V Tasmanian Field Naturalists’ Club 1924-1925 OFFICE-BEARERS Chairman: DR. W. L. CROWTHER, D.S.O., M.B. Vice-Chairman: MR. J. REYNOLDS. Hon. Secretary: MR. CLIVE LORD, Tasmanian Museum. Hon. Assistant Secretary: MR. J. C. BREADEN, Waverley Avenue, New Town. Committee: MESSRS. L. RODWAY, C.M.G.; A. N. LEWIS, M.C., LL.B.; M. S. R. SHARLAND; A. R. REID; G. B. DAVIES. Hon. Auditor: MR. C. W. ROBERTS. %\)e Tasmanian naturalist THE JOURNAL OF THE Tasmanian Field Naturalists’ Club New Series—Vol. I. JULY, 1925 No. III. Outlines of Tasmanian Geology SECTION 13 (Continued) UNDERGROUND WATER. Before we discuss the forms of land surface that can be moulded through the action of rivers, we must mention brief¬ ly the great factor controlling the con¬ tinual flow of a river. A certain amount of the water runs off the landscape after falls of rain and finds its way down the lowest valley; but rainfall .is not neces¬ sarily regular, and most large rivers flow with relatively little alteration through the driest summer. Most of this water has not run directly off the sides of the valley, but has come as soakage or springs from below the surface. Most of the rain that falls on the surface soaks down through the soil and rocks. Beneath the surface, at varying depths, the rocks are more or less satur¬ ated. If a well is sunk into this zone it will be filled with water up to the level of the top of the saturated zone. The top of this belt is called the water table, and it conforms roughly with the configuration of the surface. Its posi¬ tion depends largely on rainfall, and also on the nature of the country and slope of the strata, while some compact rocks are so dense that they absorb little or no water at all. Our diabase (or blue metal) is of this nature. Travels of Water Underground. Water percolates through the substance of previous rocks, such as gravels and such loosely compacted rocks and sand¬ stones, and other soft rocks. It finds its way in crncks and pores of harder rocks. Some very compact rocks, such as granite, have few cracks at any distance from the surface, and others, such as day, are formed of fine particle* which fit very closely together. These types of rocks form an absolute bar to the travels of water underground. But with the ex¬ ception, perhaps, of clay, there are usu¬ ally cracks, joints, strata planes, and crushed zones even in the hardest rock through which water can penetrate, and any large bed of clay usually has many inclusions of pervious sands. Through these pervious rocks water descends from the surface, and if the surface supply is sufficient the bed of rock will eventually become saturated (that is. will contain as much water as it can hold). When this occurs the water table will gradually rise. If the particular bed of rock is surrounded by impervious strata the water will rise, perhaps, to the surface, or at any rate until it reaches the broken surface zone of some neighboring rock; and it will then pass along the top of the impervi¬ ous bed. But it usually happens that beds of porous rock are morq, or less connected. Water in that case passes from one to another, and the water ta¬ ble maintains an approximate level below the surface throughout a district, just as the level of inter-connected lakes re¬ mains much the same. The Water Table. Therefore, unless the rock is abso¬ lutely impervious, at some distance be¬ low the surface water will be struck. The quantity and depth depend on — (l)Pre- cipitation; (2) relative amount of space in rock for storage (which depends largely on the nature of the rock); and (3) the possibility of getaway for the water underground. The level the water table stands at is known as the ground water level. Naturally, in regions of heavy rainfall, this is near the surface, and in deserts it is at a considerable depth. In relatively i>ervious rocks, such as sandstone, the water table is con¬ stant throughout the bed, and a well sunk to it anywhere will^ yield water. In other rocks, such as diabase, it will exist only in more porous pockets. This a) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST ground water level follows roughly the contour of the surface, and hence water inay be found on the tops of ridges as in the bottom of valleys. In Tasmania, on the wet West Coast, water can be struck in all but the very solid rocks ac a very shallow depth. At Catamaran pits sunk for .six feet soon fill with water and remain with water within a few feet of the surface throughout the year. On the button grass plains, which are usually underlain at some depth or other by clay, water can be struck with¬ in a few feet of the surface, and this even on the top of steep hills. Further east the ground water level sinks, but there are few places wherein gravel or standstonee water will not be struck be¬ fore the fifty feet level is reached. Thus all mines have to be kept open by pump¬ ing Springs. When a stream cuts its channel down below the ground water level it taps this underground reservoir just as a well does, and water oozes out of the soil at favor¬ able places in the form of springe. In some places streams will have only cut down to the level to which the water table rises in winter. In these cases the springs will only function in winter, and in summer, as the water table drops lower, they will cease to flow. In other cases the streams have cut down below the lowest summer level. In eastern Tasmania the variation between summer and winter level is considerable. It is these springs which give the streams their regular flow. If the water table drops below the stream’s bed in summer the main source of supply is cut off. and tke stream ceases to flow until further rain¬ fall replenishes the supply. Only those streams which arc sufficiently large to have cut below the summer level are perennial. The streams with steep-sid¬ ed, deep gorges have more chance of tapping this supply than those with wide, open valleys, as in the latter case the water table tends to conform with the contour, and is not cut by the stream. Besides this water underground tra¬ vels along the dip of the strata. In doing this it may find a natural outlet as on the side of a mountain or mav accumulate against an impervious rock mass until the level rises to the sur face at a particular spot which is 1< w. r than the main source of supply. Artesian Basins. In continental areas a pervious rock mass may cover many thousands of square miles. If the passage of water downwards is prevented by an impervi¬ ous layer the water may accumulat in a great underground reservoir, and l e tapped by wells or bores. If a cor - siderable area is higher than the pla e where a bore is sunk the pressure i*l water there will force water out of the bore with often great force as s oi ten the case on the mainland, where the rainfall caught on the plateaux of the Dividing Range soaks underground to the plains to water the dry paddocks when released by bore holes. Ill other areas the water is present, but there is no pressure to cause it to rise. If a well is put down water can be pumped out. Such a place is teim ed a sub-artesian basin. Many of these exist throughout the midlands and sout i- e a stem Tasmania. Here the requisite conditions are a bed of Ross sandstones overlying a bed of hard permo-carbon iferous silicious mudstone, as we shall see later a very usual occurrence. Th" water acumulatos in the sandstone and cannot escape through the underlying mudstone. A borehole or well sunk into the sandstone will yield water, only pumping for ten to fifty feet being re¬ quired to ensure a steady supply. Caves. Water travelling underground soon wears for itself well defined clmnn !« which in time develop into caves. Tlii- is especially the case in limestone cou.i try where the mechanical action of the flowing water is greatly reinforced by the chemical action, mainly the effect of carbon compounds picked up frrm de¬ caying vegetation on the surface dissolv ing out calcium from the limestone. Where the limestone beds are very m a sive and of great antiquity wonderful caverns may be hollowed out. In the rase of limestone caveB these are l eai - tified by deposits of calcite until they present sites of most surpassing won der. Drips of water from the roof, car rying a large load of lime, deposit soim of this on reaching air. More is deposite when they drop to the floor and dry Thus are formed stalactites (growin/ down from the roof) and stalagmite* (growing up from the floor). As tin volume of water, the lime content and the form of deposition vary from drip to drip a wondrous variety of forms grow In the cave. Smooth, untapenng glass-like tubes, candles, pillars, no common forms. Often water flowing over the surface make knobs of fanta-t e shapes, often tiny drips drying at dif¬ ferent points on the tip of a tube give it a twisting form; sometimes water exudes from a crack and forms a shawl (2) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST or screen of transparent, white lima rock. Again, differences in content give a “bacon’Mike appearance. In fact, each stalictite must be described to include all forms. These limestone caves are one of the greatest wonders of nature. They are common in Tas mania wherever we have beds of very ancient limestone. The best known are at Mole Creek, Chudleigh, tTlverstone, .Tunee, Florentine Valley, Hastings and Ida Bay. Water at Beaconsfield. To give but one example of the travels of underground water, the Tasmania mine at Beaconefield, our largest gold mine, had to close down on account of the volume of water that it made. A million gallons a day had to be pump¬ ed out. Chemicals placed in water in the Chudleigh caves 60 miles away were traced to the mine. And there is the old legend—unhappily untrue, but wide • ly believed even yet—of the dog that wandered into the Chudleigh Caves and appeared in the mine at Beaconsfield. Section 15. THE DEPOSITION OF SEDIMENTS. We have already seen that various agencies are at work continuously reduc¬ ing the surface of the land. As little material leaves the globe, the vast quan¬ tities of soil and rock waste removed from their original site are merely re¬ distributed. Ultimately, rivers are the great transporters of the particles torn from the parent rocks, and the river mouths and adjacent coasts are the great repositories of the material carried from the land surface- The size of these par¬ ticles of the land surface so carried to sea varies with the power of the river to transport weights, but in all cases the finest grains greatly preponderate. When given a chance, this material settles and hence is called a sediment. The usual land detritus settling close to the shore is called a littoral deposit. Other types of deposit are met with. Those which are moved from their original site by wind and are piled up elsewhere on the landscape are termed terrestrial deposits, and the same name is applied to dust deposited by a volcanic eruption. Rivers may drop sediments in lakes, when they are called lacustrine deposits, or along their own banks, when they are called fluvatitile deposits. Then, besides rivers, glaciers also carry a considerable amount of rock waste. This is dropped where the ice melts and is termed a glacial deposit. Finally enormous depths of “ooze” accumulate on the floors of the great ocean deeps from the remains of animal organisms, and from chemical precipitation. These are called deep 6ea deposits. Each type has its special pe¬ culiarities resulting from the manner of its deposition. It is necessary to knew these, because they are preserved through¬ out the subsequent history of the sedi¬ ment as a rock, and after many changes always give an unmistakable indication of the state of the locality where they were first deposited. This forms, as we will see later, the basis of geological history. Littoral Deposits. By far the greater quantity of material worn from the land finds its way by storm water channels to streams, and thence by rivers to the sea. As ex¬ plained before, the river’s ability to carry a sediment load depends on the force of thp current A river’s current cannot make its power felt against the sea, which soon brings it to a standstill. Where ibis happens, most of the sediment load is deposited. When the current begins to icel the drag of the tidal waters of the river s mouth, the heaviest nortions of the river s load, the big boulders which jt can just push along its bed* no longer have sufficient pressure behind them to be moved, and stay in the place where they were left when this pressure was reduced below the minimum required to move them. Gradually as the force of the current becomes less and less, finer and finer particles are left behind. This is referred to as the sorting of the sedi¬ ment load—the heaviest materials being dropped first, and the sediments shading thence to finer and finer grains as the shore is left behind, until within 100 miles of the shore little or no sediment trom the land remains in the waters of the ocean. To these sediments are added those worn by waves and tides from the coast and particles blown from the land into the sea all of which commingle, but the ii\er and stream sediments always greatly preponderate. The ocean currents func- tion much as rivers and move sediments along the coast*, distributing them over the continental shelf, but sooner or later these sediments come to rest in the deeper and quieter waters, and accumulate un- tu some change of conditions brings about a cessation of the supply of sedi¬ ments^ and alteration of currents a differ¬ ence in relative positions of land and sea or a change in depth. At its bottom such a deposit of sedi¬ ments must rest on the older sea floor. (3) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST If this is close inshore, it will be broken by the waves and boulders of this rock, and will become included in the lower level of the newer sediments. Besides this, the sediments near the shore will be in general course, and gradually fining out with distance until at no great dis¬ tance only the finest mud will be found. The remains of animals, such as shell¬ fish, will drop to the bottom and be¬ come incorporated in the sediments. Some¬ times these remains form the bulk 91 such sediments; for example, at Maria Island there is a bed of limestone a thous¬ and feet thick composed entirely of re¬ mains of ancient shells. Coral also ac¬ cumulates to a great depth. Also pldnt remains may form a large proportion of the mass of sediment deposits in certun places, as enclosed lagoons on low coasts, mangrove swamps and seaweed beds. From all the various types of rocks into which thes e different natures of sedi¬ ments are ultimately turned, and which will be discussed later, an idea can be formed how far from the coast the spot where the rocks now are, was when me original sediments were deposited. These simple rules of deposition are unalterable physical laws, and their evidence is in¬ controvertible. Terrestrial Deposits. Over great continent masses there is a constant resorting of rock particles. Higher elevations are denuded by frost, wind and rain, and the waste is dis¬ tributed over the lower basins. On the mainland, most of the great Murray-Durl- ing basin is built up to a depth of up to a thousand feet of sediments actuary deposited where they are now seen, on dry land- In desert regions, this is even more pronounced, and everybody knows of the shifting sand hills of central Aus¬ tralia. Wind is a most active agent in the deposit of these sediments. They present man} r differences from marine de¬ posits, which will be discussed in our chapter on Petrology. In Tasmania this form of sediment is represented chiefly by sand dunes, composed of fine par¬ ticles of rock worn by the wives from the coast or of portion of the sedimentary load of a littoral current, left at high water for breezes arid winds to blow inland during low water. These aunes spread far inland, and cover a great area to a good depth in some places, especially on the West Coast- Lacustrine Deposits. Rivers drop their sedimentary ioaa when their flow is checked by a lake in much the same way in which they do when they enter the sea. Deposits in a lake closely resemble those in the sea, and the two forms are difficult to distinguish if the Jake is large. Ab. sence of marine organisms is a test. Also, especially if the lake is small, a river may in time of flood extend its current much beyond ordinary limits, 1 thus giving a greater irregularity in matter of size to these deposits, and the sorting and distributing effects of tide and currents Is absent. Fluviatile Deposits. Rivers, In many portions of their courses, have quiet reaches. Here they often deposit a bed of sediment- In flood time, when the current, which is swift and powerful in its course, over¬ flows surrounding plains, it there tends to bear resemblance to a lake, and any sediments that And their way into that part are usually left there. Thus large beds of sediment are often built up In the flat portion of the valleys over¬ flowed by the river during flood time. These are termed flood plains. They and the smaller fluviatile deposits form¬ ed in bends and on low banks of rivers are distinguishable by their small ana. quick variations in nature, and because they are usually less sorted than sedi¬ ments dropped in lakes and in the sea. Very often they give a level effect to the river valley. It is common for rivers to be cutting out their valley In their upper reaches and depositing » flood plain over it in the lower reaches Glacial Deposits. Water can npver stop suddenly, and it always has a certain amount of sorting action. A glacier or ice sheet melts at a given point. Here every, thing that Is being carried drops. There can therefore be no sorting. Every atone, from boulders the size of houses to clay grains, are to be seen piled on each other in one huge rubble heap. If the glacier is melting in one place for a long while a mound—often resqinbl- Ing a high railway embankment—will be built up. If the ice is gradually ex¬ tending its field or retreating—the usual ,J case—this material will be strewn with¬ out arrangement, and generally in ir. regular heaps and lines over the glacial The striking difference between a sort ed deposit and an unsorted one Is the first indication of past glacial action. These deposits are usually termed "moraines." although strictly speaking a moraine is the debris actually being carried by the ice. Various distinc- ( 4 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST tions, such as terminal moraines (the debris dropped oft the end of a melt¬ ing glacier), lateral and medial mo¬ raines (that carried on the sides and in the middle of the glacier), kames and esker ridges (deposits in engiacial streams) are indistinguishable in Tas¬ mania, and probably everywhere where these deposits have been exposed to rain and weather for a considerable time. Often glaciers drop single boulders— known as “erratics,” or perched blocks: this cannot be done by water. Deep-sea Deposits. Sediments from the land do not reach the great ocean depths. Still, these are covered with many thousand of feet of deposits, which present special cha¬ racteristics. In the first place their structure is very massive. The layers are of great depth, as conditions do not change quickly. There are none of those quick alterations of strata com¬ mon in inshore deposits. Currents, wind, floods, and changes of position of neighboring land have little effect. The second great difference is in the materials. Sand, lime, terrestrial and coastline, plant and animal, remains are not carried out into the ocean. Their place is taken by “ooze," composed of fine volcanic and w»ind-blown dust »ti small quantities, with the bulk of the deposit consisting of remains of micro, scopic sea animals, and chemically de. posited minerals dropped by precipita¬ tion Tasmanian Examples. Examples of these deposits are too numerous to mention in detail. Most ot our rocks are formed from one or the other. The common mudstones and limestones were once littoral deposits Terrestrial deposits are represented by the sand dunes common round our coast, and probably by many of our sand¬ stones. Coal measures give us exam¬ ples of lacustrine deposits. Many of the clay beds come also under this heading, especially those of Launceston, Corne¬ lian Bay, and Kingston. Fluvlatile deposits abound along every valley. A walk along the Derwent or Esk or Mersey silvers, to mention only three, show these deposits at every step. The west coast and the higher mountain ranges are covered In many places with glacial deposits, and the limestones ot’ Railton, Mole Creek, Ulverstone, Ida Bay, and the Cordon River are prob. ably deep-sea deposits. These will ail be referred to in more detail later. Section 16. THE LIFE HISTORY OF A LANDSCAPE. A Young Drainage System. When a given region has been recent¬ ly uplifted, the courses of streams and the topography of their valleys and the divides between them present features showing that the effects of water ero¬ sion have only been left for a very short period. The time factor is unimport¬ ant. A stream working in soil or very soft rock will complete the maxi¬ mum erosion in its power very much more quickly than one running over country composed of a very hard rock. Similarly one with a large and continu¬ ous supply of water, or with more power given by greater height, will re¬ duce the features ordinarily characteris¬ tic of a short period of operation much quicker than a small, intermittent stream or one unfavorably situated in regard to slope, or possessing barriers to its erosion. A young drainage sys¬ tem, therefore, implies not so much a system that has commenced eroding the given landscape recently, as a system possessing the characteristics of one that has not had time to effect much erosion, even though it has been at work far longer than a more mature system, which has in these ways had an easier task, and has completed it in a shorter time. This early stage in river erosion is marked by many small and often paral¬ lel streams—the water taking the easiest line of slope. The streams have considerable power owing to the slope and as they cut the bottom of their channels quickest, they run in deep, steep-eided gullies. Between these are wide and often level divides. The whole power of the stream being conc?ntrated on its bed. there is little deposition, except, perhaps, where it reaches flat country with its mouth. There are few harriers to make it bend, and these are soon cut away; therefore it is gen¬ erally faifrly straight coursed. If the uplift is quick, the river’s bed will be steep, and rapids will result; in ex¬ treme cases inland cliffs will he de¬ veloped and result in al waterfall. A basin will fill with water as a lake or swamp. Given time, a stream will cut away a rapid or waterfall, as here it has greater power and will fill a lake with sediment. Hence rapids, water¬ falls, and lakes are a sign of youth. Tributaries will be mere drainage from (5) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST the valley sides, running straight to the river at the bottom of the valley, and so will tend to enter the main river more or less at right angles. These rivers, being in general above the ground level and fed mainly by rain- tall, and having small catchment areas, will tend to vary greatly in their vol¬ ume. Any of these characters show that a given drainage system has been eroding the landscape for a relatively short space of time. The Adolescent Stage. As the orderly process of river erosion proceeds, those portions of the bed with the greatest slope will be worn away first. Thus waterfalls and .hen rapids soon disappear, and lakes are removed. Then as rivers erode their valleys chief¬ ly at the head—that is, where the slope is greatest — the high land separating the heads of systems will be reduced, and the tributaries, each doing similar work, will reduce the divides, until ultimately the former level plateau will be reduced to a line divide, and valleys of various river systems will occupy the whole land¬ scape. Detailed characters for this stage can¬ not be given. The general straight line profiles have become rounded. The rivers flow in valleys and not canyons. The divides' resemble ridges rather thin plateaus, and in general the topography can be spoken of rather as a series of river valleys separated by high divides than as a plateau cut by gorges. How¬ ever, the boundary lines between youth and adolescence an dadoleseence and ma¬ turity are vague The stage termed ado¬ lescence can best be described as a stage in which the characters of youth have been removed by the Iong-continu- ed process of erosion, but those of ma¬ turity have not yet had time to de¬ velop. The drainage of a region os said to bo in the nature stage when the streams have just completed all the erosion they are capable of in the existing cireum stances. As a river erodes the landscape by cutting down its bed with sediment carried along ami by thus giving its tri¬ butaries a levwl to which to erode their beds, it follows that a point must be reached eventually at which the river has no longer sufficient slope to give it power to carry a sediment load. A river system obviously cannot plane the land¬ scape level. Some slope must remain, and the altitude at the head of a long sys¬ tem will be considerable. Water requires a drop of about 4 fee systems have long ago reached this (6) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST stage, and now merely pile* more and more sediment over their plains and meander through these deposits. The best known examplo to us is the Murray-Darling sys¬ tem, which around Milduri, ;or example, Hows over its own flood plain six hun¬ dred feet thick. This has been piled up to such an extent that, although distri¬ buted until it is unuotkeable to the naked eye, the streams of the Wimraeru and Malice cannot flow uphill to meet the Murray and vanish in -alt swamps behind the flood plain. Many of our features have not yet been established, and there is at present a great contro¬ versy as to whether the landscape of our central plateau and east and southern districts is due to diabasic uplift fol¬ lowed by a long period of erosion chiefly influenced by differential resistance of various beds, or whether, as the writer is inclined to think, it is due rath err to block faulting in the recent past. Until this is established we cannot be quite certain as to the development of our landscape. River Piracy. In this process of development from vouth to maturity one of the striking fea¬ tures is the way in which certain main rivers take the place of many small streams, and these large rivers are fed by a network of tributaries, resembling in plan the branches of a tree, which system takes the place of a large number of small, independent streams flowing rough¬ ly parallel to each other—one of the char¬ acteristics of a youthful drainage system. Of two or more parallel rivers, it usually occurs that one or more are more favorably situated than the others, by reason of greater initial catchment area, greater slope or softer rock beds, all of which factors tend to allow them to outpace neighboring ♦dreams in the work of erosion. These rivers erode their sides of the divide, thus widening their valleys at the expense of those of their neighbors. At the same time they also push their heads further into the plateau mass. The result is greater catchment area, and hence greater water supply for erosion. This, added to any other advantages, often enables these streams to cut deeper channels than their neighbors. This greater depth gives greater power to tributaries. If one of these tributaries by headward erosion cuts right through the divide into the valley of the next stream, it will eventually be flowing at a lower level than that stream and will tap all the water flowing in at that point, diverting the whole system above to its own course. Tn this way, one large stream will capture the headwaters of many smaller ones, and eventually en¬ large its catchment area to include a great proportion ot the hinterland, and leave the many original streams repre¬ sented only by short trickles on the coastal slope. A liver which has had its headwaters so captured is said to be “be¬ headed.” This process naturally increases with every additional capture. The great inland drainage systems of old established continental areas are large¬ ly due to this cause. The drainage has been captured by one or more master systems, which have extended tributaries over much of the interior of the area, draining all except the actual slope to the sea, and continually pushing tne di¬ vide between their system and that slope nearer to the coast. A marked right- angled, or hairpin, bend in the general direction of a big river, is very often a sign of such a capture, the original course of the upper portion having been diverted to the general course of the lower. These processes take place during the change from youth to maturity. They may be seen in every stage in most sys¬ tems, but not until they are more or less complete does the adolescent stage pass into the stage of maturity. Firstly, as to rise and fall of the land, we see, a*> explained before, that at no great distance in the past the effects of river action were felt at a lower level than now, as evidenced by the many waterworn valleys now Hooded by the sea in the form of the estuaries at the mouth of mot of our rivers. This rise of the strand level has been followed by a slight sinking. Today we see most of our rivers ,notably on the Derwent be¬ tween Macquarie Plains and Bridgewater, and on the Mersey above Latrobe, beds of river conglomerates^ portions of old flood plains, now high above any pos¬ sible flood level, indicating that in r<> sponse to rise of the level of the land or sinking of the sea level, the riven* are cut¬ ting into their old flood plain. One possible reason for this is com¬ mon, and must be watched <*or as it is not connected with rise or fall of the land. If a river flows over a bed of hard rock near its mouth, and this bed is not very thick and rests on beds of softer rock, the river will not be able to cut quickly through the hard rock and the level of this will represent the base level for the valley above it. The river may succeed in reducing the topogrnnhv of its valley above the bar of hard rock to maturity. Then it may cut through the bar and deepen its course quickly in the (7) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST soft beds below. The result will be a rejuvenation of its course in the higher levels. Although this occurs in stable conti¬ nental regions, these are lew, and a sys¬ tem in most parts of the world seldom reaches even maturity. A new strand level is prouuced by earth movements alter the cycle has proceeded a certain distance. 11 the landscape has reached a stage when the drainage is mature and is then elevated tht«e streams will be given new power by the increased siope to the sea. The same happens ii me level oi the sea drops. I hey are said to be rejuvenated. At drat they cut deep young channels into their oio valley, and then the cycle of erosion commences again, its course depending largely on the amount and rate of uplnt. Tins young valley cut into the mature me is termed **a valley within a valley landscape/' If the old river has been meandering, it probably will be unable to move out of its old course and will cut a gorge fol¬ lowing its former bed. This is termed a river with “entrenched meanders/* When the re-elevated peneplain a* again reduced to a stage approaching maturity, hills will stand out the remnants oi the old peneplain, and these will have tops rela¬ tively level and at approximately the same elevation, all that is left of the old sand surface. These are termed “pene- plainal residuals/' Having discussed the various processes bv which a given landscape is formed and moulded, wo must turn to an examination of the characters which tell us how long these processes have been at work, and the relative order of their occurrence. A landscape may be newly uplifted, or may have not felt the influence of earth move¬ ments for an infinite length of time. The river system may have been at work eroding the surface during all this time, or it may have been interrupted. It is the various features of the landscape which give us an indication of these hap¬ penings that we must now study. This is sometimes called the cycle of erosion, but this title is confuting, as only one particular phase can be seen in one place and one given locality, seldom even in the whole course of ecological time com¬ pletes the cycle, the movement being often as much backward as forward. Also different phases can only be seen over large areas, although small variations in the phase of erosion may occur from place to place. Effects of Rise or Fall of the Land. A given tract of land is more often slowly rising or falling in response to earth movements explained previously than it is stationary. As has been ex¬ plained, streams, in order to erode thoir valleys, require velocity, and this is imparted by slope. Also for an increase of one in velocity their eroding powei is increased 27 times. As a stream can only erode in its bed, and an uplift gives it such a great increase in power, it immediately starts to entrench its bed, to cut a narrow, steep-sided gorge in the bottom of its valley. Tributaries con¬ form and in turn cut deep valleys, where they join the main stream. On the other hand, if the laud is sink¬ ing, the transporting oower oi the rivers is being reduced. They must deposit sedi¬ ment loads which they were once able to carry out to sea. Thus alluvial plaius are the rule, and valleys tend to become shallow and flat-bottomed as they ai tilled with sediment deposits. Thus we get the first indicating mark of the im¬ mediate past history of our landscape. If the rivers have* been eroding their valleys evenly for a long time, the land is probably stationary. If, within their old valleys, they have recently com¬ menced to cut deep, narrow channels, the land is rising. And if they are now depositing sediments in valleys they pre¬ viously cut out of the surrounding land¬ scape, the land is probably sinking. This rising and sinking of the land is the first matte r to be determined in decipher¬ ing the history of a landscape. It is so usual that it upsets the regular work of erosion many times in one cycle, ajid is often the true explanation of many features elaborately explained away by involved theories of river erosion. It must also be remembered that the sea is also ri ing and falling in response to melt¬ ing or otherwise of polar ice sheets, for¬ mation of ocean deeps, etc., and it is of ton impossible to be certain whether it is the sea or the land that is moving. To avoid this difficulty, we usually speak not of the rise or fall of land or sea, but of strand level, that is, the place where land and sea meet, as the phe¬ nomena on land are the same whichever cause operates. Effect of Alteration of Strand Level on Coast Line. It is at the sea coast that the records of rise and fall of strand levels are es¬ pecially recognisable, and as the deter¬ mination of these movements is so im¬ portant, it is necessary to look at the coast line before endeavoring to inter¬ pret the history of our landscape. ( 8 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST In the first place, a straight coast line, or a coast line formed of series of straight-fronted segments jointed to each other, is generally a mark of uplift. The lengthy work of streams and the ac¬ tion of the waves and the weather tend to produce inlets where streams wear out valleys, leaving headlands and ter¬ minating the inter-stream divides, and these and the other agencies tend to cut out the softer portion of the coast, leaving the more durable portions as capes. Again, cliffs show a recent up¬ lift, as these cannot long endure the ef¬ fects of the weather and streamlets, especially when the great increase in eroding power given by such a slope is borne in mind. It must, however, be borne in mind that a sudden downward faulting of the segment under the sea bordering on the present land will give the same results, as the unfaulted land then presents a straight face to the flooded portion, which has now subsid¬ ed. Conversely a ragged coast line, with intricately etched front, indicates a sink¬ ing land, as the sea flooding over the subsiding landscape covers the country following a given contour round the many gullies and valleys worn by small and large watercourses. The waves in general wear the shore in a fairly regu¬ lar line. Very many small inlets and capes indicate that some agency other than waves has produced the form of coast line. This generally can only have been done by submergence of a topography, already moulded by water action. Therefore in examining a coast line for rise or fall of land, the first ques¬ tions an observer must ask himself are whether the features he now sees could have long resisted the attack of weather, waves, and streams in their present form, and whether waves and existing streams and rain-water channels cculd have produced the features he now sees where they now exist. More detailed evidence may be avail¬ able when these questions are deter¬ mined. For example, the existence of soft, recently-laid marine sediments on what is now dry land—a feature term¬ ed a coastal plain—is sure indication of a recent uplift. So also are raised beaches—shell mounds and other typi¬ cal bench formations high above the pre¬ sent level of the waves, wave terraces cut in places well above present high- water mark, cliffs obviously wave-cut, now seen well inland, and wave-cut caves far beyond the present reach of the sea. On the other hand, drowned valleys estuaries that must have been cut by rivers, but now occupied by the sea in sucli a way as to prevent erosion by the •ivers that enter them—arc sure indica¬ tion* of a sinking landscape. So also are islands in groups off the coast, which are obviously the tops of submerged hills, and could not have been formed by more resistant cores uf bard rock left standing beyond the general front of the eroded coast line. It must be borne in mind that these phenomena do not necessarily show pre- Kent elevation or depression They only show that these movements occurr d at a time so recently past that the traces have not yet been obliterated. The movements may have stopped for some time, and a contrary movement may now be in progress. The general condition o; coast lines is that of continual oscil¬ lation with, however, either an upward m downward movement predominating. Recent Rise and Fall of Tasmanian Coasts. Our coast line in general shows all ound the island a general sinking, which movement, after being very pro¬ nounced unt’l recent geological times, has now changed to one of general ris¬ ing. Our great estuaries, the Derwent, Huon, Taniar, Mersey, and others all show signs of having been worn by rivers. Since this they have become Hooded by a general rise of strand level. Our numerous harbors have been form- id in tins way. But it must be remem¬ bered that in recent geological time the level of the ocean has risen about 150ft. through the liberation of water former¬ ly locked up in the great ice sheets of Pleistocene times. The straight lines of the east, south¬ west, and southern coasts, and the numerous linos of high cliffs there, m- licate a recent dropping away of the sea level to a slight degree are shown by the numerous raised beaches com¬ mon round our coast, and standing up to 25ft. above sea level in the south¬ east, and several hundred feet in the north-west. A very marked shore plat¬ form runs round the base of the cliffs of south-eastern Tasmania, and is con¬ tinued up the Derwent estuary at Belle- rive, Bedlam Walls, etc. On the north¬ west coast a small coastal plain is very marked. The railway from Don to WynyanJ runs along this, and the old line of cliffs is clearly seen in the line of steep hills rising immediately behind, especially at Wyvenhoe and Burnie, Al¬ together the tendency at present appears (9) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST to be a general rising level of the land, this being more marked along the fiass •Strait coast, especially in the north-west and least marked, but still decided, in the south coast. The Cycle of Glacian Erosion. Glaciated landscapes snow a similar de¬ velopment from youth, through adoles¬ cence to maturity and old age. The characteristics naturally are different as a glaciated landscape differs so materially in general aspect from a waterworn one. As so much of Tasmania shows the im¬ print o. recent ice-erosion passing men¬ tion must be made to these types of land¬ scape. These characters depend chiefly on the length of time during which they have been exposed to ice action. Slope lias relatively little bearing, but its place it taken by quantity of ice which in turn depends on precipitation. When a glacial period commences na lurally the higher elevations arc tile first affected. As far as Tasmania is concerned these are the only regions to be seiiously considered. The manner of the develop¬ ment of cirques and other glacial features has already been considered. As it is by cirques that ice chiefly models the land¬ scape these are the features to be con¬ sidered in studying the cycle ot glacial erosion, lee caps will be liseussed sepa¬ rately later. The Youthful Channeled Upland. The first effects of glaciation are the appearance of the summer snow bank, ‘‘dug in’ 7 by its own erosive work in a hollow of its own making. This hollow ultimately develops into the cirque The earliest stage in glacial erosion is seen when the upland is grooved by numbers of cirques at the head of U-shaped glacial valleys. The form of the original upland still persists and the cirques are obviously cut out of it. Broad plateaux remain between them and at the heal of, a group of radiating glacial valleys much of the original plateau can still be seen. The cirque is the distinguishing feature of this stage. fhe Fretted Upland or Adolescence Stage. As erosion proceeds, the sides and head of the cirques are enlarged by the in¬ tense frost action along the in ration zone and by the plucking action of the glacier ns previously explained. Cirques, which first were regular troughs, become “nail- headed.” and then multiple, this latter stnrr«» being reached when the glacier renllv orows from a number of cirques cnnar'ifnd hv rock buttresses. The cirques and U valleys enlarge sideways until eventually they meet. They first join not right at their heads, but iome distance down at the broadest portion of the cirques. By this time the original pla- leau is reduced to a series of ridge*, very little of the original surface beiug left. These ridges present knife edges, often with a very sharp contour, markedly dif¬ ferent from the rolliug contours of water divides. In time the ice in the cirques eats right into the ridges. Not along their whole length as a rule, but in spots at often regular intervals. Here the ice removes the original surface and leaves the rock between standing as a scries of pinnacles. These ridges have been termed “comb ridges,” and ire the typi¬ cal features of this stage. The process has been compared by Professor W. II. Hobbs, the leading worker in this branch of physiography, to the process of cut- iuir biscuits from a sheet of dough with a biscuit cutting mould. When the maxi¬ mum number of biscuits have been cut from the dough, thin strips are left be¬ tween the portions so cut out. A glaciated landscape in this stage of erosion resembles flic sheet of dough when the maximum number of biscuits have been rut out. The Glacial Horn of Maturity. As the process continues the ridges nr#» gradually reduced. At first the&e ore somewhat at the same height a* that of the original plateau. These connecting ridges in a glaciated topo- a* aphy are termed cols- Early matu¬ rity represented by high cols. Gradu¬ ally these are lowered, and in a later stage become low cols. In the course of tim P they disappear, or almost so. Theu all that is left is the original col of the plateau, or that portion which stood at the head of a group of glaci¬ ers. This now stands out as an iso¬ lated mountain peak, termed a glacial horn. The Matterhorn is the type of this feature par excellence. The Monumental Upland. Beyond this stage glacial erosion sel¬ dom proceeds, but Professor ITobbfi • h is discerned a further stage in Glacier National Park, U.S.A., and another class has to be mad*-. When the Glacial Horn is subjected to still fur¬ ther prolonged erosion it gradually dis¬ appears. Then the whole interior of thp original plateau has been reduced to a level. But the point at which the erosion by this agency is least felt is at the edges of the plateau, at the ends of the cirques. Thus after the interior ‘herns have disappeared Took masse* still stand out at what was originally ( 10 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST the lower ends of the cirques. These arc termed monuments, and when they alone are left the landscape is said to have reached the old age of glacial ero¬ sion . These monuments naturally stand in pairs, one on either side of the original cirque. Continued ice ero¬ sion then tikes the form of ice cap erosion, and not glacial erosion, and an ice cap, beyond a general levelling effect, does little work in reducing the level of the landscape. It must filially be noted that there is not in glaciated landscapes the or¬ derly progress from youth to old ag^ seen in water-worn landscapes. One stage dope not follow after the previ¬ ous one is completed, but each of the more manure exists with the mere juvenile stage, but in an embryonic form. Thus in the early fretted up¬ land flip portion which will ultimately form the glacial horn is to be seen standing well above the general level, and the future monuments are also beginning to appear. As the erosion proceeds from stage to stage, the later forms, always noticeable, become more pronounced. Of course, a glaciated landscape can¬ not be studied until the ice has disap¬ peared, or almost so. A. N. Lewis. Some Notes on the “ Wattle ” or “Acacia (Continued.) 1 have here some statistics for the year ending June 30, 1923. Wattle bark ex¬ ported from Tasmania was 53,222cwt., valued at £25,474, of which £16,059 was from Hobart the remainder from Laun¬ ceston. Quite lately a shipment was sent direct from Bridport, 12 miles from Scottsdale, to the mainland, the first to be shipped direct. There is about £000 worth of wattle bark used in this State for tanning purposes every year, which, in addition to exports, it will be seen that it is very valuable. Mr. Mitchell, on East Coast, had a plan¬ tation of black wattle harvested once in seven years gave the largest percentage t i tanning under cultivation. The black wattle contains 38 degrees tan¬ ning, the silver wattle 24 degrees, approx¬ imately. Imports of Wattle Bark Into Australia, 1922-23. Importing States. Quantity. Value. cwt. £ New South Wales . . . 35,745 .. 14,032 Victoria. 54,463 .. 21,070 Western Australia . . 3,458 . 1,593 Total. 93,666 .. 37,301 Note.—With the exception of 6 cwt of Australian bark re-imported, all of the above imports were received from South African Union. Imports of Wattle Bark Extract, 1922-23. Country of Origin. Value. £ United Kingdom. 64 South African Union.2,878 United States of America . 25 Importing States. New South Wales.1,626 Victoria. 608 Western Australia. 733 Total .2,967 Exports of Tanning Bark (So Described) from Australia, Produce of Australia. 1922-23. Country to Which Exported. Quantity. cwt. Value. £ United Kingdom ... 12 . 3 Mauritius. . 309 194 New Zealand . . . . 11,034 . 7,604 China. . 2,478 . . 1,385 Japan . .2,003 826 Netherlands, East Indies . 9 9 Total. .. . 15,845 10,021 Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Melbourne, May 19, 1924. Note.—In addition to above exports, l,084cwt., valued at £695. of tanning bark produced in other countries were exported from Australia during 1922-23. I would point out at this stage that (ID THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST South Africa Got the Seed of this wattle from Australia, and now is exporting wattle bark in the quantities just named to Australia. Australians should try and grow enough wattle to supply all their needs, and also to ex¬ port more. Returns from the South African Union show that in one year over £975,000 of black wattle bark had berm grown, shipped and sold. Blackwood timber exported from Tas¬ mania for the year ending June 30, 1923 (dressed and undress and log) totalled 3,010,000 super, feet, valued at £59,500. These figures, taken with what was used in Tasmania, show that it is a very valu¬ able asset to our country, and should be conserved in every way; and by growing young wattle for stripping and getting blackwood seed, and raising seedlings and planting them to help re-build the for¬ ests. Wattles grow very readily on almost any part of Tasmania. It only requires, as stated before, for a fire to go over the glass for the seed to be ready to germin¬ ate, and Tasmanians would do well to set* that this is done wherever possible, s> that Australia will not have to import bark, etc., from countries thousands of miles away, as is done at the present time. I have tried to show that Australia’s national emblem is not only a very beau¬ tiful plant and tree, but also that it is a very valuable and useful one as well, and it is something for Australia to be very proud of. Any emblem worth notice at all should be a Real and Living Expression of something precious to its people, and a source of inspiration as well. Think of this unique flower, complex, and yet so simple, bending in “golden rain," swaying in mystic plumes, twisted in “golden wreath/' glowing in a million Huffy spikes, easy to grow, eager to bloom, both in lowly shrub and stately forest tree, greatful for good soil, content with very poor or almost none, fragrant, friendly, beautiful! Have we not some¬ thing to live up to here? Some of the Tasmanian varieties of acacias are:— Acacia riceana, which is found only in Tasmania, It is of the very prickly varieties, the leaves are phyllodes; it has its leaves in two and sometimes threes, and the flowers are in sprays of 2 to 2Vz inches long, with about a dozen balls of flowers. It is sometimes called weeping wattle on account of its habit of droop¬ ing with the weight of flowers. Acacia verticillata js about the most prickly, sometimes called “prickly wut- ter" or “prickly Moses/' The leaves (phyllodes) grow in verticills or rings round the stem, the flowers are made up m very many small flowers and form a spike about one inch long and about Vz to 5-8 inches thick. The variety will grow from 20 to 30 feet high. Acacia dilfusa, another prickly one, grows only to a small shrub and sprawls about chiefly, hence its name. The leaves are phyllodes, the flowers are round balls containing numerous flowers and come uJong the stem. Acacia myrtifolia is, as its name sug¬ gests; the leaves also phyllodes are the shape or similar to myrtle leaves. It only grows to two or three feet high. The flowers are in small spikes of several balls, the leaves are dark green, and have a gland near the stem on one of their edges. Acacia discolor is one that has true leaves, but they are not divided nearly as much as the silver and black wattles. The flowers are paler in color, anil they branch a good deal and flower about Easter time. It is sometimes called river wattle. Acacia sophorae, boobyalla wattle, grows near the sea beaches, and has a spreading habit. Flowers in spring, leaves or phyllodes have several midribs. but Jook almost as if they had none, flowers in spikes about 2 inches long. Makes a good shelter tree. Acacia melanoxyIon, “blackwood/* pre¬ viously mentioned. Flowers in spring. The flowers appear on branch-like stems and make a very pretty picture, leaves or phyllodes have four or five midribs or nerves, and when young the tree shows the divided true leaves as well as phyl¬ lodes. Acacia dealbata, or silver wattle, is known by most people. It flowers in early spring, and is mentioned earlier. It has true leaves. Acacia deacurrens, also previously men¬ tioned, flowers in December. The leaves ate much darker than silver wattle. Acacia stricta is one with a narrow leaf or ph.vllode, about two to three inches lr? g v' vi , th „ one mi * dril) - Only grows about 4ft. high flowers in spring. Flowers ap pear chiefly near the leaf stalks. FTas a dull colored leaf. Acacia verniciflua is similar to the last named, but its leaves or phyllodes have two midribs, and have a varnished ap- (12) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST pearance. The flowers are similar to the last-named, and it grows up to nearly 30! t. high. Acacia suavcolens. This one is similar to sLriota, but grows larger. Has leaves, or phyllodes, up to nearly 6 inches in length. Has a single midrib, is dull in color and very narrow, and has ridges along the stems, especially near a branch or leaf, giving a triangular appearance. It flowers in the autumn, and they an- pear at the base of the leaf in very pretty buds of a brow’nish color, which open into a fine spike of Horets or balls up to 2 k inches long. Acacia vomeriformis has leaves some¬ thing like the nose of man, and is named for its similarity to the shape ol the bone in the nose called the “vomer.” it only grows up to about one foot high, the leaves or phyllodes are up to half an inch long, and pretty balls of flowers at inter¬ vals along the stem. Flowers in spring. J. C. Breaden. Some Tasmanian Naturalists. (1) Cook, Anderson, Nelson. Introduction. Tasmania was discovered early in the fifth decade of the 17th century, ana not until the opening: years of the last century did actual settlement take place. !Tn the time intervening between discov¬ ery and settlement, a number of exp di ions of British and French nationalities visited the shores of the island. At¬ tached to most of these expeditions weit men who had distinguished themselvia in their pursuit of scientific knowledge With the sailors who navigated their . mall ships into these uncharted waters these men endured hardships which are t >day inconceivable. At tier long and perilous voyages they set foot on a strange shore and labored unstintingly m the cause « f knowledge. They have left on record much valuable ground¬ work. which has been the source of in¬ spiration and information for those who have come after. With the establish ment of settlement A New Era Commenced. but the tradition of the workers before 1803 has never been lost. Occasionally eminent men of science from overseas have visited the Island and investigated c, me aspect of our natural phenomena. The hard and frequently unrewarded labor of such researches has m stly fallen upon the shoulders of a few Tas¬ manians. They have undergone perils and hardships not incomparable with those of the earlier period. Readers o Hubert Mackenzie Johnston's description < f his geological expedition to the Foutto and West Const in 1874. can, to a ce - tain extent, appreciate the difficulties which these workers had to encounter. Far from the stimulating influence of seats of learning, through dense beech and bauera forests, over sharp ridges and across precipitous ravines these pm neers fought their way. In spite of hardship and difficulty the scientific workers in Tasmania have made valu¬ able contributions to the store of kno.s* ledge. Dutch Expedition. 1642. The main object of the Dutch exped tion which discovered Tasmania aid New Zealand in 1642 was the i-xtcnsi n of commerce. No doubt the auth rltie. at Batavia and the Council of Seventeen, who directed the policy of the Du ch East India Company, also wished to a 1 d to their knowledge of the seas to th south anil east of Cape Loeuwin. In case the expedition failed to find new Indies, it might at least discover a n 1 and safer route for their wealth-laden ships sailing to Hoi.and. Immediate mi terial gain was uppermost in the minds of the men who sent Tasman on his voy¬ age of 1642. From the commercial a pect the expedition was a failure. So much so that ‘:he opulent counci lorn never again voted for the expenditur of so much as A S’ngle Guilder to further the cause of South Sea ex ploration. Nevertheless the expedition made an extremely important contribu tion to pure knowledge. Geography particularly benefited by the disco\erv* of land lying between 140 and 180 longi¬ tude lower than 40 latitude. Definite land must be now recorded on maps In place of fabulous representations of the southern continent. Unfortunately the expedition did not count amongst its company an experi¬ enced observer of natural phenomena. Tasman and Visscher (a contempory Dutch geographical authority) was no: in a position to make scientific observe turns. It cannot be reasonably expec e I that the commander of two small s! i a sailing for mouths in unknown seas. ( 13 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST should have much opportunity for ex amining the flora, the fauna, or the rocks of a strange land that he was in sight of for a few days. Nevertheless, the observations which are entered in the journal of the expedition for these few days are devoid neither of interest nor of value. Several boats’ parties made excursions from the anchorage to ex inl¬ ine the coastline in detail. The Dutchmen were greatly impie^sed with the dimensions of some trees that they found growing near Blackinau’s Bay (S.E. Coast). The flint-made notch- ings in the bark of several trees aroused their curiosity. They correctly assumed them to be the results of human labor. None of the aboriginal inhabitants weie seen, but their presence in the very near vicinity was suspected by the explorers These first descriptions of Tasmania ai e contained in Captain Tasman’s Reports from the first to the third of Dec. m’ er, 1642. They are the careful observations of a practical seaman unaffected by many of the absurd philosophical no¬ tions of his times. A portion of Tasma¬ nia was now known to the west rn world, but over a century was to el pse before another expedition visited her shores. Meanwhile scientific knowledge was receiving hitherto undreamt of ad; ditions, and attracting the attention of an ever-widening circle of men. During the lives of these Dutch sail- tors events were taking place of even greater importance than the sanguinary religious wars in which most of the European peoples were engaged. A feel- ir»nr of intense distrust of the older con¬ ceptions of science, and particularly the older methods of enquiry, had long been manifest among thinking men. Papal or any other arbitrary authority was doubted and ridiculed. The upholders of the older system, the followers of Aristotle and Aquinas, made strenuous efforts to stifle the critics at first with argument, and then with persecution. But all the profundity ’ of scholastic knowledge, and all the terrors of the inquisition failed to stop the new move¬ ment. Astronomy was the first of the sciences to free itself from the Shackles o* the Middle Ages. Copernicus, Kepler, and^ Galileo by their far-reaching discoveries had not only advanced the study of the stars, but had stimulated other branches of science. In the early part of the 17th century two great thinkers arose, the English Francis Bacon and the French Rene Descartes. These men have been not unjustly called “the founders of modern science.” They each propounded cer¬ tain methods of reasoning, which may be accounted the most important scientific weapons ever forged. From their day science has been able to make an un¬ hindered march ahead. Three weeks after the discovery of Tas¬ mania Isaac Newton was born. This great Englishman was destined to do for physical science what Galileo had done for astronomy. Ten years later Robert Boyle laid the foundation of modern chemistry. In 16453 the Royal Society was founded. This institution has pro¬ bably exercised a more profound influ¬ ence on the advancement of science than any other known organisation. During the next seventy years a steady advance was made, and then arose another great scientist in Sweden, Carl von Linn, bet¬ ter known as Linnaeus, evolved a much- needed system of classification of fos¬ sils, plants, and animals, which wiped out the confusion of centuries, and is in use today. Cook-Nelson-Anderson. Once again South Sea exploration be¬ gan to exercise men’s minds. This time the promoters were not Dutch mer¬ chants, who looked only for rich car¬ goes, but the members of the Royal So¬ ciety, who desired only to further the cause of science. As is well-known, Cap¬ tain James Cook commanded the memor¬ able expedition which Carried Our Astronomic Observations at Otaheti, and thence discovered the eastern coast of Australia, after visit¬ ing New Zealand, Sir Joseph Banks, an indefatigable worker in botany, and Dr. Carl Solander, another eminent botanist, and a student of Linneas, ac¬ companied the expedition. It is unfor¬ tunate that we cannot count these men as the first scientists to visit our shores. On his third and last voyage Cook vis¬ ited Tasmania. David Nelson, a Kew gardener, and a botanist of merit, ac¬ companied the expedition in the capacity of collector. Little is known of Nel¬ son. but he is described as “one of the quietest fellows in nature, and seems very attentive,” by one of Cook’s assist¬ ants. Apparently he was in the ser¬ vice of Banks. After a rough voyage from Kerguelen Island, lasting nearly a month. Cook’s two ships, the Resolution and Discov¬ ery. came to anchor in Adventure Bay ( January, 1777). Cook, with character¬ istic industry, employed the four days at his disposal on the ( 14 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST Shores of South Bruny. to great advantage. Through his friend¬ ly intercourse with the natives he was able to learn something of their cus¬ tom e. His notes on the aboriginal race are the first contribution to Tasmaniai. anthropology. Those subjects, of which Cook possessed expert knowledge, claimed most of his attention. His work included astronomic observations, the determination of latitude and longi¬ tude. the rise and fall of the tide, and the determination of magnetic variation. Four days was a very narrow limit to impose on such a worker. Nelson also took full advantage of the unique opportunity of being the first bot¬ anist to visit Tasmania. With the as¬ sistance of William Anderson (the sur¬ geon of the Resolution) he made a con¬ siderable collection of plants, which eventually found their way to the Brit¬ ish Museum. Amongst other specimens collected were some twigs of stringy hark (K. obliqua), which were describ¬ ed by the French naturalist, L'Hertier, as belonging to the genus eucalptus. Thus was this important member of Tas¬ manian flora first noted. Nelson also described two other plants. Although of short duration, the visit was most profitable from the scientific point of view. Cook was destined never to reach home. He was killed by the natives at the Sandwich Islands, Later in the voyage Nelson returned to Eng¬ land safely. He joined Bligh in the capacity of collector on the famous Voyage of the Bounty in 1788, when he again visited Adventure Bay for a few days. With Bligh he was set adrift bv the mutinous crew of the Bounty. The exposure of the boat voy¬ age proved too much for him, and he died at Timor in 1780. Bligh paid n high tribute to his admirable qualities. That roekv landmark at .Adventure Bay is nppropirately named Nelson’s Look¬ out. after this early pioneer naturalist. (2) Labillardiere. employed by scientists and thinkers of trying to explain difficult questions cf origins by argument was faulty. His method was to study things as they are, and by means of historical facts determine how they cam^ io be. In a great work on human institutions he applied his teaching, which is known as the historical or comparative method. Of such importance is this method in all scientific studies, that the year of the publication of his work (174S) is almost an epoch in the history of science. At the same time a French nobleman, Comte de Buffon, was the leading study of botany and zoology in France. He was the first to apply this historical method to scientific research. Buffon’s life’s work in observations laid the foundations which the biologists of the next century were to build on. Botany was receiving more and more attention, and the work of Linnaeus was carried on by Bernard de Jussieu. To¬ wards the end of the century another great biologist. Georges Cuvier, was be¬ ginning to make discoveries which led to the' study of palaeontology as a separate science. Among her chemists. France possessed one of the greatest men of his time, Antoine Laurent Laroi- sier He enunciated the principle upon which chemistry as an exact science rests. “That in the process of chemical action matter is neither created nor destroyed.” Laplace, the contemporary astronomer, was discovering new stars and adding to man’s knowledge of the laws of the universe. It was the good fortune of these men that the successive governments of France, ancient regime, republican and imperial, gave them encouragement and assistance. During the “Reign of Ter¬ ror.” in common with thousands of others, their lives were often in danger, but Lavoisier was the only one of the few who sacrificed, the memorable words of his sentence being, “The re¬ public has no need of scientists.” (a) The Progress of Science in France. In the latter part of the eighteenth century a brilliant school of scientists arose in France. They forged new weapons in initiating new methods of investigation, and they made ’emark- able contributions to the stock of know¬ ledge. Tn astronomy, physics, and mathematics, in biology, and chemistry 4 they almost led the world. A famous French lawyer, Moniesquieu, demon strated that the method then frequently The influence of the French scientists extended far outside the frontiers of their country. As well as influencing the advance of thought in other coun¬ tries. collectors and observers visited many little-known lands. In parts of Africa and America they were pioneer observers of natural phenomena. In Tasmania their opportunity was unique, and one of them at least has rightly earned a. lasting place in the record of our scientific records. (15) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST (JB) JAQUES JIILdEN LABILLAR- DIERE. The excitement of the revolution in no way abated the interest of the French nation in the disappearance of their illustrious navigator. La Perouic. The years 1789 and 1190 passed away, but nothing was heard of his expedi¬ tion, which had left Sydney for a Pacific cruise in 1788. At last in 1791 the French Govern¬ ment despatched Admiral Bruny D’Entrecastaux with two ships, La Recherche, and L’Esperance, to the Pa¬ cific to solve the mystery of the sea. A small scientific staff was attached to the expedition, the chief naturalist be ing Jaques JuJien Labillardiere. He was assisted by three other observers, l)es- champs, Perin, and La Haye. An as¬ tronomer namer Bertrand also accom¬ panied the expedition, but it seems that he remained at the Cape of Good Hope. We know little of Labillardiere, bu- that he was a scientist of no mean or¬ der is clearly seen by his accomplish meets. Probably he was one of the en¬ thusiasts who worked with such men as Bufifon or Jussieu. The expedition arrivea off the south of Tasmania in April, 1792, and by a memorable error discovered the long passage of water between Bruny Island and the main¬ land. Over a month of exploration work was carried on by means of boat ex¬ peditions, which extended as far as tli# present Risdon cove on the east L#»- went. iaUJ i As the boat expeditions were making entirely new discoveries, Labillardiere and his fellow naturalists were given unique opportunitie sto perfoim original work. David Nelson and Surgeon Anderson, n Cook’s third voyage, were limited to the shores of Adventure Bay, but these men were able to examine the flora and fauna for nearly 100 miles of hitherto unknown coast line. The members of expeditions came into contact with the aboriginal inhabitants who had their middins in the hays and beaches of shores of D’Entrecasteaux Channel. Labflliardiere gives several highly interesting descriptions of his meet¬ ings and intercourse with the natives. Tt, is pleasing to record that the French preserved the friendliest relations with these primitive people. Tt is impossible to give in detail Lnbillardiere’s account in such an outline but several incidents he describes worth relating. He was verv surprised that he found the utmost diffi¬ culty in persuading one native to ex¬ change a kangaroo skin for some articles of European clothing. Of .. group of four native girls lie interviewed, he says: — "No doubt we lost much by not under¬ standing the language of these natives, tor one of the girls »u.d a good deal to us; ,she talked a long time with extra¬ ordinary volubility, though she must have perceived we could not understand meaning; no matter, she must talk. The others attempted more than once to charm us by songs, with the modulation of such I was singularly struck, from great analogy of the tunes to those of the Arabs of Asia Minor.” Labillardiere very fortunately ^ives us a great deal of detail concerning the aborigines. He saw more of them in their natural state than any other observer, and we have every reason t< believe that in the record of his observations he main¬ tained a high degree of accuracy. Tn the collection and describing of the flora he met we find Labillardiere doing his best work. Among the many Tasmanian species that he first, described are some of nnr best known bush plants. Blue gum (E. globulus), peppermint gum (E. amygda- lina), white gum (E. viminalis), sheoke (Casuarina quadrivalris). lancewood (Erio- stemon squameus). laurel f Anontenis glan- dulus), purple heather (Tetratheca glan- dulosa), and the white flag (Dipharrhena moroea). Tt is impossible for students of botany not to envy Labillardiere tor the oppor¬ tunity he had of viewing the forests on the banks of the TTuon in then* natural state. The expedition failed to find the missing navigator, but the scientific work done by its members in Tasmania was very considerable. L*ibil1ardiei*e , s observations and studies of the aboriginal peoples have been, and still are. af value to students of anthropology. His botanical work pre¬ pared the way for the great British botal- ist. Robert Brown, who was to visit the islands a few years later.^ He also de- ser'bed a number of Hie animals and fish. A brief extract from the ionrnnl of the vovavo rrives us 'n : rh*a of tilo laborR of Labillardiere and bis ‘ellow scientists. “The naturalists have made precious harvests in cverv department. Several new plants, unknown fish birds never before described, and others which, with¬ out different as to species from those of neighboring countries, are. however, of verv curious varieties, have enriched their collection. wh-Vh seems to have been more abundant in this southern mart of Vow Holland than w-w ifmt made by Mr. Anderson in Adventure Bay.” ( 16 ) Your Safe Guide for Shopping: “Brownells for Value” Test the Statement when next you Dress Goods Wash Fabrics Household Linens Blankets Napery Items Gloves, Hosiery Laces, Ribbons Veilings, Neckwear Handkerchiefs Perfumes, Cosmetics Haberdashery High-class Millinery Ready-to-Wear Hats Stylish Frocks Costumes, Coats Blouses, Skirts and Fur Goods Smart Footwear have to buy Corsets, and Ladies’ Underclothing Men’s and Boys* Suits and Mercery Curtains, Blinds Fancy Furnishings Carpets, Linoleums New Chinaware Furniture, Bedding ANTIQUES BROWNELLS have a Special Department devoted to the sale and collection of Antiques, including Oak, Rosewood, Cedar and Mahogany Furniture; Cut Glass, China, Brass and Silver Specialties. 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