' v^ N THE CUSTODY OF THE BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. F SHELF N° ^^ADAiilb l>J-!.l v. I :■ V'ir'::^iri' SYSTEM OF VEGETABLES, ACCORDING TO THEIR CLASSES ORDERS GENERA SPECIES WITH THEIR CHARACTERS and DIFFERENCES. TRANSLATED FROM THE THIRTEENTH EDITION (As PUBLISHED BY Dr. MURRAY ) OF T H E SYSTEMA VEGETABILIUM OF THE LATE PROFESSOR L I N N E U Sj AND FROM THE SUPPLEMENTUM PLANTARUM OF THE PRESENT PROFESSOR L I N N E U S. — ^^-^— — — — ^— ~— ^— — — — — — ^■^— — — — — — ^— — ^— ^ — -• — — ^ By A Botanical Society, at LICHFIELD. LICHFIELD: Printed by John Jackson, for Leigh and SoTHEBY, York Street, Covent Garden, LONDON. M DCCLXXXII, J \n y twin ; and the fame of the other numerals* 1 hough fome of the compound words above mentioned are perhaps rather warped from their ufual fignifica- tions, yet the fame objection lies againft the correfpon- dent original ones of Linneus. His words are indeed not claffical, the^/ are not to be found in the works of Cicero, but they might have been, as Mr. RoufTeau well obfcrves, had Cicero written a Syilem of Botany. The PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. ix. The fecond difficulty was, whether fome of thefe compound words fhouid be ulea as adje^ives or zs p ar- ticiples pf^Jjive ', as in fome of them the fignification differs with this difference of their conftrucftion ; thus a thread-jorm flowerftem is one every where of equal thicknels hke a thread, i")Ut a thread-jormed^h^^x^^m would mean one formed of thread ; (o axe Jonn means of the form of an axe, but axc-Jormed v/ould mean formed by an axe ; a threejold gii ment means a tripple garment, but a three-jolded garment would mean thrice folded ; a threejoot rule is one of the length of three feet, but a three-footed ftool is one having three feet. After much deliberation, and by the advice of our ino-enious friends we at length refolved to ufe thefe words, and. a few others adj .^ctively ; becaufe their precife fignification was thus better afcertained, and they became more euphonious from their being lefs loaded with conlonants, and our language affords many inftances of compound words of fimilar conftruc- tion. Thus a grit-done wall, a hair-breadth fcape, a broad-cloth coat, foot-path way, fmall-tooth comb, one-horfe cha'r, tvvo-man beetle, three-f ot rule, four-mile flone, five-card loo, fix-penny loaf, ten- pound weight, twenty-fhiliing bill, fifty-gun (hip; to thefe may be added the words uniform, multiform, two-fold, manifold, blindfold ; and the words com- pounded with like, wife, full, and fome; as ca(lle-like, crofs-wife, fpoonful, burthen fome ; all which are -ufedas adjed:ives either in familiar con verfation, or by refpedable writers. By this aptnefs of our language in compounding variety of words, we flatter ourfelves that v/e have been able to exprefs in fome inftances the meaning of our author, as explained and defined by himfelf or by X. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. by his pupils, with greater precifion thaa the latin language would allow; thus the word ^entata B^ppVicd to a root fignifies teethlike, applied to leaves it means toothed \ the word end-nicked gives a more accurate idea than the word emarginatim, the ^NO^d%fouth -turned than adverfum, and one-ranked ih^nfecunda-, the latin words biternatum and triternatum either mf^wtwice and thrice t\ioi^ numbers, or xki^:, fquare zxid cube of them, zxidi hidentatum having two teeth, or two Jets of teeth. Hence we truft that our tranflation will thus refled the very image of the original; but, as happens in fome optical experiments, with greater diltinftnefs, and brighter illumination. We have further to add, that to render this work more extenfively ufeful and compleat, we have not only tranHated the SYSTEMA VEGETABILIUM pub- lifhed by Dr. Murray from the papers of the deceafed LiNNEUS, containing one hundred and nineteeen ad- ditional Genera, and variety of Species and alterations; but have been favoured with a part of a new work now publifhing by the prefent Dr. Ltnneus, termed Sup^ flementum Plarztarum, which will defcribe ninety four new Genera, with many additional Species : the effen- tial Charaders of which we have interwoven m our tranflation in their proper places. The prefent ingen- ious Profeffor has indeed made one alteration m the ClafTes in this nev/ work ; and that is, the omiflion of the clafs Polvgamia, as far as his additional Genera ex- tend, which are principally plants from Surinam, and fome from Africa. Thefe he has placed m the other Clafles, according to their fexual diftrnftions; m which we have copied him. The Botanic Terms and Definitions tranf- kted from the Thefis of Dr. Elmgren, we had once PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. xi. once arranged in the form of an alphabetical Glof- fary; but we perceived, that by removing the terms from under their proper heads, their definitions became much more difficult; for the fame adjundt has fre- quently five or fix different meanings according to the fubjed: to which it is referred. We have there- fore preferved the ingenious arrangement of the o- riginal, and added an Alphabetical Index ^ by which any word may be referred to under each of its figni- fications. To thefe we have fubjoined the Plates from the Philofophia Botanica, fo that we hope by thefe means to prefent the pubHc in our native tongue the moil compleat edition yet extant in one work of the celebrated Sexual System. Of that Syftem which hitherto like the Bible in catholic countries, has been locked up in a foreign language, accefliible only to the learned few, the Prieils of Flora, whilft the gardiner, the herb-gatherer, the druggifl:, the farmer, and all who are concerned in cultivating the various tribes of vegetation, in deted:ing their native habitations, or in vending or confuming their produd:s, could by no indufl:ry arrive at that Syftem, v. hich they wifhed to attain, and were capable of enlarging. It remains only, that we fhould here make our moft grateful acknowledgements to the President of the Royal Society, who with his ufual liberality allowed us the ufe of his Botanic Library ; to Dr. LiNNEUs, the prefent Botanic Profeflx)r at Upfaly for fupplying us with a part of his Supplementum Plantarum, before the whole was publifhed ; to that great Mafter of the englifh tongue Dr. Samuel Johnson, for his advice in the formation of the botanic language ; and for variety of opinion, remark, and affiftance, to the learned Professors of Botany in the xli. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. the Univerfities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Ed- inburgh; Dr. SiBTHORPE; Rev. T. Martin; Dr, Hope ; Mr. Wheeler, Botanic L^Murer to the Apothecaries Company , Mr. Foxlky, Pre/ident of the Botanical Society, at Mane heft er ; Dr. Poultney, F. R. S. Author of a General View of the Writings of LiNNEUS ; Mr. W. Hudson, Author of the Flora Anglica-, Rev. J. Lightfoot, Author of the F/^r^ Scotica; Mr. Lee, Author of the Introdudiion to Bo- tany \ the learned and ingenious Ladies Mrs. Eg- erton, Oulton-Park, Chefldire -, Mrs. Blackburnk, Or ford 9 Lancajloire \ and Mrs. Cummins, Kenfmgton. Drs. Duncan and Hutton, Edinburgh ; Dr. Per- civAL, Manckejier \ Dr. Oakes, Mansfield-, John PiTCHFORD, und John Crowe, Efqrs. Norwich; R. Calvkrt, Efq; Lincoln S" Inn-, Rev. Dr. Good- enough, Ealing; John Sneyd, Efq; Bebnotint, Staf- fordjhire ; Dr. Aldrich, Cocklow, Not I inghamJJjire ; Dr. Evans, Shrewflrary ; Rev. G. Jackson, Penny- bridge, Lancajh, Rev. Mr. Davy, Milham, Norfolk ; T. Woodward, ^(c{; Bungay, Suffolk; Johni Hough- ton, Efq; Baguley, Chejhire ; Rev. Mr. Dickinson, Blymhill, Staff'ordlhire; Mr. Wm Alexander, Hali- fax; Rev. W. Pashly, Balbro\ DerbjJJnre ; and many other of the learned and ingenious. ^?l,c^ BOTA'NIC BOTANIC TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. XV, t BOTANIC TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. ROOT, (radix) an organ nourifhing the plant. Duration* Annual, (annua) periflilng with the year. 2 Biennial, (biennis) flowering another year and then perlfhing. 3 Perennial, (peremiis) flourifhing again through many years. Figure. 4 Fibrous, (fibrofa) confiding intirely of threads, 5 Branchy, (ramofa) fubdivided into fibres. 6 ^pindle-for??i, (fufiforrnis) fimphfh tapering. n End-bitten, (pr^morfa) as if lop'd at the point. 8 Creeping, (repens) running fome length and then budding. 9 Joifited, (articulata) intercepted with joints. 10 Teeth-like, (dentata) necklace-form, with joints chained together. 11 Globular, (globofa) roundifh (156) with lateral rootlets. 12 Tuberous, (tuber ofa) flefhy parts connected at the bafe by a thread. 13 Fafcicled, (fafcicularis) flefhy parts conne6led at a feilile (148) bafe. 14 Handed, (pahnata) flefliy lobed. (182) 15 Bulbous, (bulbofa) furnifhed with a bulb, (652) J 6 Granulated, (granulata) befprlnkled with flelhy particles. TRUNK, (truncus) an organ multiplying the plant. Kinds. 17 Stem, (caulis) a trunk elevating the fru£l:ilication and leaves, 18 Cuhn, (culmus) appropriated to grafl^es. 19 Scape, (fcapus) elevating the fru6tificati on, but not the leaves, 20 Stipe^ (fl'^P^^) ^ trunk becoming leaves, * c 2 Duration xvi. BOTANICTERMS Duration. 21 Herhaceou^ (herbaceus) certainly annual (not woody). J2 So?newhat-j%ruhby\ ^fu^ruticofus) permanent at the bafe, the yearly branches withering. 23 Shrubby^ (fruticofus) perennial with many ftocks. 24 ArborefceyiU (arboreus) perennial with a limple ftock. Substance. 25 Solid^ (folidus) fil ed full within. 26 Empty ^ (inan'is) ipungy internally with pith. 27 Piped^ (filhi'ofus) moeiar witiiin. Direction. 28 Ere5i^ {ere.rtus) railing itHfif almof} perpendicularly, 29 Straight^ ( ftrklus) quite perpendicular without bending, 30 Rigid, (rigidus) impatient of^xure. 31 Flexible, (laxus) eafily bent into a bow. 32 Obliqiiey (ohliqiius) between a perpendicular and horizontal line. 33 Jfcending, (afcendens) archwife upwards. 34 Declined^ (dedinatus) defcending archwife. 35 Incurvate, (iticurvatus) nodding upwards. 36 Nodding, (nutans) bent down outward from the top. 37 Spreading, (diffufus) with expanding branchlets. 38 Procumbent, [procumhem) weak, fupported on the earth. 39 Stole-bearing, ( Jioloniferus) giving out felons from the root. 40 Sarmsnious, (farmentofus) thread-form with root-ilricking branches^ 41 Creeping, (repens) lying on the earth and ftriking roots. 42 Rooting, (radicans) fixing itfelf by deep lateral roots. 43 Knotted, (geniculatus) intercepted by knots. 44 JVinding, (flexuofus) bend -ng from bud to bud this way and that. 45 Climbing, (fcandens) rlfmg high, fuftained on others. 46 Twining, (volubilis) afcending fpirally by other bodies. From the right, (dextrorfum) to the left. From the left, {fmiftrorjum) to the right. Figure. 47 Columnar, (^^^r^;j without angles. 48 S3micolu?nnar, ffe?mtercs) flat on one fide, round ifli on the other. 49 Coynprejffed, (comprejfus) the two opofite fides flat. 50 Two-edged, (anceps) the two oppofite angles rather acute. ' 51 Angled, (angulatm) grooved longitudinally with more than t-wq hollow angles. Acuteangular, (acutangnlus) from the figure of the angles. 52 Tfree-corner^d, trigonus) with three prominent longitudinal angles, 53 Fhree-fiUed, (triqueter) v/ith three fides exadlly flat, Cloathing AND DEFINITIONS. xvii. Cloathing. 54. Naksd^ fwwiw.c; opofed to the 5 following (55. 56. 57. 58. 59.) 55 Leajiefsy (aphyllus) deftitute of leaves. 56 Leafy y (foliatus) furnifhed with leaves. 57 Sheathed (vaginatus) furrounded with Iheaths of leaves. 58 Scaly ^ ffqua?mfus) fprinkled with fcales. 59 Imbricated^ (imbricatus) covered fo as not to appear naked. Surface. 60 Corkyy (fuberofus) cloathed with an exterior bark, fofter but not elaftic 61 Chinky^ (rimfw) fpoiitaneoudy fonning cracks in the exterior bark* 62 Coated^ (tunicatus) cloathed with membranes. 6 . Foli'h'd^ (lisms) with an equal furface. 64 S.riated^ (flriahis) engraved wit 1 very fine hollow lines, 65 FurroLud^ (fidcatus) ploughed with deep lines. 66 Smooth^ (glaber) 2 1 3. 67 Ruggedly (Jcaber) 240. 68 Murex'd, (muricatus) fprinkled with awl-fhape points. 69 Dnvnyy (to/nentofus) 235. 70 Villous y (\jiu0fu5} 234. 7^ Hiftudy (hifpidiis) 241. 72 Prickly^ ■^accidentus) 1\1* 73 Thorny^ (fpinofus) ^rmed with fpines. 384. '74 Stingingy (urens) fprinkled with Rings. 391, 75 Stipuledy (Jlipulatm) having ftipules. 291. 76 ?Aemb^anoiiSy (membranatus) R^ittenQdVikQ ^le^t. J J Bulb-bearingy (bulbifcrus) producing bulbs, 65 J. Structure. 78 Knotlefsy (', (labium) is often ufed for the lower lip of a grinnins; coroj. 567 Throaty (faux) the opening between the divifions of the corol where the tube ends. 568 Ma/k'd^ (perfcnata) grinning (565) but with the palate clofed between the lips. 569 Croji'd^ (c7'uciata) expanding with four equal petals. 570 Concave^ (concava) (246.) 571 Expanding^ (patens) (131.) 572 Papilionaceus^ (papiUotiacea) irregular, with the inferior petal boat- form, [the keel) (carina) the upper one afcending,^//;^ banner)(vexillum) the lateral ones folitary, (the wings) (alee.) 573 Compound., (compofita) confifting of many florets with a common perianth, upon a common receptacle. 574 Ligmate^ (ligulata) all the corollets of the florets flat towards the outward fide. 575 Tubular., (tubuhfa) all the coioUets of the florets tubular nearly equal. 576 Radicated., (radiata) the corollets of the :diflc tubular, but thofe of the circumference mif- fhapen ligulate. The colour is to be noted. 577 Ne£fary^ (ne^ariimi) the honey bearing part proper to the flower. 578 Proper^ (propraun) diftina from the petals and other parts. 579 On the petal., (petalinum) from its infer tion on the petals. 580 STAMEN. (Jlamen) an organ for the preparation of the duft. ' 581 Filament., T/^-^^Tz^^^fz^;;?; the part elevating and conneaing the anther, conftituting the male, 582 Equal., (csqualia) having the fame length. 583 Unequal^ (inesqualia) fome larger fome lefs. ^ 584 Conjoin' d.^ (connata) many joined into one. 585 Anther., (anthera) a part of the flower big with dull:, which when m>ature it fcatters. '^ 586 Bijlina., (dijlin£lcs) net cohering toge- ther. 587 Conjoin d., (connata) many joined int^ one. 588 Duji XXXVI. BOTANIC TERMS 588 /)»/?, (pollen) the dull of the flower, to be burft by moifture, throwing out elaftic atoms, the origin of the plant. 589 PISTIL, (pijiillum) an organ adhering to tlie fru t for the reception of the duft, couftituting the female. 590 Germ^ f^^r/zz^wj the rudiment of the imma- ture fruit in the flower. 591 Above ^ (fuperum) included in the corol. 592 Beneath^ [infer um) placed beneath the corol. 593 ^O'^^J (J^y^^O P^r^ of t^^ ^i^\\ elevating the ftigma from the germ. 594 Stig?na^ (Ji^g^^^) the top of the pifl:il, moift with fluid. 595 PERICARP, (/>mf^r^/«;7zj an organ of the plant big with feeds which when mature it fcatters. 596 Capfule^ (capfula) a hollow pericarp gaping in a determinate manner. 597 Valvlet^ [valvula) the coat, by which the fruit is covered externally, 598 Cell^ (lccula7Jientf/?n)- 2. hollow chamber as a place for the feeds. 599 Partition^ (dijfepimentum) the wall by which the fruit is divided internally in- to many chambers. 600 Two-capfuled^ (bicapfularis) from the number of the capfules. 601 TwG-celFd^ (hilocularis) from the num- ber of the cells. 602 Three-grain' d^ (tricocca) a capfule pro- tuberant with thre^ knots, and divided within into three cePs. 603 Twin, (didyma) a capfule gibbous with two knots. 604 Silique^ (fdiqua) a two-valve pericarp, the feeds being; fixed alono- the futures. 605 Co?nprefs'dy (co7npre(]a) the oppofite fides approacliing near together. 606 Protuberant^ (torulofa) here and there gibbous with prominent parts. 607 "Jointed, {articulate) intercepted with tight knots, .- ' " 608 Parallel AND DEFINITIONS. xxxvil, 608 Parallel partition^ (parallelum diffepimen- turn) approaching the valvelets by its breadth and by itstranfverfe diameter. 609 Tranjverfe partition^ (tronfuerftim dijje- pimentujii) narrower where the con- trailed valvelets become concave. 610 Legume (legunwn) 2. tv/o-v?iWd pericarp, the feeds being fixed along one fide only. 61 1' Intercepted with ijlhmnfes^ (ijihnls inter ^ ceptum) divided tranfverlly within into various cells. 612 Folicle^ {foliculus) a one-valve pericarp, ga- ping longitudinally on one fide, the feeds not being fix'd to the future. 613 Drupe, {drupa) a valvelefs fillM pericarp. containins; a nut. 614 Juicy, [fucculenta) containing a fluid. 615 Dry, (ficca) oppofed to the preceding. 616 Pome, [po?num) a valvelefs filled pericarp con- taining a capfuie. 617 Berry, {hacca) a valvelefs fill'd pericarp, con- taining feeds, in other refpecls naked. 618 Nidulant, (nidulantia) feeds fpread through the pulp. 61 9 Strobile, [Jirobilus) formM of an ament, with hardened fcales. 620 SEED, (femen) the rudiment of the new plant. 621 Hile, (^/;/7z//;z J the external fear of a feed, where it was fixed in the fruit. 622 Corcle or Heart, (corculurn) the rudiment of the new plant within the feed. Plumelet, (plumula) ipzrt of thQ corcle fcaly, afcen- A ding. Rojlel, or Beak, (roftellum) part of the corcle fim- pie defcending. Cotyledon, (cotyledon) the lateral body of the feed bi- bulous falling off. 623 Crown, (corona) a calycle adhering on its top, by which it fiys, 624 Pappus, {pappus) a feathery, or hairy fly- ing crown. • 625 Stipcd, (Jlipitatus) by a thread elevating and connedting the tuft and feed. * F 626 Capillary xxxviii. BOTANIC TERMS 626 Capillary y (capillar is) with un- branch'd hairs. 627 Feathery^ (plmncfus) confifting of feathery hairs. 628 Tail^ (cauda) a feed terminated by a thread. 629 Hock^ (haffius) by which it adheres to animals. 630 Calycle-i ( <:^/yc-«/z/j J the proper cover of the feed. 631 Nut^ (nux) a feed covered with a bony cuticle 632 Aril^ (arillus) the proper exterior coat of the feed falling ofF fpontaneoufly. 633 RECEPTACLE, (receptaculum) the bafe by which the parts of the fructification are connected. 634 Common^ (cofnmune) containing many flowers and their fruit. 635 Dotted, (punSfatwn) (^nn\i\tAvnih\io\\oyf dots. 636 Hairy, (pilofum) (239.) 637 Chaffy, (pakaceum) dividing the florets by interpofed fcales. 638 Flat, (planum) (244.) 639 Convex, [convexum) (247.) 640 Conical, (conicu77i) round tapering towards the top. 641 AivVd, (fuhulatum) (267.) 642 CoTHpoundfloiver, (compofitus flos) v/\th?i broad intire receptacle and with feflile florets. 643 Aggregate flower, (aggregatus flos) with a broad receptacle, with florets fubpetioled, 644 Umbel, (umhella) a receptacle eloHgated from one center into thread-form pro- portional peduncles. 645 Simple, (fimplex) all the pedun- cles arifmg from one and the fame receptacle. 646 Compound^ (compoftta) all the peduncles bearing umbellets on their tops. 647 Vniverjal, (univerjalis) com- pofed of many Ample ones. 648 Partial;, AND DEFINITIONS. xxxix. 648 Partial^ (partialis) an umbellet part of an univerfal one. 649 Proliferous^ [proltfera) an um- bel more than decompoun- ded. 650 Cymey (cyma) a receptacle elongated In- to level-top'd peduncles, from the fame univerfal centre, but with the partial ones uncertain. 651 Rachisy (rachis) a thread-form recepta- cle connecting the florets longitudinally into a fpike. 652 5/»^^/V (j^^^zVj the receptacle of a PALM coming out of a fpathe, divided into fhrubby branchlets. 653 BULB, (hulbus) the hybernacle of the plant from the rudiments of the paft leaves. 654 Solidy (folidus) fleftiy, undivided within. 655 Coatedy (tunicatus) a bulb with coat upon coat. 656 Scaled^ (fquamatus) w\iW\mhnc2XQA fcales. 557 Stem-lulby (caulinus) growing on the ftem. peiiole-bulby (petlolaris) (rom the rudi- ments of a petiole. Jliptde-bulby (Jlipularh) made from a ftipu'e. cortical^ (corticalts) from the films of the bark. leaf'bulby (foliarls) containing leaves, not flowers. jloral-bidb^ (fioralis) containing flowers , not leaves. common^ (cGm?nums) containing both leaves r.nd flowers. 658 BUD, (gemma) the hybernacle of a plant from the rudiments of future leaves. 659 VERNATION, [vernatio) the difpofitlon of the leaves in the bud, (658.) 660 CondupUcate^ (condttpUcata) the fides of the leaves applied parallel to each other. 661 Convolute^ (convoluta) fpiral like a paper-tone. 662 Involute^ (involuta) the edges fpirally turned in on the upper farface on both fides. * F 2 663 Eqnitafit^ xl. BOTANIC TERMS. 663 Equltant, (equitantia) approaching with their oppo- fite margins, fo that one includes the other. 664 Obmlute, (obvoluta) with refpe6l to the upper fur- face v/ith the fides approaching, fo that each fide fnews a different leaf. 665 Platted, fp/zV^/w;?zj bent into various folds.^ 666 SptraU (clrcinnals) bent into a tranfverfe fpiral line, fo that the point is in the center. MEASURES. 667 A Line, (linearis) the breadth of a moonlet, at the root of the fin- ger nail, (not the thumb.) 668 Half an Inch, ( unguicularis) length 0Un2.1L 669 Jn inch, f/)o///rrtn5; length of the laft joint of the thumb. 6-^0 /^^^7z^, ('/)^/77z^mj the len2;th of the breadth of the hand. 671 Six inches, (fpithamaus) the fpace between the points of the thumb and the firft fin2;er when extended. 672 J Span, (do^ranialis) the fpace between the points of the thumb and iea(t finger when extended. 673 J Foot, (pedalis) from the bend of the elbow to the bafe ol the thumb. 674 Sixfeety ('or^>^//5j thelength ofaman. INDEX. sell* N D E X. ABBREVIATED 509, Above 514, 591 Abruptly 282 Acutanglar 57 Acute 207, 511 Adjoin'd 149, 310, 334 Ag2;regate flower 643 Alternate 94, 113, 412, 282 Ament 542 Angled 51 Annual i Anther 585 Append aged 313 Apprefs'd 130, 419 Approximated 122, 550 Arborefcent 24 Aril 632 Arifing 133, 316 Arms 294 Arrow'd 177, 339 Afcending 33, 427 Awl'd 267, 337, 641 Awn 534 Awnlefs 535 Awny 168 Axeform 269 Axillary iii, 348, 386, 407. B Banner 257 Barb 36^ Beard 359 Bearded 238 Behind the Leaf 326, 411 Before the Leaf 327, 410 Bell'd 562 Bellied 467 Beneath 515, 592 Berry 617 Biennial 2 ' Bladder 371 Bulb-bearing 77 Border 556 Bowing 422 Bracle 295 Bracked 443, 452 Branch-leaf no Branch-fcape 403 Branchy 5, 87, 365, 472 Branches 94 Bright 215 Briftles 362 Briftly 533 Bubbled 227 Bud 658 Bulb 653 Bulbous Bulbous 15 N D E X. Calycle 630 Calycled 520 Calyx 494, 387 Calyptre 546 ' Ca.; illary 626 Capful e 596 Cell 598 ChaiFy 627 Channel! M 245 Cfiinky 61 Claw 555 Cleft 181, 347 Climbing 45 Club'd 299, 438 Coadjoin'd 1 50 Coated 62, 655 ColourM 216, 392, 531 Columnar 47, 255, 301, 433 Common 398, 516, 634, 657 Compact 259 Com^pound 464, 481, 493, 573, 646 Compoynded 175 Compound-flower 642 Comprefs*d 49, 257, 605 Concave 246, 570 Condenfed loi Conduplicate 660 Confluent I2I Conical 640 Conjoin'd 154, 584, 587 Convex 147, 639 Co volute 355, 66 1 Corcle 622 Corky 60 Corol 552 Cortical 657 Corymbe 477 Cotyledon 622 CowlM 248 Creeping S, 41 Crofs'd 569 CiofT-arm'd 85 Crouded 97, 117, 453 Crown 623 Culm 1 8 Curl'd 251 Cylindric 468 Cyme 650 D Daedal 201 Dagg:er'd 210 Deciincd 34' 424 33^' 394 Deciduous 2/0, Decurrent 335 Decurfive 151, 31 1, 282 Decuffated 125 Deflected 104 Delta -like 171 Deper.aing i {S Depredcd ':^6 Diflant z C4 Difti a :^6 Divaricated 93, 103 Diverging ic2 Divide;! 390 Dorfal 537 Dotted 23c, 635 Double 323, 417 Down 360 Downy 69, 235 Drupe 613 Dry 615 Duft 588 E EggM 158, 466 Elliptic 166 Empty 26 End-bitten 7, 205 End-nick'd 203 Equal 582 Equitant 663 Erca N D X. xliii. Ered 285 100, 127, 314, 341, 420, 486 Evergreen 274 Expanding 92, 131, 315, 342, 421, 506, 571 Falling 271, 329, 393 Faicicle 461 Fafcicled 13, 119 Feather-cleft 187 Feather'd 281 Feathery 366, 627 Fibrous 4 Filament 581 Finger'd 278 Flaccid 426 Flat 244, 638 Flefhy 262 Flexible 31, 487 Floral 112 Floral-bulb 657 Flower 497 Fold 557 Folicle 612 Foot 673 Footed 280, 484 Forks 382 Four-corner'd 435 Fourtimes-pair'd 282 Fringed 194, 345, 474 l^ructincation 491, 496 Fruit 498 Funnel-form 563 Furrow'd 65, 224 G Germ 590 Gibbous 254 Gland 370 Globular ji, 457, 561 Glomerate 466 GlofTy 214 Glume 525 Glutinofity 377 Gnaw'd 200 Granulated 16 Griflly 197 Grinning 565 H Half an inch 668 Hand 670 Handed 14, 185 Hairs 357 Hairy 239, 636 Halberted 178 Halved 458 545 Head 455 Heart, 622 Hearted J74 Helmet 566 Herbaceous 21 Hile 621 Hifpid 71, 241 Hook'd 364 Hooks 368, 629 Horizontal 1-22 Jagged 189 Imbricated 59, 118, 47O5' 517 Immerfed I43 Inch 669 Incurved 380 Inflated 508 Infle6ied 134 Inflorefcence 446 Inferted 309 Intercepted 611 Interrupted 469 282 Intire 81, 169, 504 Involucre 521 Involucred 451 Involute 662 Jointed 9, 82, 276, 321, 445, 471, 607 Irregular 559 Juicy 614 K kHv. N D E X. K N Keel 572 KeelM 258 Kidney-form 175 Knotlefs 78 Knotted 43, 444, 540 Lance-briftles 361 Lance-briftied 243 Lanced 165, 338 Lateral 325 Leaf 388 Leaflefs 55 Leaf-bladders 372 Leaf bulb 657 Leaf-pierced 153 * Leaf-oppofed 328, 408 Leaf-tendril 349 Leafy 56, 459, 475 Leaved 442, 489 Legume 610 Level-top'd 91 Ligulate 574 Line 667 Lined 222 Linear 167, 297, 473 Lip 566 Lobed 182, 206 Long 307 Lop'd 206 Lyred 186 M Many-cleft 354 Many-flower'd 432, 527 Many-leaved 501 Many-valved 530 Malk'd 560 Membranous 76, 252, 300 Middlefize 306 Moon'd 176, 340 Murex'd 68 i^ Naked 54, 212, 320, 440, 45c, 460, 488. NecSlary 577 Nervy 217 Nervelefs 221 Nidulant 618 Nodding 365 425 Notched 192 Nut 631 o Oblique 32, 139, 548 Obtufe 292, 510 Oblong 160 Obvolute 664 Odd 262 One-flower'd 526 One-leaf 500 One-rank'd 483 One-fided 482 One-valved 528, 544 Oppofite 98, 124, 282, 414 Orbicular 157 Oval 159 PairM 277, 485 Panicle 490 Panicled 90 Papilionaceous 572 Papilious 23I5 624 Pappus 624 Parabolic 161 Parch'd 253, 518 Parallel partition 608 Partial 397, 523, 648 Parted 184 Partition 599 Pedicel 399 Peduncle 296 Ped uncled 449 Peduncle-bladders 374 Peduncle N D E X. xlv. Peduncle- tendril 35 1 Pendulous 428 Perennial 3, 273 Perianth 495 Pericarp 595 Permanent 272, 331, 395 Petal 553, 579 Petiole 29c, 404 Petioled 146 Petiole-bladders 373 Petiole-bulb 657 Petiole- tendril 350 Piked 109 Pimply 232 Piped 27 Pitted 228 Piftil 589 Plaited 249, 665 Plumelet 622 Pointed 208 Polifh'd 63 Pome 616 Prickles 378 Prickley 72, 242, 319, 513 Procumbent 38 Proliferous 83, 646 PropM 107 Protuberant 606 Proper 499, 524, 578 Pubefcence 293 Pulpy 261 R Raceme 479 Rachis 651 Radiated 576 Radical 108, 401 Ragged 190 Receptacle 633 Reclined 135 Recurvate 136 Recurved 317, 381, 541 Regular 558 Reflected 105, 507 Remote 123 * o Retrofle^ed 106 Retrofracted 431 Retufe 204 Refupine 142, 423 Revolute 137, 356 Rhombic 172 Rigid 30, 129 Rooting 42, 145 Rounded 164 Roundifti 156, 456 Roftel 622 Rugged 67, 240, 518 Runcinate 179 Sarmentous 40 Saw'd 193, 344 Scaly 58, 441 Scaled 656 Scape 19, 400 Scattered 96, 116, 413 Scymeter-form 268 Scollop'd 198 Seed 620 Semicolumnar 48., 302 Seffile 148, 333, 448 Sheathed 57 Sheathing 155, 336 Short 305 Shrubby 23 Side-flower'd 409 Silique 604 Silky 236 Simple 80, 352, 263, 389, 463, 480, 492, 645 Sinuous 188 Six-inches 671 Six-feet 674 . Smooth 66, 213, 3 1 8, 532 Solid 25, 654 Solitary 324, 416 Somewhat -bfanchy 86 Somewhat-fhrubby 22 South-turn*d 140 Spadix 652 Spaa xlvi. I Span 972 Spathe 543 Spatules 323 Spatuled 163 Spike 462 Spindle-form 6 Spinefcent 322, 332 S iiral 666 Spreading 37 Stamen 5S0 Star'd 126, 367 Stem 17 Sem-bulb 657 Stem-clafping 152, 312 Stem-leaf 109 Stem-fcape 402 Stigma 594 St St St St St St St St N D X. mgs 391 inging 74 ipe 20 iped 625 ipule 291 ipuled 75 ipule-bladders 375, ipule-bulb 657 Stole-bearing 39 Straight 379, 53?, 547 Striated 64, 223 Strobile 619 Style 592 Supports 289 Swimming 144 Sword-form i66 Tail 628 TaperM 437 Targeted 147 Teeth-like 10 Tendril 211, 292 Terminal 385, 406, 536. ThickenM 437 Thorn 384 Thorny 73, 196, 512 Thread-form 436 Three-cleft 353, 383 Three-corner'd 52 Three-grainM 602 Three-nerve 218 Three-nerved 220 Three-flded 53 263, 303, 434 J hnce-double 286 Thrice-feather'd 288 Thrice-pairM 282 Thrice-three'd 284 Three tiqies thrice-threie'd 287' Throat 567 Thyrfe 478 Tongued 265 Top-fhape 519 Tooth'd 195, 346 Torn 199 Trapeze-form 173 Tranfverfe partition 609 Triangular 170 Triple-nerve 219 Trunk 17 \ Twice double 283 Twice feather M 285 Twice five-cleft 183 'f wice-pair'd 282 Twiggy 89 Twin 603 Twining 46 Twifted 539 Two-capfuled 600 Twb-ceU'd 601 Two-cleft 383, 502 Two-edged 50, 264 Two-faced 115 Twofold 120, 279 Two-forked 84 Two-parted 603 Two-rank'd 95, 114 Two-valved 529 Tube 554 Tuberous 12 Tubular 260, 505, 575 Tuft 396 Tufty I N D Tufty 476 U Unequal 560, 583 Univerfal 522, 647 Umbel 644 Umbellet 418 Upright 29, 128, 429, V Valvelet 597 Veiny 225 Veinlefs 229 Vernation 659 Vertical 141 Verticil 447 Verticird 99, 41^ Very-branchy 88 Veryintire 191, 344 Very lon^ 30^ E X. Veryfhort 304 Verylimple 79 Very remote 551 Villous 70, 234 Violin-form 180 Vifcid 233 Vifcofity 376 Volve 549 W Waved 250 Wedge-form 162 Winding 44,430 Wmg'd 298, Wmgs 572 Wheel'd 564 Wool 358 Woolly 237 Wrjnkled 226 xlvii. ERRATA In the Botanic Terms. Number 29, 128, 4^9. read z.^r/^/;^ (ftriaa) iiiftead of^^i^^/. iqo, read not parallel to the plane. 27Q, read /it;^V, (hlnaium) mUtt^^oUwofold, 7.U 285, read decompounded, and fuperdecompounded, for decompofed, and fuperdecompofed. 24^, read, lance^briftled, {JlrlgoSum) iox lance^^riMed. 022 read Brades, (^r^^^^j for Brads, {braaa). i-jQ, read a peduncle, for with peduncle. 483, read one-rank' d, (fecundus) for one-row d. 576, read radiated^ for radicated. In the Preface. Fageviiu line 24, read^.W., ^^^«^%^"^%"^^' JZ^"'^^^^^^ ^ becaufe bina, terna, quaterna, &c. mftead of the pallage as it there (lands. , . -j 1 • ^.u-, Pagex. after line 10 add, * which ambiguities are avoided in the tranflation'. VEGETA- L A T E I. SIMPLE LEAVES. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. II. 12. 14. 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30- 31- 32- (jRbicular, (orhiculatum) Roundiih, (fubrotundum) Egg'd, (ovatiim) Oval or Elliptic, (ovale s, €Uipticu?n) Oblong, (obkngu?n) Lanced, (layiceolatian) Linear, (lineare) Awl'd, (fuhulattan) Kidney, form j (renlforme) Hearted, (cordatum) Moon'd, (hmulatum) Triangular, (triangulare) Arrovv'd, (fag'itatum) Heart - arrov/'d, (cordato - fagitatum) Halberted, (haftatmn) Cleft, (fiffum) Three-lobed, (tr'dohum) End-bitten, (pr<^morfum). Lobed, (lobaiurn) Five-angledj (qiiinqiiangU' lare) Gnaw'd, (erofiim) Handed, (palmatiun) Feather-cleft, (ptnnat'ijidum) Jagged, (laciniatum) Sinuous, (finuatum) Tooth - finuous, (dentato- fmuatum) Sinuous backwards, (rctror- fum fmuaium) Parted J (par tit urn) Scollop' d^ ( repandiim) Tooth'd, (dentatum) Saw'd, (f erratum) Double-fazu'd^ (diiplkato-fer- raium) Fig. 33. Double -^ 7iotch' d^ (dupUcatO'^ crenatum) 34. Cartilaginous, (catilagme- um) 35. Acutely notch' dy (acute crena- tum) 36. Ohtufely notch' dy (ohtufe cre^ naium) 37. Plaited, (pllcaimn) 38. Notch'd, (crenatum) 39. CurPd, (crifpwn) 40. Obtufe, (obtufum) 41. Acute, (acutum) 42. Pointed, (acuminatum) 43. Obtufe with a pointy (obtufum acumine) i^\. End-nick^ d acutely^ (emargU natum acute) 45. JVcdge-form end-nic^d^ (cu- 7uifor7ne emargtnatum) 46. Retufe, (rttufum) 47. Hairy, {pilofmn) 48. Dov/ny, (tomentofurrt) 49. Hifpid, (hifpulum) 50. Fringed, (ciUatum) 51. Wrinkled, (rugofum) 52. Vein'd, {venofmn) 53. Nerved, (nervofum) 54. Papillous, (papillofu7n) 55. T ongue- f or m,(lmgmforme) 56. Scimitar-form, (acinaclfor- ?ne) 57. Axe-form, [dolahriforme) 58. Delta-like, (deltoides) 59. Three-fided, (triquetrum) 60. Channel'd, (canaliculatum) 61. Fiirrow'd, (fulcatum) 62. Columnar, (teres) I LATE IL COMPOUND LEAVES, Fig. T 63. -*• WO'D, (h'lnatum) 64. Three'd with feffile leaflets, (ternatum foUolls fejftlibus) 65. . with petioled leaflets, ( petlolatis) 66. Finger'd, (dlgkatum) 67. Footed, (pedatum) 68. Feather'd, with a?! odd one^ (pinnatum cum impart) 69. ■ abrupt, ( ah r upturn) 70. '■ alternately, ( — alternatim) *7i. «— '■■ tJiterruptedly, ( interrupte) ^2: . tendrird, ( cirrhofum) yn, _ pairdy ( conjugatum) ^^, decurfively, ( decurjive) >7^, ■■ — joint edly, ( articulate) 76. Lyred, (lyratum) nn. Thrice threefold or the fquare of three, (biternatum, dupUcato-pin~ natum) "8. Twice-feather'd, double feather'd, (blpinnaium, duplicato-pinna- turn) 79. Three times thrice threefold (the cube of three) (Triternatumy triplicato-ternatum) 80. Thrice feather'd without an odd one, (irlpinnatum, fine impari) gi, . with an odd one f— — cum impari) ^-"^t^ :^^ ^m^-^ ^^ ^ 72 !P PLATE III. E TERMINATE LEAVES, Fig. 82. Inflected, (inflemm) 83, Ere6t, [ere6lum) 84. Expanding, [patens) %^. Horizontal, (horlxontak) 86. Reclined, (redinatum) 87. ^tv oiutG, (revolutum) 88. Seminal, (feminale) 89. Stem-leaf, (cauiifju?n) 90. Branch-leaf, (ramsum) 91. Floral, (Jiorak) gZ* Targetted, (peltaium) 93. Petioled, (pet'wlatum) 940 Seffile, (fejftle) 95. Decurrent, (decurrens) 96. Sem-clafping, (a?nplexicaule} 97. Leaf-pierced, (perfoUatum) 98. Conjoined, (connatum) * 99 . Sheathing, (vaglnans) J 00. Jointed, (articulaium) Id. Star*d, (Jlellata) 102. Fourfold, (quaterna) 103. Oppofite, (oppoftta) 104. Alternate, (alterna) 105. Awny, (acerofa) 106. Imbricated, (imbricata) JO J. Fafcicled, (fafciculata) 108. Frond, (from) 109. Spatuled, (jpathulatum) 1 10. Parabolic, (parabolictim) 11 0 '' J G^n4^ Xo ¥ PLATE IV. STEMS, Fig- ill. Scaly culm^ (fquamofus culmus ] 312. Creeping 5^^;«, (repens cauUs) 113. Scape, {fcapus) 114. Jointed <:«/;7Z, {artkulatus culmus) 115. Twining y?^w, (voluUUs caulis) 116. T^NO'{or:YdJiemy (dichotomus caulis) 117. Crofs-arm'dT?^^, {brachiatus caulis) TabJV. PLATE V SUPPORTS. Fig, ii8. a. Tendril, (Cirrhus) h. Stipules, (Jilpulce) c. Concave Glands, (Glandula concavce) 119. Pedicerd glands, ( Glandules pedicellatce ) 120. a, Bra£^e, differing from leaves^ h, [Bradea) 121. a. Simple thorn, (Spina ftmplex) h» Triple thorn, ( triplex) 122. 5/;77/>/^ prickle, (Jculeus ftmplex) 123. Triple prickle or Fork^ (Aculeus triplex s, Furca,) 124. Oppofite leaves^ (oppofta folia) a. Axil, {axilla) Tal,V PLATE VI. ROOTS. Fig. 125. Scaly bulb of tie Uly (bulbus /quanufus) 126. Solid bulb, (hulbus folidus) 127. Coated bulb tranfuerfely dtjfe^edy (hulbus tunicatus) 128. Tuberous root of Filipendulay (tuber of a radix) 129. Spindle-form root ^C^rr^/, (Fufformis radix) 130. Branchy root^ (ramofa radix) 131. Creeping root,, (rep ens radix) ^'"'^jWr Tih PLATE VII PARTS OF THE FLOWER. Fig. I32» Spat HE, the Calyx of Nardjfus^ (Spatha, calyx Narcijji) 133. Spathcj Spadix [Spatha y Spadlx) X34. a. Glum^ calyx, h. Awn, [GXiimTi calyx. ^. Arifta) J35. a, Univerfal umbel h. Partial one, (umbella uni- verfalis. b. Partialis.) f. Univerfai Involucre, d. Partial one. (Involucrum univerfale. d. partial e.) J36. c, Calyptre ; b. Lid. a. Head. (Calyptra ^ k O- pereulum. a, Capitulum.) 137, Ament, (amentum.) 538. Strobile, fflrobilus) 139. a. Hat. b, Volve. c. Stipe of a Fungus, (Fungi a, Pileus. b, Volva. c. Stip^s.j 140. a. Common naked Receptacle (receptaculum com- mune nudum) I4I* Common Receptacle hnhricaicd vj'i^h. chafF (recep- taculum commune paleis Imbricatian.) 14 -Z. ^. I'ube (Tubus) b. Border, (Limbus) of a ofie-pe- tal'd Coral (Coroll35 monopetalasj 143. Flower, a. Germ. b. Style, c. Stigma, d. Fi- laments, e. Anthers, f Petals. (Flos. a. Ger- men. b. Stylus, r. Stigma, d, Fil amenta. -e, Anthcfse. f Petala.) 144. a. Claws ( ungues j. c. Folds (LTiminse) of a many- petard coroL (Corolie poly petala-,) 145. Beird Ne^iary in NarcilTus. (Neftarium campa- nulatum.) 146» Horn'd Ne6laries in Aconitum. (Ne(3:aria cor- nuta.) 147. Horned Nectary in the Calyx of Tfropaeolum. 148. Ne<5laries in Parnailia. Tal VII. ^ StnrruaW ic^-f- e. PLATE PARTS OF THE FRUCTIFICATION. Fig. 149. a, \^1L R I A N T H. h. Germ, c. Style, d. Stigma. Filaments. /. Anthers gaping, g. Anthers int'ire, {a. Perianthium. h. Gcrmen. c. Stylus, d. Stigma, e, Filamenta. f. AnXhti2^dehifcenies, g. Anther^lntegr^e.) 150. a. Filament. b. Anther. (a. Filamentum. k Anthera.) 151. a. Duft (Pollen) feen m the microfcope. b. Ehftic vapour. ("Halitus elajUcus,) 152. a. Germ. ^ h. Style, c. Stigma, {a, Germen. b. Stylus. c Stigma.) 153. Follicle (Folliculus) a receptacle of feettu - ^54- Legume a, a. (Legumen) the feeds are annex d to the fupert- our future, 155. Silique, (Siliqua) a. h, each edge of the receptacle, c, Valvelet of the Silique (valvida filiqiia,) 156. Pome ^. (Pomum) included Capfule, b, (Capfula inclufa). 157. a. Drupe, b, vjith a Nucleus, {a. Drupa. b. Nucleo, 158. Berry, (Bacca.) 159. Capfule gaping at top, ("Capfula apice dehifcens,) 160. Of the Capfule, a. The Valvelet. b. The partition (Cap- fula?. a. VaVoida. b, Diffepimentwn.) c. Column, d. Receptacle, [r. Columella, d. Reccptaculum.) 161. a. Capfule longitudinally differed y that the receptzch of the Seeds may appear. 162. a. Hairy Pappus. ("Pappus pilofus.) h. FrnMrj Pappus. (Pappus ^///wc/^/j.j e. Seed, ("femenj a. Stipe of the Pappus^ ("Stipes pappi.) ^^ Vegetable MECHANISM confifls of two contrary fubftances. The Corporeal external one, including, nourifhing, defcend- ing, adhering to the earth, carefully furrounding the pith, hardifh, growing with a very tender point. The internal Pith, or Medulla, included, vivifying, de- liquifcent at thebafe,afcending at the point, infinite in multi- plication in divifibility and in termination, enlivened at its cre- ation, fecretly and gradually from its begining extends itfelf where there is leaft refiftance, to its final exit ; where, the more feebly it is confined by the corporeal part, the fooner it breaks its prifon, about to undergo its metamorphofis ; and efcaping joins itfelf with the corporeal part, that dif- perfing itfelf into new lives the circle of vegetation may be perennial. 22. GERMINATION is produced from the 2i-ofthe fourth, und Pi/ill of the fifth ; which is fille4 with the granulated Medulla of the Seed, the termina- tion of vegetable life. 25, FLORESCENCE exhibits the Efpoufals of Plants in the Flower, and tficir * A^vj^i'/.^/^ in the Anthefis. Tlie Flo7/er, the unclad Larva of the Herb, comes forth from the difplayed, internal plant, naked and perfed, like the above mentioned flying InfeSi : Wing]heathed in refpeft to the Calyx, JFingd in refped to the Corol, confiding alone of the Dr^^wj of Reprodu6lion : Lithe Males the ftamens have their Anthers replete with the Prolific Powder contain- in!? the vivifying Fovilla: In the Females the Piftils have their Ovarium terminated with a tubular and moljl Stlg?na, The An THE SIS takes place, when the burfl Anthers fcatter their bao-s of Z)///? upon the Stigma^ when this duft gives out the' included male Fovilla^ to be abforbed by the prolific Lymph of the Stigma ; fo that the male corporeal part and the Female medullary one, produces the feed, or Egg, which is nourifhed in the Ovary to its due maturity. 26. The PRINCIPLE of Fru61:ification, the Foundation of Botany, fhouid be traced higher. Problem : we may fuppofe God at the beginning to have pro- ceded from fimple to compound, from few to many I and therefore at the beginning of Vegetation to have created juft fo many different plants, as there are Natural Orders. That He then fo interm.ixed the plants of thefe orders by their marriages v/ith each other ; that as many plants were pro- duced as there are now d'frindt Genera. That Nature then intermixed thefe Generic plants, by reciprocal marriages, (which did not change the ltru£lure of the flower) and mul- tiplied them into all poffible exifting Species ; excluding how- ever from the number of Species, the Mule-plants produced from thefe marriages, as being barren. Each Genus therefore is natural. Nature afienting to it, if not jnaking it. The Sponfalia plantarum. Aman, acad. I. n, is. Vegetable kingdom. n. , The Character therefore never conflitutes the genus, but is itfelf dihgently to be conflru£ted according to the Genus of Nature. Kindred Plants of the H^me mother, are to be known ;n re{pe(9: to the Genus by the fiower, or difplayed plant, when the reciprocal undulterated marriage leaves the !• ructihca- tion intire ; but in the fpecies are to be diftinguillied from their fifter-companions, produced by a different father, ac- cording to the Herb. Thus the Diagnosis of a plant confifls in the affinity of the, Genus^ and in the difference of the Species, The Name of a plant therefore, that it may refer to each diag- nofis, is double : the Generic Family Name, And the Specific trivial Name, under which latter are the vague Synonymiei of authors. The Botanist, in foliov/ing the Clajj^fications^ is lead to the named Genus by the Chara-yiers of the difplayed plant or flower; to the appellation of the Species by the Differences of the Larva or herb ; and thence to its Synonymies \ from thefe to Author s^ and thence to every things which has come to us from our anceftors on the fubject. Thus the plant itfelf tells its Name, apd its Hiftory amid fuch a multitude of fpecies, and of indi- viduals ; this is the great purpofe of Botany, the invention of the prefent age, to the completion of which all true Botanifls will contribute their labour. 27. True BOTANISTS will labour to increafe this lovely Science : will conftrudFundamentalDE script IONS in characteriftic words, particularly of obfcure, rare, and new Plants, accord- ing to the rule of Delineation of a plant; as is done by my Son^ and Schreherus in Decuriis. Will add Figures, if they are able, which reprefent the per- fect Plant, fuch as are given by Vaillant^ DilleniuSy Ehret^ 'Jacquin^ Trevu^ Schmieciel^ Sic. Will difcover the mod compendious and moft proper fpecinc Differences. Will enquire the Synonymies of authors, particularly the beft ; as Haller. Will always prefix the natural Genus to the Speeies ; and when new, will define it by its natural C/ji7r'-^nr n^kaves, tion place axillary, iioial.' i:'-jK . . number one , ; two, three,- .few, ms ny . fituation a. alternate, two-rank'd, two-fsced. fcatter'd, crouded, irabrlcaced. fafc'cled, tv/o'd, three d, fourM, five'd. confluent, approximated, remote. . b.,,oppofite, dccuffated, itarM. direaion a. area:, ftraight, rigid, apprelfd, expanding ; very expanding, arifing, inflected, reclining, recurved, revolute, depending. b. oblique, fouth-turn'd, vertical, refupine. c. immerfed, fwiming, rooting. mfertion a. petioled, targetted. b. felTile, adjoin'd, co-adjoin'd, decurrent, ftem-clafping, leaf-peirced, conjoin'dj fheathing. fl:ru6lurc a. roundiili : orbicular, egg'd, oval. figure b. oblong, parabolic, wedge-form, fpatule-form. c. rounded, lanced, elliptic, linear, awl'd. eingles intire, 3-5-angled, delt^like, rhombic, trapeze- form. hdUows 2L, hearted, kidney-form, moon'd. arrow d V' E 'G E T A B L E KINGDOM. .i> arrow'd, halberted, violin-form, runcinated. b. cleft, 2-5-lobed, 2-5-cleft,.2-5-parted. handed, lyred, feather-cleft, finuous, jagged, . rag-ged. margin a. very intire, notch'd, faw'd^ fringed, tooth'd, thorny, cartilaginous. b. fcoliop'd, torn, gnaw'd, daedaler.n. top a. obtufe, end-nick'd, end-bitten; iop'd. . b. acute, awl'd, dagger'd ; tendrii'd. Jurface a. upper furface, Jov/er furface. naked, fmooth ; bright, fliin.ing, colour'd.^ b. nerved; three-nerved, thrice-nerved, tripple- nerved, nervelefs, lined, ftriated, furrowed. c. vein'd, wrinkled, bubbled, pitted, veinlefs. d. dotted, papillous, pimply, vifcid. e. vijlous, downy, filky, woolly, bearded, hairy, rugged, hifpid, prickly^ lance-briftled. expanfion flat, channel'd, concave, convex, cowFd, plaited, waved, curl'd. fubjiance a. meinhranous, parch'd, gibbous. colum.nar, deprefT'd, compreff'd, keel'd. b. compa6l, tubular, pulpy, flcfby ; c. three-fided, two-edged, tcngue'd, fword-form. awl'd, fcimitar-form, ax-form. meafure very {hort, very long, in refpe^ to itsjlem or joints* duration deciduous, falling, permanent, perennial, ever-green. compofition com- jointed, pair'd. pomided f inger'd : twofold, threefold, fivefold. Footed, Feather'd : twice-pair'd, thrice-pair'd, four- times-pair'd, 5cc. with an odd one, abrupt, tendrii'd. with Leaflets oppofite, alternate, interrupted, de- current. Decompounded twice-double, thrice-threefold, twice-feather'd. Suterdecompounded thrice-double, three-times-thrice-threefold, trip- ^ ple-feather'd. PROPS : Petiole, Stipule, Tendril, Pubefctnce, Arms, Peduncle, Bracte. Petiole The DEFINITIONS of Terms I have given in Amoen. acad. vol. 6, p. 217- The FIGURES -in Kort. cliif. and Phjlofoph. Botan, iS. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Petiole Jigure Jize injertlon dtre^iton furface Stipules a. c. d. e. f. h. Tendril a. b. c. Pubescence a. c. d. e. Arms a. b. Bractes Peduncle c. linear, wing'd, c1ub*d. membranous, columnar, femi-columnar, threc- fided, channerd very fhorc, fhort, middle-fize. long, very long, inferted^ adjoin'd, decurrent, ftem-clafping, Iheathing, appendagedj ereft, expanding, arifmg, recurvate. fmooth, prickly, naked, jointed, I'pinefcent. doubled, folitary, none. lateral, behind the leaf, before the leaf, leaf-op- pofed. failing, deciduous, permanent, fpinefcent. feffile, adjoin*d, decurrent, fheathirig, awl'd, lanced, arrow'd, moon'd. eredl:, expanding, reflected. very intire, faw'd, fringed, tooth'd, cleft; very fhort, middle fize, long. axillary, leafy, petioled, peduncled. fimple, three-cleft, many-cieft, convolute, revolute. hairs, wool, beard, down, lance-briftles. briftles : limpie, hook'd, branchy, feather'd, ftar'd. hooks, barbs, glands, biadiers. leafy, petioled, peduncled, ftipul^d. vifcofity, glutinofity. Prlikles : fl-raight, incurved, recurved. Forh two-cicft, three-cleft. Thorns terminal, axillary, on the calyx, leafy, fimpIc, divided. Stings pi>ngent, flinging. colour'd, falling, deciduous, permanent. one, two, many. Tuft. Other properties of Leaves. partial, (a-e) common j Pedicel, place The forms of the fame divifion join v/cll together. As lance egg'd and egg-lanced ; hut Thofe of different divifions join difcordantly, As lance-acute, egg-dagger'd. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 17. a. place root-peduncle, flem -peduncle, branch-peduncle, of the petiole, tendril-bearing, terminal, axillary, leaf-oppofed, fide-flower'd, within the leaf, above the leaf, behind the leaf. b. fituatlon alternate, fcatter'd, oppofite, verticil'd. c. number folitary, doubled, umbellet ; feJTile, d. dire£iion appreff'd, ered, expanding, bowing, refupine, declined, nodding, flaccid, afcending, pendulous, ftraight, winding, retrofraaed. e. meafure Ihort, very fhort, long, very long, f. flowers one-flower'd, two-flower'd, many-flower'd, ^.Jiru£fure columnar, three-fided, four-corner'd, thread-form, taper, club'd, thicken'd> naked, fcaly, leaved, brafted, knotted, jointed, NFLORESENCE, afce^dsin gradual modification • Fhwers terminal, lateral, fcatter'd, crowded, aggregate, lelTile, peduncled, one, folitary, threefold, &c. copious, erea, bowing, nodding, refupine, one-rank'd, vertical, horizontal. Aiperaxillary,leaf-oppofed,ride-flowering,withiii - the leaf. ^ a. Verticil a. feffile,ped uncled. b. naked, involucred, braded. c. crouded, diftant. Head a. roundifh, globular, halv'd. b. leafy, naked. Fafcicle. '• ^ ^^'"^^ I' ^^"^P;^.^;o-rankMcompofed of fpikelets, glomerate, ^* pgg d, bellied, cylindrical, interrupted. c. imbricated, jointed, branchy, one-rankM, 1 Tr. nn^2ir, fringed, leafy, tufted, iv Corymb fimple, compound. ;. IHYRSE naked, leaved, /Kaceme a. fimple, compound. b. one-fided, one.rank'd, footed, pairM. c. erea, loofe, depending. d. naked, leaved. r^l'ANicLE of the ftruaure of the Trunk, C FRUC^ I?. V EGETABLE KINGDOM. FRUCTIFICATION from the number^ figure^ propGrt'ton^ftUiatlon of parts. Simple. Compound from the Florets, Calyx Perianth Proper Common Involucre Gh of the frucliiiGation, of the flower, of the fruit, permanent, deciduous, falling. a. one-leaved, many-leaved. b. 2-5-cleft, 2-5-parted, intlre. c. tubular, expanding, reflected, inflated. d. abbreviated, long, middleiize. e. obtufe, acute, thornv, prickly. f. equal, unequal, lip'd. imbricated, ra^-^ed, calycled, parch'd, a. univerlal, partial, proper. b. one-leaved, many-leaved. a. one-flower'd, 2-many-flower'd. b. one-valved, tvi^o-valved, many-valved. c. colour'd, fm.ooth, brif^-iy. a. awnlefs, terminal, dorfi.l. b. ftralght, twifted, knotted, recurvate. fcaly, naked, one-valved, tv^ro-valved, halved, imbricated, i-6-flower'd. llraight, oblique, approximated, very remote ; Hat, Stipe. a. l^ube or Claw; Border, or Folds. b. one-petal'd, 2-6 many-petal'd, 5-cleft, 5-parted. c. regular, irregular, unequal, deform'd. d. globular, belPd, funnel -form, falver-form, wheel'd, globular, liliaceous, grinning, malk'd : with lip upper and lower ; with Grin ; Palate, Throat, Neck. crofTM, concave, expanding, papilionaceous ; with bann^r^ wings^ keel. Compound : ligulate, tubular, radiated. Difk, Ray. f. Colour. proper, petaline, fpur'd. Stamens Filaments number, figure, infertion, proportion. equal, unequal ; conjoinM, alternate, diftincl:, conjoined -, lateral, incumbent, crc£l. twin, globular, awl'd, arrow'd, twice-hornM, awn'd, fpiral. cells, aperture, figure. »bove, beneath ; pediccl'd. Stylt ume Awn Ament Spathe Calyptre Volve CoROL Petals e. ■Nectary Anthers* Anther-duji Pistil Germ VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Style 19' number, proportion, dlvifion, figure. capillary, thread-form, cylindric^ awl'd, club'd. ere£t, declining, afcendiiig. Stigma number, figure ; divided, perforated, headed. 1*£RICARP Capfule: figure, valves, cells, partitions, column. gaping ; 5-tooth'd, 5-valved, jointed, circum- cifed, elaflic. two-capfuled, &c. two-celled, &c. tu^in, three-grain'd, &c. inflated. Silique figure : comprefTed, protuberant, jointed. Partition parallel, tranfverfe. Legume figure, jointed, i-a-cell'd, with ifthmufes* Follicle one-valvedy figure. Drupe fucculent, dry. Pome figure, cells. Berry one-feeded, &c. nidulant feeds. Strobile figure of the whole, of the fcales* |Seed number, figure, cells, furface, confiftence. Hile Heart Crown Pappus ftiped, or feilile : capillary, plumy. tail, hook, calycle, wing, awn. one-ceird, twx)-celPd, &c. cartilaginous, fucculent. of the fruiSlification, of the flower, of the fruit; a. naked, dotted, hairy, chafFy, honeycomb'di b. flat, convex, awl'd, egg'd, globular. Compound flower, of Florets. Aggregate flower Vmhcl a. fimple, compound of an univerfal and partial one^ proliferous. b. concave, level-topM, convex. c. ereC^, nodding, naked, bra6ted. a. one-flower'd, many-flov/er'd. b. fimple, branchy. c. Rachis fpike. III. HABIT. Bulb folid, coated, fcaly, flem-bulb. Bud, its origin petioled, ftipuled, cortical. its contents leafy, floral, common, conduplicate, convolute, involute, revolute. imbricated, equitant, obvolute, plated, fpiral. C2 EST. Nut Aril Receptacle Common Cyme Spadix GEMMATION VERNATION 20. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. ESTIVATION convolute, imbricated, conduplicate, valved, un» equal-valved. TORSION a. uniform, diffimilar. b. from the right, from the left, reciprocal. c. refupine, fpiral. VARIATION of colour, fize, pubefcence, age. External: plaited, bundled. broad-leaved, flender-Ieaved, curPd, awnlefs. Internal: a. mutilated, greatflower'd. b. multiplied^ full, proliferous, crefted. c. viviparous, bulb-bearing. NUPTIALS Male, Female, Androgynous, Hermaphrodite. Myjleries of Reprodudion. SEMMINATION of the Seed tail^ wing, tuft, awn, hooks j gluten, curviture. of the Pericarp berrying, inflation, vifcofity, elafticity, Jiru6fure, PL AGENT ATION Two-CotyledonM, Cotyledonlefs, Many-Co- tyledon'd. IV. STATION. CLIME northern, mediterranean, alpine, marine, eaftern, fouthern, weftern, Indian; SOIL watry, fhorey, marine, faline, marmy, overflow'd, fpongy, turfy, fhady, woody, arable, meadowy, paftury, mountanous, rubbi{hy, cultivated. EARTH Mould; Clay, Chalk, Sand. Parafitical, Rootlefs : of the Root, of the Trunk, of the Stem, of the Leaves. V. TIME. GERMINATION of days, of months, annual, biennial. FRONDESCENCE Vernation early, equal, late. Autumnation early, flow, delay'd. CALENDAR i. Germination, Frondefcence, Florefcencc, 2. Groflification, Maturation, Harveft. 3. Exfoliation, Defoliation, Congelation. 4« Of the Winter, of theFroft, of the Thaw* HOROLOGE a. Vigils meteorous, tropical, equinoctial, b* ofopening, of clofing. SLEEP VEGETABLE KINGDOM. SLEEP Converging, Including, Surrounding, Fortifying. Conduplicating, Involving, Diverging, Depending, Inverting, Imbricating. DURATION Plants fading, delicate, perpetual, Flozuers of a day, of three days, of a month. Fruits early, late, annual. a I. VI. CLU A L I T I E S. ODOUR TASTE COLOUR TOUCH MEASURE ambrofial, hircous, watery, dry, glafly, black, moift, dry, a line, half an inch fragrant, nidorous, acid, bitter, red, yellow, downy, flippery, an inch, , a hand, breathing, nafty, fatty, ftiptic, purple, green, juicy, parch'd, fix-inches, a fpan. aromatic, orgaftic, nauceouSj pifonous, fweet, mucous, acrid, fait, white, fad. aih-colour, pearly, flelhy, vifcid. membranous, rugged, a foot, a cubit, fix-feet. VIT. USES. NATURAL ARTIFICIAL The Oeconemy and Policy of nature. fympathies, antipathies. Pan of the domejlic herbiverous animals. Pandora of infers. Culinary : Roots, Pot-Herbs, Fruits, Officinal a. fimples, preparations. b. price, place. Medical: Virtues, Ufes. Oeconomical for the Mechanic, the Shepherd, the Dyer. of cultivation ; Grain. Market. Shop. Nurfery. Shrubery. Orchard. Paflurage. KEY 22. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. KEYoF THE SEXUAL SYSTEM, MARRIAGES of PLANTS. Florefcence, ( PUBLIC MJRRIJGES. Flozvers vijible to every one. (In ONE Bed. Hufband and wife have the fame bed. All the flowers her?naphrodlte tjlamem and pijlih in the fame Rovoer, { Without Affinity. Hufbands not related o each other. Stamens not joined together in any part. 'With EquALiTY. All the males of equal rank. Stamens have no deter ininate proportion of length* I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. ONE MALE. TWO MALES. THREE MALES. FOUR MALES. FIVE MALES SIX MALES. 7- 8. 9- 10. 11. 12. 13- SEVEN MALES EIGHT MALES. NINE MALES. TEN MALES. TWELVE MALES. TWENTY MALES, MANY MALES. ^WiTH Subordination Some males above others. T^wo Jlamens are always lower than the others. 14. TWO POWERS I 15. FOQR POWERS. ^WiTH Affinity Hufbands related to each other. Stamens cohere with each other ^ or with the piJfiL 19. CONFEDE- In 16. ONE BROTHERHOOD. 17. TWO BROTHERHOODS. 18. MANY BROTHERHOODS. RATE MALES. 20. FEMININE MALES. Tvv^o Beds. Hufband and wife have feparate beds. Male flowers and female flowers in the fame fpecies* 21. ONE HOUSE. I 23. POLYGAMIES, 21. TWO HOUSES. I ^Clandestine Marriages. Flowers fcarce viftble to the naked eye. 24. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. CHA- VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 23. CHARACTERS of CLASSES. I, ONE MALE. One hufband in marriage. Onejlamen in an hermaphrodite fiower, IL TWO MALES. Two huilDands in the fame marriage. Twojlamem in an hermaphrodite flow er. m. THREE MALES, Three hufbands in the fame marriage. T^hreefia'mem in an hermaphrodite Jiower, IV. FOUR MALES. Four hufbands in the fame jparriage. Four Jiamens in the famefiower with the fruit, (if the two neareji Jlamens areJJm'ter^ it is referred to Clafs 14. V. FIVE MALES. Five huibands in the fame marriage. Five Jlamens in an hermaphrodite Jiower, VI. SIX MALES. Six huiuands in the fame marriage. Sir Jtamens in an hermaphrodite fozuer* (if the two oppofiiejiamens arejhorter^ it belongs to Clafs I5') VII. SEVEN MaLLS. Seven hufbands in the fame marriage. Seven jlamens in the fame flower with thepijlil, VIII. EIGHT MALES. Eight hufbands in the fame'marriage. Eight ftamens in the fame foiuer with the pi/liL IX. NINt MALES. Nine hufbands in the fame marriage. Nine Jlamens in an hermaphrodite Jiov^er X. TEN MALES. Ten hufbands in the fan^e marriage. Ten Jlamens in an hermaphrodite Jiowcr. X;i. TWELVE A4ALES. Twelve hufbands iii the fame marriage. Twelve Jlamens to nineteen in an hermaphrodite flower^ XII. TWENTY MALES. Generally twenty huibands, often more. Stamens inferted on the calyx (not on the receptacle) in an hermaphrodite fiower. - . XII. MANY 24.. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Xm. MANY MALES. Twenty males or more in the fame marriage Stamens in(extQd on the receptacle, yr^;« 20 to looo in the fame Jiower with the pijiil. XIV. TWO POWERS. Four hufbands, two taller than the other two. Four Jiamens : of which the two neareji Cire longer. XV. FOUR POWERS. Six hufbands, of which four are taller. Six Ji aniens : of which four are longer m and the two oppoftte ones Jhorter, ' :nzjii: XVI. ONE BROTHERHOOD. Hufbands, like brothers, arife from one bafe. Stamens are wnited by their filaments into, one body* XVII. TWO BROTHERHOODS. Hufbands arife from two bafes, as if from two mothers. Stamens are united by their filaments into two bodies, XVIII. MANY BROTHERHOODS. ';" Hufbands arife from more than two mothers. Stamens are united by their fila/nents into three or more bodies* XIX. CONFEDERATE MALES. Hufbands joined together at the top. ' ' ' ' Stamens are connected by the anthers forming a cylindar (feldom by the filaments.) XX. FEMININE MALES. Hufbands and wives growing together. Stamens are infertedon the pijliis^ (not on the receptacle.) XXI. ONE HOUSE. Hufbands live with their wives in the fame houfe, but have different beds. Male flowers and female flowers are on the fame plant, XXII. TWO HOUSES. Hufbands and wives have different houfes. Male flowers and female floavers are on different plants^ XXIII. POLYGAMIES. Hufbands live with wives and concubines. Hermaphrodite flowers^ and male ones^ or female ones in the fame ^>. [pedes. XXIV. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. Nuptials are celebrated privately. Flowers concealed within the fruity or infome irregular manner, ORDERS VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 25' ORDERS are taken from the Females or Piftils, as clafTes from the Males or Stamens; but in the clafs of Connected Males the Orders differ from others, as in ONE FEMALE, Two Females, Three Females, &c. according to the number of Piftils. The number of the p'ljiil is reckoned from the Bafe of thejlylc •, hut f there is nojfyle, the calculation is made from the number of Stigmas. EQUAL POLYGAMY, confifts of many marriages with promif- cuous intercourfe. That is of many florets furnijhed withflamc^is andpijlilsy The flowers ofthefe are vulgarly called Flofculous. SPURIOUS POLYGAMY, where the beds of the married occupy the difk, and thofe of the concubines the circumference. That is, the hermaphrodite florets occupy the difi^ and the female florets without flamens furround the border^ and that in three manners: { {a) SUPERFLUOUS POLYGAMY, when the married females are fertile, and thence the concubines fuperfiuous. That xSywhen the hermaphrodite flovjers of the d.iflz are furnijhed vjith ftigmas^ and produce fleds \ arid the female flowers alfoy tvhich conflitue the circumference^ produce jeeds likeivfc. (b) FRUSTRANEOUS POLYGAMY, when the married fe- males are fertile, and the Concubines barren. That is, zvhen the hermaphrodite fl.owers of the dijk are furnijhed tvith afligma^ and produce feeds ; but the fl.orcts which conflltute the circumference^ having nofligma produce no feeds. (0 NECESSARY POLYGAMY, when the married females are barren, and the concubines fertile. That is, when the hermaphrodite flotvers from defe5i ofthefligma of the pflil-t produce nojeed ; but thefe?nalefl.DZUcrs in the circumfe- rence produce perfe6i feeds . (e) SEPARATE POLYGAMY, when m.any beds are fo united that they conftltute one comm.on bed. That is, when many -flower-bearing calyxes are contamed in one common calyx^ fo as to cpnjlitute one flower. D' G E^ 16. GENERA OF CLASSES. T. ONE MALE. ( Monandrta. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia, ) Canna Ai^omum Coflus Alpinia Maranta Curcuma Kaempferia Th.iia Eoerhaavia Salicornia Hippuris Keiiealmia Myrolma TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia, ) Corifpermum. Callitriche Blitum Cinna IViniarum I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 1350 1351 12 13 14 1352 II. TWO MALES. ( Dlandria, ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia* ) Ny^lanthes Jaiminum Liguftrum Phlllyrea Olea Syringa Dialium Eranthemum Circaea Veronica Pgederota Juilicia Dianthera Gratiola Schwenkia Calceob.ria Pinguicula Utricularia Verbena Lycopus Amethyilea Cunila Ziziphora Monarda Rofmarinus Salvia Collinfonia Morina Globba Thouinia Anciftrum TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia, ) Anthoxanthum 42 THREE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1233 1288 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 128'^ 1353 1354 GENERA OF CLASSES. 27. ^ THREE FEMALES. ( Trigynia, ) 'Piper 43 III. THREE MALES. ( Triandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( li^xonogyma, ) Valeriana Olax Tamarindus Rumphia Cneorum Comocladia Melothria Rotala Ortega Loeflingia Willichia Polycnemum Hippocratea Crocus Ixia Gladiolus Antholjza Iris Morgsa Wachendorfia Commelina Callifia Xyris Schoenus C}^erus Scirpus Eriophorum Nardus Lygeum Dilatris Kyllingia Fuirena Pommereulla 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1289 51 52 1337 53 54 55 56 57 58 ^^o 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1355 1356 1357 1358 TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia, ) Bobartia 71 Cornucopia 72 Saccharum ' 73 Phalaris 74 Pafpalum 75 Panicum 76 Phleum , 77 A'opecurus 78 Milium 79 Agroftis 80 Aira 81 Melica 82 Poa 83 Briza 84 Uniola 85 Daaylis 86 Cynosurus 87 Feftuca 88 Bromus 89 Stipa 90 A vena 91 Lagurus 92 Arundo 93 Ariftida 94 Lolium gc Elymus 96 Secale 97 Hordeum 98 Triticum 99 Anthiftiria • i'^59 Rottbollia 1360 THREE FEMALES ( trigynia, ) Eriocauion 100 Montia 10 J Pr®ferpinaca 102 Triplaris 103 Holofteum 104 Koenigia 1241 Polycarpon 105 D2 Mollugo 2%. Mollugo Minaartia Queria Lechea GENERA O 1 06 107 108 109 IV. FOUR MALES, ( Tetrandria^ ) ONE FEMALE Protea Globularia Cephalanthus Dipfacus Scabiofa Knauria Allionia Hedyotis Scabrita Spermacoce Sciierardia Afperula Diodia Kncxia Houflonia Galium Cruclanella Rubia Spihonanthus Catefbaea Ixora Pavetta Petelia Mitchella Manctiia Callicarpa Aquartia Poiypremum Peri,£a Blatria Buddleja 110. 135- ir 12 13 H 15 16 ^7 18 242 ^9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 i33« 5^ 36 37 38 39 40 F CLASSES. ./^^giphila Exacum Flantago Scoparia iv:::^CCma Centunculus Sanguiforba Ciffjs Epimedlum Cornus Samara Fagara Ptelea Ludwigia Odenlandia Ammannia Ifnarda IVapa Dorllenia Cometes El^'agnus Santalum Struthiola Sirium Acaena Crameria Rivina ^ alvadora Camphorofma Alchemilla Hydrophyllax Banklia Haitogia Embotbrium 1 290" 141 14^ 143 144 145 146 147 184 149 1291 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 1243 159 48 1244 1292 1293 161 162 163 164 165 1361 1362 1363 ^364 TWO FEMALES ( Digynia. ) Alphanes j 55 Crucita j^y Bufonia j^g Hamamelis j^q Cufcuta jMQ Hypecoon j^j Gomozia 1365 FOUR GENERA OF CLASSES. FOUR FEMALES. ( Tetraginia* ) .|Ilex ' Coldenia Potamogeton Ruppia Tiilxa .Myginda , V. FIVE MALES, ( Pentandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) Hellotropium Myofotis L^thofpermum Anchufa CynoglolTum ^" 'iinonaria Tiphytum Cerinthe Onofma Borago Alperugo Lycopfis Echium MeiTerfchmldla Tournefortia ,N ol na Oiapenfia Aretia ndroface 'rimula ortufa oldanella iDodecatheon Cyclamen Menyanthes Hottonia Hydrophylurr) 172 174 176 177 J78 I79 180 181 182 184 185 186 187 188 189 igo 191 1245 192 193 194 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Lyfimachia Anagailis Theophrafta Spigelia Ophiorrhiza Lijianthus Randia Azalea Plumbago Nigrina Phlox Convolvulus Tmpomoea Polemonlum Campanula Roella Phyteuma Trachelium Samolus Nauclea Rondeletia Macrocnemum Bellonia Portlandia Cinchona Pfychotria CofFea Chlococca Hamellia Lonicera Triofteum Morlnda Conocarpus Scaevola Kuhnia Erithalis Menais MufTaenda Genipa Matthiola Mirabilis Coris Broflaea Ellifia V erbafcum 29. 205 2C6 207 209 210 1248 211: 212 213 1246 214 215 216 217 218 2I9 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 218 229 23® 231 232 233 234 235 236 1294 237 238 239 241 240 I23I 242 1229 244 245 Datura F- G E N I: R A OF CLASSES. Datura Hyofcyamus Nicotiana Atropa Phyflilis Solanum Gapficum Strychnos Jacquinia Chironia Cordia Patagoniila Ehretia. Varronia Laugeria Brunsfcliia Ceftrum Lycium Ghryfophyllum Sideroxylon Rhamnus Fhylica Ceanothus Arduina Buttneria Myrfiiie Celaftrus Ev^onymus Diofma Brunia Cyrilla Itea Galax Cedrela Mangifera Hirtella Pledtronia Ribes Aquillcia Gronovia Hedera Vitis LogoEcIa Sauvagefi^ 272 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 208 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 1250 268 269 270 271 • 273 274 1247 275 276 277 278 280 1249 281 1296 282 283 284 285 286 Roridula '234 Heliconia 1297 Claytonia 287 Achyranthes 288 Celofia 289 lUecebrum 290 Glaux 291 Thefium 292 Rauwolfia 293 Paederia 1252 Carifla 1251 Cerbera 294 Gardenia 296 Allamanda 1295 Vine a 295 IN erium 297 Plumeria 298 Echites 299 Cameraria 300 Tabernaemontana 301 Ceropegia 302 V ire Sla 1366 Shefiieldia 1367 Retzia 1368 Epacris 136c Ignatia 137c Tecktona 1371 Efcallonia 1372 Corinocarpus 137^ Argophyllum 1374 TWO FEMALES ( Digynla, ) Pergularia 125^ Periploca 30^ Cynaiichum 304 Apocynum 305 Alclepias 306 Stapelia 307 Herniaria 308 Chenopodium 309 Beta 3IC Salfola 31^ Anabafis 312 CreiTa 313 Stcris GENERA OF CLASSES. 31' jSterls Gomphrena Bofea LFlmus iNama Hydrolea Porana schrebera Heuchera Lincona V^elezia Swertia Gentiana Phyllis Eryngium Hytlrocotyle Sanicula Aftrantia Bupleurum Echlnophora rordylium Caucalis Artedia Daucus i A.mmi Bunium I Conium i Selinum I (\thamanta ' Peucedanum Crithmum ; HafTelquiftia \ Cachrys \ Ferula ;; Laferpitium . Heracleum ! Ligufl-icum : Angelica Slum Sifon Bubon Cuminum Oenanthe Phellandriuni Cicuta 1254 314 316 317 318 ^339 3^9 320 1298 447 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 . 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 JEthufd Coriandrum Scandix Chaerophyllum Imperatoria Seleli Thapfia Paftinaca Smyrnium Anethum Carum Pimpinella Apium -^gopodium Melodinus RufTelia Coprofma CujlTonia THREE 355 35^ 357 35B 359 360 361 362 363 364 3^5 366 367 368 1375 137^ 1377 1378 FEMALES. ( Trigynia, ) Rhus Viburnum Caffine Sambucus Spathelia Staphylea Xylophylla Tamarix Turnera Telephium Corrio-iola o Pharnaceum Alfine Drypis Bafella Sarothra S emecarpus 369 37P 37* 372 373 374 1299 375 37^ 377 37B 379 380 381 382 383 ^379 FOUR FEMALES, ( Tetragynia. ) Parnaffia 384 Evolvulus 385 FIVE FEMALES. ( Poitagyma, ) Aralia 386 Statife 388 Linum 32- GENERA OF CLASSES, Linum Aldrovanda Drofeia Gifekia CrafTula Mahernia Sibbaldia Commerfonia MANY 389 390 391 1299 392 1255 393 1580 FEMALES. ( Pofygynia, ) Myofurus VI. SIX MALES. ( Hexandria. ) ONE FEMALE, ( Monogynla, ) Bromelia Tillandfia Burmannia Tradefcantia Pontedera Haemanthus Galanthus Leucojum Tulbagia NarcifTus Pancratium Crinum Amaryllis Bulbocodinm Aphylanthes Allium Lilium Fritillaria Uvularia Gloriofa Erythronium Tulipa Albuca 394 395 396 397 39H 399 400 401 402 13CO 403 404 405 406 407 408 209 210 211 412 413 414 415 416 Hypoxis Ornithogalum S cilia Cyanella Afphodelus AnthericuiTV Leontice Afparagus Dracaena Convallaria Polianthes Hyacinthub Aletris Yucca Aloe Agave Alilromeria Hemerocalli^ Acorus Orontium Calamus I uncus Achras Rich:rdia Burfera Prinos Breberis Capura Lor nthus Hillia Canarina Frankenia Peplis Maflbnia Phormium Erharta Duroia TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia, ) Oryza 448 Atraphaxis Faikia Gahnia 449 i3«5 1386 THREE GENERA OF CLASSES. 33' THREE FEMALES. ( 'Trigynia. ) Flagellaria 450 Rumex 451 Scheuchzeria 452 riglochin 453 MeLintiiium 454 Medeola 455 Trillium 456 Colchicum 457 Helonias 458 FOUR FEMALES. ( TetVagynia. ) Petiveria 459 MANY FEMALES. ( Polygyniu. ) Alifma 460 VII. SEVEN MALES. ( Heptandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) Ti-jentalis 461 ^ftulus " 462 Difandra 1 34 j TWO FEMALES. C Digynia. ) imeum 463 FOUR FEMALES. ( Tetragynia. ) a-iirurus 45 j^ ippnogeton 1 387 SEVEN FEMALES. ( Heptagynia. ) iSeptas 45^ E VIII. EIGHT MALES. ( OSiandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia, ) Tropaeolum 466 Ofbeckia 467 Rhexia 453 CEnothera 45^ Gaura 470 Epilobium a-ji Antichorus 1257 Combretum An^ Griflea Guarea Allophyllus Ximenia Mimufops Jambolifera Melicocca Amyris Fuchfia Memecylon Dodonaea Chlora Lawfonla Vaccinium Erica Ophira Daphne Dirca Gnidia Stellea PafTerina Lachnasa Bseckea TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. ) Schmiedelia Galenia Weinmannia Moehringia Codia 474 1305 476 477 478 479 472 473 J 28 481 1303 1258 482 483 484 ^304 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 1259 492 493 494 1388 THREE 34 GENERA O F CLASSES. THREE FEMALES. X. ( Trigynia. ) T\ 1 TEN MALES, rolygonum Coccoloba 495 496 ( Decandria. ) Paullinia 497 ONE FEMALE* Cardiofpermum 498 ( Momgynia, ) Sapindus 499 Sophora 508 FOUR FEMALES. Anagyris 509 ( Tetragynia. ) Cercis 510 Paris Adoxa 500 501 502 Bauhinia Hymenaea 512 Elatine Parkinfonia 513 Haloragls 1389 Callia Poinciana 514 *■ Caefalpinia 516 Guilandina 517 IX. Guajacum 518 NINE MALES Cynometra • 519 ( E?meandria. ) Codon Di6lamnus 1285 522 523 ONE FEMALE. Ruta ( Momgynia. ) Toluifera 524 Laurus 503 Haematoxylon 525 Tinus 504 Profopis J260 Anacardium 520 Chalcas 1261 Cafljta 505 Murray a 134J THREE FEMALES Adenanthefa 526 ( Trigynia, ) Rheum SIX FEMALES. ( Hexagynia, ) Butomus 506 507 Turraea Trichilia Swietena Melia Zygophyllum Quailia 1306 528 521 527 530 529 Fagonia 531 Tribulus 53^ Tryallis 533 Lirrtonia 534 Monotropa 536 Dionaea 1307 Jullieua 538 Heifteria 535 Quifqualis 539 Dais 540 Me- GENERA OF CLASSES. 35' Melaftoma 544 Kalmia 545 Xvcdum 646 Rhododendrum 548 Andromeda 549 Epigasa 550 Gaultheria 55^ Arbutus 552 Clethra 553 Pyrola 554 Styrax 546 Samyda 543 Copaifera 542 Bucida 541 Myroxylon .1390 •Inocarpus J391 TWO FEMALES, ( Digynia, ) Royena 555 Hydrangea 557 Cunonia 556 Chryibplenium 558 Saxifraga 559 Tiarella 560 Mitella 561 Trianthema 537 Scleranthus 562 Gypfophila 5^3 Saponaria 564 Dianthus ^565 THREE FEMALES U (Trigyfiia.) Cucubalus 566 §ilene 567 Stellaria 568 Arenaria 569 Cherleria 570 Garidella sn Malpighia 51'^ Banifleria 573 Triopterls 1308 Hirrea 574 Erythroxylon 575 FIVE FEMALES. (Pentagynia,) Averrhoa 576 Spondias 577 Cotyledon 578 Sedum 579 Penthorum 580 Bergia 1309 Suriana 581 Grielum 1235 Oxalis 582 Ao;roftemma 583 Lychnis 584 Ceraftium 585 Spergula 589 Forskohlea 1262 TEN FEMALES. (D ecagynia,) Neurada 587 Phytolacca 588 E 2 XL 36. GENERA OF CLASSES. XI. TWELVE MALES. {D'Aecandr'ia.) . ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynla, ) Afarum Bocconia Gethvllis Baffii Rhizophora Vatica Blakea Befaria Garcinia Halefia Decumaria Winterania Crataeva Triumfetta Peganum Hudfonia Nitraria Portulaca Lythrum Ginora Dodecas TVv^O FEMALES. ( Digynia. ) Hellocarpus Agrimoiiia THREE FEMALES ( Tr'tgynia. ) Refeda 608 Euphorbia 609 Vifnea ^393 Tacca ^394 Pallafia '395 FIVE FEMALES. ( Pentagynia. ) Glinus 5 10 589 590 1343 592 1311 593 1310 594 595 597 598 599 600 601 1263 602 603 604 905 1392 606 607 TWELVE FEMALES. ( Dodecagynia.) Semper vivum 612 XII. TWENTY 'males. ( Icojandria. ) ONE FEMALE ( Monogynia. ) Caclus 613 Philadelphus 614 Pfidium 615 Eugenia 6 '6 Myrtus 617 Punica 618 Amygdalus 619 Prunus 620 Chryfobalanus 621 Plinia 671 Sonneratia '39^ TWO FEMALES ( Digynia. ) Crataegus 622 THREE FEA4ALES. ( Trigyn'ia. ) Sorbus 623 Sefuvium 624 FIVE FEMALES. (Pentagynia.) Mefpilus 625 Pyrus 626 Tetragonia 627 Mefembryanthemum 628 Aizoon 629 Spiraea 630 MANY FEMALES. (Polygynia.) Rofa Rubus Fragaria Pontentilla Tormentilla Geum 631 63Z ^33 634 ^35 636 Drvas GENERA OF CLASSES, Pryas Comarum Calycanthus 637 638 ^39 XIII. ^ MANY MALES. ( Polyandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) Marcgravia 640 Rheedia 641 Capparis 643 Aciasa 644 Sanguinaria 645 Podophyllum. 946 Ch^lidonium 647 Papaver 648 Argemone 649 Cambogia .650 Muntingia 65 1 Saracenia 652 Nymphaea 653 Bixa 654 Sloanea 655 Trewia ^239 Mammca 656 Ochna 657 Calophyllum 958 Giias 659 Tilia 660 Lretia 66 r Triiix 13^3 Elcieocarpus 663 Lecythis 664 Delirna 672 V ateria 666 Laojerftroemia 667 Th'ea 668 Caryophyllus 669 Mentzelia 670 Ciftus 673 Prockia . 674 Corchorus 675 Seguieria 676 37: 1397 1398 1399 I40t> 1401 Ternftromia Alftonia Myriftica Sparmmania Vallea TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. ) Paeonia 678 Curatella 679 Calligonum 680 Fothergilla 1 346 THREE FEMALES. (Trigyma.J Delphinium 68 r Aconitum 683 FOUR FEMALES. ( Tetraginia, ) Cimicifuga 1 282 Tetracera 683 Caryocar ^^3^4 FIVE FEMALES. (Pentagynia.) Aquilegia 684 Nigella 685 Raeumuria 686 Brathys 1 40 2 SIX FEMALES. (Hexagyn'ta*) Stratiotes 687 MANY FEMALES. ( Polygynia. ) Dillenia 688 Liriodenrum 689 Magnolia 690 Michelia. 691 lUicium 611 Uv^aria 692 Annona 693 Anemone 694 Atragene 695 Clematis 696 Thaliclrum 3»- GENERA OF CLASSES. Thali£lrum Aecuridaca ^alrber2;ia XVII. BROTHERI^OODS. (Diadelphia.) TEN MALES. (Decaiidria.) Niffolia Pterocarpus Erythrina Pifcidia Borbonia lyiparia S parti um Genifta Afpalathus Ulex A 850 1267 849 851 852 1416 836 837 126^ 839 840 Hi 842 U^ 846 847 r^44 8.^8 665 642 1413 1414 H15 S54 855 856 857 13^9 858 859 860 881 morpha 42* Amorpha Crotakria Ononis Anthyllis Arachls Ebenus Lupinus Ph^ eolus Dolichos Glv^'ine Clitoria Fimni Orobus Lath yr us Vicia Ervum Cicer Cyrfiis G eoffroya Robinia GENERA OF CLASSES. MANY 86i 862 863 864 876 S95 865 866 867 868 86q 870 871 872 8*73 874 875 877 878 879 Colutea Liparia Glycrryhiza Coronilla Ornithopus Hippocrepis Scorpiurus iEfchynomene Hedyfarum Indigofera Galega Phaca Aftragalus Biferrula Pforalea Trifolium Lotus Trigonella Medic ago Mullera 880 ' 882 883 884 885 886 888 887 889 890 89H 892 893 , 894 896 897 898 899 1417 FIVE MALES. (Pentandria.) Theobroma Monfonia Ambroma 900 1268 1418 TWENTY MALES. (Icojandria.) Citrus 901 XVIIL BROTHERHOODS. (PoJyadelphia,) MANY MALES. (Polyandria.) Melaleuca Hopea Glabraria Munchhaufia Symplocos Hepericum Afcyrum Laifluca Chondrilla Prenanthes Leontodon Hieracium Crepis Andryala Hyofcris Seriola Hypochaeris Lapfana Catananchc Cichorium Scolymus Ar<5tiuin Serratulum Carduus Cnicus Onopordon Cynara Carlina Atractylis Carthamus Bidens Cacalia Ethulia Eupatorium Ageratum Pteronia Staehelina Chryfocoma Tarchonanthus GENERA OF CLASSES. 45, XIX, CONFEDERATE MALES, ( Syngenefta, ) Galea ^^t Santolina 042 Athanafia oa? Barnadefia 14IQ SUPERFLUOUS POLYGA- MY. {Folygamia %uperj{iia.) Tan ac€ turn EQUAL POLYGAMY, (Poly garni a Squalls.) Geropogon Tragopogon Scgrzonera Picris Sonchus 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 Artemfia Hippia Gnaphalium Xeranthemum Carpcfium Baccharis 916 Conyza 917 Erigeron 918 Tumiago 919 Senecio 920 After 921 Solidago 922 Cineraria^ 923 Inula 924 Arnica 925 Doronicum 926 Perdicium 927 Helenium 928 Bellis 929 Bellium 930 Tagetes 931 Leyfera 932 Zinnia 933 Pedis 934 Eclipta 935 Chryfanthemum 936 Matricaria 837 Cotula 938 Anacyclus 939 Anthemis 940 Achillea 944 945 J324 946 947 948 949 951 952 953 954 955 957 956 958 259 960 961 962 132^ 9^4 963 974 965 ^32 1 966 967 968 g69 970 Xfidai'' GENl^RA OF CLASSES. 44* Tridax Amcllus Sigefbeckia Verbefina Buphtiialmum Unxia J/Iutifia FRUSTRANEOUS GAMY.. (Polygamia Frujlranea, ) Helianthus Rudbcckia Cor^opfis Ofmites Gorteria 972 . 978 973 975 977 I V20 I421 POLY- Calendula Ardots Olteofpermura Othonna Erioccphalus Fi'ago Micropfus SEPERATE 99a 901 992 293 994 995 996 POLYGAMY. Zcegxa 983 982 Cenraurca 984 NECESSARY POLYGAMY. (Po!ygamj Nccejaria,) Mill'^ria Baltimora (Polygamia Segretata.) Elephantopus 979 Shasranthus 980 Echinops 981 Gundeiia CEdera Stoebe Jungia Si'plilum Polymnia Chryfogonum ^elampodiiiin TWO MALES. (JDiandria.) MONOGAMY. (Monogamla,) Scriphium 985 Strumpfia 1323 Corymbium 986 Jafione 987 Lobelia 988 Viola 98) Impatiens XX. FEMININE MALES. (Gynandrla>) THREE 997 998 999 1000 1325 lOOI 142a 1003 1002 1004 IG05 I cob 1007 1008 Orchis Satirium Ophrys Serapias Iximodorum Arethufa Cypripedium Epidendrum Gunnera Difa f oiflera 1009 ibio ICII 1C12 1013 1G14 10 1 5 1016 1271 1423 MALES. (Triandria.) Sifyrinchium Ferraria Salacia Stilao-o FOUR MALES. (Tetrandria.) Nepenthes FIVE MALES. (Peniandria,) Ayenia Gluta PaOiflora 1017 1018 1326 1^73 lOI^ 1020 1327 1021 SIX GENERA G F CLASSES. SIX MALES. (Hexandria,) Ariflolochia Piftia EIGHT MALES. (OS^andria.) Scopolia TEN MALES. (Decandria.) Kleinhovia J^eiicleres 1022 1023 1425 1024 1025 TV/ELVE MALES. {Dodecandria.) Cytiniis MANY MALES. (Folyandria.) Xylop'a Grewia AmbroHnia Arum Dracontium Ca'la Po hos Ztflera ONE MALE. (Monandria,) 2annichellia 1034 Ceratocarpus 1035 Cynomorium 1003 Chara X203 EJaterium 1036 Artocarpus 1 4 26 Phyllachne 1427 Cafuarina I42S ^gopicron 1429 TWO MALES. (Diandria,) Angaria 1037 Lemna 1038 THREE MALES. (Tr'iandria.) Typha 1040 Sparganium 1041 Zea 1042 Tripfacum 1044 Coix 1 043 Olyra 1045 Carex ID46 AxyriS J 04 7 XXI. ONE HOUSE. (Alonoecia.) Omphalea Tiagia Hern and i a Phyllanthus FOUR MALES. (Tetrandria.) Centella Serpicula Littorella Cicca Betula Buxus Urtica Morus FIVE MALES. (Pentandria.) Nephelium Xanthium Ambrolia Partheniunv Jva Clibadium Amaranthus Solandra Leea 45- 1232 1027 1026 1238 1028 1029 IC30 1031 1032 1039 1048 1049 1050 105 1 1274 1328 1275 1052 1054 1055 1277 X056 1057 1058 1059 1329 1060 io6j 1276 HEX- GENERA OF CLASSES. 46. SIX MALES. (Hexandria.) 2izanii l^harus SEVEN MALES. (Heptandria.) Gucttarda MANY MALES. (Polyandria.) Ceratophillum Myriophillum Sagittaria Theligonum Poterium Begonia Quercus Juglans Fagus Carpinus Corylus Platan us Liquidambar 1062 1063 1064 ONE Pinus 1065 1066 1067 ic68 1069 1156 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 J076 BROTHERHOOD. (Monodelphla^) 1077 1978 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 279 1084 1085 1086 1279 1088 108 Thuya CuprefTus Pluckneiia Delechampia Acalypha Croton Cupania Jatiopha Ricinus Stcrculia Stillingia Hipponfianc Hura Gnetum 127 CONFEDERATE MALES. (Syngenejut*) Trichofanthes 1089 Momordica IO90 Cucurbita 1091 Cucumis 1092 Bryonia ^^93 Sicyos 1094 FEMININE MALES. (Gynandria.) Andrachne 1095 Agyncja 1330 ONE MALE. (Monandria,) Najas Pandanus TWO MALES. (Diandria.} Vallifncria Cecropia Salix THREE MALES. (Triandria,) Empetrum XXIL TWO HOUSES. (Dioecia.) Ofyris Reftio 1096 Excoecaria 1430 Caturus 1097 1099 1098 1 100 Maba FOUR MALES. (Tetrandrifi.) Trophis Batis Vifcum Hippophae Myrica 2101 1331 J 102 1280 1431 1 103 1104 H05 1106 1 107 Montian GENERAOF CLASSES. 47 Montinia 1432 FIVE MALES. (Pentandria.) Piftacia 1 108 Zanthoxylum 1 109 Aftronium mi Canarium 1281 Antidefma mo Irefine 1113 Spinacia 1112 Acnida 1114 Cannabis 1115 Humulus 1116 Zanonia 1117 Fevilleea 1118 SIX MALES. (Hexandria* Tamus 1119 Smilax 1 1 20 Rajania 1121 Diofcorea 1122 Populus 1123 Rhodiola 1124 EIGHT ' MALES, (Oeiandria.) Margaritaria '433 NINE MALES. 4 vr v^ (Enneandria.) Mercurialis 1 1 25 Hydrocharis 1126 TEN MALES. (Decandria.) Carica 1127 Kiggelaria 1128 S chin us 1130 Coriaria 1129 TWELVE MALES , (Dodecandria.) Datifca 1132 Menifpermum 1131 Euclea H34 MANY MALES. (Polyandria.) Cliffortia 1133 Hedrycarya 1434 ONE BROTHERHOOD. (Monadelphia.) Junlperus 1134 Taxus 1135 Ephedra 1136 Ciflampelos 1 138 Adelia U37 Napaea 836 CONFEDERATE MALES. (Syngenefia.) Rufcus 1^39 FEMININE MALES. (Gynandria.) Clutla 1140 XXIII. POLYGAMIES. ONE HOUSE. (Monoecia.) Mufa Oph ioxylon Celtis Veratrum Andropogon Holcus Apluda (Polygamia.) Manifuris Ifchaemum Cenchrus iEgilops Spinifex Valantia Parietaria Hermas Atriplex Br:ibejiim 1141 1 142 1143 1 144 1145 1 146 1147 1334 1 148 1 149 1150 1333 1151 IT52 ^332 1153 160 Terminalia, 48. gi:nera of classes. Terminalia Clufia Acer Govana Mimofa TWO HOUSES. (Dioecia.) Gleditfia Fraxinus Diofpyrus Nyfla 1283 1154 1155 I157 1158 1159 1 160 1161 1163 Stilbe n^i Anthofpermum 1 164 Ardcpus 1 165 Pifonia I162 Panax 1 166 Chryfitrix 1335 THREE HOUSES. (Trioecia.) Ceratonia 1167 Fieus 1168 XXIV. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. FERNS. Equlfetum Cycas Zamia Onoclea OphioglofTum Ofmunda Acroftichum Polypodium Hemionitis Afpknium Blechnum Lonchitis Petris Adiantum Trichomanes Marfilea Pilularia Ifoetes MOSSES. (Mufci.) Lycopodlum Porella Sphangum Phafcum Splachnum Polytrichum Mnium Bryum (Cryptogamia.) Hypnum Fontinalis Buxbaumia 1 1 69 1222 1227 II70 II7I II72 II73 1179 II76 I178 1175 II77 ?774 1180 1181 1 1 82 1183 1 184 1185 1186 1 187 1189 1191 1 192 1193 1194 Hedwigia Pottia Georgia Grimmia Webera Catharinea WeiiTia Andrejea FLAGS. (Jiga.) Marchantia Jungermufiia Targionia Anthoceros Bkfia Riccia Lichen Byfllis Tremella Ulva Fucus Conferva FUNGUSSES, (Fungi.) Agaricus Boletus 1195 1 190 ti88 1435 143^ 1437 1438 1439 1440 J441 1442 119S .1196 1197 1201 1 199 1200 1202 1208 J 204 1206 1205 1207 1209 1210 Hydnum GENERA OF CLASSES, Hydnum Phallus Clathrus Helvella I2II I2I2 1213 I214 Pezlza Clavaria Lycoperdon Mucor 49. 1215 1216 1217 1218 APPENDIX. PALMS. , Phoenix (pahna.) Chamserops l^oraflus 1219 1220 Elais Areca Elate Corypha Cocos 1221 1223 Caryota Maiiritia 1224 1284 1225 1226 1228 1444 I v^ AD- ADVERTISEMENT. TH E Editors intend as foon as pofllble, to publifh a tranflation of the GENERA, and SPECIES PLANTARUM, and have therefore only given the ej/ential chzrzdicrs^ 2ind fpecijic diftin£lions of plants in this work -, intending to put the references and obfervations into their proper places in the Species, and the natural characters from the Supplement into the Genera. The plants here introduced from the SUPPLEMENTUM PLANTARUM of the prefent Dodor LiNNEUS are diftinguiflied by S. after them ; the nevi^ Genera are placed at the end of the Orders to v^hich they belong, fbr the greater cafe in turning to them; and the nev7 Species inferted under their proper Genera. In the Claffes ONE HOUSE, TWO HOUSES, and POLYGAMY, ^ denotes the male flower, and ^ the female. CLASS O N E M A L E 51. fi L A S S I. ONE MALE. ( Monandria^ ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia, ) * Scitamineous^ beneath: Fruit cell'd beneath, 2 Amomum. Carol 3-parted : lip egg'd. 1350 Renealmia, Cor. 3-cleft : NeSiary oblong. 6 Curcuma. Cor, 4-parted : lip egg'd. ^S/^w. 4 barren, 8 Thalia. Cor, 5 -parted : Drupe nucleus 2-celPd. 1351 Myrosma. Cor. 5-parted, irregular. C^^x double. 5 Maranta. Cor, 5-cleft, grinning : lip 2-parted, laro-e. ,>.• 7 Kaempferia. Cor. 6-parted : lip 2-parted, fiat. I Canna. Cor, 6-parted: lip 2-parted revolute. Cal. 3^ leaved. 4 Alpinia. Cor. 6-clefc bellied : 2 lateral lobes end-nick'd. 3 CosTUS, Cor. grinning : lip 3-cleft : the middle end- nick'd. f Valeriana rubra^ Calcitrapa. * * One-feeded. 9 Boerhaavia. Calyx o. Cor. one petalM, bell'd, . II HippuRis. Cal. o. Cor. o. 10 Salicornia Cal. one -leaved, Cor. o. TWO FEMALES, ( Digynia. ) * Plants. 12 CoRisPERMUM. Cal. o. Cor, 2-petalM. ^eed r. 13 Callitriche. Cal. o. G?r. 2-petard. Capfide 7.'X.^VC6i^ 14 Blitum Cal 3-cleft berried. Cor. o. Seed i, * * GraJJy. 15 CiNNA Cal. GJumei-flower'd. Csr. Glume 2-valved. ^352 Mniarum, Cal. 3-parted, above. Cor. o. Seed i. * Scitamineous (fcitaminese) belonging to the 8th order in tke AuthtJW Fragments ©f* Natural Method, See Milne's Dift. .^2. , ONE MALE ONE FEMALE. Cantia. O N E F E M A L E. (Monogynidy) il 1. CANNA, Corol 6-parted, ereft; lip 2-parted, revolute. Style ianced, growing to- the corol. Calyx 3 -leaved. mdica. I. C. leaves egg'd pointed at both ends nervy. indian, anguftifoliai. C. leaves lanced petioled nervy. narrow-leaved, glauca 3. C. leaves lanced petioled nervelefs. fea-green, 2. AMOMUM. Cor. 4-cleft : firlt divifion expand- in^:. o Zingiber. I. A. fcape naked, fplke egg'd. Ginger,, Zerumbet. 2. A. fcape naked, fpike oblong obtufe. CardamO' 3. A. fcape very fimple, very ihort, bradles alternate loofe. mu7n. Cardamon. Granum 4. A. fcape branchy very {hort. Grains of Par adife. Paradiji, 3. COSTUS. Cor. interior part inflated, grinning : lower lip 3-cleft. arabicus. I. CosTUS. arahian. 4. ALPINIA. Cor. (^-cleft, bellied : three lobes expanding. racemofa. i. Alpin|A. raqrned, 5. MARANTA. Cor. grinning, 5-cleft : two alter- nate divilions expanding. orundina- 1. M., culm branchy. reedy* cea. Galanga 2. M. culm fnnple, leaves lanced fubfciTile. camafa 3- M. a tuft with leaflets refledted. iS". tufted' 6. CURCUMA. Stamens 4 barren, the fifth fertile. rotunda. \. C leaves lance-egg'd ; lateral nerves very fevi^. roun^, hnga, 2. C. leaves lanced : lateral nerves very numerous. long, 7 KAEMFERIA. T^iONANDiiiA MONOGYNiA. Kacmpferia. 53. .7. KAEMPFERIA. Cor. 6-parted : 3 larger divifions expanded, one 2-parted, Stigma 2 -folded. Galanga. i. K. leaves egg'd feflile. rotunda. 2. K. leaves lanced petioled. round, J. THALIA. Cor. 5-petard waved. Drupe with nucleus 2-ceird. geniculata i. Thalia. kiiotied. 9. BOERHAAVIA. CaL o. Cor^ i-petaFd, bell'd, plaited. Seed i. naked beneath. {Stam I or 2.) ereSJa. i. B. ftem ere6l, fmooth, flowers 2-male. ere£f. diffuja, 2. B. ftem polifh'd difFufe, leaves egg'd. diffufe, htrjuta. 4. B. ftem difFufe pubefcent, leaves egg'd fcpllop'd. Jhaggy* Jcandens. 3. B. ftem erect, flower i-male, leaves hearted acute. f/iw^^rV/T-. repens. 5. B. ftem creeping. creeping, augiijiifolia . 6. B. leaves linear acute. Tiarroiv-Ieaved. 13. SALICORNIA. C^/. fomev/hat bellied, entire. Petals o. Seed l. Glafswort. herhacia. I. S. herbaceous expanded joints comprefs'd at the top, end-nick'd-two-cleft. herbaceous. frutkofa. 2. S. ftem ere61: fliriibby. ft)rubby, virginka, 3. S. herbaceous ere6l branches very fimple. Virginian. arabica, 4. S. joints obtufe thicken'd atthebafe, fpikesegg'd.^^r^^/^w. arabica, S. leaves alternate ftieath-like, obpufe gaping on one fide. 5". aralnan. cafpica. 5. S. (hrubby, joints cylindrical, fpikes thread-form. r/7/^/<7«. foliata. 6. S. leaves linear alternate ftem clafping-decurrent. S. leaved. II. HIPPURIS Cal. o. Petals o. Stigma fimple. Seed I. Mar eft ail. vulgaris, i. H. leaves eightfold awl'd. S. comnmu ^etraphylla. 2. H. leaves fourfold oblong obturfe. S. four-leaved. ' 1350 RENE- 54- ONE MALE ONE FEMALE. Renealmia. 1350. RENEALMIA, Cor, 3-cIeft : NeSiary oblong CaL i -leav'd. Anther kWi^ oppLilte to the neftary. Berry flefliy. sxaltata. Renealmia. 5. lofty ^ 1 35 1. MYROSPi'lA. Cor. 5-parted, irregular. Cal. double: the exterior one 3-leaved ; the inferior one 3-p*arted. tanmzfolia, Myrosma. S. canna-leaved^ TWO FEMALES. f Digyniay J r2. CORISPERMUM. Cal. o. Petals z. Seed i^ oval, naked. T'ickfeed. hyjJopifoL I, C. flowers lateral. hyjjop-leav'd, fquarrofumi. C. fpikes ragged. ragged. 13. CALLITRICHE. Cal. o. Petals 2. Capfule 2-ceird, 4-feeded. Stargrafs, verna, I. C. upper leaves oval^ flowers androgynous. vernal, mdumnalisx, C. all the leaves linear two-cleft at the t®p, flowers her- maphrodite. ^ autu7nnaL 14. BLITUM. CaL 3-cleft. Petals o. Seed i, calyx berried. Blite, aapitatum. i. B. headlets fpiked terminal. headed* virgatum, 2. B. headlets fcatter'd lateral. twiggy. 15^ CINNA. Cal. glume 2-vaIved, i-flower'd. Cor. glume 2-valved. Seedi. arundinacea. Cinna. reedy., 1352. MNIARUM. Cal. 4-parted, above. Cor. o. Seed I , inflorum. i. Mniarum. S. pvo-Jlower'' d. CUSS; TWO MALES* 55. CLASS 11. TWO MALES. fDiandria.J ONE F E MA L f Monogynia J E. * Flowers beneath^ one- 20 Olea. 21 Chionanthus. 19 Phillyrea. 18 LiGUSTRUM. • -22^ SyRINGA* 23 Eranthemum. 17 Jasminum. 16 Nyctanthes. * * Floivers beneath^ 26 PiEDEROTA, ^55 Veronica. 29 Gratiola. . 1233 schwenkia;-'- 27 justicia* 28 Dianthera. 1288 Calceolaria. 30 PiNGUICULA. 31 Utricularia, *" * * Flowers beneath^ 32 Verbena. 33 Lycopus, 34 Amethystea. 36 Ziziphora, ■petaFd. regular. Cor. 4-cleft. Drupe, Cot, 4-cleft: dlvifions very long* C^r. 4-cleft : Berry i-feeded. Cor. 4-cle.t. Berry 4-feeded. Cor, 4-cleft: divilions linear. Capfule two- ' • ceJl'd, ; - C(?r. '5-cieft: idlvifiOns inverfe-eggM, flat, Capfulei Cit, 5-cleft. Berry 2-graIn'd. Cor. 8-cleft, Berry 2-grain'd. I -petard,, irregular^ Fruit capfuled. Cor. 4-cleft. Cdl. five-parted. Cor. border 4-parted : inferior divifion ilar- rower. Cor, 4-cleft irregular. iS/^;72. 4: 2 barren. Cor. fubequal : mouth' ftar-plaited, glandubr, 5/ O. leaves egg'd. cape. americana, 3. O. leaves lance-elliptic. amcrican. Si. CHIONANTHUS. Cor. 4-cleft : divifions very long, Nucleus of the Drupe ftriated. ■virglnic, I. C. peduncle:^ three-cleft three-flower'd. Virginian, zeylojiic. 2. C. peduncles panicled many flovi^er'd. ce^lon. 22. SYRINGA. Cor. 4-cleft. Cap/. two-cell'd.L/Az^. vulgaris i I. S. leaves egg-hearted. common, perjica. 2. S. leaves lanced. per/tan. 1240. DIALIUM. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. none. Sta- mens on the upper fide. ' indum. I. Dialium. Indian. 23. ERANTHEMUM. C^r. 5-cleft : tube thread- form. -^///yS^rj- out of the tube. Stig- ma iimple. Fruit. capenfe. i. E. leaves lance-egg'd petioled. cape, anguft'ifoh E.^ leaves linear remote expanded. narrrjo leaved' parvifoliuin. E. leaves egg-line.ir imbricated . fmall-leaved, Salfoloidcs. E. flirubby, leaves fleihy roundifti linear very fmooth, racemes axillary and calyxes pubefcent, tube re- curved, S, Saifola-Uke. 24. CIRCiEA. Cor. two-petal'd. Cal. 2-leaved, above. Seed i. two-cell'd. lutet'iana. 1. C. Hem ereil, racemes numerous,- leaves egg'd. parijiah. alpina, 2. C, flem pioflrate, raceme fmgle, leaves hearted, al- pine. 25. VERO- DIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Vcronica. 59, 25. VERONICA, Cor. Border 4-parted, lowefl di- vifion narrower. Capjule two- cell d. Speedwell, * Spiked. 1. V. fpikes terminal, leaves fevenfold verticiFd, ftem ihaggyifh. fiherian. 2. V. fpikes tcrmina],leaves fourfold and ^vtl^AA. Virginian. 3. V. Ipikes terminal, leaves threefold equally faw'd. jpuriom. 4. V. fpikes terminal, leaves threefold uncqualIyfav/M.y^<7. 5. V. fpikes terminal, leaves oppofite lanced favv'd pomted. long-leaved. 6. V. fpikes terminal-, leaves oppofite notch'd obtufe, ftem ere6l downy. hoary. y. y . fpike terminal, leaves oppofite notch'd obtufe, ftem afcending moft fimple. fpiked. 8. V. fpikes terminal, leaves oppofite obtufely fawM rug- ged, jlem erect. mule. 9. V. fpike terminal, leaves linear tooth-feather'd, ftem.s proftrate. feather'* d. 10. V. fpikes lateral peduncled, leaves oppofite, ftem pro- cumbent. oJ^cmaL * "^ Corymbe racemed. 10. V. corymbe terminal, fcape naked. leaflefs. 11. V. corymbe terminal, ftem afcending two-leaved, leaves obtufe notch'd, calyxes ihaggy. daify-Uke. fruticukfa. 12. V. corymbe terminal, leaves Lnced obtufifh notch'd, ftems fnrubbyiili. JJ^ruhbyiJh.. 13. V. corymbe terminal, leaves oppofite, calyxes hifpid. jihirica. fvirginica. fpiiria. 7narkinin. longifolia. incana. fp'icata. hybrida. pmiata. offic'mali IS, &phyUa. beUidioid. alpina. faxatiUs, alpine^ V. corymbe terminal, leaves oppofite fmoothifli, pe- duncles furpafTing the floral leaves. S, rock, ferpyllifol. 14. V. raceme terminal fubfpiked, leaves egg'd fmooth notch'd. thy?ne-haved. Beccabunga.i^. V. racemes lateral^ leaves egg'd flat, ftem creeping. BraGkliniii. Anagallis. 16. V. racemes lateral, leaves lanced fa v/'d, ftem erec^. jcutellat. 17, V. racemes lateral alternate : pedicels pendulous, leaves linear moft intire. jhield-like. H 2 18. V. 6o. TWO MALES. ONE FEMALE. VcroniCa. Venerium. i8. V. racemes lateral very long, leaves egg'd wrinkled tooth'd obtufifli, ftems procumbent pilofa, 23. V. racemes fiibfpiked, leaves egg'd obtufe, plaited, ftem prollrare hairy. hairy, proflrata. 22. V. racemes lateral, leaves oblong-egg'd faw'd, ftems proftrate. projirate, pe£iinata» 35. V. racemes lateral leafy, leaves oblong comb-faw'd, ftems proftrate. comb- like, montana, 21. V, racemeslateral few flowerM, calyxes fhaggy, leaves egg'd wrinkled notched petioled, ftem weak. V. racemes lateral elongated thread-form, leaves egg'd petioled obtufe grofly faw'd, ftem and petioles ihaggy. S, mountain. V, fhaga;y, raceme three-fiower'd elongated lateral ieaflefs, leaves egg'd or oblong faw'd Ihaggy : with hairs jointed. ^. Kamtfchaika. Chamcedrys. 23 V. racemes lateral, leaves eggM feflile wrinkled tooth'd, ftem two-faced hairy. Germander, auflriaca^ ig. V. racemes lateral, leaves linear-lanced, feather- tooth 'd. auftrian, viultifida, 20. V. racemes lateral, leaves many-parted, jagged, ftems ere<5i:. many-cleft, latifolia, 34. V' racemes lateral, leaves hearted wrinkled tooth'd, ftem upright. hroad-leaved, paniculata, 25. V. racemes lateral moft long, leaves lanced three- montana. Kamfcha^ tic a. fold faw'd, ftem afcendino:. Urtictc- folia. panicled. V. racem.es lateral, leaves egg-lanced ihaggy fharply faw'd, ftem erect. S, riettle-kaved. agrefiis, arvenfts. hedera- folia. % % % Pedu7:cles one-floiver d, 26. V. flowers folitary, leaves hearted gaflied fhorter than the peduncle. wild, 27. V. flowers folitary, leaves hearted gafh'd longer than the peduncle. field, " 28. V. flowers folitary, leaves hearted flat five-lobed. ivy-leaved^ triphyllos, 29. V. flowers folitary, leaves finger-parted, peduncles longer than the calyx. three-leaved, verna. 30. V. flowers folitary, leaves finger-parted, peduncles fhorter than the calvx, vernal romana, 31. V. flowers folitary fubfeflfile, leaves oblong fomewhat tooth'd, ftem erecl. roman,, acinifolia, 32. V. flowers folitary ped uncled, leaves egg'd fmooth notch'd, ftem erc<5t hairy ifli. acinus-leaved, 33- V. DIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. VcroniCa. 6l. peregrina, 33. V. flowers folitary feflile, leaves lance-linear fmooth obLule moft intire, ftem ereil. foreign* marilandica.24-* V. flowers folitary feflile, leaves linear, flems diffufe. maryland. 26. Pi^DEROTA. Cor. 4-clcft. CJ. 5-parted. Cap/, two-cell'd. P. leaves fsather'd. cape, P. leaves law'd: the inferior ones alternate. P. leaver fa vv'd oppoi'.te. P. upper lip of the corals undivided. S, blue, P. upper lip of the corols two-cleft. S, yellow,- bonafpei. Ageria, Bonarota, caruiea, luted , I. 2. Adhadota, Ecbolium, 2. Betonica. 6. 27. JUSTICIA. Cor, grinning : Cap/, two-cell'd, burfting with an elaftic claw. Stamens with a lingular anther. * Shrubby, I. J. arborefcent, leaves lance-egg'd, bra6^es egg'd permanent, helmet of the corols concave. J. (hrubby^ leaves lance-egg'd, fpikes four-corner'd, bractes egg'd fringed, helmet of the corols re- fleaed. J. fhrubby, leaves lance-egg'd, bra£les ego;'d pointed vein-netted colour'd. Beiony. J. fhrubby, leaves lance-egg'd fhaggy fefiile, fpikes recurvated. fcGrpiG7i-Uke^ J. fhrubby, leaves lance-egg'd painted, corols in- flated in the throat. painted, J. fhrubby, leaves lance-egg'd fourfold, brakes lanced fringed. funnel-form, J. fhrubby, fpikes axillary, peduncles lateral, thorny, j. fhrubby, leaves elliptical, thyrfes terminal .y^w^.75, J. fhrubby, flowers axillary feflile. fejfle. J. fhrubby, leaves lanced mofl intire, peduncles three-flower'd two-edged, bractes fhorter than the calyx. hyffop- leaved, J. fhrubby, leaves egg'd pomted at both ends peti- oled, fpikes terminal four-corner'd ere6i, braCtes egg'd. S. Very beautiful. J. fhrubyim, ftem columnar, leaves orbicular, fpikes terminal flowers folitary, bractes inverfe-heart- ed. S- ^Iranquehar. J* fcorpioides, piSta. 5 3 19 infundibuli- form. fpinofa, fafiuofa, feffdis. 20. hyfjopifolia, 7. Pidcherrima* Tranqueba- renfts. 62. TWO MALES. ONE FEMALE. Jufticia. Orchioides, J. fhrubby, leaves egg'd (eilile, flowers axiljary ioli- tary ped uncled. S. orchislike Grandarufa, J. fhrubby, Iniooth, leaves lanced elongated, fpikes verticil'd. S. * * Herbaceous. frocumhem^ 8. J. leaves lanced moft intire, fpikes terminal and late- ral alternate, bradles briftly, ftem procumbent. procumbent. fe5iinata. 9. J. diffufe/pikes axillary feffile downy one-rank'd im- bricated on the back : bra(5^es half-lanced, comb, repens. 10. Jl leaves egg'd fomewhat notch'd, fpikes terminal, bra(5les lanced, ftem creeping. creeping, chinenfis. II. J» herbaceous, leaves egg'd, flowers lateral, peduncles three flower'd, bracles oval. chinefe, ecmeides, 12. J. leaves lanee-linearcbtufefeflile, racemes afcending- one-rank'd, bracles briftly. echium-Uke, fexangularis, 13. J. leaves egg'd moft Intire, bra'(£tes wedge-form, bran- ches fix-angled. fix angled. J. leaves lance-oval, flowers fpiked^ bra6les oblong- wedded, earth azini an. J. leaves egg'd moft Intire, bractes awl'd, branches fix-corner'd. arifing. J. leaves lance-egg'd moft intire, peduncles two-fork'd. noj^ed, J. leaves lance-egg'd, peduncles fix- flovver'd : lateral pedicels tv/o-fiower'd, bra61:es egg'd parallel'd. t%vo-valved. purpurea. 16. J. leaves egg'd da2;ger'd at both ends moft intire fmooth, ftemi knotted^ fpikes one-ranked, purple, gangeiica. 18. J. leaves egg'd, rncemes ilmple long, flowers alter- nate one rank'd, bractes obfcure. i^^^^^^' ficaulis. J. ftemlefs. S ftemlefs. ciliaris, J. herbaceous, leaves lanced, flowers oppofite feflile, bracles and calyxes briftly hifpid longer than the flower. S. fringed. zierticillaris. J. villous, leaves egg'd intire, flowers axillary verti- cil'd fefllle. S. verticil'd. ca?-thagi- 21. nenfts. iijjlirgens. 14 nafiita. 15 hivahis. 17 28. DIAN- DiANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Dianthera. 63. S8. DIANTHERA. Cor, grinning. Capfuk two- cell d burfting with an elaftic claw : each Stamen with two alternate an-- thers. americana, i. D. fpikes folitary alternate. americah ■comata. 2; D. fpikes thread-form vertlcU'd ; the inferior ones iimbel'd. tufted malaharica, D. flowers panicled, pedicels two- or three-cleftjflow- ers two-calycled : the dorfal divifion larger. S. malahar. 29. GRATIOLA. Cor, irregular, refupine. Sta- mens 2, barren. Capfule a-cell'd. • Gal, 7-leaved : the 2 exterior expan- ded. tifficinalh, I. G. leaves lanced faw'd, ftov/ers pedunclcd. o^ffirAnuL Alonnleria, 2. G. leaves oval-oblong, peduncles one-flower'd, ftem- creeping. rotundifolia. G. leaves egg'd three-nerved. round-leaved, hyjjopioidcs. G. leaves lancedlomewbat faw'd fhorter than the ftem- joint, hyffoplike. virginica, 3. G. leaves lanced obtufe fomewhat tooth'd. Virginian, peruviana. 4. G.- flowers fubfeflile. puruvian* 1233. SCHWENKIA. Cor, fabequal, the throat plaited glandular. Stam, 3 barren, Capf, 2-ceird, many feeded. americana, I. Schwenkia, ' amerimn, 1288. CALCEOLARIA. Cor, grinning, inflated. Capf. 2-ceird, 2-valved. CaL 4- parted, equal. pinnata. C. leaves feather'd. feathered perfcliata. C. leaves leaf-pierced fpatule-arrowM. S. leaf-pierced, integrifo.ia. C. leaves undivided. integrifolia. C. leaves egg'd undivided faw'd. S, intire-leaved. 30. P'NGUL 64. TWO MALES. ONE FEMALE. PingUlCula. 30. PINGUICULA. Cor. grinning, fpur'd. Cal, two-lip'd, 5-cleft. Capf. one-ceird. Butterwort. 1. P. ne6i:ary thicken'd at the top. portugaL 2. P. neftary cylindrical the length of the petal, common. 3. P. ne<3:ary conical fhorter than the petal. alpine, 4. P. fcape fubviilous. villous. lufitanica, 'Vulgaris, alpina. villofa. 31. UTRICULARIA. Cor. grinning, fpur'd. Cal. 2-leaved, equal. Capf. one-cell'd. alpina. i. U. neftary awl'd, leaves egg'd moft intire. alpine^ foliofa. 2, U. neftary conical, fruit bowing, roots without bl ad- I ders. vukaris, o minor, fubulaia. gibba. bifida. ctsrulea. Jlellaris. U. nectary conical, fcape few-flower'd U. ne6tary keel'd. U. ne6^arv awl'd. 6. U. neftary gibbous. 7. U. fcape naked two-cleft. 8. U. fcape naked : f^-ales alternate ftraggling awl'd. blue- U. veiticilof the brades bladdery fringed. 5. Jiarry leafy. common. lefs. awl^d. gibbous, two-cleft. 32. VERBENA. Cor. funnel-form, fubequal, curved. With the fingle tooth of the Calyx lop'd. Seeds 2 or 4. naked. fStam. 2 or 4.) Vervain. orhica. tndica. 1. V. two-male, fpikes longeft leafy. orbicular. 2. V. two-male, fpikes longeft flefhy naked, leaves lance-egg'd, obliquely tooth'd, ftem polifii'd. Indian. 3. V. two-male, fpikes longeft, fleftiy naked, leaves^ fpatule-egg'd, faw'd, ftem fhaggy. Jamaica. 5. V. two-male, fpikes loofe, calyxes alternate prifmatic lop'd awn d, leaves egg'd, obtufe. prifmatic. 6. V. two-male, fpikes loofe, calyxes of the fruit reflected twm- rounded hifpi, dichotoma. O. flowers folitary axillary, ftem two forkM. i-fork^d, c2 LOEFLINGIA. CaL 5-leaved. Cor. 5-petard, fmalleft. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved. hifpamc. I. LoEFLiNGiA. fpmnjlj. 53. POLYCNEMUM. CaL 3-leaved._ Petals 5, calyx-form. Seed i, nakedifli. arvetife. i. Polycnemum. Z^'^^- 54. HIPPOCRATEA. C^/. 5-parted, Pefa/s 5. C^^/ 3, inverfe-hearted. vcluhihs, T. Hippo CRATE A. tivming. SS^ CROCUS 78. THREE MALES. ONE FEMALE. CrOCUS. 55. CROCUS, Cor. 6-parted, equal. Stigmas con- volute. Saffron, fatlvus* I. C. fpathe one-valved radical, corol with tube longeft. wild, officinalis. a, autumnal with leaves narrower revolute at the ?nar~ gin. officinal, vernus. b. vernal with leaves broader with margin expanded. vernal. 56. IXIA. Cor. 6-petard, expanding, equal. Stig- mas 3, erediifli-expanded. rofea. 12. I. fcape one-flower'd leaflefs fhorteft. rofe. Bulhocodium.i. I. fcape one-fiower'd fhorteft, ftem- leaves angular, iHgmas fix fold. uniflora. 1 1. I. fcape one-flower'd, leaves fv^'ord-form, fpathe torn. one-flower d. minuta. I. Scapes one-flower'd 5. minute, pilofa. I. fcape fimple, leaves linear hairy. S. hairy, capillaris. I. ftem many-flower'd, flowers peduncled eredt, leaves linear ere6t. S. capillary, alopecuroidea. I. ftem fimple, leaves linear, flowers imbricated. 5. foxtail-like, falcata. I. ftem fimple, leaves fickled. 5. flckled. linearis. I. ftem fimple, leaves linear convex ftriated. S. linear, excifa. I. ftem fimple, leaves egg-oblong cut out on the interior fide. S. cut. fruticofa. I. ftem fhrubby branchy. 5. Jhrubby. ccrymbofa. 3. I. flowers corymbed peduncled, ftem two-edgM. corymbed. hyalina, I. flowers yellow, petals glafly on the fide with a yellow line in the middle of the bafe. S. afr'icana. 2. I. flowers headed, fpathes torn. african. pcntandra. I. flowers five-male, ftamens curved, leaves fword- form. 5. five-male, chinenfis. 9. I. leaves fword-form, panicle two-fork'd, flowers peduncled. chinefe. bulhifera. 4. I. leaves linear, axils bulb-bearing, flowers alter- nate, ftamens lateral. bulb-bearing, flexuofa. 5. I. leaves linear, raceme winding many-flower'd. winding, polyjlachia, 6. I. leaves linear, fcape with fpikes numerous, many- J piked. 7. ?, TRIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA, Ixia. 79' SctUaris, 7. I. maculata, 12. I. crocata. crifpa» pendula, cinnamomea, gladiata. Galaxia. fugacijjima , 8. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. leaves fword-form ftriated, fpike elongated. SquiL leaves fword-form, flowers alternate : with petals obfcure at the bafe, fpotted. leaves fword-form, flowers alternate : with petals glafs-window'd at the bafe. Jaffron. leaves awl'd curlM, fcape fpik'd. S, curl'd^ leaves linear fword-form, item paniclcd, racemes many pendulous. S. pendulous. leaves lanced waved^ fpike one-rank'd. S, cin- namon. Styles three, culm naked comprefs'd, fcales of the glumes awnlefs. 5. fiuord, of the clafs one Brotherhood, fpathe radical, leaves egg'd flatnerv'd. 5. Galaxv. of the clafs one b'-otherhood, fpathe radical, leaves awl'd channel'd recurvate. S. inoft fieetlng. ^j. GLADIOLUS. Cor. 6-parted, grinning. Sta- mens afcending. cormnums, imhrUatus. alatus, pUcatus, trijiis, undulatus. recurvus. fpicatus, alopecu^ roides, angujius, ramofus. capitatus. crifpus. junceus. 1. G. leaves fword form, flowers difl:ant. 2. G. leaves fword-form, flowers imbricated. 4. G. leaves fword-form, lateral petals common, imbrica- ted, broadefl. winged. 5. G. leaves fword-form plaited villous, fcape lateral, corols regular. plaited. 6. G. leaves linear-crofs'd, corols bell'd. forrowfuL 7. G. leaves fword-form, petals fubequal lanced waved, ■waved. 8. G. leaves fword-form, petals fubequal lanced recur- vate. recurved. 3. G. leaves linear, fl^em fimplefl:, flowers A:>iked. /piked. 10. G. leaves linear, fpike two-rank'd imbricated, fox- tail-like. 57. G. leaves linear, flowers difl:ant, tube of the corols longer than the borders. narrow. 8. G. fl:em branchy, leaves linear. branchy. 6. G. ftem branchy, heads peduncled, root tuberous. headed. G. leaves lanc'd notchM waved, flowers one-rank'd, fpikes two, tube thread-form long. S curled. G. leaves broad hnced, culm branchy, flowers one- rank'd, ftyle flx parted. S. ' rujhy. G. 8o. ^HREE MALES. ONE FEMALE. GladioIuS. anceps. gra?Hineus. ynarglnatus. mmtanus, falcatus, jiexuojus, hyig'ifiovus. iuhiflorns. fpathaceus. fettfoUus. G. leaves fword form wavM, ftem branchy twp-edg'ci divaricated. S. tivo-edgcL G. petals lanced briftle pointed. S. g''''^ifh G. leaves cartilaginous-edged, firiooth many-nerved, fpilce elongated, flowers alternate nodding. 5. edged. G. leaves f word-form nerved Imooth, flowers fpiked. Corol grinning. *S\ mountain. • G. fl:em fimple, leaves fickled, flowers alternate, fl:yle three-cleft. *S. fickled, G. leaves linear, flem Ample winding, flowers fpiked grinninp;, tube long. S. winding, G. ftem columnar, tube longefi:, fpathes and leaves linear fmooth. S. long-flower d, G. ftem columnar tube v^x^^ ^orig? fpathes and leaves hairy. &. tube-floiuering. G. flem branchy, flowers fpike-imbricated, fpathes membranous awn'd, leaves plaited. S. Jpatbe. G. flem branchy, corol griryiing, lowefl- leaf thread- form-briflly, S. . hrijlle-ka-v d. 58. A?\TIiOLYZA. Co7'. tubular, irregular, recur- vate. Capf, beneath. ruigens. i. A. lips of the corol divaricated, throat comprefs'd. grhin'ing. A. corols fubpapilionaceous : with two external lobes of the lip broader afcending. A. corols incurvate : v/ith two alternate lobes of the Ave- parted lip expanded greater lanced, cvihicpian A. corols funnel-form, leaves fword-form. A. corols funnel-form, leaves linear. A. flowers funnel-form downy without. A. leaves plaited, flem branchy fhaggy, ccrcl grinning iliorter than the flamens. S. plaited. A, radical leaves with thread-form bafe broad-awl'd furrov/'d at tor, flem flmole leafy fpiked. S. Ciinoma, a'ih'iopica, Jl/feriana. Aierianelld. Maura, plicata. Lv.ddsr, 3- 4- z^Cj. IRIS. Cor. 6-parted : with alternate Petals re- flected. Stigmas petal -form, "^^ .Bearded : with JieLlaries of reflected petals. I, I. corols bearded, ilcm longer than the leaves one-* ilower'd. ':ar^. 2. L TRlANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Iris, Si. florentina. 2. I german'ica. 3. I. aphylla, 6. I. fambucina, 4, I. fquakns. 5, I. Variegata. y. I, bifora, 8. I. pumila. 9. I. dlchctoma, 1. trjpctahu I. all at a. I, tricufpiduia, I. 7n'itmta. I. pfeud-Jic- 10. I. fcetidijpma . 11. I, # irica. o T 12. "'erjicokr. 13, I. virglniai. ia.. T.. coro]s bearded, flem higher than the leaves moftly two-flower'd, flowers feffile. JlorentinL corols bearded, ftem higher than the leaves many- flovi^er'd, the inferior flov;rers peduncled.^^rw^;?. corols bearded, fcape naked the length of the leaves many-flower'd. leaflefs. corols bearded, ftem higher than the leaves many- flov/er'd, the defleded petals flat; the ereft ones end-nick'd. elder-like. corols bearded, ftem higher than the leayes many- fiov^rer'd, the deflected petals replaited the ereit ones end-nick'd. fqualid. corols bearded, ftem fomewhat leafy the length of the leaves many-flower'd. , Variegated, corols bearded, ftem fhorter than the leaves three - flower 'd. " corols bearded, ftem ftiorter than the leaves, one- flower 'd. _ . dwarf. Corel very thinly bearded, ftem columnar elongate panicled, branches alternate divaricated, two or four flower'd. S. two-forked. corols bearded, radical leaf Angle linear fv/ord- form-channel'd, alternate petals awn'd. S^ three-petaV d^ corols bearded, leaves lanced wav6d fringed, alter- nate petals inverfe-egg'd, S. fringed, corols bearded, radical leaf fword-form, alternate petals three-cleft. 8. three-piked. corols bearded, leaves lanced fmooth, alternate petals lanced. ,S'. miraitc^ Beardlefs : with petals defeSfed poIijFd, corols beardlefs, interior petals lefs than the ftigma^ leaves fword-form. falfe Acorus. corols beardlefs : interior petals moft expanded ^ ftem cne-angled, leaves fv/ord-form. moftfetid^ corols beardlefs, germs three-cornef'd, ftem"coliim- nar, leaves linear. fiberia?i, corols beardlefs, germs almoft thre^-comer'd, ftem ' columnar v/indlng, leaves fv/ord-form. colour- changing^ corols beardlefs, germs three-corner'd, ftem two- *^^z>^* Virginian^ L 15. L 8^, THREE MAlES. ONE FEMALE. Ins. martini' 15. I. cenfiSi fpuria. 16. I. tchroleiica, I. graminea* 17. I.- 'verna, 18. I< iuberofa. ig. I. Xiphium. 20. I. perjica, 21. L Sifyrin- 22. I. chium^ tenuifol'ia* L tr'ijlisi.^ pavonw* papilionacea^ v'lfcaria, hitu?ninofa, crijpa* eduUs* I, I, L L L I. I. famofijfima, L fetifoUat, i. fpaihiihta, I. corols beardlefs, germs three-corner'd, petals with glandular pits at the bafe. martinico. corols beardlefs, geims fix-angled, ftem columnar^ leaves fublinear. fpurious, corols beardlefs^ germ fix-angled, ftem fubcolum- nar, leaves fword-form ftriated. pallid. cotols beardlefs, germs fix-angled, ftem two-edged, leaves linear. g^'^^ffy- corols beardlefs^ ftem one-flower'd fhofter than the leaves ; root fibrous. vernaL corols beardlefs, leaves fbur-corner'd. tuberous. corols beardlefs^ flowers twofold, leaves awl-chan - nel'd fliorter than the ftem. corol beardlefs, interior petals fhorteft moft expan- ded, per/tan, corols beardlefs, leaves chan nel'd, biilbs double placed ori each other. cDrol beardlefsj fpathe two-flmver'd, leaflongcft thread- form, tube thread-form elongated. S. Jlender 'leaved. corols beardlefs, ftem branchy fliaggy, leaves lon- ger fword-form fmooth. S. forrozvfuL corols beardlefs, with radical leaf fv/ord-form fmooth, ftem fimple. B, peacock, fliaggy, corols beardlefs, leaves revolute. S papilionaceous, corols beardlefs, leaves linear flat, petals expanding, ftem vifcous. S. vifcous, corols beardlefs, leaves fword-form fpiral, petals reflected, ftem vifcous. S, bituminous^ corols beardlefs, leaves fword-form revolute curl'd, petals expanding. S. curV-d, corols beardlefs, with radical leaf ftieathing the fcape linear channeled very long, exterior lip of the ftigma intlre. S, eatable* corols beardlefs, leaves fword-form flat, ftem pani- cled vtry branchy obtufely three corner'd. S/, jugJI branchy, corols beardlefs, leaf thread-form fmooth, ftem fim- ple, fprthes membranous. S. hrijllc-leavcd. corols beardlefs, leaves fword-form fmooth ftriated rigid, fpathes awl'd very long, 8. fpatuled^ 60, MORiERA. I 6o. MORiEA vegeta. 1. M. jujicea. 2. M. ir I diodes. 3. M. plyantbos. M. fpathacea. M. lugens. M. -fpiraliSf M. {iphylla. M. jiliformiSf M. Jlexuofa, M. Irlopetala, M. juncea. a. ve?eta. h. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. MorjEa. Sj, . Cor. fix-petal'd ; 3 interior petaJ^s expanding ; the reft like Iris, le:aves channel'd^ vegete, leaves awl'd. rujhy. leaves fword-form. iris-like. ftem very branchy, leaves avv^l'd finooth, alternate petals lefs^ ftigmas tv^^o-cleft. S, 7nany-jlo%ver''d. fcape columnar, leaves columnar expanding longj flowers aggregate headed. 5. fpathc, ftem two-edged one-or-two-flcwer'd, leaves fvvord- form : the lowcft ones alinoft fickled, flowers terminal. 5. mourning.. flem comprefsM jointed many-flpwer'd, leaves fword-form ere6l, flowers axillary. S. fpiraL fcape comprefs'd naked very fmooth, fpathe very lono; awl'd, flowers headed. S, leaflefs. fcape and leaves thread-form^ flowers terminal \o~ litary. 5. thread-form, fl:em columnar jointed branchy, leaves flat loofe revolute^ fpike winding, 5. windings leaves grafiV, three greater petals bearded. S, Iris-peiaV d, the fcales of the bulb difl:incl: at the bafe. S. rujhy, the fcal&s of the bulb connected at the bafe. S. vegete<. 61: WACHENDORFIA. Cor. fix-petal'd, unequal, beneath. Cap/, three-cell'd above. 1. W. fcape fimplc. tkyrfe-fiowering. 2. W. fcape many-fpiked. payiiclcd. W, umbel two-cleft racemed. umherd. W. item many-fpiked fliaggy, leaves f^ord-form chan- nel'd fmooth. S. grafs-leavedo ihyrjljlora. . Pcmiculata . uinbellata. gyaminifolia. 62. COMMELINA. Cor. 6-petard. Neclaries 3, crofs'd, inferted on appropriated fila- ments, * TwQ-pctaT d^ from two petals being larger. fommunisf i. C. corols unequal, leaves cgg-lanced acute, flem creeping fmooth. {:o?nn:on. h Z 2. C, 84. THREE Mx-YLES. ONE FEMALE. Gommelina. africana, 2. C. corols uncqua], leaves lanced fniooth, ftem decum- bent. African. lenghdcnfis . 3. C. corols unequal, leaves egg'd obtufe, ftem creeping. htnghal. ^re^a, 4. C. corols unequal, leaves egg-lanced, ftem ere6t fomewhat fliaggy moft limple. creSf, ** Three-petal^ d : 'Lanomo^ PL vSith 1^ pet ah larger. *Virginica. 5. C. corols fubequal, leaves lanced fubpetioled bearded on the face, ftems erect. "Virginian, tyherofa, 6. C. corols equal, leaves felTile egg-lanced ibmew^hat fringed. tuberous. Zanoma, y. C. corols equal, peduncles thicken'd, leaves lanced: with (heaths tumid ftiaggy on the margin, bradles double. "vag'mata. C. corols equal, leaves linear, flowers two-male ftieathed by the involucre. jheathed. midifiora, 8. C corols equal, peduncles capillary, leaves linear, involucre none, flowers two-male, naked flower. 63. CALLISIA. CaL 3-leaved. Tetah 3. Anthers double, C4aff. two-cell'd. rep en'** i. Callisia. creeping. ^4. XYRIS. Cor, 3-petard, equal, notch'd. Glumes 2-valved in a head. Ccipf, above. indicd, Xyris. indiafh 65. SCHOENUS. Glumes chafFy, one-valved, col- ledled. Cor. o. Seed i. roundifh be- tween the glumes. * JVith Culm coluinnar. Martfciis, I. S. culm columar, leaves prickly on the edge and back. ^culeattis. a. S. culm colunmar branchy, heads terminal, involucre three-leaved moft ftiort rigid expanding, prickly, Tniicronatus. 3. S. culm columnar naked, fpikelets egg'd fafcicled, involucre moftly fix-leaved, leaves channel'd. daggered, 'Tiigricam.. 5, S, culm columnar naked, head egg'd, one valvelet of the two-leaved involucre awl'd, long. black, 6. S. TRIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Schoenus. 85. ferrugineus. 6. S. culm columnar naked, fpike double, the greater valvelet of the involucre equalling the fpike. iron, fiifcus. 9. S. culm columnar leafy, fpikelets fubfafcicled, leaves thread-form channeled. brown, compar. S. culm columnar naked, fpike compounded, fpikelets doubled. equal, uftulatusn S. culm columnar leafy, fpikes peduncled pendulous oblong aw^n'd. burnt, radiatu:. S. culm roundifh, head roundifli, involucre eight- leaved very long. S. ^ radiate. ^ * lyith Culm three-fidcd. niveus. S. culm three-fided., head roundifh, involucre moft long, calyxes fimple vertical. fnowy. color atus. 8. S. culm three-fided, head roundifh; with an involucre mofl long flat variegated, fiow^ers imbricated, coloured, bulbofus. S. culms three-fided naked, with knobs of flowers alternate, leaves linear-thread-form. bulbous. £ompre[fus. 10. S. culm almoft three-fided naked, fpike two-rank'd, involucre one-leaved. comprcfs^d. ^kmeratus. 11. S. culm three-fided leafv, flowers fafcicled, leaves flat peduncles lateral double. glornerated, ihermalis. S. culm three-fided leafy, heads lateral compounded fubfeflile, leaves fword-form keel'd. ivarm. albus. 12. S. culm almoil threc-fided leafy, flowers fafcicied^ leaves briflly. whiti:. 66. CYPERUS. Glumes chaffy, imbricated two- rankwife. Cor. o. Seed i. naked. * IVlth Cuhn columnar. I. C. culm columnar naked jointed. jointed. 1. C. culm columnar naked, fpikes under the top. fmall- C. culm roundifh naked, fpike lateral fefTile. 5. lateral. C. culm round umbel fuper-decompounded, ieaveswith a keel glofTy. .S*. C. culm naked briflly, fpikes folitary and double fefTile. 5. tender- * * With Culm three-fided. C. culm three-fided naked, fpike fimpIe egg'd termi- nal : with fcales daggered. one-fpihd. C culm three-fided naked, head two-leaved, flowers polifli'd, ' pdijVd. 4. c. articulatiis. 7ninimus. lateralis, Monti. tenellus. tmonojiachios. 2oevigatv.s. 86. THREE MALES, ONE FEMALE. CyperUS. Hafpmt. 4. C. culm three-fided leafy^ umbel fuper-decompoundedj fpikelets umbel-feflile. longus. 5. C. culm three-fided leafy, umbel leafy fuper-decom- pounded, peduncles naked, fpikes alternate. Ion':. efcule'fitus. 7. C. culm chree-fided naked, umbel leafy, knots of the roots egg'd i with zones imbricated. efculeni. rotundus, 6. C. culm three-fidedalmoft naked, umbel decompound- ed, fpikes alternate linear. round, fquarrcfus. 3. C, culm three-fided naked, umbel leafy glomerated, fpikes ftriated ragged. ragged, difforyjih. 8. C. culm three-fided naked, umbel two-leaved fimple three-cleft, fpikes piked : with the intermediate one feffile. deforrrCd, Iria. 9. C. culm three-fided half naked, umbel leafy decom^ pounded, fpikelets alternate, grains diftin61:. Iris, elaius,. 10. C. culm three-fided naked, umbel leafy fuper-decom- pounded, fpikes iinger'd imbricated, fpikelets awl'd. elate, ^lomeratus. I2y C. culm three-fided naked, umbel three-leaA'-ed fuper- decompounded, fpikes glomerate-rounded, fpike- lets awl'd. glomerated. glabcr^ C. culm three-fided naked polifh'd, umbel three- leaved, flowers glom.erated : the inferior ones crofs-arm'd, leaves fmooth. fniooth, elegans, ii. C. culm three-fided naked, umbel leafy, peduncles naked proliferous, fpikes crowded : with dag- gers expanded. elegant, odoratus. 13. C. culm three-fided naked, umbel decompounded fimply leafy, pedicels fpiked two-rankwife. odo~ rous. comprejfus. 14. C. cujm three-fided naked, univerfal umbel three- leaved, glumes dagger'd : with fides mem.bra- nous. comprefs'd, fi.avej'cciii. 15. C, culm three-fided naked, umbel three-leaved, pe-? duncles fimple equal, fpikes crowded lanced. yellciv, fufciis,. 16. C. culm three-fided naked, umbel thjee-cleft, pedun- ples fimple u;iequal, fpikes crowded linear, brown, pinnilm, ly, C. culm three-fidcd naked, umbel two-leaved com- pounded, fpikelets alternate-finger'd lancedj^ glumes dagger'd. dwarf, trljiorus, C. culm three-fided naked, umbel three-fpiked, the intermediate^oncfeiTile, fpikelets polifh'd. three- flowerd, 18. c, TRiANDRiA. MoNOGVNiA. Cyperus. Sy\ Jlrigofus. 1 8. C. culm tliree-fided naked, umbel fimple, fpikeletr linear moft crowded horizontal, lance-hriftlcd^ Ugularis. 19. C. culm three-fided fpikelets of umbel headed oblong relTile, involucres longeft rough-faw'd. rib- bo7i. Papyrus* 20. C. culm three-fided naked, umbel longer than the involucres, involucels three-leaved briftly lon- ger^ fpikelets threefold. Paper, Jpathaceus^ C. culm cloathed with fheaths of the leaves, peduncles / feather'd lateral. fpathe-. Ijjterni- 21. C. culm three-fided naked at the top alternately leafy, folius. peduncles lateral proliferous. alteryiate-leavedi denudatus, C. culm three-fided, involucre fcarcely any. 5. naked. dijfans, C. culm three-fided naked, umbel leafy fuper-decom- pounded, fpikes alternate thread-form, florets diftant. S. d'lftanU Pannonicus, C. culm three-fided, fpikes feffile, glumes lateral fpha- celated. ^, Pannoniaiu 67. SCIRPUS. Glumes chaffy, imbricated on all fides. Cor. o. Seed i, beardlefs. * JVith fpike Jingle^ irigynus,. S. culm columnar naked, fpike cylindrical with fcales lanced membranous on the fide at the bafe. three- female^ mutatus, 4. S. culm three-lided naked, fpike cylindrical terminal, changed, articulatuu i. S. culm columnarnakedlfli half- knotted, head glome* rated lateral. jointed^ palujiris, ^, S. culm columnar naked, fpike almoft egg'd terminal, marjho genkulatus, 5. S, culm columnar naked, fpike oblong terminal. knotted^ c^fp'itofus* 6» S. culm ftriated naked, fpike two-valved terminal the length of the calyx, roots divided by a fcalelet. iurfy\ capitaius, 3. S. culm columnar naked briftle-form, fpike fubglobu- lar terminal. headed, ^.cicidaris. 7. S, culm columnar naked briflle form, fpike egg'd two- valved, feeds naked. needle . fluitans- 8. ?♦ culms columnar naked alternate, ftem lenfy flaccid. 88. THRE Baothrpn* E MALES. ONE FEMALE. Scirpus. lacujfris. g. Jiolojchoe- lO. HUS, aujiralis* romanus, i r . fetaceus. 12. fupinus, 13. Gutumnalh, capillar Is, 14. irijiachyos, ghhlferus. triqueter, 28. mucrojiatus,!^. dkhotomusy 16. echinatus, i y . retrofrac- iS. I us. ferrugineus.K^. ipadiceus. 20. S. culm round ftriated naked fheathed at the baTe, fheath lop'd, fplkes terminal few-fiower'd two! valved : with valvelets egg'd fhorter than the? fpike, parched on the edge : with the exterior one fhorter. S. * * With Cuhn rou7id many-fpiked. S. culm columnar naked, fpikes egg'd numerous ped uncled terminal. /^^^, S. cuhn columnar naked^ fpikes fubglobular glomerated peduncled, involucre two-leaved unequal dao-- ger'd. ^ S. culm columnar naked, headlateral^ bra^le refleaed, leaves channel'd. fouihern, S. cuhn columnar naked, head lateral conglobulaf, brac^e refleaed. ^oman, b. culm naked briftlj-, fpike terminal feiTile. brifily, S. culm_ columnar naked, fpikes feffile glomerate m the middle of the culm. fupine. S. culm two-edged naked, umbel decompounded, fpikelets egg'd. autumnal culm naked capillary, fpikes peduncled with the intermediate one feiTile. capillaris. culm naked briftly, fpikes three'd feiTile, involucre two-leaved briltly. S, three-fpiked: culm round naked, umbel terminal compounded : with leaves globular from many fpikelets clofelv colleaed. S. globe-bearing. With Culm three-fided., Panicle naked. S. culm three-fided naked, fpikes lub-feffile and pe- duncled, equallmg the dagger. three-ftded, b. culm trianglcd naked pointed, fpikes conglomerated feffile lateral. "^ dagger d. culm three-fided naked, umbel decompounded fpikes of ^the fork kme. two-fork' d, culm three-fided naked, umbel fimple, fpikes eg2;M„ hedge-hoq' d. culm three-fided, umbel fimple, florets of "the fpikes retrofraaed. retrofrancd. b. culm three-fided nakedilh, involucres the length of the panicle fringed. ^ iron. S. culm three-fided naked, umbel nakedifli, fpike? oblong fefTilc and terminal. fpadlx. S. S. S. * * * TRIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. ScirpU8. 89. trifpicatus, S. culm angled naked, fpikes terminal three'd kMc naked. S. three-fpiked, grojfus, S. culm three -Tided naked, umbel fuper- decom- pounded, fpikes pedicel'd, involucre three- leav'd lance-awl'd longeft. S, green-fig, * * * * JVith Culm three-fided^ Panicle leafy, mlUaceus. 22. S. culm three -Tided naked, umbel Tuper- decom- pounded with intermediate Tpikes feflile, invo- lucre bri ftly. millet, cyperoides, S. culm three-Tided naked, umbel Timple, Tpikelets oblong, florets awl'd one-flower'd refleded. . . cyperus4ike, maritimus. 21. S. culm three-Tided, panicle conglobulate leaTy, Icalcs oT the Tpikelets three-cleTt : with the interme- diate one awl'd. La, luzula. 23. S. culm three-Tided naked, umbel leaTy proliferous, Tpikelets sroundifh. fylvaticus. 24. S. culm three-Tided leafy, umbel leafy, peduncles naked Tuper- decompounded, Tpikes crowded. f r n wood. corymoojus. 2^. S. culm three-Tided leafy, corymbe? lateral Timple; with a terminal one proliferous, Tpikes awl'd. . corymbed, iquarrofus, S. culm columnar naked briftly, Tpikes threefold feiTiIe . . ^ egg'd ragged. ragged, ntricatus. S. culm three-Tided naked, umbel leafy Timple, calyx-fcales awl'd recurved. intricate, michelianus, 26. S. culm three-Tided, head globular, involucre many- ... . _ ^eav'd long. michelian, titans. S. culm three-Tided leafy^ umbels Tcattered, calyx- Tcales with awns fringed. fringed, ***** IVith Culm three-ftded, head terminal, ^ottentottus. S. culm three-Tided leafy, head globular, calyx-Tcale^ lanced fbaggy. hotteniot- intariiicus. S. culm three-Tided naked, head globular, involucre . ^ one-lea v'd. antaraic, o-phaiotes, 27. S. culm three-Tided naked, head egg'd ragged, involu- cre three-leav'd long. ear-headed, 8. ERIOPHORUM. Glumes chaffy, imbricated on all fides. Cor, o. Seed i, girt with longeft wool. Cotfon-rujh, \aginaiwn. i. E. culms fheath'd columnar, Tpike parch'd. fneath'd. M 2. E, { 90. THREE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Eriophorum. polyjlachion. 2. E. culms columnar, leaves fiat, fpikes pednncled- many-fpiked. virgintcum» 3. E. culms leafy columnar, leaves fiat, fpike ereft. Virginian, cyperinum, 4. E. culms columnar leafy, panicle fuper-decompounded proliferous) fpikelets mofl:ly threefold, cyperine. alpinum* 5. E. culms naked three-fided, fpike fhorter than the pappus. alpine. 69. NARDUS. Cal o. Cor. 2-valved. Nard. JirlSfa. I. N. fpike briftly firaight one-rank'd. upright, gangitis, 2. N. fp'ke recurved. ari/iatus, 3. N. calyxes awn'd. awnd. tiliaris. 4. N. fpike incurved frin?ed. fi'i^gy- indica, N. fpike brifl:ly one-rank'd fubincurvate. S. indian. Thomaa, iM . fpike thread-form ftraight imbricated on both fides S^ St. Thomas 70. LYCEUM. Spathe i -leaved. Carols two upon the fame germ. Nut two-cell'd. Spartum, i. Lyceum. Broojn. 1355. DILATRIS. Cal. none. Cor. fix-petaFd, fhaggy. Stigma iimple. S. umbellaia. D. petals egg'd, corymbe level-top d fhaggy. S, umherd. vifcoja. D, petals linear, corymbe level-topM villous yifcous, S, vifcous. paniculata, D. petals lanced, panicle oblong villous vifcous. S, panicled. 1356, KYLLINGIA. A?ne?2t egg'd or oblong, im- bricated. Flowers with calyx andcorol two-valved. S. 7nonocephala. K. culm thread-form three-fided, head globular fefiile, involucre three-leaved very long. S. one-headed. triceps. K. heads terminal moftly three'd glomerate feiTile. S. three-headed. panicea. K. umbel terminal : with fpikes feflile and peduncled cylirdrical imbricated, univerfal involucre moftly four-leaved, no partial one, S. panic. TRiANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Kyllingia. 91. mmhellata. K. umbel terminal : with fpikes felfile and peduncled cylindrical ragged, univerfal involucre many- leaved, partial one three-leaved. S. umbel' d, 1357. FUIRENA. Ament imbricated; with fcalcs awn'd. Cal. o. Cor. with glumes three, petal-form, inverle-hearted, terminated by a tendril. 5. tan'iculata, F. panicled. S. panicUdf 1358. POMMEREULLA. Cal. toplika, two-valved; Vahelets four-cleft, awn'd on the back. iornucopia, Pommereulla. S. horn of plenty, TWO FEMALES, f Digynia. J ji. BOBARTIA. C^/. imbricated. C^r^/ with glume, two-valved above. indica, I. Bobartia. indian. 72. CORNUCOPI/E. Involucre i-leaved, funnel^ form notched, many-flower'd. Calyx 2-valved. Cor. i-valved. fucuilatum. I. C. fpike avi^nlefs, cowl notch'd. cowPd. alopecuro^ 2. C fpike awn'd, receiv'd in an hemifpherical cowl. ides, foxtail-like, 73. SACCHARUM. Gal, wool long on the outfide of the calyx. Cor, 2-valved, Sugar-- Cane. fpontaneu?n. S. flowers panicled, leaves convolute, spontaneous, officinariim. i. S. flowers panicled, leaves flat. officinal. Ravenna, S. panicle loofe witn rachis wool'd, flov/ers awn'd. Ravenna, fpiaatum, %, S, flowers fpiked, leaves waved, fpiked. 92. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Saccharum. Ttneriffoe, S. leaves awl'd flat, flowers panicled awnlefs, no hairy involucre, calyx very villous. 5. Teneriff, fpontaneum, S. leaves convolute, panicle efFufe ; with fpikes ca- pillary fimple, flowers remote involucred doub- led : with one peduncled. iS. fpontaneous. 74. PHALARIS. Cal. 2-valved, keel'd, equal in length, including the coroL canarienfis. Ph. panicle fomewhat egg'd fpike-form, glumes keel'd- canary, hulbofa, 2. Ph. panicle cylindric, glumes keel'd. bulbous, nodofa. Ph. panicle oblong, leaves llifFening. knotted, aquatica, 3. Ph. panicle fpike-form egg-oblong, glumes keel'd lanced. aquatic. Phleoides. 5. Ph. panicle cylindric fpike-form fmooth occafionaliy viviparous. Phleum-liks. utrlculata. 4. Ph. panicle fpiked, petals with a jointed awn, iheath of the higheft leaf fpathe-form. bladder^ d. paradox^, 9. Ph. panicle cylindric, florets dagger'd ; the neutral ones very numerous ; the lowefl: ones end-bit- ten, paradox, arundlnacea.t' Ph. panicle oblong bellied large. reedy, erucceformis. 7. Ph. panicle one-rank'd linear, calyxes two-flower'd. caterpiller- like, zizanioides* Ph. panicle fimplefl:, flowers murex*d ; one feflfile. zizania-ltke, oryzoides, 8. Ph. panicle effufed, keels qf the glumes fringed, rice- like, dentata* Ph. fpike cylindrical, glumes awnlefs fhaggy keel'd ^ keel toothed : teeth globular at the top. S. tootWd. y^, PASPALUM. CaL 2-valved, orbicular. Cor. of the fame fize. Stigmas pencil-form. dijfe^um* 1. P. fpikes alternate, rachis membranous, flowers al- ternate hairy at top. diJfeSied. fcrobicula" 5. P. fpikes alternate, rachis membranous, flowers al- tum, ternate, calyxes many-nerved dimpled, dimpled, virgatum, 2. P. fpikelets panicled alternate villous at the bafe, flowers double. t'^fggy* 3-B TillANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Pafpalum. 93. panicula- 3. P. fpikes panicled verticil-agregate. fanided. turn. dijUchum. 4. P. fpikes two, the alternate one feiTile, flowers pointed. two-ranked. 76. PANICUM. Cal 3-vaIved : third valvelet leaft. Panic, * f piked. polyjiachion. 2. P. fpikes columnar, involucels one flower'd, fafcicle- brifiled, culms erecSt branchy above. many- Jptked. verticilla- 3. P. fpike verticil'd, racemelets fourfold, involucels turn one-liower'd tv/o-briftled, culms difFufe. verticil'd. glaucum. 4. P. fpike columnar, involucel two-flower'd fafcicle- hair'd, feeds wave- wrinkled. fea-greeen, viride, 5. P. fpike columnar, involucel two-flower'd fafcicle- hair'd, feeds nerved. green. italicunu 6. P. fpike compound, fpikelets glomerate with briftles intermix'd, peduncles fliaggy. Italian^ Crus-corvi. 9. P. fpikes alternate one-rank'd, fpikelets fubdivided, glumes fomewhat awn'd, hilpid, rachis three- corner'd. crow-foot. Crus-galli. 8. P. fpikes alternate and pair'd, fpikelets fubdivided, glumes awn'd hifpid, rachis five-angled, cocks- foot. colonum. 10. P. fpikelets alternate one-rank'd awnlefs eg-o-'d ruff- ged, rachis roundifh. farmer:. \ brlxoides.. P. fpikes alternate feflile one-rank'd apprefs'd ob- 1 1 ^orig. briza-Uke^ \ di}nidiatu?n. 12. P. fpike halved one-rank'd, rachis linear membranous: [; outwardly with florets aggregate. halved. I hirtellum. 7, P. fpike compound : fpikelets apprefs'd alternatv-^, ] calyxes double: all the valvelets awn'd: the j outmoft longefl:. Jhaggyijk. conglomera- P. fpike one-rank'd fomewhat egg'd, florets obtufe. turn. conglomerate^ Ifanguinale, 13. P. fpikes finger'd knotted on the Interior bafe, florets double awnlefs, fheathes of the leaves dotted. bloody. fhrtyhn. 14, P. fpikes flnger'd expanding : villous on the interior bale ; flowers foiita: y, farments creeping, fin- ger d» 15. P. 94- THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Panicum, fUforme* 15. P. fplkesfomewhat finger'd approximated ere£t linear, rachis winding : with teeth two-flower'd, one feflile. thread-form. linear e* 16. P. fpikes finger'd moftly fourfold linear, florets folitary one-rank'd awnlefs. linear^ difiachion, P. fp'kes double one-rank'd polifh'd. two-fpiked. elatus. P. fpike compound, fpikelets oblong fcatter'd ap- prefs'd, florets crowded, calyxes da^ger-awn'd, 8. " tall campofitum. 11. P. fpike compound, fpikelets linear one-rank'd, florets remote, cal^Tces awn'd, compound^ halvoium, P. fpike round, involucel one-flower'd fafcicle-brif- tled, feeds nerved. * * panlcled, dichoto- 17. P. panicles iimple, culm branchy two-fork'd* two- mum, forked^ tarnojiim. 2g. P. panicle with fimple branches, flowers moftly three- fold, the lower one fubfeflile, culm branchy, hranchy. eohrattmu 30. P. panicle expanding, fliamens and piftils colour'd, culm branchy. colour'' d^ repens, 27. P. p-:inicle twiggy, leaves divaricated. creeping. miliaceum. 23. P. panicle loofe flaccid, flieaths of the leaves fhaggy, glumes dagger'd nerved. millet. £apillare. 20. P. panicle capillary eie£t expanding, Iheaths of the leaves fliaggy. capillar^, grojfarium. 18. P. panicle with fimple branches, flowers double: oncii pedicel fhorteft : the other the length of theJ flower. I latifoUum. 240 P. panicle with racemes lateral Ample, leaves eggfi lanced hairy at the neck. broad-leaved, dandejii- 19. P. racemes hidden amidft the fheaths of the leaves. num. clandejline. arbor efcens, 26. P. panicled mofl; branchy, leave segg-oblong pointed arbor efce?it. curvatujn. P. panicle racemed, glumes curved obtufe nerved. curved. virgatum. 28. P. panicle twiggy, glumes pointed polifh'd : the out- mo(t g'^ping. t'^'^issy.' patens, 21. P. panicle oblong winding capillary expanding, calyxes two-flower'd, leaves linear-lanced, culm root- ing, expanding, irtvi/oliu?n.2$. P. panicled, (heaths of the leaves longitudinally fringed. Jhort-leaved, 22. P^ TRIANRIA. DIGYNIA. Phleum. 95, dtvarica- 22. P. panicles fhort awnlefs, culm moft branchy moft fj^^^ divaricated, pedicels two flower'd : one fhorter. divaricated, yj. PHLEUM* CaL 2-valved, feffile, linear, lop'd, with top two-piked. Cor. included. pratenfe, I. P. Tpike cylindric longeft fringed, culm erea. meadow, alpinum. 3. P. fpike egg-cylindric. alpine, nodofum, 2, P. fpike cylindric, culm afcendmg, leaves oblique, root bulbous. knotted, dretiarlu?n, 4. P. fpike egg'd fringed, culm branchy. fandy. I Schoenoides, 5. P. fpikes egg'd ob volute, leaves fhorteft dagger'd ' ftem-clafping. Schoenus-hke. 78. ALOPECURUS. CaL 2-valved. Cor, i-valved, I Foxtail. I indtcus. A. fpike columnar, involucels briftly fafcicled two-flow- ] er'd, peduncles villous. indian» ' bulbofus. 7. A. culm erea, fpike cylindric, root bulbous, hulbous. pratenfis. 2. A. culm fpiked ered, glumes villous, corols awnlefs. ?neadozu. agreftis. 2. A. culm fpiked eredt, glumes ploifh'd. wild, oeniculatns. 3. A. julm fpiked infraded, corols awnlefs. knotted. lordeiformis.:i, A. raceme fimple, florets intrenched with awns, har- Ly-like. monfpelienfis 4. A. panicle fubfpiked, calyxes rugged, corols awn'd. 7nontpelier. paniceus, 5. A. panicle fubfpiked, glumes villous, corols awn'd. panic* \yg. MILIUM. Ca/. 2-valved, one-flower'd ; valve- \ lets fubequal. Corol fhorteft. Sfig- I mas pencil-form. Millet. capenfe. M. panicle capillary, calyxes pointed, corols with awn terminal curved. cape. punSfatum, 5. M. branches of the panicle nmpleft, flowers alter- nate double one-rank'd. _ dotted. lendigeru?7i. 4. M. panicle fubfpiked, flowers awn'd. Jiit-hearing. cimicinum. M. racemes nnger'd, exterior valvelet of the calyxes fringed. %^;'- I. M, 96. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Milium. effufum. I. M. flowers panicled difperfed awnlefs. confertum, 2. M. flowers panicled crowded. paradoxum, 3. M. flowers panicled awn'd. ^ffufed. crowded, paradox. 80. AGROSTIS. Cal 2-valved, one-flower'd, fome- what lefs than the corol. Stigmas lon- gitudinally hifpid. fpicaventi, i. A interrupta. 5. A miliacea. 2. A. hro7noides. 16. A. aujiralis. 17. A. arundinacea. 3. A. Calamagrojfis . 4 . A . ferotina. 18. A. rubra. 6. A. Matrella. A. canina. 7. A. fpkoeformii, A. hirfuta. A. fiokinfira. 8. A, * awnd. exterior petal with awn upright ftraight longeft panicle expanded. weather-cocL exterior petal awn'd, panicle attenuated contraded interrupted. interrupted. exterior petal with awn terminal ftraight ftriated middlefize. ^^^yy^^^ panicle fimple narrow'd, corol pubefcent : with awn ftraight longer than the calyx, broinus^ike ' . panicle fubfpiked, feeds egg'd pubefcent: awn the length of the calyx. fouthern. . panicle oblong, exterior petal villous at the bafe, and with awn twifted longer than the calyx! reedy panicle^ thicken'd, the whole exterior petal woolly awn'd at the top, culm branchy. panicle with florets oblong daggered, culm cover'd v/ith fliorteft leaves. /^^^ fiov/ering part of the panicle moft expanding, ex- terior petal finooth ; with av/n terminal twifted recurved. ^^^^ flowers racemed, exterior valvelet of the calyx in- curved, the top only of the keel gaping. * calyxes elongated, dorfal awn of the petals recur- ved, culms proftrate rather branchy. dog's panicle fpike-form, florets two-awn'd : one av/n inferted on the receptacle longer, the other beneath the top of the corol upright, corol c: FJ'J\ . n Jinke-forme,' panicle fubfpiked. ftem and leaves ftiaggy, corol- glumes awn'd on the back two-cleft at top. S. Jhaggy, * * awnlefs. branchlets of panicle expanding awnlefs, culm creeping, calyxes equal. jiok-hearmg. 9. A TR capillar is, 9. jyhatica, 16. alba. 10. puinila. 19. minima. 1 1 . virginica. 12. mexicana. 20. indica. 13 cruciata. 15. radiatd. 14. ienacijjima. lANDRIA. DIGYNIA. AgroftlS. 97. A. panicle capillary expanding, calyxes awlM equal hifpidifh colour'd, florets a v/nlefs. capillary, A. panicle cortd^nfed avvnlefs, caiy :es equal : the virgin ones flicrter than the corol, the fecun- dited one twice as long. wood. A. paiiicle looie, calyxes awnlefs equal, culm creep- ing, white, A. panicle awnlefs one-rank 'd, culms fiifcicled ereft. dwarf, A. panicle awnlefs thread-form. lea/L A, panicle contracted awnlefs, leaves involute-wing- like ri2;id (landing cut. virginian, A. panicle oblong collected, calyxes and coroL poin- ted fubequal awnlefs. jnexican. A. panicle contracted awnlefs, racemes lateral erect alternate. indian, A. fpikes fourfold crofs'd fmooth at the bafe, valvelets petal -like awn'd. crofs'd, A. fpikes moftly fivefold crofs'd villous at the bafe, valvelets petal-like awn'd. radiate, A. panicle contracted thread-form, flowers awnlefs linear, valvelets parallel. B. moji tenacious. 81. AIRA. arundinacea. 4... minuta, 5. aquatic a, 6. capcnfis, fuhfpicata. y . ccefpitofa. 8. ficxuoja, 9. montana, 10. Cal,. 2-vaIved, 2-flovv''er'd. Florets with- out an interpofed rudiment, * avjnlefs. A. panicle oblong one-rank'd awnlefs imbricated, leaves flst. reedy, A. panicle loofe almoft level-top'd remoteft florets awnlefs. minute, A. panicle expanding, flowers awnlefs polifh'd longer than the calyx, leaves flat. aquatic, A. culm branchy, flowers racemed, corols hairy. S, cape, * * aivnW, A. leaves flat, panicle fpiked, florets awn'd on the middle ; awn refle6ted loofe. fuhjpiked, A. leaves flat, panicle expanding, petals villous and awn'd at the bafe : awn ftraiglu fhort. turfy, A. leaves briftly, cuims nakediih, panicle diva- ricated, peduncles winding. winding, A. leaves brifl:iy, panicle narrovv'dj florets hairy at the bafe awn'd: awn twifted longer. ?nountain. N U. A, o8. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. i\groftis. alplna. canefcens. precox. 11. A. leaves awl'd, panicle denfe, florets hairy at the. bafe awn'd : awn fhort. alpine. 12. A. leaves briftly : the fpathy iummit roll'd up beneath againfl the panicle. hoary, 13. A. leaves briftly : fheaths angled, flowers panicle- fpiked, norets awn'd at the bafe. . early. caryophyllca,lj{. A, leaves briftly, panicle divaricated, flowers awn'd diftant. clove, villofa. A. leaves awi'd, panicle elongated narrow'd, florets one and half fhaggy awn'd : awn ftraight fhort. 6". villous. 82. MELICA. Cal. 2-valved, 2-flower''d. Rudiment of a flower amongft the florets. ciliata, i. M. exterior petal of the lower floret fringed, fringed nutans. 2. M. petals beardlefs, panicle nodding Ample, nodding, minuta, 5. M. culm branchy, leaves briftly, petals beardlefs. minute, carulea. M. panicle condenfed, flowers cylindric. hJue. papilionacea. 4. M. inferior valvelet of the calyx largeft colour'd, exterior petal fomewhat fringed, papilionaceus. aliijffima. 3. M. petals beardlefs, panicle moft branchy. iallefl. Falx^ M. fpike one-rank'd comprefs'd imbricated. S. Sickle. 83. POA. Cal, 2-valved, many-flower*d. Spikelets egg'd ; valvelets parch'd at the margin acutifh. aquatica, i . alpina. 3. trivialis. 4. angujlifolia, 5. pratenfis. 6. annua. Jiava. pilofa. P. panicle diffufe, fpikelets flx-flower'd linear, aquatic* P. panicle diff'ufe moft branchy, fpikelets fix-flower'd hearted. alpine. P. panicle difliife, fpikelets three-flovver'd pubefcent at the bafe, culm erect columnar. trivial. P. panicle diff'ufe, fpikelets four-flower'd pubefcent, culm eredt columnar. narrow-leaved. P. panicle diff'ufe, fpikelets five-fiower'd fmootb, culm erecSf columnar. jneadow. P. panicle diff'ufe with right angles, fpikelets obtufe, culm oblique comprefs'd. anuual. P. panicle diff'ufe, fpikelets egg-oblong glofly. yelloiv. P. panicle expanding upright : the primary ramifica- tions hairy. hairy. 2. P. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Poa. 99, paJuJlris. 2. P. panicle dijftufe, fpikelets moftly three-fiower'd pu- befcent, leaves rugged underneath. marfn. pundata. P. panicle difFufe, fpikelets twelve flou^er'd : flower tranfparent polifh'd with a brown fpot within. 5. netted, wnah'dis, 10. P. panicle expanding, fpikelets eighteen-flower'd li- near, amiable. Eragrofiis. 1 1 . P. panicle expanding, pedicels winding, fpikelets faw'd ten-fiov/er'd, glumes three-nerved. capillaris, 12. P. panicle loofe moil expanding capillary, leaves hairy culm mod branchy. capillary, nialahar'ica. 13. P. branches of the panicle fnnpleft-, flowers fonlile, feeds difl:ant, culm creeping. malahar» chineiifis. 14. P. branches of the panicle fimpleft, fiowers fefiiie, feeds imbricated, culm erecl. chineje, tenella. 25. P. panicle oblong capillary fubvefticll'd, fiowers fix- flower'd minuteft nodding. tender. rigida, 16. P. panicle lanced thinly branch'd one-rank'd: alternate branchlets one-rank'd. rigid. comprejja. 17. P. panicle condenfed one-rank'd, culm oblique cbm- prefs'd, comprej's' d. wnbo'mcnfts. P. panicle condenfed one-rank'd, culm colurinar. a'/nboina. ne?noraUs, 18. P. panicle attenuated, fpikelets moflly two-flower'd dagger'd rugged, cuhn incurved. grove. lulhofa. 19. P. panicle one-rank'd rather expanding, fpikelets four-flower'd. bulbous. fpkata. 22. P. panicle fpiked, flowers awi'd, florets reu^ote. Jl'iked. dijians. 23. P. panicle with branches fubdivided, flowers iive- flower'd : florets difl:ant cbtufe. dijiant. crijlaia. 21. P. panicle fpiked, calyxes fom.ewhat hairy moftly four-flower'd longer than the peduncle, petals awn'd. crejicd. ciliaris. 2C>. P. panicle contravSted, interior valvelets of the glumes h ai r- fringed . fringed. Brizoides. P. panicle racemed, fpikelets eggM comprefs'd eight or nine-flower'd, culmcomprefs'd. S. Brizalike, 84. BRIZA. CaL 2-valved, many-flower'd. Spike- lets two-rank'd with valvelets hearted, obtuie : the interior one minute. 77unor. I. B. fpikelets triangular, calyx longer than the florets. lefs. N 2 2. B. lOO. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Brlza. virens, i, B. fpikelets cgg'd, calyx equal to the florets.y^<7Kr//7;/Vi:^-. media. 3. B. l|:>ikeiets egg'd, calyx ihorter than the florets. middle, maxima. 4. B. fpkelets hearted : florets fcvcnteen. greateji, Eragrojih. 5. B. fpiKeicts ianced : Horets twenty. 85. UNIOLA. Cal many-valved. Spikelets egg'd keel'd. panlculata. i. U. p .nicled with fpikelets eggM. panlcled, bipinnata, 2. U. panicle fublpiked, racemes feather'd imbricated underneatli. twlce-fcather d. mucronata. 3. U. fpike two-ra';k'd, fpikelcts egg'd, calyxes fome- what awn'd. dazs:er\i. fpicata, 4. U. fubfpiked, leaves involute rigid. J'plked. 86. DACTYLIS. Cal. 2-valved, comprefs'd ; one valvelet greater keel'd, cynofur aides. I.J)' fpikelets fcatter'd one-rank'd rugged numerous. dogtail-Ilh\ glo?ncrata. 2. D. panicle one-rank'd glomerate. glninerate, ciliarh. D. ipike headed one-rank'd, calyxes thrce-fiower'd, ftem creeping. fringed. cap'itata. D. fpikes headed poliili'd, culm proilrate branchy. S>. headed, lagopoldes. 3. D. Ipikcs roundiila pubefcent, culm proftrate branchy. haresfoot-llke, 87. CYNOSURUS. Cal. 2-valved, many-flov^er^;, proper Receptacle one-fided, leafy. Dog- tail. crijiatus, i. C. brakes feather-cleft. crejled. echlnatus. 2. C. bra(51:es feather- chaffy awn'd. hedgehog, Lima. 3. C. fpike one-rank'd, interior glume of the calyx under the fpikelets. Lima, durus. 4. C. fpikelets one-rank'd alternate fefTiIe rigid obtufe apprefs'd. hard, caruleus. 5. C. bradtes intire. hlue. uniola. C. bra6telefs, fpike one-rank'd, fpikelets two-faced, alternating apprefs'd egg'd keel'd oblique. S. coracanus, g, C. fpikes finger'd incurvate, culm comprefs'd eretwo'd: one peduncled, with awp.s divaricated, c;:lyxes eight-flower'd. hro?nus-like. calyxes three-flower'd hairy. S. hifpid. panicle condentld, calyxes two-flower'd awl'd, corol pubefcent, intermediate awn twifl:ed cur- ved. S. cape, panicle coridtnfed, calyxes three-flower'd egg'd, corols villous : exterior glume tvvo-cleft, awn terminal infltctLd, 6\ purple, A. TRIANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Avena. 105. hitea. A. panicle expanding, calyxes tvvo-flower'd awPd, corols naked three-awn'd : intermediate awn winding. S. yellow. l^eflinglana, A. panicle condenfed, florets two-fold fhaggy : one peduncled two-awn'd at top, intermediate awu longer. S. Icefllng'ian, tupuVina, A. panicle condenfed egg'd, calyxes three-flowerM lanced, corols villous, exterior glume twice- awl'd, intermediate awn reflected. S. tuptilinef 92. LAGURUS. Cal. 2-valved : awn villous. Cor. exterior petal with two terminal awns : the third dorfal one retorted. HareJiaiL ovatus. I. L. fpike egg'd awn'd. egg'd. iylindrtcus. 2. L. fpike cylindric awnlefs. cyltndnc. 93. ARUNDO. CaL 2-valved. Florets colledled^ girt with wool. Reed. Bambos, I. A. calyxes many-flower'd, fpikes threefold felHle. Bamba» Donax, 2. A, calyxes five-flower'd, panicle difFufe, culm fhrub^ by. " ^ ■bhragmhis. 3. A. calyxes five-flower'd, panicle loofe. hedge. epigeios. 4. A. calyxes one-flowerM, panicle ereft, leaves fmooth underneath. land. Calomagroftis.s. A. calyxes one-flower'd polifh'd, corols woolly, culm branchy. grenaria, 6. A. calyxes one-flower'd, leaves involute dagger-pun- gent. ■ >«4 94. ARISTIDA. CaL 2-valved. Cor. one-valved : ' awns three terminal. ddfcenftams. I. A. panicle branchy, fpikes fcatter'd. ^fcenj^on, m^ricana. %. A. branches of the panicle fimpleft, fpikes alternate. a men can. plwmfa. 7. A. panicled, intermediate av/n longer woolly, culms - ■ villous. /'W- ^rundlnacea. A- panicled, intermediate awn longer polifh'd. reed, gigantea. A. panicle elongated effufe one-rank'd, calyxes one- f^- ' Howcr'd, corol-awns fubequal Itr^ight. _ 6. giant. o • A, lo6. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Ariftida. Hyjirix, A. panicle aivaricated moft expanded, florets fimplefl fmooth, awns ftraight divaricated. S. porcupine, 95. LOLIUM. Cal. i -leaved, fix'd, many-flower'd. perenne, 1. A. fpike awnlefs, fpikelets comprefs'd many-flower'd. perennial, tenue, 1. L. fpike awnlefs columnar : fpikelets three-flower'd. jiender. iemulentum. 3, L. fpike awn'd, fpikelets comprefs'd many-flower'd. drunken, diflachion, L. fpike twp'd, calyxes one-flowerM, cprols woolly. two -fpike d' 96. ELYMUS. CaL lateral, 2-valved, aggregate many-flower'd. arenarius, I. E. fpike ered clofe, calyxes downy longer than the florets. fi^nd. fihiricus, 3. E. fpike pendulous clofe, fpikelets two'd, longer than the calyx. feberian. phihdel- 2. E. fpikes pendulous expanded, fpikelets fix-flower'd : phictis. inferior ones three'd. philadelphian, canadenfis. 4. E. fpike nodding expanded, inferior fpikelets three'd ; fuperior ones two'd. Canadian, caninus, 8. E. fpike nodding clofe, fpikelets ftraight without an involucre : the lov/eft double. dog's, vir^^^«^^- murlnum 6. H. florets lateral male awiVd, intermediate involucres murtnum. ^^.^^^^^ ^ jubatum. 8. H. awns and involucres briftly longeft. hackled. GO TRITICUM. Cal. 2-valved, folltary, moftly ^^ three-flower'd. Flower obtufifh^ acute. Wheat. * annual. eBjl'tvum. I. T. calyxes four-fiower'd bellied fmooth imbricated awn'd* jumm„r. hhernum 2, T. calyxes four-flower'd bellied polifb'd imbricated ^ ' almoft awnlefs. Y"'"'^'''' compofttum. 3. T. calyx four-flower'd bellied, fpike compound r.;;/- ■f v '-' pound. turgidum. 3. T. calyxes four-flower'd bellied villous ^^^rkated pohnkum. 4. T. calyxe" 'iwo-flower'd naked florets with longeft ^ awns, teeth of the rachis bearded. po^Jh. Stelta «>. T. calyxes four-flower'd bp'd, florets awn'd herma- ^ * phrodite; the intermediate one neutral. ,mnococcu,n. 6. T„ calyxes moftly three-flower'd ; the firft awn d the intermediate one fterile. one-gy am, projlratum. T. calyxes many-ftowerM, fpike t^vo ^^^k d egg d ^ "^ florets imbricated awn-dagger d. .V. propate^ compofttum. T. fpike compound, fpikelets crowded ^wnJ^J. pumUum. T, fpike egg'd, glumes fomewhat awn'd : calyx ones ^ two-furrow'd. S. ^ dojarf. 0 2 peren^ log. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Triticum. jiinceum. repens. * * perenniaU 8. T. calyxes five-flower'd lop'd, leaves involute, rujh. 9- T. calyxes four-flower'd awl'd pointed, leaves flat. W/W.IO. T. calyxes many-fiower'd, florets da^gerCft brancliv. y- tendlum. 7. T. calyxes moftly four-flower'd, florets awnlefs act^t ., , leaves briftly. , , ' umlaterale.^t, T. calyxes one-nd^d alternate awnlefs. JjS 1ZS9^ ANTHISTIRIA. C^/. equally cleft to the bafe into four equal divifions. aS*. cU'iata, Anthistiria. S, r- - ■, jringed, 1360. ROTTBOELLIA, Raclns jointed, roundifli, in many thread-form. Calyx eeo-l lanced, flat, fimple or 2-parted. Floms alternate on the winding rachis. .S". R. fpike columnar awl'd, calyx-glume awl'd apprefe'd 2" parted, o. • » R. rpike comprefs'd awl'd, calyx-glume CZlTlt undivided. ^, , R. ^Pike halved camprefsMnnear: exterior fXaX^^^ gate floretted, interior one fmooth naked; S, R. fpike columnar thread-form fioretted, on all fidfef glumes egg'd obtufe, iheaths hair-dotted, sl R. fpikes aggregate lateral thread-form, fioretftw^i taced expanding, leaves fringed at the bafe. S, corymhed. Incurvala. compreffa, dimidiata, ixaJtata, corymhofa. THREE FEMALES. (T'rigynia.J 100. ERIOCAULON. Cal. common, head imbri- cated. Petals 3, equal. Stamens above the germ. triangklau. t. E. culm triangular, leaves fword-form, head egg'd. tnarigu/an 2* E.. TRIANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. EriOCaulon* I09. ^uinquang: 2. E. culm five- angled, leaves fword-form. five-angled, jcxangulare. 3. E. culm fix-angled, leayes fword-form. fix-angled, fjtaceim. 4. E. culm fix-angled, leaves briflly. brijily-, cUcangulare. ^. E. culm ten-angled, leaves fword-form. Un-a'nglcd, loi. MONTIA. C^/. 2«Ieaved. Cor, i-petaVd irre- gular. Capf, i-ceird, 3-valved. fontana, i. Monti a. fountain-, 102. PROSERPINACA. C^/. 3 -parted, above. Cor. o. Seed i, three-celi'd. fahjirts, i. Proserpinaca. marjlj% 103. TRIPLARIS. C^/. greateft, three-parted. C^r* 0. Anthers linear. Nut 3-lided within the egg'd bafe of the calyx, americana, i. Triplaris. amerlcan-a 104. HOLOSTEUM. Cal, 5-leaved, P^/^/r 5. Capjl i-cell'd, fubcylindric, gaping at top. cordatum. i. H. leaves Inverfe-hearted. hearttd-, fuccukntton. 2. H. leaves elliptic flefhy. fiuccule?iU hirfutum. 3. H. leaves orbicular fhaggy. ft^^ggy- umbellatwn. 4. H. leaves umberd. umbel d-, 1241. KOENIGIA. Ccii, 3-leaved. C^r. none. Seed 1, egg'd, naked. ijlandlca, i. Koenigia. Iceland. 105. POLYCARPON. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, very fmall, egg'd. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved, Ttiagellam- 2. ftems very fimple, leaves linear fcatter'd imbricated. ^^^' S. mag ell an, tetraphyllum. i. fteiii branchy proftrate, leaves fourfold. S. four-leaved. 106. MOLLUGO. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Cap/. 3-ceird, 3-valved. fpoftt'ifol'K^, I. M. leaves oppofite lanced, branches alternate, pedun-^ rles lateral crowded ope-flower'd. otpofite-kaved 2. IVt- no. THREE MALES. THREE FEMALES. MolIugO. flriBa. 2» M. leaves fomewhat fourfold hnccd, flowers panicled' ' ' nodding, ftem eredt angular. upright, pentaphylla. 3. M. leaves fivefold, inverfe-egg'd equal, flovi^ers pani- cled. five-leaved, verticillata. 5. M. leaves verticil'd v^^edgc-form acute, ftem fubdivi- ded decumbent, peduncles one-fiower'd. verti^ ciFd, 107. MINUARTIA. Cal 5-leaved. Cor. o. Capf. i-ceird, 3-valved. Seeds 2iitv^. dlchotoma, I. M. flov^rers of the fork crowded. two-forPd, campeflris, 2. M. flowers terminal alternate,^ longer than the braxfte. ^*^ field, montana. 3. M. flowers lateral alternate, fhorter than the brade. mountain, 108. QtJERIA- CaL 5-leaved. Cor, o. Capf. i- cell'd, 3-valved, Seed i. hifpanlca, I. Q^ flowers crowded. fpanijh. canadenfts, 2. Q^ flowers foiitary, ftem two-forkM, Canadian, 109. LECHEA. Cal. 3-leaved. Petal 3, linear, Capf, 3'Ceird, 3-valved, with as many interior valvelets. Seed i. minor. I. L. leaves linear-lanced, flowers panicled. lefs, major, 2. L. leaves egg -lanced, flowers lateral ftraggUng. greater. c L ji s s. C L A S S IV. FOUR MALES. (T^etrandricL-) O N E F E M A L E. ( Monogynia, ) Flowers one-petard^ cne-feeded^ beneath. tir Protea. Cor. 4-cleft. Anthers inferted beneath the fummits of the corol. 112 Globularia. Cor, i-petal'd, irregular. Seeds with a pap^ pus naked. X361 Hydrophylax. Cor. funnel-form. Cal. four-parted. Floivers one-petaFdy one-feededy above., Aggregate. m Cephalanthus.C^/. common o. i^^c^^/^J^ globular villous. Seeds woolly. 114 Dypsacus. pal. common leafy. Recept. conical chaffy. Seeds columnar. 11^ ScABiosA. C^/ common, i^^r.;)^ elevated fomewl^at -^ chaffy. Seeds crown'd mvolute. 116 Knautia. Cal. common oblong. Recept. fiat, naked. Seeds villous at top. 117 Allionia. Cal common 3-leaved, 3-flowerM.; proper ' ' one above o. S^r^iy naked. * Valeriana fihirica. Floivers one-petal'd. one-fruiied^ beneath. i.6AouARTiA. C.r. wheelU C^/. almoft 4-cleft. B.rry ^ ' many-feed. ,,5 Callicarpa. Ccr. tubular. C«/ +-cleft. Berp 4-'eeded. izlg Aegiphila. Ccr. falver-form. C^/. 4-tooth d B^rry ^- ^ feeded. 5i>/« ha!f-two-c!eft. l« ScoPARiA. Cor. whecl'd. Cal. 4- parted. &^/ l-celPd 2-valved. 145 CEN-TUNCUI.U3. C.r. wheel'd. C^/va: 4-parted. C«/./. i-cel! cT ^ circumfcifed, 142 Plantago. 112. FOUR MALES. 142 Plant AGO. Cor. refra61:ed. Cal. 4-parted. Capf. 2-cell*d circumfcifed. 137 PoLYPREMUM. Cor, wheel'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Capf. 2-cell'd, end-nick'd. 140 BuDDLEiA. Cor, bell'd. Cal. 4-cleft, Capf. 2-ceird, 2- furrow'd. 141. ExACUM. Co^'. fomewhat bell'd. Cal. 4-leaved, Capf. 2-ceird comprefs'd. 138. Penaea. Cq}\ bell'd. Cal. 2-leaved. Capf. 4-ce]l*d3^ 4-valved. 539 Blaeria. Cor. fomewhat bell'd, Cal 4-parted. Capf 4-ceird, gaping at the angles. * Swertia corniculata, dichotoma, * The four-cleft Gentians. Flowers one-petard^ one-fruited^ above. 132 Pavetta. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-toothM. Berry one- feeded. 131 IxoRA. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-parted. Berry 2-ceird. Seeds 2. *33 Petesia.. Cor. tubular. G7/. 4-tooth'd. 5^;ry 2-ceird5 many- feed ed. 130 Cateseaea. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Berry one- cell'd manv-fseded. T34 Mitchell a. Cor. 2, tubular. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Berry 4- feeded, two-flower'd, two-clefr. 1:18 Hediotis. Cor. tubular. Cal: 4-parted. Qx:ipf. twins, many-feeded gaping at top. IJ4 Oldenlandia. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-parted.. Capf twins, many-feeded gaping between the teeth. 1338 Mannettia. Cor. tubular. Cal. 8-leaved. Capf 2-ceird. 146 Sanguisorba. Cor. flat. Cal. 2-leaved. Capf. 4-corner'dj, between the calyx and corol. * Coffea occidentalis, * Pep lis tetrandra. Flowers one -petard^ two-grain^ d^ ^eneath. 5.24 Houstonia. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Capf. 2-ceird3, 2-valved. »242 Scabrita. 6V, tubular. Cal. tubular lop'd. Seeds com- prefs'do cnd-nick'd. flower^ TETRANDRIA. Flowers one-petaVd^ two-grain" d^ above. Star'd; 113 127, 125 121 120 119 123 122 RUBIA. Galium. asperula. scherardia. spermacoce. Knoxia. DiODIA. 126 Crucianella. Cor, bell'd. Fruit berried. Cor, fiat. Fruit fubglobular. C(?r. tubular. Friiit fubglobular. Cor. tubular. Fr. crown'd. Seeds 3-tooth'd. Cor, tubular. Fr. crown'd. Seeds 2-toothM. Cor. tubular. Fr, two-partible^ furrow'd. Cor, tubular. Fr. 4-corner'd5 crown'd, 2- valved. Cor, tubular, awn'd. Fr, naked. Seeds linear. Flowers one-petaV d^ four-grain' d^ beneath. 129 SiPHONANTHus. Cor. tubular. Cal. 5-parted. Berries /^^ont' feeded. Flowers four-petar d, beneath. Petals neitaries 4 incumbent. Cal. 4-leaved, Silique one-cell'd. Pet. edged. Cal. 4-cIeft. Capf. one-feeded. Pet, leathery. Cal. 4-parted. Drupe jaice^ lefs, comprefs'd. Pet, a pit at the bafe. Cal. 4-parted. Drupe roundifh. Stig?na funnel-form Pet. fliortcr than the ftamens. Cal. 4-cleft. Capf. 2-valved5 i -feeded. Pet. very feldom prefent. CaL tubular, 8- tooth'd. Capf 4-ceird. Pet. claws linear, borders covering. CaL ament. Pet. expanding. Cal. 5-cleft. Drupe egg'd. * Cardamine hirfiita, * Euonymus europesus. Flowers four -pet aV d above, Trapa. Cal. 4-parted. Nut arm'd with conical oppo- fite thorns. Cissus. CaL furrounding the germ. Berry one- feeded. CoRNUS. Cal. 4-tooth, deciduous. Drupe with nu- cleus 2-ceird. LuDwiGiA. Cal. 4-parted. Capf, 4-ceird, 4-corner'd. Santalum. Cor, 4-petard growing on the calyx. Berry one-feeded. CaL O. Follicle one-cell'd. P Flowers 148 Epimedium* 144 152 Rhacoma. Ptelea. I29I Samara. 150 Fagara. 255 Ammania. 1362 Banksia. n^z Hartogia. 149 153 480 1364 Embothrium. 114, FOUR MALES. Flowers mco?nplete, beneath* Cor. 4-cleft. Berry i-feeded, dry. NeSfary with 8 glands. Cor. 4-petard. Berry dry, i-feeded, hedge- hog'd. Cori 4-petal'd. Berry one-feeded. Seed rug- ged. CaL 4-cleft. Berry one-feeded. Seed arll'd. 164 Camphorosma. Cal. 4-clefit. Cap/, one-feeded. 165 Alchemilla. CaL 8-cleft. Seed i, included in the calyx. Cal. receptacle flat, flefKy, common. U'm/'^/ 4- leaved, 3-flower'd. Cap/. 3-grain'd* * Corchorus Coreta, * j4tnmann'ia, * Convallaria bifoUa* Flowers incomplete ^ above, Cal. bell'd. Berry 3-celPd. NeSiary 4-leaved, CaL 4-leaved. Berry hedge -hog'd, i-feeded. Cal. bell'd, permanent. Capf. 4-ceird, Cal. bell'd, deciduous. Drupe, * Theftum alpinum. 1244 Struthiola. 161 Crameria. 162 Rivina. 163 Salvadora 158 DORSTENIA. 1243 COMETES. 1292 SlRIUM. 1293 ACAENA. 156 ISNARDIA. J59 El^eagnus. TWO FEMALES, f Digynia, ) 168 BUFONIA, 171. Hypecoum. 169 Hamamelis. 170 CUSCUTA. 166 Aphanes. 167 Cruzita* 1365 GOMOZIA. Cor. 4-petard, Cal. 4-leaved. Capf. i-celPd, 2-valvedj 2-feeded. Cor. 4-petard, unequal. Cal. 2-leaved. Silique. Cor. 4-petard, longeft. Cal. double. Nut 2-ceird, 2-horn'd. Cor. 4-cleft, egg'd. Cal. 4-cleft. Capf. 2- cell'd, circumcifed. Cor. o. Cal. 8-cleft. Seeds 2. Cor. o. Cal. 4-leaved: exterior one 3-leaved. Seed I. Cor. 4-cleft. Cal. o. Berry 2-ceird. * Hernlaria Jruticofa, * Gentlana.. * Swertia, FOUR Tetrandria. 115. FOUR FEMALES. ( 'Tetragynia, J 172 Ilex, Cor. i-petal'd. CaL 4-tooth'd. Berry 4- feeded . ry? CoLDENiA. Cor. i-pctal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Seeds 2, two- cdl'd. 176 Sagina. Cor. 4-petard. Cal. 4-leaved. Capf. 4-ceird3 many-feeded. 177 TlLL^A. Cor. 3 or 4-petal'd. CaL 3 or 4-leaved. Capf. 3 or 4, many-'feeded. 178 Myginda. Cor. 4-petard. C^^/. 4-parted. i)rz/;!>^ I -feeded. 174 PoTAMOGETON. Cor. o. CaL 4-leaved. Seeds 4, feffile. J 75 RuppiA. Cor. 0. CaL c. iS^-^^; 4, pedicel'd. P 2 ONE Il6, FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Protca. 1 10, III. pinifoiia. racemofa, fplcata. glomerata, Serraria, , 155 cyano'ides, 1 3. fphcerocC" phala. hirta, 9. (licuUaia* 10. rofacea, repens. 5* cynar aides, 8. Lep'idocarpo- 4. dendron, iotta» Hypopkyllo- 1 1 . carpodendrum, ptibera, Jirohillna, ionifera. ONE FEMALE. fMonogynia,J PROTEA. Cor. 4-cleft or 4-parted. Anthers linear, inferted beneath the top of the petals. CaL proper y o. Seed i, above. P, flowers fimple raceme-fpiked fmooth, leaves linear, pine-leaved. P. flowers Ample racemed downy, leaves linear, ra^ cemed, P. flowers fplked, leaves many-cleft. fpiked. P. flowers corymbed, leaves many-cleft, glomerate, P. flowers collected, leaves many-cleft. P. flowers folitary woolly, calyx fhaggy, leaves many- cleft, cy anus -like ^ P. flowers folitary v/oolly, calyx polifh'd without, leaves many- cleft. fphere-headed. P. flowers lateral feilile, leave one-callous at top. P. flowers lateral fefliile, leaves three-callous at top. coivVd. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx colour'd ex- panding, leaves awl'd. rofe. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx lanced upright refmous, leaves lanced. creeping. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx lanced up- right, leaves fuborbicular petioled. artichoke- like. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx fpatuled beard- ed, leaves lanced. P. flowers almofl: double, piftils headed, corols long- efl: difl:ant, leaves fmooth. P. flowers folitary, pifl:ils club'd, leaves three-callous. P. flowers twofold or threefold, pifl:ils club'd, leaves elliptic-lanced. mature, P. flowers imbricate-egg'd involucred chafFy fmooth, leaves fpatuled polifli'd. Jlrohiline, P. flowers imbricate-egg'd involucred chaffy downy- ifl), leaves narrow-lanced, cone-bearing. ?, TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA, PrOtCa. 117. fallens * P. iiowers egg'd involucred chafHeTs polifh'd, leaves linear. ^ ^pale. P. flowers egg'd involucred chafflefs, leaves lanced fubpubei'cent oblique. willow, argentea, P. flowers egg'd involucred chafllefs downy, leaves lanced villous fhining. /ilver* Levi farms, P. flowers hemifperical fubinvolucred chafllefs villous, leaves fpatuled. P. flowers level -top'd, leaves oval. divaricated, P. flowers level-top'd,- leaves thread-form undivided. purple, P. flowers panicled, florets nearly tenfold, leaves fub- lanced. fmall-fiower'd. inferior leaves of the branches decompound, fupe- rior ones undiv ided wedge-form fmootheft, fpike terminal conical. 5. Scepter of Gujlavus. leaves imbricated lanced, heads terminal. S. imbri^ cated, leaves three-cleft linear, ftem procumbent, heads compounded of fmaller ones moftly three-flow- er'd folitary. S. procumbent, leaves awl'd, heads globular terminal. S, flowers fubfolitary, pifliils long headed, calyxes with fcales lanced pointed, leaves three-callous. ^- hair-flower'' d, P. flowers folitary, calyx imbricated fubpubefcent, leaves linear-lanced. 5. oblique. P. pancle branchy, leaves lanced filk-filver'd, flowers headed downy. S. fllky, P. leaves tongue-form linear fmooth, branches um- bel'd level-top'd. S. umbeFd, P. leaves linear-awl'd femicolumnar fmooth, flowers headed, bra^Stes many-cleft. S, braSied. flem proliferous, leaves awl'd, fpike leafy. S. prolife- rous. P. down hoary, leaves linear three-tooth'd callous at top. iS". downy. Fj divaricata, purpurea, parvi flora, Sceptrum Gujiavianum, imbricafa, procumbens, Bruniades, criniftora, obliqua, fericea, umbellatac hraSleata, prolifera, io?nentofa^ P. P. P. P. P. 112. GLO- Il8. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Globularia. 112. GLOBULARIA. Cal. common imbricated ; pro- per tubulated, beneath, Corollet upper lip 2-parted: inferior one 3-parted. Recept. chaffy. Alypum,' I. G. ftem fhrubby, leaves lanced three-tooth'd and in- tire. hifnagarica. 2. G. flem fhrubby, root-leaves wedge -form retufe, ilem- leaves lanced. hijnagarian, vulgaris, 3. G. ftem herbaceous, root-leaves three-tooth'd ; ftein- leaves lanced. tommon» fpnofa, 4. G. root4eaves notch-prickled, ftem-leaves moft intire dagger'd. thorny, cordifolia. 5. G. ftemaimoft naked, leaves wedge-form three-piked: the intermediate one very fmall. heart-leaved, nudicauTis. 6 G. ftem naked, leaves moil intire lanced. Jtem-naked. orUntalis. 6. G. ftemalmoft naked, heads alternate feffile, leaves lance-egg'd intire. oriental. 113. CEPHx^LANTHUS. Cal, common o\ proper above, funnel-form. Recept, globular, naked. Seed i, woolly. §ccidentalis. I. G. leaves oppofite and three' d. Occident ah 114. DIPSACUS. CaL com?non many-leaved; pro-^ per above. Recept. chaffy. I'eafel. fullonum. I. D. leaves felTile faw'd. fullers, taciniatas, 2. D. leaves conjoin'd fmuous. j^gg^d. pikfus. 3. D. leaves petioled appendaged. hairy, 115. SCABIOSA. Cal, common \n2iny-\t2iVQdi*y pr ope?' double above. Recept, chaffy or naked. * Corollets four-cleft, alpina, I. S. corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated, flowers bowing, leaves feather'd : leaflets lanced faw'd. alpine^ rigida, 5. S. corollets four-cleft fubradiatc, calyxes imbricated obtufe, leaves lanced fiw'd ear'd. rigid. tranfyhanica.2, S. corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes and chafFawn'd y root-leaves lyred 5 llem-leaves feather-cut. tranfylvanian, 3. S. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Scabiofa, 119^ f^riaca. 3. S. leucantha, 4. Succifa. 6. integrifoha. y. amplexkaidis, tartarica, 9. arvenfis. ic. fyhatica. 8. S. fcabra. S . attenuata, S . grctmontia. 11. S. (Qlumbaria. 12. S. ficula. S. marlt'wia. 13. S. ftellata, 15. S. prolifera. 16. S. atropur^ jj. S. purea. argentea. 18. S. corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated and chaff awn'd, ftem two-fork'd, leaves lanced. fyr'ian^ S. corollets four-cleft fubequal^ calyx-fcales egg'd imbricated, leaves feather-cut. white-flowerd. S. corollets four-cleft equal, ftem fmiple, branches approximated, leaves lance-egg'd. S, corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves undivided : root- leaves egg'd favv^'d, branch-leaves lanced ; ftem herbaceous. intire-leavecL S. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves ftem-clafping lanced moft intire 5 root-leaves three-cleft notch' d. Jiern-clafping, S. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves lanced feather^ cut : lobes fubimbricated, ftem hifpid. tar^ tartan.. S . corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves feather-cut gafliM, ftem hifpid. field. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves all undivided egg-oblong favi^'d, ftem hifpid. ijuood, corois four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated obtufe, leaves almoft tvi^ice-feather'd rugged rigidifti. 5. rugged. corois four-cleft equal, leaves linear intire and three-cleft. S, attenuated* * * Corollets five-cleft. corollets five-cleft, calyxes ftiorteft, ftem-leaves twice-feather'd thread-form. o-ramontian, corollets five- cleft radiate, root-leaves egg'd notch'd, ftem-leaves feather'd briftly. dove, corollets five-cleft equal ftiorter than the calyx, leaves lyre- feather- cut. ftcilian, corollets five-cleft radiate fhorter than the calyx, leaves feather'd : the higheft linear moft intire. fea. corollets five-cleft radiate^ leaves difieiled, recep- tacles of the flower roundifh. J^^^- corollets five-cleft radiate, flowers fubfeflile, ftem proliferous, leaves undivided. proliferous. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves diflTecSled, recep- tacles of the flowers awl'd. black-purple, corollets fi.ve-cleft radiate, leaves feather-cut ; divifions linear, peduncles longeft, ftem co- lumnar, fdver, s. I20. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Scabiofa. indurata. S. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves egg-lanced, gnaw'd, tooth'd at the bafe, ftem ftiff. indura^ ted, africana. I9. S. corollets five-cleft equal, leaves fimple gafhMj ftem fhrubby. african, tumila, S. corollets five-cleft radiate, almoft ftemlefs^ leaves moft hairy ; root-leaves lyred, ftem-leaves feather-gafh'd. dwarf,, cretica, 20. S. corollets five-cleft, leayes lanced very intire, Hem: fhrubby. cretan. gramtmfoL 21. S. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves linear-lanced moft intire, ftem herbaceous. grafs-leaved. talajilna* 25. S. corollets five-cleft radiate : all the divifions three- cleft, leaves undivided, fomewhat faw'd : the higheft feather-cut at the bafe. palejiine. jfetenfis. 26. S. corollets five-cleft radiate longer than the calyx, leaves tv^ice-feather'd linear. licrania. 14. S. corollets five-cleft radiate, root- leaves feather-cut: ftem-leaves fringed at the bafe. Ukraine, ochroleuca, 23. S. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves tv^^ice-feather'd., linear. pale-white. pappofa, S. corollets five-cleft unequal, ftem herbaceus eredl. leaves feather-cut, feeds avs^n'd and feather- pappus'd. pappous^ pterocephala.22, S. corollets five-cleft, ftem ftirubby procumbent leaves jagg*d ftiaggy, pappus feathery, wing- headed. 116. KNAUTIA. Ca/, common oblong, fimple, five- flower*d ; proper fimple, above. Corol- lets irregular. Recept, naked. orientalis, i. K. leaves gafti'd, corollets five-fold longer than the calyx. oriental. propontica, 2. K. fuperior leaves lanced moft intire, corollets tenfolc: equal with the calyx. propontic palcejiina, K. leaves intire, calyxes fix-leaved, feeds pappusM. palejiine, plumofa, K. fuperior leaves leaves feather'd, calyxes ten-leaved, 1 feeds pappus'd. feathery. 117. ALLIONA, TRTRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. AlllOnia. 121. 117. ALLIONIA. CaL common oblong, fimple, three- flower 'd y proper obfcure, above. Corol- lets irregular. Recept. naked. Otolacea. A. A. leaves hearted, calyxes five-cleft. violet. ncarnata. b. A. leaves obliquely eggM, calyxes three-leaved, in- carnate, 118. HEDYOTIS. Cor, i -petal j funnel-form. C^^y^ 2-ceird, many-feeded, beneath. frutlcofa. I. H. leaves lanced petioled, corymbes terminal involu- cred. Jl)rubby, Auricularla, 2, H. leaves lance-egg'd, flou^ers vertlcll'd. herbacea. 3. H, leaves linear-lanced, ftem herbaceous two-fork'd, peduncles double. herbaceous* marltlma, H. leaves oval obtufe, flowers oppofite feflile. S. fea. pumila. H. leaves egg'd acute, flow^ers alternate peduncled.- S, dwarf, gramlnlfolla. H. leaves linear, flem decumbent, panicle racemed one-rankM, peduncles fmgle-train'd. S.'grafs- leaved, 124, SCABRITA. Cor, i -petal, falver-form. Seeds 2, end-nick'd, above. CaL lop'd. Jcabra^ I. H. Scabrita, rugged, 147. SPERMACOCE. Cor, i -petal, funnel-form. Seeds 2, two-tooth'd. tenuior, i. S. fmooth, leaves linear, ilamens Inclofed, flowers verticil'd. jlendcrer, verticillata, 2. S, fmooth, leaves lanced, verticils globular, verti- cird, hirta, 3. S. fmooth, leaves oblong: the higheft four-fold, flowers verticil'd. fl'^KSy* hifpida. 5. S. hifpid, leaves inverfe-egg'd oblique. hifpid. ■procimibens. 6. S. procumbent, leaves linear, corymbes lateral pe- duncled. procumbent, fpinofa, 4. S. ihrubbyifh, leaves linear with thornlets fringed. thorneyt a 122. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Spermacoce* art'icularis, S. leaves elliptic obtufifh ruggedifli. S, jointed* JlriSla. S. leaves linear-lanced lined. 5. upright » 1 20. SCHERARDIA, Cor. i -petal, funnel-form. Seeds 2, three- tooth'd. arvenfis. i. S. all the leaves verticil'd, flowers terminal. field, muralis. 2. S. ftoral leaves two-fold oppofite, with flowers two- fold, wall, I frutlcofa. 3. S. leaves fourfold equal, flem (hrubby, Jhrubby, 121. ASPERULA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form. Seeds 2, globular. odorata, i* A. leaves eightfold lanced, fafcicles of the flowers peduncied. odorous, arvenfis, 2. A. leaves fixfold, flowers feilile terminal aggregate. field, taurina, 3. A. leaves fourfold egg-lanced, flowers fafcicled ter- minal, hull, crafiifoUa, 7. A. leaves fourfold oblong lateral revolute obtufifti pu- befcent. thick-leaved, thi6loria, 4. A. leaves linear : the inferior ones fixfold ; the inter- mediate ones fourfold, fl:em flaccid, flowers for the mofl: part three-cleft. dyers. pyrenaica,, 5* A. leaves four-foid lance-linear, fteni erefl;, flowers oftener three-cleft. pyrenean, cynanchica. 6. A. leaves fourfold linear: the fuperlor ones oppofite j ftem ere6i, flowers four-cleft. cyyiancum, lavigata. 8. A. leaves fourfold elliptic nervelefs fmoothifh, pedun- cles divaricated three-fork'd, feeds rugged. polijh'd, calahrica, A. leaves fourfold oblong obtufe polifh'd. S. calabrtan^ cri/iata, A. leaves linear fomewhat flefhy : the inferior ones fourfold, flowers almoft threefold awn'd. 5. crejiedt 122. DIODIA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form* Capfule 2-ceird, 2-feeded. virginicai i. Diodia* Virginian^ 123. KNOXIA. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Knoxia. 123. 123. KNOXIA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form. Seeds 2, furrow'd : the lingie leaf of the calyx larger. zeyhinica, i. Kntoxia. ceylon, 124. HOUSTONIA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form. Cap/. 2-ceird, 2-feeded, above. cesrulea. i. H. root-leaves egg'd, ftem compound, the firfl: pe- duncles two-flower'd. blue.' purpurea. l. H. leaves egg-lanced, corymbes terminal, flowers above. purple. 125. GALIUM. Cor. i-petal, flat. Seeds 2, round- i£h. Bedjlraw. * Fruit finooth, riibioides. 2. G. leaves fourfold lance-egg'd equal rugged under- neath, ftem ere6t, fruit fmooth. madder-like. palujire. 3. G. leaves four-fold inverfe-egg'd unequal, iiems dif- fufe. ?narjh. trifidum. 5. G. leaves fourfold linear, ftem procumbent rugoed, corols three-cleft. three-cleft. montanum. 15. G. leaves moftly fourfold linear polifh'd, ftem feeble rugged, feeds Imooth. mount ain% tinSlorium. 6. G. ftem-leaves linear lixfold ; thofe of the branches fourfold, ftem flaccid, peduncles moftly two- flower'd, fruit fmooth. dyers. ulglnofum, 7. G. leaves fixfold lanced faw-prickled backwards dag- ger'd rigid, corols larger than the fruit. oii%y^ fpurium. 8. G. leaves fixfold lanced keel'd rugged prickled back- ward, knots fimple, fruit fmoodi. fpurious. faxatile. 9. G. leaves fixfold inverfe-egg'd obtufe, ftem moft branchy procumbent. rock. mlnutum. 10. G. leaves eightfold lanced dagger'd faw-prickled fmooth incurved, fruit reflected. minute. pufillum. II. G. leaves eightfold hifpid linear pointed fubimbricated, peduncles two-fork'd. puny. verum. 12. G. leaves eightfold linear furrow'd, branches flower- bearing fhort. true. Mollugo^ 14, G» leaves eightfold egg-linear fome what faw'd moft expanding dagger'd, ftem flaccid, branches ex- panding. 0.2 13, G, 124- FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Galium. fylvaticum. 13. G. leaves eightfold polifh'd rugged underneath : floral leaves tv^ofold, peduncles capillary, flem polifh'd. wood, ariflatum. i. G. leaves eightfold lanced polifh'd, panicle capillary, petals awn'd, feeds fmooth. awrCd, hterofolytni-l^, G. leaves tenfold lance-linear, umbels level-top*d, tanmn fruit fmooth. jerufalen>. glaucum, 16. G. leaves verticii'd linear, peduncles two-fork'd, ftem polifli'd. fea-green. purpureum^i'] . G. leaves verticii'd linear-briflled, peduncles capillary longer rhan the leaf. purple, ruhrum, 19. G. leaves verticii'd linear expanded, pedancles fhorteft. red, pyrenaicum. G. leaves fix-fcld, Rowers lateral oppofite fubfefnle iolitary. S. pyrencan, * * Fruit hifpid, horeale. 20. G. leaves fourfold hnced three-nerved fmooth, flem erect, feeds hifpid. northern. maritimum.i\, G. leaves fourfold hifpid, peduncles one-flower'd, fruit villous. Jea, hermudia- 4. G. leaves fourfold linear obtufe, branches moft bran- num chy. hermud'ian, gr cecum. 25. G. fhaggy, leaves moftly fix-fold linear-lanced, flem woody. greek. Aparine, 22. G. leaves eightfold lanced with keels rugged prickled backward, knots villous, fruit hifpid. parifienfe. 23. G. leaves verticii'd linear, peduncles two-ilower'd, fruit hifpid. par'ifian^ X 126. CRUCIANELLA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form, tube thread-form -, border claw'd. CaL 2 -leaved. Seeds 2, linear. anguJlifoL I. C. ere^l, leaves fixfold linear, flowers fpiked. nar~ . row-leaved, latifolia. 2. C. procumbent, leaves fourfold lanced, flowers fpiked. broad-leaved, agyptlaca, 6. C. leaves fourfold fublinear, flowers fpiked five-cleft. Egyptian, patula. 3. C. difFufe, leaves fixfold, flowers fcater'd. expanded, marittma. 4. C. procumbent, fhrubbvifh, leaves four-fold dagger'd, ilowers oppofite hve-cleft. fea. 5- C. TETRANDRIA. MNNOGYNIA. Crucianclla. I25. monfpetiaca, 5. C. procumbent, leaves acute : thofe of the ftem four- fold egg'd ; branch-leaves linear, flowers fpiiced* ??iontpelter, 119. RUBIA. Cor. I -petal, bell'd. Berries 2^ one- feeded. Madder. iinSforum. i. R. leaves annual, ftem prickly. dyers, peregrina. 2. R. leaves perennial linear polifh'd above. foreign, lucida. R. leaves perennial fixfold elliptic lucid, ftem poliftiM* lucid, angiiJlifoUa. R. leaves perennial linear rugged above, narrow^ leaved, cordifolia, R. leaves perennial fourfold hearted. heart-leaved. 129. SIPHONANTHUS. C^r. i -petal, funnel-form, longeft, beneath. Berries 4, i -feeded. indica, I. Siphonanthus. Indian. 130. C ATESB./^A. Ci?r. i -petal, funnel-form, long- eft, above. Stamens within the throat. Berry many- feeded. fplnofa. I. Catesb^a. thorny. 131. IXORA. Cor. I -petal, funnel-form, long, above. Stamens above the throat. Berry 4- feeded. •CQCclnea. i. I. leaves oval half-ftem-clafping, flowers fafcicled, fcarlef, alba. 2. I. leaves lance-egg'd, flowers fafcicled. white. americana. A. I. leaves three-fold lance-egg'd, flowers thyrfe-like. 4^merican. 132. Px'WETTA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form, above. Stigma curved. Berry 2-feeded. 'caffra. P. leaves egg'd moft intire, heads terminal feflile, calyxes briftly the length of the tube. S. caffran. ■»'^ndica. P. leaves oblong pointed at both ends, umbels termi- nal fafcicled, calyx Xhort acute. S. indian. 133. PETESIA. 126. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Pelefia. 133. PETESIA. Cor, i-petal, funnel-form. Stigma two- cleft. Berry m any- feed ed. fiipularis, A. P. leaves lance-egg'd downy underneath, thyrfes ]a> teral. Jiipuhd- Lygiftum, A. P. leaves egg'd naked lined, ftem vi^inding. 134. MITCHELL A. Carols , i -petal, above, two- fold on the fame germ. Stigmas 4, Berry two-cleft, 4-feeded. repens, I. MiTCHELLA. creeping. 135. CALLICARPA. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. 4-cleft, Berry 4-feeded. americana* C. leaves faw'd downy underneath. american». totnentofa. C. leaves mofl intire wooily^ downy. 136. AQUARTIA. C^/. beird. Cor. wheeled, di- vifions linear. Berry many-feeded. accttleata, i. Aquartia. prkkley. 137. POLYPREMUM. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. 4-cleft, wheel'd: lobes inverfe hearted. Capfn comprefs'd, end^-nick'd, 2-ceird. procumhens. i. Polypremum. procumbent . 138. PEN^A. Cal. 2-leaved. C^r. belFd. Style ^-^ angled. Cap/, four- cornered, 4-ceird, 8-feeded. Sarcocolla. i. P. leaves egg'd flat, calyxes fringed larger than the leaf. tnucronata. 2. P. leaves hearted pointed. dagger d. marglnata. P. leaves hearted marginM, flowers lateral, margined, furcata. P. leaves rhomb-egg'd, bradtes wedged acute colour'd, forked: fquamofa. 3. P. leaves rhomb-wedge-form flefhy, fcaly. frutkulofa^ Vo leaves oblongifh obtufe, brades orbicular acute, S. JhruhhyiJJu P, TETRANDRiA* MONOGYNiA. Penaea, 127* myrtotdes. P. leaves lanced, S. myrtle-like^ laterifiora, P. leaves egg'd, flowers lateral feiTile. S. fide-flower^ ing. 139. BLiERIA. CaL 4-parted. Cor, 4-cleft. Sta- mens inferted on the receptacle. Capf^ 4-ceird, many-feeded. frkoldes, i. B. flowers headed, corols bell'd. heath-Wke, articidata^ B. ftamens protruded two-hearted, corols cylindric« jointed, pujllla. 2. B. flowers fcatter'd, corols funnel -form, feeble* aliaris. B. flowers headed, calyxes fringed. S, fringed, purpurea, B. ftamens incluflve two-parted, corols oblong ftraight^ flowers terminal aggregate peduncled ere6t. S, purple,, 140. BUDDLEJA. CaL 4-cIeft. Cor, 4-cleft. Sta- mens from the gaflies. Cap/, 2-furrow'd, 2-ceird, many-feeded. mnerlcana, i. B. leaves egg'd. ' amertcan, {)ccidentaUs, 2. B. leaves lanced, occidentaL v'lrgata. B. leaves linear-oblong obtufe intire, racemes termi- nal, branches twiggy erecSt. S. twiggy^ incompia, B. leaves fafcicled egg'd hoary, branches winding rigid, racemes terminal. S, uncomFd* 141. EXACUM. C^/. 4-leaved. C(5r. 4-cleft : tube globular. Cap/. 2-furrow'd, 2-ceird many-feeded, gaping at top. feffile. I. E. flowers feflile. fejfile. pedunculala, 2. E. flowers peduncled. peduncled. albens, E. leaves fubdecurrent, ftamens protruded. S. wh'ite^ aureum. E, leaves feflile, ftamens protruded. S. golden. €ordatum» E. flowers five-cleft, leaflets of the calyx hearted firiated. S. hearUd, pun6latum. E. leaves moft fhortly petioled oblong three-nerved dotted, ftamens protruded. S. dotted-^ 142. PLANTAGO. 128. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. PlantagO. 142. PLANTAGO. CaL 4-cleft. Cor. 4-cleft- border reflected. Stamens longeft. Caff^ 2-ceird, circumcifed. * ^cape naked. 1. P. leaves egg'd fmooth, fcape columnar, fpike with florets imbricated. greater. 2. P. leaves egg'd fmooth, fcape angled, fpike with flo- rets diftin^t. ajiatic. 3. P. leaves egg-lanced pubefcent, fpike cylindrical, fcape columnar. middle. 4. P. leaves lance-egg'd pubefcent fomewhat toothletted,, fpikes with flowers remote, fcape columnar. Virginian, 5. P. leaves lanced five-nerved tooth'd fmooth, fpike oblong cylindrical, fcape fubangular. talUjl, 6. P. leaves lanced, fpike fomewhat egg'd naked, fcape angled. lanced. 7. P. leaves lanced fomewhat toothletted, fpike egg'd fhaggy, fcape columnar. lufitanica. 17. P. leaves broad-lanced three-nerved fomewhat tooth'd fomewhat hairy, fpike oblong Ihaggy, fcape angled. ■poriugaU 8. P. leaves lanced oblique villous, fpike cylindrical ere(51:, fcape columnar. white. 9. P. leaves linear fiat, fcape colum.nar fhaggy, fpike oblong ere^l. alpine. 18. P. leaves linear, fcape columnar fhorteft woolly, fpike roundifh nodding. cretan.' maritlma, 11. P. leaves femic)lindrical mofl: intire woolly at the bafe, fcape columnar. J'ea. fubulata, 12. P. leaves awl'd three-fided ftriated rugged, fcape co- lumnar. avuVd. Serraria, 13. P. leaves lanced five-nerved tooth -faw'd, fcape co- lumnar. coronopifol. 14. P. leaves linear tooth'd, fcape columnar, coronopus- leaved. major, aftatica, media, virginica. oltijftma, lane eo lata. Lagopus, albicans. alpina. cretica. Loejii inziti PfsUi lum. 15. P. leaves linear fomewhat tooth'd, fcape columnar, fpike egg'd, bracles keel'd membranous. Of Loejlingius. ■% * Stem branchy. 17. P. ftem branchy herbaceous, leaves fomewhat tooth'd. recurvate, heads leaflcfs. 18. P. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PlantagO. 129. indica 18. P. ftem branchy herbaceous, leaves mcft intire, re- fleaed fringed, heads leafy. indian, mops. IQ. P. ftem branchy fhrubbyifh, leaves moft intire thread- ^ ^' form upright, heads fomevi^hat leaved. afra 20. P. ftem branchy ftirubby, leaves lanced tooth'd heads '' * leaflefs. ""^n'T' -bumila P. ftem branchy herbaceous, leaves moft mtire fleihy, ^ ' branches'polifti'd. 5. dwarf lA-i. SCOPARIA. Cal. 4-parted. Cor. 4-parted, wheeVd. Cap/, i-ceird, 2-valved, many-feeded. dulcis. I. S. leaves three-fold, flowers peduncled. Jweet. procmnbens. 2. S. leaves fourfold, flowers feffile. procumbent arborea S. leaves lanced alternate moft intire, corymbe fuper- decompounded three-forkM. 5. arbor ejcent. 144. RHACOMA. Cal. 4-parted. Cor. 4-parted. Capf one-ceird, one-feeded. Crojfopetalum, i. Rhacoma. 145. CENTUNCULUS. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. 4-cleft, expanding. Stamens fliort. Cap/, i- cell'd, circmucifed. minimus, i. Centunculus. ^^^J^' 146. SANGUISORBA. Cal. 2-leaved. Germ be- tween the calyx and corol. Burnet. officinalis. I. S. fpikeseggM. #^^f- iedia. 2. S. fpikes cylindrical. ^'-^dU. canadenfis. 3. S. fpikes longeft. ^^«^^^- 147. CISSUS. Berry i-feeded encompafs'd by the calyx and corol four-parted. mmnea. i. C. leaves hearted moftly five-lobed downy. wine. cordifolia. 2. C. leaves hearted moft intire. heart-leaved. Sicyoides. V C. leaves moftly hearted naked, briftle-faw ^.b^^^^f' lets columnar. Steps-like. R 6. C, 130. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. CiffuS* quadrangU' 6. C. leaves hearted flefhy faw-tooth'd, flem four-cor- larls ner'd tumidifli. quadrangular, acida. 4. C. leaves three'd inverfe-egg'd fmooth flefliy gafh'd. acid, trifoiiata, 5. C. leaves three'd roundifh fliaggy fomewhat tootb'd, branches membranous-angled. three-leaved, 148. EPIMEDIUM, Nectaries 4, cup-form, in- cumbent on the petals. Cor, 4-petard. CaL falling off. Silique, alpi'num, i. EpimEdium. alpine. 149. CORNUS. Involucre oftener 4-leaved. Petals above 4. Drupe with nucleus s-cell'd. Jiorida, I. C. arborefcent, involucre largeft : leaflets inverfe- hearted, flowering,, mafcula, 2. C. arbortfcent, umbels equalling the Involucre, male, fanguinea. 3. C. arboreibent, cymes naked, branches ftraight. bloody, alba. 6. C. arborefcent, cymes naked, branches recurvate, white, fericea, C. arborefcent, cymes naked, leaves filky underneath. fllky, fuer.ica. 4. C. herbaceous, branches tvi^o-fold, fwedijh, canadtjnfts. 5. C. herbaceous branches none. Canadian, alternifolia, C. leaves alternate. S, alternate-leaved, 1 192. SAMARA. CaL 4-parted. Cor, 4-petaVd. Stam, immerfed in the bafe of the petal. Stigma funnel-form. Iceta, Samara. pleafant, 150. FAGARA. CaL 4-cleft. Cor, 4-petard. Capf. two-valved one-feeded. Pterota. I. F. leaflets end-nick*d. Piperita. 3. F. leaflets notch'd. Tragodes. 2. F. joints of the feathers prickly underneath. Otlandria, 4. F. leaflets downy. eight-male, F. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Fagara. I31. Euodia, F. leaves fimple lanced elongate oppolite, racemes branchy axillary folitary. S. 1290. iEGIPHILA. CaL 4-tooth'd. Cor. 4-cleft. Style half-two-cleft. Berry 4-feeded. martinicenfts, ^giphila. martinko. 152. PTELEA. Cor, 4-petard. CaL 4-parted, be- neath. Fruit with membrane roundifh, one-feeded in the centre irifoViaia, i. P. leaves three'd. three-leaved, finnata, 2. P. leaves abruptly feather 'd. S, feathered, ,1292. SIRIUM. CaL 4-cleft. Cor, o. NeBary 4- leaved inclofing the calyx. Germ be- neath. Stigma 3 -cleft. Berry 3-ceird. myrufolhm. Sirium. myrtle-leaved, J53. LUDWIGIA. Cor, four-petal'd. Ca/, 4-parted, above. Capf, 4-corner'd, 4-ceird, beneath, many-feeded. ailternifolia, i. L. leaves alternate ianced, ftem ere^l. alternate leaved, oppofitifolia, 2. L. leaves oppofite lanced, ftem diffufe. oppoftte-leaved, frigata, 3. L. leaves oppofite lanced, ftem ere(5l, ivatery, J54. OLDENLANDIA. Cor. four-petaPd. CaL 4-parted, above. Capf, a-cell'd, be- neath, many-feeded. vertlcillata. 6. O. flowers verticil'd feflile, ftipule briftle-bearlng. verticifd. repens, 7. O. capf feffile hifpid, leaves lanced. creeping, ^nijiora, i. O. peduncles fimpleft lateral, fruit fliaggy, leaves fomewhat egg'd acute. one-flower d. hiflora, 2. O. peduncles two-flower'd longer than the petiole, leaves lanced. two-flo-werd. ^mhcllata, 3. 0« umbels naked lateral alternate, leaves linear, um^ herd. R 2 4- O 132. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Oldcnlandia, corymhofa, 4. O. peduncles many-flower'd, leaves linear -lanced. corymbed panlculata* 5. O. peduncles panicled terminal, leaves oval-lanced. panicled, JlrtSia, O. peduncles racemed terminal, leaves linear, ftem ere6i: crofs-arm'd. upright^ capenjis, O. peduncles axillary one-flov^^er'd, leaves linear acute. S, cape, hlrfuta. O. umbels axillary, ftem and calyxes hifpid, leaves egg'd acute. S. Jhciggyt 155. AMMANNIA. C^r. 4-petard, inferted in the calyx, or none. CaL i -leaved, plaited, 8-tooth'd, beneath. C^^y.* 4-ceird. laiifoVia, i. A. leaves half- ftem - clafping, ftem four - corner' d, branches ereft. broad-leaved, ramofior, 2. A, leaves half - ftem - clafping, ftem four-corner'd, branches moft expanded. more-branchy, haccifer, 3. A. leaves fubpetioled, capfules greater than the calyx colour'd. berry-bearing, o5landra, A. flowers petal-like eight-male. 5. eight-male. pinnatapda* A. ftems procumbent rooting comprefs'd, leaves li- near feather-cleft. S, feather-cleft, 156. ISNARDIA. Cor. none. CaL 4-cleft. Cap/, 4-ceird, encompafs'd by the calyx, palujlris, i. Isnardia. marjh,, ly/. TRAPA. Cor. 4-petard. Cal, 4-partcd. Nut encompafs'd by 4 oppofite thorns, which were the leaves of the calyx. iiatans. i. Trap a. fu)i?nming, bicor-ms, T. nuts two-horn'd. S, two-horn d. naiam* T. nuts four-horn'd : thorns expanding. S. fwim- ming. 158. DORSTENIA, TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Dorftenia. Ijj. 158. DORSTENIA, Receptacle common i -leaved, fleihy, In which the folitary Jeeds are nidulant. Houjlonu 3. D. fcapes rooted, leaves hearted angled acute, recep- tacles quadrangular. Houjion^s, Contrajerva. i. D, fcapes rooted, leaves feather-cleft-handpd faw'd, receptacles quadrangular. Drakena, 1. D. fcapes rooted, leaves feather- cleft-handed mojft in- tire, receptacles oval. faulefcens, 4. D. pedi^ncles on the ftem. Jfetn, J 243. COMETES. Involucre 4-leaved, 3-flower'd. CaL 4-leaved. Capf. 3-grain*d, alternl flora, i. Cometes. alternate-flower' d. 159. ELi^GANUS. C^r. none. C^/. 4-cleft, bell'd, above. Drupe under the bell'd calyx. anguflifolla, i. E. leaves lanced. narrow-leaved* orientalis, 4. E. leaves oblong egg'd opakc oriental, fpinofa. 2. E. leaves elliptic. thorny, latlfolia, 3. E. leaves egg'd. broad-leaved. 48c. SANTALUM. Cor, 4-petard: the petals growling on the calyx, befide 4 Glands, CaL 4-tooth'd. Berry beneath one- feeded. album, T. Santalum, white, 1244. STRUTHIOLA. Cor. none. CaL tubular: with 8 Glands in the mouth. Berry dry, one-feeded, virgaia, 1. S. pubefcent^ i'^iggy- ereSia. 2. S, fmooth. erecf. ^ana. S. leaves linear obtufe hairy, flowers terminal fafci- cled downy, S. dwarf. 136. WILLICHIA. 134- I^OUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Willichia. 136. WILLICHIA. Cah 8-leaved. Cor. 4.deft. Capf, beneath, two-valved, cne-ceird. iS^^^ imbricated, orbicular with a cen- tral feedlct. repens, Willichia. creeping. 1,66. CRAMERIA. Cal. o. Cor. 4-petard : the fu- perior Nedlary 3 -parted; the inferior one 2 -leaved. Berry dry, hedgehog*d, I -feeded, h'lna, I. Crameria, 1293. ACiENA. Cal. 4-Ieaved. Cor. 4-petarfi. Ber- ry dry, beneath, i-feeded, hcjdgehog'd backvv^ards. ehngaia. Ac JEN A. fjqngaied^ 162, RIVINA. Cor. 4-petard, permanent. Cal, none. Berry i-feeded: with a lens- form feed. humilts. I. R. racemes fimple, flowers four-male, leaves pubef- cerit. humhle. iavis. 4. R. racemes fimple, flowers four-male, leaves fmooth. poUJh'd. Chandra. j. P.- racemes fimple, flowers eight-male or twelve-male. eight-male, paniculata. 3. R. racemes of the panicle compound and oppofite. panicled* $63. SALVADORA. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. o. Berry i-feeded. jS^^^ cloathed with an aril. perfica, i. Salvador a. ferfu 'tan* J64. CAMPHOROSMA, TETRANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Camphorofma. I^j; 164. CAMPHOROSMA. Cal. pitcher'd : with 2 teeth oppofite, and alternate, fmallefl. Cor. none. Capf. i-feeded. monfpelienfis. I. C. leaves fhaggy linear. mmtpelisr, acuta, 2. C. leaves aw^i'd rigid fmooth. 4icute. glabra. 3. C. leaves moftly three-fided fmooth unarm'd. fmooth* Pteranthus, 4. C. moft branchy, peduncles Avord-form dilated, bradtes crefted. pakacea, C. fhrubby, branches fpike-form, chaiFy, hairy. S, chaffy, 168. ALCHEMILLA. C^/. 8 -cleft. Cor.o, Seed i. vulgaris* i. A. leaves lobed. conitnon* alpina, 2. A. leaves finger 'd favi^'d. alpine, pentaphyllea. 3. A. leayes fived many-cleft fmooth. five-leaved, aphanoides, A. leaves many-parted, ftem ereit. S, aphanes-like* 1361. HYDROPHYLLAX. Cor. funnel-form. G^/. 4-parted. Fruit two-edged, one-feeded. S. maritifna. Hydrophyllax. S, fea, 1362. BANKSIA. -^/?;f;^^ fcaly. C(?r. 4-petard. An- thers in the cavity of the Folds, feffile* Capf, 2-valved. Seed two-partible. S. ferrata, B. leaves linear attenuated into a petiole equally faw'd lop'd at the top with a dagger. 5. faix/d. integrifolia, B. leaves wedge-form moft intire white-downM under- neath. iS". intire-leaved. ericafolia, B. leaves approximated chaffy lop-end-nick'd fmooth. 5". heath-leaved, dentata, B. leaves oblong attenuated into a petiole curved winding tooth'd : with teeth ending in a thorn- let y white underneath. S, tooth'd, 1363. HARTOGIA. P^/^/j- 4 expanding. Cal, 5- cleft. Drupe egg'd, two-feeded. S, (apenfisi. Hartogia. cape, 1364. EM- 136, FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Embothrium. 1364. EMBOTHRIUM. Cor. 4-petard. Anthers feffile fitting on the tops of the petals. Follicle columnar. S. umhellaium. E. umbels axillary fimpleft peduncled, leaves oblong veinlefs, anthers feflile. S, umheVd. (occmum* E. thyrfes terminal feflile, anthers pedicerd, leaves inverfe-egg'd vein'd. S, fcarkt* TWOFEMALES. f Digyma. ) 166. APHANES. Cal 4-cleft. Cor. o. Seeds 2- naked. arvenfis, i. Aphanes. field* 167. CRUZITA. Cal. 4-leaved: the exterior one 3-leaved. Cor. o. Seed i. ifpanica. A. Cruzita, fpanljh* 168. BUFONIA. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. 4-petard. Capf. i-cell'd, 2-feeded. tenuifoUa. I. Bufonia. thin-leaved. 166. HAMAMELIS. Involure 3-leaved. C<^/. proper one 4-leaved. Petals^. Nut z-horn'd, 2-ceird. virginka. i. Hamamelis. Virginian. 170. CUSCUTA. C^/. 4-cleft. Ci?r. I -petard. Cap/. 2-ceird. europcea. I. C. flowers feflile. european, epithymum. C. flowers feflfile five-cleft fortlfy'd with brakes. americana. 2. C, flowers peduncled. american. 171. HY- TETRANDRIA. DIGYNIA. HypeCOUm. 1 37. 171. HYPECOUM. CaL 2-leaved. Petals 4,: the two exterior ones broader, 3-cleft. Fruit a filique. pi-ocumbens, I. H. leaves bow'd comprefsM jointed. procumbent, ■pendulum, 2. H. filiques bowing columnar cylindrical, pendulous, ereifum, 3. H. Tiliques ere6l columnar protuberant. ere6f, ^365. GOMOZIA. Ccr. beird, 4-cleft, above. CaL o. Berry 2-ceird. S, Granadenfis, Gomozia. Granada, FOUR FEMALES. (T^etragynia,) 172. ILEX. CaL 4-tooth'd. Cor, wheeVd. Style o. Berry 4-feeded. AqulfoUiim, I. I. leaves egg'd acute thorny. CaJJine, 2.-^1. leaves egg-lanced fawM. ofiatica, 3. L leaves broad-lanced obtufe moft intire. afiaik, I'jl, COLDENL\. CaL 4-leaved. Cor, funnel-form. Styles 4. Seeds 2, two-cell'd. procumbens. i. Golden ia. procumbent, 174. POTAMOGETON, CaL o. Petals 4. Style o. Seeds 4. natans, I. P. leaves oblong -egg'd petioled fwimming.yw/wm/wp-. perfoliatum. 2. P. leaves hearted ftem-clafping. leaf-pierced. denfu?n. 3. P. leaves egg'd pointed oppofite crovi'ded, Items two- fork'd, fpike fbur-flower'd. cknfe^ lucens, 4. P. leaves lanced flat ending in petioles. jhlning, frifpum, 5. P. leaves lanced alternate or oppofite waved faw'd. curPdm Jerratu?n. 6. P. leaves lanced oppolite fomewhat waved. favfd, comprejfum, 7. P. leaves linear obtufe, ftem comprefs'd. comprefsdm pe^inatum, 8. P. leaves briftly parrallel approximate two-ranked. co?nFd* fetaceum, 9. P. leaves I r^uced oppofite pointed. hr'ifily, 2 S ^ I©. P. 138. TETRANDRIA. TETRAGYNIA. PctamogetOtl. gramineumyio, P. leaves linear-lanced alternate Teflile broader than the (lipule. g^'^JJy* marinum, ii. P. leaves linear alternate difi:in6l fheathing below. 7nar'ine^ pufiUum, 12. P. leaves linear oppofite and alternate diftinci expand- ing at the bafe, ftem columnar. feeble. 175. RUPPL\. CaL o. Cor, o. Seeds 4, pedicel'd. mar it i ma, i. Ruppia. fea» 176. SAGINA. Cal, 4-leaved. P^/^/j- 4. Capf.i-, celPd, 4-valved, many-feeded. procimibens. I. S. branches procumbent. procumbent apetala, S. ftem ere6li{h pubefcent, flow^ers alternate petalefs. petalefs, ereSia. 2. S. ftem ere^t moftly one-flower'd. • ereci* virginica, 3. S. ftem ere£l: flowers oppofite. Virginian, 177. TILLi^A. CaL 3-or-4-parted. Petals 3 or 4, equal. Cap/. 3 or 4, niany-feeded. aquatica, I. T. ere6i: two-fork'd, leaves acute, flowers four-cleft. aquatic, mufcofa. 3. T. procumbent, flowers three-cleft. 7no[fy. perfoUata. T. leaves leaf-pierced egg'd, corymbes terminal flow- ers four-cleft. S. leaf-pierced, capenfis, T. leaves oblongifti, flowers four-cleft. 5. cape, 178. MYGINDA. Cal, 4-parted. Petals 4. Drupe globular. uragoga^ Myginda. CLASS C L A S S . V. FIVE MALES. fPe?2tandna.J ONE FEMALE. f Monogynia, ) * Flowers one-petard^ beneath^ one-feeded, 242 MiRABiLis. Nutlet beneath the core! ! Cor. funnel- form. Stigma globular. 213 Plumbago. Seed i. Sta?n. inferted in the valves. Cor* funnel-form. Stigma 5-cleft. * Flowers one-petard^ beneath^ two-feeded. Rough-leaved. 186 Cerinthe. Cor. throat naked, bellied. Seeds 2, bony, 2-cell'd. 1245 Messerschmidia. Cor» throat naked, funnel-form. Seeds 2, corky 2-feeded. * Flowers one-petal'' d^ beneath.^ four-feeded. Rough-leaved. 191 EcHiUM. Cor. throat naked, irregular! bell'd. IJ9 Heliotropium. Cor. throat naked, falver-form, with lobes divided by a tooth. - 184 PuLMONARiA. Cor. throat naked, funnel-form^ Cal. prif- matic. 181 LiTHOSPERMUM. Cor, throat naked, funnel-form, Cal. 5- parted. 187 Onosma. Cor. throat naked, bellied. Seeds j^, 185 Symphytum. Cor. throat tooth'd, bellied. 188 BoRRAGO. Cor. throat tooth'd, v/heel'd. 190 Lycopsis. Cor. throat vaulted, funnei-form, with tube curved ! 189 AsPERUGO. Cor. throat vaulted, funnel-form. Fruit comprefs'd. 183 CyKOGLOSsuM. Cor. throat vaulted, funnel-form. Seeds de- prefs'd, iix'd by the fide. S 2 182 Anchsusa. 240. FIVE 182 Anchsusa. 180 Myosotis. MALES. 1 Cor, throat vaulted, funnel-form, with tube prifmatic at the bafe. Cor. throat vaulted falver-form, with lobes end-nickM. * Flowers one-petard, beneath, five-feeded. ig? NoLANA. Cor. one-petard. Seeds ^^ berried, 2 or 4- cell'd. * Floiuers one-petoTd, beneath, feed covered, 243 CoRis. Capf, i-cell'd, 5-valved. Cor. irregular! Stigma headed, 204 Hydrophyllum. Capf. i-ccird, 2-vaJved. Cor. furrow'dwith 5 ne6tanes. Stigma 2-cleft. Capf. i-cell'd, 2-valved. Cor. falver-form. Stigma roundifh. Capf. I-cell'd, oblong. Cor. wheerd. Stigrna- fomewhat headed. Capf I-cell'd, circunncifed. Cor. wheel'd. Stigma headed. Capf i-ceird, lo-valved. Cor. wheel'd. Stig- ma obtufe. Capf. I celi'd pulpy within. Cor. refletfled. Stigma acute. 200 DoDECATHEON. Capf i-cell'd, oblong. Cor. refledled. Stig- ma obtufe^ Capf I-cell'd. Cor. torn. iS//o-wtf fimple. Capf. I-cell'd. Cor. funnel-form, with throat pervious. Stigma globular. Capf. I-cell'd. Cor. falver-form with throat contradted. Stigma globular. Capf. I-cell'd.? Cor. falver-form. Stigma head-deprefs'd. Capf 1 -celi'd. Cor. tubebeneath the ftamens. Stigma globular. Capf. I-cell'd. Cor. villous. Stigma 2-cleft. Capf. I-cell'd, lens-form, two-valved with valvelets boat-form. Seeds imbricated. 207 Theophrasta. Capf. I-cell'd, largeft ! Cor. beli'd. Stigma acute. 1367 Sheffieldia. Capf. I-cell'd, 5-valved. Cor. bell'd. Fila- ments Xtxi'. alternate ones barren. 209 Spigelia. ■ Capf, 2-ceird, double ! Cor, funnel-form. Stigma fimple. "llO Ophiorhiza* Capf 2-ceird, 2-parted ! Cor, funnel-form. Stigma 2-cleft. 2|5 Convolvulus,, 276 Galax. 198 COR.TUSA. 206 Anagallis. 285 Lysimachia. 201 Cyclamen. 199 Soldanella. 197 Primula. 196 Androsace. 195. Aretia. 203 hottonia. 202 MeNYANTHES. 1295 Allamanda. P E 1215 Convolvulus* 1248 LiSIANTHUS. 103 Pathagonula. 1246 NiGRINA. 246 Datura. 247 Hyoscyamus. 248 Nicotiana^ 245 Verbascum. 255 Chironia. 1368 Retria, 194 Diapensia. 214 Phlox. 217 Polemonium. 216 Ipomoea. 1229 Ero^s-sia. 212 AzALiEA. 1369 Epacris. 302 Ceropegia. 297 Nerium. 299 ECHITES. 1253 Pergularia* 298 Plumieria. 300 Cameraria. NTANDRIA. 141 Capf, 2-ceird, 2-rceded. Cor, bell'd. Stigma 2-cleft. Capf. 2-ceird, many-feeded. Cor, funnel- form bellied. Sty Is permanent. Capf. 2-ceird. Cor. wheel'd. Style two- fork'd. Capf. 2--ceird. Cor. funnel-form. Cal. in- flated. Capf 2-ceird, 4-valved ! Cor. funnel-form. Cal. deciduous. Capf 2-ceird5 cover'd ! Cor. funnel-form. Stigma headed. Capf 2-ceird. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma end- niclcM. Capf 2-ceird. Cor. wheel'd. Stigma ohtufe, Sta?nens declined. Capf. 2-celPd. Cor. with tube pitcher'd. An- thers deflower'd fpiral. Capf two-cell 'd. Cor. cylindric, villous without. Stigma 2-rCleft. Capf. 3-cell'd. Cor. falver-form. Cal. 8- leaved, Capf 3-ceird. Cor. falver-form with tube curved. Stigma 3-cleft. Capf 3-ceird. Cor. ^-p2irted. Stamens phced on the valves. Capf. 3-ceird. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma headed. Capf 5-ceird. Cor. lop'd. Cal. fieihy. Capf 5-cell'd. Cor. bell'd. Stigma obtufe. Capf 5-ceird, 5-valved. Cor. funnel-form, villous, nectariferous. Scales growing on the germ. Follicles 2. Cor. with border converging. Seeds pappus'd. Follic. 2, ere6l. G»-. with throat crown'd. Seeds pappus'd. Follic. 2, ftraight. Cor. funnel-form with throat naked. Seeds p^ppus'd. Follic. 2. C^r, falver-fonn. A^'^^^r/Vj 5, half- arrow' d. Follic. 2, refraded. Cor. funnel-form. Seed; wing'd. Follic. 2, lobed. Cor. falver-form. Se^ds wing'd, 3pi Taber- 14^. FIVE MALES. 301 Tabernjemon- TANA. 29$ ViNCA. 1251 Carissa. 254 Iacquinia. 259 Laugieria. 1252 PiEDERIA. 258 Varronia. 256 Cordea. » 257 Ehretia. 192 Tournefortia 293 Rauwolfia. 294 Cerbera. 1250 Arduina. 269 Myrsine. 261 Cestrum. 260 Brunfelsia. 211 Randia. 253 Strychnos. 252 Capsicum. 251 Solanum. 250 Physalis. 249 Atropa. 244 Ellisia. 262 Lycium. 234 Menais. 264 SiDEROXILON. 263 Ckrysophyl- LUM. 1370 Ignatia. 1371 Tektona. Follic. 2, pulpy. Cor, falver-fortn. Seeds fim- ple. Follic. 2, erect. Cor. falver-form. Seeds fim- ple. Berries 2, many-feeded. Berry i-feeded. Cor. lo-cleft : with ne6la- ry 5-leaved. Berry i-feeded. A^^/ 5-ceird. Stigma h^'^^Q^, Berry 2-reeded, inflated, fragile. Berry i-feeded. Nut 4-celi'd ! Stigma four- fold. Berry i-feeded. A^«^4'Ceird. Stigma two- forked. Calyx growing on the berry. Berry 4-reeded. Nuts 2-ceird. Stigma end- nick'd. . Berry 4-reeded perforated at. top ! Seeds 2- cell'd. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds hearted. Berry 2-feeded. A^w/5 comprefa'd retufe. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds oblong. Cere/ curvate. Stigma 2 -cleft. Berry i -feeded. Stigma villous. Berry i-celi'd. Filaments mark'd with a tooth. Berry i-cell'd. Cor. longeft. Berry i-cell'd, barky. Cal. lop'd. Berry 2-ceird : Stigma headed. Berry 2-cell'd, juicelefs. Anthers converging. Berry 2-ceird. Anthers twice-perforated ! Berry 2-ceird with, calyx inflated. Anthers approximated. Berry 2-ccird. Stamens diftant, incurvate. Berry 2-cell*d. Seeds 2: with one higher. Berry 2-ceird. Stamens clofing with hair at the bafe. Berry 4-ceird. Cal. 3-leaved. Stigmas two. Berry 5-feeded. Cor. 10-cleft, with the in- terior divifions converging. Berry lo-feeded. Cor. lo-cleft, with the ex- terior divifions moft expanded. CaL 5-tooth'd. Cor. longeft. Drupe i-cell'd many-feeded. Stigm. tooth'd : Drupe dry, fpongy, within the inflated calyx. Nucleus 3-ceird. ^ Flowers PENTANDRIA* *I43, * Flowers one-petaVdy above. Samolus. Cap/, i-ceird, 5-valved at top. C^r. falver- form. Stigma headed. Bellonia. Capf. i-cell'd, with navel beak'd. Cor, wheerd Stig?na acute. ViRECTA. Capf. I-cell'd. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma 2- parted. Cal. 5-leav^d : with teeth in- terpofed. S. M ACKOca EMU M, Capf. 2-ceird top-like. Cor. heWd. Stigma two-lobed. Seeds imbricated. Capf. 2-ceird, fubgiobular. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma obtufe. Capf. 2-ceird gaping within ! Cor. fliaggy. Stigma fimple. Capf. 2-ceird, crown'd. Cor. bellied. Stig- ma fimple. Seeds imbricated. Capf. 2-celi'd, crown'd, Cor. wheelM. Stigma 2-cleft. Capf 2-or-3-ce]rd, perforated. Cor. 5 -parted. Stigma 2-or-3-clefc. Capf. 3-or-5-ceird, perforated. Cor, bell'd. Stigma 3-cleft. Drupe i-feeded. Cor. irregular fan-form ; with a longitudinal fifTure. Trachehum. Capf. 3-ceird perforated. Cor. funnel-form, Stig?na headed. Berry i-feeded. Cor. funnel-form, unidivi-- ded. Stig??ia obtufe. Berry j-feeded, aggregate. Cbr. funnel-fgrm. Stigma 2-clefc. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds furrow'd. Cor. funnel- form. Stigma end-nick'd. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds ariPd ! Cor, falver-form. Stigma 2-parted. Berry 2-feeded. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma fimple. ^erry 2-ceird, many-feeded. Cor. funnel- form. Cal. with divifions fword-fbrsi vertical. f(7w/(jr/^^, ^^rr)' beneath, .two or fourrcell'd many-feeded, S. 240 Uenipa. Berry 2-ceird roundifh. Cor, wheeled. Stig- ?na club'd, 233 LONICERA. 222 226 1366 225 224 228 227 219 220 218 1294 221 .235 229 230 231 296 RoNDELETIA. Cinchona, portlandia. ROELLA. Phyteuma. Campanula. Sc^VOLA. Matthiola. MORINDA. PSYCOTHRIA. COFFEA. Chiococca. Gardenia. Gardenia. Genipa. J44" ^ 233 LONICERA. 234 TRIOStEUM. 241 MuSSiENDA. 232 Hamellia. 238 Erithalis. I V E MALES Berry 2-cell'd roundifh. Cor, unequal. Stig-' ma headed. Berry 3-cell'd leathery. Cor, unequal. Stig- ma oblong. Berry 4-ceird, oblong. Cor, funnel-form. Stigma 2 -parted. Berry 5-ceird many-feeded. Cor. with tube long. Stigma linear. Berry lo-cell'd; fubglobular. ^'^r. wheel'd. Stigma acute. * Rubia, * Crucianella, * Prlno's, '* Flowers five-petard^ beneath. Berry i-feeded. Style lateral. Sta7ne-ns perma- nent, fpiral. Berry 3-ceird, round. Cal. tubular corol- bearing. .Sr^/f^ of the mouth 5, con- verging. Berry 3-grain'd. Cal. tubular cor ol -bearing. Petals vaulted. Berry 3-grain'd. C<7/. flat. Seeds 2inVA. Berry capful ar, lobed. Cal. expanding. Seeds berry aril'd. Berry 5-feeded. Cor, with nectary pitcher'd. Berry 5-feeded Cor. often fhrivel-conjoin'd. Style none. Drupe kidney-form. Cor. w^lth petals lanced. Nucleus v^^oolly. 1373 CoRYNO-CARPUS. Nut club'd, Nectaries five petal-form, alter- nating with petals, gland-bearing at thebafe. S. Capf. 5-ceird, gaping at the bafe ! Cor, united to the receptacle. iS^^-^ wing'd. Capf. 5-grain'd. Cal. ear'd v/ith petals. Sta- mens annex 'd to the necSfary. Capf. 5-fold. Nedary crowning the germ. Seeds arird 1374 Argophyllum. Capf 3-ceird. A^^^T^ry pyramidal, five-angled, the length of the corol. S. T.Z'] Claytonia. d'pf* i-cell'd, 3-valved. Cal. 2-valved. Stigma 3-cleft. 280 Hirtella. 265 Rhamnus. 267 Ceanothus. 270 Celastrus. 271 euonymus. 1296 Aqtjilicia. 284 VlTIS. 278 Mangifera. 277 Cedrela. 268 buttnera. 272 DiOSMA. J234 RORIPULA, PENTANDRIA. J45. 1234 RoRiDULA. Capf, i-cell'd, 3-valved. NeSlary oi thz zn- ther bag-form. 275 Itea. Capf. i-cell'd, 2-valved. Cal. corol-bearlng. Stig?na obtufe. 286 Sauvagesia. Capf. i-ceird. Ne£lary 5-leaved ! Petals fringed. 274 Brunia. Seed i, villous. Qomvaon Receptacle villous. Stamens inferted on the claws of the petals. 237 KuHNiA. Seed I, pappus'd. Common Receptacle naked. 223 Nauclea. iS angled. FL flofculous, abortive. Seeds gibbous, ftri- ated. FL flofculous, fertile. 5^^^^ membrane- win g'd end-nick'd. Fl. flofculous, fertile. Seeds flat-deprefs'd. FL ^ flofculous, feriiie. Seeds border'd, fl:riated, FL flofculous, fertile., fe^j gibbous, flriated. Petals hearted. Fl. flofculous fertile. Seeds minute, fl.riated. Petals infledted. FL flofculous, fertile. (Umbels nodding before forefcence.) Petals hearted. Petals 5, three-corner'd. The border of tha receptacle dilated into a five-tooth'd calyx. Car.um. Thapsia. Pastinaca. Anethum. Egopodium. Apium. PiMPlNELLA. CUSSONIA. THREE FEMALE S^ fTrigynia.J 370 Viburnum. 372 Sambucus.' 369 Rhus. 371 Cassine. 1379 Semecarpus, * Flowers above. Cor. 5-cleft. Berry i-feeded. Cor. 5. cleft. Berry 3-fecded. * Flowers above. Cor. 5-petard, Berry i-feeded. Cor.. 5-petard. Berry 3-feeded. Cor, 5-petard. Drupe hearted, celFd, feeded. I- 373 Spatheli.a 150. F 373 SpATHELIA. 374 Staphylea. 375 Tamarix. 381 Drypis. 376 TURNERA. 383 Sarothra. 380 Alsine. 377 Telephium. 378 corrigiola. 579 PharnacEum. 5299 Xylophylla. 382 Basella. IVE MALES, Cor. 5-petard. Capf, 3-ceird, 3-corner'd. i- feeded. Filaments tooth'd at the bafe. Qor. 5-petard. Capf, 2-or-3-cleft, inflated. Cor. 5-petard. Capf. i-cell'd. Seeds pappus'd. Cor. 5-petard, crown'd. Capf i-feeded cir- cumcifed. Cor. 5-petard. Capf i-cell'd. Cal. i -leaved, corol-bearing. Cor. 5-petard. Capf I-cell'd, colourM. Cal, 1 -leaved. Cor. 5-petard, Capf 5-leaved, Petals 2- cleft. Cor, 5-pstard, Capf. i-cell'd, three-fided. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 5-petard. Seedi^ three-fided. Cal, 5- parted. Cor. none. CaL 5 leaved. Capf 3-ceird. Cal. 5-parted. Capf 3-grain'd : with two feeds. Cor. none. Cal. 6-cleft. S,eed I5 globular^ with calyx berried. * Kham-nus Paliurus, * Celajlrus, FOUR FEMALES, * f'Tetragynia. J 384 Parnassia. Cor. 5-petard. Capf 4-valyed. Ne^aries 5.^ glandular-fringed. 385 EvoLVULUS. Cor. i-petal'd. Capf 4-cell'd. FIVE FEMALES. fPentagynia.) * Flowers above. 316 Aralia. Cor. 5-petard. Berry ^^keded, T380 Commersonia. CaL i -leaved, coroUbearing. Petals 5. Nec-^- /^r>' 5-parted, GT^y. 3-ceird, hedge-^ ho2:'d. o * Flowers beneath. ^92 Crassula, Cor. 5-parted, Capf 5, many-feeded. ' 1340 GiSEKI/V I PENTANDRIA. I^I* 1340 G1SEKIA5 Cor, 0. CaL 5 -leaved. Capf. 5, round. 5 feeded. 389 LiNUM. Cor, 5-petard. Capf, ic-ceird, 2-reeded. 390 Aldrovanda, Cor. 5-petard. Capf. i-cell'd, lo-feeded. 391 Drosera. 2255 Mahernia. 393 SiBBALDIA. 388 Statjce Cor. 5-petal'd. Capf. i-ceird, gaping at top. Cor. 5-petard. Capf 5-ceird. Cor, 5-petal'd. Seeds 5. Cal. lO-cleft. Cor, 5-parted. Seed J., cloath'd with a fun- nel-form calyx. * Ceraji'ium pentandrum, ■* Spergula pentandra. * Five^mak Geraniums, M A N Y F E M A L E S. (FolygyniaJ 394 Myosurus. Cal, 5-leaved. Ne^ar'ies 5, tongued. Seeds numerous. * Ranunculus hederaceus^ o Nfi 152. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. HellOtropium. ONEFEMALE. fMonogynia,J 179. HELIOTROPIUM. Cor, falver-form, 5-cleft, with teeth interpofed : the throat clofed with vaults. peruviavum, I. H» leaves lance-egg'd, ftem flirabby, fpikes nume- rous aggregate-corymbed. peruviana indlcum* 2. H. leaves heart-egg'd acute ruggedifh, fpikes folitary, fruit two-cleft. Indian. parviflorum, H. leaves egg'd wrinkled rugged oppofite alternate, fpikes pair'd fmall-flower'' d. europaum, 3. H. leaves egg'd moft intire downy wrinkled, fpikes pairM, european, fupinum, 4. H. leaves egg'd moft intire downy plaited, fpikes fo- litary. fiipine, fruticojum* 5. H. leaves linear-lanced hairy, fpikes folitary feffile.- Jlrruhby^ eurajfavlcum, 6* H. leaves lance-linear fmooth veinlefs, fpikes pair'd. curaffoa, crieniale. 7. H. leaves linear fmooth veinlefs, flowers fcatter d la- teral, oriental, gnaphalodes. 8. H. leaves linear obtufe downy, peduncles two-fork'd, flowers of the fpikes fourfold, flem fhrubby. gnaphalimn-like, 180. MYOSOTIS. C^r. falver- form, 5-cleft, end- nick'd : the throat clofed with vaults* Moufe-ear, fcorpioides, i. M. feeds polifh'd, tops of the leaves callous, fcorpion- like, fniticofa, M. feeds polifh'd, fl:em fhrubby polifh'd. Jhruhhy, virginianoi 2. M. feeds barb-prikled, leaves egg-^oblong, branches divaricated. Virginian. Lappula. 3. M. feeds with prickles with barbs, leaves lanced hairy. apula. 4. M. feeds naked, leaves hifpid, racemes leafy. 181. LITHOSPERMUM. Cor, funnel-form with throat perforated, naked. CaL 5-parted. officinale. i. L. feeds polifh'd, corols fcarce furpafling the calyx, leaves lanced. officinaL, 2. L. PENTANDRiA. MONOGYNiA, Lithofpermum 153, arvenfe. 2. L. feeds wrinkled, corols fcarce furpa/Iing the calyx. field, mrginicum, 3. L. leaves fuboval nerv'v, corols pointed. Virginian. orientale. 7. L. branches flower-bearing lateral, bra6les hearted ftem-clafping. oriental. purpura- 4. L, feeds polifh'd, corols very frequently furpafling the toerulum. calyx. purple-blue. fruticofum. 5. L. fhrubby, leaves linear hifpid, flamens equalling the corol. Jhruhhy. difpermufn. 6. L. feeds two, calyxes expanding. tvuo-feeded, tenuijiorum, L. leaves linear-lanced lance-briftled, corols thread- form. *S. Jlender-flower^ d. 182. ANCHUSA. Cor. funnel-form, the throat clofed with vaults. Seeds engraved at the bafe. iffic'inalis. i. A. leaves lanced fpikes imbricated one-rank'd. offici- nal, angujlifolia. 2. A. racemes nakedifh pair'd. narrow-leaved. undulata. 3, A. lance-briftled, leaves linear tooth'd, pedicels lefs than the bracle, calyxes fruit-bearing inflated. waved, tin^oria. y. A. downy, heaves lanced obtufe, flamens fhorter than the corol. dyers, virginica. 5. A. flowers fcatter'd, flem fmooth. Virginian. lanata, 6. A. leaves villous, calyxes fhaggv, ftamens longer than the corol . woolly. fempervinns.S. A. peduncles two-leaved headed. ever-green. 183. CYNOGLOSSUM. Ccr. funnel-form, the throat clofed with vaults. Seeds de- prefs'd, affix'd to the ilyle on the in- terior fide only. HoimdJio7tgue. officinale. i. C. (tamens fhorter than the corol, leaves broad-lanced downy fefTile. ojfficinal. Wginicum.. 2. C. leaves fpatule-lanced lucid three-nerved at the bafe, bra6te of the peduncles ii:eni-clafping. Virginian. ■:heirifolium. 3. C. corols twice as long as the calyx, leaves lanced. cheiri- leaved, appeninum. 4., C. fhmens equalling the corol. appe?iine. u ' c. 154- FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. CynOglofium. lo£v\?atum, C. leaves lance-egg'd fmoothifh, calyx downy, feeds pclifhM. ^ poUJh'd. lufiiamcum, 6. C. leaves linear-lanced fmooth. portugaL Itnlfolium. 5. C. leaves linear-lanced rugged. Jiax-leavedi Ojnphalodes. 8. C. creeping, radicalleaves hearted. naveVd, Kinder a. C. arils fmooth^ flcm eredl,^ leaves elliptic foft. 5. 184. PULMONARIA. Cor. funnel-form, with throat pervious. CaL prifmatic- 5 -cor- nered. Lungwort, * Perianth the length of the tube of the coroL anguftifoUa. i. P. radical leaves lanced. narrow-leaved. officinalis. 2. P. radical leaves egg-hearted rugged. officinah fuffrutkofa. 6. P. leaves linear rugged^ calyxes awl'd five-parted. Jhruhhyijhi * * Calyxes /carter by half than the tube of the coroL virghiica, 3. P. calyxes abbreviated, leaves lanced obtufifli. Vir- ginian . fibirica. 4. P. calyxes abbreviated, radical leaves hearted, fiberian. jfiaritima. 5. P. calyxes abbreviated, leaves egg'd, flem branchy procumbent. fa, 185. SYMPHYTUM. Border of the C^r^/ tubular- bellied : the throat clofed with awl'd rays. Comfrey, officinale. i. S. leaves egg-lanced decurrent. officinal. tiih-n-ofinn. 2. S. leaves femidecurrent: the higheft oppofite. tuberous, orientale. 3. S. leaves egg'd lubpetloled, orientale. 186. CERINTHE. Border of the Corol tubular- bellied : throat pervious. Seeds 2, two- cell'd. majors i. C. leaves ftem-clafping, corols obtufiih expanded. greater. 77iiuor. 2. C. leaves ftem-clafping intire, corols yxute clofed. lefs. 87. ONOSMA. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Onofllia, 1 55. 187. ONOSMA. C^r. bell'd : with throat pervious. Seeds 4. fimplicljfima. I. O. leaves crowded lance-linear hairy, fimplejl. ortentalis, 2, O. leaves lanced hifpid, fruit pendulous. echioides, 3. O. leaves lanced hifpid, fruit erect. oriental, echium-like. ]88. BORAGO. Corol wheel'd : the throat clofed with Rays. Borage. offcinalh, I. B. leaves 2II alternate, calyxes expanding:. officinal, indica. 2. B. leaves of the ramifications oppofite ftem-clafping, peduncles one-flower'd. Indian, africana, 4. B. leaves oppofite petioled egg'd, peduncles many- fiower'd. african, zeylanica. B. branch-leaves alternate feffile, peduncles one- flower'd, calyxes earlefs. Ceylon, orientalis, 4. B. calyxes fhorter than the tube of the corol, leaves hearted. oriental. 189. ASPERUGO. Cal. of the Fruit comprefs'd : with foldlets flat-parallel, finuous. procumhens. i. A. calyxes of the fruit comprefs'd. procumhe72t cegyptiaca, 1. A. calyxes of the fruit bellied, agytian. 190. LYCOPSIS. C^/W with tube curvated. veficaria, i. L. leaves moft intire, ftem proflrate, calyx fruclefcent inflated pendulous. bladder, putta, 2. Li. leaves moft intire, ftem erect, calyxes fructefceiit inflated pendulous. dai^Jt, variegaia. 3. L. leaves fcoUop'd tooth'd callous, ftem decumbent, corols bowing. variegated, arvenfis, 4. L. leaves lanced hifpid, calyxes fiorefcentere6t. field, orientalis. 5. L. leaves egg'd moft intire rugged, calyxes eredt. ^r/-, entaL virginica, 6. L. leaves linear-lanced crowded downy foft, ftem erect. virzinian, 191. ECHIUM. Cor. irregular, with throat naked. fruticofum. i. E. ftem fhrubby, branches and leaves hairy. JJ^rulby, U 2 E. 156. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Echiumc candicans, E. flirubby fliaggy white, leaves lanced pointed at bott> ends vein-nerved, panicle terminal, pedicels fpiked. S. hoary. giganteum, E. fhrubby, branches hoary fmooth, leaves linear- lanced ruggedifh feffile, thyrfe terminal : with fpikes finiplell:. S. giant. JlriSlum. E. fhrubby, leaves petioled elliptic hifpid rugged, flem reverfely hifpid, peduncles axillary, fpike headed. 5. upright. argenieiim. E. leaves linear white-fhagg'd expanded at top. filver, capitatum, 8. E. ftem hairy, flowers head-corymbed equal, ftamens longer than the corol, leaves hifpid. headed, plant agineiim, E. radical leaves egg'd lined petioled. plaintain. lo£vigatu7n. 2. C. flem polifh'd, leaves lajiced naked rugged on the margin and top, equal to the coioL poUJh'd, iialicum. 3. E. flem ere6l hairy, fpikes fhaggy, corols fubequal, ftamens longeft. Italian fplcatum. E. ftems afcending fimpleft, flowers fpiked. S. fpiked, 'vulgare, 4, E. ftem tubercle -hifpid, ftem-leayes lanced hifpid, flowers fpiked lateral. common, *violaceum, 9. E. corols equalling the ftamens, with tube fhorter than the calyx. violet, creticum. 5. E. ftem procumbent, calyxes fru6^efcent diftant. Cre- tan, orientale. 6. E. ftem branchy, ftem-leaves egg'd, flowers folitary lateral. oriental, lufttanicum. 7. E. corols longer than the ftamen. portugaL 1245. MESSERSCHMIDIA. C^r. funnel-form with throat naked. Bo-ry corky, two-parti- ble : with each two-feeded. fruticofa, M. ftem branchy, leaves petioled corols falver-form. S. jlnuhhy. Jrfriizia, M. ftem herbaceous, leaves feiTile, corols funnel-form. S. 192. TOUllNEFORTIA. Berry two-cell'd, two- feeded, above, perforated with twQ pores at top. Jcrrata. i. T. leaves egg'd faw'd, petioles thorn-becoming, fpikes terminal recurved. faw^d^ 2, T. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Toumefortia. 1^7. 'hlrfut'ijfima. 2. T. leaves eggM petiolcd, ftem ihaggy, fplkes moft branchy, terminal, ^^ift-I^^^ggy- voluhilis, 3. T. leaues eo-g'd pointed fmooth, petioles reflected ftem twining. twining, argentea, T, leaves egg'd obtufe down-filky, fpikes terminal compound. S. fiher* fcetidijfima . 4. T, leaves egg-lanced fliaggy, peduncles branchy, fpikes pendulous. moft-foetid, humilis. 5. T. leaves lanced fefTilCj fpikes fimple recurved lateral. humble, cymofa. 3. T. leaves egg'd moft intire naked, fpikes cymed. cymed, Juffruticofa. 8. T. leaves fublanced hoary, ftem fhrubbyifh. 7^r«%z/Z?. 193. NOLANA. Cor, bell'd. Style between the germs. Seeds 5, berried, two-cell'd. froflraia* i. Nolan A. proflrcrte, 194. DIAPENSIA. Cor. falver-form. Cal: 5-leaved, imbricated with three leaflets. Sta^nens placed on the tube o^ the corol. Capfs 3-ceird. lappcnica. i. D. flowers peduncled. hplani* J95. ARETIA, C^r. falver-form 5-cleft : with tube egg'd. Stigma head-deprefs'd. Capf, i-ceird, globular moftly five-feedcd. hchetica, A. imbricated, flowers fubfefTile. j'^^fi^ alpina. i. A. leaves linear expanding, flow-ers peduncled. al- pme. Vitaliana. A. leaves linear recurvate, flowers fubfelTile. Viialia?:, 196. ANDROSACE. hivoliicre of the umbellet. Tube of the Corol egg*d : with mouth glandular. Capf, i-cell'd, globular. '7naxlma. i. A. perianths of the fruit largeft. largefi, do7igata, 7. A. leaves fomewhat tooth'd, pedicels longeft, corols ihorter than the calyx. . elongate. 2. A. 15^'- FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. AndrofaCC. feptentrio, 2. A. leaves lanced tooth'd fmooth, perianths angled nalis. fhoiter than the coro). northern, villofa, 3. A. leaves hairy perianth ihaggy. villous laSlea, 4. A. leaves lanced fmooth, umbel many times longer than the involucres » milfy. cameti, 5. A. leaves awl'd fmooth, umbel equalling the invo- lucre. JieJJ:)y. 197. PRIMULA. Involucre of th^ umbellet. Tube pf Coro/ cylindric : with mouth expan- ded. Pn'mrojey veris, I. P. leaves tooth'd wrinkled. fp^^^g* farinofa, 2. P. leaves notch'd fmooth, border of the flowers flat. mealy,, Auricula. 3. P. leaves faw'd fmooth. mlnl?na. 5. P. leaves wedge-form tooth'd glofly fliaggy, fcapes mofl:ly one-flower'd. leaji. cortufoides, 7. P. leaves petioled hearted fublobed notch'd. coriufa- like, integrifolia, 8. P. leaves moft: intire fmooth oblong, calyxes tubular obtufe. intire-leaved, glutinofa, P. involucre the length of the feflile flowers, leaves lanced glutinous. S. glutinous. igS. CORTUSA. C^r^?/ wheePd : with a ring eleva- ted in the throat. Cap/, i-cell'd, oval, with top 5-valved. MatthioU, r. C. calyxes fhorter than the corol. of Matthiolus, Qmelini, 2^ C. calyxes exceeding the corol . ofG.melin„ 199. SOLDANELLA. Coro/ belFd, torn-many- cleft. Caffjl i-cell'd, many-tooth'd at top. a^plna, I. Scidanella. alpine,. 200. DODECATHEON, Cor, wheel'd, refleded, Stam, ftanding on the tube.. Capf. i- ceird, oblongc Meadiau i, Dodhcatheon, 203;. CY~ PENTANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Cyclamen. 159^ 201. CYCLAMEN. Cor, wheeVd, reflefted, with tube fhoreft : the throat prominent. Berry cover'd with the capfule. Sow-^ ' bread, europcean. I. C. corol retrofle£led. european> indkum, 2. C. corol with border nodding. indian, 202. MENYANTHES. C^rc?/ fhaggy. Stigma two- cleft. Cap/, i-cell'd. Bogbean. Nymphoides, i. M. leaves hearted moft intire, corols fringed . Ny?nphe^ like, indica. 2. M. leaves hearted fomewhat notch'd, petioles flower- bearing, corols internally hairy. indian^ trifoliata, 3. M. leaves three'd. three-leaved% ovata. M. leaves egg'd petioledj ftem panlcled. S, £ggd, 203. HOTTONIA. Corol falver-form. Stamens placed on the tube of the corol. Capf. i-ceird, 4 palujiris, i. H. peduncles verticil-many-flower'd. marjh, indica. A. H.? peduncles axillary one-flower*d. indian^ 204. HYDROPHYLLUM. Cor, bell'd, with 5 honey-bearing longitudinal ftrias on the infide. Stigma 2-cleft. Cap/, globular ^ 2-valved. Water-leaf. virginicMn. i. H. leaves feather-cut, - Virginia?:, canadenfe. 2. H. leaves lobe-angled. Canadian. 224. ELLISIA. Cdr, funnel-form, narrow. Berry dry, two-ceird, two-valved. Seeds 2^ dotted : with one uDon the other.. Nyctnlea. I- Emlsta, 20c. LY- i6o. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Lyfimachia. 205. LYSIMACHIA. Cor. wheeFd. C^// globular, daggered, lo-valved. hooje-jirife. * IVith peduncles many -flow er* d^ 'vulgaris. I. L. panicled : with racemes terminal. common^ Epheinerum. 2. L. racemes fimple terminal, petals obtufe, Itamens fhorter than the corol. atropurpurea. 3. L. fpikes terminal, petals lanced, ftamens longer than the corol. black-purple, ihyrfiflora, 4. L. racemes lateral ped uncled. thyrje-jlower^d, * * IVith peduncles one-Jiower'^d, quadrifolla, 5. L. leaves four-fold fringed to the petiole, peduncles four-fold one-fiower'd. four-leaved* punHata. 6. L. leaves moftly four-fold fubfeiTile, peduncles verti- cil'd one-flovver*d. dotted, Linum Jlel- 8. L. calyxes furpaffing the corol, flem ere(5l moft bran- latum. chy. Jlar^Jlax, ncmorwn, 9. L. leaves egg*d acute, flowers folitary, ftem procum- bent, grove, nummula- ic. L. leaves nearly hearted flowers folitary, ftem creep- ria, ing. motiey-iuort, 206. ANAGALLIS. Cor. wheel'd. CaJ?f. circum- cifed arvenfis. i. A. leaves undivided, ftem procumbent. field, monelli. 2. A. leaves undivided ftem erecl. latifolia, 3* A. leaves hearted ftem-claping, ftem cbmprefs'd. broad-leaved, linifolia. 4, A. leaves linear, ftem ere6led. flax-leaved, ienella. A. leaves egg'd acutifti, ftem creeping. tender^ 207. THEOPHRASTA. Cor, bell'd, with the di- viiions and gafhes obtufe. Cap/, i-cell'd, globular, largeft, many-feeded. ipncricana. i„ Thecpkrasta> american^ 269. SPI- PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Spigelia. l6l. 209. SPIGELIA. Cor, funnel-form. Cap/, twin*d, 2- ceird, many-feeded. Anthelmia. i. S. ftem herbaceous, higheft leaves fourfold. Worm, marilandica, S* ftem four-corner'd, all the leaves oppofite. mary- land, 210. OPHIORRHIZA. Cor, funnel-form. Gerin 2- cleft. Stigmas 2, Fruit 2-lobed. Mungos. I. O. leaves lance-egg'd. Mitreola, 2. O. leave egg*d. 1248. LISIANTHUS. Cor, tube bellied with divl- fions recurvate. CaL keel'd. Stigma 2- lobed. CapJ\ 2-ceird, oblong. longifoliiis . I. L. leaves lanced. long-leaved. ordifolius, 2. L. leaves hearted. heart-leaved helomides. L. fmooth, leaves oppofite fubconjoin'd oblong, pani- cle terminal tv^^o-fork'd racemed. S. chelone- like, 'laher. L. fmooth, leaves egg'd petioled, corymbes terminal. «S. fmooth, 211. RANDIA. CaL i-leaved. Cor, falver-form. Berry i-cell'd with bark capfular. mhis, I. R. nearly unarmed. mild. Qculeata, 2. Ri branches two-thorn'd. prickly. 212. AZALEzA. Cor, belFd. Stame?2S infertedon the receptacle. Cap/. 5-ceird. pontica. q^ A. leaves glofTy lanced fmooth on both fides, racemes terminal. pontic, indica. i. A. fiovi^ers fubfoHtary, calyxes hairy. indiam nudif.ora, 2. A. leaves egg'd, corols hairy, fiam^ens longeft. naked- flower'd. mjcofa, 4. K. leaves rugged on the edge, corols hair-glutinous. vifcous. lapponica. 5. A. leaves befprinkled with hollov^^ dots. lapland. prQcu?nb^ns. 6, A. branches difFufe-procumbent, procumbent, X 213. PLUM- l62. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. PlumbagO. 213. PLUMBAGO. C^r. funnel-form. Stamens in-^ ferted in fcales doling the bafe of the corol. Stigma ^-cled. iSV^'^i i, oblong, coated. europaa, I. P. leaves ftem-clafping ianced rugged. etiropean, Zeylanica, 2. P. leaves petioled egg'd fmooth, ftems thread-form. Ceylon. rofea, 3. P. leaves petioled egg'd fmooth fomewhat toothlet- ted, knots on the ftem gibbous. rofe. fcandens, 4. P. leaves petioled egg'd fmooth, ftem winding-climb- ing, climbing. 1246. NIGRINA. Cor, funnel-form. CaL inflated. Stigma obtufe. Cap/, ? two-cell'd. vifcofa, I. NiGRlNA. vifcous. 214. PHLOX. Cd?r. Salver-form. jF//^w^«/j unequal. Stigma 3-cleft. CaL prifmatic. Cap/. 3-ceird, i-feeded. pamculata. I* P. leaves lanced rugged on the edge, corymbes pani- cled. panicledi maculaia, 2. P. leaves lanced poliih'd, raceme oppofitely co- rymbed. /potted. pilofa. 3* P* leaves lanced villous, ftem erect, corymbe termi- nal, hairy* Carolina* 4. P. leaves lanced polifli'd, ftem rugged, corymbe nearly level-top*d. Carolina, glaherrima. 5. P. leaves linear-lanced fmooth^ ftem ere£t, corymbe terminal. fmoothejl. divaricata, 6« P. leaves broad-lanced : the fuperior ones alternate, ftem tvi'o- cleft, peduncles double, divaricated, tvdta, 7. P. leaves egg'd, fiovi^ers folitary. (gg'd, fubulata* 8. P. leaves awFd ftiaggy, flowers oppofite. awl'd. ' Jibirica, 9. P. leaves linear villous, peduncles threefold. y?^m«w. Jetacea* 10. P. leaves briftly fmooth, flowers folitary. brijlly^ 1339. POR. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYGIA. Porana. 163. 1339. PORANA. Cor. bell'd. Cal. 5-cleft, greater in the Fruit. Style half- two- cleft, lon- ger, permanent. Stigmas globular. Per. two-valved. voIuhlUs* Porana. Hvlning, Z15, CONVOLVULUS. Cor, beird, plaited. Stig- mas 2. Cap/. 2-ceird : with cells two- feeded. * JVith Jiem twining, arvenfa. i. C. leaves arrow'd acute at both ends, peduncles moftly one-flower*d, field, fepium. 2. C. leaves arrow'd lop'd behind, peduncles four-cor- ner'd one-flower'd. hedge, Scammonia. 3. C. leaves arrow^'d lop'd behind, peduncles columnar moftly three-fiower'd. Scam'mony, Jibirkus, C. leaves hearted pointed polifh*d, peduncles one- fl o wer'd . fiber ian . farinofiis, C. leaves hearted pointed fcoUop'd, peduncles three- flower'd, ftem mealy. mealy. Medium, 4, C. leaves linear halbert-pointed : with ears tooth'd, peduncles one-flower'd, calyxes arrow'd, flem twining. panduratus, 5. C. leaves hearted intire violin-form, calyxes polifh'd. violin d, carolinus, 6. C, leaves hearted intire and three-lobed villous, calyxes polifh'd, capfules fliaggy, peduncles moftly two- fl o we r ' d . Carolina, hederaceus. 7. G. leaves hearted intire and three-lobed, corols undivi- ded, fruit erecSt. ivy. Nil, 8. C. leaves hearted three-lobed, corols half-five-cleft, peduncles fhorter than the petiole. piirpureus, 9. C. leaves hearted undivided, fruit bowing, pedicels thick en 'd, purple, angularis, C. leaves hearted five-angled moft intire, peduncles many-flower'd. angular. Batatas, 10. C. leaves hearted halberted five-nerved, flem creeping tuberiferous hifpid. bi'Jc?-?/.:. 4-^. C. leaves hearted pubefcent, peduncles double, corols with lobes three-cleft. izvo-JIozver'd. X % 12. C. 164- FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. ConVOlvuluS. verticilla' 12. C. leaves hearted oblong naked, peduncles umbePd tus. two-cleft many-flower'd. verticii'd, . umbellatus. 13. C. leaves hearted, Item twining, peduncles umbel'd, umberd, malabari- 14. C. leaves hearted fmooth, ilem perennial villous. ma~ cus, labar. xajjarienjis.l^, C. leaves hearted pubefcent, Hem perennial villous, peduncles many-flower'd. canary. murkatus. \']. C leaves hearted, peduncles thickened and- the calyxes polifh'd, ftem murex'd. 7nurex^d, anceps. 44, C. leaves hearted, ftem twining keel'd on both fides. two-edged, ^Turpethum.i'j . C. leaves hearted angled, ftem membranous quadran-. gular, peduncles many-flower'd. Turbeth. grandijlorus, C. leaves hearted egg'd cbtufifh moft intire, pedun- cles moflly two-flowerM, calyxes leathery, ftem and petioles pubefcent. S, great-jiowe/d. maximus, C. leaves hearted egg'd pointed moft intire fmootheP:. ftem and petioles fmootheft. *S. greatejl. fpeciofus. C. leaves egg'd hearted acute fhaggy above filver- filky beneath, petioles columnar. S. fpecious, -pehatus. 16. C. leaves targetted, peduncles many-flower'd. tar^ getted. "Jalapa. 45. C. leaves different : hearted angled oblong and lanced, ftem twining, peduncles one fiower'd. "Jalap, fericeus, 46. leaves lance-elliptic, down-filky underneath, peduncles fubumbel'd, cahxes hairy, ftem twining, fdky, iometiiofus, 18. C. leaves three-lobed downy, ftem v/oolly. downy. ^Ithaeoides. iq, C. leaves hearted fmuous filky : lobes fcollop'd, pe- duncles two flower'd. althaa-like, cairicNS, 21. C. leaves feather-handed faw'd, peduncles thread- form panicled, calyxes poliOi'd. ^ cairo, coptlcus, C. leaves footed faw'd, peduncles fword-form two- fiower'd, calyxes murex'd. Coptic, 'vltifolius. C. leaves handed ftve-lobed fmooth-tooth'd, ftem hairy, peduncles many-flower'd vine-leaved, diffeclus. C. leaves handed feven-parted tooth-fmuous fmooth, ftem hairy, peduncles one-flower'd. differed, macro- 20. C leaves hand-footed five-parted, peduncles one- (arpus. fiower'd. Ion ^' fruit. panictdatus. 23. C. leaves handed, lobes feven egg'd acute moft intire, peduncles panicled. panicled. 22. Cy PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. 165, macrorhi- 22. C. leaves finger'd fevenfold moft intire, ftem fmooth, zos. peduncles three -fiower'd. long-root, quinquefo- 23. C. leaves finger'd fmooth tooth'd, peduncles polifh'd. iius. Jive-leaved. pcntaphyllus.2\. C. leaves finger'd fivefold hairy moft intire, ftem hairy. jive-leaved, fcoparictts, C. fhrubby ereft fmooth, branches twiggy, leaves feffile linear^ raceme terminal, peduncles moftlv three-fiower'd. S. fcoparia* fpinofus, C. fhrubby ere<5L, leaves lanced filky, branchlets flov/er-bearing thorny. S. thorny, Oenother aides. C. fhrubby ereft, leaves linear hoary, peduncles ax- illary folitaryverecl one-flov^^er'd bradted, calyxes lanced fmooth. S. Oenoth era-like. ** With ftem prcjlr ate ^ or not twining. ficulus. 26. C. leavesheart-egg*d, peduncles one-'fiower'd: bradles lanced, flowers feiTiIe. Jicilian. peniapetaloides. C. leaves lanced obtufe naked lined, branches declined^ flowers folitary half-five-cleft. Jive-petal-like, lineattis. 29. C. leaves lanced fiiky Uned petioled, peduncles two- flov/er'd, calyxes filky fomewhat leafy. lined, Cneorum. 30. C. leaves lanced downy, flowers umbel'd, calyxes fhaggy, flem ere(^. Cantahrica.'^i. C. leaves linear-lanced acute, ftem branchy eretSlifh^ calyx€S hairy, peduncles mofl^ly two-flower 'd. Cantabrian, Dcrycnium, 28. C. leaves fublinear filky, ftem ftirubbyifn panicled, calyxes nakedifh obtufe. corymhofus.. 33. C. leaves hearted, peduncles umbel'd, ftem creeping. corymbed^_ fpiihamceus. '^2. C. leaves hearted pubefcent, ftem ftraight, peduncles one-flov/er'd. fix-inch, perficus. 34. C. leaves oval downy, peduncles one flower'd. perftan. tricolor. 35. C. leaves lance-egg'd fmooth, fteni declined, flowers folitary. three-colour' d. repens. 36. C. leaves arrow'd obtufe behind, ftem creeping, pe- duncles one-flower'd. creeping, reptans. 37. C. leaves halbert-lanced : the ears rounded, ftem creeping, peduncles one-flower'd. trailing, hirtiis. 38. C. leaves hearted and almoft haiberted villous, ftem and petioles hairv, peduncles many- flower'd. ^oldanella. 39, C. leaves kidney-fonn, pedundes one-flower'd-. 4-0= Cv l66. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALES. Convolvulus, J*gs capra* 40. C. leaves two-lobed, peduncles one-fiower'd. Goats- foot. hrafilienfis. 41. C. leaves end-nick'd two-gianded at the bafe, pedun- cles three-flower'd. brazil, litioralis, 42. C. leaves oblong lobe-handed, peduncles one-flower*d, flem creeping. Jirand. , fuhlohatm, C. procumbent, upper-leaves tooth-rcoUopM at top, flowers headed. iS. fublohed. fiorldus* C. fhrubby proftrate hoary, leaves linear -lanced fmooth, thyrl'e terminal pyramidal compound. S, florid, 216. IPOMOEA. C^r. funnel-form. Stigma ^oh^^ headed. Capf, 3-ceird. * JVith flowers dijiin5l. ^atnodit, i. I. leaves feather-cleft linear, flowers fubfolitary. rubra, I. leaves feather-cleft linear, flowers racemed pendu- lous, red, umhellata, 2. L leaves finger'd fevenfold, peduncles umbePd fliort- eflr. limber d, Carolina, 3. I. leaves finger'd : leaflets petioled, peduncles one- fiower'd. corolinai, coccinea, 6. I. leaves hearted pointed angled at the bafe, pedun- cles many-flower'd. fcarlet, lacunofa, 7, I. leaves hearted pointed dimpled angled at the bafe, peduncles one-flower'd fhorter than the flower. pitted, folanifolia. 11. I. leaves hearted acute mofl: intire flowers folitary. folanum-leaved. tuberofa, 4. I. leaves handed : lobes fevenfold lanced acute, mofl: intire, peduncles three-flower'd. tuberous, digitata, 5. I, leaves handed : lobes fevenfold lanced obtufe, pe- duncles three-flower'd. fingered, bona nox. g, I. leaves hearted acute mofl: intire, ftem prickly, flowers threefold, corols undivided, good-night. campamdata.%. I, leaves hearted, peduncles many-flower'd, the exte- rior perianth orbicular, corols bell'd lobed. beWd. violacea. 10. 1, leaves hearted mofl: intire, flowers crowded, corols undivided. violet, sar^iea, 18. L leaves hearted fmooth, peduncles many-flower'd, corols edged. fl^^Jl^y^ J9. h PENTANDRIAo MONOGYNIA. Ipomea. 167. repanda, ig. I. leaves hearted oblong fcollop'd, peduncles branchy. cymed. fcollop'd, haftata, I. leaves arrow-halberted, peduncles tv^o-flov^er'd. halberted, glaueifolia. I2. I. leaves arrow'd lop'd behind, peduncles two-. flower'd. Jea-green-leaved» triloba. '13. I. leaves three -lobed hearted, peduncles three- iiower'd. three-lobed, hederifoUa* 14. I. leaves three-lobed hearted, peduncles many- flower'd racemed. ivy-leaved, * * JVith Flowers aggregate, hepatkl' 15. I. leaves three-lobed, flowers aggregate, hepatlca^ folia, leaved* tamnifolia, 16. 1. leaves hearted pointed hairy j flowers aggregate. tamnus-leaved, Pestigridis.ij. I. leaves handed, flowers aggregate. tiger-foot* 217. POLEMONIUM. Cor. 5-parted, the bottom clofed with ftamen - bearing valves. Stigma 3 -cleft. Cap/. 3-ceird, above. aeruleum, i. P. leaves feather'd, flowers ere^t, calj/xes longer than the tube of the corol . blue, reptans, 2. P. leaves feather'd fevenfold, flowers terminal nod- ding, creeping, dubtiim. 4. P. inferior leaves halberted, fuperior ones lanced, du- bious, Roelloides, P. eredt, ftem thread-form, leaves lanced fringed, paniclefew-flower'dpeduncled naked. S, Roella- like. ' Campanulo- P. ere6l fmooth, leaves linear-lanced Intire ere6l> ides flowers terminal folitary, S, campatiida-like, 218, CAMPANULA. Cor, bell'd, the bottom clofed with ftamen - bearing valves. Stigma 3-cleft. Cap/, beneath, gaping with lateral pores. Bell-fiower* ■* IVith Leaves more polijh'd narrower. cenifta, 41. C. fl:em one-flower'd, leaves egg'd fmooth moft in- tire fomewhat fringed. unijlora. I, C< flem one-flower'd, calyx equalling the corol. one- flower d, 2. C, j68. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Campanula* ftemlets one-fiower'd, ftem leaves egg'd notchM, calyxes bowing. dark. radical leaves kidney-form, ftem-ones linear. round-leaved, leaves upright : radical ones lance-oval panicle ex- panded, expanded. leaves waved : radical ones lance-oval, panicle condenfed. radical leaves inverfe-egg'd, flem-leaves lance-li- near fomewhat faw'd feilile remote, peach-leaved. leaves polifh'd faw'd hearted : flem-leaves lanced, ftems rufhy fnnple, umbels feffile lateral, pyra- midal. leaves hearted and lanced, petioles fringed, lowers one-rank'd, corols five-parted flat. american. leaves lanced : ftem-leaves acutely faw'd, flowers panicled nodding. lily-leaved. leaves rhomb-like faw'd, fpike one-rank'd, calyxes tooth'd. rhojuh-like, erecl fmooth, leaves lanced acute one-tooth'd at both ends, panicle divaricated. S. one-toothed. ere6t downy, leaves awl'd intire ere6t approxima- ted, flowers folitary terminal. 5. ajh-colourd, prollrate, leaves linear-awl'd intire, flowers axil- lary folitary feflile. S. fcffilc-flower'' d. herbaceous eredl, ftem panicled, branches divari- cated, leaves lanced intire, flowers terminal. 5, panicled. herbaceous ere<5l, leaves thread-form fmooth, pani- cle terminal, flowers alternate. 5. capillary .^ herbaceous ere61:, leaves linear intire fmooth, flowers bowing, capiules hifpid. -S. linear, fmootheft mofl branchy, leaves lanced faw'd feflile, panicles terminal one-rank'd, corol funnel- form . 5. lobelia-like, leaves fmooth hearted faw'd petioled, peduncles elongated, calyx reflecled glutinous, corgi ex- panded. iS". leaves lanced polifh'd, flem txttk dotted above with pores. .S", porous. pulla. 2. C. rotufidifolia. 3- C. patula^ 4- c. Rapunculus 5- c. perficifolia. 6. c. pyramidalis. 7- c. americana. 8. c. HUfoUa^ 9- c. rhomhoidea. 10. c. unidenia. c. cinerea. c. fejpjijiora. c. paniculaia. c. caplllacea. c. linearis. c. lobelioides. c. Carpatica, c. porofa. c. * * With i PENTANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Campanula. 169. * * JVitJj Leaves rugged broader, htifoUa^ II, C. leaves egg-lanced, ftem fimpleft columnar, flowers Iblitary peduncled, fruit bowing, broad^ leaved, rapunculo- 12. C. leaves heart-lanced, ftem branchy, fiowers one- i4es. rank'd Icatter'd, calyxes reflected. rapuncidiiS' like, hononienjis. 13. C. leaves egg-lanced rugged underneath feiTile, ftem panicled. bolcgyua, gramini- 14, C. leaves linear-awl'd, head terminal. grafs-leaved, folia. grandiflora, C. leaves threefold oblong faw'd, ftem one-flower*d, flower expanded. 5. great-jiower*d. verticillata, C. leaves and flowers verticil'd. 5. veriicil*d, undulatay C. leaves lanced toothed waved, fiowers fubfolitary peduncled. 5. waved. TracheHum.i6, C. ftem angled, leaves petioled, calyxes fringedj' pe- duncles three-cleft. glomerata, 17. C. ftem angled fimple, flowers feflUe, head terminal. glomerated, Cerviearia.iZ. C. hifpid, fiowers feflile, head terminal^ leaves lance- linear waved. thyrfoides, 19, C. hifpid, raceme eggM oblong terminal, ftem fim- pleft, leaves lance-iinear. thyrjc-like, hifpidula. C. hifpid, flowers ereci, calyxes the length of the corol. S. hijpidifi* tetroea. 20* C. ftem angled fimple, fiowers feflile glomerate-headed, leaves downy underneath. rock, fafciculata. C. ftirubby ereft, leaves egg'd moftly one-tooth*d recurved, flowers glomerate terminal. S. fafci- cled. adprelfa, C herbaceous erecl, leaves lanced tooth'd recurved fringed at the bafe apprefs'd, panicle decom- pounded. S. apprejVdy tenella, C ftemsdiftufe thread-form, leaves eggM moftly one- tooth'd refleded, flowers folitary terminal. S, tender. frocumhens, C. ftem two-fork'd difFufe, leaves inverie-egg'd notch *d obtufe, fiowers folitary ere6l. S, procumbent. * * * Capfules covet' d with the fmiifes of the Calyx re flexed. dichotoma, 24. C. capfules five-cell'd cover'd, ftem two-fork'd, flowers bowing. two forked. , Mediunu 21. C. capfules five-tell'd coverM, ftem undivided ere6l leafy, flowers erect, Y 22, C, 170. Fl harhata, a urea, fpicata. Cilpina* ?nolIts, faxatlllis, JlhiVica, tride?iiata. laclniata. VE 22. / rUta, canarienjis. fruttcofa. Speculum, 15- 41. 25- 26. 42. 27. 28. 29. 3I' hybridan 32 Imonia. 33. Pentago- nia* perfoliata* capenjts* Elathies, hederacea. MALES. ONE FEMALE. Campanula, C. capfules five-cell'd coverM, ftem fimplcft nioflly one-leaved, leaves lanced, corols bearded.^ bearded, C. capfules five-celPd ftigmas five-cleft, ftem pani- cled, leaves double-faw'd. S, golden. C. hifpid, rpikcloofe, flowers alternate, leaves linear moft intire. fpiked, C. llein fimple, peduncles one-flovyer'd axillary two- leaved, alpine. I C. capfules five-cell'd cover'd peduncled, ftem proi- trate, leaves fuborbicular. foft. C. capfules five-keel'd cover'd, flov/ers alternate nodding, leaves inverfe-egg'd notch'd. rock. C. capfules three-ceird cover'd, ftem panicled. fiberian, C. capfules five-ceird cover'd, ftem one-flower'd, radical leaves three-tooth'd. three-tooth' d. C. capfules coverM peduncled, leaves faw'd : radical leaves lyrcd : ftem leaves lanced. j^SS^^' C. capfules cover'd, leaves fhaggy ; ftem-leaves lanced faw'd, ftem fimpleft, flowers feffile. upright, C. capfules five-cell'd, leaves oppofite halberted tooth'd petioled. canary, C. capfules columnar five-cell'd : ftem flirubby, leaves linear-awl'd, peduncles longeft. Jhrubby. C. ftem moft branchy difFufe, leaves oblong fome- what notch'd, flowers folitary, capfules prif- matic. Looking-glafs, C. ftem bran chyifii at the bafe upright, leaves oblong notch'd, calyxes aggregate longer than the corol, capfules prifmatic. mule» C* branches expanding undivided, radical leaves elliptic polifh'd moft intire, flowers feflile threefold. -24. C. ftem fubdivided moft branchy, leaves linear point- ed. 35. C. ftem fimple, leaves hearted tooth'd ftem-clafp- ing, flowers feflile aggregate. leaf-pierced, 36. C, leaves lanced tocth'd hifpid, peduncles longeft, capfule lance-briftled. cape, 37. C. leaves hearted tooth'd pubefcent petioled, ftem proftrate, peduncles cappillary many-flower'd. 3S. C. leaves hearted five-lobed petioled fmooth, ftem flexible. , %. 42« C.i PENTANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Campanula. 171. irinoides. 42. C. flem difFufe, leaves lanced fomewhat favy'd decur- rent with a rugged line, flowers peduncled fo- litary. er'nius-Uke, heterophyUa.i^(^, C. leaves Ibmewhat egg'd fmooth moft intire, ftems difFufe. differ ent~Uaved, Erinus, 40. C. ftem tv\"o-fork'd, leaves feflile : the fuperior ones oppofite three-tooth'd. 219. ROELLA. Cor. fannel-form with the bottom" clofed by ftamen -bearing valves. Stig- ma 2 -cleft. CaJ)/i 2-ceird, cylindric, beneath. ^Utata. I. R. leaves fringed : dagger flraight. fringed. reticulata. 2. R- leaves fringed : dagj^er reflected. netted. fquarr&fa, R. herbaceous difFufe, leaves egg*d recurvate tooth'd, flowers terminal aggregate. S. ragged, fpicata, R. fhrubby eretft, leaves lanced intire fringed, fiowcrs terminal fubfpiked. iS". fpiked. mufcofa. R. herbaceous difFufe, leaves egg'd tooth'd refle6lrd, flowers terminal folitary. S. ^ojjy, 220. PHYTEUMA. Cor. wheeled with linear divi- fions, 5-parted. Stig7na 2 or 3 -cleft. Cap/. 2 or 3-ceird, beneath. pauciHora., i. P. head fomewhat leafy, leaves all lanced, few^ flower d. ham'ifpherlca. 2. P. head roundifh, leaves linear very intire. hemifphe- r'lQaU comofa. 5. P. fafcicle terminal fciTile, leaves tooth'd ; radical • leaves hearted. tufted. orbicularis. 3. P. head roundifh, leaves faw'd : radical ones hearted. orbicular, ' fpicata. 4. P. fpike oblong, capful cstwo-cell'd, radical leaves hearted. fpiked. pinnata. 6. P. flowers fcatter'd, leaves feather'd. feather d, 221. TRACHELIUM. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma globular. Cap/, three-cell'd, beneath. ^broatwort. '^tffujum^ T. moft branchy difFufe, branches divaricated recurved, Jeaves aw I'd. 5. diifuie. Y z ^ T, iTa. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Tfachelium. tenulfolhm, T. ereaifh, leaves linear fringed hifpid. S, Jlender^ leaved, aerulcum, T. branchy erect, leaves egg*d faw*d flat. blue, 222. SAMOLUS. Cor, fulver-form. Stamens iQx\A?).^di with the fcalelets ofthecorol. Capf. i-ceird, beneath. VaUrandt. i. Samolus. 223. NAUCLEA. Cor, funnel- form. Seed i, be- neath, two-cell'd. Common Receptacle globular, erientalls^ I. Nauclea. erientah 224. RONDELETIA. Cor, funnel-form. Cap/. 2- cell'd, beneath, many-feeded, round-f ifh, crown'd. americana> I- R* leaves feffile, panicle two-fork'd. qmerican, afiaiica, 2. R. leaves petioled oblong acute. afiatic, cdorata, 4» R' leaves petioled fomewhat egg'd obtufe, odorous, trifoliata, 3. R. leaves threefold. three-leaved, 225. MACROCNEUM. Cor, beU'd. Capf, beneath, 2-ceird. Seeds imbricated. jamaicenfe. I. Macrocneum. Jamaica, 226. BELLONIA. Cor. wheeled. Capf. i-cell'd, beneath, many-feeded, calyx beak'd. ajpera. I. Bellonia. i^ou^h, 227. PORTLANDIA. Cor, club-funnel-form. An- thers longitudinal. Capf. five-corner'd, retufe, two-cell'd, many-feeded,crown'd with a 5-leavcd calyx. ^randifiora. I. P. lowers five-male. great-pwer'd, losxarJra, 2. -T. flowers fix-male, ftx-male. PENTA^'DRJA. MONOQYNiA. Portlandia. 173* idrandra. P. fiowers four-male, leaves pblong obtufe ftipules broad. S, four-male^ jzg^.. SCiEVOLA. C^r. one-petard : tube flit lon- gitudinally. Border 5-cleft, lateral. Drupe beneath, one-feeded. Nucleus two-cell'd. Lobelia, Sc^VOLA. 228. CINCHONA. C(?r. funnel-form woolly at top. Cap/, beneath, 2-ceird, with the par- tition parallel. corymbifera, C. leaves oblong lanced, corymbes axillary. 5. co- rymbe-bearlng. officinalis, C, leaves elliptic pubefcent underneath, border of the corol woolly. S, officinaL 229. PSYCHOTRIA. Cal 5-tooth'd, crowning. Cor. tubular. Berry globular. Seeds two hemifpherlcal, furrow'd. flfiatica, I. P. ftipules end-nick'd, leaves lance-egg'd. aftatlc^ Jerpens. P. ftem fubherbaceous creeping, leaves egg'd acut^ at both ends. creeping. berbacea, 2, P. ftem herbaceous creeping, leaves hearted petioledo herbaceous^ fmeiic, P. herbaceous procumbent, leaves lanced fmooth, fti- pules behind the leaf awl'd, heads axillary pe- duncled few-flovi^er'd. S, emetic^ 230. COFFEA. Salver-form. Stamens above the Tube. Berry beneath, two-feeded. Seeds aril'd. Coffee. frahica, i. C. flovi^ers five-cleft two-feeded. " arablan, eccidentalis, 2* C, flowers four- cleft, berries many- feeded. occidentaL ^31, CHIOCOCCA, 174- FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. ChioCOCCa. 231. CHIOCOCCA; Cor. funnel -form, equal. Berry i -ceird, two - feeded, beneath. faniculata. C. ere£l, with leaves eggM, flowers terminal panicled, with two flipule-teeth. S, panicled. racemofa, C. climbing, with leaves broad lanced, flower-, lateral panicle-racemed, with one ftipule-tooth. racemed. 232. HAMELLIA. Cor. 5-cleft, Berry 5-ceird, beneath, many-leeded. paUns. I. H, racemes expanding. expanding. 233. LONICERA. Cor. one - petal'd, irregular. Berry many - feeded, two - ccil'd, be- neath. Honey -fuckle, - * Periclymena with a twining Jlem, Capri folium. I. L. flowers verticil'd, terminal feflile, the higheft leaves conjoin-leaf-pierced. fempervirens. 2. L. verticils leafiefs terminal, the higheft leaves con- join- leaf-pierced. evergreen, dioica. 14. L. verticils leaflefs terminal, leaves all conjoin-leaf- pierced. tzvo-houfe. Fericlyinen- 3. L. heads eggM imbricated terminal, leaves all dif- um. tincl. * * Chamaecerafa with peduncles two-Jlower^d. nigra. 4. L, peduncles two-flower'd, berries diftin£t, leaves eliptic moft intire. black. tartarica. 5. L. peduncles two-flower'd, berries difl:indt, leaves hearted obtufe. tartar ian. Xyhjleum. 6. L. peduncles two-flower*d, berries diftincl, leaves ' moft intire pubefcent. pyrenaica. 7. L. peduncles two-flowey'd berries diftinft, leaves ob- long fmooth. pyrenean, aipigena. 8. L. peduncles two-flower'd, berries coadjoin'd twin'd, leaves oval-lanced. alpine. iceruleq. g. L. peduncles two-flower'd, berries coadjoin'd globu- lar, ftyles undivided. blut)^ * * * Stem ereSt^ peduncles many-flowr.\l Symphori- ii* Iv. beads lateral peduncled, leaves petioled, iarpm PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. LoniCCra. 175, BiervUla. 12. L. racemes terminal, leaves faw'd. coryml'ofa. 13. L. corymbes terminal, leaves egg'd acute. corymFd, bubalina. L. heads terminal peduncled, leaves oblong moft in- cite fmooth. S. ox. 234. TRIOSTEUM. Cor. one-petal'd, fubequal. Cal. the length of the corol. Berry 3-ceird, one-feeded, beneath. .perfoUatum, i. T. flowers verticil'd feffile. leaf-pierced. anguftifoL 2. T. flov^^ers oppofite peduncled. narrow-leaved. 235. MORINDA. Flowers aggregate, one-petard. Stigma 2 -cleft. Drupes aggregate. umhellata. i. M. ered, leaves lance-egg'd, peduncles crowded. umbel'd. citrtfolia. 2. M. arborefcent, peduncles folitary. citron-leaved. Royoc. 3- M. procumbent procumbent. 336. CONOCARPUS. Cor. 5-petard or none. Seeds naked, folitary, beneath. Flowers aggregate. ereBa. i: C ere^l:, leaves lanced. ereSl. procumhens, 3. C. procumbent, leaves inverfe-egg'd. procumbent, racemofa. 2. C. leaves lance-egg'd obtufifh, f.uits feparate. ra- cemed. 237. KUHNIA. Flower compound, flofculous. Seeds folitary : with a feathery pappus. Re- ceptacle naked. eupatorioides. I. Kuhnia. eupatorliim-like, 238. ERITHALIS. Cor. 5-parted : with divifions recurved. Cal, pitcher'd. Berry 10- cell'd, beneath. fruticdfa. I. Erithalis, pruhby, ^ 2:,9. MENAIS. 176-. FIVE )MALE$. ONE FEMAtE. Menais. 239. MENAIS. Cor. falver-fom. CaL 3-leaved^ Berry 4-ceird. Seeds folitary. ioplaria* I. Menais. garden, 241. MUSSiENDA. Cor. funnel-form. Stigmas 2» thickifli. Berry oblong, beneath. Seeds difpofed 4~facewife frondofa, i. M. panicle with coloured leaves. ^^fh formofa, 2. M. unarmM' flowers feiTile folitary. beautiful, fpinofa. 3. M. thorny, flowers feffile aggregate. thorny^ 123 1. MATTHIOLA. Cor. tubular, above, undi- vided. Calyx intire. Drupe with a globular nucleus, fcahra. I. Matthiola. ^^gg^d, 242. MIRABILIS. Cor. funnel-form, above. CaL beneath. NeBary globular, including the germ. Marvel. dlchotoma. 2. M. flowers folitary axillary ere6l fefHle. iwo-fark'd. Jalapa. I. M. 'flowers colle6^ed terminal cre6l. Jalap, longifiora. 3. M. flowers collected longelt fomewhat nodding ter- minal, leaves fubvillous. long'flo'wer'd. 243. CORIS. Cor. one -petard, irregular. CaL thorny. Caff, 5-valv'd, above. Monfpelienfis. i. CoRis. MontpeUer, 1229. BROSSu^A. Cor. lop*d. CaL fle%. Cap/. 5-ceird, many-feeded. cocctnea^ t, Bros s^ A. fear let. 245. VERBASCUM. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA, Vcrbafcum. 177. 245. VERBASCUM. Cor, wheel'd, fubequaL Cap/, 2-ceird, 2-valved. Mullen. Thapfus. I. V. leaves decurrent downy on both fides, ftem fim- ple. Thapfoides. 12. V. leaves decurrent, ftem branchy. Thapfus-like, Bocrhaavu. 12. V. leaves fublyred, flow^ers fefiiie. of Boerhaave. phto?noides, 3. V. leaves egg'd dcwny on both fides j the inferior ones petioled. phlomis-like. 2. V leaves wedge-form-oblong. Lychnis, 4. V. leaves heart-oblong petioled. black. 5. V. radical leaves egg'd naked notch'd, ftem nakedifti racemed. purple. 6. V. leaves ftem-clafping oblong fmooth, peduncles folitary. 9. V. radical leaves feathercleft-fcollop'd downy ; ftem- leaves ftem-clafping nakediftij firft branches oppofite. finuous. 10. V. leaves gafh'd naked, ftem leafy, calyxes wool ley, peduncles two-flower'd. of OJbeck. 8. V. ftem leafy thorny flirub-growing. thorny. 11. V. radical leaves woolly, fcape naked. cyclades^ Lychnitis. nigrum. pheeniceum, Blattaria. finuatum. OJbeckil. fpinofum. Myconi, 246. DATURA. Cor. funnel-form plaited. CaL tubular, angled, deciduous. Cap/. 4- valved. ferox. I. D. pericarps thorny ere6l egg'd : the higheft thorns largeft converging. ferocious. Stramonium. 2. D. pericarps thorny ered egg'd, leaves egg'd fmooth. thorn-apple. Tatula, 3. D. pericarps thorny ere£t egg'd : leaves hearted fmooth tooth'd. fajiuofa. 5. D. pericarps tubercled nodding globular, leaves egg'd angled. , fajiuous, Metel. 4. D. pericarps thorny nodding globlular, leaves hearted almoft intire pubefcent. arhorea. 6. D. pericarps fmooth unarm'd nodding : ftem arbo- refcent. arbor ef cent. leevis. D. pericarps egg'd fmooth unarmed erect, ftem her- baceous. iS, polijlfd. z ;47. HY^ mger. albus, aureus, muticus, puftllus. lyS FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Hyofcyamus. 247. HYOSCYAMUS. Cor. funnel-form, obtufe. Stamens inclined. CaJ:Jl lidded, 2- cell'd. Henbane. 1. H. leaves {lem-c;afping finuous, flowers feiiile. hlack 2. H. leaves petioled finuuus, obtufe, flowers feflile. white, 3. H. leaves petioled toothed acute, flowers peduncled,, fruit pendulous. golden. 6. H. leaves petioled egg'd acute-angled, calyxes awn- lefs, bra6les undivided. awnlefs. 4. H. leaves lanced toothed : the inferior floral leaves two-fold, calyxes thorny. feeble. phyfaloides. 5. H. leaves egg'd moft intire, calyxes inflated fubglo- bular. phyfalis-like. ScopoUa. 7. H. leaves egg'd intire, calyxes inflated bell'd poli(hed. 248. NICOTIANA. Cor. funnel-form with bor- der plaited. Stamens inclined. Capf. 2-valved, 2-ceird. Tobacco. Tahacum. 3. N. leaves lance-eggM feflile decurrent, flowers acute. fruticofa. 2. N. leaves lanced fubpetioled ftem-clafping, flowers acute, fl:em flirub- growing. Jhruhly» rujlica. 4. N. leaves petioled egg'd mofl: intire, flowers obtufe. rujiu* panicidata. 3. N. leaves petioled hearted mofl: intire, flowers pani- cled obtufe clubM. panicled. urens. 5. N. leaves hearted notched, racemes recurvate, ftem hifpid itchy. Jlinging. gluttnofa, 6. N. leaves petioled hearted moft intire, flowers ra- cemed one-rank'd fomewhat grinning, glutinous. puftlla. I. N. radical leaves oblong-oval, flowers racemed acute. feeble. 249 ATROPA. Cor. bell'd. Stamens diftant, Be?^ry globular, 2-ceird. Mandra- I. A. flemlefs, fcapes one-flower'd. gora. Belladona. 2. A. flem herbaceous, leaves egg'd intire. deadly- nightjhade. phyfahides. 3. A. flem herbaceous, leaves fmuous-angled, calyxes clofed acute-angled. phyfalis-like. A, PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Atropa. lolanacea. ijg A. ftem flirubby, peduncles folitary, corols belPd, leaves fomewhat edg'd. folanum, arhorefcens. 5. A. ftem fhrub-growing, peduncles crowded^ corols re volute, leaves oblong. arborefcent. frutefcens, 4. A. ftem fhrubby, peduncles crovi'ded, leaves heart- egg'd obtule. Jhrtib-growlng. 250, PHYSALIS. Cor. wheel'd. . Stamens con- verging. Berry within the inflated calyx, 2-ceird. * PerenniaL fommfera, i. P. ftem flirubby, branches ftraight, flovvrers crowded. Jomniferous, Jlexuofa, 2. P. ftem fnrubby, branches winding, flowers crowded. winding. arbor efcens, 3. P. ftem ftirubby, leaves egg'd hairy, flowers folitary, corols re volute. arborefcent. curajfavica, 4. P. ftem ftirubby, leaves egg'd downy. Curaffoa. vijcofa, 5. P. leaves double fcollO[.ed obtufe fomewhat downy, ftem herbaceous panicled above. vifcoiis* ■penjylva- 11. P. leaves egg'd fomewhat Icollop'd obtufe nakcidifli, nica, flowers double, ftem herbaceous, penfylvanian. Alkekengi, 6. P. leaves double intire acute, ftem herbaceous fome- what branchy below. peruviana. iT.. P. pubefcent, leaves hearted moft intire. peruvian, * * Annual. angulata. 7. P. moft branchy, branches angled fmooth, leaves egg'd tooth'd. angled. pubefcens. 8. P. moft branchy, leaves villous- vifcous, flowers pen- dulous, pubefcent* minima, g. P. moft branchy, peduncles fruit-bearing longer than the villous leaf. leaji. pruinofa, 10. P. moft branchy, leaves fubvillous, peduncles up- fro/led. right. 251. SOLANUM. Cor. wheel'd. Anthers fub- coalefcent, gaping at top with a double pore. Berry a-cell'd. * Unar?7ied, Verbafcifo- i. S. ftem unarm'd flirubby, leaves egg'd downy moft: Hum, intire, umbels compound. Verbafcum-'leaved. Z2 3. S. l8o. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Soknum. Pfeudo'Cap- '^, S. ftem unarm'd fhrubby, leaves lanced fcollop'd. ficum. umbels fefTiIe. Falje-capficum^ diphyllum. 4. S. ftem unarm'd flirubby, leaves double : one lefs flowers cyrr-ed. two-leaved. Dulcamara. 5. S. ftem unarm'd ftirub-growing winding, fuperior leaves halberted, racemes cymed. bitter-fweet. quercifolium.K). S. ftem unarm'd fubherbaceous' angled winding rug- ged, leaves feather-cleft, racemes cymed. (Jak- Icaved, radlcans, 7. S. ftem unarm'd herbaceous polifti'd round fti prof- trate rooting, leaves feather -cleft, racemes cy- ^^d. rooting. havanenfe. 32. S. ftem unarm'd fhrub -grov^^ing, leaves lanced glofly moft intire, peduncles moftly two flov/er'd. havannah. racemofum. 33. S. ftem unarm'd ftirub-growing, leaves lanced fcol- lop'd waved, racemes long ftraight. racemed, honar'ienfe. S. ftem nearly unarm'd flirubby, leaves egg-oblong fmuous-fcollop'd rugged. Bolo beneath. Cuminoides, i. Lagoecia. Cumine-like, 1234. RORIDULA. Cor. ^-ipttoVd, Cal. 5-leaved. Cap/. 3-valved. Anthers bag-form at the bafe. dentate, i. Roridula' tooth' d. 286. SAUVAGESIA. Cor. 5-petard, fring'd. Cal. 5-leaved. NeBary 5-leaved, alterna- ting v^ith the petals. Cap/. i-celFd. ere^a. i. Sauvagesia. ereSf. 287. CLAYTONIA. Cal. 2-valved. Cor. 5-pe- tard. Stigma 3 -cleft. Capf. 3-valved, i-ceird, 3-feeded. virgln'ica. i. C. leaves linear. vlrgtnian. fihirica, 2. C. leaves egg'd. fiber ian. Portulacaria, C. item arhorefcent ere£l. Portulaca, 1297. HELICONIA. Spathe univerfal and partial. Cal. o. Cor. 3-petard : NeSary 2- leaved. Capf. three-grain'd. BihaU H. leaves nerved netted attenuated at the bafe, nectary halberted free. S. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Hellconia. 195. alba, ' pfitiacorum. h'lrfnta. H. nerves of the leaves moft fimple fmootheft, egg- rounded at the bafc, ne6lary^halberted free. 5. white, H. leaves fmootheft nerved rounded at the bafe, infio- refcence moft fmooth, fpadix ere<9: bradtelefs, nectary lanced adhering. 5. parrot. H. leaves rounded at the bafe moft fimply nerved fmootheft, inflorefcence ihaggy, fpadix winding, ne6lary lanced adhering. iS. jhaggy* 288. ACHYRANTHES. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Stigma 2-cleft. Seeds iblitary. ajpera. 3. A. ftem fhrubby ere^t, calyxes reflected apprefTed to the fpike. rough, lappacea. 4. A. ftem ftirubby diff'ufe, proftrate with interrupted fpikes, the lateral florets on both fides with a hooked fafcicle of briftles. hurry, muricata. 2. A. ftem ftirubby expanding, leaves alternate, flowers fpiked remote egg'd, calyxes ragged, murex^d, corymhofa. . 7. A. leaves fourfold linear, panicle two-fork-corymbed. corymbed, dichotoma. lO. A. ftem fiirubbyifti, fpikes oppofite linear flat acute, cyme two-fork'd. two-fork* d, projlrata, 5. A ftems proftrate ftirubby, fpikes oblong : florets with a hooked fafcicle on both fides, projirate. altermfoUa. A. ftem erect, flowers in fubglobular hedgehogs. ^' alternate-leaved, patula. A. ftem ftirubby expanded pubefcent, flowers in or- bicular fpikes hedgehog-hook'd. iS. expanded. lappacea, A. ftem flirubby diffufe proftrate, fpikes interrupted, lateral florets on both fides in a hook'd fafcicle of briftles. S. hurry. 289. argentea. CELOSIA. Cal, 3-leaved. Qoroh 5 petal'd in appearance. Stamens conjoined ar the bafe to the plaited nedlary. Capf. gaping horizontally. I. C. leaves lanced, ftipules fomewhat fickled, peduncles angled, fpikes parched. ftlvcr, B b 2 2. C. 196. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Cclofia. 7}iargarita' 2. C. leaves eggM, flipules fickled, peduncles angled, cea, fpikes parched. pearl, crijlata, 3. C. leaves oblong-egg'd, peduncles columnar fubitri- ated, fpikes oblong. crefted. pankulata. 6» C. leaves egg-oblong, ftem rifuig panicled ; fpikes alternate terminal remote. panicled. CQCcinea. 5. C. leaves egg'd upright earlefs, ftem furrowM, fpikes manyfold crefted. fear let. ccjirenfts, 4. C. leaves lance-egg'd lined moft pointed, ftipules Tickled, fpikes crefted. camp, irigyna. C. leaves egg-oblong, raceme loofe, piftil three-cleft. three- female, lanata. *]. C. leaves lanced downy obtufe, fpikes crowded, fta- mens woolly. woolly, nodlflora. 8. C. leaves wedge-form acutifh, fpikes globular lateral. knot-fowering, Gnaphaloides. C. fhrubby woolly, leaves oppofite egg'd white un- dearneathj head globular pcduncled. iS. G?2ap- halium4ike. 290. ILLECEBRUM. CaL 5-leaved, cartilaginous. Cor, none. Stigma lunple. Capf, 5-valved, one-feeded. hrachiatum, I. ftem ere61: herbaceous crofs-arm'd, leaves oppofite polifli'd. crofs-arm' d. fangulnolen^ I. ftirub-growing, leaves oppofite, fpikes compound tu?n collcifkd. bloody. lanata, I. ftem fubherbaceous erc61:, flowers lateral, leaves alternate. woolly. javanka. I. ftem herbaceous ere6l white downy, leaves alter- nate yava. 'uertkillatu?n.l. I. flowers verticil'd naked, ftems procumbent, ver- ticU'd. fuffrutkofum.2, I. "flowers lateral folltary, ftems ftirubbyifh. jhruhhy'ijh. cy7nofum. 3. I. fpikes cymed one-rank'd, ftem difl^ufe. cymed. Far onychia. 4. I. flowers brawled glolFy fenced, ftems procumbent, leaves poliflied. ccipitatum, 5. I. flowers btacSled gloify concealing the terminal heads, ftems eredtifh, leaves fringed villous underneath. headed. Icnghalenfis* I. ftem ere61- herbaceous, leaves alternate and oppo- fite lanced pubelcent. Benghal. II. I. PENTAND arabicwn. ii. I. Achyraniha. 6. I. polygonoides. 7. I. fiioidetim. 8. I. feffile, 9. I. ver??ii.Luh~ 10. I. tiwi. alfinefGl'ium.M., I. Monfonies. I. Canarienfe, I. RiA. MONOGYNiA, Illeccbrum. 197. flowers fcatter'd colledled, bradles glolTy equal, ftems procumbent. arahian. ftems creeping hairy, leaves egg'd daggerM the op- pofice one lefs, heads fubglobuJar fomewhat thorny, ftems creeping Shaggy, leaves broad-lanced petioled^ heads orbicular naked. polygonum' I ike » ftems creeping fmooth, leaves broad-lanced petl- oled, heads orbicular pubefcent. fig-like, ftems creeping dovi^ny two-v^^ays, leaves lanced fub* fefTile, heads oblong fmooth. fejfile, ftems creeping fmooth, leaves fub-columnar flefhv, heads oblong fmooth terminal. worm. ftems diffufe, leaves egg'd, flowers collected brac- ted glolly. chickiveed- leaved, fpikes terminal, ftems proftrate, leaves awl'd. S. flirubby, leaves elliptic acute, ftipules and bra£les egg'd ihorter, panicles terminal two-fork'd. S, Ciinary, 291. GLAUX. Cal, i -leaved. Cor, none. Capf, i-ceird, 5-valved, 5-ieeded. maritl'ma, i. Glaux. fia. 29 THESIUM. Ca!, i -leaved, on which the flamens are inferted. Seed i, beneath. Linophyllum.l. T. panicle leafy, leaves linear. Flax-leaved, /ilpinii?n, Frijea. 2. T. raceme leaved, leaves linear. alpine, T. flowers fubfpiked one-ranked fringe- woolly, leaves awl'd. fpicatum, T. flowers fpiked polifhed, leaves awled fhorteft re- m.oteft. fpiked, capitatum, 3. T. flowers headed feflile terminal, leaves three -fided poliihed, brakes egg'd. headed, jlri£lum, T. flowers umbel'd, leaves linear decurent. upright. lAmhellatum, 6. T. flowers umbel'd, leaves oblong. imiheTd. fcahrum, 4. T. heads peduncled, leaves three-flded, moft rugged on the edge and keel. . rugged, paniculatum.'], T. the whole panicJed. panicled. amplexicaule, T. flowers fubfpiked one-rank'd fringe -woolly, fieni' clajping, T. 198. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Thefium. euphorhides, T. peduncles, three-flowerM terminal, leaves fome- what egg'd fle%. fpungt-Uke. colpoon, T. leaves oppofite petioled inve^fe -egg'd flat mcft in- tire, corymb terminal leaflefs. S. fpinofum, T. leaves awl'd daggered, howers axillary folitary. S. thorny irtfiorum^ T. leaves lanced, Hems angled, peduncles axillary three-fork'd compound. 5. three-jlouucrd. fragile, T. leaves egg-three-fided keel'd decurrent, ftem an- gled, flowers axillary fcflile. 5, fragile, {quarrofum^ T. leaves linear- awl'd recurvate-reflededjfliemcf.bjm- nar, flowers axillary feifile. 5. ragged. lhieaium» T. leaves linear, ftem columnar angled leaflefs beneath, branches fl:raight divaricated, flowers axillary peduncled. 5. Hn^^^ 293. RAUVOLFIA. Contorted. JS^rry fucculent, two-feeded. nltida, r. R. mofl: fmooth moft glofly. glo/fy, canefcens, 2. R. fubpubefcent. hoary tomentofa. 3. R. downy. ^.^^y^ 1252. P^DERIA. Contorted. Berry empty, fragile, two-feeded. Style 2-cleft. fosiida. i. PiEDERiA. f^fi^i 1251. CARISSA. Contorted. Berries two, many- feeded. Carandas, i. C. leaves elh'ptic obtufe. fpinaruuu C. leaves egg'd acute. thorn, 294. CERBERA. Contorted. Z)n//^ one-feeded. Ahovai. I. C. leaves egg'd. Manghas. 2. C. leaves lanced : with tranfverfe nerves. TIjevetiay 3. C. leaves linear longefl: crowded. 296. GAR- PENTANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Gardenia. 199. 296. GARDENIA. Contorted. Berry beneath, many - feeded. Style elevated, tvvo- lobed. CaL with vertical divifions. Thumbcrgia. G. unarmed, leaves egg'd acute at both ends, ftipules obtufe, calyx funnel-form appendaged : with divifions cowl'd petioled. S. Thumherg, fiorida. G. unarmed, leaves eo;g'd acute at both ends, ftipules obtufe, calyx-divifions vertical > tube ftraight. S. Jlowering. MuJTenda, G. unarmed, leaves egg'd acute, ftipules dagger'd, calyx-divifions awl'd comprefs'd, tube incurvate fhaggy. S, gurmnlfera, G. unarmed, leaves oblong obtufe fhaggy, ftipules awl'd, divifions of the calyx egg'd ftiorteft, tube ftraight. S. guin-hearing, fpinofa, G. thorns twofold oppofite on the branches ftraight ex- panding, leaves inverfe-egg'd, divifions of the calyx leafy, tube moft fhort. S, thorny. Roihmannla, G. unarmed, leaves oblong, ftipules awl'd, divifions of the calyx awl'd columnar the length of the tube, tube fmooth enlarged ftiort. 5. 1295. ALLAMANDA. Contorted. Cap/, lens-^ form, ered:, hedge-hog'd, i-cell'd two- valved, many-feeded. (athariica, Allamanda. S, cathartic, 295. VINCA. Contorted. Follicles 2, tv^di. Seeds naked. Periwincle, minor, i. V. ftems procumbent, leaves lance-egg'd, flowers peduncled. l^fs,. major, 2. V. ftems erect, leaves egg'd, flowers peduncled . greater, lutea, 3. V. ftem twining, leaves oblong. yelloiu. rofea. 4. V. ftem fhrub-growing erecl, flowers double kMc^ leaves egg-oblong, petioles tv/o-tooth'd at the bafe. rofe, f piifiUa. V. ftem herbaceous, flowers double peduncled. S, ' feehle» 297. NERIUM. 200. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Ncrlum. 297. NERIUM. Contorted. Follicles 2, ereft. Seeds feathery. Cor. a tube terminated by a torn crown. Oleander, i. N. leaves linear-lanced threefold, corols crown'd. zeylanicum. 4. N. leaves lanced oppofite, branches ftraight. Ceylon, 4ivdricatUTn.2. N. leaves lance-egg'd, branches divaricate.d. divari- cated, antidyfente- 3. N. leaves egg'd pointed petioled. ant idyfent eric, ricum, 299. ECHITES. Contorted. Follicles 2, long, flraight. Seeds pappus'd. Cor, fun- nel-form, throat naked. hiflora. I. E. peduncles two-flower'd. two-flower'' d, ^-angularis. 2. E. peduncles racemed, leaves egg'd pointed. flve- aiigled, fubere^a, 3. E. peduncles racemed, leaves fomewhat egg'd cbtufe dagger'd. fubercoi. agghitinata, 8. E. peduncles racemed, leaves egg'd end - nick'd pointed. agglutinated,, iorulofa. 4. E. peduncles fubracemed, leaves lanced pointed. wreathed, umhellata. 5. E. peduncles umbel'd, leaves egg'd obtufe dagger'd, ftem twining. iimherd, irifida, 6. E. peduncles three-cleft many flower'd, leaves egg- oblong pointed. three-cleft, corymhofa, 7. E. racemes corymbed, ftamens eminent, leaves lance- egg'd. corymb ed, Jpicata, g. E. fpikes axillary fhort, ftamens eminent, leaves fomewhat egg'd. fpiked, caudata. 10. E. corols funnel-form : with tops linear moft long. tailed, Jcholaris. 11. E. leaves fubverticil'd oblong, follicles thread-form longeft:, umbels compound. fchooL annularis, E. flem twining, corols falver-form, with an elevated ring in the tube. S. ring, fephiliiica. E. leaves egg'd fubpetiolcd fmootheft ribbed, panicles two-fork'd, flowers fpiked. S. Jiphilitic, fuccuknta, E. prickles twofold behind the leaves, leaves linear downy underneath, corols funnel-form, fuccu^ lent. E. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA*. EchltCS. 201. hifplnofa. E. prickles twofold behind the leaves, leaves lanced fmooth, corols falver-form. 5. two-thorn^ d^ 298. PLUMERIA. Contorted. Follicles 2, re- fleded. Seeds inferted on a proper membrane. rubra, I. P. leaves egg-oblong, petioles two-glanded. red, alba, 2. P. leaves lanced revolute, peduncles tuberous above. white, obtiija, 3. P. leaves lanced petioled obtufe. obtiife. pudica, P. flowers clofed at the border. modeji, 300. CAMERARIA. Contorted. Follicles 2, ho- rizontal. Seeds inferted on a pro- per membrane. latifoUa, I. C. leaves egg'd acute at both ends filiated tranfverfly. broad-leaved, angujilfolla, 2. C. leaves linear. narrow-leaved, 301. TABERNiEMONTANA. Contorted. Fol- licles two, horizontal. Seeds immerfed in pulp. citrtfiUa, I. T. leaves oppofite egg'd, flowers lateral glomerate- uinbelM. citron-leaved, laurifoUa. 2. T. leaves oppofite oval obtufifli. bay-leaved, grandifiora, 5. T. leaves oppofite, ftem two-fork'd, calyxes unequal moft flexible. great -fioivered, cymofa, 6. T. leaves oppofite, flowers cymed. cy7ned, altermfolia, •?. T. leaves alternate, ftem arborefcent. aliernate- -' leaved^ Amfonia, 4. T. leaves alternate, ftems fubherbaceous. 302. CEROPEGIA. Contorted. Follicles 2, erecS. Seeds feathery. Border of the Corol converging. candelabrum,!, C umbels pendulous, flowers ere^. candlejitckj bifiora, 2, C. peduncles two-flower'd. iwo-fo^ver d, C c C* 202. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Ccropegia. faglttata, Unuifilia, C. umbels feflile, leaves arrow'd. C. leaves linear-lanced. ibin-kaved. 1366. VIRECTA. Cap/, one-ceird. Cor. fun- nel-form. Stigma 2 -par ted. CaL 5- leaved : with teetA interpofed. S. hlflora, ViRECTA. S. iwo-fiower'd. 1367. SHEFFIELDIA. Cap/. i-celVd, five-valved. Cor. beird. Filaments ten : the alter- nate ones barren. S. S. creeping. S. repens. creeping. 1368. RETZIA. Cap/. 2-ceird. Cor. cylindrical, villous without. Stigma 2-cleft. S. fpkata. Retzia. fpiked. 1369. EPACRIS. Cap/. 5-ceird, 5-valved. Cor. funnel-form, villous. Scales neyrenmrn on r ^\^^^ ^^^^es crowded larger. vernal, pyrenatca. 29. G. corol ten-cleft funnel-form equal : the exteriour divifion ruder. pyrenean, G. campeftrls. . clliata. Cruciata. fefftlis. filiformis, heterocUta, PENTANt)RiA. DiGYNiA. Gcntiana. 213. corol five -cleft funnel-form fomewhat faw'd, leaves lance-linear. dwarf, corol five-cleft funnel- form faw*d, leaves egg'd obtufe. , bavarian, corols five-cleft funnel-form moil pointed: with throat beardlefs and avvnlefs, branches oppofite. golden, corols five- cleft funnel -form, branches one-flovi^- er'd alternate. fnowy, corols five-cleft funnel-form terminal feffile, leaves membranous in the margin. aquatic, corols five- cleft falver-foirm, calyxes plait-keePd. bladder d, corols five-cleft falver-form, calyxes membrane- keel'd, ftem two-fork'd, leaves hearted, exa- cum-Uke. corols five-cleft funnel-form, ftem two-fork'd, piftil fimple Century. corols five- cleft funnel -form, ftyles double, ftem two-fork'd few- flowered. fea, corols five-cleft funnel-form, flowers alternate felTile. fP^^^^' corols five-cleft funnel-form, flowers verticil'd, ftem fimpleft. verticiVd, flowers five-cleft verticilM eightfold. S. verticiN, corols five-cleft funnel-form, ftem acute-angled, leaves egg'd ftem-clafping. five-leaved, corols five-cleft falver-form, ftem leaflefs. leafiefs, corols five-cleft falver-form bearded in the throat. ftem one-fiower'd proftrate branchy, leaves inverfe- e^g'd obtufe three-nerved, corols funnel-form five-cleft, bradtes two-fold. S, fquil-like, * * * IP^ith corols not five^cleft. . corols four-cleft bearded in the throat. field, . corols four-cleft fringed at the margin. fringed, corols foui>cleft beardlefs, flower'd verticil'd fefTile. crofs. corols four-cleft, flowers ftemlefs, leaves egg'd. fejfde, corols four-cleft beardlefs, ftem two-fork'd thread- form, thread-form, flowers four-cleft irregular, ftem crofs-arm^d. hcteroclite. fumila. G. havarica. II. G. ^'rea. 12. G. 7iivaUs, 13- G. aquatlca. 14. G. utriculofa. 15- G. exacoides. 16. G. Centauri- 17- G. um. maritima. 30- G. fpicata. 18. G. verticillata .19. G. verticillata ^ G. quinquefo- lia. aphylla. ATuarella, fdlloides. 20. 21. G. G. G. G. 23. G, 24. G 25. G. 26. G. 27. G, G. 223. PHYL- 2I4* FIVE MALXS. TWO FEMALES. Phyllis. 323. PHYLLIS. Stigmas hifpid. Fru6iiJications fcattcr*d. Nobla. I. P. ilipules toothed. * UMBEL'D PLANTS. 324. ERYNGIUM. Flowers headed. Receptacle chaffy. foetidum, 1 . aquattcufn, 2. planum, 3. puftUum. 4. ♦ iricujpida- 7. turn. mark i mum. 5. campejlra, 8. amethyfii- g. num, alpinum. E, radical leaves lanced faw'd, floral leaves many- cleft, ftem two-fork 'd. fetid. E. leaves fworded fa w- thorny : floral ones undivided. aquatic, E. radical leaves oval flat notchM, head peduncled. flat. E. radical leaves oblong gafliM, ftem two-fork'd, heads feflile. puny, E. radical leaves hearted, ftem-leaves handed with re- trofledted ears, chaffs three-piked, three-piked, E, radical leaves roundifh plaited thorny, heads pe- duncled, chaff three-piked. fea, E. radical leaves ftem-clafping feather-lanced. field, E. radical leaves three-cleft, fomewhat feathered at the bafe. amethyftine, E. leaves finger'd jagg'd fuborbicular, head oblong many-leaved, chaff briftly three-cleft. alpine. Umbel fimple : Involu-- Seeds 325. HYDROCOTYLE. ere 4-leaved. Petals iiitire, half-orbicular-comprefs'd. vulgaris. i. H. leaves targetted, umbel five-flower'd. common, umbellata. 2. H. leaves targetted, umbel many-flowerM. umbeVd, americana. 3. H. leaves kidney- form fublobed notch'd. american, nfiatica. 4. H. leaves kidney-form tooth-notch'd. afiatic, chinenfis. 5. H. leaves linear, umbel many-flower'd. china, 'villofa, H. downy, leaves hearted moft intire downy or vil- lous. S. villous, glahrata. H. fmootheft, leaves inverfc eggM or lanced acute three-nerv'd fmootheft. S, fmoothed, virgata. H. fmootheft, leaves half-columnar linear ploughed with a furrow with longer joints. S, twiggy, H- PENTANDRIA. DIGVNIA. HydfOCOtyle. 215. Iviifolia. H. hoary, leaves linear-fubfpatuled with fhorter joints. S. Jiax-leaved, Solandra* H. downy, leaves wedge-form egg'd retule feven- tooth'd. S. trideniata, H. downy, leaves linear- wedge-form three-tooth'd at top. S. three-tooth' d, ranunculoi- H. leaves five-parted gafh'd. S, ranunculus -like, des. ere^a, H. leaves hearted notched, fcapes few-flower M the length of the petioles. 5. ere^. 326. SANICULA. Umbels crouded, fomewhat heaped. Fruit rugged. Flowers of the difk abortive. europea. T. S. radical leaves fimple, florets all fe/Tile. european. canadenfts* 2. S. radical leaves compound, leaflets egg'd. Canada, marilandica. 3. S. male florets peduncled, hermaphrodite ones feflile. martland, 327. ASTRANTIA partial Involucres lanced, ex- panding equal, longer, coloured. Many Flowers abortive. major, I. A. leaves five-lobed : lobes three-cleft. greater, minor, 2. A. leaves finger'd faw'd. lefs. ciUaris. A. leaves lanced faw-fringed. 5. fringed, Epipa6iis, A. leaves five-parted obtufe faw'd. ^, 328. BUPLEURUM. Involucres of the umbdlet greater, 5-leaved. Petals involute. Fruit roundifh, comprefs'd, ftriated. * Herbaceous, rotundifoli' i. B. univerfe involucres none, leaves leaf-pierced. r^««.^- Mm, leaved, Jiellatum, 2. B. involucels coadjoin'd uiiiverfal one three-leaved. Jlard, petraum, 3. B. involucels coadjoin'd, univerfal one five-leaved. rock. 4. B. 2l6. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Buplcnrum. angulojum, 4. B. involucels five-leaved orbicular : univerfal one three-leaved egg'd : leaves ftem-clafpmg heart- lanced, angular, longifollum, 5. B. involucels five-leaved egg'd : univerfal one moftly five-leaved, leaves ftem-clafping. long-leaved. falcatum, 6. B. involucels five-leaved acute : univerfal one moflly five - leaved, leaves lanced, ftem winding. fickled, odontites, 7. B. involucels five-leaved acute : univerfal one three- leaved, central floret higher, branches divari- cated, tooth-ach, femlcompoji- 8. B. umbels compound and alfo fimple. femicompound. turn, ranunculot' 9. B. involucles five-leaves lanced longer : univerfal one des. three-leaved, ftem leaves lanced, ranunculus- like, rigidum, 10. B. ftem two-fork'd nakedifti, involucres leaft acute. rigid, tenuifft" ir. B. umbels fimple alternate, five-leaved moftly three- www, flower'd. jlenderejh junceum. 12. B. ftem ere61: panicled, leaves linear, involucres three- leaved, involucres five-leaved. rujh, * * Shrub-growing. fruticofu?n. 14. B. fhrub-growing, leaves inverfe-egg'd moft intire. Jhrubby. frutefcens, B. fhrub-growing, leaves linear, involucre univerfal and partial ones. Jhrub- growing, difforme, 15. B, fhrub-growing, vernal leaves decompound flat gafh'd 5 fummer ones thread-form angled three- cleft, mijhapen, fpinofum, B. fhrub-growing, the old branches of the panicle naked thorn-growing, leaves linear. S, thorny, 329. ECHINOPHORA. Lateral floin^. 349. SISON. Fruit egg'd, ftriated. Involucre tnoftly 4-leaved. Amomnm. i. S. leaves feather'd, umbels ^xtB.. v^fegetum, 2. S. leaves feather'd, umbels bovv'ing. corn. cauadenfe. 3. S. leaves three'd. Canada. Amm'u 4. S. leaves thrice feather'd. radical ones linear ; ftem ones bri/lly j ftipules longer. inundatum. 5. S. creeping, umbels two-cleft. flooded. ! vertk'dlatwn.d). S. leaflets verticil'd capillary. verticiFd. falfum. S. radical leaves compound : leaflets fomewhat vcrti- ticil-fafcicled lanced, ftem leaflefs, branches umbel bearing two-fork'd. S. fait. 350. BUBON. Fruit egg*d, ftriated, villous. nmadmcwiLi, B. kaflets rhomb-egg'd notch'd, umbels ijnoft nu- merous, macedonia?!. 2, B. 224. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Buboil. Galbanum. 2. B. leaflets rhombic toothM ftriatcd fmooth, umbels? few. gum?mferum.i, B. leaflets fmooth ; inferior ones rhombic fawM j (\x^ perior ones feather-cleft three-tooth'd. gum- hearing. rigidlus, 4. B. leaflets linear. J^iff^f* 351. CUMINUM. Fr«/> egg'd, ftriated. Umbel- lets 4. Involucres 4-cleft. Cumine. Cyminu7n. i. Cuminum. 352. OENANTHE. F/orefsmKsh2Lptn: in the difk feffile, barren. Fruk crowned witbii calyx and piftil. jijiulofa, I. CE. ftole bearing, ftem-leaves feather'd thread-form pip'd. fifiuhus. crocaia. 1. CE. leaves all many-cleft obtufe fubequaL fafforn, prolifera, 3. CE. peduncles of the umbels marginal longer branch/ male. . proliferous, glohuloja. 4. CE. fruit globular. globular, pifnpinelloi' 5. CE. radical leaflets wedg'd cleft; ftem-ones intire li- des. near langefl frnipde. pi??ipinella~like, 353. PHELLANDRIUM. F/^r^'/.f of the difklefs. Fruit egg'd, poli{h'd> crown'd with perianth and piftil. aquaticu7n. i. P. ramifications of the leaves divaricated, aquatic, MutelUna, 2. P. ftem nakedifh, leaves feather'd. 354. CICUTA. Fruit fomewhat egg'd, farrow'd. virofa. i. C. umbels oppofite-leaved, petioles margined obtufe. poifonous, hulhifera. 2. C. branches bulb-bearing. hulh-hiaring, maculai-a. 3. C. fawlets of the leaves daggered, petioles mem- branous twO"lobed at top. Jpotted. 395. AETHU-SA.; PENTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. iEthufa 225. 355. i^^THUSA; Involucels halved, 3-Icaved, pen- dulous. Fruit ftriated. Cynapium, i, IE., leaves uniform: Bunius, JE. radical leaves feather^, ftetn^ones many-part- briftly. Pig-nut, Meum, IE. leaves all many-part-briftly. 356. CORIANDRUM. Cor. radiated : Petals in- flex-end-nick*d. Univerfal Involucre one-leaved : partial ones halved. Fruit fpherical. Coriander, fativum. i. C. fruit globular. cultivated, tefticulatum. 2. C. fruit in tw^ins. twin, 357. SCANDIX. Cor. radiated. Fruit awVd. Pe- tals end-nick'd. Florets of the difk often male. odoraia. i. S. feeds furrowM angled. • odorous^ Pe6len. 2. S. feed with longeft beak. Comb. CerefoUum. 3. S. feeds glofly egg-awl'd, umbels feflile lateral. Anthr'ifcm. 4. S. feeds egg'd hifpid, corols uniform, ftem polifh'd. Chervil, aujlralis. 5. S. feeds awl'd hifpid, flowers radiated, items pojifh'd. fouthern. nodofa, 6. S. feeds fubcylindric hifpid, flem hifptd : joints fwelled. knotty, iricofperma. ^. S. feeds moft fhaggy with hairs twice as long as the feed. hair -feed, infejla. S. exterior feed hifpid, umbellets moft crouded he* mi fpherical. iroublefome. grandlfiora, 7. S. feeds Ihorter than the villous peduncle. great- Jlowcr^d. frocumhens, 8. S. feeds glofly egg-awl'd, leaves decompound, pro- ci^mbent. F f J58. CHAE 226. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Chaerophylliim. 358. CHAEROPHYLLUM. In^jolucre reflected, concave. Petals inflex-hearted. Fruit oblong, polilli'd. CherviL fylveftrt. I. C. ftem polilh'd ftriated, joints fomevvhat tumid. wild, hulhofum. 2. C. ftem pollfti'd tumid at the joints, (baggy at the bafe. bulbous, temulum. 3. C. ftem rugged : joints tumid. drunken, hirfutum. 5. C. ftem equal : leaflets gafti'd acute, fruit two-avrn'd. aromatkum. 6. C. ftem equal, leaflets faw'd intire, fruit two-avvn'd. aromatic, color atum. 8. C. ftem equal, leaves fuperdecompound, involucels colour'd. colour d. auremn. 4. C. ftem equal, leaflets gafti'd, feeds coloured fur-' row'd awnlefs. golden, arbor efcens. 7. C. ftirubby. arbor efcent. 359. IMPEPvATORIA. Fruit roundifh, com- prefs'd, gibbous in the middle, girt with a margin. Petals inflex-margin'd. Majier-wort, Ojlruthtum. 1. Imperatoria. 360. SESELI. Umbels globular. Involucre with one or two leaflets. Fruit egg'd, ftri- ated. Pimp7Kt:U' I. S. ftem declined, mature umbels nodding Pi?npi- Qides. nella-like, r/Mtayiuvi. 2. S. petioles branch-bearing membranous oblon^intire, ftem-ieaves narroweft. mountain. ^iaucum. 3. S. petiobs branch-bearing membranous oblong intire : leaflet:, fmgle and two'd channel'd polifli'd longer than the petiole. fea-green, anniium. 4. S. petioles branchy membranous bellied end-nick'd. ^«i^;:^4^-^::,,\£;«f^,..,, annuah Ammoides. 5. S. radical leaves with imbricated leafleta. Ammi-like. tortuojum, 7. S. ft;^m high rigid, leaflets linear fafcicied. tivijting. Turhith, 8. S. uiiiver al involucre one-leaved, ^feeds ftriated vil- lous ftyled. 9. S, PENTANDRIA. DIGVNIA. SefeJi. 227, Hippomara- 9. S. involuccls conjoin- one-leaved. Horfe -fennel. thru?n. pyrenau?n. 10. S. leaves double-feather'd : leaflets gafh'd acute, involucels briftly, longer than the umbellet. pyrenean. faxifragiim.il. S. ftem thread-form divaricated, leaves thrice~three*d linear, umbels moftly fix -cleft. faxfrage, clatu?n. 12. S. {^tcn elongated with callous knots, leaves twice feather'd ; feathers linear dillant. lofty, 361. THAPSIA. Fruit oblong, girt with a mem- brane. villofa. I. T. leaflets too.h'd villous coadjoin'd at the bafe. villous* fcetida. 2. T. leaflets many-cleft narrow'd at the bafe. fetid, Afclepium. 3. T. leaves finger'd . leaflets twice-feather'd brifl:le- many-cleft. garganica. 5. T. leaves feather'd: leaflets many-cleft: divifidns lanced. garganic, irifoUata. 4. T. leaves three'd egg'd. thre^-leaved. 362. PASTINAC/^ . Fruit elliptic, flat-comprefs*d. Petals involute, intire. Parfnep, lucida. 3. P. leaves fimple hearted lobed luci.d acutely notch'd. lucid. fativa. I. P. leaves Amply wing'd. ctdtivated, Opoponax, 2. P. leaves feather'd, leaflets gafn'd at the anterior bafe. 363. SMYRNIUM. Fruit oblong, flriated. Petals pointed, keel'd. Alexanders, perfoliatum. i. S. fl:em-leaves fimple (lem-clafping. flem-pier^ed, agyptiacum, 2. S, floral leaves twofold fimple hearted mofl: intire, egyptian, Olufatrum. 3. S. ftem-Ieaves three'd petioled faw'd. aureuin. 4. S. leaves feather'd faw'd : the poilerior ones three'd : all the florets feffile. golden, integcrri- 5. S. ftem-Ieaves tlirice-threed moft ii^ire, mofl intire, inum* ^ F f 2 "^64. AN- 228. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Anihemum. 364. ANTHEMUM. Fruit fomewhat egg*d, com- prefs'd, ftriated. Petals involute intire. grnveolens. I. A. fruit comprefs'd. Jirong-fcented, fegeiuiii, A. ftem-leaves three, fruit ovaL corn, Fisnuiiium. 2. A. fruit egg'd. Fennel. 365. CARUM. Fruit egg-oblong, ftriated. In- volucre one-leaved. Petals keel'd, in- flex-end-nick'd. Carui, j, Carum, GaruL 366. PIMPINELLA. Fruit egg-oblong. Petals inflected. Stigma iubglobular. Saxifraga. i. P. leaves feather'd ; radical leaflets roundifli j upper ones linear. Saxifrage, magna, P. leaflets all lobed : with the third lobe unequal. great. glauca. 2. P. leaves fuperdecompounded, ftem angled moft branchy. fea-green. peregrina. 3. P. radical leaves feather'd notch'd : the upper ones wedge-form gafh'd, the mature umbels nod- ding, foreign. Anifum. 4. P. radical leaves three-cleft gafh'd Anife. dichotoma. 5. P. peduncles leaf-oppofed, leaves flower-bearing thrice-cleft, petioles wing-membraned. two- forFd. diotca. P. dwarf, umbels mofl: numerous compound and fimple, fwo-houfe. 367. APIUM. Fruit egg'd, ftriated. Involucre I -leaved. Petals equal. Petrofelinum.i. A. ftem-leaves linear, involucels minute. Parfely, graveolens. 2. A. flem- leaves wedge-form. Jirong-fcented* 368. iEGOPODIUM. Fr2^/> egg-oblong, ftriated. Podagraria, i. IS. upper ftem-leaves three'd. Gout-weed. 1375. MELO- PENTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. MelodinUS. 229 1375. MELODINUS. contorted. Berry a-cell'd many-feeded. Throat of the Carol crown'd. S. fcandens. Melodinus. 5. - climbing, 1376. RUSSELIA. Calyx five-leaved. Petals five above. Capfule one-cell'd many-feed- ed. S. capenfis, Russelia. S, cape^ 1377. COPROSMA. Hermaphrodite: Calyx ^vt^ parted. Carol five or feven-cleft. aS'/<2- mens five to feven. Styles tv\^o, long. Berry tvvo-feeded. Seeds two, flattiih.. lucida, C. peduncles compound. S. lucid, fcetidijfima. C. flowers folitary. S, mojl fetid, 1378. CUSSONIA. Petals five three-corner'd. Margin of the Receptacle dilated into a five-tooth'd calyx. S* thyrfijiora, C. leaves finger'd . leaflets feflile wedge-form lop^d three- tooth'd, flowers racemed. 5. thyrfe- flowered. Jpicata. C. leaves finger'd : leaflets petioled fpatuled : the ligule three or five-handed fharply faw'd ; flowers fpiked. iS. [piked. THREE 230. FIVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. RhuS. THREE FEMALES. fTrigynia,) 369. RHUS. CaL 5-parted. Petals 5. Berry one-feeded. Sumach. Corlaria, i. R. leaves featherM obtufifhly faw'd oval villous under- neath. Tahners. iyphinum, 2. R. leaves feather'd fnarply favi'M lanced dovi'ny un- derneath, javankum. 3. R. leaves feather'd egg'd pointed faw'd' dovi^ny under- neath. Java. glahrnm. 4. R. leaves feather'd faw'd lanced, naked on both fides. pnooth. vernix, 5 R. leaves feather'd moil intire annual opake, petiole intire equal. verniflj. Juccedaneum. R. leaves feath^^r'd moft intire perennial lucid : petiole intire equal. fuccedaneous, CoppaUinum.6. R. leaves feather'd moil: intire, petiole membrana- ceous jointed. CopaL Metop'ium, 7. R. leaves feather'd fived moft intire roundiih fmooth* radicans. 8. R. leaves three'd : leaflets petioled egg'd naked moft , intire, ftem rooting. rooting, Toxicoden- 9. R. leaves three'd : leaflets petioled angled pubefcent, dron, ftem rooting. Caviima, le. R. leaves three'd : leaflets petioled egg'd downy under- neath, moft remotely faw'd. Cohbe. 12. R. leaves three'd : leaflets egg'd pointed faw'd, pe- duncles downy. tofnentcfwn.il. R. Icayes threeM : leaflets fubpetioled with angled rhombs, downy underneath. downy, angu/iifo' 13. R. leaves three'd ; leaflets petioled linear-lanced moft liufu. intire, downy underneath. narrow-leaved, LEvigatum. 16. R. leaves three'd; leaflets feflile lanced polifli'd. polijh'd. Cotinus. 15. R.. leaves ftmple fomewhat-egg'd. villofum. R. ftem pubefcent, leaves three'd ; leaflets fcfllle egg'd intire pubefcent-villous. S. villous. incifum, R. leaves three'd ; leaflets feflile wedge-form gafti- feather-cleft downy underneath veiny, calyxes downy. 6'. gcijh'd. PENTANDRIA. TRIGVNIA. RhuS. 231 cunei folium. R. leaves three'd ; leaflets felTile fmooth feven tooth'd wedgeform moft teeth daggered. 8. vj edge -leaved* pauclflorufn. R. leaves feather'd ; leaflets alternate decurrent v/edge-form law'd at the poiat, panicle feflile fevv-flou'er'd. S. few-fowerd. leaves three'd ; leaflets lance-awl'd elongated moft fmooth on each fide. S. lance. climbing, leaves threeM : leaflets moft intire fmooth. S, tendril-leaved. climbing, leaves three'd ; leaflets, hoary faw^'d • the faw-teeth from three to five. S. three- toothed, digitatum, R. climbing, leaves feather'd intire moft fmooth. lancewm. cirrhifollum, tridentatu?n. R. R. R. leaflets oblong moft fingered. 370. VIBURNUM. Cal. 5-parted, above. Cor. 5-cleft. Berry i-feeded. Tinus. I. V. leaves moft intire egg'd ; ramificatians of the veins on the under fide villous-glandular. nudu?n. 2. V. leaves moft intire lance-egg'd. naked, primlfolium. 3. V. leaves roundifti notch-faw'd fmooth. plum-leaved, dentatum. 4. V. leaves egg'd tooth-faw'd plaited. toothed. Lantana. 5. V. leaves hearted faw'd vein'd dovi^ny underneath. acerifolium, 6. V. leaves lobed, petioles polifh'd. maple -leaved. Opulus. 7. V. leaves lobed, petioles glandular. Lentago. 8. V. leaves egg'd flightly faw'd pointed fmooth, petioles raargin'd waved. CaJfiKoides, 9. V. leaves egg'd notch'd fmooth, petioles keel'd gland- lefs. Caffine-hke. Tinoldes. V. leaves elliptic fmooth moft intire, branches and cymes columnar fhaggy. S. Tijius-Iike. fcandem. V. {hrubby, climbing, leaves oblong faw'd, cymes terminal .• with rags terminating in a very large flower. climbing. 'yji. CASSINE. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5. Bacca 3-feeded. capenfis. C. leaves petiokd faw'd egg'd obtufe, branchlets fowr iidfs. cape. 232. fiVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Caffine. , Peragua, i. C. leaves petioled faw'd elliptic fharpifh branchlets two-edged. harha. C. leaves fefTile faw-tooth'd heart-oblong, branchlets quadrangular. Maurocema. 2. C. leaves fefTile moft intire fomewhat-egg'd leathery. Capenfti. C. branchlets four-fided, leaves petioled egg-oblong retufe notched. S. cape, 372. SAMBUCUS. Cal, 5-parted. Cor. 5-cleft Berry 3-feeded. Elder, Ebulus, I. S. cymes thret-parted, ftipules leafy, ftem her- baceous. Elder, canadenfis, 2. S. cymes five-parted, leaves almoft five-feather'd, ftem fhrub-growing. canada, nigra, 3. S. cymes five-parted, ftem tree-like. black. racemofa, 5. S. racemes compound egg'd, ftem tree-like, branch, 373. SPATHELIA.* Cal, 5-leaved. Petals 5. Cap/, 3-feeded, 3-ceird. Seed fo- litary. fmplex, Spathelia. ji^pi,^ 374. STAPHYLEA.^ Cal 5-parted. Petals 5. Capfules inflated coadjoin'd. Seeds 2, globular with a fear. Bladder-nut. pinnata, i. S. leaves feather'd. feather'' d. trijolia, 2. S. leaves three-fold. three-leaved, 375. TAMARIX. ^ Cal. 5-parted. Pet&ls 5. Capf. 3-ceird 3-valved. aS^^^ pappous. gallica. I. T. flowers five-male. french. germankay 2. T, flowers ten-male. gertnan. 1299. XYLO- PENTANDKiA. TRidYNiA. Xylophylla. 233. 1299. XYLOPHYLLA. Cal. 5-.parted, coloured. Cor, o. Stigma torn. Capf. 3-ceird* ^ Seeds double. Ungifolta, X. leaves linear^ branches four-corner'd. long-leaved, lutifolia, X. leaves lanced, branches columnar, hroad-kaved, 376. TURNERA. Cal 5>cleft, funnel-form, the exterior one a-leaved. Petals 5, in- ferted on the Calyx^ Stigma many- cleft. Cap/, i-ceird, 3-valved. ulmifolia* I. TT. flowers fefTile petioled, leaves two-glanded at the bafe. elm-leaved, Pumilea. 2. T. flowers feflile petioled, leaves glandlefs. fidoides. 4. T, peduncles axillary two-briftled^ leaves egg- wedged favi^ed. fida-l'ikem cijloldes* 3, T. peduncles axillary leaflefs, leaves fawed at top< ciftus^liket 377. TELEPHIUM. Cah 5-leaved. Petals 5, inferted on the receptacle. Cap/, i- ceird, 3 valved. Orpine* imperaft. I. T. leaves alternate. Lnptratui's* W^iudxl* oppofttifoUa, 2. T. leaves oppofite. oppoftte-Uaved, 378. CORRIGIOLA. Cal. 5-leavcd. Petals 54 Seed I, three-fided. Utoralis, 1. Corrigiola. Jirandn 379. PHARNACEUM. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Cap/. 3-ceird, many-feeded. Cerviana. i. P. peduncles fubumberd lateral, equalling the linear leaves. Mullug(f. 3. P. peduncles one flov»rer'd lateral, flowers the length of the leaveSj flem depreffed. Go; P. 234- FIVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Phamaceum. deprejfum, P. peduncles one flower'd lateral, leaves lanced pu- befcent. deprejpd, incanum, 2. P. common peduncles longeft, leaves linear. hoary, dijVichum, P. racemes tvi^o-parted winding, leaves fublinear pu- befcent. tWQ-rank\i. cordifolium, /^, P. racemes two-parted terminal, leaves inverfe-heart- ed, heart- leaved, Uneare* P. umbels unequal, leaves linear, oppofitions re- mote. S. linear. ghmeratum, P. flowers glomcrated, ftem winding, leaves linear. S. glome rated. quadrangU' P. fhrubbyifh, leaves linear four-faced imbricated. lore, S. quadrangular, microphyl' P. downy, peduncles umbel'd, leaves egg'd colum- lum* narifh obtufe interwoven with wool. S, fjnall- leaved, dichotomum* P. peduncles axillary elongated two-fork*d, leaves verticird linear. S, two-fork: d, silbens, P. common peduncles moft long, leaves linear ex- ftipuled. S, white incanum, P. common peduncles moft long, leaves linear, ftipules hairy. S, hoary. ferpyllifolium, P. peduncles one flower'd, leaves cgg'd. thyfne- leaved, 380. ALSINE. CaL 5-leaved. Petals 5, equal. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved. Chickweed, media*. l* A. petals two-parted, leaves egg-hearted. middle, fegetalis. 2. A. petals intire, leaves fomewhat awl'd. corn, mucronata, 3. A. petals intire fhort, leaves briftly, calyxes awl'd. daggered, 381. DRYPIS. C^/. 5.tooth^d. Petals s^ Cap/. circumcifed, i-feeded. fpinofa, I. DRYP13. thorny. 382. BASELLA. PENTANDRIA, TRIGYNIA. Bafella. 23^. 382. BASELLA. CaL o. Cor, 7-cleft : with the two oppofite divifions broader, at laft berried. Seed i, rubra. i. B. leaves flat, peduncles fimple. red, alba, 2, B. leaves w^aved egg'd, peduncles fimple longer than the leaf. white, lucida. 3. B. fomewhat hearted, peduncles crowded branchy. lucid, 383. SAROTHRA. CaL 5>parted. Cor. 5-pe- taFd. Cap/, i-ceU'd, 3-valved, co- lour'd. Gentianoides.i, Sarothra. Gentian -like, 1279. SEMECARPUS. Cor, 5-petard. Drupe celletted, i-feeded. S, Anacardium, Semecarpus. FOUR FEMALES. fTetragynia,J 384. PARNASSIA. CaL 5-parted. Petals ' 5. NeBaries 5, hearted, fringed with glo- bular tops. C^^^y^ 4-valved. Grafs of Varnaffiis, paluftris, Parnassia. marjh, 385. EVOLVULUS. CaL 5-leaved. Cor, ^- cleft, wheel'd. Capf, 3-ceird. Seeds folitary. .nummula- i. E» leaves roundifh, fie m creeping, flowers fubfefTiIe. "fi^s, 7noney. G g 2 2. E. 2^6. FIVE MALES. FOUR FEMALES. EvoIvuluS. gangeticus, 2. E- leaves hearted obtufe daggered villous petiolcd, flem diffufe, peduncles one-flower'd. gangetic, dfmoides, 3. E. leaves inverfe-hearced obtufe hairy petioled, i>em diiTufe, peduncles three-flo\ver*d. alpne-like. linifolius, 4, E. leaves lanced villous felTile ered, peduncles three- flower'd long. fax-leavedy irideniatus, 5. E. leaves linear-u^edge-form three-fpik'd tooih'd at the dilated bafe, peduncles one-flower'd. three- tooth'd. emarginaius. E. leaves kidney-form fcollopM. 5. end-nick' d. FIVE FEMALES, (Fenfagynia) 286. ARALIA. Involucre to the umbellet CaL 5-tooth'd, above. Qor. five-petal'd. Berry 5-feeded. arborea. f . A. arborefcentj leaves fimple, rays of the univerfal umbel one-glanded. tree, fplnofa. 2. A. arborefcent, ftem and leaves prittkly. tho^^ny, chinenfis, 3.. A. ftem and petioles prickly, leaflets unarm'd villous. china, racemofa. 3. A. ftem leafy herbaceous petioled. racemed. nudicaulis, 4. A. fterp nakedifti, leaves two-fold three'd. naked^ Jiem, 338. STATJCE. CaL one-leaved, intire, plaited, parch'd. Petals 5. Seed i, above. Thrift. Armeria, i. S. fcape fimple headed, leav.es linear. Limonium, 2. S. fcape panicled columnar, leaves polifhM nervelefs, daggerM underneath. incana, 14. S. fcape panicled, leaves lanced three-nerv'd, fome- what waved dagger'd at top, branches of the panicle three- fided. hoary, cor data, 3, S. fcape panicled, leaves fpatuled retufc. hearted, 5. s. PENTANDRIA. PENTA6yNIA. StatlCC. 237. fcape panicled proftrate, branches barren retroflex naked, leaves wedge-form awnlefs. notted, ■fcape panicled columnar jointed, leaves rugged. echium-like, fcape two-fork*d two-edg'd, leaves egg*d dagger'd, flowers aggregate. fpecious^ fcape two-fork'd, leaves lanced dagger'd, flowers alternate, difl^ant. tartartan, fcape panicled, leaves awl'd dagger'd. Hedge-hog. fcape branchy, corymbes terminal, leaves nerved. winding, ftem fomewhat leafy, leaves egg- wedged three- nerved dagger'd. purple, , ftem fhrubbyifli leafy, leaves crowded wedged rugged av/nlels, fcapes few-flower'd. ?ninute, ftem fhrubby : naked branchy upwards, heads (c(' file, leaves lanced fheathing. Jhriihhyifn, ftem ihrubby leafy, flowers folitary, leaves lanced ftieathing. one petaled, ftem fhrubby leafy branchy, leaves awl'd. golden. ftem Ihrubby branchy, branchlets imbricated, chaffs terminated with an hair at top. ferulaceous, , ftem winding branchy branny. fr^fiy* ftem herbaceous, radical leaves alternately feather- fnmous : ftem ones three-fold three-fided awl'd decurrent. finuous. ftem curled, leaves elliptic intire, fpikes one- rank'd. S. daggered, leaves finuou>-, ftem columnar leaflefs. 5. Lohed, ftem ftirubby proftrate, flowers panicled one-rank'd, linear. Jiax-leaved, 389. LINUM. Cal 5-leaved. Petals 5. Capf, 5-valved, lo-ceird. Seed folitary. Flax, * TVith \caves alternate. ufttatijjimum.i, L. calyxes and capfules dagger'd, petals notch'd, leaves lanced alternate, ftem fubf^litary, moji ufe- ful. perenne* 2. L. calyxes and capfules obtufe, leaves alternate lanced moft intire. perennial, vifcofum, 3. L. leaves lanced hairy five-nerved. vifcous, 4. L. reticulata. 5- S. echioides. 4- s. fpeciofa. 6. s. iartarica. 7- s. Echinus. Jiexnofa. 8. 9- s. s. purpurata. 16. s. mintda. 15- s. fuffruticoja. 10. s. monopetala. IE. s. aurea. feruiacea. 13- 12. s. s. pruinofa. fmuata. 17- 14. s. jnucronata. • s. lobata. linifolia. s. s. 23S. FIVE mal.es, five females. Linum. hirfutum. 4. L. calyxes fhaggy pointed feiTile alternate :. branch- leaves oppofite. Jh^^gy* narhonenfe, 5. \j, calyxes pointed, leaves lanced . fcatter'd upright Hem columndr, branchv at the bafe. narbovr.e, tenuifoUum. 6. L, calyxes pointed, leaves fcatter'd linear-briftied rug- ged backwards. jlcndcr -leaved. gallicum, 15. L. calyxes avi^l'd acute, leaves linear -lanced alternate, peduncles of the panicle tvyo-flower'd, flowers iubfeffile. french. manttmum. 14. L. calyxes egg'd acute awnlefs, leaves lanced : the inferiour ones oppofite. fea, clpiyium. 22. L. calyxes rounded obtufe, leaves- linear acutifh, ftems declined. alpine. aujiriacum. 7. L. calyxes rounded obtufe, leaves linear acute ftraightifh. aujlrian. virginianum.%. L. calyxes acute alternate, capfules awnlefs, panicle thread-form, leaves alternate lanced : the radi- cal ones egg'd. vtrginian. Jlavum, g. L. calyxes fine-faw-rugged lanced fubfeffile, panicle with branches two-fork'd. yellow. Jiridum. 10. L. calyxes awl'd, leaves lanced upright dagger'd : rugged in the margin. upright. fuffrutlcofa.ll. L. leaves linear acute rugged, ftems fhrubbyifh. Jhrubbyijh, arboreum. 12. L. leaves wedge-form, ftems arborefcent. tree. campannla- 13. L. the bafe of the leaves pointed glanded on both fides. ium. beWd, * * IFlth leaves oppofite. cfricanum. 16. L. leaves oppofite linear lanced, flowers terminal ped uncled. african, nadifloriim, 17. L. leaves fljwer-bearing oppofite lanced, flowers al- ternate feflile, calyxes the length of the leaves. knott-Jiowered, catharticmn.iS. L. leaves oppofite egg-lanced, ftem two-fork'd, co- rols acute. cathartic, Radiola, 19. L. leaves oppofite, ftem two-fork'd, flowers four-male four-temale. quadrifoli- 20. L. leaves four-fold. four -leaved. tan. verticilla' 21. L. leaves verticil'd. verticiTd. turn. 390. AL- PENTANDRiA. PENTAGYNiA. Aldrovanda. 239. 390. ALDROVANDA. Cal. 5-deft. Petals 5. Cap/\ 5-valved, i-cell'd, lo-feeded, vejiculofa, I. Aldrovanda. bladder^ d. .391. DROSERA. C^/. 5-clcft. Petals^, Capf. i-ceird: 5-valyed at top. Seeds wcvy numerous. Sun-dew. rotundifolia. i. D. fcapes radicated, leaves orbicular. round-leaved, longifolia. 2. D. fcapes radicated, leaves oval -oblong, long-leaved, capaifis. 4. D. fcapes radicated, leaves lanced rugged underneath. cape, •Ivfitanica, 3. D. fcapes radicated, leaves awl'd convex underneath, flov/ers ten-male. portuzaL cijltflora. 5. D. ftems fimple Itafy, leaves lanced. cljlus-fiovser d, indica. 6. D. ftem branchy leafy, leaves linear. Indian, acaidis. D. radical flower fcapelefs folitary, leaves oblong. S, J}emlefs, cuniefolla. D. fcapes radicated, leaves wedge-rounded. wedge- leaved. 1340. GISEKIA. Cal, 5-leaved. Cor. o. Capf. approximated, roundifh, i-feeded. pharnacioi- Gisekia. pharnaceum-like. des. 392. CRASSULA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Scales 5 nedlar-bearing, at the bafe of the germ. Capf. 5, * Shrub-groivlng. coccinea. I. C. leaves egg'd flat griftle-fringed conjoln-lheathing at the bafe. fcarlet. cymofa, C. leaves linear griftle-fringed fheathing, flem fhrub- by, cyme terminal. cymed. Jlava, ig. C. leaves flat conjoin-leaf-pierced polilh*d, flowers corymbe-panicled. yellow. 20. C. 240. FIVE MALES. FIVE FEMALES. Craflula. prmnofa, 20. C. leaves awl'd froft-rugged, flowers corymbed, ftem (hrubby. fr^fy' fahra. 11. C. leaves oppofite expanding conjoined rugged fringed, ftem rugged backwards. rugged. perfoUata* 2. C leaves lance-awl'd fellile conjoin'd channerd : convex underneath. leaf-pierced, frutiofa, 20. C. leaves oppofite awl'd acute expanding fubrecurvate, ftem fhrubby. Jhruhhy, tetragona. 4. C. leaves awl'd fubincurved obfcurely four-corner'd expanding, ftem ere6l arborefcent rooting, four- cornered. obvdlata. 21. C. leaves oppofite fublanced knive'd approximated. fortified, cultrata. g. C. leaves oppofite jfhrubby eggM moft intire fomewhat knive'd oblique : the pairs conjoined remote. knive^d. dichotoma. C. leaves conjoin'd column-av/l'd intire remote, ftem fhrubby ere6^ branchy, corymbe compound. ^. tivo-fork* d. pinnata. C. leaves feather'd, ftem arborefcent. S. feather'* d. * * Herbaceous. fpinofa. C. ftem moft fimple, leaves dagger'd, flowers feflilc lateral. thorny. ceniauroides. 5. C. ftem herbaceous crofs-armM, leaves hearted, feflile peduncles one-flower'd. centaury-like . dichotoma, 6. C. ftem herbaceous two-fork'd, leaves egg-lanced, pe- duncles one-ftower*d. two-fork' d. glomeraia. 21. C. ftem herbaceous two-fork'd rugged, leaves lanced, the ultimate flowers fafcicled. glomcrated. Jhigofa* n. C. ftem herbaceous ere(Sl: two-fork'd, leaves inverfe- ego;'d lance-prickled, peduncles one-flower'd. lance-prickled. mufcofa. 8. C. ftem herbaceous proftrate, leaves oppofite egg'd gibbous imbricated, flowers feflile folitary. moffy^ ciliata, 10. C. leaves oppofite oval flattifli diftin6l fringed, co- rymbcs terminal. fringed. punifata, 14. C. leaves oppofite cgg'd dotted fringed : the inferiour ones long. dotted. (ubulata. 3. C. leaves awl'd columnar expanding, ftem herbaceous. awVd. alternifolia. 12. C. leaves faw-tooth'd flat alternate, ftem moft fimple, flowers pendulous. alternate-leaved, l8e C PENTANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. Craflula 24I. ruhens* 18. C, leaves fp-hdle-form fubdeprefs'd, cyme four- cleft leafy, flowers feffile, ftamens reflex, blujhing, verticillata, C. ftem herbaceous, leaves expanding, flowers verti- cild awn'd. verticird, nudicaulis. 13. C. leaves awl'd radical, ftem naked. naked-Jiem, orbicularis. 15. C. I'arments proliferous leafy at the ends, leaves moft expanding imbricated. orbicular » pellucida. 16. C. iiem flaccid creeping, leaves oppofite. pellucid, harbata, C. leaves conjoin'd jointed bearded hemifpherical im- bricated, ftem roundifh, flowers verticil'd. S, bearded, dichotoma, C. leaves conjoined column-awl'd entire remote, ftem flirubby erre6t branchy, corymbe compound, two-fork'' d, argentea, C. leaves conjoin'd egg'd intire filvery, ftem cover'd, corymbe fuperdecompound. S. filver, vejlita, C. leaves conjoin'd delta-like obtufe, ftem cover'd, flowers terminal headed. S. cloath^d. corallina, C. leaves conjoin'd delta-like obtufe, ftem cover'd, flowers umbell'd. 5. coralline, retroflexa, C. leaves conjoin'd oblong remote flat, ftem fimple, cyme compound, pedicels retrofradled. S. retro- flexed, deltoidea, C. leaves conjoin'd delta-like expanded pointed, ftem cover'd, flowe;s corymbed. S, delta-like, cordata, C. leaves petioled hearted, ftem leafy, flowers termi- nal folitary peduncled. S. hearted, montana, C. leaves conjoin'd egg'd acute fringed, ftem naked- ifli, flowers aggregate. S. mountain. mollis, C. leaves conjoin'd column-three-fided fmooth foft, ftem fimple ere6l, corymbed three-fork'd or a- bove compound. 5. foft, crenulata, C. leaves conjoin'd lanced dot-notchletted, ftem leafy, corymbe decompound. S. notchletted, alpejiris, C. leaves conjoin'd egg'd acute four-ways imbricated, heads peduncled, ftem leafy. S. alpine. fyramidalis. C. leaves conjoin'd egg'd obtufe four-ways incum- bent, heads feflile. S. pyramidal, fptcata. C. leaves conjoin'd linear - awl'd, fcape nakedlfli, fpike verticil'd : the inferiour verticils more re- mote. S. [piked, iurriia, C. leaves conjoin'd four-ways imbricated egg-oblong acute fringed. S. tower' d. rupeflris. C. leaves conjoin'd egg'd intire fmooth, corymbe fu- perdecompound. S- rock, H h C, 242. FIVE MALES. FIVE FEMALES. Craffula. thyrjlflora, C. leaves leaf-pierced egg d fringed expanded, co- rymbe compound attenuated. S. ihyrfe-Jlow- er\i, capltella, C. leaves conjoin'd oblong griftle-fringed expanded, heads verticil'd. S. headletted. puhefcens, C. leaves conjoin'd egg'd acute villous, ftem bran- chy, flowers corymbed. S' pubefcent. cephalophora* C. leaves conjoin'd linear-oblong obtufe intire, lateral heads peduncled. S. head-bearing, iomentofa, C. villous-rugged, leaves conjoin'd lanc©d villous fringed, ftem nakedifh terminated by a verti- cil'd fpike. S. downy, Cotykdonis, C. leaves conjoin'd oblong downy fringed, ftem nakedifh, flowers corymbed aggregate. S, Co- tyledo}!. te£la, C. leaves conjoin'd egg'd obtufe afh-foldletted, fcape naked, head terminal. 5. covered, perforata, C. leaves oppofite-leaf-pierced egg'd, ftem fnnple, flowers peduncle-fubverticil'd. S. perforated, columnaris, C. ftem an inch long, leaves round imbricated, fa- fcicle roundifti terminal. S, columnar, pinnata, C. leaves feather'd ftem arborefcent. feathered. 1255. MAHERNIA. CaL 5-tooth'd. Petals^, Nectaries 5, inverfe - hearted, placed under the filaments. Capf. 5-ceird. vertlctllata. I. M. leaves verticil'd linear. pinnata, 2. M. leaves three -part-feathercleft. verticil'd, feathered. 393 in- SIBBALDIA. CaL lo-cleft. Peta/s 5, ferted on the calyx. Styles from the fide of the Germ. SeeJs 5. procumbitis, I. S. leaflets three-tooth'd. procumbent, ereHa, 2. S. leaflets linear many-cleft. ere^, Aitaica, S. leaves three-pik'd, flowers fmgular. S, 1380. COM- PENTANDRiA. PENTAGYNiA. Commerfonia. 2430 1380. COMMERSONIA. CaL i -leaved, corol- bearing. Petals 5. Nediaries 5-parted. Caff. 5-ccird hedgehog'd. aS. echlnata. Commersonia. hedge-hogd. MANY FEMALES. (Polygynia.) 394, - MYOSURUS. Cell 5-leaved, growing to the bafe. NcBaries 5, awl'd, petal- form. Seeds numerous. minimus. Myosurus. minute/i. d L jl O b* FI h I CLASS VI. SIX MALES (Hexandria.) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynta. J * Flowers calycled furnijh" d with calyx and coroL 1384 DuROiA. Cor. i-petal'd. Cal. above, cylindi'Icj lop'd. Fame hifpid, 5. 395 Bromelia. Cor. 3-parLed. Cal. 3-parted, above. Berry. 397 TiLLANDSiA. Cor. 3-petard. Cal. 3- parted, beneath. Seeds pappus*d, 397 BuRMANNiA. Cor. 3-petard. Cal. I -leaved, beneath, threefide-wing'd, colour'd. 398. Tradescantia, Cor. ^-petalM. Cal. 3-leaved, beneath, Fila'/nents bearded. Cor. 3-petard. Cal. 3-leaved, beneath. Capf. berried, one-feeded. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. i-leaved, beneath. Capf, i-ccll'd, many-feeded. Cor, 6-parted. Cal, margin above. Berry i-feeded. Cor. 6-cleft. Cal. fix-leaved, above. Fruit 2-ceird, many-feeded. Cor, 6-cleft. C^/. 6-cleft, above. Seeds '^^ naked. Cor, 6-petard. Cal. 6-leaved, beneath. Berry 2-feeded. 423 Leontice, 440 Bursera. 445 Frankenia. 443 Loranthus. 444 Hillia. 439 Ricardia. 442 Berber IS. _. HEXANDRIA. 245' 423 Leontice. Cor. 6-petarcI. CaL 6-Icaved, beneath. Berry inflated. 441 Prinos. Cor, 6-cleft. CaL 6-cleft, beneath. Berry 6-feeded. 1-201 Canarina. Cor, 6-cleft. CaL 6-leaved, above. Ca^. 6-ceird. 438 AcHRAS. Cor. i2-cleft. CaL 6-leaved, beneath. Berry i2-feeded, * Portlandia fix-male. Some Lythra. Fumaria Cucullaria, * * Flowers fpathed or glumed. 400 Haemanthus. Cor. above, 6-parted. Involucre 6-leaved, greatefl:. 402 Leucojum, Cor. above, 6-petard, bellM. Stamens equal. 401 Galanthus, Cor. above, 6-petard : the 3 inferior petals fhorter, end-nick'd. 403 Narcissus. Cor. above, 6-petard. NeSlary bell'd, oji the outfide of the flamens. 404 Pancratium. Cor. above, 6-petard. Ne6iary bell'd, ter- minated by the ftamens, 406 Amaryllis. Cor. above, 6-petard, bell'd. Stamens un- equal. 405 Crinum. Cor. above, 6-cleft, tubular at the bafe. Stamens diftant. 399 PoNTEDERiA. Cov. abovc, 6-clefr, grinning, 407 BuLBOcoDiuM. Cor. beneath, 6-pt:tard : with claws moft long ftam en-bear ins:. 1300 TuLBAGiA. Cor. beneath, 6-petard: with three inferior. NeStary cyiindric, petal-bearing on the outfide. 409 Allium. Cor. beneath, 6-peta]'d. Petals egg'd feffile. 438 Aphyllanthes. Cor. beneath, 6-petard. Spathes halved, glumed. ' 431 Hypoxis. Cor. above, 6-petard. Spathes glumed, 1383 Ehrharta. Cor, Glume double. Net^ary two membra- nets. S. * * * Flowers naked. 432 Alstroemeria. Cor. above, 6-petal'd with 2 tubular claws. 433 Hemerocallis. Cor. beneath, 6-parted. Stamens declining. 431 Agave. 246. S I X 431 Agave. Cor. 430 A1.0E. Cor. 428 Al^ETRlS. 426 POLIANTHES. 425 CoNVALLARIA. 427 Hyacinthus. Cor. Cor. Cor. Cor. M E 421 AspHODELus. Cor. 422 Anthericum. Coy. 418 ORNirHOGALUM.Cbr 429 SciLLA. 420 CYANEiLA. C" J256 Dracj^na 424 Asparagus. 413 Gloriosa. 414 Lrythronium. U 412 Uvularia. Cor. 411 Fritillaria. Cor. 410 LlLIUM. Cor, 415 42Q 416 TULIPA* Yucca. Albuca. Cor. Cor. Cor. 1 38 1 Massonia. Cor 590 Gethyllis. 1382 Phormium. 435 Orontium. 434. Acortjs. 436 CaLAxMUS. Cor Cor above, 6-cleft, with an erefl border, fhorter than the Filaments, beneath, 6-cleft. Filaments inferted on the receptacle, beneath, 6-cleft, wrinkled, beneath, 6-cleft : with a curved tube, beneath, 6-cleft. Berries 3-reeded. beneath, 6-cleft. Three honey-bear- ing pores at the top of the Gerjn, beneath, 6-parted : with 6 ftarnen- bearing valvelets of the nedtary. beneath, 5-petard, fiat. . benpath, 6-p'"tal'd. The alternate Fi~ laments d.lated at the bafe. bti ath, o-petal'd, deciduous. Fila- •,.c-Kis thread -form, bs^ieath, G-p'^tal'd : the exterior petals hr^n;- :.n2: forward. '^ n^ach, 6-petaPd. Berry 4~fecded. ne itn, b-petal'd. Berry 6-feeded. neath, b-petal'd, reflected, tail'd. 3Lnea h, b-petal'd, rcfleiled with two pet ds callou.'s at the bafe. benearh, b-petal'd, with a ne£lar-bear- mw hole sit the baf^ : ere6l. , beneath, 6-pet.d'd, with a ne6lar- b^^aring hole at the bafe ; eggM. beneach, b-petal'd . the petals channel- tubular at the bafe. , beneath, b-petal'd, bell'd. Style none. . beneath, b-petaFd, expanding. Style o. . beneath, 6-petal'd. Sta?nens 3, barren. Stigma girt with three pikes, b-petal'd, inferted on the nedlary. Nec^ tary beneath. S. above, b-parted. Cal. o. Berry. S, b-petal'd : the three exterior petals fliorter. 6\ * Flowers incomplete Spadix many-flower'd. FclUcle one-feeded. Spadix many-flower'd. Capf. 3-celPd. Cal. b-leaved. Pericarp imbricated back- wards, i-feedtd. 437. JUNCUS- H A N D R A- 247. 437 JUNCUS. 446 Peplis. Cal. 6-leaved. Cap/, i-cell'd. Cel. i2-cleft. Capf a-ceilM. TWO FEMALES. (Digynta,) j^^() Atraphaxis. 448 Oryza. 1385 Falkia. 1380 Ghania. Cal. 2-leaved. Cor. 2-petard. Seed I, com- prefs'd. Glume i-flower'd. Cor. with 2 Glumes. Seed I, oblong. Cal. 1 -leaved. Cor. i-petaFd. Seeds 4. S, Stamens 6. Stigma two-fork'd. S. THREE FEMALES. fTrigynia, J * Flowers beneath. 45y CoLCHicuM. 454 Melanthium. 455 Medeola. 458 Helonias. 456 Trillium. 453 Triglochin. 451 RUMEX. 452 SCHEUCHZERIA * Flowers 450 Flagellaria. Cal. fpathe. Cor. 6-petal-lIke. Cal. o. Cor. 6-petard : the petals ftamen- bearing. Cal. 0. Cbr. 6-peta1'd. 5^rry 3-grain'd. Cal. o. Cor. 6-petal'd. Capf. 3-cell'd. Cal. 3-ieaved. Cor, 3-petard. Berry 3- cell'd. CaL 3-leaved. Cor. 3-petard. Capf gap- ing at the bafe. Cal. 3-leaved. Cor. 3-petaPd. Seed I, 3- fided. . CaL 6-leaved. Cor. 0. Pericarp i-feeded, above. CaL 6-leaved. Cor, o. Pericarp i-feeded. FOUR 24?* SIX MALES. FOUR FEMALES. fTetragynia.J 459 PetivERIA. CaL 4-leaved. Cor, O. Seed i, with hook'd awns. MANY FEMALES. (Polygynia.) 460 Alisma. Cal, 3-leaved. Cor, 3-petard. Pericarps numerous. ONE HEXANDRiA, MONOGYNiA. Bromella. 249, ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia,) 395. BROMELIA. Cj/. 3 -cleft, above. Petals y. with a nedar-baring Scale at the bafe of the Petal. Berry 3-ceird. Ananas. I. B. leaves fringe-thorn'd dagger'd, fpike tufted. Pinguin, 2. B.' leaves fringe-thorn'd dagger'd, raceme terminal. Karatas, 3. B. leaves erect, flowers ftemlefs ieffile aggregate. lingulata. 4. B. leaves faw-thorn'd obtufe, fpikes alternate. ^5?2^w^^. jmdicaulis. 5. B. radical leaves tooth-thorn'd 3 ftem leaves moft in- tire. naked-Jlern, humilis, 6. B. nearly ftemlefs, flov^ers aggregate felTile, axils ftole-bearing. humble, Acanga, 7. B. panicle difFufe, leaves fringe-thorn'd dagger'd re- curved. 396. TILLANDSIA. Cal 3-cleft, permanent. Cor. 3-cleft, belFd. CapJ\ i-cell'd. Seed pappus'd. utr'iculata, I . ferrata, 2. lingulata. 3. tenuifolia, 4. paniculata. 5. polyjlachya. 6. monojiachya. 7. recurvata. 8. ufneoides. 9. T. culm panicled. lladder'd, T. leaves faw-thorn'd above, fpike tufted. faw'd, T. leaves lance-tongued moft intire bellied at the bafe. tongued, T. leaves thread-form moft intire, fpike fimple loole. (lender -leavedi T. radical leaves moft fhort, ftem nakedifh, branches fubdivided afcending. panicled. T. culm with fpikes intricated lateral. jnany-fpiked. T. leaves linear channel'd reclin'd, column limple imbricated, fpike fimple. one-fplked, T. leaves awlM rugged reclin'd, cukns one -flowered, glume two-flWer'd. recurvaU, T. thread-farm branchy writhed rugged, ufnea-like. I I BUR- 250, SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. Burmannia. 397. BURMANNIA. CaL prifmatic, colourM, 3- cleft : with membranous angles. Pe- tals 3. Cap/. 3-ceird, ftraight. Seeds minute. difticha. I. B. fpike double. two-rank' d* hijiora, 2. B. flower double. two-fowerd, 398. TRADESCANTIA. Cal. 3-leaved. Petals 3. F;y<»OTd'«^j with jointed hairs. Capf. 3-ceird. virginka. I. T. ere6l polifh'd, flowers colIe(5ted. vtrgiman, malabarica, 2. T. ere6l polifh'd, peduncles folitary longefl. malahar* nervofa, T. fcape one-flower'd, nerved, geriiculata, 3. T. procumbent-fhaggy. knotted, axillaris, T. ftem branchy, flowers feflile lateral. axillary, cri/iata. 4. T. creeping polilh'd, fpathes two-leaved imbricated. cre/ied, papillonacea, 5. T. creeping polifhM, fpathes three-leaved imbricated papilionaceous, fpe r er'd. S. . ^gg^' H. leaves iinear-fword-form villous, with ftigma fim* pie three-corner'd acute. S. villous* H. leaves columnar fmooth, fcapes moftly two-cleft, petals fpotlefs. S, w/jite. 418. ORNITHOGALUM. Cor, 6-petard, ered:, permanent, expanding above the mid- dle. Alternate Fi/aments dilated at the bafe. * J/l the Jiamens awPd. unifiorum, O. fcape two-leaved, peduncle one-flower'd. one-, flower d, luteum. I. O. fcape angular two4eaved, peduncles umbel'd lim- ple. yellow, minimum, 2. O. fcape angled two-leaved, peduncles umbel'd bran- chy. Jmallefl. K k 7' 3- C>. 26o. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. Omithogalum. pyrenakum, 3, O. raceme moll long, filaments lanced, peduncles flower-bearing expanding equal ; the fruit-bear- ing ones approximated to the-Tcape. pyrcnean. narbonenfe. 4. O. raceme oblong, filaments lanced membranous, pe- duncles with expanding flowers. narbonne, latifolium, 6. O. raceme moft long, leaves lance-fword-form. broad-leaved, comofum. 5. O. raceme moft fhort, bra(5les lanced of the lengtii of the flowers, petals obtufe, filaments awl'd. tufted, pyramidale, 7. O. raceme conic, flowers numerous afcending. pyra- m'ldaL ^ * Alternate Jlamem end-nick'' d, arahicum. 8. O. flowers corymbed, peduncles lower than the fcape, filaments fomevv'hat end-nick'd. arablan, umbellatum. g. O. flowers corymbed, peduncles taller than the fcape, filaments dilated at the bafe. umbel' d, nutans, lo- flowers one-rank'd joendulous, llamen-ne6lary bell- form, nodding, capenfe, 11, O. leaves heart-egg'd. cape. From the Supplement. crenulatum, O. leaves oblong obtufe fringed, flowers racemed erecSl. 5. notchletted. rupejlre, O, leaves thread - form flefhy, fcape few-flower'd. 5. rock. clUatum. O. leaves egg*d acute fringed, flowers racemed. S. fringed, altijfimum, O. leaves oblong obtufe fmooth, raceme four feet. S, talleji. pilofum. O. leaves linear-fword-form fringed, flowers racem- ed, peduncles incurved. S. hairy, circinatum* O. white-becoming with fliaggy hair, leaves linear recurved channel'd : radical leaf folitary ; ftem- leaves three, item three or four-flower'd. S, rounded, hulbiferum* O. bulbs axillary, flem many-leavM one-flower'd, S. bulb-bearing. 419. SCILLA. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Scilla. 261. 419. SCILLA. Cor. 6-petal'd, expanding, deci- duous. Filaments thread-form. Squill. maritma. i. S. flower-naked, bracles refradted. fea. Lilio-hyacin-i. S. root Italy. Lily-hyacinth, rhus. italica. 3. S. raceme conic oblong. Italian. peruviana. 4. S. corymbe crouded conic. peruvian. arncena. 5. S. flowers lateral alternate fomewhat nodding, fcape angled. ^ pleafant. bifclia. 6. S. flowers erc£lifh fewer. two-jiower* d. lujiianica, 9. S. raceme oblong conic, petals lined. portugaL hyaiinthoi- 10. S. raceme mofl: long, with flowers fhorter than the dcs. colour'd peduncle. hyacinth-like. autumnalis. 7. S. leaves thread-rorm linear, flowers corymbed, pe- duncles naked afcendins; of the len2;th of the flowers. autiminal, unifoUa. 8. S. leaf columnarifh fubfpiked on the fide. one- leaved. tetraphylla. S. fliemlefs, flowers fafcicled, leaves fourfold egg- ianced. 8, four-leaved, hyaclnthoides. S. raceme mofl long, flowers fubverticil'd, peduncles expanding. S. hyacinth-like. 420. CYANELLA. Cor. 6-petard ; with the 3 inferiour petals hanging forward. capenfis. \, C. leaves waved, branches mofl: expanding. cape, lutea. C- leaves fword-form, branches erect. iS. yellow, alba. C. leaves linear-thread-form. S, white. 421. ASPHODELUS. Cor. 6-parted. Ne^ary from the fix valvelets covering the Germ. luteus. I. A. fl:em leafy, leaves three-flded fl:riated. yellow, ramofus. 3. A. ftem naked, leaves fword-form keel'd polifli'd. branchy, fijiulofiis* 2, A. ftem naked, leaves upright awl'd ftriated fome- what piped. piped. 422. AN- 262. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. Antherlcum. 422. ANTHERICUM. Cor. 6-petal'd, expand- ing. Cap/, egg'd. * Phalangium with leaves channeled. Filaments oftner fniooth, JerGtlnum, i. A. leaves flattifti, fcape one-flower'd. late, gracum, 2. A. leaves flat, fcape fimple, flowers corymbed, fila- ments woolly. greek, plamfoHum, A. leaves flat, fcape and filaments woolly. Jlat-leaved. revoiuium, 3. A. leaves three-corner'd rugged, fcape branchy, corols revolute. revoiuie. ramofum, 4. A. leaves flat, fcape branchy, corols flat, piflil fl:raight. branchy. Liliago. 5. A. leaves flat, fcape mofl: fimple, corols flat, piftil declined. LtUaJ}ru?n. 6. A. leaves flat, fcape very fimple, corols bell'd, fl:a- mens declined. fpirale. A. fcape fpiral. fpiral, * * Bulbine with leaves Jlejhy. Filaments bearded, frtitejcens, 7. A. leaves flefliy columnar, fl:em fhrubby. Jhrubby, aloQides, 8. A. leaves fleftiy awl'd flattiih. aloe-ilke, Jfphodel- 9. A. leaves flefhy awl'd femicolumnar upright. Afpho- oides. del'ltke. annuwn, 10. A. leaves flefhy awl'd columnarifh, fcape fubra- cemed. anual, hijpldum, II. A. leaves flefhy comprefs'd hifpid. hijpid. * * * Narthecium w//// leaves jw or d- form, ojjlfragum, 8. leaves fword-form, filaments woolly. hone-breaker, calyculatum, 9. A. leaves fword-form, perianths three-lobed, fila- ments fmooth, flowers three-female. calycled. From the Supplement. A. leaves awl'd fmooth, winding flem branchy, leaf^ S. bent, A. leaves flefhy comprefs'd murex'd flriated. S. murex'd, A. leaves flefhy broad-fword-form fmooth, raceme mofl long, flem fimple. S, broad-leaved, A. leaves channel -fword-form, fcape fimple, raceme oblong. S, cat tail, A. leaves thread- form three-fided fhorter than the fimple fcape, raceme egg'd. S, three-fided, A, Jlexl folium, murlcatum, latlfoliufu, Cauda jells, irlquetrum. HEXANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Anthcricum. 263. ciliatum, A. leaves fword-form flefliy-rather-three-fided fringed, fcape fimple, raceme m^ ft long. S. fringed, falcatum, A. leaves fleftiy fword-form fickled fmooth, ftem branchy racemed. iS. fickled, contorted, A. leaves flat'fword-form, ftem branchy, flowers moft remote. contorted, fcabruju, A. leaves three-fided fine-faw'd, ftem branchy rugged, peduncles fruit-bearing recurved. rugged, fquameum. A. fcape imbricated vs^ith membranous tumid fcales. ■'* jcaly^ 423. LEONTICE. Cor, 6-petard. Neaary 6- leaved fitting upon the claws of the corol, expanding on the border. Cal, 6- leaved deciduous Chryfogonum.i, L. leaves feather'd : with a common ftmple petiole. Leoniopeta- 2. L. leaves decompound : with a common petiole three- lum, cleft. Thali^roides.-^. L. ftem-leaf three-times thrice-three'd, floral -leaf thrice-three'd. Thalictrum-like, Leontoteial- 4. L. leaves fimple three-part-many-cleft, corol one- olclcs. petal'd calycled. Leontopetalum-hke, 424. ASPARAGUS. Cor. 6-parted, ered : the 3 interiour petals refledled at top. Berry 3-ceird, 2-feeded. cffcinalis, I. A. ftem herbaceous columnar ereft, leaves briftly, ftipules in pairs. officinal. aecUnatu^, I. A. ftem unarmM columnar, branches declined, leaves briftly. ' declined, falcatus. 3. A. prickles folitary reverfed, branches columnar,. leaves fword-form ftckled. fickled, retrofraaus. 4. A. prickles folitary, branches columnar reflected and retrofradted, leaves briftly fafcicled. rctrofracled. cethiopicus. II. A. prickles folitary reverfed, branches angled, leaves linear. ethiopian. afiaticus, 5. A. prickles folitary, ftem erea, branches thread-form, leaves fafcicled briftly. afi^i^^- nlbiis, 6. A. prickles folitary, branches angled winding, leaves fafcicled three-fided awnlefs deciduous, -ivhite. 7. A. 264. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. AfparagUS. acutlfoUus. 7. A. ftem unarmM angled flirubby, leaves needle- form, ftiffifli perennial daggered equal, acute- horridus. aphyllm, capenjis. leaved. A. leaflefs fhrubby five-corner'd,prickles four-co ner'd comprefs'd ftriated. S. horrid, 8. A. ftem unarmed angled fhrubby, leaves awl'd ftriated unequal diverging. leaficfs, 9. A. thorns fourfold, branches aggregate columnar r . A T ^^^^^s briftly ; farmento- lO. A. leaves fohtary hnear-lanced, ftem windino-, prL '"'■ ^^^^ recurved. Jarmentous, verticiird. fus. verticillata.il, A. leaves verticill'd, 1256. Draco, ferrea DRACAENA. Cor, 6-parted, ered. Fi- laments, fomewhat thicker in the mid- dle. Berry 3-ceird, i-feeded. 1. D. arborefcent, leaves fomewhat flefhy thorny at top. 2. D. arborefcent, leaves lanced acute. iron terminahs, 3. D. herbaceous ftem-growing leaves lanced, terminal enjijolia. 4. D. herbaceous fomewhat ftem-growing, leaves fword- ' TV -mi ^*^^"^* ^ [word-leaved, gramim/oha, S' D. herbaceous ftemlefs, leaves linear, grafs-leaved undulata. D. herbaceous ftem-growing ereft, leaves eg/r'd acute many-nerved, flowers axillary peduncfed. 5. Di , . . . waved. . herbaceous twming, leaves egg'd nerved. S, 7^ , , -, Medeola-Uke. D. herbaceous ftem-growing ereA, leaves lanced awl'd {^Ut. S. ^^^^ D. flirub-becoming ftem-growing erecl,' leaves lanced obliquely ficlcled ftriated, ftem winding. 6'. 1^ 1 T . . , ftriated, L^. herbaceous twmmg, leaves lanced. S. twining. Medeoloides ere5la, Jiriata, 'volubilis, 425. CONVALLARIA. Cor. 6-cIeft. Berry fpot- ted, 3-ceird. ^ ^ majalis. * Lily of the Valley T. with coroh helVd. I. C. fcape naked. hog, * * Solomon^ J HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNiA. Convallaria. 265, * * Solomon's Seal T. with Cor oh funnel -form, vertkillata, 2. C. leaves verticil'd. '"''^'flf Polygonatum,v C. alternate leaves ftem-clafping, ftem two-edged, • ^ peduncles axillary moftly one-flower d. Solomon s Seal. mult i flora, 4. C. alternate leaves ftem-clafping, ftem columnar, pe- duncles axillary many-flower'd. many-Jiower d. * * * Smilaces T. lukh Carols ivheeVd. racemofa 5. C. leaves feflile, raceme terminal compound, racemed. fieVata 6. C leaves ftem-clafping very numermous. Jtar, trifolia, 7. C. leaves ftem-clafping three-fold, raceme termmal fimple. three-leaved, bifolia 8. C' leaves hearted, flowers four-male. two-leaved, iaponka, C. fcape naked two-edged flowers /^^^"^^^ on^- •^ ^ rank'd, leaves hnear three times longer than the fcape. S, J^t^""^ 426. POLIANTHES. Cor, funnel-form, incurved, equal. Filaments infer ted in the throat of the corol. Germ in the bottom of the corol. iuberofa, i. Polianthes. ruherofe. HYACINTHUS. Cor, bell'd: 3 honey- ^ bearing pores at the Germ. Hyacinth. nonfcrlptus. i. H. corols bell'd fix-parted revohite at top. n^tde^^^ cernuus 2. H. corols bell'd fix-parted, raceme bowing, bowing, erotinm 7. H. the exteriour petals fubdiftincl, the mtenour ones ^ coadjoined. ^ ^,^ , ^^^^ mrldh A. H. the exteriour divifions of the corols awl d longett. •viiuiii. ^ green ^ .nuthyjlinus.s. H. corols bell'd half-fix-cleft: cylindHc at^^h^^bafe. .rientaUs. 6. H. corols funnel-form half-fix-cleft : bellied at the bafe. oriemai, comofus. H. corols funnel-form corymbed ereft, fcape ftiorter •' than the leaves. ^ M^^'^' romanuu H. corols bell'd half-fix- cleft racemed, ^^niens mem- branous. ^'^^J^- 266. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. HyaciiltllUS. Mufcarl, 7. H. corois egg'd . all equal. monjirofus. 8. H. corois fomewhat egg'd. monjrom, comofus. 9. H. corois angular-cylindric : the higeft barren pedi- cel'd longer. ^ hu/by, hoiryoides, 10. H. corois globular uniform, leaves channel-cylindric upright. botrytis-like. racemojus. ii. H. corois egg'd : the higheft feiTile, leaves loole, ra- orchloides, 12. H. corois fix-parted : the three exterior petals fhorter! ianatus, 13. H. corois woolly, ftem branchy. woolly, Lmvallari^ H. corois pendulous egg'd, fcape capillary. 5. Ow^ ^^, -. vaUarla-like, revolutus. H. corois fix-parted bell'd revolutc, leaves oblong waved. S, revolutt 428. ALETRIS. Cor. funnel-form wrinkled. Sta- mens inlerted on the bafe of the divi- fions. Cap/. 3-ctll'd. capenfis. 2. A. ftemlefs, leaves lanced waved, fpike egg'd, flowers nodding. . hyacinthides.:^. A. ftemlefs, leaves lanced flefhy, flowers doubkd.' pagrans. 4. A. ftem-growing, leaves lanced loofe. fragrant, Uvana, A. ftemlels, leaves fword-form channeled keel'd. 429. YUCCA. Cor. bell-expanding, %/t' none. Cap/, 3-ccird. Gloriofa. I. Y. leaves moft intire. araconis, 3. y . leaves notch'd noddino-. 1^ , //_/. 4. Y. leaves faw-thread-beanng. ^^^l 430. ALOE. Cor. ered, with mouth expanded, bottom nedar-bearing. Filaments in- lerted on the receptacle. perfoliata. i. A. flowers with peduncles bowing corymbed fubcylin- "^^^^^ leaf-pierced. 2. A. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. AloC. varlegaia. difticha, fpiralis, retufa. vijcoja. fumila, fpicata. linguaformis. dichotoma. 267. 2. A. flowers racemed bowing fubcylindric, mouth ex- panded equal. variegated. 3» A. flowers peduncled pendulous, egg-cylindric curved. two-rank'd, 4. A. flowers fplked eggM murex'd notch'd : the interi- our fegements converging. fpi?'aL 5. A. flowers fpiked three-fided two-lip'd : the inferiour lip revolute. retufc, 6. A. flowers fpiked funnel-form two-lip'd : with five divifions revolute : the higheft ere6V. vifcous, 7. A. flowers fpiked two-lip'd : the fuperiour lip more ere6t j the inferiour one recurvate, dwarf. A. flowers fpiked horizontal beli'd, ftem-leaves flat ftem-clafping tooth*d. S. fpiked. A. flowers racemed ereit, corols cylindric, leaves tongue-form two-rank-expanded. t07igue-fGrm. A. branchy, branches two-fcrk'd, leaves fword- form faw'd. tivo-fork^d. 431. AGAVE. Cor, ere6l, above. Filaments Xoxi" ger than the corol, eredt. americana. i. A. leaves tooth-thorn'd, fcape branchy. amerkan, vivipara, 2. A. leaves tooth'd, ftamens equalling the corol. vivi- parous» virginica. 3. A. leaves tooth-thorn'd, fcape moft fim pie. Virginian, foetida. 4. A. leaves moft intire. fetid* 432. ALSTROEMERIA. Cor. 6-petard, nearly two-lip'd : with the two inferiour tu- bular at the bale. Stamens declining. pelegina. Ligta. Salfilla. pidchella. I. 2. A. ftem ere6t. Italian. A. fl:em afcending. (ere(5l, leaves fpatule-oblong, pe- duncles of the umbel longer than the involucre, corol two-lip'd. «S. ) A. ftem twining, (leaves petioled lanced pointed, um- bel branchy, peduncles longer than the involu- cre, bradtes loofe. B. ) A. ftem eredl:, corols reflex - expanding all acute, leaves feflile, pedicels fhorter than the involu- cre. S. pretty. L 1 2 A . 268. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. Alftroemeria. mult'iflora. A. ftem twining, leaves petioled lanced pointed, um- bel fimple, peduncles ihorter than the bra6les, alternate petals lop'd. S, many -flow er'* d, 433. HEMEROCALLIS. Cor, bell'd : the tube cylindric. Stamens declining. Jlava. , I. H. corols yellow. yellow. fulva, 2. H. corols tawny. tawny, 434. ACORUS. Spadix cylindric, cover'd with florets. Cor, 6-petard, naked. Style none. Cap/, 3-ceird, Calamus, i, Acorus. 435. ORONTIUM. Spadix cylindric, cover'd with florets. Cor. 6-petard, naked. Style none. Follicles i-feeded. aquaticum, I. Orqntium. aquatic, 436. CALAMUS. Cal. 6-leaved. Cor, o. jB^r- ry very dry, i-feeded, imbricated back- wards. Rotang, I. Calamus. 437. lUNCUS. Cal, 6-leaved. Cor. o. Cap/. irceU'd. Rujh. * With culms naked, acutus, I. I. culm nakedifli columnar daggerM, panicle termi- nal involucre two-leaved, thorny. acute, conglomera- 2. I. culm naked upright, head lateral. conglomerated, tus. ^ff^P* 3' !• culm naked upright : with a lateral panicle, ^ffufe, infexus. 4. I. culm naked: the top membranous incurved, pa- nicle lateral. infected, 5. 1. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. lunCUS. 269, filtformh% 5. I. culm naked thread-form nodding, panicle lateral. thread-form, trifidus. 6. I. culm naked with'three terminal leaves and flowers. three-cleft, fquarrofus, 7. I. culm naked, leaves briftly, heads glomerated leaflefs. ragged. pun£iorius. I. culm naked columnar, leaf columnar jointed dagger'd, panicle glomerated. S, dotted, * * With culms leafy: nodofus. 9. I. leaves knot-jointed, petals dagger'd. ariiculatus. 8. I. leaves knot-jointed, petals obtufe. hulhofus. knotted, jointed, 10. I. leaves linear channel'dj capful es obtufe. bulbous, 11. I. culm two-fork'd, leaves angled, flowers folitary feflile. toad. 12. I. leaves briftly rather deprefied, peduncles double terminal, glumes folitary moftly one-flower'd. poifonom, ig. I. leaf awl'd, head moftly four-flower*d terminal. fa/^uin's. 13. I. leaf awl'd, glume two-flower'd terminal, two- glumed. 14. I, leaves flat, glume three-flower'd terminal, ihree- glumed. 15. I. leaves flat hairy^ corymbe branchy. hairy. 16. I. leaves flat rather hairy, corymbes fhorter than the leaf, flowers fafcicled. fnow, campe/iris. 17. I. leaves flat rather hairy, fpikes feflfile and peduncled. field, 18. I. leaves flat, fpike racemed nodding. fpiked, I. annual, culm branchy panicled, flowers folitary feflile, petals egg-oblong, capfule fubglobu- lar. S. I. leaves fword-form flat faw'd hoary underneath, Iheaths of the panicle awl'd leaf-pierced. S, favud, grandifloriis. I. leaf columnar, culm one-flower'd, flower erect frnguhr naked. S. gr eat -flow er'd. bufonius. jlygius, Jaquini. higlumis. triglumis, pilofus. niveus. fpicatus. Tenagcia, ferratus. 39. RI- 270. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. Richardia. 439. RICHARDIA. CaL 6-parted. Cor. i -pe- tard, fubcylindric. Seeds. 3. fcahra. \. Richardia. , rugged 438. ACHRAS. CaL 6-leaved. Cor. egg'd, 6^ cleft : with juft fo many alternate in- teriour fcales. Po??ie lo-ceU'd. Seeds folitary, with a marginal hile and claw'd top. mammofa. i. A. flowers folitary, leaves v/edge-form-lanced. nip- pled. Sapota. 2. A. flowers folitary, leaves lance-eggM. falicifoUa. 3. A. flowers crowded, leaves lance-egg*d. 7viIloiu~ leaved. diffeoia. A. flowers folitary, leaves wedge-form end-nick-re- tu(e. S. differed. 441. PRINOS. CaL 6-cleft. Cor. i-petal'd, wheel'd. Berry 6-ieeded. vertidllatus* I. P. leaves longitudinally faw'd. veriicird. glaber. 2. P. leaves faw'd at top. Jmo'- . 440. BURSERA. CaL 3-leaved. Cor. 3-petard. Cap/, flefhy, 3-valved, i-feeded. gummifera. i. Bursera. gum-hearing. 442. BERBERIS. CaL 6-leaved. Fetah 6 : with two glands at the claws. Style o. Berry two-feeded. vulgaris. I. B. peduncles racemed. common, cretka. 2. B. peduncles one-flower'd. cretan. lUcifolia. B. leaves inverfe-egg'd, faw-thorn'd, pedicels elongate cymed, thorns finger-thorny. Ilex-leaved, 1302. CA- HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. LoranthuS. 27I. 1302. CAPURA. Germ above. CaL o. Cor, 6- cleft. Stamens within the tube. Stig- ma globular. Berry. purpurata, Capura. purple, 443. LORANTHUS. Germ beneath. CaL o. Cor, 6-cleft, revolute. Stamens at the tops of the petals. Berry r- feeded. Scurrula. i. L. peduncles one-flov/er'd colle£led. uniflorus, 6. L. racemes mofl: fimple. one-flower' d. europisus. y. L. racemes fimple terminal, flowers two-houfe, euro- pean, americanus. 2. L. racemes rather branchy equal, leaves egg'd. ame- r'lcan. occidentalis. 3. L. racemes fimple, flowers irregular. occidental, loniceroides, 4. L. flowers aggregate-headed. lonicera-like, Stelis, 5, L. racemes three-fork'd, peduncles three-corner'd, flov/ers equal. pentandrus. 8. L. racemes fimple, flowers five-cleft, alternate leaves petioled. Jive- male, fpicatus. 9. L. fpikes quadrangular. fpiked. tetrapetalus. L. flov/ers at four joints verticil'd four-petal'd, leaves oblong oppofite fubfeilile. S. four-petal'd. falcatus. L. racemes few-flower'd axillary, leaves linear obtufe laterally fickled Tea-green. 5. ftckled. 444. HILLIA. CaL 6-leaved. Cor, 6-cleft, ve- ry long. Berry beneath, a-cell'd, ma- ny-feeded. farafitica, i. Hillia. - parafitk. 1301. CANARINA. CaL 6-leav'd. Cor, 6-cleft, beird. Stigma 6. Capf, beneath, 6- ceird, many-ieeded, campanula, Canarina, belL 445. FRAN- 272. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. Frankcnia. 445. FRANKENIA. CaL 5-cIeft, funnel-form. Petals 5. Stigma 6-parted. Cap/, i- cell'd, 3-valved. l<:evh, 1. F. leaves linear crouded fringed at the bafe. poUjhed, hirfuta, 2. F. ftems fhaggy, flowers fafcicled terminal. Jhaggy* pulverulenta.i. F. leaves inverfe-eggM retufe dufty underneath. duj}y. 446. PEPLIS. Perianth bell'd : with mouth 12- cleft. Petals 6, inferted on the calyx. Capf, 2-ceird. Portula, I. P. flowers petallefs. ietrandra, 2. P. flowers four-male one-petal'd. four-male. 1 38 1. MASSONIA. NeBary beneath. Cor. 6- petal'd, inferted on the NecSary. S. latifolia. an guji'i folia, echinata. Mv leaves orbicular fmooth. S. M. leaves lance-oblong fmooth. ^. M. leaves egg*d murex'd hairy. 5. hroad-leav* d.. narrow-leav'd. hedge-hogd. 590. GETHYLLIS. Cor. above, 6-parted. Cal. o. Berry club*d, radical i-celFd. S. villoma. G. leaves thread-form fpiral villous, divifions of the border egg-oblong. 5". villous^ ciliaris. G. leaves linear fpiral fringed, the divifions of the bor- der egg-oblong. S. fringed, fpirctlis. G. leaves linear fpiral fmooth, the divifions of the border oblong. S. fpiral, lanceolata, G. leaves lanced flat, the diviflons of the border lanced. S, lanced. 1382. PHOR- HEXANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Phormium. 273. I1382. PHORMIUM. Cor. 6-petard : the three exteriour petals fhorter. 5. enax. P. leaves very numerous, inflorefcence branchy. S. tenacious. Hyacinth- P. leaves radical tv^^ofoid fpotted at the bafe, fcape ra- oides, cemed fimple, corols bell-expanding. S. Hy- acinth-like. Aloides, P. leaves twofold radical brown-fpotted above, fcape racemed fimple, flowers nodding cylindric-fun- nel-form. S. Aloe-like, 1383. EHRHARTA. CaL glume 2-valved, ab- breviated, one-flower'd. Cor. Glu?ne double : each two-valved : the exteri- our one coniprefs'd, fcymitar - form, tranfverfly wrinkled, gafli'd at the bafe. Stamens fix, three on each fide the piftil, in a parallel line. Stigma fim- ple, comprefs'd, four-tufted, torn at top. S. Mnenmteia. i. Ehrharta. 1384. DUROIA. CaL above, cylindric, lop'd. Border 6 -parted. Filaments none. Pome hifpid. aS, Eriopila. X. DuROiA. Mm TWO 274* S^^ MALES. TWO FEMALES. Oryza. T W O F E M A L E S. fDigynia,J 448. ORYZi\. CaL glume 2-valved, i-flo\ver*d. Cor, 2-valved, fubequal, growing on the feed. Rice. fativa, I. Oryza. cultivated, 449. ATRAPHAXIS. Cal. 2-leaved. Petak 2, finuous. 5//^;^^j- headed. Seed i, fpinofa. I. A. branches thorny. thorny, undulata, 2. A. unarmM. waved, 1385. FALKIA. CaL one-leaved. Cor. one-pe- > tard. Seeds four. S. repens* Falkia. , creeping, 1386. GAHNIA. Stamens fix. Stigma two-iovk'd. S. procera. Ghania. ialL THREE FEMALES. CTrigynia,) 451. RUMEX. CaL 3-leaved. Petals 3, con- verging. Seed I, three-fided. Docli^ * Her?naphrodites : the valvelets tnark'd with a grainlet, Paiieniia, i. R. flowers hermaphrodite: the valvelets moft inti re : one grain-bearingj leaves egg-lanced. Patience, 2. R» HEXANDRIA. TRIGVNIA. RumeX. 275. Jangu'meus. 2. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets moft intire : one grain-bearing, leaves heart-lanced. bloody, verikillata. 4. R. flowers hcrmaphrodile - valvelets mod intire: all grain-bearing, leaves lanced : iheathes cylin- dric. verticiCd, Britannlca. 5. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets moft intire: all grain-bearing, leaves lanced : fheathes obfcure. Britijlu crijpiis, 3. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets intire grain-bear- ing, leaves lanced waved acute. curVd. ■perficariodes.%. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets tooth'd : all grain- bearing, leaves lanced. perficaria-like, agypiius. 7. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets three-cleft brid- led : one grain-bearing. csgyptian* dentatus, R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets tooth'd all grain- bearing, leaves lanced. toothed, marltimus, 9. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets tooth'd grain- bearing, leaves linear. . fea, divaricatus, 10. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets tooth'd grain- bearing, leaves heart-oblong obtufe pubelcent. divaricated. acutus. II. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets tooth'd grain- bearing, leaves heart-oblong pointed. acute. bhtuffoUus. 12. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets tooth'd grain- bearing, leaves heart-oblong ubtufifh flne- notch'd. chtufe-leaved^ pulcher. 6. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets tooth'd : moftly one grain-bearing, radical leaves violin-form, heautifuL NefHolapa- R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets linear obtufe thu?n. mod intire grain-bearing, verticils remote, branches expanding, inferiour leaves hearts lanced, fuperior ones lanced. S. * * Hermaphrodites : ivith vahclets dejiitiite of a grainlet or naked. lucephah- 13. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets naked, pedicels phorus, flat reflected thiclcen'd. ox -head. aquaticus. 14. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets moit intire nak- ed, leaves hearted fmootb acute, aquatic. ,LfUnaria. 15. R. flov/ers hermaphrodite: valvelets polifn'd, fliem ar- borefcent, leaves hearted. vef.carius. 16. R. flowers hermaphrodite doubled: valvelets all mofl: large membraneous reflected, leaves undivided. bladder, M m ^ 19. R.. 276. SIX MALES. THREE FEMALES. RumCX. rofeus, 19. R. flowers hermaphrodite diftinii: : the wtng of one valvelet moft large membranous netted, leaves gnaw'd, rofe, iingitanus. 17. R. flowers hermaphrodite difl;in6l : valvelets hearted obtufe mofl: intire, leaves halbert-egg'd. tan- giers. fcutatus, 18. R. flowers hermaphrodite, leaves heart-halberted, ftem columnar. Jkreld, digynus. 19. R, flowers aermaphroditt two-female. tu^o-fonale, Arifolius. R. fl:em polifli'd ibmewhat fhrub-growing leaves heart-halberted fine-faw'd acute, valvelets nuked mofl: inire. S. Arum-leaved, ^ % % lYkh flowers declined, alpinus. 22. R. flowers hermaphrodite barren and female : valvelets mofl: intire naked, leaves hearted obtufe wrink- led, alpine, fpinofus. 22. R. flovv-ers androgynous: feminine calyxes one-leaved: the exteriour v:ilvelcts reflex-hook'd. thorny, tuber ofus. 23. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves lance-arrow'd, branches expanding. tuberous^ midt'ifldus, 26. R. flowers two-houfc, leaves halberted with earlets halberted. many- deft* Acctofa. 24. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves oblong arrow'd. Sorrel. Acetcfella. 25. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves lance-halberted. aculeata, 27. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves lanced petioled, fruit re- flected : valves fringed. prickly. luxur'ians. 28. R. flowers - _ - leaves heart-halberted, ftem de- cumbent angled. luxuriant. bipinnatus. R. flowers tvv'o-houfe, leaves twice-featherM. S. twice^ feathered. \ luxurians. R, flov/ers two-houfe, leaves heart-halberted, ftems ang;led diff'ufe : the exteriour valvelets awl'd : the interiour ones orbicular. S. luxuriant. 450. FLAGELLARIA. Cal. 6-parted, Cor. o. ^ Berry i-feeded. indica. Flag ELL ARIA. indian. 452. SCHEUCH- HEXANDRiA. TRiGYNiA. Schcuchzerla. 277, 452. SCHEUCHZERIA. CaL 6-parted. Cor. o. Styles o. Cap/, 3, inflated, i-feeded. palujhis. I. ScHEUCHZERiA. marjh, 453. TRIGLOCHIN. C^/;3-leaved. Petals 3, calyx-form. Style none. Capf. gap- ing at the bafe. • palujire. i. T. capfules three-cell'd fubllnear. marjh, hulhofum. T. roots bulbous cover'd with fibres, bulbous, maritimum. 2. T. capfules fix-cell'd egg'd. fea, 454. MELANTHIUM. Cor. 6-petard. Fi/a-^ merits from the elongated claws of the corol. Wginicum. I. M. petals claw'd. mrglntan. fibiricum, 2. M. petals feilile. fiber tan, capenfe, 3. M. petals dotted, leaves cowl'd. cape, indicum, M. petals linear-lanced, leaves linear. S, Indian. viridt\ M. peduncles one-flower'd bowing. S. green, filiatum. M. petals claw'd, leaves cowl'd at the bafe fword- form griftle - fringed, flowers Ipilced. S. fringed, triquetru?n. M. leaves three-fided fmooth longer than the ftem^ flowers fpiked. S. three-ftded. monopetalum. M. corol one-petal'd, leaves cowl'd lanced. S, one- petard. 455. MEDEOLA. CaL o. Cor. 6-parted, re- volute. Berry 3-feeded. virgifiicmn. 2. M. leaves verticil'd, branches unarm'd. virginiafi' afparagoides,-^. M. leaves feather'd: leaflets alternate. afparagus- like. 456. TRIL- 278. SIX MALES. THREE FEMALES. Trillium. 456. TRILLIUM. CaL 3-leaved. Cor. 3-petard. Berry 3-ceircl. cernuum, I. T. flower peduncled bowing. ereBunu 2. T. flower peduncled ere6l. fejfile, 3. T. flower feidile ere6l. bowings fejjlle. 457. COLCHICUM. Spathe. Cor. 6~parted : with a radicated tube. Capjules 3, connec- ted, inflated. autumnaU, i. C. leaves flat lanced erecl. montanum, 2. C leaves linear moft expanding. variegatum. 3. C. leaves waved expanding. 458. HELONIAS. Cor, 6-petard. Capjules 3-ceird. bullata. I. H. leaves lanced nerved. afphodelQides.i. H. ftem-leaves briftly. tninuta, H. leaves linear, fcapes branchy. autumnal, mountain. vut legated. FOUR FEMALES. fTefragyiiia.J 459. PETIVERIA. CaL 4-leaved. Cor. p. Seed I : with reflected awns at top. alliaceai i. P. ftov^ers fix-male. otlandra. 2. P. flowers eight-male. gar lick. eight-male. MANY HEXANDRIA. ' POLYGYNIA. Alifma, 279, MANY FEMALES. fPolygynia.J 460. ALISMA. Cal. 3-leaved. Petals 3. Seeds numerous. Plantago. I. A. leaves egg'd acute, fruit obtufely three-corner'd. Plantain, fava. 2. A. leaves egg'd acute, peduncles umbel'd, fruit globular. yellow. Damafoni- 3. A. leaves heart-oblong, flovi^ers fix-female, capfules um, awlM. cordifolia, 4. A. leaves hearted obtufe, flowers twelve-male, fruit hook-dagger'd. heart-leaved, natans. 5. A. leaves egg'd obtufe, peduncles folitary. fwimming, ranuncul- t. A. leaves linear-lanced, fruit globe-ragged. ra- oides nunculus-Uke. fuhulata. 7. A. leaves awl'd. awl^d. parnaJftfoUa, A. leaves hearted acute, petioles jointed. parnajfia- leaved. CLASS CLASS VII. SEVEN MALES. (Heptandria.) ONE FEMALE. 461 Trientalis. DiSANDRA. 462 i^SCULUS. ( Monogyn'ia. ) Cah y-leaved. Cor, 7-parted, flat. Berry i-ceird, dry. Cal. nearly leven-parted. Cor, wheel'd nearly feven- parted Capf. 2-cell*d many- feeded. Cal, 5-tooth'd. Cor. 5-petal'd, unequal. Capf, 3-ceird, 2-feeded. ■* Gerania Jfricana. TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia, J 463 LiMEUM. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 5-petard, equal. CapJ, 2-ceird, many-feeded. FO UR HEPTANDRIA. 281. FOUR FEMALES. (Hetragynia.) 464 Saururus. CaL ament. Cor. none. 'Pijlils 4. Berries 4, many-feededi 1387 Aponogeton. Ament, Cor, none. Cap/, 3-feeded. Si SEVEN FEMALES. (Heptagynia.) 465 Sept AS. CaL 7-parted. Cor, 7 -petard. Germs 7. Capf, 7, many-feeded. N n ONE 282. SEVEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Trientalis. ONE FEMALE. (Mojiogynia,) 461. TRIENTALIS. Cal 7-leaved. Cor. 7- parted, equal, flat. Berry juicelefs. surdpea, i. T. leaves' lanced mofl intire. european. 1345, DISANDRA. CaL 7-leaved. Cor, 7-par- ted flat. Cap/. 2-ceird. S. pYoftrata. Disandra. pro fir ate, 462. iESCULUS. Cal. I -leaved, 5-tooth'd, bel- lied. Cor, 5-petard, unequally co- lour'd, inferted on the calyx. Capf. 3-ceird. HippO'Caf- J, JE. flowers feven male. Horfe-Chefnut, ianum. Pavia, 2. iE. flowers eight male. TWO FEMALES. (Digynia,) 464. LIMEUM. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, equal. Capf. globular, 2-ceird, africanum. L. leaves oblong petioled. 5. african, ophylium, L. leaves egg'd. S. leaflefs, i FOUR HEPTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. SaururUS. 283. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragyma.) 463. SAURURUS. CaL ament, with fcales, i-flow- er'd. Cor. o. Germs 4, Berries 4, many-feeded. cernuus, i, S. ftem leafy many-fplked. bowing,, natans, S, ftemlefs, fcape one fpiked, fwimming, J 387. APONOGETON. Atnent. Cor. none. Capfules three -feeded. S. mono ojiachyon, A. fpike fimple, leaves heart-oval. 5. one-fpiked, dijiachyon. A, fpike two-partible, leaves ellipfe-lanced, S. two^ fpiked, SEVEN FEMALES. (Heptagynia.) 465. SEPTAS. CaL 7-parted. ^P^/^Zr 7. Germs 7. Capjules 7, many-feeded. capenfis. Sept as. cape.. Nn2 C LA S S^ 4--$--$--$'4~$''^'l^4''^ pointed. ElengL I. M. leaves alternate remote. Kanki, 2- M. leaves crowded. .70 TAMBOLIFERA. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Cor. ^^^' 4-petard, funnel - form. Filaments flattifli. 5^/;§:/;2^ fimple. peduncidata, i. Jambolifera. piduncled. 472. MELLICOCCA. CaL 4-parted. Petals 4, ^ refleded beneath the calyx. Stigma rather targetted. Drw/^ leathery. iij,^,, X. MELLICOCCA. .«;.V.-i>^;rV. T^^r GUAREA. C^/. 4 -toothed. P^'/^/r 4. iVd'^^ry cylindric, bearing the Anthers in its mouth. Cap/. 4-ceird, 4-val- ved. Seeds folitary. irichlmdes, Uuarea. A JO AMYRIS. C^/. 4-tooth'd. P^/^/r 4» oblong, to;^/;^^ 4-cornef'd. B^rry druped. Elemlfera. 8. A. leaves thrceM and five-feather'd downy under. E.iemijt7u, u neath. Elemi -bearing. fyhatica, I. A. leaves three'd notchM acute wood, marhima, 2. A. leaves three'd notchletted obtufe. /^^. PLL>. 5. A. leaves three'd mod intire, peduncles ^^^-^-^---' ^ ^ flower'd. ^'^''''^' Opobalfa- 6. A. leaves featherM : leaflets fcffiie. Zfira. 3- A. leaves featherM : leaflets petloled flat, ^o^fin^^ O o 2 7- A' 292. EIGHT MALES, ONE FEMALE. AmyHs. Prot'mm, 7. A. leaves feather'd : with leaflets petioled waved. halfamifera. 5. A. leaves twice-pairM. halfam-h earing, amhrofiaca, A. leaves feather'd petioled, panicles crowded axil- lary. iS. amhroftaL j 470. XIMENIA. CaL 4-cleft. Petals 4, hairy, revolute. Drupe i-feeded. amerkana: i. X. leaves oblong peduncled many-flower'd. amer'i- can, inennis. 2. X. leaves egg'd, peduncles one-flower'd. unar?nd, 128. FUSCHIA. CaL none. Cor. 8-cIeft. Ber- ry beneath, 4-ceird, many-feeded. iriphylla. F. peduncles one-flower'd. ihree-leaved, multtjlora, F. peduncles many-flower'd. many-Jlowerd, excorticaia^ F. peduncles axillary one-flower'd, leaves egg'd alter- nate. S, harklefs, 1258. CHLORA. Cal. 8-Ieaved. Cor. i-petaVd, 8-cleft. Cap/, i-ceird, 2-valved, ma- ny-feeded. ■perfoUata. i. C. leaves leaf-pierced. l$af-pterced. quadifrifolla.T.* C. leaves four-fold. four-leavee^. \1-andra. 3. C. leaves ofjpofite. twelve-male, hnperfpliata . G. corpls fix-cleft. unleaf -pierced. 1303. pODONiEA. Cal. 4>leaved. Cor. o. Capf. 3-ceird, inflated. Seeds twofold. angujlifolia. D. leaves linear. S. narrow-leaved, vifcofa. D. leaves oblong. S, vifcous. 482. LAW- OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Lawfonia. 293 482. LAWSONIA. Cal 4-cleft. Petals 4. Sta- mens 4 pairs. Capf. 4-ceird, many- feeded. fpincfa^ 2. L. branches thorny. thorny. Acronychia, L. unarm'd, leaves long-petioled wedge-form. S, evening, iner?nis. L. unarm'd, leaves fubfelTiIe egg'd pointed at both ends. S, unarm'd, 481. MEMECYLON. Cal. above with bottom ftriated, margin moil intire. Cor. i- petal'd. Anthe7's inferted on the fide of the top of the filament. Berry crown'd with a cylindric calyx. capitellatum. M. leaves egg'd. headletted, 483. VACCINIUM. Cal above. Cor. i-petaFd. Filaments inferted on the receptacle. Berry 4-ceird, many-feeded. * Leaves annual or deciduous, Myrtillus, I. V. peduncles one-fiower'd, leaves faw'd egg'd decidu-^ ous, f}em angled. bilberry. Jlamineum, 2. V. peduncles folitary one-flower 'd, anthers longer than the corol, leaves oblong moft-intire. Jla- men, uUginofum, 3. V. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves moft intire inverfe- egg'd obtufe polifh'd. marjh. albu?n, 4. V. peduncles fmiple, leaves moft intire egg'd downy underneath. white. mucronatum, 5. V. peduncles moft fimple one-flower'd, leaves egg'd dagger'd fmooth moft intire. daggered. corymbofum. 6. V. flowers corymbed egg'd, leaves oblong pointed moft intire. corymbed. frondofufn. 7. V. racemes thread -form leafy, leaves oblong moft in- tire. ' leafy. llgudrlnum, 8. V. racemes naked, ftem fhrubby, leaves notchletted oblong. privet. 9- V. 294* EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. VaCCinium. ArBoJia^hy- 9. V. fiov/ers racemed, leaves notchletted egg'd acute, los» ftem arbor efcent. * * Leaves ever -green, Vitis idaea. 10. V. racemes terminal nodding, leaves inverfe-eggM revolute moft intire dotted undernearh, vine of Ida, Oxycoccos. II. V. leaves moft intire revolute egg'd, ftems creeping \ thread-form naked. era? berry, hljpldulufn. 12. V. leaves mo'l: intire revolute egg'd, flems creeping ' thread-form hiipid. hifptdijh, 484. ERICA. CaL 4-leaved. Cor, 4~-cleft. Ft- laments inferted on the receptacle. An- thers two-cleft. Capf, four - ceU'd. Heath, * Anthers awn^d^ leaves oppojite, vulgaris. i. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd fubequai, calyxes double, leaves oppofite arrovi^'d. ^ common, lutea, E. anthers av^^n'd, corols egg*d pointed, flowers coU levied, leaves oppofite linear, yellow, JVith Leaves threefold. halicacaha, 27. E. anthers awn'd, corols eggM inflated, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers folitary. regcrminans, E. anthers av/n'd, corols egg'd, ftyle iiicl tided, ca- lyxes acute, flov/ers racemed, leaves three-fold, regerminant. mucofa, E. anthers awn'd, corols fubglobular mucou^, ftyle ' included, leaves three- fold, mucous, hergana, E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, calyxes rcilecled, leaves three-fold- deprejfa, E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyb included, flow- ers thin, leaves three-fold, ftemdeprefs'd. deprefs'd,, pilulfcra. 31. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers umbel'd. hall-hearing. viridipur- 7. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, leaves purea^ three-fold, flowers fcattered. green-purple. pentaphylla,2]^' E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers pubefcent, fve-leaved. 43. E. 43- 35- 5- 9' nigrita, planifoUa. fcoparia. arhorea. vefpertina. ramentacea. ferfoluta, T'etralix. 8 . puhefcens. 24. ahietina, 22. mammofa. iaffra, g. fcfTiliHora, OCTANDRIA. E MONOGYNiA. ErIca. 295. anthers awn*d, corols bell'd, ftyle included, ca- lyxes imbricated three-flower'd feffile. hlack, E. anthers av/n'd, ccrols beii'd, flyle protruded, leaves three-fold moft expanding. jiat-havcd. E. anthers awnM, corols beii'd with the itigma pro- truded targetted, leaves three-fold. beejhn. E. anthers awn'd, corols beii'd with the ftyle pro- truded, leaves three-fold, branchlets hoary, ar- harefcenU E. leaves three-fold, corols beii'd, anthers awn'd, ^y\Q protruded. Sy evening, ■ IVith leaves four -fold. E. anthers awn'd, corols globular, ftyle included, ilig- ma double, leaves four-fold briftly. dufi, E. anthers awn'd, corols beii'd, ftyie included, ca- lyxes fringed, leaves four -fold. perfoiute. E. anthers awn'd, corols egg'd, Ityle included, leaves four-fold fringed, flowers headed. E, anthers awn'd, corols egg'd, ftyle included, leaves four-fold rugged, flowers feflile lateral, pule- jcent. E. anthers awn'd, corols grofs, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, flowers feflile. fi7\ E. anthers awn'd, corols grofs, flyle protruded, leaves fo u r-fol d . 7iippkd. E. anthers awn'd, corols egg'd, flyle protruded, leaves fourfold pubefcent, flowers collecS^ed. E. anthers awn'd^ leaves fourfold, ftyle protruded, fpike with flowers feflile deflected oblong. S, feffde-flGwer d. * * Anthers cre/ied^ leaves threfold. irlfora. haccans. 33- E. anthers crefted, corols globe-bell'd, ftyle included leaves threefold, flowers terminal. three-fioiver*d. E. anthers crefted, corol globe-bell'd cover'd, ftyle included, leaves threefold imbricated, berrying, gnaphalodes. 24- E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd cover'd, ftyle in- cluded, leaves threefold, ftigma four-parted. gnaphalium-like. csrifoUa, 32. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd, ftyle included, calyxes top-fhape, leaves threefold, flowers um- bel'd. coris'leavcd, E. 296. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Erica. articular is. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd pointed, flyle Inclu- ded longer than the calyx, leaves threefold. jointed. calycina, 23. E. anthers crefted, corols eggM, ftyle included, calyxes moil expanded wheel'd, leaves threefold, colycine. cinerea, 4. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd, ftyle rather protruded, leaves threefold^ ftigma headed. ajhy. paniculata, 36. E. anthers crefted, corols bell'd, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold, ftowers minute. panicled. atiflralis, E, anthers crefted, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold expanding. fouthern, ■■ JVith leaves fourfold. ■phyfodes. 26. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd inflated, ftyle inclu- ded, leaves fourfold, flowers fubfolitary. empeiri' 30. E. anthers Crefted, corols egg'd, leaves fourfold* folia. flowers feflile lateral. empeirum-leaved. retorta. E. anthers rather crefted, leaves fourfold recurved, corols egg-obiong, ftyle middling. ^S". retorted. cernua» E. crefted, leaves fourfold, ftyle included, corol egg'd, calyx fringed, flowers eightfold bowing. S, bowing. * * * Anthers awnhfs included : with leaves oppoftte. tenuifolia. 22. anthers awnlefs included, corols and calyx bloody, leaves oppofite. pmer-leaved. Fafferince. E. leaves oppoftte, corols bell'd, anthers included awn- lefs, piftil protruded. 6'- With leaves threefold. aliens. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols egg'd oblong acute, leaves threefold, racemes one-rank'd. white, fpumofa. 37. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols threefold cover'd by the common calyx, ftyles protruded, leaves threefold. frothy. capitata. 16. E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols cover'd with the woolly calyx, leaves threefold, flowers feflile. headed, melanthera. E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols bell'd longer than the colour'd calyx, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold. black-flower' d. E. OCTANDRIA, MOMOGYNIA. EHca. 297. ahjynth hides. E. anthers awnlefs included, corois egg-bell'd, ftyle protruded, ftigma mnnd-form, leaves threefold. 6ihfy?ithium-Uke» ciliaris. ir. E. anthers awnlefs included, corois egg'd s;rois, i^yle protruded, leaves threefold, racemes one-rank'd. fringed, hifpidida. E. anthers awnlefs included, corois roundilli, leaves nioflly threefold egg'd acute fringed, ftem hif- pid. S, ^ UfpidiJIj, With leaves fourfold. tiihificra. 2-0. E. antiiers awnlefs included, corois club'd grofs, ftyle included, leaves fourfold rather fringed, tube- fower^d, curviflora. 19. E. anthers awnlefs included, corois club'd grofs, ftyle included, leaves fourfold fmooth. curvc-foiverd. coccinea. i8» E. anthers awnlefs nearly included, cerols club'd grofs, ftyle included, calyxes ftiaggv, leaves fourfold. "' fcarlet, cerinthoid.es, i\, E. anthers awnlefs included, corois club'd grofs, ftig- ma included crofs'd, leaves fourfold, cerinthe- like, fafligiat-a, E. anthers awnlefs included, corois falver-form fafci- cled, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, level-top' d, cuhlca, E. anthers awnlefs included, corois beii'd acute, ftyle included, calyxes fcur-corner'd, leaves four- fold, cubic, deniicidata. E. anthers awnlefs included, corois esg-funnel-form, ftyle included, calyxes toothletted, leaves four- fold, toothletted, vifcaria. E. anthers awnlefs included, corois bell'd glutinous, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, flowers racemed. vifcous. granulata. E. anthers awn'd included, corois o;lobular, ftyle in- cluded, calyxes fubimbricated, leaves fourfold. granulated* E. anthers awnlefs included, corois eo^g-oblona;, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, fiowers collected. tufted, * * * * Anthers awnlefs protruded,, leaves threefold, Plukenctii. 17. E. anthers awnlefs longeft protruded, corois cylindric, ftyle protruded, calyxes fimple, leaves threefold. of Plukenet, Pp -^ E. d cci?no ofa. 298. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Erlca, Peiheri. E. anthers awnlefs moft long protruded, corols acute, ftyle protruded, caljTces imbricated, leaves three- fold, of P ether, nudifiora* E. anthers awnleis protruded, corols cylindric, ilyle protruded, leaves threefold, branches downy. naked'jiower . Bmniades. 15. E. anthers avi^nlefs protruded, corols cover'd with the woolly calyx, leaves threefold, flowers fcatter'd. Brunia. imbrkata, 12. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell'd, calyxes imbricated, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold. imbricated. umbellata* 2. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell'd, ftyle pro- truded, leaves threefold awny. mnbeVd. leucantkera, E. leaves-threefold, ftyle protruded, corol belPd, calyx white, flowers threefold, ftamens awnlefs pro- truded, S, white-jiower'' d. ' With leaves fourfold^ or ?nore. purpuref-' lO. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols ^ell'd, ftyle pro- cens. truded, leaves fourfold, flowers fcatter'd. purp- ling, vagans, E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell'd, ftyle pro- truded, leaves fourfold, flowers folitary. ftrag- gling. herhacea, 3. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols oblong, ftyle protruded, leaves fourfold, flowers one-rank'd. herbaceous, multijiora, 13. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, leaves fivef(3ld, flowers fcatter'd. many -flowered, miditerranea. E. Anthers awmlefs protruded, corols egg'd, ftyle pro- truded, leaves fourfold expanding, flowers fcat- ter'd. Tniditerraman, * * * * From the Suppl. Plant, not reducible to the foregoing heads. Sparmanni, E. leaves fourfold, imbricated fringed, heads four- flower'd, corols tubular lance-prickle-hifpid, , anthers awnlefs. S. of Spw?nan. fajctcularis, . E. anthers awn'd, corols grofs, ftyle included, flow- ers fafcicled, leaves numerous linear lop'd. S. fafcicled. E. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Erica. 299. Thunbergii, E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols flat : tube ^lobu- lar, ftyle protruded, leaves three-fold. o. of Thunherg. Majfoni, E. anthers awnlefs included, corols cylindric grofs, flowers headed, leaves eight-faced imbricated pubefcent. S, of MaJJhn. tetragona. E. leaves threefold, fl:yle included, corol four-corner'd oblong, calyx linear, flowers racemed one- rank'd. S,. four-corner d* grandifora. E. leaves fourfold, ftyle protruded, corol cylindric, calyx Ample,' lateral flowers fubcurved. S. greot-fower*d. Monfomana, E. leaves threefold, ftyle included, corols oblong in- flated, calyx caiyckd, flowers of the obtufe branchlets terminal. S, of Monfon, 1304. OPHIRA. Involucre two-valved, 3-flower'd. Cor. 4-petard above. Berry i-cell'd. Jlri^ia, Ophira. upright, 485. DAPHNE. CaL o. Cor. 4-cleft, corolla- ceous, withering, including the lla- mens. Berry one-feeded- * I'P^tb flowers lateral, Mezereum. i. D. flowers feflTile threefold on the ftem, leaves lanced deciduous. Mazer eon, Thymelaea. 2. D. flowers feflile axillary, leaves lanced, ftems fim- pleft. puhefcerbs. 13. D. flowers feflile lateral aggregate, leaves lance- linear, ftem pubefcent. pubefient. vlllofa, 3. D. flov/ers feflile lateral folitary, leaves lanced flat fringed hairy crowded. villous, Tartonraira. ^, D. flowers feflile aggregate axillary, leaves egg'd pu- befcent on both fides nerved. alpina. 5. D. flowers feflile aggregate lateral, leaves lanced ob- tufifti, downy underneath. alpine^ Laureola, 6. D. racemes axillary Ave - flower'd, leaves lanced fmooth. jpurge-laurel. poniica, 7. D. peduncles lateral two-flower'd, leaves iance-egg'd- pontic. P p 2 1^. 300. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Daphne. diQica. D. flowers axillary double, leaves linear-lanced. 5. two-hoiife. * * TFith flowers terminql. tndica. 8. D. head terminal peduncled, leaves oppofite oblong- egg'd fmooth. indian. Cyiearum. g. D. fiov/ers fafciclcd terminal feflile, leaves lanced na- ked dagger'd. Gmdiu?n. 10. D. panicle terminal, leaves linear-lanced pointed. fquarrcja. ii. D. flowers terminal pedLincled, leaves fcatter'd linear expanding daggered. ragged. oleodes I2. D. flowers double terminal feffile, leaves ell'pfe- lanced fmooth. olea-i'ike, foetid. D. fmooth, flowers terminal collected feflile, leaves cppofite petioied egg-oblong acute. S. fetid. rotundifolia. D. flia;;!^)/. flowers terminal coliefted feflile, leaves oppofite elliptic fubpetioled obtufe fmooth. S. rQund-leaved, 486. DIRCA. CaL o. Cor, tubular with an ob- fc are border. Stamens lono:er than the o . tube. Berry one-feeded. pdiijirls, I. DiRCA. fnarjh, 487. GNIDIA. CaL funnel-form, 4-cleft. Petals 4, inferted on the calyx. Seed i, fomewhat berried. pimfoUa, I. G. leaves fcatter'd linear : floral leaves verticil M. pine- leaved, radiata. 4. G. leaves av/l'd three-fided acute, heads terminal feflile rc>diate, bra£l:es lanced. radiate, ftmplex. 5. G. leaves all linear acute, flowers terminal feflile. fnn- pie. tor miofa. ,2. G. leaves fcatter'd egg-oblong fmooth rugged on the margin. downy* fericca. 6. G. leaves egg'd downv : floral leaves fourfold, ftem lliaggy, crown of the flowers with eight brifl:les. fdky. $ppcfitifoHa 3. G. leaves oppofite lanced, . cppoftte-ka'aed, • G. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Gnidia. 3OJ. capkata. G. leaves fcatter'd lanced fmooth, flowers headed fortified with brakes, peJuncle iuii:ed. S, headed, filamentofa. G. leaves elliptically egg'd moft fmooth approximated, flowers headed, filaments capillary, o. fila- ?mnt. imbricata. G. leaves oblong imbricated four ways filky, terminal flowers in the axils of the leaves. S. mbricated, plnifoUa. G. leaves Hnear-awl'd f^ at above acute, flowers two- fold axillary. S. pine-leaved, Daphncefolia, G. ten-male, leaves oblong flat mofl: intire, head ter- minal peduncled involucred, flowers five-chft. I 5\ Daphne-leaved, 488. STELLERA. CaL o. Cor. 4-cleft. ^ Sta- mens moft fliort. Seed m^y beak'd. Pa£erina. I. S. leaves linear, flowers four-cleft. Chamcsjafme.^. S. leaves lanced, corols five-cleft. 489. PASSERINA. CaL o. Cor, 4-deft. Sta- mens placed in the tube. Seed i, bark'd. Sparrow Wort, filifortms I, p. leaves linear convex four ways imbricated, branches J -^ ' downy. thread-form, hirfuta 2. P. leaves fiefhy fmooth without, flems downy. fiagFj, ericoicies. P. leaves linear polifn'd fubimbricated, corols globular. heath-like, cabitata, 7. P. leaves linear fmooth, heads peduncled downy. ^ ' headed. ciliata. V P. leaves lanced rather fringed ered, branches naked. "^ fringed, unifiora. 4» P. leaves linear oppofite, flowers terminal folitary, branches fmooth. one-flower d, Aithyllcides, P. leaves egg'd villous, flowers headed fhaggy. S, ^ Anthylhs-like. fticata, P. leaves egg'd villous, flowers lateral folitary. _ S, ■f^ ' fpiked, la^a P. leaves egg'd fcatter'd, flowers headed, branches loofe bowing. ' S, H^- 3<^. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Paflcrina. grand'ijiora. P. mod fmooth, leaves oblong acute concave wrin- kled without, flowers terminal feflile folitary. iS. great- flowered* Gn'idia, P. two-male moft fmooth, leaves lanced acute. S. pilofa. P. two-male hairy, leaves linear obtufe. S. hairy. projlrata, P. two-male hairy, leaves egg'd. S. projirate, 490. LACHNEA. CaL o. C^r. 4-cleft: border unequal. Seed i, fomewhat berried. eriGcephala. j, L. heads folitarv v/oolly, leaves four ways imbricated. wool-head. conglQ7nerata. 2. L. heads crowded, leaves loofe. conglomerated., 491. B^CKEA. CaL funnel -form 5 - tooth'd. Cor. 5-petard. Cap/, globular, 4- ceird crowned. fruiejcem. i. BiECKEA. Jhruh-growing, TWO FEMALES. fDigynia.J 1259. SCHMIEDELIA, Cal. 2-I^aved. Cor. 4-petard. Crerm pediccPd, longer than the flower. racemofa. Schmiedelia. racemed. 492. GALENIA. Cal. 4-cleft, Cor. o. Capf. roundifh, 2-feeded. (ifricana. G. ere6l fhrubby, leaves linear flefhy. S. afrkan. pYocumbens. G. procumbent, leaves egg'd channcl'd : the top ex- panded recur vate. S. procumbent. 493. WEIN- OCTANDRIA. DiGYNiA. Weiiimannia. 303. 493. WEINMANNIA. CaL 4-Ieaved. Cor. 4- petal'd. Capf, a-cell'd, two-beak'd. racemofa, W. leaves fimple egg'd faw'd moft fmooth on both fid'js, ftipules none. S. racemed. trifoliata, W. leaves three'd : leaflets elliptically lanced faw'd moft Imooth, panicles compound. 5. three- leaved, tomcntofa, W. leaves feather'd : leaflets egg'd moft intire dov/ny underneath, ftipules falling off". S, downy, glabra. . W, leaves feather'd : leaflets inverfe-egg'd notch'd polifh'd. S, fmooth. r 494. MOEHRINGIA. CaL 4-leaved. Petals 4. Capf. i-cell'd, 4-valved. Mountain Chick-weed. mufcofa, MoEHRINGIA. ^f''0jjy' 1388. CODIA. CaL 4-leaved, Petals 4. Com" mo7i Receptacle involucred. S. montana, Codia. rmuntain. THREE FEMALES. CTrigynia,) 495. POLYGONUM. CaL o. Cor, 5-parted, calycine. Seed i, angled. * Atraphaxis-like with Jlem Jhruh-growing, frutefcens. i. P. ftem fhrubby, two calyx-leaflets reflecled. Jhruh- growing, * * Biftorts 304. EIGHT MALES. THREE FEMALES, PolygOlUim. * * Biftorts wkh one fpike Bijioria. 1. P. ftem moft fmiple one-fpikcd, leaves egg'd decur- rent upon the petiole. Bljhrt. viviparum. 3. P. ftem moft fimple one-fpiked, leaves lanced, vivi^ parous. * * * Perficarias zvlth Piji'ii tivo-cleft^ or thefamem lefs than eight, v'irgtnianutn. ^, P. flowers five-male half-tv^o-female, corols four- cleft unequal, leaves egg'd. virginian. lapathifo- 5. P. flowers five-male half-two-female, ftamens equal to I'lum. the regular corol. lapathiim- leavetL amphibiufn. 6. P, flowers five-male half-two-female, fpike egg'd. amphibious, ocrcatum. 8. P. flowers five-male three-female, leaves lanced. hooted Hvdropiper. g. P. flowers fix-male half-tvA^o-female, leaves lanced, fl;ipules nearly avvnlefs. %uater-pepper. Ferficaria. 10. P. flowers fix-male two-female, fpikes egg-ob!ong, leaves lanced, ftipules fringed. harhatum. 11. P. flowers fix-male three-female, fpikes twiggy, fl:i- pules lop'd brii tie-fringed, leaves lanced. bearded, orientale. 12. P. flowers feven-male two-female, leaves egg'd, ftem ere6t, fiiipules fhaggy fdver-form. orizntal. penfylvani- 13. P. flowers eight-male two-female, peduncles hifpid, cum. leaves lanced, fl:ipules awnlefs. penfylvanian. * * * * Polygonums with leaves undivided^ Jloiuers eight-male. marlti?nu?n.i\. P. flowers eight-male three-female axillary, leaves oval-lanced ever-green, ftem fomewhat flirub- growing. fca. aviculare. 15. P. flowers ciL!;ht-maie three-female axillary, leaves lanced, ftem procumbent herbaceous. bird. ere^mn. 16. P. flowers eight-male three-female axillary, leaves oval, ftem ereft herbaceous. ere^. articulatufn.in. P. flowers eight-male three-female, fpikes jointed panicled, ftipules ftieathy lop'd. jointed. divarica- 18. P. flowers eight-male three-female racemed, leaves tum. lanced, ftem divaricated expanded, divaricated. ferraturn. 7. P. leaves notch'd. jawd. fibiricmn. P. flowers eight-male three-female racemed, leaves cgg-lanced waved rugged, ftipules fhaggy. S. ftberian, * ^ * * * Helxinc ocTANDRiA. TRiGYNiA. Polygonum. 305. ***** Helxine with leaves rafher hearted thlnenfe. 19. P. leaves eight- male three-female, peduncles rugged, leaves eo-g'd, brailes hearted. china, fagittatum. 21. P. leaves arrow'd, ftem prickly. arrowed, artjolium. 22. P« li^ves halberted, ftem prickiy. arum-leaved. perfoUatu7n.20. P. leaves triangular, ftem prickly, ftipules leafy-leaf- pLerced expanding roundifti. leaf-pierced. iaiaricum.22' ?• leaves heart-arrowM, ftem unarmed ere6l, feeds rather topth'd. tartar ian. Fagopy- 24. P. leaves heart-arrow'd, ftem ere«Stifh unarmed, an- rum. glcs of the feeds equal. Cnnvolvu- 25. P. leaves hearted, ftem twining angled, flowers ob- lus. tufe. dumetorum. 26. P. leaves hearted, ftem twining polifti'd, flowers keel- wing 'd. hujh^ fcandens. 27. P. leaves hearted, ftem ere6l climbing. climbing. 496. COCCOLOBA. Cal. 5-parted, colour'd. Cor. o. Berry calycine, one-feeded. Vvifera. i. C. leaves heart-round ifti glofly. grape-h earing, pubefcens. 2. C. leaves orbicular pubefcent. pubefcent. excoriata. 4. C. leaves egg'd, branches as if barklefs. excoriated, pundata. 3. C. leaves lance-egg'd. dotted, emarginata, 5. C. leaves leathery roundifti gafii-end-nick'd. end- nicFd. barbadenfts, 6. C. leaves heart-egg'd waved. barhadoes. tenuifolia. 4. C. leaves egg'd membranous^ jlendcr-lmvcd. 497. PAULLINIA. Cal 4-leaved. Fetah 4. NeBary 4-leaved, unequal. Cap/. 3. comprcfs'd, membranous, conjoined. aftatica. i. P. leaves three'd, petioles and ftem prickly. ajiatic. Zenana. 2. P. leaves three'd, petioles naked, leaflets egg-oblong. nodofa. P. leaves three'd, petioles naked, the middle leaflet inverfe-egg'd. knotted, Cururu. 3. P. leaves three'd, petioles margin'd. mexicana. 4. P. leaves thrice-three'd, petioles all marginM, ftem prickly. raexlcan. 306. BIGHT MALES. THREE FEMALES. Paullinia. carthaginenfts. P. leaves thrice-threed, petioles all margin'd, ftein unarm*d. earth as'tnian, caribaa, P. leaves thrice-three'd, petiolets all margin'd, bran- ches prickly. car i bean, curajfavka, 5. P. leaves thrice-three'd, petiolets all margin'd, bran- ches unarm d. curajfao, harbadenfis . P. leaves thrice-three'd, the intermediate petiole mar- gin'd, the reft naked. barbacUes: polyphylla. 6. P. leaves three times thrice-three'd, petiolets naked. ?nany-leaved.. triternata. P. leaves three times thrice-three'd, petiolets margin'd. three times thrice-three'd* pinnata. 7. P. leaves feather'd, petioles margin'd, leaflets glofly. fratherd, tomentofa, P. leaves feather'd, petioles margin'd, leaflets dov.ny. downy. diverjifolia, P. leaves fuperdecompound, petioles margin'd : the loweil reather'd, the reft three'd. diverfe-leaved. 498. CARDIOSPERMUM. CaL 4-leaved. Pe- tals 4. NeBary 4- leaved, unequal. Capf. 3, conjoin'd inflated. Halicacabum. i. C. leaves polifti'd. Corindum. 2. C. leaves downy underneath. 499, SAPINDUS. CaL 4-leaved. Petals 4. Cap/, flefliy, conjoin'd, bellied. Soap- Berry* Saponaria, I. S. leaves odd-feather'd, ftem unarm'd. fpinofiis. 3. S. leaves abruptly feather'd, ftem moft thorny, thorny, trijoiiatus. 2. S. leaves three'd. three-leaved, chinenftu S. leaves feather'd, leaflets jagg'd. china. FOUR OCTANDRIA. TETRAGYNIA. Paris. 307. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragyriia,) 500. PARIS. CaL 4-leaved. Petals 4, nar- rower. Berry 4-ceird. quadrifolia, Paris. four-leaved, 501. ADOXA. Gal. 2-cleft, beneath. Cor, 4 or 5-cleft, above. Berry 4 or 5- ceird, with the calyx coalefced. MofcateUina, i: Ad ox A. 502. ELATINE. CaL 4-leaved. Petals 4. Cap/, 4-ceird, 4-valved, deprefs'd. Water- Wort. Hydropiper. i . E . leaves oppofite. water-pepper , Alfinajlrum, 2. E. leaves verticil'd. 1389. HALORAGIS. Cal. above, 4-cleft. Pe- tals 4, Drupe dry. Nut 4-ceird. aS. projlrata, Haloragis. proftrate Q^q 2 CLASS CLASS IX. NINE MALES. f Efineandria. J ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) 504 TiNUs. CaU 5-cleft. Cor, 5-petaPd ^^rry 3-cellM. Seed I . 503 Laurus. CaL o. Cor, S-petal'd, calycine. Berry i-feeded. Glands of the Neiiary 2-briftled. 520 Anacardium. CaL 5-parted. Cor. 5-petard. Statnen the tenth caftrated. Nut with a fleftiy receptacle. 505 Cassyta. CaL o. Cor. 6-parted, calycine. Berry i-feeded. Glands of the NeiJary lop'd. * Anacardium 520 VJiih the tenth Jiamen cqfi rated. THREE E N N E A N D R I A. 309, THREE FEMALES. ('Trigynia,) .06 Rheum. Cal o, Cor, 6.cleft. ^eed i, tlyee- •^ fided. SIX FEMALES. (Hexagynia) ^07 BuTOMUs. CaL 0. C.r. 6-petal'd. Cap/, 6, many- ONE '^IQw NINE MALES. ONE FEMALE. LaurUS. 503 ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia,) LAURUS. CaL 9. Cor, calycine, 6-parted, NeBary with glands 3, two-briftled, furrounding the germ. Literiour Fi- laments gland- bearing. Drupe i-feed- ed. Bay. Cinnamo- i. L. mum, Cajfia. 2. L. Camphor a. 3, L. Culilahan. L. Chloroxylon, 4. Iv. the nerves van- cinnamon. cajfia, camphor. nobilis. indica, Perfea, Borhonia, iejUvalis. 5. L. 6. L. 7. L. 8. L. 9. L. Benzoin. 10. L. Sajfafras. 11. L. leaves three-nerved egg-oblong ifhing towards the top. leaves tripple-nerved lanced, leaves tripple-nerved lance-egg'd leaves tripple-nerved oppofite. leaves three-nerved egg'd leathery : the nerves reaching the top. yellow-wood. leaves lanced vein'd perennial, flowers four-cleft. noble. leaves lanced perennial flat, branchlets tubercled with fears, flowers racemed. indian. leaves egg'd leathery tranfverfly ^vein'd perennial, flowers corymbed. leaves lanced perennial, calyxes of the fruit berried, leaves vein'd oblong pointed annual, branches wrinkled underneath above the axils, fummer. leaves nervelefs eo-o-'d acute at both ends intire annual, leaves three-lobed and intire. ' 520. ANACARDIUM. Cal 5-parted. Petals 5, refledted. Anthers 9 : with one caf- trated. Nut kidney-form above the flefhy receptacle. Cajhew-Niit, occideniale, i. Anacardium. occidental. 504 TINUS. ENNEANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. TinUS. 311 504. TINUS. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor, 5-parted, Nee- ta?j pitcher'd, included in the germ. Berry 3-ceird, Seed folitary. occidentalis. A. Tinus. occidental, 505. CASSYTA. Cor, calycine, 6-parted. Nec- tary with 3 glands, lop'd, furround- ing the germ. Intcriour Filaments gland-bearing. Drupe i-feeded. filiformis' i. C. thread-form loofe. thread-form. corniculata. C. branches woody thorny. horned. THREE FEMALES. ( Trigyma, J 506. RHEUM. Cal. o. Cor, 6-cleft, perma- nent. Seed I, three -lided. Rhubarb, Rhapo'nti- i. R. leaves fmooth, petioles rather furrow'd. cum. Rhabarha- 2. R. leaves fubvillous, petioles equal. ru?n. palmatum. 3. R. leaves handed pointed. handed, compacium. 4. R. leaves fublobed moft obtufe moft fmooth lucid den- ticled. compact. Rtbes. 5. R. leaves granulated, petioles equal. tataricu7n. R. leaves heart-egg'd intire flat moft fmooth, petioles half-columnar angled, panicle furrow'd. S. tartar ian. s I X 3,12. NINE MALES. SIX FEMALES. Butomus. SIXFEMALES. (Hexagynia,) 507. BUTOMUS. Cal o. Fetah 6. Capf 6, many-feeded. F lower ing-Ru/I:}. ttmlellatus. I. Butomus. umber d. C L A 5 5 ^■^•^^•^^^•^4''i''^4>'4''^'^4''^^'^^-^'^^^'^'^4'4'^4' CLASS X. TEN MALES. fDecandria,J ONE FEMALE, f Monogynia. ) * Flowers jnany-petaVd irregular,, 508 SoPHORA. 509 Anagyris. 510 Cercis. 511 Bauhinia. 512 Hymen^a. 515 Poinciana. Cor, papilionaceous : banner afcending. Le^ gu7ne with protuberances remote. Cor, papilionaceous: banner ihort ftraightj, keel longer than the wings. Cor» papilionaceous : the wings banner-form. Ne^ary with glands ftyle-form, under the germ. Cor, expanding, claw'd, afcending. Petals lanced. Cor, fubequal. Legume woody with a mealy pulp. Cor. the higheft petal larger. Legume com- prefs'd. R 1398 Myrox- 3H- T ' E N 1398 PvIyroxylon. CaL 513 PARKiNSONlA. Cor, 516 Cj^SALPINIA, Cor. 524 toluifera. 514 Cassia. Cor, Cor. 517 GuiLANDIA. Cor. 522 DiCTAMNUS. Cor» M A E ■' S. bell'd. Superiour Petal greater than the reft. Legu/m ouQ-itQ^^A. S, Icwsft petal kidney-form. Legume co- lumnar twifted. lowed petal more beautiful. Lcgwne rhombic, ^eed rhombic. joweft petal larger. Cal. bell'd. unequal. Anthers beak'd. Legume inter- cepted v.'ith ifthmufes. fubcqual fitting en the calyx. Legurne rhombic. Seeds bony. expanded. Filaments dully. Capf, 5, connected. Seeds aril'd. * * Flowers many-petard equal, 519 Cynometra. Cal, 4-parted : the oppofite divlflons larger. Legume i-feeded, flefhy. 1260 Prosopis. Cal. hemifpheric. Legume many-feeded. 526 Adenanthera. a Gland fitting on the Jnthcrs. Legume com- prefsM membranous. 525 HuEmatoxylon. Stigma of the F'lftil end-nick*d. Silique with valves boated. NeSiary tubular, 5-toothM. Capf. 3-ceird, 3-valved. Seeds berried. NeSlary tubular, lo-tooth'd. Capj. 5-grain'd. Seeds twofold. Ne^ary tubular, 10-tooth'd. Drupe with nucleus 5-ceird. Ne£lary tubular, lo-tooth'd. Capf. woody, 5-valved. Seeds imbricated with a membranous margine. Cal. two exteriour divifions lefs. Capf, flefhy, 3-or-5-ceird, angled. Germ with 30 honey-bearing points. Capf. 5-cleft, 5-ceird, many-fee^d. Style of the F'ljl'd none. Capf, 5, |dnne6led, many-feeded. \ Cor. claws inferted on the calyx. Capf. 5- ceird, lO-valved, i-feeded. 530 Zy^gophyllum. Scales of the NeSiary ic, at the bafeof the llamens. Capf 5-ceird many-feeded 528 Trichilia. J306 TURR^A. 527 Melia. 521 SwiETENIA. 518 GUAJACUM. 523 RUTA. 532 Tribulus. 531 Fagonia. 529 Qua- D E 529 Quassia. 533 Thryallis. 534. LiMONIA. 535 Heisteria. 539 QyiSQUALIS. 536 monotropa. 553 Clethra. 554 Pyrola. 546 Ledum. 1307 DlON^A." I34I MuRRAYA. 1261 Chalcas. 544 Melastoma. 538 Jussieua. :andria. 315, Capf. 5, two-valved, i-feeded, inferted on the flefhy receptacle. Cor. 5-petard. Capf. thrce-grain'd. Cor. 5-petard. Berry 3-feeded. Cor. 5-petard. Z)r«/)^ fitting on the colour'd enlarged calyx. Cor. 5-petard, fitting on the thread-form calyx. Dridpe dry. Cal. corolline, gibbous at the bafe. Capf% 5-cellM many-feeded. Stigmas of the Pijiil three. Capf. 3-ceird, many-feeded. Jfiihcrs two-horn'd upwards. Capf j-ceird, many-feeded. Cor. flat, 5-parted. Capf. 5-ceird, many- feeded. Cal. 5-lcaved. Stigma fringed. Capf. i-cell'd. Seed at the bafe of the capfule. Berry i-feeded. Cor. 5-petard. NcBary furrounding the germ with a margin. Berry 2-feeded. Cor. bell'd. Cor. fitting on the calyx. Anthers refracted. Berry 5-ceird, cloath'd with the calyx. Cor. 4-Gr-5-petard. Capf. beneath. , , * Rhexla Acijanihera, Geraniums. Com carpus racemed, Lythruni florulby. 'Jacquinia racemed, * * * Flowers one-petard equal* 1285 CoDON. Cor. beird, lo-cleft. Cal. lO-parted. Cap/, many-feeded. 549 Andromeda. Cor. bell'd, round. Capf. 5-cellM. '548 Rhododendron. Cor. funnel-form. Stamens declining. Capf 5-cellM. I3QI Inocarpus, Cor. funnel-form. C^/. 2-cleft. Drupe ont- feeded. S. 545 Kalmia, Cor. border 5-hornM underneath, Capf. 5- ceird. R r z 5^0 Ep^GiEA, 3 1 6. T 550 EpiGiEA. 551 gualteria. 552 Arbutus. 595 Styrax. N M S. CaL exterlour 3-leaved ; interiour 5-leaved. Capf. 5-cell'd. CaL exteriour 2-leaved : interiour 5-cleft. Cnpf, 5-cell'd, calyx berried. Cor, egg'd, diaphanous at the bafe. Berry 5-ceird. Cor. funnel-form. Drupe two-feeded. 520 Anacardium. Cor. with divifions refte<£led. Drupe with nucleus above, naked. 540 Dais. 543 Samyda. 54t BuciDA. 542 COPAIFERA. * Some Vaccin'iums. * * * Flowers petallefs or incomplete. Cor. one-petai'd. Involucre 4-leaved, many- flower'd. Cal. 5-parted. Ne^^ary lO-cleft, furrounding the germ. Capf. berried, 3-ceird. Cal, 5-parted. Berry i-feeded. Cal. o. Cor. 4-petard. * Stellera Chameejafme, Conocarpus racemed. TWO FEMALES, fDigynia.j 562 ScLERANTHUS. Cor. none. Cal 5-cleft, above. Seeds 2. 537 Trianthema. Cor. none. Capf. circumcifed. 558 Chrysospleni- Cor. none. Cal. above. Capf, 2-ceird. 2- UM. beak'd„ 555 Royena. Cor. i-petal'd. CaL bellied. Capf 4-feed- ed, 4-valved. 557 Hydrangea. Cor, 5-petard. Cal, 5-cleft, above. Capf. 2-ceird, 2-beak'd, circumcifed. 559 Saxifraga. Cor, 5-petard. Cal. 5-parted. Capf, i-cell'd, 2-beak'd. 560 Tia- D E 560 TiARELLA. 561 MiTELLA. 556 CUNONJA. 56V Gypsophila. 564 Saponaria. 565 Dianthus. A N D R A. 317- Cor. 5-petal'd. CaL corol-bearing. Capf, tvvo-valved : one larger. Cor. 5-petard. CaL corol-bearfng. Ca^. two-valved. Petals comb'd. Cor. 5-petard. CaL 5-leaved. Cap/. 2- cell'd, acute. Cor. 5-petal'd. CaL 5-parted, bell'd. Cap/, i-celi'd, globular. Cor. 5-petard. CaL tubular naked at the bafe. Capf. i-cell'd, oblong. Cor. 5-petard. CaL tubular, fcaly at the bafe, Capf. i-cellM, oblong. ■* Trianthe?Jia ten-7nale. THREE FEMALES, (Urigynia. ) Capf. l-ccil'd. Petals intire, expanding, Capf. l-cell'd. P^fz*^/^ 2-parced, expanding. Capf. 3-ceU'd. Petals 2-cleft with throat naked. Capf 3-ceird. Pttals 2-cleft with throat crown'd. Capf. 3-cell'd. Ne^arlcs petal-like lefs than the calyx. Capf. diftinct. Petals calycinc. Ne5laries 5, two-lip'd. 575 Erythroxylon. Drupe i-feeded. Petals furniflied with a fcale at the bafe. Berry 3-feeded. Petals 5> claw'd. CaL glandular. ^ecds 3, one-wing'd. Petals 5, clawM. CaL glandular. Capf. 3-wing'd, 3-ceird, 2-reeded. Petals 5, claw'd. CaL moft minute. ^eeds 3, two-wingM. Petals none but the 569 Arenaria, 568 Stellaria. 566 Cucubalus. 567 SiLENE. 570 Cherleria. 571 Garidelia. 572 Malpighia. 573 Banisteria, 569 HlR^A. 1308 Triopteris. wings of the feeds. * Tl amarix germari' FOUR 3i8. TEN MALES. FOUR FEMALES. fTetragyma.J * Lychnis alpine, EIVE FEMALES. fPentagyma,) Cap/. 5 at the Nectaries. Cor, i-petaPd. Capf. 5 at the Nedtarles. - Cor, 5-petal'd. Cap/, 5-lobed. Cor. petals fewer. Capf, 5-cell'd^ 5-vaIved : the valves gaping horizontally. Capf. i-cell'd. Petals intire. Cal, C-leaved* Capf l-celi'd. Petals 2-clefc. Cal. 5- leaved. 83 Agrostemma. Capf, i-cell'd, oblong. Cal, tubular, lea- thery. Capf, 3-cell'd, oblong, Cal. tubular, mem- branous. Capf. 5-ceird, angular. Cal, fubcohcring at the bafe. Drupe with nucleus 5-ceird. Cal, i-leaved. Pome 5-celi'd. Cal. 5-leaved. Seeds 5, dlfHn6l, awnlefs. Cor, 5-petard. Styles none. Seeds 5, roundilh. Cor. 5-petard. Styles thread-form, lateral. Seeds 5, involved in wool. Cor. lO-petal'd. * Adoxa, Geraniums, Coriaria, Drofera portugal. 578 Cotyledon 579 Sedum, 580 Penthorum IJ509 Bergia. 586 Spergula. 585 Cerastiqm. 584 Lychnis. 582 OXALIS. 577 SpONDIAS. 576 Averrhoa. 1235 Grielum. 581 SURIANA. 1262 Forskolea. TEN FEMALES, (Decagynia.) 587 Neurada. Cal, 5-parted. Cor, 5-petard. Capf, 10- grain'd, 588 Phytolacca. Cal. 5-leaved, corolline. Cor, none. Berr^ io-grain*d* ONE DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Sophora. 319, ONE FEMALE. (Moiiogyjiia.) J08. SOPHORA. CaL 5-tooth'd, gibbous up- wards. Cor, papilionaceous: with wings the length of the Banner. Legimie. tlopecurmdes,!, S. leaves feather'd : leaflets numerous villous oblong. Item herbaceous. alopecurus-Uke, o?nentofa» 2. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets numerous roundifh downy. downy. ccidentaUs, 3. S. leaves feather'd: leaflets numerous roundifh. oc^ cidental, apenjts. 9. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets numerous lanced downy underneath, ftem fhrubby. cape, aponica, 10. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets more numerous egg'd fmooth, ftem arborefcent. japan, etraptera, S. leaves feather'd : leaflets numerous inverfe-egg'd end-nick'd, legumes four-corner'd : w^ith angles membranous, ^S". four-wing^ d* nptaphylla. 4. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets feven-fold fmooth. /even- leaved, reni/ioides, 5. S. leaves three'd feflile : leaflets linear. Genijia-like, lujiralis, 12. S. leaves three'd fubfeflile fmooth, ftipules fv/ord-form. Joiiihern, 'In^ora, 6, S. leaves three'd fubfeflile : leaflets inverfe-egg'd fmooth, ftipules minute. Dyers. ilha. II. S. leaves three'd petioled : leaflets elliptic fmooth, fiipules rather awl'd fliort. white. uplnoidcs. 7. S. leaves three'd petioled : leaflets oval hairy. Lu- pin-like, ^i flora, 8. S. leaves fimple inverfe-egg'd rather-downy, pedun- cles two-flower'd. two-jiower'' d. 509. ANA- 320, TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Anagyrls. 509. ANAGYRIS. Bapiner and wings fhorter than the keel in a papilionaceous corol. Legume, fcetida. A2JAGYRIS. fetidt 510. CERCIS. CaL 5-tooth'd, gibbous below* Cor papilionaceous: with a fhort ban- ner under the wings. Legume. Judas^ 'Tree. Slliquaftru7n.i. C. leaves heart-orbicular fmooth. canadenfa, 2. C. leaves hearted pubefcent. Canadian, 511. BAUHINIA. Cal, 5-cleft, deciduous. Pe- tals expanded, oblong, claw'd : the fuperior one more diftant, all inferted on the calyx. Legume. fcandens, i. B. ftem tendril-bearing. climbing, aculeata. 2. B. flem prickly. prickly, divaricata. 3. B, leaves egg'd : lobes divaricated. divaricated* ungulata, 4. B. leaves egg'd : lobes parallel. • claw'd, variegata. 5. B. leaves hearted lobes coadjoin'd cbtufe. variegated, purpurea. 6. B. leaves rather hearted two-parted rounded downy underneath. purple, tomentofa. 7. B. leaves hearted: lobes ferni - orbicular downy. downy, acuminata. 8. B. leaves egg'd . lobes pointed half-egg'd. pointed, 512. HYMENiEA: CaL 5-parted. Petals 5, fubequal. Style twifted. Legume re- plete with farinaceous pulp. Locujl-^ Tree, Courharil I. Hymenjea. 513. PAR- DECANDRIA. MONOGYNiA. Parkinfonia. 321. ci^. PARKINSONIA. CaL 5-cleft. Petals 5, ^ ^-^ egg'd : the loweft kidney-form. Style none. Legume necklace-form. prickly* nc uleata. i. Parkin soNi A. riA. CASSIA. Cal 5-Ieaved. ^f ^^^ 5- ^^- ^ ^ thers, 3 higheft barren^ 3 loweft beak d. Legume, diphylla, l» ^> Abfus, 2. C. bacclllarts, C vi?ninea, 3* * Tagera. 4* ^* Tlir^. 5" ^' licapfularh. 6. C. emarginata. 7. C. ohtujtfcl'ta. 8. C. fakata, 10. C. iongifiliqiia ' C* occidentalism il. C planlfdlqua. 13- C * Senna,' leaves pair'd, ftlpules heart-lanced. Kvo4eaved. leaves tv^ice-pair'd inverfe-egg'd : with two awl d o-lands between the loweft. leaves twice-pair'd egg'd oblique with an obtufe gland between the loweft, racemes axillary pe- duncled, filique columnar long. S. Jtaff, leases twice-pair'd egg-oblong pointed : with an oblono-jrlandbetween the loweft, thorns fubpe- tioled'^obfcure three-tooth'd, twiggy, leaves thrice-pair'd : gland petioled, ftipules frmged hearted pointed, leaves thrice-pair'd inverfe-egg'd : extenour ones larger : with an awl'd gland between the in- feriour. 1 u leaves thrice-pairM inverfe-egg'd fmooth : the interiour rounder lefs : with an interpofed g o- bular gland. Hvo-capjuled. leaves thrice-pair'd egg'd rounded end - nick d equal. , end-nick d. leaves thrice pair'd egg'd obtuROi. obtf -leaved. leaves four-pair'd egg-lanced backwara-nckled . with a aland at the bafe of the petioles. jick^L leaves fou?-pair'd : outmoft leaflets lanced, with an awl'd gland beneath the loweft and between the outmoft. 5. long-filiqued. , leaves five pair'd egg-lanced rugged on the margin: theexteriour ones larger, with a giand atthe bafe of the petioles. . occidental. leaves five-pair'd egg-lanced fmooth : with a gland at the bafe of the petioles. fiat-fliqued, S s 14- ^- 322. F'ifiula.> atomar'ia. p'dofa. Senna, hifiora. hhfuta, h'lrjuta, tomentofa, ferpc7is, Ugujirina, alata* marilan- die a. tenuijftma* Sopbera, bratfeata, auriculata. javanica, grandis. TEN MAtS. ONE FEMALE. Caffia. 14. 9 15 C. leaves five-pair'd cgg'd pointed fmooLh, petioles glandlefs. pipe, C. leaves five-pair'd egg'd rather dovvTiy, petioles co- lumnar glandlefs. atom. C. leaves five-pair'd glandlefs, f^ipules half-hearted ; pointed, ilem upright hairy. hairy, C. leaves fix-pair'd rather-egg'd, petioles glandlefs. -; fenna, leaves fix-pair'd oblongiili fmooth ; the inferior lefs, gland awl'd between the loweft, pedicels two- flower' d. two flowered, 16. C. leaves fix-pair'd egg'd pointed woolly. fix^ggy* C. leaves fix-pair*d broadly egg'd pointed woolly. 5. Jhaggy, C. leaves fix-or-eight-pair'd, leaflets linear obliquely rounded at the bafe fhaggy above, panicles ax- illary, legumes villous. 5. downy, 17. C. leaves feven-pair'd, flowers five-male, ftem thread- form profirate herbaceous, creeping, J 8. C. leaves feven-pair'd lanced, the outmoft lefs, as gland at the bafe of the petioles. privet, 19. C. leaves eight-pair'd oval-oblong : the exteriour ones lefs, petioles glandlefs, ftipules expanded, wingd, 20. C. leaves eight-pair'd egg-oblong equal, a gland at the bafe of the petioles. viaryland. 21. C. leaves nine-pair'd oblong, with an awl'd gland between the loweft. moji-flender, 22. C. leaves ten-pair'd lanced, the gland at the bafe oblong. C. leaves ten-pair'd oblong obtufe glandlefs, racemes elongated, bra6tes egg'd tumid in:ibricated, legume quadrangular comprefs'd. S^ braced, C. leaves twelve-pair'd obtufe daggered, glands awl'd numerous, ftipules kidney-form bearded, eard. C. leaves twelve-pair'd oblong obtufe fmooth, gland none. Java, C. leaves twenty-pair'd, fomewhat velvety glandlefs. 23- 24. S, great. * * Chamaecriftae with leajiets numerous Oxama:^ 25. C. leaves many-pair'd, the petiole gland pedicel'd, crifta. ftipules iword-form. glanduloja, 26. C. leaves many-pair'd many-glanded, ftipules awl'd. glandular, 27. c. \ I BECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Cafiia. 323. mmofotdes. 27. C. leaves many-pair'd linear, gland at thebafeofthe petioles obfcure, ftipules briftly. mimofa-like, Jlcxuofa, 28. C. leaves many-pair*d, ftipules half-hea'rted. winding, 7ii(^iuins. 25. C. leaves many-pair'd, flowers five-male, ftem ere6t- ifh. twin king. procumbens. 30. C. leaves many-pairM glandlefs. ftem procumbent. procumbent. 515. POINCIANA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5: the highefl: larger. Stamefis long : all fruitful, hegume, hijuga. 2. P. prickles folitary, leaflets end-nick*d. iivice- paired, pulcherrima, 3. P. prickles double. moJi-beautifuL elata* A. P. ftem unarm'd. ' lofty, 516. CAESALPINIA. Cal 5-cleft : the loweft divifion larger. Petals 5 : the loweft more beautiful. Legume. 'veficaria, 3. C. ftem prickly, leaflets inverfe-hearted roundifh. bladdery, Sappan, 4. C. ftem prickly, leaflets oblong unequal-fided end* nick'd. Crijla, 2. C. ftem arborefcent, leaflets egg'd intire, flowers five-male, 517. GUILANDINA. Cal, i -leaved, falver-form. Petals inferted on the neck of the calyx, fubequal. Legume. Bonduc, 1. G. prickly, feathers egg'd, leaflets with folitary prickles. Bonduccella. 2- G. prickly, feathers oblong-eggM, leaflets with double prickles. Nuga, 3, G. ftem unarm'd, leaves on the primary petiole with double prickles underneath. Moringa, 2. C, unarm'd, leaves moftly twice-featherM : the in- feriour leaflets three'd. dioica, 4. G. unarm'd, leaves twice-feather'd : on the bafe and top Amply feather'd. tvjo-h'Aife^ ' S s 2 518. GUA' 324« TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. GuajaCUtH. 518. GUAJACUM. CaL 5-cleft, unequal. Pe- tals 5, inferted on the calyx. Capf. angled, 3-or-5-cell'd. officinale. i. G. leaflets two-pair'd obtufe. officinal. janBum, 2. G» leaftets many-pair'd obtufe, holy, afrum, 3. G. leaflets many-pair'd acute. african, 519. CYNOMETRA. Cal 4-leaved : Anthers two-cleft at top. Legume fleihy incon'd. i-feeded. caiilifiora, I. C. trunk flower-bearing. Jleyji-flower d. ramijiora. 2. C. branches flower-bearing. hr anch- flower^ d. 1285. CODON. Cor, bell'd, ten-cleft. Cal 10- parted. Capf, many-feeded. Royeni.- I. Codon. of Roy en. 522. DICTAMNUS. CaL 5-Ieaved. Petals 5, ex- panded. FilameJits fprinkled with glandular points. C^pf- 5> conjoin'd. Fraxmella. capenfn^ D. leaves fimple ftem branchy. 5 cape, alhiis, D. leaves feather'd, ftem fniiple. S, white. 523. RUTA. CaL 5-parted, Petals concave. Receptacle girt with ten honey-bear- ing points. Capf, lobed. Pue. graveokus, I. R. leaves decompounded, flowers lateral four-cleft. Jirong-fcented, chalepenfis, 4. R. leaves fuperdccompounded, petals fringed. patavina. 2. R. leaves three'd feflile. Patavium. Unifolia. 3. R. leaves lanced undivided. flax-leaved, p'lnnata. R. leaves feather'd three-pair'd : leaflets lanced: the odd-one faw'd, petals flat rather notchletted. S. feathered. 524 TOLU- DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Toluifera. 32$. tzA. TOLUIFERA. CaL 5-tooth'd, belVd. P5- ^ ' ta/s 5, the lowed the largeft inverfe- hearted. Style none. Balfamunu i. Toluifera. H^'"- r2C. HiEMi^TOXYLUM. Cal. 5-parted. Pe^ ^ ^ tab 5. Capf. lanced, i-cell'd, 2- valved : valves boated. Logwood. Campch'ianunu I. H^matoxylum. Campechy. 1260. PROSOPIS. Cal. hemifpheric, 4~tooth'd. Stigma fimple. Legume inflated, many- feeded. fpc'tgera. i. Prosopis. \ fpke-betirlng. 1261. CHALCAS. CaL 5-parted. C^r. bell'd : petals claw'd. Stigma head-warted. pamculata, i. Chalcas. ^ i7±i, ■ MURRAY A. CaL 5-parted. Cor. beird with Neftary furroundmg the germ. .B^rry one-feeded. exotica. Murray A. ^^^^'^' r26. ADENANTHERA. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Pe- ta/s 5. Globular Glands affixed to the Anthers on the exteriour top. Le- gume membranous. Bajiard Flower- fence, pavonlna. I. A. leaves fmooth on both fides. " pe^cod falcaia. 2. A. leaves downy underneath. y/f/p^^a. 528. TRI- 326. TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Trlchilk. 528. TRICHILIA. Cal moftly 5-tooth'd. Petals 5. Nedlary cylindfic, bearing the An- thers in its mouth. Capf, 3-ceird, 3-valved. Seeds berried. hiria- I. T. leaves feather'd ftiaggyifh. Jhciggj' glabra, 2. T. leaves feather'd fmooth, the outmofl leaflets larger. fmooth, irifoUa. 3. T. leaves three'd. three-leaved, 1306. TURR^A. CaL 5-tooth'd. Petals ^. Nec- tary cylindric bearing the Anthers in its mouth: Cap/, 5 -grained. Seeds twofold. virens, TuRR-SA. green* 521- SWIETENIA. CaL 5-cleft. Petals 5. Ne^ary cylindric bearing the Anthers in its mouth. Capj\ 5-ceird, woody gaping at the bafe. Seeds imbricated^ wing'd. Mahogany 'Tiree, MahagonL Svi^ietenia. Mahago?ii. 527. MELIA. CaL 5-tooth'd. Petals 5. Nec- tary cylindric, bearing the Anthers of the corol in its mouth. Drupe with nucleus five-cell'd, Bread-Tree, Axedarach. i. M. leaves twice feather'd, Azadirachta. 2. M. leav^es feather'd. 530. ZYGO- DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. ZygOphyllum 327. 530. ZYGOPHYLLUM. CaL 5.1eaved. Fetah 5. Ne5lary lo-leaved, covering the germ. Capf. 5-ceird. Bean-Caper^ ft?7iplex, 9.. Z. leaves fimpk feflile cyHndrlc. Jimple* Fahago. I. Z. leaves pair'd petioled : leaflets inverfe-egg'd, ftem herbaceous. cocc'ineum. 2. Z. leaves pair'd petioled ; leaflets cylindric fleihy polifh'd. fcarlet. albmn, 3. Z. leaves pair'd petioled : leaflets club'd flefhy Ipider- like-hoary. white. Morgjana. 4. Z. leaves pair'd fubpetioled : leaflets inverfe-egg'd,, ftem fhrubby. feJftUfoUmn. 5. Z. leaves pair'd feflile : leaflets lance-egg'd rugged on the margin, ftem ftirubby. fejjile-leaved* Jpincfu7n, 6. Z. leaves pair'd feflile : leaflets linear fleftiy flat above, ftem ftirubby. thorny, esftuans. 7. Z. leaves pair'd feflile, leaflets inverfe-egg'd retufe. burning, arhoreum. 8. Z. leaves feather'd, ftem arborefcent. arbor efcent. cordifoliurn. Z. leaves fimple oppofite heart-orbicular. S. heart- leaved, microphyUu?n. Z. leaflets oval minute, capfules end-nick'd. S. fmall-leaved. 529. QUASSIA, CaL 5-leaved. Petals 5. Nee-- tary 5-leaved. Pericarps 5, diftant, i-feeded. Sirnaruha, ECANDRIA. DIGYNIA* DianthuS. 34i« /uperbus* II. D. flowers panlcled, calyx-fcalesihort pointed, eorols many-cleft- capillary, ftem ere6t. fuperK rupejiris, D. flowers folitary calyx-fcales mofl: obtufe two-fold, petals notch'd. 5. roch * * * ^tem one-fiower* d herbaceous, arenarius. 13. D. ftems moftly one-flower'd, calyx-fcales egg'd ob- tufe, petals many-cleft, leaves linear. fand, alplnus. 14. D. flem one-flower'd, eorols notch'd, the exteriour calyx-fcales equalling the tube, leaves linear obtufe. alpine. virgineusn 15. D. ftem moftly one-flower'd, eorols notch'd, calyx- fcales moil: fhort, leaves awl'd, virg'm* * * * * Shrub-growing, arboreus, x6. D. flem fhrubby, leaves awl'd, petals faw'd, arbo- refcent, fruticofus, 17. D. fl:em fhrubby, leaves lanced, Jhrubby, pimgens. D. ftem fhrubbyifh, leaves linear-awl'd, petals intire. pungent. THREE FEMALES. / Trigynia. J 566. baccifera. Behen. fabarius. vifccfus, flellatus. agyptiacus. CUCUBALUS. CaL inflated. Petals 5, claw'd, without a crown at the Throat. Capf. 3 - c e 1 r d . CAampion , 1. C. calyxes bell'd, petals diftant, pericarps colour*d, branches divaricated. berry -bearing, 2. C. calyxes fubgiobular fmooth net-vein'd, capfules three-ceird, eorols nakedifh. 3. C. leaves inverfe-egg'd flefhy. bean. 4. C. flowers lateral every way decumbent, ftem undi- vided, leaves refle<51:ed at the bafe. vifcous* 5. C. leaves fourfold. Jiar'd, 7. C. flowers ereft, petals end-nlck'd retrofle^ted : niark'd on both fides with a toothlet. agyptian, 9. C, 342- italicus. tataricus. 8. fibirlcus* 7- cathoUcus. 10. mollijftjnus. II. Otites. 11. rejiexiis. 13- faxifragus. 14. pumileo. 15- TEN MALES. THREE FEMALES. Cucubalus. g. C. petals half- two-cleft, calyxes club'd, panicle two- fork'd erecl, frudification declining, Item erect. Italian, 8. C. petals two-parted, flowers one-rank'd decumbent, peduncles oppofite folitary erect, item moft fimple. tartariarm C. petals end-nick*d, flowers fubverticil'd : verticils umbel'd leaflefs. ftheriajt, C. petals two-parted, flowers panicled, ftamens long. leaves lance-ec^2;'d. :ath D017C. C. petals half-two-cleft, panicle two-fork'd, ftem and leaves velvety: radical leaves fpatuled. mcji-foft* C. flowers tv/o-houfe, petals linear undivided. C. flowers fpiked alternate cne-rank'd fubfeflfile, petals nearly two-parted obfcure. rejietted, C. petals two-cleft, calyxes fliriated : terminal ones fabfeflile : lateral ones peduncled. faxijrage, C. ftem one-flower'd fhorter than the flower, dwarf. 567. SILENE. CaL bellied. Petals 5, clawed : crown'd at the throat. Cap/. 3-ceird. Catch -Jly. * With Flowers foUtary lateral, a'figlica, I. S. jfhaggv, petals end-nick'd, flowers erect, fruit refleifted peduncled alternate. £^glijl}' lufitanic, 1, S. fhaggy, petals tooth'd undivided, flowers erciSt, fruit divaricate-refie6ted alternate. portugal, vul- 3. S. petals moft intire roundifh, fruit eretSt alternate. five-wounds, 4. S. fiov/ers fpiked alternate one-rank'd feflile, petals two-cleft. noBurnal, 5. S. flowers fubfpiked alternate one-rank'd, petals un- divided, fruit ere6t. french. cerajloidcs, 6. S. fliaggy, petals end-nick'd, frudiifications ere6t, calyxes fubfefTile rather hairy. Cerajtum-l'ike, % % PloTjuers lateral croivded. 'riutahiUs, 7. S. petals two-cleft, calyxes angled peduncled, leaves lance-linear, mutable^ quinque nera, noSiurna, gallica. 8. S DECA nutans. 8. S. amcena, 9. S. paradoxa. 35. S. fruticofa, 10. S. NDRiA. TRiGYNiA. Silene 343' bupleuroi- 14. S. des. g'lgantea. 13- s. crajjifolia. II. s. vlridiflora. 12. s. * * * comidea. 15- s. con'ica. 16. s. Behen. 17- s. Jlriaa, 18. s. fendula, 19. S. no 5li flora, 20. S. virginica, 21. S. antirrhlna,22. S. rubella, 23. S. inaperta, 24. S, petals two-cleft, flowers lateral one-rank'd bov/- ing, panicle nodding. ?2odding. petals two-cleft : with coronet rather coadjoin'd, OHC-rank'd, peduncles oppofite three-flovver'd, branches rdternate. pkafant. flowers racemed, calyxes ten-furrowM vifcid, fome flowers, with ftamens protruded, others with ftamens included. paradox, petals two-cleft, flem fhrubby, leaves brcyad-lanced, panicles three-fork'd. Jhriihhy. petals two-cleft, flowers peduncled oppofite fhorter than the bracle, leaves lanced acute fmooth. Bitpleurum-likem petals two-cleft, radical leaves fpoon-form moft obtufe, flowers fubverticii'd. giant, petals end-nick'd, leaves fuborbicular flefhy fhagg}^ raceme one-rank'd. thick^leaved, petals kalf-tv/o-cleft, leaves egg'd ruggediiTi acute, panicle ^ongated nearly leaflefs. green-flower d* With Flowers from the fork of the Stem, calyxes of the fruit globular pointed v/ith thirty ftrias, leaves fmooth, petals intire. conium-like, calyxes of the fruit conic with thirty ftrias, leavef , foft, petals two-cleft. conic, calyxes fmooth egg'd vein-netted. petals end-nick'd, calyxes fmooth net-veln'd pointed longer than the peduncle, flem two-fork'd up- right, upright, calyxes fruit-bearing pendulous inflated : with ten rugged angles. pendulous, calyxes ten-angled : the teeth equalling the tube, ftem two-fork'd, petals two-cleft, night flower- mg. calyxes of the flower cylindric, panicle two-fork'd. Virginian, - petal end-nick'd, calyxes egg'd, pedncles three- cleft, leaves lanced fomewhat fringed, aniir^ rhinum . ere6l polifh'd, calyxes fubglobular fmooth vein'd^ corols unopen'd. hhjlnng^ ftem two-fork'd panicled, calyxes polifh'd, petal^ moft ftiort end-nick'd, leaves fmooth lanced^ unope'tid^ 25. S, 344* '^^N MALES. THREE FEMALES. Silene, hortenfts* 25. ftem two-fork'd panicled, calyxes ftriated, petals two- cleft, leaves linear. garden. eretica, 26. S. erect pollfh'd, calyxes ere61: ten-angled, petals two- cleft, a'etan, miifclpula, 27. S. petals two-cleft, ftem two-fork'd, flov/ers axillary feffile, leaves fmooth. catchfiy. polyphylla, 28. S. leaves fafcicled briftly : thofe of the flowering branches oppofite. many -leaved. Armeria. 29. S. flowers fafcicled level-top'd, fuperiour leaves hearted fmooth, petals intire, rupeflris. 31. S. Aowers ere6t petals cnd-nick'd, calyxes columnar, leaves lanced. 7'ock. Saxifraga. 32. S. ftems moftly one-fiower*d, peduncles the length of the ftemj flowers hermaphrodite and female, petals two-cleft. Saxifrage. vallefta. 33. S. fl:ems moftly one-flower'd decumbent, leaves lanced downy the length of the calyx, vaUeftan. acauUs, 34. ftemlefs deprefs'd, petals end-nick'd. Jlemlefs. archidea. S. flowers fafcicled level-top'd, petals four-cleft, leaves egg'd fmooth. S. ore his -like, agyptiaca. S. petals end-nick'd tooth'd on each fide, leaves rather downy. S, Egyptian, 568. STELLARIA. Cal. 5-leaved, expanding. Petals 5, two-parted. Cap/, i-cell'd, many-feeded. Star -flower. nemorum, i. S. leaves hearted petioled, panicle with peduncles branchy. of the groves. dichotoma, 2. S. leaves egg'd feflile, fl:em two-fork'd, flowers foli- tary, pfeduncles fruit-bearing refleited. twO' fork'd. radians. 3. S. leaves lanced fav/let ted, petals five-parted, radiant. Hohftea, ^. S. leaves lanced fawletted, petals two-cleft. graminea. 5. S, leaves linear moft intire, flov/ers panicled. gf'^Jy* Cerajloidcs. 6. S. leaves oblong, peduncles mofl;ly two-flower'd. Cerajlium-like. hifiora, 7. S. leaves awl'd, fcapcs mofl:ly two-flower'd, petals end- nick'd, geims oblong, calyxes flrriated. two^ flower'd. arenaria. 8. S. leaves fpatuled, fl:em ere£l: two-cleft, branches al- ternate petals end-nick'd, /and, 569 ARE- i>ECANDRiA. "fRiGYNiA. Arenaria. 345- 569. ARENARIA. Cal. 5-leaved, expanding. Petals 5, intire. Capf. i-ceird, many- feeded. Sandwort. peploides, 1. A. tetraquetra* 2. A. h flora. A . lateriflora* 3. A. trmervia, 4. A. ciliata. 15. A. baleartca, A. multicauUs, 5. A. ferpyllifoUa* 6. A. tr I flora, A. montana, y. A* r«^r«. 8. A. media, ^. A. bavarica. 10. A. gypfophlloides, A. faxatilis. il. A. verna., A. hi/pi da. 16. A. juniperina. A. ienutfolia. 12. A. larici folia. l?. A. leaves egg'd acute flefhy. pepUs-likei leaves egg'd keel'd recurved four- ways imbricated. four-fided. leaves inverfe-eggM obtufe, ftems procumbent, peduncles tw^o-flower'd lateral. two-flower d. leaves egg'd obtufe, peduncle lateral two-flower'd. flde flowering, leaves egg'd acute petloled nervy. three-nerved. leaves egg'd nervy fringed acute. fringed. leaves egg'd lucid ratiier fiefliy, flem creeping, peduncles one-flowerM. halearean. leaves egg'd nervelefs feflile acute : corols larger than the calyx. 7natiy-fle?nd. leaves rather egg'd acute feflile, corols fhorter than the calyx* thyme-leaved. leaves lance-awl'd fringed, branches moftly three- flower'd, petals lined obtufe. three-flower* d, leaves linear-lanced rugged, items barren moft long procumbent. mountain. leaves thread-form, flipules membranous flieath- ing. red. leaves linear-flefhy, flipules m.embranous, flems pubefcent. middle. leaves femicylindric flefhy obtufe, petals lanced, terminal peduncles moflly two'd. bavarian, leaves linear : radical ones briflly, panicle fubpu- bufcent, petals lanced. gypfophila-like. leaves awl'd, flems panicled, calyxes w^ith leaflets egg'd obtufe. rock. leaves avi.'1'd, items panicled, calyxes pointed fili- ated. vernal, leaves awl'd hifpid underneath. hifpid. leaves awl'd thorny, items erect, calyxes ftriated, capfules oblong. jumper, leaves awl'd, ftem panicled, capfules erc(St, petals fhorter than the calyx lanced. flsnder -leaved. leaves briitly, ftem nakedifh above, cal)'Xes rather fhaggy, larix-leaved. X X 14. A, 346. TEN MALES. THREE FEMALES. ArenariS. flriata. 14. A. leaves linear ere6l apprefs'd, calyxes oblong ftriated, Jiriated. fdfctculata. A. leaves awl'd, ftem ere6t upright^ flowers fafcicled, petals moft fhort. fafcicled. grandljiora. I'] . A. leaves awl'd flat upright : radical leaves crowded, Hems one-flower'd. great-jiovjer^d, Vinijiora* A. leaves awl'd, ftems fhrubbyifli, flowers double. fax-jioiver'd. liniflora, A. ftems ere£t, branchy below fhrubby, leaves awl'd, flowers double. 5. Jiax-flower'd, 570. CHERLERIA. CaL 5-leaved. ' NeBaries 5-t\vo-cleft, petal-like. Anthers al- ternate barren. Cap/, i-cell'd, j- valved, three-feeded. Sedo'ides, i. Cherleria. Sedum-like. ^ji. GARIDELLA: CaL 5-leaved, petal-like. NeBaries 5, two-lip'd, two-cleft. Capf. 3, connefted, many-feeded. Nigellafiurn, i. Garidella. 572. MALPIGHIA. CaL 5-leaved v^ith honey- bearing pores on the outlide the bafe. Petals 5, roundilh, claw'd. Berry I -ceird, 3-reeded. glabra. I. M. leaves egg*d moft intire fmooth, peduncles umbel'd. fmooih. pumdfolta. 2. M. leaves egg'd moft intire fmooth, peduncles one- flowcr'd punica-kaved, nitida. 3. M. leaves lanced moft intire fmooth, fpikes lateral, urens, 4. M. leaves oblong-egg'd : briftles underneath decum- bent rigid, peduncles one-ftower'd aggregate. I. jVinging, angu/iifolia, 4. M. leaves linear-lanced : with briftles on both fides decumbent rigid, peduncles umbel'd. narrozv- leaved, 6. M. DECANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Malpighia. 347, craJftfoUa, 6. A'l. leaves egg'd moft intire downy underneath racemes terminal. thick-leaved, verbafcifoUa.'] . M. leaves lance-sgg'd downy moft intire, racemes tenr.inal. mullein-leaved, aquifolia, 8. M. leaves lanced tooth-thorny hifpid underneath. Holly, coccigcra. <^. M. leaves rather egg'd tooth-thorny. grain-hearijj^, 573. BANISTERIA. Cal, 5-parted with honey- bearing pores on the oiitfide the bale. Petals roundifli, claw*d. Seeds 3, mem- brane-win. ^'d. o angulofa. i. B. leaves finus-agled. angled, purpurea, i. B. leaves egg'd, fpikes lateral, feeds ere^t. purple, laurifolia, 3. B. leaves cgg-oblong rigid, racemes terminal. bay^ leaved, benghalenfis . 4. B. leaves egg-oblong pointed, racemes lateral, feeds expanding. benghal, dichotoma, 5. B. leaves egg'd, branches two-fork'd. two-forked, Julgens, 9. B. leaves rather egg'd downy underneath, racemes crofs-arm'd, peduncles umbel'd. Jhining. hrachiata. 7. B. leaves rather egg'd, branches crofs-arm'd, feeds narrower within. crofs-arm'd, 569. HIR^A. Cal, 5-leaved. Petals roundifh, claw'd. Cap/, with three wings, 3- ceird. Seeds two. reclinata, i. Hirjea. reclined, 574. TRIOPTERIS. Cal, 5-parted. Six wings of the germ counterfeit Petals, Seeds 3. Cap/. 3, two-wing'd. i-feeded. ja m aiccnfts , Triopteris. Jamaica, Xx2. 575* ERY- 34^. TEN MALES. THREE FEMALES. ErythrOXyloD. 575. ERYTHROXYLON. CaL top-fliape. Cor. the petals with a nedlar - bearing eiid-nick'd fcalelet at the bale. Stamens cciinedled at the bafe. JDriipe i-ceird, areolatum, i. E. leaves inverfe-egg'd. havanenfe, 2, E. leaves egg'd. havanna. FIVE FEMALES, (Penta^ynia,) 576. AVERRHOA. CaL 5-leaved. Petals 5, expanding above. Pofiie 5-corner*d, 5-ceird. B'tlimhu T. A. ftock naked fructifying, pomes ohlpng obtufe-an- gied. Caramhola. 2- A. axils of the leaves fi udlifying, pomes oblong acute- angled. ac'ida, 3. A. branches naked fru£lifying, pomes roundifh. acid, 577. SPONDIAS. Cal 5-tooth'd. Cor, j-petal'd. Drupe with a five-cell'd nucleus. Momhin. I. S. leaves with the common petiole comprefs'd. Myrobalanus.2, S. petioles columnar . leaflets glofly pomted. 578. COTYLEDON. CaL 5-cleft. Cor. i-petal'd. Five nedlar-bearing Scales at the bafe of the germ. Cap/. 5. Navel Wort. orhiculata. i. C. leaves orbicular fleftiy fiat moft intire, ftem ftirubby. orbicular. fptiria, 2. C. leaves fpatule - lanced flefliy moft intire, ftem flirubby. fpurious, hemijphaiica.^' C. leaves fcmiglobular. hemifpheric. /errata. 4. C. leaves oval notch'd, ftcm fpiked. faw*d. 9. C. DECANDRIA. PENTAGVNIA. Cotylcdon. 349. Umbilicus. 9. C. leaves cowl-targetted faw-tooth*d alternate, ftem branchy, flowers eredl. navel, laciniaia. 6. C. leaves jagg'd, flowers four-cleft, j^Sg*^^ htfpanka, 7. C. leaves oblong rather columnar, flowers rafcicled. fpanijh, papillaris. C. leaves oppofite column-cgg'd, flowers corymbed. S. papillary. mamillaris. C. leaves alternate column-egg*d, flowers alternate fubfeflile. S. mamillary, triflora, C. leaves inverfe-cgg'd intire, flowers fubpeduncled threefold. 8, three -flowered. Cacalioides. G. leaves columnar, flowers corymbed, ftem Ihrubby. S. Cacalia-like, reticulata. C. ihrubby, leaves columnar, flowers net-corymbcd. S. netted. paniculata. C. ihrubby, leaves oblong -egg'd feflile, panicle diva- ricated racemed. S. panicled* 579. SEDUM. CaL 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Five nadlar- bearing Scales at the bafe of the germ. Capfuks 5. * Flat-leaved. verticillata. i. S, leaves fourfold. veticil'd. Teiepbiu/jj. 2. S. leaves flattifh fa w*d, corymbe leafy, ilem ere6l. Jnacamp- 3. S. leaves wedge-form moft intire, items decumbeati feros. flowers corymbed. Aizoon. 4. S. leaves lanced faw'd flat, item ere^. C. thorny, leaves faw'd. 600. TRIUMFETTA. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. 5- leaved. Cap/, hifpid, burftlng into four. LappuJa, I. T. leaves end-nick'd at the bafe, flowers not ca- lycled. Bartramia. A. T. leaves intire at the bafe undivided. femitriloba, 2. T. leaves half-three-lobed, floweis complete, half- threC'lohed. annua. 3. T. leaves egg'd undivided or rarely lobed, annual. 601. PEGANUM. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. 5-leaved, or o. Capf* 3-ceird, 3-valved, many-? feeded. Harmala. i. P. leaves many-cleft, daiiricum. 2. P. leaves undivided. dauric, Z 2 1263. HUD- 362. TWELE MALES, ONE FEMALE, Hudfonia. 1263. HUDSONIA. CGf\ none. CaL 5-leaved, tubular. Stamens 15. Cap/, i-ceird, 3-valved, 3-feeded. ericoides, Hudsonia. heath-like. 602. NITRARIA. Cor. 5-petard, petals vaulted at top. Ca/. 5-cleft. Stamens 15. Drupe many-feeded. Schoheri. A. Nitraria. of Schober, 603- PORTULACA. Cor. 5-petard. CaL 2- cleft. Cap/, i-ceird, circumcifed, or 3-valved. Purjlane. oleracea, i. P. leaves wedge-form, flowers feflile. oleraceous, pilofa. 2. P* leaves awlM alternate : axils hairy, flowers feflile terminal. hairy, quadrifida. 7. P. bra6tes four-fold, flowers four-cleft, ftem with hairy knots. four-cleft, halimoides. 3. P* leaves oblong flefhy, ftem corymbed, flowers feflile. halimus-like. triangularis. 5. P. leaves inverfe-egg'd flattifli, raceme Ample three- fided. triangular, Anacampfe- 4. leaves egg'd gibbous, peduncle many-flower'd, fl;em ros. Ihrubby. patens. P. leaves lance-egg'd flat, panicle branchy, calyx two-leaved. expanding, fruticofa. 6. P. leaves inverfe-egg'd flattifli, peduncles racemed^ calyxes five-leaved, fl:em fhrubby. Jhrubby, meridiana* P. leaves elliptic flefhy flat, knots hairy, flowers feflile terminal. S. meridian. 604. LY- DODECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Lythrum. 363. 604. LYTHRUM. CaL 12-cleft. Petals 6, in- ferted on the calyx. Capf, 2-ceird, many-feeded. Salicaria. I. L. leaves oppofite heart - lanced, flowers fpiked, twelve-male. virgatu7n. lo. L. leaves oppofite lanced, panicle twiggy, flowers twelve-male threefold. i'^'iggy* fruticqjum, A. L. leaves oppofite downyifh underneath, flowers ten- male, the corol fhorter than the calyx, and the calyx fhorter than the fru6^iiication. Jhrubby. vertkillatum.\> L. leaves oppofite downy underneath fubpetioled, flowers verticil'd lateral. verticil' d» petiolatum. 5. L. leaves oppofite linear petioled, flowers twelve- male. ^ petioled. linear e> 6. L. leaves oppofite linear, flowers oppofite fix-male. linem\ Parfonfta. 3. L. leaves oppofite oval, flowers alternate fix-male feflile, fl:em diflufe. Melanium, 7. L. leaves oppofite egg'd, flowers alternate moflily ten- male, fl:em profl:rate. Cuphea, L. leaves oppofite petioled egg-oblong ruggedifh, flowers twelve-male. S. trijlorum. L. moft fmooth, leaves oppofite fubfeflile lanced in- tire, peduncles axillary oppofite with a three- flower'd head. S. three- floiver'd, Pemphis. L. Ihrubby fhaggy, leaves oppofite oblong intire, flowers axillary peduncled folitary, capfule cir- cumcifed one-cell'd. S, racemofum. L. difl:ufe, leaves oppofite petioled eggM, racemes ter- minal, flowers oppofite. S. racemed, Hyjfopifolia. 8. L. leaves alternate linear, flowers fix-male. Hyffop- leaved, Thymifolia. 9. L. leaves alternate linear, flowers four-petaPd, 77;j^;w^- leaved, dipeialum, L. hifpid-vifcous, leaves threefold or oppofite feflile egg'd, flowers axillary nodding, two - pe- tal'd. S, ' tvJG-patal'd, Zz t 605. GL 364. TWELVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Ginora. 605. GINORi^. Cat. 6-cleft. Petals 6. Capf. I - cell'd, 4 - valved, colour'd, many- feeded. americana. Ginora. american^ 1392. DODECAS. Cal half- four - cleft, corol- bearing, above. Cor, 5-petardc Capf, I -cell'd, conjoin'd with the calyx. S. Surinamenfts Dodecas. Surinam, TWO FEMALES. ' fDigynia.J 606. HELIOCARPUS. CaL 4-leaved. Petals 4. Styles, fimple. Capf, 2-celi'd, com- prefs'd, both ways longitudinally ra- diated. a?nericana, Heliocarpus. American, 607, AGRIMONIA. Cal, 5-tooth'd, fenced with another. Petals 5. Seeds 2, in the bottom of the calyx. Agrimony, Eupatoria, i. A. ftem-leaves featherM : with the odd one petloled' fruit hifpid. t'epens. 2. A. ftem-leaves feather'd : with the odd one felTile, fruit hifpid. creeping. Jgri7nonioi- 3. A. ftem-leaves three'd, fruit fmooth. des. decumbenso A. leaves feather'd ftiaggy, ftem procumbent, fruit every \vay hifpid-hook'd. S, decumbent, THREE bODECANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Rcfcda. 365. THREE FEMALES. ( Trigynia. J 608. RESEDA. Cal. i -leaved, parted. Petals jagged. Capf, gaping in the mouth, i-ceird. Bajiard Rocket , Luteoh. I. R. leaves lanced intire onc-tooth'd on both fides the bafe, calyxes four-cleft. camfcem. 2. R. leaves lanced waved hairy. hoary, glauca. 3. R. leaves linear tooth'd at the bafe, flowers four- female, fea-green, purpurafcens.j^. R. leaves linear obtufe, flowers five-female, purplmg, Sefamoides. 5. R. leaves lanced intire, fruit fliar'd. Sefamum-Uke, frutlculofa. 7. R. leaves feather'd recurvate at top, flowers four- female, calyxes expanding five-parted, ftem fhrubby at the bafe. JJ^rubhyijT}, alba. 8. R. leaves f.ather'd. flowers four-female, calyxes fix- parted, white, undata, 6. R. leaves feather'd waved, flowers three-femaie or fo ur- m a 1 c. ivaved. lutea, g. R. leaves all three-cleft : inferiour ones feather'd. yellow. Phyteuma. 10. R.. leaves intire and three-lobed, calyx mofl: large fix- parted. mediterranea, R. leaves intire and three-lobed, calyxes fhorter than the flowers. inediterranean, odorata. 11. R. leaves intire and three-lobed, calyxes equalling the flower. odorous, 609. EUPHORBIA. Cor, 4 or 5-petal'd, fitting on the calyx. Calyx i -leaved, bellied. Capf, 3-grain'd. Spurge, * Shriibhy^ prickly^ ant'iquoruin, i. E. prickly nakedifh triangular jointed: branches ex- panding, of the ancients, 2. E. 366. TWELVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. EupllOrbia. canarienfts. 2. E. prickly naked fubquadrangular : prickles doubled. Canaries, heptagona, 3. E. prickly naked feven-angled : thorns folitary awl'd flower-bearing. fev en-corner d, mamUlarts. 4. E. prickly naked : angles tuberous diftinguifhed with thorns. mamimllary^ cereiform'is. 5. E. prickly naked many-angled : thorns folitary awl'd. Cer ens- form. cfficinarum. 6. E. prickly naked many-angled : prickles doubled. officinal, nerlifoUa, 7. E. prickly : angles obliquely tubercled. nerium-leaved. * * Shrubby^ unarm d^ (Jhtn neither two-forked nor umbel-bearing.) Caput Medu-.%. E. unarm'd imbricated with tubercles furnifli'd with a fid, linear leaflet. Meduja's Head. mauritani- 10. E. unarm'd hall-naked fhrubby thread-form flaccid, ca, leaves alternate. mauritanian. ^Tirucalli. ir. E. unarm'd half- naked fhrubby thread-form eredl,' branches expanding determinately crowded. ^ithymal- 12. E. unarm'd fhrubby, leaves two-ways alternate egg'd. aides. Titbymalus-like. hetetopbylla.i^' E. unarm'd, leaves faw'd petioled different: egg'd lanced viol in- form. differ eyit-leaved. coiinifoUa, 14. E. leaves oppofite nearly hearted petioled end-nick'd mofl intire, flem fhrubbv. cotinus-leaved. Qcymotdea, 15. E, unarm'd herbaceous branchy, leaves nearly hearted mofl intire fnorter than the petiole, flowers folitary. ocymum-Uke. * * * Two-fork' d (umbel two- cleft or none.) eriganoidcs. 16. E. two-fork'd, leaves fawlettcd egg'd obtufe three- nerved, panicle terminal, ftems fimple. origa- nimi-like. hyperici- 17. E. two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oval-oblong fmooth, folia. corymbes terminal, branches divaricated, hype- ricu?n-leaved^ macidata *ii. E. two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oblong hairy, flowers ax- illary folitary, branches fpreading. fpotted. Tm-ta. 18. E. two-fork'J, leaves fawletted egg'd pointed, pedim- cles headed axillary, flems hairy. fl^^ggy* piluUfera, Ig. E. two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oval-oblong, peduncles two-headed axillary, flem erect. ball-bearing. 20. E. DODECANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Euphorbia. 367, hyjjop'ifolia. 20. E. two-fork'd, leaves fomewhat notched linear, flowers fafcicied terminal, ftem erecl. hyjfop-leaved. Thymtfolia. 21. E. two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oval-oblong, heads axil- lary glomerated fubfefTile, ftems procumbent. Thy?ne-leaved. pai'vi flora, 23. E. moftly two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oblong fmooth, flowers folitary, flem ereclifli alternately bran- chy, fmall-fiower^d. canefcens. 24. E. two-fork'd, leaves intire roundifh hairy, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. hoary, Chamoejyce, 25. E. two-fork'd, leaves notchletted roundifh fmooth, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. Peplis, 26. E. two-fork'd, leaves mofl: intire half-hearted, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. Folygoni- 27. E. leaves oppofite moft intire lanced obtufe, flowers folia, folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. Polygonum- leaved. gram'inea. 63. E. two-fork'd leaves lance-elliptic petioled moft intire, ftem ereiSl, peduncles two-fork'd. ^^^JJy- Ipecacuan- 28. E. two-fork'd, leaves moft intire lanced, peduncles ha» axillary one-flower'd equalling the leaves, ftem ere6l. Ipecacuhan^ porttdacol- 29. E. two-fork'd, leaves mxoft intire oval retufe, pedun- des. cles one-flower'd equalling the leaves, ftem ered:. portnlaca-l'ike,. 7nyrtifolia, 30. E. two-fork'd, leaves moft intire roundifli end-nick'd hoary underneath, flowers folitary, ftem erect. tnyrtle-leaved, * Umbel three-deft. Peplus, 31. E. umbel three-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels egg'd, leaves moft intire inverfe-egg'd petioled. falcaia, 32. E. umtel three-cleft: two-fork'd, involucels fome what hearted dagger'd, leaves lanced obtufifh. fckUd, ex'igua, 34. E. umbel three-cleft : two-fork'd : involucels lanced, leaves linear. Utile, tuherofa. 35. E. umbel three-cleft, involucre four-leaved, ftem naked, leaves oblong end-nick'd. tuberous. * * Umbel four-cleft. Lathyris, 36. E. umbel four-cleft : two-fork'd, leaves oppofite moft intire. 368. TWELVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Euphorbia. terracina, 33. E. umbel four-cleft : two-fork'd, leaves alternate lanced retufe dagger'd. Jpios. 38. E. umbel four-clefc : two-cleft, with involucels kid- ney^form : the chief inverfe-hearted. * * * Umbel five-deft umbel five-cleft : two-cleft with involucels egg'd : leaves linear erecft, item fhrub-growing. ge- nijla-like, umbel nearly five-cleft : fimple, involucels egg'd : primary ones three-leaved, leaves oblong moft intire, ftem fhrubby. thorny, umbel five-cleft : tv/o-cleft, with involucels eg'i'd, leaves lanced obtufe villous underneath, epithi- mon-like. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels fome- what egg'd, leaves lanced obtufe moft intire. jweet. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg'd dagger'd, leaves lanced : the loweft nivolute imbricated backwards. umbel five-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels fomewhat hearted concave, leaves linear lanced finooth. expanding. Portland. umbel nearly five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels heart-kidney-form, leaves imbricated upwards. umbel five-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels egg- lanced dagger'd, inferiour leaves briftly. aleppo. umbel five-cleft :' two-fork'd, involucels hearted, leaves linear pointed crowded, capfules fome- what polifh'd. pine, umbel five-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels hearted acute, leaves linear-lanced : fuperiour leaves broader. corn, umbel five-cleft : three-cleft : two-fork'd, with involucels inverfe-egg'd, leaves wedge -form faw'd. umbel-five-cleft : three-cleft : two-fork'd, with involucels two-leaved kidney-form, leaves ftem- clafping hearted faw'd. fauPd, umbel five-cleft : nearly three-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg'd, leaves lanced faw'd vil- lous, capfules warty. warty, 48. E. genijloides. E. fplnofa. 37- E. epkhymoi' des. 39- E. dulcls. 40. E. Pithyufa. 41. E. Portlan- dica. 42. E. Paralias, 43- E. aleppica. 44. E. pinea. 64. E. fegetalis. 45- E. heliofcopia. 46. E. fcrrata. 47- E. verrucofa. 48. E. DODECANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Eliphorbia. 369. corollata, 48. E. umbel five-cleft: three- cl eft : two-forkM, with involucels and leaves oblong obtufe^ petals mem- branous. coroTd, coralloides. 50. E. umbel five-cleft : three-cleft : two-fork'd, with involucels egg'd, leaves lanced, capfules vv^oolly. coral-like, pllofa. 51. E. umbel five-cleft: three -cleft : two-cleft, with in- volucels egg'd, petals intire, leaves lanced ra- ther hairy favvletted at top. hairy, orienialis 52. E. umbel five-cleff: four-cleft : two-fork'd, with in- volucels roundifh acute, leaves lanced, oriental, platyphyllos. ^2' ^' "inbel five-cleft; three-cleft; two-fork'd, with involucels hairy on the keel, leaves faw'd lancedy capfiiles warty. broad-leaved,'' tIs ^ "tIs * Umbel many-cleft. Efula. 54. E. CypariJJias. 55. E. myrftnites. 56. E. palujiris. 57. E. hyherna. 58. E. 'dendroicks. ^g. E. amygdaloi- 60. E. des, fylvatica, 62. E. Characias, 61. E. umbel many-cleft: two - cleft with involucels fomewhat hearted, petals mofi:ly two-horn'dy branches barren, leaves uniform. umbel many-cleft ; two-fork'd, involucels fome- what hearted, branches barren with leaves briftly; ftem-leaves lanced. umbel nearly eight-cleft: two-cleft, with involu- cels fomewhat egg'd, leaves fpatuled expandinr^ flefhy dagger'd rugged on the margin. umbel many-cleft : nearly three-cleft : tu'o-cleft, with involucels egg'd, leaves lanced, branches barren. 2narfl), umbel fix-cleft ; two-fork'd, with involucels ovaly leaves moft intire, branches none, capfules warty. winter. umbel many-cleft ; two-fork'd, involucels fome- what hearted ; primary ones three-leaved, ilem arborefcent. tree- like. umbel many-cleft ; two-fork'd, involucels leaf- pierced orbicular, leaves obtufe. amygdalus- like. umbel fi\T- cleft ; tvi'o-cleft, with involucels leaf- pierced fomewhat hearted, leaves lanced moft intire. wood. umbel many-cleft ; two-cleft, with involucels leaf- pierced end-nick'd, leaves mofl intiie, i^ein fhrub-growing. A a a ^393- VIS- 2yO, TWELVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Viihca. 1393. VISNEA. Cor. 5-petard. CaL 5-leaved, beneath. Stigmas three. Nut 2 or 3-celi'd, half-beneath. S, Mocanera, Visnea. 1394. TACCA. Flower above. Cor, 6-petard. vaulted. CaL 6-leaved. Berry dry, angled, j-cell'd. S. pinnatifida. Tacca. feather-deft, 1395. PALLASIA. Cor. 5-petard. CaL o. Nut quadrangular : angles membranous, two-cleft. S. Co [pica. Pall ASIA. Cafpian, FIVE FEMALES. (Pentagynia,) \ 610. GLINUS. CaL 5-Ieaved. Cor. none. Nec^* taries with two-cleft briftles. CapJ\ 5-angled, 5-ceird, 5-valved, many- feeded. loto'ides. I. G. ftem hairy, leaves inverfe-egg'd. lotus-like, diSlamnoides, G. ftem ftifF, leaves orbieular downy. di^iamnus- Uke^ TWELVE DODECANDRIA. DODECAGYNIA. Sempcrvivum. 37I. TWELVE FEMALES. f Dodecagynia. J 612. SEMPERVIVUM. CaL la-parted. Petals 12. Cap/, 12, many-feeded. Hgu/c- leek. arbor eum. i. S. ftem arborefcent pollfh'd branchy. arborefcent, canarierijis, 2. S. ftem torn by the rubbifh of the leaves, leaves retufe. canaries, teHorum. 3. S. leaves fringed, ofFfets expanding. roof, gkhiferum. 4. S. leaves fringed, ofFfets globular. glob e-h caring, arachnoide- 7. S. leaves with hairs interwoven, offfets globular, cob- um. web. hirtum, 5. S. leaves ftem and tops of the petals fhaggy. Jhaggy, rnontanum, 6. S, leaves nioft intire, ofFfets expanded. mountain, fedlforme. S. leaves fcatter'd, inferiour ones columnar j fuperi- our ones deprefs'd. fedum-form. Aaa2 CLASS ^^■^^■■^■^■^'^•^'^•^■^^^'^'^^^'^'^'^'^^^'^'^'^'^'^'^'^ CLASS XII. TWENTY MALES. f Icofandria. J ONE FEMALE (Monogynia.) 613 Cactus. Cal, above, i -leaved. Cor. many -cleft. Berry i-cell'd, many-feeded. 616 Eugenia. CaL above, 4-parted. Cor. 4-petard. Drupe i-cellM, i-feeded. 614 Philadelphus. CaL above, 5 or 4"parted. Cor. 5 or 4- petal'd. Capf. 5 or 4-ceird, many- feeded, 615 PsiDiUM. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5.petal'd. Berry i-cell'd, many-feeded, 617 Myrtus. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. moftly 5-petard. Berr"^ 3-ceird, i-feeded. 618 Punic A. CaL above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Pome lo-cell'd, many-feeded. 619 Amygdalus. CaL beneath, 5-eleft. Cor. 5-petard. Drupe with a perforated nucleus. 620 Prunus leOSANDRIA. 373, 620 Prunus. Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Drupe with nucleus intire, 621 Chrysobalanus. CaL beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard, Drupe with nucleus furrow'd. 67 J Plinia. CaL beneath 4 or 5-parted. Cor. 4 or 5- petal'd. Drupe furrow M. 1396 Sonneratia, Cal. 6-cleft. Petals k^ awl'd. Cap/, m?iny^ ceird. S. TWO FEMALES. fDtgym'a.J til CRATiEGUS. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor, 5-petard. Berry 2-feeded. THREE FEMALES. (Trigynia.) 623 SoRBUs. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Berry 3-feeded. 424 Sesuvium. Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. none. Cap/ 3-celPd, circumcifed. FIVE FEMALES ( Fentagyrtia. J 627 Tetragonia. Cal. above, 5 or 4-cIeft. Cor. o. Pericarp with nucleus 5 or 4-ceird. 625 Mespilus. Cal above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Berry 5-feeded. 626 Pyrus. Cal, above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Pome 5-ceird many-feeded. 628 Me- 74< TWENTY MALES. 628 Mesembryan- Cal, above, 5-clert. Cor. many-cleft. Capf, THEMUM. flefhy, ceird, manj-feeded. 6119 AizooN. CaL beneath. 5-cleft. Cor, o. Capf. 5- ceird many-feeded. 6-^^^ Spir^a. ' Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5 -petal'd. Capf numerous, collected. MANY FEMALES. (Folygynia.) CaL 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. berried, many-feeded. Cal. 5-cleft, Cor. 5-petard. Berry com- pound. 635 ToRMENTlLLA. Cal. 8-cleft. Cor. 4-petard. Seeds 8, awnlefs. Cal. 8-cleft. Cor. S-petal'd. Seeds moil: numerous : awn woolly. Cal 10- cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Seeds moft numerous upon the berried receptacle, deciduous. CaL lo-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Seeds moft numerous ; awnlels. Cal. lo-cli»ft. Cor. 5-petard. Seeds moft numerous : awn knotted. CaL 10-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Seeds mofl numerous upon a flefhy permanent re- ceptacle. 639 Calycanthus. CaL fcaly corolline. Cor. o. Seeds tiL\V6.\t\ a fucculent calyx. * Spircsa FiUpendula^ Ulmaria, Phytolacca twenty-male^ 631 Rosa. 632 RUBUS. 635 ToRME 637 Dryas. 633 Fragaria. 634 potentilla. 636 Geum. 638 Com ARUM. ONE ICOSANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Cadus. 375. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia,) 613. CACTUS. Cal. i -leaved, above, imbricated. Cor, manyfold. Berry i-cell'd, many- feeded. * Echincmeioca^tufes rotmdi/h, mammillaris.l. C. roundifh cover'd with egg'd bearded tubercles. 77m- m'lllary. Melocacius» 1. C. roundifh fourteen-angled. * * Cereufes ere/yt Jiandhig ly themfehes* P'ltajaya. 24. C. erect triangular. beptagonus. 3. C. erect oblong feven-angled. feven-corner* d, tetragonus* 4. C, eredl quadrangular long with comprefs'd angles. four-corner d. hexagonus, 5. C. ere6l fix-angled long, angles diftant. fix-corner^ d, fentagonus. 6. C. ereCt moftly five-angled long jointed, five-cor- ner d, repandus* 7. C. ere(ft long eight-angled : angles comprefs'd wav'd, thorns longer than the wool. fcollop'd. laniiginofius , 8. C. erect long moftly nine-angled : angles obfcure, thorns fhorter than the wool. woolly, peruvianus. 9. C. eredt long moflly eight-angled : angles obtufe. peruviana Royeni. lo. C. erecft jointed nine-angled: joiats rather egg'd, thorns equalling the wool. ofi Royen, * * * Cereufes creeping with lateral rootlets. grandifiora.il, C. creeping moftly five-angled. great-fiower'd. Jiagellifior- 12. C. creeping ten-angled. whip-fiorm. ?nis. parafiiticus. 13. C. creeping columnar ftriated awnlefs. parafiitic. triangula- 14. C. creeping triangular. triangular* ris. * * * * Opun- ri(y. TWENTY MALES. ONE FEMALE. CaduS. * * * * Opuntias comprcfsd with proliferous joints. inoriilifor- 15. C. joint-proliferous, joints globular thorny glomC- mis. rated. 7iecklace-form. Opuntia: 16. C. joint-proliferous loofe, joints egg'd, thorns briftly. Ficusindi- 17. C. joint-proliferous, joints egg-oblong, thorns briflly. ca, Indian Fig. Tuna, 18. C. joint -proliferous, joints egg -oblong: thorns awl'd. cocbenillifir.ig. C. joint-proliferous, joints egg-oblong nearly un- arm'd. cocheneal-bearing, iurajjavi- 20. C. joint-proliferous, joints cylinder-bellied compre.s'd. cus. curafiao. Phyllanibus.2i. C. proliferous fword-form-comprefs'd, faw-fcoUoo'd. Perejkia. 22. C. ftem arborefcent columnar with prickles double recurved, leaves lance-egg'd. portulacifo- 2'^. C. ftem columnar arborefcent thorny, leaves wedge- lius, form retufe. portulaca-'ieaved. 614. PHILADELPHUS. Cal. 4 or 5-parted, above. Pelals 4 or 5, ^ Capf. 4 or 5- cell'd, many-feeded. Mock Orange. coronarius. i. P. leaves rather tooth'd. croiun. inodorus, 2. P. .leaves moft intire. inodorous , 615. PSIDIUM. Cal. 5-cleft, above. Petals 5. Berry i-cell'd, many-feeded. pyriferum. I. P. leaves lined obtufiili, peduncles one-ilower'd. pear- bearing, pomiferurn. 2. P. leaves lined pointed, peduncles three-flower'd. apple-hcaring. decafpermurn. P. leaves egg'd pointed flat, peduncles one-flower'd braded. S. ten-feeded. 616. EUGENIA. Cal. 4-parted, above. Petals 4. Drupe i-feeded, 4-aiigled. malaccenfis. 1. E. leaves moft intire, peduncles branchy lateral, ma- lacca» Jambos, 2. E. leaves moft intire, peduncles branchy terminal. 6. £* ICOSANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. EugeHla. 377. pfeudo^pfidi- 6. E. leaves moft intire, peduncles one-flower'd very um. numerous lateral and terminal. falfe-pftdium. urn flora. 3. E, leaves moft intire heart-lanced, peduncles one- flower'd lateral. one-flowered, cetinifolia. E. leaves egg'd obtufe moft intire, peduncles one- flower'd. contlnus-leaved, acutangula. 4. E. leaves notch''d, peduncles terminal, pomes oblong acute-angled. acute-angled, racemofa. 5. E. leaves notch'd, racemes moft long, pomes egg'd quadrangular. racemed* 617. MYRTUS. CaL 5-cleft, above. Petals 5. Berry 2 or 3-feeded. Myrtle. communis. i. M. flowers folitary : involucre two-leaved, co?nmdn, braftlia7ia. 2. M. flowers folitary, peduncles naked, petals rather fring'd. hraziie. hflora, 3. M. peduncles two-flower'd, leaves lanced. two^ flowered, angujiifolia.j^, M. peduncles umbel'd, leaves linear-lanced fubfeilile. narrow-leaved, lucida. 4. M. peduncles moftly three-flower'd, leaves" fubfeflile lanced attenuated. lucid, cumlni. 5. M. peduncles many-ftower'd, leaves lance-egg'd. dioica. 6. M. peduncles three- fork -panicled, leaves oblong, flowers two-houfe. two-houfe, Chytraculia. 7. M. peduncles two-fork'd panicled downy, leaves ter- minal rather egg'd double. Zuzygiu?n. 8. M. peduncles many-flower'd, branches two-fork'd, leaves double rather egg'd terminal. Zelanica, 9. M. peduncles many-flower'd, leaves egg'd fubpetiord. Ccyloji. androfcsmol' 10. M. peduncles three-cleft-many-flowcr'd, leaves fub- des. oval feflile. androfamum-li ke, caryophylla- II . M. peduncles three-cleft-many-flower'd, leaves in- ta. vefe-egg'd. Pimaiia. 12. M. leaves alternate. Allfpice^ Bbb 618. PU- 378. TWENTY MALES. ONE F^^MALE. Punica. 618. PUNICA. CaL 5 -cleft, above. Petals 5. Pome many-cell'd, many-feeJed. Pomegranate, granatum. i. P. leaves lanced. Hem arborefcent. 7iana, 2. P. leaves linear, ftem fhrubby. granatc, dwarf. big. AMYGDALUS. C^/. 5-cleft, beneath. Pe- tals 5. ' Drupe with nut perforated in the pores. Almond. Perfica, I. A. leaves with all the fawings acute, flowers feiTile folitary. perjian or Peach, communis, 2. A. leaves with the loweft fawings glandular, flowers fellile double. comrnon. pumila. 3. A. leaves vein-wrinkled. low* nana. 4. A. leaves attenuated at the bafe. dwarf. 620. PRUNUS. CaL 5-cIeft, beneath. Petals 5. Nut of the Drupe with futures fome- what prominent. Prune, Padus, I. P. flowers racemed, leaves deciduous two-glanded underneath the bafe. virginiana. 2. P. flowers racemed, leaves deciduous glanded before at the bafe. Virginian, canadenfis. 3. P. flowers racemed, leaves deciduous glandlefs broad- lai^ced wrinkled pubefcent on both fides, ca^ nadian, lufitanica. 4. P. flowers racemed^ leaves ever-green glandlefs. Por- tugal laurel, lauro'lera" 5. P. flowers racemed, leaves ever-green two-glanded on fus, the back. laurcL Mahalcb. 6. P. flowers corymbed terminal, leaves egg'd. arniemaca. 7. P. flowers feflile, leaves rather hearted. apricot, fihirica, 8. P. flowers fefl!ile, leaves egg- oblong. fiber ian, pumila, 14. P. flowers fubumbel'd, leaves narrow-lanced, dwarf, serafus, 9. P. umbels fubpeduncled, leaves egg-lanced fmooth conduplicate. cherry, '■ y - 10. P. ICOSANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PrUQUS. 37^. avium. 10. P. umbels feffile, leaves egg-lanced pubefcent under- neath condu plicate. bird, domejiica, 11. P. peduncles fubfolitary, leaves lance-egg'd convolute, branches awnlefs. domejlic, infititia. 12. P. peduncles double, leaves egg'd fubvillous convo- lute, branches thorn-growing. infttitious . fpinofa, 13. P. peduncles folitary, leaves lanced fmcoth, branches thorny* thorny, penfyhanica, P. Umbels fefTile, leaves egg-lanced, branchlets palely dotted. S, penjylvanian^ 671. PLINIA. CaL 5 or4-parted. Fetals ^ ox \. Drupe above, furrow'd. crocea, I. P. flowers five-petaPd. fafforn, rubra. P. flowers four-petai'd. red, pedunculata, P. flowers peduncled many-male. S, peduncled, 621. CHRYSOBALANUS. CaL 5-cleft. Peta/s 5. Nut of the Drupe 5-fufrow'd, ^- valved. Cocoa Plum. Icaco, I. Chrysobalanus. 1396. SONNERATIA. CaL 6-cleft. Petals 6, awrd. Cap/ many-ceird, fucculent : Cells many-feeded. S, actda, SoNNERATjA. " mid. TWO FEMALE So (Digynia,) 622. CRATAEGUS. CaL 5-cleft. Petals 5. Berry beneath, 2-feeded. Haw, Aria, I. C. leaves egg^d gaHi'd faw'd downy underneath. torminalis, 2. C. leaves hearted ieyen-angled : the loweft lobes diva- ricated, griping, B b b 2 ^ 3. C\ 380. TWENTY MALES. TWO FEMALES. Crataegus. coccinea* 3. C, leaves hearted fcollop-angled faw'd fmooth. y^^r/V^. viridis, 6. C. leaves lance-egg'd nearly three-lobed faw*d fmooth, flem unarm'd. green. Crus Gain, 4, C. leaves lance-eggM fav/'d fmooth, branches thorny. Cock-fpur, Wnentofa, 5. C. leaves wedge-form-egg'd fawM fubangled, villous underneath, branches thorny. downy, indica. 7. C. leaves lanced faw'd, Hem unarm'd, corymbes fcaly. indian, oxyacantha, 8. C. leaves obtufe nearly three-cleft faw'd. ^/^<2r/>-f/?5r«V. jizarolus. g. C. leaves obtufe nearly three-cleft fomewhat to^th'd. Jzarole. maura. C. leaves oblong tooth'd at top. S. jnoorijh. THREE FEMALES. f Trigynia. ) bli. SORBUS. C^/. 5-cleft. P^/^/j 5, 5^rry beneath, 3-feeded, Service, aucuparia, i. S. leaves feather'd fmooth on both fides, catch-bird, hybrida. 2. S. leaves half-featherM dov^^ny underneath. ?nule, domejiica, 3. S. leaves feathered villous underneath. domejik, 624. SESUVIUM. Cal. 5-parted, colour'd. Petals none. Cap/, egg'd, three-cell'd, cir- j^ cumcifed, many-feeded. ^ J^ortula-cajirum* -A. Sesuvium. FIVE ICOSANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. McfpiluS. jSl. FIVE FEMALES. ( Pentagynia. J 625, MESPILUS. CaL 5~cleft. Petals^. Berry beneath, 5-feeded. Medlar, germanka. i. M. unarm'd, leaves lanced downy underneath, flowers folitary fefTile. german. Pyracantha. 2. M. thorny, leaves lance-egg'd notch'd, calyxes of the fruit obtufe. arbtiiifolia. 3. M. unarmed, leaves lanced notch'd downy under* neath. arbutus-leaved, Amelanchier.&,. M. unarm'd, leaves oval faw'd fhaggy underneath. Chamcs Mef-b. M. uriarm'd, leaves oval acutely faw'd fmooth, pilus. flowers corymbe-headed*. canadenfis, 5. M. unarm'd, leaves egg-oblong fmooth faw'd acutifh. cayiadian, Cotoneajler, 7. M. unarm'd, leaves egg'd mofl intire : downy under- neath. Xanthocarpiis, M. thorny, leaves fomewhat wedge-form notch'd, flowers folita'-y, divifions of the calyx fome- what leafy gafh-faw'd long refleitec, fruit fome- what top-fhape dot-warted. S. Tel low-fruit, Phanopyrum, M. thorny. Laves hearted three five or feven-cleft faw'd fmooth, flowers corymbed, fegments of the calyx decic^uous, fruit globe-deprefs'd broad- navel'd, nuts naked at top. *S. Scarlet-pear. f 626. PYRUS. CaL 5-cleft. Petals 5. Pome be- neath, 5-ceird, many-feeded. Pear, communis. i. P. leaves faw'd polifh'd, flowers corymbed. cominon, Pollueria, P. leaves faw'd downy underneath, flowers corymbed. Malus, 2. P. leaves faw'd, umbels fefllle. Apple, haccata, 5. P. leaves faw'd, peduncles crowded, pomes berried. berried, coronaria, 3. P. leaves faw-angled, umbels peduncled. crown, A. p. 382. TWENTY MALES. FIVE FEMALES. PyrUS. Chdonia. 4. P. leaves moft Intire, flowers folitary. ^lince, nivalis. P. leaves moft intire, flowers corymbed. S. jnowy, falicifolia, P. leaves linear-lanced hoary white -downy under- neath, flowers axillary folitary fubfeflile. S. ivilloiv-kaved. Botryapium. P. unarm'd, leaves egg-oblong faw'd acute, racemes fimple elongate. S. J'lulanchier, P. unarm d, leaves oval obtufe faw'd dov>rny under - neatn becoming bald, fl:ipules awl'd lateral de- cidaou>, raceme Ample few-flower'd, petals fublinear. ruhhy, herbacea* 2. T. leaves egg'd. herbaceous, Ivcsfolia, T. ere^l: fmooth, leaves petioled egg-lanced faw'd, petals deciduous. S, Iva-leaved» hlrfuta. T. herbaceous fhaggv procumbent, leaves egg'd vil- lous, flowers axillary threefold feffiic. S. Jhaggy. fpicata, T. fmooth herbaceous ere£^, inferiour leaves egg'd, highefl: ones lanced fmooth, flowers racemed. S. fpiked, 628. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM. CaL 5>cleft. Petals numerous, linear. Cap/, flefhy beneath, many-fecded. * •* IVith white cor oh. nodifiorum. i. M. leaves alternate columnarifh obtufe fringed at the bafe. knot-jlozvering, cryJialUnum* 2. M. leaves alternate egg'd pimply w?,ved. cry/ialline^ copticum. 3. M. leaves half-columnar pimpjy diftinct, flowers feifile axiilary, calyxes five-cleft. coptic, ^enicuUJio- 4. M.* leaves half-columnar pimply diftind, flowers feflile ■unL axillary^ calyxes four-ckft. joint-flow erin§^ ' q. M. <> icosANDRiA. PENTAGVNiA. Mcfembryanth. 383. yioBifiGVum. 5. fplendens. 6. umhellatum. 7. expanfum. 37. Tripoliriinn. 9. calamifnrme, 8. apetalum, cryjlall'mum, crlnifloriim, cordifoliu?n. heUidifoli- 10. M. um. deltoides. II. M. barhatum* 12. M, hifpidum. 13' M. villofum. 14. M. fcahrum. 15- M. emargina- 16. M. tum. unci nai urn. 17- M. fpimfum. 18. M. iuherofum. 19. M. M. leaves femicylindric bedotted diflind^, flowers pe- duncled, calyxes four-cleft. mght-fcwerhg, M. leaves nearly columnar bedotted recurved diftin(5l colle6led, calyxes finger-form ttrm\n?Ci. fpkndid, M. leaves awl'd dot-rugged conjcin'd with top expand- ed, ftem erecl:, corymbe three-fork'd. umheVd* M. leaves flattifh l?.nced bedotted expanding diflincl oppofite and alternate remote. expanded. M. leaves alternate lanced flat bedotted, ftem flexible fimple, calyxes five-cornerM. Tripoly, M. ftemlefs, leaves nearly columnar afcending be- dotted conjoin'd, flowers eight-female, qui!- form, M. leaves linear-fublanced murex'd underneath, ftems proflrate. S. petallcfs. M. leaves alternate egg'd pimply, flowers fefliJe, calyxes broadly egg'd acute retufe. S. cryjlal- line. M. leavs egg'd, fcapes one-flower'd. 5. hair-JlGwcr\L M. leaves hearted obtufe, fl:ems proftrate. S, heart- leaved. * * JFith red-corols flemlefs, leaves three-fided linear bedotted tooth'd three ways at top. daify-leaved. leaves three - flded delta - like tooth'd bedotted diftincf. delta-like. leaves fomewhat egg'd pimply diftlncl, bearded at top, bearded. leaves cylindric pimply diftnidl: ; ftem hifpid. hijpid. leaves pubefcent conjoin'd bedotted, ftem hairy. 'Villous, leaves awl'd diftin6t ; dat-murex'd every where underneath, calvxes av/nlefs. rugged. leaves awld colle(5ted ruggedifb, calyxes thorny, petals end-nick'd. end-nick' d. ftem-joints terminated by leaves conjoin'd pointed dotted toothed underneath. hooked, leaves column- three-fided dotted diftinct, thorns branchy. thoriiy. leaves awl d pimplv diflincl expanded at top, roots headed. tuberous. 00. M, 384. TX'VENTy MALES. FIVE FMALES. Mefembryan. tenuifolium, 20. Jiipulaceum*ll. crajjifolium, 22. gIomeraium.2/\.» loreum. Z5. jilamentofum,2(> falcatum. 27. forjicatum. 2 1 . edulc, 29. M. hicolorum. 30. M. ferratum. 31- M. mi cans. 32. M. glaucum. 35- M. cornicula' 36. M. turn. iortuojum, 38. M. pomcr'idia- 7ium. verurula- tum. M. leaves nearly thread-form fmooth diftinct longer than the joint, ftems^procumbent. flender- leaved* M. leaves fomewhat three-fided compids'd incurved dotted diftin£l coIie6led ; margined at the bafe. Jiipule. M. leaves femicylindric bedotted conjoinM three-fided at top, ftem creeping femicylindric. thick-leaved, M. leaves columnarifh comprefs'd dotted diilindl, ftem panicled many-flower'd. glomerated. M. leaves femicylindric recurved collected gibbous at the interiour bafe conjoin'd, ftem pendulous. thong, M. leaves equilateral-three-fided acute fomewhat dot- ted conjoin'd : angles rugged, branches fix- corner'd. threadp M. leaves fcymitar-form bedotted conjoin'd ; rugged on the keel-angle, petals lanced. fickled. M. leaves fcymitar-form obtufe bedotted conj-oin'd ; thorny at top, ftem two-edged. fi^Jp^^' * * * With yellow cor oh, leaves equilateral-three-fided acute upright bedot- ted conjoin'd ; fomewhat faw'd on the keel, ftem two-edged. eatable, leaves awl'd dotted polifti'd diftin£l:, ftem ftirubby, corols two- colour d. two -coloured.. leaves awl'd three>fided dotted diftinct ; faw'd backwards on the keel-angle. faw'd, leaves faocylindric pimply diftia(Si:, ftem rugged. glittering, leaves three-fided acute dotted diftindi:, Crtlyx- leaftets egg-hearted. fea-green, leaves three-fide-femicylindric do':-ruo;o;ed .* con- join'd above the bafe with an elevated line. horn''d, leaves flattifli oblong egg'd fomewhat pimply crowded conjoin'd, calyxes three-leaved two- horn'd. twifted, leaves flattifti broad-lanced polifti'd, rather fringed diilincl:, ftem with peduncles and germs fhaggy. afternoon. leaves three -fide-cylindric acute conjoin'd bow'd bedotted dlftin6t. wart. 39. M. 34. M. 33- M' ICOSANDRIA. rojiratum, 33. M. r'lngem, 40. M. dolahr'ifor- 41. M. me, difforme. 42. M. albidum. 43* M. Vingniforme . \\, M, PENTAGYNiA. Mefembryanth. 385. ftemlefs, leaves femicylindric externally tubercled conjoiiiM, beak*d, ftemlefs, le-aves fringe-tooth'd clotted. gr'mnhig. ftemlefs, leaves ax-form do:ted. ax-form. ftemlefs leaves different dotted conjoin'd. differeyit. ftemlefs, leaves three-fided rr.oft in^'re. white. ftemlefs, leaves tongue-forme thicker on one margin bedotted. tongue-form, puglomfor- 45. M. leaves alternate crowded awl'd three-fidtd moft me. long bedotted. poniard-forrn. papidofum. M. leaves opponte fpatule- oblong pimply, flowers peduncled, calyxes linear. S. pimply . leaves feather-cleft. S. feather-cleft*, leaves conjoin'd columnar pimply, ftem ered:, branchlets one-flower'd thread- form fmooth. S. capillary. p innatifidum . M . capillar e. M. 629. AIZOON. C^/.: 5- parted. Petals o. Cap/. above, ^-cell'd, 5-valved. canarlenfe. i , hifpanicum. 2. lanceolatum. 3. paniculatum. perfoliatum. far merit of um. Glinoldes, fecundum. fruticofiim. rizidnm. A. leaves wedge-form-egg'd, flowers feflile. canary. A. leaves lanced, flowers feflile. fpariljh. A. leaves lanced, flowers panicled. lanced. A. fha2:gy, leaves lanced, flowers feiTile, branches erect. 5. panicled. A. downy, leaves inverfe-egg'd conjoin'd cryftailine- dotted, flowers peduncled. .S". leaf-pierced. A. leaves linear thread-form, panicle two - fork'd, fiov/ers folitary peduncled. S. farment. A. fhaggy herbaceous procumbent, leaves egg'd, flowers fefllle diftin6l. S. Glinus-like. A. Ihag-hoary herbaceous procumbent, leaves egg'd, flowers fefllle imbricated one-rank'd. S. one- ranked. A. ihrubby ere6l fmooth, leaves lanced, flowers feflTile. S. Jhrubby. A. fiirubby procumbent dov^^ny, leaves egg'd, flowers fefl[ile remote. S. rigid. C c c 630. SPIR/EA. 386. TWENTY MALFS. FIVE FEMALES. Spil'^sa. 630. 'SPIRiEA. Cal 5-deft. Petals^. Capf,^ many-lveded. * Shruhhy. Icevigata. S. leaves lanced moil intire feiTile, racemes compound. poUJFd. faUcifolia. I. S. leaves lanced obtufe faw'd naked, flowers doable- . racemed . v.nllow- leaved, iomentofa. 2. S. leaves lanced unequally favir'd downy underneath, flowers double racemed. downy. hypericifoUa. 3. S. leaves inverfe-egg'd moft intirc, umbels leflile. hyper icum-leaved. chamcedri' 4. S. leaves egg'd gafli-fawM fmooth, umbels peduncled. folia, germander 'leaved, crenata, 5. S. leaves oblongifh faw*d at top, corymbe5 lateral. notih^d, triloba. S. leaves lobed notch'd, umbels terminal, ihree-lohed, cpulifolia, 6- S. leaves lobed faw'd corymbed terminal. 5^ w/wj-Z^^i;^^. forbifolia. 7. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets uniform fawM, fte'm flirubby, flowers panicled. forhuS'kaved, argentea, S. fhrubby, racemes compound, leaves filky wedge- form lined faw'd at top fomewhat plaited. S. filver. japonica* S. fhrubby, flem pubefcent, leaves lanced acute faw'd naked, corymbe terminal compound. S, japan* * * Herbaceous* Aruncus, 8. S, leaves fuperdecompound. fpikes panicled, flowers two-houfe. Filipcndula, 9. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets uniform faw'd, ftem her- baceous, flowers corymbed. Dropzvort, Ulmdria. lO. S. leaves feather'd : the odd one larger lobed, flowers cymed. Meadow- Sweet, pabnata. S. leaves feather-three'd : the odd leaflet five-lobe- handcd. handed. trifoUata* 1 1. S. leaves threc'd faw'd fubequal, flowers fubpanicled. three-leaved, palmata. S. leaves fer.thfr'd : the odd and lateral ones lobed twice faw'd flowers cymed. S, hand, Ulmaria, S. leaves interruptedly feather'd : leaflets egg'd twice- faw'd hoary underneath, flowers cymed. S. MeadoW'fiveet, Fil'ipendula* S. leaves interruptedly feather'd : leaflets linear-lanced interruptedly faw'd moft fmooth, flowers cymed. S* . Dropwort, MANY tCQSANDRiA. POtVGVNIA. Rofa. 387. MANY FEMALE S. ( Polygynia, J 631. ROSA. Petals 5. Cal, pitcher^d, 5-cleft, . flefliy contraded in the neck. Seeds moft numerous, hifpid, affix'd to the interiour iide of the calyx. Rofe. * With germs fubglohular, Eglanieria, 3. R. germs globular and peduncles fmooth, flem with prickles fcatter'd ftiaight, petioies rugged, leaflets acute. Sweet Bj'iar. rubiglnofa. R. germs globular and prickly v/ith prickles recurved, leaves rufty underneath. ruuiginous, dnnamom'ia. 4. R. germs globuar and peduncles fmooth, fiem with ilipule-prickleb, piiioies nearly unarm'd. cin- namon» R. germ globular and peduncles fmooth, flem and pe- tioles prickly, flovverscorymbcd, field. 2. R. germs globular and peduncles fmooth, llem with prickles fcatter'd ftraight, petioits rugged, leaf- lets obtufe. ptmpineiia-leaved. fpinofijftma.ii^, R. germs globular fmooth, peduncles hifpid, flem and petioles mofl prickly. moji-thorny, 5. R, germs globular hifpid, peduncles fubhifpid, flem with flipule-prickles, petiol.s prickly, Carolina. 6. R. germs globular and peduncles liifpid, flem with prickles fcatter'd, petioles prickly, leaves downy. villous. R. germs fubglobular fmooth.peduncles prickly hifpid, flem and petioles prickly, calyx-ieaflecs lanced fubpetioled. fempervirefjs.g. R. germs globular and peduncles hifpid, flem and pe- tioles prickly, flowers fubumbti'd, ever-green. grvenjis. pimpinelli- folia. Carolina, villoja. Si fiica. C C C 2 * * Germs 388, TWENTY MALES. MANY FEMALES. Rofa. * * Gerjns eggd. centifoUa, 7. R, gerrns egg'd and peduncles hifpid, ftcmhifpid prick- ly, petioles unarm'd. kundrecUhaved, 8. R. germs egg'd and peduncles hifpid, ftem and petioles hifpid-prickly. french. I. R. germs egg'd fmooth, peduncles and petioles hifpid, fiem unarm'd. alpine, 10. R. germs egg'd and peduncles fmooth, flem and peti- oles prickly. dog, 11. R. geims egg'd and peduncles fmoothj'ftem nearly unarm'd, petioles prickly. indian. pe?idulina. 12. R. germs egg'd fmooth, peduncles and flem hifpid, petiol-s unarm'd, fruit peridulous. pendulous. alba. 1^. R. germs e2:g'd fmooth, peduncles hilpid, ftem and petioles prickly. white'. pwnila, R. germs egg'd, petioles and peduncles hifpid, ftem moft prickly above. S. dwarf. gallica. alpina. canma. mdica. 632. RUBUS. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Berry compound with grains one-feeded. Bramble. * Shrubby. tdaeus. i. R. leaves five-feather'd and three'd, ftem prickly, pttiole channtl'd. (of Ida) ra/berry, occidentalis. 2. R. leaves threefold downy underneath, ftem prxkly, petioles columnar. occidental. hifpidus. 2. R. leaves three'd naked, ftems and petioles moft hif- pid with lance-prickles rigiddh. hijpid. parvifoUus. y. R. leaves three'd downy underneath, ftem ftiaggy and petioles with prickles recurved. fmall-kavcd. jamaicenfii. 14. R. leaves three'd downy underneath, ftem petioles and leaves pubefcent recurve-prickled. Jamaica. ^ ccefius. 4. R. leaves three'd nakedifti ; lateral ones two-lobed, ftem prickly columnar. g^'^y-i deivberry^ fruticofus. 5. Rj leaves five-finger'd and three'd, ftem and petioles prickly. Jhrubby^ blackberry. canadcnfis. 6. R. leaves fingefd tenfold fivefold and three'd, ftem unarm'd. Canada. cdoratus. 9. R. leaves fimple handed, ftem unarm'd many-leaved many-flower 'd. odorous, 8. R. ICOSANDRIA. POLYGYNIA. Rubus. 389. moluaanus. 8. R. leaves fimple hearted fublobed, ftem pricklvN^ie- cumbent. molucca, japonica. R. leaves fimple hearted oblong fav^^'d, ftem unarm'd farubbyifh. japan. ?jiicrophyllus. R. ihrubby prickly fmooth, leaves fimple hearted eggM obtufe fublobedj peduncles folitary one-flower*d, S. fniall-leaved, corchorifoilus. R. fhrubby prickly downy, leaves fimple oblong hearted faw'd, peduncles folitary one-ftovi^er'd. S, cor chorus-leaved. yapcnictis, R. fhrubby unarmM moft fmooth, leaves fimple hearted oblong pointed double-faw'd, peduncles lolitary one^flower'd. S. Japan, * * Herbaceous . Saxatilis. 10. R. leaves three*d naked, with creeping herbaceous wires. Rock, arc^icus, 11. R. leaves three'l, ftem unarmM one-flower'd. ar£lic. Chamosmo- \i. R. leaves fimple lobed, ftem unarm'd one-ftov»'er'd. rus. DaUbarda. \^. R. leaves fimple hearted undivided notchM, fcapeleaf- lefs one-flov;er'd. 633. FPvAGARIA. Cal lo-cleft. Petals 5. Receptacle of the Seeds egg*d berried, deciduous. Strawberry. ■vejca, I. F. wires creeping. eatable. ■ ?nonophyl!a. 2. F. leaves fimple. one-leaved, Jhrilis, 3. F. ftem decumbent, branches flower-bearing flexible. barren. 634. POTENTILLA. Cal. lo- cleft. Petals 5. aS^^^j roundifh, naked, affix'd to a fmall juiceiefs receptacle. CinquefoiL * IVith leaves feather'' d. fruttcofa. I. P. leaves feather'd, ftem fhrubby, firubby. ■ Jnferina. 2. P. leaves feather'd faw'd, ftem creeping, peduncles one-flower'd. Goofe. 3- p- 390- TWENTY MALES. MANY FEMALES. Potentilk. Jericea. 3. P. leaves twice-feather'd downy on both fides : the fegments parallel approximated, ftems decum- bent. _ ftlky, muliifida» 4. P. leaves twice-feather'd : fegments moil intire dif- tant downy underneath, ftem decumbent. fiagarioides, 5. P. leaves feather'd and three'd : the ou:mcil ones greater, v/ires creeping. J}} awherry-like. rupeflris, 6. P. leaves feather'd alternate: leaflets fivefold egg'd notch'd, {lem erecSl. rock. hifurca. 7. P. leaves feaUier'd fubequal : leafie-'ts oblong nearly two-cleft : the outmoft ones confluent, two- _ ^ , fork'd, pimptnelloi- 8. P. leaves feather'd : leaflets rcundiih tooth'd eq;ial, de$. llem erecl. plmpineha-iike. penfylvanica.2%. P. theinferioar leaves feather'd, fuperiour oi-es ^hrec'd: leaflets gafh-iaw'd, ftem erect pubclceiit.^^«/y/- vanian^ fupina. 9. P. leaves feathered, ftem two-foik'd decumbent. jupine, * * JVith leaves finger d. reSfa. 10. P. leaves feven'd lanced faw'd fomewhat hairy on both fides, ftem erccl. Jiraight. argentea. il. P. leaves fived wedge-form gafh'd downy underneath, ftem ere(5):. Juver. intermedia. 29. P. radical leaves fived, ftem-leaves three'd, ftera ereclifh moft branchy. intermediate, hirta, 12. P. leaves feven'd and fived wedge-form gafh'd hairy, fVemere61 fhaggy. jf^^giy- Jiipularis, 13. P. leaves kwtn felTile fitting on the dilated ftipule. Jiipule, epaca, 16. P. radical leaves fived wedge-form faw'd, ftem-leaves fuboppofite, branches thread-form decumbent. opake, verna, 15. P. radical leaves fivtd acutely faw'd letufe, ftem- leaves three'd, ftem declined. vernal. aurea. 14. P. radical leaves fived faw'd pointed, ftem-leaves three'd, ftem declined. golden, canadenjis, 1 7. P. leaves fived villous, ftem afcending ftiaggy. canada, alba. 18. P. leaves fived converge-faw'd at top, ftems thread- form procumbent, receptacles ftiaggy. white, taulefcens. H. P. leaves fived converge-faw'd at top, ftems many- flower'd decumbent, receptacles ftiaggy. (lem^ groivin^;, 21. P. ICOSANDRIA. POLYGYNIA. Potentllla. 391. n'ltida, 21. P. leaves moftly three'd downy converge - threc- tooth'd, ftems one-flpv/er'd, receptacle woolly, glojy, valderia, 20. P. leaves feven'd inverfe-eggM faw'd downy, ftem ere<5i:, petalb fhorter than the calyx, receptacles woolly. valderian, repta?2S, 22. P. leaves fived, ftem creeping, peduncles one-flower'd. cre£ping, * * With leaves three'd, monfpelien- 23. P. leaves three'd, flem branchy eredl, peduncles fis. growing out above the knots. monipelier, norvegica. 24. P. leaves three'd, flem two-fork'd, peduncles axillary. N'orway* nivea. 25. P. leaves three'd gafh' d downy underneath, ftem afcendmg. fnoivy, grandi flora. 2b. P. leaves three'd tooth'd fomewhat hairy on both fides, ftem decumbent longer than the leaves, great- Jlower'd. fubacaulis. 27. P. leaves three'd tooth'd downy on both fides, fcape decumbent. ncarly-Jieinlcp. 635. TORMENTILLA. Cal 8-ckft. Petals^. Seeds roundifh, naked, affixed to a fmall juicelefs recptacle. Septfoil, ere^a, T. T. ftem eredtlfh, leaves feflile. ere^. reptans, 2. T. ilem creeping, leaves petioled. creeping. 636. GEUM. CaL lo-clcft. Petals 5. Seed^ with a knotted awn. Avens virgintanum.i. G. flowers nodding, petals lefs than the calyx, fruit globular : awns hook'd naked, leaves three'd. virg'inian. urlanum. 2. G. flov/ers erect, fruit globular villous : awns hook'd naked, leaves lyrcd. city, r'lvale. 5. G. flowers nodding, fruit oblong : awns feathery twifted. river. montanum. 4. G. flower inclined folitary, fruit oblong with awns villous ftraight. > jnountain. Xeptam, 5. G. leaves uniform gafh'd : alternate ones lefs, wires creeping, creeping. 637. DRYAS. 392. TWENTY MALES. MANY FEMALES. Dryas. 637. DRYAS. Cal 8-cleft. Petals 8. Seeds tail'd, hairy. peniapetala. I. D. five-petal'd, leaves feather'd. five-petard, cSiopeialai 2. D. eight pctal'd, leaves fimple. eight-petard. 638. COMARUM. CaL lo-cleft. Petals 5,lers than the calyx. Receptacle of the Seeds egg'd, fpongy, permanent. palujlre* I. Com arum. Tnorjh, 639. CALYCANTHUS. CaL i -leaved, pitcher'd, ragged with coloured leaflets. Cor, calycine. Styles moft numerous with a glandular ftigma. Seeds moft nume- rous, tail'd, within the fucculent calyx. Jlorldus, I. C. Interiour petals longer. Jiowering, precox, 2. C. interiour petals minute. early. CLASS CLASS XIIL V MANY MALES. f Folyandria, J ONEFEMALE (Monogynia.) * One-petaVd. 640 Marcgravia. Cal 6-Leaved5 imbricated. Cor. i-petal'dfj clofed. Berry many-cell 'd, many- valved. 1397 Ternstromia. CaL i-leaved, 5-parted. Cor, i-petal'd. ^^rryjuicelefs, two-cell'd valvelefs. 5. 1398 Alstonia. CaL beneath, imbricated. Cor, 8 or 10- cleft. S * Three-petaN, 1 31 3 Trilix, CsL 3-leaved. Berry 5-cellM, many-feededo * Four-petard^ 641 Rheedia. Cal, none. Berry 3-feeded. D d d 656 Mam^ 394. • M A 656 Mammea. N M s. 648 Papaver. 647 Chelidqnium, 643 Capparis. 644 ACTEA. 650 Cambogia. Cal. 2-leaved. Berry i-cell'd. Seeds cal- JOUS. Cal 2-leaved. Capf. i-cell'd, crownM. Cal. 2-leaved. Silique, Cal. 4-leaved. Berry pedicel'd barky. CaL 4-leaved. Berry I-cell'd. Seeds in a double order. Cal. 4-leaved,. ^^^7 S-feeded, 8-angled. 658 Calophyllum* Cal. 4-leaved. Drupe globular. Nucleus iubglobular. 659 Grias. Cal. 4 -cleft. Drupe i - feeded. Nucleus 8-furrow'd. 669 Caryophyllus.P^/. above. Berry i-feed^d, crownM. 1400 SpARMANNiA. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. 4-petal'd, refle6ted. S. J401 Vallea. Cal 4 or 5-leaved. Petals 4 or 5, 3-cleft. S. * Five-petard. Capf, half- beneath, i-cellM, half-three- valved, many-feeded. Capf. btneath, i-cell'd, 3-valved, many- feeded. ^" Capf. I-cell'd, 3-valved, i -feeded. Capf hedgehog 'd, berried within. Exteriour Sta?nens h^ixxtn^ leafy. Capf roundiih. CaL 5-leaved 2 leaflets lefs. Capf nearly 5-ceird. Cal. 5-leaved, the length of the corol, deciduous. Capf 5-cellM. Stigma fhield-like. Cal. the exteriour 3-leaved, the fuperiour 5- leaved. Capf 5-ceird, leathery, i -feeded. Cal, de- diduous. Berries 5 in a flefhy receptacle. Petals with elongated claws. JB^rry 5-ceird, navel'd. Cal. 5-parted. Drupe with nucleus curl'd. Petals torn. Berry flefhy, one -feeded. S. 1286 LoosA. 670 Mentzelia. 666 Vateria. 655 Sloanea. 673 CiSTUS. 675 corchorus. 652 Sarracenia. 660 TiLIA. 657 Ochna; 651 muntingia. 663 El^ocarpus, 1399 Myristica. * Delphinium Confoliday Jjacisy Aconites. * Six' petard, 649 Argemcne. Cal. 3-leaved. Capf i-cell'd, half-valved. 667 Lagerstroemia. Cal, 6-cleft. The 6 exteriour Stamens greater. Cor, curl'd. 668 Thea, POL 668 Thea, 664 Lecythis. 645 Sanguinaria. 646 Podophyllum. A N R 654 BlXA. 653 Nymph^a. 1239 Trewia. 674 Prockia. 661 Laetia, 676 Seguieria. 672 Delima. [ A. 395; C?/. 5 or 6-leaved. Petals 6 or 9. Caff, 3-ceird. Seeds folitary. Cal. 6 leaved. Stamens conjoln'd to the tongued nedtary. Capf. circumcifed, * Eight-petard. Cal. 2-lQ2ived. Capf, 2-valved5 many-feeded. * Nine-petaVd. Cal. 3-leaved, Berry i-cell'd, crown'd. * Thea, * Ten-petard. Cal. 5-toothM. Cor. 5-petard, double. Capf. 2-valved. * Many-petard, Berry many-ceird, barky, Cal. large, * Petallefs. Cal. 3-leaved. Pericarp 3-graIn'd, Cal. 3-leaved. Pericarp 5-ceird. Cal. 5-leaved. Pericarp i-ceU'd, 3-valved. many-feeded. Cal. 5-leaved, Pericarp l-feeded, wing'd. Cal. 5-leaved. Pericarp 2-valved5 2-reeded, TWO FEMALES, (Digynia,) 680 Calligonum. Cal. 5-leaved, Cor. none. Pericarp hedge- hog-hook*d. Fothergilla. Cal. moft intire. Cor. none. Capf. 2-ceird. ' Seeds twofold, 679 CurateIiLA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 4-petard. Capf. 2- parted, 2-feeded, D d d 2 678 P^ONIA. 396. MANY 678 P^ONIA. M S. Cal, 5 -leaved. Cor. 5-petal'd. Capf many-feeded. Seeds colour'd. THREE FEMALES. f Trigynia. J 681 Delphinium. 682 aconitum. CaL none. Cor, 5-petal'd : the higheft horn'd. NeSiary 2-cleft, feffile. CaL none. Cor, 5-pe.al'd ; the higheft hel- metted. NeSiaries 2, pedicel'd. * Refeda Luteola. Cor chorus. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragynia,) 1282 CiMICIFUGA. 683 Tetracera. 1314 Caryocar. Col, 4-leaved. Cor, with Ne6laries 4, pitch- er'd. Capf, 4. Seeds fcaly. Cal, 6-leaved. Capj. 4, one-feeded. Cal, 5-parted. Cor, 5-petal'd. Dr^^^with 4 nucleufes. FIVE FEMALES ( Pentagynia, J 684 Aquilegia. 685 Nigella. 686 Reaumuria. Cal. none. Cor. 5-petard. Neifaries 5, horn'd below. Cal, none. Cor. 5-petard. Nedaries 8, 2- lip'd above. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 5-petard : with ne6la- ries 10, adhering, fringed. Capf. 5-ceird5 many-feeded, 1402 Bra- A N D R A. 1402 Brathys. 397* CaL 5-leaved. Petals 5. NeSiary none. Capf. i-cell'd, many-feeded. S, * Aconitum Anthora^ variegated. SIX FEMALES. (Hexagynia,) 687 Stratiotes* CaL 3-parted. Cor. 3-petard. Berry 6- ceird within the fpathe. MANY FEMALES. (Polygynta.) 704 Hydrastis. 695 Atragene. 696 Clematis* 697 Thalictrum, 701 isopyrum. 702 Helleborus. 703 Caltha. 694 Anemone. 691 MiCHELIA. 700 Trollius. CaL none. Cor, 3-petard. Berry com- pound with ftones i-feeded. CaL none. Cor, 4-petal'd great.-r : inwardly many-petai'd. Seeds mofl numerous, awn'd. CaL none. Cor, 4-petard. Seeds mofl nu- merous awn'd. CaL none. Cor. 4 or 5-petard. Seeds mofl numerous, nearly awrilefs, naked. CaL none. Cor, 5-petal'd, deciduous. A"^^- tar'ies 5. Capf. many-feeded. CaL none. Cor. 5-petard, permanent. Nec- taries very numerous, Capf. many- feeded. CaL none. Cor. 5"petard. Capf. mofl nu- merous. Neciaries none. CaL none. Cor. b-petal'd. (S^?::illary. pulcherr'ima.ii. C. peduncles racenied, leaves oblong obtufe, fruit berried. moJi-beautifuL linearis, 13. C. peduncles fubracemed. leaves linear. linear, Breynia, 7. C. peduncles racemed, leaves permanent oblong, calyxes and peduncles downy, flowers eight- male. hajiaia, 10. C. peduncles many-flower*d, leaves halbert-lanced giofly. halherted, jiexuofa, 9. C. peduncles colledled terminal, leaves perrriai.rnt oblong obtufe fmooth, branches winding. Jiex- uous, filiquofa, 6. C. peduncles many-fiower'd comprefs'd, leaves per- manent lance-oblong pointed dotted underneath. fiUqued* grandis, C. arborefcent, mild, leaves egg'd acute fmooth, corymbes terminal, fruit globular. S. great, horrida, C. arborefcent, ftipules prickly, branches winding leaves egg-lanced dagger'd fmooth, flowers ax- illary twofold. S» horrid, 644. ACTiEA. Cor. 4-petard. CaL 4-leaved. Berry i-cell'd. Seeds femiorbicular. fpicaia. I. A. raceme egg'd, fruit berried. fpiked. racemofa, I. A. racemes moft long, fruit dry. racemed, 645. SANGUINARIA. Cor, S-petal'd. Cal, 2- leaved. Siltque egg'd, i-cell'd. Puccoon, canadeyifis, i. Sanguinaria. Canadian, 646. PODOPHYLLUM. Cor. g-petal'd. CaL 3-leaved. Berry one-cell'd, crown'd with the Stigma. Duck's Foot, peltatum, i. P. leaves targettedlobed. iargetted, diphyllum. 2. P. leaves two'd half-hearted. two-leaved. CHE- POLYANDRIA. MONOGYNiA. Chelidonlumi 401. 647. CHELIDONIUM. Cor. 4-petard. CaL 2-leaved. Stiique i-cell'd, linear. Ctlandine, majuL I. C. punduncles umberd. , greater, Glaucium. 2. C. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves ftem-clafpiiig finu- ous, ftem fmooth. cornkulatum. 3. C. peduncles one-flowerM, leaves feffile feather-cleft, flem hifpld. horned, hyhridian, 4. C. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves feather-cleft linear, ftem polifh'd, filiques three-yalved. mule, 648. PAPAVER. Cor. 4-petard. Cal 2-leaved. Capfule i-ceird, gaping with pores under the permanent Stigma. Poppy. * With hifpid capfule s, hyhridum. 1. P. capfules fubglobular brawny hifpid, ftem leafy many-flower'd. mule, Argemone. 2. P. capfules club'd hifpid, ftem leafy many-flower'd. alpinum. 3. P. capfule hifpid, fcape one-flower'd naked hifpid, leaves twice-feather'd. alpine, nudicaule. 4. P. capfules hifpid, fcape one-flower'd naked hifpid, leaves fimple feather- finuous. naked-Jlem, * * IVith fmooth capfules. Rhoeas, 6. P. capfules fmooth globular, ftem hairy many-flower'd, leaves feather-cleft gafli'd. dubium, 5. P. capfules oblong fmooth, ftem many-flower'd with briftles apprefs'd, leaves feather-cleft gafti'd. dubious, fojnniferum. 7. P. calyxes and capfules fmooth, leaves ftem-clafping gafli'd. fomniferous, cambricum, 8. P. capfules fmooth oblong, ftem many-flower'd pol- ifli'd, leaves feather'd gafti'd. vjelch, orientale, 9. P. capfules fmooth, ftems one-flower'd rugged leafy, leaves feather'd faw'd. oriental. E e e ti49. ARGE- 402. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Argemoiie. 649. ARGEMONE. Cor. 6-petard. Cal. 3-leaved, Capfule half-valved. Prickly Poppy. mexlcana, T. A. capfules fix-valved, leaves thorny. mexican. armen'aca. 2. A. capfules three-valved. annenlan, pyrenalca. 3. A. capfules four-valved^ ftem naked. pyrenean, 650. CAMBOGIA. Cor. 4-petard. Cal. 4-leaved. Pome 8-ceird. Seeds folitary. Guita* I. Cambogia. 651. MUNTINGIA. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. 5- parted. Berry i-cell'd, i-feeded, Cnlabura. i. Muntingia. 652. SARRACENIA. Cor. 5-petard. C^/. double, 3-leaved and 5-leaved. Capfule 5- ceird, ftyle with ftigma ftiield-like. flava* 2. S. leaves upright. yellow, purpurea, i. S. leaves gibbous. purple. 653. NYMPHi^A. Cor. many-petaVd. Cal. 4 or 5-leaved. Berry many-ceird, lop'd. Water-Lily. lutea. I. N. leaves hearted moft intire, calyx five -leaved grea^r. yellow, alba. 2. N. leaves hearted moft intire, calyx four-cleft, white, Lotus. 3. N. leaves hearted tooth'd. Nelumbo, 4. N. leaves targetted every way intire. 654. BIX A. Cor. lo-petaFd. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Cap/, hifpid, 2-valved. Orellana, i. BiXA. 655. SLO- POLYANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Sloanca. 403, 6sS' SLOANEA. Cor. 5-petard. CaL 5-leaved, deciduous. Stigma peforated. Berry barky, hedgehog'd, many feeded, ga- ping, dentata, i. S. leaves heart - egg'd toothletted, ilipules fawM. tooth'd, emarginata, 2. S, leaves oblong moft intire end-nick 'd. ind-nick^d, 1239. TREWIA. Cor, o. CaL 3-leaved, above, Capf, 3-grain'd. fludijiora, Trev^^ia, naked- flower^ 656. MAMMEA. Cor. 4-petard. CaL 2-leaved, Berry moft large, 4-feeded. americana. I. M. ftamens fhorter than the flower. american. aftatica. 2. M. ilamens longer than the flower. aftatic. 657. OCHNA. Cor. 5-petard. CaL 5-Ieaved. Berrks i-feeded, affix'd to a large roundifh receptacle, fqiiarrofa, i. O, racemes lateral. ragged. "Jabotapita, 2. O. racemes terminal. 659, GRIAS. Cor. 4-petard. CaL 4-cleft. Stig^ ma feffile, crofs'd. Drupe with nu- cleus eight-furrow'd. cauUfiora. 1. Grias. Jlem-flowering. 658. CALOPHYLLUM, Cor. 4-petard. CaL 4-leaved, coloar'd. Drupe globular, Inophyllum. i. C. leaves oval. Calaba, 2. C. leaves eo;2;'d obtufe. 'D3 E e e 2 660. TILIA, 404. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Tilia, 660. TILIA.. Cor. 5-petard. Cal, 5-parted. Berry dry, globular, 5-ceird, 5-valved, gaping at the bale. Lime. europaa. I. T. flowers deftitute of a ne£lary. european. americana, 2. T. flowers furnifli'd with a neftary. american. 661. LAETIA. Cor. 5-petard, or none. CaL 5-leayed. Fruit i-cell'd, three-cor- her'd. Seeds with a pulpy aril. apetala. i. L. flowers petallefs. pefallefs. completa, 2. L. flowers petal-like complete. complete. 663. EL^EOCARPUS. Cor. 5-petard, torn. Anthers with top two-valved. CaL 5-leaved, with nucleus eurl'd. ferratus, E, one-female, leaves alternate oblong fawM, racemes axillary. S. favud. Dicera, E. four-female, leaves oppofite egg'd double-faw'd, racemes lateral oppofite. S. 664. LECYTHIS. Cor. 6-petard. CaL 6-leaved, NeSlary ligulate, ftamen-bearing. Pe- ricarp circumcifed, many-feeded. Ollaria. i. L. leaves feflile heart-egg'd very intire. 'minor. 2. L. leaves petioled lanced faw'd. ^^Jf^r, 672. DELIMA. Cor. o. CaL 5-leaved. Berry 2-feeded. farmenioja. A. Delima. far merit. 66b. VA- POLYANDRIA. MONOGVNIA. VatCria. 405. 666. VATERIA. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. 5-cleft. CapJ\ 3-valved, i-ceird, 3-feeded. Indlca. I. Vateria. indian, 670. MENTZELIA. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. 5- leaved. Cap/, beneath, cylindric, many- feed ed. afpera. I. Mentzelia. . rough. 1286. LOOSA. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. 5-leaved. Capfule half- beneath, i-cell'd, half- three-valved, many-feeded, hifpida. I. LoosA. ' h'lfpld. J i- 667. LAGERSTROEMIA. C^r. 6-petard, curl'd. Cal. 6 -cleft,' bell'd. Stamens many ; the 6 exteriour of thefe thicker, lon- ger than the petals. ind'ica, Lagerstroemia. indian, 668. THEA. Cor. 6 or g-petal'd. Cal. 5 or 6- leaved. Capf. 3 -grained. 'Tea. Bohea. I. T. flowers fix-petard. Bohea* viridis. 2. T. flowers nine-petal'd. green. 669. CARYOPHYLLUS, Cor. 4-petard. Cal. 4-leaved, double. Berry i-feeded, beneath. iC^^'^. aromaiicus. i, Caryophyllus. nromatic. 673. CISTUS. 406, MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. CiftuS. 673. CISTUS. Cor. 5-petard. CaL 5-leaved : with two leffer leaflets. Capfuk. capenjts, I. plllofus, 2. populifolius, 3. laurifolius* 4. ladaniferus* 5. 7nonfpclieTifis. 6. .JahifoUtis. 10. vicanus» y. crettcus, 9. albidus, 8. crlfpus, 1 1 . halimifoUus. 1 2 . I'ibamiis. 13. * Un/iipulcd Jhrubbby, C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg-lanced petioled three-nerved toothletted naked on both fides. r<3/)^. C. arborefcent unftipaled, leaves egg'd petioled flic 5gy- villous. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves hearted polifti'd pointed petioled. poplar-leaved. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves oblong-egg'd petioled three-nerved Imooth above : petioles conjoin'd at the bafe. bay-leaved, C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves lanced poliih*d above, petiol'^s coalefced at the baf:; flieathing. ladanum-b earing. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves linear-lanced feffilc villous on both fides three-nerved. tmntpelier. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg'd petioled fiiaggy on both fides. fags-leaved. C. arborefcent unftipuled,, leaves fpatuled downy wrinkled : inferiour ones conjoin'd at the bafe Iheatbing. hoary. C. a;*borefcent unftipuled, leaves fpatule-egg'd peti- oled nervelefs rugged, calyxes lanced. cretan. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg-lanced downy hoary feflile moftiy three-nerved. white, C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves lanced pubefcent three-nerved waved. curfd. C . arborefcent unftipuled, the two calyx-leaflets linear. halitnus -leaved. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves linear revolute, flowers umbel'd. * * Unjlipuled jhrubbyijh. umbellatus. 14. C. flirubbyifti procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite, flowers umbel'd. umbePd. lavipes, 15. C. fhrubbyifli afcending unftipuled, leaves alternate fafcicled thread- form fmooth, peduncles ra- cemed. foot-polijh^d. calyciniis. C. flirubbyifli ere6l unftipuled, leaves linear, pedun- cles one-flower'd, calyxes three-leaved, calyx. 16. c. POLYANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. CiftuS^ 407. Fumana, 16. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves alternate linear rugged on the margin, peduncles one- flower'd. cunuu 18. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite inverfe-egg'd villous downy underneath, flowers fubumbel'd. hoary, italicus. 17. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled, leaves oppofite hlfpid : the infer iour ones egg'd ; the fuperiour ones lanced^ branches expanding. kalian, marifolim. 19. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled, leaves oppofite oblong pe- tloled flat hoary underneath. marum-leaved* angUcus. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled procumbent, leaves oppofite oblong revolute hairy, flowers racemed. engUJh, oelandkus. 20. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite oblong fmooth on both fides, petioles fringed, petals end-nlck'd. oelandian, % % % Unftipuled herbaceous, Tuherarla. 21. C. unftipuled perennial, radical leaves eggM three- nerved downy ; ftem-leaves fmooth lanced : the higheft ones alternate. guttatus, 22. C. herbaceous unftipuled, leaves oppofite lanced three- nerved, racemes bradelefs. /potted, canadenfis. 23. C. herbaceous unftipuled, all the leaves alternate lanced, ftem afcending. Canadian, * * * * Stipided herbaceous, ledlfolius'. 24. C» herbaceous erecft fmooth ftipuled, flowers folltary fubfeffile oppofite to a three'd leaf, ledum -leaved, falicifolius . 25. C. herbaceous fpreading villous ftipuled, flowers ra-* cemed ere6^, pedicels horizontal, willow-leaved, niloticus, C. herbaceous ftipuled ereiSl, rather downy, flowers racemed folltary fefiile leaf-oppofed. nile, agypticus. 26. C. herbaceous ere^Jyl- vanian. 700. TROLLIUS. Cal. o. Petals about 14. Capjules mo9i numerous, egg'd, many- leeded. Globe -Ranunculus, europiSus. i. T. corcls converging, nectaries the length of the ftamens. european, afiaticus, 2. T. corol expanded, nectaries longer than the ftamen. afiatic. 701 ISO- POLYANDRIA, MO^OGYNIA. Ifopyrunl. 423, 701. ISOPYRUM. CaLo. Petals $. Nedtaries 3-cleft tubular. Cap/, recurved, many- feeded. fu?narmdes. l. I. ftipules av//d, petals acute. fumitory -like • tha'h^roides. 2. I. ftipules egg'd, petals obtufe. thaii^rum-like, aquilegioides. 3. I. ftipules obfcure. columbine-like* 702. HELLEBORUS. CaL o. Petals 5 or more. Ned'iaries two-lip'd, tubular. Capf. niany-leeded, eredtifli. Hellebore. hyemalis* I. H. flower fitting on the leaf. winter, niger, 2. H. fcape moftly two-flower'd nakedifli, leaves footed. l/iack, viridis. 3. H. ftem two-cleft, branches with leaflets two-flower'd, leaves fingerM. green, fcetidus, 4. H. ftem many-flower'd leafy, leaves footed. jetid. trifolius, 5. H. fcape one-flower'd leaves three'd three-leaved, 703. CALTHA. CaL o. Petals 5. Nectaries o. Cap/, very numerous, many- feeded. Marjh Mary gold. palujlris. i. Caltha. ' 7narJI), 704. HYDRASTIS. CaL o. Petals 3. NecJa- ries o. Berry compound with ftones many-feeded. Yellow Root. canadenfts, i. Hydrastis. cunadlan* 1403. DRI- 424. MANY MALES. MANY FEMALES. DrimyS. 1403. DRIMYS. Perianth 3-lobed. Petals 6 or 12. Germs club'd. Style o. Berry inverfe-egg'd. S, granadeyifn. D. peduncles axillary elongated three-cleft, piftils eight. 5. granada. Winterl, D. peduncles aggregate terminal, piftils four. 5. IVinter^s, axillaris*, D. peduncles threefold axillary, piftil one. 5. axiU lary» 1404. UNONA. CaL 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petard. Berries very numerous, pediccVd, two- feeded. S. dtfcreia^ Unona. dtftin^. Am # i