North A/. (X OoG. Natural Areas Inventory of Tyrrell County, North Carolina JUL 2 0 U83 Charles B. McDonald Andrew N. Ash Departnnent of Biology East Carolina University JANUARY 1981 North Carolina Coastal Energy Impact Program Office of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development CEIPREP0RTN0.8 To order: Residents of North Carolina may receive a single copy of a publication free upon request. Non-residents may purchase publications for the prices listed. Because of the production costs involved, some of the publications carry a minimal charge regardless of residency. Prices for "these are indicated in the price list as being "for all requests". When ordering publications please provide the publication number and title and enclose a check made payable to DNRCD. For a complete list of CEIP publications - or to place an order - contact: Coastal Energy Impact Program Office of Coastal Management N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Series Edited by James F. Smith Cover Design by Jill Miller A SURVEY OF NATURAL AREAS IN TYRRELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA for The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Coastal Natural Area Inventory Project by Dr. Charles B. McDonald Department of Biology, East Carolina University and Dr. Andrew N. Ash Department of Biology, East Carolina University The preparation of this report was financed through a Coastal Energy Impact Program grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This CEIP grant was part of NOAA grant NA-79-AA-D- CA097. January 1981 CEIP Report No. 8 Department of Biology East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27834 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from State Library of North Carolina PREFACE The North Carolina Office of Coastal Management and the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, both units of the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, have commissioned a series of natural areas inventories for ten counties in the coastal zone of this state. The Tyrrell County inventory was conducted in 1980 and was financed by a Coastal Energy Impact Program (CEIP) grant. CHIP funded the Tyrrell County survey because of the potential environ- mental impacts of peat mining and other energy-related development. The recommendations made in this report by Dr. Charles B. McDonald and Dr. Andrew N. Ash are advisory. Their inventory and recommendations are designed to help state and federal agencies, county officials, resource managers, landowners and developers work out effective land manage- ment and preservation mechanisms to protect the eight outstanding or exemplary natural areas described in this report. Agencies such as the N.C. Division of Environmental Management, Division of Land Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Wildlife Resources Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Marine Fisheries Service, and Environmental Protection Agency should find this report useful, as may university researchers, private consultants, and private conservation groups. The Office of Coastal Management will use the report in assessing permit applications and for federal and state consistency reviews. Charles McDonald and Andrew Ash are experienced field biologists, with respective specialties in botany and zoology. The investigators, at the time of this project, were faculty members with the Department of Biology, East Carolina University. Both were well qualified to identify, describe, and evaluate the outstanding natural areas of the county. Project investigators were instructed to identify natural areas that contain highly unique, endangered, or rare natural features, or high-quality representations of relatively undisturbed natural habitats, and which may be vulnerable to threats and damage from land use changes. The perspective taken by the investigators focused strictly on the county, and their original ratings for described sites did not attempt to assess the sites in comparison to other similar habitats in the region. Since the completion of the Tyrrell County survey, additional natural areas inventories have been conducted for the other counties of the Pamlico-Albemarle Peninsula. Based on comparative assessments to other natural areas in other North Carolina coastal counties, the DNRCD Natural Heritage Program rates the Tyrrell County natural areas on a statewide perspective as follows: Statewide significance (high) Upper Alligator River Pocosin Regional significance (medium) Harvester Road Tall Pocosin Buck Creek Bay Forest Frying Pan White Cedar Stand Upper Alligator River Marsh Local significance (low) Scuppernong River Swamp Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline Alligator Creek - Second Creek Swamp Forest In addition to this survey report, Drs. Ash and McDonald prepared topographic maps on which they mapped vegetation covers for the entire county. This remark- able "snapshot" of land use in Tyrrell County in the fall of 1980 can be compared to pocosin maps and aerial photographs to document the extraordinarily rapid clear- ing, draining and land conversion activities which have been occurring in Tyrrell County since 1974, The Office of Coastal Management, and the Coastal Resources Commission which it serves, implement the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 (CAMA) . Under this statute, the North Carolina Coastal Management Plan has been prepared and approved. It includes the definition and designation of various Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) . In some cases, AECs may coincide with natural areas that are herein recommended for preservation or special management. Peat mining has particular implications for these natural areas, some of which overlay exploitable peat deposits. Mining will remove natural vegetation, perma- nently alter the hydrology of the region, lower surface soil types from high organic histosoils to the clayey, sandy, and loamy soils typical of other parts of the outer coastal plain. Thus, natural communities, once mining is complete, almost certainly could never be re- established or reclaimed on mined-out land. Preservation of the best natural areas, and appropriate hydrological management, is necessary prior to and during active peat mining. il The Natural Heritage Program is most pleased to have had this opportunity to conduct this project for the Office of Coastal Management. The inventory has revealed a number of natural areas that possess natural elements of statewide or regional priority and are important parts of North Carolina's natural diversity. Most of the identified sites were previously unknown and undocumented by the state's scientific community. The Natural Heritage Program hopes that these areas will be protected for the benefits of present and future generations of North Carolinians and for the preservation of the state's truly exceptional natural heritage. Charles E. Roe, Coordinator N.C. Natural Heritage Program November 17, 1982 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface i Introduction and General Discussion 1 Natural Area Inventories Upper Alligator River Pocosin 16 Buck Island Bay Forest 31 Upper Alligator River Marsh 41 Scuppernong River Swamp Forest 49 Frying Pan Lake White Cedar Forest 62 Harvester Road Tall Pocosin 71 Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline 81 Alligator Creek-Second Creek Swamp Forest 92 Bibliography List of Figures 1. Map of Tyrrell County, N.C., showing eight natural areas inventoried. 3 2. Washington-Hyde-Tyrrell Pocosin System 5 3. Tyrrell County Wetlands 15 4. Location of Upper Alligator River Pocosin 17 5. Boundary and Significant Features, Upper Alligator River Pocosin 21A 6. Access Information, Upper Alligator River Pocosin 22 7. Ownership Information, Upper Alligator River Pocosin 2A 8. Boundary and Significant Features, Buck Island Bay Forest. 32 9. Access Information, Buck Island Bay Forest. 34 10. Boundary and Significant Features, Upper Alligator River Marsh ^3 11. Boundary and Significant Features, Scuppernong River Swamp Forest 50 12. Ownership Information, Scuppernong River Swamp Forest 58 13. Boundary and Significant Features, Frying Pan Lake Atlantic White Cedar Forest 64 14. Access Information, Frying Pan Lake Atlantic White Cedar Forest 66 15. Location of Harvester Road Tall Pocosin ^^ 16. Boundary and Significant Features, Harvester Road Tall Pocosin '■' 17. Access Information, Harvester Road Tall Pocosin '-* 18. Ownership Information, Harvester Road Tall Pocosin 19. Boundary and Significant Features, Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline 20. Ownership Information, Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline 21. Boundary and Significant Features, Alligator Creek Second Creek Swamp Forest 22. Access Information, Alligator Creek-Second Creek Swamp Forest. 23. Ownership Information, Alligator Creek-Second Creek Swamp Forest. 78 82 84 94 95 97 List of Tables 1. Plant Species List for Tyrrell County, N.C. 7 2. Animal Species List for Tyrrell County, N.C. 11 3. Master Species List for Upper Alligator River Pocosin 28 4. Sampling Summary, Upper Alligator River Pocosin 19 5. Significance Summary, Upper Alligator River Pocosin 21 6. Sampling Summary, Buck Island Bay Forest 35 7. Sampling Summary, Upper Alligator River Marsh ^^ 8. Sampling Summary, Scuppernong Swamp Forest 52 9. Plant Species List, Swamp Forest 57 10. Ownership Information, Scuppernong River Swamp Forest 59 11. Sampling Summary, Frying Pan Lake Atlantic White Cedar Forest 65 12. Sampling Summary, Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline "3 13. Ownership Information, Alligator Creek-Second Creek Swamp Forest. 100 Introduction and General Discussion Tyrrell County, North Carolina is located on the south shore of the Albemarle Sound between Washington County and the Alligator River. It is an area of low elevation (0 to 17 feet) and little topographic relief encompassing 399 square miles. About 55 percent of the county is wet- land of swamp forest, pocosin, or marsh while the remaining upland is mostly managed pine planatation or cultivated fields. The population of about 5000 is supported by agriculture, logging, and fishing, and although the standard of living does not seem as high as in the more industrialized portions of the state, the citizens of Tyrrell County still enjoy high quality life in terms of open space, clean air and access to outdoor recreation. During the summer of 1980 a project was undertaken to develop vegetation maps, locate potential natural areas, and further survey those areas for the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Since very little natural heritage information was available the first objective of this project was a general familiarization with the entire county. This was accomplished by ground reconnaissance and the use of orthophotoquad aerial photographs. Virtually every road in the county was traveled, many of them being nearly impassible farm or logging roads. In this way shades and textures on the orthophotoquad maps could be matched with actual vegetation types. Outlines of units of vegetation were marked on the orthophotoquad maps for later transfer to the corresponding topo- graphic sheets . One readily apparent problem with this technique involved the age of the aerial photographs and subsequent extensive changes in land use. For this reason considerable effort was devoted to redrawing field boundaries and marking the extent of recent logging. Despite the work involved, this effort has produced relatively accurate information about the extent of recent land conversion in this county. Eleven different plant community land use types were recognized and mapped. These were: A) Fresh water marsh. These marshes are generally dominated by cattail. Sawgrass is often a subdominant. B) Swamp forests. These consist of gum and some cypress. They vary in age depending on the last logging. C) White cedar swamp forests. Areas that appear to have 50% or greater dominance by Atlantic white cedar. Lower density stands have been mapped as swamp forest. D) Pine-swamp hardwoods. Areas dominated by loblolly pine with a subcanopy of black gum, sweet gum, and red maple. This associa- tion is found in the slightly better drained portions of what would otherwise be swamp forest. E) Pine-upland hardwoods. Old loblolly pines in association with mature red oak, southern red oak, tulip poplar, and beech. Very limited in extent due to conversion of this land to pine plantation or agriculture. ■2- F) Pocosin/Bay forest. A heterogenous assemblage of community types that can vary considerably in general aspect. All develop in peat soils and are characterized by an impenetrable shrub layer. Areas that are open or have a high canopy dominance of pond pine would be called pocosin. Areas with significant numbers of red bay and loblolly bay would be called bay forest. G) Old pine stands. Planted loblolly pines that exceed about 30 years. Few such areas are intensively managed so old pine stands have started to develop stratification into canopy, subcanopy, shrub, and herb layers. H) Young pine stands. Planted loblolly pines that are less than about 30 years. The pines are still so dense that vertical stratification has not yet developed. I) Unmanaged early serai. Most recently logged and abandoned areas in swamp forest. Also used to designate recently disturbed areas anywhere that the future use of the land could not be determined. J) Agricultural fields. Land devoted to row crop agriculture. K) Urban. As reconnaissance and mapping progressed, lists were being compiled of the plants and animals that were encountered. These lists of 227 plants and 89 animals (See Tables 1 and 2.) represent only a portion of the natural diversity but they do give an idea of the types of organisms and amount of diversity present. Vouchers are deposited in the ECU herbarium. Once mapping was complete, the next task was the selection of potential natural areas. Since the extensive mapping amounted to an initial investigation of all potential areas it was not necessary to designate a large number of areas and then "sift out" those of little potential as might have been done if the initial reconnaissance had been limited to aerial observations or map inspection. Areas were selected on several criteria: a) those areas without recent disturbance that have developed into exemplary examples of Coastal Plain plant communities; 2) those areas that seemed to have potential for harboring rare or endangered organisms; 3) those isolated areas that might serve as wildlife sanctuaries; and, 4) those areas with high scenic or aesthetic value. Naturally enough, each of the selected areas qualified for more than one of the above reasons. As measures of comparison we used our general knowledge of the Coastal Plain and our more extensive knowledge of Tyrrell County. Ultimately some of the selected areas may be found to have only local or regional significance while others, hopefully, will be significant of the state or even national level. The site specific investigations of each potential area con- centrated on the development of a good description of that area usually based on quantitative samples. This information could be gathered in a LEGEND A. NATURAL AREAS 1. Upper Alligatof Rivei 2. Harvcsiei Rojd Tall Pocoiin 3. Buck Uldnd Bav Fornl 4. Upper Alligaiof River Marsh 5. Scuppcrnong Rivet Swamp FocMI 6- Frying Pan Lake While Cedar Forest 7. Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline 8, Alligalor Creek - Second Creek Swamp Forest B, COMMUNITY TYPES A. Froih water nursh B. Swamp forest C. While ccdir dominated swimp forest D. Pine-swamp hardwoods £. Pinc-upUnd hardwoods F. pocosin/Bay forcsl -4- relatively short period of time and it was felt that at this stage accurate information about the structure and geographic extent of an area would be more valuable than exhaustive collecting and observations that might fail to produce any sightings of rare or endangered organisms. Due to this approach it is strongly recommended that some of the designated areas be further investigated with the specific purpose of locating rare plants and animals. Eight areas were selected. We feel that five of the areas should have a very high priority for further investigation while the other three should be placed at medium priority. The areas are located in all parts of the country and vary in size from 154 to 29,793 acres (See Figure 1.) All are wetland habitats. The high priority areas and their sizes are: Upper Alligator River Pocosin; 29,793 acres Buck Island Bay Forest; 1,368 acres Upper Alligator River Marsh; 971 acres Scuppernong River Swamp Forest; 7,569 acres Frying Pan Lake White Cedar Forest; 154 acres. The medium priority areas and their sizes are: Harvester Road Tall Pocosin; 7,989 acres Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline; 1,633 acres Alligator Creek-Second Creek Swamp Forest; 16,044 acres. Of all the areas, the most significant seems to be the Upper Alligator River Pocosin. This huge tract represents only a portion of a much larger area that is south of Lake Phelps in Washington and Hyde Counties (see attached map) . This vast system of about 124 square miles has been greatly modified by prior attempts at agriculture and is now threatened by the possibility of peat mining. The segment that we have designated as the Upper Alligator River Pocosin is the least disturbed portion of this system and remains the best example of unmodified or only slightly modified pocosin on the Albemarle Pamlico Peninsula. This segment is much lower in elevation than the area south of Lake Phelps and at mostly less than 5 feet above sea level future peat mining would be difficult. If accomplished, the mining of this area would result in the formation of a lake or marsh. If permits are ever granted for peat mining south of Lake Phelps, we recommend that the state attempt to acquire the Upper Alligator River Pocosin in partial mitigation for that destruction. Although we have identified specific potential natural areas in Tyrrell County, other wetland areas that were not chosen may be equally significant for shelter and wildlife movement. All of the wetlands in this county are interconnected creating corridors that allow unmolested movement. Perhaps the best example of an animal that benefits from these corridors is the black bear for it allows them to have large home ranges without ever venturing into the open upland. We have observed signs of bear in virtually every lowland part of the county so perhaps this county has a relatively healthy population (See Figure 2.). lU I- >■ in O O O a. ui Q£ Q! >■ I- 1 LLl Q > X I z o I- o z X < Figure 2. -6- Even though Tyrrell County has vast areas of relatively undisturbed wetland, there are still threats to the wildlife and natural diversity. One possible threat is peat mining but this will probably will not occur very soon, at least not in Tyrrell County itself. The major threat has been and still is land conversion for agriculture. By comparing present field boundaries with the orthophotoquad maps, we determined that 27,160 acres have been cleared and converted to row corp agriculture since the photographs were taken with most of this probably being done in the latter part of the 1970' s. Much of this land was pine planataion that had been cut and abandoned but other portions were swamp forest and pocosin constituting high quality wildlife habitat. Hopefully, this conversion is near an end and will allow present wildlife corridors to remain intact. Further modification can only be detrimental to wildlife populations while further alteration of runoff patterns could produce major detrimental changes in the estuary. If the general soils map for Tyrrell County is reasonably accurate, it would indicate that land conversion is largely complete. Most of the soils that appear suitable for agriculture have either been converted to that purpose or the land is owned by timber companies which will maintain the land in pine pro- duction. We certainly hope this proves to be the case and that most of Tyrrell County's remaining pocosins, swamp forests, streams, shores, and marshes can be preserved with minimal further change. ■7- Table 1 Plant Species List for Tyrrell County, North Carolina EQUISETACEAE Equisetum arvense LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium alopecuroides SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella apoda OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium biternatum OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea 0. regalis ASPIDIACEAE Athyrium asplenioides Thelypteris palustris BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia areolata W. virginica ASPLENIACEAE Aspleaium platyneuron POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium polypodioides PINACEAE Pinus serotina P. taeda TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis thyoides Juniperus virginiana TYPHACEAE Typha angustifolia T. glauca T. latifolia ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria falcata S. latifolia HYDROCHARITACEAE Limnobium spongia POACEAE Arthraxon hispidus Arundinaria gigantea Briza minor Bromus japonicus Echinochloa walteri Hordeum pusillum Phragmites communis Polypogon monspe liens is Sacciolepis striata Setaria magna Sphenopholis obtusata Trisetum pensylvanicum CYPEKACEAE Carex alata C. complanata C. debilis C. festucacea C. howei C. lurida C. stipata Cladium jamaicense Dulichium arundinaceum Eleocharis baldwinii E. tuberculosa Eriophorum virginicum Rhynchospora alba Scirpus americanus ARACEAE Arisaema triphyllum Peltandra virginica LEMNACEAE Spirodela oligorrhiza ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon decangulare Table 1 (continued) JUNCAGINACEAE Triglochin striata POTAMOGETONACEAE Potamogeton diversifolius JUNCACEAE Juncus acuminatus J. bufonius J. debilis J. dicfaotomus J. effusus J. scirpoides LILIACEAE Amianthium muscaetoxicum Smilax bona-nox S. laurifolia IRIDACEAE Iris virginica Sisyrinchium mucronatum ORCHIDACEAE Calopogon pulchellus Cleistes divaricata Goodyera pubescens Habenaria blephariglottis Pogonia ophioglossoides Spiranthes cernua S. praecox SAURACEAE Saururus cernuus SALICACEAE Populus heterophylla Salix caroliniana S. nigra MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera M. heterophylla JUGLANDACEAE Gary a glabra C. tomentosa BETULACEAE Alnus serrulata Carpinus caroliniana Ostrya virginiana PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata ULMACEAE Ulmus americana MORACEAE Morus rubra URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron serotinum ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Hexastylis arifolia POLYGONACEAE Polygonum arifolium P. hydropiperoides P. punctatum P. setaceum Rumex verticillatus AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera philoxeroides PHYTOLACCACEAE Phytolacca americana NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar lutea spp. macrophyllum Nymphaea odorata MAGNOLIACEAE Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia virginiana RANUNCULACEAE Clematis crispa Ranunculus sardous LAURACEAE Persea borbonia Sassafras albidum BRASSICACEAE Lepidium virginicum , Rorippa islandica Table 1 (continued) FAGACEAE Fagus grandifolia Quercus alba Q. falcata Q laurifolia Q. michauxii Q. nigra Q. rubra SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia f lava S. purpurea CRASSULACEAE Penthorum sedoides DROSERACEAE Drosera intermedia SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaria barbara Itea virginica HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styracif lua PLATANACEAE Platanus occidentalis ROSACEAE Potentilla simplex Rosa multif lora R. palustris Sorbus arbutifolia FABACEAE Amorpha fruticosa Lathyrus hirsutus Lespedeza bicolor Lotus corniculatus Melilotus alba Trifolium repens LINAGE AE Linum striatum ANACARDIACEAE Rhus copallina R. radicans CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemif lora AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex coriacea I ■ glabra I . laevigata I ■ opaca VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitis labrusca V. rotundifolia MALVACEAE Hibiscus moscheutos Kosteletskya virginica THEACEAE Gordonia lasianthus VIOLACEAE Viola primulifolia LYTHRACEAE Decodon verticillatus MELASTOMATACEAE Rhexia mariana ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia palustris L. peploides Oenothera fruticosa ARALIACEAE Aralia spinosa APIACEAE Centella asiatica Hydrocotyle ranunculoides H. umbellata H. verticillata Sanicula canadensis NYSSACEAE Nyssa aquatica N. sylvatica CORNACEAE Cornus f lorida CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia Table 1 (continued) •10- ACERACEAE Acer rub rum CELASTRACEAE Euonymus americanus RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens R. nudif lorum Vaccinium arboreum V. atrococcum V. corymbosum Zenobia pulverulenta PRIMULACEAE Samolus parvif lorus EBENACEAE Diospyros virginica SYMPLOCACEAE Symplocos tinctoria STYRACACEAE Styrax grandifloria OLEACEAE Chionanthus virginicus Fraxinus caroliniana Ligustrum sinense LOGANIACEAE Cynoctonum sessilifolium Gelsemium sempervirens Polypremum procumbens ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias incarnata A. lanceolata CONVOLVULACEAE Calystegia sepium POLEMONIACEAE Phlox drummondii HYDROPHYLLACEAE Hydrolea quadrivalis VERBENACEAE Callicarpa americana Verbena bonariensis ERICACEAE Cassandra calyculata Kalmia angustifolia Leucothoe axillaris var. axillaris racemosa Lyonia ligustrina L. lucida Rhododendron atlanticum BIGNONIACEAE Anisostichus capreolata Camps is radicans LENTIBULARIACEAE Ultricularia biflora U. inf lata var. inflata U. inflata var. minor ACANTHACEAE Ruellia caroliniensis RUBIACEAE Cephalanthus occidentalis Diodia virginiana Galium tinctorium Mitchella repens CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera japonica L. sempervirens Sambucus canadensis Virburnum dentatum var. lucidum V. nudum CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia cardinalis ASTERACEAE Archillea millefolium Ambrosia artemisiifolia Anthemis cotula Buccharis halimifolia Carduus spinossissimus Coreopsis falcata C. lanceolata Erigeron philadelphicus E. quercifolius E. vernus Krigia oppositifolia Mikania scandens Pluchea foetida Senecio tomentosus Sonchus asper LAMIACEAE Pycnanthemum setosum Salvia lyrata Scutellaria integrifolia ■11- Table 2 Animal Species List for Tyrrell County, North Caroliaa AMPHIBIA: REPTILIA: AVES; BUFONIDAE Southern toad (Bufo terrestris) HYLIDAE Pine Woods treefrog (Hyla femoralis) RANIDAE Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) Southern leopard frog (Rana utricularia) Pickerel frog (Rana palustris) KINOSTERNIDAE Eastern mud turtle (Kinosternon sub rub rum) EMYDIDAE Spotted turble (Clemmys guttata) Eastern box turtle (Terrapene Carolina) Yellow-beliied turtle (Chrysemys scripta) Florida cooter (Chrysemys f loridana) Eastern painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) IGUANIDAE Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) COLUBRIDAE Plain-bellied water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster) Southern water snake (Nerodia fasciata) Eastern garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) Rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus) Black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta) Eastern kingsnake (Lampropeltis getulus) VIPERIDAE Eastern cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus) Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) PODICIPEDIDAE Pied-billed grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) PHALACROCORACIDAE Double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) ARDEIDAE Great blue heron (Ardea herodias) Green heron (Butorides striatus) Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) Great egret (Casmerodius albus) Snowy egret (Egretta thula) Black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) ,feed -12- ANATIDAE Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Wood duck (Aix sponsa) CATHARTIDAE Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) Black vulture (Coragyps atratus) ACCIPITRIDAE Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) FALCONIDAE American kestrel (Falco sparverius) PHASIANIDAE Common bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) CHARADRIIDAE Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) SCOLOPACIDAE Solitary sandpiper (Tringa solitaria) American woodcock (Philohela minor) LARIDAE Herring gull (Larus argentatus) Ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis) Royal tern (Sterna maxima) COLUMBIDAE Rock dove (Columba livia) Mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) TROCHILIDAE Ruby- throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) ALCEDINIDAE Belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) PICIDAE Common flicker (Calaptes auratus) Pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) Yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) Hairy woodpecker (Picoides villosus) Downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) Red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) TYRANNIDAE Eastern kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) Great crested flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus) HIRUNDINIDAE Bank swallow (Riparia riparia) Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) Table 2 (continued) ■13- MAMMALIA: CORVIDAE Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos ) PARIDAE Carolina chickadee (Parus carolinensis) Tufted titmouse (Parus bicolor) TROGLODYTIDAE Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) MIMIDAE Northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) Gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) Brown trasher (Toxostoma rufum) TURDIDAE American robin (Turdus migratorius) STURNIDAE European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) PARULIDAE Prothonotary warbeler (Prothonotaria citrea) Yellow-rumped warbeler (Dendroica coronata) Pine warbeler (Dendroica pinus) Prarie warbeler (Dendroica discolor) Common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) PLOCEIDAE House sparrow (Passer domesticus) ■ ICTERIDAE Eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna) Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) Common grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) Brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) FRINGILLIDAE Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) Indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea) DIDELPHIDAE Opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) LEPORIDAE Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) Swamp cottontail (Sylvilagus palustris) CRICETIDAE Cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) •14- Table 2 (continued) CMIDAE Red fox (Vulpes fulva) URSIDAE Black bear (Ursus americanus) PROCYONIDAE Raccoon (Procyon lotor) FELIDAE Bobcat (Lynx rufus) CERVIDAE White-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) ■15- TYRRELL COUNTY WETLANDS I^Voet<\ ar\e Sound Scuppernong River Lake Phelps WETLANDS (Swamp forest Pocosin or Marsh) BLACK BEAR TRACKS OR SCAT Figure 3. •16- UPPER ALLIGATOR RIVER POCOSIN NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet: 1 . Natural Area Name Upper Alligator River Pocosin 2 . County Tyrrell 3. Location - On both sides of NC 94 for 2.3 miles S. of bridge over NW fork of Alligator River. To reach center of area, begin at bridge over NW fork of Alligator River, drive S for .5 miles and then turn W on a canal road. Proceed 7.5 miles to end of road. Other parts of area are reached by various farm and canal roads. (See Figures 4-6) . 4. Topographic quadrangle Fairfield NW, 7.5 min; New Lake, 7.5 min; Scotia, 7.5 min; Creswell SE, 7.5 min. 5. Size 29,793 acres 6. Elevation 0-10 feet but mostly less than 5 feet 7. Access By car on NC 94 and some farm roads, by trail bike or foot on poorly maintained canal roads, by canoe on NW and SW forks of the Alligator River. (See Figure 6) 8. Names of investigators Charles B. McDonald, East Carolina University Andrew N. Ash, East Carolina University 9. Date(s) of investigation 5/16-17/80 5/29/80 8/6/80 9/13-14/80 9A. Prose description of site The Washington-Hyde-Tyrrell Pocosin system stretches across parts of three counties and covers about 124 square miles. It can be divided into two parts. The western part found in Washington, Hyde, and Tyrrell counties covers about 88.5 square miles and might be termed the "high elevation" portion. This area with an eleva- tion of about 20 feet has been greatly modified by a network of ■17- LU 1/5 (/5 O U o a. LU Q£ > I LU O >• X z o z X < Figure 4. ■18- drainage canals and attempted agriculture. The eastern part, all found in Tyrrell County, covers about 45.5 square miles. With elevations of mostly less than 5 feet it can be called the low elevation portion. This part of the system has been modified relatively little. No agriculture has ever been attempted and there are relatively few logging or canal roads. This report describes the low elevation part of this vast three-county pocosin system. This area forms the drainage basin for the Northwest and Southwest forks of the Alligator River. It is virtually flat and the buildup of peat has formed deep organic soils. Like many large pocosins the vegetation is a mosaic of related assemblages that although similar in many ways can differ considerably in general aspect. The most striking differences from place to place involve the canopy pond pines (Pinus serotina) . In some places they are completely absent, in other places they are widely scattered, while in still other places they may be fairly dense. Their size may vary from stunted 10 to 15 foot trees to fairly healthy looking trees that reach about 50 feet. In some areas they form a re- latively uniform canopy indicating an even-aged stand while in many other places they form a very irregular canopy probably indicating slow establishment or episodes of establishment over a number of years. A dense shrub layer is ever present. Like the pines, the shrubs vary in size and thickness. They are usually largest and thickest, 6 to 10 feet, in the areas with tall pines and much shorter, 2 to 3 feet, in areas where the pines are widely scattered or absent. The most common species are leatherwood (Cyrilla racemif lora) , Zenobia (Zenobia pulverulenta) , fetterbush (Lyonia lucida) , greenbrier (Smilax laurifolia) , bitter gallberry (Ilex glabra) , and leatherleaf (Cassandra calyculata) . The relative abundance of each varies from place to place. Openings between the shrubs, mostly in the wetter areas, will permit the development of some herbaceous vegetation. Sphagnum moss is always present. Perhaps next in frequency is Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica) while pitcher plants (Sarracenia f lava and S^^ purpurea) , sundews (Drosera spp . ) , and cotton grass (Eriophorum virginicum) are all common. This area is so large and structurally diverse that quanti- tative samples from any single location are inadequate to describe the whole. Lacking time for more in depth study we sampled only a single area. This area along NC 94 would best be called short pocosin. It has scattered runty pond pines (see attached sheet for calculations) that vary from about 8 to 20 feet. One tree about 12 feet tall was cut and determined from its growth rings to be 18 years old. Most larger trees cannot be aged because they have begun to rot in the middle. Whatever their age, their growth is very slow. The shrub zone consists of two distinct layers. The upper layer is leatherwood and about 6 feet tall while the lower layer at about 3 feet is dominated by Zenobia with some fetterbush, leatherleaf, bitter gallberry, and lamb-kill (Kalmia angustifolia) . The two layers are not mixed, if leatherwood is present it crowds out the smaller species. When there is an opening in the shrubs Virginia chain fern and other herbaceous plants are present. -19- Table 4 Vegetation Sampling Sianmary Upper Alligator River Pocosin Based on 25 quarter points Total density = 722 trees/ha Canopy Relative Relative Relative Importance Species Frequency Density Dominance Value Pinus serotina 93 98 99 290 Taxodium distichum 7 2 1 10 -20- 10. Significance Summary. See Table 5 and Figure 5 11 . Legal Status and Use Ownership type by percent area: 12. Number of owners: 4 Private 100% Public % Unknown % 13. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) with addresses, numbers . 1. First Colony Farms 2. Richard H. Cox 3. Mary B. Lebo 4. phone Creswell, NC 27928 RFD 1 Princeton, NC c/o Gilbert Petrina 130 State St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 Burruss Land and Timber Box 5152 Roanoke VA 24012 14. Use of natural area: a. Cat.: low intensity hunting b. Other (N/A) Use of surrounding land: 15 a. b. c. 95% Wildland Agricultural land 5% Developed land 16. Management Problem description Control of hunting - Impact 3; Effort 1 Possible future logging - Impact 3; Effort 1 17. Preservation status Cat - 6 - 100% 18. Regulatory protections in force: None. 19. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation: Unknown 20. Threats a. Cat *SF 3 X 3 X b. Description of threat logging peat mining >^ 1 to • c >^ o a 1 ?>. 4-1 •H 1 c •rH to to to 4-1 O to B CO CO ^ CO tu CO 4-1 to c X 1—1 c 1—1 o >^ >s o O. M >-. OJ 0) 3 o CO 3 CX, o a U-J 0 JZ •H CO to -C3 x: 00-H o 3 u •1— ) to o CO 0) > •rH to •H OJ 4-J 13 T3 CO •rH OJ CO to 4-1 to OJ .n • (0 o N 4-1 O CO >» 00 c CO M G (-1 c • CD • H 4J C oo - CO Vh C • H o c CO 3 o B , OJ • OJ • n o CO TT u CO O 0) 4-J o T) r-4 CO X OJ OJ 1—1 CO to o CO J-l m. CO CO (J M • H a >. CO CO 4-J 4-1 ID CO 00 M cx ■U c CO 0) u u )-l CO *-> o 0k u O CO ^ • to I-I o • H OJ CO > 0 ex Q) OJ (-- >» AJ • OJ O CO o c to i-H iJ r-l TD U O >^ ■U U-l O CO oo c o ■o OJ OJ to 01 o •rH ta C 00 CO i^ o CO cx 4.1 O QJ 4-1 1-1 c X u u 1 CO d M (U CO c Q) ■u OJ a o r-l -H OJ •H o 4-1 4-1 to c to C •r-l CO x: r-l •H M-( 01 T3 CO 3 o 0) o ts 3 •rH 5 o & 4-1 ■u d i-< cr cxx: to •t >^ C TJ t4-l to o •rH 0) B c CO o a" CO 1+-I •i-i 0) CO cx n >, 4-1 1—1 ■ H C o 4-1 u 4-1 u o y-i • H !>. B C 1-1 oox CO c 4-1 o 4-1 3 0) o jj CO 00 B 0) o C o o o I-I o 0) 00 u B to D. n • c o c U 0) 3 o X! ^ CO 0) -I-I ■ H to u U •H CO X O o o o D. • H 00^ SC CO H & E 00 4-1 X hJ (X| CO tyi P- < u CX B 21 CO i:: o oc •H CD c o ■H 4-1 cxi •H I-I o CO OJ o CO B 3 0) C o H to CIh I-I e 3 x: o • H 4J 09 •H cd •o 0) ^ Q <: rj • H OJ •o w O •H X 4-1 (0 B H M CO (U CO CO •I-I OJ h u col ■-il cO| CO I-I o o. m o X! o c X c OJ oo OJ ►J . u 4-1 •H 4-1 4-1 CO X C •H 4-1 . O CO 01 00 C 4J OJ 01 tn • H to •rH cx I-I OJ m ^ c CO <: U 'O 1 X Px C ■H h !-i OJ 0) a CX c m o na (0 o OJ (U u a r-l CO OJ u CO OJ oo (U •H •rH c •o o o to r-l .-1 OJ 01 •a CO •H p- cx C Vh & co ID W OJ T r\ 1227 \yA [""COLUMBIA ,^-"*' .<^ \ «i 'I301 ^>srn^ 71302 Cross Londma v" ' Pleosont VifwX'^ '375 I BIG PETTiGREW STATE PAHK : \M l/iTE PHELPS h- B ^fOLLOiy GROUND BOUNDARY AND SIGNIFICANT FEATURES UPPER ALLIGATOR RIVER POCOSIN Siy.4MFl ' /un/per^-^C''**' w Gum Nedt AlUCATt f l-tKF n IH- * I, 1 Kl . soiy;'-.'!! Figure 6. ACCESS INFORMATION UPPER ALLIGATOR RIVER POCOSIN ■23- 21. Management and preservation recommendation. Acquisition of this area is recommended. The bald cypress that are significant are mostly within the area owned by Burruss Land and Timber. First Colony Farms may be equally reluctant to voluntarily protect their portion of the area. One possible means of future acquisition by the state could be through a gift or bargain purchase from the owners in mitigation for pocosin des- troyed by peat mining. The management of some areas may require prescribed burning to encourage herbaceous species. This could perhaps be limited to the wetter area east of NC 94. Hunting should be prohibited but this is seen as a minor problem due to the limited access. No other management problems are foreseen. 22. Rating (county perspective): 1)_ X high priority 2) medium priority 3) low priority State Natural Heritage rating: Statewide (high) significance. 23. Prose statement of site significance. This is a huge area with very little access. This alone is a most significant feature. There is little true wilderness left and if the pattern of development in this county is being repeated elsewhere, even that is in jeopardy. Size and isolation make this an excellent habitat for black bear (Ursus americanus) and if a species like the mountain lion (Felis concolor) is to be reestab- lished in eastern North Carolina it will need this type of open space. The endangered peripheral plant species, Rhynchospora alba, was found in low pocosin along NC 94. There appears to be a healthy population in this area. Further study will possibly show that such species as sweet pitcher plant (Sarracenia rubra) and cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) are also present. The pocosin is a disappearing community type. Those with relatively shallow organic soils are being converted to pine plan- tation or agriculture while those with deep organic soils are now being considered as potential energy sources. This pocosin is significant just for its relatively natural condition with its single most insignificant feature being the presence of numerous large bald cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) (point 1, Figure 5). In his study, The Phytosociology of the Green Swamp , North Carolina, Kologiski discussed the land use history of that area. An 1870 timber survey reported that the Green Swamp contained tremendous resources of cypress, gum and white cedar. Systematic logging was started about 1900 using railroads and steam skidders to transport the harvest. Even though there were no roads, all Figure 7. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION UPPER ALLIGATOR RIVER POCOSIN (NtJhibers correspond to ownership list.) ■25- parts of the swamp were reached. Logging increased the threat of fire by promoting shrub growth so the present vegetation has probably developed in response to both logging and fire. Since all of the pocosins in North Carolina have been similarly exploited, our present concept of pocosins probably does not correspond very well with their appearance prior to man's large scale intervention. The part of the pocosin in Tyrrell County with its large (18 to 24 inches DBH) bald cypress trees probably represents the closest approximation to undisturbed pocosin that can be found in the state. Every effort should be made to preserve this tract. The pocosins that occupy broad upland flats are thought to represent drainage basins that have become clogged with vegetation. There are few streams and any artificial drainage by canals changes water patterns to the extent that even those streams lose their flow and cease to exist. To our knowledge, no other pocosin in the state contains a natural stream that is so well developed as the Southwest Fork of the Alligator River. This stream is large enough to be traveled by canoe for its entire distance of about 9 miles. Winter travel is recommended unless you are collecting snakes. In addition to mere presence, this stream and the Northwest Fork of the Alligator River have some interesting vegetational features . The Southwest Fork contains a large stretch of open shrub marsh (point 2, Figure 5) composed of leatherwood and Zenobia while the Northwest Fork (point 3, Figure 5) is part of a very unusual ecotone. On the east side of this stream there is swamp forest while on the west side there is pocosin. Such a situation offers an excellent opportunity for a comparitive study of the factors that support the formation of each community type. A relatively small section of swamp forest (Community Type B) on Map 5 has been included in this natural area. Even though this forest was cut within the last 15 to 20 years, the loggers left behind some huge bald cypress trees. Most have their tops blown out and they look like giant stumps with only a few scraggly branches. Some trees exceed 5 feet in diameter. These trees are either rotten in the middle or the loggers did not have large enough saws to cut them down. Whichever, the area should be more thoroughly searched with the chance of finding a tree of state record size. 24. A. Natural Characteristics Summary Community Type A (See Figure 5): a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type: Pinus serotina/Zenobia pulverulenta-Cyrilla racemif lora/Woodwardia virginica-Sphagnum spp Community cover type : Pinus serotina General habitat feature: Pocosin Average tree height: From 15 to 45 feet depending on area -26- Estimated age of canopy trees: ? Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc. ) : 28,833 acres Successional stage: Subclimax (fire maintained) Sere type: Psammosere Common canopy species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Taxodium distichum Common subcanopy- shrub stratum species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Persea borbonia , Gordonia lasianthus , Lyonia lucida , Smilax laurifolia Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant) : Sarracenia f lava Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Map, Tyrrell County, USDA-SCS, Rev 7/22 Soil association: Belhaven-Dare-Doravan Soil order: Histosol pH class: Strongly acidic? Moisture class: Hydric Associated community cover type or community type: Pinus serotipa Hydrology Summary Drinage basin: North Fork of Alligator River Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Nontidal - seasonally flooded Summary-Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics -27- Land form: Peat Flat Shelter: Open Aspect: N/A Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns : Hammocky Position: N/A Physiographic site type of natural area: Pocosin Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type : As above Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary References: Stuckey, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and Mineral Resources of North Carolina. N. C. Geologic Survey Educational Series No. 3. e. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Rhynchospora alba Species legal status: Endangered peripheral Number of populations on site: 1 Number of individuals per population: Numerous Size or maturity of individuals: Fruiting specimens observed General vigor of population: good Disturbance or threats to population: This species may need fire management. If shrubs become to thick they will crowd out this herbaceous species Habitat characteristics (See above) f. Master species lists. See Table 3. I I. -28- Table 3. Master Species List ACERACEAE Acer rub rum APIACEAE Hydrocotyle verticillata var . triradiata AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex glabra BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica CAPRIFOLIACEAE Viburnum nudum CIETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia CYPERACEAE Eriophorum virginicum Rhynchospora alba CYRILLACEAE Cyrilla racemiflora DROSERACEAE Drosera intermedia ERICACEAE Cassandra calyculata Kalmia angustifolia Lyonia ligustrina Lyonia lucida Zenobia pulverulenta EQUISETACEAE Equisetum arvense ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon decangulare FABACEAE Lathyrus hirsutus LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium alopecuroides MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera Myrica heterophylla NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar lutea spp. macrophyllum Nymphaea odorata NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica OLEACEAE Ligustrum sinense ORCHIDACEAE Calopogon pulcbellus PINACEAE Pinus serotina PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata ROSACEAE Sorbus arbutifolia SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia f lava Sarracenia purpurea TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum LILIACEAE Smilax laurifolia -29- 24B. Natural Characteristics Summary a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community Type B. See Map 5. Community type: Nyssa sylvatica Community cover type: Nyssa sylvatica General habitat feature: Swamp Forest Average tree height: 40 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 20 years except for the few huge bald C5npress trees. Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 960 acres . Successional stage: Subclimax Sere type: Pelosere? Common canopy species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Acer rub rum, Taxodium distichum Common subcanopy-shrub stratum species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant) b. Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Map, Tyrrell County, North Carolina; USDA-SCS; Revised 7/72 Soil association: Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan Soil order: Histosol pH class: Acidic? Moisture class: Hydric Associated community cover type or community type: Nyssa sylvatica c. Hydrology Summary Drainage basin: North Fork of Alligator River Hydrologic system: Palustrine ■30- Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Nontidal-seasonally flooded Summary-Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics Land form: Floodplain Shelter: Open Aspect: N/A Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns: Smooth Position: N/A Physiographic site type of natural area: Big stump swamp (proposed) Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: Swamp Forest Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary References: Stuckey, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and Mineral Resources of North Carolina, N. C. Geologic Survey Educational Series No. 3. Summary - Endangered and Threatened Species - N/A Master species lists not compiled for this area. ■31- BUCK ISLAND BAY FOREST NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Smnmary Sheet; 1. Natural Area Name Buck Island Bay Forest 2 . County Tyrrell 3. Location Site is 1 1/4 miles south along an unimproved logging road from its junction with county road 1314. This junction with 1314 is at a point on 1314 0.9 miles west of its terminus at Grapevine Landing. (See Figure 1 and 8) . 4. Topographic quadrangle Fairfield NE, N. C. 5. Size 1,368 acres 6. Elevation 1-3 feet 7. Access By unimproved logging road from county road 1314. (See Figure 9). 8. Names of investigators Charles B. McDonald, East Carolina University Andrew N. Ash, East Carolina University 9. Date(s) of investigation 5/22-23/80 9/21-22/80 9A. Prose description of site Buck Island is a robust example of bay forest. The canopy is dominated by pond pine (Pinus serotina) with many large loblolly bays (Gordonia lasianthus) . The subcanopy consists primarily of loblolly bay and red bay (Persea borbonia ) . The shrub layer is primarily sweet gallberry (Ilex coriacea) and fetter-bush (Lyonia lucida) . A sampling summary based on 25 quarter points follows this description to further clarify vegetative composition. The soils on the site are histosols, primarily composed of peat, which have been deposited within the last 9,000 years or so. These soils have a deep organic horizon, 5 feet on the site, deposited on the Pamlico Terrace, a sand formation of quaternary age. ■33- The area is poorly drained and periodically flooded in the wintertime. During summers, the site is usually dry. Most drainage is by sheet flow to the Alligator River or downward through the organic horizon to the water table. Upon first glance, the system seems two-layered instead of three-layered. The canopy and sub-canopy become obvious only after several minutes careful study. Much closer to the realities of walking, the shrub layer is immediately obvious and often painfully so. The mature pond pines, ranging from 70-80 years in age, are certainly as fine a stand of this species as I have seen. The many large loblolly bays of the canopy and sub-canopy are worthy of documentation. The occasional red bay gains true arboreal stature which I have seen at few other localities. In all, the canopy seems mature and unaltered since regeneration at about the turn of the century. The shrub layer is made up of sweet gallberry, fetter-bush, male-berry (Lyonia ligustrina) , and sparkleberry (Vaccinitim corymbosum) . The resulting tangle is sufficiently dense to render "impenetrable" an euphemism. Not only can you not walk, you can't see where you are not walking. However aggravating this situation may be, it has some good points. First, it keeps human activity to a minimum. Second, it provides food in the form of foliage and berries. Third, it provides excellent cover. For these reasons, the site should be reasonably rich in wildlife. In particular, sign of black bear (Ursus americanus) were found on the site. As Buck Island is a little over 2 square miles in size, it may not be able to support bear by itself. However, it might be organized as part of a larger county-wide refuge and corridor system to preserve present bear populations in Tyrrell County. In summary. Buck Island is an excellent example of bay forest, which is not currently disturbed by commercial or recreational interests. Because of this lack of disturbance. Buck Island and large acreages of surrounding community types make excellent wildlife habitat, in particular for black bear. ACCESS INFORMATION BUCK ISLAND BAY FOREST -35- TABLE 6 Buck Island Bay Forest Sampling Summary Based on 25 quarter point plots. Canopy Total density =671 trees/ha Relative Relative Relative Importance Species Frequency Density Dominance Value Pinus serotina 64 80 78 222 Gordonia 21 13 12 46 lasianthus Acer rubrum 10 5 8 23 Persea borbonia 5 2 1 8 Subcanopy Relative Relative Relative Importance Species Frequency Density Dominance Value Persea borbonia 44 49 43 136 Gordonia 40 41 51 132 lasianthus Myrica cerifera 6 5 1 12 Pinus serotina 6 3 2 11 Acer rubrum 2 1 3 6 Magnolia 2 1 1 4 virgxniana -36- 10. Significance Sununary. (categories represented and descriptions) 11, 12. 13. Feature High quality wetland plant community Special habitat Description Pinus serotina/Gordonia lasianthus-Persea borbonia/Ilex coriacea-Lyonia lucida Black bear, Bay Forest Comparative Assessment Most nearly "natural" of 2-3 examples in county One of several large tracts of bear habitat in the county that experience little human intrusion Legal Status and Use Ownership type by percent area: TZE£ Private Public Unknown 100% Number of owners: Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers . Prim West, Inc. , (M. Primat of France) - apparently managed by First Colony Farms Inc. 14. 15. Use of Natural area: a. Cat. Low intensity Forest b. Other (describe) Intrusions; a) two unimproved logging roads b) frequent low-level jet overflights Low Intensity Recreation Use of surrounding land a. Wildland 100% b. Agricultural Land c. Developed Land % 16. Management problem description* 3. /Possible future logging - Impact 3; Effort 1 1. /Controlled hunting of bear - Impact 3; Effort 1 ^Assuming eventual ownership by public interest group ■37- 17. Preservation status Cat. - 6 - 100% 18. Regulatory protections in force State and Federal laws protecting endangered species, Sec. 404(b) of the clean water act. 19. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation. Unknown. 20. Threats a. Cat "SF b. Description of threat Possible logging and development of entire area by First Colony Farms. 21. Management and preservation recommendation. This large tract of bay forest should be preserved as an exemplary tract of such habitat. Also, it serves as a refuge for what I feel may be a good county-wide population of black bear. If it is to be preserved as bay forest, it should be managed against any successional trends away from this community type. This would not be necessary if the site were preserved only as a bear sanc- tuary, since bear do well in a variety of similar habitats. The key to bear management should be tract size as bear have large home ranges . There are no problems to be corrected on the area at present, but the owners could try to log and develop the area at any time. They claim to operate under an informal policy whereby any land within 1/2 mile of an estuary or river is not developed (Buck Island falls within this limit) . 22. Rating (County perspective): 1) X high priority 2) medium priority 3) low priority State Natural Heritage rating: regional (medium) significance. 23. Prose statement of site significance Buck Island is a mature (70-80 years) example of bay forest. These systems are probably fire controlled and thus few such systems can be expected to reach such an age. This lack of fire has yielded many large pond pines (Pinus serotina) , loblolly bays (Gordonia lasianthus) , and red bays (Persea borbonia) . For the same reason, the shrub layer is unusually robust. Certainly there are few remaining superior examples of this community type in the state. The area is remote from human habitation or development, thus it retains a "natural" flavor which is readily apparent to the visitor. This feeling is slightly marred by low-level jet over- ■38- f lights. As mature habitat, the area offers a haven for endangered plants and animals gerraaine to pocosin-type systems. Plants such as resinous Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium resinosum) , white wicky (Kalmia cuneata) and rough-leaf loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefolia) and animals such as pine-barrens treefrog (Hyla andersoni) and black bear (Ursus americanus) could occur here. Sign of bear were noticed at the site. Certainly large tracts of habitat along estuarine margins are among the last strongholds for bear in this state. Tyrrell County seems to have a bear population worthy of further investigation and areas such as Buck Island should be aquired whenever possible. The community type, age, remoteness and habitat quality of Buck Island all argue for its registration as a natural area. Further investigation should lead to a firm basis in fact to support the indications given here. 24. Natural Chateristics Summary a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type: Pinus serotina/Gordonia lasianthus-Persea borbonia/Ilex coriacea-Lyonia lucida Community cover type: Pinus serotina General habitat feature: Bay forest Average tree height: 42 feet Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 1,368 acres Successional stage: Climax (best guess) could go to Gordonia forest? Sere tjrpe: Psammosere? Common canopy species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Gordonia lasianthus Common subcanopy-shrub stratum species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Lyonia ligustrina, Vaccinium corymbosum Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant) : None b. Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Map, Tyrrell County, USDA-SCS Rev. 7-72 Soil association: Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan -39- Soil order: Histosols pH class: Unknown Moisture class: Hydric Associated community cover type or community type: Pinus serotina Hydrology Summary Drinage basin: Alligator River Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Inter aqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Nontidal-seasonally flooded Summary-Topography and PHysiography Topographic site type characteristics Land form: Peat flat Shelter: Open Aspect: NA Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: NA " . Surface patterns : hummocky Position: NA Physiographic site type of natural area: Buck Island Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: Peat flat Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary References: Stuckey, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and Mineral Reources of North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey. Educational Series No. 3. ■40- e. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Ursus americanus (black bear) Species legal status: Special concern Number of populations on site: NA Number of individuals per population: Not known Size or maturity of individuals: Not known General vigor of population: Now known Disturbance or threats to population: Development of habitat, excessive hunting and recreational use. Habitat characterists (See above) f. Master species lists ACERACEAE Acer rub rum AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex coriacea Ilex glabra Ilex laevigata BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica ERICACEAE Lyonia ligustrina Lyonia lucida Rhododendron nudif lorum Vaccinium corymbosujij LAURACEAE Persea borbonia LILIACEAE Smilax laurifolia MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera PINACEAE Pinus serotiaa ROSACEAE Sorbus arbutifolia THEACEAE Gordonia lasianthus -41- UPPER ALLIGATOR RIVER MARSH NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet: 1. Natural Area Name Upper Alligator River Marsh 2. County Tyrrell 3. Location Located along Alligator River from where NC 94 crosses the river at the Tyrrell-Hyde County border eastward along the river - 4.5 miles See figures 1 and 10. 4. Topographic quadrangle Fairfield, Fairfield NW 5. Size 971 acres 6. Elevation 0-2 feet 7. Access By foot from NC 94 at Tyrrell-Hyde County border. By boat form same spot. By boat from Gum Neck Landing. See figures 10. 8. Names of investigators Charles B. McDonald, East Carolina University Andrew N. Ash, East Carolina University 9. Date(s) of investigation 5/31/80 6/12-13/80 8/6/80 9A. Prose description of site The upper Alligator River Marsh is a 971 acre stretch of fresh water marsh dominated by Typha glauca. The marsh seems robust and has probably expanded recently as there are dead and dying trees near the edge. The attached vegetative analysis sheet gives an indication of the abundance and distribution of the more common plants in the marsh. The soils are histosoils over a parent material of quaternary sand typical of the Pamlico Terrace. The marsh occupies the flood plain of the upper Alligator River for a distance of over four miles. At first view, the observer is impressed with the extremely high density of Typha and the fairly common red cedars (Juniperus virginiana) -42- which dot the marsh. Other plants are not visible at first glance and exhibit relatively little importance. The last readily obvious features are the numerous snags at the edge of the marsh. These might be the effects of rising sea level or salt water intrusion. The marsh is undoubtedly the haven of numerous water birds such as coots, rails, ducks, herrons, egrets, bitterns, etc. As this is one of only two large tracts of fresh water marsh in the county, preservation could well be in order. 10. Significance Summary (categories represented and descriptions) a. Feature - High quality wetland plant community b. Description of significant feature - Typha glauca c. Comparative assessment - One of two large acreages of this community type in county. 11 . Legal Status and Use Ownership type by percent area: Private 100% Public Unknown 12. Number of owners: 13. Nanie(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) (with addresses, phone numbers . First Colony Farms, Inc. (except for Roper Island) Creswell, NC 27928 14. Use of natural area: a. Cat. Low intensity recreation ___________ b. Other (describe) Intrusions: one improved road (NC 94), intra-coastal waterway passes through the marsh. 15. Use of surrounding land: a. Wildland 100 % b. Agricultural land % c. Developed land 16. Management problem description Control of human use and abuse - Impact 3; Effort 2 Elimation of incompatible uses on - Impact 3; Effort 3 area or adjacent land Figure 10. BOUNDARY AND SIGNIFICANT FEATURES UPPER ALLIGATOR RIVER MARSH ■44- Table 7 Vegetation Sampling Summary Upper Alligator River Marsh Based on 10 meter square plots Total density = 1.24 x 10 stems/ha Species Relative Relat ive Relative Importance Frequency Densi M Dominance Value Typha glauca 30.3 88.8 85.8 204.9 Osmunda regalis 15.2 0.6 2.7 18.5 Hydrocotyle umbellata 9.1 3.9 2.1 15.1 Mikania scandens 9.1 1.1 2.4 12.6 Hibiscus moscheutos 9.1 0.4 2.2 11.7 Eleocharis sp. 6.1 2.6 1.9 10.6 Cladium jamaicense 6.1 1.4 1.6 9.1 Triglochin striata 3.0 0.5 0.3 3.8 Polygonum punctatum 3.0 0.3 0.3 3.6 Rhus radicans 3.0 0.2 0.3 3.5 Samolus parviflorus 3.0 0.2 0.2 3.4 Solidago sp. 3.0 0.1 0.2 3.3 -45- 17. Preservation status Cat. -6 - 100% 18. Regulatory protections in force: Sec. 404 (b) of the Clean Water Act. U.S. Government owns Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway right-of-way. 19. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?) Not known 20. Threats a. Cat 3 *SF b. Description of threat First Colony Farms could do anything, possibly X new canals, etc. 21. Management and preservation recommendation The entire expanse of the fresh water marsh should be preserved. The area should be managed against excess human use or abuse. Farming practices in fields to the south sould be closely monitored for their effects. The Army Corps of Engineers should be consulted about management practices necessary to keep the intracoastal waterway functional. This waterway passes through the western end of the marsh. There are no apparent existing management problems. The only probable land conversion might be the construction of drainage canals. This is not too likely. Preservation of most of the marsh could be effected even if canals were dug. Acquisition could possibly be by registration, purchase, or easement. 22. Rating (County perspective) 1) 2)" 3)" X high priority medium priority low priority State Natural Heritage rating: regional (medium) significance. 23. Prose statement of site significance The significance of the Upper Alligator River Marsh is that it is a 971 acre expanse of Typha glauca freshwater marsh. Also, the area serves as excellent wildlife habitat for marsh, semi-aquatic, and aquatic species. The area is readily approached by boat and car, and this adds to its appeal in terms of recreation. There is only one other large acreage of fresh water marsh in Tyrrell County, and this marsh is at the other end of the county. Thus, the upper Alligator Marsh may have some regional importance in terms of natural heritage. Further on-site evaluation may yield additonal data which argue for preservation. -46- 24. Natural Characteristics Siunmary a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type: Typha glauca Community cover type: Typha glauca General habitat feature: Fresh water marsh Average rush height: 8-10 Feet Estimated age of canopy trees: N/A Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 971 acres Successional stage: Climax? Sere type: Psammosere-Pelosere Common canopy species in communtiy cover type or community type (but not dominant): None Common subcanopy-shrub stratum species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : None Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant) : None B. Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Survey, Tyrrell County, USDA-SCS Revised 7/72 Soil association:. Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan Soil order: Histosols pH class: Unknown Moisture class: Hydric Associated communtiy cover type or community type: Typha glauca c. Hydrology Summary Drainage basin: Alligator River Hydrologic system: Riverine Hydrologic subsystem: Lower Perennial -47- Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Semipermanently flooded d. Summary-Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics Land form: Stream channel and floodplain Shelter: Open Aspect: N/A Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns: Sandy-silty-hamraocky Position: N/A • " Physiographic site type of natural area: Fresh water cattail marsh Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: Fresh water cattail marsh Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary Referecnes: Stucky, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and Mineral Resources of North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey, E' Series No. 3. e. Suimnary - Endangered and Threatened Species - N/A f. Master species list: ALISMATACEAE JUNCAGINACEAE Sagittaria falcata Triglochin striata ANACARDIACEAE MALVACEAE Rhus radicans Hibiscus moscheutos Kosteletskya virginica APLIACEAE MYRICACEAE Centella asiatica Myrica cerifera Hydrocotyle umbellata ASPIDIACEAE OSMUNDACEAE Thelypteris palustris Osmunda regalis -48- ASTERACEAE Baccharis halimifolia Mikania scaadens Solidago sp. CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus virginiaaa POACEAE Setaria magna POLYGONACEAE Polygonum punctatum Rumex verticillatus CYPERACEAE Carex lurida Cladium jamaicense Eleocharis sp. Scirpus americanus JUNCACEAE Juncus dichotomus PRIMULACEAE Samolus parviflorus TYPHACEAE Typha glauca -49- SCUPPERNONG RIVER SWAMP FOREST NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Sununary Sheet: 1. Natural Area Name Scuppernong River Swamp Forest 2. County Tyrrell 3. Location - Along both sides of the Scuppernong River from the river's intersection with the western county boundary north-eastward to Columbia. See figures 1 and 11. 4. Topographic guadrangle Creswell South East, 7.5 min. ; Columbia East, 7.5 min. ; Coliunbia West, 7.5 min. 5. Size 7,570 acres 1 6. Elevation 1-4 feet 7. Access By several Federal, State and County roads. Principally, U.S. 64, N.C. 94, and county roads 1105, 1108, 1110, 1111. Also by boat from Columbia or Creswell. See figures 12. 8. Names of investigators Charles B. McDonald, East Carolina University Andrew N. Ash, East Carolina University 9. Date(s) of investigation 5/29-31/80 9/13/80 9A. Prose description of site The Scuppernong River is a lower coastal plain river with adjacent swamp forest. It is an excellent example of its kind. The river and drainage basin are relatively short but extremely rich in natural values. The river meanders to and fro within the swamp forested flood plain. Each bend provides a point with a stand of white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) in its crook. The river is placid and narrow enough that wildlife and vegetation on either side can be readily observed from a canoe in the middle. Wildlife seems abundant in the river as well as within the swamp forest corridor on either side. The swamp forest canopy (see attached quarter points sheet) is dominated by gum (Nyssa sylvatica) with a shrub layer chiefly composed of titi (Cyrilla racemif lora) and Virginia willow (Itea virginica) . The herb layer is dominated by royal fern (Osmunda regalis) and lizzard's tail (Saururus cernuus) . ijiy^JlUt / TT1GREW ^ STATE B PHELPS m HOLLOW GROUND SWAMP u H- Figure 1 1 . BOUNDARY AND SIGNIFICANT FEATURES SCUPPERNONG RIVER SWAMP FOREST ^ ■51- Due to the patchwork ownership pattern, the swamp forest occurs in a mosaic of ages that disclose successional processes in swamp systems. All areas seem at least 20 years old. The floodplain soils are mucky histosols and make for messy walking during the winter wet season. The soil stays saturated during this time and frequent, but irregular inundation of the floodplain occurs in conjunction with winter rains. The system stretches between the towns of Creswell and Colubmia, yet the river is small enough and the forest corridor wide enough that the visitor is rapidly removed from the intrusions of 20th century life. It is a small yet intimate place, a perfect setting in which to appre- ciate nature. Feature 10. Significance Summary (categories represented and descriptions) b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative Assessment High quality wet land plant commu- nity Nyssa sylvatica/ Cyrilla racemiflora Itea virginica/Osmunda regalis- Saururus cernuus Best example of riverine swamp forest in county. Outstanding aqua- tic feature Small lower coastal plain river Only example in county. Very scenic due to second growth swamp forest. Short length would make ideal canoe trail. -52- Table 8. Scupperaong River Swamp Forest Sampling Summary Based on 15 quarter points Canopy Total density = 1490 trees/ha Relative Relative Species Frequency Density Nyssa sylvatica 37.50 53.33 Fraxinus caroliniana 27.50 20.00 Chamaecyparis thyoides 17.50 15.00 Pinus taeda 5.00 3.33 Taxodium distichum 2.50 1.67 Acer rubrum 5.00 3.33 Nyssa aquatica 5.00 3.33 Relative Importance Dominance Value 63.12 153.95 9.76 57.26 15.98 48.48 3.31 11.64 5.91 10.08 0.99 9.32 0.93 9.26 -53- 11. Legal Status and Use Ownership type by percent area: 12. Number of owners: 46 Private 100 % Public % Unknown % 13. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) with addresses, phone numbers . See Figure 12 and Table 10. 14. Use of natural area: Low intensity Low intensity a. Cat. recreation forestry b. Other (describe) Intrusions: Improved roads, utility corridors, canals. 15. Use of surrounding land: a. Wildland 43 % b. Agricultural land 55 % c. Developed land 2% 16. Management problem description Control of human overuse and abuse - Impact 3; Effort 2 Control of rates of agricultural land drainage - Impact 3; Effort 3 17. Preservation status Cat - 6 - 100% Land is in private ownership by many owners, but probably is used informally as a recreation and natural area. No overt efforts to preserve its natural values are known. ^ 18. Regulatory protections in force: Sec. 404(b) of the Clean Water Act. 19. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation: Not Known. 20. Threats A. Cat *SF B. Description of threat 3 X Timbering of portions could occur at any time -54- 21 . Management and preservation recommendation The aspects of the Scuppernong River System that should be pre- served are the river itself as an example of a lower coastal plain river, and the accompanying swamp forest as a representative example of swamp forest and as good wildlife habitat. Water quality of the Scup- pernong should be controlled as much as possible by regulating volumes of water pumped off local fields via canals into the river. Also new sewage treatment facilities should be discouraged. Careful control should be exercised over agricultural fertilizer applications in mar- ginal fields if possible. The swamp forest should be left unmodified and succession allowed to proceed. Periodic local timbering may occur until this area is acquired or registered. There are many owners who may wish to realize short-term profits from their holdings. Due to the great number of owners, a voluntary registration program may be the best approach to preserving the area. Alternately, several of the larger parcels might be bought. 22. Rating (County perspective): 1) X high priority 2) medium priority 3) low priority State Natural Heritage rating: local significance. 23. Prose statement of site significance The Scuppernong River is a small and scenic river with an accom- panying corridor of swamp forest of varying age stands. The river is extremely scenic and of a good size and configuration for a canoe trail. The river is wide enough to be open, yet not so wide as to preclude vegetative or wildlife observation on either side. It would be an excellent Sunday afternoon outing for any naturalist. Currently the ares is significant as a wildlife corridor, as the best example of riverine swamp forest in the county, and as an area of low intensity recreation. As conversion of flatland swamp forest areas to farmland continues in Tyrrell County, these latter three values may become increasingly important. More knowledge of flooding patterns and water quality intrusions in the Scuppernong River will have great bearing on the ultimate decision concerning acquisition or registration. The river and floodplain may be of local historical significance of which we, as investigators, are unaware. -55- 24. Natural Characteristics Summary a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type : Nyssa sylvatica/Cyrilla racemiflora-Itea virginica/Osmunda regal is-Saururus cernuus Community cover type: Nyssa sylvatica General habitat feature: Swamp forest Average tree height: 40 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 35-45 years Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 7,570 acres Successional stage: Late succession Sere type: Pelosere Common canopy species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Fraxinus caroliniana, Chamaecyparis thyoides Common subcanopy-shrub stratum species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : None Common herb stratum species in comnunity type (but not dominant) : Hydrocotyle verticillata b. Soil Summary Source of information: General soil map, Tyrrell County, USDA-SCS, Rev. 7/72 Soil series: Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan Soil order: Histosoils pH class: Unknown Moisture class: Hydric .-^ Associated communtiy cover type or community type: Nyssa sylvatica c. Hydrology Summary Drainage basin: Scuppernong River Hydrologic system: Riverine Hydrologic subsystem: Lower perennial Water chemistry: Fresh -56- Water regime: Intermittantly flooded d. Summary-Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics Land form: Lower flood plain Shelter: Open Aspect: N/A Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns : Muddy-hummocky Position: N/A Physiographic site type of natural area: Scuppernong River Flood Plain Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: Lower flood plain Geologic formation: Pamlico terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary References: Stucky, J.L. and W.G. Steel. 1953. Geology and Mineral Resources of North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey. Educatio Series No. 3. e. Summary - Endangered and threatened species Name of species: Black bear (Ursus americana) (tracks obseirved) Species legal status: Special concern Number of populations on site: ? Number of individuals per population: ? Size or maturity of individuals: ? General vigor of population: ? Probably moderate to poor Disturbance or threats to population: Increased clearing activity Habitat characterists : See above f. Master species lists. See Table 9. -57- ACERACEAE Acer rub rum Table 9. Plant Species List Swamp Forest LILIACEAE Smilax laurifolia ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans APIACEAE Hydrocotyle verticillata AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex glabra Ilex opaca ARACEAE Peltandra virginica BETULACEAE Alnus serrulata CAPRIFOLIACEAE Viburnum nudum CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera NYSSACEAE Nyssa aquatica Nyssa sylvatica OLEACEAE Fraxinus caroliniana OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium biternatum OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda regalis PINACEAE Pinus taeda CORNACEAE Cornus sp. CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis thyoides CYPERACEAE Carex sp. Cyrillaceae Cyrilla racemiflora ERICACEAE Lyonia lucida Rhododendron nudiflorum Vaccinium sp. HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styracif lua HYPERICACEAE Hypericum sp. LAURACEAE Persea borbonia POLYGONACEAE Polygonum setaceum RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens ROSACEAE Rosa palustris Rubus sp. SAURURACEAE = Saururus cernuus SAXIFRAGACEAE Decumaria barbara Itea virginica TAXODIACEAE Taxodium distichum URTICACEAE Boebmeria cylindrica VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia SAVANNAH i>EniGREW ^vsi STATS * PARK HOLLOW GROUND SWAMP n tf Figure 12. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION SCUPPERNONG RIVER SWAMP FOREST (Numbers correspond to ownership list.) -59- Table 10. Ownership Information Scuppernong River Swamp Forest Tyrrell County, NC Owner 1. Weyerhaeuser, Inc. Plymouth, NC 27962 2. Dr. S. C. Chaplin Joseph Rhodes Columbia, NC 27925 3. First Colony Farms, Inc. Creswell, NC 27928 4. Robert L. Spruill Elizabeth D. Spruill Route 1, Box 87 Columbia, NC 27925 5. David D. Green 509 Lisford Place Portsmoth, VA 23704 6. W. A. Armstrong Route 2, Box 70 Columbia, NC 27925 7. Coastal Lumber Company, Inc. P.O. Box 829 Weldon, NC 27890 8. T. W. Dillon Route 2, Box 82 Columbia, NC 27925 9. Ruth W. Woodley Columbia, NC 27925 10. Ruby L. Phelps James R. Phelps Henry M. Bryant 5900 Harland Street New Carralton, MD 20784 11. Mae G. Basnight P.O. Box 173 Columbia, NC 27925 12. D. F. West c/o Virgie May West Route 5, Box 295 Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Parcel(s) owned 1, 4, 16 3, 13, 14, 15 10 11 12 17 -60- Table 10 (Continued) 13. William L. Beasly Jr. 18 P.O. Box 427 Scotland Neck, NC 27874 14. Herbert L. Liverman 19 519 Sunnybrook Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610 15. H. T. Davenport 20 P.O. Box 345 Columbia, NC 27925 16. Harry McMullen Jr. 21 c/o Neva S. McMullen P.O. Box 8 Washington, NC 27889 17. Wallace I. Hill 22 Route 2, Box 15 Columbia, NC 27925 18. Butler Land and Timber Company 23 Chase City, VA 23924 19. Robert E. Parker Jr. 24 F. Perry P.O. Box 476 Richmond, VA 23204 20. L. C. Tarkington 25 Mary Tarkington c/o Raife Tarkington Creswell, NC 27928. 21. Margaret H. Burke 26 Route 1, Box 163 Columbia, NC 27925 22. W. M. Norcum 28 Carrie Norcum c/o Rodney Cooper Columbia, NC 27925 23. S. C. Chaplin 27 c/o Wilma Chaplin Columbia, NC 27925 24. Robert D. Shore 29 Mary M. Shore 2809 Lazy Lane Winston-Salem, NC 27106 -61- Table 10 (Continued) 25. Morris G. Pritchett 30 Wanda W. Pritchett P.O. Box 158 Creswell, NC 27928 26. Ray McClees 31 Jean McClees Route 2, Box 5 Columbia, NC 27925 -62- FRYING PAN LAKE ATLANTIC WHITE CEDAR FOREST NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Infomnation Summary Sheet: 1. Natural Area Name Frying Pan Lake Atlantic White Cedar Forest 2. County Tyrrell 3. Location: From the jet of NC 94 and State Road 1307 (Frying Pan Road) proceed S 2.75 mi. turn E on a farm road proceeding 1.5 mi E., 1.5 mi SE, then another .85 mi E (follow the electric line). From there proceed another .5 mi. E on an unimproved logging road. See figures 1 and 13. 4. Topographic quadrangle Scotia, 7.5 min; Frying Pan, 7.5 min. 5. Size 154 acres 6. Elevation 1 foot - 2 feet 7. Access By private farm and logging roads from NC Hwy 94. See figure 14. 8. Names of investigators Charles B. McDonald, East Carolina University Andrew N. Ash, East Carolina University 9. Date(s) of investigation 5/23/80 6/30/80 7/1/80 9A. Prose description of site This natural area is located in the flat flood plain that surrounds Frying Pan Lake. The area is only inches above sea level and is thus very poorly drained. The water table which is never more than a few inches below the surface is highest during the winter and early spring and lowest during the late summer and early fall. The soils are totally organic. When a metal rod was used as a probe it was determined that the depth of the organic matter exceeds five feet. The organic matter produces an extremely acid soil and this combined with the anaerobic conditions from the high water table greatly reduces the microbial decompostion of leaves and other fallen litter. As a result the surface zone - consisting of noncompacted leaves, sticks, and roots - that sometimes unexpectedly gives way from the weight of a footstep. Such hidden depressions, however, are seldom more than a foot or two deep. -63- The surrounding vegetation is a typical swamp forest of black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) , red maple (Acer rub rum) , and occasional bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) . From the general size of the trees it was pro- bably last logged about 60 to 75 years ago. The natural area itself encompasses about 154 acres and is nearly circular in outline. The swamp forest within this area is almost total- ly dominated by Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) with a density of about 506 trees per acre (1250/ha). The trees are about 60 feet tall with the largest being 14.8 in. (37.7 cm) in diameter and most trees ranging rora 9 to 12 in. in diameter. The canopy is even-aged and from increment borings was determined to be about 60 years old. - Al- though infrequent, other species found in the canopy were loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) , black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) , and red maple (Acer rub rum) (See Table 11 for calculated importance values). The subcanopy forms as distinct a stratum as does the canopy and its density of 509 trees per acre (1258/ha) is almost identical to the canopy's density. It is strongly dominated by black gum (See Table 11 for calculated importance values). The shrub layer is not particularly dense and contains such charac- teristic species as sweet pepper bush (Clethra alnifolia) , bitter gall- berry (Ilex glabra) , fetterbush (Lyonia lucida) , and sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum) . As in most swamp forests the herb layer is rather sparse with perhaps the most frequently occurring species being Virginia chain fern (Woodwardia virginica) and royal fern (Osmunda regalis) . From our observations and data it appears that this is a succes- sional community. There are numerous stumps, the largest being 44 in. (121 cm) in diameter, so the present stand probably became established after the area had been logged. Judging from the age of the canopy trees this was probably 60 to 70 years ago. Like many other conifers the Atlantic white cedar will only establish in openings that are produced by fire or logging. They form a dense stand that thins itself with age and then, as we have observed, a subcanopy of shade tolerant hardwoods develops. The length of time from initial establishment to ultimate replacement by hardwoods is probably about 250 years but this represents a guess because fire or logging usually cuts the sequence short. 10. Significance Summary (catergories represented and descriptions) a. Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative Assessment High quality wet- land plant com- munity. Chamaecyparis thyoides/Nyssa sylvatica/ Clethra alnifolia - mixed shrubs Highest density stand of Atlantic white cedar in county . Area with high research interest Chamaecyparis thyoides/Nyssa sylvatica/ Clethra alnifolia-mixed shrubs Few mature stands of Atlantic white cedar are available for research IJOS TrovB SCUPPERt^ U 1109 nas ■^ TM 1237 / '^V/'> X •^ ■'<\^'"' - \ !) / '«(t1"* . J^ « 1 y •<^=3=?< iC'-.^ COLUMBIA *g,i*«*— "^fef ^i^^*^^'*^ x""*^ jn 1 ^^2^^ ^SSP^L— — ^' •^^ ^^ lA -J ^A.-- / rl ^^ ^■JH^X ^^^J iJ''''^^*"^*^ Uil Vi fi:/^ fasi ^'*— i Lj^L^ A V ^ J Plecsant ViSw\ A^ V, \ 1=^ ' ' ^4tl. ^^^f^^ ^ ^^ >-~-^, --\- ^N k. ro ^^ ;%5i!or r- jV" BIG SAVANNAH Alligotof 1101 , Crots Londmg ~ w Figure 13. BOUNDARY AND SIGNIFICANT FEATURES ■RYING PAN LAKE ATLANTIC WHITE CEDAR FOREST HOLLOW GROUND SWAMP -65- Table 11. Sampling Summary Frying Pan Lake Atlantic White Cedar Forest Based on 25 quarter point plots Total density = 1,250 trees/ha Canopy Species Relative Frequency Rela Dens tive itx Relative Dominance Important Value Chamaecyparis thyoides 60 82 85 227 Pinus taeda 26 12 12 50 Nyssa sylvatica 10 4 2 16 Acer rubrum 5 2 1 8 Subcanopy Total density = 1258 trees/ha Rel a tive Relative Rel. a tive Important Species Fre quency Density Dominance Value Nyssa sylvatica 63 83 85 231 Acer rubrum 16 9 8 33 Persea borbonia 16 6 5 27 Ilex opaca 3 1 1 5 Chamaecyparis thyoides 3 1 1 5 Figure 14. ACCESS INFORMATION FRYING PAN LAKE ATLANTIC WHITE CEDAR FOREST -67- 11 . Legal Status and Use Ownership type by percent area : Private 100 % Public Unknown % % 12. Number of owners: 1 13. Name of owner: Prulean Farms Joint Venture (Prudential Insurance owns 80%; First Colony Farms 20%) Creswell, NC 27928 14. Use of natural area: a. Cat. Low intensity recreation b. Other (describe) Intrusion of frequent low level jet overflights 15. Use of surrounding land: a. Wildland 100 % b. Agricultural land % c. Developed land % 16. Management problem description: Excess flood water from agricultural drainage operations - Impact 3; Effort 1 17. Preservation status ^ Cat - 6 - 100% 18. Regulatory protections in force: Section 404(b) of the Clear Water Act 19. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation: Unknown 20 . Threats a. Category 3 *SF X b. Description of threat. Atlantic white cedar is valuable timber. High density stands are easy to cut. Approximately 2900 acres of similar forest have been harvested in the vicin- ity of Frying Pan Lake in the last few years. 21. Management and preservation recommendation. Prevent logging! An agricultural drainage canal that runs directly through the middle of the natural area should be blocked with the water diverted in such a way that sheet flow through the ■68- surrounding swamp forest is achieved. Natural area registration by the landmanager , First Colony Farms, should be encouraged. 22. Rating (County perspective): 1) X high priority 2) medium priority 3) low priority State Natural Heritage rating: regional (mediiam) significance. 23. Prose statement of site significance. The Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) is found in the Northeastern Tidewater, Sandhill, and Southeastern Coastal Plain regions of North Carolina. It is a beautiful tree that grows perfectly straight. Its bark is reddish-brown and somewhat flaky while the foliage is a deep bluish-green and has the characteristic cedar fragrance. The tree is found in swamp forests and pocosins where it may occur as a minor component of the community or in some instances may form pure stands that contain only Atlantic white cedar. It is these pure stands that constitute the community type known as the Atlantic white cedar forest. Such forests are in extreme jeopardy in North Carolina. The lesser threat to their existence is the occurrence of fire. Like many conifers the Atlantic white cedar will not sprout from the root crown or bole. When a fire moves through a young dense stand the foliage provides fuel and the stand is completely destroyed. The much greater threat to the Atlantic white cedar forest is logging. The light colored fragrant wood is very durable and therefore valuable for a number of uses. Dense stands that contain only the single species are economical to harvest so stands are usually cut long before the trees ever reach full maturity. Approximately 2900 acres of Atlantic white cedar forest have been cut in the vicinity of Frying Pan Lake in the few years making the one small area described in this report the only relatively mature high density stand that remains in Tyrrell County. Some such stands should be saved. Our understanding of the factors that control the location of these forests and the successional dynamics of developing stands is relatively poor. Only with the preservation of some stands will we ever have the opportunity to answer these questions. 24. Natural Characteristics Summary a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type: Camaecyparis thyoides/ Nyssa sylvatica/ Clethra alnifolia-mixed shrubs Community cover type: Chamaecyparis thyoides General habitat feature: Atlantic white cedar swamp forest Average tree height: 60 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 60 years -69- Estiraated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 154 acres Successional stage: Subclimax Sere type: Pelosere Common canopy species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Pinus taeda Common subcanopy-shrub stratum species in community cover tjrpe or community type (but not dominant): Subcanopy: Acer rub rum, Persea borbonia; Shrub: Lyonia lucida. Ilex glabra Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant) : Peltandra virginica , Qsmunda regalis , Sphagnum sp . , Woodward ia virginica b. Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Map, Tyrrell County, NC; USDA-SCS; Revised 7/72 Soil association: Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan Soil order: Histosol pH class: Strongly acid Moisture class: Hydric Associated community cover type or community type: Chamaecyparis thy o ides c. Hydrology Summary Drainage basin: Alligator River Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous ^ Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Nontidal-Semipermanently flooded d. Summary-Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics Land form: Floodplain Shelter: Open ■70- Aspect: N/A Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns: Smooth Position: N/A Physiographic site type of natural area: Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Forest Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: as above Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary References: Stuckey, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and Mineral Resources of North Carolina Geologic Survey Educational Series No. 3. Summary - Endangered and Threatened species: N/A Master Species List ACERACEAE Acer rubrum LAURACEAE Persea borbonia ANACARDIACEAE Rhus radicans LILIACEAE Smilax laurifolia AQUIFOLIACEAE Illex glabra ARACEAE Peltandra virginica BIGNONIACEAE Camps is radicans BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginiana NYSSACEAE Nyssa sylvatica OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea Osmunda regalis PINACEAE Pinus taeda ROSACEAE Sorbus arbutifolia CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis thyoides VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitis rotundifolia ERICACEAE Lyonia lucida Vaccinium arboreum ■71- HARVESTER ROAD TALL POCOSIN NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet: 1. Natural Area Name Harvester Road Tall Pocosin 2 . County Tyrrell « 3. Location: Southwest corner of Tyrrell County. The route to this area is by farm roads and too complicated for description. See Figures 1 and 16. 4. Topographic quadrangle: New Lake - 7.5 min. New Lake NW - 7.5 min. Creswell SE - 7.5 min. 5. Size: 7989 acres 6. Elevation: 10 feet - 17 feet 7. Access: By various canal and farm roads. See Figure 17. 8. Names of investigators: Charles B. McDonald - East Carolina University Andrew N. Ash - East Carolina University 9. Date(s) of investigation 2/2/80 5/16/80 9A. Prose description of site: This area ia a large tract of tall pocosin. The dominant is pond pine (Pinus serotina) but its density is usually not great enough to close the canopy. The shrub layer is extremely dense consisting of such species as dangleberry (Gaylussacia f rondosa) , bitter gallberry (Ilex glabra) , Zenobia (Zenobia pulverulenta) , and greenbriar (Smilax laurifolia) . Most of the vegetation does not seem particularly old. The sweet bays (Magnolia virginiana) and loblolly bays (Gordonia lasianthus) still have their youthful growth form, many of the pond pines have not developed crowns, and the shrubs are mostly only knee to waist high. The age is about 30 years which makes sense because this is part of the large pocosin south of Lake Phelps that was first cleared for agriculture in the early 1950' s. -72- I- 1/5 > in O U O a. UJ > H- uj Q >- X z o I- o z X < Figure 15. -73- The pocosins south of Lake Phelps in Washington and Hyde counties and those in Tyrrell County are all part of the same system. The elevation of the Washington-Hyde portion is 15 to 20 feet while most of the pocosin in Tyrrell County is 5 feet or less. The area described here is in the zone of elevational transition and at 10 to 17 feet should really be included in the Washington- Hyde part of the system. See Figure 15. The land is flat and the soils are apparently extremely deep peat. The ditches that have been cut are about ten feet deep and even at this depth only the organic portion of the profile is visible. As you travel west leaving Tyrrell County and entering Washington County, the pocosin becomes progressively more modified. First there are sections with low shrubs and small pond pines, then sections with only low shrubs, and finally sections dominated by broomsedge. This series of one-half or one square mile blocks produces an excellent sequence of pocosin successional stages. 10. Significance Summary (categories represented and descriptions) Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative Assessment High quality ter- restrial plant community Pinus serotina /mixed Erica- ceous shrubs Developing tall pocosin with limited modifi- cation. Part of one of the largest pocosin systems in the state. Outstanding geo- logic feature Peatlands Part of one of the major peat deposits in the state Area with high research value Developing tall pocosin Pocosin areas in adjacent Washington County were cleared at different times producing an excellent system in which to study the succession of pocosin lands. 11. Legal Status and Use Ownership type by percent area: Private Public Unknown 100 % "% % 12. 13. Number of owners : Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) with addresses, phone numbers : 1. First Colony Farms Creswell, NC 27928 Figure 16. BOUNDARY AND SIGNIFICANT FEATURES HARVESTER ROAD TALL POCOSIN y Figure 17. ACCESS INFORMATION HARVESTER ROAD TALL POCOSIN ^AW^, f -76- 2. Lakeside Farmers of Tyrrell County, Inc. c/o Edsel Baines Creswell, NC 27928 See Figure 18. 14. Use of natural area: a. Category - low intensity recreation; peat mining possible but not yet accomplished. b. Other (describe) - Intrusion of drainage canals cut at ^ mile intervals. 15. Use of surround land: a. Wildland 70% b. Agricultural 30^0 c. Developed 6% 16. Management problem description Prevention of peat mining - Impact 3; Effort 1 Prevention of logging - Impact 3; Effort 1 Removal or blockage of most roads - Impact 3; Effort 1 Prevention of clearing and agricultural development - Impact 3; Effort 1 17. Preservation status Category - 6 - 100% Description of preservation status - We believe that this is part of the area that First Colony Farms has designated for peat mining. 18. Regulatory protections in force - Unknown 19. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted?) Unknown . 20. Threats a. Category - 2; ^ISF - X b. Description of threat - Peat raining a. Category - 1; -^'SY - X b. Description of threat - Expansion of agriculture in the northern part. 21. Management and preservation recommendation. At 10 to 17 feet this area is high enough that peat could be mined without any elaborate pumping or drainage. If First Colony Farms is ever given permission to mine peat on a large scale this -77- area will eventually be completely destroyed. Preventing this or reducing its impact can probably only be accomplished through negotiation between the land owners and government. Just maintaining the integrity of this area is dependent on the prevention of peat mining and the prevention of further agri- cultural expansion from the north. If this is accomplished, the blockage of only a few roads would prevent human access producing an excellent wilderness sanctuary. Landowners should be contacted and encouraged to register the portions of this area that they know will not be developed. 22. Rating (County perspective): 1) high priority 2) X medium priority 3) low priority State Natural Heritage rating: regional (medium) significance. 23. Prose statement of site significance The Washington-Hyde-Tyrrell pocosin system covers about 125 square miles with about 66 square miles in Washington and Hyde counties and the remaining 59 square miles in Tyrrell County. Most of the land in Washington and Hyde counties was converted to agri- culture in the early 1950 's but this project failed and the land is now slowly returning to its original composition. The area des- cribed in this report is part of that original conversion attempt. This section was either abandoned first or has had the least subse- quent disturbance because the vegetation in this area is much better developed than most of the pocosin further west. Con- sidering the amount of modification in this huge pocosin system it seems advisable to place a relatively high preservation priority on any natural or semi-natural portions that are left. Pocosins are difficult or imposssible to walk through, they have generally been regarded as economically worthless, and even their ecological significance has been questioned. For these reasons, research on pocosins has long been neglected. This par- ticular area presents the opportunity to develop a much better understanding of one aspect of pocosins, that being, successional change. Due to the pattern of abandonment from agriculture dif- ferent stages of succession are all present in the same general area making this an excellent place to gather this needed data. This area in its present condition would make a good wildlife sanctuary. It is remote from any state roads and by blocking only a few canal roads it could be completely cut off from human inter- vention. Figure 18. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION HARVESTER ROAD TALL POCOSIN (Numbers correspond to ownership list. ■79- 24. Natural Characteristics Summary a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type: Pinus serotina/ mixed Ericaceous shrubs Community cover type: Pinus serotina General habitat feature: Tall pocosin Average tree height: 35 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 30 years Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 7,989 acres Successional stage: Subclimax (fire maintained) Sere type: Psammosere Commonly canopy species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Gordonia lasianthus , Magnolia virginiania Conmion subcanopy-shrub stratum species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Zenobia pulverulenta , Gaylussacia f rondosa , Vaccinium spp, Ilex glabra , Smilax laurifolia Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant) : b. Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Map, Tyrrell County, USDA-SCS; Revised 7/72 Soil association: Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan Soil order: Histosol ^ pH class: Strongly acidic? Moisture class: Hydric Associated community cover type or community t5rpe: Pinus serotina c. Hydrology Summary Drainage basin: North Fork of Alligator River Hydrologic system: Palustrine -80- Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Nontidal-seasonally flooded d. Summary-Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics Land form: Peat Flat Shelter: Open Aspect: N/A Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns: Hammocky Position: N/A Physiographic site type of natural area: Tall pocosin Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: as above Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary References: Stucky, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and Mineral Resources of North Carolina. North Carolina Geologic Survey Educational Series No. 3. e. Summary - Endangered and Threatened species: N/A f. Master species lists Site specific list not compiled for this area. See list for Upper Alligator River Pocosin. That area appears to have similar species composition. ■81- ALBEMARLE SOUND LOW SHORELINE NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summary Sheet: 1 . Natural Area Name Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline 2 . County Tyrrell 3. Location: From Columbia, proceed north on County Road 1209 until it junctions with County Road 1120. Turn left and follow 1220 to the Albemarle Sound. The area starts here and extends eastward and southward along the shore to the mouth of Alligator Creek. It can be approached at its eastern end on County Road 1223. See Figures 1 and 19. 4. Topographic quadrangle: Fort Landing - 7.5 min. Columbia East - 7.5 min. 5. Size: 1,633 acres 6. Elevation: 1-3 feet 7. Access: Along County Roads 1209, 1220, 1225, 1223 and a few, unnumbered dirt roads. See Figure 20. 8. Names of Investigators: Charles B. McDonald, East Carolina University Andrew N. Ash, East Carolina University 9. Date(s) of investigation: 5/7-8/80 9A. Prose description of site The Albemarle Sound low shoreline is an example of estuarine low shoreline. This length of shoreline and its accompanying sand spit make it extremely interesting geologically. The sand spit is temporarily stabilized by a fresh water marsh dominated by Typha spp. This marsh is one of the two large marshes in Tyrrell County. As such it may be of some regional significance. The soils on which it is found are histosols covering sand and silt. This marsh is probably flooded most of the time and may represent a climax for the site. The forest behind the shoreline is dominated by loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styracif lua) growing on histosols underlain by sand (see attached quarter point sheet). These areas are wet in winter and dry to wet in summer. Although this forest is robust with the pines doing well, it is probably not representative of the original vegetation. On certain sites, many of the pines appear to be planted. Although not terribly inter- esting in terms of natural heritage, this forest does offer a good buffer from human activities to the south. *L«« Shool h. 1 ^^HH^r 1,327 1 y ' *^\ Z*^ S 1^ - ''1 1509 )/ y'!s^^~ n'u' COLUMBIA ^^^^^^ .U JC K , POP. 902 J^^5£-i"*^^ tcyj^E rr^_ ^ ^^ 3^Zu ^^*^ T*^ V -^Jf^^i ■v "^ ^ f'^'''^ X>i Jjps 1 vv ^ -^ 1 \ IT vJ^ ii(u - V^^^ -c3W X 119* \ >*«»,«■ ir'*«f / ./7 '"•'J , I) o^r {\ \ -^ '*>ry^ "^^^sfei' /j -•' ^^^^ if 1/ ! ■'I If ) I '1 I U ;' Second Crert // ) ] PoiM il ■-r', 1 I 1 U i \\ i l'^; \'M 1 ■'ij. 1 II HOLLOW GROUND J\ 1 JOiiO^FrYina Pan landing n SWAMP (/ \ FRYING PAN ^ ^ Figure 19. BOUNDARIES AND SIGNIFICANT FEATURES ALBEMARLE SOUND LOW SHORELINE n / ■ cc \ ■ 1 / ! ^1 ijOSHMl Port I '^Jl n\ 4 V '' "^ 7' (I I / i -83- The shoreline offers a wonderful view of the Albemarle Sound and would provide many opportunities for recreation as well as being a possible site for geological investigations. Sampling Summary Albemarle Sound Low Shoreline Based on 15 quarter points. Total density - 661 trees/ha Canopy Species Pinus taeda Liquidambar styraciflua Quercus laurif lolia Acer rub rum Salix nigra Nyssa sylvatica Relative Relative Frequency Densit Relative Importance Dominance Value 43 62 67 172 31 23 23 77 9 5 3 17 6 3 3 12 , 6 3 2 11 6 3 2 11 Sub canopy Total density - 1575 trees/ha Species Relative Relative Relative Importance Frequency Density Dominance Value Acer rub rum 33 Nyssa sylvatica 28 Liquidambar styraciflua 15 Magnolia virginica 8 Persea borbonia 8 Quercus laurifolia 5 Nyssa aquatica 2 Myrica cerifera 2 38 28 13 7 5 3 3 2 31 31 18 5 6 6 2 1 102 87 46 20 19 14 8 5 10. Significance Summary (categories represented and descriptions) a . Feature b. Description of significant feature c. Comparative assessment High quality ter- restrial plant community Pinus taeda -Liquidambar styracif lua/Acer rubrum- Nyssa sylvatica/? A representative stretch of lowland pine-swamp hardwood vegetation. High quality wet- land plant com- munity Typha sp. One of two large acerages of freshwater marsh in county. Oustanding geo- logic feature Estuarine Low Shoreline Best unmodified example in county HOLLOW GROUSD SV^MP Figure 20. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION ALBEMARLE SOUND LOW SHORELINE (Numbers correspond to ownership list.) -85- 11. Legal Status and Use Ownership type by percent area: 12. Number of owners: 2 Private 100 % Public % Unknown % 13. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or costodian(s) with addresses, phone numbers . Area 1: Butler Timber Company, Inc., Chase City, VA 23924 Area 2: P. K. Gravely c/o Peoples Bank and Trust Company, Inc. Rocky Mount, NC 27801 See Figure 20. 14. Use of natural area: a. Category - Instrusions: (1) improved road, a few cottages and duck blinds on stilts in the water offshore. b. Other - (describe) - 15. Use of surrounding land: a. Wildlife 95% b. Agricultural land 5% c. Developed land 0% 16. Management problem description Control of human use - Impact 3; Effort 2 Control of erosion - Impact 3; Effort 3 17. Preservation status Category - 6 - 100% s=. 18. Regulatory protections in force: Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act. 19. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation. Not known 20. Threats a. Category - 3; ^;SF - X b. Description of threat - Logging could take place at any time, erosion of low shoreline could occur at any time. ■86- 21. Management and preservation recommendation: Low shoreline is one of several characteristic shoreline types along the Albemarle Sound (Vincent Bellis, ECU, personal communica- tion) . This area should be managed for the preservation of natural vegetation behind the shoreline. The actual shoreline boundary itself will be hard to stabilize as low estuarine shorelines are very susceptable to erosion by storm and rising sea level. I would suggest letting nature take its course as there is probably little we could do to stabilize the shoreline anyway. Preservation of the vegetation to landward will provide a buffer zone that will make the area more pleasant for recreation. The marsh at the east end of the area would need little management except for control of human visitation. The attitude of the owners toward preservation is not known. Logging could occur at any time. The shoreline could be saved if the companies agreed to stop cutting within 1/4 mile of the shore or marsh. It is possible the land might be bought and remotely possible the owners would agree to voluntary registration. 22. Rating (County perspective): 1) high priority 2) X medium priority 3) low priority State Natural Heritage rating: local significance. 23. Prose statement of site significance The Ablemarle Sound low shoreline is an excellent example of its kind. It receives relatively little visitation and thus would make an excellent recreational area. The fresh water marsh domi- nated by Typha sp. (cattails) at its eastern end is one of two large examples of such systems in the county. The forest behind the shoreline is dominated by pine (Pinus taeda) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styracif lua) . This forest is probably not represen- tative of the primordial vegetation, but does provide a buffer against agricultural activities to the south. The area could furnish excellent recreation in the way of canoeing and fishing as well as furnishing an example of low shore- line physiography. It could very easily be used as a site for study of sand movement along estuarine shores as the point at the eastern end of the area seems to be an actively forming spit with numerous off-shore bars. 24A. Natural Characteristics Summary a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type: Pinus taeda -Liquidambar styraciflua/Acer rubrum-Nyssa sylvatica/Woodwardia areolata-Woodwardia virginica -87- Community cover type: Pinus taeda-Liquidambar styraciflua General habitat feature: Low shoreline and forest Average tree height: 40 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 40 years Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 1473 acres Successional stage: Late serai (transient) Sere type: Psammosere? Commonly canopy species in community cover t3rpe or community type (but not dominant): None Common subcanopy-shrub stratum species in community cover type or community tjrpe (but not dominant) : Liquidambar styraciflua Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant): None Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Map, Tyrrell County, USDA-SCS; Revised 7/72 Soil association: Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan Soil order: Histosols pH class: Unknown Moisture class: Hydric Associated community cover t3^e or community type: Pinus taeda-Liquidambar styraciflua Hydrology Summary "'^ Drainage basin: Albemarle Sound Hydrologic system: Terrestrial Hydrologic subsystem: Wet Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Seasonally saturated Summary-Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics -88- Land form: Low estuarine shoreline Shelter: Open Aspect: N/A Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns: Hammocky Position: N/A Physiographic site type of natural area: Mixed pine-hardwood lowland and beach berra. Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: Mixed pine-hardwood lowland and beach berm Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary References: Stucky, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and mineral resources of North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey. Educational Series No. 3. e. Summary - Endangered and threatened species - N/A 24B. Natural Characteristic Summary a. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type: Typha spp. Community cover type: Typha spp. General habitat feature: Freshwater marsh Average rush height: 8-10 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: N/A Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 160 acres Successional stage: Climax? Sere type: Psamraosere-Pelosere Common canopy species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : None Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant) : None -89- b. Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Survey, Tyrrell County, USDA-SCS; Revised 7/72. Shelter: Open Soil association: Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan Soil order: Histosols pH class: Moisture class: Hydric Associated community cover type or community type: Typha sp. c. Hydrology Summary Drainage basin: Albemarle Sound - Alligator River Hydrologic System: Riverine Hydrologic subsystem: Lower Perrenial Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Semipermanently flooded d. Summary-Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics Land form: Estuarine point and sand spit Aspect: N/A Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns: Sandy-silty Position: N/A Physiographic site type of natural area: Long shoal point Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: Freshwater cattail marsh Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation: Quaternary -90- References: Stucky, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and mineral resources of North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey. Educational Series No. 3. Summary - Endangered and Threatened Species - N/A ■91- f. Plant Species List ACERACEAE Acer rubrum LAURACEAE Persea borbonia ANACAJRDIACEAE Rhus radicans LILIACEAE Smilax bona-nox Smilax laurifolia AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex glabra ASPIDIACEAE Athyrium asplenioides BETULACEAE Carpinus caroliniena BIGNONIACEAE Campsis radicans BLECMACEAE Woodwardia areolata Woodwardia virginica CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera japonica Viburnum nudum MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia virginica MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera NYSSACEAE Nyssa aquatica Nyssa sylvatica OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamonea Qsmunda regalis PINACEAE Pinus taeda RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens ERICACEAE Lyonia lucida Vaccinium spp. FAGACEAE Que reus laurifolia Que reus nigra HAMAMELIDACEAE Liquidambar styraciflua JIJNCACEAE Juncus effusus ROSACEAE Sorbus arbutifolia SALICACEAE Populus heterophylla Salix nigra SAURURACEAE Saururus cernuus SYMPLOCACEAE Symplocos tinctoria ULMACEAE Ulmus araericana VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitis rotundifolia -92- ALLIGATQR CREEK - SECOND CREEK SWAMP FOREST NATURAL AREA INVENTORY Basic Information Summairy Sheet 1. Natural Area Name Alligator Creek - Second Creek Swamp Forest 2 . County Tyrrell 3. Location: Both N and S of US 64 from the junction of US 64 and State Road 1229 to the Alligator River. To reach the southern part of the area, drive E on State Road 1301 until it ends then proceed E and SE on a network of private logging roads. See Figures 1 and 21. 4. Topographic quadrangle Fort Landing, 7.5 min; Frying Pan, 7.5 min. ; Columbia East, 7.5 min. 5. Size 16,044 acres 6. Elevation 1 foot - 3ffet 7. Access: By car through locked gates at end of State Road 1301. By foot N and S of US 64. By boat from Alligator River, Alligator Creek, and Second Creek. See Figure 22. 8. Names of investigators Charles B. McDonald, East Carolina University Andrew N. Ash, East Carolina University 9. Dates of investigation 5/8/80 6/12/80 9A. Prose description of site This large area is entirely swamp forest but does contain three different swamp forest community types. The first is a loblolly pine -black gum (Pinus taeda - Nyssa sylvatica) associa- tion in which loblolly pine is the canopy dominant while black gum is the canopy subdominant as well as subcanopy dominant. This type of swamp forest occupies the highest and driest sites. The second community is a black gum-bald cypress (Nyssa sylvatica -Taxodium distichum) association. Black gum is by far the dominant component and may occur almost to th exclusion of bald cypress in the most recently logged areas. This association occupies the wettest sites. The third community is an Atlantic white cedar - red maple - black gum (Chamaecyparis thyoides - Acer rubrum-Nyssa •93- sylvatica) association. This community is relatively restricted, occurring in several patches in the area between US 64 and Second Creek. Large parts of the area between US 64 and Second Creek show evidence of logging within the last 20-30 years. Some sections have an open canopy of black gum and red maple above a dense shrub thicket of fetterbush (Lyonia lucida) , wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) , and greenbrier (Smilax spp.) while other sections contain dense stockings of small (3-5 in. DBH) black gum over greenbrier thickets. All of the swamp forests in the county serve as wildlife corridors for such species as black bear (Ursus americanus) . The area described here lies at the junction of two such corridors. One corridor runs north and south parallel to the Alligator River while the other runs west to connect with the Scuppernong River. 10. Significance Summary (catergories represented and descriptions) a. Feature Nature preserve/ limited access area Special habitat b. Description of significant feature Nyssa sylvatica - Pinus taeda Black bear c. Comparative Assessment Only area in county with controlled human access . Only area in county with controlled human access . 11. Legal Status and Use Ownership type by percent area: 12. Number of owners: 11 Private 100% Public 0% Unknown 0% 13. Name(s) of owner(s) and/or custodian(s) with addresses with phone niombers . Wilbert Bailey, Rural Route, Columbia, NC 27925, is the local custodian for the locked area owned by GMS Timber Co. He can usually be located by asking around Columbia. Try the hardware store or the NAPA auto parts store. Don't confuse him with his brother Willard. See Map 23 and Table 13. 14. Use of natural area: a. Category - Low intensity recreation b. Other (describe) - N/A 15. Use of surrounding land: a. Wildlife b. Agricultural land c. Developed land 70% 30% 0% Figure 21. BOUNDARY AND SIGNIFICANT FEATURES ALLIGATOR CREEK-SECOND CREEK SWAMP FOREST ■95- Figure 22. ACCESS INFORMATION ALLIGATOR CREEK-SECOND CREEK fjJ SWAMP FOREST ■96- 17. Preservation status Category - 6 - 100% 18. Regulatory protections in force: See 404(b) of the Clean Water Act. 19. Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation: Unknown 20. Threats a. Category 4 *SF b. Description of threat: N/A 21. Management and preservation recommendation. This section of swamp forest, particularly that south of US 64, has limited access because canals act as barriers and the few gates into the area remain locked. This limited access should be maintained. Logging must be prevented. No further mangement is needed to maintain this area as a wildlife sanctuary. 22. Rating: (County perspective): 1) high priority 2) X medium priority 3) low priority State Natural Heritage rating: local significance. 23. Prose statement of site significance This area is not considered significant for any aspects of its natural vegetation. We saw no particularly exemplary stands of swamp forest and in fact much of the area appears to have been cut within the past 20-30 years. The area does, however, serve as an excellent wildlife sanctuary. By having locked gates which are undoubtedly intended to restrict deer hunting, the GMS timber Company has created a refuge for all of the wildlife. No other portion of the county has this type of restrictec access. This wildlife sanctuary does have black bear and would be suitable habitat for other animals such as beaver, otter, and alligator. The area is also strategically located. If it were destroyed through timbering or other land use it would bisect the swamp forest corridor along the Alligator River and also cut swamp forest access to the western part of the county. 24. Natural Characteristics Summary A. Vegetation-Biotic Community Summary Community type: Nyssa sylvatica-Pinus taeda Community cover type: Nyssa sylvatica-Pinus taeda General habitat feature: Swamp forest ' " '. ■ • Average tree height: 55 feet Estimated age of canopy trees: 20-80 years depending on location \~\ u 1 ^jlong a<»i n j'l u I'l • / 1 / / / 1 ■^n i: ' / 1 rp^-!! / / ^5^X105 ff V V ^f/' ^ff'JSl 1 J/ l^** '/\ "* . V ?- 'JSQI V'V^ ^^*" ^^ r-^^ Xb 1 Ploouint ViJw r^iiis L. ^ .■ -B.IM< Jk -J ^-. \ '^ //^w U0« ]'\ u \ I / U/.OB' SVAMP ::/ I I Second CFtt«k .' 1 Poiol '•'Bi-i ^ r Si ''^ ii! i! // Ji n > ii I M \^ ^A\ .^" ^ ^1 GROUND 1308 \ j>rryinq Pon Landing Figure 23. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION ALLIGATOR CREEK-SECOND CREEK SWAMP FOREST (Numbers correspond to ownership list 11 I I I A I Sil \ I \ /'J O" 1 'H "J! \ '0 M N 1 1\ -98- Estimated size of association (sq. meters, acres, etc.): 16,044 acres Successional stage: Subclimax Sere type: Pelosere Common canopy species in community cover type of community type (but not dominant) : Taxodium distichum, Chamaecyparis thyoides Common subcanopy-shrub stratum species in community cover type or community type (but not dominant) : Lyonia lucida , Myrica cerifera, Lyonia ligustrina , Smilax spp. Common herb stratum species in community type (but not dominant) Sphagnum spp. , Osmunda regalis , Saururus cernuus B. Soil Summary Source of information: General Soil Map, Tyrrell County, North Carolina; USDA-SCS; Revised 7/72 Soil Association: Belhaven-Dare-Dorovan Soil Order: Histosol pH class: Acidic? Moisture class: Hydric Associated community cover type or community type: Nyssa sylvatica-Pinus taeda C. Hydrology Summary Drainage basin: Alligator River Hydrologic system: Palustrine Hydrologic subsystem: Interaqueous Water chemistry: Fresh Water regime: Nontidal-Semipermanently flooded D. Summary - Topography and Physiography Topographic site type characteristics Land form: Floodplain Shelter: Open Aspect: N/A -99- Slope angle: Nearly level Profile: N/A Surface patterns: Smooth Position: N/A Physiographic site type of natural area: Alligator Creek- Second Creek Swamp forest Physiographic site type of community cover type or community type: Swamp forest Geologic formation: Pamlico Terrace Geologic formation age: Quaternary References: Stuckey, J. L. and W. G. Steel. 1953. Geology and mineral resources of North Carolina. North Carolina Geologic Survey Educational Series No. 3. Summary - Endangered and Threatened Species Name of species: Ursus americanus (Black bear) Species legal status: Special concern Number of populations on site: N/A Number of individuals per population: Unknown Size or maturity of individuals: Unknown General vigor of population: Unknown Disturbance or threats to population: Land development, hunting Habitat characteristics (See above) Master species lists Site specific list not compiled. See lists for Albemarle Sound Shoreline, Scuppernong River Swamp Forest and Frying Pan Lake Atlantic White Cedar Swamp forest as these areas appear to have similar species composition. -100- Table 13. Ownership Information Allgator Creek - Second Creek Swamp Forest Tyrrell County, North Carolina Owner 1. CMS Timber Co. c/o Clayton Services 1114 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10086 2. Butler Land and Timber Chase City, VA 23924 3. S. Norris Broadhead Paul E. Broadhead 100 Bldg., 22nd Ave. South Meridian, MS 39901 4. R. B. Jordan, Jr. C. W. Pritchett P. 0. Box 98 Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 5. Albert Brick Irving Brick Robert L. Sikes 1025 Vermont Ave. N. W. Washington, DC 20005 6. Mary Lebo c/o Gilbert Petrino 130 State Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 7. James E. Howell c/o Ike Howell (estate) 110 Riverview Road Savannah, GA 31410 8. Weyerhaeuser, Inc. Plymouth, NC 27962 9. Sam E. Broadhead 100 Bldg., 22 Ave. South Meridian, MS 39301 Parcel (s) Owned 1 5,8,11 10 CEIP Publications 1. Hauser, E. W. , P. D. Cribbins, P. D. Tschetter, and R. D. Latta. Coastal Energy Transportation Needs to Support Major Energy Projects in North Carolina's Coastal Zone. CEIP Report #1. September 1981. $10. 2. P. D. Cribbins. A Study of OCS Onshore Support Bases and Coal Export Terminals. CEIP Report //2. September 1981. $10. 3. Tschetter, P. D., M. Fisch, and R. D. Latta. An Assessment of Potential Impacts of Energy-Related Transportation Developments on North Carolina's Coastal Zone. CEIP Report #3. July 1981. $10. 4. Cribbins, P. S. An Analysis of State and Federal Policies Affecting Major Energy Projects in North Carolina's Coastal Zone. CEIP Report #4. September 1981. $10. 5. Brower, David, W. D, McElyea, D. R. Godschalk, and N. D. Lofaro. Outer Continental Shelf Development and the North Carolina Coast: A Guide for Local Planners. CEIP Report #5. August 1981. $10. 6. Rogers, Golden and Halpern, Inc., and Engineers for Energy and the Environment, Inc. Mitigating the Impacts of Energy Facilities: A Local Air Quality Program for the Wilmington, N. C. Area. CEIP Report #6. September 1981. $10. 7. Richardson, C. J. (editor). Pocosin Wetlands: an Integrated Analysis of Coastal Plain Freshwater Bogs in North Carolina. Stroudsburg (Pa): Hutchinson Ross. 364 pp. $25. Available from School of Forestry, Duke University, Durham, N. C. 27709. (This proceedings volume is for a conference partially funded by N. C. CEIP. It replaces the N. C. Peat Sourcebook in this publication list.) 8. McDonald, C. B. and A. M. Ash. Natural Areas Inventory of Tyrrell County, N. C. CEIP Report #8. October 1981. $10. 9. Fussell, J., and E. J. Wilson. Natural Areas Inventory of Carteret County, N. C. CEIP Report #9. October 1981. $10. 10. Nyfong, T. D, Natural Areas Inventory of Brunswick County, N. C. CEIP Report #10. October 1981. $10. 11. Leonard, S. W., and R. J. Davis. Natural Areas Inventory for Pender County, N. C. CEIP Report #11. October 1981. $10. 12. Cribbins, Paul D., and Latta, R, Daniel. Coastal Energy Transporta- tion Study: Alternative Technologies for Transporting and Handling Export Coal. CEIP Report #12. January 1982. $10. 13. Creveling, Kenneth. Beach Communities and Oil Spills: Environmental and Economic Consequences for Brunswick County, N. C. CEIP Report jtU. May 1982. $10. ^//^Txy DATE DUE 14. 15. 16. 19. 25. 26, 27. 28, 29. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35, MAR 1 3 1990 Rogers, Golde-.j^^^,^^ Environment. Facility-Rela. Carolina Area Fussell, J. , - of Craven Cou_ $10. Frost, Cecil - Carolina. CE 17. Stone, John B- Energy Transf. Rail Traffic August 1982. ~ Pate, Prestor_ Estuarine Nui Report #19. " Wang Engineei Moving Throuj" October 1982- CAVLORO "or Energy and the _ Help Mitigate Energy ngton County, North $10. _.ral Areas Inventory .5. October 1982. I County, North Jschetter. Coastal : Impacts of Increased ")lina. CEIP Report #17. Upland Drainage on -Zarolina. CEIP ct of Coal Trains -EIP Report #25. Anderson & Associates, inc. uoai iram nuvemcuus Through the City of Wilmington, North Carolina. CEIP Report #26. October 1982. $10. Peacock, S. Lance and J. Merrill Lynch. Natural Areas Inventory of Mainland Dare County, North Carolina. CEIP Report #27. November 1982. $10. Lynch, J. Merrill and S. Lance Peacock. Natural Areas Inventory of Hyde County, North Carolina. CEIP Report #28. October 1982. $10. Peacock, S. Lance and J. Merrill Lynch. Natural Areas Inventory of Pamlico County, North Carolina. CEIP Report #29. November 1982. $10. Lynch, J. Merrill and S, Lance Peacock. Natural Areas Inventory of Washington County, North Carolina. CEIP Report #30. October 1982. $10. Muga, Bruce J. Review and Evaluation of Oil Spill Models for Applica- tion to North Carolina Waters. CEIP Report #31. August 1982. $10. Sorrell, F. Yates and Richard R. Johnson. Oil and Gas Pipelines in Coastal North Carolina: Impacts and Routing Considerations. CEIP Report #33. December 1982. $10. Roberts and Eichler Associates, Inc. Area Development Plan for Radio Island. CEIP Report #34. June 1983. $10. Cribbins, Paul D. Coastal Energy Transportation Study, Phase III, Volume 4: The Potential for Wide-Beam, Shallow-Draft Ships to Serve Coal and Other Bulk Commodity Terminals along the Cape Fear River. CEIP Report #35. August 1982. $10.