.IV Mfc “The Tasmanian Naturalist” -- New Series, Vol. I., No. 1. It is with the greatest pleasure that the Tasmanian Field Naturalists’ Club presents the first number of the new series of its Journal. “The Tas¬ manian Naturalist*’ commenced publication soon after the inauguration of the Club in 1904, and ran until 1911, when it gradually became overwhelmed with financial problems. Its objects during those issues were to*provide a forum for the promulgation of the work of the Club, and to assist in the ad¬ vancement of the knowledge of Tasmanian natural science. Since 1911 costs have increased enormously, and the resources of the Club, in common with those of learned societies throughout the world, have barely held their own. However, with the assistance of “News Ltd.,” the Club is making a second endeavour to publish its Journal, and the Committee look to members for the degree of practical co-operation, and the Club looks to the public of the State for the necessary sympathetic interest to enable this Journal to continue its existence. We, the present and future contributors to “The Tasmanian Naturalist,” are firmly of the opinion that a knowledge and appreciation of natural laws and the principles governing the forces that control the world around us are essential to human happiness and economic progress, and even to the very existence of life itself. We are convinced that the welfare and progress of the community are . based on deeper principles than economic laws. We know that man cannot fight his environment. He may occasionally guide nature, but in general he must fit himself into the general scheme. To do this he must know nature- know what we are, and know the forces that govern life on the globe. There¬ fore these pages will find no room for superstition and that great enemy of progress in thought, “I believe.” Here there will be no place for any story but the truth, and the truth tested by all the means at our disposal. Further, this journal will be devoted to the story which concerns us—-to the story of our homeland, Tasmania. We leave the daffodil and the nightin¬ gale to those who know them. It will be the vvell-known odour of our home¬ land bush and the free, rustling gusts of our wild mountain tops that will fill these pages. Our aim in this Journal is to present our ideas, observation and deduc¬ tions concerning the flowers and trees, the sea shore and inland landscape, the animals, birds and insects of Tasmania. We conscientiously, think that a , knowledge of the world around us gives a far truer ideal in education than the dead past of forgotten peoples, tlie wonders of other lands, whose exist¬ ence scarcely concerns us, and the stories that are called literature, but which still are mere fiction, and we are of the opinion that to progress we must turn our back on the past, and look to the wonderful vista of natural science tha^s daily being unfolded before our eyes. We know that many slips will be made from time to time, but this is but a small penalty for progress, and progress is the keynote of our study. We know that this publication will reach only a few of onr citizens, but it .Will do good if it brings light to a few who do not consider their education yef com¬ pleted, and indicates that there do exist in the great world out of doors foS^s and facts whose presence is never dreamed of b_v the Saturday afternoon foot¬ ball crowd. And we shall be more than happy if the revelation of the exist¬ ence of these mysteries will lead an occasional enquiring mind to ask himself. “Why?” and to go and find the answer, and add his name to the tiny list of those who are endeavouring to place Tasmania on the scroll of peoples who have contributed some assistance towards the advancement of civilisation. THE TASMANIAN FIELD NATURALISTS’ CLUB. Tasmanian Field Naturalists’ Club 1924-1925 OFFICE-BEARERS Chairman: DR. W. L. CROWTHER. D.S.O., M.B. Vice-Chairman: MR. J. REYNOLDS. Hon. Secretary: MR. CLIVE LORD. Tasmanian Museum. Hon. Assistant Secretary: MR. J. C. BREADEN, Waverley Avenue, New Town. Committee: MESSRS. L. RODWAY, C.M.G.; A. N. LEWIS, M.C., LL.B.; M. S. R. Sharland; A. R. REID; G. B. DAVIES. Hon. Auditor: MR. C.'W. ROBERTS. ©fje (Easmnman J^aturaltSt THE JOURNAL OF THE Tasmanian Field Naturalists' Club New Series—Vol. I. OCTOBER, 1924. No. 1. Fish Fauna of Tasmania The fish of Tasmania are of interest. "Winp to the Southern position of our island, which, in some ways, form a connecting 1 link between the fauna of Australia and the subantarctic regions. In the grouping of the greater di¬ visions of the zoological kingdom the’ fishes (Pisces) form the lowest oints. The fins of fishes are of great importance in the scheme of ( 3 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST classification, most fishes having the fol¬ lowing:— A fin on the back known as the dor¬ sal fin. A tail or caudal fin. An anal fin situated on the under side just in advance of the tail. A pectoral fin situated on the side just behind the opercle. The ventral fin situated on the lower side of the body usually a little below the pectoral fin; but in some of the lower fish the ventral fin is far behind the pectorals. The ventorals and pectorals are both paired; that is to say, there is a fin of similar shape on each side of the body, while in some fishes the dorsal fin is divided into several divisions or there may be one or more dorsals. Again, portions of the fins may diffei in character, some being separated by means of spines, and some by means of more flexible 'supports. Sharks and Rays. The sharks and rays, although differ¬ ing considerably in general appearance, are grouped together in the same order for the reason that they are seen to be closely related when examined in de¬ tail. Moreover, there .is a connecting link between the sharks and the rays in the peculiar-shaped Angel Shark which is occasionally taken in Tas¬ manian waters. The whole fish class (Pisces) is easily separated into two dl- wisdom, of which the . sharks form the first and the bony fishes the second. The characteristics of the first divi¬ sion are the absence of the bony skele¬ ton, its place being taken by cartilege. the absence of the opercle and similar bones of the head, and the presence of paired clasperg in the male. A connecting link between the sharks and the bony fishes is provided by the sub-class Holocephali, under which are grouped the peculiar Elephant Sharks The Elephant Shark is a common spe¬ cies in Southern Tasmanian waters, and apart from its peculiar shape is easily recognised owing to the fact that it has the gills coneeealed under a cartiligenous opercle. Most. Tasmanian sharks ha ve five separate external gill openings, but there are two species, the seven-gilled and the one-finned shark, in which the number is increased to seven. In addi¬ tion to the ordinary gill openings there is a smaller opening near the eye, gen¬ erally referred to as the spiracle, which enables the fish to breathe when its mouth is burrowed in the sand or oth¬ erwise occupied. Sharks and rays are in the main pre¬ daceous fishes, and as a consequence they are well adapted for their method of life. The teeth vary greatly in num¬ ber and shape, and arc placed in rows, which are continually growing out¬ wards. so that a lost set of teeth i s quickly replaced. The great majority of these fishes arc viva parous, that is. the young are brought forth alive, but certain of them are oviparous, among the latter being the Bull-headed or Port Jackson sharks, and some of the small er Dog Fishes. The Rays, which are in the ordinary sense fairly slow moving creatures, frequenting the sea bottom, are oviparous. Clive Lord. Outlines of Tasmanian Geology Part I.—Gcoloyicai Processes. Chapter I.—introductory. The Science of Geology. Section I.—Geology. Geology is the great foundation-stone of science. It teaches us the history of our planet, the origins of sea and land, the reasons for our many kinds of rocks, how our present scenery was arranged, and the development of life in its multitudinous forms. It is the study of the great out-of-doors, with the whole surface and interior of the world for its classroom. We insignifi¬ cant mortals crawl on the face of the earth! and wrangle about prices and honors. We undertake gieat ventures optimistically, or spend our lives coax¬ ing a few pence from the unwilling soil, and we prosper or fail. Mother earth — this globe we inhabit—gives us our success, or rebuffs us, and the great controlling factor in the lives of eacn and every one of us is Environment. High above our politics, our trade, our wars, our petty lives rises this dom¬ inating influence. Geology is the science of our environment. ( 4 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST This is a new science, and still in the infancy; but little by little its facts are being uncovered, although today even the framework is scarcely apparent Also it is a universal science—its truths must apply equally well all over the world, and for all times, cr they are fallacies. Hence, we in Tasmania have our responsibilities. We cannot hope to produce master minds who direct the whole trend of the worlds ideas, nor can we compete with the great centres of scientific research, equipped with vast paraphernalia In enquiring into the more abstruse natural laws; but we ^a*i describe to the world our own natural surroundings, and the world wants to know them. At the recent Pan Pacific Science Con¬ gress held in Melbourne and Sydney leading American geologists were most persistent in their request: “Don’t worry about theories and laboratory tests, we can do those better than you, but give us descriptions of your country—we want that.’' Now, much has been done in this respect ,but a vast amount Still Awaits Workers. We have iv. Tasmania some of the least known tracts of the Common¬ wealth, but the few interested in this study cannot cope with the work. These notes, it is hoped, will serve* to give our many enthusiastic trippers and bush lovers sufficient insight into the ground¬ work of the science of geology that they will realise what they see, as they en¬ joy a holiday in the bush, and that pee¬ ing, they will remember and record. Un¬ fortunately, we have no text book of Tasmanian geology, and naturally ex¬ amples from Europe and Ameriea do not appeal to those not specially in¬ terested. It is hoped that these brief notes will serve to fill this gap until time and money are available for something more worthy, and that sufficient will be hero found to enable readers to realise the hidden meaning in the scenery they gaze on. and the great foundation plan on which our superstructure of civilisa¬ tion is built. And perhaps some few may be added to the tiny band who arc endeavoring to show that Tasmania is not backward in contributing her quota to the f, um of knowledge, and always re¬ membering Professor David’s fine sen¬ tence — “No work, conscientiously done, hr investigation carefully carried out, will fail to affect the economic life of the community.’* Section 2.—Subdivisions of Geology. Geology as a basal science merges at many points into other branches of knowledge. It draws much of its data from astronomy, chemistry and physics, and it supplies the historical background for botany, zoology and ethnology. Again its many branches have each become the subject of special studies, but ge¬ ology uses all these sciences, as it re¬ quires their assistance, and unites them to explain the history of the world and the landscape and its inhabitants. In the first place it draws on astron¬ omy to assist in explaining the origin oi the world as a planet, and the first branch of our subject is Astronomical or Cosmic Geology. But most geologists leave this branch to the astronomer, as too vague for prac¬ tical study. Next comes geotectonic geology. This deals with the archi¬ tecture of the earth’s outer shell as a shell. It is world-wide in its scope, and although most important, requires very extended travel for study. This branch merges into the new science •'( geophysics—the study of the principles ot physics that govern the behavior of the surface of the world—on the one hand, and into dynamic geology on the other hand. It is with dynamic geology that our subject really starts. This branch, starting with the shell of the earth as we find it, examines and explains all the processes by which it is built up 01 broken down, or in any way affected. Having mastered the processes, their ori¬ gin and effects, we can proceed to the next branch, physiographic geology, which explains by what process a given landscape has been moulded into its pre¬ sent form. It tells us the history of the countryside. Now, during the earth processes that have built up the surface of the world as we see it today, rocks have been formed and remains of plants and ani¬ mals have been enclosed and preserved. The branch of geology which examines th( nature, composition, and formation of the rocks as individual masses of matter, is called petrology. It has a large subdivision mineralogy, which ex¬ amines the structure, texture, composi¬ tion, and form of the constituent parts of those rocks. The branch which ex¬ amines the traces of life Is called palae¬ ontology. Both of these branches have become separate studies, but both are ( 5 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST essential to the complete understanding of the history of our landscape. Fin¬ ally ,when all the information these blanches can give us is collected, we can give a Fairly Complete History. of our chosen piece of landscape. When much of the surface of the world is so investigated we can give a history the general outlines of which hold good everywhere. This branch is known as systematic or historical geology. Finally when these principles are un¬ derstood, and are worked out for a given district, they can be applied to assist the miner, farmer, and engineer, and to guide the geographer, economist and politician. This part of our science i.3 often termed economic geology, and its various branches are given such names as mining geology, agricultural geo¬ logy, etc. In reality geology has no such subdivisions. These are the prac¬ tical application of the principles of the science to a given set of facts. A. N. Lewis. Chapter II. The Globe (Astronomic and Geotectonic Geology.) (Section 3.) The Early History of the Globe. This chapter is a summary outline added solely to make our story complete. The subject is not of less relative im- • portance than other divisions, but to study it, the whole world must be taken as a single unit, and Tasmania can add little to what is uow found in standard text books, to which readers arc referred for a fuller statement. The early nistory of our solar system and of our world as a planet is shrouded in mystery. Much light has been thrown onthe dawn of our history by the lessons!) of astronomy which can show how other celestial bodies may be born, grow old, and be extinguished, and physics gives us a guide as to the possibility or other¬ wise of many processes. Three great schools of thought have held sway during the last sixty years. These, in order, have been: — (1) The Nebular Hypothesis, first put forward by Laplace. This theory assumed, first a great gaseous nebula sufficiently exten¬ sive to cover the whole of our solar system and containing all the elements of the minerals we now know, but so intensely hot that they existed only in the form of gases. Nebulas certainly exist in t he heavens, hut it is doubtful whether they consist of gaseous material. Our parent nebu’.a was supposed by cooling and by the action of “gravity*' to have gradually commenced to revolve. As the process continued, the materials sepa¬ rated into rings and later into separate todies revolving round a nucleus. These bodies, by the same process, became more and more compact. Our globe, as a typi¬ cal one, in time cooled sufficiently to form a hard crust covered with water, arul with a .still molten interior. As the globe cooled, still more, it shrank and thus buckled the crust into continents and mountains. This theory necessitated the idea of a cooling and shrinking globe. Today we know that almost every de¬ tail of this hypothesis is unsound. (2) The Metcoritic Hypothesis.—This was favored oy Lockyer and Darwin. It explained the origin of the solar system to the collection of meteorites or .simi¬ lar small bodies moving freely through space, and continually augmented by n rain of similar particles. The particles were at first cold, but by continual fric¬ tion the temperature rose to a great heat. Later the world started to cool down. This theory also is known now to be untenable, (3) The Planetesimal Hypothesis, ad¬ vanced at the beginning of this century by Chamberlain and Salisbury, two great American geologists, and both still living. This theory postulates the origin of the solar system, from a nebula consisting not of gases, but of small solid bodies revolving in slightly different courses round a central core. The nebular th»ew out great spiral arms and the particles in these, colliding from time to time gradually formed knots which in the ( 6 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST course of time collected the material of the arms of the spirals round them, and consolidated into the planets, with the central mass of the nebula as the sun. This theory implies that the materials that formed the planets were originally cold and that heat was produced by friction and pressure. The Planetesimal Hypothesis has proved the preceding ones to be wrong, and today scientists consider it contains itself many elements of untruth. As yet, no compre¬ hensive theory has been propounded to replace it. and our ideas ns to the early history of the planet are in the melting pot. Section 4.—The Globe. Although we have so little accurate knowledge of the early history of the world, and although we know more about the moon, the sun, and stars mil¬ lions of miles away than we do about what is five miles below the surface of the planet on which we live, still, we do know certain basic facts about the globe which 'arc the foundations for much of the science of geology. These may be summarised as follows:— (1) The earth is rigid. It does not con¬ sist of a '‘crust" surrounding » molten interior. The speed with which the im¬ pulses given by earthquake shocks are transmitted through the earth (they travel over 8000 miles In 21 miiutc 3 ) in relation to the spe d they travel round the surface, is sufficient to indicate that the interior of the globe is of much greater rigidity than the finest steel, (2) The interior of the earth is at a far higher temperature than would he necessary to melt the materials at the surface. This temperature i> induced primarily by pressure, and it is the same pressure which keeps the. globe ng cl. (.‘0 While the earth is very rigid, still it is plastic, and will yield to a change of pressure. 60 The average density of the whole globe is greater than the average den¬ sity of the rocks at the surface, rs > o.5 ns against 2.7). The lighte” mat rials form a covering around the heavier ones towards the centre, but ire of insuffi¬ cient quantity to cover the v/nole sur¬ face of the globe. These bln.k^ of light¬ er material form the continents. ^On account of this, blocks of the surface of the world occupied by continents do not exert more pressure on the under¬ lying core than blocks occupied by ocean depths. Owing to the difference of specific gravity, the whole crust ex erts equal pressure on the core, each block is in, what is called isostatic equili¬ brium. (5) If this is upset, the plastic core yields to the pressure, and great geo- tectonic and continent building move¬ ments result. (G) Volcanoes and similar thermal activities are not connected with the molten interior, but result from a re¬ lease of pressure resulting in the fusing of portion of the rocks near the sur¬ face. (7) The mass of the world consists of one type of rock material. Existing dif¬ ferences in rock types are due to local and superficial causes. (8) Change, and not stability, i.^ the order of creation. The surface of the world is continually changing, but is not changing in a haphazard way. It is growing, and. being built according to a plan which can be recognised. (9) The general relative positions of the great land masses have always been much as we now know them, but they are continually being augmented round their exterior edges. (JO) Whatever was the original condi¬ tion of the world, it has not grown ap¬ preciably colder during the long course of geological history. At the very dawn of history (say. 1000 million years ago), we find ice covering a far greater area of the world’s surface than it does to¬ day, and the seasons alternating in major and minor cycles much as we know them Section 5—Continent Building. As we have indicated, the great land- masses of the world appear to have been relatively permanent since the dawn of geological history. The core of each of the continents consists of the very oldest rock we know, and these cores have not been greatly altered since the earli¬ est times. Kuund these cores the con¬ tinents have been built by the addition of successive layers of material crushed against the older and stable rocks from the outside. In this core we find the oldest known rocks of the surface of the earth. They are so affected by com¬ pressive movements that their original form is unrecognisable. If later rocks occur on top of the older ones, these have not been affected by great compression. Farther out towards the edge of the con¬ tinent we find more recent rocks as com- >uvssed and contorted ns those of the core. If these, in their turn, are covered by still newer beds, we find these have not been so affected, and so on, until in many places op the outer rim of the continents we find the building process continuing, or, for the moment, just completed. THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST It is recognised that pressure is con¬ tinually being exerted towards the centre of the earth. Whether this is due to that indefinite and little understood force we call gravity, whether in response to pres¬ sure iron; outside, whether it is due to molecular attraction of the constitu¬ ents of the earth or whether the process is. just one of crystallisation, we do not know. But we are justified in assum¬ ing that the materials of higher specific gravity have a tendency to move towards the centre of the earth and to squeeze the lighter materials up into ridges and prominences. The portions of the earths surface occupied by the great ocean depths are evidently those portions with the high¬ est specific gravity, and they have a ten¬ dency to move towards the centre of the earth, forcing, in the process, the great land masses, representing the areas of material of lower specific gravity, higher- above the relative level. For some reason, not yet adequately explained, certain centres of the earth’s surface Reached Stability Very Early. As tiie portion sof the surface represented by the ocean depths progressed in this gradual movement towards the centre, the edges of these land masses warped in a great incline towards the surface of the sinking masses. These inclines, being one¬ sided folds and being of very considerable length, are known as geomonochlies. (ge the earth, mono-single, cline-fold.) These produced, under tire sea bordering the shores of the continents, great submerged plains, known as the continental shelf, on which all the sediments worn from the land were deposited. As the sinking process went on these blocks of the euth of necessity had to fit into a somewhat smaller space than 'hey had occupied before, and naturally V more dense segments squeezed those f fighter materal out. The pressure ws greatest between the sinking segment under the ocean depths, and the already stabilised land mass, that is on the geo¬ monoclines where these great deposits of sediments had accumulated. When the pressure came on these great beds of newly-formed rocks they tended to move horizontally in response, and would have done so had they not been prevented by the mass of already- formed land. As it was, they started to fold and buckle, the portion next to the stable mass bending upwards into fold or geanticline, while the next por¬ tion folded downwards into a trough or geosyncline. This folding continued un¬ til the compression of these rocks gave the moving pigment all the room it re¬ quired. If the pressure continued long enough these folding portions were com¬ pressed against the land mass until they were compressed to their utmost, when a second and even more series of folds formed out towards the oceans. The folds thus caused formed a Fringe of New Land along the outer edge of that already existing, and against which the pressure had been exerted. Very often the folds were raised into lofty mountain chains bordering the coast of the older land and succeeded out to sea by a great '‘deep/’ which in turn was succeeded by the next fold rising in succession, often represent¬ ed by a chain of islands. This process is a continuing one. It has been at work from the earliest times, and is still going on; but because it is working on huge masses of solid rock which offer great resistance, the tendency is for it to move in spasms. The pres sure increases until it is sufficient to over¬ come the resistance, and then follows one of the great periods of mountain building which have occurred at inter vals throughout the world’s history. The picture we thus get is of a nucleus of solid rock succeeded outwards by a succession of folds decreasing in size and gradually reaching the level of the great ocean deeps. The nucleus has become stabilised, and is solid enough to resist the pressure. The segment of the earth’s crust under the ocean deep is exerting the pressure. Between these is a great mass of yielding rock. The upper por¬ tion. known ns the zone of fracture, is bending, and after breaking under the strain, and in many place* is being raised into mountain ranges. The lower por¬ tion. known ns the zone of flowage. is. as a result of this tremendous pressure he¬ rn** squeezed into conformity w’th the folding. and is nlferiiu* it* nature to op "imv the less snace allowed it. These processes can be clearly seen in various stages in Australia. Near Bro¬ ken Hill three separate series of such foldings have been successively folded into older land masses. Later another groat mass, with its centre at Cobar, was folded against them. This was followed hv another farther east, and finally wo have the Great Dividing Range on the coast. The Pacific Ocean is one* of these areas of greater density, and is continually forcing the rocks of the geosvn- cline against the continent masses. The Rocky Mountains and the Andies are the most recent examples of this work on its eastern border, and in Japan and the ( 8 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST East Indies and New Zealand the process is going on under our eyes. The result is that, apparently, our con¬ tinents are being continually augmented from the outside as the ocean deeps con¬ tinually sink. Round the borders of the great oceans deposits from the shore are being continually folded into great mountain chains for the processes of erosion to level again, thus building the continents. When once a land mass has reached stability, it is never again sub¬ jected to great contortions, and hence all our existing high mountain ranges are of relatively recent age, and the volcanic and earthquake regions of the world are the places where continent building is pro¬ gressing today. But much of this is speculative as yet. Our science really starts with the land masses as we find them. The phenomena that mould these continents, however formed to the landscape, we now see are well known, and we will now start to describe them. A. N. Lewis. The Gum Tree Amongst the earliest records that ex¬ plorer? made of their experiences in Australia was the fact that a large part of the land was covered by trees which produced a timber of hard, heavy •and durable quality, and which wa« peculiar for having veins of dark red, resinous gum throughout the wood. For this reason they called the trees by the popular name, which they still bear, of gum trees. Botanists following in the wake of the explorers grouped these plants into genus, to which they gave the name of Eucalyptus. The chief peculiarity noted in this group was that the flowers had evolved an unusual form, in that the colored portion, or corolla, was apparently absent, and its place taken by a cap which fell off at maturity, exposing very numerous stamens. Research throughout Australia has discovered about two hundred sp cies of gum trees, yet though so numerous, only very few forms have been found beyond the confines of the continent. The gum tree is the typical tree of Australian forests, and therefore should be recognised as The Australian Emblem. Tt well deserves this position, not only from its many forms, which i re almost confined to Australia, but from its uni¬ versal distribution throughout that area, and above that, for the enormous size which many of them attain. Some euealypts reach dimensions which vie with the giant trees of California in being the tallest trees of the wor’d. and in favorable situations it is not at all unusual for trees to exceed the extra¬ ordinary height of 300ft. The timbers of euealypts are varied, but always hard and heavy, and the woods produc¬ ed by this genus are fit to take the place of any hardwood timber of the world, whether oak, ash or mahogany. In Tasmania we have about twenty different species, and some of these are amongst the noblest spec'mens of plant life to be found anywhere in the world. The blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) grows to a very big tree wherever con¬ ditions are favorable, and it does so in record time. Fef, if any, trees of other parts of the world produce such a great quantity of wood in a given time as thi stree. and this wood when prope.ly mature is of most excellent toughness and durability. Blue gum may be read¬ ily known by its long sickle-shaped leaves and large, solitary flowers. An interesting matter concerning this tree is that in its young condition, as well as in response to injury, the leaves are large, have no stalks, and are placed square to the sunlight instead of be¬ ing pendulous. This is generally con¬ sidered to indicate that once the tree lived In a Less Bright Atmosphere. and as climatic conditions changed to intense isolation, the tree responded by changing from the broad, spreading fo¬ liage to the pendulous condition now ex¬ isting. in order to avoid the evil effects of too intense a light. The various forms of w'hite gum be¬ have similarly. This tree does not at* tain the gigantic conditions of the last* mentioned, and may always be recog¬ nised by the flowers being small, and with three together in the axils of the leaves. Stringy-bark. or messmate, is one of our most useful trees. It attains ma¬ turity of timber quicker than does bluegum. and is more easily split into thin slabs. It may be recognised, not only by its thick, fibrous bark, but ( 9 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST also by the flowers being many together, and the characteristic leaves, which arc very unequal in size, on rach side of the mid-rib. The thickness of bark has a direct purpose. It protect® the tree from destruction by Are. A bush fire must be very intense to kill a stringy-bark. Gum-topped stringy is our commonest, and perhaps most useful, tree. It is very similar to messmate, only the clothing of fibrous bark is thinner, and does not extend as far along the branches. It is an excellent substitute for European ash. Mountain ash grows to a gigantic tree, and has similar leaves and flow¬ ers to messmate; but the mark is smooth from the base. It readily falls A Victim to Fire. The wood is straight-grained and fis¬ sile, but is less durable than that of related species. It is commonly called sWamp-gnm, which is an unfortunate name, as it leads to the belief that it produces inferior timber, whereas for. the purpose for which it is best suited it would he difficult to find its superior. There is a group of glims, consisting of about half a dozen species, which haie a very close affinity to cider gum This latter is very like white gum. wit i three flowers in each flowering axil; hut the leaves are equal-sided, and not sickle-shaped, as in that species. The members of this group vary greatly in -he shape of the capsules. Cider gum has small, oblong fruits. Yellow gum which bears the strongest, most durable and elastic timber of any Tasmanian eucalypt. is very similar to cider, onl the capsules arc rather larger; heait leaved gums, with large, globular cap stiles, and always opposite, stalkless leaves. Urn-gum, with capsule-shaped, like a Grecian urn. and dwarf-gum. with small box-like leaves, which s -ldom grows more than 3ft. high. The peppermints arc always sana'l trees, but they have two good qualities: they will grow in Soil Too Poor. for any other tree, and their timber is most durable. There ore three pepper¬ mints, black, white, and blue. Black peppermint has narrow leaves, many flowers in the bunch, and fibrous bars. White peppermint is a varia¬ tion of this, with smaller flowers and narrower leaves, but the bark is smooth from the base. It grows principally on hills. Blue peppermint is very d ffer- ent. The fruit is larger, and the juven¬ ile leaves and also all the leaves on trees growing on poor, dry soil, are opposite, and connate across the stem. The form of blue peppermint which retains the juvenile form of leaves, even when ma¬ ture, is often called the Risdon gum. Eucalyptus appear to have one disad¬ vantage, in that they bear very small seeds, and therefore have not a large store of reserve for the young plant to draw upon till it shall be able to con¬ struct. food for itself The effect of this disadvantage is greatly increased by the peculiar constitution of the plant demand¬ ing for it a full exposure to sunlight. As a rule, owing to the gum trees having pendulous leaves, the light of the sun is but little impeded in its passage through the overhead foliage, with the conse¬ quence that below cucalypts the soil maintains a copious vegetation of shrubs and small trees. The seeds falling from the capsuls reach the soil beneath these shrubs are euhe. do not germinate or. if they do, they are smothered in their infancy. This is why so few young trees are found in a normal gun forest. To combat this eucalypt trees have evolved an effective means of reafforestation. When they have flowered, and set seed in their cap¬ sules these Capsules Do Not Open ami allow the seed to escape, but re¬ mains closed during the life of the stalks bearing them. Now if a bush fire comes along it destroys not only all undergrowth, but kills at least all the small brunch¬ es. This *uts off the moisture supply of the capsules: they dry up, open their valves, and the enclosed seeds fall out on to the now bare soil. Eucalypt seeds germinate very rapidly, and usually get n fair start from the weeds. There :s now a struggle for ex¬ istence. If the seeds of rapid and dense vegetation happen to be present the young gums will probably have a bad time. On the other hand, if there is any delay, ami the eucalypt once get a chance, they being rapid growers, the probability is that there will be a dense crop of young gums, which, in its turn, will for a few years inhibit the growth of underscrub. The condition of Tasmanian forests is that of most woodlands which have been raised under purely natural conditions They consist of trees of various ages. Some long past their ^Wme with dead boughs and rotten heart, which are of no service but to supply firewood : a few are in a good state for the axe, and many too young for anything better than poles This is what you always got where trees have been left to ( 10 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST Fight Out Their Lives for themselves. There is only one way to secure a better condition, and that is to clear practically everything off the land and raise a new crop all of the same age. This is hardly reasonable in the pro sent, but with (he rapid elimination of soft wood, I he duy must come when hardwood forests will be of much greater consequence than in the present. Some oi' our. choicest timber: such, for instance, as the yellow gum of Uxbridge, grows in small numbers in out-of-the-way pla¬ ces. It would be a useful thing to plant small experimental areas under pure forest conditions as a test of what can be done with good trees and waste places. L. Rodway. Chapter III. Features of the Landscape (Dynamic Geology.) Section 6.—Mountain Building. Mountains are elevations on the earth’s surface which rise above the general level of the country. Height, size and shape are immaterial and of infinite variety. A large extent of high, but relatively level, country Is not called a mountain, but a plateau, e.g., the cen¬ tral plateau of Tasmania: in Victoria the term "high plains’' is common, and prominences attaining a lesser elevation are called hills. The principles which govern the formation of these three fea¬ tures are similar and the following re¬ marks will, in general, apply to all. Mountains may be classified Into:— (a) Formation mountains (he., por¬ tions of the landscape that have been raised to a higher level than the sur¬ rounding country by some geographi¬ cal process). (1) Folded mountains (i.e., those formed by the folding of portion of the earth’s crust in response to lateral pressure). (2) Block mountains (i.e.. blocks of the crust that have been raised bodily above the surrounding country). (3) Domed mountains (i.e., those formed by pressure from below bulg¬ ing the surface into a dome). (4) Volcanic mountains (i.e., those formed by outporings of lava or vol¬ canic ash). (b) Residual mountains (i.e., those formed from a once extensive elevated tract of country by the removal or sinking of -the balance ol' the land¬ scape). (1) Mountains of circumerosion (i.e, the elevated areas left when the bulk of the original plateau has been worn away). (2) Residual block mountains (Le¬ the portions of a once elevated plateau that have been left when the bulk of the country has sunk). The formation of residual mountains is really the story of the formation of the valleys that separate them. We will leave this class therefore until We discuss the development of valleys. Origin of Mountains. All the mountains included in the class “formation mountains’' owe their origin in some way or another to the same cause. That cause is the same series of earth movements which wo have seen is responsible for the addi¬ tion of belts of new land to the older continent masses, the squeezing of ac¬ cumulations of sediments, deposited off the coasts of the continents, against the older stable core of the great land masses by the sinking of the blocks of the earth’s crust of higher density than the average and which are represented by the floors of the oceans. A mountain, whether an isolated peak like Mount Wellington or a continental cordillera like the Rocky-Andean chain is essentially a feature of relativelv re¬ cent growth. Immediately on elevation the weather starts its work of breaking down the newly formed mountain, and after a space of time, by no means long according to the geological scale, the mountain range is reduced to a suc¬ cession of rolling hills—"downs,” as they are termed in England and north-wes¬ tern Tasmania; plains as they are call¬ ed in Australia, and prairies as they are called in America. All the great mountains we now' see on the map of the world arose during the more recent epochs of geological time and from the mere existence of a mountain at the present day we can argue the ocurrence of great earth movement at that spot in the no very distant past. THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST Further, we see from our atlas that all the great ranges of the world are grouped along the outer edges of the im¬ portant land masses. They are, in fact, the newest layers of land added to the continents, and are the ridges of rock compressed against the older cores of the continents, which the weather has not yet had time to level to a maturer con¬ tour. Also we see that the lines ot these newly-formed mountain chains are also the lines of volcanic activity at the present time, and also mark the por¬ tions of the earth's surface afflicted by earthquakes. These new mountain ran¬ ges, volcanoes, and earthquake shocks are all phenomena resulting from the same cause, and are ali indications of the building of new land. Folded Mountains. When pressure is applied, as above explained, to a bed of newly-deposited and relatively horizontal strata, the first impulse of this bed is to yield laterally. This inclination is resisted by a block of the earth crust more stable than the bed of strata, and if the pressure con¬ tinues, and is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the strata, folding begins, and the strata are crushed against the stable section, known in this connection as a “remanier block.” Folding, there¬ fore, implies pressure, and a stationary mass or anvil against which the pres¬ sure is exerted. In any one region pres¬ sure comes, as a rule, fr^m one side, and is exerted in one direction, although it is possible for pressure to be exerted from both sides of a block of strata, each locus of pressure acting as the re¬ in anier block to the other. The first tendency is tor the edge of the block of strata nearest the re- raanier block to buckle into a fold. This fold will be at first broad based and flat. As the process continues it will rise into a sharper ridge, and we will s?e the gra¬ dual growth of our Fountain range. The fold will seldom be uniform-sided, be¬ cause the movement, being all from cne side, will tend not merely to bend the strata, but t. • li outside portions under the interior ones. The pressure will be coming from be¬ low and from the outside, not from above, or in an absolutely horizontal plane. This tends to overturn the folds on the older formed rock or on earlier stages the shapes of regular, broad-bas- great beds of the outer portion of the folding strata over, under, or through the inner portions. Thus we got fold¬ ed mountains assuming in their earlier stagesthe shapes of regular, broad-bas¬ ed, domed ridges, but as the process con¬ tinues these folds steepen and finally overturns and breaks, leaving ragged edges and broken escarpment, and the grander features of our more letty mountain ranges. In Tasmania we have no mountains whose existence in their present torni can he ascribed to this process oi tout¬ ing. Certainly the rocks of the west¬ ern highlands are intensely folded. Pro¬ bably they formed portion of an anci¬ ent mountain chain, but this range has long since disappeared, leaving a mere core of folded and contorted strata. These strata have been raised some¬ what, and then blocks have been isolat¬ ed into the existing mountains at a later date, and by very different pro¬ cesses than the ones that originally folded the rock. Block Mountains. The existence of folded rocks is usu¬ ally an indication that these rocks were at a considerable depth, and hence under great pressure when the pressure was ap¬ plied, otherwise they would have mere¬ ly broken. A bed of rock on the sur¬ face is in general too friable to bend, but if the pressure was sufficient, would buckle, and break into blocks which would yield to the pressure, and, if ne¬ cessary, slide over each other. It is only when the pressure is so great that no movement is possible that a solid mass of rocks will fold. Although this is the rule, folding occasionally occurs at the surface in peculiarly favorable conditions, and is now occurring in Papua, New Britain, and British New Guinea. When the pressure due to depth, and the pressure due to lateral forces are very considerable the rock mass may be reduced to a plastic condition, and as¬ sume the qualities of a liquid, flowing In any direction possible. Areas and zones in the crust where this condition exists are known as “Zones of Flowage.” They can only occur where the pressure is sufficient. In them all pores and fractures are closed, the rocks often take on different forms, and the strata conforms to such shapes as the pressure imposes. Nearer the surface the rocks are freer to move, and to yield to pressure. The portion of the crust is known as the “Zone of Fracture.” Here the beds of strata are not folded, but break. When pressure comes on, this portion, or where the folding of rocks below it, nearer the centre of the earth, exerts forces from ( 12 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST below, the strata of this zone of fracture tends to conform to great masses of the landscape, are forced more or less vertically upward, above the general level, and other great blocks tend to sink. Hence we get the for¬ mation of the type of mountains we have called “Block Mountains/' They are characterised by abrupt faces descending to the neighboring valleys, but their rocks have been pushed up as a whole, and although probably tilted to a greater or less degree in the process, and often much broken, they are not folded or compressed at all. Block mountains are probably very often the mere conformation of the sur¬ face beds of strata to the foldings going on very far below. The portions of the surface, over the upward arch of a fold, being free to move, are forced to a block to a greater or less elevation above the surrounding country and the portions over the downward arch of the strata drop below the general level. But it is By No Means Certain. that all block mountains are so formed. The surface of the crust may often ad¬ just itself to differing conditions, or to a general shrinking by breaking into such blocks, some of which are forced up, while others remain stationary or drop, without any corresponding folding below. But, on the whole, it is unlikely that block mountains could be formed on any scale without folding of the strata be¬ low. Block mountains tend to result in plateaus and flat-topped ranges rather than the jagged, fantastic peeks and ra'or-backed ridges that folding gives us. Most of our Tasmanian mountains in common with the whole of the Great Dividing Range running the length of the eastern coast of Australia, belong to this type. Mount Wellington, Ben Lomond, the Central Plateau, and all the mountain groups of the south and of the middle west and north-east of Tasmania, show the typical form of block mountains. They have all flat, plateau-like tops, and steep sides, dropping to, usually, broad flat valleys. They are evidently blocks of the surface strata of this portion of the earth's crust that have been forced up to their present elevation as blocks. There is often a certaih amount of tilt¬ ing, but no folding. It is unknown, as yet, whether these block mountains represent merely an at¬ tempt of the surface strata to adjust it¬ self to a smaller space necessary through the general shortening of the earth crust, or whether the pressure from the east¬ ward or south-eastward—that is from the Pacific basin, more particularly the Tas¬ man Sea basin—has Squeezed These Blocks up to form the mountains we now see. The writer suggests the latter alterna¬ tive is the more probable. Perhaps our more important mountain ranges are merely the surface indications of great folding movements that have occurred deep down in the earth. It seems quite possible that pressure origin¬ ating as has been described was applied from the south-east and east on the great deposits of sediments washed from the ancient land that once existed to the west, of which our West Coast mountains are a fragment, and deposited off the coast of this land. The ancient rocks of the West Coast, supplied the remanier block against which these sediments were squeezed. Deep down in the crust, fold¬ ing resulted, which has not yet been ex¬ posed, it having occurred in relatively recent times. The largest fold occurred nearest the old and stable rock masses. Farther east this was followed by a great trough with a lesser fold, and a lesser trough farther east, and finally the smallest fold of the three in tile vicinity of our present Fast Coast. These folds, as is usually the ease, were by no means regular, but more pronounced in some places than others, and were broken by many transverse folds at approximate- ly^ right angles to the main lines. The surface strata not being restrained by any pressure or weight of superim¬ posed rock, did not fold, but broke into great blocks in conformity, giving us elevated tracts or block mountains over the upward folds, and Dropping to Deep Valleys over the downward folds. Thus, where the largest fold occurs nearest the ancient rocks of the western side of Tasmania we have the most elevated blocks of these newer mountains — La Perouse. the Hartz Mountains, the Snowy Mountains, and Mount Wellington, Mt. Field Ranges, Mt. Cell and its neighboring ranges, Mt. Olympus, the Du Cane Ranges, the Pelions to Barn Bluff, and Cradle Moun¬ tain. This mass is followed by a line of great valleys—D’Eutreenstreaux Channel, the Lower Huon. the Derwent and the Forth Valleys. Farther east, there is a lower and less defined series of moun¬ tains, Bruny Island, the mountains east of the Derwent and the Central Plateau being the most striking. ( 13 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST These in turn are followed by another line of valleys—Pefcta Water, the Coal River Valley, the Midlands Valley, drain¬ ed by the Macquarie River, the lower South Esk Valley and the Tamar. Finally, along the East coast there is a line of mountains, also decidedly of the block typo, but of less altitude than the others, and from which the East coast drops sharply. In the north-east corner of Tasmania, there are also some older rocks, and against these pressure has also been applied, giving us the Ben Lomond-Mt. Victoria Plateau, separated from the East Coast tiers by the valley of the Upper South Esk. This theory to explain the origin of our mountains is advanced here for the first time. It is still only a theory, and has yet to be proved, but all earlier theories attempting to explain the reason for our mountains are more or less erroneous and this one avoids some of the worst objections that can be raised t 0 the others. It is here only given in barest outline; in fact, only as an indica¬ tion of a possibility and must not at pre¬ sent be stated as if it were an established fact. We must now pass on to our next type. Domed Mountains. Great beds of strata arj seldom of the same material throughout, but more usually hard and soft layers alternate. When pressure is applied during folding movements, naturally, layers of different hardness respond differently. The layers of hard rock tend to fold, pucker, and sometimes to break and overthriist other layers. If the stress is so tremendous that the relief given by these movements can¬ not accommodate the rocks to their re¬ stricted space, the individual particles and minerals tend to re-arrange themselves, and alter so as to occupy less space. On the other hand, soft rocks cannot stand the strain which would merely bend hard layers, and are crushed beyond recog¬ nition without much opportunity to fold, and are squeezed between the moving layers of hard rock and forced into cavities where they occur. It is well known that although ordinary water turns into steam at 100 deg. C, water in ordinary engine boilers attains a temperature double that degree before turning to steam, and special appliances can be made wliereby the temperature of water can be raised to 1000 degrees or more without it turning to steam. This iz Because of the Pressure it is under, and the greater the pressure the greater the temperature the water can attain without turning to steam. But immediately the pressure is released water over the temperature of 100 degrees will forthwith become steam. Similar principles hold good with rock masses. During folding processes a heat is generated by the pressure far in ex¬ cess of what would be required to melt these rocks at the stir* ace, but the same pressure prevents their fusing. But often spaces, pockets or fissures, will occur. Often a hard layer will arch as the result of the pressure and leave a cavity below. It is the softer rocks which are feeling the stress of the pressure most and often when this pressure is released, by, per¬ haps, the arching of a layer above, or the slipping of some higher bed across another, or by the rising of a block of the crust as the result of the pressure, some of this soft rock will fuse; that is, be¬ come molten. This, in its turn, tends to relieve the strain, due to the folding. Instead of having to squeeze solid rock, there is only the resistance of a liquid to be overcome. The pressure exerted against this forces it through cracks and weak points in the surrounding rock. Its own heat tends to melt more and more of the surrounding strata, and thus a ‘‘magma pocket” is formed. These, as can be seen, usually occur under the upward arches of the folds. As the pressure continues, quan¬ tities of this molten magma are forced through the surrounding rocks, in large sheets (sills), or upward pipes (dykes), or irregular-shaped masses (laccoliths). Hie force of the pressure is much more effec¬ tive on this molten matter than on the resistant Bold rock, ami where it can Merely Fold and Twist the latter it can force the molten material right out of the affected area. Often this molten magma is formed near the surface through the release of pres¬ sure caused by the displacing of a surface block of strata, or again it may be forced towards the surface by the great pressure below. When it reaches a spot where its own pressure is sufficient to bend the strata above it, it forms a “domed moun¬ tain.” This type of mountain always has a core of rock that has been once molten, called igneous rock, which, of its own power, has forced the overlying rock up into the mountain we now see. and this overlying rock is bent round the igneous rock. Such mountains are termed laccoliths when the igneous material is in the form of. a definitely bounded magma pocket, and a batholith when the igneous material has no ascertainable bottom. Naturally, rock may fuse and form pockets, or sills, of igneous material with- ( 14 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST out having sufficient power to bend the superimposed strata. It then does not form a domed mountain, but is found merely, as a mass of igneous rock em¬ bedded in rock of different structure. Most of our mountains of central, east and south Tasmania’ are of these natures. Few definite laccoliths or domed moun¬ tains have yet been identified. The Do¬ main, Hobart, is probably a laccolith, and similarly many smaller hills of the East Coast. Trinity Hill, Hobart, certainly appears to have been formed by the strata being bent by igneous rock from below. But most of our mountains in this part of Tasmania are masses of igneous rock thus formed, but which have not had any definite effect on the overlying strata. They stand in their present posi¬ tion not through doming the surrounding rock, but either through raising it bodily as the result of being squeezed upward by the same process as originally fused the original rock, or by being lifted bodily by later, though similar, forces, after having entered and transgressed the earlier sediments. Volcanic Mountains. As is natural, when the molten magma is being squeezed and pressed through overlying rocks, some will often reach the surface. We then have a volcano. These are important, but quite subsi¬ diary, agents of mountain building. The molten material usually works along a weak bed of strata or up a crack or weak place in the fold. Usually these are found on the forward side of the folds; that is, the side opposite from that from which the pressure is being exerted. It is the continuance of tb< pressure due to the folding process that forces the molten material out on to the surface, and causes volcanic eruption. If the molten rock pours out on the surface, we have lava flows. These are often of great extent. In the Deccan, in India, one ancient lava flow covers 200,000 square miles to a depth of over a mile. A third of Victoria is covered with an ancient lava flow, and similarly most of the North-West and North coasts of Tasmania. If the lava is viscid on reach¬ ing the surface, it often piles up into hills of considerable height. Many hills round Melbourne are so formed, but in Tasmania there have been no volcanoes of very recent date, and with our heavier rainfall the Ancient Lava Flows have been greatly reduced, so there are few hills which we can definitely say were due solely to a lava flow. The hills of Droughty Point, south oi Bellerive, are due to this cause, and the hilly country round Deloraine, between Devouport and the Forth, from Burnie to Waratah, and round Stanley and the extreme North- West, are all relics of old lava flows, much cut into, however, b.» the numerous streams which cross them. Often very little lava pours from the vent of the volcano, but from the crater showers of stones, ashes and mud are thrown into the air. These in time build up very considerable mountains, known as volcanic cones. Mt. Egemout, Mt. "Ruapehu, and Mt. Tangariro in New Zea¬ land are so formed, and are sufficiently high to be permanently snow-capped. In Tasmania, we evidently had at one time many of such mountains, but they have not survived our rigorous climate. Cor¬ nelian Bay cemetery, the recreation ground at Eindisfarne, Fort Alexandra Hill at Sandy Bay, were once volcanic cones, and there were dozens up the Der¬ went Valley and through the Midlands and along the North coast; but such mountains composed of fine ash and min' are very soon levelled by the action ot the weather. Thus the ancient idea ot a volcano as being a pipe connecting the mountain with the molten core of the earth, or as being a natural safety valve is quite erroneous, and we have endeavored to explain that all mountains are built by the processes generated by the sinking of the heavier blocks of the earth’s surface, squeezing lighter portions out and upwards. Some writers use the terms “epeirogenic,” or continent making, movements to describe the formation of block mountains and “orogenic/’ or mountain making, move¬ ments to describe the formation of folded mountains; but these terms are mislead¬ ing. As we have endeavored to explain, all types of mountains arc but different aspects of one great process; all are but different results of the one cause. Finally these processes are infinitely slow. No mountain is formed by them alone. As soon as a mountain begins to raise ita head above the surrounding country run¬ ning water and the weather begin to at¬ tack it, and these forces really give the figure to the surface, and determine the details of its outline; the mountain build¬ ing forces merely giving its general sub stance. ( 15 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST Section 7. Folds Having seen how these features have their origin we must now discuss them in somewhat greater detail and determine their peculiarities so that we may recog¬ nise them when we meet them in the field. They may be of any size, from a bend a few feet high such as can be easily studied in a road cutting, to one many thouasnd feet in radius and covering seve¬ ral miles, in which case it isoften only po-ssible to detect its existence by mea¬ suring the dip of the rock in many places and tracing one layer of rock over a large area. The arch or upward bend of the fold is known as an “anticline,” and the trough or downward bend as a “s yn- cline.” Where one occurs the other is usually to be found on one or both sides. Greatly folded rock is a succession of anticlines and synelines. When the strata is only slightly folded into long induc¬ tions the folds are spoken of “open folds.” With further compression “close folds” may be formed, and if the compression has been so intense that the different ayers are bent into a series of parallel vertical bands the folding is isolimial if each side of the folding is at the same inclination the folds are termed “symme¬ trical.” Often one side Is Pushed Over owing to the pressure coming from one direction. The fold is then known as an “overturned fold,” and if the process has been continued to its utmost limit it is called a “recumbent fold.” In regions that have been subjected to much folding, the larger folds often have smaller ones superimposed on them, and these in turn may have still smaller ones down to tiny “foliations/' With folding there is a tendency for the particles to become separated and even individual minerals to develop stress cracks known as “rock cleavage.” Often cracks develop and these become filled with minerals of ;i different nature forced into them under pressure, or deposited from circulating water. All these types of folding can be seen and examined in any short section of our West Coast. In a cutting just south of the Zeehan station is a splendid example of a symmetrical close folded anticline, barely four feet high, and with a base of .•similar measurement, a perfectly regular curve. Along the north coast from UI- verstoue to past Table Cape can be seen a splendid series of folds outcropping on the beach. As you go along in the train you can notice that the jagged edge of the strata appears to be dipping at a very steep angle. Further along these rocks gradually assume a steeper and steeper angle until they arc standing vertically and finally turn over, and are to he seen dipping in the opposite direction. This is repeated many times along this section of the coast. It is an indication that we are looking at a Series of Huge Folds, the tops of which have been worn off. Many of these folds are several miles across. Just west of the Coo-ee sale yards, a mile or so west of Burnie, they can be seen to perfection. Here are many small synclines and anticlines. The top of one anticline is so perfect that it resembles the top of u circular concrete drain running out to. sea. We here see excellent examples of both open and close folds. East of Maria Island ancient rock has been twisted to such an extent that once horizontal bands of strata are now to be seen with a sharp bend at the bottom from which the band runs vertically for over ;300 feet to a sharp bend at the top, and so on in a series of parallel pleats, the same band being bent until it occurs only a few yards from the continuation of itself in the neighboring folds. These are wonderful instances of isoclinial folding— a very rare type. Many of rhe mountains of the West Coast appear to have their outline go vorned by overturned folds. The gen tie slope up one side followed by a sheer face on the nther is often, although not necessarily, an indication of an over¬ turned fold. Although none of this type of folding has been recorded it is al¬ most certain that the twisted rocks of the west can provide many examples In addition to a simple folding, se¬ condary folds are often superimposed on the original ones; in fact, this is the general rule. In the rock® near Cooee. mentioned above, there are three series noticeable. First, there has been a major folding resulting in a series of great folds. Many Miles Across, and probably several thousand feet deep. These themselves consist of a succession 06 ) ['HE TASMANIAN NATURALIST of small folds ten to twenty feet across. Again another folding has taken place in a direction normal to the others: that is, while the first have the succession of anticlines and synclines in a vertical succession the series shows waves in the strata in a horizontal direction, that is, along the surface of the ground. At Cradle Mountain an even more in tense folding is evident. Large folds are apparent in all the cliff faces; that at the head of Crater Lake, for example. Rut in addition to these, the rock has been folded in every possible direction and in many degrees until the smallest gives it the appearance of a succession of ripple marks. These can be the re¬ sult of one intense compression and may have been caused at; relatively the same time; but often it is evident that they have been the result of successive earth movements. Thus, in the Mt. Lyell district the rock was first folded into a saucer-like shape; then later the edges of this were pleated by a series of minor folds. Most of the mineral hear¬ ing regions of the West Coast have been subjected to at least two series of fold ing movements separated by a very great length of time. Another type of fold, called by Mr. E. C. Andrews the drag fold, occurs at Broken Hill. Here there were two layers of very hard rock about four miles apart, and separated by beds of soft rock. During compression these bard layers moved horizontally and one Dragged or Rolled the soft rock against the other hard layer. No instance* of this has yet been reported from Tasmania. This intense folding in probably every case occurred in the zone of flowage. These beds of rock have been let down so deep into the earth that the particles under inconceivable pressure and heat thereby generated have become plastic, and when the folding movements have occurred the rocks have yielded as if they were putty. A mile or so west of the Leven at I'l verst one there is a bed of what was originally a conglomerate of round stones, the size of cricket balls, set in a fine matrix. This has been folded, but so great was the pressure and so pliant had the particles become that these embedded stones have stretch¬ ed or been compressed in exact confor¬ mity with the rest of the rock until now, what were at one time round water worn pebbles, have been stretched out for, in seme cases, eight ecu inches, a* d have been bent round following the lines of the fold without breaking. The pres¬ sure necessary to do this cannot be imagined. Folding of all possible types can be seen wherever the older rocks occur in Tasmania. Anywhere west of a line from Cradle Mountain southwards, in many places along the shore of the North Coast from Cape Grim to the Tamar, around Beaeonsfield. south of Sheffield, west of Fitzgerald, and in many places round Gladstone and from Fingal to Richcno, every variety of fold¬ ing may be seen. Section 8. Faults and As we have seen, vvnile the strata In the zone of flowage normally folds in re- spose to pressure, that in the zone of fracture normftly breaks. The formation of block mountains implies a series of such breaks on a large scale. But besides these, the surface of the earth is always having to adjust itself in a smaller or a greater degree to varying conditions be¬ low. and there is a continual movement between blocks oi the surface rock: some rising, others sinking. Now, if we have an extensive bed of strata under half of which the crust is gradually sinking or rising, while the other half is stationary, a stage is readi¬ ed when something must give way. If the movement is very slow and the rock soft. Earthquakes or under considerable pressure, it will tend to drag and gradually to bend at the junction between the moving and the stable portion until a more or less uni¬ form curved slope connects the two. I his resembles one side of an ordinary fold, and is called a “monodinal fold.’ But a tnonoclinal fold approximates rather to a fault than to a fold. The best example of such a feature is to be found in the Blue Mountains east of Sydney, where the level sandstones bend from the top of the mountains to the plains 2000-3000 feet below without breaking. If, instead of a gradual movement the sinking or elevation is rapid the tendency will be for the bed of rock to ( 17 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST Break at the Junction. This will allow the moving portion to respond to the influences from below freely, and the result will be that in one dace strata will be found at a different evel from strata elsewhere that was ob¬ viously laid down at the same time; but, besides this difference of level, showing no signs of compression or other earth movements. This break is called a “fault/' A simple break is termed a normal fault, and its existence is indicated by this fact that any given layer of rock when followed along to the fault suddenly stops there, the other side of the fault being rock of a different layer, or even of quite a different series. A break caused as described above is seldom a simple fracture. More usually there is an area of broken rock with many small faults. Sometimes the rock is so broken that its structure has been destroyed, and in extreme cases it may be reduced to rubble. This is known as “fault breccia." In very hard rock the fault in ay be a fine, straight crack, and the sides may be polished by the force of the slipping rock. This polishing is known as “slick- enside." Sometimes it can be seen that there has been continual movement up and down along a fault line. Sometimes the edges of the strata adjacent to a fault are dragged round towards the other block. These are the features exhibited when a bed of rock is broken by portion sink ing or rising in relation to the rest. Some¬ times faults may be occasioned by lateral pressure in the same way as folding. In this case, when the pressure has come on the Side of a Bed of Rock instead of folding it has broken. Often it will bend in the middle and then break. This form is common amongst our sand¬ stones throughout Southern Tasmania. At other times when the rock breaks one portion is forced over the other. This is termed an “overthrust fault.” Often the edges are dragged round into a mono- clinal fold. Faults may have a displace¬ ment or as it is called a “throw.” of any number of feet, from great tectonic faults, showing a movement of several thousand feet down to ones of hafdly perceptible throw'. Many of these smaller faults are mere local adjustments, penetrating only a few layers of rock and may be called “creep faults.” As we have shown, the western por¬ tion of Tasmania gives us every possible example of folding. The eastern portion on the contrary show's little folding, but is broken in every direction by faults of all descriptions and sizes. It is probab¬ ly impossible to follow a bed of rocK in southern, central, northern or eastern las- mania for a mile in any direction witn- out meeting a Fault of some description. We have first the major block faults. The country is broken into segments, at all different altitudes from sea level to 5000 feet. The edges of these various blocks are all huge faults—whatever the cause. For example, rock of the same original bed occurs. At sea level at Ho¬ bart, and on the slopes of Mt. y el ling- ton, not four miles away, it is to be seen at an Elevation of 3300 Feet. Similarly the faces of the Western Tiers. Ben Lomond, the East Coast mountains, Mt. Field, the mountains south of the Huon and all the lesser hills in south- cistern Tasmania, show displacements of the beds of rock to an equal extent. Then these beds, each at its own height, have been broken by many faults of lesser size. Probably the Derwent is working down one of these, as evidenced by the cliffs at the rocks near New Norfolk, at Bedlam Walls, near Risdon, and at the Bluff, at Bellerive. The Tamar is also probably following a fault line, up the side of which the main line climbs be¬ tween Launceston and Evandale Junc¬ tion* Our whole coast is probably determined by three large faults, but certainly many of the details are fixed by small ones. Buss Strait is probably a block of land dropped below the general level by a series of faults running along the Tas¬ manian and Victorian coasts. These coastal faults have not been a clean break, but a series of minor criss-cross faults, in¬ tersecting each other and running at an angle to the general line of break. In addition to all these, our rocks are broken by innumerable smaller faults. Especially is this true of our coal fields —coal measures being particularly fragile rock and notoriously broken. These small faults have been the greatest hin¬ drance to coal mining in Tasmania, and at least one good colliery— Sandfly—was forced to close solely on account of The Innumerable Faults. hen a seam is being mined and a fault is met with the coal-bearing layer on the other side of the fault is lost, and much unprofitable work is necessary to pick it up again. If this occurs too often a stage is reached when the quantity of coal won will not pay for the work of cut¬ ting out barren rock to get at it. In Tasmania the common sandstone ori¬ ginally rested 500 feet above the common ( 18 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST blue and brown limestone. Very fre¬ quently these rocks may now be seen alongside each other. This occurs on the Huon-road, in Lenuh Valley, in Glen- orchy Valley, and on the New Norfolk- road east of Sorell Creek. This always indicates the existence of a fault. All our mining fields are bounded, limited and traversed by faults, and every one of the bulletins of the geological survey de¬ scribe many. Faults are by no means con¬ fined to the block mountain regions of the east. The folded rocks of the west have their share. EARTHQUAKES. These catastrophies are merely the ap¬ parent results of movements in the earth's crust. When a fault occurs, or when, during folding, beds of strata break, the adjacent surface suffers an earthquake. The causes are the causes that produce folding and faulting, and have been sufli- cientl.v discussed. Earthquakes are com¬ mon today wherever mountain building i* going on; for example, all round the outer edge of the land bordering the Paci¬ fic. They also occur through minor ad¬ justments of stresses after the building processes are complete. If the strata are very resistant the strain will be resisted until it becomes too great, when the rock will give way with considerable displacement and A Great Earthquake like the recent one at Tokio w'ill result. If the rock is not resistant it will give gradually, a little at a time, as strain comes on it and minor earth tremors only will be the result. In Tasmania moun¬ tain building movements are fortunately completed for the time being, and we are not subjected to earthquakes on a large scale; but Bass Straits is decidedly an earthquake zone, and small tremors are recorded from there nearly every year. These are probably caused by slight slip- pings along a fault line, a few inches at a time, and due to adjustments of stresses after a period in the recent past of con¬ siderable earth movements. No place or. the earth’s surface can be said to be definitely immune from the possibility of earthquakes. Section 9. Volcanos, Geysers and Hot Springs It has already been explained that these activities are merely incidental phenomena of mountain building processes, due to the forcing of molten material close to the sur¬ face. A volcano is merely a vent from a magma reservoir to the surface and a geyser, or hot spring, is merely a vent from a supply of water accompanying molten rock or reaching it from the surface. Many volcanos have commenced acti¬ vity within historic times, and under scientific observation. The first sign is usually a fissure traversing comparatively level country, from which molten rock lias appeared to flow (really it has been squeezed). This molten rock, or lava, consolidating round the vent soon builds up a considerable mountain through which these subsequent eruptions burst. These fissures can all be traced to the lines of great earth movements, aud cor¬ respond with folding or block faulting of the underlying segments of the crust. In all the most intensely active volcanic re¬ gions of the world the volcanic cones or vents are all arranged in lines corres¬ ponding to these fissures, with the largest volcanos where two fissures cross. Fissure Eruptions. The grandest of all volcanic eruptions have been those in which the entire length and breadth of the fissure have been the passage way for the upwelling lava. These have provided the great lava flows of an¬ tiquity which we can still trace today. Their origin is due to the qualities of molt¬ en material accumulated below the sur¬ face, and the pressure generated by earth stresses sufficiently powerful to eject such a mass of material. Along the whole of our north coast are huge flows, many of over 100 square miles in area, of unbrok¬ en lava. In Victoria well over 20,000 square miles is covered in tins way. These great flows are the result of a series of fis¬ sure eruptions, and are signs of earth movements of a major degree. Throughout Tasmania many smaller areas are covered with ancient lava flows, and yet there are very few places in which it can be de¬ finitely said that a volcano existed. Basalt a rock that was once lava -stretches from Pont vi lie to Bridgewater, and is found at the back of Kingston, and around Sorell and Richmond and in many other places without the slightest trace of the previous existence of a volcano. These occurrences are probably the result of fissure eruptions on a small scale. Lava Flows. These may be distinguished petrologic-al¬ ly by the nature of the rock as will be ( 19 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST explained in a later chapter. They can also be distinguished in the held by typical characteristics. When a mass of crystaline rock can‘be seen filling up a valley, and overlying oldef rocks, it is safe to assume that it must have flowed there as lava. Very often by tracing such a rock the course of ancient river valleys down which the lava flowed can be discovered. As this rock is invariably very hard it some¬ times happens that, if the original valley sides were composed of soft rock, these have later been weathered away, and the lava flow which originally occupied the lowest portion of the valley is left as a ridge. Usually the mechanical effect of flowing molten material has left its mark on the subsequent solid rock; that is, you can see at a glance by its existing arrangement that it once flowed to its present position. Often it picks up blocks of other rock as it travels, and these can now be found embedded in a rock now much harder, and often pieces of lava which have solidi¬ fied sooner than the mass, have been broken off, and cun be found also embed¬ ded in the later cooled masses of the same rock. Air bubbles are frequent in lavas, and show in the solidfied rock as holes or resides. These may at times show the direction of flow, and sometimes they may tend to become elongated in the direction the lava originally moved. As the flow cools cracks are formed generally normal to the cooling surface. These indicate the position of the original surface long after this has been removed. As the top or bottom of the flow is usual¬ ly the cooling surface these cracks tend to develop vertically, and to divide the rock into columns. These columns are often very perfect, and are a very com¬ mon feature of solidified lava flows. They are to be seen par excellence at the Burnic breakwater, and in the quarry behind it. where also the fall of the lava over the former sea bank can be traced in the now solid rock. Columns are also well de¬ veloped in the Jordan Valley, just north of Bridgewater, at New Norfolk, just west of the Derwent Bridge, and in many other places. If the lava fell into water a cha¬ racteristic form is seen known as “pillow lava,” the columns being divided by hori¬ zontal ioints. making a form resembling a pile of square pillars, piled one on top of the other. Volcanic Cones. Seldom does a volcano emit lava ’alone from its crater. Much water aceompan ies the magma ns an original constituent, and much more is collected from surface soakage. What pressure is released by the molten lava reaching the surface, this water converts into steam, and when the pressure generated by this steam is greater than the containing pressure of the liquid lava, an explosion results. During an eruption these explosions are more or less constantly occurring in proportion to the quantities of water present, and the viseocitv of the lava. This has two re¬ sults, firstly, molten rock, instead of flowing out of the crater as lava is hurled in blocks high into the air, and secondly, the lava itself is broken by smaller ex¬ plosions to an ash or a froth, which in turn is ejected by larger explosions, and spread round the country side. Most of these blocks of disintegrated lava, and the ashes so ejected fall close to the crater mouth, and thus in time build up a mountain, or volcanic cone, at the top of which is to be found the crater. Most lava flows are inter-stratified with layers of ash and scoria (the “lava-froth”). , These are very common in Tasmania around the remnants of ancient volcanos, and can be found in many places along both sides of the Derwent and through the Midlands and along the North U'oast. Cornelian Bay Cemetery and the recreation ground at Lindisfarne—to give but two : examples—consist of beds of volcanic ash ? and scoria. A cloud often descends the ^ slope of the volcano during an eruption. t This was once thought to be steam, but - during the eruption of Mount Pelee such r a cloud exterminated a whole town. Such phenomena were then more carefully stud¬ ied, and were found to he in icroseonie frag¬ ments of white-hot lava shattered by ex¬ plosion, and instantly fatal to any form of life. Plugs and Necks. These volcanic cones are usually com¬ posed of loose ash and boulders of bro¬ ken lava, and unless protected by sub¬ sequent lava flows do not long withstand the attack of the weather. Thus, al¬ though nil the typical volcanos of today have this form there are few definite cones preserved from the much greater eruptions of antiquity. But often lava wells up through the crater and even¬ tually consolidates there. When the soft ae 1 * of the cone is washed away this solid core remains, often as a hill of considerable height. At Mt. Pelee such a Plug was pushed many thousands of feet into the air by the great eruption. Lava Mountains. Although lava usually flows like a molten river, down the nearest valley or spreads in a sheet over a plain, some¬ times owing to the viscosity through be¬ ing nearly solid when erupted or through containing minerals that solidify very quickly (these and their effect will be ( 20 ) 1/ H THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST discussed later under Petrology), the lava does not flow or spread, but piles up into ridges and hills near the crater. Many of our so-called basaltic hills, as those at Droughty Point, Bream Creek and round York Plains appear to have been due to this. Sometimes solid lava covers, and so protects, a volcanic cone, at other times it may partly cover a bed of loose ash, the portions so covered being pro¬ tected and standing out as ridges and hills when the unprotected portions are removed. Minerals from Volcanos. Volcanoes seldom possess the requisites necessary for the formation of minerals in commercial proportions, but some¬ times large quantities of sulphur are trapped in a crater or ash bed. Sulphur is obtained from these sources in New Zea¬ land. Various forms of lime are occa¬ sionally so deposited and are very use¬ ful when found. The great diamond mines of South Africa are all located in deep volcanic pipes, anl the intense heat ap¬ pears to have been largely responsible for the formation of the gems. Hot Springs. When water in quantities accompanies a volcanic eruption, it may reach the sur¬ face in a heated condition, and the exist¬ ence of volcanic activity below the sur¬ face may raise the temperature of ordi¬ nary underground water so that the nor¬ mal spring water is hot. The especial significance of these ther¬ mal activities is due to the fact that heated water, often under pressure and fa:- above boiling point, is able to dis¬ solve minerals from the rocks through which it travels much more readily than cold water, and that when it drops in temperature, on reaching the surface if. deposits these minerals. We thus get very pure beds of the various minerals so deposited, and the wonderful effects characteristic of a hot spring are so formed. The pink and white terraces of Lake Rotomahana, in New Zealand, were splendid examples of what a hot spring can build by depositing different layers of minerals in this way. At Geilston Bay, in places behind Sand> Bay, and in Upper Burnett street, West Hobart, there are traces of existence of ancient hot springs in the vicinity of Ho¬ bart. In these places there are deposits of a very pure limestone (travertin), which shows unmistakable signs of deposition from a hot spring. In the deposit at Geilston Bay leaves of trees growing near have been preserved in the lime water flowing from the spring. Hot springs are usually the last phase ot volcanic activity, and are found when the actual craters have become extinct, but the deeper regions of the earth are stil* sufficiently hot to warm up water percolating down to them. In periods of fill’ volcanic activity the water mingles with the lava and causes steam pockets, explosions and ash rather than coming to the surface merely as a hot spring. The so-called hot spring near the Kimberley railway station, between Deloraine and Latrobe, has not had its waters heatql (75 deg. F. is its usual temperature) by thermal action, but by the chemical ac¬ tion of decomposing limestone below. Geysers. These spectacular phenomena are mere¬ ly perversions of the normal type of hot spring. When, through a restriction in the channel, or from another cause, the column of water forming a hot spring can become heated at unequal tempera¬ tures throughout its length there is a possibility of lower parts of this column of water being converted into steam which then ejects the water column above it This column of water is‘known as a geyser. Hot springs may become geysers, and active geysers in time usually re¬ move the obstruction which Causes their existence as such and become hot springs again. A. N. Lewis. ( 21 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST “Some Tasmanian Reptiles” Snakes are undoubtedly the represen¬ tatives of this division of our fauna to which most attention is paid by the casual observer, yet, strange to say, very little regard is given to their classifi¬ cation, and Tasmania is credited often with numerous species which it does not possess. There are but two classes of snakes* in Tasmania, the ordinary venomous land snakes, and the rare (as fa • as our island is concerned) sea snakes. The number >f species is very limited, as the land snakes have but three representatives, whilst but two species of sen snakes occasional¬ ly wander as far South as the Tasmanian coast. There are no harmless snakes in Tas¬ mania, nor have we any tree snakes, py¬ thons or death adders. The three ter- rcstial Tasmanian snakes Arc All Poisonous. but these constitute the sole danger in the bush. The various species of lizards which are referred to so often as “death adders/’ “blood suckers,” or other such designations, are, in reality, quite harm¬ less. The most evenly distributed, as well as the most dangerous Tasmanian reptile, is the tiger snake (Noteehis sentatus). Care must always be taken when dealing with the tiger snake, especially in the early summer, which is the breeding season. This species, as with others, shows very con¬ siderable variation as regards coloration, and the various vernacular designations which have been given to the color varie¬ ties has tended to confuse matters. For instance, bush dwellers usually refer to the dark colored snakes as black snakes, and the lighter forms as carpet snakes. Both terms are incorrect, as neither the true black snake, which has paired >-au- dals, nor the true carpet snake, occur in Tasmania. The typical tiger snake has the body scales in 15 to 18 rows, ventral plates 150 or more, and the sub caudals which are entire, 40 to 60. The central scale^ on the head Is Shield Shaped. almost as broad as long. This feature alone immediately distinguishes it from the other species. In the typically mark¬ ed specimens the body color is golden brown, crossed by almost 50 bands of dark brown. The average length is 5 feet, and there is one specimen in the Tasmanian Museum which measures no less than 6 feet inches. The only other Tas .anian snake which ur. all approaches the t.ger snake in size 7a the superb snake (Denisonia superbar This species is also known as the copper headed snake, the large scaled snake, and the diamond snake. The last designation ta totally incorrect, as the true diamond snake is a python and a variety of the carpet snake which (loci not occur in Tasmania. In the superb snake the cen¬ tral shield in tho head is approximately twice as long as broad. The color varies from black to reddish brown, whilst the average length is from three to five feet, As regards the color of the Tasmanian snakes in general, it is parri mUrly ne¬ cessary to remember that this shows great variation. For instance although A Typical Tiger Snake is golden brown on the body, crossed by bands of dark brown, yet they are occa¬ sionally met with almost black, or even in sandy country almost white, and the superb snake, although lacking the band¬ ed coloration, has similar changes as re¬ gards the general color. The third land snake is the small white- lipped whip snake, which can be immedi¬ ately identified owing to the white mark¬ ings on its lips, and the central scale of the head, which is thee finite? as long as broad. The whip snake is plentiful- ay distributed over Tasmania* and is found not only near the sea shore, but also particularly plentiful on the moun¬ tain summits. The two sea snakes which occasionally teach Tasmanian waters are the wander¬ ing sea snake, a species which grows to about 3ft. in length, having a body col¬ oring of olive and a number of encircl¬ ing black rings; and the Spotted-tailed Sea Sanke, in which the scales are laid edge to edge and which is black above and yellow below, eho tail being yellow, spotted with black. A Stray Turtle. There is another representative which is grouped in the reptilian class, although of quite distinct order, namely, the leath¬ ery turtle, which is occasionally met with in Tasmanian waters; but it is only on very rare occasions that it is found so far south, and as the whole turtle < 22 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST group is but a relic of a bygone fauna, such visitors tend to be less and less in the progress of the years. Lizards and the Harmless Dragon. Returning to the land fauna, there are some interesting examples amongst the numerous lizards which occur in the island. For instance, the several moun¬ tain dragons which are commonly met with under rocks, etc., especially on the hillsides. These interesting little ani¬ mals, which are repulsive-looking in some ways. Are Quite Harmless, although generally credited with being dangerous “blood-suckers,” and numbers are often killed by those who do not un¬ derstand the true place of these lizards in the scheme of Nature. There are aho the several rock lizards occasionally re¬ ferred to as “death adders,” and credit¬ ed with being possessed of many poison¬ ous qualities, which they do not have. Two species >f the large blue-tongued lizard are met with in Tasmania, and they are often referred to as “goannas” or ‘iguanas,” but such designations are misleading, as iguanas are much larger reptiles, of a different character, and which occur on the mainland. In addition to the foregoing there arc a large number of species of the small lizards, which occur in such numbers, not only in the bush, but in suburban gardens. Most of these lack vernacular designations, although they have natur¬ ally been duly classified .with regard to their scientific titles. Clive Lord. Section 10. The Attack °f the Weather In the previous sections we have seen how masses of the earth’s crust may be raised above the general level, and so form land and how these masses may be added to But immediately a section of land appears above (he level of the ocean and even before it is attacked by various processes which modify the ef¬ fect of the building influences, impose the details of topography on the land¬ scape and generally tend to level the surface of the country. Indeed, they arc at work long before the building processes are complete. The more pro¬ nounced the building movements and the greater the elevation given to the landscape by them the greater the powr of the levelling agents; so wher¬ ever these agents have been at work for long the bolder futures imparted by (he building movements have to be level¬ led to rolling plains. This genera! level¬ ling of the surface of the landscape is spoken of as erosion. Agents of Erosion. The agents by which erosion may wear away the rocks of the surface of the earth may be grouped under three main heads: — (a) The weather. (b) Water. (c) Life. The effect of the various agents in these groups to some extent overlap. For example, it is difficult to fix a point where rain ceases to have the erosive effects peculiar to the weather, and to attain these grouped under the heading “running water.” Again, the weather may so effort running water as to turn it into a flow of ice which presents very different characteristics. Also life de¬ pends directly on climate, and the ab sence or otherwise of the erosive form . due to life may be considered a sub-divi¬ sion of the heading “weather.” The Weather. Under this heading we group the ef feet that (1) The atmosphere; (2) changes of temperature: (3) frost; and (4) wind have on the landscape. The weather effects all portions of the earth's surface. While a river may pre¬ sent more visible evidence of the work it i s doing in wearing down the country side, its work is confined largely to its channel; but the weather is at work always. Night and day it is slowly, but certainly, disrupting the rocks of the earth’s crust. Naturally this effect is more powerful on the summits of high mountains, or on exposed rock faces, but it penetrates everywhere, and no depth of soil or covering of vegetation is a com plete protection. Also the weather very materially assists the other agencies. Air. The air has very little erosive effect of itself. If the atmosphere contained throughout the year relatively the same degree of moisture, varied little in tem¬ perature, and was comparatively still, it would scarcely affect the rocks at all ( 23 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST But no region with a climate absolute¬ ly so constituted exists. It is only as the bearer of moisture and the vehicle of change of temperature and varying air current-s or winds that the air is of importance in this regard. The chemi cal effect on the rocks i s considerable, but this is only possible through the agency of water, and will be discussed in the next section. Changes of Temperature. In most parts of the world the change of the average temperature during the year is considerable, and there is also an even greater change in between the day and the night temperature. In fact only those portions of the globe which are permanently under ice escape the ef¬ fects of this change. When the tem¬ perature is high, the particles constitut ing the rocks or soil expand, and when it drops they contract. This, although slight, is regular and the mechanical effect is very powerful. It tends to loosen the grains in the cementing ma¬ terial which binds them together, or to disrupt the particles themselves. It subjects the rocks to a series of tiny strains which, as the process continues develops into cracks which present a weakness for water, frost and wind to act on. This process is the most active agent of erosion in the desert portion of Austra¬ lia, where the temperature often rises from nearly freezing to over lOOdeg. F. in an hour after sunrise. And it must be remembered that it is the direct rays of the sun that beat on the rocks, and that tlie action is again increased by the fact tliat rocks diffuse heat more quickly than the atmosphere does. In Tasmania the .action of this agency is obscured by the action of frost, with us a much more powerful erosive; but on a hot summer’s day the bare rocks of our mountain tops become unpleasantly hot, and the tem¬ perature there falls to the vicinity of freezing point within a few hours of sun¬ set. FROST. When the change of temperature ex¬ tends to its maximum range the lower limit descends below freezing point. Then, as well as the mechanical effect of the ex¬ panding and contracting rock particles, another agent of erosion comes into play. Water percolating through the rock is frozen as the temperature drops below freezing noint, and is thus made to ex¬ pand. This tears the rock grains apart, and widens and looseus joints and cracks. Hie power of ice is very considerable, and no rock can resist it. Its effect, is, of course, felt very slowly, but it is very sure. When the ice thaws again, the joints and cracks are left open for more water to accumulate, and the ice, after each succeeding freeze, has greater power, until it finally tears the particles apart. Frost makes its effect felt all over Tasmania during some parts of the year. Its maximum work is done in places where water freezes every night, and thaws again next day. This occurs for about nine months of the year on our higher moun¬ tain tops. It also occurred around the edge of the ancient glaciers, and its effect there will be discussed at greater length later. On most of our mountains capped with diabase, water has entered the joints which traverse the rock vertically, and the regular effect of frost has been to tear this solid rock in blocks from the parent mass, and split it off in great columns. Near the edge of the top of the moun¬ tain these appear as “organ pipes, and on the tops of the ridges as accumulations of boulders usually referred to as “Plough¬ ed Fields/' Anyone familiar with our mountain tons knows this tyne of coun¬ try only too well, and its peculiar fea¬ tures are due almost entirely to the action of frost on a rock with regular, vertical points, in which the water can accumulate. The summit of Mt. La Perouse is cov¬ ered with sandstone, which frost has flaked into broad, flat slabs no thicker than a school slate, and which now lie over the whole surface of the mountain. Many quartzite mountains of the West have had the rock of their tops broken into tiny sharp chips like the chipped marble often spread over graves. Several mountain tops around Cradle Mountain are covered with this. Frost is the re¬ sponsible agent. Frost is active to a lesser extent in the lower country, but is always at work dur¬ ing the winter months on every exposed rock surface. WIND. Wind drives particles of rock separat¬ ed from the mass against other portions of still solid rock. These have a power¬ ful erosive effect. This is very noticeable in desert country, where the wind-blown sand carves typical forms from protrud¬ ing beds of rock. These are identifiable, ns they could not hare originated in any other wav. They often assume fantastic figures. In Tasmania we have many ex- nmrdes of this weathering Tts greatest effects are to be seen on rljff faces. Most of the small caves above high-water mark round the coasts and the numerous caves in the sandstone and mudstone cliffs in¬ common in the sandstone cliffs on the ( 24 ) THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST land are due to wind. These caves are slopes of Mount Wellington, on the moun¬ tains on the east of the Derwent, and throughout the Midlands. On the floor of caves formed by wind is usually found a deposit of line particles worn from the rock from which the cave has been weath¬ ered, and the way the wind attacks the soft layers in a cliff face is most notice¬ able. The effect of wind seen thus to its great¬ est advantage on cliff faces is also pre¬ sent wherever a bare face of rock is ex¬ posed to alternating or even to regular breezes. A. N. Lewis. Some Tasmanian Parrots Parrots are always interesting, even to those who take very little interest in bird life. Their usually bright colora¬ tion makes them conspicuous, and as they make good ease birds they are often kept as pets. Their paired feet and stout bills are characteristic of the whole parrot order. Specimens of one species or another are to be met with in most parts of Tasmania, although with the ad¬ vance of settlement certain of the more terrestrial species are becoming rare. Amidst the tall timber of the moun¬ tains the piercing notes of the black or white cockatoo often may be heard, whilst amidst the smaller timber the green parrot is common. Amidst the more open timbered plains tlie brightly- colored rose IIas are common, whilst the brush-tongued parrots or lorikeets often are to be seen in flocks in the flowering eucalypts. Three species of lorikeets, or brush- tongued parrots are met with in Tas¬ mania, the most conspicuous of these beinf the rainbow lorikeet, which has its head, throat, and abdomen blue, chest red, whilst the upper plumage is green. 'I his species is to be met with usually in flocks, particularly among The Tall, Flowering Eucarypis. Tlie birds are very fast fliers, and cover large areas of country in search of food. The commonest lorikeet in Tasmania is the musk lorikeet. The general color of this species is green, whilst the fore¬ head is red and there is a distinctive red streak behind the eye, which, to¬ gether with the pronounced yellowish patch on each side of the lower breast, serve as distinctive features. This lori¬ keet is noted, not only for its loud screeching amidst the eucalypt blossom, but also for its excursions into the orch¬ ard and gardens of the cities. The smallest bruRh-tougued lorikeet found in Tasmania is the little lorikeet, which in bow. it is the smallest of the purely size is only about half that of the rain- Australian family loridae. The red col- oiatiou of the forehead and sides of the lace, the absence of the red streak be¬ ll iml the eye, and the general small size oi the bird, form easy points for iden¬ tification. As a contrast to the foregoing small example, the black cockatoo may be mentioned, as it is the largest of the Psittaciformes, and is well distributed over the island. The identification is easy, owing to its large size, general black plumage, with the yellow ear cov¬ erts and the distinctive yellow band on the tail .fl This species is particularly Fond of White Grubs, which are to be found in decaying wood, or under the bark of their trees. With the aid of its very powerful bill the black cockatoo can tear open the dead bark, or make a veritable burrow into decaying beech (the so-called “myrtle*') logs. The gang gang cockatoo has a plum¬ age of slate grey, whilst the male has a prominent red crest. It is seldom notic¬ ed in Tasmania, but it is common ou King Island. The white cockatoo t •• 4 : >?& y Jt 1 ■ / • c, *