SYLLOGEUS i NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCES MUSEE NATIONAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES SESS 5 5555555555 ZYAAOL EY SESE 55555H55555 4,4 David M. Jarzen THE POLLEN AND SPORE REFERENCE COLLECTION AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF CANADA EE MUSÉES NATIONAUX DU CANADA OTTAWA NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF CANADA Syllogeus includes papers on natural sciences and closely related topics that are not immediately appropriate for inclusion in other publications and are issued in either English or French. Syllogeus appears at irregular intervals and individual issues are available from the Library and the Director, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, KIA OM8, Canada. La collection Syllogeus réunit un certain nombre d'articles sur les sciences naturelles ou sur des sujets qui leur sont apparentés, et qui sont publiés soit en francais, soit en anglais. Les articles paraissent irréguliérement et on peut les obtenir de la bibliothèque des Musées nationaux ou du cabinet du Directeur du Musée des Sciences naturelles, Ottawa, KIA OM8, Canada. Syllogeus Series No. 12 - (c) Crown Copyrights reserved - The National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, May 1977. Printed in Canada THE POLLEN AND SPORE REFERENCE COLLECTION AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF CANADA David M. Jarzen National Museum of Natural Sciences Ottawa Syllogeus No. 13 National Museums of Canada Les Musées nationaux du Canada National Museum of Natural Sciences Musée national des Sciences naturelles Ottawa, May 1977 THE POLLEN AND SPORE REFERENCE COLLECTION AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF CANADA David M. Jarzen INTRODUCTION The collections held by a Natural Science Museum are as varied as are the ways in which they are stored and in the ways in which they are used. Fish in bottles, dinosaur bones in plaster casts, bird and mammals stuffed and lined neatly in drawers, sea shells cleaned and placed in individual boxes, and dried plants pressed and affixed to herbarium sheets are but a few of the collections maintained by the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Ottawa. One collection which is unique in both its nature and methods of collection and preservation is the Pollen and Spore Reference Collection of the Palynology Section of the Paleobiology Division. What makes the collection unique is the smallness of the objects being collected. The pollen and spores of plants are not visible to the naked eye, inasmuch as they measure only 20 to 100 microns, or approximately 2/100 to 1/10 of a millimeter. To locate and examine pollen and spores, the researcher must use a compound research microscope (fig. 1). To store the collection, the pollen and spore grains are mounted onto glass microscope slides and kept in boxes of 100 slides per box. The space required to store an adequate collection is thus not of the magnitude required to store fish, sea shells or dinosaur bones. This paper is an attempt to explain why the Museum maintains a pollen and spore collection, and the methods involved in collecting and preparing such a collection. The pollen and spore collection was established (1974) in order to obtain reference material of living plants with which comparisons to fossil pollen and spores could be made. These comparisons are necessary if a researcher hopes to be able to identify the kinds of plants which were growing during the past eras of our Earth's history. It is not often realized that the pollen and spores of plants are preserved as fossils in the rock layers of our Earth. It is in fact true that often when the rock layers have not preserved the leaves and fruits or seeds of plants the pollen and spores of these plants are well preserved, and preserved in great abundance. Because of this abundance of well preserved "microfossil' material the scientist can frequently identify the parent plant which produced the pollen or spore grains. It is indeed fortunate for the investigator that pollen or spores often have unique architectural and surface features which make their identification possible (see Plate I). The Pollen and Spore Reference Collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences is stored at the Palynology Laboratory, Ottawa, Canada. FIGURE 1. A compound binocular research microscope similar to this instrument ts a necessary piece of equipment for the study and photography of pollen and spores. FIGURE 2. A few anthers of Saxifraga hirculus L. are earefully removed from the herbariun sheet. The label provides information relative to location, collector, date collected ete... NATIONAL HERBARIUM OF | FLORA OF EAST COAST OF MUDSON RAY Sexifrage Mirelus 1. Month blonds ehamt eight mation motthenst af Cape Smith MRC. put, © RW, Matton, Me. LOH nb À to COLLECTING AND PROCESSING TECHNIQUES Proper collection and processing techniques are prerequisite to a valuable and useable collection. Pollen and spores can of course be collected from living plants growing in the fields and forests around us. This method however, is not often used, inasmuch as the collector, unless he is a trained botanist, may not know the exact species which he is collecting. A more common practice is to obtain pollen and spores from labelled herbarium sheets, directly at a herbarium, where each preserved plant has been carefully examined and properly named by a professional botanist. The herbaria of the world maintain collections of plants which have been identified by experts in the art of taxonomy and nomenclature. Thus each plant has its own set of documented information such as the latin generic and specific names, the exact locality where it was collected, the name and collection or field number of the collector, and often other information such as habit and habitat data. Additionally each sheet has its own unique herbarium number. With such well documented or vouchered specimens, the pollen and spore collector can be assured that what is added to his collection is properly identified. Once permission has been obtained from the curator of a herbarium, the pollen and spore collector may begin his task of carefully removing a few stamens (the pollen-bearing organs) or a few sporangia (the spore-bearing OrganswOt ferns etc...) by Using a tweezer or needle (see tig. 2) and placing them into small sequentially numbered envelopes. Onto a pad of paper on which the same sequence of numbers has been entered, the collector records all information presented on the herbarium sheet label. On the average, about 100 specimens of pollen or spores can be collected during a day's work. It is very important that the collector uses sound judgement while making his collections. Type specimens, that is the specimen on which the original name of the species was made, should never be used for pollen or spore material. Type specimens are extremely valuable and obviously, once destroyed, can never be replaced. Specimens with only a few-flowers, or specimens which would lose some major portion of their bulk should likewise not be collected. The pollen and spore collector must be properly trained in the professional use and respect of herbarium specimens and equipment. After the pollen or spore material has been collected and the data dutifully recorded it is ready for laboratory processing (figs. 3 and 4, illustrate some equipment and methods employed in the processing of polliniferous material). A series of chemical treatments are necessary in order to remove the surface oils common on pollen and spores, so that the intricate details of the surface sculpture are clearly visible. The extraneous plant material, e.g. petals, sepals, stamens, and anther walls, must be removed to provide a FIGURE 3. Some laboratory techniques may tnvolve the use of dangerous chemicals. The use of a fume hood and safety equipment help protect the laboratory technician. FIGURE 4. A view of the pollen laboratory bench showing some of the equipment and materials used in the preparation of pollen and spore samples. clean slide preparation. The steps involved in processing a sample are enumerated below: Preparation Technique for Modern Reference Pollen and Spores ils Place pollen-bearing material into a series of numbered 15 cc centrifuge tubes and fill about one-half (4) full with 5-10% KOH. In order to identify which species of plants are represented in each of the tubes, it is necessary that they be numbered sequentially and a list kept of the tube contents. Enter this information on the processing record sheet. Each tube should contain an equal amount of KOH. This is necessary to insure that the centrifuge is balanced. Place the tubes in the water bath at about 90° C for 2 or 3 minutes, remove and allow to cool slightly. Pour (carefully) the contents of the first set of numbered tubes through a fine mesh screen into a second set of numbered tubes. Pour slowly so as to allow for a break-up of the surface tension of the KOH. It is obvious that the contents of tube number one of the first set must be poured into tube number one of the second set, etc. It may be desirable to remove large fragments of plant material (e.g. flower parts, sporangia fragments, etc.) with a glass rod or spatula before straining. It is advisable to use separate rods or spatulas for each sample, to lessen contamination. Centrifuge at 1500 rpm for 2 or 3 minutes, decant the coloured Supernatant and wash twice with distilled water. Centrifuge and decant after each wash. Wash once with glacial acetic acid. This step is necessary because water and the acetolysis mixture to be used in the following step, can react violently. Prepare the acetolysis mixture. Fill each tube about one-half (3) full, and place in the water bath (ca. 90° C) for about 3 to 4 minutes. The acetolysis mixture is prepared by pouring one (1) part of concentrated. sulfuric acid (H;,S0;) into nine (9) parts of acetic anhydride. If eight samples are being prepared, a suitable method 15 to pour’ S cc of acid. into 45 cc of the acetic anhydride. NOTE: This should be done under a fume hood and the mixture treated with care. It can cause severe burns, particularly when warm. 7. Remove the tubes from the water bath and allow to cool slightly, centrifuge, and decant. NOTE: It is not possible to discard the acetolysis mixture directly into the sink. It would react violently with the limited amount of water present. Fill a large beaker (2,000 ml) to over-flowing with water (keep a supply of water running into the beaker at all times) and slowly pour the mixture, one tube at a time into the large reservoir of water. 8. Wash once with glacial acetic acid, centrifuge and decant. 9. Wash twice with distilled water. 10. Wash once with a 1:1 (50%) mixture of glycerine and distilled water, decant and allow to drain for at least 30 minutes. The 30 minute period is a minimum time; overnight drainage is not excessive. To drain, turn the tubes upside down in test tube rack. Cover with a paper towel. If a number of samples are being prepared it is possible to begin a second set while the first is draining. By staggering the samples in this way, it is possible to prepare as many as 32 samples per day (using an eight capacity centrifuge). After the samples have been drained they are ready for slide preparation. Several mounting media are used to prepare slides and include: Canada balsan, Silicone oil, Permount (Fisher Scientific), glycerine jelly, Lucite and others. The reference pollen and spores of the National Museums of Canada are mounted in glycerine jelly because of the ease of use of this medium and its fine refractive index. The cover glass of the slide is ringed with Glyptal varnish (General Electric) in order to provide an air tight seal, thus minimizing drying out of the glycerine jelly. Once each slide is properly labelled, catalogued alphabetically by genus and species, onto 3 x 5" index cards and entered into a systematically arranged master catalogue binder they are ready for use by the investigator. Before the slides are placed into the collection, the palynomorphs are examined and described as to their morphological features. The description and measurements of each species are recorded onto 5 x 8" data cards (E-Z Sort System) which are then filed according to a system based on morphologic features. This system is particularly useful when a fossil pollen or spore can not be routinely identified. The E-Z sort cards are punched-out along their margins with the morphological information relative to that particular species. Through a series of elimination (piercing appropriate holes with a long needle) several cards can be removed from a larger stack; the cards removed ‘0047 poomped viuxof110) ayz fo ue1od ay2 aof pepnjour r30p a7vr1adouddo 244 Y22M (“DD ‘OoS1ouvaz UDS Ssuazshg 7409 7-7) pave 1409 7-7 uv fo a7dumxe uy ‘ss qNOLA > ‘14 119 112 111 110 108 108 107 106 108 104 109 102 101 100 88 09 87 86 88 84 63 82 61 80 68 66 67 86 es 04 CL OE CREO LR PR TER @2 061 00 78 78 77 76 73 74 73 71 DIO MTs SUDMIO - LE O6 E ‘avé ‘SA GOOGLE CUVOMVLS - ODSIDMVMA MHS "OLD EMDISAS LOS Te = el! 120 119 118 117 SNTID If ip "d'ZSGT 913 ——— set 3X92 III SL ‘d So6T uew pig 20 C0 v2] 69 99 49 88 en O4 °nç'£e 9ZTs *“n0°I> 2y8tey ‘9o)eIId - 9)PAPI2 1opun 9194 POIJISSEID MOI9q (q) wWeIseIp uT se way SMOUS JPIJ ‘UOTINQIIISTP pue AYsTIY u9A9UN JO (;) payteris (O-T) ‘postez oir | anq ySINSUTISIP 02 YLNITJJIP oie SJUOWO T9 29e}ins oy, ‘sutusdo (oxod) sinqisde OUI St “dt? OU) 18 “yotyM uo (eTITdEd) ewojdor Sutpnaizoid j1ous YIM 9SOdOI8 ‘9914 139 129 118 127 120129 124129 12212 ec ec «cl ec 66 OF is Id 60S# ‘F9 137 190 139 134 “3B 32 1! LE L] 2P99PIPOXEL Jou2tipuq(uog'q) suadizauadwas vionbes 140 139 or LV 0 69 Ys dNOYS DINONOXVL FIWVN ATINVA NIVH9O 40 3ZIS 3Z1S 1N3W 373 H38WNN 3017S 31vV193 1 AdAL 1VHN19NH1S S31934S 10 HOHINV FNVN S3193dS 2? SNNID 39N343334 NOI1d4IH9S3a 31VHOdONOW all represent species which bear the set of morphologic features selected by the investigator. Eventually one or more species will be chosen which have features similar to the unknown fossil species. Fig. 5 is an example of such a card properly punched and described. THE SCORE OF THE COLLECTION When examining the prepared microscope slides of material from a fossil locality, the researcher is soon aware that many different kinds of micro- fossils may be present in his samples. Among the terrestrial vegetation the spores of ferns, fungi, mosses and the like are mixed with the pollen of conifers and other gymnospermous plants and the pollen of the flowering plants. The number of flowering plant species growing on the Earth today probably ranges between 250,000 to 350,000! Certainly, all these plants will not be found in one fossil assemblage, but the more familiar the researcher becomes with the pollen and spore types of a large percentage of land plants the more secure will be his identification. In building a reference pollen collection for the National Museums of Canada emphasis is placed on acquiring a good cross section of many plant groups, families and lower taxa, especially those plants of tropical and sub- tropical floristic regions. The emphasis on tropical plants is based on the preponderance of these forms in the ancient sediments of Cretaceous age (63-75 million years before present) from western Canada. The vegetation of much of western Canada during this time was probably very similar to the present day vegetation of the Indomalaysian region. To date the pollen and spore collection numbers about 4,000 species. A comprehensive listing of all taxa with data relevant to location, collector, and herbarium where collected is now in preparation and should be completed by early 1978. A listing of the major plant groups by family is presented here to provide a general understanding of the scope of the present collection: NON-FLOWERING PLANTS: MYXOMYCOPHYTA (slime molds) HEPATOPHYTA (liverworts and horned liverworts) BRYOPHYTA (peat mosses and true mosses) PSILOPHYTA (wisk ferns) MICROPHYLLOPHYTA (lycopods) ARTHROPHYTA (Equisetum) PTEROPHYTA (ferns) Aspidiaceae Dicksoniaceae Loxomaceae Blechnaceae Gleicheniaceae Marattiaceae Cyatheaceae Gymnogrammaceae Ophioglossaceae GYMNOSPERMOUS PLANTS CYCADOPHYTA (the cycads) Osmundaceae Parkeriaceae Cycadaceae GINKGOPHYTA (Ginkgo) Ginkgoaceae Polypodiaceae Schizaceae CONIFEROPHYTA (cone-bearing plants) Cupressaceae Pinaceae GNETOPHYTA THE FLOWERING PLANTS Ephedraceae Gnetaceae MONOCOTYLEDONEAE Abolbodaceae Alismataceae Araceae Bromeliaceae Burmaniaceae Butomaceae Centrolepidaceae Commelinaceae Cyclanthaceae Cyperaceae Dioscoreaceae Eriocaulaceae Flagellariaceae Gramineae DICOTYLEDONEAE 10 Acanthaceae Aceraceae Achatocarpaceae Actinidaceae Adoxaceae Aizoaceae Altingiaceae Amaranthaceae Anacardiaceae Taxaceae Taxodiaceae Welwitschiaceae Haemodoraceae Heliconiaceae Hydrocharitaceae Iridaceae Juncaceae Lemnaceae Liliaceae Limnocharitaceae Mayacaceae Musaceae Orchidaceae Palmae Pandanaceae Philydraceae Annonaceae Apocynaceae Aquifoliaceae Araliaceae Aristolochiaceae Asclepiadaceae Balanophoraceae Balsaminaceae Begoniaceae Sinopteridaceae Pontederiaceae Potamogetonaceae Restionaceae Sparganiaceae Strelitziaceae Taccaceae Trillaceae Triuridaceae Typhaceae Velloziaceae Xyridaceae Zosteraceae Berberidaceae Betulaceae Bignoniaceae Bombacaceae Boraginaceae Bruniaceae Burseraceae Buxaceae Cabombaceae Cactaceae Campanulaceae Canellaceae Capparidaceae Caprifoliaceae Caricaceae Caryophyllaceae Cephalotaceae Celastraceae Chenopodiaceae Cistaceae Cneoraceae Cochlospermaceae Combretaceae Compositae Connaraceae Convolvulaceae Coriariaceae Cornaceae Corylaceae Crassulaceae Cruciferae Cucurbitaceae Cunoniaceae Diapensiaceae Dichapetalaceae Dilliniaceae Dipentodonaceae Droseraceae Ebenaceae Ehretiaceae Elaegnaceae Ericaceae Eucommiaceae Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Flacourtiaceae Fouguieriaceae Fumariaceae Gentianaceae Geraniaceae Gesneriaceae Gomortegaceae Guttiferae Haloragidaceae Hamamelidaceae Hernandiaceae Hippocastanaceae Hy drangeaceae Juglandaceae Labiatae Lauraceae Lecythidaceae Leguminosae Lentibulariaceae Linaceae Loranthaceae Lythraceae Magnoliaceae Malpighiaceae Malvaceae Marcgraviaceae Melastomataceae Meliaceae Menispermaceae Monimiaceae Moraceae Moringaceae Myricaceae Myristicaceae Myrsinaceae Myrtaceae My zodendraceae Nelumbonaceae Nyctaginaceae Nymphaeaceae Olacaceae Oleaceae Onagraceae Opiliaceae Oxalidaceae Papaveraceae Parnassiaceae Peperomiaceae Phellineaceae Philadelphaceae Piperaceae Pittosporaceae Plantaginaceae Plantanaceae Plumbaginaceae Polemoniaceae Polygalaceae Polygonaceae Portulacaceae Primulaceae Proteaceae Psiloxylaceae Pyrolaceae Ranunculaceae Resedaceae Rhamnaceae Rhizophoraceae Rosaceae Rubiaceae Rutaceae Salicaceae Salvadoraceae Santalaceae Sapotaceae Sapindaceae Saururaceae Saxifragaceae Scrophulariaceae Simaroubaceae Solanaceae Sterculiaceae Theaceae Thymelaeaceae Tiliaceae Tovariaceae Trigoniaceae Turneraceae Ulmaceae Umbelliferae Urticaceae Vahliaceae Verbenaceae Violaceae 11 Vitidaceae Winteraceae Vochysiaceae Zygophyllaceae STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE COLLECTION The collection of prepared slides are stored in plastic slide boxes of 100 capacity, on shelves alphabetically arranged by family. In this way those pollen grains with similar morphological features will se grouped together for easier examination. The room in which the slides are stored is air- conditioned inasmuch as extreme heat could cause a melting of the glycerine jelly mounting media, and thus total loss of the slide contents. Much of the routine maintenance involves keeping the laboratory as free as possible from outside pollen or spore contamination. Pollen and spores (always present) from outside sources could enter a preparation and if more abundant than the pollen or spore material being processed, could be misleading as to the true identity of the final prepared material. Additionally, the cataloguing system involves several cross-referenced sources so that the researcher can draw upon the collection in quite different ways. At the present time, a particular pollen or spore type can be retrieved in the following ways: (1) based solely on its morphology; (2) by its unique number or (3) taxonomically by knowing its family generic and/or species names. With only 4,000 entries to catalogue and retrieve the manual card/file index system works well and quickly. Once, however, the collection reaches 15,000 or 20,000 entries (an estimated 5 to 8 year period of time) a computerized system will be required similar to that described by McAllister et al. (1972), as utilized in the fish collections of the National Museum of Natural Sciences. USE OF COLLECTION The major use of the pollen and spore collection is in the identification of fossil pollen and spore types. As mentioned earlier, the surface features and general morphology of pollen and spores is often sufficient to allow identification to family, genus or sometimes species. By becoming familiar with the general gross features peculiar to certain plant groups, the researcher can narrow down his search for a living pollen type which approximates the fossil forms he has recovered. Even if the fossil type cannot be assigned to a comparable living plant family, genus, etc... the comparisons to certain "groups" of living plants may still provide valuable information. The fact that a fossil flora was dominated by gymnosperms and ferns which no longer exist, can be useful information in describing the nature and direction of plant evolution during the Earth's history. Often enough however, especially with more recently deposited rock types, the contained fossil pollen and spores are very similar if not indeed identical to present day pollen and spores (see for example; 12 Wijmstra, 1968; Germeraad, Hopping and Muller, 1968). With the proper identification of a fossil flora, considerable information as to the climate, plant migrations and evolutionary trends of the past can be elucidated. Another use of the pollen and spore collection is as a taxonomic tool. Botanists), when describing or revising the status of a plant taxon (es. family, genus or even species) could well benefit through the use of the pollen and spore collection. Some recent taxonomic studies of plant taxa in which pollen or spores were used as a criteria in delineating genetic relationships are those of Breckon and Falk (1974); Gastony and! Irnyon, (1976); Grahem and Graham, (1971) and Wagner (1974). When preparing a pollen or spore sample it is to the advantage of the researcher to prepare several (3-6) slides from the same residue. One of these, usually the finest preparation, is kept for the permanent reference collection, the remainder are stored separately and are used for exchange purposes. Other institutions which maintain pollen and spore reference collections also prepare exchange material and are willing to "Swap", on a one-to-one basis, prepared slides. In this way the preparation of one sample of which six slides! are prepared ican in return provide fom the acquisition of five additional different species of prepared material. One single institution need not collect and prepare all the material needed for research purposes, an open and free system of exchange facilitates the growth of many fine research collections. For a disting of the institutions wren which the National Museum of Natural Sciences has made exchanges see Jarzen (1976). A listing of all material for which exchange slides are available is prepared and updated every two years and sent to researchers who are known to maintain their own pollen and spore collections. SUMMARY The foregoing is but a brief survey of the nature and scope of collecting and maintaining a pollen and spore reference collection as a tool for scientific research. It is hoped that eventually the collection maintained at the National Museum of Natural Sciences will be a fine source of material from which other institutions throughout Canada and perhaps elsewhere may benefit. As a tool for modern taxonomic studies, or for comparison purposes to identify fossil pollen and spore material the collection becomes an invaluable resource. Pollen and spores can do more for man than cause hay fever and other allergies, for their uniqueness and ubiquitous occurrence can provide clues to the proper identification of the living and the past vegetation of our Earth. Perhaps pollen and spores could be classified among natures most intricate architectural wonders. 13 REFERENCES Breckon, G.J. and R.H. Falk. 1974. External spore morphology and taxonomic affinities of Phylloglossum drummondit Kunze (Lycopodiaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 61(5):481-485. Gastony, G.J. and R.M. Tryon. 1976. Spore morphology in the Cyatheaceae. II. The genera Lophosoria, Metaxya, Sphaeropteris, Alsophila and Nephelea. Amer. J. Bot. 63(6):738-758. Germeraad, J.H., C.A. Hopping and J. Muller. 1968. Palynology of Tertiary sediments from tropical areas. Rev. Palaeobotany and Palynology 6(1968): 189-348. Graham, S.A. and A. Graham. 1971. Palynology and stystematics of Cuphea (Lythraceae). II. Pollen morphology and infrageneric classification. Amer. J. Bot. 58(9):844-857. Jarzen, D.M. 1976. Palynological research at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa. "Today and Tomorrow". Syllogeus Series No. 10, 14 p. McAllister, D.E., A.B. Leere, and S.P. Sharma. 1972. A batch process computer information retrieval and cataloguing system in the fish collection, National Museum of Natural Sciences. Syllogeus Series No. 1. Wagner, W.H. 1974. Structure of spores in relation to fern phylogeny. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard, 61(2)/:332-353. Wijmstra, T.A. 1968. The identity of Pstlatricolporites and Pellicera. Acta Bot. Neer. 17((2) 7114-116. 14 PLATE I. Representative examples of the diversity in size, morphology and surface architecture of some pollen grains of flowering plante: 1. Abutilon crispum Malvaceae, 71u. 2. Cephalocereus brooksianus Cataceae, 1081. 3. Cyphomeris gypsophiloides WNyctaginaceae, 139u. 4. Dryandra rippistiana Proteaceae 41u. Sa. Eriosema glaziovii Leguminosae 22u. 5b. Eriosema glaziovii Leguminosae 22u. (same grain as tn 5a, but at different focal level to illustrate the surface pattern. 6. Eriosema crinitum Leguminosae 27u. 7. Dinemagonum gayanum Malpighiaceae 55u. 8. Centrosema pubescens Leguminosae 68u. 9. Cuphea wrightii Lythraceae 291. 10. Betula lenta Betulaceae 45u. 11. Acacia mellifera Leguminosae SO. 12. Stahlia monosperma Leguminosae 59u. 13. Adenanthos meismeri Proteaceae 34u. 15 RECENT SYLLOGEUS TITLES No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 4 Faber, Daniel J., Ed. (1974) A HIGH SCHOOL FIELD AND LABORATORY STUDY OF LAC LAPECHE IN GATINEAU PARK, QUEBEC, DURING MARCH, 1972 Gorham, Stanley W., and Don E. McAllister (1974) THE SHORTNOSE STURGEON, Acipenser brevirostrum, IN THE SAINT JOHN RIVER, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA, A RARE AND POSSIBLY ENDANGERED SPECIES Vladykov, Vadim D., and Herratt March (1975) DISTRIBUTION OF LEPOTCEPHALI OF THE TWO SPECIES OF Anguilla IN THE WESTERN NORTH ATLANTIC, BASED ON COLLECTIONS MADE BETWEEN 1933 AND 1968 Legendre, Vianney, J.G. Hunter, and Don E. McAllister (1975) FRENCH, ENGLISH AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF MARINE FISHES OF ARCTIC CANADA NOMS FRANCAIS, ANGLAIS ET SCIENTIFIQUES DES POISSONS MARINS DE L’ARCTIQUE CANADIEN McAllister, Don E. (1975) FISH COLLECTIONS FROM THE OTISH MOUNTAIN REGION, CENTRAL QUEBEC, CANADA Tynen, Michael J. (1975) A CHECKLIST AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE NORTH AMERICAN ENCHYTRAEIDAE (ANNELIDA: OLIGOCHAETA) Jarzen, David (1976) PALYNOLOGICAL RESEARCH AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCES, OTTAWA "TODAY AND TOMORROW" Chengalath, R. (1977) A LIST OF ROTIFERA RECORDED FROM CANADA WITH SYNONYMS The KTEC Group (1977) CRETACEOUS - TERTIARY EXTINCTIONS AND POSSIBLE TERRESTRIAL AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL CAUSES ill nT my lil TUE LU