THE FIELD MUSEUM LIBRARY 3 5711 00017 0390 I PRERCERRTEETEAGO CE < ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ g ¢ ¢< < ¢ ¢ cS ¢ ¢ < < ¢ ¢ ¢< < ¢ < q g ¢ < < 4 Al Taylor's Standard | - American - Egg Catalogue “Comprising a Rineciey of Y Boaeninent Odlogists and | COLLECTORS’ HANDBOOK Price’ 25 cents. set . A Correct Basis for the Exchange of Nests and Eggs Arranged with Margin for Check-List. . on ‘by HENRY REED TAYLOR With the Assistance of eS SSS Hon: John Lewis Childs, A. W. Johnson, Frederick OM. Dille, Henry B. Kaeding, A. E. Price, Philo W.. Smith Jr., Chauncy W. Crandall, Thomas H.~ Jack- son, A. M. Ingersoll, J. Claire Wood, Charles S. _|._ Thompson, Chase Littlejohn, Joseph Grinnell, J. H, ~ Bowles, Donald A. Cohen, H. W. Beers, J. War- ren Jacobs, Jesse C. A. Meeker, W. L. Chambers, John H. Flanagan, Isaac E. Hess, C.S. Sharpe, J. )*_-H. Evans, R. S. Wheeler, Dr. M..T. Cleckley, Har- A ae) Fold C. Ward, Edward Arnold, N. K. Carpenter, C. , B. Johnson, Edmonde’S. Currier and others. a S548 1 ~ SSS Scisessreeeese - oe Ps Published by H. R. TAYLOR, Alameda, Cal. = Se rs * = ' ~ “ Oct. 1904 iH i ’ Alameda. Encinal Print. : \ Oological Odlogy, which treats of eggs—naturally enough comprehending the study of the habits of birds during . that most interesting period, the breeding season— with the peculiar and often singularly beautiful homes ‘the feathered artisans construct, in situations widely various, in which to deposit their eggs; the form and coloration of these products of the oviduct, which, in ‘their wonderful variety, form an endless chain of in- terest to the naturalist; and, indeed, a study which embraces a love of all things wild and free, of the mar- vels of nature which are miracles new every day— with a study so vast and so absorbing is it a wonder that out of this most delightful branch of Ornithology the true enthusiast is born? roe: Oodlogy claims its votaries among students and col- lector-students (who get their facts first hand) the world over—men like the late Major Chas. E. Ben- ~ dire, John C. Cahoon and others of America; ‘Wooley, of England, and many more who might be mentioned here, have risked their lives (some to lose them in daring cliff descents) and endured hardships in many lands in pursuit of scientific knowledge and in the | “acquisition of rarities in nests and eggs. The jour- nals of some of these men (as Wooley’s) are human documents which will be read with admiration by all true naturalists for perhaps centuries to come. An Odlogist is not to be made to order for the occa- sion, even to satisfy the demands of a publisher’ Once an Odlogist and the delights of-the pursuit are never ‘to be forgotten. The late Judge J. N. Clark (rest his memory!) was as enthusiastic as a boy up to the close, at past three score and ten of his honorable career. I[t - is not a child’s hobby, but a serious study and one which brings its compensations for the hardest day’s tramp, the “‘fiercest’’ climb, to the true collector. It requires much research to be intelligently follow-d, for sets of eggs taken indiscriminately, without proper data, with careless preparation or without being ab- solute positive as to identity, are valueless—or worse. I saw a friend of mine (a true Odlogist) not long ago take up a set from his collection labeled ‘‘ Curlew Sandpiper.’’ ‘Maybe they are, and maybe they -are not,’ he said, and suiting his action to the words he crumpled the egg shells into fragments and tossed them into the coal scuttle. It was a fitting receptacle ‘for eggs of dubious authenticity, especially so when they were assumed to be of such rarity. Where absolute authenticity means so much, if the better class of collectors would unite in discouraging reckless handling and sale of eggs, where such is ap- parent, and encourage scrupulous honesty in dealings, in every way which suggests itself, much good might _résult. So long as ignorant handling of specimens and carelesness are tolerated individuals who do not hesi- tate at long guesses will thrive and even attain to a certain reputation! Is it not better to have fewer sets and have them from strictly reliable sourcés than | many that are ‘‘probably’’ the real thing or are de-' _Clared to be ‘‘just as good’’? Bi 7 \ How many sets of White Gyrfalcon have been of- fered which (either through ignorance or intention) are of the whitewashed ‘!White’’? When eggs of alleged Falco islandus are offered with others from _ apparent Icelandic collections a’ grave doubt may arise as to ‘their authenticity. The similarity in scientific names adopted for dif- ferent species or varieties by American and Eupopean ornithologists is no doubt responsible (at the hands of indifferent collectors) for some pernicious confusion as regards Gyrfalcons on our list, as it is in cases of other species: ~The White Gyrfalcon, which we call Falco islandus, breeds in Northern Greenland, but xot in Iceland. British ornithologists call our White Gyr- falcon Falco candicans, while our Gray Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus), the only form found breeding in Iceland, they designate on their lists as the Iceland Falcon, Falco tslandicus, or even sometimes F. 1ts- landus (!), giving rise to natural confusion as to the White Gryfalcon and Gray Gyrfalcon, z It will be seen that a hasty conclusion on the art of an Odlogist either exporting or importing these eggs would he easily responsible for errors not appré- ciated by the consignor and, ee often not by the average consignee. ‘ Sets of White Gyrfalcon, as I am informed by Mr. ‘A. W. Johnson, a well known British Odlogist, at . present making his home in California, are very diffi- cult to obtain, and may be rated, he believes, as al- most equal in value with those of the Black Gyrfalcon (F. rusticolus obsoletus). Any sets of any Gyrfaleon, it may be stated, are ‘“‘good”’ eggs to obtain. , TROUBLESOME SYNONOMY. Some grievous blunders have been perpetrated in sending out sets of the Swans, the confusion of Ameri- can and European scientific names, with synonynms, being held responsible. Our Whooping Swan, Olor cygnus, which breeds in Iceland, has been confused by some handlers of eggs with G ygnus olor (thé same thing hind- -part- -be- foremost) although the latter is the common “ Mute’’ Swan, domesticated and breed- ing on Scotland lakes, and elsewhere. Our Whooping Swan is known in Europe as Cygnus musicus. A blunder which is bad, though not so egregious, has been made in sending out Whistling Swan from Ice- land, where the species does not breed. Confusion in scientific names isthe excuse offered. Eggs of Old World forms similar to ours have bern exchanged as the same thing or ‘“‘just as good,” being labeled as European. Some times they are and some times they are not. We have a European price on Richardson’s Owl, meaning Nyctale tengmalmi. It is nearly the same thing, but I submit that it would be more in line with strictly honest policy to call it Teng- malm’s Owl, with the explanation. In the chapter on Richardson’s Owl in Bendire’s Life Histories (page 349) we read: “The eggs of the Old World ‘rm, Nyctale teng- malm1, a species closely related to Richardson’s Owl, but a trifle lighter colored, and, like the Lap and Hawk Owls, is also likely to occur in Alaska. There 2 pee - \ should be little or no difference in the relative size of the eggs of these birds.”” | When we step from this ifotance’ to naming the common eggs of the European Goldcrest (Kegulus . cristatus) as the same thing as ‘the Golden-crowned Kinglet of this continent; the Firecrest as the Ruby- crowned Kinglet; the common Wren of Europe as our. own,’ ‘etc.;, then ‘the. present writer desires to express condolence. it may be a matter of taste. If our: collectors teally accept eggs of.the European species, admittedly {as has been advanced as an argument) at a greatly — reduced price, and are satisfied, it is their own con- cern. It is only where any deception is practiced that a protest need he voiced. In comparing eggs of our Nwmenius lovigirostris from Montana, in my colleetion, I find the European eggs, even a picked set sent me, mighty poor imitations of the real article. They are Curlew’s, and there the comparison ends. The present writer cannot approve of sending out eggs of the European bird, even though _ the price be _low, if labeled “Long-billed eee E urope.’ American ‘collectors are obliged to obtain many sets of birds on our lists from dealers and others in Europe who have correspondents in Iceland, Lapland, etc., and there is no intention here of disparaging these eggs so long as they come from careful Odlogists. As- to eggs of the Red Phalarope, Crymophilus fulicarius (also * known as Gray Phalarope), a well known Odlo- gist familiar with sets from Europe writes me: *‘Al- _ ways bear in mind that it is risky taking eggs of this i species either for cash or exchange that are from Ice- land. Ninety or more out of a hundred of such sets “ere really. only those of the Red- necked Phalarope.”’ EUROPEAN. METHODS. fe In this Bortieciok some rata as to methods of European Odlogists may amiss. Data with x sets is usually much more meagre, and less point is made in Europe than here, probably, in mosticases at least; on the question of size of holes in eggs. Choicely prepared eggs in this country have a higher value, but - .many collectors do not object to eggs with holes bored of fairly ‘‘decent”’ size, and in a large collection one is obliged to take many which are not blown with ‘“‘pin point”? borings. To take as much pains as pos- sible and avoid augur holes, is propa a safe rule to follow. The European Dolosiats make it a rule to mark, upon one egg in a set at least, the most important data, as, locality, date, and sometimes the collector’s | name, while all eggs, of course, have their individual set mark. If the data label should be lost it can thus be replaced, which is a decided advantage, and with care the egg is not disfigured with marking. A soft pencil is sufficient. Many of our collectors favor the Euro- pean plan. Mr. C. W. €randall suggests to me that ~ collectors place upon eggs some individual mark. In looking over a series of American Bittern he recently found four sets all marked “},” naturally creating confusion. It is well to affix initals, date, or at least 3 ¢ \ the year. “Full”? data is very desirable, especialy of rare sets, even 1f yourwrite on the back of the label. A photograph of nest will add to its value. It may be trite to mention packing, but in shipping eggs wrap each one separately in raw cotton (the finest quality is not so good) with packing in top and bottom (some make little bundles of tissue paper of each egg), and be sure that while not too loosely packed there is sufficient “‘give,’’ for tightly packed egg shells will break from concussion incident to mail. With a strong box :re-inforced cigar boxes are handy) there is comparative safety. , Where difference in price is small better use express, marked ‘‘Fragile.’’ Very large eggs are sometimes wrapped in paper, etc. Having devoted so much space to boxing eggs, and boxing the odlogical compass, the main issue—+prices —is apt to be forgotten. It is about eight years since there was issued, in New York City, where I was at the time publishing The Nidologzst, the first edition of this Catalogue. The first edition eliminated many tim -worn blunders and fell into others nearly as bad (sic the prices on some very rare waders), but it sup- plied a want as the first catalogue of exchange yvalua- tions not issued by a dealer, and is still in use. Supply and demand have caused a fluctuation in many prices and the need of a second edition was ap- parent. In compliance with many requests the task was undertaken five or six months ago, and with the generous, assistance of many discerning Qo6logists, the editor and publisher ventures to believesthat in this new edition, largely improved, the results are suffis cient requital for the labor expended. There were over two hundred changes in nomencla- ture, additions or corrections to be made to bring the A. O. U. list herein up to date, so that a concep- tion may be formed of the labor involved, and excuse found for some little delay in publication. ‘‘Prices’’ fixed in the ONLY “standard” Catalogue (and the gentle reader may draw his own conclusions as to one meant), although they represent toilsome hours (sic), are not copyrighted. If any publisher should venture to take an easv cut by utilizing them in a subsequent Catalogue, the compiler humbly expresses the hope that such errors as may have naturally crept into this work will not be incorporated into a new one. The preparation of such a work is not a “snap.” The scale of relative valuations must be worked out with careful consideration of the abundance or rarity of a given species, the question of a restricted range, demand, supply, European importations, recent ex- plorations, and the numerous circumstances which must, as far as is possible, be reviewed in arriving at a judgment somewhere nearly correct. In this country where private collections are almost a necessity in many instances for advanced students a “Catalogue,” while it may always fall short necessarily of perfec-_ tion, is almost indispensible as a guide in the exchange of specimens; while, in general, the prices indicated: in the compendium may be said often to give concretely a fair idea of the relative abundance of species—at least of such as are readily obtainable. 4 iv ON EGG VALUATIONS. 1) mn Cash prices depend on circumstances, and although a cash basis was suggested to me (by two or three only, some \of them my especial friends it was deemed impracticable. The exchange basis is worked out as consistently as possible, combining the views of many “experienced collectors, and the prices, which are rela- tive, are aimed to promote as far as pssible equitable exchanges, east and west, north and south. The ex- change valuation is higher than cash valuation, the latter averaging perhaps one-third lower, but it is im- possible to make a fixed comparison, as all exchangers, will agree. A collector who makes a fortunate “‘buy”’ should be entitled to a margin, and those who import eggs (which come at buyers’ risk and at his expense for expressage) have some claim for consideration. This Catalogue aims at fairness to all, and European dealers’ prices were carefully consulted, as well as the figures advanced by importers, in arriving at con- clusions, The editor believes a fair margin should be allowed for increased postage on large eggs, as Murres, Loons, Swans, etc., as well as for bulky nests, for in exchanges it is the rule that each collector prepays and guaran- tees safe delivery. Eggs of great beauty, desired in numbers for series, are consistently priced higher, although they may not be extremely rare. Perhaps a dozen correspondents asked me to raise Osprey’s eggs to $1.00. Some kinds, formerly difficult to ob- tain, have been taken in colonies and placed on the market in quantity, hence the price descends. I may mention as an example, White-faced Glossy Ibis. With very rare eggs it is unquestionably safer not to venture a price, but a tentative valuation is in- structive in giving an idea of the rarity of the eggs. It is quite probable, however, that collectors will have no, rush of exchange effers of the very rare species— not from reliable collectors, unless some expedition may make a rich haul. It is a natural disposition of dealers to price very rare species low, for in so doing the unsuspecting may be the more ready to part with them, on occasion, and a substantial advance be real- ized at cash sale! At least this is a fair inference when eggs which have sold for $10 each in cash are priced at an “‘exchange”’ value of $4 or $5. ~ CONCERNING “VARIETIES.” ‘The “‘exchange’’ prices herein given are for perfect, average sets. Those of peculiar size or beauty or other characters which the English call “varieties,” may be exchanged at higher prices by mutual agree- ment. In England, collectors sometimes pay large cash sums for rare “‘varieties.’”’ The egg of the com- mon Murre sells for 15 cents up to $5 for a single speci- men, the latter figure having been paid by Mr. Massey, of Manchester, at a private auction. A pure white egg is considered a valuable prize. Here the auction scheme has not vet prevailed. Eggs of the common Kittiwake and Herring Gull have also brought large sums in England for ‘‘varieties.”’ . It will be noted that prices for many eastern species, as Red-shouldered Hawk, and many commoner kinds, 5 \ have been raised, and prices east and west equitably adjusted. Some of our western species, as Red-bellied ’ Hawk, while much in demand for their beauty in ~ coloration, are taken in but few favored localities, where the collectors prefer to keep them for series, while their range is either limited or extended through country where there are few collectors. The writer finds 339b rare in Northern California—but one set is his total take in twenty years. It will be a long time before the market is glutted (!) with such sets and they deserve a good rating. ‘ A number of collectors who take sets of Blue-winged Warbler thought the figure should remain $2, while numerous’ others demanded a reduction. A well- known Connecticut collector who has about half a hundred sets in his series said, ‘“‘put it $1.50.” With this we strike a medium. A number urged the ad- vance made.on Bald Eagle, and there was but one correspondent to suggest a reduction on Golden Eagle He named an exchange price of $8, instead of $10. Others asked for an increase Mr. Jacobs and others. wrote, ‘‘No one ever thinks of exchanging them for $10... There he’s wrong, I will myself, and the rate remains unchanged. Considering the steady Euro-- pean demand, variation in marking, etc. (which applies likewise to 339 and 3387), the price is none too high: The writer ‘‘owns up” that the contention of man eastern men that some of our western forms have been rated. disproportionately high is correct; and be- lieves he has remedied this condition, but at the same time a very erroneous opinion prevails in the minds of some as to the ease with which rare Warblers’ sets, etc., may be picked up in the West. I would like to take some of these doubters through the high Sierra, where five or six sets all told for a week’s work (as on the Placerville-Tahoe road) is a fair average, including, Mountain Bluebirds and Western Robins! In the great valleys and foothills of California, it is true, there are spots where bird life is prolific, but they are chiefly of what are called the commoner birds. Sets of Hermit Warbler and Western Evening Grosbeak from the Sierra sold for $25 and $40 each cash. Who has taken them since? And: who shall say they brought extravagant sums, considering the trip necessary. California is a big State, and speaking for the west, rich as it is in odlogical treasures, you cannot always walk out in the back yard and pick up _ rare sets. By the way, a correspondent (who prob- ably wants a small series) suggested $4 to me as a fair value on Hermit Warbler’s eggs. . Prices are omitted on some species so rare as to make an exchange valuation almost impossible, as in the case of certain waders. At a recent sale in Lon- don sets of four eggs each of Pectoral and Bonaparte’s Sandpipers brought over $40 a set. Four eggs “of Grey Plover, taken in Alaska,” brought $40. Eggs of the Great Auk are occasionally sold at from $1,000 to $1,600. Thirty guineas, or $150, was paid at Steven’s auction rooms Covent Garden, in July last, for a fine specimen of the egg of Apyornis maximus, ‘‘12 inchesin diam- eter.” _ Who says eggs of the Great Skua are priced too high? This is from the Yorkshire Post: Pie 4 « RECTOR Finep.—At Lerwick on Saturday the Rev. A. E. Sorby, of Darfield Rectory, was fined £3. or a month’s imprisonment, for having contravened the Wild Bird’s Protection order, by taking two eggs of © _ the Great Skua and one of a Sea Eagle from places in ' Shetland. The eggs were forfeited.’’ \ DON’T BE TOO SURE. In scientific research. and this is particularly true _ of Oology, to become dogmatic in assertions is fatal. In the coloration or other characteristics of eggs the Oologist is often confronted wifh strange divergences from the assumed ‘‘types,” and if one depended on the book descriptions —some of them at least—he would be often be bewildered. The variely in colora- tion, markings, etc.,in eggs of a species cannot be summed up at all adequately in a few lines, and such descriptions, presumed to suffico for a student of abe © opular’’ or spy glass Ornithology, are often more apt to be confusing than enlightning When asser- tions are made repeatedly in such awork that of eggs, yet undiscovered of certain birds, ‘‘will not differ’ from related species or sub-species, the ‘‘limit’’ seems to have been reached. There is much concerning the eggs and nesting of even familiar birds which we do not vet know, or which has never been recorded, and ‘all Odlogists of experience will agree that to assume to ‘describe birds’ eggs which have never yet-been found is folly of the most reprehensible sort. This Catalogue aims to be a true “working basis’”’ for students and collectors, and at the same time will be found handy, it is hoped, for use as a checking list, the large type and broad margins, with its convenient size for the pocket, commending it to field naturalists. I desire to express appreciation of the kindness of my friend, Hon. John Lewis Childs, of Floral Park, New York, through whose courtesy the matrices for the electrotypes, set up in the best style of the printer’s art, and with the list corrected to conform to all A. O. U: additions and changes to date, were secured for this work. Mr. Fred M. Dille, of Denver, has remained _ awake many nights, the writer is sure, thinking up _ ideas and ‘“‘contraptions”’ for his valuable contribution to this Odlogical pot-pourri, and I express an indebted- ness profound. To my numerous other friends and collaborators whose names are emblazoned on the title page, I can only express a part of the sincere appreciation felt, trusting they will give me credit for doing my little best to harmonize their ideas on prices. To those who either did not have the time or feel the inclina- tion to aid me—well, I am sure you see your mistake now! With this I beg to remain, yours, quite fre- quently, and; Odlogically; H. Rs Fig Alameda, Calif., Sept., 1904, : | a —— Contraptions | BY DILLE The asking of Mr. Taylor for a little space in this ‘new edition,’ wherein | could air some of my views, was deliberate on my part; but he at once regained the advantage by offering some space for cranks, if I could give him in return a few more ‘“‘hints and con- traptions’’ for ‘his ‘‘ Boys.”’ . : It has been so many years since my “folding ladder’’ startled the Birds, that I think it high time to again unfold it. It is the best thing to-day, that I have in use, and therefore deserving of a second mention. Mr. John H. Flanagan, of Providence, R. I., favored. me with a visit this summer. He is a collector of much experience and knows what eastern woods are like. At first he did not think the ladder would ‘be of as much henefit on the eastern trees as on the west- ern, but finally came to my view, which is, that the first ten or twelve feet of a tree is the hardest, east or west, and that a few stiff climbs early in the day will produce more exhaustion than several miles walk. You can walk and you can climb, but a half day’s combination of “walk and climb” will get us all. So the weight of the ladder, to carry, is nothing compared. to the saving of your strength. Ten feet long, it is of light material and hinged in the center, the latest edition being improved with two straight, sharp spikes, attached to the legs at the bottom end and a sliding bolt, with catch in the center, -to keep it from shutting up | while in use. For getting on top of plum thickets, wild vine growths, dead tangles, where there is nothing to climb, and for very slender trees or holes in under side of an old rotten stump (the West abounds in such condi- tions), my little ‘ladder se is the only feasible one'to take. In getting our prizes ae the nest to ground we have all learned it is best not to carry them down personally, but to lower with line to the ground or to ysome companion. The ‘‘carpenter’s chalk line,’ with a snap on end, still answers this purpose best, and for taking care of the line a fishing reel will be found most desirable. Such a line does not snag in the limbs or blow with the wind, and you will recall the device for ‘computing the distance—wrappings of black linen thread every two feet, with a double wrap every ten feetyy’ But the bucket! I never was paid for advertising lard ‘‘from the tree tops,’’ so I schemed out a little collapsing bucket of my own, which can be carried up in the pocket. Makea circular bottom of wood, diam- eter such as to slide in and out of coat pocket; this is about ordinary saucer size. A circular piece of wire, same circle as bottom, for the top; and canvas tacked to the bottom and stitched to the top wite for the side. The handle is also a piece of pliable wire, which will drop down flush with half the top rim. The one I have in use is five and a half inches wide by four inches high, and you will perceive it can be crushed up and slipped in the pocket, hike one of those patent 8 _» drinking cups; with also a little cotton for nesting, all in position. _ From my friend, Flanigan, I obtained an idea and also gave one. He said that my field data arrange- ment was the simplest, and best he ever saw, and I was pleased to get his rubber ball. Many will remem- ber. our old water-blowing device, ten feet of rubber tubing, with an elevated reservoir of water, but “ Flani- gan’s ball” is ahead of that. Go down to your “toy emporium ”’ and purchase a white ‘rubber ball for the baby’’ (or some one else’s baby, it doesn’t matter which) about the size of a large orange, one of the dull heavy bouncers; burn a small hole, with a heated knitting needle, so as to\‘‘cut the lining.” Use this in connection with a basin ‘of water, by first filling, and when not in use Set back in the water, so that it will fill automatically. Is it necessary for me to in- struct further, by requesting you to use the squirt as -a blowing force and as a cleanser, or will you prefer to play with the tool a little while? F. M’S FIELD PLAN. My field system is simple. I sent to’ my friend, ‘R. W.. Ford, of Bristol, ‘Conn., who, by the way; is also an old-time egg boy, and got a rubber stamp, making this impression, exact SIZE. 1¥ . NAME Tae Via set aii, ela pa a: Sk ee ~Set Marg..... Pee BSG aoe ace a INOW GGS OS xorg Sekt Tere ee hg ER % MQ CNTIOM A iad lye fe Ses 2c RI Se jy INES 46'S, Tie Mek FAR a AS a ad Aihes _ For a few years I cased this on eke slips of ~ paper, but’ recently have been using a pocket note book, size four by seven inches, opening back from -end, much more convenient than'a side Opener. This _ note book is a red cover, half morocco, with the re- movable slip’ filler.” TF get ‘‘fillers” of fifty sheets or one hundred pages each and of quadruple ruling; using a new ‘“‘filler’’ each season, the old one being labelled and filed away. * ~ With the rubber stamp make two impressions on a page, mix in a few with but one impression 'to the page, crowding the stamp to the left side, and with your extra space for writing coming below the ‘nest line,’ and along the right margin. Begin by marking up the “set mark” spaces in ee your book with ink, from a No. 1 in regular order up to 75 or such a matter. Now! mark the eggs from your first nest, immediately on removal, with the figure 1 and fill up the corresponding blank in the book. All eggs of the next set, with a 2 and continue through the season. Do not run a separate set of numbers on sets of the same variety, thereby having more than one set with a 3 or a seven in your lot, but keep the field number going up on every additional set, regardless of sptgovide Put nothing on the egg but the one figure. After the season is over is the time to clean off the field number, re-marking those which have been pre- pared satisfactorily and which are your substantial results;-putting on your ‘‘system’’ marks to connect with the results of previous years’ work—475 20/7 ( 9 \ \ 766 9/6, or whatever your system is, Your temporary field number is of no further use, as far as this set goes, and should not appear, only as a reference guide’ on the completed data. They are for one season’s. use only, beginning with your No. ] again the next year. — Many who read this have no doubt spoiled their chances for good sets of woodpeckers and others from holes in breaking in on an incomplete number, and\ it was through disrespect to the intellect of the “screech owl’ that I found out that the following little piece ofi woodcraft could be worked successfully. Not only on the ‘‘screechers,’’ but the ‘‘sapsuckers’’ and some of the woodpeckers. Now, I always carry a carpenter’s key-hole saw, with some.of the tip broken off. I have it set somewhat coarse and a trifle sharper than a ‘‘safety razor.’ I mutilate the ‘‘door-way”’ by taking out a circular piece, sawed on a bevel, and if the number of eggs is not satisfactory, put it back in place, with some small brads, gumming up the saw cut with bark. , If some bark can be removed in a large piece, which is often the case, make your cut where the replaced bark will cover it and tack it in place with brads also. | SOME GOOD IDEAS, = What I desired to put particularly to the younger collectors was an earnest plea for them to conduct their exchanges and correspondence on a more busi- ness-like basis. Do you not care for the good esteem “of your correspondents? and do you not value a good reputation? Then it is up to you to pick some of the twigs for your nest through these mediums. Pos- sibly you think that the difference is of no considera- tion; that the chances are you will never see any of ‘these boys,’’ and there is your first mistake. A ten or twenty years’ correspondence but strength- ens your desire to see these fellows and make their personal acquaintance, while the effect may be far- reaching. . If you agree with me on these points, let us consider a few ‘‘ways and means,’” leading to your ultimate gain. In sending out your exchange lists, state pre-. cisely which sets are of your own personal work and which ones you are offering, which came to you other- wise; or, better still, give your friends to understand in general that your exchange material is personally collected unless otherwise noted. | If it was necessary to make large holes in the prep- | _‘aration of your specimens, do not fail to mention it when such sets are offered. ’ _ Simply crunch every set, of not too high a valuation, if it contains specimens imperfect in. preparation. Help us all to suppress the circulation of these un- ~ satisfactory sets, Which cause so much ill-feeling and disrupt friendships. ont I wish a general understanding could be had to do away, with the use of the A. O. U. numbers in corres- ondence. Yes! I know it is the standing custom, ut how many of us have the table memorized? Bear in mind, that not only do you have to hunt out the numbers in the first place, but we also have to put*in 10 - more time in the decipher Make matters easy for the next person, instead of . hard, and you are more likely to: obtain prompt and satisfactory replies. | Keep strict account, in regular inet style, of all , your exchanges, and be solicitous to settle your debits. ~ One is always ready to extend»credit to a collector provided he keeps accounts, but there is no satisfac- tion in dealing with those who do not.. Much inexperience is still manifest in the packing and shipment of specimens. Large eggs are not strong in proportion to their size, and big ones take big room. It is the concussion on the box that does , the mischief, if they are not given lots of room, with _elasticity, tather than a-snug fit. I have always thought’ that I took more pains in fixing my boxes than many did and for that reason have made it a rule to send out first, if possible. In that case, your well-fortified boxes will generally be returned with the exchange. The minimum charges is about 25 cents. If the postage comes over-15 cents, use the express; for you thereby can mark your. box “Fragile”? and have it respected. | I have often made use of the registered mail, to procure more careful handling, for.on inquiry I learned that the registered mail was not thrown about as much nor as heavily as the common sacks. _But keep your boxes out of the way ‘during .the » holiday tush.’’, There is no- money in broken eggs, and ‘‘a penny in time saves nine. _ Welll my space is gone; but one more suggestion: If-any of you should happen this way, do not fail to stop off and look me up. We will “‘unfold’’ that, ladder, or if the same is not ‘‘in season,’”’ we can ‘‘do ~ a few" for the cy | Prepd M. DILve. Valuation of Nests: for ee at Exchange aes (Taking into coumideraneny bulkiness, weight, aud .diffi- culty of securing and packing.) — BY A.M. INGERSOLL. - N33 Hummingbirds, attached to portion of branch or object built upon, 50 cents. Hummingbirds, detached from portion of branch’ or object built upon. 20 cents. Vireos, Gnatcatchers, ‘Warblers, Goldfinches, Sparrows . 2% -cetts. - Small Flycatchers, and nests that are smaller or Song | Sparrows’, 25 cents. | - Kingbirds, Pewees, Blackbirds, Towhees, Chats, Thrushes, Grosbeaks, ene) Bush-Tits, and Orioles, 60 eee _ Robins, Mockingbird, Catbird, Shrikes, California Jay» | Blue Jay. 75 cents. : Levee Jays, Grackles, Thrashers, Meddowlark’s be 2 Bit- | tern, $1.00. . oan Barn and Cliff Swallows, Marsh Wrens, Cuckoos, ‘Virginia and Sora Raijs, 60 cents. ny Re dceAet: Clapper and King Rails, Cactus. Wika, Water, Bh he 2 Ouzel, $1.50. 1 , .* Green Heron, Coot, Florida Gallitule, American Bittern. hare Crows, $2.00. Mn? Wrens, Martins, Bluebirds, os Saute: White-bel- ; | lied Swallows in bird boxes or tin cans, $1.50. . (Swallows, Martins, Bluebirds, Nuthatches, Chickadees, Titmice, Wrens, Prothonotary and Lucy’s Warblers, Flycatchers, Sparrow Hawks, Ducks, and Owls, and y section of tree containing nest, first four pounds, $1.50 per pound; each sree Tee pound, 15 cents. . ‘ Woodpeckers and ‘section of tree _containing. same with | i side of cavity neatly cut so that it can be taken out ‘ and replaced at pleasure, first four ponnds, $2.00 per pound; each additional pound, 50 cents. | Hawks, Eagles, Large Owls, Gulls, Pelicans, Herons, Cor- ; rnorants, and other bulky nests, first ten pounds, $1.00 per pound; each additional pound, 50 cents. — Wri hee? c: ' ron a: A number 4 in brackets dhdicates that the’ Specids occu Re Vp ELE accidentally or casually within our borders; eh! . .. the asterisk (*) signifies that the value Vit given is for es) ean specimens. 1 Western Grebe ie / Pilate 36°73 i Sinks Seay = PP aca ie ee ; V0 2 Holboll’s Grebe Te a Colymbus holbeellii , | a | ” v 3: Horned Grebe Hi, 25 po Colymbus auritus - N v _4 American Eared Grebe hg as Galymbad nizticonis ealifor. ‘ aes St. Domingo Grebe. pace gay Ay | Colymbusdominicusbrac, ‘ ny 7 ed ? , VV 6 Pied-billed Grebe yo tp te IO Me Podilymbus podiceps MeN, eK 2 | ae ee fe. . | Bee bok gia Gavia imber : : 8 Yellow-billed Loon a 15.00 Gavia adamsii 9 Black-throated Loon peeaigte ao Gavia arcticus | : | pee Loon § 00 > 2. Gavia pacificus & II ie inated Loon - Ty Rp ae Gavia lumme oe / J : f BO e : ia eet vv 12 Tufted Pufin - “4% 0% 9 Lunda cirrhata beni’ Ay it : ak is ~ Ke 13 Puffin -40 Save Fratercula arctica naumanni Ny 138 Large-billed Puffin ~ we Fratercula arctica glacialis Fratercula corniculata 14 Horned Puffin 5s *3.00 x 5 Rhinocens Auklet . | 5 * 3.00 Cererhinca monocerata 16 Cassin’s Auklet . 50 ‘Ptychorampbus aleuticus _ 17 Paroquet Auklet. ' Cyclorrhynchus psittaculus 7 18 Crested Auklet | 5.00 . Simorhynchus cristatellus \ ; ¥ 5 No. } vo) , Price |. - 19 Whiskered Auklep = 9 | Simorhynchus pygmeus : 20 Least Auklet ae Ftd A 09 5.00 4. o£ Simorhynchus pusillus j # 21 Ancient Murrelet 1 4.00 ve Synthliboramphus antiquus aa 23 Marbled Murrelet i Ge Brachyramphus marmoratus “7 24 Kittlitz’s Murrelet W560. 'Brachyramphus kittlitzii ; . - a9 “f - Wa oe : ieee.” J 25 Xantus’s Murrelet 7% | 8.00 “ee Brachyramphus iy oleae ee Ne 26 Craveri’s Murreiet | , Brachyramphus craveri v \y | (é 27 Black Guillemot 4% ee Cepphus grylle ug 4 ’ 28 Mandt’s Guillemot Cepphus mandatii 29 Pigeon Guillemot ee ) lee by Cepphus columba — / 7 / 30 Murre ile okay A. : 20. 1 £ Uria troile how ¥. 30a Wao tens Murre Wri a) OE aa aa Uria troile ealon nica, 31 Brunnich’s Mire “yon Spee lomvia : Jv 31a Pallas? B- Mian) il Ay ages eho iss y if * Uria lomvia arra ret ae V 32 Razor-billed Auk ; io ; . Alca torda : Sells Cash $1200. 33 Great Auk » : Plautus impennis to $1600 34 Dovekie 6» *4.00° 3 Alle alle vA! ; hae 7 ae v¥ 35 Skua Yo, *1.75: Wad Megalestris skua 36 Pomarine Jaeger : 10.00 4% Stercorarius pomarinuy : . 14 eatin, : ‘“s ~ b . ! i ' . No ; Price aa oa huts parasiticus : 38 Long-tailed Jaeger F 3 oe ‘ Stercorarius longicaudus : / 39 Tory Gull _ Pagophila alba, v0 Rituwate Di) aaa He onl 40a Pacific Kittiwake { 45 Kumlien’s Gull parte kumlieni J 46 Nelson’s Gull Larus nelsoni Jo 47 Grea Backtacked Gal 7 1 48 Siatchacked Gull! jie i! 3.00 49 Western Gull . h- ) | 40 Larus oaehabatalte. * [501 Siberian Gull aly 5 00 Larus affinis - ‘ 5 ' s / & Larus Sibeatatee (a sl 51 Herring Gull } +/ 9 25 52 Vega Gull Larus vege , 15 ie 37 Parasitic Jaeger 1h, , en * 86 Rissa Gees de ‘ By ; | Rissa tridactyla pollicaris 2.00 |. 4% Beate ccs Kittiwake > Rissa brevirostris. . 3550 42 Glaucous Gull | Inge Pai Larus isan 5-00 “2.50” | ws 42. I Bott Barrow Gull ae / 6 | Larus, barrovianus Sh — 0.00 ; Ww 43 Iceland Gulls Yy 4.00 *2.00 Larus leucopterus ee ele } ff | é A4 Glaucous-winged Gull %Q3 ES Lar us Blenceseens h é . “5 Larus Bae £0) 53 California Gull wy Larus Dake ian veo \ 54. Ring-billed Gull Larue delawarensis 55 Short-billed Gull ! 5 aa pegenel ane » ¥ v/ [56] Mew Gull 3 ; Larus canus , : 57 Heermann’s Gull Larus heermanni : ‘ y. 58 Laughing Gull /3 Larus atricilla 59 Franklin’s Gull | | Larus franklinii | 60 “Bopanines Gull Larus philadelphia [60. r| Little Gull. Larus minutus 6r Ross’s Gull: Rhodostethia rosea y } i i 62 Sabine’s Gull ! Xema sabinii wa CPi - 6 3 Gull-billed Tern Gelochel idon nilotica. Sterna caspia 64 Caspian Tern /3 65 Royal Tern, ahh Sterna maxima ; 66 Elegant Tern icta elegans 67 Cabot’s Tern ef Sterna sandvicensis acuflawi 16 in fe) i PR \ ; ‘4 Price p (68] Trudeaw’s Tern Sterna trudeaui | 3 A, pit 6a Forster’s Een ; ae ie Sterna fosteri ‘ ) < i7re ] 7o Common Tern — ee lies _ Sterna hirundo ‘ -10 #1 Arctic Tern \ 7 eA, 5 , | Sterna paradise ‘ | 972 Roseate Tern "39 ay Sterna dougalli 73 Aleutian Tern | 3,00 Sterna aleutica / ff v 7 Least ‘Tern 13 ts ee Sterna antillarum y ig 75 Sooty Tern bat Z .40 2a Sterna fuliginosa ie Bridled Tern i OSE, Sterna anzthetus ~) 4 af Wie Bb 7. es SS vA 77 Black Tern 473 vA BD et -Iom s¥4 - Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis Te [78] White-winged Black Tern - ee ay Hydrochelidon koucoptorts .80 < cae ae | : B 79 Noddy Hiithy 73 : Anous aides : 35 Gf a “86 Black Skimmer . ae Rynchops nigra .20 ey ae @y 'Black-footed: Albatross Diomedea nigripes 15.00 82 Snort-tailed Albatross Ree seen Diomedea albatrus ~ IO.COo! | 82.1 Layson ee Diomedea immutabilis | ‘ 10.00 ut AT a Poorer olan LEE a Cpewe FA ° . % f - —* / : , e. / gies ne’ , te ! [83] Yellow-nosed Albatross $ Thalassogeron culminatus \ j | : > { bd | 84 Sooty Albatross | Pheebetria fuliginosa [85] Giant Fulmar Y Ossifraga gigantes s } \ 86 Fulmar Fulmarus glacials 86b Pacfic Fulmar Fulmaris glacialis glupischa 86.1 Rodger’s Fulmar ’ » Hulmarus rodgersii 37 Slender-billed Fulmar - Priocella glacialoides 88 Cory’s Shearwater Puffinus borealis 89 Greater Shearwater Puifinus major | go Manx Shearwater | Aas . . Putinus puffinus | \ i 91 Pink-footed Shearwater Puffinus creatopus 92 Audubon’s Shearwater | De tone Puffinus herminies ( au) | ie ( if [92.1] Allied Shearwater i fi o: ¥ Puffinus assimilis \ / F 4 = (or Puffinus gavia 93 Black-vented Shearwater 93-1 Townsend’s Shearwater aus Ve ( Puftinus auriculares : ™ : \ ' 94 Sooty Shearwater — Puffinus fuliginosus 18 No’ ' “ Price i Dark bodied Shearwater &: Puffinus griseus righ Slender-billed Shearwater: Puffinus tenuirostris os 1 Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus cuneatus B06, 2 New Zealand Shearwater Puffinus bulleri | ‘(71 Black-tailed Shearwater i‘? Puffinus ciner eus 2.00 \ [98] Black-capped Petrel ae elata 2 sasitata foal Scaled Petrel | Sige ae Histrelata scalaris / \ . ; : 1x00 Fisher’s Petrel | fs) Zstrelata fisheri aa x ye fror] Biubwper’s Petrel ss 5-00, Bulweri ia bulweri \ [402 4; Pintado Petia Daption capensis A 103 Least Petrel ea 8.90 Halocyptena microsoma 104 Stormy Petrel xk . Procellaria pelagica 1.00 4 ili i ne Fork- fated Petrel ae Oceanodroma furcata } 10 5.2 Kaeding Petrel Oceanodroms» kaedingi 106 Leach’s Petrel 20 Oceanodroma leucorhoa qyget 106.1 Gaudalupe Petrel ong pew Oceanodroma macrodactyla 19, a ' No \ ; . | } . ed c oo ) 106.2 Hawaiian Petrel abe Oceanodroma cryptoleucura ~ \ 4 / 107- Black Petrel Qceanoedroma melania: pa 108 Ashy Petrel —— Oceanodroma homochroa . 6 - 408.1 Socorro Petrel 4 Oceanodroma socorroensig | 10g Wilson’s Petrel Oceanites oceanicus [x 10] White-bellied Petrel Fregetta.grallaria, i, \ Im1r White-taced Petrel Pelagodroma marina. | g12. Vellow-billed Tropic Bird Phaethbon americanus. eo x aD) eS: | II 13 Red-billed Tropic aiuaad ean ost. 50 35 , Phaethon gethereus. \ i rg r Red. tailed Nropic Bird Ae 4.00 4 i) Phaethon rubicuudus A PETA] Blue-faced Booby eat 2-50 hive 75, eee eae eyanops : IT4.1 Blhedooted Booby oe 6.00 J." % f \ Sula. gossi LN 5 ay \ : 115 Booby | : Soe fe Reicel Sula sula 4 ; TI5.E Brewster's Booby | 8.00 4.0% a brewste: gk. . . : 4 : | “/, vtrx6] Red-footed Booby: /} | 6 y , Sula piseator il ; Oe" vd 117 Gannet Sula bassane Bi eee a ieee ; ai PAY &: Wie i \ ; vi i) - / , Price ‘Rage es Paine P peed at e Anhinga anhings $ 35 he dau ey’ 119 GC omaior | ana | _ Phalacrocorax carbo 1.00 150-98 3 120 Double-crested Cormorant a ha , “" * . Phalacrocorax dilophus m4 3 - [= v j K Fea Florida Cormorant © Te a i. Ehelacuoorss dilophus floridanus Be Ne 5 * 1 \ R ./ 120b White-crested Cormorant “ | Phalacrocorax dilophus cincinatus ms ‘ + 4 / ; , x]. &20c Farallone Cormorant iG i Phalacrocorax dilophusalbociliatus “4 A ae i a Ld, Ah & : fv 121 Mexican Cormorant VA | ay 4 ' -Phalacrecorax moconee 1.00 ne | ’ RP y~ 122 Brandt’s Cormorant Le , 4 Phalacrocorax penicillatus\ f “ ‘eas a i * 123 Pelagic Cormorant. : Phalaccocorax pelagicus an ‘ih ' ‘ { 12 3a. Violet-green Cormorant Tyo > ie P Phalacrocorax pelagicus robustur \ De # - { / : | vd i2 ne Baird’s Cormorant fs ie >" } Phalacrecorax pelagicusresplendens 5 “ c . \ 124 Red-faced Cormorant > toe Phalacrocorax urile 3-00 math df 225 American White Pelican Yo 50 ( ' Pelecanus erythrorhynchos — at 126 Brown Pelican. ) .30 rf ; Pelecanas occidentalis | of, qc 127 California Brown Pelican. Ja 50 ’ Pelecanus californicus : ‘ \7 128 Man-o0-War Bird Sv yi té 1.80 Fregata aquilla 24 i. ‘ ; (i ‘ - / No oe 129 Aitetinee mete hy Merganser americanus - Dee 130 Redreted Merganser /, ia0) Merganser serrator c 131 Hooded Merganser — Lophodytes cucullatus \ ¥ -» [131-1] Smew Mergus albellus v 132 Mallard - | on . Anas bosehas: ' ) en, (133 Black Duck h f Anas obse ura / Ba 13 3 Red-legged Black Duck A Anas. obscura marl S 134 Florida Duck Anas fulvigula, 134a Mottled, Drtek Anas fulvigula regi amt ‘ | 135 Gadwell Chauiclasmus streperus. vl “ 436 Widgeon he Mareca a agi ( ae ie y ; it 37] Baldpate “4 Maw eca americana: ; / { / fat 38] European Teal : thea Nettion crecca } 139 Green-winged Teai Nettion carolinensis j , / 140 Blue-winged Teal hy ee < rey Querquedula discors f fuer | 14r Cinnamon Teal 3 Querquedula cyanoptera. aa , uhh } : 1 : _No ara Hs Price ‘| ¥4I. I Buddy Sheldrake vm. | “ | , Casarca casarca =| ' ques » aS Mo 142, Shovelise a ‘19 CN sti) ON as . t Spatula clypeata ~J75 AG; "5 mi F Be ign | “ 143 Pintail : “Ug fr, "es ; 4 _ Dafila acuta sch | ; ah ae t: 7 i an 1 , ; | 744 Wood Duck ' , 3200 Y, , i | Aix sponsa ! 5 ‘ \ \ L f i , [145] Rufous-crested Duck | (iM ee te Netta rufina rata PP AN | . F| ly yy 146 cores | L062? | Aythya americana, 30 ( > ‘ee: 4 vi ‘ ; { vel, “ Vy 147 Ctaes back | /, pons . ' Aythya vallisneria £ he I/ oh | 148 American Scau Duck ; hos Mee Pale ‘oF Aythya marila P } 2:00 ° -/@ rat a ’ a “A ¥ ‘a | v/ 449 hetes Scaup Duck Via ee 7 bi Aythya affinis Benes : . ' | 150 Ring-necked Duck A Aythya collaris 1.2 D oy ~ ( iv | ¥u 151 American Goldeneye “ i . Clangula clangula amer. .80 “152 Barrow’s Gold 152 Barrow’s Golden-eye | x f - Glaucionetta islandica 2 “59. . 80 4 153 Buffle-head | 4.00 " ants Charitonetta albeola ; |v 154 Old-squaw ( ‘L7 *1.00 > Clangula hyemalis ; . : 4 dv 155 Harlequin Duck ly Hd Aare ‘tT Histrionicus histrionicus ri fs _ 156 Labrador Duck i Camptolaimus labradorius ’ | 23 - No. ar , iS ’ . Price e , 157 Steller’s Duck a pace 4. co ST % ; Polysticta stelleri | ee 3 3 158 Spectacled Hider Li | 4.00 2 Arctonetta fisehers Tes ih ys 159 Northern Eider ye as Somateria mollissima. bore, 160 American Eider ; 50 Somateria. dresseri > 161 Pacific Eider Aer 2.00 hag Somateria v-nigra: CaP che has 162 King Eider ' 3,50 nee _ Somateria spectabilis ! NAB fee nea 163 American Scoter | *2,00).40R4 Oidemia. americana _ ) ‘ , yy oa Od Kb 4 [164] Velvet Scoter-- Sits ot OO et am Oidemia fusca. i “165 White-winged Scoter | | 2-08 Sg deglandi ' . KN ’ \ 166 Suri Sager 8!" Sy Br0og. ae Oidemia perspicillata, i e 167 Ruddy Duck 9 30, £9 Erismatura rubida 39 ‘ [168] Masked Duck ite Nomonyx dominicus #69 Lesser Snow Goose aaa Chen hyperborea : ' ~~ 169a Greater Suow Goose .- - Chen hyperborea nivalis ~ f « ' ! 169.t Blue Goose Chen czerulescens Do Peg RR Ne ‘4 170 Ross’s Snow Goose Chen rossii jl ; No Chie A 3 ECG atc Price urd “White-fronted Goose | * 2.06. ted Anger ‘albifrons “a7ta Am. -White-fronted Goose - 3.00; 2 ‘ Anser albitr ons gambeli 171.1 Sa Goose 7 * 150 : nser fabalis 172 Canada Goose 1500.8 S79 . Branta canadensis ; oa . | ¥ .172a Hutchins’ Goose Yi, 3.06 Branta Canadensis hutchinsii 172b Whitescliceked Goose , 2,00 2 \ Branta Goped Gale occident. f _ 172¢ Cackling Goose 2.50 ~ 3% Branta cadudousta minima . * 173 Brant ie 35220 Br anta bernicla C ' | 173a White-bellied Brant — ae Branta bernicla glaucogastra # 174 Black Brant \ ate" 6.06 Ye¢ ' Branta nigricans 7 ’ 6 [175] Barnacle ease , Br anta leucopsis 00, “J. oe 176 Emperor Goose ate | Philacte canagica \ ; A 00 9 177 Black-bellied Tree Duck | £8 Dendrocygna autumnalis 9 178 Bulvois Tree-duck 1,00 29 Dendrocygna fulva mG 79 | Whooping Swan Ai ts Rca Olor cygnus ; 6.00 180 Whistling Swan Olor columbianus No | Olor buccinator Crom 182 ‘Aimer Flamingo Pheenicopterus, maa ‘81 Trampeter Swan - ' 183 Roe ea: Ajaja ajala ke 184, White Thi Guara alba [185] Scarlet Ibis oN ‘4 i Sef of ‘yr .¢ y f » ; a fee i va a aa! Jos Guara rubra 186 Glossy Ibis ' Plegadisautumnalig | of 187 White-faced Glossy Ibis ee ae eter : ; ' 188 Wood Ibis ee Tantalus locuiator [189] Jabiru Mycteria americana. ( if ‘ 190 American Bittern 7 —Botaurus Pees i ane Be 1g 1 VY / rex Least Bittern (A he Ardetta exilis 36 / 191.1 Cory’s Least Bittern Ardetta neoxena & 192 Great White Heron Ardea occidentalis 194 Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias ! ro4a Northwest Coast Heron | Ardea berodias ‘re 4 194b Ward’s Heron Ardea herodias wardi ‘ : 26 me 195 Eurpoean Atie Heron. ; 76 Arden cineres ! > 196 hentia Egret Herodias ange ; ‘ 197 Snowy Heron Egretta candidissima 4 : i. ! f WV 198 Reddish Egret pho __ Dichromanassa rufescens ; | | : i ie v, ah 199 Louisiana Heron Ava a ee tricolor ruficollig ‘ 200 Little Blue Haron Florida carulea : } / f | ! r’ vA | Y 201 Green Heron /\ ' Butorides virescens 2o1a Frazar’s Green Heron ,- Butorides virescens frazari -g0rb Anthony’s Green Heron Butorids virescens anthonyi 7 3 | VY 202 Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax nzvius 203 Yellow-crowned N ight Heron ‘I's lV . Nyctanassa violacea ‘ Whooping Crane Grus americana Y ¥ 205 Little Brown Chane Grus canadensis 206 Sandhill Crane Grus mexicana aey Limpkin Aramus giganteus he Yah, Rallus elegans Ye A |./v 208 King Rail 209 Belding’s Rail Rallus beldingi 27 20 No : ato California Clapper Rail ‘ € Rallus obsoletus 4 211 Clapper Rail Rallus crepitans glia Louisiana Clapper Rail “a Rallus crepitans saturatus 211b. Scott’s Rail Rallus crepitans scottii 211c Waynes Clapper Rail Rallus erepitans waynei 211.2 Caribbean re Rail Rallus. longirostris caribzeus / 1 of / 212 Virginia Rail 7% Rallus virginianus [a 3] Spotted Crake Porzana porzana wu ee, ok ee f | Porzana chedting \ a 5 Yellow Rail Porzana noveboracensis 916 Black Rail Porzana jamaicensis _ [217] Corn Crake ak: Crex crex 218 Purple Gallinule Tonoris martinica / w 219 Florida Gallinule /, /5- v Gallinula galeata [220] European Coot Fulica atra Vy 221 American Coot vp ¥, ¥, Fulica americana 28. 12.00 7 ©, 12.00 444 -2043 fe No Price . ‘i ~ 222 Red Phalarope-> 4.” '$:5.00°*3.00 - Crymophilus fulicarius 223 Northern Phalarope * 69 Phalaropus lobatus x | Te é |» 224 Wilson’s Phalarope 80 a || Phalaropus tricolor | : ; r | : A pose) 225 American Avocet , .40 Recurvirostra americana J : ¥ h oy £226 Black-necked Stilt Veh 30 y Himantopus mexicanus i; [227] European Woodcock 3:75 22 Scolopax rusticola a / 4 ! WA F “W/ 228 American Woodcock | /% 5-06 Philohela minor poertan ; i [229] European Shine ; mie Gallinago gallinage a \ 230 Wilson’s Snipe ! 2 .50 Gallinago delicata [230.1] Greater Snipe 4 250 Gallinago major 231 Dowitcher ' Macrorhamphus griseus 232 Long-billed Dowitcher Macrorhamphus scolopace:' \ | 233 Stilt Sandpiper Ser Micropalama himantopus, ‘ Y | 234 Knot: Tringa canutus 35 Purple Sandpiper 5:00 *3,00 Arquatella maritima 236 Aleutian Sandpiper Arquatella couesi 29 A : vA . Vv ¥ No ’ 237 Pribilof Sandpeper - ; $ Arquatella ptilocnemis 238 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Actodromas accuminata 239 Pectoral Sandpiper Actodromas maculata ’ 240 White-rumped Saar are Actodromas fuscicollis 241 Baird’s Sandpiper Actodromas bairdii 242 Least Sandpiper Actodromas minutilla [242.1] Long-toed Stint Actodromas damacensis 243a Red-back Sandpiper “4 Pelidna alpina sakhalina [243] Dunlin (8 Tay Pelidna alpina 244 Curlew Sandpiper Erolia ferruginea [24 5] Spoon-bill Sandpiper Eurynorhynchus pygmeeus 246 Semipalmated Sandpiper Ereunetes pusillus 247 Western Sandpiper. Ereunetes occidentalis 248 Sanderling Calidris arenaria 249 Marbled Godwit 4.00 Limosa fedoa 250 Pacific Codwit Limosa lapponica bauert | 30 7) “——r”— 4 ee ee ed * — am es i iM, » 251 Hudsonian Godwit $ Spe. _ Limosa hemastica ; } [252] Black-tailed Godwit hee" SRS Limesa limesa [253] Green-shank * 6.00 Totanus nebularius 254 Greater Yellow-legs Totanus melanoleucus if 255 Yellow-legs Totanus flavipes 256 Solitary Sandpiper Totanus solitarius }} 256a West. Solitary Sandpiper Totanus solitarius cinnamomeus \ [2 57] Green Sandpiper Ho rey Totamus ochropus iD | 258 Willet B " Symphemia semipalmata ro i - a58a Western Wille SO Symphemia semipalmata inornata 259 Wandering. Tatler | Heteractitis incanus | [260] Ruf i : -JO oe P:voncella pugnax 7 A, Y 261 Bartramian Sandpiper "5 Bartramia longicauda : \ \ 162 Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis ie / ae “Jw 263 Spotted ae are Be te Somer og a 55 264 Long-billed Curlew 3.50 Numenius longirostris \ 31 - . f No ! j - 265 Hudsonian Curlew Numenius hudsonicug 266 Eskimo Curlew Numenius borealig vo [267] Whimbrel Numenius phzeopus pues Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tulitiensis | [269] Lapwing | Vanellus pia 269.1 Dotterel Eudromias morinellus "270 Black-bellied Plover Charadrius squatarola MW [272] Golden Plover 7 f Charadrius apricarius 272 American Golden Plover Charadrius dominicus 272a Pacific Golden Plover Charadrius dominicus fulvus / fe 273 Kildeer | % rs Agialitis vocifera \ 274 Semipalmated Plover 13 ix AEgialitis semipalmata ‘a2 27 5 Ring Plover Agialitis biaticula Viera Little Ring Plover Zigialitis dubia 277 Piping Plover “ | Zigialitis meloda 277a Belted Piping Plover Aigialitis meloda circumcinct& 32 c ( I 00./-"° _No. sae Price Te 278 Snowy Plover eye aes oa) Aigialitis nivosa Pal ah ; i bes Mongolian Plover *5.00 # Atigialitis mongola ee “ EY 280 Wilson's Plover, .°.'.2. A Ochthodromus wilsoni 281 Mountain Plover 00 -#2 Podasocys montana ; (| 282 Surf Bird Aphriza virgata ia!’ 283 ‘Turnstone 2.75) 2 } Arenaria interpres | 283.1 Ruddy Turnstone seat q Arenaria morinella : at 284 Black Turnstone 5 00 q Arenaria melanocephala f ; [285] Oyster-catcher ie a} Hematopus ostralegus ; 286 American Oyster-catcher I.00 Hematopus palliatus 286.1 Frazar’s Oyster-catcher 6.00 y Hematopus frazari di 287 Black Oyster-catcher 5.00 _ Heematopus bachmani 7 [288] Mexican Jacana. 1.50 Jacana spinosa | “3289 Bob-white Wa 025 oF Colinus virginianus a 289a Florida‘ Bob-white .TO Colinus virginianus floridanus ‘ ) eh ¢~ 289b Texan Bob-white Via e5 | Colinus virginianus temas 33 291 Masked Bob-white = $ Colinus ridgwayi 292 Noemie Partridge ee ae Oreorty= pictus R / 292a Plumed Partridge Oreortyx pictus plumiferus 2.00 292b San Pedro Partridge 2.50 \ Oreortyx pictus confinis 293, Scaled Partridge Callipepla squamata -75 y 293a Chestnut-bellied S’l’d Par. Ys : 50 Callipepla squamata castanogastris fp Vv 294 Galiformaa Partridge Wb .20 4) aS californica, 294a Valley Partridge ee 5 Callipepla californica vallicola ee 295. Gambel’s JES a Said 4 Callipepla gambelii 4% 296 Massena Partridge "9 Cyrtonyx montezumse 297 Dusky Grouse 2.50 A Dendragapus obseurus \ vv aga Sooty Grouse ly 1.50) Dendragau-~ obseurus fuliginosus re Dendragapus richardsonii 297b Richardson’s Grouse ; 3.50 r 297c Sietra Grouse Dendragapus obscurus sierrae , 298 Hudsonian Spruce Grouse ORT pe Canachites canadensis 298b Alaskan Spruce Grouse Canachites canadensis osgoodi ’ ‘ ' A , § é No \ \ Price i 298c Cahadian Spritce Gtouse $ 4.00 #: Canachites canadensis canace 299 Franklin’s Grouse 4.50 Dendseagapus franklinii | ie 300 Ruffed Grouse ‘Sb ge 40 gaat Eves V \/ 3008 Canadian Ruffed Grouse 7 60 Bonasa umbellus togata % oe Gray Ruffed Grouse 80 Bonasa umbellus umbelloides 300c Oregon Ruffed Grouse rs hy Bonasa umbellus sabini iF, eh * e 301 Willow Ptarmigan iia 3-25 #5 00 Lagopus lagopus i 3o1a Allen’s Ptarmigan a}. Lagopus lagopus alleni r 7 ‘TY 302 Rock Ptarmigan , ; 3.00 "75> Lagopus rupestris 302.1 Evermanns Ptarmigan Lagopus evermanni ae 302a Reinhardt’s pees we 4.50 Lagopus rupestis reinhardti f 302b Nelson’s Ptarmigan Lagopus rupestris nelsoni 302c Turner’s Ptarmigan Lagopus rupestris atkhensis 302d Townsend’s Ptarmigan Lagopus rupestris townsendi VY 303 Welch’s Ptarmigan 19 Lagopus welchi ‘ t 304 White-tailed Ptarmigan | Lagopus leucurus 35 : i" NX No. ¢) a Price 304a So. White-tail Ptarmigan $ 1200 Foe | Lagopus leucurus altipetens j ; p Y| y 305 Prairie Hen Tympanuchus americanus 305a Atwater’s Prairie Her Tympanuchus americanus att 306 Heath Hen Tympanuchus cupido Ay 307 Lesser Prairie Hen ’ 2.50 1¢¢ ; Tympanuchus pallidicinctus ie Vw 308 Sharp-tailed Grouse “427 2,00 4,29 Pediocetes phasianellus ; | } Ap ; / 308a Colu. Sharp-tailed Grouse 75 Ga - Pediceztes phasianellus columbianus ; , ‘ ie 308b Prairie Sharp-tailed Gr’se hie Jake Pediocetes plasianellus campestris fi, Saye en a 309 Sage Grouse 2.00 | ae Geutrocercis urophasianus: . Rae 0) Wemints Wild Turkey — + DEES aa lane oll “hy Meleagris gallopavo silvestris OS Sea 3n0a Mexican Turkey ~ 2.00 Bee4 |: ae Meleagris gallopa7o silvestris Wh 310b Florida Wild Turkey — , {3o% Meleagris gallopavo osceola i w j / i] / / 310c Rio Grande Turkey Yet 5.00 40s Meleagris gallopavo elliot F | a ¥ . : | // 311 Chachalaca 1A 50 ) fs ) Ortalis vetula maccalli ; : 312 Band-tailed Pigeon » Lies. ser Columba fasciata L } e > , i 36 | No. Price [a ’ | | 312a Viosca’ s Pigeoti $ | Columba fasciata viosc@ | | . Vv, | A 313 Red-billed Pigeoii VES .50 | Columba flavirostris ; ‘ 314 White-crowned Pigeon 50 few Columba leucocephala 314.1 W.I. White-crown’d Fees Columba squamosa. . 315 Passenger Pigeon 1%, © Ectopistes migratorius ! : f ‘4 316 Mourning Dove Vien 05 ne Zenaidura macroura 317 Zenaida Dove 1.00... (4 Zenaida zenaida : ¥ K/318 White-fronted Dove es 26 Leptotila fulviventris brach 319 White-winged Dove 2 Py Melopelia leucoptera Shh 5 i 320 Ground Dove aa Columbigallina passerina tsrrestris 320a Mexican Ground Dove 2 Columbigallina passerina pallesceng 5 320b Bermuda Ground Dove Columbigallina passerina bermudina 21 Inca Dove 3 Scardafella inca *50 [322] Key West Quail-dove . Geotrygon martinica [322.1] Ruddy Quail-dove 5-00 Geotrygon montana 37 Thi No. Price ' [323] Blue-headed Quail-dove b Starncenas cyanocephala my: ch 324 California Vulture 350.00 Gymnogyps californianus aay 4 ne Turkey. Vult way af 25 Turkey Vulture gy & alk 3 5 rurkey Val Me “ts 1.25 Black Vul } Yi _// 326 Blac ulture 4 “3 Catharista atrate — I -00 327 Swallow-tailed Kite | 40.00 45% Etanoides forfieatus ae . vy 328 White-tailed Kite 500 | Elanus leucurus , 29 Mississippi Kite 3 of Ictinia cls 7 3 75 o Everglade Kite 33 cena sociabilis i 5:00 i. ¥ 331 Marsh Hawk Ve ) <7 Med y Circus hudsonius oe: 7 Lt te / 332 Sharpshinned Hawk “y “/y 2,00°°° | “lh ‘ Accipiter velox n / 333 Cooper’s Hawk | 7% hs 230 | q : d Accipiter cooperi ‘ | 334 American Goshawk 6.00 b*" | Accipiter atricapillus a . 334a Western Goshawk 8.00 & Accipiter atricapillus striatulus S 4 335 Harris’s Hawk Se 40 A Parabuteo unicintus harrisi ; : i v m * ave yu [336] European Buzzard /s * 60 | Buteo buteo } 38 No Price if 337 Red-tailed Hawk gee $ MO VG Buteo borealis Buteo borealis kriderii 337a Krider’s Hawk 225 " .s / “yy 337b Western Red-tail ~ 50 Buteo borealis calurus f 337d Harlan’s Hawk 3.00, 3 Buteo borealis harlani i &, |“ 339 Red-shouldered Hawk ) ».«-<# 50 ‘| Buteo lineatus 339a Fla. Red-shouldered Hawk .80 Buteo lineatus alleni 339b Red-bellied Hawk 2.00 Buteo lineatus elegans 340 Zone-tailed Hawk 6.00 “%* Buteo abbreviatus 341 White-tailed Hawk 1.00 Buteo albicaudatus sennetti 342 Swainson’s Hawk .60 Buteo swainsoni Y 343 Broad-winged Hawk QA wets 1.75 Buteo platypterus 344 Short-tailed Hawk ddl Buteo brachyurus 345 Mexican Black Hawk 6.00 Urubitinga anthracina wv WV. ¢ 346 Mexican Goshawk 73 Va" 7.00 oi Asturina plagiata : v Py ahs * + Wy [347] Rough-legged Hawk ZY 80 24 Archibuteo lagopus 347a Am. Rough-legged Hawk Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis 39 ih No SS 348 Ferruginous Rough-leg X- ¢ Archibuteo ferrugineus : a | Golden Eagle Ae a 349 Aquila ai [350] Harpy Eagle Thrasaetos harpyia , rf 4 1| Gray Sea Eagle r Vi [35 | ea nea 23 hg : V Bald Eagle +f Heid v heer opi! ee eG Sa 352a Northern Bald Kagle Halizeetus leucocephalus alascanus 353 White Gyrfalcon Falco islandus r : 354 Gray Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus 354a Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus gyrfalco 354b Black Gyrfalcon Walco rusticolus obsoletus a 355 Prairie Falcon Faleo mexicanus ‘ip 356 Duck Hawk Falco peregrinus anatum 356a Peale’s Falcon Falco peregrinus pealei 357 Pigeon Hawk Falco columbarius 357a Black Merlin Falco columbarius suckleyi 358 Richardson’s Merlin Falco richardsonii ¥ y [358.1] Merlin Ie Falco regulus Price 1.50 10.00 L.@F /e, ue? “wo ) ( ) No. x . / ( Plioe Fh 359 Aplomado Falcon DB 4.50 Ye. A Falco fusco-ccerulescens / 7. j cocas Kestrel | i Ra: | Falco tinnunculus ~5G' 124 ve P | i 360 American Sparrow Hawk Veg ie yal Falco sparverius sewn ,4G “e 360a Desert Sparrow Hawk 5 Falco sparverius phaloma 23 ' |. 360b St. Lucas Sparrow Hawk Falee ce verius: peninsularis T 361] Cuban Sparrow Hawk | Falco deminicensis = -y¥ 362 Audubon’s Caracara “%, T.0¢ Polyborus cheriway WB 363 Gaudalupe Catdalten Poly borus lutesus v 364 American Osprey My 4° Ls | Pandien haliaetus carolinensis ’ : > a || q q 36 5 American Barn Owl 4G Strix pratincala as American Long-eared Owl 225 \Asio wilsonianus 667 Short-eared Owl 1,00 * 60 Asio accipitrinus dV 368 Barred, Owl Zire 4 i t50 o Syrnium varium |} .368a Florida Barred Owl 1.50 Syrnium varium alleni 368b Texas Barred Owl 2.00 Syrnium nebulosum helveolum 3°9 Spotted Owl t) ive _ Syrnium occidentale 369a Northern Spotted Owl ‘| . Syrnium occidentale caurinum | 41 ost a Mor hi ae 7 PS. — 370 Great Gray Owl 6 | Scotiaptex nebulosa | [3708] Lapp Owl Scotiaptex nebulosa lapponica 371 Richardson’s Owl Cryptoglaux tengmalmi richardsoni 372 Saw-whet Owl Crypeoglaux acadia 372a Western Saw Whet Owl Cryptogla uxX acadia scotaea i \ | / 2 373 Screech Owl he 3 Megascops asio 373a Florida Screech Owl Megascops asio floridanus Megascops asio meealli ¢v 373b Texan Screech Owl 373c California Screech Owl Megascops asio bendirei 373d Kennicott’s Screech Owl Megascops asio kennicottii 373e Rocky Mt. Screech Owl Megascops asio maxwelliz 373f Mexican Screech Owl Megascops asio cineraceus 373¢ Aiken’s Screech Owl Megascops asio aikeni 373h MacFarlane’s Screech Owl Megascops asio macfarlanei / 27.3.1 Huachuca Screech Owl 14s Megascops trichopsis 373.2 xanthus Screech Owl. | Megascops xanthusi Mae hy ot ee 42 No. Megascops flaiie-.a : 3748 Dwarf Screech Owl Meégascops flammeola idahoensis Price 374 Flammulated Screech Owl $ © 7,00 vi W375 Great Horned Owl we ee’ es 1.75 Bubo 375a Western Horned Owl Bubo virginianus pallescens 39 5b Arctic Horned Owl Bubo virginianus arcticus 375¢ Dusky Horned Owl Bubko virginianus saturatus ‘ y 37 5d Pacific Horned Owl Bubo virg. pacificus 7 5c. Dwarf Horned Owl Bubo virginianus elachistris 376 Snowy Owl Nyctea nyctea 4 377| Hawk Owl Surnia ulula 377a American Hawk Owl J Surnia wlula caparoch a 378 Buniowine Owl Speotyto cunicularia hypogea My y 378a Florida Bi stieiit Owl Speotyto cunicularia floridana i 379 Pygmy Owl Glaucidium gnoma 3794 California Pygmy Ow! Glaucidium gnoma californicum 379.1 Hoskin’s Pygmy Owl Glaucidium hoskinsii 4° 4 2.00 AIS ese 7.00 7.00 1 %, : \ x 380 Ferruginous Pygmy Owl $ 4.00 4s Glaucidium phalenoides : 381 Elf Owl 5.00 #2 Micropallas whitneyi 382: Carolina Paroquet: > Conurus carclinensis 382.1 Thick-billed Parrot . Rhyncehopsitta pachyrhynckh#. ithe: { ‘ [383] a #5550 kod Crotophaga:. ani . /_ —- 284 Groove-billed Ani | ae Crotophaga sulcirostris: 385. Road Runner Geococeyx ealifornianug: 20 386 Mangrove Cuckoo: Coccyzus minor 1.50 [386a] Maynard’s Cuckoo Coccyzus minor maynardi / wv /. 387 Vellow-billed Cuckoo. %, as, Coecyzus americanus: 387a California Cuckoo ) | 1:50 Coecyzus americanus occidentalis / 388 Black-billed Cuckoo 4, /, Sees Coccyzuserythrophthalmus © 388.1 Kamchatkan Cuckoo Cuculus canorus telephonus [389] Coppery-tailed Trogon Trogon ambiguus / . CY See he” Pee Zu ; / 390 Belted Kingfisher 34, 4% ¥. v Ceryle alcyon — 77 (%® %s -30 ee /s 390.1 Ringed Kingfisher Ceryle torquata 44. aye Price \ re oe Texat scinetistiee /% $ 7-00 7% Ceryle cabansi : hid ; SF ee 392 Ivory-billed Woodpecker ‘Campephilus principalis - / ~ f 393 Hairy Woodpecker ‘5 ae | Dryobates villosus a 393a North. Hairy Woodpecker 1.0G Dryobates willosns leucomelus 393 South. Hairy RVacdpccked 75 he Dryobates villosus audubonii y 393c¢ Harris’s Woodpecker 1.50 37s » Dryohates villosus harrisii si 39 3d Cabanis's ‘Woodpecker NSD et Dryobates villosus hylescopus ~ 393e Rocky Mt. Hairy Woodp’k’r ~ 2,08 Dryobates villosus monticola 393t Queen Charlotte Wood’p’k*r Dryobates villesus picoidens 394 Southern Downy Woodp’k’r OTs |. See Dryobates pubescens 4 394a Gairdner’s Woodpecker +50 Dryebates pubescens gairdneri. 394b Batachelder’s Woodpecker a0 SN Dryobates pubescens orecacus 394c Downy Woodpecker | “45 2S Dryobates leech medianus J 7 at a Ole we yew hiro preg ¢ ‘ a 394e Willow Woodpecker “75 af Dryobates pubescens turati 394d Nelson’s Downy Woodp’k’r Dryobates pubescens nelsoni - 395 Red-cockaded Woodpecker 12s € Dryobates borealis 45 No’ vin. - 396 Baird’s igsiod pecker: | $ Dryobates scalaris bairdi - 396a Saint Lucas Woodpecker ree Dryobates sealaris lucasanus 397 Nuttall’s vices ede 7 -1.00 hee Dryobates nuttallii Pd Arizona Woodpecker 2.00 2.d¢ Dryobates arizone é 399 White-headed Woodpecker 20) dal Xenopicus albotarvatus 400 Arctic Three-toed Wodp’k Picoides arcticus 4or Am. three-toed Woodpecker | 5.00 i.e Picoides america nus 4o1a Alask. Three-toed W’dp’k Picoides americanus fase. | 401b Alpine Three-toed Wo’dp’k ‘ Picoides americanus dorsalis _ ne 402, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Ye 75 Ww Sphyrapicus varius 402a Red-naped Sapsucker | 75g ci Sphyrapicus varius nuchalis Sphyrapicus ruber 403 Red-breasted Sapsucker Loe ¢ 403a N orthernRed-br.Sapsucker Sphyrapicus ruber notkensis 404 Willamson’s Sapsucker Sphyrapicus thyroideus 405 Pileated Woodpecker Ceophlceus pileatus 4o5a N orthern Pileated Woodp’k’r | 6.00 3:52 Ceophloeus pileatus abieticola 9 iV / N ol 400, Red-headed idcdpecker of $ Melanerpes erythrocephalus 4 407 Ant-eating Sar cealdeet Melanerpes formicivorus 407a California Woodpecker Melanerpes form. bairdi sou Narrow-fronted Woodpecker Me! anerpes formicivorus angustifrons . 408 i,cwis’s Woodpecker Melanerpes torquatus 409 Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 410 Golden-fronted Woodp’k’r Melanerpes aurifrons 411 Gila Woodpecker Melanerpes uropygialis 412 Flicker /3 Colapes auratus 412a Northern Flicker , Colaptes auratus luteus 413 Red-shafted Flicker Colaptes cafer collaris 413a Northwestern Flicker Colaptes cafer saturatior 414 Gilded Flicker Colaptes chrysoides 414a Brown Flicker Colaptes chrysoides brunnescens 415 Gaudalupe Flicker Colaptes rufipileus 416 Chuck-will’s-widow ‘’/ i , : {jv “ia ana at carolinensis ; 417 Whip- poor-will 4 trostomus vociferus li No: ’ ! 417a Stephen's Whiblpoomsit iy . @ aeronkorias vociterus macromystax ) ; ; Bi 418 Poor-will ; ai Phalzenoptilus nuttalli 418a Frosted Poor-will \ Phalznoptilus nuttalli nitidus a ae Dusky Poor-will \ : Phalenoptilus nuttalli ealifornicus. fe md 4i9 Merrill’s Parauque SS Nyctidromus albicollis merrills / 420 Nighthawk a” At Chordeiles virginianus' / _ 420a Western Nighthawk Chorideiles virginianus henry# Vv 420b Florida Nighthawk of Chordeiles virginianus chapman 420c Sennett’s Nighthawk / Chordelies virginianus sennetti \ ey. 124 i Pexau eee v) R Chordeiles texensis # 422 Black Swift | Cypseloides niger “A 423 Chimney Swift V5 ’ Cheetura pelagica 424 Vaux’s Swift / ‘13.99 Chaztura vauxii . “~é 425 White-throated Swift | ; ee oft ‘ = eae cae Nae melanoleucus : 24 426 Rivoli Hummingbird 5.00 §.06 Eugenes fulgens . 427 Blue-throated Hummingbird ~ | ~! Cosligena clemenciae . 48 *) 7 lia No. We 4 Price iH 428 Ruby-throated Biuntninehitd $ 7 Sa oR WA Trochiius colubris a ale f V 429 Black-chinned Hummingbird 4 Py oad 440 of ; Throchilus alexandri 429.1 Violet-throated Hu’mi’b’d Trochilus violajugulum | 430 Costa’s Hummingbird Ber ty Lita Calypte costz o | 431 Anna’s Hummingbird 1407) 8% a Calypte anna / 431.1 Floresi’s Hummingbird Selasphorus floresii 432 Broad-tailed Hummingbird Se or ean "Al Selasphorus platycercus , a’ 36433 Rufous Hummingbird /t,00 ~ FA | Selaspliorus rufus i “ 434 Allen’s Hummingbird | 60 40 Selasphorus alleni nea | 435 Morcoms’ Hummingbird | Atthis morcemi 436 Calliope Hummingbird | 2.50. Bie Stellula calliope 437 Lucifer Hua umingbird Calothorax lucifer | 438 Reiffer’s Hummingbird Amizilis tzacatl : | 439 Buff-bellied Hummingbird 2.00° ¢ Amizilis cerviniventris chal. 4 440 Xantus’s Hummingbird Basilinna xantusi 440.1 White-eared Hummingb’d Basilinna leucotis 49 No. ts 441 Broadfulled Hicuenipgtii y \lache latirostris : \ 441.1 Xantus’s Becard R Platypsaris albiventris Hai Fork-tailed Flycatcher Milvulus tyrannus 443 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Milvulus forficatus / ate tes Jf 444 Kingbird nate @ Tyrannus tyrannus SZ / 445 Gray Kingbird Tyrannus dominicensis ; 446 Couch’s Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus couchié / 4 ie 447 Arkansas Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis , : /%¥ iy « 448 Cassin’s Kingbird V of. Tyrannus vociferans 449 Derby Flycatcher Pitangus derbianus ole 50] Giraud’s Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis super. 451 Sulpher-bellied Flycatcher Myiodynastes luteiventris / 452 Crested Flycatcher +/_ ¢/ Myiarchus crinitus 0" Fi 453 Mexican Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus mexicanus 453a Arizona Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus mexicanus magister 454 Ash-throated Flycatcher Myiarchus cinerascens 50 No. | Bie Price a54b fair Cal. Flycatcher $ “Myiarchus cinerascens pestinax — 455 Lawrence’s Flycatcher — | 3.00)... Siok Myiarchus lawrenceii , 455a Olivaceous 1:lycatcher 2.50 2. Myiarchus lawrenceii olivascens : 18 / 4 56 Phoebe Sy Oh OO Gow feoije thy O 5 cP | ) Sayornis phoebe 4 he ev 457 Say’s Phoebe OTe SRE | Sayornis saya ; ‘ _ 458 Black Phoebe is, i Ge) ae Sayornis nigricans 459 Olive-sided Flycatcher 1750 feb Nuttallornis borealis | ! _ 460 Coues’s Flycatcher 2.50 ad . Contopus pertinax pallidiv. \ Ms. 461 Wood Pewee - 22 / eo Nae AG Contopus virens Yi | 462 Western Wood Pewee 20 18 Contopus richardsonii ’ 462a Large-billed Wood Pewee Contopus richardsonii peninsule# 463 Yellow-billed Flycatcher 1250 4 Empidonax flaviventris . | -I5 yee 464 Western Flycatcher : Empidonax difficilis 464 1 St. Lucas Flycatcher Empidonax cineritius hal - 464.2 Santa-Barbara—Flyeateher Himpidonax.insulicola 465 Green Crested Flycatcher | 20 Empidonax virescens 51 _ No- rd = “Price 4 466 Traill’s Flyeatchert Los Ye (Ov. ee Empidonax traillii v y, 406a Alder Higcontice Ap ol we Bd Empidonax trailli? alnar Bmpinas minimus. 467 Least Flycatcher | | 5 ; ab 468 Hammond’s Flycatcher “1.25/08 Empidonax hammondi 469 Wright's Flycatcher eae Empidonax wrightii 469. 1 Gray Flycatcher Empidonax canescens - 4 [470] Fulvous Flycatcher , Empidonaz fulvifrons _ 4703. Buff-breasted Flycatche: 10.00 God Empidonax fulvifrons pygmzus 471 Vermillion Flycatcher 1.00 69 } Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus } 472 Beardless Flycatcher Ornethion imberbe \ 47 2a Ridgeue Flycatrher ae Ornithion imberbe ridgewayi . [473] Skylark * 26) 9 i Aluada arvensis . ohne elon ted aes z i 00 Lod 474a Pallid Horned Lark / co eae Otocoris alvestris articola 52 ul 0 | | | | i . | | - 474d Texan Horned Lark 87 eh ; 474b Prairie Horned Lark } ‘ Otocoris alpestris praticola / 4740 Desert Horned Lark Otocoris alpestris leucolzma Otocoris alpestris giraudi A Cohe guesex 474e Mexican Horned Lark Otocoris alpestris actia 474f Ruddy Horned Lark Otocoris alpestris rubea 474g Streaked Horned Lark Otocoris alpestris strigata 474h Scorched Horned Lark Otocoris alpestris adusta 474i Dusky Horned Lark | Otocoris alpestris merrillii 4743 Sonoran Horned Lark Otocoris alpestris pallida 474k Hoyt’s Horned Lark Otocoris alpestns hoyti 4741 Montezuma Horned Lark Otocoris alpestris occidentalis 474m Island Horned Lark Otocoris alpestris insularis J q 475 American Magpie Pica pica hudsonica 476 Yellow-billed Magpie Pica nuttalli . + |/ 477 Blue Jay Wgihe Cyanocitta cristata 4774 Florida Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata florincola « : 478 Steller’s Jay Cyanocitta stelleri - i KO ae % No. Met biti Blue-fronted | Jay: Pagovely sielien frontaliz’ 478b Long-crested Jay Cyanocitta speller diad. 478¢ - Black-headed Tay Cyanocitta stelleri annectens } j | 478d Queen Charlotte Jay Cyanocitta stelleri carlottae 479 Florida Jay Aphelocoma cyanea 480 Woodhouse’s Jay Aphelocoma woodhousei: 480.1 Blue-eared Jay — ( Aphelocoma ecyanotis: 480.2 Texan Jay Aphelocoma texana 481 California Jay Aphelocoma californica 481a Xantus’s Jay Aphelocoma ealifornica hypoleuca '481b Belding’s Jay Aphelocoma ealifornica obscura 481.1 Santa Cruz Jay Aphelocoma insularis 482 Arizona Jay Aphelocoma sieberi arizona 482a Couchs’ Jay Amphelocoma sieberii couchii 483 Green Jay Xanthoura luxuosa glaucescens 484 Canada Jay | Perisoreus etpndensie 4840 Rocky Mountain Jay Perisoreus canadensis capitalis 54 del, 484b Alaskan Jay $ 12.00 Perisoreus canadensis frcaifrons | \ 484c° Pap ratlér Jay Perisoreus canadensis nigricapillus \ 485 Oregon Jay — i: 4.00 Perisoreus obscurus 485a Gray Jay | Perisoreus obscurus griseus 486 American Raven | | 3.00 Corvus corax sinuatus 486a Northern Raven | Sh Corvus corax principalis a): aw & SC 487 White-necked Raven 75 Corvus cryptoleucus \ ] 4 i 488 American Crow % 4 Ui %e2 he ih .10 Corvus brachyrhynchos 488a Florida Crow i nO Corvus brachyrhynchrs passcuus 489 Northwest Crow | .50 Corvus caurinus | 490. Fish Crow | .50 | Corvus ossifragus | 491 Clarke’s Nutcracker | 15.00 a Nucifraga columbiana | 2 Pinon Jay | | cae Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus . T. 5G | ‘4 [493] Starling ¥740 | Sturnus vulgaris WE hoa Bobolink a's Kant | yf 494 obo 1n ‘of /§ i: 36 Dolichonyx oryzivorus 528 494a Western Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorous albinucha 50 55 ~ - ee? | , No: “ ; . f" ‘ Alen ws ‘ , ¢g Price / / Cowbird ; neg x’ a 495 Molothrus ater” | a “ant ° ” 4954. Lwarf Cowbird Sey Molothrus ater obscurus* * e 96 Red-eyed Cowbird 49 ens robustus: 4@ P +0 2 " Md ae Weltowheuded Blackbird) 7 4 Hy ts lod Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus: 498 Red-winged Blackbird %p /y “/--4- 05, | V Agelaius pheeniceus ‘3 498a. Sonoran Red-wing: 10 te Agelaius phoeniceuson. y p 496b, Bahaman Red-wing 5a fe Agelaius phosnicus: byranti 498¢ Florida Red-wing | eae Agelaius phoe. floridanus: Se 498d Thick-billed Red-wing: . * fa" Agelaius pheeniceus fortis Agelaius phoenius neutralis 498e San Diego Red-wing 15) fe 498f Northwestern Red-wing, | Ri aha Agelaius phee. caurinus \ (o8e Vera Cruz Red-wing{//-4 hgrode) Agelaius plioe. richmondi ‘ 499 Bicolored Blackbird 05. ¢¢ Agélaius gubernator eal. 500 Tricolored Blackbird | V5 at } Agelaius tricolor ‘ t | 501 Meadowlark pte 20° \ i. | Sturnella magna P \ 501a Rio Graride Meadowlark (ew on) ) 30,.° FFF Sturnella magna mexicana , ‘ ‘ 56 / ; ‘No, 1 / / ; ‘Price | is sorb eseer “Meadowlark $ ts a Sturnella. magna neglecta SO | Caen / ae Southern Meadowlark: He ida) FAs, Sturnella magna, argutula -- 2@ be 67 4 TPreupial icterus icterus 503 Audubon’s Oriole 3.06 2 Icterus melan. audubonii ops r 504 sank Oriole AG 50 f, I< Icterus parisorum ONE 505 Hooded Oriole _5@ 3 Icterus cucullatus sennetti i) cn X Acterus cucullatus nelsoni @ J/ 505a Arizona Hooded Oriole 506 Orchard Oriole | [Io Icterus spurius y 507 Baltimore Oriole ‘A. “A, E15 Oy Icterus galbula , 2; 508 Bullock’s Oriole Is )7e AIcterus bullocki . 509 ere Blackbird L.00 4% Euphagus carolinus -- §10 Brewer’s Blackbird | | 05 0 Euphagus cyanocephalus S11 Purple Grackle | 05) “oe _ Quiscalus quiscula 5 Ia Florida Grackle ~TO w Quiscalus quiscula agleus “ a tA / on Bronzed Grackle ef. 7. 205. OT Quiscalus quiscale, sneus “2 ' s j ' . y : ¥ i ie \ 6 T No- ‘Priee 4 4 cad 51 3 Boat-tailed Grackle ee: te ae Megaquisealus major — \ 513a Great-tailed Grackle | 15',/8 Megaquiscalus major macrourus 514 Evening Grosbeak } Hesperiphona vespertinus 514a West’n Evening Grosbeak _Hesperiphona vespertinus montanus. 515 Pine Grosbeak = aie Pinicola enucleator leucura 515a Rocky Mt. Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator montana 515b Cal. Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator calif. 515c Alaskan Pine Grosbeak ' Pinicola enucleator alascensis 515d Kadiak Pine Grosbeak hs Pinicola enucleator flammula [516] Cassin’s Bullfinch Pyrrhula cassini 517 Purple Finch Fae Carpodacus purpureus ‘ 3 517a California Purple Finch | 40 Carpodacus purpureus californicus 518 Cassin’s Purple Finch I .00 Carpodacus cassini 519 House Finch 05 ' Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis . 4 519b St. Lucas House Finch he Carpodacus mexicanus ruberrimus’ 519¢ San Clemente House Finch 1.00 ). 7M Carpodacus mex, clementis 58 tik “No- 1, - 520 Guadalupe House Finch: ae Carpodacus amplus 520.1. McGregors House Finch iCarpodacus.mcgregori 52 1 American Crossbill Loxia: curvirestra minor ' “52 1a Mexican Crossbill nina curvirestra stricklandi | 522 White-winged Crossbill \ Lexia deucoptera | ‘ ! 523 Aleutian Leucosticte Leucesticte 2riseonucha 524 Gray Goetacd Leucosticte Leucesticte tephresotis '524a Hepburn’s Leucosticte ‘heucasticte tephrocotis littoralis 525 Black Leucosticte Leucosticte atrata 526 Brown-capped Lenucosticte Leucesticte australis - 527 b Geeentand Redpoll Acanthis hornemannii 527a Hoary Redpoll Acanhthis hernemannii exilipes 528 Readpoll |e Acanthis linaria 528a lioibeell’s Redpoll Acanthis linaria hol beellii Ts. §28b Greater Redpoll Acanthis linaria rostrata , 7 529 American Goldfinch -«/ Astr agalinus tristis / ry 52094 Pale Goldfinch ¢ Js. Spinus tristis pallidus” Bean 59 2.00 ‘ ae os Fe & Nery | ENG OR ea ae image 529b Willow Goldfinch yor a SA eee Astragalinus tristis. ae 530 Arkansas Goldfinch wy 6 wa Astragalinus psaltria 530a Green backed Goldfinch a \ Astragalinus psaltria. hesp %; ¥ SJo¢ Pihasdcere ace J 531 Lawtence’s ~tStafitich 40 | Astragalinus lawrencel. : | [5 32] Black-headed Goldfinch . Spinus. notatus: 533 Pine Suiin Ane 8 Spinus pinus $50) IS | Lewrapaace Grtbiffomet Zwx 534 Snowflake ct ve "3 an Passerina nivalis: / 54a Pribilof Snowflake ~~ 2.50 £ Ff Passerina nivalis townsend? 535 McKay’s Snowflake Passerina hyperboreus 536 Lapland Longspur B00 2" Ge ee Calcarius lapponicus aa Nitya oe j {+g 0 . 7 é 536a Alaskan Longspur a3 et Calearius lapponicus alas, ‘ 2.50 -§. °C 537. Siete Longspur saat: ae Calearius alin P 3:00 8 q 538 | Chestnut-collared Longspur 50 361 ~ Calearius ornatus ie ra 539 McCowan’s Longspur 1.00. /.6uq Rhynchophanes mccownii a (ee 10 off / pf 540. Vesper Sparrow Y; ‘/'3 ae / Poocetes gramineus _ 540a Western Vesper Sparrow 25 tay Poocastes gramineus confinis a 540b Oregon Vesper Sparrow 40 3 Poocetes gramineus affinis » 60 No. ; ‘ 541 Ipswich Sparrow ' Passerculus princeps ‘542 Sandwich Sparrow _ Passerculus sandwichensis §42a Savaiuna Sparrow ‘Passerculus sand wichensis Savanna » 542b Western Savanna Sparrow Passerculus sand wicheusis alaudinus ‘542c Bryant’s Marsh Sparrow Passerculus sand wichensis bryanti 543 Belding’s Marsh Sparrow Passerculus beldingi | | | 544 Large-billed Sparrow Passerculus rostratus 544a St. Lucas Sparrow Passerculus rostratus cuttatus 544b Lagoon Sparrow \ Passerculus rost. halophilus 4 544c San Benito Sparrow Passerculus rost. sanctorum 545 Baird’s Sparrow Coturniculus bairdii 546 Grasshopper Sparrow Coturniculus savannarum passerinus 546a West. Grasshopper Sparrow | ~ Coturnicnlus savannarum bims | ~ 546b Fla. Grasshopper Sparrow Coturniculus sav. floridanus 547 Henslow’s Sparrow Ammodramus henslowii 547a West’n Henslow’s Sparrow Ammodramus henslowii occidentalis *61 Wb. y 548 Leconte’s Sparrow ae amus lecontei 549 Sharp tailed Sparrow Ammodramus eaudaecutus as 540.1 Nelson’s Sparrow Jaf ee Ammedzamus: nelsoni 549.14 Acadian Sh’p-tailed Spa’ w Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus: / at ; ; 550 Seaside Sparrow — | Ammodramus maritimus \ 550a Scott’s Seaside Sparrow Ammodramus maritimus peninsula’ §50b Texan Seaside Sparrow Anmimoedramus maritimus sennetti MORAN | §50c Louisiana Seaside Sparrow Ammodramus maritimus fisheri 550d MacGilliwray’s S’de Spar’w a] Ammodramus mar. macgilliwraii 551 ee Seaside Sparrow Ammodr aS nigrescens 552 Lark Sparrow Whondestes grammacus y A J 5528 Western Lark Sparrow 1, oe es : Ghondestes grammacus strigatus " 553 Harris's Spattrow Zonotrichia querula ‘ 554 White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leuconhrys 554a Gambell ee | , a Zonotrichia leucophrys gambell? - ‘ae 554b Nuttall’s Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttallé ‘557 Hatten caren Sparkie : Zonotrichia coronata 558 \White-throated Sparrow Tonoetrichia albicollis 559 Tree Sparrow Spizella monticola 559a Western Tree Sparrow Spizella monticola ochracea “ / 560 Chipping Sparrow * i Svizella socialis 560a Western Chipping Sparrow Spizella socialis arizonse 561 Clay-colored Sparrow Spizella pallida 562 Brewer's Sparrow : Spizella breweri | \/ 563 Field Sparrow 4 4%, Spizella pusilla 563a Western Field Sparrow | Spizeila pusilla arenacea 564 Worthen’s Sparrow | _ Spizella wortheni | : 565, Black-chinnta Sparrow Spizella atrigularis \ 566 White-winged Junco Junco aikeni 567 Slate-colored Junco Junco hyemalis 567a Orezon Junco Junce hycmalis oreganus 567b Shufeldt’s Junco Junco hvemalis connecteus . C3 2.00 er a -1O 1,00 78 i)? a” Moe , 567c Thurber’s Junco - $ Junco hyematis thurberi en, ma 567d Point Pinos Junco _ Junco- hyemalis pinesus. 567e Carolina Junco Junce hyemailis carolinensis: 567-1 Montana Junco Junco montanus an 568 Pink-sided Junco Junco mearnsi 568.1 Ridgway’s Junce Junco annectens =H 569 Gray-headed Junco Junco ecaniceps ~--§70 Arizona Junco ' Juneo phaeonotus palliatus be 570a Red-backed Junco ; / Junco phaeonotus dorsalis 571 Baird’s Junco Junco bairdi ‘571.1 Townsend’s Junco Junco townsendi — _--—s«§72 Guadalupe Junco i ! Junco insularis' / 573 Black-throated Sparrow Amphispiza bilineata 573a Desert Sparrow Amphispiza bil. deserticoh \ 4 574 Bell’s Sparrow Amphispiza belli ‘ 574a Sage Sparrow ‘150° (foul Amphispiza belli nevadensis Ks. 64 -580c Laguna Sparrow No, } | , buoy tage “574d Cinereons Sparrow Amphispiza ‘belli cinerea j / 575 Pine-wood Sparrow $ Peucezea 2stivalis ~ s7 5a Bachman’s Sparrow Peuczea zstivalis bachmanii 576 Botteris ee Peucza botterii 577 Mexican Sparrow Peucea mexicana 578 Cassin’s Sparrow Peuczea cassini 579 Rufous-winged Sparrow Aimophia carpalis ©80 Rufous-crowned Sparrow ~ Aimophila ruficeps 580a Scott’s Sparrow Aimophila ruficeps seottil ~ S80b Rock Sparrow Aimophila ruficeps eremoeca ' y Aimophila ruficep soror Y 581 ‘Song Sparrow LI Melospiza cinerea melodia 581a Desert Song Sparrow Melespiza cinerea fallax > ‘581b Mountain Song Sparrow Melospiza cinerea montana 581c Heermann’s Song Sparrow Melospiza cinerea montana ™, "rd Samuel’s Song Sparrow ~Melospiza cinerea samueli 65 1.50 3.00 7.00 2.00 3.00 .05 r AL ad No. | | | / g / 581e Rusty Song Sparrow: $ Melospiza cinerea morphna. 581f Sooty Song Sparrow Melospiza cinerea rufina nies / 581g Brown’s Song Sparrow Melospiza cinerea rivularis 7 -/ 58th Santa Barbara Song Spat’w Melospiza cinerea gramines. 581i San Clemente Song Spar’w * Melospiza cinerea clement 581j Dakota Song Sparrow Melospiza cinerea juddi . 581k Merrill’s Song Sparrow Melospiza cinerea merrilli 5811 Alameda Song Sparrow 40 ,¥e y Melospiza cinerea pnsillula S81 San Diego Song Sparrow © 3 30 : iS Melospiza cinerea cooperi 581n Yukatat Song Sparrow Melospiza cinerea caurina \ 5810 Kenai Song Sparrow Melospiza cinerea kenaisnsis 5811 Bischoff’s Song Sparrow Melospiza. cinerea insignis 582 Aleutian Song Sparrow 3.00 Ave Melospiza cinera aim 583 Lincoln’s Spatrow 1.50 49 Melospiza lincolni 583a Forbush’s Sparrow Melospiza lincolni striata : Melospiza georgiana / 584 Swamp Sparrow Vy 30 > yg 585 Fox Sparrow 25 fe Passerella iliaca . . o 66> No, ‘§85a Townsend’s Sparrow Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis y . <8 5b Thick-billea Sparrow Passerella iliaca megarhyncha ~ 585c Slate-colored Sparrow Passerella iliaca schistacea 585d Stephen’s Sparrow Passerella jliaca:stephensi 586 Texas Sparrow Arremonops rufivirgata 587 Towhee _ Pipilo.erythrophthalmus » Os 37 587a White-eved 'Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus alleni 588 Arctic Towhee Pipile maculatus arcticus 588a Spurred Towhee Pipilo maculatus megalonyx | 588b Oregon Towhee Pipilo maculatus oregonus j 588c San Clemente Towhee Pipilo maculatusclementae 588d San Diego Towhee Pipilo maculatus atratus 588e Large-billed Towhee Pipilo maculatus magnirostrig 589 Guadalupe Towhee Pipilo consobrinus 59° Green-tailed Towhee Pipilo chlorura 591 Canon Towhee Pipilo fuscus mesoleucus ’ $ Price 2.00 2.50 ~50- ‘excle) Y 42 r "> .~ \ No. | 5g1a St. Lucas Towhee ‘ $ ‘ Pipilo fuscus albigula 591b California Towhee Pipilo fuscus crissalis ? 591c Anthony’s Towhee Pipile fuseus senicula 592 Abert’s Towhee Pipilo aberti x "G ef P eee fi ¥ f A AR a Re ge 593 Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis | 1, 593a Arizona Cardinal Vek. i ‘4 Jardinalis cardinalis superbus 593b St. Lucas Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis igneus: 593¢ Gray-tailed Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis eanicaudus 593d Florida Cardinal OCardinalis cardinalis floridanus 594 Arizona Pyrrhuloxia Pyrrhuloxia sinuata 594b St. Lucas Pyrrhuloxia Pyrrbujoxia sjnuata peninsulas 594a Texas Cardinal Pyrrhuloxia sinuata texang, 595 Rose-breasted Grosbeak “Zamelodia ludoviciana 596 Black-headed Grosbeak Zamelodia melanocephala { 597 Blue Grosbeak uiraca ceerulea 597a Western Blue Grosbeak Guiraca cerulea lazula 68 30 Le i Z| é i} I.00 “9 oe 2.00 4.°@ 300 34 75 a. 20% 15 54 im ‘ .40 29 40 94 /4 if PN. % 598 Indigo Budling Cyanespiza cyanea | \ 509 Lazuli Bunting Cyanespiza amoena 600 Varied Bunting Cyanospiza versicolor | 600a Beautiful Bunting | Cyanospiza versicolor pulchra 601 Painted Bunting Cyanospiza ciris 602 Morellets Seedeater Sporophila morelleti yep 3 Grassquit Tiaris bicolor (603. 1| Melodious Grassquit Yiaris canora G04 Diclewtesdl Spiza americana 605 Lark Bunting Calamospiza melanoecorys 606 Blue-headed Euphonia hp Ptice ‘ff $ STO). dp 3 ‘iat CMa 52 | 3.0G | . Ed u ; oR gr ee 3-0@ 7 ig 2 dae” £.06 +o ve PME CORES 20 Z z§ Le ° oo Euphonia elegantissima 607 Louisiana Tanager Piranga ludoviciana j) » 608 Scarlet Tanager ; Piranga erythromelas 609 Hepatic Tanager Piranga hepatica 610 Summer Tanager ' Piranga rubra 610a Cooper’s Tanager is Pirang,a .ubra cooperi 1.00 »fa fj ip ; y ue ’ Zz i fy Sf 5 | 2.00 %> | 30 ye 1.50 4,5? 69 £ 613 Barn Secale yo 4 , y / 617 611a Western Martin [615.1] | ” oe No, P | 611 Purple Marti A ae Progne subis Price : yy , 20 20 - 1.00 Ave Progne subis hesperiaz 611.1 Cuban Martin Progne cryptoleuca- 612 Clif Swallow > /«¥ 38 al Petrocheliden lunifrons 612a Lesser Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon lun. taching 612b Mexican. Cliff Swallow etrochelidon lun. melanogastare [6r2. r} Cuban Cliff Swallow Petrochetidon fulva Hirundo-erythrogastra. ~ “Pes 614 Tree Swallow 20° 2458 Iridoproene bicolor 615 Violet-green Swallow Taeycineta thalassina lepida 615a St. Lucas Swallow . Tachycineta thal. brachyptere Bahamian Swallow Wallichelidon cyaneoviridis Bank Swallow Riparia riperia 616 Ve 3 Rough-winged Swallow ify Stelgidopteryx serripennis / *T0.00 4. = L+éos Bohemian Waxwing Ampelis garrulus 618 - $IS = t te Cedar Waxwing Ampelis cedrorum 70 T5 -,74 A || VV ‘4 r L hy |) Z Ne. , Prtee # "7 620 Phainopepla as $s .30 3s ~-Pbhainopepla nitens ' i ; ‘ y hy , “4-621 Northern Shrike | Der) Baia hea Lanius borealis Lanius ludovicianus ; Y . Jb legume a ie 622a White-rumped Shrike | 10 .7° Lanius ludevicianus excubitorides i | ge 622 Loggerhead Shrike bee %e re. 10. 42 =" 622b California Shrike ed ca Lanius ludovicianus gambeli © 622c Island Shrike 2.00 Lanius ludov, anthonyi baad San Clemente Shrike Lanius lud. mearnsi m < Lanius lud. migrans | Y 622e Migrant Shrike i/4 i i . . ‘| 623 Bilack-whiskered Vireo 1.50 4S | Vireo calidris barbatulus Oh : ) “|v 624 Red-eyed Vireo ye Ls eae 5; 1. Vireo olivaceus a. eo 625 Yellow-green Vireo , 2.00. “s% : Vireo flavoviridis \ {v0 626 Philadelphia Vireo \ Vireo philadelphicus ‘| 627 Warbling Vireo La et | aga Vireo gilvus } | att A | : o278 W. Warbling Vireo Os. GO | ‘ Vireo gilvus swainsonii P j df 3 “ - 4 628 Yellow-throated Vireo /O. co\ dS Vireo fluvifrons ; / | , . : 629 Blue-headed Vireo 200. «se 2 Vireo solitarius mm] all f \ / a No. Pr ; Z és Ete vi | Pri¢e | 29a Cassin’s Vireo | Vireo solitarius cassinii | 0 AO eda 629b Plumbeous Vireo 75 7 Vireo solitarius plumbeus * y “«'s | 629c Mountain Solitary Vireo 2.00 1% Vireo solitarius alticola q 629d St. Lucas Solitary Vireo nd Vireo solitarius lucasanugs j 630 Black-capped Vireo — 1.25) Whe Vireo atricapillus . 631 White-eyed Vireo 25 20 Vireo noveboracensis “<" 631a Key West Vireo 1 al 3 Vireo noveboracensis maynardi 3:00 ‘* | 631b Bermuda Vireo Vireo novoboracensis bermudianus 631e Small White Eyed Vireo J. heol a Vireo novoboracensis micrus 632 Hutton’s Vireo 1.25-dSo4 Vireo hutteni a 632a Stephen’s Vireo 2.50 Livell Vireo huttoni stephensi . : = | Sie 632c Anthory’s Vireo 3.50, & 9 ae Vireo huttoni obscurus te 4 633 Bell’s Vireo Sas | 33 Vireo bellii tips $4 a ta 633.1 Least Vireo y 40,04 Vireo pusillus ; y } yD 634 Gray Vireo | 1.50 «¥e ts Vireo vicinior ~ & cn (o) x “ 1 | are 635 Bahama Honey Creeper Coreba bahamensis / 636 Black and White Warbler 4, 1.00. 7 Mniotilta varia 4 j 72 / ade ere yt pipettes, «2 ey / At ne - i 7 f 1 No. 637 Prothonotary Warbler ‘ Protonotaria citrea — 638 Swainson’s Warbler ‘Helinaia swainsonii 639 iets iss ‘Warbler Helmitherus vermivorus — : 640 Bachman’s Warbler Helminthophila bachmani 641 Blue-winged Warbler Helminthophila pinus 642 Gulden-wineed Warbler Helminthophila chrysoptera 643 Lucy’s Warbler Belminthophila lucia 644 Virginia’s Warbler Helminthephila virginief 645 Nashville Warbler Helminthephila rubricapilla 645a Calaveras Warbler Helminthophila rubricapilla gutturalis 646 Orange-crowned Warbler Helminthoephila celata \ / 646a teat Warbler Helminthophila celata lutescens 646b Dusky Warbler Helmiuthephila celata serdida : 647 ‘Tennessee Warbler Helminthophila peregrina 648 Parula Warbler Vi - Compsothty pis americana 648 Northern Parula Warbler Compsothlypis americana usneae 73 $ P£ice ~2@ \ 2 ‘ 2.90 IP ° I.80 6é \ r.50, / 1,80 2.59 ~-%e ) 3.00 2. b's L.50, #4C Ae SS FES 3,00. %¢* E50); 4° >" 3.00 4.06, ™ «25 3a" er ¢ § No. | ste Soe . . 649 Sennett’s Warbler ee _Compsothlypis piti. nigrir 650 Cape May Warbler Dendroica. tigrina, 651 Olive Warbler ~ Dendroica olivacea- of 652 Yellow Warbler - 7 a ee ee ap 05 . of Dendroica, aestiva. SW bs i be af 652a Sonora Yellow Warbler | 050 af a Denéroiéa aestiva sonorana \ 652b Alaskan Yellow Warbler | 1.50 9 Dendroica azstiva rubiginosa > 653 Mangrove Warbler Dendroica bryanti castaneiceps 654 Bl’k-throated Blue Warbler ho. a : Dendroica ezrulescens ee 654a Cairns Warbler Dendroica cer. cairnsi ~ 655 Myrtle Warbler ~ 1.50.4. pa. Dendroica coronata Dendroica auduboni 656 Audubon’s Warbler ~~ 2.50 ay : 656a Blac &-fronted Warbler ae Dendroica auduboni nigrifrons 657 Magnolia Warbler 66 fon Dendroica maculosa / ° an 658 Cerulean Warbler | ae) os Dendroica cerulea |. 659 Chestnut-sided Warbler Ws Dendroica pennsylvanica 660 Bay-breasted Warbler 2 50 Z.e6 Dendrocia castanea 661 Black-poll Warbler 1.50) ¢ | “7 Dendroica striata Tein uf fo No Me 662 Blackburnian Warbler Dendroica black burnize 663 Yellow-throated Warbler Dendraica dominica 663a Sycamore Warbler Dendroica dominica albilors, (664 Grace’s Warbler Dendroica gracize 665 Biack-throated Gray Warbler Dendroica nigrescens 666 Golden-cheeked Warbler Dendroica chrysoparia 667 Bl’k-th’ted Green Warbler Dendroica virens 668 Towusend’s Warbler Dendroica townsendi 669 Hermit Warbler Dendroica occidentalis 670 Kirtland’s Warbler Dendroica kirtlandi 671 Pine Warbler Dendroica vigorsii 672 Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum 672a Yellow Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum hypochrysea 673 Prairie Warbler 43 Dendroica discolor bird ad 674 Oven-bir Ys /. " Seiurus aurocapillus 675 Water-Thrush Seiurus noveboracensis 75 25.00 3.00 3.00 35 sae 1.00 ea are Se! & Ss - a xi M + P rz ; 681 Maryland Yellow-throat iy 675a Grinnel’s Water-Thrush $ Seiurus novehoracensis uctabil_s 676 Louisiana Water-Thrush yi 4s v Seiurus motacilla 677 Kentucky Warbler Geothlypis formosa 678 Connecticut Warbler Geothlypis agilis. 679 Mourning Warbler Geothlypis philadelphia 680 Macgillivray’s Warbler Geothlypis tolmiei Geothlypis trichas 681a Western Yellow-throat Geothlypis trichas occidentalis 681b Florida Yellow-throat Geothlypis trichas ignota 681e Pacific Yellow-throat Geothlypis trichas arizela 681d Northern Yellow Throat Geothlypis trichas brachidactyla 681e Salt Marsh Vellow Throat Geothlypis trichas sinuosa 682 Belding’s Yellow-throat Geothlypis beldingi 682.1 Rio Grande Yellow Throat Geothlypis poliocephala 683 Yellow-breasted Chat ‘lef “hfe Icteria virens 683a Long-tailed Chat Icteria virens longicauda 76 1.50 “<3@ 50 4S | 1.00 /°¢@ I.00 fe *~¢ 40 20" 25 ad 1.00 “6 2.50 de No. | Price 684 Hooded Warbicr a5 J Wiilsonia mitrata 685 Wilson’s Warbler 2.00 Wilsonia pusilla 68: 5a Pileolated Warbler G25 fed Wilsonia pusilla pileolata r00 «6 ¥S 685b Golden Pileolated Warbler Wilsonia pusilla chryseola 686 Canadian Warbler 200 “8 Wilsonia canadensis 687 American Redstart “/2 20 Setophazga ruticilla v ta = 688 Painted Redstart 2.00 -. Setophaga picta — [689] Red-bellied Redstart Setophaga miniata v % 690 Red-faced Warbler 2.50 Cardellina rubrifrons j [691] Red Warbler Ergaticus ruber [692] Brasher’s Warbler Basileuterus culicivorus brasheri [693] Bell’s Warber Basileuterus belli Motacilla alba [694] White Wagtail * 20 vee [695] Swinhoe’s Wagtail *1.50 40o) Motacilla ocularis 696 Alaskan Yellow Wagtail | 2S) Buuytes flavus alascensis. 697 American Pipit Anthus pensilvanicus 77 No. [698] Meadow Pipit ire Anthus pratensis [699] Red-throated Pipit Anthus ecervinug 700 Sprague’s Pipit Anthus spragueii 7or American Dipper Cinclus mexicanus 702 Sage Thrasher Oroscoptes montanus: ({ 703 Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos 703a Western Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos leucopterus / 704 Catbird Mee Va Vb Galeescoptes carolinensis: ¥ 705 Brown Thrasher Y%- 3% Toxostoma rufus 706 Sennett’s Thrasher Texoestoma longirostris sennetti 707 Curve-billed ‘Thrasher Toxestoma eurvirestris 707a Palmer’s Thrasher ‘foxostoms, curvirostris palmer 708 Bendire’s Thrasher Toxostoma. bendire? 709 St. Lucas Thrasher Toxostoma cinereus: 7092 Mearns’s ‘Thrasher Toxostoma cinereus mearnsi / JY 710 California Thrasher Vie Toxostoma redivivus 71ua, Pasadena Thrasher Toxostoma red. pasadenensis 78 No. “11 Leconte’s Thrasher Toxostoma lecontei 711a Desert Thrasher Toxostoma lecentei arer: 712 Crissal Thrasher Toxostoma crissalis 713 Cactus Wren Heileodytes brunneicapillus couesi 713a Bryant’s Cactus Wren Heleodytes brunneicapillus bryanti 713h St. Lucus Cactus Wren Heleodytes bru. affinis 715 Rock Wren Salninctes obsoletus 716 Guadalupe Rock Wren Salpinctes guadeloupensis [717] White-throated Wren Catherpes mexicanus alb. 717a Canon Wren Catherpes mexicanus conspersus 717b Dotted Canon Wren Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus 718 Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus 718a Florida Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus miamensis 718b Lomita Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus lomitensis 719 Bewick’s Wren Thryomanes bewickii 719a Vigor’s Wren Thryomanes bewickii spilurus 719b Baird’s Wren Thryomanes bewickii leucog. |, 79 1.00 T..00 4A :00 xq.06 1.00 \ Ls Ray No. Price 719c Texas Bewick Wren — $ 40, 3S Thryomanes bewickii cryptus 719d California Bewick Wren 75 1 Thryomanes bewickii char. Plt ithuer 719e Pacific Bewick Wren 75,78 Thryomanes bewickii calophonus 719.¥ San Clemente Wren 3.00 Thryomanes leucophrys er 720 Guadalupe Wren Thryomanes brev:caudus Jf 72x House Wren thee 4 4 bbw? 10 .cb6® Troglod ytes aedon $V sf ™ Fx ; vara Parkman’s Wren 10 ag Troglodytes aedon parkmanii it 721b Western House Wren 10,49 *) Troglodytes aedon aztecus 722 Winter Wren 2.25 Zita ae Olbiorchilus hiemalis f } ie 4 722a Western Winter Wren 2.25 1.47 a: Olbiercehilus hiemalis pacificus 9722b Kadiak Winter Wren Olbiorchilus hiemalis helleri 1 ‘% ~ i 723 Alaskan Wren / 4.00: ¥e e : Olbiorchilus alaseensis i . ; 723.1 Aleutian Wren : Olbiorchilus meligera j ae , Vv 724 Short-billed Marsh Wren /, eS 5, $e Cistothorus stellaris ‘ / 725 Long-billed Marsh is ~0§ 2 Telmatodytes palustris de /, Ab SG 725a Tule Wren Tepe . Telmatodytes palustris paludicola 725b Worthington’s Marsh Wren 25 he Telmatodytes palustris griseus ihre ; 80 <> a0* Way 2 Western Marsh Wren | Telinatudytes palustirspleisus - 725¢ Marian’s Marsh Wren Cistothorus pal, marianz 726 Brown Creeper Certhia familiaris americana _726a Mexican Creeper Certhia familiaris albescens 726b Rocky Mountain Creeper Certhia familiaris montana 726c California Creeper Certhia familiaris occidentalis 726d Sierra Creeper Certhia familiaris zelotes 727 White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis 727a Slender-billed Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis aculeata 727b Fla. White-br’t’'d Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis atkinsi 723 Mote des iden - Pg, £ 7b7 a WT Fncea 728° Red-breasted N ieee Sitta canadensis 729 Brown headed Nuthatch Sitta pusilla 730 Pygmy Nuthatch -Sitta pyymea 730a White-naped Nuthatch Sitta eve leuconucha 731 Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor 731a Texan Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor texensis ; sl é te CL 1.25 3.00 5.00 5.00 6 .0@ 1,00 1.50 40 awe i a ww ® — me take ee barn Smee a | ae Se No 732 Black-crested Titmouse Baeolophus atricristatus 733 Plain Titmouse Baeolophus inernatus 733a Gray Titmouse Baeoloplus inernatus griseus 733b Ashly Titmouse Baeolophus inornatas cineraceus 733c Sam Francisco Titmouse Baeolophus inor, restrictus. 734 Bridled Titmouse Baeolephus wollwehberi 7 35 Chickadee W ty Parus atricapillus 7352 Long-tailed Chickadee Parus atricapillus septentrionalig 735b Oregon Chickadee Parus atricapillus occidentalis 735c Turner’s Chickadee Parus atr, turneri 736 Carolina Chickadee Parus carolinensis: 736a Plumbeous Chickadee Parus carolinensis agilis 737 Mexican Chickadee Parus sclateri 738 Mountain Chickadee Parus yambeli Ml awheao 739 Siberian Chickadee Parus cinctus alascenis 740 Hudsonian Chickadee Parus hudsonicus 82 1.25 42s 1.50 2.00 .20.,tS 60 se 75 3so No Price 740a Kowak Chickadee Parus hudsonicus stoneyi 740b Columbian Chickadee ¢$ Parus hudsonicus colvnybiunis 7$0 em Ccarrechar 741 Chestnut b’ked Chickadee arus rufescens 741a Californian Chickadee Parus rufescens neglectus 741b Barlow’s Chickadee Parus rufescens barlowi 742 Wren-Tit Chamea fasciata 742a Pallid Wren-Tit Chamea fasciata henshawi 742b Coast Wren-Tit Chamea fasciata phzea 743 Bush-Tit Psaltriparus minimus 743a California Bush-Tit Psaltriparus minimus californicus 743b Grinda’s Bush-Tit Psaltriparus minimus grinds 744 Lead-colored Bush-Tit Besleiparus plgespeds Fug ; YY s Gar 2 eG Jas Cua, t, 745 Llyod’s Bush-Tit Psaltriparus melan. lloydi 746 Verdin Auriparus flaviceps Berehs 746a Pacific Verdin Auriparus flaviceps lamp, 747 Kennicott’s Willow Warbl’r Phyllopseustes boreeis 748 Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa 83 3.00 fo 1.50 i 1. 5Oruw ¢ Gs 3.00 2 r.00 “?? 5.00 “#e 1.00 4s 25 2-J Bee | 1.50 1,50 50 (36° 2. awh 6.50 3-¢% —— ee eee eS Re ere eo Bl et . Lae meen 4 es . Legian my ae No. Price 748a W. Goiden-Cr’ned Kinglet 3 °° > a Regulus satrapa olivaceus 749 Ruby-crowned Kinglet Tea HlO.k 8.004 Regulus calendula, 749a Sitka Kinglet Regulus calendula grinnJlk ~9749b Dusky Kinet Regulus calendula obseurus 751 Blue-gray Caratenee bar | 40 Polioptila czrulea _ . 751a Western Gnatcatcher -50, Polioptila. cezerulea. obscura 752 Plumbeous Gnateatcher | 75 7S Ks Polioptila plumbea “he 753 Black-tailed Gnatcatcher -75 26 Polioptila californica PSNea | 754 Townsend’s Solitaire : 4.00% My adestes townsendii : _ Hylocicala. must tems, 755 Wood Thrush | Sg S3 i tole | 756 Wilson’s Pha 20.4 Hylocichla fuscescens ; P 7 756a Willow Thrush 1.25 és ) Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola ; vit she FF 757 Gray-cheeked hiarney eT.5Oh Hylocichla aliciz ; Le | | | 757a Bicknell’s Thrash ile ee Hylocichla alice bicknelli. - nae : 758 Russet-backed Thrush re 1a Hylocich}y raicaearilame 758a Giatadces oral Rs ‘eso Hylocichla ustplatns swainsonil ” g4 Iz 59b Hermit Thrush J No. £ 758b Pacific fic Olive-backed Thrush 5 Hylocichla ustulatus oedica 758c Almas Thrush Hylocichia ustulatus almae 759 Alaska Hermit Thrush - Hylocichla guttata 759a Audubon’s Hermit Thrush Hylocichla guttata auduboni ? Hyloecichla guttata pallasii 759¢c Dwarf Hermit Thrush Hylecichla guttata nana [760] Red-winged ‘Thrush Turdus iliacus “761 American Robin has ag Merula migratoria 761a Western Robin Merula migratoria propinqua 761b Southern Robin Merula migratoria achrustera 762 St. Lucas Robin Merula confinis 763 Varied Thrush Ixoreus naevize 4 ate bared 763 Beers Varied Thrush Ixoreus naeviz meruloides [764] Red-spotted Bluethroat Cyanecula suecica 765 Wheatear Saxicola cenanthe 765a Greenland Wheatear Saxicola conanthe leucorhoe 85 Price -20 Be No Price 766 Bluebird te te A- 1004 Sialia sialis 766a Azure Bluebird 2.00 _S, Sialia sialis azurea 767 Western Bluebird 5 ae Sialia mexicana 767a Chestnut-back Bluebird 0,4 . Sialia mexicana bairdi 767b San Pedro Bluebird 2.00 MG . Sialia mexicana anabelz 768 Mountain Bluebird 25 28 Sialia arctica INTRODUCED SPECIES. eo This list contains only such species as have been introduced into the United States and are known to breed in the wild state. English Pheasant 1; . Sigg Phasianus colchicus Ring Pheasant : .50 Phasianus torquatus Green Pheasant Phasianus versicor Silver Pheasant Euplocomus nycthemeru V vf Golden Pheasant , Dh | Chrysolophus pictus Black Grouse ff ox * OM Tetrao tetrix European Goldfinch | * 40 Carduelis carduelis English Sparrow ‘ 3 05 Passer domesticus 86 ©. and O. Directory Note—Abbreviations in this Directory of well known Oologists will be readily understood, as: ‘“‘Ex. D’’, ex- changes desired; ‘‘W. P.’’, will purchase, ¢ (Colic. and. ee collection birds and eggs; “Sp.”, specialty ; “Rap. and Wat. B.’’, Raptores and water birds; ‘‘Off. seat offers especially: (Ex Phos,’ exchange photos of birds, etc. C. B. Johnson, Box 192, Red Wing, Minn. Oologist; Specialty, Hawks. Exch. D. A. E. Price, Field Oologist, Grant Park, Ill. Exchanges desired. Warblers a specialty. J. G. Gordon, F.E.S., M.B. F.C., Corsemalzie, Whau- phill, Wigtownshire, Scotland. Collects eggs and Lepi- doptera of the world. Specialty, Rap. and Wat. Birds (ducks with down only). Ex. D. Off. espec. British and Icelandic sets, exch. or sale. J. Claire Wood; 179, 17th Street, Detroit, Michigan— Member A.O.U. and M.O.C.; Associate Ed. of Mich. Bull- Will exc. eggs in sets with all collectors. Series a speci- ality. Correspondence solicited. All letters answered. W. C. Ohlendorf, M.D., 647 Blue Island avenue, Chi- cago, Ill. Buy and enchange birds’ eggs and skins. Have a collection. Harold C. Ward. M.C.O.C., 723 Paru street, Alameda, Cal. Has. Coll. nests and eggs. Specialty water birds and Raptores. ' Harry J. Lelande, 1366 Newton street, Los Angeles,Cal. M.C.O.C., Skins and eggs of California and Arizona birds. N. K. Carpenter, Escondido, San Diego county, Cal., MC.OC, Has coll. E. Ex. D. Off.esp. sets Southern Cal- -ifornia land birdy. Geo. W. Luce. Mle OG. | Heeewards. Alameda Co., Cal.) Sblase@oll B. & i. W. Otto Emerson, Haywards, Alameda Co., Cal. Has Colle Berea Gs. FExDiM Sea: Bi & Pho. L. R. Kessing, 1430 Santa Clara avenue, Alameda, Cal. M.C.O.C. Is interested in photographs of birds, nests and eggs. Harold H. Bailey, Newport News, Virginia. Ex. D. in birds’ eggs, and skins exchanged for eggs. George R. Rose, Niles, Alameda county, Cal. Ex. D. in birds’ eggs. Charles S. Thompson, Secretary Cooper Orn. Club, Stanford University, Cal. Collecting Oologist. Exchan- ges solicited. Specialties, Golden Eagle, woodpeckers, six species; Yellow-billed Magpic; hawks and owls. Wants sets of ducks. geese and swans, with nests; also waders and Raptores. Will purchase desiderata. ~ iad 87 Isaac E. Hess, Philo. Ifl. Private collector and Taxi_ dermist. Specialty, in sets for exchange, 305, 337, 373, §22. 604, 731. Photos nests and eggs “In situ’. F. M. Dille, M.C.O.C., 644 Gilpin street, Denver, Colo_ rado. Hascollection. B.andE Specials and reliables: the Sapsuckers and Woodpeckers of the Rocky Mountains, and the Flycatchers of the Rocky Mountains; Sage Grouse , American Raven and Pinon Jay. W.L. Chambers, M.C.O.C., Santa Monica, Calif. Has eoll, B: and Hx wD. —- C, J-Pennock, M.A.O.U., Kennett Square,”Chester coun- ty; Penn.) | Coll, "By and Ee) Bx H. W. Carriger, M.C.O.C., Field Oologist. 486 Eddy street. San Francisco, Cal. Correspondence solicited with advanced collectors. for whom I might collect under eertain conditions. — —_—_—— ——_ —— Edward Arnold, 126 West Van Buren St., Battle Creek. Mich. Collection of birds and eggs. Specialty, Raptores, Waders and Warblers. Exchanges desired. Offer fine list of duplicates. Will purchase rare eggs. Henry F. Bailey, Member C.O.C., Santa Cruz, Calif. Has coll. B.E., and nests, principally western land birds. D. Wilby, Box 374, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Buys sells and exchanges bird skins and photographs of nests andeggs. Specialities, Alberta and European sets. Send your exchange lists, etc. — —__. —___ _— Fred B. Spaulding, M.A.O.U., Lancaster, N.H. Has collection of eggs. Specialties, Raptores and Warblers. Ex. D. W. P. eggs. — ——— ss Jesse C. A. Meeker, Danbury, Conn. M.A‘0.U. Has coll. B. and E. Spec., Rap. and Warblers. Ex. D.. Off. esp. sets of Warblers. ‘ —e ee ee ee Philo W. Smith Jr., M.A.O.U., Mona House, St. Louis, Mo. Has coll. B., E. and nests. Spec., Rap. and Warb. Bx. D5) WAP. — —— George W. Morse, Assoc. member A.O.U.; member Michigan Orn. Club and A.S. of C.C. No. 329; Ashley, Indiana, P O. box 230. Has coll. eggs. Ex. D. 88 Howard Skales, Mount Forest. Ontario. Member Wellington Field Naturalists Club and Ottawa Field Natu- ralists Club. Has coll. B. and E. Specialty, Warblers. Ex. D) W. P, eggs. | a ee Forrest, Washingtod, Wash. Co., Penn. Has coll. of eggs. Specialty, Rap. and Wat. B..Ex:.D,.)-Ex. Pho. W. P. eggs. Also collect ancient and modern In- dian relics, Aztec pottery, etc. Ex. Pho. of cliff dwellings, . ete, Edmonde S$. Currier, 607 south J street, Tacoma, Wash- ington. Has coll. eggs. Collector of sets of North Am- erican birds, Exch. D. Roy P. Thompson, Box 45, Creston, Towa. Eggs for RAPPER aT sale. Ee a class eS acu ele): fore Simi, Ventura Co., Cal. “Field Oologist. Exchanges solicited. John H. Flanagan, M.A.O U. and Cooper Orn. Club. Has collection and desires general Sen Mee 10 Wey- bosset street, Providence, R.I. " J. and J. W. Mailliard, Members A.O.U 307 Sansome street, nan Prancisco, California. Have coll. B. and EY EX, 13 Ay ; : —— BL Newberry, 730 Pacific. avenue, Alameda, Cal Correspondence solicited. R. L. Jesse, M.D., Philo, Ill. Collects and exchanges North American birds’ eggs in full sets with data. Burlington Willis, Waterdown, Ontario, Canada. O- ologist. Has coll. eggs. Rabest Becks al Waterdown, Ontario, Canada. © O- ologist. Has coll. of eggs. A. D. Doerge, Navasota, Texas. Desires to exchange fine sets of eggs from his locality for medium rare sets ang the rarer sets of Hawks and Wat. B. of other localities. Henry B. Kaeding. M.C.O.C., care Lee M. Olds, 461 Parrott Building, San Francisco,. California. Collects bird skins and eggs. Specialty, skins, Will exch. photos. of birds, etc, , 89 § E re, f - 7% ~ _ern Minn. eggs. GIS FRG er Bp Se ES OF p> Ee ODE ed Donald A. Cohen, M.O.C.C., field ornithologist, Ala- meda, California. Ornithology and Oology. Sale and Exchange. Some for exchange for stamps—No cheap ones wanted. Louis B. Bishop, M.D., F.A.0.U., 356 Orange street, New Haven, Conn. Has Coll. B. and E. Should like to enlarge both from time to time by exchange with re- lable collectors or by purchase. Chauncey W.Crandall, M.A.O.U.Woodside, Borough of Queens, N. Y. Has coll. B. and E. (al.o nests): speci- alty, Raptores, Caprimulgide,Warblers and Waders. ~ Ex. D. of all species. W.P. Especially desires oppor- tunity to inspect large series in search of new types for collection. C. A Aykens, Madelia, Minn. Coll. of eggs. Speci- alty, Waders and Wa* B. Ex. D. Off. sets of South- Roswell S. Wheeler. 141; tsrand street, Alameda, Cal. M.C.O.C. Has coll. of North America nests and eggs John B. Dixon, Ooslogist, Escondido, San Diego county, Calif. Has coll. of eggs. Offers western species. and desires especially offers of Raptores; also Cranes, Loons and the larger species. Oliver M. Davie, Ornithologist, Oologist, Taxidermist. Has collection of mounted birds and eggs. Dealer in supplies and books for the Naturalist. Columbus, Ohio. Clifford M. Case, Oologist. Baie) Conn. J. H. Evans, Santa Rosa, Cal. Collector of North Am- erican and British birds’ eggs. Speciality—-New England sets. Ex. D. Offer Western sets. Phots. esas W.P. New England sets. H W. Beers, M.A.O.U., Bridgeport, Conn. Has coll- of birds and eggs. Specialty, eggs of Raptores and Warb- leron Ex Verdi Burtch. Branchport, N.Y. Collection of nests and eggs. Specialty, Mniotiltide. Ex. D. Can fur- nish sets of Cerulean Warbler in season. Roy C. Norris, Richmond, Ind. Will buy or Re for all eggs in sets. Send List. Wright M. Pierce, M.C.O.C.. Claremont, Calif. Has coll. of N. and E. Exchanges desired for sets of Water Birds’ eggs Jj. W. and W. G. Kay, Detroit, Mich. Has coll. B.and ~ E. Specialty Hks and Water B. Ex.D. Off. Es. Mich. E. Ex. Pho, W..'P. eggs: Joseph Grinnell, M.C.O.C., M.P.C.M.C., Pasadena, Cal Has collection of birds and mammals: will exch. eggs and skins of birds, and skins with skulls of mammals, for same. Wish to purchase fresh specimens directly from ‘collectors. 90 W.H. Bingaman, Algona, Iowa, Box 151. Collection of nests and eggs. Specialty—-Waders and Warblers. Ex. D. W. P. sets of above if reasonable: Must be from original collector. R. G. Hazard, M.A.O.U., Peace Dale, R.I., Ornithologist and Oologist A. H Felger, Dept. of Biol., North Side High School, Denver, Colo. B. and E. Ex. desired with first class collectors, especially in E. S. and W. parts of U.S. Specialty, most beautifully made skins of Colo. birds. Ray Densmore, Perry, Ohio. Has coll. eggs for ex- change and for sale at most all times. J. H. Bowles. M.C.O.C., 401 South G street, Tacoma. Washington. Has coll. B. and E. Ex D. of fine sets in exchange for those of the North-west. . Albert M. Ingersoll, M.A.O.U., San Diego, Cal. Has coll. B. and E. ; John W. Daniel Jr., M.A.O.U., 1794 Lanier avenue, N. W., Washington, D.C. Has coll. B.and E.; Specialty, Raptores. W. E. Saunders, M.A O.U., London, Ontario. Has coll. B.and E. Exch. D. Specialty, Cerulean Warblers, Alexander W. Blain, Jr. 131 Elmwood Ave., Detroit Mich. Mem.A.0.U., M.A.S., W.O.C., A.A.A.S.,ete. Ed, “Bull. Mich. Orn. Club.’’ Wanted notes on Gt. Blue Heron from all parts of America. Correspondence so- licited. —_—_— Walter C. Newberry, 415 Chippewa St., Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Has coll. of B. and E. Specialty, Warblers and Sparrows. Ex. D. Will buy and sell for cash. Clarence S. Sharpe, M.C.O.C., Escondido, Calif. Has coll. B. and E. Exch, D Henry Reed Taylor, Alameda, California, President Cosper Ornithological Club, collects eggs and has a collection. Desire espec. sets showing unusual mark- ings and of well individualized character, as Cranes, many Raptores, Albatrosses, Loons, Waders, etc. Will pay the highest cash price or fine exchange for sets of Swallow- tailed Kite. Collectors would do well to communicate on this subject if they have any eggs of this Kite. A few sets Everglade Kite also desired. Usually have, for ex- change or disposal for cash, fine sets of Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon, Duck Hawk, etc. Offers of rarer species particularly desired, at reasonable rates for spot cash where authenticity is unquestioned and specimens are well prepared. H.F. Duprey, 229 Fourth street, Santa Rosa, Calif. Collector of birds’ eggs and bird skins. Ex. D. A. H. Snow, Newark, Cal., M.C.O.C. Has coll.B and E. Ex. D. of eggs in sets for western. 91 Hon. John Lewis Childs, M.A.O.U., Cooper Orn. Club etc., Floral Park, N.Y. Has private museum, including 1100 species of N.A. birds’ eggs in full sets, (600 nests with sets) and 1200 species of North American birds mount- ». ed, with many fine groups showing old and young, and different phases of plumage. Mr. Childs is also interest- ed in certain other objects of natural history, as mounted mammals, fish, reptiles, insects, minerals and shells, which are included in his extensive North American col-. lections. Heis the publisher of the Warbler and the Mayflower, and while birds and eggs are his particular hobby, the publisher of this Catalogue hopes he is violat- ing no confidence in adding that he is a world known au- thority on floriculture, and has been widely known for many years as having the most extensive floral gardens, and the largest business as a florist in the world. From flowers to birds is a natural step, and Mr. Childs is an enthusiastic Ornithologist, and Oologist. He does not collect sets in large series, but is always desirous of ob- taining the best examples of any species, as to coloration and marking or large number of eggs to a set, his aim be- ing to have the best representation possible of every known bird’s egg in the A.O.U. list. — Thomas H. Jackson, West Chester, Penn. Eggs for exchange. Specialty, Raptores; also photographs, lan- tern slides of young Raptores and nests and eggs for sale or exchange. : A. W. Johnson, Oologist and Ornithologist. Care of E. Bennis, Beach Hill, Astley-Bridge, England. Herbert Massey. Oologist, Ivy Lea, Didsbury, near Manchester, England. WANTED, In exchange, ornithological photo- graphs and good sets of certain birds of prey. J. D. SORNBORGER, Cambridge, to1 Hammond St. - a. ae Mass. ERRATA On page 9 Mr. Dille’s plan for field data should have been this size: op imkeeenies eter a aes Labiy de’ fo fa ielielie ie! va) abd migthe elise deus Lom ele aaaeT le) (ele ele eee Nest J Warren Jacobs, Waynesburg, | Pa., Publisher of ** Gleanings A series of Ornithological booklets. No. 1 ‘‘Oological Abnomalities.” No. 2 ‘The Story of a Martin Colony” No. 3 “The Haunts of the Golden-Winged Warbler.” The three copies $1.00; or will exchange them at 75c per copy for sets of abnormal or common sets that I need. Send list Also will exchange, at 25c per egg, a few choice souvenir sets of Purple Martin’s eggs, taken from my colony at Waynesburg, Pa. The Oologist A Monthly Publication Devoted to OOLOGY, ORNITHOLOGY AND TAXIDERMY The Oologist is the oldest, cheapest, and most popular ‘‘Bird’’ publication in America, and while of special inter- .est to the “Bird man’’ it is recognized by up-to-date Teachers, Scientists, Naturalists and Curiosity Collectors of sufficient interest to be worthy their support, During the past twenty years (The Oologist’s age) many superior Natural History publications have dropped by the way. THE OOLOGIST, however, is still issued each month and a sample copy can always be obtained by a ddressing a postal card to its publisher, or you can secure it an entire vear, with a 25 cent.‘ ‘‘Exchange Notice’’ Coupon for only 50 cents. Ernest H. Short, Editor and Manager. CHILI, a ae. eh oe Bulletin OF THE Michigan Ornithological Club. An Illustrated Quarterly devoted to ive the Ornithology of.the Great Lake Region Alexander W. Blain, Jr., Editor. JT. Claire Wood, B. Barrows. Associates. Each issue of the Bulletin is filled with notes fresh from the field and museum. A large corps of field ornitholo- gists are among its contributors, which makes the Bulletin indespensable to all students interested in bird-life. If you want the leading illustrated field magazine of the East you will have to read the Bulletin. Vol. V (1904) is larger and better than ever. Subscription, 50 Cents Per Year. Sample Copy, 15 Cents. » Vols. I, II and III are out of print and can not be sup_ plied at any price. A few complete sets of Vol. IV (1903 can still be supplied at 50 cents per volume. Address all communications to CHARLES E. WISNER, Business Manager. 1115 Brooklyn Ave. Detroit, Mich. Benj J. Hoag | STEPHENTOWN : NEW YORK. Choice sets of North American Birds’ Eggs, both com- mon and rare always in stock. Oologists, Taxidermist’s, and Naturalists’, eS, Scientific and Popular Books, especially those pertaining to Ornithology and Oology. Subscription Agent for all Periodicals. Lists, Bulletins, and special quotations promptly sent on request. . Coues’ Key, 2 vols. cloth, and either Chapman’s Handbook, or, Baileyie Westerns) Birds. fares: .\0.. betes eee $12.00 Reed’s North American Bird’s Eggs and Davies’ Nestsand Hygge Bea ype doth + Bil + Vee Foie ol RR ey Re ee ee 3.25 Chapmans Color Key and Davie's Nests and Eggs 5th ed 3.25 Best Steet Climbers, with 4 straps .............. 2.50 Cut the Lining Egg Drills 4 selected sizes ....... 1.00 Blowpipes ° 15c 22c 30c ~ AO All quotations prepaid. For Students of Nature.... A MAGAZINE OF WEST- The Condor: ERN ORNITHOLOGY EpiIteEp By WALTER K. FISHER. a. Profuselv illustrated with intimate portraits of birds, directly from life. Every number is filied with original information attractively presented. Readable, interesting, authorit ative For Amateur and Professional alike PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY BY THE COOPER OR- NITHOLOGICAL CLUB OF CALIFORNIA I Dollar the year; sample copies 20 cents. AT ANY PRICE THE BEST Order of JOSEPH GRINNELL, Pasadena, California This Catalogue (Second Edition) Price, prepaid, 25 cents only (subject to advance should edition be exhausted.) It’s a pretty good thing. Suppose you get your friends to send in an order for a copy? — For a short time Five (5) copies will be sent to one address for One Dollar. Get four of your friends, and get your’s free. Additional ‘copies are most useful for checking collections. Remit in any form (but bad money or Confed- erate Bills) to, HK. R. TAYLOR, Publisher ALAMEDA, : : : : CALIFORNIA St ie ee SETS WANTED. | WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, or the best of exchange if preferred, first-class complete sets of the 10. wing species in “ANY — ‘quantity. All species of, Eagles, Kite, Falcon, Crane, Loon, Tropic Bird and AIl- batross, Hooded Merganser, Buffle-head, Wood Duck, Roseate Spoonbill, Flamingo, Sharpshin Hawk, Broad- wing, Saw-Whet Owl, Prairie Falcon, Duck Hawk, Whip- poor-will, Chuck-wills-widow, Parauque, aad any other species new to my collection, especially species of Pet- rels, Auklets, Murrelets, Warblers, Waders, Ducks, Hawks, etc. All sets must be Al with full data. I especially desire scarce sets with GOOD NESTS for _ . qnstance such as Bohemian Waxwing, Hermit Warbler, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, White-th. Swift, Re ata Jay ihe ene; eos I collect in very extensive series so can always seme jarge lots, and can offer extra big list. I also desirethe fol- lowing species in large quantities, for which I will offer. common foreign in sets or singles if desired: A.O.U Nos.27, 64, 67, 106, 139, 140, 190, 263, 273, 289, 294, 337, 339, 347a, 368, 373, 375, 387, 388, 390, 394, 452, 461, 471 494, 501, 507, 554, 560, 611, 619, 624, 628, 702, 743a> 761. Many others are wanted too numerous to men- tion. Have also many rare and desirable singles on hand;can ALWAYS, offer a very full list of prime sets, either American or foreign Have over 3000 papers and periodicals to offer including complete vols. of the Auk O. and O., Nidologist, Osprey, Oologist, etc. I also re- quire many back numbers to complete my files. Will be glad to answer all comunications! | C W. Crandall ; By $ ] ; -_ WOODSIDE, BOROUGH OF QUEENS, N. Y. | Box 238. ~