SYSTEMATICS AND ZOOGEOGRAPHY OF FOSSIL AND RECENT POCKET GOPHERS IN FLORIDA BY KENNETH T. WILKINS A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1982 Copyright 1982 by Kenneth T. Wilkins Dedicated to Christine Nasie Wilkins and Roy and Gwendolyn Wilkins ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This doctoral program has followed a tortuous course strewn with numerous obstacles. Many people have aided my progress through the labyrinth in many ways. To these people I extend my gratitude. I thank the faculty members serving on my supervisory/examining committees: Drs. David Webb, Charles Woods, Jon Reiskind, Steve Humphrey, Ron Wolff, and Jack Ewel. It was through brainstorming with Drs. Webb and Humphrey that this project was developed. Drs. Webb, Woods, and Humphrey offered much in the way of guidance and counseling on matters related and unrelated to dissertation matters during my tenure as student at the University of Florida. Jack Ewel and Steve Humphrey started me on the road toward understanding Florida's ecosystems, without which a project such as this could not be properly addressed. The Department of Zoology and the Florida State Museum have provided many forms of indispensable support including stipends, office and lab facilities, and research supplies. Howard Converse has earned for himself the title of "master procurer" for locating many pieces of essential research equipment not available anywhere else at the University. The National Geographic Society, Southern Regional Education Board, and Sigma Xi funded various aspects of this research endeavor. Others who have aided my work in various ways (e.g., in field work, discussions, providing information, and in helping me maintain my mental stability, etc.) include Mary Ellen Ahearn, James Bain, Annalisa Berta, Dick Franz, John Hermanson, Pam Johnson, Bruce MacFadden, Gary Morgan, Ann Pratt, Terry Zinn, and others. Curators at numerous institutions graciously permitted me to examine Recent and fossil specimens in their collections: American Museum of Natural History, Archbold Biological Station, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Delaware Museum of Natural History, University of Florida (Florida State Museum) , University of South Florida, Florida State University, Harvard University (Museum of Comparative Zoology), University of Kansas (Museum of Natural History) , Michigan State University (The Museum) , University of Michigan (Museum of Zoology), Midwestern State University, Albert Schwartz private collection, Tall Timbers Research Station, Texas Memorial Museum, and the United States National Museum of Natural History. During my travels to various museums, many individuals generously provided me with lodging; I thank, in particular, Gary Morgan, John Hermanson, Duke and Barbara Rogers, and Lloyd Logan. Dr. James N. Layne (Archbold Biological Station) was particu- larly helpful in discussions of Florida pocket gophers; he gladly made available to me his field notes, files, and insights. Several colleagues assisted in the karyological and biochemical aspects of this study. These include Dr. C. W. (Bill) Kilpatrick, Debra Boles, Tom Dowhan, and Mark Allard (University of Vermont); Drs. John Bickham and David J. Schmidly, and Robert C. Dowler, Duke S. Rogers, and Prilla K. Tucker (Texas A&M University); and Dr. M. Raymond Lee and William S. Modi (University of Illinois). Northeast Regional Data Center (University of Florida) provided computer time for data analyses. Lastly, and most significantly, I gratefully acknowledge the constant moral and financial support of family members: my wife, Christine Nasie Wilkins, my parents, Roy and Gwen Wilkins, and my grandmother, Mrs. Nell Stafford Browne. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 Distribution 4 Habitats Preferred 8 Habitat Mosaic 15 Habitats of Florida's Past: Palynological Evidence ... 20 Correspondence of Geomys Distribution with Geomorphology. 22 Correspondence of Geomys Distribution with Soils 24 Sealevel Changes 25 Analytical Approach 30 MATERIALS AND METHODS: CRANIAL MORPHOMETRICS 33 Ageing 33 Measurements 34 Natural Region and Area Definitions 35 Analyses Conducted 40 Multivariate Statistics Rationale 44 MATERIALS AND METHODS: DENTARY MORPHOMETRICS 50 Measurements 50 Materials Examined 51 Procedural Rationale and Analyses Conducted 54 RESULTS: CRANIAL MORPHOMETRICS 62 Non-Geographic Variation 62 Geographic Variation 68 Summary of Results 120 RESULTS: DENTARY MORPHOMETRICS 122 Non-Geographic Variation 122 Overall Relationships between Samples 127 Geographic Variation 143 Chronological Variation 147 Summary of Results 166 DISCUSSION 168 Zoogeography 168 Phylogenetic Trends: Anatomical Considerations 189 Summary of Discussion 195 LITERATURE CITED 199 PAGE APPENDICES 209 A STANDARD UNIVARIATE STATISTICS BY REGION FOR CRANIAL CHARACTERS IN RECENT DATA SET 209 B RECENT SPECIMENS EXAMINED 237 C FOSSIL MATERIAL EXAMINED AND ANALYZED 246 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 248 Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy SYSTEMATICS AND ZOOGEOGRAPHY OF FOSSIL AND RECENT POCKET GOPHERS IN FLORIDA By KENNETH T. WILKINS May 1982 Chairman: S. David Webb Major Department: Zoology Cranial and dental features were examined in Recent and fossil pocket gophers (Rodentia: Geomyinae) with the objective of docu- menting their nearly two million year zoogeographic history in Florida. Movements of these fossorial rodents is inhibited by unsuitable habitats and by water. Multivariate statistical methods were used to determine the importance of rivers as barriers between populations as exhibited by morphological differences between samples. The Apalachicola and Suwannee Rivers, respectively, were found to be the two most important barriers to Geomys movement in Florida. The relative inhibitory influence of these rivers corre- sponds to features including proximity of suitable habitat to the river, regional topography and soil types, width of the watercourse, and volume and rate of water flow. The distribution of Geomys in Florida has been strongly influ- enced by repeated Pleistocene and Recent sealevel changes. At low sea stands Geomys has been widespread with extensive gene flow ix throughout the peninsula. However, opportunity for divergence of populations has existed during transgressions when populations have been isolated in refugia of higher elevations. Studies of geographic variation between Wisconsinan (low sealevel) samples revealed no significant morphometric differences, whereas variation between present-day (higher sealevel) samples from the same penin- sular areas is significant. Chronological trends in individual characters from the early Irvingtonian to present are generally towards increasing size. A phylogenetic trend in increasing strength and efficiency of the masticatory apparatus is indicated, especially by the enlargement of the retromolar fossa. Multivariate analyses show a correspon- dence between geological ages of samples and their phenetic simi- larity. The preferred habitat of Geomys pinetis in Florida was identi- fied as the longleaf pine-turkey oak sandhill association. Geomys less often occurs in xeric hammocks, longleaf pine flatwoods, and sand pine scrub. Geographic and chronological distributions of Geomys in Florida are provided. INTRODUCTION Isolation is one of several factors leading to genetic divergence of populations, oftentimes resulting in subspeciation or speciation. Because of their restrictions to suitable soils, many pocket gopher species (Rodentia: Geomyidae) are patchily distributed. Pocket gophers epitomize the effects of isolation in terms of recognizable geographic forms. The effects of isolation on pocket gophers are perhaps best seen in the 229 subspecies of Thomomys umb rinus , the southern pocket gopher, many of which are restricted to one or a series of mountain peaks (Hall, 1981:469-496). Although some biologists (see Anderson, 1966:189) berated the offi- cial recognition of so many forms, phenotypic divergence of popula- tions is indeed visible. Stephen Durrant (University of Utah) could name, solely from visual inspection of a specimen, the particular mountain peak in Utah from which a pocket gopher specimen was collected. An analogy exists between Thomomys mountaintop isolation and the mosaic distribution of Geomys pinetis, the southeastern pocket gopher, in Florida. The Florida "mountaintops" are parcels of suitable habitat slightly elevated above surrounding wetter habitats that are impassable to pocket gophers. Relict dunes and other fea- tures of former shorelines comprise much of the range inhabited by Geomys pinetis. At least as early as 1939, Hubbell and Goff (1939: 131) recognized the "discontinuous distribution" of pocket gophers "in the state" as being "the result of the 'patchy' occurrence of areas having deep, well-drained soils, to which pocket-gophers are almost restricted in the region." They credit Harley B. Sherman with having previously recognized this relationship, and further state that "it would not be surprising ... to find that specific or racial differentiation corresponding to the degree of isolation had occurred" in Geomys pine t is (Hubbell and Goff, 1939:134). The main thrust of other recent studies of geographic variation in the Geomys pinetis species complex (Avise et al., 1979; Williams and Genoways, 1980) has been towards systematic revision of the group. The present study, which relies on a similar morphometric data base, examines zoogeographic aspects of the topic. One objective of this study is to examine geographic variation in Recent Florida pocket gophers and to evaluate the effects of isolation on these populations in terms of morphological divergence. It is hypothesized that the pattern of geographic variation will correspond to the distribution of suitable habitats, and that the extent of divergence between populations will correspond to the magnitude of various physiographic features (e.g., rivers, unsuitable habitats) separating populations. The fossil record of pocket gophers in Florida spans nearly two million years. Beginning with the early Irvingtonian land mammal age, fossil material is known in at least 37 deposits from more than 27 localities collectively representing the Irvingtonian, Rancholabrean, and Recent ages. Fossil specimens occur primarily as dentaries and isolated teeth with fewer fragments of the anterior portion of the cranium. Isolated postcranial elements also occur, but are not treated in this study. The material has been attributed to two species: Geomys pinetis, the only extant geomyid in Florida, and Thomomys orientalis, an extinct species representing a genus now restricted to central and western North America (Simpson, 1928). This record of Thomomys consists of but a single rostromaxillary fragment (AMNH 23441) from Sabertooth Cave (Citrus Co.). However, additional material thought to be Thomomys has been recognized in this study from the Rock Springs site (Orange Co.) and from Williston III B (Levy Co.). The present study addresses only Geomys material. Study of Florida pocket gopher material is intriguing for at least two reasons. First, geomyid occurrence in Florida is rather well represented in the fossil record, beginning in the early Irvingtonian, thereby allowing examination of various phylogenetic trends characterizing geomyid evolution (Russell, 1968). Particular emphasis is here accorded to changes in the basitemporal (= retro- molar) fossa. Second, because Florida has experienced repeated cycles of sealevel rise and fall (in response to fluctuations of continental glaciers), the effects (i.e., morphological divergence) of isolation of central peninsular forms from peripheral peninsular forms during interglacial periods might possibly be visible in both the qualitative and the quantitative characters of teeth and den- taries. The chronological and spatial distribution of Pleistocene samples comprised of measurable dentary material is such that both geographic and temporal variation can be separately examined within the Florida peninsula. Distribution Before a recent taxonomic revision of pocket gophers of the southeastern United States (Williams and Genoways, 1980), four species were recognized: the wide-ranging Geomys pinetis and the narrowly-distributed forms G^ colonus, G^ cumberlandius , and G. f ontanelus . Williams and Genoways (1980) now consider all forms in this species complex to be G_^_ pinetis. The general distribution of Gj_ pinetis in the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. A detailed distribution of the species in Florida is shown in Fig. 1. Specimens are known from all Florida panhandle counties, except Gulf Co. where diligent field efforts would probably reveal a few isolated colonies. The range extends through approximately the northern two- thirds of the peninsula to a southern tier of counties (Brevard, Osceola, Highlands, DeSoto, and Manatee). Thus, the occurrence of G. pinetis in Florida is much more extensive than depicted in Hall (1981:505) or in Hamilton and Whitaker (1979:173). I have been unable to substantiate the "records" of Geomys pinetis in St. Lucie Co. (vicinity of Ft. Walton) , the southeasternmost localities reported in Williams and Genoways (1980) . Although a town named "Walton" does occur in St. Lucie Co., it is more likely that these specimens were taken in Okaloosa Co. in the Florida panhandle. The possibility exists that Geomys pinetis distribution is (or within the last century might have been) more extensive than shown on the range map (Fig. 1) , which indicates only those locali- ties documented by voucher specimens. Bangs (1898:176) noted Fig. 1. — Recent distribution of pocket gophers (Geomys pinetis) in Florida. Dots represent localities for which museum specimens were examined. RECENT DISTRIBUTION OF POCKET GOPHERS (GEOMYS PINETIS) IN FLORIDA 0 10 23 50 100 reports of "hills" of Geomys being seen south of Micco, a mainland town on the intracoastal waterway in southeasternmost Brevard Co. Micco is about 32 km south of the Melbourne-Eau Gallie area that is the type locality of G^^ goffi and comprises the southernmost documented occurrence of Geomys along the Atlantic coast. Hubbell and Goff (1939:134) reported that in parts of southern Florida "an 'archipelago' of turkey oak and sand scrub 'islands' extends to the vicinity of Palmdale and Punta Gorda" located in Glades Co. and Charlotte Co. , respectively. They further noted that "pocket gophers are present on some of these as far southwest as the latter locality" (i.e., Punta Gorda). Apparently no voucher specimens exist from any localities in Glades Co. or Charlotte Co. During March 1981, I drove many kilometers of roadway in south- central Florida in efforts to better delimit the southern extremity of occurrence of Geomys in the state. Twice we covered the route from Palmdale to Cleveland (Charlotte Co.) via Highway 74, thence northward via Highway 17 to Fort Ogden (DeSoto Co.). No evidence of Geomys in either Charlotte Co. or Glades Co. was found, although in about a dozen places both east and north of Cleveland and just south of Fort Ogden we observed lines of sandy mounds in lawns, pastures, and along roadsides. Excavation of portions of several mound systems revealed them to be the workings of moles (Scalopus aquaticus) . Tunnels were either immediately beneath or within 10 cm of the surface. Tunnel diameters were less than 5 cm. Spoil piles were roughly conical and composed of plugs of earth characteristic of mole diggings. These signs of mole activity could easily be mistaken for pocket gopher diggings. On this basis I prefer to discount "records" from these and other counties located on the periphery of the documented range of Gj_ pinetis pending procurement of voucher specimens. Numbered localities in Fig. 2 designate sites from which fossil geomyid material is available; site numbers correspond to numbers in Table 1. Past and present ranges of Geomys in Florida overlap broadly. The occurrence of Geomys material at Vero, Indian River Co. , demonstrates that Geomys previously enjoyed wider distribution than at present. This is in contrast to Kurten and Anderson's (1980:229) statement that the Vero site is "within the modern range of the species." The one non-peninsular Florida locality yielding fossil geomyid material (a single lower premolar) is the St. Mark's River, Wakulla Co., site (Gillette, 1976). Habitats Preferred Geomys pinetis has been reported from a variety of habitats differing extensively in terms of characteristic flora but being similar in regard to the sandy, well-drained nature of the soils. References detailing such habitat information include Harper (1927: 336-342), Hubbell and Goff (1939:130-133), Quay (1949:67), Golley (1962:105), and Ehrhart (1978:6-7). My personal observations identify four primary habitats used by G^_ pinetis and listed here in descending order of preference: sandhill association, xeric hammocks, longleaf pine f latwoods , and sand scrub areas. Fig. 2. — Pleistocene pocket gopher localities. Legend to site numbers included in Table 1. Dashed line approximates southern extent of modern distribution of Geomys pinetis. 10 PLEISTOCENE POCKET GOPHER LOCALITIES 0 10 U SO 100 11 cd JO u B •H 3 00 C o H cu n 4-1 c •H o en M -C o a 4-1 tj y-i 0) CU 4-> M r-H 3 Cfl C •H >-l a CU 01 4J r, m e VJ CO cu a) ,c en a. >> o ^H 61) Cfl c 4-J od CU ^ c a •H o O.TJ CI) 00 TJ b 3 CO 0) TJ X •H ti S-l 3 O 3 tn en 1 CD 1 4-1 ■ en H a •H 0) x) t-l c X) •H a. jo co e JG 3 CO C H CO rH •H 3 TJ J*i C CO H 3 n C/3 t/3 C/3 C/3 W W ca 3 3 3 B B 3 3 3 -i >-i 1-1 JO JO JO JO JO JO JO JO CO cfl cfl cfl CO cfl cfl cfl rH rH rH t-H i-H rH rH rH 0 o o o o O o o JO JO JO JO JO JO JO JO CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ ■a CJ CJ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 cfl cfl cfl m CO Cfl cfl Cfl Pi Pi Pi pi pi Pi Pi Pi cfl en Pi •H t) CO Cfl JO M 3 rH 3 3 a Cfl O rH cfl JO 3 > •H CU •H CJ P ■-H CI) !-i 3 TJ cfl o U cfl PQ I-H M X M u CU « -X M cu > M pa pa > cfl cu QJ MM » < u •H CJ TJ > > X pa M M < Pi r-t •H cfl •> M M M CO cu oi U 00 M CU Jii fK Cfl JO M X M cfl < 3 B cu cfl > CO 4J O M c_> M •H B J*i B rJ CU M en o TJ M « Jji M O CJ rl M X cfl 0 b > <; u TJ J^i O. 4J 3 3 CU O CN CO 4J O M tH rl CJ cn co 4J O 00 3 CU Cfl ^ TJ CU M U 0 •H •H CU JO B -H o r-l O cu 0) rH M TJ U-l TJ ^ >H JO r-t CO e u •H CJ JO 1-1 -H X 3 cw TJ U M CJ CU u cu CD cfl tfl cfl 1-4 Cfl CU CU CU O -H H 2 O e/i > 33 3 CO < 33 *i a pi Pi 3 12 eg iH ci O O m H c c c c a c ■H -rl i-l "H «H -H ed cd cd co co cd 1-1 u 4J 4-J 4-1 4-1 M H (-4 S-i !h ^ ai cd cd o o o cj a o c C c c c c £> D 3D & 3 » c c c c c c CO CO CO CO CO CO oj a) a) -, U ^ U U o o o o o o J= J= ,C X X X. o a a o o a c c c c c c CO CO CO CO CO CO os os os os os os x p-. < sc Pi <: > CO en u Oil Oil c -* u t-l •H c 3 V U •H XI cu 0€ o C/l C/l > m Q S )-l Cd oj 5^ QJ cu cu c; 43 •a •H 4J H o CO > OJ en OJ ti 01) S-i p- J= •H OJ • TJ •H eel a) •H ■u m w S PS OS c/} 3 c c > -H > CO CO CO CO en C -H 3 a) .h 3 S-i 3 O rH JC QJ rH XI 0) X •H 0) o ■O HI u •u 0 S-i C CO U C cfl H CO CO -H tH CO -H iH 3 i-H ca en oS r-» •H CO o x: CO V5 CI) cu M x a. -o n c 4-1 CO cu on 14-4 c ft) •H 01 S-4 c 3 ^ T3 13 Prime pocket gopher habitat is the sandhill association of the co-dominants longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and turkey oak (Quercus laevis) , and a fire-perpetuated ground cover of grasses (especially wire grass, Aristida stricta) , forbs, and sedges from which G. pinetis selects its diet. Terrain in the sandhill eco- system is rolling and the sandy soils are well-drained. Xeric hammocks are dominated by live oaks (Quercus virginiana) and a variety of other hardwood species; soils are moister and contain more organic material than in sandhill or sand scrub situations. Longleaf pine dominated one of the three types of pine flat- woods in Florida before intensive land clearing activities (for cultivation, timber, etc.) removed most virgin stands (Quarterman and Keever, 1962; Monk, 1968). Although some longleaf pine flat- woods still remain, the faster-growing slash pine (Pinus elliotii) preferred by commercial foresters has supplanted longleaf pine in most flatwoods. Flatwoods are topographically flat areas subjected to seasonal flooding. Soils are sandy and usually moist enough to exclude pocket gophers. The characteristic dense understory of palmetto (Serenoa repens) , apparently not suitable for pocket gopher digging or feeding, further contributes to the undesirable nature of flatwoods for Geomys habitation. In at least two long- leaf pine flatwoods situations I have either collected specimens (2.5 miles E Woodville, Leon Co.) or seen pocket gopher sign (Morningside Nature Center, Gainesville, Alachua Co.; see also Ross, 1976). 14 The sand scrub association is characterized by a very dense forest dominated by sand pine (Pinus clausa) , palmetto (Sabal etonia) , and an assemblage of scrubby oaks and other angiospermous shrubs and trees. Because ground cover provided by shrubs is so dense, forbs and grasses suitable for Geomys diet are not abundant. Hubbell and Goff (1939:133) remarked that the pocket gopher cannot be regarded as a "characteristic scrub-inhabitant.'' Generally, ground not covered by shrubs and trees is heavily exploited by mats of xerically-adapted fruticose lichens. Soils in the sand scrub ecosystem contain less organic material and are by far the driest of the four associations discussed here. The role of fire in maintaining many ecosystems (e.g., sandhill, flatwoods, sand scrub) is well-documented (Monk, 1968:444-445; Veno, 1976:498). Man's activities over the past century in Florida have resulted in control of wildfire. As a result, the role of fire has been greatly diminished. Removal of fire allows fire-intolerant hardwoods to gain a foothold in ecosystems dominated by fire- tolerant species (e.g., many pines), thereby competitively excluding the pyroclimax communities requisite for Geomys pinetis habitation. The pyroclimax community includes many herbaceous species comprising the diet of Geomys pinetis . Pocket gophers may be locally extirpated as a result of loss of these food sources. The general trend, then, is a reduction in the amount of land area suitable for habitation by pocket gophers. An example of such exclusion of Geomys due to removal of fire may be developed from field studies 15 in Levy Co., Florida. James N. Layne (pers. comm.) has collected field data on diversity and density changes in the mammalian fauna of sand ridges between Rosewood and Cedar Key (Levy Co.) from at least the early 1960 's through his most recent visit to the area in 1979. His field notes for the years 1960-1963 indicate Geomys to be present in fairly continuous populations in the sand pine habitat of these relict dunes and along the roadside (Highway 24) between Rosewood and Cedar Key, a distance of about 11 km. Notes from 1965 to present either do not mention the presence of Geomys in the scrub areas or explicitly note their absence. My observations in Fall 1980 and Spring 1981 along this transect are that (1) the town of Rosewood, situated in an area of longleaf pine-turkey oak habitat, supports a thriving population of Geomys , but that (2) no Geomys now occur along Highway 24 from outside Rosewood to Cedar Key. I have not searched the ridge systems adjacent to the highway for Geomys activity; however, the visible scrub vegetation is so dense as to seem unfit for pocket gopher occupancy. Layne attributes the disappearance of Geomys from this habitat to the removal of fire from the ecosystem in the last two decades. Wildfires during the last two years might have opened this general area up to re-invasion by pocket gophers. Habitat Mosaic The distribution of the sandhill association, one of the four general habitats that Geomys pinetis occupies in Florida, is out- lined in Fig. 3 (modified from Davis, 1980). Dots represent ►> X u O ^-N 03 u o • T> CO w T3 •H « M CO o ■H rH 4-1 fe CU C c •H ■H a. •~\ tn CO >v CO R ai s u ai CO a T> * QJ ») T3 M CO (U £, J2 CO o.^ o 60 4-1 CO 4J 4J cu -h .* X> O CO O J3 a •H 14-1 iH O -H J3 c -a •H CO 4J CO 3 ,Q 4-1 •H O U 4-1 C CD O •H -H -a 4-i 3 4-1 XI C -H CU u a 4J the largest available local sample (n = 209) . Several univariate statistics were computed for each character for each of the four sex/age combinations using the MEANS and TTEST procedures of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS, Helwig and Council, 1979). In studies of geographic variation, trends between samples are usually evaluated for each character examined. Clinal variation among samples may correspond to a variety of environmental para- meters (e.g., temperature, precipitation, elevation, habitats, etc.), especially if the samples are taken from a large geographic area. In the present study of Geomys pinetis in Florida, clinal variation was examined in 16 cranial characters separately for each of the four sex/age categories. Maximally non-significant subsets of regional samples were determined using the Duncan's multiple range test option of PROC GLM of SAS. Multivariate statistical techniques are of great value in systematic studies because, unlike the univariate approach of examining one character at a time, they permit simultaneous evalua- tion of large numbers of characters, perhaps reflecting the way that nature interacts simultaneously with an organism's entire phenotype. Two general categories of multivariate analyses were conducted. Clustering and the associated principal components analyses explore phenetic relationships between samples. Multivariate analyses of variance and the associated canonical variates analyses are included in a category of techniques that test the significance of differences between samples. 42 The first series of clustering and principal connects analyses (PCA) assessed the similarities among the 13 regional Populations (separately for each seX/age category; see section on non-geographic variation below,. In accordance with conventional morphometries methodology (e.g., Baumgardner and Schmidly, 1981), input data used were the mean values for each of the 16 characters for each regional sample. Kegions represented by only one specie were omitted from clustering and PCA on the assumption that individ- ual specimens might not accurately characterize the population. Data sets standardized to zero mean and unit standard deviation were submitted to the Ward's method algorithm (Ward, 1963, of the CLoSTAN multivariate statistical package (Wisbart, 1975). Programs and principal components projections overlaid by computer-generated minimum spanning trees illustrate clustering and PCA results. A problem inherent with this approach to cluster analyses is that mean values provide no measure of the variation within a sample. Use of individual specimens, therefore, is preferable. A cluster analysis using standardized values for measure values for each of the 187 age 1 male specimens as input was conducted to check the feasibility of a "single specimen" approach over the "mean value- approach. The inter-specimen relationships resulting fro, this experimental run did not follow any comprehensible geographic pattern. The probable causes for this oatt-.rnl. r cnls Patternless arrangement are that (1, the amount of ontogenetic size variation occurring within this age class is greater than the variation that may be attributed to geography, and (2, overall variation throughout Florida is slight Hence, the "mean value" method is used throughout the study. 43 Several series of multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) were conducted for each sex/age category to test the null hypotheses of no significant differences (1) between all regional samples, (2) between regional samples within their respective areas, and (3) between area samples. MANOVA' s, using character measurements for individual specimens as input data, were computed by PROC GLM of SAS. The test statistics generated were the Hotelling-Lawley and Pillai's traces, Wilks' lambda, and Roy's maximum root criterion. Canonical variates analyses (CVA) provide a means of pictori- ally representing relationships between samples by two-dimensional plotting of specimens along pairs of canonical axes. For clarity, only the points representing centroid means (bounded by ±1 standard deviation bars) are plotted, rather than plots of individual speci- mens. The score of each specimen on each axis is the sum of all measured characters multiplied by their respective coefficients which indicate their contribution to the variation reflected in a particular axis. The relative importance of a character to a particular variate may be determined by a procedure modified slightly from that outlined in Baumgardner and Schmidly (1981:13). For a given vector, the mean value of each character is multiplied by the absolute value of its corresponding loading (i.e., coefficient, eigenvalue); the products so obtained are then summed. The propor- tionate influence of a character, then, is the product of its mean and the absolute value of its coefficient divided by the sum of all such character-coefficient products. 44 Multivariate Statistics Rationale Correct interpretation of the results of multivariate statis- tical methods requires a general acquaintance with the techniques. Presented in the following section is a general discussion of the purpose, operation, and applications of the techniques used in this study. Cluster Analyses Clustering is a classif icatory procedure in which entities (operational taxonomic units or OTU's) are placed in a hierarchical arrangement in multidimensional space on the basis of phenetic simi- larities of the entitites. The degree of similarity between each pair of OTU's is expressed by a coefficient (of either similarity or of dissimilarity). For example, the method used in this study (Ward's method) employs a squared Eucludean distance coefficient that varies such that an indistinguishable sample pair has a coefficient value of 0.0; this value increases with increasing dissimilarity of OTU's. Relationships may be depicted in two- dimensional phenograms. Principal Components Analyses Ordination procecures (such a principal components analyses, PCA) may also be applied in an effort to express the relationships between entities in fewer dimensions than originally measured. In ordination (as in clustering procedures) data are made dimen- sionless via standardization to zero mean and unit standard devia- tion. Thereby, new axes are formed with the new origin (centroid) being a point corresponding to the mean value for each point; 45 each entity now possesses new coordinates defined in terms of standard deviation units. Multidimensional rotation of axes follows such that perpendi- cular distances of the entities from the first new axis (first principal component, first eigenvector, or first latent root) are minimized. Such a rotation serves to maximize the spread of enti- ties along the length of this axis. So situated, this first princi- pal component (PC) accounts for the maximum amount of total variance that can be explained by a single axis through a particular n-dimensional cloud of observations. Additional axes, also passing through the centroid, are positioned at right angles to the first, with each successively generated axis accounting for less variance (eigenvalues) than the preceeding one. It should be noted that none of the new axes directly reflects the measured attributes, but instead each vector represents a different linear combination to which each measured character contributes. The relative contribution of each character to any particular vector is indicated by the respective character loadings. The actual percent contribution of a character to a particular component equals the square of the corresponding character loading (Neff and Marcus, 1980:54-55). The magnitudes of these loadings, which may range from -1 to +1, indicate the relative importance of the original variables in the newly derived component. The position of any entity along any vector is a linear combination of the products of measured attributes and their corresponding character loading coefficients. 46 The prime objective underlying principal components analyses is to reduce the number of dimensions (original attributes) from many to a few that are easily visualized but still preserve the inter-entity relationships described by the original data set. Conventionally, spatial relationships between entities are depicted in bivariate plots having two of the first three principal components as axes. Proximity of entities on these plots generally reflects their similarities. Using principal components I, II, and III as axes, three-dimensional plots may be constructed, expecially when two dimensions do not adequately segregate entities. However, as Clifford and Stephenson state (1975:186), "addition of further dimensions in this fashion runs counter to the entire objective of ordination." As a further aid to visualizing relationships between entities plotted in principal components projections, minimum spanning trees can be overlaid. By this method, pairs of points are joined by a set of lines such that no closed loops occur (Calinski and Harabasz, 1970, unpublished manuscript cited in Wishart, 1975:123). The result is that all n entities are connected by n-1 lines (edges) of minimal total length. The comparative value of this method is evident where samples widely separated in multi-dimensional space may lie close together in two-dimensional principal components plots (Clifford and Stephenson, 1975:123-124). 47 Multivariate Analyses of Variance Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is a procedure that tests for differences between three or more samples on the basis of simultaneous consideration of many characters (i.e., dependent variables) . Unlike clustering and principal component methods, MANOVA groups observations into samples on an a priori basis. MANOVA operates by determining for each individual specimen a single value that is a simple linear combination of the products of actual character measurements and corresponding character loadings. The set of loadings so obtained allows maximal discrimin- ation of the a priori designated samples (Harris, 1975:101). MANOVA examines the null hypothesis that all samples have the same joint mean or centroid. Rejection of the null hypothesis indicates that some statistically significant differences exist in the joint means of the populations sampled. It is not the intent of MANOVA to identify which samples differ significantly from which other samples nor to indicate the number of significantly different subsets of samples present in the analysis. Several different test criteria are available for establishing the significance of differ- ences observed between samples. The MANOVA subroutine of PROC GLM of SAS computes and presents the test statistics and associated F_, degrees of freedom (d.f.), and probability values for three such criteria (Hotelling-Lawley trace, Pillai's trace, and Wilks' criter- ion) plus the F_-value and associated degrees of freedom for Roy's maximum root criterion. 48 Some controversy exists over which is (are) the best test(s) to use (Neff and Marcus, 1980:153-154). Wilk's lambda, which is a function of the product of the eigenvalues, requires large samples for correct probability levels (i.e., is an asymptotic test). The Hotelling-Lawley and Pillai's criteria are sums of eigenvalues (i.e., traces) of the matrices resulting from different manipulations of the effect and error matrices (Helwig and Council, 1979:249, 262). Harris (1975:109-110) argues strongly and convinc- ingly of the merits of greatest characteristic root criteria over Wilks' lambda; because Roy's maximum root criterion is an exact test (unlike the preceeding three) , smaller samples suffice for correct probability levels. Although the SAS MANOVA output does not present probability values for greatest characteristic roots, the latter is indicated to be statistically significant if the null hypothesis of centroid equality is rejected by the other criteria mentioned above (Neff and Marcus, 1980:154). Canonical Variates Analyses Canonical variates analysis (CVA) is an extension of the MANOVA technique discussed above. Placement of individuals into samples is performed a priori as in MANOVA. CVA maximizes differences between these samples on the basis of measured attributes and deter- mines a single score for each specimen. As for PCA and MANOVA, such a score is the summation of the products of character measure- ments and appropriate weighting coefficients. Because these coefficients are chosen such that within-sample variances are minimized while between-sample variances are maximized, the series 49 of canonical axes projected through the multidimensional scatter of points, in contrast to PCA, are usually not positioned at right angles to each other (Clifford and Stephenson, 1975:183; Blackith and Reyment, 1971:49). Each of the canonical vectors describes different portions of the between-sample variance, and because characters generally contribute differently to the various vectors, a unique set of character loading coefficients accompanies each variate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DENTARY MORPHOMETRICS The fossil material examined in this study was restricted to cranial specimens, although some post-cranial material is available from several sites. Dentaries were the only type of cranial material present in relatively large numbers from most sites; hence, features of only the dentaries and of the mandibular teeth were measured. Measurements Using both a 10X Gaertner measuring microscope (to 0.01 mm) and Helios dial calipers (to 0.1 mm), 25 features were measured whereever possible for each of the 526 fossil dentaries and for a Recent reference sample of 50 males and 50 females from Gainesville, Alachua Co., Florida. The following characters are measured features of the dentary: (1) The dorsoventral distance from the level of the lingual edge of the alveolar toothrow to the mental foramen (MFDV) ; (2) the dorsoventral distance from the level of the lingual edge of the alveolar toothrow to the ventralmost point of the masseteric ridge (MRDV) ; (3) anteroposterior distance from mental foramen to dorsoventral plane through the anterior edge of p4 alveolus (MFAP) ; (4) anteroposterior distance from masseteric ridge to dorsoventral plane through anterior edge of p4 alveolus (MRAP) ; (5) diastema, the alveolar distance from p4 to incisor (DIAST) ; (6) mediolateral width of the dentary at highest point of 50 51 masseteric ridge (WDENT) ; (7) height of the condyle from level of lingual edge of alveolar toothrow (HTCOND) ; (8) anteroposterior distance from posterior of m2 to posterior edge of angle (M2ANG) ; (9-10) alveolar distances between p4 and m2 (P4M2) and p4 and m3 (P4M3); (11-13) length (LRMF) , width (WRMF) , and depth (DRMF) of retromolar (= basitemporal) fossa; (14) distance from m2 alveolus to deepest point of retromolar fossa (M2RMF) ; (15) distance from m2 posterior alveolus to dental (= mandibular) foramen (DFOR) . The remaining 10 characters pertain to individual teeth: (16) width of lower incisor (WLINC) ; (17-20) lengths and widths of ml (LM1, WM1) , and m2 (LM2, WM2) ; (21) length of p4 (LP4) ; (22) length of anterior loph of p4 (LANTP4); (23-24) widths of anterior (WANTP4) and poste- rior (WP0STP4) lophs of p4; and (25) width of p4 isthmus (WISTHP4) . From the above measurements, values for four other characters were computed: (1) distance from the mental foramen to the incisor (MFINC = DIAST - MFAP) ; (2) relative dorsoventral positions of mental foramen and masseteric ridge (MFMRDV = MFDV - MRDV) ; (3) distance between the mental foramen and the anteriormost point of the masseteric ridge (MFMR = MFAP + MRAP) ; and (4) length of poste- rior loph of p4 (LP0STP4 = LP4 - LANTP4) . Lateral and medial views of a Geomys dentary with endpoints of various of the measured charac- ters are illustrated in Fig. 5. Materials Examined Table 1 lists 27 Florida sites and their component deposits that have yielded fossil pocket gopher material; the number of Fig. 5. — Drawings of lateral and medial views of Geomys mandible indicating several anatomical features and end- points of seven measurements: (A) MFAP, (B) MRAP, (C) MFDV, (D) MRDV, (E) HTCOND, (F) M2ANG, and (G) DIAST. Names and descriptions of these measurements may be found in text. After Akersten (1973). LATERAL 53 Mental Foramen . Masseteric Ridge- C D MEDIAL Retromolar Fossa Dental Foramen 54 dentaries is indicated for each site. With the exception of two mandibles from Melbourne borrowed from the United States National Museum, all fossil material is housed in the Vertebrate Paleontolo- gy Collection of the Florida State Museum, University of Florida (UF) ; Appendix C lists fossil geomyid material examined in this study. No dentaries were measured from Sabertooth Cave as none are included in the UF collection, although such material exists else- where (e.g., 4 lower jaws, 2 partial skulls at the American Museum of Natural History; listed in Simpson, 1928:2). Dentaries from four other deposits (Orange Lakes Cave, Haile XIV and XVI, and Williston III B) were not included in this study because the vertebrates in these faunas are presently being studied by Mike Frazier (Mississippi Museum of Natural Sciences) and by Robert A. Martin (Farleigh Dickinson College) . Assignment of samples to land mammal ages and to glacial/interglacial stages was based on consultation of a number of references (Auffenburg, 1957, 1958, 1963; Martin, 1969; Webb, 1974; Gillette, 1976; Kurten and Anderson, 1980) and through re-examination of associated materials and discussions with Dr. S. David Webb. Specimens comprising the Recent reference sample are housed in the Recent Mammal Collection, Florida State Museum. Procedural Rationale and Analyses Conducted Non-Geographic Variation In studies of geographic variation for any taxon, it is desirable to determine what proportion of the variation between and within samples is due to factors other than geographic occur- rence. These factors may include sex, age, individual variation, 55 and experimental error. Once identified, the effects of these factors should be eliminated (as in the craniometric segment of this study) . Ideally, the same procedure would be followed in analyses of geographic and chronological variation in the fossil pocket gopher material from Florida. Unfortunately, the nature of this (as with most) fossil material disallows certain analytical procedures. In rare instances where a relatively intact cranium may be found, knowledge of sexual dimorphism in living geomyids permits an inference of the sex of a fossil specimen; however, the sex of a fossil pocket gopher specimen can never be known with certainty. Even in living forms, the only mandibular characters useful in distinguishing sexes are related to size; no qualitative features are apparent. The value of relative size or dimensions is limited because of the great overlap in males and females. Pocket gopher crania and mandibles generally increase in size (in most characters) with increasing ontogenetic age, with old males being larger than old females. Only in the zone of non-overlap at the upper end of the size range of males can the sex be inferred with greater than 50% confidence. Because of the marked ontogenetic variation, comparisons between samples should involve subsamples not only of the same sex, but also of the same age. Although actual age of fossil speci- mens can never be determined, width of the lower incisor (WLINC) can provide a reasonable index of age. However, it is not known whether the ontogenetic rate of increase of WLINC is the same for 56 both sexes; to my knowledge, this information is not available for any living geomyid species. Furthermore, the constancy of these rates over the phylogenetic history of geomyids in Florida is unknown. Nevertheless, width of the lower incisor (WLINC) was used as an index of specimen size. Although such a relationship has not been empirically demonstrated for any geomyids, it is apparent from observation of an ontogenetic series of Recent Geomys pinetis. Fig. 6 illustrates ontogenetic variation in Geomys pinetis of one of the characters (DRMF, depth of retromolar fossa) examined in this study relative to WLINC. Incisor width is known to be strongly correlated with ontogenetic age in other rodents (e.g., in Marmot a monax, Ruckel and Scanlon, 1978) , so that incisor width increases with increasing age of the individual. One means of dealing with ontogenetic variation is to subdivide samples by increments (0.1 mm) of WLINC and then to restrict all statistical comparisons to subsamples of like WLINC. There is a major problem with this approach. Subdivision of fossil samples (already of limited size) reduces statistical power and confidence. It may also reduce the number of comparisons that can be made, particularly if not all WLINC categories are present in local fauna samples. These difficulties may be overcome by combined pairs of subsamples of consecutive WLINC values. For this approach to be valid, however, the ascending (or descending) arrangement of character means (for all characters) must correspond to a consecu- tive arrangement of subsamples according to 0.1 mm increments (or decrements) of WLINC. Because such a correspondence between means c M CO T3 cti *~s C jj en en u o z^. -a en en eu •H 1-1 rH a m u c 4-1 r-l ■H to •H ^ u M (1) ni S H o a. H 6 en CO 4-1 H •H c s rH 3 60 O T3 c c > C M CD en a 3 CO cO x: en •H CJ en C en o o -H rH > rH CO o S-i rH TJ e M •H o > rH r-l >, en •H 4J rH CD en QJ r-l C en M CO •H o (1) CO M-l IM CJ O C!) X) X 0 c -C 4J O CO 4-1 r-l a- M U-t 4J C o eu o o 4J H •7-1 c >1 4J n 4J rH eO c c rH ■4-1 CD o CU o o pi (1) en I u cd 4-1 1 0 c 4-1 0) a. vO en X en o 4J o is m CN O CN m «tp E E o T5 z ^ LU —I U O uj 2 • « d o o in O o o • CO a o CN E «4_ a JE o E 4- 0 o a 0.05). For the older adults (age class 2), females were slightly, but not significantly, larger than males in GWNAS. The sexes were similar in size for IOC, LWNAS, and PMEXT. Males were significantly larger than females in the remaining measurements (Table 3) . Male Geomys pinetis of both age categories were similar in size in four characters: IOC, LWNAS, GWNAS, and PMEXT. Old adult males were significantly larger than younger adult males in all other features examined (Table 3). For females, mean values for IOC in both age groups were equal. In the remaining characters, older adult females were larger than younger adults; these differences were significant for all features except LWNAS, GWNAS, and PMEXT. Because the Gainesville sample of Geomys pinetis demonstrated such marked sex and age variation, subsequent analyses of geographic 62 63 o u oj o CT) CO Cfl c •H Cfl cfl •H p a; 3 en CO >-* ,c u > a o C X CO o 4-i CU H < O 0 Cfl >, u •H •v U C 0) u <]) c rH C •H o H CI) CJ •H •H •H 4-J > Xi M-J CO en cj U-l -H cfl rj T! <4-4 C C O t-i 0 CO o •H u M-l 4-1 Cfl c CO CU cu Cfl c 3 •H >-l •H rH CJ U-l CJ o cw a) o CU CU M e O ffl cu cu CJ £. at) h CJ CO ■u ^■^ X Cfl ^t X cu U cO 0) CU •rt en T1 ■w C c , -u 4J 6 co •H CDS 01 CJ CO > 0) -U • •iH a: C ,-» • s CO CU cu D CH ■u C w 1 o Cfl -H CO 1 i-H 4-1 * TJ c CN CO C TJ CU T3 cfl 3 CJ CU •H o u rl h fi U HI j) o in ui a CO i— I CU Cfl r^ iH vO ro 00 CT\ Sf CN CTN sr CN u-l rH St iH 00 O vO • CN O u-l CO CN i-H o • » 1 •> 1 » 1 - 1 00 CO rH O iH a\ u-i -> M >> NI o oo rH <-\ ui 1-i U-l r-t 00 O VO u-i CO CN rH « 1 « 1 « 1 - 1 ui sr rH r- rH ^ CN CN CN Sl- <-\ CI CN 00 O vO UPl ro CN <-i * 1 - 1 » 1 " 1 VO CN vO O u-l rH a\ oo vo r-~ vO ui • vO O • 00 « I r~ cyi i — vO ^" CN r~ vo cy> sr vO vO u-l CTl o o vO CN av oo CTi O vO vO CO » • p~ o • p- « I O CO r^ vo u-v P>- CN O O r~ sr ^ c? o C M a) rn ^^ cu cl) & ou 3 4-1 x) ^J PS z H H o u C P ^-N 5 3 jr c/} J2 cn u 4J CO O P-i •u O 4J O (\) Cfl 4J D-5^ D. U a. a! •o pi 4J 3 Cfl g w OJ Q Q H ^^ 64 H - oo m I OJ vo a-* 61) < co o « I m co m en en en -i 1-H m o> vO O • CM O m CM 4-4 -H s P O XJ i-J o cn (3 Pw u 00 < XI •u 4-1 ^■v X ,^^ 0) a) M cfl H ■u i—l -a T-l r-1 O 00 4-1 00 4-1 cn a q rH >< T3 cd •H CO CO hJ •H .J s a) OJ QJ 4-1 3 3 3 cn X -^ •H (J ■H 4-1 •H XI h4 O ►> cfl 14-1 CO K m o U o S-i •H 4-1 •s-^ ^J z o cfl s s O cfl ,-< •H CO ,-v CO 3 W CO e o •H a H ^1 a H x ex cn OJ en H T3 XI 0) x: n S-l n z a) M Z 4-1 ^1 4-1 t-H 4J t-H .—1 C 4-1 4-1 ■U X ^ c cfl C o C c J Z o z S X hJ p ►J H 65 oo < v£> 00 oo r^ oo < » CO C3 gei ^v M < H H y-^ u u ai h 3 P M CJ 0) Z S Q * g J T3 hJ o g 3 5 ^-^ C w ►J y-i CO u-t O CO S 3 14-1 O M 6 o o U O ja a; JS u 0 sz m •U JJ W J3 JZ en ■U -H oo en 00 -u 4J •H -a o C CO C O 13 y ■H C (U -H aj o •H c 3 H J P hJ H 3= H 66 Xi rn u >> 03 e -i II co t» > ■m z u X (0 Hi l-i 0) CO CO a, t-H c 01 l-i •H cu CJ V-l J2 0) 03 O CO 3 U J! T) CO H cu cu < co £ > 03 -H 03 -U 4-l| W) U 4-1 |3 4-1 a) ■a -a 3 c J-l -a O OJ (3J 4-J CO O C to a o ro cfl CO r-( •H (1) CJ ■U i-H ai -Q OJ c CO W) •H H CO ch Ph I PL, | e- I Ph I O CO 3 CO co o <£ o hJ tH ^ u PS (J M § Q Q CO CO H < < X z 3 £3 hJ a pv. 67 «l H A pu| 68 variation entailed comparisons of subsamples of like sex and age. The four subsamples recognized are (1) males of age class 1, (2) males, age 2, (3) females, age 1, and (4) females, age 2. Geographic Variation Univariate Clinal Variation Geographic variation between samples was examined to assess the importance of rivers comprising region boundaries, particularly the Apalachicola and Suwannee Rivers. For a character to warrant further examination, significant differences between regional samples for that character were required; otherwise, the character was disregarded. Trends in characters with mean regional values falling into two or more significant subsets were studied on the basis of regional "area" membership (i.e., areas I, II, or III; refer to cluster section) . In a descending sequence of regional means (Table 4), regional samples from the same area (i.e., geo- graphically contiguous) would be expected to be adjacent to each other and to be separate from samples comprising other areas. Subsets for which included regions represented all three areas or non-adjacent areas (I and III) were considered to indicate no trend. Furthermore, maximally non-significant subsets whose memberships corresponded to regional composition of areas such that any subset contains regions from only one area, were judged to support the contention that the Apalachicola and Suwannee Rivers have served as barriers to pocket gopher dispersal. 69 03 4-1 c U UH 60 0) OJ •H 4-1 H Cfl o co TD >> u OJ rH cO 60 rH j= e Cfl o CO e 1-1 •H rH U X Cfl CO CO • •H e < C > o OJ cfl e M 3 4J o 14-1 rH c a) CO o O Cfl > N a) ■H 4J rH c u c a CO 0 0) § 0) Xi o CO e a) Cfl <1J <2 60 e Mh c cfl e o •H Cfl ■H Cfl Cfl CO 0) c a OJ rC o CO U 4J •H 4J a c ^1 o H aj (JJ o cO Cfl -a a ai u Cfl •H rJ O 4J h a aj U QJ C CO ~tf Cfl X, U 60 4-1 01 QJ -H C HUMS 60 pq < w ►J * < Cfl •"J OJ fa rH M Cfl e ^ aj U f* O 60 < m rJ rJ O Q w w >-3 "-3 fa fa H H fa Q < < CJ CJ fa a o o a o CJ U CJ CJ < W M rJ hJ CJ rJ H >-) 1-3 S! ^ M Q i-l O CO CJ rJ >H CJ N rJ 1-3 fa w w CJ CJ w w w sa w w fa X w < fa s o o o n w n w o cj cj u !J o J Q w fa fa fa a a CJ u CJ PQ M rJ rJ < PQ PQ rJ rJ m fa PQ £££ fa fa rJ hJ PQ < < rJ CJ CJ o P3 O CJ ep pq CJ *1 »-3 •"3 rJ rJ s W M k n •-> cj O n CJ CJ n a £ o S* < s CJ < W W o P CJ en w o O W CJ o Q Q rJ r-l s g % S www U cj w w w rJ CJ CJ PQ PQ PQ fa fa Q O CJ ^ u u u Tl *1 s s fa fa •"3 fa >~J r-J r4|j|-l w w CJ O fa fa ►"3 w fa fa CJ CJ CJ PQ PQ *n r-J s S PQ rJ PQ PQ PQ § § rJ rJ W Ex! PQ PQ o n PQ PQ tJ o rJ fa n s CJ fa w w w w fa fa U CJ CJ CJ rJ J H M H H ^^ < w w a w o o *, p^ fa W W M fa fa p o PQ PQ »J h4 ►J hJ PQ PQ o u o PQ PQ C_> U hJ J fa fa >-) -i fa W g * £ Q S fa ^ U T) PQ fa fa H J >J fa a o W PQ PQ H w hJ » n fa fa < h-i M H C J fa g g w u Q Q Q >-) T, WWW X CO CJ O O 3 H U W S*S •n R TT >-) O CJ M— 1 cfl M o i-l 03 CO en X tn cfl •H h ai tn 0 a) 4J H M C to £■ 4 0) 3 o (i) i-l CO 60 1-4 a, -h a) X B l-i 4-1 CO M cd CO H en > U l-»cOu~iiOOOu~ir^OOiN-Jiriin4 CJ Pi O u o ZgWQ^MQZ o N 3 O Q s H HJOPHi-J1-l3(JtJ 83 <-r^ooorOinvooor^<-or~-\OLOooiH HHOONNNlOHnNHHNNH r^vj-i/-ic"ioo">cNa\cMi-»aooc">oocNO HOOHNOrOO^NCI-JHOHN oooooooooooooooo II I I II II oo-jHHN^vorvoo-sor^r-M^rH CNOOOi^-r^coooo OOONOCIONN oooooooooooooooo kO<3-oor^cNmr---^-rooOi— i^o mi— ior~.r^voa\ooomrOfOcsvDOiH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I I I I I I I CSIOntMOONH00n0\00< S O § M O g M PJSJ o Csl § o o 5 M J o P-i i-J.hJ 3 hJ hJ 3 84 co a. 4-> u £ u 3 cfl a) 4-J en T-| CO o C C u o a. c •H (U 00 en 0) (1) 4-1 5 4J l-i c CD 0) >H c J3 CO n U Q. en 3 B a u o •H CO C a rn H c U-J CO o o a. vw T3 00 B 3 C O a n g 14-1 o o en •H CO u >, a e i o 0) o o ■ 4-1 CO CD pci Pi I M-l I o ,q 6 -H CO cfl J-i HMD. vOO^vDvOC-OiHOO (OHCOin-JHrtH »or^-crcriNocnN m-J-I^^ONCOiriCTi r^ocyvvocNivovou-i »3-rvincicMncooo cncOOiHOtHrHO iriiOHOCOO-d-H CO C U O 3 •H 4-1 W cfl a) Z fA UOfeO^S^hJS CMOiHOvOCNCTiO incodflmcMmH QOvoroiomr~r~-c7> OOiHOOOOr-HMPv soicoaomvoin r^iHO'H-d-cr.tnr^ \OC">a>COr^iHvOrH om*NiooNvo r~-t-icNmoaN-*o 3 -H 4-1 00 CO CU Z OS \£)HOHO-*rlvO*o-*^o>omcoco 0) H CM m CN iH H o O H H ffl 1 I 1 1 1 e a) LO CN CN r~- oo r-~ ON Q\ ^O ^O o iH ON CN iH 00 o-i un JlO iOincomNNoincnio omM F 1.7571 1.74 160,1582 0.0001 2.3766 2.36 144,1289 0.0001 1.8625 2.86 176,2972 0.0001 1.9108 1.78 160,1492 0.0001 Pillai's Trace F d.f. Prob > F 1.3032 1.58 160,1690 0.0001 1.5997 2.07 144,1377 0.0001 1.2528 2.27 176,3102 0.0001 1.2951 1.49 160,1600 0.0002 Wilk's Criterion F d.f. Prob > F 0.2224 1.67 160,1385 0.0001 0.1456 2.23 144,1161 0.0001 0.2230 2.54 176,2504 0.0001 0.2130 1.62 160,1308 0.0001 Roy ' s Maximum Root Criterion F d.f. 0.5326 9.32 10,175 0.7899 14.04 9,160 0.9610 25.07 11,287 0.9553 15.86 10,166 96 of exceeding _F was less than or equal to 0.0001, except for age 2 females for which the probability of being greater than J_ for Pillai's trace was 0.0002. Males, age class 1. For age 1 males, 10 canonical variates were required to describe the total variation observed. The first three variates represent 30.31%, 25.87%, and 19.94% of the varia- tion, respectively, for a total of 76.12%; the remaining vectors each entail less than 8% of the total variation (Table 9) . GLS (18.14%) and LMXTR (16.23%) contributed most to separation of regional samples along variate I (Table 9) . The only other charac- ters on variate I with more than 8% influence were IOC and DROST. Over 70% of the dispersion along variate II resulted from five characters: WMAST, LUDIAST, IOC, LMXTR, and DCRAN. For variate III GLS, WMAST, and LMNDTR were most important in discriminating between samples. Sample sizes of the regions included in this analysis are: A (1) , C (4), D (7), E (1), F (8) , G (4), I (1), J (104), K (34), L (6), and M (17). Plots of regional sample centroids and corresponding ±1 standard deviation bars on canonical variate axes I vs. II and I vs. Ill (Figs. 11A, 11B) both show two sample clusters where regions C and D (area I) form one group and regions from areas II and III collectively form the other. Regions represented only by single specimens were plotted but are not considered in presenta- tion of results. In the plot of variate I vs. II, regions C and D broadly overlap each other but do not overlap other samples. In both plots, the area II samples (F and G) , intermediate between 97 0) en CD 01 H 4J Q. Cfl a •H u cfl (-1 o 0) en Cfl ■a c Cfl .— i cfl T> cfl i-H CI) X C Cfl ft en aj o a 4-1 3 en •H •H n em c 0 r. X a) o i-i I-I CJ u c fl) cfl cfl o 4-1 fl) c CJ •H ej 0) 4-1 CO 1-4 (U a) en U n S OJ •H cfl 4-1 •u M M X cd X CI) CJ ►> XI 4-1 4-1 i-i CJ X Cl) en 4J cfl CJ 4-1 (i) en (-1 Cfl 01 CJ n Cfl a) u c •H £, Cfl fl) 14-1 u K ex ^ o a) 0) aj 14-1 en H-l x M <4-4 4-1 OJ en X) •H 4J Cl) fl) Tl 14-1 CJ 3 4-1 O cfl H C M u cfl CI) O X CO > en li-l u J3 a) cfl 0 C u 01 aj cfl P-, CJ X 01 c u CJ g CO 0 CO • ■H 14-1 01 •n u • 0) CO -a 1-1 eu n 4-1 3 4-1 14-4 al ^H 14-1 C •H CJ o CD ^v n C en Sx" CO ■H en CD ^^ > 01 n 0 en a. 0) 4J en >, CJ Cfl H i-H • c x cfl CO cfl cfl 4-1 c ■a 4-1 #« cfl •H U >, en ^ o X> c 01 o a. 0 4-1 ^H S •fl •H Cfl U4 •H fl) 4-1 ■H C 3 M B OJ •H Xi cfl o > Cfl •H > ^ •H H ^ •H 14-1 4-1 CL 4J 4-1 cfl X c H en H fl) o 3 ■H OJ CJ B 4-1 S-i 0) 01 a M 4-1 c •fl c CD n •H e cfl 4-1 o, cfl •H CJ en U Cfl 4-1 en en CO u i-i >, •u > 01 3 B c X en o aj 14-1 CJ 01 aj •H O Pi C5 CJ en: 1 •H w M CO < a) 4J ft Cfl CO •H w »-l 1-1 Cfl > H»OlJONlOrt^ lONvoHNOOvoiJincTiinioinoN-crin1^ r^cN\oroom(X)co<}-i— imvDOOOOOO 6~« rOCNU-lCMOCNCNCNOOi— IOI^^OvO1^ H vo H oo ci roO'X>o>r>.r~vDONCNOorovor^cNmmi— I OinrMcNroroi-)ini-ir^TH<-u-iOCT\rovD IN «3 CO -J CO r- lOOOO^OOr-ir^CMr-ICNON r^-^r^oooo^or^vom^ooococNiinm CNOiOCOnmiCUINHNOOOvOOMN cni— locNt~^ror-rocyii— (i— lor^mooco OOOOOOOiHOOOrHOOOrHin 98 S > •J^rsCOiON-d-NHHN^iriHMO i-tH en tH m r- iH m r~ vo 1/1 CO LT> CO CTv 00 CO CM CO l-» r>» CT\ oo o co -j- sr O vo r~ OiHOrHCOr~ONr~.CJsCMCO r-»oocoo. CTi a* v-r vT CO r~- H ON r~~ O H CM rH CM CO .H O CO CM CO CO CM o o o o o O OOOOOOOO u-| cOvocMcocoi— lommi— i(Mnn*N o irimcMa\H000>0\nOHiniCC0«)l/lHO> iHOOCOvOOr^CMr-ICMCMCX)r^CSliHOOO OOOOOOOiH^-tOOOOOOOr^ O O O O O O n oi o\n o co CM vO o> a> u~i >£> CO CO CM o-n o O CM r» 00 -cr o CM o rH H H H PS 4-J cn co pi C H Z H H WWH<;C(!0h £ u os ps o HJOP-lhJhJSJHJS •c OJ e-J (M 2 c_> PS PS u N g O Q 3 H <_> Cu cj N E3 O Q Es 99 S > i0N!SN\0»NO00H i— l o> in r-» <• oo r-» H r~.C">OOiH-J-CT\!HT-IO C1\oOCONOO vCHcoifiinoon-jirnoci (Jl MO 3-oor^LOOi^-r>-vO'H (<1 om\oonNirio>Ho>ON CNCNCNrOOOrOO-lC-l.— ICT\t-- HODNN\OO>0000in(NrO inN!NMir|HC0 00NO\^HHNffiH~Jt~« OCN rvoooo^H-a-t^oorvso OOMnOCIOHHH^ifl rHOiHOOOiHOOOOv H H to C/2 Pi en en H < «5 O P"> 00lflOJH0>NHa\0>* oovDi— i m sr r-~ in i— i r~- ci i— i m (Nr^HNWNPIOOOOCOlTin moo-j-\oHi/inoNNo>-* rOCNOOv£)OCSOr^CNvO -3-romoor~-voooooi~~ocr\ -jeonoDvomvOiO^tocM^ or~-r-l^rocMr~-ONOi^-cNr- NOmNOOONOflOO^J OOOOOOiHOOOOO p^rorooovooOOvfLO^ voo\NOMnNHinm<} r-^rOi-l^r^-rvrH^ooOiHOOo m oo m iH r> o n aim i— iM CN o H r~^ 4-1 m ^o r-~ T— 1 D. • • 0 rs co n ^> 60 -H •iH QJ 4-1 4J JS m a) •H CJ a CO cfl C -H O CU cu p. a 0) o S co >> 4J 4-» >N xi 0) g -a J3 O T3 CU cu cu 4J CD O 4-J 3 p. Cfl -a •H Qi u •H Xi rH •H M CO CO TJ 4J C E c 4J o ■H Cfl •H CN 4-J CU to aj CO CJ ■H 60 c B cu co cfl cfl n cu •H T3 6 M 60 C Cfl C CO 0) > •H rH S H a cu O e 6C j3 C r4 o o X o o u CU •H 14-1 a) cu 4-1 4J TJ a CJ .—. ■H c -l CO MH CO CU C C4H CO > M o cu CU cfl •H 0 N H 4-J CJ •H CO O CO CO a 4J •H 60 •H > C a) C T3 CD •H rH O )-< "O T3 a C cfl Cfl e cfl 60 T3 O cfl U CU H rH Uj 1 U cfl 1 TJ S-i • 4J c 0) • rH 3 cfl 4-1 C3> rH O 4-1 a x: CO cd OJ • 4-> U rH 00 iH 0) co X> •H S c 4= Cfl fe ^ o u H 102 .2 o 2 <0 < CO 9) 0) < -2 o 2 O) < U 1 I I H tt -O- 1 tt ¥4^ „ J 1 1 L 9) 0) < u, J L H •-1 T 103 those of area I and area III regions, broadly overlap various of the area III regions. A slight overlap between areas I (region C) and II (region F) is apparent in the plot of variates I vs. II. No pattern was evident in the plot of variates II vs. Ill; samples were intermingled in one general cluster (not illustrated) . Males, age class 2. Nine variates describe the variation between regional samples of age 2 males (Table 9). Variates I, II, and III individually represent 33.24%, 25.69%, and 17.65% of the inter-sample variation, collectively explaining 76.58%. Less than 10% of the variation accompanies each of the remaining axes. LMXTR, GLS, IOC, LUDIAST, and DROST, the five most influential variables for variate I, individually explained greater than 9% (and collec- tively the majority) of the observed variability (Table 9). Three- quarters of the dispersion along variate II was attributable to five characters: WROST, GLS, DROST, WMAST, and DCRAN. Along variate III, five characters (LUDIAST, WMAST, GLS, ZYGO, DCRAN) accounted for over 56% of the variation. Regions and respective sample sizes for this analysis are: B (1), C (6), D (5), E (1), F (8), G(2) , J (95), K (26), L (6), and M (24). Two distinct sample clusters are evident in plots of regional sample centroids for both variate I vs. II and I vs. Ill (Figs. 11C, 11D) . Samples C and D (area I) overlap variously in these plots, but are widely separated from the cluster comprised of area II and III samples. Overlap of the confidence bars of regions F (area II) with those of regions J, K, L, and M (area III) is extensive in both plots. Sample G is positioned quite closely to centroids of 104 other area II and III samples in Fig. 11D (plot of variates I and III) and somewhat less closely with the same in the plot of variates I and II (Fig. 11C) ; still, in the latter graph, G is much nearer area II and III centroids than area I centroids. As for age 1 males, plotting regional centroids on vectors II and III revealed no pattern; all samples are mixed and are extensively overlain (not illustrated) . Females, age class 1. Over 78% of the variation between regional samples corresponds to the first three canonical variates which individually entail 51.60%, 16.56%, and 10.26% of the total variation, respectively (Table 9). Eight other roots each account for less than 8% of the variation. Along variate I, about 60% of the dispersion occurred through five characters, each with greater than 9% influence: IOC, DCRAN, LUDIAST, ZYGO, and WMAST (Table 9). Over 57% of the dispersion along variate II is shared between ZYGO, LMNDTR, IOC, WMAST, and DCRAN. The five most important characters along variate III were DROST, ZYGO, LMNDTR, WUINC, and IOC; the first two of these together exert nearly 50% of the discriminating ability of this vector. Regional sample sizes for this analysis are: A (1) , B (2), C (15), D (23), E (1) , F (12), G (5), H (3), J (161), K (39), L (9), and M (27). Generally similar relationships between regional samples are shown in both plots of canonical variates I vs. II and I vs. Ill (Figs. 12A, 12B) . Area I samples B, C, and D group together closely and are situated distinctly separately from samples of areas II and III. In Fig. 12A (plot of variates I vs. II) their ±1 standard H c CO Q. co o CU e (-i •H cO cfl 4J o co P9 •H CO 4-1 t-H O 13 CO • ft. CU c CD 4-1 o •H t* 3 •H 4J x> X 60 CU •H v •H cu 3 e 13 a ■u o c c Q) 0) ■H CO J a w •H CO 0J CO CO p, H c > T-( cfl CO * £ 0) CU CO a) 1 60 a 4-1 CO 4-1 o cu 4-1 X •H H •H OJ c^ M cfl T3 (-4 CO CU CU cu > u 13 4-1 T-I Cfl M CJ XI H cfl CO cfl cfl o 13 M H O 4J C CO •H cfl -C C C T3 4J U •H o >-4 CO c CO 13 Cfl 60 CU H) CJ cu c 4J 1 1 S-i o CO M CO •H 4J cu CU rH CN 3 4-1 4-1 t-H O CO 4-1 >-J J= a cu o 4-1 •H H 4-1 60 •H 13 CJ •H j* C 4-1 QJ Ife •H o > 106 0) < in -j — i — i — i — i — i i ' H f i — 9— ST It o < *- n j — i — i i i i i "7 •» N — , 0) cj o X 0) c Pi 0) S H to 4-1 to CD 3 £ x> • ■H o cd a to (0 T3 Cl) CU «H to O >-i ti) ^ C O iH 0 0) iH CL M-l ti fc e > u-, B to T-i u-i o fl) •H (J C 4J T3 4-4 OJ CO cu >-l )-l to IS CO O tH 4-1 a 14-1 4J OJ a> OJ x> to 0) c a -h CO T> C G- 0) Cl) to o 4-1 •H to c c M >» QJ tl) m a U to > o CD (1) , 0) tfl 4-J >H Oi o CJ to •H 0) C 4-1 ■4-1 > tO o •H C r-l QJ /-s MJ CO > £, <*-* to 4J to to t-H CD 4-1 4-1 3 CO CO E )-j cu U O 4J •H 4-1 <4-l 14-1 n OJ >n 0) CU to iH ^ J= 4-1 cu x; 4-1 -H 4J 4J 3 CO 14-1 CO U U o Cl) CO O Cd O. 4-i CU 1 OJ o 1 to CO c N-' (-1 CO o 0) o i-H CO 4J •H cu o -tf iH «o in cn * O ones o O CO CN O o m cn o ■H O r-- iH iH CN > Ill n H O H O CM O O CM CM O O O CM ON O O CM O vO 0> CM 00 Q\ J> CM O 00 CO oo o> m oion h m w io 00 CM 00 O CM «iH r~. co « tH h 0.11). The apparent trend is that within each of the two panhandle areas, pocket gopher populations are generally homogeneous, whereas peninsular populations are more variable. Significant variability among regions J, K, L, and M suggested that area III might consist of subunits by a barrier more effective in restricting pocket gopher movements than the rivers delimiting regions within the two panhandle areas. The St. Johns River is the logical choice for such a barrier in the peninsula. Using the full 16 character data set, a series of four MANOVA's, one for each sex/age category, was conducted to test for significant variability between the area III regions west of the St. Johns River (regions J, K, and L) . Despite deletion of region M specimens from these analyses, significant variation was found between samples from regions J, K, and L. For age 1 males, ^-probabilities of the Hotelling-Lawley and Pillai's traces and Wilks' criterion were all less than 0.07. These values for the other three sex/age comparisons were more highly significant at probabilities of 0.0187 or less. Hence, variability between the four peninsular regions cannot be entirely attributed to the isolating effects of the St. Johns River. This problem is treated further under geographic variation in the fossil section of this dissertation (page 143) . 113 Multivariate Analyses of Variance: Variation between Areas The null hypothesis of no differences between joint means of samples representing the three areas of Florida was rejected for all sex/age categories on the basis of the test criteria listed in Table 11. Probabilities associated with Wilks' lambda and Pillai's trace for age 2 females are 0.0002 for both statistics, and 0.0001 for the Hotelling-Lawley trace. The probability of exceeding F_ is 0.0001 for these three test statistics for age 1 females and males of ages 1 and 2. Hence, Geomys pinetis from the three areas of Florida differ significantly in cranial dimen- sions. Males, age class 1. Canonical variates I (65.67%) and II (34.33%) explain all observed variation between samples of young adult males from the three areas. In order of decreasing influence, the five most important characters along variate I are GLS, IOC, DCRAN, DROST, and LMXTR (Table 12). Along variate II, LUDIAST, GLS, WMAST, LMXTR, and DCRAN are the five most influential charac- ters. The plot of area centroids with ±1 standard deviation bars on axes representing variates I and II reveals overlap of areas 2 and 3 with area 1 isolated to the left in the graph (Fig. 13A) . Sample sizes for the three areas are: 1 (n = 12), 2 (n = 14), and 3 (n = 161) . Males, age class 2. All variation between samples due to area occurs along only two vectors: variate I, 78.65% and variate II, 21.35%. DCRAN, LMXTR, LUDIAST, DROST, and LLDIAST are the five most important characters on variate I (Table 12) . The five top 114 Table 11. — Results of multivariate analyses of variance for differences between area samples (samples from all regions in an area combined) of Recent Geomys pinetis from Florida. Included are parameters for three tests for significant differences between samples plus Roy's test for significance of the first canonical variate. Presented separately for each sex/age category. Parameter MALES FEMALES Age 1 Age 2 Age 1 Age 2 Hotelling-Lawley Trace 0.7324 0.9282 0.9651 0.4744 F 3.82 4.38 8.54 2.34 d.f. 32,334 32,302 32,566 32,316 Prob > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Pillai's Trace 0.5257 0.5874 0.5808 0.3676 F 3.77 3.98 7.29 2.25 d.f. 32,338 32,306 32,570 32,320 Prob > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 Wilks1 Criterion 0.5396 0.4824 0.4786 0.6597 F 3.79 4.18 7.91 2.30 d.f. 32,336 32,304 32,568 32,318 Prob > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 Roy's Maximum Root Criterion 0.4810 0.7300 0.8123 0.3590 F 44.01 60.95 121.43 31.24 d.f. 2,183 2,167 2,299 2,174 115 Table 12. — Results of multivariate analyses of variance for differences between area samples (all regions within an area combined) of Recent Geomys pinetis from Florida. Presented for the first two canonical variates are coefficient and relative importance (%) for each character, characteristic root, and percentage of variance explained by that variate. Mean values for each character, used for determining character contributions, also included. Presented separately for each sex/age category. MALES, AGE 1 Character Variate I Variate II Mean Coefficient Impt. Coefficient Impt. Value GLS -0.02035315 16.38 0.01736425 16.55 48.80 ZYGO 0.00485932 2.33 0.00152245 0.87 29.11 WMAST 0.01769486 7.47 0.02768689 13.83 25.59 DCRAN 0.04328179 10.54 0.03231818 9.32 14.77 DROST 0.07288084 8.63 -0.01755453 2.46 7.18 WROST 0.03947840 6.80 0.00556880 1.14 10.44 IOC -0.11649224 13.45 -0.03264868 4.46 7.00 LWNAS 0.12306629 4.59 -0.04816182 2.13 2.26 GWNAS -0.11242114 5.48 -0.00809001 0.45 2.83 PMEXT 0.01640158 0.86 0.02670759 1.66 3.19 LUDIAST 0.00403681 1.26 -0.06935367 25.58 18.89 LMXTR 0.05120614 8.38 -0.05242569 10.16 9.92 WUINC -0.02814396 1.07 -0.09243295 4.15 2.30 LLDIAST -0.03975033 7.59 0.00171413 0.39 11.57 LMNDTR -0.00013087 0.02 -0.03253304 5.56 8.76 WLINC 0.15309988 5.38 0.03122799 1.30 2.13 Char. Root 0.48096533 0.25142908 Percent Var. 65.67% MALES, 34.33% AGE 2 GLS 0.00642467 6.54 0.00381982 3.49 52.37 ZYGO -0.00932896 5.77 -0.00964372 5.36 31.82 WMAST 0.00928280 4.93 -0.00586303 2.80 27.32 DCRAN 0.04684268 13.97 -0.07431390 19.90 15.34 DROST 0.06260377 9.43 0.10625848 14.38 7.75 WROST 0.01490007 3.22 0.05518988 10.72 11.13 IOC -0.06381418 8.77 -0.04024141 4.97 7.07 LWNAS 0.12383819 5.51 -0.06443571 2.58 2.29 GWNAS -0.10867448 6.15 0.06551319 3.33 2.91 PMEXT 0.01435574 0.95 -0.03769491 2.25 3.42 LUDIAST -0.02346001 9.65 0.02777831 10.27 21.17 LMXTR 0.06829617 13.69 0.02590462 4.66 10.31 WUINC -0.03212596 1.55 -0.06111956 2.65 2.48 LLDIAST -0.03435415 8.79 -0.03524451 8.10 13.17 LMNDTR -0.00480746 0.86 -0.00833520 1.33 9.17 Table 12 .—Continued. 116 MALES, AGE 2 Character Variate I Variate II Mean Coefficient Impt. Coefficient Impt. Value WLINC -0.00485380 0.21 0.08111931 3.21 2.27 Char. Root 0.72999376 0.19820663 Percent Var. 78.65% FEMALES , 21.35% AGE 1 GLS -0.00026180 0.28 -0.00024965 0.31 44.42 ZYGO -0.01471255 9.18 -0.03063213 22.46 26.22 WMAST -0.01756291 9.86 -0.01314848 8.68 23.60 DCRAN -0.04331557 14.40 0.00562067 2.20 13.98 DROST -0.03249426 5.03 0.00799135 1.45 6.50 WROST 0.00007744 0.02 0.00306624 0.82 9.52 IOC 0.10122700 16.57 0.08425900 16.21 6.88 LWNAS -0.09333027 4.86 0.03514125 2.15 2.19 GWNAS 0.11173756 7.15 -0.04528405 3.41 2.69 PMEXT 0.00182208 0.13 -0.02798623 2.30 2.94 LUDIAST 0.03257563 12.70 0.01645129 7.53 16.38 LMXTR -0.00441557 1.00 0.00797306 2.13 9.54 WUINC -0.14550762 7.30 0.11460219 6.76 2.11 LLDIAST 0.01456875 3.53 0.01328716 3.78 10.17 LMNDTR 0.02878491 5.76 0.03217179 7.56 • 8.41 WLINC -0.04811040 2.23 0.22486098 12.26 1.95 Char. Root 0.81226092 0.15285860 Percent Var. 84.16% FEMALES , 15 . 84% AGE 2 GLS 0.00866174 7.81 0.01752482 18.37 46.16 ZYGO 0.00190131 1.03 0.00235829 1.48 27.69 WMAST -0.03416289 16.42 0.02528124 14.13 24.60 DCRAN -0.03633483 10.19 -0.01575347 5.14 14.36 DROST -0.01191007 1.58 -0.04549913 7.01 6.78 WROST -0.01493034 2.91 0.01276239 2.89 9.97 IOC 0.11684137 15.80 -0.02198053 3.45 6.92 LWNAS -0.12093167 5.32 -0.10361581 5.30 2.25 GWNAS 0.11334008 6.11 -0.01374788 0.86 2.76 PMEXT -0.00743451 0.45 0.07791855 5.50 3.11 LUDIAST 0.02187136 7.45 -0.02903383 11.50 17.44 LMXTR -0.06035079 11.56 0.00539845 1.20 9.80 WUINC -0.02993972 1.29 0.08798155 4.40 2.20 LLDIAST 0.02312861 4.93 -0.00428928 1.06 10.90 LMNDTR 0.01207239 2.06 -0.02108932 4.18 8.73 WLINC -0.12935620 5.11 -0.29473315 13.52 2.02 Char. Root 0.35903104 0.11534455 Percent Var. 75.68% 24.32% ■u c 3 o O «H Xi CO 4J o ■u l-i -H 4-1 •H Cfl CO 5 pq O T3 *— ' ft CU 4-1 CO • f>> D cfl CO ^3 42 0) •H •H )-< 4-1 T3 i-l cfl 01 CU 4-1 a 4J 4-1 C •H cfl Cfl cu ft O cu iH 0J S CO -o u ■u >v C c cu e •H cfl J2 o *W •H cu S-i 4-1 CO o CO cfl X ft, c > 0) •H •4-> Cfl 4-1 XI O 01 0) CO s 60 B C co CO •H o cu cu 4-J •H CO i-l C •o 4J CO ft 0) 0) CO cfl e o 4-1 iH H cfl l-l CO t: CU ft Cfl cfl 0) 4-1 •H -H o ,-H CO & > t-H 03 •H CO CU cfl u l-l T3 ^ H CO 0) cu > Xl T3 4-> C E U En !-i -H O CU 118 -CO- CN -2 o CM « O) < CO -cs- -o- o E v u. CN 0) < -C0- -CN- o O) < < U { I t-CN— i |1 119 characters accounting for the majority of the variability along variate II are DCRAN, LMXTR, LUDIAST, DROST, and LLDIAST. Overlap of area 2 and 3 samples on the plot of canonical variate I vs. II is more extensive than for age 1 males (Fig. 13B). The area 1 sample is distinct from areas 2 and 3. The number of specimens representing these areas are: 1 (n = 12), 2 (n = 11), and 3 (n = 151). Females, age class 1. All of the observed variation in cranial morphometries of young adult females representing the three areas of Florida is accounted for in canonical variates I (84.16%) and II (15.84%). IOC, DCRAN, LUDIAST, WMAST, and ZYGO contribute most importantly to the spread of area samples along variate I (Table 12) , whereas the five variables most influential for variate II are ZYGO, IOC, WLINC, WMAST, and LMNDTR. On the plot of specimen scores on axes representing canonical variates I and II, the area 1 sample stands separately from other area samples which overlap each other slightly (Fig. 13C) . Area sample sizes are: 1 (n = 41), 2 (n = 21) , and 3 (n = 240). Females, age class 2. As for the other three sex/age categories, canonical axes I (75.68%) and II (24.32%) account for all differences between samples due to areas represented by the samples. The five most important characters explaining dispersion on variate I are WMAST, IOC, LMXTR, DCRAN, and GLS (Table 12). Over half of the variation along variate II is due to the five most influential fea- tures: GLS, WMAST, WLINC, LUDIAST, and DROST. The canonical variate plot for age 2 females depicts the same inter-area relationships as 120 shown for the other sex/age analyses (Fig. 13D) . Areas 2 and 3 broadly overlap each other, and area 1 is located separately from areas 2 and 3. The numbers of specimens representing the three areas are: 1 (n = 12) , 2 (n = 13), and 3 (n = 157). Summary of Results The following section briefly highlights the results of the preceeding studies of craniometric variation in Recent Geomys pinetis in Florida. (1) Non-geographic variation due to sex and ontogenetic age is significant in nearly all characters examined. Therefore, four sex/age categories were recognized, and all subsequent analyses of geographic variation involved comparisons of samples of like sex and age . (2) Univariate examination of characters on a regional and area basis failed to demonstrate any overall clinal geographic trends. Variation in nine characters, however, variously hints at the possible importance of three rivers (Alalachicola, Suwannee, St. Johns) in partitioning populations of Florida pocket gophers. (3) Multivariate analyses (clustering and PCA) exploring the phene- tic relationships within the four data sets determined that geo- graphically proximal samples are more similar than were distant samples. Relatively large and small gaps between regional samples correspond to the relative effectiveness of the Apalachicola and Suwannee Rivers, respectively, in inhibiting dispersal of pocket gophers. 121 (4) Series of multivariate analyses of variance tested the signifi- cance of differences between samples comparing (a) inter-region, (b) intra-area, and (c) inter-area relationships. The findings follow: (a) Significant differences exist in all four tests (one for each sex/age category) simultaneously comparing centroid means of the 13 regional samples. Hence, pocket gopher populations are not morphometrically similar throughout the peninsula. (b) Three series of analyses (one for each area) tested variation among regions comprising their respective areas. Eact test series included four tests — one for each sex/age category. No intra- area differences were found for any sex/age groups in area I. For area II, significant differences were found only for age 2 females. Variation in the peninsula (area III) is significant for three of four sex/age classes. (c) In assessing inter-area varia- tion, component samples of each area were pooled without regard to regional affiliation. Significant differences exist in all four tests (one for each sex/age category) simultaneously comparing centroid means of the three area samples. RESULTS: DENTARY MORPHOMETRICS Non-Geographic Variation Sex Variation Because of great ontogenetic variation in Geomys pinetis, analysis of sex variation necessarily overlaps that of age variation. Width of incisor measurements in the Recent female sample ranged from 1.0 mm to 2.1 mm, whereas the observed range for males was 1.1 mm to 2.5 mm. Presumably, even smaller incisor widths occur in both sexes in juvenile and fetal pocket gophers that are not represented in the UF collections. Of most interest is the upper end of the range, which is comprised only of males. In my examination of hundreds of Recent specimens, I have found such large incisor widths to occur only in old adult males. Hence, within the WLINC range of 2.2 mm to 2.5 mm, the represented sex is almost certainly male. For samples containing widths of incisor less than or equal to 2.1 mm, however, both sexes are probably present. It is for such mixed samples that sex variation must be considered when examining geographic and chronological variation. A crucial assumption here is that this distribution of sexes by WLINC is representative of that for all populations in peninsular Florida throughout the Pleistocene. As size ranges may have evolved with time and under different environmental conditions, this assumption may not be valid in every case. 122 123 Overall, 16 different characters showed significant (P < 0.05) sexual dimorphism. But for any particular WLINC, only eight or fewer characters differed significantly. Table 13 indicates sexually variable characters for six WLINC comparisons. For three other WLINC (i.e., 1.4 mm, 1.6 mm, and 1.8 mm), no characters showed significant sexual variation. Samples of remaining WLINC' s were comprised of only one sex, and therefore could not be tested. Individual Variation Coefficients of variation (CV) were computed for every character by sex for each WLINC to assess variability within samples. Evalua- tion of individual character variation was restricted to the largest male and female subsamples. Six characters had CV values greater than 15% for the largest male subsample (WLINC = 2.2 mm, n = 7) : MRAP,MFAP, M2RMF, MRDV, MFMRDV, and MFMR. For the largest female subsample (WLINC =1.9 mm, n = 9) , CV values exceeded 15% in five characters: MFAP, MRAP, MFMRDV, MFMR, and WISTH. Table 14 lists CV values for each character for those two subsamples. Similar trends in character variability were seen for the subsamples corresponding to other widths of incisor. It should be noted here that all except one (WISTH) of these seven highly variable characters are measurements of distances whose endpoints cannot be neatly or precisely defined. For example, the greatest depth of the retromolar fossa, which is an endpoint of M2RMF, may occur at one point, but more often extends over a broader expanse. In most specimens the anteriormost point of the masseteric ridge is ill-defined. Orientation of the specimen for 124 Table 13. — Sexual variation in dentary characters from Recent reference sample (Gainesville, Alachua Co., Florida) for various subsamples designated by width of lower incisors. Asterisk indicates significant sexual variation (P < 0.05) for a character in a particular subsample. Width of Lower Incisor (mm) Character 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1 MFDV - - - - * DIAST - - - - a M2ANG - * - P4M2 * - - - - P4M3 - * - MFAP - * A WDENT - * A HTCOND * - - MRDV - * A LM1 - * - LM2 - * - MFINC - _ A MFMR - * A Sample Size Male 2 4 3 2 5 4 Female 3 4 7 9 5 4 Total 5 8 10 11 10 8 125 Table 14. — Coefficient of variation values (in %) for the 28 character data set for the largest male (WLINC =2.2 mm) and female (WLINC = 1.9 mm) subsamples of the Gainesville, Alachua Co., Florida, Recent reference sample. Character Male Female (N =7) (N = 9) MFDV 13.95 10.27 MRDV 17.58 12.15 MFAP 24.55 34.51 MRAP 67.56 39.32 DIAST 6.82 4.43 WDENT 5.74 3.64 HTCOND 11.53 6.35 M2ANG 5.86 3.02 P4M2 3.11 5.46 P4M3 3.01 3.84 LRMF 10.35 4.40 WRMF 15.45 10.51 DRMF 12.52 10.41 M2RMF 18.77 14.48 DFOR 8.74 10.74 LM1 7.17 7.39 WM1 3.77 7.62 LM2 4.49 8.73 WM2 3.28 7.85 LP4 4.26 5.31 LANTP4 4.29 6.56 WANTP4 3.79 7.79 LP0STP4 4.62 6.81 WP0STP4 3.34 5.75 WISTHP4 14.39 16.46 MFINC 6.01 6.76 MFMRDV 114.88 114.07 MFMR 25.20 16.74 126 measurements of the masseteric ridge and/or of the mental foramen is difficult. The mental foramen is variable in its position, and to further complicate matters, it occurs occasionally as two adjacent foramina. Russell (1968:527) noted that the position of the mental foramen varies both "with individuals and according to species." The relative positioning of the masseteric ridge and mental foramen has been regarded as an important character in understanding geomyid phylogeny; the difficulty of quantifying this relationship suggests that its value may be only qualitative. Therefore, the decision was made to delete from further consid- eration the following 17 characters showing significant sexual and/ or excessive individual variation: MFDV, MRAP, DIAST, M2ANG, P4M2, P4M3, MFAP, WDENT, HTCOND, M2RMF, MRDV, LM1, LM2, WISTHP4, MFINC, MFMRDV, and MFMR. The remaining 11 features (LRMF, WRMF, DRMF, LANTP4, DFOR, LP4, WANTP4, LP0STP4, WP0STP4, WM1, and WM2) show no significant sexual variation for any WLINC examined and have CV values less than or equal to 15%. In eight of these 11 characters, the CV was less than 8%. This set of 11 characters was used in subsequent analyses of geographic and chronological variation in Recent and Pleistocene pocket gophers from Florida. Although 11 characters are deemed suitable for analyses of geographic and chronological variation, it should be noted that not every comparison includes all 11 characters. Multivariate analyses require that all characters be represented for each included obser- vation; otherwise the character (s) for which any observation lacks data is (are) deleted from the entire analysis. In each of the 127 following comparisons, as many as possible of the 11 characters were included. Age Variation A series of analyses (F-tests, Duncan's multiple range tests), in which sexes were combined, addressed age variation in the remaining 11 characters. The hypothesis of equal means for all WLINC subsamples was rejected (F-tests, P_ < 0.0001) for each charac- ter. Duncan's multiple range tests defined significantly different subsets from the 16 levels of WLINC for each character. The number of subsets ranged from four (LRMF) to eight (WM1) . A series of analyses of covariance (using PROC GLM of SAS) for each of the 10 dentary characters examined the null hypotheses of (1) no significant covariation with WLINC, and (2) no significant differences among the 18 samples. For every character, both hypotheses were rejected (P_ < 0.0001). The results indicate the important role of ontogenetic age in within-sample variation and the existence of significant differences among samples. Subsequent analyses addressed the latter source of variation, and examined the relative contributions of geographic and chronological variation to differences among samples. Overall Relationships between Samples This section investigates the phenetic relationships between 18 Pleistocene Florida Geomys samples and tests the significance of the observed differences. In subsequent sections, the effects of geographic occurrences and chronological ages will be examined separately as sources of morphological variation (not separated here) 128 Comparison of samples without regard to chronology. The first of two series of multivariate analyses was used to determine rela- tionships between the 18 fossil samples without regard to their relative ages or geographic occurrence. (Although pocket gopher material is know from at least 37 deposits, only 18 of these samples include measureable Geomys dentaries.) The input data consisted of a series of adjusted means (obtained through analyses of covariance with WLINC as the covariate) for each measured charac- ter for each sample (Table 15) . Because of missing values for three characters in several samples, only seven characters (WRMF, DRMF, LANTP4, LP4, WANTP4, WP0STP4, and WM1) were included in these analy- ses. The first analysis produced a dendrogram with five clusters; membership in these clusters showed no correspondence to geographic or chronological occurrence. Suspecting small size of a number of samples as the cause of incoherence of the dendrogram, samples with five or fewer specimens (Table 1) were deleted and the data reana- lyzed. The resulting dendrogram (Fig. 14A) consists of two major clusters. One cluster included the Inglis and Coleman samples (of early and late Irvingtonian age, respectively). Two subgroups com- prise the other major cluster; one includes the three Sangamonian sites (Arredondo, several Haile sites, and Reddick) , and the other the Wisconsinan Ichetucknee River material and the Recent reference sample. In the corresponding principal components analysis, the same relationship is apparent (Fig. 14B) . Vectors I (56.62% of the total 129 ex CD B > en ro o •u 03 o 3 (1) -a CO fc= c •H (1) CO > 3 •O en Cft OJ CO C c (11 en •H S3 oj CO e •u . * 0 Cft 0 , -O C rH cfl cfl T3 w CO •H 4J ca CU i— 1 u en 3 o 0) H (-1 jC CO CD cu -a iH en 3 a. ^1 CO E 3 4-1 CO Cft en Cft cn TJ 00 3 01 rH 0 4-1 •H CO 4-4 r4 •H O CO O > O X. Cft O u Cft CO 0 CO CU CM TO M cO C O 4-1 CO M-l CO Cft Cft C >-i 4-1 cd -H •a u cu ca cu 4J ,3 en CO U -H 3 u •i-i >-, a. xi i-i B < to o i 4-i a I 3 • cu — - m tj cn co oo u~l i-H CN O in en en i-i CN O m co m o On o CN rH CN Os i-4 CN o rH CN O CN o CN O rH O en in oo o m cn rH CN m o m o en iH cn o in cn en o 00 CN o m CN rH O r~ en o o m CTl rH o m CN rH ON <7l CN O <• 00 CN O o r^ en c cn o CN CN O CN O CN O CN O CN O CN O CN O ON O 00 rH CN O CN CN vO O iH o rH O iH tH o rH O iH O -H O vO 00 r-» oo r-» O in cn r»- cn vo en en en ON ON CM CO CO o CM O H O H O rH O in ON O CO CM O rH H CO rH CM CO CM O CO o> O rH CO CO O r» o in o CM CM m o rH O rH O .-H rH O ^H O iH O rH O rH O rH O O CO m co rH ON VO CM v£> o vD o <-i -a- O rH r-i CM O CM O CTv OS O O rH O rH CO o o CM o CM O CM O CM O o CTv CM <-t rH m vo v£5 O Fig. 14. — Results of cluster (A) and principal components (B) analyses depicting relationships between samples represented by six or more specimens. Scale for dendrogram is a distance measure computed using Ward's method. Distance between tickmarks on axes in B is one unit; dashed line connecting samples is a minimum spanning tree. Sample abbreviations: REC, Recent reference; ICH, Ichetucknee River; ARR, Arredondo; HSAN, Sangamonian Haile sites; RED, Reddick; COL, Coleman; ING, Inglis IA. 132 REC ICH ARR HSAN RED COL ING B ING ARR RED COL PC I 56.62 % HSAN ICH REC 133 variance) and II (34.31%) together reflect 90.93% of the total variation. Character coefficients (Table 16) indicate that all characters contributed positively to the first vector, and hence, this may be viewed as a "size component" (Bryant and Turner, 1979: 764). The three most important characters in PC II are LANTP4, WANTP4, and LP 4. Chronological Comparisons of Samples The objective of the second series of clustering and principal components analyses was to display the relationships of material representing six different blocks of Pleistocene time: Recent, Holocene, Wisconsinan, Sangamonian, late Irvingtonian, and early Irvingtonian. Input data for each stage consisted of an adjusted mean for various of nine measured characters. Adjusted means were obtained from covariance analyses (using WLINC as the covariate) wherein all specimens from all sites falling within each particular stage were considered as units (Table 17) . Clustering of these data yielded two major clusters each with three members. The two oldest samples (early and late Irvingtonian) curiously grouped with the much younger Holocene material, whereas the two most similar samples (Sangamonian and Recent reference) clustered with the Wisconsinan samples. The only seemingly discord- ant sample is the Holocene, represented by just five specimens from two sites. On the suspicion that this small sample might not accurately represent the Holocene, this sample was deleted and the analysis conducted again with five samples. Except for the absence of the Holocene, this second dendrogram (Fig. 15A) closely resembles 134 Table 16. — Results of principal components analyses of relationships between samples and between various Pleistocene stages for Florida Geomys pinetis dentaries. Included are character coefficients for components I and II, percentage of variance explained in these components, and factor scores for each sample or stage on these axes. Character Coefficient PC I PC II Sample or Stage Factor Score PC I PC II Between Samples WRMF 0.404 -0.228 Inglis -2.800 0.441 DRMF 0.411 -0.314 Coleman -1.680 -2.883 LANTP4 0.092 0.599 Arredondo -0.400 1.623 LP4 0.047 0.634 Haile (Sang.) 0.402 1.185 WANTP4 0.429 0.288 Reddick -0.354 0.532 WP0STP4 0.493 -0.033 Ichetucknee 1.711 0.316 WM1 0.479 0.060 Recent reference 3.121 -1.215 Percent of Variance 56.62% 34.31% Between Stages LRMF 0.309 -0.139 Recent 2 199 -1 555 WRMF 0.328 -0.271 Wisconsinan 0 490 0 160 DRMF 0.280 -0.411 Sangamonian 3 014 1 422 LANTP4 0.213 0.568 Late DFOR 0.349 -0.179 Irvingtonian -2 431 -1 228 LP4 0.206 0.602 Early WANTP4 0.352 0.139 Irvingtonian -3 271 1 202 WP0STP4 0.355 -0.023 WM1 0.360 0.017 WM2 0.359 0.048 Percent of Variance 76.94% 18.55% 135 O >> cn •H u 0J H .-1 ed rH CO S"j 4-1 D. > 2 c E 0) to ^ T3 cn O U-i -3- fa O 60 H rH c CO CO •H 4J O u cn CO 1 0 ■H •a Mh (-1 a 4-1 ^v E 3 , • •H O rH CO C T3 Z o •H >-i o fa cfl XI . CO CO 4-1 § c cn •iH c 3 cfl CD > CU 4-1 M E CO CO T3 > 3 a c fa E rH Z co CO CO X -a c en •H QJ cfl cn c CO 4J M CD m CO OJ CD 4J cn » co co rH 00 u-i O u-i o CN CN O CN O CN O U~l co CN CN rH LTl CN O H rH o t-H o rH O -3" rH 00 00 u-i o cn Fig. 15. — Results of cluster (A) and principal components (B) analyses depicting relationships between samples representing five segments of Pleistocene-Recent time. Abbreviations: E. IRV, early Irvingtonian; L. IRV, late Irvingtonian, SANG, Sangamonian; WISC, Wisconsinan; REF, Recent. Other pertinent explanations as for Fig. 14. 137 REF wise SANG L. IRV E. IRV — I B U a. E. IRV -Hr L IRV SANG wise REF PC I 76 94 138 the first. Again, the Wisconsinan and Recent reference samples join the Sangamonian samples to form one of two major clusters. The two most similar samples, the early and late Irvingtonian mater- ial, form the other cluster. Over 95% of all intersample variation is explained by principal components I (76.94%) and II (18.55%) . That all 10 characters have positive coefficients for vector I (Table 16) suggests that the samples differ primarily in size. The strongest contributors to vector II are LP4 and LANTP4. Plotting the samples on vectors I and II shows relationships to be similar to those in the dendrogram (Fig. 15B). A multivariate analysis of variance was conducted to determine if the observed differences among samples representing these six stratigraphic ages were significant. Input data (shown in Table 15) were the adjusted character means for each of the 18 samples. The null hypothesis of no overall effect due to chronological age was accepted (P > 0.3632) on the basis of three test statistics (e.g., Hotelling-Lawley trace, F = 0.51; Pillai's trace, F = 1.13; Wilks' criterion, F = 0.94). Further multivariate analyses of variance involved pairwise comparisons of the various geochronological ages. This approach was expected to show significant differences, even though the pre- vious more generalized comparison did not. The former analyses were affected by the gradual nature of evolutionary trends of geomyids (especially over the relatively short span of time covered here) and by the relatively continuous chronological coverage 139 offered by the Florida material. To enhance significance testing, chronological gaps between samples were created by deleting samples of intermediate age. Of particular interest are (1) tests for differences between the youngest and oldest available material from Florida (e.g., post-Wisconsinan vs. Irvingtonian) , and (2) tests between samples of adjacent stages (e.g., Recent vs. Wiscon- sinan, Wisconsinan vs. Sangamonian, Sangamonian vs. Irvingtonian). Irvingtonian vs. post-Wisconsinan. One series of analyses of variance tested for differences between post-Wisconsinan (Recent reference, Devil's Den, and Vero 3) and Irvingtonian (Inglis and Coleman) samples using nine characters (LRMF, WRMF, DRMF, LANTP4, DFOR, LP4, WANTP4, WP0STP4, and WM1) . Only for LRMF were differences significant (P = 0.0201, F = 20.55, d.f. = 1). The mean values and 95% confidence limits for the Irvingtonian and post-Wisconsinan samples are 3.91 mm (3.40 - 4.42 mm) and 4.85 mm (4.43 - 5.26 mm), respectively. Singularity of the error matrix precluded calculation of multivariate test statistics. For a second series of ANOVA's, the Devil's Den (n ■ 4) and Vero 3 (n = 1) samples were deleted due to small sample size. In this comparison of Irvingtonian (Inglis and Coleman) and post- Wisconsinan (Recent reference) sites, WANTP4 was the only signifi- cantly variable character (P = 0.0393, F = 251.33, d.f. = 1). Means and 95% confidence limits were 1.53 mm (1.40 - 1.66 mm) and 1.81 mm (1.63 - 1.99 mm) for the Irvingtonian and Recent stages, respec- tively. No multivariate tests could be made because of singularity of the error matrix. 140 These results suggest that only two (LRMF, WANTP4) of the nine features tested here have changed significantly over the 1.8 million years from which geomyines are known in Florida. The following series of narrower comparisons were designed to determine the interval (s) of Pleistocene during which these changes occurred. Irvingtonian vs. Sangamonian. Samples representing the Irvingtonian sites in this comparison are Inglis and Coleman; whereas Arredondo, various Haile samples, Kendrick, and Reddick represent the Sangamonian interglacial. Of the eight characters tested (LRMF, WRMF, DRMF, LANTP4, LP4, WANTP4, WP0STP4, and WM1) , three were significantly different: WANTP4 (P = 0.0086, F = 23.14 d.f. = 1), WP0STP4 (P = 0.0657, F = 6.33, d.f. = 1), and WM1 (P = 0.0239, F_= 12.57, d.f. = 1). For the Irvingtonian samples, charac- ter means and 95% confidence intervals are: WANTP4 (1.53 mm, 1.40 - 1.66 mm), WP0STP4 (2.13 mm, 2.03 - 2.23 mm), and WM1 (2.16 mm, 2.03 - 2.28 mm). Corresponding values for the Sangamonian samples are WANTP4 (1.80 mm, 1.40 - 1.66 mm), WP0STP4 (2.24 mm, 2.17 - 2.31 mm), and WM1 (2.35 mm, 2.26 - 2.43 mm). Duncan's multiple range tests demonstrated significant differences (at P_ _< 0.05) only for WANTP4 and WM1. No multivariate test statistics could be calculated for this comparison. Sangamonian vs. Wisconsinan. Two series of analyses of variance examined differences in character means representing Sangamonian sites and Wisconsinan sites. The former were the same as those used in the previous test; the Wisconsinan samples were Haile XIV, Ichetucknee River, Melbourne, Seminole Field, Vero 2 and Waccasassa 141 River. DFOR was omitted from both test series because values for this measurement were not available for all samples. In the first series, none of seven characters (WRMF, DRMF, LANTP4, LP4, WANTP4, WP0STP4, and WM1) evaluated showed significant differences at P < 0.05. Three multivariate tests statistics (Hotelling-Lawley and Pillai's traces and Wilks' criterion: F_ = 1.03, d.f. = 7,3, P_ = 0.5760) indicated no overall differences between Sangamonian and Wisconsinan samples. The second test series included these same seven characters plus LRMF. Significant differences were found for LRMF (P = 0.0278, F = 9.42, d.f. = 1) and WRMF (P = 0.0819, F = 4.72, d.f. = 1). For the Sangamonian sample, LRMF and WRMF means and 95% confidence limits are 4.23 mm (3.79 - 4.66 mm) and 2.02 mm (1.83 - 2.2 mm), respectively. These statistics for LRMF and DRMF for the Wisconsinan sample are 5.01 mm (4.51 - 5.51 mm) and 2.25 mm (2.03 - 2.46 mm), respectively. Matrix singularity disallowed calculation of multi- variate test statistics. Wisconsinan vs. post-Wisconsinan. The sites included in these two series of analyses of variance are the six Wisconsinan localities listed above and three post-Wisconsinan sites (Recent reference, Devil's Den, and Vero 3). Seven characters (WRMF, DRMF, LANTP4, LP4, WANTP4, WP0STP4, and WM1) were examined in the first analyses; none were significantly different at P_ <_ 0.05. The null hypothesis of no difference between samples from these glacial and post-Wiscon- sinan (= early interglacial) stages was accepted; three test statis- tics produced F values of 50.50 (d.f. = 7,1) with P = 0.1097. 142 The second series of ANOVA's included all of the above characters plus LRMF. Because values for LRMF are missing from the Seminole Field, Waccasassa River, and Vero 2 sites, these samples were deleted from analyses of all characters. LP4 was the only character showing significant differences (P = 0.0100, F_ = 21.19, d.f. = 1). The means and confidence intervals for LP4 for the Wisconsinan and post-Wisconsinan samples, respectively, are 2.89 mm (2.78 - 3.01 mm) and 2.63 mm (2.51 - 2.74 mm). Multivariate test statistics were not computed for this comparison. Summary. Six of the nine dentary characters varied signifi- cantly over various spans of the Pleistocene and Recent. In the tests comparing the endpoints of the entire period (Irvingtonian vs. post-Wisconsinan), length of the retromolar fossa (LRMF) and width of the anterior loph of p4 (WANTP4) were significantly dif- ferent. Further analyses shows that the significant shift in LRMF occurred during the Sangamonian-Wisconsinan interval. Significant change in WANTP4 occurred during the Irvingtonian to Sangamonian interval. The other four of these six characters showed significant variation in various intervals: WM1 and WP0STP4, (Irvingtonian to Sangamonian) , WRMF (Sangamonian to Wisconsinan) , and LP4 (Wisconsinan to post-Wisconsinan). For those comparisons where multivariate test statistics could be computed, observed differences between samples were not signifi- cant. Differences in many of these characters, although not statis- tically significant, may indeed still be evolutionarily important. Chronological trends in these features and their adaptive significance are treated in a separate section. 143 Geographic Variation Wisconsinan Glacial Of the six intervals of Pleistocene to Recent time represented in the Florida material, only the Wisconsinan includes enough samples to permit testing of geographic variation within a single time inter- val. The six Wisconsinan samples may be classified into three groups: the central peninsular (Haile XIV, Ichetucknee River, Waccasassa River), the east coastal (Melbourne, Vero 2), and the west coastal (Seminole Field) populations (Fig. 16). During the Wisconsinan glacial, sealevels were lower and soils were drier than at present. Present-day barriers (e.g., St. Johns River and various unsuitable lowland habitats) presumably did not at that time isolate the popula- tions represented by these six samples. If such barriers did not function during glacial periods, then gene flow would have been enhanced and distant populations would be morphologically similar. It may be hypothesized, then, that if Wisconsinan populations from the above sites were not isolated, then morphometric differences among these samples will not be significant. Comparisons of similarly located samples representing inter- glacial periods when gene flow was interrupted should result in rejection of the same hypothesis. Such interglacial comparisons cannot be made for fossil pocket gopher samples in Florida due to lack of material from peripheral locations. This dearth of material is, of course, the result of inundation of low-elevation peripheral regions of the state during interglacials. However, if one accepts Fig. 16. — Geographic variation amongst Wisconsinan samples from central peninsula, east coast, and west coast. A: Dendrogram showing relationships between six sites; numbers to left of site names identify their locations on map (B) . Dashed line in B approximates sealevel (about 100 m below present sealevel) at height of Wisconsinan glaciation. 145 J L J 1 1 L 4 SEMINOLE — , 5 MELBOURNE — 2 HAILE XIV 1 ICH. RIVER 3 WACC. RIVER 6 VERO 2 B 146 the present-day Geomys pinetls samples as an example of early interglacial conditions, they can provide a standard of comparison against which to examine the effects of interrupted gene flow. Multivariate analyses of variance were applied to geographic variation within the Wisconsinan glacial and Recent (= early inter- glacial) cases. Input data consisted of the adjusted means of seven dentary characters (WRMF, DRMF, LANTP4, LP4, WANTP4, WP0STP4, and WM1) for each of the six Wisconsinan sites. For the Recent, input data consisted of 16 cranial characters for individual speci- mens from (1) central peninsular Gainesville, Alachua Co., (2) east coastal Brevard Co. (including specimens formerly recognized as G^ p. goffi from Melbourne and Eau Gallie) , and (3) west coastal Pinellas Co. Separate MANOVA's were computed for each of the four sex/age classes. Sample sizes for fossil and Recent sites are indicated in Tables 15 and 18, respectively. Variation between Wisconsinan glacial samples. Cluster analysis of the six Wisconsinan samples demonstrated that similarity among the samples does not correspond to geographic location. Two major clusters comprise the dendrogram (Fig. 16) . One contains only a central peninsular site (Waccasassa River) and an east coastal site (Vero 2). The other four samples fall into the second major cluster. The two most similar samples are Melbourne (an east coastal site) and Seminole Field (the only west coastal site) . The Haile XIV and Ichetucknee River sites, both from the central peninsula, are also members of this cluster. In short, no geographically meaningful pattern of clustering appeared. 147 In a further effort to determine whether the grouping of proxi- mal sites into central, eastern, and western samples was statisti- cally meaningful, a series of analyses of variance was conducted. None of the seven characters examined showed significant variation as a result of classification of samples according to their location in the peninsula. No probability values were less than 0.28. Because the number of characters included in the model exceeded the number of available samples, no multivariate tests could be conducted. However, a series of univariate ANOVA's were run and showed no correspondence between variation in each character and geographic clustering. Variation between Recent interglacial samples. Significant variation was found between central, eastern, and western samples of Recent Geomys pinetis for each of the four sex/age classes. Probabi- lity values for three multivariate statistics (Hotelling-Lawley and Pillai's traces, Wilks' criterion) ranged from 0.0001 to 0.0418 (Table 18) . In each of the four analyses only four or fewer charac- ters varied significantly (Table 18) . IOC was significantly different in each analysis, whereas six other characters (WROST, LWNAS, GWNAS, LUDIAST, WUINC, LMNDTR) were significantly different in one or two analyses (Table 18) . Chronological Variation Variation in Florida geomyines over a period of nearly two million years was examined by analysis of major fossil samples from ten sites. Geographic location of samples as a source of variation 148 Table 18.— Results of MANOVA's testing for differences between central (Gainesville, Alachua Co.), eastern (Brevard Co.), and western (Pinellas Co.) samples of Recent Geomys pinetis using 16 cranial characters. MALES FEMALES Parameter Age 1 Age 2 Age 1 Age 2 Hotelling-Lawley Trace 1.5289 1.9872 0.6960 2.6807 F 2.01 1.86 1.83 3.02 d.f. 32,84 32,60 32,168 32,72 Prob > F_ 0.0060 0.0188 0.0079 0.0001 Pillai's Trace 0.7900 0.9087 0.5057 1.0720 F 1.80 1.67 1.82 2.74 d.f. 32,88 32,64 32,172 32,76 Prob > F 0.0169 0.0418 0.0082 0.0002 Wilks * Criterion 0.3429 0.2737 0.5543 0.1983 F 1.90 1.77 1.82 2.88 d.f. 32,86 32,62 32,170 32,74 Prob > F_ 0.0100 0.0278 0.0080 0.0001 Roy's Maximum Root Criterion 1.2081 1.5600 0.4619 1.9985 F 35.03 35.88 23.10 51.96 d.f. 2,58 2,46 2,100 2,52 Characters IOC WROST IOC IOC significantly LWNAS IOC LMNDTR LWNAS different at LUDIAST GWNAS WUINC P < 0.05 WUINC LMNDTR Sample Size Central 85 34 85 37 Eastern 5 6 5 4 Western 13 9 14 14 Total 103 49 104 55 149 was minimized by including only those samples from the central peninsula. Five time intervals are represented by these samples: early Irvingtonian (Inglis IA) , late Irvingtonian (Coleman) , Sangamonian (Arredondo, several Haile sites, Kendrick, Reddick) , Wisconsinan (Haile XIV, Ichetucknee River) , and Recent (Gainesville reference sample) . A second analysis was conducted using an eight-site subset of the previous set. It differed only in the exclusion of the Inglis sample, thereby deleting representation of the early Irvingtonian. Although inclusion of Inglis is desirable because it extends chrono- logical coverage, it was deleted in this second analysis because of its location near the periphery of the peninsula. The Inglis popula- tion might have experienced an isolation event during various of the interglacials during which divergence from central peninsular popula- tions could have occurred. These reservations against including Inglis are probably overly cautious because the Inglis material was clearly deposited during a glacial stage. Furthermore, there is direct faunal evidence that grassland savannas dotted with xeric hammocks characterized the Inglis area. Such habitats probably extended inland, providing continuity between the Inglis populations and those in the central peninsula (Klein, 1971; Meylan, 1980). Nevertheless, this second analysis was produced as a precautionary test of this paleoecological hypothesis. Evaluation of temporal variation entailed two series of analyses. The first includes multivariate analyses and associated analyses of variance. The other set of analyses examines trends in individual character variation using regression analysis. 150 Multivariate Analyses Eight characters comprised input data for multivariate analyses: LRMF, WRMF, DRKF, LP4, LANTP4, WANTP4, WP0STP4, and WM1. Clustering of the data set including Inglis yielded a dendrogram having two major clusters (Fig. 17). The smaller cluster includes the two Irvingtonian samples (Inglis and Coleman). The second major cluster is comprised of two subclusters. The four Sangamonian samples (Arredondo, several Haile sites, Kendrick, Reddick) unite with Haile XIV, a Wisconsinan site. The other Wisconsinan material (Ichetucknee River) joins the Recent reference sample (Gainesville) to form the other subcluster, The second dendrogram (not figured) that resulted from analysis of the nine-site data set (excluding Inglis) demon- strates the same relationships. Multivariate analyses of variance examined differences between character means for the five represented time intervals (early Irvingtonian to Recent) . Singularity of error matrices precluded calculation of multivariate test statistics for either data set. ANOVA's showed two of eight characters to be significantly different (at P < 0.05) for both data sets. Probability values for LANTP4 and LP4 for the analyses including Inglis are 0.0102 and 0.0065, respectively; exclusion of Inglis results in significance values of 0.0155 (LANTP4) and 0.0102 (LP4) for the same two characters. Univariate Analyses Analysis of temporal variation in individual characters was expanded to 12 characters, eight of which were used in the immedi- ately preceeding cluster analysis. Length of ml (LM1) , deleted H H HI rl 3 CL H Pi E E CO "H CO •h co 53 0) rH ■H U 3 CO C3 - M 4-1 i-i O Z QJ 4-1 4J <3 •- ,£3 c 60 C/l > 0) C 53 M CU o •H X U > •• C (U S-i O 0) CO c HflH 4J ■H e -h CO c >, o m •H H T3 53 -a 4-1 U 1) CD CO Sh - CO M OJ V4 > CU C < M 4-1 o X CO e .. «5J o CO CO OJ "—' •H a) pi T3 CO iH <3 C c a CL-w cO ■H •H B C X! cfl C -H a) CO CO Cfl CO T— 1 C •H C cfl o 4-1 C O o •H o o a CO 4-1 E co CO 0) Cfl -H i-l 60 60 12 • a) cfl C n Cfl .- 0) H tfl^ rH oo cfl ,*5 a c a •« cj E •H •H •-v -H CO 4-1 M C XI CO CO O Cfl T3 U H E OJ Ol 4J O CD PS CJ Cfl 0) rH c c 60 O « 0) o U Q S-i B O W 0) ai 4J « pi U-l T3 hJ 01 Cfl O •- S-i 6 T) U ^i CO C w o 4J S-I O 1-4. c 00 ft C Vj 0) o CO Cfl TJ a (-1 D'ri C 0) Tj S-I C 0) pi • C MOW 01 0) o -w - o o a 60 •> [Jh CO 1 c z w a, 1 C 'H W pi co • o > w N— • r~- •H S-i OJ rH 4-1 I-I •« 4-J 4-1 CO CO C Cfl •i-i ai ai 0> -H 00 U 4-1 4-1 CJ S-l •H Cfl cfl -H 0) CO fc > rH CO Pi > 152 - O m CO z X < Q oa z —1 o u X to LU QC LU o z — X X QC < * u 153 earlier due to significant sexual variation (see section on non- geographic variation) , was retrieved for computing the relative width of ml (RWM1 = WM1 * LM1) . Relative widths of the anterior loph of p4 (RWANTP4 = WANTP4 * LP4) and posterior loph of p4 (RWP0STP4 = WP0STP4 * LP4) were computed as indicated. Means and 95% confidence intervals for these 12 characters are listed in Table 19. Regression analyses are useful in elucidating the overall temporal trends in these characters. Conducting such analyses requires the independent variable (time) to be quantified. Mid- point ages of intervals were used for those intervals containing more than one sample; otherwise, single values were assigned to samples isolated in time. Approximate dates recognized here are: early Irvingtonian, 1.8 ± 0.1 million years ago (mya) ; late Irving- tonian, 1.0 ± 0.25 mya; Sangamonian, 0.2 ± 0.1 mya; Wisconsinan, 0.06 ± 0.04 mya; and Recent, 0 mya. Results of regression analyses and analyses of variance are presented in Table 20. Although regression lines for all 12 charac- ters had positive slopes, only those for five characters were significantly greater than zero (P_ <_ 0.055). Four of these charac- ters assess absolute or relative tooth widths (WANTP4, WP0STP4, WM1, and RWANTP4) , while the fifth records length of the retromolar fossa (LRMF) . ANOVA's showed that means of only one of these five characters (WM1, P_ = 0.0613) differ significantly over the 1.8 million years represented. 154 cd B u co C 4-1 4-1 CO c c c CU CD •H u s J2 4J C CJ CO 0 •H § >% n CO M CO M <0 > C 4J CO C rH tn CU CO O cfl C C 6 CD CO CO XI •H •H C >> C 4-1 -H H O c M 4J O T3 CO 60 O CU w c CO en (1) >, S e 1 0 1 CD • tD 155 Cu Pu H H Z 01 < O r* P-, & 3 156 Table 20. — Statistics for regression analyses of eight dentary characters against age of samples. ANOVA probability indicates significance of differences between character values for the five time intervals. Based on nine samples. Y Correlation Regression ANOVA Character Intercept Slope Coeff. (R) Prob. Probability LRMF 4.6078 0.5511 0.6571 0.0545 0.1689 WRMF 2.2081 0.1217 0.3336 0.3804 0.1005 DRMF 2.1327 0.3802 0.4293 0.2488 0.1041 LANTP4 1.6531 0.0317 0.3144 0.4100 0.0155 LP4 2.8676 0.0587 0.3336 0.3803 0.0102 LM1 1.2550 0.0282 0.3479 0.3590 0.0175 WANTP4 1.7921 0.1690 0.7820 0.0128 0.1117 WP0STP4 2.2686 0.1014 0.7434 0.0217 0.2027 WM1 2.3770 0.1540 0.8538 0.0034 0.0613 RWANTP4 0.6253 0.0473 0.7200 0.0287 0.1281 RWP0STP4 0.7919 0.0191 0.2877 0.4528 0.0457 RWM1 1.8975 0.0845 0.4832 0.1876 0.0201 157 Five other characters varied significantly (P < 0.05) through time; three of these reflect tooth lengths (LP4, LANTP4, LM1) whereas the other two (RWP0STP4, RWM1) indicate relative tooth widths. None of the remaining six characters changed significantly through time. Patterns of Chronological Variation The "best fit" approach of regression analyses is most useful in elucidating overall trends in character variation. However, damping and obscuring of oscillations to either side of the regres- sion line can result in the loss of important information and, perhaps, erroneous interpretation of data. For this reason, patterns of temporal variation were examined separately for each of the 12 characters. Variation in individual characters with geological age follows one of four general patterns (Figs. 18, 19, 20, and 21). Three of the patterns are variations on the theme of increasing means from Irvingtonian low values to Recent high values. The fourth pattern is comprised of great oscillations about a regression line of gently increasing slope. The four variation patterns apparently correspond to four functional suites of characters. Values for tooth width characters (WANTP4, WP0STP4, WM1) increased rather smoothly from early Irvingtonian through late Irvingtonian and into the Sangamonian (Fig. 18). Wisconsinan values dropped slightly from Sangamonian levels and were followed by an abrupt increase to present levels. Fig. 18. — Pleistocene to Recent variation in three tooth width characters in samples of Florida Geomys . A: width of anterior loph of lower premolar (WANTP4) . B: width of posterior loph of lower premolar (WP0STP4) . C: width of first lower molar (WM1) . Measurements in millimeters; age in millions of years before present (MYA) . Samples plotted for early Irvingtonian (EI =1.8 mya) , late Irvingtonian (LI = 1.0 mya), Sangamonian (S = 0.2 mya), Wisconsinan (W = 0.06 mya), and Recent (R = 0 mya). Dots are observed values (adjusted means for each site) . Solid line connects means of observations for each time interval. Dashed line is best-fit regression line. 159 WANTP4 Y = 0. 1690X + 1. 7921 R = 0.7820, P = 0.012; ANOVA : P = 0 . 1 1 1 7 Y = 0. 1014X + 2.2686 R = 0.7434, P = 0.0217 ANOVA: P = 0.2027 WPOSTP4 2.a El LI S WR Y = 0. 1540X + 2.3770 R = 0.8538, P. = 0.0034 ANOVA: P = 0.0613 WM1 2.1 -, MYA Fig. 19. — Pleistocene to Recent variation in three tooth length characters in samples of Florida Geomys . A: length of anterior loph of lower premolar (LANTP4) . B: length of lower premolar (LP4) . C: length of first lower molar (LM1) Further explanations as for Fig. 18. 161 LANTP4 Y = 0.0317X + 1.6531 R = 0. 3144, P = 0.4100 ANOVA: ? - 0.0155 • • 165 \ /''"\ 1.60 \ / 1.55 1.50 -J 1 1 1 i LP4 Y = 0.0587X + 2.8676 • • R = 0.3336, P = 0.3803 ANOVA: P = 0.0102 "/ ' 2.1 --•* — \ / 2.7 -J 1 Y L ' El LI S WR Y = 0.0282X + 1.2550 R = 0.34 79, P_ = 0.3590 ANOVA: P = 0.0175 LM1 MYA Fig. 20. — Pleistocene to Recent variation in three relative tooth width characters in samples of Florida Geomys . A: relative width of anterior loph of lower premolar (RWANTP4) B: relative width of posterior loph of lower premolar (RWP0STP4) . C: relative width of first lower molar (RWM1) . Further explanations as for Fig. 18. 163 RWANTP4 Y = 0.0473X + 0.6253 R = 0.7200, P. = 0.0287 ANOVA: P = 0. 1281 RWPOST4 45 . Y = 0.0191X + 0.7919 R = 0.2877, P = 0.4528 ANOVA: P=0.0457 . •0 ---■""] -/"" : 75 _i 1 1 i • El LI S WR RWM1 Y = 0.0845X + 1.8975 R = 0.4832, P = 0. 1876 ANOVA: P = 0.0201 MYA Fig. 21. — Pleistocene to Recent variation in three characters assessing dimensions of the retromolar fossa in samples of Florida Geomys. A: length (LRMF) . B: width (WRMF) . C: depth (DRMF) . Further explanations as for Fig. 18. LRMF Y = 0.5511X + 4.6078 R = 0.6571, P_ = 0.0545 ANOVA: P = 0. 1689 165 WRMF Y = 0. 1217X + 2.2081 R = 0. 3336, P_ = 0.3804 ANOVA: P = 0. 1005 1.0 b- El LI S WR DRMF Y = 0.3802X + 2.1327 R = 0.4293, P_ - 0.241 ANOVA: P = 0. 1041 MYA 166 Trends exhibited by the tooth length characters (LANTP4, LP4, LM1) oscillate broadly (Fig. 19). Early Irvingtonian values are intermediate to large, but late Irvingtonian values fall to the lowest level known. Sangamonian and Wisconsinan levels approximate each other, and represent maximum values. Recent values drop moderately or drastically from Wisconsinan levels. Relative tooth width values (RWANTP4, RWP0STP4, RWM1) , calcu- lated from measured tooth lengths and widths, showed a more or less common pattern (Fig. 20). Early Irvingtonian values were lowest. From an intermediate late Irvingtonian level, values either decreased (for RWP0STP4, RWM1) or increased (for RWANTP4) to Sangamonian levels. Wisconsinan values (similar to Sangamonian values) abruptly increase to high levels in the Recent sample. Chronological changes in characters assessing dimensions of the retromolar fossa generally followed a fourth pattern (Fig. 21). Low early Irvingtonian values increased to moderate late Irvingtonian values. These then decreased (or, for LRMF, slightly increased) in the Sangamonian material. All Sangamonian to Wisconsinan shifts were increases. For WRMF and DRMF, Recent values were much higher than Wisconsinan levels; LRMF decreased slightly from Wisconsinan to Recent. Summary of Results Morphometric investigations of dentary characters in Pleistocene and Recent geomyine material from Florida have addressed various aspects of non-geographic, geographic, and chronological variation. Analyses of the Gainesville reference sample have identified those 167 characters varying significantly by sex and those exhibiting high individual variation. Several of the characters with high coeffi- cients of variation have previously been used in diagnosing species. Ontogenetic age was found to significantly affect all characters measured. Using width of the lower incisor (WLINC) as an age estimator, covariance analyses permitted direct comparisons of samples despite possible different ontogenetic age composition. For Recent Geomys pinetis, significant geographic variation was found between samples from the east coastal, west coastal, and cen- tral regions of the peninsula. During Wisconsinan glacial time, however, samples from these same areas were not significantly differ- ent. The difference in these significance levels for the Recent and Wisconsinan stages is attributed to the role of sealevel. Presumably, glacial ages maximized the extent of favorable habitats and promoted genetic continuity among widespread populations. The Recent, on the other hand, exemplifies early interglacial conditions in which rising sealevels and increasing surface water promotes barriers to pocket gopher continuity and restricts their distributions. Variation through geological time was examined for the central peninsular samples representing five time intervals spanning nearly two million years. Multivariate analyses generally indicated that samples of similar geological age were also most similar phenetically. Individual character analyses showed prevailing trends toward in- creasing size from the early Irvingtonian to the Recent. Evolution in several characters is towards increased efficiency of the masti- catory apparatus. DISCUSSION Zoogeography Geographic variation in cranial morphology of Geomys pinetis of any particular sex/age category is not so great that an unknown specimen may be assigned to a particular region of the state by visual inspection. Yet, when simultaneously evaluating multiple characters on the basis of samples of reasonable size, certain trends in geographic variability are evident. The pattern eluci- dated through use of an array of multivariate statistical techniques is that Florida consists of two major zoogeographic units: (1) the panhandle west of the Apalachicola River (area I) , and (2) the remainder of the state, which may be further subdivided. The two areas east of the Apalachicola River are separated by the Suwannee River into the (1) peninsula (area III) and (2) eastern panhandle (area II) . MANOVA and canonical variate analyses show slight to extensive overlap between samples from the peninsula and eastern panhandle, but no overlap of these with the western panhandle samples. Hence, the Apalachicola River comprises a more effective barrier to pocket gopher dispersal and gene flow than the Suwannee River. The following comparison of these two rivers and associated basins aids in explaining their apparent differential influence on pocket gopher zoogeography. 168 169 Comparison of the Apalachicola and Suwannee Rivers Zoogeographic barrier effects The Apalachicola River is unique among Florida river basins. Originating in the Apalachian mountains, it is the only Florida river with its headwaters located outside the southeastern United States coastal plain. Furthermore, it is the largest of all Florida rivers, and physical relief encountered in this basin is the greatest of all rivers in the state. At least two habitats are unique to the Apalachicola basin: steepheads and underground troglobite ecosystems. The Apalachicola River basin is renowned for the occurrence of dis- junct northern habitats and associated taxa. Hence, many species (or relatives thereof) found more commonly in the northern United States occur in Florida only in these disjunct habitats. As a result of isolation from similar northern habitats, endemism is more common in the Apalachicola basin than in other areas in the Florida pan- handle. Extensive studies of endemic plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates have been made (Neill, 1957; Means, 1976). The effect of the Apalachicola River as a zoogeographic barrier has been widely recognized in a wide array of animals. Hubbell (1954) and Howden (1963) discussed the distributions of several species of flightless, burrowing beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae) with regard to the Apalachicola River (see also Udvardy, 1969:14-15). Although suitable sandy soils habitat exists west of this river in Florida and Alabama, Mycotrupes occurs in the southeastern United States coastal plains only east of this river. The genus Gronocarus is restricted to the west side 170 of the river (Howden, 1963:181-183). Hubbell (1954:47) viewed the effect of the Apalachicola River on these genera to be "as insur- mountable an obstacle as the sea." As summarized by Neill (1957: 186) from the original literature (Bailey et al., 1954), the larger streams of the panhandle (including the Apalachicola) mark the eastern distributional limits of many western fishes and the western limits of eastern forms. The mutually exclusive distributions of two species of pocket gopher lice (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) bear directly on Geomys pinetis zoogeography (Price, 1975). Geomydoecus mobilensis has been found only on southeastern pocket gophers collected from west of the Apalachicola River. A closely related species (Geomydoecus scleritus) fills this ectoparasitic niche in Geomys populations occurring east of the Apalachicola River. The existence of this pattern of variation in species so closely connected to pocket gophers supports the interpretation that the Apalachicola River has influenced gene flow between Florida Geomys populations. Neill noted that "the Apalachicola proper appears to be an exceptionally important barrier to east-west distribution in many groups." This certainly seems to hold for Geomys pinetis whose eastern and western "forms" are separated by this river in Florida (Avise et al. , 1979; this study). Hall (1981:505), which went to press before the Williams and Genoways (1980) revision, figures the Apalachicola River as the division between a western subspecies (G. p. mobilensis) and two eastern subspecies (G. p. pinetis and G. p. floridanus) . A survey of range maps in Hall (1981) of all 171 mammal species occurring in Florida revealed Neotoma floridana (p. 750) to be the only other mammal species with subspecies boundaries coinciding with the Apalachicola River. The entire range of Neofiber alleni lies east of the Apalachicola River. Excluding marine mammals, about 70 species of mammals occur in Florida (Stevenson, 1976). Of these, the distributions of about 48 species span the Apalachicola River. Hence this river seems to pose a barrier of some recognizable magnitude to only about 6% of the more widely distributed Florida mammal species. Similarly, in a recent study of geographic variation in 15 species of snakes occurring through Florida, Christman (1980) defined seven major patterns of geographic variation, none of which corresponded with the Apalachicola River. Phenetic breaks in pocket gopher morphometries also correspond to a second river — the Suwannee. Reviewing species and subspecies boundaries of the approximately 48 species of Florida mammals with distributions spanning the Suwannee River reveals five species (Sciurus niger, Oryzomys palustris, Neofiber alleni, Mustela vison, and Spilogale putorius) , or about 10%, having subspecies limits approximating the Suwannee River. No Florida mammals have species boundaries coinciding with this river. One of the most important patterns of geographic variation observed in 15 species of Florida snakes (Christman, 1980), the Suwannee Straits Pattern, demonstrates the zoogeographic effect of the Suwannee River. The Suwannee Straits, a former salt water channel between the United States mainland and peninsular Florida that existed to various extents during various 172 interglacials, occupied that area now drained by the Suwannee River and its tributaries (Neill, 1957:188). During the Pleistocene interglacials, the Suwannee Straits apparently barred movement of many species between the mainland and "peninsula." Neill (1957: 189-194) argues that evidence for the effectiveness of these straits as a barrier is embodied in the lengthy list of subspecies and spe- cies of vertebrates and invertebrates presently restricted to peninsular Florida. The importance of the Suwannee Straits is also evident in the ranges of mainland species of mollusks not occurring south or east of the Suwannee River (Dall, 1890-1903, and Clench and Turner, 1956, both cited in Neill, 1957:192). Neill (1957:193) also remarked that cyprinid, sucker, and darter fish, groups which occur abundantly in the southeastern United States, are very poorly represented in the Florida peninsula. Consideration of a wide range of invertebrate and vertebrate groups suggests that the Suwannee River is more influential zoogeo- graphically than the Apalachicola River. Yet, the opposite appears true for pocket gophers. The explanation in regard to Geomys pinetis appears to hinge on a number of features associated with these rivers. The Apalachicola extends into the piedmont and mountains far north of the range of G^_ pinetis , whereas the entire Suwannee River basin is contained within the range of G. pinetis. Hence, without actually crossing the river channel, populations on opposite sides of the Suwannee are potentially in genetic communication (albeit indirectly) around the headwaters of the Suwannee system. Pocket gophers are distributed in most counties surrounding the 173 Okefenokee Swamp region (embedded in the Suwannee River system) which is centered in Charlton County, Georgia. Those surrounding counties from which specimens are known include Cook, Lanier, Ben Hill, Dodge, Pulaski, Telfair, wheeler, Appling, Tattnall, Ware, and Wayne (Williams and Genoways, 1980). Streamflow and swimming ability Although pocket gophers are not naturally adapted to swimming, they are capable of doing so. Barrington (1940:15-16) investigated swimming ability of G^_ pinetis and reported that one female swam "dog fashion" at a pace covering about 23 m in 8 minutes. Other studies have shown other geomyid species capable of swimming (e.g., G. bursarius in Kennerly, 1963) . The actual value of swimming ability in aiding dispersal surely would depend on the width, flow rates, and other features of the barrier rivers and to local distri- bution of suitable habitats. Streamflow information available from United States and Florida geological surveys (Heath and Wimberly, 1971:466, 531) demonstrates differences between the Apalachicola and Suwannee rivers. Average discharge of the Suwannee at Branford (Suwannee County) is 192 cubic meters per second (cms) in contrast to the mean discharge of 709 cms for the Apalachicola at Blountstown (Calhoun County) . Recorded maximum and minimum discharges (and associated gage water heights) for the Suwannee and Apalachicola rivers, respectively, are 2,374 cms (10.38 m) and 43 cms (0.60 m) , and 2,773 cms (6.77 m) and 152 cms (0.73 m) . Clearly, the Apalachicola is the larger river, with con- sistently greater flow volumes than the Suwannee, although both are 174 subject to vast fluctuations in water height and discharge. On the basis of water flow alone the Apalachicola can be viewed as a more formidable barrier to a terrestrial animal than the Suwannee. During droughts average water flow rates are not necessarily indicative of the effectiveness of a channel as a barrier. At low water extremes, presumably a pocket gopher could swim or, perhaps, even walk across either river channels that otherwise could not normally be crossed. However, for such low water dispersal to occur, pocket gophers must already occur nearby. The Apalachicola and Suwannee rivers differ in regard to proximity of established pocket gopher populations (as indicated by specimen or sight records or by distribution of suitable habitats). Almost the entire length of the Suwannee (and other associated rivers) corridor in Florida is lined by preferred sandhill habitat and associated friable sandy soils (Davis, 1980; see also Fig. 3). In places (e.g., Branford vicinity, Suwannee and Lafayette counties), pocket gophers occur in the Suwannee floodplain as little as 100 m from the water's edge on both sides of the river (pers. obs.). In most such areas, a swamp hardwood forest (unsuitable for pocket gophers) is absent from the floodplain or at most forms a very narrow fringe at the water's edge. In contrast, the Apalachicola River is con- tinuously bounded by a low floodplain having extensive swamp hardwood forests. These forests are very broad (several km) in Gulf and Franklin counties and southern parts of Calhoun and Liberty counties. Sandhill habitat suitable for pocket gophers approaches the river within as little as 2 or 3 km only in northwestern Liberty and 175 western Gadsen counties, but here, too, the swamp forest separates the sandhill habitat from the river. In May 1980, I observed pocket gopher diggings within 8 to 10 km of the Apalachicola River along Highway 271 and in adjacent slash pine plantations about 2 to 4 km north of its intersection with Highway 12; the soil there was coarse and granular and contained some red clay. My survey (May 1980) of surrounding Liberty and Gadsen counties revealed very little pocket gopher activity although appropriate soils and habitats are present. Unlike those in the areas surrounding the Suwannee River, populations near the Apalachicola River do not appear to be thriving. Topography of river valleys The Apalachicola and Suwannee rivers may be further contrasted by the nature of the topographic relief of their river valleys and relative elevations of habitats suitable and unsuitable to pocket gophers. In the more northern portion of its run through Florida, the Apalachicola has cut a deep river valley. Surrounding bluffs tower over the river by as much as 60 m at the Palisades just north of Bristol (Liberty Co.). As another example, the elevation of the town of Rock Bluff in extreme northern Liberty Co. is about 120 m. Only 8 km to the west is the Apalachicola River at about 16 m. Suitable pocket gopher habitats occur only on the higher plateau, whereas the unsuitable swamp forests are restricted to the river valley. Because the Apalachicola basin populations of pocket gophers are distant from the river and because they do not occur in the floodplain valley, neither flooding, drought nor shifts of the river course are likely to effect dispersal and communication between gene pools of populations from opposite banks. 176 Terrain along most of the Suwannee River is gentle relative to that bounding the Apalachicola River. Because no extensive bluffs occur along the rivercourse, a wider valley is available for flooding and meandering. Oxbowing and meandering can serve to mix gene pools of formerly separated populations by annexing adjacent favorable habitat and resident fauna via shifts in the rivercourse (Honeycutt and Schmidly, 1979:5-6). Because of the proximity of pocket gophers to the edge of the Suwannee, flooding and droughts could result in dispersal of Geomys across the river. An observation made by Dr. Stephen R. Humphrey (pers. comm.) lends credence to these contentions. During the Spring 1973 flood of the Suwannee River, he observed a dead bloated pocket gopher floating in the floodwaters on the floodplain across the river from Branford (Suwannee Co.). Although this Geomys was not alive, this observa- tion suggests that rafting and swimming might be feasible means available to pocket gophers for crossing rivers, particularly where suitable habitats and floodplains overlap. Changes in Geographic Distribution of Habitats through Time Comparisons of morphometric features of samples from central, eastern, and western areas of the Florida peninsula demonstrated the presence of significant geographic variation among Recent samples but the absence of significant geographic variation among Wisconsinan samples. These results may be interpreted in terms of continuity of gene flow between populations. Morphometric similarity of Wisconsinan (glacial) samples supports the hypothesis that gene flow was occurring throughout the peninsula. Conversely, morphometric 177 dissimilarity of present-day (interglacial) samples supports the hypothesis that populations from these distant areas are not now interbreeding. Furthermore, they have been isolated for a period (< 19,000 years) sufficient to allow detectable morphological divergence to occur. The occurrence of dispersal barriers between these populations is the probable cause for interruption of gene flow. For example, the Brevard Co. population is (if not now extinct; see Humphrey, 1981) isolated from the Alachua Co. and Pinellas Co. populations by at least one major obstacle, the St. Johns River. Similarly, a combination of unsuitable habitat and aquatic barriers prevents gene flow between the Pinellas Co. pocket gophers and the nearby central peninsular conspecifics in Hillsborough Co. and Pasco Co. Extending from the Gulf of Mexico southeastward towards Tampa Bay, the barrier consists of the Anclote River, Salt Lake, Lake Tarpon, South Creek, Lake St. George, Possum Branch, Safety Harbor, and associated wet lowlands. It is probable that such barriers were absent or drastically reduced during the Wisconsinan and other glacial intervals. Two related mechanisms seem to influence the relative extent and distribution of habitat suitable to pocket gophers and of intervening barriers. First, at low coastal sites, sealevel changes have affected pocket gopher distributions by directly altering re- gional hydrological conditions by submergence and emergence. Since the Wisconsinan full glacial at about 19,000 B.P. (Bloom et al. , 1974), sealevel has been rising continuously, presumably en route 178 to a future full interglacial high sea stand (Scholl and Stuiver, 1967; Bloom et al., 1974). The barriers (e.g., intracoastal waterways and associated wetlands) presently affecting gene flow are now more effective than earlier in the present interglacial; with continuing increase of sealevel, these barriers will restrict gene flow even further. Conversely, with expansion of glaciers and concomitant lowering of sealevel during the Wisconsinan glacial, wider areas of suitable habitat became available as many former barriers ceased to exist. Pocket gopher populations then expanded and gene flow was thereby enhanced. Such enhancement of gene flow tended to decrease or swamp out whatever interpopulation differences had emerged as a result of isolation during an earlier high sea stand. In upland areas farther from the sea, pocket gopher distribu- tions are regulated through a somewhat less direct mechanism. Decreased rainfall, increased evapotranspiration, and in a longer time frame, lower piezometric surface (water table) all tend to decrease surface water and soil moisture content. These in turn affect (1) the physical suitability of soils to pocket gopher habitation and (2) the distribution of vegetation associations suitable to pocket gophers. The rainfall regime is probably the major determinant of soil moisture conditions. Changes in sealevel and in climatic patterns seem inadequate as mechanisms for alterations of certain habitats. For example, pine flatwoods occur in depressed areas of sandy former marine terraces. These areas are moister than surrounding habitats 179 because of the presence of a hardpan that prevents deep percolation of water. Therefore, flatwoods should remain more or less in place even in times of drier climates or low stands of sealevel, or of lowered water tables. Similar problems apply to freshwater marshes and swamps and to marine estuaries. How is it, then, that these habitats may be converted into others? One means of altering habitats on a grand scale is by total inundation by rising seas. Marine sands would be deposited over all types of habitats. Following regression of the sea, vast areas would undergo re- development of communities, presumably in a mammer not influenced by the habitat distribution pattern prior to the transgression, but in a way influenced by new topographic relation- ships. Processes acting on a smaller scale may be classified as erosional. A perched pine flatwoods might be invaded and subse- quently drained by headwater or lateral erosion of streams. Sub- terranean collapse is common in karst topography; opening of a sinkhole in a flatwoods habitat would drain the area. Further modification or removal of these soils by oxidation or burning of organics and leaching could result in an edaphic situation suitable for pocket gophers. These events might not result in entire flat- woods situations being converted into ideal pocket gopher habitat. However, repeated occurrence through time and space might convert enough habitat to form dispersal corridors between larger tracts of preferred habitat. 180 Suitable pocket gopher habitats bordering the St. Johns River are patchily distributed. Interlying areas are unsuitably moist and are impassable. Therefore, communication between pocket gopher populations can occur only through changes in habitat distribution. A general reduction of excess soil moisture from interlying swamps or marshes would probably accompany lowering of sealevel. However, soil moisture of drained areas would still be too great for pocket gophers due to water-holding capacity of organic soil components. Removal of peat soil could occur through natural fires and leaching. Unfavorable moisture regimes would preclude regeneration of swamp vegetation. The ground surface denuded of vegetation would be subject to erosion, which would remove additional organics. A vegetation association characteristic of drier situations (e.g., longleaf pine flatwoods) might then invade. Pocket gophers would probably follow this development. The intersection of such mobile parcels of suitable habitats would provide the opportunity for enhanced gene flow between pocket gopher populations. It is unknown whether such habitat shifts have occurred through general radial expansion from refugia or through elevational shifts of habitat parcels that track the changing soil moisture regimes. Either mechanism would facilitate invasion of new areas by pocket gophers. The more likely model would be the one which (1) results in the overall more widespread distribution of upland habitat and (2) results in longer-duration contacts between pre- viously isolated populations. Expanding the habitat distribution might require that once an area changes into upland habitat, it 181 must persist as hydrological regimes continue to change rather than passing into an even drier habitat (e.g., sandhill or sand scrub) . Intuitively the general expansion approach seems to better meet the requirements; the elevational shift model seems associated with relatively ephemeral contact over a geographically smaller area. Research directed towards identifying the mechanism(s) involved will certainly be difficult because such habitat changes are slow and little historical evidence is available. Degree of Variability in Florida Geomys pinetis Two groups of investigators (John Avise, Joshua Laerm et al., University of Georgia and Steve Williams and Hugh Genoways, Carnegie Museum) have recently undertaken comprehensive revisions of pocket gophers in the southeastern United States. Both teams agree that the Geomys pinetis species complex, formerly including three peri- pherally-located nominal species (G. fontanelus, G. colonus, and G. cumberlandius) , actually comprises the single species, G. pinetis. This species is viewed as consisting of two subspecies by Williams and Genoways and of three subspecies by Laerm. On the basis of morphology, Williams and Genoways (1980) recognize the restricted (and probably extinct) population near Savannah, Georgia, as the subspecies G^ p_;_ fontanelus; all remaining southeastern United States pocket gophers comprise G_^ p^ pinetis. Avise et al. (1979:6695) and Laerm (pers. comm.), using electro- phoretic, karyological, and mitochondrial DNA techniques as well as cranial morphometries, recognize the Apalachicola River, which courses through the central panhandle of Florida and comprises parts 182 of the Georgia-Alabama boundary, as the geographic feature dividing the eastern and western "forms." They, too, recognize the extinct G. p. fontanelus. Over the entire range of G_;_ pinetis, no gross karyotypic differences between populations have been demonstrated (Williams and Genoways, 1975; Avise et al., 1979). Despite the disagreement of these two teams of investigators on subspecific boundaries, one point is clear. Populations of pocket gophers in the southeastern United States are much more homogeneous chromosomally, biochemically, and morphometrically than those of any other geomyid of comparable distributional extent yet examined. Why is Geomys pinetis characterized by such a lack of variability? A comparison of this species with its nearest relative, Geomys bursarius, is instructive. Geomys bursarius is represented by 21 subspecies (Hall, 1981:502). Recent and ongoing work by David J. Schmidly and students demonstrates that geographic variability in chromosomal characters in G^_ bursarius is common along river courses in areas as small as a few hectares. Their work in southeastern Texas further shows that different chromosomal races (= subspecies) may not be separated on the basis of the soils in which they presently occur (e.g., Honeycutt and Schmidly, 1979; Tucker and Schmidly, 1981) . Parameters considered in this study include diversity of habitats and associated soils inhabited, elevations of areas inhabited by these species and effects thereon of sealevel changes, and presence of interspecific competition. 183 Habitats and soils In terms of general soil and diet requirements, the needs of G. pinetis and G^_ bursarius (of the North American Great Plains) differ very little. Both species require friable soils (usually sandy or loamy, but rarely clayey) supporting growths of herbaceous vegetation in areas where groundwater levels are not too near (<_ 1.5 m) the surface (Downhower and Hall, 1966; Lowrey, 1974:47, 207; Honeycutt and Schmidly, 1979:34-37). However, more types of suitable habitat and soils are available to, and are occupied by, G^_ bursarius than G^ pinetis. These include sandy portions of mesquite plains in northwestern Texas (Blair, 1954:245), pine- oak forest, oak-hickory forest and coastal prairie vegetation types of east Texas (McCarley, 1959:402), and grasslands of eastern Colorado (Armstrong, 1972:163). In the oak-hickory forest vegeta- tion type in north-central Texas (e.g., in Arlington, Tarrant Co.), G. bursarius is abundant in heavier reddish soils of relatively high clay content (pers. obs.). In northern Missouri, G. bursarius prefers windblown loess soils (Schwartz and Schwartz, 1959:158). Only one close analogue of a habitat occupied by Florida Gj_ pinetis also occurs west of the Mississippi River in Louisiana and Texas within the range of G^ bursarius. This shared habitat is the sandy, longleaf pine forest with an understory of post oak (Quercus stellata) and blackjack oak (Q. marilandica) substituting for the turkey oak found in Florida longleaf pine forests (McCarley, 1959: 387-389). Xeric hammocks, pine flatwoods, and sand scrub, the other three Florida habitats occupied by pocket gophers, are less preferred than the longleaf pine-turkey oak sandhill association. 184 Elevation and sealevel changes In addition to differences in the diversity of habitats occupied, the ranges of Geomys pinetis and G^ bursarius differ markedly in another crucial physiognomic character — elevation. In Florida, whose greatest elevation is 105 m above sealevel (in Walton Co.), G. pinetis occupies ground ranging from just above sealevel in Walton Co. (and others) to about 75 m in Gadsden Co. Gj_ pinetis occurs in Georgia at elevations up to about 160 to 230 m, the approx- imate zone of contact between the lower, more suitable coastal plains habitats and the higher, less suitable habitat of the Piedmont (Brantly, 1916:1-2; LaForge et al., 1925; Golley, 1962:106). Exten- sions of pocket gophers into the Piedmont regions (e.g., Harris Co., Ga., Golley, 1962:106) are generally restricted to the sandy alluvial soils associated with river valleys. Elevation per se probably has little or no bearing on the distribution of these species. However, through geological time, habitats lying at different elevations have experienced different events. The events of interest in this scenario pertain to the cycles of transgressions and retreats of the seas during the inter- glacial-glacial periods of the Pleistocene. Land areas comprising the current ranges of G^_ bursarius and G^ pinetis were affected quite differently by late Cenozoic sealevel changes. It was suggested above (Introduction) that the degree of iso- lation between populations of Florida pocket gophers is directly proportional to the height of sealevel, and that morphological divergence between populations is related to sealevel as well. 185 Hence, with expansion of pocket gopher ranges during low seas, panmixia among peninsular populations was more nearly approached and whatever divergence was attained during previous isolations was probably swamped. It follows, then, that any variability in present-day Florida G^_ pinetis has occurred as a result of isolation and subsequent divergence due to melting of the Wisconsinan glacier after about 19,000 B.P. In actuality, however, the time available for differentiation is certainly even less than 19,000 years. Because sealevel has been rising that entire time, many populations presently isolated may have been in contact within the last few centuries or millenia. Because sealevel changes can directly affect water table levels, especially in coastal areas, the length of time two populations have been isolated could conceivably be determined by knowing the elevation of the intervening area and the rate of sealevel rise. Unlike G^ pinetis, only a small portion of the range of G. bursarius was subjected to periodic inundation and emergence during the Neogene glacial cycles noted previously. The highest sea stand in Florida, represented by the Coharie marine terrace (Cooke, 1945), reached an elevation of 70 m. Assuming tectonic stability of the Gulf Coastal plains in Texas and Louisiana during the Neogene (although surely subsidence has been extensive) , present contours of about 70 m should minimally identify the portions of G^ bursarius range inundated during that (Aftonian?) interglacial. The distance from the current Texas Gulf Coast to a roughly-approximated 70 m contour line averages about 120 km. This 120 km swath of land along 186 the Texas coast represents a very small proportion of the current range of G^ bursarius, which includes much of the North American Great Plains. This same interglacial inundation covered almost the entire land mass of the Florida peninsula. Subsequent transgressions were less severe and had even lesser impact on the range of G. bursarius . Proximity of competitive geomyids G. bursarius is parapatric, and in at least a few localities, sympatric with other geomyids. An example of proximal allopatry was recently reported in western Texas (Thornton and Creel, 1975) where ranges of Thomomys bottae, Pappogeomys castanops, and Geomys bursarius approach each other in a four county area. Although there is currently no sympatric occurrence of these species, it might have existed previously or could in the future. In Manitoba, G. bursarius and Thomomys talpoides have been collected within one mile of each other at five localities (Wrigley and Dubois, 1973). The authors interpret this situation in Manitoba as parapatry, although on a broader scale, it could be viewed as sympatry. In the Hill Country of central Texas , G^ bursarius and T_;_ bottae are cur- rently allopatric. On the basis of three post-Wisconsinan cave deposits, however, as recently as 4,000 B.P. both species "lived within the hunting radius of individual barn owls" in Edwards Co. (Dalquest and Kilpatrick, 1973:5). G. bursarius and Pappogeomys castanops occur sympatrically in Hamilton Co. in western Kansas where the two species have been taken together in a roadside ditch (Birney et al. , 1971:368-369). As is evident from the above examples, 187 the possibility for interspecific competition between G^_ bursarius and various contrageners and congeners (e.g., G. personatus in south Texas) clearly exists. Inasmuch as G. pinetis is the only geomyid rodent species occurring in the southeastern United States, it seems doubtful that interspecific competition has played much of a role in its evolutionary history. This statement should be qualified, however, by acknowledging Simpson's (1928:6-7) description of a Pleistocene species, Thomomys orientalis, from Sabertooth Cave, Citrus Co., Florida. Summary of comparison of Geomys pinetis and G. bursarius The preceeding comparison of Geomys pinetis and Geomys bursarius with regard to diversity of soils, habitats, and elevations and with regard to amounts of interspecific competition encountered may be summarized in light of an argument presented by Smith and Patton (1980:692-695) and James L. Patton (pers . comm.). They (quite reasonably) assert that the external morphology of pocket gophers is subject to extensive selection pressures of local environments. Therefore, variation between populations of the same species may more likely represent phenotypic than genotypic variation. These selection pressures may take the form of (1) soils of different hardness, (2) soils supporting vegetation of variable nutritive qualities, or (3) interspecific competition. Their argument implies (p. 693) that results of morphometric studies assessing phylogenetic relationships between conspecific populations of pocket gophers (e.g., this study) may be suspect because phenotypic similarities and differences may be non-genetic. Features not directly in contact 188 with (or influenced by) the external environment should comprise more conservative and reliable lines of evidence in evaluating inter-population relatedness. Karyological and other biochemical approaches are capable of evaluating such protected, internal data bases. In addressing this problem, it should be recalled that the geographic relationships of G_;_ pinetis demonstrated in this study solely via cranial morphometries concur with the relationships Avise et al. (1979) obtained via electrophoretic and mitochondrial DNA studies. Numerous factors acting in concert, then, appear to underlie the lack of extensive morphological variability of G^ pinetis in Florida. Because sealevel has been rising since the late Wisconsinan, the isolation of populations seen in the present mosaic distribution is so recent that insufficient time has been available for differen- tiation of isolated populations. The four habitats in which pocket gophers occur in Florida have rather similar soils, at least in terms of mechanical suitability to pocket gophers. Additionally, G. pinetis is free from competition with other geomyids. Hence, selective pressures favoring adaptation and divergence of pocket gopher populations as per Smith and Patton (1980) appear to have been absent from G^ pinetis but present for Gj_ bursarius which occurs in a greater diversity of habitats having a relatively wider range of soil types. G. bursarius ranges over a broad range of elevations; sufficient time for divergence has been available because sealevel changes have not obliterated divergent characters of most inland populations. Furthermore, G. bursarius is and/or has been subject to interspecific and intergeneric competition. 189 Phylogenetic Trends: Anatomical Considerations Despite the general lack of mathematical significance in temporal variation of nine measured dentary characters, the observed trends (particularly in the three computed ratios) are still bio- logically meaningful and instructive in understanding the evolution of geomyines. A more detailed examination of the two suites of characters concerning relative tooth widths and dimensions of the basitemporal fossa is presented below. From these trends, the possible pressures driving evolution can be addressed and rates of evolution can be calculated. Relative Widths of Teeth Considered separately, the five characters pertaining to lengths and widths of teeth are not particularly useful in understanding Geomys evolution. When employed in calculating ratios expressing changes in the relative widths of occlusal surfaces, however, these characters are instructive. Fig. 20 shows the general trend of increasing breadth of the three examined surfaces. Changes in breadth of ml and the anterior loph of p4 express a more smoothly increasing trend than seen in the more erratically increasing pattern for the posterior loph of p4. Despite the lack of desired levels of statistical significance for many parameters (Table 20) , general trends of change towards greater tooth widths are apparent. From early Irvingtonian time to present, width of ml has increased from 1.72 times the length of ml to 2.1 times its length; relative width of ml has increased by 22% over about 1.8 million years. Increase in width of posterior loph of p4 has similarly 190 outpaced gain in length. During the early Irvingtonian, the WP0STP4 was 73.3% of LP4, whereas WP0STP4 is 85.8% of LP4 in modern popula- tions; the proportion increase for RWP0STP4 is 17%. For the same time interval, the relative width of the anterior loph of p4 has increased from 53.3% to 66.1% of LP4, a change of 24%. The relative amounts of change in these three characters may reflect the relative importances of these occlusal surfaces in chewing and, hence, the relative intensity of selection pressures on each surface. Geomys pinetis is known to chew propalinally (Wilkins and Woods, unpub. data). Food sectioning occurs as anteriorly-concave lower enamel blades pass oppositely-oriented enamel blades on the upper molars. There are four transversely-oriented lower enamel bands, namely on the posterior edges of the three molars and of the posterior loph of p4. In the lower cheekteeth, the only enamel on an anterior tooth surface occurs on p4; the labial and lingual re-entrant angles separating the prisms are also invested with enamel. The loss of enamel on the anterior faces of the lower molar occurred in the unknown geomyine ancestral form [collateral with Pliogeomys, which showed no enamel reduction during the late Hemphil- lian-early Blancan (mid to late Pliocene) ] , presumably as its function was lost (Russell, 1968). The degree of usage of each enamel band is indicated by the amount and type of wear it exhibits. The more heavily used teeth are those with well-worn bands having numerous striations (indicating direction of passage of abrasive particles) and those with shorter crowns (i.e., those with occlusal surfaces situated closer to the 191 alveolar level). The following description characterizes the molars, and to a lesser extent, the posterior loph of p4. The tallest of the lower cheekteeth is p4, with its anterior loph projecting above the posterior one. Wear on the anteriormost enamel band of p4 is more often in the form of the loss of large chips of enamel rather than the regular pattern of tooth scars for the molars or for posterior p4. Furthermore, examination of the relative positions of upper and lower teeth through the power and recovery stroke cycle shows that even in the jaw's most retracted position the anterior p4 enamel band fails to solidly occlude with any of the upper dentition. In many cases, anteriormost lower p4 remains anterior to the anterior- most portion of upper p4, thereby altogether failing to occlude. From the foregoing, it is apparent that p4 plays a lesser role in chewing than does ml. Presumably selection will be more intense on characters more directly involved in such vital functions as in mastication. Because of the greater involvement of ml and the posterior loph of p4 in chewing, the actions of selection should be more evident in the widths of ml and the posterior part of p4 than in the anterior part of p4. Greater efficiency in propalinal chewers may be achieved by broadening the occlusal surface perpendicular to the direction of the power stroke, thereby increasing the length of the surface (e.g., enamel band) available for shearing food (Rensberger, 1975). This trend of increasing tooth breadth is evident for all three surfaces investigated herein, with the greatest broadening seen for ml and the least for the anterior loph of p4. These changes represent morphological responses to selection pressures that have resulted in increased chewing efficiency. 192 Dimensions of Retromolar Fossa Another trend involved in strengthening the dental battery of Geomys pertains to increases in the size of the retromolar fossa. This fossa is the site of insertion for the deeper fibers of the temporalis muscle. The temporalis, which originates from the superior nuchal line, the sagittal or temporal ridge, and the greater part of the temporal fossa (Hill, 1937:104), holds the occlusal surface of the lower molariform dentition firmly against the upper teeth during mastication (Russell, 1968:481). Since its first appearance in late Pliocene geomyines, this fossa has enlarged, thereby increasing the surface area available for attachment of the temporalis. Increasing depth of this fossa has resulted in increasing length of the muscle as well. The force generated by a muscle is proportional to its cross-sectional area and to its shortening dis- tance (Brunnstrom, 1981:32). Therefore, an evolutionary trend towards increasing strength of the temporalis is evident. In this study, these trends are corroborated by three characters assessing size of the retromolar fossa. Although regression line slopes did not significantly increase (at P_ _< 0.05), this fossa has increased in length, width, and depth over the 1.8 million years of geomyine history recorded in Florida. Likewise, changes in mean values of LRMF, WRMF, and DRMF were not statistically significant; yet the absolute and proportional changes in these three characters were all positive from the early Irvingtonian to present as follows: LRMF, 3.65 mm to 4.83 mm (a 32% increase); WRMF, 2.01 mm to 2.55 mm (a 26% increase); and DRMF, 1.45 mm to 3.14 mm (a 116% increase). 193 These data show that evolution in geomyines in the southeastern United States is following a course comparable to that previously demonstrated for other geomyine lineages (Russell, 1968:481). Russell remarked that enlargement of the retromolar fossa was probably an adaptation for diets of coarser foods. Such changes in this fossa probably represent responses to the same selective pressures as the broadening of cheekteeth. Factors responsible for chronological trends. Patterns of chronological variation seen for relative tooth widths and for retromolar fossa dimensions share a common temporary deviation from their generally increasing trend. A notable decrease occurs in each of six characters (RWANTP4, RWT0STP4, RWM1 , LRMF, WRMF, and DRMF) during the Sangamonian to Wisconsinan interval (Figs. 20 and 21). These decreases each represent shifts towards more primitive character states. These character state reversals offer independent lines of evidence assessing the response of the masticatory apparatus to selection pressures. Presumably the three relative tooth width characters and also the three retromolar fossa dimension characters are related to abrasiveness of diet (Russell, 1968). Each of these changes thus suggests reduced selection for powerful mastication and thus a temporary return to a less abrasive diet. Decreased dental abrasion could be achieved in various ways. Diets could shift from plants with greater to those with lesser silica content, that is, from grasses to forbs and other non-grasses. At present, palynological data do not extend far enough back in time to allow determination of herbaceous community composition during 194 pre-Wisconsinan time intervals. Another alternative is that diets of pocket gophers have changed little through this period, but silica content of grasses and other food items has fluctuated. A third possibility pertains to abrasiveness of soils. It is possible that, through time, pocket gophers have shifted soil type preferences. The preceeding possible explanations regarded the Sangamonian to Wisconsinan shift as a unique deviation from a unidirectional trend. It is worth considering the possibility that this observed deviation represents only one segment of a recurring cyclic pattern characterizing Florida geomyine phylogeny during the Pleistocene. Direct correlation with glacial-interglacial stages seems untenable because values for samples during various glacials are rather dis- similar for various characters (e.g., WRMF, LRMF, RWANTP4, RWP0STP4, RWM1) . Likewise, samples of the Sangamonian and Recent interglacials differ widely in all six characters. Furthermore, samples from various glacials and interglacials often have similar values (e.g., LRMF, RWP0STP4, RWM1) . Another problem lies in the observation that the direction of change from an interglacial to a glacial (Sangamon- ian to Wisconsinan) or from an interglacial to a glacial (Wisconsinan to Recent) is not the same for all (or even most) characters. Thus, it seems preferable to regard the Sangamonian to Wisconsinan shift as an important but unique evolutionary burst. Another possible causative factor for the observed trends could be in the types of habitats formerly surrounding the fossil sites. Glacial-interglacial cycles are known to be correlated with shifts in climate and, therefore, with vegetation associations (Watts, 195 1980) . However, variation in habitats (with or without an inter- action with glacial cycles) is also an unlikely source of the observed character trends. Ecological conditions during the represented early (Inglis) and late Irvingtonian (Coleman) are adequately understood. Both the mammalian and herpetofaunas of Inglis suggest surrounding habitats to have been ecotonal situations between scrub and grassland savanna. Klein (1971) more specifically considered the ecological conditions of Inglis IA times to have been similar to those in the present-day Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) ; Meylan (1980) constructs a situation of mixed longleaf pine with xeric hammocks (some of which were seasonally wet) interspersed. Similar ecological conditions characterized the Illinoian Coleman area, with habitat being more open and more xeric than at present (Martin, 1974). Pocket gophers inhabit rather similar vegetation associations today, a time falling into the post-Wisconsinan inter- glacial. Therefore, habitat preferences seem not to correspond with glacial-interglacial stages. Presumably continuing adaptation to these habitats provides the best explanation for the trends in morph- ological changes in Florida Pleistocene Geomys . Summary of Discussion The discussion of the findings of this study has focussed on factors that have influenced the extent of geographic variation in Recent Florida Geomys pinetis and those responsible for observed patterns of geographic and chronological variation in Florida Geomys from the early Irvingtonian to present. Study findings are consistent 196 with the proposed hypotheses. To summarize: (1) Differences in the Apalachicola and Suwannee Rivers with regard to various physical parameters correspond to their relative effectiveness in inhibiting pocket gopher dispersal. These features include distance between suitable pocket gopher habitats on opposite sides of the river, suitability of habitats for pocket gophers around the headwaters of the river, size (i.e. , width, depth) of the water- way, flow rates and volumes, and seasonality of flow rates. (2) A survey of the influence of the Apalachicola and Suwannee Rivers on other vertebrate and invertebrate species was presented. The Apalachicola River corresponds to generic boundaries of flight- less, burrowing beetles (Scarabaeidae: Geotrupinae) , to species boundaries of pocket gopher lice (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) , and to subspecies boundaries of the eastern woodrat (Neotoma floridana) . The zoogeographic importance of the Suwannee River is evident in more taxa than the Apalachicola River. Animal groups whose dispersal is apparently influenced by the Suwannee River include mollusks, fishes, snakes, and at least five species of mammals. (3) Changes in pocket gopher distribution are thought to correspond closely with variation (through time and space) of the distribution of suitable habitats. Habitat distribution may be influenced directly through sealevel changes or less directly through changes in soil moisture and climatic regimes. Means of altering soil characteristics so as to allow changes in habitats were considered. (4) On the basis of variability in other geomyids of comparable distributional extent, the amount of geographic variation in Geomys 197 pinetis is unexpectedly low. Efforts towards explaining this apparent anomaly entailed a comparison of Geomys pinetis with its congener G^_ bursarius. The diversity of habitats and soils inhabited by G_;_ pinetis is less than that inhabited by Gj_ bursarius. Sealevel changes have repeatedly affected vast portions of the range of G. pinetis, but only minute portions of the range of G^_ bursarius. G. pinetis has been less influenced by interspecific competition than has G^_ bursarius. (5) Phylogenetic trends in four suites of dental characters were interpreted as adaptations towards chewing efficiency. The several explanations offered for observed trends variously pertain to dietary changes, shifts in soil or habitat preferences, or correspondence with glacial-interglacial cycles. Closing comment. It is hoped that this study will be viewed as a contribution, not only towards understanding Florida geomyine zoogeography, but also in regard to a general methodological approach. The most common approach to systematic paleontology studies has been typological. In such studies, attributes of a single (or few) specimen(s) form the basis for systematic decisions and phylogenetic discussions. Granted, the nature of fossil material oftentimes necessitates such an approach. Indeed, this has been the case even for certain geomyid taxa. However, for groups where large samples are available (e.g., Floridian and many other geomyines) , a popula- tion level approach is more desirable than is the typological method. Large samples allow understanding of non-geographic variability in the form of sex, age, and individual variation. In this study, for 198 example, ontogenetic age was generally a greater source of character variation than was time or geography. Had ontogenetic variation not been eliminated (via covariance analysis) early in the study, many comparisons and statistical decisions would surely have been falla- cious. My review of the pocket gopher literature indicates that certain taxa are recognized on the basis of characters whose varia- tion may well emanate from ontogenetic rather than phylogenetic sources. A review of features diagnosing pocket gopher taxa is in order. The completion of this dissertation should not imply that all questions regarding zoogeography and systematics of Florida geomyines have been addressed. The next step in my studies of Florida pocket gopher material is to determine whether the Inglis IA sample contains material referable to Orthogeomys , a Central American geomyid genus as yet unknown in the United States; my observations do not support this contention. Other efforts will involve scrutiny of Florida pocket gopher material purportedly belonging to the genus Thomomys . LITERATURE CITED Akersten, W. A. 1973. Evolution of geomyine rodents with rooted cheek teeth. Ph.D. dissert., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, 236 pp. Alt, D., and H. K. Brooks. 1965. Age of Florida marine terraces. J. Geol., 73:406-411. Anderson, S. 1966. Taxonomy of gophers, especially Thomomys in Chihuahua, Mexico. Syst. Zool., 15:189-198. Armstrong, D. M. 1972. Distribution of mammals in Colorado. Univ. Kans., Mus. Nat. 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Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets GLS ZYGO WMAST D 7 49.61 47.4-51.5 1.42 0.54 2.87 J 106 49.21 44.0-54.8 2.29 0.23 4.45 L 6 49.13 47.3-52.4 2.14 0.96 4.36 M 18 49.07 45.1-52.2 2.09 0.54 4.27 K 34 48.16 42.8-51.2 1.88 0.34 3.92 C 4 47.83 46.4-49.2 1.54 0.89 3.24 G 4 47.28 46.3-48.4 0.92 0.46 1.95 A 1 46.90 I 1 46.90 F 8 46.40 43.1-49.3 2.07 0.84 4.48 E 1 44.30 M 17 30.12 26.5-39.4 5.70 1.52 8.85 A 1 29.90 J 106 29.48 25.6-38.3 1.88 0.19 6.39 L 6 28.78 27.5-30.8 1.31 0.58 4.54 K 34 28.77 26.5-31.4 1.30 0.24 4.51 C 4 28.56 27.0-29.0 1.10 0.64 3.90 D 7 28.54 26.3-30.7 1.41 0.53 4.95 G 4 28.00 27.5-28.5 0.48 0.24 1.70 F 8 27.56 26.2-29.5 1.19 0.49 4.35 I 1 27.50 E 1 26.90 L 6 25.67 24.9-28.0 1.32 0.59 5.13 K 34 25.62 24.0-27.9 0.96 0.18 3.75 J 106 25.59 22.6-28.8 2.27 0.23 8.86 M 18 25.16 23.6-26.7 0.99 0.26 3.97 G 4 25.15 24.4-25.9 0.62 0.31 2.48 A 1 25.10 C 4 25.10 24.6-25.6 0.53 0.31 2.12 F 8 25.01 23.9-26.9 1.11 0.45 4.47 D 7 24.86 24.0-26.5 0.86 0.33 3.47 I 1 24.40 E 1 24.10 209 Table A-l. — Continued. 210 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets DCRAN DROST WROST J 106 14.94 13.6-16.0 1.10 0.11 7.32 M 18 14.82 14.1-15.6 0.48 0.12 3.25 L 6 14.82 14.4-15.4 0.43 0.19 2.91 K 34 14.71 10.4-16.2 0.94 0.17 6.36 F 8 14.68 13.9-15.8 0.71 0.29 4.87 G 4 14.65 14.2-15.0 0.34 0.17 2.33 I 1 14.50 D 7 14.37 13.8-14.7 0.31 0.12 2.19 E 1 14.30 C 4 14.18 14.0-14.4 0.23 0.13 1.62 A 1 13.90 J 106 7.33 6.2- 9.0 0.47 0.05 6.49 M 18 7.10 6.3- 7.8 0.49 0.13 6.90 D 7 7.09 6.7- 7.7 0.33 0.12 4.64 K 34 7.09 6.2- 7.7 0.34 0.06 4.72 L 6 6.98 6.6- 7.6 0.40 0.18 5.80 G 4 6.95 6.8- 7.0 0.10 0.05 1.44 A 1 6.90 I 1 6.90 C 4 6.68 6.5- 7.0 0.26 0.15 3.95 E 1 6.60 F 8 6.53 6.0- 7.0 0.41 0.17 6.39 J 106 10.58 9.1-11.8 0.60 0.06 5.72 M 18 10.48 9.4-11.4 0.65 0.17 6.26 A 1 10.40 C 4 10.33 10.3-10.4 0.06 0.03 0.56 K 34 10.31 9.3-11.6 0.54 0.10 5.24 D 7 10.21 9.3-10.9 0.66 0.25 6.43 L 6 10.18 9.3-11.0 0.70 0.32 7.06 I 1 10.10 G 4 10.08 9.7-10.7 0.45 0.23 4.47 F 8 9.85 9.4-10.4 0.44 0.18 4.40 E 1 8.70 I, 211 Table A-l. — Continued. Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets IOC A 1 7.70 C 4 7.33 7.2-7.6 0.21 0.12 2.83 D 7 7.24 6.7-8.2 0.51 0.19 7.08 I 1 7.10 M 18 7.06 6.6-7.8 0.37 0.09 5.13 G 4 7.05 6.8-7.3 0.24 0.12 3.38 J 106 7.02 6.2-8.1 0.37 0.04 5.34 K 34 6.89 5.9-7.5 0.37 0.07 5.44 L 6 6.87 6.7-7.1 0.16 0.07 2.29 F 8 6.70 6.5-6.8 0.16 0.07 2.47 E 1 6.10 TEMP E I 1 1 6.10 6.10 G 4 4.33 3.7-5.0 0.54 0.27 12.43 J 106 4.25 1.7-9.1 1.26 0.13 29.40 M 18 4.04 1.9-5.9 1.02 0.27 24.5Q L 6 4.00 2.7-5.4 0.96 0.43 23.91 K 34 3.97 2.0-7.0 1.19 0.22 29.49 D 7 3.41 2.2-4.8 1.05 0.40 30.69 F 8 2.80 2.8-4.6 0.66 0.27 18.75 A 1 2.80 C 4 2.70 2.4-4.1 0.91 0.52 29.59 AWINT E 1 2.70 G 4 2.70 2.0-3.3 0.57 0.29 21.17 M 18 2.67 1.0-3.8 0.79 0.20 29.82 L 6 2.67 1.8-3.5 0.70 0.31 26.64 F 8 2.56 1.7-3.4 0.55 0.22 20.63 J 106 2.39 0.1-6.1 1.00 0.10 41.93 K 34 2.17 0.5-3.6 0.82 0.15 37.98 A 1 2.00 D 7 1.69 0.7-2.4 0.58 0.22 34.32 I 1 1.20 C 4 1.08 0.6-1.9 0.65 0.38 51.37 Table A-l. — Continued. 212 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets PWINT LINT LWNAS D 7 6.46 5.2-7.5 0.78 0.29 12.06 I 1 6.20 J 106 5.95 2.0-8.0 0.99 0.10 16.53 E 1 5.90 G 4 5.88 4.8-6.8 0.87 0.43 14.80 M 18 5.83 4.4-8.2 0.98 0.25 16.97 K 34 5.77 3.8-6.6 0.69 0.13 12.06 A 1 5.70 L 6 5.68 4.5-7.0 0.96 0.43 17.39 F 8 5.46 4.8-6.3 0.56 0.23 10.23 C 4 5.10 4.8-5.1 0.15 0.09 3.10 I 1 7.90 D 7 6.07 5.4-6.5 0.34 0.13 5.52 M 18 5.87 4.0-12.4 2.29 0.59 38.28 K 34 5.47 3.9-7.7 1.07 0.20 19.30 L 6 5.30 4.7-6.1 0.58 0.26 11.00 C 4 5.23 4.6-5.7 0.61 0.35 11.48 J 106 4.93 3.5-8.3 0.83 0.08 16.68 E 1 4.80 F 8 4.59 4.1-4.9 0.32 0.13 7.05 A 1 4.50 G 4 4.40 3.5-5.3 0.77 0.39 17.60 A 1 2.70 J 106 2.34 1.3-4.2 0.39 0.04 16.43 K 34 2.33 1.8-3.2 0.34 0.06 14.54 I 1 2.30 G 4 2.18 1.5-2.6 0.48 0.24 22.01 M 18 2.17 1.6-2.7 0.30 0.08 13.54 C 4 1.98 1.7-2.5 0.46 0.27 23.49 F 8 1.95 1.7-2.1 0.16 0.07 8.43 L 6 1.95 1.6-2.2 0.29 0.13 15.36 D 7 1.86 1.5-2.1 0.20 0.08 10.71 E 1 1.70 Table A-l. — Continued. 213 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets GWNAS A 1 3.60 G 4 2.95 2.2- - 3.7 0.81 0.41 27.47 J 106 2.90 2.1- - 3.6 0.38 0.04 12.96 K 34 2.88 1.8- - 3.8 0.45 0.08 15.58 C 4 2.85 2.5- - 3.3 0.44 0.25 15.57 E 1 2.70 D 7 2.70 2.4- - 3.2 0.29 0.11 10.90 M 18 2.64 2.3- - 3.1 0.23 0.06 8.69 I 1 2.60 F 8 2.41 2.2- - 2.7 0.23 0.09 9.59 L 6 2.33 1.8- - 2.4 0.25 0.11 11.22 PMEXT I 1 4.60 F 8 3.69 3.3- - 4.0 0.30 0.12 8.24 M 18 3.46 2.5- ■ 5.3 0.84 0.22 24.25 D 7 3.17 2.1- - 4.1 0.70 0.26 21.98 L 6 3.15 1.8- - 3.9 0.91 0.41 30.65 K 34 3.15 1.9- • 4.7 0.73 0.13 23.95 J 106 3.14 1.4- - 5.1 0.74 0.07 23.52 E 1 3.10 C 4 3.03 2.4- 3.5 0.55 0.32 18.78 A 1 2.70 G 4 2.68 1.6- ■ 4.1 1.07 0.53 39.96 LUDIAST D 7 19.77 17.4- 21.0 1.18 0.45 5.98 J 106 19.13 15.5- ■22.7 1.48 0.15 7.75 M 18 19.01 17.3- -20.5 1.07 0.28 5.66 L 6 18.83 17.7- 20.4 1.09 0.49 5.80 C 4 18.83 18.0- 19.2 0.64 0.37 3.48 K 34 18.55 15.6- 20.4 1.16 0.21 6.25 A 1 18.00 G 4 17.75 17.2- 18.1 0.40 0.20 2.28 F 8 17.34 15.0- 18.5 1.22 0.50 7.13 I 1 16.90 E 1 15.80 Table A-l. — Continued. 214 Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets LMXTR A 1 10.50 I 1 10.10 J 106 10.06 8.9-11.6 0.50 0.05 5.00 M 18 9.96 9.0-10.6 0.40 0.10 4.08 L 6 9.90 9.1-11.0 0.70 0.31 7.04 K 34 9.77 9.0-11.0 0.39 0.07 4.05 G 4 9.68 9.2-10.0 0.36 0.18 3.72 D 7 9.60 8.9-10.2 0.38 0.14 3.99 C 4 9.43 8.8- 9.7 0.47 0.27 5.06 F 8 9.19 8.4- 9.5 0.39 0.16 4.25 E 1 8.80 WUINC M 18 2.35 2.0- 2.6 0.19 0.05 8.20 J 106 2.32 1.9- 3.0 0.21 0.02 9.18 L 6 2.32 2.1- 2.5 0.16 0.07 7.21 K 34 2.29 2.0- 2.6 0.15 0.03 6.79 D 7 2.27 2.1- 2.6 0.18 0.07 7.92 C 4 2.23 2.1- 2.3 0.12 0.07 5.17 G 4 2.18 2.1- 2.3 0.10 0.05 4.40 F 8 2.11 1.9- 2.2 0.12 0.05 5.97 A 1 2.10 E 1 2.00 I 1 2.00 LLDIAST D 7 12.56 11.0-13.5 0.95 0.36 7.58 C 4 12.00 10.8-11.9 0.56 0.32 4.88 J 106 11.78 7.2-14.9 1.17 0.12 9.98 L 6 11.37 10.6-12.3 0.71 0.32 6.26 M 18 11.31 8.2-12.9 1.41 0.36 12.84 K 34 11.27 9.1-12.6 0.82 0.15 7.34 A 1 10.90 G 4 10.78 10.5-11.3 0.36 0.18 3.34 F 8 10.75 9.9-11.5 0.57 0.23 5.39 I 1 10.10 E 1 9.70 Table A-l. — Continued. 215 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets LMNDTR I 1 9.20 L 6 8.98 8.4-9.2 0.30 0.14 3.45 M 18 8.97 8.2-9.5 0.37 0.10 4.16 A 1 8.80 J 106 8.79 7.6-9.8 0.42 0.04 4.78 K 34 8.72 7.7-9.6 0.40 0.07 4.55 D 7 8.67 8.2-8.9 0.30 0.11 3.44 G 4 8.63 8.0-9.1 0.49 0.24 5.63 C 4 8.50 8.4-8.7 0.15 0.09 1.79 F 8 8.34 7.9-8.6 0.27 0.11 3.32 E 1 7.90 WLINC L 6 2.22 2,1-2.4 0.14 0.06 6.43 M 18 2.17 1.9-2.6 0.20 0.05 9.04 J 106 2.15 1.7-2.9 0.20 0.02 9.06 K 34 2.12 1.8-2.3 0.14 0.03 6.51 D 7 2.04 1.9-2.2 0.10 0.04 4.78 C 4 2.03 1.9-2.1 0.10 0.06 5.00 I 1 2.00 G 4 2.00 1.9-2.1 0.08 0.04 4.08 F 8 1.95 1.7-2.2 0.17 0.07 8.99 A 1 1.90 E 1 1.80 216 Table A-2. — Standard univariate statistics by region for cranial characters in Recent data set for age class 2 males. Included statistics are: sample size (N) , mean (X), extreme values, standard deviation (SD) , standard error (SE) , and coefficient of variation (CV, as percent). Measurements in millimeters. Maximally non- significant subsets, as determined by Duncan's multiple range tests, indicated in right column; means of samples connected by vertical bar are not significantly different (P _< 0.05). Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets GLS L B 6 1 53.95 53.40 54.9-57.1 1.14 0.66 2.04 C 6 52.63 49.5-55.8 2.67 1.19 5.05 J 95 52.43 47.6-60.0 2.03 0.22 3.86 F 8 52.43 51.0-53.7 1.02 0.42 1.95 K 27 52.40 49.4-57.2 2.24 0.45 4.24 M 23 52.10 47.6-57.3 2.01 0.44 3.85 D 5 51.50 50.5-51.6 0.47 0.23 0.91 G 2 50.35 49.9-50.8 0.64 0.45 1.26 E 1 49.60 ZYGO D B 5 1 33.30 33.00 31.0-39.2 3.88 1.94 11.61 L 6 32.37 31.7-34.4 1.46 0.84 4.37 K 27 32.19 29.2-37.4 1.89 0.38 5.87 F 8 32.00 30.8-33.9 1.08 0.44 3.41 C 6 31.90 27.9-35.6 2.35 1.05 7.32 J 94 31.70 27.3-36.2 1.64 0.18 5.17 M 23 31.53 28.3-34.4 1.55 0.34 4.91 G 2 30.80 30.3-31.3 0.71 0.50 2.30 E 1 30.50 WMAST L 6 28.17 27.5-29.9 1.20 0.69 4.18 K 26 28.00 25.7-31.5 1.49 0.30 5.32 B 1 27.60 F 8 27.58 25.7-29.2 1.14 0.47 4.16 J 95 27.28 20.1-30.1 1.27 0.14 4.68 C 6 27.17 25.1-29.3 1.81 0.81 6.63 G 2 26.90 26.1-27.7 1.13 0.80 4.21 M 23 26.85 25.4-28.5 0.72 0.16 2.69 E 1 26.80 D 5 26.22 25.0-26.6 0.67 0.33 2.58 Table A-2.— Continued. 217 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets DCRAN DROST WROST F 8 15.68 15.2-16.7 0.61 0.25 3.82 K 27 15.49 13.9-17.2 0.72 0.14 4.67 M 23 15.42 14.8-16.5 0.43 0.09 2.76 G 2 15.40 14.7-16.1 0.99 0.70 6.43 L 6 15.37 15.6-15.9 0.15 0.09 0.97 J 95 15.32 14.2-17.0 0.55 0.06 3.56 B 1 15.10 E 1 15.10 C 6 14.93 14.2-16.1 0.80 0.36 5.29 D 5 14.52 14.0-14.8 0.39 0.19 2.68 J 95 7.83 6.6- 9.1 0.47 0.05 6.06 K 27 7.82 6.8- 8.8 0.54 0.11 6.86 L 6 7.72 7.9- 8.1 0.10 0.06 1.25 B 1 7.70 E 1 7.70 M 23 7.67 7.1- 8.5 0.42 0.09 5.52 F 8 7.58 7.1- 8.0 0.31 0.13 4.08 C 6 7.57 6.9- 8.1 0.48 0.21 6.20 D 5 7.44 7.1- 7.4 0.15 0.08 2.05 G 2 6.85 6.7- 7.0 0.21 0.15 3.10 M 23 11.46 10.4-13.0 0.58 0.13 5.01 B 1 11.40 K 27 11.22 10.5-12.9 0.56 0.11 4.98 J 95 11.17 9.7-12.3 0.56 0.06 5.04 C 6 11.13 10.4-12.2 0.75 0.34 6.68 F 8 10.90 10.4-11.5 0.40 0.16 3.72 D 5 10.86 10.2-11.0 0.34 0.17 3.21 E 1 10.70 L 6 10.12 7.2-11.4 2.34 1.35 23.67 G 2 9.60 9.3- 9.9 0.42 0.30 4.42 Table A-2. — Continued. 218 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets IOC TEMP AWINT 6 1 5 23 8 95 2 6 27 1 2 95 23 27 5 6 1 8 6 1 2 95 23 27 6 8 1 6 5 1 7.68 7.60 7.48 7.3-8.3 0.38 0.17 4.95 7.35 7.29 6.98 6.95 6.92 6.91 6.60 55 54 38 04 66 48 40 31 0.97 0.40 2.80 1.29 1.25 1.19 0.90 0.80 0.60 0.50 0.32 0.10 7.1-7.7 6.5-8.5 6.9-7 5.9-8 6.8-7 7.1-7 5.3-8 3.3-3.8 0.3-7.6 0.3-4.9 0.1-4.3 0.3-0.9 0.7-2.1 0.6-1.9 0.4-1.7 2.3-3.3 0.2-3.2 0.3-2.9 0.1-2.9 0.5-1.1 0.1-1.1 0.2-0.9 0.1-0.5 0.26 0.53 0.23 0.47 0.21 0.30 0.65 0.35 1.42 1.42 1.17 0.28 0.74 0.52 0.55 0.71 0.75 0.86 0.77 0.31 0.37 0.35 0.17 0 13 3 49 0 11 7 12 0 10 3 26 0 05 6 81 0 15 3 05 0 17 4 05 0 13 9 32 0.25 9.96 0.15 55.59 0.31 58.46 0.23 55.97 0.14 47.89 0.43 48.07 0.21 39.44 0.25 54.77 0.50 25.25 0.08 57.74 0.19 66.69 0.15 62.75 0.18 36.67 0.15 50.78 0.16 64.95 0.09 62.10 I 219 Table A-2. — Continued. Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets PWINT G 2 6.50 6.3-6.7 0.28 0.20 4.35 L 6 5.80 4.6-7.1 1.26 0.73 21.21 J 95 5.66 3.5-7.7 0.80 0.09 14.23 M 23 5.64 3.6-7.5 0.77 0.17 13.57 K 27 5.39 2.4-8.7 1.44 0.29 27.19 C 6 4.98 3.4-5.5 0.84 0.38 17.59 F 8 4.96 3.7-5.6 0.69 0.28 14.33 D 5 4.74 2.2-5.8 1.47 0.74 36.37 E 1 4.30 B 1 1.30 1I LINT M 23 5.84 3.7-10.3 1.58 0.34 27.08 " K 27 5.60 2.1-8.0 1.35 0.27 24.14 J 95 5.28 3.1-8.8 0.97 0.10 18.33 L 6 5.07 2.6-7.4 2.46 1.42 46.33 G 2 4.65 4.6-4.7 0.07 0.05 1.52 F 8 4.59 3.8-5.5 0.81 0.33 17.66 C 6 4.32 2.2-5.4 1.47 0.66 36.00 D 5 4.20 2.2-7.3 2.17 1.09 49.08 E 1 3.90 B 1 1.30 I LWNAS E 1 2.60 K 27 2.39 1.6-2.8 0.28 0.06 11.98 J 95 2.35 1.4-4.2 0.41 0.04 17.44 M 23 2.21 1.4-2.7 0.33 0.07 14.67 C 6 2.17 1.6-2.5 0.36 0.16 16.72 F 8 2.14 1.0-3.0 0.68 0.28 32.44 L 6 2.10 1.8-2.2 0.21 0.12 10.24 G 2 1.95 1.8-2.1 0.21 0.15 10.88 D 5 1.72 1.2-2.0 0.34 0.17 20.70 B 1 1.70 Table A-2. — Continued. 220 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets GWNAS PMEXT LUDIAST 6 1 27 95 5 23 2 6 1 8 1 95 23 27 5 6 6 1 6 5 27 8 95 23 2 1 3.37 2.8- 3.8 0.40 0.18 11.77 20 99 93 88 86 2.61 2.60 2.55 2.35 5.10 4.03 3.90 3.78 3.50 3.39 3.34 3.30 3.18 3.15 23.00 22.70 21.77 21.46 21.43 21.13 21.09 20.63 20.25 19.40 4- 3.6 9- 3.8 5- 9- 7- 3.0 3.4 3.5 1.9- 3.1 2.3- 2.4 4.7- 4.2- 0.34 0.42 0.24 0.37 0.68 0.60 0.07 0.57 0.26 0.07 11.37 0.05 14.43 0.12 8.75 0.08 12.68 0.28 26.97 0.35 0.05 0.40 0.15 4- 7- 4- 6- 3.6 8-3.8 0.77 0.90 0.79 0.41 0.43 0.08 0.20 0.16 0.21 0.19 22.2-23.6 20.7-21.5 19.0-27.0 19.7-22.2 18.6-25.2 18.8-22.7 19.6-20.9 0.74 0.36 1.78 0.87 1.20 1.00 0.92 24.00 3.01 11.09 6.01 3.2- 4.6 0.49 0.20 12.67 23.17 27.48 23.90 13.52 13.44 20.9-25.7 1.81 0.81 7.73 0 43 3 20 0 18 1 70 0 36 8 32 0 36 4 17 0 13 5 70 0 22 4 86 0 65 4 54 Table A-2. — Continued. 221 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets LMXTR L 6 10.87 10.8-11.7 0.47 0.27 4.23 K 27 10.60 9.5-20.6 2.13 0.43 20.09 M 23 10.40 9.7-11.4 0.42 0.09 4.02 F 8 10.36 10.1-10.7 0.23 0.09 2.18 J 95 10.33 9.0-11.7 0.52 0.06 5.06 D 5 10.22 9.8-10.3 0.22 0.11 2.14 B 1 10.20 E 1 10.20 C 6 9.87 9.5-10.1 0.23 0.10 2.34 G 2 9.50 9.3- 9.7 0.28 0.20 2.98 WUINC D 5 2.62 2.5- 2.8 0.13 0.06 4.79 M 23 2.57 2.3- 2.8 0.19 0.04 7.41 K 27 2.50 2.2- 3.0 0.21 0.04 8.26 E 1 2.50 J 95 2.47 2.1- 2.9 0.17 0.02 6.88 F 8 2.45 2.3- 2.5 0.08 0.03 3.36 L 6 2.43 2.5- 2.7 0.12 0.07 4.39 C 6 2.38 2.2- 2.6 0.15 0.07 6.23 B 1 2.30 G 2 2.25 2.2- 2.3 0.07 0.05 3.14 LLDIAST C 6 14.52 13.3-15.9 1.04 0.47 7.20 B 1 14.20 D 5 14.06 13.0-14.2 0.57 0.29 4.24 L 6 13.78 14.0-14.6 0.35 0.20 2.44 F 8 13.56 12.2-14.5 0.81 0.33 6.09 J 95 13.13 10.7-16.8 1.12 0.12 8.59 K 27 13.09 11.4-16.1 1.16 0.23 8.90 G 2 12.75 12.5-13.0 0.35 0.25 2.77 M 23 12.63 10.5-14.8 1.10 0.24 8.78 E 1 12.20 Table A-2. — Continued. 222 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets LMNDTR WLINC M 23 9.40 8.9-10.7 0.48 0.10 5.08 L 6 9.38 9.4- 9.8 0.21 0.12 2.18 K 27 9.27 8.5-10.0 0.44 0.09 4.69 F 8 9.21 9.0- 9.7 0.27 0.11 2.88 J 95 9.11 4.1-10.2 0.70 0.07 7.71 B 1 9.10 C 6 9.02 8.4- 9.8 0.60 0.27 6.67 E 1 9.00 D 5 8.94 8.3- 9.5 0.53 0.27 5.96 G 2 8.70 8.5- 8.9 0.28 0.20 3.25 M 23 2.34 2.0- 2.6 0.17 0.04 7.07 K 27 2.32 2.0- 2.9 0.24 0.05 10.40 L 6 2.32 2.3- 2.6 0.15 0.09 6.19 E 1 2.30 J 94 2.27 1.7- 2.9 0.27 0.03 11.71 D 5 2.24 2.2- 2.3 0.05 0.03 2.25 B 1 2.20 G 2 2.20 2.2 0 0 0 F 8 2.19 2.1- 2.3 0.08 0.03 3.45 C 6 2.12 2.2- 2.3 0.11 0.05 5.17 223 Table A-3. — Standard univariate statistics by region for cranial characters in Recent data set for age class 1 females. Included statistics are: sample size (N) , mean (X), extreme values, standard deviation (SD) , standard error (SE) , and coefficient of variation (CV, as percent). Measurements in millimeters. Maxi- mally non-significant subsets, as determined by Duncan's multiple range tests, indicated in right column; means of samples connected by vertical bar are not significantly different (P £ 0.05). Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets GLS ZYGO WMAST L 11 44.98 43.4-47.2 1.42 0.54 3.12 M 28 44.82 42.9-48.4 1.44 0.29 3.20 J 162 44.58 40.0-51.6 1.77 0.14 3.97 C 15 44.35 42.4-45.8 0.86 0.22 1.93 B 2 44.30 43.8-44.8 0.71 0.05 1.60 A 1 44.20 K 40 44.10 26.2-47.0 3.21 0.52 7.29 F 12 44.04 40.8-47.2 1.59 0.46 3.62 G 5 43.86 42.7-44.9 0.86 0.39 1.97 D 24 43.85 39.5-46.5 1.90 0.42 4.33 H 3 43.23 42.3-44.5 1.14 0.66 2.63 E 1 41.50 M 28 26.63 24.0-30.8 1.43 0.29 5.37 K 39 26.46 24.7-28.9 0.99 0.16 3.74 G 5 26.42 25.0-27.2 0.89 0.40 3.38 J 162 26.27 23.5-30.4 1.27 0.10 4.83 A 1 26.20 L 11 26.12 24.6-28.2 1.38 0.52 5.28 B 2 26.05 25.9-26.2 0.21 0.15 0.81 F 12 25.99 23.2-27.4 1.09 0.31 4.18 C 15 25.97 24.8-27.0 0.55 0.14 2.11 D 24 25.33 23.1-27.4 1.21 0.27 4.79 E 1 25.20 H 3 25.17 24.8-25.8 0.55 0.32 2.19 G 5 23.98 23.4-24.5 0.47 0.20 1.94 K 40 23.87 22.7-25.8 0.66 0.11 2.78 M 27 23.82 22.3-27.9 1.22 0.25 5.10 J 162 23.70 14.5-28.9 1.27 0.10 5.36 L 11 23.62 22.2-24.8 0.88 0.33 3.71 F 12 23.47 20.6-24.9 1.11 0.32 4.73 B 2 23.20 22.6-23.8 0.85 0.60 3.66 H 3 23.13 22.8-23.6 0.42 0.24 1.80 C 15 23.12 22.6-23.8 0.35 0.09 1.50 D 24 22.60 21.2-24.3 1.03 0.22 4.56 A 1 22.40 E 1 22.10 Table A-3. — Continued. 224 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets DCRAN DROST WROST M 28 14.35 13.3-15.2 0.45 0.09 3.16 K 40 14.09 13.2-15.0 0.44 0.07 3.13 J 162 14.01 12.6-16.6 0.51 0.03 3.62 L 11 13.98 13.5-14.6 0.39 0.15 2.73 G 5 13.96 13.5-14.7 0.44 0.20 3.19 F 12 13.90 13.1-14.5 0.47 0.14 3.42 H 3 13.80 13.6-14.0 0.20 0.12 1.45 C 15 13.67 13.3-14.1 0.24 0.06 1.72 D 24 13.53 12.6-14.0 0.40 0.09 2.97 E 1 13.50 A 1 13.30 B 2 13.15 13.1-13.2 0.07 0.05 0.54 A 1 6.6 H 3 6.60 6.2- 7.1 0.46 0.26 6.94 J 162 6.59 5.7- 7.8 0.40 0.03 6.08 M 28 6.57 5.9- 7.4 0.35 0.07 5.29 B 2 6.50 6.50 0 0 0 C 15 6.41 5.8- 7.1 0.33 0.08 5.09 K 40 6.37 5.6- 7.1 0.39 0.06 6.18 G 5 6.36 6.0- 6.6 0.26 0.12 4.10 L 11 6.31 6.0- 7.1 0.41 0.16 6.40 D 24 6.26 5.7- 6.9 0.34 0.07 5.38 F 12 6.21 5.7- 7.0 0.35 0.10 5.60 E 1 6.00 M 28 9.73 8.8-10.8 0.42 0.18 4.30 J 161 9.57 8.2-10.9 0.52 0.04 5.41 C 15 9.51 9.3- 9.8 0.20 0.05 2.08 K 39 9.58 8.3-10.5 0.50 0.08 5.26 G 5 9.38 9.2- 9.6 0.18 0.08 1.91 L 11 9.36 8.5- 9.8 0.49 0.18 5.24 F 12 9.26 7.9-10.0 0.59 0.17 6.41 B 2 9.25 9.1- 9.4 0.21 0.15 2.29 D 24 9.18 8.1-10.1 0.42 0.09 4.62 H 3 9.13 8.9- 9.5 0.32 0.19 3.52 A 1 9.10 E 1 9.10 I, Table A-3. — Continued. 225 Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets IOC A 1 7.50 C 15 7.27 6.6-7.7 0.30 0.08 4.12 D 24 7.16 6.7-7.8 0.27 0.06 3.84 H 3 6.97 6.7-7.2 0.25 0.15 3.61 B 2 6.95 6.7-7.2 0.35 0.25 5.09 M 28 6.92 6.2-7.7 0.30 0.06 4.34 J 162 6.83 6.1-7.7 0.33 0.03 4.82 L 11 6.83 6.4-7.1 0.28 0.08 4.07 K 40 6.67 5.7-7.8 0.37 0.06 5.58 E 1 6.60 G 5 6.60 6.1-7.5 0.53 0.24 8.02 F 12 6.55 6.1-7.1 0.21 0.08 4.19 TEMP H 3 6.37 5.0-7.2 1.19 0.69 18.74 E 1 6.10 J 162 5.65 1.4-12.4 1.30 0.11 23.06 F 12 5.38 4.0-6.3 0.76 0.22 14.03 L 11 5.31 3.8-7.2 1.11 0.42 21.05 G 5 5.28 4.0-6.0 0.52 0.23 9.79 M 28 5.23 2.6-7.1 1.36 0.27 25.89 K 40 4.92 3.5-7.1 0.92 0.15 18.69 A 1 4.80 D 24 4.74 2.8-7.7 1.32 0.29 28.10 C 15 4.51 3.4-6.4 0.79 0.20 17.58 B 2 3.00 2.9-3.1 0.14 0.10 4.71 AWINT E 1 4.40 H 3 3.67 2.9-4.5 0.80 0.46 21.88 F 12 3.54 2.8-4.0 0.36 0.10 10.18 J 162 3.51 0.9-8.6 1.02 0.08 29.10 M 28 3.21 1.4-4.9 0.96 0.19 30.31 L 11 3.15 2.0-4.0 0.77 . 0.29 26.73 K 40 2.99 0.6-4.7 0.73 0.12 24.79 G 5 2.90 2.5-3.7 0.48 0.22 16.72 D 24 2.75 1.4-3.9 0.72 0.16 27.12 A 1 2.60 C 15 2.27 1.6-3.3 0.56 0.14 24.46 B 2 1.85 1.8-1.9 0.07 0.15 3.82 Table A-3. — Continued. 226 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets PWINT LINT LWNAS E 1 7.40 J 162 6.17 4.0-8.2 0.66 0.05 10.63 D 24 6.06 4.6-7.0 0.73 0.16 12.26 M 28 5.98 4.8-6.7 0.52 0.10 8.71 H 3 5.93 5.1-6.4 0.72 0.42 12.19 K 40 5.90 4.5-8.2 0.76 0.12 13.00 L 11 5.87 4.8-7.1 0.85 0.32 14.31 F 12 5.87 4.4-7.0 0.74 0.21 12.55 C 15 5.77 4.6-7.4 0.77 0.20 13.33 G 5 5.52 4.9-6.1 0.48 0.21 8.63 A 1 5.10 B 2 5.05 4.9-5.2 0.21 0.15 4.20 M 28 5.69 4.0-8.1 1.05 0.21 18.61 K 40 5.29 3.7-7.8 0.98 0.16 18.54 L 11 5.25 4.0-7.2 1.05 0.40 19.76 C 15 5.24 4.5-6.5 0.52 0.13 9.91 D 24 4.98 4.2-6.6 0.50 0.11 9.83 J 162 4.76 3.0-7.5 0.73 0.06 15.34 F 12 4.73 3.9-5.3 0.40 0.11 8.42 H 3 4.70 4.4-5.1 0.36 0.21 7.67 B 2 4.65 4.6-4.7 0.07 0.05 1.52 G 5 4.42 3.8-5.1 0.50 0.22 11.24 E 1 4.30 A 1 4.20 E 1 2.40 H 3 2.37 2.0-2.8 0.40 0.23 17.08 C 15 2.31 1.9-2.8 0.27 0.07 11.54 A 1 2.30 B 2 2.25 2.2-2.3 0.07 0.05 3.14 J 162 2.22 1.5-2.9 0.28 0.02 12.45 K 40 2.22 1.4-2.9 0.31 0.05 14.14 M 28 2.14 1.6-2.1 0.31 0.06 14.51 G 5 2.12 1.5-2.7 0.48 0.21 22.47 F 12 2.08 1.6-2.7 0.28 0.08 13.40 L 11 2.01 1.9-2.3 0.14 0.05 6.80 D 24 2.00 1.6-2.6 0.25 0.06 12.44 I, Table A-3. — Continued. 227 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets GWNAS PMEXT LUDIAST 1 1 3 15 2 24 40 162 5 12 28 3 5 12 28 2 40 24 162 11 15 1 1 15 28 1 2 40 11 162 24 5 12 3 1 3.10 3.00 2.97 96 85 75 74 71 66 55 2.46 7- 3.1 5- 3.9 3.3 3.43 3.38 3.22 3.15 3.10 3.00 2.95 2.88 2.82 2.70 2.50 2.30 16.98 16.59 16.50 16.50 16.40 16.38 16.37 16.20 16.20 16.01 15.67 15.00 2.7- 4.0 2.7- 3.9 1.9- 4.8 1.7- 2.7- 0.4- 1.9- 1.1- 2.3- 1.5- 16.4-16.6 14.8-18.1 16.0-17.6 10.2-20.1 13.4-18.1 15.8-16.6 13.9-17.7 14.9-16.3 0.23 0.33 0.07 0.26 0.38 0.31 0.58 0.38 0.36 11 2.35 2.1-2.8 0.24 0.67 0.52 0.79 0.82 0.57 0.77 0.45 0.69 0.45 0.50 15.2-23.0 1.76 14.6-20.7 1.27 0.14 0.87 0.58 1.12 1.33 0.32 0.97 0.71 0.13 0.09 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.26 0.11 0.07 0.09 0.38 0.23 0.23 0.16 0.40 0.13 0.10 0.06 0.17 0.13 7.78 11.19 2.48 9.56 13.81 11.26 21.70 14.72 14.51 9.98 19.39 15.43 24.69 26.89 18.25 26.09 15.56 24.14 15.31 18.47 0 45 10.36 0 25 7.67 0 10 0.86 0 14 5.32 0 22 3.46 0 09 6.85 0 29 8.15 0 14 1.95 0 28 6.04 0 41 4.53 Table A-3. — Continued. 228 Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets LMXTR L 11 9.82 8.8-10.2 0.49 0.18 5.04 M 28 9.62 9.0-10.4 0.34 0.07 3.55 J 162 9.61 5.2-11.6 0.62 0.05 6.46 F 12 9.53 8.8-10.1 0.43 0.13 4.55 A 1 9.50 K 40 9.44 8.8-10.6 0.39 0.06 4.15 D 24 9.43 8.8-10.1 0.34 0.07 3.61 B 2 9.30 9.30 0 0 0 C 15 9.25 8.8- 9.8 0.27 0.07 2.92 H 3 9.10 8.8- 9.4 0.30 0.17 3.30 G 5 9.06 8.7- 9.6 0.34 0.15 3.71 E 1 8.60 WUINC K 40 2.15 1.9- 2.5 0J15 0.02 7.07 J 162 2.14 1.8- 2.6 0.15 0.01 6.87 M 28 2.13 1.9- 2.4 0.13 0.03 6.18 L 11 2.12 2.1- 2.2 0.05 0.02 2.29 B 2 2.10 2.10 0 0 0 C 15 2.03 1.9- 2.1 0.07 0.02 3.47 F 12 2.03 1.9- 2.2 0.11 0.03 5.62 G 5 2.02 2.0- 2.1 0.04 0.02 2.21 A 1 2.00 H 3 2.00 1.9- 2.1 0.10 0.06 5.00 D 24 1.97 1.7- 2.1 0.13 0.03 6.58 E 1 1.80 LLDIAST D 23 10.68 8.0-12.0 1.00 0.21 9.72 M 28 10.33 9.0-13.8 0.93 0.19 9.13 L 11 10.26 9.7-10.9 0.44 0.17 4.27 J 162 10.21 8.1-13.2 0.79 0.06 7.74 C 15 10.11 8.5-11.0 0.69 0.18 6.87 G 5 10.06 9.7-10.7 0.43 0.19 4.25 K 40 10.04 8.8-11.1 0.65 0.11 6.52 F 12 9.83 9.0-11.1 0.56 0.16 5.69 A 1 9.80 B 2 9.80 9.7- 9.9 0.14 0.10 1.44 H 3 9.47 9.1- 9.9 0.40 0.23 4.27 E 1 8.60 Table A-3. — Continued. 229 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets LMNDTR WLINC A L 1 11 8.90 8.67 8.4-9.0 0.26 0.10 3.00 M 28 8.67 8.0-9.3 0.31 0.06 3.59 G 5 8.44 8.0-9.0 0.38 0.02 4.48 J 162 8.39 6.1-9.5 0.46 0.04 5.52 K 40 8.38 7.6-9.2 0.33 0.05 3.95 B 2 8.35 8.3-8.4 0.07 0.05 0.85 C 15 8.35 7.8-8.8 0.29 0.08 3.50 D 24 8.31 7.6-9.0 0.31 0.07 3.69 F 12 8.28 7.2-9.2 0.51 0.15 6.17 H 3 7.83 7.4-8.1 0.38 0.22 4.83 E 1 7.80 L 11 2.03 1.9-2.1 0.08 0.03 4.08 K 40 2.01 1.7-2.4 0.16 0.03 8.08 M 28 2.00 1.8-2.2 0.11 0.02 5.29 J 162 1.97 1.7-3.0 0.17 0.01 8.37 A 1 1.90 B 2 1.85 1.8-1.9 0.07 0.05 3.82 C 15 1.85 1.7-2.1 0.10 0.03 5.36 F 12 1.84 1.7-2.0 0.09 0.03 4.89 G 5 1.84 1.8-1.9 0.38 0.17 4.48 E 1 1.80 D 24 1.78 1.6-2.0 0.13 0.03 7.15 H 3 1.73 1.6-1.8 0.12 0.07 6.66 230 Table A- -4. — Standar d univariate statistics by region f or cranial characters in Recent data set for age class 2 females. Included statistics are: sample size (N) , mean (X), extreme values, standard deviation (SD) , standard error (SE) , and coefficient o f variation (CV, as pe rcent) . Measurements in millimeters. Maximally non- significant subsets , as determined by Duncan's multipl e range tests, indicated in right column; means of sampl es connected by vertical bar are not signifi cantly different (P <_ 3.05). Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets GLS G 1 48.60 C 5 46.86 45.7-49.7 1.70 0.85 3.59 M 27 46.62 43.8-51.0 1.83 0.39 3.90 D 3 46.50 45.5-48.0 1.32 0.76 2.85 K 35 46.19 42.3-49.2 1.61 0.28 3.49 F 7 46.17 43.4-50.6 2.66 1.09 5.66 J 94 46.08 40.1-55.1 2.20 0.24 4.76 A 3 45.60 44.8-46.0 0.69 0.40 1.52 L 3 45.60 45.0-46.1 0.56 0.32 1.22 E 5 45.30 43.0-49.8 3.76 2.17 8.28 B 1 44.10 ZYGO G 1 28.40 C 5 28.12 27.6-30.0 1.09 0.50 3.83 K 33 28.05 25.7-39.8 2.41 0.43 8.59 F 7 27.97 25.7-33.4 2.82 1.15 9.91 M 25 27.92 26.3-31.0 1.08 0.24 3.86 D 3 27.77 26.7-29.1 1.22 0.71 4.40 L 3 27.73 26.7-28.5 0.93 0.54 3.35 J 94 27.56 25.1-34.3 1.46 0.16 5.28 A 3 27.10 25.7-28.1 1.25 0.72 4.61 E 5 26.54 24.6-27.5 1.53 0.88 5.94 B 1 26.10 WMAST G 1 25.90 F 7 24.90 23.06-26.6 1.17 0.48 4.63 K 35 24.75 22.5-26.0 0.78 0.14 3.14 J 94 24.66 22.3-28.9 1.11 0.12 4.48 M 27 24.64 22.9-27.6 1.14 0.24 4.63 C 5 24.52 23.7-25.4 0.79 0.39 3.20 D 3 23.96 23.5-24.9 0.81 0.47 3.37 A 3 23.90 23.7-24.3 0.35 0.20 1.45 L 3 23.73 23.7-23.8 0.06 0.03 0.24 E 5 23.68 22.7-26.2 1.92 1.11 7.98 B 1 23.10 Table A-4. — Continued. 231 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets DCRAN DROST WROST M 27 14.62 14.0-15.5 0.40 0.09 2.75 F 7 14.51 13.8-15.6 0.62 0.25 4.24 K 35 14.50 13.4-17.9 0.72 0.13 4.99 J 94 14.31 13.4-16.2 0.49 0.05 3.44 C 5 14.26 13.9-14.9 0.46 0.23 3.18 G 1 14.20 A 3 14.00 13.7-14.5 0.44 0.25 3.11 E 5 13.98 13.7-14.9 0.62 0.36 3.40 D 3 13.97 13.6-14.5 0.47 0.27 3.38 L 3 13.87 13.7-14.2 0.29 0.17 2.08 B 1 13.00 J 93 6.83 6.1- 8.2 0.43 0.05 6.20 B 1 6.80 G 1 6.80 M 27 6.78 6.1- 7.6 0.41 0.09 6.06 C 5 6.78 6.4- 7.3 0.40 0.20 5.86 K 35 6.76 6.1- 7.4 0.36 0.06 5.31 A 3 6.73 6.6- 6.9 0.15- 0.09 2.27 D 3 6.67 6.5- 6.9 0.21 0.12 3.12 F 7 6.63 6.1- 7.3 0.45 0.19 6.75 E 5 6.58 6.2- 7.9 0.74 0.33 11.24 L 3 6.43 6.1- 6.7 0.31 0.18 4.75 M 27 10.22 9.3-11.2 0.43 0.09 4.24 D 3 10.17 9.8-10.8 0.55 0.32 5.42 F 7 9.97 9.5-10.9 0.55 0.23 5.50 C 5 9.94 9.3-10.5 0.54 0.27 5.42 J 94 9.93 9.0-11.4 0.63 0.07 6.31 K 35 9.86 9.3-10.8 1.10 0.19 11.25 E 5 9.82 9.4-10.7 0.70 0.40 7.07 L 3 9.63 9.0-10.7 0.93 0.54 9.65 B 1 9.60 G 1 9.60 A 3 9.50 9.1-10.0 0.46 0.26 4.82 Table A-4. — Continued. 232 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets IOC TEMP AWINT A 3 7.50 7.3-7.7 0.20 0.12 2.67 C 5 7.30 7.2-7.3 0.06 0.03 0.80 B 1 7.10 M 27 7.05 6.3-7.7 0.39 0.08 5.46 D 3 7.03 6.3-7.4 0.64 0.37 9.03 G 1 7.00 E 5 7.00 6.7-7.3 0.22 0.10 3.19 K 35 6.89 6.2-7.7 0.42 0.07 6.07 F 7 6.87 6.4-7.6 0.45 0.19 6.56 J 94 6.85 6.2-7.7 0.33 0.04 4.76 L 3 6.73 6.5-6.9 0.21 0.12 3.09 G 1 5.00 J 94 4.55 1.6-8.9 1.41 0.16 31.53 E 5 4.42 3.1-5.2 1.12 0.64 25.54 L 3 4.13 3.5-4.5 0.55 0.32 13.33 A 3 4.00 3.3-5.3 1.13 0.65 28.17 M 27 3.83 1.6-6.5 1.26 0.27 32.81 K 35 3.81 1.9-5.6 0.99 0.18 26.16 F 7 3.33 1.7-4.5 1.04 0.42 33.61 D 3 2.90 1.8-3.7 0.98 0.57 33.96 C 5 2.80 1.3-2.8 0.69 0.35 29.88 B 1 2.70 G 1 3.50 E 5 2.88 2.0-3.3 0.53 0.24 18.28 J 94 2.84 0.6-6.3 1.01 0.11 36.31 L 3 2.77 2.0-3.8 0.93 0.54 33.58 K 35 2.69 0.9-7.5 1.21 0.21 45.21 M 27 2.52 0.6-3.9 0.93 0.20 36.44 F 7 2.50 0.8-3.3 0.93 0.38 39.13 A 3 2.23 2.0-2.5 0.25 0.15 11.27 B 1 2.00 D 3 1.47 1.0-2.2 0.64 0.37 43.84 C 5 1.22 0.7-1.4 0.30 0.15 26.54 Table A-4. — Continued. 233 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets PWINT LINT LWNAS E 5 6.80 6.2-7.5 0.49 0.22 7.28 L 3 6.07 5.7-6.5 0.40 0.23 6.66 K 35 5.94 3.9-6.9 0.68 0.12 11.59 F 7 5.84 5.0-7.4 0.87 0.35 15.29 C 5 5.76 4.6-6.9 1.06 0.53 17.88 J 93 5.75 3.3-7.5 0.80 0.09 13.97 M 27 5.74 1.9-7.7 1.10 0.23 19.29 A 3 5.27 5.0-5.6 0.31 0.18 5.80 D 3 5.27 4.4-6.5 1.10 0.63 20.83 G 1 5.20 B 1 5.10 M 27 5.40 3.7-9.5 1.26 0.27 23.32 C 5 5.38 5.0-6.3 0.66 0.33 11.82 L 3 5.37 5.2-5.6 0.21 0.12 3.91 A 3 5.20 5.1-5.4 0.17 0.10 3.33 K 35 5.13 3.7-7.3 0.82 0.15 16.06 D 3 4.90 4.6-5.2 0.30 0.17 6.12 J 93 4.81 3.3-8.8 0.89 0.10 18.46 G 1 4.70 E 5 4.60 4.5-4.7 0.10 0.06 2.17 B 1 4.50 F 7 4.50 3.6-5.4 0.58 0.24 12.68 B 1 2.50 A 3 2.40 2.2-2.7 0.27 0.15 11.02 K 35 2.33 1.8-2.8 0.27 0.05 11.72 J 93 2.29 1.6-2.2 0.62 0.07 6.80 M 27 2.26 1.8-2.7 0.24 0.05 11.05 G 1 2.20 C 5 2.20 1.9-2.6 0.33 0.17 15.43 E 5 2.20 2.1-2.3 0.12 0.07 5.17 L 3 2.17 1.9-2.4 0.25 0.15 11.62 D 3 2.07 1.8-2.3 0.25 0.15 12.18 F 7 2.00 1.7-2.2 0.19 0.08 9.79 Table A-4. — Continued. 234 Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets GWNAS B 1 3.30 C 5 3.04 2.9- 3.1 0.12 0.06 3.85 A 3 3.00 2.6- 3.3 0.36 0.21 12.02 G 1 2.90 J 94 2.86 2.0- 3.6 0.62 0.07 11.50 D 3 2.77 2.7- 2.9 0.12 0.07 4.17 K 35 2.73 1.9- 3.3 0.33 0.06 12.09 E 5 2.64 2.6- 2.7 0.06 0.03 2.17 L 3 2.63 2.6- 2.7 0.06 0.03 2.19 M 27 2.59 1.9- 3.5 0.36 0.08 14.33 F 7 2.59 2.1- 3.2 0.46 0.18 18.05 PMEXT F 7 3.76 3.2- 4.7 0.49 0.20 12.25 E 5 3.52 2.8- 4.4 0.61 0.27 17.44 G 1 3.50 D 3 3.27 2.9- 3.9 0.55 0.32 16.86 M 27 3.25 1.8- 4.7 0.88 0.19 26.53 K 35 3.15 1.7- 4.3 0.59 0.11 18.90 L 3 3.10 2.6- 4.0 0.78 0.45 25.19 J 94 3.01 1.2- 5.4 0.64 0.07 21.36 A 3 2.97 2.9- 3.1 0.12 0.07 3.89 C 5 2.88 2.2- 3.1 0.43 0.21 15.12 B 1 2.80 LUDIAST G 1 19.50 D 3 18.53 17.7- 19.9 1.19 0.69 6.44 C 5 18.38 17.7- 20.2 1.06 0.53 5.61 J 94 17.49 15.3- •23.2 1.21 0.13 6.90 A 3 17.47 17.0- •17.9 0.45 0.26 2.58 F 7 17.40 15.2- •20.7 1.96 0.80 10.96 K 35 17.39 15.6- •19.4 1.01 0.18 5.82 M 27 17.31 12.9- ■20.5 1.37 0.29 7.88 L 3 16.77 16.5- ■17.0 0.25 0.15 1.50 E 5 16.54 15.0- -20.4 2.26 1.01 13.67 B 1 16.20 Table A-4. — Continued. 235 Character Region N X Extremes SD SE CV Subsets LMXTR M 27 10.01 9.0-10.9 0.45 0.10 4.44 E 5 9.90 9.6-10.1 0.21 0.09 2.14 J 94 9.85 8.8-11.6 0.47 0.05 4.77 L 3 9.83 9.6-10.2 0.32 0.19 3.27 F 7 9.69 9.3-10.0 0.27 0.11 2.77 K 35 9.67 8.8-10.9 0.54 0.09 5.53 B 1 9.60 G 1 9.60 C 5 9.48 9.1-10.0 0.42 0.21 4.40 D 3 9.33 9.0- 9.5 0.29 0.17 3.09 A 3 9.30 9.0- 9.6 0.30 0.17 3.23 WUINC M 27 2.28 2.0- 2.6 0.17 0.04 7.35 K 35 2.24 1.9- 2.5 0.13 0.02 5.97 J 94 2.18 1.8- 2.6 0.16 0.02 7.18 F 7 2.17 1.9- 2.5 0.24 0.10 10.76 C 5 2.16 2.0- 2.4 0.17 0.09 7.85 D 3 2.13 2.0- 2.3 0.15 0.09 7.16 G 1 2.10 L 3 2.10 2.1 0 0 0 E 5 2.08 1.7- 2.5 0.29 0.13 14.18 A 3 2.07 1.9- 2.2 0.15 0.09 7.39 B 1 2.00 LLDIAST G 1 13.20 D 3 12.13 11.5-13.0 0.78 0.45 6.40 " C 5 11.46 11.1-12.9 0.84 0.42 7.20 A 3 10.97 10.9-11.1 0.12 0.07 1.05 J 94 10.96 7.9-14.5 0.94 0.10 8.58 M 27 10.77 9.6-12.4 0.78 0.17 7.38 K 35 10.75 9.4-12.3 0.81 0.14 7.58 F 7 10.66 9.4-12.2 1.03 0.42 9.43 L 3 10.63 10.5-10.8 0.15 0.09 1.44 E 5 10.60 9.2-13.0 1.54 0.69 14.57 B 1 10.10 Table A-4. — Continued. 236 Character Region Extremes SD SE CV Subsets LMNDTR WLINC M 27 9.10 8.7-10.2 0.38 0.08 4.11 E 5 8.74 8.5-8.9 0.23 0.13 2.68 A 3 8.73 8.6-8 8 0.12 0.07 1.32 D 3 8.70 8.4-8 9 0.26 0.15 3.04 K 35 8.69 8.0-9 4 0.34 0.06 3.93 J 94 8.66 7.7-9 9 0.42 0.05 4.87 C 5 8.64 8.5-8 8 0.14 0.07 1.63 L 3 8.63 8.4-8 8 0.21 0.12 2.41 F 7 8.59 8.0-8 8 0.31 0.13 3.63 G 1 8.50 B 1 8.40 M 27 2.10 1.9-2.3 0.13 0.03 6.05 K 35 2.04 1.8-2.3 0.12 0.02 6.08 L 3 2.03 2.0-2.1 0.06 0.03 2.84 J 94 2.02 1.6-2.6 0.17 0.02 8.32 F 7 1.99 1.8-2.3 0.21 0.09 10.49 D 3 1.93 1.9-2.0 0.06 0.03 2.99 C 5 1.92 1.7-2.2 0.24 0.12 12.89 G 1 1.90 A 3 1.87 1.8-1.9 0.06 0.03 3.09 E 5 1.84 1.5-2.2 0.25 0.11 13.64 B 1 1.80 APPENDIX B RECENT SPECIMENS EXAMINED The 1,123 Recent specimens of Geomys pinetis examined in this study are listed below by natural region. Parenthetically enclosed following each locality are indicated the number of specimens and the museum in which they are deposited for each locality. The code to collection acronyms is as follows: American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) ; Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CMNH) ; Delaware Museum of Natural History (DMNH) ; Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH) ; University of Florida, Florida State Museum (UF) ; University of South Florida (USF) ; Florida State University (FSU) ; University of Georgia, Museum of Natural History (UGA) ; Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) ; University of Illinois, Museum of Natural History (UIMNH) ; University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History (KU) ; Michigan State University, The Museum (MSU) ; University of Michigan (UM) ; Albert Schwartz private collection (AS); Shippensburg State College, Vertebrate Museum (SSC); Tall Timbers Research Station (TTRS) ; Texas Tech University, The Museum (TTU) ; and United States National Museum of Natural History (USNM) . REGION A (10 specimens) — Escambia Co.: Century 1 (AMNH); Gonzales (3, AMNH); 7 mi N, 2 mi W Gonzales (1, AMNH); Pensacola (1, UF; 1, MCZ; 3, USNM). 237 238 REGION B (12 specimens) — Santa Rosa Co. : Milton (12, USNM) . REGION C (44 specimens) — Holmes Co. : Ponce de Leon (1, AMNH; 1, USNM); Westville (1, USNM). Okaloosa Co.: Crestview (7, AMNH; 4, USNM); 4.5 mi N, 1 mi W Fort Walton (1, AMNH); 5 mi N, 0.5 mi E Fort Walton (1, AMNH); Shalimar (2, AMNH); 0.5 mi W Co. line, Hwy 90 (2, TTU). Walton Co.: Argyle (1, AMNH; 1, USNM); 3 mi E Bruce (3, USNM); 1 mi W Bruce (1, USNM); 20 mi E Crestview (2, USNM); 6.5 mi SE DeFuniak Springs (2, USNM); 5 mi NW DeFuniak Springs (2, UF) ; 10.6 mi W DeFuniak Springs (1, AS; 3, USNM); 1.2 mi N Freeport, Rt. 331 (2, UGA) ; 1.3 mi N Freeport, Rt. 331 (1, UGA); Rockhill (5, USNM). REGION D (55 specimens) — Bay Co. : Highland Park (1, USNM); 5 mi E Inlet Beach (1, USNM); 5 mi E Saunders (1, USNM); Saunders (Park) (3, USNM); Southport (1, AMNH); 5 mi S Youngstown (1, USNM); 1.4 mi S Rt. 79 on Rt. 98 (1, UGA); 1.6 mi N Rt. 98 on Rt. 79 (1, UGA). Calhoun Co. : Blountstown (4, AMNH: 1, USNM); 1 mi W Blounts- town (1, UF) ; 1.4 mi W Blountstown (1, UF) ; 3.5 mi W Blountstown (1, UF). Jackson Co. : 0.7 mi S Butler (1, UF) ; Cypress (1, USNM); Marianna (1, UF; 3, USNM); Sneads (2, USNM); 4 mi N Snead (2, UF) ; 7 mi N Snead (1, UF) . Walton Co. : Grayton Beach (1, USNM); 1.2 mi E Point Washington (2, USNM); 2.5 mi E Point Washington (1, USNM); 4 mi E Point Washington, Rt. 98 (1, USNM); Seagrove Beach, Rt. 395 (1, UF; 3, USNM); Rt. 30A near Seagrove Beach (1, UF) ; Rt. 30A between (Hwy.) 98 and Seagrove Beach (3, UF) ; 6.2 mi E Rt. 395 on US 98 (1, UGA); 6.6 mi E Rt. 395 on US 98 (1, UGA); 8.3 mi E Rt. 395 239 on US 98 (2, UGA) . Washington Co. : Chipley (1, UF) ; 2 mi E Chipley (1, USNM) ; Crystal Lake (1, AMNH) ; Redbay (1, AMNH) ; Vernon (2, AMNH); 2 mi N Vernon (1, USNM); 4 mi N Vernon (1, USNM); 10 mi SW Vernon, Miller's Ferry (1, USNM). REGION E (11 specimens) — Franklin Co. : St. James Island (1, UF) . Gadsden Co. : Chattahoochee (2, USNM); E of Concord, 1 mi W Ochlockonee River along Hwy. 12 (2, TTRS ; 2, USNM); 5 mi W, 2 mi N Havana (=0.2 mi W Ochlockonee River on Hwy. 12) (2, UGA). Liberty Co. : Hosford (1, UF) ; Rock Bluff (1, TTRS). REGION F (51 specimens) --Jefferson Co.: 3 mi S Lloyd (1, UF) ; Monticello (1, USNM); 2.8 mi W Monticello (1, UF) ; Waukeenah (1, UF) ; 2 mi N Waukeena (1, UF) . Leon Co. : Tallahassee, West Campus (1, FSU) ; FSU Dairy Farm Pasture (Tallahassee) (7, FSU) ; 3 mi E Tallahas- see (1, UF); 1/4 mi N Hwy. 371, 1 mi W on 371A (1, FSU); 2 1/2 mi N Tallahassee (2, FSU); 10 mi S Tallahassee, on Adams St. (1, FSU); 10.2 mi S, 4.3 mi E Tallahassee (1, FSU); 7.4 mi SW Tallahassee (1, AS); 7.8 mi SW Tallahassee (2, AS); 5 mi WSW Tallahassee (1, FSU); 1.5 mi N Wakulla, Rt. 363 (1, UGA); 5 mi W Wakulla (1, UF) ; 1 mi N Wakulla Co. line, Hwy. 61 (1, UF) ; 6 mi E Wakulla Springs Hwy. 61 (1, FSU); Woodville (4, UF) ; 4 mi E Woodville (1, AMNH); 2.5 mi E Woodville on Natural Bridge Rd. (4, UF) . Wakulla Co . : Crawfordsville (1, UF) ; Panacea (1, UIMNH) ; 1.7 mi N Wakulla (=0.9 mi S Co. line) (1, UGA); 1 mi S Wakulla Gate (2, FSU); near Wakulla Springs (1, FSU); 0.5 mi S Wakulla Springs (4, FSU); 2 mi S Leon Co. line, Rt. 61 (1, FSU); 3.5 mi S Leon Co. line (2, FSU); US 319 and SRD 61 (1, FSU); Unknown (1, FSU). 240 REGION G (24 specimens)— Dixie Co.: Jena (2, UF) ; Old Town (4, UF; 3, USNM). Lafayette Co. : 4 mi E Alton (1, UF) ; 3 mi W Branford (1, UF) ; 1 mi W Suwannee River, SH 27, near Branford (1, UF); 0.5 mi S jet. Hwys. 250 and 251, near Day (1, UF) . Madison Co. : Lee (2, USNM); Madison (2, USNM); 2 mi W Madison (2, AS). Taylor Co.: 3 mi E Perry (1, UF) ; 4 mi NNW Perry (2, AMNH) ; 5 mi SSE Perry (1, UF) ; 3.5 mi SW Perry (1, AMNH) . REGION H (3 specimens) — Hamilton Co. : 1 mi E Blue Spring (2, UF); 3 mi E Blue Spring (1, UF) . REGION I (1 specimen) --Hamilton Co.: White Springs (1, UF) . REGION J (588 specimens)— Alachua Co.: Archer (6, UF) ; 4.7 mi E Archer (1, UF) ; Gainesville (12, AMNH; 201, UF; 1, MCZ; 1, UM; 4, USNM); 5 mi SW Gainesville (2, UF) ; 8 mi SW Gainesville (2, UF); Kanapaha (2, UF) ; 6 mi E LaCrosse (1, UF) ; 3 mi E Newberry (1, UF) ; 1 mi W Newnan's Lake (3, UF) ; Payne's Prairie (1, UF); San Felasco (1, USNM); Unknown (9, UF) . Baker Co.: Glen St. Mary (1, USNM). Bradford Co. : 0.1 mi S Keystone Heights SR 21 (1, UGA); 2.1 mi S Keystone Heights, SR 21 (2, UGA) ; 2.2 mi S Keystone Heights, SR 21 (1, UGA); 1.9 mi N Co. line, SR 21 (1, UGA); 3.2 mi N Co. line, SR 21 (1, UGA). Clay Co. : 6 mi NE Camp Blanding (1, UF) ; Green Cove Springs (2, UF) ; 0. 7 mi N Keystone Heights (1, UF); 5.8 mi N Keystone Heights, SR 21 (1, UGA); 2.2 mi NE Keystone Heights (1, UF) ; 1 mi NW Keystone Heights (1, UF) ; 2 mi NW Keystone Heights (1, UF) ; 2.5 mi NW Keystone Heights (1, UF) ; 1 mi W Keystone Heights (1, UF) ; Kingsley Lake (6, UF) ; 3 mi 241 SW Middleburg (1, UF) . Columbia Co. : Ellisville (1, UF) ; 0.9 ml E Fort White (1, UGA) ; 1.0 mi E Fort White, SR 18 (1, UGA) ; 1.1 mi E Fort White, SR 18 (1, UGA); 4 mi NW Fort White (1, UF) ; 14 mi N Lake City (1, UF) ; 16 mi N Lake City, US 441 (15, UGA); 5 mi S Lake City (1, UF) ; 4.7 mi N Santa Fe River US 41 (1, UF) ; 1 mi N Co. line, US 27 (1, UGA); 2.3 mi N Co. line, US 27 (1, UGA); 3.5 mi N Co. line, US 41 (1, UGA). Duval Co . : Jacksonville (3, FMNH) ; Jacksonville, N along US Rt. 17 (6, USNM) ; New Berlin (27, MCZ); Oceanway, US 17 (8, USNM); 0.6 mi N firetower, US Rt. 17 (Tisonia) (1, USNM); 13 mi S, 2 mi W Yulee, 1-95 (3, UGA). Gilchrist Co.: 1 mi S Bell (1, UF) ; Trenton (1, UF) . . Lake Co . : Leesburg (27, UF) ; Mascotte (2, UF) ; Mt. Dora (1, UM) ; 1 mi W Okahumpka (1, UGA); Tavares (10, UF) ; 3.1 mi S Tavares (2, AS); 2 mi W Tavares (6, UF) ; 2 mi NW Lake Yale (Umatilla) (4, UF) . Levy Co. : Bronson (2, UF) ; 2.2 mi NE Bronson (1, UF) ; 9 mi S Chiefland (2, UF) ; Lebanon Station (1, UF) ; 18 mi SW Otter Creek, Rt. 24 (1, UF); Sumner (9, UF) ; 2 mi NE Williston (1, UF) ; Wylly (2, UF) ; 6 mi SW Wylly (1, UF) . Marion Co. : Camp Roosevelt, Ocala National Forest (3, UF) ; 1.5 mi E Dunnellon (2, UF) ; 1.6 mi E Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 4.4 mi E Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 4.5 mi E Dunnellon (1, UF); 4.6 mi E Dunnellon (2, UF) ; 4.9 mi E Dunnellon (2, UF) ; 5 mi E Dunnellon (1, UF); 5.3 mi E Dunnellon (2, UF) ; 5.7 mi E Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 9 . 3 mi E Dunnellon (3, UF) ; Lake Bryant Ranger Sta., Ocala National Forest (18, USNM); 1.3 mi W Lynne (3, AS); 3 mi W Orange Springs, Hwy. 318 (3, UF) ; 7 mi W Salt Springs (1, 242 UF) ; 7 mi E Silver Springs (1, UF) ; E of Withlacoochee River (3,UF). Nassau Co.: Chester (1, USNM) ; Crandall (11, USNM) ; 6 mi NW Hilliard (1, UF) ; Raser's Bluff (7, AMNH) ; Reed's Bluff (1, AMNH); Rose Bluff, St. Mary's River (2, MCZ) ; 1.6 mi S St. Mary's River, US 1 (2, UF) ; Yulee (1, UF) ; 1.0 mi E Yulee, Rt. 200A (1, USNM); 1.8 mi E Yulee, Rt. A1A (1, USNM); 1.2 mi E Yulee, Rt. 200A (1, USNM); 2 mi E Yulee (2, UGA) ; 2.4 mi E Yulee, Rt. 200A (1, USNM); 2.5 mi E Yulee, Rt. 200A (1, USNM); 3 mi E Yulee (1, UGA); 3.6 mi E Yulee (1, UGA); Yulee, 1.35 mi NE A1A, C220A (2, UGA); Yulee, 1.4 mi NE A1A, C220A (1, UGA); 2 mi S Yulee (4, AS). Orange Co.: 1 mi N Fort Christmas (1, UF) ; Lockhart (1, UF) ; 1.5 mi NE Lockhart (1, UF) ; 1.5 mi SE Lockhart (1, UF) ; Orlando (2, MCZ; 1, USNM); Tangerine (2, UF) ; Winterpark (1, UF) ; Zellwood, Bay Ridge Blvd. (2, MSU) . Osceola Co. : 5 mi N Kenansville (2, AMNH); 7 mi N Kenansville (2, AMNH; 2, UF) ; 9 mi N Kenansville (2, UF) ; 11 mi N Kenansville (2, UF) ; Mahaw (2, UF) ; Nittaw (1, UF) ; St. Cloud (2, UF). Putnam Co . : 5 mi NE Hawthorne (1, UF) ; W side Levy Prairie (1, UF) ; 2.5 mi S Melrose (1, UF) ; Palatka (2, UF; 1, MCZ); 5 mi W Palatka (1, UF) . Seminole Co. : Fern Park (1, UF) ; Forest City (1, UF); Geneva (2, USNM). Sumter Co.: Wildwood (14, AMNH; 1, UM); 9 mi S Wildwood (1, UGA); SR 470, 3.5 mi W US 301 (1, UGA); SR 470, 4 mi W US 301 (1, UGA); SR 470, between SR 33 and US 301 (2, UGA). Suwannee Co. : 0.4 mi E Suwannee River, SH 27 (near Branford) (1, UF) ; 0.8 mi E Suwannee River, SH 27 (near Branford) (2, UF) ; Falmouth (5.7 mi E Suwannee RR Sta. , Rt. US 90) (1, UF) ; Live Oak (1, UF) ; 12 mi W Live Oak, US 90 (1, UGA); 2.5 mi W Co. 243 line, US 90 (1, UGA) ; 24 mi W co. line, US 90 (2, VGA); 25 mi W co. line, US 90 (4, UGA). Union Co. : E Lake Butler (3, UF); 3 mi E Lake Butler (1, UF) ; 0.9 mi N co. line, SR 100 (2, UGA). REGION K (165 specimens) --Citrus Co.: Citronelle (2, MCZ) ; 3.4 mi E Dunnellon (2, UF) ; 5 mi E Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 1.4 mi SE Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 1.7 mi SE Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 2 mi SE Dunnellon (1, UF); 2.2 mi SE Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 2.3 mi SE Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 2.6 mi SE Dunnellon (2, UF) ; 4.2 mi SE Dunnellon (2, UF) ; 5.2 mi SE Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 5.3 mi SE Dunnellon (1, UF) ; 9 mi SW Dunnellon (1, UF); 6 mi W Dunnellon, SR 488 (2, UGA); 7 mi W Dunnellon, SR 488 (1, UGA); Inverness (1, USNM) ; 7 mi S Inverness (1, UF) ; Trenton (1, UF) ; S of Withlacoochee River (1, UF) . DeSoto Co. : 4 mi NW Arcadia (1, AS); 8 mi NW Arcadia (1, AS). Hardee Co. : Wauchula (2, AMNH; 1, UF) . Hernando Co. : Bayport (1, UF) ; Coogler's Camp (1, UF); Weekiwachee Springs (2, AMNH); 1.4 mi W US 19 and Fla. 50 (1, UF). Hillsborough Co.: Dug Creek (1, UF) ; Plant City (3, UF) ; Tampa, Univ. of South Florida Campus (5, UF; 26, USF) ; 19.5 mi N Tampa, SR 587 (5, UGA); Wimauma (4, AMNH). Manatee Co. : Sullivan's Bridge (1, UF) ; Jet. Hwys. 64 and 675, N side Manatee River (1, UF) ; Unknown (1, UF) . Pasco Co. : New Port Richey (5, AMNH); 5 mi E New Port Richey (9, USNM); SW corner of co. (3, UF) . Pinellas Co. : Bellaire (5, UF; 2, MCZ); Clearwater (8, UF) ; 9 mi N Clearwater, Wall Springs (1, UF) ; 1 mi N Davis Causeway (3, UF) ; Dunedin (2, UF; 1 UM) ; Safety Harbor (2, UF) ; St. Petersburg (4, MCZ; 1, USNM); Tarpon Springs (4, AMNH; 1, UM; 12, USNM); Tarpon Springs Golf Course (2, AS); 1/2 mi N, 1 mi E Tarpon Springs (1, AMNH); 2 mi N, 244 1 mi E Tarpon Springs (1, AMNH) ; Unknown (1, UF) . Polk Co. : Auburndale (1, UF; 7, USNM) ; 3.2 mi N Bartow (2, UGA) ; 1 mi NE Davenport (8, AMNH); 1.5 mi NE Davenport (12, AMNH); Along Hwy. 27, 0.6 mi N jet. Rd. 547, near Davenport (1, UF) ; Along Hwy. 27, 0.6 mi S jet. Rd. 547, near Davenport (1, UF) ; Along Rd. 547, 0.3 mi E jet. Hwy 27, near Davenport (1, UF) ; Along Rd. 547, 0.6 mi W jet. Hwy. 27, near Davenport (1, UF) ; Fort Meade (1, AMNH); Frostproof (3, UF); Lake Juliana (1, USNM); 2 mi S Lake Wales, US 27 (1, UGA); 1 mi S Polk City (1, UF) ; 5 mi S Winter Haven (1, UF) . REGION L (37 specimens) — DeSoto Co.: Arcadia (3, USNM); N of Arcadia (1, UF) ; Fort Ogden (1, UF) . Hardee Co.: S Zolfo Springs (1, UF) ; 5.4 mi W co. line, Hwy. 66, E of Zolfo Springs (3, UF) ; 5.5 mi W co. line (5, UGA). Highlands Co. : DeSoto City (13, AMNH); 7 mi N Lake Placid (1/4 mi N Josephine Creek) (2, UF) ; Sebring (5, CMNH); 1 mi N Sebring (1, SSC) ; SE corner (T34S, R29E, Sec 20) (2, SSC). REGION M (122 specimens) --Brevard Co.: Eau Gallie (5, AMNH; 1, DMNH; 4, UF; 1, KU; 12, MCZ; 2, AS). Duval Co.: 4 mi W Atlantic Beach (1, UF) ; 1 mi NW Bayard, Hwy. 1 (3, TTU) ; 2 mi W Bayard (1, UF); 6 mi SE Jacksonville (1, UF) ; Mandarin (1, UF) ; 1/2 mi N St. Johns-Duval Co. line (= 1 mi E Mandarin) (1, UF) . Flagler Co.: 0.3 mi S St. Johns Co. line, US 1 (1, UF) ; 0.5 mi S St. Johns Co. line, US 1 (1, UF) . Putnam Co. : S of Crescent City, US 17 (2, UGA); 13 mi S Palatka, US 17 (2, UGA); Pomona (Park?) (4, USNM); San Mateo (8, UF) ; 2 mi E San Mateo (1, USNM); 5 mi NE San Mateo (5, USNM); Satsuma (6, UF) ; 8 mi S Satsuma (1, UGA); Silver Lake 245 (2, AS; 2, UM) ; Welaka (7, UF) ; Welaka, Univ. Conservation Reserve (2, UF) . St. Johns Co. : 13 mi N Bunnell (2, AMNH) ; 14 mi N Bunnell (1, AMNH); Carterville (21, MCZ) ; St. Augustine (3, UF) ; 4 mi S St. Augustine (1, UF) ; 6 mi S St. Augustine (1, UF) ; Switzerland (1, UF) ; 1 mi N Flagler Co. line (1, UF) ; 1.75 mi N Flagler Co. line (1, UF) . Volusia Co. : Barberville (1, AMNH; 1, UF); DeLand (1, UF) ; DeLeon Springs (3, AMNH); Enterprise (1, AMNH); New Smyrna (1, DMNH) ; Pierson city limits, US 17 (4, UGA) ; 5 of Seville, US 17 (1, UGA). APPENDIX C FOSSIL MATERIAL EXAMINED AND ANALYZED All specimens listed below are left or right mandibles with or without cheekteeth; essentially all specimens contain at least a portion of the lower incisor. The list is presented in an alphabetical scheme arranged in a chronological framework. All material is housed in the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection of the Florida State Museum, University of Florida (UF) unless other- wise noted. USNM refers to material borrowed from the United States National Museum. The total number of dentary specimens examined for a site is indicated after the site name. Oftentimes, one catalogue number identifies. a series of specimens; much of the material is uncatalogued. IRVINGTONIAN— Coleman II (16 specimens): 11660-11664, 11666- 11675, 15001. Inglis IA (231 specimens): uncatalogued. RANCHOLABREAN (Sangamonian) — Arredondo IA, IB, IIA, IIB (28 specimens): 12632, 12633, 12666, 12667; others uncatalogued. Haile VIIIA, XIB, XIIIA, XIIIB, XIV, XX (36 specimens): 3271, 3272, 12754, 13041, 13074, 13083, others uncatalogued. Kendrick IA (4 specimens): 2658. Reddick IA, IIC (68 specimens): 2534, others uncatalogued. RANCHOLABREAN (Wisconsin) — Haile XIV (3 specimens): 13078, 16142, 16144. Ichetucknee River (17 specimens): 1619, 13940, V-4886, others uncatalogued. Melbourne 2 (4 specimens): 246 247 2 uncatalogued (UF) , 91826 (USNM) , 1 uncatalogued (USNM) . Seminole Field (4 specimens): V-4020, V-4020A, 2 uncatalogued. Vero 2 (1 specimen): W 545. Waccasassa River (3 specimens): 16349, 1 uncata- logued. RANCHOLABREAN (Holocene) --Devil's Den (11 specimens): 12885, 12888-12890, 13431, 16792. RANCHOLABREAN (stage uncertain) — Eichelberger Cave (1 specimen): 2504. Maximo Moorings (3 specimens): uncatalogued. St. Petersburg (5 specimens): uncatalogued. Wade ' s Cave (1 specimen): 10320. RECENT (Holocene) — Vero 3 (1 specimen): W 444. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Kenneth T. Wilkins was born to Roy Allen and Gwendolyn Browne Wilkins on 28 August 1953 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He and Christine Nasie were married on 17 November 1979 in Gainesville, Florida. He took the Bachelor of Science degree in general biology in December 1974 at the University of Texas at Arlington where he was elected a member of Alphi Chi National Honor Scholastic Society. He earned the Master of Science degree in wildlife and fisheries sciences at Texas A&M University in August 19 77 where he was elected to the honor societies Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Sigma. He has worked towards the Doctor of Philosophy degree in zoology since September 1977 at the University of Florida where he was elected member of Sigma Xi , the scientific research society. His permanent mailing address is 806 Red Oak Lane, Arlington, Texas 76012. 248 I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissert^ the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, S . David Webb , Chairman Professor of Zoology I certify that I have read this, study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards' of rscho,larly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and qualitW, as] a dissertation the degree of Doctor of Philosoph Charles A. Woods Professor of Zoology I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Jonathan Reiskind Associate Professor of Zoology I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. <-, , », Stephen R. Humphrey Associate Professor of Forest Resources and Conservation This dissertation was submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Department of Zoology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and to the Graduate Council, and was accepted as partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. May 1982 Dean for Graduate Studies and Research UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08553 1639