69 78.6 32.1 8h.0 3255) (65.00 seem 68.2. 28.1 76.2 28.9) Gi 27ae 62 Ppl Al 21.8 78 12.6 CHARLESTON (Customhouse Thek W607 S168 I5e7) (Siete oes 73-9 13.6 80.3 16.2 8250 -e86ea Teh 15.0 Sl1.1: 16.1 823) ee Beo 7.0 S19 15.7 Sho ee 74.8 17.3 79.4 18.6) Shaki 7305 W.8 80.1 16°56 Sh Osis 75.5 17.3 81.6 15.3) 83365 ewe 72.9 11.0 79.6 301) S3eteees Theol 14.9 80.8 16.2 S305 uenvon 82 28.9 88 30.8 89 30.8 78.5 22.4 84.3 25.0 S6.deaoue 69.4 9.6 76.7 9.6 SLO aGre 66 hed 73 hed 79 565 CAINHOY, WANDO 75.2 12.9 80.8 14.8 Sh.Oy isa NORTH CHARLESTON TERMINALS, Theol 24 79.0 2.0 S30@eyeeee CHARLESTON (Virginia-Carolina 75.6 17.5 82.0 18.6 Shove ieee FORT PULASKI, The3 17.7 81.5 19.1 835652 7ee TheS 12.2 81.2 16.2 8209 eee 7506 Ih.6 82.1 17. Shek eae 7he3 17.0 82.6 19.6 84.9) Tees 77.1 17.9 79.5 21.3 8h. 7 eis 76.2 18.4 81.7 20.4 85.2 23.0 76.4 14.6 82.4 15.2 Sh.5 Eee 72.8 9.8 81.3 18,3 84.3 14.6 Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August Temp. Sal. °F ho Wharf), S.C. 82.4 29.0 Ble2 29.7 eSijal ws vaaal 83.8 31.6 83.6 28.9 S350ns0s.7 89 35.0 86.5 33.1 6053) 27-5 Ti 2200 Wharf), S.C. 83.3 20.4 S2ean 1667 84.2 18.4 Sho 20. 7 84.3 27.2 83.7 25h 82.4 20.9 83.5 17.9 83.4 19.7 88 33.6 Sea 2605 80.3 12.4 RIVER, S.C. Shon 1269 September Temp. F 79.8 81.1 81.1 7909 79.2 80.4 8&8 8h.4 7505 68 80.4 Sal. So 28.2 29.4 30.6 30.2 30.1 29.9 3505 3205 25.8 10.2 20.6 18.0 17.5 28.0 21.4 29.5 ZNS) 19.3 20.0 3h ed 28.9 12.8 a2 15.3 COOPER RIVER, S.C. B49 365 80.4 4.7 — Second Series 69.8 70.8 ALLS) Poe 72.9 70.8 69.0 69.3 (ALO) 83 76.8 65.9 as) 71.8 alee V7.7 7.6 November Temp. °F 60.9 61.3 61.9 62.7 62.2 61.9 7h 67.7 550 51 59.7 61.2 Chemical Co. Wharf), ASHLEY RIVER, S.C. SIE loess) 22eh 6.0 86.2 ent: SAVANNAH RIVER, GA. 84.0 18.8 S216" 1951: 84.5 20.8 S652) 2a S501 21.0 85.4 22.4 83.5 19.1 She3) 1982 80.4 80,2 7204 (as 72.7 7.6 73.3 72.1 69.6 71h MHD SOr oon e NEVE L pass e OwwWn ahd Wwr 63.3 64.65 62.2 61.0 63.9 62.3 62.0 65.8 Sal. Yo splat 31.0 31.0 Bie2 32.8 31.4 3h ed Sot 29.5 2he6 ike )eat B55} 29 December Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. °F 54e7 55 ok e AP HAWO OWA? Sal. | Te ho 30.2 31.5 31.4 31.5 32.0 31.4 3520 32.9 29.5 2327 a ae) OnO e e Ww ad NOrMNMDND lL Ww Ne) PRE e@ e e eo0.e e e ie) lon ° od sy $ ON@2 HP FOF AHR HWO On e 17.9 6.3 21.4 18.8 SO 18.6 22.5 21.0 20.5 12.4 2255 ° 68.2 68.0 68.5 67.8 67.7. 68.0 mp. F ho 29.2 29.3 30.3 30.8 30.9 30.2 Li 14, 17 22 2 6) ol 2 0) 5 6 PRNMNE OIE OO Sal. || Temp. Sal. °F 89 89 88 92 ho 33.6 34.8 36.2 34.9 3h. 5 36.2 20.4 32.0 30.7 B16 30.4 29.1 30.6 2722 29.3 Temp. Sal. °F ho Aly 2501. Ah the 45 70 41 19.0 40 12.6 LO hel 46 56 43 hed Le eDe2 WS el 46 10.6 Hey ley 7) AT 282 LS onl Ps sion! SOR aoe! 50 O20 SS Ass isi edly L5oy Ocw LS Ze (RS S88) LS 1005 Hy Sestsysal IFES 5 (rae ise) 30 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. cE ho m1 ho 1 ho °F ho °F ho °F °F Y FORT PULASKI, SAVANNAH %o %o Mean 52.1 1527 53.6 Web 5951 12.2 66.6- 12.0 75.0 (Acs S16 1768" Sisemeee Maximum | 68 29.8 64 29.3 77 29.9 75 28.2 8h 32.0.90 29.8 89 31.2 Mean Max. | 56.5 24.8 57.9 23.5 64.5 21.0 71.4 20.1 79.4 23.3 84.9 26.8 86.5 28.6 Mean Min. 48.5 9.4 49.5. 8.4 53.7 6.8 61.6 5.8 70.6 Wale 77.8 9.7 81,2 wbl- Minimum 38 27) [ral On 45 0.8 57 oS Paolo) 4/5 5.0 78 he2 FERNANDINA 1944-1918) 57.3 26.9 56.8 26.9 63.2 26.8 71.2 2655 76.0 30.3 SlJ5° 31S60le2a7eceee 194,9=1953'| 59.5 29.9 61.7 ° 29.1 G6Ghe5 29.3 68.4 30.1 76.6 31.6 82.0) 33.0) S3e7ooee 1954 BB.2 26.1 59.7 28.0 62.8 30.2 ‘73.0 32:0 7750 32.4) 82.7 33.00ncosOneerree 1955 57.0 32.4. 55.7 3l.l 63.5 3251 69.7 34.0 7769 3h.2 et 35.3 Seem 1956 52.6 32.1 60.9 31.9 63.4 32.0 67.3 33.8 7704 32.9 Sl.4 3352 “Slo oeeeece 1957 58.8 33.5 62.6 33.7 63.5 32.1 70.9 30.8 78.0 29.8 82.0 26.5 Sk.8) 3ine 1958 52.6 2603 51.2 28.1 58.8 26.3 66.5 22.6 74.2) 28.6 81.1 3067 (63-0 Mean 57.6 29.1 58.8 29.0 63.4 29.0 69.5 29.3 76.5 31.2 81.6 32.1 83.4 93208 Maximum 68 25.0) 770 35.0 73 34.5 80 36.6 83 36.4 88 27.0 89 37.2 Mean Max. | 62.3 32.2 64.9 32.0 69.6 32.3 7he8 32.9 61.1 34.5 85.3 35.05 (SOs2eeoee Mean Min, | 53.2 24.6 54.1 26.0 58.3 24.2 Gh’ 25.5 71.69 2751 76. 2805 S79 esmeecee Minimum 47 19.2 46 20530 152 1375 160 11.8 67 22525 iil 2 ae 18.6 MAYPORT, 1944-1948 | 58.8 21.2 57.6 20.6 63.6 20.9 70.9 24.8 76.1 25.6 80.9 27.55) 62.6. 020em 19/,9=1953'| 60s2 20.5 (61.4 23.0 64.2 23.4 68.3 25.0 75.8 29.7 S163) 3037 Gece 1954 58.5 1708 'GO.L 2066. 61.6 22.) -71.6. 29.3: 75.5 31.12.8252 3565 oie 1955 B72 2953 56.8 23.9° 63.2 26.7 69.3 31.4 Td 32.3 78.6 3307 soso 1956 52.7 28:0 60.0 23.8 6355 27.1 .67.9 32.9 75.6 31.9 80.5 3201) = 7Soeeeeeee 1957 6051; 27.5 63.1 29.7 63.0 29.4 69.7 29.5 7605 29.5 62.0: 2555 Co ccmeee 1958 522012209) i5llo5) 120531 59.7 16.5) O01) 1607. 7362) 2357) (90! 2 raenoees 2526 ea f. PI ; 2 } 2 Mean 56.3 22.4 5902 22.5 63.3 23.0 69.1 26.1 75.8 28.5 80.9 2955 S2J5eeeuue Maximum 68 35.3 69 34.9 72 38.1 78 38.1 82 36.6 &7 37.9 88 36.8 Mean Max. | 62.2 31.0 63.5 31.6 68.1 32.3 73.9 34.5 79.8 34.9 84.5 35.9 85.4 35.1 Mean Min. | 54.3 12.2 55.1 12.8 58.6 12.9 63.9 15.3 71.5 19.1 77-2 19.5 78.6 Djexk Minimum 47 elt 7 3.7 52 ae 5.6 68 1256, 73 952 [7 6.7 JACKSONVILLE, 1955 _- == 57.6 6.6 68.3 12.3 72.5 14.2 79.9 21.0 81.6 1902) Goce 1956 53.4 11.9 62.1 7.3 64.6 14.8 68.3 18.0 78.9 16.4 82.0 16.9) °65s9qeeeee 1957 60.1 12.2 65.6 17.9 65.6) 16.7 72.0 12.7° 7968 14.9) Sh.l 8.Se Sonia 1958 255 962 5250 6.3) 6362 - 20h 73.0. 2052-8005, 4.3 186.0) ~Si2ieCroeee Mean 553 alate 594 9.5 65.4 RG 71.4 11.8 79.8 14.6 83.4 13.3 86.6 9k Maximum 65 2520) 072 27.8 76 ey eae ee} 28.0 8&7 30.4 91 26.9 93 19.2 Mean Max. | 60.3 23.7 66.0 17.2 72.2 19.3 79.0 20.6 86.2 24.4 88.2 20.6 91.0) dome Mean Min, | 51.7. 2.5 54.0 362 5965 Seh 6502 be3 7208 8&6 80.2 6.3 B3lOmmoee Minimum 49 O53 7h? 1.3 58 Pode 763 Oeawie Tees 79 LT Be eb *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities 31 Extremes August September October November December Means | Maximum Minimum pean Sel | Temp. Sal. Teme. or Temp. Sal. Temp, Sal. Temp; Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. ae %o °F ho yo %o ue %o °F %o RIVER, GA. -continued SietamecOcO SO. 19.7 7262 20.0 63.3 19.9 54.0 18.0 68.8 17.0 Comme on S0) 3007.83. 31.0) 7h: 38d 6h) 129.5 90 32.0 Gos8) 2960 84.2 28.0 77.5 27.8 69.7 + 27.1 59.3 25h GIRBRI2s0 75.2 10.9 67.1 12.6 57.5 12.6 49.5 1.2 (2 4o3- 69 562 62 4e3 50 he3 5 1.6 38 (067 BEACH, FLA. 83.1 28.0 81.7 27.0 73.6 24.7 68.0 26.8 58.5 27.8 88 37.0 48 11.8 83.3 32.2 80.6 28.1 74.6 26.0 64.6 28.5 58.2 30.0 90 37.1 50 93 86.0 35.0 83.7 32.5 75.6 32.0 63.3 32.5 56.4 31.8 88 36.2 53 19.2 Soe On s560) 83.5 31.0 75.4 28.4 67.3 31.5 56.4 31.8 88 37.2 51 214 - 83.6 34.5 79.8 34.8 73.3 31.5 65.6 30.7 63.3 33.2 88 36.4 48 13.1 8326 27.3 62.8 29.0 72.4 26.5 66.3 29.5 57.7 29.4 Be Eb) ae whee Bee 3209) 83.2 33.6 72.8 32.9 68.2 32.8 58.4 32.7 86 35.5 46 17.0 83.6 31.2 81.6 29.1 74.0 27.1 66.2 28.9 58.4 29.8 Pee BS O71 Bh 85.7 76 35.38 68 3.9 90 372 87.2 35.3 85.3 heh 79.8 32.4 724 32.7 64.0 32.8 7906 24.8 77.0 23.4 68.6 21.6 60.4 23.9 52.9 26.4 78 Pesmveg a 20-1 (62 1166 155) 13.2 48) 15.7 46 903 FLA. Garg 17.0 82.1 17.1 74.3 16.3 68.8 18.0 60.5 20.0 2058 | 92 38.17 149) 10.8 iO) 2855) 80.7 23.1 75.2 17.1 65.7 16.3 59.4 20.0 23291 87, 36.8) (52.1202 Bh. 3067 83.5 29.8 75.9 27.3 bheh 22.5 57.4 25.0 26.5 | 87 37-7 52 60h Sie eoek 83.2 28.9 75.8 25.2 66.3. 24.3 58.3 27.1 29-0) 865°37.9 52) 1562 Coes ceo 60.0) 33.1 ° 7359 28.4 66.3" 1931 63.3 20.4 2550-1 Si 3068) 50 ed Seecreeteo Sze 21.2 7h.1 20.6 67. 23.4 59.5 2ha7 26.0 |; 87 38.17 152. 9.9 224 an : cy 8207 2566 81.7 23.5 7he7 20.3 67.1 19,1 59.8 21.6 2hel Pe ielueen 30.8 8h 365k 77 34e5 70 3h.5 91 38.1 86.0 34.6 84.5 33.3 80.0 31.5 72.4 3142 64.7 31.0 UOetOee (7.9) 13-1 69.2 9.0 61.0 99.2 54.8 11.6 (peor? 0.963" 1) 0.85 56) 166) 493.7 47 0.8 FLA. Shron 186) 8.0 11.9 75.6 7.7 66.5 5h 58.6 11.6 90 31.6% 52% Ok 85-9 15.0 81.2 19.0 74.6 W.5 65.7 663 63.7 he? 91s 316850) O68 She6 502 84.0 be2 73.8 bob 67.8 6.9 5904 769 91 29.7 53 0.8 87.0 11.8 85.2 12.0 74.3 16.6 70.8 3.7 61.1 7.3 93.30, L7 003 85.8 12.7 83.6 11.8 74.6 10.8 67-7 5.6 60.7 7.9 Ge WelOge oo) 308 854 30.0175.) 16.2) 68 22.0 93 31.8 Syeen 230M Soe. (2157) 6252, 22.7 73.0 13.7) 6.5. 17.4 82.5 368 7905 664 68.2 3.7 62.5 1.3 54.8 2.8 81 0.6 76 0.9 66 O.4 57 0.6 53 0.9 47 003 32 Years 1946 1925-1928 1929-1932 1939-1943 1944-1948 1949 1950 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min, Minimum 1946-1948 1946-1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min. Minimum 1946 1940-1943 1944-1948 1949-1951 1955 1956 1957 1958 January Temp. Sal. oF So 68.4, 71.9 66.9 36.3 36.8 35.3 24.3 68.1 67.5 69.6 66.7 70.8 67.8 69.7 64.9 68.5 76 72.6 63.9 58 75.0 724 The 2 7h. 3 75 el 7307 7h. 3 71.2 wY.1 36.3 36.0 35.9 36.0 36.8 36.6 35.8 Wot 76.1 78.2 76.6 76.5 715-3 76.7 75.0 36.8 Sie? “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Table 1.- Surface Water Soo 37.0 36.2 36.3 36.4 3701 37.0 36.2 351 June Means and July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ho a ho 82.6 84.6 83.8 84.8 82.5 82.8 Bho4 83.5 FLAGLER 80.2 DAYTONA BEACH 36.2 2509, 36.6 36.3 34.5 36.4 36.2 38.2 371 353 32.1 36.4 36.0 77.5 Tol 36.3 36.2 3507 35.8 36.2 79.0 81.2 81.3 70.3 78.7 87 83.1 7305 63 39 «3 37.0 351 3265 DAYTONA BEACH 20.6 36.3 36.7 36.6 36.7 36.6 36.3 36.4 38.6 37.6 35.7 3503 36.6 86.2 12.6 CANOVA 77.8 79.1 36.3 36.2 36.7 36.0 36.2 36.3 36.3 3729 37.1 35.8 3503 80.1 81.9 72.3 77h 78.1 78.3 86 83.2 71.7 62 PALM BEACH, 84.6 36.7 MIAMI BEACH, 36.3 36.4 36.4 36.6 37.1 36.8 34.8 86.0 36.3 3509 36.0 35-7 37-2 37.1 3503 Temperatures and Salinities ®xtremes August September October Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F Ro °F %o °F Ro BEACH, FLA. WBe6i ee 80.6 = '7heS | = (ocean), FLA. 36.0 81. 35.7 6 80.0 36.2 81.8 3653. 82.6 35.9 80.8 35.5. (77168 5 36.0 81. 87 37.3 88 36.7 8he7 3520 OF 3363° 73 (Halifax River), FLA. 87.4 9.0 84.3 9.8 78.2 11.0 BEACH, FLA. 34.8 36.3 36.8 35.9 35.8 3507 3505 40.7 S250) eae 34.0 30.2 36.3 81. 36.2 § 84.7 37.0 83. 36.0 36.6 8 35.8 36.3 86 38.8 87 37.3 35633 62 SO) 72 36.7 84.9 36.2 36.3 84.2 35.8 83.8 shia 5} GO) 3 3505 3 2 35.9 84.0 3 3 5) 3 3he2 34.20 350k 35.7 35.3 3504 37.0 82.1 36.2 84.2 35.5 8h.9 November Temp. Sal. °F ho December Means Temp. Sal. | Temp. °F No °F 20.6 3509 3501 34.06 35.9 36.3 3505 3503 33 | Maximum Minimum Sal. | Temp. a Pete: Sal. %o 90 28.9 8 —- 87 40.7 86 38.6 86 38.8 86% 37.9% 86 39.3 86 38.8 87 40.7 90 38.4% 91 38.5 90 40.6 90 37.2 SB 37.7% 90 38.0 90 39.6 90 36.4 ho 46 2501 50 =(0.9 fe 58 30.2 60 35.0 57 346 56% 34.0% 60 345 51 3305 51 30.2 72% 34.8% 60 31.0 61 2904 66 31.6 70% 34.2% 64 3hoh 66 3301 58 32.9 34 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F a 35 Ge oF %o °F Cauca oe x °F Fan °F %o Sr ‘ 33 MIAMI _BEACH, Mean 70.6: 3565 e3 3529 73-7 36.2 76.8 36.3 80.3 3663 Sh.1 36.3) (e5ecmmccme Maximum a 38.0 78 Siioey teak 38.0 85 38.2 8&8 38.9 90 40.6 90 39.6 Mean Max. | 74.0 36.4 75.1 36.7 78.1 37.0 80.3 37.0 83.6 37.1 87.0: 37.2 “S7sGp spe Mean Min. | 65.6 34.5 66.5 35.3 69.1 35.1 72.9 35.4 76.4 35.4 81.3 35.4 ae 35.1 Minimum | 62 31.6 58 34.2 64 3251 70 B3e15 2 B3el 80) 3229 33.3 KEY WEST, 1926-1928 70.6 36.6 73.6 36.4 The 36.6 78.5 36.8 G1.4 3668 86.3 3657 S7acoues 1929-1933)| 71.8 34.9 73.9 35.5 7h.5 36.0 76.5 36.3 82.8 36.6 8.6 3559) S7otsuee 1939-1940 | 70.5 36.3 71.4 36.4 74.8 36.8 78.8 36.6 81.6 37.3 85.6 37.1 8766 3763 1949-1953 | 71.7 -° 36.4 72.4 36.2 76.0 36.6 78.1 36.8 82.2 37.0 86.4 36.8 68652 365% 1954 72.6 35.3 72.4 3568 72.4 35.3 80.1 36.3 83-1 30/6 Sh.9) 3652) iG 7eomeeaee 1955 70.9 35.8 69.7 36.6 76.6 37.2 79.0 37.5 82.5 37.9 85.7 3765 S5.0mesne 1956 67.6 36.8 7i.l 36.8 74.6 37.6 76.3 37.6 82.2 37.7 83.3 37S So eommemee 1957 1205 3703 15.6 3762 75.2 Biel 78.8 37.7 8225 36.7 65.0 37-0mne7 cee 1958 66.4 34.8 63.6 35.3 72.2 35.8 76.0 35.9 80.8 36.3 84.7 35.9 86.0 36.3 wEt 3 2 a= f 9 26.79 29.61 az Mean We3, 36.0 72.3 3662 7h.7 3604 78.6 36.7 82.4 37.0 85.3 36.7) Sou7meeces Maximum 78 B79 (82 38.0 83 38.2 86 38.8 88 38.6 90 38.8 91 38.8 Mean Max. | 75.1 36.6 76.5 36.7 79.7 37.1 82.3 37.5 85.7 3756 68.0) 3725 eSuommenae Minimum Bi 28.0 61 3351 65 Se. {Al Sisiob) ff) S505) 107 325 or 31.5 ST. PETERSBURG, 194,7=1948| 65:1 26.8 64.6 25.5 68.9 25.9 76.4 25.6 80.8 27.1 8.6 28:52 S50 2oem 1949=1953'| 65.0 26.5 66.3 26.9 69.6 27.5 72.1. 27.8 79.7 28.8 84.3 29.9 Sheonea0ee 1954 6323 22.0 65.6 23.0 65.5 25.0 78.6 25.6 80.1 26.9 8h:7 26.0) 65am 1955 6326 26:1 62.55 26.8 70:4 27.8 The2? 28:8 80.0 30.2 8350 31.5) e5ncoemeee 1956 5855 29.3 67.6 29.4 69:0 30.3 72.0 31.9 81.5 32.4 82.8 3466 ‘Ghocmmamee 1958 56.1 “26.8 55.6 25.4 66:2) 22.5 -7l.l 22.) 79.2 22.7 85.6 2600 cone Mean 63.4 26.9 65.2 26.9 68.9 27.3 73-7 27.5 80.2 28.2 Sh.4 29.5 S5e0ueoen Maximum Ce 33.6 7h 33.6 78 33.2 83 32.5 88 34.0 89 35.1 90 35.0 Mean Max. | 67.9 28.1 70.0 27.6 73.8 28.2 78.1 28.2 83.5 29.3 87.0 30.6 S832 30mm Mean Min. | 58.4 25.8 60.9 25.8 6he2 26.3 69.0 26.5 76.4 27.2 81.1 27.6 82.8 27.7 Minimum 52 21 52 20.1 56 20.3 64 20.9 7h 212 19 19.373 23.3 CEDAR KEYS, 1922-1926| 58.1 28.1 60.7 25.9 64.7 2he4 72.1 25.0 77.4 25.4 83.8 26.9 Ghee 2oed 19hh—1948 | 59.2 25.9 59.7 25.6 67.4 23.8 7he3 24.3 78.1 25.6 82.5 26.7 83.8 2705 1949=1951| 61.7 25.9 63.0 27.2 64.3 26.8 68.3 23.7 78.0 26.8 82.8 27.8 83.9 2ifee Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August Septembe: October November Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ho ak hoo °F ho °F Soo FLA. -continued. ..» COseewobeg: Suet 35.2 979.9 34.9. 7h.9 2 3563 91 38.6 89 38.0 86 Bile, ee 38.4 B8n87 30.6 86.6 36.2 84.1 35.9 79.9- 36.3 Sonopese. Sleh, Shel 75.7 33.7 TlAk 34.0 82 B206. 779 BOs 2 29.9 O07 29.4 FLA. Bommreseg, 85.2 35.5 61.6 35.0. 7h.5 3567 BSE cb 65.9 36.2 81.2 35.1 75.0 35.7 R652 36.7 85. 36.2 81.7 36.2 76.0 36.7 steal Chy/A(0) 85.6 Bie Menlig Siates Sa SHS) See o7e0-65.5 36.6. 81.3 35.7 80.0 36.4 S7eor 3O.k- 85.5 36.0 81.7 35.5 75.2 36.2 S7eiy 3608, 84.6 36.3 79-8 36.2 75.2 35.3 86.9 37.5 85.7 37.1 79.8 37.0 76.1 37.5 Saas 375) 23. 36.6 81.5 36.8. 74.5 37.6 Seon ais} G5 36.7 80.6 35.8 76.5 37.0 87.8 36.4 85.6 35.8 81.7 36.2 79.9 36.6 87.1 36.6 85.4 36.0 81.3 35.7 75.9 36.3 92 38.1 91 37.6 88 38.1 83 38.8 89.5 37.2 88.0 36.8 85.0 36.7 79.9 37.1 Oieds a567 82.7 35,1 77.1 3he2 71.2 35k 81 Bis. 8 Seat Ae 29.0 66 BBA 5 FLA. Bueoue22e7° 83.3. 21.2 76.7 22.6 75.4 25.1 B52 2726.83.4 23.1 78.4 22.2 68.6 24.6 87.0 24.8 85.1 24.8 77.5 24.3 67.8 25.6 GEROMeeNnone5.,, 2.7 77.9 25.8 70.6 27.6 Gyeeeoidie25 3351 77.3 31.6 70.3 32.3 Boe eee 7 Shed. 2lee. 7Osk 20.8) (70.5. 2h.8 S6e5 es 86.2, 24.8 77k 2665- 72.9 26.0 GasGmieces 88h) 2h. 77.7 2hel 7Os2. 26.0 90 35.1 &8 34.2 86 33/680 33.2. 87.9 28.5 86.6 25.8 82.9 25.9 75.6 26.9 Sas 2a: 80.9 22.2 71.8. 22.5 64.0 24.8 81 18-6. 7S 17.9 65 17.4 58 21.3 December Temp. oF Sal. So 2504 36.8 36.0 3h. 2 B21, 35 Means | Maximum Minimum OL 92 90 90 90 Temp. Sal. °F %o LC. 6 38.1 38.2 38.8 38.8 38.5 38.2 Bila 38.4 38. 38.8 37.0 38.8 30.7 32.0 29.1 32.4 Bb ed 33.6 28.5 35.1 31.6 32.0 33.8 Temp. Sal. oF 9 57 52 43 ‘00 28.0 17.4 36 Years 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1924-1928 1929-1933 1934-1938 1939-1943 1944-1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min. Minimum 1949-1953 1954, 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min. Minimum 1944-1918 1949-1953 January Temp. °F 5942 56.2 54.5 bei 58.7 75 66.7 49.0 41 Sal. ho 25.6 28.8 30.7 29.7 23.9 Piel 3323 29.7 23.5 16.6 a eed © DO WRX MRRrRWOrO NURPNNH OW OB AO e NANO O~IWN IH e NW row rp ~ e e® @ YNOWONHr WW February WUT UT OW SYR GSB OrR~AIF OW DAW ON Or %o F 62.9 68.1 67.8 67.3 65.0 6547 78 736 Daeg, 16 Temp. March Sal. Yo 24.6 32.5 31.6 28.0 ZS 25.6 April Temp. oD 78.1 73-6 Wek 76.2 (Bes 72.7 85 79 3 63.4 50 69.9 71.4 723 69.0 71.1 67.3 7h.O 70.6 70.0 71.5 70.2 703 82 76.2 63.0 59 Sal. So 27.7 B16 28.5 29.4 21.4 250k 33.8 28.9 20.9 14.4 e ee ° ° ; TMWW Pa raw OMW ONL IND saat ff Seas Table 1.- Surface Water Means and May Temp. =AE) 78.8 81.4 84.1 82.8 80.9 78.9 90 8.9 72.1 64, *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Sal. Yoo LS) SPoSy e (oe me) = Who OE OO NW LD roadSS F FRSE&S Keakae ° e e e° e.|U8U8 e e e WE NH fon OANEHWN OAW ON-EH June Temp. °F 85.7 83.1 85-4 86.5 85.6 83.7 91 88.2 78.8 75 82.7 82.9 83.9 83.2 82.9 83.3 83.3 80.9 81.8 85.7 86.0 83.2 90 86.9 79.1 75 Sal. Temp. ho 30. 30. 30. 30. 2304 2726 34.1 306 2he 19. Lb S 20. 15.7 16.7 13. 18. 26. 18. 25-6 16. 19.6 17.4 29.1 23-7 i. 2. ak 7 h 2 / 2 8 6 3 2 5 4 1 0 4 8 July °F CEDAR 85.6 86.7 87.8 87.9 87.2 Bh.9 92 88.7 80.2 76 Sal. ho KEYS, 2726 31.5 28.8 2504 26.7 272 32.7 29.8 24.1 18.8 PENSACOLA, 85.0 85.9 85.2 85.2 83.5 84.0 16.3 19.3 17.4 12.6 17.0 18.7 26.0 23.1 18.7 18.8 14.9 17.4 30.4 23.9 pa ie 3.8 GRAND ISLE (Drilling Platform 22.4 26. 5 22.9 25.2 21.4 21.4 2321 34.5 31.5 16.1 13.1 Ow 83.4 82.9 81.2 80.9 83.4 83.5 82.8 87 85.9 79.0 iD 25. 26. 30. 30. 18. 19.7 2504 38. 31. 18. 5. 5 "/ al Y / W/ 1 6 if 9 84.6 84.7 84.1 83.3 84.1 Shek 84.3 89 87.2 81.4 {6 26.8 3204 2767 32.9 2367 22.4 27.3 37-1 32.0 20.6 3.8 EUGENE 84.3 8h. 6 1.9 24 Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August Temp. Sal. Temp. °F % °F ° September FLA. -continued 88.3 87.7 88.8 85.1 87.0 84.9 92 88.9 80.9 76 FLA. 85.4 85.6 85.8 85.2 Shel She7 8565 85.0 86.8 85.9 86.5 8542 92 88.5 81.2 78 8 miles SE. of), LA. 85.0 85.0 Bh ok 8505 83.6 8507 Bh4.9 88 87.3 82.1 79 ISLAND, LA. 85.2 85.4 28.4 30.6 30-3 2he3 24.6 26.3 3305 29.1 22.6 16.7 17.5 18.0 13.3 13.5 14.0 19.2 27.6 ibe /eal 21.4 2he2 12.0 16.6 31.0 23.7 10.7 0.7 27.6 3209 30.7 31.9 31.4 21.0 28.6 38.8 3301 23.8 12.7 505 307 84.6 85.8 82.1 82.4, 87.0 82.5 92 87.0 77.3 69 82.7 83.0 82.3 81.3 80.7 80.3 83.1 84.0 81.1 82.0 83.1 81.9 92 86.7 76.4 71 82,2 82.7 82.1 83.7 82.4 87 €5.0 7901 76 62.1 81.4 Sal. oo 30.4 29.9 33.1 17.5 26.9 26.3 3h,.2 29.4 22.2 506 tO ee red el RO ISS) eo ee ONENW PH @ PMN D NY ® io) BWW OH nN @ October Temp. me T5 oh 7703 76.4 74.8 Teh Sal. Ko 28.1 30.7 30.4 VNNVENRN PREPAID NVNKFDMA Fa 0 November Temp. °F 63.9 68.0 66.5 67.9 7326 66.4 80 7520 55.6 46 64.3 64.7 65.7 62.8 66.2 62.7 62.1 64ek 66.5 64.3 67.6 64.5 77 71.9 56.9 49 Sal. So 2907 30.4 29.8 26.7 2727 2765 3205 30.1 24.2 17.7 e ° OnNrvAA Nr MOO Ow INTs W % VI~2 0 Sr) rorw @ @ e e 8 © @ Temp. °F NOHMNDA FE SESsss ry NOrFNOND [S) Aww OO © oe © @ e ~e) OOrrO F-oooneo nN December Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. F 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 89 88% 86% 88 89 88 89 91 90 %o 32.9% 3401 3hok 3326 31.0 Zhoh 30.8 31.0 3203 29.8 Bie 3he1 32.8 splay 32.4 296 28.8 3ho1 38.8 36.0% BD oD 35.7 36.3 3he 6 38.8 37 Temp. Sal. °F ho 49* 14.9% 46 24.6 A> 2369, 49 he 43 14.9 hl 46 43 eB Pe 46 1.1 6 Evs6 LOW LSS 45° 0.6 AT 39 SO a8 50 1.3 4S 5.9 50 =—2.0 SY ae 548) 40 0.6 52 0.0 57 16.5% 57 15.3% Bysy) alyASS GO. 5.9 Bil AL A6) 51 0.0 38 «=—O.0 BOR O60 38 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. “°F %o °F %o °F Foe oF %o oF So °F Go °F %o EUGENE 1954 56.5 11.0 60.0 8 62.8 8.2 — — 754 BO) Sie Zl) S6.05 54 1955 _ _— -— =—sOGsOL (0,01) 66e5 2.8 79.0- 3.2 82.0 2.67 Sie 1956 — a ar) ce tolls alas (oy/Ac) 2.60) 77-8 2.60 82.1 - 2.6 = S6sieeeeee 1957 57.6 667. 59.3. 265: °59.5 2.0% 69.2) 0.8% (77.5) 1.5) 81.9. 2c8e¢s6ueeeee 1958 ~~ “ BOs2, JOESy 5820). 3.3% 67.6n wre 7655 U9 Shey OsOm 5.0 meter Mean Seo) hee S5oa) 2.ke 6l0On 2.8m 6Sile 25a 76.44- 2.00 S3cne) IO mmcree 24 Maximum 70 29.9 Th 28.0 75 29.0 78 29.8 84 26.9° 89.) 19.2) 90 25.4 Mean Max. | 62.0 17.7 6355 12.8 69.9 16.5 74.3 T4.9) 61.6 12) 86.8 “SiG ese Ome Mean Min. | 46.8 0.2 47.0 O20; 52/7) 105006022 0.0 69.9 O52 FH/obs) 6.6 81.0 O.4 Minimum 38 0.0 39 OSONPLS O07 150 0.0 66 OO) 755 0.0 78 0.0 GALVESTON 1957 = ~- -_— -- -- -- -- — - —~ — -- -— -- 1958 5368 27.2 52.6 28.1) 58.7. 27.0 69.2: 27.1% 79-3). 24.1) 85.0). 28558 Sosemeenaes GALVESTON 1922=1923)] 61.1) 27.65 59.3 21.7 63.4: 22.2 72.7 9.3: 79.7 19.2 85.2 ACG eGcOm2zee 1924=1928 | 57.7 20.8 62.6 21.6 64.2 20.4 72.0 20.3 79.1 18.8 84.9 20.8 8756 52555 1929-1933)! 6052 2053 61.2. 1751 6522)" 19.5) 72.5 22.7 7957 20.9 83.9" 213) G eo 1934=1938 | 57.3 23.0) 57.3) 20.6 63.1) 20.6° 70.0 21.0 77.8 19.56 Sh.5. 22525 85.9meone 1999=1943)] 5365 22.5 55.9 2h. 60.1 25.2 69.3 23.7 77.6 21.3) 8356 20.8 86.0meiee 19LL=19L8)| 53.3 19.1 56.2 19.5 63.4 18.2 71.8 19.0 77.6 18.0 83.8 19.0 85.95 25.8 1949-1953 | 58.4 25.0 59.2 23.5 63.7 21.7 69.0 21.6 78.3 20.6 84.4 23.5 86.1 25.8 1954 Shed 26060 5929) 2766 5959 30.8 7256 30.2 7663 2954 83.8) 929.9) Sooommeres 1955 55.9 30.8 55.4 26.4 65.8 25.4 69.7 26.3 78.8 27.8 82.4 29.0 85.9 31.8 1956 55.0 294 57.9 27.6 63.1 26.8 68.3 27.8 80.4 28.0 83.7 29.9 85-4 349 1957 58.4 31.2 63.8 29.7 63.5) 28.4 69.8 24.2 78.5) 1355 83.4 91556 “S6.Geeees 1958 51.8 20.8 51.5 21.3: 58.1 21.6 68.2 25.4 78.8 18.8 ° 85.2 2355) Gesteecses Mean 5607 -23.0 58.5 22.0 63.2 21.8 70.7 2128 78.5 20.4 Sh.2 20.4) Sonos Maximum 72 BOR 77: 32.5 86 37.9 88 3he2 90 Dees oa 34.1 97 37-2 Mean Max. | 63.2 29.1 65.2 28.0 69.9 28.6 77.2 28.0 83.2 27.5 88.1 28.8 89.7 31.4 Mean Min. | 48.2 15.7 50.9 Wy.6 55.0: 13.5. 62.6 1337 73.2) 12.4 °7928 Whsh) “Soto meoes Minimum 35, 369) 37 3.0 43 Bog IHS) 2.5 68 OS 71a Bott fh) 6.0 BRAZOSPORT, FREEPORT 1955 ae, =n = = ie, = = —- 78.4 29.5 81.3 30.1 85.5 3353 1956 57.1 30.6 60.6 29.0 64.6 29.0 70.8 30.7 78.8 26.5 62.2 32.8 83 sOnesoee 1957 58.1 31,2 63.8 29.5 64.2 25.5 7lc2 20.0: 7763 9.6 2.1 Wiel Ses eoeeeeee 1958 53.2 22,5 52.5 22.6 58.3 23.8) 685° 27.8 7607. 21.6. 82.9) (2905 eheomeecee Mean 56,1 26.1, 59.0. 27.0 6204 26.1) 70.2 -26.2) 977.8 2168 “82el" 2626) Girone Maximum 65 34.4 70 33.1 70 Sasi fh) 34.1 82 34.4 86 35.9 89 38.1 Mean Max, | 61.3 32.7 66.3 32.1 67.7 31.9 77.0 30.3 61.8 31.0 85.2 30.7 S6s6™e3en0 Mean Min. | 47.3 22.6 49.0 19.9 56.0 16.1 64.0 19.2 7265 14.2 77.8 21.2). 6020) gee Minimum 45 LOS. Liz ney ty 9.6 62 5.4 69 35077 Pree tL 9.8 “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August September Temp: Sal. Temp. Sal. ho i So ISLAND, LA. -continwed 86.7 84.1 86.1 85.2 86.2 85.4 ou 88.6 81.2 79 8.9 4o5 hed 304 sal 4.6 1 29.9 16. 0.7 0.0 83.6 15.8 8h.3 625: 81.9 81.5 = x AMO Ws 82.0 90 86.9 6.0 3 ee. 2 Ayf 5 2 6 t 1 70 ) 29.6 22. ils QO. (Gulf Coast), TEX. Sie 28.0 86.5 35.1 82.1 22.6 (Galveston Channel), TEX. 3004 29.9 29.3 31.0 29.0 29.3 28.5 36.0 30.6 36.3 31.1 312 30.1 40.1 3h.1 2he7 13.3 83.8 26.9 85.5 28.2 S501. 2832 SseOre 27.7, B2.6" 2725 82.9 2hek €2,5 26.3 84.0 83.2 82.5 81.6 82.4 NNW YW NRW WW e mwoO~7WON vw wOWW Om so “I Onur Os ON 83.5 5 87.9 7743 69 HARBOR, TEX. 85.7 85.0 | 8h.1 | 84.8 84.9 87 86.5 82.2 81 32.7 Bie 3h 5 BD on 34.8 38.1 3607 Bilc2 2542 83.2 ney 81.2 81.3 SiS 27/017 86.) 538.1 85.5 3406 76.5 15.2 72 2.8 October Temp. °F (Ded T7102 69.0 (22 74,20 85 81.3 64.8 a4 Sal. Ko 17.7 11.0 8.4 6.0 902 32.0 23.3 09 0.0 November Temp. Sal. °F ho 7.5 12.2 1.1 2 1 WreErO oO GFE WD e 39 December Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. °F wMNN WW OW PO eo eo @ rPWoo LORE Oot ae) WD eo © @ WIND PO | [ Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F °F 91 102 89 87 87 86 89 %o 32.0% 29.0% 28, 2% 25 he 26.7% 32.0 BO els, Boar 3409 36.3 40.1 3703 3505 36.2 35.8 BS 34.06 Bile 36.2 34e1 LOowl 38.1 A7* 03 L0* 0.0 52% 0.0 45% 0.0 L5* 0.0 38 0.0 53* 19.7% LOOTe3 So Ll Sekt Boe eS eit, 1202.6 hea DEG 35). 360 37 Sel, B72) Del: 49 17.1 LT 1940 48 20.9 LO Oe, Li 563 Ss ONY 50% 16, 6% LO Take LB* 256 42 6 2. 256 40 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F Yoo °F %o °F ho aD eo 34.0 Sle7. She KO 78.k 320k 8S 938.0" 3.76 26.2 Bae GOsSe Obes ~30.3.-Chel 34.0 84.2 35.5 82.3). 31.6 89 37.9 70) 22 SivsOnsoe7, 65.5 -35.8 @4.3: 33.9 81.4 33.3 79.7 32.6 86 Bile o> SiYiaby (So) Bi Olecr?, 36.2 85 36.2 95 38.0 Seem emCI cD Sel Oled) 3003 263.5 35.4. 6252- 35.5 Sips oeieels2 | 33.2) 80.0 30.8 78.5. 2951 276.2 “27.2 |81 Sys}. teh0) SOG #48) 2987, 76 26.701 °70 24.2 70 2he2 NICARAGUA Brae 7729-0) 66.1 33.2 81.9 33.5 81.7 31.9 79.7 32.7 9037-0, i7h1823<8 SosOmiscels Son 32.2 Sh.0 3168 S154 31k 79.5 3265 90 36.3 76 rl! 87-2 31.6 86.0 3he1 85.4 33-1 82.5 29.4 81.7 31.0 89 38.1 78 11.2 85.5 BIMOMS6s2) 33-2 Sh.o S362 81.58 B3I.2 > S050) 3251 189 36.0 90 26.8 89 36.7 8&6 35.8 86 35.3 90 38.1 SO aoe OR Coes SoG". S60. 35.1 Sh.6 33.7 82.7. 34.5 Sa ON eOe Stoel? eos ea S059) 2955) 7826 2888 76.7) 2 7e 2 ‘60 MWe spl 26.8 78 2138) 276 PbS hh Gs2 7h 1.1L 46 Years 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1949-1953 1954 Mean Maxi mum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1945-1948 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1958 1955 1956 1957 January Ww Ww av ON [oe ea nea o mo oaO = Parr February Temp. °F am oO SSRRS Oo NIOANOFRDND 63.0 64.0 63.2 61.5 63.7 66.3 60.0 63.3 69 66.0 60.4 58 Sal. oo 33.3 3he2 3204 32.1 3302 36.6 3505 2h ok 14.4 28.5 28.0 28.4 31.5 29.27 26.7 2504 OwONONOX An OO WWWW Ww WWWW DAVIN On WWoOOo Oo April Temp. 2) 9) 82.6 82.7 82.6 81.8 83.5 82.6 86 85.0 80.0 78 Sal. Yo 3503 34.5 3he2 34.0 35.0 34.8 36.8 36.3 29.1 25.1 28.9 29.7 29.0 32.3 31.1 25.9 2h.6 *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. ‘Vable 1.- Surface Water Means and June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Fe ee PUERTO LIMON, 83.3 34.0 82.8 31.9 83.2 33.6 83.3 348 835 33.5 81.8 30.4 83.2 34.0 82.3 30.8 84.6 3h4e5 83.3 33-1 83.4 33.9 82.7 3201 86 37.0 86 36.7 8502 35.8 85.3 354 81.2 30.3 79.6 23.9 (8 2hey 75 13.3 CRISTOBAL, 83.9 30.6 83.2 28.0 83.9 30.2 83.0 27.3 83.9 30.4 83.2 27.8 87 33.8 66) -agieg 85-5 32.9 84.7 30.1 82.0 27.2 (6le3uedeq G0 26.7 8 2069 FERRY REACH, ST. 78.0 -_— &1.7 —_ te® _ 82.4 en 78.0 36.6 82.2 36.7 76.9 3667 82.0 36.4 77.2 3720 8129 93626 7900 3700 80.5 36.4 7709 36.8 8326 36.8 7706 36.8 82.2 3607 83 37-3 86 3701 81.3 37-1 8he4 37.0 The3 35.8 792 35.8 72 33.8 77 3501 SAN SALVADOR ISLAND, er, bere 81.5 36.4 LOS ARROYOS, 86.2 _ 85.9 = 81.8 —_ 87.3 ae Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August September October Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp, Sal. °F % °F So oF Se ° (ok) COSTA RICA Boece meOn Shel 369° 83.2 34h ee 83.5) = 832) | Sesh) .8hs0. 35.4 82.6 34.8 S2epr seek) Shel 33.3 S405 34.2 owas S367 3365 83.5 33.7 O23 63269 84.1 34.2 85.1. 34.8 SaO7 3364 84.0 34.5 83.5 Bhe4 88 SH/AGW atets} SLO tetss 36.6 SerOGoso Co. 36.0 86.0. 36.2 Ugecmner eo uole2, 32.1. 79.9. 2858 76 7s SO 20.7%) 76 18.0 CANAL ZONE C2roneeiats Ches 29.4 83.8 30.8 S2a0mmzo.9) 83.8 31.4, 83.1 32.7 S2som27.0° She2 29.9 83.7 32.2 &6 32.5 86 SA Liss 36.6 Sie 7 30.8) 85.7 32.9 85.3 33.8 SieSeueoec . 82.7 26.7 82.0 26.8 81 21.8 82. 25.45.) 62 2h.2 GEORGES ISLAND, BERMUDA Gate ee C008 see 75,8 ak 83.5 are eal val = 76.5 S2eSesowk Sle 3656) 76.7. 36.6 S2eTeeOsOn O47: 30.0 76.5 36,2 B2e2e sous Ole) 36.6 76.5 3632 Clee SOnlys-Cl.0| 36.7> 7503 36ck SiOme SOs 61.3 | 36.7 76.6 36.6 B22) 36.60. 61,2 36.6 76.2 36.4 86 37.1 86 B7 Bee 37.0 Beroo7-O1Gh. 1 36.8. 79.7 36.8 60,5 36.0' 78.2 35.9 72.25 3539 79 S55). HE: 3500 170) 35.4 BAHAMA ISLANDS, B.W.1I. Bee 0.5 O56%, S652 819° 36.0 CUBA 87.3 — 85.4 een 82.0 — 87.9 ET 25.6 oS 83.9 borrsoe o= —= = == ——= —=— November Temp. °F 81.0 81.3 82.1 83.2 82.4 84.4 81.9 86 84.8 78.3 76 79 9 Sal. %o 31.4 30.3 Bly! 3265 33.8 32.1 36.7 35.7 21.4 15.7 December Temp. °F 79.9 79.8 81.3 80.2 80.7 83.3 80.5 87 84.0 ile! (2 81.8 81.2 81.7 84 83.3 79.8 78 66.1 66.5 65.4 64.3 68.4 6701 67.6 66.4 72 69.0 63.0 61 78.1 Sal. So Temp. ors 82.0 82.9 82.1 82.1 83.3 82.3 oo 33.0 32.8 33.0 33.7 3302 47 Maximum Minimum F 87 86% 88 86 85 87 88 87 86 87 86 Sal. || Temp. Sal. %o 37.0 37.5% 36.6 36.2 36.3 3765 SH td 36.8% Temp. °F 73 78 te, 78 ee, 60 61 58 59 62 58 58 (oe 73% 66 69% Sal. ho 12.6 17. 5* 19.9 13.3 18,2 12.6 18.2 20.1 18.2 33.8 35.1% e=ro =_eo =co 48 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July . Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. ‘F %o °r eo oi ho 19 yoo ms ho oi ho oi %o HABANA, 1947-1948 | 7765 33.7 79-2 34.8 78.1 34.6 81.5 34.4 83.5 34.5 34.8 85.6 34.5 1949-1953 | 76.7 34.9 T7e2 35.0 79-7 35.3 80.3 35.0 82.8 34.8 34.4 86.0 34.2 1954, 77-5 34.1 05 34.5 06 34.0 S14 34.8 82.56 31.2 86.3 33.3 5 7 7 2 5 3 76 76 i 1955 | 7508 35.0 7he5 3he8 7767 35.1 79.6 35.5 81.3 34.9 34.5 84.0 34.8 76 77 78.7 0 4 Oonn Oe a e ° OW 0 LD Ww iAP) e ~“ 1956 7325 3he4 35.0 34.6 34.8 81.9 34.0 83.5 34.0 84.9 3hel 1957 76.6 34.4 77.8 3he5 7768 3he2 80.0 34.5 82.1 32.8 84.0 32.1) BOUBs ohne Mean 76.5 34.6 77.0 34.9 78.5 34.9 80.4 34.9 82.6 34.1 84.6 34.0 85.8 34.2 Maximum 82 Sos) tail Bias) 183 3725 85 38.1 87 37.1 90 Sat 9G 38.0 Mean Max. | 79.3 36.3 79-1 36.2 81.1 36.3 82.7 36.0 85.4 36.0 87.2 35.9) Sieve 3oc0 Mean Min. | 73.1 30.8 74.5 32.4 75.6 32.1 77.9 31.4 79.6 29.1 81.2 29.0 6356053052 Minimum 67 18.3 71 3050) 75 29.9 76 23.9 78 212 9 1703) (SE 23.0 GIBARA, 1G49=1953)| The? 3422 75-0 34.6 76.4 35.5 79.2 36.5 (Sl.0 36.3 83.2) S555 eau 1954 Tee) 3507 1508 Be5 7665) 3L.9 7760 35.0 82.0) 35.3) Sh ON Somme eee 1955 75-8 3he6 7he5 33.1 76.0 3h-l 77.9 35.5 (79.4 35-5 82.0 35-45 163 owes 1956 7302 35.7 75.6 36.0 76.4 35.5 77s2 35-8 80.0 36.3 82.0 35-08 S250msae 1957 (Eco shen 9SeO! S67 7Sdo) SEcO) Yc: Shint! of 32.9 SLO 3L09) (hohe Mean Wel 34.2 The9 3h.5 76:4 35.1 78.6 35.9 80.6 .35.3 62077, 35.OunSoecueeaes Maximun 80 36.7 79 36.7 82 BON o> silo, fake) B81 ei 36.7 87 37.0 Mean Max, | 77.8 36.2 77.9 36.0 79.0 36.3 81.9 36.7 84.2 37.2 85.7 36.3 8559 93006 Mean Min. | 72.4 31.4 72.1 30.2 73.5 33.5 74.8 35.0 76.3 32.1 77.7 32.0 81.4 3004 Minimum 70 26.0 68 20.4 72 shbnaly yal 3303 74 Beit (6) 29.7 80 24.6 GUANTANAMO 36.8 -83.7 37.2 85.6 36.3 85.6 32.9) S6cieoue 8 Sle 8.7 Bilie 85.9 36.8 86.1 37-1 1947-1948 | 81. 1949-1953 | 79. 2 5 1954 80.0 36.3 79. 0) 36.6 83 -2 36.8 84.5 35.4 85.4 36.2 (65.0soum 1955 18.02935<9 7Sel 36.6) 76. —_ ° —- 82.3 — 84.2 --- 84.7 36.7 1956 = == 7653) 3603) 79-9) 36.3 36.8 83.2 37.0 83.9 36.2 84.8 36.7 1957 7905 3662 79.6 36.4 81. 1958 78.2 Mean WGek BOs 11964) 3607 > Sled). 37.0) 182. 2 2 3 08 37.1 83.9 36.7 84.5 36.3 85.3 36.4 1 37.0 64.4 37.1 (8h.7 36.4. Shavueoiee 8 37.2 Sh. 36.8 85.3 35.9 85.6 36.8 Maximum Sh, 37.9 86 38.1 87 38.6 88 39.2 98 39.0 91 38.0 92 38.5 Mean Max. | 81.6 37.1 81.5 37.3 83.6 37.6 85.4 38.0 86.7 37.9 87.3 37.1 87.6 37.5 Mean Min. | 77.0 35.5 77.7 36.0 76.9 36.2 80.6 36.2 81.6 35.0 82.2 33.5 83.7 3569 Minimum 7h, 34.5 76 35.5 76 Blea ae 33.1 80 28.6 76 15.7 80 35.1 CASILDA, 1949-1953 | 7403 37-9 76.5 37-9 80.7 38.1 82.6 38.4 85.5 38.4 87.5 36.0 87.4 36.2 1954 Mek Bled T7el 37-1 80.9 37.5 83.5 38.4 86.9 36.1 86.8 35.0 eesG cee 1955 et Bled The 37%el 80.8 37.5 83.5 38.1 85.7 37.7 87.5 3k.o) GOctmmcrme 1956 Tls5 36.7 Fie 37el 7E06 3755 62.2 3707 Shel 3759 85.5 (Siely Cfeo meena 1957 71503 37-5 78.4 37-5 80.4 37.3 83.0 37.6 85.8 35.9 1— == = — “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities 49 Extremes August September October November December p Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. | Temp. Sal. | Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ho °F ho °F ho °F ho °F ho °F ho °F ho °F 60 CUBA 86.4 34.9 85.9 34.0 85.0 34.0 80.6 34.2 79.4 8253), Susu GO: ThOs6y 73) 2562 BOu9) shel 85.8 33.6 83.9 31.5 80.2 34.0 77.6 S18. Bhs Sl 1 92 BSel 671720 BOM o so Ghe9 33.3) 82.2 33.3 79.0. ° 33.8) 76.2 3405] 81.2 33.78 88° 36.6. 73 °22.0 Boule sess Sh.9) 33.8 82.1 33.5 79.9 3h.5 7707 S056) 3H. 51 68 36.20 - 7k 2969 SosOe shel Gh.5°. 3301 82.5. 32.7° 78.3 33.6) 77.9 8055s. 3h ela G8 735.77-- 69.2360 Sorsuis2ey Sbe2 33.6 82.9 32.5 80.1 34.0 — = a ae 88 35.8% 7h 2h,2% 86.6 34.1 85.5 33.6 83.6 32.5 79.9 34.0 77.9 3he5| 8166 34.2 92 37.2 89 38.5 90 40.6 86 37.7 82 36.6 92 40.6 89.1 35.8 87.6 35:9 86.8 35.8 83.1 36.0 80.3 36.0 Sse 2oe7, 62.7 2708 79.8 25-1. 76.7 28.9 The 31.6 R22 62 ek 77 «17.0 7h 20.8 73-2545 67 17.0 CUBA SiO oer che Shel 83.8 3355. 0.2 31.2 76.8 33.5] 80.2 34.6) 88 39.3. 70 0.2 Bh.3 35.0 83.7 3543 82.2 3h.2 80.7 32.3 77.6 32.8/80.4 34.5] 87 36.8 7h el 84.0 36.4 83.2 34.1 82.6 33.7 79.9 34.6 78.0 35.4) 79-7 34.9] 86 37.6 71 25.9 Bee Ge21 82° 36,7 82.7 36.3 77.9 32.9 75.8 33.1| 79.2 35.4) 86 37.7 71 W.2 Boe mc4s0: 735.0 SI69° 34.9 SO.) 34.2. 7768 34.5) 79.9 Bheo2] 87 38.1 72 2054 ee ea fen ee | ea ee See ee ee 37 oe 68H S61 5% 88 39.3 88 Syl sey SHG} Ex Bis Gue oD 37.0 88 39.3 82 3057. 78 25.8) 72 ons 72 0.2472 20.6 68 0.2 BAY, CUBA Seon Osc 1G 760. 356k 8762 35.1. 84.6 36.0) 82.8 36.0 | 84.6 36.0) 92°°3729° 76) 1567 S2Omeiee 16760. 36.7 86.4. 35.8 | 84.5 36.0 80.8 36.3°|83.9 36.8) 91 39.2 ‘7h 27.8 Se beeoeOm S52) 3365) 63.9) 3.0) 83.1. 34.8 “79.3 35.5:| 83.0 35.8 | 88> 37.7 77) 21k 85.5 36.4 85.3 35.8 84.4 31.2 82.2 35.1 80.9 35.5) 82.0 — 87. 37.2% 76 22.9% Seimeiee S55 3760 S400 32.5 982.6 34.8 80.6 35.5) — -- | 87 37.6% 77% 20.3% BE OMSOMmOe>) SiO) 5.2 137e2. G2o1. 37.10 7929) 36.8 | 83.0. 36.8 ].87- 38.0 178 3hc4 SOO oe She Sie9 Shao | 36.8.) '8352 0 37.6, 8128 37.9 (62.7 37.251 87.38.8975 Bey BOmmeoili 60.3); 3609, 8507 35.1 83.57 35:9) 81.0 36.3.1 83.4 | 36.5 91 38.8 92 38.6 91 38.2 89 38.1 86 38.1 92 39.2 Sami 6662 37.0 87.7 37.0 860° 37.0 83.2% 37.0 BiteemesOeei 3.0. 3355 82.9, 30.8 80h 3h.5) 78.60 35.5 79 Shoyad {40) PAA) ps) 2063 715 Bean 0 33.8 (ih yt CUBA P8825 37-0 86.9 35.9 84.8 32.8 79.4 36.0 75.9 37.5 | 82.5 36.8] 92 40.3 70 15.0 Peo! ot 987.7) 35.9 830) 134.8 79.6, 36.2 7.7 37.0 | 82.9 36.7) 90 39.4 70 33.8 Piece SWC mes 3960) 183. / 1 34.2) 8053. 3504 W7e5 36.31 0205 35.8) 90) 3952" 70 2007 SSeS eo lee (s0" Shey 5760) 8 Tiel UDO les Oe moet Pisses doy mOon 13 on 8 == == — C9* 36.8% 72k 35.L% 50 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ho °F Soo m1 o ABS ho oF) ho °F ho °F ho CASILDA, Mean hed 3705 7608 375 SO 37.7 82.8 38.39 65.5' 38.0 87.2 35/8 87 soeesoee Maximum 81 38.6 82 40.1 85 39.2 89 39.4 91 2988) pL 40.3 92 39.7 Mean Max. | 78.4 38.0 80.6 38.2 83.8 38.4 86.6 38.9 89.1 38.8 90.0 37.3 89.6 37.3 Mean Mjn. | 71s2 36.7 (73.2 36:4 76.9 37.2 78.4 37.2 81.3) 3752 81.9 32.7 (GhOleaiee Minimum 68 35.5 70 3504 7h 36.2 7h 36.6 78 35-4 80 17.4 83 26.0 COLOMBO, ISLA 1953 a ee ee ae ee 1954 75.5 eu sal eu ee ae os — — 84.2 36.0 83.9 3263 oe — 1955 ae sos ae = = == = w- 8,0 ——) ‘552 =—— 2 Shoe soeunq 1956 Wel (3620) 1569 33502 —— ==, 80.5 39.0 .83.8 38.9 83.7’ 36.8 1) 65.Gensoem 1957 76.0 39.2 eee oereny 78.9 9.8 83.0 — 85.1 85960) 86.8 Syalh 89.7 36.0 Mean 7323) 37.6 722 368 77.8 3768 82.2. 37.5 Sh3) 36.6) Sh.9 Sh Se Sosommome Maximum 81 39.8 78 38.9 82 10.7 90 39.8 89 40.2 89 38.4 92 37.5 Mean Max. | 77.2 38.6 76.0 37.9 82.0 38.6 87.0 39.2 86.5 38.5 87.5 36.2 88.7 3702 Mean Min. | 69.2 36.2 66.5 35.8 7h.O 36.4 78.3 36.4 81.2 34.1 82.2 33.8 8h.7 3507 Minimum 66 32.4 63 33.8) 173 BoeSmrii 34.6 79 30.2 80 31.4 83 350k PORT ROYAL, 1954 Bas sos == — — = 1.6 35.5 82:5 32.8 83.0 35.3) (63s0messes 1955 76.9 35.7 78.2 34.8 79.1 35.8 80.8 35.9° 82.4 36.0 82.1 3 ee ee See 1956 Medi B505 Wied 350k W9.7) 35.5" SI9> 35.5) 82.3) 35.7 8250 Sho oleae 1957 7963 35.0 78.2 35.3 80.2 34.9 80.6 35.7 81.8 35.3 8300" 35:9) ses oes 1958 79.2 35.0 79.3 35.8 61.2 36.2 82.9 36.4 84.1 34.2 83.9 32.9 SHO 3500 Mean 78.7 S553) 78.4 3523 80.0 3 BL, Baik fey 37.0 88 36.7 86 36.4 83.0 36.3 Sh.4 36.4 84.8 3663) ~GheOmsoes 80.4 34.6, 80.2 28.9 81.0) 28.) SOlSusaem 80 32.9 79 1951s 79 21.2 078 28.9 Maximum 82 36.2 82 36.4 83 3 Mean Max. | 80.5 36.0 80.2 36.0 81.8 3 Mean Min. | 75.8 33.5 ‘76.2 33.2 78.5 3 3 8 5 2 2 A 81.6 35.8 82.6 34.8 82.8 34.6 83.1 3i5553) 8 2 ° 5 Minimum 7h BZ lna6 2953) 76 6 PORT-AU-PRINCE, 1949-1953 | 79.7 36.0 79.8 36.3 81.0 36.3 82.8. 36.2 83.4 36.3 83.1 36.4 8h1 36.4 1954 €2.0 35.9 81.7 35.9 82.2 36.3 83.6 36.3 84.2 36.4 8he4 36.3 85.4 36.0 1956 60.0 35.9 80.0 35.9 80.9 36.0 83.7 35.8 83.8 35.4 83.8 35.8 83.6 300m 1957 61.2 36.4 80.1 36.4 81.6 36.6 82.2 36.7 83.9 36.6 Sh.2 36.4 85.3 Sone 81.9 3 1958 81.3 36.4 80.6 36.6 36.8 84.3 37.1 84.5 37.3 BShoG 372 heen gee Mean 80.4 36.0 80.2 36.2 81.3 36.3 83.2 36.3 83.7 36.3 83.7 36.39 Shooeecame Maximum 8h, 36.8 83 37.2 85 SWae I Usia) 38.6 87 37.9 87 37.6 90 37.5 Mean Max, | 81.9 36.4 81.4 36.7 83.1 36.7 84.9 37.0 85.9 36.7 85.2 36.8 86.6 36.8 Mean Min. | 79.2 3567 78.9 358 79.7 35.8 81.0 35.7 81.8 35.5 82.4 35.8 83.2 36.0 Minimum 78 Shishi. Yds! SHO) 4/#/ Sys AS) 34.0 81 34.1 82 SI RSGy tsi 35.4 *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August September October Sal. %o Sal. Temp. Yoo Ly Temp. Sal. Temp. °F So °F CUBA -continued BSe3 050.0) 67.0 35.8 6h.5 34.0 39.6 37.0 2705 15.0 38.9 37.0 34.0 spleak 91 88.2 (709 78 92 39.6 91.0 37.6 84.0 35.0 7Oy 3063 92 90.2 82.5 78 DE PINOS, CUBA 84.6 8.3 8h.5 26.7 85.0 89 88.0 82.2 80 JAMAICA Bh.4 35.1 85.0 35.5 83.6 34.9 Shek 36.2 8523 34.6 84.5 88 86.2 82.8 82 84.2 83.8 83.9 83.7 81,.0 83.9 88 86.4 &1.8 81 3503 36.6 36.4 32.4 29.0 | HAITI 85.8 36.3 86.0 36,2 35.8 36.3 36.6 37.0 85.6 86.0 86.1 87.3 86.0 36.3 86.1 3762 36.7 35.8 350k 90 88.1 84.6 84 32.0 Temp. °F November Sal. ho W908 36.2 86 84.0 74.0 ypl 38.9 37.2 Bhed 32.8 51 December Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. | Temp. Sal. || Temp. Sal. Temp. °F So °F %o °F %o °F 759 82 vere) 71.9 70 37.2 38.8 38.0 36.3 Bhd 82.5 83.2 83.9 83.6 S304 83.8 84.2 83.5 36.7 36.2 36.1 3509 36.2 36.6 36.9 36.2 92 40.3 38.0% 88% 38.5% 88 37.3% 90 40.2% 92 40.7* 9O* 38.5% 92 10.7 36.7% 36.4 36.6 36.4 37.1 88 37.1 Sal. eo 68 15.0 66% 31.0% 73% 30.2% 76% 33.5% 67% 356.7% 67% 32.5% 63% 32.4% 63 30.2 79% 19.1% 762i.2 32.0 35.0 3503 3420 3504 3426 77 32.0 52 Years 1949-1953 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1949-1953 1954, 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1957 1958 1955 1956 1957 1958 *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. January Sal. %o 3565 36.0 33.8 February 78.8 7703 80.5 March 79.3 78.5 81.4 36.4 3505 350k SBI! April Temp. °F 80.5 81.6 83.6 82.0 83.8 81.8 81.8 85 84.0 79.2 78 78.6 78.0 78.2 7905 80.1 78.8 80.2 Sal. So 3503 34.9 350k BD et 34.5 Zheh 3406 29.0 33-1 37.0 EB oT/ 29.1 17.8 Temp. Sal. aE Table 1.- Surface Water Means and July %o BARAHONA, 84.3 34.6 Bhe2 3hh 84.5 351 84.5 29.9 Bh.4 3305 86 3529 66,08 35a" 82.2 31.1 82 2301 CIUDAD TRUJILLO, 22.0 22.0 35.8 29.0 13.7 5.0 82.3 19.9 82.3 19.9 8h 36.2 Exige) | Zins 79.6 12.4 78 502 PUERTO PLATA, 36.0 36.2 3503 3509 36.2 3505 3569 3726 36.6 33.8 2he7 81.1 36.2 80.7 36.3 81.1 36.0 7905 3602 82.1 3604 80.7 362 81.0 36.2 8h 3722 82.3 36.7 79 eh 3505 78 3428 MAGUEY ISLAND, 36.2 84.7 36.3 36.2 85.2 3608 ST. LUCIA 81.9 34.1 81.5 34.6 81.8 35.3 80.9 36.0 Temperatures and Salinities 53 Extremes August September October November December | Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp: Sal. |Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F eo °F So oF So aN ho So Ay ho oF —o °F eo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ees ae 83.2, Yo) 83571-30.2 82.2 33.1) -— Ben evan Eau BeRQrgic2) 86.3: 32.9 85.0 31.6 643 32.9 82.3 33.71 82. S8e37 On 77 82785 Bee okeS 85.5 3h.2 84.5 33.6 83.1 33.2 81.4 34.2 | 82. HP bist) eiy/eh AOL] S5yessoel 85.3 34.5 85.2 3h.4 83.3 34.5 81.2 35.0) 82. Gy) Sita UA Paaseaat Boe3225./85.9 30.4 85.b 31.6 G41 33.2 82.6 34.5) 83. sete She lie 1G e, Pomomecie2) (65.6 33.0 84.7 32.8 83.7. 32.8 81.9 34.1] 33. Combe SS «935.4 86 35.3 87 35.h Sh 35.8 88 37.0 87.5 35-4 87.2 34.8 86.4 34.6 85.6 34.6 83.6 35.1 Seo. sles 83.5 29.9 81.4 26.8 81.4 29.0 80.8 32.4 83 25.5 82 220478 2 2023" 80 250k 80m Sieh 77 =+17.8 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC BueOMmeoek iSiel: 23.1 83.7 (23.8 62.6 27.5 60.4 28.8 (ekshal solos yh, agin) 84.0 25.4 84.1 23.1 83.7 23.8 82.6 27.5 80.4 28.8 Bose.) 68 34.6 86 34.6 8h 36.3 82, 35.3 88 36.7 65e6) 2220 186.8 30.4 85.5 31.0 84.0 33.6 82.0 33.1 e2eO een Sl.2 12.4 80.6 11.1 80.5 15.6 77.0 22.0 Bee 5.6 79 ~~ «3.7 80 5.0 78 81 75 $45 Te Be? DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 82.5 36.3 83.4 36.3 83.5 36.3 82.3 35.8 79.5 34.9 82.4 36.2 82.8 36.3 81.8 36.4 81.9 36.4 79.8 35.3 SeeeesOsl C30) 3565 83.2 35.7 62.2 35.9 80.4 35.1 BIeGy 068) 263.2 36.3 83.0 36.4 81.8 36.2 80.1 35.5 Bosh 004) 83.5 36.3 84.1 36.4 &1.3 35.7 79.3 34.8 82.9 36.2 84.0 36.0 83.4 35.9 81.9 35.4 80.5 35.7 86 3756 7h 2365 Bt 3760 Wi 3120.8 86 37edn 1164 She, Bh 137.0)) 7h) 19.0 86) 372270) 629.0 BT. Bee.) (On e160 B25) 50.3 83.4) 36.2 83.3 36.3 82.0 35.8 79:7 35.1 86 Biel, 87 37.6 86 37.1 8h 36.8 83 37.0 Sis2) 3057 85.0 36.8 84.5 36.7 83.9 36.6 81.8 36.3 BOR meoe wolee 3565 81.7 3525 79.9 32.9 77h 3004 80 34.9 81 Boole cOle Soe 70 Zsieye afk 23.5 87 37.6 | PUERTO RICO HEde> 3525 86.6 35.4 85.6 35.4 83.8 35.3 81.5 35.9 | 88 37.1% 80* 34.4% 86:9 36.3' 86.2 35.4 85.0 35.4 83.2 35.1 81.6 36.0 90" Bien 2 805 Bet Castries), B.W.1. 83. t 33-2 84.1 34.1 83.9 e205) 3h56 82.9 34.8 82.8 3 S32 34.1 84.1 34.8 84.8 3 62.3 35.4 83.0 35.9 — — -- = aes ee 86 36.0% 78% 28.9% 86 37.0 78 29.3 SBin36l3 To) 272 Sel Sat TG) Shu Soha! 54 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp, Sal. Temp. Sal. Py So °F AO °F Ko SF) So °F So °F So a %o ST. LUCIA Mean 1903 B5eL “789 3507 (97 35.5. 80.2 35.3) SLLO) 35.4) 88) Seadoo Maximum 82 36.3) 82 37.0 83 36.6 8&4 36.8 88 37.3 86 36.0 8h 3726 Mean Max, | 81.0 35.9 80.3 36.4 81.0 36.2 81.2 36.0 83.2 36.3 83.2 35.9 83.0 36.0 Mean Min. | 77-0 33.6 78.0 34.5 78.3 34.2 79.0 3h.4 79.0 3406 80°50 3358.) GOs5n seo Minimum & SHAS) 7/2 B38 oa 34.1 78 Sot ¢/s 33.8 80 32.7 80 3302 ST. LUCIA 194,9=1953| 78.8 36.0 78.7 35.9 79.7 35.8 80.9 35.8 62.0 35.8 81.8 35.4 62028 o5ee 1954 M90 35.9 80.8 36.3 80.4 35.9 80.4 35.9 80.8 34.5 82.0 35.0 Nea eiies Mean 1920 3569) 79-1 3650 79.8 35.8 80.6 35.8) 6.7 3555 819) 353m eeames Maximum 86 38.6 86 3755: 188 SUG ISt5 37.5 88 B72 BT, 37.0 86 377 Mean Max. | $1.6 36.7 62.0 36.7 83.6 36.6 82.8 36.4 84.0 36.3 684229 3656) Gheomsonea Mean Min. | 75.6. 35.3 76.6 35.3. 77h 34.8 78.0 34.8 79.8 34.6 78.8 3iholemcosceecoem Minimum 7h 34.6 7h 35.0 76 BYR) 4/5} 255) 4hs 33.8 76 33.2 7E 32.5 TRINIDAD © 1919=1953| 79.6 30.3 79.8 29.9 80.0 32.0 @1.5 34.4) Sse. 33.2 818 2eko. s2komeenee 1954, 80.4 (28.4 80.4 30.7 S007 == Sle <= ‘$2.2 =<-— . 820) 28515 sS2ecuecoes 1955 81.6 25.6 79.8 carmen 79.1 BBS 80.4 31.8 81.6 BZei, 81.8 28.8 83.0 234 Mean SOc) 1.29.0" 179.9" 30.2 7959) 3253 9Sl63 933.5" Sls) 330 (Slo 26 eSenceemeeres Maximm | 83 3323 (63 3305 83 34.5 88 37.3 85 + 35.5 86) 3352) CCumecoee Mean Max. | 81.8 30.8 81.7 31.9 81.3 33.2 84.2 35.1 83.5 34.4 84.0 31.5 84.7 26.9 Mean Min, | 78.5 26.9 78.7 28.8 78.3 3067 792 3204 80.5 31.0 80.5 25.8 80.5 21.3 Minimum 7) 77 23.9 78 © 26.7) 77... 28.9: 78 | 31.2) 180\ 2980) S02 92) Cnc Ommmmplaes CARTAGENA, 19/,9=1953 | S17 35.0 60.7 35.8 81.2 36.0 “83.3' 36.2 85.1 33.7 85.9) 309s soe 31.9 1954, 82.6 34.4 81.0 35.8 82.1 36.2 83.3 35.8 86.1 31.4 86.6 29.8 85.2 2950 1955 81.9 34.5 81.6 34.9 80.8 35.4 82.4 35.3 83.9 34.5 85.0 29.0 85.1 29.8 1956 8056 33°77 82.0 32.8 81.6 35-1 63.4 35.1 85.3 32.0 85.4 30s ebavemece 1957 81.8 34.2 81.3 35.3 81.6 35.9 82.6 35.7. 85.2 34.6 86.0 350s Gocommoree 1958 83.7 35.9 83.1 36.4 83.8: 35.2 84.7 36.2 8654 34.8 87-9 31.9) B7cQmoeem Mean 61.9) 34.8 61.3 35.3) 81.6 35.9 83.3 35.8 85.3 33.6 86.0 3il5 sso,Omiea Maximum 86 30.6) 355, 36.8 8&6 BeOnnce 37.2 90 Sifos} | “Sal 36.2 90 36.2 Mean Max. |°84.0 36.3 83.0 36.3 63.7 36.4 85.8 36:4 87.6 36.0 88.1 33.7 867. (cum Mean Min. | 80.2 31.4 79.8 33.8 80.3 35.1 81.9 34.6 83.1 29.7 84.0 2808 (6h heeecas Minimum 78 Areal, Yes 28.5 78 sisints) {210) 33 sol 2360) 62 20.50 oe 23.8 RIOHACHA, 19 52 au — —-_ ees -_——. -——_ ——=_ -——_ —_—_ — —_ _——_— -—<_ ——- , 1953 Woe 36.6 7768 37.6 78L0 2812 e2lo 3819 8362 3053 ales 2703) ee 1954, m78 A377 79.9 3727 8069. 3729 BOLE 37.9 8366 3607 Gace 36a) Gen 7vammee *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. | ° ° . Temperatures and Salinities | Extremes August September October Sal. Yo Temp. Sal. | i °F So (Castries), B.W.|. -continued e269) Buch 83.5 34.9 83.8 i | Temp. Sal. Temp. | °F F ho mi 34.6 86 85.0 82.0 a2 88 Boe 7. 82.3 82 86 84.8 81.5 80 37.2 SBoy) Boel 28.9 3547 3545 SHES) 30.3 37.7 35-7, 31.4 27.2 (Vieux 83.1 83.6 Fort), B.W.1. BESS) 83.5 Bien 83.3 34.8 83.4 36.6 Boa 85.7 33.3 Bille 83.2 88 C565 81.5 81 (Carenage Bay), B.W.|. 6350) 19.6 83.7 84.4 18.7 83.7 Bhok 22.1 84.2 oO Ww ry ~ wWNwN e QO our 83.8 a Ww e Ww ine) 83.4 88 86.0 &1.7 80 ISS) 88 86.3 81.7 80 25.2 ZS th AIDA W237 eey bh ° jee} RPrNMWwW IN Oono Ww Fr OW ee e@ ° e ° WOW DH Ww COLOMBIA Boal 32.1 86.4 85.8 85.8 85.5 86.8 87.0 86.1 81.8 86.2 87.1 87.7 28.9 29.4 31.4 Boe 32.0 86.3 31.5 86.4 36.0 33.6 28.3 2304 90 87.9 83.9 80 | COLOMBIA Bipeles 37.60 November Sal. Temp. ih ho 8278 2365 36.2 Bed, BO 29.3 55 December Means Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. Temp. Wy 80.6 83 82.0 79 3 78 Sal. So Bone 36.2 36.0 Sal. So Temp. °F gik33520)| ae 88 86% | 88 88 87 88 1 91 90% 88% 88 | Temp. Sal. ! of ho 3767 38.6 37.1% 38.6 31/5) 32.5% 340 5® 373 3703 36.6 36.2 36.2 36.4 36.8 373 41. 6% 39.3% F {2 12 76 73 77 78 78 77 78 ho Zils 2 23.7 B269e 2301, 10.6 23 0h 19.9 19.2 20.8 2904 2723 19.2 56 Years 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min. Minimum 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1949-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max, Mean Min. Minimum 1949-1953 1954, 1955 1956 January Temp. °F 79.45 (rot 7727 81.5 79.02 82 80.8 773 75 Sal. hoo 33.8 34.8 37.3 February Temp: Sal. Yoo March Temp. °F 775 79.8 80.6 81.2 7927 Bi, S77 77-8 76 67.6 72.5 71.8 69.4 7207 7301 71.2 76 7305 69.0 66 759 7727 The 7326 71.7 77.6 76.1 82 M1 73.8 A 80.6 83.7 82.8 Sal. ho April Temp. °F Sal. So *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Table 1.- Surface Water Means and July Temp. Sal. oD %o RIOHACHA, 82.7 81.0 81.6 82.1 3607 3767 37.6 37.3 39k 38.9 3303 33.¢ 82.0 85 Shook 80.8 80 AMUAY, Theol 36.3 Te6 36.0 76.6 73.22 73.03 7507 7he6 37.0 3604 36.2 37.1 36.5 38.2 37-1 36.0 3565 CARENERO, 83.0 34.0 83.0 36.2 Temperatures and Salinities Extremes August Temp. Sal. °F ho September Temp. °F Sal. So COLOMBIA -continued 85.6 — 82.8 36.7 83.6 38.1 83.8 37.5 SHO) 377-3 87 29-3 85.8 38.6 82.0 34.8 80 31.9 VENEZUELA esS: 36.6 The5 3663 7925 36.6 7225 36.2 72.5 36.3 77-4 37.1 Mie B05 87 38.5 WG Bee 71.7 35.9 70 35.1 VENEZUELA 81.6 36.6 82.6 36.0 82.6 35.8 81.9 36.6 80582) 36.7 82.5 36.6 81.9 36.4 86 38.1 84.4 37.3 79.2 35.4 ae 34.0 VENEZUELA 83.3 35.3 84.0 36.8 83.7 30.3 85.3 83.8 81.8 85.3 85.4 90 86.8 83.7 82 79.1 794 82.8 759 76.8 80.0 79.0 86 83.3 Thed (2 83.7 82.8 83.7 splisak 81.8 83.5 83.1 87 85.4 80.4 78 84.1 83.5 82.8 29.5 36.6 36.4 36.2 Bhek 38.5 Bond 28.1 17.8 36.2 36.0 35.8 36.6 37.0 37.0 36.4 38.4 Biee 35.23 33.8 36.6 Bet 36.0 36.8 36.6 Boe, 36.4 38.2 37.2 3505 34.6 3547 36.2 3543 October Temp. °F 84.3 83.5 85.5 epigl 84.8 88 86.7 81.7 80 Sal. %o STE MN WW DO DD Ke) jee} e e e e e FOFR BAD WOUPH WW Onn 3 e Temp. Sal. °F So 83.0 — 87 81..91-220.6 86 S2 Ou soe oD 86 8252-- 36.3 87% S320m SleO 86 37.9 90 Shed 35a, 80.9 23.1 80 250 1923 36.8 Sh 80.6 35.9 85 82.6. 35.1 87 8355) 3561 86 (ESTE! 86 1952 eos 85 80.8 36.0 86 38.5 87 8h. 3 Brawls Vlet 3560 76 3204 82560 50.3 88 80.6 35.7 86 83.0) 35.9 85 C252 3567 85 S1,00 3623 85 80.4 37.1 86 82.0 36.2 85 37.7 8&8 Siok 3752 80.4 34.9 78 31.0 S37 abe 87 83.3 35.8 Sinths Boe a 40.1% 38.4% 41.6 37.6% 3705 37.5 37.1 38.5 38.5 38.5 393 38.5 November December Means | Maximum Minimum oF ‘ | Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ho °F 1E 66 70 68 68 65 72 65 69 72 fat 71 69 © 69 76 57 %o 11.4% O. Lit 23.9% 25.5% 0.4 35-63% 32.3 30.2 BleL 3503 350k 30.2 30.4 33.7 3405 33-3 3501 34.0 3004 17.1 87 38.0% 80* 34.9% 88% 37.7% 79% 33.3% 93* 36.3% 81* 24.3% 58 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F ° ” Pho O10) Soo °F So °F ho °F ho °F ho CARENERO, Mean S105 33.3 S157 32.7 81.4 32.8 82.7 3525 62.8 35.4 S38 B49 Ga.Omones Maximum 87 36.8 86 37.0 86 Bie Oo 38.5 93 Seon EL. 37.6 86 37-3 Mean Max. | 84.5 35.9 83.7 36.3 84.0 36.2 85.1 37.1 85.4 36.6 84.7 36.6 85.2 36.3 Mean Min. | 799.5 31.1 79.2 30.1 79.2 29.8 80.4 33.5 80.4 34.0 81.0 32.5 81.2 31.2 Minimum 76 20.4 78 20.4 77 W929) 79 Cay = thf 31.4 79 22.1 80 19.2 CUMANA, TOLG=1953 We 7Oole wGOsG) 275d bOsO heGu GOe7) 17Osls SOsOun7Oso) SOsan ule 36.3) 7852° 3589 1954 Med 36.8 (72.0) 36.7 72.0 36.7 Tel 36.6 72.9 36.6 74.3 30.35) (O,cmo oe 1955 1509) 35-9 173.6 36.3 71.1 36.7 70.0 36.2) he, 36.2) 76.6) 25.9 eome ey 1956 T7200" 3508 73203650 70.3 36.3 972.9 3654) 73.8 3608) 74.3) 36.6 eal 1957 1203) 36.60 69.4 36.6 711 36.7) 69.8 3666) 70.3) 3637, The3) Ses oeeoee 1958 TheS 371 75.0 37.1 7307 B7edl 173.9 37.0) Tee 37-0) S052) 3053) (eC escem Mean 7520. 3656 +7339 36.69 73.0) 36.7 73.6 36.3 75.0 3654) 76.4) 36.56 7essemsoad Maximum 83 38.6 8h 38.8 8h 38.5 § 62 39.6 82 3851585 BELSON 83 38.5 Mean Max. | 77.9 37.5 77.2 37.6 76.9 37.6 77.8 3766 72 37.3 80.8 37.2 82.0 37.3 Mean Min, | (72.8 33.7 72.0 34.0 70.3 34.0) 69.9 3368 7223 34.4 7209 3209) \720Guecomn Minimum 2) 22.0 68 24.8 68 28.5 68 23.8 69 30.6 70 22.4 72 22.1 CARUPANO, 1949-1953 | 75.0 36.6 73.4 36.7 73.1 36.6 73.1 36.4 73.2 36.4 75.0 36.2 76.2 36.3 1954 (502 37.0 7360 37.0 72sk 36.7 The? 36.8 74.7 3638 7559) 307m (> Qmeeaee 1955 77-0 36.8 7he5 36.8 73.4 36.8 70.3 36.6 72.5 36.6: 74.3 36:8 "7tebmemed Mean 7503 36.7 7305 36.7 73.0 36.7 72:9 36.6. 73.3 36.6 75.0 36.4 7Gsh es 3oc6 Maximum 82 SHES) {k) 37.2 80 Sioa “(s) SHS Lill SMiot ihe Sot) Sil 3726 Mean Max. | 79.2 37.1 (76.3 37-1. 76.2 37.1 76.3 37.0 75.8 37.1 7767 37-0 79eoueoten Mean Min. | 72.5 3567 71.2 3603 7007 3663 7065 36.0 71.0 35.7 72.0 3503 74.0 36.0 Minimum 71 34.4 70 35.8 69 35.7 68 3525 70 34.9 69 32.0 72 3505 PUERTO DE HIERRO, 1955 Sn i me re mee eae ee ee 1956 8169 22) Boss 22) Malay) 2) eo. 2 ee, 6S tgoto, coe 1957 20.0 23.1, 79.5 26.9 80.2, 30.3 80.2 31.4 81.9 3168 82.0) 2526) e3s0meIges 1958 S169 2he2 Sic9 27.8 Sh.8 29.9 85.16" 30.3) 85.5 29.01 85.9) 25.0 86.3 19.7 Mean 81.3 23.7 80.7 27.5 82.2 30.1 82.6. 30.8 83.3 30.4 83.6. 25.3)" Shelaeloen Maximum 85 dy Pe =) 32.4 86 33.6 88 34.2 88 34.5 88 29.1 8&8 32.1 Mean Max. | 83.3 27.6 82.7 31.8 84.0 32.9 85.0 33.3 85.3 33.1 86.0 28.8 S6a7i27e7 Mean Min. | 80.0 18.0 78.7 22.6 8003) 27.2) 8le7 7» 2805) Slk0) 2761 Sikes) 2053 a e2tceewies Minimm |79 17.8 78 22.0 79 26.8 79 27.8 80 25.5 79 20.0 @1 U6 , BELEM, 1950-1953 | 84.3 1.2 1.1 1954 64.0 0.0 84.0 0.0 83.7 -O 84.2 *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. | Temperatures and Salinities 59 _ Extremes August September October November December | Means | Maximum Minimum | Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. | Temp. Sal. | Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F Ko °F ho °F ho °F Ho °F Ko °F %o °F %o °F So VENEZUELA -continued Sans3h.8 83.8 35.7 84.1 35.8 83.7 35.5 82.3 33.3] 82.8 34.5 87 38.0 87 SHAS SH) Boe or 374: (86 37.3 SSaysoss 85.8 36.6 86.0 37.0 85.7 36.6 84.8 35.9 B2nOmmseey Sl.7 34.6 62.0 34.1 81.8 34.0 80.7 30.3 82 2103 Sl Secnmol: B15. 61 30.4 78 171 93 38.5 (oe Maren VENEZUELA BOnOmesieo 62.6 34.9 61.8 35.5 80.8 36.0 78.3 36.6 8877739 502 08 20,9 Sh asieo Og. 22 e2 867138555, 68 =22.0 8h 38.4% 68 30.8% GAP 384 68 335 85) 3720) 472. 129.8 BOesmese0) SO. 35.1" 60.1 35.7 78.8 36.3 7740 36.4 COvom Boe lol.4 34.6 82.6 34.2 81.7 35.3 76.5 35.9 _ = fed! 3565 80.4 36.9 — =i 76531, 3060 WMesmol(--f7.3 30.8 79.6 ° 36.7 80.1 36.3 75.7. 36.8 18.8 36.0 80.5 36.3 78.9 36.4 76.5 36.7 74.0 36.7 Fonoe 3570" Sl.1 35.3 81.0 35.7 80.1. 36.0 77.1 36.6 85 39.0 88 37.5 87 Bee) E87. cieponleauteyh 38.5 88 39.6 Sonomaveg chek 3701 84.2: 37.3 63.1) 37.2 80.6 37.5 ie ee OST UT, 29.0 77.81) 30s3 77h 32.02 7hsO 34.0 FeO 7h 22.2 7, 2h. 75 273 72) 29k | 68 20.9 VENEZUELA ilies 36.0 78.4 36.3 80.0 36.3 WScGie Boel dienes Oeo B5 messi ear, 69 31.1 WenBoar (Ses 36.6 7950 3657 80.6 36.4 78.4 36.6 By SSS) {Oi BGS 82% 37.5% 68% 35.8% — -— —— — — — ——_ == —— om eee ose 18.4 30.3 79.9 30.3 79.2 30.4 ° 77.8 36.3 C2 85 37.1 84. 37.2 8h 3763. 85. 37.5 CB suy BOs2" 36.7 62.6, 36.8 82.5 36.8 81.8 37.0 61.2 37.2 Pee eS AT 75.0. 35.8. 7762 355 77633509 7505 35-1 VEO 5ROL3. | 3505 The BEL2 76 35.5. 7h 31.2 68 sit VENEZUELA PS ny - - — 6559 as ae en hs BPN aoa Ger! Sa ee ke COM eooecOmdset C555 15.7 S83. 220k. S155) 2006 Sonimelos2reSel he9 86.1 919.6 185.8 220.6. 8h.7 23.8 Se 76O Goes) 1455 85.8. 1756 8he7 -2le5 82.9 22.2 GOlgm 23-9800) 1) 20.8) 88) 25.990! 26.3 86. | 28.9 90 34.5 Somer 255.0015 960) 19.65 67.51 2506) 87.7, 2500: She? 1 200.7 SreOml ees eke S68 163.00 15 8207 1767 81.0: 17.3 52 12.0 83 ee G2 LO. 6, SI 17.5. 80) a l6.6 US 12 BRAZIL Sheer to lSiae OSS Shel 10.9 Ch.O0 ee 8hO | (059 C6 8.0 78 10.0 Sire JO.O Shea 9057 Shel 0.9) (8h 56 0.9 - 84.6)" 059 B5 Wis) 82. 0.0 60 Years 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum Maximum Mean Max. Mean Min. Minimum 1958 1950-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Mean Maximum Mean Maxe Mean Min. Minimum 1950-1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 January Temp. °F Bh o4 84.0 83.5 84.3 84.2 86 85.1 83.0 82 82h e °° loo ae) e e e OW NA ~] STO {o) OO0°0 February Temp. °F 83.8 83 04 82.4 84.1 83.6 85 84.7 82,1 78 84.7 85.7 84.0 84.7 84.7 85.0 Sal. ho e SorN 9 S999 OnNOO ~] NEN O 13.7 37.8 38.2 37.9 37.9 3706 37.7 37.9 39.2 38.6 37.1 36.8 36.3 37.3 3503 35a: 36.2 36.8 March Temp. °F 83.7 83.3 82,2 83.65 83.3 85 84.2 82.0 80 82.2 83e1 82.9 82.9 82.8 85 84.8 80.0 79 83.5 82.0 82.2 82.3 S2 ea 81.4 81.8 82.0 85 83.9 79.8 wg. 84.5 85.0 8305 Bhok 8h.7 85.4 (SOMOS) CL. cen 6 fe} Se oes OCOKR BD AEN April Temp. °F 82.7 83.2 80.9 81,26 83.3 83.6 84.7 83.9 83.7 82.9 8h. 6 Sal. So 12. 3726 38.0 38.0 375 37-6 3705 3707 3922 38.5 36.3 35.8 34.5 30.8 28.0 PSA / 341 81.4 82.2 82.3 82.2 81.2 81.7 80.8 81.9 8h, 83.2 7909 78 81.8 82.2 81.6 83.9 82.1 81.9 *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Table 1.- Surface Water 17.9 Means and June July Temp. AD 83.9 83.3 82.4 81,26 83.7 85 84.2 82.9 82 81.3 Sal. Temp. Sal. 3B So %o BELEM, 7 83.9 AO) 83.0 ri, 8 83.2 84.1 83.7 7] O 86 Ae 84.8 3 0) 82.9 82 OOrF o OO00 OFRrRAaA OM QAADnM SALINOPOLIS, 28.1 — -- AP tsisio5) 2S)5 7) -- 83.0 — — 83.0 os 2843 8361 2907 32.8 8h 32.3 31.9 84.0 —— 210 a2 2529 AMARRACAO, Prob 3065) 255) FORTALEZA 37.6) (el Omeeiec 37.9° BlS58 Bi7c0 36.1 (SlS78 38ko 37.2. elesnesrae 3%et (Sleormiiee ByeSy Hl sh/5S 37.6, SES sre0 38.8 84h 38.8 38.4 82.9 38.4 36.6 78.7 36.4 35.3 18 eae RECIFE, 4h 29.9 aS 9 26.8 4 28.2 5 30.2 O 25.1 Temperatures and Salinities | Extremes August September October Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F 1) ho by ho ho MGRAZIL -continued Benn Os? 8h. 0.7. 84.2 1.1 bono 0:7 83.1 0.6 83.5 0.6 | 83.6 0.3 83.6 0.6 83.5 0.6 Bie 0.9 83.6 1.2 83.0 2.0 Brel | OL7 83.9 0.7 83.8 1.0 86 2.0 85 2.9 8 2.9 Geo 1st 84.6 1.3 84.6 1.5 Ben081- 0.3) 83.0 0.2 83.1 0.4 81 0.0 82 0.0 82 0.0 BRAZIL 8356 35.5 83.4% 37.0 83.0 37.9 B23 | 81.9 34.1 82.5 35.8 Bee ssl) 82.3 35.3. 82.5 -36.7 2h On OL 0 181.8 36.0 82.2 37.3 Goer 895 32.6 82.9 35.1 82.5 33.4 82.4 35.0 82.6 36.6 85 36.6 86 39.2 86 38.9 BESO 3523) 84.6. 37.3 84.6 37.5 BOsGernsO.6 160.6. 31.4 81.0 35.7 80 28.1 80 20.9 8&0 3h 2 ) BRAZIL MGs 2266) 79.9 23.4 79.9 23.5 (Mucuripe), BRAZIL S052. 3/60 80.4 37.3 80.7 37.6 BOT 3725) Slel 137-5 60.7 37.9 Sine 36.0) 81.2 | 37.9 81.3 37.7 Cle eiee Sl. 137.3) 82.2 37.9, Ce Siem) Sle2 37.5 81.5 37.6 Balesyeo Cl.6 3765 SL.0 3765 BOse 3/65) 80.9 37.5 81.1 37.7 8h 38.8 83 38.6 83 38.8 Bovisoee. 62.5 35.1 82,4 38.4 aleO 30.1; 78.6 36.3 78.7 36.6 7h SU) Mtl 35.0) 478 3he9 | BRAZIL WecO-- 20.1 980.1 32.9. 81.7 35.0 Woe 33.1 79.4 35.0 80.6 36.2 me.0 28.0 79.8 33.6 81.9 34.5 Wee? 30.1 79.4 32.3 81.6 34.6 (es) 32.1 81.4 3h s2) 82.2 35.7 feet 2662 60.5) 132.1 61.9 35.1 November Temp. °F 8h.7 83.6 83.8 82.8 83.9 85 84.5 83.1 82 80.0 80.9 81.3 81.8 81.5 @1.1 81.5 81.2 8L 82.8 78.6 78 82.8 82.0 83.05 82.9 83.0 83.0 Sal. Soo December Temp. °F 84.2 83.8 83.8 83.0 83.9 85 84.7 83.1 82 Sal. ho 2202 86 | 86 86 | Temp. 1 °F Sal. T ho 86# 39.4% 84% 39.2% 38.6 39.2 393 3902 38.6 38.5 38. 39 3 39.2 38.4% 37.9% 37.6 3709 3705 emp. °F 78 78 78 Py 61 |} Maximum Minimum Sal. %o 0.0 19.0 0.0 3he9 36.3 36.6 349 3507 36.2 3he9 62 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March April May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F %o °F ho ON ho ay ho °F °F Soo °F So RECIFE, Mean 83.8 36.2 84.8 36.2 84.5 34.6 83.8 31.5 82.1 29.4 79.9 30.1 78.7 28.9 Maximum 86 39.2 87 38.4 86 88.5 S11, 38.0 85 36.2 83 36.3 81 36.0 Mean Max. | 85.1 3767 8567 3726 85.9 37.2 85.7 35.8 84.2 35.0 82.0 35.4 80.3 35.3 Mean Min. | 82.4 33.2 83.6 32.8 82.7 25.1 81.7 22.0 79.6 19.2 77.6 19.6 77.0 18.8 Minimum | 81 21.4 81 23.4 81 16) 79 6.6 76 Soh 76 VOU Cuore SALVADOR, 1950-1953 | 60.7 36.6 81.3 37.1 81.8 37.2 81.9 36.9 80.3 35.0 78.6 35°38 76s6.535eu 1954 8056 36.3 81.7 36.7 62.5 36.3 Sil.9 35.8) Sill 35.5 79-0) 30,0 en cme oe ICES) 80.0 36:6 80.6 36.6 81.4 36.7 S104 37.2 80.2 36.7 79.7 326.8.) ieee 1956 80.2 8752 Sle 87-5 82.0 37.0 S168 3653 61.2 3650 7953) S5aCreie Ome 1957 7959. 36.2 80.8 36.3 81.3 32.8 60.6 33.39 7904 33.1 77.8) 3302p OsOmme ere 1958 81.0) 36.8 8.3 36.0 S16 35.7. °82.0 35.8 SiO} 35.3 79.2) Sb. emu Mean 80.5 936.6 81.2 36.8 G16 36.3) 61.7 36.2) 6055) 35.3) 78.98 35s Ommeeee Maximum 9/63 38.4 84 36.4 64 4. 38.6 84 38:4 83) 3755 Gl | 37-7 (Geena Mean Max. | 82.1 37.6 82.6 37.7 83.0 37.6 82.9 37.1 82.1 36.4 79.9 36.2 78.0 36.2 Mean Min. | 79.4 35.7 7927 3662 80.9 3he2 79.2 35.0 79h 34.4 77h 344 T5ol 34.2 Minimum 78, 34.9 78 35.0 80 19.072) , 30.878 -932.3.— 76) 30 s1Ne Cee ee CANAVIEIRAS, 1952=1953)| 83.01 12.9 83.0 21.4 82.5 13.3° Sl.6 13.5 77.4 21.5 76.8 13a 5o cee 1954 82.1 8.6 82.4 17.1 — — 79.1 4.8 79.0 0.7 76.5 I 7be2etoee 1955 80591053) Sl. 6.48166 1.) 6056 13.2°°77.9 755 76.5 AGS ema 1956 S05 7o7 Sl.7 1h 81.2 6.0 79.4 WO. 78.2 12.7 76.3 Wee oepmee 1957 (eGu i le2 SOse 16.0, SO.) —— 93) Os Oc0, 9 TheS 209) (relinmaiee 1958 Sie Sl9 SO Sl. 0 IZ TG 605% ° 8 Thet LS airmen 7 G20) algal Yel Sy | Maks) tx@oah sis 8 6 Mean Slo © Sa 9 L 77.7. C03 76.0 1203) 7ee> eles Maximum 86 Borns IF 36.0 8&5 35.9 8h 3h 82 S80 0) 3555) 160 34.9 Mean Max. | 84.1 26.1) 83.9 32.3 83.5 30.6 83.0. 21.0 80.4 23.5 78.1 2955 =76.6moees Mean’ Min.| 79.0! 90.3 79.0) 4.6 07750" 129 76.0) ° 059) “75.0 159 67/353) Aaa Minimum 76 0.0 76 0.0 71 OOF W3 0.0 72 OW 72 0.0 70 0.0 RIO DE JANEIRO (Fortaleza 1950=1953 | 75.1 31.9 76.6 30.1 75.6 30.3 74.8 29.9 355 31.1 7058 34.0 VCSceeeieo 1954 Wel 3257 5.6 34.6 W5el 34.8 7he2 33.8 718 33.5 97203" 33am 1955 7609 93205 7203 33.5) 730d) Bhok 7256) 33k le 7 33.7 7a. Omen te 1956 Wee 3201 The6 3306 75.5) 3323) 76.6) 32.7 Tle? (32.977 6963.) 33.5 Og Rome 1957 73.8 314 76.3 32.7 77.5 31.5 76.8 29.0 70.7 33.1 60.0 32.8 s6veqemeiee 1958 6959 3368 75.0 33.5 77.9 32.8 75.4 30.8 The2 29.8 73.9 32.8) Wie meeee Mean Mhe5 3263. ‘75ebs (3230) 47567 3260 "7560 3160 87257) 931591) "7057S B8eS ee Coe meee Maximum 20 Bo TunGe 35.7 82 35.4 80 35.0 78 34.9 75 36.3 73 36.3 Mean Max. || 78.4 34.8 80.0. 34.2 (79.4 3h ‘7862 13307 “75.0 300) 72e3) 35 eae eons Mean Mins |)69.0 28:0 711 2963. 7167 92859 7263. 2866) 70l2 29851. 6789 6382.3 Coe Ommeaee Minimum 62 17.0 67 20.0 68 23.9 69 23.0 66 24.3 63 30.7 6h 31.8 *Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. Temperatures and Salinities | Extremes August September Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. °F So °F ho BRAZIL -continued 78.3 | gl M7 76.6 | 76 30.7 3604 35-3 220 15.3 BRAZIL 76.4 76.6 76.2 76.7 77.3 77.3 | 76.6 78 77k 75.9 7h 35.47 36.2 36.3 35.5 349 3503 3507 3702 36.4 35.0 Bhd BRAZIL 7545 72.6 The 733 75.0 7502 The 5 78 76.9 72.3 70 13.7 4.3 12.0 80.1 83 81.8 78.0 76 7708 763 76.2 75.8 78.3 75.8 76.9 gl 79.0 7347 a 3322 3742 36.2 27.7 19.9 36.0 36.3 36.8 35.8 3504 36.2 36.0 37.7 36.8 35.0 3he2 IAs} lh. 20. is 13. 12, c WW 2 1 6 9 fe) ok 9 2 5 6) De he 36 0. de Santa Cruz), BRAZIL 34.8 34.9 34.06 33.6 34.9 34.0 34.06 36.0 350k 33.7 32.3 70.4 Ost 70.6 66.4 70.6 71.1 70.1 7h 72.0 68.0 63 3L,09 34.9 34.8 3hek 34.8 3h ek 34.8 36.2 2504 34.0 33.3 October Temp. Sal. °F ho November Temp. °F 80.7 (MES 7702 80.0 79 4 82.6 75.0 72.7 7304 70.8 69.8 The2 76.4 72.8 78 75 03 70.0 66 Sal. %o 35.8 63 December F Means | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. emp. Sal. || Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. So %o °F ho i Yoo 83.3 35.8 33.1 85 38.1 87 39.2 84.6 37.5 81.8 31.5 81 239 (fer eh 80.0 36.8 Bi 2826. 172) 33.2 Wea 30.2 839 38.2 75- 34.0 79.8 36.4 83 38.0 76 35.4 19.90 S501 8323804, “75 - 32ek 80.3 37.2 he Sign YO). alee 80.5 36.8 83° 38.4476. 3362 80.0 36.4 82 38.5 8, 38.6 81.5 37.7 79.0 35.0 78 3365 70 19.0 80.0 5.8 SOR S59 (2a Oso fishy AR 84% 36.0% 70 0.0 1963 =) Vel: GBB o6O 9 it OO 79.8 1.3 Sh 3559) 3/07 20.0 &2.0) 12,3 SIR MES Aika (fib N60) en oy ab CL eal Oe d) 80.3) 653 8h 3504 86 36.0 BPs Ome20.5 TOely 70.0 15) 0.0 VOse O50 l2e9 3200 S25 36.5) (Ose 7.0 7302 3heh 80=735.7 65. 30. (ESS esse) Oi Shiai (else | CAA: 71.0 31.0 BOW 35. O3ne2O.5 70.5 34.0 80 36.8 63 26.1 19200 3.5 S20 3b et Oke eos SCREENS) 82 36.8 82 36.8 76.7 3hoh 69.3 30.1 66 26.0 62 17.0 64 Table 1.- Surface Water Means and Years January February March Apmil May June July Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Temp. Sal. Ny oo Oy ho 19; ¢ 5 : °F ho IMBITUBA, 1950-1953 | 73.2) 35.3 73.5 35.5 72.2 35.8 7.0 35.3) 69.5 35.0) 66.2 35.1) C3sGm ghee 1954, 7325 350% hed 35-7 TOT 355 6965 Bb. Gol) 35.0) 165. 8h Bh ice Ocoee 1955 The3 35.0 <= — 73.8 35.6) Bee 35.1" (69.0) 301 63595 22.3 COsOmeso ae 1956 6953 3404 176.0 34.5 73.5 35.0) 710 35.3) (6465) Bh6 Gleb Bl Olas aaue 1957 70.9) 35.4 *7e9) 3h69 7Ooks 34.5) 7206) BL .O) (67e2. 35.0) 6305) S5cOmCZ emcee 1958 6955 3468 76.6 34.2) 75.7 32.4 7205) Bue 68.5 340k 65.8 3355 cosemmoan Mean 7203 350. hed) B51) 73.9 35.1 71.5) 35.0 68.2) 34.9) OL.9) Bal eZaomme ner Maximum 79 36.3 79 SHON eo Bens) ¥de) 36.3 7h Boas aO 36.4 68 36.0 Mean Max, Hos} SHIGE) ively 36.0 T19 Bay) Theil! 35.8 Thos 35.9 67.2 B35 65.1 35-1 Mean Min. | 65.8 34.1 69.0 34.1 68.7 33.7 68.0 34.2 64.8 33.5 62.2 3259 (COsse2c0 Minamum 9/61) 3204’ 64. 325) 6h = 3054 (64 3353) (Gils 3iI 60))) 205) eS emcee MONROVIA, 6l53) 32.1 8.9 32.5 S25) 32.0) SOL 230 ioc 820k 13053) $3.5) 3a 6353. 312 S056) (2s ieee oe 1953 - -— - 1H Gil she eons) 3) 1955 | 82,2 30.6 82.8 32. Mean 62.0 31.0 81.8 31.8 81.8 31.2 82.7 31.8 62.8 31.6 80.4 26.0 7724 (2306 5 ED 385 5 19, 5 eons 19.5 2466 79.5 28.2 80.5 25.6 78.0 DiS (Septic 1 75ieenee Maximum 84 33.3 86 3 Mean Max. | 83.5 32.8 85.0 3 Mean Min. | 80.5 28.1 79.5 2 Minimum 80 Dieasy 4s) 2 “Observations for the year are incomplete; extremes are for the months shown. | Temperatures and Salinities _ Extremes | August September October Sal. %o Sal. % Temp. Temp. Sal. Temp. iE) CUY ho At BRAZIL Seagmekes) O22 34.5 65.3 3h. 34.0 3hol 65.2 63.2 64.67 61.3 65.9 3hedl 65.4 65.2 63.9 65.0 67.9 3he5 3h ok 3503 3hel 34.5 63.2 5907 $1.5 59.6 65.7 sal BOB 3325 B2 07, 34.6 62.4 65.4 68 65.0 59.7 55 6.1 34.1 69 66.6 61.9 59 33.7 3h e 4 72 68.6 62.7 36.3 3567 3205 30.4 36.6 3565 B2eu 30.1 LIBERIA November Temp. SE 68.0 69.7 68.3 64.6 66.4 70.6 68.0 73 lee 63.9 61 82.6 Cia 82.6 82.1 84 83.7 80.0 78 Sal. %o 35.0 33.6 3hel 35-3 3h.2 3h 4 34.06 Bowe 35.7 3305 32.0 December Temp. ils 69.6 70.2 66.8 69.6 64.2 72.3 69.0 75 (a0 64.0 61 82.4 82.0 81.5 82.0 84 84.0 oe 78 Sal. Yo 3504 35.0 34.9 3545 34.66 34.8 j Means Temp. Sal. || Temp. Sal. at ho °F ho 68.2 68.5 66.8 67.0 69.8 68.1 26.3 2heh 250k 65 eans | Maximum Minimum Temp. Sal. Pipe 1). ava 195 2Oe eS Ss Oe 8O)--3653" 60) 2305h 78% 36.3% 55 28.5% WS) 30.22) 590 229e4 19 30s ae 58a 20.3 Yis) SH/isOlar only eloys/h 80 37.0 DO inaeoeD SL* 32.9% 76% 5.2% ie) ESihaGy) YE tenis 8663356 75). Seb 86 34.5 tue 2 66 Table 2.-Sea Water Temperatures from Recording Thermometers Max. and Min. Obs.=Maximum and minimum observed (from a continuous trace), Max. and Min. Day=Maximum and minimum daily mean (from hourly readings), Mean=Monthly mean (from hourly readings). Each bulb was in a fixed position below lowest observed low water. Temperatures are in °F. May June July Aug. BAR HARBOR, ME. 1949-1953 53 58 63 19-9 5507 00.1 Nee S061 Sade 39.5 45.5 50.9 Sy) Ah, L9 1954 49 56 a9 3.9 55.6 EGS Pa CIO Ey is )5ts) 43.0 16.0 Salat 43 15 49 1955 bl 56 62 50.0 5304 5904 GSS) SOn® Saas) 41.9 48.2 51.6 AL 47 49 1958 53 56 61 49.8 52.9 57.8 46.0 49.7 54.2 PE tO ales 1 42 45 50 BOSTON, MASS. 1952-1953 61 69 Bisin/ Cbalh BP 1OOs0 Look, | 5052 L5 5h 1954 59 66 56.3 63.9 52.9 58.9 5OC2 Toes 49 3 Table 2.-Sea Water Temperatures from Recording Thermometers -Continued ey | e Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Uct. Nov. Dec. BOSTON, MASS. - Continued 1955 he 4,0 he De 61 67 69 18 70 60 54 AL, ORO Osea Leas 15702 9 O40 Obst 12.3 )1Olo5) 585 ddet 4sek 37.9 3508 3904 4507 5305 58.9 64.7 69.9 60.0 56.0 49.3 38.9 Biles) 933-0) 37.5 40.8) 48.5 53.5) 63.7 66.6) 56.5 53.2 49.6) -3he5 34 33 Bill 39 47 52 62 65 39 52 43 3h 1956 10 10 1,0 49 54 66 6724 70 66 D9 56 47 3920 39.0 39.2 45.9 51.2 64.1 65.2 68.8 64.7 58.0 5504 45.8 BONS ees Onmieeo) 1.9 elee56. 7) OleS 06.0) Oley 450.5) 151230356 Pe rOm 2003 93550 98.29 46.2 5163 5956 61.3) 5723; 53.9% L603 39.6 533) 36 53) Sil 45 49 58 60 57 53 16 39 1957 40 4h = 46 oe) 62 69 72 TL 69 29 5648 39.4 40.3 43.8 51.1 58.6 66.3 69.3 69.0 67.7 5704 5h4e2 71 35.6 37.5 hO.6 45.8 55.0 62.4 65.5 67.8 63.8 56.1 51.1 44.0 Boe) seGslsGs6 14360 50561 59.0 665.2 60.4 56.7 52.7 Aine hee2 .| 32 36 38 49 58 62 65 56 D2 47 ke 1958 45 a 16 53 Di 64 68 69 6h 61 53 16 Mi OsOu 2.5) 49e5 25itsO 1O0e2 05601) 100.3)" 6227.11 5905. 202 hie? BOM No ON Oss Dh 5e7 260) 5760 Ol. 6 OleS 59.2 1 5559) 50.1 oe): Bied 132.9 36.2 42.8 19.2 55.1 59.7 59.0 56.7. 52.0 LOsh 335.0 Sit 32 36 2 48 54 ot 57 56 52 5 35 NEW YORK, (The Battery) N.Y. 1948-1953 Ab, 42 47 54 64 76 tke fe 16) 70 62 52 Beene howe 52.60 62,5 27568 ) 7hele "78.20 (8.0 769.3 61.3 2513 Boron SOsdaseeS | 0.7 DOs 65.8 7565 (h.OU Pies 16269 53.6. (is Bors 30.09 32.94 39.3. 87.0. 57.8 67.2 69.7 64.0 5358, 655, 37.2 | 3) 30 sal 39 47 57 66 69 63 53 16 36 1954 Lh L0 45 54 62 71 77 77 Th 69 Dg L9 LUcOl B9e Cruel 53051 C059 (69 e (5e9. 76.2 73.1 66.7 58.2 Leah Bors Ose HO.Oy Ose 6 502. 805s. fied e/eel) 6963 (Oho 7 52-0 43.0 BO) Biel 38.0) 12323 53-9 61-6 768.5 69.58 66.1 58.8 . 4852 40.2 | 38) 33 Stl 13 53 61 67 69 65 58 L7 39 1955 13 38 2 DL 65 (2: a 81 a 70 59 45 Oi 5056 )68.0 6959. 76. 79.8 (75.7 69.0 158.3 he? Oe M5 OO Gn. | Sek del eel Obed moe Oo 9 69 Dawe 5 50.6 61.5 69.7, 75.5.) 69.2) 59-3) io) 13562 1,0 50 61 69 75 69 58 Ah 34 Max.Obs. Max. Day Mean Min. Day Min. Obs. Max.Obs. Max. Day Mean Min. Day Min. Obs. Max.Obs. Max. Day Mean Min. Day Min. Obs. Table 2.-Sea Water Temperatures from Recording Thermometers - Continued ae | : : . Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. YORK, (The Battery) N.Y. - Continued 1956 Max.0bs . 49 58 71 7h 76 76 Max. Day Mics Bese Csiasy Yoo) Wolk W5cO Mean L265 52.00 63.9) C9eck Woes Min. Day BSeu/, 48.4 Sol 6542 TNS} Min. Obs. 38 L7 56 65 TAL 1957 Max. Obs. 55 63 73 75 76 Max. Day halk nce@nsi YAlsy) see) eae Mean 47.0 Bisin/A 68.1 alte So f¢ Min. Day ISG” Gihalk. CPAA OY RS YAao Min. Obs. 5h, 61 68 72 1958 Max. Obs. 61 68 7h 76 Max. Day - 60.3 66.5 73.5 75.8 Mean oe OAC) YORR 4560 Min. Day - a 60.1 Oviee GAA) Min. Obs. -- 59 66 70 ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. 1946-1948 Max. Obs. 66 70 78 Max. Day 5 - GB 6807 Ths9 Mean Bie s 54.8 61.7 65.9 Min. Day e 48,2 56.4 S/O) Min. Obs. 48 5h 5h 1949-1953 Max. Obs. 65 75 81 Max. Day ss 6253 2720) 78a:7. Mean ° 55.6 63.3 69.9 Min. Day Mss) Slhalh Sea? Min. Obs. 47 52 Dp 1954 Max. Obs. 63 71 Max. Day Gis 68.617. Mean 5 56.2 63.0 Min. Day De o ° SSIS 56.2 Min. Obs. 52 5h 1955 Max.Obs. 62 Max. Day : 60.1 Mean Sle Min. Day > ° 49.8 Min. Obs, 49 Table 2.- Sea Water Temperatures from Recording Thermometers - Continued Max.Obs. Max. Day Mean Min. Day Min. Obs. Max. Obs. Max. Day Mean Min. Day Min. Obs. Apr. May June July Aug. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - Continued 1956 72 7h 56.1569. 2 54.0) 62.0 48.2 5hok 46 51 1957 64, 75 62.1 70.0 570 20560 53.8 62.6 52 61 1958 58 67 WZ 56.2 in? 69./: BIS, (o9el LOL. O EVs) Beee | AO sil, bd 50 48 WASHINGTON, D.C. 1947-1948 79 88 88 WA des iste iOly Weiss S) 67.8. 77.0) 82.4 BOO 9207 277 Bo ale re 1949-1953 Oren aoL 520, 60.20 90.2 68101-7722 1,603.8 Sep 10063) 1950 Bi OO) ne 1954 76 85 &8 Whee bead Oe 7960 OL Si 1569 61 5 1955 80 81 Tied The 68.2 68 76 7305 Tes 69.2 68 Sept. Oct. Nov. 69 70 63.7 5he9 68.5 60.8 45 45.0 40.8 36.0 36 16 44.0 40.5 37.0 36 38 38.0 3565 33.5 29 73 (alo 63.8 520k 52 70 68.5 64.0 58.9 58 WASHINGTON, D.C. - Continued 1956 65 73 Bh, 86 6367) 70.9) 83 elh 85e7 5352676911 od) Ble U5ele Ole 2h, Wc OL mous 15 64, 70 76 1957 72 78 87 85 7200. 76.4 86.2 Sh.1 ens) Yala Way. alates Sens fiae E900 50 66 nal 80 1958 66 cs} 82 86 OFS 20S 1eOn9 Shas 55.0) 65240 75.0 1 Sled Wheat Siics) (elses (ss Ah, 56 Als 77 DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. 1948-1950 76 80 8h 85 UO sess sHlosh er25) WOoak Yen O-WIGO. Fos 6251 Tee ikem sOk.o 61 70 7h 60 CANOVA BEACH, FLA. 1950-1952 80 81 86 87 (302) "79.0 (83.07) (She? TESORO) eae) ook 67.3 70.8 70.1 64.5 65 69 66 62 85 84.0 79.9 ilo 76 85 Bho1 79 3 750 7h 89 86.5 791 6304 60 82.5 8h. 2 72.6 fk 66 66.0 63.4 59.9 68.2 61.4 54.6 58.0 62 62.0 54.1 43.8 13 56 5501 51.5 48.0 47 60 58.7 539 46.5 46 ae (bot 71.0 63.2 62 80 78.9 71.8 64. 8 63 Table 2.-Sea Water Temperatures from Recording Thermometers - Continued Pans Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. - Dec. Table 2.-Sea Water Temperatures from Recording Thermometers -Continued um = Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. MIAMI BEACH, FLA. 1955 Max.Obs. | == -- _ 82 87 88 90 90 90 86 79 an MeSOAyM ie Sy ca= = ea =) 7925 163.6 65.8 60.9’ Se.e 87.0 83.8 977.1. 175.60 Mean ee ee a este Os MC OOsS “Slee tole oO seo On 9 sOr 7568. oak Min. Day | <= = > i 70.5 71.46 80.7 8251 81.3 82.4 EAS 70.0 68.8 Min. Obs.| =~ a -= 69 72 78 81 83 81 73 69 68 1956 Max.Obs. | 73 76 80 gl 87 90 91 93 88 87 80 — Max.Day | 71.1 74. TAGE ee O30 sol eO es She! (COs Pes. 1Chelhe 7o60: f === Mean 68s 2r 72. Min. Day | 63.5 70. Min. Obs.| 61 68 67 70 78 80 82 8h 78 7h 67 — OWN ~} NBT) e WS ~) > ° eo) poy a) @ WwW ioe} Ww e Wr ee Wn Ne) oO ~) e@ oO 10.0 vw e wn OO (o) @ =) ~“ WwW e be) ] 4 6 1957 Max.O0bs. | == =< -- -- -- 89 90 90 88 87 83 78 Max.Day |=- = -- = --- --=- --~— 86.3 88.0 88.5 86.2 85.3 80.7 76.2 Mean CIS So SS = Aas ha Ret Lad 85.1 86.4 S6a7, 85.1 81.9 78.5 73-4 Min. Day ——— — So a —— oe 83.5 83.5 81.6 S267. fey) Derr: 67.5 Min. Obs.| <= == — -- -- 83 83 8h 82 Ths 75 65 1958 Max.Obs. | <= -- 4 -- -- = 87 87 86 85 80 78 Max.Day [=== == = 72.2 -<- = — ae = 64.5 85.0 63.9. 62.4 78.9: 76.4 Mean = - -- = FW. -- = ee = -- = == = 83.3 82.4 785 76.8 72.6 Min. Day a 61.3 67.5 69.3 a —— on 20.6 &1.0 80.5 Tee Dep 68.2 Min. Obs.| —= 59 66 69 _ a 80 80 80 73 7h 67 7/ wise ° Mean Temperature and Salinity Curves Monthly mean surface water temperatures and salinities (in parts per thousand) are presented graphically Temperatures ———-— Salinities to show the seasonal variation. °F JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC és ae FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC.%. | eS ee i ee oes el ll oS Se J SS 7 eS Pa Ss en Daa 2a Gi VP | % Bel Pa SANDY HOOK, N.J. “| | ae Pain > Ll AA ee Pato | i a WS oa BS eames S & PAS) fi Ww oOo $ Wee Zr ATLANTIC CITY, see wasn sil SX 30 WOODS HOLE, MASS. 60 aa oo All als CO SanDak a es IE! IN NEW LONDON, CONN. 73 Mean Temperature and Salinity Curves- Continued i Temperatures --—— Salinities | °F JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC.%} FAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC.% 80 : 28 eee a RICHMOND, VAN] ats | ah mas 60 A > < 16 L. a ae __ S fF 40 ee maaan 12 TP Sea T aetna 30 10 90 N (Za ee x Ca ; Be toe IN Mea | : ate | [amtarotis, wo._| Ba ran [eo ee EAI Binet 74 Mean Temperature and Salinity Curves - Continued °F JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC.%. es hel ae DTT reicoin en oso Temperatures ———— Salinities °F JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. ace 16 90 14 30 12 70 10 60 8 Pe el ee 4 \ A (Teorractncops [eal [| [ emotiney vance] |p F=4] 36 PC ee Bem ee z See B 80 a 28 70 26 24 22 90 32 20 [oe —t ‘\ 70 90 — — iy) 36 7a [| oo 32 90 Po oe) LS eee are coal Dee, Po Teter eT 32 90 a ee ee ee eee ao i ae ee on fe Se eee oe eee. -—Jovatranao tas. cues] SP] 34 90 ollie 70 36 « f [Pox aueaince, walt 34 Mean Temperature and Salinity Curves - Continued Temperatures ~-——— Salinities °F JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC.%. °F JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC.%. 90 EZUELA 76 ooo0°o e PANnWrO (2) (2) (2) 2) e Ou OND WA Cw 0 ee Nur Oo ® NAN aw eeeee eee DBADP A PP P Pw e AUAnrowo te) 1 2 3 4 Table 3 - Conversion of Fahrenheit to Centigrade YAAAA e Oamoarna e 8 © © NrPOwW® AAT P AW omnmmea eeeee OAM Pw e Ow wow ao e WAnwr OW onnwo wo ee @ @ oODANID PS nananan eee ee x U.S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1960 O ~ 552874 3 * aT 30 3 Pais TS a ‘i ee dae ne