Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University NUMBER 165 15 MAY 1997 SURVEY OF RABIES AMONG FREE-FLYING BATS FROM THE BIG BEND REGION OF TEXAS Franklin D. Yancey, H, Pushker Raj, Susan U. Neill, and Clyde Jones In 1951, a 43 year old Texas woman contracted rabies from a bat bite. This was the first reported hu¬ man case of rabies involving a bat (Sulkin and Greve, 1954; Brass 1994; Clark, 1994). Since then, bats have been implicated as a major reservoir for the rabies vi- rus, especially in the Americas (Constantine, 1988). Understanding the prevalence and distribution of en¬ zootic rabies in bats is fundamental in understanding the importance of bats in the epidemiology of rabies (Brass, 1994) Because of their association with rabies, thou¬ sands of bats arc examined annually by public health agencies for tlie presence of the virus. Brass (1994) reported that, on average, about 4% to 10% of bats submitted to diagnostic laboratories test positive for tlie rabies virus. Constantine (1988) estimated that in the United States, about 10 % consistently test positive annually. In Texas, 11% of 1,758 bats tested by the department of health between 1984 and 1987 proved to be infected (Schmidly, 1991), whereas 14 % of 2,931 bats tested betw^een 1990 and 1994 were rabid (Anony¬ mous, 1990; 1991; 1992; 1993; 1994). Although these figures suggest that a consider¬ able proportion of the bat population is afflicted with rabies, they arc misleading. Constantine (1988), Schmidly (1991), and Brass (1994) all recognized a bias in the sampling techniques of bats submitted to public- health facilities. These often were sick or dead bats found near human dwellings (Schmidly, 1991; Brass, 1994). Such bats are considered more likely to be in¬ fected with rabies than those selected from a random sample of the population (Brass, 1994). Also, if sur¬ veyed bats are collected from topical roost sites, rabid bats are taken more easily than healthy bats (Constantine, 1988). Therefore, a more reliable and useful survey of the incidence of rabies among bats requires the sam¬ pling of bats capable of flight (Constantine, 1988), The Big Bend area is of particular interest because of its exceptional abundance and diversity of bats (Easterla, 1973; Schmidly, 1991). Several accounts on the natiual history of bats in the Big Bend area have been presented (Baker, 1956; Anderson, 1972; Easterla, 1973; Schmidly, 1977), however, data on the Incidence of rabies are lacking. Tlie objective of this study was to examine the incidence of rabies among fi-ee-flying bats from the Big Bend region of Texas, and to compare the results with figures reported statewide by the Texas Department of Health. 2 OCCASIONAL PAPERS, MUSEUM OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY MATERIALS AND METHODS All bats assayed in this study were acquired from within Big Bend Ranch State Park (BBRSP), situated ill southwestern Texas just north of the Rio Grande in Brewster and Presidio counties. Tlie park consists of over 275,000 acres of Chihuahuaii Desert habitat, with more than 100 springs and several permanent streams. The numerous w'ater-associated habitats of diis area pro¬ vide an excellent situation for the sampling of bats in their natural environment. From May to August, 1994, bats were sampled using mist nets (Kunz and Kurta, 1988). At dusk, nets were deployed across springs, streams, or other small bodies of water. A total of 85 nets was set at 45 locali¬ ties throughout the park. Bats captured were removed from the nets, identified, and sacrificed. They tlien w'ere prepared as standard museum skins and skulls (DeBlase and Martin, 1981). Tliese voucher materials are depos¬ ited ill the collection of Recent manunals in the Natural Science Research Laboratory’ of the Museum of Texas Tech University. During preparation, brain tissue for testing w'as removed from each cranium using a technique modified Ifom Greenhall (1965). A 21 gauge hypodermic needle affixed to a 5 cc syringe with its plunger withdrawn was inserted into the foramen magnum of each bat skull. The plunger was then depressed, and the brain, or portion thereof, subsequently w'as expelled from the cranium tlirough the foramen magnum via positive pressure. In Grccnhall’s (1965) technique, tlie brain was aspirated from tlie cranium. This new procedure pro\ided adequate quantities of brain tissue for the rabies assay, and yet avoided damage to the skull, allowing it to be used for other studies. Following expulsion, brain tissues temporarily were stored in liquid nitrogen until they could be depos¬ ited in an ultracold freezer for long-term storage. Samples of brain from the bats were tested for rabies by inmiunofluoresccnce as described by Dean and Abclscth (1973). AJl samples were scored as positive or nega¬ tive for rabies. A 95 percent confidence inter\'al for the resulting binomial parameter w'as calculated following Dowdy and Wcarden (1991). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Brain specimens from 171 bats were tested for the presence of the rabies virus. Species of bats tested (wath number of each species tested in parentheses), all of wfrich are known hosts of rabies in tlie United States (Constantine, 1988; Brass, 1994), were as follows: Mormoops megalophylla (42), Myotis californicus (8) M. ciliolabnm {\X M. thysanodes velifer {5), M. yumanensis (1), Eptesicus fuscus (12), Pipistrellus hespenis (60), P, subflavus (1), Plecotus townsendii (4), Antrozouspallidus (27), and Tadarida brasiliensis (9). All 171 specimens tested negative for rabies. Sample sizes for each individual species were not large enough for independent analysis, therefore the gen¬ eral bat population was treated as a whole. The propor¬ tion of positive bats in the entire sample of 171 bats was zero. Tlius, assuming random sampling, a 95 percent confidence interv al on the proportion of rabid bats at BBRSP is [0, 0.0174]. Alternatively stated, assuming random sampling and given 171 non-rabid bats out of a sample size of 171, the percentage of rabid bats in tlie population is < 1.74% (p< 0.05). Therefore, tliere is only a 5% chance that tlie true prevalancc of rabies in the population was >1.74% (Fig. 1). This frequency of rabies in bats at BBRSP (0% to 1.74%) is consistent with that reported in similar stud¬ ies. Constantine (1988) estimated that <0.1% to 0.5% of bats capable of flight are infected with rabies, and Baer and Smith (1991), in a siunmary of four similar studies, reported frequencies of clinically-normal rabid bats at 0% to <1%. Undoubtedly, a large amount of the discrepancy between rabies prevalence in random or free-flying bats and that obtained from laboratory-submitted bats is due to the aforementioned bias in samples submitted to health departments. However, samples obtained from free-fly¬ ing bats conceivably could be biased in the opposite di¬ rection. Bats ill with rabies at an advanced stage may lose their capacity to fly or behave abnormally, thus excluding themselves from possible capture (Constantine, 1988; Baer and Smith, 1991; Brass, 1994). Presumably, the actual prevalence of rabies in bats lies somewhere between figures derived from “random” sam- YANCEY ET AL,-- SURVEY OF RABIES AMONG BATS 3 Figure 1. Probability of finding all bats from a sample size of 171 to be nega¬ tive for rabies, plotted against the true proportion of rabid bats in the population. There is a <5% chance of observing no positives if the true proportion of rabid bats is >1.74%. pling of free-flying bats and those based on laboratoiy^- submitted specimens, and it is essential that data from both sources be considered in order to understand the incidence of rabies in bats. Still, according to Brass (1994:142), “Sampling biases notwithstanding, ‘ran¬ dom’ collection of healthy-appiearing individuals must serve as our first and best approximation of disease prevalence in natural populations.” The incidence of rabies at BBRSP during the sum¬ mer of 1994 was well below the statewide levels re¬ ported by the Texas Department of Health over several years. However, the results of this study apply only to a small portion of Texas during a relatively short period of time. Cycles in sylvatic rabies are known to vary geographically and temporally, usually predominating in a single reservoir species (Brass, 1994). Hill and Smith (1984) suggested that the absence or low level of rabies in a bat population may indicate tliat bats are at stable numbers and not overstressed due to overcrowd¬ ing and excessive use of food resources. If this is the situation at BBRSP, it is conceivable tliat if environ¬ mental conditions change, outbreaks of rabies within bat colonics could occur, tlius changing the frequency of rabies in bats du-ougliout the area. Because of the epi¬ zootic nature of rabies, and tlie abimdance of bats and increase of visitor usage at BBRSP, as well as other public lands in the area, we suggest continued monitor¬ ing of the bat population in the region. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We tliank Mary Ann Abbey, David Alloway, and Richard Manning for assistance in the collection of the bats; Bonny Mayes, Rodney Rohde, and Susan Schmink for immunofluorescence w'ork on the brain specimens; and Richard Strauss for statistical assistance. Bats were collected in Big Bend Ranch State Park in accordance with scientific collecting permits issued by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (permit numbers SPR- 4 OCCASIONAL PAPERS, MUSEUM OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY 0790-189 and 4-94). Financial assistance was provided by the Natural Resources Program (Da-^dd H. Riskind, Director) of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Logistic support was provided by personnel of Big Bend Ranch State Park (Luis Armendariz, Super¬ intendent). We are thankful to Michael Bogan for re¬ viewing this manuscript, LITERATURE CITED Anderson, S. 1972. Mammals of Chihuahua taxonomy and distribution. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 148:149-410. Anonymous. 1990. Animal heads diagnosed as posi¬ tive (+) or negative (-) for rabies. Report of Texas Department of Health Laboratories, Austin, 18 pp. _. 1991. Animal heads diagnosed as positive (+) or negative (-) for rabies. Report of Texas Department of Health Laboratories, Austin, 19 pp. _. 1992. Animal heads diagnosed as positive (+) or negative (-) for rabies. Report of Texas Department of Health Laboratories, Austin, 17 pp. _. 1993. Animal heads diagnosed as positive (+) or negative (-) for rabies. Report of Texas Department of Health Laboratories, Austin, 17 PP- _. 1994. Animal heads diagnosed as positive (+) or negative (-) for rabies. Report of Texas Department of Health Laboratories, Austin, 16 pp. Baer, G. M., and J. S. Smith. 1991. Rabies in nonhematophagous bats. Pp. 341-366 in The natural history of rabies (G. M. Baer, ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 620 pp. Baker, R. H. 1956. Mammals of Coahuila, Mexico. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural Histor}^, 9:125-335. Brass, D. A. 1994. Rabies in bats. Livia Press, Ridgefield, Connecticut, xv +335 pp. Clark, K. A. 1994. Rabies in humans, 1950-present. Report of Texas Department of Health, Aus¬ tin, 6 pp. Constantine, D. G. 1988. Health precautions for bat researchers. Pp. 491-528 in Ecological and behavioral methods for the study of bats (T. H. Kunz, ed.). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., xxii + 533 pp . Dean, D. J., and M. K. Abelseth. 1973. The fluores¬ cent antibody test. Pp. 73-84 in Laboratoiy techniques in rabies, 3rd ed. (M. M. Kaplan and H. Koprowski , cds.). World Health Or¬ ganization, Geneva. DeBlase, A. F., and R. E. Martin. 1981. A manual of mammalogy. William C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa, xii + 436 pp. Dowdy, S., and S. Wearden. 1991. Statistics for re¬ search, John Wiley & Sons, New York, xvii + 629 pp. Easterla, D. A. 1973. Ecolog>' of tlie 18 species of Chiroptcra at Big Bend National Park, Texas, The Northwest Missouri State University Stud¬ ies, 34:1-165. Greenhall, A.M, 1965. Technique for the removal of the brain in bats. Nature, 208:1014-1015. Hill, J. E., and J. D. Smith, 1984. Bats: a natural history. University of Texas Press, Austin, 243 pp. Kunz, T. H., and A. Kurta. 1988. Capture metliods and holding devices. Pp. 1 -29 in Ecological and behavioral Methods for the study of bats (T. H. Kunz, ed.). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., xxii + 533 pp. YANCEY ET AL.- SURVEY OF RABIES AMONG BATS 5 Schmidly, D. J. 1977. The mammals of Trails-Pecos Texas including Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe National Park. Texas A&M Uni¬ versity Press, College Station, 225 pp. . 1991. The bats of Texas. Texas A&M Uni¬ versity Press, College Station, xv + 188 pp. Sulkin, S. E., and M. J. Grevc. 1954. Human rabies caused by bat bite. Texas State Journal of Medicine, 50:620. Addresses of Authors ; FRANKLIN D. YANCEY, II, AND CLYDE JONES Department of Biological Sciences and the Museum, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-3191 e-mail: frank@packrat.musmAtu.edu and cjones@packrat. musm. ttu. edu PUSHKER RAJ, AND SUSAN NEILL Texas Department of Health, 1100 West 49'^ Street, Austin, Texas 78756 PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY ll was tlirough the cITorls of Horn Professor J Knox Jones, as director of Academic Publications, that Texas Tech University initiated several publications series including the Occasional Papers of the Museum. Tliis and future editions in the series are a memorial to his dedication to excellence in academic publications. Professor Jones enjoyed editing scientific publications and served the scientific community as an editor for tlie Journal of ManiniaIog>; Evolution, Tlic Texas Journal of Science, Occasional Papers of the Museum, and Special Publica¬ tions of the Museum. It is with special fondness that we remember Dr. J Knox Jones. Institutional subscriptions arc available through the Museum of Texas Tech University, attn: NSRL Publica¬ tions Secretary, Box 43191, Lubbock, TX 79409-319 L Individuals may also purchase separate numbers of the Occasional Papers directly from the Museum of Texas Tech University. ISSN0149-175X Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3191