THE TASMANIAN , Naturali The Journal of the Tasmanian Field Naturalists" Club NEW SERIES Vol. 2. MAY, 1950. No. 1 CONTEXTS Tasmania’s Own Birds, by M, S. R. Shaiiand Ml. Wellington Summit Plants, by K. Aves Trip to Lake Tooms, by Leonard Wall . . Eaglehawk Neck Camp. Eaglehawk Neck Caves, by W. II. Clemes . . ( liib Field Outings, by Marjorie Scott . . . .\nnual Report. . . . Page 10 13 16 18 20 PRICE, 1/-. HOBART A 50/2003 Mercury Press TASMANIAN FIELD NATURALISTS’ CLUB (Founded 1904.) Office-Bearers. 1950; President: KELSEY AVES, 15 Elizabeth Street, Hobart. Vice-Presidents: MICHAEL S. R. SHARLAND, 141 Hampden Road. Hobart; ERNEST W. CRUICKSHANK. Tolosa Street. Glenorchy. Hon. Secretary: ALAN M. HEWER. 130 Collins Street. Hobart. Hon. Assistant Secretary: MARJORIE SCOTT. Tolosa Street. Glenorchy. Hon. Treasurer: H. G. VAUGHAN. 545 Sandy Bay Road, Hobart. Committee: Messrs. Harold Sargiscn, L. Wall, C. B. Widdiccmbe, E. R. Guiler. D. Brink, Miss A. Wall. Hon. Auditor: R. F. ELLIS. Bankers and Traders Insurance Co. Ltd.. 119 Macquarie Street. Hobart. Fauna Coruservation; Messrs. N. R. Laird. E. R. Guiler. E. W. Crulckshank, and E. E. Dean Editor; M. S. R. Sharland. Date of Publication: 31st May, 1950. 2 TASMANIA’S OWN BIRDS By M. S. R. Sharland. |^'OURTEEN species of birds are recognised as bein^ confined to Tasmania and its dependencies, King Island and the Furneaux Group, in Bass Strait. Various so-called races and sub-species need not concern us in this review of the indigenous birds, but if we took account of them as they existed before the publication of the Australian “Checklist,” which eliminated some, they would number nearly 20 different kinds. It might be possible for an energetic observer- to see all 14 species of indigenous birds in one day, in the course of an outing, yet this is most unlikely, as, while Tasmania is not a lai-ge island, the time taken to traverse even a small part of it is quite out of proportion to its size. Mountains make travel slow, anti sometimes laborious compared with what prevails in most other States, and the birds themselves are not well dispersed, a few being found only in isolated localities. The most I have seen in any one outing has been 10, and to do this it has been necessary to travel a con¬ siderable distance. The 14 species listed as being confined to Tasmania are:— Native Hen (Tribottyx mortierii). Green Rosella Parrot (Phttycerratt caledoitictis). Dusky Robin (Amanrodryaff viftata). Ewing’s Thornhill (Actntfhizu ewingii). Brown Scrub Wren (Sodcornis hmnilis). Scrub Tit (AcavthorniH magna). Forty-spotted Pardalote (Pnrdalotus quadragmtKft). Yellow-throated Honeyeater (Meliphnga fiavicollis). Black-headed Honeyeater (Mclithreptufi affimH). Strong-billed, or Bark, Honeyeater (Melithreptin^ iHtfidirosfris). Yellow Wattle Bird (Anfhochaera pantdoxo), Black Magpie (Strepera argnta). Black Jay (Sttepera fttliginoHd). Masked Owl (Tyto castatwps). Because of its close similarity with the Brown Thornhill (Acau- thku pnnUht)—Riy close, in fact, that 1 find the utmost difficulty in distinguishing it in the field as well as in the skin—there is doubt in my mind whether the Tasmanian, or Ewing’s, Thornbill is a valid species. The history of this little bird goes back to John Gould’s day. Gould originally described it in his “Birds of Au.'-tralia” (IS48), but in his subsequent “Handbook” (1865), he changed his mind and made it synonymous with the Brown Thorn- bill. However, in 1903, when an Australian Ornithologists’ Union Congres.K was held at Hobart, specimens were again examined, and it was decided to re-establish the bird as a species, and it continues to be so regarded. . The Tasmanian Museum collection is lamentably deficient in skin material, and indeed, only one example of Ewingii appears to B 3 b there, and a most dilapidated specimen it is, quite useless for study. However, I have examined skins of the species, both in Melbourne and Sydney, and also compared them with skins of the Brown Thornhill. What differences there are, both in measurements and plumage pattern, seem to be so slight that I cannot hnd adequate justification for separating them. Nor can I called hallmarks of each species as have been specified by North, A G. Campbell, and Mack, for it appears that none is agreed as to the primary and positive diagnostic features of the hwing and Bif.wn Thornhills. Once I had accepted a bird with a brick red forehpd, with its habit of frequentinK dark, scrubby places, as Ewing’s Thornbill, and this appeared to possess a tail slightly longer than the one with dull forehead which I had seen frequently *n my gai'den, and which I had considered to be the Brown Thornbill. However, field observation has shown birds with full foreheads to be mixed with birds with red foreheads, in several types of country, high- lands as weW as lowlands; and, therefore, I feel that when birds of such close similarity inhabit the same localities and cannot be dis¬ tinguished from one another in the field there is no valid reason for splitting them into separate species. Plumage variations are superficial, and close study of the species would probably reveal that these were due to age. structure of the nest varies also, yet not enough to justify a claim sc-metimes advanced that it is diagnostic. It is, therefore, unlikely that an observer will be able to recog¬ nise the Ewing Thornbill on an outing, which reduces his possibili¬ ties to 13, and of these some are difficult to find. There is the Forty-spotted Pardalote. It is probably the rarest of our indigenous birds. It ha.s been recorded from Eaglehawk Neck, Mt. Direction, Old Beach, and Risdon, in the South, as well as on Mt. Rumney. I also have a record from Long Beach (Sandy Bay) given me by the late A. L. Butler, but I have myself seen it on one occasion only. T^his was in a wooded gully running up under Mt. Rumney, from the direction of Rokeby, the date being January 21. 1950. While climbing the steep edge of this gully to cross to another one, I heard a call 1 thought was different from that of the common Spotted Pardalote (Pardalotas piinctafiiit), coming from a patch of Blue Gum. These trees were actually growing from the bi'ttom of the gully, but their foliage swept close to the high bank, and when I lay on the bank and looked up, I saw several small Pardalotes Hying about. Imitating their calls, I soon had them at the tips of the foliage within about 15ft of my head, and distin¬ guished them plainly as this rare little species which I had not seen before. It is a bird which inhabits the higher parts of trees, and, there¬ fore, requires much searching for, with a keen ear to distinguish its calls. \MOTHER species not common in the neighbourhood of settle¬ ment is the Scrub Tit, a pleasantly variegated bird possessing also a sweet song. It is still to be found in the Fei*n Tree (Mt. Wellington) district, inhabiting blackberry bushes and fern gullies, but one needs a sharp eye to distinguish it from the Brown Scrub Wren, which it resembles in a general way, though the white throat, slender body, long bill, and also its distinctive call,^ will help to identify it if one can get a good look at it before it flits out of sight. ‘The Scrub Tit is plentiful in remote gullies, and it has been noted in considerable numbers round the western edge of 4 Lake St. Clair, at the Franklin River crossing on the Lyell High¬ way, as well as in Golden Valley, near Deloraine. Usually there are one or two pairs to be seen, after a little patient watching at T‘\rn Tree Bower. The Brown Scrub Wren is well dispersed. Nests will be found in cluttered places, such as blackberry hedges, bracken fern, fallen Brown Scrub Wren. blanches, and in cutting-grass. The male of the species possesses a superciliary stripe; this is absent in the female. This stripe is not so well marked as that in the White-browed Scrub Wren of other States. This reminds me that Dr. 1), L. Serventy gave me a note about a bird seen oy him at Lady Barron, Furneaux Group. This reads.—“On March lb. U)47, at Lady Barron, just near the school. I called up a Serirorniy, which was yel!ow-'’ouff in parts, black and white on wing and a white eyebrow- It was de^inite’v t'- > li‘rht t) h ■ Siriconiin and 1 consider it to be a form of SericoDiii^ fS. froittnlis is the Australian species, and hitherto has not been recorded in Tasmanian territory. K. A. Hindwood and A. U. McGill (Sydney), who were at Lady Barron, also confirmed Serventy’s observation that u bird resembling the Australian Sericom/s had been seen on Flinders Island. Hind- wood’s note reads.—^“After seeing Scricoiinti /u'/;n7rs ^ am con¬ vinced that the Flinders Island bird is diTerent: white eyebrow visible, yet none at all on S. lutmiliH, while the last named is a much darker bird than the one on Flinders.” This bird at Lady Barron may have been the Forsyth Scrub Wren (S. Unff/irontris innularis) as recognised by Lord, in A Dch- criptivc Lifit ttf the fUrda of Taametnia and Adjacent /s/oad-s*, 1917— a species simo rejected by the Checklist C mmittee and made syn¬ onymous with S. ImmUis. 5 Had it not been, as is said, much lighter in colour than S. hiftnilis, one would have been inclined to say that it was in fact a male of S. hnmilis with the white eyebrow stripe well developed as in birds seen so frequently about Hobart. In any case, I consider that 5. hnmilis retains its specific rank on slender ground, and that eventually it will be accepted as an insular race of S. frontalis. For the sake of simplifying bird study, the fewer “species” we have the better. The Masked Owl is another native bird of which we see little, in life. I say “in life,” because we most frequently see it in death, after it has crashed into power wires or telegraphic lines along country roads. Many dead specimens find their way into museums, but the bird also is caught in rabbit traps and is often released undamaged, except for a broken foot or injured leg. We may recognise it at once by its large, round mask-like face, and its size compared with the much smaller and more common Spotted Owl (}Jinox novae-Heefandiae). Mentioning owls brings to mind the fact that there are but one or two records for Tasmania of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba), and tliese relate to about 40 year.s ago. This is a species which should be watched for. Generally, it can be stated, that the remaining species of Tas¬ manians indigenous birds as listed are common, and familiar to most observers. The Yellow-throated Honeyeater is distributed thioughout the State. About Hobart, the Black-headed and Strong- billed Honeyeatei's may be seen almost any time in favoured locali¬ ties, but the Strong-billed, while mixing with the Black-headed on Mt. Wellington, rarely, if ever, is seen on the eastern side of the Derwent, a district very popular with the other. The Robin is not as common as it was some 80 years ago, and there are localities to-day, popular in the past, where it is not seen at all. It prefers burnt areas and new clearings, with stumps on which to perch. It was once numerous on the lower slo|>es of Mt. Wellington, but only a few isolated pairs are found there to-day. The Native Hen, common in marshes and bracken paddocks, is holding its own and breeds freely, laying up to 10 eggs to a clutch. A good many birds are run over by motor traffic on the roads. The Yellow Wattle Bird, largest of the Honeyeater group, is still subjected to an “open season,” though the Fauna Board has been pressed, unsuccessfully, to accord it full protection. Its num¬ bers are much reduced compared with the po.sition 40 years ago. according to reports. The Green Rosella is well known. It is more common to-day than the Eastern Rosella, frequenting forest country as well as open lands. It travels in flocks, whei*eas the colourful Eastern Rosella is not often seen, other than in pairs, or threes and fours. The hill country contains the so-called Black .lay (Strepera) in ample numbers, whereas its close relative, the so-called Black Magpie, favours the lowlands. At Lake St. Clair, however, both species intermingle, and thus their recognition marks can he com¬ pared, The Jay is generally black, with white tips to wing feathers and tail; the Black Magpie also is black, but this tone is relieved by white patches in the wings, as well as white beneath the tail. 6 MT. WELLINGTON SUMMIT PLANTS By Kelsey Aves. ^|T. WELLINGTON has a considerable range of vegetation, regulated by variety of climate—as indeed all vegetation is icgulated. Mountains in the track of rain-bearing clouds have greater precipitation on their slopes, and this normally causes a climax vegetation of forest. On exposed summits and plateaux wind and other factors reduce plants to rounded shrubs, rosette, and cushion plants, and “elfin” trees, stunted and twisted with their growing tips away from the direction of the prevailing wind. The jilant formations of Mt. Wellington have been divided (Vvyi'tatunt vf Mt. Wellwyton, D. Martin, Proc. Royal Society, 1P30; into three types—1, Eucalypt forest, 2, Microthermal rain¬ forest, 3, Austral-Montane. The plant ecology of the area has been dealt with extensively by Martin in the paper referred to. The following brief notes for novices are given on plants within the Austral-Montane area. This is broadly the summit plateau, and our particular location will be the col between the Pinnacle and Ml. Arthur in the swamp from which the North-West Bay River takes its origin. Pools lie everywhere, and frequently at their margins we see neatly rounded cushion plants from a few inches to several feet in diameter. They are bright emerald green and so hard that a hoot makes little impression on them. They are composed of the growing tips of Ahtotmiella forsierioides. The leaves are about i in. long, narrow, and overlapping each other. The flowers are not easily noticeable, and are of small tubular florets, the plant belonging to the Compositae family. This habit of growth is an extremely effective one where con¬ ditions are as severe as they are here. The rounded compact form presenUs the least possible obstruction to the high winds. The overlapping, hard, linear leaves lose very little water by trans¬ piration at an altitude where rarefied atmosphere, constant air movement, and brilliant sunshine all tend to cause rapid evaporation. Furtherjuore, the leaves of previous years die within the plant, ultimately fornung humus which is all reserved for the parent plant. So effective are these arrangements that several other plants have evolved in so exactly similar a way that, where they grow side by side on other mountains in Tasmania, it is almost impossible to tell them apart unless they are in flower. Then it is simple, since they are members of quite different families. There are other examples of environment causing similar development of habit and leaf. In this same area, rounded bushes about 3 ft. high, with revolute leaves rather similar to those of Rosemary, may be either OlearUt ledifolia or Oriten revoluta —totally different families, yet diflicult to distinguish apart from flower or fruit. Identification in this case is simplified, however, by the fact that plants of the Orites will almost always hear the woody cases of the fruit of previous years. Yellow Bush (OriteR acicHlaris) is also a prominent inhabitant of this area. Its cylindrical, pointed leaves and stems are of a distinctive yellow colour, which makes it stand out from a considerable distance. 7 Another of the rounded shrubs, which seems to prefer the eastern side of the watershed, is Ozothamnuit ledifolius, also with the Rosemary-like leaf, but not so narrow, and having a rich, sweet scent, which is very apparent on a hot, sunny day, and still more so if the leaves are crushed in the fingers. A twig brought home and left in the sun will increase its output of scent and remind us of the tonic air and sunshine of the mountain top. While on the subject of Ozothavinns, we notice Kerosene Bush (O, Hookeri) with its minute leaves of sage green. It is one of the relatively few mountain plants in Tasmania which have a vernacular name. The collection, sifting, and even invention of such names, is a task which the Field Naturalists’ Club might well initiate. Mountain Rocket. J^EVERAL Richeaa grow in and around the swamp. R. acerosa is common near “Dead Island,” and R. scoparia, R. Giinnii and R. sprcuffeloides are scattered here, the first especially seeming to be quite capable of resisting any amount of exposure. All of these Richcnn have very sharp, pointed leaves, overlapping each other and widening out to clasp the stem. They all have their petals combined into a cone which drops off in one piece like a rice grain as the flower matures. With R. dracophylla growing in the forest below, Mt. Wellington can boast of all the eight species in Tasmania except two (R. MilUgani and R. pandanifolia). Mountain Rocket (Bellendcna moniana) is prominent on the moor here. The red capsules of its fruit are almost as showy as its pink or white flower. It belongs to the same family as Waratah. The Gentian (Gentiana saxosa) is an attractive feature of the swamp with its fleshy stem, opposite stem-leaves and rosette of radical leaves and its creamy white to pale blue flowers. It may 8 vary from two to three inches in height to nearly 2 ft. in height. Gentians are a large mountain-loving genus spread over the vrorld, but Australia has only this one species as a native. The brilliant blue Gcnti/imt acaulis of our gardens is a European species. Characteristic of most of our mountains are Pineapple, or Snow, Grass (Astelia alpina) and Button Grass (Mesomelaena sphaerocepkala). The former is everywhere where there is suffi¬ cient water from about 3,000 ft. upwards. A member of the Lily family, it has bright red berries about h in. long. Button Grass forms a glorious foreground to most of the peaks of the south and west, but Mt. Wellington's soil is not consistently wet enough, and it does not occur there. Mountain Yew (Fodocarpns alpina) is the only native Conifer which grows on Mt. Wellington, except for rare examples of Celery-top. Mountain Yew is a low, fairly horizontally growing shrub with narrow oblong leaves about i in. long, and it can be seen amongst boulders near the Wellington Ski Club’s hut. Again, the rainfall is evidently not sufficient to maintain the other native Conifers (Dwarf and Creeping Pine, Pencil Pine, etc.), which grow plentifully on ranges quite near (Mt. Field, Hartz., etc.). Snow Gum (EticalypUiH coccifera) grows on exposed places on the plateau, but it does not like marshy ground. Hence we see it on the ridges and escarpments, and on the little hillock called “Dead‘Island” in the midst of the marsh. Martin points out that it is very frost-resistant, and can withstand icing of its leaves for several days. A balance between sufficient water supply and adequate drainage, however, is necessary. Its twisted, gnarled trunks standing up through the sweeping curves of windswept snowfields form the characteristic background of the Tasmanian ski-er. Space does not permit of further comment on such things as the lovely heaths, sedges, and grasses with which the moors of Mt. Wellington abound, but, perhaps, even in this brief article, some¬ thing has been said to justify the writer’s belief that, in having such an amenity as Mt. Wellington on the outskirts of their city, Hobartians are amongst the most fortunate of people. R.A.O.U. CONGRESS; Members who recall the pleasant time spent at Lake St. Clair with the ornithologists’ camp last year may be interested to know that the next congress and camp of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists’ Union will be held in New South Wales. Bu.siness sessions open in Sydney on Tue.sday, 24th October, and delegates will leave for camp, in the Barraba district, on 26th October. The camp will extend until Monday, 6th Noventber. Actual camping site will be at Derra Derra station, some miles from Barraba, in the north-west. Subscription to the R.A.O.U. is 25/- a year. Further information can be obtained from the State Secretary for Tasmania, 141 Hampden Road, Hobart. FOR SALE: Back Numbers of The Tasmanian Natnralisf. See the Editor. 9 TRIP TO LAKE TOOMS Hv Leonard Wall. J^AKE TOOMS, one of the lesser lakes in which Tasmania abounds, is on the Eastern Tiers, about 15 miles from Swansea on the East Coast. Its only access, however, and that by the roughest of roads, is from the Midland Highway, between Hobart and Launceston. Last September, three members of the Club spent a week-end in the area for the purpose of learning what numbers of native fauna are to be found in the sanctuary established there some years ago in an endeavour to save the Forester Kangaroo from extinction. For those readers who have access to old copies of “Wild Life,^’ a map showing the lake and the boundaries of the sanctuary appears on page 395 of the September, 1948, issue. The party left Hobart by car on Friday evening, hoping to reach the lake that night, and devote the whole of Saturday and Sunday to exploring the area. These hopes were not realised, however, and it was on the advice of a local landowner that camp was pitched about eight miles short of the objective. His warning that the road was bad proved to be a decided understatement. The camp site that night was on a timbered hilLside overlooking an extensive river flat and the rolling parklands so characteristic of the Midlands. As the evening meal was prepared by the bright moonlight, Spurwinged Plover and Native Hen could be heard cal¬ ling along the river flat, and the distinctive “Morepork” call of a Spotted Owl from farther along the hillside. From the first light of dawn next morning the air was full of the songs of birds re¬ joicing in the joy of a Spring day. The trees seemed full of Yellow Wattle Birds, Noisy Miners, White-backed Magpies, Grey Thrushes, Rosellas (both Eastern and Green), and other bushland birds, while from the flat below came the calls of the Spurwinged Plover and the Native Hen. As we walked down to the river to fill our billies, a pair of Mountain Ducks and a White-faced Heron flew upstream and Banded Plover were heard fi*om .some cultivated paddocks. A little later, during breakfast, a Brown Hawk alighted on a dead tree nearby, much to the annoyance of a Noisy Miner, and soon afterwards several Collared Sparrowhawks were seen and heard as they flew swiftly over the hilltop. This was a most interesting locality, on the border of open parklands, which stretched away to the west and the rocky forest aieas of the East Coast. Birds of both haJbitats mixed freely here, while a short distance to the east the White-backed Magpie, Noisy Miner, Eastern Rosella, and Spurwinged Plover, all lovers of the open, had been entirely displaced by the forest birds. After striking camp, we travelled about half a mile to the top of the ridge, only to find that the I’oad forked. As seems always to be the way, wc chose the wrong fork, as it petered out in a small about a mile and a half away, so we left the car and climbed to the top of a hill in an endeavour to got our bearings. While this did not relieve our minds of the problem of the moment, it was profitable from other aspects, as twelve birds were added to 10 our list. These included Honeyeaters, Black Cockatoo, Black Mag¬ pie (Clinking Currawong), Flame Robin, and Blue Jay (Cuckoo- shrike) . Jt was a surprise to find the Kookaburra here, this bird having been introduced from the Mainland some 20 or 30 years ago, and liberated in Epping Forest about 35 miles to the north-west. It has since been leaimed that Tunnack (about 14 miles to the south¬ west of Lake Tooms) is apparently the southernmost point to which it has spread, a fact for which we may well be thankful, as its presence is seldom counted as a blessing. It seems that Tasmanian conditions are not entirely suited to it, otherwise it would have spread much farther in the time. It was here, too, that the first marsupials were seen. By the side of the track was a dead Bennett’s Wallaby (generally known as kangaroo), and a short distance away was another, long since dead, which had become entangled in a wire fence. Yet another of these animals was disturl>ed from its midday rest under a log soon afterwards. We returned to the car and prepared lunch, but this was dis¬ turbed by a shower of rain, which threatened to set in for the day. It became urgent then to retrace our tracks to a roadway which would give promise of a safe passage in any weather. We re¬ turned to the turnoff and briefly explored the right track, and tlten decided that the safest course, after all, was to leave the car and to walk the i*emainder of the journey. So we set off on the last lap not long before 4 o’clock. The track lies through low foi'ested hills, separated by small marshes, covered with coarse sedges and with occasional small clumps of tea-tree. The rocky nature of the country does not allow of any luxuriant undergrowth, and the forest consists of White Gum and Narrow-leafed Peppermint, with an undercover oi sagi?. It crosses the watershed between the streams flowing east into Oyster Bay, and those flowing north, the latter being tributaries of the Macquarie River. ^V^OUT midway along the track, we were fortunate enough to see, on the edge of one of these watercourses, a fine pair of Forester Kangaroo, the only ones seen on the trip. They showed extreme timidity, and bounded away as soon as disturbed. Intermittent light rainshowers continued throughout the after¬ noon, but they ceased soon after the lake was reached, and night had closed in. By the time camp was pitched and dinner prepared, the weather showed definite signs of breaking, and the full moon sliuggled through the clouds. A few Black Swan and a pair of Spurwinged Plover were heard calling, and these were the only signs of life. It was disappointing that no calls of the Masked Owl oi* other nocturnal birds were heard, nor was there any evidenct* of their presence. In the hope of discovering what nocturnal animals might be about, it was decided to leave some food at the base of a tree covered only by a tin plate, which would rattle if interfered with’ but this remained untouched throughout the night. It would seem’ from this that at best the area is sparsely populated by such animals as Possums, Kangaroo-rats, Native Cats, and Tasmanian Devils, though there seems no adequate reason for this. The scarcity of larger game might account for the absence of the Devil, 11 but the Native Cat feeds largely on small birds and lizards whic-h abound, and the others are purely vegetarian in diet. Dawn on Sunday was heralded by the incessant calls of count¬ less birds. One of the calls was not familiar to any of the party, so a search in the half-light was begun. The owner proved to be a Yellow-throated Honeyeater, a bird indigenous to Tasmania, and one which possesses a surprising repertoire. During the morning, the western and southern shores of the lake were explored, but time would not permit of fui-ther observa¬ tion. No signs of marsupials were found, but our “Lizard Wizard** unearthed the following ,—Egernia whitii, metallic skink, Entre- casteaux’s Skink, the Spotted Sand-skink, and the Yellow-striped Frog, Brown Tree-frog, and Brown Froglet. Additions to the bird list included Tree Martin, Welcome Swallow, Olive Whistler, Black Duck, and Chestnut Teal. So far as waterfowl were concerned, the lake proved disappoint¬ ing. Many years ago the level of the lake was raised by damming to regulate the flow of the Macquarie River, and the shores are now lined with dead trees, some of them standing in water, ghostly reminders of what can happen in “the progress of civilisation.*’ Before man took a hand there may well have been extensive reed- beds sheltering countless ducks and other birds, but these do not exist to-day. The only watei*fowl seen were five Black Swan, two Black Duck, and five Chestnut Teal. A pair of Spur¬ winged Plover was found on a small grassy fiat in the south-west corner of the lake. The walk back to the car that afternoon was uneventful, and the only observation of note was of a Tasmanian Pademelon (gen¬ erally known as a wallaby), which was seen only at a distance. The trip was not entirely encouraging. During two full days, in what should have been favourable country, only two Foresters, three Bennett’s Wallabies (two of them dead), and one Pademelon were seen. It is not a satisfactory list, but it must be remembered that the party barely entered the reserve itself — the western boundary skirts the western shore of the lake, and the reserve lies almost entirely to the north and east. Also, an open season for the taking of kangaroo (except Foresters, which are totally pro¬ tected), wallabies, and brush and ringtailed possums had just cl^osed, and it is known that thousands of skins had been taken from that part of the island. In view of this, it i.s reasonable to suppose that the animals would have made their way well into the reserve to avoid the hunters. However, it will need further investigation before any conclusion regarding the effectiveness of the sanctuary can be reached. SPECIMENS FOR EXHIBITION: Members are reminded that specimens are always required for display at monthly club meet¬ ings. Members are expected to describe them and indicate where they were collected. In cases where the object is not known specimens will be identified at meetings when possible. SUBSCRIPTIONS; Club subscriptions are due at each annual meeting in February, but may be paid at any time. Adults, 5/-* junio^, 2/6. Funds are needed. Please keep up-to-date with 12 NATURALISTS’ CAMP, 1950 Easter at Eaglehawk Neck. |-(^OR some years to come members of the Tasmanian Field Naturalists’ Club who attended the 1950 Easter Camp will probably be heard to remark with feeling: you remember Eaglehawk Neck?” And it won’t be so much a question as an exclamation ! The weather wasn’t pleasant at Easter. It was cold and wet, and the wind, which had stropped its edge on the snow that lay on the mountains throughout the State, now cut sharply enough to be uncomfortable. The surf broke with audible violence on the beach at Pirates Bay, and reverberated among the arches, gaps, and blowholes in the headlands across the bay. Mud was underfoot, and tents dripped water here and there — always, as it happened, when one was either here or there! It was an occasion for complete discomfort, and a perfect excuse for all to be dispirited and irritable. Yet the philosophy of accepting the bad with the good in which lasmanians are well tutored, since climatic vagaries are unac¬ countable, stood all in good stead. Camping has been enjoyed in better conditions, nevertheless the campers this Easter made light of the unseasonable weather. The dampness underfoot and in the sky prov^ed no damper to good fellowship and camping fun. There was little interruption to the general programme; there were the usual excursions and outings, and surfing between the showers (by a few), and the large dining tent proved an admirable substitute location for night entertain¬ ments which otherwise would have been held round the camp fire. Indeed, all members appeared determined not to allow the weather to mar their fun. The pursuit of natural history was, of course, afl'ected to some e^^tent. There were 0)2 under canvas, including several juniors, and the camp was held at a spot in protecting scrub, overlooking the fctach, on the property of Mr. W. H. Clemes, whom we welcomed to the camp “evenings” for his interesting .stories about the geology and natural history of the district. Some reference should be made to the financial result of the camp. The club had to meet increased costs in all items this year. The increase was estimated at 25 per cent, compared with what the camp cost in 1949. Pood bills, transport, every item in fact, was higher, and the Club may congratulate itself on showing a profit of a few pounds, this in spite of the fact that the normal fee foi members (£4 15s.) was not increased. If costs continue to soar, as appears likely, higher fees will be unavoidable. We should not overlook the value of the preliminary work per¬ formed by the advance party, in clearing the area, erecting tents, and providing general amenities, and also of the organising work done before this by the Camp Committee, for this, in fact, represents a saving of many pounds, which otherwise would have to be cov¬ ered by camp fees. With increasing costs, it appears likely that higher fees will be necessary to avoid a loss, and also in order to preserve the continuity of the annual camp, which, except for a period during the last war, has been a feature of the Club since 1904. Fees may have to be higher for both adults and juniors, and juniors, incidentally, might well, in future, be clas.sified as those of 12 years and under. 13 When the main party of campers arrive Mr. H. F. Sargison, 21 IJlizabeth St., or to Secretary. Lectures, field outings, wild life show, and nature study camps, ‘He the chief activities of the Club. PROTECTION FOR TASMANIAN TREES. \yE already have laws for the protection of native birds and furred animals, many of which have benefited accordingly, ajid the time has come when there should also be laws extending protection to native trees and native vegetation generally. Bird.s, particularly, are so linked wJth trees through mutual partnerships that the welfare of one is dependent on the other. Elxtenslve tree destruction brings in its train diminution in bird life and a consequent increase in insect pests normally controlled •by birds. Aside from this economic asnect. there is the aesthetic side of tree.s: they add much to the beauty, of our landscape as well a.s our lives, and it is regrettable to obseiwe the‘amount of destruction and mutilation which still proceeds with trees of all kind.s. much of which could be avoided with due thought and care. Our highways are beautified by trees, cur streets and narks would be dull without them, our bushlands are still pleasant places with Eucalypts, Banksia, and Wattle. There is a growing section of the community ready to safeguard and further beautify its environment by planting and preserv¬ ing trees, but so widespread is the vandalism of another section, par¬ ticularly that of nubile instrumentalities, which sacrifice trees, often to little purpose, that the need l.s for tree-lovers to band together and en¬ deavour to instil into the public mind the necessity for a changed and enlightened outlook. Whether or not the Feld Naturalist.s‘ Club should organise a campaign in favour of tree preservation. It is urgent that ste|)s be taken to crystallise the popular feeling that indiscriminate tree destruction has proceeded too far. The most effective measure would, perhaps, be to form a body to be called a "tree-wardens* league/’ with the specific object of tree protection. Much could be done by such a body, membership of which should be State-wide. It is hoped that members of the Club will sponsor formation of a body of this kind and thus initiate a step w^hlch would most likely have benefit to the State. Let us begin now—M.S. 19 TASMANIAN FIELD NATURALISTS’ CLUB. Annual Report for 1949-50. J-TINANCIAL membership of the Tasmanian Field Naturalists’ Club is now 115, consisting of 105 seniors and 10 juniors. It is with regret that we record the passing of Messrs. B. H. Edgell and J. H. Wall. The annual mee'!.ing and nine ordinary monthly meetings were held during the year, the average attendance being 80. Many interesting talks were given during the year—the subjects covered being:—An outline of the History of the Club, Federation Peak. Easter Camp at Saltwater River. Macquarie Island, Identification of Eucalypts, Naming of Plants, Bird Observdng at South Arm, Lake Tooms, The Kimberleys, Our National Heritage, Documentary Films showing Wild Life and Birds in Canada. Also a film entitled “Salmcn Run. " The lecturers who assisted were:—Messrs. M. S. R. Sharland. J. B. Thwaites, H. K. Aves, N. R. Laird. M. Gilbert, Mis.s M. Scott. Messrs. L. Wall. J. Levis. A. M. Hewer, and. Crcsble Morrison. Field outings were quite successful under the leadership of various members. Several week-end camps were held. The Easter Camp (1949> was held at Plunkett Point, the site of the old Convict Coal Mine a'L Saltwater River. The weather was perfect, and much valuable informa¬ tion, was collected. A highlight of the Camp was the “Museum” Com¬ petition. A prize was offered for the best exhibit collected in the vicinity of the Camp. The .senior section was won by Miss A. Wall, and the Junior by Eleanor Widdlccmbe. A Wild Nature Show wa.s to have been held in October, but had to be postponed because of the risk of an epidemic of Poliomyelitis. No. 4 of the new series of the Club's magazine, The Taamtimau Naturalist, was published in May, 1949. During the year, two sub-committees were appointed. A committee of three was appointed to give evidence on be¬ half of the Club, to the Joint Parliamentary Select Committee, on the ,Pl^ntine Valley and National Park Bill. J Inother sub-committee was formed to work on behalf of the Club the cause of Fauna Conservation. This Committee has held ^several meetings in conjunction with similar committees fr'om the Walk¬ ing Club and the R.S.P.C.A. Members of this Committee will be elected annually. The Club has undertaken to carry out Phenalogical observations in co-operation with the Hobart Weather Bureau. Notes on the animals and plants suggested for observation have been duplicated. During the year a demonstration on Botany and Marine Biology was staged by the University of Tasmania for the special benefit of the Club. About 70 members and friends attended. As a new venture, several film evenings were held. All were successful. A most enjoyable camp in rough country was held at Fortescue Bay betw'een Christmas, 1949, and the New Year. 1950. Some very interest¬ ing information was collected. The statement of receipts and expenditure shows that cash in hand at the end of the year amounted to £49 Os. 2d., as against £91 17s. 9d. at the commencement. This is again due largely to tihe increased cast-of publishing the Club’s Journal. 20