7 CAUIFORNIA | ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: APR: 160 LIBRARY Ep mr SYLLOGEUS is a publication of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada, designed to permit the rapid dissemination of information pertaining to those disciplines and educational functions for which the National Museum of Natural Sciences is responsible. In the interests of making information available quickly, normal publishing procedures have been abbreviated. Articles are published in English, in French, or in both languages, and the issues appear at irregular intervals. A complete list of the titles issued since the beginning of the series (1972) and individual copies of this number are available by mail from the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Canada K1A OM8. La collection SYLLOGEUS, publiée par le Musée national des sciences naturelles, Musée nationaux du Canada, a pour but de diffuser rapidement le résultat des travaux dans les domaines scientifique et éducatif qui sont sous la direction du Musée national des sciences naturelles. Pour assurer la prompte distribution de cette publication, on a abrégé les étapes de la rédaction. Les articles sont publiés en français, en anglais ou dans les deux langues, et ils paraissent irréguliérement. On peut obtenir par commande postale la liste des titres de tous les articles publiés depuis le début de la collection (1972) et des copies individuelles de ce numéro, au Musée national des sciences naturelles, Ottawa, Canada KIA OM8. Syllogeus Series No. 60 Série Syllogeus No. 60 (c) National Museums of Canada 1985 (c) Musée nationaux du Canada 1985 Printed in Canada Imprimé au Canada ISSN 0704-576X Type specimens of invertebrates (Mollusca and Arthropoda excluded) in the National Museum of Natural Sciences National Museums of Canada P.G. Frank, J.A. Fournier and J. Madill Invertebrate Zoology Division National Museum of Natural Sciences Ottawa, Ontario KIA OM8 Syllogeus No. 60 National Museums of Canada Les Musées nationaux du Canada National Museum of Natural Sciences Musée national des sciences naturelles Ottawa, 1985 ABSTRACT A total of 606 invertebrate type specimens comprising almost 300 species belonging to the phyla Sarcodina, Cnidospora, Ciliospora, Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Rhynchocoela, Rotifera, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Acanthocephala, Annelida, Pogonophora, Sipuncula, Tardigrada, Bryozoa, and Echinodermata are held in the collections of the Invertebrate Zoology Division of the National Museums of Canada. Of these, 237 specimens of 102 species belong to the Parasite Collection. A brief outline is given on the history of the collection and on type specimen handling procedures. Each species is listed by its original genus within the appropriate taxon. The original citation is given along with any subsequent synonymy or name change. New synonymies are given for several species that have been overlooked in the literature. The majority of the specimens were collected from Canada or the United States; others come from the USSR, Australia, Japan, Southeast Asia, Central and South America, the Caribbean and the Red Sea. Only specimens whose description was published before December 31, 1983 have been included. RESUME La collection de la Division de la zoologie des invertébrés des Musées nationaux du Canada compte 606 spécimens désignés comme types de presque 300 espéces appartenant aux phylums Actinopodes, Rhizoflagellés, Ciliés, Microsporidies, Myxosporidies, Spongiaires, Cnidaires, Plathelminthes, Acanthocéphales, Rotiféres, Nématomorphes, Némathelminthes, Némertiens, Annélides, Sipunculides, Tardigrades, Bryozoaires, et Echinodermes. Parmi ces spécimens, 237 représentent 102 espéces qui appartiennent à la collection des Parasites. Nous discutons briévement des origines de cette collection et de la gestion des types. La classification taxinomique de chaque espéce est donnée avec le nom générique original et la référence bibliographique de la premiére description. Quand une espéce a été reléguée 4 la synonymie ou s'il y a eu changement de nom, cette information est aussi fournie. Des synonymies nouvelles sont données pour quelques espêces peu connues. La plupart de ces spécimens proviennent du Canada ou des Etats-Unis; d'autres ont été recueillis en URSS, en Australie, au Japon, dans le Sud-est asiatique, en Amérique Centrale et en Amérique du Sud, dans la Mer des Antilles et dans la Mer Rouge. Seuls sont inclus les spécimens dont la description a été publiée avant la fin de décembre 1983. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are indebted to many people for their help in compiling this list. The accounts for the specimens received before 1976 were done by Dr. R.M. O'Clair, former Curator of Invertebrates. The staff of the National Museums Library helped find many of the references and Arch Stewart proof-read the reference list. Names of hosts were checked by B.W. Coad (fish), H. Ouellet (birds), C.G. van Zyll de Jong (mammals), D.R. Laubitz (crustaceans) and J.M. Topping (molluscs). The following staff members of the Invertebrate Zoology Division read earlier versions of the manuscript and made many helpful suggestions: D.R. Laubitz, C.T. Shih, L. Marhue, M.F.I. Smith, and J.M. Topping. Finally, our thanks to R. Gaulin for typing the manuscript and struggling with an antique word processor to make all the corrections and formatting changes required in the various revisions. CONTENTS Tmt Goduction) Se eee elle sis eeele ee cecile cils selles si Phylum SARCODINA 43 0/3 00 08 08 » steie ne too een eee RU Cl Phylum PORIFERA Class Calcarea cecccccccccccvccccccccccccccvccccccccccccsceel3 CAEN Elo OonNaAS coodoodovoovdoocoococoocovobccocooo0c0oc0o0o 16 GE EMEA SéobosvcoctoboosouododoucococooonooodoovcoollY Phylum CNIDARIA CHASSHHYVGGLOZ Od ouococobonostooooosobovconoooooooocoooco0wvooco 2) Class Anthozoa ceccccccccccccccccccccccccccccececcccceseceeeld Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES Class Turbellaria ccccccccccccccccccccccsccccscccccccccccccc 31 (For Trematoda and Cestoda see Parasites) Dal REIN CHO CORGAS cretelelelolelelolelelelelalelelolvislc/slelelalalelelslelelclelelelelclelelelolelslclele 1 Phvlum ROMEFERAM Sem eees eee essence ses ee eee 06066696. 32 Phylum ANNELIDA Class Polly chaetalacielelerclelelelelelelslelelslerolelelelelclelelelels/clelclole/elelslelelelololelel eo Classe Olle OCHaGrd cals clele's steisleleleiel cleleleleisiclalele ol sleleleleteleleie elsivieieieicioet Exiy lam POCONOPHORA’ ‘cic esse cssensecmeceseesescesssescesssssss OS Phylum SIPUNCULA cccccccccccccccccscccccccccccccscescccsccccesce 04 Ey LOM -EARDUEGRADA’ co cicielcie.s oss e1e'0le\s ole/e cece s ces cs cieicie aes os on eis soso PMV IAM BR LOLON, craic e's cciele oi cle e\eielele\sielsie/e)s 6 cie\sieisle.e\sie eis le e's sje e'aie/eis ee 510) Phylum ECHINODERMATA Class Stelleroidea Subclass Asteroidea cececcccccccccccccccccccccccccccs se +66 Class Holothuroidea eveloleteloreiolelevcieveielerelcioletevelelolelcielercletoteieteleyerereterelen/O Parasites Phylum KINETOPLASTA ccccccccccccccccccccccccvccccccccccccccccccel Phylum MICROSPORA Gilncomi TC FOSDOLCAMpleisisicisicleivisicciaicclelelsiccielcecceciciececccecoceoeele Phylum MYXOZOA Gite ceMyxOSPOLCAMscisisisiclslcisiclelesiclcleie cleloacicicisiecicieciccciceccceccel 3S Phylum CILIOPHORA Class Oligohymenophorea ccccccccccecccccccccccvcccccsccscsee! 3S Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES Class Trematoda coccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccel 4 Class Cestoda cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccsccccccsccscceeed3 Pingo WEMINIODYN S06006602080000000000000000000000000b00000000 00060 Phylum NEMATOMORPHA ... cernes secs ee 1 BPÉMPACANTAOCEPHAIAMEE RCE e eme ss eeees eee secs eee eee ee Ty PE—-SPECIES checcecesseeeeeesseeeeeee es eeeeseseececseseeee eee: LOO Missing Eype material... ceseseesecesceesseceseeee eee eee. LOL References ceccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccsccccccccccccececees 106 Index of type specimens 506000000000500000000066060000000000000 410) INTRODUCTION This list brings together for the first time data on all the type specimens in the collection of the Invertebrate Zoology Division of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada, except for the type specimens of Mollusca and Crustacea. A preliminary list of parasitic helminth and protozoan types was published by Webster (1979) and a list of the Mollusca types has been published by Smith (1981). A list of the Crustacea and Pycnogonida types will appear in the future. The Canadian National Collections of Insecta, Arachnida and Acarina and of plant-parasitic and free-living Nematoda are held by Agriculture Canada, Biosystematics Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA OC6. Included in this list are all specimens received by this museum prior to the end of 1983 for which we have seen a published description. Some of these specimens date back to the late nineteenth century when the museum was part of the Geological Survey of Canada and to the early part of this century when this museum was known as the Victoria Memorial Museum. Also included here are other type specimens that were listed in the literature as having been deposited here but have since been lost or were never sent to this museum. Prior to 1977, the invertebrates were catalogued in seven groups, as: 1. Protozoa and Porifera; 2. Coelenterata and Ctenophora; 3. Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes and Phoronida; 4. Bryozoa, Chaetognatha and Pogonophora; 5. Annelida, Sipuncula and Echiura; 6. Echinodermata; and 7. Protochordata and Brachiopoda. Each group was catalogued in a separate book with numbers from 0001 to 5000 and two groups, Annelida, etc. and Echinodermata, had been extended to two volumes. This meant that it was possible to have seven different specimen lots with the same catalogue number. A unique numbering System was introduced in 1977 and now all of the type specimens and most of the rest of the collection have been recatalogued. Under the new system one catalogue is used for all taxa. The catalogue number is in three parts: the acronym NMCIC (NMCPC for parasites), the year the catalogue entry is made and the next sequential number available for that year (e.g., NMCIC1980-1201 = the 1201st specimen lot catalogued in 1980). Specimens from the old catalogues have been recatalogued and given the year "1900". The old catalogue number is given in parentheses after the new number (e.g., NMCIC1900-2880 (previously 2510)). The Invertebrate Collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences currently has 606 type specimens representing 291 species. This includes 237 specimen lots of 102 species of helminth parasites. The type specimens listed here are stored in phylogenetic order in locked, glass- fronted, steel cabinets which are kept in a darkened room. Each specimen is clearly marked as a type and is accompanied by a label recording the same data as are presented with each species account in this list. Most of the older type material is from four major collections. The first is a substantial collection of Porifera types described by L. Lambe in the 1890's and early 1900's, based on collections made on the east coast of Canada by A.M. Rodger, J. Fletcher, and J.F. Whiteaves, on the westcoast of Canada by G.M. Dawson, J. Macoun, and G.W. Taylor, and in Alaska by W.H. Dall and L. Stejneger. The second major collection of types comprises the specimens collectedby F. Johansen, the biologist with the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913-1918. Included here are Cnidaria types named by H.B. Bigelow and A.E. Verrill, Cestoda by A.R. Cooper, Acanthocephala by H.J. Van Cleave, and Sipuncula and Polychaeta by R.V. Chamberlin. Unfortunately, many of these types are in poor condition. The third major type collection is of west coast Asteroidea described by A.E. Verrill from collections sent to him by J.F. Whiteaves and J. Macoun of the Geological Survey of Canada. The fourth major type collection consists of parasitic invertebrates transferred to the National Museum of Natural Sciences in 1975 by Dr. Neil Croll, Director of the Institute of Parasitology, Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. This collection includes Trematoda named by L.P.N. Choquette, N.S. Krishna Rao, L.L. Lyster, M.J. Miller, J. Stafford, E.B. Steen, W.E. Swales and R.W. Wolfgang, and Acanthocephala described by T.W.M. Cameron. Another small collection that contains a significant number of types is Whiteaves' collection of Polychaeta identified and described by W.C. McIntosh between 1874 and 1903. In addition to these major collections, the invertebrate type collection has been augmented by contributions from many sources including staff members and zoologists working in Canada and abroad. As well, we maintain a collection of reprints of papers describing all the types in the collection. In preparing this list the specimen aud the information on its accompanying label were compared with the original description. Any discrepancies were investigated further through reference to other sources of information within the museum, including catalogues and accession records, or through consultation with systematic authorities. Unresolved problems are noted in the appropriate places in the text. During this search, many hitherto unnoticed type specimens were recognized and placed with the type collection. The list of type specimens is arranged phylogenetically by phylum, and alphabetically by family (except the parasites), genus and species. Each species is listed by its original name, the author's name and year of publication. The complete citation of the reference to the original description is found in the referenges. Currently used names, if different, are also given, along with a reference. In most cases the name of the reviser is cited. However in a few cases where we know that the name has been changed, we have been unable to track down the reviser. We have therefore cited the paper where we saw mention of the new name. Each specimen is listed as a holotype, paratype, syntype (including 'cotype'), or allotype. In cases where the author refers to “the type and paratypes", the 'type' is here listed as a holotype only if the specimens themselves have been clearly labelled as to which one the author designated as the ‘type’. Where specimens are labelled as 'holotype' or 'type' but are not reported as such in the original description, they are here treated as syntypes. The term allotype is here used only in the case of some species of parasites that have a pronounced morphological difference between the sexes and the author has designated a specimen of one sex as the holotype and a specimen of the other sex as the allotype. Each specimen listed is accompanied by full collection data as compiled from both the original description and the original label which still accompanies the specimen. Original spellings of place names are given with changes noted in brackets. Parasite host names are presented as given in the parasite's published description. The method of preservation of each type specimen is indicated after the catalogue number. Alcohol indicates 70% ethanol. Other specimens may be in 5% or 10% neutral formalin, air dried, or prepared microscope slides. Most parasites are in a mixture of formalin-alcohol-glycerin (FAG) and some are in glycerin. Remarks are appended to point out inconsistencies, changes in nomenclature, present status, etc. Some institutions and collections are referred to by the following acronyms in the text: United States National Museum of Natural History —- USNM; Museum of comparative Zoology -MCZ; Animal Diseases Research Institute, Agriculture Canada - ADRI; J.W. Reynolds Collection — JWRC. 10 Phylum SARCODINA Acanthocystis fortesca Nicholls, 1983. Reference: Nicholls, 19831971 etic Lolo. HOLOTYPE : NMCIC1983-0472 (formalin). Locality: Fortescue Lake, Ontario, Canada, 44050'N, 78926'W. Collector: Unknown, 23 April 1981. Acanthocystis heterospina Nicholls, 1983. Reference: Nicholls, 1983:1371-1372, fig. 19-24. HOLOTYPE : NMCIC1983-0473 (formalin). Locality: West Twin Lake, Ontario, Canada, 44039'N, 77°54'W. Collector: Unknown, 24 April 1979. Acanthocystis pantopodeoides Nicholls, 1983. Reference: Nicholls, 1983:1372, fig. 25-30. HOLOTYPE : NMCIC1983-0474 (formalin). Locality: Memoir Lake, Ontario, Canada, 47039'N, 82°959'W. Collector: Unknown, 6 June 1979. Acanthocystis pinnata Nicholls, 1983. Ref erence: Nicholls, 1983:1372, fig. 31-32. HOLOTYPE : NMCIC1983-0475 (formalin). Locality: Pond No. 1, Ontario, Canada, 44048'02"N, 78°29'W. Collector: Unknown, 5 May 1981. Acanthocystis quadrifurca Nicholls, 1983. Reference: Nicholls, 1983: 1372-1376, fig. 33-36. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1983-0476 (formalin). Locality: Pond No. 3, Ontario, Canada, 45901'N, 79938'08"W. Collector: Unknown, 19 August 1981. Acanthocystis rotundata Nicholls, 1983. Reference: Nicholls, 1983:1376-1379, fig. 37-41. pa hi HOLOTYPE : NMCIC1983-0477 (formalin). Locality: Round Lake, Ontario, Canada, 45000'N, 79938'W. Collector: Unknown, 5 May 1981. Acanthocystis serrata Nicholls, 1983. Reference: Nicholls, 1983:1379, fig. 42-47. HOLOTYPE : NMCIC1983-0478 (formalin). Locality: Calabogie Lake, Ontario, Canada, 45016'N, 76°45'W. Collector: Unknown, 6 September 1978. Acanthocystis striata Nicholls, 1983. Reference: Nicholls, 1983:1379, fig. 48-50. HOLOTYPE : NMCIC1983-0479 (formalin). Locality: Pond No. 1, Ontario, Canada, 44948'02"N, 78029'w. Collector: Unknown, 5 May 1981. Acanthocystis trifurca Nicholls, 1983. Reference: Nicholls, 1983:1379, fig. 51-55. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1983-0480 (formalin). Locality: Buckskin Lake, Ontario, Canada, 44057'N, 78°11'W. Collector: Unknown, 3 May 1977. Phylum PORIFERA Publication dates of some of Lambe's species are frequently cited incorrectly. This is because many descriptions were published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada which often published the transactions for a year in the following year. For example, Koltun (1959, page 118) gives the date of Stelodoryx alascensis (Lambe) as 1894, Lambe published the description of this species (as Chondrocladia) in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada for 1894 which was published in 1895. Therefore, the correct citation should read Stelodoryx alascensis (Lambe, 1895). All dates in the following show the correct year of publication. 12 Class Calcarea Burton (1963) revised the calcareous sponges, reducing more than 500 species to 48. Many of his synonymies are questionable. The family name follows Burton (1963). Family Heterocoelidae Amphoriscus thompsoni Lambe, 1900. Reference: Lambe, 1900b:36-37, fig. 8a-j. SYNTY PE NMCIC1900-2897 (previously 2677) (alcohol). Locality: Off Norman's Light, Strait of Belle Isle, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Rocky bottom, 60 fathoms (108m). Collector: A.M. Rodger, 9 April 1892. Remarks: Referred to Sycettusa glacialis (Haeckel, 1872), see Burton 1963, p. 344. Other types in the Museum of the University of Dundee. Grantia canadensis Lambe, 1896. Reference: Lambe, 1896:206-207, pl. IIE, fig. 7, 7a-c. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1900-2898 (previously 2554) (alcohol). Locality: Between Pictou Island and Cape Bear, Nova Scotia, Canada. 46-48 fathoms (83-86m). Collector: J.F. Whiteaves, 1873. Remarks: Referred to Scypha capillosa (Schmidt, 1862), see Burton 1963, Pe 466. Heteropia rodgeri Lambe, 1900. Reference: Lambe, 1900b:35-36, pl. VI, fig. 13, 13a-g. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1900-2881 (previously 2672) (dry). Locality: Off Norman's Light, Strait of Belle Isle, Newfoundland, Canada. Rocky bottom, 60 fathoms (108m). Collector: A.M. Rodger, 9 April 1892. Remarks: Referred to Sycettusa glacialis (Haeckel, 1872), see Burton 1963, Pe 340. 15 Other types in the Museum of the University of Dundee. Leucandra cumberlandensis Lambe, 1900. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Pambe, 1900b:534-35; pl. V, fig. 12, 12a-j. NMCIC1900-2896 (previously 2676) (alcohol). Kingawa Fjord, Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Sandy bottom, 20 fathoms (36m). A.M. Rodger, 20 August 1892. Referred to Scypha ciliata (Fabricius, 1780), see Burton 1963, Honey) Other types in the Museum of the University of Dundee, Leucandra taylori Lambe, 1900. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1900a:261-263, fig. a-i. NMCIC1900-2883 (previously 2717) (dry). Boat Harbour, 6 miles (10km) south of Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Adhering to the underside of boulders between tides. G.W. Taylor, 24 June 1899. Referred to Scypha ciliata (Fabricius, 1780), see Burton 1963, De 432, Leucandra valida Lambe, 1900. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: 14 Lambe, 1900b:32-24, pl. IV, fig. 10, 10a-e, pl. V, fig. 11, lla-e. NMCIC1900-2890 (previously 2675) (alcohol). Exeter Harbour, Davis Strait, Northwest Territories, Canada. Stoney bottom, 10 fathoms (18m). A.M. Rodger, 9 September 1892. Referred to Scypha ciliata (Fabricius, 1780), see Burton 1963, p. 437. Other types in the Museum of the University of Dundee. Current gazetteers list only Exeter Bay and Exeter Sound, both off Baffin Island at Davis Strait. Sycon asperum Lambe, 1896. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1896:205-206, pl. II, fig. 8, 8a-c. NMCIC1900-2894 (previously 2563) (alcohol). 8 miles (13km) SE of Bonaventure Island, Gaspé, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Stones and coarse sand, 56 fathoms (100m). J.F. Whiteaves, 1872. Dendy and Row, 1913 (p.746) renamed this S. lambei since S. asperum was preoccupied. Burton (1963, p.396) synonymized it under Scypha ciliata (Fabricius, 1780). Sycon compactum Lambe, 1894. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1894:38-39, pl. IV, fig. 3, 3a-f. NMCIC1900-2891 (previously 2703) (alcohol). Elk Bay, Discovery Passage, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 20-25 fathoms (36-45m). G.M. Dawson, 23 July 1885. Referred to Scypha ciliata (Fabricius, 1780), see Burton 1963, Pe 57/5 Sycon protectum Lambe, 1896. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1896:204-205, pl. ELL, fis. 6, oba-g. NMCIC1900-2893 (previously 2564) (alcohol). 8 miles (13km) SE of Bonaventure Island, Gaspé, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Stones and coarse sand, 56 fathoms (100m). J.F. Whiteaves, 1872. Referred to Scypha ciliata (Fabricius, 1780), see Burton 1963, p. 414. 15 Class Hyalospongiae Family names follow Koltun (1967). Family Aphrocallistidae Aphrocallistes whiteavesianus Lambe, 1893. Reference: SYNTYPES : Locality: Collector: Remarks: rampe ms le9S 775 plein tie. Id. pl. Vi, fig. 3, 3a-n, 3p. NMCIC1900-2817 (previously 2528) (slide). NMCIC1900-2818 (previously 2728) (alcohol). Strait of Georgia, near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. About 40 fathoms (72m). G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. Referred to Aphrocallistes vastus Schulze, 1886, see Hentschel 1929, p. 915. In the text Lambe states that this species is shown in plate III, figure 11 and plate III has 11 figures. However the Explanation of Plates (p. 77) only lists figures 1 to 10 on plate III and none of the pages given for the species descriptions correspond to the actual pages the descriptions are found on. Family Rossellidae Bathydorus dawsoni Lambe, 1893. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: 16 amie, 6985792740 joils ANSE 2a RD AUS Et Va Ava Dee Raw Doe Bois 2 02 d=1 0 7A NMCIC1900-2811 (previously 2514) (dry). Strait of Georgia, near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 40 fathoms (72m). G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. NMCIC1900-2872 (previously 2594) (dry). NMCIC1900-7061 (previously 2718) (dry). Off mouth of Qualicum River, Vancouver Island, British Sand and gravel, 40 fathoms (72m). Columbia, Canada. G.M. Dawson, 1885. Referred to Staurocalyptus dawsoni (Lambe, 1893), see Bakus 1966, p. 426. Rhabdocalyptus dowlingii Lambe, 1894. Ref erence: Lambe, 1894-3738 "pl Tete 22a-he HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2812 (previously 2691) (alcohol, slide). Locality: Strait of Georgia, near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. About 40 fathoms (72m). Collector: G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. Class Demospongiae Family names follow Koltun (1959, 1966). Family Adociidae Toxochalina borealis Lambe, 1895. Reference: Lampe, LS95S ul — L6G spilt li. talc. V2 2a—Cle HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2823 (previously 2512) (alcohol, 3 slides). Locality: Kyska [Kiska] Harbor, Kyska [Kiska] Island, Alaska, USA. 9-14 fathoms (16-25m). Collector: W.H. Dall, 1873? Remarks: Referred to Patuloscula borealis (Lambe, 1895). Gift from the USNM. Family Cladorhizidae Esperella occidentalis Lambe, 1894. Reference: Lambe, 1894:28-29, pl. II, fig. 6, 6a-e. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2887 (previously 2730) (alcohol). Locality: Gulf of Georgia [Strait of Georgia], near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. About 40 fathoms (72m). Collector: G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. Remarks: Referred to Asbestopluma lycopodium (Levinsen, 1886), see Koltun 1959, pp. 75-76. Family Esperiopsidae Esperiopsis quatsinoensis Lambe, 1893. Reference: SYNTYPE : Locality: Collector: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Hampel Gos 09 ple tb. Eig. 8, 9, pl. V, fig. 8, Bac. NMCIC1900-2808 (previously 2586) (slide). Near Lasqueti Island, Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. G.M. Dawson, 1885. NMCIC1900-2878 (previously 3017) (dry). West coast of Vancouver Island, north of Quatsino Sound, British Columbia, Canada. 30-50 fathoms (54-90m). G.M. Dawson, 1885. Referred to Esperiopsis digitata (Miklucho-Maclay, 1870), see Koltun 1959, p. 88. Esperiopsis rigida Lambe, 1893. Reference: SYNTY PES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe lo93665 pl. LiL, fig. 45 pl. Vo tig. 3, Jap. NMCIC1900-2820 (previously 2721) (dry). Entrance to Malaspina Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. 60-70 fathoms (108-126m). G.M. Dawson, 1885. Referred to Esperiopsis digitata (Miklucho-Maclay, 1870), see Koltun 1959, p. 88. Family Halichondriidae Halichondria disparilis Lambe, 1894, Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: 18 Lambe, 1894:25-26, pl. II, fig. 1, la. NMCIC1900-2825 (previously 2705) (alcohol, 4 slides). Gulf of Georgia [Strait of Georgia], near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. About 40 fathoms (72m). G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. Family Haliclonidae Gellius laurentinus Lambe, 1900. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Iza, UOOOSZO=VIL., DITS I, io Il, Ile, NMCIC1900-2888 (previously 2686) (alcohol). 3 miles (5km) from mouth of Coutt's Inlet, Davis Strait, Northwest Territories, Canada. Mud, 130 fathoms (234m). A.M. Rodger, 30 July 1892. Other types in the Museum of the University of Dundee. Reniera mollis Lambe, 1894. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Haube, 8940 216-27 pleas fie. 3; 32 NMCIC1900-2875 (previously 2692) (dry). Elk Bay, Discovery Passage, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 20-25 fathoms (36-45m). G.M. Dawson, 23 July 1885. Referred to Haliclona aqueductus (0. Schmidt, 1862), see Koltun 1959, p. 215. Family Microcionidae Clathria delicata Lambe, 1896. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Lambe, 1896:192, pl. IL, fig. 2, 2a-h. NMCIC1900-2874 (previously 2602) (dry). Squirrel Cove, Prince Edward Island, Canada. J. Fletcher, 1893. Clathria laevigata Lambe, 1894. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Lambe, 1894:31-32, pl. II, fig. 9, 9a-g. NMCIC1900-2892 (previously 2731) (alcohol). Gulf of Georgia [Strait of Georgia], near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. About 40 fathoms (72m). G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. 19 Family Mycalidae Esperella adhaerens Lambe, 1894. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Pambe, 1894:27-28; ple EE, fies 55 Sad. NMCIC1900-2827 (previously 2709) (alcohol, 3 slides). Elk Bay, Discovery Passage, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 20-25 fathoms (36-45m). G.M. Dawson, 23 July 1885. Referred to Mycale adhaerens (Lambe, 1894), see Hentschel 1913, ps 263. Esperella fristedtii Lambe, 1900. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1900b:21-22, pl. I, fig. 2, 2a-=h. NMCIC1900-2889 (previously 2674) (alcohol). 10 miles (16km) northeast of Cape Wild, Davis Strait, Northwest Territories, Canada. 200 fathoms (360m). A.M. Rodger, 4 July 1892. Other types in the Museum of the University of Dundee. Esperella hispida Lambe, 1894. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1894:27, pl. Il, fig. 4, 4a-c. NMCIC1900-2886 (previously 2704) (alcohol). Off Pulteney Point, near Suquash, Queen Charlotte Sound [Broughton Strait], Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 25 fathoms (45m). G.M. Dawson, 4 September 1885. Referred to Mycale hispida (Lambe, 1894), see Hentschel 1913, p. 264. Esperella modesta Lambe, 1895. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: 20 Lambe, U895c1'8), (ple Til. tlie 1, Jade NMCIC1900-2821 (previously 2656) (dry, 2 slides). Simeonof Island, Shumagin Islands, Alaska, USA. Picked up on beach. Collector: Remarks: W.H. Dall, 1871-1873? Referred to Mycale lobata (Bowerbank, 1866). Gift from the USNM. Family Myxillidae Chondrocladia alaskensis Lambe, 1895. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 18952119, pl. TL, fig. 7, Jae. NMCIC1900-2869 (previously 2507) (alcohol). Kyska [Kiska] Harbor, Alaska, USA. Found on beach. W.H. Dall, 1873. The catalogue and label accompanying this specimen list the locality as “Kyska Harbor, Unalaska", but Kyska (now Kiska) is located on Kiska Island which is over 1000 km further west than Unalaska Island on the Aleutian Chain. Dall (1874) reported visiting both Kiska and Unalaska Islands in 1873, and therefore the sponge could have been collected at either island. NMCIC1900-2868 (previously 2620) (dry). Amaknak Island, Alaska, USA. W.H. Dall, 1871. NMCIC1900-2828 (previously 2634) (dry and slides). Chika Island, Alaska, USA. W.H. Dall, 18/1-1873? Referred to Stelodoryx alascensis (Lambe, 1895), see Koltun 1959, p. 118. Gift from the USNM. Chondrocladia pulchra Lambe, 1895. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1895:119-120, pl. II, fig. 8, 8a-d. NMCIC1900-2824 (previously 2632) (dry). Chika Island, Alaska, USA. Found on beach. W.H. Dall, 1871-1873? Referred to Monanchora pulchra (Lambe, 1895), 21 Iotrochota magna Lambe, 1895. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Manbenml soon c0—) EDITION figs 25 Zandi. NMCIC1900-2813 (previously 2513) (alcohol). Kyska [Kiska] Harbor, Kyska [Kiska] Island, Alaska, USA. W.H. Dall, 1871-1873? Gift from the USNM. Myxilla amaknakensis Lambe, 1895. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 18953122, pl. IL, fig. 10, 10a-e. NMCIC1900-2873 (previously 2629) (dry). Sooke, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Found on beach. J. Macoun, 1893. NMCIC1900-2810 (previously 2527) (alcohol, 4 slides). Behring Island [Bering Island], Commander Islands, USSR. Found on beach. L. Stejneger, 1882-1883. Reterred to Lissodendoryx amaknakensis (Lambe, 1895), see Bakus 1966, p. 499. Second specimen (NMCIC19UV0-2810) was a gift from the USNM. Myxilla behringensis Lambe, 1895. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: 22 Fambe, 1869121122 pile bil Eee Se Saat. NMCIC19U00-2876 (previously 2622) (dry). Unalaska Island, Alaska, USA. Found on beach. W.H. Dall, 1873. Reterred to Myxilla incrustans (Esper, 1805-14), see Bakus 1966, p. 494. Gitt from the USNM. Myxilla firma Lambe, 1895. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: HOLOTYPE?: Locality: Collector: HOLOTYPE? : Locality: Collector: Remarks: Pambe, 1895:122=128 jyl5 Itt, sale, “A, AE NMCIC1900-2819 (previously 2515, 2633) (dry). Sooke, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Intertidal, low water, found on beach. J. Macoun, 1893. NMCIC1900-2809 (previously 2517) (alcohol, 4 slides). Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Intertidal. J. Macoun, 1893. NMCIC1900-2867 (previously 2698) (alcohol). Kyska [Kiska] Harbor, Alaska, USA. 9-14 fathoms (16-25m), sand. W.H. Dall, 1871-1873? Referred to Lissodendoryx firma (Lambe, 1895), see DeLaubenfels WS V25 joo Mic The old catalogue lists 2517 (now NMCIC1900-2809) as the holotype. Bakus (1966, p. 490) states that the holotype is in the USNM and he presumes that NMC specimen 2698 (now NMCIC19U0-286/) is a piece of the holotype. The old catalogue mentions that this specimen was a gitt trom the USNM. Myxilla lacunosa Lambe, 1893. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1893:70, pl. III, fig. 3, pl. V, fig. 5, 5a-g. NMCIC1900-28/7 (previously 2/22) (dry). North of Quatsino Sound, west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 30-50 fathoms (54-9Um). G.M. Dawson, 1885. Referred to Myxilla incrustans (Esper, 1805-14), see Bakus 1966, p. 494. 23 Myxilla parasitica Lambe, 1894. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Lambe, 1894:31, pl. II, fig. 8, 8a-f. NMCIC1900-2879 (previously 2734) (dry). Elk Bay, Discovery Passage, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 20-25 fathoms (36-45m). G.M. Dawson, 23 July 1885. Referred to Ectyomyxilla parasitica (Lambe, 1894) by Hentschel 1929, p. 948. NMCIC1900-2880 (previously 2510) (alcohol). Cortez and Hernando Islands, Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. 8-20 fathoms (14-36m), sand. G.M. Dawson, 9 July 1885. This specimen was referred to Myxilla incrustans (Esper, 1805-14) This is the specimen shown in plate II, by Bakus 1966, p. 494. figure 8 in Lambe (1894). Family Ophlitaspongiidae Desmacella pennata Lambe, 1895. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: 24 Fampe, 1895:129=180; pl. LV, Eire 6, 6a-d. NMCIC1900-2826 (previously 2712) (alcohol, slide). NMCIC19U0-578/ (slide). Sooke, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Intertidal low water. J. Macoun, 1893. Referred to Ophlitaspongia pennata (Lambe, 1895), see DeLaubenfels 1927, p. 265. The second slide (NMCIC1900-5787) was found with several other spicule slides from the Lambe Collection received by the Museum in 1964. The label reads: “"Desmacella pennata sp. nov.” from an alcohol specimen” and is therefore assumed to be from one ot the syntypes. Family Polymastiidae Polymastia laganoides Lambe, 1895. Reference: Lambe, 189521295) pill) LV) fic. Dance HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2884 (previously 2535) (alcohol). Locality: Behring Island [Bering 1sland], Commander Islands, USSR. Found on beach. Collector: L. Stejneger, 1882-1883. Remarks: Part of the holotype. Gift from the USNM. Polymastia pacifica Lambe, 1894. Reference: Lambe, 1894:32-34, pl. II, fig. 10, 10a-d. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2885 (previously 2701) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-580/ (slides). Locality: Gult ot Georgia [Strait ot Georgia], near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. Remarks: The slides were found with several other spicule slides trom the Lambe Collection received by NMNS in 1964. All of the data on the slide labels match that on the alcohol specimen. Family Suberitidae Suberites concinnus Lambe, 1895. Reference: Lambe, 1895:128, pl. II, fig. 12, 12a. SYNTYPE: NMCICL9UU-2822 (previously 2553) (alcohol, 1 slide). Locality: Behring Island [Bering Island], Commander Islands, USSR. Found on beach. Collector: L. Stejneger, 1882-1883. Remarks: Gitt from the USNM. Suberites simplex Lambe, 1894. Reference: Lambe, 1894332, pill. IV, fig. 4, 4a. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2895 (previously 2708) (alcohol). Locality: Gulf of Georgia [Strait of Georgia], near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. About 40 fathoms (72m). Collector: G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. Family Tedaniidae Tedania fragilis Lambe, 1895. Reference: Hamben L695 6 ple) Lhe Flo 3, 3a-ce SYNTYPE: NMCIC1900-2816 (previously 2714) (alcohol). Locality: Amaknak Island, Alaska, USA. Found on beach. Collector: W.H. Dall, 1871. Remarks: In his original description Lambe (1895, p. 116) reported that this species was represented by a single specimen but he later lists the type localities as Amaknak Island, Alaska (Dall collector) and Sooke, Vancouver Island (Macoun collector). Gift from the USNM. Family Tetillidae Craniella spinosa Lambe, 1894. Reference: Lambe, 1894:35-36, pl. IV, fig. 1, la-f. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2882 (previously 2684, 2683) (alcohol, dry). Locality: Gulf of Georgia [Strait of Georgia], near Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. About 40 fathoms (72 m). Collector: G.M. Dawson, 24 June 1885. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2814 (previously 2690) (alcohol, slide). Locality: Elk Bay, Discovery Passage, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 20-25 fathoms (36-45m). Collector: G.M. Dawson, 23 July 1885. Remarks: Referred to Tetilla spinosa (Lambe, 1894). 26 Craniella villosa Lambe, 1894. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: limbs, ISAs sys—s'5)5 jolla JOUE, to il, lei? NMCIC1900-2815 (previously 2694) (alcohol, slide). Houston Stewart Channel, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. G.M. Dawson, 1879. Referred to Tetilla villosa (Lambe, 1894). Phylum CNIDARIA Class Hydrozoa Family names follow the authors of the species listed below. Family Bythotiaridae Eumedusa similis Bigelow, 1920. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Bigelow, IPO 79 pi Il sel A joke It, sale I An NMCIC1900-2899 (previously 26) (alcohol). Collinson Point, Alaska, USA. Under ice in 1 fathom (1.8 m). F. Johansen, 7 October 1913. Family Corynidae Sarsia viridis Brinckmann-Voss, 1980. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Brinckmann-Voss, 1980:1-4, fig. 1, 2. NMCIC1980-0036 (formalin). Male. Sooke Harbour, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. From surface water. A. Brinckmann-Voss, 9 May 1979. NMCIC1980-0037 (formalin). Female. Brentwood Bay, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. From surface water. A. Brinckmann-Voss, 13 May 1976. AAT Family Pandeidae Amphinema platyhedos Arai and Brinckmann-Voss, 1983. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Leuckartiara Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Arai and Brinckmann-Voss, 1983:2179, fig. 1-3. NMCIC1983-0299 (formalin). Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, 49°18.7'N, 123055, 2!V. J. Mason, 12 May 1981. NMCIC1983-0300 (formalin). Burke Channel, British Columbia, Canada, 52°13.0'N, 127025, G. Gardner, 22 October 1978. foersteri Arai and Brinckmann-Voss, 1980. Arai and Brinckman-Voss, 1980:1491-1493, fig. 1-3. NMCIC1980-0034 (formalin). Female. Brentwood Bay, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. From surface water. A. Brinckmann-Voss, 18 July 1974. NMCIC1980-0035 (formalin). Male. From surface water. Stuart Channel, British Columbia, Canada. P. Evans, 10 July 1974. Pelagiana trichodesmiae Borstad and Brinckmann-Voss, 1979. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: 28 Borstad and Brinckmann-Voss, 1979:1232-1237, fig. 1-3. NMCIC1979-0417 (slide). Off Bellairs Research Station, Barbados. From surface plankton. G. Borstad, June 1976. Medusa liberated from hydroid in laboratory. NMCIC1979-0418 (formalin). Off Belairs Research Station, Barbados. From surface plankton. G. Borstad, 20 May 1975. The holotype is also the type of the genus. Class Anthozoa Family names follow Verrill (1922) and Carlgren (1949). Family Actiniidae Aulactinia incubans Dunn, Chia and Levine, 1980. Reference: Dunn, Chia and Levine, 1980:2072-2077, fig. 1-7. PARATYPES: NMCIC1980-0141a-e (formalin, 4 slides). Locality: Grandmother's Cove, San Juan Island, Washington, USA. Intertidal. Collector: D.F. Dunn, 6 August 1979, Family Haloclavidae Bicidiopsis arctica Verrill, 1922. Reference: Verrill, 1922b:127-128, pl. XXV, fig. I-Ik, pl. XXVI, fig. 8, text fig. 16. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1900-2904 (previously 54) (alcohol). Locality: Richmond Gulf [Lac Guillaume-Delisle], east side of Hudson Bay, Quebec, Canada. 15-20 fathoms (27-36m). Collector: A.P. Low, June 1899. Remarks: Original label was “Bicidiopsis borealis Ver." Referred to Peachia (Bicidium) parasitica Agassiz, 1859, see Carlgen 1949, p. 32. Family Hormathiidae Actinauge borealis Verrill, 1922. Reference: Verrill, 1922b:98-99, pl. XXIV, fig. l-1h. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2902 (previously 57) (alcohol). Locality: Richmond Gulf [Lac Guillaume-Delisle], east side of Hudson Bay, Quebec, Canada. 25 fathoms (45m). Collector: obtained from Eskimoes by F. Johansen, 24 August 1920. Remarks: Referred to Hormathia (Actinia) nodosa Fabricius, 1780, see Carlgren 1949, p. 93. Actinauge rugosa Verrill, 1922. Reference: Verre I ee Os Tila EX healers 2 03 jolla BOG, Flo. We 29 pl. XXVEL, fig. 1, text fig. 14. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2900 (previously 24) (alcohol). Locality: Richmond Gulf [Lac Guillaume-Delisle], about 3 miles (4.8 km) from the entrance. Stones, sand, red algae. Collector: F. Johansen, 23 August 1920. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2901 (previously 55) (alcohol). Locality: Richmond Gulf [Lac Guillaume-Delisle], Hudson Bay, Quebec, Canada. 15-25 fathoms (27-45m). Collector: A.P. Low, June 1899. Remarks: Referred to Hormathia (Actinia) nodosa Fabricius, 1780, see Carlgren 1949, p. 93. Paraphelliactis pabista Dunn, 1983. Reference: Dunn, 1983:51-56, fig. 1-6. HOLOTYPE : NMCIC1982-0038 (alcohol). NMCIC1982-0039a, b (2 slides). NMCIC1982-0040a, b (2 slides). Locality: British Columbia, Canada, 51943'N, 131913.5'W. Station 65-46, 1000 fathoms (1829m). Collector: Pacific Biological Station, 5 August 1965. PARATYPES: NMCIC1982-0041 (alcohol). Locality: British Columbia, Canada, 50054,5'N, 130006'W. Station 63-213, 1200 fathoms (2195m). Collector: D.B. Quayle, F.R. Bernard, 11 September 1964. Family Nephthyidae Gersemia canadensis Verrill, 1922. Reference: Verrill, 1927472021 plis *L “figs 22d, pl. "PLY fig. Sa-t"; ple PTT AE ton SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2905 (previously 53, 62, 65) (alcohol). Locality: Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Cheticamp, Nova Scotia, Canada. 30 fathoms (54m). 30 Collector: F. Johansen, 4 September 1917. Remarks: Station 31 of 'Prince'. Family Virgularidae Stylatula columbiana Verrill, 1922. Reference: Vas) 222 Es IL, sie Wein HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2903 (previously 56) (alcohol). Locality: Ucluelet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 13 fathoms (23m). Collector: C.H. Young, June 1909. Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES Class Turbellaria Family name follows Ball (1973). Family Procerodidae Sabussowia wilhelmii Ball, 1973. Reference: Ball, 1973:390-391, fig. l. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2833 (previously 203) (2 slides, sagittal sections). Locality: Pisquid River, Queen's County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Algal fronds in brackish water. Collector: eRe Balai 22 Tu 969 Phylum RHYNCHOCOELA Class Enopla Family name follows Gibson (1972). Family Tetrastemmatidae Prostoma canadiensis Gibson and Moore, 1978. Reference: Gibson and Moore, 1978:80-84, fig. 1-6. PARATYPE: NMCIC1977-0345 (4 slides). Locality: Parry Sound, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada. Muddy deposits. Collector: L. Hare, May 1971. Sil PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: NMCIC1977-0346 (6 slides). Parry Sound, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada. Muddy deposits. Le Hare, May 1977. Phylum ROTIFERA Family names follow Chengalath (1978, and personal communication). Family Brachionidae Notholca kostei Chengalath, 1978. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Chengalath, 1978:363-364, fig. 1-6. NMCIC1900-2840 (previously 3805) (slide). NMCIC1900-2841 (previously 3806) (slide). NMCIC1900-2842 (previously 3807) (slide). Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada. K. Patalas, 6 July 1968. Notholca laurentia Stemberger, 1976. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Stemberger, 1976:2815, fig. 1A-F, 2. NMCIC1900-2839 (previously 3803) (slide). NMCIC1900-2844 (previously 3804) (formalin). Lake Huron, 44°10'N, 83°05'W. 20m. R.S. Stemberger, 5 June 1974. Notholca michiganensis Stemberger, 1976. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Stemberger, 1976:2816-2817, fig. 1G-I, 2. NMCIC1900-2838 (previously 3801) (slide). NMCIC1900-2843 (previously 3802) (formalin). Burt Lake, Cheboygan Co., Michigan, USA, 45°28'N, 84°40'W. R.S. Stemberger, 5 March 1975. Family Lecanidae Lecane (Monostyla) aliger Nogrady, 1983. Reference: a2 Nogrady, 1983:109-111, fig. 4a, b, c. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1981-0576 (slide). Locality: From three small brackish ponds near the beach and on the golf course of the Hotel West End, Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas. (Latitute 26°40'N). Collector: T. Nogrady, 4 August 1977. Family Proalidae Proales pugio Nogrady, 1983. Reference: Nogrady, 19383 ISA EE To DAS ibs © Gs Gy Fo HOLOTYPE: NMICIC1981-0577 (slide). Locality: Lake Hodges, San Diego County, California, USA. Collector: T. Nogrady, 11 May 1980. Phylum ANNELIDA Class Polychaeta Family names follow Fauchald (1977). Family Ampharetidae Ampharete eupalea Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: Chamberlin, 1920225), pli, Ve. Ele. 67 HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2910 (previously 31) (alcohol). Locality: Canadian Arctic Expedition Station 23, near Icy Cape, Alaska, USA, 70°24'N, 161°25'W. Mud and pebble bottom, no algae, 9-10 fathoms (16-18m). Collector: F. Johansen, 19 August 1913. Remarks: Specimen is in rather poor condition, but based on the structure of the paleae and arrangement of the branchiae, it is probably Ampharete arctica (Sars, 1865). Ampharete johanseni Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: Chamberlin, 1920324, pl. V, fig, 2. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2911 (previously 39) (alcohol). 33 Locality: Collector: Remarks: Canadian Arctic Expedition station 27s, off Collinson Point, Alaska, USA. Mud and gravel bottom with algae, 3 fathoms (5m). F. Johansen, 3 October 1913. Specimen is incomplete posteriorly but shows charactistic enlarged notopodial lobes on the first two abdominal segments, diagnostic of Ampharete vega (Wirén, 1883). Two paratypes in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard (MCZ2193) consist of anterior fragments. Ampharete reducta Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Chamberlin, 1920:24, pl. V, fig. 3, 4. NMCIC1900-2912 (previously 40) (alcohol). Canadian Arctic Expedition station 2/s, off Collinson Point, Alaska, USA. Mud and gravel bottom with algae, 3 fathoms (5m). F. Johansen, 3 October 1913. Specimens are in very poor condition. Shape of paleae and arrangement of branchiae suggest they may belong to Ampharete acutifrons (Grübe, 1860). Family Arabellidae Drilonereis canadensis McIntosh, 1903. Reference: SYNTYPE : Locality: Collector: Remarks: 34 McIntosh, 1903:161-164, pl. 13, fig. 44-46. NMCIC1900-4188 (previously 1280) (alcohol). Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Port Hood, Nova Scotia, Canada. J.F. Whiteaves, 1873. McIntosh notes that this species has similarities to D. longa Webster, 1879, but the width (slightly over 2mm) of the body and the large size of the anterior parapodia suggest it is probably D. magna Webster and Benedict, 1887. The specimen has been dissected by slicing the prostomium and the first six segments in halt at the level of the parapodia and the maxillary apparatus has been removed (see McIntosh 1903:fig. 6). Family Magelonidae Magelona dakini Jones, 1978. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Jones 1978552300 wale, GY-20). NMCIC1978-0291 (alcohol). Northwest portion of Port Philip Bay, off-shore from Werribee, Victoria State, Australia. Sand and silty sand, less than 10m deep. Poore et al, no date. This specimen was formerly Marine Pollution Study Group Catalogue number 4042, then USNM55220. Magelona hartmanae Jones, 1978. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Jones, 1978:350-355, fig. 47-68. NMCIC1978-0290 (alcohol). "Velero' Station 4842-57, off Port Hueneme/Oxnard, California, USA, 34011'10"N, 119915'50"W. Fine olive-green sand, 12./m. ‘Velero' IV, 7 February 1957. Previously USNM55229 Magelona hobsonae Jones, 1978. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Jones, 19/8:344-350, fig. 26-46. NMCIC1978-0289 (alcohol). East shore and central basin, West Point Beach, Puget Sound, Washington, USA, 47939.75'N, 122926.1'W. Sand, low intertidal zone. J.W. Armstrong, September 1974. Previously USNM53326. Family Nephtyidae Nephtys canadensis McIntosh, 1900. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: MeIntosh, 1900:264-265, pl. 7, fig. 1, pl. 8, fig. 4-6. NMCIC1900-5112 (previously 1323) (alcohol). Station Al, off Cape Gaspé and Cap de Rosiers, Gulf of St. 55 Lawrence, Quebec, Canada. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-5113 (previously 1324) (alcohol). Locality: Station 29, Bradelle Bank, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Collector: J.F. Whiteaves, 1873. Remarks: Referred to Nephtys paradoxa Malm, 1874 by Pettibone (1963). Nephtys hudsonica Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: Chanberlin, 19203 10=11% pl. IL, fig. 4-6. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2915 (previously 51) (alcohol). Locality: Richmond Gulf [Lac Guillaume-Delisle], Hudson Bay, Quebec, Canada. 15-25 fathoms (27-45m). Collector: A.P. Low, June 1899. Remarks: Referred to Nephtys ciliata (Müller, 1776) by Hartman (1959). Nephtys lawrencii McIntosh, 1900. Reference: McIntosh, 1900:265-266, pl. 7, fig. 2, pl. 8, fig. 7-8. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-5105 (previously 1315) (alcohol). Locality: Station Al, off Cape Gaspé and Cap de Rosiers, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada. Collector: J.F. Whiteaves, 1872. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-5107 (previously 1317) (alcohol). Locality: Station 29, Bradelle Bank, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-5108 (previously 1318) (alcohol). Locality: Station 105, off Port Hood, Nova Scotia, Canada. Collector: J.F. Whiteaves, 1873. Remarks: Referred to Nephtys incisa Malmgren, 1865 by Pettibone (1963). Family Orbiniidae Protoariciella oligobranchia Hobson, 1976. Reference: Hobson, 976s 590-593), Elia. lh. PARATYPE: NMCIC1900-2913 (previously 41) (alcohol). Locality: Maynard Cove, Victoria Harbour, British Columbia, Canada, 48927.1'N, 123915.9'W. Gravel, intertidal zone. 36 Collector: K.D. Hobson, 21 May 1974. Family Polynoidae Arctonoe lia Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Chamberlin, 1920:6-7, pl. I, fig.) 1-42 pleines NMCIC1900-2914 (previously 27, 28) (alcohol). Canadian Arctic Expedition station 20g, Port Clarence Bay, Alaska, USA. Sandy bottom, 2-3 fathoms (4-6m). F. Johansen, 4 August 1913. The holotype specimen, catalogue number 26, from Grantley Harbour, Alaska, is missing from the collection. The original catalogue entries were made in pencil and later erased and recopied in ink, and the original labels discarded. This subsequent cataloguer appears to have combined the paratype specimens numbered 27 and 28, crossed out these two entries, and reentered them as number 29 with the name “Schizonoe lia". The locality and date agree with those of the paratypes given by Chamberlin (1920). In this paper, he refers to the similarity of A. lia to "S. (sic) fragilis (Baird), a form common on the Pacific coast further south". The name “Schizonoe" appears to be an unpublished manuscript name for the genus Arctonoe. A. lia was referred to A. vittata (Griibe, 1855) by Hartman (1938) based on the paratypes held by the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard. Eupolynoe occidentalis McIntosh, 1874. Reference: HOLOTYPE? : Locality: Collector: Remarks: McIntosh, 1874:264, pl. IX, fig. 8-13. NMCIC1900-6639 (previously 1248) (alcohol). Between Cape Rosier and Cape Gaspé, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. 110 fathoms (200m). J.F. Whiteaves, 1872. McIntosh indicates the existance of only a single specimen: “A fragment of the anterior end." The present specimen agrees with 37 his description: “a large form with comparatively short feet and slender bristles", and with the given locality: “procured at 110 fathoms between Cape Rosier and Cape Gaspé." The species has been referred to Eucrantia villosa Malmgren, 1865 by Pettibone (1963). Minusculisquama hughesi Pettibone, 1983. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Pettibone, 1983:400-406, fig. 1-3. NMCIC1982-0885 (alcohol). NMCIC1982-0886 (alcohol). NMCIC1982-0887 (alcohol). Station 1, St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, 44°932'N, 63°59'W. Silty sand and md, 70m. T.G. Hughes, 28 August 1976. Polynoe gaspeensis McIntosh, 1874. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: McIntosh, 1874:267-268, pl. IX, fig. 14-15, pl. X, fig. 12-13. NMCIC1900-6640 (previously 1247) (alcohol). ?Station 112, off Anticosti Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Dredged 100-212 fathoms (180-400m). J.F. Whiteaves, 1872. Referred to Enipo gracilis (Verrill, 1874) by Pettibone (1963). Family Sabellidae Chone ungavana Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collectors: 38 Chamberlin, 1920:26-27, pl. VI, fig. 1-4. NMCIC1900-8369 (previously 53) (alcohol, slides). King George's Sound, Hudson Strait, Ungava, Northwest Territories, Canada. 40 fathoms (76m). A.P. Low, Captain William Wakeham, 'Diana' Expedition, September 1897. Family Spionidae Anaspio boreus Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Chamberlin, 1920:18-19, pl. IV, fig. 2-4. NMCIC1900-8366 (previously 38) (alcohol, slide). Probably station 270, Collinson Point, Alaska, USA (Chamberlin 1920:19). F. Johansen, ?September 1913. Maciolek (1981) considers this species to be a damaged Prionospio sp. The locality data given by Chamberlin appear to be a guess based on the fact that most of the other spionids he looked at in the Canadian Arctic Expedition material are from this one station. Scolecolepides arctius Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Chanbeclin, 1920-17 =1S) ple Ul, Elle D7) pe Eten NMCIC1900-8368 (previously 36) (2 slides). Canadian Arctic Expedition station 2/0, lagoon at Collinson Point, Alaska, USA. Pelagic under five inches (13cm) of ice over one foot (0.3m) of water. F. Johansen, 20 September 1913. The two slides contain a series of parapodia of the form typical of the genus. The species has been referrred to S. viridis (Verrill, 1873) by Foster (1971), but further research may show these two species to be separable on the basis of the number of setigers bearing branchiae and hooded hooks. The paratype, catalogue number 37, is missing from the collection. Scolelepis (Nerinides) bousfieldi Pettibone, 1963. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Pettibone, 1963b:94-98, fig. 1,2. NMCIC1900-2916 (previously 1103) (alcohol). Station B28, Shediac Island, New Brunswick, Canada, 46015'N, 64932'W. Sand and shells, z fathoms (4m). 39 Collector: E.L. Bousfield, 14 August 1960. Spio mimus Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: Chambemiuinw 192016 pl. Til, fig. 14, HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-8367 (previously 35) (alcohol, slide). Locality: Canadian Arctic Expedition station 270, lagoon off Collinson Point, Alaska, USA. Pelagic under 5 inches (13cm)° of ice over one foot (30cm) of water. Collector: F. Johansen, 20 September 1913. Remarks: Hartman (1959) refers this species to S. filicornis (Miiller, 1776), and Holmquist (1967, p. 305-306) suggests it may be a synonym of Microspio theeli Soderstrom, 1920 but Dr. N. Maciolek (personal communication) considers this to be an error and regards S. mimus as a valid species. Family Spirorbidae Pileolaria (Jugaria) atlantica Knight-Jones, 1978. Reference: Knight-Jones, 1978:227-229, fig. 15. PARATYPES: NMCIC1900-2918 (previously 6147) (alcohol). Locality: Mid-Atlantic ridge, station AZ66-16, 400 miles north of the Azores, 45°12.2'N, 28954.7'W. Depth not recorded. Collectors: J.W. Scoggan, LM. Marhue, 25 August 1966. Remarks: Taken from a specimen of coral, Solenosmilia variabilis Duncan, 1873. Class Oligochaeta Family names follow Reynolds and Cook (1976). Family Acanthodrilidae Diplocardia farmvillensis Gates, 1977. Reference: Gates, 1977:36-37. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1978-0248 (previously JWRC3249) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0250 (previously JWRC3251) (formalin). 40 Locality: 9 miles (14km) south of Durham, Durham Co., North Carolina, USA. Collector: E.V. Komarek, Sr., 14 October 1969. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1978-0249 (previously JWRC3250) (formalin). Locality: Chapel Hill, Orange Co., North Carolina, USA. Collector: E.V. Komarek, Sr., 14 October 1969. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1978-0251 (previously JWRC3252) (formalin). Locality: Pittsboro, Chatham Co., North Carolina, USA. Collector: E.V. Komarek, Sr., 13 October 1969. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1978-0252 (previously JWRC3253) (formalin). Locality: Farmville, Prince Edward Co., Virginia, USA. Collector: E.V. Komarek, Sr., 16 October 1969. Diplocardia nova Gates, 1977. Reference: Gates, 1977:16-17. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1978-0247 (previously JWRC3244) (formalin). Locality: Braggs, Lowndes Co., Alabama, USA. Collector: E.V. Komarek, Sr., 30 September 1969. Diplocardia sylvicola Gates, 1977. Reference: Gates, 1977:14-16. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1978-0253 (previously JWRC3263) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0255 (previously JWRC3265) (formalin). Locality: Crystal Springs, 10 miles (16km) west of Ouachita National Forest, Garland Co., Arkansas, USA. Collector: E.V. Komarek, Sr., 19 April 1970. Eodrilus albus Gates, 1970. Reference: Gates, 1970:26/7-269. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1978-0259 (previously JWRC3387) (formalin). Locality: 15 miles (24km) NW of Gomez Farias, Cueva de la Perra, Perra, Tamaulipas State, Mexico. Altitude 7000 ft (2135m), silty bottom of pool, about 1000 feet (305m) from cave entrance, depth 2-6 inches (5-15.25cm). Collectors: J. Reddell, R. Mitchell, F. Rose, and J. George, 28 January 1968. Plutellus geminatus Gates, 1961. Reference: Gates, 1961:418-419. SYNTYPE : NMCIC1978-0262 (previously JWRC3440) (formalin). Locality: Thazi, Meiktila Division, Burma. Collector: K. John, no date. Plutellus tenuis Gates, 1961. Reference: Gates, 1961:422-423, SYNTYPE : NMCIC1978-0263 (previously JWRC3441) (formalin). Locality: Tharrawaddy Division, Burma. Collector: K. John, no date. Family Enchytraeidae Bryodrilus parvus var. kananaskis Dash, 1970. Reference: Dash, 1970:1434, fig. 17-21. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2862a (previously 3450) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-2862b,c (previously 3451, 3452) (slides). Locality: Kananaskis Valley, Alberta, Canada. Collector: M.C. Dash, date unknown. Cernosvitoviella christenseni Dash, 1970. Reference: Dash, 1970:1433, fig. 14-16. SYNTYPE : NMCIC1900-2857a (previously 3448) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-2857b (previously 342/) (slide). Locality: Kananaskis Valley, Alberta, Canada. Fen soil. Collector: M.C. Dash, date unknown. Enchytraeus cryptosetosus Tynen, 1969. Reference: Tynen, 1969:387-388, fig. 10, 12, 16. SYNTYPES : NMCIC1900-2864a (previously 3403) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-2864b (previously 3404) (52 slides, cross sections). 42 Locality: Collector: Qualicum Bay and Miracle Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. In sand, shingle, decaying vegetation, at the high water mark. M.J. Tynen, September-October 1967, Enchytraeus rupus Coates, 1980. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Coates, 1980:1313-1316, fig. 24a—b, fig. 25-28: NMCIC1979-1583 (slide). Near Port Edward pulp mill, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada, 54°13.9'N, 130917.2'W. Silt, 3.6m above mean sea level. K.A. Coates, 1 September 1976. Fridericia canadensis Dash, 1972. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Dash e972 HS TIGRE SC ome NMCIC1900-2919 (previously 3473) (alcohol). Near Penny Railway Station, bank of Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Forest soil, U-10cm depth. M.C. Dash, date unknown. Fridericia nielseni Dash, 1972. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Dash LO PSS Eto iA NMCIC1900-2920 (previously 3474) (alcohol). Near Penny Railway Station, bank of Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Forest soil, 0-10cm depth. M.C. Dash, date unknown. Lumbricillus belli Tynen, 1969. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: iynents 19695392). Eig. 5) se NMCIC1900-2866a (previously 3411) (4 slides, sagittal sections). NMCIC1900-2866b (previously 3412) (14 slides, cross sections). Miracle Beach and Qualicum Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, 43 Collector: Lumbricillus Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Lumbricillus Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Lumbricillus Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Lumbricillus Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: 44 Canada. Found under washed-up weed in coarse sand, at the high water mark. M.J. Tynen, September-October 1967. curtus Coates, 1981. Coates, 1981:1305-1308, fig. 5-9. NMCIC1980-0238 (slide). Neroutsos Inlet, British Columbia, Canada, 50°28.81'N, 127°34.10'W. Silty sediments, upper intertidal zone. S.F. Cross, 19 June 1978. georgiensis Tynen, 1969. RynenyeLIO9390—S91e fie.) 1-3 NMCIC1900-2865a (previously 3405) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-2865b (previously 3406) (24 slides, cross sections). Miracle Beach and Qualicum Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Found under decaying vegetation in sand, shingle, at the high water mark. M.J. Tynen, September-October 1967. mirabilis yeu 1969. Tynen, 1969:388-390, fig. 9, 14, 18. NMCIC1900-2845a (previously 3407) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-2845b (previously 3408) (34 slides, cross sections). Miracle Beach and Qualicum Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Sand, small pebbles, under decaying vegetation, at the high water mark. M.J. Tynen, September-October 1967. rupertensis Coates, 1981. Coates, 1981:1308-1309, fig. 10-12. NMCIC1980-0236 (slide). NMCIC1980-0237 (slide). Locality: Near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada, 54°13.58'N, 130°18.02'W. Intertidal zone. Collector: C.D. Levings et al, 22-24 August 1974. Lumbricillus tsimpseanis Coates, 1981. Reference: Coates, 1981:1303-1305, fig. 1-4. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1980-2100 (slide). PARATYPE: NMCIC1980-2100a,b,c,d (4 slides). Locality: Near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada, 54914.55'N, 130°16.26'W. Upper intertidal-estuarine zone. Collector: C.D. Levings et al, 22-24 August 1974, PARATYPE: NMCIC1980-0235 (slide). Locality: Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada, 54°12.89'N, 130°17.22'W. In Enteromorpha. Collector: K.A. Coates, 1 September 1976. Lumbricillus vancouverensis Tynen, 1969. Reference: Tynen, 1969:390, fig. 11, 13, 15, 17. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2846a (previously 3409) (5 slides, sagittal sections). NMCIC1900-2846b (previously 3410) (cross sections). Locality: Miracle Beach and Qualicum Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Found under decaying vegetation, in sand, shingle, at the Collector: high water mark. M.J. Tynen, September-October 1967. Marionina canadensis Dash, 1970. Reference: Dash, 1970:1431-1433, fig. 11-13. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2858a (previously 3436) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-2846b,c (previously 3428, 3429) (2 slides). Locality: Kananaskis Valley, Alberta, Canada. Fen and forest soil. Collector: M.C. Dash, date unknown. 45 Marionina charae Tynen, 1970. Reference: Tynen, 1970:1359-1360, fis. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2863a (previously NMCIC1900-2863b (previously NMCIC1900-2863c (previously NMCIC1990-2863d (previously NMCIC1900-2863e (previously NMCIC1900-2863f (previously NMCIC1900-2863g (previously NMCIC1900-2863h (previously ib 3441) 3442) 3443) 3444) 3445) 3446) 3447) 3440) (6 slides, (8 slides, (5 slides, (6 slides, (2 slides, (4 slides, (4 slides, (alcohol). oblique sections). oblique sections). oblique sections). cross sections). oblique sections). oblique sections). oblique sections). Locality: Outflow stream from Char Lake, Cornwallis Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Gravel, stone, 10cm. Collector: Sen obocker,. 22 July 1969. Remarks: Referred to the genus Lumbricillus, see Tynen 1975, p. 7. Marionina charlottensis Coates, 1980. Reference: Coates s 19801310 figs EI HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1979-1601 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCIC1979-1602a,b,c,d (slides). Locality: Ocean Falls, Cousins Inlet, British Columbia, Canada, bol SUN E2743. 5° We Im sand silt, Bangia and Enteromorpha, 4m above mean sea level. Collector: K.A. Coates, 26 February 1977. Marionina craggi Dash, 1970. Reference: Dash, 1970:1433, fig. 22=23. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-2856a (previously 3453) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-2856b,c (previously 3454, 3455) (slides). Locality: Kananaskis Valley, Alberta, Canada. Collector: M.C. Dash, date unknown. Marionina klaskisharum Coates, 1983. Reference: Coates, 1983a:823-825, fig. 46 1-5. HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Marionina Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Marionina Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: NMCIC1982-0774 (slide). NMCIC1982-0775 (slide). Klaskish River estuary, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 50°15.94'N, 127°43,08'W. Sand-silt, wood debris and emergent vegetation. K.A. Coates, 26 July 1976. neroutsensis Coates, 1980. Coates, 1980:1311, fig. 12-16. NMCIC1979-1596 (slide). NMCIC1979-1597 (slide). NMCIC1979-1598a,b,c (3 slides). Near Port Alice, Neroutsos Inlet, British Columbia, Canada, 50931.12'N, 127937.10'W. High water mark. K.A. Coates, 2 May 1978. trevori Coates, 1980. Coates, 1980:1311-1313, fig. 17-22. NMCIC1979-1599 (slide). NMCIC1979-1600 (slide). Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 49991.38'N, 124°26.50'W. Coarse sand, decaying algal debris, 4.8m above mean sea level. K.A. Coates, 10 June 1976. Referred to the genus Stephensoniella, see Coates 1983b, p. 416-418, fig. 3. Marionina vancouverensis Coates, 1980. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Coates, 1980:1307-1310, fig. la—b, figs 2-6. NMCIC1979-1594 (slide). NMCIC1979-1595a,b (2 slides). Tsitika River estuary, British Columbia, Canada, 50°28.92'N, 126034,98'W. Sand, stones, Fucus, 3.0m above mean sea level. 47 Collector: K.A. Coates, 18 July 1976. Mesenchytraeus armatus var. kananaskis Dash, 1970. Reference: Dash, 1970:1433-1434, fig. 17-18. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1900-286la (previously 3437) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-2861b,c,d (previously 3430, 3431, 3432) (3 slides). Locality: Kananaskis Valley, Alberta, Canada. Fen soil. Collector: M.C. Dash, date unknown. Family Glossoscolecidae Andiorrhinus amaparis Righi, 1971. Reference: Righi, 1971:31-34, fig. 46-47. PARATYPE: NMCIC1978-0287 (previously JWRC10959) (formalin). Locality: Banks of the Rio Amapari, Amapa, Serra do Navio, Brazil. Collector: G. Righi, 16 January 1967. Glossoscolex (Assudrilus) sacii Righi, 1971. Reference: Right, 1971-53-55, Fig. 67-69. PARATYPE: NMCIC1978-0374 (previously JWRC10960) (formalin). Locality: Juqiazinho (on label), Juquitiba (in publication), Sâo Paulo, Brazil. Collector: E. Correa, 25 October 1966. Glossoscolex corderoi Righi, 1968. Reference: Righi, 1968b:547-549, fig. 3. PARATYPE: NMCIC1978-0285 (previously JWRC10955) (formalin). Locality: Sâo Manuel, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22944'S, 48934'w. Collector: A. Mantovan, 5 March 1968. Glossoscolex (Glossoscolex) grandis ibirai Righi, 1971. Reference: Righi, 1971:46-48, fig. 60. PARATYPE: NMCIC1978-0284 (previously JWRC10953) (formalin). Locality: Ibira (near Sâo José do Rio Préto), Sâo Paulo, Brazil. 48 Collector: L.D. Vizotto, 26 August 1966. Rhinodrilus alatus Righi, 1971. Reference: PARAT YPES : Locality: Collector: Righi, 1971:10-12, fig. 10-12. NMCIC1978-0282 (previously JWRC10944) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0286 (previously JWRC10958) (formalin). Paraopeba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. G. Righi, 5 September 1967. Family Haplotaxidae Haplotaxis ichthyophagus Gates, 1971. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Gates, 1971:203-212. NMCIC1978-0246 (previously JWRC3224) (formalin). Prairie Creek near Orick, Humboldt Co., California, USA. Eight inches (20.3cm) below gravel surface, under 6 inches (15.2cm) of water. J.C. Briggs, 15 March 1951. Family Lumbriculidae Trichodrilus allegheniensis Cook, 1971. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Corelle, UCvilein S81IESS8 5 setees Ibe NMCIC1900-2850 (previously 3471, 3472) (2 slides, partly dissected) Round Mountain Cave, Franklin Co., Tennessee, USA. Found in rimstone pool. Unknown, 30 July 1967. Family Komarekionidae Komarekiona eatoni Gates, 1974. Reference: SYNTYPES : Locality: Gates, 1974:2-4, 10. NMCIC1978-0256 (previously JWRC3291) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0258 (previously JWRC3293) (formalin). Cornwallis Road, north side, 2.3 miles (3.7km) W of county line, 49 Collectors: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collectors: SYNTYPES : Locality: Collector: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collectors: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collectors: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collectors: SYNTYPE: 50 Orange Co., North Carolina, USA. P.E. Jinright and L.C. Crawford, 11 January 1972. NMCIC1978-0275 (previously JWRC3282) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0276 (previously JWRC3283) (formalin). Durham Co., North Carolina, USA. J.W. Reynolds, C.E. Meadows, D.N. Howell, 19 January 1973. NMCIC1978-0267 (previously JWRC3518) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0268 (previously JWRC3519) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0257 (previously JWRC3292) (formalin). Sinkhole, Cherokee Woodlot, University of Tennessee, Knox Co., Tennessee, USA. E.E.C. Clebsch, 30 March 1971. NMCIC1978-0269 (previously JWRC3520) (formalin). Cherokee Woodlot, University of Tennessee, Knox Co., Tennessee, USA E.E.C. Clebsch, M. Fitzgerald, 31 March 1971. NMCIC1978-0270 (previously JWRC3521) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0271 (previously JWRC3522) (formalin). Sinkhole, Cherokee Woodlot, University of Tennessee, Knox Co., Tennessee, USA. E.E.C. Clebsch, L. Barden, 1 April 1971. NMCIC1978-0273 (previously JWRC3524) (formalin). Woodlot, Cherokee Woodlot, University of Tennessee, Knox Co., Tennessee, USA. E.E.C. Clebsch, 4 April 1972. NMCIC1978-0274 (previously JWRC3525) (formalin). Woodlot, Cherokee Woodlot, University of Tennessee, Knox Co., Tennessee, USA. J.W. Reynolds, E.E.C. Clebsch, 1 November 1972. NMCIC1978-0266 (previously JWRC3517) (formalin). Locality: Collectors: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collectors: Remarks: Jamestown, 10.4 miles (16.6km) W on route 52, Fentress Co., Tennessee, USA. J.W. Reynolds, T.C. Matthews, 18 March 1971. NMCIC1978-0272 (previously JWRC3523) (formalin). Route 32, 6.4 miles (10.2km) N of Tennessee/North Carolina line, Cocke Co., Tennessee, USA. J.W. Reynolds, C.E. Meadows, 3 April 1972. Gates (1974) states that “All Tennessee specimens collected by J.W. Reynolds.” The other names noted above are from information supplied by Dr. Reynolds. Family Naididae Homochaeta raptisae Chapman, 1981. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collectors: Remarks: Chapman, 1981:455-457, fig. la-c. NMCIC1980-1527 (alcohol). NMCIC1980-1528 (slide). Tilbury Slough area, lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada, 49008.9'N, 122959.0'W. Subtidal, silty sediments. Staff members, Fisheries and Oceans, 26 April 1977. Holotype in the British Museum (Natural History). Referred to the genus Amphichaeta, see Brinkhurst and Kathman 1983, ps 2308-2309). Family Ocnerodrilidae Eukerria asilis Righi, 1968. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Righi, 1968a:180-182, fig. 1-5. NMCIC1978-0278 (previously JWRC10929) (formalin). Marajo Island, near Cachocira do Arari, Brazil. Very moist, periodically flooded riverbank. G. Righi, 11 June 1966. oi Gordiodrilus marcusi Righi, 1968. Reference: Righi, 1968b:545-546, fig. 1-2. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1978-0277 (previously JWRC10921) (formalin). Locality: Anhembi, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22948'S, 48°07'W. Collectors: V.P. Silva, V.C. Jesus, and J. Jim, 23 March 1968. Family Octochaetidae Dichogaster lineri Righi, 1972. Reference: Rte A/a Vale) nes Weg wl LS We SYNTYPE: NMCIC1978-0279 (previously JWRC10931) (formalin). Locality: Border, (18km S Tonatico), Rancho El Mogate, Province of Guerrero, Mexico. Collectors: E.A. Liner and L.D. Wilson, 20 July 1966. Ramiellona wilsoni Righi, 1972. Reference: Richi,-1972:2192222 "Fi. 18-220 SYNTYPE: NMCIC1978-0280 (previously JWRC10932) (formalin). Locality: Llano de las Flores (25km N of Ixtlan de Juarez), Oaxaco Province, Mexico. Collectors: E.A. Liner and C.D. Wilson, 12 July 1966. Trigaster albida Gates, 1973. Reference: Gates, 1973:22-24. SYNTYPES: NMCIC1978-0264 (previously JWRC3510) (formalin). NMCIC1978-0265 (previously JWRC3511) (formalin). Locality: Sotano de Anticlino, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Collector: T. Raines per J. Reddell, September 1971. Family Spargonophilidae Sparganophilus tennesseensis Reynolds, 1977. Reference: Reynolds, 1977:63. 52 HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: NMCIC1978-0375 (previously JWRC11225) (formalin). Ringgold Road (Route 151), 3.2km N of Georgia state line, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, USA. J.W. Reynolds, 31 May 1971. Family Tubificidae Bacescuella labeosa Baker and Erséus, 1982. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Baker and Erséus, 1982:1951-1953, fig. 1, 2a-c. NMCIC1981-0688 (slide, sagittal sections). NMCIC1981-0689 (slide). NMCIC1981-0690 (slide). NMCIC1981-0691 (slide). Beach below Sheringham Point lighthouse, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 48922.66'N, 123955.05'W. Silty coarse sand, rocks, freshwater seepage present, mid intertidal zone. H.R. Baker, 4 October 1979. Bathydrilus litoreus Baker, 1983. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collectors: Baker, 1983b:2162-2164, fig. la-c, 2a. NMCIC1983-0206 (slide). NMCIC1983-0207 (slide). NMCIC1983-0208 (slide). NMCIC1983-0209 (slide). Sperm Bay, Flamingo Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada, 52°13.2'N, 131°20.6'W. At upper edge of Zostera marina, silty sand sediment with shell debris, low intertidal zone. H.R. Baker and K.A. Coates, 17 May 1980. Bathydrilus torosus Baker, 1983. Reference: Baker, 1983b:2164-2165, fig. 2b, 3a-c. 53 HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1983-0210 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCIC1983-0211 (slide). NMCIC1983-0212 (slide). Locality: Botanical Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 48931.5'N, 124926.1'W. Medium coarse sand with silt and organic debris, in Zostera marina bed in surge channel, low intertidal zone. Collectors: H.R. Baker and K.A. Coates, 26 May 1982. Limnodriloides barnardi Cook, 1974. Reference: Cook, 1974:134-135, fig. 5a-c. PARATYPE: NMCIC1900-2855 (previously 3480) (slide). Locality: Station SQ2, Bahia de San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, 30°30'N, 116°W. Dark grey clay, less than 2m. Collectors: J.L. Barnard et al, April 1960. Remarks: Referred to Limnodriloides winckelmanni Michaelsen, 1914, see Jamieson 1977,p. 336-338. Limnodriloides monothecus Cook, 1974. Reference: Cook 1 9/42131—132 fig. Jar PARATYPE: NMCIC1900-2853 (previously 3478) (slide). Locality: Station SQ9, Bahia de San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, 30030'N, 116°W. Black sandy silt and clay, less than 2m. Collectors: J.L. Barnard et al, 22 April 1960. Limnodriloides verrucosus Cook, 1974. Reference: Cook, 1974:132-134, fig. 4a-e. PARATYPE: NMCIC1900-2852 (previously 3476) (slide). Locality: Station SQ54, Bahia de San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, 30930'N, 116°W. Gray silty fine sand, less than 2m. Collectors: J.L. Barnard et al, 24 April 1960. 54 Limnodriloides victoriensis Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES : Locality: Collector: Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979:1564, fig. 12. NMCIC1979-0016 (slide). NMCIC1979-0017a,b (slides, alcohol). NMCIC1979-0018a,b (2 slides). West Bay, Victoria Harbour, British Columbia, Canada, 489N, 12397, H.R. Baker, 6 February 1978. Monopylephorus cuticulatus Baker and Brinkhurst, 1981. Reference: PARATYPES : Locality: Collector: Baker and Brinkhurst, 1981:950-951, fig. 5c, 8. NMCIC1980-1502a,b,c (3 slides). Port Alice, British Columbia, Canada. Shale, coarse sand, Enteromorpha on rocks, high intertidal zone. K. Coates, 13 June 1976. Monopylephorus evertus Baker and Brinkhurst, 1981. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Baker and Brinkhurst, 1981:946-947, fig. 3. NMCIC1980-1501a,b,c (3 slides). Prime Hook Creek near junction with Broadkill River, Lewes, Delaware, USA, 38°948.6'N, 75°11.5'W. Fine grain reducing sediments, intertidal zone. G. Burbanck, 1979. Monopylephorus longisetosus Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979:1562, fig. 11. NMCIC1979-0019 (slide). NMCIC1979-0020a,b,c (3 slides). NMCIC1979-0021a,b,c (slides, alcohol). Ocean Falls, British Columbia, Canada. K. Coates, 26 February 1977. 55 Remarks: Nootkadrilus Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collectors: Remarks: Nootkadrilus Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Nootkadrilus Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES : 56 Referred to the genus Discordiprostatus, see Baker 1982a, p. 2497-2499. M. longisetosus is the type species for the new genus Discordiprostatus Baker, 1982. compressus Baker, 1982. Baker, 1982a:2488-2490, fig. 2, 3a. NMCIC1982-0559 (slide). NMCIC1982-0560 (slide). West side of Sechelt Inlet, British Columbia, Canada, 49°40.4'N 123°51.7'W. Coarse sand with organics between rocks, mid intertidal zone. H.R. Baker and K.A. Coates, 25 March 1980. N. compressus is the type species for the new genus Nootkadrilus, Baker 1982. gracilisetosus Baker, 1982. Baker, 1982a:2494-2495, fig. 3, 8. NMCIC1982-0551 (slide). NMCIC1982-0552 (slide). NMCIC1982-0553 (slide). NMCIC1982-0554 (slide). NMCIC1982-0555 (slide). Near mouth of Grapper Inlet, Bamfield, British Columbia, Canada, 48°50.2'N, 125°07.85'W. Sand under cobble with organic debris, and freshwater seepage, high intertidal zone. H.R. Baker, 3 November 1979. grandisetosus Baker, 1982. Baker, 1982a:2493-2494, fig. 3d, 7a-b. NMCIC1982-0556 (slide). NMCIC1982-0557 (slide). NMCIC1982-0558 (slide). Locality: Collector: Nootkadrilus Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collectors: Nootkadrilus Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collectors: Phallodrilus Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: South tip of Smith Island, Skeena River estuary, British Columbia, Canada, 56°906.88'N, 130914.45'W. Sand, silt, wood chips in humic creek, mid intertidal zone. HOR. Baker, 29 July 1979), hamatus Baker, 1982. Baker, 1982a:2491-2492, fig. 3c, 6a-b. NMCIC1982-0545 (slide). NMCIC1982-0546 (slide). NMCIC1982-0547 (slide). NMCIC1982-0548 (slide). NMCIC1982-0549 (slide). NMCIC1982-0550 (slide). Kitgoro Inlet, west coast of Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada, 53004,3'N, 132°930.2'W. Coarse sand, wood, organic debris, Fucus, mid intertidal zone. H.R. Baker and K.A. Coates, 15 May 1980. verutus Baker, 1982. Baker, 1982a:2490-2491, fig. 3b, 4-5. NMCIC1982-0543 (slide). NMCIC1982-0544 (slide). Southeast side of Texada Island, British Columbia, Canada, 49933.63'N, 124°10.8'W. Gravel, fine sediments, freshwater seepage. H.R. Baker and K.A. Coates, 24 March 1981. hallae Cook and Hiltunen, 1975. Cook and Hiltunen, 1975:936-937, fig. la-f. NMCIC1900-2859 (previously 4404) (slide). Station 41S, Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada, 48°10.0'N, 87°08.1'W. 197m. 57 PARATYPE: NMCIC1900-2860 (previously 4405) (slide). Locality: Station 36Y, Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada, 48036,9'N, 87048,0'W. 150m. Collector: B. Riddell, 10-12 May 1973. Phallodrilus parviatriatus Cook, 1971. Reference: Cook, 19/1b:204-207, fig. La-g. PARATYPE: NMCIC1900-2847 (previously 3413) (slide, dissected). Locality: Systematics-Ecology Program Station 1412-E4, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts, USA, 41954.0'N, 70°08.6'W. 17.1m. Collector: Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 11 June 1968. Phallodrilus tempestatis Baker, 1981. Reference: Baker, 1981:1475-1477, fig. la-c, 2. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1981-0019 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCIC1981-0020a,b,c (3 slides). NMCIC1981-0021a,b (2 slides). Locality: Southeast side of McInnes Island, British Columbia, Canada, 52915.7'N, 128943.3'W. Crevice in rock with shell sand under rocks, organic material and freshwater seepage, mid intertidal zone. Collector: H.R. Baker, 19 May 1980. Thalassodrilides milleri Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979. Reference: Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979:1565, fig. 13. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1979-0033 (slide, dissected). PARATYPES : NMCIC1979-0034 (slide). NMCIC1979-0035 (alcohol). Locality: Marker 55, Old Landing, Indian River Bay, Delaware, USA. Lagoon with seawater. Collector: P. Miller, 7 July 1978. 58 Thalassodrilus belli Cook, 1974. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collectors: Cook, S742 9 toe Zale NMCIC1900-2854 (previously 3479) (slide). Station SQ5, Bahia de San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico. 30030'N, 116°W. Dark grey silt, less than 2m. J.L. Barnard et al, 22 April 1960. Tubifex newfei Pickavance and Cook, 1971. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Pickavance and Cook, 1971:249-250, fig. la-c. NMCIC1900-2848 (previously 3456) (slide). NMCIC1900-2849 (previously 3457, 3458) (2 slides). King's Bridge Road bridge, Rennies River, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Mud, silt between stones, 0.3m. J.R. Pickavance, 1 July 1969. Tubifex postcapillatus Cook, 1974. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collectors: Remarks: Tubificoides Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Cook 1974127178 Eee la NMCIC1900-2851 (previously 3475) (slide). Station SQL, Bahia de San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, 30930'N, 116°W. Gray clay, less than 2m. J.L. Barnard et al, 22 April 1960. Referred to Tubificoides postcapillatus (Cook, 1974), see Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979, p. 1559. brevicoleus Baker, 1983. Baker, 1983a:1272-1273, fig. lc-e, 3d, 4. NMCIC1982-1128 (slide). NMCIC1982-1129 (slide). NMCIC1982-1130 (slide). North tip of Luke Island, Fisher Channel, British Columbia, Canada, 52°06.6'N, 127°52.5'W. In Fucus zone with shell sand, low intertidal zone, reducing below 2cm. 59 Collectors: Tubificoides Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Tubificoides Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Tubificoides Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: 60 H.R. Baker and K.A Coates, 21 August 1981. brownae Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979. Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979:1557, fig. 3. NMCIC1979-0029 (slide). NMCIC1979-0030a,b,c (slides). Coast Guard Harbor, Indian River Bay, Delaware, USA. B. Brown, 7 July 1978. coatesae Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979. Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979:1558, fig. 6. NMCIC1979-0022 (slide). NMCIC1979-0023a,b,c,d (slides). NMCIC1979-0024a,b,c,d (slides). North tip of Willy Island, Chemainus, British Columbia, Canada. K. Coates, 1-3 May 1978. The published date of collection of T. coatesae is 1976 whereas the date accompanying the type specimens is 1978. crenacoleus Baker, 1983. Berer, 190992:1779-1281;, fig, li-j, 31, 8, 9. NMCIC1982-1141 (slide). NMCIC1982-1142 (slide). At mouth of Coldville River, Beaufort Sea, Alaska, USA, 70°30.0'N, 150°09.3'W. Fine sandy silt bottom, 3.5m. J.R. Cordwell, 26 August 1976. The published date of collection of T. crenacoleus is 25 August 1976, whereas the date accompanying the paratype specimens is 26 August 1976. Tubificoides Ref erence: PARATYPES : Locality: Collector: Tubificoides Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Tubificoides Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Tubificoides Reference: PARATYPES: cuspisetosus Baker, 1983. BE IESG IA/OANLT/7/, wiles Ile, 31, Oc NMCIC1982-1133 (slide). NMCIC1982-1134 (slide). Oliktok Point, Beaufort Sea, Alaska, USA, 70930.9'N, 150°01.9'W. Muddy sediment with decaying tundra vegetation, 3m. A.C. Broad, 14 September 1978. diazi Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979. Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979:1557, fig. 2. NMCIC1979-0027 (slide). Bureau of Land Management oil lease tract C410, offshore New Jersey, USA, 39°15.2"N, 74°07.9'W. Silt, clay. 34m. NMCIC1979-0028a,b,c (3 slides). As above plus Bureau of Land Management oil lease tract E310, offshore New Jersey, USA, 38941.3'N, 73°32.4'W. 63m. R.J. Diaz, November 1975. foliatus Baker, 1983. Baker, 1983a:1274-1276, fig. 1f, 3g, 5a-c. NMCIC1982-1131 (slide). NMCIC1982-1132 (slide). Limekiln Cove, Esquimalt Harbour, Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada, 48927.2'N, 123927.6'W. Very silty shell debris- sand mixture with freshwater seepage, mid intertidal. H.R. Baker, 8 August 1979. Formerly Peloscolex gabriellae Marcus, 1950, see Baker 1983a, kozloffi Baker, 1983. Baker, 1983a:1271-1272, fig. Lab, 2, 3a. NMCIC1982-1126 (slide). 61 NMCIC1982-1127 (slide). Locality: On Point Caution just north of Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory, San Juan Island, Washington, USA, 48°33.6'N, 123°00.7'W. Rock crevice, very muddy sand with freshwater seepage, high tide line. Collector: H.R. Baker, 15 July 1982. Tubificoides maureri Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979. Reference: Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979:1557-1558, fig. 4. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1979-0025 (slide). Locality: Indian River Bay, Delaware, USA. Collector: R.O. Brinkhurst, 7 July 1978. PARATYPE: NMCIC1979-0026a,b (2 slides). Locality: Duke Marine Laboratory Collection, Beaufort, North Carolina, USA. Collector: J.H. Day, April 1965. Tubificoides palacoleus Baker, 1983. Reference: Baker, L983aei277=127950 fig... Ma, 32, 7. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1982-1135 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCIC1982-1136 (slide). NMCIC1982-1137 (slide). NMCIC1982-1138 (slide). NMCIC1982-1139 (slide). NMCIC1982-1140 (slide). Loca’ity: Frobisher Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada, 63°18.6'N, 68°06.2'W. 48m. Collector: J.W. Wacasey, 28 July 1967. Remarks: All specimens incomplete, at most 34 segments, only 3 mature. Tubificoides wasselli Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979. Reference: Brinkhurst and Baker, 1979:1556, fig. 1. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1979-0031 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCIC1979-0032a,b,c,d (4 slides). 62 Locality: Collector: NMCIC1979-0036 (alcohol). White House Point, Indian River Bay, Delaware, USA. J. Wassell, 7 July 1978. Vadicola aprostatus Baker, 1982. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Baker, 1982b:3233-3234, fig. la-c, 2. NMCIC1982-1481 (slide). NMCIC1982-1482 (slide). NMCIC1982-1483 (slide). NMCIC1982-1484 (slide). NMCIC1982-1485a,b,c,d,e (5 slides, oblique sections). Beach below Sheringham Point lighthouse, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 48°922.6'N, 123°55.05'W. Silty coarse sand, rocks, freshwater seepage present, mid intertidal. H.R. Baker, 4 October 1979. V. aprostatus is the type species for the new genus Vadicola, see Baker 1982b, p. 3232. Phylum POGONOPHORA Family names follow Southward (1969). Family Lamellisabellidae Lamellisabella coronata Southward, 1969. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Southward, 1969:400-402, fig. 3A-D, 4A-N. NMCIC1900-2908 (previously 4501) (alcohol). Off the northwest coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 50°32'N, 129°00'W. 1030 fathoms (1854m). D.B. Quayle, 3 August 1965. Family Siboglinidae Siboglinum vancouverensis Southward, 1969. Reference: Southward, 1969:396-399, fig. 2A-L. 63 64 PARATYPE : Locality: Collector: NMCIC1900-2909 (previously 4502) (alcohol). Off the northwest coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 50°33'N, 129°29'W. 1000 fathoms (1800m). D.B. Quayle, 10 September 1964. Phylum SIPUNCULA Family name follows Stephen and Edmonds (1972). Family Golfingiidae Phascolosoma hudsonianum Chamberlin, 1920. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Chamberlin, 1920b:3-4, fig. 1-4. NMCIC1900-2906 (previously 101) (alcohol). Fort Churchill, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada. J.M. Macoun, October 1910. Referred to Golfingia (Golfingia) muricaudata (Southern, 1913), see Cutler and Murina, 1977. Phylum TARDIGRADA Family name follows Argue (1972). Family Macrobiotidae Hypsibius (Diphascon) pinguis Marcus, 1936 var. brunvicensis Argue, 1972. Reference: NEW VARIETY: Locality: Collector: NEW VARIETY: Locality: Argue, 1972:92-93, fig. 21-24. NMCIC1900-6790 (previously 26321) (alcohol). NMCIC1900-6791a,b (previously 26331) (2 slides). NMCIC19U0-6792a,b,c,d (previously 26331) (4 slides). NMCIC1900-6793a,b (previously 26331) (2 slides). NMCIC1900-6794 (previously 26331) (1 slide). Ripples, New Brunswick, Canada, 46°00'N, 66013'W. C.W. Argue, 19-24 June 1969. NMCIC1900-6795 (previously 26331) (1 slide). Florenceville, New Brunswick, Canada, 46027'N, 67938'W. Collector: C.W. Argue, 18 June 1969. Phylum BRYOZOA Order Cheilostomata Family names follow Powell (1967b, 1968a) and Gosner (1971). Family Calloporidae Amphiblestrum osburni Powell, 1968. Reference: Powell ey 19684252525 pilien 2 Etc HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-4150 (previously 23) (slide). Locality: 6 1/2 miles (10.5km) off Gulliver's Cove, Digby Neck, Nova Scotia, Canada. 50 fathoms (90m). Collector: N.A. Powell, September 1965. PARATYPE: NMCIC1900-2924 (previously 24) (slide, alcohol). Locality: Bay of Fundy, Canada. 50 fathoms (90m). Collector: N.A. Powell, September 1965. Remarks: On Placopecten magellanicus. Other paratypes in the USNM (USNM numbers 11908, 11909, 11910). Family Cribrilinidae Figularia quaylei Powell, 1967. Reference: Powell, 1967b:2003-2004, fig. 1. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2923 (previously 754) (slide). PARATYPE: NMCIC1900-2922 (previously 755) (dry). Locality: Chelan Bank, north of Cape Cheerful, Unalaska Island, Alaska, USA, 54°O3"N5 91166°38 "Wa o9lm. Collector: D.B. Quayle, 1966 (19657). Family Reteporidae Drepanophora birbira Powell, 1967. Reference: Powell, 196/7a:173-174, text fig. 2. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2925 (previously 25) (slide). 65 Locality: South of Madote Island, southern Red Sea. 10-20 fathoms (18-36m). Collector: N.A. Powell, April 1965. Family Stomachetosellidae Stomachetosella hincksi Powell, 1968. Reference: Powell, 1968b:2297-2298, pl. VI, fig. a. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2926 (previously 756) (slide). Locality: Strait of Belle Isle, Newfoundland, Canada. 64m. Collector: 'Calanus' Expedition, 1965. Phylum ECHINODERMATA Class Stelleroidea Subclass Asteroidea Family names follow D'yakonov (1950). Family Asteriidae Asterias (Urasterias) forcipulata Verrill, 1909. Reference: Verrill, 1909a:67. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2941 (previously 1989) (dry). Locality: Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 18 fathoms (32m). Collector: C.H. Young, 1908. Remarks: Referred to Stylasterias forreri (deLoriol, 1887), see Fisher WA, jo Vos Single ray only. Asterias nanimensis Verrill, 1914. Reference: Verrill, 1914:105-106, pl. LXI, fig. 1-1b. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2930 (previously 1988) (dry). Locality: Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 25 fathoms (45m). Collector: C.H. Young, 1909. Remarks: Referred to Lethasterias nanimensis (Verrill, 1914), see Fisher 1928, p. 131. 66 Evasterias troschelii var. alveolata Verrill, 1914. Reference: Verre 9162 MDI MOLL, ester, IL. HOLOTYPE: NMCIC1900-2932 (previously 1984) (dry). Locality: Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: Geological Survey of Canada, 1908. Remarks: Referred to Evasterias troschelii (Stimpson, 1862), see D'yakonov 1950, p. 114. Evasterias troschelii var. rudis Verrill, 1914. Reference: Verrill, 1914:158-161. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1900-2942 (previously 2043) (dry). Locality: ? Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: ? Geological Survey of Canada. Remarks: Referred to Evasterias troschelii (Stimpson, 1862), see D'yakonov 1950, p. 114. There are no locality or collector data with this specimen. Evasterias troschelii var. subnodosa Verrill, 1914. Reference: Verrill, 1914:163. SYNTYPE: NMCIC1900-2937 (previously 2042) (dry). Locality: Unknown. Collector: Unknown. Remarks: Referred to Evasterias troschelii (Stimpson, 1862), see D'yakonov 1950, p. 114. There are no locality or collector data with the specimens. Leptasterias epichlora alaskensis Verrill, 1914. Reference: Vence TON 186-137, pl XVI Er (0, pl XXVITINMET SNL 07, pile LEX NET E lEld #27 SYNTYPE: NMCIC1900-2927 (previously 2068) (dry). Locality: Queen Charlotte Sound, British Columbia, Canada. Low tide. Collector: G.M. Dawson, 1885. Remarks: Referred to Leptasterias alaskensis (Verrill, 1914), see Fisher 1930, p. 124. 67 Leptasterias Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Leptasterias Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Orthasterias Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Orthasterias Reterence: PARATYPES: Locality: 68 epichlora var. plena Verrill, 1914. VÉRINS OT ES DIEU eee text fig. 10€ NMCIC1900-2929 (previously 1986) (dry). Sooke or Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. J. Macoun, 1893. Referred to Leptasterias hexactis forma plena Verrill, 1914, see Fisher 1930, p. 113. macouni Verrill, 1914. Verre 1914:127=125" NMCIC1900-2940 (previously 2041) (dry). Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Rocks at low tide. J. Macoun, 1909. Referred to Evasterias troschelii (Stimpson, 1862), see D'yakonov 1950, p. 114. biordinata Verrill, 1914. Verrill, 1914:173-174, pl. LXIII, fig. 1, 2, pl. LXXXII, fig. 2-2b. NMCIC1900-2931 (previously 1985) (dry). Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. C.H. Young, 1909. Referred to Orthasterias koehleri forma biordinata (Verrill, 1914), see Fisher 1928, p. 146. columbiana Verrill, 1914. Verri LES T1994 2168-173, (pl. XXIV} figs 1) 12; 4, pls XXXV, PARLE jobs MQ, eatery YA jolly ME VIEDI ET Abily Sole 16).0.d0.¢- Hp Bis, jolle (IDG, Eire 2-2pbe NMCIC1900-2936 (previously 2039) (dry). Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, or Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: Remarks: Orthasterias Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Orthasterias Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Geological Survey of Canada, 1378 or 1908. Referred to Orthasterias koehleri forma koehleri (deLoriol, 1897), see Fisher 1928, p. 145. There are no data with the specimens. dawsoni Verrill, 1914. Verrill, 1914:175-176, pl. KXDEL, tie. 1422.0 plein fig. 2-2b, pl. LXXX, fig. 2a-¢, pl. XXE, Flore 33e NMCIC1900-2934 (previously 2044) (dry). Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Richardson, 1875. Referred to Astrometis sertulifera (Xantus, 1860), see Fisher 19285 ps hos Fisher (1928, p. 125) noted the discrepancy between the locality given on the original specimen labels and that provided by Verrill, 1914. leptolena Verrill, 1914. Verbe U82S188 soils Waki, sei, abe ei, Bo wel. pl. LXXVIL, fig. Za-d. NMCIC1900-2928 (previously 1987) (dry). Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. J. Macoun, 1909. Referred to Stylasterias forreri (deLoriol, 1887), see Fisher Wa jo 97" Pisaster ochraceus var. nodiferus Verrill, 1914. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Veretile LOM 7/2 pale UX. filo 3; Sa, NMCIC1900-2938 (previously 2040) (dry). Unknown. ? Geological Survey of Canada. Referred to Pisaster ochraceus forma nodiferus Verrill, 1914, see Fisher 1930, p. 169. 69 Family Astropectinidae Leptychaster millespina Verrill, 1909. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Verrill, 1909b:553. NMCIC1900-2935 (previously 2048) (dry). Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. C.H. Young, 1908. Referred to Leptychaster pacificus Fisher, 1906, see Verrill 1914. pe 326: Family Goniasteridae Hippasteria spinosa Verrill, 1909. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Verrill, 1909a:63. NMCIC1900-2933 (previously 1869) (dry). Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 18 fathoms (32m), gravel. C.H. Young, September 1908. Family Pterasteridae Pteraster hebes Verrill, 1909. Reterence: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Verrill, 1909a:61-63. NMCIC1900-2939 (previously 2938) (dry). Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 23 fathoms (41m), mud and sand. C.H. Young, 1908. Referred to Pteraster tesselatus Ives, 1888, see D'yakonov 1950), p. 69% Class Holothuroidea Family Cucumariidae Cucumaria trachyplaca H.L. Clark, 1924. Reference: 70 Clark, 1924:56-57. SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Remarks: PARASITES NMCIC1900-2943 (previously 594) (alcohol). Alert Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound [Broughton Strait], British Columbia, Canada. 10 fathoms (18m), sand and mud. G.M. Dawson, 6 August 1885. Referred to Pseudothyone trachyplaca (H.L. Clark, 1924). These were designated cotypes in the original description and the original catalogue entry (#594), made in 1922, indicates this. However, in 1966 someone recatalogued them as one holotype (#275) and paratypes (#272). This is incorrect and by current definitions they should be considered syntypes. Names of the higher taxa of the Protista follow Sleigh, Dodge and Patterson in Barnes (1984). Phylum KINETOPLASTA Cryptobia catostomi Bower and Woo, 1977. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Bower and Woo, 1977:1084, fig. 2-9. NMCPC1900-1770 (previously 43) (slide). Southern Lake Huron, within a 15 mile (24km) radius of Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. S.M. Bower, 15 March 1975. Blood of Catostomus commersoni (Lacepéde, 1803). Trypanosoma andersoni Reilly and Woo, 1982. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collectors: Host: Remarks: Reilly and Woo, 1982:116-123, fig. 1, 2. NMCPC1982-0621 (slide). NMCPC1982-0622 (slide). Guelph, Ontario, Canada. B.O. Reilly and P.T.K. Woo, 25 June 1979. Blood of Hyla versicolor. Host was reared in the laboratory from eggs and experimentally infected. 71 72 Trypanosoma hedricki Bower and Woo, 1981. Reference: Bower and Woo, 1981:533, fig. 2, 3, 5. SYNTYPES: NMCPC1980-2452 (slide). Locality: Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Collectors: S.M. Bower and P.T.K. Woo, June 1979. Host: Blood of big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus fuscus (Beauvoir, 1796). Trypanosoma myoti Bower and Woo, 1981. Reference: Bower and Woo, 1981:534, fig. 4, 6. SYNTYPES: NMCPC1980-2453 (slide). Locality: Westport, Ontario, Canada. Collectors: S.M. Bower and P.T.K. Woo, May 1977. Host: Blood of little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus (LeConte, 1831). Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) tamiasi Riedel, 1975. Reference: Riedel, 19/5:9-12, fig. 1-33. SYNTYPES: NMCPC1900-1767 (previously 9) (25 slides). Locality: Lake Sasajewun, Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Collector: D. Riedel, 1966-69. Host: Blood of eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Remarks: Called parasyntypes by the author. Phylum MICROSPORA Class Microsporea Loma morhua Morrison and Sprague, 1981. Reference: Morrison and Sprague, 1981:29-30, fig. 1-4. SYNTYPES: NMCPC1980-0043a, b, c (3 slides). Locality: Approaches to Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada. Collector: C. Morrison, 6 November 1978, 15 February 1979. Host: Gills and pseudobranch of cod, Gadus morhua (Linnaeus, 1758). Phylum MYXOZOA Class Myxosporea Conispora renalis Sankurathri, 1977. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Sankurathri, 1977:1147-1149, fig. 1. NMCPC1900-1771 (previously 2965) (slide). NMCPC1900-1772 (previously 2966) (slide). NMCPC1900-2907 (previously 2967) (slide). Stuart Channel, British Columbia, Canada, 4900,5'N, 123°40'W. C.S. Sankurathri. Kidney of Merluccius productus (Ayres, 1855). Kudoa paniformis Kabata and Whitaker, 1981. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collectors: Host: Kabata and Whitaker, 1981:2086-2091, fig. 1B, 2A-F. NMCPC1981-0095 (FAG). BSO30 Ne. 25°15 Wi Z. Kabata and D.J. Whitaker, 27 September 1980. In the muscle of Merluccius productus. Myxobilatus yukonensis Arthur and Margolis, 1975. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Arthur and Margolis, 1975:1663-1664, fig. 1-2. NMCPC1900-1768 (previously 39) (slide). NMCPC1900-1769 (previously 40) (slide). Aishihik Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. JR ArtnUur, 1973. Kidney tubules and urinary bladder of slimy sculpin, Cottus cognatus Richardson, 1836. Phylum CILIOPHORA Class Oligohymenophorea Trichodina domerguei saintjohnsi Lom and Laird, 1969. Reference: omy and Laird, 196921373), Fig. 6-9) Ue) SYNTYPES: Locality: Collectors: Host: NMCPC1900-1766 (previously 29) (slide). Logy Bay, Newfoundland, Canada. J. Lom and M. Laird, summer 1968. Gills of shorthorn sculpin, Myxocephalus scorpius (Linnaeus, 1758). Trichodina elizabethae Lom and Laird, 1969. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collectors: Host: Lom gyal Wentigel, 1969 1870-1972 nantes GR 079 NMCPC1900-1763 (previously 26) (slide). Logy Bay, Newfoundland, Canada. J. Lom and M. Laird, summer 1968. Gills of radiated shanny, Ulvaria subbifurcata (Storer, 1839). Trichodina galyae Lom and Laird, 1969. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collectors: Host: Lom, and Laird, 1969:1372-1373, fig. 4-5. NMCPC1900-1765 (previously 28) (slide). Logy Bay, Newfoundland, Canada. J. Lom and M. Laird, summer 1968. Gills of lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus Linnaeus, 1758. Trichodina jarmilae Lom and Laird, 1969. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collectors: Host: Lom and Laird, 1969:1372, fig. 2-3. NMCPC1900-1764 (previously 27) (slide). St. Andrews, Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. J. Lom and M. Laird, summer 1968. Gills of Atlantic sea raven, Hemitripterus americanus (Gmelin, 1789). Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES Class Trematoda Alaria canadensis Webster and Wolfgang, 1956. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: 74 Webster and Wolfgang, 1956:595-598, fig. 1-4. NMCPC1900-1803 (previously 37) (slide). Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. G. Webster, January 1955. Host: Small intestine of striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis (Schreber, 1976). Alloglossidium schmidti Timmers, 1979. Reference: Timmers, 1979:180-181, fig. 1. HOLOTYPE : NMCPC1978-0396 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCPC1978-0397a,b (2 slides). Locality: Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Collector: S.F. Timmers, 7 August 19/78. Host: Intestine of Haemopis grandis (Verrill, 1874). Apophallus imperator Lyster, 1940. Reference: Lyster, 1940:107-120, fig. 1-7, 11-15. SYNTYPE : NMCPC1900-1804 (previously 38) (slide). Locality: Lake Commandant, Argenteuil Co., Quebec, Canada. Collector: Unknown. Host: Encysted metacercaria removed from speckled trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1815) and transferred to laboratory cat. SYNTYPE: NMCPC1900-1805 (previously 39) (slide). Data are the same as above except the metacercaria were transferred to a laboratory pigeon. Deretrema philippinensis Beverley-Burton and Early, 1982. Reference: Beverley-Burton and Early, 1982:2403-2406, fig. 1-4. HOLOTYPE : NMCPC1982-0075 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCPC1982-0076 (slide). NMCPC1982-0077 (slide). Locality: Buyong Beach, Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines. Collector: Unknown, November 1978. Host: Gallbladder of flashlight fish, Anomalops kaptron (Bleeker, 1856). Remarks: Parasites were collected from fish which died at the New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Echinochasmus cohensi Krishna Rao, 1951. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Host: Reetshnaskaonelopiibe2io—2. Etre 13), NMCPC1900-1806 (previously 40) (slide). Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. N.S. Krishna Rao, 1949. Intestines of Herring Gull, Larus argentatus. Euryhelmis pyriformis Webster and Wolfgang, 1956. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Host: Gyrodactylus Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Host: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Webster and Wolfgang, 1956:598-601, fig. 5-7. NMCPC1900-1807 (previously 41) (slide). Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. R.W. Wolfgang, January 1955. Intestine of striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis. adspersi Cone and Wiles, 1983. Cone and Wiles, 1983:418-419, fig. 4, 8, 12, 16. NMCPC1982-1609 (slide). Portugal Cove, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Canada. Unknown, April 1981. Gills, fins and body surface of cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walbaum, 1792). NMCPC1982-1610 (slide). NMCPC1982-1611 (slide). Salt water tanks at the Marine Sciences Research Laboratory, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Unknown, April 1981. Gills, fins and body surface of cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus. Gyrodactylus bullatarudis Turnbull, 1956. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: 76 Turnbull, 1956:584-588, fig. 1-11. NMCPC1981-0145a,b (2 slides). Unknown. E.R. Turnbull, 16 March, 17 April 1955. Host: External surface of Lebistes reticulatus (=Poecilia reticulata (Peters, 1859)). Gyrodactylus pleuronecti Cone, 1981. Reference: Cone, 1981:2241-2243, fig. 1-3. HOLOTYPE : NMCPC1981-0533 (slide). PARATY PES: NMCPC1981-0543a,b (2 slides). Locality: Logy Bay Marine Sciences Laboratory, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Fish originated from estuarine bays on the Avalon Peninsula. Collector: D. Cone. Host: Fins, body surface and gills of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum, 1792). Homalometron pallidum Stafford, 1904. Reference: Stafford, 1904:487. SYNTYPES: NMCPC1900-1819 (previously 806) (slide). Locality: Unknown. Collector: Unknown. Host: Stomach and duodenum of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus, 1766). Maritrema pacifica Ching, 1974. Ref erence: Ching, 19/4:866-868, fig. 1-3. PARATYPE: NMCPC1900-1801 (previously 35) (slide). Locality: Newport, Oregon, USA. Collector: R. Olson, 20 September 1968. Host: Intestine of California Gull, Larus californicus. Maritrema paracadiae Ching, 1974. Reference: Ching, 1974:868-869, fig. 4-6. PARATYPES: NMCPC1900-1802 (previously 36) (slide). Locality: Mount Vernon, Washington, USA. ay Collector: Unknown, 1 February 1972. Host: Intestine of Barrow's Goldeneye, Bucephala islandica. Megalophalloides apanhorayi Ching and Herrera, 1976. Reference: Ching and Herrera, 1976:1439, fig. 1-4. PARATYPE : NMCPC1900-1825 (previously 953) (slide). Locality: Cajamarca, Peru. Collector: N.C. Herrera, February 1975. Host: Experimentally from the intestine of a mouse. The metacercariae originated in a freshwater crab, Pseudothelphusa chilensis (=Potamcarcinus (Hypolobocera) chilensis (Milne-Edwards and Lucas, 1847). Mimodistomum angusticaudum Stafford, 1904. Reference: Stafford, 1904:488-489, SYNTYPE: NMCPC1900-1816 (previously 803) (slide). Locality: Unknown. Collectors: Unknown, 14 October 1904. Host: Intestine of burbot, Lota lota (Linnaeus, 1758). Remarks: Referred to Azygia angusticaudum (Stafford, 1904), see Miller 1941b, p. 46. Neohelicometra sebastis Sekerak and Arai, 1974. Reference: Sekerak and Arai, 19/4:730-732, fig. 9-12. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1900-1786 (previously 65) (slide). PARATYPES: NMCPC1900-1787 (previously 66) (9 slides). Locality: Mack Arch, Oregon, USA. Collector: A.D. Sekerak, 22 September 1969. Host: Pyloric caeca and intestine of Pacific ocean perch, Sebastes alutus (Gilbert, 1890). PARATYPES: NMCPC1900-1/88 (previously 66) (1 slide). Data are the same as the holotype, except: Host: Sebastes maliger (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880). PARATYPES: NMCPC1900-1789 (previously 66) (2 slides). 78 Host: PARATYPES: Host: PARATY PES: Host: Data are the same as the holotype, except: Sebastes babcocki (Thompson, 1915). NMCPC1900-1790 (previously 66) (9 slides). Data are the same as the holotype, except: Sebastes nigrocinctus Ayres, 1859. NMCPC1900-1791 (previously 66) (2 slides). Data are the same as the holotype, except: Sebastes diploproa (Gilbert, 1890). Neophasis pusilla Stafford, 1904. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Stafford, 1904:485-486. NMCPC1900-1820 (previously 807) (slide). Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada. Unknown, 27 June 1901. Urinary bladder of wolffish, Anarhichas lupus Linnaeus, 1758. Ophioxenos lampetrae Beverley-Burton and Margolis, 1982. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Beverley-Burton and Margolis, 1982:2515, fig. 1-6. NMCPC1981-0535 (slide). NMCPC1981-0536 (slide). Quinsam River, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Unknown, December 1977 or May 1978. Anterior intestine of western brook lamprey, Lampetra richardsoni Vladykov and Follett, 1965. Parastiotrema ottawanensis Miller, 1940. Reference: SYNTY PES: Locality: Collector: Host: Miller, 1940:428-430, fig. 4, 5. NMCPC1900-1808 (previously 43) (slide). NMCPC1900-1809 (previously 44) (slide). Ottawa River at Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. Unknown, 1939. Intestine of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818). 79 Phyllodistomum brevicecum Steen, 1938. Reference: Steen, 1938:206,210, fig. 4-6. SYNTYPE: NMCPC1900-1810 (previously 45) (slide). Locality: Rayburn's Pond, near Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana, USA. Collector: E.B. Steen, date unknown. Host: Urinary bladder of central mudminnow, Umbra limi (Kirtland, 1841). Phyllodistomum lachancei Choquette, 1947. Reference: Choquette, 1947:131-134, fig..1. PARATYPES: NMCPC1900-1811 (previously 46) (slide). NMCPC1900-1812 (previously 47) (slide). Locality: Montmorency Co., Quebec, Canada. Collector: Unknown, August 1945. Host: Ureters of speckled trout, Salvelinus fontinalis. Phyllodistomum lysteri Miller, 1940. Reterence: Miller, 1940 3432-433) fie. 11-13; SYNTYPES: NMCPC1900-1793 (previously 68) (slide). NMCPC1900-1794 (previously 69) (slide). NMCPC1900-1795 (previously 70) (slide). NMCPC1900-1796 (previously 71) (slide). Locality: Ottawa River, near Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. Collector: M.J. Miller, 1940. Host: Urinary tubules of common sucker, Catostomus commersoni. Phyllodistomum undulans Steen, 1938. Reference: Steen, 1938:201-206, 1-3. SYNTYPES: NMCPC1900-1813 (previously 49) (slide). Locality: Big Wea Creek, near Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana, USA. Collector: Unknown. Host: Urinary bladder of mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi Girard, 1850. 80 Plagioporus serotinus Stafford, 1904. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Stafford, 1904:493-494, NMCPC1900-1821 (previously 808) (slide). Unknown. Unknown. Intestine of redhorse sucker, Moxostoma macrolepidotum (LeSueur, 1817). Plagioporus serratus Miller, 1940. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Miller, 1940:425-426, fig. 1. NMCPC1900-1797 (previously 72) (slide). NMCPC1900-1798 (previously 73) (slide). Ottawa River, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. Unknown, January 1940. Gall bladder of ? whitefish (see remarks). These two slides were part of the collection given to NMNS by the Institute of Parasitology. Both are labelled “"Plagioporus spinosi Holotype". Apparently Miller changed his mind about the name between the time he made the slides and the time the paper was published. Besides the problem of two 'holotypes' there is also a problem with the host species. The labels on the slides name the whitefish but the published description says the mooneye, Hiodon tergisus LeSueur, 1818. The British Museum (Natural History) also has a slide labelled “Plagioporus spinosi type” from a whitefish (D.I. Gibson, personal communication). Plagiorchis peterborensis Kavelaars and Bourns, 1968. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Kavelaars and Bourns, 1968:135-139, fig. 1-9. NMCPC1900-1799 previously 32) (slide, wholemount). NMCPC1900-1800 (previously 33) (slide, sagittal sections). Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. 81 Collector: Host: Remarks: Unknown, 25 June 1965. Cercariae collected from snail, Lymnaea stagnalis appressa (Say, 1818), were permitted to infect mosquito larvae, Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), and then the larvae were fed to a laboratory mouse. The adult trematodes were collected from the mouse. Both slides are marked 'paratype' but are here treated as syntypes since the original publication contains no official designation. Podocotyle staffordi Miller, 1941. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Miller, 1941b:37-38, fig. 12. NMCPC1900-1822 (previously 809) (slide). St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. Unknown. Intestine of threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758. Polystomoides pauli Timmers and Lewis, 1979. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Timmers and Lewis, 1979:1047-1048, fig. 1-4. NMCPC1978-0187 (slide). NMCPC1978-0188 (slide). Brokenhead River, Manitoba, Canada. S. Timmers, 24 May 1976. Oral mucosa of Chrysemys picta belli (Gray). The holotype is in the USNM Helminth Collection (No. 74736); additional paratypes are in the USNM Helminth Collection (No. 74737) and in the authors' collections. Protenteron diaphanum Stafford, 1904. Reference: SYNTYPE : Locality: Collector: Host: 82 Stafford, 1904:494, NMCPC1900-1818 (previously 805) (slide). Unknown. Unknown, October 1904? Intestine of rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque, 1817). Remarks: Referred to Cryptogonimus diaphanus (Stafford, 1904), see Miller 1941b, p. 48-50. Steganoderma formosum Stafford, 1904. Reference: Stafford, 1904:484-487. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1900-1823 (previously 810) (slide). Locality: Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada. Collector: Unknown. Host: Intestine of Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnaeus, 1758). Streptovitella acadiae Swales, 1933. Reference: Swales, 1933bA1T6 IS Etes Le HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1978-0134 (previously 75) (slide). PARATYPE: NMCPC1977-0520 (FAG). Locality: Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada. Collector: 0. Schierbeck, spring 1932. Host: Intestine of Black Duck, Anas rubripes. Remarks: Referred to Maritrema acadiae (Swales, 1933). Zonorchis philanderi Wolfgang, 1951. Reference: Noroans, 1951954355 tir. 47 5: SYNTYPE: NMCPC1900-1815 (previously 802) (slide). Locality: Trinidad. Collector: T.W.M. Cameron, 1932-1949, Host: Bile ducts of woolly opossum, Philander trinitatis (=Caluromys philander (Linnaeus, 1758)?). Class Cestoda Diphyllobothrium canadense Cooper, 1921. Reference: Cooper, 1924129210 tic. 4,5, Lis SYNTYPE: NMCPC1900-2300 (previously 76) (FAG). Locality: Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories, Canada. 83 Collector: F. Johansen, 29 August 1915. Host: Intestine of the Common Raven, Corvus corax principalis. Remarks: In poor condition. Eubothrium oncorhynchi Wardle, 1932. Reference: eagle, ISS We MIS ates telat SYNTYPES: NMCPC1900-2303 (previously 101) (FAG). NMCPC1900-2304 (previously 102) (FAG). Locality: Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: R.A. Wardle, 1930. Host: Pyloric caeca of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum, 1792). Eubothrium tulipai Ching and Anderson, 1983. Reference: Ching and Anderson, 1983:981-982, fig. 1-10. PARATYPE: NMCPC1981-0096a,b (2 slides). Locality: Nechako Reservoir, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: H.L. Ching, July 1979. Host: Northern squawfish, Ptychocheilus oregonensis (Richardson, 1836). Lateriporus geographicus Cooper, 1921. Reference: Cooper, 1921: 10-18, fig. 9, 13), 14. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1900-2302 (previously 83) (FAG). Locality: Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories, Canada. Collector: F. Johansen, 27 June 1916. Host: Ileum of Common Eider, Somateria mollissima. Remarks: Incorrectly designated as a paratype in the original description. In poor condition. Oochoristica javaensis Kennedy, Killick and Beverley-Burton, 1982. Reference: Kennedy, Killick and Beverley-Burton, 1982:2460-2462, fig. 1-4. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1982-0692 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCPC1982-0693 (slide). NMCPC1982-0694 (slide). 84 Locality: Collectors: Host: NMCPC1982-0695 (slide). Bogor, Java, Indonesia. M.J. Kennedy and L.M. Killick, August 1978. Intestine of Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann. Pararetinometra lateralacantha Stock and Holmes, 1981. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Stock and Holmes, 1981:2319-2321, fig. 1-5. NMCPC1981-0447a,b,c (slides). NMCPC1981-0448a,b,c (slides). Cow Lake, Alberta, Canada, 52015'N, 115°00'W. T.M. Stock, 15 June 1977. Small intestine of Red-necked Grebe, Podiceps grisegena. Proteocephalus arcticus Cooper, 1921. Reference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Host: Cooper, 19211516, fies Gl 2 NMCPC1900-2301 (previously 82) (FAG). Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories, Canada. F. Johansen, October 1915. Ileum of Quebec red trout, Salvelinus marstoni (Garman, 1893) (=Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus, 1758)). In poor condition. Rhabdometra lygodaptrion Beverley-Burton and Thomas, 1980. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collectors: Host: Beverley-Burton and Thomas, 1980:158-162, fig. 2-7. NMCPC1979-1461 (slide). NMCPC1979-1462a,b (slides). Near Cape Henrietta Maria, Ontario, Canada, 55°00'N, 82930'w. M. Beverley-Burton and V.G. Thomas, June 1978. Small intestine of Willow Ptarmigan, Lagopus lagopus albus. 85 Phylum NEMATODA Ackertia marmotae Webster, 1967. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Webster, 1967b:277-279, fig. 1-9. NMCPC1977-0515 (FAG). Brampton, Ontario, Canada. W.A. Webster, 29 April 1966. Tissue of the bile ducts of groundhog, Marmota monax canadensis (Erxleben, 1777). Ancyracanthopsis bendelli Adams and Gibson, 1969. Reference: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPES: PARATYPES : Locality: Collector: Host: Adams and Gibson, 1969:619-622, fig. 1-10. NMCPC1900-2292 (previously 2936) (FAG). Male. NMCPC1900-2293 (previously 2937) (FAG). Female. NMCPC1900-2294 (previously 2938, 2939) (FAG). Males. NMCPC1900-2295 (previously 2940, 2941) (FAG). Females. Quinsam Lakes region, near Campbell River, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. G.G. Gibson, 26 May 1958. Gut of Blue Grouse, Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus. Andersonstrongylus captivensis Webster, 1978. Reference: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: 86 Webster, 1978:459-461, fig. 1-6. NMCPC1977-0256 (FAG). Male. NMCPC1977-0257 (FAG). Female. NMCPC1977-0258 (FAG). Hosts purchased in Lowa, USA. Parasites collected at the Animal Diseases Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 3-10 months later. W.A. Webster, 1976. Lungs of striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis. The holotype is also the type of the genus. Aplectana lynae Kennedy, 1977. Reference: Kennedy, 1977:631, fig. 1-5. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1900-1761 (previously 2961) (slide). PARATYPES: NMCPC1900-1762 (previously 2962) (slide). Locality: Stave Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: M.J. Kennedy, 3 May 1976. Host: Large intestine of red-legged frog, Rana aurora aurora (Baird and Girard). Apteragia pursglovei Davidson and Prestwood, 1979. Reference: Davidson and Prestwood, 19/79:280-283, fig. 1-9. PARATYPES: NMCPC1978-0223 (FAG). Locality: Issaquena Co., Mississippi, USA. Collector: Unknown, April 1977. Host: Abomasum of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmermann, 1780). Ascarophis extalicola Appy, 1981. Reference: Appy, 1981:2200-2202, fig. 17-24, 34, 35. HOLOTYPE (Male) and ALLOTYPE (Female): NMCPC1980-1678 (slide). PARATYPES: NMCPC1980-1679 (slide). Males and Females. Locality: Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. Collector: R.G. Appy, 12 August 1975. Host: Mucosa of rectum and posterior intestine of cod, Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758. Remarks: Holotype and allotype are on the same slide. PARATYPES: NMCPC1980-1680a,b,c (3 slides). Males and Females. Locality: Roseway Bank, Nova Scotia, Canada. Collector: R.G. Appy, 20 July 1975. Host: Same as the holotype. PARATYPES: NMCPC1980-1681 (slide). Males and Females. Locality: Banquereau Bank, Nova Scotia, Canada. Collector: R.G. Appy, 4 August 1975. Host: Same as the holotype. Bulbodacnitis alpinus Mudry and McCart, 1974. Reference: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Mudry and McCart, 1974:441-443, fig. 1-6. NMCPC1977-0471 (FAG). Male. NMCPC1977-0472 (FAG). Female. NMCPC1977-0473 (FAG). Joe Creek, Yukon Territory, Canada. D.R. Mudry, 24 March 1972. Pyloric caeca and intestine of arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus. Mudry and McCart state that these specimens were given National Museum numbers 214, 214a, 214b-k but the correct numbers are shown above. These specimens were transferred to NMNS in 1977. Caballeronema pseudoargumentosus Appy and Dadswell, 1978. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collectors: Host: Remarks: Appy and Dadswell, 1978:1384-1388, fig. 3-14. NMCPC1978-0013a,b (slides). Males and Females. Washademoak Lake, St. John River estuary, New Brunswick, Canada. R.G. Appy and M.J. Dadswell, 4 December 1975. Gizzard of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum LeSueur, 1818 The published description states that the host was collected between January 1976 and June 1977. Data NMNS received with the parasites indicated it was collected 4 December 1975. Capillaria freemani Moravec, Margolis and McDonald, 1981. Reference: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE : PARATYPES : Locality: Collector: Host: 88 Moravec, Margolis and McDonald, 1981:81-82, fig. 1-15. NMCPC1980-0239 (FAG). Male. NMCPC1980-0240 (FAG). Female. NMCPC1980-0241 (FAG). Off Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. F. Moravec, May 1979. Spiral valve of Raja rhina Jordan and Gilbert, 1880. Capillaria margolisi Moravec and McDonald, 1981. Reference: Moravec and McDonald, 1981:88-90, fig. 1-13. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1980-0245 (FAG). Male. ALLOTYPE: NMCPC1980-0246 (FAG). Female. PARATYPES: NMCPC1980-0247 (FAG). Females. Locality: Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: T.E. McDonald, 12 August 1972. Host: Pyloric caeca of cabezon, Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (Ayres, 1854). Capillaria parophrysi Moravec, Margolis and McDonald, 1981. Reference: Moravec, Margolis and McDonald, 1981:84-86, fig. 16-25. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1980-0242 (FAG). Male. ALLOTYPE: NMCPC1980-0243 (FAG). Female. PARATYPES: NMCPC1980-0244 (FAG). Locality: Stuart Channel, Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: T.E. McDonald, 11 September 1972. Host: Intestine of English sole, Parophrys vetulus Girard, 1854. Chandlerella chitwoodae Anderson, 1961. Reference: Anderson, 1961:317-320, fig. 1-10. PARATYPES: NMCPC1978-0394 (FAG). Locality: Java. Collector: Unknown. Host: Lungs of Padda oryzivora (Linnaeus). Crassicauda pacifica Margolis and Pike, 1955. Reference: Margolis and Pike, 1955:111-116, fig. 7-12. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1900-2299 (previously 2924) (FAG). Female. Locality: Off the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: G.C. Pike, 1952. Host: Kidney of fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758). 89 Crenosoma canadensis Webster, 1964. Reference: PARATY PES: Locality: Collector: Host: Webster, 1964:807, fig. 1-5. NMCPC1977-U517 (FAG). Hull, Quebec, Canada. W.A. Webster, 6 July 1964. Bronchioles of striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis. Crenosoma hermani Anderson, 1962. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Anderson, 1962:895-896, fig. 1-8. NMCPC1979-1552 (FAG). Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. R.C. Anderson, 7 August 1961. Bronchi of Mustela vison Schreber, 1777. Cucullanellus kanabus Walder and Arai, 1974. Reference: HOLOTYPE : ALLOTYPE : PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Walder and Arai, 19/4:205-208, fig. 1-12. NMCPC1977-0509 (glycerin). Male. NMCPC1977-0510 (glycerin). Female. NMCPC1977-0511 (glycerin). Departure Bay, British Columbia, Canada. H.P. Arai, 1964, Intestine of shiner perch, Cymatogaster aggregata Gibbons, 1854, Walder and Arai state that these specimens were given National Museum numbers 216, 216a, 216b-i but the correct numbers are shown above. The specimens were transferred to NMNS in 1977. Cucullanus annulatus Margolis, 1960:839-844, fig. 1-13. HOLOTYPE (Male) and ALLOTYPE (Female): NMCPC1900-1915 (previously 2917) (FAG). PARATYPE : Locality: Collector: Host: PARATYPE : 90 NMCPC1900-1916 (previously 2920) (FAG). Dodd's Narrows, British Columbia, Canada. L. Margolis, 4 May 1959. Intestine of English sole, Parophrys vetulus. NMCPC19UU-8365 (previously 2918) (FAG). Data are the same as the holotype, except collected 30 December 19526 PARATYPE: NMCPC1900-8364 (previously 2919) (FAG). Data are the same as the holotype, except collected 28 March 1958. Remarks: Holotype and allotype are in the same vial. Dipetalonema lutreoli Mackerras, 1962. Reference: Mackerras, 1962:406-407, pl. 1, fig. 2-5, text fig. 7-11. PARATYPES: NMCPC1978-0393 (FAG). Locality: West Burleigh, South Queensland, Australia. Collector: Unknown. Host: Subcutaneous tissues of Rattus lutreolus Gray, 1841. Dipetalonema mephitis Webster and Beauregard, 1965. Reference: Webster and Beauregard, 1965:326-329, fig. 1-11. PARATYPES: NMCPC1977-0518 (FAG). Locality: Animal Diseases Research Institute farm, Hull, Quebec, Canada. Collector: W.A. Webster, August 1964, Host: Subcutaneous tissue of striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis. Remarks: Other specimens in British Museum (Natural History), Nos. 1964: 1611-1612, 1613-1615. Dipetalonema sprenti Anderson, 1953. Ret erence: Anderson, 19532215—2116, 220-2215 fig. 1-137 PARATYPES: NMCPC1978-0395 (FAG). Locality: Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. Collectors: B.M. Caldwell and T. Cusson, 21 January 1953. Host: Peritoneal cavity of beaver, Castor canadensis Kuhl, 1820. Diplotriaena darnaudii Webster and Speckmann, 1976. Reference: Webster and Speckmann, 1976:451, fig. 1-4. HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1900-1917 (previously 2947) (FAG). Male. ALLOTYPE: NMCPC1900-1918 (previously 2948) (FAG). Female. PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: NMCPC1900-1919 (previously 2949) (FAG). Lake Baringo area, Kenya. Host was quarantined in the British Isles for 3 months then transferred to Assiniboine Park Zoo, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada where it died. Unknown, 1974. Thoracic cavity and air sacs of D'Arnaud's Barbet, Trachyphonus darnaudii. Diplotriaena utae Wong, Anderson and Frimeth, 1983. Reference: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Wong, Anderson and Frimeth, 1983:275-277, fig. 1-9. NMCPC1982-0121 (FAG). Male. NMCPC1982-0122 (FAG). Female. NMCPC1982-0123 (FAG). NMCPC1982-0124 (slide). Onakawana, Ontario, Canada, 50936'N, 81°27'W. J. Frimeth, 1980. Air sacs of Gray Jay, Perisoreus canadensis. Diplotriaenoides translucidus Anderson, 1956. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Anderson, 1956:213=-215, fig. 1-7. NMCPC1981-0143 (FAG). Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. R.C. Anderson, 1956. Air sacs of Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus. Referred to Diplotriaena agelaius (Walton, 1927), see Anderson 1959, p. 208-209: Types in the USNM Helminth Collection (No. 38135). Eufilaria sturninus Bartlett, 1982. Reterence: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPE: 92 Bartlett, 1982:2409-2410, fig. 1-12. NMCPC1982-0525 (FAG). NMCPC1982-0526 (FAG). NMCPC1982-0527 (FAG). Locality: Mountsberg, Wentworth Co., Ontario, Canada, 42923'N, 80°02'W. Collector: C.M. Bartlett, November 1981. Host: Connective tissue around the trachea and oesophagus, microfilariae in the blood of the Starling, Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris. Remarks: Paratypes are fragments. Ezonema bicornis Boyce, 1971. Reference: Boyce elaine = NP mecketserem Ole HOLOTYPE: NMCPC1977-0475 (FAG). Male. ALLOTYPE: NMCPC1977-0476 (FAG). Female. Locality: Chihase River, Hokkaido, Japan. Collector: N.P. Boyce, 22 July 1969. Host: Intestine of Cottus pollux Günther, 1873. Remarks: These specimens were transferred to the National Museum of Natural Sciences from the collection of the Biosystematic Research Institute, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa in 1977. Paratypes are in the Meguro Parasitological Museum, Tokyo, Japan (No. 19016). Filaroides canadensis Anderson, 1963. Reference: Anderson, 1963:805-807, fig. 17-23. PARATYPES: NMCPC1981-0141 (FAG). Locality: Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. Collector: R.C. Anderson, 1963. Host: Bronchi and bronchioles of otter, Lutra canadensis (Schreber, 1776). Filaroides mephitis Webster, 1967. Reference: Webster, 1967a:145-146, fig. 1-3. PARATYPES: NMCPC1977-0514 (FAG). Locality: Osgoode, Ontario, Ganada. Collector: W.A. Webster, 20 June 1966. Host: Lung of striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis. os Remarks: Other specimens in the USNM Helminth Collection (No. 61679-61680). Filaroides milksi Whitlock, 1956. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Whitlock, 1956:733-736, fig. 1-4. NMCPC1980-137 (FAG). Geneva, New York, USA. H.K. Milks, date unknown. Lung of dog. Other specimens in the USNM Helminth Collection (No. 74734). Geopetitia aspiculata Webster, 1971. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Webster, 1971:64, fig. 1-5, 10. NMCPC1977-0512 (FAG). National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C., USA. Host originally from Trinidad. Wright, 31 January 1961. Purple sugar bird, Coerulea coerulea. Holotype, allotype and other paratypes are in the USNM Helminth Collection (No. 38988). The host genus, Coerulea, could not be tound in any list of birds The host was from South and Central America and the West Indies. probably the Purple Honeycreeper, Cyanerpes caeruleus. Halocercus monoceris Webster, Neufeld and MacNeill, 1973. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: 94 Webster, Neufeld and MacNeill, 1973:255-257, fig. 1-6. NMCPC1977-0513 (FAG). Vancouver Public Aquarium, Vancouver, British Columbia. Hosts originally came from the Northwest Territories. A.C. MacNeil, 1970. Bronchioles of narwhal, Monodon monoceros Linnaeus, 1758. Holotype and allotype are in the USNM Helminth Collection (No. 72129). These paratypes were originally in the ADRI Parasite Collection (No. 912). Micronema deletrix Anderson and Bemrick, 1965. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Obeliscoides Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Host: Anderson and Bemrick, 1965:74-75, fig. 1. NMCPC1977-0470 (slide). Females. Mound, Minnesota, USA. W.J. Bemrick, May 1964. Bilateral nasal tumour of a horse. The published description states that the paratypes are in the nematode collection of the Department of Plant Pathology and Physiology, University ot Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. However there is no mention of a holotype. cuniculi multistriatus Measures and Anderson, 1983. Measures and Anderson, 1983:8-10, fig. 1, 3-6, 22, 34. NMCPC1982-0671 (FAG). Lindsay, Ontario, Canada. Unknown, winter 1980. Stomach of Lepus americanus Erxleben, 1777. Parapharyngodon osteopili Adamson, 1981. Reference: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPES: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Adamson, 1981:106-109, fig. 1-6. NMCPC1980-1664 (FAA). Male. NMCPC1980-1665 (FAA). Female. NMCPC1980-1666 (FAA). Males. NMCPC1980-1667 (FAA). Females. Near Moncada, Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba. J. Bogart, December 1976. Cuban treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis (Dumeril and Bibron). Philonema agubernaculum Simon and Simon, 1936. Ret erence: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Simon and Simon, 1936:440-442, fig. 1-5. NMCPC1979-1603 (16 slides). Green River Lakes, Wyoming National Forest, Wyoming, USA. Wyoming field party of U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, 15-16 June 1934. 95 Host: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Body cavity of Rocky Mountain whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni (Girard, 1856). NMCPC1979-1607 (8 slides). New York Lake and Mill Creek, Wyoming National Forest, Wyoming, USA Same as above, 31 July (N.Y. Lake) and 26 June 1934. Body cavity of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis. New York Lake, 31 July 1934 is not mentioned in the published description NMCPC1979-1608 (1 slide). Fremont Lake, Wyoming National Forest, Wyoming, USA. Same as above, 9 August 1934. Body cavity of rainbow trout Salmo shasta (=Salmo gairdneri Richardson, 1836). Simon and Simon state that all the types were deposited in the USNM and the parasite collection of the University of Wyoming. These specimens were received by the NMNS in 1979 from the Canadian Wildlife Service. Some of them are in poor condition. Piratuba varanicola Mackerras, 1962. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Mackerras, 1962:444-446, pl. 3, fig. 4-6, text fig. 37-42. NMCPC1978-0392 (FAG). Innisfail, North Queensland, Australia. Unknown. Varanus tristis orientalis Fry. Procyonostrongylus muelleri Anderson, Prestwood and Strelive, 1979. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Anderson, Prestwood and Strelive, 1979:811-813, fig. 1-8. NMCPC1979-1460 (slide). Glades, Highlands and Hillsborough counties, Florida, USA. Unknown. Epiglottis of raccoon, Procyon lotor (Linnaeus, 1758). Rhabdias americanus Baker, 1978. Reference: 96 Baker, 19/8: 2125, fig. 17 HOLOTYPE : NMCPC19/8-0224 (FAG). PARATYPES: NMCPC19/8-0225 (FAG). Locality: Wellington Co., Ontario, Canada. Collector: M. Baker, August 1975. Host: Lungs of toad, Bufo americanus americanus Holbrook. Rhabdochona kisutchi Margolis, Moravec and McDonald, 1975. Reference: Margolis, Moravec and McDonald, 1975:960-964, fig. 1-26. HOLOTYPE : NMCPC1977-0506 (FAG). Female. ALLOTYPE : NMCPC19/7-U507 (FAG). Male. PARATYPES: NMCPC19/7-0508 (FAG). Locality: Coldwater River, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: T. McDonald, 21 April 1970. Host: Intestine of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum, 1792). Rumenofilaria andersoni Lankester and Snider, 1982. Reference: Lankester and Snider, 1982:2457, fig. 1-5. PARATYPES: NMCPC1982-0051 (FAG). NMCPC1982-0052 (FAG). Locality: White River and Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Collector: M.W. Lankester, 9 September 1980. Host: Subserosa of rumen in moose, Alces alces (Linnaeus, 1758). Remarks: This is also a new genus. Saurofilaria innisfailensis Mackerras, 1962. Reference: Mackerras, 1962:448-449, text fig. 43-48. PARATYPES: NMCPC1978-0391 (FAG). Locality: Innisfail, North Queensland, Australia. Collector: Unknown. Host: Subperitoneal tissue of Physignathus lesueurii (Gray). Remarks: The holotype, allotype and a slide of microfilariae are in the Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia. Collector: Host: Remarks: Unknown. Subperitoneal tissue of Physignathus lesueurii (Gray). The holotype, allotype and a slide of microfilariae are in the Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia. Sciadiocara denticulata Gibson, 1972. Reference: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Gibson, 197218922185 £is.=628,19% NMCPC1900-2296 (previously 2942) (FAG). Male. NMCPC1900-2297 (previously 2943) (FAG). Female. NMCPC1900-2298 (previously 2944) (FAG). Summerland, British Columbia, Canada. G.G. Gibson, 29 May 1959. Under gizzard lining of adult Spotted Sandpiper, Actitis macularia. Splendidofilaria pectoralis Gibson, 1967. Reference: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Host: Gibson, 1967:1137-1142, fig. 1-13. NMCPC1900-2290 (previously 2926) (FAG). Male. NMCPC1900-2291 (previously 2927) (FAG). Female. NMCPC1900-2289 (previously 2925) (FAG). West Summerland, British Columbia, Canada. G.G. Gibson, 1 September 1959. Pectoral subcutaneous tissue of Blue Grouse, Dendragapus obscurus pallidus. Streptocara incognita Gibson, 1968. Reference: PARATYPES : Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: 98 Gibson, 19687695, fic. 2 1011022023; NMCPC1979-1604 (FAG). Cariboo Region, British Columbia, Canada. G.G. Gibson, 30 October 1961. Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis. These paratypes were received from the author in 1979, The holotype, allotype and one lot of paratypes are in the USNM. Tetrameres crami Swales, 1933. Reference: SYNTYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Swales, 1933a:334-335, fig. 1-7. NMCPC1977-0519 (FAG). Ormstown, Quebec, Canada. Unknown, April 1932. Proventriculus of Domestic Duck, Anas boschas domestica. The host was probably Anas platyrhynchos. Trilobostrongylus bioccai Anderson, 1963. Reference: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Anderson, 1963:802-804, fig. 1-10. NMCPC1981-0144 (FAG). Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. R.C. Anderson, 3 June 1962. Lungs of fisher, Martes pennanti pennanti (Erxleben, 1777). These paratypes were received by NMNS from the author in 1981. Holotype and allotype are in the USNM Helminth Collection (No. 60127), and paratypes in the Nematode Collection Ontario Research Foundation (No. 615). Phylum NEMATOMORPHA Gordius attoni Redlich, 1980. Ret erence: HOLOTYPE: ALLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Redlich, 1980:382-384, fig. 1-7. NMCPC1978-0211 (FAG). Male. NMCPC1978-0212 (FAG). Female. NMCPC1978-0213 (FAG). Males and Females. Lake Ile-â-la-Crosse, Saskatchewan, Canada, 55-56°N, 108°y. D. Fernet, June 1976. Unknown. Phylum ACANTHOCEPHALA Filicollis arcticus Van Cleave, 1920. Reference: VaniCleave,, 192045 NID Gace). 99 SYNTYPES: NMCPC1900-1757 (previously 153) (slide). NMCPC1900-1758 (previously 154) (slide). NMCPC1900-3388 (previously 151) (slide). Locality: Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories, Canada. Collector: F. Johansen, 16 June 1916. Host: Ileum of King Eider, Somateria spectabilis. Prosthorhynchus urichi Cameron, 1936. Reference: Cameron. 1936-85-57; Elo 21-24; SYNTYPES: NMCPC1900-1759 (previously 168) (slide). NMCPC1900-1760 (previously 169) (slide). Locality: Trinidad. Collector: F.W. Urich, date unknown (entrails sent to Cameron in 1935). Host: Small intestine of crab-eating raccoon, Procyon cancrivorus (F. Cuvier, 1798). TYPE-SPECIES Although the following two specimens have no official type status it was felt that they are historically important and therefore are included. Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES Class Trematoda Centrovarium lobotes (McCallum, 1895) Stafford, 1904. Reference: Stafford, 1904:493. TYPE-SPECIES: NMCPC1900-1817 (previously 804) (slide). Locality: Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Collector: Unknown, 8 April 1903. Host: Stomach of pike, Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758. Remarks: Stafford created this genus to include Distomum lobotes McCallum. See Miller 1941b, p. 50. 100 Fellodistomum fellis (Olsson, 1868) Stafford, 1904. Reterence: Stafford, 1904:486. TYPE-SPECIES: NMCPC1900-1824 (previously 894) (slide). Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Canso, Nova Scotia, Canada. Unknown. Gallbladder of wolffish (Anarhichadidae). Stafford identitied this specimen as F. incisum Rudolphi. However, Miller (1941b, p. 43) identified it as F. tellis and the slide label has this name along with Miller's initials. MISSING TYPE MATERIAL Phylum CNIDARIA Paragorgia pacifica Verrill, 1922. Reference: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Remarks: Verre e1922:T66 plow Viele £4 gion S—-4bie Cat. 52. Ucluelet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 9 fathoms (16m). W. Spreadborough, June 1909, The holotype of this species was on deposit at this museum (Cat. 51, Jervis Inlet, British Columbia; 10 fathoms (18m); collector: Mr. Richardson), but was sold by Mr. Whiteaves to the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University Genet Cat.) 5375) Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES Choanotaenia passerellae Cooper, 1921. Keference: SYNTYPE: Locality: Collector: Cooper, 1921-18-19) Fig. LULL Cat. 84, Teller, Alaska, USA. F., Johansen, 3 August 1913. 101 Host: Stomach of Fox Sparrow, Passerella iliaca. Remarks: This specimen could not be found in the collection. The other syntype was retained in the author's private collection and may now be at the USNM Helminth Collection, No. 51079. Cycloplectanum hongkongensis Beverley-Burton, 1981. Reference: Beverley-Burton, 1981:1281-1283, fig. 8-16. HOLOTYPE and PARATYPE: Not catalogued. Locality: Near Hong Kong, South China Sea. Collector: Unknown. Host: Gills of Epinephelus brunneus Bloch, 1793. Remarks: The author states in her paper that the holotype and paratype are deposited in the Parasite Collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa. In fact they were never sent here but to the USNM Helminth Collection in Beltsville, Maryland. Cycloplectanum lantauensis Beverley-Burton, 1981. Reference: Beverley-Burton, 1981:1283-1284, fig. 17-22. HOLOTYPE and PARATYPE: Not catalogued. Locality: Near Hong Kong, South China Sea. Collector: Unknown. Host: Gills of Epinephelus brunneus. Remarks: As with C. hongkongensis, the holotype and paratype were deposited in the USNM Helminth Collection in Beltsville, Maryland although the author states that they are in the Parasite Collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences. Dactylogyrus albertensis Price and Arai, 1967. Reference: Pricevand Aral, 1967323171259) Eig. lily. HOLOTYPE: Not catalogued. Locality: Milk River, Alberta, Canada. Collector: Unknown. Host: Gill filaments of flathead chub, Hybopsis gracilis, (now Platygobio 102 Remarks: gracilis (Richardson, 1836)). There is no record that this specimen was received by this museun. The first paratype was deposited with the USNM Helminth Collection, Beltsville, Maryland, and the remaining paratypes were retained in the authors' private collection. Genolinea oncorhynchi Margolis and Adams, 1956. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPE: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Margolis and Adams, 1956:573-575, fig. 1, 2. Cat. 27 (slide). Cab. 28 (slide). Alert Bay, Vancouver Island [Cormorant Island, Broughton Strait], British Columbia, Canada. J.R. Adams, 28 June 1955. Stomach of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum, 1792). These specimens could not be found in the collection. Lecithodesmus spinosus Margolis and Pike, 1955. Reference: HOLOTYPE: Locality: Collector: Host: Remarks: Margolis and Pike, 1955:99-102, fig. 1-3. Cat. 26. Off the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. CrCebake, LID 1953 Sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis Lesson, 1828. This specimen could not be found in the collection. Paratypes were retained by the Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Lecithophyllum anteroporum Margolis, 1958. Reference: HOLOTYPE: PARATYPES: Locality: Collector: Host: Margolis, 1958:894-898, fig. 1-6. Cat. 30 (slide). Cat. 29, 31 (elide). Mouth of Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. L. Margolis, 25 October 1957. Stomach of Pacific hake, Merluccius productus (Ayres, 1855). 103 Remarks: This specimen could not be found in the collection. Lepidophyllum cameroni Arai, 1969. Reference: Arai, 1969:799-800), filg. 1, 2. HOLOTYPE and PARATYPES: Not catalogued. Locality: Burke Channel, British Columbia, Canada. Collector: H.P. Arai, summer of 1964, 1966. Host: Urinary bladder of red Irish lord, Hemilepidotus henilepidotus (Tilesius, 1810). Remarks: Arai (1969) states “The holotype and paratypes will be deposited in the National Museum of Canada, Ottawa." We have been unable to find any record that the specimens were received. Phylum NEMATODA Paracuaria macdonaldi Krishna Rao, 1951. Reference: Krishna Rao, 195la:16/7-170, fig. 1-8. SYNTYPES: Not catalogued. Locality: Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada. Collector: Unknown. Host: Gizzard of Herring Gull, Larus argentatus. Remarks: According to the original description, the types were deposited at the Institute of Parasitology, Macdonald College, but were missing when the entire type collection of the Institute of Parasitology was transferred to this museum. Phylum ECHINODERMATA Cucumaria lissoplaca H.L. Clark, 1924. Reference: Clark, 19247255). SYNTYPE: Cat. 583. Locality: Alert Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound [Broughton Strait], British Columbia, Canada. Sand and mud, 10 fathoms (18m). 104 Collector: G.M. Dawson, 6 August 1885. Remarks: Referred to Pentamera lissoplaca (H.L. Clark, 1924). Three syntypes (incorrectly labelled paratypes) are present at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ1288). 105 REFERENCES Adams, J.R. and G.G. Gibson. 1969. Ancyracanthopsis bendelli n. sp. (Acuariidae: Schistorophinae) from Pacific coast grouse, with observations on related nematode genera. Canadian Journal of Zoology 47:619-626. Adamson, M.L. 1981. Parapharyngodon osteopili n. sp. (Pharyngodonidae: Oxyuroidea) and a revision of Parapharyngodon and Thelandros. Systematic Parasitology 3:105-117. Anderson, R.C. 1953. Dipetalonema sprenti n. sp. from Castor canadensis Kuhl. Parasitology 43:215-221. - 1956. Two new filarioid nematodes from Ontario birds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 34:213-218. - 1959. Preliminary revision of the genus Diplotriaena Henry and Ozoux, 1909 (Diplotriaenidae: Diplotriaeninae). Parassitologia (Rome) 1:195-300. - 1961. Study of two filarioid nematodes, Chandlerella chitwoodae n. sp. from Padda oryzivora (L.) and Protofilaria furcata Chandler, 1929. Canadian Journal of Zoology 39:317-323. - 1962. The systematics and transmission of new and previously described metastrongyles (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) from Mustela vison. Canadian Journal of Zoology 40:893-920. - 1963. Further studies on the taxonomy of metastrongyles (Nematoda: Metastrongyloidea) of Mustelidae in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 41:801-809. Anderson, R.C., A.K. Prestwood, and U.R. Strelive. 1979. Procyonostrongylus muelleri gen. et sp. n. (Metastrongyloidea: Angiostrongylidae) from the raccoon (Procyon 1. lotor). Journal ot Parasitology 65:811-813. Anderson, R.V. and W.J. Bemrick. 1965. Micronema deletrix n. sp., a saprophagous nematode inhabiting a nasal tumor of a horse. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 32:74-75. Appy, R.G. 1981. Species of Ascarophis van Beneden, 1870 (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) in North Atlantic fishes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 5921952205 Appy, R.G. and M.J. Dadswell. 1978. Parasites of Acipenser brevirostrum Le- Sueur and Acipenser oxyrhynchus Mitchill (Osteichthyes: Acipenseridae) in the Saint John River Estuary, N.B., with a description of Caballeronema pseudoargumentosus sp. n. (Nematoda: Spirurida). Canadian Journal of Zoology 56:1382-1391. Arai, H.P. 1969. A new trematode of the genus Lepidophyllum (Digenea: Steganodermatidae) from a cottid fish, Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 26:/799-803. Arai, M.N. and A. Brinckmann-Voss. 1980. A new species of Leuckartiara (Pandeidae, Hydrozoa) from the east coast of Vancouver Island. Canadian Journal of Zoology 58:1491-1493. + 1983. A new species of Amphinema: Amphinema platyhedos n. sp. (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Pandeidae) from the Canadian west coast. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 61:2179-2182. 106 Argue, C.W. 19/2. Tardigrades from New Brunswick, Canada. 2. Canadian Journal of Zoology 50:87-94. Arthur, J.R. and L. Margolis. 1975. Two species ot Myxobilatus (Myxosporida: Myxobilatidae) from freshwater fishes of western Canada, with description of M. yukonensis sp. nov. Canadian Journal of Zoology 53:1663-1668. Baker, H.R. 1981. Phallodrilus tempestatis n. sp., a new marine tubificid (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology NR IA LSI - 1982a. Two new phallodriline genera of marine Oligochaeta (Annelida: Tubiticidae) from the Pacific Northeast. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60:2487-2500. + 1982b. Vadicola aprostatus, gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine oligochaete (Tubificidae; Rhyacodrilinae) from British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60: 3232-3236. - 1983a. New species of Tubificoides Lastockin (Oligochaeta; Tubificidae) from the Pacific Northeast and Arctic. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 61: 1270212853: + 1983b. New species of Bathydrilus Cook (Oligochaeta; Tubificidae) from British Columbia. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 61:2162-216/. Baker, H.R. and R.O. Brinkhurst. 1981. A revision of the genus Monopylephorus and redefinition of the subfamilies Rhyacodrilinae and Branchiurinae (Tubificidae: Oligochaeta). Canadian Journal ot Zoology 59:939-965. Baker, H.R. and C. Erséus. 1982. A new species of Bacescuella Hrabe (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) from the Pacitic coast ot Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60:1951-1954. Baker, M.R. 1978. Morphology and taxonomy of Rhabdias spp. (Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae) from reptiles and amphibians ot southern Ontario. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 56:2127-2141. Bakus, G.J. 1966. Marine poeciloscleridan sponges of the San Juan Archipelago, Washington. Journal of Zoology (London) 149:415-531. Ball, I.R. 19/3. A new species of marine triclad turbellarian of the genus Sabussowia from Prince Edward Island. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 30:389-394. Barnes, R.D. 1980, Invertebrate Zoology. 4th edition. Sanders College, Philadelphia. 1089 pp. Barnes, R.S.K. (ed.) 19384. A synoptic classification of living organisms. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 2/3pp. Bartlett, C.M. 1982. Filarioid nematodes in the starling (Sturnus v. vulgaris L.) in southern Ontario, Canada, with a description of Eufilaria sturninus n. sp. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 60:2409-2413. Beverley-Burton, M. and G. Early. 1982. Deretrema philippinensis n. sp. (Digenea: Zoogonidae) from Anomalops katoptror (Beryciformes: Anomalopidae) from the Philippines. Canadian Journal of Zoology 6U:2403-24U8. 107 Beverley-Burton, M. and L. Margolis. 1982. Ophioxenes lampetrae sp. nov. (Digenea: Paramphistomidae) from ammocoetes of the western brook lamprey (Lampetra richardsoni Vladykov and Follett) in British Columbia, with comments on lamprey host-parasite relationships. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60:2514-2520. Beverley-Burton, M. and D.M. Suriano. 1981. A revision of Cycloplectanum Oliver, 1968 (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) and descriptions of C. hongkongensis n. sp. and C. lantauensis n. sp. from Epinephelus spp. (Serranidae) in the South China Sea. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59276-12585: Beverley-Burton, M. and V.G. Thomas. 1980. Rhabdometra lygodaptrion n. sp. (Cestoda: Paruterinidae) from willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus albus) in northern Ontario, Canada. Systematic Parasitology 1:157-165. Bigelow, H.B. 1920. Medusae and ctenophores from the Canadian Arctic ixpedition, 1913-18. Report ot the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, 8(H):1-22. Borstad, G.A. and A. Brinckmann-Voss. 1979. On Pelagiana trichodesmiae n. gen., n. sp., tamily Pandeidae, (Anthomedusae/Athecatae, Cnidaria) a new hydrozoan associated with the planktonic cyanophyte Trichodesmium thiebautii. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 5/:1232-1237, Bower, S.M. and P.T.K. Woo. 1977. Morphology and host specificity of Cryptobia catostomi n. sp. (Protozoa: Kinetoplastida) from white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) in southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 55:1082-1092. - 1981. Two new species of trypanosomes (subgenus Schizotrypanum) in bats from southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59:530-545, Boyce, N.P. 1971. Ezonema bicornis gen. et sp. n. (Nematoda: Seuratidae) from freshwater fishes ot Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Parasitology 57:1175-1179. Brinkhurst, R.O. and H.R. Baker. 1979. A review of the marine Tubificidae (Oligochaeta) of North America. Canadian Journal of Zoology 57:1553-1569. Krinkhurst, R.O. and R.D. Kathman. 1983. A contribution to the taxonomy of the Naididae (Oligochaeta) of North America. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 61:7507=-2317% Brinckmann-Voss, A. 1980. A new species of the genus Sarsia (Hydrozoa, Corynidae) from Vancouver Island and Puget Sound. Royal Ontario Museum. Life Sciences Occasional Paper No. 34:1-4. Burton, M. 1935. Some sponges from the Okhotsk Sea and the Sea ot Japan. Issledovania Morei SSSR 22:61-79. Cameron, T.W.M. 1936. Studies on the endoparasitic fauna of Trinidad. III. Some parasites of Trinidad carnivores. Canadian Journal ot Research 14D: 25-38. Carlgren, 0. 1949. A survey of the Ptychodactiaria, Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 1:1-121. Chamberlin, R.V. 1920a,. The polychaetes collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, 9J(H):1-41. 108 - 1920b. The Gephyrea collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Chapman, P.M. 1981. A new species ot Homochaeta (Oligochaeta: Naididae) from the west coast of Canada. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 94:455-457, Chengalath, R. 1978. A new species of the genus Notholca Gosse, 1886 (Brachionidae: Rotifera), from Great Slave Lake, N.W.T. Canadian Journal of Zoology 56:363-364. Ching, H.L. 19/4. Two new species of Maritrema (Trematoda: Microphallidae) from the Pacific coast of North America. Canadian Journal of Zoology 52:865-869. Ching, H.L. and K. Andersen. 1983. Description of Eubothrium tulipai sp. n. (Pseudophyllidea: Amphicotylidae) from northern squawfish in British Columbia. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 61:981-986. Ching, H.L. and N.I. Herrera. 19/6. Description of Megalophalloides apanhorayi gen. et sp. n. (Trematoda: Microphallidae) from mice and freshwater crabs of Peru. Canadian Journal of Zoology 54:1438-1442, Choquette, L.P.E. 1947. Phyllodistomum lachancei sp. nov., a trematode from the ureters of Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), with a note on its pathogenicity. Canadian Journal of Research 25D:131-134. Ciurea, I. 1933. Les vers parasitaires de l'homme, des mammifères et des oiseaux provenant des poissons du Danube et de la Mer Noir. Premier mémoire. 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Gyrodactylus pleuronecti n. sp. (Monogenea) from winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in Newfoundland, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59:2241-2243. Cone, D.K. and M. Wiles. 1983. Comparative morphology of Gyrodactylus groenlandicus Levinsen, 1881, ~G. nainum Hanek and Threlfall, 19/U, G. pleuronecti, Cone, 1981, and G. adspersi sp. n. (Monogenea) from northwest Atlantic fishes. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 61:417-422. 109 Cook, D.G. 197la. Trichodrilus allegheniensis n. sp. (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) from a cave in southern Tennessee. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 90:331-383. - 1971b. The Tubificidae (Annelida, Oligochaeta) of Cape Cod Bay. II. Ecology and systematics, with the description of Phallodrilus parviatriatus nov. sp. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 141:203-221. - 1974. The systematics and distribution of marine Tubificidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in the Bahia de San Quintin, Baja California, with descriptions of five new species. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 73:126-140. Cook, D.G. and J.K. Hiltunen. 1975. Phallodrilus hallae, a new tubificid oligochaete from the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 53934-9410 Cooper, A.R. 1921. Trematodes and cestodes of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, 9(G-H):1-27. Cutler, E.B. and V.V. Murina. 1977. On the sipunculan genus Golfingia Lankester, 1885. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 60:173-187. Dall, W.H. 1874. Explorations in the Aleutian Islands and their vicinity. Journal of the American Geographical Society 5:243-245, Dash, M.C. 1970. A taxonomic study of Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) from Rocky Mountain forest soils of the Kananaskis region of Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 48:1429-1435. - 1972. New Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) from the Penny Forest soil of British Columbia, Canada. Annales Zoologici Fennici 9:15-16. Davidson, W.R. and A.K. 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Two species of Kudoa (Myxosporea: Multivalvulida) parasitic in the flesh of Merluccius productus (Ayres, 1885) (Pisces: Teleostei) in the Canadian Pacific. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59:2085-2091. Kavelaars, J. and T.K.R. Bourns. 1968. Plagiorchis peterborensis sp. n. (Trematoda: Plagiorchiidae), a parasite of Lymnaea stagnalis appressa, reared in the laboratory mouse, Mus musculus. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 46:135-140. Kennedy, M.J. 1977. Aplectana lynae n. sp. (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) from the red-legged frog, Rana aurora aurora, in British Columbia. Canadian Journal ot Zoology 55:63U-634. Kennedy, M.J., L.M. Killick and M. Beverley-Burton. 1982. Oochoristica javaensis n. sp. (Eucestoda: Linstowiidae) from Gehyra mutilata and other gekkonid lizards (Lacertilia: Gekkonidae) from Java, Indonesia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60:2459-2463. Knight-Jones, P. 1978. New Spirorbidae (Polychaeta: Sedentaria) trom the east Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and southern oceans. 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Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 50:275-27/7. 118 Index of type specimens Names marked by an asterisk (*) are new names given to species in the type collection of the Invertebrate Zoology Division of the National Museum of Natural Sciences. acadiae, Marit nema: ss oie eos se eee etai cesse secs ses cesse O4 acadiag, Streptovitella .,......:0sscsesscsscs sessions Le eee O0 ACAnEhOCYSELS ÉOLEESCA se csseseesesessesoesesecesssesesess ee Il AeanEhocystlis hherterospinas en. esecsesssccesecbeceercesss:s-s-c---: I ACANENOCYSELS PANEOPOdEOÏAES esse cceceseosessessceceesseressssesessesse- srl NEANENROCYSELS PIMA CA. ec. sectes ses 00 coe s.0 + ele ole oSie.s 18 2010 se ee sise Sense BEAMENOCYStIS Quadrifurca cerccccvvccevecesccccsssocscsccsccsscsecsesvescoscoce lh AGAMENOCY StS LOLUNGAEA cesse ses ole elele ele ss cesssccscssceosss-so:-e...--.:.. 1 PREEBENOCYSLTSAGCETALD ccje cc: 06.010 6 0. 0010.80 01010 se ee o.eiviesele o0e.cie es vivsisisiseec esa aew cele ACANAHOCVSIELSNSETIAER et eee. ses -sesese se ess eee se ee eee 0 cesse see esse: 00000 172 MEAMENOCYSEIS Lrifurca scsccccciacccceccccesececccsecscesocssecscoesesecscoves le ECE A MALMOLAC. 8.600101 5 91010 0 01010 6 0 0.9.0 0 20 6 ae 2.0 nes see s een etes cesse cesse. OO Beplgauge borealis ......sccoosessoosesosreossocsssonesosroossscorsserescecsse 2) Actinauge TUgOSA essences cesse ssse seen sssssssssssesssescssenee 29 DH Dons, MDDhArEtE sos csescsceaessesesrsesesseececsseeseestescses:-s:ess-:cee di adraeroe, DéparOEN Ces Eos 0 006060000000 00000000000000000000000000/0 Éctaerens, MYCALE ccccvcccccvewevccccccscccasecccccccsccrececescocescesessss ell Bas peESAs. (GVEOdACEVIUS 20.0. cclcicw cc 6010s 0000 0101001406 clcicicic|s ce cicic cle ce clelcicicicilecccie 7/0 *agelaius, Diplotriaena cecesececscccccccccscvscccsccsvccscsccecvccscesseseese 92 agubernaculum, Philonema ........ss.ssesoosssssessosssssscsecsecesssecsesse ee 95 D CANACCHSTS es. cosscscenses cesse see ss es es see esesseeseses esse) alaskensis, Chondrocladia ..... voor vosovecoeocsoeooeeee21 alertes COOEGR ANNE OS 000 000000000000 000000000000 000000 TON ON alaskensis, Leptasterias epichlora D noeloie ONO OO OCCOO UO ODO OOCADOO OOO UODOUOOGDO OU 119 Ra SCCNSTUS OECLIOLONYEXS ee tele oies ele ciclo 0.0 0 0/0.» 00 » 9 0 9 0 à cccenecececcivccccccocesswsell alleys, ARRNOÏNIIUS So666 eee esse see se se o 01.0 0 ee ee ee 0.0 oo 9 + 0 ee ee 0 0e ee eee 0 + 0 + » 4 HIDPEECNSIS MDACEVIORVEUS eee ses. eo ee ee eee ee + see» » » = » + + ee + + + + + 0 + + » +,» 5, + eo LO 2 albida, Trigaster .....ssessssssossssessssssssssesssssesessesesssessssecses se da Albus, Eodrilus ........s..ssesssssssssssessssssesssssssssossesessesecsessse cH] aliger, Lecane (Monostyla) ..cccecccscccccceccccccccvccvccesecccccecseccecces 32 ablerhentensts Isic mubsvlns Goan 656 God oOOUOOOODUODUOU eee ee ° ee © 0 oo 5 0 0 0 o COOOL. AMTORTOSSLALUMISCAMLTER ST ee eee css sense sssss pee ee se ee e ee eee oo eo 0 o ee © 0 0 © o + 0 70 STDNUS SBUTDOTACRTELSE ES Reese see sise eee see eee eee ee ee 5e eo 210 8 so + + » OOOO: riveolara (vile), BVASEertaS LEOSChelil esse eesce sas ss se oecW s-e "vs 0 ten 640 7 07 SAMAKNAKEHS Si. d'SS OG ENA OLYXs See esse se ee se see eee =» se 18 010» ete e 1e 1e » 010 0 0 10 oo + ee 0 © 22 amaknakensis, Myxilla .....ssssososssocsssessccososonesesescssssesesesssecseee 22 AMA PAS SM ANALONENAINUS ER ess eeiee sons se ele ee else eee ee ee 0e ee» ee ee se ee 0 se + ee. ee 40 AMET CAUSA DG alm ES EEE een ses eme ses ee nie es eee se ele »1e eee © 0 0 0e o ee + se +: + oO RAMP Mare ce I ACULIELONSE esse see else see es iselolelele ee 2 eo eis 0 oo eo «= = 0 » eo 5101: see ee se +0 0 PAMDRATOEENALOELC AM ess seelele se ses 0 0 se sets see s © 0 9 à 0 0 9 o à 6/6 616) 8 ses eis. 0 10 © se se see «30 /MipMAeese GupZuleel 66 Re eee s OU OUONO se mise ee ee ee 81e ee 0 0 ee » 01 0 012 0 0 0 ee 0 + « 2e + 30 Ampharete johanseni sccccocccsccccccccseccccccsccscsccscccscesscccccccccsccece da AUP MAKe te mnetC tA ulelalslalslelelolelolelelclele ole eleleleeisielelelclersiels esse eee eee ee ses ee ee so eo 0 + + 0: oct *Ampharete Vega coccccccescccccececceseversccccesvesensccececessssscscecesesce 34 AMPAIDIeSECUMIOSDUENIEER ER cresson ebeee ces ess ele ses eee se siels ee s ee 0e ee ee + ee eee . 00 SANDITCHACEAREADELNS AGREE» see 010 sie ele s sie se sleie cicie eee eee» ele oo ee s'0'e 0 (0 ste o eee se I AMP HMRC Dis NEC OS Cire oem ter troc 000006000000 0000000000 ouDO 0000000002 AMP NOTES CUS Choose oo 0m 0000 000000000600 000000000000 0000 ie ANASDLONDOREUS er ess iehieiesieselese sieie sosie eeie eee ee sels else es see ecole ee o 210 5 etes ete tete e 1) AneCY LACANENOPS lS MbDeNTeAE ETS se esse nie ones ee se ee eee ee eee eee eee ee ee +: ee 00 andersoni, Rumenofilaria seniosesseeces sc eele eee ele este 0 oo 06.08 0 0 + 012 0 00 va 0 ov etes ete III anderson,” IrypanoSoma) ‘ejelsls\clclclclclolelelelelelelclelelolelelelelalelelalelelolelolelslelelalereleteloictstateistanerienetenial Andersonstrongylus Captiivensi's! ‘jcrelcleclclelelelclclclelcleleteielatclalciotalatsiatetatetstelaletelsteletstenersterenetca Andilorrhinus! amaparis "tete clelelclelolelelclelnlelelelleleleleleletolelaleleleteleloieistetciotersicieisiotatererstecko angusticaudum, AZygia esccccccccccrcccccccccccccccsccvecccvvccccccccccccccceel® angusticaudum, Mimodistomum <7c\clole\elelalelclelelelclelelelclelolel clelolalelelelelelelsisleletelelclalcteleletetolalersteri® annullatus!, Cuculilanus) ‘jetstcrs oleclole sleleleielelelclcielciclelolclelelelelcteletalelalelelelarsretoneteteletetetetelstatelster aU) anteroporum, Lecithophylelum vectelceclclclclelele/clelelelclelclelsiclelcletoleteretstelatetolelatelelctcletsteloleteteneten oo apanhoryi, Mesallophalsloldes! ferciclclslciclelele elclelslsicletclelclclctelelcleletcletelolelercietelevelsictetsiatelelenarster iO Aphrocallistes whiteavesianus 0..." 01100 000.010 01010 010 0 010 oo 0 010 0.0.0. 0.0 0. ° 0... °° 10 PAPHTOCAELTISEeSMVASEUSE TER 0e ee ehle elee elele esle see se ele lele ne elelele se isiele ee sie se se scies 0 Aplectana lynae ...sssssssosssoss soso seessosessesesesessscecseseneceese 87 Apophallus imperator sis else le oo ee 'otole sole eee etetelele eee eote ee eee colo ele 0e diese scie see elle) aprostatus, Vadicola ..........s.ssessssssossssssossssosessssosenesseeses ee 03 Apteragia pursglovei ....sesssssssssessssssssosssssosesesesesesssesesscesee ee 87 *aqueductus, Haliclona ......ssssvossossosonssssssssesesesesessescssssseseses 19 Farctica, Ampharete .4,..... 0 0 010 0 0°0'0"0 0 0"0 00 010 010 0 000 00000000 000050006000 000033 atest) ELCITTODELB 0 0/05 05 0 e's se o's 0 00 cle 0 0 0 0 0/0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0e ele se = a's sn sis secs sect rc mliCo ds 4%," o'e'elole"elelsTele’ele"e"slele'e'e'ete'e’s'e'e's ‘ete le'e"e ete ne eee dons ensecesanesett AEcEiHS, Proteocephalus "toto se c'e tote toto tete a 010 0 "0 0 0 005 no mnanenesces ss etes 0 Ps Scolecolepiden eee eee setetetetetote ete 'e d'otetetole ste etete sas sn cena Arctonoe Lid ....ssssssossessseessecessecsseesssessssessssescssessssseceseeee 37 D DEV AEA clic ER. eee ele ele nie ete mietete ete se es o1ntnle te eo atoiete en 01e 0151090 010 4 0520 pe else D armatis, Kananaskis), Mesenchytraeus ec neo so soso. set DM INC OPOd UM 0% eee elole tete tete ss se ete 1e eo 'e 0160 e'ulels's'e'o wiereioletelstorsieiesa\s|atotsvare/ ott Ascarophis extalicola SR EDP RE CR CO DD OL OO PI CID CO Lei ASLLIS, Eukerria cececccccececcccccccescccccsceccesccccccseccecccccccsccscece dl asperum, SYCON seseeeseeececceccecevcrccesevreseccccsecescssssscsevesvssscsseely aspiculata,-Geopetitia......... oo, 94 Asterias nanimensis cececcccccccccccccccccccccccccscseeccceescceccccccc cece sc 06 AGP RUES EMA S) EONCIDUIAEA SR ess scseeessescseeeses ss cseocscesseee,s: 01000 *Astrometis sertulifera cecccccccccccccccccccccvcccccccccccccccccccc ccc sc cee ee 09 atlantica, Pileolaria (Jugaria) ....sesesssosoosessosseseessesssssssssseese ee 40 attoni, Gordius SOO 0D0000 000000000000 00DUDOUUOODDUU00 UU DOD ODOC ODDO TON OT OL! Aulactinidia INCUPANS sic se 0 0.0 «615.5 0 0010 0 0 010 + + 016 0151010101006 .0 ee +,» + 0.0 0.0 ee ee 7) Azygia angusticaudum....sssssssssesesssesessosesssssecsesssessesessseseseseee 78 bande Inmnodeilondes EE eee seensetseseesssvceneeseessecesescecseeeeees ses: Bacescuella-labeosa .... oo 00000000 11° 33 Bathydorus dawsoni ...sssssssssesesssossesesesesesesesscessesesessoseseses 16 Reel Ines S5600500000000000800o00000d00000000000000000000000000000080 BABRCAULRS COR 500000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000 NOTES behringensis, Myxilla .......sssosesosossssosesessesesesossesescsesessccesese22 belli, Lumbricillus cecsecscccreccccrcvecccsccvcccccccessssesesesssseseseses 43 belli, Thalassodrilus .......ssessssossosesesssssesseseosossessssesssosesses e 59 HencouL Moreno 5500000 0000000000000100000000 000000000007 0000000 CE Bicidiopsis arctica ....ssesesesessssssssesesessssenesessssesosesesesssssse ee 29 *Bicidiopsis borealis sessecececcccecereresecscsssesesesessesesessssesesesesse 29 Bacs. ZM sovoooccocodooocoooco0o000000000000VOUDOLOOOOT0ODOUC TO 2000 DOS bioccai, Trilobostrongylus ..ssssssssssesessosesssseesscsessessessossosesee ee 99 bhiorndirate. OrAsEGlAS Co6000cco00d0000000do00d00000000000000100000000000000 de *biordinata (forma), Orfthasterias:koehlerl, ..55.., 0.2.0. 0 06.0 5 0 aisle sotele:sioieie siolme DE PAPIER DE ADOPROÉAE anus ossss ce sec sesesosscsesesséesesesssecsces ses. 0 borealis, Actinaugeesccccsccccccscccccecsccecescesvessessessesesseseessesseserd *borealis \BicidiOpSils <6 c.c «0:0 eee css secs csescccecscecsssses esse se 20 #bporealis} PatuLosCuTA M RC eceeecsscreccecrocceceeemn eee ai borealis/AToxochalina ee es ececcsecesecesecsreeeese eee nr une Doreus M ANASPLOMEeR Sete steeeesselsesseseseetsssess-eseeseess-s-esseresse-----rr oe bousfieldi; ‘Scolelepis *(Nerinides) \scccccdccecccance cece tncee cismimisieictlereieiees brevacecum, "Phydlodiis toOmumM™ sje «\s)c\s ool elviovelelviels/elelelelelaletelelelcieieierstersialeierarsisteisteterstsiarersiciarcO) brevicoleus MTubiEicoides selec aleicicleieie eel eleieeicrciclelelelclevcielelerereieieisisisisieieleioistoieiaicieicise ao brounae slkubihtCord eS Mere s\elclalelslelelc/clolelelelelcleleieisloieleiereleielelelerelelciereraicleraheteisieteteieretslensioO brunvicensis ‘(var<); ‘Hypsibius *(Diphascon) ‘pineuis-:252 2. 2000 ceccee se Oe BEVOTEMIUSSPALVUSSKANANASETIS MS eee clisielcie e)ele/ ciclo clelele slelcie oloiclelsisieictercieretonsieierscereteretsrect2i UU Ode mast see TIS oleae olalolel slele/siele aleie/elele cleleloleleleleeversielsieioiere oleterelelerelersisierstelensienarereico EMelstiearud tsa G Vy OdACEVINIS Melee sieleiclelel scecsseeeseesccscscccsessscscseses-ssce-es: iO ab lerOoneMAMPSeUdOArLsUMENLOSUS Es ee ses sssesesesecssssessescesecsccsess---see 00 CAnerONAMEeDIdOphY EU se sesccsesmeseesceessecsseeececseecesscecss-erccecselU PanadensieneDiphyAelobot- rim Metelelelelelsl clsielete/elelel cle elslelelele clelalalelelcloleisisleleialerstersic chelstarelers oO) PRE Ten AE ses essences eseseeceeesscecssscseess-sssme-rs-cilt CHMATCnSIS AC EENOSOMASe esse eee sseeseseessessssscesseesseesielslesie eee) Pndencis -DEVIGMETETS “seddecddcedecdddddcccdeccde cd deceecicce eee in PaO SPE NAT ORAEG A 2424888 ee esse 8 2 Se ticiele e eraleia © suekepeistoinoumtsfasstei =! Syd Tey wiih a yy Seg fe Co gf C8 ess se Ses Si see LIST EE SOC CL oc Mess (ACT SeMTa see 28 88 NT EE INT seine ce ace decrenercscnemeste ISS MGrantlid ss ss ee oise eee ee Tes eeccetenvensees eee M HPusios Martonind ss ca cece Code Lee ees CTs ea Ce ceed cee eee sentesnievsts eietaveaste Anais A NEPHEVS assis oc es cece I NS te Nee ces mamas dec JT ROUGH S MPTOSCOMA* ddd seo de ete Sas ES TEST Sole Oe te sisalenoieusiniainainia does BERBER ei Eteemant es ssccessececcessnesmesssseesoscsscsssossssesessessssse00 Capillaria margolisi Sn relaie sis Dire aie ni Re eee ais eee s 0100 sie ciele ete ae 2e ove dois eee see ec 123 Camiilllersicy PASOPREYS A eee eee se se of. OOOO ODUUOODUDOODOOOUDOOOOOODOOODOOOUOOOUODOOr O9 *capillosa Scypha ....ssssseseseseseseesess cesse sssssssessesessese 13 Captivensis, Andersonstrongylus eecccccccccccvcccccccccccccccccesccccscsesee se G0 CAO EON Gy PEODLAliclelslclsisisiclalclalelalsisisialclscsciclesiciecccecosccverevccecccceseceecel L Centrovarium lobotes cececeeevccccccceccvccvccsvccvsccseseccsccccccescccsees 100 Cernosvitoviella Christenseni wccvccccccccsccccccccvcvccvcsccscccccsccccscccets Chandlerella chitwoodae se ccc ccc ccc ces cc cee cccccccccnscccesceees 89 iia oa OTIS Aalelele!e/eleleleielslclele\ele/cloie eee ee ee e ee + » cle à ee © ee © se cece se se see s,0,0 + eo 40 ChAMIOECeNS lcm iiasd Old Tal Melclelelolelslclele/sieleleleicleiel sleleie)s/elelcle cle) elelslelele/siele ele e/6 4/0) « oe seve oO chitwoodae,, Chandillerelilia’ cciciccicicc\c\c 0100010 ss essences 60 cdelcviccceccescoceeeeve 601 CHOANO PEN ampascere lula clelelclclele cleiclcicielelelcle e/eleleleleiclelcicjcieleleleielecleieleleielsiondisie ses esse LO Chondrocladia alaskensis cececccccccvcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccedl Ghondrocladiapulehra etes eseseescscecseseecssscosssecssssseseseseesses Chone ungavana .essesssesessssossesseosssssssssesesesessessesssseseseeseses ee 38 CHRIS PeNSeDIPACERNOSVIEOMEeM AE R eee eeseeeesssseseesecesss cesse eos eee se cet MNREr, NOTNEMS scocobocescodcbonoton 000606060600 00000 000000000000 OU bOOCOO DER ŒUVRE, SGD ococcootodoscooocboucoocoosouoooocoaoo00oooccocoubdoo0ono00ooit- lS Clathria delicata ceccccccccccccvcvcccccccccccseccccccvcccccccccccccccccscceel® Clathria laevigata .....ssososesosescscocssesesessssesesesesesseessescosesee 19 or ee leo sraucooccoocbontcoboocouocodo0ococodoonoucocoubooovouo Corel, PoPHOoc EME dobaocoboodosvovoododosdobootood ob 0000000000 0000000 00071 colunylane,, Ormes iron ocoobeodooococoaudboooondododococnuodococotounoec Ce COMMPTANA, SEVLAEULA cceccccccncccncaedascacsosccecccccssceneencseneceissaciostl compactum, SYCON coveecececccevcscccccecesesevsvsscscssesessesssessesesssseseld compressus, Nootkadrilus mravetoleisterotstelcietaiatctelolevelevclersvelclevelaverciciersie ciere'e eisielelaieierele-eelererer DO) Concinnus, SUDEFIEES ee. clelelclelelclsiclelejolelelclelcieleleloleleleleleleloreteletetebetenetetelshoneieneneiaienenar= o> Conispora renalis "5... cle/ ele elelelelolelelcle)clelelelelelelorelolcleletalataterelsteteteletorelcienenerenetenen/io} corderoi, \Glossoscollex Homalometron pallidum css ss ectcelo see cer eee. Homochaet a) raptisae 0... sesssssescsasscoscescescetmecs-se-aiseeett ee OI hongkongensiis:,) Cycloplectamum 5... ......-e.svcssecccs-ces-r-eccer-rrnrr- 10 *Hormathia (Actinia) nodosa ç..,. else essences de 2 0 hudsonianum Phascollosoma. 5... olelelole/sicielolelel eioieieialsielalersrereieretelsteteloheiatelereiarsiatat Ot hudsonica aNenhEvse este eee ceececescmclstsenecsssneecssemerecissesesserrescet-er 0 hughesi, Minusculisquama .essccscccccccccscccvccccccscescvscsccsccescvcsecese 38 Hypsibius (Diphascon) pinguis var. brunvicensis ccccccccccccccccessesceccess ° 64 ipiradtGlossoscolex (Glossoscolezx) grandis: nsc ssestescsseo-cssce10 HChEbyophagus, MHAPIDEAXISM OR. eee ee eee ee eee ssiele ele se esse eee eee ele sise eee ee sie) IMDErAEON, APODhALIUS RS nee eee ele see see ee eelecleele see see cie ee ee se ec. 27) PÉDCISARUNEDHEVS Le eee ciel ele es = eele e (sie ee ele 01e ee = 1e e1e elelo e ele sie sielele eee else es ele e eee. 50 CS Un HE BIOdISÉOMUME See. eee siecle seleeieie ee esse cel sie ejs ie se sise iciele ee eee LOL PICO PMMA MO ELEDLOCATAN eee cesse ee cie en es eee cles eee ele sise slelee ess secret t120 SITs See Mau ESS EE 0 000 oo 000000000000 00 000000000000 2202) fi HAC ALS AAC EINMIAS Re ee ses seseseesse ses ee ses e secs cs cesse Mr radléenste, Saurofilaria sus ss ea cesessesensemnelseisenissssvephecspins1 Iotrochota magna ....sssessesesesssssosesessessesesseseoseosesessosesesesesee 22 jarmilae, Trichodina ....ssosossessessoessessecssossessessscesessesesesseseee 74 javaensis, Oochoristica ...ssssssssesossssosescssescssesessessenesessecoses ee 84 johanseni, Ampharete ...ssssssosesossessosessosessesessessesessessssessesee ee 33 roue, Cucullanellus he ssseistoiolscierseeeies saisies snoop csstsi.. D Hnaekils, Bryodrilus) PATVUS. ,s.scioeisielelersisierscielsieiele clsioeis ce cjesoseseie ciciss ns set kananaskis, Mesenchytraeus armatus ..ccseoceeceee 00000000 2 0.0 0 » 48 kisutchi, Rhabdochona Sosa sine sie nieie siclceresie leo cie0 leo COCO D COUR OOUD OO ele ee eieisielse se 7 132 Klaskisharum, MartoOnina ... eee. e ee eee 00.0. s + = + 0,0 0 0 eo #10 » » + oo .+ » » 0 + + es oo + e + + ee + + 40 PeGewlemaChOrna mplOrdinatca. OGENASEECEIAS eee ses secs s eos ess eee .08 KRochlematonma)ikoenhleri, OnthaSterdas 6 eee ce eee ccs e os 0 0 0 » se 01010 0 + 010». + ee + 09 Mrodiilert (om) M eLGS RENOM SSI ESS EN NEO AT KOMALCKIONANEAEONI ES Reese eee ses se 0 0.0 + 0» cece vests 0 + » » » o + ee ee 01e ee so 0 ee eo se 49 ROSE RNOERONCA EEE R Eee enmesaeesnessesssesesesese se see see es ee 03600 000 ease ROZMMOBEMIUDTIEICONTES M etre emensenssssessess eee eee eee 0.00 0 + + 0 0 cece scene O1 Kudoa paniformis sececeeccecccccccccccccccrccccccccccsesscesessessessesessesel TADEOS AP MBACES CUCU aiiaiais/s!slels/elalels/si s/o) s/s le elas \e/0/e)s/0//0)s)0/c/0/0 eee ses 61e 01e 0 eles 0 0° se oS MACHANCE1- M ENVIOALISEOMUMN ER eee eee ee ee see ele e se ee ee ee 0e » ee see ee ee © eo ciclelele’s oe e100 LACOUTOS AMIS AE ER sense see ve see e 21e 0010 0 DOU OO 1e se 0 ne ieie)o ee 0 ee ee (010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 « 2) VEN alte A ACIER EE er eeeseee see ess ee ele see se ee es ee efelotelo eee ee se see ee se 1 lapanoïides ROMA SETAM Eee eee ee ses esse eee esse eee see ee = ee ee ele ee ee e eee. + + + 2 Xlambei, Sycon seeseeccesccscccccsvesvcsccsccsccsscseessssesssssessssesssvesseld Tameliiisabel la coronata. soccer ess ess cesse se ee eee. °0 LAMPDEErRAE AUPRIOXENOS Rebelle ses see se ee ee» es 0 © 0 = 0 + » ee + 0 eee ee ee ee 0 ee 7) Jlaneenensis, Cyelepleceantin GaqgqgnGb66b00000000 00000000 DODO me 00 000000 0D oo tatenralacanenanmuasa net tnOmet alors clefs se ee sele ee se = eee e see ee ee lolo e ee ete e1ele e ee 02) MA err S MACOS TCS mlelelelelelstelelelelelelel sie! clei cel ele eee eee cleleiste eleteelele este tele o ele sie eee « O2 lsuraneie, Nornolcs slelelclelolelelelolelelsieiolels/elelele\clelelsiclelele!elelele!e/clele e/sie] el) slelelelelseletelel Yel otevere 2. lanreniious. Call goooooccooccobdondbocoococodooooonoodocontocoonoocccococile illawiaeireisl., MEDNETS een re sente seelseeeieis else sels selee etes ee ee eee eee se eie ete ee se + eee 0 DÉPATENUMOROB EVA) AlLEEl msc cases esse cececceccewaceces eee ses 606680 0 005 0 °° 32 MEcUENOMeSHUS EPINOEUSE cree ssmeeseisteeier esse eee eee eee see ele ee ele ee es ee ee | OS PeCtEbODA INA EELOPDONUME esse es seisielee see se /elo ee (0e se /e1e ee este eee sise ee see » ee LUS Lenlsopnwililun comsromMoéococcnodocnontonoooccoondooooon oo ooddodocouco0oc ol ÉPEDTAS PET AERAIASRENS TS esse elelele ele sie sie els sels ie olee ls ee se 2e 0 se ee ee etelelelele te sale ete lee fe OA Leptasterias epichlora alaskensis else eo sors 0 20 00e 0.0 21e 21010 2 0 8 0 00 0 10 0 0 000 00e estes OU Leptasterias epichlora plena ......ecescecsessescosescsssssesseseess.esse.. 08 *Leptasterias hexactis forma plena cessecrecccccecccccscccsesscsccccscccscecse 68 leptasterias macount 21, «\ceie\0 01001 0/0] o/oKela\e/clejeloleselelelololslelelelaleleloleteloreheletelelateletaleleratelsteteletel Oo l'eptolena, Orthastierd as) . <\\0.0ie 010/010) e/0lele/oleleje/sielejclelelelelaiotaleloleisteieleloislelaheletebeleteterciaieistersi Oo Leptychaster millespina (cjsjereie/elale/elelelelele) clelelelolelelololaxelalolelelaloheleleletetelelelolaleleketakeletatalencrstani) *Lepty.chaStenx pacitilCus) (./5jcjcc\cleleolelejelelole/oielelelelelalalejoleseielelolalalelolejeleioteveleteteteketetetevararctatetst iO *Lethasterias: nanimensis....seiciorsasrsie)seislais sie se sen sedmemeescecess.ssehheti 0 Leucandra cumberlandensis 4.1... 01.10 101010 010 01e 0010 0/01» +12 810 0,0 ee 01= 01e 0e ee 0 ee ee." le letcandralta Ion see see cieele sleeciesise sels eieieiee eee cecscereetcetesecccc- il Leucandra valida ..4.0%00.0 0.0 0- 0.0,0.0:010.0 01010.010-010 6 1ételolato let ele otetele e 014 Leuckartiara foersteri ..sosssssssssosssooosocsocsososocesosesesseseceesee ces 28 Lia, Arctonoe ....sssssssesssssscssssessessssesesesessessesossosesoseosesesee 37 *lia, Schizonoe ......s.sssssssossessssssossesesesessesosessssesessescseseseee 37 Mmsddriloides/barnardi, esse sereeciee/eteiseiernierela foie eoreje eine stelel elec ele ent imaodriloides-monothecus,.. 1.1.4... 0eceereisreis-elereterelsteelelets etcietsniéieietelele colsie seen Dimnodriloides . VELTUCOSUS: «10 'e:0:0:s 0'0/0/0:0'0'0:0/0'0/0'0'0:0'0'0'e 0/olerefela/eloferelete/eelotelele solelelete ele se D4 Limnodriloides victoriensis .occccccecciccccscccecce sieve 010 0101010 :51010 010 ele ielote.c10'e 51e ° 032 Hnmodeiloides winckelmannisesteretetoisreisteretete ctole/orntote)d'oln/cloretetois c'efotéte ess oteletoiele esse ARE, DI CHOZAS EOE “ecole s/c se sc ae ciel efetoier eee eterelereletetotaretateretaielateleteiele etoile étalon IE Pssodendoryx amaknakens1s). see etssieretore-e/oreto'ets ste oletetoloretotetslotote stoialois/s olsie o ste 1oiote e e1e 2e. *Lissodendoryx firma Ju soin eterstélets ain eo o/s'otslotstate ets lee cieteletale elelelelelelste etre Sete Ie ap laGa LCucumarila 08e cteteterereere ete miololas/ntatoierelaole/alaieie le eleteleto slois sie teic lors alerte 2 OA *lissoplaca, Pentamera ceocecccccccccccccscccccccccccccvcccseccesccsccossseess 105 Hicoseues, Bathydrilus eee e'eefaietein/e/erarers'ore els /e/'e/elelafo afaielolelelers/eleloie se stetehoisier ele ne 9 See Ee Mycale... 5e ocetercte soreroroferciesteleroto ere elarerelelels/etehele afaaie te c'e teste elesietdeisé els 21 lobotes,..Centrovarium cccocecccccccacvccccceccveccaeeciecceccencvsccscecisicceeeslOO lobotes, Distomum BARRO OOD OOO OOOO CO OCDOOOODCOCODOOG DUC OORCOCLOO 000000 0 BOO LU) 133 Loma morhua ceeeeeessccccccccccrccvcvccecsevsscccscccssscessessesesesesesessels *longa, Drilonereis ....es.esessessssssssssesessseesssssssscesssesssssesessese 34 *longisetosus, Discordiprostatus .............s.ssssossssssssessssssessesses ee IO longisetosus, Monopylephorus ......sssssssssesssssscsssssesesenenessssssesese 55 Lumbricillus belli ....s.sssssssosssscssssocsesesesesesesesessssssesesececesee43 HUMP EN CIM IS (ChATAC 5 0 desste es a) eco!) ete o 0 0 0101 51010 0 010 0/0101e1e 0 0 ete e o1010/0 0 01010 010 0 0 010 0 46 BUMP ELSPELUS CULEUS 0 0 0e ciolele ciclcicicie e1o10 0 010 010.» 0101 #10) 2) 0101 9101 0101010 0 0 010.0 9101010 016 00 s10 0 01010 th Lumbricillus georgiensis ..s.sssssssecssesssessssseseesesessessessssessecsesee 44 Lumbrieillus mirabilis ..... ses 0e oo cecnees eee eee see ee 44 Pumbeticiblus Mupertensis «ciel cto) ste 0 ee 01e 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 01010 «01010 0101 0 sole cree cree o delete c'e 0 0101014444 EUMPEICHIUSMESTMPSCANLS A erotete ete ee eteletete ses ee eee se © e1e ee 0 010 0 0e o ets lele ele 1010 sietotol cle) Lumbricillus vancouverensis 2 ceccccseccccvcccvcccccccccccccccccccccccsccccce4y lutreol/ Dipetallionemans.". "11.101015 01010 01510 910 0 0101010 0 010 01010 s/o10 0 © © s10 0 ee oleoto1e ° dh Slycopodium, VASES Op Lia RSS TS eee ects slolele eletete ee eteie este se ee see e ele seletsiele ctsels ele ee Lil, kyu patos RhAabdoOMEErA ee es eee see ee ODOUOC ODOC UDCOCHOUOOUUOUUBOOUOUOUOO GES. lynae, Aplectana sessessecsecccccvervsscccccsvcceccsssessessessssssssssssseeeal lysteri, Phyllodistomum ......sssssesssosssscsssesssssscessscssscssssssese ee 80 MACON PATATE. elelclelelelelelel clelelsl eee es ee elele sie eicla sisieie e ele e cite (4 MACOMEMMeNEASEPRIASN es lee ceseieeisie sels olelel el elelel ofelelelelel == se see eee els else ele sieteei- OO Magelona dakini ....sssssssssesssssssessssssssesessscsssseseseseseosseseses 35 Magelona hartmanae sesseseserecesescvescccvsvsescsesesessssesesesesessssesese 35 Magelona hobsonae cseseeseccsccccescccccesereresesssessssesesesesesssssseseses 35 magna, Drilonereis sesesecccecccecccccsccccccsssscsesessssssssssssecssssssees dt magna, lotrochota eistelalstcl cllelelcioliel oleh ole) etoiles eee eee eelele siecle sels elelelete 1e + 212. mareusi, IGOLdIOARILUS ee. eee -esessoe ces dole ee co se os «010 0 0,0 0,0 #0 .+ e1e +12 0 0 21° 2 margolisi, Capillaria cessececcccccccccececccccsccscsecssesessssssesesesessesedd Marionina canadensis... cvecevedscdcccscerdeordvcccsevgreccccccscccesveenescsves4o Marionina charae AB ODO COO OOOO DO GUO see 0010 0 610 0 91510 0 10100 2100/0010 e 31018 010 0 08 00000 0 00/00 40 Marionina charllotttemsiis 4 <\c«!c.clc\s «00. 0 6 0)se0\e/0le/alalele/elelelclelelslelslsjelsieieletelelelerelsielersielel-tO Mar1onina Craggi ccs oso. 06 « vle\sie)eleelele/eelelelelelelelelslelelelelelclalclalelelpietateleialsbalaletarelcharatelctatera ti Marionina klaskisharum Mesepehytraecus armatus kananaskis. .cecccscscececeacececectdctccsccbebweesebwade p40 nichiganensis, NOHO! Cal ieleleiele clelelelelelele/oe.6 clelels\ele clelelelelele clelelaieleisleleleielolelelsielslslelere/ejeis 2 Micronema delet rix secsecccccccccsccsacsccsedeccsecscssccsccvascsossnvcssssess 73 MEE TOMERCE IT nn ss simis.s cis 0 0 018.0 © 4.066 0% o-6-01p 0.0.0 6 Ae nie pleieretaisiein alele s sia mie mime ni Peter U AAT ONACS se -sosecessscsseeeessenesceesecssescsensss-.sses set + oe Meters. Thalassodrillides sescceseccacconcessecesecssesesce Ce esCensusv = yuena JO Hetbeapina, LebDEYCHASEET. sacescccscanocdecoccosesdscccesesessesssevetsrsceenedo Mimodistomum angusticaudum wcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccescscccssesccosseel& mimus, Spio Bese pipe abe Meals eee ce beGne bes Gece ce Ses vince e acdsee Gmmeam cms CU ey Minusculisquama hughesi Seeded seep sie eRe peaeeier es eres tele p cesser ie Hrabilis, Lumbricillus occscccccccssscsnccves coer sascesssespucecseeemsuwn osm 44 MeadeHEd, Esperella, ccccocrcescacescvecessceeersesseceseesnsesecesceceundsnweweo RER, Henlera ceasaps sees ee oe dare vecces Sone ches sande vecsiee sce) sm elemenmn daw *Monanchora pulchra ass nee eee ses este ee sie se cles cie see socio ses sels ses sie else | 136 MONOCEE US AAA LOCEECUS 06 0. es ee se ee se 010 0 0 01e 0° 10 0 0 6,6 0 0 0 0.0 © © ee 0 0 oo ee 0.0. 0 0 0 cee G4 Monopylephorus QUELCULAEUS 0.0.0. 01010 0100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 #0 ° oo 0 0 000 0 0 0.0 00 010 0° 0.05 MOnOPyYÉEPROLUS EVEREUS 4. 6... 60 0. + 0 0 se 0,5 0 s 0e © » » » 0 0» 0 0 0 + ee ee ee 0 0 00 0 0 000 50 edo NODOBMEDROEUSMIONPISELOSUS Le es. eee 0 secs 0 0 01e 9 01010 0 51010 510 018 010 010 0 0.8 0.0 0 0 00 0 + + 00 mnonotheeus, cLimnodriloides. 6... ei. otsle sole oo 0 se 0 0 010 0 © 0 010 010 0 0 5 0 °° 0.00 se + D4 morhua, LOMA ......ss.essssossssssecossssssssssssesssesssssssesssesescsesseee 72 MACleRIEMEEOCVONOSETONLVIUS 6 es ses ssie so e eme sie se os see 21e o 01e 0/5 6 eescece siecle GO nmulEiSsEnTaEUus 0bpellscoides cunlieuli es ess so ocecsesosces ces cos e see) FmProaudara Gaotrinnia (GOUEANSIA)) icin ccec doce ws se. odie dees Fase 0de0 cece eee 0004 *Mycale adhaerens eeeseesceccecvecccccccsccccsccssessessccscsescsssssesessssee 20 EMyYCAle hISPIdA M Een esessssesesssssssssseseseseseceeseesseecssseessesesesss: 20 EMYCAMERIOPAEAM ES Se ee ses close ess sos see sn soscesesceseseese secs es es eee. eee ee 2 myoti, Trypansoma eosecseccececceccccccccccscccsesscssesccsscsessessessessssel en Myxilla amaknakensis ....sssssssseosososssssesssessssscsessecsessssessesssesee 22 Myxilla behringensis .....ssssssssssssosssscssssssssesesssscesesesesseeceseee 22 EMYRUASIMOEUSEANS Messe sets se ee es sieste ses ses seseeseseesescecececcccess 2/0, 24 Myxilla firma covesceccerccrcccvevccscecsvcrecsvesecsessvesessessesssssesseselds Myxillatlaeunosa2. 0... 000000000060 0 0 0 0 0 s0 6 000008000006: 23 MORIN SD ATAS MELCA MER eee cs ssseseesscescseescesessescescesesseseccesecessecs st Myxobilatus yukonensis ........sssssssossesssossesososscsesescscesesesssoes ee 73 HANITEDSLSNMASÉeLIASMe- se -ees-sscesssssesceseessseesseesccesesese-escsseceseee-:e:00 PDANIMENS IS, SMCÉNASECEI ASS. cesse sos esse se secs esesecsess see (ee clele eve oe esse see 100 Neohelicometra sebastis soso secsessssesseseceesse 18 Mans RUlA ConosonoudoaucogcdcaconcoudoocoL 00000000 0000000000 0PbO0 00007) Nephtys canadensis .......e.ssossosoesosossssesssosssssesssesesssesessoseseee 35 *Nephtys ciliata essences ssssessssesssesesesesessesese ee 36 Nephtys hudsonica 30 JOOCUC OOD DOUG O00 0000000 DOL OUOU OU OT UOBOUC TOUT OU *Nephtys,incisa eisisisics cols ccciciccccccccccls ceive e cscs aicicicciclsslssicisietstetsianisatslaaanieeye Nephtiys) l'awrencti ee s)eleiclelcleelelclelelelclclolstslelatelstsicieleletsiontetatstelstatsioietstetereisnsts 0 *Nephtys) paradoxal sic « ee se sers se eee ele sieste es see esse esse 0 neroubtsensis; Mari onilmal eee. ecctseesseeeceselesselcemesce- esse NEWÉCIS MTUDIEEXMS RS Steele le esse ses eee seelsets sieste reemsre se re aot mielsiendiis MO SAMOA 00000000000 000000000000 0000000 100070000000 00 nodiferus”(var-tand”forma), Pisaster ‘ochraceus A0 00e CRE CEECEREe stele Fnodosa,Hormathias(Aetinia) 2 REA RE AE Noces Con OMS 000000000000 LO00C0OBOCOOLLOOCTD00P00006080600000006 Noel OUEN EM 000000600000 00000000000000 000000000000 00000 000080 Nooktadrilus grandisetosus ......sessssessessessssssssessossssseseossocsesse 36 Nootkadrilus hamatus cocon soso soc soso soso coco saone nee se see tl Nootkadrilus verutus ceccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccced/ NOEMOMGAMKOS EEE ENT else ete se ses eee le se ee 1 010 ee eee ielelole ee sisie ss elelels sis sieteleleleiele 32. NOBROICAMAUTENTIA ENS less ee see sosie es es ssleleies eee ele ee eee se sielele sels else ee ele 32 NOH OMGAmm Chuan GIS Siete ele clelelclolole/eicleleielelelciclels/eie leis clelalelcleielelciclelsiclotsioleletelaletsteleletsterens 2 nova, Diplocardia .........ssesessossesesesesseseesesessessessosesssseoseseee4l Obeliscoides cuniculi multistriatus . 0000020 nc ons see dose 2) oceidentalis, Esperellass ss. docs dos code ee sooncesessesessasasssss lil ondes upon SMS SIN SI TIM CS ol @ennacéds ‘var. and ‘forma, nodiferus, Pisaster MS SSL scsssesss ao oligobranchia, Protoarciciella .....sssssssessssssosssssssssssesssecsssessee 36 oncorhynchi, Eubothrium ....ssssssssssesssosssesessecsseccesesssseccssesee ee 84 oncorhynchi, Genolinea .....esesssoseesssssesseoseosesesessssssesssoosess eee 103 Doehoristicasiavaenstass a. deed eee eee eee desc déotnanessessasvases 0 HPidorenoetldnpetradetnse ss 23 1e ei ete ee se srmasaeennaseecscsssesel SORHMIPEASPONCLA pennata sec cocsoeseocceosessesmscesssnesecseeseooesseeseceses 24 138 DFFRASEerRLAS DIOrdIMAEA ee ee e ee. 0 ee v0.0 01000 01600 0.651000 00 0c ee + ee eo ee see + + + OÙ Orthasterias columbiana ceccccccccccccccccccccccccccvccccccccsccccccccccc cee 068 Orthasterias dawsoni cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccceccceccsccccc cece s 69 *Orthasterias koehleri forma biordinata coccceeccvccccccccccccccscccccsccccseec 08 *Orthasterias koehleri forma koehleri cecccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccce 09 Orthasterias Leptolena .... essences see ceseece eee 09 osburni, Amphiblestrum ........ soso eoseocososoeeeececees eee 05 osteopili, Parapharyngodon .....sssssssssssssossossosssssessessssossecsesse ee 95 GEEAWAHENS IS MP ATASÉELOELEMAR Se ee ess eos es ee es es ses eee se eee eee eee... 0.0 0° 0,0 7 9 PabistaPeaATapnelicd ACES Rennes css seesesessoeeeesse eee eee seeceecseee cesse 0 pacifica, Crassicauda .........essesseosososesessssscssesesesssesseseoseeeee e 89 pacifica, Maritrema cecseecesecccccrccccccrccccccrescsccsesesesscsesesesesvesl pacifica, Paragorgia ....ssssossssossssresssesessessesssessessesesssseseese lll pacifica, Polymastia ....sssssssssoososeosssssesssssessssssosssscesessseseese 25 ROLE, MALE 000000000000 00000000000DODOIOOODOOOAIOODO 0 DO D O0 0 00710 palacolens/ TubiEicoides co. sessseenssessecse eee eee eee eee ee 02. pallidum, Homalometron .....essosesesssessoesesssscsssesesscsesesssocecsesese 7/7 paniformis, Kudoa ......esssssessesssssossoseneesesessecesesenesseseseseseee 73 Ppantopodeoides, Acanthocystis ...ssssssossessessessessesessssscssesscssececsell paracadiae, Maritrema ....esssssosssessessessossessessessessessecsecsesseseess 77 Paractaria micdonaldil .....,........ 0.0.0 0 cs 10101810 0 010,070 010,010 0,9 0 0100 61e 3.010 0 60 210 oe, LOF *paradoxa, Nephtys cecceseccccccccccccvccvcsccsccesesececvssscccessssesesesese 36 Paragorgia pacifica wesscecerecccvccccccvecrecvscscecsscssesssvcsesssesssseselOl Parapharyngodon osteopili ceseecececcecccccccccccscececesccsessscscsesesessese dD Paraphelliactis pabista ceceececcccccccccccvccccccceccscsssscsscecesesesesses 30 Pararetinometra lateralacantha mlaiolovelorevetotelotarelorcyavevelors lel elev elele vers ee ee elensyele/exvelesels ele O0) etoile SELON SEM OCT OO co oo ccococccocccoccocooooounoocooccodoc Ai parasitica, Myxilla ss... ss css stomectete cles ssssssceessecccesss-stess tete *parasitica, Peachia (BicidLum)) «<< 5er. Parastiotrema ottawanensis esse oo 050 de ele eee cous ele oo oo soie ele e ele ee ee sels ete oo parophfysis4Capillarias. ss. 0:66 6:60:00) 6\e) elec os: 6) 6) 0\ 6) ciel ciel elelalsin = alatatstal statslntslatatatelal 0) parviatriatus, Phallodrilust...........30 09e usostsismss ssteleistels sis eta site SO passerellide; JChoanotaenian. 0... clelelel ole clelelolevelsl ole) clelelolelslelete) a) stsleeleleletelele ste LOL SPAtulloscula borealis + sc0s0 casiciee ccicis dee vise oe vin eels satel inate ss elelssie se dell pauli, Polystomoides séances a oi Seal Oe eres Wel ener er ad) serve svenesssséelels de 0 A ePedchiay (Bicidium)-.parasitica «ceccadeccecvcceda ede ee eee oe ctere'e celsemitias ste dise Dechoralis/1Splendidofilarla .oscsnseccdccnsnondiee mes cus ne 6 declsictcleisissle tele sletelele 0 Bear lana trichodesmiae Les 0.0 0-6 6:08 «.0'010:0 0 0 wos oinie/ menaces masses ee Deneba MeSMAGCEL LAL dos were careas scence es creed aac dass doasle delle stlosieiisleeisiteie a2 Pratt, Ophlitaspongliaisscsssssosossosecnoncedotesiaieele docdetccdacde aa caldetes 26 Stennis yt SSO p VACA se ce 6:10: 0106: oi ersi este al gi ere cisia oo. e1e) 0 eee erelens alsfe ele ele elslatelnie ejalste ete LU) Peloscolex gabriellae oS cia wins or oh Ha orev anwieies ast el ot eranal wiv char eh ehel bayer ol ale Jose aalotedio peterborensis, Plagiorchis cccscccscccccccesccccvccscccsccsscvcsesccccsecccecedl BA PMGACILES NAULAS cc ccccnaddenncvcedvodes se cesse aidelealés else Bea ttodrilus \parviatriatus -cccscccccassenvadsvnaeweciees owce was else des PURPUGKGL Luss ténpestatis ov sivnccccncossssecvesdedd snes siesetesesesiele didelie dt Biscolosoma hudsonlamum ssscccvccescecedesesseasnnecseseieccwne secisisscisisaic dea bhblendert, Zonorchis «cess conde vevsesecedssocreseedernrdadaes eesele see ee 0 philippinensis, Deretrema Thavdsders sense stades nende des le NAN aamares Philonema agubernaculum SHUR ERED DRS Te TERT nee mee me desde dise siens Phyllodistomum brevicecum soso ssamedieudsuseserdondedsdnsades esse de Phyllodistomum lachancei Re did Sew sis Oa Madea ada ene auaeadene tie 199 140 oyllilocbisjeomitim INieEaEL NE Re eee ele OOOO DODOUUU OO COOUDOOOOODODOD OOO DODOOUOOOLL Py illoukicieentin Umelulemey Rose CUO CUO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0e ee 0e eee ee ee » 0.0 ee see eo ee + + OÙ Pileoilsimis (unnmia)) grellemiekeey eee eee secs sssee eee s 08e oo ee 01e » 01e os so 10 e olete se 40 pinguis var. brunvicensis, Hypsibius (Diphascon) ......seseessessesesecesee e 64 PANNAEA, ACANENOCYSELS MS Se 0e eee pee ee e 0,0 0 0 0 0.0 0 ee» 0.» 0 + 0.0 0 ee 0 © e + eee 0 « e : 0 + ee se ° ll PATAEUDAVATANICOTAN RE ee es esse ose se see eo. ee eee 0 se ee ee ee e10 10e » + «+ « ce: 90 BAS PeOCREACeEUS VAT And ÉOLMAMNOULECEUS eee eee eee eo ee ole siele ee ee ee ele 09 Plagioporus serratus ...sssssssssssesesssssesssessssesscsecesecesecesesssesee8l *Plagioporus Spinosi ..sesssssssesssssessssssscssssecsessesessessessssessessee81l Plagioporus serotinus ..ssssssssssessosesecsssscssossssssesssesesescsesssesee8l Plagiorchis peterborensis ....sssessssssssesssssesesesesesesssssssessssseseee8l platyhedos, Amphinema .......sesessssssesssosesssecesesesssssesesessseseses ee 28 plena, Leptasterias epichlora .....s.sssssssssosssesocssssessssessossessese ee 68 *plena (forma), Leptasterias hexactis sececcecscecscccccvcsccvccccccccsccceesc08 pleuronecti, Gyrodactylus .....ssssessessessessessesessessessessssseseccsesee 77 Plutellus geminatus cescecccccccccccccccccccvcsscccssccescccccscsssscevecece ete Plutellus tenuis ...... 1.000,00 0 0 0.0.0 2,0 0 0 0/0 0.0 0 9,0 0.0/0 0 » 0 « 01e 00101010 s1010 01e » 510 6101010 61° 42 Podcecevile gtarionil soécocconrocccocceococoocroccoooccoooccoccocboconovoobonoe Polymastia laganoides Michatalelctelotel ciel clelclalelelelelictelereleteleielerateleleleleletelevelclel cleletetelelcio)clelel ciel ciel ae) Polymastia pacifica ABO BBCODE OCODOHOCACOCEOOCROOCODCCIRCOREED DODD tele e la tslate else etes 2) Polynoe gaspéensis ae; aliavtar chal na een els a ee 01e 5 eee 86 eva, 80 1015 80e 6,0.) eyo sisioteis stelstatsiets SNS 30 Polystomoides pauli sececececeseccscscvcccccccevcvcscececsssssesesssssseses ee 82 pogeceplhleras. “Wohi ER See eseeselesesceceecesecececieeetsieciele cle eee se cel] *postcapillatus, Tubificoides cccccccccccccccccccccsccceccccccccccesecscsceese 59 ANGMAR Bic cococdocdoccoccocococodcococdoooo cod ot oooocoodocobodLo0Uou OLY Proales PUZIO cececevecccccccccccvcccvcscccsssscssssccvscsesecscscsseesesesee ds Procyonostrongylus muelleri names telalotsvoletevel sisi slelatelsleie’eilviele!srete a\eiels/e/e) els) 6 sieis:elslels)ofat a Prosthorhynchus urichi SOOONOOUN OO AOOD DOOD ODDO OOOOOD DOO DUCOOCODOGOOOCOOOO OD: 600) Prostoma/canadiensis <<\cc« cic clec © ©1016 v\ele c\elolele/olelslelslelelelelolelolelcleteleleleleleleleleletaleletaret in protectum, SYCON secocecessccsvecccvecccesccveccsvcsevesevescvecscscscescsesel) Protenteron diaphanum so /cic.cic «cic «ole ele «ele elelelclelclelelclolelorelelelelelalelclalalctateleleleteieiersietateiatersic es Proteocephalus arcticus: << cc cics oc clvle/elclslelsielele sclsicleisioie cielelerelslcisicieletersieletatetetelerstersieiel oe) Protoaricielilia, oli gobranchiay cic ere oslclelels elele/eleleleleisielelelclelelelereielelclcretercieieleratatcvoletetetoreies. O pseudoargumentosus, Caballeronema weccecseccccccsccccccccccccccccsccsesceeeeeGd *Pseudothyones trachyplacay xjciejs\ecle\e)e ele|s\e6/0le)vielele/eleleye/eicie/slelelejerelclslatalslaleleleloteretelstelelelctey/ ae Pteraster hebes .......ssssssossssssossessssesesssesessssesesesessseseseseeee 70 *Pteraster tesselatus cocccccccccccccvccccccccscscseseccssccccccccccssssscccselO pugio, Proales seseececcececeeveresveresessesessesessssesesessesesessssssesee 33 DULChTAa AChondroOCLAdTA M ES es «6.6 © 0/016 6 ciels\elclels violels/ vielelellcleleleleleleleieielelellelelersioy it SH ulichrals se MONANCHOLAS 00 esse. see es eee ee eve ose svicive sos ess escsesseesse cles pursgiovei, Apteragia ...sessssessossosessosessoseosessesesseseosessessosesee87 pusilla, Neophasis ...s.ssseosesseooseosecsesssossessessssosessesesessssssese 79 pyriformis, Euryhelmis BS OOO OCI) quadrifurca, Acanthocystis ....ssesessossosossossseossssssesssossssssscsessesll quatsinoensis, Esperiopsis dossrosondoscecestuore ste oserssestnemestResteseess:ebs quaylei, Figularia secesceccecccccccccccccccseccescsessessesssecscssecssesses0d Ramlellona-wilsoni. .ocscescccscscscrcvssccccccscvevesveccevscccseascccuseceseieds Prapeigae, Amphilehagtar.scssssoscocnounceecenesteoceosseseteeese.neciss. coco raptisae, -Homochaeta: ovsscvsevcecessceccvsssersersccccssvccecesecisccccasvoevese dl Féduéta, Ampharete: ssseoeseosoere oe cs seccrrsereccsservevesesviceresevocsseawee Dt BSvaAIAS. CONLSPOTA» o.cccscervesesrcesvvesreeresvccvsccssovecsscseccesccsesccceedd Bee eae MOLL Gus o:5.04.0 60.0 oo. 6ieibv 06.80.0008 605000 b0.0s 054% 666 cleo s ewe cw 0. .1.19 PRSbdt As aMmerd CANUS «20 066% 6.460 00s 000260 0s0bses 64 0ees snes s eee. .s20:90 Rhabdocalyptus dowlingii SC OOOO ICT ODOUR OO OO MIO ONO OO ONID obi Rhabdochona kisutchi sn nistee eo sieste s se esse 10 60/0 eee 0 0 cie viole see eee sels see secs eee I 141 142 Raabe oneerawl yoOdap EA OMN) ces ee see esse ee ee eee + + ee 0... ee ce cece 5 5 0 2 enc OD RNAROGENMS ANAEUSE Re esse ss es 00e 00 0.0.0 .0.... 10,6 0,» 0.0 + + eee +,» 0,0 010 0 0 0 0 0 01010 + 49 rigida, Esperiopsis ....esessssssssesesssessessessesssseessssesecssssssssesee 18 rodgeri, Heteropia ....s.ssesssssssssssssessssssessessssscseseesessescesss se 13 roftundata, ACAnENOCYSELS ns cesse ssnesssescssesvesseeesscesecssecesll rudis (var.), Evasterias troschelii .....sessessesssososessossecseosesecesee 67 rugosa, ACtinauge ..sessessessessesssssesssssesessessssssssssssssessesecseese 29 Rumenofilaria andersoni ceseccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccsccccced/ rupestensis, UMDAICIIIUS 0,6. pese ose sessoseosnescesseceesceressse ses cesse 44 rupus, Enchytraeus ....sssssssssossscsssssssessesesesessssssoesesessescsesee 43 Sabussowia wilhelmii crccccccccccccccccvccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccces tl sacii, Glossoscolex (Assudrilus) ....s.ssessosessessescssessoseesssscesecses e 48 Saint johnei Mrichodinasdomerguel 0.6... ssspessesssessescssesescces 1 Sarsia viridis .........0ss.00o0s0osevsesccocececesessessossceceséesesesees21 Saurofilaria innisfailensis cececcccceccccccccccvccscccscccccccccsessccccccee 97 *Schizonoe Lia ...sesssssessoseseosossesessesessesssseessesessesesssosecseses 37 schmidti, Alloglossidium .....sesesososesesessssososesesesssesesesssscsssssee 75 Sciadiocara denticulata ........0.6 00600 0.0.0. 0 0.0.0 0 0 0.9 9 6.5.0 .0 10 8 s.0.0.0 98 Semlpe a Pend des AGC E116) pp envers cesse nes o.nlaln/D,o,010,0 ale. Oo SS eG lees len Gesu 1015) sense #91019 919:0\\9\0.0.0)9.0.010 010,06 S066 0158 0.639 Senletesis (MNestoides) bonsfieldi oc icic.610:0.0:0:910:010.010100:01010,0.6101010/01010 00,666 C 4600 0059 eee Asa atela pinielaeipinin's/alpialeloiake\\eiwieinieininlnsainjnle wis sipinie.eoieisuwieieisioselelelelsialeeie &0.9taho *Scypha ciliata eo once nsoopeoonresserescntecnsues Lgl > DÉRDASÉIE, NEOELICOMEECS es 0101010\9s0,0-6)910)6:010.0:0,0.0,0\0 010:10.0:0.0:0:6,0/9,0.9\0,0, 0:00, 0.0.0018.007 D serotinus, Plagioporus ....essssosseeesseessssessssssssescssesecesesccsesesee81l serrata, Acanthocystis Be siess sais se oops sis aisiesie.s 0e +10.010101510:0 818 101018 oTel@ie sec ec ctl 2 Secratus, PlAglOPOEUS (elelclelelolelele|olelelelclslclelclolslelclelelelelelelolelelelelcleleleleleleleteteteteteleteleteteleleleteior *sertulitera, Asit=cOMetIS) cciclclclele cleleiclclolelelclelelclelelelelsielalcloleleleleleleleletolslelotatetsleteterctctatetstetstO Siboglinum vancouverensi cececccccaccsccccececcreesceceseenseviescveccecvcse ses 07 Similase EUMEAUSA cjelcls/elclelelclelelclelsiclelelslelelelelclelelelelolelelcleleleleleteleloleleleleleleletctetetctstetetelcteleteter oii simplex, SUDEKIEES: eee eee es eseesele sie ce seen esse eee see scsi Sparganophilus tennesseensis 0.6 see 0.396601... 0.100 7. Splendidofilaria pectoralis ........e-.e.-sssssesesessssecreseter-ret tite 0 spinosa, Craniella ....... sense enn snc 'bieie sa /s/nin alee s/s 'a otatstatatntalstatsta! 0 Spinosa, HippaSteria ccccccccccccccccccscecse ss veciee ese sos o sls WU ssrsstetet s ses Fspinosa, Tetilla cisccccsecsvcvssecessececceeces 0 eves Uwe ue ee & sateraatarseletnts « sma 0 Fapinosi, PlaslOpOLrus ses cece cecies.e css sve 6 eee soe cisia cee «0/4 sein se sssise ss tete #0 spinosus, Lecithodesmus ......s.ssssessesesssesssscsssoscsesesssscsssessse se 103 *Spio filicornis e.sccsssossosssesossssessocssesssccsssesesessssesssesesessese cdl Spio MIMUS cesesececcccrrssecccccseccvvcccsscssscssssvessssssccesssssesscess ctl Sprenti, DipetaloOnema cece cece vices os eo ees eccssesesess esse see ss sismsssismieeese) u SÉAEFOEdI, POdOCOLYLE 5.000000 cc ces tess ce cle 606 50 0 cis secs ses: ses ester EGEAUTOCAIYPLUS GaWSONL sccceccccsccc tess 6000650060600 eee ssivies salsc s sivissteisie's owmnhG Steganoderma formosum BOAO OOOO COIS COCO C ODOC DUGMOCODOOORIIDO re San or mec. REECIOOOYTYS ALASCENSIS eccccescecvenceccescoocee so 00s 0010 bes cle sls cc's setaraln'v ofalcrermeal Focephensontella CLEVOLL oc cecccccc css. 0060¢ 00000 00.5.0 6 ssete sers veus Scomachetosella hincksi Vscecceccecetescesccacncesce se ess ses 6 clusters 0 ses cute 00 SEEGPEOCATA INCOBNIEZ cos esocecsecesseunsesssessseesesces ses este eee es 0 Screptovitella acadiae cssoccssocsoosesonessseoeesssese secs ses see 88e sles «700 BÉrIdtA, ACANthocyStiS secevcccccsccccsercececenceasesesses ss ss eee esse n'es 0 0015 LA BEUrHINUS, EUÉLLATIA 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 010 0 0 810 © 0 0 0 9,0 0 0 eens sc 0 = 01151» 01810 01815 01010 V018 072 PSEYIAGLETIAS TOTTETL comes nssesesonsesessesesssscssesss ess sense es ses 0030 Stylatula columbiana ole 6 6 oo D8) bie de bla diols 0 00 6100 00 2 0/00 0.0 etetetotstevetevetatefene o atate eee e oil 143 144 SUBCRMECSMCONCIMNUS! 610 eo 01010 » 0 0 0 0 0 010,0 6 00 0 s10 0e 60 sce ve cesiviececcceesbssccieeeeee 29 SANELISS GMOILEX 660000000000 000000000000 OP HR oo var D) Evastertas ErOSChElI1: .ccccccsccsccccscccccccccccccecscsces 07 *Sycettusa glacialis cscscecsecsccccccccccccecccccccvcsvccvscscccsccsscsccsesel3 SYCOM ASPETUM serres soso sssssssssssssesseese 15 Sycon COMPACCUM esse sssesssssssesess essor sesssssesssssssssssssee 15 *Sycon lambeil ceccccccscccccccccccccccvescccccsccsccsecevscccccccccccccccccceeld Sycon protectum ...sssessssssssessosssesesssssesssosesossssesssssccsecocecee 15 Sylvicola, Diplocardia cccscccccccccccscccccccscccccccccsscccccsccccccccccecccHl panies ere paueamas (Hérpetosoma) ne. s0ssiss 604 06656640400 0500 recesses cseeresalZ Pay Ong CUC ANG AM ielelelsie!e olslels\ ee see see» » ole ele e ee eee 0 v6 evceescieeesecicnice cee l 4 Galena Tey. GoAHOCObOOCOOUUNUO JOU GOOUGOU0 OUND OUDOG OUD GOO OC OOUCOOOOdOUC Oz EeMpeseatls Phase ee c\e\ele ole clelelelelele (cle (cle viele 01010 66106106 © 660016 e100 os ss 0 Éennesseensis, SpAargAnOPhiIUS ere ses ses ses cesse secs cseesceceess see? tennis, BIUEelIUS M secs ses ose see, 0 0 0 0 e oo 0e eo see es eee eee te MÉCSSelAEUS A BÉerASERTL ee. 0600 0 0 cel ..0 0 0 oo eee se » » ee ee 0e ee ee eee eee ol O PILCEMIANSDITNOSAMER ee ee 0e se. 01e 0 00 se se», » ee se ee » ee oo se ee + + + +» ee eee ee ee ee eee 20 MRC QVEILOS A Rene see ses eee ee se ee » 5 0 © » eee + 0» » + ©» » + +0 0 0 + +. ee ee. - + » 1° +. 2.7 Tetrameres Crami s.sssssesssssosssosescsesssssessesesesesesessesesesessesese e 99 Thalassodrillides milleri ..... oo. veocoeseseecceese ee 8 Thalassodrilus belli ....sssssesesesososososssessosososesesesesssseseseesese e 39 *theeli, Microspio ..ssssossssossososessossosessossossesesessessecsssecssesee e 40 CHONPSONPPANDOEISCQUSE--- ce -erceereeseeeeecsreses-eecssccccesscsce-.s-ses.s-ee. 1 COLOSUS MB AENVAENIUSRE eee ee cesesesereceeecescceseceeceseseevessoessoes cesse Toxochalina borealis scecccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccecccscccccccccccccel/ trachyplaca, Cucumaria ...sessesesseseosossossosesessessesssscssessesssssesee 70 *trachyplaca, Pseudothyone ........sesessssosesssessssssecssecssscsscssessses 71 translucidus, Diplotriaenoides H00b000000000DD0000000000000 000000000000 VOD UN Erevort, Marloninan" tn 1 esse seems es eee sise see este ee 07 trichodesmiae, Pellagiiana 0... ceci ec clesteleetseisle is sieelete eee 25 Erichodina domersgueli saïintjonnsi 1 e-ctrseccsemecetesse enter me 0 Trichodina elizabethae ec snasseesemensesss sacs Trichodiinal igaliy aes MT eee essences secret TU Trichodina jarmilae 7... ee eee eee see esseeemels seems r TU Hrichodrilus allephentensts "ee ececsscreseenessssceressesescescc 1-40 trifurca, Acanthocystis ...... us ceaooensaseseesesesescsss esse." Epi gaster albida TS ee eee ee see ele ee sise fele ee sise eee + = es esse 02 1UOLOEE OM ATEMAOCES SG oo obococoovoov0ocooovococovocvoboocoocooovuooo SEroschelit, Evasterias ..................--ssrcsssscscsssesssssss:t. 00e BEypanosoma andersont 0... esse esse ss se ses ses sise cs eeels eee ee eee eee 10 Ey PANO SOMmay edi CKiT le sil sleleloiele/s/alolelelels/e(els\e/clolels\elelsle) eles) olejolelele s-i.s-ceetesceee-...1/2 Trypanosoma myoti ceeeeeecsececcccervccevsvesssecsssvesssvssesessssesscsesevele meypanosoma (Herpetosoma) tamlast 0... success esecc-escstecte it elle ÉSimpseanis UML LICHIIUSE RE RER ees eee esse cesse ses cie seine 1 UPDATE ST Re eee eieeie ee eee es oo see sie se eee ee eee ee oies eee ee = ee eee ee ee ee) HU IAE DOSÉCADITAEUS elec clelsleleielelclelelcloleleleislele/cielsjelelele)elelelelefelelsleictelelctelalelelatetetorereleleter > Tubificoides brevicoleus .. soso oecosooseeos oo eee ee oo see: 9 Pupificoides bDrownae ne... see esse... ee es se 0e 010 ses «eee eleislee «se see ° ee. - OÙ Rubiéicoides coatesae, Re... -ces-eseceseesscsscescssseesse.esss.... eee... 00 Tubificoides crenacoleus ecccccccccccccccccccccccccccscccccescesccsceccscecs 00 Aube CONCESMCUS PLS ECLOSUS clelelejele)sielclelelelele) elelelelejelelclcl ole) slelelelelcloleleloleiel sielelelsielel slelelelerarel LL Tubificoides diazi cesecececcccccvcccccccevccccccccccsccecessecsesesseseseeseOl Tubificoides foliatus seccccccccccccsccccccvccscccssccccccccssscvesesccscccsOl Tubificoides kozloffi does cos de e ele ele sie se cie laine see sis ee ee ee 2 01e. »e se eos c\oieiois «OL 145 146 Tubificoides maureri cecccccccccccecccccccccccccccvcccccccccccccccccccesecsce0l DENOTES Nal ACOMCIIS) Se sets ce cle cle slolele ste elstelelole es o10 0 01e 0 0 © 010 0 010 00 0 » colo 0.» se + 02. DUB RERCOLTeS DOS ECCADMILABUS He Sels se see ete s1o 0 se ete ccc clele o e.010 0 0 0 + 0 9 01010 0 00/00 cise D9 Tubiricoides Wasser see ce es 010 610 01e. 1010 01 010 0 010» © 0 010 010 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 se 0 0 + 02 EUÉLDAI M EUDOENELUM ENT er ele le tele sie eo OOO 010 01010 0 01010 + 01910 + 0 0 8 010 0 9 010 0 0 0 010 0 0 9 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 se D Modul ANS MBRYELOdISEOMAM SET etes se eteie eee ee se +» 1e ele e stetete'e 010 010 0 010.0» 10 0.0 61e e DO ungavana, Chone ...ssssssssesssessssssssessssessssssseesesesesesesessssseses 38 UBL Chi ETOSENOLYNCNUS Le Rs late ete etais ose ose ele 5 0 ee 0 ee c'e es 0 so 0 0.0 0 00 0,0 0 0 0 00 0 ce lOO utae, Diplotriaena .......esessssssssscssesssssessessessessossssesssesseses ee 92 VAdICOTAMAPEOSPAEUSET Sr esse eiee esse se scte sets eee oteie o se» se eo 6 00 0 0 0 000 0 = 0101: 09 VALdAa M eUCANdEA Te eee eee ste laie nie 0 en 0» 51010 010 0 01» 0 1e eo 0 610 9 0 ee 0 0 ee se ee ee l4 vancouverensis, LUMDEICIIAIUS 00 00e 0e etetelete eee s1o10 so 0 0 1e eee se 0 0 0 se > s'en 0 se ee ct) vancouvercensis MariOninAa eee. elelelielele es se 61e 010 ee ee ee ee ee 0 ee cles see se» 0 se °° 0° ot), vancouverensis, Siboglium ..... 0.0... 0.00%. 00 . 000 ° » » 0 0 °° 0 00 0 0 0 0 000000 000 °° 09 Vana Cola MB RTAEUDA MER Se ete ee etele ee see os eee 0 + 0 0 ole colo lets cele ee sole » ee sie ee + + °° cea J 0 AVAS TUS AD MLO CANES IFES) telat! cle) cleleletelelel siecle eleteie scies ee ete 01e ee» 1010 0 0/9 01e 010 01e ee 01e ee 0 010 » LO *vega, Ampharete ceseeesevccesccecrccsvsssvsssesesssesessssssesesesesessssesese 34 verrucosus, Limnodriloides .... ss coco cocsessssssocsoscesseosece see 54 VELUCUS NOOE AGI S ET Tee eee etes eee ele cotes e ee olclelelele\clele aeisie ee s eee se ete1e + 7 VACEORVeNSHS JAMIOURILONdES eee eee s1e1ele see olclclclclcie ee ee ee 0 se 10 0 ae ess eee ee 0. e > RUE GMAO EG 620806000000 0000000 00 COUO UO DOOOOUDODODOOUOOOOOOO MODO TO FvLLLON A EUCrAntA Held ee cer ee do dede se ii ae essaie sé sé éoso eee eee es ss. 0 38 VAIO TEE MN 0 eeietetee setelststete se eine ee close ele else to c'e à 0e ee ee asie sais sam ae ace plies es WAS ob ol dei ie ee enaoiees d o sise des dose dose dns ss 27 Evi ridia Scolecolepldes: ss i dissd eed sted id iccdee ese osseuses es es ss 39 AVAUECACAY PABCEONOL see cesse ese eee esse ss io s ee di poscnsenessssssssa wasselli, Tubificoides 580900000000 00000000000000000 030000000000 00000000 whiteavesianus, Aphrocalluistias! ‘ceiclselslsjelslelelslelalclelelevercielalotelatetateleroieistarciacierererstoreretersienlG wilhel mis’; Sabussowia (cic cieie!eeleeleje/ele)eie) eiclelelelelsleleieleleleleieleleiolelcielslclelelelelereieistetateiatereretereroil wilsoni, Ramielllona.. 5.0... clelele 6 elelelelelelclalolelelelelelelsictoleietelcteteleleverenalsheraistanertaienster yc. 4winckelmanni; Limnodrilloides 5.00 oleic clovelelolereteteieteleleteleletotaiaielereteleretororelererciereneteieiey i yukonensis, Myxobilatus ccscoccscccccccccesecesscneceesc css esis escisisisisiv cs ciesisjeish Zonorchis philandreri SOTDOCO0OUOOOOUOCOUOOUOUUOOOUCOODOCO0O0I000000000000000 080 147 she ER “LES J ee RECENT SYLLOGEUS TITLES / TITRES RECENT DANS LA COLLECTION SYLLOGEUS No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 43 44 45 46 47 43 49 50 Sue a2 23 54 25 56 5] 58 59 Ouellet, Henri et Michel Gosselin (1983) LES NOMS FRANCAIS DES OISEAUX D'AMERIQUE DU NORD. 36 p. Faber, Daniel J., editor (1983) PROCEEDINGS OF 1981 WORKSHOP ON CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTIONS. 196 p. Lanteigne, J. and D.E. McAllister (1983) THE PYGMY SMELT, OSMERUS SPECTRUM COPE, 1870, A FORGOTTEN SIBLING SPECIES OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICAN FISH. 32 p. Frank, Peter G. (1983) A CHECKLIST AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SIPUNCULA FROM CANADIAN AND ADJACENT WATERS. Ani “Dis Ireland, Robert 8. and Linda M. Ley (1984) TYPE SPECIMENS OF BRYOPHTYES IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCES, NATLONAL MUSEUMS UF CANADA. 69 p. Bouchard, André, Denis Barabé, Madeleine Dumais, et/and Stuart Hay (1983) LES PLANTES VASCULAIRES RARES DU QUEBEC. / THE RARE VASCULAR PLANTS OF QUEBEC. I 1S De Harington, C.R., editor (1983) CLIMATIC CHANGE IN CANADA 3. 343 p. Hinds, Harold R. (1983) THE RARE VASCULAR PLANTS OF NEW SRUNSWICK. / LES PLANTES VASCULAIRES RARES DU NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK. 38, 41 p. Harington, C.R., editor (1984) CLIMATIC CHANGE IN CANADA 4. 368 p. Hunter, J.G., S.T. Leach, D.E. 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