4 CRCIL FRENCH Book _! Pee Gownioht Ne COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT: ing an. S: en ae mus ; m~ Pas lead ee Teg wate ee Brite i ty = 4 on} > i With. trade tsa Bk alc Te ‘ , Se a . "ale ab ° ¢ Vite ee) te ad eS ne 4 Qe a *; “we es SURGICAL DISEASES AND SURGERY OF THE DOG WITH NINETY-ONE ILLUSTRATIONS BY CECIL FRENCH Doctor of Veterinary Science (McGill University) WASHINGTON, D. C., U.S. A. WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S. A. PUBLISHED BY CECIL FRENCH GREAT BRITAIN London: Henry Kimpton, 13 Furnival Street, Holborn, E. C. Glasgow: Alexander Stenhouse, 40 and 42 University Avenue 1906 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1906, by Cecil French, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, [All Rights Reserved. | LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Recelved Nov § 1906 Copyright Entry r 19 0k crass A XXc., No. 4€-417 8 copy B. GEO. E. HOWARD PRINTER AND BINDEK WASHINGTON, D. C. Contents CHAPTER I. CUNWRAT SURGERY irre aieercn tes. 5 as ....Pages 1 to 35 Antisepsis. Asepsis. Antiseptics— Suturing and Ligating Material Absorbents.— Sutures.— Appa- ratus and Methods of Restraint Anesthetics.— Gen- eral Anesthetics Local Anesthetics.— Narcotics. Hypnotics.— Inflammation.— Contusion. Hematoma.— Wounds.— Shock.— Abscess.— Ulcer— _ Fistula. Sinus.— Burns. Scalds.— Frost-Bites—— Erysipelas.— Toxemia. Septicemia. Pyemia.— Gangrene. CHAPTER iT. THE EEA DYANDY NECK. Suktegiti iss Otel aek Pages 36 to 71 Congenital Malformations—— Traumatic Lesions.— Abscess of the Scalp.— Foreign Bodies.— Neoplasms. THE EYEs. Congenital Malformations.— Traumatic .Lesions.— Parasites.— Conjunctivitis Superficial Keratitis. Ul- ceration of the Cornea.— Interstitial Keratitis— Oph- ~~ __ ,thalmitis —Glaucoma.—Hydrophthalmia—Amblyopia. Amaurosis.— Cataract— Luxation of the Lens.— Strabismus.— Exophthalmia.— Neoplasms. SURGERY OF THE EYE. Paracentesis.— Enucleation of the Eyeball.— Dis- cission of the Lens.— Extraction of the Lens. THE EYELips. Congenital Malformations.— Traumatic Lesions.— Blepharitis— Ectropion.— Entropion.— Trichiasis.— Neoplasms.— Lachrymal Fistula. ili iv Contents THE Ears. Examination.— Traumatic Lesions.— Ulceration of the Concha.—Otitis. Otorrhea.— Sinus.— Neoplasms. Amputation of the Concha. CHAPTER III. THE HEAD AND NECK (Continued)......... Pages 72 to 117 THE Lips, MoutH, ToNGuE, AND Jaws. Examination.— Immobilization of the Jaws with the Speculum.— Congenital Malformations.— Traumatic Lesions.— Stomatitis. Gingivitis. | Glossitis.— Par- tial Amputation of the Tongue.— Foreign Bodies.— Neoplasms. Tue TEETH. Structure, Disposition, and Development.— Conge- nital Malformations.— Traumatic Lesions.— Incrusta- tions of Tartar.— Calcic Pericementitis— Alveolar Abscess and Maxillary Fistula.— Caries.— Scaling.— Extraction. THE SALIVARY GLANDS. Traumatic Lesions.— Fistula.— Inflammation. THe PHARYNX. Examination. Pharyngitis— Foreign Bodies.— Neoplasms. THE ESOPHAGUS. Examination.— Congenital Malformations.— Trau- matic Lesions.— Foreign Bodies.— Esophagotomy.— Neoplasms, Tue Tuyroip GLAND AND GLANDULES. _ Struma. Goiter. Bronchocele.— Unilateral Thy- roidectomy.—Simple Thyroidectomy.— Exophthalmic Goiter. Contents Tue LympnHatic GLANDS. Lymphadenitis.— Neoplasms. THE Nose. Epistaxis.— Foreign Bodies.— Neoplasms. THE LaryNX AND TRACHEA. Foreign Bodies.—— Neoplasms.— Fracture of the Trachea. SURGERY OF THE TRACHEA. Tracheotomy. CHAPTER IV. EO Sed Bs UG 15s ©, CRG eR Ce gn Reece PL Pages 118 to 133 THE LuNcGs AND PLEURAE. Examination.— Traumatic Lesions— Pleuritis.— Hernia. SURGERY OF THE LUNGS. Thoracentesis. THE HEART AND PERICARDIUM. Traumatic Lesions.— Pericarditis Hydropericar- dium. SURGERY OF THE HEART. Suture of the Heart.— Pericardicentesis. @HAPTER:V: PERE UE ONNIIIN 5 5 c's a2 ooo ies wie dimes whee al aiege Pages 134 to 153 ABDOMINAL SECTION. CELIOTOMY. LAPAROTOMY. THE PERITONEUM, MESENTERY, AND OMENTUM. Traumatic Lesions.— Peritonitis—— Ascites—— Para- centesis.— Foreign Bodies.— Neoplasms. v1 Contents CHAPTER VI. THE ABDOMEN (Continued)........... .....Pages 154 to 214 Tue SToMAcH. Examination.— Traumatic Lesions.— Peptic Ul- cer.— Torsion.— Foreign Bodies.— Neoplasms. SURGERY OF THE STOMACH. Gastrotomy.— Gastro-Enterostomy. Gastro-Enteral Anastomosis. THE INTESTINES. Examination.— Traumatic Lesions.— Intestinal Ob- struction. SURGERY OF THE INTESTINES. Enterorraphy.— Enterotomy.— Enterectomy and Entero-Enteral Anastomosis or Entero-Enterostomy.— Ventrofixation.— Rectal Irrigation. Enemeta. THE ReEctuM AND ANUS. Examination—Congenital Malformations.— _ For- eign Bodies.— Pseudocoprostasis.—Suppuration of the Anal Pouches.— Anal Fistula. Anal Sinus.— Hemor- rhoids. Piles—— Prolapse of the Anus. Procidence of the Rectum.— Neoplasms. THE LIver. Examination.—Traumatic Lesions.— Neoplasms.— Cholelithiasis. SURGERY OF THE LIVER. THE PANCREAS. SURGERY OF THE PANCREAS. THE SPLEEN. Examination.—Congenital Malformations.— Trau- matic Lesions.— Neoplasms. . SURGERY OF THE SPLEEN. Complete Splenectomy.— Partial Splenectomy. Contents Vil CHAPTER VII. ELE eo EN CC MMEMUET Yo. cas oieic ccse ote Pages 215 to 250 THE URINARY ORGANS. Urolithiasis. THE KIDNEYS. Examination.— Calculi.— Neoplasms.— Parasites. SURGERY OF THE KIDNEY. Nephrotomy. Nephrolithotomy.— Nephrectomy. THE URETERS. Calculi— Surgical Wounds. SURGERY OF THE URETERS. Ureterolithotomy.— Uretero-Ureteral Anastomosis. Uretero-Ureterostomy.— Uretero-Vesical Anastomosis. Uretero-Cystostomy. THE BLADDER. Examination.— Traumatic Lesions.— Cystitis — Calculi— Torsion. Retroflexion.— Neoplasms. SURGERY OF THE BLADDER. Passage of the Catheter and Sound.— Passage of the Catheter in the Male.— Passage of the Catheter in the Female.— Irrigation.— Puncture.—Cystorraphy.— Prepubic Lithotomy. Cystotomy.— Litholapaxy.— Resection.— Vesico-Rectal Anastomosis. Cysto-Enter- ostomy. THE URETHRA. Examination.—Congenital | Malformations.—Trau- matic Lesions.— Stricture—— Obstruction.— Urethro- tomy. Urethrolithotomy. Vili Contents CHAPTER VIII. THE ABDOMEN (Continued).............6. Pages 251 to 287 THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS OF THE MALE. THE PENIS AND PREPUCE. Examination.— Congenital Malformations.— Trau- matic Lesions.— Orchitis.— Neoplasms.— Parasitic Emasculation.— Orchectomy.— Castration. Tue Prostate GLAND. Examination.— Prostatitis —— Neoplasms. THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS OF THE FEMALE. THE OVARIES. Examination.— Congenital Malformations.— Ooph- oritis— Neoplasms.— Oophorectomy. THE FALLOPIAN TUBES AND UTERUS. Examination.— Salpingitis. | Pyosalpinx— Metri- tis— Procidence.— Torsion of the Cornua.— Rup- ture.— Neoplasms. SURGERY OF THE UTERUS. Hysterotomy.— Hysterectomy.— Ventrofixation of the Cornua. THE VAGINA. Examination.— Congenital Malformations.— Vagi- nitis. WVulvitis— Prolapse—— Rupture.— Neoplasms. CHAPTER IX. THE ABDOMEN (Continued)..............+- Pages 288 to 306 HERNIA. Abdominal Hernia in General_— Abdominal Hernia in Particular. Contents THE MAMMARY GLANDS. Traumatic Lesions.— Congestion.— Mammitis. Ma- stitis— Neoplasms. CHAPTER X. TEES Sy ch 21 a0 Fy 1 ee Pages 307 to Tue Lecs AND FEET. Congenital Malformations.— Traumatic Lesions.— Inflammation.— Foreign Bodies.— Neoplasms.— Am- putation— Amputation of the Dew-Claw Digit— Disarticulation of the Phalanges. THE TAIL. Congenital Malformations.— Traumatic Lesions.— Inflammatory Affections.— Neoplasms.— Amputation. CHAPTER XI. Mir QSShOUS. SY ao Lee. oe, esteaen sees Pages 323 to Traumatic Lesions.— Fractures in General.—Frac- tures in Particular— Pseudarthrosis.— Osteitis. Peri- ostitis. | Osteo-Myelitis—— Rachitis—— Osteomalacia.— Neoplasms.— Osteoplasty— Osteotomy. CHAPTER XII. mie ARTICULARIONSG 3s. .iagee sacgpibosrees + Pages 350 to Traumatic Lesions.— Luxations in General.— Lux- ations in Particular— Synovitis.— Arthritis. CHAPTER XIII. PUR ORMPESEES, so. ss scans e cere ae aa aes Pages 363 to Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia. — Inflammatory Neo- plasms.—Tumors Proper.— Cysts.— Treatment of Tumors. 322 349 362 393 a ne, ri pei Bitz pipers ress ¥ J vm, - fs eos Ry P oP : os oy une xe se Neds) et a wile te Saag 4 wy #° ; seg Ch WE apy cateas ah senaaiaees oie 7 Ae f a? J pa a“ é . ME a ee eet { 7 ; ee 9) Re - Sof DET sft tA . , . ee ; i 24 i — va nS Re SRP OD o erie x PARES? att 2 y Rt i oct) G ey ; i , 4 ¥ . ¥ ¥ és “~e ; {Aas ot ieee a ‘ . Sevag a aie | eae oe F Vines pe pees) Re, ads nee ae ae ee ae Age sas: ‘: : i Rees ee ‘ 2 ee CR ika: oy AES ae Ba ed SG aE on SWINGER 5 PRUETT. = ps ong PU aaa Pte ares Lage oe chs wr, BE cicvyri eee Reet Miva ek ~ a i YSG a Ae aithes ti “| im - wks Pee! . a ae, Sad SOE OL MGRR PIER Pep ries Py’ tae Rt 3 i wee ar ARTS eee tt ms RG sare / Toe ae er Fusvart eh icin Meaty ck poate ape aN ae x it's yt di sip i ad Sabre o ote wre a tres ah Reb Te et Vite fou% Pa f vires haw Sy eked neiyisi dsp ej erst be SE . ‘4 on a tow re Sad ii aeutay: * ‘Sr AIRY: eras ety . . ae P * Z 2) ONO Coen eee Lal 30. 31. a. hay D.C: a. Db. List of Illustrations PAGE. Halsted’s Subcuticular suture............... 6 Phonias “Sutures! Ves. Sys. Seat wets Ss . 7 simple Muzzle of tapéior rope. i). Jc siatn. ss» 8 Dawson-French Portable Hopples........... 8 Hobday’s Hopples ..... ARTs IS. Sora ec 9 Extension: Grate... 2gtnk Deans in. kee oe eae 9 Youne’s Operation ‘Trotighs ices. Secs. 9 “Cherry” method of treating gaping wounds.. 26 Carcinoma of the Neck)o/.0/0iGU... Sigecsal: facing 39 Operation toe: Metropion fo... 5 Sse et ds ae 58 Operation for Entropion’’.,. Wis 00.5 cals Savile 59 Papilloma of the Eyelid. ...9:2:% (MBAR 03,4 facing 60 Hypertrophy of the Orbital gland............ 7 St @O Fat Speci tink "yo. RAE Pah ie thaonia ok ‘=e 63 Papilloinata of the Sar 05792) 5 1 ene Pe Se aS Operation for Hematoma of the Ear-flap...... 67 Agipatation of the Concha siiei.s Cav aget. ne 69 Amputation. of ‘the Concha... 22.0 8.4 she. 69 Adputation of the Concha.) Powel. Sek * 71 Improvised, Bourrel: Gag. S2yuIR te 72 Examination of the Buccal cavity............ facing 72 French’ Wows Speculmiqta non. ose. 73 faker Mouth *Spechlime <. ¢o264 A Sis eee 72 Papillomata of the Buccal mucosa........... facing 78 Retention-cyst appearing in the Buccal cavity, “ 79 Retention-cyst burrowing down the Neck...... 79 Epithelioma of the Lip with secondary lym- phate cnlargetient’ 200 ae Ae wee rok eae Osteo-sarcoma of the Superior Maxilla....... ate Pedunculate Osteo-sarcoma of the periosteum of the Inferior Maxilla ........ USS La) ee Maxillary fistula ........ Pay at bole soe 89 Sealine Chisel! Spee 2 eh i vin v's wile olwtelare We eres gI Xi Xil List of Illustrations NO. PAGE. 32. Thyroid Gland and Glandules ............... facing IOI 33; Goiter CIRO e eae ike -