Talks on Manures. A 8F.KIFS Itr T \MM.I Ai: AM> rKA< I I' M I M K- liK i >% r i > i lif At TilOR AM» TIIK I»K\< <»X. TIIK Ikk T»»lt, ASI» CITIIKU NKK.illUiICS, OX TflK WIKILK KUIUICCT or M Nl'llKli ASV rKUTlLlZKUS. 11 Y JOSKIMI IIAKKIS. M. S. moa or "wtLk.^ *M' Ti:.!.- ■• rut Farm," 'UtEKIt on tu« rm," BTn. N! .-.' AND ENLARGED EDITION, INCLUDIMO A CIUITKR HI'BOIALLY WKITTKN FiiK IT HV SIR /OBM BE»>KT I 4WI., Ill- i« iTll tM'^i Ki> iNfil.ASU. N K W V « » R K : OKA \ (IK J ID I) COMPANY, Entered, accordinc to Act of ronjjr'-o". In the year IfWS, by th« orancjp: .jcdi) companv. In t>te Ufflcu of tbf Libranau uf Congress, at Wa^liinxton. CONTENTS. CllAl'TEU L Faming an n BnninoB?.— High Farniiut;aiid(i<»o<'Hinictiun of Wi-cdu.— Karining is Slow Work.— It requin!!* PiTKonal At- tcuUuu I CUAPTEIt II. What is" Manure?— The dcflnitions givcu by llic Diuou and the J>(>clnri.'er Crops.— We must Dmiu, Cullivulc thoroughly, and Make Richer Manure 23 CHAPTER V. Swiimp-niuck and Peat as Manure. --Draining Swamp-land.— Composition of I'cat and Muck 29 CHAPTER VI. What i.* Potential .Vmmonia 31 Cn.VPTER VU. Tillage is Manurc.—The Doctor's Lecture on Manure .32 CUAPTER Vlll. Snmmer-fallowing.— Mr. Lawes" crop every other year.— WTicat after Bar- ley.—For Larger Crops rai'e less frequently, and Manure Higher ; also keep better SUKk, and Feed Higher 34 CHAPTER IX. How to Restore a Wom-ont Farm — The Author's Farm.— Tillage renders the Plant-food stored in the soil available- Cultivated Lands contain less Plant-food, but are more productive.— Grass alone will not make rich land. 37 CHAPTER X. How to Make Manure.— We must get it out of the Land 41 CHAPTER XI. The Value of the Manure depends upon the Food— rot upon the Animal 43 CHAPTER Xn. Foods which Make Rich Manure— Table giving the composition of 81 kinds of Food and the value of the Manure they yield.— Cotton seed Cake.— Enirlish and fierman Clover— Nitrogenoui^ matter in Rich and Poor Foods.— Manure from Corn compared with that from Straw 45 III IV CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. Ilorsc-manure and Farm-yard Manure— Why the one is richi-r than the oth- er.- Amount of Manure from a Horse.— Composition of Farm-yard Ma- nure.—We draw and spread a ton to get 33 lbs. of Nilrogeu, I'hospboric Acid, and Potash 50 CUAPTEK XIV. Fermenting Manure.— Composition of Manure when Fresh and in its stages of Fermentation. -Loss in Fermeut'itiou and from Leaching. -Tables show- ing the composition of .Manure at different stages.— Fermenting makes Manure more Soluble 53 CIIAITER XV'. Keeping Miinun- under Cover— Dr. Virlckirs E.xpirimenta.- Manure Fer- m.nt.d Outside and Under Cover.— L<>>M from keeping .Manure s|)read in the Ham yard. -Keeping well-njtted .Manure iu a Heap.— Conclusions from Dr. VuL'lcker's Experiments 59 CHAPTER XVI. An English Plan of Keepini,' Manure. Ik)s feeding of Cattle.- Spreading Manure at once. Piling in Heaps in the Field -Old Sods ai d Asli. ;< from CharredSodH • f Maiiurcu on tiraiii Karms.— Li'Ucr from lion. Geo. Qeddes. — linim on Dairy Farni.-<.— Snci'it on Gru ii Kaiuif. — Vifll to John Jolin^lon. — Mr. Lawcs' Wlical-Iichl.— Mr. Godilcs unil Clover. — G^|iruuiuud Clover us Maniirc;i Ill CUAITEU XXIV. The Clieapest Muniiru a Furnier cuu use — Clover vt*. Tillatjc. — As I'lunt- KiHHl. — Ctiiisiiuioiiis ofa Crop of Clov* r, as coniparcu with one of Wheal. — Making a Farm Kali by Growui;,' Clover 127 CllAriEK XXV. Dr. Voelckur's Experinient-x on Clover.— Luwes and Gilberts on Wheat.— CUiver Uoots per Acre.— Manures lor Wheat.— Liebi;;'s Manure Theory. — Peruvian Ciiiano on Wheat.— Manures and the (|iialily of Wheat.— Anunonia. —Ovjr 00 Bushels of Wheat o the Acre 135 CUAPTEIt XXVI. Experiments oD Clover Soils from Biircoii Loo it'Oii of Rtrli-y, umin nnd straw. — Va'nable Ta- bles ^ivini: the Results of Lawes and Gilbert's Experiments on the j;rowth of Biirley. Year after Year, on the same Land, witlmnt Manure, and with different kinds of Manure. — Manure ami Rotation of Crops 2*37 CHAPTER XXX. Manures for Oat?.— Experiments at Rottiamsted.— Experiments of Mr. Bath of Virginia.- .\t Moreton Farm 2.'j2 CHAPTER XXXI. Manures for Potatoes.- P.rtivirin Giiniio for Pulntoes.— Manure from different Foods.— Kperimeiifs at Moretoii F.inn.— Mr. Hunter's Experiments 255 CHAPTER XXXII. What Crops should Manure be .Vpplicvl to ?— How. and When ?— .John J. Thomas' manner of Applyiii'.: Manure.— Top Dressing.— Doct. Voelcker's Experiments 265 CHAPTER XXXIII. Manures on Permanent Meadows and Pastures.— Experiments at Rotham8tcd.271 VI CONTENTS. (IIAITIJK XXXIV. Manures for Special Crops.— Hops.— Inaian Corn.— Turnips.— Mangel-Wurzel or buiiar-Bocib.— Cal)ba;,'i;:', l*ar.-nip8. Lettuce, Onions:, etc 274 ClIAPTEIt XXXV. Manures for Gardens and Orcliur.lti.— .Maikci Oarileus.-Sceil -rowin:; Furma. — Private Cari]en:'.—lIol-be(ls.— Manure for Nurrtcryiiien.— Fruit tirowers! — Ueu-Munuru \)ni vn.WTER XXXVI. Different Kimlsof Manures.— Cow Manure.— Slieep Manure.— Buying Manure. —Liquid .Manure.— Ni-liL-oil and Sewa-c.— Peruvian Guano.-SaUs of Am- monia and Nitrate of Soda g^Uj CHAITEU XXXVI L Bone-Duel and Snp.rpliosphaie of Lime.— Bone fiirnls'liC!. Nitrogen as well as Phospliaie of Lime.— Increasing the Availal)iliiy of Hone willi Sulphuric Acid .,] J CHAPTER XXXVIIL Special Manures.- Liel)ig'a Views.- Special Manure for and Turnips. — Rolhamsted Expcrinient.s tHO CHAPTER XXXIX. Value of Fcrlilizers.— Cost per pound of the Essential ConstitnentH of Ferti- lizers.—Value of fJuanos.—Poiash as a Manure .T2-1 CHAPTER XL. ReBtoring Fertility to the Soil, a Chapter hy Sir John Bmnet Jjtwes.-Tho Treatment of a Poor Farm, to Restore it must Profitably. Meal-making the Back hone of the Sy-!tiirsc«-nt and well-informed reader this Chapter will he valu«d not merely for what it contains, but for what it omits. A man wluj knew Kss would write more. Sir John K'h-s strai}?ht to tin- mark, and we have* here his matun- vif the most inqiortant questions in ajxrieultural science and priwtice. Sir John (K'scHIms a tnif jMHir land, and tells us that the cheap^'st nuthiMl of improving ami eiiricliing it is. to keep a large hreeiling fle j»r<»fitable. Where I live, in West<'m New York, it is sown quite generally on winter wheat, and also on barlej' and oats in the spring. On com and potatoes, its use is not so common. Whether this is because its application to these crops is not so easy, or because it does not pHMluce so marked an increase in the yield per acre, I am unable to say. Our winter wheat is sown here the first, second, or (rarely) the third week in Septemlx^r. We sow from one and a half to two 3.nd a quarter bushels per acre. It is almost invariably sown with a drill. The drill has a fertilizer attachment that distributes the superjjhosphate at the same time the wheat is (VII) VIII TALKS OX MAXTJRES. sown. The superphosphate is not mixed with the wheat, but it drops into the saiue tubes witli the wheat, and is sown witli it in the same drill mai k. In this way, the supei-jihospliale is deposited wliere the roots of the young plants can immediately find it. For barley and oats the same method is adopted. It will be seen that the cost of sowing superphosphate on these crops is merely nominal. But for corn and potatoes, when planted in hills, the superphosphate must be dropped in the hill by hand, and, as we are almost always hurried at that season of the year, we are impatient at anything which will delay planting even for a daj'. The boys want to go fishing ! This is, undoubtedl}-, one reason why superphosi>hate is not lised so generally with us for com as for wheat, barley, and oats. Another reason may be, that one hundred pounds of corn will not sell for anything like as much as one hundred pounds of wheat, barley, and oats. We are now buying a very good superphosphate, made from Carolina rock jjhosphate, for about one and a half cents per pound. We usually drill in about two hundred pounds per acre at a cost of three dollars. Now, if this gives us an increase of five bushels of wheat per acre, worth six dollars, we think it pays. It often does far better than this. Last year the wheat crop of Western New York was the best in a third of a century, which is as far back as I have had anything to do with farming here. Fi cm all I can learn, it is doiibtf ul if the wheat crop of Western New York has ever averaged a larger yield per acre since the land was first cultivated after the removal of the original f on st. Something of this is due to better methods of cultivation and tillage, and something, doubtless, to the general use of superphosphate, but much more to the favor- able season. The present venr our wheat crop turned out exceedingly poor. Hundreds of acres of wheat were plowed up, and the land re- sown, and hundreds more would have been plowed up ha- stance, a moderate degree of heat, say from seventy to one hundred and twenty t or too cold, or too wet or too dry, the growth of the plant is checked, and the formation of nitric acid suspended. The presence of lime, or of some alkali, is also necessary for the growth of this fungus and the production of nitric acid. The nitric acid unites with the lime, and forms nitrate of lime, or with soda to form nitrate of soda, o/ with potash to form nitrate of potash, or salt-petre. A water-logged soil, by exclud- ing the oxytren, destroys this plant, hence one of the advan- tages of underdraining. I have said that shade is favorable to the growth of this fungus, and this fact explains and confirms the common idea that shafle is manure. The great object of agriculture is to convert the nitrogen of our soils, or of green crops plowed under, or of manure, into nitric acid, and then to convert this nitric acid into profitable products with as little loss as possible. Nitrogen, or rather INTROnrCTIOX TO N'KW KDITIOX. XI nitric aoitl, is tlio most costly iiij^rciliml in i»I;iiit fooil, and un- fortunately it is v» ry ojvsily wiuslitnl out of tin' soil and lost. Perhaps it is aWsolutoly inii>ossil)k' to entirely prevent all loss from leaching; but it is certainly well worth our while t<5 under- stand the subject, and t make the 'oss as small as possible, consistent with the production of profitable crops. There are many ways of lessening this loss of nitrie acid. Our farmers sow superphosphate with their wheat in the autumn, ami this stimulat water before the first of December, or continue later than the first of May. To guard against loss of nitrogen by leaching, therefore, we should aim to keep rich land occupied by some crop, during the winter and early spring, and the earlier the crop is sown in the autumn or late summer, the better, so that the roots will the more completely fill the grouml and take up all the availai)le nitrogen within their reach. I have said that this idea had modified my own practic(>. I grow a considerable quantity of garden vegitables, principally for seed. It is necessary to make the land very rich. The plan I have adopted to guard against the loss of nitrogen is this : As soon as the land is cleared of any crop, after it is too late to sow turnips, I sow it with rye at the rate of one and a half to two bushels per acre. On tliis rich land, especially on the moist low land, the rye makes a great growth during our warm autumn weather. Tlie rye checks the growth of weeds, and furnishes a considerable amount of succulent food for sheep, durijig the autumn or in the spring. If not needed for food, it can be turned under in the spring for manure. It unquestionably prevents the loss of considerable nitric acid from leaching during the winter and early spring. Buckwheat, or millet, is sometimes sown on such land for plowing under as manure, but as these crops are killed out by the winter, they cannot prevent the loss of nitric acid during the winter and spring months. It is only on unusuallj' rich land that such precautions are particularl}' necessary. It has been thought that these experiments of Lawes and GillxTt affcn-d a strong argument against the use of summer-fallows. I do not think so. A summer-fallow, in this country, is usu- ally a piece of land which has been seeded down one, two, and INTR0J)UCTION TO NEW EDITION. XIIT sometimes three years, with red clover. The land is plowed in May or June, and occasionally in July, and is afterwards sown to winter wheat in Septenil)er. The treatment of the suinnier- fallow varies in ditferent localities and on different farms. Sometimes the land is only plowed once. The clover, or sod, is plowed under de<"p and well, and the after-treatment con- sists in keepiTig tlie surface soil free from weeds, by the fre- quent use of tiie harrow, roller, cultivator or gang-pk)w. In otluT cases, especially on heavy clay land, the first plowing is done early in the spring, and when the sod is sufficiently rotted, the land is cross-plowed, and afterwards made tine and mellow by the use of the roller, harrow, and cultivator. Just bef(jre sowing the wheat, many good, old-fashioned fanners, plow the land again. But in this section, a summer- fallow, plowed two or three times during the smumer, is becoming more an«l more rare every year. Those farmers who summer-fallow at all, as a rule, plow their liuid but once, and content themselves with mere surface culti- vation afterwards. It is undoubtedly true, also, that summer fallows of all kinds are by no means as common as formerly. This fact may be considered an argument against the use of sunnner-fallowing; but it is not conclusive in my mind. Patient waiting is not a characteristic of the age. We are inclined to take risks. We prefer to sow our land to oats, or barley, and run the chance of getting a good wheat crop after it, rather than to spend several months in cleaning and mellowing the land, simply to grow one crop of wheat. It has always seemed to me entirely unnecessary to iirge farmers not to summer-fallow. We all naturally prefer to see the land occupied b\' a good paying crop, rather than to spend time, monej-, and labor, in preparing it to produce a crop twelve or fifteen months afterwards. Yet some of the agricultural edi- tors and many of the agricultural writers, seem to take delight in deriding the old-fashioned summer-fallow. The fact that Lawes and Gilbert in England find that, when land contains considerable nitric acid, the water which percolates through the soil to the underdrains beneath, contains more nitrate of lime when the land is not occupied by a croj), than when the roots of growing plants fill the soil, is deemed positive proof that suimner-fallowing is a wastefiil practice. If we summer-fallowed for a spring crop, as I have some- times done, it is quite probable that there would be a loss of nitrogen. But, as I have said before, it is very seklom that any XIV TALKS OX MANURES. water passes through the soil from tlio time we commence <4 > summer-fallow until the wheat is sown in the autumn, or foi many weeks afterwards. The nitrogen, which is converted into nitric acid by the agency of a good summer-fallow, is no more liable to be washed out of the soil after tlie field is sown to whf-at in the autumn, than if we applied the nitrogen in the form of some reiulily availaljle manure. I still believe in summer fallows. If I had my life to live over again, I would certainly summer-fallow more than I have done. I have been an agricultural writer for onc-tliird of a century, and liave i)ersistently advocated the more extendt-d use of the summer-fallow. I have nothing to take back, unless it is what I have said in reference to " fall-fallowing." Possibly this practice may result in loss, though I do not think so. A good summer-fallow, on rather heavy clay land, if the con- ditions are otherwise favorable, is pretty sure to give us a good crop of wheat, and a good crop of clover and grass afterwards. Of course, a farmer who has nice, clean sandy soil, will not think of summer-fallowing it. Such soils are easily worked, and it is not a diff^ult matter to keep them clean without Bummer-fallowinc:. Such soils, liowever, seldom contain a large store of unavailable plant food, and instead of summer- fallowing, we had better manure. On such soils artificial ma- nures are often very i)rofitable, though barn-yard manure, or the droppings of animals feeding on the land, should be the prime basis of all attempts to maintain, or increase, the pro- ductiveness of such .soils. Since this book was firet published, I do not know of any new facts in regard to the important question of. how l>est to manage and apply our barn-yard manure, so as to make it more immediately active and available. It is unquestionably true, tliat the same amount of nitrogen in barn-yard maiuire, will not produce so great an effect as its theoretical value would in- dicate. Tliere can be no doubt, however, that the better we feed our animals, and the more carefully we save the liquids, the more valuable and active will be the manure. The conversion of the inert nitrogen of manures and soils, into nitric acid, as already stated, is now known to l>e produced by a minute fungus. I hope it will be found that we can intro- duce tills iKH'tcriitm into our manure piles, in such a way as to greatly aid the ccmversion of inert nitrogen into nitrates. Experiments have been made, and are still continued, at Woburu, under the auspices of the Royal Agricultural Society INTUODUCTIOX T<) NEW KDITION. XV of England, to asccrtaiii, riinon;^ dtlicr thiiiL^s, wlnthi r manure from slu'ip rtiriviii)^ an allowance of cotton-sted cake is any richt r than that from sheep, otherwise fed alike, but liaviug, instead »,f cotton-seed cake, tlie same amount of corn meal. We know that such manure contains more nitrogen, and oilier plant fcMMl, than that from the corn meal. But the exjH-riments so far. tiiough they have ln-en continued for several years, do not show any striking superiority of the manure from cott(m- seed cake over that from corn meal. I saw the wheat on these differently manured plots in 1879. Dr. Voelcker and Dr. Gil- bert, told me tliat, one of two plots was dressed with the cot- ton-seed manure, and the other with the corn meal manure, and they wanted me to say which was the most promising crop. I Ix'liive the one I s;ud w;is the l)etter, was the cotton- seed plot. But the ditf.rence was very slight. The truth is that suih ex|M'riments must be contnuied for many years before th.y will prove anytliing. As I said before, we know that the manure from the cot^^n-s(■ed cake is richer in nitrogen than that from the corn meal ; but we also know that this nitrogen will not produce so great an efft'ct, as a much smaller amount of nitrogen in salts of ammonia, or nitrate of soda. In going over thesf experiments, I was struck with the heal'.hy iuid vigorous appearance of one of the plots of wheat, and asked how it was manured. Dr. Vcelcker called out, "clover, Mr. Harris, clover." In England, as in America, it requires very little observation and exjxrii'nce to convince any one of the valui- of cIov»'r. After what I have said, and what the Deacon, the Doctor, Charley and the Sijuire have said, in the pages of this book, I hoiK' no one will think that I do not appreciate the great value of red clover as a means of enrich- ing our land. Dr. Voelcker eviden^^ly thought I was skeptical on this ymint. I am not. I have great faith in the benefits to he derived from the growth of clover. But I do not think it originates fertility ; it does not get nitrogen from the atmos- phere. Or at any rate, we have no evidence of it. The facts are all the other way. We have discussed this question at considerable length in the pages of this book, and it ie not necessary to say more on the subject. I would, however, particularly urge farmers, especially those who are using phos- phates freely, to grow as much clover as possible, and feed it out on the farm, or plow it under for manure. The question is frequently asked, whether the use of phos- phates wUl ultimately impoverish our farms. It may, or it may XVI TALK.-^ ON M \ N ( i;K.>. not. It (IcimikIs on iiur p-iii-nil iiiau:iK>-nu'nt. Tlx-orrtiraHy. tlu' ust' of a manure furiiisliin^; only one i-l«-ni«>nt of planl {inn\, if it incrt'iuses the growth «>f crops whicli are soM fmni the farm, must have a t«.*nileney to im{»overi8h the hmii of the oth«r eli-ments of plant foovl. In other words, the use of 8Ui>erph«>s- p'l.itc furuishinK only. «)r priueiiKilly, phitsphoric acid, lime and Huiphuric aoveriah the soil t>f nitrogen and I'nictically. ho\v»'ver, it netil do nothing of the kind. If the land is well cultivate*!, and if our low. rich, alluvial iHirtioiis of the farm an* drained, and if the hay. grass, clover, straw and fhosphates. are the very men who take the gn-at- est pains to drain their land, cultivate it thoroughly, and make the most manure. It follows, then-fore, that the use of phos- phates is a national iMMielit. Sonje of our railroad managers take this view <»f the suhjiH't. They carry suj>erphosphate at a low rat*.*, knowing tliat its use will increase the freight the other way. In otlnr words, they bring a ton of sup •rphosphate from the S4*nl>oard. knowing that its use will give them many tons of freight of priwluce, from the interior to the si-alxiard. It is not an uncommon thing for two hundred iM>unds of 8Ui>erphosphate, to give an incn-as*- of five tons of turnijis ]>er acre. Or. so to 8|)e:tk, the niilrowl that l)rings one ton of suixTphosphate from the »t»alH>ard. might, as the result of its use, liave fifty tons of fn*ight tv carry Imck again. Tliis is iMTliajw a:i exceptioiiahly favorable instance, but it illustrates the prin waste time and money in cleaning |H«)r land. iR'fore seeding it down to gra.s8. He thinks that if tlie land is made rich, the superior grassi'S overgrow the Kid grasses and we«>ds. I have no doubt he is right in this, though the principle may Ix- puslied U) an extreme. Our climat*-. in this countrv, is so favorable for killing wi-eds. that the plow and the cidtivator will jirobably In- a more economical means of making our land clean, than the lil.>eral U8« of expenaive o iNTKolil rTloN To MW KI>ITI<»\. XVII manunw. It .l.'|« .| on th.- huxl an.l on rin uni- Hlanr»-«. It is w.ll to know tluit nianun- on ^fnws lan.l, will ho iarn'a/*.. tin- K'r<>» th of tlu- K>»«xi K'nirtst-*. jw to sinoth.-r {]u- w ^^I.H. NVar my lioUi*.- \va« a pi.MV of land that I want^.l to nialifiiUoa lawn. I »*ow»mI it with jcnuw M-^tl, hut th»- wi-^sIm Hin -tiivriHl it out. I plow.-l it. an.l h.Knl it. an.l ri-8.ts|..,l it. hut still thr wi-,^i.H ^'nw. Mallows ram.- up hy tin- lh..u.s;ir»n. It waw an .•>»•• H.H'. W». ni..w»Hl th.- w.^^ls. hut alrn.wt .l.-spainil ..f .v.t Mi.ikinK adii-.nt hitof ^Tx-vs lan.l ..ut of it. It ho hap|HniH| that. on«' yt-ar. wi. plar.-«l th.- thiok.n .-.Hips ..n this njis.rahle w.^.ly HjN.t. Thf h.iw an.l .hi.k.ns wi-n- k.-pt tlurr f..r Hc'veral w,-«-kH. Till' f«i-«l an.l th.- drippinKn inaiK- it I.K»k more un- HiK'htly than evor. hut th.- n.-xt HprinK'. «»« if l»y nia>,'i<-. the W.H..L* w.-n- p.nt' jui.l the lan.l wa8 iov.-r.-tl with .lark >^'r.-.-n luxuriant »n^iHS. In r^-^iinl t.> th.- u.s.- of iN.txsh as a nianur.'. w havr still niu.h to l.ani. It s.sni that our ^;niin .rops will ujw mrln. if th.y «ann..t pi potash, fli-y niu.h pr.-f.-r th.- i»otiwh, ami will ^'n.w nui-h ni..r.- luxuriantly wlu-n-. in th.- H.iil or ma- nun-, in )i.l.liti.>n t.. th.- .>th.-r .-l.-ni.-nts <)f plant f.HwI. i> m ahun.lant. Hut th.- in.Tejw»-«l jfn.wth rau.s...| hy th.- |K.i;wh. iH prinri|Killy. if not .-ntin-ly. Htniw. or l.-av.-s an.l Ht«tital.l.- to us<- |M.tjush as a nianur.-. If tht- H<»il contain.s tlu- oth.-r .-It-in.nts of plant f.Knl. th.- a.Iil tion of IHitash may Kiv.« us a nmch m..ri> luxuriant j^owth of l.-av.-s and st.-m. hut no mon- ^niin .)r .sit-d. F.»r hay. or K^ana or fod- der cn>|>s. the i.s v.-ry diff.-n-nt. an.l in.tash may often 1x3 usetl on th.-s«' crops to ^.-at a«lvantaj;<'. I am incline.] to think that c.msi.lerahl.- nitrat.- of .sf)si' it will pay as a rule, on wh.-at. com an.l .>thtr standard j,'rain crojw. But thepinlener. s.'.-d CT'i^.-r. and nurseryman, will find out h<»w t.) us.' it with K^ Our nurs.'rymen say that they cannot use artificial manures with any advanta;je. It is un- douhLnlly true that a dressing of KU|>.-rphosphate, nnvm on a hl.K-k of nurs«-ry tre.s. will do little p[otsof th.- j.lants. Sup.ri>li..sphat.' can not Ix- washed down deep into the soil. Nitrate of soda is na)le to apply tlie superhosphate iR'fore they are planted, and j)Io\v it undi-r. And the same is true of i>otash ; but nitrate of soda would he b<'tter applied as a top-dressiiig every year, early in the sprin;^. The most discouraging fact, in L;i\ves' and Uin)ert'3 experi- ments, is the great loss of nitrogen. It would seem that, on an average, during the last forty years, about one-half tlie ni- trogen is \v:ushed out of the soil, or otherwise lost. I can not but hope and believe that, at any rate in this country, there is no such loss in practical agriculture. In Lawes' and Gilbert's exi>eriments on wheat, this grain is grown year after j'ear, on the same land. P'orty annual crops have U'eii removtHl. No clover is .sown with the wheat, ami jK-iins are taken to keep the land clean. The crop i.s liocd whili- growing, and the weeds are pulled out l)y hand. The best se.xson during the forty years. w;ls the year \H(VA. Tiie i>oorest, that of 1H70 ; and il so happened, that after an .litsenceof thirty years. I was at Kf nitrogen. In the summer-fallow experiments, which have now lieen continued for twenty-seven years, there has been a great loss of nitrogen. Tlie same remarks ajiply to this case. No one ever advocates summer-fallowing land every other year, and sow- ing nothing but wheat. When we summer-fallow a piece of land for wheat, we seed it down with grass and clover. INTRODUCTION' TO NKW PIDITION". ,\IX There is, an a rule, very littli' loss of nitropcen by drainage while the wheat is growing ou tlie groiuul. hut after the wheat is cut, the grass and elover ari- pretty sure to take up all the available nitrogen within the range of their r«M>ts. This sununer-faliow ex|M'riinent. instead of affording an argument against the use of sunnner-fallowing, is an argument in its favor. The sum- mer-fallow, by exi)osing tlie soil to the deromposing intluences of the atmosphere, converts more or less of the inert nitro- genous f>rganic matter into ammonia ami nitric acid. This is precisely what a farmer wants. It is just what the wheat crop needs. But we must Ik? very careful, wlun we render the ni- trogen soluble, to have 8om«' plant ready to take it up, and not let it be washed out of the soil during the winter and early spring. We have much i)oor land in the United States, and an im- mense area of giMnl land. Tiie i>ouy another if he found one that suited him. He has faith in farming. Some people think he '■ runs his land." and, in fact, such is the He keejis good teams, and good jilows, and good harrows, and good rollers, and good cultivators, and good grade Shorthoni cows. He acts as though he believed, as Sir John B. I..;iwes says, that " the soil is a mine," out of which he digs money He runs his land for all it is worth. He raises wheat, barley, oats, com, potatoes, and hay. and when he can get a good price for his timothy hay, he draws it to market and sells it. Thorough til- lage is the ba.sis of his success. He is now using phosphates for wheat, and will probably his herd of cows and make more manure. He has great faith in manure, but acts as though hi' had still greater faith in good plowing, early sowing, and thorough cultivation. r K E F A ( ' E TO F I K S T EDITION, Tlic PrinlPrs hfivp pot our "Talks on Manurps" in typo; and the publisliers want a Profaci-. The Deacon is busy hoeing hia corn; the Doctor is gone to Rice Lake, fishing; Charley is cultivatini; mangels; the Squire is hay- ing, and I am here alone, with a jM-ncil in hand and a sheet of blank paper l)efore me. I wouKl far rather be at work. In fael, I have only just come in from the fleld. Now, what shall I siiy? It will do no good to apologize for the dcficienries of tlie l)ook. If the eritics condescend to notice it at all, nothing I can say will propitiate their favor, or moderate their censure. Tijey are aa independent set of fellows ! 1 know tlieiu well I am ao old editor myscli, and nothing would please me betttT than to sit down and write a slashing criticism of these "Talks on Manures." But I am denied that pleasure. The critics have the floor. All 1 will siy her3, is, that the book is wiiat it preten^ls to be. Some people seem to think that the *' Deacon" is a fictitious char- acter. Notliing of the kind. He is one of the oldest farmers in town, and lives on the farm next to mc. I have the very highest respect for him. I have tried to report him fully and correctly. Of my own share in the conversations I will say little, and of the Doctor's nothing, il}- own views are honestly given. I hold mv- self responsible for them. I may contradict in one chapter what I have asserted in another. And sc, pr()l)ably, has the Deacon. I do not know wliether this is or is not the case. I know very well that on many questions "much can be said on both sides "—and very likely the Deacon is sometimes on the south side of the fence and I on the nortli side; and in tlie next chapter you may find the Deacon on the north side, and where would you have me go, ex- cept to the south side ? AVe cannot see both sides of the fence, if both of us walk on the same side! I fear some will be disappointed at not finding a particular sub- ject discussed. I have talked about those things which occupy my own thoughts. XXI XXII PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. There are some things not worth thinking about There arc othcri beyond my reach. I have said nothing about manures for cotton or for the sugar- cane— not because I feel no interest in the matter, but because I have had no experience in the cultivation of these imporUint crops. I might have told what tlie crops conUiiu, and could have given minute directions for furnishing in manure the exact tiuanlity of plant-food which the cro|)s remove from the soil. But 1 have no faith in such a system of farming. Tlie few cotton-planters 1 have had the pleasure of seeing were men of education and rare ability. I cannot uudertjike to offer them advice. But 1 presume they will find that, if they desire to increase the growth of the cotton-plant, in nine cases out of ten they can do it, provided the soil is proiuriy worked, by supplying a manure conUiining available nitroiren, pliosphorie acitl, and potash. But the pr»j»€r proportion of these ingredients of i)lant-food must be ascerUiined by experiment, and not from a mere analysis of the cotton i)laiit. I have mueli faith in artificial manures. They will do great things for American agriculture — directly, and indirectly. Theii general use will lead to a higher system of farming — to better cul- tivation, more root and fodder crops, improved stock, higher feed- ing, and richer manure. But it has been no part of my olyeet to unduly extol the virtues of commercial manures. Tliat may lie left to tlie manufacturers. My sympathy is with the farmer, and especially with the farmei of moderate means, who finds thnt improved farming calls foi more and more capital. I would like to encourajre such a man. And so, in point of fact, would the Deacon, thouirh he often Udks as though a man who tries to improve his farm will certainly come to poverty. Such men as the Deacon are useful neiirhbors if their doubts, and head-shakings, and shoulder-shru agings lead a y<»ung and enthusiastic farmer to put more eneriry, industry, and economy into his business. It is well to listen to tlio Deaenn — to licar all liis obieetious, and then to keep a sharp look-out fur the dangers and difficulties, and go-iOuad. TALKS ON MAXITRES. c n A r T E R I. FAli.MlXG AS A BUSINESS. " FamiiiiLr i?; a poor l>usincss," said the Deacon. " Take the rorn crop. Thirty biisht-ls per acre is a fair avi-ra:,'!', worth, at 75 cents per l)usiu'l, liiJ.oO. If we reckon tliat, for each husliil of corn, we get 100 liJ9. of stalks, this would be a Ion and a half per acre, worth at $5 per ton $7.50." Total receipts per acre for com crop $30 00 Ex[>enscs. — Preparintj the land for the crop f5 00 Plautini; and seed 1 50 Cultivatmtr, three times, twice in a row hoth ways 5 00 Hoeina: twice 3 00 Cuttinir ni» tlio corn 1 50 Huskini; and ilrn winj^ in the corn 4 00 Drawinij in the stilks, etc 1 00 Shelliii;^, and dmwini^ to market 2 00 Total cost of the crop $2.S 00 Profit per acre ^7 00 " And from this," .said the Deacon, " we have to deduct interest on land and taxes. I tell you, farrain? is a poor business." "Yes," I replied, "poor farmin;? is a very poor business. But good farminir, if we have good prices, is as good a business as I want, and withal as pleasant. A good farmer raises 75 bushels 10 TALKS ON MANURES. of corn per acre, instead of 30. lie would get for hia crop, inclutling stulks i|7o 00 Expenses. — Preparing land fur the croj) ^00 Planting and seed 1 5U Cultivating 5 00 Hoeing 3 00 Cutting up tlie eorii 1 50 Uuskiiig and drawing 10 00 Drawing in the stalks 3 00 Shelling, etc G (K) ?:J5 00 ProOt per acre i-H) tK) Take another case, which actually occurred in this neighborhood. Tiic Judge i3 a good farmer, and particularly successful in raising potatoes and selliug them at a good price to hotels and private families. He cultivates very thoroughly, jilants in hills, and puts a handful of ashes, plaster, and hen-manure, on the hill. In 1873, his crop of Peachblows was at the rate of 208 bushels jH'r acre. Of these, 300 husii: Is were sold at GO cents per bus'.iel. Tlirre were 8 bushels of small j)otatoes, worth say 12i cents per bushel, to feed out to stock. Mr. Sloe, who lives on an aljoining farm, had three acres of Peachblow pot:itoes the same year. The yieLl was 100 l)ushels per acre — of which 2o bushels were not large enough for market, he got 50 cents per bushel for tlie others. The account of the two crops stands as follows; Expetiscs Rr Acre; Plowing, harrowing, rolling, marking, plant- ing, and covering Seed.:. : Hoeing, cultivating, etc Diirtrinsr Jirreipln J\r Anr: 75 bushels, (ih .^Oo 25 " (<$12ic 200 Imshels, (?i)60c.. 8 '» @ 12Jc. Profit per acre . J/"r„S7o. 1 $ 8 00 5 00 7 oo; 10 ooj 30 00 37 50 3 12 40 62 $10 62 Judge. I S 00 5 (to 10 00 _1()^ 120 00 1 00 121 (I.I ><.»8~00 Since then, Mr. Sloe lias been making and using more manure, and the year before last (1875) his crop of potatoes averaged over PAUMiyO Afi A RUSINRS.-^, II 200 Inishrls per acre, ami on llic sandy knolls, where more luiiiuiro was applied, tlie yield at least 230 biis'.iels per acre. "Neverlliel 'ss," said the Deacon, "1 do not believe in 'high farming.' It will not pay." " Po.«ro- ducing a fair crop of grass or clover, let it lie. Pasture it or mow it for hay. If 3'ou have a flu have got this pile of manure can not you adopt high farming?" No. My manure pile would contain say : 60 tons of clover-hay; 20 tons wheat-straw; 25 tons oat, birley, and pea-straw; 40 tons mr'adow-hay; 20 tons corn- stalks ; 20 tons corn, oats, and other grain ; 120 tons mangel-wurze] and turnips. FAKMINt; AS A m'SINKSS. 13 Tills would li'ivc inc alioiit ."iilO Idms dI" wtli-roUcil niaiiiirc 1 BJiuulil wiiiit 200 Ions of lliis for tia- in;iii<:;ils and luniiiis, aiul the 3U0 Ions 1 should want to top-dri'ss 20 a to oO acres of land. In other words, 1 use the unsold produce of 10 acres to manure one. Is this " high farming ? " I think in my circumstances it is good funning, hut it is not higli farming. It gives mc large crops per acre, but I liave comparatively few acres in crops that are sold from the farm. " High farming," if tlic term is to liuvc any definite meaning at all, should only he used to express the iilea of a farm so manaircd that the soil is rich em)Ugh {o produce ma.ximum crops (rti-y yiir. If you adopt the system of rotation (piite general in this section — siy, 1st year, con on sod; 2d, barley or oats; 3d, wheat; 4th, clover for hay and afterwards for seed ; 5th, timothy and clover for hay ; and then tiie Clh year plowed up for corn again — it would be necessary to make the land rich enough to i>roduce say 100 bu.sbels shelled corn, 50 bushels of l)arley, 40 bushels of wheal, 3 to!is clover hay, and 5 bushels of clover-seed, and 3 tons (lover and timothy-bay per acre. This would l-e mnderair, hi'i^h farninig. If we introduced lucern, Italian, corn-fodder, and man'ccl- wurzel into tlie rotation, we should ne: d still richiT land to pnnluce a ma.\iinum grt)wlh of these crops. In other words, we should need more manure. The point I am endeavoring to get at, is this: "Where you want a farm to be self-sup[>orting — where you depend solely on the pro- duce of the farm to supply manure — it is a sheer impossil)ility to adopt hijh farming on th/' whole of your I end. I want to raise just as large crops per acre as the high farmers, but tiiere is no way of doing this, unless we go outside the farm for manure, without raising a smaller area ot such crops as are sol 1 from the farm. I do not wish any one to suppose that I am opposed to high farm in ;. There is oecasioniilly a farm where it may be practised with advantage, but it seems perfectly clear to my mind that as hms; as there is such an unlimited supply of land, and such a limited .sup- ply of fertilizei-s, most of us will find it more profitable to develop the latent stores of plant-food lying dormant in the soil rather than to buy manures. And it is ccr'ain that you can not adopt high faming without either buying manure directly, or buying food to fee 1 to animals that shall make manure on the farm. And 3'ou must recollect that high farming requires an iucrtiascd 14 TALKS ON MANURES, sui)|)ly of labor, and bired bclp is a luxury almost as costly as artiliciai fertilizers. We bave beard superficial tbiukers object to agricultural papers on tbe le system of farming is to raise large crops on such land as we culti- vate. High farming gives us large crops, and many of tJiein. At present, while we iiave so much land in proportion to population, we must, jK^rliaps, be content witli large crops of grain, and few of them. We must adopt tlie slower but less expensive means of enriciiing our from natural .sources, rather than the cpiickcr, more artilieial. and co.stly means adopted by many f.irmers in En, Han 1, and l)y market gardeners, see 1-growcrs, and nurservmen in this country. Labor is so higli tliat we can not afford to rais- a sm dl crop. If we sow but half the number of acres, and doubly the yielJ, we should quadruple our profits. I have made up my mind to let the land lie in clover three j-ears, instead of two. This will lessen the number of acres under cultivation, and enable us to bestow more care in pi )wing and cleaiiing it. And the land will be richer, and produce better crops. The atmosphere is capable of supplying a certain quantity of ammonia to the soil in rains and dews every year, and by giving th " wheat crop a three years sup- ply instead of two years, we gain so much. Plaster the clover, top-dress it in the fall, if you have the manure, and stimulate its growth in every way possible, and consume all the clover on the land, or in the barn-yard. Do not sell a single ton ; let not a weed grow, and the land will certainly improve. The first object should be to destroy weeds. I do not know how it is in other sections, but with us the majority of farms are com- plotely overrun with weeds. They are eating out the life of the land, and if something is not done to destroy them, even exorbitant- ly higli prices can not make farming profitable. A farmer yester- day was contending that it did not pay to summer- fallow. He has taken a run-down farm, and a year ago last spring he plowed up ten acres of a field, and sowed it to barley and oats. The re- mainder of the field he summer-fallowed, plowing it four times, and rolling and harrowing thoroughly after each plowing. After 16 TALKS ON MANUUKS. the barley and oats wore off, he plowed the laud once, harrowed iL and sowf;d Med.terranean wheat. On the summtT-fallow he drilled in Diehl wheat. He has just threshed, and got 22 bushels per acre of Mediterranean wheat after the spring crop, at one plowing, and 26 bushels per acre of Diehl wheat on the summer- fallow. This, he said, would not pay, as it cost liiui f :?0 i)er acre to sunniier- fallow, and he lost the use of the land for one season. Now this may be all true, and yet it is no arLTument against sum mer-fallowing. Wait a few years. Farming is slow work. Mr. George Geddes remarked to me, when 1 told him I was trying to renovate a run-down farm, "you will find it the work of ycur life." We ought not to expect a ing crop on poor, run-down land, simply by plowing it three or four times in as many months. Time is required for the chemical changes to Uike place in the soil. But ■watcii the effect on the clover for the next two years, and when the land is plowed again, see if it is not in far better condition tlian the part not snnimcr-fallowe.l. I should expect the clover on the summer-fallow to be fully one-third better in quantity, and of bet- ter quality than on the otlur part, and this extra quantity of clover will make an extra quantity of good manure, and thus we have the means of going on with the work of improving the farm. " Yes," said the Doctor, " and there will also be more dmer- roots in the soil." " But I can not afford to wait for clover, and summer- fa How ing," writes an intelligent New York gentleman, a dear lover (jf good stock, who h.;s bought an exhausted New Enirland farm, " 1 nuist have a portion of it producing good crops right off." Very well. A farmer with plenty of money can do womlers in a short time. Set a gang of ditchers to work, and put in underdrains where most needed. Have teams and plows enough to do the work rapidly. As soon as the land is drained and plowed, put on a heavy roller. Then sow oOO lbs. of Peruvim guano per acre broadcast, or its equivalent in some other fertilizer. Follow with a Shares' harrow. This will mellow the surface and cover the guano without dis- turbing the sod. Follow vith a forty-toothed harrow, and roll again, if needed, working the land until there is three or four inches of fine, mellow surface soil. Then mark off the land in rows as straif meal a day, it will enable each of Ihetn to make 10 lbs. of butt- r a we»k. For the pigs, s-jw a few acres of peas. These will do well on soil-land, sown early or late, or a part early anil a part late, as most convenient. Sow broadcast and harrow in, 500 lbs. of Pe- ruvian guano per acre and 200 U)s. of gypsum. Drill in three bushels of iH'as per acre, or sow broadcast, and cover them with a Shares' harrow. Commence to feed the crop green as soon as the pods are formej, and continu to fied out the crop, thresiied or unthreshed, until the middle of November. Up to tliis time the bu,^ do comparatively little damage. The pigs will thrive won- derfully on this crop, and make the richest and best of manure. 1 have little faith in .ny attempt to raise root crops on land not previously well prepared. But as it is necessary to have some mangel-wur/el and Swede turnips for the Ayi-shire cows and long-wool s'aeep n^xt winter and spring, select the cleanest and richest land that can be found that was under cultivation last season. If fall plowed, the chances of success will be doubled. Plow the land two or three times, and cultivate, harrow, and roll until it is as mellow as a garden. Sow 400 lbs. of Peruvian guar.o and COO lbs. of good sup Tpiiosphale per acre broadcast, and har- row them in. Ri !ge up the l;;n 1 into ridges 2i to 3 ft. ai)arl,wilh a double niould-boaril jdow. Roll down tlie ridges with a liiiht roller, and drill in the seed. Sow the mangel-wurzel in May — the earlier the bettor — and the Swedes as soon afterwards as tiie land can be thoroughly prepared. Better delay until June rather than sow on rough land. The first point on such a farm will be to attend to the grassland. This affords the most hopeful chr.ncc of getting good returns the first year. But no tune is to be lost. Sow 500 lbs. of Peruvian guano per acre on all the grass land and on t'le clover, with 200 lbs. of gypsum in addition on the latter. If this is sown early enough, so that the spring rains dissolve it and wash it into the soil, great crops of grass may be expected. " But will it pay ? " My friend in New Tork is a very energetic and successful business man, and he has a real love for farming, and I have no sort of doubt that, taking the New York business and the farm together, they will afford a very handsome profit. Furtiiermore, I have no doubt that if, after he has drained it, he 18 TALKS OX MANURES. would cover the whole farm witli 500 lbs. of Peruvian guano per acre, or its equivalent, it would pay him better than any other agricultural operation he is likely to engage in. By the time it was on the laud the cost would amount to about $20 per acre. If he sells no more grass or hay from the farm than he would sell if he did not use the guano, this $20 may very properly be added to the permanent capital invested in the farm. And in this aspect of the case, I have no hesitation in saying it will pay a high rate of interest. Ilis bill for labor will be as much in one case as in the other ; and if he uses the guano he will probably double his crops. His grass lands will carry twenty cows instead of ten, and if he raises the corn-fodder and roots, he can probably keep thirty cows better than he could otherwise keep a dozen ; and, having to keep a herdsman in either case, tin cost of labor will not bci nmch in- creased. "But you think it will not pay? " It will probably not pay him. I do not think h s business would paj^ me if I lived o:i my farm, and went to New York only once or twice a week. If there is one business above all others that requires constant atten- tion, it is farming — and especially stock-farming. But my friend is right in saying that he cannot afford to wait to enrich his land by clover and summer-fallowing. His land costs too much ; he has a large barn and everything requisite to keep a large stock of cattle and sheep. The interest on farm and buildings, and the money expended in labor, would run on while the dormant matter in the soil was slowly becoming available under the influence of good tillige. The large birn must be filled at once, and tlie only way to do this is to apply manure with an unsparing hand. If he lived on the farm, I should have no doubt that, by adopting thia course, and by keeping improved stock, and feeding liberally, he could make money. Perhaps he can find a man who will success- fully manage the farm under his direction, but the prol)abilitieg are that his present profit and pleasure will come from the grat- ification of his early love for country life. WUAT IS MANUUK? 19 C ir A P T E 11 II. WHAT IS MANURE? " What is the good of asking sucli a (luestion as that ? " said the Deacon ; " we all know what manure is." " Well, then," I replied, " tell us what it is?" " It is anything tluit will uuike crops grow better and bigger^^ re- plied the Deacon. " That is not a had definition," .said I ; " but let us see if it is a true one. You have two rows of cabbage in the garden, and you water one row, and the plants grow bigger and better. Is water manure ? You cover a plant with a hand-glass, and it grows big- ger and better. Is a hand-glass manure ? You shelter a few plants, and they grow bigger and l)etter. Is shelter manure ? Y'ou put some pure sand round a few plants, and they grow big- ger and better. Is pure sand manure ? I think we shall hu?e, to reject the Deacon's definition." Let us hear what the Doctor has to say on the subject. " Manure," replied the Doctor, " is the food of plants.''^ " That is a better definition," sail I ; " but this is really not answering the question. Y'ou say manure is plant-food. But what is plant-food ?" " Plant-food," said the Doctor, " is composed of twelve cle» ments, and, possibly, sometimes one or two more, which we need not here talk about. Four of these elements are gases, oxygen, h}'drogen, carbon, and nitrogen. When a plant or animal is burnt, these gases are driven off". The ashes which remain are composed of potash, soda, lime, and magnesia; sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, chlorine, and silica. In other words, the ' food of plants ' is composed of four onranic, or gaseous elements, and eight inorganic, or mineral elements, of which four have acid and four alkaline properties." " Th;ink you, Doctor," said the Dencon, " I am glad to know what manure is. It is the food of plants, and the food of plants is composed of four gases, four acid and four alkaline elements. I seem to know all about it. All I have wanted to make my land rich was plenty of manure, and now I shall know where to get it — oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen ; these four atmos- plieric elements. Then potash, soda, magnesia, and lime. I know what these four are. Then suli)hur, phosphorous, silica 20 TALKS OX MANUUES. (sand,) and chlorine (sill). I sbull soon have rich land and big crops." Charley, who has r^'ccntly come home from college, where he has been studying chemistry, looi-:ed at the Deacon, and was evi- dently puzzlftl to understand him. Turning to the Doctor, Char- ley asked nn^deslly if what tlK- Doctor had said in regard to the composition of plant food could not be sai 1 of the composition of all our animals and plants. "Certainly," replied the Doctor, "all our agricultural plants and all our animals, man included, are compo.sed of these twelve elements, o.xygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen; pliosphorus, sulphur, silica, chlorine, potash, soda, niatrnesia, and lime." Charley said something about lime, potash, and soda, not being "elements;" and something al>out silica and chlorine not being found in animals. " Yes," said I, '' and he has left out iron, which is an important constituent of all our farm cro|)s and animals." Neither the Doc- tor nor t'.ic Deacon heard our remarks. The Deacon, who loves an argument, exclaimed: "I thought I knew all about it. You told us that manure was the food of plants, and that the food of ])lants was composed of the above twelve elements; and now you tell us that man and bejust, fruit and flower, grain and grass, root, stem, and branch, all are composed or made up of these same dozen elements. If I ask you what bread is made of, you say it is composed of the dozen elements aforesaid. If I ask w hat wheat- straw is made of, you answer, the dozen. If I ask what a thistle is made of, you say the dozen. There are a good many milk weeds in my strawberry patch, and I am glad to know tlial the milk-weed and the strawberrv are both eomposeil of thi- same dozen elements. Manure is the food of plants, and the food of plants is composed of the above dozen elements, and every plant and animal that we eat is also composed of these same dozen elements, and so I sup- pose there is no difference between an onion and an omelet, or between bread and milk, or between mangel-wurzel and manure." "The difference," replied the Doctor, "is one of proportif)n. Mangels and manure are both compo.sed of the same elements. In fact, mangels make good manure, and good manure makes good mangels." The Deacon and tlie Doctor sat down to a game of backgam- mon, and Charley and I continued the conversation more seriously. SOMKMIINt; ABOIT rLAN'1-FOOD. 21 C II A P T E K 111. SOMETHING AIJOIT PI. A NT-FOOD. " Tlie Doclnr is in tlu- main c-orrct-t," said 1; " but he doos not fully au.^wcr the (jiKstiun, ' Wliat is inanure * ' To say tliat manure i.s plant-food, do modifications of the climate or season; an.l so in regard to mulching. A good mulch may often produce a larger increase of growth than an ap- plication of manure. But mulch, proper, is not manure. It is climate. It cheeks evaporation of moisture from the soil. We might as well speak of rain as manure as to call a mulch manure. In fact, an ordinary shower in summer Ls little more than a mulch. It does not reach the roots of plants ; and yet we see the effect of the shower immediately ia the increased vigor of the plants. They are full of sap, and t'.ic drooping leaves look refreshed. We say the rain has revived them, and so it has ; but probably not a particle of the rain has entered into the circulation of the plant. The rain checked evaporation from the soil and from the leaves. A cool night refreshes the plants, and fills the leaves with sap, pre- cisely in the same way. All these fertilizing cflFects, however, behmg to climate. It is inaccurate to associate either mulching, sunshine, shade, heat, dews, or rain, with tlie question of manure, though the effect may in certain circumstances be precisely the same." Charlc}^ evidently thought I was wandering from the point. " You think, then," said he, " manure is plant-food thtt the so'l needs f" "Yes," said I, "that is a very goo 1 definition — very good, indeed, though not absolutely .iccurate, because manure is manure, whether a particular soil needs it or not." Unobserved by us, the Deacon and the Doctor had been listening to our talk. — " I would like," said the Deacon, " to hear you give a better definition than Charley has given." — " Manure," said I, " is anything containing an element or elements of plant-foo 1, which, if the soil needed it. Avould, if supplied in sufficient quantity, and in an available con- dition, produce, according to soil, season, climate, and variety, a maximum crop." iTATURAI. MANCRK. 23 CHAP T E r, I V. NATURAL MANURE. We often hear about " natural " manure. I do not like the term, though I believe it originated with me. It is not aceurate; not definite enougli. " I do not know wnat you moan by natural manure," said the Deacon, " unless it is tiie droppings of animals." — " To distinguish them, I sui)pose," said the Doctor, " from artificial manures, such as superphospiiate, sulpliate of ammonia, and nitrate of soda."— " No ; that is not how I used the term. A few years ago, we used to hear much in regard to the 'exhaustion of soils.' I thought this phrase conveyed a wrong idea. When new land produces large crops, and when, after a few years, the crops get less and loss, we were toLl that the farmers were exhausting their land. I said, no; the farmers are not exhausting the koU ; they are merely exhausting the accumulated plant-food in the soil. In other words, thoy are using up the natural manure. " Take my own farm. Fifty j-ears ago, it was covered with a heavy growth of maple, beech, black Avalnut, oak, and otlier trees. These trees had shed annual crops of leaves for centuries. The leaves rot on the ground ; the trees also, age after age. These leaves and other organic matter form wdiat I have called natural manure. When the land is cleared up and plowed, this natural manure decays more rapidly than when the land lies undisturbed ; precisely as a manure-pile will ferment and decay more rapidly if turned occasionally, and exposed to the air. The plowing and cultivating renders this natural manure more readily available. The leaves decompose, and furnish food for the growing crop." EXHAUSTION OF THE SOIL. " You think, then," said the Doctor, " that when a piece of land is cleared of the forest, harrowed, and sown to wheat ; plowed and planted to corn, and the process repeated again and again, until the land no longer yields profitable crops, that it is the < natural manure,' and not the soil, that is exhausted?" " I think the soil, at any rate, is not exhausted, and I can easily conceive of a case where even the natural manure is very far from being all used up." " Why, then," asked the Deacon, " is the land so poor that it will scarcely support a sheep to the acre ? " 24 TALKS ON MANURES. " Simply because the nalunil manure' anl other plant-food which the soil contains is not in an available condition. It lies dead and inert. It is not soluble, and the roots of the plants can- not get enough of it to enable theni to thrive ; and in addition to this, you will find as a matter of fact that these poor ' exhausted ' farms are infested with weeds, which rob the growing crops of a large part of the scanty supply of avaihiblc plant-food." "But these weeds," Slid the Deacon, "are not removed from the farm. They rot on the land ; nothing is lost." " True," .said I, " but they, nevertheless, rob the growing crops of available plant-food. The annual supi)ly of i)lant-food, instead of being used to grow useful i. hints, is usvd t j grow weeds." "I understand that," siid the Deacon, "but if the weeds are left on the land, and the useful plants are sold, the farmer who keeps his land clean would e.vhiust his land faster than the care- less farmer who lets his land lie until it is overrun with thistles, briars, and pig-weed. You agricultural writers, who are con- stantly urging us to farm better and grow larger crops, seem to overlook this point. As you know, I do not tiike much stock in chemical theories as applied to agriculture, but as you do, here is a little extract I cut from an agricultural paper, that seems to prove that the better you work your land, and the larger crops you rai-;e, the sooner you exhaust your land." The Deacon put on his spectacles, drew his chair nearer the lamp on the table, and read the following : " There is, on an average, about one-fourth of a pound of potash to every one hundred pounds of soil, and about one eighth of a pound of phosphoric acid, and one-sixteenth of a pound of sul- phuric acid. If the potatoes and the tops are continually removed from the soil, it will soon exhaust the potash. If the wdieat and straw are removed, it will soon exhaust the phosphate of lime ; if corn and tlie stalks, it will soon exhaust the sulphuric acid. Unless there is a rotation, or the material the plant requires is supplied from abroad, your crops will soon run out, though the soil will continue rich for other plants." " That extract," said I, " carries one back twenty-five years. We used to have article after article in this strain. We were told that ' always taking meal out of the tub soon comes to the bot- tom,' and always taking potash and phosjihoric acid from the .soil will soon exhaust the supply. But, prdrticdly, there is really little danger of our exhausting the land. It do s not pay. The farm- er's resources will be exhausted long before he can exhaust his farm." NATURAL MANURE. 25 "Assuming," suiil tin- Doctor, who is font! of an argument, " that tho above ^talriiu'iil is triu-, let us look al tlif fads. An acre of soil, 12 inches deep, would weigh about 1,G0U Ions; and if, as the writer quoted by the Deacon states, the soil contains 4 ozs. of potash in every 100 ll)s. of soil, it follows that an acre of soil, 12 inches deep, contains ^,000 lbs. of potash. Now, potatoes con- tain about 20 per cent of diy matter, and this dry matter con- tains, say, 4 per cent of ash, half of which is potash. It follows, therefore, that 250 bushels of potatoes contain about 60 lbs. of potash. If we reckon that the tops contain 20 lbs. more, or 80 lbs. in all, it follows that tho acre of soil contains potash enough to grow an annu<;l crop of 2oO bushels of potatoes per acre for one hundred years." "I know farmers," i^auX Charley, "who do not get over 50 bushels of potatoes per acre, and in that case the potash would last five hundred years, as the weeds grown with the crop are left on the land, and do not, according to the Deacon, exhaust the soil." " Good for you, Charley," said the Doctor. " Now let us see about the phosphoric acid, of which the soil, according to the above statement, contains only half as much as it contains of pot- ash, or 4,000 lbs. per acre. " A crop of wheat of 30 bushels per acre," continued the Doc- tor, " contains in the grain about 26 lbs. of asli, and we will say that half of this ash is p'.iosphoric acid, or 13 lbs. Allowing that the straw, chaff, etc., contain 7 lbs. more, we remove from the soil in a crop of wheat of 30 bushels per acre, 20 lbs. of phosphoric acid, and so, according to the above estimate, an acre of soil con- tains phosphoric aci:! to produce annually a crop of wheat and straw of 30 bushels per acre for two hundred years. " The writer of the paragraph quoted by the Deacon," continued the Doctor, " selected the crops and elements best suited to his purpose, and yet, according to his owti estimate, there is sufficient potash and phosplioric arid in the first 12 inches of the soil to enable us to raise unusually large crops until the nevt Centennial in 1976. " But let us take another view of the subject," continued the Doctor. " No intelligent farmer removes all the potatoes and tops, all the wheat, straw, and chaff, or all the corn and stalks from his farm. According to Dr. S disbnry, a crop of com of 75 bush- els per acre removes from the soil 600 lbs. of ash, but the (/rain contains only 46 lbs. The other oo4 lbs. is contained in the stalks, etc., all of which are usually retained on the farm. It follows 2 26 TALKS ON MAXCRKS. from t^li^^, tliat wiicn mily llic ;,'r;iiii is sold oil' the farm, it tiikcs more than tliirlet'U crops to remove as imuh mineral mallLr from the soil as is contained in the whole of one crop. Airain, the ash of the irrain contains less than 3 per cent of sulphuiic acid, so that the 4(5 Ihs. of ash, in 7.} i)ushels of corn, rk, ami biilttr. Kvcry- tliiiiij else is (■oiisiiiiiiil <>n Uk- farm -corn, |>fu>, oats, mustard, rape, niaiim-ls, clover, straw, stalks, etc. Luj;li estitnate of liow much is sold and li " Clover-sted straw 10 " 15 acres p:isture and mcailow, equal 40 tons hay 4(i " 5 " mustard, equal 1(» tons hay 10 " 5 " rape, equal 10 tons hay 10 " 5 " HianjieU, 25 tons per acre, equal to 3 Ions dry 15 " Leaves from do ;{ " Total retained on the farm 2521 tons. It would tike a srood many j-ears to exhaust any ordinary soil by such a course of croppimr. Except, ]MThaps, the sandy knolls, I think there i.i not an acre on my fariu that would be exhausted in ten thousand years, and as some portions of the low alluvial soil will iTfow crops witiiout manure, there will be an opportui.ity to jjive the poor, sandy knolls more than their share of plant-food. In this way, notwithstanding: the fact that we sell proiluce and brinv good, rich muck, and at the same time drain 3'our swamp. Then cut some under-drains from y towards llie higher land at it, v, and h, and from /to t. These will drain your land, and set free the inert plant-food, and such crops of timothy as you will get from this swamp will astonish the natives, and your bill for medical at- tendance and quinine will sink to zero." The Doctor is right. There is money and health in the plan. Prof. S. W. Johnson, as chemist to the Conn. State Ag. Society, made accurate analyses of 33 samples of peat and muck sent him by gentlemen from different parts of the State. The amount of WHAT IS POTENTIAL AMMONIA? 31 potential ammonia in the choniiially dry peat was found to vary from 0.58 in the poorest, to 4.0G per cent in the richest samples. In other words, one deposit of muck may contain seven times as much nitrogen as another, and it would be well before spei.ding much money in drawing out muck for manure to send a sample of it to some good chemist. A bed of swamp-muck, easily acces- sible, and containinLT 3 per cent of nitrogen, would be a mine of wealth to any farmer. One ton of such muck, dr^', would contain more nitrogen than 7 tons of straw. " It would be ca[)ilal stuff," said the Deacon, " to put in your pig-pens to absorb the urine. It would make rich manure." "That is so," said 1, "and the weak point in my pig l)reeding is the want of sufficient straw. Pigs use up more bedding than any other animals. I have over 200 pigs, and I could use a ton of dry muck to each pig every winter to great advantage. The pens would be drier, the pigs healthier, and the manure richer." The Doctor here interrupted us. "I see," said he, "that tlic average amount of ammonia in the 33 samples of dry peat analyzed by Professor Joiinson is 2.07 per cent. I had no idea that muck was so rich. Bani yard manure, or the manure from the horse stal)les in the cities, contains only half a per cent (O.o) of ammonia, and it is an unusually rich manure that contains one per cent. We are safe in saying tl bushels 3t peeks per acre. 2. Ykar-No. 1— Wheat after fallow 87 " — " " No. ;i— Wlieat aftir wliciit Vi " 3i " *' 3. Year — No. 1 — Fallow aftt-r wheat No crop. No. 2 — Wheat after wheat 1.5 busliels 3i pecks per acre. 4. Year— No. 1— Wheat after fallow 42 " — " " No. 3— Wheat after wheat 21 " (li " " 5. Year— No. 1— Wheat after wheat 17 " 11 " " No. 3 — Wheat after wheat 17 " — " Taking the first four years, we have a total yield from the plot sown every year of 06 bushels 2^^ i)eeks, and from the two crops alternately fallowed, a total yield of 79 bushels. The next year, when wheat was sown after wheat on the land previonsly fallowed, the yield was almost identical with the yield from the plot that has grown wheat after wheat for so many years. So far, these results do not indicate any exhaustion from the practice of fallowing. On the other hand, they tend to show that we can get more wheat by sowing it every other year, than by cropi^ing it every year in succession. The reason for this may be found in the fact that in a fallow the land is more frequently ex- posed to the atmosphere by repeated plowingsand harrowings; and it should be borne in mind that the effect of stirring the land is not necessarily in proportion to tlic total amount of stirring, but is according to the number of times that fresh particles of soil are exposed to the atmosphere. Two plowings and two harrowings in one week, will not do as much good as two plowings and two harrowings, at diffr^rent times in the course of three or four months. It is for this reason that I object, theoretically, to sowing wheat after barley. We often plow the barley stubble twice, and spend ci'isi'lerablc labor in getting the land into good condition ; but it is generally all done in the course of ten days or two weeks. We do not get any adequate benefit for this labor. We can kill weeds readily at this season, (Aurust), Imt the stirring of the soil does not develope the latent plant-food to the extent it would if the 36 TALKS ON MANURES. work was not necessarily done in such a limited period. I say theoreticully, for in point of fact I do sow wheat after barley. 1 do so because it is very couvenieut, and because it is more immediately profitable. I am satisfied, however, that in the end it would be more profitable to seed down the barley with clover. We must raise larger crops; and to do this we must raise tliem less frequently. This is the key-note of the coming improved system of American agriculture, in all sections where good land is worth less than one hundred dollars per acre. In the neighborhood of large cities, and wherever laud commands a high price, we must keep our farms in a high state of fertii.'ty by the purchase of manures or cattle foods. Those of us in the interior, where we can not buy manure, must raise fewer grain crops, and more clover. We must aim to raise 40 bushels of wheat, 50 bushels of barley, 80 bushels of oats, and 100 bushels of shelled corn, and 5 bushels of clover-seed per acre. That this can be done on good, well-dr .ined laud, from the unaided resources of the farm, I have no doubt. It may give us no more grain to sell than at present, but it will enable us to pro. luce much more mutton, wool, beef, cheese, butter, and pork, tlian at present. "But, then, will there be a demand for the meat, wool, etc.?" Tlie present indications are higidy favorable. But we must aim to raise good meat. The low-priced beef and mutton sold in our markets are as unprofitable to the consumer as they are to the pro- ducer. We must feed higher, and to do tliis to advantage we must have improved stock. There is no profit in farming without good tillage, larger crops, improved stock, and higlier feeding. Tiie de- tails will be modified by circumstances, but the principles are the same wherever agn-cidture is practised. UOW TO KESTOUK A WUU>-OUT FARM. 37 C 11 A 1' T E R IX. HOW TO RESTORE A WORN-OUT FARM. I liave never yet seen a " woriiout " or " exhausted farm." I know many farms that are " run down." 1 bougiit just such a farm a dozen or more years ago, j.nd 1 have been trying hard, ever since, to bring it up to aprotitauie standard of productiveness — and am still trying, and expect to have to keep on trying so hmg as I keep on fannuig. The trutli is, there never was a farm so rich, that the farmer did not wish it was richer. I have succeeded in making the hirger part of my farm much more productive than it ever was before, sii.ce it was cleared from the orijrinal forest. But it is far from being as rich as 1 want it. The truth is, God sent us into this world to work, and lie has given us plenty to do, if we will only do it. At any rate, this is true of farming. He has not given us land ready to our hand. The man who first cleared up my farm, had no easy task. lie fairly earned all the good crops he ever got from it. I have never begrudged him one particle of the " natural manure " he took out of the land, in the fonu of wheat, corn, oats, and hay. On the dry, sandy knolls, he i)robably got out a good portion of this natural manure, but on the wetter and heavier portions of the farm, he probably did not get out one-hundredth part of the natural manure which the land contained. Now, when such a farm came into my possession, what was I to do with it ? "Tell us what you did," said the Doctor, "and then, perhaps, we can tell you what you ought to have done, and what you ought to have left undone." " I made many mistakes." "Amen," said the Deacon; "T am glad to hear you acknowl- edge it." " Well," said the Doctor, "it is better to make mistakes in trying to do something, than to hug our self-esteem, and fold our hands in indolence. It has been said that critics are men who have failed in their undertakings. But I rather think the most disagreeable, and self-satisfied critics, are men who have i ever done anything, or tried to do anythins-. themselves." The Deacon, who, tliouch something of an old f'^gy, is a good deal of a man, and possessed of good common sense, and much ex- 38 TALKS ON MANURES. perience, took these remarks kindly. " Well," said he to me, "1 must say that your farm haseertainiy improveil, but you did things 80 ilillerenlly Irom what we expeeled, tiiat we eould i;ot see what you were driviuj^ at." " 1 eau tell you w hat I have been aiming at all along. 1st. To drain the wet portions ol the arable laud. 2d. To kill weeds, and make the soil mellow and clean. 3d. To make more manure." " You have also bought some bone-dust, superphosphate, and other artitieial manures." "True; and it 1 had had more money I would have bought more manure. It would have i»aid well. I eould have made my It nd as rich as it is now in half the time." 1 had to depend principally on the natural resources of the land. I got out of the soil all 1 coulil, and kept as much of it as possible on the farm. One of the mistakes I made was, in breaking up too much land, and putting in too much wheat, barley, oats, peas, and corn. It would have been better for my pocket, though possibly not so good for the farm, if I had left more of the land in grass, and also, if 1 had sumim r-fallo\ved more, and sown less barley and oats, anil j)lanted less corn. " I do not see how plowing uj) the grass land," .said the Deacon, "could possibly be any better for the farm. You agricultural writers are always telling us that we plow too much land, and do not raise grass and clover enough." " What I meant by saying that it would have been better for my pockot, though possibly not so good for the farm, if I had not plowed so much land, may need explanation. The land had been only half cultivated, and was very foul. The grass and clover fields did not uive more than half a crop of hay, and the hay was poor in quality, and much of it half thistles, and other weeds. I plowed this land, planted it to corn, and cultivated it tlioroughly. But the labor of keeping the corn clean was costly, and absorbed a very large slice of the profits. But the corn yielded a far larger produce per acre than I should have got had the land lain in grass. And as all this produce was consumed on the farm, we made more manure than if we had plowed less land." I have great faith in the benefits of thorough tillage — or, in other words, of breaking up. pulverizinir, and exposing the soil to the decomposing action of the atmosphere. I look upon a good, strong soil as a kind of storehouse of plant-food. But it is not an easy matter to render tiiis plant-food soluble. If it were any less solu- ble than it is, it would have all leached out of the land centuries ago. Turning over, and fining a manure-heap, if other conditions now To liliSTOUIi A WOUN-OUT FAI.'M. ii9 are favorald", cause rapid fenntntaliou with the funnatiou of cur- boiiate of ainuionia, ami otlu r suliil)!. nails. ^lany of our soils, to tlie lieptli oi ciijlit or ten iiieiu's, contain .nougii nitrojrenous mat ter in an acrj lo produce two or tliree tiiousand pounds of ammonia. By stirrins; tie st)il, and cxposinsi it to the atmosphere, a small portion of this nitrogen becomes annually available, and is taken up by \h2 growing crops. And it is so with the other cleme ts of plant-food. Stirring the soil, then, is the basis of agriculture. It has been said that we must return to the soil as much plan'-food as we take fro... it. If this were true, nothing could be sold from the farm. What we .should aim to do, is to develop as much as possii)le()f the plant-food that lies latent in the soil, and not to sell in (he form of cn)|is, cheese, wool, or animals, any more of this plant food than we annually develop from the soil. In this way the " condition " of the soil .vould ren.ain the same. If we sell U-tg than we develop, the condition of the s .il will improve. By " condition," I mean the amount of amilnhk plant-food in the soil. Nearl}' all our farms arc poorer In plant-food to-day than when lirst cleared of the original forest, or than they were ten, fifteen, or twenty years later. In other words, the jdants and animals that have been sold froni the farm, liavc carried off a con- sitlerable amount of plant-food. V.'c have taken far more nitro- gen, phosphoric acid, potash, etc., out of the soil, than we have retunu'd to it in the shape of manure. Consecpiently, the soil must contain less and less of plant food every year. And yet, while this is a self-evident fact, it is, nevertheless, true that many of these self-same farms arc more productive now than when first cleared, or at any rate more productive than they were twenty-five or thirty years ago. Sometime ago, the Deacon and I "visited the farm of Mr. Dewey, of Monroe Co.,N. Y. He is a good farmer. He does not practice " liigii farming" in the sense in wliicli I use that term. Ilis is a good example of what I term slow farming. He raises large crops, but comparatively few of them. On his farm of HOO acres, he raises 40 acres of wheat, 17 acres of Indian corn, and 23 acres of oats, barley, potatoes, roots, etc. In other words, he has 80 acres in crops, and 220 acres in grass— not permanent grass. He lets it lie in grass five, six, dcven, or eight years, as he deems best, and then breaks it up, and plants it to corn. The land he intends to plant to corn next year, has been in grass for seven years. He will put pretty much all his manure on this land. After corn, it will ])(' sown to oats, or barley ; then sown to wheat, and seeded down again. Il will tlii n li" in grass three, four, five, six, or seven 40 TALKS ON MANURES. years, until he needs it again for corn, etc. This is " slow farm- iflg," but it is also good farming — that is to say, it gives large yields per acre, and a good return for the labor expended. The soil of this farm is richer to-day in available plant-food than when first cleared. It produces larger crops per acre. Mr. D. called our attention to a fact that establishes this point. An old fence that had occupied the ground for many years was removed some years since, and the two fields thrown into one. Every time this field is in crops, it is easy to see where the old fence was, by the short straw and poor growth on this strip, aa compared with the laud on each side which had been cultivated for years. This is precisely the result that I should have expected. If Mr. D. was a poor farmer — if he cropped his land frequently, did not more than half-cultivate it, sold everything he raised, and drew back no manure — I think the old fence-strip would have given the best crops. The strip of land on which the old fence stood in Mr. Dewey's field, contained more plant-food than the soil on either side of it. But it was not available. It was not developed. It was latent, inert, insoluble, crude, and undccomposed. It was so much dead capital. The land on either side which had been cultivated for years, produced better crops. Why ? Simply because the stirring of the soil had developed more plant-food tban had been removed by tbe crops. If the stirring of the soil developed 100 lbs. of plant- food a year, and only 75 lbs. were carried off in the crops — 25 lbs. being left on the land in the form of roots, stubble, etc. — the land, at the expiration of 40 years, would contain, provided none of it was lost, 1,000 lbs. more available plant-food than the uncultivated strip. On the other hand, the latter would contain 3,000 lbs. more actual plant-food per acre than the land which had been cultivated — but it is m an unavailable condition. It is dead capital. I do not know that I make myself understood, though I would like to do so, because I am sure there is no point in s icntific farm- ing of greater importance. Mr. Geddes calls grass the "pivotal crop ' of American agriculture. He deserves our thanks for the word and the idea connected with it. But I am inclined to think the pivot on which our agriculture stands and rotates, lies deeper than this. The grass crop creates nothing — dcvelopes nothing. The uiitilled and unmanured grass lands of Herkimer County, in this State, are no richer to-day than tliey were 50 years ago. The pastures of Cheshire, England, except those that have been top- dressed with bones, or other manures, arc no more productive that HOW TO MAKE MANUKE. 41 they were centuries back. Grass aloue will not malie rich land. It is a good " savings bank." It gathers up and saves plant-food from running to waste. It pays a good interest, and is a capital institution. But the real source of fertility must be looked for in the stores of plant-food lying dormant in tJw soil. Tillage, under- .iraining, and thorough cultivation, are the means by which we develop and render this plant-food available. Grass, clover, peas, or any other crop consumed on the farm, merely affords us the means of saving this plant-food and making it pay a good interest. CHAPTER X. HOW TO MAKE MANURE. If we have the necessary materials, it is not a difficult matter to make manure ; in fact, the manure will make itself. We some- times need to hasten the process, and to see that none of the fer- tilizing matter runs to waste. This is about all that we can do. We cannot create an atom of plant-food. It is ready formed to our hands ; but we must know where to look for it, and how to get it in the easiest, cheapest, and best way, and how to save and use it. The science of manure-making is a profound study. It is intimately connected with nearly every branch of agriculture. If weeds grow and decay on the land, they make manure. If vre grow a crop of buckwheat, or spurry, or mustard, or rape, or clover, and mow it, and let it lie on the laud, it makes manure ; or if we plow it under, it forms manure; or if, after it is mown, we rake up the green crop, and put it i to a heap, it will ferment, heat will be produced by the slow combustion of a portion of the carbonaceous and nitrogenous matter, and the result will be a mass of material, which we should all recognize as " manure." If, in- stead of putting the crop into a heap and letting it ferment, we feed it to animals, the digestible carbonaceous and nitrogenous matter will be consumed to produce animal heat and to sustain the vital functions, and the refuse, or the solid and liquid drop- pings of the animals, will be manure. If the crop rots on the ground, nothing is added to it. If it fer- ments, and gives out heat, in a heap, nothing is added to it. If it 42 TALKS OX MANURES. is passed through an animal, and produces heat, nothing is added to it. I have heard people say a farmer could not make manure unless he kept animals. \V"e might with as much truth sa}' a farmer cannot make ashes unless he keeps stoves; and it would be just as sensible to take a lot of stoves into the woods to make ashes, as it is to keep a lot of animals merely to make manure. You can make the ashes by throwing the wood into a pile, and burning it; and you can make the manure by throwing the material out of which the manure is to be made into a pile, and letting it ferment. On a farm where neither food nor manure of any kind is pur- chased, the only way to make manure is to get it out of the land. " From the land and from the atmosphere," remarked the Doc- tor. " Pl;ints iret a large portion of the material of which they are composed from the atmosphere." " Yes," I replied, " but it is prineiiially carbonaceous matter, wliicli is of little or no value as manure. A small amount of am- monia and nitric acid are also brought to the soil by rains and dews, and a freshly-stirrc-d soil may also sometimes absorb more or less ammonia from the atmospliere; but while this is true, so far as making manure is concerned, we must look to the plant- food existing in the soil itself. " Take such a farm as Mr. Dewey's, that we have already referred to. No manure or food has been purchased ; or at any rate, not one-tenth as much as has been sold, and yet the farm is more productive to-day than when it was first cleared of the forest. He lias developed the manure from the stores of latent plant-food previously existing in the soil- and this is the way farmers gen- erally make manure." VALUK OP MANURE. 43 C U A r T E K XI. THE VALUE OF MANURE DEPENDS ON THE FOOD- NUT ON THE ANIMAL. " If," said I, "you sliouUl put a ton of cut straw in a heap, wet it, and let it rot down into manure, and should place in another heap a ton of cut corn-fodder, and in another heap a ton of cut clover- hay, wet them, and let them also rot down into manure; and in another heap a ton of pulped-turnips, and in another heap a ton of corn-meal, and in another heap a ton of bran, and in another a ton of malt-sprouts, and let them be mixed with water, and so treated that they will ferment without loss of ammonia or other valuable plant-food, I think no one will say that all these different heaps of manuie will iiave the same value. And if not, why not V " " Because," said Charley, " the ton of straw does not contain as much valuable jilant-food as the ton of corn-fodder, nor the ton of corn-fodder as much as the ton of clover-ha}." " Now then," said I, " instead of putting a ton of straw in one heap to rot, and a ton of com-foddcr in another heap, and a ton of clover in another heap, we feed the ton of straw to a cow, and the ton of corn-fodder to another cow, and the ton of clover to anot'.ier cow, and save all the solid anl liquid excrements, will the manure made from the ton of straw be worth as much as the manure made from the ton of corn-fodder or clover-hay ? " " No," said Charley. — " Certainly not," said the Doctor. — " I am not so sure about it," said the Deacon ; " I think you will get more manure from the corn-fodder than from the straw or clover-hay." " We are not talking about bulk," said the Doctor, "but value." " Suppose, Deacon," said he, " you were to shut up a lot of your Brahma hens, and feed them a ton of corn-meal, and should also feed a ton of corn-meal made into slops to a lot of pigs, and should save nil the liquid and solid cxcn ments from the pigs, and all the manure from tlie hens, which would be worth the most ?"— " The hen-manure, of course," said the Deacon, who has great faith in this kind of " guano," as he calls it. " And yet," said the Doctor, " you would probably not get more than half a ton of manure from tlie hens, while the liquid and solid excrements from the pigs, if the corn-meal was made into a thin slop, would weigh two or three tons." 44 TALKS ON MANURES. " More, too," said the Deacon, " the way you feed your store pigs." " Very well ; and yet you say that the half ton of hen-manure made from a ton of corn is worth more than the two or three tons of pig-manure made from a ton of corn. You do not seem to think, after all, that mere bulk or weight adds anything to the value of the manure. Why tlien should you say that the manure from a ton of corn-fodder is worth more tlian from a ton of straw, because it is more bulky ? " " You, yourself," said the Deacon, " also say the manure from the ton of corn-fodder is worth more than from the ton of straw." — " True," said I " but not because it is more bulky. It is worth more because the ton of corn-fodder contains a greater quantity of valuable plant-food than the ton of straw. The clover is still richer in this valuable plant-food, and the manure is much more valuable ; in fact, the manure from the ton of clover is worth as much as the manure from the ton of straw and the ton of corn- fodder together." " I would like to see you prove that," said the Deacon, " for if it is true, I will sell no more clover-hay. I can't get as much for clover-hay in the market as I can for rye-straw." "I will not attempt to prove it at present," said the Doctor; " but the evidence is so strong and so conclusive that no rational man, who will study the subject, can fail to be thoroughly con- vinced of its truth." " The value of manure," said I, " does not depend on the quan- tity of water which it contains, or on the quantity of sand, or silica, or on the amount of woody fibre or carbonaceous matter. These things add little or nothing to its fertilizing vakie, except in rare cases ; and the sulphuric acid and lime are worth no more than the same quantity of sulphate of lime or gypsum, and the chlorine and soda are probably worth no more than so much com- mon salt. Tiie real chemical value of the manure, other things being equal, is in proportion to the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, that tiie manure contains. "And the quantity of nitrogen, phosplioric acid, and potash found in the manure is determined, other things being equal, by the quantity of the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash contained in the food consumed by the animals making the manure." POODS AVHicu Make uicii manure. 45 CHAPTER XII. FOODS WHICH MAKE RICH MANURE. The amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, contained in difTerent foods, has been accurately' determined by many able and reliable chemists. The follow nig table was prepared by Dr. J. B. Lawes, of Roth- amsted, England, and was lirst published in this country in the " Genesee Farmer," for May, 1860. Since then, it has been re- peatedly published in nearly all the leading agriculturcd journals of the world, and has given rise to much discussion. The follow- ing is the table, with some recent additions : PER CENT. Linseed cake 88.0 Cotton-seed cake*.. . . 89.0 Rape-cake 89.0 Linseed 90.0 Beans 81.0 Peas 84.5 Tares 84.0 Lentils 88.0 Malt-dust 94.0 Locust beans 85.0 Indian-meal i 88.0 Wheat 85.0 Barley 84.0 Malt ; 95.0 Oats t 86.0 Fine pollard t '. 8().0 Coarse pollard t 8(i.0 86.0 Clover-ha? 84.0 84.0 82.5 82.0 84.0 Meadow-hay Bean-straw . . Pea-straw... Wheat-straw Barley-straw '< 8.5 0 Oat-straw i Ki 0 12.5 11.0 8.0 13.5 15.0 Mancjel-wurzel . Swedish turnips.. Common turuips Potatoes Carrots Parsnips ^."^ 7.00 4.92 8.00 7.00 8. CO 5.75 4.00 3 38 .3.00 2.20 2.40 1.84 2.00 1.63 .3.00 1.89 8.50 5.23 1.75 1..30 1.13 1.70 1 87 2.20 1..35 2.00 1.60 2.85 1.17 5.19.72. Malt (lust stands next on the list. This article is known by dif- ferent names. In England, it is often called " malt-combs ;" here it is known as "malt-sprw/fo," or " malt-/vwfo." In making barley into malt, the barley is soaked in water, and afterwards kept in a warm room until it germinates, and throws out sprouts and roots. It is then dried, and before the malt is used, these dried sprouts and roots are sifted out, and are sold for cattle-food. They weigh \ FOODS WUICU MAKE RICH MANUKK. 47 from 22 to 25 lbs. per bushel of 40 quarls. They are frequently mixed at the breweries with the " grains," and are sold to milkmen at the same priee — from 12 to 15 eents per bushel. Where their value is not known, they ean, doubtless, be sometimes obtaiueil at a mere nominal price. Milkmen, 1 believe, prefer the " grains" to the malt-dust. The latter, however, is a good food for sheep. It has one advantage over brewer's " grains." The latter contain 76 per cent of water, while the malt-dust contains only 6 per cent of water. We can afford, therefore, to transport malt-dust to a greater distance than the grains. We do not want to carry water many miles. There is anotlier ailvantage : brewer's grains soon ferment, and become sour; wliile the malt-dust, being dr}% will keep for any length of time. It will be seen that Mi. Lawes esti- mates the value of the manure left from the consumption of a ton of malt-dust at $18.21. Tares or vetches, lentils, linseed or fla.xseed, beans, wheat, bran, middlings, fine mill-feel, undecorticated cotton-seed cake, peas, and cotton-SL'cd, stand next on the list. The value of these for manure ranging from $13.25 to $10.75 per ton. Then comes clover-hay. Mr. Lawes estimates the value of the manure from the consumptic^n of a ton of clover-hay at $9.64. This is from early cut clover-hay. When clover is allowed to grow until it is nearly out of flower, the hay would not contain so much nitrogen, and would not be worth quite so much ptr ton for manure. When mixed with timothy or other grasses, or with weeds, it would not be so valu- able. The above estimate is for the average quality of good pure English clover-hay. Our best farmers raise clover equally as good ; but I have seen much clover-hay that certainly would not come up to this standard. Still, even our common clover-hay makes rich manure. In Wolff's Table, given in the appendix, it will be seen that clover-hay contains only 1.97 per cent of nitro- gen and 5.7 per cent of ash. Mr. Lawes' clover contains more nitrogen and ash. This means richer land and a less mature con- dition of the crop. The cereal grains, wheat, barley, oats, and Indian corn, stand next on the list, being worth from $6.32 to $7.70 per ton for manure. " Meadow-hay," which in the table is estimated as worth $6.43 per ton for manure, is the hay from permanent meadows. It is a quite diff"erent article from the " English Meadow-hay " of New England. It is, in fact, the perfection of hny. The meadows are fre- quentlj- top-dressed with composted manure or artificial fertilizers, 48 TALKS ON MANURES. aud the hay is composed of a number of the best grasses, cut early and carefully cured. It will be noticed, however, that even this choice meadow-hay is not as valuable for manure as clover-hay. English bean-straw is estimated as worth $3.87 per ton for manure. The English " horse bean," which is the kind here alluded to, has a very stiff, coarse long straw, and looks as though it was much inferior as fodder, to the straw of our ordinary white beans. See Wolff's table in the appendix. Pea-straw is estimated at $3. 74 per ton. When the peas are not al- lowed to grow until dead ripe, and when the straw is carefully cured, it makes capital food for sheep. Taking the grain and straw together, it will be seen that peas are an unusually valuable crop to grow for the purpose of making rich manure. The straw of oats, wheat, and barley, is worth from $2.25 to $2.90 per ton. Barley straw being the poorest for manure, and oat straw the richest. Potatoes are worth $1.50 per ton, or nearly 5 cents a bushel for manure. The manurial value of roots varies from 80 cents a ton for carrots, to $1.07 for mangel-wurzel, and $1.14 for parsnips. I am very anxious t'jat there should be no misapprehension as to the meaning of these figures. I am sure they are well worth the careful study of every intelligent farmer. Mr. Lawes has been engaged in making experiments for over thirty years. There is no man more competent to speak with authority on such a subject. The figures showing the money value of the manure made from the different foods, are based on the amount of nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, and potash, which they contain. Mr. Lawes has been buying and using artificial manures for many j'ears, and is quite competent to form a correct conclusion as to the cheapest sources of obtaining nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. He has cer- tainly not overestimated their cost. Thoy can not be bought at lower rates, either in England or America. But of course it does not follow from this that these manures are worth to the farmer the price charged for them; that is a matter depending on many conditions. All that can be said is, that if you are going to buy commercial manures, you will have to pay at least as much for the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, as the price fixed upon by Mr. Lawes. And you should recollect that there are other in- gredients in the manure ob'ained from the food of animals, which are not estimated as of any value in the table. For instance, there is a large amount of carbonaceous matter in the manure of animals, FOODS WHICH MAKE RICH MANUKE. 49 which, for some crops, is uot without value, but which is not here taken into account. Viewed from a farmer's stand-point, the table of money values must be takeu only in a comparative sense. It is not claimed that the manure from a ton of wheat-straw is worth $2.G8. Tiiis may, or may not, be the case. But if the manure from a ton of wheat- straw is worth $2.08, theu the manure from a ton of pea-straw is worth $13.74, and the manure from a tun of corn-meal is worth $6.05, and the manure from a ton of clover-hay is worth $9.04, an.l the manure from a ton of wheat-bran is worth $14.59. If the manure from u. ton of corn meal is not worth $0.05, then the manure from a ton of bran is not worth $14.59. If the manure from the ton of corn is worth more than $().G5, then the manure from a ton of bran is worth more than $14.59. There need be no doubt on this point. Settle in your own mind what the manure from a ton of any one of the foods mentioned is worth on jour farm, and you can easily calculate what the manure is worth froai all the others. If you say that the manure from a ton of wheat-straw is worth $1.84, then the manure from a ton of Indian corn is worth $;3.33, and the manure from a ton of bran is worth $7.30, and the manure from a ton of clover-hay is worth $4.82. In this section, however, few good farmers are willing to sell Btraw, though t'-iey can get from $8.00 to $10.00 per ton for it. They think it must be consumed on the farm, or used for bedding, or their land will run down. I do not say they are wrong, but I do say, that if a ton of straw is worth $2.68 for manure alone, then a ton of clover-hay is worth $9.64 for manure alone. This may be accepted as a general truth, and one which a farmer can act upon. And so, too, in regard to the value of corn-meal, bran, and all the other articles criven in the table. There is another point of great importance which should be men- tioned in this connection. The nitrogen in the better class of foods is worth more for manure than the nitrogen in straw, corn- stalks, and other coarse fodder. Nearly all the nitrogen in grain, and other rich foods, is digested by the animals, and is voided in solution in the urine. In other words, the nitrogen in the manure is in an active and available condition. On the other hand, only about half the nitrogen in the coarse fodders and straw is digesti- ble. The other half passes off in a crude and comparatively un- available condition, in the solid excrement. In estimating the value of the manure from a ton of food, these facts should be remembered. 3 50 TALKS ON MANLKES. I have said that if the manure from a ton of straw is worth $2.G8, the niamue from a ton of corn is worth $G.G5 ; hut I will not reverse the i)rui)o8ilioii, and say that if the manure from a ton of corn is wortli $0.05, the manure from a ton of straw is worth $2.G8. The manure from the grain is nearly all in an availahle condition, while tliat from the straw is not. A pound of nitrogen in rich manure is wortli more than a pound of nitrogen in poor manure. This is another reason why we should try to make rich manure. C H A P T E 11 XIII. HORSE MANURE AND FARM-YARD MANURE. The manure from horses is generally considered richer and hetier than that from cows. This is not always the case, though it is probahly so as a rule. There arc three principal reasons for this. 1st. The horse is usually fed more grain and hay than the cow. In other words, the food of the horse is usually richer in the val- uable elements of plant-food than the ordinary food of the cow. 3d. The milk of the cow abstracts considerable nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, etc., from the food, and to this extent there is less of these valuable substances in the excrements. 3d. The excrements of the cow contain much more water than those of the horse. And consequently a ton of cow-dung, other things being equal, would not con'ain as much actual manure as a ton of horse-dung. Boussingauit, who is eminently trustworthy, gives us the follow- ing interesting facts : A horse consumed in 24 hours, 20 lbs. of hay, 6 lbs. of oats, and 43 lbs. of water, and voided during the same period, 3 lbs. 7 ozs. of urine, and 38 lbs. 2 ozs. of stolid excrements. The solid excrements contained 23^ lbs. of wa er, and the urine 2 lbs. 6 ozs. of water. According to this, a horse, eating 20 lbs. of hay, and 6 lbs. of oats, per day, voids in a year nearly seven tons of solid excrements, and 1,255 lbs. of urine. It would seem that there must have been some mistake in col- lecting the urine, or what was probably the case, that some of it must have been absorbed by the dung ; for 3^ pints of urine per day is certainly much less than is usually voided by a horse. BOBSB MANUKE AND FARM-YARD MANURE. 51 Stockard gives the amount of urine voided by a horse in a year ai 3.000 lbs. ; a cow, 8,000 lbs. ; sheep, ;W0 lbs. ; pig, 1,200 lbs. Dr. Vuileker, at the liuyal Agrieultural College, at Cirencester, England, made some valualile investigations in regard to the com- position of farm-yard manure, and the changes which take place during fermentation. The manure was composed of horse, cow, and pig dung, mixed with the straw used for bedding in tbe stalls, pig-pens, sheds, etc On the 3d of November, 1854, a sample of what Dr. Voelckei calls " Fresh Long Dung," was taken from the " manure-pit " foi anal}'sis. It had Iain in the pit or heap about 14 days. The following is the result of the an:dysis : FRESH FARM-YARD M.VNURE. HALF A TON, OK 1,000 I,1«S. Water 661.7 lbs. Organic matter 2s'2.4 " Ash 55.9 " 1,0(W).0 lbs. Nitrogen 6.43 " " Before you go any farther," said the Deacon, " let me under- stand what these figures mean ? Do you mean that a ton of manure contains only 12J lbs. of nitrogen, and 111 lbs. of ash, and that all the rest is carbonaceous matter and water, of little or no value " ? — " That is it precisely. Deacon," said I, " and further- more, a large part of the ash has very little fertilizing value, as will be seen from the following : DETAILED COMPOSITION OF THE ASH OF FRESH BARN-TARD MANUBB. Soluble silica 21..59 Insoluble silicious matter (sand) 10.04 Phosphate of lime 5.35 Oxide of iron, alumina, with phosphate 8.47 Containing phospheric acid 3.18 Lime 21.31 Magnesia 376 Potash 12104 Soda 1.30 Chloride of sodium 0.54 Sulphuric acid I.49 Carbonic acid and loss *. .". 15.11 100.00 Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, are the most valuable in- gredients in manure. It will be seen that a ton of fresh barn-yard manure, of probabiy good average quality, contains: Nitrosren 12} lbs. - Phosphoric acid 6i " Potash 13i '« 52 TALKS ON MANURES. I do not say that these arc tlie only ingredients of any value in a ton of manure. Nearly all the other ingredients are indispen- sable to the growth of plants, and if we shouKl use manures con- taining nothing but nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, the time would come when the crops would fail, from lack of a sufficient quantity of, perhaps, magnesia, or lime, sulphuric acid, or soluble silica, or iron. But it is not necessary to make provision for such a conting^'ncy. I' would be a very exceptional case. Farmers who depend mainly on barn-yard manure, or on plowing under green crops for keejjiug up the fertility of the land, may safely calculate that the value of the manure is in proportion to the amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, it contains. We draw out a ton of fresh manure and spread it on the land, therefore, in order to furnish the growing crops with 12f lbs. of nitrogen, Gi los. of phosphoric acid, and 13J lbs. of potash. Less than 33 lbs. in all ! We cannot dispense with farm-yard manure. We can seldom buy nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, as cheaply as we can get them in home-made manures. But we should clearly under- stand the fact that we draw out 2,000 lbs. of matter in order to get 33 lbs. of these fertilizing ingredients. We should try to iruike rirfwr manvrc. A ton of manure containing GO lbs. of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, costs no more to draw out and spread, than a ton containing only 30 lbs., and it would be worth nearly or quite double the money. How to make richer manure we will not discuss at this time. It is a question of food. But It is worth while to enquire if we can not take such manure as we have, and reduce its weight and bulk ■without losing any of its nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. CHAPTEE XIV. FERMENTING [MANURE. Dr. VoRlcker placed 2,838 lbs. of fresh mi.xed manure in a heap Nov. 3, 1854, and the next spring, April 30, it weighed 2,020 lbs., a shrinkage in weight of 28.6 per cent. In other words 100 tons of sach manure wouM bo reduced to less than 7U tons. Tlie heap was weig^ied again, August 231, and contained 1,994 lbs. It was again weighed Nov. 15, and contained 1,974 lbs FERMENTING MANUKE. 53 The following tabic shows the composition of the heap when first put up, and also at the three subsequent periods: TAULK SUOWINU COMPOSITION OF THE WHOLE HEAP ; FRESH FARM-TARD MANTRE (NO. I.; EXPOSED— EXPRESSED IN 13S. Wlien put vp iVOf. 3, 1854. April 30. 1855. Weij;ht of manure iu lbs Aint. of water in llic manure Anit. of dry matter in llie manure Consisting of — Soluble ori^anic matter f SohiDle mineral matter J Insoluble oru'anic matter J Insoluble mineral matter (_ Containing nitrogen Equal to ammonia ContainiD'.,' nitrogen Equal lo ammonia Total amount of nitrojjen in manure. Equal to ammonia The manure contains ammonia ic free state .... The manure contains ammonia in form oi salts, easily decomposed by quicklime Total amount of organic matters. . . Total amount of mineral matters. . . 2,838 1.877.0 %0.1 70.38 43.71 731.07 114.94 2,026 1.336.1 089.9 86.51 57.88 3S9.74 155.77 960.1 4.22 5 12 14.01 17.02 18.23 22.14 2.49 801.45 15S.15 689.9. 6.07 7.-37 12.07 14.65 Aug. 23, 1855. 1,994 1,505.3 488.7 5S.S3 39.16 243.22 147.49 488.7 3.76 4.56 9.38 11.40 Nov. 15, 1855. 1,974 1,466 5 507.5 54.04 :».89 214.92 201.65 507.5 3.65 4. .36 9..38 11.39 18.14 32.02 .15 1.71 476.25 213.65 13.14 15.96 .20 .75 302.05 186.65 13.03 15.75 268.96 2.38.54 " It will be remarked," says Dr. Voelcker, " that in the first ex- periraental period, the fermcnlation of the dung, as might have been expected, proceeded most rapidly, but that, notwithstanduig, very little nitrogen was dissipated in the form of volatile ammonia ; and that on the whole, the loss which the manure sustained was inconsiderable when compared with the enormous waste to which it was subject in the subsequent warmer and more rainy seasons of the year. Thus we find at the end of April very nearly the same amount of nitrogen which is contained in the fresh ; whereas, at the end of August, 27 0 per cent of the total nitrogen, or nearly one-third of the nitrogen in the manure, has been wasted in one way or the other. " It is worthy of observation," continues Dr. Voelcker, " that, during a well-regulated fermentation of dung, the loss in intrinsically valuable constituents is inconsiderable, and that in such a preparatory process the effic icy oj the munnre becomes greatly enhanced. For certain purposes fresh dung can never take the 54 TALKS ON MANURES. place of well-rotted duns:. * * Tlic farmer will, therefore, al- ways be compelled to submit a portion of home-made dung to fermentation, and will find satisfaction in knowing that this pro- cess, when well regulated, is not attended with any serious de- preciation of the value of the manure. In tlie foregjing analyses he will find the direct proof that as long as heavy showers of rain are excluded from manure-heaps, or the manure is kept in water- proof pits, the most valuable fertilizing matters are preserved." This experiment of Dr. Voelcker pnnes conclusively that manure can be kept in a rapid state of fermentation for six montlis during winter, with little loss of nitrogen or other fertilizing matter. During fermentation a portion of the insoluble matter of the dung becomes soluble, and if tiie manure is then kept in a heap exposed to rain, there is a great loss of fertilizing matter. This is precisely what we sliould expect. We ferment manure to make it more readily available as plant-food, and when we have attained our object, the manure should be applied to tlie land. We keep winter appk's in the until they get ripe. As soon as they are ripe, they sliould be eaten, or thry will rapidly decay. This is well understood. And it should be equally well known that manure, after it has been fermenting in a heap for six mcmths, cannot safely be kept for another six montlis exposed to the weather. Tlie following table s'lows the composition of 100 lbs. of the farm-yard manure, at different periods of the year : COMPOSITION OP 100 LBS. OP PI5ESH PAHM-YARD MANTHE (NO. I.) EXPOSED IN NATURAL STATE, AT DIPPERKNT PERIODS OP THE YEAB. Whenput up. Nod. 3, lS.-)4. Ffh 1-1,1 /t/w. 30. ia").5. 1855. Anq.^.\Nm. 15, 18.55. 18.55. Water Soliil)!e orsanic matter Soluble inorganic inalter. . Insoluble ori^aiiic mutter. . Insoluble mineral matter.. Coiitaininij nitrogen Equal to ammonia Containing nitrogen Equal to ammonia Total amount of nitrogen Equal to ammonia Ammonia in a free state Ammonia in form of salts easily de- composed by quicklime Total amt. of oriranic m.itter Total amt. of substances.. (■,(!. 17 a-is l.-5t !J5.7C. 4.05 100.0!) .149 .181 .494 ..599 .r>43 .7H0 .0.34 .088 28.21 5..59 69.8.3 3.S« 2.97 18.44 4.90 100.00 .27 .3! .47 ..57 .74 .89 .019 .Ofil 2-).3') 7.87 65.95 4.27 2.86 19.23 7.69 75.49 2.95 1.97 12.20 7..39 74 29 2.74 1.87 10.89 10.21 100.00 ..30 ..% .59 .71 .89 l.t)7 .008 .085 23.. 50 10..55 100.00 .19 .23 .47 .(!2 .06 .R5 .010 100.00 .18 .21 .47 ..57 .r)5 .78 .(KMJ .038' on 15.15 I r.r..3 9 3'i 1-'0< It will be seen that two-thirds of the fresh manure is water. After fermenting in an exposed heap for six mtrnths, it still cou' FERMENTING MANUKE. 55 tains about tlic same percentage of water. When ki'j)t in tlit; licap until Aui^usl, the pcrcoulagL' of water is nuicli greater. Uf four tons of such manure, tliree tons arc water. Of Nitrogt n, tlie most valuable inj^reilient of the manure, the fresh dung, contained U.G-4 per cent ; after fermenting six mouths, it contained 0.89 per cent. Six months later, it contained 0.65 per cent, or about the same amount as the fresh manure. Of mineral matter, or ash, this fresh farm-yard mauure con- tained 5.59 per cent ; of which 1.54 was soluble in water, and 4.05 insoluble. After fermentini,^ in the heap for six months, the ma- nure contained 10.55 per cent of ash, of which 2.80 was sohiljle, and 7.GU insoluble. Six mouths later, the soluble ash had de- creased to 1.97 per cent. The following table shows the composition of the manure, at ditFereut periods, in the dry st ite. In other words, supposing all the water to be removed from the manure, its composition would be as follows : COMPOSITION OP PRESH FARM YARD MANURE (NO. I.) EXPOSED. CALCULATED DRY. Wlienpul Feb. April ; Aug. vp. Aov.l 14, ' .JU, 23, 3, 18.>1. law. I 1855. I 1855. Nov. 15, 1855. Soluble organic matter. . . Soluble inorganic matter. Insoluble organic matter. Insoluble mineral matter. T..33 4.55 76.15 ll.!)7 12.79 12..'>4 12.04 10.65 9.84 8.3i» 8.03 7.27 61.13 56.49 4II.77 42.35 16.25 22.58 30.10 39.73 Containing nitrogen Equal to ammonia Containing nitrogen Equal to ammonia Total amount of nitrogen Equal to ammonia Ammonia in free etato Ammonia in form of salts easily decom- posed by quicklime Total amount of organic matter Total amount of mineral substances . . 100.00 100.00 100.00 .44 .91 .88 ..53 1.10 1.06 ].!6 1.55 1.75 1.77 1.08 2.12 1.00 2.46 2.(S 2.30 2.98 3.18 .10 .062 .02:3 .26 .212 240 83.48 73.01 60.05 16.52 26.09 30.97 100.00 .77 .93 1.92 2.33 2.00 3.26 .041 .1.54 61.81 38.19 100.00 .72 .88 1.85 2.24 2.57 3.12 .023 .159 53.00 47.00 " A comparison of these different analyses," says Dr. Voekker, " points out clearly the changes which fresh farm-yard manure un- dergoes on keeping in a heap, exposed to the influence of the weather during a period of twelve months and twelve days. " 1. It will be perceived that the proportion of organic matter steadily diminishes from month to month, until the original per- centage of organic matter in the dry manure, amounting to 83.48 per cent, becomes reduced to 53 per cent. "2 On the other hand, the total percentage of mineral matter rises as steadily as that of the organic matter falls. 56 TALKS ON MANUEES. " 3. It will be seen that the loss in organic matter affects the percentage of insoluble organic matters more than the percentage of soluble organic substances. *' 4. The percentage of soluble organic matters, indeed, increased considerably during the tirst experimental period ; it rose, namely, from 7.33 per cent to 12.79 per cent. Examined again on the 30th of April, very nearly the same percentage of soluble organic matter, as on February the 14th, was found. The August analysis shows but a slight decrease in the percentage of soluble f>rganic matters, while there is a decrease of 2 per cent of soluble organic matt( rs when the November analysis is compared with the February' an- alysis. " 5. The soluble mineral matters in this manure rise or fall in the different experimental periods in the same order as the soluble organic matters. Thus, in February, 9.84 per cent of soluble mineral matters were found, whilst the manure contained only 4.55 per cent, when put up into a heap in November, 1854. Gradually, however, the proportion of soluble mineral matters again dimm- ished, and became reduced to 7.27 per cent, on the examination of the manure in November, 1855. " 6. A similar regularity will be observed in the percentage of nitrogen contained in the soluble organic matters. " In the insoluble organic matters, the percentage of nitrogen regularly increased from November, 1854, up to the 23d of Au- gust, notwithstanding the rapid diminution of the percentage of insoluble organic matter. For the last experimental period, the percentage of nitrogen in the insoluble matter is nearly the same as on August 23d. " 8. "With respect to the total percentage of nitrogen in the fresh manure, examined at different periods of the year, it will be seen that the February manure contains about one-half per cent more of nitrogen than the manure in a perfectly fresh state. On the 30th of April, the percentage of nitrogen again slightly increased ; on A.ugust 23d, it remained stationary, and had sunk but very lit- tle when last examined on the loth of November, 1855. " This series of analyses thus shows that fresh farm-yard manure rapidly becomes more soluble in water, but that this desirable change is realized at the expense of a large proportion of organic matters. It likewise proves, in an unmistakable manner, that there is no advantage in keeping farm-yard manure for too long a period ; for, after February, neither the percentage of soluble or- ganic, nor that of soluble mineral matter, has become greater, PERMEJmNG MANURE. 57 and the percentage of nitrogen in the mauuru of April and August is only u very liltle higher than in February." "Before you go any further," said the Deacon, " answer me this question : Suppose 1 take five tons of farm-yard manure, and put it in a heap on the od of November, tell me, 1st, what that heap will contain when tirst made; 2d, what the heap will contain April 30th ; and, 31, what the heap will contain August 23d." Here is the table : CONTENTS OP A HEAP OP MANURE AT DIPPERENT PERIODS, EXPOSED TO RAIK, BTO. I When put up, Sov. ' 3. Total wfiarht of manure in heap I lO.Oi'H) Wat'T in the heap of manure. . Tutal organic matter Total inori.'anic matter Total nitro'ca in heap Total soluble organic matter. . . Total insoluble organic matter Soluble mineral matter Insoluble mineral matter Nitrogen in soluble matter Nitrogen in insoluble matter. . . 6.617 2,824 mi 64.3 ^48 2..576 154 40.5 14.9 49.4 April 30. Aug. 23. 'tarn 7.025 4.707 o.*)4 1,678 1,04 75:^ 6.57 6:3.9 46.3 30.5 207 1,373 857 204 138 549 519 21.4 13.2 42.5 33.1 Nov. 15. The Deacon put on his spectacles and studied the above table carefully for some time. " That tells the whole storv," said he " you put five tons of fresh manure in a heap, it ferments and o-ets warm, and nearlj' one ton of water is driven off" by the heat." " Yes," said the Doctor, "you see that over half a ton (1,146 lbs.) of dry organic matter has been slowly burnt up in the heap; giv- ing out as much heat as lialf a ton of coal burnt in a stove. But this is not all. The manure is cooked, and steamed, and softened by the process. The organic matter burnt up is of no value. There is little or no loss of nitrogen. The heap contained 64.3 lbs. of nitrogen when put up, and 63.9 lbs. after fe menting six months. Aud it is evident that the manure is in a much more active and available condition than if it had been applied to the land in the fresh state. There was 14.9 lbs. of nitrogen in a soluble condition in the fresh manure, and 21.4 lbs. in the fermented manure. And what is equally important, you will notice that there is 154 lbs. of soluble ash in the heap of fresh manure, ami 204 ll)s. in the heap of fermented manure. In other words, 50 lbs. of the insoluble mineral matter had, by the fermentation of the manure, been ren- dered soluble, and consequently immediately available as plant- food. This is a very important fact." The Doctor is riglit. There is clearly a great advantage in fer- menting manure, provided it is done in such a manner as to pre- 58 TALKS ON MANURES. vent loss. We have uot only less maiuiro to draw out and spread, but the plant-food which it contains, is more soluble and active. The table we have given shows that there is little or no loss of valuable constituents, even when manure is fermented in the open air and exposed to ordinary rain and snows during an English winter. But it also shows tliat when the manure has been fer- mented for six months, and is then turned and left exposed to the rain of spring and summer, the loss is very considerable. The five tons (10,000 lbs.,) of fresh manure placed in a heap on the 8d of November, are reduced to 7,138 lbs. by the aoth of April. Of this 4,707 lbs. is water. By the 2ad of August, the heap is re- duced to 7,025 lbs., of which 5,804 lbs. is water. There is nearly 600 lbs. more water in the heap in August than in April. Of total nitrogen in the heap, there is 64.;} lbs. in the fresh manure, 6;}. 9 lbs. in April, and only 46.3 lbs. in August. This is a great loss, and there is no (compensating gain. We have seen that, when five tons of manure is fermented for six months, in winter, the nitrogen in the soluble organic matter is increased from 14.9 lbs. to 21.4 lbs. This is a decided advantage But when the manure is kept for another six months, this soluble nitrogen is decreased from 21.4 lbs. to 13.2 ll-.s. We lose over 8 lbs. of the mopt active and availa])le nitrogen. And the same remarks will apply to the valuable soluble mineral matter. In the five tons of fresh manure there is 154 Ib.s. of soluble mineral matter. By fermenting the heap six months, we get 204 lbs., but by keeping the manure six months longer, the soluble mineral matter is reduced to 138 lbs. We lose 66 lbs. of valu- able soluble mineral matter. By fermenting manure for six months in winter, we greatly im- prove its condition; by keepin^r it six months longer, we lose largely of the very best and most active parts of the manure. H.KBP1NU MANUBE UNDER COVSB. 59 CHAPTER XV. KEEPING MANURE UNDER COVER Dr. Voekker, at the same time he made the experiments alluded to in the preceding chapter, plaeed anollar heap of manure under cover, in a shed. It was tlie same kind of manure, and was treated precisely as tlie other— the only difference heiriirthat one heap was exposed to the rain, and tiie other not. Tlie following tahle i^ivcs the results .iia in frc(! state Ammonia in form of silts easily de- composed by quicklime Total amount of oi.:auic matter Tot;il amount of mineral substance.. 66.17 2.4-i 67.33 56.89 4.63 43.43 4.13 1..M 2.12 3.38 3.05 25 76 20.46 25.43 26.01 4.05 7.47 9.67 2;i.:i8 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 .149 .17 .27 .26 .181 .20 .32 .31 .4!J4 .58 .92 1.01 .599 .70 1.11 1.23 .643 .75 1.19 1.27 .780 .90 1.4;? l.W .0:J4 .022 .055 .015 .088 .0.54 .101 .103 28.24 2:?. 09 30.06 30.14 5.59 9.59 13.05 26.43 41.66 5.37 4.43 27.69 20.85 100.00 .42 .51 1.09 1.31 1.51 1.82 .019 .146 33.06 25.28 TABLE SHOWING THE COMPOSITION OF EXPERIMENTAL HEAP (NO. H.) FRESH FARM- YARD MANURE UNDER SHED, CALCULATED DRY, AT DIFFERENT PERIODS OF THE TEAIt. Whe)i put up, Nov. 3, 1854. ♦Soluble organic matter. . Soluble inorganic matter. . tinsoluble organic matter. Insoluble mineral matter.. 7.33 4..55 76.15 11.97 •Containing nitrogen Equal to ammonia tContainiug nitrogen Equal to ammoii^a Total amount of "nitrogen ...... Equal to ammonia ' Ammonia in free state ! .'.'.'..'.'.. .\mmonia in form of salts, easily de composed by quicklime Total amount of organic matter. . . Total amount of mineral substance .44 .,53 1.46 1.77 1 90 2.30 .10 .26 83.48 16..'-i2 Feb. 14, L4/W-. .30. 1855. 1855. 8.04 6.48 62.60 22.88 10.74 7.84 58.99 22.43 Auo.2S.\yov. 15, 1855. 1855. 7.30 5.39 45.97 41.34 100.00 100.00 100.00 I 100.00 .53 .63 .m .7.'j 1.77 2.14 2.14 2.59 2.30 2.77 2.80 3.a5 .0:!7 .127 .165 .2.% 70.61 69.7:i ■29.:^6 30 27 .46 ..5(i 1.78 2.16 2.24 2.72 ,026 .182 53.27 46.73 9.20 7.59 47.46 35.75 100.00 .72 .8S 1.88 2 20 2.(50 .3.n« .032 .250 5fi.r6 43.34 The above analyses are of value to those who buy fresh and fer- mented manure. They can form some idea of what they are get- tinc:. If they buy a ton of frcsb manure in November, they get 12| lbs. of nitrogen, and 30| lbs. of soluble mineral matter. If KEEPIXG MANURE UNDER COVER. 61 they buy a ton of tlic same manure that has been kept under cover until Februury, they get, nitroj^en, 15 lbs.; soluble minerals, 42.i lbs. In April, tiiey get, nitrogen, 33| lbs. ; soluble minerals, 67i lbs. In August, they get, nitrogen, 3o| lbs. ; soluble minerals, 61 lbs. In November, when the manure is over one year old, they get, in a ton, nitrogen, 30i lbs. ; soluble minerals, 88^ lbs. When manure his not been exposed, it is clear that a purchaser can afford to pay considerably more for a ton of rotted manure than for a ton of fresh manure. But waiving this point for the present, let us see how the matter sUmds with the farmer who makes and uses the manure. What does he gain by keeping and fermenting the manure under cover ? The following table shows the weight and composition of the entire heap of manure, kept under cover, at different times : TABLE SHOWlXa C IMPOSITION OP EXTir.E EXPEKtMEXTAL HEAP (NO. 11.) FRESH FARM-TAUD MANURE, UNDER SUED. i ^'^P''^ April 30,' An;;. 23, [ Nor. 15, 1855. 1855. 1&^)5. fl)s. Weight of manure 3.258. ft 8. 1,013. Amount of water in the manure 2,150. Amount of dry matter 1,102. ♦Consistiiis of soluble organic matter.. . Soluble mineral matter, tlnsoluble organic matter. Insoluble mineral matter. . ♦Containing nitrogen Equal to ammonia tContaining nitrogen Equal to ammonia ... Total amount of nitrogen in manure. . . . Equal to ammonia The manure contains ammonia in free state The manure contains ammonia in form of Baits, easily decomposed by quick- lime Total amount of organic matter Total amount of mineral matter 50.14 a3;i.iT 131.92 1,102. 4.S5 5.88 16.08 19.52 20.93 25.40 1.10 2 86 919.94 182.06 917.6 695.4 74.68 54.51 410.24 155.97 695.4 4.38 5..33 14.88 17.46 19.26 22.79 lbs. 1,297. 5(«.2 733.8 53..56 39.55 .337.32 303.37 B>s. 1,2.35. 733.8 3.46 4.20 13.08 1.5.88 16.54 20.08 1.62 484.92 210.48 .19 1.33 1 390.88 1 342.92 , 514.5 720.5 66.28 54.68 »4].97 257.57 720.5 5.25 6.37 13..54 1644 18.79 22.81 .23 1.80 408.25 312.35 This is the table, as given by Dr. Voelcker. For the sake of comparison, we will figure out what the changes would be in a heap of five tons (10,000 lbs.) of manure, when fermented under cover, precisely in the same way as we did with the heap fer- mented in the open air, exposed to the rain. The following is the table: 62 TALKS ON MANURES. OONTBNTS or A HEAP OF MANUUB AT DIFFEUENT TERIODS. COVBB. FERMENTED UNUEB Total weight of manure in heap... Water in the he:i|) of manure Total orj.'anic mutter Total inorganic mutter Total nitrogen iu heap Total 8olul)lc organic matter Insoluble organic matter Solubli' mineral matter Insolul)le niinerul mutter Nitrogen in soluble matti-r Nitr()g(!n in in>s. lO.OOO fi.«17 •2M4 559 ei..-} 248 2,576 15t •105 14.9 49.4 3.:it53 April no. S>8. 4.960 2,822 1,400 G46 59 2.10 1,260 lti7 479 13.4 45.6 2,038 Aug. 23. Nov. 15. lbs. 4,000 1.737 1,205 1,057 50.8 165 1,040 122 ft35 10.4 40.4 2,263 lbs. 3,790 1.579 1,253 958 57.2 203.5 1.049 168 790 15.9 41.3 2,211 It will be seen that the heap of manure kept under cover con- tained, on the IJOlli of April, Uss soluble ori^anic matter, Icks soluble mineral mutter, lt\is soluble nitrojjciious matter, and kss total ni- trosren than tbe heap of manure exposed to tlio weather. This is precisely what I sliould have expected. The lieap of ntanure in tbe shed probably fermented more r ipidly than the heap out of doors, aiitl there was not water eno-.ii:h in the manure to retain the carbonate of ammonia, or to favor the production o' organic acids. T?ie Ji^ap teas too dry. If it could have received enough of the liquid from the stables to have kept it moderately moist, the result would have been very ditrercnt. We will i>ostpone furtlier cimsideration of this point at oresent, and look at the results of another of Dr. Voelcker's interesting exi»erlments. Dr. Y(elcker wished to ascertain the elfeet of three common inctlidds of manairing manun : 1st. Keeping it in a /(€7^ in th(3 open air i:i the barn-yard, or field. 2d. Keeping it in a Jieap under cover in a shed. 3d. Keeping it spread o'/t over the barn-yard. " You say these are common methods of managing manure," remarked the Deacon, " but I never knew any one in this country take the trouble to spread manure over the yard." " Perhaps not," I replied, " but you have known a good many farmers who adopt this very method of keeping their manure. They do not spread it — but they let it lie spread out over the yards, just wherever it happens to be." Let us see what the etfect of this treatment is on the composi- tion and value of the manure. We have examined the cflfect of keeping manure in a heaj) in KKKl'lNG manure: UNDKK C'OVKR. 63 the open air, and also of keeping it in a heaj) uiuU-r cover. Now let us sec Low these methods compare with the practice of ieav ing it exposed to the rains, spread out in the yard. On the ;jrd of Novemlnr, 1854, Dr. Va'kker weighed out 1,653 ll»s. of manure similar to thai UM-d in the preceding experiments, and spread it out in llie yard. It was weighed April yu, and again August 2;J, and November 15. The following table gives the actual weight of the manure at the different periods, also the actual amount of the water, organic matter, ash, nitrogen, etc. : TABLK SHOWING TRE WKIiillT AND roMPOSITIOM OP ENTIBE MAS8 OK K.\PK1U- MK.-^TAL MANL-KE (NO. Ml.), FREI-II KAK.M-Y.VBU MANl KL, eil'UEAlJ IN OPEN TAKD AT DIFFEHENT PEUIODS OK TUB YEAB. IN KATUUAL STATE. I "^C"''Xv>ri/ .30/ Avg. 2.5, I Nov. \:,, I "/'i^"- 1855. \k-,. 'I 1800. Weight of maDure . Amount of wator in the manure ' 1,09:1. Amount of dry matter •Consistins oif soluble orjjanic matter. Soluble rainenl nuitter tlnsoluble ori^nic nintter Insoluble miuural matter •Containinff nitrogen Equal to ammonia +Ciintaininij nitroijen Equal to ammonia Total amount of nitrogen iu manure.... Equal to ammonia The manure contains ammonia in free state Th'^ manure c )ntain9 ammonia in form of salts, easil}- decomposed by quick- lime " T>tal amount of organic matter 4fi^.M Total anonnt of mineral matter 9-i..'j6 InO 105 .55 .28 111.77 ! !»8.40 190.93 228.80 "One moment," said the Deacon. "These tables are a little confusing. The table you have just given shows the actual weight of the manure in the heap, and what it contained at difiFercnt perioas." — "Yes," said I. "and the table following shows what 100 lbs of this manure, spread out in the yard, contained at the different dates mentioned. It shows how greatly manure deterio- rates by being exposed to rain, spread out on the surface of the yard. The table merits careful study." 64 TALKS ON MANURES. TABLE SHOWING COMPOSITION OP EXPERIMENTAL HEAP (NO. III.), FRESH FARH TAHD MANURE, SPREAD IN OPi:.N YARD, AT DIFFERENT PERIODS OF THE TEAR. IN NATURAL STATE. Water ♦Soluble orf^anic matter. . . Soluble iucrj^anic matter., tlusoluble organic matter Insoluble miueral matter.. *CoDtaining nitrogen Equal tn ammonia tC'ontaining nitrogen Equal to ammonia Total amount of nitrogen Equal lo ammonia Ammonia in free state Ammonia in form of isalts, easily decom- posed by quicklime Total amount of organic matter Total amount of mineral substance WlvCnpui AprU 30, Aug. 2;^, Scv. 15 3. 1854. 1855. 1855. 1855. 6H.17 80.02 70.09 65.56 2.48 1.16 .49 .42 1.54 1.01 .ti4 .57 25 76 11 46 10.56 9.94 4.05 6.35 18.22 23.51 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 .149 .08 .06 .03 .181 .1/9 .07 .0.36 AM .45 .35 M .599 .54 .42 .46 .643 .5S .41 .39 .780 .63 .49 .4!;6 .034 .010 .012 .0006 .0^8 .045 .051 .030 28. -.'4 12.62 11.05 10..36 5.59 7.36 18.86 24.08 The following table shows the composition of the manure, cal- culated dry : l^ABLE 8H0WTNG COMPOSITION OP EXPERIMENTAL HEAP (nO. III.), FRESH FARM YARD MANURE, SPREAD IN OPEN YARD, AT DIFFERENT PERIODS OF THE TEAR. CALCULATED DRY. \ When put up, jVoc. 1 3, 1851. AprU 30, 1855. Attr/. 23, 1855. Nov. 15, 1855. ♦Soluble organic matter 7.33 4.55 76.15 11.97 100.00 .44 .53 1.46 1.77 1.90 2..30 .10 .26 83. J 8 16.52 5.80 5.05 57.37 31.78 1.64 2.14 35.30 60.92 1.21 1.69 30.86 68.24 *Containin!r nitrogen Equal to ammonia tc'ontaining nitroiren 100.00 .42 .51 2.28 2.76 2.70 3.27 .05 .225 63.17 36.83 100.00 .CO .24 1.17 1.41 1..37 1.05 .040 .171 36.94 6306 100.00 .10 .12 1.09 1.32 Total amount of nitrogen 1.10 Equal to ammonia l.!4 .0017 Ammonia in form of salts, easily decom- posed by quicklime .087 30.07 Total amount of mineral substance 69.93 I hare made out the following table, sliowing what would be the changes in a he.ap of 5 tons (10,000 lbs.) of manure, spread out in the yard, so that we can readily see the effectvof this method of KEEPING MANURE UNDER COVER. 65 management as compared with the other two methods of keeping tlie manure, in compact heaps, one exposed, the other under cover. The following is the table : lONTKNTS OP TKB MASS OP MANURE, SPKEAD OUT IN FAJiMYARD, AVD EXPOSED TO BAJM, ETC. Total weiglii of manure Waier in the manure Total orfranic matter Total inorganic matter Totil nitro nure, more especially long dun^, when plowed in before the frost sets in, exercises a most beneficial action by keeping the soil loose, and admitting the free access of frost, which pulverizes tlic land, and would, therefore, ])y no means recommend to leave the manure spread on the surface without plowing it in. All I wish to enforce is, that when no other choice is left but either to set up the manure in a heap in a corner of the field, or to spread it on the field, without plowing it in directly, to adopt the latter plan. In the case of very li;;ht sandy soils, it may perhaps not be advisable to sjiread out the manure a long time before it is plowed in, since such soils do not possess the power of retaining manuring matters iu any marked degree. On light sandy soils, I would suggest to manure with well-fermented dung, shortly before the crop intended to be grown is sown. " 8. "Well-rotten dung contains, likewisr;, little free ammonia, but a very much larger proportion of soluble organic and saline mineral matters than fresh manure. " 9. Rotten dung is richer in nitrogen than fresh. " 10. "Weight for weight, rotten dung is more valuable than fresh. "11. In the fermentation of dung, a very considerable propor- tion of the organic matters in fresh manure is dissipated into the air in the form of carbonic aci:l and other gases. 68 TALKS ON MANURES. " 12. Properly regulated, however, the fermentation of dung is not attended with any great loss of nitrogen, nor of saline mineral matters. " 13. During the fermentation of dung, ulmic, humic, and other organic acids are formed, as well as gypsum, which flx the am- monia generated in the decomposition of the uitrugcnized con- stituents of dung. " 14. During the fermentation of dung, the phosphate of lime "which it contains is rendered more soluble than in fresh manure. " 15. In the interior an.l heated portions of manure-heaps, am- monia is given off; but, on passing into the external and cold lay- ers of dung-heaps, the free ammonia is retained in the heap. " IG. Ammonia is not given off from the surface of well-com- pressed dung-heaps, but on turning manure-heaps, it is wasted in appreciable quantities. Dung-heaps, for this reason, sliould not be turned more frequently than absolutely necessary. " 17. No advantage appears to result from carrying on the fer mentation of dung too far, but every disadvantage. " 18. Farm-yard manure becomes deteriorated in value, when kept in heaps exposed to the weather, the more the longer it is kept. " 19. The loss in manuring matters, which is incurred in keep- i;ig manure-heaps exposed to the weather, is not so much due to the volatilization of ammonia as to the removal of ammoniacal salts, soluble nitrogenized organic matters, and valuable mineral matters, by the rain wliich falls in the period during which the manure is kept. "20. If ram is excluded from dung-heaps, or little rain falls at a time, the loss in ammonia is trifling, and no saline matters, of course, are removed; but, if nmch rain falls, especially if it de- scends in heavy showers upon tlie dung-heap, a serious loss in ammonia, sc)luble organic matter, phosphate of lime, and salts of potash is incurred, and the manure becomes rapidly deteriorated in value, whilst at the same time it is diminished in weight. " 21. Well-rotten dung is more readily affected by the deteriorat- ing influence of rain tlian fresh manure. " 23. Practically speaking, all the essentially valuable manuring constituents are preserved by keeping farm-yard manure under cover. "23. If tlie animals have been supplied with plenty of litter, fresh dung contains an insufficient (luantity of water to induce an active fermentation. In this case, fresh dung can not be properly AN ENGLISH PLAN OF KEEPING MANURE. 69 fermented under cover, except water or liquid manure is pumped over the heap from time to time. " Wliere much straw is used in the maiuifacture of dung, and no provision is made to supi)ly the nuinure in tlie pit at any time with the requisite amount of moisture, it may not be advisable to put up a roof over the dung-pit. On the other liand, on farms where there is a de.ieiency of straw, so that the moisture of the excrements of our domestic animals is barely absorbed by the lit- ter, the advantage of erecting a roof over the dung-pit will be found very great. " 24. The worst method of making manure is to produce it by animals kept in open j-ards, since a large proportion of valuable fertilizing matters is wasted in a short time ; and after a lapse of twelve months, at least two-thirds of the substance of the manure is wasted, and only one-third, inferior in quality to an equal weight of fresh dung, is left beiiind. "25. The most rational i)lan of keeping manure in heaps ap- pears to me tiiat adopted In' Mr. Lawrence, of Cirencester, and described by him at length in Morton's ' Cyclopsedia of Agricul- ture,' under the head of ' Manure.' " CHAPTER XVI. AN ENGLISH PLAN OF KEEPING MANURE. " I would like to know," said the Deacon, " how Mr. Lawrence manages his manure, especially as his method has received such high commendation." Charley got the second volume of "Morton's Cyclopsedia of Agri- culture," from the book shelves, and turned to the article on "Manure." He found that Mr. Lawrence adopted the "Box System" of feeding cattle, and used cut or chaffed straw for bedding. And Mr. Lawrence claims that by this plan " manure will have been mada under the most perfect conditions." And "when the boxes are full at those periods of the year at which manure is re- quired for the sacceeiling crojjs, it will be most advantageously dis pose 1 of by being transferred at once to the Ian 1, and covered in." " Good, said the Deacon, " I think he is rig'it there." Charley continued, and read as follows : " But there will be accumulations of manure requiring removal 70 TALKS ON MANURES. from the homestead at other seasons, at which it cannot be so ap- plied, and when it must be stored for future use. The following has been found an effectual and economical mode of accomplish- ing this ; more particularly when cut litter is used, it saves the cost of repeated turnings, and etfectually prevents the decomposition and waste of the most active and volatile principle. " Some three or more spots are selected according to the size of the farm, in convenient positions for access to the land under Ull- age, and by the side of the farm roads The sites fixed on are then excavated about two feet under the surrounding surface. In the bottom is laid some three or four inches of earth to absorb any moisture, on which the manure is emptied from the carts. This is evenly spread, and well trodden as the heap is forming. As soon as this is about a foot above the ground level, to allow for sinkmg, the heap is gradually gathered in, until it is completed in the form of an ordinary steep roof, slightly rounded at the top by the final treading. In the course of building this up, about a bushel of salt, to two cart-loads of dung is sprinkled amongst it. The base laid out at any one time should not exceed that required by the manure ready for the complete formation of the heap as far as it goes ; and within a daj' or two after such portion is built up, and it has settled into shape, a thin coat of earth in a moist state is plastered entirely over the surface. Under these conditions decomposition does not take place, in consequence of the exclusion of the air ; or at any rate to so limited an extent, that the ammonia is absorbed by the earth, for there is not a trace of it perceptible about the heap; though, when put together without such covering, this is perceptible enough to leeward at a hundred yards' distance. " When heaps thus formed are resorted to in the autumn, either for the young seeds, or for plowing in on the stubbles after prepar- ing for the succeeding root crop, the manure will be found un- diminished in quantity and unimpaired in quality ; in fact, simply consolidated. Decomposition then proceeds within the soil, where all its results are appropriated, and rendered available for the suc- ceeding cereal as well as the root crop. " It would be inconvenient to plaster the heap, were the ridge, when settled, above six or seven feet from the ground level ; the base may be formed about ten to twelve feet wide, and the ridge about nine feet from the base, which settles down to about seven feet; this may be extended to any length as further supplies of manure require removal. One man is sufficient to form the heap, and it is expedient to employ the same man for this service, who soon gets into the way of performing the work neatly and quickly. AN ENGLISH PLAN OF KEEPING MANURE. 71 It has been asked where a farmer is to get the earth to cover his heaps — it may be answered, keep your roads scraped when they get muddy on the surface during raiuy weather — in itself good economy — and leave this in small heaps beyond the margin of your roads. This, in the course of the year, will be found an ample provision for the purpose, for it is unnecessary to laj' on a coat more than one or two inches in thickness, which should be done when in a moist state. At any rate, there will always be found an accumulation on headlands that may be drawn upon if need be. " Farmers who have not been in the habit of bestowing care ou the manufacture and subsequent preservation of their manure, and watching results, have no conception of the importance of this. A barrowful of such manure as has been described, would pro- duce a greater weight of roots and corn, than that so graphically described by the most talented and accomplished of our agricul- tural authors — as the contents of ' neighbour Drj'chaffs dung- cart, that creaking hearse, that is carrying to the field the dead body whose spirit has departed.' " There is a source of valuable and extremely useful manure on every farm, of which very few farmers avail themselves — the gath- ering together in one spot of all combustible waste and rubbish, the clippings of hedges, scouring of ditches, grassy accumulation on the sides of roads and fences, etc., combined with a good deal of earth. If these are carted at leisure times into a large circle, or in two rows, to supply the fire kindled in the center, in a spot which is frequented by the laborers on the farm, with a three-pronged fork and a shovel attendant, and each passer-by is encouraged to add to the pile whenever he sees the smoke passing away so freely as to indicate rapid combustion, a A:er\' large quantitj' of valuable ashes are collected between March and October. In the latter month the fire should be allowed to go out ; the ashes are then thrown into along ridge, as high as tliey will stand, and thatched while dry. This will be found an invaluable st!>re in April, May, and June, capable of supplying from twenty to forty bushels of ashes per acre, according to the care and industry of the collector, to drill with the .seeds of the root crop." The Deacon got sleepy before Charley finished reading. " "We can nut afford to be at so much trouble in this country," he said, and took up his hat and left. The Deacon is not altogether wrong. Our climate is very dif- ferent from that of England, and it is seldom that farmers need to draw out manure, and pile it in the field, except in winter, ami 72 TALKS ON MANURES. then it is not necessary, I tliink, either to dig a pit or to cover the heap. Those who draw manure from the city in summer, may probably adopt some of Mr. Lawrence's suggestions with ad- vantage. The plan of collecting rubbish, brush, old wood, and sods, and converting them into ashes or charcoal, is one which we could often adopt with decided advantage. Our premises would be cleaner, and we should have less fungus to speck and crack our apples and pears, and, in addition, we should have a quantity of ashes or burnt eartli, that is not only a manure itself, but is spe- cially useful to mix with moist superphosphate and other artificial manures, to make them dry enough and bulky enough to be easily and evenly distributed by the drill. Artificial manures, so mixed with these ashes, or dry, charred earth, are less likely to injure the seed than when sown with the seed in the drill-rows, unmixed with some such material. Sifted coal ashes are also very useful for this purpose. CHAPTER XVII. SOLUBLE PHOSPHATES IN FARMYARD MANURE. There is one thing in these experiments of Dr. Voelcker's which deserves special attention, and that is the comparatively large amount of soluble phosphate of lime in the ash of farm-yard ma- nure. I do not think tlie fact is generally known. In estimating tiie value of animal manuies, as compared with artificial manures, it is usually assumed that the phosphates in the former are insoluble, and, therefore, of less value than the soluble phosphates in super- phosphate of lime and other artificial manures. Dr. Voelcker found in the ash of fnsh farm-yard manure, phos- phoric acid equal to 13.23 per cent of phosphate of lime, and of this 5.35 was soluble jihosphate of lime. In the ash of well-rotted manure, he found phosphoric acid equal to 13.11 per cent of phosphate of lime, and of this, 4.75 was soluble phosphate of lime. " That is, indeed, an important fact," said the Doctor, " but I tliought Professor Voelcker clainie:! that ' during the fermentation of dung, the phosphate of lime which it contains is rendered more soluble than in fresh manure.'" SOLUBLE PHOSPHATES IN FARM-YAUD MANURE. 73 " He did say so," 1 irplit'd, " aud it may be true, but the above figures do not seem to prove it. Wlien he wrote tlie sentence you have quoted, be probably bad reference to the fact that he found more soluble phosphate of lime in rotted manure than in fresh manure. Thus, he found in 5 tons of fresh and 5 tons of rotted manure, the following ingredients : 5 TONS, (10,000 LBS.) Fresh manure.. Rotted manure. 29.!) 38.~ :38.6 57 3 iSol. Insol. 68.5 95.5 57.3 44. ti 9.9 4.5 'S IS '^ •S 1 1 ^ c ■;^-§ ■j*-^ b-, b^ l&t 405 147 058 5.59 805 " It will be seen from the above figures that rotted manure con- tains more soluble pJiosphiie of lime tJi in fresh manure. " But it does not follow from this fact that any of the insoluble phosphates in fresh manure have been rendered soluble during the fermentation of the manure. " There are more insoluble phosphates in the rotted manure than in the fresh, but we do not conclude from this fact that any of the phosphates have been rendered insoluble during the process of fermentation — neither are we warranted in concluding that any of them have been rendered soluble, simply because we find more soluble phosphates in the rotted manure." " Very true,' said the Doctor, " but it has been shown that in tlie heap of manure, during fermentation, there was an actual in- crease of soluble mineral matter during the first six months, and, to say the least, it is hi7:hly probable that some of this increase of soluble mineral matter contui led more or less soluble phosphates, and perhaps Dr. Voelcker had some facts to show that such was the case, although he may not have published them. At any rate, he evidently thinks that the phosphates in manure are ren- dered more soluble by fermentation." " Perhaps," said I, " we can not do better than to let the matter rest in that form. I am merely anxious not to draw definite con- clusions from the facts which the facts do not positively prove. I am strongly in favor of fermenting manure, and should be glad to have it shown that fermentation does actually convert insoluble phosphates into a soluble form." There is one thing, however, thit these experiments clearly prove, and that is, that there is a far larger quantity of soluble 74 TALKS ON MANURBS. phosphates in mauure than is generally supposed. Of the total phosphoric acid in the fresh manure, 43 per cent is in a soluble condition ; and in the rotted manure, 40 per cent is soluble. This is an important fact, and one which is generally over- looked. It enhances the value of farm-yard or stable manure, as compared with artificial manures. But of this we may have more to say when we come to that part of the subject. I want to make one remark. I think there can be little doubt that the proportion of solul)le phosphates is greater in rich manure, made from grain- fed animals, than in poor manure made principally from straw. In other words, of 100 lbs. of total phosphoric acid, more of it would be in a soluble condition in the rich than in the poor ma- nure. CHAPTER XYIII. HOW THE DEACON MAKES MANURE. " I think," said the Deacon, " you are talking too much about the science of manure making. Science is all well enough, but practice is better." " That depends," said I, "on the practice. Suppose you tell us how you manage your manure." " Well," said the Deacon, " I do not know much about plant- food, and nitrogen, and phosphoric acid, but I think manure is a good thing, and the more you have of it the better. I do not be- lieve in your practice of spreading manure on the land and letting it lie exposed to the sun and winds. I want to draw it out in the spring and plow it under for corn. I think this long, coarse manure loosens the soil and makes it light, and warm, and porous. And then my plan saves labor. More than half of my manuie is handled but once. It is made in tlie yard and sheds, and lies there until it is drawn to the field in the spring. The manure from the cow and horse stables, and from the pig-pens, is thrown into the yard, and nothing is done to it except to level it down occasionally. In proportion to the stock kept, I think I make twice as much manure as you do." " Yes," said I, " twice as much in bulk, but one load of my manure is worth four loads of your long, coarse manure, composed HOW THE DEACON MAKES MANURE. 75 principally of corn-stalks, straw, and water. 1 think you are wise in not spending much time in piling and working over such manure." The Deacon and I have a standing quarrel about manure. We differ on all points. He is a good man, but not what we call a good farmer. He cleared up his farm from the original forest, and he has always been content to receive what his land would give him. £f he gets good crops, well, if not, his expenses are moderate, and he manages to make both ends meet. I tell him he could double his crops, and quadruple his profits, by better farming — but though he cannot disprove the facts, he is unwilling to make any change in his system of farming. And so he continues to make just as much manure as the crops he is obliged to feed out leave in his yards, and no more. He does not, in fact, make any manure. He takes what comes, and gets it on to his land with as little labor a.s possible. It is no use arguing with such a man. And it certainly will not do to contend that his method of managing manure is all wrong. His error is in making such poor maimre. But with such poor stuflF as he has in his yard, 1 believe he is right to get rid of it with the least expense possible. I presume, too, that the Deacon is not altogether wrong in regard to the good mechanical effects of manure on undrained and indif- ferently cultivated land. I have no doubt that he bases his opinion on experience. The good effects of such manure as he makes must be largely due to its mechanical action — it can do little towards supplying the more important and valuable elements of plant-food. I commend the Deacon's system of managing manure to all such as make a similar article. But I think there is a more excellent way. Feed the stock better, make richer manure, and then it will pay to bestow a little labor in taking care of it. 76 TALKS OS MANUKES. CHAPTER XIX. HOW JOHN JOHNSTON MANAGES HIS MANURR One of the oldest and most successful farmers, in the State of New York, is John Johnston, of Geneva. He has a farm on the borders of Seneca Lake. It is high, rolling laud, but needed under draining. This has been thoroughly done — and done with great profit and advantage. The soil is a heavy clay loam. Mr. John- ston has been in the habit of summer-fallowing largely for wheat, generally plowing three, and sometimes four times. He has been a very successful wheat-grower, almost invariably obtaining large crops of wheat, both of grain and straw. The straw he feeds to sheep in winter, putting more straw in the racks than the sheep can eat up clean, and using what they leave for bedding. The sheep run in yards enclosed with tight board fences, and have sheds under the barn to lie in at pleasure. Although the soil is rather heavy for Indian corn, Mr. Johnston succeeds iu growing largo crops of this great American cereal. Com and stalks are both fed out on the farm. Mr. J. has not yet practised cutting up his straw ard stalks into chaff. The land is admirably adapted to the growth of red clover, and great crops of clover and timothy-hay are raised, and fed out on the farm. Gypsum, or plaster, is sown quite freely on the clover la the sjiring. Comparatively few roots are raised — not to exceed an acre — and these only quite recently. The main crops are winter wheat, spring barley, Indian corn, clover, and timothy-hay, and clover-seed, Tlie materials for making manure, then, are wheat and barley straw, Indian corn, corn-stalks, clover, and timothy-hay. These are all raised on the farm. But Mr. Johnston has for many years purchased linsecd-ci] cake, to feed to his sheep and cattle. Tliis last fact must not be overlooked. Mr. J. commenced to feed oil-cake when its value was little known here, and when he bought it for, I think, seven or eight dollars a ton. He continued to use it even when he had to pay fifty dollars per ton Mr. J. has great faith in manure — and it U a faith resting on good evidence and long experience. If he had not fed out so much oil-cake and clover-hay, he would not have found his manure so valuable. " How much oil-cake does he use ? " asked the Deacon. " He gives his sheep, on the average, about 1 lb. each per day." fiOW JOHN .lOtlNSTON MAXAGES HIS MANUUK. 77 If he feeds out a ton of elover-hay, two tons of straw, (for feed and beddin1 Manure from t wo tons of straw 5.3G m.~2 *' This would make about ten tons of manure. We liave aiTced to reduce tiic estimate onc-!ialf, and consequently we have $17.36 as the value of the ten tons of manure." " This is John Johnston's manure. It is worth ^l.~'] jut ton in the field. " It costs, we have estimated, 50 cents a ton to handle tlie manure, and conscqueutiy it is worth in the yard $1.2:J jier t(jn." " Tliis is less than we mailc it before," said tlie Deacon. " Never mind tiiat," said I, " tlie figures are correct. Now write down what your manure is worth : Manure from 1 ton of corn -?6.65 Manure, from 3 tons of straw s.()4 *14.Gy " This will make about ton tons of manure. In this case, as in the other, we are to reduce the estimate one-half. Consequently, we have $7.35 as the value of this ten tons of manure in the field, or 73+ cents a ton. It costs, we have estimated, 50 cents a ton to handle the manure, and, therefore, it is worth .'n the i/a id, 23^ cents a ton." " John Johnston's manure is worth in t'.ie yard, $1.23 per ton. The Deacon's manure is worth in the j'ard, 23i cents per ton." " There is some mistake," exclaimed the Deacon, " you said, at first, that one load of John Johnston's manure was worth as much as two of my loads. Now you make one load of his manure worth more than five loads of my manure. This is absurd." " Not at all. Deacon," said I, " you made the figures yourself. You thought Mr. Lawes' estimate too high. You reduced it one- haif. The figures are correct, and you must accept the conclusion. If John Johnston's manure is only worth $1.23 per ton in the yard, yours, made from 1 ton of corn and 3 tons of straw, is only worth 234 cents per ton." " And now. Deacon," I continued, " while you have a pencil in your hand, I want you to make one more calculation. Assuming tliat Mr. Lawes' estimate is too hi^h, and we reduce it one-half. 80 TALKS ON MANURES. figure up what manure is worth when made from straw aloue. T oa take 4 tons of wheat straw, feed out part, and use part for bedding. It will give you about 10 tons of manure. And this 10 tons cost you 50 cents a ton to load, draw out, and spread. Now figure : " Four tons of straw is worth, for manure, according to Mr. Lawcs' table, $2.68 per ton. "We have agreed to reduce the figures one half, and so the 10 tons of manure from the 4 tons of straw is worth. ..?.5.36 DrawJDg out 10 tons of manure at 50 cents 5.00 Value of 10 tons of straw -manure hi yard $0.36 " In other w'ords, if John Johnston's manure is worth only $1.23 per ton in the yard, the straw-made manure is worth only a little over 3fr cents a ton in the yard." " That is too absurd," said the Deacon. " Very well," I replied, " for once I am glad to agree with 3'ou. But if this is absurd, then it follows tliat Mr. Lawcs' estimate of the value of certain foods for manure is not so extravagant as you supposed — which is precisely Avhat I wished to prove." " You have not told us how Mr. Johnston manages his manure," said the Deacon. " There is nothing very remarkable about it," I replied. " There are many farmers in this neighborhood who adopt the same method. I think, however, John Johnston was the first to recom- mend it, and subjected himself to some criticism from some of the so-called scientific writers at the time. " Ilis general plan is to leave the manure in the yards, basements, and, under the sheep, until spring. He usually sells his fat sheep in March. As soon as the sheep are removed, the manure is either thrown up into loose heaps in the yard, or drawn directly to the field, where it is to be used, and made into a heap there. The manure is not spread on the laud until the autumn. It re- mains in the heaps or piles all summer, being usually turned once, and sometimes twice. The manure becomes thoroughly rotted." Mr. Johnston, like the Deacon, applies his manure to the corn crop. But the Deacon draws out his fresh green manure in the spring, on sod-l:uid, and plows it under. Mr. Johnston, on the Other hand, keeps his manure in a heap through the summer, HOW JOHN JOHXSTON MAXAGES HIS MANLllE. 81 spreads it on the sod in September, or the first week in October. Here it lies until next spring. The grass and clover grow up through manure, and the grass and manure are turned under next spring, and the land planted to corn. Mr. Johnston is thorough!}- convinced that he gets far more benefit from the manure when applied on the surface, and left ex- posed lor several months, than if he plowed it under at once. I like to write and talk about John Johnston. I lilie to visit him. He is so delightfully enthusiastic, believes so thoroughly in good farming, and has been so eminently successful, that a day spent in his company can not fail to encourage any farmer to re- newed efforts in improving his soil. " You must drain," he wrote to me; "when I first commenced farming, I never made any money until I began to underdrain." But it is not underdraining alone that is the cause of his eminent success. When he bought his farm, " near Geneva," over fifty years ago, there was a pile of manure in the yard that had lain there year after j'ear, until it was, as he said, " as black as \\\y hat." The former owner regarded it as a nuisance, and a few months before young Johnston bought the farm, had given some darkies a cow on condition that they would draw out this manure. They drew out six loads, took the cow — and that was the last seen of them. Johnston drew out this manure, raised a good crop of wheat, and that gave him a start. He says he has been asked a great man}- times to what he owes his success as a farmer, and he has replied that he could not tell whether it was "dung or credit." It was probably neither. It was the man — his intelligence, industry', and good common sense. That heap of black mould was merely an instrument in his hands that he could turn to good account. His first crop of wheat gave him " credit'' and this also he used to advantage. He believed that good farming would pay, and it was this faith in a generous soil that made him willing to spend the money obtained from the first crop of wheat in enriching the land, and to avail himself of his credit. Had he lacked this faith — had he hoarded every sixpence he could have ground out of the soil, who would have ever heard of John Johnston ? He has been liberal with his crops and his animals, and has ever found them grateful. This is the real lesson which his life teaches. He once wrote me he had something to show me. He did not tell me w]iat it was, and when I got there, he took me to a field of grass that was to be mown for hay. The field had been in winter wheat the year before. At the time of sowing the wheat, the 82 TALKS ON MAMUKS. whole field was seeded dowa with liuiolhy. No clover was sowu either then or iu tiie spring ; but after the wheat was sowu, he put oil a slight ilressiug of manure on two portions of the field that he thought were poor, lie told the man to spread it i-ut of the wagon just as ihin as he could dij^lribute it evenly over the laud. It was a very light nianuring, i)ut t!ie manure was rich, and thor- oughly rfitted. 1 do not recollect whether the etl'cet of the manure w as particularly noticed on the wheat ; but on the grass, the fol- lowing spring, the effect was sufficiently striking. Those two por- tions of tlie field where the manure was spread were Cfrcercd tei'th (I spkmlid crop of red clover. You could sec the exact line, in bt)th cases, where the manure reached. It looked quite curious. No clover-seed was sown, and yet there Wiis as fine a crop of clover as one could desire. On lookin;^ into tlie matter more closely, we found tliat there was more or less clover all over the field, but where the mnnurc was not used, it could hardly be seen. The jilants were small, ami the timothy bid them from view. But where the manure was used, these plants of clover had been stimulated in their growth until they covered the ground. The leaves were broad and vigorous, while in the other case they were small, and almo;-t dried up. This is prol)ably tlie right cxplanatiim. Tlie manure did not "bring in the clover;" it simi)ly increased llie growth of that already in l!ie soil. It shows the value of manure for gras.s. This is what Mr. Johnstcm wanted to show me. "I might have written and told you, but you would not have got n. clear idea of the matter." This is true. One had to sec the great lu.xunance of that piece* of clover to fullv appreciate the effect of the manure. Mr. J. said the manure on that was worth |i:?0 an acre* — that is, on the three cro|>s of grass, before the field is ag:iin plowed. I have no doubt that this is true, and that the future crops on the land will also be benefited — not directly from the manure, p< r- haps, but from the clover-roots i-i the soil. And if the field were oasturcJ, the effect ou future crops would be very decided. 31Y UW.N I'l^N r.icliee, as best suits his circumstances. .My own metliolof uianai.'ing nianun- jiives nie many of tlie advantages claimed for tlie Deacon's method, and Jolin Johnston's, also. " I do nut understand wliat you mean," said the Deacon; "my metliod differs essentially from that of John Johnston." " True," I replied, " you use your winter-made manure in the spring; while Mr. Johnston piles his, and gets it thon)Ughly fer- mented ; hut to do this, he has to keep it until the autunm, and it does not benefit his corn-crop before the ne.\t summer, lie loses the of his manure for a year." I think my nutliod secures both these advantages. I get my winter-made manure fermented ami in goiul condition, and yet have it ready for spring crops. In tlie first place, I should remark tliat my usual plan is to cut up all the fodder for horses, cows, and sheep. Fs." Tlie real jmint of difference In'tween my plan of managing ma- nure, and (lie jtian adopinlby tlie Deacon, Ls es.s«*ntially this : I aim to keep all my manun- in a compa«-t pile, when* it w ill slowly ferment all winter. The Deacon throws hLs horse-manun- into a heap, just outside the stable door, and l!ic cow-maiiure into an- other heap, and the pig-manure into another heap. These heaps are more or less scattered, and arc exposed to the niin, and snow, and frost, Tiie horse-manure Ls quite likely to fenn'-nt Unt nip- iJly, and if in a large heap, and the weather lA warm, it not unlikely ''fire-fangs" in t!ic center of t!ie hcrip. 0:i the other hand, the cow-manure lies cold and dead, an 1 during the winter freezes into soli 1 lumps. I wheel or cart all my maniire into one central heap The main object is to ke -p it as compact as possible. There are two a- pt'tluT witli Icavi-s, wfftls, HOtl ri'fus*' from tin- carilrn, and wIumI or cart it to llu' inti-iidi-d hrap. If you sit a farm man to do the work, loll him you want to m»kc a hot-l»od about five f*ft hijjh, six fwi widf, and six fcrt lonji. I do not tliink 1 have over srcn a fann wlicrc cnouph matrrial could not be found, say in November, to make such a heap. And this ix ail that is needed. If tlic ma- nure i.H rich, if it is oblaineU from animals eating clover-hav. bran, frrain. or other frnwl rich in iiitrotren, it will soon fernient. Hut if the manure is jKHir, coosistiui,' larL'ely «tf .straw, it will be very de- sirable t<» make it ri' her by iiii\inj» with it bone-du'«t. blood, hon- droppin;.'?, woollen rai.'B, i hainber lye, and animal inallirof any kind that you can tind. The richer you ran make the manure, the more rrudilv will it ferment. A po«k1 plan is t«» lake the honw or sheep manure, a few wc«ks previous, and use it for Ix-ddinn the pi;:s. !t will altfMirb thi- liquid of the plus, and make rich manure, whii h will 8o dry, it i.s n l'Oo<1 plan, when v<n lanrer sticks, and presently you have such a fin- that you can burn wood, coal, stubble, sods, or anything you wish. And so it is with a manure-heap. (Jet the fire, or fermen- t ition, or, more strictly speaking, putrefaction fairly started, and there will lie little trouble, if the heap is large enough, aud fresh material is added from time to time, of continuing the fermenta- tion all winter. Another point to be observed, and espci ially in cold weather, is to keep the sides of the heap straight, and the Urp knl. You must expose the manure in t!ie heap jis little as possible to frost and cold winds. The rule should be to spread ever}- wlir-el-bar- rowful of manure as soon as it is put on the heap. If left un- spread on top of the heap, it will freeze; and if afterwards cov- ered witli other manure, it will recjuire considerable heat to melt it, and thu'* r diicr the tcmi" r itur of the whole heap. 86 TALKS ON MANURES. It is far less work to manage a heap of manure in this way than may be supposed from my description of tlie ]>lan. Tlie truth is, I find, in point of fact, lliut it is nut an easy thing to manage ma- nure in this way ; and I fear not one farmer in ten will succeed the first winter he undertakes it, unless he gires it his personal attention. It is well worth trying, however, because if your heap siiould free/x' up, it will be, at any rate, in no worse condition than if managed in the ordinary way; and if you do succeed, even in part, you will have manure in good condition for im- mediate use in the spring. As I have said before, I keep a good many pigs. Now pigs, if fed on slops, void a large quantity of li(|iiid manure, and it is n(jt always easy to furnish straw enough to al)sorb it. When straw and stalks are cut into cLafT, they will absorb much more licjuid tlian when used whole. For this reason wc usually cut idl our straw and stalks. We also use the litter from the horse-stable for bedding tlie store hogs, and also sometimes, when comparatively dry, we use tiie refuse sheep bedding for the same purpose. Where tlie sheep barn is contiguous to the pig-pens, and when the sheep l)edding can be thrown at once into the pig-pens or cellar, it is well to use bedding freely for the shecji and lambs, and re- move it frequently, throwing it into the pig-pens. I do not want my sheep to be compelled to eat up the straw and corn-stalks too close. 1 want them to pick out what they like, and then throw away what they leave in the troughs for bedding. Sometimes we take out a five-bu&hel ba.sketful of these direct from the troughs, for bedding young i)igs, or sows and pigs in the pens, but as a rule, we use them first for bedding the sheep, and then afterwards use the sheep bedding in the fattening or store jiig-jjcns. " And sometimes," remarked the Deacon, " you a little long straw for your young jiigs to sleep on, so that they can bury themselves in the straw and keep warm." " True," I replied, " and it is not a bad plan, but we are not now talking about the management of pigs, but how wc treat our manure, and how wc manage to have it ferment all winter." A good deal of our pig-manure is, to 1)orrow a phrase from the pomologists, " double-worked." It is horse or sheei>manure, used for bedding pigs and cows. It is saturated with urine, and is much richer in nitrogenous material than ordinary manure, and consequently will ferment or j)utnfy much more rapidly. Usually pig-mauure is consid-Mcd '" cold," or sluggish, but this double- MY OWN PLAN OF MANACIVO MANURE. S'H worki'd pij^-manuri" will liriiKiit cvfii more rapidly tiiaii slu-ip or liorso-inanure alDiie. Unniixed c«»w-manure in heavy and cold, and wlicii kept in a iieaj) i»y itself out of iloor>!, is almost certain to freeze up solid dur- inj; tlie winter. We usually wheel out our eow-dunir every uay, and spread on tlie manure heap. This is one of the things that needs attention. Tlicre will be a constant tendency to put all the cow-dun;:: toi^ether, instead of mixinir it with the lii^uter and more active manure from theliorses, sIkh'p, and pii:^"- Spread it out and cover it with some of the more strawy manure, which is not so lial)le to freeze. Sli )uld it so happen — as v/ill most likely he the case — that on lookini; at your heap some mornini; when the thermometer is below zero, you find that several wlieel-harrowfuls of manure that were put on the heap the ilay before, were not s|)rea l,and are now crusted over with ice, it will be well to break up the barrowfuls, even if necessary to use a crowb ir, and place the frozen lumps of manure on the outside of the heap, ratlur tiian to let tliem liejn the center of tlip pile. Your aim should b? ahv lys to keep the center of the heap warm and in a state of fermentation. You do not want the fire to 2:0 out, aud it will not go out if the heap is prop- erly managed, even should all the sides and top be crusted over with a layer of frozen manure. During very severe weather, and when the top is frozen, it is a good plan, when you are about to wheel some fresli manure on to the heap, to remove a portion of tlie frozen crust on top of the heap, near tiie center, and make a hole for the fresh manure, which should l)e spread and covered up. When the heap is high enough, say five feet, we commence an- other heap alongside. In doing this, oir plan is to clean out some of the sheep-sheds or pig-pens, where the manure ha-s accumulated for some time. This gives us much more than the daily supply. Place this manure on the outside of the new heap, and tlien take a quantity of hot, fermenting, mmure from the middle of tlic old heap, and throw it into the center of the new heap, and then cover it up with the fresh manure. I would put in eight or ten i)ushel.s. or as much as will war:n up the center of the new lieap, and start fermentation. The colder tiie weather, the more of this hot manure should you take fro!n the old heap— the more the better. Fresh manure should be added to the old heap to fill up the hole made by the removal of the hot manure. 88 TALKS OX MAXl'RES. " Vou draw uul a i^ri-at uyv.iy loads t»f iiiaiiuru iliirini; the winter," said tiie Deacon, "and pile il in the tield, and 1 have al- ways thouf^lit it a good plan, as you do the work when there is little else to do, and when tlie ijronnd is frozen." Yes, this is an imj>rovenieiit on my old plan. I fonncrly used to turn over the heap of manure in the burn-yard in .Mareh, or as soon as fermentation had eea.sed. Tlie objeet of liirniiiLr the he ip is (1st,) to mix liir manure and make it of uniform quality; (21.) to break tiie lumps and make the manure tine; and {:Jd,) to li:,'hten up the manure and make it loose, thus letting in the air and indueing a second fermentation. It is a good plan, and well rej^ays for the labor. In doing the work, build up the end and ^ides of the new heap straight, and keep the toj* Hat. Have an eye on the man d, insicad ol lurnmg the heap in the yard, to dr.iw the manure fn.m the heap in the yard, and pile it up in another hr-ap in the rt.ld where it is to he used. This lias all tlir- etFecIs of turning, and at the sjuue time saves a good deal of teamwork in the spring. 1 A 1 0 0 0 0 0 CDE 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 1 B 1 A, B, Mnuinr Hinps ; C, The location of the manure-heap in the field deserves some consideration. If the manure is to be used fo"* root-crops or po- tatoes, and if the land is to be ridged, and the mainne put in the ridges, then it will be desirable to jmt the heap on the head- land, or, belter still, to make two heaps, one on the headland top of the field, and the other on the headlaiul at the bottom of the shown in the annexed engraving. We draw the manure with a cirt, the horse walking between two of the ridges (D), ;.nd the wheels of tin- <:irt going in C and E. The manure is pidled out at the back end of the cart in.o small heaps, about five paces a|>art. " That is what I object to with you agricultural writers," said the Doctor; "you say 'about five paces,' and sometimes ' altont five paces would mean 4 yards, and sometimes 6 3'ards; and if you MY OWN 1*1. AN OK .M.\NA<.IN«. »IAM KK. bit put 10 tons of iiMiuiP' |X'i .un" in llu- one case, \(MI wonlil put l") Ions ni the ol'nT — wliiili ni.ikrs tinili- a ilitlVTrncc in tin- liosr." TIm' I)h t<) jtul on 10 Ions of manure |Mr ulw, or 1,5(K) husluls, or V'ik rarl-l«iMds, then, as there an' 4;{,r>(i(» s(|uare feet in an acre, you want a bushei of manure to 21) square feet, or say a spaee 2 yanis louj;, by nearly 5 feel wide. Now, art our ridu'i's are '2\ feet apart, anti as our usual plan is to mauun' 5 ritlijes at u time, or 12J f, a load would make :t Ik aps, IT)^ feet upurl, and there would be Uj bushels in eaeli liea|>. If the manure is to Ik- spread on the surface of the land, there is no necessity for placing' the heap on the headland. You can make the heap or heaps. — ' Where most convenient." broke in the Dea- con.— " N<», not by any means," I replied; "for if that was the rule, the men would certainly ptit the heap just where it happened to Ik> the least trouble for them to draw and throw olF the load.s." The aim should be to put the heap just where it will recjuire the least lalK)r to draw the manure on to the land in the sprinj:. On what we call " rolling," or hilly land. I would put the heap on the hiirhest land, so that in the sprim; the horses would be g«)inir down hill with the full carts or wairons. Of course, it would be very unwis*' to adopt this plan if the manure was not o oi. a. S of. C: oi .RPP.S^l.Q.BOP.S ^. 10 ROD V,' a. o: B; %, Field, 40x20 7?o/,i. xhoirbif) I\>)>i(ir heaps should he placed where the least distance will have to be traveled in drawinij; the manure from the heap to the land. If there is only one he;i|), the best point would be in the center of the field. If two heaps, and the field is longer tlian it is broad, say 30 rods wide, and 40 rods long, then the heaps should be made as shown on the previous page. If the field is square, say 40 x 40 rods, and we ran have four heaps of manure, then, otlier things brin;; eijual, the best points for the heaps are shown in the annexed figure: Is nu', and three or ftmr feet high. We then laid planks on the heip, and every day, as the jtig-jH-ns, cow and horse stables were eleaneil out, the manure was wheeled on to the heap and shaken out and spread about. The heaji .soon commenced to ferment, and when thccold weather set in, altliough the sides and some parts of the top froze u little, the inside ke|)t quite warm. Little chimneys were formed in the heap, where the heat and steam escaped. Other parts of the heap would be covered with a thin crust of frozen manure. B}' taking a few forkfuls of the latter, and jilaeing them on the top of the "chimneys," they checked the escape of steam, and ha it moist enough for feriuentation. '3d. There is as much fascination in this fermenting heap of manure as tliere is in having money in a savings bank. One is continually trying to add to it. Many a cart-load or Avheel-barrow- ful of material will be deposited that woidd otherwise be allowed MY OWN ri.AN OF M.VNAi;lN<; MANIIIK. 93 to run to waslc. llli. Tin.' iiiaiiiirr, if tunic I over in KcIhu.iiv or Marcli, will III' ill capital orilcr for applyiui; to root rrojis ; or if your hay auil straw contains we»il-.'>ccils, the niannre will be in tfood contliliou lo spread us a top-drcssinij on gntss-laiul early in the spriniT. This. 1 think, is heller than kecpin*,' it in the yards ull suninuT, and then drawing it out (»n the gniss hiiul in Septem- ber. You gain six months' or a yt ar's time. You gil a si)leudid growtli of rich grass, anil tiie rel-nujt seeds will gtrminate next Septenilwr just as well as if tne manure was dniwn out at that time. If the manure is dniwn out early in the spring, and spread out immediately, and then harrowee the amount of plant-food in the manure':'" — No. But it renders the plant-food in the manure mon.' immc Hatily available. It makes it more soluble. We ferment manure for the sjime reason that wc de- compose bone-du>t or minerd phosphates with sulphuric acid, and convert them into superphosphate, or for the same reason that we grind our corn and cook the meal. These processes add nothing to the amount of plant- food in the bones or the nutriment in tlie corn. They only increase its availability. So in fermenting manure. When the liquid and solid e:;crcmcnts from well-fed ani^nil-, witli tlie straw necessary to absnrli the lifiuid, are placed in a ho jp, fermentation sets in and soon efTects very important changes in the nature and composition of the materials. The in- soluble woody fibre of the straw is decomposed and converted into humic and ulmic acids. These are insoluble; and when manure consists almost wholl}' of straw or corn .stalks, there would be little gained by fermenting it. But when there is a good propor- tion of manure from well fed animals in tb.e heap, carbonate of ammonia is formed from the nitrogenous compounds in the manure, and this ammonia unites with tiie humic and ulmic acids and forms humale and ulmate of ammonia. Tiiese ammoniacal salts are solubk> in water — as the brown color of tlie drainings of a manure heap snfRtieniiy indicates. Properly fermented manure, therefore, of good quality, is a much more active and immediately useful fertilizer tuan fresh, un- 94 TALKS OX MANURES. fviiiKiitcd manure. TluTc neril Itc no loss of ammonia from evai)oralier's sun and wind. All admit that, if it is necessiiry to leave manure in the yar Is, it should be either thrown into a basin, or put into a j)ilo or heap, where it will be compaer, and not much exposed. We did not need the experiments of Dr. Vadcker to convince us that there was great waste in leaving manure exposed to the leaching action of our heavy rains. We did not know exactly how much we lost, but we knew it must be considerable. No , wliere it will not receive more rain than is needed to keep it moist. One reason for piling manure, therefore, is to preserve it from loss, until we wish to use it on the land. " We all admit that," said the Deacon, " Init is there anything actually gained by fermenting it in the htap?" — In one sense, no ; but in another, and very important sense, yes. When we cook corn-meal for our little pigs, we add nothing to it. We have no more meal after it is cooked than before. There are no more starch, or oil, or nitrogenous matters in the meal, but we think the pigs cau digest the food more readilj'. And so, in fermenting I niK MAN VtJEMKNT OK MAM'KES. Di> manun, we add nulhiiii; to il ; thorr is iio inori' aclual nitroirpn, or phtispljorir acid, or jiola^li, t»r any otlitr iiii:rfdiciit after ftr DR-iilation lliaii tberi- was bcfori", imt tlit!**' iiifiR-dicnl.s art' rt iidcrtM] more soiiiblf, and can Sc more nipialy taken up by the j hints. In this sense, therefore, there is a great gain. One lliin!? is certain, we do not, in many cases, pet anylliinp like as much bene'Jt from our manure us the int;rcdients il cou Uiins wimld lead us to ex|H.-cL Mr. I^awes, on Ins clayey soil at Hothamsted, England, has pn>wn over tliirty crops of wheat, year aft«T year, on tlie san»e land. One plot has received 14 tons of ".tarn-yard manure per acre every year, antl yet the produce from this phit is no hirt'er, and, in fact, is fncpiently much less, than from a few hundred |>ounds of artificial manure containim: far les.-* nitropen. For nineti-en years, iKl'i to isTO, s»tme .)f the pl<»ts have received the saniL' manure year after year. Thi' folhiwitii: shows tlie .jO lbs. nitrate of soda, each contained 82 lbs. of nitropen; and it will be seen that this 82 lbs. of nitropi n produced as preat an effect as the 200 ll)s. of nitropen in barn-yard manure. Similar experiments have been made on barhy, with even more strikinp results. The plot dressed with 300 lbs. superphosphate of lime, and 300 lbs. ammoniacal salts per acre, produced as larpe a crop as 14 tons of farm-yard manure. The averape yield of barley for nineteen crops prown on the same land each year was 48 bus. and 28 cwt. of straw i>er acre on both pi ts. In other words, 41 lbs. of nitropen. in ammoniacal salt^, produced r.s preat an effect as 200 lbs. (tf nitropen in farmyard manure ! Durinp the nineteen years, vne plot had received 102.200 lbs. of orpanic matter. 16,4!t2 lbs. of mineral matter, and 3.800 lbs. of nitropen; while the other had received only 5,700 lbs. mineral matter, and 77fl lbs. of nitropen- and yet one has produced as large a crop as the other. 96 TALKS ON MANIRES. Why this difference ? ll will not du to say iliat more nitrog* was applied in the farm-yard lainure than was needed. M> Lawes says : " For sume years, an ainounl of aniinouia-salls, cou tainiiig 82 lbs. of nitrogen, was apidied to one series of plots (oi barley), but this was found to be too much, tbc crop generally being too heavy and laid. Yet prob.ibly alxiut 200 lbs. of uitrogec was annually supplied in the dung, but with it there was no over- luxuriance, and uo more crop, than where 41 lbs. of nitrogen was supplied in the form of ammonia or nitric acid." It would seem that there can be but one explanation of these accurately-ascertained facts. The nitrogenous matter in the ma- nure is not in an available condition. It Ls in the manure, l)Ul the plants can not take it up until it is decomposed and rendered sol- ul)le. Dr. VcDlcker analyzed " perfectly fresh horse-dung," and found that of fne ammonia there w as not mure than one pound in \~i tons ! And yet these 15 tons contained nitrogen enough to furnish 140 lbs. of ammonia. " But," it may be a.skcd, " will nut this fresh manure decompose in the soil, and furnisli ammonia ? " In liglit, sandy soil, 1 pre- sume it will do so to a consi Icrablc extent. We know that clay mixed with manure retards fermentatio;i, but sand mixed with manure accelerates fermentation. This, at any rate, is the case when sand is added in sm dl quantities to a heap of fermenting manure. But I do not suppose- it would have the siime cfTect when a small quantity of manure is mixed with a large amount of sand, as is the when manure is applied to land, and plowed under. At any rate, practical farmers, with almost entire unanimity, think well-rotted manure is better for sandy land than manure. As to how rapidly, or rather how slowly, manure decomposes in a rather heavy loamy soil, the above -experiments of Mr. Lawes afford very cunclusive, but at the sime time very disrouracring evidence. During the 19 years, 3,^00 His. of nitrogen, and 1G,4!»2 lbs. of mineral matter, in the form of farm-yard manure, were ap- plied to an acre of land, and tlie 19 crops of barley in irrain and straw removed only 3,724 lbs. of mineral matter, and 1,001 ll)s. of nilr.)gen. The soil now contains, unless it has drained away, 1,7;JG lbs. more nitrogen per acre tlian it did when the experiments comnipnced. And yet 41 lbs. of nitrogen in an ava'Iahle mndlt'on is sufficient to produce a good large crop of liarley, and S2 lbs. per acre fnrnislied more than the plants could raiiize. " Those are very interesting experiments," said the Doctor, " ani show why it is that our farmers can afford to jiay a hlLMicr priic for nitrogen and phosphoric acid in superphosphate, and other ar TiiK m.vna<;emest (»f manures. 97 tificiul manures, than for Ihu same aiuuuut of nilrogeii auil phos- pliuric acid iu siablc-mauurc." We will uol discusi tiiis point at present. What 1 waut to as- certain is, whellicr we can not tind some method of maiiiui; our farm-yard manure more reiidily available'. Piliiig it up, and let- ting It ftrnunt, is one uu Ihod of doing this, though 1 think other mt tliods will yt-'t be disiovired. Possibly it will be found that spreaciing wiU-rulted nianure on the surface of the lanil will be one of the mr, and the mtted manure can be more easily spread, and mixed more thoroughly with the soil — a point of great importance. " Another rea.<^on for fermenting manure," said the SVe find it is necessary lentehin of piling and fermenting manure." "Not at all," I replied ; "it is a strong reason for not letting manure lie under the eaves of an tinspouled iiuihling — esiM-cially guod manure, that is made from rich food. Tiie lutter tlie manure, tlia mor« it will lose fnmi bad management. I have never recommended any one to pile their manure where it would receive from ten to twenty times as much water as would fall on the sur face of the heap." " But you do rocommeml piling manure and fcnnentingit in the open air and keeping the top tlat, so that it will catch all tijc rain, and I tliink your heaps must sometimes get pretty well soaked." "Soaking the heap of manure," I replied, "does not wash out any of its solulde matter, prorld) d \o\x carry the matter no further than the point of saturation. The water may, and doubtless docs, •wasli out the soluble matter from .wnie port ion.'; of tlie manure, but if the water do<>s not filter through the heap, but is all absorbed by the manure, there is no It is when the water pa.s8es through the heap that it runs awa}' with our soluble nitrogenous and min- eral matter, aud with any ready formed ammonia it may tind in the manure." How to keep cows tied up in the barn, and at the same time save all the urine, is one of the most ditlicult proldems I have to deal with in the management of manure on my farm. The In-st plan I have yet trieti is, to throw horse-manure, or sheep-manure, back of the cows, where it will receive and absorb the urine. The plan works well, but it is a question of labor, and the answer will depend on the arrangement of the buildings. If the hor.-ies are kept near the cows, it will be little trouble to throw the horse- litter, every day, under or back of the cows. In my own case, my cows are kept in a basement, w ith a tight barn-floor overhead. When this l)am-floor is occupie.l with sheep, we keep them -well-bedded with straw, and it is an easy matter to throw this soiled iiedding down to the cow-stable below, where it is used to absorb the urine of tlie cows, and is then wheeled out to the manure-iieap in the yard. At other times, we use dry earth as an absorbent. MAMKi; 0\ l»Ali:V-KAUMS. Hf- C n A r T E R XXII. MANUKK ON DAII^Y FAHM8. Farms (l«'v<)t»"(l i>rin(ip:illy lo (l;iir\ mir imi^Mii to In- richer and more ppMliKlive tliuu furius liri^rly dtvolod to I lie priKluttiun of grain. Nearly all tlie proijuee of the f.iriii is used to feed Iheeows, and little is sold liiit milk, or cheese, or Imtier. ■NVheii butter alone issUi>li. Il contains nuthin:; but carbonaceous matter, which can be removed fn»m the farm without detriment. And even in the cxs<' of milk, or cheese, the advantajre is all on the side of the dairyman, as compared with the grain-grower. A dollar's worth of milk or ehei^e removes far h ss nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, and potash, than a didlar's wortli of wheal or other grain. Five hundred ll>s. ^ f cheese contains about '2'} lbs. of nitro- gen, and 20 lbs. of mineral matter. A cow that would make this amoimt of cheese would eat not less than six tons of hay, or its etjuivalenl in grass or grain, in a year. And this amount of food, 8up|M)sing it to be half clover and half ordinary meadow-hay, would contain 240 lbs. of nitrogen and 810 lbs. of mineral matter. In otlur w(trds, a cow eats 240 lbs. of nitrogen, and 2."j lbs. are re- moved in the cheese, or not qui'e lOi i>er cent, and of mineral matter not quite 2i per cent is removed. If it takes three acres to produce this amount of food, there will l)e }: productive even.- year. "All that is quite true," said the Doctor, "and y(t from what I have .seen and heard, the farms in the dairy districts, do not, as a rule, show any rapiil imprfivemenl. In fact, we hear it often alle^red that the soil is becoming exhausted of phosphates, and that the quantity and qualify of tlie gr.iss is deteriorating." 102 TALKS ON MANUUES. "There may bt- sdiik' trutli in this," saiil I, "ami yi't I will hazard tlic prediction tiiat in no other hrancli of ajrriculture shall we witness a more decitled improvement durimj the next twenty- tive 3'ears tiian on farms larfr<-ly devotetl to liie dairy. Grain-srrow- inp farmers, lii\e our frien'l the Deaeon, here, wlio sells his grain and never lirimrs liome a load of numure, and rarely huys even a ton of bran to feed to stuck, ami wiio sells more nr less hay, must certainly be impoverishinj^ their soils of pii()S|ihates much more rai)idly than lln- dairyman who consumes nearly all lii» prmluce on the farm, and silla little except milk, butler, cheese, young calves, and old cows." "Bones hail a wonderful eflfect," s;iid tlu- Doctor, "on the old pastures in the dairy district of Cheshire in England." " Undouittedly," 1 replied, "and so they will here, and so would well-rollrd maiuire. There is noiliin^ in this fact to prove that dairyin;; specially robs the .soil of |)!iosphales. It is not jtliosphates that the dairyman needs so mu it liy buy- ing bran, mill-feed, brewers-grains, malt-combs, corn-meal, oil- cake, or whatever was best and cheap; St in proportion to value. Bran or mill-feed can often be bouirht at a price at wliirh it will pay to use it freely fur manure. A frw tons of bran wi>rk<-d into a pile of cow-dung would warm it uj) an I add considerably to its value. It would supply the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and p<)tash, in which ordinary manure is d-ficient. In short, it would convert poor manure into rich manure." " Well, well," exclaimed the Deacon, " I knew yon talked of mix- ing dried-blood and bone-dust with your manure, but I did not think you would advocate anything quite so extravai^ant as taking good, wholesome bran and spout-feed and throwing it on to yotir manure-pile." " Why, Deacon," said I, "we do it every day. I am putting about a ton of spout-feed, malt-combs and corn-meal e.nch week into my manure-pile, and that is the reason why it ferments so reaiilyeven in the winter. It convertsmy|)Oor manure into good, rich, well-decomposed dung, one load of which is worth three load* of your long, strawy manure." MANUKK ON' I».\ 1 1: VIA RMS. 103 " Do you not wet it mul Kt it frrmoiii btfurc puttiiiL,' it in tlic pik-r" "No, Dcat'on," sjjid I, "I ft-fil llu- Itraii. iiialt-coiiilts and corn- nu'jil to tlic I'ow.s, |iij;>, ami slu-i-p, ami K't thnn do tlir mixing. Tiny work it up lim-, uioi>ti-n it, break up tin- particlts, iak«" out tlif carhonar'-ous inalttr, wliirli \vt' do not mcd for manure, and llu- cows and >iic'<-p ami lior><'s nii.x it up tlioroui^hly with the liay, 8tniw, and forn->talks, Icavini; liif wlioU- in just the right con- dition to put into a pile to ferment or to apply directly to the land." "Oh ! 1 Hec," said the Deacon, " I did not think you used bran for numurc." " Vi-8, I do, Deacon." sjiid I, " but I use it for foolied once in three years to grass land, agrees with it first rate. 104 TALKS ON M ANT RES. " Tlir laml when- I i:r<>\v inaiiLrrlsgcts altoui this dosi- c very yt'ar. "1 vvuulil say that my up-l:iiul incatlows have bci-n iiiowii twice each year for a great many years. " I have heen using refuse salt from Syracuse, on my mangels, at the rale of about six l)ushels per acre, applieil broadcast in two applications. My henmauure is jiulverizeil, aiul sifted through a eoiiimon coal sieve. The fine I use for duslini: the mangels after they have been singled out, and the lumps, if any, are used to warm up the red peppers. " 1 have sometimes mi.xed my hen-manure wilii dry muck, in the proportion of one bushel of hen-manure to 10 of muck, and received a profit from it loo big to tell of, on corn, and on mangels. "I have sprinkled the refuse salt on my cow-stable floors some- times, but where all the liipiid is saved, I tliink we have salt enough for most crops. " I have abaiiilom <1 tlie use of plaster on my pastures for the reason that milk produced on green-clover is not so good lus that produced on the gra.sses proper. I use all the wood lushes I can get, on my mangels as a duster, antl consider their value gn-ater than the ouniers do who sell tli«ni to me for 15 cts. a bushel. I have never used much linie, and have not received the ex|)ectcd benefits from it.s use so far. But wood a-'^hes agree with my land as well as manure does. The last ((uestion you ask, but one, is this: ' What is the usual plan of managing manure in the dairy districts ?' The usual method is to cut holes in the sides of the stable, al>out every ten feet along the whole length of the barn behind ihecows, and i>iteh the manure out through these holes, under the eaves of the Itarn, where it remains tintil too much in the way, when it is drawn out and commonly applied to grass land in lumps as big as your heaN K.VIKY-FaUMS. 105 pastures oiicc in llirrc ycjirs, and the same (luunlity ivory year ou his tit'Iil of laaii^tl-wurwl." "Thai is iircii.M.-ly wlial 1 havi- bcfn contcuiliuj; for," I rci)Iifcl ; " till' dairymen r m iii:ikc iurp' i|uantilifs of manurr if liu-y makran cfr)rt to do it, ami tlicir farms oiijjiil to In- roiistantly imitroviu;^. Two (Toiw of hay on the siimc meadow, each year, will enalde a farinc the one adopted by most of ourj'oung and intelligent dairymen. Few «if us are born with silver spoons in our mouths. We have to earn our money before we can spend it, ami we are none the worse fr)r the di-;nt in every acre of their land, while they are content to receive half a ton a year. They have j^rojierty enough, but it is unproduc tive, wiiile they pay high tuxes for tlie ])rivilege of Imlding it, and high wages for the pleasure of hoanhng two or three hired men. We have, saj-, 3,000 lbs. of nitrogen locked up in each acre of our soil, and wc get 8 or 10 lbs. every year in rain and dew, and yet, practically, all that we want, to make our farms highly productive, is 100 ll)s. of nitrogen per acre per annum. And furthermore, it should be remembered, that to keep our farms rich, after we have once got them rich, it is not neces.sary to de- velojic this amount of nitrogen from the soil every year. In the rase of clover-hay, the entire loss of nitrogen in tlie animal and in the milk would not exceed 15 per cent, so that, when wc feed out MANURK ON DAIKY-K.V KMS 1(>7 100 lbs. of nitro!,'tu, Wf have- 80 lbs. left in the iiiaiiurr. \N> want lo dcvil<)|K- 100 liis. of nitrogen iu the soil, to i-nablr us to raisL- u gooii irop to slurt with, and when this is once done, an annual di'Vi'lopinent of I't lbs. jkt am- in adilition to llif manure, WDuld keep up the produetivenet-s of the soil. Is it not worth while, therefore, to make an earnest etlort to f;el started? — to get 100 Ib.s. of nitr )gen in the most available eonditictn in the soil? As I said before, this is praetieally all that is needeil to give us large crops. This amount of nitrogen repre.-enls about twelve tons of average bani-\ard manure — that is lo sjiy, twelve tons ctnitains 100 Ib.s. of nitrogen. But in iwiinl of faer cent a year of nitrogen, and not one ]^e^ cent "f the ether eleiuenta of jiiiut-fi^Kl. The land lying on the borders of the creek could be greatly benefited by cutting surface ditches t > let otf the water; and later, probably it will be found that a few underdrains can be put in to advantage. These alluvial soils on thi' borders of creeks and rivers are grand sources of nitrogen and otli« r jdant-food. I do not know the fact, but it is quite probable that the meadows which Harris Lewis mows twice a year, are on the banks of the river, and are perhap;? flooded in the s|)ring. But, be this as it ma}', there is a fielil on the farm I am alluding to, lying on the creek, which now produces a bountiful growth of weeds, rushes, and coarse gras.scs, which I am sure could easily be made to produce great crops of hay. Tlie creek overflows in the spring, and the water lies on some of the lower parts of tlie fl<*ld until it is evaporited. A few ditches would allow all the water to pass off", and this alone would be a great im])rovement. If the field was flooded in May or June, ami thoroughly cultivated and harrowed, the sod would be suffl ciently rotted to plow again in August. Then a thorough harrow- ing, rolling, and cultivating, would make it as mellow as a garden, lOS TALKS ON MANURES. and it could be sei-drd down witli liiiiotliy and oilier good grassoa the list of August, or be;,'iiiniiiu' of SfpU'inbcr, and produec agood crop of hay the next year. Or, if thought hetler, it niiglit b.-sown tf) rye and seeded down witli it. In either ease tlie land would be greatly improved, and would be a productive meadow or pasture for years to come — or until our young dairyman could afford to give it one of Harris Lewis' " homceopathie " doses of 40 loads of good manure per :icre. lie would then be able to cut two crops of hay a year — and such hay ! But we are anticipating. Tiiat stream wliich runs through tin- farm in the spring, and then dries up, could be made to irrigate several uiri's of the land adjnininu'. Tiiis would doul)le, or tril)le, or cpiadruple, (" hold on," sail! tiie Deacon,) the crops of grass as far as tlie water readied. The Deacon does not seem to credit this statement; but I have seen wonderful ed'ei ts proiluced l)y such a plan. What I am endeavoring to show, is, that these and similar means will give us larger crops of hay and grass, and these in turn will enable us to keep more cows, and make more manure, and the manure will enable us to grow larger crops on other portions of tile farm. I .'iin .•iware tliat m.iny will object to plowing up old grass land, and I do not wish to be mis inderstood on this point. If a f.irmcr has a meadow tliat will pnnluce two or three tons of h:iv, or support a cow, to tlie acre, it would be folly to lireak it up. It is already doing all, or nearly all, that can be asked or desired. But suppose you have a piece of naturally good land that d les not pn^luce a ton of hay per acre, or pasture a cow s every year, and on every portion of the farm ; but high wages and loir-priad hiud i\o not neccssarilv demand hiirli fanning. If the land is chea]) we can sutler it lo lie idle with- out much loss. But when we raise crops, whether on high-priced MAMKi; <»v i)Aii:v-F \i;ms. lOU laiul or on low-priciil Iaiil liarvoliii;; lluiii will ral op all llic prolits lii the iluirv of Sli aens. The farm cost $1:50 per acre. He ke|»t twetity cows, ;.nd fatted one for beef. The receipts w«re as follows: Twonty cows yielding S,:«7 lbs. of chcc«c, nt Hi cents |KT pound fl,lS<5.I?3 Incn-iibc wu beef vow 40 <>ard $'i><0.00 Mail l>y till- ye:ir, mid Imard :t('ir«tty chi-ap. ) .'jfl.OO Wear and tear of inn>li'in»nts Jli.fHt Averajre repairs of pluee and buililini^s 175.00 Avcrace depreciation and interest on stock ls""0 >, the receipts from which, saying nothing : bout interest, are less than the expenses. And if you add two cents per pound more to the price of the cheese, the l>ro(it would still be only about f")0 per year. The trouble is not so much in the low price of cbee*e, as in thr low product per acre. I know some grain-growing farmers who have done no better tl^an this for a few years past. Mr. Shnll places the annual depreciation and interest on stock at f IW), eijual to nearly one-seventh of the to'al receipts of the f.irm. It would pay the wages and board of another man for six montlia 110 TALKS ON MA VIRES. Can not it lie avoiileil ? Good iK-cf is rclutively miicii hiirhcr in this Sliite tiian '^oinl ciit'cse. Some of the dairy authorities tell us that cheese is the cheai)est animal food in the world, while beef Ih the dearest. Why. then, should our dairymen eonline their atten- tion to the production of the cheapest of farm |)rodu(ts, and no<;- loct almt)st entirely the production of the dearest? If l»eef is hiirh and cheese low, wliy not raisi- more beef ? (Jn low-priced land it may be profitable to raise and keep cows solely for the prcHluction of cheese, and when the cows are no longer protituble for this pur- pose, to sacrifice them — to throw them aside us we do a worn-out machine. And in similar circumstances we may bo able to keep sheep .solely J"or their wool, but on hijrh-priced land we can not afford to keep sheep merely for their wool. We must a|ili(itt' umuuiit of fiir|M>s«.', slii' will takf rin>ii:;h fat aiul llcsli fmin hrr own Ixnly to iiiaki- up tin- (Irriciciirv ; and if slic laiinul i^it il, the inat-liiiie will stop — in otla-r wdhIs, iIr- cow will die. \Vc liuvi>, tlion, a uiirliin*- tliut cosU> siiy $100; tlial will last vn an avt-ra'^e eiijlil yi'an*; that requires careful uiana^eiucnt ; that Hitist have constant wulchin^, or it will he liahlc lo get out of order, and that requiri-s*, merely to keejt it runnini;;, say 20 Ilis. t>f hay |KT day. Now , what dt» we gel in nlurn? It we furnish only 20 Ills, of hay |>er ilay we get— itothiug e.xeepi niaiuirc. If w«' furnisli 2"> ll»s. of hay per day, or its eipiivalent, we get, s;iy half a fniund of cheese i>er day. If we furnish ;J0 Ihs. we got one |>uund of cheese jmt day, or ytw lbs. a year. We may not gel the one pound of eiieese every ilay in the year; sometimes the cow, in.stead of givins; milk, is furnishing food for her endtryo calf, oi slorin-.; U|i fat an i tiesh ; and this fat and llebh will Ik- u.sed by and by to proiluce milk. Hut it all comes from tin- ftxxl eaten by the cow; and is e(jii.d lo one pound of chees*- per day for IJO lbs. of hay or its «'s. of cheese a day without losing weight. And if she can extract this aincmnt of matter out of the food for a part of the year, wiiy can not she do so for the w hole year? Are the powers of digestion weaker in the fall and winter than in spring anil summery If not, we unipiestionably sustain great loss by allowing this digestive power to run to waste. Tins digestive power costs us 20 lbs. of hay a day. We can ill affonl to let it lie dormant. But the Deacon will tell me that the cows arc allowed all the food they will eat, winter and summer. Tlien we must, if they have digestive power to spare, endeavor to persamle them tA eat more. If they eat as much hay or grass as their stomachs ore capable of holding, we must endeavor to give them richer hay or grass. Not one farmer in a thousand seems tr) appre- ciate the advantage of having hay or grass containing a hi'.'h per- centage of nutriment. I have endeavored to show that a cow eat- ing six tons of hay, or its equivalent, in a year, w «ndd produce 400 lbs. of cheese, worth $00. While a cow capable of eating, digesting, and turning to goo(' account, nine t(»n9 of hay, or its ec|uivalent, would produce 1,090 lbs. of cheese, or its equivalent Id other products, worth $102. " I am sorry to interrujit the gentleman," said the Deacon with mock gravity. "Then pray don't," said I ; " I will not detain you long, and the subject is one which ought to interest you and every othc r famior who keeps his cows on ])Oor grass in summer, and coni-stalks and straw in winter." 1 was going to sav, u lit 11 ilie nia.dii interrupted me, that the MAMKK ON n aii:y-kai:ms. 11.'? stomach of a cow may not allow licr to cat nine tons of hay a year, but ll will allow liiT to cat six tons; ami if these six tons contain as >niu h nutriment as iho nine tons, what is the real tliHerenee in iLs vahie * Unlinarily we slioul 1 i)rol)ahly timatc the one at fit) per ton, anil the ntlrr at ifl."). Hut accnnliut; to the altove licures, oiu- is worth |l., tlien-forr, shoultl he liie aim of th<' American dairyman. I hope ilic Deacon begins to see what connection this lias witli a luruc pile of rich maiiure. 1 do not mean merely a heavy frrowth of srniss, hut jrrass con- tjiining a hi^'li |Hrccnt;i;;e of nutriment. Our lonir wintirs and heavy snows an- a ^n-at advantage to us in this n'sjx'ct. Our jirass in the sprinu', after its h>n;^ rest, oupht to i-tart up like aspara- gus, and, un»l;s per acre, but to increase its nutriment in a <:iV( n bulk. If we could increase it one-half, making six tons ••'.j-.cii to nine tons, wc have shown that it is nearly three times as vaaiable. Whether this can be dime, I have not now lime to consiicr; but at any rate if your land produces as many weeds as do some fields on my farm, not to say the Deacon's, and if the plant-food that these weeds absorb, could be oriranized by nutritious gra.sscs, this alone would do a good deal towanls accompli>hing the object. Whether this can be done or not, we want cows that can eat and turn to good account as much food p'T annum as ^s contained in ni'-e tons of orcMnary nieadow-hay ; and we want this nutriment in a bulk not exceeding six tons of hay. If ponttOAf, we should get this amount of nutri- ment in grass or hay. But if we can not d(; this, wc must feed eiumijk concentrated food to bring it up to the desired standard. " But will it pay ? " asked the Deacon •, " I have not much faith in buying feed. A farnjcr ought to raise o7erything he fer-ds ojt ' 114 TALKS ON MANURES. "As a rule, this may be true," I replied, "lint tliere arc many exceptions. I am tryins^ to show that it will often pay a dairyman well to buy feed rich in nitrogen and phosphates, so as to make rich manure, and give bim a start. After he gets bis land ricb, there is little difficulty in keejjing up its productiveness " Now, I nave said — and the figures, if anything, are too low — that if a cow, c:iting six tons of bay, or its equivalent, a year, produces 400 ll)s. of cheese, a cow cai)ablc of eating, digesting, and turning to good account nine tons of bay, or its eciuivalent, a year, would produce 1,090 llis. of cheese, or its eiiuivaient in other products." 1 would like to say much more on this subjeit, but I hope enough has been saitl to show liiat tiiere is great advantage in feeding ricb food, even so far as the production of milk or beef is concerned; and if this is the case, then there is no difficulty in making rich manure on a dairy farm. And I am deliglited to know tliat many farmei-s in the dairy districts are purchasing more and more bran and meal every year. Ta'iing milk, and beef, and manure all into the account, I feel sure tliat it will be found higidy |»rofitable ; but you must have good cows — cows that can turn their extra food to good account. This is not the place to diseuss the merits of the ditrerent ])reed3 of cows. All I wish to show is, that to make better manure, we must use richer food ; and to feed this to advantage, we must have animals that can turn a large amount of food, over and aitove the amount required to sustain the vital functions, into milk, flesh, etc. " You do not think," said the Deacon, " that a well-bred cow makes any richer manure than a common cow ?" Of course not; but to make ricb manure, we must feed well ; and we can not afford to feed well unless we have good animals. HOW TO SAVE AND APPLY MANURE OX A DATRT-FARM. We can not go into details on this subject. The truth is, there are several good methods of saving manure, and whicii is best de- pends entirely on circumstances. The real point is to save the urine, and keep the cow-stable clean and sweet. There are three prominent methods adopted : 1st. To throw all tlie liquid and solid excrements Into n manurf- cellar uuderneath the cow-stable. In this cellar, dry swamp- muck, dry earlli, or other absorbent material, is mixed with the manure in sufficient (pianlity to keep down ofTcnsive odors. A little dry eartii or muck is also used in the stable, scattering it twice a day in the gutters and under the Idnd legs of the cows. WIut:' this is carried out, it has many and decided advantagea MAMRK ON DAIUY-FAUMS. 115 2*1. To wliool or tlirow the solid parts of the manure, and to have a dniin for farryinj: tlic litiuiil into a tank, wiiere it can be punjprd on to tlie heap of manure in the yard. Where many horses or sheep are kept, and only a few eows, this plan can often be used to advantai,'e, as the iieaj) of manure in the yard, consist ini^ of li>orl) all the urine in the stn- hh'. In my own case, as I liave sjiid hefore, we usually chall' all our straw and stalks. The oris are used for heddinj;;, and we also use a little dry earth — or, to he more exact, I use it when I attend to the matter myself, but have always found more or less trouble in gtltinc; tlie work done pro|H'rly, unless I give it personal alien tion. To use "dirt'' to keep the stJible clean, is. not a pojtular plan in this neii;h!)orhoognrd lo the application of manure on a dairy-farm, we have seen what .Harris Lewis does with his. 1 also wrote to T. L. llar- ison, Esq., of Si. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; and knowing that he is not only a xcry intelligent farmer and breeder, but also one ot our best agricultural writers, J •i'?ked him if he had written anything on the .subject of manures. " Si. Lawrence Co.," .sjud the Deacon, "produces capital graFS, oats, and barley, but is, i should think, too far nru(liulivc farms. There are very ffw of us in tiiis section wlio eaii make manure enough to c:ive all our corn, potatoes, anil n»ots, 25 loads of rotted manure per acre, and have some to sjiure. In the sprini; of 1877, Mr. llarison wrote: " 1 have been hauling out manure all winter as fast as made, and putting it on tlie land. At lirst we spread it; but wlien deep snows eame, we put it in small heaps. The lii-ld looks as if there had been a grain crop on it left uncut." " That last remark," s;iid the Doctor, " indicates that the manure looks more like straw than well-rotted dung, ami is an argument in favor of ytnir plan of piling the manure in the yard or field, in- stead of spreading it on the laud, or putting it in small heaps." CHAPTER XXIII. MANAGEMENT OF MANURES ON GRAIN-FARMS. " I am surprised to find," said the Deacon, " that Mr. llarison, living as he does in the great grass and dairy district of this State, shouhl raise so much grain. He has nearly as large a proportion of his land under the plow as some of the best wheat-growers of Western New York." This remark of the Deacon is right to the point. The truth is, that some of our best wheat-growers are plowing less land, and are raising more grass, and keeping more stock ; and some of the dairj-men, though not keeping less stock, are ph)wing more land. The better farmers of both sections are approaching each other. At all events, it is certain that the wheat growers will keep more stock. I wrote to the Hon. Geo. Geddes, of Onondaga Co., N. Y., well known as a large wheat-grower, and as a life-long ad- vocate of keeping up the fertility of our farms by growing clover. He replies as follows : " I regret that I have not time to give your letter the considcrA- tion it deserves. The subject you have undertaken is truly a dif- ficult one. The circumstances of a grain-raiser and a dairyman are so unlike, that their views in recrard to the treatment of the manure produced on the farm would vary as greatly as the lines of farming thev follow. 118 TALKS ON MANURES. " The grain-grower has straw in excess ; he tries hard to got it into such form that he can draw it to his tielils, and get it at work, at the least cost in labor. So he covers his hani-yards deep with straw, after each snow-storm, and gets his cattle, sheep, and horses, to trample it imder foot ; and he makes his pigs convert all he can inttures and such other fields as were c<(nvenient. Some straw we have sold, mostly to pa|Kr-makers." "That," s;iid the Deacon, "is gom], old fashioned farmini;. Plenty of straw for heddin;.', and n:«»od clover and timothy-hay for feed, with wool, wheat, and barley to sell. No Udk about oil- cake, malt-combs, and manirels ; nothiuL' about superiihosi)liate, guano, or swam|>-muck." Mr. Geddes and Mr. Johnston are both representative farmers; both are large wheat-giowcrs ; both ke( p their land clean and thoroughly cultivated ; both use gypsum freely ; both large crops of clover and timothy; both keep sheep, and yet they rep- n-sent two entirely dillerent systems of farming. One is the great advocate of clover; the other is the great advocate of manure. I once wrote to Mr. Geddes, asking his opinion as to the best time to plow under clover for wheal. He replied as follows: " Plow under the clover when it is at full growth. But your qur^stion can much better be answered at the end of a long, free talk, w hich can be;-t be had here. I have many times asked you to come here, not to see fine farming, for we have none to show, but to see land th:it has been used to test the effects of clover for nearly 70 years. On the ground, I could talk to a willing auditor long, if not wisely. I am getting tired of being misunderstood, and of having my statements doubted when I talk about clover as the great renovator of land. You preach agricultural truth, and the facts you would gather in this neighborhood are worth your knowing, and worth giving to the world. So come here and gjither some facts al)out clover. All that I shall trj- to prove to you is, that the fact tliat clover and plaster are by far the cheapest manures that can be had for our lands, lias been demonstrated by many farmei-s beyond a doubt — so much cheaper than bani yard manure that the mere loading of and spreading costs more than 120 TALKS OX MANURES. the plaster aud clover. Do not (luoto me as saying this, but come anil see the farms hereabouts, and talk with our farmers." Of course I went, and had a t'ai)ital lime. Mr. Greddes has a magnificent farm of about 4()0 acres, some four miles from Syracuse. It is in high condition, and is continually imjJrovinL', and tliis is due to growing large and frequent crops of clover, and to good, dtvp plowing, iind cUitn l fi-rtilily in the land could llji n be made uvailalile by good tillage, and from tiiat day to this, his land has been growing rielier and riihtr. And, in faet, the same is true of Mr. (Jedtles' farm. It is rieln r land to-day than when first jilowed, while there is one lield that for seventy years has had no manure applied to it, e.vcept pliLster. How is this to be explaini'd? Mr. Goddes would s;iy it was due t4) clover and plaster. But this docs not fully satisfj' thow who claim, (anpen .'.fter that time. Nearly all our soils are practi- cally ine.\haustil)le. But of course these elements are not in an available condition. If they were, t'.ie rains would wash them all into the ocean. They are rendered available by a kind of fer'nen- tation. A manure-lieap packed as hard and solid as a rock would not deca}'; but break it up, make it fine, turn it occasif)nally so as to expose it to the atmosphere, and witli the proper degree of mois- ture and heat it will ferment rapidly, and all its elements will soon become available food for plants. Nothing has been created by the process. It was all there. We have simply made it availa- bk. So it is with the s^)il. Break it up, make it fine, turn it occasionally, expose it to the atmosphere, and the elements it con- t;iins become available. I do not think that Mr. Gcddes' land is any better, naturally, tlian yours or mine. We can all raise fair crops by cultivating the land thoroughly, and by never allowing a weed to grow. On Mr. Lawes' experimental wheat-field, the plot that has never re- 6 122 TALKS ON MANUnES. ct'ivc'd a particle of mamiro, proiluccs every year an average of about 15 bushels per acre. Aud tlie whole crop is removed — grain, straw, and chalf. Nothing is returned. And that the land is not remarkably rich, is evident from the fact that some of the farms in the neighborhood, produce, under the ordinary system of manage- ment, but little more wheat, once in four or five years than is ra.i^v<\ every year on this experiment il plot without any manure. "Why? Because these farmers d<; not half work their land, and the manure they make is little l»etter than rotten straw. Mr. Lawcs' wheat-field is plowed twice every year, and when I was there, the crop was hand-hoed two or tliree times in the spring. Not a weed is suffered to grow. And this is all there is to it. Now, of course, instead of r.iising 15 bushels of wheat every year, it is a good deal better to raise a crop of 30 bushels every other year, and still better to raise 45 bushels every third year. And it is here that clover comes to our aid. It will enable us to do this very thing, aiul the land runs no greater risk of exhaustion than Mr. Lawes' uninanurcd wheat crop. Mr. Geddes and I do not dilFeras much as you suppose. In fact, I do not believe that we differ at all. lie has for years been an earnest advocate for growing clover as a renovating crop. He think.s it by far the cheapest manure that can be ol)tained in this section. I agree with him most fully in all these particulars. He formed his opinion from experience and observation. I derived mine from the Rothamsted experiments. And the more I see of practic;U farming, the more am I satisfied of their truth. Clover is, unquestionabl}', the groat renovating crop of American agricul- ture. A crop of clover, e((ual to two tons of hay, when plowed under, will furnish more annnonia to the soil than twenty tons of straw-made manure, drawn out fresh and wet in the spring, or than twelve tons of our ordinary barn-yard manure. No wonder Mr. Geddes and other intelligent farmers recommend plowing under clover as manure. I differ from them in no respect except this: that it is not absolutely essential to plow clover under in the gi'een state in order to get its fertilizing effect; but, if made into hay, and this hay is fed to animals, and all the manure carefully saved, and relumed to the land, there need be comparatively little loss. The animals will seldom take out more than from five to ten per cent of all tlie nitrogen furnisheil in tlie food — and less still of mineral matter. I advocate growing all the clover you possibl}' can — so does !Mr. Geddes. lie says, jilow it under for manure. So say I — unless you can make more from feeding out the clover-bay, MANAGKMENT OK M.VVUUK8 ON (. IIVI V-KAUMS. 123 than will \r.\y yuii for wailiiiir a yi'ar, ami for fiiltiiiij; and curin;; the clover and ilrawini: liack tlic niaiuiri'. If you i)lo\v it under, you are sure of it. There is no loss. In feedini; it out, you may lose more or less from leaching, and injurious feruienla- tion. But, of eourse, you need not lose anythin^r, except the little that is retained in the tlesh, or wool, or milk, of the animals. As thiner acre. If the land had i>een rich enou;;h, there would un(iueslioiiai)ly have been 40 bushels |)er acre this year. Tliat is to say, the bia»>ii was (piite capable of produi inn' this amount; and I think the nu'chancial condition of the land was also ecjual to it ; all that wasnicdid was suflicient available plant- food in the soil." *' I can see no reason," said the Doctor, " wiiy you may not av- crasre 40 bushels of wheat per acre in a good season." " The tield of 14 acres," said I, " where wheal followed wheat, yielded '2'.\ bushels per acre. Last year it yielded 22 bushels i)er acre ; and so we got in tiie two yt ais 4.") bushels per acre." This ticld has had no manure of any kind for years. In fart, since till' land was cleared, 40 or 50 years ago, I ])resume that all tiie manure that has been ap[tlicd would not, in the aggregate, lie equal to more than a good crop of clover-ha}'. The available jilant-fooil r('i[uin'd to i)roiluce these two crops of wheat came from the soil itself, and from tlie rain, dews, and atmosi)here. The land is now seeded down with clover, and with the aid of a bushel or two of plaster per acre, next spring, it is not improbable that, if mown twice for hay next year, it will yield in the two crops three tons of hay per acre. Now, three tons of clover-hay contain about 33 lbs. of phos- phoric acid, 90 lbs. of |)olash, and I.jO lbs. of nitrogen. The last crop of wheat, of 22 bushels per acre, and say 1,500 lbs. of straw, would contain : /;: the grain. In the straw, hi tfjtal crop. Phosphoric aci.l Ill lbs. .".* lbs. 1.5i lbs. Potash t:} '• !)} " IGi " Nitrogen 23 " Hi " 32i " It seems very unkind in the wheat-plants not to give me more than 22 bushels per acre, when the clover-plants comiiig after will find phosphoric acid enough for 40 l)ushels of wheat, and potash ami nitrogen enough for nearly 100 bushels of wheat per acre. And these are the tliree important constituents of plant-food. Why, tlien, did I get only 22 bushels of wheat per acre? I got 23 busliels on the same land the year previous, and it is not improbable that if I had sown the same land to wheat again this fall, I should get 12 or 15 bushels per acre again next year. But the clover will find plant-fool enough for 40 bushels of wheat. " There is not much doubt," said the Deacon, " that you will 130 TALKS ON MANURES. get a good crop of clover, if you will keep the sheep off of the land this fall. But I do not see what you mean by the clover-plants finding food enough for 40 bushels of wheat, while in point of fact, if you had sown the field again to wheat this fall, you would not, as you say, probably get more than 13 or 15 bushels of wheat. " He me:ins this," said the Doctor. " If he had sown the land to wheat ihis fall, without manure, he would probably not ge over 15 bushels of wheat per acre, and yet you both agree that the land will, in all probability, produce next year, if mown twice, three tons of clover-hay per acre, without any manure. " Now, if we admit that the clover gets no more nitrogen from the rain and dews, and from the atmosphere, than the wheat will get, tlien it follows that this soil, which will only produce 15 bush- els of wheat per acre, does, in point of fact, contain plant-food enough for 40 bushels of wheat, and the usual proportion of straw. " The two crops take up from the soil as follows : rhoiy}?ioric acid. Jhtash. Nitrogen. 15 bushels wheat and straw lOJ^ lbs. lU lbs. 22 lbs. 3 tons clover-Lay 33 " 90 " 150 " " These facts and figures," continued the Doctor, " are worth looking at and thinking about. Why can not the wheat get as much phosphoric acid out of the soil as the clover?" "Because," said the Deacon, " the roots of the clover go down deeper into the subsoil than the roots of wheat." "That is a very good reason, so far as it goes," said I, "but docs not include all the facts. I have no sort of doubt, that if I had sown this land to wheat, and put on 75 lbs. of nitrogen per acre, I should have got a wheat-crop containing, in grain and straw, 30 lbs. of phosphoric acid. And so the reason I got 15 bushels of wheat per acre, instead of 40 bushels, is not because the roots of wheat do not go deep enough to find sufficient soluble phosphoric acid." " Possibly," said the Doctor, " the nitrogen you apply may ren> der the phosphoric acid in the soil more soluble." " That is ti-ue," said I ; " and this was the answer Liebig gave to Mr. Lawes. Of which more at some future time. But this an- swer, like the Deacon's, does not cover all the facts of the case ; for a supply of soluble phosphoric acid would not, in all prolxi- bility, give me a large crop of wheat. I wull give you some facts presently bearing on this point. " What we want to find out is, why the clover can get so much more phosphoric acid, potash, and nitrogen, than the wheat, from the same soil ?" CHEAPEST MANURE FOE FARMERS. 131 MORE ABOUT CLOVER. The Deacon scemcil to think the Doctor was going to give a scientific answer to the question. " If the clover can get more ni- trogen, phospiioric acid, and potasli, from the same soil than wheat," said he, " why not accept the fact, and act accordingly ? You scientific gentlemen want to explain everytlihig, and some- times make confusion worse confounded. We know that a sheep will grow fat in a pasture where a cow would starve." " True," said the Doctor, " and that is because the cow gathers food with her tongue, and must have the grass long enough for her to get hold of it ; while a sheep i)icks up the grass with her teeth and gums, and, conscciucntly, the sheep can eat the grass down into the very ground." " Very well," said the Deacon ; " and how do you know but that the roots of the clover gatlier ui) their food sheep-fashion, while the wheat-roots eat like a cow V " " That is not a very scientific way of putting it," said the Doc- tor; "but I am inclined to think the Deacon has the right idea." " Perhaps, then," said I, " we had better let it go at that until we get more light on the subject. We must conclude that the wheat can not get food enough from the soil to yield a maximum crop, not because there is not food enough in the field, but the roots of tlie wheat are so constituted that they can not gather it up ; while clover-roots, foraging in the same soil, can find all they want." " Clover," said the Deacon, " is the scavenger of the farm ; like a pig, it gathers up what would otherwise be wasted." " Of course, these illustrations," said the Doctor, " do not give us any clear idea of how the clover-plants take up food. We must recollect that the roots of plants take up their food in solution ; and it has just occurred to me that, possibly, Mr. Lawes' experi- ments on the amount of water given off by plants during their growth, may throw some light on the subject we are discussing." "Mr. Lawes found," continued the Doctor, " that a v;heat-plant, from March 19 to June 28, or 101 days, evaporated through its leaves, etc., 45,713 grains of water; while a clover-plan 1, standing alongside, and in precisely similar condition, evaporated 55,093 grains. The clover was cut June 28, when in full bloom. The wheat-plant was allowed to grow until ripe, Sept. 7. From June 28 to Sept. 7, or 72 days, the wheat-plant evaporated 67,814 grains." " One moment," said the Deacon ; " as I understand, the clover- plant evaporated more water than the wheat-plant, until the 28th of June, but that during the next 71 days, the wheat-plant evap orated more water than it had during the previous 101 days." 132 TALKS OX MANURES. " Yes," said I, " and if these facts prove nothing else, they a\ least show that there is a great difference between wheat and clover. I was at Rothamsted when these experiments were made. During the first nine days of the experiment, the clovi-r- plant evaporated 399.6 grains of water ; while the wheat-plant, standing alongside, evaporated only 128.7 grains. In other words, the clover-plant evaporated three times as much water as the wheat-plant. During the ne.xt 31 days, the wheat-plant evap- orated 1,207.8 grains, and tlie clover-plant 1,043.0 grains; but dur ing the next 27 days, from April 28 to May 25, the wheat-plant evaporated 162.4 grains of water per day, while the clover-plant only evaporated 109.2 grains per day. During the next 34 days, from May 25 to June 28, the wheat-plant evaporated 1,177.4 grains per day, and the clover-plant 1,473.5 grains per day." " In June," said the Deacon, " the clover evaporates ten limes as much water per day as it did in May. How much water would an acre of clover evaporate ? " " Let Charley figure it out," said the Doctor. " Suppose each plant occupies 10 square inches of land ; there are 0,272,640 square inches in an acre, and, consequently, there wonld be 027,264 clover-plants on an acre. Each plant evaptjrated 1,473.5 grains per day, and there are 7,000 grains in a pound." Charley made the calculation, and found that an acre of clover, from May 25 to June 28, evaporated 52S,.5U8 lbs. of water, or 15,- 547 lbs. per day. A much more accurate way of ascertaining how much water an acre of clover evaporates is afforded us l>y these experiments. After the plants were cut, they Avere weighed and analyzed ; and it being known exactly how much water each plant had given off during its growth, we have all the facts necessary to tell us just how much a crop of a given weight would evaporate. In brief, it was found that for each pound of dry substance in the wheat- plant, 247.4 lbs. of water had been evaporated; and for each pound in the clover-plant, 269.1 lbs. An acre of wheat of 15 bushels per acre of grain, and an equal weigiit of straw, would exhale during t)ie spring and summer 177f tons of water, or calculated on 172 days, the duration of the experiment, 2,055 lbs. per day. An acre of clover that would make two tons of hay, w<>uld pass off through its leaves, in 101 days, 430 tons of water, or 8,600 lbs. per da}^ — more than four times as much as tlie wheat. These figures show that, from an agricultural point of view, there is a great difference between wheat and clover ; and yet I CHEArEST MA NUKE FOR lAUMEUS. 133 ihink the figures do not show the whole of the difference. The clover was cut just at the time when the wheat-plant was enierini; on its period of most rapid growth and exhalation, and, conseciuently, the figures given above probably exaggerate the amount of water given ofi" by tne wheat during the early part of the season. It is, at any rate, ([uile clear, and this is all I want to show, that an acre of good clover exhales a much larger amount of water from spring to hay-harvest than an acre of wheat. " And what," said the Deacon, who was evidently getting tired of the figures, "does all this prove?" The figures prove tliat clover can drink a much greater quantity of water during March, April, May, and June, than wheat; and, consetpientiy, to gel the same amount of food, it is not necessary that tlie clover should have as much nitrogen, pliosphoric acid, potash, etc., in the water as tlie wheat-i)lant requires. I do not know that I make myself understood." "You want to show," said the Deacon, "that the wheat-plant requires richer food than clover." Yes, I want to show that, though clover requires more food per day than wheat, yet the clover can drink such a large amount of water, tliat it is not necessary to make the "sap of tli3 soil" so rich in nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, for clover, as it is for wheat I think this tells the whole story. Clover is, or may be, the grandest renovating and enriching crop commonly grown on our farms. It owes its great value, not to any power it may or may not possess of getting nitrogen from the atmosphere, or pliosi)horic acid and potash from the subsoil, but principally, if not entirely, to the fact that the roots can drink up such a large amount of water, and live and thrive on very weak food. HOW TO MAKE A FARM RICH BY GROWING CLOVER. Not by growing the clover, and selling it. Nothing would ex- haust the land so rapidly as such a practice. We must either plow under the clover, let it rot on the surface, or pasture it, or use it for soiling, or make it into hay, feed it out to stock, and return the manure to the land. If clover got its nitrogen from the atnios- p'.iere, we might sell the clover, and depend on the roots left in the ground, to enrich the soil for tlie next crop. But if, as I have en- deavored to show, clover sets its nitrogen from a weak solution in th;' soil, it is clear, that thougli for a year or two we might raise good crops from the plant-food left in the clover-roots, yet we 134 TALKS ON MANURES. should soon find that growing a crop of clover, and leavmg only the roots in the soil, is no way to permanently enrich land. I do not say that such a practice will " exhaust" the land. For- tunately, while it is an easy matter to impoverish land, we should have to call in the aid of the most advanced agricultural science, before we could "exhaust'' land of its plant-food. The free use of Nitrate of Soda, or Sulphate of Ammonia, might enable us to do something in the way of exhausting our farms, but i*, would reduce our balance at a bank, or send us to the poor-house, before we had fully robbed the land of its plant-food. To exhaust land, by growing and selling clover, is an agricultural impossibilit\% for the simple reason that, long before the soil is exhausted, the clover would produce such a poverty-stricken crop, that we should give iip the attempt. We can make our land poor, by growing clover, and selling it ; or, we can make our land rich, by growing clover, and feeding it out on the farm. Or, rather, w^e can make our land rich, by drain- ing it where needed, cultivating it thoroughly, so as to develope the latent plant food existing in the soil, and then by growing clover to take up and organize this plant-food. This is how to make land rich by growing clover. It is not, in one sense, the clover that makes the land rich ; it is the draining and cultivation, that furnishes the food for the clover. The clover takes up this food and concentrates it. The clover does not create the plant- food ; it merely saves it. It is the thorough cultivation that enriches the land, not the clover. " I wish," writes a distinguished New York gentleman, who has a farm of barren sand, "you would tell us whether it is best to let clover ripen and rot on the surface, or plow it under when in blossom ? I have heard that it gave more nitrogen to the land to let it ripen and rot on it, but as I am no chemist, I do not know." If, instead of plowing under the clover — say the last of June, it •was left to grow a month longer, it is quite possible that the clover- roots and seed would contain more nitrogen than they did a month earlier. It was formerly thought that there was a loss of nitrogen during the ripening process, but the eviad, a second square yard was nieas- ureil; in l)oth plots, the soil being taken up to a depth of six inches. The ^oil, where the clover was ts having first been shaken out to free them as much as possible from the soil, were then waslicd once or twice with cold distilled water, and, after having been dried for a little while in the sun, were weighed, when the scpiarc yard produced 1 lb. lOi oz. of c'eaned clover-roots, in an air-dry stitc ; an acre of land, or 4,840 square yards, accordingly yielded, in a depth of six inches, 3.44 tons, or ;U tons in round nuudtcrs, of dovcr-roots. " Fully dried in a water-batii, the roots were found to contain altogether 44. G7 i»cr cent of water, and on btiiig burnt in a pla- tinum capsule, yi< Idrd O.OSi) of ash. A portion of the dried, finely powdered and wi 11 nuxed roots, was b.inud witii soda lime, in a combustion tube, and the nitrogen contained in the roots otliL-r- wisc determined in t!:e usual way. Accordingly, the following is the general composition of the roots from the soil No. 1 : Water 44.075 Or;janic matter* 4y.'.:36 Mineral matter 6.089 ~100.000 * Containuig nitroL'cn 1.297 Equal to ammonia 1.575 " Assuming the whole field to have produced 3i tons of clover- roots, per acre, there will be 99.636 lbs., or in round immbers, 100 lbs. of nitrogen in the clover-roots from one acre ; or, about twice as nmch nitrogen as is present in the average produce of an acre of wheat." "That is a remarkable fact," said the Deacon, "as I understand nitrogen is the great thing needed by wheat, and j^et the ?y/cilioric acid IK Sulphuric acid 17 Insoluble silicious matter, 74.01. Consisting of : .\luraina 4.87 Lime, ( in a state of silicate) 4.07 Insoluble in acid ; .Mainiesia 46 Potash .ly .Soda 2,S SiUca '..!'.! 65.1J9 99.68 "This soil. It will bo seen, contained, in appreciable quantities, not only potash and phos|)horie acid, but all tin- elements of fertil- ity which enter into the composition of good arable land. It may be briefly described as a stiff clay soil, containing a s>ifflciency of lime, potash, and phosphoric acid, to meet all the re(|uirement8 of the elovor-crop. Originally, r;)th be as follows : isuU drUil at 212 dty. Falir, Ixt six 2'- .tH'2 .004 K(juiil li> auiiuouia l'.»8 .112 .078 " lu the upiHT si.\ iiKbcs, us will be seen, tbe percenUiije of botb pbospborie acid and nitrogen, was larger than iu the two follow- ing layers, wbile tbe proportion <»f nitrogen in tbe six iiiebes of sur- face soil, was niucb larger than in iIk- next six incbes; and in Ibe tliird s(Htion, containing no visible particles of root tilires, only very little nitrogen occurred. ■' In Ibeir natural slate, tbe tbree layers of soil contained : 1st xix 2lioric acid , SulpLuric acid Insoluhlo silioioufl matter, 73.84. ConsistinRof : Alumina Lime ( in a state of silieate) Magnesia Potash Soda L Silica 5.34 0.07 4.51 7.51 1.27 .53 .Iti .l« .15 .I'J 4.14 3.69 .68 .34 .21 a5^88 99:59 '• The soil, it will he seen, in genornl character, resembles the pre- ceding sample; it contains a good (leal of potash and phosplioric acid, and may be presumed to l)0 well suited to the growth of clover. It contains more carbonate of lime, and is somewhat lighter than tlie .sainjile from the part of the field twice mown for hay, and may be termed heavy calcareous clay. " An acre of this land, 18 inches deep, weighed, when very nearly dry: Lb». Surface, six inches 2,407.900 Next " 2,444,300 Third " 2,480,.'J00 "Or in round numbers, every six inches of soil weighed per acre 2i millions of pounds, which agrees tolerably well with the actual weight j)er acre of the preceding soil. "The amount of phosphoric acid and nitrogen in each six-inch layer was determined separately as before, when the following results were obtained : IN DRIED SOIL. Find Second Third sir inches, air inches, sir inches. Percentage of phosphoric acid 151) .166 .140 Nitroffen 18'.t .VM .089 Equal to ammonia 339 .163 .108 "An acre, according to these determinations, contains in th» three separate sections : EXPBRIMKNTS ON (LOVER-SOILS. 155 First Sirtwif Third sixinclus. six iiiclus. six inches. lbs. Il>s. lbs. Phosphoric arid S/JT") 4,15() 3,500 Nitrogen 4,725 3.;J.'>0 2:125 Kqual to ariimoiiia 5,?^ 4,a5(< 2,700 " Here, again, as migLit naturally be expected, the proportion of nitrogen is largest in the surface, where all the decaying leaves driipped during llie growth of the clover for seed are found, and wherein root-tihres are more abundant than in the lower strata. TIjc hrst six inches of soil, it will be seen, contained in round nunibirs, 2i tons of nitrogen per acre, that is, considerably more tiuin was found in the same section of the soil where the clover was mown twice for hay ; showing plainly, that during the ripening of the clover seid, the surface is niucii enriched Ijy the nitrogen- ous matter in the dropping h-aves of the i^lover-plant. " Clover-roots. — The roots from one square foot of this soil, freed as much as possible from adhering soil, were dried at 212', and when weighed and rcchiceil to a line powder, gave, on analysis, the following results: Oganic matter* 64.76 Mineral matterf _ 35.24 100.6(3 •Containing nitrogen 1.702 Equal to ammonia 2.066 t Including clay and sand (insoluble silicious matter) 26.04 *' A .square foot of this soil jiroduced 582 grains of dried clover- roots, consequently- an acre yielded 3,622 lbs. of roots, or more than twice the weight of roots ol)tain(Hl from the soil of the same field where the clover was twice mown for hay. " In round numbers, the 3,622 lbs. of clover-roots from the land mown once, and afterwards left for seed, contained 51^ lbs. of nitrogen. " The roots from the soil after clover-seed, it will be noticed, were not so clean as the preceding sample, nevertheless, they jielded more nitrogen. In 64.76 of organic matter, we have here 1.702 of nitrogen, whereas, in the case of the roots from the part of the field where the clover was twice mown for hay, we have in 81.33 parts, that is, much m-^re organic matter, and 1.635, or rather less of nitrogen. It is evident, therefore, that the organic matter in the soil after clover seed, occurs in a more advanced stage of decomposition, than found in the clover-roots from the part of the field twice mown. In the manure, in which the decay of such and similar organic remains proceeds, much of the non-nitrogen- ous, or carbonaceous matters, of which these remains chiefly, 156 TALKS ON MANUUES. lliouirh not I'litinly, consist, is Iraiisfotinid into pasi'ous carbonic acid, and wliat remains Itchind, hfcouus richer in nitroi^cn ami mineral matters. A parallel case, showiiii; the dissipation of car- bonaceous matter, and the increase in tiie percenta^a' of nitrogen and mineral matter in what is left behind, is presented to us in fresh and n»tten duuL'; in long or fresh dung, the j>ercenUige of organic matter, consisting chietly of very imperfe-lly decom- posed straw, being lirger, and that of nitrogen and mineral matter smaller, than in well-rotted dung. "The roots froni the field after clover-.seed, it will be borne in mind, were ilug uj) in November, whilst those ol)tained from the lan. 6inrAfj>. Ciinche/t. (W/wAm. Sinchss. dinehe*. Perceiitasre of nitrogen in ; i I 1 dried'soil .HW .092 I .OM | .189 | .\Z\ \ .089 Equal to ammonia .198 | .119 ! .078 .229 | .169 i ,108 "This difference in the amount of accumulated nitrogen in clover-land, appears still more strikingly on comparing the tola! EXI'KIUMENTS ON < LOVER-SOILS. 157 amounts of nitrogen per ariv in tlic (lilVmnt sections of the two portions of Ibe ll-arrc tield. peklknta(;e of xituockn i'kk acre. Mnt Sei-imd T/iinl air iiic/ifn. xU iiirhen. six iitc/ua. /J>.i. Lb<. IJm. I. In poll, clover twico mown* i 3,:}50 1,875 \^',i2ii II. In soil, clovtr once mown and 8«'i'(liMi v aflerwur.lst ) 4,7jr, '.\:iiQ 2.235 Equal to ammouiii : i ♦ I. Clover twice nu.wn V 4,05') 3,275 1,600 t II. Clover seeded ) ".,725 4,050 2,7t)0 TMs. I. Nitroppn in roots of clover twice mown \ 34i II. Nitrofjcn in clover, onee mown, anil grown for seed after- V wurds .' ) 5U I. Wfi-^lit of dry roots per acre from .Soil 1 ( l,4'.>;;i II. Weiiriit of dry roots per acre from Soil II ) 0,022 Total amount of nitronen in 1 jiere, 12 inches deep <'f Soil I*. ( 5,24'Ji Total amount of nitroiren in 1 acn. 12 inches deep of Soil lit. \ 8,12;Ji Excess of nitroiren in an acre of soil 12 inches deep, calculated as ammonia in [>art of Held, mown once and then seeded 3,592* • Equal to ammonia ) t5,S74i t Equal to ammonia !l 9,807 "It will lie seen that not only was the amount of large clover- roots greater in the part wiierc cljmuch as neither a broiling sun, nor a sweeping and drying wind will cause the slightest loss of nmmoniii ; and that, therefore, the ohl-fashioned farmer who carts his maiuire on the land as soon as he can, and sjireads it at once, but wiio plows it in at Ids convenience, acts ii perfect accordance with correct chemical principles involved in the management of farm-yard manure. On the present occasion, my main object has been to show, not merely by reasoning on the subject, but by actual experiments, that tlic la'-ger the amounts of nitrogen,, soda, lime, phosphoric acid, etc., which are removed from the land in a clover-crop, the better it is, nevertheless, made thereby for produc- ing in the succeeding year an abundant crop of wheat, other cir- cumstances being favorable to its growth. *' Indeed, no kind of manure can be compared in point of efl3cacy for wheat, to the manuring which the land gets in a really good crop of clover. The farmer who wishes to derive the full benefit from his clover-lay, should plow it up for wheat as soon as possi- ble in the autumn, and h.'ave it in a rough state as long as is admis- sible, in order tliat the air may find free access into the land, and the organic remains left in so much abundance in a good crop of clover be changed into plant-food ; more especially, in other words, in order that the crude nitrogenous organic matter in the clover- roots and decaying leaves, may have time to become transformed into ammoniacal compounds, ami these, in the course of time,tnto nitrates, which I am strongly inclined to think is the form in which EXPEUIMENTS (»N ( LOVKK-SOILS. 159 nitrogen isassimihiteil. par excellence by cereal crops.and in whid), at all events, it is more efficacious than in any other state of coin- bin.ition wherein it may be used jl^ a fertilizer. " When the elover-lay is plowed ui> early, the decay of the clover is sufficiently advanced by the time tiie young wheat-plant stands in need of readily available nitrogenous food, and this being uni- formly distrii)Uted through the whole of the cultivated soil, is ready to benefit every single plant. This etpial and abundant dis- tributicm of food, peculiarly valuable to cere;ds, is a great advan- tage, and speaks strongly in favor of clover as a preparatory crop for wheat. " Nitrate of soda, an excellent spring top-dressing for wheat and cereals in general, in some seasons fails to i)roduce as good an effect as in others. In very ilry springs, the rainfall is not sufficient to wash it properly into th • soil and to distribute it equally, and in very wet sea.sons it is apt to be washed either into the drains or into a stnitum of the soil not aecessibk' to the roots of the young wheat. As, therefore, the character of tlie approaching season can not usually be predicted, the application of nitrate of soda to whe It is alwa3S attended with more or less uncertainty. " The case is different, when a good crop of clover-hay has been obtaine 1 from the land on which wheat is inten led to be grown afterwards. An enormous quantity of nitrogenous organic matter, as we have seen, is left in the land after the removal of the clover- crop ; and these remains gradually decay and furnish ammonia, which at first and during the col ler months of the year, is retained by the well known absorbing properties which all good wheat- soils possess. In spring, when warmer weather sets in, and the wheat begins to make a push, these ammonia compounds in the soil are by degrees oxidized into nitrates; and as this change into food peculiarly favorable to young cereal plants, proceeds slowly but steadily, we have in the soil itself, after clover, a source from which nitrates are continuously produced ; so that it does not much affect the final yield of wheat, whether heavy rains remove some or all of the nitrate present in the soil. The clover remains thus afford a more continuous source from which nitrates are produced, and greater certainty for a good crop of wheat than when recourse is had to nitrogenous top-dressings in the spring. SUMMARY. " The following are some off the chief points of interest which I have endeavored fully to develope in the precediu'r piges : " 1. A good crop of clover removes from the soil more potash, 160 TALKS ON MANUP.KS. pliosphoric acid, lime, aud other mineral matters, which enter into the composition of the asiies of our cultivated crops, than any other crop usually grown in tliis country. "3. Tliere is fully tlireu times as much nitrogen in a crop of clover us in the average produce of the grain and straw of wheat per acre. "3. Notwithstanding the large amount of nitrogenous matter and of of plants, in the produce of an acre, clover is an excellent preparatory crop for wheat. " 4. During tiie growth of clover, a large amount of nitrogenous matter accumulates in the soil. "5. This accumulation, whicn is greatest in the surface soil, is due to dcc'ying leaves dropped during the growth of clover, and to an ahundance of roots, containing, when dry, from one and three-fourths to two per cent of nitrogen. " 6. The clover-roots are stronger and more numerous, and more leaves fall on the ground when clover is grown for seed, than when it is mown for hay ; in consequence, more nitrogen is left after clover-seed, than after hay, which accounts for wheat yiehl- ing a l)etter crop after clover-seed than after hay. " 7. The development of roots he\n[s checked, when the produce, in a green condition, is fed olT by shtep, in all jirohaltility, leaves still less nitrogenous matter in the soil than when clover is allowed to get riper and is mown for hay ; thus, no doubt, account- ing for the observation made by practical men, that, notwithstand- ing the return of the produce in the sheep excrements, wheat is generally stnngcr, and yi"lda better, after clover mown for hay, than wlien the clover is fed off green by sheep. "8. Tlie nilrogMious matters in tlie clover remains, on their gradual decay, are finally transformed into nitrates, thus affordinix a continuous .source of food on which cereal crops speeially dcliglit to grow. "9. There is strong presumptive evidence that the nitrogen wliieh exists in the air, in shape of ammonia and nitric acid, and descends, in these combinations, with the rain which falls on the ground, satisfies, under ordinary circumstances, the requirements of the clover-crop. This crop causes a large accumulation of nitroi^enous matters, which are gradually changed in the soil into nitrates. The atmosphere thus furnishes nitrogenous food to the succeedin'r wheat indirectly, and, so to say, gratis. "10. Clover not only provides abundance of nitrogenous food, hut delivers this food in a rea lily available form (as nitrates), more gradually and continuously, and, consequently, with more cer- EXPEKIMENTS ON CLOVER-SOILS. 161 tainty of a good result, than such food can be applied to the laud ill the shape of uilrogenous spring top-dressings." " Thank you Charley," sa^ia the Doctor, " thit is the moxt re- mdrhtbU puper I ever liskiud to. I do not quite know what to think of it. We shall have to e.vaniine it carefully." " The lirst three propositi<)ns \v the buuiuiary," said I, "are un- questionaltly true. Proposition No. 4, is equally true, but we must be careful what meaning we attach to the word 'accumulate.' Tiic idea is, that clover gathers up the nitrogen in the soil. It docs not increuae the absolute amount of nitrogen. It accumulates it — brings it together." " Proposition '^In. 5, will not be disputed ; and I think we may accept No. 6,, though we can not be sure that allowing clover to go to seed, had anytliing to ilo with the increased quantity of clover-roots." " Proposition No. 7, may or may not l)e true. We have no proof, only a ' prr)babilily ; ' and tlie same may be said in regard to propositions Nos. 8, 9, and 10." The Deacon seemtd uneasy. He did not like these remarks. lie had got the impression, while Charley was reading, that much more was proved than Dr. Vadckcr claims in his Summary. " I thought," said he, " that on tlie part of the tield where the clover was allowed to go to seed, Dr. Yoelcker found a great in- crease in the amount of nitrogen." " That seems to be the general impression," said the Doctor, " but in point of fact, we have no proof that the growth of clover, either for hay or for seed, had anything to do with tlie quantity of nitro- gen and phosphoric acid found in the soil. The/(/r?s given by Dr. Yoelcker, are exceedingly interesting. Let us look at them:" " A field of 11 acres was sown to winter-wheat, and seeded down in the spring, with 12 lbs. per acre of clover. The wheat yielded 40 bushels per acre. The next year, on the 25th of June, the clover was mown for hay. We are told that ' the best pni-t of tlie field yielded three tons (6,720 lbs.) of clover hay per acre; the whole field averaging 2h tons (5,600 lbs.) per acre.' " "We are not informed how much land there was of the 'best part,' but assuming that it was half the field, the poorer part must have yielded only 4,480 lbs. of hay per acre, or only two- thirds as much as the other. This shows that there was consider- able difference in the quality or condition of the land. " After the field was mown for was divide'! into two parts : one part was mown again for hay, August 31st, and yielded about 162 TALKS ON MANURES. 30 cvvt. (3,JJG0 lbs.) of hay per acre ; the other half was allowed to grow six or seven weeks longer, and was then (October 8th), cut for seed. The yield was a little over 5h bushels of seed per acre. Whether the clover allowed to grow for seed, was on the richer or poorer half of the field, we are not informed. " Dr. Voelcker then analyzed the soil. That from the part of the field mown twice for hay, contained per acre : J'^rxt six Second six Third six Total, 18. iiic/ies. itu'fws. i)icfi/'s. inches l 100 31 61 66 61* 191* 27 " 6. Heavy cri)p of first-year clover, mown once for hay, and then for seed 8921 " 7. German experiment, lOJ inchcei deep 74» I have not much confidence in experiments of this kind. It is so easy to make a little mistake ; and when you take only a square foot of land, as was the case with Nos. 5 and 0, the mistake is mul- tiplied by 43,560. Still, I give the table for what it is worth. EXPEKIMENTS ON CLOVKR-SOILS. 165 Nos. 1 and 2 arr from a one-yi'ar-old crop of clover. The field was a calcareous clay soil. It was somewhat hilly; or, perhaps, what we here, iu Western New York, should call " rolliuir land." The soil on the brow of the hill, "was very stony at a depth of four inches, so that it could only with difficulty be excavated to six ijiches, wlu-n the bare limt stone-rock made its aitpearance." A square yard was seleited on this siiallow soil, where the clover was Ejood ; and tiie roots, air-ilried, weiglied at the rate of 7,7Uo lbs. per acre, and contained 100 lbs. of nitrogen. A few yards disUince, on the same soil, where the clover was bad, the acre of roots con- tained only 31 ll)s. of nitro;;en per acre. S«> far, so iTOod. We can well understand this result. Chemistry has little to do with it. Then- was a p)od stand of clover on the one plot, and a poor i»ne on the other. And tiie conclusion to be drawn from it is, that it is well worth our while to try to secure a good catch of ch>ver. " But, suppose," .said the Doctor, " No. 2 had happened to hav<: been pastured by sheep, and No. 1 allowed to go to seed, what magi • there would have been in the above figures ! " Nos. 3 and 4 arc from the .same field, the second year. No. 4 is from a sf[uare yard of thin clover on the brow of the hill, and No. 3, from the rielnr, deeper land towards the bottom of the hill. There is very little dilTerence between them. The roots of thin clover from the brow of tlic hill, ctintain five lbs. more nitrogen per acre, than tiie roots on the deeper soil. If we can depend on the figures, we may conclude that on our poor stony "knolls," the clover has larger and longer roots than on the richer parts of the fi 'Id. We know that roots will run long distances and great dejjths iu search of food and water. Nos. 5 and 6 are from a heavy crop of one-year-old clover. No. 5 was mown twice for hay, producing, in the two cuttings, over four tons of liay per acre. No. 6 was in the same field, the only difference being th-at the clover, instead of being cut the .second time for hay, was allowed to stand a few weeks longer to ripen its seed. You will see that the latter has more roots than the former. There are 24| lbs. of nitrogen per acre in the one case, and 51^ lbs. in the other. IIow far tliis is due to difference in the condition of the land, or to the difficulties in tlie way of getting out all the roots from the square yard, is a matter of conjecture. Truth to tell, I have very little confidence in any of these figures. It will be observed that I have put at the bottom of the table, the result of an examination made in Germany. In this case, the nitro- gen in the roots of an acre of clover, amounted to 191^ lbs. per 166 TALKS ON MANURES. acre. If we can depend on the figutes, we must conclude that there were nearly eight times as much clover-roots per acre in the Ger- man field, as in the remarkably heavy crop of clover in the English field No. 5. " Yes," said the Deacon, " but the one was 10^ inches deep, and the other only six inches deep ; and besides, the German experi- ment includes the ' stubble ' with the roots." The Deacon is right ; and it will be well to give the complete table, as published in the American Agriculturist: TABLE SHOWING THE AMOU.NT OF ROOTS AND 8TUBBLB LEFT PER ACRE BY DIFFEB- BNT CROPS, AND THE AMOUNT OF INQRBDIENT8 WHICH TUET CONTAIN PER ACRE. Lacera (4 years old) Red-Clover (1 year old)... Ettparsettc ( 3 years old). Rye. Swedish Clover. Rape Oats Lupine Wheat Peas Serradella Buckwheat Barley ^t^ ^lia" ^=^ 9.678.1 136.4 8.921.6 191.6 5,930.9 123.2 5,264.6 65.3 5,004.3 102.3 4,477. 56.5 3,3319 26.6 3,.'ia0.9 62.2 3.476. 2:i.5 3.222.5 55.6 3,120.1 64.8 2,195.6 47.9 1.9914 22.8 O-SS 1,201.6 1,919.9 1,()2:}.4 1,747.8 974.6 622 3 1,444.7 .'.."iO. 1,089.8 670.7 .545.6 465.5 3!>1.1 CONTENTS OF THB A8HEB, IN POtTNOS, PER ACRE. 13 1 1 M 1. Luccm 19T.7 262.9 132.8 73.2 136.1 163.9 85.5 80.5 76.7 71.7 79.8 80. 42.2 24.2 48.4 28.7 14.3 17.6 12.9 11.2 11.2 10.1 11. 13.4 7.2 5.5 36.7 .58.3 42.6 31.2 25.9 :i4.7 24.8 16.5 28.4 11.2 8.8 8.8 9.5 26.4 200 13.8 4:1.3 5.7 20.9 18. 3.5 11. 7. 4.8 4.2 3.5 18.7 26.1 20.6 11.8 13.2 30.8 8.8 7. 7.4 9.4 9. 6.6 5.5 38.5 Red-Clover Esparsettc 74.8 29.7 Rye 244 S wedijih Clover 24.2 Raoe 31.9 Oats 29. Lupine 13.8 Wheat 11.8 14.3 18.4 11. Barley 11.2 It may he presumed, that, while these figures are not absolutely, they are relntivcly, correct. In other words, we may conclude, that red-clover leaves more nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, in the roots and stubble per acre, than any other of the crops named. EXPERIMENTS ON CLOVER-SOILS. 167 TLc gross amount of dry substance in the roots, and the gross amount of ash per acre, are considerably exaggerated, owing to the evidently large quantity of dirt attached to the roots and stubble. For instance, the gross amount of ash in Lucern is given as 1,201.6 lbs. per acre; while the total amount of lime, magnesia, potash, soda, sulpiiuric and phosphoric acids, is only 342.2 lbs. per acre, leaving 8o9.4 lbs. as sand, clay, iron, etc. Of the 1,919.9 lbs. of ash in the acre of clover- roots and stubble, there are 1,429.4 lbs. of sand, clay, etc. But even after deducting this amount of impuri- ties from a gross total of dry matter per acre, we still have 7,492.2 lbs. of dry roots and stubble per acre, or nearly 'Si tons of dry roots per acre. This is a very large quantity. It is as much dry matter as is contained in 13 tons of ordinary farm-yard, or stable-manure. And these 3^ tons of dry ch>ver-roots contain 191^ ll)S. of nitrogen, which is as much as is contained in 19 tons of ordinary stable-ma- nure. The clover- roots also contain 74| lbs. of phosphoric acid per acre, or as much as is contained in from 500 to GOO lbs. of No. 1 rectified Peruvian guano. "But the phosphoric acid," said the Doctor, "is not soluble in the roots." True, but it was soluble when the roots gathered it up out of the soil. "These figures," said the Deacon, " have a verj' pleasant look. Those of us who have nearly one-quarter of our land in clover every year, ought to be making our farms ver}' rich." " It would seem, at any rate," said I, " that those of us who have good, clean, well-drained, and well-worked land, that is now pro- ducing a good growtli of clover, may reasonably expect a fair crop of wheat, barley, oats, corn, or potatoes, when we break it up and plow under all the roots, which are equal to 13 or 19 tons of stable- manure per acre. Whether we can or can not depend on these figures, one thing is clearly proven, both by the chemist and the farmer, that a good clover-sod, on well-worked soil, is a good pre- paration for com and potatoes." MANURES FOR WHEAT. Probably nine-tenths of all the wheat grown in Western New York, or the " Genesee country," from the time the land was first cleared until 1870, was raised without any manure being directly ap- plied to the land for this crop. Tillage and clover were what the farmers depended on. There certain!}- has been no systematic ma- nuring. The manure made during the winter, was drawn out in the spring, and plowed under for corn. Any manure made during the summer, in the yards, was, by the best farmers, scraped up and 168 TALKS ON MANUKKS. spread on iiortions of the land sown, or to be sown, with wheat. Kven so i^ooil a fanner and wheat-grower as Jolin Johnston, rarely used manure, (except lime, and latterly, a little guano), directly for wheat. Clover and sumnier-fallowin;^ were for many years the dependence of the ^Vestern New York wheat-growers. "One of the oldest and most experienced millers of Western New Yori<," remarked the Doctor, "once told me that 'ever smce our farmers began to manure their land, the wheat-crop had deterio- rated, not only in the yield per acre, but in the quality and quantity of the flour obtained from it.' It seemed a strange renuirk to make ; but when he explained that the farmers had given up summer- fallowing and plowing in clover, :.nd now sow spring crops, to lie followed by winter wheat with an occasional dressing of poor manure, it is e;isy to see how it may be true." " Yes," said I, " it is not the iivtnurc that hurts the wheat, but tiic growth of spring crops anil weeds that rob the soil of far more plant-food than the poor, strawy manure can supply. "We do not now, really, furnish the wlieat-crop as much manure or jilant-food as we formerly did when little or no manure was used, antl whea we depcniled on summer-fallowing and |»lowingin clover." We must cither give up the practice of sowing a spring crop, before wheat, or we must make more and richer manure, or we must j)low in more clover. The rotation, which many of us now adopt — corn, barley, wheat— is profilal>le, provided we can make our land rich enough to produce 75 l)ushels of shelled corn, 50 Dushels of barley, anvl 85 bushels of wheat, per acre, in three years. This can be done, but we shall eitlier require a number of acres of rich low land, or irrigated meadow, the produce f)f which will make manure for the upland, or we shall have to purchase oil- cake, bran, malt-combs, or refuse beans, to feed out with our straw and clover-hay, or we must purchase artificial manures. Unless this is done, we must summer fallow more, on the heavier clay soils, sow less oats and barley; or wc must, on the lighter soils, raise and plow under more clover, or feed it out on the tarm, being careful to save and ajiply the manure. " Better do both," said tlie Doctor." "IIow?" asked the Deacon. "You had iK'tter make all llie manure you can," continued the Doctor, " and buy artificial manures besides." " The Doctor is right," said I, " and in point of fact, our best farmers are doing this very thing. They are making more manure and buying more manure than ever before; or, to slate the m.-^.tter correctly, they are buying artificial manures ; and these increase the KXPEniMKNTS ON CLOVER-SOILS. 169 crops, and tlie extra quantity of straw, corn, and clover, so ob- tiiined, enables them to make more manure. Tliey get cheated sometimes in their [uirehases ; i)iit, on the wliole, tlie movement is a good cue, uud will result in a hiiiher and better system of farming." 1 am amused at the interest and enthusiasm manifested by some of our farmers who have used artitieial manures for a year or two. They sceni to regard me as a sad old fogy, because I am now de- pending almost entirely on the manures made on the farm. Years ago, 1 was laughed at because I used gnainj and superphosphate. It was only yesterday, that a young farmer, who is the local agent of this neighborhood, for a manure manufacturer, remarked to me, " You have never used superphosphate. We sowed it on our wheat last yiar, and could see to the very drill mark how far it went. I would like to tak" your order for a ton. I am sure it would pay." " We are making manure cheaper than you can sell it to me, " I replied, "and besides, I do not think superphosphate is a good manure for wheat." — " Oh," he exclaimed, " you would not say so if you had ever used it." — " Why, my dear sir," said I, " I made tons o{ superphosphate, and used large quantities of guano before you were born ; and if you will come into the house, I will show 3'ou a silver goblet I got for a prize essay on the use of superphos- phate of lime, tliat I wrote more than a quarter of a century ago. I sent to New York for two tons of guano, and published the result of its use on this farm, before you were out of your cradle. And I had a ton or more of superphosphate made for me in 1856, and some before that. I have also used on this farm, many tons of superphos- phate and other artificial manures from different manufacturers, and one year I used 15 tons of bone-dust." With ready tact, he tunied the tables on me by saying : "Now I can understand why your land is improving. It is because you have used superphos]ihati' and bone-dust. Order a few tons." By employing airents of this kind, the manufacturers have suc- ceeded in selling the farmers of Western New York thousands of tons of superphosphate. Some fanners think it pays, and some that it does not. We are more likely to hear of the successes than of failures. Still there can be no doubt that superphosphate has, in many instances, proved a valualile and profitable manuve for wheat in Western New York. From '.200 to 300 lbs. are used per acre, and the evidence seems to sh(nv that it is far better to drill in i/ie manure with the seed than to sow it broadcast. My own opinion is, that these superphosphates are not the most 170 TALKS ON MANURBS. economical artificial manures that could be used for wheat. They contain too little uitrogt-n. Poruviaii tjuano conlaininir nitrogen equal to 10 per cent of ammonia, would be, I think, a much more effective and profilal)le manure. But before we discuss this ques- tion, it will be necessary to study tue results of actual experiments in the use of various fertilizers for wheat. CHAPTER XXVII. LAWE3 AND OILBEHTS EXPERIMENTS ON WHEAT. I hardly know how to commence an account of the wonderful experiments made at Kolhamsted, Eufjland, by John Bennett Lawes, Esq., and Dr. Jo.Kcph II. (Jilbert. Mr. La wes' first sy.ste- matic experiment on wiieat, rommenced in the autunm of 1H4J3. A field of 14 acres of rather heavy clay soil, resting on chalk, was selected for the j>urpose. Nineteen plots were accurately measured and staked off. The plots ran the long way of the field, and up a slight ascent. On each side of the field, alongside the plots, there was some land not included, the first year, in the e.xiK'riment proper. This land was eitlier left without manure, or a mixture of the manures used in the experiments was sown on it. I have heard it said tliat Mr. Lawes, at this time, was a believer in what was called " Liebig's Mineral Manure Theory." Liebig had .said that " Tiie crops on a field, dimiiiisli or in exact proportion to the diminution or increase of the mineral sul)stance3 conveyed to it in manure." And enthusia.stic gentlemen have been known to tell farmers who were engaged in drawing ont farm-yard manure to their land, that they were wasting their strength ; all they needed was the minend elements of the manure. "And you might," they said, " burn your manure, and sow the ashes, and tinis save much time and labor. Tlie ashes will do just as much pood as the manure it.self." Whether Mr. Lawes did, or did not entertain such an opinion, I do not know. It looks as thouglj the exi)eriments the first year or two, were made with tlie expectation that mineral n'.anures, or the ashes of plants, were wliat the wheat needed. The following table gives the kind and quantities of manures used per acre, and the yield of wheat per acre, as carefully cleaned for market. Also the total weight of grain per acre, and the weight of straw and chaff per acre. KXPERIMKNTS ON WUEAT. 171 Straw and Chaff, i df/« (f'om Straw). H ^1 ll' 3: 1^ wO -^ — ' «-*>-» cc I cc i-» Ctf -r c-r-ccu^ I l«o ill oscom »sa>iooo7:.^i^oxaoor > O B •30 Co/-n to 100 Straw. 172 TALKS ON MAN IRKS. These were the rcsuHs of llie harvL-st of 1844. The first year of these since cek'bratod exponiiients. If Mr. Lawes e.xpected that the crops would be iu proportion to the minerals supplied in the uiauure, he must have been greatly disappointed. The plot without mauure of any kind, gave 15 fnishels of wheat per acre; 700 lbs. of superphosphate of lime, made from burnt bones, produced only ii'6 lbs. or about half a bushel more grain per acre, and 4 lbs. ksi straw than was obtained witliout manure. UIO lbs. of superphosphate, and G5 lbs. of com- m^Tcial sul|)hate of ainmonia (erju il to about li lbs. of ammonia), give a little over l!)i Inishels of dressed wheat j^r acre. As com- pared with the plot having 700 lbs. of superphi><' per acre, this 14 lbs. of available ammonia per acre, or, say lU lbs. nitrogen, gave an increase of 824 lbs. of grain, and 2o2 lits. of straw, or a total increase of 570 lbs. of grain and straw. On plot No. I'J, 81 lbs. of sulphate ammonia, with minerals, pro- duces 24i bushels per acre. This yield Is clearly due to the am- n)onia. The rape-cake contains about 5 per cent of nitrogen, and is also ridi in minerals and r iroomi^oiin mutUr. It gives an increase, but not as large in proportion to tlie nitrogen furnislied, as the sul- piiate of ammonia. And the same remarks apply to the 14 tons of farm-yard manure. We slioidd liave expected a greater incroa.sp from such a liberal dre.s.sing of barn-yard manure. I think the explanation is this: transparont claps, sliphtly deliqnc«C(;nt in the air. which was gronDd to a pow- d:i, mill ptu>>pli:it<' of mairm-ciii. wrrr niado hy acting iipnn hmic-iish l>y nii'Hiis (if >iilpliurii' acid in thr fir-»t iiictanri-. and in the ca»""- parts hone-asli. 3 part? water, and ■\ parts siilplinrie acid of .sp. L,'r. I>1; and for the plidsphates iif potas!". soda, and niafnesia. they were 1 parts hone-ash. water as needed. :\ sill phurie acid of sp. pr, and et|iiivah-iit amounts, respectively, of pearl-ash. soda-ash, or a mixture of 1 part medicinal carbonate of majrnesia, and I narts mai,'n<'sian lim<-stone. 'l"he mixtures, of course, all lost weight considcraoly by the evolution of water and carbonic acid. * .Made with nnbnmt bones. ' In this first season, neither the weiijhl nor the measure of the offal rorn was recorded separately ; and in former papi-rs, the busluds and jiecks of total corn (including; otrah have erroneously been given as dressed corn. To brine the records more in conformity with those relating to the other years 5 per cent, by weiirhl, has been deducted from the total corn previou-ly stati-d as dressed corn, and is recorde^ o" -^ -^ ." ji -' .— ' J* P 'T' .•'*■ ^ P r~ 9* ?^ "' P iq '•-' ia ia '— ' bo Vs c 30 X M Vo o iJ -^ ii -■ -^^i — ■"?_;-*_ Straw and Chaff. Total Produce. f.'t « Offal Corn to 10() T>rf'""'f1. s 2S- tOtSOi'i't^O' Com t'l lUi Straw. EXPERIMENTS ON WHEAT. 175 The season of 1845 was iiu)rc favorable for wheat, tlian that of 1844, and the crops on all the plots were better. On plot No. 3, whieli had no manure last year, or this, the yield is 23 bushels per acre, ajrainst 15 bushels last year. Lust year, the 14 tons of barn-yard manure Lrave an incrense of only 5i bushels per acre. This year it gives an increase of nearly 9 bushels per acre. "Do you mean," said the Deacon, "that this plot, No. 2, had 14 tons of manure in 1844, and 14 ions of manure again in 1845 ?" " Precisely that. Deacon," suiil 1, •' and this same plot has receiv- ed this amount of manure every year since, up to the present time — for these same experiments are still continued from year to year at Hothamsted." " It is poor farming," said the Deacon, "'and I should think the land would get too rich to L'row wheat." " It is not so," said I, "and the fact is an interesting one, and teaches a most important lesson, of which, more hereafter." Plot 5, last year, received 700 lbs. of superphosphate per acre. This year, this plot was divided ; one half was left without ma- nure, and the other dressed with 252 lbs. of pure carbonate of animonia per acre. The half without manure, (5a), did not pro- duce quite as much grain and straw as the plot which had received no manure for two years in succession. But the wheat was of better quality, weighing 1 lb. more per busliel tlian the other. Still it is sufficiently evident that superphosphate of lime did no good so far as increasing the growth was concerned, either the first year it was applied, or the year following. The carbonate of ammonia was dissolved in water and sprinkled over the growing wheat at three different times during the spring. You see this manure, wliieli contains no mineral matter at all, gives an increase of nearly 4 bushels of grain per acre, and an increase of 887 lbs. of straw. " Wait a moment," said the Deacon, " is not 887 lbs. of straw to ' The mannrpp termod PHporphoisphafo of lime and phosphate of potas?, were made by acting upon bono-aph hv moans of sulplmiic acid, and in the ca-c of the potass salt nontralizins the compound thus obtained, by means of pearl-ash. For the sn-erphoshate of lime, the proportions were. ^ parts bone-ash. .3 parts water, and -i parts sulphuric acid of sp. p:r. l.'^: and for the phosphate of potass. 4 parts bone ash. water as needed. :^ parts snlphuric acid of sp. pr. 1.84 ; and an equivalent amount of pearl ash. The mixtnres. of course, lost weight consider- ably by the evolution of water and carbonic acid. 3 The medicinal carbonate of ammonia; it was dissolved in water and top- dress<^d. ■■ -,v n ■ . * Plot T}. was 2 lands wide (in after vears. respeetivelv. .'ia and .W : 5' con lift- ing of 1 aitf-rnate one fourth lengthsacross both landB, and .5^ of the 2 remain- ing oni'-fourth lenirtlis. * Top-dressed at once. • Top-dressed at 4 intervale. ^ Peruvian. * IcliaDoe. 176 TALKS OX MANURES. 4 bushels of grain an unusually large proportion of straw to grain ? I have heard you say that 100 lbs. of straw to each bushel of wheat is about the average. And actordiiig to this experiment, the carbonate of ;;mtuonia produced over 200 lbs. of straw to a bushel of grain. How do you account for this." "It is a general rule," said 1, "that the heavier the crop, the greater is the proportion of straw to grain. On the no-manure plot, we have, this year, 118 lbs. of straw to a bushel of dressed grain. Taking this as the standard, you will find tliat the increase from manures is proportionally greater in straw than in grain. Thus in the increase of barn-yard manure, this year, we have about 133 lbs. of straw to a bushel of grain. I do not believe there is any manure that will give us a large crop of grain without a still larger crop of straw. There is considerable difference, in this respect, between different varieties of wheat. Still, I like to see a good growth of straw." " It is curious," said the Doctor, " that 3 cwt. of ammonia-salts alone on plots 9 and 10 should i)roduce as much wheat as was obtained from plot 2, where 14 tons of barn-yard manure had been applied two years in succession. I notice that on one plot, the ammonia-salts were applied at once, in the spring, while on tlie other plot they were sown at four different times — and that the former gave the best results." The only conclusion to be drawn from this, is, that it is desirable to apply the manure early in the spring — or better still, in the autumn. " You are a great advocate of Peruvian guano," said the Deacon, "and yet 3 cwt of Peruvian guano on Plot 13, only produced an increase of two bushels and 643 lbs. of straw per acre. The guano at $60 per ton, would cost $9.00 per acre. This will not pay." This is an unusually small increase. The reason, probably, is to be found in the fact that the manure and seed were not sown until March, instead of in the autumn. The salts of ammonia arc quite soluble and act quickly ; while the Peruvian guano has to decom- pose in the soil, and consequently needs to be applied earlier, especially on clay land. " I do not want you," said the Deacon, " to dodge the question why an ajudication of 14 tons of farmyard-manure per acre, every year for over thirty yea'rs, does not make the land too rich for wheat." " Possibly," said I, " on light, sandy soil, such an annual dressing of manure would in the course of a few years make the land too EXPERIMENTS OX WHEAT. 177 rich for wheat. But on a dayey soil, such is evidently not tlic case. And tue fact is a very important one. When we apply manure, our object sliould be to make it as available as possible. Nature preserves or lonserves the food of plants. The object of agricul- ture is to use the food of plants for our own advantage. "Please be a little more detiuite," said the Deacon, " for I must confess I do nut quite see the significance of your remarks." " What he means," said the Doctor, " is this: If you put a quan- tity of soluble and available manure on laud, and do not sow any crop, the manure will not be wasted. Tiie soil will retain it. It will change it from a soluble into a comparatively insoluble form. Had a crop been sown the first year, the manure would do far more good than it will the next year, and yet it may be that none of the manure is lost. It is merely locked up in the soil in such a form as will prevent it from running to waste. If it was not for this principle, our lands would have been long ago exhausted of all their availa!)le plant-food." " I think I understand," said the Deacon ; " but if what you say is true, it upsets many of our old notions. AYe have thought it de- sirable to plow under manure, in order to prevent the ammonia from esc iping. You claim, I believe, that there is little danger of any loss from spreading manure on the surface, and I suppose you would have us conclude that we make a mistake in plowing it under, as the soil renders it insoluble." " It depends a good deal," said I, " on the character of the soil. A light, sandy soil will not preserve manure like a clay soil. But it is undoubtedly true that our aim in all cases should be to apply manure in such a form and to such a crop as will give us the great- est immediate benefit. Plowing under fresh manure every year for wheat is evidently not the he-^t way to get the greatest benefit from it. But this is not the place to discuss this matter. Let us look at the result of Mr, Lawes' experiments on wheat the third year : " 178 TALKS ON MANURBS. ExrBRlMENTS AT RoTHAMSTED ON THB GROWTH OF TXBLB III. — MANL'BES AND rRODlCE ; 3RD 8KA80N, 1845-6. Manubes fir Acrx. ^ -Is 1 . ' •• »{i •• ABb. ,, ,, , , 448 ..1 ^^ ,, 334' ^^ 448 6a iis ,. , , 6ft 4«8 ,, 113 112 .. I 7o 448 ,, 44« 7& 4^18 .. .. 113 112 448 to U4 ,^ 44B 8» ^, 8M 113 lis 9a ^^ ,, , , 448 % ^, ,, .. XM 448 lOa ^^ S34 106 Unma uarcd. .. . 11a 9»i 224 448 lid S&t 224 112 112 ISa 180 224 2*4 .. 448 12ft 180 224 224 112 113 13a sno «24 824 1 .. 448 13ft .. soo 224 224 .. 113 113 14a ,, 84 224 224 .. 448 14ft • • 84 224 224 113 113 ISa 2»( 2M 224 448 15ft a* .. .. 224 .. 2i4 224 448 16a 67 60 R4 22 J 224 .. .. 448 IM .. 67 60 84 2J4 224 .. 224 448 170 67 1 fiO 84 2i4 2at .. 112 113 4481 17ft 67 60 M 2-24 224 .. 224 18a 67 60 84 22^» 224 .. ,11» lis 18ft 67 60 84 224 224 ■ • .. 19 113 1 .. 118 113 448 80) »4 Mixta re of the residae of most of the other mannres.' . . B| 1 1 Top-dressed in the Spring. BXrERIMENTS ON WHEAT. 179 Wheat, Year after Year, on the same Land, hahurks and seed ^<>ld red lammas), sown altumn, 1845. -u Bush.P'cks. lh». lbs 28 11 ti2..{ i:W a oj 6-2.»i lai 27 Of 63.0 113 17 m 63.8 &t «| 6a 66 7a 76 8a 86 Ua 96 l(ki 106 llrt 116 12a 126 Via Vib 14a 146 15a 156 16a 166 17a 176 18a 186 W 19 27 23 .30 20 29 22 31 23 29 *{ 28 27 17 23 .30 24 28 24 29 2:j 26 31 27 23 30 33 30 31 21 28 Jbd. I'.KXi l.'iii9 lK2«i 1207 Ih8. ! lbs. 2.'4.1 44ti7 IftVl 3462 24M 4280 1613 2720 25 3i ;63.5 130 1777 2390 4167 0* 0 2* 01 li 0* 3 63.7 87 '6J.0 126 !t>14 liifl '63.3 165 63.7 1(K' |U3.5 111 16:1.0 '.t7 &J.4 i:o 1305 lSi7 15W 21176 1-lrti l'.»67 1531 2163 l.Ml 23it!l 17-.'l -i'MW 167r. 2.'-)71 19«H .•J007 3J 63.5 101 6-l.H 1.T2 6.3.11 ii2 63.3 114 63.6 \m 2i G:).8 92 U Oi H 2J 0 U 2* '-♦ 03.3 145 »i.3.2 ].\'i 6:i.0 125 fr{4 ]3»i 6J.5 1.36 t^3.2 i:« 6-3.0 117 63.4 124 1.54<» v.m 19^8 25'. 5 1614 mm 11*42 2<0.{ 18.50 2244 1216 ' 1455 1628 2133 20.V> 2715 1(,61 l',i.">5 166* 1998 21tL3 2V>4 2.327 2755 If 61.5 147 2f 63.0 117 3 1 2f 2 0 1 62.5 108 62.7 122 62.8 129 63 0 113 62.S 103 62.0 157 16C5 2031 1812 , 25.M 2112 I 29.36 IStil 2.-)13 15')2 2067 201't ; 2*J6 22 U I .3278 2034 2784 204H 2838 1474 189:^ IbK. IbP. Ib8. 699 104S 1747 7.3 302 440 742 R.i 619 941 15tO 6.6 7.4 670 877 1447 7.8 96 28 126 .. 620 796 1416 : .. 891 208 599 .. 2846 4136 .•J.119 4i.77 I W;9 , 1388 3ti76 4.-:}H srm 5ro 1512 45ta .3»;47 4,'-)45 4091 2671 5018 4;?74 3659 4855 5519 4H18 4«86 3.367 62.0 107 1889 2425 4314 193 7tlO 327 9:,6 irS 10.'>8 405 1494 842 781 407 4.50 1W.2 .520 7.35 lOitO 643 731 » I —58 .3761 421 4-:70 848 3^24 4:a Am> 74H 39S7 4m 47.53 791 3f..3C. 3!t8 4356 t»5 620 12(12 (■.50 1041 814 2257 356 1818 732 2450 792 1S43 927 1825 1874 -49 1041 9.8 '6.3 SO.'iO 6.1 75.7 1104 7.f) 76.8 7.4 7(i.5 9.1 71.3 7.3 72.5 7.7 79.0 7.4 71.5 7.0 .5.3 68 7.5 7.1 7.2 7.9 7.0 6.4 77.3 74.4 79.7 74.3 84.6 79.1 M.8 71.6 83 6 76.5 77.9 72.6 78.9 77.2 7!(.4 74.6 82.4 7.8 83.6 905 654 812 ia34 827 841 267 1789 12(i7 liM2 20.3.3 518 916 1021 i626 1423 2.328 1100 1654 554 939 1.333 2135 K.6 71.2 1765 2799 5.8 ti8.3 1271 2C98 5.9 73.0 1.325 2166 5.1 72.2 380 M7 6.6 77.1 7.5 71.9 5.9 74.0 ■0 77.0 682 912 1594 5.8 T7.9 180 TALKS ON MANURES. This year, the seed and manures were sown in the autumn. And I want the Deacon to look at plot 0. 3 cwt. of Peruvian guano here gives an increase of lOJ bushels of whent, and 1,048 Ibj?. of straw per acre. This will pay irell^ even on the wheat alone. But in addition to this, we may expect, in t)ur ordinary rotation of crops, a far better crop of clover where the guano was used. In regard to some of the results this year, Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert have the following concise and interesting remarks: "At tiiis third cxpirimental harvest, we have on the continu- ously unmanured i)l(>t, namely, No. 3, not quite 18 bushels of dressed corn, as the normal produce of the season ; and by its side we have on plot 106 — comprising one-half of the plot 10 of the previous years, and so highly manured by ammoniacal salts in 1845, but now unmanured — rather more than 17^ bushels. The near approach, again, to identity of result from the two unmanured plots, at once gives confidence in the accuracy of the experiments, and shows us how eflfectually the preceding crop had, in a practi- cal point of view, reduced the plots, previously so dilTerently cir- cumstanced both as to manure and produce, to something like an uniform standard as regards their grain-produfing qualiti s. " Plot 2 has, as before, 14 tons of farm-yard manure, and the produce is 27i bushels, or between 9 and 10 bushels more than witliout manure of any kind. "On plot lOti, which in the previous year gave ly ammoniacal salts alone, a produce equal to that of the farm-yard manure, we have again a similir result: for two cwts. of sulpliate of ammonia has now given 1,850 lbs. of total corn, instead of 1,826 ll)s., which is the produce on plot 2. The straw of the latter, is, however, slightly heavier than that by the ammoniacal salt. "Again, plot 5/, which was in the previous season unmanured, was now subdiviled: on one-half of it (namely, 5a') we have the ashes of wheat-straw alone, by which there is an increase of rather more than one busl 3I per acre of ilressed com ; on the other half (or 5/') we have, besides the straw-ashes, two cwts. of sulphate of ammonia put on as a top-dressing : two cwts. of sulphate of am- monia have, in this case, only increa.sed the produce beyond that of 5a' by 7J bushels of corn and 768 lbs. of straw, instead of by 9^ 4 bushels of corn and 78!) lbs. of straw, which was the increase obtained by the same amount of ammoniacal salt on lO-J, as com- pared with 106. " It will be observed, however, that in the former ca. 200 200 200 200 9a" ^(2 2240 i.-io ir« 96 150 150 .. lOo 1.50 1.50 10ft l.V) 150 lla 100 100 1.50 150 116 100 100 150 150 12a 100- 100 150 150 116 100 100 l.';0 150 1.3a .. 100 100 L-JO l.V) 1.36 100 100 iro 150 14a mo 100 LV) 150 146 100 100 150 150 15a 200 200 .300 500 156 200 200 300 500 ICa 100 100 150 150 166 100 100 l.-JO 150 17a 100 100 l.V) l.'O 176 100 100 2()0 200 , , 18a 100 100 150 150 186 100 100 ISO 1.0 19 100 100 3C0 600 30 Unmanurcd. 21 22 Mixture of the residue of most of the other manures. )l KXPKRIMKNTS UX WIIKAT. Wheat, Yeak after Year, on toe same Land. manrbxb amd 6uo (old heu lamxabk sown end op octobxb, 1846. 183 Pbodcck per Acrb, Ac Increase ^ Acri 1 Bt Manure. J Dremd Com. , i 1 . ^_, ^ 5| ^ 1 2 1 1 1 . s s 8 a 5 t<3 0 1 a ,1 Total Corn Straw and SI e § 1 BuBh.P'ckfl. Iba. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Ib-S. 0 31) 2t 01. 1 1..6 2031 8277 5.3(« 9u8 1375 2i8.3 8.2 61.9 1 32 1 Gl.2 117 2119 37.% 5-;5l 996 1833 28i9 7.2 .50 7 s 39 3» r.2.3 117 19*tl .3ii-.i8 5 0.» 858 1736 2584 6.2 54.6 8 16 3* 61 0 9o 1133 l'.»02 3025 8.9 59.0 4 37 1» 61.9 1 8S 1780 2948 4728 657 1046 1703 4.7 60.3 6a 29 0 61 8 130 1921 3412 5.333 798 1510 2.309 7.1 56.3 U 32 3 01.4 li6 21.32 3721 .58.Vi loOlt 1819 28-27 6.G 57.2 6a 24 ■^ 6M Vii 106.3 2786 4449 .540 »a 1124 7.S 50.6 66 2t n 01. »; 127 lt;32 28phaU qf Lane. 1 i M t5 .»; s s ^ 1 "3 V 1 ^^2 ^2 1 11 1 *5 1 •|fe> 4J 1 B 1 BQ If >> 1 1 Tons. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. IbB. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 0 600 450 .. 1 '.'. ' (>66 400 900 .. .. 2 14 , , , , ., 3 UnmaDnred. • • •• •• •• •• 4 •• 200 200 300 6a .300 200 100 200 150 2.->0 250 5b 300 200 100 200 150 200 200 500 6a , , 300 200 100 200 150 200 200 66 .3(>0 200 100 200 I.IO 200 200 la m^ 2t)0 100 200 liJO 20() 200 lb 3(X) 200 100 200 150 200 200 8a Unmanurcd. eb ^. _. 2000 9a . . 1 .. \\ 2000 9b Unmannred. , , 10a ;, 200 aoo 106 .. .. 200 200 11a " 200 150 200 200 lib 200 150 200 200 12a 300 200 1.50 200 200 126 .soo 200 l.V) 200 200 13a 300 200 ir,0 200 200 136 300 aoo 1.50 2 and 8ked (red clcstir), sown autumn, 1818. 19 30 2U 22( 1* 64.5 101 at 75 1 64.3 111 H 64.4 112 H 64.0 93 2i M.O 95 2i 63.9 102 192 TALKS ON MANURES. "This was my last year at Rothamsted," said I, "and I feci a peculiar interest in loukini; (jver the results after such a lapse of time. When tliis crop was growin;;, my father, a i^oud practical farmer, but with little faith in chemical manures, |)aid me a visit. We went to the experimental wheat-field. Tiie first two plots, 0 and 1, had been dressed, the one with suiH-rpliosphalc, llie otiier with, soda, and maijuesia. My father did not seem much impressed with tliis kind of cliemical manuring. Steppini: to the D»'Xt plot, wlicre 14 tons of ham-yard manure had been used, be rrmarkod, " tliis is good, what have you here ?" " Never mind," said I, " we have better crops farther on." The next plot, No. 3, was the one continuously unmanured. " I can beat this myself," said he, and passed on to the next. " This is better," said he, " what have you here?" "Superphosphate and sulp!iatc of ammonia." " Well, it is a good crop, and the straw is bright and atilT." — It turned out 30 bushels per acre, 03 lbs. to the bushel. The next six plots ba 1 receivCil very heavy dressings of ammo- nia-salts, with suix'rphosphate, potash, soda, and magnesia. Ho examined tliein with the greatest interest. " What have you hereV" he asked, while lie was examining H*/, which aft rwards turned out 37^ bushels per acre. — " Potash, soda, epsom-salts, superphosphate, and ammonia — but it is the ammoni.i that does the good." He passed to the next plot, and was very enthusiastic over it. " What have you here?" — "Rape-cake and ammonia," said I. — "It is a grand crop," said he, and after examining it with great interest, he pas.sed to the next, (k/. — "What have you here?" — " Ammonia," .said I ; and at Gb he asked the same qnestion, and I rc- I)lied "ammonia." At 7'^ the same question and t!;c same answer. Standing lictween 76 and 8'/, he was of course struck with the difference in the crop; S the ammonid-iuUs alone. The next plot was also a splendid crop. " What have you here ? " "Superphosphate and ammonia." This plot (llrf), turned out 35 bushels per acre. The next plot, with phosphates and ammonia, was nearly as good. The next plot, with p<> phosphates, and ammonia, e(|ually g' od, but no better than ll'i. There was little or no benefit from the potash, except a little more strint. The next plot was good and I did not wait ff>r the question, but simply said, " ammonia," end the next " ammo- nia," and the next "ammonia." — Standing still and looking at tlie wheat, my father asked, "Joe, where can I get this ammonia?" He had previou?ly been a little skeptical as to the value of chem- istry, and had not a high opinion of " book farmers," but that wheat-crop compelled him to admit " that perhaps, after all, there might be some good in it." At any rate, he wanted to know where he could get ammonia. And, now, as then, every good farmer a.sks the same question: " vVhere can I get ammonia?" Before we attempt to answer the question, let us look at the next year's ex- periments.— The following is the results of the experiments the aeventh year, 1849-50. 9 194 TALKS ON MANUKES. EXPEBIMENTS AT ROTHAMSTBD ON THE GbOWTH OF TABLE Vn.— MANURES AND PRODUCE ; 7TH SEASON, 1849-50. AjTEB THE 2 TO 3 FEET DEEP. MANURES AND 8EBD Manures per Acke. 3uperpfiosphate qf Lime\ S i "S 1 1 1 ?5 1 ■^ "5 ^ "2 = 1 1 ^1 i f^ 1 ^•2 ^1 1 1 •2 c 1 1.3 148 19-<0 .39.59 5939 978 2240 3218 K.O 50.0 la 32 1 81. 0 167 2134 +K5 6619 1132 27. i6 3^98 8.4 47.9 lb 32 Oi B1.2i 150 1 2112 4280 m:*i 1110 2561 3671 7.6 49.4 Sa 23 3 51.1' 101 18.56 .3407 .5263 851 16ft8 2542 5.5 54.5 86 30 1 51.0 103 1948 .3591 .55:39 !»46 1872 2818 5.6 54.2 9a , 30 H iO.4 118 1951 :5550 .5501 919 ia31 2780 6 3 55 0 9b 27 n 10.8 80 1762 , 31f.5 4927 760 1446 2206 4.7 55.7 10a 26 3t ( 50.2 100 1721 3'W9 4810 719 1.370 2089 6.1 55.7 10b 17 31 ( il.l 76 1171 1949 3120 169 2:50 :599 6.8 iO.l Ua 30 ■3* ( 51.0 121 2001 ■ 3S06 5807 909 2087 3086 6.4 ' 52.6 lib 29 n ( 51.1 145 1940 ' 3741 1 5(W1 9:58 20-22 29t)0 8.0 51.9 12a ! 29 3* » il..5 94 19:i5 .3921 .5R56 9.33 2-202 31.^5 5.1 19.4 lib 1 30 3J ■ 14 11.5 2013 ::l9i)5 .59 IK 1011 2186 3197 5.9 . 51.5 13a 1 31 3| ( jO.2 10.-) 2t1-2T 4()2-. 60.53 10-2.5 2:3'>7 3:5:52 5.4 . )0.3 1.36 i .30 H t il.O in 1964 40ns .5972 962 2289 .32.51 fi.O ^ 19.0 14a ' 31 H < jl.l 102 202:5 40.52 6075 1021 2:53:5 a354 5.3 ' 19.9 146 i 31 H < il.5 6.5 1995 4015 6010 993 2-296 3289 3.2 ' 19.7 15a 26 Oi « 'A.5 90 1693 3.321 5014 691 ir>02 2-293 5.7 51.0 156 30 "i f il.O, 59 19(2 3:t2») 5868 910 2-207 3147 3.0 49.5 1 16a 1 a3 1 2i ( 50.3 108 2134 .51 a3 7-237 11.32 a3R4 4516 5.3 41.8 166 33 3 < 50.4 122 21.59 ' 4615 6774 11.57 2896 4053 6.0 46.8 17a 31 1 f il.2 73 19S5 1 4126 6111 983 2407 .3:590 3.8 48 1 176 29 2* ' )1.5 1.39 19'il 1 40:34 .5995 !t.59 2:315 3-2:4 7.7 48.6 18a 29 3i ( il.2 110 1934 1 .3927 .5161 932 2-208 1 .3140 6.1 49.3 186 23 2i ( iO.9 ia3 1H45 aS44 5689 84:3 21-25 29«J8 5.7 48.0 1 19 29 0 ( 50.8 88 ia50 3527 5.377 848 1808 26.56 4.9 52.4 ao 14 0 . 59.1: 40 86S 16.39 2507 -134 —80 -214 4.5 53.0 211 i ^, 1 1 ■• 1 "I 1 1 1 196 TALKS OX MANURES. The summpr of 1850 was unusually cool and unfavorable for wheat. It will be seen that on all tUe plots the Ticld of grain is considerably lower than last year, with a greater growth of straw. You will notice that 106, which last year gave, with ammo- nia-salts alone, -i^i bushels, this year, with supcrphi)Si)li'itc, potash, Boda, anJ sulphate of magnesia, gives less than 18 busliels, while the adjoining plot, dressed with ammonia, gives nearly 27 bushels. In other words, the ammonia alone gives !> bushels per acre more than this large dressing of superphosphate, potash, etc. On the three plots, 8a, Sb and 9a, a dressing of ammonia-salts alone gives in each case, a larger yield, both of grain and straw, than the 14 tons of barn-yard manure on plot 2. And recollect that this plot has now received 98 tons of manure in seven years. " That," saitl the Doctor, "is certainly a ver3- remarkable fuel." " It is so," said the Deacon. "But whiit of it ?" asked the Sciuire, " even the Professor, here, does not advise the use of alunlunia-^alts for wheat." " Tlial is so," said 1, "but pcrlnps I am mistaken. Such facts as those just given, though I have been acquainted witli them for many years, sometimes incline me to doubt the soundness of my conclusions. Still, on the whole, I think I am riglit." " We all know," said the Deacon, " that you have great respect for your own opinions." " Never mind all that." said the Doctor, " but tell us just what you think on this subject." •' In brief," said I, " my opinion is this. TVc need ammonia for ■wheat. But tlioudi ammonia-iJalts and nitrate of soda can often be used with decided profit, yet I ftel sure that we can get anmio- nia or nitrogen at a less cost per lb. by buying bran, malt roots, cotton-seed cake, and other foods, and using them for the double purpose of feeding stock and makini: manure." " I admit that such is the case. " said the Doctor, " but here is a plot of land that has now had 14 tons of manure every year for seven years, and yet there is a plot along side, dressed with am- monia-salts furnishing less than half the ammonia contained in the 14 tons of manure, that produces a better yield of wheat." "Tliat," said I, "is simply because the nitrogen in the manure is not in an available condition. And the practical question is, how to make the nitrogen in our manure more inimodiately avail- able. It is one of the most important fpirstions which agricultural science is called upon to answer. Until we get more light, I fecJ KXPEIilMKXTS OX WIIKAT. 197 Burc in sayiiii: tlint orir i>f tlic best motliods is, t<> feed our animals on ri'liiT and niori- oasily tliircstr-d food." Tlic following tabic gives Ibe results of tbe eighth seasoa of 1850--51. 11)8 TALKS ON MANUKES. Experiments at Rothamsted on thb Gbowth of TABLE VIII.— MANURES AND PBODCCB ; 8TH SEASON. 1850-51. Manubeb PER Acre. £ •a ij"j>fr/)Aotiphate of ^ , a "3 o 1 1 1 i 1 <»1 s a '-0 Lime. S a ^ 5* 1? 1* 1 1 1 1' )IH. Iha. Ibs^ lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 0 630 450 .. 1 600 400 200 .. i i4 .. 8 TTuma lurcd. •• 4 .. 200 200 400 • • .. 6a :J00 200 100 200 l.-iO .300 300 .. 6b 31X1 200 100 2)0 150 .3110 3)0 6a 310 210 100 200 150 2»0 2,)0 db 800 200 100 21 Nl 150 200 200 la " • 300 20O 100 2)0 150 200 •iOO 1000 lb •• 300 1 300 100 2)0 150 •• 200 200 1000 8a 5000 ,. .. ,, 66 300 200 100 2)6 150 100 100 9a .. 200 200 9^ ,^ 200 200 10(1 200 200 106 200 200 11a 200 1.10 200 300 116 2)fl l.-iO 200 200 12a 356 100 2(X) 1 l.V) • . 200 200 126 200 100 200 150 .. 200 200 18a '.'. 300 200 1.50 200 200 .. 136 300 200 150 .. 200 200 14a 200 100 200 150 200 200 146 200 100 200 150 • • 200 200 "' 15a ■* 200 100 100 200 200 400 • 156 200 100 100 200 200 300 600 161 836' 200 100 100 200 150 800 .300 166 *■ 200 100 100 200 LV) .300 300 17o 200 100 100 2(10 LW 200 200 176 200 100 100 200 150 200 200 18a .. . ■ 200 200 186 .. •• • • 200 200 19 200 " 300 300 .. 600 30) ( .. 21 I Unma nntcd. < .. .. «l } ■■ 1 ' ' 1 Top-dressed in March, 1851. EXPERIMENTS ON WHEAT. 199 WuKAT, Yeak aftek Yeak, on the same Land. KANUM8 AND 8KBU (U"« CLU8TEU), BOWN AUTUMN. 1850. 5a 6ft 6a 66 ^a 76 8a 86 9^1 96 102 6 159 36 37 33 31 36 37 26 27 31 29 28 38 33 31 32 32 30 30 31 31 27 :J0 36 31 30 30 31 0 3» U Oi 3* (a. 3 iw 6:1 3 213 63.3 IM ti2.3 1«) 6:5.0 201 ,63.0 178 OJ •'.2.8 HI 2i <;2.ti 137 \\ ti2.J 182 Oi r.2.0 170 3* ltJl.9 179 2i J62.5 149 2t 21 3 2i 2J 31 Oi 02 3 ISl 62.5 Irtl 6.3.1 Itv) 62.5 16»i H2.6 lt*t) 62.3 160 62.9 !•« (12.8 165 0* 62.7 138 •,>i 62.9 148 63.5 161 tVi.4 176 63.3 131 tW.l 152 m.Q 1:^9 62.4 143 62.4 144 60.8 89 3i 61.9 127 •3 IbB. 1251 2(M9 10,S3 1019 2473 2«.ll 2271 2119 2524 2532 17S5 1M«W 2142 1970 l!»fi6 liW7 lbs. 1S«)2 1815 :jtilM 1027 •a 5 lbs. 3158 .•5«i9tl 5143 2710 Increase ^ Acre BT Manitre. ^ tc 2»19 4868 4131 4291 :J624 35»)7 45H7 4102 27(10 :J252 2912 i :*>7o 3(H,S 221 f. .%3S6 ' 21(W :«02 22:« 3(100 ' 2203 :i581 2102 :i.>44 208:i ■.WQ 2120 3605 1 2121 35:37 1R:W .3(41 2077 :M;« 1 2409 4234 ! 2501 4:i32 2149 :V..rT 2070 3406 20«i 3:?.tO 6(101 (1905 5S'.l5 562(1 7111 OKM 4.V)4 4(.93 I .5:?.t4 4012 I 5ii:}(J I 4985 mn fr«>5 5SM 57»<4 .'■)61(1 552:} IbB. 213 1(18 96(i lbs. I IbB. 2:» I 448 218 ; :i86 1467 a4;« 8:16 1323 , 2158 rjoo ' 152S ; 1188 I 1036 1441 : 1449 702 7«0 10.50 HS7 RS.3 a>4 1133 10«0 1151 1120 1019 1(¥)0 2504 3RW 2667 4105 l'.»'.t7 3185 1S80 2916 2960 4101 26'.5 412-1 1142 1844 120:i 198:1 1(125 2«1H1 1315 2202 144;} 2:«6 1421 2275 .5725 ' 10:}7 5658 1038 1750 1675 1973 lO-M 1017 1813 1978 1910 2892 27.55 3124 3074 2S13 3015 2948 4880 5509 756 904 1414 2170 1805 2799 2149 2070 20«} 2090 :V..rT 3406 3:?.tO 3586 57K1 5485 .5473 567(i i 2031 956 i348 1609 M79 25»>5 i 1232 1763 2995 67.^3 i4i(; «•«« 1418 10(i6 096 10' Ml 1007 948 -127 149 2607 2705 1070 17T9 17f>3 1950 1721 2669 -18 -145 1.36 285 4023 412:} :10:«> 2775 27(13 2906 10.7 69.6 11.0(17.8 8.8 66.2 11.8 66.6 9.065.1 8.6'.50.9 8.9|(i(t.8 7.2(12.6 9.8(10.4 8.7 55.0 [ 7.6,58.8 ' 8.6 M. 6 : 7.905.8 ' 0.3 65.9 9.567.0 10.064.0 8.3 63.5 8.965.4 9.1165.5 8.062.0 8.261.5 9.4I59.3 8.360.5 8.6158.8 8.1160.5 7.0 60.5 I 6.9 59.0 6.5 50.7 7.961.0 7.2(14.1 7.3 58.3 7.7 60.7 10.2 .59.4 11.5 69.9 200 TALKS OK MANURES. The plot continuously unmauurcd, gives about 16 bushels of wheat per acre. The i^lot with barn-yard manure, nearly 30 bushels per acre. 4UU lbs. of ammonia-salts a on*, on plot 9l n woiul.Tful clR-ct on wbout." "Yfs,"sui>l I," ami our i-xpcrinicf.l frinui, .lolin Johnston, is very tleruleillv of llu' opinH)ii tlial its uso is hi^llly prolitablc. He sows a barn rof salt per am- broadcast on tlir lanl at tlic tinu' he gows his wheat, and 1 have myself seen it pruduee a decided im- provement in the crop." We have now given the results of the first eight years of the ex- periments. From this time forward, the ainu manuni, were used year after year on the same plot. The result-* are riven in the iwcompanyinc: tables for the follow- ing twelve years-harvests for ls:,2-r):{-.'i4-r).->-r>G-rj7-58-.'>S)-C0- 81-(;2 and 180:5. Such another set of experiments arc not to be found in tlie world, and tiicy deserve and will receive the careful .study of every inlelligent American farmer "I am with you there," said the Deacon. "You seem to think that I do not appreciate the labors of scientific men. I do. Such experiment.s as thes- wr are c'caminin-.r command the respect of every intelligent farmer. I may not fully understand them, but I can see clearly enough that they are uf groat value." 202 TALKS ON MANURES. ElXPERIMENTB AT ROTHAMSTED ON THE GllOWTn OF WHEAT, YHAB AFTER YEAK, on THE SAMB LaND. Table IX.— Manukes pt.T Acre per Aiimiin (wiih the eiceplioii!' explained in tlie Notes on p. 2U3), for 12 Years iu succession— namely, for the 9th. lOlh, 11th, 12th, 13lli, 14th, 1.5th, lOth, ITt.., 18th. lOtli. and 20th Seasons: tliut is. for the crops of Harvests l»52-53-&l-55-50-57-5S-5iMi0-«l-ti2 and 18«>3.» 0 1 2 3 4 5a 56 6a 6b la lb 8<1 Climier) snwii No- vi'inber 7, 18ol ; Crop cut August 24, 1852. PuoDucE PER Acre, ETC. (For the Manures scu pp. 202 and 203.) "8 ^ Dresned Com. § *3k S^ B "^-^ t 3^ i;i ^iS 1 l-g -3 "S-^c >>;=3 5 5-^ §» •- 1 f«i ^ Bu-I> I'k-i. ll>s. 11.0. 11.!.. 0 15 OH. K).8 919 2625 1 13 1 m it 825 2.3->2 3 27 2>i .58 2 1716 5173 3 13 3'4 .56.6 HIV) 2157 4 13 n* 57.3 870 2411 5a IG 3 57.5 Ift38 2f»ll 56 17 O'i 57.3 1(1* ;5 :wn 6a 20 3 57.6 12.S,S ■.bOVJ 6b 20 1.501 .5.3a5 , 96 24 m 55.3 1509 4S*J 10a 21 3!^ 55 9 l:«0 4107 106 22 O'i 57 3 1313 4i(a 11a it O'i .55.6 1172 •l.->.->3 116 22 1'4 55 9 13S7 42'.)9 l-2a 24 1^ 57.4 l.-)l« 1760 126 24 W 57 3 1 i:t2 J 72 1 i:ja 24 0 57.5 1180 ■i:&i i:V> m 3'i 57 1 1176 17Cs5 14a 24 1^ .Iti 9 1.V17 50.54 146 25 0.4 56.7 1.>J0 5137 15a 23 ^H 57.4 1 151 mm 156 25 0)^ 56.8 1.520 4<.M1 16a 28 3V .'■.5.0 1794 f>171 1«6 2« 0 51.5 1700 6.316 17a 25 2 56,5 1.577 5.311 176 at l"^ 51; 9 1520 4!tS6 18a 13 3 .57.0 869 2556 186 14 3?i 56.7 i>21 2(»5 19 24 3X 56.1 1582 4979 20 14 O'i 56.6 875 21.52 31 19 I'i 56.9 1177 :Ba5 22 19 2^ 55.9 1176 ;tt55 Table XT.— Produck of the IOtu Sea- son, 185.3. Seed (Kcd Kdetock) t»owii M.ircli 16; C'raj) cut Sc|il«iiilK!r 10, and carti'il Si'iiicrabiT 20. 185.3. Pkodixe pei; Acre. etc. (Fur tliu Mannrct^ see pp. 202 and 203). 51.1 i:j.'.7 51 1 I.'M6 51.1 1125 47 7 091 46.1 W9 48 9 612 49.8 8!K) .50.1 1015 51.1 1073 .52.0 12S3 51 1 1.375 .52.1 1.311 51 . 1, .51.2 r.vt-i 52.6 1347 47.8 50.4 49.4 5091 5;il2 5352 3090 2903 2691 :»78 .35:» 3780 4iKi'(I K.-ciiiL-ki Howii N>ivt-iiilifr ri. IS-Vl; C'ni|) cut Au;;U3t 21, and carted August 31, It&i. PlUtOUCK PKR ACRK, BTC. (For the Munnres see pp. 202 Pboduck PEB ^CBB, etc. (For the M iiiiiret see pp. 202 1 1 aiid2U i). DrtMied Corn. Il^ 2>i » . s ^'^ ^^"^ S £ 5 ^ -^•^ ^ i: 3 O S". '■** ■3 2'f^ "5 ft.^ o- ^ K Biii'li . Pks. li^." ;i)!.. lbs. 0 1? 0 tK) 7 llf.Ni 2822 1 18 2 (K) 5 1179 :J069 2 34 i>i (12 0 mi 6082 3 17 0 59.2 1072 28.59 4 18 2>i 59.5 n7 2976 56 18 0'/, 60 1 114;J 294;j (kj 27 3 00.3 n.-wj 45!I0 i]d 28 1 WI.9 IHII 4818 7a :» 2?i 59.4 •am 59!»5 76 :« 1^4 54 59.5 1940 M78 126 m 2 60.2 2172 6182 l.V» 29 0 59.9 1934 .5427 i:if> 32 2 riO.4 2110 .5980 14a 2<.t 3 60.0 19.>4 .5.5:J1 146 3;J ^% fiO.O 2158 5161 1.5a 31 z^i 60. 0 20:30 58.55 1.56 :« 3 0().6 21'.l.i 6J15 16a 33 1^ 58.2 2100 6634 l»i6 32 2 58. 2 2115 7106 17a 18 3?i 60.8 1227 .3203 176 17 OX 60 3 inn 2914 18a »2 3:^^ 609 2127 6144 186 33 1?^ 60.8 2170 6:«5 19 30 ox 58 7 1907 5818 20 17 2X 61.1 11.55 2986 21 24 IJi 60.8 15:« 3952 22 21 2X 60.1 1553 4010 206 TALKS ON MANURES. Experiments at Rotdamsted on tue Growth of Wqeat, Yeab AFTER Year, on the same Land. Tabi.k XV'.— Pkodvce of the 14th Season. lH.VV-7. Seed (Keil Kottock) sown Novfiiibcr 0. ItCyj ; Crop cut Aii;^!«t i:), and carivd August 22, 1857. Table XIV.— Produce of tlie 1.3th Season, IRS.")-*). Sked(Ki"i1 Kostockt B<.wn Novfinber Vi. ISiVi ; Crop cut Au>{U8t 'iti, and carted September 3, 1850. Prodcce per Acre, etc. (For the Manures see pp. 303 and 203.) Drttsed Corn <§. 0 1 3 3 4 6(1 56 (ki 66 7a 76 8a 86 9a 96 10a 1C6 11a 116 13a 136 13a 1.36 14a 146 l.Trt VJ) 16a 1G6 17n 176 18a 186 19 30 31 S3 Ba^h. Pks. 18 1^ 17 0\ 36 1>« 14 3 16 IX 18 3>4 20 11* 27 1'* 38 0% 1 2«^ 40 0>i 87 8>4 32 \% 3U 0 0^ 3 '4 '4 32 3M 32 \}i 30 3'i 35 OV 34 0^ 30 OV .« 0 0!tf 3 31 3?^ 30 1^ 17 3,^ 18 0 S3 1 17 OM 22 l)tf 31 \X 56.8 5(i 3 58.6 M 3 56.5 56.5 5«i.2 5H.2 58 5 58 0 57.6 m.% 57.1 57.3 56.3 55 6 57.2 57 3 57.5 58.7 58 8 58 6 58.9 58.6 59 0 59.1 59 4 68.5 58.7 59.0 59.1 57 8 57.7 58.9 57.7 58.0 57.8 Ibf. I 1l)f>. 1179 I 8118 11()2 2277 K!)2 245<) 1020 2757 1107 1^17 1717 17.V> 2:n2 2iU 2507 !M00 2019 1679 l.VV) 1727 2UII l<.lli> 21(hJ 2<)7it 2<):iO 2(N)8 21'.I5 2102 1923 3(M5 8426 2450 3179 4707 4848 0872 WA'i 70«l» 7489 5«M 4831 4323 48!C) .V.I8 5'.M".» 58(M ."iTV.* 50.V.) 0.^r7 6279 M44 57«r7 7955 7917 2059 5621 1075 29«a 1.398 a(27 1351 1 3t^i9 66 7fl 76 8a 86 9a 96 10a l(i6 lla 116 12« 126 l.Ja l.«. 14a 146 LVi 156 16a 166 1983 TM\ 17a lim : 5-JOO I 176 1140 31.V2 I 18a 1131 3()0'.» 186 Produce per Acre, etc. (For the Manures see pp. 803 and 20.3.) Drtdsed Com. BuhIi. Pks. 0 18 21^ 1 17 2'i 8 41 OV 3 19 3?i 4 33 IX 6a 22 3V 56 24 'i\ 48 60 26 25 41 40 1>4 !»» IX 3 48 3^ 43 8 36 05^ 29 OX M 2 .39 0 :» OJi 4:J 3>4 43 2 42 3 43 2 Aii 3 42 8^ 43 \\ 44 \% 34 0 2\' 014 41 2X 19 2«i 8i 0 23 OX Ills. I 6i».0 59 0 60.4 58.3 58.8 59.0 58.8 69 !t 59 8 60 5 60 3 60.8 60.6 60.1 58.0 58.0 58.6 58.5 58 0 60 4 60 4 60.0 60 5 60 5 60.3 60.4 60.0 60.6 60.6 1 |4« 1 ll>s. lbs. 1181 2726 1118 -HiJM •i:»- .VilO V£M\ 2813 1380 2958 140!t .3036 I.M2 .•«47 2-Jll rt08 21 ".•.•! 4<.t.'-0 27S'2 04(i2 atHtt 0793 3(»58 7355 3129 7579 2707 66.34 2220 5203 1810 4308 218.-^ .■^MM 24.« .^^75 2.«17 rn\-i 2747 (►•AM 2729 6.312 2714 0421 27.W iiV6 2781 04:» 2«;99 6351 2081 6368 27ti5 6513 60 5 3131 60.5 31»t 7814 7897 59 1 1042 3700 58.8 Vm 3.^23 59.7 2.'i«» 6009 59.8 2519 5884 59.5 2600 6793 1213 3777 l.'vtft &^^3 1491 3298 EXPEKIMKNTS ON WHEAT. 207 EXFERIMENTS AT ROTOAHSTED ON TDE GROWTH OF WUEAT, YEAR AFTER Tear, on tee same Land. Tablb Xyi.— PiioDft k of the ISth 8ea»os. IWT-H. SkkI) (Hod Koi^to, k) Bowii Novciiilter :i :iii(l 11,1857; I'mp cii'. Aiii;u»t 9, and curtuU AiigUbl 20, 0 1 s 4 6a 66 6a 66 7a 76 8a 86 9a 86 lOa 106 11a 116 12a 136 13a 136 14a 146 16a 166 19 PnoDUCB PER Acre, etc. (For the Manures see pp. 303 and 'iOH.) Dresaed Corn. Buoh. Pk!> 90 3 16 lU 38 3>« 18 0 19 0^ 18 2J£ 1 2 4 2!> OVi 38 21* :» 2i» 41 3\ 41 3«« .r: 2v 2.1 2 23 3H 27 3 30 3>< 33 OV 37 S'i 37 03^ .37 0^ 37 0\ 37 3!i 38 I Si 15a ' 35 IH 156 37 2 41 3 43 0;i 17a I .33 176 I 3.3 18a 186 3-4 22 3*^ 20 2^ 33 1>4 Ihx. I 61. 2 ' W) 7 62 6 60.4 61.1 I 61.5 »;i 4 62 1 62 1 61 it 62 3 61.8 61.7 I 60.8 588 , 59 6 61 4 60 5 60 4 62 1 62.1 62.1 62.7 62.1 62.0 I I 62.6 62.8 ! 62.1 62.1 62.5 62 5 62.3 62.4 62.5 S ."S-^^Q 90 17 0 60.3 21 24 Vi 61 5 23 22 0 61.5 vm lavj 2.-. 12 lUl 1206 32:m 2»iH5 U-)4» 2S11 2879 Tabi.r XVII.— PnoinrcE of tlie 16th Skakon. 1K>H-".1. Skei) (Htd Roslock) PKWn Novcnil)ir 4, IKV* ; (."ri>p cut An^ut^t 4, und cm ted .\u;;ili9 5117 2l:n 6100 2.VS7 ) Bowii Novi-mbtT 17, ISoK ; Crop cm September 17 aud 19, and carted Octo- ber 5, 1860. Pkoducb nn ACUE, ETC. (For the Manures see pp. 202 aud 203.) 1 Dressed Corn. S3I »- . 1 ^"5 C i S S M tl "3 ■^.s H ll-^ |-^ Bush Pks. lbs. lbs. 11)9. 0 14 Wi 5:i.5 m> 2271 1 12 15!£ 52.8 717 2097 2 32 1'4 55.5 1864 5304 3 12 3>4 52 6 7:M 2197 4 14 2 53.0 832 2;352 5a 15 2'^ 54 0 903 2-483 5b 16 OX m.\ 9:J5 2505 6a 21 0,V 5.J 7 1210 3:J!I3 66 22 3-4 54.2 l:«6 3719 7a 27 3Sf W 3 1(il2 4615 76 27 2-4 54.3 1.597 47:M 8a 30 3 52.8 17.59 50-1. fc EEl) ( Red Rostock) sown November 5. 1860; Crop cut , Auj,'ust 20 , aud caned Au<:u8t 27. ' 1861. PllODUCE PEU Ague, etc. (For the Manures see pp. 202 •22 aud 203.) Dressed Corn. ^ 5" ».___. a a fl 2* t£ K |K Bueh Pk8. "ibT lbs. lbs. 0 15 1'/, 57.6 1001 2709 1 12 35i 57.6 m» , 2215 2 34 3'4 60.5 2202 5;»3 3 11 1'4 57.4 736 1990 4 11 3X 58.0 86;3 2193 5a 15 1,'i 59.1 1047 2540 56 15 IX 59.0 1082 2692 6a 27 1'4 59.5 17.55 4328 66 27 3'4 59.4 1818 4501 7a 35 ^H 50.0 2263 ] 5764 76 34 IJi 59.0 218:i 5738 8a 36 0 58,3 2290 6203 86 31 OH. 58.5 2190 5985 9a 33 3 56.8 2162 6607 96 13 3 53.9 909 3079 10a 12 3X 55.0 8.54 2784 106 15 3'i 55.5 1033 3196 lla 2:^ Vi 55.3 14.55 4032 116 2.5 i)\ 55.8 1578 1 4223 l2a 32 I'i 58.1 2009 5201 126 3:i 1M .58.7 2144 1 5481 13a .33 1'4 .50.9 2168 .5486 l:i6 35 0 60.0 2.304 \ 5794 14a 3:i O'C 59.1 2125 5502 146 33 3=^ 59.3 2173 5476 15a 34 IM 60 0 2188 5506 156 34 3 60 2 2249 5727 16a 36 15i 58.0 23.38 6761 166 37 2 58.6 2432 6775 17a 19 1 59.3 1229 2982 176 18 0?;£ 59.1 1166 1 2829 18a 32 IX 59.6 20.50 5144 186 3;j 14 .59.5 2122 5446 19 32 2 58.8 2107 5345 20 13 OX 57 9 872 2.340 21 16 1'4 58.2 1109 2749 22 19 2^1 58.5 1306 3263 EXPKKIMKNTS ON \VHEAT. 200 Experiments at Rothamsted on the Guowtii of Wueat, Year AFTER Year, on the same Land. Table XX— Pkodice of the 1!»th Season, 1^61-",'. Seed (Uoii Uosiock) sown OtiiilKT 25. 18»il ; C'lop cut Auijust 29, and carted Si'ptetubcT 12, i 1863. I Taiu.e XXI.— PuciDrcB of the 20th Sea.-*()N. 1S(;2-:J. SSekdiHimI I^(^^()c■k) pown Noveinhfr 17, 1.S(I2; Crop cut Am:iisl 10, and carted Ati;;usl 18, 18«i:{. Pboducb PER Acre, etc. Produce per Acre, etc. (For the M •niircs pee pp. 302 (For the Mnnnre •« see pp. 202 ttud 203.J ^ aud 203.) 1 Drauied Corn. IS Dressed Coi'n. 1 1^ 5* ^ ,l?s a; •5" iS.^ 5 ^•1 •3 Bush Pks. 11)9. lbs. I 11)?. i Bush . PU8. 1 11)S. 11)S. 1I)S. 0 19 a-i .5S 5 1238 1 32.-* 1 0 22 0", ' 62.6 1429 3,254 1 16 25!i 5S.0 ](n>4 2772 1 20 3 1 62.8 1*J4 3.079 3 38 IH. 01 0 2117 6642 3 44 0 ' 6.3.1 288<} 7.105 8 16 0 57. S sm 270<» 3 17 1 : 62.7 1127 2,727 4 16 2.V 58.5 1049 1 2711 [ 4 20 1 62.3 1303 2,957 5a 17 3*£ 59.0 1119 2959 5a 19 3'i 63.0 I2a3 2.970 66 17 2,Si .59.0 1 101 2<.)(il 56 19 3 6;j.O 1290 3.(h;4 6a 27 2 5!) 5 1715 4.554 6a 39 IX i 62.3 2522 0.2:i0 6b 2S Si .59 S 1797 4S{)7 66 39 3 1 62.3 2534 0.2.50 la So 2'* 59.3 2200 0106 7a 53 I'i 62.6 3477 9.3:i0 lb 36 <»?i 59.5 2205 6178 76 54 0 02.5 3507 9..3S5 8a 39 3 59.3 2477 7200 897 96 41 l?i 02.5 3723 6,920 10a 23 014 56.5 14.57 4050 10a 39 OX 02.6 2587 6,068 10» 24 3'i 57.5 1000 4443 106 43 214 62.8 2858 6.914 11a 26 2?i 5S.0 17U6 4.548 11a 45 0 62.5 2979 7,212 \\b 27 0'4 58.0 1734 4007 116 4<; 2 62.1 3000 7,519 Via 34 1'4 58.0 2096 5745 120 54 Vi 62.1 3533 8,976 126 33 o^i 53.0 2025 54 62.5 3114 8.276 156 33 i% 58.3 2029 , 5787 156 48 0 62.9 3127 8.240 16a 36 1'4 58.0 2225 67.52 10a 56 2'.^ 62.4 3710 10.717 166 36 OX 57.5 2233 6730 j 106 55 014 , 63.3 3607 10,3:32 17a 27 S)^ 58.1 1747 4827 17a 21 0V4 ' 62.8 1370 3.288 1-6 27 214 58.1 1(585 47<;2 176 21 IX 62.8 1:389 :3,292 18a 18 1)^ 58.5 1103 3161 ISa 46 IX 62.6 .30()() 7,889 186 18 2J£ 58 5 1195 3:»5 ls6 46 0?i 62.8 3009 7,737 19 23 IX 57.3 1479 4132 19 46 2J£ 62.9 3054 7,577 20 13 IX 57.3 818 ' 2.^^5 20 17 25£ 1 62.5 11.37 2.009 31 20 IX 58.1 i 1273 »465 21 27 2'/» ' 62 5 1796 4.279 33 20 O.'i 58.0 12.50 ' 3430 22 29 3 i62.4 1907 4,599 210 TALKS OX MANURES. The ninth season (185 1-2), was unusually cold in June and wet in August. It will be seen that the wheat, both in quantity and quality, is the poorest siuce the comuienrement of the experi- ments. The unnianured plot gave less than 14 bushels of drcs.srd grain per acre ; the plot with barn-yard manure, less than 28 bushels, and the best yield in the whole series was not quite 29 bushels per acre, and only wei;4:hed 55 lbs. per bushel. On the same plot, the year before, with precisely the same manure, the yield was nearly 37 bushels p -r aero, and the weight per bushel, G3J lbs. So much for a favorable and an unfavorable season. The tenth season (1852-3), was still more unfavoral)le. The autumn of 1853 was so wtt that it was impossible to work the land and sow the wheat until liic IGtli of March 1853. You will 8fc t'.iat tho produce on the unmanurcd plot was less than 6 bushels per acre. With barn yard manure, 19 bushels, and with a heavy dressing of ammonia-salts ami minerals, not quite 26 bushels per acre. With a heavy dressing of superphosphate, not quite 9i busiiels per acre, and with a full dressing of mixed mineral manures and siipfrphosphatc, 10 bushels per acre. The wcigiit per bushel on the unmanurcd plot was 45 lbs.; with mixed mineral manures, 48^ lbs. ; with ammonia salts alone, 48J lbs.; with barn-yard manure, 51 lbs.; and with ammonia-salts and mixed mineral manures, 52i lbs. Farmers are greatly dependent on the season, but the good farmer, who keeps up the fertility of his land stands a better chance of making money (or ot losing less), than the farmer who depends on the unaided products of the soil. The one gets 6 bushels per acre, and 1,413 lbs. of straw of very inferior quality; the other gets 20 to 2(3 bushels per acre, and 5,000 lbs. of straw. And you must recollect that in an unfavorable season we are pretty certain to get high prices. Tiie eUvent'i season (1853-4,) gives us much more attractive- looking figures ! We have over 21 busiiels per acre on the plot which has grown eleven crops of wheat in eleven years without any manure. With barn-yard manure, over 41 bushels per acre. With am- monia-salts alone (17a), 45J bushels. With ammonia salts and mixed minerals, (16i), over 50 bushels per acre, and 6,635 lbs. of straw. A total produce of nearly Hk tons per acre. The twelfth season (1854-5), gives us 17 bushels of wheat per acre on the continuously unnianured plot. Over 34^ bushels on the plot manured with barnyard manure. And I think, for the first time since the commencement of the experiments, this plot pro- KXPKKIMKNTS 0.\ WIILAT. 211 (luces the largest yield of any plot in the lield. And well it niay, for it has now Lad, in twelve years, 1G8 tons of barn-yard manure per acre ! Several of the plots with aramonia-salts and mixed minerals, are nearly up to it in grain, and ahead of it in straw. The ihirk^nth season (ISoo-fJ), gives llj bushels on the unnianur- ed plot; over 3(JJ bushels on the plot manured with barn-3ard ma- nure ; and over 40 Inishels on 8 /.dressed with GOO lbs. ammonia- salts and mi.xed mineral manures. It will be notieed that 800 lbs. ammonia-salts does not give quite as large a yield this year as GOO lbs. I suppose 40 bushels per aere was all that the seison was capa- ble of produiing, and an extra quantity of ammonia did no good. 400 lbs. of aramonia-salts, on 7(i, produced ;37i bushels per acre, and 800 lbs. on IGA, only 37} biisljels. That extra half bushel of wheat was produced at considerable cost. The fourteenth season (ls.")G-7), gives 20 bushels per acre on the unmanured plot, and 41 bushels on the plot with barn-yard manure. Mixed mineral manures alone on oa gives nearly 23 bushels per acre. Mixed mineral manures and 200 lbs. ammonia- salts, on 0 Ihs. ammonia. .3 1 50 " " 3f'i 100 " (< 5-i 150 " ti .55* 200 " (( 50 When we consider that this is the twentieth wheat-crop in suc- cession on the same land, these figures are certainly remarkable. " They are so," said the Deacon, " and what to me is the most sur- prising thing about the whole matter is, that the plot which has had no manure of any kind for 25 years, and has grown 20 wheat-crops in 20 successive years, should still produce a crop of wheat of 17J bushels per ncre. Many of our farmers do not average 10 bushels per acre. Mr. Lawes must either have very good land, or else the 214 TALKS ON MANUKES. climate of England is better adapt" d for wbcat-growing than West- eru New York." '* 1 do not think," said I, '• that Mr. Lawcs' land is any better than yours or mine; and I do not tliink the climate of England is any more favorable for growing wheat without manure than our climate. If there is any ditlerenie it is in our favor." " Why, then," asked the Doctor, " do we not grow as much wheat per acre as Mr. Lawes gets from his continuously unmanured plotV" This is a question not diflicult to answer. Isl. UV grow ton mtuty wecdit. Mr. Lawes plowed the land twice every year; and the crop was hoed once or twice in the .'■i>ring to kill the weeds. 2d. We do not half work our heavy land. We do not plow it enough — do not cultivate, harrow, and roll enougli. I have put wheat in on my own fann, and have seen otlii rs do tlie same thing, when the drill on the day spots could not deposit the seed an inch deep. Tlierc is "plant-food" cuouL'h in these 'clay-spots" to give 17 busliels of wheat per acre — or perhaps 40 bu.shels — but we sliall not get ten bushels. The wheat will not come up until late in the autumn — the plants will be weak and thin on tlie ground ; and if they escape tlie winter tluy will not get a fair hold of tlie ground until April or May. You know the result. The straw is full of s;ip, and is almost sure to rust; the grain shrinks up, and we harvest the crop, not because it is worth the lalior, but because we can:iot cut tlie wheat with a machine on the better parts of the field without cutting these poor spots aLso. An acre or two of poor spots pull down the average yield of the fiold l)eIow Ihcaverau'p of .Mr. Lawes' well-workeil Itut unmanured land. 3d. Much of our wheat is seriously injured by stagnant water in thf Koif, and sfrinding water on the surface. I think we may safely say tliat one-tliird the wheat-crop of this county (Monroe Co., N. Y.), is lf)st for want of l»ett'T tilla£re ami Itetter draining— and yet we think we have as good wheat-land and arc as good farmers as can be found in this country or any other! Unless we drnin land, where ^oda, mapnrsia, and super- phosphate. And I see where sujierpliosphale was used without any potasli, soda, and ma rnesia, but with the same amount of ammonia, the yield is nearly 46 bushels per :icre. Tiiis docs not say much in favor of potash, soda, and magnesia, as manures, for wheat. Again, I see, on plot 1(V>, 50 lbs. of ammonia, afunf, gives ov(r43i bushels per acre. On plot ll'^ 50 lbs. ammonia mid superpiiosphate, give 4fii bushels. Like your father, I am inclined to ask, ' Where can I get tftii ammonui f ' " C II A r T E K X X \ I 1 1 . LIME AS A MANURE. These careful, systematic, and long-continued experiments of Lawc- and Gill>crt seem to prove that if you have a piece of lanil well prepared for wheat, which will produce, without manure, say 15 bushels per acre, there is no way of making that land pro- duce 30 buslu Is of wheal per acre, without directly or indin ctly furnishing the soil with a liberal supply of available nitrogen or ammonia. "What do you mean by directly or indirectly?" asked the Deacon. " What I had in my mind," said I, " was the fact that I have seen a good dressing of lime double the yield of wheat. In such a case I suppose the lime decomposes the organic matter in the soil, or in some otlier way sets free the nitrogen or ammonia already in the soil ; or the lime forms compounds in the soil which attract ammonia from the atmosphere. Be this as it may, the facts brought out by Mr. Lawes' experiments warrant us in con- cluding that the increased growth of wheat was connected in some way with an increased supply of available nitrogen or ammonia. 21 fi TALKS ON MANURES. yiy father used threat (juanlilics of lime as manure. He drew it a distance of 13 miles, and usually applied it on land intended for wheat, spreadini]; it l)road-cist, after the land had received it3 last plowin;;, ami harrowin;; it in, a few days or weeks before sow- ing the wheat. He rarely applied less than 100 bushels of stouc- lime to the acre — generally 150 bushels. He used to say that a small of lime did little or no irood. He wanted to use enough to clianire the general character of the land — to make the light land firmer and the heavy laml lighter. Wliilc I was with Mr. Lawes and Dr. Gilbert at Hi>(hanisted, I went home on a visit. My f.ither had a four-horse team drawing lime every day, and putting it in lar^'C heaps io the field to slake, before spreading it on the land for wheal. " I do not believe it pays you to draw so much lime," .^aid I, with tlie coiifiden 2 feot below the eurface. No. :i. Same soil ."J f'-ot hi low tho surface. No. 4. Loam of tertian- drift I feet below the enrfacc. No. .I. (Jau't clay— surfaci,' soil. No. 6. Ciraltclay 1 feet below the surface. It is evident that lime neither assisted nor interfered with the absorption of ammonia, and hence the beneficial effect of liming on such soils must be accounted for on some other supposition. This negative result, however, does not disprove the truth of Prof. Way's hypothesis, for it may be that the silicate salt in the natural soils was that of lime and not that of soda. Indeed, the extent to MME AS A MANri:K. ~~' which the natural soils ahsorlx-il ammonia— oqual, in No. o, to about 7U0() ll>s. of ammonia per aero, cMiuivuknt to the quantily conUiino.l in 700 tons of barn-yard manure— shows this to have been the ease. The liiiuslibeniUd oiif-hilf the ammonia ronUiined tn (he foil. "This resu t," says Prof. Way. "is so nearly the same in all cases, that we are justitie I in b.lievin- it to be due to some special cause, and probably it arises from the existence of some compound silicates contiinin? ammonia, of which lime under the circum- stances can r. i.lace onc-half-formimr, for instance, a double sdi- a;te of alumina, with half lime and half ammonia—such com- pounds arc not unusual or new to the chemist." This loss of ammonia from a heavy drcssin- of lime is very CTeat A soil five in»hes deep, w.iirhs. in n.und numlxrs, 500 tons, or 1 000 000 lbs. The soil. No. I, unite with and preserve the Clements of manure are, however excellent a provision of nature, yet in some de-ree opposed to the growth of tlic abnormal crops which it is the business of the farmer to cultivate ? There is no absolute reason why such should not be the c ise. A provision of nature must relate to natural circumstances; f.)r instance, con? pounds of ammonia mivhe found in the soil, capable of giving out to the a-encies of water and air quite enou-h of ammonia for the growth of ordinarv plant-s and the preservation of their species ; but this supply mav be totally ina.l.quatc to the necessities of man. • ♦ * Now it is not impossible that the laws which preserve the supply of ve-etable nutrition in the soil, are too stringent for the requirements of an unusual and excessive vegetation, such as the cultivator must promote. " In the case of ammonia locked up in the soil, lime may be the remedy at the command of t'.ie farraer-his means of rendering immediately available stores of wealth, waich can otherwise only slowly be brou<_'lit into use. " In this view, lime would well deserve the somewhat vague 222 TALKS OV MAXIRBS. nime that has been given it, namely, that of a ' stimulant ' ; for its appiic-ation would be in some sort an application of ammonia, whil ' its excessive application, by clrivnig off ammonia, would k-ad to all the disastrous effects wiiich are so justly attributed to it. "I do not wish to push tliis assumption too far." says Prof. Way, in conclusion, "but if there be any truth in it, it points out the' of employ! g ''"^c in small (luaiitities at short in- tervals, rather than in large doses once in many years." "The Squire, last year," said the Deacon, "drew several hundred bushels of refuse lime from tlie kiln, and mixed it with his ma- nure. It made a powerful smi-ll, an 1 not an agreeaide one, to the passers by. He put llic mixture on a twenty-acre field of wheat, and hi said he was going to beat you." " Yes," said I, " so I un lerstoo 1 — l»ut he did not do it. If he ha 1 applied the lime and the manure separately, he would have stood a better chance; still, there are two sides to the question. I should not think of mixing lime witli good, rich farm-yard ma- nure; but with long, coarsf. strawy manure, there would be less injury, and i)ossibly some advantage." "Tlie S I'lin-," said the Deacon. " got one advantage. He had not much trouble in drawing the manure about the land. There was not much of it left." Lime does not always decompose organic matter. In certain conditions, it will prtserve vegetaiile substances. We do not want to mix lime with manure in order to preserve it; and if our object is to increase fermentation, we must be careful to mix sufficient soil with the manure to keep it moist enough to retain the liberated ammonia. Many farmers who use lime for the first time on wheat, are apt to feel a little discouraged in the spring. I hive frequently seen limed wheat in the spring look worse thfiu where no lime was used. But wait a little, and you will see a change for the better, and at harvest, the lime will generally give a good account of itself. There is one thing about lime which, if generally true, is an im- portant matter to our wheat-growers. Lime is believed to hasten the maturity of the crop. " It is true of nearly all our cultivated crops," says the late Professor Johnston, " but especially of those of wheat, that their full growth is attained more speedily when the land is limed, and that they are ready for the harvest from ten to fourteen days earlier. This is the cise even witii buck- LI Mi: AS A MANUUh. •—"» which becomes sooner ripe, though it yields no larger a relur./ when lime is applied t.. the hmd on which it is .'?rown 1„ ui^trkts where the mid^-e aff.cts the wheat. U is exceedingly imp<.rtant to get a variety of wheat that ripens early ; and if mie will favor early maturity, without checking the growth, it will be of great value. A correspondent in Delaware writes: "I have used lime as. manure in various ways. For low land, the best way is, t<. sow it Troaacast while the vegetation is in a green state, at the ra e of 40 or 50 bushels to the ; but if I can not use it before the frost kills the ve-'Ctation. I wait until the land is plowed in the spring, when I spread it on the plowed u-rnuud in about the same cp.ant.ty as before Last year, I tried il bo.h ways, and the result was my crop w,us increased at least fourlold in each instance, but that used on the veirelation was best. The soil is a low, black sa»d. A farmer writes frou. New Jersey, that he has used ov. r C 000 bushels of lime on his farm, and also considerable guano and nh..sphates, but considers tnat the lime has pail the best. Is farm has mole than doubled in real value, and he attributes this prinfipallv to the use of lime. ^ MU- lime." he says, "whenever it i3 convenient but prefer to put it on at least one year before the land We spread from 25 to 40 bushels of lime on the sod in the fall ; plant with corn the f.dlowing summer; next spring, sow with oats and clover; and the ne..t summer, plow under the c over and sow with wheat and timothy. We have a variety of soils from a sandy loam to a stiff clay, and are certain that lime will pay on all or any of them. Some of the best farmers in our C..unty com- menced iiminir when the lime cost 25 cts. a bushel, and their farms are ahead yet, more in value, I indge. than tue hme cost The man who first commences using lime, will get so far ahead, whUe his neighbors arc looking on. that they will never catch up. ^^ Another correspondent in Hunterdon Co., >*. J., writes : r.^- perience has tauirht me that the best and most profitable mode of Applying lime is on grass land. If the grass seed is «own in the fill with the wheat or rye, which is the common practice with us in New Jersey, as soon as the l-.arvcst comes off the next year, we apply the lime with the least delay, and while fresh slacked and in a dry .and mealy state. It can be spread more evenly on the ground, and is in a state to be more readily taten „p by the fine roots of the plants, than if allowed to got wet and clammy. It m found most beneficial to keep it as near the surface of the ground 224 TALKS OX JIANCRES. as practicable, as the specific gravity or weight of this mineral manure is so great, that we soon find it too deep in the ground for the librous roots of plants to derive the greatest possible benefit from its use. With this method of application are connected sev- eral advantages. The Ii:iie can be hauled in the fall, after the bu.«!y season is over, and when spread on the sod in this way, comes in more immediate contact with the grass and grass-roots than when the land is first plowed. In fields that have been limed in part in this manner, and then plowed, and lime applied to the remainder at the time of planting with corn, I always observe a great dillerence in the corn-crop ; and in plowing up the stubble the next season, the part limed on the sod is much mellower than that limed after the sod was broken, presenting a rich vegetable mould not observed in the other part of the field." A farmer in Chester Co., Pa., also prefers to apply lime to newlj-. seeded gras.s or clover. He puts on 100 bushels of slaked lime per acre, cither in tlie fall or in tlie spring, as most convenient. He limes one field every year, and as the farm is laid off into eleven fields, all the land receives a dressing of lime once in eleven years. In some sections of the country, where lime has been used for many years, it is possible that part of the money might better be used in the purchase of guano, phosphates, fish-manure, etc. ; while in this section, where we seldom use lime, we might find it great- 1}' to our interest to give our land an occasional dressing of lime. The value of q ick-lime as a manure is not merely in supplying an actual constituent of the plant. If it was, a few pounds per acre would be sufiicient. Its value consists in changing the chem- ical anl physical character of the soil — in developing the latent mineral plant-food, and in decomposing and rendering available organic matter, and in forming compounds which attract ammonia from the atmospliere. It may be that we can purchase this am- monia and other plant- food cheaper tlian we can get it by using lime. It depends a good deal on the nature and composition of the soil. At present, this question can not be definitely settled, except by actual trial on the farm. In England, where lime was formerly used in large quantities, the tendency for some time has been towards a more liberal and direct use of ammonia and phos- phates in manures, rather tlian to develop them out of the soil by the use of lime. A judicious combination of tlie two systems will probably be found the most profitable. Making composts with old sods, lime, and barn-yard manure, is LIME AS A MANL'IIE. ZZi) a time-honored praclicc in Europe. I have seen oxcclknt nsiills from llie application of sucii a compost on mcadow-Iaiid. The usu.d plan is, to select an old hcd^o-row or headland, which has lain waste for iiiany years. Plow it up, and cart the soil, sods, etc., into a long, narrow heap. Mi.\ lime with it, and let it lie six months or a year. Then turn it, and as soon as it is tine and mel- low, draw it on to llie land. I have a^^sistcd at making' many a heap of this kind, but do not recollect the proporlioti of lime used; in fact, I (juestion if we had any definite rule. If we wanted to use lime on tlie land, we put more in the hea]>; if not, less. Tlie manure was u.^ually put in wlien the heap was turned. Dr. Voelcker analyzed the dry earth used in the closets at the prison in Wakefield, England, lie found that: Nitro- J'/iosp/ior- ifit. XV Ai-itl. 10 tons of dry earth bofore usint; contained 6'i lbs. 36 1I)r. 10 tons of dry cartli after t)oinij used once contnined... 74 " 50 " 10 tons (if dry citrtli after ticing used twice cnntainetl.. 84 " 88 " 10 tons of dry eartti after being used thrice contained. 10^ " 102 " After looking at the alcove figures, the Deacon remarked : " You say 10 tons of dry earth before jjeing used in the closet contained 62 lbs. of nitrogen. How much nitrogen does 10 tons of barn- yaid manure contain?" "That depends a good deal on what food the animals eat. Ten tons of average fresh manure would contain about 80 lbs. of nitrogen." " Great are the mysteries of chemistry ! " exclaimed the Deacon. "Ten tons of dry earth contain almost as much nitrogen as 10 tons of barn-yard manure, and yet you think that nitrogen is the mo;>t valuable thing in manure. What shall we be told next ?" " You will be told. Deacon, that :he nitrogen in the soil is in such a form that the plants can take up only a small i)f)rtion of it. But if you will plow such land in the fall, and expose it to the disintegrating eJfccts of the frost, and plow it again in the fiprinir, and let the sun and air act upon it, more or less of the organic matter in the soil will be decomposed, and the nitrogen rendered solulde. And then if you sow this land to wheat after a good summer- fallow, you will stand a chance of having a great crop." This dry earth which Dr. Voplcker analyzed appeared, he says, "to be ordinary garden soil, containing a con-iderable portion of clay." After it had been passed once through the closet, one ton of it was .'spread on an acre of grass-land, which produced 2 tons 8 cwt. of hay. In a second experiment, one ton, once pa.sscd through the closet, produced 2 tons 7 cwt. of hay per acre. We are not told how much ha}- the land produced without an}' dress- 226 TALKS OX .MANURES. ing at all. Still we may infer that this top-dressing did considera- ble good. Of one thing, however, there can be no doubt. This one ton of earth manure contained -.^uly li lb. more nitrogen and 1^ lb. more phosphoric acid than a ton of the dry earth itself. Why then did it prove so valuable as a top-dressing for grass ? I will not say that it was due solely to the decomposition of the nitro- genous mailer and other plant-food in the earth, caused Ity the working over and sifting and exposure to ihe air, and to the action of the nighl-soil. Still it would seem that, so far as the beneficial effect was due to the supply of plant-food, we must attribute it to the eartii itself ratlier than to the small amount of night-soil •which it contained. It is a very common thing in England, as I have said before, for farmers to make a compost of the sods and earth from an old hedge-row, ditch, or fence, and mix with it some lime or barn- yard manure. Then, after turning it once or twice, and allow- ing it to remain in the heap for a few months, to spread it on meadow-land. I have seen great benefit apparently derived from sucii a top-dressing. The young grass in the spring a.ssumed a rich, dark green color. I have observed the same effect where coal-a.<5hes were spread on grass-land ; and I have thought that the apparent 1)enefit was due largely to the material acting as a kind of mulch, rather than to :ts supplying plant-food to the grass. I doubt very much whether we can afford to make such a com- post of earth with lime, a.shes. or manure in this country. But I feel sure that those of us having ricli day land containing, in an inert form, as much nitrogen and phosphoric acid as Dr. Va^lcker found in Ihe soil to b" used in the earth-closet at Wakefield, can well afford to stir it freely, and expose it to the disintegrating and decomposing action of the atmosphere. An acre of dry soil six inches deep weighs about 1,000 tons; and consequently an acre of such soil as we are talking about would contain 6,200 lbs. of nitrogen, and 8,600 lbs. of phosphoric acid. In other words, it contains to the depth of only six inches as much nitrogen as would lie furnished by 775 tons of common barn-yard manure, and as much phosphoric acid as 900 tons of manure. With such facts as these before us, am I to blame for urging farmers to cultivate tlieir land more thoroughly? I do not know that my land or the Deacon's is as rich as this English soil ; but,at any rate, I see no reason why such should not be the case. MANURES FOU DARLEY. 227 CHAPTEK XXIX. MANURES FOR BARLEY. Messrs. Lawcs ami Gill)crt have j)ublisbeJ the results of experi- ments witli tlitrcrciit manures on barley grown annually on the same land for twenty years in succession. The experiments com- menced in l>i')2. The soil is of the same general chanicter as that in the field on tlie same farm where wheat was grown annually for so many years, and of which we have given such a full account. It is what we should call a calcareous clay loam. On my farm, we have what the men used to call " clay sjjots." These spots var\' in sb,e from two acres down to the tentli of an acre. Tliey rarely pro- duced even a fair crop of corn or potatoes, and the barley was sel- dom wortli harvesting. Since 1 have drained the land and taken special pains to bestow e.vtra care in plowing and working these hard and iiitraftable portions of the fields, the "da}' sjxits" have disappeared, and are now nothing more than good, rather stiff, clay loam, admirably adapted for wheat, barley, and oats, and capable of producing good crops of corn, potatoes, and mangel-wurzcls. The land on which Mr. Lawes' wheat and barley experiments were made is not dissimilar in general character from these "clay spots." If the land was only half-worked, we should call it clay; but being thoroughly cultivated, it is a good clay loam. Mr. Lawes describes it as " a somewhat heav>' loam, with a subsoil of raw, yellowish red clay, but resting in its turn upon chalk, which provides good natural drainage." The part of the fiild devoted to the experiments was divided into 24 plots, about the fifth of an acre each. Two plots were left without manure of any kind. One plot was manured every year with 14 tons per acre of farm- yard manure, and the other plots "with manures,'' to quote Dr. Gilbert, " which respectively supplied certain constituents of farm- yard manure, separately or in combination." In England, the best barley soils are usually lighter than the best wheat soils. This is probably due to the fact that barley usually follows a crop of turnips — more or less of which are eaten off on the land by sheep. The trampling of the sheep compresses the soil, and makes even a light, sandy one firmer in texture. In this country, our best wheat land is also oar best barley land, provided it is in good heart, and is very thoroughly worked. 228 TALKS ON MANURES. It is no use sowing barley on heavy land half worked. It will do better on light soils ; but if the clayey soils are made fine and mel- low, they produce with us the best barley. In chemical composition, barley is quite similar to wheat. Mr. Lawes and Dr. Gilbert civc the composition of a wheat-crop of 80 bushels per acre, 1,800 lbs. of grain, and 3,000 lbs. of straw; and of a crop of barley, 40 bushels per acre, 2,080 lbs. grain, and 2,500 lbs. of straw, as follows : In Grain Nitropcn Phosphoric acid. Potach Lime MH(;DC8ia Silica In Straw. W/ieat. BarUnj. \be. lbs. 13. 12. 7. 5. 20.5 18.5 9. 10.5 3. 2.5 99.5 M. in Total Produce. /■ Wheat. Barley. IbB. lbs. 4'j. 45. 2.J. 22. 30. 30. 10. 12. «.5 6.5 100. 75. A few years ago, when the midge destroyed our wheat, many farmers in Western New York raised "winter barley," instead of " winter wheat," and I have seen remarkably heavy crops of thi.s winter barley. It is not now grown with us. The maltsters would not pay as much for it as for spring barley, and as the midge troubles us less, our farmers are raising winter wheat again. Where, as with us, we raise winter wheat and spring bailey, the difference between the two crops, taking the above estimate of yield and proportion of grain to straw, would be: 1st. Almost identical composition in regard to nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, potash, lime, and magnesia ; but as it has more straw, the wheat -crop removes a larger amount of silica than barley. 2d. The greatest difference is in the lcn','th of time tiie two crops are in the ground. We sow our winter wheat the last of August, or the first and second week in September. Before win- ter sets in, the wheat-plant often throws out a bunch of roots a foot in length. During the winter, though the thermometer goes down frequently to zero, and sometimes 10 to 15 below zero, yet if the land is well covered with snow, it is not improbable that the roots continue to absorb more or less food from the ground, and store it up for future use. In the spring, the wheat commences to grow before we can get the barley into the ground, though not to any consideralile extent. I have several times sown barley as soon as the surface-soil was thawed out five or si.K inches deep, but with a bed of solid frozen earth beneath. 3d. Two-rowed barley does not ripen as early as winter wheat, but our ordinary six-rowed barley is ready to harvest the same time as our winter wheat. MANURES FOR BARLKT. 2ii9 4th. Wc SOW our barley usually in May, and harvest it in July, The barley, therefore, has to take up its food rapidly. If wc ex- pect a good growth, we must provide a good supply of food, and have it in the proper condition for the roots to reach it and absorb it; in otlier words, the land must be not only rich, but it must he 6o well worked that the roots can spread out easily and rapidly in search of food and water. In this country, you will hud ten good wbcat-growers to one good barley grower. " That is so," saiil the Deacon ; " but tell us about Mr. Liiwcs' experiments. I have more confidence in them than in your spec- ulations. And first of all \\hat kind of land was the barley grown on ? " " It is," said I, " nither heavy hind — as heavy as what the men call ' cl.iy-spot.s,' on my farm." " And on those day-spots," said the Deacon, "you either get very good barley, or a crop not worth harvesting." " You have hit it exactly. Deacon," said I. "The b(st barley I have this year (1878) is on Ihise clay-spots. And the reason is, that wc gave liiem an extra plowing last fall with a three-horse plow. Tha> extra plowing has probably given me an extra 30 bushels of barley per acre. The barley on some of the lighter por- tions of the field will not yield over 25 bushels per acre. On t'lc cl.iy-sj>ots, it looks now (June 13) as though there would be over 50 bushels per acre. It is all headed out handsomely on the clay- spots, and has a strong, dark, luxuriant appearance, while on the sand, the crop is later and has a yellow, sickly look." " Tou ouglit," said the Doctor, " to have top-dressed these poor, sandy parts of the field with a little superphosphate and nitrate of soda." " It would have paid wonderfully well," said I, " or, perhaps, more correctly speaking, the loss would have been considerably less. "We have recently been advised by a distinguished writer, to apply manure t) our best land, and let the poor land take care of itself. But where the poor Ipnd is i i the same field with the good, we are obliged to plow, harrow, cultivate, sow, and harvest the poor spots, and the question is, whether we shall make them capa- ble of producing a good crop by the application of manure, or be at all the labor and expense of putting in and harvesting a crop of chicken-feed and weeds. Artificial manures give us a grand chance to make our crops more uniform." "You are certainly riglit there," said the Doctor, "but let us examine the Rothamsted experiments on barley." You will find the results in the following tables. The manures 230 TALKS ON MANURES. used, arc in many respects the same as were adopted in the wheat experiments already given. The mineral or ash constituents were supplied as follows: Potdsh — as sulphate of potash. Soda — as sulphate of soda. Magnesia — as s^ulpliatP of mai^nosia. Lime — as sulphate, phosphate, and superphosphate. Pliosphoric acid — as bone-ash, mixed with suflicient sulphuric acid to convert most of the insoluble earliiy pbnsphale of lime into sulphate and soluble superphosphate of lime. Sulphuric acid — in the phosi)hatic mixture just mentioned; in sulphates of potash, soda, and magnesia; in sulphate of am- monia, etc. Chlorine — in muriate of ammonia. Silica — as artificial silicate of soda. Other constituents were supplied as under: Nitrogen — as sulphate and muriate of ammonia; as nitrate of soda: in farm-yard manure; in rape-cake. Non-nitrogenous org>tnic matter, yielding by decomposition, car- bonic acid, and other products — in yard manure, in rapc-cakc. The artificial manure or mixture for each i)lot was ground up, or otherwise mixed, with a suflicient quantity of soil and turf-aslics to make it up to a convenient measure for equal distributiim over tlic laud. Tiie mixtures so jirepaied were, with proper ]T((aiiti()ns, sown broadcast by hand; as it has been found that the application of an exact amount of manure, to a limited area of land, can bo best accomplished in that way. The same manures were used on the same plot each year. Any exceptions to this rule are mentioned in foot-notes. MANUr.ES I'OU MAULEY. 231 EXPERIMBNTS ON TTIB (iROWTn OF BaRLET, TEAR AFTER TEAR, ON THE SAUK LAND, WITIIOIT MaNCICE, AM) WITH DIKFEKKNT rESCUlPTIONS OF MaNIHIJ. IIOOS FlEM), RoTIIAMSTED, KNGLAND. TABLK I.— snowiNo. tiil^n together tcilh the foot-note-; the nrsirRH'TioN and QUAKTITIKS OF THE MAM KES AI'I'LIKl" I'EB APRK ON EACH I'LOT, l.N KACH YEAR OF TUB TWENTY, 1S52 1S71 INlLfBlVK. [N. B. Thl» table has reference to all the hucceedluK Tables]. PloU. 1 o. 3 O. S O. 4 O. 1 A. 2 A. 8 A. IIAK(7B>S PBB ACBB, PER ANNUM iu»/r Toiasg, lUUlbs. % Sulphate Soda, lOUlba. Sulphate N! 2U0 ii)g. t M: ^ 1UU lbs. X Sulphate Soda, lOU lbs. Siilphaii' " cwl!). Superphu-pi ate a") Ib.t. .Mil aaUh.s. .\ii) -. Super phosphate am lt>9. .\ii t Sulphate PotanH, 100 lbs. t , Suli«liuii - . itc MaK'Dola 201 Itih. AiiiiiiouU t,.i;:», Au ibi. t Sulphate Potass, UO lbs. t ' Sulplmie Soda, UIU lbs. Sulphate MaKDesIa, 3^ cwts. Su perpliosphale t 275 lbs. Nil rate Sinl:i 2T5 lbs. Nitrate S.nia, :i i cwts. Su'ii-rpliogpliate 275 lbs. NIrt-at.- s,. la, iO lbs. t Sulphate Potass, I'X) lbs. i Sulphate SoJa. W Ibd. Sulphate Ma.-iiesla 275 lbs. Mt ate Soda, AVI lbs. t Sulphate Potass, 100 lbs. t, Sulphate Soila. no lbs. Sulphate .Slagucsia, 3^ cwts. Su- perphosphate I 275 lbs. NUrati- Suda, 4<«i Ihs. "T Silicate .'^oda | 275 lbs. Nlir.ii.' .-oda. 100 lbs. ^ Silicate Soda, 3H cwts. Su- perpli'.Bpli.ite 275 lbs. Nitrate Soda, 4i>i lbs. " Silicate Soda. 3X1 lbs. t Sul- phate P.ita.-e-cake. 'M lh«. t Suliiliate p..ta-8, 100 lbs. i Sul- 1 pliale Soda. h«i lbs. Mipliate .vlaKnc^ia icon lbs. Kape-ca^e. 200 lbs. t Sulphate Potass, 100 lbs. J Sul- j I pliaie s>>da, luu lbs .>^ulphate Mat^iiesla, 3)^ cwta. Super- I ph 'Sphate 2;5 Ibj. Nitrate Soda 275 lbs. Nitrate Soda (550 lbs. Nitrate for 5 years, 1853, 4, 5, 6, 1 I and 7) I lOo lbs. XX Sulphate Sod*, lOu lbs. Sulphate Mapnesla, 3^ cwts. Superphosphate .coininenclug 1855; 1852, 3, and 4, I uninaniinili 200 lbs. + Sulphate Potass, 3'«; cwts. Superphosphate (2C01b8. I .\iiimoiila-salts also, for the first year, 1852, only; I 20t) lbs. t Sulphate Potass, 3H cwts. Superphosphate, 200 lbs Arauionla-salts C niuanu red con 1 1 nuously lAshes burnt--oll and tui^) 14 Tons Farmyard- .Manure 1 O. 2 O. 4 O. 1 A. 2 A. 3 A. 4 A. 1 AA. 2 A A. 3 AA. \ I 4 AA. 1 AAS 4 AAS. 1 C. 2 C. 3 C. 4C. 1 N. M. S O. 5 A. n NOXr.S TO TABLE I. •"3S cwts. Superphosphate of Lime'— In all cases, made from 200 lbs. Boa&> asb, 150 lbs. Sulphuric aejil sp. pr. 1.7 and water . t Sulphate Potass :««• lbs. per annum for the first 6 years. 1S52-7. i Sulphate Soda -2ni lbs. per annum for the first 6 years, 185'J-7. § The" .\inmonla-salt8 "— luall cases equal parts of Sulphate and Muriate of Am« monla of Ciimmerce. . „ :, .,«. |Plots"A.\" and ".\ AS "—first 6 years. 1852-7, instead of Nitrate of Soda, 400 lbs. Aninionia-salrs per annum; next 10 vears, 1858-67,200 lbs. Ammnnia-salts per annum ; ISM. and since, 275 lbs. Nitrate of Soda per annum. 275 lbs. Nitrate of Soda Is reckoned to c 'ntain the same :imount of Nitropen as 200 lbs. " Ammonia-salts." '\ Plots "A.\S"— the applicalon of Silicates did not commence until 1864; In 'W-.V*. and 7, 2<0 lbs. Silicate of Soda and 20u lbs. Silicate of Lime were applied per •ere, but In 1S68. and since, I'O lbs. Silicate of Soda, and no Silicate of Lime. 1 heso plots compri-e. respectively, one half of the (jrlEinal " A A " plots, and. excepting the addition of the Silicates, have been, and are, in other respects, manured in the same way as the •* .\A " plots. ,..,,_ •* 2000 lbs. liape-cake per annum for the first 6 years, and 1000 lbs. only, each year eince. t+SUUlbs. >uh'hate Potass, and 3^ cwts. Superphosphate of Lime, without Nitrate of Soda, the flr-t year ls52); Nitrate alone each year since, tj SulpnaW Boda— 200 IbB. per annum 18^, 6. and 7. 232 TALKS OS MANURES. ExrBBlHENTS ON TUB GkoWTH OF BaRLEY, TkAR AFTER YeAR, ON TION8 OF MaNLKE, IIOOS TA3LB II.— DRESSED [N.B. The double vertical llncB show that there was a change in the descrip- TadU /., and foot-notes Habtebts. ^5 1852 1853 18M 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 bashels. bush. bush, bos bns bush. bush. has bns bus bus bus 1 1 O. 27 '4 25'^ a') 31 |13'» 26 '8 21 Vb IW-^ 13'4 16Hi 16,V 22 '^1 2 O. 2SS SS-^ 40^ 3614 In^i :«'4 28^ l".t»8 l.-iv 2.5 i\\ :ii^ 3 O 26 ^i 27Si 36V :14^ 16^ 32 211-4 15', 151^4 IS'a l'.»?4 27H 4 0. 32 3i S5S 42 37;, 19?4 3'J^ 30 ig 19V I8.L4 29i', 25^ 33 Means 88X 1 30>g SdV :i4X 17 32J£ 26>i 17J4 15*8 22?8 203£ 287i 1 A. SH% 38^i i U^ 44V 25 38i» 31V 153^ 2C?i 30V'31V 42*i 2 A. 33)4 40'8 4 56 !i til^ Si\ 43^8 55 i4S», 61 5i 3 A. m 36 Si 50 41'^ 28^ 42 'i 34 U 16^8 28 32V :J5V 48H 4 A. 40»i 36U i 60's 48-'g31,?i| 46>4 28vl O'VJi 51V 34^, 43V 51)8 47?, 551, Means 384 SSH 1 M^ 48?i 1 424 25?i 35?i 431< 40'i 52)i 1 AA. 41V mi i MiH 48 36ii| 40 V 39^^ 21'<< 2.^\ -iS .MV 49 2 A.\. 43*i 42'4 1 63 '4 50^^ Sli^l Wi ., 5«J'4 .T)', 4.SI4 .'■>5V ■'■'1 'iOV 3 AA. 41 ?i 41 '4 51'i 47':( 200^1 49^,i| 40'>i 20'„ :{(Mj .-iO'B 3614 .M 4 AA. 45 >i 4^JV 62'i ;49?i3T?i 64:'8 1 56 '« 3o,V 46 S 55:'i 48:!4 59.V 481^ 88?6 369i 45?. 41 ?» 553ii Means 43)£ 42'i 58V 48?i 32H 57^ 1 AA8. 1 2 AAS. 3 AAS. 4 AAS. Means &)% 1 36?4' 1 1 1 0. 39% 60 »i 148 V 64H 6;}»i 38 V 31V 56V, 41 151^ 2 C. 3(W 36'8 60:-i M'4 S-ig 62', .'■>7?^ 41 .-J^iV 56'a 45 55 3 C. 3.3 >^ 35 Si 56", 48'i 32S 60 'i .-■12 .-141^ a'iU 51', .56 ,53 V 4 C. 38 40'i 1 60 U 51,'i 35^ 6214 57>i 35 40V 5.J»8 45V 54X Means 36^i 37'^ 1 59V 50!^ 35', 62 U 55 37 V 36>8 54i/, 4i:!i 539i 1 N. [(257b){ |3»'« 493i 60 2<i 5:J'i 49^^ 48 58 1 1 43'8 2., iltV 4i:s8 88^ 5;iii] M. 1 '321^'lS'i 24V |25T^ 19 V 10^ 2796 93 '„ 28^ 5 0. (3r,v) 1 27V 30V 3-2'« 19l8 31'h 2.V18 16',, 10'„ 28»i n^ 2*»V 5 A. 30 V 40 Is 51% 47'8 33'ii 51^8 48fi 33', 39 49^ 46?8 51V eU 29 ifi^i 354 37V15's 34^8 ' 264 174 n\ les^ 18>^ 27>i 1.^2 25 'i iV'i 83 V 361^4 15 's 314 25 V 14?i 121^ 17 ?8 19 28*i 7 33 364 56'.' 50'S324 51>4 55 40 41 ?» 545^J9»i59V (!) Averaj^os of I years, 4 years, and 8 last 10 years, year?. and tutal 17 (') Averages of 9 years, years. (*) AveragcB MANURE FOR BARLKT. 233 THB SAME Land, wituoit Manure, and with dikfekknt descrip- FlELI), ROTUAMSTED, ENGLAND. CX>RN PEIl ACKE — bUriliel.-. tion, or quautity, of ^auurc, at the period indicated, for particolarB of which see tbureto, p. £il.J Harvests. Average Annual. 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 ^ bash. 26', bus 18 22.-* ti bn?h. 194 24 bus bush, bus bus 'bu» 17-. ir.4 15', i:J'^ 16>4 24s 18'9 W4 18 i2:J', 17 144 18S 16^4 l'.»S 20,', 17H ;224 mx 25 bushcls. bush. 22-^8 17M 27', 23 '4 247, 20', 80!4 247i bushels- ' 20 257^ 1 2i% 27'/, 1 0. 2 0. 30. 4 0. 28 »i 2\M 20 a. 197, 16;^ jlSS 16^4 21', 26?6 214 237i Means Kii 29', 68'4 48^ 43 ii :«•„ 55s 46>i 274 50 Vj, 30?i! 20S 27', 27»J:}6S 44 , 37 s 48 41\. 4r,'„ 33 25 34'., 30'. :«', 4:JT, 34 ;4 |49,4 :18 Ms 334 31 4' 45 S 48 ^i a-) a-. 464 , 464' 32X 47 35 4(i4 1 A. 2 A. 3 A. 4 A. 494 >9!(f 384 294 5*1', 293i 50'i 877-.| 29?i 397i 29V '27 32', 44'., -14 4S1.J 4> |45'. 4'.t', 344J41)tf; 294 39'., 4tii. ■46'., .32S30', 44;^ 46 1 404 ] 404 404 Means 41=!£ 33>i K\ 47', 44S ai4 66?,- 48'. 394 344 4S', 4!tS ; 38S 36'. 1 497, 497i 37 49"^ 37 'i 4'.17i 1 AA. 2 AA. 3 AA. 4 AA. 4a% 414 40'. 38 36 41 38S 42 1 444 4Z% 43 ?i Means 444 3A7i S47i 47^ 50 ,41 594 ^504 371^ 51'.' 41', 50»£ 32 V 44 39',. 45 '4 29", 34', 3-) 48',' 44 'i 49'a 443i£ 4i)V 3(i4' 40'^ 42'4' 484 46S 51\ 474j-48',| , r374 :367i ;,.i49'4 474 (> 434 42 t51?i ; 48?^ 37 -) 50 J 1 AAS. 2 AAS. 3 AAS. 4 AAS. 62 43'i 45'.- 404 w, 4r.>^; 38'. 42s 1 3!>'.' 444 42;,;'48?4 454 1 43?.i 44./, Means 484 45 51 »i 4fi4 49', 48ii 68 j484 45'i 47 '4 43'. 48s 37 354 35'. 364 42'i41'4 44 48 '4 41'.. J Pi 43S «'» 45S 52', *i?i 474 47 1 43 S' 47'i 45?.i 44 , 43 '4 477.' : 474 45 >< 464 43 S 47?,i 1 C. 2 C. 3C. 4C. 60?^ 46 U' 25-^ 60>i 254 254 62 47 46 •< 41'.'' 35'8 46S 41^ 44 S 43'. 457, 22 ', 20 444 18»i 244 544 46?*' 45 45% Means 37 39 'i 19'^ 23 48-4 21 194 52% »14- 41 19 22V, 43'- 16V 17 '4 53',' 33 1 2o>*) (244 214 434 44 7i 25 18'^ 23Ji 20 45 51 7< 4i;i^'> 21 ,V) (S)' 22?i) (*) 447.' 82 21 7i 484 1 N. 2N. M. 5 0. 5 A. u« 7 (1853-"61\ last 10 vears. and total 0/ 9 years (1S>J-"61), last 10 years, 19 yoars. and total (3) Averages of 7 years (1855-'61), 19 years. 234 Talks on manubbs. EXITSRIIIENTS on TUB GbOWTU OF BaSLEV, YEAR AFTEK TEAR, ON THB Manure. Uooa TABLK ni.— WBIOHT PKB (N.B. The double vertical lines show that there was a cbaD{;e in the description, 7'(iUf I., and foot notes, IIAKTKSTS. 1 1SQ3 1853 I 1854 1855 1806 1857 1868 1869 1860 llih lh«. 1881 1862' 1863 Ibl* 11.1. lbs. vt.6 «8 - ,'rl 5 MO ;.;i.O M.8 1 o. JO. 8 0. 4 O. lbs. 6i.l 51.5 51.4 sa.o 51. 'J 58.1 It.-. lU- H.« ' lf». n.-. 5t.a 5:).6 Mauia 518 63.0 . H 52.8 60.8 60.7 r>3.1 61.5 M.3 1 A. 3 A. 8 A. 4 A. 50.7 60.5 50.9 51.4 53.4 '.» MO .'. : 8 1 0 . 0 47.5 60.8 51.5 49.4 53.6 61.0 61.0 5.t..'. 53.5 V..3 4:..'. 50.8 51.6 r,0.5 r4.3 51.0 51.1 51.0 M.0 56.5 Mmuis 50.9 6i7 ' .M.9 54.9 . . ..i - .'O.O M.9 : 6i.:i at.'. 51.4 5.V7 : .'. 50.4 51.5 51.5 61.5 '5 61.0 53.5 Jrt.O 56.4 r I 5(t.9 53.0 53.6 65.1 1 AA. S AA. 8 AA. 4 AA. 49.1 ■J'J.6 60.6 5i).6 61..3 51.7 5I..1 51.1 51.4 58.6 Mouis 50.0 I AAS. 8 AAS. 8 AAS. 4 AAS. 1 Means 1 1 M2 ! 1 C. 8 C. 3 C. 4 C. 51.7 51.8 51.3 51.4 61.3 51.6 51..-) 50.4 5:'> 50.2 46.(1 •r.". ^ r.2.0 i 0 61.6 630 MO M.5 66.s{ 61.5 Ml .V..3 56.4' 51. s M5 .'i3.5 5»i.8 M.l M.l MO 66.7 1 Menns 51.0 51.2 .'.1.3 .49.7 51.8 62.3 50.3 60.9 61.6 .v>.8 63.8 63.8 51.6 54.0 M.3I56.6] 1 N. SN. M. 5 0. 5 A. *u 7 f (51.7) 1 (51.0) 1 61.0 62.0 58.0 68.8 53.3 '■ .V2.n 50 0 5.1.1 50.1 48.1 1 • Rll 5.3.3 : 68.8 52.5 .'O." 63.6 6i.r, 5').0 6.3.9 63.9 47.1 539 5.-1.01 ■ R I 52.3 63.3 54.8 6.1.5 MO .W6 .-40 51.0 53.1 58.1 64.5 48.0 4S.5 40.5 51 0 51.0 48.5 47.5 58.5 610 52 0 51.5 58.4 61 1 51 » 51.3 53.9 1 ' 51 0 .^3 8 52 8 5.3.8 MO .13 3 .M.5 .54.1 51.2 5i.O 52.(1 55.6, 1 61.3 580 51.8 M.O, 51.0 53.0 53.0 54.1 53.1 54.8 64.8 BT» 0) Averages of 4 years. 4 yenrs. and R years, last 10 year?, and (^) Averages total 17 year*. (*) of 9 years Averages XIANTKi; FoU ItAULKY. 235 siMB Land, witiioit Mantke, and with i>iffekrnt descriptions o» FlKl^U, KOTUAMsTHD. BUnUKL or UKI(!>ltBU COKN -Ibs. or qaanllty, <>f Manure, at the p. r; mi inaicifu. for partlculATfl of which Be« thereto, p. «U.] 18M 1865 19M IM7 1968 III 1869 1870 Atkraob Amuval. 1871 -1- 55: 5«. ~ 57.J .<4.U ln«. Ih^ P.I S;^3 £!j«?| Kg* JiJi —i.J M.u [ 88.7 51.1 r<3 3 53 1 55. J :.l D 55.4 518 riil.'.t 51.8 53.3 57.0 '9: 54.4 Ml 54 6 56.1 .M ; 5J.1I.M.9 M8 57.6 53 5 .>4.T 54.3 55.0 a«.6 53.7 53 0 5i.9 516 56.4 i 66.1 i 55.8 1)>^. I Iba. Iba. lbs. ' 53.1 .'A.3 M.O 54.4 5a a • ,, 51.8 513 KiO ^■6 54.3 54.6 53.4 55.5 |l 55.6 II fiSO 51. 1 53.0 61.2 53.0 .'>2,1 r 1 N .',.'. 1 53.5 f I •■ MI .V.'.S f ;; i .v.." .'AG 61.6 &1.5 153.1 55.*. '■• ■ '-'■' ■ ■ ' ■■' - 57 -J ■ 56..-. 5i.6 J> t >-'. i .11 ri Hi II 66.7 53.5 53 3 53.3 55.1 156.1 5l.i 51 8 53.5 154 3 57.a 5i.4 .V.61Vi.I '36.9 57.3 5t.H .V2..') .S3 0 .VS.5 |57.0 5i.l 55.3 54.1 ,56.3 M 1 .M .t 5<..3 55.3 M.8 57.4 56.6 57.8 56 9 5.J.6 51.S .wg 55.5 I 56.7 57.1 .'»3 8 55.1 -,J.4 .Vi.8 67 0 51.:i .-)-,. 7 55.0 56.1 57.3 r^.i .V...3 .-.1.7 .5.5.8 57.8 53..> 53.0 5J.S 55.4 55.8 .V>.0 57.4 55. 'J 57.8 56.5 55.2 r.T2 .'■)2.0 .'..-. J .Vi.3 .V, s 52.3 .v.. 8 :.3.4 61.0 &1.6 52.8 r.n Ml 57.1 5 {.5 5-..4 M.7| 53.9 56.0 54.1 52.0 .",2.9 52 8 56.5 51.8 52.8 52.7 55 5 I 56.3 .M.J 5}.0 .\3 9 5J.0 57.6 51.5 .\3.4 .'>» 0 5ti.4 57.5 M.1 54.8 53.2 57.5 I i 56.0 SS.-J 51.3 52 0 53.5 55.8 53.9 j51 .8 52.5 53.8 67.4 54.4 '54.9 54.S 57.1 n858-'61). laet 10 years, and U tal Of 9 jetn (1853-'61). laut 10 years, .'.6.7 57.5 57.1 57.S 57.1 57.6 5T.4 58.0 57.1 57.7 51.3 5.5.6 54.8 55.8 54.0 5.5.3 55.6 55.9 57.5 57 3 52.8 54.0 52.9 54.6 564 57.1 546 55.6 6.J.8 55.4 54.9 5.'}.9 W.6 51.3 ,|v J 55. 1 56.7 55.9 ^ •'■' 54.4 5.5.5 55.0 54.9 56.8 ;.55.8. 54.6 55.9 55.2 {') 56.3 1 1 56.4 5«;.3 I 56.4 I se.4 51.7 5.5.8 .\3.a 61.7 .%.0 5.3.9 51.7 55.« 5J.7 51.4 55.9 M.6 51.6 55.9 .53.8 M.f. 51.6 .55.0 a5.1 55,5 .55.4 54.9 56.6 «)J.51.6 53.7 1.52.7 »,^ ' '(51.1 54.2 ,52.7 r ' 1 O. 2 O. 3 O. 4 O. Meftiu 1 A. 2 A. 3 A. ,4A. I Meana I AA. I 2 AA. I 3 AA. 4 AA. ' Metna I I AAa I S AAS. I 3 AAS. I 4 AAS. Means 1 C. 2 C. 3 C. 4 C. Means 1 N. 2 N. O r.1.8 (*) (.52.0 51.9 51.5 51.6 53.6 54.2 .5.3.2) (»)l M. .54.8 53.4; («)|. 5 o. 55.7 53.8 ; 5 A. 53.5 52.5 53.6 .52.6 56.0 54.3 1 9 T cirg. (3 1 ATcrages of 7 years (1855-'61). and total 19 years. 236 TALKS Oy MANHRKS. EXPRKIMENTS ON THE GROWTU OF BaKLKY, TeAB AFTKB TeAB, ON THB Manibk. Hoos TABLE IT. — OFrAL [N.IV The double vertical lines ebow that there was a chaogc in the description, TaUe /., and foot-notes HARTKSTS. 1 1 1 1853 1853 1S54 1856 1856 1857 1868 1R69 1860 1861 1862 1868 Iba. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. IbsJibs. lbs. lbs. 1. o. 1(*4 225 K4 144 131 93 86 110 78 88 frt 1 49 2 O lUO 101 101 ti9 5H 1U6 1(0 ISlt 84 78 114 68 3. O. 183 151 M 76 i lau 61 96 K-> 78 88 7.1 , 64 4. O. i;«i 160 106 Mj 88 53 108 ItiO 74 68 117 [ 57 Means 146 159 89 96 1102 78 1 96 129 78 78 92 66 1 1. A. SIS S-'iS COl 138 219 lis 98 184 150 170 2(>9 110 a. A. 260 214 l.-« 181 121 88 114 274 1.VJ 13(1 191 »!i 3. A. 2.-.3 3:i6 V.fl 177 180 91 96 IT.'. 11.'. 109 26:i 106 4. A. 273 251 274 138 142 125 70 117 253 150 110 150 81 Means 277 17? 160 161 91 .106 232 143 1 130 220 101 1. A A. 2f)9 303 326 SOI 310 135 88 21.'> 109 \n 296 110 2. A A. 315 251 :r» 181 2:« l.i3 134 32() 118 190 1.^1 143 3. A A. 318 236 S-M 213 2:10 108 118 21..-. 123 l.W .164 95 4. AA. 816 :»1 273 150 170 183 113 285 141 179 191 66 Means 2»l 273 316 187,252 140 121 •271 123 170 2-J6 103 1 A AS. 2 A AS. 8 AAS 4 A.\S. Means 1 1 C. ^68 178 219 173 135 1 ia3 225 120 ' IM ' IM 85 2 C. lOl •r.r, 2.)S 195 IfJl M'J 1 1 18 171 156 l,-.i) 128 109 3 0. l'.« 296 218 is! IS') i.m; I i(»5 ZV\ II.-. 204 190 71 4 ('. 144 277 227 222 2a-> iiisi, ir, 3.-« Vii 204 , 174 88 M.ans 1(JT 3(M 233 S05 183 \m 120 246 136 ' 178 1 161 1 N 283 109 12H 215 99 119 20.-. lie. 22-. 245 120 2 N. 228 28G 224 i;t3 151 1 110 2:^ 17J 190 216 114 M. 1 31! 91 W) RJ K, 75 78 108 40 5 I). (173)1 CS 113 ra 90 101 71 110 73 73 103 41 5 A. 173 210 170 12li 151 63 151 168 19:1 188 210 1 1 81 , ( 1 130 2(10 144 110 ir.3 78 84 121 i 88 73 75 51 fi-la 118 IGl 119 73 125 105 81 127 95; 67:194 1 1 65 7 101 260 m 109 141 1»1 191 260 147 190 1208 66 (') Avcratres of 4 years, 4 j-e.-ir". and 8 v:irs. (') Avrragps o' 0 years lacit 10 years, and total 17 years. ('; Averages MANUKK Koli MAKI KV. 2.'?: BASn LaNI>, WITHOIT >f\MUK, AND WITH DIKKEKKNT nKSCUIITIONS OP Field, Rotuamsteu. COR!« PER ACKE lbs. or quantity, of Manure, at the poriixi indicated, for particulars tif which, see thereto, p. 231.] IlABTE8Ta. Atkbaok Akncau 1 1864 1866 1866 I 1 1867 1868 181)9 1870 1871; i ||? 1 1 lbs. IbB. 11= lbs. Ibe. Iba. lbs. Mm. lb«. Ibo. lbs. IbH. 4S : 47 41 im 21 +« , 81 48 120 4H &4 1 0. 69 88 St 53 2t S:> 18 m >>6 52 74 s o. 48 ^ SK 04 ; j; 70 ! 18 85 ! 101 46 74 3 O. 41 as 55 60 1 -^5 69 26 48, 1 104 53 78 4 O. 48 i 38 89 67 1 25 115 j 4'.l 68 13!» S3 41 1 2:{ 115 1 105 50 78 Mcana 99 1 58 1 94 174 1(17 141 1 A. C3 81 ! M 76 3rt 113 26 1^0 172 94 133 2 A. 83 51 106 (M 31 95 24 89 1 173 95 134 3 A. 110 CO , li-l 71 50 21 27 146 1 1(15 78 122 4 A. 89 1 68 89 89 ; 46 92 6t 25 132 3:5 133 171 94 123 Means no 1 64 148 no ei6 111 16J 1 AA. 50 113 111 6'j 1 m Ki 2» ItW 220 95 153 2 AA. 76 1 48 laj 106 r.9 111 s ):;■; 214 113 164 3 AA. 46 76 ,133 119 |43 7?< 80 90 2(:8 h7 148 4 AA. 71 1 75 ,l»i 101 48 86 31 131 1 215 102 159 Meana »t 1 56 98 85 4'J 121 33 94 1 f «> 74 771 75 ,,. 89j 1 A AS. ra 86 96 or, (.4 fiO 23 151 (■>■ g 75 2 A AS. 70 50 141 79 .•-,9 i:ji 12Kc cwt cwt cwt cwt 7V 11 9»4 1134 8', 13 V 12'; 15 V H'i IIV 10', 13\ 9V IS?* 13^ 15»4 Means 15 V 13',^ 10», 8*; 12X IIV 1374 11', l!t»; 20»4 21V 2.->V 29»i 32>, 81 I6V 21 »4 2:JV26V 36*, :»'4 31|^;32 20'4 25V 26>4 28'; 13'i22 21><25V 21', 31 »; 31 'i 32 V !«', 2.J'. •iA\ 27'; 29 :«', .a's MM 1 A. 2 A. 3 A. 4 A. 227i 26 23 »i 25 V 25'. 26^ .■JO'4' 40 'i 40V 36?.- il'.- 17 'i 29', 21V 27V 17', 31 21 \ 20'4 21=«i 2754 15V 11 ■« 2H>; 21'. 17', jUJ.., 2l»?i 27 '4 Means 35^ K\ 28', 26', 28', asti 28 19V 23)^ 22V 19Ki 1 A A. 2 A A 3 AA. 4 AA. 26'» 28',- 27'4 31 », 37 'i 44 >i 37', 49 32'. 3SS 3t :»', 21V' 2;j'4 31*. 32', 24 :!•<,■ 14 V :t2», 26 , 22 ■, Ki'. .•<5'i j.«)^ Means a7>tf 23 ?i 48 U 36^ 38Jil 29H 27V i21?4|21«4 27ri27s, 30 1 AAS. 2 AAS. S AAS. 4 AAS. ' Means 1 1 1 C. 3 C. 3 C. 4 C. 24 S 23^ 21 ?< 26 7i 25^i 27V 26 '4 4314 44', 4114 42', 4-2 'i 30 'i 36',- 37 », 28 1 33>i 31V 33 \ 26 >^ m\ 30 V 3:]!i .30»£ 26', 17', 27'i 33'; »\ 20s, «', .30;; 251, 201bI:«>4 .35 2<.tV 2214 .31 26 27V 23?; 287, 28H 30V 29?4 :«?i Means 2:J14 3<>V 5n~ 3:j«4 15>4 14 \ 31 18 V 16?i 27V 28?4j S2«i 32*4 27»i 20',':» 36 V 29% 1 N. 2 N. M. 5 O. 5 A. 7 ((15..)] (2.Vi) 1 25',- 174 14 S' 18V 2:iS,' 25'. 15?i 16V 15'i 22 ':f 3:J?i 38 U ..I 22 V 20?; 37«4 19S' 24*4 28Ji 32 1 lOS lO'i 10'. 13'4 225!i 27*i oh' 16'i 9Vj 14^ 19?i 23 S 20V IS'* 23 J4 21 '4 |12='4 10', 12 V 10 'v |28>, 2li', 12 11 V 1114 10 81V 28 V 16?4 18 ». 7V 6', 25-^ 7V 7?i 25 V 27^4 29S 15',' \^\ 31', 9'; 10 •31 >4 24 V ^^\ 144 31 i. 10', lis 34 V .30V 29?4 19V 15V •M 134 14,V •33V (') Averat^es of 4 years, 4 years, and 8 years, last 10 years, and (') Averages of 9 years total 17 yevs. (*) Averages MANURE FOR BARLEY. 2^9 SAMT! Land, withoit Manure, \su with inrrEUENT desckiptions of Field, Kotuamsted. (and CHAFF) PER ACRE C\vt"i. tion, or quantity, of Manure, at the period indicated, for particulars of which see thereto, p. .231.] Harvksts. 1864 1866 1966 ISffT 1868 18G91870 1871 Atkbaob Ahncai^ cwta. cwt cwt« n\ e\ 9'i IJ'. 9', 12 S 13'. 9U. lO", 1C»4 10 12', 14S I 9V lUi llSi 9% ^UH f}% laS cwt cwtB. cwt cwt cwt lOSi' 11% ill 6\ 11 121, 9\ 10', 8 121^* 10',, 8». 11 Svs, ll", J2 lOH 12', 9S 14 e2 cwta. icwts. 13>i 101^ 14'. I 11^ 13', lO^ii 1«% 12S aO'. 13 I 15S 32", 8i».i as*, 19)t 16 16\ W, 28\ r.'. 86=Si 18.VJ 21 »« 2-J 23 V 16 ! 1"'* 33 . 23 ! 2s'. »i', 17 ■ 18-, 87", 24', 2S'h 'iT",! 12k 18V 12''j 2:J' 14,V 19^ 27'. 21 'i 28J, cwta. 11 V 13'. 12>* llJi 12Tt 17'. 27', 1»\ 28 18>4 27'. 28>» 80>, 20V 23 V 26V 22'. 20V .%3', 2:V *)', a-'^v 23'. 22 v8V 26V 82V 22'i 26'. 24'. 22 V 26V 21V 24V 25V 19V 31V 21V iM'i 26'. 1 19 S 31 22 24'. 22 V 10^' 34V 22 27 V MV 21V 2r. 17- 005^1 2av 20ii 29v! 2!?V 17 29\ 37-. 2(n. .3»;v 30 V 20 1 31 'g 42|,20'4 3» 33V 19V 33»i 27 n^ 27' it 33', 17V 27V' 30V 18V 30 Vi 35'. 20'. 32 ; ai4 23V 23V 24 81V 25 V 34V »v 29'. 22':, 30'. 22 V 30', 24 ,32V » 25»i i27'4 (') f21V 2;»v 24V 31 21V «»V 26 V 32 21 Vl 1 31>s J 26 V 27V 27 29'. a4V 30'. 26 28', 25'. 31V 27V 26'i 28V 27 V 29V 31 21V 24V 18>, r.^ 21;, 2oV 24V| 19V 31V 18'4 29Vj 24 13V' 29V ' 27 V 1 19 V 31'/,, SOV 253!£ I 28 21V 23J. 12'i 13' 9'i 14'I lOvl lOV 33', 24', 28 13V i S\\ Wi 13V 8Ji| 9'/4 21 VI 18 V ,2ix nv 12 10 V 10 V I 8", 22V 20', 9'-.' 10 V 10 V 10 V ,.j23V 22>/, 22ii I ,,. ^ ' i 27': a4ii I 2fi^i I ^ ' 11 V' 8V 14V 15' i 4', 13 ■/ 36'. 21V 2^»V I 9V 7J£ 13 lOV ; 7J, 13V I 27V 24!i ■») (ll'i 12S£ (*) (13 V 11%' 27 V 28 '^ 22V I 26V t' 12'.0 (») 12V) (^) lOV IIV 12V 12V 37V 25V' 31)^ '27vl 24y 2851i W% 37^1 26Ji 29^ I 28«4 1 O. 2 O. 3 O. 4 O. Means 1 A. 2 A. 3 A. 4 A. Means 1 A.\. 2 AA. 3 AA. 4 AA. Means 1 A AS. 2 AAS. 3 AAS. 4 AAS. Means 1 C. 2 C. 3 C. 4 C. Means 1 N. 2 N. M. 5 O. 5 A. u« 7 OR53-f.ln last 10 Of 9 years (1853- year». and total 19 years. 61 », last 10 years, and total ih Averages of 7 years (1855-'61), 19 years. 240 TALKS ON MANUKKS. The produce of barley the first season (1852), was, per acre : On the uninanurcd plot 271 busbele With 6Upi.Tph()Si)haie (if lime 2^| " " potash, soda, and mnffnesia :.>6} " " " " " and superphosphate 32* " " 14 tons barn-yard manure Sa " " 200 Ihs. ammonia-salts alone 3(5J " " " " and superphosphate :;8i '• " " " and potash, soda, and magnesia 30 " " " " and superphosphate, potash, soda, and magnesia 40 J " " 400 lbs. ammonia-salts alone 44i " The 200 lbs. of ammonia-salts contain 50 lbs. of ammonia:=41 lbs. nitrogen. It will be seen that this 50 lbs. of ammonia alone, on plot la. gives an increase of nearly 10 bu.'^bcls per acre, or to be more accu- rate, it gives an over the nnmantircd plot of 503 Ib.s. of grain, and 32!) lbs. of straw , while double the quantity of ammonia on plot la.a., gives an increase of 17^ bushels per acre — or an in- crease of 901 lbs. of grain, and 1,144 lbs. of straw. "Put that fact in separate lines, side by side," said the Deacon, " so that we can see it." Total Grain Straw Produce. 50 lbs. of ammonia gives an increase of 503 lbs. 704 lbs. 1207 Ibe. 100 " " " " " " " .... l»01 " 1144 " 2045 " The first 50 lbs. of ammonia gives an in- crease of .. .. 503 " 704 " 1207 " The second 50 Ibe. of ammonia gives an in- crease of 398 " 540 " 738 " " That shows," said the Deacon, " that a dressing of 50 lbs. per acre pays better than a dressing of 100 lbs. per acre. I wish Mr. Lawes had sown 75 lbs. on one plot." I wish so, too, but it is quite probable that in our climate. 50 lbs. of .available ammonia per acre is all that it will be profitable to apply per acre to the barley crop. It is equal to a dressing of 500 lbs. guaranteed Peruvian guano, or 275 lbs. nitrate of soda. — " Or to how much manure ? " asked the Deacon. To about 5 tons of average stable-manure, or say three tons of good, well-rotted manure from grain-fed animals. " And yet," said the Deacon, " Mr. Lawes put on 14 tons of yard manure per acre, and the yield of barley was not as much as from the 50 lbs. of ammonia alone. How do you account for that?" Simply because the ammonia in the manure is not ammonia. It is what the chemists used to call " potential ammonia." A good deal of it is in tlie form of undigested straw and bay. The nitro- genous matter of the food wliich has been digested by the animal MANUKB von BAULKY. 2i\ and thrown otT in the liquid excrements, is in such a form tliat it will readily firment and produce ammonia, while the nitrogenous matter in the undigested food and in the straw used for bedding, decomposes slowly even under the most fatorable conditions; and if buried while fresh in a chiy soil, it probably would not all de- compose in many years. But we will not discuss this at present. " The superphosphate does not 8eem to have done much good," saiil the Deacon ; " 3i cwt. per acre gives an increase of less than two bushels per acre. And I suppose it was good superpliosphate." There need be no doubt on that point. Better superphosphate of lime cannot be made. But you must recollect that this is pure superphosphate made from burnt boues. It contains no ammonia or organic matter. Commercial superphosphates contain more or less ammonia, and had they been used in these experiments, they would have shown a better result than the pure article. They would have done good in proportion to the available nitrogen they contained If these experiments prove anything, they clearly indi- cate that superphosphate alone is a very poor manure for either wheat or barley. The second year, the unmanured plot gave 2.5f bushels per acre. Potash, soda, and magnesia, (or wliat the Deacon calls "ashes,") 27J bushels; superphosj)hale ;33V, and "ashes" and superphos- phate, ncarlj' 36 bushels per acre. 50 lbs. of ammonia, alone, gives nearly 39 bushels, and ammonia and superphosphate togetlier, 40 bushels. The supcrphospliatc and " ashes " give a better account of them- selves this year ; but it is remarkable that the ammonia alone, gives almost as good a crop as the ammonia and superphosphate, and a better crop than the ammonia and " ashes," or the ammonia, super- phosphate, and ashes, together. The 14 tons farm-yard manure gives over 36 bushels per acre. This plot has now had 28 tons of manure per acre, yet the 50 lbs. of ammonia alone, still gives a better yield than this heavy dress- ing of manure. The third season (1851), was quite favorable for the ripening of wheat and barley. The seed on the experimental barley-field, was sown Feb. 24, and the harvest was late ; so that the crop had an unusually long season for growth. It was one of the years when even poor land, if clean, gives a good crop. The unmanured plot, it will be seen, yielded over 35 bushels per acre of dressed grain, weighing over 53^ lbs. per bushel. The total weight of grain, was 1,963 lbs. This is over 40 bushels per acre, of 48 lbs. per bushel, which is the standard with us. 11 242 TALKS OX MANURES. The 14 tons of farm-yard manure produce nearly 56^ bushels per acre. 50 lbs. of ammonia, on plot la 471 bushels per acre. 100 " " " ." " laa 5G* " " You will see, that though the plot which has received 43 tons of manure per acre, produced a splendid crop ; the plot having nothing except 100 lbs. of animouia per acre, produceil a crop equally good. "IIow much increase do you gtt from 50 lbs. of ammonia," asked the Deacon, " and how much from 100 lbs. ?" Equal Anier. Grain. t^raw. jiu.ififh. 50 lbs of ammonia, pives an increase of WK) lbs. 952 lbs. 161 bush. 100 " '• •• " " " *' 1,300 '• 2,100 " 3S " If you buy nitrate of soda at 3} cents a lb., the ammonia will cost 20 cents a lb. lu the above experiment. 50 lbs. of amuioiiiu, costing |10, gives an increase of IGjj bushels of barley, and nearly half a ton of straw. If the straw is worth |4.00 per ton, the barley will cost -18 cents a bushel. Double the quantity of manure, costing $20, gives an increase of 28 bushels of barley, and over one ton of straw. In this case the extra barley costs 57 cents a bushel. On plot 2 I., 50 lbs. of ammonia and 3* cwt. of superphosphate, give 3,437 lbs. of c^rain, e(iual to 7H of our bushels per acre. On plot 2 t- 1- « I- -« a a s = a a « V V :. V u a c : c 3 o S £ 0 ■) ^ O 5 — ^^ irj * r^ U U ^;z a> s «} E E c e 2 <<■ i: s.a. — « ca Z.XX X v: S OD K OD ^ I T C» »< O = J^ t lbs. are lejt in the toil. But you must recollect that 100 lbs. was api>]ii'd again the next year, and no account is taken of the 6S lbs. left in tlie soil — «\nd so on for 20 years. In other words, on plot 8, for instance, 2,460 lbs. of nitrogin have been applied, and only llh lbs. have been recovered in ihc total produce of grain, straw, and chaff, and 1,685 lbs. have been left in the soil. Mr. Lawes estimates, from several analyses, that his farm-yard manure contains 0.637 per cent of nitrogen, 2.76 per cent of mineral matter, and 27.24 per cent of organic matter, and 70 per cent of water. According to this, the plot dressed with 14 tons of manure every year, for 20 years, has received 3,'.>y.* lbs. of nitrogen, of which 58;H lbs. were recovered in the produce, and 3,411J lbs. were left in the soil. In the case of barley, 3,995 lbs. of nitrogen was applied dur- ing the 20 years to the plot dressed with farm-yard manure, of which 427* lbs. were recovered in the crop, and 3,567J lbs. left in tbe soil. *' I see," s;iid the Deacon, " that barley gets less of the goodness out of farm-yard manure than wheat, but that it gets more out of the salts of ammonia and nitrate of soda. How do you account for that?" " I sui pose, because the manure for wheat was applied in the autumn, and the rains of winter and spring dissolved more of tbe plant-food than would be the case if the manure was applied in the spring. If tbe manure had been applied on the surface, in- stead of plowing it under, I believe the effect would have been Btill more in favor of the autumn-manuring." When the nitrogen is in an available condition, spring barley can take up and utilize a larger proportion of the nitrogen than winter wheat. Neither tbe wheat nor the barley can get at and take up half what is applied, aid tliis, notwithstanding the fact that a heavy dew or a sliirht rain furnishes water enough on an acre to dissolve a liberal dressin;; of nitrate of soda or sulphate and muriate of ammonia. The truth is, the soil is very conserva- tive. It does not, fortunately for us, yield up all its plant-food in a year We have seen that when wheat or barley is dressed with sol- 250 TALKS ON MANURES. iiblc auiiiiouia-salts or nitrate of soila, a considerable amount of tl^' nitro^^i-n is loft in the soil — an 1 yet this uilroi^en is of eoinpara- tively liltlo bjui'tit to the succeeding crops of wheat or barley, while a fresh dressing of ammonia-salts or nitrate of soda is of great benefit to the crop. In other words, when wheat is sown after wheat, or barley after barlr-y, we do not get lialf the benefit from the manure which it is theoretically capable of producing. Now, the question is, whether l)y a judicious rotation of crops, we can avoid this great loss of manure ? Tii're a time when it was tliou-^ht that the growth of tur- nips enriched tiie soil. I have heard it said, again and again, that the reason E:i,dish farmers grow larger crops of wheat and bailey than we do, is because ihey grow so many acres of turnips. " So I have often heard," said the Deacon, "and I supposed the broail turnip leaves absorbed nitrogen from the atmosphere." ThiTO is no evidence that l-aves have any sucii power; while tliere are many facts wliich jioint in an opposite direction. The following experiments of Lawesand (Jilbert seem to show that the mere growth of turnips does not enrich land for grain crops. Turnips w.'re grown on the same land, year after year, for ten years. Tlu; \u\ 1 was then plowed and sown to barley for three years. The following table gives the results: Three Years of Barlet after Ten Years of Turnips. PARTICCLAUS or MANIRES, KTP. IIoos-Ficld — Bailey, without manure, after 3 corn-crops Birn-Field— Biiiicy. after 10 yrs. Turnips raannred as under— l.—Miiieral manures (la-t 8 year!') — 2.— Mineral manures (8 yrs.) ; .\inmoiiia-salts (6 yrs.). 3.— Mineral manures (8 yrs.); Rape-cake (6 yrs.) 4. —Mineral manun-s (8 yrs.); Ammonia-salts and Itape-cake ((J yrs.) Produce qf Barley per Acre. bush.! I>ush. bu!*!!. 26 20 'i 234 28'4 294 5.— Mineral manures (8 yrs.) ; Ammonia-salts, for Bar-' I lev, ISot (aO)fANi r.E van n.vni.EY. 251 gen in llio soil In otliiT wonls, the iiirnii)s IcaVi; ItKi aviiihiblo nitro^oii in the soil liian j^rain crops. Aftrr aiiuilini; to llie fat-Is given in liic foregoing table, Messrs. Lawrs ami Gilbert say : " There is eviilenee of another kind that may be cited as show- ing that it was of available nitrogen that the turnii)s hail rendered the soil so delicicnt for the aftergrowth of barley. It may be as sumed that, on the average, between 2') and ^0 lbs. of nitrogen would be annually removed from the Rothainsted soil by wheat or barley grown year after year witlioul nitrogenous manure. But it is estimated that fron> the niineral-nianured turnip-plots there were, over the 10 years, more than 50 lbs. <»f nitrogen per acre per annum removed. As, however, on some of the plots, small quan- tities of ammonia-salts or rape-cake were ai)plie.l in the first two years of the ten of turnips, it is, perhaps, more to the purjxise to tiike the average orer l lie last 8 yeai-s of turnips only ; and this would show about 45 lbs. of nitrogen removed per acre per annum. An immaterial proportion of this migiit be due to the small amounts of nitrogenous manures applied in the first two years. Still, it may be assumed tLat about li time as much nitrogen was removed from the land for 8, if not for 10 years, in succession, as would have been taken in an equal number of crops of wheat or barley grown without nitrogenous manure. No wonder, then, that considerably less barley has been grown in 3 years after a series of mineral-manured turnip-crops, tlian was obtained in an- other field after a les? number of corn-crops. "The residts obtained in Barn-field afford a striking illustration of the dependence of the turnip-plant on a supply of available ni- trogen within the soil, and of its comparatively great power of exhausting it. They are also perfectly consistent with those in Hoos-field. in showing that mineral manures will not yield fair crops of barley, unless there be, within the soil, a liberal supply of available nitrogen. The p'sults obtained under such very ditTerent conditions in the two fields are, in fact, .strikingly mutually con- firmatory." 252 TALKS OX MAVURBS. CHAPTER XXX. MANURES FOR OATS. " What is the use of talking about manure for oats," said the Deacon, " if laud is not rich enough to produce oats withdut ma- Dure, it certainly will not pay to manure tliem. "We can use our manure on some crop tbat will pay better." " That is precisely what we want to know," said I. " Very likely you are riglit, but have you any evidence ? " " Evidence of wliat V " "Have you any facts that show, for instance, that it will pay better to use manure for wheat or Itarley than for oats? " " Can't say that I have, but I think manure will pay better on wheat tlian on oats." Mr. Lawes is making a series of experiments on oats. Let us take a hasty glance at the results of the first two seasons : Experiments on Oats at Rothamsted. MANUnE» PEK ACRE. Giain, in bushds. Straw, cwts. Weight per biuhel, Ihf. 18(J!t. 1870. 1869. 1870. 9H 9*i 285i 23 mi 1869. 36?i 38X 37>i^ 39 V 38'/, 1870. 3ti?g 45 56 H 75»4 62;^ 69?i 16?8 mi 50 ?8 50 19 '4 3678 54 42 Ji 49 » 35 2.— Mixc-.i Alkalic? and Snpcrphosplmtc i>f Lime 35 >« 3.— 4CI0 Itis. .\ininoiiia-!;:i]l? 4.— Mixed .\lk:ilies and Siiperphospliate, and 4W 9>». Aminoiiiii-salts 5.— 5.50 ft)". Nitrite of Soda 6.— Mixed Alk.ilies, Supcrpliosphate, and 550 lbs. Nitrate of Soda. 34 'i 36 35^1 355li It seems clear that, for oats, as for barley and wheat, what we most need in manure, is available nitrogen. The first yfar, the no-manure plot produced 36| bushels of oats per acre, weighing 361 lbs. per bushel, and plot 3, with ammonia- salts alone, 56^ bushels, and with nitrate of soda alone, on plot 5, 62} bushels per acre, botli weighing 08i lbs. per bushd. In other words, 82 lbs. of available nitrogen \n the salts of ammonia gave an increase of about 20 bushels per acre, and the same quantity of nitrogen in nitrate of soda an increase of 26 bushels per acre. The next year, the season seems to have been a very unfavor- MANURES FOR OATS. 253 able one for oaU;. Tlie no-manure plot produced less than 17 bushels per acre ; and the "ashes" and superphosphate on plot 2, give an increase of less than 3 bushels per acre. Uul it will be seen that on plot 3 the ammonia-salts do as much gooil in this un- favorable season as in the fa\orable one. They give an increase of over 20 bushels per acre. "A few such facts as this," said the Deacon, " would almost persuade me that j'ou are right in contending that it is in the un- favorable seasons, when prices are sure to be high in this country, that a gooil fanner stiinds the best chance to make money." " Will-re mixed alkaliis and superphosphate," said the Doctor, "are added to the ammonia, the increase fnna the nmmoiiia is far greater tiian wiiere ammonia is used alone. In other words, by comparing plot 2 and plot 4, you will see that the ammonia gives an increase of 30^ bushels per acre in 1809, and 3U bushels in 1870." The truth of the matter probably is this : 100 lbs. of available ammonia per acre is an excessive suppl}', when used alone. And in fact Mr. Lawes himself only recommends about half this quantity. Whetlier it will jniy us to use artificial manures on oats depends on the price we are likely to get for the oats. When the price of oats^r lb. and oat-straw is as high as barley and barley straw per /i.,then it will \i\\y a I'ttte httter io use manure on oats than on barley. As a rule in t'.iis country, however, good barley >s worth more per lb. than good oats ; and it will usually pay better *o use artificial manures on barley than on oats. Some years ago Mr. Bath, of Virginia, made some experiments on oats with the following results : BusTids of oats per acre. No. 1— :200 lbs. Superphosphute 22 No. 2—200 lljs. Peruvian f^uano 48J No. 3—100 lbs. Peruvian guano 32 The oats were sown March 13, and the crop harvested July 4 In 1860, 1 made some experuuents with gypsum, superphosphate, and sulphate of ammonia as a top-dressing on oats. The land was a clover-sod, i)lowed about the middle of May, and the oats .sown May 20. On the 26th of May, just as the oats were coming up, the manures were sown broadcast. The oats ■were sown too late to obtain the best results. On another field, where the oats were sown two weeks earlier, the crop was decidedly better. The oats were cut August 28. The following is the result : 2:)4 TALKS ON MANURES. EXPEBIMENTS ON OaTS AT MOBETON FaBM, RocaESTER, N. Y. Plots. MANl'KES 1-KK AtKE. No. 1 No manure a two li)S. (Jypsiiiu (Sulplmte of Lime) 3 l-'lOO lbs. !Siii>erplui>|>lmle of Lime... 4 .'iOO lljs. Suipliaie <>i Aiiiinoiiiu 5 -'WO lb:*. SiiperplKj^pli.ite of Lime, uiul 3tX) I lb:-. SulpUate o> Ammonia Biuhtls Wei(j/U airaw 01 Oat« jxr liimUel /jtr acre jxrr acre. ae 47 50 50 III /A,<. •i-i •il •z-i. 22>4 III lbs. 1,U5U 2,475 •J,47o 2,730 2,576 These experiments wore made when my laml was not as clean as it {■n uow. I presume the weeds got more benetil from the am- monia th.m the oats. To top-dress foul laud with e.vpensive arti- licial maniirvs is money thrown away. If t'.ie hind had hccii ph)wcd in the autumn, and tlie s<'ed and manures eouhl liave been put in early in the spring, I presume we should have had more favoraltle results. " Are you not ashamed to acknowledge," paid the Deacon, " tliat you have ever rai.sed oats weigliing only 22 lbs. per bushel." No. I have raised even worse crojis than thi.s — and so has the Dencon. But I made up my niin a little, making a broad, flat hill. A tablespoonful of plaster, dusted on the young plants soon after thev come up, will usually do good. We recommend guano, because in our experience it does not increase the rot. But it is only fair to add, that we have not found even barn-yard manure, if thoroughly rotted and well mixed with the soil the fall previous, half so injurious as some people would have us suppose. If any one will put 25 loads per acre on our potato land, we will agree to plant and run the risk of the rot. But we would use some guano as well. The truth is, that it is useless to expect a large crop of potatoes, say 350 bushels per acre, without plenty of manure." This was w ritten before the potato-beetle made its appearance. But I think I should say the same thing now — only put it a little stronger. The truth is, it will not pay to '• fight the bugs" on a poor crop of potatoes. We nmst select the best land we have and make it as rich as possible. "But why do you recommend Peruvian guano," asked the Doctor, "rather than superphosphate or ashes ? Potatoes contain a large .amount of potash, and one would expoct considerable benefit from an ap;ili(ation of ashes." " Ashes, plaster, and hen-dung," said the Judge, " will at any rate 256 TALKS OX MANUnES. pay well on potatoes. I have tried this mixture again and again, and always with good effect." " I believe in the hen-dung," said I, " and possi])]y in the plaster, but on my land, ashes do not seem to be specially V»eneficial on potatoes, while I have rarely used Peruvian guano without good effect; and sometimes it has proved wonderfully prolil able, owing to the high price of potatoes." Sometime ago, I had a visit from one of the most enterprising and successful farmers in Western New York. "What I want to learn," he said, "is how to make manure enough to keep my land in good condition. I sell nothing but l)eans, potatoes, wheat, and apples. I feed out all ni}' corn, oats, stalks, straw, and hay on the farm, and draw into the barn-yard the potato-vines and everytiiing else thit will rot into manure. I make a big pile of it. But the point with me is to tind out what is the i)est stock to feed this straw, stalks, hay, oats, and com to, so as to make tiie best manure and return the largest profit. Last year 1 bouglit a lot of steers to feed in winter, and lost money. This fall I bought G8 head of cowa to winter, intending to sell them in the spring." " What did they cost yon ? " " I went into Wyoming and Cattaraugus Counties, and picked them up among tlie dairy farmers, and selected a very fair lot oJ cows at an average of $'22 per bead. I fcypect to sell them as new milch cows in the spring. Such cows last opring would have "been worth $60 to $70 each." " That will i^ay. But it is not often the grain-grower pets such a chance to teed out his straw, stalks, an 't other fodder to advantage. It cannot be adopted as a permaucnt system. It is bad for the dairyman, and no real help to tha grain-grower. The manure is not rich enough. Straw and stalks alone can not be fed to advantage. And when you winter cows to sell again in the spring, it will not pay to feed grain. If you were going to keep the cows it w< uld pay well. The fat and flesh you put on in the winter would be re- turned in the form of butter and cheese next summer." " Why is not the manure good ? I am careful to save everything, and expect seven or eiglit hundred loads of manure in the spring." " You h:id 60 acres of wheat that yielded 25 bushels per acre, and have probably about 50 tons of wheat straw. You had also 30 acres oats, that yielded 50 bushels per acre, say 35 tons of straw. Your 20 acres of corn produced 40 bushels cf shelled corn per acre ; say t'.ic stalks weigh 30 tons. And you have 60 tons of MANUBKS hOll I'UTATOKS. 257 hay, half clover and lialf timothy. Ltt us see what your manure from this amount of gr:iin aiul fodder is worth. Manures from 50 tons whcut-etraw, (a $2.GS | 134.00 35 loiis oal-?.lraw, (<( *;2.'.M) 101.50 30 tons c(ini-stalkt>, «/ f;j..>s 107.40 SOtons tiiui.tliy-liav, (« #<1.43 VJ-2.'M 30 tons clovcr-liay,"(«/ *H.64 )18\K'M 14 tons oats (l,5(Hi bush.), (^(i $7.70 107.'50 at tons corn (ftOO bushels;, (> lo'.t.tiO Total . .213 tons *l,0.t2.40 "This is the value of the manure on the land. Assuminj: tliat tliore are 600 loads, and that the labor of cleaning out the stal»les, piling, carting, and spreading the manure is worth ^0 cents per loatl, or $lfSO, we have $'.tl'2.4U as the net value of the manure. " Now, your 2o0-acre farm iinght he so managed that tliis amount of manure aunuall}- aj'plied would soon greatly increase its fertility. But you do not think you can afford to summer-fallow, and you want to raise thirty or forty acres of potatoes every year." " I propose to do so," he replied. " Situated as I am, close to a pood shipping station, no crop pays me better. My potatoes this year have averaged me over |!100 per acre." " Very good. But it is perfectly clear to my mind that sooner or later, you must either farm slower or feed higher. And in your case, situated close to a village where you can get plenty of help, and with a good shipping station near by, you had better adopt the latter plan. You must feed higher, and make richer manure. You now feed out 213 tons of stuff, and make 600 loads of manure, worth |;912.40. By feeding out one third, or 71 tons more, you can more than dimhle the value of the manure. 50 tons of bran or mill-feed would trivc manure worth % 729.50 21 tons dccorticatcil cotton-seed cake S'^'j.OO ?:i,314.5(; " Bu3' and feed out this amount of bran and cake, and you would have 800 loads of manure, worth <>n the hmd ^2,226.90, or, estimat- ing as before that it cost 30 cents a load to handle it, its net value would be $1,986.96." I am well aware that comparatively few farmers in this section can afford to adopt this plan of enrichinir their land. We want better stock. I do not know where I could buy a lot of steers that it would pay to fatten in the winter. Those farmers who raise good grade Shorthorn or Devon cattle are not the men to sell them lialf-fat at low rates. They can fatten them as well as I can For some time to come, the farmer who proposes to feed liberally, 258 lALKS ON MAJJUEES. ■will have lo raise his own stock. He can rarely buy well-bred ani- mals to fatten. A good farmer must be a good farmer throughout. He can not be good in spots. His land must be drained, well- worked, and free from weeds. If he crops heavily he must manure heavily, and to d(i this he must feed liberally — and he can not atford to feed iilxTuUy unless he has good stock. " 1 have, my.self, no doul)t but you are right on this point,'' said the Doctor, " but all this takts time. Suppose a farmer becomes satislied that the manure he makes is not rich enough. To tell him, when he is an.xious to raise a good crop of potatoes next year, that be must go to work and improve his stock of cattle, sheep, and swine, and then l)ny bran and oil-cake to make richer manure, is somiwhal tantalizing." This is true, and in sndi a case, instead of adding nitrogen and phosplioric acid to his manure in tlic shape of bran, oil-cake, etc., he can buy nitrogen and pliosphoric acid in guano or in nitrate of soda and sni)erpliospliate. This gives him richtT manure ; which is precisely what he wants for his potatoes. His potir manure i3 not so much deficient in as in nitrogen and jjliosphoric acid, and consetpirntly it is nitrogen and plios|)horic acid that he will probably need to make his soil capable of producing a large crop of potatoes. I have seen Peruvian guano extensively used on pf)tatoes, and almost always with good eirect. My first experience with it in this country, was in 18o'2. Four acres of pot:itoes were planted on a two-year-old clover-sod, plowed in the spring. On two acres, Peruvian guano was sown broalcast at the rate of 300 lbs. per acre and harrowed in. The potatoes were planted May 10. On the other two acres no manure of any kind was used, though treated exactly alike in every other respect. The result was as follows: No manure 11^ bushels per acre. 30t» ll)s. Peruvian gtiano S*^ Tiie guano cost, here, about 3 cents a lb., and consequently nine dollars' worth of guano gave 84 bushels of potatoes. The potatoes were all .'^ound and good, but where the guano was used, they were larger, with scarcely a small one amongst tiiem. In 1857, I made the following experiments on potatoes, in the same field on which the preceding exiieriment was made in 18.')2. In this case, as before, the land was a two-year-old clover-sod. It was plowed about the first of May, and harrowed until it was in a gootl mellow condition. The potatoes were planted in bills 3i NfAXUKKS FOR rOTATOKS. 259 feet apart each way. Tlie following table shows the manures used and the yield of ]><)tatoc*s per acre. EXPEKIMKNTS O.V POTATOES AT MoKETON FaBM, 1>r~i iiiiTiMN ■ c Manure.-* v*zit. > AI'I'UKU I-EH Al'K): 1) OIASTITIK? ^•1 II No manure i>5 151) lb!'. Hulphatc of ammonia 14<) ;«) li)i«. 7or[>huH I pimte of linic 179 401 lb?*, of uiillic-!<. V*i lbi«. i«ulplmto of am- ' nioiiia. .ind l(>i> lb:*, plii^t.r 109 300 lbi$. rupiTpbo-ipbal-! <>f lime, l.'i I Iba. fiilphato of am- I niouia and lOO lb;*. iinb-acbL-d woodaxlii-H l.X 1^ ^1 45 H4 The superpliosphate of lime w;is made expressly for experimen- tal |>urp(ises, from calcined bones, ground line, and mixed with stil|)huric acid in the proper prnportion.s to convert all the pho.s- piiate of lime of the bont-s into the sDliible sup Tphospliatc. It wa«i a purely min ral article, fn-e from ammoiiii and other organic matt -r. It co>t about two and a half cents per pound. Tlie manures were deposited in the hill, covered with an inch or two of soil, and tlie seed then pl:inlet deposited in the hill and covered with a little soil, and then the superphosphate or sulphate of am- monia placed on the top and covered with soil before the seed was planted. Notwitlist;mding this precaution, the rain washed the sul|)liate of ammoni.i into the a.>hes, and decomposition, witii loss of ammonia, was the result. This will account tor tlie less yield on plot 8 than on plot 2. It would have been better to have sown tlie ashes bro.idcast, but some previous experiments with Peruvian guano on potatoes indicated that it was liest to apply guano in the hill, carefully coverincr it with soil to prevent it injuring the .seed, than to sow it broadcast. It was for this reason, and for the greater convenience in sowing, that the manures were applied in the lull. Tlie ash of potatoes consists of about 50 per cent of potasii, and this fact has induced many writers to recommend ashes as a manure for this crop. It will be seen, however, that in this instance, at 260 TALKS ON MAJfUEES. least, they have very little eflfect, 400 lbs. giving an increase of only five bushels per acre. One hundred pounds of plaster per acre gave an in 'rease of six bushels. Plaster and ashes combined, an increase per acre of 15 busheLs. One fact is clearly brought out by these experiments : that this soil, which has been under cultivation without manure for many years, is not, relatively to other constituents of crops, deticieiit iu potash. Had such been the case, the sulphate of ammonia and supcrphospiiateof lime — manures wliich coataiu no potasli — would not have given an increase of 84 bushels of potatoes j)er acre. There was sufficient potash in the soil, in an available condition, for 179 bushels of potatoes per acre ; and the reason wliy the soil without manure produced only 95 bushels per acre, was owing to a deficiency of ammonia and phosphates. Since tljese experiments were made, Dr. Voelcker and otiiers have nvide similar ones iu England. Tlie results on the whole all point in one direction. They show that the manures most valuable for potatoes are thosj rich in nitrogen and phosphoric acid, and that occasionally potash is also a useful addition. "There is one thing I should like to know," said the Doctor. " Admittmg that nitrogen and phosphoric acid and potash are the most important elements of plant-food, hovv many bushels of po- tatoes should we be likely to get from a judicious application of these manures?" "Tliere is no way," said I, "of getting at this with any degree of certauny. The numerous experiments that have been made in England seem to show tliat a given quantity of manure will produce a larger increase on poor land than on land in better condition." In England potatoes are rarely if ever planted without manure, and the land selected for tliis crop, even witliout manure, would usually be in better condition than the average potato land of this section, and consequently a given amount of manure, applied to potatoes here, would be likely to do more good, up to a certain point, than the same amount would in England. Let us look at some of the cxpenments that have been made in England : — In tlie Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland for 1873 is a prize essay on " Experiments upon Potatoes, with Potash Salts, on Light Land," by Charles D. Hunter, F. C. S., made on the firm of William Lawson, in Cumberland. Mr. Hun- ter " was cliarircd witli the manuring of the farm and tiic purehas- inur of cliemical maimres to the annual value of £2,000," or say 110,000. MANLKES FOK POTATOES. 261 " Potatoes," says Mr. Hunter, " were hirgclj'- growu on the farm, and in the absence of a suIBcieney of farni-yurcl manure, potash naturally suggested itsdf is a necessary constituent of a chemical potato-manure. The soil was light and gravelly, with an open subsoil, and the rainfall from 29 to 38 inches a year." Tiie first .>^eries of experiments was made in 18G7. The follow- ing are some of the results : — Bushels per acre. No manure 2:il 4 cwl. mineral 6Uj)erphospliate 225 4 ewt. mineral suporphosphatc and | ,^t^ 4 cwt. of uiuriatf of potash \ "'^ 154 tons farm-yard manure 293 "That does not say mueli for potash r.nd superphosphate," said the Deacon. " The superphosphate only produced four bushels more than the no manure, and the ptuash and superphosphate only fifteen bushels more than the superphosphate alone." It may be worth while mentioning that one of the experimental plots this year was on a head-land, " where the cattle frcriuently stand tor shelter." This plot was dressed with only eight and a half tons of manure, and the crop was over 427 bushels per acre, while a plot alongside, without manure, produced only 163 bushels per acre. " That shows the importance." said the Deacon, " of planting potatoes on rich land, rather than to plant on poor land and try to make it rich by applying manure directly to the crop." The following are some of the results in 1868 : Bus f I el X per acre. 1. No manure 232 ( 4 cwt. superphosphate | 2. -I 2 " muriate of potash [-340 (2 " sulphate of ammonia ) 3 . 20 tons farm yard manure 342 . ( 4 cwt. superphosphate | 274 *• I 4 " muriate of potash j "Here again," said the Doctor, "superphosphate and potash alone give an increas? of only forty-two bushels per acre, while on plot 2, where two hundre 1 weight of muriate of potash is substi- tuted by two hundre 1 weight of sulpliatc of ammonia, the increase is 108 busliels per acre. It certainly looks as thcmgh a manure for potato 's, so far as yield is concerned, should be rich in available nitrogen." 262 TALKS ON MANURES. The following are some of the results in 1869 : Bushels per acre. 1. No munurc *. 176 (4 cwt. superphosphate "1 } " eulphate of majjnesia lo^^ 2 " muriate of potash f*'^ 2 " sulphate of ammonia J 3. 4 cwt. 8U|)erpliosphate 189 _. ( 4 cwt. superphospliate ) oqi (2 " sulphate of ammonia j ( 4 cwt. 8uper|)hosphate i 5. -(2 " muriate of potash >-340 (2 " 8uli>hate of ammonia ) g ( 4 cwt. 8Uiierpho.sphale [ oig ■j2 " muriate of potash j "Tlii.'? is a very interesting experiment," said the Doctor. "Siipcrpliospliate alone gives an increase of thirtct'n husliels. Siipcrpliospliato and potash an increase of seventy-three bushels. The potash, tliereforc, gives an inirease of si.xly bushels. Super- phospliate n/id ammonia give twelve bushels more than superphos- pliatc alone, and the reason it does not produce a better crop is owing to a deficiency of potash. When this is supplied the am- monia gives an increase (plots 5 and 6) of ninety-one bushels per acre." In 1870 the aliove experiments were repeated on the same land, with the same genenil results. In 1871 some cxperiinenis were made on a sharp, gravelly soil, wliicli had been over-cropped, and was in poor condition. The fol- lowing are the results: — Busfich prr acre. , j 9 cwt. superphosphate ( , o- ■|3 " sulphate of ammonia f ^ 9 ewt. su[)erphospliatc. ( 9 ewt. su[)erphospliatc i 2. < 31 " muriate of 1204 (3 " sulpliite of ammonia ) 3. No manure 70 { 9 ewt. supcrpho.sphate ) 4. -j 3i " muriate of pota.sti 1205 (3 " sulphate of ammonia ) 5. 20 tons farm-yard manure 197 " On this poor soil," said the Doctor, " the ammonia and super- pliospiiate gave an increase of IIG bushels per acre; and 3^ hun- dred weight of muriate of potash an, on one plot, of eighteen bushels, and on the other nineteen bushels per acre." In tiic same year, 1S71, another set of e.xperiments was made on a better and more loamy soil, which had been in for several years. In 136!) it was sown for hay, and in 1870 was broken up and sown to oats, and the next spring planted with potatoes. The following are some of the results : MANLRES F(»K TOTATOES. 263 Biushcls ])er acre. I 6i c wt. superphosphate | l.-|2i " inuiiale of potash >-321 ("21 " 8iilpbalf of armuoiiia ) o i tii cwt. 8iipirpliot;i)bute (^ .,tjg "(24 " t5 " It is curious," said the Doctor, " that tiic plot with sulphate of ammonia alone sliould produce less than the no-manure plot." "The sulphate of anunonia," said I, "may have injured the seed, or it may have produced too luxuriant a growth of vine." Another series of experiments was m.ide on another portion of the sjime field in 1871. The "no-manure" plot produced 337 bushels per acre. Manures of various kinds were used, hut the largest yield, 351 iiushels per acre, was from superpliosphate and sulphate of ammonia; fourteen tons barn-yard manure prod; ce 340 bushels per acre; and Mr. Iluntir remarks: "It is evident that, when the produce of the unmanured soil n^aches nine tons [336 bushels] per acre, there is but little scope for manure of any kind." " I do not sec," .<5aid the Doctor, " that you have answered my question, but I suppose that, with potatoes at fifty cents a bushel, and wheat at $1.50 per bushel, artificial manures can be more profitably used on potatoes than on wheat, and the same is prob- ably true of oats, barley, corn, etc." I have long been of the opinion that artificial manures cnn be applied to potatoes with more profit than to any other ordinary farm-crop, for the simple rea.son that, in this country, potatoes, on the average, command relatively high prices. For instance, if average land, without manure, will produce fif- teen bushels of wheat per acre and 100 bushels of potatoes, and a given quantity of manure costing, say if>'2~), w ill double the crop, we have, in the one case, an inrreasc of: — 15 bushels of wheat at 11.50 $22.50 15 cwt. of straw 3. .50 ?2fi.OO Cost of manure 25.00 Profit from ueing manure f 1.00 A.nd in the other: — 100 bushels of potatoes at 50 cents ^.W.OO Cost of manure .. 25.00 Profit from using manure :f25.00 264 TALKS ON ^rAxrRES. The only question is, whether the same quantity of the right kind of manure is as likely to double the potato crop as to double the wheat crop, when botli are raised on average land. " It is not an easy matter," said the Deacon, " to double the yield of potatoes." " Neither is it," said I, " to double the yield of wheat, but both can be done, provided you start low enough. If your land is clean, and well worked, and dry, and only produces ten Imshels of wheat per acre, there is no ditBculty in makin;:: it produce twenty bushels; and so of potatoes. If the land be dry and well cultivated, and, barring the bugs, produces without manure 75 bushels per acre, there ought to lie no dilliculty in making it produce 150 bushels. " But if your land produces, without manure, 150 bushels, it is not always easy to make it produce 300 bushels. Fortunately, or unfortunately, our land is, in most cases, poor enough to start ■with, and we ought to be able to use manure on potatoes to great advantage." '• But will not the manure," asked the Deacon," injure the quality of the potatoes?" I think not. So far a^ my experiments and experience go, the judicious use of good manure, on dry land, favors tiie perfect ma- turity of the tubers and the formation of starch. I never manured potatoes so highly as I did last year (1877). and never had potatoes of such high quality. They cook white, dry, and mealy. We made furrows two and a half feet apart, and spread ricli, well-rotted manure in the furrows, and planted the potatoes on top of the ma- nure, and covered them with a plow. In our climate, I am inclined to think, it would be l)etter to apply the manure to the land for potatoes the autumn previous. If sod land, spread the manure on the surface, and let it lie exposed all winter. If stubble land, plow it in the fall, and then spread tlie manure in the fall or win- ter, and plow it under in the^ spring. WHAT f-ROrs SIIOILI) MANUHE HE APPI.IEU TO. 265 0 il A !• T E R XXXII. WHAT CROPS SHOULD MANURE BE APPLIED TO. " It will not do any harm on any crop," said the Deacon, "but on my farm it seems to be most convenient to draw it out in the winter or spring, and plow it under for corn. I do not know any farmer except you wlio uses it on potatoes." My own rule is to apply manure to those crops wliich require the most labor per acre. But I am well aware that this rule will have many exceptions. For instance, it will often i)ay well to use manure on barley, and yet barlcv requires far less labor than corn or potatoes. People who let out, and tho.-JC who work f.irms "on shares" seldom understand this matter clearly. I knew a farmer, who last year let out afield of good land, that had been in corn the previous year, to a man to sow to i)arley, and afterwards to wheat on " the halves." Anotlu-r part of tiie farm was taken b}' a man to plant corn and potatoes on similar terms, and another man put in several acres of cabbage, beets, carrots, and onions on halves. It never seemed to occur to either of them that the conditions were un- equal. The expense of digging and harvesting the potato-crop alone was greater than the whole cost of the b irley-crop ; while, after the barley was otf, the land Avas plowed once, harrowed, and sowed to winter wheat ; and nothing more has to be done to it imtil the next harvest. With the garden crops, the difference is even still more striking. The labor expended on one acre of onions or carrots would put in ami harvest a ten-acre field of barley. If the tenant gets pay for his labor, the landlord would get say $5 an acre for his barley land, and |50 for his carrot and onion land. I am pretty sure the tenants did not see the matter in this light, nor the farmer either. Crops which require a large amount of labor can only be grown on very rich land. Our successful market-gardeners, seed-growers, and nurserymen understand this matter. They must get great crops or they cannot pay their labor bill. And the principle is ap- plicable to ordinary farm crops. Some of them require much more labor than otliers, and should never be grown unless the land is 12 266 TALKS OX MANURES. capable of producing a maximum yield per acre, or a close ap- proximation to it. As a rule, the least- paying crops arc those wliich require the least labor per acre. Farmers are afraid to expend much money for labor. They are wise in this, unless all tlie con- ditions are favorable. But when they have land in a high state of cultivation — dramed, clean, mellow, and rich — it would usually pay them well to grow crops which require the most labor. And it should never be forgotten that, as compared with nearly all other countries, our labor is expensive. No matter how cheap our land may be, we can not afford to waste our labor. It is too costly. If men would work for nothing, and board themselves, there are localities where we could perhaps alTord to keep sheep that shear two pounds of wool a year; or cows that make 75 lbs. of butter. We might make a profit out of a wheat crop of 8 bush- els per acre, or a corn-crop of 15 bushels, or a potato-croj) of 50 bushels. But it cannot be done with labor costing from $1.00 to $1.25 pL'r d.iy. And I do not believe labor will cost much less in our time. The only thing we can do is to employ it to the best ad- vantage. Machinery will help us to some extent, but I can see no real escape from our difficulties in this matter, except to raise larger crops per acre. In ordinary farming, " larger crops per acre " means fewer acres planted or sown with grain. It means more summer fallow, more grass, cl:)ver, peas, mustard, coleseed, roots, and other crops that are consumed on the farm. It means more thorough cultiva- tion. It means clean and rich land. It means husbanding the ammonia and nitric acid, which is brought to the soil, as well as that which is developed from the soil, or which the soil attracts from the atmosphere, and using it to grow a crop every .second, third, or fourtli year, instead of every year. If a piece of land will grow 25 bushels of corn every year, we should aim to so manage it, that it will grow 50 every other year, or 75 every third year, or, if tiie climate is capable of doing it, of rtkising 100 bushels per acre every fourtli year. Tiieorotically this can bo done, and in one of ]Mr. Lawes' experi- ments he did it practically in the case of a summer-fallow for wheat, the one crop in two years giving a little more than two crops sown in succession. But on sandy land we should probably lose a portion of the liberated ]i!ant-food, unless we grew a crop of some kind every year. And the matter organized in the renovat- ing crop could not be rendered completely available for the next crop. In tJie end, however, we ought to be able to get it with little or no loss. How best to accomplish this result, is one of the WHAT CROPS SllOin.I) MANl RE RK APPLIED TO, 2Cu most interesting and iniporliiiit i ilds for sciontitic invcstifj^ationand practical experiment. We know enongli, liowever, to he sure that there is a great advantage in wailing until there is a sutHcient ac- cumulation of available i)]ant-food in the soil to produce a large yield, before sowing a crop that requires much labor. If we do not want to wait, we must apply manure. If we have no barn-yard or stable-manure, we must buy artificials. HOW AND WHEN .MANL'RE SHOULD BE APPLIED. This is not a merely theoretical or chemical question. We must take into consideration the cost of application. Also, whether we apply it at a busy or a leisure season. I have seen it recommended, for instance, to spread manure on meadow-land immediately after the hay-crop was removed. Now, I think this may be theoretically very good advice. But, on my farm, it would throw the work right into the midst of wheat and barlej- harvests ; and I should make the theory bend a little to my convenience. The meadows would have to wait until we h;ul got in the crops — or until harvest operations were stopped by rain. I mention this merely to show the complex character of this question. On my own farm, tiic most kisure season of the year, except the winter, is immediately after wheat harvest. And, as already stated, it is at this time that John Jolinston draws out his manure and spreads it on grass-land intended to be plowed up the following spring for corn. If the manure was free from weed-s'^eds, many of our best farm- ers, if t'.iey had some well-rotted manure like this of John John- ston's, would draw it out and spread it on their fields prepared for winter-wheat. In this case, I should draw out the manure in heaps and then spread it carefully. Then liarrow it, and if the harrow pulls the manure into heaps, spread them and harrow again. It is of the greatest import;ince to spread manure evenly and mix it thor- oughly with the soil. If tliis work is well done, and the manure is well-rotted, it will not interfere with the drill. And the manure will be near the surface, where the young roots of the wheat can get hold of it. " You must recollect," said tlie Doctor, " that the roots can only take up the manure when in solution." " It must also be remembered," said I, " that a light rain of, say, only half an inch, pours down on to the manures spread on an acre of land about 14,000 gallons of water, or about 56 tons. If 268 Talks on manures. you liaw put on 8 tons of manure, lialf an inch of rain would fur- nisli .1 gillon of water to cacli pound of manure. It is notditticult to understand, therefore, how manure applied on tlic surface, or near the surface, can he taken up hy the younji roots." " Tliat puts the matter in a new light to me," said the Deacon. " If tlie manure was plowed under, five or six inches deep, it would require an abundant rain to reach the manure. And it is not one j'ear. in five tluit we get rain enough to tlioroughly soak tiie soil for several weeks after sowing the wlieat in August or September. And when it does come, the season is so far advanced that the wheat plants make little growth." .My own opinion is, that on clayey land, manure will act much quicker if aiiplicd on, or near the surface, than if plowed under. Cliy mixed with manure arrests or checks decomposition. Sand has no such elTi-ct. If anything, it favors a more active decompo- sition, and hence, manure acts much more rapidly on .sandy land than on clay land. And I think, as a nde, where a farmer advocates the application of manure on the surface, it will be found that he occupies clay land or a heavy loam ; while those who oppose the practice, and think manure should be plowed under, occupy sandy land or .sandy loam. " J. J. Thomas," said I, "once gave me a new idea." "Is that anything strange," remarked tlie Deacon. "Are ideas so scarce among you agricultural writers, that you can recollect who first suggested them ? " "Be that as it may," said I, "this idea Ikls had a decided influ- enci' on my farm practice. I will not sj»y that the idea originated with Mr. Thomas, but at any rate, it was new to me. I had alwa3'3 been in the habit, when spading in manure in the garden, of putting the manure in the trench and covering it up ; and in plowing it in, I thought it was desirable to put it at the bottom of the furrow where the next furrow w(»ul(l cover it up." " Well," said the Deacon, " and what objection is there to the practice V " " I am not objoctiuir to the practice. I do not say tliat it is not a good plan. It may often be the only practicable method of a])ply- ing manure. Bu« it is well to know that there is aometimex a better plan. The idea that Mr. Thomas gave me, was, that it was very desiralde to break up the manure fine, spread it eveidy, and thor- oughly mix it with the soil. " After the manure is spread on the soil," said Mr. Thoma.s, " and before plowing it in, great benefit is derived by thoroughly harrow- ing the top-soil, thus breaking finely both the manure and the soil, What cuors sitoii.n Mwi ui: luc aii'mki* to, 2G0 auil miviiii; Uicin will Idfji-llior. Another way for llic perfect ilif- fusion of till' luanure unionir tiic parlii les of earth, is, to spnad the inaiiure in aiituimi, so thal-jill the raius of this season may dis- solve the soluble portions and carry them down among the parti- cles, where they are absorbeil and retained for the irrowin-j eroj). "In experiments," continues Mr. Thomas, *' when the manure fur corn was thus applied in autumn, has afforded a yield of about 70 bushels i>er acre, when the same amount applied in spring, gave only 50 bushels. A thin coating of manure applied to winter- wheat at the time of sowing, and was harrowed in, has increased the crop from 7 to 10 bushels per acre — and in addition to this, by the stmnirer growth it lia.-< caused, as well as by the |irotection it has atforded to the surface, it lias not unfrequently saved the crop from parti.d or total wint«'r-kiHing. " In case; wher^ it is necessary to apply coarse manure? at once, much may be done in lessening the evils of coarseness by artificially grinding it into the soil. The instrument called the drag-roller — which is like the common roller set stiff so as not to revolve — has been used to great advantage for this purpose, by passing it over the surface in connection with the Inrrow. We have known this treatment to effect a tiiorough intermixture, and to more than doul)le tiie crop obtained by common management with common manure." TOP-DRESSING WITH MANURE. The term " top-dressing" usually refers to sowing or spreading manures on the growing crop. For instance, we top-dress pastures or meadows by spreading manure o:i the surface. If we sow ni- trite of s«)da, or guano, «m our winter-wheat in the spring, that would be top-dressing. We often sow gypsum on clover, and on barley, and peas, while the plants are growing in the spring, and this is toi>-dressing. " If the cypsum was sown broadcast on tlio land before sowing the seed," said the Deacon," would not that be top-dressing also?" Strictly speaking, I suppose that would not be top-dressing. Top dressing in the sense in which I understand the term, is scMom adopted, except on meadows and pastures as a regular sys- tem. It is an after-thought. We have sown wheat on a poor, sandy knoll, and we draw out some manure and spread on it in the winter or early spring; or we top-dress it with hen-manure, or guano, or nitrate of soda and superphosphate. I do not say that this is better than to apply the manure at the time of sowing the 270 TALKS OX MANURES. wheat, but if we neglect Id do so, tlKii top-drtssing is a commend- abk' prartice. Dr. Vaelfkcr reports tlic result of some experiments in top-dress- ini,' winler-wlieal on the farm of tlie Hoyal Airricultunil Collepe at Cireueester, En,i,'h»nd. The niaiiurcs were th x\y sifted and nuxed with about ten liiue.s tlieir weiirht of fine soil, and sown l)roa > manure 27 bushcla and UJH4 lbs. of straw. jso Ills. IVruviiin t'uiuo 4n " " 2.'>7»5 " " r.i"> •• nitrate f.f sotlii 'M " <• 'MKi " *' !"«) •• nitnito of Mula, and HW lbs. of cdintnon salt 4ni " '• 27H6 " " 14H Ills. I'rortor'H whcttt-inanurc :RM " " 'JTidS " " •■>7.' " " " " 44i " " »KR» " " 4 tons chalk-marl 27 " " 1«72 " " The nvinuri's in e.ich ca.^e cost $7. SO jxr acre, except the larsre dose of IVoctor's wlieal-tnanure, which cost $11.70 per acre. The wheat was wortli if 1.20 jwr bushel. Ix-avinij the value of the straw out of the (jues'ion, t!ie profit from the use of the lop dressing was : With irimno $.H.rO jht acre. " nitrate ..f Rola.. 0.00 " nitrate of himIu mill eonunoii Halt (t.ItS " 4ls llm. wlu-atiii iiiiirc 7.JM " «r2 •' " 10.10 The marl did no good. The nitrate of soda and c«>mmon salt conUiined no phosphoric acid, and yet produced an excellent eflect. The guano and the wheat manure cont.iined phosphoric aciil a< well as introgen, and the following croj) of clover woidd be likely to get 8on»e benefit from it. John .Tolms;.'4sing for the last 20 years, and I do think one loartion of the farm. Now that we liave iriiod iiio\vin<;-iiia('hiius, l«'dd(.r>, rakes, and loading; and iinloadin,' apparatus, thi- lahor of liay-mnkini^ Ls jjreally U'ss<-iu'd. Thi' only dilliciilty is to kin-p up and incri'Jise the annual ijrowth of irood j;r.iss. Numi'rou-* rxperiinrnl-s «)n topdrrssing nuailows arc reported from year t«i year. The n-sulls. of course, diffiT considerably, bcin^ influenced by the soil and season. The profit of the practice de- pends very much on the price of liay. In tl»e liAstern States, hay jrenenilly coinman b a higher relati%'e price than gniin, and it not unfrcipiently hap|K'ns t!iat wc can use manure on gra.'^s to decided ail vantage. The celebrated experiments of Messrs. Lawes & Gilbert with " Manun's on Permanent Meadow land " were comminced in 1856, and have been continut d on the .same plots every year since that time. " You need not be afraid, Deacon," said I, as tlie old gentleman commeDced to ixitton up his coat," I am not going into the details of these wonderfid experiments ; but I am sure you will be inter- ested in the results of tlie hrst six or seven years. The following table explains itself: 272 TALKS ON MANl r.ES. ■ U S" * >• < a "a -St ft i 5 5 2 » cs o ^ oeo •* o« :s ;r T< ■?• •!< ^ »-. ^ -^ c c « 55 cc CO «- =•. c w f- ' <«• ^ !S «^5 o S. « O 55 M S5 2? S I g § 5| S «- S S« Q oS ?- o ed S: 2 tiulls consisted jf cciual parts sulphate and muriate of ammonia, eonlnining about 25 per cent, of ammo- nia. The manuri s were sown as early as p(»ssible in the sprint;, and, if the weather was suitable, st)mctimes in February. Tiie farmyard-manure was spna 1 on the*lanil, in the first year, in the .'^priiiL', afterwards in November or December. The hay was cut froui the middle to the last of June; anil the aftermath was pas- tured olT by sheep in October. " II is curious," said the Deacon, " that 400 lbs. of ammonia-sjilts should give as jn^-al an in the yield of hay the fii-st year as 14 tons i»f farmyard-manure, but the second year tin- farmyard- mau'.ire comes out ileeidedly ahead." "Tije fannyanl-manure," .s;iitl I," was applieil ever}* year, at the rite of 14 u'ross tons per acre, for eii:ht years — \H'}i] to 1H(;;J. After 186;{, this pU)t wa« left williout manure of any kind. The averai^e yield of this plo*. durini: the lii-sl 8 years was 4,s00 lbs. of hay per acre. On the plot dressi'd wUh 14 tons of farmyard-manure and 200 lbs. ammonia-Sidts, the average yield of hay for 8 years was 5,544 lbs. \tor acre. Afte grown by constant and high manuring. More manure must be used than the plants can take up out of the st)il, and hence it is, that !and wliich has been used for growing tobacco for some years, will be in high conditioa for other crops without further manuring. Farm-yard or stable-manure, must be the mainstay of the tobac- co-jilanter. "With this, he can use artificial fertilizers to advantage — such as fish-scrap, woollen-rags, Peruvian guano, dried blood, slaughter-house offal, sulphate of ammonia, nitrate of soda, etc. For choice, high-tlavored smoking-tobacco, the grower aims to get (luality rather tlian quantity. This seems to depend more on the land and the climate than on the manures used. Superphos- phate of lime would be likely to prove advantageous in favor- ing the early growth and maturity of the crop. And in raising tobacco-plants in the seed-bed, I should expect good results from the use of superphosphate, raked into the soil at the rate of three or four lbs. per square rod. MANURES FOR INDIAN CORN. "We know less about the manurial requirements of Indian corn, than of almost any otlier crop we cultivate. We know that wheat, barley, oats, and gra-;ses, require for their maximum growth a lib- eral supply of available nitrogen in the soil. And sucii facts and experiments as we have, seem to indicate that the same is also true of Indian corn. It is, at any rate, reasonable to suppose that, as Indian corn belongs to the same botanical order as wheat, barley, oats, rye, timothy, and other grasses, the general manurial require- ments would be the same. Such, I presume, is the case ; and yet there seem to be some facts that would incline us to place Indian corn with the leguminous plants, such as clover, peas, and beans, rather than with the cereals, wiieat, barley, oats, etc. " Why so," asked the Deacon, " Indian com does not have much in common with beans, peas, and clover? " f 276 TALKS OX MANLKES. As we have shown, clover can get more nitrogen out of the soil, than wlieat, barley, and oats. And the same is true of beans and peas, though probably not tr) so great an extent. Now, it would seem that Indian corn c m get more nitrogen out of a soil, than wheat, barley, or oats — and to tliis extent, at leiist, tve may consider Indian corn as a renovating crop. In other wonls, the Indian corn t that it is true also of corn as ordinarily grown for grain and stalks. For, I think, it is dear that the grain is formed at the expense of the stalk.s, and not directly from the soil. The corn-fodiler will take from the soil as much nitroL^en and phos- plioric acid as the crop of corn, and the more it will take, the more it approximates in cliaracter to clover and other renovating crops. If com -fodder is a renovating crop, so is the ordinary c(jrn-crop, also, provided it is consumed on the farm. " But what makes you think," said the Deacon, " that corn can get more nitroiren from the soil, than wheat? " " That is tiie real point, Deacon," said I, " and I will a.'skyou this question. Sui>pose you had a field of wheat seeded down to clover, and the clover failed. After harvest, you i)low up half of the field and sow it to wheat again, the other half of the field you plow in the spring, and plant with Indian corn. Now, suppose you get 15 bushels of wheat to the acre, how much corn do you think you would be likely tn get ?" " "Well, that depends," said the Deacon, "but I should expect at least 30 bushels of shelled corn pr^r acre." "Exactly, and I tliink most farmers would tell you the same; MAM 1:KS h\>n M"K< lAL < IlUl'S. 277 you prt twic'f as iiiurli corn ami stalks Id the acre as you woulil of wheat and straw. In dIIkt words, wliili- th«' wheal taniiot tiiid more nitro^^-n than is nec«-ssary to prodiuc 15 bushels of wluat and straw, the corn can find, an.l doe-^ fintl, take up, and organize, at least twice us ujueh nilrojiin as the wheat." If these are faets, then the remarks we have made in re;?artl to the value of clover as a fertiliziiii; i rop, are aitplicahle in some de- gree to Indian corn. To jzrow clover and sell it, will in the end impoverisii the soil ; to irrow clover and feed it out, will enrich the land. And tiie same will be true of Indian corn. It will L'ather up nitrojren that the wheat-crop can not appropriate; and when tlie corn and stalks are fed out, some 90 [kt cent of the nitrogen will be left in the manure. "You do not think, then," .sjjid tin- Doctor, " tliat nitrogen is such an important elemer.t in manure for corn, as it is hi a manure for wheat." I have not said that. If we want a largi- crop of corn, we shall usually need a liberal supply of availal.l.- nitrogen. IJut this is because a larger crop of corn means a much largj-r produce per acre, than a large crop of wiieat. Forty bushels of wheat per acre is an unusually large crop with us ; but 80 bushels of shelled corn can be grown in a favorable sea'^on, and on rich, well-cultivated land. As the Deacon has said, 30 bu.shels of corn per acre can be grown a-s easily as 15 bu.shels of wheat ; and it is quite probable, in many cases, that a manure contiiiiing no nitrogen, migiit give us a crop of 35 or 40 bushels per acre. In other words, up to a cer- lam point, manures containing mineral, or carbonaceous mattiT, might frequently, in or linary agriculture, the yield of In- dian corn ; while on similar land, such manures would have little effect on wheat. "That is so," sail the Dcacor, " we all know that plaster fre- quently increases the growth of corn, wiiile it seldom does much good on wheat." But, after you have got as large a crop as the land will produce, aided by plaster, ashes, and superphosphate, say 40 bushels of shelled corn per acre, i/ifn if you want to raise 70 bushels jkt acre, you must furnish the soil with manures containing sufiBcient avail- able nitrogen. Some years ago, I made some careful experiments with artificial manures on Indian com. " Oh, yes," sai 1 the Deacon, " they were made on the south lot, 278 TALK.t ON MANURES. in front of my house, and I recollect that the N. Y. State Ag. Society awauled you a prize of $75 for thera." " And I recollect," add I, " how you and some other neighbors laugiicd at me for spending so much time in measuring the land and ai»i)lying the manures, and nu-asuring the crop. But I wish I could have afforded to continue them. A single experiment, how- ever carefully made, can not he depended on. However, 1 will give the results for what they are worth, with some remarks made at the time: " The soil on which the cxperimeuts were made, is a light, sandy loam. It has been under cultivation for upwards of twenty years, and St) far as I can ascerUiin has never Ijeen manured. It has been somewhat imi)overisiieil by the growth of cereal crops, and it was thought that for this reason, and on account of its light texture and "ctive character, which would cause tlie manures to act imme- dialily, it was well adapted for the jiurpose of showing the effect of diflferent manurial substances on tlie corn-crop. "The land was clover-sod, two years old, pastured the previous ;? summer. It was plowed early in the spring, and harrowed until ^ in excellent condition. The corn was planted May 23, in hills 3J v feet apart each way. "The manures were applied in the hill immediately before the seed was planted. "With superphosphate of lime, and with plaster (gypsum, or tulphdU' of Unit'), the seed was placed directly on top of the ma- nure, as it is well known that manures do not injure the girminating principle of even the smallest seeds. "The ashes were dropped in the hill, and then covered witli soil, and the seed planted on the top, so that it should not come in con- tact with the ashes. " Guano and sulphate of ammonia were treatel in the same way. "On the plots where ashes and guano, or ashes and sulphate of ammonia were both used, the ashes were first i)ut in the hill, and covered with soil, and the guano or suljihate of ammonia placed on the top, and also coven d with soil before the seed was planted. The ashes and superpliosphate of lime was also treated in the same way. It is well known that unleached ashes, mixed eitlier with guano, sulphate of ammonia, or superpliosphate, mutually decom- pose each other, setting free the ammonia of the guano and sul- phate of a'limonia, and converting the soluble phospliate of the ' 9uperphosph;ite of lime into the insoluiile form in which it existed before treatment with sulphuric acid. All the plots were planted on the same day, and the nu.nurcs weighed and applied under my MANUI'vKS FOR srEriAI. mOPS. 279 own immediate suiKrvi!ii()ii. Kvcn tiiiii:^' was done that was tktiiu-(l iK-irssary to si-cun- accuracy. "The following Mble gives the results of the experiments: TABUt 8UOW1NO TMK BB91 1.T8 OF EXTKRIMENTO OS INDIAN COIIN. Description.-' OP mamu - .\m» iJCANTlTIKS AITLIKU I'ER ACUK. ■§5 I 'fe'- 1 v; 55 5 ^8 |-a5 f|| '51' ^'S^ -5 9 5^? 'fe. 5 I! flO 70 68 90 70 85 87 10 12. 100 60 9r> 78 88 111 14 78 105 90 72 97 108 08 to; 88 101 136 1 1 10 1 11 8 8 11 ."50 8 88 10 1 11 25 28 5 5 1 27 1 3 30 40 1 41 t 1 1 a-> 18 28 51 I. No mannrt- I a. KiO lbs pli».-tcr(gvp8Uin or #«/pA 3. 400 Ibi*. unU-achi-d wood-ashes and I 100 lb!« nlantcr iinixfdi 4. l!in Ihn fufiilmti- of iininiuiiia 5. *Ni lbs. nunfri>h"i*i>lmi<' of lime 6. l.V) lb!» ^ul^)hnt^• i>f aniiixiniH and :100 lb-. iiup''riihM(i'par;it«'lv > 9. 300 lbs. supirplio-phat«' of lime. l.'iO I lb(». sulpli ammonia, and 40o lbs. unliacti<-d wotxi a>h lbs. sulphate of ammonia 1.3. 200 lb*. Periiviun k ano 14. 400 lbs. unli-achfd wood-ashes, 10.) I lbs. plaster, and .Vhi lbs. Pcruviani I guano I " The supen^hosphate of lime was made on purpose for these experiment?, and wa.-^ a pure mi:ieral manure of superior quality, made from calcined bones ; it cost about 21 ci nts per jwund. The sulphate of ammonia was a good, commercial article, obtained from London, at a cost of about seven cents per pound. The ashes made from beech and hard maple (Acer siccharinum) wood, and were sifted through a fine sieve before being weighed. The guano was the best Peruvian, costing about three cents per pound. It was crashed and sifted before using. In sowing the ashes on plot 7, an error occurred in their application, and for the purpose of checking the result, it was deemed advisable to repeat the experiment on plot 10. " On plot 5, with 300 Ib^. of superphosphate of iime per acre, the plants came up first, and exhibted a healihy, dark-green appear- 88 21 u 58 280 TALKS ON MANURES. auce, which they rcUiiui'il for some time. This result was not an- ticipated, thoUL^h it is well known that superphospiiate of lime has the effect of stimulating the germination of ^turnip-seed, and the early growtli of the plants to an astonishing degree; yet, as it has no such effect on wheat, it appeareil probable that it would not produce this effect on Indian corn, which, in chemical composition, is very similar to wheat. The result shows how uncertain are all speculations in regard to the manurial recjuirements of plants. This immediate effect of superphosphate of lime on corn was so marked, that the men (who were, at the time of planting, somewhat inclined to be skeptical, in regard to the value of such small doses of manure), declared that 'superphosphate beats all creation for corn.' The difference in favor of superphosphate, at the time of hoeing, was very perceptible, even at some distance. " Although every precaution was taken that was deemed ne- cessary, to prevent the manures from mixing in the hill, or from injuring the seed, yet, it was found, that those plots dressed with ashes and guano, or with ashes and sulpliate of ammonia, were in- jured to some extent. Shortly after the corn was planted, heavy rain set in, and washed the sulphate of ammonia and guano, down into the ashes, and mutual decomposition took place, with more or less loss of ammonia. In addition to this loss of ammonia, these manures came up to the surface of the ground in the form of an excrescence, so hard that the plants could with difficulty penetrate through it. "It will be seen, by examining the tabl(% that although the su- perpliospliatc of lime had a good effect during tiie eaily stages of the growtli of the plants, yet the increase of ears of corn in the end did not come up to these early indications. On plot 5, with 300 lbs. of superphosphate of lime per acre, the yield is precisely the same as on plot 2, with 100 lbs. of plaster {sulphate of Ume\ per acre. Now, superphosp'iate of lime is composed necessarily of soluble phosphate of lime and plaster, or sulphate of lime, formed from a combination of the sulphuric acid, employed in the manufacture of superphosphate, with the lime of the bones. In the 300 lbs. of superphosphate of lime, so%vn on plot 5, there would be about 100 lbs. of plaster; and as the effect of this dressing is no greater than was obtained from the 100 lbs. of plaster, sown on plot 2, it fol- lows, tliat the good effect of the superphosphate of lime was due to the plaster that it contained. "Again, on plot 4, with 150 lbs. of sulphate of ammonia per acre, we have 90 bushels of ears of sound corn, and 15 bushels of ears of soft corn, ('nubbins,') per acre ; or a total increase over the MAXLRES K<>K SPECIAL C'UOPS. 281 plot without manure, of ;iS husht'ls. Now, Hk- sulphate of aiutuo* niacoDliiins no pbosplialeof lime, and the fact that sucli a manure gives a c-onsiilcralih' increase of crop, confirms the conclusion we have arrived at, from a comparison of tlie results on plots 2 and 5; that the increase from the supcr[)hosphate of lime, is not due to the phosphate of lime which it contains, unless we are to conclude that the sulphate of ammonia rendered tlie phosphate of lime in the soil more ri'adily solui)lc, and tlius furnished an increased quantity in an available furm for assimilation by the plants — a conclusion, which the results with superphosphate alone, on plot 5, and with superphosphate and sulphate of ammonia, cooi- biaed, on plot 6, do not susUiin. "On plot 12, half the (piantity of sulpJiatc of ammonia, was used as on plot 4, and the increase is a little more than half wi»at it is where double the quantity was used. Again, on plot 13, 200 lbs. of Peruvian guano i)er acre, gives nearly as great an increase of sound corn, as the 150 lbs. of sulphate of ammonia. Now, 200 lbs. of Peruvian guano contains nearly as much ammonia as 150 lbs. sulphate of ammonia, and the increase in both cases is evidently due to the ammonia of these manures. Tiie 200 lbs. of Peruvian guano, contained al>out 50 ll)s. of piiosphate of lime ; but as the sul- phate of ammonia, which contains no phos|>hate of lime, gives as great an incn-ise as the guan(», it follows, that the phosphate of lime in the guano, had little, if any effect; a result precisely simi- lar to that obtained with superphosphate of lime. " We may conclude, therefore, that on this soil, which has never been manuivd, and which has been cultivated for many years with the Cerdlia— or, in other words, with crops which remove a large quantity of phosphate of lime from the soil — the phosphate of lime, relatively to the ammonia, is not deficient. If such was not the case, an application of soluble phosphate of lime would have given an increase of crop, which we have shown was not the case in any one of these experiments. " Plot 10, with 400 lbs. of unleached wood-ashes per acre, pro- duces the same quantity of sound corn, with an extra bushel ol 'nubbins' per acre, as plot 1, without any manure at all; ashes, therefore, applied alone, may be said to liave had no effect what- ever. On plot 3, 400 lbs. of ashes, and 100 lbs. of piaster, give the same total number of bushels per acre, as plot 2, with 100 lbs. of plaster alone. Plot 8, with 400 lbs. ashes, and 150 lbs. of sulphate of ammonia, yields three bushels of sound corn, and five bushels of 'nubbins' per acre, less than plot 4, with 150 lbs. sulphate of 282 TALKS ON MANURES. ammonia alone. This result nui}' be ascribed to the fact previously alluded to — the ashes dissipated some of the ammonia. "Plot 11, with lOU lbs. of plaster, 400 lbs. aslies, 300 lbs. of super- phosphate of lime, and 20C lbs. Peruvian guano (whieh contains about as much ammonia as loO lbs. sulphate of ammonia), pro- duced precisely the same number of total bushels per acre, as jdot 4, with 150 lbs. sulphate of ammonia alone, and but 4 bushels more per acre, tliau plot Vi, with :200 lbs. Peruvian guano alone. It is evident, from these results, that neither ashes nor phosphates had much effect on Indian corn, on this impoverished soil. Plot 14 re- ceived the largest dressing of ammonia (500 lbs. Peruvian guano), and produced much the largest crop; though the increase is not so great in proportion to the guaao, as where smaller quantities were used. "The manure which produced the profitable result, was the 100 lbs. of plaster, on |)lot 2. The 200 lbs. of Peruvian guano, on plot 13, and whidi cost about $0, gave an increase of 14 bushels of slielled corn, ami G l)usbels of ' nubbins.' This will pay at the present price of corn in Rochester, although the profit is not very great. Tiie superphosphate of lime, although a very superior article, and estimated at cost price, in no ease paid for itself. The same is true of the ashes. "But the object of the experiment was not so much to ascertain what manures will pay, but to ascertain, if possible, wlial constitu- ents of manures are required, in greatest quantity, for the maxi- nmm growth of com. * * Hitherto, no experiments have been made in this country, on Indian corn, that afforded any certain in- formation on this point. Indeed, we believe no satisfactory experi- ments have been made on Indian corn, in any country-, that throw any definite light on this interesting and important question. A few years ago, Mr. Luwes made similar experiments to those given above, on his farm, at Roth;imsted, England ; but owing to the coolness of the English climate, the crop did not arrive at maturity. "Numerous experiments have been made in this country, with guano and superphospliate of lime; but the superphosphates used were commercial articles, containing more or less ammonia, and if they are of any benefit to those crops to which they are applied, it is a matter of uncertainty whether the beneficial effect of the appli- cation is due to the solul)le phosphate of lime, or to the ammonia. On the other hand, guano contains ])otli ammonia and phosphate; and we are equally at a loss to determine, wiietiier the effect is at- tributable to the ammonia or phosphate, or both. In order, there- fore, to determine satisfactorily, which of the several ingredients 11 AfANTUES FOR SPECIAI, CROPS. 283 of plants Is rc(iuin(l in irrratost |)rnporti()H. for tlio maxnnuni ^rowtli of any particular crop, we must apply tlitsr inii:roclicnts sep- arately, or in such definite compounds, as will enable us to deter- mine to what particular element or compounds the beneficial effect is to be ascribed. It was for this reason, that sulphate of ammo- nia, and a purely mineral superphosphate of lime, were used in the above experiments. No one would think of using sulphate of ammonia at its price, [sulphate of ammonia is now cheaper, while Peruvian guano is more costly and less rich in ammonia], as an ordinary manure, for the reason, that the same (juantity of ammo- nia can bo obtained in otiier substances, such as barnyard-njanure, Peruvian guano, etc., at a much cheaper rate. But these manures contain uU the elements of j^lants, and we can not know whether the effect produced by them is due to the ammonia, phosphates, or any other ingredients. For the purpose of experiment, therefore, we must use a manure that furnishes ammonia without any ad- mixture of phosphates, potash, soda, lime, magnesia, etc., even though it cost mucii more than we could obtain the same amount of ammonia in other manures. I make these remarks in order to correct a very common opinion, that if experiments do not pay, they are useless. The ultimate object, indeed, is to ascertain the most profitable method of manuring; but the Jticans of obtaining this information, can not in all cases be profitable. " Similar experiments to those made on Indian corn, were made on soil of a similar character, on about an acre of Chinese sugar- cane. I do not propose to give the results in detail, at this time, and allude to them merely to mention one very important fact, the superphosphate of lime had c. rery marked effect. This manure was applied in the hill on one plot (the twentieth of an acre,) at the rate of 400 lbs. per acre, and the plants on this plot came up first, and outgrew all the others fnmi the start, and ultimately attained the height of about ten feet ; while on the plot receiving no ma- nure, the plants were not five feet high. This is a result entirely different from what I should have expected. It has been supposed, from the fact that superphosplnte of lime had no effect on wheat, that it would probably have little effect on com, or on the sugar- cane, or olher cer alia ; and that, as ammonia is so beneficial for wheat, it would probably be beneficial for corn and sugar-cane. The above experiments indicate that such is the case, in regard to Indian com, so far as the production of grain is concerned, though, as we have stated, it is not true in reference to the early growth of the plants. The superphosphate of limeon Indian corn, stimulated the growth of the plants, in a very decided manner at first, so 284 TALKS OIV^ MAXURKS. much so, that we were led to suppose, for some time, tliat it would give the largest crop ; but at harvest, it was found that it produced no more com than plaster. These results seem to indicate, that superphosphate of lime stimulates the growth of stalks and leaves, and has little effect in increasing the production of seed. In raising Indian corn, for fodder or for soiling purposes, superphosj)hate of lime may be beneficial, as well as in growing tlie sorghum for sugar- making purposes, or for fodddcr — though, perhaps, not for seed." " In addition to the experiments given above, I also made the same season, on an adjnining field, another set of experiments oa Indian corn, the results of which arc given below. " The land on which these experiments were made, is of a some- what firmer texture than that on which the other set of experi- ments was made. It is situated about a mile from the barn-yard, and on this account, has seldom, if ever been manured. It has been cultivated for many years "with ordinary farm crops. It was plowed early in the spring, and it was harrowed until quite mellow. The corn was planted May 30, 18o7. Each experiment occupied one-tenth of an acre, consisting of 4 rows 3j feet apart, and the same distance between the hills in tiie rows, with one row without manure between each experimental plot. " The manure was applied in tiie hill, in the same manner as in tlie first set of experiments. " The barnyard-manure was well-rotted, and consisted princi- pally of cow-dung with a little horse-dung. Twenty two-horse wagon loads of this was applied per acre, and each load would probably v/eigh about one ton. It was put in the hill and covered with soil, and the seed then planted on the top. " The following table gives the results of the experiments: TABLE SnoWINQ TnE RESULTS OF EXPEKIMENT9 ON INDIAN CORN, MADE NEAR ROCUESTER, N. T , IN THE YEAR 18o7. I Descriptions op manures, and quantities atplied pek acre. V^ '^r ^"2 5^ <^ § ^ i- ■** C 5 c> K^ -?^ >5^ "fe^S g a. 1 . No manure 75 '.'. 2(1 Iliads barn-yard manure Hii 3. l.iO 11)8. sulphate of ammonia 8,5 4. HftU I'ds. superphosphate of lime 88 5. 400 lbs. Peruvian Ruano 90 6. 400 lbs. of " Cancerine," or fish man'e 85 12 87 10 ;t2i 30 115 10 98 I 30 120 20 105 ' J M.VNCUKS FOR SPEiI.VL ( UOPS. 285 * As before stated, the laud was of a stronger nature tbaii that o^ wliich the tirst set of experiiDents wac made, and it was evi- dently in better condition, as tlie plot b-viui; no manure procluecd 20 busbels of ears of corn per acre more than tbe plot witbout manure in tbe '^tber field. " On plot 4, 300 lbs. of superpbospbate of lime gives a total in- crease of 11 busbels of cars of corn per acre over tbe unmanured plot, agreeing exactly witb the increase obtained from tbe same quantity of tbe same manure on plot 5, in tbe first set of experi- ments. "Plot 3, dressed witli 150 lbs. of sulphate of ammonia per acre, givts a total increase of 28 busbels of ears of corn per acre, over tbe unmanured plot; and an increase of 22.^ bushels of ears per acre over plot 2, which received 20 loads of good, well-rotted barn- yard-dung per acre. " Plot 5, with 400 lbs. of Peruvian guano per acre gives the best crop of this series viz : an increase of 33 busbels of corn per acre over the unmanured plot, and 21 ^ over the plot manured with 20 loads of barnyard-dung. The 400 lbs. of ' Cancerine ' — an arti- ficial manure made in New Jersey from fish — gives a total in- crease of 18 busliels of eai-s per acre over tbe unmanured plot, and 12A bushels more than that manured witb b;irn-}-ard dang, though 5 busbels of ears of sound corn and 10 bushels of 'nubbins' per acre less than tbe same quantity of Peruvian guano." MANURES FOR TURNIPS. To raise a large crop of turnips, especially of ruta-bagas, there is nothing better than a liberal application of rich, well-rotted faim- yard-manurc, and 250 to 300 lbs. of good superphosphate of lime per acre, drilled in with the seed. I have seen capital crops of common turnips grown witb no other manure except 300 lbs. of superphosphate per acre, drilled with tb? seed. Saperphosphate has a wonderful efiFect on tbe de- velopment of the roots of the turnip. And this is the secret of its great value for this crop. It increases the growth of the young plant, developing tbe formation of tlie roots, and when tbe turnip once gets full possession of tbe soil, it appropriates all tbe plant- food it can find. A turnip-crop grown with superphosphate, can get from tbe soil much more nitrogen than a crop of wheat. The turnip-crop, when supplied with superphosphate, is a good "scav- enger." It will gather up and organize into good food tbe refuse plant-food left in tbe soil. It is to tbe surface soil, what clover is to tbe subsoil. 286 TALKS ON MANURES. To the market jrardcner, or to a farmer who manures heavily common turnips drilleil in with superphospiiule will prove a valu- able crop. On such land no other niauure will Ijc needed. I can- not too earnestly recommend the use of superphosphate as a ma- nure for turnips. For Swede turnips or ruta-bagas, it will usually be necessary, in order to secure a majciraum crop, to use a manure which, in addi- tion to superphosphate, contains available nitrogen. A good dress- ing of rich, well-rotted manure, spread on the laud, and plowed under, and then 300 lbs. of superphosphate drilled in with the seed, would be likely to give a good crop. In the absence of manure, there is probably nothing better for the ruta bagas than oOO lbs. of so-called " rectified " Peruvian guano, that is, guano treated with sulphuric acid, to render the pliosphalcs soluble. Such a guano is guaranteed to contain 10 per cent of ammonia, and 10 per cent of soluble phosphoric acid, and would be a good dressing for Swede turnips. The best way to use guano for turnips is to sow it broadcast on the land, and harrow it in, and then either drill in the turnip-seed on the flat, or on ridges. The latter is decidedly the better plan, provided you have the necessary implements to do the work expe- ditiously. A double mould-board plow will ridge up four acres a day, and the guano being previously sown on the surface, will be turned up with the mellow surface-soil into the ridge, where the seed is to be sown. The young plants get hold of it and grow so rapidly as to be soon out of danger from the turnip-beetle. MANURES FOR MANGEL-WURZEL OR SUGAR-BEETS. When sugar-beets are grown for feeding to stock, there is prob- ably little or no difference in the manurial requirements of sugar- beets and mangel-wurzel. Our object is to get as large a growth as possible consistent with quality. " Large roots," said the Deacon, " have been proved to contain less nutriment than small roots." True, but it docs not follow from this that rich land, or heavy manuring is the chief cause of this diff"erence. It is much more likely to be due to the variety selected. The seed-growers have been breeding so'ely for size and shape. They have succeeded to such an extent that 84 gross tons of roots have been grown on an acre. This is equal to over 94 of our tons per acre. " That is an enormous crop," said the Deacon; "and it would require some labor to put 10 acres of them in a cellar." "If they were as nutritious as ordinary mangels," saiil I, " that i MANURES FOK SPECIAL CROPS. 287 would l)c no arj^ument against tlicni. But sucli is not the case. In a letter just received from Mr. Lawes, (May, 1878,) he charac- terizes them as ' bladders of water and salts.' " Had the seed growers bred for qudity, the roots would have been of less size, but they would contain more nutriment. Wliat we want is a variety that has been bred with reference to quality ; and when this is secureil, we need not fear to make the land rich and otherwise aim to secure great growth and large-sized roots. It certainly is not good economy to select a variety which has been bred for years to produce large-sized roots, and then sow this seed on poor land for the purpose of obtaining small-sized roots. Better take a variety bred for quality, and then make the land rich enough to produce a good crop. Wc are not likely to err in making the land too rich for mangel- wurzel or for sugar-beets grown for stock. When sugar-beets are grown for sugar, we must aim to u^e manures favoraljle for the pro- duction of sugar, or rather to avoid using those whicii arc un- favorable. But where sugar-beets are grown for food, our aim is to get a large amount of nutriment to the acre. And it is by no means clear to my mind that there is much to be gained by .select- ing the sugar-beet instead of a good variety of mangel-wurzel. It is not a difficult matter, by selecting the largest roots for seed, and by liberal manuring, and continuously selecting the largest roots, to convert the suirar-bect into a mangel-wurzel. When sugar-beets are grown for food, we may safely manure them as we would mangel-wurzel, and treat the two crops pre- cisely alike. I usually raise from ten to fifteen acres of mangel-wurzel every year. I grow them in rotation with other crops, and not as the Hon. Harris Lewis and some others do, continuously on the same land. We manure liberally, but not extravagantly, and get a fair yield, and the land is left in admirable condition for future crops. I mean by this, not that the land is specially rich, but that it is very clean and mellow. "In 1877," said the Deacon, "you had potatoes on tlie land ■where you grew mangels the previous year, and had the best crop in the neitrhborliood." This is true, but still I do not think it a good rotation. A barley crop seeded with clover would be better, especially if the mangels were heavily manured. The clover would get the manure which had been washed into the subsoil, or left in such a condition that potatoes <'-T grain could not take it up. 288 TALKS OX MANURES. There is one thing in iclulion to my mani^els of 1876 which has escaped the Deacon. The whole piece was manured and well pre- pared, and :libl)led in with mangels, the rows being 2^ feet apart, and the e^^eed dropped 15 inches apart in the rows. Owing to poor seed, the mangels failed on about three acres, and we plowed up the land and drilled in corn for fodder, in rows 2^ feet apart, and at the rate of over three bushels of seed per acre. We had a great crop of corn-fodder. The next year, as I said before, the -whole piece was planted with potatoes, and if it was true that mangels are an "enriching crop," while corn is an "exhausting" crop, we ought to have had much better potatoes after the mangels than after corn. This was certainly not the case; if there was any dilference, it was in favor of tbe corn. But I do not place any confidence in an experiment of this kind, where the crops were not weighed and the results carefully ascertained. Mr. Lawes has made some most thorough experiments with dif- ferent manures on sugar-beets, and in 1870 he commenced a series of experiments with mangel-wurzel. The land is a rather stiff clay loam, similar to that on which the wheat and barley experiments wers made. It is better suited to the growth of beets than of turnips. "Why so," asked the Deacon, "I thought that black, bottom land was best for mangels." "Not so, Deacon," said I, "we can, it is true, grow large crops of mangels on well-drained and well-manured swampy or bottom land, but the best soil for mangels, especially in regard to quality, is a good, stiff, well-worked, and well-manured loam." "And yet," said the Deacon, "you had a better crop last year on tlie lower and blacker portions of the field than on the heavy, clayey land." in one sense, this is true. We had dry weather in the spring, and the mangel seed on the dry, clayey land did not come up as well as on the cooler and moister bottom-land. We had more plants to the acre, but the roots on the clayey land, when they once got fair hold of the soil and the manure, grew larger and bet- ter than on the lighter and moister land. The great point is to get this heavy land into a fine, mellow condition. But to Mr. Lawes' experiments. They are remarkably interest- ing and instructive. But it is not necessary to go into all the de- tails. Suffice it to say that the experiments seem to prove, very conclusively, that beets require a liberal supply of available nitro- MANURES FOR SPECIAL CKOPS. 289 gen. Thus, without manure, the yield of beets was about 7i tons of bulbs per acre. With 550 lbs. nitrate of soda per acre, the yield was a little over 22 tons per acre. With 14 tons of farmyard-manure, 18 tons per acre. With 14 tons of farmyard manure and 550 lbs. nitrate of soda, over 27j tons per acre. Superphosphate of lime, sulphates of potash, soda, and magne- sia, and common salt, alone, or with other manures, had conipura- tively little etTcet. Practically, when we want to iirow a good crop of beets or man- gels, tliese experiments prove that what we need is the richest kind of barnyard-manure. If our manure is not rich, then we should use, in addition to the manure, a dressing of nitrate of soda — say 400 or 500 lbs. per acre. If the land is in pretty good condition, and we have no barn- yard-manure, we may look for a fair crop from a dressing of ni- trate of soda alone. " I see," said the Deacon, " that 550 lbs. of nitrate of soda alone, gave an increase of 14.V tons per acre. And the following year, on the same land, it gave an increase of 13} tons; and the ne.vt year, on the same land, over 9 tons." " Yes," said I, " the first three years of the experiments (1871-2-3), 550 lbs. of nitrate of soda alone, ajiplied every year, gave an average yield of 19^ tons of bulbs per acre. During the same three years, the plot dressed with 14 tons of barnyard-manure, gave an average yield of 16^ tons. But now mark. The next year (1874) all the plots were left without any manure, and the plot which had been previously dressed with nitrate of soda, alone, fell off to 3 tons per acre, while the plot which had been previously manured with barnyard-manure, produced lOj tons per acre." " Good," said the Deacon, " there is nothing like manure." MANURES FOR CABBAGE, PARSNIPS, CARROTS, LETTUCE, ONIONS, ETC. I class these plants together, because, though difTering widely in many respects, they have one feature in common. They are all artificiul productions. A distinguished amateur horticulturist once said to me, " I do not see why it is I have so much trouble with lettuce. My land is rich, and the lettuce grow well, but do not head. They have a tendency to run up to seed, and soon get tough and bitter." I advised him to raise his own seed from the best jilants — and especially to reject all plants that showed any tendency to go pre- 13 290 TALKS ON MANURES. maturely to seed. Furtlierniore, I told him I thought if he would sow a little superphosphate of lime with the seed, it would greatly stimulate the early growth of the lettuce. As I have said before, superphosphate, when drilled in with the seed, has a wonderful effect in developing tlie root-growth of the young plants of turnips, and I thought it would have the same eflFect on lettuce, cabbage, cauliflowers, etc. " But," said he, " it is not roots that I want, but heads." " Exactly," said I, " you do not want the plants to follow out their natural disposition and run up to seed. You want to induce them to throw out a great abundance of tender leaves. In other words, you want them to ' head.' Just as in the turnip, you do not want them to run up to seed, but to produce an unnatural develop- ment of ' bulb.' " Thirty years ago. Dr. Gilbert threw out the suggestion, that while it was evident that turnips required a larger proportion of soluble phosphates in the soil than wheat ; while wheat required a larger proportion of available nitrogen m the soil, than turnips, it was quite probable, if we were growing turnips /or seed, that then, turnips would require the same kind of manures as wheat. We want exceedingly rich land for cabbage, especially for an early crop. This is not merely because a large crop of cal)bage takes a large amount of plant-food out of the soil, but because the cultivated cabbage is an artificial plant, that requires its food in a concentrated sliape. In popular language, the plants have to be " forced." According to the analyses of Dr. Anderson, the outside leaves of cabbage, contain, in round numbers, 91 per cent of water ; and the heart leaves, 94i per cent. In other words, the green leaves con- tain Z\ per cent more dry matter than the heart leaves. Dr. Voelckcr, who analyzed more recently some " cattle-cab- bage," found 89^ per cent of water in the green leaves, and 83| per cent in the heart and inner leaves — thus conflxmini^ previous analyses, and showing also that the composition of cabbages varies considerably. Dr. Voelcker found much less water in the cabbage than Dr. Anderson. The specimen analyzed by Dr. V., was grown on the farm of the Royal Ag. College of England, and I infer from some incidental remarks, that the crop was grown on ratlier poor land. And it is probably true that a large crop of cabbage grown on rich land, con- tains a higUer percentage of wate^ than cabbage grown on poorer M^VNURES FOU SPECIAL CROPS. 291 land. On the poor land, the cabbage would not be likely to head so well as on the rich land, and tlie green leaves of cabbage con- tain more than half as much again real dry substance us the heart leaves. The dry matter of the heart leaves, however, contains more actual nutriment than the dry matter of the green leaves. It would seem very desirable, therefore, whether we are raising cabbage for market or for home consumption, to make the land rich enough to grow good heads. Dr. Vojlcker says, " In ordinary seasons, the average produce of Swedes on our poorer fields is about 15 tons per acre. On weighing the produce of an acre of cabbage, grown under similar circumstances, I found that it amounted to 17| tons per acre. On good, well-manured fields, however, we have had a much larger produce." In a report on the " Cultivation of Cabbage, and its comparative Value for Feeding purposes," by J. M. M'Laren, of Scotland, the yield of Swede turnips, was 29| tons per acre, and the yield of cab- bage, 47J tons per acre. " It is very evident," said the Deacon, " that if you grow cabbage you should make the land rich enough to produce a good crop — and I t;ike it that is all you want to show." " I want to show," I replied, " that our market gardeners have reason for applying such apparently excessive dressings of rich manure to the cabbage-crop. They find it safer to put far more manure into the land than the crop can possibly use, rather than run any risk of getting an inferior crop. An important practical question is, whether they can not grow some crop or crops after the cabbage, that can profitably take up the manure left in the soil." Prof. E. Wolff, in the last edition of "Praktische Diingerlehre," gives the composition of cabbage. For the details of which, see Appendix, page 345. From this it appears that 50 tons of cabbage contain 240 lbs. of nitrogen, and 1,600 lbs. of ash. Included in the ash is 630 lbs. of potash; 90 lbs. of soda; 310 lbs. of lime; 60 lbs. of magnesia; 140 lbs. of phosphoric acid ; 240 lbs. of sulphuric acid, and 20 lbs. of silica. Henderson, in " Gardening for Profit," advises the application of 75 tons of stable or barn-yard manure per acre, for early cab- bage. For late cabbage, after peas or early potatoes, he says about iO tons per acre are used. Brill, in "Farm Gardening and Seed Growing," also makes the same distinction in regard to the quantity of manure used for early 292 TALKS ON MANUEES. and late cabbage. He speaks of 70 to 80 tons or more, per acre, of well-rotted stable-manure as not an unusual or excessive dressing every year. Now, according to Wolffs table, 75 tons of fresh stable-manure, with straw, contains 830 ll or barn-yard manure is used, it will rarely be found that the soil lacks potash. Wliat we need to grow a large crop of cabbage, is manure from well-fed animals. Such manure can rarely be purchased. Now, tJie diflference between rich manure and ordinary stable or bam- MANURES FOIi SPECIAL CKOl'S. 293 yard-manure, consists principally in tliis : Tiie rich manure con- tains more nitrogen and phosphoric acid tiian the ordinary stable- manure — and it is in a more available condition. To convert conmion manure into rich manure, therefore, we nmst add nitrogen and phosphoric acid. In other words, we must use Peruvian guano, or nitrate of soda and superphosphate, or bone- dust, or some other substance that will furnish available nitrogen and phosphoric acid. Or it may well be, where stal)le-manure can be iKJUglit for |1.00 per two-horse load, that it will be cheaper to use it in larger (pian- tity rather tiian to try to make it rich. In this case, however, we must endeavor to follow the cabbage by some crop that has the iwwer of taking up the large quantity of nitrogen and other plant- food that will be leit in the soil. The cabbage needs a large supply of nitrogen in the soil, but re- moves comparatively little of it. We see that when 75 tons of manure is used, a crop of 50 tons of cabbage takes out of the soil less than 30 per cent of the nitrogen. And yet, if you plant cab- bage on this land, the next year, without manure, you would get a small crop. " It cannot be for want of nitrogen," said the Deacon. " Yes it can," said I. " The ciibbage, especially the early kinds, must have in the soil a much larger quantity of available nitrogen than the plants can use." I do not mean by this that a large crop of cabbage could be raised, year after year, if furnished only with a large supi)ly of avail- able nitrogen. In such a case, the soil would soon lack the necessary inorganic ingredients. But, what I mean, is this : "Where land has been heavily manured for some years, we could often raise a good crop of cabbage by a liberal dressing of available nitrogen, and still more frequently, if nitrogen and phosphoric acid were both used. You may use what would be considered an excessive quantity of ordinary stable-manure, and grow a large crop of cabbage; but still, if you plant cabbage the next year, without manure of any kind, you will get a small crop; but dress it with a manure con- taining the necessary amount of nitrogen, and you will, so far as the supply of plant-food is concerned, be likely to get a good crop. In such circumstances, I tliink an application of 800 lbs. of ni- trate of soda per acre, costing, say $:j2, would be likely to afford a very handsome profit. For lettuce, in addition to well prepared rich /and, I should sow 3 lbs. of superphosphate to eac'.i scjuare rod, scattered in the rows 294 TALKS ON MANURES. before drilling in the seed. It will favor the formation of fibrous roots and stimulate the growtli of the young plants. In raising onions from seed, v/e require an abundance of rich, well-rotted manure, clean land, and early sowing. Onions rre often raised year after year on the same land. That this entails a great wa.ste of manure, is highly probable, but it is not an easy matter to get ordinary farm-land properly jirepared for onions. It needs to be clean and free from stones and rubbish of all kinds, and when once it is in good condition, it is thought better to continue it in onions, even though it may entail more or less loss of fertility. " What do 3'ou mean," asked the Deacon, " by loss of manure ?" " Simply this," said I. " We use a far greater amount of plant- food in the shape of manure than is removed by the crop of onions. And yet, notwithstanding this fact, it is found, as a matter of ex- perience, that it is absolutely necessary, if we would raise a large and profitable crop, to manure it every year." A few experiments would tlirow much light on this matter. I should expect, when land had been heavily dressed every year for a few years, with slable-manure, and annually sown to onions, that 800 lbs. of sulphate of ammonia, or of nitrate of soda, or 1,200 lbs. of Peruvian guano would give as good a crop as 25 or 30 tons of manure. Or perhaps a better plan would be to apply 10 or 15 loads of manure, and 600 lbs. of guano, or 400 lbs. sulphate of am- monia. CHAPTER XXXV. MANURES FOR GARDENS AND ORCHARDS. MANURE FOR MARKET-GARDENS. The chief dependence of the market gardener must be on the stable-manure which he can obtain from the city or village. The chief defect of this manure is that it is not rich enough in avail- able nitrogen. The active nitrogen exists principally in the urine, and this in our city stables is largely lost. A tov of fresh, unmixed horse-dung contains about 9 lbs. of nitrogen. A ton of horse-urine, 31 lbs. But this does not tell the whole story. The nitrogen in the dung is contained in the crude, undigested portions of the food. It is to a large extent insoluble and unavailable, while the nitrogen in the urine is soluble and active. MANUUES FOR GARDEXS AND ()K( HAKDS. 2l»5 Till' iiiarktt-i^iirck'iuT, of course, has lo take siiclj iiiaiiurc as lie can ujc't, and the only points to be consideird are (1), whether he had belter continue to use an excessive (luantity of the manure, or (2), to buy substiinces rich in available nitrogen, and either mix Ihcm with the manure, or apply them separately to the soil, or (3), whether he can use this hoi-se-manure as bedding for pigs lo be fed on rich nitrogenous food. The latter plan 1 adopt on my own farm, and in this way I get a very rich and active manure. I get available nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, at far cheaper rates than they can be purchased in the best commercial fertilizers. Pigs void a large amount of urine, and as pigs arc ordinarily kept, much of this liquid is lost for want of sutBcient bedding to absorb it. With the market-gardener or nurseryman, who draws large quantities of horse-manure from the city, this need not be the case. The necessary buildings can be constructed at little cost, and the horse-manure can be used freely. The pigs should be fed on food rich in nitrogen, such as bran, malt-combs, iirewers' grains, the refuse animal matter from the slaughter-houses or butchers' stores, lish scrap, pea or leiitil-mcal, palm-nut cake, or such food as will furnish the most nitrogenous food, other things being equal, at the cheapest rate. The market-gardener not only requires larsrc quantities of rich manure, but he wants them to act quickly. The nurseryman who sets out a block of trees which will occup\^ the ground for three, four, or five years, may want a "lasting manure," but such is not the case with the gardener who grows crops which he takes off the land in a few months. As long as he continues to use horse or cow-manure freely, he need not trouble himself to get a slow or lasting manure. His great aim should be to make the manure as active and available as possible. And this is especially the case if he occupies clayey or loamy land. On sandy land the manure will decompose more rapidly and act quicker. " There are many facts," said the Doctor, " that show that an artificial applfcation oT water is equivalent to an application of manure. It has been shown that market-gardeners find it neces- sary to apply a much larger amount of plant-food to the soil than the crops can take up. This they have to do year after year. And it may well be that, when a supply of water can be had at slight cost, it will be cheaper to irrigate the land, or water the plants, rather than to furnish such an excess of manure, as is now found necessarj'. Even with ordinary farm-crops, we know that they feel the eflfects of drouth far less on rich land than on poor land. la 29G TALKS ON MANURES. otlier words, a liberal supply of plant food enables the crops to flourish witli less water; and, on the other hand, a greater supply of water will enable tlie crops to flourish with a less supply of plant-food. The market-gardeners should look into this question of irrigation. MANURES FOR SEED-GROWING FARMS. In growing garden and vegetable seeds, much labor is neces- sarily employed per acre, and consequently it is of great import- ance to produce a good yield. The best and cleanest land is neces- sary to start with, and then manures must be appropriately and (reely used. " But not too frcel}-," said the Doctor, " for I am told it is quite possible to have land too rich for seed-growing." It is not often that the land is too rich. Still, it may well be that for some crops too much stable-manure is used. But in nine cases out of ten, when such manure gives too much growth and too little or too poor seed, the trouble is in the quality of the mapure. It contains too much carbonaceous matter. In other words, it is so poor in nitrogen and jihosphoric acid, that an excessive quantity has to be nsed. Tho'remedy consists in making richer manures and using a less Quantity, or use lialf the quantity of stable-manure, and appl}' the rectified or prepared Peruvian guano, at the rate of 300 lbs. or 400 lbs. per acre, or say 200 lbs. superphosphate and 300 lbs. nitrate of soda i>er acre. Where it is very important 1o have the seeds ripen early, a lib- eral dressing, say 400 lbs. per acre, of superphosphate of lime, will be likely to prove beneficial. MANURE FOR PRIVATE GARDENS. I once had a small garden in the city, and having no manure, I depended entirely on thorough cultivation and artificial fertilizers, sucli as sujierpliosjihate and sulphate of ammonia. It was culti- vated not for profit, but for pleasure, but I never saw a more pro- ductive piece of land. I had in almost every case two crops a year on the same land, and on some plots three crops. No manure was used, except the superphosphate and sulphate of ammonia, and coal and wood ashes from the liouse. About 5 lbs. of sulphate of ammonia was sown broadcast to the square -rod, or worked into the soil very thoroughly in the rows where the seed was to be sown. Superphosphate was applied at the same rate, but instead of sowing it broadcast, I aimed to get it as near the seed or the roots of plants as possible. I MANUEES FOTl GARnENS AND ORCHARDS. 297 Half a teaspuonful of the iiiixturi', consisting? of equal parts of superphosphate and sulphate of ammonia, stirred into a large three gallon can of water, and sprinkled on to a bed of verbeuas, seemed to have a remarkable effect on the size and brilliancy of the tiowers. Even to this ila}-, although I have a good supply of rich barn- yard-manure, I do not like to be without some good artificial ma- nure for the garden. MANURE FOR HOTBEDS. The best manure for hot-beds is horse or sheep-dung that has been used as bedding for pigs. When fresh stable manure is used, great pains should be taken to save all the urine. In other words, you want the horse-dung thoroughly saturated with urine. The heat is produced principally from the carbon in the manure and straw. Iiut you need active nitrogenous matter to start the fire. And the richer the manure is in nitrogenous matter, and the more thoroughly this is distributed through the manure, the more readily will it ferment. There is also another advantage in having rich manure, or manure well saturated with urine. You can make the heap more compact. Poor manure has to be made in a loose heap, or it will not ferment ; but such manure as we are talking about can be trodden down quite firm, and still ferment rapid enough to give out the necessary heat, and this compact heap will continue to ferment longer and give out a steadier heat, than the loose heap of poor manure. ilAXURE FOR NURSERYMEN. Our successful nurse lymen purchase large quantities of stable and other manures from the cities, drawing it as fast as it is made, and putting it in piles until wanted. They usually turn the piles once or twice, and often three times. This favors fermentation, greatly reducing it in bulk, and rendering the manure much more soluble and active. It also makes the manure in the heap more imiform in quality. Messrs. Ellwanger & Barry tell me that they often ferment the manure that they draw from the stables in the city, and make it so fine and rich, that they get but one load of rotted manure from three loads as drawn from the stables. For some crops, they use at least 20 loads of this rotted manure per acre, and they esti- mate that each load of this rotted manure costs at least $5.00. H. E. Hooker places the cost of manure equally high, but seems willing to use all he can get, and does not think we can profitably employ artificial manures as a substitute. 298 TALKS ON MANURES. Ill this I agree with hiin. But while I should not cXpcct arti- ficial manures, wlien used alone, to prove as cheap or as valuable as stable-manure at present prices, I think it may well be that a little nitrate of soda, sulphate of ammonia, and superphosphate of lime, or dissolved Peruvian guano, might be used as an auxil- iary manure to great advantage. Mr. H. E. Hooker, once sowed, at my suggestion, some sulphate of ammonia and superphosphate on part of a block of nursery trees, and he could not perceive that these manures did any good. Ellwanger & Barry also tried them, and reported the same nega- tive result. This was several years ago, and I do not think any similar experiments have been made since. " And yet," said the Deacon, " you used these self same manures on farm-crops, and they greatly increased the growth." " There are several reasons," said the Doctor, " why these ma- nures may have failed to produce any marked efTect on the nursery trees. In the first place, there was considerable prejudice against them, and the nurserymen would hardly feel like relying on these manures alone. They probably sowed them on land already well manured ; and I think they sowed them too late in the season. I should like to see them fairly tried." So would I. It seems to me that nitrate of soda, and superphos- phate, or dissolved Peruvian guano, could be used with very great advantage and profit by the nurserymen. Of course, it would hardly be safe to depend upon them alone. They should be used either in connection with stable-manure, or on land that bad pre- viously been frequently dressed with stable-manure. MANURE FOR FRUIT-GROWERS. How to keep up tlie fertility of our apple-orchards, is becoming an important question, and is attracting considerable attention. There are two methods generally recommended — I dare not say generally practised. The one, is to keep the orchard in bare-fal- low ; the other, to keep it in grass, and top-dress witli manure, and either eat the grass off on the land with sheep and pigs, or else mow it frequently, and let the grass rot on the surface, for mulch and manure. " You are speaking now," said the Deacon, " of bearing apple- orchards. No one recommends keeping a young orchard in grass. We all know that young apple trees do far better when the land is occupied with corn, potatoes, beans, or some other crop, which can be cultivated, than they do on land occupied with wheat, barley, oats, rye, buckwheat, or grass and clover. And even with bearing MAKUBES Foil GARDENS AND ORCHARDS. 299 peach trees, I Lave seen a woiulcrful diffLTCnce in an orchard, lialf of which was cultivated with corn, and the other half sown with wheat. The trees in the whevt were sickiy-h)okinir, and bore a small crop of inferior fruit, while the trees in the corn, grew vigor- ously and bore a line crop of fruit. And the increased value of the crop of peaches on tlie cultivated land was far more than we can ever hope to get from a crop of wheat." " And yet," said t!ie Doctor, " the crop of corn on the cultivated half of the peach-orchard removed far more plant-food from the soil, than the crop of wheat. And so it is evident that the differ- ence is not due wholly to the supply of manure in the surface-soil. It may well be that the cultivation which the corn received favored the decomposition of organic matter in the soil, and the formation of nitrates, and when the rain came, it would penetrate deeper into the loose soil than on the adjoining land occupied with wheat. The rain would carry the nitrogen down to the roots of the peach trees, and this will account for the dark green color of the leaves on the cultivated land, and the yellow, sickly-looking leaves on the trees among the wheat. HEN-MANURE, AND WHAT TO DO WITH IT. A bushel of corn fed to a hen would give no more nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, in the shape of manure, tlian a Iju.sliel of corn fed to a pig. The manure from the pig, however, taking the urine and solid excrement together, contain 83 per cent of ■water, while tiiat from the hen contains only 5G per cent of water. Moreover, hens pick up worms and insects, and their food in such case would contain more nitrogen than the usual food of pigs, and the manure would be correspondingly richer in nitrogen. Hence it happens that 100 lbs. of dry hen-manure would usually be richer in nitrogen than 100 lbs. of dry pig-manure. But feed pigs on peas, and hens on corn, and the dry pig-manure would be much richer in nitrogen than the dry hen-manure. The value of the manure, other things being equal, depends on the food and not on the animal. Let no m;in think he is going to make his farm any richer by keeping hens, ducks, and geese, than he will by keeping sheep, pigs, and horses. "Why is it, then," asked the Deacon, "that hen-dung proves pueh a valuable manure. I would rather have a hundred lbs. of hen-dung than half a ton of barnyard-manure ? " " And I presume you are right," said I, " but you must recollect that your hen-manure is kept until it is almost chemically dry. Let >00 TALKS OX :vrANURES. us figure up what the half ton of manure and the 100 /bs. of hen- munure would contain. Here are the figures, side by side : Water (estimated) Vi lbs. Organic Matter 51 " AsTi I_37 '^ Nitrogen SJ " Potash IJ " Lime 4^ " I'hosplioric acid t 3 " 100 ««s. dry Half ton Ben- Ma- | Coiv Dung nure. with straio. TTo lbs. 203 " J2 " r^v 3 " I would, myself, far rather have 100 lbs. of your dry hen-manure than half a ton of your farmyard-manure. Your hens are fed on richer food than your cows. The 100 lbs. of hen-manure, too, would act much more rapidly than the half ton of cow-manure. It would probably do twice as much good — possibly three or four times as much good, on the first crop, as the cow-manure. The ni- trogen, bcimr obtained from richer and more digestible food, is in a much more active and available condition than the nitrogen in the cow-dung. " If yoxi go on,'' said the Deacon, " I tliink you will prove that I am right." " I have never doubted," said I, " tlic great value of licn-dung, as compared with barnyard-manure. And all I wish to show is, that, notwithstanding its acknowledged value, tlie fact remains that a given quantity of the same kind of food will give no greater amount of fertilizing matter when fed to a hen tliaii if fed to a pig." I want those farmers who find so much benefit from an ap|ilica- tion of hen-manure, ashes, and plaster, to tlieir corn and potatoes, to feel that if tliey would keep better cows, sheep, and pigs, and feed tliem better, they would get good pay for their feed, and the manure would enable them to grow larger crops. While we have been talking, the Deacon was looking over the tables. (See Appendix.) " I see," said he, " that wheat and rye contain more nitrogen than hen-manure, but less potash and phos- I^horic acid." " This is true," said I, " but the way to compare them, in order to see the effect of passing the wheat through the hen, is to look at the composition of the air-dried hen-dung. The fresh hen-dung, according to the table, contains 56 per cent of water, while wheat contains less than 14^ per cent." Let us compare the composition of 1,000 lbs. air-dried hen-dung with 1,000 lbs. of air-dried wheat and rye, and also with bran, malt-combs, etc. I MANURES KOU (i.VUDENS ANT) ORCIIAUDS. 301 Phoi when there is a predisposition to the disease, but our German friend says he has never found any ill- eflFects from its use. DIKKKKKNT KINDS OK MAM KE. 303 " Cows," said tlif Doctor, " when giviiii; a hirice (luanlily of milk, makt' rather poor manure. The muuure loses what the milk takes from the food." " We have shown what that loss is," s:iiil I. " It amounts to less than I tiiink is generally supposed. And in the winter, when the cow.sare ilry, the manure would be as rieh as from oxen, provided both were fed alike. See Appendix, pagi- 'M2. It will there be seen that oxen take out only 4.1 li)s. of nitrogen from 100 llts. of nitrogen consumed in the food. In otlier wonls, provided there is no loss, wc should get in the li(iuid and solid excrements of the ox and drj' cow "J").;) per cent, of the nitrogen furnished in the food, and a still higher per cent of the mineral matter. SllEEP-MAXUKE. According to Prof. WolflTs table of analyses, sheep-manure, both solid and liquid, contain less watf^r than the manure from horses, cows, or swine. With the exception of swine, the solid dung is also the riciiest in nitrogen, while tiie urine of siicep is pre- eminently rich in nitrogen and potash. These facts are in accordance with the general o|>inionsof farm- ers. Sheep-manure is considered, next to hen-manure, the most valuable manure made on the farm. I do not think we have any satisfactory evidence to prove that 3 tons of clover-hay and a ton of corn fed to a lot of fattening- sheep will afford a quantity of manure contaiMin? anymore i>lant- food than the s;imo kind and amount of food fid to a lot of fat- tening-cattle. The experiments of Lawes & Gilbert indicate that if there is any diff'-rence it is in favor of the ox. See Appendi.x, page;U;{. But it may w 11 l)e tiiat it is much easier to save the manure from the sheep than from the cattle. And so, practically, Bheep may be better manure-makers than cattle — for the simple reason that less of the urine is lost. "As a rule," said the Doctor, "the dung of sheep contains far less water than the dung of cattle, though when you slop your breeding ewes to make them give more milk, tlie dung differs but little in appearance from that of cows. Ordinarily, liowevcr. sheep- dung is light and dry, and, like horse-dung, will ferment much more rapidly than cow or pig-v fq ^ i .S O 3 «;; .5 U K^ rf3 iFresh Lorsc-maniirc free from straw I " " " '• " '" piL'SScri. Fresh liorse-minure, as used for bedding pi'^s. Horse-manure from piLj cellar I " •' " '• " ])ressed. . iPi?-nianure " " pressed Ipis^-niannre and dry earlli Sliecp-manure from o|)eii shed I " " " " " pressed.. Sheep-manure from closed shed I ». .1 I. li i. pressed. Fresh cow-dung, free fiom straw Ilen-manure I " •• pressed pressed. lbs. 5.5 28 4(i 50 T2 57 75 98 42 65 28 38 87 34 4S lbs. 1875 2750 1400 2:;00 2500 3600 2850 3750 4000 2100 3250 1400 1900 4.350 1700 2400 " In buying manure," said the Deacon, " it makes quite a differ- ence whether the load is trod down solid or thrown loosely into the box. A load of fresh, when trod tlown, weighs half as much again as when thrown in loose." " A load of horse-manure," said Charley, " after it has been used for bedding pigs, weighs 3,600 lbs., and only 2,300 lbs. when it is thrown into the pens, and I suppose a ton of the ' double- worked ' manure is fully as valuable as a ton of the fresh horse-manure. If so, 15 ' loads' of the pig-pen manure is equal to 34 ' loads' of the stable-manure." 306 TALKS ON MANURES. "A ton of fresh horse-manure," saiel the Doctor, "contains about 9 lbs. of nitrogen ; a ton of fresh cow-dung about 6 lbs.; a ton of fresh sheep-dung, 11 lbs., and a ton of fresh pig-manure, 13 lbs. But if the Deacon and you weighed correctl}-, a ' load ' or cord of cow-manure would coutiiu more nitrogen than a load of pressed horse-manure. The figures arc as follows : A load of 50 bushels of fresh horse-dung, pressed and free from straw contains 12.37 lbs. nitrogen. A load of fresh cow-dung 13.05 " " " " sheep" 10.45 " " " " pig " 22.50 " "These figures," said I, "show how necessary it is to look at this subject in all its aspects. If I was buying manures by weight, I would much prefer a ton of sheep-manure, if it had been made under cover, to any other manure except hen-dung^ especially if it contained all tlie urine from the sheep. But if buying manure by the load or cord, that from a covered pig-pen would be prefer- able to any other." LIQUID MANURE ON THE FARM. I have never had any personal experience in the use of liquid manure to any crop except grass. At Rothamsted, Mr. Lawcs used to draw out the liquid manure in a water-cart, and distribute it on grass land. " What we want to know," said the Deacon, " is whether the liquid from our barn-yards will pay to draw out. If it will, the proper method of using it can be left to our ingenuity." According to Prof. Wolff, a ton of urine from horses, cows, sheep, and swine, contains the following amounts of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, and, for the sake of comparison, I give the composition of drainage from the barn-yard, and also of fresh dung of the different animals : TABLE SHO-WISO TUB AMOUNT OP KITROOEK, PnOSiPHOniC ACID, AND TOTASH, IN ONE TON op THE FKESH DUNG AND PUESII URINE OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS, AND ALSO OP THE DRAINAGE OP THE BARN-TARD. Horse Cow Sheep Swine Mean Drainage of barn-yard. 1 TON FRESH DUNO. Nitro- Phos- 2)fio)ic Potash. acid. lbs. Ibfl. Ibi?. 8.8 7.0 7.0 .5.8 3 4 2.0 11.0 C.2 3.0 12.0 8.2 5.2 9.4 0.2 4.3 j 1 TON PKESII URINE. Nitro- gen. Phos- I phoric \ Potash, acid. 11)9. 31.0 11.6 39.0 8.6 22.5 3 0 lbs. 0.2 1.4 0.4 0.2 lb?. 30.0 9.8 45.3 16.6 25.4 9.8 I DIFFEUENT KIXDS OF MANURE. 307 The drainage from a barn-yard, it will be seen, contains a little more than half as much uitroi^cn as cow-dung ; and it is probable that the nitrogen in the liquid is in a much more available condi- tion than that in the dung. It contains, also, nearly five times a3 much potash as the dung. It would seem, therefore, that with proper arrangemcnta* for pumping and distributing, this liquid could be drawn a short distance with profit. But whether it will or will not pay to cart away the drainage, it is obviously to our interest to prevent, as far as possible, any of the liquid from running to waste. It is of still greater importance to guard against any loss of urine. It will be seen that, on the average, a ton of the urine of our domestic animals contains more than twice as much nitrogen as a ton of the dung. Where straw, leaves, swamp-muck, or other absorbent materials are not sufficiently abundant to prevent any loss of urine, means should be used to drain it into a tank so located that the liquid can either be pumped back on to the manure when needed, or drawn away to the land. " I do not see," said the Deacon, " why horse and sheep-urine should contain s) much more nitrogen and potash than that from the cow and pig." " The figures given by Prof. Wolff," said I, " are general aver- ages. The composition of the urine varies greatl}'. The richer the food in digestible nitrogenous matter, the more nitrogen will there be in the dry matter of the urine. And, other things being equal, the less water the animal drinks, the richer will the urine be in nitrogen. The urine from a sheep fed solely on turnips would contain little or no more nitrogen than the urine of a cow fed on turnips. An ox or a dry cow fed on grass would probibly void no more nor no poorer urine than a horse fed on grass. The urine that Mr. Lawes drew out in a cart on to his grass-land was made by sheep that had one lb. each of oil-cake per day, and one fb. of chaffed clover-hay, and all the turnips they would eat. They voided a large quantity of urine, but as the food was rich in nitrogen, the urine was doubtless nearly or quite as rich as that analyzed by Prof. Wolff, though that probably contained less water. If I was going to draw out liquid manure, I should be very care- ful to spout all the buildings, and keep the animals and manure as much undercover sis possible, and also feed food rich in nitrogen. In such circumstances, it would doubtless pay to draw the urine full as well as to draw the solid manure. 308 TALKS ON MANURES. NIGHTSOIL AND SEWAGE. The compo.sitioii of humaa excrements, as compared with the mean composition of the excrements from horses, cows, slicep, and swine, so far as the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash are con- cerned, is as follows : TABLE SHOWING THE AMOUNT OP NITUOGEN, PHOSI-HOUIC Al'Il), AND POTASH, IN ONE TON OF FUEiSU HUMAN EXCREMENTS, AND IN ONE TON OP KKESH EXCREMENTS FKOM HOUSES, COWS, SHEEP, AND SWINE. SOLIDS. URINE. One Ion (:J0O0 lbs). Nitro- gen. Phm- photic acid. Potash. Nitro- gen. Plm- p/ioric acid. Potash. Human 20 0 11)8. 21.8 lbs. 5.0 lbs. 12.0 lbs. 3.7 lbs. 4.0 lbs. Mean of horse, cow, slieep, and swine 9.4 '= 6.2 '• 4.3 " 22.5 '• •0.4 " 25.4 " One ton of fresh faeces contains more than twice as much nitro- gen, and more tliau tlircc times as much phosphoric acid, as a ton of fresh mixed animal-dung. The nitrogen, too, is probably in a more available condition than that in common barnyard-dung; and we should not be far wrong in estimating 1 ton of faeces equal to 2i tons of ordinary dung, or about equal in value to carefully preserved manure from liberally-fed sheep, swine, and fattening cattle. " It is an unpleasant job," said the Deacon, " but it pays well to empty the vaults at least twice a year." " If farmers," si'd the Doctor, " would only throw into the vaults from time to time some dry earth or co:il a.> of ammonia contains 21 i per cent of ammonia. Sulphate of ammonia contains 25| per cent of ammonia=21V» of nitrogen. DIFFERENT KINDS OF MANURE. 313 Muriate of auimuuiu contains 31 per cent of aninionia=25i of nitrospn. Nitrate of so la contaius 16'^, s per cent of nitrogen. Nitrate of potash, 1;J| per cent of nitrogen. From tiiese fiirures you can ascerUiin, when j-ou know tiie price of each, which is the cheapest source of nitrogen. " True," said I, " but it must be understood tliat tliese figures re- present the composition of a pure article. The coniniercial sul- phate of ammonia, and nitrate of soda, would usually contain 10 percent of impurities. Lawes and Gilltert, who have certainly iiad much experience, and doui)tltss get the best commercial articles, state th It a mixture of e([ual parts sulphate and muriate of ammo- nia contains about 2~) per cent of ammonia. According to the fig- ures given by the Doctor, the mixture would contain, if pure, over 28 per ce:it of ammonia. In other words, 90 lbs. of the pure article contains as much as 100 lbs. of the commercial article." As to whether it is better, when you can buy nitrogen at the same price in nitrate of soda as you can in sulphate of ammonia, to use the one or the other will depend on cirtHimstances. The nitrogen exists as nitric acid in the nitrate of soda, and as ammo- nia in the sulphate of ammonia. But there are good reasons to believe that before ammonia is used by the plants it is ctrnvcrted into nitric acid. If, therefore, we could apply the nitrate just where it is wanted by tlie growing crop, and when there is rain enough to thoroughly distribute it through the soil to the deptii of six or eight inches, there can be little doubt that the nitrate, in proportion to the nitrogen, would have a quicker and better effect than the sulphate of ammonia. "There is another point to be considered," said the Doctor. " Nitric acid is much more easily washed out of the soil than am- monia. More or less of the ammonia enters into chemical com- bination with portions of the soil, and may be retained for months or years." When we use nitrate of soda, we run the risk of losing more or less of it from leaching, while if we use ammonia, we lose, for the time being, more or less of it from its becoming locked up in in- soluble combinations in the soil. For spring crops, such as barley or oats, or spring wheat, or for a meadow or lawn, or for top- dressing winter-wheat in the spring, the nitrate of soda, provided it is sown early enough, or at any time in the spring, just previous to a heavy rain, is likely to produce a better effect than the sulphate of ammonia. But for sowing in the autumn on winter-wheat the ammonia is to be preferred. U 314 TALKS ON MANURES. " Saltpetre, or nitrate of potash," said the Deacon, " does not contain as much nitrogen as nitrate of soda." "And yet," said the Doctor, " if it could be purchased at the same price, it would be the cheaper manure. It contains 46^ per cent of potash, and on soils, or for crops where potash is needed, we may sometimes be able to purchase saltpetre to advantage." " If I could come across a lot of damaged saltpetre," said I, " that could begot for whaf it is worth as manure, I should like to try it on my apple trees — one row with nitrate of soda, and one row with nitrate of potash. When we apply manure to apple trees, the ammonia, phosphoric acid, and potash, are largely retained in the first fev; inches of surface soil, and the deeper roots get hold of only those portions whicli leach tlirough the upper layer of earth. Nitric acid, however, is easily w-ashed down into the subsoil, and would soon reach all the roots of the trees." CnAPTER XXXVII. BONE-DUST AND SUPERPnOSPIIATE OF LIME. Bone-dust is often spoken of as a phosphatic manure, and it has been supposed that the astonishing effect bone-dust sometimes pro- duces on old pasture-land, is due to its furnishing phosphoric acid to the soil. But it must be remembered that bone-dust furnishes nitrogen as well as phosphoric acid, and we are not warranted in ascribing the good effect of bones to phosphoric acid alone. Bones differ considerably in composition. They consist essen- tially of gelatine and phosphate of lime. Bones from young ani- mals, and the soft porous parts of all bones, contain more gelatine than the solid parts, or the l)ones from older animals. On the aver- age, 1,000 lbs. of good commercial bone-dust contains 38 lbs. of nitrogen. On the old dairy farms of Cheshire, whore l)one-dust produced such marked improvement in the quantity and quality of tlie pas- tures and meadows, it was usual to apply from 4,000 to 5,000 lbs per acre, and often more. In other words, a dressing of bone-dust BONE-DUST AND SlIPERPHOSPO ATE OF LIME. 315 frequently rontaiiud 200 lbs. of nitiogcn per acre — equal to 20 or 25 tons of hani-yanl inamirc. "It has been supimsed," said tlic Doctor, " tliat owing to the removal of so much phosphoric acid in tlie cheese sold from tiie farm, that the dairy pastures of Chcsiiire had been exhausted of phosphoric acid, and that the wonderful benefits following an ap- plication of bone-dust to these pastures, was due to its supplying phosphoric acid." " I do not doubt," said I, " the value of phosphoric arid when applied in connection with nitrogen to old pasture lands, but I contend that the experience of the Cheshire dairymen with bone- dust is no positive proof that their soils were particularly deticient in phosphoric acid. Tiiere are many instances given where the gelatine of the bones, alone, proved of great value to the grass. And I think it will be found that the Cheshire dairymen do not tind as much benefit from superphosphate as they did from bone-dust. And the reason is, that the latter, in addition to the phosphoric acid, furnished a liberal dressing of nitrogen. Futhermore, it is not true that dairying specially robs the soil of phosphoric acid. Take one of these old dairy farms in Ciieshire, where a dressing of bone-dust, according to a writer in the Journal of the Royal Agri- cultural Society, has caused ' a miserable covering of pink grass, rushes, and a variety of other noxious weeds, to give place to the most luxuriant herbage of wild clover, trefoil, and other succulent and nutritious grasses.' It is evident from this description of the pastures before the bones were used, that it would take at least three acres to keep a cow for a year. "I have known," says the same writer quoted above, "many a poor, honest, but half broken-hearted man raised from poverty to comparative independence, and many a sinking family saved from inevitable ruin by the help of this wonderful manure." And this writer not only spoke from observation and experience, but he showed his faith by bis works, for he tells us that he had paid nearly $50,000 for this manure. Now, on one of these poor dairy farms, where it required 3 acres to keep a cow, and where the grass was of poor quality, it is not probable that the cows produced over 250 lbs. of cheese in a year. One thousand pounds of cheese contains, on the average, about 45^ lbs. of nitrogen ; 2^ lbs. of potash, and 11| lbs. of phosphoric acid. From this it follows, if 250 lbs. of cheese are sold annually from three acres of pasture, less than one lb. of phosphoric acid per acre is exported from the farm in the cheese. One ton of timothy-hay contains nearly 14^^ lbs. of phosphoric 310 TALKS ON MAXDRKS. acid. Ami so a farna-r who raises a ton of tiinotliy-hay per arro, and sells if, sends olT as nuub phosphoric acitl in one year as such a Cheshire dairyman as I iiave alluded lo did in fourteen years. Wiiat tile dairymen want, and what farmers generally want, is nitroi^en and phospiioric acid. Bone-dust furnishes both, and this was the reason of its wonderful effects. It does not follow from this, that bone-dust is the cheapest and Itest manure we can use. It is an ohl and popular manure, and usually commands a good j)rice. It sells for all it is worth. A dozen years airo, I i)ou>;ht ten tons of iMmc-dust at |18 per ton. I have otFired $25 per ton since for a similar lot, but the mauufac- turiTs timl a market in New York for ail tluy can make. Bone-dust, l)e.sides nitroi^cn, contains about 23 per cent of l)liosphoric acid. "That does not give me," said the Deacon, " any idea of its value." " Let us put it in another shape, then," .said I. " One ton of good bon«-dust contains about as much nitrogen as 8i tons of fresh stable-manure, and as much phosphoric acid as 110 tons of fresh stal)le-iuanure. But one ton of manure contains more potash than 5 tons of bone-dust. Bone-dust, like barnyard-manure, does not imrai-diately yield up its nitrogen ami phosphoric acid to plants. The bone phosphate of lime is insoluble in water, and but very slightly .soluble in water containing carbonic acid. The gelatine of the bones would .';oon decompose in a, porous, warm soil, provided it was not protected by tlie oil and by the hard matter of the bones. Steaming, by removing the oil, removes one of the hindrances to deconjposition. Reducing the Itonos as fine as possible is another means of increasing thi'ir av.iilaliility. Another good method of increasing the availability of bone-dust is to mix it with barnyard-manure, and let both ferment together in a heap. I am inclined to think this the best, simplest, and most economical method of rendering bone-dust available. The bone-dust causes the lieap of manure to ferment more readily, and the fermentation of the manure softens the bones. Both the ma- nure and the bones are improved and rendered richer and more available by the process. Another method of increasing the availability of bone-dust is by mixing it with sulplmric acid. BoxE-i»usT AND srPKi:rin>srn.\TE of i.imk. 317' Tin- i)li(>si)li;il(' of liino in bones is insoluble in water, Ihoiij^li niin wilier conlaiiiinj; carbonic acid, and the water in soils, slowly dissolve it. Hy Ireatini; the bones witii sulplinric acid, tiic phos- phate of lime is decomposed and rendered soluble. ('onse(inently, bone-dust treated with sulpiiurie acid will act much more rapidly than ordinary l)one-dust. The sulphuric acid does not make it any richer in phuspimric acid or nitroi:en. It simply renders them more availalile. " And yet," said the Doctor, " the use of sulphuric acid for ' dis- solvin;;' l»ones, or rather phosphate of lime, introduced a new era in agriculture. It is the ^rand ai^ricultural fact of the nineteenth century." "It is perhapp not necessary," said I, " to pive any direction for treatin.: bones with sulphuric acid. We have got beyonil that. We can now buy superphosphate cheaper tiian we can make it from bones." " Bui IS it as good ? " asked the Deacon. "Soluble phosphate of lime," said I, "is soluble phosphate of lime, and it makes no dilFerence whether it is made from burnt bones, or from phosphatic guano, or mineral |)hosphate. That ques- tion has been fully decided by tlie most satisfactory experiments." "BL'fore you and the Deacon tliscuss that subject," said the Doc- tor, " it would be well to tell Charley wiiat supcrjjhosphate is." "I wish you would tell me," said Charley. "Well," said the Doctor," phosphate of lime, as it exists in bones, is composed of tliree atoms of lime and one atom «)f phos- phoric acid. Chemists call it the tricalcic phosphate. It is also called the basic phosphate of lime, and not unfrequcntly the 'bone-earth phosphate.' It is the ordinary or common form of phosphate of lime, as it exists in animals, and plants, and in the various forms of mineral phosphates. "Then there is another pliosphate of lime, called the dicalcic phosphate, or neutral phosphate of lime, or reverted phosi)hate of lime. It is composed of one atom of water, two atoms of lime, and one atom of pliosphoric acid. " Then we have wliat we call superphosphate, or acid phosphate of lime, or more properly monocalcic phosphate. It is composed of »wo atoms of water, one atom of lime, and one atom of phos- phoric acid. This acid phosphate of lime t.« soluble in ipater. "The manufacture of superphosphate of lime is based on these facts. The onr-Vmc phosphate is soluble, the threeWmo phosphate is insoluble. To convert tlie latter into the former, all we have to do is to take away two atoms of lime. 318 TALKS ON MANIRES. "Sulpluiric acid has a stronger aftiaity for lime tlian phosphoric acid. And when you mix enough sulphuric acid with tinely ground three-lime phosphate, to take away two atoms of lime, you get t.iC phosphoric acid united with one atom of lime and two atoms of water." " And what," asked the Deacon, " becomes of the two atoms of lime ? " " They unite with tlio sulphuric acid," said the Doctor, "and form plaster, gypsum, or sulphate of lime." "The molecular weight of water." continued the Doctor, " is 18; of lime, 56; of sulphuric acid, 80; of phosphoric acid, 142. " An average sample of commercial bone dus"t," continued the Doctor, " contains about ijO per cent of phosphate of lime. If we take 020 lbs. of finely-ground bone-dust, containing 310 lbs. of three lime jthosphati', and mi.\ with it IGO ll>s. of sulphuric acid (say 240 lbs. common oil of vitriol, sp. gr. 1.7), the sulpiiuric acid will unite with 112 lbs. of lime, and leave the 142 lbs. of phos- phoric acid united with the remaining 56 lbs. of lime." "And that will give j'ou," said the Deacon, " 780 lbs. of 'dis- solved bones,' or superphosphate of lime." " It will give you more than that," s.iid the Doctor, " because, as I said before, the two atoms of lime (112 ll>s.) are replaced by two atoms (oG lbs.) of water. And, furthermore, the two atoms of sulphate of lime produced, contained two atoms (36 lbs.) of water. The mi.vture, therefore, contains, even wlien perfectly dry, 72 lbs. of water." " Where does fliis water come from?" asked the Deacon. " When I was at Rothamsted," said 1, " the superpliosphate whic'ii Mr. Lawes used in his experiments was made on the farm from animal cliarcoal, or burnt i>on:s, ground as fine as jtossible — the tlner tlie better. We took 40 lbs. of the meal, and mixed it witli 20 lbs. of wafer, and then poured on 30 Ib.s. of common sul- phuric acid (sp. g. 1.7), and stirred it up rapidly and tliorouglily, and then threw it out of the vessel into a heap, on the eartli-floor in the barn. Then mixed another portion, and so on, until we had the desired quantity, say two or three tons. The last year I was at Rothamsted, we mixed 40 lbs. bone-meal, 30 lbs. v.-ater, and 30 lbs. acid ; and we thought the additional water enabled us to mix the acid and meal together easier and better." "Dr. Ilabirshaw tells me," said tlie Doctor, "that in making the ' Rectified Peruvian Guano' no water is necessary, and none is used. The water in tlie txuano and in the acid is sufficient to BONE-DUST AXI) SUPERPUOSl'HATE OK LIMi:. .'U9 furriisli the two atoms of water for the ph " Organic matter, ash, etc., of the bonc6* 3:3."> " Total dri/ superphosphate 877 " Moisture, or lo>s 45 " Total mixture 92^ lbs. • ConUinins iiilro^^eii, 2.!', Itis. "There is a small quantity of carbonate of lime in the bones," Baid I, "which would take up a little of tiic acid, and you will have a remarkably good article if you calculate that the 020 lbs. of bone-dust furnish you half a ton (1,000 lbs.) of superphosphate. It will be a better article than it is practically jjossible to make." " Assuming that it made half a ton," said the Doctor, " it would contain 14} per cent of soluble piiosphoric acid, and 2^^ per cent of nitrogen." "With nitrogen at 20 cents per lb., and soluble phosphoric acid at 12ic. per lb., this half ton of superphosphate, made from 620 lbs. of good bone-dust, would be worth $22.50, or $45 per ton." " Or, to look at it in another light," continued the Doctor, " a ton of bone-dust, made into such a superphosphate as we are talk- ing about, would be worth $72.58." " How much," asked the Deacon, " would a ton of the bone-dust be considered worth before it was converted into superphosphate ? " "A ton of bone-dusl," replied the Doctor, " contains 76 lbs. of nitrogen, worth, at 18 cents per lb., $13.68, and 404 lbs. phosphoric acid, worth 7 cents per 11>., $32.48. In other words, a ton of bone- dust, at the usual eslimatJ, ii worth $46.16." 320 TALKS ON MANURES. " Ami," said the Deacon, " after it is converted into superphos- phate, the same ton of bones is worth $72.58. It thus appears that you pay $26.42 per ton for simply making the phosjihoric acid in a ton of bones soluble. Is'a<, it paying a little too much for the whistle?" " Possibly such is the case," said I, "and in point of fact, I think bone-dust, especially from steamed or boiled bones, can be used with more economy in its natural state than in the form of superphosphate." Superpliosphate can be made more economically from mineral phosphates than from bones— the nitrogen, if desired, being sup- plied from fish-scrap or from some other cheap source of nitrogen. But for my own use I would prefer to buy a good article of superphosphate of lime, containing no nitrogen, provided it can be obtained cheap enough. I would buy tlie ammoniacal, or nitro- genous manure separately, and do my own mi.xing — unless the mixture could be bought at a Ivss cost than the same weight of soluble phosphoric acid, and available nitrogen could be obtained separately'. A pure superphosphate — and by pure I mean a superphosphate containing no nitrogen — can be drilled in with the seed without injury, but I should be a little afraid of drilling in some of the ammoniacal or nitrogenous superpliosphateo with small seeds. And then, again, the " nitrogen" in a superphosphate mixture may be in the form of nitric acid, or sulphate of ammonia, in one case, or, in another case, in the form of hair, woollen rags, hide, or leather. It is far more valuable as nitric acid or ammonia, because it will act quicker, and if I wanted hair, woollen rags, horn-shavings, etc., I would prefer to have them separate from the superphosphate. CHAPTER XXXVIII. SPECIAL MANURES. Twenty five to thirty years ago, nmch was said in regard to spe- cial Auanures. Fertilizers were i)repared for the different crops with special reference to the composition of the plants. "But it was known then, as now," said the Doctor, "that all our agricultural jdants were composed of the same elements." " True, but what was claimed was this : Some crops contain, for SPECIAL MANURES. 321 instance, more phosphoric acid than other crops, and for these a manure rich in phosphoric acid was i)rovided. Otliers contained a large proportion of potasli, and these were called ' potash crops,' and tlie manure prescrihed for them was rich in potash. And so with the other ingredients of phints." " I recollect it well," said the Doctor, " and, in truth, for several years I had much faith in the idea. It was advocated with con- summate ability by the lamented Liebig, and in fact a patent was tiiken out by the Musjrraves, of Liverpool, for the manufacture of Liebig's Special Manures, based on this theory. But the manures, though extensively used by the leading farmers of England, and endorsed Ity the highest authorities, did not in the end stand the test of actual farm practice, and their manufacture was abandoned. And I do not know of any experienced agricultural chemist who now advocates this doctrine of special manures. "Dr. Vadcker says: ' The of plants do not afford a sufficiently trustworthy guide to the practical farmer in selecting the kind of manure which is best api>lied to each crop.' " " Never mind the authorities," said the Deacon ; " what we want are facts." " Well," replied the Doctor, " take the wheat and turnip crop as an illustration. " We will suppose that there is twice the weight of wheat-straw as of grain ; and that to 10 tons of bulbs there is 3 tons of turnip- tops. Now, 100 lbs. each of the ash of these two crops contain : mieat croj). Turnip crop. Phosphoric acid 11.44 7.33 Potash 1.5.44 32.75 Sulphuric acid 2.44 11.2.5 Lime 5.09 19.28 Magnesia 3.33 1..56 " There are other ingredients," continued the Doctor, " but these are the most important. " Now, if you were going to compound a manure for wheat, say 100 lbs., consisting of potash and phosphoric acid, what would be the proportions ? " The Deacon figured for a few moments, and then produced the following table: 100 LBS. SPECIAL MANURE FOR WHEAT A:N'D TCRNIPS. Wheat manure. Turnip tnaiuire. Phosphoric acid 42 j lbs. 181 lbs. Potash 57^ " 81f " 100 lbs. 100 lbs. "Exactly," said the Doctor, " and yet the experiments of Laweg 322 TALKS ON MANUKES. and Gilbert clearly prove that a soil nee Is to be richer jn available phospboric acid, to produce even a fair crop of turnips, than to produce a large crop of wheat. And the experience of farmers everywhere tends in the same direction. England is the greatest turnip-growing country in the world, and you will find that where one farmer applies potash to turnips, or superphosphate to wheat, a hundred farmers use superphosphate as a trti'f indicntioii as to the com- position of tlie manure it is best tc upplt/ to the crop^ " Again," continued the Doctor, " if the theory was a correct one, it would follow that those crops which contained the most nitro- gen, would require tlie most nitrogen in the manure. Beans, peas, and clover would require a soil or a manure richer in available ni- trog(;n than wheat, l)arley, or oats. We know that the verij reverse is true — know it from actual, and repeated, and long-continued ex- periments like thos • of Lawes and Gilbert, and from the common experience of fanners everywhere." " You need not get excited." said the Deacon, " the theory is a very plausible one, and while I cannot dispute your facts, I must ccmfcss I cannot see why it is not reasonable to suppose that a plant which contains a large amount of nitrogen sliouid not want a manure specially rich in nitrogen ; or why turnips which contain 80 much potash should not want a soil or manure specially rich in potash." " Do you recollect," said I, " that crop of turnips I raised on a poor blowing-sand ? " " Yes," said the Deacon, " it was the best crop of turnips I ever saw grow." " That crop of turnips,'" said I, " was due to a dressing of super- phosphate of Ihne, with little or no potash in it." "I know all that," said the Deacon. "I admit the fact that superphosphate is a good manure for turnips. What I want to know is the reason why superphosphate is better for turnips than for wheat?" "Many reasons might be given," said the Doctor; "Prof. Vcelcker attributes it to the limited fee ling range of the roots of turnips, ns compared to wheat. 'The rpots of wiieat,' says Prof. Vcrlcker, ' as is well known, penetrate the soil to a much greater depth than the more delicate fee ling fibres of the roots of turnips. Wheat, remaining on the ground two or three months longer than SPECIAL MAXURBS. 3:23 turnips, can avail itself for a longer perioil of the resources of the soil ; therefore in most casts tiie phosphoric acid disseminated through the soil is amply sunicicnt to meet the requirements of the wheat crop; whilst turnips, dependiui? on a thinner depth of soil during tlieir shorter period of growtli, cannot assimilate suHicient phosphoric acid, to come to prrfeclion. This is, I believe, the main reason why the direct supj)!}' of readily available phosphates is so btnrticial to root-crops, and not to wheal." "This reason," said I, " has never been entirely satisfactory to me. If the roots of the turnip have such a limited range, how are they able to get such a large amonut of potash? "It is probable that the turnip, containing such a large relative amount of potisli and so little phosphoric acid, has roots capable of absorbing potash from a very weak solution, but not so in re- gard to phosphoric acid." "There is another way of looking at this matter," said the Doc- tor. "You must recollect that, if turnips and wheat were grow- ing in th" same field, both plants gi t their food from the same so- lution. And instead of supposing that the wheat-plant has the power of taking up more phosithoric acid than the turnip-plant, we may suppose that the turnip has the power of rejecting or ex- cluding a portion of phosphoric acid. It takes up no more potasli than the wheal-plant, but it takes Uss phosphoric acid." But it is not necessary to speculate on this matter. For the present we may accept the fact, that the proportion of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen in the crop is no indication of the proper proportion in which these ingredients sliould be applied to the soil for these crops in manure. It may well be that we should use special manures for special crops; but we must ascertain what these manures should be, not from analyses of the crops to be grown, but from experiment and experience. So far as present facts throw light on this subject, we should conclude that those crops which contain the least nitrogen are the most likely tu be benefited by its artificial application ; and the crops containing ihe most phosphoric acid, are the crops to which, in ordinary- practical agriculture, it will be unprofitable to apply superphosphate of lime. '.' That," said the Doctor, " may be stating the case a little too strong." " Perhaps so," said I, " but you must recollect I am now speak- ing of practical agriculture. If I wanted to a good crop of cabbage, I should not think of consulting a chemical analysis 324 TALKS ON MANURES. of the cabbage. If I set out cabbage on an acre of land, wliich, wilhout manure, would produce 16 tons of cabbage, does any one mean to tell me that if I put the amount of nitrogen, paosphoric acid and potash which 10 tons of cabbage contain, on an adjoining acre, that it would produce an extra growth of 10 tons of cabbage. I can not b'.'lieve it. The facts are all the other way. Plant growth is not such a simple matter as the advocates of this theory, if there be any at this late day, would have us believe." C n A r T E R XXXIX. VALUE OF FERTILIZERS. In 1857, Prof. S. W. Johnson, in his Report to the Connecticut Agricultural Society, adopted the following valuation: Potash 4 cents per lb. Phosphoric acid, insoluble in water 4i " " " " " soluble " " ....12i " " " Nitrogen 17 " " " Analyses of many of the leading commercial fertilizers at that time showed that, wlicn judged by this standard, the i)rice charged was far above their actual value. In some cases, manures selling for $G0 per ton, contained nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash worth only from $20 to $25 per ton. And one well-known manure, which sold for $28 per ton, was found to be worth only $2.33 per ton. A Bone Fertilizer selling at $50 per ton, was worth less than $14 per ton. "In 1852," said the Doctor, "superphosphate of lime was manu- factured by the New Jersey Zinc Co., and sold in New York at $50 per ton of 2,000 lbs. At the same time, superphosphate of lime made from Coprolites, was selling in England for $24 per ton of 2,240 lbs. The late Prof. Mapes commenced making ''Im- proved Superphosphate of Lime," at Newark, N. J., in 1852, and Mr. De Burg, the same year, made a plain superpli'dsphate of lime in Brooklyn, N. Y. The price, in proportion to value, was high, and, in fact, the same may be said of many of our superplios- phate manures, until within the last few years. Notwithstanding the comparativelv high price, and the uncer- tain quality of these commercial manures, the demand has been steadily on the increase. We have now many honorable and in- VALUE OF FERTILIZERS. 325 telligent men engaged in the manufacture and salo of these artifi- cial manures, and owing to more definite knowledge on the part of the manufacturers and of the purchasers, it is not a difficult matter to find manures well worth the money asked for them. " A correct analysis," said I, " furnishes the only sure test of value. ' Testimonials ' from farmers and others are pre-eminently unri'liable. With over thirty years' experience in the use of these fertilizers, I would place far more confidence on a good and reli- able analysis than on any actual trial I could make in the field. Testimonials to a patent fertilizer are about as reliable as testimo- nials to a patent-medicine. In buying a manure, we want to know what it contains, and the condition of the constituents." In 1877, Prof. S. W. Johnson gives the folhnviug figures, show- ing " the trade-values, or cost in market, per pound, of the ordi- nary occurring forms of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, as recently found in the New York and New England markets : Cents per jwund. Nitrogen in ammonia and nitrates 24 " in Peruvian Oiiano, tine steamed bone, dried and fine ground blood, meat, and fish 20 " in fine trround bone, horn, and wool-dust 18 " in coarse bone, horu-shavings, and fish-scrap 15 Phosphoric acid soluble in water T 12i " " " reverted," and in Peruvian Guano 9 " " insoluble, in fine bone and fish jruano 7 " " " in coarse bone, bone-ash, and bone-black 5 •' " " in fine ground rock phosphate... 3i Potash in high-c^ade sulphate 9 " in kainit, as sulphate 71 " in muriate, or potassium chloride 6 " These ' estimated values,' " says Prof. Johnson, " are not fixed, but vary with the state of the market, and are from time to time subject to revision. They are not exact to the cent or its fractions, because the same article sells cheaper at commercial or manufac- turing centers than in country towns, cheaper in large lots than in small, cheaper for cash than on time. These values are high enough to do no injustice to tlie dealer, and accurate enough to serve the object of the consumer. "By multiplying the per cent of Nitrogen, etc., by the trade- value per pound, and then by 20, we get the value per ton of the several ingredients, and adding the latter together, we obtain the total estimated value per ton. "The uses of the ' Valuation ' are, 1st, to show whether a given lot or brand of fertilizer is worth as a commodity of trade what it costs. If the selling price is no higher than the estimated value, 326 TALKS ON MANURES. the purchaser may be quite sure that the price is reasoaable. If the selling price is but $2 to $3 per ton more than the estimated value, it may still be a fair price, but if the cost per ton is $5 or more over the estimated value, it would be well to look further. 2d, Comparisons of the estimated values, and sclUng prices of a number of fertilizers will pcncralh' indicate fairly which is the best for the money. But the ' estimated value ' is not to be too literally construed, for analysis cannot always decide accurately wiiat is the/or//i of nitrogen, etc., while the nu chanical condition of a feriilizer is an item whose influence cannot always be rightly expressed or appreciated. *' The Agricultural value of a fertilizer is measured by the benefit received from its use, and depends upon its fertilizing effect, or crop-producing power. As a broad general rule it is true that Peruvian guano, supei phosphates, tish-scraps, dried blood, potash salts, plaster, etc., have a high agricultural value which is rt luted to their trade-value, and to a degree determines the latter value. But the rule has many exceptions, and in particular instances the trade-value cannot always ic expected to fix or even to indicate the agricultural value. Fertilizing elfect depends largely upon soil, crop, and weather, and as these vary from place to place, and from year to year, it cannot be foretold or estimated except by the results of past experience, and then only in a general and probable manner." *' It will be seen," said the Doctor, " that Prof. Johnson places a higher value on potash now than he did 20 years ago. He re- tains the same figures for soluble phosphoric acid, and make s a very just and proper discrimination between the different values of dif- ferent forms of nitrogen and phosphoric acid." "The prices," said I, "are full as high as farmers can afford to pay. But there is not much probability that we shall see them permanently reduced. The tendency is in the other direction. In a public address Mr. J. B. Lawes has recently remarked: 'A future generation of British farmers will doubtless hear with some surprise that, at the close of the manure .season of 1876, there were 40,000 tons of nitrate of soda in our docks, wliich could not find purchasers, although the price did not exceed £12 or £13 per ton.' " " lie evidently thinks," said the Doctor, " that available nitro- gen is cheaper now than it will be in years to come." " Nitrate of s da," said I, "at the prices named, is only 2J to SJ- cents per 1 ., and the nitrogen it contains would cost less than 18 cents per lb., instead of 24 cents, as given by Prof. Johnson." "No. 1 Peruvian Guano, 'guaranteed,' is now sold," said the 1 I VAI.UK OF FERTILIZERS. 327 Doctor, " at a price per ton, to be detcrmiued by its composition, at the following rates: Valiu2Kr pouTid. Nltrocen (ammonia, ITlc. ) 2Uc. Soluble pbos|>horic acid 10 c. Reverted " " 8 c. Insoluble " " 3 c. Potash, as sulphate and phosphate Tic. "The first cargo of Penivian guano, sold under this guarantee, contained : Value j)er ton. Ammonia fi.S per cent 123.80 Soluble phosphoric acid.. 3.8 " " 7.60 Reverted " " ..11.5 " " 18. -W Insoluble " " .. 3.0 " " 1.20 Potash 3.7 " " .^ 5^ Estimated retail price per ton of 2,0(K) lbs $56..'i5 Marked on bags for sale :$5G.00 The second cargo, sold under this guarantee, contained : Value jjer ton. Ammonia 11.5 per cent $40.50 Soluble phosphoric acid. . 5.4 " " 10.80 Reverted " " ..10.0 " " 16.00 Insoluble " " .. 1.7 " " 68 Potash 2.3 " " •^A'*? $71.43 Selling price marked on bags |70.00 "It is interesting," said I, " to compare these analyses of Peru- vian guano of to-day, with Peruvian guano brought to England twenty-nine or thirty years ago. I saw at Rothamsted thirty years ago a bag of guano that contained 22 per cent of ammonia. And farmers could then buy guano guaranteed by the dealers (not by the agents of the Peruvian Government), to contain 16 per cent of ammonia, and 10 per cent of phosphoric acid. Price, £9 5s. per ton of 2,240 lbs.— say $40 per ton of 2,000 lbs. The average composition of thirty-two cargoes of guano im- ported into England in 1849 was as follows : Ammonia 17.41 per cent. Phosphoric acid 9.75 " " Alkaline salts 8.75 " " At the present valuation, adopted by the Agents of the Peruvian guano in New York, and estimating that 5 per cent of the phos- phoric acid was soluble, and 4 i)er cent reverted, and that there was 2 lbs. of potash in the allialine salts, this guano would be worth : 328 TALKS Ol!i MANUEBS. Value per ton o/ 2,000 lb«. Ammonia 17.41 per cent $60.93 Soluble phosphoric acid.. 5 00 " " 10.00 Kevorted " " .. 4.00 " " 6.40 Insoluble " " .. 75 " " 30 Potagh 3.00 " " 3.00 *80.63 Selling price per ton of 2,000 lbs $40.00 Ichaboe guano, which was largely imported into England in l844:-5, and used extensively as a manure for turnips, contained, on the average, 7+ per cent of ammonia, and 14 per cent of phos- phoric acid. Its value at the present rates we may estimate as follows : Ammonia, 7i per cent $26.25 Soluble Phosphoric acid, 4 per cent 8.00 Kevertud " " 10 " 16.00 ' $50.25 Selling price per ton of 2,000 lbs $31.80 The potash is not given, or this would probably add four or five dollars to its estimated value. "All of whicli goes to show," said the Deacon, "that the Peru- vian Government is asking, in proportion to value, from two to two and a half times as much for guano as was charged twenty- five or thirty years ago. That first cargo of guano, sold in New York under the new guarantee, in 1877, for $56 per ton, is worth no more than the Ichaboe guano sold in England in 1845, for lcs3 than $23 per ton ! " And furthermore," continued the Deacon, " from all that I can leani, the guano of the present day is not only far poorer in nitro- gen than it was formcrh', but the nitrogen is not as soluble, and consequently not so valuable, pound for pound. ^luch of the guano of the present day bears about the same relation to genuine old-fashioned guano, as leached ashes do to unleached. or as a ton of manure that has been leached in the barn-yard does to a ton that has been kept under cover." "True, to a certain extent," said the Doctor, "but you must recollect that this ' guaranteed ' guano is now sold by analysis. You pay for what you get and no more." " Exactly," said the Deacon, " but what you get is not so good. A pound of nitrogen in the leached guano is not as available or as valuable as a pound of nitrogen in tlie unleached guano. An this fact ought to be understood." "One thing," said I, "seems clear. The Peruvian Government is charging a consid( rably higher price for guano, in proportion to its actual value, than was charged 20 or 25 years ago. It may I VAT.UE OF FERTILIZEIiS. 329 be, Uiat the ffuano is still the cheapest manure in tlie market, but at any rale the price is higiier than formerly — while there has been no corresponding advance m the price of produce iu the markets of the world." POTASH AS A MANURE. On land whore fish, fish-scrap, or guano, has been used freely for some years, and the crops exported from the farm, we may ex- pect a relative deficiency of potash iu the soil. In such a case, an application of unleachcd ashes or potash salts will be likely to pro.kice a decided benefit. Clay or loamy land is usually richer in potash than soils of a more sandy or gravelly character. And on poor sandy land, the use of fish or of iruano, if the crops are all sold, will be soon likely to prove of little benefit owing to a deficiency of potash in the soil. They vaay produce good crops for a few years, but the larger the crops produced and sold, the more would the soil become deficient in potash. We have given the particulars of Lawes and Gilbert's experi- ments on barley. Mr. Lawes at a late meeting in London, staled that " he had grown 25 crops of barley one after the other with nitrogen, either as ammonia or nitrate of soda, but without potash, and that by tlie use of potash the}' had produced practically no better result. This year (1877), for the tirst time, the potash had failed a little, and they had now produced 10 or 12 bushels more per acre with potash than without, showing that they were coming to the end of the available potash in the soil. This year (1877), they obtained 54 bushels of barley with potash, and 42 bushels without it. Of coursn, this was to be expected, and they had expected it much sooner. The same with wheat ; he expected the end would come in a few years, but they had now gone on be- tween 30 and 40 years. "When the end came they would not be sorry, because then they would have the knowledge they were seeking for." Dr. Toelcker, at the same meeting remarked : " Many soils con- tained from 1| to 2 per cent of availaJjle potash, and a still larger quantity locked up, in the shape of minerals, which only gradually came into play ; but the quantity of potash carried off in crops did not exceed 2 cwt. per acre, if so much. Now 0.1 per cent of any constituent, calculated on a depth of six inches, was equiva- lent to one ton per acre. There ""ore, if a soil contained only 0.1 per cent of potash, a ton of potash might be carried off from a 330 TALKS ON MANURES. depth of 6 inches. But jdu had not only 0.1 per cent, but some- thing like H per cent and upwards in many soils. It is quite true there were many soils from which you could not continuously take crops witliout restoring the potash." " In all of which," said the Doctor, " there is nothing new. It does not help us to determine whether potash is or isnot deficient in our soil." " That," said I, " can be ascertained only by actual experiment. Put a little hen-manure on a row of com, and on another row a little hen-manure and ashes, and on another row, ashes alone, and leave one row without On my farm I am satisfied that we need not buy potasli-salts for manure. I do not say they would do no good, for they may do good on land not deficient in availa- ble potash, just as lime will do good on land containing large quantities of lime. But potash is not what my land needs to make it produce maximum crops. It needs available nitrogen, and possibly soluble phosphoric acid." The system of farming adopted in this section, is much more likely to impoverish the soil of nitrogen and phosphoric acid than of potash. If a soil is deficient in potash, the crop which will first indicate the deficiency, will probably be clover, or beans. Farmers who can grow large crops of red-clover, need not buy potash for manure. On farms where grain is largely raised and sold, and where the straw, and corn-stalks, and hay, and the hay fiom clover-seed are retained on the farm, and this strawy manure returned to the land, the soil will become poor from the lack of nitrogen and phos- phoric acid long before there would be any need of an artificial supply of potash. On the other hand, if farmers should use fish, or guano, or superphosphate, or nitrate of soda, and sell all the hay, and straw, and potatoes, and root-crops, they could raise, many of our sandy soils would soon become poor in available potash. But even in this case the clover and beans would show the deficiency sooner than wheat or even potatoes. " And yet we are told," said the Deacon," that potatoes contain no end of potash." "And the same is true," said I, "of root-crops, such as mangel- wurzel, turnips, etc., but the fact has no other significance than this: If you grow potatoes for many years on the same land and manure them with nitrogenous manures, the soil is likely to be speedily impoverished of potash." " But suppose," said the Deacon, " that you grow potatoes on the VALUE OF FE UTILIZERS. 331 same land without manure of any kind, would not the soil become equally poor in potash ?" " No," said I, " because you would, in such a case, get very small crops — small, not from lack of potash, but from lack of nitro- gen. If I had land which had grown corn, potatoes, wheat, oats, and hay, for many years without manure, or an occasional dress- ing of our common barnyard-manure, and wanted il to produce a good crop of potatoes, I should not expect to get it by simply applying potash. The soil might be poor in potash, but it is almost certain to be still poorer in nitrogen and phosphoric acid. Land that has been manured with farm yard or stable manure for years, no matter how it has been cropped, is not likely to need potash. The manure is richer in potash than in nitrogen and phosphoric acid. And the same may be said of the soil. If a farmer uses nitrogenous and phosphatic manures on his clave}' or loamy land that is usually relatively rich in potash, and will appl}' his common manure to tlie sandy parts of the farm, he will rarely need to purchase manures containing potash. 332 TALKS OK MA.NU11ES. C U A P T E R XL. RESTORING FERTILITY TO THE SOIL. BY SIB J. B. LA\VE3, B.UIT., LL.D., F.K.S., KOTUAMSTED, ENO. A relation of mine, wlio already possessed a very consider' able estate, consisting of lij^ht land, about twenty j'ears ago purchased a large properly adjoining it at a very high price. These were days when farmers were flourishing, and they no more anticipated what was in store for them in the future, than the inhabitants of the earth in the days of Noah. Times have changed since then, and bad seasons, low prices of wheat, and cattle-disease, have swept off the tenants from these two estates, so that my relatii^i finds himself now in the position of being the unhappy owner and occupier of five or six farms, extending over several thousand acres — one farm alone occupying an area of two thousainl four liinidred acres. Fortunately for the owner, he possi'sses town projierty in addi- tion to his landed estates, so that the question with him is not, as it is with many land owners, how to find the necessary capi- tal to cultivate the land, but, having found the capital, how to expend it in farming, so as to produce a proper return. It is not very siirprising that, under these circumstances, my opinion should have been asked. What, indeed, would have been the use of a relation, who not only spent all his time in agricultural experiments, but also pretended to teach our neighbors how to farm on the other side of the Atlantic, if he could not bring his science to bear on the land of an adjoining county ! Here is the land — my relation might naturally say — here is the money, and I have so much confidence in your capacity that I will give you carte-hhtnchc to spend as nmch as you please — what am I to do ? An inspection of the property brought out the following facts —that all the land was very light, and that you might walk over the fresh plowed surface in the wettest weather without any clay sticking to your boots : still a portion of the soil was dark in color, and therefore probably contained a sufficient amount of fertility to make cultivation profitable, provided the management could be conducted with that care and economy which arc absolute essentials in a business where the expendi- ture is always pressing closely upon the income. llESTOHIXG FEIITILITY TO THE SOIL. '^'-V-) Upon land of this doscriptiou nicat-making is the backbone of the system, whic-h must be adopted, and a large breeding flock of sheep the first essential towards success. Science can make very little im{)rovement upon the four- course n>tation — roots, barlej", clover, and wheat, unless, per- haps, it may be by keeping the land in clover, or mixed grass and clover, for two or three years. A g(xid deal of the land I was inspecting was so light, that, in fact, it was hardly more than sand, and for some years it had been left to glow anything that came up, undisturbed by the plow. To a practised t-ye, the character of the natural vegetation is a sure indication of the fertiUt\' of the soil. Where herds of buffaloes are to Ije seen — their sides shaking with fat — it is quite evident that the p^istures ui)on which they feed cannot be very bad ; and in the same way, where a rank growth of weeds is found springing up upon land that has been abandon- ed, it may be taken for certain that the elements of food exist in the soil. Tliis ground was covered with vegetation, but of the most im[X)verished descriptiim, even the "Quack" or "Couch-grass" could not form a regular carpet, but grew in small, detached bunches ; everything, in fact, bore evidence of poverty. Possibly, the first idea which might occur to any one, on seeing land in this state, miglit be : Wh}- not grow the crops by the aid of artificial manures? Let us look at the question from two points of view : first, in regard to the cost of the ingredients ; and, secondly, in regard to the growth of the crop. We will begin with wheat. A crop of wheat, machine-reap- ed, contains, as carted to the stack, about six pounds of soil in- gredients in every one hundred pounds ; that is to say, each five poimds of mineral matter, and rather less than one pound of nitrogen, which the i)lant takes from the soil, will enable it to obtain ninety-four p)unds of other substances from the at- mosphere. To grow a crop of twentj- bushels of grain and two thousand pounds of straw, would require one hundred and sixty pounds of minerals, and about thirty-two pounds of nitro- gen ; of the one hundred and sixty pounds of minerals, one- half would be silica, of which the soil possesses already more than enough ; the remainder, consisting of about eighty pounds of potash and phosphate, could be furnished for from three to four dollars, and the thirty-two pounds of nitrogen could be purchased in nitrate of soda for six or eight dollars. 334 TALKS OX MANURES. The actual cost of tlic ingredients, therefore, in the crop ot twenty buslielsitf wlu-at, would be about ten to twelve dollars. But as this manure would furnish the injj^redients for the growth of both straw and grain, and it is customary to return the straw to the laud, after tlie tirst crop, fully one-third of the cost of the manure might, in consequence, be deducted, which would niiike the ingredients of the twenty bushels amount to six dollars. Twenty bushels of wheat in Kngland would sell for twenty -eight dollars ; therefore, there woukl be twenty-two dollars left for the cost of cultivatitm and profit. A French writer on scientific agriculture has em])loyed figures very similar to the above, to show liow Fiench farmers may grow wlieat at less liian one dollar per bushel. At this jirier they might ct-rtaiidy defy the comp<'tition of the United States. It is one thing, however, to grow crops in a lecture room, and (piite another to grow them in a field. In ilealing with artificial .nanures, furnishing jihosphoric acid, i)ot;ush, and nitrogen, we have substances which act upon the soil in very (lifTerents ways. Phosphatt^ of lime is a very insoluble substance, and nnjuires an enormous amount of water to dis- solve it. Salts of potash, on the other hand, are very 8()lu])le in water, but fi>rm very insoluble com])ounds with the soil. Salts of ammonia ami nitrate of soda an- perfectly soluble in water. U hen applied to the land, the ammonia of the former sulv stance forms an insoluble compound with the soil, but in avery short time is converted into nitrate of lime ; and with this sjxlt and nitrate of soda, remains in solution in the soil water until they are either taken up by the plant or are washed away into the drains or rivers. Crops evaporate a very large amount of water, and with this water they attract the soluble nitrate from all ])arts of the soil. Very favorable sci-sons are therefore those in which the soil is n«'ither too dry nor too wet; as in one case the solution of nitrit)^ becomes dried up in the soil, in the other it is either waslied away, or the soil remains so wet that the plant cannot evaporate the water sufKciently to draw up the nitrates which it contains. The amount of potash and phosphoric acid dissolved in the water is far too small to supi)ly the requirements of the plant, and it is probable that what is required for this puqwse is dis- .^^olved by some direct action of the roots of the plant on com- ing in contact with the 'nsoluble phosphoric acid and potash La the soil. RESTOUIXO FKHTILITY TO THE SMIL. 3;}.") In support of this view, I may mention that we have cleat evidenee in some of our ex|x»riinents of the wheat crop taking up both phospliati's and potash that were applied to the land thirty years a^o. To suppose, tlierefon-, that, if the ingredients which exist in twenty buslu'ls of wheat and its straw, are simply ajjplied to a tKirren soil, tiie crop will he ahle to c land, could not be cultivated protitably by means of jutilicial nuumres, unless the soil was ca pal )le of producing, from its own n-sources, a considerable amount of produce: still the (piestion had never up to this time come before me in a distinct form as one \ipon which I ha«l to decide one way or tlie other. I hatl. however, no hesitation in coming to the conclusion, that grain crops could never be grown at a profit upon my relation's land, aiiound of nitrogen in everj' one hundred pounds of gross produce, would i)e certainly less than tliree thousand two hundred pounds, if supplied with onW thirty-two pKJunds of nitrogen. If we take the total i>roduce of the best and W(^rst wheat crop, grears, before there would be a fair growth of gr ss. The land might then be broken up and one grain crop be taken, then it might again be laid down to grass. Hitherto, I have considered a case where fertility is almost absent from the land, this, however, is an exception, as agri- culture generally is carried on upon soils which contain large stores of fertility, though they may be very unequally distribu- ted. By analysis of the soil we can measure tlie total amount of fertility which it contains, but we are left in ignorance in re- gard to the amount of the ingredients whicli are in such a form that the crops we cultivate can make use of them. At Rothamsted, among my experiments on the growth of con- tinuous wheat, at the end of forty years, the soil supplied with salts of ammonia has yielded, during the whole time, and still continues to yield, a larger produce than is obtained by a liberal supply of phosphates and alkaline salts without ammonia. When we consider that every one hundred pounds of wheat crop, as carted to the stack, contains about five per cent, of mineral matter, and one per cent, of nitrogen, it is iijipossible to avoid the conclusion that my soil has a large available bal- ance of mineral substances which the crop could not make use of for want of nitrogen. The crop which has received these mineral manures now amounts to from twelve to thirteen bushels per acre, and removes from the land about sixteen pounds of nitrogen every year. Analyses of the soil show that, even after the removal of more than thirty crops in succession, without any application of manure containing ammonia, the soil still contains some thousands of pounds of nitrogen. This nitrogen is in combina- tion with carbon ; it is very insoluble in water, and until it be- comes separated from the carbon, and enters into combination with oxj^gen, does not appear to be of any use to the crop. The combination of nitrogen with oxygen, is known as ni- tric acid. The nitric acid enters mto combination with the lime of the soil, and in this fonn becomes the food of plants. From its great importance in regard to the growth of plants, nitric acid might b-^ called the main spring of agriculture, but RESTORING FERTILITY TO THE SOIL. 341 being perfectly soluble in water, it is constantly liable to be washed out of the soil. In the experiment to which I have re- ferred above — where wheat is grown by mineral manures alone — we estimate that, of the amount of nitric acid liberated each year, not much more than one-half is taken up by the crop. The wheat is ripe in Juh', at which time the land is tolerably free from weeds ; several months, therefore, occur during which there is no vegetation to take up the nitric acid; and even when the wheat is sown at the end of October, much ni- tric acid is liable to be washed away, as the power of the plant to take up food from the soil is very limited until the spring. The formation of nitric acid, from the organic nitrogen in the soil, is due to the action of a miimte plant, and goes on quite independent of the growth of our crops. We get, however, in the fact an explanation of the extremely different results ob- tained by the use of different n:anures. One farmer applies lime, or even ground limestone to a soil, and obtains an increase in his crops ; proba])ly he has supplied the verj' substance which has enabled the nitrification of the organic nitrogen to increase; another applies potash, a third phosphates ; if either of these are absent, the crops cannot make use of the nitric acid, how- ever great may be the amount diffused through the soil. It may possibly be said that the use of mineral manures tends to exhaust the soil of its nitrogen ; this may, or may not, be true ; but even if the minerals enable the crop to take up a larger amount of the nitric acid found in the soil year by year, this does not increase the exhaustion, as the minerals only tend to arrest that which otherwise might be washed away. We must look upon the organic nitrogen in the soil, as the main source of -the nitrogen which grows our crops. Whatever may be the amount derived from the atmosphere, whether in rain, or dew ; or from condensation by the soil, or plants, it is probable that, where the land is in arable cultivation, the ni- trogen so obtained, is less than the amount washed out of the soil in nitric acid. Upon land which is never stirred by the plow, there is much less waste and much less activity. The large increase in the area of land laid down to perma- nent pasture in England, is not due alone to the fall in the price of grain. The reduction of fertility in many of the soils, which have been long under the plow, is beginning to be apparent. Under these circumstances a less exhausting course of treat- ment becomes necessary, and pasture, with the production of meat, milk, and butter, takes the place of grain fields. APPENDIX. LETTER FROM EDWARD JESSOP, TOKK, PA. York, Pa., March 16, 1876. Joseph Harris, £k'j., Morcton farm, KiMhcster, N. Y. : Dear Sir — Your favor of the 'J!d of last month came safely to band, and I am truly obliged to you for the reply to my question. — You ask, can I help you with fact.'! or suggestions, on the subject of manure » 1 fear not much ; but it may be useful to you to know what others need to know. I will look forward to the advent of "Talks on Manures" with much interest, hoping to get new light on a subject second to none in im{)ortance to the farmer. I have done a little at composting for some years, and am now having a jiile of about forty cords, made up of stable-manure and earth taken from the wash of higher lands, turned and fined. The labor of digging and hauling the earth, composting in thin layers with manure, turning, and (ining, is so great, I doubt whether it pays for most farm crops — this to be used for mangel-wurzel and market-carden. The usual {)lan in this county is to kit, until it is thoroughly mixed and made fine, by allowing hogs to run upon it and root at will ; and when prepared for even spreading, apiily it as a top- dressing on grnss-land — at any convenient time. As to how many loads of fresh manure it takes to make one of well- rotted manure, it may be answered approximately, three to one, but that would depend a good deal on the manner of doing it, and the amount of rough material in it. If well trodden by cattle under cover, and suf- ficient drainage poured over it, to prevent anv violent fermentation, the APPENDIX. 343 loss of Wfit;ht, I think, woulil not l>e very sroat, nor the Imlk lessiMud ovtT one-luilf. Many years a^'o an old and successful farmer said to me, " if you want to fret the full benetit of manure, spread it as a lop-drcssiug on some grouimj r/cyj," and all my experience and observation since tend to con- firm the correctness of his advice. While on this subject, allow me to protest against the practice of naming the (piantity of manure applied to a given space, as so many IkvIs, as altogether too indefinite. The bushel or cord is a definite quan- tity, which all can understand The average i>rice of good livery stable horse-manure at tiiis place haa been for several years four dollars a cord. With two and a half miles to haul, I am trying whether keeping a flock of 50 breeding ewes, and feeding liberally with wheat bran, in addition to hay and pasture, will not prtxiuce the needed maimre more cheaply. Respect fully yours, Euward Jessop. P. S. — You ask for the average weight of a cord of manure, such as we pay four dollars for. 1 had a conl of horse-stable manure from a livery stable in York which had been all the time under cover, with several pigs ninning upon it, and was moist, witiiout any excess of wet, loaded into a wagon-box holding an entir'^ cord, or I'i-^ cubic feet, tramped by the wagoner three times while loading. The wagon was weighed at our hay-scales before loading, and then the wagou and load together, with a net result for the manure of 4,400 lbs. I considered this manure rather better than the averatre. I had aiiother load, from a ditTerent place, which weighed over 5,000 lbs., but on ex- amination it was found to contain a good deal of coal ashes. We never buy by the ton. Harrison Bros. & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Phila- delphia, rate barnyard-manure as worth .$5.77 per ton. and say that would be about $7.21 per cord, which would be less than li tons to the cord. If thrown in loosely, and it happened to be very dry, that might be pos- sible. Waring, in his " Handy Book of Ilusbaiidry," page 201, says, he caused a cord of well-trodden livery stable manure containing the usual pro- portion of straw, to be carefully weighed, and that the cord weighed 7,080 lbs. The load 1 had weighed, weighing 4,400 lbs., was considered by the wagoner and by myself as a fair sample of good manure. In view of these wide differences, further trials would be desirable. Dana, in his "Muck Manual," says a cord of green cow-dung, pure, as dropped, weighs 9,289 lbs. Farmers here seldom draw manure with less than three, more generally with four horses or mules ; loading is done by the purchaser. From the barn-yard, put on loose boards, from 40 to 60 bushels are about an aver- age load. In hauling from town to a distance of three to five miles, farmers cren- erally make two loads of a cord each, a day's work. From the barn-yard, 344 TALKS ON MANUEHS. a very variable number, per day. In niy own case, two men with three horses have been haulinjj six and seven loads of sixty bushels, tine com- post, a distance of from one-half to three-fourths of :i mile, up a long and rather steep hUl, and spreading from the wagon, as hauled, upon grass-sod. Our larger farmers often have one driver and his team, two wagons, one loading, while the other is drawn to the tield ; the driver slips off one of the side-boards, and with his dung-hook draws off piles at nearly equal distances, to be sprc:d as convenient. Euwakd jE&sor. LETTER FUOM DH. E. L. STl KTEVANT, SOUTH FRAMINGUAM, MASS. South Fuamixgham, Mass., April 2, 187G. Friend Harris — Manure about Boston is sold in various ways. First, according to the number of animals kept ; price varying so much, that I do not venture to name the figures. By the cord, to be trodden over while loading ; never by weight, so far as I can learn — price from 0 to ?12.00 per cord, according to season, and various accidental circum- 6tances. During the jiast winter, manure has been given away in Boston. Uandlinir. hauling to the railroad, and freight costing ?4 per cord for carrying ',iO miles out. Market-gardeners usually haul manure as a re- turn freight on their journeys to and from market. About South Fra- mingham, price stifT at $S a cord in the cellar, and this may be considered the ruling suburban price. Very friendly yours, E. Lewis Stubtevant. LETTER FROM M. C. WELD. New York, Nov. 9, ISTG. Mt De.^r TTarrts — I don't know what I can write about manures, that would be of use. I have strong faith in humus, in ashes, leached and unlcachcd, in lime, gas-lime, plaster, bones, ammonia ready formed, nitrates ready formed, not much in meat and blood, unless they are cheap. Nevertheless, they often are cheap, and produce splendid effects. I believe in sulphuric acid, with organic nitrogenous manures ; the com- posting of meat, blood, hair, etc., with peat and muck, and wetting it down with dilute sulphuric acid. I believe in green-manuring, heartily, and in tillage, tillage, tillage. Little faith in superphosphates and com- pounded manures, at selling prices. Tlabirshaw's guano is good enough. So much for my creed. Truly yours, M. C. Weld. LETTER FROM PETER HENDERSON. New York, Oct. 26, 1876. Jllr. Josejyh ITarrix: Dear Sir— If you will refer to my work " Gardening for Profit," New Edition, page 34, you will get about all the information 1 possess on Manures, except that I do not say anything about price. In a general way it might be safe to advis'^ that whenever a (on (it is always best to speak of manures by weight) of either cow, horse, hog, or other stable- manure can be laid on the ground for $3, it is ehea])erthan commercial fertilizers of any kind at their usual market rates. This :?3 per ton, I I APPENDIX. 345 think, would be about tbo avcnigc cost in Now York, Hostoii, or IMiila- ddpliia. We uevor haul it on the grouiul until we are readj to plow it in. If it has to be taken from the hog or cattle yards, we draw it out into larije heaps, convenient to where it is to be put on the land, turnine: it, to keep it from burning or " lirc-fan;jinir," if necessary. None of our farmers or market gardeners here keep it under cover. The expense of such covering and the greater ditliculties in getting at it, for the immense quantities we use, would be greater than the benelits to be derived from keeping it under cover— benefits, in fact, which, I think, may be greatly overrated. Very truly yours, Peter Hendekson. LETTER FROM J. M. B. A?fnER30N, ED. "CANADA FARMER," TORONTO. " Canada Farmer " Office, Toronto, March 21), 1876. J. Jfiirris, Esq. : Dear Sir — Tours of the 2.".tli tnst. is to hand, and I shall be most happy to render you any assistance in my power. The work you under- take is in aide hands, and I have every conlidence that, when completed, it will form an invaluable acqui.-ilion to the agricultural literature of the day. Manuro in this city is usually sold by the two-horse load — about H tons — at the rate of .?l per load, or GO cents per ton. The load contains just :i bout a cord of manure, consrquenlly a cord will weigh about li tons. With rcferc!)ce t<> the general management of manure in Canada, I may eay that the system followed diders in no material respect from that of New York and the other Eastern States. It is usually kept over winter in the open bam yard (rarely under cover, I am sorry to say), laid out on the land about the time of disai>pearancc of last snow, and plowed in. In some cases it is not carted out until the land is ready fur immediate plowing. With some of our more advanced farmers, the system has lately been adopted of keeping manure under cover and sprinkling it thorouchly at intervals with plaster and other substances. Tanks arc also becoming more common than formerly, for the preservation of liq- uid manure, which is usually applied by means of large, perforated hogs- heads, after the manner of street-watering. Tou ask. how the manure is managed at Bow Park, Brantford. That made during fall and winter is carefulh- kejl in as small bulk as possible, to prevent cxi>osure to the weather. In February and March it is drawn out and put in heaps 8 feet square, and well packed, to prevent the es- scajie of ammonia. In spring, as soon as practical)le, it is spread, and jilowed under immediately. Manure made in spring and summer is spread on the field at once, and plowed under with a good, deep furrow Very truly yours, J. M. B. Anderson, Ed. Canada Fartiier. MANURE STATISTICS OF LONG ISLAND. THE MANrRE TRADE OF LONG ISLAND— LETTER FROM 3. H. RUSHMORE. Old Westblrt, Long Island, April 6, 1876. Joaeph Harris, Exq. : Dear Sir — The great number of dealers in manure in New York pre- 346 TALKS ON MANURES. eludes accuracy, yet Mr. Skiilmore (who has been testifyiug volumi- nously before the New York Board of Health in relation to manure and street dirt), assures me that the accompanyinj^ figures are nearly correct. I enclose statement, from two roads, taken from their books, and the amount shipped over the other road 1 obtained verbally from the General Freight Agent, and embody it in the sheet of statistics. The Ash report I ktiow is correct, as I had access to the books showing the business, for over ten years. I have made numerous applications, verbally, and by letter, to our largest market gardeners, but there seems to exist a general and strong disinclination to communicate anything worth knowing. I enclose the best of the replies received. Speaking for some of our largest gardeners, I may say that they cultivate over one hundred acres, and use land sufficiently near to the city to enable them to dispense with railroad transportation in bringing manure to their jilai^es and marketing crops. I have noticed that one of the shrewdest gardeners invarial)ly composts horn-shavings and bone-meal with horse- manure several months before expecting to use it. A safe average of manure used jter acre by gardeners, may be stated at ninety (90) tubs, and from two humlrcd to twenty hundred pounds of fertilizer in addi- tion, according to its strength, and the kind of cnjp. The following railroad manure statistics will give a generdly correct idea of the age of manure, when used : STATB.VIENT OF MANURE SENT FROM JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1875. Ora- F. X. .S'. ut on car. 40 tubs. Statistics of Ash Trade. — Time wlien aslica are delivered. From middle of June to middle of October. Places from which they are mostly shipped. Montreal, Belleville, aud Toronto (Canada). Method of transportation. Canal boats. Average load \^er boat. About .S,0<)0 bushels. Average amount annually sold. 36(),000 bushels. Average cost delivered to farmers. 201 cents per bushel. JV/' Acre, about. Amount used iiy farmers for potatoes 00 tuba. " " " " " cabbage (late). ... 50 " " " <' " " corn I'i " Amount of guano used on Long Island, as rcf resented by the hooki of Chapman & Vauwyck, and their estimate of sales by other firms, 5,000 tons. The fertilizers used on the Island are housht almost exclusively by market gardeners or farmers, who do a little market gardening, as it is the general conviction that ordinary farm-crops will not give a compen- sating return for their applieatiun. Most market gardeners keep so little stock that tlie manure made on the place is very inconsiderable. Our dairy farmers either compost home-made manures with that from the city, spread it on the land for corn in the spring, or rot it separate, to use in the fall for wlieat, on land that has been cropped with oats the same year. The manure put on for potatoes is generally estimated to enrich the land sufficient for it to produce one crop of winter grain, and from five to seven crojis of grass, when it is again plowed and cultivated in rotation witli, first, corn, second, potatoes or oats, and is rcseeded in autunm of the same year. Fish and fish guano are laruely used on land bordering the water, and adjacent to the oil-works. The average price for guano in bulk at oil- works is $\'2 per ton. The average price for fish en wharf i.s .^1..50 per thousand, and it is estimated that, as a general average, 6,000 fish make a ton of guano. The fish, when applied to corn, are placed two at each hill, and plowed under at any time after the corn is large enough to cul- tivate. Seaweed is highly prized by all who use it, and it will produce a good crop of com when spread thickly on the land previous to plowing. Very respectfully, J. II. Rusiimore. LETTER FROM JOHN E. BACKUS. Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., March 2nd, 1876. Jdr. 6. IT. liusTimore : Dear Sir. — Some farmers and market-gardeners use more, and some less, manure, according to crops to be raised. I use about 30 good two- horse wagon-loai.s to the acre, to be applied in rows or broad-casted, as best for certain crops. I prefer old horse-dung for most all purposes. 348 TALKS ON MANURS8. Guano, as a fertilizer, phosphate of bone and blood arc very good; they act as a stimulant on plants and vegetation, and are highly beneficial to some vegetation— more valuable on poor soil than elsewhere, except to produce a thrifty growth in plants, and to insure a large crop. By giving you these few items they vary considerably on different parts of the Island ; judgment must be used in all cases and all busi- ness. Hoping these few lines may be of some avail to Mr. Harris and yourself, I remain, yours, etc., John E. Backus. MANURE IN PHILADELPHIA. LETTEK FROM JOSEPH HEACOCK. Jenkintown, Montgomery Co., Pa., April 18th, 1876. My Dear Friend Harris. — Stable-manure in Philadelphia, costs by the single four-horsc-load, about §9 or $10. Mostly, the farmers who haul much of it, have it engaged b)' the year, and then it can be had for from §7 to $8 per load. Mostly, four horses are used, though we fre- quently see two aTid three-horse teams, aud occasionally, five or six horses are used. I have never seen any kind of dung hauled but that of horses. Cow-manure would be thought too heavy to haul so long a dis- tance. Sugar-house waste, spent hops, glue waste, etc, are hauled to a email extent. We live about 9 miles from the center of the city, and the road is very hilly, though otherwise a good one, being made of stone. The loads vary from 2i to 3i or 4 tons for four horses, according to the dryness of the manure. The wagons are made very strong, and weigh from 1,600 lbs. to 2,800 or 2,400 lbs., according to the number of horses that are to be used to them. I cannot say how many cords there are in an average load, but probably not less than two cords to four horses. One of my neighbors has a stable engaged by the year. He pays $2.50 per ton, and averages about three tons per load, and the distance from the stable in the city to his place, can not be less than 12 miles. His team goes empty one way and of course can not haul more than a load a day. In fact, can not average that, as it would be too hard on his horses. The horses used for the purpose are large and strong. Fifteen or twenty years ago, there was kept on most farms of 75 to 100 acres, a team purposely for hauling manure from the city. But it is ditferent now, many of the farmers using artificial manures, as it costs so much less ; and others are keeping more stock, and so making their own manure. Still, there is a great deal hauled yet. And some of it to a distance of 20 miles. Though when hauled to this distance, the teams are loaded both ways. For instance, they will start to the city with a load of hay (35 to 50 cwt.), on Monday afternoon (Tuesday is the day of the Hay Market) ; and when tliey have their load of hay off on Tuesday, they load their manure and drive out five or six miles and put up for the niglit. Next morning they start about 3 o'clock, arriving home before noon, having been away two days. On Thursday afternoon, they start again. You can see that manuring in this way is very expensive. But farmers about here well know that if they do not manure well they raise APPENDIX. 340 but little. Probably about four loads are used per acre on the average. Each load is generally thrown off the wagon in one large heap near where wanted, and is allowed to lie until they use it. I can not tell how much it loses in bulk by lying in the heap. As to what crops it is used on, farmers do not think that they could go amiss in applying it to anything except oats. But it is probably used more for top-dressing mowing land, and for potatoes, than for any- thing else. The usual rotation is corn, potatoes, or oats, wheat seeded to clover and timothy, and then kept in grass from two to four years. Those who haul stable-manure, usually use bone-dust or superphosphate to a greater or less extent. Last December I built a pig-pen, 20 ft. x40 ft., li stories high. The upper story to be used for litter, etc. There is a four feet entry on the north side, running the length of the building. The remainder is divided into five pens, each 8 ft. x 16 ft. It is made so that in cold weather it can be closed up tight, while in warmer weather it can be made as open as an out-shed. I am very much pleased with it. The pigs make a great deal of manure, and I believe that it can be made much cheaper than it can be bought and hauled from Philadelphia. Joseph Heacock, Jr. letter from herman l. routzahn. MiDDLETOWN, Md., May 11th, 1876. Joseph Harris, Esq. : I herewith proceed to answer questions asked. Wheat and corn are principal crops. Corn is fed now altogether to stock for the manure. There is but little soiling done. The principal method of making manure is : Feeding all the com raised, as well as hay, oats, and roots, to cattle ; using wheat straw, weeds, etc., as bedding, throwing the manure in the yard (uncovered), and to cover the pile with plaster (by sowing broadcast), at least once a week. To this pile is added the manure from the hog-pens, hen-house, etc., and worked over thoroughly at least twice before using. It is then applied to com by plowing under; to wheat, as a top-dressing. For corn it is usually hauled to the field, thrown off in heaps 25 feet each way, a cart-load making two heaps. Spread just before the plow. For wheat, spread on directly after plow- ing, and thoroughly harrowed in. Applied broadcast for potatoes. Com- posts of different kinds are made and used same as in other localities, 1 presume. Artificial manures are going into disrepute (justly too). This is the plan now adopted by the farmers in this county (Frederick). Where woods are accessible, leaves and mould are hauled in and added to the manure-heap ; in fact, every substance that can be worked into the manure-heap is freely used. Well-rotted stable-manure is worth from $1.50 to $2.50 per cord, according to condition and locality. Very Respectfully Yours, Herman L. Routzahn. 3o0 TALKS OX MANURES. fcETTEK FROM PROF. E. M. SHELTOS, PUOF. OF AGRlCrLTl'KE, KANSAS state aqrici i.tiral college. Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas, May 5, 1876. Dear Sir. — In reply to your first question, I would SLy that stable- manure in this vicinity, is held in very lij^lit estimation. Indeed, by the householders of this city, and quite generally by the farmers, manure is re- garded as one of those things — like drouth and grasshoppers — with which a mysterious Providence sees fit to clog the operations of the husband- man. Tlie great bulk of the stable-manure made in this city is, every spring, carted into ravines and vacant lots— wherever, in short, with least expense it can be put out of reach of the senses. It must not be understood by this that niaimre has little influence on the growing croi)s in Kansas. Nowhere have I seen such excellent results from application of home-made fertilizers, as in Kansas. For those sterile wastes known as "Alkali lands," and "Buffalo wallows," manure is a speedy and certain cure. During two years of severe drouth, I have noticed that wherever manure had been supplied, the crop with- stood the effects of dry weather much better than where no application had been made. Four years ago, a strip across one of our fields was heavily manured ; this year this field is into wheat, and a dark band that may be seen half a mile shows where this application was made. These facts the better class of our farmers are beginning to appreciate. A few days ago, a neighbor, a very intelligent farmer, assured me that from manuring eight to ten acres every year, his farm was now in better condition than when be broke up the prairie fifteen years ago. T know of no analysis of stable or farmyard -manure made in Kansas. Concerning the m-if/fit of manures, I can give you a few facts, having had occasion during the past winter to weigh several loads used for experimental purposes. This manure was wheeled into the barnyard, chiefly from the cattle stalls, during the winter of 1874-."). It lay in the open yard until February last, when it was weighed and hauled to the fields. I found that a wagon-box, 11x3x9 feet, into which the manure was pitched, without treading, held with slight variations, when level full, one ton. At this rate a cord would weigh very close to three tons. The greatest difficulty that we have to encounter in the management of manure grows out of our dry summers. During our summer months, unless sufficient moisture is obtained, the manure dries out rapidly, be- comes fire-fanged and practically worthless. My practice ujion the Col- lege farm has been to give the bottom of the barn-yard a " di.shing " form, so that it holds all the water that falls upon it. Tlifc manure I keep as flat as possible, taking pains to place it where the animals will keep it trod down solid. I have adopted this plan after having tried composting and piling the manure in the yards, and am satisfied that it Is the only practical way to manage manures in this climate. There is no particular crop to which manure is generally applied APPENDIX. " 351 in this State, unless, perhaps, wheat. The prattiee of applying mauure as a top-dressin;^ to winter-wheat, is rapidly gaining ground here. It is found that the manure thus applied, aeliiig us a muleh, mitigates the effects of drouth, besides improving the quality of the grain. Very Respeetfully Yours, E. M. Shelton. letter fkom prof. w. h. bkeweh, professor of agriculture in sheffield scientific school of yale college. Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College, New Haven, Conn., April 14th, 1876. Joseph Han-is, Esq. , Itochester, N. Y. : My Dear Sir.— I have made inquiries relating to " the price of stable- manure in New Haven, and how far the farmers and gardeners haul it, etc." I have not been to the horse-car stables, but I have to several livery stables, and they are all essentially the same. They say that but little is sold by the cord or km, or by any weight or measure. It is sold either " in the lump," " by the month," "by the year," or " per horse." Some sell it at a given sum per month for all their horses, on a general estimate of their horses — thus, one man says, "I get, this year, $25 per month for all my manure, he to remove it as fast as it accumulates ; say one, two, or three times per week. He hauls it about five miles and composts it all before using." Another siiys, he sells per horse. " I get, this year, $13 per horse, they to haid it." The price per horse ranges from $10 to $15 per year, the latter sum being high. From the small or private stables, the manure is generally " lumped " by private contract, and is largely used about the city. It is hauled sometimes as much as 10 miles, but usually much less. But the larger stables often sell per shipment— it is sent by cars •up the Connecticut Valley to Westfield, etc., where it is often hauled several miles from the railroad or river. Much manu.e is sent by boat from New York to the Connecticut Valley tobacco lands. Boats (" barL'-es ") are even loaded in Albany, go down the Hudson, up the Sound to Connecticut, to various places near Hartford, I am told. Two or three years ago, a man came here and exhibited to us pressed masses of manure — a patent had been taken out for pressins it, to send by R. R. (stable manure). I never heard anything more about it — and he was confident and enthusiastic about it. Yours truly, Wm. H. Bkeweb. ;j.r^ TAUS.S ON MANURES. FOOD, INCREASE, MANURE, ETC., OF FATTENING ANIMALa Tlif followini; table is ijiven by Mr. J. B. Lawt-s, of Ruthainsted, Enj^- laixl, showing,' the relation of the increase, manure, and loss by respira- tion, to the food consumed by diflcrcnt animals : asoa*. Oii-i-aJte] 600 " Clurtr- 3500 /&». SwrtU tumi/it and gupjdy. 1 Product, IW) lbs. Incrtate. 100 Total Dry fhib- 5. 5 *taitrf qf tuod ' "§ = 5 $upiily. S-5| a 5l" 5 ■•5 - S3. , In In create. In .Ma- nure. In Res- pirutloa etc. lis Nitroccnous Hubxtancn. Noil .Siin>geiii>uH Hiib- Rtance MiD'-ral Matter lbs. 318 808 83 lbs. lbs. , lbs. ll 1 1 9.0) I 1 0.8 ' 1 \ .IS-l.O 636-{ V ».l 57 8- 58. oi /; ss 1 1 1.6 81 4 - 1 O.a 1 7.4 1 ... 4.1 7.8 1.9 Total dry ouhxtancc 1109 68.6 404 .4 686 1 6.S 1 86.5 I57.3 1 8HBXF. SBO lb*. Oa-cakt- ^rhafr ''^'^" r^'"^- tiirtJim and mipiJy. 8 '8« I lbs. Nitri'ijenoiiB oubt:i%i'S tlu- foIlowiuK tubk-s : of 100 11)6. of dry i^uMaiice lu the food, there is found in the cxcre- nii'nts : Dbt Sobstamcs. Cow. Ox. Sluep. norse. Mean. 6.a " 49.4 " Toul dry Mibrtiance in the Manure. . Ut.I "J51.4 "jM-5 " '-JS.C. Of 100 lb8. of (mjmtu- rubstanrf In the food, there is found in the ex- cremcntji : Organic SrBPTAsrE In th'- DunK... Ii T Ooa. Ox. Sheep. I Uorte. I ifean. .KiUh».\-»^i IbB. II .0 lbs" Of 100 lbs. of nUror^rn in tho food, there is found in the excrements : NlTBOC«H. Cow. Ox. Sheep. Horse. Mean. In ttir Dtiii, In thi- I rin 45 .--, lbs. .-.1 0 lbs. 43.7 lbs. 5<1.1 lbs. 19.1 lbs. 1H..3 •• -is.e *• 51 .H '• 27.-3 •' :M.0 ■ T«>Ul Nitn>g<-n in Manure w.s »»-o ""-^ Of 100 lb.:. ".."' ml »ia/ter in the food, there is found in the excrements : Mineral M.^tteu. C01D. Ox. 70.8 lbs. 46.7 '• 1117.5 Sheep. j (3.2'lbsT 40.3 " 10:^.5 " norse. 85.(j lbs. 16.3 " 101.9 Mean. '6S.4 lbs, 35.1 " 103.5 Intl.einnifr fe"? 'V.**- In th.- rriiM- ivi Total mineral matter in Ma-| ^^ The excess of mineral matter is due to the mineral matter in the ■water drank by the animals. The followins tables of analyses arc copied in full from the last edition (1875), of Dr. Emil WoltTs Praktische Dnngerlehre. The fi-urcs differ materially in niany cases from those previously nublished Thev represent the average results of numerous relia- ble analyses, and are sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes connected with the subject of manures. In special cases, it wUl be weU to consult actual analyses of the articles to be used. 3.-i4 TALK.S VS MAKIKES. I.— TABLES FOK (.ALdLATlNG THE EXIIALSTK^N AND EN- RICH ING OF SOILS. A.— HARVEST PRODUCTS AND VAHIOUS MANIFACTURED ARTICLES. Average qunntiiy of water, nitro>;en. and t<>tal a.»h, and the different ingrcdi- eiJts tif tlie aeh iu lOOU lbs. uf fresh or air-drkd cubetancc. Sl-BSTA.NCX. .0 <; 1 5" V 1 e I5 ■5; 1^ L-IUr. Meadow Ilnv 14.1 IS..-) 61. ."i J.3.S 2.3 8.6 3.3 4.1 2.4 1.3.9 Kye (iriiw Tiuuxhy ll-'l Ki.S .w.a »).i 2.0 4.3 1.3 6.2 2.3 18.5 14.1 15.'> 62.1 2«».4 15 4.5 1.9 7.2 1.8 22.1 Moharlisy l-^t 17.a .'.HI SI.2 1.2 6.1 5.4 3.4 2.1 16.3 K< d Oliver ll» l.'lO 1'.».7 12..'i 44.1) 18.3 '.t.s 1 2 1.4 2ti.O 15.6 6.1 6.8 h.r, 4.3 1.7 1.3 1.4 l{i(l Cliivcr. ri|M; 3.0 NS liiic (lover IW 2:1.2 5(1.8 lll.l 4..'. 19.3 6 0 8.4 4.9 8.5 Al^-ike Clover lUI VI. 0 3'.».7 11 0 1.2 1.'.5 .'..0 4 0 1.6 1.6 CriiiiHon Clover If.T 1 ■.!..') 50.7 11 7 4 3 Iti.O .•1.1 3.6 1.8 8.8 Lurirn 167 «3.0 21.3 62.1 45.S V,:i 1.3 1.5 S6.2 Iti.K .3.3 8.0 5 5 :j.7 4.6 1.4 :i.8 KMuin-ctte .{.7 Yellow ( lover 16; 22.1 .'i.7 11 9 1.3 82*. S.l 4.8 1.0 1.5 (ireon Vetch Hay 167 22.7 KJ.7 2S.3 6.6 22.8 5.4 10.7 28 4.9 (in en IVa Hay 167 28.« 62.4 S:i.2 ! 9.3 1.'..6 6.8 6.8 5.1 0.9 Spurry 167 lU.S 66.8 UI.9 4.6 10.9 6.9 8.4 3.0 0.8 II. C;ilEBM FODDKR. Meadow Cirasa in blixim 'no 6.1 18.1 4.6 0.8 S.0 1.1 1.5 0.8 4.9 Youni; (JraM 8O1) 5.f. 211.7 11.6 04 2.2 0.6 2.2 0.8 2.1 Kti' < im**'* eH 5 7 5.4 211.4 21.6 7.8 7.4 0.7 0.6 1.5 1.6 0.4 0.7 2 2 O.ii 6.5 Tiniothv Cnisa iOO 7.7 Hye-l'.Klder 7(iO 5.8 16..J 6.3 0.1 1.2 0..'. 2.4 0.2 .V2 (Jreell OatJl MO 3.7 Ib.H 7.6 0.6 1.2 0.6 1.7 O.f. 5.7 Green Corn Fodder K-a l.'J 12.0 43 0.6 1.6 1.4 13 0.4 1.7 Sorrhum 773 4.0 13.0 3.6 1.8 1.2 0.6 0.8 0.4 3.7 M"liarl;ay ... 71 N) 6.9 13.'.» 5.0 0.3 1.4 1.3 0.8 0.5 3.9 Red I lover in hUi-'-otn 7S) 6.1 i:}.7 4.4 0.3 48 1.5 1.4 04 0.3 •' before ' s-0 5. .J 14.5 5.3 0.8 4.S 1.6 1.7 0.3 04 Whit.' Clover... ,' • T> 11 l.-I.f. 2.3 1.0 4.4 1.4 1.9 1.1 0.6 ANike Clover .. .'..:t K.8 2.4 0.8 3.0 1.1 0.9 0.4 0.4 Cnin-on Clover ~ 4..I 122 2.8 1.0 3.8 0.7 09 0.3 2.0 Liicern 71 1 72 1S.7 4.6 0.4 7.9 1.0 1.6 1.1 1.1 Ei-iian'ette H0;» 6.1 12.1 8.4 0.4 4.4 0.8 1.2 0.4 1 1.0 Yellow Clover sat 4..% M.7 3.2 0.8 8.6 0.6 1.1 0.3 ' 0.4 (Jrecn Vctrh Kail SI. 5 H7() 5.6 5.1 4.6 IH.l 1.J9 12.2 6.1 6.1 4.0 1.3 0.5 04 4.9 :i.5 2.7 l.S 1.4 0.5 2.3 1.5 1.4 0.6 1.1 (irern Peas 1.1 0 2 (irecn Kape Spurry 1.7 0.6 800 3.7 Ui 4.3 1.0 2.3 1.5 1.8 0.4 0.3 Ill -Root Chops. 1 Potatoes 7.V) 3.4 9.4 57 0.2 0.2 0.4 1.6 0.6 0.2 .T.rusrilrni .\rticlioke... s«« 3.2 '.t.8 4.7 1.0 0.3 0.3 1.4 0.5 1.0 Mani.'1'l-wiirzel sso 1.8 7.5 4 1 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.2 Sl.-i 1.6 7.1 3.9 0.7 0 4 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.1 Tiirnipn M)T Ceoi-s. Potato Vintfi, nearly ri|M- Potato Vinen. UDrii»e. .F.-ru-alcin Artichoke. M.iri_Tl wiir/.el 'I'tir ipH ("irrots .... Suci-ory I{ii--i:i Turnips f:il)li,i;,'.-. white (.'ttiili:!;,'!' Sterna V . — M A N I- r AtTPBED PiioiifCT* A KEr(7i. llniii Ilirl V Bntn .... O.u Hull.. I'l-a Hr.iii R||<-li^^hcat Bran Wli.-at Klojr Hv F our Barl.r M.-;i!. I'orn Mtul . (irvoii Malt. Dry Malt Brewc-ra (JraioB Bt'er Mall Rpniiit'4 Potato Fil>rf Potato Slump Sujrar-bcL-i F'omacc. Clarifyin'4 K<-fii-.r8ettc Kuta baga"* Sug;ir-Boet CarroU Sufcorr Tumiim Rjipc Siumner-llape Mu>tard Poppy Linseed Hemp (irape-pceds llorse-chestnuta, fresh Acorns, fresh XL— Various Animal Products. Cows' Milk ^875 Sheep •• S60 Cheese-.. 450 Ox blood T'.W Calf-blood 800 Sheep-blood TyO Swine-blood 8tK) Ox flesh T70 Calf flesh 7s0 Swine- flesh 740 Living Ox 5!t7 Living Calf WW Living Sheep -V-tl Living Swine 5'28 Ekks r,--i Wool, washed VM Wool, unwashed ' l.M) 358 TALKS ON MAXUIJES. B.-AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS MANURES. Name op Fertiuzeb. 757 ' 211 838 145 655 311 820 150 noi 872 967 L— Animal Excre- ments. (In 100() parta of Ma- nure.) Fresh F;ece8: Horse Cattle Sheep Swine Fresh Urine: Horse Cattle ' Sheep Swill.; Fresh Dunj; (with Btraw : )* Horse I Cattle I Sli. 7 772 I'.tB '.m 24 31.6 17.2 31.1 30.0 28.0 27.4 45.2 15.0 39.6 21.8 .35.6 25.6 44.1 5,v0 650 10.7 2l:nk, fpeut.... 10 0 G.O 84.0 0.5 0 1 0.2 37.0 1.1 26.0 0 4 15.0 ■■ Bone asli 6.0 3.0 91.0 0.:5 0.6 46.0 1.2 •■«.4 0.4 fi.5 Baker (Juaiio .... 10 0 0.2 Sl.O 6!5 0 2 1.2 41.5 1.5 34. s 1 5 0.8 6!3 Jarviifi (jiiano 11. H 8.2 0 6.. 80.0 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.3 :}!».l 48.1 0 5 0.1 20.6 37.6 18.0 0.2 0.5 9.0 0.2 E.-itremadum .\patite.. 1.5 Sombrero Plmepliatc. 8..') .. 9i!5 o'l 0.3 4.3.5 0 6 35.0 0.5 1.0 0.6 Nava.«»a I'liosphatc... 2.(5 5.4 92.0 0.1 37.5 0.6 33.2 0.5 5.0 0.1 Nassau Phospborlte, i rich 2.6 .. 97.4 ,. 0.8 0.4 45.1 0.2 33.0 0.3 5.5 3.1 Nassaa Phosphorite, 1 mediani 2.5 .. 97.5 ,, 0.7 0.4 40.1 0.2 24.1 20.8 1.5 Westphalian Phoa- | phorite 6.5 91.8 ,. 21.8 0.9 10.7 1.0 22.0 1.6 ITauover Phosphoritel 2.0 3.5 94.5 ., 37.2 0 2 29.2 0.5 3.3 1.5 Coprulites 4.3 .. 95.7 iVo 0.5 45.4 1.0 26.4 08 7.5 0.1 Sulphate of Ammonia. 4.0 .. 26!o .. .. 0.5 __ 580 3.0 1.4 Nitnito of Soda 2.6 .. 15 5 35.0 0.2 0.7 1.5 1.7 Wool dust and offal .. 10.0 56.0 34^0 5.2 0 3 0.1 1 4 0.3 l!3 0.5 29 0 0.2 Litnocake 6.5 47.0 46 5 3 1 20.5 2.4 3.0 8.0 Whale-oil refuse 2:i.0 6s.4 8.6 5.7 . 3.0 0 2 2.3 3.0 Common Salt 15.0 .. 9.-..0 44.3 1.2 0.2 iU 2.0 18.2 Gvp.xum or Plaster.... 20.0 .. 80.8 31.0 0.1 , , 44.0 4.0 Gas-lime 7.0 1.3 91.7 0 4 0.'2 64.5 1.5 .. 12.5 3.0 Sujrar-IIouse Scum... 34 5^1.5 41.0 1.2 0.2 0.6 20.7 0.3 1.5 0.3 9.1 6!l Leaclied wood ashes. . 20.0 5,(1 7.-..0 2.5 1.3 24.5 2.5 6.0 0.8 20.0 Wood soot 5.0 71.8 2;J 2 i!3 2.4 0.5 10.0 1.5 0.4 0.3 4.0 ,^ Coal-soot 5.0 70 2 24 8 2.5 0.1 4.0 1.5 __ 1.7 16.0 ^^ Ashes from Deciduous trees 5.0 5.0 90.0 ., 10.0 2.5 30.0 5.0 6.5 1.6 18.0 0.3 Ashes from Evergreen trees 5.0 5.0 90.0 .. 6.0 2.0 35.0 6.0 4.5 1.6 18.0 0.3 Peat-a .33 360 9 30 i.;j8 8.74 2.14 3.2 0 56 (I.2S 4.04 14.08 2.S2 0.71 17 61 12 .32 4.23 4 fin 11.95 1.— Brewing. lbs. lbs. 1000 lbs. Barley, contain 86.5 I 15.3 IT) " Ilo|)3 '■ 13.2 j Diptribution of the Ingredients: | Water . Malt-Sprouts Brewers" Grains Spent Uops Yeast Beer 2.— Distillery. a. 1000 lbs. Potatoes, contain.... 2.V) 40 •■ Ki'u-.Malt 37 20 " Yeast-Malt 18 5 The Slump, contains j 125 (/;.) (Jrain S|)irlt.s. 80<) lbs. Hve. contain I 681 200 " Kiln-Malt, contain ^ 184 .'iO " Ycasl-Malt, " ' 46 The Slump, " 443 3.— Yea.«T MANUFACTtTRB. TOO lbs. bruised R ve, contain 599 300 •' B;irl.-y-M:Ilt, >' .... 276 Distribution of the Ingredients : Yeast 45 Grains and Slump 325 4.— StaUCII M.VNfFACTURB. I I 1000 lbs. Potatoes, c<)nt.ain 250 3.20 The remains in the Fibre 75 O.fiO Water 45 2.60 5.— Milling. | ' 1000 lbs. Wheat, c^ntain Distribution of the Iiiirrcdicnts: Flour i77.5 per cent) Mill-feed (6.5 " ) Bran (IC.O " ) 6.— Cheese-Making. 1000 Ihs. Milk, contain Distribution of the luirredients : Cheese 65 Whey 60 7.— Beet-Sioar Mantjfactcrb. 1000 Ihs. Roots, contain Distrlbutionof the Infrredients: Tops and Tails il2 per cent of roots) 19 Pomace (15 per cent of roots) 46 Sklmminsis (4 per cent of roots).. 24 Molasses (3 per cent of roots) 25 Sugar and loss 85 8.— Dkessino. 1000 lbs. Flax Stalks, contain... 860 Distribution of the Ingredients : In the Water 215 Stems or Husks 460 Flax and Tow 155 lbs i lbs. lbs 22 23 4.48 0.58 1.00 0.345 0.167 1 23 2 l.J 13. (W 0.5» 2 27 , 3.65 lbs. 1.92 0.056 0 852 0.039 0.0-15 0.749 I 0.069 0.0m\ O.SHOl 1.474 1.134 0.02:j O.ltiO 0.055 0.(>4;j I 0.097 0.185 1.998 1 .... ,0.484 9.43 5.69 !0.24 '0.44 1.06 O.mj'O 040 0.088 O..^;} 0.092 0 020 0.(M4 11.02 5 966:0.30010.572 14.. 32 4. 501 5 12 0 H8:i 1 28 0 221 lbs. 7.71 0.168 0 2.34 0 6.5.3 3 6.31 0.062 1 »I9 0.939 1.63 0.:«8 OHM 2.212 0.:J76 1 M8 6 710 0 195 0.429] 1.526 0.049 0.1071 0.;«2 20.72 , 5 tK)5 O.fBO 2.184 8 618 12.53 7.67 ' 3.41 16.79 3.911 1 .325 0.329 1 m 0.293 0 64.3 5.876 2.801 1 273 0.192 0.367 2.672 3.9'.t3 0.430 1 720 1 6.005 9 13 ' 5 69 0.51 0 086 8.89 5 604 857 20.80 '16.88 664 14.65 58 1.64 135 4.51 5. 50 1 81 9.60 5.36 1.980 0.f>48 2.6r.4 125 4.80 6.10 1..505 4..>3 0.27 2.84 0.247 3.26 1.2JS8 184 I 1.60 7.10 3.914 0^ 0.44 O.liO 0.32 1.15 1.71 1.20 2.47 0.57 0.24 0.44 11 63 0.266 0 1)42:0.13.3 ... 1 0.398 1.497 0.57 ' 2.02 i.94 0 154 0.4,58 2.862 0 0.50 0.118 0.936 0.3% 1.394 4.102 1.3:}3 0.186 0.687 0.028 0.646 0.158 0.379 0.536 1.735 1.151 0.584 0.780 0..3.36 0 108 0.132 0.144 0.5-<5 0 .390 0 105 0.165 0.:}H0 8.610 0 210 0 -.iM 1.741 0.141 O.OtV.i 0.872 .... 0.(M0 0 015 0.072 3 990 30.36 9.426 6.751 1.995 125 15 9.175 4.100 1 R,-.0 3 400 4 0:5 0 171 2(1.52 0aMi|0.474 1.22 ,(l.05» 0 148 0a>ll0.126 II INDEX. Abwirptivo Power? of Soils "^l? Ammoni.i Abwirbi'd by Soil from till- Alnl<)^*phl■rc ".r.^ Auiiiinuia and Siiperpbospliatc 2)2 and \Vcat8 -jsa-aoi " fur Potaioea — 2(il for Wb>at 19J--.'13 " in Fresh llorse-dung: 'M '• in Limed and I'nlimed Soiln -220 " in the Soil Liberated bj- Limp 2-21 " Locked I p in the Soil... 221 *• Loss of by FcrinentinE; Manure ..08 " on (Jni-s Lund 273 " Potential 31 " (Quantity of to Produce One Bushel of Wheat, 211-212 '* Required to Produce a Bushel of Bail.-r.. 240-2 12 " Retained by the Soil 218 *' Salts, Composition of....3ri " " IIow to Applv, a*-312 " " for Private Gar- dens 207 Anderson. J. M. B.. Letter from. . . U'l Animals, Compositiim of Manure from Diflorent 306 *' What They Kemove from thi' Food .301 Apple Trees. Nitrate of Soda for... 314 Artificial Manures, Will They Pay..214 Ashes, Burnt Earth 72 Coal 72 *' for Barley 241 " for Indian Corn 279 *' for Oats 2.")3 " for Potjuoes 2.")9 " of Manure for Wheat 173 " on Long Island 346 " Plaster and lien-dung for Potatoes 255 " Wood 1(H Barley After Ten Crops of Turnips. i^O *' a Lar^e Yield of 5M2 " and Clover after a heavily- manured Root-crop 1.287 " Best Soil for 227 " Cost of Raising With and Without Manure 245 361 Barley,La\ves' and Gilbert's E.Tperi- ments on 227 " Potash Incp-ases the Crop of at Kothiiinsted 329 " Proflts of Raising in Poi-r Seasons 243 " Quality and Price of 212 " \ ield Per Acre 11 Barn-yard Manure, Difference in l^uality of 246 Bi'an-straw for Manure 48 Beets, Sugar, Lawes' and (iilberfs Kxperiments on... 288 " Manure for 28(j Blood .32 B<»ne-du8t 314 " Composition of Com- pared with Stable Ma- nure 316 " Firinented with Manurc.316 Made into SuperpUos- I'hate 319 " " on Dairy Farm.s 315 Bones as Manure 102 Bran 26 for Manure 102 " Richer in Plant-food than Wheat .301 Brewer, Prof. W. II., Letter from.. 341 Cabbage and Barn-yaid Manure, Composition of 292 " Composition of 290-292 " Hog and Cow Manure for.302 " Lime for 292 " !Manure for 275-290 " Manure for Early and Late 291 " Needs a Large Supply ( f Nitrogen in the Soil, Though it Removes butLi'.tlc 293 " Potash for 292 Special Manun- for 323 " Yield of per Acre 291 Cattle vs. Sheep as Manure-makers. .303 Cheese, from a Ton of Hay Ill Plant-food in 101 " versus Beef 110 Clay Retains Ammonia 219 Clover and Indian Corn 275 " as a R(movating and Ex- hansti ng Crop 277 " as Manure 11^122 " as Manure for Wheat 158 " Does it Get Nitrogen from the Atmosphere 133-138 362 INDEX. ^^over, Dr. Voelcker's Experiments on 135 " for Wheat 12(j " Gathers Up Manure from tlie Sub-soil 287 " Hay, Composition of 129-137 " Hay, English and German, for Manure 47 " How to Make a Farm Rich by (irowing 133-1&3 " Letting it Hot on the Sur- face as Manure 134 " Nitrogen as a Manure for. ..141 " Pasturing by Sheep versus Mowing for Uay 137 " Plowing I'nder versus Feed- ing Out 123 " Roots, Amount of per Acre, 143-144-1.55 " Roots, Composition of..l4.")-147 " Seed, Amount of Roots i)er Acre 162 " Water Evaporated bv 132 " Why it Enriches Laiid 131 Coal-a'^hes to Mix with Artificial Manures 312 Composting Cow-manure with Muck. Leaves, etc 302* Compost of Stable-manure and Earth 342 Corn, as a Renovating Crop 27.5 " Aslies for ... 2T'.l " Barn->-'ard Manure for 2H4 " Cost of Raising 9 " Crop, Composition of 25 " E.xperiments on 279 " Guano for 279---2S4 " Manure for 275 " Meal for Manure 185 " Superpliosphate for 279-281 '* Fodder 273 " " vs. Mangel- wurzels. ..2S8 " " Plasterer 277 " " vs. Wheat, Yield per acre -... 276 Crops Best to Ap|)ly Manure to 2i;5 '• Flow to Get Larger 28-36 " Raised and Sold from tlie Farm 27 " Rotation of 116-108 " We Must Raise Larger per Acre 266 " Why so Poor 28 Cotton-se<'d Cjke 4;^339 Cow-manure 8()-100 " " and How to Use it. . . .302 " " Compositiou of 3 '6 Cows, Feeding Grain to 110-113 '• Feeding in Winter for Ma- nure 256 Dairy Farms, Bone-dust on 315 Drainage from Barn-vard 3116 Dry Earth for Pig Pens 304 Earth-closet Manure 310 " " " on Grass 225 Fallow.Fall 12 " for Wheat, How to — Mr. Luwes' Experiments 35 " Summer, for Wheat 15-34 Farm Dairy, Receipts and Expenses of 109 " Hon. George Geddes' 119 " Hon. Joseph Shull's 109 " John Johnston's 76-81-120 " Mr. Dewey's 39 " Mr. Joseph O. Sheldon's 15 " to Restore a Worn Out 37 Farming, a Poor Business 9 '• Diflerence Between High and Good 11 " Faith in Good 14 '* Good Does Not Lead to Overproduction 14 " Slow Work 17 Fermenting Manure to Kill Weed- Seeds . 97 Fish as Manure 347 Food, Nothing Added to it by the Animal 42 Gardens, IManure for Private 296 Geddes, Hon. George 17-117 Grains, Malt. English and German. 47 Grass a Saving's Bank 41 " Importance of Rich 113 " Manure for 120 Guano as a Top-dressing 'or Wheat. 270 for Barley 240 " forOats 253 " for Peas 17 " for Potatoes 255-258 " on Wheat 120-180-184 " Peruvian, Composition of.. 311 " *' for Oniuns 2;M '^ " Price and Compo sition of Now and:M)Y"rsAgo.327 " " Rectified for Tur- nips 286 What it is 311 Gypsum 104-116-126 forOats 254 " for Peas 17 " for Potatoes 255-2.59 ITnrison, T. L., Letter from 115 Uay, Best Manure for 2;4 " Plant-food in 101 Hi-acock, Joseph. Letter from 348 Henderson. Peter, Letter from 344 Hen Manure 43-104-301 " " for Potatoes 255 nigh Farming 12 " ■' versus Good Farming 11 Fops, Manure for 274 Horse-manure, Compositiou of. . . .306 Hot-beds. Manure for 297 Human E.xcrements, Composition of 308 Indian Corn. See Corn Irrigation on Market Gardens 295 Jessup, Edward, Letter from 342 Johnsim, Prof. S. W., on the Value of Fertilizers 324 Lawes' and Gilbert's Experiments on Barley 22"? Lawes' and Gilbert's Experiments on Oats 252 Lawes" and Ciilbert's Experiments on Permanent Meadows 271 INDEX. 303 Lawcs' and fiilbert's Exporiments oil the Amount of Excremeuls Void.d by Man :«)9 Lawi's' and Gilbert's Exi»erinifUts on Sugar bcfts and Mangel-wur- zds 288 Lawes' and Uilben's Kxpcriincnts on Wheat 170 Lawes" and Gilbert's Experiments, Potash Beneficial for Barley 329 Lawes' Table, Showing Composi- tion and Value of Foods 45 Lettuce. Manure for 2H9 Superphosphate for. . . 21K)-293 Lewis, lion. Harris, Letter from 10:3 Liebig's Special Manures 321 Lime as Manure 213 •' Beneficial Effect of for Thirty Years 210 " Changes the Chemical and Physical Character of the Soil 224 " Composting with Old Soda... 224 " for Cabbage 292 " Hastens the Maturity of the Crop 22*2 " Impoverishes the Soil 222 " in Connecticut 224 " in Delaware 223 " in New Jer-ey ..223 " in Pennsylvania 224 " Mixed with Barn-yard Ma- nure 222 " on Grass Land "223 " on Limestone Land 217 " C^uantity pet Acre 21G " Sets Free Ammonia in the Soil 221 " Silicate Absorbs Ammonia from Atmosphere 219 " When to App! v 22:i " Why Beneficia'l -220 Liquid Manure 3Ui) Lowland. Draining 30 Malt-combs 46 Maugel-wurzels for Manure 48 Manure forl0:j-28tt-283 " " Yield per Acre 11 Manure Absorbing Liquid 115 '• Amount from Feed and Bedding 73 ♦' Amount Made by a Horse 50-346 " " Made by Horses, Cows, Sheep, aiid Pigs. . . .'il " Amount Made on a 25(Vacre Farm •^',^ " Amount of Rain Required to Dissolve 267 " Amount of Straw in Horse. 346 " and Rotati' n of Crops 246 *' Applying Artificial 312 " Applying Near the Surface. 267 " Applying on the Surface... 173 " as Top-dressing 2(19 " Barn-yard for Barley 2^10 " Barn-yard vs. Artificial for Indian Corn 284 " Basinfor 92 Manure Best for llav 27^ Bone-dust.: al4-31t; " Brings in Red Clover S'^i Buying 306 Buying by Measure or \Veight 305 " Baying by the Load or Ton. 306 Cellar. 114 '• Cheapest a Farmer Can U9e.l27 Clover as 11!»-I22 " Clover-seed as 127 " Comes from the Land 42 " Common Saltas ...2-92-93 Fernieniiiiir, Shrinkage in. .116 Fire-fang. '. 84-98 '• Fish. as,"on Long Island. . 347 ■' Foods which Make Rich 45 '■ for Cabbage, Parsnips, Onions, Carrots, Lettuce, etc 289 " for Corn 80 f..r Grass 82 " for Hops 274 for Hot beds 297 " for Indian Corn 275 " for Mangel-wurzels and Sugar-beets 287 " for Market Gardens 294 for Oats 252 " for Potatoes 255 " for Seed-growing Farms. . .296 " for Sorghum or Chinese Sugar-cane 283 " for Tobacco 275 for Turnips 285-322 " lor Wheat 167 fromCows 302 '■ from Earth-closet 310 " from Oxen 303 " from Pigs. Mr. La\¥e8' Ex- periments... . 301 " from Sheep 303 " Grain Farms, Management of 117 " Guano, Price of Kow and Thirty Years Ago 328 " Guano. Rectified Peruvian. 319 I " Gypsum and Clover as 125 ' " Heap, Changes iu 67 304 INDEX. Manarc Ilcap, Fcrmcntinjj 38 " in Winter 84 " Piling ill Fic!d..88-&'.M»0 " Turning 88 Hen 43-104-SOl " Horse 32-8!> " Ilorse and Farm-yard 50 '• Dow and When it Should be Applied 207 *' How John Johnston Man- ages it 76 " Flow Made and Used in Maryland 349 " Ilort' the Deacon Makes it.. 74 " How ti) Make 41 " How to Mike More 2JG " How to .Make More and Bet- ter on Dairy Farms Iftj " How to Make Poor, Ricli, 271 2a3 " How to Makp Richer 25T " How Much it Shrinks by Fermentation 342 " How Much Nitrogen in a Loadof 30T " in Kansa.-* 340 '• in Philad<'lphia, Interest- ing Fact.-* .^3<^ '• Keeping Under Cover 5!» " Lime lu* S15 Liquid -.. .. 3)6 " Management of in Canada. 335 " Mr. Lawes" Experiments with 9.5 " Loss fri>m Leaching it!) " Manuuement of 94 " Marl4 " •' " Marvland 33.1 " " " New Haven.... 3 11 " " " New York 3)4 " " per Horse in New »c)rk 336 " Quantity Made on a Farm.. 12 " Quantity of Used on Lung Island. Interesting Sta- tistics sm " Roductjd by Fermentation. 2i>7 " Richer in Plant-food than the Food from which it is Derived 301 " Sea-weed as 3-37 " Sheep H6 '■ Should be Broken Up Fine. 268 " Soluble Phoephates in 72 " Special 110-320 Manure, Specific Gravity of from Different .\niinal!- 305 " Spread in Oi)en Yard 63 " Stable, Management .332 Straw and Cnaff as 200 " Superphosphate, How Made 317 " Swamp-Muck as 29 Tank 115 " the Author's Plan of Man- aging R3 Tillage us 32-121-225 ■' Top-dressing for Wheat in Kansas 3.')0 " " " on (irowing Crops 343 " to 'WTiat Crops Should it be Applied 265 Value of 78 Value of Depends on the Food, Not o.i tlie Animal. 43 Value of Straw as 12;3 Water in 124 " Weeds as 24 " M'eijjht of .'Vti-.-JSO " Well-rotted, Composition of 65 " Well-rotted. Loss from Leaching 65 " Wliatisitl' 19-22 " Why Do We Ferment? 94 Market Gardens, Irrigitiim in 295 •' " Manure fur 294 " " Piij-manure on.. 295 Meadows. ;Manurc for 271 Ni-ht soil 225-308 Nitrate of Pota.-h 312 Nitrate of Soda 1*4 " Acts Quicker tliau Ammonia .'il-'J " " as a Top-dressing for Wheat 270 " " Composition of 312 " " for Apple Trees 314 " for Barley 243 " for Oats 2.52 " for Onions 294 " "for Su gar-Beets 289 " for Wheat 159 •' " How to Apply 312 Nitric Acid 341 Nitrogen, Amount per Acre In the Soil 28-162 " as Manure 28 in Soils 10«!-226-:«6-341 " Makes Poor Manure Rich 246 Nnrsernnon, Manure for 297 nais. Experiments on in Virginia.. 2,53 Experiments on at ftlorcton Farm 254 '■ Lawes" and Gilbert's Experi- ments on 252 '• Manures for 2,52 Oil cake for Sheep 76 Onions. Manure for 294 Peas for Pigs 17 Pea-straw for Manure 48 INDEX. ;}(;:) P«^at, Composition of 31 Phu8pliutu» 27 " £xl)nu:u of on Dairy Farms 101 " Soluble in Barn-yard Manure 72 PhoPiilioric Acid in Soils 10«-2ae per Acre in Soils. Iti2 " " liitaiued by the Soil 219 " " Renii ved from the Farmbv Ilay, and by Milch Co\vs.316 Pig Maniiru 4»-86 Composition of 304 " Manure from '-iOl-'-'JOi Piling Manure _ !i7 I'lunt-food 21-105 Amount of in an Acre. 24-^ " " in New and Cultivated Land 39 Plaster for Indian Corn 277 Plowii'g in the Fall 17 Potash, Amount of in the Soil 2>-329 ■' as Manure 3-J9 •* as Manure for Wheat 215 " for Cabbages 292 " forPotatoes 255-260 " for Putalous and Root- C,>->ps 330 " How to Ascertain when the Soil Needs *M " in Nitrate of Potash 314 " Not a Special Manure for Turnips :fi2 " on Grass Land 273 " our Soils not so likely to be Deficient in, as of Nitro- gen and Phosphoric Acid.330 " Retained by the Soil 219 " Value of in Artificial Ma- nures 326 Potatoes, after Root-Crops 287 '• Ammonia for 261 Cost of Reusing 10 " Experiments on at More- ton Farm 259 " for Manure 48 " How to Raise a Large Crop 255 " Manures for 255 " Mr. Hunter's Erperiments on in England 260 *' on Ricl) Land 263 " Pi-oflts of Using Artificial Manures on 263 " Will Manure Injure Qual ityof 264 Bape-cake 46 " '■ as Manure for Hops 274 Roots. Amount of Left in Soil by Diffi-rent Crops 164 Root-crops 17 Rotation of Crops and Manures 246 Ruslimore, J. II., Letter from 345 Ri.utzahn. H. L.. Letter from 349 Salt as a Manure for Wheat 270 ■' Common as Manure for Wheat. 200 " for Mangel-wurzels 104 Saw-dust for Bedding 103 Season, a Poor. Proil table for Good Farmers 213 " and Manure for Oats 253 Inlluence of on the Growth of Wheat 210 " Profit in Raising Oats in a Poor 253 " Profit in liaising Barley in a Poor 243 Seasons. Inlluence on Crops •... 21 Seed Growers, Manures for 290 Sewage 308 Sheep-Manure 303-33.J-;i39 Composition of ;MG " vs. Oxen as Manure Makers. 303 S!ielton. Prof. E. M.. Letter from.. 350 Soil, Composition of 144-150 •• Exhau.-tion of 2.3-27-:W2 from Earth-closet 225 ■ Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid in 226 " Plant-food in 105 " Weight of per Acie 221 Soils Ab.-orb Ammonia from Atmos- phere 219 " Absorptive Powers of .. 217 Sorghum, Manures for 28;J Special Manures 320 Straw 26 Amount of Manure from 124 " and Ohafl' for Manure 200 ' for Manures 48 " on Ciraiu Farms 118 " Selling 123 Sturtevant. Dr. E. L., Letter from 344 Superphosphate 116 for Barley 241 " for Indian Corn. .279 " for Potatoes 259 " for Private Gar dens 296 for Turnips. .2a5-;i22 " forWlieat 168-169 " from Bones, Com- position of.. . . 319 " from Mineral Phosphates... 320 How Applied... 320 " on Dairy Farms . 315 '• on Grass Land ..273 " Value of as Com pared with Bone- Dust 319 " What Crops Best for 243 Superphospatc of Lime Doctor Telle How it is Made 317 Superphosphate of Lime, When First Made in the United States 324 Surface Application of Manure. .Tfr 268 Swamp-muck 29 " Composition of 31 Swine, see Pigs 366 IXPET. Tliomas. J. ,T.. Tiotnarko on tho Aiv pliiatioii (,f Maiiun ^<.. xoo Tillii-f IS M„i,i,rr aJ-i-ii i63-i» J ohaou. Maiiiiri" for. . . 275 Top (Irrssiiii; Hill, Munur'f .'..'.' -Jb') J urnipH, Do'Th.v Midori) Nitn.i^eii ' fruiii the Atm<>«|)|i,Tr. .ilt) luiiM.v. rish th..- tjoil More tliuu (iiuiu 250 " Manure for !. 8h5 and Wheat. Special Ma nnrof> for.. 321 Urim- from Fami AnimalB RJchc-r than Human gpg vif. Sp, Compoeition of..a6 120- • Pff . ,« . 1"»-3J0 r.npx i.rr Acre . . .' ' i-*> Law es' and <;ilbert ^ Exper- iment., on MO-17l)-.a3 -Munureh for njj ! ».'.'' '•''"»'" K3y>erimentoon.l22 ' Nitrogen a- Manure for .. Hi II I'lanr-fiMKl in joi Pot.:i-li ii" Manure for .. ..21.') Straw and Cliair a.-< a Manure .. ^. '■"■ ; am Siimiiier Fallowinp for. ..tfi-ies ■■ til.- -iiiti, Croii on Same Land.^l.j To|»->ni|.aratlve 1 ield of 27g W.II niite.l Manure for '267 '.* ^Vli.\t»iirt rop, nie.m, Poor -.^14 1 leld jMT Acre \i STANDARD BOOKS, Coamended by the Greatest Educators of Germany, Engfland and the ITnited States. Endorsed by Officials, and adopted in many Schools new methods In education Art. Real Manual Training, Nature Study. Explaining Processes whereby Hand, Eye and Mind are Educited by Means that Conserve Vital- ity and Develop a Union ul Thought and Action By J. 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